diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_100.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_100.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_100.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +1. The time period of the analysis is 2 years during which the market experienced a significant bull run. So, the results might change in a market downturn/recession +2. The data has been sourced from senatestockwatcher.com as parsing the data from the official government site is extremely difficult. All the recorded transactions have a pdf of the disclosure linked to them (you can find it in the google sheet). I have made my best effort to QC the data and make sure there are no false positives. But this might not contain all the transactions made by Congress. +3. There is no disclosure for the exact amount of money invested by Congress. The disclosure is always in ranges (e.g., $100k – $200k). So, for calculating the investment amount, I have taken the average of the given range. + +**Conclusion:** + +This analysis proves that Congress indeed gets a better return than the overall market. Whether it is due to insider trading or due to their superior stock-picking capability is something that can’t be proven from the data and is left to the reader’s judgment. I intentionally left out the party affiliation of the members as I felt that it would bias the reader and was not the objective of this analysis. + +Whichever side of the political spectrum you lean-to, the above analysis shows that you get to gain by following their trades! + +Link to Google Sheet containing all the analysis and trades: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rg5jMYG-X4I7cidQylzCNc_UpJZGNhGrjAt7g0QkXYs/edit?usp=sharing) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor* +Short answer: NO + + +Do you younger guys/gals feel that gnawing uncertainty ? + +Do you feel totally shaken ? + +Have you ran through all the different scenarios of what can possibly come from this virus ? + +Well this is exactly what it feels like when you're staring into the unknown. This is my 4th major financial upheaval. Everyone of them different from each other but all them equally scary. It doesn't have to be but it's how we're hardwired as humans. It's in our DNA. The guys/gals who are able to override the initial rush of fear are the ones who will make money in all of this. + +Yes, I understand that this one is different from the others but they're all different from each other and make no mistake about it ...... I am very much at risk here. + +My prediction is, the country goes on a 60 day timeout ..... no mortgage payments, no cc payments, no interest, no taxes ... nothing. And then when the uncertainty is over, the markets roar back, higher than they were 3 weeks ago. + +Of course, I could be wrong. I'm generally an optimist and maybe i'm kidding myself but markets come back .. they ALWAYS do !!! +In the meantime I refuse to idly sit by and feel helpless .... I assure you someone will let the fear take over and I'll be there to capitalize, so for now this shark is on the hunt for deals ! + +Buckle up motherfuckers .... this is going to get interesting. +There are some companies that can predict their earnings quite accurately - like utilities, infrastructure companies, REITs etc. But a lot of analysts and investors look at earnings estimates for companies like Peloton and META and lose their shit if the earnings are either above or below "market estimates". + +In a booming business environment (e.g. 2020 & 2021) , there was so much discretionary spending that none of these companies could expect their demand to increase so rapidly , so all the Tech companies "beat their estimates". And now, it's the opposite - every growth company's earnings are missing estimates and the cycle repeats. It seems quite idiotic to me for a value investor to pay attention to earnings beat and misses , unless it presents a buying opportunity for a great business which has a shitty quarter. +I have bought u/Enlii on board as a mod as he was a very active member here early on. It wasn't the big community it is now either and it grew a lot. I really thank him for setting up automod and for work he has done. Lately I feel he his overmoderating this sub without discussion and I have thus given him a small time out. None of the arbitrary rules he created have been discussed with the other mods. I don't think verifying users is adding much to the discussion here and its a huge privacy issue. Also the 2K screenshot rule is arbitrarily enforced and pointless. Banning users for 45 days because of it randomly is not helping either. + +Right now I'm not so sure this is the right path for r/thetagang. ~~I would love to get some input on this, also from u/Enlii. I have stripped his moderation permissions for the time being, but have not removed him as a mod.~~ + +After going through the config, I see that he put in his tastyworks referral code disguised as a tinyurl link in the side bar ("Thetagang Preferred Brokerage"). It looked like (actual code removed): + +htt*s://start.tastyworks.com/#/login?referralCode=XXXXXXXXXX + +Wtf. That is a huge nono and a bannable offense. I've removed him as a mod and banned him accordingly. All other bans have been lifted, we'll start fresh. +Everything else is burning to the ground, but Ford hit $100B market cap for the first time in its 118 year history. Shares jumped by as much as 5.7% to $25.87 continuing its winning streak (20 year high). Full CNBC article [here](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/13/fords-market-cap-tops-100-billion-for-first-time-ever.html) + +CEO Jim Farley, who took over in October 2020, seems to be doing right by the auto company with plans to increase production of electric vehicles. Demand for the electric version of America's most popular vehicle, the F-150 is high. Production goal already nearly doubled for the F-150 Lightning pickup to 150,000 trucks per year. + +I'll share a growth options spread to mark the occasion -- The combo below accelerates gains on $F by 3.3x and make up to 29.1% (83.1% annualized) through 6/17/2022. [Link to source](https://www.oliveinvest.com/growth/4?o=61e18c99c23df95f32732ae6) + +Buy 2 $24 calls +Sell 2 $27 calls +Sell 1 $26 put +6/17/22 exp +Got dragged to my wife's 20th HS reunion. Luckily it was at a brewery. + +I knew a few of her friends but was kinda bored and nursing a sour beer. + +Wife runs up to me excitedly. Hey this is Sally (not real name) guess where she works? GameStop! + +My wife knows im balls deep in the stock and i guess talk about it enough that I would really want to talk to her. + +Sally lives near corporate hq in Texas and works in a senior position (Not going to dox her). + +I started off the conversation. "I have significant holdings in GameStop and follow the stock daily." + +She smiles and asked me if I'm on reddit. "Of course!" + +I asked her about the morale of the team. "Very high, everyone is very excited with the direction the company is going. I've worked there for a while and there is excitement and joy at work with what we are doing. Especially the NFT marketplace." + +I asked her about the recent layoffs. "Most of the people that were let go weren't engaged in the new direction we are taking." I took that to mean they were dinosaurs or legacy employees that couldn't adapt. + +I asked her, How do you feel about the future of GameStop? "Very very bullish. I have most of my net worth in the stock. Ryan Cohen has done an amazing job of turning the culture around. We have had a revolving door at CEO it seems but I like the direction things are going." + +I asked her about the buy button being turned off. "It was a big deal. We couldn't believe it." + +I then say. "I hope Citadel goes bankrupt." + +She retorts. "They aren't the only ones that deserve to." + +We made small talk for another 10 mins and she was curious about what I did. She told me stories about my wife in HS and appreciated how kind my wife was to her as she was kinda a quiet nerd. + +That last sentence has me really thinking. Who else was she talking about? + +Robinhood? + +Apex? + +DTCC? + +TLDR. + +Gamestop employees after layoffs are energized with new direction company is going in. + +Employees are putting their own money in stock and holding. + +Citadel isn't the only company that deserves to go bankrupt. + +Edit. + +Someone get me a trust me bro flair! + +Best part of this day is I've got many new sour beer recommendations I need to try. Didn't realize there were this many of us in the wild. + +SS is an amazing community. While our convo is based on my memory after drinking to deal with a reunion I didn't want to go too... It is as accurate as I can recount. + +Imagine you have been part of SS for over a year and your wife drags over a GME employee? Not only did my boredom vanish I was giddy with excitement. Sally felt like a vip and she should. My wife might have been a bit jealous... + +Should you be skeptical of posts that can't be verified. 100%. People are going to try to sow discord and create rifts between this community. We should be vigilant. Is me relaying to you the GME employees are excited as we are about this stock a danger to this community? No chance. + +My tits are jacked! + +Going to drs some more today. +I'm 24, from Bulgaria. Started working last year (had some small jobs in the past). + +I make a little over 1k € / month (~~it's the average salary in my country~~ the average salary in Bulgaria is around 500€). I haven't really saved much - about 3k €. + +On the other hand, the cost of living is not very high. And I'm pretty sure my salary will go up as I gain more experience. So I will be able to save more. + +Is it worth to try to invest the "savings" that I got? From my research online, there is a broker in Bulgaria that is offering investments in Shroders funds. + +Is it worth to start putting money there? +Early 40s retired and amid a divorce, two kids. Stressful, marriage gone to mud. + +Total net worth $10M. Proposed settlement: + +Kids to get $1.5M ring-fenced in trust, for school fees plus some living expenses. + +Split rest 50/50 + +$4.25M to live off the rest of my life. Free healthcare and $25K pension (in today's money) from 65. No house. All in cash and stocks. + +Only expenses rent, food and travel. + +What is a safe withdrawal rate? How should I structure portfolio? + +Also considering, 500K bluewater sailboat/cruiser and 30K pa expenses, might be cheaper than renting. +*source:* coinbase API. They only have data starting 2016, Jan 1st so this is where I start my analysis. + +since 2016 this even has occurred 14 times in monthly bins. + +*method*: + +* I calculated the lagging 90 day high closing price and then figure out how many days and months it took to recover. +* Currently bitcoin is \~ 48% of the 90 day high so I filter by events this has occur by month. +* I then figure out how many days or months it took to recover ***had you bought at the absolute highest***. + +&#x200B; + +*results*: + +&#x200B; + +|date|close|BTC.USD.volume|max\_90|pct\_change|recover\_days|recover\_months| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|2018-01|9014.23|38171.97|19650.01|\-54.1|1033|34.4| +|2018-02|6905.19|59578.6982|19650.01|\-64.9|1029|34.3| +|2018-03|6816.01|15434.5228|17098.99|\-60.1|961|32| +|2018-04|6619.01|10756.5497|17098.99|\-61.3|956|31.9| +|2018-06|5851.66|7769.81165|9800|\-40.3|358|11.9| +|2018-11|3731.32|36455.2237|7360|\-49.3|168|5.6| +|2018-12|3183|9343.2724|6750|\-52.8|147|4.9| +|2019-01|3397.42|8709.6973|6503.12|\-47.8|102|3.4| +|2019-02|3409.57|6032.81895|6503.12|\-47.6|96|3.2| +|2020-03|4857.1|113902.203|10371.33|\-53.2|137|4.6| +|2021-05|34627.82|27999.1507|63588.22|\-45.5|143|4.8| +|2021-06|31594.63|26505.1927|63588.22|\-50.3|116|3.9| +|2021-07|29796.16|18114.1529|58958.05|\-49.5|87|2.9| +|2022-01|35101.33|21310.7209|67554.84|\-48| | | + +&#x200B; + +So as you can see, historically this has occurred 14 times since 2016. In 2018 was the worse, because just when you thought you bought at the absolute lowest, the ATH actually shifts and every month it kept on dropping. + +Median + +the median months it took to recover is 4.9 months or 147 days. The lowest it dropped was 64.9% on 2018, Feb. + +Here is a histogram. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7ul6wj37z9d81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=640ecac37cc7b325ffa979954eac0cbbd38b8fc0 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: buckle up; historically it takes **about 4.9 months or 147 days to recover from a drop of -40-64%**. **The shortest it took was 2.9 months and the longest was 34.4 months to recover**. The lowest it ever drop was on Feb 2018 about 64.9% and that took 1029 days to recover. The good news is that it will *likely recover again*. + +***edit***: A few comments below observed that the recovery phase seems to be getting faster so plotted this this as well. + +&#x200B; + +[recover time](https://preview.redd.it/uraeqpwzgad81.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8998cce4073f2d0178fe89bee89534bd2dd598ef) + +&#x200B; + Here's my current investment portfolio + +Investments: 50% VTI, 30% VXUS, and 20% VUG + +Full portfolio: 60% investments, 30% crypto, 10% cash + +Longterm investing for 20+ years. I'm not that risk-averse and want to maximize gains for the long term. + +I've also seen some portfolios where they only keep 5% cash, but not sure if that already includes their EF or maybe their accounts are already so big that just 5% is a huge amount. Any thoughts? +I work in a large team of about 15 mostly people in their mid/late 30s in which virtually everyone earns over 50k. + +Did an informal poll in my team and, other than me, not a single person has ever logged into their pension providers online portal or paid any attention at all. +This means that everybody is likely invested in the balanced/conservative fund that the pension defaults to. +Not only that, they are only contributing the absolute minimum. + +Since our employer does not operate via salary sacrifice, this also means that all of these people are only getting 20% tax credit into their account and missing out on the extra tax credit as a higher rate payer since they do not fill out a tax return to claim it back. + +All of this information was there when I joined the company as part of the induction, so I can’t really blame the company, but it just really staggered me that all these people have given basically no thought to their retirement. +Let me know if it'd be any better to post this on a different sub. + +&#x200B; + +I work at Panera; at the end of the day, we collect and package almost all of our bread and pastries for local charities. I say almost since we still end up tossing ALL of our unused, sliced bread every single night. If nobody shows up for the donated goods, that also ends up in the trash. + + +I'm not sure if this is the case for other locations, but I figure that anyone that's low on cash for food might find this information helpful. I feel absolutely awful letting so much food go to waste all the time. +A year ago today retail was trading GME on the 100% correct thesis\* that it was shorted more than 100% of the float and THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE WERE TRADING ON --- THE CONTINUED BUY PRESSURE of a 100% shorted stock and potential squeeze (an actual squeeze, not the BS that's been mentioned with every MSM article mentioning a new ticker squeeze candidate ever since). + +Well instead of letting the "free market" play out, the monopoly game was flipped upside down because they didn't like how the game was playing out…i.e., the buy button was simply turned off for multiple securities. + +If you have not seen Interactive Brokers Founder and Chariman Thomas Pettery's interview February 2021 before the gamestop hearings, this is the most important concise background info as to what was actually going on behind the scenes 1/28/21 and it MUST BE WATCHED here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_TPYuIRVfew&t=41s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TPYuIRVfew&t=41s) + +In it, Thomas Peterffy confirms that continued GME buy pressure would have gone exponential "into the thousands" and that it would have caused a cascading effect across the market collapsing the financial system. \*Peterffy also states GME short interest was way WAY over the float with options (70 million + 150 million calls short interest vs 50 million shares outstanding). You know…confirming the thesis that many were trading on in January 2021 was 100% correct. + +This is full admission that the price would have gone into the thousands, so brokers purposely shut off the buy pressure 1/28/21 to keep GME from going exponential to save their own skin…OR it's a lot like rewriting the rules of the game and breaking the opponents legs at the same time in the 4th quarter. + +In turning off just the buy pressure (and not the sell pressure) they straight up robbed retail in broad daylight with the police watching and the world recording it on their phones and these people running the shit show are still out there as if NO WRONG has occurred. Shutting off just the buy pressure instead of halting trading overall artificially affected the supply and demand for the securities they did this to. THIS IS STRAIGHT THE FUCK UP MARKET MANIPULATION as defined by the SEC and cost retail share holders and long option holders BILLIONS of dollars. ONE YEAR LATER after this exposure and almost NOTHING of consequence has been done. It's really all as simple to understand as this and these mother fuckers need to be placed in prison. + + +Edit 1: The sub that starts with W this all started with remains SOLD OUT to shills...this post also posted there REMOVED by mods after 5 minutes active. +Hello guys, + +&#x200B; + +I am working on hyper optimisation script for a specific crypto pair. + +&#x200B; + +I have coding experience but I don't have any expertise in technical analysis and I can not assess value of the specific indicator in **alogotrading**. + +&#x200B; + +In your opinion , what are your best buy/sell indicators that really help? