diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_104.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_104.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_104.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Do you analysize the individual candle that you're look at, ignoring the rest of the chart? I sure hope not, but I know there are people who literally short every god damn pinbar they see. In this case, you won, your price action doesn't lag. Good luck and see you around. + +Now, if you're like me, and I think I am like most price action traders, **you will look on the left**. Sometimes, you will go back days, weeks or even years to find your signal to enter the trade. + +Are you trading based on support and resistance areas? If so, where do you place them? Do you place them based on the candle you're looking at? Maybe the one before it? No, you place them based on what you perceive to be market structure, and this structure can itself be based on price bounces and congestions that are weeks or months old. Support and resistance areas **ARE A LAGGING INDICATOR**. + +Do you trade based on Fibonacci retracements? If so, which two points do you connect to draw them correctly? Do you connect the high and low of the candle you're looking at? I sure hope not, that would not make sense. You're supposed to connect the most recent swings, which can be days or weeks apart. Fibonacci retracementes **ARE A LAGGING INDICATOR**. + +Do you trade based on chart patterns? This is the most straight-forward, as they are made of multiple candles that can cover a lenghty period of time. Chart patterns **ARE A LAGGING INDICATOR**. + +Trendlines? **Lagging**. Pivot points? **Lagging**. Harmonic patterns? **Lagging**. I don't need to go on. + +Indicators are trying to do the exact same thing you're trying to do with price action tools: they take a look at the market n periods before, apply a mathematical formula to whatever data they need, and produce a result you can use. Just because *your* result is discretional and not represented by a line crossing another, doesn't make it different. It doesn't make it special or better. + +So many people attach their personal identity to their trading approach and it makes no sense. People become price action traders because everyone says that being a price action trader is a good thing, and they force themselves to never look at indicators because that would no longer make them price action traders. It's literally a fucking religion for these people. + +Indicators are mathematical formulas. They are not this eldritch, ancient evil entity that will corrupt your pristine soul. + +Is there a disadvantage to knowing the average true range for the pair you're trading? Is there a disadvantage to knowing where the average prices have been? Is there a disadvantage to knowing how many standard deviations the price is from the mean? + +Stop latching yourself to useless labels to please retards you don't even know. They most likely know less than you do and spend their time fellating themselves to the thought of not needing indicators. + +Explore and use whatever you find useful. The objective is to make money here, not to bring order to the universe or some bullshit. +I've been building [Quiver Quantitative](https://www.quiverquant.com/) over the past couple years, a free alternative data platform, and wanted to start sharing some of the data I've been providing in the form of daily posts. + +If you'd like to take a deeper dive, you can clink the links in the section headings to see live data updates for the respective datasets, or navigate through the rest of [my investment data site](https://www.quiverquant.com/) to see other datasets. + +These updates include just a handful of brief insights from a few of my datasets to keep things as simple as possible. I know people get tired of reading big walls of text, so I'll try to keep these updates as visual as possible. + +I hope you enjoy, and please let me know if you have any feedback. + +[**Off-Exchange Activity**](https://www.quiverquant.com/offexchange/GME) + +Yesterday, 609.58 thousand shares of GME were traded off-exchange and 342.72 thousand of those shares were sold short, giving GME a DPI of approximately 0.56. + +[Graph: Net Short Volume Off-Exchange](https://preview.redd.it/uv1qwnv7wwc71.png?width=3002&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b381c15456e897269df45607201d54102da1f9f) + +[**Failures-to-Deliver (FTD)**](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/ftd) + +[Graph: Failures-to-Deliver of GME](https://preview.redd.it/l5u7bq5awwc71.png?width=3002&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1ab8301b56bf9b6b8b3b95290dd4c84a314a22a) + +[**Reverse Repo**](https://www.quiverquant.com/offexchange/GME) + +There have been daily posts on this data, but they're typically missing the historical context showing how large the recent numbers are in relation to in years prior. Here's a visualization: + +[Graph: Reverse Repo Operations](https://preview.redd.it/jxhjp38cwwc71.png?width=3002&format=png&auto=webp&s=c058ae2ede27059ffca78c13a7b7d0687354c7ed) + +[**r/SuperStonk**](https://www.quiverquant.com) + +Here's a snapshot of some of the r/SuperStonk subreddit statistics I've been collecting: + +[Graph: Subs gained](https://preview.redd.it/kmb8ozgewwc71.png?width=2408&format=png&auto=webp&s=b32be3221cd74a7bbea8b2714b57f080dbec5ee0) + +[Graph: Active users](https://preview.redd.it/2y8j3lrfwwc71.png?width=2408&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1b486d14d5f70d9db403d0775fe2ab645c9f67c) + +[**Reddit Discussion outside of GME subs**](https://www.quiverquant.com/) + +GME was mentioned 121 times on Reddit threads in non-GME subs that I collect data on, #8 out of 571 tickers mentioned. Here's a deeper breakdown of discussion: + +[Graph: Mentions](https://preview.redd.it/46ux8vbhwwc71.png?width=2408&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a44c9e5b9902e8575e2cdc7bc1eb9f83d2f4c6a) + +[Graph: Sentiment](https://preview.redd.it/szvdx8riwwc71.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba7d39a442fef9b1d3f9454382ef68bb9a61282) + +[**GameStop store review counts**](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/gamestop) + +[Graph: New reviews](https://preview.redd.it/evkhn55kwwc71.png?width=2408&format=png&auto=webp&s=d92b6819e4f55879a02cd6ce9b0b12fd79e38b73) + +[**Stock trading by US Congressmen**](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/senatetrading) + +No new trades of GME disclosed today. Here's a graph showing net trades of all stocks made by US Senators alongside the market: + +[Graph: Senate sentiment](https://preview.redd.it/jdwfrjymwwc71.png?width=2284&format=png&auto=webp&s=b95f044d5749dd3491c440d210648512a30a5162) +My wife and I live in a HCOL area and are avid savers. We both work our tails off and are hoping to retire in about 10 years (mid 50s). We both came from middle class families (my parents sold my childhood home a few years ago fro $70k and prior to this year hadn’t bought a new new car since 2008). Most of our social friends we have through our kids (similar ages, college educated, generally dual income). + +Like most Americans we don’t discuss our finances with people but based on various conversations I feel like we are probably going to reach FI earlier than our peers and maybe with more abilities. We aren’t flashy people (my car has 160k miles on it). We live well within our means but our earnings have grown ridiculously fast these past few years. Our gross is around $750k and that’s probably double what it was 5 or so years ago. + +Any thoughts on if fatFIRE breeds resentment? We have a lot of really good friends and the idea of being done at 57 while our friends are still working may jeopardize that? Also, is there a lot of resentment among the FIRE groups. I tried posting a progress report on r/financial independence yesterday only to have it removed. When I looked at the mods history he posts a lot in r/fijerk a lot. Seems odd to me that everyone trying to achieve their own fi would be upset with others doing the same? But that’s what brought me here. Made me realize my friends might go away if I am hanging it up at 55 while they’re still working. + +I would love some feedback. +Well thank god, the money orders showed up in our mail today with a note that says “need to pay postage.” I guess when my roommate went and did the orders she didn’t think of that and couldn’t remember that she hadn’t done so and for whatever reason had the excuse that the postal service was at fault. Regardless of all of this, I’m just so relieved that we 1. have the money back 2. I am not entirely broke anymore and 3. my roommate isn’t a thief. I am going to take nearly everyone’s simultaneous advice and NEVER PAY RENT WITH MONEY ORDER EVER AGAIN. From now on *I* will pay the super myself DIRECTLY. If anyone’s curious about how the interaction at USPS went this morning, I showed up with the pay stub and explained the situation and was told there was nothing they could do aside from wait up to 60 days to see if it had been cashed. Thank you all so so much for the advice this stupid 18yo so desperately needed. +Preface/Repost edit: Doubt everything, Do not trust this or any other post made by anyone as is without doing your own research. Do not think this is the whole picture, it's not. I am not a financial advisor and I could just be insane. + +Since I saw u/atobitt referencing Cede and Co in his current DD I wanted to just put this back out into the world as this post never took off in r/GME or r/wallstreetbets (a couple hundred upvotes) like it did in r/stocks (5k+ upvotes + all the awards which is basically all my accounts karma) and I feel like the info could be useful for people who want a bit more background on Atobitts post. + +I dont know why it got removed about a week ago as it only happened after the main post took off and had already garnered much attention, so make of that what you will. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*Original Post\*\* + +&#x200B; + +Get your tinfoil hat out, its time to see what you think you want to see but don't really want to. This is perfect for any newbie trying to understand what is going on and how the system has ended up the way it has. + +Tl;Dr at end. + +There are many great DD's that clearly explain Naked Shorting in 3-4 sentences that we can all agree are great. **However while looking around for DTCC ownership** and after having found [The Oil Drum](http://theoildrum.com/special/archives) (a great archive and now finished website of oil related information/discussion btw), **Cede and co** which was brought to my attention a month ago. I dismissed it as a conspiracy theory until I saw the post a couple days ago **(credit:** u/bEAc0n) bringing them up again and I took it seriously for once, which then led me to try and find a website like The Oil Drum but for Shorting. + +This website is run by a **dude called Larry with 40 years of WS experience, HF EVP, Board Member, Director of Equities+Income** and so on, he clearly brings up and explains the implications of everything to do with Naked Shorting and how it plays out in the market. You can look around his website but all he really talks about other than the Shorting is Pharmaceuticals/Bio-tech. + +I sent him an email and this was his response + +>Thanks for the kind words. +> +>No problem with your request. Here is the link you should give them. +> +>[https://smithonstocks.com/?s=illegal+naked+shorting](https://smithonstocks.com/?s=illegal+naked+shorting) (This is the compilation page of his blog) +> +>If there is any movement formed to take on illegal naked shorting, I would be happy to contribute. I have been consistently frustrated in trying to get media or politicians interested. + +**Read part 8 if you want to hear about CEDE and how once a counterfeit share is created it is forever viewed as a legitimate share unless if the company bring all shares back into itself to verify them (basically once counterfeited it exists forever, as a shareholder meet only verifies the shares owned by the ppl who will vote iirc)** + +[**Part 1**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-1-in-a-series-of-reports-on-blatant-widespread-stock-manipulation-that-is-enabled-by-illegal-naked-shorting/)**,** [**Part 2**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-2-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-conventional-wisdom-on-how-illegal-short-sales-are-executed/)**,** [**Part 3**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-3-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-prime-brokers-and-the-dtcc-have-a-troubling-monopoly-on-clearing-and-settling-stock-trades/)**,** [**Part 4**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-4-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-who-are-the-key-players/)**,** [**Part 5**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-5-in-series-on-illegal-naked-shortings-role-in-stock-manipulation-traditional-shorting-compared-to-naked-shorting-both-legal-and-illegal/)**,** [**Part 6**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-6-illegal-naked-shorting-the-secs-regulation-sho-is-intended-to-prevent-illegal-naked-shorting-but-is-ineffective/)**,** [**Part 7**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-7-illegal-naked-shorting-dtcc-continuous-net-settlement-and-stock-borrowing-programs-have-loopholes-that-facilitate-illegal-naked-shorting/)**,** [**Part 8**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-8-illegal-naked-shorting-series-who-or-what-is-cede-and-what-role-does-cede-play-in-the-trading-of-stocks/)**,** [**Part 9**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-10-of-illegal-naked-shorting-series-the-risk-reward-of-shorting-versus-buying-stocks-is-extremely-unfavorable/)**,** [**Part 10**](https://smithonstocks.com/part-10-of-illegal-naked-shorting-series-legal-shorting-of-stocks-is-a-losers-game-but-illegal-naked-shorting-transforms-it-into-a-winners-game/) + +This is the important part: a quote from Part 8 if you dont want to read the whole series + +>**While you may think you are buying registered stock, you are actually buying a financial derivative related to that stock.** **Effectively, you are buying a financial derivative from brokers of a financial derivative they hold from Cede that is just a digital entry in your DTC account.** +> +>Cede is at the center of the current, paperless electronic trading system that enables lightning fast trading of large blocks of stock by institutional investors and computers. Unfortunately, the intention  in designing it was to provide liquidity and reduce settlement risk. There is virtually no transparency in the system. Disturbingly, there are loopholes which allow for the counterfeiting of shares by market makers on a massive scale through illegal naked shorting and other measures. **At present, there is no way for an outsider or even the securities industry’s regulator, the SEC, to meaningfully detect and track these counterfeit shares. Once created counterfeit shares go on to be treated the same as legitimate street name shares** + +**TL;DR: until the people at the top (aka CEDE and co) are brought into court/subpoenad we will never ever have a truly free financial system, they control everything and it is up to them to decide how and where the stock market goes. Their company assets are somewhere in the region of $34T as of 2019 IIRC yet it is a private firm? This means some very big people and organisations are playing a very big game that we are not a part of.** + +Supporting links: + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede\_and\_Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede_and_Company) + +[https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/c/cede](https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/c/cede) + +[https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/content\_uploads/ILF\_WP\_068.pdf](https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ILF_WP_068.pdf) use reference 157 to get to the next link via google + +[https://www.dtcc.com/\~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc\_rules.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rules/dtc_rules.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +A 3 part video series by a youtube channel by the name of Attar, all credit goes to him for the 3 video links below (these may come accross as opinionated and doesn't have sources directly linked to the youtube vid, however I have checked his patreon where his addendum is for these videos and I can at least say the content seems sound, just remember to take it with a grain of salt. It just seems to fit too perfectly with everything else coming out in our DD's to not include it here) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 1: Banks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdLRoIXpFKU) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 2: Corruption](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK8v8McIC50) + +[American Lies | Banks, Corruption, and the Federal Reserve – Part 3: The FED](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFDPkn_VUWY) + +Interesting archived article too: + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20090302054831/http://www.dtcc.com/news/press/releases/2007/wsj\_response.php?lpos=3&lid=3](https://web.archive.org/web/20090302054831/http://www.dtcc.com/news/press/releases/2007/wsj_response.php?lpos=3&lid=3) + +Official paper detailing the ceding of control of our shares + +[https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/\_migrated/content\_uploads/ILF\_WP\_068.pdf](https://www.ilf-frankfurt.de/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/ILF_WP_068.pdf) + +Gary Gensler talking about crypto and the potential overhaul for the current stock market. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=EH6vE97qIP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=EH6vE97qIP4) +Hi all, + +Both my wife and I have jobs that are fully remote now and we’d like to move to a low/no state income tax state to help accelerate our fatFIRE goals. We’re living in a VHCOL area with high state income tax and high property tax so we’re hoping a move will help. + +We have children and we’d like to raise them in an upper middle class neighborhood with great public schools, that has ethnic diversity (maybe >10-15% non-white?), in a low/no state income tax state. + +Thanks! + +EDIT: My wife and I are both non-white and we both grew up in majority white towns (95%+) and we don’t want that experience for our children. 10-15% is the minimum and we’d like a higher % but understand a lot of upper middle class neighborhoods with great schools are overwhelmingly white (but know this is changing!) + +EDIT: We’re not looking for LCOL because that’s just not possible. Just looking to lower tax/expense burden to help get to fatFIRE quicker. +Article from Bloomberg. + +You don’t need to feel too sorry for Jamie Dimon, the chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co., the largest bank in the U.S. by assets and the largest in the world by trading and fee revenue. But it’s easy to see why he might be miffed at the Federal Reserve at the moment.  + +On March 19, the Fed [announced](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/bcreg20210319b.htm) that a temporary regulatory break for banks will expire as scheduled on March 31. Dimon had told investment analysts in January that if the break went away, his bank would have a financial incentive to turn away deposits, as it has done in the past (for large institutional deposits, that is; the bank still likes retail deposits, which tend to be sticky and produce other banking business). + +Here’s a snippet from the Jan. 15 earnings call as I transcribed it from Bloomberg’s recording: + +*Dimon* +*Remember, we were able to reduce deposits $200 billion within like months last time.* + +*Jennifer Piepszak, chief financial officer* +*Yeah.* + +*Dimon* +*But we don't want to do it. It’s very customer unfriendly to say, “Please take your deposits elsewhere ….”* + +It’s common for Jamie Dimon to complain about “gold-plated” banking regulation, but in this case he seems to have a point. A Fed regulation that makes it unprofitable for banks to take in deposits—when taking in deposits has always been a key function of banks—is a bit hard to justify. + +How we got to this point is complicated but interesting. The old style of bank regulation was to limit the leverage of banks. It was analogous to how banks themselves require homebuyers to have some skin in the game. Homebuyers have to put in some of their own money so the mortgage loan  they get is smaller than the value of the house they’re purchasing. That way if the homeowner stops making payments, the bank can seize the house, sell it, and get back what it lent. Similarly, under simple leverage regulation, banks had to show that the value of their assets (such as the loans they make and cash in the vault) was substantially greater than their liabilities (such as the deposits they take in, which is money they owe to the depositors). Roughly speaking, the excess of assets over liabilities was called capital. + +But that simple system failed. Banks can make more money by going big on risky assets like high-interest loans than by investing in safe, low-yielding stuff like Treasury securities. And as long as regulators treated all assets alike, it made sense to load up on risky ones. But risky assets are more likely to go bust, so regulators wisely started taking the safety of different assets into account. It was a big improvement but not perfect: Some banks understated the riskiness of their assets, which became a problem in the global financial crisis of 2008-09. For instance, some banks loaded up on the debt of their national governments because it was given a zero risk-weighting, when in fact it was highly risky. + +The new system is belt and suspenders. The belt is risk-weighted capital regulation, under which riskier assets require a bank to have more capital against them, while very safe assets require little or none. There’s also a backup system—the suspenders—where all assets are treated alike, just as in the old days. This is called the supplementary leverage ratio. It was agreed to by a wide range of nations under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements and took effect in 2018. The SLR is meant to deal with situations where a bank has loads of assets that aren’t as safe as they’re said to be. + +The suspenders are supposed to hang loose most of the time while the belt does the real work of holding up the pants, so to speak. In last year’s Covid-19 recession, though, banks suddenly got flooded with more assets than they could handle. The Fed bought Treasuries to drive down interest rates and paid for them by creating reserves, which show up as assets on banks’ balance sheets. Businesses drew down lines of credit and deposited the proceeds in banks. Consumers’ bank accounts were swollen by government relief checks. Demand for consumer and business loans was weak so banks stashed most of the incoming money in Treasury securities or left it in cash. (Funds from customers are both an asset to the bank, because they can invest the money, and a liability, because they have to return it some day.)  + +Suddenly the suspenders weren’t so loose anymore. Without even trying, banks had acquired a lot more assets on their balance sheet. Most were super-safe, but the supplementary leverage ratio applied equally to every dollar of them, regardless of their safety.  + + +Realizing there was a problem, the Federal Reserve and other federal bank regulators in May 2020 exempted Treasuries and reserves at the Fed from the calculation of the supplementary leverage ratio. Not permanently, but through March 31, 2021. It said the exemption “will provide flexibility to certain depository institutions to expand their balance sheets in order to provide credit to households and businesses in light of the challenges arising from the coronavirus response.” + +This year banks lobbied vigorously for the exemption to be extended or even made permanent but, as mentioned above, on March 19 the Fed said without explanation that the exemption would end at the end of this month. + +What happens now? Nothing right away. Banks have more capital than they need so they won’t have to shed assets starting April 1. Zoltan Pozsar, an analyst at Credit Suisse Group AG, wrote in a [note](https://plus.credit-suisse.com/rpc4/ravDocView?docid=V7qjPE2AN-VHSK) to clients on March 16, ahead of the Fed announcement, that “Neither the Fed nor the market should fear mayhem if the exemption expires.” One key reason, he said, is that the major banks won’t be affected by the expiring exemption because they never opted into it in the first place for their operating subsidiaries. And, he wrote, 90% of the currently exempt Treasuries and Fed reserves are being held at the operating subsidiary level.  + +In the longer run, though, there could be problems. Pozsar wasn’t quite as blithe when he discussed the supplementary leverage ratio on the Odd Lots podcast [aired](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/audio/2021-03-03/zoltan-pozsar-on-what-just-happened-in-treasuries-podcast?sref=AMvrlaMu) by Bloomberg on March 3. If banks like JPMorgan Chase push away institutional deposits by charging fees or putting on negative interest rates, the money will spill into money market funds, he predicted. But money market funds won’t have any good place to put the money either, he said. If they pour into Treasury bills, they could push the bill yields negative. But money market funds can’t afford to earn negative returns because they promise to pay back investors 100 cents on the dollar. + +Pozsar said the Fed system could assist by allowing money market funds to stash more money with it through overnight reverse repurchase agreements. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York did just that two weeks later, [announcing](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating_policy_210317) on March 17 that it would allow each of its counterparties to do overnight reverse repos of $80 billion a day, up from $30 billion previously. Pozsar, who used to work for the New York Fed, [called](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-17/powell-stays-silent-on-extending-fed-s-capital-relief-for-banks?sref=AMvrlaMu) that “foaming the runway” for the March 31 expiration of the supplementary leverage ratio exemption. + +In 2014, when the supplementary leverage ratio was under discussion, Fed staff predicted \[[PDF](https://www.federalreserve.gov/mediacenter/files/open-board-meeting-transcript-20140409.pdf)\] that the impact of the enhanced version of the ratio on the biggest banks would be modest because, after all, the Fed was about to start shrinking its balance sheet. In reality the balance sheet is bigger than ever now and still growing. As the Fed continues to buy Treasuries and mortgage bonds and pays for them with reserves, banks’ assets will continue to swell and eventually the supplementary leverage ratio could become the “binding constraint” on the banks’ behavior; the suspenders will become tight. That would be a return to the bad old days.  + +Some of the resistance to keeping the leverage exemption in place past March 31 is based on concerns that banks need bigger safety buffers. That’s a legitimate concern. But the question of how much capital banks need is separate from the question of how those capital levels should be determined. There area actually four ways of setting capital—risk-weighted capital, supplementary leverage ratio, post-stress estimate of risk-weighted capital, and post-stress estimate of supplementary leverage ratio. That ends up causing confusion and treating banks differently when they’re engaged in the same activities. + +It’s “not clear you can fix the gaming of one rule by adding more rules,” says a 2017 presentation \[[PDF](https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/6a_stein.pdf)\] by Robin Greenwood, Sam Hanson, Jeremy Stein, and Adi Sunderam of Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic Research for a *Brookings Papers on Economic Activity* conference. Their preference: A single standard that takes into account stressful scenarios and is “generally more sensitive to the kinds of data that you wouldn’t want to bake into a hard rule.” + +The Fed may end up having more to say about this. +I’ve lost $35K since November and am down like $25K lifetime due to dumping a lot into stocks after I got bonuses in December. I just find it depressing that I could have never saved/invested and instead burned $35K on living a luxurious life for many months, and I’d be in the same financial position I am in today. + +I know things should bounce back eventually, but I’ve now lost as much money as I’ve made in some years (a long time ago). Just makes me sad; I feel like I’ve sacrificed a lot to earn and save what I have, and it feels worthless right now (because I’m literally worse off than my friends who just spent their money on luxuries and/or haven’t bothered to invest). +I'll keep this nice and short because the message is very simple. This Pulte guy came out of nowhere. He's done nothing to show us anything bad, but also hasn't done anything to show us anything good other than an interest in the community. This is great, and I definitely can't wait to see what comes of this, but I think it is always good to approach with a little bit of caution. + +Apes have been known to hype up anyone or anything that seems to be working in our favour. Anyone who is aware of that can easily use it to their advantage. Charles Payne is a good example of this. + +Let actions speak louder than words. Let celebrities/public figures prove themselves before jumping on the bandwagon and worshipping them. That is all. +Hello Future UltraArmy!! + +**$1,000 & two $300 prizes on our Twitter!!** + +Welcome to **Generational Wealth**. Assuming you buy in now at least .**37,000** holders & counting have understood the Value of UltraSafe. Crypto’s current **Coin of the Future** is looking to be a **dominant** currency with use cases **WorldWide**. + +The **Safest Token on BSC**, UltraSafe is **Fully Rug Proof** with its **Contract Ownership Renounced**. It currently has two audits completed by **Solidity & Certik** with a **3rd** currently in the works. UltraSafe has its **Liquidity Locked for 79 Years**, higher than other tokens on the market. UltraSafe has corrected vulnerabilities that would allow a rug pull still in other “safe” tokens. We are truly, UltraSafe. Developers have been **Fully Doxxed** to proper entities. Full Public Dox down the line. + +UltraSafe provides you with **Passive Income** through its tokenomics. There is an 8% tax that **reflects 4% back to holders** proportionate to what you hold. The other 4% is sent to locked liquidity to **Exponentially Decrease Impact Selling** has on our price. This helps to **prevent Pump & Dumps** & **encourages Whales to hold**. + +Future plans including but not limited to : **dApps, NFTs, UltraWallet, UltraExchange, Merchandise, More CEX listings and more AMAs. **Influencer and Social Media based marketing** is currently being **ramped up**. Billboards, Planes, Times Square advertisements are currently live & about to be everywhere. An **Animated Website v3** is soon done and live. **LLC** near completion. + +**Currently the best token to ride up with the crypto recovery. Come make some money with the UltraSafe community!!** + +Important Links : +[UltraSafe Website](https://ultrasafe.finance/) - +[Coin Market Cap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ultrasafe/) - +[Solidity](https://solidity.finance/audits/UltraSafe/) - +[Certik](https://www.certik.org/projects/ultrasafe) - +[Discord](https://discord.gg/hy54dHhjvk) -[Twitter](https://mobile.twitter.com/ultrasafebsc) - +[TeleGram](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) -[Reddit](https://www.np.reddit.com/r/Ultrasafe/) - +[BscScan](https://bscscan.com/token/0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) - +[FaceBook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/503406880704284/) - +[StockTwits](https://stocktwits.com/symbol/ULTRASAFE.X) - +[Most Recent AMA](https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1036054617) - +[irst Live AMA](https://youtu.be/FcyQYBk4wU4) - +[CoinGecko Listing](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ultrasafe) - [DexTools](https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x48bac97d5e3116626a56704be7399e1cb593a945) +In Germany right now, gains from crypto are tax-free if you have had the crypto over a year. If you have had the crypto less than a year, you pay income tax on any realised gains. + +&#x200B; + +I would love to hear how it goes in other countries? +Long story short, I was a sole proprietor in my business with no llc. All of my deposits/earnings are in my personal checking, which was insanely dumb. I found an accountant to help me with it now and she’s saying she needs the log in information to log in herself. I might be a bit paranoid, but is this normal ? + + I don’t know how comfortable I am giving my log in to someone I spoke to once on the phone . Chase doesn’t allow accountant access for personal accounts . Not sure what to do (we’re also on a deadline for something specific that has to be filed by tmmr), does anyone else do this ? + +EDIT: I checked their license and they’re legit and in good standing. She let me know they have insurance as well. I told them I didn’t want to provide my log in and they said it’s okay we’ll accept statements. But I did provide my business banking routing and account number because I need to set up payroll. + +I’m a little nervous now because I would have to transfer that money into the business account which they now have the info for. This IS accounting for my business , so is the trust just what comes with getting an accountant for a business ? +People who plan on getting into RE be ready for a rollercoaster ride. It's not easy , its semi passive, books will teach you one thing but it'll be different experience out in the field. You won't get rich overnight but will you accumulate wealth. It will be a lonely road but totally worth it. Stay hungry , stay motivated and keep on investing. +I am starting to think this is the way. Sell CSPs until you get the stock price for what you want it for. If MP never drops, cool you just keep collecting premium. I really hope I get assigned after selling two or three puts so I can actually have some stock that I was intending on having. Then just sell another put deeper ITM if I want to hold it and still collect premium or just HODL. +This is a small side project I've been working on that scans Reddit for coin mentions and shows you what people are saying. I already posted this in r/CryptoCurrency but have since made some improvements. + +http://bitreddit.com + +NOTE: This is best viewed on desktop, or on landscape mobile due to my shitty use of the highcharts. **Make sure you actually click on one of the coins as some people got confused last time** + +NOTE2: Certain coins have issue with price capture such as MIOTA. I'm working on a fix for this! +Does EthTrader want to add u/Cutsnek , u/Ruvalm , u/BlockchainUnchained , and u/davidahoffman as moderators for a 30 day trial as potential team members? + +&#x200B; + +This Governance Poll will last 5 days. + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/aul6m2) +Does EthTrader want to add u/Cutsnek , u/Ruvalm , u/BlockchainUnchained , and u/davidahoffman as moderators for a 30 day trial as potential team members? + +&#x200B; + +This Governance Poll will last 5 days. + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/aul6m2) +So I know absolutely nothing about investing - other than that I need to start doing it. I am 24 and have some money sitting in my savings account, I've also opened up a TFSA but have not used it, I know that I should be investing it but I just don't know where to start/don't know the first thing about investing. + +Where do I start? Any help would be appreciated! +So, a bunch of apes #KenGriffinLied and you think THIS is enough for Shitadel to break its silence? Because they give a fuck about what the world thinks. + +Wrong. + +Shitadel has been accused of far worse crimes than perjury (global market manipulation, yeah). Believe me - they do not actually feel a need to defend themselves on Twitter. + +What they are doing now is theater. They are managing optics. And who knows? Maybe they even started the #. Their goal is to discredit and distract apes. We know they planned BIG FUD for this week - who knows? Maybe this is it. DON’T FALL FOR IT. + +Apes do three things: buy, hodl, DRS. Everything else is a distraction … and at this point in the Game, a potential trap. + +Don’t be fooled. Ken is smarter than you. Your one advantage is you are more autistic than him. Do what you damn beautiful autists do best. BUY, HODL, DRS. + +Leave everything else to the hired actors. +I often read on here it is bad to buy an apartment due to the lack of captial growth. But as a single person, is it really that bad to buy an apartment in the inner city to live in? + + +I work for a US broker and all you GME chads are the highlight of my life. You are literally fucking spot on how trading and settlement works, we get bombarded with amazing fucking questions by you beautiful bastards who think the whole world is on your side when in reality the more money you make the more money we make. I cannot wait for the day GME shoots to the moon and explodes then pours wealth into the fucking lot of you which leads to your happy, based, life because you all fucking deserve it. Hope you read this and realise how high iq and based you are and consequently blow your own loads into my wife. + +Chad's. +Hey there! I'm fairly new to investing, and I'm pretty sure I wanna pick up some ARK ETFs soon, but I'm not sure when.. + +I'm currently 15 (trading though my parents), and have about 1k to trade with.. so have basically all my savings to invest, but I'm also ok with taking risks. Would it be a good call to invest in ARK's now, or wait till a drop? + +Thanks! + +Oh and one other thing to mention... after buying I'm planning on holding for at least 5 months.. but probably more around a year instead. +As you can assume from the title - I've been trading individual stocks in my brokerage account over the last 2-3 years, made some decent gains, but can't keep this lifestyle up! Constantly checking the news, following all of the companies (usually 20+) and resisting emotional decisions during ups and downs has been tiresome. + +Basic facts: 26M, married, no debts, steady income, hitting the employer match in 401k. I want to replicate this portfolio in my brokerage and IRA accounts. Assuming I have about 40 years left before I need the money. + +**What do you think? Any major suggestions? Do you see any blindspots? (other than the heavy weighting on tech).** + +&#x200B; + +|QQQ|60%| +|:-|:-| +|VTI|20%| +|ARKK|5%| +|EFG|5%| +|ICLN|5%| +|VGT|5%| + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*UPDATE as of 9:10 AM CT 1/20\*\*\* + +Thanks all for the great feedback (QQQM over QQQ, introduction of QQQJ which I am replacing VGT due to overlap with QQQM), was a little heavy on QQQ(M) at 60% - reducing to 50%. + +&#x200B; + +|QQQM|50%| +|:-|:-| +|VTI|25%| +|QQQJ|10%| +|ARKK|10%| +|ICLN|5%| + +&#x200B; +Merlyn AI launched their third "meta" ETF yesterday. Just like the previous two (SNUG and WIZ) this is an ETF that uses SectorSurfers algorithms to pick ETFs to hold. + +In short, the theory is something like this: +1) The software determines daily if the market is likely to advance or if there is a higher risk of decline. +2a) If it decides the risk of decline is too high, the algorithm changes to "bear" mode. +2b) If the market continues to be likely to advance, the algorithm operates in "bull" mode. +3) The algorithm then goes through a list of ETFs to identify the momentum leader and select it (Note, it has two different lists, one for Bull mode and a second one for Bear mode, so it will pick a fund that it seems appropriate for the overall market state). +4) At the start of every month, or if the Bull/Bear Indicator changes, the algorithm updates and identifies the current "leader". + +The new ETF, DUDE, has 6 bull strategies and 2 bear strategies, which means it makes 6 of the above determinations each month and picks up to 6 ETFs to invest in accordingly. Unlike SNUG (70% Bonds, 30% Equities in Bull Mode) and WIZ (20% Bonds and 80% Equities in Bull Mode), all 6 Bull Strategies in DUDE are equity based resulting in a 100% equity aggressive portfolio... In Bull mode. + +The ”Sector Surfer Momentum Index" the above results in has been around for a while, and has for a while been one of the ways I have made decisions to invest part of my portfolio, but now they have turned that index into an ETF automating the process for you and making the changes the day the index updates rather than with the day or two delay before you get the index updates. + +So what does this look like right now at launch? + +The Index picked 5 different ETFs to acquire on December 1st: + +* Economic Sectors Strategy 1 - 20% - ARKW +* Economic Sectors Strategy 2 - 20% - XSD +* Economic Sectors Strategy 3 - 15% - ACES +* Economic Sectors Strategy 4 - 15% - ICLN +* Geo-Political Sectors Strategy 1 - 15% - IJK +* Geo-Political Sectors Strategy 2 - 15% - ICLN + +Resulting in the ETF holding + +* ICLN 31.77% +* ARKW 18.91% +* XSD 18.42% +* ACES 15.17% +* IJK 13.71% + +As of right now. + +The obvious downside is the expense ratio, as it adds a 0.85% effective management fee to the current acquired fees of 0.47% for an effective expense ratio of 1.32%. If the expense ratio is too high to your liking, it's of course perfectly possible for you to follow the index yourself and manually make the monthly trades as needed, albeit with with a 1-2 day delay. + +Reason I figured I'd go through the effort of posting all of this is that there are a lot of people here who want to lean part (or all) of their portfolio into aggressive/speculative allocations, but do not necessarily know enough not to expose themselves to extreme downsides and risks in the process. This ETF may not be the most cost effective option out there, but it is much "safer" for the average investor here than buying a bunch of aggressive/speculative ETFs individually and hoping that the moment you chose them was appropriate, which a lot of threads here put people at risk of. + +I'm also curious to see what opinions about this will be, though I imagine for the conservative investors here that maintain that 0% is the appropriate allocation for speculative investment, this option will also not make the cut. 😁 + +Disclaimer: I like this ETF and will likely switch part of my portfolio into it as this will be easier for me and worth the management fee from my perspective. I do not recommend anyone to put 100% of their investments into aggressive/speculative allocations, and therefore would not recommend anyone put 100% of their portfolio in this ETF. Appropriate percentages for aggressive/speculative investments range between 10% and 70% of your portfolio (the latter only for very young investors with long horizons and small portfolios) in total after adding up all of such positions (including this one) but especially if you're going to lean into a relatively higher percentage of such positions, this ETF can help mitigate at least some of your risk. 😅 + + +EDIT: +I just ran an X-ray on the current portfolio it holds, and here's a quick summary of the results (note that this could change dramatically when it rebalances every month!): + +Asset Allocation + +* Cash: 2.43% +* US Stocks: 67.43% +* Non-US Stocks: 29.53% +* Other: 0.61% + +Non-US Breakdown: + +* Developed: 71.7% +* Emerging: 28.3% + +Sector Breakdown: + +* Energy 1.20% +* Materials 0.58% +* Industrials 14.08% +* Consumer Discretionary 6.07% +* Consumer Staples 0.43% +* Health Care 3.49% +* Financials 2.85% +* Information Technology 42.12% +* Communication Services 6.04% +* Utilities 22.18% +* Real Estate 0.96% + +Top 10 Holdings: + +* Enphase Energy 3.04% +* Plug Power 3.03% +* First Solar 2.88% +* Tesla 2.65% +* Sunrun 1.88% +* Ormat Technologies 1.67% +* Meridian Energy 1.59% +* Xinyi Solar 1.57% +* Boralax 1.49% +* Verbund 1.48% +I've been doing research over the last two weeks for my IRA account. I just rolled over a sizable 401k and now it sits waiting, not growing. I am 38 with plans to retire at 75. I want some moderate risk, aggressive growth but have a balance with long term growth/stability. + +Here is what I have. Obviously, I plan to shave off 2/3 - 3/4 (narrow it down to a well rounded portfolio). For context, I have a few growth stocks in here too, even though this is an ETF specific subreddit. + +QQQJ, VIG, VUG, VNQ, BNDW, VOOG, VTWV, MSOS, IUSV, ARKK, VT, VBK, VWO, VXF, XLK, BLOK, DFE, IQIN, SCHD, SDIV, DVYE, MSFT.... + +Any obvious strong picks from this selection? What else would I need? +Here's a quick summary of the extent of corruption in the US markets... it includes: + +* Executives (e.g., Richard Dugas, CEO of PulteGroup; Jeff Bezos) +* Board of Directors (e.g., Previous board of GameStop, BBBY) +* Consultants (BCG, Bain & Company, McKinsey) +* Media (CNBC, TheStreet, WSJ) +* Regulators (SEC) +* The Fed (Janet Yellen = employee of Citadel) +* Congress (see Nanci Pelosi and campaign donations by Ken Griffin) +* Market Makers +* DTCC + +When you have to ask the question..."Who *isn't* corrupt?!" It's time for radical change. + +MOASS is cosmic justice. + +Buckle Up 🚀🌝 + +https://preview.redd.it/saad3rrwodt81.jpg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbbe02afd3406a85a2ec1dbd49becf632b0a9ed +Hi, + +My wife and I are aiming to buy a house 9 to 10 years from now. We are in our mid-twenties. + +We have a comfortable emergency fund and we do not have any debt. We both maxed out our Roth IRAs this year. + +We have money sitting around that we are not sure where to invest. If our aim is to specifically buy a house, where should we invest? Should we max out our 401(K)? Should we open a taxable account? Are there any other options? + +Thanks you in advance. +Hi all, + +This is the 2nd part of my r/asx_bets data analysis series, view the first part [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/n14ii3/data_analysis_on_6months_of_rasx_bets_due/). + +I've continued to curate the most upvoted DD & Dumbfuck Discussion asx\_bets each week (since September last year), here's how they've continued to perform. + +**TLDR:** If only we could cash out at the very top since posted we'd be doing ok off these ASX DD posts after all! + +**Methodology** + +* see previous Reddit [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/n14ii3/data_analysis_on_6months_of_rasx_bets_due/) (effectively I only include posts that had high upvotes in the week they were posted) +* There are now 85 DD posts included (since September last year) + +**Top due diligence posts based on maximum return since posting** + +This metric is for all the traders out there... it's the maximum return that could have been attained on a stock if you invested when the due diligence was posted on Reddit and cashed out at the highest price since then. + +1. [🥇](https://emojipedia.org/1st-place-medal/)[DOU - Douugh DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/j5yx5l/dou_douugh_dd/) ([u/itsdankreddit](https://www.reddit.com/user/itsdankreddit)) **+600%** +2. [🥈](https://emojipedia.org/2nd-place-medal/)[DD time - Credit Intelligence (CI1)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/krj0eg/dd_time_credit_intelligence_ci1/) ([u/NocturneHS](https://www.reddit.com/user/NocturneHS/)) **+333%** +3. [🥉](https://emojipedia.org/3rd-place-medal/)[DW8 and why you should own it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lk4r65/dw8_and_why_you_should_own_it/) ([u/shadowpheonix2](https://www.reddit.com/user/shadowpheonix2/)) **+250%** +4. [Big Time Flexiroam (FRX) spruik including absolutely reckless amounts of DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lb804i/big_time_flexiroam_frx_spruik_including/) ([u/Helmacron](https://www.reddit.com/user/Helmacron/)) **+233%** +5. [NC6 is a gdamn beautiful stock - listen to my spruik](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/j2g3yw/nc6_is_a_gdamn_beautiful_stock_listen_to_my_spruik/) ([u/Helmacron](https://www.reddit.com/user/Helmacron/)) **+188%** + +Further insights: + +* 9 other posts had returns over 100%. +* The median return from posting to maximum price since posting was 18%, and the average 55%... +* Interestingly, only 6 stocks were posted at their maximum, 79 went on to achieve a higher price after being posted at some point + +**Highest returning stock due diligence/ research posts to date** + +Stock standard return to today since posting (not to ATH like above) + +1. [🥇 Imugene (IMU) - DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mlu7y2/imugene_imu_dd/) ([u/badonkadonkthrowaway](https://www.reddit.com/user/badonkadonkthrowaway/)) **+ 156%** +2. [🥈](https://emojipedia.org/2nd-place-medal/)[FLN DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/k7po95/fln_dd_now_we_can_start_paying_others_in_3rd/) ([u/ramzataztaz](https://www.reddit.com/u/ramzataztaz/)) **+ 112%** +3. 🥉 [ASX:IHL Incannex Healthcare Biotech/Medicinal Cannabis](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/jz5jm8/asxihl_incannex_healthcare_biotechmedicinal/) ([u/Exalted\_HC](https://www.reddit.com/u/Exalted_HC/)) + **100%** +4. [DW8 and why you should own it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lk4r65/dw8_and_why_you_should_own_it/) ([u/shadowpheonix2](https://www.reddit.com/user/shadowpheonix2/)) **+83%** +5. [ANP - Antisense Therapeutics](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/khyx1o/anp_antisense_therapeutics/) (u/[Tropical\_Chilli](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tropical_Chilli/)) **+62%** + +Further insights: + +* The average return is 0.05% (from date of posting to today) amongst DD posts included +* The median return was -0.51% + * These both mean investing in all posts that are voted an ok amount each week on Reddit probably isn't the best strategy...? + +**Lowest returning due diligence to date** + +* 😢 [Emerge Gaming (ASX:EM1) - A Final Word](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/k9k7mh/emerge_gaming_asxem1_a_final_word/) ([u/neke86](https://www.reddit.com/u/neke86/)) **-73%** (note this **user posted some solid DD here** because the post was bearish on the stock) + +Hats off to all users above for your performance... let me know if there are any further analysis/ ideas to expand on this below. + +**Final note:** Obviously there's many limitations with this analysis... however it's cool to just see how Reddit DD posts have actually performed since being posted. +Hi, Im a college student and I recently became an investor. I have been buying trade options since last September. So I have been looking at recent unemployment data, GDP growth, and other Macroeconomic factors. The state of the economy right now is that it is doing very well. We have a real GDP growth of 3.1% and the Unemployment rate is at 3.5%. What I don't understand that in an economic state like this, where the Unemployment rate is under 3.5%, how is this not this an inflationary period. Why is inflation in the past few years so low? Is this the Reason why the Fed has been engaging in aggressive Quantitative Easing, and massive money pumps into the Repo Markets to boost liquidity? +Do economists still use the labels "Austrian," "Neoclassical," or "Keynesian" anymore? I never hear economists use or refer to these terms, they sound old-fashioned, and seem pretty unscientific to me. How can you be a dispassionate, analytical scientist if you acknowledge that your work is guided by an ideology? +I'm normally the one answering questions, but I figured this would be an interesting discussion. + +To be honest I've always just discredited it without reading to heavily into it, just based on their assumptions that government debt isn't a problem. + +Looking for very detailed answers with sourcing only. Thanks! + +Edit: Anything with statistics justifications and particularly peer reviewed journal articles get bonus points. +Hello! I am a 15-year old in high school from Romania. I choose the classes with intensive computer science not because i am interested in programming but because i wanted to do extra work and my parents pushed me into it because it "forms my mind". My real passion is Economics(which is the degree im 100% going to go with in college) Politics History and looking up statistics and facts, all for fun and my interest. These are topics that i willingly study in my free time as im very interested in them. Recently ive been looking up career paths with economics, I understand that you should double major if you want to study economics, but im not decided as to what i should do. I was thinking i could use the intensive computer science skills from school with econ but most people who took these double majors seem to look in the perspective of a more CS-centric lens. I was thinking maybe Economics with political science would be good but im not that much of a humanities guy plus i dont like the ideea of being a politician. What do you guys think i should choose as a double major? Is CS a good idea? +So, I'm from a subsaharan country and one thing thats always perplexed me is the literal title of this post — ' development economics' like why does there have to be this need to seperate it, like isnt this entire human science based on developing, its kinda shows how classification systems can hinder knowledge sometimes. Take for example the whole issue of diversity or allyship - its like why do you need a whole group for people who arent racist, that should be the default, or diversity its like you're basically acknowledging that in including people who don't look like you are deviating from some norm... when the norm should be that everyone is included... anyways i digress so development economics... lets talk about it +What technology, free or not free, makes your life easier? iPhone, Android, iPad, smart watch, websites... what suite have you created for yourself to enhance your economics experience? +As stated in the title, I would like to hear from people with a significantly down portfolio, especially those who invested in tech stocks. How do you cope? And do you consider changing your investing plan? +My TFSA AND RRSP are already maxed out so I can't DCA for the rest of this year. Is it a good idea to try to consolidate and using the funds from selling some of stocks I believe in less to DCA in the ones I believe in most? Thank you. + +Edit : I had the cash sitting in my bank account for years, and when I decided to invest it, I lump sumed it last november when everything was at or close to ATH. Then did the same for my 2022 contributions in January. +Hi all + +I've recently been given the opportunity to move to Belgium for a full time job. My knowledge of the living costs there is very limited, so I was hoping for some insight. I am married with 2 kids, and my wife would be some time without earning, we are confident though that she could get a job relatively fast. Is the monthly gross salary of 3000€ enough to keep a good living standard? + + +I should say that in reality I was offered less than 3000€, but the initial offer just doesn't seem enough and I would try to renegotiate. My problem here is that I want to present them with an exact number, but that I am not sure about how much I should be asking for. + + +Any help or advice would be much appreciated. +I saw in another post people were saying this isn’t a once in a lifetime correction, but it’s certainly unusual or a more than mild move. Let’s put it in context: + +The last month’s market down move ranks 119th in one month down moves (since 1986) and is a 1.9 standard deviation move. That qualifies it as mild in my book. + +[Source](https://maximumtheta.com/?num_results=500&trading_days=22&start_price=open&end_price=close&next_trading_days=1&next_end_price=close&sort=asc&use_vix=1&vix_limit=100.0&start_vix=open&end_vix=close) +I'm not the type of person to display my wealth but wonder if I'm missing anything by not doing so. As a curiosity I've started looking a fine watches online and envisioned walking around the city in one. Would people take notice? Not that I'm treated poorly now, but would I be treated any better after someone glances at my wrist? If so, can people tell the difference between a $10K watch and one that's a $100K? + +I went from a Subaru to a Tesla and have had interactions with people I would have never had with the Subaru. People giving thumbs up on the interstate, asking questions about it in a parking lot, and seemingly being treated with more respect at a valet. All of these interactions were rather insignificant but had a lasting effect which makes me question what I'm missing by not showing off my wealth more. + +(I hope this post doesn't fall outside of the "relevance" rules but when I searched previous Reddit post about fine watches, they talk about watches under $10K and that's not the level I'm interested in discussing) + +Update: It's refreshing to hear that material possessions aren't necessarily opening doors to a better life. I'd still be interested in hearing any stories where it has. Apart from that, my interest in watches have quickly waned based on your responses. +*Each week I'll be picking a random ASX stock that I've (personally, yes I'm aware it may have been covered at some point in history) rarely seen discussed online - and that I do NOT hold - that* ***you*** *voted for, for us to dive into for some "DD".* + +*This is for us to have a look at what it does, comb over their financials, and in the end discuss whether or not we'd buy into it. Not all of these stocks may be sexy or appealing; the whole point is to shine a light on what companies are doing out there on the ASX which never get much coverage - for good or bad.* + +*The main purpose being to add some more variety in coverage to the standard blue chips or meme stocks we see pumped day in and day out, and hopefully discover some hidden gems or innovative companies on the Aussie market.* + +*Here's this week's Random Stock of the Week.* + +**Company name:** Jupiter Mines Limited + +https://preview.redd.it/49pkk826txb81.png?width=1117&format=png&auto=webp&s=806bf1b10de0638822586afd06782cec026e9097 + +**Ticker:** JMS + +**Industry:** Mining + +**Headquarters:** Perth, WA + +**Market cap:** $450m + +**Current share price:** $0.23 + +**P/E ratio:** \~7 + +**1-year Performance:** \-21.20% + +**What they do, smoothbrain version:** force poor South Africans to mine iron ore's ugly cousin out of the ground in order to pay the fatcat board and shareholders phat dividends + +**What they say they do, wanky version:** "Jupiter is an Australian registered public company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange ("ASX") which has as its main asset a 49.9% beneficial interest in Tshipi é Ntle, an independently operated and managed, black empowered manganese mining company." 🍆👋 + +**What they do, actual version:** Jupiter Mines Limited (JMS) are a Perth-based Australian mining company whose main asset is their ownership stake in the South African Tshipi manganese mine. + +Located in the Kalahari in the Northern Cape region of South Africa, the mine is the 3rd-largest of its kind in the world. It's an open-pit mine with a shallow resource, making for a relatively low-cost mining operation with an easily accessible mineral product as its focus: manganese. + +Manganese ore is primarily used in the production of carbon steel in order to increase its strength and flexibility; the ore is reduced in a blast furnace to create ferromanganese, which is then used for making steel itself. + +[JMS’ MANGANESE MINE IS THE 3RD-LARGEST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD](https://preview.redd.it/q2ldueo9txb81.jpg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a4fb1d1d7cbe806fa0e59fc6e7ac2ea7e23f1ef) + +The Tshipi mine is a pretty consistent and predictable operation in terms of production volumes; with some minor fluctuations year-to-year, an average of around 3.3 million tons of manganese ore are extracted on a yearly basis. + +It's an extensive resource, with an estimate 30 years of mine life left and is connected via an efficient transport network with its own rail loop, making it one of the industry's fastest and most efficient loading stations. + +Being a single-commodity producer - the company recently divested itself of previously-held iron ore assets, and is now the only pure-play manganese producer on the ASX - the spot price of manganese ore is obviously the driving factor of the company's profitability. + +While the company's mine's volumes are high, South African manganese (including JMS') tends to be lower grade (37%), and so can be one of the first to suffer when tighter regulations around the control/use of high-purity manganese are prioritized. + +Other factors, such as the costs of logistics/freight, weather issues, and the occasional spot of civil unrest (hello, South Africa!) can all eat into margins to varying degrees from one year to the next. + +The majority of JMS' clients are in Asia (primarily China), with a diverse range of customers and not overly reliant on any single one for revenue. However, the commodity is still highly subject to macro Chinese demand, which has had a direct impact on the last years' worth of consumption. + +As a result, the price of manganese has been fairly flat / on a middling trend since tailing off after a price spike in mid-2020: + +https://preview.redd.it/y3pjgclctxb81.png?width=934&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b73657924549a8317ec133dddbb5de971749829 + +JMS was founded as a company back in 2003, but listed on the ASX in 2018. It has generated a total return of -1.19% p.a (including dividends) since it listed. + +**What looks good:** + +* Its low cost of production, resource accessibility, and scalability make JMS able to respond pretty well to macro-economic conditions and demand spikes/lulls for its commodity while still maintaining profitability. +* This flexibility results from their ability to quickly either scale up or back their production volumes as needed, as well as adjust their ratios of ore transported by rail vs. road to keep a control on costs. +* Since its inception on the ASX, the company has been a massive dividend payer. One of the initial key directives/selling points of the company was returning value directly to shareholders, and the company certainly has done that: + +https://preview.redd.it/vqghsj5etxb81.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=495cf7be865724413aa5dc8d146eca5af83d9831 + +* Even in a relative 'down year' for their commodity, the company was still highly profitable, paying out a 10%+ dividend yield and allowing it to keep a robust balance sheet with millions of dollars in the bank. +* The Tshipi mine is located in a region far away from where most of the social turmoil/civil unrest that has occurred in South Africa in recent years, meaning minimal disruptions to the company's operations outside of some minor port-unloading disruptions that were fairly immaterial to its overall earnings in 2020-2021. +* Its (previous; we'll cover this more below) CEO was a large holder and frequent buyer of company shares, and influenced the company to retain its large dividend payouts. +* Consistency is a key theme in terms of its production volumes. While they do fluctuate some, the company can be counted on to pump out relatively stable volumes of ore, with the macro price of the product its main influencer rather than the company's operations themselves. +* Global consumption/demand for Manganese has fairly been consistent in trending up over the last 10 years, albeit not rapidly so. This is by no means a "boom" metal/element along the lines of lithium with sudden consumption/demand spikes; however as a 'construction' metal, it trends up with global growth over the long term. + +https://preview.redd.it/cg3pkkmftxb81.png?width=1052&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb440dd61e2c2400284ef73373411febf4282fb6 + +* The company management have dropped hints they are considering spending some of their war chest to acquire assets that will allow them to diversify into the EV supply chain in the near future. +* They have zero debt on the balance sheet, and a pretty significant/valuable asset to go with it. +* Price to book value of its assets looks cheap, especially compared to some of its other smaller market cap peers in the ASX mining sector. +* Similar to iron ore, manganese may be set for a rebound in 2022 as China looks to pick back up its levels of steel production post-Olympics and once its real estate industry potentially re-stablises. + +**What doesn't look good:** + +* Declining revenue and profit figures since its original listing, with a share price which has largely followed the same downward trend. + +https://preview.redd.it/kzsgghpgtxb81.png?width=1320&format=png&auto=webp&s=dfe702d455cd069ae7a39f576a3a8bfd89a74d51 + +* JMS are a single commodity producer so your faith in its growth prospects, outside of management decisions, will largely depend on any catalysts for the ore itself. As a result, it is both at the whim of the general commodity cycle and not fully in control of its own destiny. +* Covid-19 has had a fairly substantial impact on the company's operations, with its effects resulting in reduced production and revenues due to a lack of driver & machinery operator availability. +* Global freight and shipping costs globally having blown out over the previous financial year have eaten into profits, as the price of shipping ore to China coupled with delays have impacted the bottom line. +* The lower grade of their ores makes potentially "the first domino" to fall when demand declines/standards tighten. +* The dividends the company pays are not franked... hello, tax. +* 2021 was a bad year for inclement weather occurrences, with an above-average rate of days of extraction and operations lost due to rainfall and other climate issues. Was this a fluke, or will climate change continue to play a role in the coming years? +* The company has been "spinning its wheels", content to maintain operations and production levels without any concrete roadmap for expansion or growth. +* Their website looks amateur-hour for a nearly $500m market cap company (a pet peeve of mine, sue me... actually, don't sue me #NFA #GLTAH). +* The company's logo looks like twin eggs that have been impregnated which are being hunted by the Predator. + +However, in addition to all of the above points, by far the largest issue/source of controversy - and determining factor in its success moving forward - for JMS has been *issues with management*. + +After several years' worth of long-term criticism of previous board members' behaviour, a recent shareholder vote in late 2021 led to a board spill in which shareholders overwhelmingly voted in members of a new executive team. + +https://preview.redd.it/caiahoyhtxb81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c712fd86d4920a72df179f9b9adf302511cc3d2 + +This criticism of previous board members included over-compensating themselves monetarily, under-promoting the company, and a general lack of direction or clear growth plans expressed to shareholders. + +This included the CEO, with the search for a replacement CEO commencing immediately thereafter (and the position still not yet filled at time of writing). + +Pending this new hire, this is currently a company that is fairly in “limbo”, and one without ether a solidified growth plan nor clarity on whether its expected high yield of dividends will continue to be paid moving forward. + +**Summary:** This is a company that could go either way share price-wise in the near future, almost entirely depending on who the CEO their management team hires turns out to be, and how the company decides to re-deploy its profits after the fact. + +The potential fear may be that once the new executive team are in place, the company then uses its cash to rush in to an ill-thought-out acquisition that destroys its consistent profitability (and big dividend, one of its main appeals) moving forward. + +However, should they choose wisely, JMS will then have a growth story to push to potential shareholders, and may finally regain some positive sentiment. + +On a fundamental level, this is a company that still looks undervalued share price-wise based on its combination of cash, profitability and assets, but investors typically want to see *growth* \- and actual *outlined steps to reach that growth* \- rather than just maintaining the status quo. + +Despite this, the stock still seems slightly under-covered given what it's producing. + +There's something of a parallel here that could be made with ASX iron ore miner Grange Resources (ASX:GRR), in that it's printing quite a lot of money, has management who are fairly disengaged/content to just keep business as usual, and is a pure-play miner with dividends as one of its main selling points for investors. + +As an investment, even if JMS weren’t to do anything radically new and just proceed business-as-usual, you could theoretically still buy in, collect a chunky dividend, and hope for the price of manganese to have a good 'rebound' year or two/China to ramp things up. + +There's no real reason to see the share price sinking much further from what is a relatively low floor at the moment, and demand for its ore will still persist on some level. Research houses have given predictions for a CAGR of over 4.0% between 2021 and 2026 for manganese ore as a commodity. + +**Conclusion:** Based on the above, I personally see this as mildly interesting purely based on solid fundamentals. + +It's consistently profitable, has plenty of life left, and is coming off a down period that is no real fault of the company's own product or its operations to blame. + +This could also quickly become a 'strong buy' should they get their CEO hire right, and the current executive team embrace a more transparent communication policy with its shareholders. + +It largely comes down to opportunity cost, and how bullish you are on manganese as a commodity vs. all the other available commodity+management combinations out there on the ASX. + +Is it worth parking your money in JMS instead of a different, solid company who focus on a commodity such as nickel, copper, etc. which have a more favourable near-term trend, and global macro tailwinds? That remains to be seen. + +**Company website:** [https://www.jupitermines.com/](https://www.jupitermines.com/) + +**MarketIndex page:** [https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/jms](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/jms) + +**Link to web version:** [https://ausinvestors.com/jms-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/jms-stock-of-the-week/) + +**Vote for next week's Random Stonk of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/poll](https://ausinvestors.com/poll) + +**Links to previous Stonks of the Week:** [https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/](https://ausinvestors.com/category/random-stock-of-the-week/) + +Feel free to add your own opinions on JMS in the comments below. + +**Would you buy this stock? Why or why not? Feel free to vote in the poll.** + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/s4xwg0) +I'm a sophomore in college and might major in Economics (BA). I've read online that those with just a Bachelors in Economics don't get paid, on average, that high. If that's the case, are there chances that someone with a Bachelors in Economics can get paid $90,000 or more? On the other hand, others have told me that an Economics degree is one of the most unemployed majors. If I'm interested in studying Economics then should I major in it or major in something else (if the negatives are true)? +I thought I’d share something I’ve been thinking about lately, which is a slightly different perspective on the downsides of working a full time job. Many posts on this subject are focused on FIRE as a way of regaining control over your time. While I do spend a lot of time working, I find the biggest personal cost is actually the degree to which my job uses up my energy. In fact, I would say that I am often living in *energy poverty*. + +As an analogy to financial poverty, I think this terminology is quite fitting for my situation. Someone in financial poverty might have enough money for food and shelter, but they’re living paycheck to paycheck. Anything that might be a small inconvenience for a middle class person can be a real crisis. Get a flat tire, and they may miss the next rent payment. Need to see the doctor and they might have to go into credit card debt to get groceries. My energy level feels the same way. I can sustain things just barely, but if some issue comes up at work or home that requires more of my energy, there’s no “emergency fund” to pull from. I start borrowing energy that would have gone into relationships, exercise, planning for the future, or other things that are essential in the long term. And much like financial debt, once energy is taken from those things, it requires even more to get them back to where they need to be. This can cause a downward spiral of energy debt that can be tough to claw back out of. I’m curious if anyone else has thought about the cost of working in a similar frame. + +And just to clarify, I actually like my job quite a bit relative to other jobs I could work. I think the issue is much less about my specific job, and much more about my own temperament. I wouldn’t expect to feel significantly different in any other job in my industry. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I had an Ooma free phone service, but it was about $5.00/mo for taxes. I didn't need the service anymore, so I called to cancel. The next month they charged my credit card and I called and they said they would take care of it. The next month charged my credit card again, so I disputed the charge with my credit card. After I did that Ooma e-mailed me and said there must be a problem with my credit card. I told them I canceled the service and in e-mail I told them to stop charging my credit card. + + +As you guessed it, they charged my credit card again and I disputed the charge and they e-mailed me again asking for the money. I told them that I canceled the service. They gave me the same spew to call them and I told them that I did call them. + + +After a few months, my credit card company just denies the charges and Ooma says they're going to cancel my account. + + +Now Ooma says they're going to take me to collections for non-payment, which is really insane because I called them to cancel (They say they have no record of this) and I have e-mails saying to stop charging my credit card and that I canceled the service, but in the e-mails they say to call (which I did) and then they say they have "no record of me calling". + +So anyway, what do I do here? Seems other people have had this issue too them not canceling their service. +Amazon announces a 20 for 1 stock split of company’s common stock, effective June 6th + +From market rebellion + +After 2 years of sideways action, I think it will finally happen for them and google (which has done much better) to finally start to see some positive momentum and upswing in this stock in recent time. Looking forward to it +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +I’m freshly out of Uni and started to learn how to invest two weeks ago. Super excited as my portfolio has grown 6% now. +I know taxes exist but it just didn’t cross my mind that they’d tax your shares profits too. Now I just wanna kms + +It baffles me how the brilliant Thomas Peterffy goes on CNBC and explains exactly what happened to the market during the Game Stop roller coaster last month, yet CNBC remains clueless. It was painful to see the journalists barely understanding anything that came out of this guy’s mouth. + +I highly recommend the commentary below to anyone who wants a simple 3 minute summary of what happened last month. + +[Interactive Brokers’ Thomas Peterffy on GameStop ](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/02/17/interactive-brokers-thomas-peterffy-on-gamestop-hearing.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard) + +EDIT: +Sharing a second interview he did with Bloomberg: +[Peterffy: Markets Were 'Frighteningly Close' to Collapse Amid GameStop Turmoil ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-02-18/peterffy-markets-came-close-to-breaking-amid-gamestop-turmoil-video) +Hi everyone! One common study I see circulated in Socialist circles is [a 1986 paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1646771/pdf/amjph00269-0055.pdf?ref=dtf.ru) in the American Journal of Public Health by Cereseto and Waitzkin. I want to see how do economists in general view the paper, and to hopefully have any methodological flaws pointed out. + +Update: Sorry guys! I just linked to a presentation of mine in place of the actual article. My bad! The link has been corrected. +Read an [article](https://www.valueresearchonline.com/stories/48774/there-have-been-no-defaults-in-our-debt-fund-holdings/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+vro%2Fmain+%28Value+Research+Online%29) on value research about ICICI debt management. + +>ICICI Prudential has a solid track record of more than two decades in managing debt investments. Over the last 22 years, there have been no defaults, nor has there been any delay in interest payments in our debt-fund holdings. We successfully navigated the credit space as we were one of the early movers having instituted an in-house independent risk-management team entrusted with overseeing credit-evaluation and approval processes. This team is independent of the investment team. The decision to onboard a credit is taken after detailed due diligence and in accordance with our Debt Investment Policy. + +>Furthermore, our fixed-income schemes did not have any exposure to names which have been under stress over the past two years. Our focus is on client selection, keeping away from concentration risk, using our own due diligence instead of relying only on credit rating as the selection tool, managing liquidity risk and not chasing yield-to-maturity. All these factors have helped our credit-risk fund to deliver a positive investment experience. + + +I generally prefer IDFC debt funds myself since they seem to have high quality holdings in mostly all their different funds. But big bank backed AMCs like ICICI generally seem to have much riskier bonds in their holdings which give them higher returns. + +So I was wondering what exactly are the reasons why people suggest debt funds backed by big banks ? + + +Edit: The comments I saw in the past regarding the funds backed by banks might have been few and far between and might not have reflected the general opinion. Sorry. + +The comments on this post have apparently mutated into a risk vs reward discussion. +This is primarily for the younger investors, mid to early 20s. When I started investing, I had a vision of not worrying about money, buying nice things, and traveling. I started with stocks then moved into derivatives. + +Like many, I wanted to accelerate things and started trading larger sizes. Like many, I took a hit that set me back. In college I was trading wide iron condors in RUT and took a $30K loss in a single trade. My mismanagement of risk set me back in a fairly big way at the time. + +I came from a single mom who worked 2 jobs to support my brother and I. Went to a pretty awful high school with 900 kids in my graduating class. The only reason I went to college was because of a scholarship from the Marine Corps. By all accounts I am average at best. + +Fast forward, I’m 29 now, manage a larger portfolio, own a few homes in Southern California, Florida, and Virginia. I recently purchased my dream car to go along with my Ford raptor. I paid my moms house off and bought her a car. I married my dream girl and we recently got a super rad puppy. + +This is NOT a post for me to talk about what I have. My hope is that this post may serve as a data point for people who may be starting from a similar background as myself. At 16, 29 seemed forever away but I urge you to resist trying to size up to make a few bucks now. And for those that are curious, I stood to make $1800 on the iron condor. An absolute abomination of risk management, my vision convoluted to make $2K. Be patient, take the time to understand risk, make smart money moves, and consistently show up. I imagine many will be able to outperform me, earlier - that would be awesome. I’m rooting for you all. +Citadel is registering hundreds of shell stock companies and trade them on NYSE and NASDAQ, each has similar $200M market cap, $10 share price, ownership structure, Cayman HQ, daily volume, and name is like tool-generated. This is speeding up in 2021. + +Ok so I had some fun with this cool full text search tool by SEC + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar](https://www.sec.gov/edgar) + +<<EDIT: it appears there is a lot more digging to do before drawing any conclusions, so I encourage every ape to use that SEC tool and dig deeper>> + +It allows to scan all the filings for a certain phrase. I was doing some other searches but typed Citadel out of curiosity. So after a few searches I noticed that there are hundreds of filings of this type: + +SC 13G (Beneficial ownership report) + +for companies with similar names like Thimble Point Acquisition Corp, XXX XXX Acquisition Corp. and so on. + +Here's a sample filing [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001423053/000110465921066881/tm2116471d2\_sc13g.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001423053/000110465921066881/tm2116471d2_sc13g.htm) + +it discloses ownership structure which consists of Citadel Advisors, C Securities, other Citadels, Ken and some weird CALC IV LP. All of those which I opened are very similar, differ in number of shares, but the pattern is obvious. There are roughly 200 such filings between 1st March 2021 and today: + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522Citadel%2520Advisors%2520LLC%2522&dateRange=custom&startdt=2021-03-01&enddt=2021-08-09&page=2](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522Citadel%2520Advisors%2520LLC%2522&dateRange=custom&startdt=2021-03-01&enddt=2021-08-09&page=2) + +and since Jan 2020 it's around 400. + +screenshot: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ave5gliwn9g71.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=18be6d4b7283624790f309ce69e7a470cdb51733 + +but each of these companies has a ticker and is traded on NYSE or NASDAQ. Why? This is so obvious that they don't do anything (EDIT: they do, search for the filings of some of those companies, they own shares in various other companies), why would someone want to trade their stocks? Daily volume is around 10k shares. Let's get tickers from the screenshot above: FWAC, RKTA, LCAA. + +[https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/rkta](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/rkta) + +[https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/fwac](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/fwac) + +[https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/lcaa](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/lcaa) + +This is absurd. In 2021 one can bot create 200 companies with 200M market cap and put them onto some biggest most prestigious stock exchanges? + +Can some more wrinkled ape help here? Why they are doing this? + +I read some DD back in Spring about registering shitload of SPACs to transfer funds on Cayman Islands, but why they are traded on stock market now? + +EDIT: i very roughly dug into reports filed to SEC which contain some of those names and they collectively own shares in other stock companies. It looks like an incredible opaque web of ownership structure. Some of other companies could probably have much less owners if we group Citadel-owned entitites into one. Digging deeper.. + +Ok so I refined the list from 2021, it's 78, I removed the duplicates and updated link below. Some can be falsely related to Citadel despite having Citadel Advisors in ownership filing, so always verify and double check. + +[https://pastebin.com/EdCNDbmR](https://pastebin.com/EdCNDbmR) + +With this list we can see how many of them intersect in ownership structure of other companies. I will do this, maybe today and post my research. + +Credit : U/wladeczeck4 + +Edit : Grammar +Can we talk about how anytime politics become part of the discussion, the comments get locked. + +The mods need to understand that investing has a lot to do with politics and political systems. We need to let people know about risks involved in investing in non democratic countries. + +People always seem to forget the number one rule of capitalism. Only invest where your capital ownership is protected. + +In otherwords, never loan money to the king of Spain... since he is the judge that will ultimately determine if has to pay you back. + +Please let people discuss issues steming from investing in non democratic political systems. + +Thanks. +EDIT: this is not a completely risk free play. Do your own DD. + +Now I know a lot of you guys are not die hard GameStop fans, and that’s fine.. because for this play you don’t need to be a believer in the Ryan Cohen transformation of the company, nor do you need to ride the Reddit wave of irrational buying pressure to stay afloat in the trade. I’m about to present to the ultimate, almost risk free arbitrage opportunity presented by the unprecedented IV we are seeing on this stock. + +What’s the play? + +CSP’s on the GME Jan21 ‘22, $1 puts. + +Now you’re going to need to be patient on this one, because you’ll need to time the IV spike when GME (eventually) crashes back down to planet earth. The contracts closed today at $0.17, but they traded for up to $0.30 a couple days ago when we saw that multi-circuit breaker dip. Inconveniently I missed the opportunity then because IBKR blocked the option chain (as we all know this happened across all brokers) but I’m confident there will be a second opportunity in the coming weeks. To make sure I don’t miss it, I have limit orders in from $0.25 - $0.3. + +I know there’s going to be some skepticism so I’ll going to address the common questions preemptively here: + +Q: What if GameStop goes bankrupt? + +A: Have a look at GameStops balance sheet. Even if the whole world locks down for the next 12 months GameStop has plenty of cash. You may argue that their business model fails in the future, but we’re at the start of a new console cycle and we’re going to see positive earnings for the next several quarters, so there’s no way the company trades down to bankruptcy levels during the timeframe of this play. Someone would literally have to go door to door and burn down every single GameStop location, and even then they have a thriving e-commerce platform that supports over a billion in annualized revenues. + +Q: OK OK GameStop isn’t going to go under in 12 months, but why would I tie up my cash for a year just for a measly 25-30% annualized return? + +A: You’re not going to have to hold this one for a year to get 80% of your premium banked. As soon as IV stabilizes, these contracts will return to $0.05. It doesn’t matter if GME settles at $50 or $8, IV is driving the contract price here, not the underlying share price. Don’t believe me? Have a look at the historical price of this option in the last month. The fundamentals of the company haven’t changed, this purely a result of the volatility we’re experiencing. + +Q: Okay but what about liquidity? + +A: These contracts are trading at a $0.01 spread right now - there is no issue of liquidity. You might ask, who the hell is trading these contracts? The answer is market makers hedging their Gamma/Vega exposure. Heck, there’s enough liquidity to effectively day trade these contracts right now. And, worst case scenario, liquidity dries up when the trading volume settles, and you are forced to sell for $0.10-0.15 instead of $0.05. You’ve still made money! + +This is an unprecedented opportunity to profit off an irrational volatility spike by betting on the solvency of a perfectly well capitalized company. If you have the patience to wait for it you will be walking away a winner no matter how this saga plays out + +TL;DR + +GME Jan21 ‘22, $1 puts (limit orders for $0.25-0.30) +I took a job at an offer of $23/hr back in October. I get paid biweekly, and my rate since I started has been $27/hr. I haven’t told anyone about this, but is it possible that they would reduce my wage from $23 to $19/hr if they find out about this? +My wife and I (both early 50’s) have roughly $100k sitting in an internet savings account. Our retirement accounts are on track for our goals, our emergency savings is what it should be, we have no debt minus a mortgage (roughly 100k owed at a low interest rate), we just purchased $20k in I bonds. We are considering a second home and are looking to sock this 100k away until the housing market normalizes and interest rates drop. Should we just leave this 100k where it is or do something else? + +Update: crypto bros, please don’t bother DM-ing me. I’m good, thanks. + Hi, I am 20 yrs old and make $28,000 a year. I don't have any bills and can live off <$500 a month currently. I go to school and will not have any bills for the next 2-4 yrs. I was thinking of starting a Roth IRA account and put $500 in a month as well as putting $500 into a high interest savings account. Is this a good thing to do financially to save and invest or do you guys recommend something else. +Recent announcements: + +#[GameStop Releases First Quarter 2021 Financial Results](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-releases-first-quarter-2021-financial-results) + +[GameStop Announces Appointments of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-appointments-chief-executive-officer-and) + +#[8-K](https://investor.gamestop.com/node/18941/html) + +#[8-K](https://investor.gamestop.com/node/18946/html) + +#[10-Q](https://investor.gamestop.com/node/18951/html) + +#[8-K](https://investor.gamestop.com/node/18956/html) + +--- + +#HOW TO LISTEN IN ON THE GAMESTOP WEBCAST: + +#[WATCH ON GAMESTOP'S OFFICIAL YT CHANNEL](https://youtu.be/g2eBhTtxeu4) + +***or*** + +#Visit https://investor.gamestop.com/home + +#Click "Listen to Webcast" + +#HIGHLY LIKELY TO FILL UP BEFORE 5PM +I see so many questions relating to "How do Hedge Fund/Investment Banks/Trading Firms trade?". While most people on r/Forex have no idea, they like to tell people their two cents. Top funds/banks/traders do not use technical analysis as they are solely a derivative of price. They use Fundamental analysis and leading indicators such as Volume. Be warned, the following is not for the faint-hearted and requires some (albeit basic) economic understanding. However, this might demystify fundamental analysis for you. If you can understand what I'm saying here, you are doing better than 90% of most retail traders. Enjoy. + + +#1. Explain how factors that affect the demand for a currency, or the supply of a currency, affect the determination of an equilibrium exchange rate. + +• In a floating exchange rate regime, the exchange rate is determined by the demand for and supply of a currency. + +• The demand for a currency is represented by a downward-sloping demand curve. A lower exchange rate will increase the competitiveness of a country’s exports, thus attracting buyers of the local currency in order to purchase those goods, services, and financial assets. + +• The supply of a currency is represented by an upward-sloping demand curve. As the local currency appreciates, the relative cost of foreign currencies falls, thus attracting sellers of the local currencies (i.e. buyers of the foreign currency). + +• The equilibrium exchange rate is at the intersection of the demand and supply curves. In an efficient market, any other exchange rate would result in an increase in either demand or supply, thus maintaining the equilibrium exchange rate. + +• A country that maintains a linked exchange rate, crawling peg or managed float exchange rate regime, whereby the local currency is tied to another currency such as the USD, or a basket of other currencies, is effectively tied into supply and demand factors that affect the currency or the basket of currencies to which it is linked or pegged. + +#2. Understand how the major factors that influence exchange rate movements operate, particularly: + + +a. Relative inflation rates + +• Of the theories advanced to explain the exchange rate, and changes in the equilibrium rate, the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory is the longest standing. + +• PPP theory contends that movements in exchange rates will ensure that the cost of identical goods and services will be equal across countries. A change in inflation represents a change in prices in a country; PPP argues that a change in relative inflation rates between countries will be offset by a change in the exchange rate. + +• Under PPP, a country with a higher inflation rate relative to another country can expect its currency to depreciate. + +• Perhaps the most critical shortcoming of PPP is that there are variables in addition to inflation that affects the value of a currency. + +• PPP calculations that apply inflation differentials between two countries can be used to determine the expected change in the exchange rate. + + +b. Relative national income growth rates + +• Changes in relative national income growth rates also affect an exchange rate. For example, increased national income will typically result in increased imports and therefore an increase in the supply of the local currency on the FX markets. However, in a dynamic market, increased national income might encourage business growth, with associated local and overseas investment. This will also have an impact on demand and supply factors in the FX markets. + +• An increase in the relative rate of growth is likely to result in an increased demand for imports, which will result in a depreciation of the currency. + +• On the other hand, an increase in the growth rate may also result in an increase in foreign investment inflows, which will cause the currency to appreciate. + +• Both the above mechanisms are likely to operate, with the balance between the two changing from time to time. + + +c. Relative interest rates + +• Relative interest rates also affect an exchange rate. For example, a relative increase in local interest rates will attract overseas investors; these investors will purchase the local currency and sell their own currency. Investors need to consider interest rate differentials in conjunction with forecast changes in the exchange rate. Future exchange rate changes will affect the value of future cash flows associated with international investments. + +• It is important to determine whether the change in interest rates are due to inflationary expectations, or a change in the real rate of interest. + +• If the increase in interest rates is a result of an increase in inflation expectations, a currency should depreciate. However, if the increase is due to a rise in the real rate of interest, then the currency should appreciate. + + +d. Exchange rate expectations + +• In addition to the economic fundamentals, exchange rate expectations are important in determining the FX value of a currency. + +• Exchange rate expectations have a strong influence on exchange rates. Market participants analyse new information in order to try and forecast future impacts on an exchange rate. It may be possible to adopt a specific market indicator as a proxy for exchange rate expectations. For example, in Australia, the commodity price index is often used as a proxy. If sufficient participants form a view, the exchange rate will move; speculators play a large role in forming exchange rate expectations. + +• The modelling of expectations is a particularly difficult task. Theoretically, expectations should be formed on the basis of the expected values of economic fundamentals. However, the FX market often reacts to new information before the impact on the longer-term economic fundamentals is fully analysed. + + +e. Central bank or government intervention + +• The actions of governments or central banks are another variable that may be important in the FX markets. + +• The monetary policy setting of a central bank will impact upon the demand and supply factors that affect an exchange rate. Also, a central bank or government may intervene in the FX markets to influence directly the level of an exchange rate by intervening in international trade flows, intervening in foreign investment flows or conducting FX transactions in the markets. + +• For example, in an attempt to increase the FX value of its currency, a central bank may sell foreign currency and buy the local currency; alternatively, to reduce the value of its currency, the central bank may buy foreign currency. Alternatively, a government may implement policies that change tariff, quota or embargo settings relating to goods and services. + +#3. Explore regression analysis as a statistical technique applied to variables that impact on an exchange rate. + + +• Regression analysis is a quantitative method that measures how movements in variables impact on another variable. + +• A regression model that measures percentage changes in an exchange rate should include variables of relative inflation rates, relative national income growth, relative interest rates, government or central bank invention and exchange rate expectations. + +• The model will calculate regression coefficients that measure the responsiveness of the exchange rate to a particular variable. + +• A dummy variable may be used for variables that do not have a data set (e.g. government intervention). A value of one would be assigned to periods where intervention occurred and the value zero to non-intervention periods. An indication of periods when central bank intervention occurs may be changes in the central bank’s holding of local and foreign currency reserves. + + +I have this money saved for a trip that will happen in 1 year, but I dont want to have it just sitting in my account until then. + +I was wondering if there is a safer way (and less profitable I guess) than ETFs to put this money at work without risk of losing much. I understand that market might go down during such a short period, specially considering how well its been going recently. + +Thanks. +Hey folks, + +i'm a thirty year old guy from europe. Currently I do have about 150k (€) in savings, spread over different asset classes. + +Personally I do think it's a nice nest egg already, but with respect to the current rising inflation and absurd prices in real estate and or rent, I really don't think it's nowhere near enough, even for barista-fire. + +That's one of my problems, I guess I have; I'm always under the impression, that it is not and will never be enough. I cannot compete with those crazy US-loans :(. + +My goal is to not work until I die. + +I hope the rate of return will give me some nice capital gains over the next 2-3 decades. + +Any ideas for the meantime? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance +The truth is, nobody knows - especially those who are short Gamestop. It has never happened before in the history of the stock market. + +What we *do* know, however, is that if the entire free float is directly registered and people still have shares in their brokerage accounts, there will be **irrefutable proof** of egregious naked short selling that has resulted in more shares existing than were legally issued by the company. + +This is what scares them - Gamestop shareholders are on a path to proving, once and for all, that the ‘cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIeS’ are really conspiracy facts. + +The reason I felt compelled to write this is that there has been a noticeable uptick recently in the sentiment (organic or otherwise - I expect not) that DRS isn’t doing anything because, although we are DRSing, the price is still going down. + +This is a red herring - we know that liquidity can be created by market makers through naked short selling and various other fuckery in the derivatives markets, and they will continue to create that artificial liquidity in order to drive the price down right up until Gamestop confirms that the number of shares directly registered is equal to the free float. + +After that, all hell breaks loose. + +Let’s fuck around and find out. + +**Buy. Hold. DRS.** + +Edit: Yes, I’m aware of Robert Simpson, and as far as I’m aware he purchased the entire float of Global Links *through a broker*, in 2005, out of the wider public eye, and without a year’s worth of prior press on the company in question. + +Plus, the only source I’ve been able to find linking that case in any way to DRS is one single huffpost article claiming that he ‘kept the shares in his sock drawer’ - which, given the fact the float was 1,158,064, seems wildly implausible. Every other source I’ve found states that he purchased *via a broker*, and his shares were delivered *into his brokerage account* the next day. + +Funny how insistent some people are that DRSing the whole float is pointless, despite the fact that the board of Gamestop took the almost unprecedented step of publishing the number of Directly Registered shares in their last quarterly report… +I started investing in December with wealthsimple invest. I then purchased some ETFs with wealthsimple trade in February as well as some crypto. I am in it for the long haul and won’t need the money for the next 20-30 years. But as a newbie investor all i’ve had in the past 2 months is loss. I know it’s likely temporary but i really feel like i started investing at the worst possible time. Seeing my money starting to disappear the moment i hit the submit button is rough. +Recently I have been looking at buying a dirt bike on the used market, and have been surprised I am not the only one, demand is sky high, dealers are sold out of new bikes, and the used market as a result is massively over-inflated with even 20 year old bikes selling for thousands more than they normally would. + + +No one in the dirt bike community really understands why this is going on. The most common theory is it's due to people cashing out super to spend on bikes, or another one I heard today is since people are not spending on trips to bali they are buying dirt bikes instead. + + +I'm sure this isn't the only little sector of the economy experiencing this though and I would be surprised if there isn't someone out there who understands what's happening. + + +Have you guys noticed anything similar in other parts of the economy? Does anyone have good theories as to what drives this? And when can we expect things to return to normal? +I already posted this on 2 other subreddits and everyone has been of great help since I was keeping this to myself but the stress was too much and I wanted to talk to someone. +And as someone who is an avid looker here on Povertyfinance, I wanted to hear your advice. + +Long story short, I have an Aerospace Engineering degree with 1 year experience with the current company I work at. I started in production not working as an engineer but as a production employee, then moved to another position as a technician assistant operating HAAS machines, then to the office to work in the quality department as an administrator. +So far my hourly rate is $13.50 per hour. I haven't had a raise in a year or when I was moving up positions. I understand that it's really low for engineers but I had to take that offer last year because I had no experience. +The company where I work at is currently having some slowdown in production but will eventually be more busy in the upcoming months. +Should I wait a couple of months more for things to start picking up again or should I do it now? Not sure when it's the right time to do it since it's my first job out of college as an engineer. I have been given more responsibilities around the office as people have seen that I have the skills to do whatever they put me to do + +I currently live in California and not working as an Aerospace engineer but as a Quality administrator. + + +I love what I'm doing and my colleagues are awesome. Just the pay is what is really killing me since everything in California, especially in Orange County is really expensive and it's really frustrating and depressing. I can't relocate because I need to help my family. I'm single but I'm helping my sister who is a college student and parents who are of old age. + +Edit: Im single currently live in California with an Aerospace Engineering degree. Currently not working as an Aerospace engineer but as a Quality administrator making $13.50 per hour. Best time to ask for a raise? + +Edit: thank you to everyone who took the time to read my post and for your feedback. There was a lot of positive feedback and I am trying as fast as I can to reply to your messages. Thank you so much and I will keep you guys updated! :) +I was a religious thetagang member since July 2020 , but got lured to /wsb last month and literally lost all my hard work and profits earned in the last 8 months, along with minus 20% from my capital. + +My capital journey + +Started in July with 100K -> went to 117K -> then went back to 93K(Lost 24K in Sep crash) -> 123K(Recovered well in 3 months) -> Fall in WSB bullshit GME short squeeze thing -> Lost 44K -> Back to $79K. + +Check my thetagang performance - [https://thetagang.com/sonusood](https://thetagang.com/sonusood) + +Capital preservation is the main thing for the retailer traders. But I broke my own rule. Just do not want to get into depression. I was in depression for a year or so in the past. + +&#x200B; + +I hope this gives a lesson to other members. +So when entire stock market is down, crypto market is halved, dollars are worth less due to inflation, where did the money go? +Is it close to 1:1 sitting in cash? Like, do the losses correlate to cash on the sidelines? +Simplified, if the nasdaq is down by 1 trillion dollars, is there a trillion in cash somewhere that investors have taken out of the market? + +Please, I’ve heard the “if you don’t understand, you shouldn’t be investing” crap. Just trying to wrap my dumb head around what’s going on. +Also, trying to convince myself that the economy isn’t one giant shell game +Calling Steven Cohen and Ken Griffin terrorists is an actual waste. + +No rich person that has money tied up with Citadel is going to take the time to Google "Ken Griffin Terrorist". It's actually foolish af to think that. + +--- + +'Financial Terrorist' sounds like a joke. + +It's hyperbolic. It's not to be taken seriously if you aren't already in this community and actually understand what's being said. + +EVERYONE understands the implications of the word 'Criminal'. + +'Financial Terrorist' is too wishy-washy. + + + +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +Edit: A couple of people have said that the word 'Criminal' gets overrun by Ken Griffin's 'concerned citizen' bullshit. That's a really good point. Someone used the word **'Scandal'**, and I think that really fits. You can't double-talk your way out of the word 'Scandal'. + +Also, #KenGriffinLied was a really effective hashtag that brought the issue to the mainstream. It was quickly shut down, as we saw, and there hasn't been another hashtag that has had the same impact since. + +edit again: Someone else used the words **Corruption** and **Corrupting**. These are powerful and clear. + +---- + +---- + +Tangentially related: + + +There has been, and there is going to continue to be, a large influx of people into the subreddit/information sphere. We are too memey of a community. Please tone the memes down a bit, we're getting close. + +Maybe I should stfu, idk. + +There's this concept called 'Legitimacy'. I feel as though over-memeing is killing the Ethos of this community. + +---- + +#\#KenGriffinLied + +#\#CitadelScandal +Hi Everyone. 32 year old, 2 lpm salary, not very good in investments +here are my current investments, please let me know if any changes to be made or should i increase the SIP's amount? +ICICI Prudential Nifty Index Fund 3k index fund +Aditya Birla Sun Life Liquid Fund 5k dept liquid +UTI Dividend Yield Fund 3k equity +Top 100 Stocks Smallcase 3k +Quant Tax Plan Direct Growth 3k +Axis Long Term Equity Direct Plan Growth 3k + +Apart from this have my emergency fund(approx 3 months of my salary), health (15k/year) & term insurances(12k/year), PPF(2k/month), NPS(50k/year) and paying a home loan of 45k/month. +Thanks. +Something is about to happen this month if they are finally returning the cash to its investor. + +&#x200B; + +This week or next week might be very spicy depending on when they start to unload their holdings for everything and turn it into cash. + +&#x200B; + +[Bloomberg Article](https://archive.ph/gTEXm) + +&#x200B; + +[New York Times Article](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/18/business/melvin-capital-gamestop-short.html) +My mortgage company didn’t pay taxes on one portion/parcel of my property. The portion with the house was paid for, thank god, but the part with my yard and off street parking became delinquent and was subsequently auctioned off by the county to pay for said property taxes that the mortgage company was supposed to be paying, but didn’t 🤦🏻‍♀️ essentially there was a clerical error when my mortgage was sold to the company that manages it now. Freedom Mortgage. Now, I’m out a piece of property, my parking area/lawn, and I’m still paying for the same loan amount even though I’m now missing a significant amount of what I initially took the loan for. On top of that Freedom has done absolutely nothing and any time I call and ask the claim they’ll have an answer the following week. It’s now been six plus months. My question is wtf do I do now? I’ve contacted several local lawyers who agree this is something that requires a lawyer but they’re not sure what kind. The larger firms I’ve contacted won’t call me back.... has anyone else been through this or have any ideas? I would love a resolution. +Growing up we were really poor, always had food on the table but we weren't strangers to having the power go out when times were tight. My mum has always taken care of me, even when I was in university and had moved out she'd help me out with money when times were tight. My mum became really ill over several years causing her to become medically retired, so despite having a decent income she's not able to get many forms of credit including a mortgage. + +I know this isn't the best financial move or investment by any stretch of the imagination but there's an opportunity for me to buy a house for my mum in cash in the range of 50,000 which is close to what she would describe as her "ideal home". The idea is that she would pay me roughly what it would be to rent it out as if it were a buy to let except I don't actually get a mortgage for it. + +I guess the first thing I want to know is this legal to do? Would we need to have a lease agreement or could you do a bank transfer? I know there's always the question of what if she refuses to pay but I don't think that will ever happen knowing my mums character and history. + +My long term plan for after my mother isn't in the picture would either be rent it out, sell it or pass it on to family/kids depending on where I'm at in the future. I know this money would likely be much better off in an index fund or something but I feel like the opportunity to give back to my mum in this way would be rewarding in its own right. + +**EDIT: I've had a lot of really informative, helpful comments so thank you everyone. I would like to explain somewhat that my main intension here is to provide my mum with a permanent home that she is comfortable and happy with, without any fear of hassle from landlords. However I also would like it to be a mutually beneficial situation because while I can afford this, I'm by no means well off or a high earner, I'm just a good saver. I don't want to make market rate rent from her, it's more that I want her to fully cover any associated cost with the house post purchase, the rent in question would be for that and for me to take care of things for her.** +I’m FattyFire. My sister and her husband are mega rich (still working). I’m always at a loss at Christmas or birthday times to come up with good gifts for them. What do you gift folks who have all the money in the world? I’m thinking experiences, art, services. Would love for folks here to drop their ideas or approaches to this annual conundrum… Thanks! + +Edit: Budget is maybe $500-$1000? Anything more might be awkward (just my personal approach/situation). +Most of us have heard about the stories of your fortune being cut in half, the gruesome effects of a bear market, and the panic. The last few years have shown us the beauty of financial independence; now, we might be confronted with one of these tests of our nerves. + +This is just a friendly reminder: + +It seems that the time has come, where the market is (and might for a while) be taking a hit. The surrounding conditions (COVID-19) aren't really pretty, but keep in mind this is what we "read and studied" about, discussed, and ultimately "trained" for. Let the markets do their thing, stick to your plan, follow the rules your country has for the "surrounding conditions," and whatever you do, **do not panic. This is the roller-coaster ride we all agreed to join to have a happier life. Small-time changes in our surroundings shall not influence our long-time goal.