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks in advance! +You may be used to me writing novels here, or entries into the saga of Bingus Token. Today I'll get right to the point, drop the bomb, and then bore you with details. + +&#x200B; + +[Michael Rainey Jr]([https://www.instagram.com/michaelraineyjr/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/michaelraineyjr/?hl=en), Lead of the hit Showtime show, [Power: Ghost]([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power\_Book\_II:\_Ghost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Book_II:_Ghost), has officially joined the cause and will be on the bingus train for the foreseeable future. [Proof]([https://streamable.com/otegmc](https://streamable.com/otegmc) I believe this is fairly unprecedented in the BSC landscape. We are so happy, thankful, and excited to have Michael on board. + +&#x200B; + +Read on to hear about other exciting news but if you have been waiting to jump on the Bingus train yourself this Reddit post is the last stop before total liftoff. + +&#x200B; + +So for the last month, if you read my post history, my growing team and I have been working our asses off to make Bingus not only the best BSC charity coin, but a staple inside cryptocurrency. I spoke in AMA after [doxxed AMA\]([https://streamable.com/h2w51l](https://streamable.com/h2w51l) about our extensive connections to the entertainment industry and how our marketing strategy relied on that. Like I always stressed, things like this take time. In the crypto world, especially in the BSC gambling addict world, patience is not something that is usually rewarded. Today with our strategy finally showing itself in a public way, we hope we are proving that we plan on sticking around for a very very long time. + +&#x200B; + +Michael is an incredible actor who has been into cryptocurrency for a long time now. As a lover of animals, we love having his support. Today we have donated $10,000 in his and the Bingus name to Hope for Paws as the first gesture of our work together. Proof will be posted in the comments as soon as there are enough confirmations on the blockchain. We so look forward to the relationship growing and expanding. + +&#x200B; + +In other news, we are planning on an overhaul of our Liquidity Points-based voting system. You will still be able to vote for the charity of your choice, but the new system will make it a little bit more fun (we think). + +&#x200B; + +Next, we are working on an additional incentive structure for liquidity providers which includes a very special NFT platform, and actual games. We're not talking about simply reskinning Doom, Duke Nukem, or flappy bird with Bingus and saying we have games. No, I have enlisted a professional writer to craft the epic tale of Bingus. Furthermore luckily inside our admin team is a professional game reviewer with connections to the smaller independent studios that would be perfect for a project like this. These type of things are why we have not released a roadmap thus far, we find that many roadmaps are full of buzzwords rather than actual specific and accomplishable goals. We are learning, adapting, and changing as our team grows. + +&#x200B; + +All of this is being done against the backdrop of ever-increasing donations and connections to the larger world of pop culture.... and we're just getting started. + +$Bingus website [bingus.finance](https://bingus.finance/) + +**Buy $Bingus on PancakeSwap** [here](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xda20c8a5c3b1ab48e31ba6e43f0f2830e50218d8) + +[Bingus chart](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xdA20C8a5c3B1AB48e31ba6e43f0F2830E50218D8) + +[CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bingus-token/) + +[CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bingus-token) + +[Audit](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Bingus%20Token%20BEP-20%20Audit%206489097.pdf) + +**Social Links** +============= + +[Telegram](https://t.me/bingustoken2official) +^(complete the captcha in time) | [Telegram News & Announcements](https://t.me/bingustoken2official) + +$Bingus on Reddit r/BingusFinance + +[Discord](https://discord.com/invite/qKdZdd558F) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bingustoken/) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/) + +**Charity Donations** +================ + +Donation 1 (**$350**) [Wright-Way Rescue](https://imgur.com/GjMOBt5) | +Donation 2 (**$1000**) [Forgotten Animals](https://imgur.com/a/Evvmvah) | +Donation 3 (**$3000**) [Reversed Rescue](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/status/1381103970383491072?s=28) | +Donation 4 (**$2500**) [Jersey Animal Rescue](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNlTQO8p1ik/?igshid=c9i35ifw2b0o) | +Donation 5 (**$3000**) [Sterling Shelter](https://imgur.com/gallery/VXPICLP) | +Donation 6 (**$10,000**) [The Real Bark](https://imgur.com/gallery/wjYnZQ9) + +**Charity Links:** +============= + +**Wright Way Rescue** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/WrightWayRescue) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wrightwayrescue/) + +[Website](https://wright-wayrescue.org) + +**Forgotten Animals** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/forgottenanimal) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/forgottenanimals/) + +[Website](https://forgottenanimals.org) + +**Reversed Rescue** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReversedRescue) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reversedrescue/) + +[Website](https://www.reversedrescue.com) + +**Jersey Animal Rescue** + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jerseyanimalrescue/) + +[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/jerseyanimalrescue/) + +[Website](https://jerseyanimalrescue.com/) + +**Endorser Links** +================ + +**Rocky Kanaka** + +[Save Our Shelter](http://saveourshelter.com/) | [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/c/rockykanaka/videos) | [Rocky’s Website](https://rockykanaka.com/) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/rockykanaka/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rockykanaka) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/rockykanaka/) + +**BBno$** + +[Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/41X1TR6hrK8Q2ZCpp2EqCz) | [SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.com/bbnomula) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/bbnomula) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bbnomula/) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/bbnomula/) | [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/bbnomula/) + +**MoistCr1tikal** + +[Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6VFHwMzcMXbuKyG7SQYIg) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MoistCr1TiKaL) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bigmoistcr1tikal) + +MoistCr1tikal stream clip +https://youtu.be/BrfZfBxGx8U +Realistically, aren’t they going to do this very slowly not to spook markets? + +Further, will a gradual increase of 0.20 per quarter or whatever that big of a deal? + +Hasn’t this happened before, and there wasn’t really a crash but a temporary correction? + +Thanks. +Been a while since I got myself the American Express Platinum Charge Card. The annual fee here in India is ₹60,000 + GST, coming to a total of ₹70,800. The card is made of metal yet the back is plastic to enable contactless payments. + +Fixed Benefits / Perks / Pro’s +1. 4 add on cards at no additional cost. All add on members get access to hotel memberships listed below. +2. Marriott Bonvoy Gold Membership +3. Hilton Gold Membership +4. Shangri La Golden Circle Jade (now discontinued) +5. Dining Benefits at prominent 5 star properties. +6. Access to Centurion lounges +7. Priority Pass ( for basic and 1 add on card member) +8. 5x Reward Points on transactions done through Reward Multiplier +9. ₹10,000 Taj Voucher sent as a birthday gift. +10. Complimentary Meet &amp;amp; Greet Service at Delhi Airport for domestic departures, once a quarter. +11. Home Repair Credit - upto ₹1,200 per calendar year. +12. 3x Membership Reward Points on forex transactions. +13. Fine Hotels & Resorts - Early check in, late check out and spa / food credit at select properties across the world. + +Offers I’ve received and used since in this calender year- + +1. ₹27,500 cashback on transactions at Flipkart, Croma and a few other notable merchants. + +2. ₹2,500 *3 salon cashback offers at participating Truefitt &amp;amp; Hill outlets + +3. ₹2,500 *2 App Store / Google Play Store cashback offers + +4. ₹2,250 *2 Lakmé Salon Cashback offers + +5. ₹30,000 cashback offer on Flipkart, Croma and a few other notable merchants + +Note : All these were 100% cashback offers + +6. 50% cashback upto ₹500 when transacting with small business, minimum transaction amount - ₹1,000 (5 times per card) + +7. ₹30,000 Taj Voucher on making domestic travel bookings of over ₹1,00,000 with the travel desk. + +8. 50% discount on suite bookings at Oberoi Hotels made through the travel desk. + +Cons : + +1. 3.5 % forex markup (most premium cards are between 1 to 2 percent) + +2. Concierge is a huge let down. They fail to call back most of the times and can never get you inside a fully booked place. + +3. Poor dining benefits for a card of this level. Earlier, AMEX used to have offers like a free bottle of wine at nice restraunts but now it’s just a fixed percentage of discount which one can mostly always get with some dining memberships, either EazyDiner or DineOut. + +I got 1,10,000 Membership Reward points as a sign up offer and happily took it. Will I renew it? Depends on the retention offer. +People often say at age 18 I shouldn’t look at dividends at all and focus on growth. I look at funds such as QYLD, that offers an 11% yield, and compare it to something like the S&P 500, which historically returns an average of 7% and wonder why people would choose the 7% over 11%. Obviously there’s the 0.6% expense ratio, and also having to pay income tax on the dividends but it still seems like they would both return around the same, if not QYLD returning more. There has to be something I’m missing. +# EDIT: Please look at the [BROKER MASTER LIST \[2.0\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wlv4ds/broker_master_list_20_for_splividends/) for the most updated list! + +Aggregation of Brokers with sourcing to help provide proof if they have either performed the Splividend correctly or as a forward stock split. + +I'll update this list as I receive more information. + +EDIT: Find something incorrect or missing? Let me know in the comments (with sourcing!) -- See Providing Sourcing section below! + +# 🟢 CORRECTLY HANDLED + +* Avanza 🇸🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9231/avanza_swedish_broker_confirms_that_they/) +* BMO Wealth Management [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/wg58y7/i_emailed_bmo_about_how_they_handled_the/) +* Bolero 🇧🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjynje/divisplit_response_by_belgian_broker_bolero/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* CIBC 🇨🇦 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjlzs4/canadian_broker_cibc_confirms_they_received_stock/) +* ComputerShare [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdpx26/i_got_the_answer_directly_from_cs_it_was_a/) +* Disnat 🇨🇦 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjpso1/canadian_broker_disnat_confirms_the_stock_split/) +* Fidelity [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdlhvp/fidelity_confirms_that_they_are_handling_the_gme/) \[X\] [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjd68b/made_a_previous_post_but_was_premature_hate_when/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjilfm/the_most_concise_answer_ive_gotten_from_fidelity/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjg53q/fidelitys_current_response_to_the_dividend/) [\[6\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjgnfz/fidelity_answered_the_splividend_questions_shares/) [\[7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjev2d/i_asked_fidelity_about_my_shares_via_the_chat/) [\[8🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiwlaf/fidelity_split_data_point/) +* Freetrade 🇬🇧 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weg6q8/from_freetrade_in_the_uk/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfdym2/freetrade_response_to_the_split/) +* Hargreaves Lansdown [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjfmwa/hargreaves_lansdowns_stock_split_process_makes/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whxfnt/hargreaves_lansdown_response_to_splividend/) [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/webz7d/hargreaves_lansdown_seems_to_have_handled_the/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/webxou/hargreaves_and_lansdown_confirm_they_received_new/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weo8ja/this_was_hargreave_lansdowns_response_we_have_not/) [\[6\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wecj4u/asked_my_broker_how_the_split_was_distributed/) [\[7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj6d9s/after_gamestops_announcement_end_of_last_week_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +* Merrill Edge / Merrill Lynch [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wi37pw/merrill_edge_has_posted_my_gme_shares_as_stock/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdxjoe/it_was_a_dividend_according_to_merrill_lynch_usa/) +* NordNet 🇳🇴 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we5zat/asked_norwegian_broker_nordnet_about_how_they/) [\[2\]](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfez5x/nordnet_makes_its_own_post_on_shareville_stating/) +* Scalable Capital 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjwy03/german_broker_scalable_capital_handled_the_split/) +* Sharesies 🇳🇿 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weqtju/chaos_of_misunderstanding_splividend_new_zealand/) +* TD Direct Investing [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/why8rh/td_did_do_the_split_reverted_back_and_now_has/) +* Trade Republic 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjhesb/statement_from_the_german_broker_traderepublic/) + +# 🟡 INCONCLUSIVE + +* Apex Clearinghouse (Webull / SoFI) [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdojfs/sofi_apex_clearing_may_also_be_treating_the_41_as/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdte39/webull_apex_says_its_basically_a_split_i_asked/) [\[3🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjec8j/webull_points_finger_at_gamestop_in_first/) +* BMO Wealth Management [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdohf1/i_just_requested_evidence_that_i_received_a/) +* Capital.com [\[1🟡🔗\]](https://imgur.com/a/4BSaYpK/) +* CommSec international Australia 🇦🇺 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we5jns/comsec_international_cannot_confirm_or_provide/) +* Den Norske Bank 🇳🇴 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we68of/update_to_system_is_broken/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9mos/dtcc_form_for_gme_splividend_from_dnb/) +* DriveWealth (Stake^(a) / Revolut^(b)) 🇦🇺 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj19a3/response_from_stake_australia_regarding_slividend/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiux7w/how_australian_broker_stake_is_handling_the/) [\[3🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/widgbm/drivewealth_support_confirming_they_actioned_it/) [\[4🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wic6lq/revolut_saying_it_was_a_stock_split_in_a_form_of/) [\[5🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wk2b40/stake_i_asked_those_2_questions_regarding_the_gme/)^(a) [\[6🟢\]](https://www.wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/comment_1660024247TbYOBMsaJRR35E0MvqCAlV.jpg)^(b) +* iTrade [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjdlw9/on_july_22_i_emailed_my_broker_regarding_the/) +* Questrade 🇨🇦 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wec6ii/canadian_here_questrade_confirmed_it_was_a_4_to_1/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjazgh/canadian_ape_questrade_seems_to_have_processed/) [\[3🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wi2qrf/questrades_response_re_gme_splividend/) +* Royal Bank of Canada 🇨🇦 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whw1wx/canada_apes_and_rbc_user_i_contacted_rbc_who/) +* TD Ameritrade [\[1🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjfl3d/tdas_response_to_splitdiv/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjf8tp/td_direct_investing_canada_claims_the_split_was/) [\[3🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjb3uy/tda_message_center_rep_on_how_they_processed_the/) [\[4🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiglk5/tda_response_to_my_question_about_a_forward_split/) [\[5🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdq0e0/chat_logs_from_tda_confirming_dtcc_told_them_to/) [\[6🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wec1mf/a_letter_from_my_broker_after_an_inquiry/) [\[7🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfcdx0/i_have_received_the_update_from_tda_about_the/) [\[8🟢🔗\]](https://i.imgur.com/5qeYQZr.jpg) + +# 🔴 MISHANDLED + +* Belfius 🇧🇪 [\[1\]](https://imgur.com/a/0KgnntW) +* Charles Schwab [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjghwa/schwab_straight_split/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjebw3/schwab_did_not_process_the_dividend/) [\[3🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wi8b3g/havent_seen_much_about_schwab_us_yet_i_left_a_few/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wit7v1/schwab_live_chat_about_stock_dividend/) +* Chase YouInvest [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wje89u/jp_morgan_chase_confirmed_not_processed_as/) +* Comdirect 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdhh8h/german_broker_comdirect_says_that_the_dtcc_told/) +* DeGiro [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiqfn2/dutch_ape_could_use_some_help_so_degiro_also_did/) +* Etoro [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wejzwc/etoro_confirms_they_simply_split_existing_gme/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whkpzl/etoro_blatantly_admitting_they_did_a_stock_split/) [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w56rt6/for_etoro_and_other_brokers_it_is_not_a_split/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w2g7kr/etoro_are_going_to_be_doing_a_stock_split_not_a/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ttoruf/etoro_response_for_stock_dividend_after_a_stock/) +* Firstrade [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wglsim/confirmation_from_firstrade_they_do_stock_split/) +* Hang Seng 🇭🇰 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfyj7y/this_is_worldwide_hang_seng_banks_one_of_hong/) +* HSBC 🇹🇼 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjbwt6/hsbc_is_fucked_just_got_confirmation_taiwan_didnt/) [\[2🔗\]](https://ibb.co/85ypyvk) +* IG 🇬🇧 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/wisuww/proof_that_ig_uk_implemented_it_as_a_stock_split/) [\[2\]](https://i.imgur.com/e0Yb8Zd.jpg) +* ING 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj484z/i_confronted_my_german_broker_with_the_gamestop/) +* iWeb 🇬🇧 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wgz181/my_broker_pretty_much_just_told_me_to_go_eff/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* Interactive Broker [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdv1m0/just_got_off_the_chat_with_a_rep_from_ib_split/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wehft4/ibkr_uk_may_have_done_a_normal_forward_split_not/) [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wktpmc/so_ibkr_singapore_processed_splivy_as_stock_split/ijpgeyb/) +* Lloyd's Banking Group 🇬🇧 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wgz181/my_broker_pretty_much_just_told_me_to_go_eff/) +* National Bank of Canada 🇨🇦 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wgwk2r/canadian_brokerage_also_admitted_to_providing_a/) +* RobinHood [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiqzxs/holy_shit_got_this_from_a_friend_of_mine_who/) +* Saxo SG [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj2ojs/received_official_reply_from_saxo_sg_they_did_a/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf86vy/answer_from_saxo_confirming_they_followed_the/) [\[3\]](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdrl17/i_contacted_saxo_to_ask_how_they_handled_the/) [\[4🔗\]](https://www.help.saxo/hc/en-gb/articles/6190790003997-GME-Share-Split-FAQ) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w5afg3/saxo_bank_sold_my_shares_and_purchased/) +* S Broker 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we44m1/my_shares_are_back_but_as_a_split/) +* S.B.I. Securities **🇯🇵** [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wky3uu/sbi_securities_broker_splividend_mishandle_w/) +* SwissQuote / Post Finance [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf2mef/swiss_apes_its_time_to_take_action_swissquote_and/) +* Trading 212 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj3lty/so_t212_treated_the_splivy_like_a_normal_stock/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg4ak1/t212_confirms_they_do_not_act_on_our_own_accord/) [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf6fhz/t212_confirming_i_received_additional_shares_and/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdvnit/trading_212_confirms_traditional_stock_split_for/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdon7r/trading_212_have_confirmed_they_executed_the/) [\[6🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wedf6y/t212s_response_to_the_stock_split_matter/) [\[7🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjjvcn/chatted_to_trading_212_to_see_where_my_shares/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [\[8\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjzlz3/never_forget_t212_cant_even_get_the_stock/) [\[9\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdpss1/its_not_just_germany_trading212_in_the_uk_also/) +* Vanguard [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjcli4/vanguard_coded_it_as_a_forward_split_and_theyre/) +* WealthSimple 🇨🇦 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjhuh5/wealthsimple_update_they_received_shares_from_the/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjarho/did_the_dtcc_deliver_our_4for1_shares_to_the_cds/) [\[3🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wifelw/mapleape_here_sharing_my_convo_with_wealthsimple/) [\[4🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whbex8/canada_apes_wealthsimple_just_confirmed_that_gme/) [\[5🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg8wuc/apes_this_is_huge_canadian_broker_actually/) [\[6🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjkfkk/discussion_with_wealth_simple/) + +# ⚫ Needs Sourcing + +* CGD 🇵🇹 +* DBS +* Deutsche Kreditbank 🇩🇪 +* Erste Bank 🇦🇹 +* Etrade +* Fidelity (A lot of responses saying they didn't handle correctly) +* FinecoBank 🇮🇹 +* Flatex 🇦🇹 +* Futu +* Hatch Invest 🇳🇿 +* MooMoo +* Nordea +* Northern Trust Company +* Renta 4 🇪🇸 +* QTrade +* Scocia iTrade +* Self Wealth 🇦🇺 +* Smart Broker +* Trade Republic (Rumors of Split ➡️ Splivy ➡️ Back to Split) +* Volksbank 🇩🇪 + +# ℹ️ General Information + +First off, THANK YOU EVERYONE for obliterating my inbox with sourcing and helping me make this list the best it can be! + +I wanted to provide some general knowledge about how this *should* be processed as it keeps coming up in comments / DMs. There are two basic types of stock splits. + +1. Forward Stock Split (You have 1 share that becomes 4) +2. Reverse Stock Split (You have 4 shares that become 1) + +Gamestop filed this corporate action as a stock split in the form of a stock dividend. The DTC should distribute the shares down to your broker and those shares should be deposited into your account. + +This is different than a "common" or "regular" stock split where your broker goes into your account and administrativly multiples your shares by 4 without receiving shares from the DTC. + +Both are technically a forward stock split. + +Each broker will have differences on how their system will show either one of the scenarios above. + +# ℹ️ Providing Sourcing + +Want to help out by providing sourcing for a broker? Here are the guidelines needed to provide clear sources to definitively filter where a broker should live in the list. + +The source should + +* Have original source material such as + * Emails + * Chats + * Documents +* Confirm how the splividend was processed (see General Information) +* Not contain any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) + * Please crop or black out your PII +* Have an accompanying English translation if in another language +* Be a publicly linkable source such as + * Another Superstonk post + * Not from another subreddit (Superstonk automod will delete) + * Imgur post or related service + +To be added as a source, please either comment on this post with the relevant information or DM me with it. If you have any questions on the conclusivity of your source, feel free to reach out and i'll help vet it. Appreciate all your collective efforts! + +&#x200B; + +EDITS: + +1. Added IG to Mishandled +2. Added Nation Bank of Canada to Mishandled +3. Supplement Sources +4. Added NordNet to Correctly Handled +5. Moved Questrade to Mixed for now as more sourcing shows it has been handled properly +6. Combined HL and Hargreaves Lansdown +7. Additional Sourcing (Fidelity / WealthSimple) +8. Added iWeb to Mishandled +9. Added Apex (webull / sofi) to Mixed; Additional Sourcing +10. Combined Revolut with Drivewealth and placed in Mixed. +11. Added Needs Sourcing section +12. Added CIBC to Handled Correctly with sourcing +13. 🟢TDDI; ⚫DBS; ⚫Etrade; ⚫Fidelity; ⚫Self Wealth 🇦🇺; ⚫Smart Broker; ⚫TD Canada 🇨🇦; Changed description to better describe purpose of post; Unabbreviated some names. +14. 🔴Chase YouInvest; 🟡CommSec international Australia (Inconclusive) +15. Reviewed Charles Schwab and marked a few sources as inconclusive, added a 4th showing that it was a forward stock split; ⚫CGD 🇵🇹 +16. Removed Fidelity Source #2 post as it was deleted; Revetted Fidelity sources and marked anything as inconclusive. Added more sources as I tried finding something that Fidelity processed as a forward split. +17. 🔴Den Norske Bank (Handling Splivy as Taxable) +18. ~~I'm tired boss, I need to rest for a few. Will read through notifications and continue updating when I return. :)~~ +19. 🟢Merrill Edge / Merrill Lynch; 🟢➡️🔴WealthSimple (Revetted sources / Added New - Processed as forward split); ⚫Northern Trust Company +20. Finally looked up at the shit ton of awards! Thank you all! +21. 🔴S Broker; ⚫Nordea; ⚫Erste Bank; 🟢Disnat +22. 🟢➡️🟡Royal Bank of Canada (Seems to be some debate, needs more evidence) +23. ⚫Deutsche Kreditbank 🇩🇪; ⚫Renta 4 🇪🇸; 🟢Bolero 🇧🇪; ⚫Hatch Invest 🇳🇿; Saxo SG \[🟡🔗\]\[🔴\]; ⚫Volksbank 🇩🇪; ⚫FinecoBank 🇮🇹; IG \[🔴\]; 🔴➡️🟡Den Norske Bank 🇳🇴 \[🟢\]; ⚫Flatex 🇦🇹 +24. HSBC 🇹🇼 \[🔴🔗\] +25. ⚫➡️🔴Belfius 🇧🇪 \[🔴\]; Trading 212 \[🔴\]; DriveWealth (Revolut) \[🟢\]; 🟢Scalable Capital 🇩🇪 \[🟢\] +26. Added General Information / Providing Sourcing sections +27. Interactive Broker \[🔴\]; S.B.I. Securities **🇯🇵** \[🔴\] +28. Moving to the [BROKER MASTER LIST \[2.0\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wlt06b/broker_master_list_20_for_splividends/) for all further updates +I would assert that: + +1) a Conservative majority is likely to lead to a harder Brexit than any other outcome. + +2) a harder Brexit is worse for the value of the GBP. + +I assume that most would agree with statement #1, though statement #2 might be contested (especially by political backers of Brexit). + +... + +Does a Conservative majority apparently strengthen GBP, because there is then less uncertainty OR because most people in the market disagree with my assertions? (or something else?) +There is one question I see repeated over and over on this forum: Is Day Trading gambling? + +Here’s your answer: + +I am a professional Day Trader. Not saying that to brag, it’s just what I do for a living. + +What is a professional Day Trader? Someone who is consistently profitable month after month. A career, not a hobby. Income that is depended on to pay the mortgage, put food on the table, college tuition. + +Having this job means I also interact with many other professional Day Traders. Some better than me, some worse, but all make a living doing it. + +So no, it’s not gambling. It’s not luck. + +You know what is gambling? Playing meme stocks, thinking you can predict tops or bottoms, going with your “gut” - if you’re doing that you might as well go to the casino. + +But real Day Trading? If it were luck than those of us that do it to pay the bills and have been for years, would be screwed. + +EDIT: the constant negative comments from trolls is exactly why successful Day Traders stay away from these forums. There is only one reason to troll a post about Day Trading for a living - you tried it and failed. Over the past year I’ve seen more and more actual Day Traders leave this forum and you’re left with a bunch of disgruntled posters. It’s unfortunate because the people looking for real help will no longer be able to find it here. +If / when you are unable to make your mortgage payments due to your personal or even your tennants loss of income, you can apply for up to 12 months forebearance. It will not affect your credit score. However, if you are looking to buy more property in the future, you should know that the lenders will want to get a verification of 12 months payment history. + + +https://www.yahoo.com/money/coronavirus-homeowners-delay-mortgage-payments-202251121.html +For real. Get off the drugs cut back the drinking build/fix meaningful relationships before you cant trust people to like you for anything but your money. If you needed a sign THIS IS IT! Happiness is key and it is true when they say "mo money, mo problems." So start planning NOW ways that you can stay healthy and happy and live a long meaningful life to enjoy your tendies to the fullest. +I don't believe the 3 month e-fund advice holds water anymore. Especially for those in corporate jobs. Here's why: + +I was laid off in the beginning of January. The company offered a 1 month severance. Not that I had a choice- but I accepted their offer. + +I took a week off to feel bad about myself and mope- but got right back on the horse the very next week. Sending out LinkedIn messages to contacts, updating my resume, talking (on the phone!) to some former colleagues- putting out feelers. The 3rd week I started to steadily apply for jobs. At least 3 per day. I spent the time to tailor my resume and cover letter to each position. Many companies had unique screenings so it was different every time. A few even had me take logic tests online which took a good 30min to an hour each. I didn't get a single call back until week 5, which was just talking to HR reps. Week 6 I had 3 interviews with hiring managers. Now we are halfway into week 7, and I have meetings set up for week 8 with team members of a few different companies. If all goes well- MAYBE I get an offer by week 10 with a start date around week 12. And that's me getting lucky and having industry contacts pulling for me. And also being optimistic that these interviews will turn into offers. Not to mention the fact that I probably won't get paid until week 14 or 15 at the earliest. + +During this time I haven't seen a penny from unemployment or my previous company. My previous company has 90 days to pay me severance, and unemployment is pending until they have someone look at my severance package. All 40 of the folks laid off at the same time as me are in the same boat. + +I am very fortunate to have saved a large E-Fund because I had intuition that my company was underperforming and was very frugal over the last year. But I know a few of my ex-colleagues are in hot water. One of them has already had to sign up for door dash because he is worried about next month's mortgage payment. + + +TL;DR: Between covid, the slow hiring process of corporate jobs, and unemployment issues- you'd be lucky to start a job less than 3 months after getting laid off. Think carefully if that is enough of an e-fund for you. +**Quick Background:** Last week I made a post about how I believed Citadel was creating billions of dollars in margin using SPACs. After reading all the counter-dd I believe my original thesis was wrong and it in fact runs far deeper than I expected. Citadel may have found an infinite short glitch (see Part 3). + +&#x200B; + +# Part 1 - The Correction + +&#x200B; + +In that previous post I stated that Citadel was buying Founder Shares in SPACs for pennies and then using the stock conversion to value them up to x4000 what they originally paid. The two pieces of evidence I used to back this up were that Citadel bought the stock before it was publicly available (from the 13G) and that these founder shares showed up on their asset reporting (from the 13F). + +&#x200B; + +Neither of these are true. While it is true the Class A common stock didn’t start trading until after Citadel bought shares, the SPAC units were released earlier and publicly available. Likewise, this is what was on the 13F. Not stock, but units. As a reminder, a unit is a Class A stock plus a fraction of a warrant. + +&#x200B; + +So Citadel doesn’t own Founder Shares? Definitely not directly. As u/justbeingpunny pointed out in his counter-dd, the SPAC Sponsor owns >95% of these shares. The rest are given out to the company directors. The next logical question is who owns the sponsor? + +&#x200B; + +The short answer is who the fuck knows. + +&#x200B; + +The long answer is who the fuck knows, but… + +SEC filings say the Far Peak Acquisition Founder Shares are owned by the Sponsor, Far Peak LLC, which is managed by a third company, Far Peak Holdings LLC, which is managed by the original SPAC founder Thomas Farley. Bro what? + +&#x200B; + +It’s extremely convoluted, but I think this can all be chalked up to shielding liability and using Cayman Island companies to avoid taxes. Sketchy, but not what we're here for. Without evidence I can’t say that Citadel owns a part of the Sponsor or it’s managing company. + +&#x200B; + +So that’s that. I can’t see any other way Citadel would be able to use the Founder Shares as collateral for margin. Let me say it one more time for absolute clarity: I am no longer confident Citadel is creating asset value through the ownership of SPAC Founder Shares. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 2 - The Counter-Counter-DD + +&#x200B; + +But something still feels wrong. Citadel’s sudden interest in buying SPACs right before the GME mini-squeeze is too coincidental to ignore. I also straight up don’t believe they are buying SPACs as a pure investment. Why? Because SPACs are trash. Out of the 197 SPACs that completed acquisitions in 2021, 175 (89%) are currently trading below the initial IPO price. These aren’t small loses either. Of all the 197 SPACs, the current stock price is, on average, -38% below the original IPO price. + +&#x200B; + +*Quick SPAC context: SPACs raise money by selling shares and then use that money to buy treasury bonds which they hold in a trust account while they look for someone to acquire. If the company fails, or if it completes a successful acquisition, that bonds are liquidated and the money is returned to the share holders.* + +&#x200B; + +u/justbeingpunny has hypothesized that Citadel is using SPACs as repo collateral since all of the money they raise is invested into government bonds. To quickly summarize his DD from last April: + +&#x200B; + +Citadel needs cash so they go and borrow a bond from the bank. They sell that borrowed bond to a third party for cash with the promise they will buy it back in the future (a repurchase agreement). Citadel takes that money and goes about their business (probably shorting orphanage stock or something). Time passes and the bank hasn’t seen its bond in a while, so it asks Citadel about it. Citadel goes to the company they sold it to. “Oh our bad, we actually lent that security out to be shorted. Also please don’t buy it back in the market because that will blow up our position”. + +&#x200B; + +What is poor Citadel to do? They could go back to the bank and borrow another bond to cover the first one. Except now that the bank has already lent out the first bond, the second will come at a premium because the supply of bonds has gone down. In other words the bond is now hard to borrow. + +&#x200B; + +Instead Citadel goes back to the bank and says we don’t have the bond you lent us but we do have something just as good. Look at these SPAC shares which are basically the same thing since all their money is in bonds! + +&#x200B; + +If you believe u/atobitt's "The Everything Short", which I do, this makes sense. It’s a valid theory and could definitely explain all the SPAC purchasing. But I’m just not buying it. + +&#x200B; + +If you’re short on bonds the last thing you want is a shell company raising hundreds of millions of dollars to go out and buy more bonds. There is also the question of whether these SPACs are even being accepted as collateral and at what cost. Some companies will only accepting certain S&P 500 stocks. The DTCC will take any US equities as collateral but with a fat 25% haircut (i.e. you only get 75% cash back on the value of the asset). At that point you’re better off borrowing Singapore government bonds and using those instead. That’s not a joke. + +&#x200B; + +Finally, if the DTCC and other companies are accepting SPACs as equal to their underlying bonds, why not just borrow an existing Bond ETF like $SCHO. You wouldn’t have to deal with the volatility and dilution of SPACs, plus the borrow rate is lower. + +&#x200B; + +When we put it all together I just can’t see the case for using SPAC shares as collateral. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 3 - The Infinite Short + +&#x200B; + +So here we are again. Lonely (unrelated) and confused about why Citadel is buying SPACs. If I have learned one thing from reading GameStop DD and SEC filings for the past month it’s that when in doubt, assume Citadel is short. + +&#x200B; + +*DISCLAIMER: Due to the nature of short selling nothing you’re about to read can not be proven and is purely speculation.