** + +I hope this helps. +I recently wrote that too many on this site have never experienced a market crash. The link is here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/ru0ic7/too\_many\_of\_you\_have\_never\_experienced\_a\_stock/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/ru0ic7/too_many_of_you_have_never_experienced_a_stock/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Now, I am beginning to believe that too many don't know what a bear market is. Bear markets occur when prices in a market decline by more than 20%, often accompanied by negative investor sentiment and declining economic prospects. + +The S&P 500 closed at an all-time high on January 3, 2022, at 4,796.56. We are now at 4615.50 midday on January 10, 2022. We are only down 3.8%. That is nowhere near the 20% to qualify, and it doesn't even qualify as a correction (-10%). + +In the meantime, people need to chill, stick with fundamentals, and focus on quality. +* Every +* Fucking + +* Post + +Seriously read the damn side bar and do some research for yourself. If you make your investment decisions by taking advice from random people on the internet you are going to have a bad time. Invest in what you know and the only way to know something is to do your damn research! +#Only you can stop eth trader cancer! +There is literally no turning back now. Tomorrow (or even AH today) is the day to put the final nail in the coffin by breaking $150 (or even $175)and setting up one of the most incredible options gamma squeezes in history, potentially leading to MOASS, too. + +RC has shown he is ready to rumble. I am 💯 certain that even if he has to buy a few millions shares tomorrow to push the price up, he will. This is literally the last big push. Buy, hold, DRS. In my opinion, it all depends on 2 things: 1) Call options need to be exercised and 2) No paper hands. T+2 from tomorrow might be needed before the gamma comes into play, or else the final push tomorrow puts the writing on the wall and it’s a mad dash to start closing positions to be in front of the rest of the shorts! + +Options people, this may or may not come down to you all to EXERCISE YOUR CALLS!!! We will never have 8 days of incredible green-day volume backed up to this many ITM calls, along with the 90 other cards seemingly in our our favor, ever again. If you don’t exercise, this entire week of upward progress and build up could be for naught. Don’t forget team GME over greed when coming to your own decision on what you want to do with your investments! + +Guys/Gals, think about it. Do you really think RC would go this far with this much gusto just to get to tomorrow’s potential options Gamma and say “Oh well, I tried. I will just try again next cycle.” Hell no! This is absolutely it! + +**Not Financial Advice. Just Common Sense** + +I hope this ages well! + +Edit: an ape friend clarified that RC is not restricted to 5.9Mil shares. He can apparently buy as much as he wants now that the standstill agreement is over. Either way, the point remains that I believe he will buy shares to support the price tomorrow no matter what, because the perfect storm has arrived and the pieces are already in motion! +Broke 23,000 on October 17th, 2017. + +The Dow has spiked nearly 6,000 points since President Trump's election last year, notching 79 daily record highs since then. + +The S&P 500 and Nasdaq are also near all-time highs. The latter is up a whopping 30% since the election. + +The boom in the stock market is a clear reflection of improvements in the U.S. economy. New numbers published on Wednesday show the U.S. grew at a brisk 3.3% pace between July and September, the best growth since 2014 and the second-straight quarter of 3% growth. + +http://money.cnn.com/2017/11/30/investing/dow-24000-stocks-wall-street-trump/ +I'm months into fatFIRE now, in the middle of COVID, and wanted to ask the community what you've learned, let's say top 5 to try to get a little into the weeds, along the way that you'd like to share to people trying to get there and now if you're already there. Here's mine: + +Getting to fatFIRE: + +1. Know your goals. Design and work on your life around them +2. Always do a quick check on goals every 3-6 months, see how much you've accomplished for yourself +3. Try to keep your goals as weakly held as possible and be about growing and learning +4. If you start with not much, you have to decide to take or not take risks and live with consequences +5. Life throws curveballs, so change up goals and strategies based on the life situation + +Now in fatFIRE: + +1. The rule of compounding is universal across anything in life - hobbies, relationships, money, etc. +2. You'll lose most people you worked with very quickly depending on how much they care(d) for you as a person outside of work. Sometimes that separation is brutal, sometimes its amicable, and other times its pretty joyful. Enjoy that remaining time with them as best as possible +3. Cherish the memories of everyone that's been in your life (family, school friends, hobby friends, work friends, etc.) before retirement during it and engage with them somehow +4. Never force someone's time...even if its not obvious to you. Most people are working and don't enjoy talking to someone that's not nor doesn't need to +5. Money doesn't buy happiness at all, but it does allow you the opportunity to discover it for yourself + +That's mine so far! +I’ll be reading discussions and considering my investments then you’ll see lots of comments like “I’ve got a spare $100 to throw at something, shill me” and so I suddenly realise that a lot of what gets posted is from people with very little skin in the game. I know it’s all relative and I am not meaning to sound arrogant but just yeah sometimes it surprises me when I read so many queries about such small investment amounts because people talk and act like they are talking about much larger sums. +I make about $70k per year (pre-tax), I just turned 22. + +My current monthly expenses are: + +Rent - $550 + +Groceries/Food - $300 + +Gas - $150+ + +Miscellaneous - $200 + +After taxes I make $3600 /month from my salary job and about $500-1500 from my business. + +I currently have about $6000 saved and would be trading in my current car which I have about $10-15k equity in. + +Would this be an alright decision, dumb decision, or nearly impossible decision? I believe the payments will be in the $400 range. + +EDIT: My current car is a 2015 Nissan 370z and I am looking at upgrading to a Jaguar F-Type because my current car is approaching 90k miles and has been needing frequent maintenance. +Hi all, + +As it says in the title, I'm 25 and trying to decide what to do this year for financial planning. I changed jobs during '21 so I'll now be making $150k+ so I can't invest in a ROTH IRA. + +&#x200B; + +I have an emergency fund (3 months), no debt, currently maxxing out my 401k (+ HSA), and then I also deposit $500/month into a brokerage fund that auto invests into s&p tracking index funds. + +&#x200B; + +I typically like to follow the bogleheads path of trusting in index funds, avoiding interest, and getting as much pretax $ invested as I can. What should I do next though? + +&#x200B; + +I've read about backdoor roth ira's but does it make sense to do that or should I just pour this money into my brokerage account? + +&#x200B; + +Any ideas are welcome! +Hi all, + +As it says in the title, I'm 25 and trying to decide what to do this year for financial planning. I changed jobs during '21 so I'll now be making $150k+ so I can't invest in a ROTH IRA. + +&#x200B; + +I have an emergency fund (3 months), no debt, currently maxxing out my 401k (+ HSA), and then I also deposit $500/month into a brokerage fund that auto invests into s&p tracking index funds. + +&#x200B; + +I typically like to follow the bogleheads path of trusting in index funds, avoiding interest, and getting as much pretax $ invested as I can. What should I do next though? + +&#x200B; + +I've read about backdoor roth ira's but does it make sense to do that or should I just pour this money into my brokerage account? + +&#x200B; + +Any ideas are welcome! +**EDIT: THANKS FOR ALL OF THE INSIGHTFUL COMMENTS. I READ EVERY ONE, EVEN IF I DIDN'T REPLY.**Female, with no health conditions, will be 66 in March(full retirement date 66+2months, so, June 1,2021). I started Medicare this January and have a no-fee Advantage Plan. I have a total of just over $400,000 in all of my accounts total (403B, savings, mutual funds, small IRA). When I retire, I will get $2400/month SS. **MY PLAN:** pay off the mortgage of $25,000 now. Quit my job (currently at $60,000/yr) in April or May 2021, use my personal leave time (300hrs) for income until SS kicks in (June) and come away with a bigger cushion in savings from excessive leave time they will pay out (I own a house, I want a bigger cushion!). My budget says I can actually *live* on the SS with a $1000/month draw from 403B, giving me $40,800/yr to live on (and that's with over budgeting). Yes, I'm aware that I will forfeit the "8%" increase if I were to wait until I'm 70 to draw SS. But doesn't it make more sense to do it this way? If I were to pull out $40,800/yr (to live on) from my $300,000 retirement fund to live on, I'd spend $142,800 of it (almost half) just in those 3.5 years. With *this* plan, I'm only using $3500 from my retirement plan $$. Thoughts? Opinions? + +ONE MORE THING: although I'm healthy, I work in a frontline position in a hospital, I'm being exposed to COVID, with "proper" PPE, many times a shift. Yes, I've started my shot series. We are being overwhelmed with COVID at this point. For the past few years, I've always said I had 2 goals: #1. don't get hurt #2. don't get fired. *Now* I add #3. don't get sick. + +EDITED to add: the house is worth at least $180,000 and I'm always considering selling, and yes, I should downsize. I'm already working reduced hours (33 hrs/week). And I can easily live off of that. I'm not a shopper, I'm not a spender, I've always been frugal and quite frankly, have most everything I need. My biggest budget allocation will be food, I feed myself very well, at home, with restaurant meals only 2-3 times a month (even before COVID). + I want *out* of the environment I'm walking into constantly. I think this is my way out. + +EDIT (AGAIN). wow, awards! +In short, these are simplified, best case scenarios for each of our two options. + +&#x200B; + +Growth stocks will make you rich. When you purchase a successful Growth Stock, you purchase a ticket that can be redeemed once in the future for more than you paid. You are also buying the obligation to sell it at the *perfect* time. This means time will be working with you, as well as against you. + +&#x200B; + +Dividend stocks will create you wealth. When you purchase a successful Dividend Stock, you purchase a financial product that will pay itself back over time, as well as bring you additional income in the future. When you purchase a Dividend Stock, and hold it forever, you are essentially looking time in the eye and saying, "We work together now." + +&#x200B; + +I believe that when it comes to average investors, **time** is our most reliable ally. It will be the only other force in our financial journey that is as reliable as taxes! + +&#x200B; + +Speaking of taxes... The only thing better than a dividend stock? A dividend stock in your TFSA(401k?). Thanks for coming have a good night! + +&#x200B; + +Honestly, r/wallstreetbets probably needs to see this more than r/dividends but I like y'all more. Peace! +Ok, here we go. I'm a full time college student. I took out loans for all of it. I'm $30k in debt studying land surveying. It's a really physical job so I can't get an Internship until I'm healthy again. I'm 2 years from graduating. + +This last summer, I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin lymphoma. Luckily, 3 months before I got diagnosed I got a form a Obamacare. So my insurance covered like 95% of the hospital bills. I went to 3 different hospitals for treatment and was seen by atleast 30 doctors over the last 4 months. Each doctor billing me/my insurance company. + +I had to leave my apartment complex and move out without 60 day notice and my cats ruined my carpet so my apartment complex billed me $1200 and sent me to a debt collector. + +My brother was nice enough to let me live with him debt free for a while to get back on my feet but there is no end in sight. + + I just finished my last round of chemo, so now it's time to worry about the bills. Well, each bill, was sent to a debt collector because I didn't pay any of them while I was getting treatment. It was obviously the last thing on my mind. Well, since I've been in school for four years, federal aid told me they're going to start charging me monthly because I've reached my borrowing limit. + + So In total, my credit is ruined, I might not be able to finish school and get a job, I'm barley able to work part time as it is right now, and I'm bringing in no more than $500 a month. My car insurance, car payment, school repayment, credit card payments (isn't much), debt collectors, and left over hospital bills, I just don't know what to do. My family has no money as it is so they can't help and I've applied to atleast 10 different financial aid assistant programs through the hospitals but it just isn't helping. + +I added up all my credit card and debt collector debt and it's $4500. My hospital debt is $10k and counting. My school loans are $30k and I still owe $5k on my car. I'm just so afraid I'm going to lose everything and it's not even my fault. + +Any advice on where to start would be amazing. Thank you all for reading. + +Edit: I applied for disability and was denied. They said my form of cancer was curable enough to where I could continue "light work". +[https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/10Y2YS](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/10Y2YS) + +Historically, the yield on the 2-year treasury topping the yield on the 10-year has preceded every recession. + +This may be a signal that investors are fleeing to the safety represented by US treasuries, or that investors expect rates to fall in the short to medium term. +# Changed May 16th: Please see Update at bottom of post. + +Today there is hype about an Italian financial news site reporting that the New York Fed has lent **400 billion** USD to 39 financial institutes over the past two days. It concludes that big Wall Street parties have been margin called and are panic borrowing from the Fed to make margin. Link: [https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street](https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street) + +[Google translated screenshot of the news article](https://preview.redd.it/x2vo22t7cyy61.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdb221c2f8ba0330f3a9e5601463ce51a2b2c4b) + +**None of it is correct.** + +**TL;DR** + +* The numbers are about reverse repos, which mean that the Fed is the one borrowing cash and providing US Treasury bonds as collateral. +* The numbers are about overnight reverse repos (ON RRP) which have same day settlement. The cash makes a roundtrip in the same day so cannot be added together: there will be significant overlap between the numbers of subsequent days. +* ON RPP rate is currently 0%, which means the Fed borrows cash at 0% interest and provides US Treasury bonds as collateral. The incentive why someone would lend to the Fed at 0% interest rate is to hold the bond, perhaps for short term shorting. +* The Fed has on March 16 increased the maximum amount of cash they will borrow daily from a counterparty from 30 billion to 80 billion per counterparty. Reverse repo transactions have increased daily since. +* It's not financial institutes borrowing cash because they got margin called. It's the contrary: it's them depositing cash to profit from babysitting holding US Treasury bonds. + * ~~which they perhaps use for nefarious purposes~~ ~~^(this is an understatement)~~ + * Please see Update. + +&#x200B; + +**Good day apes!** This is my first attempt at a DD if you can call it that. I'm actually just formulating an in-depth reply to other daily trending posts: + +* 20k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european\_financial\_news\_is\_reporting\_major\_margin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/) +* 11k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbg01m/regarding\_recent\_rumors\_about\_fed\_bailing\_out\_hfs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbg01m/regarding_recent_rumors_about_fed_bailing_out_hfs/) +* 8.3k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbrg6/margin\_called\_front\_page\_moneyit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbrg6/margin_called_front_page_moneyit/) +* 5.3k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbg13/reverse\_repo\_loan\_amounts\_by\_day\_since\_january/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbg13/reverse_repo_loan_amounts_by_day_since_january/) + +If I'm wrong then shame be on me and I will delete this post or leave it up for posterity, whatever the people deem best. If I'm right, a lot of people are getting excited about some news site that is wrongly interpreting what it means when the Fed conducts reverse repo operations: it's the opposite. So here goes. + +**WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS FROM?** + +So first off, what is this $400 billion figure coming from? Again look at the shared news article: [https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street](https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street) + +400 billion is the lazy sum of 209 billion and 181 billion (context: Italians call a billion a milliardi). Those numbers can be found on the NY Fed site here: [https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/tomo-results-display?SHOWMORE=TRUE&startDate=01/01/2000&enddate=01/01/2000](https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/tomo-results-display?SHOWMORE=TRUE&startDate=01/01/2000&enddate=01/01/2000) + +&#x200B; + +[The numbers are from reverse repos](https://preview.redd.it/phgs140fdyy61.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=50cd1533a4e1000d7238f940ce59ad364e49fcdf) + +Take note that the page contains daily summaries of **repos** and **reverse repos**. Nothing is happening in terms of repos (.000 abound), the numbers are about **reverse repos**. + +**WHAT ARE REVERSE REPOS?** + +I've only learned today what a repo or reverse repo is, but it's enough to conclude that the news site has it wrong. There seems to be some confusion today because of one definition on Investopedia, and another definition on the Fed site. But we are talking about numbers posted on the Fed site, so lets look at their FAQ. + +Here is what the NY Fed's FAQ says: + +"A reverse repurchase agreement conducted by the Desk, also called a “reverse repo” or “RRP,” is a transaction in which **the Desk sells a security** to an eligible counterparty **with an agreement to repurchase that same security** at a specified price **at a specific time in the future**." + +Source: [https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/rrp\_faq.html](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/rrp_faq.html) + +"The Desk" refers to the Open Market Trading Desk which represents the Fed. So in a reverse repo (RRP) the Fed sells a security to gain cash, but has an agreement to buy the security back. That's where we can already conclude the 400 billion is not being lent to Wall Street at all, it's being borrowed from Wall Street. **It has nothing to do with margin calls.** + +If I'm wrong, correct me please, but here is a few more sources to back up this interpretation. + +* [https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/overnight-reverse-repurchase-agreements.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/overnight-reverse-repurchase-agreements.htm)"When the Federal Reserve conducts an overnight RRP, it sells a security to an eligible counterparty and simultaneously agrees to buy the security back the next day." +* [https://www.learningmarkets.com/the-federal-reserves-open-market-operations/](https://www.learningmarkets.com/the-federal-reserves-open-market-operations/)"When the Fed wants to extract money from the system, it sells Treasury securities to its primary dealers in a reverse repo." + +Moreover, the reverse repos involving the reported numbers are **overnight reverse repos**, meaning the transaction is inverted the next day. Therefore it's also incorrect to just sum up the numbers: the 209 billion of one day and the 181 billion of the day before probably have a lot of overlap. So scrap that 400 billion number altogether. + +&#x200B; + +[Numbers are from same-day settlement reverse repos, i.e. 'overnight'](https://preview.redd.it/ygb2nqbrbyy61.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=26645b6faf328e475ad1436b39d351ab745e9d82) + +Until this part is just setting the record straight. I do have an alternative theory to propose. + +# Reminder: My personal stance has changed, feel free to entertain the theory but please make sure to also read the update at the end of the post and the referenced counter perspectives. + +&#x200B; + +Remainder of the post is the original theory. + +**SO WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON WITH THESE INCREASING NUMBERS?** + +If you look at the data again on the NY Fed site, numbers have been increasing steadily every week day: 154, 161, 175, 181, 209 billion. That can be seen in this graph, which was made by u/xpurplexamyx today: + +&#x200B; + +[All credit to u\/xpurplexamyx and her post at https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/nbbg13\/reverse\_repo\_loan\_amounts\_by\_day\_since\_january\/](https://preview.redd.it/wr801288eyy61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4821e15abc01e14e0f4ea6401fe1cdbfe03daaa) + +If you look at the graph, you can see the numbers start increasing rapidly after March 17. Well something very relevant happened on that day. Before March 17, any reverse repo (RRP) counter party could deposit up to 30 billion per day at the Fed. **On March 17, this changed to 80 billion.** + +Source: [https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating\_policy\_210317](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating_policy_210317) and [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm) + +Now assuming there is incentive for counterparties (that would be banks) to participate in the Fed's RRP program, it is to be expected that numbers would rise from that point on. Why did it increase gradually instead of immediately from March 17 onward? What is that spike on March 31? I don't know, hope someone can fill us in. Why did the Fed decide to raise the limit to 80 billion? I don't know either but it has something to do with that bRRR-man. I hope someone with knowledge of monetary policy can jump in here. + +**Lets talk about incentives.** Normally the incentive for counterparties to take part in the reverse repo program, i.e. deposit cash at the Fed is because they make interest on that deposit. Otherwise, why wouldn't they rather use that money to make money? So normally, the Fed offers some interest, but not more than other banks. The interest rate for reverse repos is tweaked by the Fed to act as a lower limit to what interest banks charge each other, the latter is called the federal funds rate. + +My crude attempt at summarizing this: the interest rate that the Fed pays in reverse repos can be decreased by the Fed to incentivize banks to borrow from each other, and increased to incentivize borrowing from the Fed. People that actually know economics can come shit over me now. + +What is interesting to me and a bit surprising is that the current interest rate for overnight reverse repos, the **ON RRP rate, is currently 0.00%.** Source: [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm). + +Again, the interest rate that one would get for using the Fed as a daycare for their cash, is currently 0.00%. Yet participation in the ON RRP program is increasing daily, both in terms of money exchanged and number of counterparties participating as evidenced by those 181 billion, 209 billion and **today 235 billion**. The 400 billion number from the Italian site was summed up where summing isn't valid, but at this rate we will reach it soon on a single day! + +What's the incentive? Well perhaps you **want** the collateral that the Fed offers, which in the case of the reverse repos we are looking at are exclusively **Treasury Bonds**. The Fed gets to babysit your cash, you get to babysit some US treasury bonds. + +The incentive may be that when you park your cash at the Fed and get to hold on to US Treasury bonds, you can do stuff with those bonds for a day since you do own them until the Fed purchases them back the next day. Here are some things I can think of to do with these freely borrowed bonds: + +* Lend them to short sellers for a borrow fee +* Use them yourself to short +* If anyone can come up with other reasons to deposit funds somewhere for **0% interest**, receiving treasury bonds as collateral, please fill me in. I would like to know the least nefarious reason for someone to make use of this reverse repo program. + +I mean, look at what's been trending downwards: + +[Price of treasury bonds has been trending down](https://preview.redd.it/e2ply48ihyy61.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=85a103ff44d76ff96bec4f4498d2bf3878cd5bad) + +For more juicy cooking recipes with treasury bonds, please refer to the Everything Short by u/atobitt. I'm not saying the Everything Short and this here are the same argument, actually I need to reread it knowing everything I learned today. What I am saying is that **treasury bonds are shiny**. + +&#x200B; + +[And I don't even know what they look like!](https://preview.redd.it/vb55e9krpyy61.jpg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028788f1a02e5299329a2d00b65f7ea253a5d148) + +Since the value of treasury bonds is trending downward and these financial institutes can borrow treasury bonds from the Fed free of charge via reverse repos, that might explain why so many parties are participating in this reverse repo program and why daily cash deposited at the Fed is ever increasing. Although this mechanism was made by the Fed as a way to withhold money from the market, in effect they are lending out treasury bonds for free. + +They have quite the conundrum: the ON RPP rate is zero, which should be no incentive for banks to deposit cash at the Fed daily, yet they do. That means that babysitting treasury bonds is profitable and the ON RPP rate **should** be negative, which means institutes pays the Fed a fee to borrow those treasury bonds. But the ON RPP rate is also meant to be a lower limit for federal funds rate, which they don't want going negative. + +If I understand all of this correctly, the ability to short treasury bonds is like an exploit that makes the reverse repo program ripe for exploitation. Financial institutes can borrow treasury bonds for free, which can be turned into profit with a little creativity, and the Fed can't charge for it because that could unintentionally cause negative interest rates across the economy. + +**Please let me know your thoughts. I do not have much confidence in this theory, but it's the only one I could come up with to explain things that otherwise don't make sense to me.** + +Why did the Fed increase the daily limit for any RRP counterparty from 30 billion to 80 billion? + +Can the reverse repo program be used as an exploit to borrow treasury bonds for free and then short the bonds using them? If not, why are banks participating in the reverse repo program at 0.00% interest? + +Why is the ON RPP rate 0.00%, what's the objective? Does it make sense for the Fed to set it at 0.00% as opposed to negative? + +# Update: Mostly harmless + +I asked for opposing perspectives to my tinfoil hat theory and received several. Please see u/usefully_useless's [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbt1sp/counter_dd_ny_fed_400_bln_reverse_repos_is_not/gy7zdhr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a counter perspective that this is just the money market working as intended. The fact that we're seeing record numbers in reverse repos day by day can be explained by record numbers of excess cash. Incentive to store at the cash at the Fed at 0% is due to the obligation of money market funds to lend (forbidden to hoard). Lending to other financial institutions is currently not as competitive as usual (overnight interest only 0.01% on average), so there are clear reasons to park excess cash at the Fed (low overhead, zero insolvency risk). + +On the other side of the equation, u/jsmar18 stressed the role of the Fed in their [reply](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsmar18/) and I would like to highlight that although I posed the question 'why would the Fed do x', I meant it as a general inquiry and not an accusation of suspicion. However read his summary of RRP history and Fed goals. Fed actions sus? No, in line with their monetary policy and their hyperfocus on controlling inflation. + +u/HotBoyFF also remarked with his experience that it's likely not daily short selling, but it could be that the financial institutions desperately need treasury securities for something other, such as reporting reasons. u/jsmar18 in their reply also linked some good information on that. Treasuries are certainly used for 'window-dressing' (cooking books legally). I found this study on that subject if anyone is interested: [https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2018/preliminary/paper/KdB9i9QE](https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2018/preliminary/paper/KdB9i9QE) + +A popular question was: does this align with u/atobitt's [Everything Short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/)? Now that I believe that it's mostly money market funds using the reverse repo program, who cannot directly in a legal way tunnel assets to hedge funds, I think it is more likely that hedge funds would just naked short over exploiting the reverse repo program. The original theory aligned with Everything Short, my updated stance just says: The NY Fed's reverse repo program is probably not an efficient way for hedgies to implement the Everything Short. Here is a little snack that does support the Everything Short, which is [JPow's Q&A from April 27-28](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomcpresconf20210428.htm) time 47:00. "As you know at the beginning of this recent crisis, there was such a demand for selling treasuries, including by foreign central banks, that really the dealers could not handle the volume." Insane demand so the dealers couldn't handle it, could that have included naked short selling? Likely. + +But while we should keep an eye on Citadel and any parties trying to short *attack* the US treasuries, I don't believe Citadel is overleveraged in naked shorting US treasuries because retail and whales catching a falling GME was the big surprise to them. In US treasuries, the 52wk high-low (for example TLT: 177 - 136) is much tighter than GME (483 - 3.77) and the market for treasuries is much more resilient. So US treasuries no squeeze potential in case you were considering it (and I know some of you apes did). The ball is still GME. +I really love my job. I love what I do. I believe it has meaning. My coworkers are mostly awesome. Our "clients" are awesome. I've gotten 3 promotions in 6 years and doubled my salary. I have a young child at home and they are understanding of the demands on my time. My office is 20 minutes away from my home. I have it good. + +That said - I'm kinda underpaid. I recently got an offer to make 20% more. We don't need the money to survive but it would mean paying off debt and being home owners a little sooner which would be nice. + +I'm torn. I'm nervous I won't like the new job and new coworkers as much. I'm nervous they will be less flexible and I would have to sacrifice my family time more often. There is opportunity for more money and more experience but is that worth it? + +If anyone has made a similar decision I'd love to hear how it turned out. Would love to hear from anyone but especially working mothers. + +**UPDATE** + +Wow, thank you all for the advice. I've read and thought carefully about what each of you said. I think I didn't realize that 20% is not that substantial. I've taken a large pay cut before for my happiness which is how I ended up at my current job in the first place. Since then, I've gotten married and had a child and I guess I felt a certain obligation to earn as much as possible. But I agree with those saying 20% is not worth the uncertainties. + +I'm still going to go to the second interview just to see if I really hit it off with the people or they have some kind of amazing work-from-home option that would significantly increase my quality of life but outside of these two things the 20% increase alone is not enough to take the job. (It was offered unofficially pending a second interview that they said was a "formality".) + +**Mini Update** + +I'm continuing to read your responses and I will still take the second interview with more of an eye at interviewing them. I'm curious how many of you that say you would take the risk have a young child at home? + +Also, I would never use this offer to leverage a raise at my current place. I believe this is a great environment because people love the mission and are generally the type to forgo a little extra money for the sake of fulfillment. It's competitive to work here but not because of the money. I feel that kind of move would be frowned upon. +What got you to your first million? + +* Hours of good DD? +* Pure blind luck? +* Started off with $2 mil and lost half? + +I say this half tongue in cheek but in reality how did you get to your first million? Did you go all in, snowballing from a small amount, long plays, options, or calls? Tell us your story. +So I was having a frank conversation with my boss about the rising costs of a lot of things. I mentioned something along the lines of "I barely have money left for food and other things." + +She thought I was lying so asked me to break down my expenses, which I did. Rent. Health Insurance. Car Payment. Credit card and other personal loans. Phone and Internet bills. Water and Sewage. Electricity. After all that, I end up with about $150-200 left per paycheck (I get paid monthly). She said that's "more than enough" to buy food and other things. + +Sure, for food, maybe. My last month's costs for food and other daily necessities were about $250 (single person cooking mostly at home). And that was with me being frugal so I was still $50 over what I could afford. I'm still working on buying cheap and eating healthy at the same time. Worse is I heard that food costs will increase again next month. So what about savings? Or extra money for emergencies? Or even just small luxuries like shopping? I told her that if I spent all of my money on food then I won't have all of that. That's when she told me, "people usually budget for that." + +But, with what money? Or is my way of thinking wrong? Do I really have to budget more? + +Edit: Thanks everyone. I'm (or was) pretty close to my boss and we always talked about everything (being the only two women in the office). So, to be honest, I didn't think too much of it until some of the comments mentioned how my boss didn't need to know my financial information. And in hindsight it was a stupid move to share everything. I've been looking for a new job close to a year but unfortunately the work opportunities in my area are dim and, even if there are other jobs, they pay basically the same. I'll probably have to move to a bigger city to find a better paying job but that's another honest discussion with myself for that commitment. Either way, for now, I'll stop sharing my personal info to my boss as much as I can and continue my lowkey job search. + +Edit 2: Thank you all again for the helpful comments. I now understand that it was an idiotic move to share my finances with my boss. Some have asked about my credit card/personal loans. Shamefully these bills are from when I was jobless for nearly two years due to the pandemic. I quickly went through my savings and used my credit cards to pay for rent and other stuff to survive. No I didn't have family to rely on which really sucked. The personal loans were also money I had borrowed from friends and other people. So now that I got a job, majority of my income goes to paying back these debts. I work in hospitality and get paid $2200 a month. I will definitely look harder to finding a new job. +Tesla Inc ([TSLA.US](https://TSLA.US)) erased all of its gains over the past 17 months, as investors continued to sell Tesla stock after CEO Elon Musk bought Twitter Inc. Tesla closed down 5 percent on Monday at $197.08, its lowest level since June 2021 and the biggest contributor to the S&P 500's decline. + +&#x200B; + +Tesla shares have struggled for much of this year, driven by a broader risk-off trend. But the latest decline comes amid Musk's high-profile acquisition of Twitter. Musk closed his deal with Twitter in October, and he has been tweeting about plans to overhaul the social platform since then. Tesla's shares have fallen more than 12% since then, compared with the S&P 500's little change and the Nasdaq 100's 1.9% decline. + +&#x200B; + +Ever since Musk expressed interest in acquiring Twitter, Tesla investors have been concerned that the billionaire has spread too much energy among several well-known businesses. Investors especially want him to focus on Tesla, which itself is going through a challenging time. In an inflationary environment, auto demand is slowing, supply chain issues remain, and raw material costs remain high. +I have 1 SFH that I bought May 2020 and it's doing amazing + +I'd like to buy another property but I've been looking for months and can't find anything worth pulling the trigger on. I did put in 1 offer but didn't get it. + +I'm in central TX and the market kinda sucks (or at least what I am finding). Not much + +I mainly scour Zillow and use its rent estimator/rentometer then plug all the numbers into my spreadsheet. + +Almost everything is a negative cash flow or just barely breaking even after considering vacany, capex, repairs, etc. +I have 1 SFH that I bought May 2020 and it's doing amazing + +I'd like to buy another property but I've been looking for months and can't find anything worth pulling the trigger on. I did put in 1 offer but didn't get it. + +I'm in central TX and the market kinda sucks (or at least what I am finding). Not much + +I mainly scour Zillow and use its rent estimator/rentometer then plug all the numbers into my spreadsheet. + +Almost everything is a negative cash flow or just barely breaking even after considering vacany, capex, repairs, etc. +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** + +[Not calling computer apes sheep, just an analogy. ](https://preview.redd.it/wa1wfk14ly271.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7038463e40b13d86e37ee7267f632bd2adf35ab7) + +# Intro + +bahhhhhhhhhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhhhh bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Woah apes, did you hear that? Oh no.... it's..... it's our greatest weapon.... the computer apes..... the geniuses.... THEY'RE HERE....... + +Alright apes, this is gonna be a strange post. So as many of you know, I recently sent out a request for coders/big brain apes for a DD that I plan to make. I am not joking when I say that I have received well over 350 messages (a testament to how many extremely intelligent apes that are in this sub). + +https://preview.redd.it/b6ogf7huly271.jpg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b671b580ff9b1ff6ce1208d266d27c9f192352 + +When I posted that request, I thought that I'd get MAYBE 50 responses and would filter them out to about 20 people. NOPE. You apes defied expectations yet again. With over 350 messages in my inbox, I prepared a detailed request for what I wanted to computer apes to calculate. That was the easy part. The difficult part was how I would get my data request out. At first, I sent it individually (about 50 apes have a copy of this already), but that took too long and I knew I wouldn't be able to respond to all apes. Then I thought about making a discord or a group chat, but again, thought that would be too unorganized. So, I decided to go with ole reliable: a post to my favorite sub. I think that the benefit of this is that apes will be able to comment on this post their data so that it is publicly available for all apes to see; however if you would like to keep your data/post private, feel free to message me. Along those lines, PLEASE only message me if it is absolutely crucial question or if it is your data/model/whatever. I am at the point where I have far too many messages to respond to, so please keep that in mind. + +Alright, so, yes, I will still be making a DD (topic on that will be discussed below), however, I hope that the comments of this post can be used as a hub of publicly available information for apes to share - again, if you'd like to keep yours private or only feel comfortable sharing it with me, please message me. + +# What I hope the DD will be + +Many of you probably noticed in my last post that I said we need to stop all of this AMC conspiracy stuff. I still believe that and could make an entire post about why we need to stop doing that and why it's wrong - that's not what this DD will be about. Instead, I hope to make this DD about the fact that every meme stock (GME, AMC, KOSS, NAKD, BBBY, NOK, etc.) have all been trading in extremely similar patterns since December and are now ALL SQUEEZING AGAIN. Short squeezes are rare, really rare. Stocks following almost identical trading patterns is weird, really weird. But both of those things happening to 5 different stocks? Now that's fucking asinine. I am also fairly confident that many if not all of the aforementioned stocks follow an FTD cycle as well. Finally, isn't it weird that all of these stocks got restricted at the exact same time by every single brokerage and they all claimed it was because of liquidity issues. The funny thing about liquidity is that it works on both the buy and the sell side, so if they really had liquidity issues, they would've just halted buying AND selling. That screams "systematic risk / something more than meets the eye" to me. + +IMO, if we can get data that confirms that these stocks are in fact correlated to a statistically significant extent, all have FTD cycles, all have extremely high short interest that has fluctuated in concert, and all have similar volume patterns, then we can get the closest proof that shorts have not covered other than literally seeing their accounts. The point of this DD would be that if we can prove to a statistically significant extent that all of these anomalies are correlated, then we can prove that it is not the media narrative of retail buying and is instead shorts being forced to cover. IMO retail mass buying has been tapped out since March. Now I think that retail only buys a little and still holds it's fucking balls off. Retail holding is why this is able to happen. However, IMO, HF forced covering is why the price keeps going up. + +Now, you may be thinking "ok if what he's saying pans out to be true then it could divide apes and take attention away from GME." First of all, IMO, the truth is what's most important here. Second, and most important, GME presents the greatest opportunity out of all of these stocks, has BY FAR the most retail support (in terms of holding), and has by far the most retail media attention (i.e. reddit). I don't believe that this will take away from GME whatsoever. HFs put us in this situation with lies and if we can get closer to the truth, we can get closer to unearthing their lies and ultimately winning the battle. Below is a slightly altered version of what I sent to some apes in my messages. Please note that if you sent me a message saying you're a data scientist and want to help, though I appreciate you, I will be declining all of those messages to clear my inbox for messages from this post (remember what I said above about only messaging me very important things). + +# The data request: + +&#x200B; + +\*\* This is not financial advice nor a paid solicitation\*\* + +&#x200B; + +My goal for this DD is to obtain data that will be the closest thing other than seeing actual HF positions to allow us to conclude that shorts have indeed not covered. I will be using the data that I get from this assignment as well as my own data and charts. If you follow my DDs, you’ll notice that over the past few DDs I’ve really hammered the point about GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, NOK, and EXPR being a part of the biggest failing of HF shorting of all time due to abusive shorting that started during covid but was hampered by a faster than expected recovery. IMO, the visual similarities of the graphs of these stocks are too striking to ignore. I also believe that AMCs recent run up is not a distraction like many people think it is, instead I think it’s a symptom of something much greater. This is why I believe that all of these stocks are related and that getting concrete data on this correlation might help us to reveal something about an even bigger FTD cycle that HFs are stuck in (IMO this is probably why all of these stocks were unprecedentedly restricted). + +So, a lot of this document will have tasks that ask you to compare those stocks in some way. Please note, that this document does not portray the complete picture of what my next DD will contain as I have more points and data that I will be including. Again, it will be difficult for me to answer questions, so if you have any questions, I invite you to answer them yourselves by adding your own assumption or personal touches. Thank you apes. + +Note: For chart view please use a 1 day chart unless I ask for a specific time of day (then use 1 min or 5 min). If, however, you think that using a smaller view would be beneficial, go ahead! The time frame can be as long as makes sense to you - again I will be getting tons of these so I am all for variation! + +I hope to complete this DD by Sunday so I can post on Monday before earnings and the meeting. If you could try to get this to me ASAP I’d be very grateful. + +**QUESTION:** Is there a statistically significant correlation between the price action GME, AMC, KOSS, NAKD, BBBY, NOK, and VIX? + +**EXPLANATION:** I’d like you to run a comparison of each of these stocks to GME and then, if possible, compare them all simultaneously. From your comparison, please try to determine the degree of correlation and its statistical significance. The data that I suggest using is from Yahoo finance. If you go on the historical data tab of the stock, there will be a link to download the price and volume data into an excel file. Finally, if you have time and if you are able, do the same thing but with the volumes. + +**QUESTION:** Is there a statistically significant correlation between the OTC trading data of GME, AMC, KOSS, NAKD, BBBY, and NOK? + +**EXPLANATION:** I’d like you to use FINRA data (I think some is on fintel as well) of the aforementioned stocks and try tell me if there is a statistically significant correlation between the trading patterns, volume, and price action of these stocks on the OTC markets. + +**ALTERNATIVE ASSIGNMENT:** If what I said above confuses you, then I invite you to simply take the OTC data available on the listed sites for the aforementioned stocks and make me some graphs and tables so that I can visualize it. + +**QUESTION:** When did the short interest for GME, AMC, KOSS, NAKD, BBBY, and NOK start to increase significantly? + +**EXPLANATION:** I’d like you to try to find out when exactly the SI for all of these stocks started to increase. Did they all increase around the same time? Who had the biggest increase? Etc. To find this information, you can use FINRA data or, if you have an Ortex or Fintel subscription, you might be able to find it from those. If you could also give me a graph of the short interest of these stocks over time that would be great. + +**QUESTION:** How often do major short squeezes happen? + +**EXPLANATION**: I’d like you to try and find out how often major short squeezes happen in the stock market. My definition of a major short squeeze is when a stock doubles in price (or more) within one week (so TSLA would not be a short squeeze by that definition). I don’t need you to tell me each specific case, I just need to know how often they happen on average. + +**QUESTION:** Is the FTD cycle statistically significant? + +**EXPLANATION:** You’ve probably seen my posts on the FTD cycle where GME markedly increases every 21 trading days or 35 calendar days (with a margin of error of about two days). I’d like you to run a test to see if these increases are statistically significant. For reference on when this starts, see my most recent FTD cycle post. For the stock’s data, go to Yahoo Finance and under historical data, you will be able to download the price and volume into an excel doc. + +**EXTRA:** Do the same for KOSS, BBBY, AMC, NOK, EXPR + +**EXTRA EXTRA:** Create an FTD cycle model for GME (other stocks don’t matter for this) that predicts future FTD cycles based on the rate of change of the FTD cycles we’ve already seen. Essentially, just make a model predicting the FTD cycle prices and show me the equation you used, if any. + +QUESTION: Is retail really behind the recent GME push? + +EXPLANATION: Robinhood only offers premarket trading from 9-9:30. Assuming that Robinhood is mostly retail, is there a statistically significant pattern of GME price increases between 9-9:30am? (This would be when retail overnight buy orders are executed) + +**\*\* MODELING: Most difficult assignment (I do not expect anyone to be able to do this, but I thought I’d put it out there):** + +Remember when it was pretty well known that GME had 140% SI right before the squeeze? Well, us apes know it was definitely higher, but you remember. Remember when Robinhood and every other broker cucked us by restricting buying? Well, what if they didn’t? I’d like you to construct a model that predicts how high GME’s price could have gone without the restrictions. Because I have sent this to so many people, I expect these models to be extremely different, so you will undoubtedly have to make some of your own assumptions, and that’s a good thing! For example, you might assume that the SI was actually 400%, that volume would have continued to increase, and that apes would’ve continued to hold. Contrastingly, you might assume that SI was indeed 140%, that volume would have been higher some days and lower others, and that paperhands would have won the day. Either way, I want to see what your model says about GME’s price without the brokerage restrictions. If SOMEHOW, you complete that model, first, you’re fucking brilliant. Second, and only if you feel like it, please do the same for AMC, KOSS, NOK, BBBY, EXPR + +**FINAL ASSIGNMENT:** + +If I decide to use any of what you provide me for my DD, would you like me to give you credit or would you like to remain anonymous? + +&#x200B; + +# Conclusion + +That was the list of questions that I sent to other people. The point of it is to essentially prove that all of these stocks are interconnected and all go back to one big fucking blunder on the part of the HFs that they are now trying to fix (in vein I might add). + +Again, if you would like to add your own creative touches or even make a completely different data model, be my fucking guest. If you want to share your data as public information in this sub or on this post as a comment feel completely free. If you would rather remain anonymous and just send it to me, feel free as well. I will still be making a DD with the data from this and, because I think a lot of this will now be public, I think that many other apes will as well. Please remember what I said about only messaging me things relating to this data post or CRUCIAL questions. As always, + +Stay strong, apes. + +&#x200B; + +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** +I currently have about $2.4 million in stock. I earn about 47k from dividends. + +4% of 2.4 million is 96k. + +Does the 4% withdrawal rate mean that in addition to the 47k that I earn, I should only sell at most 49k worth of stock if I want to spend a little more that particular year? +I'll keep the post short and try to best summarize the deal without going into detail. There was a triplex listed for $146k in our target market where we ideally look to buy units at $50k each. Very clean neighborhood in the "B class" range. + +Immediately scheduled a showing and had our realtor send the full listing details and request leases right away for the property. With the current market conditions we fully expected the property to go over market price. There is value to add such as appealing the high tax assessment due the one unit being used as a commercial space, a few of the units needing upgraded, etc. + +We had a bank and private money ready to go. We will pay back that portion in less than a year once units are stabilized and we can get the expenses under control. + +We were fully expecting the deal to break even the first couple of months it now seems that the property might generate a small loss. + +Flashback to the offer and the seller was essentially delaying information to our agent. Since this has been a seller's market our offers have been much more aggressive such as more money being escrowed, adding escalation clauses, and waiving certain contingencies, etc. In the end we got the property under contract for about $12k over list price. + +This is when the issues start to occur. We still had not received the leases from the selling agent. At this point we still weren't concerned as the sellers listed the property income at roughly $2100/month and broke out the rent per unit. They also added that the seller was only responsible for water/sewer. + +Well once the leases were sent it was clear they misrepresented the rental income and the property brought in closer to $1700/month in rental income and the seller also paid trash expense. Finally we closed on the property and the seller tells us they don't even have keys for the property...... Wow. We finally get a chance to speak with the tenants and we tell them here's the lease we were provided and we plan to adhere to the leases initially. First tenant we spoked with shows us HIS copy of the lease and is providing Bank Statements that essentially show the lease we were given had false information. So rents are now even lower than our second projection. + +Basically, is there any action that could be taken against the seller? It's more a matter of principal at this point. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I got feedback from some of you guys for a sticky listing fake daytrading groups or programs. I know there are websites out there which review some of these programs but if anyone has anything else to add or even personal experiences, feel free to do so below. This may get indexed on google and help other traders as well. If it starts getting too crazy we will just lock the post. +Stock dividend ISO code is DVSE, Not SPLF + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/issues/Corporate-Actions-Transformation/ISO\_20022\_EntAlloc\_UG.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/issues/Corporate-Actions-Transformation/ISO_20022_EntAlloc_UG.pdf) + +Page 15 on that page is the code DVSE for a stock dividend. + +[https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/issues/Corporate-Actions-Transformation/2021/Corporate-Action-Announcements-Data-Dictionary-SR2021.xlsx](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/issues/Corporate-Actions-Transformation/2021/Corporate-Action-Announcements-Data-Dictionary-SR2021.xlsx) + +Look at the tabs down the bottom once you have downloaded the xls file. + +Choose the events tab down the bottom and scroll to row 104. + +Read it. STOCK DIVIDEND. + +Not row 105 and 106, both of those are stock split, but not via dividend. + +Then also choose the tab down to bottom that says EVENT DESCRIPTIONS. + +Please read row 82,83 and 84 for Stock Dividend and Stock Split. + +They did this to avoid the bill fail tracking system perhaps. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfg2vj/i\_think\_i\_found\_why\_did\_the\_dtcc\_performed\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfg2vj/i_think_i_found_why_did_the_dtcc_performed_a/) + +It should have been performed under the DVSE ISO code but was not due to this rule they are trying to avoid is my greatest understanding + +The forward stock split code of FC-02 can be used. + +Edit to include - [https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2013/3/22/0424-13.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2013/3/22/0424-13.pdf) + +Not saying it is FRAUD, but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck... + +Edit, And if anyone has ANY documents, where they can reference i am wrong, i will update this post to include said evidence. + +Edit post to remove the word split. Context is hard. Words hard. Apologies for any confusion + +Edit, change column to row. +We Are Nasty is a f$&%king decentralized token on the Binance Smart Chain. The team is currently working on the development of NastyFans, a pay-per-view adult content platform where users pay creators with $NASTY. Below are some features to expect from the upcoming platform: + +&#x200B; + +* Top-notch user experience similar to the video-sharing app TikTok +* Content creators can push their promos by giving a free sneak peek of their content which will be featured on our homepage +* Private profile videos that can be accessed by users as a paid service + +&#x200B; + +* Currently at 780K market cap +* 10% tax on entry 24% on exit + +&#x200B; + +Contract: 0x006DF576e2Eb243B42D79b64c8e07928234c5faF + +&#x200B; + +**F$&KING TOKENOMICS:** + +&#x200B; + +* Total Percentage 1,000,000,000,000 +* Burn + dx sale fees 10.00% +* Team 4.00% +* Marketing 5.00% +* Private 15.00% +* PreSale 40.00% +* Liquidity 26.00% +* Total 100% 1,000,000,000,000 + +&#x200B; + +* Presale per 1 bnb 2,000,000,000 +* Listing per 1 bnb 2,000,000,000 + +&#x200B; + +* Tax for buying is 10% +* Tax for selling is 24% + +&#x200B; + +👨 Dev is undoxxed but did a KYC with Passive Income PSI so when some sketchy shit happens—which it won’t—they have all the dev’s personal information that is ready to be released in this whole space any fucking time. + +&#x200B; + +Join the #WeAreNasty Army! Swear all you want but bring your manners with you! + +&#x200B; + +TG: [t.me/WeAreNasty](https://t.me/WeAreNasty) + +Website: [wearenasty.io](http://wearenasty.io/) +Apes, + +You must be mentally prepared for /r/superstonk to go dark! If it does, the FUD will intensify to levels we have not seen before. Everyone will be against us. All other forms of social media, all MSM networks, everyone. There might be nowhere else like this. Nowhere that you can see the purple circles of dopamine. Nowhere for our legends of DD to post their research for all apes to see. You will feel alone. BUT YOU WILL NOT BE ALONE. + +If you're like me, your tits get jacked every time another major connection is made, you think MOASS is truly tomorrow. Every weekend you tell yourself, "next week...". It may still take a while. We may hit 100% of the free float and watch as nothing happens. But continue to be zen. REFUSE to give in. They will do EVERYTHING they can to stop this from happening. You must recognize the simple truths that they would not shut us down if we were not right. They are losing. They are desperate. It is inevitable. + +I swear to you all that I will hold all of my shares except for one until the corrupt SHFs are in prison. + +BUY, HOLD, DRS, BOOK. +There are a lot of newbies entering the space. There are many reasons this is great news, but I've also noticed that the quality of posts and discussion about bitcoin has plummeted. We really aren't having the important discussions with nearly the frequency that we should. + +Now I know some of you won't like me saying this, but it really does need to be said. Someone needs to be realistic with our new friends and give them the bad news and tell them the things they don't want to hear. So here goes. + +I feel that we're due for a correction, and I really don't think we've even gotten started. I've been around this rodeo a few times and it always -feels- different in the moment, but in reality it's mostly cyclical. In 2017/2018 we saw a months long sell off after the run up to 20k that saw Bitcoin fall to 4k. That's more than 75% in the red from the preceeding ATH. Refer to this figure later. + +I think we're going to see a few -15%'s, maybe even a -20% or -30% before we're really back in bear territory. When it comes I expect the new crowd to go through the same things I and many others went through when we were the new kids. + +Weak hands will get shaken out. People getting way over leveraged/exposed and taking out credit to buy BTC are going to be burned hard and maybe leave the space forever. Some will risk it all and put their house on the line, and nearly all of those will lose their home. People will buy into BTC expecting their investments to double overnight, everynight. + +This shit happens every time. The vets come in to tell the new guys not to panic, or not get into serious debt chasing the bull run, and we get ignored. People will tell us we're trying to short, or how we might be causing this guy to miss out on SICK GAINZ by telling him not to take a second mortgage out to buy BTC. In reality, most of us really do care about the space, and want to see it grow. It hurt me every time I read about someone blowing years of their life away trying to chase the dragon at the end of the bull run. It hurts me more now to see it happening again, and the same arguments getting thrown about as justification for being reckless with their finances. + +Refer back to that -75% figure I dropped before. Would you rather that be the value of your house? Or would you rather it be the money you saved over time to buy ₿ responsibly? I made my own mistakes too, thankfully not with my house or something else vital to me, but mistakes nonetheless that put me in severe debt when I tried to chase BTC back in 2013. I only just now climbed out of that hole. (I literally made the last payment before posting this) + +Bottom line is that BTC unfortunately attracts the get rich quick types, and when shit hits the fan they are NOT happy. They will panic sell to stop the bleeding. If you gamble your life savings on Bitcoin while it's at ATH because of FOMO, it's going to really hurt. + +The harsh truth of it is, if bitcoin is going gangbusters and you don't already own your position, you're too late for the bull run. Your best bet is to accumulate over time, so that in four years when we're looking at this situation again you can be the guy making five figures in his sleep, and making posts like these telling the new guys to have a longer term view. + +I dunno, I just don't want to see people FOMO themselves into crippling debt like I did, and have heard so many horror stories about. It's the beginning of a very wild ride over the next couple of months. + +EDIT: With this getting a lot more attention than I thought it would, I'd like to just say thank you to everyone for even giving this the time of day. I was initially replying to another comment on a different thread and the whole thing got a little long winded, leading me to just post this here instead. + +I just wanted to clarify a few things that I feel got left out or that I missed the mark on: + +1. I am very bullish. I do not believe we're crashing imminently, but rather wanted to caution those getting sweaty palms of what could happen should they get too emotional and overextend while we're in uncharted territory. + +2. I don't think we're going to follow a picture prefect pattern of the previous bull runs. The price is entirely unpredictable, and if one could tell you with any certainty what the price or market sentiment would be at any given time they would have to be a time traveler. + +3. It is never too late to get into BTC. But you should temper your expectations when you're a late entry to the cycle. The 10x gains come later when you've held through a full cycle. +Hi folks, + +Market rent in my class B neighborhood is far less than 1%. Houses here easily go for \~$300k, and yet, my agent was able to pull a list of all of the successfully rented properties from the MLS, and they're going for $1800-2000/month. Why wouldn't these be going for $3k/month? This is a pretty solid neighborhood with great schools, only a stone's throw from class A territory. + +I was able to secure 1% rent on my class C property - paid $145k for it, got it rented for $1450. Why on earth is a much better community with better schools, amenities, etc., only renting for a measly $500/month more? +I’m 30. My wife is 26. We both work right now with no kids but plan to have children in about 2 years and she will be a stay at home mom. Our combined income after taxes are taken out is about $103k per year. + +I just calculated that 4900 each month of that goes into bills and what we call “date night fund” and vacation fund that can act as a savings fund if needed. But this is used to help us save up for any fun things we want to do, be it traveling or just going out to dinner. + +We do own our own house so we’re also building equity in it. + +We’re saving $2000 a month. $1000 each month for Roth IRA to max it out. And $1000 solid cash. The cash is for emergencies and anything major we need the money for like car issues, house issues, etc. + +I also put 5% towards my 401k. My wife works in the public sector and gets a pension. + +So our total annual budget for savings, investing, and bills comes out to around $83k. + +Leaving us with $18k of just fun money to do whatever we want with it per year. We divide that equally leaving us with around $700-$750 a month for fun money per person. + +I know the fun money might sound like a lot but that’s truly what brings me joy. For so long I’ve only known saving saving saving. It’s something that actually motivates me to work hard since it’s the actual money I get to spend doing what I love to do. +Just came back from an auction, the auctioneer managed to squeeze water out of stone, I sit there baffled at how no one else can see it. Starting off with lies about the reserve bank and rates, about 200,000 new migrants coming in which will drive prices up, say that the property market has only cooled from "nuts" to "normal". Using plenty of shame language, implying bidders who can't keep up were (quote) "weak" , "insecure" and "show their opponents they are thinking about the money". Not to mention playing on gender tropes of "wives" being let down by their husbands who can't afford property. They try to make it personal and build a rapport trying to get bidders to squeeze out every dollar...it even went went down to $100 increments!! Wtf LMAO. + +God I'm legitimately disgusted by him and the fact that they have that audacity to read that "rules of the auction to be conducted within the scope outlined by REIV and the institute of law". + +I didn't bid today, as the usual under quoting priced me out literally on the second bid.....rant over. +I'm not averse to filing a police report against my mother but honestly I'd rather not have the time and contact because it's a very unhealthy toxic relationship. + +Is it safe to take the collections company on their word without it in writing? Can I record the call for proof? + +She said the courtesy deletions are basically because of Covid and they'd only be able to give me a paid in full letter. + +If it's relevant the debt is in Ohio and the collections agency is North Carolina. + +Thank you in advance for any help or advice. + +*EDIT* Also if I were to file a police and fraud report would I do it locally for her or with my local police? + +*EDIT 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO* Thank you so much everyone for the advice! I'll be stopping to file a report and get a copy to send to the three credit bureaus and the collection agency tomorrow. +I'm trying to think of how all this madness will play out realistically. All I see are posts either saying it's the end of the world or everything will snap back like a rubber band the moment people are allowed outside of their houses. + +Things are changing fast around the globe at the moment so it's hard to keep track of exactly what's what but over a third of the globe is under some kind of lockdown at the moment. In some places it means that people can't go out in public unless it's specifically to get groceries or other urgent product/service while in others it's only a recommendation to stay home as much as possible, and in still other places, the Tide Pods crowd is licking toilet seats. Regardless, a huge part of the financially relevant world are on lockdown and/or (most of) the citizens are doing their best to practice isolation and social distancing. + +As it is, there is nothing on the immediate horizon that promises a cure. A vaccine will take a year or more. Chloroquine needs testing before it can be used and reports of its efficacy are spotty. Even if a miracle were delivered tomorrow morning, people would have to get their hands on it and that takes time. We are probably looking at at least another two to three weeks in the miracle scenario. More likely, we are looking at anywhere from 2-6 months before life even starts to look like normal again if we depend on herd immunity and/or minimizing the virus' circulation. + +For argument's sake, let's say it's 3 months until the pandemic threat is removed enough to return to normal life. + +So, how does this all play out economically? + +During these three months, a lot of people are laid off/unemployed, receiving less than a normal income. Rent/mortgage payments are suspended but piling up the whole time. So are other payments. Cars, internet, etc. Everything that their UI check doesn't cover. At the same time, a whole lot of small businesses will never be able to catch up on the accumulation of debt over that time and will go bust. It's not like we'll just hit play and the world picks up where it left off. + +There will be fewer jobs available to return to because of the businesses that went under. People will have less money in their savings accounts to spend on shiny new toys. Those that avoided infection will continue to be scared by it. (No vaccine for another 9-15 months yet.) + +So now we have fewer businesses open, more people out of work, less disposable income available for those that did keep their jobs and some people still scared to go out and gather in crowded places. On top of all this is the realization by many the need for a rainy day fund and that ANYTHING can happen. I expect people will want to save more than usual (at least until they forget, which I understand is not very long for most humans, but still. lol) + +How anyone can believe the economy snaps back and goes full throttle in that time is beyond my understanding. OTOH, I also don't see how this could spell the end of the world and 1929 all over again. + +What I think is likely to happen: + +\- people will resume buying the essentials immediately (and things they perceive as essential). Once people are back to their daily grind, they still need gas, they still need to repair their cars, they still need clothes and groceries, etc. They'll go back to eating lunch at McDonald's twice a week and their Starbucks coffees every morning. This stuff will snap back pretty fast. (Which cheap stocks to get into now for that snap back?) + +\- new iPhones will have to wait till debt is paid off. So will that new sofa, that new car, etc. These things will take longer but will eventually recover as people forget. (Stocks to avoid for a while?) + +\- some things may never recover or take an awful lot longer to forget and require years and years for people to resume. Cruise lines, for example. (Better be willing to wait 10 years plus to reach new highs.) + +Thoughts? + +Edit: Although I'm interested in hearing other takes on how this will actually play out, none of us really know and we're all just taking our best guesses. What I'm really interested in with this thread is identifying stocks that are "daily essentials" (either real or perceived) that will snap back fast, "non-essentials" (things that people are willing to forgo for a while) that will get back eventually but take a bit more time, and those that people will actively avoid for the foreseeable future like cruise lines. + +Edit 2: I landed on 3 months, not because I believe the virus will be gone by then necessarily (I don't), but I do think it's possible we could reach critical level herd immunity to keep the curve flat enough to handle the number of patients and/or I think that people will get sick enough of staying locked up they won't be as willing to stay in anymore. It'll be June, the nice weather will be in play and it's also possible that viral activity is somewhat muted in warm weather (though I'm not counting on it considering the number of infections in places like the Philippines, Indonesia, etc). Anyway, 3 months is less a prediction than it is an assumption for the sake of argument. +This guy comes out of nowhere and makes the exact same post on r/Superstonk r/WSB and r/amcstock, asking to be banned and coming up with some bs excuse about not wanting to see content from these subs on his popular page. + +He incorrectly "believes" that will stop posts from showing up on his feed, he targets all three supposedly "meme" stock subs, doesn't comment on his posts, receives an ungodly amount of awards (and still no answer) and attracts all this attention. + +The result of this has been dozens of memes, screenshots and posts referencing this and effectively forum sliding the entire sub. + +Then there is also the fud about DTC-005 being posted repeatedly when there is great DD stating the opposite. + +Think about it. On the day that DTC-005 finally comes out of hiding, some random user comes out of nowhere with a dumb post (I get the upvotes on that point), spawning dozens of other posts. + +I believe this is a very clear attack on the sub, in the form of forum sliding, so that important information about DTC-005 doesn't reach as many apes as it should. + +If I'm right, then DTC-005 must be a pretty big deal. + +Be careful out there. + +🚀 + +P.S. He's complaining about movie stock posts on his feed, since when does any post from r/amcstock reach the front page? I haven't seen any. +Forecasts expected it to be 16% + +20.5 million Americans lost their jobs in April vs 22M expected + +Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm +So, first post here, I will appreciate any piece of advice given. + +I'm 26 (M), I live in Spain and I work in a hotel as a front desk staff. I make about **1350-1400**€ every month, no extra payments on summer/winter. I have **15.000**€ on my bank account and **5.200**€ on an index fund. Every month, as soon as I get paid, I have an automatic transfer of **200**€ to the index fund. That's for the long run, and hopefully compound interest makes its magic. I make 23K a year, but hopefully in two years I'll have my police exam and I'll make about 32K on the first year, so I'm not concerned about not making much every month. + +Now, as **monthly expenses** I have: *car loan* (160,50€), *garage* (60€), and *gas* (50-60€). That makes a total of **270-300**€. Apart from that, every month I give my parents 100€ since I'm still living with them. + +In the near future, along with my girlfriend, we want to move together, and our target will be apartments from 600€ to 750€, maximum. So, I expect to pay the current month (whenever it is), 2 month deposit and a month as a honorary. So yeah, 2,500€ to 3,000€. + +The thing is: + +1- Am I doing right? I've never been told how my finances are doing + +2- Would you decrease my bank account to, let's say, 10K, and take those 5K and put them elsewhere? If so, what's the best option to put them? + +Any other advice will be helpful, as I've told before, no one has never "mentored" me or told me some usual mistakes people do. I'm sorry if I've made any grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. + +Thank you so much + I used to avoid crypto play to earn games because I'd been scammed a few times with most of them, but after reading through Redditt threads some skilled game/crypto devs come up with something that works and seeing how people are bullish on P2E projects and seem to succeed and get through them, I'm getting my hopes up and considering giving it another shot. What play-to-earn game is legit and worth your time and energy? +Earlier today I got an award for a comment mentioning DRS, with the following message: + +"Enjoy the gold, love Tendies for iOS." + +Suddenly everyone mentioning DRS is getting gold as well. + +&#x200B; + +[Message attached to the anonymous gold awards.](https://preview.redd.it/xabpy0vzqmv71.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=5445338ab823ecc2f033abb3809a13e6ed30f211) + +Clicking on the link leads to their landing page for the app Tendies.@f. + +&#x200B; + +[the iOS highlighted link leads here.](https://preview.redd.it/3srsusq3rmv71.png?width=1880&format=png&auto=webp&s=39c3bdca8a744c574cd66ce67b58d07285a86a69) + +&#x200B; + +I decided to look into who is spending thousands of dollars on gold, and why they're featuring an account made in 2007 with a single post in it's history as the OP in the cringy, shitty memes in their screenshots. + +This led me to the company Panda Squad, Inc., who seems to have no other apps out, [despite being a tech company since 2017.](https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/1626407D:US) (source: Bloomberg). It's based out of an apartment complex in San Francisco as well. + +[Developer info for the app.](https://preview.redd.it/rwmkikwfrmv71.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=78a5dd7c66cbabf5974d05cf47b5d009a1ee85d3) + +The listed domain, Panda.@f, is not even active anymore and may even be available, yet another red flag. + +&#x200B; + +[Trying to visit the domain listed on the App Store and on Bloomberg, where did it go?](https://preview.redd.it/eq1gd7hprmv71.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd81546a04761c1371cfe43f49941a36f73dabb1) + +&#x200B; + +I don't have an iPhone and don't want to risk downloading their app anyway, but they want permissions to integrate to your reddit account via their app and who knows what else. + +[Just the basic permissions requested from the landing page, their privacy and data policy doesn't show up anywhere.](https://preview.redd.it/gyuveou8smv71.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=4400bed5ce9f82e191d813aa29b879cc79ee231f) + +As much as I wish this was some cool hype from someone on our side, it's nothing more than a shit marketing campaign and waste of money by some shady app developer, backed by god-knows-who and trying to get some kind of information from apes. + +Be safe out there y'all. + +Apes together strong 💜🦍💜🚀 +That is about $2k more than 2017. It was ***rough*** to say the very least, but I still accomplished a lot. I carried a 4.0 GPA in school all year, and I managed to move across the country to a place that is much sunnier. Not experiencing seasonal depression has completely changed my life. I ate a lot of canned fish, plain rice, and oh so many bananas, but most importantly, I managed to survive. I'm happy I made it through. This sub has always been a place that made me feel less alone, and I am grateful for this community. + +Cheers to a new year, friends! + +edit: my first silver! y'all are a wild bunch. thanks again for being one of the best communities on reddit. +We periodically see the question about FAT purchases that are worth spending on. I’m early in my pursuit of FATfire, but as my income and NW have taken off, I’m curious what purchases you all have made that you wish you hadn’t - be it the luxury vehicle, 6k+ sq/ft house, vacation home, or smaller things like high end appliances, etc… + +What will I be tempted to buy that you’d say isn’t worth the shimmer? + The title pretty much explains it all. They are a crypto company so hold mostly crypto assets and pay all employees/contractors in crypto. I'm planning to use Coinbase as I have a wallet but want to know if there will be any hidden fees that magically slice £100 off my weekly pay as soon as I try to withdraw to my bank account. + +The specific crypto they are using is USDT (Tether) which seems quite stable. The actual crypto itself is quite unimportant since our contract stipulates that they pay £xxxx equivalent in USDT at the time of payment. So as long as between them paying and me converting to GBP (probably on the same day) there isn't a huge crash I shouldn't stand to lose much due to market fluctuation (I think). +Hi! The question is serious. I am a "trader" interested in algotrading and investing more of his time into this domain. I understand pretty good the financial markets, but my only results are from a portfolio management perspective. I know that this industry is harsh as f\*ck and the only constant is "change". (plus the concept of a minus sum game in short term discourage me). + +I am seeking some advice or opinions from people with experience if my time (6h+ per day) would be spent better in other domains or in algotrading. (I want to take this business seriously). + +So far, I met people with over 10 years of experience (both winning and losing years) that discouraged me, and people with a maximum of 2 years in this domain that have over 70% annual return (only in bull market), that encourage me. + +I seek to make money and behave around algotrading like a business. + +Thanks for your advice! +I'm a single mom with two kids making $75,000 year. I only have $1000 in my 401k and I'm finally in a position to start saving money. +My employer states that they match 100% of my first 3% of funds and then 50% of the next 2%. + +I am using Fidelity and it looks like I have an option to also contribute to a Roth. + +How can I maximize my retirement starting so late? + +Thank you!! +PiggyBank ($PIGGY) is a new BSC token that rewards its holders in BNB, basically functioning as a savings account. A decentralized one! What makes it stand out is this as well as the fact that it has a nice whale protection mechanism preventing addresses from holding a large portion of the supply. + +When you buy Piggy, aside from tax redistributed to holders and LP, there's also a part of the tax that you get to keep : this part is pure BNB and can be claimed at any time on the Piggy Bank website. But if you sell any PIGGY, you lose all of it. When others sell, you get their BNB rewards. + +🌐 Website : [https://piggy.credit](https://piggy.credit) (fun website :) where you can get your rewards) + +📃 Contract : 0x1c77c57fDb1636E24f77DC09a3E1a536d72F84DE + +💬 Chat Telegram : [https://t.me/piggybankchat](https://t.me/piggybankchat) + +Liquidity locked, ownership renounced, no chance of a rug. Devs (team of 3) can most definitely dox when the token becomes successful. This also facilitates CMS application. + +The contract is verified so you can make sure it's safe. The team (3 people) pay things out of their own pocket and aim to use the marketing wallet to make the price increase healthily. + +Pancakeswap can be found here : [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1c77c57fDb1636E24f77DC09a3E1a536d72F84DE](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1c77c57fDb1636E24f77DC09a3E1a536d72F84DE) + +The chart : [https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x1c77c57fDb1636E24f77DC09a3E1a536d72F84DE](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x1c77c57fDb1636E24f77DC09a3E1a536d72F84DE) +It was rough seeing my stocks which have gone up 90% in the past year be down 4% at one point but I survived. + +I have nerves of steel and am great investor. +Chance to move to a VHCOL east coast city to pursue a new job at \~$650k vs. my current comp of \~$240k. Marginally more interesting work, well capitalized group, would represent step-up in title, potential risk around fit / hours will be more significant (I'm at about 50hrs per week now, suspect 60-70hrs at new gig, although some of this can be done from home office) and overseas travel expectations. Suspect I'm on trend to step to $300k in current gig in 2020. We were thinking we would stay here long-ish term and are under contract to buy a house which we'd have to carry with the new salary and eventually rent out (requires work on the front end of \~6 months, I am comfortable overseeing remotely and have local construction expertise within my family), and think it's a great buy in improving area as a rental. + +&#x200B; + +Have a 6 month old child and plan to have more. Family (4 grandparents) are in current city and have made life much easier vs. being on our own, particularly for my wife. I'd have to budget for a nanny so carry approx. $50-60k after tax plus potentially an extra bedroom (bit cheaper if we offer housing). + +&#x200B; + +Interesting of any insights for a young-ish (29) person pursuing FI on whether to make the jump. Suspect this could be a \~3 year gig and they may be open to moving me back to home city (they have an office here, but not the team that is interested in hiring me). + +&#x200B; + +Thanks FatFIRE! +I am in the early stages of exploring the idea of selling my rental. I have owned this property since 2005 and have been renting it to the same tenants for nearly 9 years. They are currently month-to-month (60 day notice if they don't wish to renew) When should I involve them to let them know my intentions? I am not certain I will sell but I am considering it. It doesn't seem right to spring this on them at the last minute after a decision has been made and I'm getting ready to list. This would be the first time I've sold a property with tenants so I'm inexperienced in this regard. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Just curious why you all sell options? Obviously, we're all looking to make gains with our money but just curious what the overall purpose is in selecting this strategy. + +Personally I'm trying to learn if it's a viable option to eventually earn passive income from my retirement account. I'm 40 right now and don't really plan to stop working until I'm 65. + +The way I see it is that there are 3 possibilities to fund retirement from a 401k or equivalent. + +1st is simply drawing down on it for all expenses. This seems like the least desirable because it errodes your capital with a trajectory towards $0. + +2nd is investing in dividend paying stocks/etfs and living off those payments. Pretty good + +3rd would be living off the premium from selling options. Probably requires the most "work" but maybe the best rewards. + + +Just interested in hearing anything you have to add. Thanks to everyone. Learning a lot being a part of the thetagang. +Hi everyone - I know there's a ton of interest in DRS and I had previously said I would look into it to learn more, because it's not something I know a lot about. It turns out a friend of mine knows the system inside and out - they're a senior exchange executive (who wants to remain anonymous) and is willing to do an AMA. They have studied the system in-depth, how it connects to and relates to the DTCC, and can provide a unique perspective as a long-time industry practitioner. Also, thanks to anonymity, they can be very open and honest. Part of our mission at The Terminal is to educate and advocate, and as such we're going to facilitate this AMA next week. The AMA thread will be in our sub-reddit, and will be streamed as audio somewhere. I know we're not allowed to post about other subs or self-promote, so I'm not sure whether this falls under that, but I figured folks would want to know and I'd like to be able to answer all your questions. +Turns out I have been paying for audible for two years due to them not shutting my account down properly. All this time I though it was my wife’s account we were paying for, but they bill on the first and sixteenth and neither of us noticed. +Good thing is that they could see there was no activity in the entire time and they have refunded the entire amount. It was almost four hundred bucks all told. +My friend Pete works in tech in New York, and he was interested in making his first real estate investment. He found a 3-unit apartment building in Brooklyn where he’d be happy to live in one unit, and rent out the other two for income. His hope is that he’d get both cash flow and property appreciation driving his investment returns. + +Pete wasn’t sure if he could apply for a residential mortgage to buy this building, or if he needed to pursue a commercial mortgage. He did know that I worked in commercial real estate finance, so he gave me a call. + +“Should I be using a residential mortgage or a commercial mortgage in this situation?” + +I answered, “Well, it depends”. + +## How it depends + +It depends on a couple of different factors. For one, it depends on whether the property will be held in an LLC, or if Pete will own it in his own name. It depends whether Pete has any other investors who will contribute equity capital, or if it’s all his own money. It depends on a few other questions too. Sometimes, you can simply choose which type of mortgage loan to take out against the property. Here’s how to choose: + +#### Pros of a residential mortgage + +* Full 30 year term available +* No prepayment penalties +* Non-recourse (you can lose the entire property, but no more) +* Lowest rates + +#### Cons of residential mortgage + +* Cannot use in an LLC +* Messy if you have co-investors +* Cannot be used for mixed-use property (like having a retail store on the ground floor) + +#### Pros of a commercial mortgage + +* Borrower can be an LLC +* Underwriting more directly tied to property income +* Property can be mixed-use + +#### Cons of a commercial mortgage + +* Loan comes due before fully paid off (“balloon payment”) +* Somewhat higher rates and fees +* Can include prepayment penalties +* Can include recourse (you can lose even more money than what you put into the property) + +## Limits of a residential mortgage + +We’ve already stated that you can’t use a consumer mortgage for an LLC or a mixed-use property. But there are a few more limits to note: + +* A residential mortgage is **limited to properties up to 4 units**. If the property has 5 units, you’re required to apply for a commercial mortgage. +* One person may only serve as guarantor on a **maximum of 10 residential mortgage loans**. + +Oh, what happened with Pete? He ended up pursuing a consumer mortgage (synonymous with residential mortgage) in order to secure the lowest possible interest rate in this case. +If you are glued to the charts and stressing over todays dip... relax your tits. Experienced apes warned you yesterday to expect this. Old news. + +Just keep in mind: + +1) GameStops Board has a fiduciary duty to their shareholders. They have a legal obligation to make sure any decision they make benefits their shareholders... + +2) The CEO got hired-on and given stock allotment at a price in the $200's. He isn't going to watch his salary depreciate by 40% for nothing. + +So... don't fret too much if they are being silent right now. They think that it is legally their best course of action. Otherwise GameStop would be facing the mother of all lawsuits after this is over... + +So. What is GameStop actually doing? + +In my opinion... they are building their own blockchain stock exchange. + +They aren't just worried about NFT dividends. They aren't worried about shorts covering on the open market. + +They have set the stage to take their ball and go home. + +They posted in their release during the 5mil share sale that they could take their shares to another depository if they feel it was needed. + +https://sec.report/Document/0001193125-21-186796/#supprom192873_21 + +*"If a depository for a series of securities is at any time unwilling, unable or ineligible to continue as depository and a successor depository is not appointed by us within 90 days, we will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security representing such series of securities. In addition, we may, at any time and in our sole discretion, subject to any limitations described in the applicable prospectus supplement relating to such securities, determine not to have any securities of such series represented by one or more global securities and, in such event, will issue individual securities of such series in exchange for the global security or securities representing such series of securities."* + + +IMO: **They are talking about *their* depository.** + + + + +We have had employees talking about changing the entire financial system: + + + +Apes, we aren't just investing in a retail store. We're possibly investing in the next, and first, US-based blockchain stock exchange... + + +What if the SEC meetings in May weren't to discuss GME's stock, but to discuss the regulations on opening a new exchange? + + +What if the 5mil stock offering wasn't to fund new expansion, but instead, to fund that new stock exchange? + + +What if all the recent DTCC rules haven't been implemented simply to limit short liability... what if it's to limit the exposure to a share extraction? + + +What if RC went to the SEC and said "Stop this shit from happening, or I'm taking every share of my company off the exchange"... and THAT's why all these rules have been fast-tracked onto the books?... + + +What if we are the first investors in the only US-based blockchain-supported stock exchange? + + +What if GameStop really does change finance forever... + +**Edit:** + +u/clawesome just posted this awesome detective work: + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otdhum/the_ethereum_address_ive_been_following_with_the/ + +It shows an ETH address that he has been following, that has had deposits made in the same amounts as the shares that GME has recently issued. + +This is actually not unheard of, either. A company owns the Nasdaq Exchange (Nasdaq Inc) that has itself listed on the Nasdaq (Ticker: NDAQ). + +**Edit edit**: + +Fellow Ape pointed out tZero. I agree it makes infinitely more sense to join an existing blockchain platform than to create one. I can not edit the title or I'd include this... + +Either way... I don't think GME is going to be listed on it's current exchange much longer... + +**Edit edit edit**: + +GameStop just listed an absolute shit ton of corporate job positions on their website... Including multiple Data Scientists etc... +So, I was long term unemployed. I’m talking 12 years. + +I escaped domestic violence last year, he was a large part of why I was unemployed. Every time I looked serious about getting work, sending off applications etc. He’d threaten to commit suicide or similar. It was a baaaad situation. + +After getting myself healthy emotionally, I asked some friends for some help with my resume. Turned out, a lot of the emotional abuse had rubbed off on my resume. To the point where I looked like I had no life experience whatsoever. Not surprised that I got no interviews. Now my resume reflects all the volunteer stuff I did and really shows my skills. Took a few months of edits and re-edits. But first job I sent it off to with the new approach, landed me an interview. + +I also rang to ch could the hiring person had received it. They didn’t, internal emails etc. did an impromptu interview on the phone. Which got me the official interview. + +I got offered a job in September, took a little while for me to get all my vaccines etc done (health care) but I’ve been working for a few weeks now and absolutely LOVE MY JOB!!! + +I’m a casual, but that’s ok. I’ll work towards trying to get permanent hours soon. I did volunteer work and un-paid stuff over those years, also got a degree, but I’m just so excited about my job. Thought that you’d all understand. + +Edited to add some more details. + +Second Edit: +A few people are confused about how I could survive without a job. I qualified for a disability support pension in my country (Australia) due to a car accident ten years ago. I was a wheelchair user, but have since been able to get back to walking without any aides. + +After bills each week I would have between $75-100 to buy food and fuel. Each trip to University was about an 80-90klm round trip. To be able to afford rent or a house, that’s how far away we had to live. So fuel cost $1.30/L most of that time our fuel requirements took most of that money. We took advantage of a local low cost food option where for $5 you got a heap of past best before date but still edible food. + +In Aus we don’t have to have health insurance, healthcare is free or else quite cheap, so long as you’re happy to wait. +I was just curious about a hypothetical, I hope that's ok for this sub. + +What would happen if every company in America just decided one day that they wouldn't pay any worker more than minimum wage? + +Are there any sort of market mechanics that would prevent this from happening? And in the event that it did happen, would any market mechanics disrupt those circumstances? + +Is there anything stopping companies from coordinating wages (besides laws) so that quitting your job for a better company isn't an option? +Recently I have decided to re-read Katharina Pistor's book titled "The Code of Capital", and it lead me to confusion about the word capital. To my knowledge, capital is a stock that when exploited has the potential to turn a profit. Yet in the book, the author claims that "Capital is a legal quality that helps create and protect wealth". Could we interpret it as meaning that the capability of capital to be profitable is reliant on the power of the state to uphold contracts and protect property rights, or is use of the word here is simply inappropriate? Katharina is a lawyer by education, so I am inclined to accept the second conclusion, but I would like the opinion of others on this matter. +(Opinions very much needed) Im a 19F college student, living with my parents that haven’t been doing good financially. The other day I got freaked out because they didn’t pay the rent on time and we are close to getting kicked out. Me and sister (22) helped them of course, and now we got a notice saying that they haven’t paid the electricity bill either. They left me and sister here with all the mail and worries and they went to Guatemala to sell one of their houses there and to get more money somehow. They make me super anxious because of their irresponsibilities. What should I do, I don’t work much because I’m always in school and I pay for my own school as well so all my money goes to my college funds. I give them what I can to help. I’m so anxious and I just need somebody’s advice, telling me I’ll be okay or what I should do to make things better. I live in Vancouver, Canada. +I’ll be graduating this semester and am accepting an offer that is 70k base, 30k signing, and 10k in stock per year from a tech company. + +I will be maxing out my 401k every year with VOO/VTI 30/70. Being young and fairly risk tolerant, is it a bad idea to just buy and hold ARKK/ICLN 50/50 with my RIRA account and just let it ride for the next 30 years? + +Also will be saving cash for house/car down payment. + +I also have the option for a Roth 401k vs traditional. Does it make sense to go traditional for my 401k to “cover my bases” in case my income might be lower than now when I retire? + +Thanks in advance for your responses. I know I’m in a really fortunate position and want to take full advantage of this situation to set myself and my future family up in the long run. + +EDIT: thank you so much for the responses!! I just wanted to clarify that I am mainly asking about for my 401k should I go traditional or Roth? For my IRA I am 100% going Roth! +Let's keep this short and sweet. I work at a financial institution - one of those that might melt the global financial system if it failed (I've verified this before with pink and one other a while back when I made a post on total return swaps) Over my time there, I've come to learn one very important key to this saga - It's all about the collateral. (and the hedge). + +When you are knee-deep in a levered short TRS (total return swap) position against GME, which I do strongly believe is the case given the evidence, the 2 most important things are the quality/stability of your collateral and the correlation of your hedge. + +Currently, SHF and friends are walking on an interesting tightrope, one which they won't ever make it to the other side. + +Collateral - The securities which you own that are to be posted against your current derivative exposure to protect against counterparty risk. Typically this is in the form of Initial Margin (a fixed amount at the inception of the trade) and Variation Margin (a variable amount that changes as the market-to-market of your position changes). Normally, banks and market makers require good quality collateral for this (think Investment grade bonds, US Treasuries, US Index Funds, etc) NOW THE BIG PROBLEM - The value of all of the above has been flushed down the toilet. Bonds, down the drain. SPY, down the drain, etc.Typically most hedge funds, especially the hedge funds in question are utilizing stocks with a high correlation to the esspeewhy and major indices as collateral. (rainforest, battery-powered hot wheels, fruit stock, etc) Problem is, as the value of those craters with like the titanic, so does the posting requirement.Now I firmly believe that the powers at be, are, and have been for the last year, in a death spiral with their GME positions vs their underlying esspeewhy collateral. + +Below is the current ratio of SPY/GME and as you can see, we seem to be in a bit of a trend. A trend that for some reason cannot be broken to the upside (where GME depreciates vs esspeewhy) but whenever it breaks to the downside (where GME appreciates vs esspeewhy) we begin to experience extreme IV spikes and halts (jan21, march21, june21, nov21, april22, august22). I believe that these IV spikes/halts that we are seeing at the bottom of this trend are margin calls, margin calls which are only met and subdued (allowing them to aggressively short the stock into the ground again) by posting more collateral. Now what you will notice here, is that we are floor to the upsize, which means, GME is unable to be shorted or pushed above the top of the trend, this likely represents a point of overleverage that will also result in a margin call, which explains why we seem to rally off of the top of the trend, every time we get shorted there. + +&#x200B; + +[espeewhy\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/firv3ceofht91.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc5abfae095939ebd4b98a4031fea67604f1b014) + +Now take a look at espewhy / sticky floor.. + +&#x200B; + +[esspeewhy\/swapcorn](https://preview.redd.it/hemwpo94hht91.png?width=631&format=png&auto=webp&s=53c523a8da398cb288ec68a08af95e1be0fae430) + +&#x200B; + +What you are seeing here, is the break of this trend to the upsize (where sticky floor depreciates vs espeewhy). This is very much a result of both the lack of DRS (which has floored GME) and, Adam Enron's ever-so-clear criminal dilution through the use of their "special" (regarded) dividend. I do believe that the SHFs, given this ratio were previously caught in a sticky floor short over the last few years, but thanks to their gracious leader, through dilution and more dilution, he has given the sticky floor shorts, a chance to cover their positions and not only that, enter into somewhat of a long hedge against GME. + +Now on to a bit of a controversial topic.. The Hedge: + +&#x200B; + +[esspeewhy \/ towel](https://preview.redd.it/tey4zrvwfht91.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2c005ef4fe5a196f6c70c1a3d97a43278c4596) + +Above is the same ratio as discussed above but with esspeewhy/towel stock. And as you can see, it's in even worse shape than sticky floor where it continues to break to the upside (depreciating vs esspeewhy). Once again clearly showing the power of DRS and how it floors the price of GME vs esspeewhy on the trend. + +Now, this may be a little speculation but I do believe given the price action and the ratios above, that towel stock was indeed a hedge position against a massive GameStop short. A hedge that Ryan was potentially (likely) aware of when he purchased shares with the intent to either convince the towel stock board to follow a turnaround plan which may have lead dilution (fuk hedgies) or some sort of synergy plan with GME, but even if that didn't pan out, he could still pull the rug on that hedge and ruin it for the SHFs at any moment.. which he did (kinda, but mostly the uuessbee crowd panik selling).\^ *this is pure speculation on my part, think what you will\** + +The Last Act: + +&#x200B; + +[GME\/swapcorn](https://preview.redd.it/iua3xfe2ght91.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=da7c410bde4a44506cb5f3b70481234521f2ea8d) + +Above is the ratio of GME / sticky floor. One which has been trending up (GME appreciates vs Popcorn) for the last year and half. + +&#x200B; + +[GME \/ towel](https://preview.redd.it/r1hodra4ght91.png?width=493&format=png&auto=webp&s=6575af046f972764ebbaa856291142fac4891da0) + +Likewise, the above is the ratio of GME / towel stock, which has once again been trending up for the last year and a half (GME appreciates vs towel). + +Given the above ratios and metrics, I do believe that GME decoupled from sticky floor and towel stock as a result of DRS, a painful cost to borrow, and the extreme leverage being used. At the same time, it is now in a death spiral against esspeewhy collateral (which is depreciating quickly) which if we look closer at the below, has an end date, conveniently located at the 2y point from the sneeze. (sorry to rejack those tits). Now, this isn't to say that it will take until January for liftoff. I do believe given the evidence we have seen against the bottom of the ratio (where GME becomes extremely volatile through halts, iv pumps, etc) that if the GME ratio vs esspeewhy were to break below through this margin line (appreciate vs esspeewhy), and hold that rise in value, it would likely trigger a violent wave of margin calls and liquidations to the likes of which our market has not seen before. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9ngu2g3aght91.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=571a0d1494845824e8177493d17ee57754861568 + +TLDR: Esspeewhy stocks are being used as collateral. That collateral is depreciating quickly against GME; When that ratio breaks to the downside (GME appreciates vs SPY) below the 2-year-long trend, the end times begin. At the same time, towel stock and sticky floor are the SHF hedges that we are currently decoupling from thus cornering them from both sides. + +Now, this isn't meant to be TA. These ratios don't typically occur in normal stocks. And they most certainly should not be occurring with a 7BN market cap console and preowned games retailer (as the media claims) versus the whole fuckin market. Do with this info as you wish, ill just buy and DRS some more tomorrow. + +\-Chairman (Dad?) is back from his milk run!-Almost a billion cash on the balance sheet-$100 million stashed for buybacks-NFT marketplace alpha launch (games, music, movies...everything)-FTX Partnership and Defi stock exchange(there's more i know, I'm just tired) + +55% DRS AND COUNTING... Id really hate to be mayoman rn. + +Thnx for coming to my Ted talk.. +My first investment was in cryptocurrency in late 2017, which experienced a boom a few months later in beginning of 2018. I made a nice return on that, even though looking back I knew what a high risk investment that was. + +Currently, I have about 15k which I would like to invest. My current situation is: + +- Living at home with parents, want to move out within a year. +- Make around €1k per month after tax. +- Low cost of living (€100/month average). + +What would you recommend me? + +Thanks so much in advance! +Reading through this subreddit I often stumble on the term 'red Monday' and 'dildo Sunday'... It seems that there is a prevelant opinion that during weekdays the crypto market is pumping while dumping on weekends. The current mantra is buy when it's low and sell before it dumps, right? + +**Strategy:** + +Therefore I simulated the following trading strategy: Buying 100$ into bitcoin on Mondays and selling it on Fridays from 2020-08-24 onwards over two years. + +**Analysis:** + +I created a txt file with 100$ entry and the outcome for each week, then loaded it into a free Analyzing Tool from [Quant Integral](https://www.quantintegral.com/). This is the outcome over the last two years: + +* Absolute Profits after 102 trades: 70$ +* Win Rate after 102 trades: 53% +* Expected Profit per Trade: 0.7% + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xjmh283hgch91.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f1b80e007b4e0f9eb24b2d2fc88148ec0d416d + +**Conclusion:** + +On the first glance 70$ Profit seems to be good. If you look at the charts how the expected Profits changes over time, then the strategy was actually viable during a period between week 10 and week 30. But if you look further it began to decline - the strategy stopped working (roughly after 2021-03-08). The win rate nears 50% and the expected profits for a trade went to nearly 0 after 100 trades - those metrics are similar to a coin-flip game. This means that this strategy is not viable anymore and not viable for long term trading. + +**Remarks:** + +All data and the analysis can be verified on [quantintegral.com](https://quantintegral.com) where you can analyze any strategies. + +**Extra:** + +A lot of you are interested, so I used data from [coingecko.com](https://coingecko.com) from the first time I heard about bitcorn (about 2017-11, Price at that time: 7103$). + +* Buy on Mondays and sell on Fridays: After 250 trades the stats are still similar to above: + * Absolute Profit: 163$ + * Win Rate: 53% + * Expected Profits: 0.66% +* Buy bitcoin (with 100$) and sell at the next day. The stats for that strategy are not good either: + * Absolute Profit is 145$ after 860! trades + * Win Rate: 52% + * Expected Profits: 0.17% + +https://preview.redd.it/137dxwamrfh91.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=04ed03b83d6e72ae12bc704c6831a40b7009b6fd + +Both strategies have stats similar to a head or tails game, so none of them are good strategies for long term. + +**TL;DR**: + +You are correct half of the time when you say bitcoin pumps (or at least being positive) during Mo-Fr :-) +r/povertyfinance is truly where it's at. Anyone who gives me advice here - I know has considered themselves 'poor' or 'broke' at one point in their life. I seriously feel like Personalfinance and Credit are helpful boards for \*reading\* the advice but not actually posting or engaging within the communities. Both are those boards are filled with people who at one point had access to additional resources to get them out of a tight spot -- whether that be capital or family assistance. Hence why I feel like boomers flock to those boards. Often times I noticed the users offering advice rarely understand intersectionality and are sometimes tone deaf to the OP. The overall experience of being 'broke' is different for different types of people. A lot of the advice in those boards is condescending as well. + +Edit: I know all boomers aren't rich. I'm speaking on the ones that are and constantly give poor folk repetitive and bad advice. +I already have a Chase banking and savings account so I am leaning that way, but I always hear high praises about Fidelity as well. Any advice that might make the decision a little more clear is appreciated! +I know this might seem really basic, but I thought I’d share my experience anyways. I’m a 22 y/o male and I just got my first dividend payment of $15.72! + +Even though $15 is like a mcdonalds meal, it feels like I didn’t do shit to earn it, so it feels really good. + +How much do you get from dividends per month or per year? Feel free to share if you’d like :D + +Edit: I didn’t know this was going to blow up like it did. Thanks to everyone for all your support/advice/praises/love!! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +The company I work for was the target of a scam that was well-planned. I would not be surprised if this works on some folks - please be careful people! + +I received an email yesterday purporting to be from one of our employees. The email was "him" asking if it would be possible for me to update his direct deposit information. If so, he'd send me his bank account information. + +Things that made this scam potentially quite effective: + +* They researched our company and selected a real employee and used his first and last name. +* They created a gmail address that could plausibly be his. +* They researched our company and correctly guessed that I am the person that runs payroll, and figured my email address. +* They weren't overly aggressive in their request (e.g. sending bank information straight away). + +Things that alerted me almost immediately to it being a scam: + +* We use an HR service where employees can self-manage direct deposit along with everything else. +* We almost never send email internally and communicate via slack or in person conversation. + +Fortunately as a company of ten people it was a pretty quick "Hey, this email I just got is bullshit right?" and he said "Haha, oh yeah that's bullshit", however if we were larger and communicated more via email then it could certainly work on some companies. + +Please be careful! +Early 30s - Current VP at a FAANG-like firm, comp is probably around 300-320k not including RSUs. My wife contributes another 250k to the household. + +Context: I've been at the company for about a decade, moved up pretty aggressively but it seems like now I'm just going to be stuck at VP. Not too worried about it, comfortable job, good lifestyle, excellent work environment. This particular company acknowledges they "underpay" people but they make it up in lifestyle and prestige or so to speak. It is not unusual to see folks celebrate 20-25 year anniversaries here. + +I continue to be "enticed" by offers from other FAANG-like firms or late stage unicorns that end up being about a 50% raise. I have an offer right now to be a C-level at a late stage unicorn for about 300k base + bonus/equity, the whole works... + +Anyone else ever get too comfortable? I'm afraid to make a move in this economic environment, but more importantly, I'm afraid that I'd be going into an unknown for essentially a $80-100k raise on base salary with a lotto ticket on equity. On the other hand, I'm worried that as someone in their early 30's... I'd basically be conceding career growth to lifestyle... and end up staying at my current position for decades. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: I'm not at a FAANG.. I work at a company that similarly sized/similar sector. I also work in Marketing, not product or engineering. Either way, I'm not here to argue comp or titles. I'm here to ask about experiences when you get too comfortable at a job versus going out for more pay and unknown environments. +Hello all! I'm mid-thirties, working in tech in a HCOL area, married w/ no kids. I went all-in early on a crypto project last summer and it's returned very well. I have over $9M in this single crypto-asset that I believe still has a lot of upside left. I have roughly 70% staked and returning \~8%. 30% is for selling at various price targets that I hope to hit in the coming 6-9 months. + +I have a fatFIRE goal of $15M and confidence in this market & asset, so I'm letting it ride. I do realize this is against all good advice but I'm comfortable with the risk at this stage in my life. I could ride out a multi-year crypto bear market if needed. + +I have taken off about $600k this year that I have it earmarked for a down-payment & taxes. + +I finally found a place that is precisely what we were looking for, but it will cost close to my max loan of $2M. I'd be taking on a 30-year fixed at around 2.8% on $1.6M. I was able to qualify for this without the bank taking the crypto-assets or staking returns into account. ie: our w2 income and lack of debt allowed them to extend this. + +It's a little more house than we need (4 bed / 2 bath for a couple :-/ ) but it's definitely in a fantastic area and I'm considering the extra house to not be so bad; the debt is cheap and gives me more real estate exposure. Our monthly net from salaries is around $13,500 after maxing out retirement plans, so the mortgage payments would absorb about half. After down-payment, we're left with $200k cash, but about $500k in taxes due for 2021 thus far. + +I'm feeling okay taking on the house given our salaries can cover it and the staking returns are currently strong (about $25k monthly after tax); but I do realize the risk profile isn't necessarily getting any better. My selling plan for the liquid 30% of the crypto should net around $1.5M which I plan to re-invest into something that balances out my portfolio; I was assuming something like QYLD and some bonds to provide some cash-flow to offset mortgage/house expenses. + +Anyway, as a long-term lurker, I'm looking for a sanity check. I know the $9M concentrated in a crypto is insane, but does that mean taking on the house is a terrible idea? What would you suggest I do with the $1.5M (assuming my price targets are hit in the coming months) to diversify my portfolio and start dialing down/offsetting the risk? +Question is pretty much as stated. + +My little nephew is my sibling's only child and my parent's only grandchild. He gets spoiled silly by both sides of the family. For his birthday and Christmas, he basically gets inundated with a million gifts, picks a few he really likes, and then kind of just outgrows all the others. + +I'd rather put money in a medium/low risk investment idea for him and just put money in that, at least until he's old enough that he'll actually remember gifts. + +What ideas do you guys have? +[source](https://retirehappy.ca/minimize-tax-retirement-income/) based on Ontario, 2018 tax rules. + +Edit **This article is about tax treatment of dividends in retirement** it appears some people couldn’t figure that out by the title and conclusion. + +Dividends from public Canadian companies actually have a negative tax rate if your taxable income is in this range: $25000 - $46000. That’s right – negative tax. + +The danger, though, is that dividends are taxed at an extremely high 62% rate if your income is below $25,000! + +Why is the dividend taxed so high for the lowest income? The GIS clawback is on the grossed-up dividend. Dividends are a disaster for low-income seniors! + +Dividend tax on low-income seniors is strange – but important to understand. If your income is under $25,000 and you receive a $1,000 dividend, it is grossed-up by 38% and adds $1,380 to your taxable income. The 50% GIS clawback on this $1,380 is $690. This is a 69% GIS clawback, which is reduced by 7% negative income tax on the dividend to get an effective tax rate of 62%. + +In short, the government gets $620 of your $1,000 dividend. + +If your income is above $46,000, there is a small advantage to dividends. They can be taxed about the same as an SWP (deferred capital gains). + +- $46000 to $76000 income: dividends 9%, capital gains 17%, deferred capital gains is 8% (50% of investment) to 17% (99.9% of investment). + +At $75,000 of income and the dividend tax rate leaps to 30% and it has a negative impact on taxes. + +- $76000 to $86000 income: dividends 30%, capital gains is 22%, deferred capital gains is 11% +(50% of investment) to 22% (99.9% of investment). + +A taxable income if $86000 and above is even worse: + +- $86000 to $123000 income: dividends 41%, capital gains is 26%, deferred capital gains is 13% +(50% of investment) to 26% (99.9% of investment). + + +Dividend investing has the disadvantage that the negative tax only applies to Canadian companies on the stock market that pay dividends. This can limit the diversification of your portfolio. SWPs with deferred capital gains work with any company anywhere in the world. + +Note: Negative tax rates on dividends only exist in Ontario, B.C., New Brunswick and the 3 territories. + +Note: if you are using delayed RRSP contribution tax deductions to keep taxable income very low to collect GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement), dividend income in a non-registered account is very bad. Also, this article/analysis looks at taxable dividends only (ie/ not in a registered account). + +Note: article assumes deferred capital gains at 50% assumes investments are at least 100% cumulative gains - this is just for illustrative purposes as it can be lower, and ideally would be higher. + +Conclusion: Canadian dividend portfolios to achieve tax efficiency works very well when your taxable income,** in retirement**, is $25 000 to $46 000, works relatively okay, at the expense of diversification, from $46 000 to $76 000, works relatively less well and is less diversified at $76 000 to $86 000, and works quite badly from $0 to $25 000 (because of GIS claw backs) and quite badly when your taxable income is $86 000 and above. +I've been trading since march of this year. I am still searching for consistent profitability, but that all comes down to my mentality. Nothing to do with my skill. + +Anyways, after finding myself here, 7 months since i started. I notice how many beginners over complicate forex. Writing down tons of notes , looking for the small and precise information and mostly overthinking. I fell victim to this too. But I've come to learn that a lot of that is irrelevant. + +Honestly, what people don't talk about is chart hours and focusing on 1 pair. Wicksdontlie has a livestream I recommend everyone watch, I was in a separate discord group and learned all the basics, but from just watching his streams and watching the charts constantly (whilst making food , playing playstation etc) I got a proper understanding for what forex is and what I have to do to make it. + +But the fact people don't talk enough about focusing on 1 pair makes me wonder? If you sit in front of your laptop for hours watching 1 pair move you will get an unbelievable understanding for how the market moves and how YOUR pair moves. You notice the same things over and over again. + +I never studied imbalances, waiting for price to develop on higher time frames, lower lows and higher highs, patience, discipline, the different trading sessions (NY,LDN etc). All of that came to me naturally, from hours and hours on the charts, from backtesting and listening to Raja Banks and Uncle Ted's stream. + +Don't fall out of love with forex because of confusion etc. It's all due to your mind overcomplicating things. Think of hours on the charts like hours playing football. You get up and kick the ball from a young age, not thinking of the complications on how to hit an outside the boot pass or knuckle ball etc. The more hours you spend doing it the better you will become and the better of an understanding you'll form. Not only on the charts, but an understanding for YOU. What YOU need to do mentally to achieve success. 10% skill and 90% psychology is most certainly true. + + Enjoy your journey and prepare for a long ride full of losses and mental battles. That's what your signing up for. + +GL. +Just in case you missed it, Corporate media did a short and distort piece on RC and his BBBY investment, coordinated- they massed released articles claiming RC sold his BBBY shares and in reality he had to update his fillings to have the *right to sell* since he is now considered an insider. + +archive all the FUD articles, take all those "Tru$t3d s0urces" and avoid them like the plague. + +want to take it one step foward? report those SOB's for short and distort +https://www.sec.gov/oiea/Complaint.html + +this was a SHORT AND DISTORT and is suppose to be ILLEGAL. + +They are desperate. Same thing they have been doing with GME. +USAA sold my VA home loan, just refinanced last august, to Mr. Cooper. Now Mr. cooper is charging me an extra $25 per month in “fees” over and above what I was paying at USAA. This is not PMI, I don’t have that. In fact, I qualified and paid for a lower %2.5 rate with USAA last year. + +Is this legal? I still have my loan origination paper work from last year. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! + +Edit: Clarification, this is not an escrow shortage, late fee, insurance increase etc. this is a line item called “fees.” + +Addtionally, I’m wondering if anyone has any idea if “fees” like this are allowed in general under the restrictive provisions the US Veterans Affairs (VA) office places on lenders for VA secured home loans. Thanks! +Very curious if there are any fatFIREes based in Japan. High income taxes, high inheritances taxes, lack of economic growth, and necessity of speaking Japanese to enjoy all the conveniences no doubt make it an unlikely choice for many here. On the plus side, Japan offers incredible food, good health care, great public transportation, dense cities (that are very clean and safe) with tons of cultural activities, low crime, and generally an elderly-friendly environment. +Has anyone here done it? Any advice or regrets? In my case, my family speaks both English and Japanese and we would not have any visa issues. We have experience living in Japan and some family in Japan. +Micron Technology(NASDAQ:MU) is the 4th largest distributor of semiconductors in the world leading in production of DRAM and NAND. Analysts predict a one year stock value median of $120 compared to current $82. My own calculation, which skews more conservative, has them at $118.12 with a 30.6 Margin of Safety. + +Looking at valuation, they consistently surprise EPS expectations. Last quarter they beat an expected 1.72 at 1.88 and have an expected EPS of 2.32 for Q3. Their PE of 22.63 is below the industry's 31.97x, has P/B of 2.17 compared to industry's 14.2x, P/S is 3.62 compared to Industry's 12.18, PEG Ratio is .36 compared to industry's .12. Altogether, a great start. + +Fundamentally, looking at their financials they did take a big hit in 2019 because of the semiconductor supply shortage. Look up price of GPU from 2019 to today and you'll quickly see what I mean. This impacted their sales and earnings. In 2018 their high was 31B Revenue and 14B in earnings. With COVID and that stock shortage already there, 2020 earnings had tumbled to 21.43 B and a meager 2.69B. If you go to quarterlies though, they're currently smashing it. They're last quarterly was simply phenomenal. Revenue of 7.42 B, and earnings of 1.74B. Year to Year and Year to quarterly is just fantastic from where they were. Next year they're predicting an EBIDA growth of 20%. Very ambitious estimate and while definitely not sustainable for 5 year period, a one year 20% EBIDA prediction is still very good. + +Many things in their favor is they're buying back shares. They're starting to buy back shares. Its not much, but last quarter saw the first decrease in ordinary share number and increase in treasury shares. This is course change from previous quarters of a slight dilution they've had. Its not as intense as Intel's buyback, but it shows management's belief that they're undervalued. They also just announced a dividend. Its small, 10 cents a share, but you don't do that unless you're confident. It also gets on the radar of intuitions that require a dividend. They're domestic so there is no concentration on foreign crackdowns. In fact, in 2019 Huawei was 14% of their business and the USA restriction already had that hit. + +Some hits against them are that there are other competitors. Multiple companies have the cash to to invest in hyper expansion like Intel and Ti. Since the start of the shortage, MU has had decreased earnings and revenue seeing shrinkage of about 28% from their 2018 high. Until recently, they weren't that cash flow positive and have been taking on more debt to power expansion. This may effect DCF calculations. Its more held by institutions than insiders so while the board has an obligation to share holders, it won't keep them up at night. I + +Some insight to the semiconductors as a whole. US Gov passed a bill a couple months back approving funding for domestic semicondutor chip development of 50B. So they're not prone to the infrastructure bill may or may not passing, they already have increased federal funding. Also, DRAM and NAND are respectively dynamic memory and logic gates necessary for computers to function. DRAM is expected to increase 16% in sales and NAND is expected to go up 30%. DRAM makes up a larger portion of sales for MU to NAND. However, none of these things are going away. These are core components of any development and are only looking to increase in demand. + +Another competitor you might want to look at is Western Digital (WDC). They have similar fundamentals and potential for growth. However, Micron has better ratios at the moment so that's why I chose to focus on it. Either one I think is a greatly undervalued stock with MU just being better. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Some bear additions commenters brought up. Semiconductors are cyclical growth. While Q2 was great in sales, seeing a 23% price boost in DRAM, its likly the price will drop to a more moderate 10-13% growth. I've only found one article on trend force about this, but want people to know. NAND market is looking to actually increase by about 4-5% according to trendforce again. When doing your own comparison be aware the difference between AMD and INTEL like companies are that AMD contracts the chip manufactory to the INTELs like MU. So when doing own analysis, notice that MU should be compared to other chip manufacturers. rather than chip contractors. + +Please stop soliciting me for your services. I'm not going to give you money. I posted to help others not to become a customer of your services +Yeah I know most people in here are interested in equity markets. I am also primarily interested in equities. But just for discussion I wanted to bring this up and see what people think... + +I was just listening to the Bigger Pockets podcast (a podcast for real estate investors) and everyone on there seemed so optimistic with little acknowledgement of the true situation we are in. I heard comments like: + +\- "Maybe we will see a small dip in prices over the summer" + +\- "I'm only seeing rents dropping 3-4% in my area and I don't think we'll see it go much lower for now" + +So banks are tightening lending requirements, we have mass unemployment (maybe 20% ?) , we have situations where you literally cannot evict non-paying tenants and by some counts I read we have 30% of US tenants not paying rent. I would be surprised if Airbnb hosts are getting even 10% of the bookings they were getting last year. + +Are real estate people out of touch with reality right now? I don't think enough people are preparing for the possibility that this goes on much past June. +One scenario I could see "the bubble" bursting was if most of the volume was debt pushing the price upward. I was under the presumption that hodlers were dollar cost averaging in with weekly or monthly savings. I figured if people were leveraging debt they'd be advising it in get-rich-quick seminars and youtube channels. + +I am now of the firm belief that we are witnessing a mass exodus of debt slaves from the market. They maxed out their credit cards on the way to the top and they have to sell on the way to the bottom. + +I know things are gonna get bad. Very bad. But do not fold under pressure and short your position. This is going to pay off once the fundamentals kick in. One vital component of the fundamentals is how rugged this community is. Crying defeat and rage quitting at the first red month is just weak. + +I am sticking to my strategy. I will only take profits at new all time highs and never sell my position short. Anything less is self destructive. + +I believe this is the end cycle for the "hedge coins". Make of that what you will. But if this current market condition has proven anything, there are no hedges. This market is 90% correlated. So hedging is no more than a redundancy. This is bullish for ETH. Next bull rally will begin with a consolidation from the wannabes into the coins that actually matter. + +Garbage in. Garbage out. We will be stronger at the end of this shake out of weak hands, shitcoins and debt slaves. Just be patient. +**TL;DR - The entire ETF process is NOT what I expected. The creation and redemption process allows market makers like Citadel to remove shares from ETFs and sell the underlying securities. There isn't really a good TL;DR so I am to make this post as simple as I can.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# How does an ETF work? + +Well, I hope I am about to rock your socks. Every time the short interest for XRT is posted, there is a large amount of comments attempting to speculate on just how and why they do it. The key to understanding how ETFs work is the "creation/redemption" mechanism. It's how ETFs gain exposure to the market, and is the "secret sauce" that allows ETFs to be less expensive, more transparent and more tax efficient than traditional mutual funds. + +&#x200B; + +*I will reference XRT as my example throughout.* + +&#x200B; + +**Step 1** \- When an ETF company (State Street) wants to create a fund, to track or gain exposure to a specific market, it turns to an **Authorised Participant (AP).** An AP is a market maker or large financial institution... I.E Someone with a lot of fucking money. + +&#x200B; + +**Step 2** \- The AP goes out on the open market and buys all of the securities that the ETF wants to hold. These securities will be bought in respect to the 'weighting' of the ETF. + +*Weighting - Think of an ETF like a pie chart. The bigger the percentage held, the bigger the slice of the pie. More weight = bigger part of the ETF.* + +&#x200B; + +**Step 3** \- In exchange, the ETF company gives the AP a block of **equally valued ETF shares,** called creation units. These are in blocks of 50,000 shares. This takes place on a 'one for one' basis i.e. you give me $1,000,000 worth of securities and I give you $1,000,000 worth of ETF units. + +*Both parties benefit from the transaction: The ETF provider gets the stocks it needs to track whatever, and the AP gets plenty of ETF shares to resell for profit.* + +&#x200B; + +**Step 4 -** The AP will then sell these ETF units on the open market for cash, at a profit, to regain the money spent on the underlying securities. + +&#x200B; + +**Okay! You're still with me? Pretty easy right. Get shares, give em to the ETF, the ETF gives back shares of the ETF for the same value.** + +*etf etf etf etf etf - fuck i'm gonna say that so much.* + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +# The creation and redemption process + +&#x200B; + +Now boys and girls, this is the important part. This is what keeps an ETF share price trading in line with the funds underlying NAV (Net asset value). + + + +Because an ETF trades like a stock, its price will fluctuate during the trading day, due to simple supply and demand. If many investors want to buy an ETF, for instance, the ETF’s share price might rise above the value of its underlying securities. + +**When this happens, the AP can jump in to intervene. Recognizing the “overpriced” ETF, the AP might buy up the underlying shares that compose the ETF and then sell ETF shares on the open market. This should help drive the ETF’s share price back toward fair value, while the AP earns a basically risk-free arbitrage profit.** + +**Likewise, if the ETF starts trading at a discount to the securities it holds, the AP can snap up 50,000 shares of that ETF on the cheap and redeem them for the underlying securities, which can be resold. By buying up the undervalued ETF shares, the AP drives the price of the ETF back toward fair value while once again making a nice profit**. + +This arbitrage process helps to keep an ETF’s price in line with the value of its underlying portfolio. With multiple APs watching most ETFs, ETF prices typically stay in line with the value of their underlying securities. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uj3ikw5y2jt81.jpg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2404de1baf08f28d65a2ab575f49df9add303ce + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Did you get that?** + +***I smooth it for people who can't read. Example:*** + +&#x200B; + +* All shares in ETF worth $1,000,000 +* ETF has 1,000,000 shares trading at $1. +* ETF shares = $1 million = Underlying shares in ETF worth $1 million + +&#x200B; + +**Everyone happy** + +&#x200B; + +* If underlying shares worth more, they buy the ETF shares to raise price. +* If ETF is worth more, they buy the underlying shares and trade them for ETF shares. They sell them to drop ETF price. + +&#x200B; + +**Everyone happy.** + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +# XRT, 1000% SI and FTDs + +Now we get to the good part. Here is some slight speculation but I do say, we're going to try and put 2+2 to get 4. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/90sdszkj4jt81.jpg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fddd735a0571b850b42827b58aaa8af78c768a + +You've seen this by now. A crazyyyyy amount of short interest? Well why? and how can they get GME out of it? + +We know they want the underlying securities *(ahem GME).* The process we spoke of above? This is very likely how they get away with it. + +Shorting XRT directly to knock GME down is impractical. You would not move the underlying stock because it's not even being sold! The process of removing the shares from the basket/fund and selling it, is what allows the price to drop. + +&#x200B; + +**Let's take a hypothetical situation;** + +&#x200B; + +**Step 1 -** Citadel takes it's creation units from XRT and 'sells them'. But they don't...they fail to deliver. They keep the shares the naughty rascals. In fact, **THEY MIGHT NOT EVEN HAVE THE ETF SHARES IN THE FIRST PLACE.** + +&#x200B; + +**Step 2 -** They head straight to State Street and say *'I would like to redeem these units in exchange for the underlying securities. GameStop is trading too damn high and is also pushing your fund value TOO DAMN HIGH. Leave the rest, I don't want the others. We can just use GME to bring your level back down.* + +&#x200B; + +**Step 3 -** State Street gives Citadel the underlying GME shares to sell on the open market + +&#x200B; + +**Note -** When the shares are handed back to the fund, the shares no longer trade and the outstanding shares of the ETF goes down. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Conclusion + +So where does this leave Citadel. They buy the ETF because it's cheaper than buying the underlying stock. This is speculation and I'm trying to dig much deeper so any help would be appreciated, but fuck me if this isn't some stupid shady shit. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Love you all. + +&#x200B; + +Punny out. +I'm going to start this with the caveat that this is a throwaway account, and that these are MASSIVELY first world problems. But this fatFIRE and I think they need to be discussed. + +I would estimate that at the high end (farFIRE+) territory, inflation is running at 20-30% a year. I've found (at 5m/y income + 30m NW) that my real buying power has decreased massively in the last 12 to 24 months for the things that I actually want to be purchasing / consuming. + +For example: high end hotel rates are up 50-100% (look at a weekend rate at something like the Four Seasons Surf Club in Miami, or Amanyara in Turks, Belmond Anguilla etc); dining prices at top restaurants are up 30-40%; higher end wine is up 50-100%; private aviation is up 100% (and in many cases inaccessible as the fractional providers are off-loading their merely fat clients in favor of whales); vacation homes values in top areas (Hamptons, Palm Beach, Aspen) have doubled or tripled, and rents are off the chart; both blue chip and 'hot emerging' art prices have skyrocketed; luxury cars are trading well over sticker; boats, dock space are nearly impossible to find in hot areas like NY area / Miami....etc etc etc + +This raises the question of what are people in this group doing to protect their real buying power? + +Personally- I am thinking that I have to re-allocate more of my portfolio to securing access to things I'm going to want in the future. For example - having a higher percent of NW tied up in second home real estate is probably OK for me given that's an asset I want, and one that until two years ago I would have planned to finance thru broader market appreciation. Similarly, I think one has to purchase and hold what would otherwise historically have been thought of as non-productive lifestyle assets: if you think you want to own a boat, buy the slip now; if you are a wine person, but on release and store. And, I think there is a very good argument to be made for investing in income producing inflation linked businesses in the areas you are going to be 'short' - eg invest in high end hotel / RE projects if you're a frequent consumer; if you can swing being an equity owner in operating businesses that are in areas you may use (like charter for example) that could be another way to hedge. + +What do others think? Any great ideas? Am I nuts? +I'm currently working within the technical sector. Within my job one of colleagues told me they were on £40kpa. + + +I'm currently on £26kpa, we did the same job he just had more experience. I have set myself a soft target of earning £30k pa before I turn 30. I'm 26 at the moment. + + +Recently I've spent some time on my CV to make it far more presentable, updated all the job boards/linked in profile. But it seems there's a 'wall' to get into this £30k+ region (Unless I'm setting this wall by myself). Without have a degree/uni education. Do I have a hope of getting to my goal? What would you all recommend/suggest I do? + + +I know it's pretty vague, so feel free to ask questions to help get a better understanding. + +EDIT: Not checked reddit over the weekend. I'll do my best to respond to as many comments tomorrow! +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/25/comcast-is-pondering-a-sale-of-its-minority-stake-in-hulu-to-disney.html + +This is all very bad for Netflix and very good for Disney, no? +I have played around with iota wallet there were a lot of bugs and I was curious if I was doing something wrong. my following post was deleted: + +" +IOTA wallets just feels buggy to me. Am I doing something wrong? + + +I have just started experimenting with it and it just feels buggy and broken. I tried to get some iota from a faucet and it was a horrendous process. It didn't show up in my android wallet. After some time, multiple of them showing up. And then there is a 0 iota transaction pending. I tried sending some to my mac wallet. It's still pending and I don't get it. +I want to invest but don't know if I will given the circumstances." + +so what is up with these unhelpful people? do you invest in iota? + +EDIT: After it blew up /u/eragmus retreived it back. It was said to be a "filter" but I received no automated messages whatsoever and /u/eragmus is accusing me of not being able to use reddit. +I am a 24yo graduate engineer who is on a salary of £27,000. I currently drive an 06 reg Vauxhall Meriva which was gifted to me by my mum, however its MOT is due this month I am pretty sure it's going to fail and cost a fortune to put right. + +I currently have £4,000 saved in a savings account, and I have just started adding £400 p/m to a LISA with the hope of buying a house this time next year (I'll need a deposit of £6000). I'm living with parents so I pay no rent or utilities. + +How much should I spend on a new car? Would taking out a loan to purchase a car be a bad idea if I'm looking to get a mortgage? + +Thanks. +My credit score has been garbage since I was 18 due to medical bills and my own ignorance. I’ve been living on edge for over 10 years because I knew if my car crapped out, I would be screwed because there was no way I was ever going to qualify for a loan and I couldn’t save any money because I made so little. After YEARS, of working on my credit score and busting my ass to land the job I have now, I have officially bought my own car all by myself. I was shaking when I drove off. I’m still in disbelief. I never thought this day would come but it has and I am so grateful to this sub and all the tips you’ve provided. IT GETS BETTER! + +Edit: I just want to say thank you to everyone who has commented and been supportive and uplifting about this moment that I am very proud of in my life. You guys are the reason this sub works and it’s important we all support each other and help share ours successes and failures. + +As for all of you that have felt the need to criticize my car choice or that I had to use a loan for the vehicle, this isn’t r/personalfinance or r/leanfire this is r/povertyfinance. This is where you try and get afloat so you can reach the next level and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’ve been spent years working to get to this moment so I obviously planned it out and reviewed all the risks. Why would I do something that would make my life worse? + +If you see someone on here who wants to be happy about their successes, just let them. Your negativity is exactly why people like us sometimes feel we can’t get better. +I'll preface this by saying this is 100% my fault for not checking my bill and meter readings every month, a very expensive lesson I've now learned. + +Background is that we've lived in the same property for a number of years and our Gas/Electricity bills have been basically flat. I auto switch every year via money saving expert, pay by direct debit and that's that. + +However in the last 18 months 2 things have happened, we've started a family and both been at home full time during the pandemic. Now in the back of my mind I thought this would impact my bills but in the new parent tiredness haze forgot to pay much attention to it. + +Turns out the impact has been much greater than I thought and when the auto switch happened last month and I submitted our final meeting reading, we owed circa £1k!! Having now done some investigation this is 90% driven by the fact that our Gas usage has more than doubled whilst our direct debit remained flat. Causes of this are: + +1) Having to heat the house during the day whilst we are both working at home and + +2) Wanting to keep the house at a flat 20 degrees all night every night (after a midwife told my partner this was optimal for reducing the chance of cot death) EDIT important to note this is not official NHS advice. + +Overall impact is the heating has gone from being on twice a day for 90 minutes to on a lot day and night especially during winter. + +In summary don't underestimate the impact being at home all the time may have and don't be an idiot like me and fail to check your bills every month "as it's always been this way"! + + +I've seen a lot of post talking about $Tnxp lately and some people I've seen have wanted initial DD so here it goes. + +[https://www.tonixpharma.com](https://www.tonixpharma.com/) Taken directly from their website: + +**Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp (NASDAQ: TNXP) (Tonix) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to discovering and developing innovative and proprietary new therapeutics that address the needs of patients. We focus on developing small molecules and biologics to treat CNS (pain, neurology, psychiatry, addiction) and immunological (vaccines, immunosuppression, oncology, autoimmune disease) conditions.** + +**THEIR PIPELINE OF DRUGS:** + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-positive-phase-120000688.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-positive-phase-120000688.html) + +**TNX 102:** A Fibromyalgia drug in phase 3 trials that already had positive results in it's first part of it's phase three trials. Yes Fibromyalgia and the stock is still under 2$ with a market cap of under a billion. Now how much is Fibromyalgia worth ? See for yourself. [https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/05/10/1821834/0/en/Fibromyalgia-Treatment-Market-to-Surpass-US-3-607-3-Million-by-2026-Coherent-Market-Insights.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/05/10/1821834/0/en/Fibromyalgia-Treatment-Market-to-Surpass-US-3-607-3-Million-by-2026-Coherent-Market-Insights.html) + +**For those too lazy to click the link it's estimated to be worth 2.8 billion.** **Oh yeah and there's less than three drugs specifically used to treat fibromyalgia approved on the open market by the FDA.** + +**TNX 1500:** Used For the prevention AND treatment of organ rejection. Also, they are working with Mass General Hospital on this. [https://seekingalpha.com/news/3648714-tonix-pharma-gains-13-on-tnxminus-1500-deal-in-kidney-transplant-rejection](https://seekingalpha.com/news/3648714-tonix-pharma-gains-13-on-tnxminus-1500-deal-in-kidney-transplant-rejection) + +**TNX 102 SL FOR ALZHEIMERS:** + +[**https://www.tonixpharma.com/therapeutic-areas/aad**](https://www.tonixpharma.com/therapeutic-areas/aad) + +Remember TNX 102 from earlier? The improved sleep quality seen in earlier clinical trials of TNX-102 SL for other disorders suggests TNX-102 SL could potentially be an effective treatment for agitation in Alzheimer's disease. Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments for AAD, despite a high disease burden and a need for an effective therapy. **TNX-102 SL for the treatment of AAD has been designated by the FDA a Fast Track development program**, designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of drugs to treat serious conditions and fill an unmet medical need. **YES FDA FASTTRACK. WORTH 3.5 BILLION** [**https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/alzheimers-drugs-market-detailed-overview-market-analysis-manufacturers-and-latest-trends-forecast-to-2030.html**](https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/alzheimers-drugs-market-detailed-overview-market-analysis-manufacturers-and-latest-trends-forecast-to-2030.html) + +**SO YOU WANNA HEAR BOUT THEM COVID VACCINES AND PROJECTS :** + +**VACCINE:** + +[https://www.tonixpharma.com/pipeline/tnx-1800-coronavirus-vaccine](https://www.tonixpharma.com/pipeline/tnx-1800-coronavirus-vaccine) This quarter they will presumably be done with monkey trials and will move onto human trials. TNX-1800 is being developed by Tonix Pharmaceuticals in a strategic collaboration with Southern Research a respected research organization developing with them. Also, they already talked/released some about positive results. **THIS ALSO USES T-CELLS meaning anyone could basically get this vaccine. That guy Fauchi talks a lot about T-cells just saying** + +[**https://fujifilmdiosynth.com/about-us/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-fujifilm-diosynth-biotechnologies-to-be-manufacturing-partner-for-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-tnx-1800-2/**](https://fujifilmdiosynth.com/about-us/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-fujifilm-diosynth-biotechnologies-to-be-manufacturing-partner-for-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-tnx-1800-2/) **They also have been working a little bit with Fujifilm.** + +**Buying two big facilities for vaccines outright** + +[**https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/23/2150047/0/en/Tonix-Pharmaceuticals-Plans-Commercial-Scale-Vaccine-Manufacturing-Facility.html**](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/23/2150047/0/en/Tonix-Pharmaceuticals-Plans-Commercial-Scale-Vaccine-Manufacturing-Facility.html) + +**SKIN TEST FOR COVID:** + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-70m-plans-develop-181512513.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-70m-plans-develop-181512513.html) + +**Institutions loading up through offerings:** + +**50 Million Shares at 80 cents** [**https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-closes-210500731.html**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-closes-210500731.html) **Generating 40 million.** + +**58 Million Shares at 1.20$ That closes AFTER HOURS TODAY.**[**https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-prices-153000940.html**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-prices-153000940.html) **Generating 70 million.** + +**Before this they had around 40 million banked looking at the last quarter add the new two funding/offerings that means they 150 MILLION IN CASH.** + +**After these offerings the share float will be a little over 300 million. Assuming the institutions didn't flip for pennies this means they own essentially a little under 33% of the stock.** + +**EDIT: I almost forgot in 5 or 6 days it will regain Nasdaq Compliance as well.** + +I got in last year for 4300 shares @ 1.01. Unfortunately I don't have the funds to buy more. I hope this answered your questions ladies and gentleman about TNXP$. Get in while it's still low and happy trading and good luck out there. Let's all make some money. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/06/24/bill-gates-why-microsoft-missed-mobile-and-let-android-get-ahead.html + +As MSFT continues to hit record highs, it really is interesting to ponder what it’d be like if they had successfully infiltrated the mobile market as well. +**Quick Uranium Market Update & the ASX U3O8 Stocks to pick from** + +Spot Pirce: US$30.02/lb + +The current combined value of all global public uranium companies hit $18.03B for January 5th vs $11.4B at the start of November 2020 --> 58% growth in Uranium Markets in 2 months and only just warming up. + +Below is a company market comparison of the key **ASX uranium stock****s**, some comments and a **Rocket🚀 rating system** to please + +Previous in-depth Uranium [Bull Market Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ixj5s3/the_emerging_global_uranium_bull_market_supply/) here and a more organised 5page pdf doc with charts and stats of the supply vs demand and global factors can be found [here here here](https://www.docdroid.net/lBwbvqo/the-emerging-global-uranium-bull-market-summary-notes-pdf). + +I have compiled a table of the main ASX uranium players to provide a quick comparison between price, market cap, shares on issue, their projects, location, and below that are supplementary notes and my top picks. + +&#x200B; + +[Prices and reflective market cap are of 5th-Jan-2020 Market Close](https://preview.redd.it/lkbwohi0xl961.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=d44ccb1fba5293dfe873a6292507e8b3a73bf781) + +https://preview.redd.it/ujvonhy2xl961.png?width=1246&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd585a4eac02414199376ba123919daf73e73b50 + +https://preview.redd.it/hgmuhsh5xl961.png?width=1250&format=png&auto=webp&s=1917ce2ecf1aa342109a70ea909abbe7b742ab62 + +My picks of the mix, Entry Price, Current Price, Target Price (U3O8 above US$60/lb) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rvrb77pf1m961.png?width=1220&format=png&auto=webp&s=7934cdf90b00baf4934ee782ff88d982c16770db + +For those interested in investing in the Uranium sector I hope this helps and wishing all plenty of tendies in the months to come :D Happy coin flipping +My win rate went from 20-30% with shit RR to almost 80%, 1-3 RR per win. Exact same strategy but of course lower number of trades. Why did this happen? I am thinking that I must have been trading "noise" for the past few years but now it is trading more solid SR levels are everyone looks at not some random support resistance +Is flip and sell the only way to go? + +If you try to BRRRR and inevitably hit DTI limits, you're only gonna have a few houses; certainly not enough to become a real estate mogul. Rents are shit in CA relative to house value. +I have a few thousand dollars that I would like to fund it with by the end of the year. ultimately I would like to have a nice monthly dividend portfolio for retirement. I plan on maxing out the Roth every year but was wondering if I should invest in the 4 dividend stock qyld, Jepi, nusi, and divo now or put my money in schd and Voo/vti and at retirement cash out and buy those monthly dividend stock. This is strictly for my Roth. I have another brokerage account but I wouldn’t want to take the tax hit buying monthly dividend +Stocks. + +I invested in rental properties over the years and have a decent retirement account from work. So my portfolio won’t be my sole source of income. + +Thanks, I am fairly new to investing but I enjoy the whole process and risk isn’t an issue for me. +Really sorry for posting it here, I thought it might help me considering how everyone here in-depth knowledge of how our banking system works, + +My dad received a call from SBI yesterday about them claiming to be SBI reps who called him to give him is 5k reward points (which was actually supposed to be due in June after a year of use on his Elite card) and they asked him for his card number for 'confirmation', my dad is a non techie who also suffers from adhd/depression due to his retirement so he wasn't able to call their bs and did as they told him to do. The money was transacted in some Mobikwik wallet, I have filled and sent the dispute form from SBI and am waiting for a response, is there anything else that can be done? Looking forward to all your suggestions, thanks in advance. +&#x200B; + +To increase the total shares authority from 300 million to 1 billion, this is the reason the company provides: + +>**The availability of additional authorized but unissued shares of common stock may enable our Board to render it more difficult, or discourage an attempt to obtain control of, the Company,** which may adversely affect the market price of our common stock. If in the due exercise of its fiduciary obligations, for example, our Board were to determine **that a takeover proposal were not in our best interests, such shares could be issued by the Board without stockholder approval in (i) one or more private placements or other transactions that might prevent, render more difficult or make more costly the completion of any attempted takeover transaction** by diluting voting or other rights of the proposed acquirer or insurgent stockholder group or creating a substantial voting block in institutional or other hands that might support the position of the incumbent Board or (ii) an acquisition that might complicate or preclude the takeover. This proposal is not prompted by any specific effort or takeover threat currently perceived by management. + +So, what do we understand from this? + +The limit increase to 1 billion shares is *not necessarily* for a stock split. The language used above makes it clear that the limit increase to 1 billion shares *is also* a "poison pill" in case there are attempts for a "hostile takeover". + +A hostile takeover? You may think this is crazy talk but it is not. + +This makes sense. Why? Let us say the price of GME tomorrow goes up to $10,000 per share, and the shorts still have not closed. If it keeps going up, Citadel and others may get drowned with prices in the $1 mil a share or $10 mil a share. To not let GME price climb that high, Citadel and its cronies may pull a "hostile takeover" stunt when GME is at $10,000 a share. GameStop wants to avoid that scenario and the 1 billion shares helps avoid that scenario from taking place. + +Look at what is happening with Twitter today. Elon's hostile takeover attempt CANNOT be ignored by the twitter board because he is essentially offering $54.20 when shares were going for only $37. + +If Citadel and others offer $20,000 a share when GME is at $10,000, that offer too CANNOT be ignored by the GME board. You know, fiduciary duty, and whatnot-- all the rules that are in place. + +So, increasing the allowed shares issuance limit from 300 million to 1 billion essentially is the "poison pill" that GME board has come up with. If we (GME shareholders) approve the increase to 1 billion shares, and if Citadel and its friends attempt to buy out our favorite company at $20,000 a share, the GME board will simply say "alright, time for a stock split then and give our shareholders 7 shares for each 1 they already have." + +This way, if Citadel wants to buy out GME, they will have to pay us 7 times whatever their offer is going to be. (Yes, I know the price will be diluted 1/7th but it will go right back up if nobody is selling) + +Genius move. + +As a GME shareholder, I approve of this "poison pill." + +\-------- + +EDIT 4: Two quick comments: + +First, I can see from the comments that people think my "hostile takeover" take is flawed and it has no chance of happening. Well, to be honest, my only fear this whole last year as a GME shareholder has been that of a hostile takeover. If it comes time for Citadel and others to pay us what is due versus a hostile takeover of the company, what do you think Citadel and its friends would prefer to do? A hostile takeover was always in the cards for these crooks. That is why I got excited when I saw Proposal 5. FINALLY, our favorite company also recognized the threat and decided to act before it's too late. Proposal 5 allows the GME board to reject hostile takeover attempts. + +Second, I also see people saying this kind of language (Proposal 5, in this case) is "standard" and that all companies have these kinds of provisions "all the time." Well, if this kind of action is so common and companies have it all the time, how come this is the first time we apes get to vote on this issue since our buying of GME shares these last two years. Why was this Proposal 5 not in our last year's vote? My guess: because a hostile takeover was not in the talks last year. Right now, it probably is being planned by our enemy SHFs. That may be the reason why the GME board wanted Proposal 5 drafted and passed. Remember, someone somewhere always knows. My guess is the GME board knows hostile takeover attempts are being made and wants to be protected against those attempts. + +EDIT 3: I see so many people mentioning SHFs cannot afford to do a hostile takeover at $20,000. The $20,000 I mention is simply an example. You never know what the SHF crooks are planning. They could be planning a $250 takeover TODAY ("we are offering a very generous $100 over the current $150 trading price" they may say, just like what Elon said about his $54.20 offer when Twitter was trading at $37). $20,000 is simply an example. My main argument is that GME board went to great lengths to draft Proposal 5 and wants it approved so it can prevent anyone (Blackrock?) from trying to do a hostile takeover. + +EDIT 2: I am also just now realizing that I have Snek awards on the comment that seems to be downvoted the most. Does that mean getting awarded a Snek is bad? + +EDIT 1: Just so you all know, I am getting heavily downvoted in this post. + +&#x200B; +Plan to get into multi-family investing and house hacking within the next year or two. Is it worth getting a real estate license to keep up with the market and represent myself in my deals? I’m wondering if the money I save in commission fees would outweigh the fees of continuing education and broker fees every year. Also would ideally be an agent for people in my circle if desired. Does anyone else do that? Any advice or insight is welcome. Thanks! +Unfortunate Criminology student here, think it’s a popular degree so probably lots of people in my boat. 12 months out of Uni, was unable to get my foot in the door with an internship due to COVID and now working part time at a clothes shop for $22 an hour while doing an extra Diploma to try and make myself more marketable. I’d imagine it’s a similar story for a lot of people so would love to hear from you! And if you’ve managed to graft yourself into a good position then would also love to hear your story! +A few hours of work, a few hours stuffing around on YouTube, going out shopping, playing some video games. Then back to work. Might do a long 4-5 hour session. Intermittently going back and forth. + +I find that's the only way I can do long, tedious tasks. Sometimes I'll get really focused and will be able to do 6-8 hour stretches. Other days, I'm lazy and will generally only do 2-3 hours of hard work, interspersed by hobbies and other things at home. + +This idea that you have to work 7.5 hours super hard every day is silly. My mind doesn't work that way. I probably end up working more than 7.5 hours but it's just structured differently because I like to take breaks. + +Could never really go back to working in retail or hospitality. Full-time WFH is the future for me... as long as you have a boss that doesn't micromanage it's an absolute dream. +With Johnny Sins and a whole list of brand ambassadors on board to this project (Not just cameos like CR, PR, and PAWG) + +This Token is going to take over the BSC Space because of its actual use case of placing the $STAR Token on sites in the adult entertainment industry (Cam Sites, Porn Sites, ect.) This Devs behind this token and the brand ambassadors have confirmed they will be removing Fiat Payments and placing this barrier of entry for just $STAR Tokens to be the payment on the Websites that they own in this industry. (PS. They own some of the biggest sites in the adult industry) + +with that being said this token is only going to shoot up Long term, actual use case, and not just some bullshit NFT Marketplace like these other shitcoins. + +Pornstar Finance is already taking over the space and doing more then what other Porn Tokens have done within 2 Days of their Launch. + +So load your bags now, or cry because you did not. + + +------- + + +Links: + +🍑 Telegram: t.me/Pornstar_Finance + +🍑 PancakeSwap: exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap? +inputCurrency=0x248C1e2b50C72F04704c71BcC953799351aB30a8 + +🍑 Chart: poocoin.app/tokens/0x248c1e2b50c72f04704c71bcc953799351ab30a8 + +🍑 Contract: bscscan.com/address/0x248C1e2b50C72F04704c71BcC953799351aB30a8 + +🍑 Audit: pornstar.finance/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Pornstar-Finance-BEP-20-Audit-8623827.pdf + +🍑 Twitter: twitter.com/pornstar_token + +🍑 Instagram: instagram.com/pstarfinance/ + +🍑 Website: pornstar.finance/ +I’m so unhappy with my decision that it’s haunted me every day for 6 months. I don’t know what to do. I feel like an idiot for going with something I was unsure of and now I’m stuck with the choice I made. I’m in the Austin, Texas area but bought about 18 miles outside the city. I thought I could live with the commute but I feel like it’s holding me back from fulfilling some of my personal goals. Any tips on selling vs renting? + +Edit: thank you for all of the advice in the comments. It’s much appreciated. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + +To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Exchanged used to be whitelist only, but now it's available for all. + +1. You don't need to pay any fee to trade; just the tx. fee (no KNC needed; those are paid by reserve managers). + + +2. Exchange has order matching and will match you to the best order. + + +3. Honestly this is the best DEX out there and finally a huge team delivering a product. + + +4. It's very easy to use trade on Kyber even on mobile. Here is a gif showing how: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/968750337149501441 + + +Source: https://blog.kyber.network/public-beta-announcement-870b21377136 +Following some FUD yesterday, $EYE's price action has bottomed out. On the 4hr chart, reversal dragonfly doji is visible and following retracement levels, the target price oscillates around $4.5 - $6. + +See FUD response on Medium [here](https://justingoro.medium.com/can-we-break-behodler-47613822461e) + +Why EYE will have positive price action in next few weeks? + +- Currently new frontend is in works for the DEX (screenshots already available [here](https://imgur.com/a/cr9kiZy)) + +- Liquidity Queueing Event enters closed beta in next 2 weeks + +- More about EYE: EYE is a governance token for Behodler DEX. It's a next generation decentralized exchange with gas fees cheaper by 50% then other DEXes because of utilizing single token bonding, resulting in smaller amount of internal swaps providing huge gas savings. Taking into account market cap of just $10m and comparing with rapid growth of other DEXes, it's pretty obvious it's a best entry point for this moonshot. + +Anticipated price action: https://imgur.com/a/0uNuiCo + +Solid project with a legendary dev, great team, good mods and amazing community. Search for EYE (behodler) on coingecko to find out more, Telegram and Discord communities + +You can also see the gitbook [here](https://behodler-io.gitbook.io/behodler/) + +One note: if you are considering investing, I believe it is best to see this as a long-term hold. The fundamentals are strong but a DEX is a significant undertaking and will take time to roll out. This is not a pump and dump. + +Oh and fully DOXXed dev and team. You can buy the token on Uniswap +Following some FUD yesterday, $EYE's price action has bottomed out. On the 4hr chart, reversal dragonfly doji is visible and following retracement levels, the target price oscillates around $4.5 - $6. + +See FUD response on Medium [here](https://justingoro.medium.com/can-we-break-behodler-47613822461e) + +Why EYE will have positive price action in next few weeks? + +- Currently new frontend is in works for the DEX (screenshots already available [here](https://imgur.com/a/cr9kiZy)) + +- Liquidity Queueing Event enters closed beta in next 2 weeks + +- More about EYE: EYE is a governance token for Behodler DEX. It's a next generation decentralized exchange with gas fees cheaper by 50% then other DEXes because of utilizing single token bonding, resulting in smaller amount of internal swaps providing huge gas savings. Taking into account market cap of just $10m and comparing with rapid growth of other DEXes, it's pretty obvious it's a best entry point for this moonshot. + +Anticipated price action: https://imgur.com/a/0uNuiCo + +Solid project with a legendary dev, great team, good mods and amazing community. Search for EYE (behodler) on coingecko to find out more, Telegram and Discord communities + +You can also see the gitbook [here](https://behodler-io.gitbook.io/behodler/) + +One note: if you are considering investing, I believe it is best to see this as a long-term hold. The fundamentals are strong but a DEX is a significant undertaking and will take time to roll out. This is not a pump and dump. + +Oh and fully DOXXed dev and team. You can buy the token on Uniswap +After being in tech for 7-8 years and making enough to FIRE after getting lucky in a few pre-IPO firms plus crypto I sort of came to the realization that the hustle culture combined with questionable ethical business practices common across most tech companies I worked at was wearing me out and didn’t see much of a future for me as it’s never been in my personality to compete with the nakedly ambitious “tech bros” climbing the ladder to more money and power. + +With that being said, I feel like in my early 30s and single I’m way too young to just “retire” but not sure what steps to take to explore either other career paths or things to work on or do. +The post is on bets subreddit, can't link to it because of brigadiering... + +If this number is similar for GME individual investors my tits are non existent... I think GME has even more tho. + +quick maffs if 4 million apes hold the ultimate stock, we just need + +62.84m / 4m = 15.7 + +# 15.7 FUCKING SHARES ON AVERAGE TO HODL THE FLOAT + +# WE OWN THE FUCKING COMPANY MANY TIME OVER KENNY YOU DONE GOOFED + +🚀🚀🚀🚀 +In this hypothetical scenario where these numbers are constant, which would you pick and why? In an RRSP would it even matter? Obviously we are reinvesting dividends to essentially get the same total return. + +Edit: maybe we can spice this up by assuming that this dividend stock pays out monthly (so 1/12 of 10%) +For people who don't know what FairTax is: + +FairTax is a 23% federal retail sales tax collected at the final point of purchase of new goods and services for personal consumption. This REPLACES all federal income taxes, as well as payroll taxes (SS/medicare), capital gains tax, alternative minimum tax, self-employment tax, estate tax, and gift tax. No more individual tax filings, no more IRS (collection is state-adminstered), no more lobbying for exemptions and deductions, no more loopholes. + +Since lower-income people spend proportionally more on necessities, a "prebate" is paid in advance to everyone equivalent to the amount of taxes one would pay at the poverty line. For example, the 2011 poverty line is $10,890 per adult plus $3,820 per child. Therefore, two adults with 0 kids would receive (10,890+10,890)x23% = $5,009/yr, or $417/mo. The more you spend, the less helpful the prebate is to you. If the couple spends $20k, $50k or $100k that year, their *effective* tax rates would be -2%, 13% and 18%, respectively. This makes the [distribution of the FairTax burden](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_the_FairTax_burden) surprisingly progressive. + +In addition, all existing government programs like welfare, unemployment, social security, and medicare are still there. Under the current system, because benefits are capped, FICA taxes only apply to the first $107k of income. Under FairTax, rich people are effectively taxed for these programs on the *entirety* of their consumption, despite the limited benefit these programs provide for them personally. + +The 23% rate was specifically chosen because it: (1) raises the same amount of federal funds as are raised by the current system, (2) covers the universal rebate, and (3) covers the collection fees to retailers and state governments. + +More info: + +http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_faq_answers + +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FairTax + +**WHY I SUPPORT IT** + +The overall effect is that pretty much EVERYONE pays less in taxes. This is because the tax base is now MUCH larger. The underground black market in the US is estimated at $1-3 trillion. Drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and anyone else making money illegally would now be taxed upon consumption. Spending by tourists and government is also now taxed, as are foreign imports. Consumption is also more stable than income, resulting in a more stable source of revenue for government and reducing our susceptibility to unexpected debt problems. + +Hundreds of billions of dollars are saved in adminstrative overhead. The number of tax filers is reduced 86%, and filing complexity is reduced to a simple sales tax form. 60,000 pages of tax codes and laws are reduced to something you can read in a day. The elimination of tax deduction incentives, coupled with the transparency of a simple tax code, would significantly reduce lobbyist influence in federal politics. The neutrality of FairTax would eliminate social and economic inequalities in our tax code. The high visibility of the tax would also put pressure on the fed to control spending (arguably this is causing political opposition to FairTax). + +Currently every level of the supply chain is taxed -- the research firm, raw material supplier, manufacturing company, wholesaler, retailer -- all of which adds to the final sale price. With FairTax, all intermediate business transactions are tax-free until the final point of purchase. The intermediate savings will help offset the added cost of the tax in the final sale price. Also, don't forget that without income/payroll taxes, consumers have more to spend. + +FairTax would also help reverse our trade deficit and create jobs. Right now, due to US tax policy, foreign companies have a 17% competitive advantage. Even US-based companies have significantly outsourced operations just to avoid our income taxes. Under FairTax, there is no avoiding taxes if you want to sell to US consumers. This also puts domestic products and foreign imports on an even playing field. Conversely, if something is made in the US and sold overseas, there would be no federal taxes whatsoever. As a result, operations and jobs would rush back into the US and exports would be far more competitively priced internationally, helping reduce unemployment and rebuild the "Made in USA" brand. Also, since there would no longer be any tax benefit in holding money in offshore accounts, that money would be transferred back into US capital markets and put to work. + +Under FairTax, used goods are tax-free. The premium for new products would encourage people to invest in durability and reduce wasteful spending, reversing some of the environmental consequences of consumerism. The tax-free secondary market will not kill the market for new goods because supply and demand would eventually equalize the relative price differences. For example, since only new homes are taxed, they would initially be priced higher. The demand for new homes would then drop and existing homes would rise until a price equilibrium is reached. Eventually, the price of used homes would rise to indirectly include the tax originally paid when it was new. This applies to all reusable goods. + +It sounds almost too simple, but FairTax is one of the most thoroughly researched albeit untested tax reform plans in the world. Detailed analyses and economic simulations have been performed to evaluate the [predicted effects of FairTax on our economy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Predicted_effects_of_the_FairTax). I would be interested to hear what reddit thinks. +Hi Guys, + +just came to some money (~ EUR 80k) and now I'm considering what to do with it. I don't want to keep an eye on my investments so I just want a "invest and forget" kinda option. + +My current plan (quite simple) is to invest the total amount into: + +* 65% in iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF USD; +* 35% in iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets IMI UCITS ETF. + +Do you think this makes sense? I would also like to invest into clean energy (personal opinion that it's the right thing to do), but I cant find accumulative ETF's that are available in EU. + +I'm still not sure what broker to use: + +* I could use my current bank (Swedbank). The pluses would be (a) I trust the bank and (b) all my money would be easily available. The minuses would be (a) the fees (0.25% transaction fee and a 0.008% monthly fee that is never waived), (b) weird requirements from the bank (e.g. spouse approval to trade even though the money is mine), and (c) the funds would be easily accessible to the authorities (not that I'm currently afraid of this); + +* The alternative would be Interactive Brokers. The pluses would be (a) more ETF options (in case I would like to switch in the future), (b) smaller fees (especially in case I would like to make additional contributions), and (c) funds would not easily accessible to the authorities. The minuses would be (a) I'm unfamiliar with the broker and not sure how trustworthy they are, and (b) the whole platform does seem quite old school, (c) it would be very hard to sue them if anything bad happens. + +What broker would you suggest? I'm from Lithuania, so I don't have a lot of broker options available (e.g. degiro and vanguard are unavailable). Trading212 is available but is it more trustful than IB? + +**EDIT:** + +Thanks for the advice re re-balancing. Will split my portfolio 85/15. Might consider adding some EU. But still not sure as most EU public companies are not that interesting... +Lots of people regularly buying crypto. What substantiated or logical reasons do you have for buying crypto, trusting crypto and thinking it’s a good long term investment? Why won’t it/will it go to zero? +Lots of people regularly buying crypto. What substantiated or logical reasons do you have for buying crypto, trusting crypto and thinking it’s a good long term investment? Why won’t it/will it go to zero? +I am a professional Tattooer of 10 years. I only could afford 5 shares average 76. If GME hits 10,000 I can open my own shop. I will name it Diamond Hands Tattoo. Anyone who held come by for your free retarded tattoos! I’ll do all the rockets, all the apes, all the moons, alll those diamonds! Just Hold! + +Title edit: He/She/non-binary Apes +The timing of this latest options push seems hugely suspect to me. DRS is going swimmingly and recent price action, specifically the weakness of short counter attacks, suggests to me that DRS is starting to exert a material impact on the saga. + +We’re all independent investors making our own financial decisions. For me the choice is clear. Continue to use my resources to buy real shares directly through CS and choke these bastards out day by day. Why on earth would I roll the dice at the casino and hope that the manipulators on the other side of the trade suddenly act ethically and hedge the options they sell me? After everything I’ve seen over the last year? After the blatant crime and corruption? + +Nah, thanks but no thanks. The DRS way might move more slowly than the options way but the DRS way is guaranteed. It’s the story of the tortoise and the hare. + +And the Moass thesis isn’t predicated on a gamma squeeze. It’s predicated on the criminals on the other side of this trade having sold us a massive amount of shares that don’t exist that they will be forced to buy back at some future date. We’ve cracked the code with direct registering all shares outstanding to force their hands into buying back those phantom shares. +According to Donkey Dick Dave, in 35 milliseconds at the start of the last halt the edgx data was incorrectly processed. It blitzed through meme numbers like $420 and $6969 before maxing out around the $214k CS limit cap. + +Although probably not intentional, this has simulated what will happen once the computers take over in the liquidation process. The shorts won't even be able to blink before their entire wealth is gone. + +Added: trying to add this again because the last clarification didn't seem to save.. what I mean is: + +If the computers go into buy mode because a hedge fund is liquidated and their short positions are forced closed, the orders will be fulfilled (rather than just cancelled like they were during the bug) and we could just as quickly be on our way to the moon. +It's been a long time since trading has made me mad, but today it happened. + +I was short USDJPY since yesterday, held through 2 retest of the highs because I was confident in the trade. Been following the trade through the night. Comes the NFP, stops me out by a fucking pip and runs straight to my target. Exactly to my target I'm not even joking. Instead of making 4% I ended up losing 1% . Ok losses happen that's not the problem, but this particular loss produced such psychological pain like I have never experienced. I wanted my 4% on this trade I was so happy about. The "revenge setup" itself wasn't horrible, I reentered the short on a pullback, but I wouldn't have made this trade otherwise. And I overleveraged. Went straight through my stops. + +So today I gave back all the profits that I made in the last week and a half cause I'm an idiot. + +I know, it's not like I blew an account or anything but still... completely unnecessary. + +Time to calm down during the weekend and hopefully never do this again, and return to good trading which I've been doing. +EDIT: I was told to mention that I manually compiled it :) + +This spreadsheet ([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KwHoOnIR8Gn9gRJXPDla9Wq4QaM4euMgFQXmHvjarfA/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KwHoOnIR8Gn9gRJXPDla9Wq4QaM4euMgFQXmHvjarfA/edit?usp=sharing)) contains several hundred careers mentioned throughout subreddit history by category. + +Hopefully this will end the many "which industry" posts we see on here. +Some people might refer to it as the dumb money, or the fomoers. But the reality is the only reason the value of a currency goes up is due the brave people who take the risk to buy in at the riskiest points in the market. + +If these people didn't exist cryptocurrency would never have taken off the ground. And those of us who have accrued life changing monetary value in this market have these people to thanks. + +They are the heroes we need, but they are not the ones most of the market deserves. + +To the brave people who buy at the market top, we salute you, and i pledge to do my best not to let your investment lose too much value in the short term so we can all come out on top on the long term. + +Thank you and good night. +Background: I am experienced realtor in Chicago closed 18 million of 2-4 units last 2 years but this was my first time doing a project solely myself as the principal. Was an awesome experience! + +Property: Legal 4 unit purchased $412k net (used a 12k credit to cover close costs paid by seller) and 5% down. It came out to closing almost no money down net after pro-rations/credits/commission. + +Location: North side Chicago on the boarder of Edgewater and Rogers Park. + +Deal Source: I bought off the MLS. I think other investors passed it by as the units are tiny only 600 sq ft. and because it was leased for very low rents with 9 months remaining on the leases. + +Rents when bought: $580, $580, $620, vacant. After: $1100 (I signed an old tenant), $1250, $1250 and owner occupant (my unit). The old tenants had been there 7-14 years and were way under market. + +I kept rehab affordable by doing mainly cosmetics. I left the galvanized piping, old electric, etc. Did not move any walls. Layed vinyl on top of old flooring, repainted the trim and skim coated any really bad areas. I went for the all white look (white quartz, white paint, white backsplash) which is what sells right now. The $1250 units both rented first 2 weeks could probably of gotten even a little higher. + +Cash out refi: I was able to pay myself back 100% of what I put in. I may flip the property at some point so want to keep exact budget confidential. 30 year fixed at 3.5% on the refi. + +Before photo: [https://ibb.co/Y8C5Vh6](https://ibb.co/Y8C5Vh6) [https://ibb.co/jvYh5tF](https://ibb.co/jvYh5tF) + +After photo: [https://ibb.co/JvFG5Hy](https://ibb.co/JvFG5Hy) [https://ibb.co/259FyLV](https://ibb.co/259FyLV) + +Rehab surprises: When I bought the property, it had a layer of cement that looked OK but over the winter this layer started to crack everywhere. I ended up having to spend $3700 on cement. + +If any questions please feel free to reach out by PM. House hacking is what I recommend anyone looking to invest with low down. I turned my house hack into a BRRR. It works out to living free now. For management and tenant screening I use Cozy which has been awesome service. +Very short, very simple comparison, I have posted more detailed DD, so if you are interested check that one you. + +Iron Ore price peaked at 188/t on 2010 October 01. +VALE stock peaked at $34.83 at 2010 December 31, aka one quarter delay. + +It is no secret, miners track the chart of what they mine. + +Miners made the mistake back then when inflation was: + +2011: 3.16% +2010: 1.64% +2009: -0.36% +2008: 3.84% +2007: 2.85% + +To overspend on CapEx, just read the annual reports, or simply check their cashflow statements, most of their FCF went to CapEx. But, the boom was halted, oversupply destroyed prices. + +VALE had EPS $4.34 in 2011 on about 5247 shares. + +Today, VALE has 5120 shares, a share buyback program targeting to buy 5.3% or 270 of all their shares, so 4850 outstanding shares are expected. + +According to Bloomberg data (I am flexing, I have access to a terminal), 2021 EPS expected to be 4.94, my personal math (calculations with their projections of production on different segments and lower than current commodity prices) it is about 4.99 EPS (adjusted for 4850 shares). + +PE for for 2011 averaged around 8.2. + +We can calculate: (4.94+4.99)/2 = 4.965 +4.965*8.2= 40.7 price target + +I have other estimates, 40-55 would be the range. Since we are talking about a cyclical, these are the peaks. Of course these are way more conservative calculations, not factoring in higher global demand, and 30% higher prices than in 2011. It could go to 60-65 on my more optimistic calculations. + +Conservative: $40-$55 +Bullish: $60-$65 + +I sold off all my left over oil which I believe can go 30-60% higher still, to buy up the dip today, as miners all dropped. + +Fundamentals are unchanged, story is strong. 100% in VALE. +I’m starting to loose some of my mental health guys +I’m in this manic phase which I see so much “easy” opportunities and my mind is blown by the technology and believe this is a future for everybody. And also that I can get rich if I will just hold, but the question is , I start to realize that we might be in a bubble ? +And I’m the consumer ? +Whales and YouTube Chanel controlling me ? +I want to put 5k of my saving which is a lot for me in Ada because I believe it’s the future but maybe it’s to high right now and I should wait couple of months? Or even a year ? + +I’m getting these “to good to be true “ feeling and I’m not sure what to do . +Yes I got the bug , I’m a musician I haven’t made music for 2 weeks already. I’m addicted. + It’s fascinating tech and maybe it’s the future market or maybe this thec can be adopted by everyone? +Every traditional company ? +I can make a coin for my self and give it to fans for them to buy tickets for shows ok even I can use technology does this mean my coin will be worth something ? No. + +So all these etc-20-tokens-solutions-supporting other-etc-20-token-problems inflation is worth billions ? +Seriously ? + +Yes some companies are the future I believe , I realy do . Decentralized world is the future , but does that mean it will all be inside the crypto space ? Why can’t a company for example adopt blockchain technology and have their services? They must have their own token for that ? They can’t just just fiat? + I mean let’s be honest fiat is not going anywhere anytime soon. And it will take time to adopt , so 80% of these coins is not gonna hold value , + +And we are going crazy about them, +And the ones that will have value and serious parterships, are now 10x then what they were in April , so if I am realy interested about this tech and believe it’s the future maybe better do research and invest after this madness ? + +Or is this not madnes? +Are we in a bubble? Or is this history in the making ? +Or kind of both . + +I wish myself that I will act less on emotions and take a step back , crypto news and YouTube channels are Not* increasing my knowledge , +I start to feel I’m being brainwashed , +I’m in my way to the bank to make my credit Ching higher so I could put more money on binance, which I don’t even know how to take it out , + +Im telling my self that I’m this time it’s long term but if this is long term so why buy when it’s already 10x +Ok sure Ada gonna have smart contracts soon but they 10x already that’s a volume that takes time to process, +It is complete over valued right now and I still want to put my 5k there, and I don’t know what to do , +Maybe need to wait , +Is this time for selling ? +Not for buying ? + +We small players need to take care of each other and not hype each one to different coins because we bought a super small bag , that doesn’t make a difference, +We need to be more patient, and help one another, +whales control this market and nothing is regulated . +We need to have a different more skeptic approach of rather than hyping eachother jumping on coins like mother fuckers. + +We need to take care of eachother !!! + +This market is bipolar +I don’t know who needed to read this and thank you if you read and can give any thoughts or share experience + +I realy don’t know what to think anymore . +Am I completely brainwashed ? +Or am I a genius that seeing opportunity before all of my friends neighbor family and fellow musicians ? + +Should I buy now ?????? Hahahaha man this is insane + +Thanks for reading wow can’t believe I wrote so much + +Edit: +Thanks so much for all the replies guys it’s so nice see people relate and actually so helpful + +Edit : thanks guys again for many replies and some private messaged me to thank me to writing this that’s warmed my heart I’ll try to replie to everyone and thanks for the help. +Fuck the fomoooooo +So I saw some arguing online about homeownership vs rent. The argument is that homeowners will spend astronomical amounts in interest. Then they have maintenance cost (roof, hvac etc), property taxes and all that fun stuff. The consensus is that in the long run it’s cheaper to rent. I rented my whole life until a few years ago when I bought a house. My living expenses were cut in half. I did spend about $4000 in upgrades. But I turned that home into a rental and it cash flows well. Bought another home that I will do the same with and will cash flow just as well. I saw that these people were arguing about homeownership in HCOL areas using conventional loans. So now I’m curious if they are right about rent being cheaper. Sounds like I’m the exception. I live in a cheap area and paid about $600 total in closing cost with my houses COMBINED. My property taxes are only $800...a year for both houses together lol. So did I just get lucky or is rent actually cheaper for non investors over a long period? + +**Edit** Wow ok I wasn’t expecting this many responses. I can’t respond to everyone but it seems that the answer is “it varies”. So I actually just realized that if I were to buy a local home that the new mortgage would be more than rent now!! That’s mind blowing! When I bought 3 years ago, it cut my living expense almost in half. So basically I just got extremely lucky! I’m very thankful I bought and even snatched a investment property. But at this point, I couldn’t afford to buy or rent anywhere. +Does anyone in the automotive industry see any signs of it abating? + +I'm trying to buy a used car and the make/model is at least $10k over what they were two years ago. Insane. + +Edit: actually seems to be $20k up now! +Is it worth spending my time to learn Python for any of the cases above? I mean, is it possible for an outsider (market amateur) to grasp some edge using python? Sometimes I get the impression that it is beautiful but useless (for a non phd/ mathematician). +[**DRS/Computershare Megathread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/) + +**As of April 30, 2022, 12.7 million shares DRS'd** + +* As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million +* As of October 30, 2021, 5.2 million + +# Access begins @ 9:30am CDT / 10:30am EDT + +# Meeting will start @ 10:00am CDT / 11:00am EDT + +# [https://www.cesonlineservices.com/cgi-bin/OLSL00.spx?slID=gme\_vm&slCD=r3z](https://www.cesonlineservices.com/cgi-bin/OLSL00.spx?slID=gme_vm&slCD=r3z) + +Don't trust my link? Want to see the Q1 Earnings Report? Check out [https://news.gamestop.com/](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +I made this post an Event so **you should be able to see the start time at the top of the post** on mobile and new reddit. + +For my old reddit friends - What time is it in CDT now? [Let's ask DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=what+time+is+it+in+dallas+texas&va=b&t=hc&ia=time). Can't do math? [Here's a countdown 🚀](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20220602T10&p0=70&msg=2022+GME+Shareholder%27s+Meeting&font=hand#) + +# You must have registered by May 27th to attend the meeting + +If you have not yet voted, you probably still can! Attendees are allowed to vote during the meeting, so might as well try and cast your vote too. Check with your broker or Computershare. + +For help with voting see the [old voting/meeting megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uddedr/voting2022_annual_gme_shareholder_meeting/) which has a few helpful resources + +[Q1 overview](https://preview.redd.it/hwseqchzl5391.png?width=1428&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f2426a775ca6c2fa1bd7de25c38a02ba84af366) + +[**GameStop Wallet support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +**​**[**What's GME & should I consider investing?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +**Library of Due Diligence** [**GME.fyi**](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag [u/Superstonk-Flairy](https://www.reddit.com/u/Superstonk-Flairy/) for help with user flairs +the people here pumping dogshit stocks and normalizing crippling losses work for funds and insto brokers? + +has anyone ever mapped user accounts to recommendations? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +A top recommendation on here is outsourcing as much as possible to buy time - but I’m having a difficult time with it. My husband and I have 3 young children, including an infant who demands a lot of attention. We’re both exhausted and constantly feel like we don’t have enough time to get everything done or recharge for the next day. I’ve tried various services to save time - cleaners, organizers, private chef. But I’m pretty frugal by nature, and I always feel afterwards that the services were expensive and the cost benefit ratio wasn’t worth it. + +We doing well financially and I do feel like I’m going to look back and think I should have just spent the money to do anything to make this particularly difficult season of life a little more manageable. Has anyone else dealt with this kind of internal resistance to buying time? +So like most folks here I've read the gloom and doom about the soon to be market crash, over values stocks, too much US consumer debt, 🐒 business at the fed with interest rates etc. +And it seems.like an enventual correction will happen, but my question is this something in line with a traditional 20-30% pullback or are we likely to see something more cataclysmic? And if so what's the one most pressing concern.. +19 year old me, injured in a weightlifting accident, had to move from a nearly brand new motorcycle to a car. + +The bike cost $8k, and was worth $6k on the private market. + +I went to a dealer that was selling Hyundai Tiburon, I had always liked the RSX-S and this was similarly styled but at 75% the cost. + +Well, the dealer decided to try and get all money. + +They started by offering $2k for my trade, and even when I took that off the table the deal stayed awful. + +They set up an 84 month payment at just under $500/m, effectively charging me $42k for an $18k car, hoping I would miss that on the four square. + +Thankfully they tried too hard to get all the money and I walked, ending up selling on my own and buying a much more practical 3 year old Honda Civic, but if they were just a bit less shady I could have really gotten beat up for a very long time. + +So keep your head on a swivel out there, some people will stop at nothing Ti try and take advantage. +Warning: Potentially Ranty. + +Hey all, 27M living in Berlin as a Software Developer. I was wanting to know if people have any advice regarding the real estate market here. I'm looking for good areas to raise a family in which I could purchase a flat. However, I can't really find anything with 3 or more rooms that are not 800k+. Plus, as a foreigner, I don't know how there hasn't been an uprising over the notary fees and other taxes that the state imposes on home buyers. Does anyone have any other areas that are in Germany where Software Developers could work while raising a family? I can only think of Munich, but that's not really affordable either... +I have recently taken a large position (well for me) on The GEO Group. I will explain my reasoning and look forward to your opinion. + +The GEO Group is a REIT that owns and operates Prisons primarily in the USA for State and Federal agencies. + +Reward: They currently pay a 14.2% dividend. Prior to COVID, they paid a quarterly dividend of $0.48 which would result in a dividend of 20% dividend if it returns to that rate. My assumption is they will return to a quarterly dividend of $0.42 in 2 years. + +Risks: + +1. Biden has made a campaign promise to eliminate private prisons. + +My thoughts: + +* Many politicians make this promise but very hard to do because of GEO's political giving and a large number of jobs in key states. +* If Republicans hold on to the Senate it seems very unlikely. There is a 70% chance that the Republicans can hold on to the Senate according to the betting sites. + +1. COVID law suites - There have been a few law suites but they are handling COVID pretty well. + +My thesis, is prisons will remain private, perhaps 1 will be converted to the public for political reasons but that won't happen for 3 to 5 years. Several COVID lawsuits but it will be managed. + +In 2 to 3 years 16% to 20% percent dividend and a 50% stock price increase. My model shows my $12,000 in stock will have a compound return to $39,000 in 10 years and then result in a yearly income of $2300 a year. + +My downside is calculated at 1/2 my investment - $6,000 + +It's a high risk / high reward. + +Please provide your thoughts/analysis. The wife is asking me to clean up before friends come over, so I have to go now : ) + +&#x200B; + +**WOW this blew up into a "private prisons are evil" post. Just looking for investment advice, but I understand the opinions of everyone.** + +&#x200B; +By multiple requests, here is a discussion of trend following on longer time frames! + +Some Housekeeping Points before we Begin: + +1. The code here will be at a more intermediate level and uses intraday data for the on balance volume calculation. The majority of this can be done with daily data. The API I use is no longer open to the public but there are a number of good choices, many of which will not be free. Use the search bar for more information. +2. I want to try putting the initial large code blocks in a comment rather than the body of the post. It makes it more readable in my opinion. Don't upvote the code so that it settles at the bottom. This will make it easier to see comments. The more immediately relevant code will be located in the body of the post. +3. I originally wrote the code for \~10 years of SPY minute data but only had 3 years on this computer. The sp500 hasn't really been flat during that time so I've used AAPL for this post. This didn't work as expected as the SPY data required VWAP data to get a distribution of slopes that were significantly different than the sideways trending data, whereas AAPL data performs better with observed end of day close. Keep this in mind for your own projects. + +The basic principle behind trend following is momentum, eg. assets that are going up will continue to go up. There is historical support for this, but macro/company specific information should always be considered. Typically, trend following will be a longer term, more investment type strategy. + +A simple example is to consider a portfolio made up of a basket of uncorrelated assets, such as the S&P 500, emerging markets, other developed markets, BTC, metals, small caps, etc. One of the more challenging questions is how to allocate limited amounts of capital. An approach that uses a momentum strategy would look to allocate capital according to the near-past performance of the assets in the basket, eg. take the percent change over some time frame, divide by the sum, and use those weights as your allocation. + +An important point is that left tail risk tends to be the same regardless of performance. There is no such thing as safe and "bargains" aren't a thing most of the time, at least historically. + +As this is algo trading, let's take a more nuanced, statistical look through the data. The main concepts that will be covered are: data smoothing and trend labeling on historical data, calculating volume weighted price and on balance volume (in a function block, see comment below), local linear regression, and visualization of features. Let's get started! + +The following uses 10 minute intraday data for AAPL from 2017-01-03 to 2021-03-16. Typically more granular data is used for OBV and VWAP calculation. I have a column labeled "TradingDay" which is just the day's date for each time period for each index. The first step will be to convert the intraday data to daily data. The imports and code can be found in the comment below. Normally, I would use higher frequency data when calculating OBV. + + _,obv,c,v = create_daily(data) #volume weighted not used; necessary for some data + x,y,lb = get_trends(c,10,3) #SPY requires nc=4; will discuss later. + +And the chart: + +&#x200B; + +[Let's just say if it were an element in wouldn't be carbon.](https://preview.redd.it/zplikbe0ihn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=65591d1c36c440fc56b9ce58def57aaf85265b31) + +So, we now have a labeled dataset that is somewhat thrown off by recent trends relative to how stocks used to move prior to unlimited QE. The next thing to do is to start over with our daily data and use a smoothing technique that doesn't add in a look ahead bias. For this, we will use a Hull moving average, which tends to work well as a trend indicator. Here is the code to create the HMA as well as prep our data for further analysis: + + def hma(c,w): #c is ndarray of close prices; w is lookback window for EMA + cs = pd.Series(c) + ema1 = 2*cs.ewm(span=w//2).mean()-cs.ewm(span=w).mean() + h = ema1.ewm(span=int(np.sqrt(w))).mean() + return h + + def prep_data(c,vol,lb,h_lookback=20,lr_lookback=10): + if len(set(lb))==4: #Used for SP500 shenanigans + lb2 = lb.copy() + for i in range(1,4): + lb2[lb2==i] = i-1 + elif len(set(lb))==3: #Used in this example + lb2 = lb.copy() + else: + print("Not implemented") #Stop doing that! + return + + h = hma(c,h_lookback) #Hull Moving Average + + #Get Rolling Linear Regression + def lreg(y): return np.polyfit(np.arange(len(y)),y,1)[0] #Gets Slope of line + m = h.rolling(lr_lookback).apply(lreg).values #essentially a for loop!!! + + m = m[9:] #drops NaN values + lb3 = lb2[-len(m):] #Equal length array + + up,side = np.where(lb3==2)[0],np.where(lb3==1)[0] + m_up,m_side = m[up],m[side] + + v = vol[-len(lb3):] + v_up,v_side = v[up],v[side] + + return m,m_up,m_side,v_up,v_side,lb3 + + #For this example we will only look at observed price and OBV + m,m_up,m_side,obv_up,obv_side,lb3 = prep_data(c,obv) + +Some theory: We can easily tell by looking at a chart whether the price has been going up over time, or not. The computer cannot. So, we need a way to put in a consistent input and get a consistent output back out. A rolling linear regression is one option to solve this. Another possible choice is to use just the first and last point in our lookback window and get the angle between them. This would potentially catch an uptrend faster than a least squares approach that will necessarily have some lag, but will be much more vulnerable to whipsaws. As always, domain knowledge should be your guide on how to implement this. + +Let's visualize some of this data before continuing. Uptrend in Blue and Sideways in Orange/Red: + +&#x200B; + +[Histograms Comparing Observed Close and Volume Weighted Price](https://preview.redd.it/9td7mimelhn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=29a4280b81f7898cbeb862af60ffb9855774ed96) + +&#x200B; + +[Fitted \(Normal\) Distribution to the Slope Values \(Observed End of Day\)](https://preview.redd.it/eygsw1mjlhn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=511dc23a81a5c602858bea5d40359b1499864c9a) + +&#x200B; + +[On - Balance Volume Comparison](https://preview.redd.it/oponhdbnlhn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=df4d53725aefc0e2756fc83240d4f82dc59b0967) + +&#x200B; + +[Observed Volume Comparison](https://preview.redd.it/ps1jmjotlhn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a55861ad32c51cec24a04868d28f1065c032eb) + +Quick sidebar: I did the math, and the slopes obtained from end of day close were more predictive. It can be difficult to tell by looking at the histograms alone. The SPY data I was looking at earlier was very much the opposite. Similarly, the OBV and observed volumes for SPY were near identical and were not predictive. The opposite is the case here. + +&#x200B; + +[Probability of Uptrend vs. Slope Value](https://preview.redd.it/a5fswocimhn61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1aa3fdeca26d9f95e817c70352e87035155f9d0) + +Last year really did a number on the data and the ability to analyze it easily. However, we can see that there is some predictive power in the slope and volume features. By predictive, I mean at current time, not future. Predicting future trend is not a wise use of time. + +One other feature that we can look at is the difference between current price and a moving average. + + cc = pd.Series(c) + ema_list [cc.ewm(span=x).mean() for x in [20,50,100,200]] + dd = [c-x for x in ema_list] + + d1 = dd[1][np.where(lb==2)[0]] + d2 = dd[2][np.where(lb==1)[0]] + + plt.hist(d1,bins='auto',density=True,alpha=.5); + plt.hist(d2,bins='auto',density=True,alpha=.5); + plt.show() + +&#x200B; + +[Current Price - EMA50](https://preview.redd.it/2ns1lh3l1ln61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=106b707a01da6bd83c744ddda6651f7e5671521f) + +As expected, the difference between price and moving average should have a larger positive value during an uptrend than a downtrend. We can also look at historic difference between price and moving average on all data: + +&#x200B; + +[Like I said, 2020 complicated things](https://preview.redd.it/cqq7a4vr7ln61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a75a4a9018872363a0d305df82e6ff48526d3e0) + +Prior to last year, there was a pretty nice channel where the price would only diverge so much from the moving average. Mean reversion strategies worked pretty well. The manner that the equilibrium returns to the mean can't be known (correction, trading sideways until MA catches up, etc.), but it can help in timing capital allocation. + +Overview: + +What the above charts show us is that the difference between a ranging asset and a trending asset is fairly minimal until a significant value is reached. This should be somewhat unsurprising as if it were easy to classify a trend, you could essentially print money. Normally you need to be a chairman of something before you get that privilege. + +However, there are features here that can be used to help confirm that an asset is in a trend. By looking at the probabilities, it is possible to choose threshold values. + +Things to keep in mind: + +1. Past success does not equal future success, but it often correlates. +2. The last decade was great for the S&P. Be aware of that in any model you create and always look into uncorrelated assets. +3. I prefer trending strategies on indexes (ETFs) rather than equities. "Benchmark" assets can count as well which is why I used AAPL here. Indexes are a more reasonable way to apply these techniques but don't offer the convenient visualizations with limited data. +4. No fancy models are required here. You can calculate the probabilities directly. +5. Trend following is often used alongside DCA. + +&#x200B; + +This post got long in a hurry. I hope it was helpful and I will get to any questions as time permits! + +&#x200B; + +Edit1: I forgot to add the difference between price and EMA originally. +I’ve frequently heard people use two years as the time it should take an investor to buy their next property. It’s hard for me to imagine how that’s possible on an average salary, and I’m curious to know what I’m missing from this process. + +Is there a recommended base amount someone should save up before taking something like this on? +Guys I thought I understood how to sell a csp. I thought I was supposed to get premium upfront as a sold this and then if anything I would be assigned the shares if this fell to my strike price $95. Can anyone help me and am I fucked. I know I know don’t use options until you know what you’re doing, but I’ve done homework I’ve just never sold csp before. Anyone help is appreciated a lot thanks +How do people afford to live? +I'm 27 working full time, but still living at home, with a take home of £500+ a fortnight after deductions. (Currently paying £300pm in rent as a non dependant + "keep" no "bank of Mum & Dad" option here) + +Looking to move out and live independently, the cheapest 1 bedroom flats in my area/city are £550pm with the cheapest council tax band working out at £110pm (£660pm) +Leaving me with approximately £340pm, then there's Gas & Electricity, TV licence, on a shoe string budget leaving approx £50 per week before food/other necessities. +I'd be living in borderline poverty watching every penny living in the cheapest possible accommodation available... +And that's not even mentioning furniture. +If renting seems so out of reach how am I/others to get onto the property ladder and get a mortgage ect. I've managed to save £1000 with the hopes of using that to furnish my future home but further research would suggest that, that will likely get used a deposit. +Just when I moved my money to supposedly safer options like the larger names in IT, this happens + +https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/anonymous-employees-allege-infosys-is-dressing-up-its-books/articleshow/71681913.cms + +It is becoming really hard to invest anywhere in India! +Imagine you get 500k USD. Assume it's all your net worth and you don't have other assets like property, just a job with a monthly income of $ 3,500 after taxes. How would you use that capital with a 10-year horizon with the idea of ​​preserving and increasing it? I was thinking using the Warren buffet strategy as the market is so expensive: 40% cash and 60% stocks. I would have 200k in the bank and invest 300k in an etf like VOO or VTI. The 300k invested in a single lump sum. If there is a crash I would have money available ready to continue making DCA plus more income from work. I would continue renting since I am not interested in buying properties as prices are through the roof. What would you do differently? +I've been reading Tim Harford's The Undercover economist and he mentioned that tariffs are almost always bad for an economy. I am assuming there are situations in which they could be beneficial though - say the Govt. is trying to help a sector grow due to possible future gains. + +Am I wrong? Or have I missed something? +I often hear certain right-wing inidividuals (in particular followers of the Austrian School), claiming that the New Deal actually worsened the Great Depression in the US. They rarely give any arguments or evidence of why this should be the case, so I want to have the opinion of actual economists. + +So how are the New Deal policies viewed today and which policies are regarded as effective, ineffective or even counterproductive? +I think the title explains it but I don't track ECB policy or politics enough to know what options they really have on the table. I know they are willing to impose even more negative rates but I don't know how viable that is from a policy perspective. Like in the States we have pensions that would face systemic risk in the face of a prolonged negative rate environment. Does the ECB have similar concerns which tie their hands? + +Is there a reasonable lower bound on how far they would consider going? +I am not sure whether my query quality this sub. Mods please remove if it doesn’t. + +I am having a group insurance Medi Assist TPA which I claimed for my fathers surgery at Reliance hospital and cashless claim was approved. Before surgery they have collected 10k security deposit which they told will refund with in 45 days. + +Its been 90 days after the surgery and they have not refunded the security deposit. Upon asking hospital saying they have not received the claim amount from insurance company which they are following up and due to that they are not releasing my deposit. Hospital asking me to do followup with insurance company for the claim release. + +I am confused whether this is usual process or not. Since cashless claim is approved my part is over, right? Why I should followup with insurance company? + +If anyone have any idea please help. +My fiancée and I are HENRY (~500k) in our late 20s and starting to build NW at a healthy clip. Getting closer to FI feels good, but we have no idea what we'll do with it. + +On our current projections we could realistically RE mid to late 30s (not particularly fat, but by no means lean either). We think we'd like to travel a lot as a primary pastime, but how interesting is travel as a hobby after two years? Five? Ten? Twenty? The concern is that we'll get bored of travel and then... Won't know what to do anymore, or won't have any really full-time endeavors. We don't have kids and don't plan to. We aren't likely to start a hobby farm or similar. We're active, but is there realistically a limit on leisure happiness, or a point where you've leisured so much it that it is no longer fulfilling? +Hello Guys, + +I wonder why in a lot of threads here, people advise to invest in VWCE/VWRA which follow the FTSE All World index instead of ETF following the MSCI World ? + +&#x200B; + +After some research, I noticed that FTSE All world index includes Developped Country and Emergent country. On the other hand, MSCI World Index tracks only Large and Mid Cap of Developped countries. + +&#x200B; + +I agree that because of VWCE/VWRA includes more stocks of many differents countries can mitigate the risk but in the other hand the return is "less" than a MSCI World not only a little. + +There is many reason to this, because governement and central Bank of developped countries like FED and BCE inject a lot of money though the QE etc but emerging countries can't afford those kind of plan to help their economy. + +Also the GDP of a country is not necessarly link company, I mean that in developped countries we have a lot of strong companies that is not the case in Emerging countries. + +&#x200B; + +Because of all that, MSCI World got better return than FTSE All world and that since many years. + +To finish, I guess if an emerging country developped itself it will finish to leave the emerging index and be part of MSCI World. + +So why invest in VWCE/VWRA instead of MSCI World's ETF ? +I'm curious about those who pay their children or young family members who work for their family businesses and what kind of businesses they are. + +I have an in-law whose children always help out in the family clothes business after school. This year they made enough money to pay their children each $6,000 which they invest into Roth IRAs in their names. There's no income taxes on it since they had not other income. I'm struck by how when they retire in 55 years, that one investment could be worth over $250K. + +My souse and I are office professionals, and so we can't hire our kids, but I'm also curious if there are others ways to put money into long term tax-advantaged investments for kids. +The example I am thinking of specifically is India, but the question stands for any country, especially those that create their own new currency upon independence. What determines that currency's value in relation to other world currencies, like the USD? Is it substantially different from a situation like India that had at least a nominal (in my understanding) continuation of the previous currency? + +Again, my apologies if this is a silly question. +Current Situation: I am 27 years old, I have an Associates Degree from my local Community College, and I’ve lived on my own since I was 18. I do not/have not receive any financial assistance from family (family of 8 and both parents were victims of the 2008 crash and both lost their jobs the year I graduated High School). I live with my long-term boyfriend and we split living expenses evenly. My share is about $1,795 a month. I have $29K in Student Loans and I make $43K a year (take-home is $2,600/mo.). I previously made $30K (entry level Paralegal) but increased my salary by changing jobs. I have a little over $4K in credit card debt and I owe $3.5K on my car. I have $600 in emergency savings. That is not a lot in savings and I’m working on it. I’m trying to get rid of my CC debt first. If a really big emergency hit me, I have a $40,000 credit limit between three cards that is available to me but I hope to NEVER have to use them. My credit score is 782. I do not have medical insurance right now but will be enrolling in November for the first time in 9 years now that I can afford it and I have an employer that offers it. My situation is not great by any means but this is my reality. I wanted to share this here because I want people who are in a similar situation to feel more confident as they work towards their financial goals. I come to Personal Finance every morning for motivation. I’m going to share my budget here in the hopes that it helps someone. Any tips or advice welcome! I’m open to constructive criticism. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. + +&nbsp; + +* Rent: $715.00 (This is just my half. I live in a nice suburb and rent is expensive. This is the cheapest we could find w/3 pets) +* Groceries: $200.00 +* Gas: $100.00 +* Utilities: $200.00 +* Pets: $100.00 (2 dogs and a cat and they eat good quality pet food) +* Student Loans: $150.00 (currently reduced from $350 to speed up paying my CC debt off. I’ll increase my payments starting in January when the CC debt is gone) +* Cell & Car Ins.: $100.00 (boost mobile phone plan at $40/mo and full coverage with Geico for $60/mo.) +* Elder Scrolls (videogame): $15.00 (hours of entertainment for me) +* Car Payment: $140.00 (I put $3.5K down on a $7K 2007 Toyota Corolla. I am so grateful to PF for keeping me well informed before buying a used car!!! I can totally afford this.) +* Savings: $50.00 (I will increase this once my CC debt is paid off) +* CC Debt: $710.00 (I was previously making $12/hr which is how I got into debt. I do NOT regret my CC debt. It afforded me the opportunity to live my life comfortably but I was well aware that I needed to pay this back and it kept me motivated to hustle and improve my situation.) +* Fun Money: $120.00 (usually going out to eat with my boyfriend and our friends a few times a month and occasionally a trip to the thrift store to spruce up my closet) + +&nbsp; + +**Total:** $2,600.00 + +&nbsp; + +**Edit:** These listed expenses are just my half. + + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l1SwBdbBCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l1SwBdbBCo) + +&#x200B; + +Are we in a bubble when a 10 year old is on youtube talking about ETFs +This is probably the single most important piece of advice to avoid losing it all in a couple of years like many lottery winners do. Don't blow your principle on stupid shit. Lets say you want a Lambo, a yacht, whatever. Do not go buy something like that using your principle. + +Step one when purchasing a depreciable asset is to first buy an appreciable asset, which generates cashflow, which will then pay for your stupid shit. + +So, that yacht you want to buy for $10million? Nope. Back the fuck up. Figure out the cost to lease the yacht. Let's say it will cost $250k per month to lease, maintain, and crew your yacht. Go buy a 100 unit apartment building that will generate that cash flow. Boom, you have your toy, and your wealth will continue to increase rather than decrease because your asset will continue to appreciate as long as you maintain it. + +Buckle up. +Price behaviour is totally random and noisy in the timeframes used in daytrading. On top of that, it has been confirmed that 90% or more daytraders lose money, which confirms my theory, but I am open to change my view about daytrading if any of you can give me good arguments against my current point of view. +Hello dear fellas. Is there anybody who can help or give me resources to learn about trading and investments? + +[Stonks](https://preview.redd.it/qnojadpyupu81.