* + +&#x200B; + +I’m not the first one to come to this conclusion. u/justbeingpunny made the same assertion in their above mentioned post but I initially ignored it for a couple reasons. + +&#x200B; + +1. The logic that they used to get to the short theory is flawed. The post says Citadel is using SPAC shares as bond-equivalent collateral. The lender, who now holds the stocks, needs to ensure that these stocks are redeemable, so they short the SPAC with the stock they just received in the hopes that the SPAC fails and liquidates. +The error here is that these shares are redeemable whether the SPAC is successful or not. After an acquisition, share holders have the option to convert their stock into the new company stock or redeem them for a portion of the trust. Even if the lender did only gets their money back when the company fails, driving down the stock price wouldn’t have any impact on the SPACs ability to merge. Their funding was locked in months before they ever went public by the underwriter. +The underwriter is the company (usually Goldman or Credit Suisse) who purchased all of the SPACs original shares and is the one who sells them publicly. They buy every share at $10 with the hope that they can sell them at a profit. Underwriters becomes important in a second. I swear this is going somewhere. + +2. Shorting SPACs just seems like a really bad idea. Even if you drove the stock price down from $10 to $1, there is still $10 per share worth of treasury bonds sitting in the company that will eventually be redeemable. The only way these shares actually decrease in value is if the underlying treasury bonds decrease in value. Shorting a SPAC is essentially like shorting the bond market.. + +&#x200B; + +And who in their right mind is stupid enough to short the US Treasury bond market? I’ll give you 3 guesses. + +&#x200B; + +Here is the really crazy part. It’s actually working. + +&#x200B; + +[Far Peak Prospectus](https://preview.redd.it/027p01fz73j81.png?width=1396&format=png&auto=webp&s=f60abb9d69821c249fb30e03acb081820b2bd08e) + +&#x200B; + +Obviously this is peanuts in the grand scheme of things. But when you add in dilution, founder shares, admin expenses and everything else, that $10 redemption value looks a lot closer to $9 or less. Then multiply it by the 100s of SPACs Citadel is short on. + +&#x200B; + +So here’s the theory. Citadel borrows SPAC shares and sells them to retail for $10 a share. Over time the value decreases because the underlying securities depreciate. When the SPAC merges (or fails), Citadel pays out the now $9.00 per share redemption price and pockets the rest. + +&#x200B; + +Did you catch that? They don’t close their short position by purchasing the stock on the market and returning it. They can just pay out the redemption value like the SPAC would have. A redemption value that is below what the holder originally paid Citadel for the stock. + +&#x200B; + +The wrinkle brains see where this is going. K…Ken… where are your clothes? + +&#x200B; + +If you can cover your short with cash there is no need to locate a share before you short it. And if you don’t need to locate before you short, there is no limit on how many shares you can sell. The only thing holding Citadel back from shorting an infinite float is that eventually the stock price will fall below $9.00 and the short will no longer be profitable. Every share they sell short will chip away at the price and make the next short a little less profitable. So there has got to be a limit, right? + +&#x200B; + +Right? + +&#x200B; + +Wrong. + +&#x200B; + +Let me introduce you to page 167 of Far Peak Acquisition’s Prospectus. + +&#x200B; + +>"In connection with this offering, the underwriters \[I told you this was important\] may engage in stabilizing transactions, over-allotment transactions, syndicate covering transactions and penalty bids…" + +&#x200B; + +>“Over-allotment involves sales by the underwriters of units in excess of the number of units the underwriters are obligated to purchase, which creates a syndicate short position. The short position may be either a covered short position or a naked short position.” + +&#x200B; + +To translate for the smooth brains: the underwriter is given the permission to covered or naked short the SPAC so that they can keep the market price at $10. If they sell more shares than the company originally sold them, it’s no biggy. They have an “over-allotment option contract” that forces the SPAC to create more shares and sell them to the underwriter. Citadel can sell shares at $10 all day long and not worry about the price dropping. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 4 - Let’s Play a Game + +&#x200B; + +I’m almost done, but I want to leave you with a game. Who doesn’t love games? Here is how it works. I’m going to give you Citadel holdings information on a stock and you tell me if they are long or short. They own… + +&#x200B; + +* 800,000 Common Shares +* 615,000 Call Options +* 300,000 Put Options + +&#x200B; + +Ok go. Long or short? + +&#x200B; + +I mean it’s a bunch of stock with a call heavy option ratio. Long, right? Wrong again, idiot. This is Citadel’s GameStop holdings from 2018-12-31. I believe the calls are to hedge the short position, the stock is what they have borrowed but not shorted yet, and the puts are just puts. + +&#x200B; + +Alright next up. Citadel owns… + +&#x200B; + +* 2,400,000 Common Shares +* 490,000 Call Options +* 90,000 Put Options + +&#x200B; + +If you see a pattern you’re not the only one. A bunch of stock and call heavy options. This is Citadel’s Far Peak Acquisition holdings from 2021-12-31. A couple of months ago. + +&#x200B; + +**tl;dr: I made a post last week that has since been proven wrong. While reading to correct my original post I came across what looks like an infinite short selling glitch. With a little help from their friends, Citadel can create massive naked short positions without the need to locate or buy back the stock.** + +&#x200B; + +I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. I'm just a guy who likes a stock. As always I would love to see some counter-dd. That's what this community is all about! + +&#x200B; + +Nose cones up, baby! + +&#x200B; + +🚀 +I've been working in this factory for about two years now, and as much as I like the job it has been hard to make ends meet with my ongoing debt and alcohol problems. I've mostly been sticking with it because it's frightening to abandon a sure thing for something unknown, especially when I have no real savings or anything to fall back on, but I won't pretend that there are a lot of opportunities out there for someone like me anyhow. + +I was asked to come see the factory heads this week to talk about something, and I was terrified. I thought I was going to be reprimanded or even fired - that everything I had feared was finally coming home to roost, and that all my attempts to ward it off or make up for it had collapsed. Instead, they told me that they had noticed I've been the common factor in my line-team's success for quite a while now, and that they wanted to give me a raise to reflect it. It wasn't much, just another dollar an hour, but the practical upshot of it is that it will basically pay for my groceries each week on its own. + +I've spent the last two years in revenue neutrality at best, making just enough to survive while saving nothing. This new money is going to be enough to let me go back on the anti-depressants I had to abandon, or maybe even get an appointment or two with someone to help work through my addiction again. I don't know if my bosses know that I'm an alcoholic or not (there are many other people on the floor who are, and for whom it's an open secret with everyone else who works here), but they've still given me a real chance here that I do not intend to fuck up. + +I cried in that meeting, much to all of our embarrassment. At least they know I'm seriously thankful. Getting so worked up over a small raise is some /r/LateStageCapitalism shit, I guess, but it's *real*. This is the smallest thing that has ever had the possibility of changing my life, and I am fully prepared to let it. +* Since March, the Federal Reserve has purchased $1 trillion in mortgage bonds. It bought approximately US$300 billion in bonds in March and April, and since then, it has purchased approximately US$100 billion each month. +* The Federal Reserve currently has nearly replenished bonds backed by U.S. housing loans +* The purchase of securities pushed down mortgage interest rates, ending last week, and the average 30-year interest rate fell to 2.91% from 3.3% in early February. +* Morgan Stanley analysts pointed out in late March that such purchases are eight times faster than the Fed's purchases under the previously called quantitative easing program +* Just before the latest round of financing, the principal payment of its mortgage bond holders had reduced this ratio by 21%, but it has now returned to 30% +* If the Fed maintains its current rate of purchases, it will once again own 34% of the mortgage sector by the end of the year +🔥Best Deflationary Token Binance Smart Chain.🔥 + +&#x200B; + +TOTORO is an open-source and community-driven social experiment. Participating in this experiment does not present an offer for ordinary shares of any entity and token holders are not entitled to or promised any form of dividends/financial rewards. 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No man can always have adequate reasons for buying or selling securities daily or sufficient knowledge to make his play an intelligent play. + + + + + +A no trade day is a good trade day because you have made a guaranteed $0 and not lost a single penny that day. Now that's a good trade day. It shouldn't be a bad thing to not have a trade running. +So GME is on the cusp of printing a Golden Cross on the daily chart. For those not in the know, it’s when the 50 day moving average crosses above the 200 day moving average. It’s a rare occurrence, GME last printed one in September 2020. + +While the majority of TA is redundant on a highly manipulated stock like GME, a Golden Cross is the real deal. This is one of the major indicators large institutions use to enter positions. It will trigger alerts on trading floors across the globe. + +This isn’t just any other Golden Cross though… SPY printed a Death Cross on March 14th. This is the opposite of a Golden Cross, when the 50 day moving average crosses below the 200 day moving average. + +Printing a Golden Cross a few months after the overall market just printed a Death Cross is highly bullish for GME, and further validates the thesis that GME is the hedge for the impeding crash. We truly are in negative Beta. + +When you factor in 52%+ of free float DRS’d and rising, this has the ingredients to be the most bullish Golden Cross. Ever. + + +I believe it’s almost time to call your moms. Buckle up, LFG. 🚀🚀🚀🚀 +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d5wzyodjtdl91.png?width=1039&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f8cf9cd556ce6bcf2c139c8c539f4b6cd88022c + +This time I will label it DD, because last time I was told I should.If you remember this post from u/deeproot3d : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv9x4/part\_4\_critical\_margin\_theory\_shown\_in\_price/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyv9x4/part_4_critical_margin_theory_shown_in_price/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Then you read it 2 months ago around July 14th, before the subsequent run up. + +I had posted about this here on July 12th: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vxfhdp/spygme\_back\_at\_it\_again\_testing\_that\_support\_gme/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vxfhdp/spygme_back_at_it_again_testing_that_support_gme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +and 13th: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vy3p15/this\_relationship\_will\_be\_truly\_tested\_todayweek/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vy3p15/this_relationship_will_be_truly_tested_todayweek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +,where u/deeproot3d picked up on it and really helped me get this out there. + +First of all, this chart is inverse to GME price, but positive correlation with SPY. + +Now I have for you the other side of this spicy pepper.Once the SPY/GME price ratio reaches the green line on the top, that is basically the bottom for GME. They cannot push it lower, and then sudden buying starts. HOW CONVENIENT. Because we are almost at ER, on Wednesday, and we already bottomed out today on Thursday. + +They have brought down GME hard, and fast to get rid of paperhanded bitches. + +🟣The difference here between touching the top line (green) vs the bottom purple line is that BELOW the PURPLE line, hedgies are FUCKED. They are under-water, and their COLLATERAL is not enough, margin calls start going out and someone might get liquidated.I believe that happened on the week of August 1rd, when it closed below PURPLE line on the Friday, Aug 5st. Then Hedgies were fucked over weekend to cover, 20% jump on following Monday the 8th. + +This also leads me to believe that Shitadel borrow $600 Million the following Thursday the 18th, to get themselves out of the fucking hole they were drowning in from their own sweat, because on the 19th, suddenly the price ratio gaps up above the purple line and continues to fuck GME down 33%. + +🟢GOing ABOVE the GREEN line here indicates that price suppression has reached a limit. This does not mean absolute, because remember, Shitadel did borrow 600 Mil. But that doesnt mean that they are not about to get fucked. Above the green line means that they have neared their shorting capacity and they have about 10 days (as evidenced by the past) before some short covering starts and the price starts moving up in a positive trend for the next spike or cycle up. As you can see that shortly after a few days there is a sudden drop in the ratio towards the purple line. The past 2 times that has lead to 150% increase from the GME bottom to the GME peak. The GME bottoms happen at the green line touch. + +THIS HAPPENED TODAY. So if history repeats, I can safely mark today (thursday) as the bottom and watch GME jump at least back to $40-$45 in the next few days(about 60%), if not higher. 150% would be about $69. + +Again as i mentioned above, just check it out for yourselves, the dates March 18 and May 12. + +ENHANCE: + +[Shitadel borrowing money](https://preview.redd.it/ltgg8scb3el91.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f1c95724efa19a44473fe2a5c752a2974a99d54) + +[These 2 weeks ended below purple line, and the week after they got the loan to get above.](https://preview.redd.it/a5tqo0x04el91.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4c95e7ffbd5e45f4a14a9c4201860e88bf35a60) + +You might be wondering now, if at the purple line they dont have enough collateral so they are fucked, then how can they also be fucked at the top green line?Well if you look at it as, GME buyers are always buying and diamond handing, then it is simple. When we get to the Green line, there are too many buyers and not enough short sellers of GME. I mean this discount is NOICE!So then they cover their short position or too many apes buying and degenerates yolo calls, then they end up at the Purple line, not enough collateral. Then at the collateral line what can they do? Can they increase the collateral? Sure, they can cause a bear market rally and push up the markets. OR if the markets are already too high, for example week of march 28 and aug 8th, then they crush the price of GME, as the markets also come crashing down. Because it is a lot easier to move GME down by 10s of % than it is to move the whole market. So right now I think that GME is about to go up and the market is going to pull back up to try to keep up with it. Or they are going to go full force on shorting until something absolutely breaks the market if im wrong. + +Last note, remember, the Green Line is not a Critical margin line, it is basically a limit to their selling power, or it would be like the critical margin to apes' GME buying power (but it isnt because buying GME cant be done on margin and it isnt infinite risk. ) So i can best describe it as the a line that limits their ability to short GME. BUT, drop the market at this point and it gives them the ability to short GME some more, but only at the same rate as the market drops. + +Thanks, I hope you like my theory, i hope it checks out this one time. And I hope we all go to the moon soon. DRS your shit. + +&#x200B; + +Edit PS: I didnt say that today is moass. I didnt say that we cant go lower. I didnt say to buy options. Im saying that we are bottoming and the past few weeks of straight decline are about to end, don't be discouraged, buy more hodl drs. +Hey r/Superstonk \- we’re in the process of launching the new official Betty Boop NFT project on the GameStopNFT Marketplace, and wanting to jump into here to discuss our vision with the overall GME community! + +[Boop & Frens - Trailer](https://reddit.com/link/wu8d7e/video/nr75500md4j91/player) + +I’m Dean, VP of Community & Partnerships @ XLABEL - A strategic and creative consultancy. We help web2 brands navigate the world of web3 through blockchain technology, digital ownership and the metaverse. + +Previous most notable launch I’ve worked on personally would be the Lamborghini NFT launch - Space Time Memory. All five NFTs sold for a total of $659,636. I worked on this project from ideation to execution, driving the project to end up being incredibly successful. + +Boop & Frens is an NFT collection focused on bringing together Betty Boop's worldwide fan community. The collection is a tribute to the character who has long been a global symbol of independence, kindness, style, and universal acceptance. + +We're excited to have partnered with The Fleischer Group to launch this project, and have welcomed community questions to help us offer some insight into the project and the team behind it. + +[Boop & Frens - An Official Betty Boop NFT Collection Launching August 26](https://preview.redd.it/iqziqx8jb4j91.png?width=814&format=png&auto=webp&s=db0bda3996835575b5a1f1d31ed908512903ba5a) + +**Some initial questions from the community:** + +**How did this project come to life, how did it happen that Fleischer studios approached you to bring Betty to the blockchain, and how did it end up in the Gamestop marketplace?** + +The Fleischer Group liked the XLABEL vision for the project. They were approached by a lot of companies, all of which were interested in simply repackaging old video/content and following a traditional cookie-cutter approach - we offered a fresh perspective that they were instantly drawn to. +As we looked to partner with Marketplaces, we were instantly drawn to GameStop. A new marketplace with the backing of a large passionate community. + +**Who are the artists behind these new Betty Boop creations?** + +At XLABEL we have an incredible team of designers with capabilities that exceed the expectations with every piece they create. The team includes designers who have worked with brands such as Apple, Adidas, Adobe, SpaceX, SEGA and Playstation. + +**How many NFTs are being planned to be minted? What gives rarity to your NFTs, and what traits are there?** + +There will be a total of 8,888 NFTs minted, with rarity attributes ranging from certain outfits, accessories, facial expressions and backgrounds. We’re excited to see that after running through community-based feedback, people were mostly able to predict the rarity of items when viewing the NFTs - showing us that each outfit combination matches up nicely with our rarity algorithms. + +**What is your favorite piece/trait?** + +[Boop & Frens #2786](https://preview.redd.it/szjtb634c4j91.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7770f35ba0b5343bcf47ff143a163ca0811617) + +[https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x7f49fc64a8da0735c68557f3aed37e377cf8f6a5/0x2d1cdfa18fa64c0fc1ea95ba6de343bf3755468c556e068a3950aab160d9878e](https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x7f49fc64a8da0735c68557f3aed37e377cf8f6a5/0x2d1cdfa18fa64c0fc1ea95ba6de343bf3755468c556e068a3950aab160d9878e) \- Really love the Kimono in general, but the blue colour is just amazing. Definitely one of my favourites. + +**Can you speak of any specific utility attached to your NFTs?** + +Plans are in development to create an ongoing venue, stage and showcase for entertainers and creators from all corners of the metaverse, hosted by Betty herself. +We’re also working on IRL & URL events for holders of Boop & Frens NFTs, as well as some large partnerships aiming to provide digital & physical drops for holders of the collection. + +**Where do you see NFTs/web3 going in the future?** + +We see NFTs/web3 becoming an integral component of major companies/ip holders marketing strategies - a core component of engagement, allowing fans and users from around the world to be a part of something bigger. +It allows brands to interact with their core audience in ways they never have before, as well as reach new/broader audiences. + +**Any future projects planned for the GameStop marketplace?** + +We’re working closely with current/upcoming clients, with a view to holders potentially launching into the GameStop ecosystem. Contractually, we’re unable to discuss any specifics right now. + +&#x200B; + +We’re incredibly excited to be launching this project with the GME community. Many fellow superstonkers have already joined our community and it’s been great seeing the vibes within our space. We would love for all of you to join us on this journey, and to join us on our mission to give everyone a stage. + +I’d love to answer any further questions, and take this opportunity to hear the thoughts of this powerful and passionate community! +Two years ago I was 22 with no education, barely graduated HS and was working a shitty job making $7.25 an hour. I was browsing Reddit one day and came across this sub. I became obsessed. I saw the beauty of compounded interest and realized how it was feasible to retire early, but not by making 7.25 an hour. I was able to invest in myself and got lucky getting a job making $30 an hour. Wanted a degree in finance, so I joined the National Guard for free college and that's what I'm pursuing right now. Thank you all so much for the knowledge, you've had such a positive impact on my life. + +Edit: thank you so much for the gold! +Title sums it up. 4 doors on 3 buildings and sob stories left right and center. I may have been OK without a pandemic but I'm bleeding money and just can't give people ANOTHER reason to stress out. My tenant who is behind thousands since March decided he needed a new toilet which resulted in the subfloor basically crumbling. Entirely new subfloor, flooring, toilet and it went through the shower drain. Not one call about his toilet being a problem. I obviously need to rehab these properties but people have to leave for that and .. I can't. I'm chatting with my realtor this morning to get his opinion and estimation of the situation. I guess I'm not cutout for real-estate. Any advice on getting out? Holding on somehow? Property manager isn't an option as these properties aren't cash flowing as is and until tenants leave I can't really fix e'm up not that I know what i'm doing there anyway. +I joined this sub because I spent so many years making something out of nothing, and wanted to share some knowledge, but I hate like hell knowing that so many people are just trying to manage to eek out a living. I hate how society equates your worth and the weight of your voice by your bank balance. There are so many dumb, vapid people with platforms and they constantly have a microphone shoved in their face, talking about stuff that people trying to keep their heads above water don't understand at all. + +I know how to make bread out of a little self-rising flour and Italian dressing. I can tell you which gas stations give you the most gas for your buck, because even though they may have similar prices, they don't get you the same amount of mile. I know how to finesse meals out of every type of bean and trash cut of meat. How to help stay warm in bed in winter with no heat in the south USA. How to pay half the bills to keep the lights on for a while, which cheap diaper leaks the least, and how to protect the baby's bottom in case that diaper has to stay on a liiiittle longer than I'd like. + +I don't know how to have enough money to have a comfortable cushion. I just got a better job, which means we can have a kitten. I have a bachelor's degree, I'm a teacher in my forties, and can only now afford food for a pet as well as my kids and I. I see people going on vacations, and I wonder all the time "how do they do that?" So many basic, "normal" things are out of reach for so many. + +Why is life like this? And why has society accepted that this is the way it has to be? We are clever a.f. to just be able to keep living day to day! We're pretty damned smart! Has anyone done a TED talk on poverty finance, because bruh, we need to organize it. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +We’ve been paying an extra $1000 on our mortgage for a few years now, but with a 30-year fixed at 2.5% it may be better to put that grand somewhere else. Thoughts/suggestions? + +Background: already maxing our 401k, 403b, 457 accounts respectively. Also doing backdoor Roth accounts for both of us annually. No car payments. No debt aside from the mortgage. + +Have small amounts in a Wealthfront account and a Fidelity brokerage that I started years ago for funsies, but I admit I’m not market savvy (aside from knowing ok- low cost ETFs are generally good). + +I know we’re doing quite well overall and we’re very lucky. +*Edit: Awesome stuff here guys, really appreciate the outpouring of advice and suggestions. Even the shitty ones. + +I **will** get a receipt for everything. I promise. Okay? Oh and I am in the process of getting clarificiation and details from my bosses, and I feel much better doing so after getting the basic info from you all. + +Chicago sounds awesome. I'm gonna improv some ketchup on a hotdog on top of a shiny Bean thing, after I deep dish the shit out of something something Wrigley's field. Can't wait. Thanks again for all the help* + + +I know I should be asking my bosses, but I'm just trying not to come off as too inexperienced. But I have a ton of stupid questions, so I have come to reddit for answers. + +Background +Hourly Employee, Pittsburgh area. Company offered to fly me to Chicago. + +Questions: +1- Do I get Paid? Do I get paid for travel time? +2- They are making flight arrangements, but I guess the hotel arrangements are up to me. Whats a reasonable price to pay per night? Should I book in advance? +3- Do I take taxis? I've never rode in a taxi. Do I Uber? +4- They said they can either provide me with an advance or I could pay for things like hotels, food, taxi's on a credit card and then submit an expense report for reimbursement. Is one better than the other? +5- What do I do in a strange city at night by myself? I am not a social person, but I refuse to stay in a hotel room the whole time. + +Turns out I have been paying for audible for two years due to them not shutting my account down properly. All this time I though it was my wife’s account we were paying for, but they bill on the first and sixteenth and neither of us noticed. +Good thing is that they could see there was no activity in the entire time and they have refunded the entire amount. It was almost four hundred bucks all told. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I've seen auto sector companies sending their monthly sales figures to exchange. how do you investigate sales and market share during your pre investment fundamental recon. +Do you guys actually go thru the company 10k and 10q to come up with dcf model to come up with a fair value? Or do you guys just use analysts projections? +Waiting for some checks to clear but I had $60. Decided best use of it is to just get some cheap food at the store and stretch it over the weekend. Figured I hadn't had a "sandwich week" in a while so got some ingredients. + +So of course my total comes to $61 and im like "seriously?" + +She hands the cashier $4 and says you can't have sandwiches without chips. I'm trying to think how to pay it forward because this recession has not been kind to me. I might just donate it to the non profit I'm involved in and tell the story because like, people lost a lot of empathy during covid and small gestures like that hit way harder then before. I wished her a merry thanksgiving but need to keep a eye out for them in the future. +Good day fellow dividend investors. Like most of you on this sub I absolutely love dividends and the magic of compounding over time. After 2 years of investing in individual dividend stocks I’ve built around a $60k portfolio that yields just over 3%. I’ve also seen decent capital appreciation over that time. No S&P 500 level returns, but I also made it through the current pandemic so far relatively unscathed with only one stock (WFC) cutting it’s dividend. + +However, the more I invest and learn the more I’m a little eager to focus on total return. Obviously, growth stocks are a large part of that and while I have some of those in my dividend portfolio like AAPL, MSFT, V, NKE, etc I’m interested in focusing more in this area. + +My question to the community is this. Does anyone strictly use their earned dividend income to buy shares in growth stocks or ETFs that may or may not pay a dividend rather than DRIPing? Now that trades our free with my brokerage I’ve turned off DRIP on all my stocks and manually reinvest them in whichever stock in my portfolio I see fit. + +Now, with a potentially more focused plan on growth and total returns I’m thinking that my monthly contributions will continue to go towards my dividend stocks, but any of their dividend income will go towards a growth stock or ETF. + +I’d love to hear the communities thoughts on this and look forward to your feedback. +Financial Times (paywalled): https://www.ft.com/content/a206e3d7-fc89-4e95-9d20-32cc99d97938 + +Key points from the article: + +* The wager against US and European corporate debt underscores Bridgewater’s view that recent weakness across major financial markets will not be short lived. +* Jensen, who helps lead investment decisions alongside co-CIO Bob Prince, warned that inflation would be far stickier than economists and the market currently predict, which could pressure the US Federal Reserve to raise interest rates higher than expected by many on Wall Street. +* Jensen said the Fed’s decision, coupled with tighter policy from a panoply of central banks across the globe, would drain liquidity from the financial system. +* “You want to be on the other side of that liquidity hole, out of assets that require the liquidity and in assets that don’t,” he said. +* Bridgewater in April used baskets of credit derivatives in Europe and the US to make the bet against corporate bond markets, according to people familiar with the trade. +* Jensen said he ultimately believed that the Fed would blink and accept inflation above its 2 per cent target. Policymakers, in his view, will be unable to tolerate a stock market sell-off and the high unemployment that would likely result by raising rates high enough to bring inflation down to that threshold. +* Otherwise he estimated stocks could “crash” a further 25 per cent from current levels if the Fed was unrelenting in its push to tackle inflation. +* Greg Jensen, Bridgewater’s co-chief investment officer, warned that the biggest systemic risk facing the US economy was that the Federal Reserve was effectively out of ammo. +* Sky-high inflation has limited the tools at both the Fed’s and federal government’s disposal, given an intervention by either would likely stoke price pressures already weighing on the country, he said. He cautioned that policymakers in Washington would have to “essentially allow a recession because the trade-off with inflation is so bad”. +* “The biggest systemic risk is that markets are not used to the type of drawdowns that you have when the central bank can’t use monetary policy into weakness.” + +I have 108k from a real estate property I had to cut ties with. I only need 1k a month to be comfortable. What would you do? + + My wife and I have no debt. +We bought 26 acres cash and bought a house cash to live in. + We both have careers but also homestead so we plan on quitting to farm. +Would like to use to money to generate monthly income instead of farm upgrades. + + +Customer of mine (I'm a Realtor)went into AirBnB arbitrage (despite my reservations...) and is three months into a lease with all reservations cancelled. He wants to get out of the lease with a 30 day notice. That's in VA. + +Comments and advice appreciated. + +Just to clarify: he is the long term tenant and subleases short term/AirBnB, with the landlord's ascent. He wants to break the lease for "Covid 19 force majeure" +Timing in Market > Timing the Market + +This is absolutely the reason why people shouldn’t panic over a 10% drop we corrected 25% in September still managed to hit another ATH next month and we will do it again now. + +Congratulations we were able to secure ETH under $4000 again. + **aggle.io continues fulfilling its roadmap** + +&#x200B; + +**The team around** [**aggle.io**](https://aggle.io/) **is absolutely killing it right now:** + +**Go Live in the mainnet on April 16 2022 (Communicated: Q2/2022)** + +**$AGGL up 86% during this week** + +**Full re-design of their bookmaker liquidity pool** + +**Integration of well-reputed 3rd party KYC validator (reveal of the company's name soon in their Telegram community)** + +[**aggle.io**](https://aggle.io/) **is earlier than initially anticipated with their timeline originally scheduled for Q2 2022 and internal plannings more towards June than April to clarify accounting and taxation beforehand.** + +**This is an important step in the life of this amazing startup as well as for AGGL’s long term potential.** + +**Be or beat the bookmaker, only on** [**aggle.io**](https://aggle.io/)**!** + +**🔗 Our Website** + +**🔗** [**https://www.aggle.io/**](https://www.aggle.io/) + +**🔗 Team Aggle:** [**https://www.aggle.io/#team**](https://www.aggle.io/#team) + +**🔗 Whitepaper:** [**https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/docs.aggle.io/whitepaper.pdf**](https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/docs.aggle.io/whitepaper.pdf) + +**🔗 Article:** [**https://medium.com/@aggle.io**](https://medium.com/@aggle.io) + +**🔗 our blog** [**https://aggle.io/blog**](https://aggle.io/blog) + +**Discussion Platforms** + +**🔗 Discord:** [**https://discord.gg/uE7qca2X**](https://discord.gg/uE7qca2X) + +**🔗 Telegram:** [**https://t.me/aggle\_io**](https://t.me/aggle_io) + +**Social Media:** + +**🔗 Twitter:** [**https://twitter.com/aggle\_io**](https://twitter.com/aggle_io) + +**🔗 Our own Subreddit:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/aggleio/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/aggleio/) + +**🔗 Youtube:** [**https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKBAnT0HUYMXvP\_ZKqdZ4g**](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsKBAnT0HUYMXvP_ZKqdZ4g) + +**🔗** [**https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aggle-io/**](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/aggle-io/) + +**Here are our weekly recaps.** + +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBQVmhK9DGE&list=PLXI34Oje0qGTLI\_NRyl\_I4W2fyPjOzg67**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBQVmhK9DGE&list=PLXI34Oje0qGTLI_NRyl_I4W2fyPjOzg67) + +**YouTube Videos** + +**🔥 See us in an live AMA** + +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j21PGAmzin0&t=198s**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j21PGAmzin0&t=198s) + +**🔥 See us in an live AMA (German)** + +[**https://youtu.be/YpOI47p5r94**](https://youtu.be/YpOI47p5r94) + +**🔥 What is Aggle.io & how to use it** +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I\_NS\_ndHnyE&t=6s&ab\_channel=aggle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_NS_ndHnyE&t=6s&ab_channel=aggle) + +**🔥 Become a Bookmaker** + +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjRxslJW9ZM&t=4s&ab\_channel=aggle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjRxslJW9ZM&t=4s&ab_channel=aggle) + +**🔥 How to install MetaMask the wallet provider for Test Etherium** +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaujOxN3MtQ&t=13s&ab\_channel=aggle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaujOxN3MtQ&t=13s&ab_channel=aggle) + +**🔥 Place your own bet** + +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSN1A\_5r88s&ab\_channel=aggle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSN1A_5r88s&ab_channel=aggle) + +**🔥 Transparency and Etherscan in online betting** +[**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shNCES6QAaE&t=36s&ab\_channel=aggle**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shNCES6QAaE&t=36s&ab_channel=aggle) +The exchange rate fluctuations are hurting my profit not substantially but getting to a level of annoyance. Has anyone been able to stop investing in US stocks and see success only trading UK equities? + **KEY POINTS** + +* **DoubleLine CEO Jeffrey Gundlach said the market could retest its March low as investors could be underestimating the social disruptions from the coronavirus.** +*  **“I think a retest of the low is very plausible,” Gundlach said. “People don’t understand the magnitude of ... the social unease at least that’s going to happen when ... 26 million-plus people have lost their job.”** +* **The so-called bond king revealed he just initiated a short position against the stock market.** + +&#x200B; + +http://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/27/jeffrey-gundlach-says-a-retest-of-the-low-is-very-plausible-market-underestimating-social-unease.html +Macroeconomic chaos. +Inflation. +War and fear. +Stock market in shambles. +Liquidations due to overleverage. +CEX’s stopping withdrawals. +Coinbase hurting. +Blue chip NFT floor price valuations down 90% in some cases. + +We know the financial institutions are short, and we get to sit and watch them bleed. + +We know they are going to be fighting, every single day, just to stay alive, and all we have to do is: + +BUY HODL DRS GME + +ggme +# Gold exploration & results – brief introduction + +This is a compilation of *some* of the things to consider when assessing a gold mining exploration company and its assaying results. + +**Disclaimer:** I am NOT a fucking geologist or expert or anything like that. + +# Resource classification & type of drilling + +For companies with a JORC, you will typically see 3 terms. Measured, indicated, and inferred. Measured resources have the highest degree of confidence, indicated have a reasonable degree and inferred are very speculative. It is important to look at what % of the JORC is comprised of by each category. The more in the measured and indicated categories, the better. This leads on to the next point of infill drilling vs step out drilling. + +**Infill drilling:** *Convert* current resource from inferred to measured & indicated. + +**Step-out drilling:** *Add* to the current resource. + +This is important as these will have different effects on the share price. With infill drilling, it will be the typical expectation that it returns significant mineralisation since it was already inferred and so a lacklustre result would see a big crash in the sp (even when a large part of the JORC is inferred, the market often factors it in to the sp as an upside, so later down the road infill drilling needs to be good enough to at least retain that value – speculation can often be more rewarding). Similarly, a good result may not move the sp much since this was already expected (even though the inferred category is highly speculative to begin with). + +In comparison, step-out drilling can swing the sp upwards by a huge degree if the results are favourable, since there was no ‘guarantee’ of the existence of this mineralisation. Similarly, it may not drop the sp as much if unfavourable unless a good result was priced in or the company was hinging on this drill program to be good as it has few other prospects, which is usually the case. + +## Basic shit + +Most companies will typically highlight the best results at the main page, with the rest further down. The format for these is typically: + +**x m** @ **y g/t** Au from **z m** in \[insert hole ID\] + +x **m:** This is the thickness of the intersection of gold in metres. X is whatever number. + +y **g/t:** This is the grade of the gold. Y is whatever grade, in grams per tonne. + +z **m:** This is the depth at which the intersection exists from the surface in metres. Z is whatever number. + +For example, **6m @ 5g/t Au from 60m** means a thickness of 6m Au intersected, with a grade of 5 grams per tonne, starting at a 60m depth from the surface and ending at a 66m depth. One intercept may have multiple significant intervals which will make the main page with varying grade throughout. It will typically say ‘including’ like **6m @ 5g/t Au from 60m** including **0.7m @ 33g/t.