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2a7798b4ff4b2b2979652e995fb52b63b768db1) +I encountered an odd situation yesterday - I went to to a bar and ordered a beer. When it came time to pay, I noticed a clearly displayed notice stating a 1.5% surcharge for **all** card payments. Fair enough I think, I'll just pay cash. The cash was refused, COVID and whatnot. I get it, no one wants to touch dirty virus money anymore. I suggested to the barkeep they need to offer a method of payment which doesn't incur a surcharge. He disagrees, I am a bit annoyed but pay the extra 15c so I can start drinking my $10.15 schooner of beer. + +This got me thinking - is this even legal? I can find references to the regulation around card payment surcharges, and separate guidelines around becoming a cashless operation, but no mention the scenario where you are cashless, but don't offer a way to pay which doesn't incur a payment fee. + +Thoughts? +It's just me and my dad (my mom passed a few years ago) he's pretty abusive and an extreme alcoholic. He hasn't put me through school so I learned what I could off the internet. + +I don't have any friends or family members who would be willing to help (my dad doesn't have contact with any side of his family and they are all pretty bad people to be honest) so I can't do that. + +Only he has a car so I'm out of luck there, he has made it very clear that he wants me out when I turn 18 and I'm honestly not sure what to do. I have a good 4 months before then. + +I live in Texas if that makes any difference. +Hey guys, I’m a recent university graduate and I have approximately 28k left in student loans. I recently got hired and my starting salary is 62k. I don’t have too many expenses at the moment and I was wondering if it would be wise to put $100/month into my TFSA and RRSP while paying aggressively paying off student loans? + +Thank you +Very interesting read: https://dealbreaker.com/2019/10/simons-rentech-book [Bloomberg link if you have subscription](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-10-28/how-jim-simons-turned-built-the-best-hedge-fund-ever) + +- Greg Zuckerman spent over 2 1/2 years writing the book and interviewed over 40 current and ex-Renaissance employees, including Jim Simons. + +- Lots of rumors surrounding the Medallion Fund over the years, we finally have the numbers. From inception in 1989 through to 2018, it has generated over **$104 billion** with a annual performance of **66.1%** or 39.1% after fees. + +- Medallion's capacity at any given time is capped off at around $10 billion dollars. Profits are distributed to employees semi-annually. + +- Simons did not 'crack the market'. He and his team found very niche ways of capitalizing on tiny signals to profit on the global financial markets. +Imagine you’re sitting in your wife’s boyfriend’s kitchen 20 years from now and their ten year old kid that you’re raising walks in. + +“Hey, I just watched a movie about the GameStop squeeze of 2021! Weren’t you in the stock market back then?” + +His excitement tries to cut through the field of regret the memory has sparked, but it can’t. + +“I was,” you answer hesitantly. “That was a crazy time.” + +“Well, did you trade it? Did you have it when it went to two thousand??” + +He’s so giddy it’s almost palpable. You take a sip of coffee before answering. + +“Well uh, I was, but sold my shares in the morning after they fell fifty bucks in after hours trading, at two hundred.” + +You’ve never seen your son look at you like this before, and hope you’ll never have to again. + +“Uh, okay.. bye..” he walks off. + +You sigh, closing your eyes. + +What you wouldn’t do to change the past. + + + +Edit: Don’t give this dumb post money, put it into GME +Lately during this quarantine, I have this feeling or “urge” to always buy things such as shoes, some computer parts to upgrade it, clothes, just to mention a few. There’s tons of deals out there for many things. + +I have this little trick, I hope it works for you too. I have this erasable white board on my door, whenever I really want to buy something, I will write it down. I make a T chart, left side (needs) & right size (wants). Usually my wants list looks longer than the other one. But if you write things down on your chart and don’t compulsively buy things, you will realize that one “thing” you really want isn’t necessary and over time, you’ll end up erasing it. + +Many times I’ve wanted to buy pc parts and after a couple of days I realize that I really didn’t “need” it like I thought. My computer works just fine. + +Basically what I’m trying to say, a big part of your financial planning is knowing when you can afford something and when you should/shouldn’t buy something. Most times, you really don’t need that one “thing”. +Hello everyone I just recently hit one dollar a month and super excited towards my next goal of 10 dollars a month. Any advice for someone who is recently starting or on my current stocks. Thanks, also about to turn 16 +Currently my stocks +$mmm +$abbv +$afl +$cat +$clx +$cl +$cvs +$hd +$jnj +$jpm +$mcd +$mrk +$pep +$pfe +$o +$tgt +$ko +$vz +$wm +$sphd +$schd +Decided I'm going to start dumping into a lot into high growth biotech stocks, and potentially much more depending on performance. 10y yields rising so much and the market just doesn't fucking care lmao. Have lots of options in US stocks but gonna go ASX as well so I can double dip across time-zones to extract that additional time in market. + +What should I buy? Don't want to hold for more than a couple of months at most + +Edit: + +Made starter purchase (small purchase for now) + +Haven't done any research yet, I'll add more once I do some DD in other stocks + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j5fzbwqa7xw71.png?width=628&format=png&auto=webp&s=ece20689cbefa8cea5972804be8a6f1ce7e7b4b1 + +https://preview.redd.it/usec49m57xw71.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=d04f3dd51698fab0f2d190340c08dac67cf6d1fd + +Another edit: + +Should of bought more...congrats and fuck you to all those owning IHL today. Annoyed that I didn't buy way more in at open with those juicy gains and volume today + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uxvk5xdf5xw71.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee844ffb1d48f741dd9f342afaef7953f96230e9 +I've been working at my current employer since September 2017. Back in November 2018, my current employer gave me a "spot bonus" of $25k. They never actually informed me that I was receiving the bonus, and I certainly did not have to sign anything to get it. It was simply added to my paycheck with the note "spot bonus". Cool, I thought. + +Fast forward to today, I've given notice to leave the company. HR informed me that because I am leaving the company less than 12 months after receiving the spot bonus, I have to reimburse them for the amount. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth because 1. it was a bonus for past work, not retention and 2. they never informed me that I would have to return the bonus when they awarded it to me. + +I checked my offer letter to see if anything is mentioned there. When I signed with the company, they offered me a signing bonus that I would have to repay if I left within 12 months of signing, but I'm clearly past that. It doesn't mention I have to repay any other bonuses. HR is only asking for the bonus I received in November and not the bonus I received when I signed. + +Do I really have to repay the bonus? + +**Update:** Thanks everyone for the advice. My employment with the company was at-will status. I don't have an employee manual, and I did not see anything in the employment agreement regarding repayment of this bonus. I sent an email to HR asking them for the documents regarding the bonus. I would still like to leave the company on good terms, so hopefully just an honest mistake on their end. + +**Final Update:** https://old.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/bk2myn/update_leaving_a_company_company_wants_spot_bonus/? +I saw a wrinkly brained ape's youtube video (sorry I watch so much shit I can't find who made it) on how the dow jones, S&P, prime brokerages and big banks' (including international ones) stocks tank at around 10 am and then suddenly recover because they NEED the RRP market to post more collateral. I didn't believe it until I checked the charts today. These charts look IDENTICAL to each other. The price is not only wrong for GME but the entire global stock market price is wrong too. HOLY. FUCKING. MOLY. JACKED=TITs. + +Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5J1pW1rVA8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5J1pW1rVA8) here's the link. Thanks u/The_Fake_King + + +P.S They aren't even trying to be discrete anymore. They are DESPERATE. + +https://preview.redd.it/dy7erkoclu971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=33f90da5abc2f22e292676225f5e7d7ac247114b + +https://preview.redd.it/0ajrqecxku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba15822bc72953300d9ffdb838d12a3915fa197b + +https://preview.redd.it/6jxs7ccxku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4384605d0fd84000c9de41fb91bf3a644b9293 + +https://preview.redd.it/n9dxpn3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c98442d7f3487e88f49aa65bc65125be00323da + +https://preview.redd.it/b2y4jz3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a214711c089e322f9bbab4d5206dd7588874fff + +https://preview.redd.it/vs1v0t3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a56c683e85961d8b485643cfd8657506111405 + +https://preview.redd.it/zrnf6m3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cf7085790430cc788d36832cf60f3e3d506cae5 + +https://preview.redd.it/sbfbnp3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=11958c4e60087c5a90836bbe5b6cb907f85d0143 + +https://preview.redd.it/428koz3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=966b2ebec618ca1f77a7c7b6e22d1a92f0df389f + +https://preview.redd.it/34duc34kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=87817270edad52fdaa030912dd78df70d589532e + +https://preview.redd.it/hgwpsc4kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=69d9e5e346aca7d1eba6def5855a29abeb88dd16 + +https://preview.redd.it/9ht1o34kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=842bae394de413b9510f5d08c352857a68ef1541 + +https://preview.redd.it/i98i0j3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=67caeb722a196092e2a1e67da20527d77e0d05e9 + +https://preview.redd.it/6uj8sn3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7497d256e507fa949de849b9da4dc90adc15d88a + +https://preview.redd.it/e944tz3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc4330182481ef3d07d2de1c382118804df8e3d2 + +https://preview.redd.it/y4um9l3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=b57870485f4e9a347ed111fb9818a2cd3b31d064 + +https://preview.redd.it/xtvl7h3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=7141d752ff4b045c31d55e7a6102f30065e4657d + +https://preview.redd.it/ydb8fm3kku971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d0d72944c9e3460130082225467e84bacdb0bcc + +https://preview.redd.it/qwealf3kku971.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d00ae8ae35037eca09ea48368d9e668ac0b336e + +https://preview.redd.it/7fa0xk3kku971.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=edcc8956475920c1f7a75638e49c5d42cc42594c +I've been looking to start investing (mainly on ETFs) and I've been selecting the broker to do so. Portuguese banks have high fees to invest but I'm willing to pay them, but people keep selling me Degiro like it is perfect. When I started learning about investments I ruled off Degiro based on two criteria: the customer suppor didn't seem the best and under Netherlands law I would have only 20k guaranteed in case of bankruptcy. I learned recently that Degiro was bought by a German bank and invested in customer support in several countries so these questions don't worry me now. Still, given the offer from banks and other brokers, such low fees still seem too good to be true. Are there any hidden fees? Is there a catch that doesn't seem obvious? +Hi there! + +I'm in a predicament. Due to a break up I'm stuck in a place which seems to have no resolution. + +My yearly salary is £26k. My monthly outgoings on bills and rent (£760) are £1.2k, my take home is between £1.5k to £1.6k depending on the month. + +This leaves me with £300-400 to feed myself and my daughter, buy clothes etc etc. + +I don't drive as it's not something I can afford. I could move to a house with lower rent but I can't afford to save for a deposit to move. I would be financially better off, on my current salary, if I had more money to change my housing situation. + +I'm just very stuck. And I'm unsure where I go from here. It feels like I'm in a pit. + +Is anybody aware of any support I could get in this situation? I am unable to get any benefits, my daughters mother gets government support (even though we have 50/50 custody). I am just very lost and hoping some of you financial wizards have some kind of advice. + +I am currently looking for another job with a higher salary, but I live in a small town and all jobs I can find I'm suitable for require transport. + +I can not afford regular public transport because that will be making a decision between food or travel and I'm already down around 20kg in 4 months. + +Hope you guys can help me out in some way! + +Thanks, +Oran. + + + +Edit: Thank you so much to everybody for putting so much effort and time into providing me with support. I am getting emotional, it's quite overwhelming that so many strangers are willing to provide so much helpful advice. + +I intend on replying to everybody individually whilst going through all the resources but I swore I'd do these dishes 3 hours ago and should get to it. + +Thank you so much, I can't put into words how grateful I am. + + + +Edit 2: I intended to get back to everybody individually. I'm just awake post night shift and have found the post is locked due to some less than helpful comments. + +Thank you to everybody who responded, the advice given here in priceless and I can't help but think we've created a post that will help countless people in similar situations going forward. + +I will reply to the private messages when possible. You are all amazing. I can not articulate my gratitude. Thank you so much. +Oran. +These are the rules of the game: +Only Gold +Always TP at 250 and SL at 200. +If you are stopped out 2 times in a row you are out of the game and have to try tomorrow. + +Today i had 3 wins and 3 losses and still made a profit. My goal is to keep trading as long as possible without beeing stopped 2 times in a row. +I’ve been in and out of the trading game for 5ish years now. Been studying concept after concept, market to market, and strategy to strategy. After all this time I’ve finally become profitable, but I can’t help but ask myself…what now? + +There’s a lot of confusing things I have to grapple with now: taxes, how to live off of trading (with its up and down months), what happens if my consistency goes down, and most importantly I keep asking myself will this be seasonal? Is my success only temporary? + +Everyone focuses on getting that green overall PnL number, but literally no one talks about what comes after. It’s so tunnel visioned that most people are left to their own devices and mess ups after the fact. I’m just curious what those in this sub who are long term profitable do. +Here on /r/financialindependence I read a lot of stories of many people's rather smooth transition from high school to a good college and into an immediately well paying career path that will set them up for life with little worry. Some of us however have taken more unconventional paths. + +Here's a summarization of my adult working life: + +Straight up - I was very unsuccessful financially for the first decade of my adult life. + +In college I was not a hard worker, most of my spare change went to beer, and a serious bout of depression almost flunked me out and took me several extra years to get my grades back up. I had grown up with helicopter parents that severely limited my social life, so I viewed college as an escape from their grasp and as an excuse to have fun more than a way to get educated and set up my future. I ended up barely graduated in 2011 with a degree that had been completely neutered by the 2008 financial crisis (Urban Planning). I had worked intermittently in college during my breaks and also on an on-campus job and was able to pay cash for my first car (a used Toyota Corolla) that I still drive today. Other than that, I was broke when I graduated. + +I didn't get a job straight out of college. I had an internship opportunity through a family friend that had been rescinded due to slashed budgets. I had to move back home with my parents to a VLCOL small town where there was no work to be had; I couldn't even land a 3rd shift gas station attendant job. After 10 months of unemployment and lots of boredom and depression, a chance encounter actually landed me an entry level job in my field: $11/hr conducting surveys for the local planning commission in a MCOL city; a far cry from the standard starting salary of $50k/yr that career path would have afforded me had I been just a few years older but hey, it was a job. + +Over the next year I did everything I could to be as frugal as I possible: I lived in a friend's partially finished attic for $100/mo, I biked over driving every chance I could, grocery shopping was only done at Aldi and Walmart, I limited my recreational activities to free events and sports, and my only vacations were either to my parent's house or to visit my sister in another city two hours away. I managed to save up $4000 that first year and opened up my first Roth IRA. Very exciting! + +The problem is that I realized that I hated my field of work. The education I received didn't properly set me up to work in this new post-2008 financial and political world. I didn't like the prospects of my future career, the culture of the workforce, and the fact that our work was continuously blown up by politicians routinely making poor decisions. I realized that my dream of making utopian cities would never come true. I grew to hate the city I lived in and the people I interacted with. I needed a change. + +In late 2013 I quit my job on a Friday and by Monday I had packed my car and was off to a new VHCOL city to start over with $3500 in my pocket and no job prospects. A friend there had offered to let me sleep on the couch and I took him up on it. Would I ever recommend anyone does this? No, but in a way I was desperate and still pretty young so I chanced it. Unfortunately, this VHCOL city also had almost no job prospects in my field, and for the next year I desperately applied to every job I could while taking little side jobs here and there to generate some cash flow. + +By October of 2014, I once again was broke. Here I was, 26 years old, college educated, and I was sleeping on a couch with no money, no job, no girlfriend, no prospects in life, etc. I hadn't contributed to my Roth IRA at all in the past two years. My parents sent me $400 to get gas and an oil change so I could move back home. The local factory had picked up and they had job openings; my future as a assembly line worker was being solidified. + +On a stroke of sheer luck, I found my drunk neighbor outside one night; he had lost his keys at a bar and was locked out of his home. I called for a locksmith to come, and I stayed with my neighbor while he waited. We got to talking and I told him the story I just told above. He very drunkenly took sympathy and offered me a temporary job in the warehouse he managed for $10/hr. He was clear that the work would suck and many people didn't last long, but I didn't care. I was elated and took him up on it immediately. + +I busted my ass for the next month working every moment I could and saving every penny. The company liked me so much that they decided to keep me around. + Within two months I was off the couch and was moving in with a friend....into his sunroom. But it wasn't the couch and it was only $250/mo! I was able to open up a new bank account with $1000. I was going places! + +The next several years were still tough: I only received small increases in pay, I was passed over for promotions by other more well connected people, and I was still living quite literally in a closet. Through overtime I was barely crossing the $30k per year mark. And hanging over all of this was that I was still living in a VHCOL city, so that income did not take me very far. + +At the beginning of 2017, the promotion finally came. My income increased 50% and I was able to move out of the closet and into my own bedroom. I was able to now start saving money at a good tick. The problem was that I was so scared of returning to my old financial situation that I kept all of my money in cash. 2008 and all that it did to me and others still scared the fuck out of me. I had worked so hard for that cash and I was not going to lose it. + +2018 comes and my pay increased another 25%, and then that summer I decided to log in to my Vanguard account for the first time in years. What I found was that I had totally forgotten to invest that $4000 that I had deposited in 2012 and had been sitting in a settlement fund. The growth over the years meant that that $4000 had turned into $11000, which is great, but I did some calculations and found that had I put it in VTSAX, it would have become ~ $30,000. I was pissed! + +From that day forward, I have been very focused about saving and investing my money. I found a pretty cheap little apartment for my area ($1000/mo with all utilities included) and I save about 50% of my take home earnings. Last year (2019) I crossed the $70k income threshold for the first time and I payed off the last of my student loans. My emergency fund grew to be big enough to cover a full year of expenses which has removed a ton of stress. I have a separate CD fund set up that will allow me to buy a car either for cash or with the help of a small loan once my trusty Corolla finally dies. I have been very lucky through the pandemic and have not only maintained my employment but also picked up a side gig. I expect to cross at least the $85k income threshold this year (2020). It's still not a ton of money living in a VHCOL city, but I've found little ways to stretch my money further than it should. Purchasing a home is nowhere in my near future unfortunately, but that's just the way it is right now when the cheapest housing unit of any kind for sale is +$600K. + +But what I'm most proud of financially is that for the first time in my life I recently crossed the $100,000 net worth level at the age of 32. It's hard to believe how far I've come in the last 5 or 6 years from when I was straight up broke. Index funds are absolute wonders! At my current pace I expect to become a millionaire by the time I'm 43. I've faced a lot of failures both internal and external so the prospect of this to me is elating. I took risks that few would advise, and was willing to take on jobs that many would consider beneath themselves. + +I share my experiences because I'm sure like many others I see the stories posted here about the full scholarship magna cum laude software developer that immediately gets a job at Google and will be able to retire at 35 and this can be very discouraging for us more "average" folk. The path isn't easy for most of us, but it is worth it. Luck can and does play a big role for us all; don't try to hide or avoid it, just embrace it and take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. I don't know if I will ever fully achieve the Retirement Early part of FIRE, but I am damn proud that I can see the Financial Independence part in my future. +All, + +Change will be a constant as we evolve our commerce business and launch new products through our blockchain group. After investing heavily in personnel, technology, inventory and supply chain infrastructure over the past 18 months, our focus is on achieving sustained profitability. This means eliminating excess costs and operating with an intense owner’s mentality. Everyone in the organization must become even more hands-on and embrace a heightened level of accountability for results. + +With that said, I’m getting in touch today to share three organizational updates: + +1. After making more than 600 corporate hires in 2021 and the first half of 2022, we have a stronger understanding of our transformation needs. This has positioned us to right-size headcount across several corporate departments. Today, we’re making a number of reductions to help us keep things simple and operate nimbly with the right talent in place. + +2. We’re going to be making a significant investment in our Store Leaders and field employees, who play a critical role fulfilling the needs of our customers. These individuals are, in many respects, the heart of GameStop. We’ll be sharing details regarding this investment in the coming weeks. + +3. Mike Recupero, who has served as our Chief Financial Officer since last June, is departing. Diana Jajeh, who has been our Chief Accounting Officer and possesses strong institutional knowledge of the business, has been appointed Chief Financial Officer. + +These changes will enable us to operate in a profitable manner as we execute against our strategy of pursuing sales growth in our commerce business and launching new products that empower customers within the digital asset and web3 gaming verticals. I’m confident in the team we have in place going forward, and thank you again for your continued dedication and focus. + +Regards, +Matt +Hello r/ValueInvesting! + +This is the third time I've provided these updates now, so I hope they're uncovering some stocks to add to your watchlists. If you have any requests or feedback, do let me know! + +The criteria are detailed on the [BuffettScore.com](https://BuffettScore.com) about page, but here's a quick list: + +* Does the company have consistent earnings? +* Does the company have manageable debt? +* Does the company have a high return on equity? +* Does the company have a high return on invested capital? +* Is company cash-flow profitable? +* Is the company retiring shares outstanding? +* Does the company have an earnings yield greater than the 10yr treasury? +* Does the company have an expected rate of return over 12%? +* Finally, are the cash flows outsized? + +# The New Stocks + +These stocks check all the boxes above, but didn't last month: + +* AME - AMETEK +* CRUS - Cirrus Logic +* CRVL - CorVel Corporation +* EMR - Emerson Electric +* EVR - Evercore +* GNRC - Generac Holdings +* HCKT - The Hackett Group +* ITW - Illinois Tool Works +* LFVN - LifeVantage Corporation +* LH - Laboratory Corporation of America +* ODFL - Old Dominion Freight Line +* STLD - Steel Dynamics +* TPL - Texas Pacific Land +* WOR - Worthington Industries + +# The Stocks Removed + +These stocks checked all nine boxes last month, but no longer do and have been removed from the list: + +* AVY - Avery Dennison +* CERN - Cerner Corporation +* EGRX - Eagle Pharmaceuticals +* HII - Huntington Ingalls Industries +* HUM - Humana +* MGA - Magna International +* MPX - Marine Products +* PETS - PetMed Express +* ROK - Rockwell Automation +* ROL - Rollins +* XLNX - Xilinx + +# Full List? + +The full list of stocks that check all the boxes can be seen on the [BuffettScore.com](https://BuffettScore.com) homepage. There's usually about 100 stocks that pass all criteria out of 6,000+ that I check. There's also a newsletter if you'd like monthly updates delivered. + +# Feedback? Things You'd Like To See? + +Let me know. The community here has driven a few updates to the site, and I'd love to hear how I can make this project more useful for others. +According to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the personal savings of Americans totaled $626 billion in Q3 of 2022, marking a substantial drop from the $4.85 trillion in Q2 of 2020. + +&#x200B; + +Savings are now below even pre-pandemic levels. + +&#x200B; + +Here’s the blunt reality: White-hot inflation continues to deplete savings. And it doesn't help that economic growth has been sluggish while companies announce major layoffs. Living paycheck to paycheck has become the norm. +https://www.barrons.com/articles/shanghai-disneyland-tickets-sold-out-in-minutes-disney-stock-is-rising-51588949428 + +"Walt Disney stock jumped Friday morning after the company announced that Disney Springs—an outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment complex outside of Disney World Resort in Orlando, Fla.—will begin a phased reopening starting on May 20. The rest of the Disney World Resort, including theme parks and resort hotels, will remain closed, the company said. + +The announcement came as the company’s theme park in China—Shanghai Disneyland—is busy preparing for a reopening on May 11 after a four-month shutdown. Tickets for the reopening—although with limited capacity under government regulations—sold out in minutes after bookings started Friday 8 a.m. local time, a sign that Chinese consumers are ready to pull out their wallets for the entertainment giant as the nation recovers from the coronavirus pandemic." +[https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/04/amazon-hits-1-trillion-in-market-value.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/04/amazon-hits-1-trillion-in-market-value.html) +No meme or hype here, sorry. And yeah, everybody says to hold, mostly in the context of *triggering* MOASS. But it's incredibly important to hold *throughout* MOASS. If we aren't selling, then prices are climbing. + +We have to put a seemingly unlikely and incredible amount of faith in each other to not panic or get greedy. Holding is the only thing that is going to add commas to the share prices. + +Remember that scene in Dark Knight where the Joker puts bombs on two ships full of people, waiting for one to blow up the other? Even though they were very uncertain, they still held fast and in the end, it worked out for the best for everyone. It's kind of like that. + +Now, if you're about to be evicted, or you can't afford your medicine, or something major like that, nobody is going to fault you if you have to sell a share (or a fraction of a share). But it's important to not look at those numbers that seem high at the moment and lose control. Those numbers will keep getting higher. And yeah, they might even dip from time to time - but they *will* keep climbing. If shares are worth millions, you only need to sell one to buy your houses and cars - just leave the rest in there to keep prices high. + +It's ok to not even fully understand how it works - we have a lot of helpful, super smart people who have figured this stuff out and have tried to break it down so the rest of us apes can understand it. + +I'm just making this post in the hopes that people see it and remember it when things start to kick off. HOLD for you, HOLD for the rest of us, HOLD, HOLD, HOLD, and remember that your fellow apes will be doing the same! + +P.S. It's absolutely not too late to DRS your shares. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/07/disney-strategy-could-limit-netflix-pricing-power-hurting-long-term.html + +Disney announced Wednesday it will bundle Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+ for $12.99 per month. + +The Disney bundle pricing is the same cost per month as Netflix’s standard offering. + +While Disney’s bundle may not cause many people to switch from Netflix to Disney, it could limit Netflix’s ability to raise prices +After seeing this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w3ue2n/comment/igyhfz4/?context=3), I contacted Computershare, and it is true. + +The changes only impact Limit Orders and do not apply to Market Orders. + +**The sell limit order maximum will be changing from $214,748.36 per share to $3,500 per share, effective after Wednesday, July 20, 2022.** + +**Existing limit orders for $214,748.36 will remain in place and not be changed to $3500 until they are canceled due to the stock split. The cancelation will take place after the split on 7/21.** + +*Note: Going to pin this post temporarily just to control any potential misinformation.* + +***Edit to add this disclaimer right to the top:*** + +**Even though there’s a $3500 sell limit, it doesn’t matter. Once we approach $3500, the limit will either be changed or removed. And if we go past $3500, we aren’t restricted to only doing a $3500 limit order. Due to NBBO, we are always allowed to place a limit order as long as it’s within 3% of the trading price (above or below). The $3500 is only in place now because we are still pretty far from it.** + +&#x200B; + +**Conversation with Computershare:** + +All of the info can be found on Computershare's website as well, here: + +[https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#collapse7ec3e3e0-7622-4b75-a386-9b9f511acb11](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#collapse7ec3e3e0-7622-4b75-a386-9b9f511acb11) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6ocxcuf5jsc91.png?width=747&format=png&auto=webp&s=acff72f58413a221a3e52ca61912ac7f3898e244 + +https://preview.redd.it/ba3nccg8jsc91.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a45fbe6ac32ed44987dcc69129980a3b1893aa9 + +https://preview.redd.it/7p53w659jsc91.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=0555add63e7e0fe086b334198b5d4c77bd88ffe2 + +**Details from Computershare's website:** + +[https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#collapse7ec3e3e0-7622-4b75-a386-9b9f511acb11](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies#collapse7ec3e3e0-7622-4b75-a386-9b9f511acb11) + +**What is the maximum limit order possible through your systems?** + +We’re sorry to say that we are having to lower the maximum “limit order” price for all US shares traded on our platform from $214,748.36 per share to $3,500 per share, effective after Wednesday, July 20, 2022. + +**Why did you lower the maximum limit order?** + +The change has become necessary because the volume of very high limit orders being placed through our systems has increased significantly over the last six months and is now so high that the total value of open orders risks exceeding the overall risk cap set by our broker. A high proportion of these limit orders (which mostly span just two securities) are submitted at limits that are many thousands of times the prevailing market price for the relevant security. Whenever those limit orders do not execute, they negatively impact the overall risk cap calculation. + +**What is affected by maximum limit order change?** + +The change applies to both “day” limit orders and “good-till-cancelled” limit orders. Any existing orders with a limit above $3,500 per share will remain in place until they naturally expire or on the execution of a stock split, when such orders are routinely cancelled. Any resubmitted or new orders after close of business on Wednesday, July 20, 2022 will be subject to the new maximum limit of $3,500 per share.  + +The change does not affect the maximum trade value (consideration) that our system will accept. The maximum consideration will remain at $10 million for designated securities (specifically GameStop and AMC) and $2 million for other securities for each individual order submitted via the web. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR** + +* Sell limit order maximums will change from $214,748.36 per share to $3,500 per share, effective after Wednesday, July 20, 2022. +* Existing sell limit orders will NOT change however due to the stock split, they will be canceled after the split goes into effect on Thursday, July 21, 2022. +* The change is because the volume of very high limit orders being placed through CS systems exceeds the overall risk cap set by their broker +* This is ONLY for Sell Limit orders - Market orders are not affected. +* The maximum trade value for GME will still remain at $10 million +* The sell limit should be either raised or removed as the price is increasing and grows closer to $3500 +* Due to NBBO, you are still able to place a sell limit order as long as it is within 3% of the current trading price due to the rules here: [https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nysemkt/2016/34-79640-ex5.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nysemkt/2016/34-79640-ex5.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +**SPLIVIDEND** + +[Find all the info here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vtvbl8/gme_41_stock_split_in_the_form_of_a_dividend/) +User DaisyAbbot just messaged me this: +http://i.imgur.com/x0JKTc4.png + +As you can see he tried to mask the url, showing myetherwallet.com, but in reality it is a myetherwallet.com.de domain. + +Obviously phishing and scamming users here. + +**UPVOTE FOR VISIBILITY** + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +As the title says, I inherited 140k this past week. I am 26YO and am lost on what to do financially to invest it. Honestly, I have a very basic understanding on investing. + +I am a nurse, and make about 70k a year. I max out my 401k and contribute to a Roth IRA. + +I do not have any debt + +I do have an emergency fund established + +I do not have a family/children + +I am thinking about investing some of the money into long term investments (whole life insurance) and some money into short term investments with the goal of putting down a good down payment on a house in 2-4 years. What are your thoughts/advice? + +Edit: Thank you for the advice and well wishes. So I actually meant IUL insurance. Is that any better? Or still a no-go? The money is from the sale of my parents house. The money was split between my siblings and my portion was 140k (already in my account). My main priority is buying a house. It does not have to be soon, I don’t mind waiting 5 years if that means a better market. +So I work for a company that is using Covid as an excuse to not pay the expected bonuses and increases this year. + +They have been very hush hush about things and only announced that we would not be getting these benefits the day before they were due. I want to challenge management on this, as I know our company's productivity is up, we have not lost any major contracts, and we have given up our office premises (therefore saving a lot on operating expenses). + +Some of the things I want to know are: +-why the finances don't allow for the expected payments +-why the poor communication +-if bonuses and increases will be backdated when eventually paid(because revenues have not dropped, apparently there are issues with cash collection and cash flow) + +Can anyone give me some tips on how to ask these types of things, strong but diplomatic phrasing and good phrases for redirecting the conversation if management tries to divert? Also all tips on handling tough conversations like this are welcome. + +I'm concerned the talk may get heated, as I know of other instances where the management team reacted very badly to conversations around salaries or people moving on to a new job. It's a smallish firm, run by some interesting characters +Hi everyone! I've been using YNAB for almost 2 years and it has helped me a lot. Today they announced they are increasing the already high price for their service to 14,99 USD/month or 99 USD/year, so I am looking for an alternative. + +I enjoy the envelope budgeting system and that it encourages you to assign all of your money to a category. + +Anyone using any good alternatives? +For some, it’s been a year or more. Others, months. For the most part, everyone still holding has been through the shit and the sunshine multiple times over now. Everyone still holding also has read, or is at least aware of, the extensive DD proved and disproved over the course of the past 9 months. No one is going to sell or fall for stupid tricks that try to move their money elsewhere. Those of you who are worried that people are giving up, don’t. I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the remaining apes are going to see it through until the end and beyond. Just chill and go outside. +**This is** ***not*** **TA.\*** + +You might remember my series of posts here from not too long ago: + +[Part 1: Major assets vs. GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv5xl/part_1_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 2: The behavior of "normal" stonks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv7u2/part_2_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 3: Basket stocks in comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv8ri/part_3_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 4: Kenny's world is crumbling](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv9x4/part_4_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[UPDATE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vz7pt1/update_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +Well, since so much happened in those 1-2 weeks, I decided to do a follow-up on where things stand as of right now + +# Summary of the previous parts + +In Part 1 I've shown and explained how GME's price acts in relation to major assets and how it is prevented from crossing a certain price ratio. In Part 2 I've shown how some "normal" stocks look like in comparison and in Part 3 how other basket stocks behave. Part 4 finally was trying to look for potential answers as to "why" this all is happening and then compared specifically Citadel's long positions to GME. At the time the SPY/GME chart looked like this: + +[SPY\/GME after close on July 13th.](https://preview.redd.it/y488vyxqjpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd385a3e7aed35cd4eec61d1b6f16be5330e85ca) + +The SPY/GME chart closed right on the trendline and it was interesting to see what would happen next. Would we bounce off of it again, or break through and maybe cause hell on earth for Kenny in the form of margin calls? + +A day later on July 15th I made an Update to the previous parts, where indeed we broke through quite aggressively at market open, but then GME got shorted back down into the ground and SPY/GME closed just above the line once again as shown below. + +[SPY\/GME after close on July 14th.](https://preview.redd.it/tvw8kminkpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=fba400607809e8eb911492ed6a7578a738b75edc) + +A closer look to what happened on that day: + +[ GME 5min chart with SPY overlayed on July 14th.](https://preview.redd.it/2pt7md8xkpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0e1eb2d8f0032255dde8d8b9c4b622f08b64565) + +>*Well I'll be damned. We crossed significantly right after market open on the SPY/GME chart, when SPY dropped on recession fears but GME continued to increase slowly but steadily up to $151.95 as shown below. Then GME suddenly dropped down massively for no reason, whereas SPY rose again. Just in time for the price ratio of SPY/GME to pop up right above the trendline again before close (image above). "Phew... margin call averted." - Kenny, probably* + +# What happened in the mean time? + +So Kenny's ass was saved for one more day/week back then. But GME's climb hasn't stopped there. Let's look at the current split-adjusted SPY/GME chart: + +[SPY\/GME after close July 22nd.](https://preview.redd.it/b2ysydt2mpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=71fd2e5c5e5857e6376bdd073fb50bd93cf73195) + +Ok a bit tough to see what's going on... Enhaaaaance: + +[SPY\/GME after close July 22nd. Zoomed.](https://preview.redd.it/9dc1a5ibmpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ae7b609953a764cf2f4b57a8c785987244d1283) + +Yeeaaup. While Kenny was happy to survive that Friday, we broke through on Monday 18th once again. And stayed there for a few days. Kenny was toying with the idea of OD'ing on mayo. But oh surprise by Friday, just after the stock split the whole market tanked. + +But wait. For some reason GME along with many other meme stocks and other non-meme but still retail darling stonks went down. And they went down hard. GME went down almost 7%, others went down even more. + +BUT... on that deeply red day, the SPY still managed to "only" go down less than 1% after it went up just as much the day before. So that explains why the SPY/GME chart managed to close just above the trendline. Again. + +# Kenny's longs / collateral + +But not just the SPY/GME went back up, many of Kenny's longs that they are using for collateral went back up against GME in their respective X/GME charts. I'm saying "many" because I haven't checked all of them but it could very well be "most" or "all". So let's have a look at some of them: + +[AMD\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/vv9ljvrqopd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1d4c2006cbb669b5a7d93eacd61fbc04114b8f7) + +[AAPL\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/fsl4jpw0ppd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=93016be66e0d3916d3ba0cb88d41e01479773859) + +[NFLX\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/w8wosphdqpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=43fe79093af4fc99892daa0db2b3f9e7d843e6a0) + +[MSFT\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/gf212ukyppd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab5efa6e7f66d4602fdcce7fc8d2654e767d80e) + +&#x200B; + +**Some that crossed but got pushed back above the trendline:** + +[NVDA\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/ryl8tjx6ppd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=f653e6576b3b52c4c2fe94ed145de8924383653d) + +[TSLA\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/pxos8vntopd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=8143a0359ac318ae76a849d9d7fc94d7c03bc39f) + +[AMZN\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/wtgt5hh3qpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=c15632f487a25aafb0f8a1cd52746a5bf28f7560) + +# Last but not least BeetCoin just for fun: + +[BTCUSD\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/y8f1e6ufrpd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=4788481bee52dcea1cd2e8341b03c41cb584d6c4) + +# Conclusion + +Last week we actually crossed, especially on the SPY/GME chart, more than ever since the sneeze. Since they are using those longs as collateral, I believe they need to keep GME in a certain price ratio (which this X/GME trendline essentially represents) to their collateral/longs in order to avoid being margin called. It is also my *believe* that Kenny's got margin called in the last 1-2 weeks, which he probably barely managed to comply with. Tick tock... + +**Tin-foil-hat time** + +After my initial series of posts some ape reached out to me to tell me that coinciding with my DD a friend of his who works in the industry told him how crazy things are right now and how a lot of clients (SHFs) were having margin concerns. I can't go into more detail to avoid any trouble, but that's the core of it and I didn't get any details that were spicier anyhow. But yes, we have a "Trust me bro"^(2) type situation over here, which means take that last part with 69 grains of salt. + +&#x200B; + +================================================================================= + +# * A final note on how I don't see this as TA + +Some apes seem to dismiss these posts purely based on the fact that they see colorful lines on charts thinking this is TA. After all "fundamentals deal with balance sheets and income sheets" whereas "everything dealing with charts is TA". + +Well look at it this way: This is about price ratios between short positions and long collateral. + +While that can be drawn in a chart just as I did above, it ultimately is *precisely* about balance sheets, and how a shrinking of one side of the balance sheet or increasing of the other may suddenly make Kenny choke on his mayo. + +================================================================================= +From market rebellion, “Putin is banning the export of products and raw materials until the end of the year” what will this mean for stagflation and the US economy in terms of raw materials? What stocks will benefit? + +Commodities may continue their rise up the rest of the year and we are in for even more turmoil than expected +Considering getting a second job at a fast food place because A) they pay more than grocery stores do and B) it's flexible with my currently early morning job. + +I'm just kind of embarrassed at the thought of working at a fast food restaurant at 31 years old. lol My first job has the benefits so I'm really just looking for an *easy* second part-time job. + +Edit 1: I have worked in fast food before, therefore it is easy *to me*. + +Edit 2: Stop making assumptions and crying about "classism" just because you got offended. It's a valid question that many people have and it might even help people make that leap into getting a job in fast food. Check yourself! + +Edit 3: I work in a union job and I just want easy money on the side. I'm trying to move out and this would help me do that. +In case some are unaware, the Dividend Champions list has moved from [dripinvesting.org](https://dripinvesting.org) + +You can now sign up to have the list emailed to you at [https://secure.widemoatresearch.com/dividend-champions/](https://secure.widemoatresearch.com/dividend-champions/) + +I have found this list to be invaluable in helping my find solid dividend companies to invest in. The spreadsheet divides companies into 3 categories: Champions (who have increased their dividend for at least 25 consecutive years), Contenders (who have increased their dividends for 10-24 years), and Challengers (who have increased their dividends for 5-9 years). It also includes a wealth of other information and is an excellent starting point for researching companies. + +EDIT: Apparently I was mistaken and the list can still be found at https://www.dripinvesting.org/tools/tools.asp +We have a £20K spare cash hanging around in the company and I don't want to just leave it in the company bank account where it will just devalue over time. What is the most tax efficient way to invest the the money so that is accessible but also can be accessed in emergencies? +More and more I’m seeing questions and advice about long term investing. Ie. people asking how many days to hold stocks for and good ETFs to invest in. Remember seeing a post yesterday about advice for trading and one of the recommended books was in reference to the boglehead methodology. Just a few minutes ago I saw a post about day trade ideas and one of the comments talked about holding BIDU for 3 months. Like what? Can the mods enforce that this sub is only for day trading? We have plenty of other subs for swing trades or long term investing. Would like if this one was used only for discussion about day trading. +It has been along trip to get the idea of this market. I was in losing mode for alost 3 years . +Learning is hard . And working within the rules of forex market is even harder !! +Last week I started to enter in profit mode +So my advice to you guys . + +" Keep learning " +MC $44M +SP $0.125 + + +Alright fuckers, a lot of posts recently asking how one goes about finding a 10 bagger before it hits the first bag. And I've been thinking about this myself lately as I've been trading since July and while I'm in the green by about 13%, it's not much to write home about when you read comments where someone bought BRN at 7c, 3DP at 10c or APT at $2 etc. I'm done with jumping on mid rocket or onto stocks that go nowhere. + + +But where are you supposed to find these gems? Well, if you're in on 3DP, then you'd agree the easiest answer is to follow the smart money. We've all got a hard on for Bevan Slattery and what his investment did for 3DP's shareprice. But he's not the only whale out there, so if you have major regrets about not buying 3DP when Bevan did, you have a similar opportunity to rectify that now. + + +So here I introduce Mark Mconnel, who bought in at around 12c in March 2019 (https://www.google.com/amp/s/stockhead.com.au/tech/why-this-nine-time-young-rich-lister-joined-the-board-of-a-14m-adtech/%3famp you could probably just read this link instead of my dd but there's still some extra info below). This guy sits on the board of AV1 and is also ex CEO of Citadel Group. He's very well known to jump out of a sinking ship and cut his losses very quickly so the fact that he didn't sell when the shareprice was 26c (currently 12.5c) is a huge green-money-bag-flag. In fact, he's pouring more and more money into AV1. Since joining he hasn't sold a single share and is only buying more and more. He also personally funded the last cap raise for 2 mil and just bought another 70k worth of shares on the market. + + +So that's pretty much all I needed to know to buy in, at an average price of 12.3c. But if unlike me, you're not a degenerate, autistic gambler, below I have paraphrased what another asxbets member has told me about who Adveritas are, what they do and what makes them unique. + + +Adveritas have the most advanced ad fraud protection in the world that reports REAL TIME to you. Also, they are only targeting the world's biggest companies and winning them. Bar one exception (touched on below) they haven't lost a single tender yet. They have had a Google partnership in the works for a while and now announced its go to market strategy and made a refferal to it in their last last announcement. + + +When AV1 was called Tech Mpire they collected and analysed data and in doing so they have trained an AI bot to recognise fraud. They had millions upon millions upon millions of data points on people, such as how they behaved and interacted. They trained an AI bot to learn these behaviour patterns and created an algorithim to create around 200 data points on a person via cookies and other embedded agreements within apps and phones. So once you click on the advert and this runs in the background it tells the client if you're in their target market, therefore producing more data. And these days, data is worth more than gold. Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok etc are so valuable because of the data they create and target advertise. + + +Within about 5 seconds this AI can determine what apps you last had open. What websites you had open, how long for etc etc. This gives them the ability to real time track whether the person who's just visited the advert is a real person or a bot. This is super important when you engage a marketing company for millions to guarantee visibility to your product and know if they are out sourcing to click farms. This is a huge revenue stream and directing their business to Google play store and mobile apps makes it even easier to profile for the customer and figure out if they are getting what they paid for. + + +If you've looked at the chart you'll see it lost alot of momentum because of covid. It also didn't help that there was radio silence from the board, who dont appear to be too worried about the dip as they have been seen to be accumulating at these low prices. But the lack of updates to the market, along with the speculative nature of the investment, plus other stocks bouncing back while AV1 stagnated would be my uneducated explanation for the SP being still low. + + +Another point worth mentioning is that they announced a performance rights issue. This was issued on the basis they sign a third tier one client. In their own words a tier 1 client is someone who gets a billion clicks a month. That's fucking huge. + + +As they changed to Adveritas that performance incentive stayed. But rather than announcing to the market who the tier 1 client was or any details surrounding it, they instead issued the performance rights. This potentially indicated that they signed the tier 1 client. One can only speculate as to the reason why they didn't actually announce the clients to the market but it was interesting that rather than announce a contract win they just announced the satisfaction of the conditions to award the shares. Some have speculated it's so they can continue to accumulate at these low prices as we have witnessed recently with more buying from the board but who knows. + + +During my research into the funding of Citadel Groups capital raising I found that Petra group, whose clients are known to be high net worth individuals and investment firms and also used to do all the capital raises for Citadel Group, were responsible for big parcels so it can be deduced that more 'institutional' money is going into the company. Additionally, Regal funds was a big big investor in Citadel Group and they're also now a big investor in AV1. Again, follow the smart money! + + +In terms of clients, AV1 are targeting the biggest names in the world. They presented at an adfraud summit hosted by IMPLY, a neutral ad platform (buyers sellers of ads and adtech offer through platform) and was presenting along with Netflix, Twitch and Target (US). This puts them in pretty good company and showed a neutral platform viewed their tech and offering very highly. + + +I mentioned i think they won every tender so far except one but rumour has it the only reason they didn't get to sign [major company name redacted post edit] is because the higher ups decided they want to keep it all in house and do their own ad fraud. Other than this, they have won every tender they have gone upp for to my knowledge. They won Rappi and Gojek which are the main ride-sharing companies in South East Asia and Latin America. But [major company name redacted post edit] think they can create what they can't. They don't have the data to train the AI to the same capability. Which is why Rappi and Gojek signed and renewed. + + +It's all about capability with AV1. There are loads of other AI software out there but none of which has the particular millions and millions of data points collected to train the algorithim. + + +As a business owner if I market something, I need to know it's genuine organic traffic to my target audience. Not some Chinese or Indian click farm. + + +So in conclusion, I can't be assed writing anymore, so here are some rockets 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + + +TLDR: follow the smart money. + + +Disclaimer, dyor, not financial advice, I'm still learning how to tie my own shoelaces, don't pm me cos your wife is upset you took out a mortgage for this. +My wife and I are both in our mid-60's and living in a shabby $1.200 month apartment with an aging car. We have been living on $4000 in soc. sec. each month. Now we are about to receive close to $1.5 million after taxes, (lawsuit settlement and inheritance). We are excited but fearful because neither of us has ever had any money before. So many decisions. We would like to move to a nicer place and get a new car. But how much should we pay? Is $4000 a month in rent unrealistic now? How about it a new SUV for $40,000? We also want to be financially comfortable for the remainder of our lives. Can anyone please offer some fundamental advice or tips? We live in Southern California about 30 miles East of Los Angeles. Asking advice from friends or family, would likely create conflict. +I did a househack duplex with a VA mortgage (0%) down no PMI. At the same time I got a 18 months 0% APR credit card to cover live in flip type stuff (new floors, new appliances, paint job, fence, etc). Now I have a credit card balance of about $22,000. + +I’m doing an IRRRL on the property to add central A/C to the property and then pay a couple of out grand out of pocket (because it’s a duplex and is above the $6,000 IRRRL limit energy efficiency amount). + +Now comes my play. I’m thinking about taking out a 401k loan to pay off the credit card (0% APR on the credit card ends next month). + +The idea would be to repay the 401k loan back in about 9 months with a VA Cash Out Refinance on the duplex. Then use the additional money to buy another property. + +My risks are missing out on stock market returns for 9 months. But I won’t have to pay 21% interest on the credit card. + +After the Central Air install, I’ll have about $90k in equity in the property. + +Is this a bad play? I don’t think so myself, but I would be interested in what y’all think. Thanks! + +Also I’m going to AirBNB the property after I move out. It’s in a good location and has lots of attractions. +33 yr old single male working at technology company. No kids. + +Have saved up enough to cover my expenses for roughly the next 7.5 years in after-tax cash account. Have enough in a Roth and 401k to extend that quite a bit as a last resort. + +If I stuck it out for another year, I would increase that 7.5 to about 9.5 years to give some perspective. + +Been working at the same company for over 10 years. Started out as a unpaid intern in 2009, the height of the financial crisis, and worked my way up to a steady six figures job on our management team. + +I've felt completely burned out for about 4 years now and have considered quitting countless times, sometimes considering new company/new job but I don't think its so much the job as it is just the pace. I've never taken more than a week break since I started the job and the cumulative stress has built up to a point where the only way to get out of the rut is by resigning with nothing else lined up. Be completely free from work obligations to recover. + +I used to think that if I just get through this year... Then it became this quarter... then it has become everyday I wake up thinking I just need to get through today. + +Honestly I was thinking that if I just stuck it out, I could be at least semi-retired by 40 but after 2020 I think its better to take a gap 6-12 mo. to refresh my perspective and get a renewed enthusiasm for life/work that I haven't had in years. + +I figure if I don't do it now, I may never do it and regret it. Life tends not to slow down... it only speeds up. + +Anyone on here actually taken that leap without the parachute of another job lined up? + +Honestly looking more for people that actually did regret it. The cautionary tales are the ones that often go unspoken. + +Thanks for your help! +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zfdj0ax2gr971.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e282525a136a7d36a6f9f4606924b90ce3f98d0c + +Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ie5djvg5gr971.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=137fd902420ae0c303c480910ee16f1d6319f65c + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[me irl atm](https://preview.redd.it/9vvet6yggr971.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e49eae16bda56688cf8e726da086946bb4c27cd) + +The reverse Repo's + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/t3os97pcgr971.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ecb7397afe346ef086b04a67dc8c5fdd4bda02a7 + +# GME Form 4 07-06-2021 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8zxe1z98hr971.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=13f9601dea2ff08d937b67fd8c10c0f49bbdb6a6 + +[https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/19081/html](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/19081/html) + +Matt Furlong got 72,678 Shares These shares are Vested shares like usual + +These shares represent restricted stock units issued to Mr. Furlong by the Issuer. The restricted shares are scheduled to vest as follows: 5% on the first anniversary of the grant date, 15% on the second anniversary of the grant date, and 20% on each of the dates that are 30, 36, 42 and 48 months following the grant date, subject in each case to his continuous service to the Issuer through the applicable vesting date. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yrdcesksjr971.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8cef0ee83ccd00247321ad2ec22fc9dc5d2afd5 + +# The GameStop Discord + +Gamestop launched their own Discord yesterday, and I've seen some issues surrounding that, but I just want to reiterate. + +GameStop's Discord is for gamers, not stock investors. + +Please let the discord be about gaming alone, otherwise they'd most likely close their discord and I feel like creating a Gamestop discord is a step in the right direction imo. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/71wekcpjjr971.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff160f897af3c7ac55c2f4c6d911483a54e935cd + +# NFT stuff + +Again some people don't understand what the hell nft's and crypto's do, I am one of those people, for me it's like magic internet money. but there is an entire thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/of20ou/a_deep_dive_into_nftgamestopcom/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +Gamestop will announce their own crypto and how to get it, don't trust random coins on the web, trust GME to inform us around the 14th or so, don't trust rando coins. + +[Magic beardy man is surprised](https://preview.redd.it/yrqm25ieir971.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=d97812fe5100c1e78461b8352c81da3bd335ee13) + +# The Reserve Bank of Australia announced today that it would taper its Quantitative Easing. + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/lbmuqvtjir971.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d87598972f9d61971b2bddf44104e75d66b4da49 + +The Reserve Bank of Australia announced today that it would taper its Quantitative Easing (central bank purchases securities from the market in order to increase the money supply), by reducing weekly purchases of government bonds by A$1 billion a week, to A$4 billion a week. + +as u/Dismal-Jellyfish **wrote:** + +The Bank of England [announced in May](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/monetary-policy-summary-and-minutes/2021/may-2021) that it would reduce QE, winding down the bond purchases from £4.4 billion a week to £3.4 billion a week. + +The Bank of England denied that it is reducing QE, calling it an “operational decision” that “should not be interpreted as a change in the stance of monetary policy.” + +The reason this does not count, [according to BoE governor Andrew Bailey at the post-meeting press conference](https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20210506583/bailey-says-reduction-in-bank-of-england-bond-purchases-isnt-tapering-markets-seem-to-agree), is that the BoE didn’t change its “fixed amounts” of its overall QE target of £895 billion, it’s just buying less per week to get to this target. + +&#x200B; + +Seems like they are bracing for inflation, there may be more banks out there taking action right now but we may have overlooked + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cfo05h32kr971.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e43e962e35dd147c3e5e754431ef94f5c00625 + +# Unlocked Institutional Holdings per 13F/NPORT filings Update: 7/6/21 (Source: [Fintel.io](https://Fintel.io)) + +written by [u/d2blues](https://www.reddit.com/user/d2blues/) in his thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/of7smj/unlocked_institutional_holdings_per_13fnport/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +It seems to me that this shows that institutional holders have... 39 million shares. + +this feeds my bias so fucking hard. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qqohvvj3kr971.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=70a17e3d896795d27acd2ba9bb183816753e0e74 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ja4hmhd5kr971.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c990d76396a9d034f2cc02b70cbf637416f70f5 + +remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +[https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle](https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle) + +[https://twitter.com/u\_sharkbaitlol](https://twitter.com/u_sharkbaitlol) + +[https://twitter.com/BradduckF](https://twitter.com/BradduckF) + +&#x200B; + +Sorry for being a bit later today guys + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tbrfmhhtmr971.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=0283c7d9d9eb053117678c6ea14cab1377a6c697 + +Short volume by Annihilationgod. + +Also the Trading beans showing you the options chain for free + +[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrIi5L8o5JFdjR1UlwLidg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKrIi5L8o5JFdjR1UlwLidg) + +Thank you to Turdfurg23! +MIT has uploaded this course for free and is a really great resource for anyone interested in learning more. It’s even good if you have a solid understanding of the blockchain. I really recommend you check it out! + +https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/15-s12-blockchain-and-money-fall-2018/video-lectures/ + + +I’ve only gotten through the first few videos but I’ve already learned a lot. The first lecture is great to show people who are just dipping their toes in the water (if they don’t fall asleep from lectures). + +Cheers! +Built for anyone, from spreadsheet newbies to experts! Two years ago, I shared with the community a [free FIRE spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/ejkuw8/i_made_an_advanced_budgetincomenet_worthfire/), and since then, I’ve received a lot of requests to share a public version of my dark-mode [personal spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/pff9qz/aug_2021_monthly_overview_2_years_into_my_job/). In response, I re-vamped the public spreadsheet to include a better [dashboard](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Capture1.png?w=1120&ssl=1), simpler inputs, more analysis and features, and packaged it in a better color scheme. I like it better than my personal spreadsheet now, so I might switch over, too :) + +&#x200B; + +See how it looks filled out with fake data: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kWHnihgmOHy6ZQ9K2oGWZ1lsiqCoP-UWo0Kj\_YG4g1M/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kWHnihgmOHy6ZQ9K2oGWZ1lsiqCoP-UWo0Kj_YG4g1M/edit?usp=sharing) + +Pick up your own copy here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SB7cCd\_Rk9HHEtjDYb\_mGKYBR-68Y-Dqe1IuPMHQg\_E/copy](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SB7cCd_Rk9HHEtjDYb_mGKYBR-68Y-Dqe1IuPMHQg_E/copy) + +&#x200B; + +This spreadsheet can be used by those just starting and those far along. It will enable you to do things such as budget, track your income, determine your savings rate, project your safe withdrawal rate, view how much of your debt payments go towards principal, quantify your CoastFI numbers, calculate unrealized gains, determine proximity to goals and how you might need to adjust, quickly view metrics such as NW breakdown, asset allocation, and FI %, easily compare net income to expenses, show progress to each NW milestone, etc. + +Grey background means editable, black background means not editable. + +I recommend using the Fake Data Sheet as a reference alongside the instructions. This subreddit doesn't allow images within posts, so I'll link to images within the instructions as best as I can to make it easier to follow along. + +# Initial Setup + +First, if you’d like to start the spreadsheet on a date other than 1/1/2022, then adjust the cell at the top-left of the [*Net Worth* tab (cell *A5*)](https://i1.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-17.png?resize=300%2C260&ssl=1). The Fake Data Spreadsheet starts on 1/1/2021, for example. + +In the *Dashboard* tab, your FIRE number is calculated as your yearly expenses divided by your withdrawal rate. If you have a FIRE number in mind that differs from that, input your FIRE number into [*Dashboard* cell *B8*](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-18.png?w=370&ssl=1). + +Next, in the *Net Worth* tab, if you had any balance in an account prior to the starting month of the spreadsheet, unhide [row 4 and in cells {B4 through K4} (B4:K4)](https://i2.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-19.png?resize=768%2C382&ssl=1), enter the previous month’s account balances. Please refer to the [Fake Data spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kWHnihgmOHy6ZQ9K2oGWZ1lsiqCoP-UWo0Kj_YG4g1M/edit?usp=sharing) (comments located in *Net Worth* tab cells *C4* and *J4*) for a visual. Hide *row 4* once complete. + +This concludes the initial setup. Now let’s get into how to regularly use each tab. + +# Net Worth Tab Instructions + +[*Columns B:K*](https://i2.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-20.png?resize=1536%2C235&ssl=1) are where you input each account’s end-of-month balance. *Columns* *L:T* are where you input contributions (Ctb), withdrawals, and debt payments (interest and principal) which occurred in that month. In *column AE*, input savings rate goals for each month. [All other columns](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-21.png?resize=1536%2C213&ssl=1) in this sheet will auto-calculate various metrics for you. If any columns are irrelevant to you, hide them or rename them. + +**Notes**: *Row 2* will show a sparkline (chart) of each column, and *row 3* will return the current month’s value. The *Asset Value* and *Asset Debt* columns are relevant to secured loans such as mortgages, while *Other Debt* is applicable to unsecured loans such as student loans or credit card debt. Month 1 of *Monthly Delta* will show a value of 0, and months 1 and 2 of *Delta %* will show a value of 0%. Deltas reflect the difference between the current and previous month. *SW Monthly* and *SW Yearly* will show how much you can safely withdraw based on your SWR given your portfolio value today. The *Gains* columns (*AL:AR*) are cumulative and do not subtract interest from monthly loan payments, nor do they include asset value gains. + +# In Tab + +At the end of the month, fill out [grey columns](https://i1.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-22.png?resize=1536%2C438&ssl=1) using your paystubs, and feel free to use the ‘Other Income’ column to include anything outside of your regular job’s income such as gifts, reimbursements, tax refunds, stimulus checks, etc. *Row 3* will auto-calculate the current year’s summary of each column. If any columns are irrelevant to you, hide them or rename them. + +# Out Tab + +Input your [monthly budget](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-23.png?resize=1536%2C464&ssl=1) into *column B* for each month. The budgeted value will turn red if exceeded by spending. In *columns D:E*, input monthly expenses as they occur or at the end of each month. *Row 2* returns a running 6-month average, *row 3* returns a sparkline (chart), and *row 4* returns the current month’s spending. If any columns are irrelevant to you, hide them or rename them. + +# SWR Tab + +Input your date of birth in *F2* (so the spreadsheet can calculate your age, or just put your age in *C2*), input your preferred withdrawal rate in *H2*, input your desired retirement age in *J2*, input your stock and bond allocation in *K2:L2*, input your expectations for future average stock and bond growth in *M2:N2*. LeanFIRE is calculated as 80% of FIRE goal, and FatFIRE as 2x FIRE goal. If your Lean/Fat numbers differ from this valuation, alter cells *O2* and *Q2*. + +With *row 2*’s grey cells filled out, you can [read the tables](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-24.png?resize=1536%2C629&ssl=1). (Sorry to anyone who is red-green colorblind. All tables can be adjusted via conditional formatting!) + +The **table on the left**, using your annual contributions, current NW, withdrawal rate, current age, portfolio growth (*B4:J4*; 6% through 10%), and retirement age (*A5:A50*; age 24 through 69), will return your projected annual withdrawal. + +There are **three tables on the right**. The **first**, titled *Proximity to Coast to Desired NW at Desired Age*, will display how close you are to being able to coast to your LeanFIRE, FIRE, or FatFIRE goals if you were to stop contributing today and coast until the age on the left. If the % is over 100%, you’ve already achieved the desired NW at the age on the left if you stop contributing today. + +The **second table**, titled *Monthly Contributions to Reach Goal*, will show how much you need to contribute towards your NW monthly to reach each NW goal at the age on the left. If the number is negative, you could withdraw that amount each month starting today and still reach that goal. If it is green, you are already contributing that amount monthly. If it is mauve, it is higher than your monthly contributions. + +The **third table** on the far right, *Portfolio Value Needed to Coast Today*, will show what your portfolio value would have to be today in order to coast to each NW goal at each age. + +All tables on the SWR sheet update themselves automatically. Feel free to manually input a number into cell *G2* (annual contributions) if you don’t have 2021 filled out in the *Net Worth* tab. + +# Dashboard Tab + +When the *Net Worth*, *In*, *Out*, and *SWR* tabs are filled out, the dashboard [comes to life](https://i0.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Capture1.png?w=1120&ssl=1). + +In the top **left**, you’ll find the current date and a link back to this post. Below are a few handy metrics such as projected portfolio returns and your CoastFI number. You can change the “65” in cell *A9* to any age. Cells *A14:A15* calculate annual savings based on 2021, but you can adjust the year if you have prior data in the Net Worth tab, or adjust the year to 2022 if you don’t. The two tables below will show proximity to various NW goals based on total NW and based on just investments. + +The charts in the **middle** of the dashboard show, from left to right and top to bottom, a stacked bar graph of assets and debts by dollar amount, a stacked area chart to display the % each asset takes up of your total NW, your FI % over the months, a comparison of your net income and expenses, and a comparison of your savings rate and savings rate goal with a trendline. + +The table on the **right** calculates, based on your SWR and current NW, which expenses you can cover, and which you can’t yet, and how much in additional investments you’d need to cover the latter. These expense names were copied from the *Out* tab, so if you altered the *Out* tab, copy and transpose the renamed column headers into the dashboard cells *L3:L25*. The *M column* uses an annualized 6-month average, so if any of the expenses are irregular (e.g., annual expenses), you may want to manually adjust the *M column* to reflect their yearly costs. + +# Extras + +I’ve also thrown in an [amortization schedule](https://i1.wp.com/bloomingfinances.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/image-25.png?resize=1536%2C598&ssl=1) (designed for a 30-year mortgage but adjustable to fit your needs, be it a car loan or student loan, etc.). At the top, you can input your loan’s terms. On the right half of the spreadsheet, you can see what happens to the loan’s interest and length if you pay extra in a given month. At the very end of the spreadsheet is a free math section for taking notes or doing random calculations. + +Comments, critiques, and requests for help are welcome! + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I answer some FAQs in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/rwq9qw/comment/hre1c50/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +WSJ article 9/29 about tech companies buying home and flipping them. + +They call these companies IBuyers. They include Zillow Group. Opendoor Technologies, and Offerpad. + +I generally did not understand the article. But I only have 52 years in the business. + +One part I DID understand: “IBuyers have been clear that their businesses are built mostly to make money off ancillary services such as mortgage, title insurance, and escrow, rather than on home transactions themselves.” + +Well, that’s kind of a startling fact. + +In other words, these Wall Street sharpies disdain property ownership as a way to make money. They see property ownership as a sort of loss leader only useful for attracting buyers of Realtor®, mortgage origination, and title insurance sales. 99% of the readers here are all excited only about the IBuyers loss leader. What are you missing? + +I have noted in various places that the best way to make money on real estate might be to get into one of the transaction costs businesses rather than actually buy real estate. The IBuyers figured that out. + +I did deliberately work in brokerage and property management more to learn than earn. I should have also worked in title insurance. I DID get training in appraisal and real-estate-related law. + +But having said that the best way to make money off real estate may be to be in one of the transaction-cost businesses, I must add that I generally consider those businesses to be fundamentally overcharges. Commissions in real estate sales are way too high and everybody knows it. + +The DOJ is currently pursuing yet another action trying to knock home commissions down. They have been doing that my whole life. The commissions HAVE gone down about 1% from 6% to 5%. But they need to be a **flat fee** rather than a percentage of the price. Selling a property requires about the same effort regardless of the price. Imagine if doctors set the price of treating a broken arm by the weight of the patient. + +Realtors® rage against lowering the commissions. When you spend all day every day telling people that you deserve the commission, you have deadened the portion of your brain that lets you be objective about it. If commissions were finally lowered to the flat fees they should be, Realtors® would make about the same, but there would be a lot fewer of them. They would be like lawyers or plumbers. No more free pumpkins at Halloween or free newsletters about your neighborhood. Do lawyers or plumbers give you free pumpkins? No, because they do not get 5% of the value of your house + +*Forbes* magazine said title insurance is the biggest racket in the real estate business. No, it’s second to the commissions. But it is a racket. + +You can spot such industries by the amount of money they give politicians. Real estate agents and title companies give tons of money to politicians. + +It is well known that title “insurers” rarely pay any insurance claims. + +“Based on reports provided by the insurance industry, title insurance claims payment only amounted to 4 to 5 percent, as compared to the 60 - 75 percent of claims paid for home insurance or auto insurance.” insuranceqna-com + +Title insurance is really just a title **search**. You could and should learn how to do those yourself. The title insurance companies have them done by relatively-low-paid high school grads. You cannot do the **lender’s** title search, but you **can** do your own instead of paying for an **owners title policy**. + +There is a whole segment of the real estate investing industry—**foreclosure auction buying**—where the buyers do **not** get title insurance. They do their own searches. To save money? Yes, but mainly because they operate on a short fuse and title companies do not work fast enough. + +Auctions are typically 9:15 AM on the court house steps. The search needs to be done around 9:14AM. I exaggerate, but the auction buyers generally do their searches the afternoon before the auction. I would probably treat it as a two-person job and have a partner searcher at the recorders office while I was at the auction with both of us having mobile phones. They would call me if a new lien on the property in question were filed at the last minute. + +There is a clear analogy here to real estate investing, real estate brokerage, mortgage lending, and title insuring. It’s the old 80-20 rule. + +Real estate investors spend 80% of their time as apartment leasing agents and handymen—$20-an-hour work. But when all is said and done, they probably get 80% of their real estate investing profit from marketwide property appreciation over the holding period of the property. + +Mortgage businesses want to **originate** mortgages, but they have zero interest in holding them. You might think the profit in a mortgage is collecting the **interest**—analogous to the cash flow in a rental. No. + +The mortgage companies originate the mortgages and sell them ten seconds after you close to Wall Street companies who bundle them into GNMAs and such and sell them to Main Street investors. + +The **mortgage-servicing** companies to which you send your payments are probably another collection of $20-an-hour jobs. 80% of the profit in mortgage lending is in the origination—analogous to appreciation— and 20% in collecting interest and forwarding it to passive investors. + +Ditto brokerage. They will **manage a property** for you, but that service is a **loss leader** to get you to give them the **listing** when you sell. If that were not a possibility, they would get out of the property-management business. Brokers get 5% off the top when you buy or sell. 80% of their profit comes from closings; 20% from such chores as property management or showing properties. + +Same with title insurance. 80% of the profit comes from doing the **search** and closing on the sale of the title Insurance and 20% from the routine of receiving and paying the occasional rare claim. They treat the insurance as a **loss leader**. And they also have many laws that force people like lenders to use their services. + +So on the one hand I was surprised to learn that IBuyers actually buy and sell houses solely so they can get the counterparties in those deals to buy real estate closing services like commissions and title and mortgage origination. + +If the main thing you do is regarded as a loss leader by Wall Street sharpies, some stroking your chin and thinking hmmmm may be in order. +For the 1% that actually managed to predict this...well congrats. Pat yourself in the back. You probably made out like a bandit. How come the other 99% couldn't predict this until looking back in hindsight? + +GOOG Mar: $1000; Today: $1500 + +TSLA Mar: $360; Today: $1500 + +NFLX Mar: $300; Today: $560 + +AMZN Mar: $1700; Today: $3200 + +FB: Mar: $140; Today: $240 + +SHOP: Mar: $300; Today: $1000 + +NVDA: Mar $200; Today: $420 + +MSFT: Mar: $135; Today: $210 + +&#x200B; + +Looks like you could have been a blind monkey throwing darts at tech and you could have made a sizable fortune in those 4 months. +[https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/selling/were-back-baby-stressed-auctioneer-says-market-is-settling-but-slams-bottom-feeders/news-story/c4e5feeb467ad84b21517c154fee0977](https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/selling/were-back-baby-stressed-auctioneer-says-market-is-settling-but-slams-bottom-feeders/news-story/c4e5feeb467ad84b21517c154fee0977) + +But Mr Panos blasted “bottom feeders” offering 50 per cent of the value of the home, declaring that even when the market goes down, “it doesn’t mean a home halves in value”. + +Is this WMR 😂 +I had posted about these cards [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/ogmyup/amex_platinum_vs_chase_sapphire_reserve/). I tried to capture what I considered to be the essential differences between what I viewed as the most important "perks" (YMMV). + +One of the things that other users mentioned a lot is that the customer service for Chase is not as good as AmEx. Now that I've had both cards for a few months, I am here to expand on that: + +Compared to AmEx, the Chase customer service is abysmal. So thank you to those who warned me. Put simply, AmEx is like Mercedes Benz and Chase is like a random used car lot when it comes to customer service. +Title says it all, no clue what to do, but I do know he has credit card debt that I can’t afford pay. Did some googling and can’t find a decent “this is what you do and how to deal with details when you parent dies” checklist. Not sure if there is a better place to post this?? Anyway, any advice on dealing with the financial aspect of this would be greatly appreciated. + +Edit: thank you all for the good advice and kind words, very helpful and consoling +# THIS HAS BEEN ENTIRELY DEBUNKED. LEAVING FOR TRANSPARENCY. + +READ EDIT 5 AT THE BOTTOM. APPARENTLY THE IPFS HAS EXISTED ON GAMESTOP.COM SINCE JULY. + +So, we all remember the loopring github leak from october. It contained a link to + +[https://ipfs.nft.gstop-sandbox.com/ipfs/QmPBvug4pYykDWosLUC7ReQo4vv1F9knd5fkTJr3bzPURp](https://ipfs.nft.gstop-sandbox.com/ipfs/QmPBvug4pYykDWosLUC7ReQo4vv1F9knd5fkTJr3bzPURp) + +Well, at some point since then, a clone of this IPFS instance seems to have been deployed to the official [gamestop.com](https://gamestop.com) website. + +[https://ipfs.nft.gamestop.com/ipfs/QmPBvug4pYykDWosLUC7ReQo4vv1F9knd5fkTJr3bzPURp](https://ipfs.nft.gamestop.com/ipfs/QmPBvug4pYykDWosLUC7ReQo4vv1F9knd5fkTJr3bzPURp) + +~~Edit: Holy fuck. Loopring released their javascript sdk 3 hours ago:~~ [~~https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwnrhw/windatang\_published\_this\_3\_hours\_ago\_on\_github/~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwnrhw/windatang_published_this_3_hours_ago_on_github/) + +~~I don't know when IPFS was deployed to the gamestop website, but~~ *~~if~~* ~~it was very recently, and the loopring SDK got released tonight... HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK HOLY FUCK. The two things aren't~~ *~~necessarily~~* ~~related. But holy fuck, my tits are jacked.~~ + +~~Edit 2: Actually, it looks like the SDK was already public. Looks like it has been since at least october. Maybe even earlier? But a new version which allows for NFT minting was released 3 hours ago, so I'll leave the link to~~ /u/ryan12124\~\~'s post, just in case the two turn out to be related.\~\~ + +Edit 3: NFT minting was added to the loopring SDK \~20 hours ago. And there was a minor edit \~4 hours ago. Leaving my edits for transparency. + +Edit 4, for clarity: The loopring SDK stuff isn't directly related. If it had been Loopring's first public SDK release, that would have been massive, especially if it happens as GameStop is seemingly starting to deploy things into their production environment. + +Edit 5, this time actually related to the original topic: Apparently the subdomain has existed since some point in july. Check [u/hooper359](https://www.reddit.com/user/hooper359/)'s comment and post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwn8ct/comment/hl426me/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwn8ct/comment/hl426me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +This certainly unjacks my titties quite a bit. However, I still think the contents I've linked to must have been added at some point after october 28th. There's no chance in hell nobody would have tried simply replacing "gstop-sandbox" with "gamestop" as the winda tang github leak happened. + +If nothing else, this at least arguably confirms that [gstop-sandbox.com](https://gstop-sandbox.com) is likely owned by gamestop. + +Edit 6: So apparently anyone can upload stuff the IPFS and it will sync or some shit like that. Basically: Even though the links are subdomains of gamestop.com, the files that can be seen haven't been uploaded to gamestop specifically. I won't pretend to understand how it works, just know that this post is entirely debunked. + + +Altknob's post explaining it all seems pretty solid I think: +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwwyel/important\_read\_about\_the\_current\_top\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qwwyel/important_read_about_the_current_top_post/) +Like many of you, I try to read as much DD as possible, though I have to admit I don’t understand a lot of it. One good recent example is this post from u/thabat : + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcklz0/rolling\_in\_the\_deep\_dive\_hiding\_money\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcklz0/rolling_in_the_deep_dive_hiding_money_in_the/) + +It builds on other DD u/Criand has done to explain how SHF are able to hide money and shorts in the Caymans. If you haven’t read it yet, you really should. Now, as I said, I didn’t understand all of it, but there was one part that really stuck out to me, which was the discussion of the 1940 Investment Company Act: + +[https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-1879/pdf/COMPS-1879.pdf](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/COMPS-1879/pdf/COMPS-1879.pdf) + +“This Act regulates the organization of companies, including mutual funds, that engage primarily in investing, reinvesting, and trading in securities, and whose own securities are offered to the investing public. **The regulation is designed to minimize conflicts of interest** that arise in these complex operations. **The Act requires these companies to disclose their financial condition and investment policies to investors when stock is initially sold and, subsequently, on a regular basis.** The focus of this Act is on disclosure to the investing public of information about the fund and its investment objectives, as well as on investment company structure and operations. It is important to remember that the Act **does not permit the SEC to directly supervise the investment decisions or activities of these companies or judge the merits of their investments.**” + +Sounds good right? Except that apparently “Citadel files exemption from these rules every year since 2009 and is instantly granted.” + +[https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?filenum=813-00397&action=getcompany](https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?filenum=813-00397&action=getcompany) + +So this seems pretty obviously bad to me. I don’t understand why a monolithic investment firm should be allowed to be exempt from a bunch of laws that seem to directly pertain to them and their activities ‘just because they want to be.’ It has made me very angry (along with all the other BS this year, of course), and so I’m taking action, and I hope you’ll all join me. + +I’ve created a petition at Change.org with the goal of imploring the SEC to disallow Citadel from being exempted from the 1940 Investment Company Act. Now, I know what you might be thinking – you see these Change.org petitions pop up all the time, with people wanting you to support this and that cause, and you’re doubtful if they can actually have any impact; but if we can harness the power of the worldwide Ape movement and get MILLIONS of signatures, and then blast it at every relevant government official and agency, well, you never know. Something could happen. + +So here’s the petition: + +([https://chng.it/wK2qdMCCNF](https://chng.it/wK2qdMCCNF)) + +I will be cross-posting this to all relevant subreddits, and I ask that you share it with as many people as you can. Let’s see what we can do. + +**EDIT 1:** + +u/[LegateLaurie](https://www.reddit.com/user/LegateLaurie) has brought up an interesting point: + +"The 40 Act is designed for mutual funds where the general public buy shares. Companies regulated by the 40 Act are forced to have greater disclosure and certain kinds of compensation for managers (it's hard/impossible for ETF or mutual fund managers to have performance based pay (unless it's fulcrum fees)). + +>whose own securities are offered to the investing public + +Note, Citadel does not, and cannot sell securities to the "investing public" due to their exemption from the 40 Act. + +Hedge funds aren't meant to be regulated by the 40 Act, as only qualified investors are allowed to invest in them. This means the funds can take on more risk and don't need to disclose as much. Managers also take far higher fees. + +The reason that these firms have an exemption is to be able to take on far greater risk than the SEC believes is appropriate for the general public. This regulation came about in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash where many members of the public were defrauded and where fund managers profited hugely with performance based fees meanwhile people lost out huge amounts of money. + +It is not like opting out of other regulations, because to opt out of the 40 Act means that the fund can only sell securities to "Qualified Investors" (a net worth of over a million or income over $200k)." + +So, okay. That might all be the legal reasoning behind the exemption; however, it still points to an unfair and imbalanced system where 'qualified investors' (i.e. the rich) can 'take on more risk' (i.e. do whatever they want) and have way less oversight on them. So it's still all bullshit. + +So if the Act doesn't apply to Citadel and other HFs, we need NEW STRONGER OVERSIGHT LAWS that do. + +**EDIT 2:** + +u/thabat has replied in the comments that the above is actually FUD: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pefy3t/petition\_to\_disallow\_citadel\_being\_exempt\_from/haxw4k0/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pefy3t/petition_to_disallow_citadel_being_exempt_from/haxw4k0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +**Edit 3:** + +More on the above discussion: + +[https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pefy3t/petition\_to\_disallow\_citadel\_being\_exempt\_from/hayhg2q/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pefy3t/petition_to_disallow_citadel_being_exempt_from/hayhg2q/) +I have no interest in crypto, but Wealthsimple has been pushing crypto again today and it made me think of the FTX situation. Is wealthsimple crypto a similar setup as a crypto bank? Should I be worried even if my investment (don't own any crypto) are protected due to IIROC? +New to the investing scene. Just learning the basics and trying to get into investing. Read somewhere that investing in US market crash can get someone rich as it a good opportunity etc etc. + +Is it actually a good idea to do that? + +Also, new to investing. Don't judge me if this is something dumb lol. +Every Friday evening seems to be a mini stimulus from our FM - Nirmala Sitharaman, a bandage here, a tax cut there. No comprehensive policy change or approach. If you thought Jaitley was bad, she is even worse. + +[https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/nirmala-sitharaman-real-estate-home-buyers-divestment-exports-economic-booster-key-highlights/articleshow/71124238.cms](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/nirmala-sitharaman-real-estate-home-buyers-divestment-exports-economic-booster-key-highlights/articleshow/71124238.cms) +Anyone doing anything on BBBY? WSBs Reddit going nuts over it. I ended up buying some calls at open this morning and closed it for $1000 profit. Not my usual play but two and half free shares of spy is good for me. +The title pretty much says it all. Whether you're throwing your money at the latest meme coin or you've spent a lot of time DYOR on some promising project, it's a good time to remind people that 90+% of these projects simply will not make it. + +Maybe they die completely, or maybe they just linger at the fringe like some projects have, just crabbing sideways (or downward) for years. + +So a good idea is to, whenever your favorite crypto doubles, take out your initial investment. Yes, it could keep going up and you'd miss out on those gains, but it could also go down and you'd lose everything. + +Once you've taken back your initial investment though, you are playing with free money. You'd be surprised just how relaxing it is to check the charts on a "free money" crypto and not really care if the latest candle is red or green. + +A good strategy is to continue doing the same thing every time that coin doubles. Take out half, leave the other half invested. Rinse and repeat. It's a super easy way to always know when you should be taking profits along the way, and also a way to always have dry powder to buy into any available price dips. +Does anyone ever feel they’ve reached a point where they make wealth for the sake of wealth? Wealth and money is just a number now and no matter if they accumulate 2x, 3x, or 4x more of what they are worth. Nothing in their life will change? + + +Edit: Thanks everyone for your responses! Long time lurker and first reddit post ever. Don’t think I will ever get used to strangers having discourse with each other. The internet is a funny place. Yes I’ve found my interest in day trading to only enjoy the feelings of seeing that little green number each day. A bit ridiculous and will take the advice on giving back to society. +Hi everyone, I’m pretty new to dividend growth investing, and have created a portfolio based on hours of research with 2 holdings per sector, all weighted equally. Please give me suggestions! + +Tech - AAPL, MSFT + +Real estate - O, STAG + +Energy - XOM, CVX + +Communications - VZ, T + +Healthcare - JNJ, ABBV + +Financials - BLK, JPM + +Cons. Disc. - HD, MCD + +Cons. Staples - PEP, PG + +Utilities - SO, NEE + +Industrials - GD, MMM + +Materials - PPG, ADP +Should I try to change that mindset? Or is nothing worth it other than food and shelter. Are there any other purchase types you're consistently happy with? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +On top of likely slashing billions off of its valuation, do you guys think the changing sentiment towards Airbnb has changed the outlook for the company in general? +[https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/07/11/former-tesla-employee-blasted-by-elon-musk-takes-battle-sec-filing-whistleblower-complaint/?noredirect=on&utm\_term=.e3e715fcb02c](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/07/11/former-tesla-employee-blasted-by-elon-musk-takes-battle-sec-filing-whistleblower-complaint/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.e3e715fcb02c) + +>Tripp told the SEC on Friday that the Silicon Valley car company, whose $53 billion value rivals that of General Motors, had pushed for a number of potentially damaging measures to meet production quotas, including placing batteries with puncture holes into vehicles and reusing scrapped parts. +> +>The company, Tripp said, had also inflated the number of Model 3 sedans it was making each week by as much as 44 percent, skewing the figure that investors and buyers had for months watched closely for clues to Tesla’s performance. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hey everyone, + +I'd love to hear about your financial analysis process! + +* What are your favorite ratios and metrics? +* Do you use DCF or any other kind of models? +* What kind of information to you seek? + +Don't limit your answers to the list above, those are just some ideas. + +Looking forward to hearing back from all of you! +In the value investing world, Joel Greenblatt is one of those value investing gurus. However I found that his “magic formula” investing strategy was a bit odd especially in relation to the traditional buy below intrinsic value and hold for the long term. In his book he states that buying businesses with a high ROE is the key. This makes sense, however he says that you hold that business for only 1 year and then sell it and then buy new businesses that appear in his magic formula website and then repeat the process. I’m not sure how this is related to value investing. Maybe I’m missing something or have misunderstood his strategy. +Can anyone fill me in? +I'm 25/yrs old dude, I got like 45k in the bank and I make around 95k and in 4 years I'll be at 140k a year. + +I need some suggestions because I'm just now really studying real estate and the mechanics. I grew up with a dad who was a RE investor. + +I'm looking to start a rental property side hustle and eventually go full time. What's the best first rental property to get? I was thinking of house hacking a duplex/triplex to get my feet wet +Last month I cashed in on an experiment I started 5 years ago. I read about this idea to save a $5 dollar bill every time you had one on yourself. So I decided to give it a shot and start in August 2012. I never created change with a fiver on purpose nor went out of my way to exchange bills. I just set aside a bill when I came home from work or a night out, slowly adding to the pile and never withdrew. + +Considering I seldom use cash I was curious to see how much would be saved over this period of time. It ended being a bit more than I expected with the final amount of $2285. Not too shabby, might have to start this again sometime. Anyways thought I might share this idea here, not sure if it belonged in r/frugal or not so I apologize in advance if it does. It's a neat little experiment to save money you don't miss. + +https://i.imgur.com/dAN6IBX.jpg + +https://i.imgur.com/kKzthZM.jpg + +Edit: I should add this wasn't meant to be a primary source for savings. I just wanted to see how much liquid I'd amass over the 5 years. I have separate accounts for my personal finances. +Alright, over the last few days I've seen a number of people confused by what a T+2 is and why are people doing a T+2, well hopefully I'll be be able to give you a rundown of what T+2 trading is. + +# What Is T+2 Trading? + +In short and simple terms T+2 trading allows a trade to occur on the day, and settlement only occurring 2 trading days in the future, for example, I purchase 1613 shares of BRN on the 1/9/20 (Monday) for 0.31 ($500.03), the settlement of the 1613 shares are not due until the 3/9/20 (Wednesday), On the 3/9/20, I need to have the funds available in my CDIA account (The original $500.03) by the end of the trading day or Tom will come and kneecap me. Note, Trading days do not occur on a weekend, so buying shares on a Thursday means the settlement won't be due until Monday. + +So, In this short time-frame of 2 trading days, you can effectively leverage the $10,000 T+2 limit TommSec gives you, meaning you could buy up to $10,000 of stonks, sell it within the T+2 time frame and pay out/be payed out the difference. For Example, I purchase 29033 shares of BRN on the 1/9/20 ($9,000.23), this would be settled on the 3/9/20, however, I sell all of my BRN shares the next trading day (2/9/20) for 0.47 a piece, resulting in a gross sale of $13,645, when this happens, the settlement due on the 3/9/20 is nullified, and instead you will be payed out the difference (13,645-9,000.23) of $4,644.77 on the 4/9/20. In reverse, if you bought $9,000 of stock to be settled on the 3/9/20, and it had dropped by 20% ($7200) when you sold on the 2/9/20, you would have to **pay the difference of $1800 by the 3/9/20, the original settlement date does not change in the event of a loss.** Also to note, TommSex will not Offset a trade made 2 days after the initial trade, this is according to their [Client Guide](https://www.commsec.com.au/content/dam/EN/PDFs/Product/Share-Trading/Brochure/clientguide.pdf), and I've seen one guy on here whose trades didn't cancel each other out. + +# Capital Gains Tax and T+2 Trading, together at last + +Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Capital Losses only effect **GAINS AND LOSSES THAT YOU INCUR,** effectively, if I leverage $9,000 of debt using CommSex for a T+2 trade and end up selling at $15,000 I only pay a tax on the gain of $6,000, not the $15,000, same goes for incurring losses. If you were to sell $9000 of shares to cover the debt you still have to pay tax on the **GAIN OF THOSE $9000 OF SHARES (5400 x 1.666... = \~9000, 9,000 - 5,400 = $3,600 Gain)** meaning when the ATO releases a T-800 after you and your dog because you didn't pay your Capital Gains Tax you can't claim that you didn't actually earn anything. I shouldn't have to write this, but I've seen this question pop up a few times, please talk to an accountant if you have no fucking clue. + +# T+2 Trading Sounds like free money + +There is no such thing as a free lunch, this is something your dad should have taught you if he wasn't nae naed by a guy driving an AU Falcon. To summarise there's a number of Risks vs Rewards + +***Rewards*** + +1. ***You could make big money*** +2. You can effectively increase you exposure to a particular stock far above what you're worth +3. If everything goes tits up, Tom will personally visit you and recreate the opening intro from Fallout: New Vegas + +***Risk*** + +1. ***You could lose Big money*** +2. You will need to set up stop-losses so you don't lose too much +3. You will always have to pay full CGT, as the discount only applies after holding for 12 months and 1 day +4. You cannot read the market, this is why the sub was flooded with loss porn on the 11/9/20 (Which in-turn led to the T+2 Questions) because epic nae nae babies thought seeing a continuous 30% rise in a stock constituted as a DD sized bra +5. You still need cash in the event of a loss +6. A Trading Halt will really ruin day, as the settlement date will not change +7. Not paying your debts will lead to $100 charge, your accounts being suspended, your shares being sold, interest on the outstanding amount calculated daily and Tom coming over and fucking you, your wife and your wife's boyfriend. + +All in all, I'm just an epic retard so take this shit with a grain of salt, this does not constitute as financial advice and anyone thinking this is financial advice should drink some Aldi lighter fluid tier Whiskey and take a long hard look at themselves in the mirror, the only reason I took the time in writing this was the number of questions asked about T+2 trading, if you have questions I'd suggest directing them to a financial professional. But to conclude, leave T+2 trading to someone who knows what they're doing, I'm just some Space cowboy out here for a ride. +Where do you think RH got $65m to settle with SEC? + +[https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-321#:\~:text=Robinhood%20agreed%20to%20pay%20%2465%20million%20to%20settle%20the%20charges.&text=Despite%20this%2C%20according%20to%20the,beat%20that%20of%20its%20competitors](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-321#:~:text=Robinhood%20agreed%20to%20pay%20%2465%20million%20to%20settle%20the%20charges.&text=Despite%20this%2C%20according%20to%20the,beat%20that%20of%20its%20competitors). +People talk about how difficult it is to buy a house but it’s not just that but with getting a good job or getting into a good school is becoming more and more difficult. + +Is it due to globalization and more people entering? +Hear me out, but I have this funny hunch that climate change is real, and is going to continue getting worse and worse (hello Canada) and what that means in real terms is companies specializing in managing or at least lessening the physical impact will do well. Possibly really well. Petroleum company size well.... + +This isn't a WSB type shot I'm trying to make here. Thinking to invest a chunk of my pension into it. Morbid as it sounds, I think this will be obviously a lucrative field from here on out. + +Any thoughts? + +P.S It might sound weird and counter-intuitive but I'm especially interested in companies that specialize in defences rather than just reducing CO2 through clean technology. +This is probably the single most important piece of advice to avoid losing it all in a couple of years like many lottery winners do. Don't blow your principle on stupid shit. Lets say you want a Lambo, a yacht, whatever. Do not go buy something like that using your principle. + +Step one when purchasing a depreciable asset is to first buy an appreciable asset, which generates cashflow, which will then pay for your stupid shit. + +So, that yacht you want to buy for $10million? Nope. Back the fuck up. Figure out the cost to lease the yacht. Let's say it will cost $250k per month to lease, maintain, and crew your yacht. Go buy a 100 unit apartment building that will generate that cash flow. Boom, you have your toy, and your wealth will continue to increase rather than decrease because your asset will continue to appreciate as long as you maintain it. + +Buckle up. +*not financial advice* + +*For people saying that there was a reverse split and that is not a good exemple. Can you provide your source stating this happening in august 2020? The only reverse split I see was in 2018 and thus is irrelevant. The price which shoot from $125 to $25'000 is still a "true price"* + +I saw this post saying the fact: + +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mu68w9/recent\_example\_of\_the\_potential\_we\_have\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mu68w9/recent_example_of_the_potential_we_have_here/) Credit to u/prophetprofiteer + +Why the hell the post above didn't moon? Here's three articles explaining about DGAZF's short squeeze: + +* [https://www.shortsight.com/dgazf-etn-short-sellers-down-2-billion/](https://www.shortsight.com/dgazf-etn-short-sellers-down-2-billion/) +* [https://www.etftrends.com/leveraged-inverse-channel/dgazf-weaponized-indifference/](https://www.etftrends.com/leveraged-inverse-channel/dgazf-weaponized-indifference/) +* [https://www.thestreet.com/etffocus/market-intelligence/why-did-dgazf-go-from-400-to-24000-in-just-a-few-days](https://www.thestreet.com/etffocus/market-intelligence/why-did-dgazf-go-from-400-to-24000-in-just-a-few-days) thanks u/ap3fish + +In the second article, you can also see that one of the holders was shitadel advisors LLC... credit to u/Alternative_Court542 + +**TLDR:** the ETN stock had a 45% short interest and 140'000 shares shorted (only that amount? strange isn't it? Some wrinkly ape to check all this please?). So it went from $400 to $25,000. Do I need to remind you what situation is GME in? Spoiler: Much much much more shorted lol. + +Edit2: YES I FOUND A **CHART** ABOUT THE SQUEEZE + +* [https://www.investing.com/etfs/velocityshares-3x-inv.-natural-gas-chart](https://www.investing.com/etfs/velocityshares-3x-inv.-natural-gas-chart) + +1. It seems that there was no dip during the squeeze but I could only take a look with a 45 minutes scale. + +* **5 minutes scale**! Thank you u/majordanage Indead, there is one little dip before $25'000 that you could avoid by looking at the stoch RSI which was **still** being near 80. + +https://preview.redd.it/ib6asgfbliu61.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6d02be5c11913f77eb9bfb30db7f0b4513b680a + +Edit4: Yes of course not every share sold for $25'000 sadly, so you juste have to hold even more. Only a few will get the max share's price... It is those who have diamond hands surely + +Edit5: u/BeansMostly said something very interesting about the float. Take a look at the quote just below. Of course don't forget that we may own many many times the float which would ease the problem of having 70 millions shares instead of the 300k shares of DGAFZ. + +>*There are 140k shares shorted in the ETN* +> +>Which according to the table in the article is \~46% of the float. +> +>So there were \~300k shares total in the float. +> +>It is much easier to control 300k shares than it is to control 70m. The number of players would be much smaller and encouraging continued holding would be much easier. +> +>This *does* show that it's possible though. +> +>Of course, it later states it had an average daily volume of only 8k shares. Their time to cover would have been astronomical compared to GME. +> +>It is important to recognize the things that make a scenario not work. That's how science gets done. +> +>That being said: look at that, a 25k squeeze. Nice. +> +>Edit: this is all based on the first non-reddit link in your post + +Edit3: I don't know if it is illegal to ask this but can you also upvote the crosspost on r/GME ? It would be cool if everyone get to see this... + +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mv1nwg/this\_is\_an\_exemple\_of\_a\_short\_squeeze\_dgazf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mv1nwg/this_is_an_exemple_of_a_short_squeeze_dgazf/) +Don't mean to be a dick, these questions belong in r/financialindependence and r/personalfinance. If you're just starting out, this is exactly where your questions belong. You're not too cool to ask for advice in there. + +If you have no idea what you're doing with your life at a young age, that's totally fine. In fact, this is a great time to figure it out. + +r/fatfire is a forum for discussion of people planning to retire with a fat stack of money - discussion about progress, logistics, tax planning, etc. Don't meant to sound like im trying to keep poor people out, but if you aren't already on your way to fat fire, your derailing the discussions + +Please use r/financialindependence. Thank you. Sorry for the rant +We bought a duplex with some raw land and the owner did not disclose that he had a 2 year contract with a farmer to use that land. It’s fine, but I wanted to sell it off. Nothing about this is in our purchase contract. + +Do we have to honor this? +This is what people fail to understand about the MOASS. Once we watch the price hit $100.000 we won’t have to ask what the peak will be, because all our research and DD will be confirmed and we will know we control the price. In other words, if your floor is at $100.000, you might as well have it at $10.000.000 because at that point you decide when to sell. + +This post is for pure entertainment purposes, your choices are your own and i don’t claim to give legitimate financial advice. + +Edit: a sentence +As the traffic across cryptocurrency subs starts to spike again, it's clear that there is an influx of both new and returning users. I wanted to take a few moments to highlight some of the most common scams in the crypto space to help keep you and your investment safe. + +While not all projects who fall into these categories are scams it is important to be aware of the issues and proceed with caution. Many legitimate projects can have frequent partnerships for example, but, its important to examine them closely. + + +# Google Docs/Surveys: + +One of the scams that commonly swoops up a number of victims is the common "*help with this survey*". Usually the attacker poses as student or someone doing research and asks a series of questions about your crypto holdings. + +There are two attack vectors here: + +1. Google docs can be connected to multiple Google apps and include things like Google App script which can be leverage in spam attacks, malicious redirects, or to trick you into downloading malware. + +2. Google Forms, which is used for surveys, has the ability to let the admin check the box "collect user emails" on their survey. In this case, even without entering your email address Google Forms will provide the email address of any Google account you are actively logged into on Google, Gmail or in the Chrome Browser. This allows attackers to specifically identify you (possibly even your real identity) as well as use your email in future phishing attacks. + +To help prevent this type of attack on our subreddit, we don't allow Google Doc surveys, even from legitimate requesters. Surveys would need to be approved by moderators and use platforms that are non-email collecting and not connected to scripting apps (such as SurveyMonkey). + +# Pump and Dump Groups: + +Are "Pump and Dump Groups" profitable? Yes. + +But, they are profitable for the people running them. Not for you. + +Pump and Dump groups (often branding themselves as professional crypto "signal" groups) claim that they have awesome "technical analysis" skills and will pick winners. They'll show you charts of all these great trades they've made. + +Many are free groups on Discord, but some will even ask users to pay (claiming this is what makes them "legitimate"). + +The truth is, there is no insight that these groups have. They look for small market cap coins and buy in themselves. They then announce it to the pump group where everyone starts to buy in and the price skyrockets due to low liquidity. During this time the group admin sells their holdings. + +To those who got in early enough, a little bit of profit is made. But, their profit and the profit of the admin actually comes from the rest of the group who is stuck 'holding the bag'. + +To the rest of the group, its easy to feel "*oh man that was a great call, if only I had got in earlier*" and they repeat the process. + +Signals, insights and even TA are psuedo-science at best. If anyone had it figured out in a way that would work more than 51% of the time, the modern economy would be even more broken than it currently is. + +The best you can do is use actual trading signals as input on top of your own research to make investing decision and avoid shady pump and dump groups. (After all, if someone really unlocked the magical analysis to help make 30%+ returns on all of their trades, why the hell would they need your $100 to share their signals? They'd be too busy sipping Mai-Thai's on their private yacht!) + +# ICOs: + +Are some ICOs legitimate? Yes. + +Are most ICOs legitimate? No. + +Most ICOs have no product, a team incapable of building the product their pitching, and are proposing to build something that industry doesn't even need. + +But, unless you are an expert in that industry, or an experienced venture capital/private equity investor you likely don't have the skillsets to evaluate those gaps. + +So ICOs make flashy websites, name drop the places where all their talented engineers used to work (likely as interns) and do whatever they can to convince you to buy their token. + +It's far too easy to make those sites, last year, someone even made an AI driven parody website that shows you how easy it is to generate ICO sites. (https://yetanotherico.com/ - every time the page is reloaded it is a new fake ICO). + +Even ICO rating services are all "pay-to-play" and should be ignored. + +In a world with IEOs and Token Sale Management tools, there are very few (some - but, very few) valid reasons to do an ICO. + +IEOs don't guarantee a project is any more legitimate, especially on some lower tier exchanges, but at least their is an additional level of vetting. + +ICOs were sketchy to begin with, but, given they are no longer the standard distribution method in the industry you should be even more skeptical of them. + +# Fake Partnerships: + +Some cryptocurrencies have the idea that if they just keep on appearing in the news you'll cave and buy them and they can keep everyone happy. + +Reddit and Twitter are constantly inundated with cryptocurrencies claiming they have a 'big partnership' with 'brand x'. + +These usually equate to: + +1. One local division of the brand, had a low-to-mid level regional manager trial the blockchain product while the bulk of the company had no idea. +2. The company is using a fork of the blockchain for their own private stuff which will never impact the public price. +3. The blockchain got into an incubator or accelerator program run by that company. +4. The blockchain competed in a startup contest or tech contest with or by that company. +5. The blockchain is a customer of that company. (i.e. We run on Amazon AWS, therefore we list Amazon as a partner for helping to provide security to our nodes!). + +You should be skeptical when projects produce frequent partnership announcements. + +On our sub, we only allow partnerships that are announced via the official company website and not via third-parties or the blockchain projects site/community. This helps to curb a small portion of these issues, but, you still need to do your own research in-depth to understand the nature of these partnerships. + +# Volume/Transactions: + +The last major common scam is volume/transactions. + +Many projects like to "paint the tape" and "wash trade" which are methods of manipulating the trades of their token to look like there are lots of buyers and sellers at an increasingly high-price, when in actuality there are very few. Many exchanges are complicit in this because they feel the higher volume makes them look legitimate as well. + +Do **not** rely on steady price increase, or high-volume to tell you if a project is legitimate, especially when it is only highly traded on low tier exchanges or if all of its volume is highly concentrated to specific exchanges. + +The other volume issue is transactions. Blockchain projects love to brag about the number of transactions they do per day, the number of wallets they have or the number of tx/s they can process. + +At the end of the day, any project worth their weight in salt can write a script to spam transactions to the network at almost no loss, and they can mass produce wallets quite easily. + +Plus, since every blockchain processes "transactions/operations" differently it's extremely hard to compare these directly. + +Many projects will claim that this is mass adoption, or that they clearly have the highest user base or most real world use cases because of these results. You should always take them with a grain of salt and do further research. + +When projects are truly the most-used, or biggest in their field they don't brag about it, because they don't need to. They have become the de facto representative of that industry. If someone is telling you they are the best, the most used, etc it is usually puffery designed to bolster their position. +Hi gang, the Federal Budget unveiling for 2022-2023 is upon us. + +If you have comments, opinions, thoughts, thoughts about thoughts, conspiracy theories, an axe to grind or anything else put it here, try and keep it out of the daily thread. + +&#x200B; + +A few quick and dirty points to get your juices flowing: + +&#x200B; + +**THE NITTY GRITTY** + +&#x200B; + +\- budget will show a slowdown in economic growth. Australia’s gross domestic product is now expected to grow 3.25% this financial year, before nose-diving to 1.5% growth in 2023-24. In the March budget, the forecast was for GDP growth of 3.5% this year, and 2.5% next year. + +\- Inflation will also be revised up for 2023-24, going from a previously forecast 2.75% to 3.5% for 2023-24. For the current financial year, inflation will be almost double what was expected in March, going from 3% to 5.75%. + +\- Wages growth is not expected to get ahead of inflation until the following year, while unemployment will be revised upwards from 3.75 to 4.5%. + +\- Recently released figures for the final budget outcome for 2021-22 showed a $48bn improvement in the deficit to $32bn. + +\- Debt also continues to grow, standing at $892.3bn as of 14 October. + +&#x200B; + +**SPENDIES $$** + +&#x200B; + + \- aged care reforms costing $2.5bn, the cheaper medicines policy at $770m, extra university places at a cost of $485.5m, $220m for strengthening Medicare, and $54.3m for the electric vehicle discount policy. + +\- A $9.6bn infrastructure package will also be detailed in the budget, including $500m for the High Speed Rail Authority in NSW, $2.2 billion for the Suburban Rail Link in Victoria, $1.5bn for freight highways and more than $1 billion for roads in Queensland and Tasmania. + +\- allocate an extra $560m for community organisations, including housing, Indigenous and domestic violence services, to help deal with rising inflation. + +\- cost of servicing government debt, which is expected to grow by 14% annually, while spending on the NDIS will grow 12.1%, health 6.1% and defence 4.4%. + +\- increase to foreign aid has also been included in the budget, with a $900m boost to official development assistance (ODA) for the Pacific and a $470m increase to aid for South-East Asia. + +&#x200B; + +**ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK** + +&#x200B; + +\- $475m for the Monash rail project in the electorate of Chisholm + +\- $50m Napoleon Road upgrade + +\- $110m Wellington Road upgrade in Alan Tudge’s electorate of Aston, + +\- a $260m commitment to remove the Glenferrie Road level crossing in the electorate of Kooyong, + +\- $7.5 million commuter car park n the Sydney seat of Banks. + +\- $3.6bn cut to external labour, government advertising, travel and legal expenses, and a $2bn cut to controversial discretionary grant funding by the Morrison government. The shuffling of funds will include $6.5bn from re-profiling infrastructure projects to give priority to its own commitments and current constraints in construction capacity. + +&#x200B; + +**TAX** + +\- plans to ensure multinational corporations pay more tax, with the move to raise $1.9bn over four years from 2023-24. + +&#x200B; + +**WELLBEING MEASURES?** + +&#x200B; + +\- For the first time, the budget will include a chapter focused on non-economic indicators that reflect the “wellbeing” of the country, following in the steps of the New Zealand Labour government. + +Chalmers has flagged that the budget will start monitoring such things as education levels, health standards and the state of the environment as a way to gauge the “wellbeing” of the nation that is otherwise not reflected in the budget papers. + +&#x200B; + +\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** This post is for all your demented ramblings about the budget and its impact. + +Try and keep it out of the daily thread. + +Try and keep the political tirades to a minimum. + +Try... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR OF THE TLDR:** Economy is fuk, complain below.... +So a bank with which I have a savings account offered me an investment plan where I have to invest, say, 100 rupees every year for 10 years and then I can start withdrawing 188 rupees for the next 10 years. In essence it boils down to a fixed deposit of 100 rupees with ten year tenure and an interest rate of 6.5%. When I asked if I am missing something in the plan the advisor said there is nothing I was missing. This just seems to be a bad product all around. Your money is locked for 10 years, you don't get any special benefits really at a not so great interest rate. All I can see is restrictions without any rewards for that. + +Is this common strategy applied by these banks? What are other such products that you have come across? +Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/government-approves-rs-25000-crore-alternate-fund-for-stalled-housing-projects-nirmala-sitharaman/articleshow/71942562.cms + +NEW DELHI: The government on Wednesday approved a Rs 25,000 crore fund to help complete over 1,600 stalled housing projects, including ones that have been declared bad loans or admitted for insolvency proceedings, as it looks to boost growth by steering consumption in real estate and associated sectors. + +Continuing with measures that Nirmala Sitharaman began announcing within a month of Parliament approving her maiden Budget, she said that the alternative investment fund (AIF) will comprise Rs 10,000 crore coming from the government and the remaining being provided by state insurer LIC and the country's largest lender State Bank of India (SBI). + +The AIF, which was first announced by Sitharaman on September 14, will act as a 'special window' to provide loans to over 1,600 incomplete affordable and middle-lower income housing projects. + +In all, 4.58 lakh housing units are being targeted to be completed with a view to generate employment as well as revive demand of cement, iron and steel industries. + +Sitharaman said the scheme, approved by the Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is a modified version of the September 14 plan. + +The key change is allowing the AIF to fund projects that lenders may have declared as non-performing assets (NPAs) or which have been dragged to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) for insolvency proceedings. + +She, however, said only RERA-registered projects with positive networth will be provided funds. + +The AIF funds will be released in stages through an escrow account and will be contingent upon completion of the approved phase, she said, adding the size of the fund may be increased with the participation of sovereign and pension funds. + +The fund will be managed by SBI Caps. + +Sitharaman said the government is seized of the problem faced by homebuyers who are forced to pay EMIs on loans taken for buying homes but have not yet got possession and continue to shell out both loan installments and rent. + +Meanwhile, real estate developers' association CREDAI welcomed the move saying, it will solve the long-pending problem of homebuyers. + +"It's a very welcome change from the initial announcement (of September 14). Now the only criteria for eligibility is networth positive projects... this will ensure that the fund is actually deployed to complete incomplete projects which are even NPA or also in NCLT. + +"We are certain that a majority of stuck homebuyers will benefit from the announcement of a Rs 25,000 crore stress fund which is going to be increased in value if needed," CREDAI chairman Jaxay Shah said. + +Quick deployment of money and efficient decision making for qualification of projects will solve the long pending problems of homebuyers, he said. + +Property brokerage firm Anarock's chairman Anuj Puri said the move will bring huge relief to stuck homebuyers and boost sentiment in the sector which is facing a demand slowdown +Over the past year I have posted on different strategies one can use while Day Trading, told my story on how I got started, wrote about the importance of mindset and went into detail about how to Day Trade for a living. + +Some of you have been cynical, refusing to believe that someone successful at this would be here helping others without either being a fraud or a shill. Once again, I can assure anyone reading this, that while I will always recommend something that has worked for me, I am not employed by, contracted out from, own or run, any service or resource. My suggestions are based on my personal experience and should be taken in that vein. And plenty of people on here have seen me trade by now to know I am not a fraud. + +While I have been Day Trading for five years and successful for the past three, there are many others that have done this longer and have been more successful than I have. I define success in Day Trading as being consistently profitable to the point where you can depend on it as income to support your daily life. + +However, during that journey I have made many mistakes, and looking back at my post history there is a glaring omission in discussing those errors. Mistakes are essential in the learning process - hopefully some of you can learn from mine before making them yourself: + +*All of these apply to Day Trading, read them in that context:* + +**1) Going on Tilt** \- Far and away my biggest mistake. I wouldn't just revenge trade, I would take it to the next level of abstraction. I was so bad with this that even those on the WSB sub would be like,"Damnnnn....this is NOT the way." I was incapable of getting up and walking away, I could not set limits on daily losses, and as a result bad days turned into catastrophically bad days. + +*You cannot trade if you’re not in the right mindset. If you find yourself breaking your own rules and trading emotionally, you need to get up and walk away.* + +**2) Trying to Anticipate -** I thought I had figured things out, but I hadn't figured out shit. + +"*SPY is due to retrace here", "AAPL is going to blow away earnings, going long!", "Bag Holders are going to take profit soon, going short!"* + +I did not want to "miss out", so I constantly tried to be early on trades. When I look back, if had just waited for a basic 3/8 EMA cross to confirm before entering, that alone would have had a huge positive impact on my results. What you are essentially doing is trying to anticipate what Institutions will do, not the stock, and Institutional traders have far more information than any us ever will. + +*When I stopped trying to predict Institutional moves, and started following them after they occurred, my success rate went up dramatically.* + +**3) It's Not A Loss Until I Close The Trade -** Whenever I was bag-holding, I would look at my account and see that one stock with the huge red loss next to it and this stubborn belief grabs hold - the one that says "you didn't lose that money until you closed the trade". That belief is total bullshit - yes, you did lose the money. It is like how I used to think whenever I went to Vegas - "It's not a loss until I cashed in my chips and left the casino." You need to ask yourself, is there no better use for that money right now? If you are still holding a stock because of technical reasons (i.e. I held **CARV** from two weeks ago as it never violated support) that is one thing - but holding a loser and thinking *that* stock has to be the one to make up for the loss is all mindset, not logic. Find a better trade. + +*Don't stick with bad trades just because you think it isn't a loss until you close them.* + +**4) Too. Many. Indicators.** \- My charts were an absolute mess in the beginning. I had indicators, and then indicators for the indicators, trend lines, moving averages, etc. Eventually I couldn't even see the actual price action because the chart was so cluttered. At some point I was using several monitors just to look at the same stock, and with enough indicators and timeframes you could justify almost any decision. It also took me awhile to learn that - indicators without confirmation is a losing proposition. When I cleaned up my charts and waited for moves to be confirmed I stopped trying to find data to support my bad decisions, and started letting the data lead me to the right decisions. + +*Keep it simple. Wait for confirmation and don't hesitate when you get it.* + +**5) If You Don't Get It, Don't Do It -** I remember in the beginning I saw some YouTube video and the guy in it was doing his weekly stock recommendations. He suggested doing the Wheel strategy on **FB** and I thought, well that sounds easy enough. So I looked up how to do it and executed the trade. **FB** went up and I collected the premium. That was my first time selling premium, and I immediately started looking for other trades like it - and of course for a time I was *all about The Wheel* \- I mean, did other people know about this surefire strategy?! At some point I did one on **AMD** and got assigned - no problem, all part of the strategy I thought, so I sold covered calls. Well this was late 2018, and **AMD** kept dropping, and dropping - the premium I was getting was not nearly enough to offset the constant drops in the stock. Finally, when **AMD** dropped below 20 I got frustrated (*see mistake #1 above*) and started selling calls close to ATM to get more premium. And what happened? **AMD** finally went up and up, and they got called away - it was a losing trade overall, by a lot. The first time I did a Bullish Put Spread it was on **COST,** it dropped below my long Put and I had no idea how to leg out. I lost money because I didn't truly understand what I was doing, and therefore I also did not understand how to get out of the trade. + +*Don't enter a trade unless you have a clear understanding of the mechanics of the your position and have a plan for exit.* + +**6) Stop-Loss, Stopped Out, Stop Doing It -** Most beginning traders are focused on Risk:Reward and so was I. If I put my target at 50 cents profit and my max loss at 25 cents, I am getting a 2:1 return, perfect - so all I need to do is win at least 1/3rd of the time and I will be in profit. The problem was that I *would* have reached my target 1/3rd of the time if I didn't keep getting stopped out. When you set a tight stop, you now have two ways to lose that trade: 1) Stock just doesn't hit the target and drops, and 2) Stock hits the target but first it drops down to your stop. + +I now use mental stops on all my trades, but I recognize that some traders prefer actual hard stops. However, you need to give the trade some room to breathe - yes by moving your stop-loss out further you are reducing your Risk:Reward ratio, but you are also increasing your Win Percentage. And every professional trader knows that in the end, Win Percentage is what matters (I know you can have a 95% win rate, but you can still lose it all on the 5% - however, if you have consistency in your trades this will not happen). + +At some point you will realize that a consistent win-rate is *the most important* thing - a repeatable, consistently winning strategy. Setting tight stop loss are a quick way to drastically reduce your likelihood of having a winning trade. Also (and I have a post dedicated to this entire topic) - stops should be based on the technical analysis and not your risk/reward ratio. + +*Don't give yourself more ways to lose by setting a tight stop on your trades.* + +**7) The First Two Hours Are NOT All That Matters -** I thought it would be great, I would learn this, work maybe 1 or 2 hours a day, and be done. Hell, the guys on YouTube do it, seems simple, and then I have the rest of my day to do whatever I want. Well, to start with, I actually enjoy trading. Unlike most jobs, I have no desire to cut the day short. More importantly I found out that this "rule" only applies if all you are doing is momentum trading. Some of my most profitable trades comes in the middle or towards the end of the trading day. This past Friday, I made my best trades on **SGOC** *after* the first two hours. Plus, I was able to make trades on stocks like **AMZN** (shorted it), because I was able to watch how it responded to the market throughout the day. I tend to avoid trading in the first thirty minutes now and use to the time to see how stocks perform relative to the market (SPY). + +*Great set-ups happen all throughout the day. Keep scanning, keep setting alerts.* + +**8) Patience -** I remember when **SNAP** was a new stock and very volatile. One day I started trading it and I believe it was around $14.50 at the beginning of the day (it gapped up by around $1). I jumped in, bought around 5,000 shares and it dropped down to $13.75, so I sold it for a loss, which stung - down around $3,750. About an hour later it started getting volume again and jumping back up, so I bought it again, same share size (I think it was under $14 when I bought it the second time), and it went up. Instead of scalping it, I was looking to get even, so I didn't take profit right away. Naturally, it dropped again, and this time I scratched the trade. I must have traded **SNAP** 5 times that day, and by the end of it I was down around $6,500 overall - but **SNAP** finished the day over $15. So I kept going long on a stock that finished the day up over 20% and I lost money! If I would have either 1) waited for the first pullback and just bought it around 13.75 and then held until end of day or 2) just stayed in my original trade, I would have made money. My constant impatience with the trade cost me. As a new trader I didn't have enough confidence in my trades, and yet I was trading with big positions. Basically, I was doing everything wrong - trading my P&L and not my charts, not having the patience or confidence in the trade, and not knowing when to stop. + +*Lack of confidence leads to lack of patience. Don't trade out of fear, trade the price action.* + +**9) FOMO -** Every new traders worst enemy. Whether you are seeing posts on social media, or people in a chat room talk about a ticker, we have all fallen victim to FOMO at some point. When you see someone say, "**PRPO** is going!" and then right after that, someone else says, "OMG **PRPO**! Who's in??" It is really hard to not jump into **PRPO**. In fact, our anxiety is so great that usually we are jumping in before even checking the charts or trying to find out what the catalyst was for the jump in price. Even worse is when we have to liquidate another position to free up the buying power to take the trade. The overall lesson I learned here is - never jump into a trade without having a good reason, and a good plan for exit. Anything that causes you to bypass rational thought and trade purely on emotion is not a winning strategy. + +*FOMO is not your friend. FOFU should be instead (Fear of Fucking Up).* + +**10) Discounted Experience -** There is an "X" factor in Day Trading that can't be taught in a book, or through a post or video. It can only be learned after doing thousands of trades yourself, and when I say trades, I mean *real* trades, not simulated ones. As a former academic, I thought that if I just read the material, followed the rules, I could be successful. Turns out that you do need to do all of that, you need to have a solid foundation of knowledge and you need to have a good strategy - but you also need experience. It is a small edge, that is barely discernible, but it is what will make an experience trader perhaps stay in for a minute longer, or exit a trade a moment sooner than you might expect. In every trade there are countless variables occurring - the current market conditions, the volume on the stock, the overall sector, areas of resistance and support, the pattern on the stock on that day and historically, the candlestick patterns, the trendlines - all of which paint a picture. Experience allows you to see that picture more clearly. What do this mean practically? It means that the thing I wish I knew the most when I started out was - trade small - meaningful, but small. You need to build that experience over time, and you don't want to risk too much while you do. + +*Experience matters, but it can be costly to learn, so start small and build over time.* + +Anyway, I hope these help you, I wish I knew them when I started out. And I know that reading them is one thing, and actually putting them into practice is another - but if you manage to not repeat all of these mistakes (like I did), you will be well ahead of the game. +WenMoon whales are beached and drying up right now. We are seeing a solid dip on the WenMoon charts that is starting to get eaten up as investors pour in! + +If you take a look at WenMoon they have seen steady growth in an upward trend followed by some whale sell offs. Normally that would be more effective but because investors get a 15% redistribution rate they just made bank off of some whale sell offs! This one really is a steal right now. + +For WenMoon their main focus has been getting listed on an exchange and we may see that happen sooner than later. 👀 This is incredible news for its investors who have been waiting to see where exactly this crypto would go. The chart is a bit deceiving as that was only a couple different whales that dropped it. + +I still think that this is one of the best investments in crypto right now for a reason. They have amazing token holders, starting a youth volunteer program, a huge business dev plan, a nationwide marketing strategy that is already being put in motion, a listing in the works, a Dapp being developed, and now they are out there whale hunting. + +WenMoon is still up huge after launch and I see no sign of it slowing down. DYOR and go check it out on the graph as well as their TG for anymore questions. I'll link some other links! Thanks! + +Telegram Chat: [https://t.me/WenMoonTelegram](https://t.me/WenMoonTelegram) + +Website with info: [https://wenmoon.space](https://wenmoon.space/) + +Listed on pancakeSwap[https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb93ba7DC61ECFced69067151FC00C41cA369A797) Use 5% Slippage and make ending digits end in 000's (Ex. 500000, do not do 5130942) + +Don't forget to pack your moon boots 🚀 +Good morning friends, + +(This is a crosspost from /r/legaladvice) + +I'm not sure how I want to tackle this and am not sure if this is a settlement from a class action that I never knew existed. Long story short we attempted fighting this years ago and there was never any budging from WF. We gaslighted ourselves into thinking we missed a payment somewhere and were just perpetually behind. + +The snowball that came from this repossession is interesting and includes some significant losses and hardships. [Here is the front and back of the letter they sent](https://imgur.com/a/Tv1Z0x6). + +I'm not sure if I should accept this payment as being enough or if I should continue to push back now that they've finally admitted fault. Also, the letter and check are both addressed to us as a single entity, despite both of us being equally affected. + +I've never been in a situation where I've considered pursuing further legal recourse, so I'm not sure if I have a worthwhile play or if I even have a play at all. + +I have not cashed the check and don't really need it right now so I have some time to mull things over. + +What would be some reasonable advice? + +Thanks! +I wrote this in reply to a comment on another thread where someone claimed price withheld sales are usually stronger sale prices: + +Price withheld sales are likely generally weaker results than disclosed prices. +How do I know this empirically? + - I traced back through domain's auction clearance results in Syd between June 2018 and April 2021 taking 66 weeks of auction results between those dates. + - for each week I calculated the "price withheld rate" (PWR) of the sales in that week. E.g. if there were 1000 sales at auction and 150 were sold with price withheld then the PWR would be 15%. + - for each week, I calculated the forward 90 day percentage growth in Syd's hedonic index (I know the hedonic isn't perfect, but it gives a read on subsequent Price growth / falls following auction weeks). + - I calculated the correlation between the weekly PWR and the subsequent Price growth / falls over the subsequent 90 days which came out at -0.46. i.e. a higher rate of price withheld results is associated with lower subsequent Price growth as measured by Corelogic at a city-wide level. + - for each additional 10% in price withheld results, on average the subsequent 90 day price growth was lower by -1.9% (determined with a linear regression). P value for significance was 1.8% which is pretty convincing on only the 66 weeks of data I scraped (would be higher if I could be bothered manually scraping more data but this isn't my day job). + +Why does that make sense rationally? + - agents have a vested interest in making the market appear strong to convince more sellers into the market. + - agents are in a position to influence vendors to list their results as "price withheld". Note I am speaking generally, every case is different but there is definitely a systemic conflict of interest. + +Why did I do this anyway? +Because I have way too much spare time and was curious haha. +So, I'm planning to go to school for something in the financial realm. I was thinking CPA, but then a friend's dad told me that with how passionate I am about financial planning, I should look into that. I think he might be right, but I'm in no way interested in being a pushy sales person. + +So, here's the dream. If I could build the perfect job, I'd love to help people from ALL socioeconomic backgrounds (maybe the struggling even moreso than the wealthy) learn how to properly build and manage their finances. I'd like to get them on track to lift themselves out of debt and start building a proper stable financial future. I don't want to sell them crap. I want to help. I want to make $50k a year. More is better, obviously, but a definite floor of $40k. + +Is it realistic to find this job, without a manager trying to get me to push crappy insurance, stocks, etc. on my clients? I'd rather just go be a CPA and do taxes or audit than be part of the problem. +On March 14, 2008, Bear Sterns had just received a loan from JP Morgan that was supposed to halt their closure. It didn't, they still got fucked. Shittydel just did a samesies in getting a loan from Sequoia and Paradigm. + +Now, my work brings me to manholes sometimes. Manholes are dangerous, they're deep, hard to access, hard to exit, and could be filled with poison gas. + +Now, when you have a man down in a manhole, first thing you do is call the fire department and call for assistance from experts who know how to rescue someone from a confined space. The the thing you should NEVER DO, is jump in after to go retrieve the downed man no matter how badly you want to because if it's gas you'll go unconscious in seconds. + +Sequoia and Paradigm just both jumped in when they saw Citadel lying flat on their face at the bottom of the manhole. + +Wonderful, well take their money too. +Not sure if this is even the right place to ask this, I'm Irish btw I have no skin in the game, my post history will verify... I personally don't like Trump but would love to be educated on this particular issue + +I'm just completely ignorant of the trade agreements currently in place and if they really are as bad as Mr. Trump says? + +Please don't make it political I really just want your honest deductions on the issue. + +Thanks in advance! +I am 30+ yo now. I used to be a student 10 years ago. Now I have a decent job. +I can't help but think in which mindset are students who lately made some quick gains. If you did take some gains, I can only congratulate you, you probably did better than most of your student peers who are probably not fully aware of what crypto is. + +But be aware that once you make your first gains, there is something I call the "casino effect". It pushes you to take more and more risks. I think it can be even amplified as a student because most of you don't have yet a monthly income. I remember that each penny counts and insane gains can start turning your head. At the same time, you are in the period of your life when you need to make very important decisions. + +Lately, you might read about young Samsung employees quitting their jobs in South Korea thanks to millions of $ they earned in crypto. Or read cool posts about huge gains and lambo. +And you might think there is no good reason to study anymore. +Strangely there is not much about people ashamed of massive losses. + +My message is for you to keep in mind you must measure your risk. Crypto is great but who knows when the rollercoaster ends or when you will make bad moves (we all do). You can not rely only on that. Hopefully the recent dip made you realize that. Please treat your study as your top priority and crypto as a bonus. If you make it in crypto, that would be amazing. If not, you still have a diploma and a good option in life. + +- Crypto = great +- Crypto + job = better + +Don't gamble on your life. Don't have regrets. Decision is only yours. + +Your crypto older brother who wish you good in life. +What's your story? how do you manage your portfolio? + +i am planning going 100% SPHD or something similar monthly paying dividend and go from there. I have a sample portfolio from last year where I bought 10000 shares of SPHD for 33$ and its paying 18k per year of dividends. That portfolio is now work 391k with just the gains alone. + +I hope im not going the wrong route if I plan to go this way. +Apologies if this is a noob question. I am somewhat new to REI. + +I bought a rental SFH in Huntsville, AL earlier this year and had a tenant in the house after a month. + +Today my PM told me that tenants are interested in buying the house. I said I would consider it for the right price. + +&#x200B; + +If you were in my spot, how would you structure the deal to maximize profit? Is lease to own a good option? or should I just sell it for an appropriate amount of profit in a conventional sale? +I know you want something different, Reddit. I know you want the 💎 in the rough; the needle in the haystack. It’s true that Safemoon did its thing and went 10000x in a month. So many memecoins claim to do the same thing, but never deliver. None of them have a mission like what I’m about to share with you. + +SavePlanetEarth Token 🌎🌱 + + +SavePlanetEarth is that diamond; that needle in the haystack. They have the doxxed team. They have connections. They have an active, supportive community. They’re a registered company in the UK. They’ve got the projects going through, and they are planting more and more trees every day. SPE is working on merchandising, an extensive marketing push (more so than they’ve already done), and most importantly, they’re only 18 days old. They’ve already planted 15,000 trees in climate-endangered regions, like Sri Lanka and the Maldives, and they have photo and video evidence for proof. They even have a video of the chairman of GAFEC in Sri Lanka reporting their progress in the planting of 10,000 trees in the Knuckles Forest range. + +This is a coin making a real-world impact, holding a long-term vision, and taking the first step into the future of fighting climate change with blockchain technology. + + The first major milestone of the project is to plant 1 billion trees 🌳. This is well underway as stated before with the Sri Lankan governments and Maldivian governments. While these are small countries, they are the most at risk for climate-endangerment and that’s why initial efforts have started there. You have to walk before you can run. That’s what we’re doing now. + +💚🌲💚🌲💚🌲💚🌲💚🌲💚🌲💚🌲 + Celebrities are also catching on too. Tony Hawk tweeted to his followers that he took the Cameo money and invested it into $SPE. You can see that here: + + +https://twitter.com/tonyhawk/status/1387238731346702337?s=19 + +And that’s just one of the celebrities catching on. + +You want to get in on this project while it’s still working with small projects. It’s already Or are you gonna FOMO in when they’re a household name and helping restore the Amazon rainforest? When they are a global cryptocurrency backed by carbon sequestration and carbon taxes? You’ll be priced out by then. Get in now or you’ll miss the rocketship. + + + + + + +🔗 LINKS: + + +👉Website: https://www.saveplanetearth.io + + +👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/spe_token_bsc + +👉Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spe_token + +👉Discord: https://discord.gg/SPECrypto + + +👉 Telegram: https://t.me/saveplanetearthtoken + +👉 Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xdBaAa36B347d56b77Ce0e36f050fCeEBbF9fbc38 + +👉 BscScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xdbaaa36b347d56b77ce0e36f050fceebbf9fbc38 + +👉 CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/save-planet-earth/ + +👉 Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xdBaAa36B347d56b77Ce0e36f050fCeEBbF9fbc38 + +👉 Proof of Incorporation in UK: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/13327811 + +👉 White Paper: https://pdfhost.io/v/sYrnJRoVp_SPE_WhitePaper_Draft_Imranpdf.pdf + +👉PancakeSwap: https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xdBaAa36B347d56b77Ce0e36f050fCeEBbF9fbc38 +I’m fairly new to investing and have decided to get into swing trading as a side hustle. I’ve spent a lot of time understanding the fundamentals and charting, what to look for and determining an enter exit strategy... but the one thing I struggle the most is finding stocks to buy in before it has already rose. + +I use finviz to scan oversolds and find promising trends and I always see if the timing is good to buy into blue chips, yet I always feel like I’m late to the party. + +The most recent examples of this are wkhs and plug, companies that have gone under my radar and seen explosive growth in a short period of time. Are there resources/news that you guys use regularly to learn about catalysts etc. and be set up to get in early on? +Listen up apes, + +HAPPYCOIN has its lead dev already doxxed, so we are completely rugpull-proof. WhiteBit listing in 5 hours means more people specially beginners will have the ability to buy $HAPPY. + +With $70k donated to mental health charity, and another batch to be donated this Friday coupled with a huge marketing push, $HAPPY IS GONNA GO FLYING TO THE MOON🚀 + +Currently, the founder has flown to LA to link up with influencers and the like. HUGE marketing plays this week. It's gonna be one hell of a ride. At a $15M marketcap, if we get to Safemoon levels, we can easily do a x300. + +HappyCoin is getting more and more traction everyday. No other BSC token has grown this fast, be an early investor and get in before we get to even bigger exchanges. Check it out and remember to always do your own research. + +Get that fucking lambo! + +[Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +[How to Buy](https://www.thehappycoin.co/buy) + +[Pancakeswap](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + +[Charts](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) +I make 3500k a month after taxes. + +1540$ goes to rent starting April 1st (No, it’s not a joke lol) + +I have 0$ in savings + +I have 9k in car debt and only debt I have + +I move out of my parents March 6th, so I have 2 paychecks before I move out that I can save and 2 before I owe rent. + +For the past 6 months of working and living at home, I bought nice clothes (not designer, brookes brothers, Cole Han, the sort) food, and stuff for when I move out(pots/pans/furniture) so I don’t need to buy anything except a couch and accent chairs. + +I love eating out but know it’s killing my finances. + +The majority of my money went to my car (I put 7k$) on it, my car insurance and cell phone bill, and what I mentioned above. + +Basically I don’t need anything for my apartment. + +What should my monthly budget be or what would you suggest? I want to save and not eat out as much. (Only with. Girlfriend who we both agreed to slit the check since I always bought and always offered to) + +Thanks everyone +Hello apes, I do not represent Watermelon Guy, I am simply writing this as a sort of Amicus Superstonk ("Friend of Superstonk") in order to point out to the mods why their punishment violates Watermelon Guy's due process and goes against the sub rules. + +Firstly, here are the Superstonk **Rules**: + +* [The Rules of r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_the_rules_of_r.2Fsuperstonk) + * [1. No Contacting Mods Directly](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_1._no_contacting_mods_directly) + * [2. No Harassment, Bullying, Doxing, or Threats](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_2._no_harassment.2C_bullying.2C_doxing.2C_or_threats) + * [3. No FUD, Shills, Bots, Lies, Spam, Phishing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_3._no_fud.2C_shills.2C_bots.2C_lies.2C_spam.2C_phishing) + * [4. No Market Manipulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_4._no_market_manipulation) + * [5. Improper Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_5._improper_content) + * [6. Help Us Help You](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_6._help_us_help_you) + * [7. Self-Promotion Allowed (with limits)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_7._self-promotion_allowed_.28with_limits.29) + * [8. Automod](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_8._automod) + * [9. Percentage-only Gains-Loss Porn. No Positions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_9._percentage-only_gains-loss_porn._no_positions.) + * [10. No Mass-Shared Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_10._no_mass-shared_content) + * [11. No Brigading](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules#wiki_11._no_brigading) + +**Facts:** + +1. A Superstonk user (hereafter, "Watermelon Guy"), said he would stick a watermelon up his ass if GME price hit $200. +2. Mods decided to ban Watermelon Guy for 3 days and give him a perma-tag of shame. +3. Subsequently, mods decided to change the punishment and perma-ban Watermelon Guy because "it's not fair to other users who fulfill their bets." + +**I. Perma-Banning Watermelon Guy Violates his Due Process** + +As seen in the Superstonk Rules, there are no "Proof-or-Ban" requirements. Notice is both a pre-requisite AND an important part of due process. Watermelon Guy must be given notice through some official channel that we are operating on proof-or-ban. More broadly, users of Superstonk must be put on notice that their accounts may be perma-banned for following such and such action. It's fair to say that without notice, we enter into the territory of arbitrary punishments. Additionally, notice must be official. In the same way that you are given notice that you should not trespass in a piece of land where there is a "NO TRESPASSING" sign, so too must you be given notice of what you can get perma-banned for. + +Nothing in the Rules even hint that not proving a bet is grounds for banishment! Some may say, "well we've always done this!" If you are referring to our W5B days, then sure, but the Mods specifically created these 10 Rules in order to keep order. If we look at the actual rules, we can trace a difference in sentiment from W5B. If we look at W5B's current rules: + +1. Content Guidelines +2. Submission should've been a Comment in the Daily Thread +3. No Market Manipulation +4. No Pump & Dump, Crypto Discussions, Schemes or Scams +5. Political Bullshit +6. No Advertisement, Self-Promotion, Fundraising, or Begging +7. No Bullshitting +8. Bad Positions Screenshot +9. No SPACs +10. No Brigading + +Some things are the same, but some are completely different. This signals a shift away from W5B culture and towards our own ape culture. If the defense is that W5B does it, or we used to do it, then add it to the Rules so that apes are aware of the potential consequences of saying something stupid. Watermelon Guy's due process rights were violated because he lacked official notice that his "bet" would get him perma-banned. + +**II. Watermelon Guy's Banishment Violates Superstonk's Mottos of "Ape no Fight Ape" and "Apes Stronger Together"** + +Ape no Fight Ape. Apes Stronger Together. Mods have violated the spirit of our sub by banning an ape from the pack. The whole point of Superstonk was that we are a community of like-minded individuals that like the stock. Mods cannot utter "apes strong together" and perma-ban an ape that did not violate the Rules, and not be seen as hypocritical. That simply shows that the proof-or-ban meme is stronger than this community, and that there is no sanctity within the community of apes. Keep this ape in the pack. Punish him in the pack. But mods are really going to allow an ape to be alone during MOASS? An ape who likely bought and held? An ape who engaged with the ape community? An ape who followed the sub Rules? Ape no fight Ape. + +**III. Public Policy Reason: Apes Deserve a Community** + +Let's not forget the solidarity we so lovingly created during these last 8 months or so. Watermelon Guy has been banished from the community of apes. Imagine buying and holding for months, only to be banished for saying something stupid. We are not W5B, we are apes fighting hedgies bc they're fuk. C'mon mods, zoom out a bit and see what's really important. There have been numerous posts on here talking about a potential DDOS attack and that apes should meet in Youtube comments if that happens, and yet by banning Watermelon Guy, mods have separated an ape from the pack. Not because that ape violated a rule, but because that ape decided that he couldn't fit a watermelon in his ass (a reasonable conclusion, I might add). Bring him back, punish him in a way that does not make us lose an ape in this fight permanently. + +**IV. Mods have Arbitrarily Changed Punishment** + +After the mods convened to decide Watermelon Guy's fate and posted the punishment as a stickied comment in Watermelon Guy's post, they decided to change their punishment and perma-ban Watermelon Guy. This action constitutes an arbitrary bypass of the process and the perma-ban must be vacated in the interest of ape justice. A decision to perma-ban is a solemn one and must be taken with caution and much thought. Imagine a criminal judge handing down a sentence and then saying "nevermind, actually I sentence you to life in prison." By changing their stance so quickly and without much deliberation, mods have acted arbitrarily and therefore harmed this sub. + +**V. The Argument that Perma-Ban is Necessary to Protect "Fairness" is Illogical** + +This argument is not really a "fairness" argument. It's fair to ban someone for violating a rule, it's not fair to punish Watermelon Guy because someone somewhere might possibly make a bet and be peer-pressured to fulfill that bet hypothetically. When we create rules based on what's fair to a hypothetical third party, those rules often become arbitrary and harsh. Due process calls for fairness to the individual being stripped of their legal right. In this case, Reddit runs much like modern court systems: there are arbiters (wort wort wort), rules, and a process for punishment. The focus needs to be on the individual being punished, because their rights are the only ones being affected. Rick\_of\_Spades can carry on his banana-filled (literally) Reddit life the exact same way regardless of whether Watermelon Guy is perma-banned or not. That is not justice, that is a weird kind of revenge. + +**CONCLUSION** + +I, therefore, as a friend of Superstonk, petition for the mods to vacate Watermelon Guy's perma-ban, return him to his community where he belongs, and punish him some other, more reasonable, way, if mods feel like proof-or-ban still holds a place in this sub. What happened to Watermelon Guy could happen to anyone reading this, and I doubt anyone here wants to be cut off from the pack during MOASS for something as antiquated as proof-or-ban. We are no longer making bets, the GME theory is solid and we are simply investing in a stock we like. + +EDIT: u/doom_douche posted a poll if anyone wants to vote. I don't think it covers the issue of perma-ban, only if we should have these posts in the first place. But here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbfdr7/lets_talk_about_bets_and_butt_stuff_what_do_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +Amazon announces a 20 for 1 stock split of company’s common stock, effective June 6th + +From market rebellion + +After 2 years of sideways action, I think it will finally happen for them and google (which has done much better) to finally start to see some positive momentum and upswing in this stock in recent time. Looking forward to it +**EDIT:** Dunno if there's a post flair for *solved*, but y'all figured this out for me. Thanks for all the quick help! + +&#x200B; + +Hi r/personalfinance, + +So as the title says, I've given my parents about $100K over the last 6 or 7 years for various reasons (medical bills, couldn't make mortgage or property tax, etc). Nothing too large at once that I couldn't handle, but it adds up. Not sure if it matters, but half the time these transactions were me cutting my folks a check and half the time it was me dealing directly with the creditors (is that the right term? whoever it was that they owed money). + +Anyway, in my mind it was always a gift b/c while I love my family, I'm realistic and never expected they could pay me back. Well, the housing market where they live is sizzling hot now and they're in the process of selling the family home. And bless their hearts, they want to pay me back once the sale goes into escrow. + +So this is nice, but I'm curious what the tax implications are? Like would I have to pay income tax on this after my parents already paid capital gains tax on the sale of their home? And why would it be income when it's just my own money coming back to me? What should happen here? My understanding of taxes is just whatever TurboTax tells me to do. + +Thanks, + +Thanos\_Snap\_Survivor + +​ + +(yes this is a new/throwaway account; apologies if that looks sketch to some people) +Hi all, + +&#x200B; + +Background: I'm a 27m, earn a bit over 2k a month, I am an expat living in Germany. Finishing my phd but intend to not move back to my home country (also in europe). + +Basically, the title. How do I become again comfortable spending money? In my home country the salaries are not nearly has good as in Germany, but the funny thing is that when I lived there, I didn't mind spending some of my salary on stuff I enjoyed that I don't really really need (for example new pc to play some video games just because its fun). I was always very responsible with my money by the way. + +But since I moved to Germany I started earning a lot more, saving a lot more. Corona hit and basically I was only spending money on food and rent. Got some nice savings, started learning about investing and so on. + +Now I got to the point that I start thinking about buying something for myself a bit more expensive and feel guilty for wanting to do it. This is money I could use better! Save it up for a house for example! At the same time I would like to spend some money on hobbies that might even be a bit childish. + +How do I learn how to or how do I become comfortable with spending money again? This might seem ridiculous but I start even getting pissed with myself. Both for wanting to spend money I saved/could be saving and for not wanting to do it. Its frustrating. + +&#x200B; + +\------ + + +Edit: Thank you all for your kind and logical answers! I do know of the 50/30/20 rule, I apply it already but end up still feeling guilty about spending those 20% of fun. I agree with most of you, I think I need a plan at longer term. Maybe this will help me realize that spending those 20% of fun won't affect my life as much as I think/am afraid. I also need to change my mindset and not be so "cheap". +Tried posting this in /personalfinance but the mention of investing apparently got the whole thing deleted, so I'm trying here since I saw others posting about investing, and this isn't all about only investing: + +&#x200B; + +Hi all, my first post here. Hope I give enough relevant info to illustrate my situation, I could really use advice, as I'm extremely naive when it comes to "grown up stuff" like finances and I have never had parents to learn from. I'm somewhat of a child in that I'm always relying on advice from everyone else who seems smarter and more experienced than me. Here goes: + +\- I'm about to be 40, no college, never wanted to take on student debt since I don't know what I want to "do" anyway. I don't believe I have any marketable skills as my interests are so chaotic and I can't stick to any one thing for very long. Maybe the only marketable skill I have is being able to put up with "super boring" menial jobs bc I'm never bored, my brain has so much noise in it that I don't have enough time in the day to finish thinking all my thoughts. Have overcome an upbringing and adulthood of abuse, assault, homelessness, addiction, and breakdowns to get to this comparatively stable place in life, and I'm proud of how tough I've had to be to get here almost entirely on my own, but I'm not thriving or flourishing, I feel. I've just been in a holding pattern for like 4 or 5 years now, treading water. + +\- Have always been basically entry level retail since I was 14, finally got out of it a few years ago for an office/data entry job in the manufacturing industry, making 17/hr, which is the most I've ever been paid by a job, so like 35K/yr. Still basically living check to check somehow, though a little better off than I was, say, 5 and 10 years ago (like, I'm not needing to visit food pantries anymore). This company does not give raises, so I've been at my rate the 2.5 yrs I've been here. One of my coworkers said it's not unusual for the people to not have gotten a raise even after 5-10 years, the company just isn't that great like that, but... the job overall is better than retail. + +\- My savings account, which only started existing about 3 months ago, has been fluctuating in the range of 0-700. I put a little bit in, then something happens and I have to take it out. Rinse and repeat. + +\- I live in an apt with 3 other people. My average monthly bills: rent 600, car 110, car ins 125, 2 credit cards \~200, utilities \~100-300 (depending on season), cell 45, health ins 170, and gas for my car runs me \~200 a month. Then there's meds (I need a lot), food, and whatever is left just gets blown at like Target and Walmart (bc your girl has a serious shopping addiction, I'm truly trying to kick it though). Leaving 0 for savings usually. + +\- Have a car loan I still have 2 years/$2500 on (05 Honda Pilot), but also 2 maxed out credit cards (6K and 2.5K) I had to use when the transmission blew 6 weeks after buying the car, and I haven't managed to pay them down really at all in these 2.5 yrs. I make the min payments, then would just spend the money again on groceries and bullshit like household goods or backpacks. These past 2 months I managed not to use them at all, so my current availability on them (not sure the right term) is about 100 on each card. I do genuinely want to pay them off, cause carrying these balances stresses me out, and I worry about another emergency coming up in which I would need the cards again. Have thought about trying to open up a 3rd card to even out my ratio and also have that backup, but haven't gone as far as trying cause I'm just not sure it would help? + +\- Have about 14K in my 401K left from my last long-term retail job, it is with Wells Fargo and I never made any changes to whatever the defaults were when the account was created. When I left the job (Nov 2017), it was around 8K, so for it to be at 14K now seems pretty good? Not currently signed up for 401K with current company, they don't do match and for some reason I've just felt like this rinky dink company isn't going to have as good a financial company for it as my old job did? Not sure that's even a logical feeling, but this company I work for IS pretty small-time and old-fashioned (it's all boomers on the edge of retirment here) and the benefits aren't very good, but the job is still better than retail. But maybe putting 10 bucks a week into their 401K is better than nothing? + + \- I tried having a side job over the winter since I'm no longer working a hellish retail schedule (IYKYK), but with my health (some chronic conditions, and what amounts to an ED on top of it, and the joys malnutrition brings), I just couldn't swing it, even though it was mostly just 1 day a week. I quit after 3-4 months. I'm simply too tired to work 2 jobs, it is already super draining just working the 1 job. I come home and really only have the physical or mental energy for surfing online or watching tv with my partner the nights we are together. I seriously don't know where people get the strength and stamina to work 2 or more jobs, it blows my mind. + +\- Managing the chronic illnesses take up a lot of my mental focus and it's accerbated by having unmanaged ADHD, which also really impacts my job performance. I have just been trying to force myself to deal with the ADHD on my own my whole life but I've reached a point where maybe risking medication might be worth it to gain some focus on my whole life, and not get in trouble at work. Maybe even discover a skill that could get me a better-paying job?? + +\- My boyfriend (30M) has gotten super into investing (I barely understand how the shit works but it seems cool), and under his advice I bought 2 GME stocks, and thinking I should maybe buy more for my future (at least a few more this year) and also get into dividends, cause it does seem like a good idea, but feeling possibly like I simply can't afford that right now? He believes that throwing all our money into stocks will yield us tons of money soon (or eventually) and we'll each be well-off, but I am worried about my credit cards/debt, current and future medical needs (including tons of dental work I have been chipping away at for a few years but still need at least 8k in work done), my car possibly having another major breakdown, and future rent increases. Basically, I'm worried. + +&#x200B; + +So, all this is going on, and I don't know what my options are for becoming more financially stable, like I don't know where I should direct what little money I have leftover after bills: strictly savings, credit cards, investing, or something else? Or a mix of everything? Since I can't handle taking on a second job, I recognize that I MUST do something about my financial habits and maximize the shit out of my income to the fullest, since I can't imagine it ever really improving. I'm finally interested in envisioning my future though, \*especially\* a future with the partner I'm with now, and even the tiny/miniscule bit of headway I've made on my debt feels \*amazing\* and I know I want to keep making progress, I just can't figure out what would be the best course of action. I hope this post was informative enough to enable some of you to give me advice. I am a 40-yr old girl-child who needs like a team of parental figures to help make decisions. I am at your mercy. Please halp. +I've read a lot of these 'triumphant' posts about paying loans and it always turns out the person was an engineer and got a huge bonus, or lived at home, or came into inheritance, or something. I was pretty frustrated by this when I started reading PF, because of course those people can pay their loans! I tried to the best of my ability to adhere to the advice on this sub about loans and budgeting and it’s working so far. I thought my post could provide some insight for others in similar situations with no safety net. + +I graduated college in 2015 with $15,000 in debt, in four federal loans ranging from 3.5% to 7% interest. I know this isn't a lot of debt compared to the average. I didn't start seriously paying it until December of 2016 and paid it off completely as of today. I left home at 17 and have been in the service industry ever since. I went to a CUNY school and got an arts degree in a field I love I don’t regret it for a second. What I do regret is that after four years of working full time as a waitress in college just to pay rent ($1000 a month because NYC) and general expenses, I was straight up irresponsible with money for a year after graduating because I finally had free time. I spent from $300 to $800/week drinking and going out. I own a $1000 handbag and yes, I bought a lot of avocado toast. All of my friends had trust funds and could spend hundreds going out and there I was, playing along. I was keeping up with the Jonses in the worst way and was breaking even at best. By the time I got serious about finances, I was $3k in credit card debt, too. I was paying the minimum on my loans ($142) with no end in sight. So I did a complete overhaul: + +-Moved to the West coast. Rent is now $650 a month instead of $1000. Utilities are $30-50 compared with $100+, No cable. + +-I don’t own a car or a bike. I live downtown and walk everywhere. Yes, it is limiting, but I spend a maximum of $20/month on uber if I need to. Still way cheaper than owning a car, and cheaper than my metrocard in NY. It also forces me to explore my neighborhood and be more creative. + +-Got a job actually in my field!! But pay was $15 and hour for anywhere between 5 and 25 hours a week. Obviously not liveable but something for my resume. + + -So I got a serving job. This was four nights a week, but because I’m not in San Francisco or something I was making between $80-150 a night. + +-Got another serving job that paid a little better, one night a week and two days (meaning doubles on the weekend) so I was now working Monday to Friday in the morning at the job in my field, Wednesday-Friday nights as a server in two restaurants, and doing back-to-back doubles every weekend (9AM-1AM). + +-I cancelled a $75 gym membership and bought a yoga mat and some weights. + +-Moving to the west coast helped a lot because my state has a high minimum wage for servers instead of the $5/hr I was making in NY. I think it will help me on taxes next year. + +-I used Mint and tracked every. Single. Penny. I know where every dollar between December and June went and hold myself personally responsible for it. I started making coffee at home. My SO and I meal prep together. We go to the reduced price movie night at the local theater, happy hours or bottomless brunches, and any free event our city offers. We are rarely bored! + +-I set my loan autopay to $600/month, and any extra leftover from the month went straight to the loans. I was averaging $1000/week working 7 days a week, in twelve “shifts.” I paid off the credit cards first and by January was making payments of $1500+ per month to my loans in addition to the autopay. My final payment was for $2k. + +There were a lot of times when it sucked, when I fought with my SO about us not taking vacations, when I was neglecting my personal life because I was pretty much always working. It was not easy. But now it’s all paid off! I spent a lot of time feeling like I may as well be living in a van down by the river, but seeing the zero balance is extremely satisfying and it was all worth it. I have quit two of my three jobs and am pursuing something in my field without the weight of my loans on my shoulders. I guess I really just wanted to say that not everyone on PF has a trust fund, and it IS possible to get your finances in control without one. The best advice is to use Mint or a budget tracker and avoid lifestyle creep. I know my debt will seem insignificant to most people, but this was life changing for me. +**Edit - TL;DR:** I paid $15k in loans in 7 months as a waitress by moving to a low COL area, working three jobs seven days a week, using a budget, and avoiding lifestyle creep. + + +**EDIT 2: I can't believe the support this post is getting! Thank you all for your responses, this is unreal for me. I'm working a double today but I'll be back later tonight and can respond to more of you.** +I’ll start out by saying that I am a profitable Day Trader. I aim to increase my account value by at least 1% each day - a target I hit around 80% of the time. I’m starting out with this because you shouldn’t take advice from someone who can’t manage to make a consistent profit. + +However, I’ve learned some basic lessons that might help some of you, in no particular order: + +1) Do not trade SPY futures (/ES) after-hours. There is no advantage to it, and more often than not you will lose money. + +2) Do not hold a position, either in stock or options, through earnings. The result is too unpredictable with the stock, and the options will lose tremendous value through IV reduction. + +3) Stop chasing losses and/or prematurely taking profits. Traders tend to stay in losing trades longer than they should, and exit profitable ones too early to lock in their gain out of fear. This also goes for averaging down - don’t do it. Averaging up works a lot better, but it’s harder to do psychologically. + +4) Understand your trade before you enter it. If you buy a Stock at $50, do you know what your stop will be? Do you have the right entry? And with options, what is your exit strategy if it goes against you? Know what percent of your account you are willing to take as a maximum loss (1-2%), where is support/resistance, VWAP, etc. And most important - what is the market doing? + +5) Learn and understand the various options strategies and when you should use them. Some stocks have incredibly strong support - Great! Use an OTM Bullish Put Spread below support, and make sure you get 25% ROI ($5 spread between strikes = $1 credit for example). Other stocks have very little movement? Consider a Butterfly. Choose the right strategy for the situation. + +6) Very Important - when day trading you want to be going long on stocks that have Relative Strength against SPY and short on those that have Relative Weakness. When SPY drops during the day, notice which stocks held up. Those are the ones you want to buy when SPY rebounds. I can not stress enough how important and central this is to your success. + +7) Don’t chase someone else’s day trade unless you analyzed it yourself. You may miss some opportunities doing this, but you’ll also prevent yourself from being trapped in a trade you didn’t understand. + +8) The idea you “missed the big move” has no basis in reality. ZM is up $20 so you figure you already missed the action and move on, this is a mistake. Look at the technicals. Chances are this is still a good opportunity, especially if there is relative strength against SPY. + +9) You’re not smarter than the market. You haven’t thought of something that others haven’t already considered. This type of thinking leads you to make decisions before you have technical confirmation that you’re correct. + +10) Day Traders trade what is in front of them - price action, technicals on the D1 and M5 (mainly), market conditions of that day, volume, etc. A great trade at 10am could be a terrible idea an hour later. You need to be nimble, to move quickly and to trade what you see at that moment. + +Good luck! +I feel like we're not appreciating just how insane a 70c a litre pump of the petrol is.. some C-grade news publications would ignorantly report its at a '20 year low' without regards to a little thing called INFLATION.. (pisses me off to no limit) + +But jesus, lets just take that into account for a second. Petrol in 2002 was 88.4c a litre. If you calculate inflation, petrol back in 2002 costed 132.4c per litre - which sounds like the average price last year anyway.. + +Petrol is 70c per litre.. in 2020 dollars. This is just insane. +if a post is informative and presents good information then by all means upvote it please. + +If you see reposts of old bad information please downvote them. + +We are being flooded with posts that repeat the same discredited headlines from 5 days ago. + +update +so far there are 209 downvoting shills who dont even want you to vote on stories on r/bitcoin +489 points (76% like it) +698 upvotes 209 downvotes + +Second update + +as of now there are over 1450 downvoting shill bots who don't want you to see this message! +Imagine that! Over 1450 downvotes who don't want you to not let small groups influence this subreddit! + + +# January 24, 2022. The day the market died...? + +So with all the news regarding Monday, I figured it could in a way fit together. Why would the plunge protection team jump in to save the market? + +[The 93M volume \\"glitch\\" which I posted yesterday](https://preview.redd.it/amg4jjobr0e81.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c674e050c27ac86767bc7b35c1bb88ff24c315e) + +Starting with a previous post of mine. A so called "glitch" on Yahoo finance of a volume spike of 93M SPY ETF shares. This could be the margin call of Citadel. + +But what happens next? The market goes up again. + +As pointed out by Zerohedge and YT channel SpotGamma, a "mysterious put seller" sold gigantic amounts of puts, in turn saving the market from having a very, very red day. + +[ZH article pointing out the mysterious put seller](https://preview.redd.it/ognqlp0er0e81.png?width=859&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ec53f4f567c902858faf8ff52f705450c93f472) + +Could this have been the mythical plunge protection team? + +What is the PPT? Is it even real? Take a look at this explanation from u/Snowbagels + +[https:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/wp-srv\/business\/longterm\/blackm\/plunge.htm](https://preview.redd.it/ovc6szhys0e81.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae2e92647b45265e59e4e6e8312f1b36b6085529) + +&#x200B; + +[ Working Group on Financial Markets: The Plunge Protection Team is real! Excuse my poor meme skills ](https://preview.redd.it/fxly794kv0e81.png?width=1215&format=png&auto=webp&s=c16febb46f2d6a3ab3838bdfe13ff9c01459f763) + +The turtles could have met with the president and got the go-ahead to save the market by unleashing the billions of puts. + +But how does this save SPY from dropping? [SpotGamma explains it nicely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzTbKCeKcOk). This is the most important explanation: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g3fowwifw0e81.jpg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=174b1f446c2b99d598050583cd4414a9e75a31c3 + +"What you can notice here, as the market draws down, we had negative delta trades inputs - that means people are buying put options to start the day. Then, all of a sudden you can see right around 12 o' clock, a huge put seller comes into the market. Somebody came in at the bottom here, they sold puts. Now I would argue that this triggered suddenly a short cover rally in the market. As you can see, these deltas input options continue to be positive for the bulk of the day, so that is telling us that people were scrambling to cover their long put hedges. Now as these people buy back put hedges, dealers and market makers who are short puts can buy back futures. And not only that, you end up getting an implied volatility crush which further pressures the price of puts, the values of puts, which means you can kick off this reflexive negative gamma feedback loop, of dealers buying back short hedges and we get this big rally. It's hard to dispute the fact that these puts all started getting closed before the big rally in markets." + +&#x200B; + +[VIX peaked, when the put selling starts VIX gets crushed](https://preview.redd.it/ol9d3n8dx0e81.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=25d46826731c3b7a6a82f2082c2215f8d3c08a19) + +As a result of the put selling, VIX drops sharply at the same time. + +[VIX](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/vix.asp) is derived from 30-day SPX options, this means VIX shows a 30-day expectation of volatility. It's an index that shows market sentiment. With VIX dropping quickly to 30, market participants have regained some faith in the market and buying and/or covering hedges continues. + +Somewhat unrelated, but manipulation of the VIX is nothing new: +"The Commission found that S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, which publishes an index that measures the return from a rolling long position for certain VIX futures contracts, failed to disclose the existence of a feature in this index that kept securities prices static during a period of unprecedented volatility. As a result of this undisclosed feature, values being published and disseminated to the market were not based on the real-time prices of certain VIX futures contracts." + +[https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2021/34-92425.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2021/34-92425.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +All of this information isn't necessarily new but I felt it was important to get it all together to see the big picture. + +Selling massive amounts of puts is something almost no institution can afford to do: + +> I know of no institutional investor, or hedge funds, even the largest one that have that kind of capital, the largest investment bank prop desks would not be allowed to sell billion, maybe even tens of billions of puts and attempt to crush the VIX and prevented what could have been a 1987 crash style event. Notional options that rolled off Jan 21 expiry was somewhere around 1-2 trillion. The hedging/gamma demand by rolling hedges may be in the 30-100 billion range. Clearly normal market makers couldn't supply that much demand, given daily option volumes are around 5-10 billion. So some entity sold close to 10-50 billion worth of puts in a matter of 2.5 hours. + +by u/vegaseller. + +&#x200B; + +If you've been reading DD for a while now here on Superstonk, the conclusion is not surprising. The market is fake and now even the plunge protection team has to do everything in its powers to make sure stonks only go up. + +# TLDR: the theory is that the plunge protection team (FED/WH/SEC/CFTC) started selling billions of puts from 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM to save SPY from dropping further from its 4% intraday drop as Citadel possibly got margin called. + +# THEY KICKED THE CAN ONCE MORE +Long story short… I was unemployed 2 years ago and felt like I was getting no where in life, my girlfriend had just given birth and i had around £15 in my bank. + +I had been applying for apprenticeships since i was 16 and had no luck with any until i hit 20, finally got an apprenticeship which i have now completed and i am earning £28k a year, I have read a couple of the recommended personal finance books and they helped change my outlook on things. + +I am now 22, I have a 2 year old son, £6000 in a S+S isa and £6000 in premium bonds and we have just bought our first house! + +I have just bumped my monthly payment to £500 a month to the S+S isa and am putting £40 a week into my workplace stocks. + +To be honest i’m not sure why i’ve posted this, 2 years ago i came across this forum and i honestly had nothing to my name and my girlfriend was about to give birth. I worked hard and saved hard and i feel like i am finally getting somewhere with my life. + +Thanks to this forum and everyone who contributes to it, you have changed my life. +With RC invested in both GME & BBBY, it's highly likely these two heavily shorted companies are going to squeeze. The answer to the question "Wen moon?" has always been "Tomorrow". *Until, today*. + +**1. GME and BBBY are going to squeeze together** + +Why together? Why not one squeezing before the other? Because any ape making ridiculous tendies off of one squeeze is going to roll over millions into the next squeeze. If BBBY squeezes first, that means billions will roll into GME squeezing far beyond Uranus. If GME squeezes first, that means billions will roll into BBBY. *Nobody* at the SEC, FINRA, CFTC, and Wall St wants to have that happen. (They simply can't afford it!) The only way to keep one squeeze from feeding another is to have them **squeeze together**. + +**2. BBBY Squeezes by Jan 20, 2023** + +This one is pretty easy and clear. [Ryan Cohen bought his BBBY shares and call options back in early March 2022](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/gamestop-chairman-takes-stake-bed-bath-beyond-pushes-change-wsj-2022-03-07/). From [today's SEC Form 144 filings](https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/form-144-email): + +[RC's Call Options are dated 01\/20\/23 with strikes at $60, $75, and $80](https://preview.redd.it/1s2go6jufci91.png?width=2674&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d2b09b62aa1c0ee07f59ee162ac1827b3ec81cf) + +According to thinkBack in ToS, we can see the $60 Calls priced around $3.55, the $75 Calls priced around $2.57, and the $80 Calls priced around $2.20. + +[ToS thinkBack to look up historical BBBY Options prices](https://preview.redd.it/g05x17izgci91.png?width=4636&format=png&auto=webp&s=13dff60eb891634077f496b6b64b27e983826af7) + +This means BBBY needs to exceed \~$82 by Jan 20, 2023 for the top strike of those options to be ITM and profitable. If BBBY doesn't moon by Jan 20, 2023, then RC loses up to **$5.2M** (=11,257 x $355 + 444 x $257 + 5,000 x 220) on his Call options. I'm betting RC knows what he's betting on. + +Also, as a GME insider, RC can't freely trade GME so MOASS is just paper money to him. In his other hand, RC is *free to trade BBBY* because RC turned down a board seat at BBBY opting to put independent directors into position instead. Remaining *outside* the company gives RC the freedom to sell his BBBY shares and options when BBBY squeezes. + +You might also notice from the thinkBack screenshot that the only far out options available to RC in March were the Aug 2022, Jan 2023 and Jan 2024 options. RC *specifically bought* the Jan 2023 options because he *knew* the squeeze wouldn't occur after that. (Otherwise, he'd need to have bought the Jan 2024 options.) Also, RC avoided any shorter time frames on or before Aug 2022. **RC timed his options position to coincide with a squeeze occurring between Aug 2022 and Jan 2023.** + +**3. BBBY Squeezes in the next 3 months** + +Yesterday (Aug 16, 2022), [RC filed a Form 144 with the SEC](https://www.sec.gov/corpfin/form-144-email) indicating RC Ventures will **potentially sell** its BBBY holdings beginning yesterday (08/16/22): + +[Form 144 \[pg 1\] RC Ventures potentially selling BBBY beginning 8\/16\/2022](https://preview.redd.it/kzko8jxfkci91.png?width=2956&format=png&auto=webp&s=94e01f07c6d558a1674e862e21043d69997603d6) + +[Form 144 \[pg 2\] RC Ventures potentially selling BBBY beginning 8\/16\/2022](https://preview.redd.it/oa1l8n1lkci91.png?width=2960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6817af4859f66fc4703bb1b059c7a38983d4bf6) + +The interesting thing about a Form 144 is that, according to [investor.gov](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/form-144), Form 144 must be filed with the SEC when the amount **to be sold** during any three-month period exceeds 5,000 shares or $50k. + +https://preview.redd.it/mazq7m58lci91.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=36ec103116617e475031f54f1d3c738f93efaf10 + +This Form 144 filing sets a 3 month clock indicating that RC Ventures has a [bona fide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_faith) good faith intention to sell his BBBY position. The only reason to do so is if RC expects BBBY to squeeze in the next 3 months. + +**4. OCC is in dire need of money in the middle of Sept** + +Per my [prior DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wesue0/wen_moass_soon_heres_an_interesting_timeline_of/) based on work with u/Freadom6, the OCC freaked out and filed proposals with the SEC begging for money from pensions and insurance companies which, if approved, would be a bailout available to the OCC as early as **Sept 18, 2022**. Sept 18, 2022 is just 1 month into the 3 month window RC Ventures just opened up to sell their BBBY position! + +# TADR + +RC expects BBBY squeeze in the next 3 months (by Nov 16, 2022) based on the Form 144 filing by RC Ventures. This window of time is within the Aug 2022 to Jan 2023 window for RC's Call Options to print 💶. + +BBBY and GME will squeeze together because nobody in government and Wall St would dare let the profits from one squeeze roll into the next. Plus, one bailout is much easier than two. + +⏲🔥🚀🌝⛢ + +**Flair**: Some DD mixed with speculation. This one feels more speculative connecting dots than pure DD. Feel free to tell me if I should change the flair to DD, Possible DD or whatever fits best. + +EDIT: Reflaired to Possible DD upon request. ;-) u/einfachman + +EDIT 2: See also this [2022: Year of the MOASS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uf8pm6/2022_year_of_the_moass_8_reasons_why_soon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) DD from u/einfachman 4 months ago expecting MOASS sometime this year. + +EDIT 3: Here's what ToS says about RC's options positions. RC's $5.2M (*approx*) options position have generally been underwater (except for a short time late March), *until 8/16* the day RC filed Form 144. With the fun squeeze expectations over the next 3 months, RC is in prime position to close his position for a HUGE profit. + +[RC's Options P\/L: Mostly negative as of 8\/15 \(except for late March\), until 8\/16](https://preview.redd.it/zolopf2vfdi91.png?width=4656&format=png&auto=webp&s=76461b0f2f1778a4ec426d42177dfaddba817324) + +[RC's Calls are now profitable as of 8\/16](https://preview.redd.it/x9ovfme2gdi91.png?width=4662&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7c2b08ec09c1040429d92ee855906d9a9feaaf8) + +Here's RC's P/L mapped out (ToS Risk Profile with simulated trades corresponding to his call options): + +https://preview.redd.it/hfuatm12idi91.png?width=4652&format=png&auto=webp&s=753d2797372452c46c753a409315f079691f1847 + +As you can see from the P/L graph, on expiration (light blue line) RC's options expire worthless if BBBY is below $60. Above about $65, RC's options start printing. Above $80, all of RC's options make bank for RC Ventures. + +As of today (pink/purple line), RC's options just turned profitable. + +EDIT 4: I keep seeing comments about how RC can file Form 144 every 3 months to keep his options open and/or that Form 144 doesn't mean he will sell. According to [investor.gov](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/form-144) (screenshot above), Form 144 must be filed with the SEC when the amount **to be sold** during any three-month period exceeds 5,000 shares or $50k *and* the person filing must have a [bona fide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_faith) good faith intention to sell. You shouldn't file Form 144 if you don't intend to sell. By filing Form 144, RC Ventures is notifying the SEC of their intention to sell. + +EDIT 5: Apes shouldn't need to file Form 144 which is for company affiliates to notify the SEC. Unless you're an affiliate (e.g., by owning 10% or more of a company's stock), you don't need to file it. +You can smell a shill from a mile away. Even when cloaked in the clothes of the superstonk community, acting like a supposed member of our community with the best interests of the community at heart, their style gives them away. It’s abrasive, aggressive, divisive, angry, upset. It’s all negativity, it’s all about fostering discord and disharmony. + +Guess what shills? We ain’t selling! +Sorry if the title seems cryptic. My mother was never the breadwinner while my father was alive and only fully entered the workforce after he passed. She’s been working at State Farm for about 5 years and was knows how to live below her income. She has been saving but does not have anything close to a retirement amount. She’s in her early 50s currently. I don’t expect any miracles, but I would like to invest some of her savings into ETFs such as VTI, QQQM or VOO. Something that can give her some reliable returns, even if not large. + +Edit: My mothers exact age is 53 and is looking at a retirement age of 65. I plan on moving her into my place fortunately, so this investing on her behalf would be to line her pockets so she may travel or do the things she wasn’t able to while raising my brothers and I. Thank you all for the suggestion so far, they’ve been a great help! + [u/SelfWealthAus](https://www.reddit.com/u/SelfWealthAus/) + +You got some explaining to do cause I wanna sell your dog stock. + +Why the fuck International Trading taking so long? + +Why is your UI/UX so bad, nobody cares about some half baked Facebook feed. + +Stake has a gorgeous and simple UI/UX just copy that. + +Are you ever going to get options trading if you do eventually get International? + +Why is the company not marketing itself toward the younger investors the would be Robinhood crowd of Australia, the website looks like what a Boomer thinks a young investor wants. You could be fucking killing it if you just found a middle ground between the currrent product, Stake and Robinhood but instead it looks like a mid 2000-s chatroom with the shit avatars. + +Please mate I have faith but wtf is going on, is this company run by boomers or what? +According to u/fates4productions , canadian apes have been sent 101 322 proxy vote forms. If we assume a conservative 10 shares/ape, we already have 1,013,220 shares. + +If I remember bloomberg terminal data correctly, canadians were holding something like about 0,69% of the shares, nice. + +Now if we assume that worldwide, everybody also holds an average of 10 shares. + +We would have 146,843,478 shares. + +Remember that Gamestop themselves told us that they had 70 770 000 shares outstanding. + +And the float is estimated to be around 26 500 000 shares. + +So correct me if I'm wrong but that would mean that we hold a whopping 209% of the TOTAL oustanding shares, and 554% of the float. + +Are your tits jacked already? We don't even need the official count, the number of canadian proxy votes already tells us that the stock has been overshorted. + + +EDIT: I have been informed of a few mistakes, first of all the tradable float is closer to 30 million since gme sold 3.5M shares. That would also put the float at 74,277M. I have also been informed that the BB data is only based on the outstanding shares and not the float. Given these new informations, the % of shares oustanding that we own would be 197,70%, and the % of the float would be 489,49%. Still very high and it doesn't change the point of the post. Be free to correct me if I made other mistakes. + + +TLDR: Canadian data tells us we own a conservative 197% of total outstanding shares and 489% of the TRADABLE float, shorts must cover, see you on the moon. +I cant even sell CCs anymore because my underlying just refuses to stop selling off. I picked up PLTR with a $26 CSP a few weeks ago thinking "look at this deal I got, now just sell some CCs" which I have, but doesn't come close to making up my losses coupled with now my CC premiums are garbage. + +Just stop selling off already! + +Edit: Damn. All I had to do was ask you guys to stop selling and it worked? Thank you!! +Good Evening Apes! + +Another weekend...another shitstorm of drama and wild speculation. + +I've been a bit busy this weekend getting ready to move, and I want to let you all know your @'s have not gone unseen. + +I don't feel that I can write about anything productive this week without first addressing my opinions on these two topics so we will start here and move into the analysis section. + +As always I will post a consolidated [Video DD of this on my YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) for those of you that don't have the time to read through this, or have visual impairments/reading comprehension issues. This will be uploaded by... + +9pm EDT/UTC-4 + +# Part I: Too many shares to stuff in my cellar... + +So I want to take a quick moment to discuss my opinions on the two big pieces of news to come out of this weekend. + +**Section 1: Cellar Boxing** + +I'm not sure when it became news to people that this was a strategy that was possibly being employed on GME but a large aspect of the main MOASS thesis has always been that they had excessively naked shorted GameStop in an attempt to drive them out of business. But I understand that this information isn't always the easiest to obtain, especially for newer apes. So here is why I think it's relevant and why it's not. + +Pros: + +* Cellar Boxing is a strategy employed by market makers that manipulates the bid/ask spread of a stock with prices lower than .001 +* This is likely what Melvin began doing in 2014 as evidenced here on long-term OBV + +[Long-Term OBV showing the original short position](https://preview.redd.it/8r48u73np4n71.png?width=2459&format=png&auto=webp&s=33272dd1166061e3ac7964aa1bbeba7640491aca) + +* This is one reason why we think that there is a massive naked short position on GME. I suspect there are additional factors, but, if GME had been brought down to the levels where this strategy would have been effective I'm sure it would have been employed. +* This is generally performed on stocks of micro-cap companies as it is not easy to do on companies like GameStop with larger floats and market caps. + +Cons: + +* GameStop never dropped to the the price levels that are needed to affect this specific type of manipulation +* This disregards the far more obvious manipulation occurring on GameStop vis-à-vis derivatives +* The SEC is well aware of this form of manipulation, which doesn't necessarily mean they will do anything about it... +* This was not the strategy used, at least initially, on Toys-R-Us, Sears, or Blockbuster. These businesses failed due to mismanagement and dying industries. Not every bear thesis is wrong, but GME was. + +I think the real focus for now around this needs to be the same things we were looking into already; + +Where and how is this massive naked short position held? + +How does this effect the short participants margin? + +What is the game plan for SHFs and MMs when this strategy goes south, as it obviously did on GME? + +&#x200B; + +**Section B: The Yahoo Anomaly** + +Last Friday Yahoo Finance began reporting a float on GME of 249.51M shares... + +Normally I would dismiss this as an error or glitch. + +However, + +There are several reasons I think this bears looking into and have been doing so with all my free time this weekend. + +* We know that yahoo gets it's reported float data from ICE and Morningstar +* We know CME's futures rollover date was on 9/9 and based on evidence found by my research team, this last week, it was concluded they had till 9/17 to complete that rollover. Even though traditionally any necessary covering has always been completed on that date. +* There is other data specific to GME being changed and/or misreported elsewhere. Fidelity showed an increase of 3.6 million available shares to borrow, the float size on WeBull changed from 9/9 to 9/10 as well. + +WeBull 9/9/21 float + +https://preview.redd.it/kric4x9115n71.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=21fffd221737d3f5c9cd67ced5ddf5ddefb38342 + +WeBull 9/10/21 Float + +[also note differences in Mkt Cap even thought the closing price was lower...decrease in P\/E, and change in outstanding shares is ≠ to change in free float. ](https://preview.redd.it/ukphuvf515n71.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=e94e33510961ba089fa90f376e8439d794546dff) + +Fidelity 9/10/21 Shares to borrow up from 1.03m the previous day + +[Fidelity shares. Listed as hard to borrow should mean they are not available institutionally.](https://preview.redd.it/ijjckugs15n71.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=59871714673d7b84021fc15cdf942be330434faa) + +While the discrepancies can occur after a share offering there wasn't one... + +I expect based on research I've been doing and discussions I've had in my discord and on stream that we are seeing one or more of these possibilities playing out. + +1. We are seeing the balance of shares held in this quarters futures contracts being displayed as part of the float. Since they were not rolled in time the position is now exposed. (This explains the large number of shares returned to Fidelity even though they sold the majority of their position in January) +2. They have been margin called and have not met net capital requirements causing their FTDs to be kicked out into the open market revealing the synthetic shorts as part of GME's actual float. +3. The switch from OATS to CAT at FINRA has revealed the synthetic short position because of it reveals proprietary orders, eliminates market making exemptions, and includes data from OTC equities and derivatives. +4. This is simply a data anomaly, only occurring on GME across multiple platforms at the same time...👀 right? + +[Pretty visible contrast in the rollover dates on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/i1h4taub95n71.png?width=1584&format=png&auto=webp&s=5539c4c97180f68d087259417c01a7f444e966ff) + +*\*all of this is still theoretical but I wanted to offer insight to the community into what I think is the mostly likely scenario.* + +# Part II: Technical Analysis + +While this feels a bit pointless right now, because I expect any price action that occurs on GME in the **next seven trading days** to be related to factors outside of market psychology and technical analysis. There is at least one technical indicator playing out that I want to address. + +**The BARR (Bump and Run Reversal) pattern -** This occurs when excessive speculation occurs (bump), the price reached is unsustainable and corrects (run), a support is found (reversal). The price action can now retrace at a more sustainable levels with solid support. + +[BARR on GME 4hr indicating potential upside movement with stronger support. Drawn on the linear chart to correctly plot vertical movement. ](https://preview.redd.it/o7ifa22wg5n71.png?width=2455&format=png&auto=webp&s=71a29ce7b8f44935b70087e7c1cb01ecd4076b2a) + +This indicates we can see upside potential after a bounce on that solid bullish trend. + +Here is that reversal on the long term TA + +[Ascending Triangle on the 1D ](https://preview.redd.it/83eb57flh5n71.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7c1f70fa481fd0bae789f8e88cb429c480b74d) + +Technical oscillators actually look pretty bearish this week but I expect that futures roll-over will ultimately make their signals irrelevant this week. + +**MACD** + +MACD is signaling bearish divergence but there is still a ton of unrealized range to the upside. For this cycle. This divergence is mostly due to the shorting after earnings and could be a false signal. + +[MACD 1D Timescale](https://preview.redd.it/7mz8fob8i5n71.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2cc87ff829435379ae697c10e817260d5f994e0) + +**Stochastic RSI** + +Signaling overbought but still shows potential for a second peak based on the previous cycle. I think this actually indicates that the rest of the covering for this cycle has yet to be completed. + +[StochRSI 1D ](https://preview.redd.it/xbphru12j5n71.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff5c0467ececbb54b25febb3d2b6fbce26931db) + +**Futures Theory:** + +I still expect whatever covering had to be done this quarter due to futures rollover has yet to be completed as the run on **8/24 was the quarterly options rollover** as I have previously discussed. Based on data from earlier cycles there is still an additional \~190M (estimate) volume that needs to be traded. + +My current thesis is that that SHFs or MMs have till the September 17th to trade this volume. + +If this does not happen this week, either... + +* My theory is wrong and futures are not being used to hide FTDs from the original (pre-2021) short position +* They got enough shares from institutions and GME's ATM offering this cycle to cover what need to be covered. +* They do not intend to cover and will allow the contract to expire leading to covering the entire contract/s by T+2 from the September 17th which is September 22nd. + +\**Please remember as we understand it now these contracts do not represent the entire short/FTD position on GME. It is my current belief that the short position is split across several separate quarterly futures contracts and other derivatives. This is only a* ***theory*** *at this point and is not a recommendation to attempt to trade or profit off this action as there is still little proof as to it's reliability.* + +# Part IV: The Market + +The SPY has dropped through it's 20EMA signaling at least the potential for a correction, a dip below the 50MA or 60 EMA would be a confirmation of that correction and a fall below the 200MA on this chart would indicate a serious sell off leading to a potential crash. The SPY has had several straight days of bearish divergence which is an unusual anomaly to say the least. Normally I would discuss all the things affect the market this week but let's be honest this thing has been fucked for a while and it could finally be signaling an end of what has been a pretty exuberant bull run. I will be watching the market closely this week as I feel that this could be a potential catalyst for MOASS. + +[SPY reference for this week on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/3fk23497n5n71.png?width=1587&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae6282e2feeabd0e2f2560adaa5fd496f77214c2) + +**An important note:** + +**If a market crash occurs before MOASS, we could see massive institutional selling on GME before a turnaround be prepared to hold fast, as the dip could be quite extreme (*****while negative beta could mean we turn around before other equities it is not indicative of future price movement*****). Possibly the largest dip buy opportunity since February. This could be the truest test of diamond hands, I know some of you weren't around for the January or March dips, the fear of watching your account balance bleed away can be difficult for even the most experienced market participants. But as long as you remember the shorts haven't covered and trust your research and the DD it should be an interesting ride.** + +**HODL ✋💎🤚** + +# Part IV: Conclusion + +With strange anomalies occurring with GameStop's data this week and the lack of expected volume from the futures rollover we were already looking forward to an interesting week. This, coupled with the insanely wide bid/ask spread and **massive gamma ramp** on the 17th, that allows for violent upside potential, really puts us in a very likely scenario for a short squeeze, if the expected volume comes flooding in. + +Pile the potential for at least a market correction on top of this and we are really cooking with some gas. + +Whatever happens this week. I will be on the edge of my seat the whole time. 0\^-< (tits jackked) + +&#x200B; + +If you want to see more information on this subject matter feel free to join me in the : + +Daily Live charting (always under my profile [u/gherkinit](https://www.reddit.com/u/gherkinit/)) from 8:45am - 4pm EDT on trading days + +on my [YouTube Live Stream](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) from 9am - 4pm EDT on trading days\* + +or check out the [Discord](https://discord.gg/BGmjnrvHnw) for more stuff with fellow apes + +**As always thanks for following along.** + +🦍❤️ + +\- Gherkinit + +&#x200B; + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500. :)* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and feel compelled to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +\* *No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Are you guys noticing how quiet it got once business hours were over, and shills were off the clock? + + Notice how there arent anymore posts mentioning Q (except this one now, obviously)? + + Noone else screaming about "scaring new apes with conspiracy theory". + +No more "we only want real DD and facts with evidence!" (So that they know *exactly* what we know, maybe?) + +Folks - anyone who tells us to buy and hold is an ape. The dog and RAB never told us to do a damn thing but buy and hold. They never contradicted our DD. They are not trying to endanger our MOASS. They are pointing at things. + +*WE WERE ALL TOLD THAT SHILLS, FUD, AND DISINFORMATION WOULD COME IN MANY FORMS AND TO EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED* + +What you just experienced was a shill attempt at reverse psychology. They are here and know the same things we know. Remember the 4chan disinformation post that told us what to expect? They knew we knew about it, and attempted to flip the script. + +*OUR ENTIRE EXISTENCE HERE IS BUILT ON CONSPIRACY, DIGGING RABBIT HOLES, AND FOLLOWING OUR HUNCHES. YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE OF CONSPIRACY THEORIES THAT WERE VALIDATED.* + +You guys are smarter than this. You *know* the DD. Anyone telling you to hold and supporting the information is an ape. End of story. Anyone trying to emotionally hijack you with politics or perception is a shill (yes, i literally had someone tell me that they dont want people to think were crazy and discredit us - like people think were sane with credibility by YOLOing our life savings in a game set against us? Come on now). + +Be prepared, apes. Hold. +Alrighty Boys and Girls, + +here's the situation: + +- I finished school and started working mid-2019, and since then have been mostly saving and investing what I earn +- I currently make 2500€ monthly (net), of which my regular expenses come in at just around 1000€ +- I have right now over 14K in ETFs with Degiro (World, Emerging Markets, Small Caps - 60/20/20), I've been investing around 500€ per month. +- I have 10K in a savings account (For emergencies or large purchases), It has been at that amount for a few months. +- I have currently around 5000€ in my checking account (That keeps growing, as I only invest a fraction of my monthly surplus) +- I have one large purchase (~2000€) coming up, but besides that I don't plan or expect to have to buy anything besides food and clothes in the near future. + +I'm unsure about how I should proceed. I could probably double my monthly investment in the ETFs and still have a few hundred € to spare. + +I don't know what I'm saving for. I'm just saving and hope that one day I will realize what I want to do with the money. + +Basically, my question is what would you do? Simply increase the montly ETF-investment? Diversify more with other investments? Put more into the savings account? Just let it sit in the checkings account? Play around with some of the money and buy some STONKS? Increase my standard of living, like buy nicer clothes and more expensive food? Buy some things I don't need but that are "nice to have" or "fun"? Buy some crypto? +Looking at CFVI $10 puts for Oct 21 2022, premium is $1.00 per contract bid. The chart looks like it has never been below 9.50 so risk at that level is minimal. IV is up right now on positive news. Last time IV was at 150% it crashed hard (looking at Market Chameleon historical IV). What is the downside here? If it holds ATL levels I am still green 5%, if it holds recent lows I will be green 10%. I don't like when something seems this good, makes me think I must have overlooked a key detail. +Governor Philip Lowe has indicated the official interest rate could double in coming months as the Reserve Bank of Australia moves swiftly to normalise pandemic-era monetary policy and curb rising prices. + +Dr Lowe on Wednesday stressed the importance of getting inflation back to within the bank’s 2 per cent to 3 per cent target band, which would require more rate rises this year. + +“If we take the 2.5 per cent midpoint of the inflation target as a reasonable estimate of medium-term inflation expectations, this suggests the neutral nominal [cash] rate is at least 2.5 per cent,” he said. + +Though the cash rate could go higher, the governor emphasised neutral was just a reference point: “It is not the basis of a mechanical rule, and we are not on a pre-set path to achieve any specific level of the cash rate.