** This means that within the larger length, there was a subset of richer grade 0.7m in thickness. + +*Shallow drilling is cheaper, so the less depth, the better*. A 200m drill with notable mineralisation found only within the last 10m is most likely a poor result unless it is of exceptional grade. + +## Why is grade important? + +Grade measures proportion and is important in determining the feasibility of mining. Higher grade is better because it is easier to extract. When there is higher grade, there is less ore that needs to be extracted and so it is cheaper and economically preferable. For example, take two companies A and B. Both have 1Moz (million ounces of gold), however the average grade for company A is 3g/t whereas for company B it is 2g/t. Therefore, company A will be dealing with roughly 9.4Mt of ore, whereas company B will have 14.2Mt. Since company A has less ore, it will be cheaper, and more profitable even though the resource is the same (**assuming same mining approach, type of mine, costs per tonne, and ignoring all other factors**). + +**Open pit mines** are usually under 300m deep and typically have lower grade than underground mines, but also have cheaper costs. + +&#x200B; + +[open pit mine](https://preview.redd.it/cgk8ci3ike271.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=320a98c0664308c6f896654f2689bed91a7f4d0b) + +**Underground mines** are much deeper and have higher grades with higher costs. Hence, the classifications for what constitutes *high grade are subjective to the type of mine.* + +&#x200B; + +[UG mine](https://preview.redd.it/g2p2jgqjke271.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=6683cec4317bffeb5c4117af365d32b8a273794a) + +**Cut-off grades:** This is another important term when evaluating a resource. If the company has progressed enough or even has a JORC, you will typically see a cut-off grade. This is simply the grade used to determine what part of the deposit is to be included in the resource estimate. The reason is ore with grades that are too low may not be economically viable to mine, and so should not be included and thus a minimum grade is set at which it is economic to mine. The cut-off grade is a very good criteria to determine the positivity of a result. **The larger the average grade is in comparison to the cut-off grade, the more profitable the mine will be.** + +## Gold grade classifications + +*Generally;* + +Open-pit mine: + +· **Low:** 0-0.5g/t + +· **Medium:** 0.5-1.5g/t + +· **High:** \> 1.5g/t + +Underground mine: + +· **Low:** Less than 5g/t + +· **Medium:** 5 – 8g/t + +· **High:** \> 8g/t + +**High grade is relative to depth and size of the intersection**. If there are thicker intersections at lower depth, then the classification of what is high grade becomes a lot lower. It is much easier and cheaper to extract from lower depths. Intersecting long sections of lower grade at very shallow depths is still a good result. Generally, for the open pits, the first 100m are quite economic, 100-200m requires more medium grades and thicker intercepts and further than 200m requires higher grade. On the flip side, for a UG mine, the classification for high grade increases since it is more expensive to mine. Because it is more costly to mine out each tonne of ore at these depths, then said tonne should have much higher grade to compensate. **If you’ve invested in a UG mine, it** ***may*** **be even more sensitive to fluctuations in gold price due to the higher costs**. + +One way of looking at the results is by using **gram-metres.** This is done by multiplying the grade with the thickness of intersection. For example, 2m @ 8g/t is 16 gram-metres, and so would 10m@ 1.6g/t, **but that IS NOT to liken these**. This brings on the next point. You should **be careful of smearing**, where a company throws in small intercepts of high grade and smears it across a longer section. For example, 1m@15g/t being smeared across 15m, making it appear so that there is 15m @ 1g/t. High grades with extremely short intercepts are not always significant. Something like 0.5m@23g/t has a thickness that is extremely small and would suggest that this is an anomaly that doesn’t continue throughout the deposit. However, longer sections of high grade can indicate that there is a good extent of mineralisation. + +Interpreting these results is **dependent on the market cap** of the company, and the speculation prior to the results. What might be a dog diarrhoea result for a 200M market cap explorer may be an outstanding result for a 20M market cap company; this much is obvious. Likewise, a stagnant or falling sp prior to the results suggests less optimism and so is more primed to shoot on good results, compared to a sp that pushed before the results. You don’t want to be that guy who buys into the peak of the speculation, then the results are mediocre or even good, and the sp tanks or does nothing. When looking at these drill results you should question: ^(will the resource be stolen by a Nigerian prince?) + +Does this result warrant a 20M market cap? Does it warrant a 50M market cap? Etc. + +The way this is done is by analysing similar companies and comparing their results and market caps. You will want to find as many common factors between these companies. DO NOT compare an open pit miner to a UG miner or an African miner to one in Western Australia, as the former may be at a sovereign discount, and for good reason. This will help you develop a better idea. ^(As a side note, if I’m being honest, I’m quite lazy and prefer to trade the speculation as it is much easier, and should probably take my own advice here.) + +# Costs + +The cost of mining is extremely important. If concrete feasibility studies haven’t been completed and you don’t have an exact **AISC** to work with yet, consider a few factors. + +*Existing infrastructure*: What is the infrastructure like? Lack of infrastructure can add greatly to the cost of production and may result in higher cut-off grades. + +*Location & haulage*: What is the proximity of the resource to roads/other forms of transport, power etc. Is the processing plant close or will ore be trucked hundreds of kilometres to be processed? + +You may also want to speculate capex for earlier stage projects. + +The costs are split up into the following: + +· **CAPEX (Capital Expenditures):** This is the start-up cost to fund the project. You would be able to find this on a feasibility study and will need to assess how the company will attain this. There could be massive dilution involved as well as debt financing. The company’s **BFS** (bankable feasibility study) is a major contributor in determining the possibility of debt financing, as it will represent the economic outlook of the project and have important information such as the **AISC**. Any lenders will want to be assured that the project will be economic before giving out funds. Typically, there is mixed funding with both dilution and debt. It is difficult to speculate capex but you may want to consider some things such as: Will the company set up it’s own **processing plant** or use t**oll treatment?** The former is much more expensive. Toll treatment allows the company to process its ore at another company’s mill. + +· **OPEX (Operational Expenditures):** These are recurring costs associated with operating the mine. + +The BFS will have a lot of concrete information for this. The **AISC** mentioned earlier is **all in sustaining costs** in $/oz. This is extremely important and determines how much profit can be made per ounce. It is often speculated in earlier stage projects by people to assume an NPV. Another important thing to note is the gold price that is assumed in feasibility studies. Is this a conservative price? Compare this price to the strength of the commodity and it's projected prices over the future. If the mine is to go into production later down the road you should ask (this isn't just for gold): how will the commodity price change between now and then? + +# Location + +Ideally, a mining friendly jurisdiction. The resource doesn’t become a tangible asset until mining permits are issued and corruption is something to worry about. This much is obvious, so I want to talk about ‘dumbfuck nearology’ plays. If that is the outlook, you need to be extremely careful, as the speculation reward is usually strong, and the market is typically expecting some crazy discovery comparable to the original chad that spawned all the nearology degenerates. +&#x200B; + +[Wut do?](https://preview.redd.it/8fn8dn5alpk81.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=fed22ccadd903fbed8a4d840f7c2ee9c82eb1fb0) + +Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3x2z0/we\_are\_unstoppable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3x2z0/we_are_unstoppable/) + +All credits to u/einfachman AKA u/healansonfiree + +🚨WARNING : This Reddit account will be deleted at midnight \[12 a.m, Pacific Standard Time\] + +This is einfachman. I impulsively deleted my original Reddit account several months back, due to serious threats against me. I regret that, but that's all in the past. My time on Reddit is no more. That doesn't mean I don't want to help the Ape community. I love you guys, and I have been trying really hard to find a way to share this DD with all of you. I tried creating a new account, but was shadow banned every time I tried to message or comment to an Ape to share this DD for me \[Reddit algo thought I was a spam bot\]. So, I bought this aged account from some website today for the sole purpose of posting this DD. I'm not interested in having an account on Reddit anymore. I still lurk from time to time, but right now I just want to publish my DD, and head back into darkness, where I don't have to deal with getting threatening DMs against me and my family. This account will be deleted at midnight, PST, so please, I would very much appreciate it if an Ape could save this post and copy and paste it on the sub, so that it's in the records and doesn't disappear after this account gets deleted. Thank you very much, and see you all on the moon. + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +My post: + +Einfachman here, back from the grave. It’s been a crazy year so far, and there’s very essential information I don’t see in the sub that needs to be addressed. This DD will be going over a variety of topics, but it all boils down to 1 point: Apes are unstoppable. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Recommended Prerequisite DD: + +1. [The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/) +2. [Are Citadel Client's Leaving? Is This Why Citadel Is Losing It? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pze6e3/are_citadel_clients_leaving_is_this_why_citadel/) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +We Are Unstoppable + +§ 1: Relentless Dip Buying + +§ 2: DOJ and DRS + +§ 3: The Price Suppression Quandary + +§ 4: Geometric Mean + +§ 5: The GME Community At-Large + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +§ 1: Relentless Dip Buying + +If you read my past DD ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)), you’ll know that my conservative estimates where that, as months would go by, average shares would slowly lower to 150 shares/Ape from 160 \[and I still used 140 as a conservative number in my calculations to ensure that I would have hard proof of synthetic shares in my extrapolations; hence, the results in my DD have been strongly solidified over time\]. Average shares per Ape, according to DRS Bot, did decrease slowly, as I predicted; however, it rose back up to around 160 shares/Ape (159.85 as of February 26). + +https://preview.redd.it/9ljpv4c6dpk81.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb1dfa5dc1760597b76ff9b9eb2ef40f9f4dc1d4 + +This is curious, because on November 29, the average shares per Ape were 151.1 shares/Ape. But the price of GME was $200+ at the time. + +https://preview.redd.it/n39n7o77dpk81.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=1de6926b2a0377a37e90213948e6aa99f1099f21 + +Just as I predicted, the average number of shares per Ape was slowly decreasing for consolidation around a 150 average. However, the price dropped significantly since then. It now stands at $118 today. If Apes were selling, as MSM and shills are implying, then we would reasonably expect new DRS Apes to be lowering the average, as they would not be DRSing at an average of 150 shares/Ape anymore. The inverse is the case—the number of shares/Ape has steadily increased to where it is now (Approx. 160 shares/Ape). What does this mean? Apes are legitimately buying the dip, and since the price is much cheaper now, they can afford much more shares to DRS. Therefore, Apes are defacto buying the dip. This can also be reflected on Fidelity’s 9:1 Buy/Sell Ratio when the price was hitting local minimums for the month of January: + +https://preview.redd.it/hrbfpl08dpk81.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ac46657ad6d5dac14cb655968ee42ff1474eeaf + +This brings us to the question, why has GME dropped significantly? + +The answer is simple. SHFs have thrown everything they had at us the past months, so much so that all the indicators went from near all-time lows to exponential increases to yearly all-time highs. + +https://preview.redd.it/hjufvnp8dpk81.png?width=2586&format=png&auto=webp&s=40012ec0856c47f0a52fe5d6a05e485b4a5c3319 + +The last time utilization (percentage of shares available to borrow that have been lent) was at 100% was pre-January run up. Ever since January, 2021, utilization slowly decreased…up until December when it started skyrocketing. As of now, we’ve been at 100% utilization for 2 weeks. + +As you may know, GME has been listed on IBKR’s Hottest Shorts since February, and every week that has gone by, GME short ratio on their website has been increasing significantly: + +https://preview.redd.it/tayj5rk9dpk81.png?width=1934&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2eecc637e0fdb58e4be9f06fc848631c6ea1271 + +These are all signs that SHFs have been throwing everything they have at Apes these past few months, explaining the heavy downward pressure on GME’s ticker price these past months. Despite all their efforts, Apes have only been buying the dip and accumulating more shares to DRS. + +I should note that it is possible that indicators are also increasing due to the ongoing DOJ investigation into SHFs, as now SHFs can’t be as careless with synthetic shorts and illegal activity to manipulate GME’s price. But, this would also explain why they’d want the price so low. Now that the DOJ is watching them, they have much fewer options to suppressing the price without illegal activity drawing the attention of the DOJ. So any run up, similar to the June run up, may be the last. + +§ 2: DOJ and DRS + +I stated this before in my past DD ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)): + +“I expect the closer we get to locking 100% of the float, the stronger the pressure the government will feel to taking initiative themselves, as once the float is 100% locked, there's no going back, and the entire world will witness the synthetics shitshow that will reveal itself and completely undermine the market's regulatory bodies. Moreover, as we also get closer to locking up the float, shorting GME back down will be a lot more costly and difficult for SHFs to do, which is why it's highly likely to me that the MOASS will start before the entire float gets locked up.” + +Well, according to computershared.net, about 43% of the float has been locked by Apes already. And 73% of all outstanding shares have been locked and registered. 73% of all outstanding shares locked is already enough to warrant a response from the government. + +I highly doubt the government will stand idly by while 100% of the float is locked and the curtains of fraud in the market are lifted for the world to see. GME isn’t some penny stock. It’s listed on the NYSE; its market cap practically makes it a blue chip stock. If the world sees how brutally manipulated GME is, it will create lasting economic damage, reverberating into each financial market. If common folk don’t trust the market anymore due to all the fraud and corruption, they’ll pull out their investments. ‘Investments’ being a variable of which GDP is contingent on \[GDP = C+I+G+NX\], it’s safe to say there will be long-term damage to the U.S GDP due to risk averse behavior prompted by domestic and international investors upon witnessing the blatant corruption polluting the market. + +**In other words, this is a legitimate national security issue.** + +Which is why the government is getting involved. So, if the DOJ’s data scientists project that the float will be locked within 6 months, they will initiate MOASS before then. If they have to shut down Citadel and force them to close their positions before the float gets 100% registered, they will. Right now the situation has gotten too big for them to ignore and these SHFs pose a national security risk to the government. + +§ 3: The Price Suppression Quandary + +This dilemma didn’t start until Computershare started becoming popular among Apes. I call it the price suppression quandary. Ever since Apes have begun to DRS in mass, the countdown to MOASS has started. The MOASS can no longer be can kicked indefinitely. This is due to the following conundrum: + +If the price of GME exceeds a certain point, margin calls will ensue, starting a snowball effect which will lead to MOASS. The more they short, the more money they lose, the more margin requirements pose a problem to them, and the more they will need a lower price. + +Now, if the price of GME declines too low, as I’ve demonstrated in “§ 1: Relentless Dip Buying”, Apes will double, triple, quadruple, etc., their ability to buy up the float and register it. + +Example: Let’s say, at the price of $120, it will take 10 months to lock 100% of the float. If SHFs decrease the price to $60, it will now take 5 months to lock 100% of the float. $30? 