“ + +“If inflation expectations shift up and businesses and workers come to expect higher rates of inflation on an ongoing basis, it will be harder to return inflation to target – doing so would require higher interest rates.” + +The RBA’s “mindset was one of steady increases in interest rates now to forestall a persistent shift in inflation and inflation expectations,” he said. + +Dr Lowe’s deputy, Michele Bullock, on Tuesday said the cash rate at 1.35 per cent was still probably well below where it needed to move, but households were well-placed to manage further increases. + +“We’ve got to get it up to some sort of concept of what we call the neutral interest rate,” Ms Bullock said. “We don’t know where that particularly is, but we know it’s a fair bit higher than where we currently are.” + +The comments come as big four lender ANZ forecast a further four back-to-back 0.5 percentage point increases to interest rates from August, taking the cash rate to 3.35 per cent by the end of 2022. On July 5, the RBA raised its benchmark rate by a half percentage point to 1.35 per cent. + +For a typical $500,000 mortgage with 25 years left to run, the shift from a record low 0.1 per cent cash rate to 3.35 per cent would add about $909 to monthly repayments, and $1363 a month for a mortgage of $750,000. + +For someone with a $1 million mortgage, repayments could rise by a total of $1818, according to interest rate comparison website RateCity. + +Dr Lowe said the RBA was focused on ensuring inflation psychology did not shift higher, and was pleased financial markets were confident inflation would return to the RBA’s target band over the medium term. + +“If people setting prices and wages believe higher inflation will persist, they are more likely to push prices and wages up,” he said. “This could result in a self-reinforcing cycle: one in which higher inflation leads to firms being more willing to put their prices up and agree to larger wage claims. + +“This is what happened in the 1970s, and it ended badly. There is little evidence of such a cycle at present, and it’s important this remains the case.” + +NAB director of economics and markets Tapas Strickland said next week’s June quarter inflation data would likely reveal another very large lift in prices – something that the NAB business survey showed was ongoing. + +When combined with the June labour force report, which showed the jobless rate fell to a 48-year low of 3.5 per cent, Mr Strickland said there was a growing risk that the RBA could go harder and faster on rises. + +“The risk is rising the RBA sees the need to get interest rates to the broadly neutral 2.6 per cent level we see early next year, earlier than we forecast.” + +https://www.afr.com/policy/economy/rba-cash-rate-set-to-double-in-coming-months-20220720-p5b33e +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +I have been watching O for a while already have SCHD, VTI and a handful of other dividend players. I was waiting to see if I could catch it around 68.00. It was close middle of June. + +Question is does anyone else watch for stocks in general for their entry point or do you just jump in and DCA. + +I normal jump in and DCA but something about O I’m just unsure of +This time of year is the best when I dont need to use the AC driving up my electric bill but it's not too cold to need to use the heat, this should last until about early to mid October and I can't wait to start seeing the savings + + +In David Attenborough's latest documentary: A Life On Our Planet, he touches on the idea of people investing in their future but most often, those investments don't ensure that there is actually a future to be had. + +Obviously, we are all investing in the hopes of having a more financially independent future. We want enough currency to live the life we choose. + +But since seeing the doco, I've been pondering more on whether the companies and index funds I invest in, in the hopes of having a better future, actually contribute to their being an actual future for me and others to enjoy or for the future to be of a higher standard than is currently experienced, both technologically and environmentally. This also includes what our superannuation funds are being invested into. + +Is this something you take into consideration when choosing your investments? +Do you think of the ethics and sustainability of a company or index fund before you support its growth with your money or are you more interested in getting the biggest return on your investment, regardless of the impacts it has on the Earth and it's/ our future? + +I hope this to be a conversation, not an attack. Anyone who just wants the biggest returns, what are your thoughts/ beliefs that make you feel little regard for a companies impact on the environment? + +Thank you for the discussion. +I’m 16 years old and have a job, other than a few things, I don’t really spend the money I make and I put it into the bank. + +I feel like there is something better I could do with my money, maybe a compound interest retirement plan or something? I would love suggestions and am open for anything. +Hello, I'm a (23M) and my girlfriend is a (25F) we recently came into a new profession of driving trucks for a living. We got introduced to a whole bunch of couples doing the same thing but the majority of them were older. +One couple we met explained to us their financial plan which was to have $2.5 million in 10 years. It's already been 3 years since they've set the objective and they're at $300,000+ dollars. But their living style is hard so I was wondering if anybody was in a similar position or knew of a better way of tackling this plan or if it's even possible to reach this goal. +Homeowners in disasters that are recognized by FEMA can get a period of leniency from their mortgage servicer. + +The time period has not been decided on yet for Harvey, but during this period your servicer will not try and collect late payments, won't put you into foreclosure, etc. + +Based on our portfolio I'd estimate that 300k mortgages fall into FEMA's current disaster zone. + +Obviously people are more worried about evacuation right now, but in the coming weeks contact your servicer if things are going to be tight. +As someone who’s recently made a significant amount of money in a very short period of time, most of my friends are still grinding away at their jobs. While I have a few friends who are happy for me, I feel that many of my friendships have worsened or grown distant. + +Topics that aren’t directly related to wealth get misinterpreted as having to deal with money, and I can see people being upset, stressed, or disappointed at themselves as they compare themselves against me. I’ve always been generous, but now it feels harder to have people over or treat certain friends to meals. I avoid talking about money at all now, but the reality is that I’m proud of my success and it sucks that I can’t share it with anyone except for my wife because it would upset others. How do you all handle these situations? +Hey Folks! I am wrapping up renovation on an airbnb, and my business partners and I are debating whether to add on a Hot Tub in the spring. What do you feel are the pros and cons, and why do you or don't you endorse having one? +After typing this all out, it's longer than I originally meant for it to be. Just a heads up, this is a bit dense: + +Hi, everyone. First post here, but I'm a long-time lurker. I'm turning 30 in May and have a job that pays $67,000 per year, with a bonus usually equivalent to one (monthly) paycheck. I currently pay about 25% in taxes and save 30% of my gross income. So I live on 45% of my gross income. My Roth IRA has about $41,000 in it and my brokerage account (which I'm using as a savings emergency fund, good advice be damned) has about $5,100. I've not always been paid as well as I am now and I got a bit of a late start with investing, which is why my balances are so low. + +Anyway, my question here is as it appears in the title. When did you finally feel comfortable spending money on non-essentials? By choice, I live a pretty 'bare bones' existence. I live in a studio apartment with no furniture in it besides the air mattress I sleep on. No tables, no couch, no chairs or stools. Nothing. I lived through my first mid-western winter without a winter coat. I don't have a trash can. I just have trash bags on the kitchen good that I take out when full. I need to replace my singular, flat, gross, yellow pillow that doesn't and has never had a pillowcase. I don't have sheets on my air mattress. I cut my food budget from $750 a few months ago to $400, and then to $160 per month after realizing $400 still seemed like too much. So I'm living primarily on rice, beans, and popcorn. I had a gym membership that I canceled to save $80 every month. + +Basically, I have a very hard time spending money. In addition to everything above, I don't really take vacations. I'm single and I don't date. My life revolves around earning, saving, and investing money. And I'm not complaining. If it sounds like I am, I apologize. I'm fully aware that I'm living this way by choice. Still, I do recognize that my mindset around moeny is probably not healthy. I have a good, stable job that pays me more than I need. I can save 30% of my gross income. But I'm always pushing myself to save more. Every time I buy something I don't need, I think of the time value of the money I spent. A $2,000 mattress and bed frame would be $20,000 (in 2022 dollars) when I'm 63 if I make 7% CAGR. A vacation that costs $3,000 could be $30,000. For every dollar I don't invest, I'm losing ten times that amount later in life. + +But I have $5,000 in my brokerage that's theoretically there for anything. And I think to myself... Why can't I spend 0.8% of that on some pillows. Or 2% of that on really nice stainless steel SimpleHuman trash can? Or 2% for a paid membership on a dating website? And then why can't I spend 5-10% of my income going out on dates if I were to match on someone? It all goes back to that compound interest. All that time I have, while I'm young, for that money to grow instead to be frittered away. $400 a month on dates is $4,800 each year. If I dated for three years and spent $14,400 instead of having $4,800 each year compound at 7% for three years and then grow at 7% for the next 30 years, I would lose out on nearly $126,000 (in 2022 dollars) at age 63. That's nearly one year of expenses. + +Anyway... I can't seem to get out of the mindset that I need to save every dime I can while I'm young at the expense of pretty much everything else. The only thing I go over my budget on sometimes is food. I hate being hungry and I need to eat to live. So I'll probably spend $250 on food this month instead of $160. But I'm looking for guidance from those older and wiser than me. Is there any way I can break this cycle and get past my hangups? +I’m curious what the reality is for the ‘average’ Aussie right now. Where I am this is not that high of an income but I appreciate it might be quite comfortable in other areas. My understanding is that this is about ‘middle class’ in terms of earnings on average for all Australians. + +What kind of lifestyle would this afford you? + +Edit: for context. I live in Canberra where six figure incomes are common, however have affordable rent (no mortgage), no kids and two income household. Personally I feel comfortable but from comments it seems like having kids or mortgage would change things quite a bit. +This talk about 'cycles' being more important than anything has got me slappin' my knee. + +Anyone remember the video of a guy [pacing for over 2 hours on his cell phone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nyr881/friday_june_10th_documentation_im_behind_on_my/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) inside the citadel building in the middle of the night on a weekend a couple months ago? + +How about when they changed their google hours around the same time so the amount of employees working couldn't be tracked? + +I'm guessing you haven't missed Kendoff's plane flying between Africa, Europe, and the US for the past few weeks? + +That [lovely letter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p200ir/foia_request_reveals_citadel_securities_is_under/) in response to an ape's FOIA request on Citadel from the SEC also comes to mind - particularly because it [included language which basically confirmed the SEC was working with law enforcement.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p27b7d/april_foia_into_citadel_securities_and_citadel/) + +Let's transport ourselves for a minute and imagine: + +*If the SEC & its law enforcement partner discovered Citadel had been participating in illegal activity, what would be the fairest way to handle the situation?* + +*How could action be taken that:* + +*1. Gives a chance to get out of a short position a person or firm was manipulated into taking by Kenny Grifterson / Jeffrey Bozos' media empire* + +*2. Perpetuates the illusion that the US market is still 'fair and free'* + +*3. Doesn't give immediate confirmation to the whole world that GME investors were right about the fraud* + +*4. Makes GME investors sell the hundreds and hundreds of millions of god damn GME shares they've been piling up for* ***8 fucking months*** + +***Answer:*** *Following through on creation of a hidden 'expert market' where billions of naked shorts Citadel has been piling up for decades can be bought back (non-GME shares) out of public view and over time as to not destabilize the lit markets will finally end - in the words of Gensler - 'the Gamestop saga'. He referred to it as 'the Gamestop saga' because Gamestop was the idiosyncratic risk that emerged in the basket of algorithmically shorted retail securities present at Citadel.* + +*The best way to hide that it was triggered by Gamestop is to buy those shares back last.* + +Lets not forget my **personal favorite** bit of confirmation bias, from The Man Himself: + +[ https:\/\/twitter.com\/ryancohen\/status\/1425606429574979584?s=20 ](https://preview.redd.it/c3mq82s3v4m71.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c754ea7231affb5ae2740b6b52d15902f65051a) + +***DiOs MiO hAn MaTaDo Ha KeNnY! bAsTaRdOs!*** + +***Oh my god they killed Kenny! Bastards!*** + +You feel free to dip as far as you want, GME. You can bet your ass I'm not giving up this guaranteed payday! + +**EDIT:** + +Made some corrections to OP I fucked up on and wanted to add a note: + +If this is the case, deadlines and dates are out of the window for the most part. Reg Sho allows the SEC to make changes to deadlines and policies at their discretion for the market's sake. + +That means they could wait for the most **unexpected moment, or expected moment** to buy back shares. I have a feeling **old price patterns are about to change**. +You can view WSB Stats [here](http://wsb.gold/public/dashboard/e65fcfcb-70a4-4d86-b7fb-888057c67881). + +Remember - **follow the rules located on the sidebar**. +Reposting after the first post was obviously slammed with downvotes from shills, the same post got more upvotes on GME sub than it did on superstonk which NEVER happens for me. I've watched the first post slowly get downvoted to oblivion very inorganically. + +When the report first came out people were talking about how good of an entry point it gave us apes to be able to show friends and family. SHFs caught onto this quickly and this report was forum slid HARD. + +The size and breadth of this GME saga can be pretty daunting for any new apes but I think GMEdd.com did an awesome job creating this report that is easily understandable to any age if potential investors, even boomers have a good chance at understanding it. It doesn't go into MOASS stuff but it doesn't need to, it's just an entry point based on the amazing FUNDAMENTALS of GME. + +Imagine a new wave of retail investors buying after Thanksgiving? We already know the SHFs are barely holding on as it is. + +Check it out here, comes in PDF form too, perfect for thanksgiving sharing. + +[https://gmedd.com/report-model/](https://gmedd.com/report-model/) + +please up vote and com ment so we can get as many apes as possible aware of this report that may want to show people over thanksgiving or in future. The SHFs and their shills DO NOT want this document spreading and have been forum sliding this report and downvoting the shit out of it every time its talked about. Some apes said they GMEdd site was also attacked when the report started gaining some traction after its release. +Reminder, this is not financial advice... + +I think we all need to take a deep breath and come back to our zen-like state apes. Yes, it does appear that there was some fuckery this morning when some of us got notifications that our OTM calls became ITM, GME trading was halted, then calls went back OTM. + +Seriously? Who here didn't expect fuckery again? For us old timers, none of this should be a surprise to you. + +But consider this. Let's take a stroll down memory lane back to January 2021 just before the "sneeze." How many times was trading paused on GME due to hitting the LULD threshold in January? **FORTY (40)**. And of that, **Nineteen (19)** were just on January 28th 2021. + +You think ONE trading pause is grounds for reporting to the SEC/DOJ, screaming for an investigation, or worse, paper-handing because you think the markets are corrupt? **OF COURSE THEY'RE CORRUPT!** But we can beat these Wall Street cucks at their own game by just HOLDING and NOT PANICKING. + +In my opinion, today's fuckery was just a warning shot about what is about to come. + +Let me take a moment to jack your tatas for tomorrow (Wednesday, March 30, 2022). + +Kenny and his friends got a bit too liberal with the mayo on February 23, 2022. They failed to deliver 227,302 moon tickets with an average price of $118.06 according to the SEC. Kenny had to do some fuckery today to drive down the price as much as possible because he has to deliver those shares tomorrow (i.e. T+35c). + +I'll spare you the details of what REG SHO is but ultimately there are shit consequences for not clearing these FTDs by tomorrow. + +So how much will it cost Kenny to clear these FTDs tomorrow? Here's the math... + +Assuming that he buys 227,302 shares first thing in the morning at an average price of $180.00 per share, he'll need to pay $40,914,360.00. The contractual net settlement amount based on the average share price of $118.06 is $26,835,274.12. + +Paying the difference between the amounts is what will settle this round of FTD problems and *temporarily* make them go away. By the way, this figure happens to be: **$14,079,085.88** + +But Kenny, you can't just cut a check and be done with it! You still have to deliver the shares to your counterparties which means that his evil minions need to go out into the market and buy them at whatever the market price is! + +TL;DR: + +* Don't panic about 1 pause in trading and call foul because MOASS could have been today. It might not have been today so stay zen apes. +* Tomorrow (Wednesday, Mar 30th) might get spicy with the large number of FTDs which need to be cleared by Kenny & Friends. +* Today (Tues, Mar 29th) seemed to have been a warning shot/test of what is to come (i.e. tomorrow). +* Jacked +* Obligatory BUY, DRS, HOLD, Stay Zen. +So I told my mum that I’d rather park in a free zone in the city and walk 3 minutes to get to the destination instead of pay $15 per hour at a parking complex right next to the destination. She called me stingy. I asked for examples to differentiate between stingy and frugal, but all her examples could be shown to be both stingy and frugal. + +Thus it got me thinking, is there a difference? Sure we can all come up with a fancy definition. But when it comes to giving tangible examples, most people break down and can’t give an example specific to that word. So, give me examples of the difference between thrifty, frugal, stingy and cheap. +Her grandmother passed away in late 2001 and left her a moderate sum of money. Sometime within the next year or two, she bought AAPL with the entire inheritance. I'm not sure exactly how much it is worth now, but I imagine it is >$1 million. + +I've told her in the past to sell some shares and diversify her portfolio. Her logic is that she agrees with the fundamentals of the company and thinks they will continue to do well for the foreseeable future. Since they've done so well in the past 10 years and she thinks they will continue to do so, she does not want to sell. + +If I were her, I'd have sold shares slowly over time and put the money in ETFs. Having that much in a diversified portfolio so early in life (31 years old) would make saving for retirement a breeze. + +I'm just curious what you would do in a similar situation. I don't want to force her to do anything she doesn't want, but I really think it is a big risk for her to keep all her eggs in one basket. +Yes, you can make your account a cash account, but that just shifts issues to other issues. + +Can I create accounts with other brokers and multiple accounts to avoid PDT? + +I'm not an investor . I just want supplemental income from trading stocks. + +I'm trying my best to bypass PDT by buying right before market close, and selling the next day. But sometimes I'll buy, it'll shoot up 15%, I can't sell because I'm 1 day trade away from being penalized, wait over night, and before premarket it's now -%10 + +It makes me so upset. I'm doing all the leg work to be successful, and it's working, but the SEC regulation is just fucking me up. I'm to the point where I'm thinking about selling my Jeep/toys to have the 25k + +PDT regulation is bullshit. +I recently purchased an upscale condo (in TX) and I love it. Quality of life is unmatched. As someone who is single and works from home, I love the idea of owning several condos that I can travel between whenever I want. Sounds very refreshing. I also find the idea of parking money in realestate as of recent a great idea. I want to be able to enjoy my "investments". But that's not awfully important. + +Where should I look? Specifically new & very upscale condos (think Porsche Design Tower in Miami) that are in/around major US cities which are a walk away from pretty much anything. Maybe the PDT isn't a perfect example for the latter... a little bit eccentric too... but I absolutely adore their interior design. That's by far the most important aspect for me, and appears difficult to find. Specific recommendations are also very appreciated. + + +Thanks. +I mean how bad do you feel for all the El Salvadorans that bought yesterday. We just got a 25% dip in most coins in less than an hour. + +This is one reason why we aren’t even close to being mainstream. This will scare so many investors and consumers away. To see their portfolio drop by 25% in less than 12 hours. They woke up with a quarter of their portfolio gone. + +Yes I do think this is just taking profits and a panic sale. Great time to stock up on crypto at a major discount. But still this is the crazy stuff that will keep crypto from being mainstream for awhile. + +Also another reason why taking profits is a good idea! If you don’t have fiat available. Maybe take profits next time so you’ll have spending money on the next dip. + +Anyone else get any good deals or catch the drop? Good luck everyone! + +EDIT: This is a good time to talk about a strategy I have. If you take profits you take them and convert to USDC. Then send them to Celsius, blockfi or crypto and let them earn interest. If a crash like this happens, you transfer them out and buy the dip. +My husband and I currently own our home. +There’s still $250K to pay on it - we only moved here in 2019. We have 2 vehicles, making monthly payments on both; roughly $600/month for the both of them. And then we have our personal credit cards. + +Previously my husband was making $50K annually, I make roughly $40K (depending on bonuses, etc) annually. In November, he was let go from his job. Of course he is looking for another job, but we don’t know when that’ll be secured. + +So we discussed a few options: +Option 1: asking both of our parents for money to offset the bills for a little bit. Not a fix-all, but it is a temporary bandaid. Would prevent us from having to move. + +Option 2: renting out the home. from what I’ve researched, homes comparable to ours go for $2,000-2,500/month. we would go through a property management firm as opposed to renting out directly ourselves bc god forbid something happen. We pay roughly $1500/month on the mortgage so this would allow us to keep the home and still make passive income. For this option, we would need to talk to his parents about renting his grandmas house. She’s in poor health and is staying with his parents anyway, so the house is available. Would just take convincing the parents. + +Option 3: sell the home. our literal next door neighbor sold their home last month for $350k so we would walk out ideally selling for $100k more than what we owe. This would allow us to pay off both vehicles, credit cards, and have a small sum to use as a down payment for another house. The downfall here is that our credit scores aren’t the best (low-mid 700s). so we may have to rent an apartment or something until we can boost the scores. + +What would you recommend and why? Apologies for formatting as I’m on my phone - thanks! +Second exit is approaching, will have $30m+ liquid at 40 with a requirement to continue working for 2 years at $1m salary. Will likely retire after or at least move into a part-time role. We have been considering carving out ~$1m to gift money to close friends and family to share in our good fortune. + +Has anyone done anything like this and if so how did you do it? Cash gifts? Fund 529 accounts for their kids? Pay for something they may want (car, vacation, home improvement, etc)? + +Did you do the same amount across the board? Maybe a tiered system based on relationship - siblings get X, cousins get Y, friends get Z, as an example. + +We’ve considered spreading across multiple years to stay under the $25k annual gift exclusion but don’t want to overcomplicate things either. + +Just looking for ideas + +Thanks and happy holidays +# VML first out of the gate + +^((others have to wait, each post is taking more time than expected)) + +**Contents:** + +1. Disclosure +2. Overview +3. What's next +4. When to buy +5. When to sell +6. Summary +7. The trade + +**1.** **Disclosure:** Not held ^(but should hold (?)) + +**2. Overview:** This is what VML's chart looks like as of today. + +https://preview.redd.it/n8v93r5iohs71.png?width=1333&format=png&auto=webp&s=683dc5905de73f1a347d4b5cc639b6b8e2bf79c9 + +This is what it means. + +https://preview.redd.it/gdzr23mjohs71.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b9124e6d005fb1f31f203d9faf14765469ce943 + +All good growth stocks exist within a growth channel where prices oscillate between the ceiling and floor which are represented by the ascending 'parallel' green lines **(Item 1).** The longer the price stays between them, the more the share price grows over time. + +VML had a nice run from March 2020 to May 2021 where it experienced 1400%+ growth while remaining within the growth channel. + +However, it was clear that VML was near the end of its upward trend from the bearish divergence on the daily that had begun in Aug 2020 and first confirmed in Jan/Feb 2021 **(Item 6)**. + +* *The RSI (Relative Strength Index) is used to gauge price momentum, effectively how strong buying and selling is. The higher the RSI, the more buying. The lower the RSI, the more selling.* +* *Bearish divergence indicates the strength of an uptrend is weakening when each new high in the share price corresponds to weaker buying pressure and stronger selling pressure. In other words, as VML continued upwards, the amount of selling increased.* + +Generally when a stock enters the end of a trend, it experiences more violent price action. In this case, VML entered a hyper-growth channel **(Item 2)** evidence by the steeper floor in purple. The steeper floor indicates stronger buying momentum with dips in share price more aggressively bought up. This in turn may have lead to buyer exhaustion as VML buyers had 'used up' all their money. + +From May 2021 onwards, in line with a general risk off sentiment for speculative stocks, VML's share price lagged and reversed as sellers stepped in. Selling was so strong that VML exited the growth channel **(Item 3)** and instead found support on the daily 200 SMA. + +* *\[Investopedia\] A simple moving average (SMA) is an arithmetic* [*moving average*](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/movingaverage.asp) *calculated by adding recent prices and then dividing that figure by the number of time periods in the calculation average.* +* *In other words, the daily 200 SMA is effectively the daily moving average of the past 200 days of trading.* + +VML tested the daily 200 SMA twice before reversing to the upside but failed to breach the RSI downtrend **(Item 6)** before recently returning to the 200 SMA for support **(Item 4)** + +**3. So what next?** + +If we look at the history of VML, it has relied on consolidation at the daily 200 SMA before launching to new highs (see late 2019 and May 2020 to Aug 2020). If macroeconomic trends continue and commodities continue to rerate or VML finds more stuff in the ground, we could certainly see VML recommencing it's upward journey to **12.5c** (**Scenario 1**). In this scenario, it will probably try to enter the growth channel again but expect heavy selling as the former floor that acted as previous support is now resistance. + +If China lets Evergrande implode and global markets sell off in fear, then there's nothing stopping VML from falling through the daily 200 SMA to the weekly 200 SMA at **1.7c (Scenario 2)**. + +In my opinion, Scenario 2 is much less likely than Scenario 1. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fgl7ul65whs71.png?width=1339&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6faf03154bf515dfd3c1994a08f00d83d8fc3be + +**4. When to buy** + +Not when VML is at ATH. + +In the short term, VML presents a good buying opportunity with MACD turning up **(Item 7)** which indicates a reversal from downward to upward momentum and **Item 5** which indicates daily RSI is near the bottom, resting on a support. Both of these indicate VML will go up in the short-term. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gdzr23mjohs71.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b9124e6d005fb1f31f203d9faf14765469ce943 + +Whether it *then* continues to go up and how far up it goes is dependent on fundamental news as explained in Section 3. + +**5. When to sell** + +Certainly not now when RSI and MACD are indicating a share price reversal to the upside. + +In an *uptrend*, look for signs of bearish divergence and buyer exhaustion. Also look for important price levels such as ATH at **9c** where profit taking is expected. + +Alternatively, if RSI breaches the support line **(Item 5)**,MACD continues further to the downside **(Item 7)**, or 200 SMA daily is breached **(Item 4)**, I would be derisking (not necessarily selling all) my position as this would be the beginning of a *downtrend*. + +**6. Summary** + +VML has had a nice run. It took a break after failing to maintain bullish momentum in May 2021. Future looks good but is contingent on positive news for the stock which may push VML to new ATHs. Price action is currently consolidating around the 5c to 7c area with some short-term upside. + +**7. The trade** + +Buy at **5.7c** and sell at **9.0c** for 58% profit. Free carry if you wish (sell 63% of your position at 9.0c and hold the rest) + +Tight stop loss at 5.3c but beware price manipulation from stop loss hunting. + +# Feedback is appreciated and always happy to answer questions about TA etc +Below I share with you the strategy I use to consistently generate income month after month. + +I tune in to Cramer’s Mad Money @ 7pm EST. I write down every stock recommended on the show, then I go thru each stock one by one and flip a quarter, if it’s heads I sell a 60 DTE ATM put the next day. If it’s tails I pass on the stock. After I sell the put I set a BTC @ 20% profit. YTD this strategy has handedly beaten the S&P & NASDAQ returns combined. 99.9% of professional fund managers ain’t got shit on this. + +I also have another strategy that involves the great Will Meade and his twitter recommendations, it’s similar to the above but instead of a quarter I use a magic 8 ball. +GAMESTOP CORP SAYS TRADING WILL BEGIN ON A STOCK SPLIT-ADJUSTED BASIS ON JULY 22, 2022 + +&#x200B; + +GAMESTOP UP 5.2% IN EXTENDED TRADE AFTER CO ANNOUNCES STOCK SPLIT + +&#x200B; + +[GAMESTOP UP 5.2&#37; IN EXTENDED TRADE AFTER CO ANNOUNCES STOCK SPLIT](https://preview.redd.it/4gpy04rha0a91.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=078afae5922b9fa046276b2a06db2e785f6b6e2c) +I acquired this property almost a year ago for $110k in Columbus OH, bought it for cash flow. + + https://imgur.com/gallery/L4gHyZe + + I use Stessa to record everything, it's pretty good for being free. + +The tenants have not missed making a payment in full depsite COVID. I pay for water/sewer but pass that back to them in the form of a flat fee for water/sewer. + +My expenses include the property management and PITI payment. +Disclosure: I’m very long GME since 15 (unfortunately mostly vertical debit spreads but I added a lot later at 50). + +I want everyone here to be ready for the hitch in the road that inevitably will occur. The board at GME *is*, without a doubt, going to dilute their shares. I’m Certain of it. I’d say the odds are it happens by the end of this week In fact. And I want to remind everyone that this is something we should expect and *desire* as investors in this company. Remember, We are in this company for the long haul. If the board doesn’t approve a secondary offering, even I-as a bull-am going to think the company is making a huge mistake because this is the opportunity right here to eliminate debts and create a new slate. Making a secondary offering for even 5% of their shares is going to give them enough cash on hand to turn Gamestop into a brand new company. + +So be prepared because this is the outline of what’s going to ensue when it happens: + +Shorts, who are getting fucked inside and out, are going to see this as “their opportunity” to finally get out of this shitshow. Citron and others have already made clear they think a dilution will kill the short squeeze entirely. *don’t fall for it*. Remember, after this offering, You are no longer investing in Gamestop, but Gamestop 2.0; one not laden with millions in debt. And One strapped with enough cash to forge its own destiny. The stock is going to drop undoubtedly, but right after is where new bulls (and old) will come in to buy the dip and realize this changes the company fundamentally *for the better for years to come*. + +Remember, we are not out of our minds. Gamestop is only now trading at reasonable levels! It now has an enterprise value over sales of a humble 1.17. Their market cap is literally just beginning to approach their revenue so don’t tell us it’s overvalued. If Cohen can get everyone on board and take this company towards year over year revenue growth, we could be talking $1000-3000 levels a year out from now. All that has to change is the perception, and then we are talking huge EV/sales multiples. + +Side-note: Remember also that share prices are irrelevant. $3000 May seem crazy high, but GME doesn’t have many shares outstanding. $3000 a share isn’t a crazy number to obtain. Mercado Libre, for example, is $2000 a share because they don’t have many shares outstanding. Don’t be misled by share prices alone either or compare to other companies like Apple with a lot more shares outstanding. + +This right here is the Battle of Thermopylae *Part Deux*. We are Sparta. And the shorts are Persia. Persia wins hands down almost anywhere with their vast array of resources and soldiers. But we’ve picked a *perfect* home terf for the battle just like Sparta did: A stock with 140% short interest, Extremely small float, and a new vision. The bulls will win this out just as Sparta. This is fucking Gamestop. + +So just remember, this amazing journey doesn’t even begin until GME takes care of the elephant in the room by eliminating their debts through a secondary offering. And at last, our journey with Gamestop 2.0 shall finally begin! ✌️🚀 + +TLDR: a secondary offering is a necessary milestone GME bulls should look forward to. +**TLDR:** While becoming a landlord can be a path to FIRE, it’s not always as trouble free as people make it out to be. + +While I’ve seen plenty of threads on having rentals at part of a FIRE strategy, I’ve rarely seen comments from experienced landlords that outline the challenges or negative outcomes that can come along with being a landlord. + +I sold my rental property a couple of months ago, ending my 11-year stint as an accidental landlord. I thought this would be a good time to provide my experience. And before all the “rental moguls” show up to shit on this post, let me qualify that I am not claiming to be an expert. In hindsight there were a lot of things I would have done differently/better. However, I feel I can provide real world examples of what a new landlord can experience. + +If done correctly, there can be a lot of financial upside. However, being a landlord is not as hassle/risk free as most people think it is – and there is no guarantee you will make money. Since many of my experiences tended to repeat over time, I have broken things out into sections. + +**Background:** + +My wife and I bought a newer 3500sq ft 4BR/4BA home in 2008 for $561K. Great neighborhood, school district, etc. This was towards the beginning of the housing crisis and home prices were starting to drop, so we got (what we thought at the time) a great deal. About 15% down from the original asking price. Unfortunately, home values in our area would continue to plummet. + +A couple of years later, I lost my job and had to move a few states away to get a comparable job/pay. Instead of taking a big loss on the house, we decided to become landlords. It seemed like an easy way to diversify. Since we wouldn’t be nearby, we found a small established property management company to watch over the house. They quickly found a family to move in. We were set. + +**Property Finances** + +When we started renting the house, we had paid about $160K into the 15-year mortgage (down payment & principal). Property taxes are high, so the monthly PITI payments were around $4,000. We started renting the house out at the going rate of $3,200/mo. The extra $800 we were paying was purely principal, which we just considered extra savings. + +After the situation I detail in the next section, we started making larger principal prepayments to get the house paid off quickly. From a purely business/financial perspective, not the best move, but this mortgage payment was causing some distress for my wife. We could have refinanced to a longer mortgage (rental property rates are higher) but we weren’t interested in starting the amortization table over again, especially with the depressed value of the property. We ended up paying off the house completely in 2018. + +**1st Property Manager (PM) & Tenant** + +In a nutshell, our PM moved in a family that was getting evicted from another house in our neighborhood. I’m not sure if the PM knew this or not, but minimal digging would have uncovered this. We received rent payments for a couple of months and then started getting partial payments or no payments. Multiple calls to PM resulted in excuses or voicemails. Eventually, we figured out that the PM had skipped town with about $9K of our money and \~$100K from a dozen other landlords. We all filed police reports, but the police were useless. + +My wife and I started dealing directly with the tenants to figure things out. Once we determined they hadn’t paid the last couple of months, we started talking eviction. This caused some disagreements with my wife as she wanted to “give them a chance” where I was pretty pissed that I went to work every day, in part, to put a roof over their head. We finally got on the same page and started the eviction process. + +Since one of the tenants was an attorney and familiar with the eviction process, she stalled proceedings at every turn. Refusing certified letters, dodging process servers, not showing up to court dates, etc. Process servers aren’t the creative geniuses you see on TV. They knock on the door and leave when nobody answers. Each time this happens, you schedule another court date for the Court to tell you to notify the tenant by another method. As a new landlord, the first thing you figure out is every rental law gives the benefit of the doubt to the tenant. + +It took us 2 months to finally get an eviction order. When the eviction date arrived, the tenants still didn’t leave. It took us another month to schedule the Sherriff and movers to show up and physically move them out of the house. The tenants were shocked (and mad) at us for evicting them. “How can you kick us out?!? We’re taking such good care of your house!!!” After dealing with their lies, excuses, and eviction process BS, I didn’t give 2 shits about their hurt feelings. In subsequent conversations with other landlords, this is how these situations usually go down. + +Eviction is a very sequential, drawn out process. A short delay at the beginning will exponentially delay the rest of the process. Serve the 5-day notice (or whatever your State uses) the very second rent is overdue. If you wait until you get mad enough to finally act, you will have wasted weeks. Towards the end of the eviction process, the tenant made some payments, attempting to buy more time. We accepted them, knowing we were still kicking them out. + +As part of the eviction, we received a judgement against tenants for \~$24K (along with 9% annual interest). + +The tenants owed a lot of money to others (previous landlord, car dealerships credit cards and clients). We figured we’d never see the money so the only real satisfaction we got was being involved with the tenant’s disbarment proceedings with the State. In addition to not paying rent, she had been stealing settlements from her clients (probably how she made some of those later payments to us) along with some other shady stuff. We were able to throw some gas onto the disbarment fire by demonstrating she lied on her lease with us (lying on a contract is a big no-no for an attorney). + +Several months after the eviction, we were able to get the $9K the PM stole through our State’s Real Estate Recovery Fund. When State licensed professionals (the PM was a licensed realtor and as a property manager, operated under that umbrella) are fined by the State for violations/etc., that money goes into a pot, which is used to pay off clients that get defrauded by these licensed professionals. We had to jump through a lot of hoops, but the state reimbursed us our stolen money and paid our attorney’s fees. + +These first several months of being a landlord were a nightmare. Had we not been in such a strong financial position, our rental property would have been foreclosed on. + +**2nd PM** + +We found another property management company, a larger organization versus a small shop, and we’ve had them for them ever since. While they didn’t steal money from us (a big plus), I can’t say we were thrilled with the service provided. For those of you thinking, that you’re just going to buy a property and hire a PM to handle everything, think again. + +While I’m sure good PMs exist, my experience is that PMs talk a big game but fail to deliver. They are nowhere near as hard working or as smart as they tell you they are. You will have to stay on top of them for just about everything. A few years ago, our property manager was bought out by a national chain – it didn’t get better. + +PMs are like that black sheep cousin every family has. Not a bad person – just someone that always seems to make bad decisions and doesn’t understand why they can’t get ahead in life. But here you are, the super smart landlord, turning over your most valuable asset to this same person, with the expectation you won’t have to be too involved with overseeing their work. I have detailed out some examples below: + + · Poor communication! PMs tend not to talk to you unless they think they will get an “attaboy” or need an explicit approval from you. For bad news, you will often figure that out yourself before the PM tells you about it, because the PM is hoping it will somehow resolve itself. + + · After we evicted the first tenant (we had to drill the locks, because the tenant had re-keyed them and wouldn’t answer the door), we purchased new exterior locks (\~$300). PM changed the locks and we instructed them to get the old locks re-keyed. PM said OK and promptly threw them away. + + · You have to stay on top of charges/bills you get from your PM. + +o A $75 service charge showed up on a monthly bill, with no explanation. We found out the tenant had a fuse trip. Rather than have the tenant check the fuse box (which is part of the PM’s procedure) the PM decided to come out to the house, flipped the fuse, and sent us a bill for $75. + +o We got a materials bill for $500 to replace some drywall (½ sheet in the garage). I knew that was overpriced and asked for a detailed invoice. I got a receipt for trowels, buckets, drop clothes, etc. I understood paying for drywall, tape, and mud, but I am not paying to equip your maintenance team with tools so they can do their job. Most of the charges were reversed when I said that since I paid for these tools, they belonged to me and I wanted them. + + · We had a tenant pay ½ the rent. Not a peep from the PM – (Remember--5 Day Notice)! We figured it out about mid-month when we noticed the rent money wasn’t all there. Also, the lease states there is a $75 late rent fee, which the PM took it upon himself not to charge. We read the PM the riot act about following their procedures. A couple of months later, there was another ½ rent payment and once again the PM did not bother mentioning it. We caught it sooner and re-read them the riot act. To his credit, this time the PM did charge the $75 late fee. + + · PM went out to address a minor plumbing problem - twice. Neither visit fixed the problem and we got charged $150 for each visit. They were going to go out a 3rd time and I had to tell them to send a real plumber. + + · Our PM contract states that they will conduct a home inspection twice a year. If I don’t ask where that report is, the inspection doesn’t happen. I had to start asking for a picture of the house with a date stamp, because the reports seemed like they were cut and paste from previous reports. + + · Our property management company is responsible to giving us tax paperwork for the property (income/expenses). Every year, it is wrong and we have to work with their accountants to get things straightened out. We’ve had 3 years where the errors were over $10K. I got to the point where if the error benefits us, I don’t complain. + + · This is probably most important - PMs do a terrible job vetting potential tenants. + +**Finding a Tenant** + +Since our property is in a desirable area, we’d usually only go a couple of weeks without a tenant, and each tended to stay about 2 years. This doesn’t mean finding a good tenant was easy. During the search process, PMs would forward applications to us saying “These look like great tenants!” That usually wasn’t the case. PMs are trying to get someone in, so they can get paid. Quality of the tenant should be a concern for them, but it really isn’t. Finding a tenant is just a chore for them. + + · If a PM prequalifies and forwards 10 applications, maybe 2 of them are qualified. The other 8 would have red flags all over them. Our general rule of thumb is that if a prospective tenant had to “explain” a red flag on their application, we ruled them out. The bigger the explanation, the bigger the problem. I don’t expect perfection, but for what you pay them, PMs should have some ability to vet candidates on their own – especially for what you pay them. Some examples of “great tenants” that were provided to us: + +o About 1/4 of applicants provided had credit scores below 579 – defined as “Very Poor.” Unless you were renting under some type of rental assistance program, I have no idea why any landlord would find this acceptable. + +o PM forwarded an application with an older credit report they received from the applicant (not run from the credit bureau). We had the PM rerun the credit report and guess what? - the score was a lot lower than the version the applicant submitted. + +o The annual rent on the house was \~$40K. Applicant could show $60K of income. + +o Received falsified pay statements from a few applicants. They’re never good forgeries. + +o Received an application where the applicant had low income sent a bank statement showing they received large settlement ($100K) that would help guarantee the rent payments. This same bank statement showed that $95K had already been withdrawn. + +o After dealing with our first tenant, we learned how to look up eviction cases in our County (and nearby Counties). We had more than a few applicants that were in the process of being evicted from their current residences but had not disclosed that on their application. + + · This isn’t a PM issue, but when you list your rental, scammers will copy your listing, make some minor alterations, and repost it to Craigslist/Hotpads/Zillow. All in the hopes of scamming someone out of a security deposit. Every day, I had to check various sites for scam listings of my rental and get them taken down. It is not complicated - just tedious. You will find at least one of these postings every day, while you are advertising your rental. + +**Tenant Issues** + +Other than the eviction, we didn’t have major tenant issues. Although there was one situation that could have been ugly, had we not caught it. Our second tenant completed a 2-year lease and signed another 2-year lease. A few months later, they asked about breaking the lease. We were willing to work with them on getting a new tenant, but they would be on the hook for rent, until the new tenant moved in, which lines up with our State law. They told us to forget about it. + +A couple of weeks later, I found our house listed through on the MLS. The tenants were trying to lease it out themselves. I really have no idea what the legal issues I might have had to deal with, had we not caught them before they got someone else to move in. + +We contacted their agent to take down the listing, since she didn’t have our permission to list our property. Instead of being apologetic or making up an excuse, she doubled down and started talking about how we should hire her as our agent. We hung up with her and called her Broker, explained the situation, and threatened him with a complaint with the State regulator (same agency that runs the Real Estate Recovery Fund, so we were familiar with their processes). He took it down right away. + +Something to also keep in mind, is if your tenant uses a realtor to find your house, the realtor will typically charge you a ½ month’s rent as a placement fee (the PM usually gets the other half, unless you have a different arrangement). These realtors will also amend the lease with a clause “If the tenant ever buys this house, you owe me 6% of the sales price.” + +Pets – Every tenant wants a pet. We were OK with it, but tenants will try to push the envelope (more pets / larger pets). Just make sure you get a large enough additional security deposit. + +**Repairs** + +Repairs and their associated costs do not get discussed enough. + +Think of the place you live in currently and think about what you had to get fixed/replaced over the past year. Also realize, the preventive maintenance you do to avoid a bigger future bigger problem, isn’t happening at your rental. Tenants don’t know (or don’t care) about the early signs of bigger problems. You won’t know anything about it, until it completely stops working, which you will then need to fix quickly. + +Age of the property will factor in here. We had a newer property, so things did not really go as wrong as they could have, but we had plenty appliance issues and an HVAC replacement. We were starting to get to a point where me might need to replace the roof, which could be $20K+. Imagine spending more than an entire year’s profits on a single maintenance cost. + +Your choice of rental property will have a bearing as to cost of fixes. The nicer the property, the nicer the fixes need to be. A cheaper house/apartment, you can get away with lower quality fixes/appliances. + +While you have PM to do the day-to-day stuff, there are definitely times when it’s easier/cheaper to do it yourself (probably violating the PM contract). + + · The washing machine died. PM quoted us a ridiculous price (twice the cost of a big box store). The washer/dryer were both old, so we contacted the tenant and asked if we bought a new set, would he (vs the PM) be willing to let the delivery guys into the house to install them. Tenant got a brand-new washer/dryer, and we saved hundreds of dollars. + + · AC unit was having issues. PM had sent repair folks a couple of times, each time costing us a couple hundred dollars. It would work for a couple of weeks and then die again. The final time it died, it was a week of 100 F temps for the tenant. We felt bad because nobody should have to deal with that. Once again, we asked tenant if he was willing to work with us on scheduling. We had a company come out and replace the AC units and water heater (which was getting old). This was $12K worth of work. I can only imagine what the PM would have charged. + +**Administrative** + +One thing nobody ever mentions about being a landlord is the cost of rental property insurance. This is different from traditional home insurance as it covers home damage and lost rent. The first couple of years as a landlord, this insurance is going to be 2 or 3 times what you would pay if you were living in the house yourself. I think in our third year, the premiums dropped significantly. This was something I never previously considered: Insurance companies figured out that brand new landlords are very risky. I imagine they have a lot of data to justify that. + +Unless you’re good with taxes, you’ll need an accountant. There are differences in treatment of expenses/tax deductions depending if you are an Active or Passive landlord. Make sure you know what type you plan to be. + +**Did I make money?** + +We ended up selling the property to our tenant for about $24K more than we paid for it, 14 years earlier. From property appreciation standpoint, it was more we didn’t lose money. Had we sold the house in 2011, we would have lost \~$160K. We knew what the house was worth, as well as how much money we’d have to sink into the house to spruce it up to sell. Keeping this in mind, we made a very fair offer to the tenant, who had previously expressed interest in buying the house, and he accepted. By not having the expense of a realtor or fixing up the place (not to mention the hassle), we ended up pocketing a lot more (with a lot less hassle) than what we would have made with a traditional listing. + +We had a gross rental profit of $131K over 11 years. Not terrible, but for me it really wasn’t worth the headache. Hindsight is 20/20, but with the way the market performed in the 2010’s, I probably would have been better off financially by taking the loss on the property and investing any future money I put into the house into an index fund. + +A lot is written about the tax benefits of being a landlord. Other than getting to write off some travel expenses to check on the rental property (allowing us to visit family/friends nearby), I didn’t see a lot of benefit. I had “losses” every year, which rolled forward until I sold the property. Of course, this is when you learn about depreciation recapture. My losses essentially offset my depreciation recapture. I won’t know the real impact until the accountant crunches the number next year. + +**Things I Wish I Knew Beforehand / Things to Think About** + +· You’re going to “work” as a landlord! It won’t be a full-time job, but there will be times that it feels like one. Don’t believe for a second that your PM will handle everything for you! + +· Talk to an experienced landlord and get their take. + +· Be selective in picking the property. + +o Will it be easy to rent? (Neighborhood/School Quality? – Competition?) + +o Will it be cash flow positive? Make sure you are factoring in ALL costs for the property. + +· Have an emergency fund for the rental. + +o If you didn’t collect rent for a few months, could you afford to keep making mortgage payments? The COVID eviction moratorium should be a wakeup call for anyone that thinks they can be a successful “rent to mortgage payment” landlord. Imagine not collecting rent for almost 2 years but still be on the hook for the mortgage -- and having zero ability to evict the tenant. + +· Get rental property insurance! It’ll be pricey, but these policies are worth it, if something goes south. If the property burns to the ground, they’ll rebuild your house and reimburse you for the lost rent payments. + +· Screen the hell out of your applicants! Trust your instincts. If something does not seem right, pass on them. As a new landlord, this can be gut wrenching. As an experienced landlord, you know you are better off letting your property sit empty for an extra month or 2, versus putting a potential “problem” into it. + +· Landlord-Tenant laws aren’t on your side. If you need to evict a tenant, you will have to jump through a lot of hoops. If the tenant wants to drag things out, the system is set up to let them do just that. + +· Budget enough money for maintenance/repairs. + +· Avoid being a long-distance landlord. It’s already tough job – don’t make it more complicated. + +· New landlords failing (foreclosure/bankruptcy) happens more frequently than anyone thinks. You never hear about it because who wants to post that they failed. Insurance companies realize new landlords are risky and charge accordingly. + +Hope this helps someone make an educated choice for their situation. More than happy to answer any questions. +I owe a huge thank you to this sub, you were hard on me a couple yrs ago but told me what I needed to hear, pay off that 16k in CC debt, and do it now – and today I paid off the last of it! + + +Of course I’m excited, but rather than just share a success story, I wanted to point out how important for me the ‘feeling’ of success was during this >2 year process. It absolutely was due to the [snowball method](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics#wiki_step_3.3A_pay_down_high_interest_debts), and with every balance payoff I got a ‘high’ driving me to keep going as I took that extra money to tackle the next balance. I also frequented this sub, it kept my focus on finances and frugalness. And during this process I also [documented everything.]( http://imgur.com/a/DbmRQ) + + +So, I guess I just want to let people out there know, that if you’re newer to taking control of your finances, want to pay-off debt, and think you’ll require the physiological boost to keep going (I did), I definitely recommend the Snowball method. + + +**TLDR;** + +* Pay off smaller balances first for earlier psychological 'wins' +* Frequent this sub to keep your mind in it +* Document your success along the way + + +*Disclaimer: The [Avalanche method](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics#wiki_step_3.3A_pay_down_high_interest_debts) will cost you less and is the more recommended method as it saves you money.* +***EDIT: TLDR: My OG post was partially incorrect in that rule 41 relates to the NSCC itself defaulting and not member \[Hedge funds et al\]*** + +***Thanks u/***[***diegostewie***](https://www.reddit.com/user/diegostewie/) ***for correcting some of this post and resolving this ape's troubles! COUNTER TO MY COUNTER DD IS THE FOLLOWING. OG POST UNDER the Hyphons.*** + +\*"\****With regards to your mention of NSCC Rule 41 Section 3(a)(i), I think you're misunderstanding what is applies to. The entirety of Rule 41 pertains to the default of the NSCC itself, not the members. Let me explain why this is the case.*** + +*Basically everything in this rule refers to a "Corporation Default", which is defined in Rule 41 Section 2(a) - in ta;dr form, a Corporation Default occurs when the Corporation either fails to cough up a payment to a member 7 days after giving notice of said failure, or if the Corporation dissolves, becomes insolvent, files for bankruptcy, etc etc etc. "Corporation" also has a specific meaning - Rule 1 defines it very clearly, so I'll quote it verbatim here:* + +>*The term “Corporation” means National Securities Clearing Corporation.* + +*So, a Corporation Default refers to a default of the entire, whole-ass NSCC, not it's members. With this in mind, Rule 41 Section 3(a)(i) can be understood to say that when the NSCC defaults, the positions of it's members will be valued at the market value at the end of the day after the NSCC defaulted.* + +*Just to be clear here - it would take a real hell of a lot to make the NSCC default. These guys are a part of the DTCC, the world's largest company providing financial services. We're talking about the whole backbone of the stock market going under here. Even GME is very unlikely to have the power to take them out. So, it's unlikely that this scenario will kick in. It's much more likely that a few of the NSCC's members will default, though - lookin' at you, Kenny.* + +*So what happens in that case? Look no further than Rule 4 Section 4 for that. To summarize the relevant parts, what the NSCC does in the event of a member default, is tally up their losses incurred as part of that default, menacingly walk up to the member with the tally and go "hey - cough up". If the member decides to be a stubborn little shit and not cover their losses, then the NSCC moves on to Rule 4 Section 3 - liquidation. The NSCC will forcibly liquidate as much of the member's cleared assets as they like, until they're satisfied with the cash they've gotten from it.* + +*Hope that clears things up a bit. And, for the usual disclaimer - I am not a lawyer, nor a financial advisor; you're the dumbass if you get burnt for construing what I say here as such, not me. Please do your own DD, and don't believe what I've written here blindly - this is all based on my own research and my findings may be incredibly incorrect.* + +***TL;DR:*** + +>*Will rules 13 and 41 mean that there whilst not being a theoretical ceiling, proscribe a de facto one?* + +*Very unlikely, since* **those rules (particularly 41) talk about what happens when the NSCC goes under, not Kenny. You'll get your tendies soon enough, young one.** + +*Made by a user from discord that asked me to post this here, because she doesnt have an old enough account! (* [*/u/astra\_2924*](https://www.reddit.com/u/astra_2924/)*)"* + +&#x200B; + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +If anyone thinks this is wrong and the OG post is right let me know but it looks pretty good to me! + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**EDIT EDIT: Countering Opinion to Diego's Countering Opinion:** + +credit: u/sirburgundy + +*"That doesn"t answer the liquidity question and doesn"t answer what happens when the liquidated position isn't enough to cover the losses. The whole point is Citadel can"t cover their losses. Even if you liquidate their entire 300 B assets position it will not be enough to pay for the shares. So what happens then ? Especially with the new rules talked about in these DD :*[*https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mkvgew/why\_are\_we\_trading\_sideways\_why\_is\_the\_borrow/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mkvgew/why_are_we_trading_sideways_why_is_the_borrow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[*https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mnczc2/possible\_massive\_securities\_fraud/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf*](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mnczc2/possible_massive_securities_fraud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +*Really don't see how your post answers OP's* **\[See bottom of post\]** *questions.* ***The whole point of the 1M price share is saying the MMs and Clearing House and DTCC will foot the bill after Citadel and Short HFs default. How is pointing rule 4 Section 3 that theyll liquidate answer that ? We know theyll liquidate, but what about after ?*** *With 300 M shares, and 300 B from Citadel liquidated assets, that caps the share price at 1k. What happens after ? The Rule 13 and 41 ceiling is de facto much higher than the one where the NSCC doesn"t default. Your answer to his "FUD" DD is basically dont worry about that ceiling because itll go much lower. How does that answer anything and how does it get 500 votes with no one asking this question, am I a complete idiot for pointing out the payout is lower if NSCC doesnt default than if it does ?* + +***tl ; dr : pointing out the price won't be capped by NSCC default because it won't go high enough to happen isn't counter-counter DD, it's just extra FUD and worse than what the original OP says."*** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +u/ Stangesort here: Personally i don't think Diego was FUD and on the point that i misinterpreted rule 41 he's bang on. But maybe sirburgundy has a point that DDs that reach uber high amounts implicitly predict the NSCC defaulting in which case they may need to factor in rule 41 into their calculations, just not in the way i said in my OG post. + +**FINAL EDIT FOR BALANCED ARGUMENT: However** u/Broviet states: *"The NSCC will not default. Citadel is far from the only short player in this trade, and they're on the lower end of the food chain. Geometric mean for 1mil/share will cost them right around a trillion. Higher than that, if we start playing at the default level, then we're in uncharted territory. But I find it mind-boggling that anyone would think that the NSCC can't scrounge up a trillion between all the shorts involved. This rule, IMHO, is a hedge against finding out what happens if apes push further.* + +***To answer questions 1 and 2 \[see below\], ask yourself what's most important for market continuity during any event. The DTCC's insurance payout process and how it relates to actual trading couldn't be structured in such a way that it would interrupt proper market mechanics, especially the REST of the market! And if a situation arises that forces a divide between trades and their ability to settle them, they'll be forced to deal with that divide.*** *One possible solution being a simple change to sale/settlement windows so that retail can sell but not withdraw until the DTCC's insurance clears.* + +***There are a myriad of ways the DTCC could handle this while maintaining the sanctity of the market. Don't forget, if you default the NSCC, you halt EVERYONE'S market, not just apes'. That rule is there as a killswitch for the worst case scenario as American/global retail faith is destroyed forever.*** + +*Don't forget, optics are everything. Public sentiment is everything. It's one thing to see a crash happening in a functional market and not know why, consider closing positions, etc. It's another entirely to see the music stop right before your eyes and all they have to say for themselves is "Ah shit, sorry yall, we fucked up. You're gonna have to take this L for us though, we don't want it."* ***If they can make new rules in their favor, they can change others in ours, and they WILL if it means it keeps the music going.*** + +[*/u/strange-sort*](https://www.reddit.com/u/strange-sort/) *Thanks for posting my other one, but this one is much more important, imo."* + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +u/Strangesort here: which if correct supposes it could go over $1m. + +\--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**OG post Below:** + +&#x200B; + +I'm probably risking my karma for this but while i am invested in the stock and believe it could increase in a squeeze by a high multiple here is my tenuous counter DD/ opinion about why i think $1 million a share is practically unlikely. + +For reference i want to be wrong and be a multi-millionaire so if i am off the mark by all means explain how I am wrong saying GME investors have the potential to be merely filthy rich 10x, 100x, 1000x rather than have ALL the money and telephone number bank balances. Many of these points i wanted to know more/ be corrected two weeks ago and i still am unsure on them so believe they still stand. Back then I got quite frustrated so I looked up DTCC rules and came to the following conclusions. I had read a lot of DD but wanted to know very loosely what the procedural mechanism for potential payouts \[via brokers\] would be in a MOASS scenario, the following two rules i thought were the most relevant. This is going to be a compilation of some of my comments of sorts. I am not an expert or trained professional and this is not advice/ a prediction rather my own interpretation of the rules i found and so If the new rules have made these obsolete or i am wrong i would genuinely be interested to know. + +&#x200B; + +**1) DTCC Procedure- boring stuff is important** + +[https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwit4MvZ7vDvAhWnhf0HHVCGB9UQFjAAegQIAxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dtcc.com%2F\~%2Fmedia%2FFiles%2FDownloads%2Flegal%2Frules%2Fnscc\_rules.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0avQW3P4BRlgzpomtYOld0](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwit4MvZ7vDvAhWnhf0HHVCGB9UQFjAAegQIAxAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dtcc.com%2F~%2Fmedia%2FFiles%2FDownloads%2Flegal%2Frules%2Fnscc_rules.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0avQW3P4BRlgzpomtYOld0) + +under DTCC payout rules" it says this: + +**RULE 13. EXCEPTION PROCESSING:** + +*"Notwithstanding any provisions in these Rules and Procedures to the contrary, in the event that a security may not otherwise be eligible for processing through the CNS, Balance Order or other system, the Corporation, in its sole discretion, may adopt, from time to time, procedures deemed appropriate for the processing of such security. Any such procedures shall be promptly communicated to Members by the Corporation and the Members shall be bound by the procedures set forth in such notice as fully as though such procedures were now a part of the Rules and Procedures of the Corporation. Each such notice shall be effective only for the security covered therein..."* + +**DTCC RULE 41: SEC 3 Valuation of Claims a) i):** + +*"The Corporation shall value all CNS Positions by using the* ***Current Market Price, as determined for the CNS System, as of the close of business on the next Business Day immediately following the Default Date***\*, so that each Member shall have the same per share price for a given security in which it had an open CNS Position (the resulting value referred to as the “CNS Market Value”)"\* + +basic predication: Default. Circuit breaker. 24 hours CMP/ CNSMV settles during circuit breaker. Re-Hypothecation unwinds partially. Another default. Rinse Repeat until float sizes down to manageable size and people stop defaulting. Meanwhile MMs & brokers do as the DTCC says as per rule 13. + +So what that says to me (correct me if im wrong) is not that the DTCC takes on the defaulters short so you can gouge them for $30m a share but that (and im assuming a price increase enough to bankrupt a HF would cause a pause in trading once the share rises to a certain level), it is nuanced, but the DTCC is there to resolve the short position not take the place of the shorter in the market. There is essentially a 24 hr window after the default in which the price moons, but would likely cause multiple freezes during that day due to massive price volatility. By that point, most likely during suspension, the current market price as per rule 41 is baked in, therefore the rehypothecation of the particular shares of the defaulter is closed by a de facto finite amount at a set market rate. Rinse and repeat this process for however long and for every defaulter likely causing multiple suspensions until the float becomes a workable (legal) size and stabilises/ people stop defaulting. Therefore the de facto max for the shares is finite as suspensions kick in when the price rises a certain % at set time intervals (this isnt FUD, im still thinking there's potentially a disgusting amount of money potentially to be made). + +&#x200B; + +**2) Liquidity- wheres my god damn money?** + +My ELI5 explanation of Re-Hypothecation, is that shorter could buy a share from somewhere else in good faith to cover but in turn the seller of that share may have bought the share from the original person who shorted the share in the 1st place via a load of middle men who in turn need to find shares from other middlemen leading to a re-hypothecation mess, the severity of which depends on how many share holders want to recall their shares which is guessable but not knowable. Whilst plausible that it will cause a rise in price perhaps you can't guarantee its going to be the Catalyst of MOASS as every shareholder has the agency to decide if they want to vote or not for whatever reason and no-body has mind-control. But being bullish i have previously said that a heightened share rebound has happened at varying degrees every April following the March results since 2014; if you look at yahoo charts it is borne out. This imo is probably due to closure of shorts due to recalls so here we go: + +In the even the recall does start MOASS hypothetically as the price rises and shares become scarcer the trade will require more liquidity as Kelleher from the latest congress hearing stated in his written testimony [https://bettermarkets.com/sites/default/files/Kelleher%20HFSC%20Testimony%20GameStop%20Hearing%203-17-2021%20FINAL%20%282%29.pdf](https://bettermarkets.com/sites/default/files/Kelleher%20HFSC%20Testimony%20GameStop%20Hearing%203-17-2021%20FINAL%20%282%29.pdf): + +*"Consider the systemic consequences, for example, if the hedge fund Melvin Capital Management (“MCM”) were unable to obtain emergency funds and/or had to close out and/or cover all its GameStop and other short positions—or had to simply default on some of those positions. In all likelihood, the* ***resulting redemptions, fire sales, and knock-on liquidity demands*** *might have amplified the Robinhood disruptions and financial constraints, encouraged NSCC to take more drastic actions* (**Rule 13?**) *or hold the line on the initial $3 billion margin call (later reduced on a discretionary basis), changed the risk tolerance of investors that injected billions into Robinhood and MCM, and perhaps ignited or failed to limit a broader systemic panic. This extreme but plausible scenario brings to mind the apparently forgotten lessons of Long-Term Capital Management."* + +So whilst Elliot waves and $2m get banded around, in practice the liquidity needs to exist to support the theories in DDs into actually materialising as cash in your wallet. You may say well the DTCC and/or their insurers will cover, but this is without precedence. How liquid would the act of payment from the DTCC or insurers be to 1- individual broker and 2- from brokers to you? I dont know how any one broker will attempt to handle a severe scenario, will it just be a simple click of a button at $2m, 200k, 2k etc? Will the money be credited to my brokerage account and ~~instantly~~ withdraw-able to my bank acct in normal time? I DO NOT KNOW. my point being i think this is going to be a fun ride but it ain't going to be an easy sure bet you are going to need those diamond hands. + +&#x200B; + +**3) Concluding Questions:** + +i would want to know from the wise ~~men~~ people of the subreddit who know infinitely more than I: + +1. More about the exact process of payouts to retail investors, how liquid and fast DTCC insurance is if it gets engaged in the payout process +2. how it will interact with most brokerages +3. If there has been illegal activity/ price manipulation on the short side would it really be against the rules to freeze GME on the NYSE until the Re-Hypothecation is unwound? +4. Will rules 13 and 41 mean that there whilst not being a theoretical ceiling, proscribe a de facto one? + +if shareholders are really are going to become millionaires off single shares is it really much of an ask to at least figure this stuff out to a tee? Anyhow reddit god have mercy on my karma. + +&#x200B; + +OG **TLDR for Harambe:** + +**I WAS WRONG ABOUT:** *The DTCC will pay out a determined market rate for each defaulter as per rule 41. That is the market value of the stock 24 hours after default (known as CNS), whatever that price is and it'll be high in the case of defaults. This will re-occur every time another default happens with the price increasing in between.* + +**EDIT: Instead 41 only applies if the NSCC itself defaults i have no idea what share price would be required to bankrupt the entire NSCC and trigger rule 41.** + +**Due to liquidity issues id expect pauses in trading which could affect the CNS?** + +&#x200B; + +\*Edits for Grammar + +\*Edit removing "wise men" for wise people- Deadpool 2 reminding me to check my in built biases and correct this saying shorthand. Also sorry, i am aware this post reads like crap still. +[Taxis in their current form are no longer relevant] (http://finance.yahoo.com/news/uber-lyft-demolishing-york-city-200900395.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw) +Wouldn’t be surprised if all today’s gains are erased. Who gives a shit? There is no difference between $97 and $107. There is no difference between $97 and $207. All prices displayed are fake, they’re all a product of their algo and their experimentation with different price patterns designed to make retail sell. + +I’m not interested in selling at any price point they’ve offered. I’m only interested in increasing my bag. So I’ll continue to take the discounts they offer with their absurd daily rug pulls. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Story time! It's weekend, I'm bored, my favorite casino is closed, so I'm gonna share a story. + +I was with a friend yesterday with a group of people I haven't met before. The chat shifted towards stocks and suddenly my friend said "oh u/gorillainalambo you hold that one mega stock thing right.. Ehm.. What was it again?" + +I don't like to bring GME into social conversations usually, because 1) not everyone is receptive of the craziness we've uncovered and 2) you cannot compress 11 months - godknowshowmany years of fuckery into a 5 minute story without sounding like a conspiracy theorist. + +Still, I said "yeah, gamestop!" + +INSTANTLY the man in front of me replied with "oh my God, no right? You're not serious are you? Dude.." I asked him what's wrong and he mentioned that GME is only up because it's hyped by criminal reddit people who manipulated the stock, GME is an old brick and mortar store and not worth its money. + +I told him that" those reddit people are not colluding or manipulating the market, and that Gamestop has actually changed their business model, that they're creating a marketplace for NFTs. So they're able to support the trading of ingame currencies, games itself or any other NFT based products like art for instance. + +The scoff I got, followed by a "HA, NFTS AND ART? YEAH? THAT'S THE BIGGEST BULLSHIT I'VE EVER HEARD. NFTS ARE JUST HYPE, THEY'RE WORTH NOTHING AND ART IS JUST A FORM OF MONEY LAUNDERING AND TAX EVASION" + +I asked him what his portfolio looks like. "Tesla! And all sorts of electric companies" + +I commended him on his portfolio, told him Tesla has had a good run and quickly ended the conversation there. + +Some people just don't want to see the truth. + +EDIT: Hi, I just wanted to say I appreciate all the feedback that you guys have provided and I’ll probably really go through it tomorrow. I get it I messed up (kinda?) I had the best intentions and just got fucked but ¯\(ツ)/¯ + +EDIT 2: Not exactly sure why the post is locked but I’ll look through all the comments later, thanks! + + +I think this is ok to post here but I just wanted to vent and warn people about buying gift cards from target. I recently went in the store to purchase apple store gift cards as part of a promotion to buy my dad a new phone. + +I purchased $600 worth of apple gift cards from target. Each one was activated in a separate transaction all around the same time. What little did I know that within 10 minutes of activating a card someone somehow knew the code and redeemed it before I could walk out of the store. The cards were sealed, I’ve talked to apple who was able to mark the accounts that stole the cards as fraud but they can’t get my money back. + +After speaking with two target managers they basically said that sucks and even when I called the police to file a report even the police wouldn’t file one. Corporate has not been helpful either as they’re “investigating”. It is just a continuous loop of shifting the blame. + +So today was a sad waste of time and now I don’t have the money for a Christmas gift. + +Anyway I wanted this to be a PSA not to but physical giftcards in target. After doing some research there is a actually a class action lawsuit against target for this kind of fraud. + +https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/money/gift-cards/target-itunes-gift-cards-scam-class-action-lawsuit + +If you guys have any advice on how to proceed I would appreciate it and thank you. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Update: I’ve decided to hold off on the idea until I complete a few of my personal financial goals. Thanks for all your help. + +I’ll be graduating from college in the spring with a job that has a $155k salary. I’ll be receiving a $20k bonus on top of that when I start, as well. I have about $35k in stocks, and my car is worth $17-20k (bought it for $13k) Its worth is currently inflated due to the chip shortage. Therefore, when car prices return to normal, my car’s worth will too. I have zero debt, and I have no one to support financially. + +I’m thinking of purchasing the Toyota GR86 as a graduation gift to myself (after I get settled into my job of course). I would trade in my current car and use $10k of my bonus to do so. I also would drive this car until the wheels fall off. I’ve been wanting it ever since I purchased my current car, but my current car was cheaper and more practical. If I go this route, I’ll invest the rest of the bonus. In general, I plan on heavily investing my income in stocks/real estate and living below my means. + +On one hand, I’m thinking I should just suck it up and wait until my net worth is a few hundred thousand or so. A new car is far from a necessity right now, and it wouldn’t be an investment. On the other hand, I’m really into cars and I would love to feel a sense of pride when taking my car on the road. Essentially, I’m trying to find a solid balance between being financially wise and enjoying life. Any advice would be highly appreciated. +So I just opened a Roth IRA with TD Ameritrade I have $200 in the account slowly putting 10% of my pay in each 2 weeks +But what do I do now do I just keep putting money in it does it work itself? People are talking about etfs and bonds and stuff and I don’t have a clue about them +The MSM are straight up lying to our faces. You only have to look at the buy / sell ratio at Fidelity to know that retail isn't selling shit. + +I now live by a simple rule, every time I see a "Forget Gamestop" FUD article by the Motley Fooks I buy 1 more GME regardless of the current price. It's my way of giving a middle finger to these fuckwits before their lies are laid bare for the world to see. + +We're not fucking leaving. +I've been tossing this idea around and can't quite figure out how it would work, if at all. I've been reading up, and most seem to say it can't be done but didn't really explain why. Is my below analysis correct? + +**Normally,** a person buys a house, then all they get to deduct are the interest payments. HOA fees, payment towards principle, property taxes, etc can't be deducted from taxes. + +&nbsp; + +**Or** if you buy the house as an LLC (it would be a disregarded entity / pass through), then rent it to yourself. The LLC would make all the payments (let's say $X / year), so the person pays $X to the LLC. The LLC would show $0 net income therefore pass through nothing, and since the person already paid taxes on their income they're using to pay the 'rent', it makes no difference right? + +&nbsp; + +**But** my situation is a bit different. I already own a business which is an LLC taxed as S-corp, and my money comes in through that. So if I used the company to buy a house, and make all the payments from the company, all the payments treated as expenses would reduce my taxable income from the beginning. Then I'd pay my company rent for the house. It's pretty convoluted and circular, so am I missing something, would this not work? + +One could also argue that even if it did work, having the company own the house (in this specific scenario) would not be worth the liability risk, because it's a huge asset that could be taken, and defeats the purpose of having an LLC in terms of protection. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I remember Paul Krugman saying that pre tax and benefits, the level of inequality in Scandinavian countries is similar to the USA. I cannot find any data to support this claim. Is this true? +I’m a bit suspicious when banks and investment companies are informing the public about market predications, Im wondering if they are trying to cause panic so that they can then buy on the dip. Like wise with news articles, i wouldn’t be surprised if most journalists receive input from bank and investment advisors and write articles based on the narrative finance institutions want to promote. Looking fwd to reading what people think. +27 year old here - I used to have really bad money habits and have made several mistakes financially (especially during my early twenties). Luckily I have learnt a lot more about money to know not to make those same mistakes again. Just curious about what kinds of money mistakes you’ve made before. +I have acquired a property for roughly $300k, spent $10k on upgrades and various tourist licenses, as well as built a great Airbnb reputation - it rents all the time and I’m on my way to Superhost. + +I was asked if I’d consider selling for $380-400k. + +Now, I bought the property with the idea of being a buy-hold type of investment where I cashflow through vacation rentals to then sell in 5-10 years when a decent appreciation happens. + +However, making almost $100k profit in 10 months is not bad either. + +I could rinse and repeat with the proceedings. + +What would you do if you were me? +Think about it. Mayo Man’s customers invest a minimum of $10M to be in Citadel. These are the people who run the world. Kenny just told them no ( insert appropriate office scene from The Big Short). The next thing Kenny does is hire the body guard of the President of the United States of America. No wonder he’s looked so haggard these past few months. His life, everyone and everything he loves, is in danger. Oh well, Kenny: you ripped the bedpost off; now lay in it. +I'm entering my last year of undergrad and I'm not totally sure what field of Econ I'm interested in working in yet, but I am interested in Development and Environmental Econ and I've interned previously for a Damages Consultant. If I don't have a specific research objective beforehand, is a Masters degree something I should consider? I'm not sure if this is accurate but I heard from a mentor figure that "Masters are what they give the people who didn't finish a Ph.D" so I'm wondering if within the field of Econ it isn't seen very highly? Right now, my plan is to look for RA positions where they are available when I graduate. I know some basic Python and Stata skills. +Ever buy in bulk to save on the per unit cost? The battle to get your money's worth used to only be whether you would use all of the bulk items you bought. Beware, I've noticed Amazon sellers taking advantage of this assumption and charging more for bulk buying. + +I don't know if they prices will show up the same for everyone, but as an example 1 Qt of oil is $6.47. A 5 Qt jug is $7.69 per Qt. A 3 pack of 5 Qt jugs is 8.02 per Qt. A 6 pack of 1 Qt jugs is $9.85 per Qt. + +<https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000KKNBGK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1> + +<https://www.amazon.com/Pennzoil-550038332-Platinum-5W-20-Synthetic/dp/B00ELHNKB4/ref=pd_bxgy_263_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00ELHNKB4&pd_rd_r=5R6P0Z3CPBBJW06NMBNJ&pd_rd_w=KZ8MD&pd_rd_wg=rb1MA&refRID=5R6P0Z3CPBBJW06NMBNJ&th=1> + +<https://www.amazon.com/Pennzoil-550038332-Platinum-5W-20-Synthetic/dp/B00ELHNKC8/ref=pd_bxgy_263_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00ELHNKB4&pd_rd_r=5R6P0Z3CPBBJW06NMBNJ&pd_rd_w=KZ8MD&pd_rd_wg=rb1MA&refRID=5R6P0Z3CPBBJW06NMBNJ&th=1> + +<https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004SM88OQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o08_s01?ie=UTF8&th=1> + +I've noticed this tactic at local grocery stores too. Be sure to calculate the per unit cost when buying anything these days, folks. + +Edit: Sorry about the notifications, no idea why it happened. Many people I talked to IRL were shocked when I told them about this, so I thought I'd share for the people who don't know that paying more for bulk is becoming a common practice. + +Edit2: This has blown up a bit, with a surprising number comments about toilet paper. I always get the big Charmin pack from Costco. +400k, seller pays 5k in closing costs, I will be putting 20% down, rent for the area is $1200 per unit, and taxes are $8,500/year. + +I'm getting an inspection done, my main concern is the main sewer drain. + +Electrical and roof was remodeled in 2010. Two units from 2010 remodel, two units updated last week. I will be moving into a 2010 unit to remodel it. + +Any advice ? I own a couple duplexes but this feels big time... More like an apartment than a house. + +In Lakewood, Ohio if that matters. +I've been learning about forex and trading in general for a while now and I have reached a dead end. Some guidance would be very helpful. + +In trading, it seems like almost every content creator is out there trying to rip you off. Time becomes irrelevant and you would waste 6-12 months before realizing that you're listening to the wrong person. + +What I can't wrap my head around is how 90% of the content out there revolves around technical analysis and some basic fundamentals. But what about economic models and trying to make sense of the market data using quantitative measures to get an actual directional bias that would guide your thought process? + +It seems like everyone is just talking about support/resistance and double bottoms and whatever. But these things aren't quantifiable. How can you base your entire forex career on speculative and baseless principles? + +Backtesting strategies that rely on some random indicators and lines without using economics or finances to derive your decision is pretty much another way of saying gambling, to me at least. + +I have looked more into trading and how it's actually done, and I was informed that getting certificates like the CFA, FRM, CMT, and learning about data analytics would be the best way to go about doing this. + +My question is + +Am I in the wrong here? And if so, how do you guys see Forex, and is it worth pursuing as a career rather than starting a business? +At the height of trading today, /CLK20 hit -$40.32. This means someone was willing to pay you $40,320 per contract to take 1000 barrels deliverd. Seems great and all, everyone gets paid, you store them in your garage or whatever, but there is an underlying issue here... storage. + +Generally, retail paper traders are not trading this contract, most brokerages won’t even allow you to trade the front month after last week. You would be forced to trade the forward (June) /CLM20 or later. People trading today are actual physical buyers and sellers, large companies needing to move physical oil. For it to go negative means a lot of people were on the phones calling around trying to find space to store said oil, and they couldn’t find the space for that oil, which drove the price negative just so they could unload the contract. Who cares right? + +We should all care... why? [Government has extended DoD Travel Ban to June 30](https://federalnewsnetwork.com/defense-main/2020/04/dod-to-extend-stop-movement-order-through-june-30/) so you can be sure if they are banning non essential travel through June 30 they are likely going to ban people from coming into the work place (that cube life, the resurgence of COVID)... Travel by plane and commuting to work... the two biggest reasons for oil/gas... They have been on hold for about 1.5 months and now the government is stating that they will be on hold for another 2 months at least. Now lets not even talk about heating oil needed for the northern areas coming into spring… + +You cant keep pumping oil if you have no demand for it, and you have no place to store it, although the later is more important. If you pump it, where do you put it? As I said before, to go -$40 today it means people were calling everything they could think of (container ships, tanker trucks, strategic reserve, out of the way storage facilities, etc) before they absorb a $40K loss per contract (and they sell thousands). + +What must happen next, which little demand is they must idle the pumps. They cant and wont pay oil workers $100K a year to sit around with an idle pump. We have about 10M oil workers in the US. We are potentially looking at 80% of those to be laid off… and this will take months to go through existing inventory if its completely full. This will extend for months, likely into Q4 2020, even Q1 2021. + +As a result of no travel and a slow opening all commerce will suffer. We are talking a stagnant society until at least June 30. More retail, consumer goods, automobile companies are going to go bankrupt. We have an annual GDP in excess of $20T. This is grinding to a halt. FED/Govt/Treasury has thrown ~$5T at it already, but they will need to throw $2T a month at it to keep it all afloat. Factor in treasuries, credit, bonds (corps), MBS, etc and we are looking at roughly $45T to service. This is all becoming increasingly more difficult to service with a stalled economy. This is where we are now. + +This is why its likely unsustainable and we are about to really feel the pinch. The current market with S&P (/ES) trading at 2820 (was almost 2900 last week) is an artificial pump. How long will wall street look the other way while the government throws $1T here and there? +Paywall removed: +https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.afr.com%2Fpolitics%2Ffederal%2Fdaniel-andrews-will-pay-a-quarter-of-your-next-house-price-20221022-p5brxw +Hello, + +I cannot understand why Buffett bought Chevron. + +I see EQNR, SU, XOM or CNQ producing better numbers with similar incentive plans for management. + +Why Chevron? +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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This, of course, is politics. If conservatives were in power the expectation would be the liberals to pin it on them. + +My question, however, is what different actions the Trump Administration would take in this situation. My understanding of macro economics suggests that the levers are a) limited, b) largely ineffectual especially in the near term, and c) a place where partisanship doesn't much matter i.e. either of the major U.S. parties would react similarly to stop the issue. + +Please if you can enlighten me it would be much appreciated. +From here: https://www.warren.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/senator-warren-delivers-keynote-address-at-nwlc-and-rsquos-45th-anniversary-gala +Full quote: +"Over the past generation, from 1970 to 2015, wages have effectively remained flat, while the costs of all kinds of basic expenses have gone up. Housing costs have risen by 50 percent, health insurance expenses have doubled, college degree costs more than tripled, and those are all huge increases. But the cost of child care? It has gone up nearly 1,000 percent. One thousand percent. In nearly half of all states in America, child care costs are higher than the cost of in-state public college tuition. That is a giant boulder that rolls across right in front of working women and families all across this country. And for single parents and for parents working near the bottom of the income scale, the cost of child care often stretches families' paychecks past the breaking point." +They've been going downhill for a while but recently it's hard not to see the agenda they've been pushing. Recent articles are light on facts and almost wishful think, like they want to will into existence a recession. Lots of their articles nowadays lack hard numbers but feature one or two interviews to push a narrative. I don't want this to get political so not even gonna get into their opinion pieces. + +Accurate information is fundamental to making money in the market. Ending my subscription at the end of this month. WSJ used to be gold standard but FT and Economist seem to be better options now. +Everyday is hype day. I knew from day one - this wouldn't be a walk in the park. They will fuck with the price, they will fuck with the news, the sub. All is good - I hodl. Ape always seem to be buying, and I know ape hodl. Zen. Just enjoy today. Enjoy tomorrow. The future is bright. I think all ape know potential is unlimited. + +Edit: we're in a sub for GME. This post gets a ton of upvotes, then gets hammered with downvotes. Been happening for over an hour. Curious. Who would so aggressively downvote this post in a pro GME sub? Weird. +I mean a lot of people focus on cost-cutting, investing, focusing on career to increase your net worth faster. + +When people talk about cost-cutting they all usually focus on things like cars, vacations, clothes etc. I am just amazed that I almost never see anyone taking into consideration how much staying healthy can save and how having health problems can cost. It can be a number one expense for some people. + +I am 24M and I am still young and don't have that many health problems yet. But as I am growing up, I notice some of my friends having certain small health issues. I have an obese friend who has spend 10s of thousands on his health problems. 2 other friends, including me have recently had some teeth problems. I also have a friend with inherited heart illnesses and he had do a lot of treatments. + +Now when I think about it, these things can be very very expensive. I myself now had to spend a lot of money for my teeth treatments recently. It ate a bit of my net worth and it was my biggest expense over last 3 years. If I had taken more care of it I would have saved these costs. Now this applies to every part of our body (heart, lungs, brain, skin, general fitness etc.). I really think there is a strong correlation between Health + General Fitness AND Net Worth by Age correlation. +Over past 5 years: + +- Scotiabank - +17.97% +- BMO - +45.94% +- TD - +49.23% +- RBC - +50% +- CIBC - +40.46% + +Scotiabank has slightly higher dividend yield than the other big banks, but not significantly (around 0.5-1% higher). + +I'm a big fan of their direct banking service (Tangerine) which offers great value with solid marketing. I'm surprised their 5-year performance has been so bad compared to its competition. + +Why is this? +Long time lurker - first time poster. + +Curious what the great minds here suggest considering my situation. + +I’m married with no kids, mid-thirties with plans to maximize financial situation before the family grows in - likely - five years. + +My financials: + +- Own a $700k condo in DC, renting it out for a price that covers mortgage + HOA. + +- 401k at $300k, making max contributions, company matches up to 5%. + +- Contributing to HSA. + +- Curious about Roth IRA. + +- No credit card debt, everything paid off each month. Credit card limits add up to $215k, score 800. + +- Emergency fund of $30k. + +- Salary employee making $370k/yr in time consuming occupation. + +Personal story; + +- Renting in DC while we plan our next financial move, wife interested in leaving her $100k/yr job for something less corporate like real estate. + +Questions; + +- Perhaps time to invest in ETF’s? Indexes? Mutual? If so, which segment is more aggressive option; renewables? Infrastructure related? Would love to know your thoughts. + +- Is it better to keep saving until purchasing property #2? If so, what’s best approach (for those who own more than one house/condo) + +- Of course I want to limit my tax liability. + +I had a financial advisor but outgrew the advice. Was paying $1000k a year for him to tell me “get married.” + +I’m not wealthy enough (as in don’t have $250k to invest) for other, major advisors to manage my accounts. + +Have a feeling the folks here will give more creative advice anyway. + +Thank you in advance! +I'm 23, an autistic adult, and I live alone. A few months I had to leave an abusive household to move out on my own and it's been really challenging. Today I had to sell my only guitar (my baby) to pay off some debts that I owe. My parents make a lot of money but are deeply in debt so they aren't able to help out - but even if they could, they wouldn't, because they stopped supporting me around the same time I came out as trans around a year ago. +I live in a college town and it's so frustrating seeing all these people my age whose parents are paying for their degrees, their apartments, sending them surprise gifts in the mail. Being poor makes me feel so ashamed of myself, even if I know it's a feat in itself that I'm able to do all this with a disability and no family support. I guess I just envy people whose parents support them both financially and emotionally. It's so hard to not feel like a failure when it seems like the whole system is working against me. +This is really just a vent, but virtual hugs are always appreciated. Hope everyone's having an okay day today. +I hope this is the right sub! I moved into a new rental house on February 7th. The landlord said that he keeps the water bill in his name and provides up bills to pay him, he then pays the water company. We gave him a $300 water deposit ahead of moving in (in addition to our security deposit). Yesterday, February 26, we come home from work to find a note from the utility and our water shut off. We call the landlord immediately and he is super apologetic and gets us buckets of tap water to use to flush the toilet. My husband, myself, and my infant daughter got ready and off to work/daycare with no running water. Landlord called the utility and they said it will be back on within 24 hours meaning I don't know if there will be running water when I get home or not. My landlord has not offered or brought up a discount AT ALL! Only apologizing over and over again. Is it fair for me to push for a month's free water? I know it was only one day but I had dirty dished, I couldn't cook dinner, couldn't shower or bathe my child for work. Even washing my hands was a pain in the ass. + + +TL;DR: Water got shut off for a day (maybe 2 days) because landlord didn't pay bill. What kind of discount/reimbursement should I request? + + +EDIT/UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the feedback! My take away is that, yes, a month's free water is way too much to ask (darn!). My intention is to ask for the days without water removed from the rent bill. I pay $2300 in rent so accounting for 28 days in the month, that would $82 for each day (or I could calculate 30 days). I want to add- I am on great terms with my landlord and will always strive to be a good tenant. Even though I am upset (because I had a sink full of dishes and a washer full of baby clothes, and I can now smell myself at my desk due to no shower, I'm a pumping mom so my pump stuff smelled like sour milk this morning and I had to wash it in the office sink), I wouldn't express this to him that way - always professional & kind. We plan to live in this home for 3-5 years so I don't want to negatively impact that in any way. + +2ND EDIT: I should add that $82 or $164 (will find out when I get home tonight) will be at least equal to or greater than one month water bill, ha! +I noticed some posts on here recently about people feeling guilty about spending money, even though they can afford it and have budgeted for it, since it's hard for them to get out of the "frugal" mindset. The general response seemed to be that they should learn to accept that it's okay to spend money on some things—that's what setting a budget is for, after all. + +While this is great advice, I seem to have the opposite problem of these people—I am a bit *too* okay with spending money. I have a set amount of "fun" funds that I set aside every paycheck, but because I'm lucky enough to not have anything I really need to save up for, every so often my fun funds will pile up and I'll find myself looking for things to spend my money on—because heck, I've already budgeted for this, so it should be alright, right? But the thing is, I don't really *need* these things, and sometimes don't even want them that much to begin with; I'm literally just looking for an excuse to waste money. It actually got kind of stressful because I wanted to "make the most" of my budget but had nowhere to spend it (sounds crazy, right?). A few months ago I spent almost $3000 on an instrument that I've played maybe twice since then. Looking back, did I need to spend that $3000? Probably not. I could've put that money in the S&P500 or something instead and made $300, and I probably would've gotten more enjoyment out of seeing my portfolio go up $300 than I got from playing that instrument twice. + +So I guess learning to be okay with spending money can be a double-edged sword. If you're someone like me who might spring for the next "upgrade" just because you can afford it, even though it's more than you need and isn't as good a value, it might be helpful to take a step back and consider whether or not that upgrade is really worth it. Since coming to that conclusion, I've cut back my wasteful spending considerably, and the stress of not "making the most" of my budget is gone. + +Have any of you had a similar experience to mine? +Everyone won't monthly paying dividend stocks, I can only assume this is because when they retire they don't know wait 3-months for the paycheck. + +The way I'm seeing it is it just doesn't matter if the monthly quarterly or even yearly as let's say I have a lump sum of $1,000,000 And I decided to draw 4% a year to live on then I have a yearly income of $40,000 + +No i don't see any problem with taking money out of my fund monthly weekly or even daily at $40,000 ÷ 365 = $109.59 a day + +I can do this and it won't make much of a difference maybe a few cent a day at most + +I think the truth is although monthly dividends are convenient they are just a gimmick to pull more client into the fund or the stock aren't they ? + +What's your thoughts or opinions on monthly dividends +You can view WSB Stats [here](http://wsb.gold/public/dashboard/e65fcfcb-70a4-4d86-b7fb-888057c67881). + +Remember - **follow the rules located on the sidebar**. +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/iborrowdesk.com\/report\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/g9i40d5wceg81.png?width=2406&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5c5eeafc31b244631cfb7a7302dd952a9b82bae) + +&#x200B; + +OG Apes might be more familiar with this site than newer Apes. It has been replaced by [https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/](https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/) for data in many regards. + +An interesting thing happens with iborrow. Occasionally, although they pull the data from IBKR and display it on the site, it doesn't get tracked in the graph that sits above the table. A glitch perhaps. + +There appears to not be any correlation over these gaps, other than it seems to happen where there are larger movements of % borrow fee. + +The data in the graph is only missing for the following dates (doesn't go back to the original sneeze as YTD - but I started noticing this as it went dark during the Jan run up): + +25th Feb +19th, 20th and 23rd April + +22nd October + +28th January '22 to now + +Why does this matter? Let's look what happens around those gaps- + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0kmg5717jeg81.png?width=2406&format=png&auto=webp&s=391c406efc34e3ec2b91a5cb3b9e5fb4d6405602 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s81b6mbhheg81.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6b2baa0ef5ee6eec9f3ccd32fa7ee53921216ff + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m1nl71okheg81.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=360c40187a9765e3cfe90a6d48d790a8ea524592 + +https://preview.redd.it/4au94lljheg81.png?width=534&format=png&auto=webp&s=99ddfa2b7697df5459c983272ff1300b0ed67f58 + +&#x200B; + +It has always shown a **MASSIVE TREND REVERSAL**!!!!! AND IT'S HAPPENING NOW. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hbmv3fhrheg81.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=19285324c19212a0a252158a880b385874121019 + +TO be clear - The guy who runs this I don't think is doing anything dodgy. It's just script. But it is picking up on an anomaly in the data that shows itself by not copying the information across into the live graph... + +Strap in. + +Edit 1: Added in the YTD image with the 'glitches' marked. +Edit 2: Spacing +We all have to start somewhere… + +Together with u/_Exordium, I have vastly upgraded, updated and improved my original FAQ to include terms and concepts that have been missing for some time. There have been massive rewrites, corrections and additions throughout. I feel this is now completely up to date, though I hope to come back to it frequently to ensure it stays that way. I see this as a fantastic jumping off point for explaining GME and the situation surrounding it, though I do not intend for this to substitute the DD in any way, shape or form. +#We all have to start somewhere… + +Please feel free to leave any feedback in the comments! + +Without further adieu… + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What are you even talking about? (Community jargon and shorthand) + +Over the last year, of swapping theories, data, and memes, a certain language has developed amongst the community. Below is a short list of some of the shorthand to get you started in understanding the community’s terminology: + +**DD/ Due Diligence/ Deep Dive** - Research and theories based on that research + +**HF/Hedge Funds** - Often used to refer to the bad guys in general. + + +**SHF/Short Hedge Funds** - Used to delineate hedge funds that are short on GameStop from those that are not + +**LW/ Long Whale** - Used to refer to institutions or large investors that are long on GameStop. + +**TA/Technical Analysis** - Graph and Number Data analysis + +**MOASS/Mother Of All Short Squeezes** - The biggest Short Squeeze ever + +**FUD/Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt** - Refers to calculated attacks on our forums, and more specifically, morale and individuals + +**FOMO/ Fear Of Missing Out** - refers mainly to the propensity of investors to follow the hype in the market for fear of missing out on the golden goose so to speak. + +**DFV (u/ DeepFuckingValue), AKA TheRoaringKitty** - Keith Gill, Retail Investor, not a cat + +**APE** - All People Equal. Speaks to the mission to return fairness to the markets by stamping out corruption + +**HFT/ High-Frequency Trading** - A method of trading huge volumes in fractions of a second. + +**OTC/Over the Counter** - A decentralized market where trading between two parties can take place without the use of a stock exchange. + +**FTD** - Failure To Deliver transactions, i.e. short seller unable to locate the shares they sold into the market for delivery. + +**CS/DRS** - Computershare/Direct Registration System, system allowing individuals to be in direct ownership of their shares. + +**NFT/Non-Fungible Token** - is a unique, verifiable and non-replicable unit of data stored on a blockchain. + +**Loopring/LRC/ Loopring Currency** - A suspected partner of GameStop’s NFT project, “LRC” refers specifically to Loopring’s governance token. + +**DTCC/ Depository Trust Clearing Corp.** - + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Is the squeeze Squoze? + +**No.** + +There are pages and pages of research and evidence that indicate that the squeeze is in fact not squoze, that said its too much to cover in an FAQ that is meant to focus on the basics– so I will leave you with this quote from the SEC on the topic of the January GME fervour: + +The run-up in GME stock price coincided with buying by those with short positions. However, [...] such buying was a small fraction of overall buy volume, and that GME share prices continued to be high after the direct effects of covering short positions would have waned. The underlying motivation of such buy volume cannot be determined; perhaps it was motivated by the desire to maintain a short squeeze. Whether driven by a desire to squeeze short sellers and thus to profit from the resultant rise in price, or by belief in the fundamentals of GameStop, it was the positive sentiment, not the buying-to-cover, that sustained the weeks-long price appreciation of GameStop stock.” + +Essentially what the SEC is saying here is that of all of the buying of $GME going on in January, only a small portion of that was found to be short sellers covering. Basically, the January price movement was not the ”squeeze” as some would have you believe. +____________________________________________________________________ + + +**Should I invest?** + +That is entirely up to you, no one in this community should be giving financial advice. Many investors see this as the ultimate golden ticket opportunity (myself included). It is vitally important that you are aware of your risk tolerance when investing and that you do not invest money you cannot afford to lose– don’t put in money you need for bills, food, shelter. Given the volatility in GameStop stock it is likely that you will see your portfolio go way up and way down. This community is focused around discussing the stock and swapping theories, not providing advice on investing. + +You may be asking yourself “Am I too late?”, and again, the answer is up to you. The short sellers likely need every share to cover their positions. If you want to buy one share, but hesitated because it seems like it isn’t enough, every share does matter -- especially with a free float as relatively small as GameStop’s. (>30M retail free float after all institutions and insiders are counted) +____________________________________________________________________ + +**Why GameStop? (Buckle Up)** + + +Short Squeezes can happen anywhere there is high short interest. GameStop however is a special case (Hence the use of the acronym, MOASS). In this situation, however, GameStop’s Short Sellers got extra greedy. They were sure that GameStop was going to die in the wake of the pandemic. So sure, in fact, that they began Naked Shorting the stock like crazy. With reported short interest hitting an all time high of 226%. Had GameStop actually reached bankruptcy and went under, they would have never had to cover all those positions; if a stock is delisted from the exchange, there would be no way to return borrowed stocks... They would have just went on their way, cash in hand, off to short another company into the ground... + +There have been many long time believers in GameStop (including those behind gmedd.com) , but it was the confluence of events in [DFV sharing his bullish theses on Reddit/Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alntJzg0Um4&t=14s) and Ryan Cohen coming to the picture that really mobilized large scale retail investor support for the company. With that said, it takes more than hype and short interest to keep a company from going under, which is where the overlooked fundamentals of this company come into play: + +- Ryan Cohen, an “Activist Investor'' and co-founder/CEO of Chewy.com. Finding success in past endeavors, people believe in Ryan Cohen and it is a widely held belief that his plan to turn GameStop around spell out the end of the line for the predatory Short Sellers who tried to kill this company. Having hired nearly 350 new Technology/eCommerce executives from companies like Amazon, Chewy, Zulily, Google, Microsoft, Best Buy, Ebay, and others ([Link to gmedd.com’s new hire list](https://onedrive.live.com/View.aspx?resid=D645EE2EDB0B6!2167&authkey=!AMFLvwFiMuIKSHI). Ryan Cohen clearly intends to build a juggernaut of a company that carves out a massive market share of the hugely untapped gaming market. + +- E-Sports, a massively lucrative sector of the gaming industry that is still yet in its infancy all things considered. GameStop has been positioning itself to fully capitalize on, and help foster the E-sports community. With the launch of test stores across the U.S. that contain the infrastructure to host local, small scale E-sports events, and the opening of the “[GameStop Performance Centre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfkQ60qe39U)” in 2020, GameStop fully intends to be a big name in Esports. For more info on this, keep an eye on the GameStop Esports twitter account: https://twitter.com/GameStopEsports. + +- In a very interesting turn of events, GameStop has made it clear that it is going all in Blockchain and NFT Technology, essentially getting in on the ground floor of this space that many believe will not only disrupt the gaming industry, but every other industry out there. You can read a bit more on this in the NFT section of this FAQ. In short GameStop has been hiring some extremely well known, talented individuals in the NFT space to help develop a mysterious NFT marketplace. Though little is known regarding the details of this project (which is no accident on GameStop’s part) it is clear that this is just one more way that GameStop is setting itself up to be the future tech giant that many believe it will be. There are many theories on what GameStop is going to do with this technology, but really the sky moon is the limit with this one + +- Improving Ecommerce operations has been a big focus for Cohen and GameStop. Over the last year plus, GameStop has expanded their product offerings immensely, including things like PC gaming products, TVs, more relevant private label offerings, among many others. Not only that, the company has opened up two MASSIVE fulfillment centres (totaling ~1,200,000 sq/ft) this year with one being in York, Pennsylvania and the other in Reno, Nevada, with a customer care centre being opened in Pembroke Pines, Florida as well. These facilities were opened with the intention of bolstering their eCommerce presence, and getting ahead of the current supply chain issues that the world over is dealing with. + +- No debt, and rolling in dough. GameStop participated in a share offering this year which not only nearly wiped out the company’s debt entirely, but also lined the company’s war chest with about 1.5 billion to help fuel the company’s transformation and improve its balance sheet. + + +As one could see, there is more to this situation than meets the eye, the narrative that GameStop is a dying company is so clearly untrue at this point, regardless of what publications like Motley Fool, MarketWatch, Reuters, Bloomberg, Washington post and many others would lead you to believe. Furthermore, there is extremely strong evidence that the Short Sellers who bet against GameStop have in fact not closed their positions and instead have disguised- and perhaps even increased- their short position such that it doesn’t get reported publicly. There are many avenues through which these market participants can do this, though I will leave that to the DD to explain. These very same Short Sellers then utilized their vast connections to the financial media to spread the word that Gamestop was dead, [the squeeze was squoze.](https://imgur.com/a/G7YebCP) Simultaneously, they employed the use of social engineering to slowly depress the positive sentiment for the stock on Reddit and elsewhere (AKA FUD). + +It is these monumental changes in the company coupled with the obvious desperation of the bearish players in this trade that give the Apes confidence in their investment in GameStop. Some are invested for the squeeze, some for the fundamentals, and many invested for both… but either way, it is clear to many that GameStop is definitely not headed for the grave, but rather… the Moon. + +Regardless of the squeeze, I, personally, like the stock. +____________________________________________________________________ + +#When is the squeeze? No Dates... + +Nobody knows, and nobody will know. Unfortunately, because of all the variables and moving parts, it is literally impossible to predict. It has become apparent that building up hype over specific dates can be used against us. We have in the past seen dates that everyone built hype around only to have them pass and enthusiasm waned within our subreddit. That having been said, we ask that people stop asking when this will happen. Furthermore, please take any dates you do see on r/Superstonk with a grain of salt. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Why does holding do anything? + +They need your shares to close their short positions! They got greedy. Thinking GameStop would fail, the short sellers started Naked Shorting the stock. Long story short they created synthetic stocks with their special privileges as Market Makers, but they cannot close a short position with a synthetic share. When they buy back a synthetic share, it is effectively cancelled out and deleted. + +So because of the Naked Shorting, the Short Sellers, multiple large greedy money managers, and Hedge Funds need a total number of shares greater than the number available to purchase. + +The art of hodling can be especially effective when your shares actually have your name on them, and cannot be lent out. Enter DRS, When you direct register your shares, for all intents and purposes, it removes them from the DTC, ensuring your shares are not fake, rehypothecated garbage and that they aren’t being lent out to short sellers. Those shares are yours and therefore what you say, goes. If your particular situation prevents you from registering your shares, or if you prefer not to, it doesn’t mean your shares will be worthless. Synthetic shares and all the shares that have been shorted beyond 100% of outstanding shares all have to eventually be bought back and canceled out. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#aRe YoU GuYs MaNipuLatIng THe MaRKeT?! + +The purpose of r/Superstonk is not to “Pump and Dump” the stock, despite what some media sources will tell you. r/Superstonk is just a community of individuals investing in the same stock separately and a platform to discuss and share opinions freely. Furthermore, any use of the words "we" or "us" in any posts or comments is not indicative of manipulation. Additionally Gary Gensler had this to say on the topic of online communities like ours: + + +“To be clear, I’m not concerned about regular investors exercising their free speech online. I am more concerned about bad actors potentially taking advantage of influential platforms. +Furthermore, it’s no longer just retail investors or even humans who are following these online conversations, but institutional investors and their algorithms. Developments in machine learning, data analytics, and natural language processing have allowed sophisticated investors to monitor various forms of public communication to see relationships between words and prices.” +____________________________________________________________________ + +#How are these crazy high share prices possible? + + +No one knows how high the squeeze could take the stock price. It is a known fact that a short seller is taking on potentially infinite risk when opening a short position as they could be forced to buy back the borrowed stock at whatever price those who own it are willing to part with it at. + + +Essentially, rational reasoning says that these numbers are possible through the immutable laws of supply and demand. Furthermore, reported short interest reached 226%* in February of 2021, and was confirmed to have been at least as high as 123%** in January of 2021. +(*[Source: S3 Partners Data Feb-09-21](https://blog.ompnt.com/introducing-s3-partners-short-interest-data-to-the-omega-point-platform)) +(**[Source: SEC “GameStop Report” pg 21](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf)) + +Since then, seemingly no significant closing activity has been . This indicates that short sellers may collectively need to buy back the entire outstanding share amount multiple times over to close their positions + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Where does the money come from to fuel the squeeze? + +Much like an actual rocket launch, it might help to think of it in stages. +Hedge funds that are short on the stock would be the first to face margin calls - which if failed, would result in them being liquidated in order to close their overleveraged positions. They are backed by their Prime Brokers, who would assume the debt if the hedge fund cannot close their positions. + +Following that, the Market Makers who wrote those contracts would then be the next to assume responsibility for the contracts. These are substantially larger than the hedge funds and even the prime brokers. Well, what happens when they default as well? + +The market makers are backed by the clearing houses, which operate under Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, or DTCC for short. Here, it gets a bit more difficult to say exactly how things would go, though the DTCC holds an astronomical amount of funds under management, and equally mind-numbing asset insurance. Should all of that not be enough to get our rocket to where it’s going, that is where we would likely start seeing a major government bailout of the DTCC and it’s member parties. +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What is a Short? + +A Short position is easier to grasp than some other more complex market mechanics. + +The point of shorting a stock is to bet to profit on the price going down. The shorter would borrow stock from someone willing to lend it (the benefit to the lender being a small interest fee for lending the stock), sell the shares at the current price, and use that money to invest in other plays. + +Once the stock that they shorted had dropped to a low enough price, they would buy back the shares and return them, keeping the difference as a profit. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What is Naked Shorting? + +Just like Shorting, but with more illegality! Through archaic loopholes in the laws governing the financial industry, some individuals participate in short selling without actually having the shares. This essentially creates a counterfeit share. When this is done, the short-sellers are taking on a lot of risk, but the payoff can be grand. If the company goes bankrupt, as is the goal with naked short selling– your obligations are no more. + +It's not easy to actually catch the naked short-sellers red-handed, but some look to the Failure-to-Deliver data to shed some light on it. Naked shorting is also how it's possible there is more than 100% of the shares issued by the company trading in the markets. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What is a “Short Attack” (aka “Short and Distort”)? + +The Short and Distort is a time-honored tradition of illegal market manipulators. Put simply; First, they short the stock, then they distort the image of the company. Short Sellers will utilize this technique as a way to actively suppress the price of a company’s shares, most of the time through the spread of manufactured bearish sentiment and/or straight-up misinformation about the company in question. We are seeing this in GameStop in the form of FUD campaigns and Media Manipulation. For just a taste of this media manipulation, look no further than this compilation of Motley Fool’s desperation: [" fOrGeT gAmEsToP "](https://imgur.com/a/G7YebCP) + + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#So then what is a Short Squeeze? + +The Short Squeeze is a fairly rare financial phenomenon. Basically, when a bunch of institutions think a stock will fail, sometimes they will all pile on the short positions in the same place. More often than not, they probably make a lot of money from this tactic. But occasionally they will get noticed and if everything lines up just right, this “Short Squeeze” can occur. Usually triggered by a catalyst of some sort, Short Squeezes usually happen when the stock doesn’t go down but instead goes way, way up. + +When it goes high enough that the Short Sellers' other assets (be it in other long positions, Crypto, bonds, Etc.) are no longer able to balance the mounting losses from a short bet gone wrong, they will get margin called. At that point, they are told to provide sufficient collateral to meet the margin call. If the party that has received the margin call cannot meet it, they are subject to a forced liquidation of assets leading to a buy-in on the stock… no matter the price it has reached. The Clearing House doesn’t want to deal with the elevated risk, so once you can’t afford the risk you’re out. Theoretically, only one institution has to fail to meet this margin call, before the dominos start falling. The margin call and subsequent forced buy-in, causes increased buying pressure, increased buying sends the price up, the price going up means more Margin Calls, and so on. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Why are people saying that the short interest could be more than 100%? + + +Despite all major reporters of short interest now displaying numbers much lower than 100% on their sites, it is unrealistic that the short interest is as low as they claim. Here’s why: + +- The industry is largely self-reported, meaning that HF’s can choose to report lower numbers if it benefits them. While this practice is illegal, it is only punished with a fine (often years after the fact). This fine is often much smaller than the potential loss or gain the HF may experience if the true data were to be reported. This is the fine that Citadel LLC (one of the bigger HFs shorting GME) has had to pay multiple times in the past, a fine often described as just the “cost of doing business”. + +- Back in February, S3 Partners (who provide the data to the majority of retail reporting sites) reported the SI% for GameStop had reached 226%. After that figure was exposed, they rushed to cover this up, and in a move that can only be described as “fuckery”, completely changed the reporting formula. This is more of an involved topic, but the result was that the naked shorts are no longer accounted for in the calculation, and makes it impossible for the reported short interest to ever go over 100%. + +- It was discovered by some Apes that there was an abnormal increase in short interest in most of the ETFs with GME inside them. The increase coincided with the spike in January and following that, the media started pushing the “Shorts covered” narrative that was everywhere last month. You can read up on the ETF Short Interest info in the DDs here. + +To summarize, the short sellers of GME essentially disguised some of their position with shares of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). By establishing a short position on the ETF and then establishing long positions in every stock in there except GME you basically cancel out your short position in the ETF, leaving only a short position in GME. *Important Note: This does not mean there will be a short squeeze on the ETFs! An ETF cannot really be the subject of a short squeeze due to the mechanics behind them.* + +- Synthetic long positions could be used to disguise their short positions as well, the mechanisms behind this practice utilize the options markets and could explain some of the crazy options activity that we have seen in GameStop the last few months. +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Who is Ryan Cohen? + +Ryan Cohen is Chairman of the board for GameStop and the head of their Strategic Planning and Capital Allocation Committee. Essentially he is at the helm of the company's transformation. Ryan Cohen is also the largest individual shareholder for GameStop having amassed 9,001,000 shares to date. + +Ryan Cohen is a self-described activist investor and entrepreneur. Known largely for his last successful venture; www.chewy.com. Co-Founded by Cohen, Chewy is a massively successful eCommerce pet store that exploded in popularity in 2017 and was subsequently bought out by PetSmart for 3.3 Billion, it was the largest acquisition price paid to date for an e-commerce startup... [let that sink in, the man pretty much turned pet food to gold](https://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2017/01/10/the-man-who-found-gold-in-dog-food/?sh=4f5a00d13095). Further, Cohen is not afraid to [challenge giants like Amazon](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joanverdon/2020/01/26/ryan-cohen-started-a-company-that-took-on-amazon-and-sold-it-for-3-billion-now-hes-thinking-about-whats-next/?sh=589d5c295579)… and many think he can do it. + +With Chewy in his rearview, [Cohen released an open letter](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf) to the board of directors for GameStop in November of 2020 , laying out his thoughts on how the board is not capitalizing on the opportunities in the gaming industry, touching on ways that GameStop could improve their business, and essentially how the GameStop board and CEO had been failing at their jobs. Though much has changed since Cohen’s letter was published, it is highly recommended that you read it if you haven't already. It really gives you a sense of Cohen's belief in GameStop and his mindset regarding his sizable investment in the company. + +Cohen has since been hard at work, overseeing the company’s transformation in his role as chairman of the board. (For a more in depth look into the work that's gone on behind the scenes, since Cohen entered the picture, please reference the “Why GameStop” section.). Ryan Cohen clearly believes in GameStop, going so far as to announce that he will be taking equity as compensation. In fact, all of the new GameStop board members that Cohen has brought to the table are going to be taking equity as compensation. This really proves that the people in charge believe in what they are doing, one doesn’t agree to go work for no cash unless the alternative could be way better. Many see this as an incredibly bullish signal about the new board. +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What are NFTs? What do they have to do with GameStop? + +Over the last couple of years, many people have become vaguely familiar with the concept of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). The buzz surrounding the NFT art scene specifically, has grown substantially with projects like “Crypto Punks” and others being written about in major publications the world over. Despite the growth in awareness of the NFT space, there are unfortunately many misconceptions that plague the technology, and its uses. + +A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain. +* A way to represent anything unique as an asset. +* Ownership determined by the wallet the NFT is in, not who has copy and pasted it +* Powered by smart contracts on blockchains. + +Play-to-earn – how players and creators earn with NFTs With traditional video games, you purchase a copy to start playing but ‘rent access’ to anything you earn in world as the items would cease to exist if the publisher powers off the game. However, you own the assets in play-to-earn NFT-based games, which are generally free to download but to start playing, you have to buy NFTs. These can be creatures, heroes, armor, weapons, etc. In NFT based games, along with the traditional grinding experience and badges with achievements, you can now be rewarded with in-game cryptocurrency that the game developer utilizes. You can then use this to buy more in-game items or cash out. Nft.gamestop.com will allow gamers to buy and sell NFTs to and from other players while taking a percentage for providing the secure platform and services for the transaction to occur. Additionally, developers are able to participate in a percentage cut of in-game transactions that occur. + +[Here is a great guide by u/Dismal_Jellyfish on how to set up a MetaMask wallet in preparation for GameStop’s project launch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p8bwx2/nft_education_alert_do_you_want_to_know_how_to/) + + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Catalyst? What do you mean and why is it important? + + +Essentially the catalyst is the spark that lights the fire. It is unknown exactly what will be the event that triggers the MOASS. What is clear, is that the situation is very unstable and really anything can cause major volatility. This catalyst could be anything from an exciting announcement that triggers buzz around GameStop to intervention from a third party like the SEC, or the DOJ. Superstonk is full of theories that go into what specifically could catalyze the short squeeze, I would highly recommend reading them. Below is a short list of some of the potential catalysts people have been speculating about: + +- Dividend (Some speculate a crypto dividend may be announced, similar to Overstock) + +- SHF failing margin call + +- Gamma Squeeze (Options related) + +- DTCC rule changes taking effect + +- Market Crash + +- DRS 100% of free float + +- FOMO + + +Please take these with a grain of salt though, it is impossible to predict what could catalyze the short squeeze. It could very well be something completely unexpected that actually sets this off. +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Computershare? Direct Registering Shares? + +“Computershare is an Australian based transfer company with offices in 20 countries. They are over 40 years old and are the official transfer agent for not only GameStop but large corporations such as McDonalds, Johnson & Johnson, Coca Cola and AT&T. Even though they offer some broker-like services it is important to note they are NOT A BROKER. They do however have 12,000 employees dedicated solely to keeping accurate records for their 75 million customers.” * + +“What began as a place to hold your infinity pool shares or a way to get the best odds possible to collect a hypothetical NFT dividend is quickly evolving into potentially the best place to hold the majority of your GME shares. It took a while for all this information to make its way through the community but once apes started actually transferring their shares to Computershare we were greeted with a glorious sentence in our transaction history.” * + +[If you are already invested in GameStop and you have questions about DRS or you would like to DRS your shares, here is a comprehensive guide that goes into further detail.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#What is a Shill and why do people keep calling me that? + +One of the MANY things that the HFs have tried to do to curb-stomp retail investors, is flooding our public communities with Reddit accounts (Some bot-accounts and some actual people who seem to have been paid) purposefully spreading negative sentiment. Though it may be hard to believe there is plenty of proof. These accounts have been seen all over not just Reddit, but also Youtube, Twitter, etc. Not just conventional social media though also places with message-boards like MarketWatch, Yahoo finance, WeBull, basically anywhere you could talk about GME. The term “Shill” is a blanket term for those accounts, be them bots or people. + +In the past, these ”Shills” have utilized many different approaches to spreading Fear, Uncertainty, and/or Doubt (FUD) about the stock and the company. One of these being, flooding the subreddits with super basic questions that lacked any substance at all. This was seemingly in an effort to give the illusion that if you were still holding GME you didn’t know what you were doing, because when you looked around you were surrounded by people who didn’t have a clue. This, along with most of their other attempts to shake retail investor faith, has failed. + +You may have been called a Shill for one of a number of reasons. This community is very inclusive and open to everyone, but because of the blatant attacks this forum has suffered a lot of people are understandably paranoid. (Myself included). Please, unless you really are a shill, don’t take it personally. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Shill-Based-FUD and how to spot it: + +First of all, it is incredibly important to note your potential biases when determining if someone is just a shill trying to spread FUD. Not all FUD is invalid, someone may bring up a solid point against an otherwise great DD, and that could scare you. Remember that just because you do not like what someone is saying, doesn’t make it invalid. It is important that users here work with constructive criticism to refine their theories. + +Instead of shooting this person down as a shill, ask yourself the following: Are they making a valid point? Is it backed up with evidence? Have I fact-checked this evidence? + +If you answered no to these questions, a great next step is to check their post & comment history. Here are some things to look for: + +- Are they constantly posting negative-sentiment, as if they have something to gain? +- Do their posts/comments sound coherent? +- Are those posts repeating the same or slightly different things (copy/pasted)? + +Since this forum and others where GME is discussed are public, the ones behind this petty attack can see what we say and how we react to their ILLEGAL MANIPULATION. This means that since this has started (back in January) these shills have gotten smarter, and less obvious. They become easier to spot over time, don’t worry. When you spot a Shill, report it to your local Mods and downvote the post/comment. + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Known FUD tactics, What to look out for: + +The tactics that have been used against this community are absolutely despicable. At first, it was pretty benign, but with the recent attacks on individuals in this sub, it has crossed a line. I feel it is important to remember that these actions being taken against us only serve to prove that there is more to this situation than meets the eye. Unfortunately, they are always finding new ways to fuck with us here are some examples: + +- Spreading FUD about users in r/gme and r/Superstonk, more specifically, users that post some of the most viewed DD. + +- Bringing into question the integrity of the Mod Team. With the Mods at r/wallstreetbets being accused of being compromised, and some turbulence in r/gme this FUD was easy to see coming. Since there was already precedent for it, the shills believe it an easy task to convince the community that their subreddits aren't safe. + +- Fake DD. This can mean a few things, there are different ways a 'Fake DD' is done. One type is as follows, The post seems to start out with a positive sentiment but takes a negative turn and ultimately doesn't disseminate anything of value. Another type, this one being far less difficult (and thus likely more common) A DD that comes to a negatively skewed conclusion through the use of lies and false data. This Fake DD can be combated quite easily, just ensure you fact check what you read, and refrain from just upvoting whatever you see cause it gets you hyped. + +- Maliciously utilizing reddit’s award system to create the illusion of support of a certain idea, comment, or post. This can be used to subtly manipulate sentiment or to push certain agendas within our community. Don’t lend too much credence to awards given to submissions and this technique doesn’t have as much power. + +- Capitalizing on downward stock price movement by increasing the intensity and frequency of negative conversations and FUD in the community and media. For example (again), MotleyFool GameStop articles reporting on negative price action and spreading doubt, while remaining silent on any good news or upwards movement in the stock. +____________________________________________________________________ + +Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this massive FAQ project u/_Exordium u/Bradduck-Flyntmoore u/Dismal-Jellyfish, you guys are incredible. Also a big thank you to everyone who has patiently been waiting for the FAQ to be updated, it has been on my to do list for months. I hope that apes new and old find this resource valuable in some way. If you have feedback, or suggestions for this FAQ please drop them in the comments below. + +Cheers, + +B_T + +____________________________________________________________________ + +#Important Disclaimers: + +- Please understand that this FAQ is not a substitute for doing research! My hope is that this serves as an entry point for those that are new to investing in GME and those who are new to investing in general. As someone who has been following everything since the end of January, I cannot imagine how intimidating it must seem to get up to speed on the situation. + +- Any use of the words "we" or "us" is not evidence of manipulation. We are not the ones manipulating the market. The use of words that suggest we are a group, only reference this community of people, who are individuals investing in the same stock but as individual retail investors. This community does not coordinate in any way, and under no circumstances is this a place to formally organize or manipulate markets and it never will be. It is a place for sharing publicly available information and theories thereupon, and analyzing/studying that information as a community in a way that benefits everyone fairly and safely. + +#Helpful links + + +[Fantastic Fudemental analysis of GameStop](https://gmedd.com/report-model/) + +[Computershare info/ DRS Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + +[SEC Report on Market Structure Conditions in early 2021](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf), AKA “GameStop Report” + +[Catalogue of DD](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[Superstonk Glossary by u/bah2o](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q7the8/superstonk_glossary/) + +[Chairman Gensler’s Testimony Before the House on social media](https://www.sec.gov/news/testimony/gensler-testimony-20210505) + +[u/Zedinstead's DD Library - A compilation of all the pivotal DD from our community](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) +**Net Worth: $29 -> $150k** + +**2006 to 2016:** [**https://imgur.com/a/whpff2Q**](https://imgur.com/a/whpff2Q) + +**2016 to 2021:** [**https://imgur.com/a/0eDD9KE**](https://imgur.com/a/0eDD9KE) (accruing and paying off student loans not shown) + +**Teaching your kids about personal finance early is incredibly powerful.** + +It seems so obvious how important it is to learn about money at a young age. Don't spoil kids. Instead, give them a solid allowance for doing chores, home maintenance projects, etc. If they want really something, they'll save up for it themselves. They'll learn to be frugal, and to maintain their things. + +Show them your credit card statement, then explain how credit works. Show them your mortgage statement, then explain how loan amortization works. Show them your retirement account, then explain what stocks and bonds are. Teach them the principles of financial independence. The intuition behind the returns on capital vs returns on labor aren't too complicated. It's better to learn early! + +My parents did all of these things, so I'm assuming that helped. But maybe I was just a weird kid for counting my money every week and writing it down. I resold every console and game I bought. In high school, I put my money from my summer job in an S&P500 ETF... + +Anyway, teach your kids about personal finance. Probably won't hurt them. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: + +Q: Why did your wealth jump in 2020? Why's your Robinhood account so high? Did you just get lucky with a meme stock/crypto? + +A: No, most of that is contributions, not gains. I started a higher paying job in 2020 and invested 80% of my discretionary income, 100% during the market dip. Mostly diversified ETFs. Though I did make a killing on a a few select tech companies that I understand quite well. A lot went into RH because I'd already maxed out my roth ira & 401k. + +Q: How did you make that much money when you were 20? Didn't you have college expenses? + +A: Yes, but I had fantastic software engineering internships. Full-time in the summer, part time during the year. $20/hr in the early years, $42 to $46 an hour in the later college years. I also saved a ton on rent by living with a bunch of friends. Crowded, but fun. + +Q: Wow! Your parents must be so financially savvy! + +A: Nope, actually, they're not. They just knew how to pass on a good work ethic, and were open about the family finances. They taught me the basics, setting me up to be motivated to learn. + +Q: Is this just a [r/fijerk](https://www.reddit.com/r/fijerk/) meme + +A: OK the title is tongue-in-cheek but [I really did count my money every week](https://imgur.com/aq2xtum) + +&#x200B; +That is not DD. That is simply looking at the biggest movers, why they moved, and posting about it. I've seen so many posts here that hype up a stock literally hours, sometimes minutes before a stock jumps, or hours after it already has jumped. I know a lot of you will argue "well the PT is more than double/triple/quadruple that price!! Get in now!!" and maybe you're right, but for many, that risk is too high and the rocket has left without us. More often then not, when posts like these are made, there is a pullback that is severe enough to cause people to panic sell and lose money either after hours, during the day, or the day after. The point of the first DD post on a stock should be to introduce said stock, tell us \*why\* that stock is a buy at its current value, and, if applicable, how to play the trade (swing for a few weeks, trade off catalyst, etc.). I see way too many posts about stocks that have already gone up on the news they include, and this is not good DD even if the stock is a long term buy, at least in my opinion, because for the most part this has already been priced in. You're just posting about catalysts and news that anybody with Yahoo finance could have seen, and that's not DD. If the news has yet to happen or is more than one market day away, then that is proper DD, but posting after everybody has already gotten their gains and you're just trying to artificially inflate the price is pumping, and extremely low effort. I've gotten burned more than once listening to this sub when they try to justify that a stock has a PT of $2-5 when the stock is sub $1, and it is detrimental to the sub, the trust and faith people put in DD, and people's wallets. + + +I know as well that you're defense will be "well they tell you to do your own DD", and you're absolutely correct, but when the DD is about a stock with correlating news/catalyst that requires you to buy immediately unless you want to miss out on the rocket ship encourages anyone who was on the fence or already supportive to blindly buy at that moment, without doing their own DD, especially if it's during market hours and the stock is already in the process of going to the moon. Few have the proper time to do effective DD when the catalyst you're talking about has either already happened or is minutes/hours away from happening. + + +My point being, these posts made during market hours about news or "DD" that hype a stock up and call for people to buy immediately should not be flaired as DD or should be removed. Posting about a stock after you've already got your perfect setup, the news is already out, and the gains are already made is deliberately pumping, and that's a RDM, bro +I went to a busier open house for a 9 bd / 3ba triplex today and opened a couple closet doors during my inspection. One of the closets had some damage to the floor. Anyways, the agent monitoring this 3rd unit scolded me for touching the doorknob, since it's not fair to the tenants (who, for what it's worth, weren't present for the showing), what with COVID being a crisis. I do wear a mask properly and am now fully vaccinated. I also usually will take a look under kitchen and bathroom sinks, obviously touching the knobs. Am I out of line here? Should I really just walk through and not touch jack? Really? +To get an idea of where shorts start to feel pain, I started to track the 'cumulative average short price' to come up with my Shorts R-FKD Indicator. (For the curious journalists, Shorts R-FKD is an abbreviation for Shorts Risking Fund Knockout Defeat.) The red line in the chart below shows the Shorts R-FKD Indicator, and represents the target price shorts would like to stay at or below. Any price above the red Shorts R-FKD Indicator is danger territory for shorts. + +As of right now, at a share price of about $160 or higher - the majority of GME shorts will be losers. As we move higher up, a growing portion of the shorts will be at a loss, and their total dollar losses will just mount further as prices head higher. Prices staying above this indicator would imply future transfers of wealth from short funds to long investors. + +https://preview.redd.it/0fq7v52edb791.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc11ddf6ddd74ea4b7479b3e011ac93864c19ca + +Since the GME sneeze back in January 2021, shorts have consistently sold shares to suppress the stock price. Notice in the chart how after every GME price surge in 2021, GME was pushed back down to the red line representing the breakeven point for shorts. + +The recent broader stock market selloff that started in November helped shorts temporarily push GME well below their breakeven point for the first time since the buy button was turned off in early 2021. However, GME share prices have bounced back, and the shorts are facing danger again as GME share prices creep up on them. Watching GME shares approach the red line at $160 is turning up the heat and probably making shorts sweat again. + +https://preview.redd.it/ehidoxc5c5791.jpg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a0dee3fdb3fbbf4ae1e46013de617a63122f50 + +\---- + +&#x200B; + +Methodology: This first version of the Shorts R-FKD Indicator was calculated using a volume weighted average approach assuming consistent shorting activity since the peak price of the sneeze on 1/28/21. For simplicity the mid-point prices between the daily high and low was used and multiplied by the daily volume, then this trading activity was aggregated over time, and divided by the cumulative number of shares traded over that same time, to come up with the volume weighted average price. This indicator gets the job done, but there is some room for improvement using additional data and analysis. A future version of the indicator can use intraday volumes at specific prices coupled with short volumes specific to each date. But we’ll save that for version 2.0. I will try to update this indicator again and share findings every few weeks. + +\---- + +&#x200B; + +In the meantime, for anyone interested in seeing daily shorting activity charts look here: + +[https://www.shortvolume.com/?t=gme](https://www.shortvolume.com/?t=gme) + +Raw data of shorting activity can be viewed here: + +[http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html](http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html) + +&#x200B; + +\---- + +TLDR – prices above $160 will place the majority of shorts at a loss, and we are close to crossing that level. +Energy prices are going up, on average 54% (cap on energy prices will soar by 54 per cent from £1,277 to £1,971 a year for the average household.) + +Actual rates are mentioned below. + +For Gas(From 1st April) : + +Unit rate: 7.37p per kWh + +Standing charge: 27.22p per day + +For electricity(From 1st April): + +Unit rate: 28.34p per kWh + +Standing charge: 45.34p per day + + +Old gas & electricity rates from yesterday for comparison: + +For Gas (Before 31st March): + +Unit rate: 4.07p per kWh + +Standing charge: 26.12p per day + +For Electricity(Before 31st March): + +Unit rate: 20.8p per kWh + +Standing charge: 24.88p per day + + + +1.25% point increase in NI (however this will be offset somewhat by earnings threshold at which workers start to pay NI rise to £12,570 from July.) + +Council tax going up by 5% (the maximum allowed typically ) However a council tax rebate has been issued, subtracting £150 off the yearly bill on bands A-D. + +Phone and broadband bills typically going up by around 9-11% depending on who ure your company is listed below: + +As reported by Which?, here is what you can expect from the major internet providers. + +BT: 9.3 per cent (from 31 March) +EE Broadband: 9.3 per cent (from 31 March) +John Lewis Broadband: 9.3 per cent (from 1 March) +Plusnet: 9.3 per cent (from 1 March) +TalkTalk: 9.1 per cent (from 1 April) +Vodafone: 9.3 per cent (from 1 April) + +Water bills – up 1.7%, £7, a year +Water bills in England and Wales will rise by an average of 1.7% to £419. Customers of South West Water face a rise of £12 to £515, while households with Wessex will see a £21 rise to £476. Other water companies including Hafren Dyfrdwy and Thames are reducing annual bills by similar sums. + +The reduced rate of 12.5 per cent VAT for restaurants, bars and hotels will rise back up to 20 per cent, meaning that businesses will have to charge customers more. + +Finally, first-class stamps will rise by 10p to 95p from April 4 — with second-class stamps also increasing by 2p to 68p. + +In more welcome news, pay is also rising. +Minimum wage – up 6.6%, about £1,000 a year +In more welcome news, pay is also rising. The government’s “national living wage” has gone up by 59p an hour to £9.50 for workers aged 23 and over. For those aged 21 to 22, the minimum will increase by 9.8% from £8.36 to £9.18. + +What else is going up? +**TLDR: 662% Short Interest based on share dilution. Mayo-Man FUK’D, $GME to ANDROMEDA** + +Ok Apes, let’s see if this gets buried at the bottom of a stack of memes and videos of dudes drinking socks and putting bananas places, or if it actually gives out some wrinkles. So how about we start with, why should I spend time reading shit from this dude doing the typing and the numbers and using symbols and squiggly lines next to numbers? Well, I donno wtf I’m talking about and I’m not some fancy schmancy financial advisor I’ve just studied a bunch of math shit in university and I like Adderall, caffeine, and snorting red crayons, well, at least I think they’re red crayons, I’m colorblind so I just snort all of them and tell myself they’re red. I’ve done a couple DDs and have spent most of my time delving deeply into the dark pools, but that shits been hit to death and we all know dark pools are dirty af and shouldn’t be a thing, but I digress. + +So I read a post a couple weeks ago by u/ammoprofit that got buried, probably because he included “Math” in the title, who wants to read about math when we can look at buildings with lights on, right?! So while I was reading through this Ape’s post I got an extra wrinkle or two and starting thinking in terms of dilution with regard to our favorite stonk. So to start with simple, share dilution is what happens when you naked short or short without covering a security. Think of it this way, GME has 70m shares outstanding, you short the stock to the tune of 10m shares and don't cover those shares, there are now 80m shares outstanding, however the market capitalization does not change, therefore the security has now been synthetically diluted with an extra 10m shares (which is the incredibly crooked part of shorting a stock, you short it because shorting is a derivative product of the stock, so you’re betting on the stock decreasing in value. However you are in effect diluting the security so it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy because anyone that has traded in pennystocks knows dilution = decrease in value and therefore decrease in price per share. Shit should be illegal, and it’s no wonder these wallstreet cucks are laughing all the way to the bank printing counterfeit shares without a care in the world. It's OK, I have a feeling that shits gonna change REAL soon). + +So now you know what dilution is, why does it matter now? + +So we have now experienced 3 flash crashes: January, March, June. January was a unique flash crash, because the “buy” button on the majority of retail traders’ brokers got turned off, so it was a flash crash with minimal possibility of buying pressure being applied to the volume. For March we are going to apply the general principle that during a flash crash including multiple circuit breaker halts, there will be minimal buying pressure due to the selling pressure and many traders holding out to see where the bottom is before buying more. The flash crash yesterday was more controlled, stopping the crash within $0.20 of initiating a trading halt almost as if it was completely algorithm and HFT driven (looking at you Kenny!) before trading sideways for a few minutes and finishing the crash. These 3 flash crashes likely (as if there is any other possibility since we diamond handed apes aren't selling shit!) used extensive short shares to drive the price down. + +Assumptions + +Without more in depth data, I had to make several assumptions to apply toward my data so here are the highlights of those assumptions: + +· Shares outstanding are 70,772,000 (Source: Fidelity) + +· Short Interest Reported 12/28/2020 is the last semi-accurate number at: 71,196,206 (source: [https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts](https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts)) + +· The SI above I have to assume is accurate without more definitive data, even though we all know it was VERY likely highly under-reported despite its already astronomical percentage of the available float + +· My volume measurements were taken on 5 minute candles during the 3 crashes, and as such I am eliminating from consideration: buying pressure on the way down, and legitimate sales from paper-handed bitches, though legitimate shares would carry the same weight in this instance as a share sold short + +· Δ = Change in value + +So I took the data I have access to and built a small Excel spreadsheet to run a few calculations based on the volume data and ΔPrice. I didn’t take the time to make any graphs or even to format and make the spreadsheet look pretty, so all the data is just basically tossed in there in a way that makes sense to my autist brain. To anyone wondering why the volumes are listed in decimals, it was easier for me to run the numbers more quickly that way, idk why, just throw an E6 on there (multiply by 1,000,000). The volume levels are also, like I said before, added up on 5 minute candles from the start of the flash crash to the bottom. Depending on which broker’s chart you’re looking at it could change by a small amount, but the 3 websites/brokers (Fidelity ATP, Webull, TradingView) I ran through all had fairly similar numbers so I stuck with these. + +[Data and calculations based on volumes and price change during each of 3 flash crashes](https://preview.redd.it/2tl0r4y9u7471.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9079b389c7a9779b0bbad4aadf72b2a7a603794) + +What does this have to do with dilution? I’m getting there, hang with me for another minute and I’ll have some rough estimates that’ll give ya a fat fuckin chub, I promise! + +So let’s go through the data real quick: + +· January: It required a volume of 11,570,840 to drop the price by $370.60 + +· March: It required a volume of 7,858,790 to drop the price by $176.50 + +· June: It required a volume of 2,796,480 to drop the price by $63.66 + +So just looking at these numbers it doesn’t tell us a whole lot because all we have is a number of shares and a price, there is no commonality in them that would allow a good comparison, so let’s simplify those numbers and figure out how many shares it required to drop the price by $1 each flash crash. + +· January: 31,221.91 shares dropped the price by $1 + +· March: 44,525.72 shares dropped the price by $1 + +· June: 43,928.37 shares dropped the price by $1 + +Now those are some pretty numbers with a commonality: number of shares per $1 drop. Looking at this, there is a large disparity between January and March as well as January and June. However comparing March and June the numbers are pretty damn close (June is 98% of March, so a very small difference between the rate of the two). + +**HYPOTHESIS**: + +What has changed between right fucking now and March? Much to Mayo-boys dismay, we have spent the last 6 months learning a hell of a lot more than we knew in January, and I would wager since the Second Great Ape Migration to r/SuperStonk we have continued that process of learning and have far more wrinkles now than we did in March. So what’s the hypothesis? In March many of us were knew investors and were not veterans of the great pennystock stop-loss raids. Those of us who knew or had ever experienced a stop-loss raid knew the number one rule when HODLing a stonk: DO NOT SET STOP LOSSES. My hypothesis here is a fair amount of the March flash crash were stop-losses being triggered. I cannot confirm the number of stop losses vs. shares short, so since the ratio in March and June is very similar, we are just going to use the numbers for June moving forward from here since I would wager very few of us still had stop losses set yesterday (If you still have them set, remove that shit or you’ll miss the rocket, I guarantee it \*cue Men’s Warehouse old dude\*) + +I am going to use the January and June flash crashes for the rest of this data, and while I’m sure many stop losses were triggered in January, and robbinghood did some fuckery with force-closing positions for those on margin, cuz it’s all we’ve got. I’ve waited to do this DD to analyze a third flash crash, and while none of these was perfect (except I would put my money on yesterday’s flash crash providing the best numbers simply because we have all forged our hands deep within the pressure of FUD and shills and MSM bullshit and they are all now solid diamonds so there were few legitimate sales of long shares). + +Comparing the January and June flash crash, June required an additional 140% of shares sold to decrease the price by $1 (compare 43,928 to 31,221). The Reported short interest for GME on 12/28/2020 was 71,196,206 (Ortex, see above). The following data is speculation, and it’s assuming those short did not cover a significant portion of the short interest prior to the Jan flash crash. Any percentage I put from here on is also the short percentage of the total outstanding shares. There has been a lot of talk as to the exact number of the available float from back in Jan (most assumed it was 50m, GameStop in their annual report put it at 26m then sold 3.5m shares which would make it 29.5m now, but that part doesn’t matter so much at this particular juncture). + +So the definition of Short Interest (not to be confused with short volume, that shit drove me crazy when people would use the term interchangeably back on r/GME) is the number of shares that have been sold short but have not yet been covered or closed out ([https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortinterest.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortinterest.asp)). + +Back to dilution. Remember the example I gave back in the beginning of this dissertation with the 10m shares short interest on a 70m outstanding security leaving 80m shares on the market? So let’s apply that example here to our favorite stonk. Shares outstanding is 70,772,000 and Short Interest was 71,196,206 reported. Add those two together and you get a diluted share count of 141,968,206 shares on the market. + +Let’s take that one step further. We know the flash crash that occurred yesterday took 140% of additional shares to drop the price each $1, which one could infer means GME has been further diluted since January. + +Remember: Dilution reduces the “power” of each share sold short because it dilutes the security and synthetically reduces the value of each individual share per the market capitalization. To make that simpler: Each share holds a percentage of the value of the market capitalization, if previously it took 1 share to equal 1 banana, now it takes 5 shares to equal 1 banana, therefore you have to put 5 shares of the banana on the market for sale in order to reduce the bushel by 1 banana due to the banana being diluted. + +So we went through how in January there were 141,968,206 shares oustanding, and now due to the diluted power of each individual share sold in June to the tune of 140%, it is reasonable to assume there are approximately 199,745,362 shares outstanding with dilution considered. Let’s take that another step and consider that number compared to the available float, that way we can REALLY see how incredibly fukd Mr. Mayo and his buddies are. + +The given Total Outstanding Shares is 70,772,000. Let’s take that and Subtract out all of the institutions and insiders listed in GME’s Official Proxy Statement ([https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4)) + +&#x200B; + +[Beneficial ownership of shares taken from GME Proxy Statement](https://preview.redd.it/o4er8q0gu7471.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=611e3781916c18bb39f5301f87c7dd66e2f05a0c) + +So according to GME’s proxy, there are 44,107,423 shares held by insiders and institutions, which leaves a float of 26,664,577 shares. Accounting for the ATM offering of 3.5m shares, we have a final float of 30,164,577 shares. + +So how deeply and truly fucked is mayo man? Well, using our dilution calculations and combining that with just the outstanding shares, we get a diluted value of 282% of the total outstanding shares on the market right now. Now don’t throw anything at me because that number is less than what you were hoping, remember, this is a percentage of the TOTAL OUTSTANDING shares, NOT the float. We do the calculation for the float, and Kenny-boy might turn into a scene from South Park just from reading the number. Wait, who am I kidding, Mayo man knows EXACTLY how very, incredibly fucked he is. + +Looking at the diluted value and comparing it to the available float, and we get 662.19% Holy good god damn, the boys at Goldman are probably shitting their pants looking at Kenny’s exposure and how he has not only fucked himself in trying to win the bankruptcy jackpot, but he has fucked everyone above and below and to the side and under his desk (give you a hint, its mayo, dude probably has a vat of mayo hidden under his desk). + +Well hope this gave out a few new wrinkles. Yes, I know the calculations are not exact and don’t perfectly account for the short exposure Shitadel and friends are sitting on, but it’s as far as estimations go, seems pretty legit to me, but who the fuck am I, I just put numbers in spreadsheets and snort crayons. + +If anyone wants to check my work or has more wrinkles and wants to throw some more data and make pretty charts and shit with my data, lemme know. Or if I’m completely off base and retarded as Kenny is fucked, then post up why and I’ll edit and correct. + +Hedgies are fucked worse than bananas in u/Rick_of_Spades kitchen. **Diamond FUCKING Hands.** +I m trading for 2 years now , i didn't see results yet,if someone make living from it just lemme know in the comments,i just want to know if it even possible,i don't want to waste more time studying +I’m in my 20s and currently living in Melbourne, and it almost feels impossible to be able to one day afford an ‘inner-city’ house. So just wondering what plans some of you may have to overcome this ‘impossible’ feat. + +Edit: Have just been reading a few comments and I just wanna say… of course I don’t expect my first home to be an inner city house, I’m unfortunately not the son of multi-millionaire parents +Can anyone share their experience of purchasing and managing farmland in India. +1. Where did you buy +2. What was the reason for purchase. For ex. Building a farmhouse, Organic farming etc. +3. What was the cost per acre. +4. How much has it appreciated since. +5. Did you buy from realtor or directly from a farmer +6. Any pitfalls to avoid. +Hey there! + +Just wanting to lay down a couple questions and have the time to back out if I need to. So, basically I’m buying a house for the first time. The house is $218,000, but I have $12,000 for down payment and the sellers are offering $3,500 in closing costs. + +I make $31.54 an hour with 36 hours a week, but with overtime and my incentive pay that I get by working out of my normal hours, I get paid $51.54 during those hours, which I usually work 6-12 hours extra during each pay period. 33% of every paycheck goes to various taxes and my 403b along with health benefits. + +I calculated the 28% of a monthly gross income towards housing and it came to around $1,377 a month. + +I’m getting a first time home buyers loan and my mortgage officer I could maybe get around 5.13-5.43% interest on it with a reduced PMI. Not sure the exact details, but will get them tomorrow. I’ve got a credit score of 784 and no debt. + +Property tax is $76 a month and insurance has been quoted to be $92. + +Am I in good standing to purchase a house like this? Or are my feet leaving the rest of my body and getting ahead of myself? + +I’m in Indiana if that helps with anything. +The headline on Friday was that job numbers went up +528,000... but seasonally adjusted, the actual break down was: + +* Full Time -71,000 +* Part Time +384,000 +* Multiple Jobs +92,000 + +Unemployment rate slipped to 3.5 from 3.6, but labor force participation rate also moved down slightly from 62.1% from 62.2%. That implies some of that drop is from people dropping out of the unemployment calculation. Discouraged workers were up to 424k in July vs 364k in June. + +This is also the second month in a row that seasonally adjusted full time workers have declined. Before this month's decline, they declined -152,000 in June. + +[Source for the above: BLS](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf) + +The % of the population employed has actually been decreasing [since March](https://www.peoplespolicyproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Percent-of-the-Entire-Population-That-Is-Employed-4.svg). + +You can also read about it in this [CNBC](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/05/july-jobs-report-shows-more-americans-working-part-time.html) article, which says of the increase in part-time workers, "Involuntary part-time workers,” those in part-time positions for economic reasons, increased by a seasonally adjusted 303,000 in July." + +--- + +Adding to that, on Friday the Federal Reserve announced consumer borrowing rose 10.5% in June, after rising 6.3% in May. Revolving debt was up 16% m/m. In total, non-housing related debt grew in the second quarter by the most since 2016. [Source: CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/05/economy/june-consumer-credit-report-debt-increase/index.html). + +Americans opened 233 million credit card accounts in the second quarter, the most since 2008 according to the NY Fed [Source: CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/02/economy/consumer-credit-borrowing-surge/index.html). + + + +--- + +Politicians and the top post on the sub seem excited but these numbers just don't look bullish to me unless you're looking for a part-time job in hospitality. + +If the fed takes the headline numbers as license to raise rates even faster, we probably see more businesses laying full-time workers off. + +--- + +**The top comment right now is asking about why the numbers don't add up to 528 so I'm adding that context here.** First, here's screenshots of CNBC [screenshot](https://imgur.com/oO7Elqd) and the [source article link](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/05/july-jobs-report-shows-more-americans-working-part-time.html) and the [BLS site](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZaMiRFWIAEZE73?format=jpg&name=large) to back up the original numbers. + +They were all sourced before but screenshots because redditors don't like clicking links. + +Anyway, the +528 is seasonally adjusted but it is from the Establishment Survey (pages 6-7 of the [Bureau of Labor Services monthly Employment Situation report](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf)). Only the Household Survey data reports the breakdown between part-time and full-time is only reported in the Household Survey pages (pages 13-41). The Household Survey is how we determine the national unemployment rate and the labor force participation rate among other stats. + +There is a different sample population (Household is bigger N, Establishment is smaller) and some differences between how people are counted in each survey. For example, if someone works multiple jobs they appear multiple times in Establishment but only once in Household. If someone is self-employed they appear in Household but not Establishment. Household counts self-employed but total Total Nonfarm Payroll was 152,536k for Establishment and employed Civilian labor force was 158,290k for Household. + +So the numbers are a little off because the data sets are different even though both are published in the same report by the BLS. +I'm 17 with about $15k in my webull account. i formerly used r/wallstreetbets and just made a shit load from $GRVI. When i was trying to find safer things to invest in i looked a dividend stocks. I've bought some already but i'm debating if i should expand now or wait. I turn 18 early next year and i'm going to have to transfer my assets because i'll have to make an account under my name. +For more context, my parents were blindsided in a typical but very elaborate gift card scam that made them believe top-ranking government officials were asking for money to bring a case against a terrorist using my parents' identity. My parents paid them through withdrawing money from their bank and purchasing gift cards. + +They are sure all that money is gone but are also worried because the scammers were recording them for 9 hours a day on the phone and also got all of the personal data (SSN, Driver's License no., etc.) + +The people on the phone still think my parents believe in the scam at this point and said they may call back on Monday or later in the week to give updates on the case (probably to try and get more money). Is there anything they can do at this point to try and get information on the scammers or trace the line? The scammers are using a fake number and fake caller ID, but is there any way to see their true number? + +Note: They have already filed a report with the local police department but haven't received a lot of help otherwise there. + +EDIT: Lots of comments wondering about how they were able to get scammed. I wish I could go into all the detail but it would take an hour. There were a lot of red flags but even the PD said they hadn't seen anything this elaborate. They had an entire team of officials claiming to be people who were verifiable via the internet and my mom said she wouldn't talk to them until she got some kind of confirmation of who they were and they immediately received a call from the local police department telling them to cooperate. They were very blindsided by not realizing how caller Names and ID's could be spoofed this well. Scammers also tried to never really use the word "gift card" they kept trying to say it was some kind of way to transfer money to the government without alerting dangerous people. Parents also are in total acceptance now that they missed many big things and are very ashamed of how it could have happened. +Bit of context - before we take our traders live they have to go through a fairly rigorous process that involves the creation of a comprehensive trading plan, submission of backtesting and forward testing trade logs, and have worked with 2 trading coaches on everything from strategy (technical and fundamental analysis) to trading psychology, risk management, and how to run your trading as a business. + +By far the most common issue I have with our traders who are getting ready to go live in what we call the “trading combine” (where the trader puts up capital, and we match it. The purpose of this is for the reader to prove they can trade their plan consistently over 2 month period) is that they haven’t really been tested. + +I’m always weary of promoting traders who haven’t had their souls crushed to the point where they want to quit at least 1x. Consistently, and without fail, these are the traders I will be working intensely with whether it’s 6 weeks or 6 months down the line when their strategy that was undoubtedly tuned for a specific set of market conditions has suddenly stopped working + +“Why isn’t it working anymore, it’s just not working” + +“Maybe I need to change my strategy. Just a few tweaks ought to do it” + +The bottom line is that we strongly encourage our traders to develop trading plans specifically geared towards trending markets. The reality is that by far the #1 reason traders fail is because they try and trade against the trend. In my opinion, one of the biggest reasons that people insist on counter trend trading is a lack of patience and understanding of market cycles. + +I’m sure we’ve all heard before how markets only trend like 20% of the time. So if the majority of the time markets aren’t trending, those are the conditions most traders are used to seeing. They get caught in this vicious cycle of not wanting to miss big moves, and so they start over trading in unfriendly conditions trying to catch that next move. They get chopped up, get frustrated and decide they’re going to sit on the sidelines. Right then, the next big move starts unfolding. + +There’s no magic, catch-all-cure to this problem, but if this sounds familiar to you, here’s my general advice: + +1. Make sure you have a trading plan that strongly outperforms in trending environments +2. Learn how to distinguish trending from non-trending environments +3. Stay out when the markets aren’t trending +4. Stick with your plan. It’s what got you to the dance + +Is this seemingly over simplistic? Yes it definitely is. But it’s also... true. Is there more to this? Yes of course. Hoping this becomes a productive discussion +Last week, ORTEX became aware of anomalous intraday lending data that was being displayed on our platform. In response, we opened an investigation that is being conducted in collaboration with our third-party data partners. We would like to share some preliminary findings. + +The pattern that we observed for impacted stocks was Borrowed Shares and/or Returned Shares increasing in large increments at intermittent intervals throughout a given day, only to abruptly decline at a precise time later in the evening. While the scale of the issue varied by ticker, each stock demonstrated a similar pattern. We have not been able to identify any correlations or relationships between the impacted stocks. There have also been a small number of non-U.S. stocks that were impacted. + +As we continued to dig into the data, we uncovered additional stocks that exhibited the pattern throughout the month of October. As a result, we have expanded the scope of our investigation to cover a larger number of securities over a broader time frame. This is why the review is taking longer than we initially anticipated. + +While some of the impacted stocks command higher levels of attention than others (such as GME), the issue is not widespread in the context of our database that tracks tens of thousands of stocks all over the world every single day. Some stocks experienced the issue on multiple days (the maximum number of impacted days that we have uncovered is 3), while others were only affected for a single day. + +On days where a stock was impacted, we do not believe that the intraday lending data was reliable or accurate. Since intraday lending data is one of many inputs in our [short interest estimation model](https://public.ortex.com/changing-the-way-ortex-presents-short-interest-estimates/), the significant increases in Borrowed Shares caused large increases in short interest estimates that were not supported by market conditions or trading activity for those specific days. + +The impacted stocks that we have identified thus far are: BBD, BKR, CCL, CFG, CS, FRBK, GME, GPS, HBAN, ISRG, KMI, LCID, LVS, ME, MULN, NIO, NKLA, OPEN, PCG, RLX, SBH, SLB, SMFR, TAL, UBER, UMC, VRM. Please note that this is a preliminary list, as our investigation remains ongoing. + +Here are some charts that compare the anomalous days to normal intraday lending patterns. + +[GME](https://preview.redd.it/qegqp33jgkx91.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=021781162eca10ee550af5c87d5d8596302302d8) + +[BKR](https://preview.redd.it/jodz3dmkgkx91.png?width=1415&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbbb0260c7bb32fd1d64271780d763f4ef688fd7) + +[ISRG](https://preview.redd.it/s9xkfcjlgkx91.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=35fe96d6a7ce5c461140319db66014e74765ba35) + +[NIO](https://preview.redd.it/86w351imgkx91.png?width=1414&format=png&auto=webp&s=777db34f1fb6412c99786bd46ff0ba1d4b10783a) + +[WBD](https://preview.redd.it/asaph4fngkx91.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=9673b808831322907f7441e0c0b2e9a86bd56f3a) + +We have shared our findings with our data partners, who have performed their own reviews and identified an underlying system issue. One of the data providers was incorrectly merging Borrowing and Lending data, which resulted in inaccurate intraday lending data. Our partners are working to address the underlying cause, which will require extensive testing and validation on their end to ensure that the problem is eliminated accurately. + +Our data partners are planning to implement the fix this weekend following testing and validation. Until then, ORTEX will continue to review and monitor for issuers that may exhibit this incorrect data pattern. + +# Distinguishing between intraday and consolidated daily data + +While we continue to work on addressing the underlying issue around the data that is being provided to ORTEX, other technical details around our data may add additional context. + +Our securities lending data includes both intraday and consolidated data. Intraday data, which includes various metrics such as Borrowed Shares, Returned Shares, and Cost to Borrow pertains to stock loans that are being requested and negotiated throughout the day. Occasionally, the borrower may book a loan but subsequently change their mind and not complete the loan transaction, which results in that loan being cancelled and closed unfulfilled. If this occurs, the data point is removed from the intraday data altogether. This is why intraday data is inherently more volatile, as market participants are dynamically making decisions that are subject to change based on market conditions. + +Once the dust settles, all of the lending data is then reconciled and consolidated. Any loan that is not completed will be excluded from the consolidated data. In other words, the Shares On Loan figure represents stock loan positions that are confirmed to have been completed. As a reminder, our platform covers 85% of securities lenders at the wholesale level. The consolidated daily data was *not* impacted by the data issue in question. + +Intraday data provides a real-time view into the lending market, even if some data points are subsequently cancelled. Consolidated On Loan data offers a balance between timeliness and accuracy, compared to the official exchange reported short interest information, since it only includes confirmed loans and is available well before exchange reporting dates. The prompt availability of this data has been crucial to traders in identifying short squeeze opportunities in certain cases, such as the GME and AMC episodes from 2021. + +ORTEX provides investors with both intraday and consolidated data to empower users with all available data points in order to make informed decisions, but it is helpful to recognize the context and limitations of each different perspective. + +Additionally, ORTEX is currently working on adding a consolidated view of daily short-sale volumes – including exchange data and off-exchange data – to our platform, offering even more insight into what the bears are up to. This dataset has its own nuances and limitations, but stay tuned for more. +I still see so many people who are not worried, and that's bad. So many people today are not fearful of a downturn in the economy or not having enough to pay the bills, I think many feel the government will keep taking care of people. When I was young I can still remember stories of relatives talking about how bad things were during the depression. People had to work hard and save pennies just to survive. I think that most people in developed counties are soft physically and emotionally. I still see people who don't earn all that much, eating out, going on vacation, and hiring people to cut their grass. what are your thoughts....................................just an old man ranting here. Have a nice day. +Its befuddling that hardly anyone is talking about this exquisite Indian company. A company whose heritage rivals that of the magnolia. Trailblazers in the ice-cream industry this company deserves a lot more love. +Any guesses? I'm talking about **Vadilal Industries Ltd**. + + +This a tale of entrepreneurial alacrity and propulsive ambition. This giant of a company, since its initial days as a soda stall, has now been operational for close to 107 years. Enough about its impeccable pedigree. +Now coming to their business divisions + + +A) **Icecreams and frozen desserts** +They're the mainstay of the company contributing more than 89% of the topline. Their ice-creams combine the highest levels of craftsmanship with daring and spark elusive emotions. It'll invariably leave you smiling and unshackle you off those chains of sadness. + +The company earned in excess of 500 crores from this division. India's per capita consumption hovers between 500ml and 1 litre depending on the survey studied. A rise in its consumption is a foregone conclusion. Contrast it with our neighbours and you'll be startled at how little ice-cream we eat. The US leads the world with a per capita consumption of 20 litres or some such. + + + +B) **Frozen products** +A riveting example of how a one dimensional company took the leap of faith and elevated its existence by diversifying. Vadilal now also sells frozen vegetables, Indian sweets and ready to eat meals. They're available mainly in the US. Topline contribution was close to 75 crores. + +Now we need a recap. +**Sales**: ~600 crores +**EBITDA**:88 crores + +**Market cap**: ~600 crores + +Now why does this pique my curiosity. Havmor which was once a jewel on India's India's ice-cream crown is now a company with Korean parentage. Lotte of Choco Pie fame acquired it for 1030 crores. What's relevant is that Vadilal has twice the capacity of Havmor plus a thriving export business plus an unrivaled brand recall. + +Peers: + +DFM Foods: + +**Revenue**:514 crores + +**EBITDA**: 49 crores + +**Market cap**:1900 crores + + +ADF Foods: + +**Revenue**: ~300 crores + +**EBITDA**:60 crores + +**Market cap**:1200 crores + + +Tasty Bite: + +**Revenue**: 454 crores + +**EBITDA**:73 crores + +**Market cap**: 2900 crores + + + + + + + +**Now let's discuss some international peers** + + +Indonesian ice-cream giant: + +Capacity: 43 million litres per year + +Valuation: Rs. 900 crores + + +Vietnam: + +Capacity: 50 million litres + +Valuation: 805 crores + + +This Indian crystal has a **capacity of 150 million litres a year**. + + +The disparity is glaring. This company is one of not many and they make real what others wouldn't even dare to dream. To me, this looks like an incomparable opportunity. + +**I love their ice-cream. It's an audacious alchemy of unique flavors, their commitment and inimitable skills that exalt ice-creams to true works of art.** 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + + +Disclosure: I'm not a SEBI registered advisor. Please perform your due diligence. I have some investments in the stock via relatives. +Bit of background, i’m 40, my house is paid off, i work full time and have no kids. The issue is I gamble a lot, maybe 60% of my wages and am worried if I don’t have a plan I will squander it all. + +I’m probably going to spend £10k on a used car and decorating a few rooms. I fear having access to 75k will be bad for me. Is there anything not high risk I can do with the money that I can’t have quick access to? + +I have bad credit so can’t invest it in a rental property. + +I have been going to Gamblers Anonymous so am trying, just wanting to safeguard the money before it hits my bank. Thank In Advance. +So been steadily putting into money into ETFS since last year. However is anyone afraid of continuing investing if a recession is coming? + +I have no idea if it really is coming.... I just dislike telling people to invest if I myself have only seen negative for the past few months +I try not to be a doom writter given how much we love growth however do you think we are experience a reversal to mean and fundamental/value investing will dominate the next biz. cycle and stock picking becomes more important with the overall market being less proped up (which hurts index funds?). + +I could be talking gibberish but just would like to discuss? +I'm talking fixer uppers and things like that, I see a lot of people make bank but so many that advise to stay away. Any comments are appreciated and I'll respond as quickly as possible. +I had sent her 240 sats via Lightning to a mobile wallet to show her how great it is. + +Now she has deleted the app. And we had not saved the seed phrase. + +You're welcome. +Hello investors, + +I wonder if you would share with the community one stock you love but think it's under the radar for most investors. And maybe summarize what the business does or why you like it. + +I'll leave you mine: + +- Mayr Melnhof Karton (listed on Vienna) + +Family owned bussines with 2 divisions: +- MM Karton: is Europe's largest cartonboard producer with a leading position in recycled fiber-based cartonboard. + +- MM Packaging: is the leading producer of folding cartons in Europe + +C'mon let's help each other! + +Thanks in advance and have a great day! +I seem to only be able to get a 15-year conventional mortgage for a duplex investment property that I’m considering, and not a 30-year. What might cause that? + +Strangely enough, some of the lenders said if my loan amount were higher (I.e. for a more expensive property) they could do a 30 year. +Hi Everyone, + +I'll try to keep this brief since most of you already know what this is all about. And of course, I'm not a financial advisor and nothing you are reading here is financial advice. + +If you do not know what this is all about, your nearest rabbit hole can be found here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/of9pys/google\_consumer\_survey\_followup\_1937\_million/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/of9pys/google_consumer_survey_followup_1937_million/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +The TL;DR: I used Google Consumer Survey to survey the U.S. population about their GameStop ownership. I used randomized, representative surveying which allows a researcher to extrapolate results to a broad population. In the case of GameStop ownership, this allows us to model some very interesting numbers that are tough to get at otherwise. + +If you have any questions about methodology, sample size, survey biases ... anything along these lines, I invite you to check out this post with extensive discussion about all of these things: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o2cnd4/using\_randomized\_representative\_surveying\_data\_to/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o2cnd4/using_randomized_representative_surveying_data_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +Also, to be a transparent in the process as possible, you can look at the results for yourself here.NOTE: There are actually some very interesting tools that allow you to slice and dice the data if you want to know things like ownership by age, gender, etc.: + +[https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=sv2uhkuhypyl6olmiokx2zzkma&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true](https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=sv2uhkuhypyl6olmiokx2zzkma&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true) + +[https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=gei6t23feekehqpuxr5woosr5a&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true](https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=gei6t23feekehqpuxr5woosr5a&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true) + +[https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=emu6442dcciv66jbwetrmxrea4&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true](https://surveys.google.com/reporting/question?hl=en-US&survey=emu6442dcciv66jbwetrmxrea4&question=1&raw=true&transpose=false&tab=chart&synonyms=true) + +# So here we go ... + +The big data set of 1,500 has finished! This gives us a whooping total of 2,200 samples for this research across three surveys. **Huge props to the individual who set up and paid for the 1,500 sample size! They wanted to remain anonymous, but they are a massive contributor to our collective search for the truth! Big kudos!** + +Before I start, and since I know this question will come up ... yes, we can combine these three samples so long as we understand they took place during different times (which is important because market dynamics change \[sometimes dramatically\] over time). Furthermore, these samples were collected randomly and from a massive pool (tens of millions), and since a person can't be served the survey more than once in any instance, we can confidently combine these results knowing there's very little, if any, impact on the overall conclusions we can draw from this data. + +So here's how things shook out: + +https://preview.redd.it/p5pu9p9b4ub71.png?width=2684&format=png&auto=webp&s=65ef6e35c93e7170bfc49d49feb91fc4feabcd43 + +So the first thing you're going to notice is the drop. The prior readout came in at 194MM, and this is down to 164MM, a drop of 15%. For this type of research, that's a big number. But the thing two things to consider are this: + +1 -- There is a margin of error in all this ... probably 2-3% based on the current sample size. + +2 -- More importantly, there are market dynamics at play here, which is why I included the charts. + +We must also consider the wider context of this research (in terms of market dynamics), and I think the image below is worth considering. + +https://preview.redd.it/uwdigsr09ub71.png?width=1692&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a4561374a97d4fb0d8906f0d30c852cd1bf2056 + +Certainly there are a lot of diamond-handed apes out there, but there are still market dynamics at play. This was a bearish time to survey, and results bore that out as the % of paperhands increased, ownership % fell, and even avg. shares tanked. + +So I don't think the drop is an indictment of the methodology or the platform. In fact, the drop makes a lot of sense. In other words, imagine if we surveyed again as we come out of this cup that's forming. Of course we'd expect these number to fluctuate up, and it wouldn't be surprising if the increases were tens of millions of shares. + +I think the other thing to consider is the overall economy. The further U.S. retail investors get away from there last big round of stimulus, the more likely people are putting their resources elsewhere, or even selling to cover shortfalls due to inflation, reduced benefits, etc. + +# Something New For This Final Update + +In the past, I have struck strictly to the data in hand. If you've read my earlier posts, you'll see I've deliberately designed this research to be ULTRA conservative. In other words, I intentionally took a "Tip of the Iceberg" approach. I completely remove half of all coupled individuals to ensure shares would never be double counted. I capped the response buckets at 101 shares owned, essentially Thanos snapping every share held beyond 101. I took the most extreme approach I could to support the idea that the extrapolated number would be a bare minimum. + +Well, I'm curious about the total number of shares. I'm done surveying. So now it's time to make same guesstimates and worry less about being conservative, and worry more about trying to come up with a precise figure. + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*Before the comments flood in, please note that everything beyond this point is based only in part on hard data, but also involves some best guess on my part. If you're not interested in best guess, just stick to the content above because what's below is speculative.\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +**So to come up with this Guesstimate at the total number of GameStop shares in existence, we have to first address two critical biases ... the 101+ penalty and the couple household penalty.** + +Okay, so 101+ and coupled households. If I were trying to be more precise, here's what I'd do with these two. + +First, the 101+ folks: + +https://preview.redd.it/1znujdd5hub71.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=d18bfc3033d941e0837dda6de34c27d15e3f5b67 + +Yeah, that's right. The average ... double it! Well, almost. + +This might still be conservative, but it's almost certainly more precise. I mean, think about it ... if I had a room of a 123 random GME holders from all around the U.S., what are the chances of there being being 1 person with oh, I don't know, 4,000 shares? Even this one person showing up half the time would increase this average still a bit further. So there are still some things we just don't know, but we know we don't know them, which is good. So again, I have to cap this (1,000). Conservative? Maybe. Maybe not. It is what it is, and it gives us an average of 64.3 shares to work with. + +For coupled households ... my instincts tells me there are plenty of households were both individuals in the couple own GME. What percent? I don't know, but 20-30% seems reasonable. I also believe there are couples who might respond as if an individual (i.e. a husband answers no because the shares are in his spouse's 401K, or a wife says yes, but responds indicating only the shares in her brokerage account, even though she in and her spouse own shares together in a separate account). There are a lot of different scenarios here, but the model I've been using take the most conservative approach by lopping the coupled households in half. So instead of that draconian of an approach, let's reduce the penalty down to 80% versus the full 100% penalty. + +When we do this, and we use the new average share calculation, we get something like this for our Guesstimate-based U.S. adult population extrapolation: + +https://preview.redd.it/32vvpajojub71.png?width=1390&format=png&auto=webp&s=dba8959ecf8808f877711fb6380aba1fa4306a97 + +And then, we can use the above and start adding in everything else, like foreign retail investors, insiders, institutions, etc. + +https://preview.redd.it/p4pxwgwtjub71.png?width=888&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2b4f1ce035768fc74c64ac43b4152748f9d585f + +**\*\*EDIT (July 19) -- I did just see a Bloomberg terminal readout and it has U.S. ownership at 89%, so the above Non-U.S. Retail number is probably quite a bit larger than it should be. If Bloomberg is accurate, and the above number I'm using for U.S. Retail is accurate, Non-U.S. Retail would probably be closer to 44-45MM, not 84MM. So my revised global total would be closer to 487MM total GME shares worldwide. Still a ton of shares, but to keep myself honest and be as accurate as possible, that Non-U.S. number needs to come down a little. I'm just too lazy to redo the image. \[End Edit\]\*\*** + +So to answer my big, red "Have I missed anything?" question ... there is one bucket totally missing (Family Firms), and also, I have no idea how accurate the Small Institutions number is since they don;t really report anywhere (that I know of). Also, it's always possible for even the big firms to report confidentially. So there that. I'm a little sketchy on the ETF numbers too after watching Charlie's Vids: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDaSv47u-Y8uXfbkmEGaxw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDaSv47u-Y8uXfbkmEGaxw) + +What about anything else? Shorts? Options obligations? + +Anyway, 521MM shares of GameStop is my best guess at this moment for universal ownership of $GME. Furthermore, I'm 99.99% certain retail (especially global retail) owns way, way more than what's being reported as the total Outstanding shares of GameStop. It's encouraging that the paper-handing has been so low overall, even during the toughest downturn since March. + +# What do I think this all means? + +For a long time I've stuck to the data and kept my wider opinions to myself. But I'm ready to share what I think this all means, and it means nothing has changed. It means we're looking at the exact same picture we've been looking at all along. So long as retail continues to buy and hodl (even just hodl at this point, although I'm still buying), this is the scene: + +[Running and escaping are not the same thing. There literally is no escape from this based on the fact the market is a zero sum game.](https://preview.redd.it/l4fmos8plub71.jpg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16ae6a6b43e305bc3b48babc32d1c5b5d58a5387) + +The price of GameStop will continue to rise and fall. But as DFV pointed out, only up. From a TA standpoint, this has been exactly correct. What I see is a stock forming a massive bowl and building a massive amount of energy. A caldera perhaps. + +In my mind, this whole saga can only end in one of a very few ways: + +**A Slow Burn** + +Think Tesla. GameStop keeps getting stronger. The rollercoaster keeps rolling, ever higher highs and higher lows on the monthly. A year or two from now, we're much higher than we are now, and the shorts still haven't closed. + +**A Fast Burn** + +Think Overstock. GameStop initiates some sort of scenario that necessitate a recall, or perhaps a novel dividend scheme that forces shorts, FTDs, and synthetics to all close. The squeeze is squoze in the way many of us envision it, with dramatic increases and rapid liquidations. + +**New DTCC Rules Do Their Thing** + +Slowly then all at once, the dominoes start to fall. Maybe it starts with a family firm, or a small hedge fund. This might play out over days, weeks, or months ... but basically, this would be a cascade of margin calls and liquidations, getting ever larger until the banks can no longer hide it. + +**Federal Indictments** + +We do know there is an SEC investigation, but what if the FBI is already involved. If there is criminal behavior behind all this, there could be a negotiated deal of some sort, particularly if a large market maker is brought down by charges. I'm not sure what precedent exists for this scenario, but court proceedings, etc. would change things dramatically I assume. + +At any rate, I know my strategy. It's to add shares using cash as I can afford them. It's to hodl. It's to shop at GameStop if and when I can. It's to share the GameStop story with whomever might be interested to hear about it. And it's to wait, knowing I'm holding shares of a company that I believe to be undervalued, even without the potential for a squeeze. + +In a nutshell: + +https://preview.redd.it/fzu4gdoxrub71.png?width=3410&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d168081265f58be343d29f9ef66d57fbf801788 + NASA or Not Another Shit Altcoin is a token deployed on the Binance Smart Chain network that utilizes the raw power of memes, transparency, innovation and pure fundamentals to facilitate its goal of becoming "The Dependable Memecoin". + +Over the past few weeks NASA has been busy creating a new token to address vulnerabilities discovered in the old smart contract. During this short hiatus, NASA has also used this opportunity to revamp their tokenomics in order to better facilitate their use cases, rebrand their image, realign their goals, redesign their website and much, much more. + +Now that NASA is back, you can STOP investing your hard earned money into shitcoins with zero originality, uniqueness and character and START investing in a project with all that as well as actual long term goals and visions outside of just marketing. NASA is Not Another Shit Altcoin! + +&#x200B; + +✨**WANT TO WIN A PS5? OR SOME SWEET NASA MERCH? CLICK** [HERE](https://www.sweepwidget.com/view/28880-0zl9snje) **TO ENTER THE $10K GIVEAWAY**✨ + +&#x200B; + +**Tokenomics:** + +👉 4% Added to liquidity + +👉 3% Redistribution + +👉 2% Marketing wallet + +👉 1% Rug Pull Relief Fund + +&#x200B; + +**Use Cases:** + +💕 Rug Pull Relief Fund + +🕵️‍♂️ NASA Auditing Service + +🎨 NFT Marketplace + +&#x200B; + +**Features:** + +🔍 Audited by Solidity Finance + +🙋‍♂️ Doxed devs + +🏁 Extensive marketing budget + +📊 Big exchange listing upon launch + +&#x200B; + +👨🏼‍🚀 **BECOME A NASTRONAUT TODAY!** + +&#x200B; + +🔹 [Telegram](https://www.t.me/officialnasatoken) + +🔸 [Website](https://www.nasatoken.net) + +🦜 [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/NASAtoken) + +🔍 [Audit](https://www.solidity.finance/audits/NASA/) + +🤖 [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASAToken) + +📄 [Whitepaper](https://www.notion.so/NASA-Token-s-Live-Whitepaper-e36eaf6a194244479767bd188aa1271b) +The purpose of shorting a lot of these companies into oblivion is not simply to never pay proper taxes on the "profit." + +The real purpose is to get around *Anti-Trust* laws that the USA has had around for ages. This is the 21st Century's method of accomplishing a monopoly without directly breaking competition related laws. + +Every single company that has been shorted to nothing has had funds that have gone long on the competitor that becomes the defacto-monopoly by 2016. Literally every one. + +Over 90% of these companies have been absorbed into a product/service that Amazon offers. Toys-R-Us? Sears? KMart? Blockbuster? Two dozen other lesser known. JC Penney soon enough + +Had Bezos and company outright bought up the competition, they would have quickly been hit with a myriad of anti-trust lawsuits and it would have been very obvious what the plan was. This way however, everything has been indirect. For a bit over a decade, the elite have orchestrated their monopolistic takeover of more markets than we realize. + +-------- + +So what can we do? + +We hold onto a majority of our shares, even past the squeeze. This is about more than getting wealth back. This is about change. They need to be stopped, and every last one of us has an obligation to do the moral thing: hold 'til they crumble to oblivion, just like the companies they absorbed. +Post MOASS, you can't just get off the grid either. You have to utilize the wealth you've taken back to make lasting changes. Can you do that? +So I earn 25k. This covers pretty much all my bills. I invest/save about 150 a month. This isn't enough to build up a reserve. Everytime I get 500 saved then the car needs fixing or xmas hits. + + I am thinking of getting a second job for a few months to bump up my savings. +... dominos have offered me interview for a driving job which is fine. Is it stupid to be embarrassed about working for dominos? + +EDIT: I really can't believe the response I have received and the private messages. Thank you for the massive confidence boost. I hope I did not come across as a snob I will be taking the job but I have also been contacted with a few other options as well - including leaflet distribution. +Seeing garbage on Twitter about their DRS-like attempt which has nothing to do with registering shares and just puts all owners of popcorn into a database for identification. They even go as far as to say all popcorn and “non-DRS GME” owners should do it. Shit reeks of Kennifer. This is the DRS version of ApeFest if you ask me. + +Y’all know the drill. + +I think I need more text for character minimum. Hello. +I’m 31F and in 2 weeks I’m going to resign from my job. I’m so happy that I wanted to share it with you! + +By way of background, I joined an investment bank straight from university, in a front office role. I’ve built up a £750k net worth (joint with my husband), thanks mainly to my healthy annual bonuses. + +For the last 2-3 years I’ve been struggling with anxiety & depression, as the stress of the job has gotten to me. I’ve finally hit my cash savings target (£90k in the bank), and feel comfortable enough to take a leap faith. + +While I’m open to all options (I expect my employer to offer me other types of roles internally), I will only move in to a position that sparks excitement and joy, even if it means looking externally and taking a big pay cut. Perhaps this is the start of my Barista FIRE journey, or a step into a role more compatible with my belief system. + +In any event, I am excited. Thanks for listening. +In the best interest of exposing Wall Street, we should create a master list of companies BCG has bankrupted, is actively trying to bankrupt, failed bankruptcy attempts, and other various scandals they’re tied to. What better way to do this for the masses (and do the job of the SEC) than to put together a master list that’s easy to digest? + +Here's what I have so far. I’ll add more as comments come through with sources attached. Please feel free to call me out if anything is incorrect and I'll update the post accordingly. + +**Bankrupted** + +[Blockbuster](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tn2uuo/bcg_gave_consulting_advice_to_toysrus_as_well_as/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[OfficeMax](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u1zadn/after_watching_john_oliver_this_week_discuss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Pizza Hut](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u0whz1/moar_bcg_connections_former_bcg_project_leader/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[KLM Air France](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u00viu/another_big_company_ruined_because_of_bcg_klm_air/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[K-Mart](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tn0ywu/kmart_toys_r_us_enter_the_chat_its_like_bcg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Neiman Marcus](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tnp84m/more_bcg_boston_consulting_group_connection_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Pier 1 Imports](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/31/business/pier-1-new-owner/index.html) + +[Sears](https://transformco.com/press-releases/pr/1959) + +[Toys R Us](https://www.case48.com/bcg-matrix/12847-Toys-R-Us) + +[Circuit City](https://www.forbes.com/2005/06/20/0620automarketscan23.html?sh=1f07046b2c49) + +[JC Penny](https://chainstoreage.com/jc-penney-makes-key-hire) + +[Radio Shack](https://www.bcg.com/publications/2017/growth-strategy-vector-thrust-breakout-growers-get-right) + +[Texaco](https://globalonlinemony.com/at-mckinsey-widespread-furor-over-work-with-planets-biggest-polluters/) + +[Chrysler](https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2009/04/10/boston-consulting-is-hired-to-advise-treasury-auto-team/) + +[MF Global](http://www.mfglobalcaseinfo.com/docs/1279_15059.pdf) + +[Conseco Inc.](https://www.consultingcase101.com/consecos-acquisition-of-green-tree-financial-not-a-good-deal/) + +[CIT Group](https://www.americanbanker.com/national-regional/cit-hires-consultant-to-help-speed-up-turnaround-1092101-1.html) + +[GM](https://www.case48.com/bcg-matrix/12615-General-Motors) + +[WorldCom](https://www.irishtimes.com/business/worldcom-s-executives-earned-104m-as-accounting-fraud-was-used-to-boost-profits-1.1091498) + +[Washington Mutual](https://www.alliancebernstein.com/americas/en/institutions/bio.ajit-ketkar.html) + +[Lehman Brothers](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210927005011/en/Piper-Sandler-Companies-Elects-Robbin-Mitchell-to-Board-of-Directors) + +**Actively Bankrupting** + +[Bed, Bath, and Beyond](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tn8lvr/bcg_currently_has_a_hand_in_bed_bath_and_beyonds/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Harley Davidson](https://www.case48.com/bcg-matrix/13039-Harley-Davidson) + +[Kohls](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tnbs5x/bcg_and_kohls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Macy's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tnb4mz/bcg_partner_adrian_mitchell_became_the_cfo_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[RiteAid](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tyrim1/i_was_browsing_yahoo_the_fud_caught_my_eye_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Victorias Secret](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tnf7t2/ryan_cohen_tweet_victorias_secret_bcg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Whole Foods](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/to671e/whole_foods_also_hired_bcg_for_consulting_which/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[USPS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tz2k7r/bcg_and_the_united_states_postal_service/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +**Failed Bankruptcies** + +[PulteGroup](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u0wcb9/did_bcg_try_to_scrub_this_blog_post_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[GameStop](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tpjeyj/gamestop_fires_firm_connected_to_citadel_bcg_love/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +**Scandals** + +[Karolinska Solna Hospital](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt4zwi/bcg_was_hired_by_swedens_karolinska_solna/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[American Public School System](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tyvkdk/boston_consulting_group_bcg_has_been_heavily/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[$800,000,000 From the Federal Government](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tyk07f/since_2018_bcg_has_received_137_contracts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[SEC Reform](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tmxp3p/the_sec_hired_bcg_to_consult_and_report_for_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Consolidating Power for Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u3ryga/bcg_along_with_consulting_firms_mckinsey_and_booz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Sri Lanka’s Failing Government](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u0xoug/anybody_watching_the_news_of_sri_lankas_crumbling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Assisting in African Gemstone Corruption](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tysagm/bcg_stole_patented_technology_that_guarantees/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[German Political System](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u2lm0g/the_kraken_is_everywhere_boston_consulting_group/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[German Military](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tnhggs/german_military_consulting_affair_was_a_big_thing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[World Economic Forum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tosz70/the_final_boss_the_world_economic_forum_bcg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +[Isabel Dos Santos hired BCG to exploit Angola's natural resources while the country suffers from poverty, illiteracy, and infant mortality](https://www.news18.com/news/world/how-us-firms-helped-angolan-rulers-daughter-and-africas-richest-woman-exploit-her-countrys-wealth-2464665.html) + +[BCG consulting for Saudi Arabia for the ](https://www.consultancy-me.com/news/3870/saudi-arabia-taps-us-consultancy-for-2030-world-cup-bid)[2030 World Cup bid](https://www.consultancy-me.com/news/3870/saudi-arabia-taps-us-consultancy-for-2030-world-cup-bid) +Some people might refer to it as the dumb money, or the fomoers. But the reality is the only reason the value of a currency goes up is due the brave people who take the risk to buy in at the riskiest points in the market. + +If these people didn't exist cryptocurrency would never have taken off the ground. And those of us who have accrued life changing monetary value in this market have these people to thanks. + +They are the heroes we need, but they are not the ones most of the market deserves. + +To the brave people who buy at the market top, we salute you, and i pledge to do my best not to let your investment lose too much value in the short term so we can all come out on top on the long term. + +Thank you and good night. +I quit smoking. I quit spending money on something that I don't enjoy and that's killing me both financially and physically. I'm saving my life and saving a cool $75,000 in lifetime expenses while I'm at it. +Am I the only one who feels that way? I remember 2008 being a time of real panic. The news and media was very gloomy, and uncertainty was driving real fear and terror. Bank runs were a real possibility and the dithering in Congress seemed like it might bring everything crashing down. The people in my life (family, friends, and acquaintances) seemed anxious and fearful about the future. I knew more than a few people who lost their asses in 2008. Many of them only partially recovered, and some never did. + +The covid crises is supposedly worse. All of the metrics we have so far seem to indicate that this is worse than 2008 by a longshot. But it just doesn't feel like it. The people in my life seem to be doing well. I don't sense the same fear and anxiety in news and media that I did in 2008. I don't feel overly worried about my long term financial situation. And I don't fear the economic future of the country. + +I feel fine and am very optimistic. But the data says that I should be very worried. But I'm just not. Things just don't feel that bad. It's really weird. +I'm literally out of options at this point so I figured maybe someone has been in my shoes or knows where I should go from here. + +I'm 18 and I graduate high school in May. I'm already accepted and admitted (not enrolled) into a pretty good college. It's in-state, has a great reputation, and is really good for the field I'm going into (public health). Going to college is extremely important to my family and me. My dad passed pretty recently and he left me a modest amount of money (around $10,000) but I have to use it towards getting a degree. + +Here's where the issue comes in. I recently went to an event for admitted students and after going to some panels about financial aid my mom and I realized that...I have no idea how I'm going to afford this. My GPA is average at best (3.6) and I have a really good ACT score (32) but that hasn't helped me at all because I've only received about $4k in scholarships from this college and my yearly cost is $21k. I qualify for a federal unsub loan for $5.5k and I'm getting literally nothing in financial aid because my family is upper middle class (there is absolutely no way they're going to be able to pay for my college though, both financially and because that's just not how they are). + +I've applied for over 100 scholarships since August but I'm pretty average as a student apparently so no dice there (I have decent community service hours, AP classes, ETC). I'm also a minority but that hasn't helped me at all. I really don't know what to do at this point- how is everyone else managing to pay for this? Going to this college has been my dream since middle school. I have been collecting apartment supplies and already have a roommate lined up. I'm just kind of at a loss here and would appreciate any advice or even just some words of encouragement. Thank you in advance. +https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/how-elon-musk-gambled-tesla-to-save-solarcity + +If you’re not familiar with Bethany McLean, she wrote “the smartest guys in the room” which covered Enron and has written extensively on the 2008 financial crisis. + +**edit: McLean! Not McClean (autocorrect)** + +Update: Hi Tesla legal/PR team! Working overtime I see. +I’m now in a fatFIRE state of existence. I’m a 39 year old woman, in pretty good shape. I’d say I’m probably a 7. I keep hearing money can make you more attractive. I feel I have potential to improve but I’m not sure what I need. Fillers? Botox? A glaze treatment for my hair? A better haircut? Where should I buy clothes for the look I want? Do I need Invisalign? + +What I’d like is some kind of consultant who will take a look at me and tell me all the things I can do to myself to make me look better. Does this exist? +/u/nooku: + +I see a lot of newbies entering the market, people who hear about Ethereum. If you are such a person, you might be a little bit confused about why there is the Ethereum coin (ETH) and the Ethereum Classic coin (ETC). + +Here is the story of what exactly happened. This is not research, but a first-hand story. I was there when it all happened, in the middle of it. And active in **all** involved communities. + +#It all started during the spring of 2016: + +There was only one Ethereum coin you could buy (ETH). The Ethereum world computer was online for not even a year. Most investors invested in Ethereum because they saw this world computer as something that could change and transform the world. This is not new for you guys reading this now, you are starting to see the potential too. But these early investors were visionaries. They could already see it before it started to happen. + +They saw the possibilities and were excited about what had been built. Excited about what was still going to be build. + +So here follows what the early adopters did next: + +#Growing the eco-system + +An important task at that moment in time, was to grow the eco-system. Companies and startups would be created and motivated to play around with the possibilities of this new technology. + +Thus the early investors were going to work together to build the eco-system up. + +More than a thousand well intended investors had allocated a major part of their hard-earned wealth into a program / contract running on Ethereum (*the contract was named TheDAO*) which was created with the goal to fund startups in the eco-system for at least the next 4 years. + +The idea and the intention to grow the eco-system with this money, was so grand that more than **11 million Ether** (12 % of all ETH in circulation) were allocated to this contract. With the sole plan being that these funds would then later be redistributed over **hundreds of different projects**, all trying and building different use-cases for Ethereum. + +#Then summer came, and a software bug + +Then, for all these investors, the unthinkable happened. Due to an obscure bug in this contract, hackers managed to hijack and steal all of these funds. + +11 million Ether, now worth **more than 2 billion USD** that was meant for the growth and success of Ethereum, could now no longer be used. It was a doomsday scenario for the Ethereum world computer and all dreams and enthusiasm turned into a nightmare for both investors as Ethereum enthusiasts. + +#Bitcoin community celebrations + +There was joy too, on the other side of the crypto community. The biggest Bitcoin forum /r/Bitcoin , which was then famous for censoring (deleting) every single news piece on Ethereum, made an exception and allowed the posting of the "Great Ethereum hack". + +The supposedly pro-innovation Bitcoin-community celebrated the failure of another crypto-experiment that was trying to do something new. As if this was a competition instead of a collective project on building good things for the world. + +But their celebrations were premature. + +#The Ethereum community stuck together, worked together, and fought back. Successfully + + +Through a hard fork, the Ethereum Foundation together with the communities consensus executed a successful redistribution of these **funds** away from the rogue hackers **back into the hands** of those who **rightfully owned** these ethers before: **the investors**. This hard fork caused a split in the Ethereum chain, with the old chain and the new chain. + +The problem, the bug, the mistake, was undone. The money was once again in the hands of the investors, so it could feed the eco-system: a **VITAL** moment in Ethereum's history. + +And so it happened. All of the innovation that we've seen in the past year, and also the ICO's, got fueled by this money, money that was always meant for investments, growth. + +At the same time, not having 12 % of the coins in hands of 1 group of hackers, but instead distributed in the hands of the rightful owners, was another important element to ensure the Ethereum blockchain remains secure for the future (once we go to PoS, which I won't be explaining here now). + +Ethereum has now reached **$200** on this day, **thanks to the efforts** of the entire Ethereum community, both investors as developers. + + +#/r/Bitcoin's reaction: The creation of "Ethereum Classic" (ETC) + +But the Bitcoin community didn't approve of this success. Famous Bitcoin members like the /r/Bitcoin moderators, and institutional Bitcoin investors like Barry Silbert, who had been tweeting and posting about 'Why Ethereum can never work' in the months before the above chaos, initiated a new plan. + +The plan was to disrupt the Ethereum network by reviving the old chain. To prove that **'hard forks are dangerous' by trying to make Ethereums' hard fork fail**, trying to kill off Ethereum in the process. This was going to be their best and probably only chance to get rid of this young but strong innovative 'rival'. Thus, they suddenly allowed Ethereum posts promoting **the mining of the old chain**. They also spawned their own community around it, calling it 'Ethereum Classic' and **Barry Silberts** co-owned exchange 'Poloniex' raced to be the first exchange to start trading the coin of this old chain (ETC). Thus artificially legitimatizing the ETC coin. + +These old Ethereum-haters turned into Ethereum Classic evangelists. The Ethereum Classic community was being joined solely by people who had a posting history of negativity against Ethereum. *None of these people had any /r/Ethereum posting history, while having a lot of /r/Bitcoin activity.