2.5 months. $15? A little over a month. By taking the price down so much, they effectively accelerate their demise, which is why they need a higher price. + +This is also not including any outside entities purchasing the dip (e.g. institutions, pension funds, or even angel investors, such as RC, Musk, etc.). + +Thus, they have no other alternative than to do their best to keep the price in the middle to, as financial terrorist, Kenneth Cordele Griffin, best said it, buy 1 more day. + +Note: there is 1 additional factor that may accelerate the removal of margin from Citadel that should be taken into account as well, which I brought up here: [Are Citadel Client's Leaving? Is This Why Citadel Is Losing It? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pze6e3/are_citadel_clients_leaving_is_this_why_citadel/). Considering the DOJ investigation into short sellers (including Citadel), it would possibly make it easier for clients with decent exit clauses to withdraw their funds from Citadel, since they have reason to believe their investments could potentially be misused for fraudulent purposes. Hence, the price suppression quandary only becomes even graver for SHFs going forward. + +§ 4: Geometric Mean + +MOASS is inevitable. There’s no getting around that. But, there are some (most likely a mix of price anchoring shills and misinformed Apes) that don’t believe that when the price begins rocketing off that GME can in fact hit prices in the millions. The main argument is “how can it hit $100 million when GameStop would be worth quadrillions, and the world economy is only $80 trillion?” That argument is invalid and mathematically flawed. + +Firstly, anyone saying that the payout will be in the quadrillions is assuming that every single one of us will sell at the exact same price…at the exact same time. This is nonsensical. + +To better illustrate what will actually take place, I will use a simplistic model, such as the bell curve: + +https://preview.redd.it/tkgz1fradpk81.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=f541904c5b664921ff50af868c74a4d07b3c601f + +As the price starts to take off, you will have your common paper hands selling at $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, etc. After all the paper hands are gone, SHFs have to buy back shares from the Diamond Hand Apes, which will be the hardest to obtain. These are the Apes that will refuse to sell no matter what. This is what could take the price up from $500,000 straight to $100 million for a few days (which, by the way, is why I say in my past DD that it doesn’t matter if 90% of GME investors paper hand, its because the final millions of shares SHFs will need that will drive the price up past the millions easily). From whatever peak, such as a brief stop at $100 million, the price could drop back down. There will be paper hands that practically gave their shares away for free, Diamond Hands that valued their shares at $100 million, and people like RC that decided to either HOLD or HODL, refusing to give up their shares at all. + +The geometric mean measures the compounding effect of numbers. Simply put, it’s the average of exponential growth. + +https://preview.redd.it/wotrld9bdpk81.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2a476dba56acf1949d6847c00a2d4059d76ab0e + +Calculating the geometric mean of a $100 million GME price from an initial price of $120 using the formula above give us an equivalent price of approx. $109,545, and a payout of around $8 trillion. + +We can also assume that GME’s price, after hitting $100 million, could drop and consolidate around a fairer price than $120, such as $30,000, which would place it among the big tech stock market caps. The geometric mean would put us at an average payout of $71,000 per share and the payout from DTCC would only be around $5.41 trillion. + +Here, the payout is much smaller, because with the price consolidating around $30,000 after hitting $100 million, many Apes still kept GME shares, so the overall payout wouldn't be as large. + +Outcome #2 is more likely (GME hitting $100 million and consolidating around $30,000 when dropping instead of dropping all the way back down to $120, because we’re only at $120 due to heavy manipulation to begin with), so the DTCC has way more than enough money to pay out around $5 trillion. + +In other words, yes, a $100 million GME price can be achieved, but the average payout per share will be approximately around $70,000-$100,000, and DTCC insurance will only end up covering around $5-8 trillion. $8 trillion isn’t much when they can cover up to $63 trillion. Anything not covered by DTCC will get handled by the FED. Hence, an extremely astronomical price is more than mathematically possible. + +§ 5: The GME Community At-Large + +I brought this up before ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)), but didn’t take the time to elaborate. I strongly believe there’s at least 5+ million GME Apes. + +To reiterate what I previously said in my last DD: “αmc Apes were informed by CEO Adam Aron that there were 3.2 million Apes within the U.S & Canada alone. + +In early June, they were informed that the numbers were 4.1 million Apes (worldwide). \[The data was recorded on June 2nd and released on June 9th\] (twitter.com/ceoadam/status/1402723600398946306?s=21) + +Since this was the number of Apes for αmc, and since both stocks are similar in many respects to the Ape community, we can deduce that in June, there were 'at least' 4.1 million GME Apes (highly likely the number was floating around 5 million). + +This was almost half a year ago, mind you. There has been significant and consistent growth every week since then, within this sub, social media platforms, etc. I can't use June data in my analysis, as it would be considered obsolete. Furthermore, I am confident that the real number has increased substantially since then. + +This is the growth in members Superstonk has had since its inception: + +https://preview.redd.it/paonor4cdpk81.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff317dd3d42c3d0011bebfb3ccb36ab4f6efc1f2 + +Consistent organic growth from new Apes as of June-forward + +Superstonk had about 400,000 members in the beginning of June. As of today, it has approx. 690,000. That's an over 70% increase from when 4.1 million Apes were recorded. If we were to apply these percentages to the 4.1 million, we'd come out to 6.97 million Apes. We could say that half of those new users were a combination of shills, alt accounts, etc.; however, that would still leave us with approx. 5.5 million Apes, up 1.4 million from June, which would be a conservative estimation for growth within 6 months. + +I honestly believe there's way more than 5.5 million GME Apes worldwide (e.g. in Hong Kong alone, there were 900,000 GME Apes trying to vote 6 months ago, just to give you a perspective of the numbers we are dealing with), but let's work with 5.5 million, as a conservative approximation is favored to ensure the results aren't overstated.” + +A few things that I’d like to add: + +The number of GME investors on Futu has increased from 900,000 to 1.2 million as of now (30+% increase). + +Furthermore, I would like to elaborate on my previous statement regarding deriving the number of GME Apes by using the number of αmc Apes. We have definitive proof that in June there were 4.2 million αmc Apes, yet their largest community on Reddit is much smaller than the largest GME community. The largest GME community is about 60% larger than the largest αmc community. This comparison can’t be ignored. + +Both stocks have an almost identical market cap, very strong Ape community that share the same ideals, etc. It’s reasonable to infer that GME has millions of shareholders as well (I believe it’s easily 5 million). So, when some Apes tell me GME doesn’t have millions of shareholders, I find it quite puzzling that they would think that. + +If you look at the SEC Report into GME, you’ll see on page 20 they state that on January 27, 900,000 accounts alone were trading GME. This was over a year ago, mind you, and it didn’t even include anyone that only held GME on that date, not just traded. Meaning that there were likely already one or two million Apes in January, and the number has only increased since then to around 4 million in June, and definitely at least 5 million now, if not much more than that, but I’m going to keep the numbers conservative. + +With all said and done, what can we infer from this? There are easily well over 5 million GME Apes. A rule of thumb I learned in the past is that normally only 1%-10% of viewers end up upvoting a video (on YouTube or elsewhere). You can test this for yourself when you ratio video views online to likes. If we apply the same rule of thumb to Reddit posts, you might see 30k upvotes on a SuperStonk post, but the actual post was viewed by anywhere between 300k-3 million people. You don’t need a Reddit account to check out SuperStonk and you’d be surprised the amount of people that just lurk around Reddit without even an account, but I digress… + +The point is that the 741k+ SuperStonk members are just a fraction of the vast number of GME Apes out there. I’m sure there are many of us that have friends and family invested in GME that aren’t engaged in SuperStonk, many that don’t know about DRS that we could reach out to and spread the word. I believe there’s hidden communities out there, like Futu with over 1 million GME Apes, where we could send out envoys to provide them with strong DD on DRS and the importance of registering shares (perhaps these hidden communities are on other social media or trading platforms as well, similar to Futu), but if we can tap into them as well, we could potentially increase the rate of DRS’ed shares by a sizable margin. + +Nevertheless, taking all this information into account on the high likelihood that there are well over 5 million+ GME Apes out there, SHFs literally can’t compare to our power. If Apes had their own country, it would be larger than 100+ countries by population-density. It would also be larger than the entire U.S military, or any military in the world. + +We have some of the brightest minds researching, working days and nights to provide us strong DD and reinforcement. Among our ranks include: doctors, lawyers, economists, artists, professors, psychologists, accountants, engineers, people of all sorts of backgrounds providing valuable information, intellectual capital, and significant support towards GME and restoring actual fairness and transparency to the market, while forcing our government to hold hedge funds accountable for their gross negligence to our economy. + +This is what SHFs have been up against. And patiently waiting over a year for our tendies has only emboldened us, made us stronger, more resistant from MSM gas lighting and shills, more stoic upon seeing hard volatility and manipulation with the GME ticker price, more focused on registering our shares despite all the attacks and fear mongering to scare Apes away from registering. We came in like amateurs, and evolved into iron strong Navy Seals… and it’s beautiful. + +No matter what SHFs throw at us, no matter how many times they get Cramer to go on CNBC and bash GME, no matter how much drama or forum sliding they pump out, no matter how many shills they send to our communities try to divide Apes or scare them away from DRSing, we will never be subjugated. No matter what they do, we are unstoppable. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Additional Citations + +Hoehn, L. and Niven, I. \`\`Averages on the Move.'' *Math. Mag.* **58**, 151-156, 1985. + +Morrow, K., 2020. *DTCC Launches Pilot Program for New Insurance Information Exchange (IIEX) Platform | DTCC*. \[online\] Dtcc.com. Available at: [https://www.dtcc.com/news/2020/november/23/dtcc-launches-pilot-program-for-new-insurance-information-exchange-platform](https://www.dtcc.com/news/2020/november/23/dtcc-launches-pilot-program-for-new-insurance-information-exchange-platform) \[Accessed 27 February 2022\]. + +Sec.gov. 2021. *Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021*. \[online\] Available at: [https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) \[Accessed 27 February 2022\] (pg. 20) + +# Additional Commentary by Einfachman/healansonfiree + +# [https://www.reddit.com/user/AzureFenrir/comments/t3zc8v/einfachmans\_commentary/](https://www.reddit.com/user/AzureFenrir/comments/t3zc8v/einfachmans_commentary/) + +# [https://www.reddit.com/user/healansonfiree/comments/t3usrd/reminder\_that\_shills\_exist\_in\_the\_sub\_get\_paid/](https://www.reddit.com/user/healansonfiree/comments/t3usrd/reminder_that_shills_exist_in_the_sub_get_paid/) + +# Does DRS remove shares from DTCC Cede & CO? (by u/MommaP123) + +# [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t39lu1/that\_fast\_contract\_yeah\_it\_doesnt\_say\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t39lu1/that_fast_contract_yeah_it_doesnt_say_what/) +Was recommended I post my DD on the company, and open to discussion to explore more. Hopefully with the uptrend in crypto as of late, this will be the late bloomer to the crypto mining boom. Valued at $0.54 at EOD today, FORT.V seems like it's in a solid spot to take off. + +Positives: + +* Great balance sheet, no debt +* Currently over $10M in cash and GICs +* $22M market cap (really low atm but that changed today, not sure what the eval today is) +* [Own 163.2 BTC](https://bitcointreasuries.org/) (~$8M in BTC) as of Nov 24, 2020 +* State-of-the-art mining facility in Washington to build out highly-scalable BTC mining (which has generated approximately * 524 Bitcoin and 100 Bitcoin cash as of Nov 24 2020) + +* All the numbers I mentioned can be found [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fortress-technologies-inc-announces-third-120000115.html) + +* Strong team - go to their site to look at the team, though limited, they do have some competent people on their team. ONe standout: Roy Sebag, serving as Chairman, who is also the CEO/Founder of GoldMoney. + +Negatives: + +* No publicity - last press was Nov 2020 (barring a random statement that came out AH today). No plans on their annual report either. If you go to their website, it just lists their team, not even what they do (they just mine afaik). +* Trading platform limitations - they're only on the TSXV +* No visibility into what they are doing and how they are doing - goes back to the publicity thing, but especially the fact that you really have to dig just to find what they do, and how they're doing + +Potential catalysts: + +* As mentioned earlier, all their financials are old, so assuming they added to their already strong cash position, earnings could greatly boost the stock. +* Their recent [news release](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fortress-technologies-inc-provides-market-211500669.html) could mean something greater on the horizon. I don't want to make speculations beyond that, but I take it as good news since they typically release nothing unless it's a quarterly report or something large. +* Getting added to WealthSimple - Since they are now above 50 cents, I believe they are in considerations to be added to WealthSimple, so more investors. +* Boom in price of crypto - This is one big piece. As of late, they have gone up marginally. Relative to their peers, like Bitfarms, RIOT, MARA, market cap wise, they are behind. I see this as a potential catch up period, getting them closer to the competitions evaluation at least. + +All in all, I like the stock. Do your own research, this isn't advice. In @ 0.355 avg + +EDIT: +More research. Please find the one that refers to the [SEDAR Nov 30 2020 Financials](https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00032400). + +* Hash rate unknown, but they have a facility of 1400 ASIC S9 Antminers. (page 5) +* They sublease this out to WeHash Technologies on a monthly Consulting Fee basis. +* 70 million shares, about 30% owned by insiders. This information is split up across the SEDAR board. But Roy (Chairman) has about [10.6% of shares.](http://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/09/11/1568907/0/en/Early-Warning-Report-of-Roy-Sebag.html) Anson Group owns 12.44% (found on the Jan 8 2021 release in the SEDAR link). The rest of the team also holds positions, which can be found all within SEDAR. +I've been seeing people talk about what $10k and $100k would mean to them. This has to be FUD, we haven't thought of those numbers in forever and you'd be absolutely dumb to sell for that low (in my non financial advice opinion). + +What ape here ever thought of those numbers recently? Should be about 0 of us, it's insulting people even reference these numbers. We've come too damn far. I'm not in this just for me, I'm in it for my family, for you, and your family. $25mil is the floor, anything under XXmil is FUD. +Good Evening Apes, + +Hope all of you are getting settled in nicely here in our new sanctuary. I remind you that you all turn this place from house into a home. Let's get right into it. + +Many of you may know me from my previous posts depicting the Deep ITM calls being bought out of the PHLX exchange. Interestingly enough, for the first time since this whole thing started, no large trades of Deep ITM calls were made. + +&amp;amp;amp;#x200B; + +[GME Biggest Trades 4-5-2021](https://preview.redd.it/4u3b8lh34hr61.jpg?width=1223&amp;amp;amp;format=pjpg&amp;amp;amp;auto=webp&amp;amp;amp;s=00781c4e2b5ce033700f469af50a6a9d67d3e015) + +A smart ape named u/glide_si suggested that these large trades were often seen back to back with another duplicate trade suggesting these calls were being rapidly bought and sold. We speculated that this was one way the shorts were hiding their FTD's. With the recent addition of DTCC rule 005 (although interestingly still pending approval-but apparently may be in effect this shit is mad confusing im not a lawyer im a stonker) that from my understanding is preventing this process from happening (creation of synthetic shares) have we finally seen the end of this massive Deep ITM call buying. Hard to know what is to come as a result of this but my gut tells me the end is near. + +TL;DR: HEDGEFUNDS NO LONGER COVERING UP FTD'S WITH DEEP ITM CALLS AS OF TODAY POSSIBLY BECAUSE OF DTCC 005 + +Red crayons taste the best; change my mind. 