* + +How convenient for Bitcoin. + +#ETC is an Attack against Ethereum + +Let's make this clear here. Ethereum Classic is, and always has been, an attack **against** Ethereum, trying to disturb the cohesion of the Ethereum network and the Ethereum community. But let it be clear that the growth of Ethereums eco-system has proven that our community is much stronger and more vigilant than these attackers had hoped or imagined. The flippening, the moment ETH exceeds BTC, is coming closer every week. + +Every time you buy ETC, you are actively supporting an attack on Ethereum by donating your money to these people, with the added risk to lose your investment. Ethereum Classic has no community, no development team, no future in the real world. + +**It's a technological attack, and a monetary scam**, with its biggest investors and its biggest pumpers being people involved in Bitcoin, people like Barry Silbert. + +If you believe in the future of Ethereum, buy the real deal, the real thing, which is the ether, the ETH that is the only token that gives you access to the real network. + +If you want to diversify your wealth, I encourage you to do so. Look for the real interesting innovative technologies that want to bring something good to this world, to let us all move forward. Even Bitcoin has its place and role. + +If you have bought, or holding, or still planning to buy ETC, be ready to get hit by some nasty surprises down the road ( on those days - *and I can already foresee a few* - I will be linking everyone back to this thread right here, as a reminder). + +You can not build a future on a coin that's being sustained by rotten apples, scammers, with mal-intent and the lack of an intelligent development community. People are going to burn their hands, and lose their money. + +These scammers are losers. + +It's at our side, here in the ETH community, that innovation is to be found. The side of the inventor of Ethereum - Vitalik Buterin himself - and our collective team of thousands of developers who have created the greatness in Ethereum. Invest in them, support them. + +Be a part of history, not against it. + +#tl;dr + +**Ethereum (ETH) ~~Ethereum Classic (ETC)~~** +So over the past month I've cashed out IOU at 23c a day before it went to the moon + +I also cashed out CI1 at 3c and look at it now + +Cashed out 9sp at 2.3c and she's rocketing today + +Cashed on out IHL at 18c shortly before it's recent results + +Sold CRO at 7c two days before it hit 21c + +Sold 3DP only to have it go up another 30c within a week + +Sold RLT at $1.25 and it hit $2.5 a few days later + + +Which stock shall I sell next? For the low low price of a $20 PayPal donation you can buy a ticket to the next rocket 🚀🚀🚀🚀 enquire within + + +Edit: I actually got some DMs so to be clear this is a joke post and I don't want your PayPal money +Why did it take the stock market around five years to recover from the 2008 financial meltdown, but now the market is at all-time highs just five months after it plummeted and the economy shut-down? +What is your typical monthly returns selling options? I love doing.. is it reasonable to earn say 4-6k/month selling with a 200k account? + +I enjoy selling weekly options and to close out before Friday and sleep in peace over the weekend! +Hello All, + +A few facts about my situation: +I live in Tampa Florida. +I make 40k/year. +I am debt free. +I have 20k in savings. +I plan on buying a Condo between 90k to 110k. +I live with my parents and pay my dues, and not looking to move out for the next 2 to 4 years. + +The condos I'm looking at are in okay areas, and they rent out for around $1.2k. +I plan on doing a 20% down payment in order to avoid the mortgage insurance fees. +The term would be 30 years, and I'll definitely think of a refinance later in the future. + +My obvious monthly payments would be: +Mortgage: $500 +HOA: $250 - $300 (250 is the minimum for condos) +Property Management : not really sure. + +I have several questions regarding this matter. + +1. Is this generally a good idea? At first, I'll be making around $300/month out of it, but i plan on paying up the mortgage as fast as possible and probably enjoy more profit in the future. + +2. Is a condo a good investment? + +3. Is a Property Manager a good idea? I believe it is, but not sure if it's worth the cost. + +4. I feel the real estate is in a bubble at the moment, is it a good idea to go ahead with this? + +Thank you for taking your time in reading this, I'd appreciate any advise. +I've read a lot of these 'triumphant' posts about paying loans and it always turns out the person was an engineer and got a huge bonus, or lived at home, or came into inheritance, or something. I was pretty frustrated by this when I started reading PF, because of course those people can pay their loans! I tried to the best of my ability to adhere to the advice on this sub about loans and budgeting and it’s working so far. I thought my post could provide some insight for others in similar situations with no safety net. + +I graduated college in 2015 with $15,000 in debt, in four federal loans ranging from 3.5% to 7% interest. I know this isn't a lot of debt compared to the average. I didn't start seriously paying it until December of 2016 and paid it off completely as of today. I left home at 17 and have been in the service industry ever since. I went to a CUNY school and got an arts degree in a field I love I don’t regret it for a second. What I do regret is that after four years of working full time as a waitress in college just to pay rent ($1000 a month because NYC) and general expenses, I was straight up irresponsible with money for a year after graduating because I finally had free time. I spent from $300 to $800/week drinking and going out. I own a $1000 handbag and yes, I bought a lot of avocado toast. All of my friends had trust funds and could spend hundreds going out and there I was, playing along. I was keeping up with the Jonses in the worst way and was breaking even at best. By the time I got serious about finances, I was $3k in credit card debt, too. I was paying the minimum on my loans ($142) with no end in sight. So I did a complete overhaul: + +-Moved to the West coast. Rent is now $650 a month instead of $1000. Utilities are $30-50 compared with $100+, No cable. + +-I don’t own a car or a bike. I live downtown and walk everywhere. Yes, it is limiting, but I spend a maximum of $20/month on uber if I need to. Still way cheaper than owning a car, and cheaper than my metrocard in NY. It also forces me to explore my neighborhood and be more creative. + +-Got a job actually in my field!! But pay was $15 and hour for anywhere between 5 and 25 hours a week. Obviously not liveable but something for my resume. + + -So I got a serving job. This was four nights a week, but because I’m not in San Francisco or something I was making between $80-150 a night. + +-Got another serving job that paid a little better, one night a week and two days (meaning doubles on the weekend) so I was now working Monday to Friday in the morning at the job in my field, Wednesday-Friday nights as a server in two restaurants, and doing back-to-back doubles every weekend (9AM-1AM). + +-I cancelled a $75 gym membership and bought a yoga mat and some weights. + +-Moving to the west coast helped a lot because my state has a high minimum wage for servers instead of the $5/hr I was making in NY. I think it will help me on taxes next year. + +-I used Mint and tracked every. Single. Penny. I know where every dollar between December and June went and hold myself personally responsible for it. I started making coffee at home. My SO and I meal prep together. We go to the reduced price movie night at the local theater, happy hours or bottomless brunches, and any free event our city offers. We are rarely bored! + +-I set my loan autopay to $600/month, and any extra leftover from the month went straight to the loans. I was averaging $1000/week working 7 days a week, in twelve “shifts.” I paid off the credit cards first and by January was making payments of $1500+ per month to my loans in addition to the autopay. My final payment was for $2k. + +There were a lot of times when it sucked, when I fought with my SO about us not taking vacations, when I was neglecting my personal life because I was pretty much always working. It was not easy. But now it’s all paid off! I spent a lot of time feeling like I may as well be living in a van down by the river, but seeing the zero balance is extremely satisfying and it was all worth it. I have quit two of my three jobs and am pursuing something in my field without the weight of my loans on my shoulders. I guess I really just wanted to say that not everyone on PF has a trust fund, and it IS possible to get your finances in control without one. The best advice is to use Mint or a budget tracker and avoid lifestyle creep. I know my debt will seem insignificant to most people, but this was life changing for me. +**Edit - TL;DR:** I paid $15k in loans in 7 months as a waitress by moving to a low COL area, working three jobs seven days a week, using a budget, and avoiding lifestyle creep. + + +**EDIT 2: I can't believe the support this post is getting! Thank you all for your responses, this is unreal for me. I'm working a double today but I'll be back later tonight and can respond to more of you.** +15 years ago I relocated abroad and left behind an overdraft of 1500£ with Barclays Bank. I literally did not have the money and ran away from it. + +A year later they sent me a card saying the debt had been passed to a reclaiming company and I got a card through the post to say they would come and get property up to the amount from my rental flat (in another European country). No one came. + +A few weeks later, I got an abusive phonecall from someone demanding the money and saying they were going to come to my home and "make my life hell." Again, no show. I didn't hear from them again. + +Now, I have permanently relocated abroad and will probably never return to the UK. Am I still on the hook for this somehow? Before I get abuse, I was young and stupid and skint, and I know I should have just paid it. +This may be completely off base and I might get massively downvoted for this, but in my experience companies that talk about culture are often the worst. "Inclusion and diversity" is pretty normal to see nowadays and I think this is neutral, but when small businesses or medium businesses say "we are all a family" and "we support each other" and then start banging on about "teamwork" and "fairness", I find that the work environment is anything but that. + +Thoughts +MY FELLOW AUTISTS...I COME TO YOU WITH THE GRAVEST OF CONCERNS. + +&#x200B; + +THERE ARE AMONG US....ALTS + +&#x200B; + +THE ALTS COULD BE ANYONE, THEY COULD BE A POSTER BESIDES YOU, SOMEONE YOU TRUST...YOU'D NEVER KNOW. + +&#x200B; + +THIS PAST WEEKEND...A SMALL NUMBER OF USERS ATTEMPTED TO DISRUPT OUR HOLIEST EVENT, THE YEARLY PURGE, BY THE USE OF THESE ALTS. PRESUMABLY TO MAKE AN ENTRY, BUT ATTEMPT TO EVADE A PURGE IF ONE IS DUE. + +&#x200B; + +THEY WILL BE GATHERED FOR THEIR SINS TOGETHER, JUDGED AND FORCED TO REAP WHAT THEY SOWED AND CAST OUT FOR ETERNITY...OR POSSIBLY A MONTH.. + +&#x200B; + +HEAR ME, /u/JOEYLLILLY /u/px1999 I CAST YE ASUNDER! + +&#x200B; + +RESULTS + +THE GREATEST RISE IS CCE, PICKED BY POSSIBLY YOUR WIVES(OR GABRIEL BYRNE'S) BOYFRIEND, u/GabrielByrneIsHot + +&#x200B; + +THE GREATEST FALL IS: MRD, SELECTED BY POSSIBLY IN FUTURE RESIDENT OF /r/AUSFINANCE /u/Multihater + +&#x200B; + +THERE IS A LONG WEEK AHEAD. IT IS THE TIME OF PURGE. + +&#x200B; + +CURRENT OUTCOMES ARE: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ckz4hem1cc971.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a34ddf75f9a8bb597a44475d37aff993c212e3 +* The hint to this huge drop should've been a period when you saw that meme coins were going up and then more meme coins been created and then fights between meme coin HODLers who's meme coin is the realest... +* ETH folks yelled just days ago "last chance to buy under 4k"... +* grandma coming in to this sub saying it's ok kids +* laser eye twitter profile pics +* John MCAfee doubling down and calling 1 BTC = 2M $ by the end of the day +* covfefe (I dunno) +* moon farming and moons actually being worth a dime +* this sub going to 3 million members +* memecoin subs going into million(s) subs +* people calling themselves CEO of wallstreetbets and the king of the apes for no reason + +TL;DR: BTC is going to reach its new ATH in June 2021 (78k $ to be precise) and you can quote me on that! + +EDIT: thank you guys for all the awards, very kind of you, love you all (APES TOGETHER STRONG) + +EDIT2: Justin Sun (the original Trontard and the guy who stole the copy of the copy of the copy of Ethereum, and twitter troller of announcements of annocements) is going to save us, he just bought 4k+ bitcoin worth 150M $ and 54k+ ETH worth 135M USD with the money he never had or ever seen in his life (not gonna post the link but check out his twitter if you want). He showed no proof of his purchase but we're on the way to 78k USD/BTC moonbois thanks to good ol' sun-shine! The prophecy is still on! +To get an idea of where shorts start to feel pain, I started to track the 'cumulative average short price' to come up with my Shorts R-FKD Indicator. (For the curious journalists, Shorts R-FKD is an abbreviation for Shorts Risking Fund Knockout Defeat.) The red line in the chart below shows the Shorts R-FKD Indicator, and represents the target price shorts would like to stay at or below. Any price above the red Shorts R-FKD Indicator is danger territory for shorts. + +As of right now, at a share price of about $160 or higher - the majority of GME shorts will be losers. As we move higher up, a growing portion of the shorts will be at a loss, and their total dollar losses will just mount further as prices head higher. Prices staying above this indicator would imply future transfers of wealth from short funds to long investors. + +https://preview.redd.it/0fq7v52edb791.png?width=568&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc11ddf6ddd74ea4b7479b3e011ac93864c19ca + +Since the GME sneeze back in January 2021, shorts have consistently sold shares to suppress the stock price. Notice in the chart how after every GME price surge in 2021, GME was pushed back down to the red line representing the breakeven point for shorts. + +The recent broader stock market selloff that started in November helped shorts temporarily push GME well below their breakeven point for the first time since the buy button was turned off in early 2021. However, GME share prices have bounced back, and the shorts are facing danger again as GME share prices creep up on them. Watching GME shares approach the red line at $160 is turning up the heat and probably making shorts sweat again. + +https://preview.redd.it/ehidoxc5c5791.jpg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a0dee3fdb3fbbf4ae1e46013de617a63122f50 + +\---- + +&#x200B; + +Methodology: This first version of the Shorts R-FKD Indicator was calculated using a volume weighted average approach assuming consistent shorting activity since the peak price of the sneeze on 1/28/21. For simplicity the mid-point prices between the daily high and low was used and multiplied by the daily volume, then this trading activity was aggregated over time, and divided by the cumulative number of shares traded over that same time, to come up with the volume weighted average price. This indicator gets the job done, but there is some room for improvement using additional data and analysis. A future version of the indicator can use intraday volumes at specific prices coupled with short volumes specific to each date. But we’ll save that for version 2.0. I will try to update this indicator again and share findings every few weeks. + +\---- + +&#x200B; + +In the meantime, for anyone interested in seeing daily shorting activity charts look here: + +[https://www.shortvolume.com/?t=gme](https://www.shortvolume.com/?t=gme) + +Raw data of shorting activity can be viewed here: + +[http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html](http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html) + +&#x200B; + +\---- + +TLDR – prices above $160 will place the majority of shorts at a loss, and we are close to crossing that level. +My dad is 61 years old, has a great paying government job and has no plans to retire. He loves his job and wants to work until he dies. Subsequently, he has never really planned for retirement. He has some funds in his 401k but the majority of his money he tends to hoard in a savings account because he sees it as being more liquid as opposed to having his money "tied up" in investments. + +I have tried explaining to him numerous times that he needs to put his money to work so it can earn some interest as opposed to it just sitting there. But I am no pro at investing. What would be the best advice for next steps? Ideally I think he would benefit from a "set it and forget it" type approach where he can dump his funds and watch them grow over the course of the next 10-15 years. Assuming an average annual return of 6%, I think he can make some decent gains. But again, I am no pro - my best guess for him would be Vanguard ETFs. Or is this amount worth looking into a fiduciary? What say you, PF? + +Thanks in advance. +Today I got an email from a prospective employer. It was in a library that would give me tasks of ordering books, articles, papers and so on. Given the fact that my degree is in Creative Writing, and that literature is my forte, I was *really* hoping for good news. + +So when they sent an email of rejection it was like a punch to the gut. Especially, when I started this week happy as I managed to switch phone network providers allowing me to pay £10 instead of £25. + +This job rejection has really upset me. I have been in a depressed mood ever since I got the email. It was like one of my dream jobs. I put up with call centers right out of uni. I don’t want to go back to those jobs. I’m really pissed off. + +^(Thank you for reading. Hope you are doing well.) + CREDITS TO u/lawsondt . This gem (gme) of a post has been heavily downvoted and is extremely worth reading. Thanks again u/lawsondt for the excellent post. + +**TA;DR:** In 2005, investors of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. attempted to pull all their shares out of the DTC and direct register them in their own name. During this process, 68.5 billion phantom shares were discovered and brokers began deleting CMKM shares from investors accounts. Brokers also prevented many shareholders from direct registering and instead had physical certificates issued to *themselves*. While there are significant differences between CMKM and GameStop, this may be the closest example of what to expect as the float gets closer to being locked up in Computershare. If/when shit hits the fan, don’t be surprised if the brokers pull the same kind of bullshit. DRS early and often. + +**TA:DR end** + +\*This post is a selected summary of pages 208-227 of Dr. Susanne Trimbath’s book “Naked, Short and Greedy.”\**1* *If you are unfamiliar with Dr. T (or a douchebag shill), please refer to footnote 1.* + +On November 4, 2005, CMKM issued a press release announcing a distribution that would require investors to get their shares registered in their own name, i.e., out of DTC.2 Deadlines were set for DTC withdrawal and a shareholder task force was created. In July 2007, after several delays, the task force announced the total number of registered shareholders and shares. They also disclosed the existence of over 68.5 billion phantom shares, i.e., > 68.5 billion shares that could not be accounted for (should not exist). + +**Most relevant to GameStop:** + +Many of the investors were unable to direct register their shares because they were holding phantom shares. Although the investors had paid for these shares, the brokers either never obtained these shares to begin with or they had lent them out thereby passing on the “real” shares to the borrower. Dr. Trimbath dubbed these CMKM investors as “UnShareholders.”3 + +A deeper dive into these UnShareholders revealed that: + +* The following brokers were shown to either delete CMKM shares from UnShareholders’ accounts or incorrectly told them certificates were not being issued: Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, UBS Financial Services, Inc., Royal Bank of Canada, eTrade Financial, Bank of America, Charles Schwabb, Bank One, Bank of America, Qtrade, Piper Jaffray, eNorthern Brokerage, LeumiTrade, Fortis Bank Bruxelles/BBH New York +* The following brokers told “UnShareholders” that they could not get certificates. However, these same brokers got certificates for themselves: Bank of America, Ameritrade, eTrade Financial, Royal Bank Canada, UBS Financial, Chase, Charles Schwabb, QTrade, Piper Jaffray, Bank Leumi, Bank One +* Charles Schwabb, Chase Bank and RBC Dain deleted investors share positions at a time when the firms had no shares either in depository or on the books of the issuer + + * Schwabb deleted investor positions (10 million shares) and at the same time ordered certificates for their own trustee accounts + * RBC deleted investor positions (11.5 million shares) and told investors that there were no share certificates available. However, documentation shows that RBC received certificates for themselves and other customers. + * Chase deleted a high number of investor positions + +In the end, all shareholders of CMKM got fukt, including those that were able to direct register. There was no real value in the firm – they did indeed mine diamonds; however, it was revealed that all mineral rights belonged to the founders of the company, not the shareholders. Multiple lawsuits were filed and some are still pending. + +“The allegations of fraud and corporate abuse are the reason why no one heard the rest of the story, the one **where brokers were allowed to cheat investors by taking their money and never giving them any shares of CMKM**” (Trimbath, p. 209). Although Dr. T tells the story using CMKM as the example, she emphasizes that this stuff happens to every company with publicly-traded shares, big or small. + +Some key differences between CMKM Diamonds, Inc. and GameStop: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g0gsxq2e9ef81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2b5b3b86ca6f4c897fa800592c183e8b598a965 + +\*There were diamonds being mined but whatever mineral rights claim the founders of CMKM had was only ever owned by the founders. The assets never belonged to the company. + +\*\*[https://www.sec.gov/litigation/aljdec/id291bpm.htm](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/aljdec/id291bpm.htm) + +**The purpose of this post is to point out the behavior of the brokers during the DTC withdrawal process.** Unlike CMKM, GameStop has an extraordinary future and is not going bust. The DTC, SEC, market makers, and brokerage firms will have a harder time sweeping things under the rug of the court system if and when things get spicy with GameStop. That being said, we are in uncharted waters. + +If retail owns multiples of the float, which I firmly believe, what kind of behavior can we expect of the brokers if/when shit hits the fan? DRS, mofo. + +1. Anyone who throws shade at Dr. Trimbath is either a shill or lacks the knowledge of her background. She is a business professor in Arizona who started her career at the Federal Reserve Bank and DTC. She has been fighting the corruption for a couple decades and has even lent her time to Reddit for multiple AMAs. BuT sHe HaS bEEn PUshiNg HEr nEW BoOK “Naked, Short and Greedy.” Yeah, moron, she lays out all the corruption in detail for us. Besides, she deserves every penny she gets from the sale of this book. She has been fighting the good fight long before any of us knew of the corruption. + +2. DTC stonewalled any future attempts by other companies and got the SEC to grant approval for a rule change that prohibited requests for withdrawal of certificates that could be **instigated** by issuers. Hence, we would never see GameStop recommending that we direct register with Computershare. The fact that they mentioned Computershare in the last quarterly report should be telling. I’m hopeful they give us an update in Q4, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a new rule or undisclosed SEC threat prevents this. + +3. Almost anyone who receives a 1099 with “unqualified dividends” when they believe they owned regular shares, are probably UnShareholders, too. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that ***** Jartek and a terrorist who’s responsible for the ******** of thousands of innocent members. + +It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. + +Tonight, we give thanks to the countless intelligence and counterterrorism professionals who’ve worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome. The Subreddit and its people do not see their work, nor know their names. But tonight, they feel the satisfaction of their work and the result of their pursuit of justice. + +We give thanks for the men who carried out this operation, for they exemplify the professionalism, patriotism, and unparalleled courage of those who serve our community. And they are part of a generation that has borne the heaviest share of the burden since that April day. + +Thank you and Welcome Back. + +P.S. All Bans have been cleared from the sub. All of them. +A few years ago before Covid hit the O&G sector was down significantly. Could not predict covid but like the O&G sector being down it was a 100% return guaranteed from a physics and environmental pov (CER; canada government entity vs what market was saying to help provide support). Any theories on the next sector/area highly depressed with guaranteed-low risk returns in this environment? + +Most I can see is Industrial/Insurance based companies. Interest Rates, Inflation + War. Interest rates have to rise, inflation and interest rates will help the spread between commodities and retail sale price of products for industrials/manufacturers & Insurance companies for higher spread on fixed income portfolios. Banks are already ATH areas in canada. + +Edit: any investment comes with some risk and is not guaranteed. +Curious how people reason about the value in sending their kids to private vs. good public k-12. + +In my case, I live in an area with a good public school system that feeds its students into good state universities, including a top one, and an occasional elite private university. There are some private k-12 schools in the area that feed into predominantly elite universities. Average SAT scores are about 80 points higher at the private school (1400s) than the good public school (in the 1300s). + +I intend fully to pay for my kids' university education but haven't until recently seriously considered private k-12 school mostly due to the cost (40k-55k) and also because part of me feels it's unnecessary. Factoring into this decision is my own path (decent but not great public high school, great public college, greater private grad school, but many of my peers from my highschool have struggled or continue to struggle). Particularly, I grew up seeing expensive private schools as elitist and unnecessary but now see my peers sending their kids to them and wonder if I happened to have lucked out and am putting my kids at risk if I don't do this. + +Again, curious how others reason about this decision: Is the cost worth it? Do you feel that the extra "edge" a great private school gives your kid is worth it, or is the school simply a signal indicating other things (parents' emphasis on education and parents' net worth)? This factors into my fatfire plans in that I would have to work 1.5 more years to comfortably afford it for each kid's high school, which to me seems worthwhile at this point. Obviously it scales up if I have more kids. +If you head over to r/stocks, r/realestate investing, r/realestate, r/dividends, they all are in complete denial about the crash + +“Just a couple more months and we’ll go back to a bull market!” + +“We are at the bottom. It can’t POSSIBLY go any lower!” + +“These home prices are the NEW normal! It’s impossible for them to drop. This isn’t 08!” + +Everyone is sipping on that copium. The United States printed a shit ton of money during a period where most of the economy has shut down. + +Thousands of businesses have been afloat simply because of cheap money and overvaluations. + +There isn’t a “housing shortage”. If you look into the stats, there is plenty of housing for everyone. There is just a shortage of people SELLING their homes. + +When the demand for these homes goes down (which it already is because of higher interest rates) these values are going to go lower and lower. Add in the fact that people are over leveraged and layoffs are coming people are going to be forced to sell, freeing up the supply problem. + +Don’t even get me started on the number of people that are going to get margin called when their value of their homes go down. + +In essence: we’re fucked. We are guaranteed to be in a recession for at least the next year. + +This is just the beginning. Hold on to your horses guys! + +(At least the dollar is doing well…. Look at the exchange rate for the pound, euro, and yuan…) + +Im also retarded so I could be completely wrong +TL;DR: Retired @ 31 - not as smooth as imagined, but still no regrets. + +I posted in one of the daily FI discussion threads on the actual day of my resignation about 3 months ago, but I've held off on posting a compete summary of financial stuff until now, mostly because I've been too busy with travel and relaxing on my own terms! + +Basic info: + +* Left work in June at the age of 31 +* IT industry +* Wife and I have been saving aggressively for the past 7 years +* "Retirement" coincided with an equity event where I converted approx. $500k company stock into cash + +So, most of you will be thinking "oh yeah well with a half million windfall anyone can retire early!". The only clarifying thing I'd like to offer here is that I stayed with the same company for far longer than most people in my field (loyalty bonus) and I also received well under a competitive salary for YEARS up until the payout. Still, I will admit it was a very lucky break to end up where I did. The only credit I'll give myself was having the courage to bail on some cushy corporate jobs and join a startup for less pay. In reality, it wasn't too courageous because I was dying of boredom at [Initech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsLUidiYm0w). + +Current finances have us (wife and I) at 1.5M net worth, with a paid off house and no car loans, etc... About 1M is invested in various stock/bond funds with Vanguard. Our expenses tend to run between $40k and $60k/year. My wife is also still working part time & self employed, which tends to cover our expenses for the mean time, allowing our principal to grow. She is still considering early retirement, but the amount of flexibility she has is amazing, so it's hard to argue against the income stream. + +In the past few months since I've left my full time job, we have been traveling for about half of the time (7 weeks since end of June). Only domestic travel so far this year, but we love seeing other countries as well and the long term plan is to include some slow international travel as part of our lives. This has been really awesome and energizing. + +Now, the other side of it - I'm already bored when at home. I have seen, time and time again, the advice given to "build the life you want, then retire into it". I was never really sure what life I wanted, so it has been quite a mental struggle to figure out what my purpose is now. When I was in my early 20's, my purpose was just to make money to survive. In my mid 20's, after discovering FIRE, it was to save as much as possible. Now? Now, it's a bit of a challenge. Every day that I don't have something scheduled, I do struggle a bit to find something to do. I'm not ready to dive back into the software world yet, because that brings up too many stressors from the past 10 years. It's a constant challenge, but I think I'll figure it out in the next few months. + +Regardless of any misgivings I have now, I can with 100% certainty say this: Not having to go to work somewhere you dread every day IS FUCKING AWESOME! +Last month my wife booked a room at a hotel in Portland OR for this past weekend. She prepaid the booking because it gave a nice discount on the room. When we arrived the hotel doors were locked, and a security guard came out to tell us the hotel had been closed for almost a year. He said he didn't understand why bookings keep happening, and that his job was basically telling people that walk up that the place is closed. +We immediately got on the phone with the customer service line and they said they couldn't refund the charges without confirming with the hotel. They put us on hold and tried to call the hotel, and then told us nobody was answering. (Right, because the place is closed!) +They continued to say they couldn't refund us. We asked to speak with a manager or supervisor, and they said a supervisor would call us back in an hour. That call never came. +I figured the people who have the authority to refund the charges might be more available on Monday, so we enjoyed our weekend at a different hotel and tried to call on our drive home. Again, no help from the call center rep, and another statement that a supervisor wold call in 2 hours. And again, no call back. The next day I called one more time, was told that there were no supervisors, and that I would need to wait 48 hours for someone to call me back from a different department. At this point I also emailed a hotels.com rewards member help address, and received an auto-reply that someone would contact me in 48 hours. That was Tuesday morning and now it is Thursday night. No calls, no email, no refund for a hotel that isn't open for business. +I figure that my only option is to dispute the charges with the credit card company. Any other ideas? + +Edit: Thanks for sharing your stories of also getting hosed by third party booking sites, and confirming that disputing the charges is the way to go at this point. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +**UPDATE:** + +Somehow a lot of you picked up on the tax point, although that was **NOT the point of my post**. My point was that you could use your ETH as collateral to finance a loan, and you could do this in the future entirely through crypto by using stablecoins - to get fiat without needing to sell your ETH. Always seek professional tax advice in your local jurisdiction. Peace & enjoy your weekend. + +**[end update]** + +I've been doing some research into "stable-coins" and stumbled on some interesting concepts. These concepts will open up some very interesting possibilities in the future. + +A stable-coin is basically a token whose value is pegged to to some fiat currency such as the USD or EUR and the rate always stays stable. Tether (USDT) is such a coin, although it's highly centralized and cannot be used in Ethereum smart contracts because it runs on bitcoin (using Omni Layer). The race is on to create a stable-coin token on Ethereum that can be used in smart-contracts. Once that happens, it may be a game-changer, here's why: + +Once you have a stable-coin on ETH, and you want some USD without selling your ETH, you can do this: + +1. Lock up your ETH in a contract and use this as collateral to borrow USD stable-coins. +2. Sell your stable-coins to get the equivalent USD amount. Cash them out to fiat +3. Your ETH locked as collateral will be staking and paying back your borrowed stable coins. +4. When your debt is paid back, the locked ETH will be released back to you and you get to keep it without selling anything. + +This is good for tax too: since you haven't sold your ETH, but borrowed stable-coins, you might not need to pay any capital gains tax! (Note: Not tax advice, might need to check that with a tax professional) + +Also, if ETH price goes up, your collateral might be worth more, so you could use that to refinance and pay back your stable-coins faster. + +Of course, there could be risks - say if the value of ETH goes down then you might lose some collateral, although you'll still have your fiat / stable-coins safely in your wallet / bank. + + +I would estimate that there would probably be a year or so before we can reach this stage. Here are some references: + +[Maker DAO](https://makerdao.com) has recently had a breakthrough with a ["Sai" token](https://blog.makerdao.com/2017/06/05/introducing-sai/) - their first generation stablecoin. Looks promising, and would be an excellent experiment before going into their more complicated "Dai" token. + +Gnosis will be using a stable-token [WIZ](https://blog.gnosis.pm/what-are-gnosis-tokens-the-new-access-based-token-model-e59c5a490af6). This token could probably be used in other Ethereum contracts? + +Digix might be useful too as it's a stablecoin pegged to gold. + +Some interesting information in this [Ethereum Stack Exchange post](https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/2739/how-would-stablecoins-work-on-ethereum) + +Also, see some [previous discussion on this idea](https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6cwgsp/shower_thought_with_makerdai_i_wont_need_to_cash/) where he mentions that he could use stable-coins to refinance his fiat loan without actually selling his ETH. Mind Blowing indeed. + +Just wondering because I could use some confirmation bias I’m not alone here. + +I haven’t bought any shares since last year. Can’t afford it. It hurt watching the price go to the $70’s again and not being able to buy more, but it was awesome seeing everyone else here go nuts. + +America is a complete dumpster right now. Gas is ridiculous, groceries are more than they’ve ever been, even basic hygiene like deodorant is like $5 a stick now. + +Who else is barely skirting by, but also has GME shared locked up? I’d be lying if I said selling my shares now wouldn’t help me out a ton. But then I’d be right back to where I started within a month or 2, minus the GME shares. + +GME is truly my last hope to ever live comfortably in this world. It’s providing me with enough motivation to get by on these shitty conditions. + +Edit: Since I’m seeing this pop up I should clarify. I am not “barely clinging” to my GME shares. I am NOT selling. I believe in this company. What I’m clinging to is my life as I know it. My debts plus the increasing cost of living are making it extremely difficult to stay afloat. +My dad is retiring and leaving the US with my mom to a cheaper country. They are currently in the process of buying a humble property in said country. I moved back home last year after finding a job in my hometown that pays a pretty comfortable salary. Dad still owes about 90k on the house and wants to pass this on to me. I said I'm okay with this since the average starting price of a home in our area is $350k. Where do I start with this? Apply for a loan and refinance it? +Can we just pause for a minute and think of the magnitude of this forum’s impact on the global economy. Millions of people suppressed by the 1% are coming out in droves to fight back. To take back a small, but significant piece of what we’ve help build. We’ve lined the pockets of the greedy corporations, who have exploited the working class. In 1965, CEO employee ratio was 21:1, today it is 320:1 and rising. +This move has provided an opportunity for new and veteran retail traders to regain some of that capital back. + +This forum’s open and transparent dialogue has helped people pay off loans, make their rent payments, and perhaps get back on their feet after a horrific and painful 2020. It’s time the world gets to enjoy some tendies. Today, some kid’s $2k to $50k trade can help him regain some footing. Perhaps he can buy something supporting a small business or even start his own. + +This forum has transformed the economic narrative. Short traders pushing to bankrupt businesses at 138% of a company’s value will forever need to reconsider their moves. America was built on the backs of hard working people. Many of these people still work at some of these companies earning minimal pay. Shorts like this puts more people out of work and further into debt further suppressing their ability to make a sustainable living. Billion dollar hedge funds will need think twice about trying to bulldoze America simply for the benefit of a few. + +Many of us grew up with some of these companies. Companies like GameStop and AMC are part of +Americana. Sure, you may not have liked the $3 trade in for your game or perhaps you always wondered if the popcorn attendant came in your bucket, but fuck did you not still enjoy the movie experience. Other’s like Nokia and BB helped transform the way we communicate, share and communicate today. Way before we would browse Reddit while shitting, we were playing snake on our 6160. BB was, and still is Canadian. We hated their phones, but love our neighbors. These companies, who have lived among the most shorted companies, finally tells corporate greed that their game stops. + +So, to my fellow autist, as we rise this morning and gain further momentum, get ready to B.A.N.G. hard. There’s no time to slow fuck this. Get up, stay hard, and seize fucking the day. Our time has come. + +I like the stocks, but LOVE you all. +The apple tweet has nothing to do with apple. + + +"the apple doesnt fall far from the tree"... HIS DAD. HIS DAD'S BIRTHDAY IS March 17. + + +GME Earnings moved to March 17. + + +The Moass will be triggered on the 17th. + + +WHO WILL BURST THE PINATA... YES THEY HAVE PARTNERED WITH PINATA BUT WHAT DO YOU DO ON BIRTHDAYS? YOU BURST PINATAS. + + +HEDGIES ARE FUCK. 69.420MIL PER SHARE IS THE FLOOR> +I wanted to write this post because I’ve seen a lot of posts from young people (late teens to mid-20s) who are on their journey to FIRE, who are struggling with finding the balance between “living now” and “saving for later”. There are a lot of posts from young people who want to save for their futures and build a financially stable life for themselves, but also worry that if they don’t travel/attend concerts/experience enough while they’re still in their 20s, they’ll live a life full of regret over what they’ll never get back. + +&#x200B; + +I’m not trying to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t spend their money on – it’s a personal decision that will be unique from my own. But it concerns me that I see so much marketing out there, and so much social media pressure from professional influencers, encouraging young people to spend their money on experiences. The message always seems to be: “You’re only young once! You can never relive your 20s! You can’t afford not to do this! You’ll never get this time back in your life and you’ll regret not doing it when you’re younger!” + +&#x200B; + +For context – I’m an older “millennial” (always preferred “Generation Y” myself). And when I was a young person, the whole “experience economy” just wasn’t the same. Everyone spent time with their friends, of course, but there wasn’t so much emphasis on doing expensive things with your friends. Music festivals were a once-in-a-lifetime experience – not something you go to all the time. Activities like escape rooms didn’t exist. Vacations were something you would take annually with your family – maybe if you wanted to go nuts, you would take a cheap road trip with your friends, and go camping. Or something. But there wasn’t as much pressure to spend money on experiences. + +&#x200B; + +It’s not like what we were pressured to spend money on was better – when I was young it was all about the brand name clothes, latest tech gadgets, and other materialistic things that I don’t think people care as much about anymore. And that’s a good thing. But my point is that, even though we didn’t spend as much on experiences, the time we spent with our friends was still valuable. We didn’t have to spend a bunch of money on concerts or travel or go to exotic destinations to have real friends. Real friends were the people who you could talk to about real life, who you could do stupid stuff with, who would go out for cheap beers with you, who had your back. And you can’t put a price tag on that kind of friendship. + +&#x200B; + +So my concern is, I feel like the “economy of experiences” is trying to make you feel like if you don’t spend money on experiences in your 20s, you can’t be a well-rounded, content person with a strong friend group and good memories of your youth. And I think that’s as much bullshit as saying you can’t be happy unless you spend a bunch of money on shiny gadgets when you’re in your 20s, like we were told. Friends are friends and you can’t buy them. You can’t replace them. You don’t need to be rich to have them – you need to be a good friend yourself to have them. + +&#x200B; + +I know that the concern is that once you hit your 30s, you’re going to be stuck in life, restricted, forced to focus on your career, and potentially dealing with declining health. But how much of a concern is that really? I’m in my 30s, as are most of my friends, and most people I know are happier than they’ve ever been. Most of my friends make more money than they made in their 20s. They get more weeks of holidays than they got in their 20s. They’re in just as good of health as they were in their 20s. + +&#x200B; + +Hell, do you know what most people I know in their 40s regret not spending their money on? Cheap things. Because a cheap hostel is only comfortable enough when you’re still young. A cheap road trip is only manageable when you have the time and don’t have family/friends/job needing more of you. No one wants to go to cheap restaurants when you’re in your 30s and 40s. The thing is, older people I know only want to go to nice restaurants, take luxury holidays, and have more expensive experiences. The only people I know who love and have a great time with cheap experiences are young people. So why spend all of your money on expensive experiences when you’re young? Save some of that for when you’re older and can appreciate it more, and you and your friends are in a better place to afford it. + +&#x200B; + +And yes, it’s true, while the average life expectancy nowadays in a developed country is very high, there is the possibility that you won’t live a very long life. And no one wants to live a life they regret because they died before getting to do anything that they wanted to do. I understand that. But do you really have to spend your whole 20s spending your money and time on expensive experiences to avoid regret? Do people who built a really solid financial base by partying a little in their 20s, instead of a LOT, really die with nothing but regret? I’ve known several sick and terminally ill people, and I’ve never met one who wished they spent more money partying in their 20s. They usually regret things like their parents living to see them die, or that they won’t leave their spouse with enough money to live comfortably, or not getting to talk to their friends enough. + +&#x200B; + +So, again – I’m not telling you what to spend your money on. And I’m definitely not saying you shouldn’t spend any money on experiences – some experiences are a good thing. I loved my first international trip with friends, my first concert – these are things I will never forget. But there are marketers out there who are paid to try to convince young people that spending money in your 20s on experiences is a “need”, not a want – that otherwise they will not have “authentic” experiences, and that you will regret it if you don’t spend as much as you can on experiences while you’re still in your 20s. So I wanted to post that in my experience, you don’t have to spend a ton of money on experiences with your friends just to have genuine friendships. Spending more money on an experience does not necessarily mean it is a better experience. And when people get older, they thrive when they have a solid financial base and genuine connections with family, friends, and loved ones, not because of how much they spent partying in their 20s. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR – having great experiences when you’re in your 20s is fantastic, but marketers are happy to convince young people to overdo it, and you don’t need to overspend on experiences any more than you need to overspend on material things. +**Background:** +I opened an account on July 23rd and it was fully funded for the opening bell on August 3rd. Today marks my 30th trading day completed (first position was opened on August 3rd). My account was funded with exactly $40,000 and I have followed this procedure for \~85% of trades. + + +**Mechanics:** +1) Sell option combos (mainly Vertical Short Puts) with the intent of capturing only theta decay. + +2) Only open positions whose strikes are more than 2 standard deviations outside the expected move. I have wavered a bit from this mechanic at times (and messed up), but 9/10 trades follow this rule. I want all positions to expire OTM. +3) Close at 50% profit. No exceptions. +4) Roll only if strike is breached more than 10 trading days before expiration. + +I have done my best to follow these mechanics, but I will say it was very difficult not to get emotional during some pretty red days. However, I trusted the math in my underlying assumption and the results have been very positive. I have only been assigned on a single option and my overall win rate is 92.47%. + +**Results:** +In 30 days (including today) I have realized a profit of **$4,213.30** on the 40,000 for a 30 day return realized return of 10.53%. Subtracting commissions and fees, this is reduced to **9.20%.** + +Summary: https://imgur.com/QjWXoLY +Realized P/L vs Close Date and Strategy Diversification: [https://imgur.com/ECbF9ny](https://imgur.com/ECbF9ny) +Strategy Performance: https://imgur.com/8xhbmMj +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/at-a-10-year-high-wage-growth-for-american-workers-likely-to-keep-accelerating-2019-03-08 + +Tightest labor market in decades forcing companies to pay up + +It’s been a long time coming, but American workers are finally reaping the rewards of one the longest economic expansions ever. And they may get rewarded still. + +Hourly pay earned by the typical employee rose sharply in February, pushing the increase in wages over the past year to a 10-year high of 3.4%. + +The last time wages grew that fast was in early 2009. +EOS, the "Ethereum Killer". The company that has been doing a continuous ICO on Ethereum for about a year. Yeah, right. So they're issuing an Ethereum based token to raise Ethereum so that they can fund their platform that is supposedly better than Ethereum, but there is no product yet. + +This would be like if I started a Facebook group called "The Facebook Killer" where I use Facebook to get a bunch of people excited about a new social network I'm promising that will be more scalable, more fair, faster, and better than Facebook, but all of this conversation exists within a Facebook group. I keep promising an incredible new website, but I also keep piggybacking on the success of something much more proven and battle tested. + +Then when I finally do come out with a product it turns out that we still have to work out all the usual kinks associated with other existing products and nothing actually ends up being improved. Seriously how do people fall for this? + +"Decentralize Everything", LOL, maybe start with "Decentralize Something" and see where that takes you. +I am a materials engineering fresh grad and have just recently discovered the world of economics during the Covid-19 pandemic. I’m starting my career in ESG consulting at a Big 4 and would love any advice you might have. I took engineering simply because I found the natural sciences easy, not necessarily because I liked it. + +I’m getting more and more interested in economics as I read more, and being from a developing country, particularly interested in development economics and am considering making a career out of it. I’m considering aiming for development agencies like WB, ADB, UN. + +Do the economists here have any suggestions on what to do (read/ study / online courses / career options/ anything else) for people like me with engineering backgrounds to shift into economics and even aim for graduate study in economics? Can anyone speak from experience as someone with an engineering background who is now an economist as well? Thanks! +The new rules [which were announced several months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/9cj512/announcing_a_new_policy_direction_for/) are now in place. All top-level comments will be auto-removed, pending approval from white-listed users with comment approval/removal abilities. + +-------------------- + +Notes + +* For those asking questions, please be patient as comments are approved. It may take longer to get a response, but the responses you do get should be higher quality standard now than they were before. +* If you are answering a question and are not a white-listed user, please be sure to write high quality answers if you would like them approved. As a rough set of guidelines, this means providing detailed and correct explanations, showing your economic reasoning and/or economic models, citing research where appropriate and answering the question as fully as possible. Short, incomplete and misleading answers are much less likely to be approved. + * Top level comments asking for clarification from the OP, asking additional related questions, and other such requests are fine and will be approved. +* If you are a white-listed user, please approve comments that meet these subjective guidelines. Please also approve any comments asking further questions or clarifying. Keep those answers that do not meet this standard as removed. +* If you are answering questions and would like to be white-listed, please leave a top-level comment here with 4-5 posts highlighting your knowledge of economics. We do not care about formal credentials, only your history of comments showing good economic reasoning. With that said, the standard for a white listed user is roughly having the knowledge from an undergraduate degree in economics. Comments do not have to be from /r/AskEconomics to highlight your knowledge. + +I am a materials engineering fresh grad and have just recently discovered the world of economics during the Covid-19 pandemic. I’m starting my career in ESG consulting at a Big 4 and would love any advice you might have. I took engineering simply because I found the natural sciences easy, not necessarily because I liked it. + +I’m getting more and more interested in economics as I read more, and being from a developing country, particularly interested in development economics and am considering making a career out of it. I’m considering aiming for development agencies like WB, ADB, UN. + +Do the economists here have any suggestions on what to do (read/ study / online courses / career options/ anything else) for people like me with engineering backgrounds to shift into economics and even aim for graduate study in economics? Can anyone speak from experience as someone with an engineering background who is now an economist as well? Thanks! +Evening all. Am considering pulling my \~ £25k out of my S&S ISA. I am heavily exposed to equities, in 4 strong funds focussed on the USA, UK and technology. + +I cannot help but think that the recent bullish run will come to a crashing end very, very soon: + +\- 40m unemployed in the USA + +\- No fiscal or monetary firepower is left + +\- Nouriel Roubini is warning of an L shaped "greater" depression, much worse than that in the 1930s + +\- The market prformance of the FTSE defies my mind, it is not reflecting what is going on + +\- On a basic level, there has been no significant economic downturn thus far from the Covid outbreak (I am discounting the initial "shock and awe" phase in March with Black Monday losses) + +\- When people return to work in August, vast numbers will find themselves fired as their continued employment is not economical. Mortgage holidays end in September and we may have a second wave hit hard over winter. + +Am considering pulling out of the Vanguard FTSE100 tracker which comprises 40% of my holdings. It is popular on here: but it has only been effective due to quantitative easing since 2011, which has ensured asset growth, and the recent trend towards low risk trackers will leave many heavily exposed. The "zero sum" principle that guides passive investing will work the same way in a depression: there cannot be infinite growth, and if the market falls, so too will your tracker fund. + +Am I wrong, am I right? Something doesn't add up and I am considering walking away. +Here is an article on how a stronger pound isn't very good for your investments that are in the Nasdaq and NYSE + +[https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/articles/latest-thoughts/how-it-works/how-currency-movements-affect-returns](https://www.vanguardinvestor.co.uk/articles/latest-thoughts/how-it-works/how-currency-movements-affect-returns) + +It can really affect your gains as well as the hidden FX fee your broker doesn't tell you about. + +The pound is really strong and unless George Soros shorts it, It looks like it will stay that way. + +I'm personally thinking about investing purely on the AIM/LSE in the future, it looks much cheaper, in addition most of the shares haven't recovered + +Generally looking forward to seeing the UK economy by the end of 2022. + +&#x200B; + +Its very strict to post please don't ban I like it here +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Follow the golden rule. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Serious discussion on other cryptocurrencies should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/62teju/monthly_general_discussion_april_01_2017/). +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. [See here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/comments/65n8z6/monthly_trollbox_thread_15apr2017/). + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I have a $50,000/year job. That's $39,000 after taxes. I started this job 6 months ago with $30k in the bank from unemployment. + +Now, after I should have saved $19k more minus expenses, I have....$31k. + +I don't understand how I work full time and don't pay for the car, internet, phone, or my student loans at the moment...yet I'm not making saving any money at all. This has happened to me before where I save MUCH more money MUCH faster while on unemployment. + +I just want to know...is anyone else stuck working all day and finding it just barely covers the cost of being alive? And this is me with much FEWER costs than when I was living on my own! + +EDIT: Wow, a lot of responses! + +1. I will take your advice of using Mint or something to track spending. +2. No, I don't spend more than a combined $200/year on coffee, cigarettes, drugs, liquor, Ubers, sex, dating, Steam games, streaming video subs, eating out, and delivery. I basically live my life as a child...who works 40 hours a week. +3. I'm also going spend a little more time following up invoices. + + +EDIT 2: +Feel free to continue discussing but I can't promise I'll read all the comments going forward. +I appreciate the help overall! I'll keep in mind the advice about minding small purchases, but I don't think I care to read another variation of "I assume you buy lots of Avocado Toast/Coffee/simple pleasures." It's a pandemic and I hate coffee. +Hello, + +I've seen this book/concept talked about here a lot - you have a goal by the time you die, you have very little left. + +I'm in my early to mid 20s and already have $1.3m invested because of a business I started at 17 (digital marketing). Between living at home until 20, lucky investments, and my business, I have all this saved and no debt besides $11k owed on a car lease. + +If I retire at 60, without touching my investment nor adding anything to it, I'll be at well over $20m. But what's the point? I want to enjoy my late 20s, 30s and 40s. + +Do I just invest maybe $1k/mo and spend the rest of my income? The first part of my 20s haven't "sucked", but they've been boring because I've worked so hard. I desperately want to travel, learn to ski, and move to NYC but I'm stuck in this investment mode. +So despite being an Australian with no intention to live in the US, I have a US passport from my parents both being Americans. Apparently Uncle Sam's long arms stretch to Australia, and I'm meant to be filing taxes in the US. + +The only issue is that the US tax forms seem to be some of the most fiendishly complex instructions ever created, and I'm terrified I'm going to mess up the filing and end up being raided by Seal Team Six for owing taxes, even though I pay my Australian taxes every year. + +Have any other US citizens in Ausfinance gone through this process and can offer advice? + +Single, no kids, and don't own any property, my annual income is around AU$120,000 if that changes things +Imagine a swimming pool filled to the brim with water. You start taking cupfuls of water out. At first, and for quite some time, there’s no noticeable difference. And even when you do see a difference you could still go swimming in there, it remains a functional pool. But with enough scoops you’ll reach the concrete at the bottom. + +It’s the same deal with the massive long positions the shorts have. They’ve been able to recur to them for months, selling off small percentages as they go. Obviously the Fed has given them a huge assist by propping up markets, creating the massive bull run we’ve been on since the start of Covid and thus giving them much more bang for their buck. + +But we all know, whether our portfolios are small or massive, that you can’t keep liquidating portions of positions forever. + +They don’t have infinite money, it just seems that way sometimes because we don’t get to see the swimming pool, we only have the peripheral information of certain stocks and crypto going down huge over the last few weeks. + +And if somebody wants to come in and bail them out the same thing will happen to all of their money and positions thats happening to those short GME now. +I've seen this bloomberg article on r/economics (link: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-05/yield-curve-blares-loudest-u-s-recession-warning-since-2007](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-05/yield-curve-blares-loudest-u-s-recession-warning-since-2007) ) and was wondering what exactly is this curve and what its variations mean. +Thanks ! +Hi everyone +Looking to purchase a waterfront home listed for $3,375,000 in Florida. We just made an offer. I need recommendations as to where to look for the best rate on a jumbo mortgage. I’m thinking of a 30 year fixed mortgage with 20-25% down. This would be our dream home and likely our forever home. Still working. Kids are in high school and elementary school. I can afford a bigger down payment and a faster pay down but am thinking it’s probably a good idea to leverage the current low interest rates rather than pull money from investments. With 20-25% down I can comfortably make the payments from current employment. + +My current home will likely fetch $1.725 million and I will have about $1 million in equity, which I can put into paying the new mortgage down or put back into the market. + +Do you recommend reaching out to a mortgage broker or just our local banks? Any discount programs anywhere? + +Thanks again. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. +I saw another post here recently by a guy in his mid 20s looking to retire by his late 30s and it got me thinking... what do I need to do to retire by 50? + +I'm 35, my common-law spouse is 25. I'm in sales, I make between $65-70k/year gross, no debt. She makes around $35k/year gross, no debt. Our monthly expenses total about $2600-3000 probably on the high end? We rent. I'm currently investing $1000/mo, with around $60k savings total currently and I'll have between $80-115k to invest in the next month or so. Assume I'm willing to live fairly frugally for the next 15 years in order to invest more. What do I need to do? Where should I allocate my money? Specific ETFs, crypto, etc? Is this even doable? +I know there are similar posts about buying property but many of the comments seem to be people that already have property. I am 29, in Brisbane and have saved a deposit (nearly) but the thought of being leveraged up to my eyeballs on a $800,000 house that is way overvalued makes me feel a bit ill. +What are the options now for the many young people in my situation? Living in the middle of nowhere just isn’t an option. Live in a bus? I’m starting to feel very worried about my future prospects and housing security. It really just doesn’t feel fair +https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-announces-401k-limit-increases-to-20500 + +Previously the limit was $19,500. IRA contributions remain the same at $6,000. +I would really like to learn economics, but the problem is that I struggle with math. I can usually figure things out if I can collaborate with others, ask lots of questions etc. + +The problem is that I’m basically almost failing my differential calculus course because the exams require you to apply concepts learned in class to new scenarios. + +Do I just not understand math unless I’m able to apply such concepts to new situations totally isolated? + +If so, maybe econ isn’t for me. +No matter whether you like like crypto's or not, recent days have made it clear again Bitcoin is not a "safe haven" or "digital gold" which some claim it to be. + +In the past week when equity markets sold off because of Fed tapering fears and lower then expected nonfarm payrolls, bitcoin also went down almost 20%. + +I'm not judging those that want to speculate on cryptos, just don't call it a safe haven. If anything it's a risk-on asset which follows more the sentiment in stocks. + +If you want a safe haven right now **consider 5-10% gold in portfolio.** Most probably hold an ETF like $GLD for that. Gold futures went up more than a percent on friday. + +For those that will point out gold didn't go up in the past 10 years, that's because the Fed kept printing money which has helped bloating the stock market. Fed already announed they will finally taper off this QE and might even want to do it faster. **Over longer periods of time like the past 20 and 30 years gold has even outperformed the S&P500.** + +Concerning holding **bonds** as safe haven keep in mind those can be hit hard if Fed speeds up its QE tapering and starts raising interest rates which will happen eventually. +This is an update to today's series of DD: + +[Part 1: Major assets vs. GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv5xl/part_1_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 2: The behavior of "normal" stonks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv7u2/part_2_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 3: Basket stocks in comparison](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv8ri/part_3_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +[Part 4: Kenny's world is crumbling](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv9x4/part_4_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/) + +I recommend checking those parts first since they contain the actual DD, whereas this is just an update to what happened today specifically. + +# Summary of Parts 1-4 + +In Part 1 I've shown and explained how GME's price acts in relation to major assets and how it is prevented from crossing a certain price ratio. In Part 2 I've shown how some "normal" stocks look like in comparison and in Part 3 how other basket stocks behave. Part 4 finally was trying to look for potential answers as to "why" this all is happening and then compared specifically Citadel's long positions to GME. + +# Recap + +[From the comments section of Part 4](https://preview.redd.it/so50ld87xlb91.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e34663b7f293bc051efbe24adedea334390c59f) + +**In Part 4 I wrote:** + +*It will be interesting to see how long they can keep this up for and avoid getting margin called. Just take another look at the SPY/GME chart again (see part 1), which after all is representing both the broader market as well as being one of Kenny's longs:* ***Yesterday (July 13th)*** *was the first day since June 8th 2021, where we visibly* ***broke through the trendline***\*. Unsurprisingly they pushed us\* ***back up a hair above the trendline just before close***\*. I assume because Kenny was afraid of Marge or something?\* + +For reference, this was the SPY/GME chart as of July 13th I referenced above, though it's hard to see without zooming in how we crossed yesterday: + +[SPY\/GME as of July 13th after market close.](https://preview.redd.it/tcgam6snrlb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=565eedea699ed6228de00bab5d37c5d77106c880) + +**The conclusion of Part 4 then was:** + +*It's a trust me bro moment I reckon, but I have a feeling as* u/ultrasharpie *also pointed out,* ***that when we truly cross on the SPY/GME chart, shit is about to hit the fan***. And to jack your tits some more, if we continue to push through it this week, this will more than likely also coincide with pushing through the bull flag we're currently trading in the normal GME chart. Whoops MOASS or something? + +***Well that or they manage to short GME back down again.*** *But with the NFT marketplace, splividend, FOMO and who knows what kind of announcements are about to be dropping soon, I have a feeling Kenny is already starting to choke on his mayo.* + +# So what happened today? + +GME went up to $150+, SPY went down and we seriously crossed on the SPY/GME chart. To recap the recap, we crossed yesterday as well but then got pushed up just above the trendline before market close. So lets have a closer look of what happened today: + +[SPY\/GME as of July 14th after market close.](https://preview.redd.it/8l2oogydslb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=86622b2293446ade103eeea47170b9c08ed284b6) + +Lets zoom in a little ("Enhaaance!"): + +[SPY\/GME zoomed in.](https://preview.redd.it/1romgejkslb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0e9f57b2aea9f795033f0504ec9dc42678da30b) + +Well I'll be damned. We crossed significantly right after market open on the SPY/GME chart, when SPY dropped on recession fears but GME continued to increase slowly but steadily up to $151.95 as shown below. Then GME suddenly dropped down massively for no reason, whereas SPY rose again. Just in time for the price ratio of SPY/GME to pop up right above the trendline again before close (image above). "Phew... margin call averted." - Kenny, probably + +[GME 5min chart with SPY overlayed.](https://preview.redd.it/wzjuiqv7ulb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad078cbbdfb090be2d3684f3ee0fc81ccfb0680) + +# + +# More longs from Kenny's portfolio zoomed-in after close today + +[AMZN\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/dav7l3g0vlb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=634442c93b9a87a53f01da285208673c4289c48a) + +[GOOGL\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/yiwvcwc2vlb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=27b2379f16cad809b7f803c649dd0b79e9da980d) + +[NVDA\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/kqtv05t4vlb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f1dc8dd3d983a63c502e4d8cd0489abc26b5ca7) + +[TSLA\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/41d028gfvlb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a3eb98a566355ed0acd4836f609835dc5963c7e) + +And even BeetCoin lol: + +[BTC\/GME](https://preview.redd.it/xln7fwmxulb91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f5bb15f3a493a54ec8e1750aacce0c1d207265e) + +I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks. Hedgies r so fukt. + +And thanks again to u/ulltrasharpie for posting about the price relationship between SPY/GME first. +I'm currently saving up money from self-employment and live in a 950~ sq ft apartment by myself. I thought to myself, "Meh, whatever," until I realized... + +http://www.newser.com/story/225645/average-size-of-us-homes-decade-by-decade.html + +TFW you realize **a family of 4** had to share the same size dwelling as just one person (myself). + +I'm not saying you should rejoice or whatever if you do happen to be in a family of 4 living in a 1000 sq ft apartment, but just know that 2000 sq ft+ is pretty much the exception and not the norm. + +It is truly amazing how much propaganda and advertising (esp from the financial sector) can get people to abandon common sense, or to forgo financially responsible decisions just to show off how big that...house is. + +Whatever, I guess I have this sub to thank for making minor upgrades in the next couple years instead of getting a huge ass mortgage. +Odd title, and I'm not sure if this makes sense, but I realized I hit a major psychological milestone today. I'm 27, and have $125k in my roth retirement accounts. Even if I never contributed another dollar (I will!) I could keep the money in there until I'm 60 and, assuming 7% growth, would have over a million dollars to retire with. At a 4% SWR I'd be withdrawing more than my currently yearly expenses. + +My goal isn't to retire at 60, and this doesn't factor in social security, but it's a huge relief to know at a minimum I should be able to retire at a "normal" age and not have to worry about retirement the way my parents do. I have the security to take a lower paying job in the future if I want, because I won't have to "catch up" just so I'm not required to work in my old age. + +It's not the numbers some people are posting here, and I have a good job (military) that doesn't bring in the money some other posters do, but large savings are possible. I just wanted to share my milestone with people who may appreciate it, because I'm sure it would bring me some dirty looks from people at work who don't save as diligently. + +EDIT: There's been a lot of comments about inflation. This is normalized in 2020 dollars. 10% historical equities growth minus 3% historical average inflation equals 7% real growth yearly. Of course it could be higher or lower, but with such a long time horizon using the averages makes sense. +Hey everyone, I use a wealth management company to take care of the stocks and shares ISA I have with them. Every month I invest £250, minus their fees and I've been doing this for a couple of years. Additionally, I will throw in a more significant sum of money if I have it available, the last time I did this it was around £10k (again, minus their fees). + +I'm just looking at how it's performing, and I can see from the \~£16k that I've invested so far, the current value is only \~£14k, so clearly it's not been a good year for them and the decisions they've made. + +I understood when starting this that it's playing a long game, but I was recently looking at taking the money out to use as a deposit on a house (I didn't in the end) but that would have left the account more or less empty with a now negative equity of £2,000 and little chance of getting that back. + +So I'm kind of stuck with it, right, until they can up their game and recoup my losses? + +I was wondering what others are doing with stocks and shares. Do you manage it yourself or rely on others? What should I do? + +I've requested a chat with one of their team to try and understand what's going on. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** Thanks for all the replies. I just tried to go through them all and respond, but there's a lot! What I have done is cancel my monthly contributions to the ISA for now, and I'm looking at finding a new place to put my £250 a month contribution for now. +I was contacted several months ago by a debt collection agency (CapQuest) regarding a balance they claim I owe from 2008. I challenged them for proof of an enforceable debt, and they sent me 2 letters a few weeks apart saying they were digging around for proof. The third letter came saying they'd referred it to another agency (Moorcroft), which are now sending me texts and voicemails like crazy (I work nights and have taken to turning my phone's ringer off when I sleep in the day, to avoid disturbance) + +I really don't fancy engaging with this other company only to have the same thing happen again. What the actual hell? +The swings over the past weeks have been completely random and I can spend a bit of time on technical analysis only to not have it hold up come trade day. I'm not frustrated, just dumbfounded because the set ups that were supposed to be there didn't even hold up. I actually had to adjust my stop loss -50% or erase it completely because I've had more success leaving it alone over night. I do a bit of day trading.. But things like TKAT and other meme stocks throws the whole economics books out of the window. How do we as, pious traders, even deal with this sort of randomness? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Hi, + +I'll keep this as concise as possible. + +I'm mid thirties, have a secure job, am making much less than I should be (but that's a whole other deal), and am stuck in a debt loop and finding it incredibly hard to get out of, and frankly, am at that point where I am thinking of officially declaring bankruptcy. + +My situation is that I have a couple loans, credit card, bills (with a family member that are stacking up from each quarter because of my scenario) and a couple small loans from friends that I have been unable to pay back. + +I get paid and 85% of my wage goes to rent, to my phone bill (which isn't much), my debts. I have some payday ones that I find myself paying and have to take right out again once I pay (and that's where they get ya!) and after paying all this, my food, and necessaries, I don't have much less, and as I get paid monthly, I of course try and spread that out for the month. + +This is causing me considerable stress and I am looking at either a debt management option which I am leery about, or bankruptcy as I literally have no other recourse. I can't keep pushing off my debt, not paying bills, and and I need to repay my friends, but am in this loop where paying them back would set me back a lot that month.. for my necessaries/food. + +I don't smoke, do any kind of drug, my 'splurge' is probably food/the occasional take out coffee, and I buy painting supplies (the cheap stuff) as I am painting on the side which is the dual purpose of.. giving me a creative outlet and I love it, and some peace from this constant worry, as well as to try and sell them. I am trying so hard. + +But after five years of this year, I can't do it anymore. This isn't a life. I have joys and happiness, but underneath everything is the agonising worry about spending anything on myself at all, without worry about how that is going to affect me in a week or two. I don't want this to cause health issues as it affects my sleep and I know it's not healthy walking around like this. + +Most of the time I just get on with it but I haven't sold paintings (I wouldn't expect to only a couple months in, but have been hopeful) and can't get another job as my main job is full time and can be very demanding as it is and I need to make sure I get rest/have breathers as I do suffer from depression and have worked the two job thing at several intervals of this period of hardship, and just find it pointless as you get taxed soooo hard on the second job anyway. + +I've asked for a payrise which is discussions, and if anything happens it looks like it wouldn't happen until half yearlies anyway, how can I turn this around and is bankruptcy probably best? I am really learning towards it, my concern is how those I owe (not the banks, but my family with the bills that have added up and the three friends) would they be paid out of the trustee if I were to go bankrupt? + +Thanks for reading. I have really tried to change things but keep ending up here and the toll on my mental health and just everything is too much. I feel like if I choose a debt agreement of bankruptcy I will at least be productive in doing something, lessons, learned, and start over. + +A lot of all this happened due to, literally, one bad thing after another... I lost a job right after taking out 30K.. ended up in temp jobs.. one of which was long term and then overheads/consulting fees became an issue and I was dumped like trash, got another full time job and six months in a woman sold the business and the new older got rid of most of us to rebuild it how he wanted, and then the next job I had, I was being bullied by one of the male owners and walked out as was so unprofessional. This has all had a huge impact on my self worth and my spirit, and I'm trying to make changes and stay positive but it's driving me nuts. I can't ask anyone for money. My only family won't loan it to me as she's one of the people I owe money to (the bills), I have fillings I need badly at the dentist, a new washing machine (mine is broken and has been for a year.. this is how bad things are) as I can't get enough ahead to save up to buy a new one, so now have a laundromat cost each week too. + +I feel so fucking lame and desperate as a woman in her mid 30s but any help would be appreciated. I am stuck and only see bankruptcy as my way out and way for me to ever get ahead. I don't want to get to December of this year and be in the same spot.. literally and figuratively.. I would really like to move and have a fresh start in a suburb near the beach where the rent is actually a hundred dollars cheaper per week, and also be financially sound. To have the relief of paying people back. + +As it is, I get paid and lose most of it straight away which leaves me in this tailspin of needing to pay people and needing dental work. It's ridiculous and I just want better for myself and to be able to honour the loans given. As it stands I just can't right now. +Edit: It's been 7hrs since I posted this, I did not expect so many people to comment. I'm reading everyone's comments and I apologize if I do not reply to every single comment there is a lot! But I sincerely appreciate all of you, This doesn't just benefit me, It helps others that are also looking for budgeting on this sub! I'm glad to have such awesome people on here..You guys rock!! +**1090 BNB left in the buyback wallet!** + +This is the buyback wallet so you can easily track: 0x7Be3923Ef4746bd88C3eA90197508D10A71F5cFD + +All eligible SLAM Holders will receive their BNB payouts tomorrow! If you hold/buy 10 SLAM or more you’ll receive your BNB payout + +Eff the market, the market has changed! + +This is… the weekend of Slam. + +# Wtf is Slam? Read on sers. + +SLAM Token has built and is now the first fully licensed casino on BSC (near on impossible?), the first, ever. + +0x000851476180bfc499ea68450A5327D21C9b050e + +First ever, let that sink in. + +The team at Slam Token are pleased to announce the grand launch of their long awaited, fully licensed crypto casino - Slam Vegas. + +[https://slamvegas.com](https://slamvegas.com) + +This first of its kind cross-chain crypto casino on BSC allows you to deposit and play with a range of coins and tokens including BNB, ETH and an ever growing list of partner tokens. + +The cashier process is super easy and in a few short clicks, you’ll be playing (and hopefully winning) on all your favourite games and slots! + +# Live games include: + +Blackjack + +Baccarat + +Roulette + +Crazy Time + +Plus over 1000 of the world’s most popular Slots! + +This sounds amazing, it is. There’s also a lot of revenue that’s held in the team wallet. Revenue to be spent on - guess what? Liquidity squeezing the hell out of the token value. To the tune of (currently 200Bnb, there’s a remaining 1000bnb on the shelf to ensure price stability). + +# Slam Crash + +Slam Token’s original crypto multiplier game licenced from Bustabit. + +House edge is only 1% which gives you an excellent chance of a big win, try the demo version for free here: + +[slamcrash.com](https://slamcrash.com) + +# How to play? + +Simply choose the amount you wish to bet, then a multiplier starts. It continues to increase and you simply have to tap the button before it crashes. It could crash on 1.00x or else it can continue on, even up into the millions! + +**Feeling lucky???** + +Besides BNB, ETH and SLAM token, you can also play Crash with partnered tokens including + +$CUMMIES + +$NFTART + +$YUMMY + +$AQUAGOAT + +$ASS + +$PITBULL + +and more coming soon. + +Gambling nerd stats (for BNB): + +Slam Crash is provably fair - [https://slamcrash.com/help/provably-fair](https://slamcrash.com/help/provably-fair) + +1.235 million bets made + +101,268 BNB wagered + +98.71% return to player + +1300 BNB house profit + +[https://slamcrash.com/stats](https://slamcrash.com/stats) + +Have fun and please gamble responsibly! + +# Investing in Slam Token + +[https://slamtoken.com/](https://slamtoken.com/) + +The profit these games earn is shared with Slam token investors. Currently any investor holding over 1000 Slam tokens will receive their weighted share of 35% of the house profits in fortnightly dividends - be the house! + +Since launch, partner tokens have been added to be played so investors of other projects can have a bit of fun and try to increase their wallets. The house revenue from these partner tokens is converted into Slam, helping to increase the price of Slam token for investors and again, these profits are shared with our investors as per the above structure. + +Partnership tokens also bring fresh awareness to Slam Token via cross promotion within their respective communities. + +Currently, the partnership tokens include: BNB, ETH, CUMMIES, NFTART, YUMMY, AQUAGOAT, ASS, PITBULL + +More tokens are being added every week, here’s the current betting stats on the above tokens: + +[https://slamcrash.com/stats](https://slamcrash.com/stats) + +Partner tokens will also be applied to Slam Vegas, a full crypto casino with over 100 games including live Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Crazy time plus Slots and many more. + +Slam Vegas is one of the only fully licensed, legit crypto casinos in the world to date and will have more tokens playable than any other. + +The moral of the story? If you want to have a chance of winning, try your luck on Crash or the Slam Vegas... But if you want to stack the odds even more in your favor? + +Join our rapidly growing community of investors on Slam Token’s ecosystem of products. + +# How to invest in Slam Token? + +Slam is a BSC token so the easiest way to invest is via DApps in Trust Wallet or Metamask. + +**Contract address:** 0x000851476180bfc499ea68450A5327D21C9b050e + +**Where to buy:** [https://slamtoken.com/buy](https://slamtoken.com/buy) + +&#x200B; + +If you need further assistance or have any questions, please reach out to the Slam team and community: + +[https://t.me/SlamToken](https://t.me/SlamToken) + +[https://discord.gg/KXvWDJjxgp](https://discord.gg/KXvWDJjxgp) + +And follow all the latest Slam updates on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/slamtoken](https://twitter.com/slamtoken) + +\#ProjectRetirement + +The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser. +So, I’m pretty new to this, and I’ve learned a few basic things. Good price to earnings, steady increasing revenue, buying back stock consistently, good balance sheet (low debt). + +I saw eBay recently down there at a P/E ratio of 3.5; their revenue and profits are increasing steadily with time, they’re buying back a ton of stock, the balance sheet looks decent. + +As far as my view of the company as a whole, being a member of the millennials, having used eBay many times, I don’t see anything wrong with them. They are and have been basically the same company for years — a market place for buyers and sellers.. + +I see them now as a smaller Amazon without a distribution network of their own. Seeing how people are viewing AMZN (p/e) of ~90 at the time of writing, I think eBay might be low because of obscurity, rather than their fundamentals. + +Can someone talk me out of not going in heavy on this? +After reading The Intelligent Investor and Watching some videos of Charlie Munger and Warren buffet. I believe that buying small Is the way to go. + +My question is, Is is it better to look through small caps a small That are cheap and then find a good one, Or do you look for some small With strong financials and wait till they become cheap + +I'd love your input! + +Edit: thanks for all the great input! I got a ton of really good perspectives. Now time to digest all this info. +I speculated that Norwegian kronor would rise relative to Swedish kronor and put $1000 in. + +Today when I checked, I had made $20 dollars. + +It ain't much at all, but it being my first test made me quite happy. +Apes hear me out! + +&#x200B; + +I know we had some good news with the NFT crypto thing "announced" so it kinda makes sense that the stock price is going up. + +&#x200B; + +But the timing is very suspicious to me. Why you ask? If at the annual meeting (9th June) it will be announced, that the official voting numbers are way beyond the actual amount of shares (I am pretty certain it will be, however not 100%, because I assume that there are a lot of lazy motherf\*\*\*\*\* out there who don´t vote...BUT I TRUST YOU GUYS, VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!) ....BUT IF THEY ARE, then these couple of days are their last fucking chance before the real shitshow aka MOASS begins. + +&#x200B; + +When Ryan Cohen himself will prove that SI is at >100, 200, 300, 420, 669, 42069%, then they are FUCKED! Literally everbody will know the squeeze is inevitable (not only us) and will want to jump on the train which will further inhance the squeeze. + +&#x200B; + +...SO THIS MIGHT BE THEIR LAST CHANCE, SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL THE NEXT FOLLOWING DAYS. + +&#x200B; + +Seriously, even if the price goes to like $1k the next week, this might be them, trying to give it a last shot of a big pump and then SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, NAKED SHORT, NAKED SHORT, MEDIA MANIPULATION, JIM CRAMER THINGS and whatever... Maybe, just maybe people will panick sell and think that this was the real squeeze and then it's over... + +&#x200B; + +...so say it with me + +&#x200B; + +I.....WILL......HODL!!!!!!!!! + +&#x200B; + +Spread the word, my retarded ape friends. +I have a good credit rating, no debts at all. Up to £90,000 deposit. My income is pretty low at £24k but Halifax says the most I could borrow is £54k + +I wasn't hoping for much more, I've seen houses I like for £155k in my area. + +Is this really all I'll likely be able to borrow? +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7oyu45xthk871.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd641e9560b206ff57114c3e4e39310f93932998 + +Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/udumsijvhk871.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2ef607778c36a265f1ba9dea338cab15c52eaac + +Reverse Repo's + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s8t7mtzxhk871.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=572896f20fbf7c7fbc12c882afb18b5f6a04118f + +It's up to 991 billion, but it was expected to be higher yesterday due to it being quarters end. + +Some people have speculated a few things about this quarters end, we've been seeing banks double their dividends, this could be due to banks bolstering appearance like they did in 08, it could also be because of inflation hitting them and due to the value of the dollar may be lower therefore you need a bigger dividend. + +Lots of speculation right now on that aspect but it won't be clear until we look at it with hindsight. + +but having that said: + +[Credit Suise top holder Qatar investment authority cuts stake](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-30/credit-suisse-top-holder-qatar-investment-authority-cuts-stake?utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_content=business&utm_source=twitter&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_medium=social) + +[JP morgan, why lights?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oauenv/found_out_why_the_lights_are_on_at_jp_morgan_in/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7x6qgo6mmk871.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=0686dbaed2dcaf8f398f87871fc0d55b6ded35e9 + +Volume is dryer now then a nuns habit. + +# Trading 212 + +Now since the last few days we've seen some things regarding t212 and their share lending stuff. + +It seems they have two different type of accounts namely "ISA" and "investing" + +With Isa your shares are not lended, and you can transfer and everything + +With Investing it seems that your shares are going to be lended and they've always been as this is part of their terms and agreements, they're just making sure that everyone is informed and their EULA has to be reaccepted. + +but I did find one screenshot on the sub that may be to use to some. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fx9cb1u8kk871.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=f166418a988dbbc116a5bc5b1f7346921e34fa09 + +I'm not sure if this is possible because I myself don't have a t212 account but if you have another broker you could perhaps initiate a transfer to them, just like when people did this with Robinghood. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yy79oqdokk871.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=4117e4e772287c87c7fd811cd1562e07282a15dc + +# Robinghood + +I've reported on this yesterday and I believe a lot of others are as well, the thing that people do need to remember is that this is not because of GME, this was a case that was ongoing from 2016 onwards, as robinhood was misleading it's client's. + +Again this was just another "robinhood did a shitty job" and not "this was because gme". + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j3zqhbhulk871.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=6591081c99ed315b56a104b61ff4af6b1ee25e23 + +# RC Tweeted once again + +This is a fairly common turn of phrase, meaning to either construct or deconstruct something piece by piece. + +This could be meant as in:They are building GME back up from scratch, brick by brick + +They are demolishing their opponents Brick by brick + +or + +They're building a new Crypto/nft system brick by brick + +at this point it's unknown but sure as hell is fun to speculate over + +I asked my Brick but he didn't make no sense + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6wcglu8bmk871.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2f90b94aa27e764116db10335fc25271868e0b4 + +Or who knows, perhaps RC want's to become a bricklayer, who knows anymore at this point 🤷‍♂️ + +&#x200B; + +[credit to u\/stonk\_sandwich](https://preview.redd.it/qxirr1mgmk871.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=d83399bb9e8bda8ad03e6ac945c746602b98360d) + +or as u/janedoi has interpreted it + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/enfyrf8hnk871.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa6edff91fa31b6d8d7530ecf246cd9590a3f518 + +&#x200B; + +Also u/chayse1984 drew up some pretty lines, I'm to stupid to understand it, but... I'm just going to put on a helmet just in case. because this looks bullish to me. + +https://preview.redd.it/07iugyz4nk871.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cadbc93d3bef14b06687bd5abf4a0c2171540dd + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0q2g1bujnk871.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e47b4e9bb2a7f9dfeea7ccd01c698201a0e6af9 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +https://preview.redd.it/s1ab8rzlnk871.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=33851ee3f45eab614827102b8565dd5fd1a64344 + +remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +[https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle](https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle) + +[https://twitter.com/u\_sharkbaitlol](https://twitter.com/u_sharkbaitlol) + +[https://twitter.com/BradduckF](https://twitter.com/BradduckF) + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1:GME FTD, FTD every fucking day.... + +&#x200B; + +[credit to u\/Bootheskies ](https://preview.redd.it/aotcb8hx2l871.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=185da8f393868b4ce7239096341126c99f0d2233) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/73qow8673l871.png?width=4096&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d07f43830438cfb92acc829d5d7beb221f3384c + +Short volume ratio update by [https://twitter.com/Annihil4tionGod](https://twitter.com/Annihil4tionGod) + +&#x200B; + +# We passed 500K members, superstonk is half a million stronk! + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obcrru/rsuperstonk\_hits\_500000\_members\_congratulations/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obcrru/rsuperstonk_hits_500000_members_congratulations/) +*This piece will be posted at 4:20 pm NYSE time every trading day!* + +*🖍Check out the new upvote/downvote crayons! 🖍* + +https://preview.redd.it/0xyofe1cb9371.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d2c0087ad5e841f0dc8d78cc6d4cdac7a3cb894 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# 🎤🎸🥁 🦍Welcome to the Jungle🦍🥁🎸🎤 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# $GME Closing Price: $248.36 + +&#x200B; + +Open Price: $256.02 + +Daily High: $265.00 + +Daily Low: $245.77 + +Volume: 3.56 MM + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# 🖍🍎🚌GME 101🚌🍎🖍 + +&#x200B; + +*If you're new to Superstonk, start here!* + +&#x200B; + +[Superstonk FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq#wiki_how_do_i.2C_as_a_retail_investor.2C_stand_a_chance_against_the_hedge_funds.3F) + +[Superstonk Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) + +[The Everything Short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) + +[House of Cards I, II & III in PDF format](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nm83eb/a_house_of_cards_parts_i_ii_iii_in_pdf/) + +*More DD to be added as we develop this section! This will be a daily recurring section that will serve as a go to reference for new apes!* + +Also, as you probably know, [u/Atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/Atobitt/) has dropped HOC II&III. Pretty sure it crashed reddit when it dropped!! This piece was peer reviewed by such prominent experts as Wes Christian, Dave Lauer and mods as well. The apes of Superstonk sincerely appreciate the time and effort put into getting this information out there. 🦍🤝💪 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# VOTE! by u/Bye_Triangle + +&#x200B; + +[Awesome artwork by u\/Verdiii](https://preview.redd.it/686geoa4aa371.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f4feaddae7c50d73866b9a6d3827e85b2965e4f) + +Alright Apes, + +&#x200B; + +The end is nigh, if you were given the opportunity to vote, and haven't yet... There is no excuse! If you want to see this Naked Short Selling scam brought to its knees then you **have** to make sure you submit your vote by the deadline. + +&#x200B; + +***This cannot be put off any longer.*** The Shareholders meeting is **NEXT WEEK**. Though this may be getting repetitive, it needs to be heard. + +&#x200B; + +# VOTE YOUR SHARES + +&#x200B; + +If you've already voted, then spread the word to others-- everyone needs to be reminded of the importance of this. + +&#x200B; + +**Do it for the companies that have been uncerimoniously killed by this practice** + +&#x200B; + +**Do it for the people who lost their jobs because of these short sellers** + +&#x200B; + +**Do it for the Apes who are being disinfranchized by their brokers** + +&#x200B; + +**Do it for GameStop, who need the physical proof of the Naked Shorts** + +&#x200B; + +**Do it for whatever reason inspires you most...** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kad2d8dxfa371.jpg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9088eb2d6036cb83a0ca2faeae30062b17f746 + +Also comment !apevote! to get your special voted flair! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Ape Security Protocols + +by u/redchessqueen99 + + + +It has come to my attention that several members have been the targets of hacking attempts. If you notice edited or deleted posts on your account, or cannot login, this is likely a sign that you have been the victim of a dastardly shillfiltrator. + +This is possible due to someone logging into your account if it has a weak password, having clicked mysterious links, or other creative methods utilized by bad actors. Therefore, I am writing some quick security tips for moving forward. + +&#x200B; + +[010101ook1010011ookook](https://preview.redd.it/fs2adorboc371.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb01be5d235d8f0ab3a782e3e588684a64d6f826) + +Here are some tips for keeping your account secure: + +1. Use an email or Google/Apple account that **does not match your username.** Your username is public, so remember that anyone can enter it just like you, or add ["@gmail.com](mailto:%22@gmail.com)/@appe.com" and either try to guess your password, or use a program to make attempts. +2. [**Enable TFA / 2FA (Two Factor Authentication)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/7spq3s/protect_your_account_with_twofactor_authentication/) with your reddit/Google/Apple account; this will require you to link your account to an email, phone number, or authenticator app, and any logins will require typing in a text/email/authenticator code to login. If someone tries to use this, you will receive the notification and become aware of the attempt immediately. +3. **Be very careful with messages** received via reddit messages, chats, and especially links sent to you. These can be very dangerous as they can take you to fake sites or track your IP address. We also know that, because bad actors cannot post or comment, they switch to chats/messages, which we cannot track or moderate. You should consider any private message to be potentially suspect moving forward. +4. Use a [**VPN service**](https://www.pcmag.com/picks/the-best-vpn-services) + (ProtonVPN / NordVPN / others, please do your research on best option); VPN's basically turn your internet connection from YOU---REDDIT into YOU---VPN---REDDIT, so any attempts to track you are filtered through a middleman server. The best VPNs are available for a modest monthly or annual cost; you can also use the browser Tor for a crowd-shared VPN of sorts. +5. Finally, make sure your password is complicated enough so that hacker programs cannot easily crack them. For example, do not use "password123" or even "ilikethestock" but rather "MoNkE2021StOnKsGoUp4p3$t063th3r$tr0n6" - make them work for it. Every second we waste is a second we gain. +6. If all else fails, and you find yourself a victim of hacking, you will need to resolve through reddit. You can [recover a username](https://www.reddit.com/username) or [get more information about security](https://reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/sections/360008917491-Account-Security), but also you can [contact reddit admins for assistance](https://www.reddit.com/contact/). + +**Why would they target us?** + +Does this really need an answer? We are exposing their dirty laundry for the world to see. Therefore, it is cost-effective for them to spend money on professionals to try and destabilize the sub. Additionally, many trolls and bad actors exist on reddit who would love to see us break apart and fall. Our Approved Users list can also be discovered and they may be targeting our Satori-sanctioned apes in an attempt to undermine its use. + +Therefore, we all need to be extra careful, especially with the MOASS impending. I would not forgive myself if I was lazy in regards to keeping you all informed and protected. As mods, we truly understand the importance of your safety and protection, and this is why we are working diligently to keep your educated on the dangers and to implement new technology in an effort to counter their attacks. + +Please leave comments if I missed anything and I will try to make sure I see it and update this post. + +Let's make sure the rocket isn't sabotaged. *Moon soon* + +&#x200B; + +Back to u/pinkcatsonacid + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6b9p6oz3ra371.jpg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f03078463ea5bdfa8089ddaf53389e6efb905f77 + +&#x200B; + +**As you may have heard, Benzinga wrote an article about our AMA this week with Lucy Komisar and Wes Christian!!** + +&#x200B; + +And as you may have heard, yours truly has been invited onto a Mainstream Stock show. + +&#x200B; + +**Yes** it was super dope they wrote an article about Superstonk Live! + +**Yes** it was super mcnasty dope to see my name in MSM print! + +**Yes** it was ultimate supreme dope to know that we are gaining exposure!! + +**No**, I will not be doing any mainstream interviews at this time, *unless they are directly and exclusively discussing the issue of Naked Short Selling.* + +&#x200B; + +Which I have a feeling, this won't be. + +&#x200B; + +So while I am truly, seriously honored that I was so well received that an offer for an on air interview was warranted, I will await direct confirmation that this is discussing Naked Short Selling on Benzinga before engaging. + +&#x200B; + +If it is, then buckle up, buckos. + +But if not, buzz off, Benzinga. ✌ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/muifsf1exa371.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890da5bbb8febce32994fa96da60132bf8b08bc2 + +&#x200B; + +[**My Diamond Whistle Blower OP, for those who haven't seen.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ms6yvq/blowing_my_diamond_whistle_as_a_highly_visible/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +&#x200B; + +Whatever happens, I'll keep you updated! + +&#x200B; + +*A note on MSM: My comment from a post yesterday:* + +*I know it's exciting and cool to see our name in lights (my husband is probably going to print the benzinga article from today and put it on the fridge lol) but this post is an important message to remember as MOASS approaches and MSM coverage becomes inevitable and more widespread. THIS COMMUNITY has proven to be the ONE reliable source for verified, researched information in all this. NOT the main stream articles that our brokers want us to read.* + +*MSM is* ***not*** *suddenly our friend just because they recognized that we are doing their jobs better than them here on Superstonk. I do, however, think it's good to point out and celebrate when the media gets it right, within reason. And I'm happy when I see them covering the groundbreaking work we are doing here, like the interview Lucy performed on our behalf with Wes. It's a fine line to toe, but this group is the smartest bunch around and I know we can tell the difference. 💪* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# IT'S TIME TO RISE UP- Mission Critical 🚀🚨🚀 + +*Expanding on the words of Wes Christian- by Pink* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0mtp7l17za371.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f90cb38dd7cfc5fb1b261e41134ac83740c09a1 + +[Here's the link to the original Wes Christian AMA that inspired the fuck out of me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rJujnpKiqM&t=350s) + +&#x200B; + +[And here's the link to the most recent Wes Christian AMA with Lucy Komisar](https://youtu.be/q8-JO3g5bm4) + +&#x200B; + +💎🙌 + +&#x200B; + +# "The people we are talking to now (apes) have got the best game in town. The best way to take on a bully, is be a bigger bully"- Wes Christian on Superstonk + +&#x200B; + +***"So, first I want to thank all the followers in this group. Which I understand is close to 300,000, so realize that each one of you are important to the cause, exposing this, getting this information out is critical. It's going to take all of us to make a change."- WC*** + +Did you hear that, Superstonk? How about you in the back, lurkers? ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) + +YOU'RE NOT ONLY IMPORTANT, YOU ARE HELPING PRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE CRITICAL INFORMATION TO THE PUBLIC! + +***"It takes a gargantuan effort, it takes people as strong as apes."- WC*** + +Apes are strong. Evolving. Adaptive. Resilient. And cunning. But they are stronger together. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9zyslp5eza371.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ef72ad00c139d756c872a988cfd0ed6342fb7b4 + +***"It takes a warrior. It takes somebody that's principled that never gives up."- WC*** + +On days when FUD is high and hope is low, every single ape has to realize that it will take the diligence and resilience of a warrior to win this battle. Leroy Jenkins is within us all. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3pl3u9cgza371.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=46fdf92cfc79252cc0ef4b9bb43bba24d9de4df8 + +***"It's up to each of us to make a decision. Do we want to be on the side of right or wrong?"- WC*** + +I think we all know which side the apes are on. And history will remember. For generations they have been robbing our families, stealing our ideas and our land and resources, negotiating our time and talents for pennies on the dollar, kept us in class and race wars to distract from the fact that... they've been stealing the world's wealth for a lot longer than Gamestop has been a company. And the game stops here. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9xnpz6viza371.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dd7ad6339789bcdd4fd14cac4333217ea5b90cc + +***"How do we want to spend the talents that God gave us?"-WC*** + +Are we going to let the FUD stop us from using our talents to grow, nurture, and thrive within this golden think tank that is **quickly becoming bigger, mightier, and more precious than the City of Athens?** Or are we going to put our wrinkles to work and create to share, to spread knowledge among our kingdom of apes, new and OG alike, and fortify these great walls we have built from the ashes of WSB and GME. To protect the culture and the inevitable philanthropy and hope that will come from these walls post-MOASS... we are a force to be reckoned with. What we are building together within the walls of this city will stand tall and proud, long after the squeeze has squoze.💖💪 + +&#x200B; + +***"Ultimately it's going to take massive amounts of people to want to be involved in this to expose it. We're gonna have to come together as a similar*** ***~~wolf~~*** ***ape pack to share education to educate ourselves and fight it. And to ultimately win the battle at least as was done in part with Gamestop."-WC*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0qi53c7mza371.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=513faa15812bdb156f9810846a590fa3daac446b + +# "It's gonna take a massive effort by the investing public to RISE UP..."-WC + +&#x200B; + +[RISE UP!!!!](https://preview.redd.it/9m3c4bjoza371.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cebec230927c10813fa24137a0c55556677578c) + +# "This effort that this group of ladies and gentlemen are involved in is CRITICAL it's MISSION CRITICAL..."-WC + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/8dmfx60rza371.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=882800906243abe07a859cb4f87e300bdc3ebd80 + +***"Fakeness, or lies, deserve no place in this process."-WC*** + +Go with your gut. If someone tells you there's a price ceiling, and especially if it's in the (low) thousands, they are *fucking* *liars*. You know who tells you that the price ceiling is anything below an absurrrrd amount of money? + +**People that are paid to tell you that. And to sell on the way up. Especially as anything but a limit order. It's confirmed FUD. Ignore, report, correct in the comments. Call out those shill motherFUDers. Remember, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck! 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀** + +&#x200B; + +***"Dilution is a very important point- Dilution is an actionable form of damage model."-WC*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5fuexxpuza371.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=808badb985163e9e0cb42c8c03f91feea31dabe5 + +I.E. big lawyer speak for, if you own shares, and your ownership has been diluted (like can be proven by overvoting) because of naked short selling, then **THOSE DAMAGES GIVE SUFFICIENT REASON TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION!** + +&#x200B; + +# 🚨OMG WE CAN SUE THEM!!🚨 + +&#x200B; + +**"In the next 3-6 months you're going to see some major things happen on the legal side. We've been increasing our bench exponentially, we've put a big pot of money together, and we're gonna go after this in unprecedented way." -WC** +