💎🙌 + +If you wanna read through DTCC rules [https://www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings?pgs=1](https://www.dtcc.com/legal/sec-rule-filings?pgs=1) thanks u/Darkassassin07 + +Another theory that I've been pondering: if DTCC Rule 005 isn't in effect yet could the end of these deep in the money call purchases expiring 4/16/2021 have anything to do with the heightened volatility that comes with trading short term options. Perhaps inside 10 days is the no-go zone. + +Edit: Seems to be a lot or confusion regarding whether DTCC 005 is in effect and the truth is I don’t really know. What I do know is they didn’t just stop buying these Deep ITM calls for no reason. This is significant + +I will put out another post when I get home from work tonight with today’s updates but expect it on the later side. +It should shock you how careless and poorly run Kraken seems to be. I will explain why I believe Kraken's development team is terribly unqualified or why they are understaffed. This should alarm you because from what I've seen they are more qualified to run a bitcoin fan site, but somehow they were put in charge of running a multi million dollar exchange. Please note that this is my own personal analysis and opinion on Kraken and is in no way official or anything. + +You have to understand, Kraken's engineering team didn't fail at an impossible task: they failed at fundamental and basic principles of software development. That should be a **giant red flag** for anyone who uses and trusts kraken with their money. /u/jespow and /u/kraken-tyler have a lot of explaining to do here, because after seeing how many mistakes this exchange has made in the past 2 days, I can only conclude that it must either be engineered by children or completely incompetent adult engineers who have ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS building and scaling up a trading engine. Let's look at a timeline, shall we? + +1. Throughout pretty much the entire year last year, Kraken totally failed to scale, and they blamed it on their trading engine. Despite millions of dollars being traded weekly/daily on their exchange, apparently they couldn't create a trading engine that would actually stay online for longer than an hour. They shoved a warning at the top of their website apologizing for how slow and awful it was and it stayed like that pretty much from June 2017 onward. + +2. The other day they go offline for 40 hours and leave this highly unprofessional description explaining why: https://imgur.com/a/E5WbI + +3. At some point they post this https://t.co/We6nN0WNNh And they tell us "we finally replaced our trading engine that sucked with a better one, but it immediately broke so we're trying to fix it". + +4. 40 hours of downtime and one unprofessional message on their homepage later and they're back, but they have a critical other bug where people magically lose their money when they close shorts.... + +Even if you knew nothing about software engineering this is absolutely ridiculous and definitely shows you how incompetent this company is. If we dive deeper into number 3 above then we *really* can see how much of a complete joke their engineering capabilities are: + +When you build any sort of software project you have these three things called unit tests, staging environments and migrations. Let's say you were building a traffic light. Unit tests would be like automatic checklists that run and say "make sure the light turns red" or "make sure the light goes yellow before going red" and "make sure the crosswalk lights work when the human presses the button". Even hobby projects often have close to 100% test coverage, meaning you strive to have all your code tested as well as you can. Kraken **clearly** does not have appropriate unit tests in place because they've now suffered two critical bugs which should have been caught in unit tests. + +Two, Kraken had no staging environment. When kraken went down for almost 40 hours they said it was from a bug they could ONLY have detected in a production environment. Well guess what? It's common practise in web/backend development to be able to spin up environments WHICH ARE IDENTICAL TO THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT. It's quite clear to me that Kraken also **does not** have an appropriate (or competent) devOps team, because if they did have one then they would have easily been able to create a production identical environment which would have allowed for the "production only" bug to be produced. + +Three, Kraken decided to stay offline for 40 hours as opposed to rolling back to their last working version. This is again shocking because you never want to migrate to a new version of something (ESPECIALLY AN UNTESTED SOMETHING) without having any way to go back to your previous state. Again this shows me that Kraken has no devOps team, or they are incompetent, because upon discovering the bug, they should have been able to roll back. + +----- + +**Summary of mistakes Kraken made:** + +1. Wrote poor (or no) unit tests which failed to cover critical aspects of their trading engine. This caused 40 hours of downtime and customers to lose their money due to a bug with short trades + +2. Have a poor (or no) devOps team who are unable to spin up multiple environments for proper development and/or testing + +3. Have a lack of understanding of how to properly deploy versions and create migrations, because they had no way to roll back their changes + +4. Probably they have poor organization in general because it took them a year to attempt this scaling solution. What were they doing during that year if they weren't writing unit tests, migrations, and doing all the things a proper dev team should be doing? + +5. They literally replaced their home page with a plain text file with 3 sentences explaining that they're offline... + +Remember, this space is unregulated and while I personally enjoy this aspect of it quite a lot, it also means the burden of **protecting ourselves from bad actors** falls on us. And from where I stand Kraken is a bad actor because they either cheaped out on engineers despite making millions of dollars from *us*, or their development team is not strong enough to build and manage their application at scale. In either case they had an entire year to rectify the problem but they did nothing. + +----- + +**But unit testing isn't magic and can't catch all bugs, right?** + +It doesn't solve all your problems but I would say the fact that there seems to be a common bug with shorts calculating profit wrong so that clients lose money is an indication that obvious tests were skipped or written poorly. Think about it. Just how well is their shorting feature tested at all, if there's a bug in something as important as calculating profit? It's not an isolated bug either since there's multiple people reporting it. Especially considering this is a financial system and they were developing it for a long time I don't think it's a stretch to say that this wasn't tested well at all. + +**But maybe its just too hard or impossible for them to create staging environments...** + +Ok lets assume that it's completely impossible for them to spin up an environment as close to production as possible. First, I would ask why they built it in a way where this is impossible since it seems pretty useful for testing, but moving on I wager that they still did a poor job flipping a switch and just turning this all on for everybody at once. This wasn't a small change by the looks. If that's the case then I think they should have rolled this out slower, and not give it to 100% of their users all at once. They could've even offered a "beta" mode where fees were slightly less but "you cant get mad at us when it breaks". There's tons of ways they could've handled the release better and put simply they butchered it. + +**But building a financial system like this is complicated!** + +I agree it's complicated, which is why when you're a big (and probably wealthy) company like Kraken you need to hire the A-team. Instead it looks like they hired the C-team. And I know that's harsh to say but it's hard for me to go much easier on them here given the facts and that large sums of money are involved. +*Hello, it's your friendly neighborhood grifter. I'm here to push dangerous financial instruments on unsophisticated investors.* + +This post shows the results of a quick investigation into synthetic forwards in GME's options flow (and the flows of related tickers). Synthetic forwards can be used in options strategies like the replicating portfolio of variance swaps, or as a replacement for actually going long or short the underlying. As a side effect of these trades options market makers will typically buy or sell an equal amount of shares in the underlying (1 delta per options pair, so 100 shares). Since MMs are able to naked short, this allows market participants to get shares without affecting the underlying, or when none are available. + +To enter a synthetic forward, one typically buys a call and writes a put for the same strike and expiry for a long forward, or writes a call and buys a put for short exposure. For instance, on the 1st of November 2021, the following trade was made on GME: 2500 calls and 2500 puts at strike $220 and with expiry on the 21st of January 2022, while at the same time 250000 shares were traded in a dark pool. + +# Method + +The tickers GME, AMC, EXPR, M, as well as ETFs with GME exposure were chosen for study. EXPR and M tend to show up as the top correlations with GME over long timeframes, while AMC has been strongly correlated to GME since January 2021. I searched their options flow for the for options trades with the following criteria, all of which had to be true: + +* a pair of puts and calls on the same underlying +* equal strikes and expiry +* 1 second (or less) apart +* a difference in trade volume of less than 10% + +The thing with the volume difference is there because some options strategies might require opening additional contracts in one of the legs which would likely be done in the same trade, and I wanted to make sure to include them. + +It should be noted that it is essentially impossible for me to distinguish between synthetic forwards and straddles, the latter involving both buying (long straddle) or writing (short straddle) an equal amount of calls and puts on the same strike. This would require correlating the options flow with other data, such as the consolidated tape, or (spoiler alert) swap data. + +# Results + +For all the graphics in this section the left Y-axis represents the total daily volume of underlying shares corresponding to hypothetical synthetic forwards (blue line), while the right Y-axis represents the total daily Dollar volumes (red line). + +[GME — quite the busy stock](https://preview.redd.it/l4csorgvlgi81.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=24533ce1bb5eb8dfb5617864735541ffc3dbd0c5) + +[AMC — starting January 2021 also kind of busy](https://preview.redd.it/3658qt26mgi81.png?width=1382&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e05ee2499260e28c3bb107c42f6e994075b7c1) + +[EXPR — a wasteland](https://preview.redd.it/rdzkj2tgmgi81.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=3524e25489930ad51ae4a62aabd787bc6a3e85da) + +[M — also quite busy](https://preview.redd.it/054i9dqnngi81.png?width=1401&format=png&auto=webp&s=2666b48ed14e0d8db67023c849598709e1193bd2) + +**ETFs** + +[IWM — noise](https://preview.redd.it/68tahdbyngi81.png?width=1381&format=png&auto=webp&s=c27a11aa1210163e898adfe204359defb4656302) + +[XRT](https://preview.redd.it/oorpsix6ogi81.png?width=1379&format=png&auto=webp&s=96c4a8dcd72b2a568687c722d703f63cfe2d388b) + +[IWF](https://preview.redd.it/8hgazhfaogi81.png?width=1425&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb6dd79831957b847c7a1f97f135a73e79049285) + +[MDY](https://preview.redd.it/m0hnb53eogi81.png?width=1385&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1e1c5c9b442c75fefa45533bf63e311d3e29597) + +No other ETFs had options trades fitting the criteria. + +# Discussion + +The following table lists aggregate (share) volumes on GME for a few months of interest. + +|December 2020|5098000| +|:-|:-| +|January 2021|1296600| +|February 2021|3391300| +|March 2021|854100| + +This suggests that shares "married" to synthetic forwards can not account for the vanishing short interest in February, even under the assumption that these are all short synthetic forwards. + +While this behaviour has been going on for a long time on GME, it sticks out that this trading pattern has a tendency to occur on dates where GME is seeing major upside. However, it is hard to discern if it is the cause of the moves, a response to them or part of a larger strategy, because the other, highly correlated stocks do not show similar patterns. + +If any of you still had any doubts, these findings strongly suggests that GME and AMC are not the same. In fact, this behaviour seems to have started with AMC the day Melvin got his bailout. Of the aggregate volumes of January and February 2021, almost two thirds (61.3%) of volume happened in the two weeks following the 25th of January. The only other dates in January that saw these patterns are Fridays (options expiration). Based on my earlier research I also believe that a considerable amount of the later trades on AMC are not synthetic forwards, but straddles (a volatility play). + +As I hinted at earlier, I now believe that most of these trades on GME are sell-side hedges for total return swaps. u/Zinko83 compared my data with confirmed swap trades on GME, and we were not only able to match dates, but actual volumes. These findings are preliminary. It's always possible that we're just being retarded. + +# Acknowledgements + +I thank Leenixus for providing the data, u/Zinko83, u/sweatysuits and u/Turdfurg23 because reasons. + +I thank Kenneth "Mayoman" Griffin, Steven "ballSAC" Cohen, Vlad "Toy from Bulgaria" Tenev and Gabe "Living Lossporn" Plotkin for sending me down that journey of educating myself and others. + +I also thank u/DeepFuckingValue for being himself. + +# Disclosure + +I have no financial education, and thus I can not give financial advice. None of this post is intended as such. + +I hold long positions in GME and EXPR, and no positions in the other tickers mentioned here. I do not intend to change my positions on the tickers mentioned in the next two trading days. This post is not intended to encourage nor to deter you from doing so yourself. +Everything started on Twitter when a user showed a screenshot of a conversation with Unicredit customer support. He complained that he couldn't send money to FTX or Crypto.com + +The support told him to not do it because it's against the bank's policy. He asked where this policy was written and the answer was "it's not written in the contract, it's just a policy we have". + +The customer service told him also that anyone who tries to send money to any crypto exchange will be reported (to whom? Lol) and their account will be terminated. + +**After this post became trending on Twitter, the official Unicredit account tweeted a statement confirming that their policies forbid customers to send money to any crypto exchange.** + +You can see the thread here, however it's written in Italian but you can use Google translate: +https://twitter.com/UniCredit_IT/status/1479527599890173952?t=9PYE2-UqUCvtIdRMHjZEsw&s=19 + +I don't have an account at Unicredit because it's a terrible bank previously related with the worse politicians in the country, however it's a big European bank so I advise every customer to close their account and move to another bank. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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Mayo-Man FUK’D, $GME to ANDROMEDA** + +Ok Apes, let’s see if this gets buried at the bottom of a stack of memes and videos of dudes drinking socks and putting bananas places, or if it actually gives out some wrinkles. So how about we start with, why should I spend time reading shit from this dude doing the typing and the numbers and using symbols and squiggly lines next to numbers? Well, I donno wtf I’m talking about and I’m not some fancy schmancy financial advisor I’ve just studied a bunch of math shit in university and I like Adderall, caffeine, and snorting red crayons, well, at least I think they’re red crayons, I’m colorblind so I just snort all of them and tell myself they’re red. I’ve done a couple DDs and have spent most of my time delving deeply into the dark pools, but that shits been hit to death and we all know dark pools are dirty af and shouldn’t be a thing, but I digress. + +So I read a post a couple weeks ago by u/ammoprofit that got buried, probably because he included “Math” in the title, who wants to read about math when we can look at buildings with lights on, right?! So while I was reading through this Ape’s post I got an extra wrinkle or two and starting thinking in terms of dilution with regard to our favorite stonk. So to start with simple, share dilution is what happens when you naked short or short without covering a security. Think of it this way, GME has 70m shares outstanding, you short the stock to the tune of 10m shares and don't cover those shares, there are now 80m shares outstanding, however the market capitalization does not change, therefore the security has now been synthetically diluted with an extra 10m shares (which is the incredibly crooked part of shorting a stock, you short it because shorting is a derivative product of the stock, so you’re betting on the stock decreasing in value. However you are in effect diluting the security so it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy because anyone that has traded in pennystocks knows dilution = decrease in value and therefore decrease in price per share. Shit should be illegal, and it’s no wonder these wallstreet cucks are laughing all the way to the bank printing counterfeit shares without a care in the world. It's OK, I have a feeling that shits gonna change REAL soon). + +So now you know what dilution is, why does it matter now? + +So we have now experienced 3 flash crashes: January, March, June. January was a unique flash crash, because the “buy” button on the majority of retail traders’ brokers got turned off, so it was a flash crash with minimal possibility of buying pressure being applied to the volume. For March we are going to apply the general principle that during a flash crash including multiple circuit breaker halts, there will be minimal buying pressure due to the selling pressure and many traders holding out to see where the bottom is before buying more. The flash crash yesterday was more controlled, stopping the crash within $0.20 of initiating a trading halt almost as if it was completely algorithm and HFT driven (looking at you Kenny!) before trading sideways for a few minutes and finishing the crash. These 3 flash crashes likely (as if there is any other possibility since we diamond handed apes aren't selling shit!) used extensive short shares to drive the price down. + +Assumptions + +Without more in depth data, I had to make several assumptions to apply toward my data so here are the highlights of those assumptions: + +· Shares outstanding are 70,772,000 (Source: Fidelity) + +· Short Interest Reported 12/28/2020 is the last semi-accurate number at: 71,196,206 (source: [https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts](https://www.ortex.com/stocks/26195/shorts)) + +· The SI above I have to assume is accurate without more definitive data, even though we all know it was VERY likely highly under-reported despite its already astronomical percentage of the available float + +· My volume measurements were taken on 5 minute candles during the 3 crashes, and as such I am eliminating from consideration: buying pressure on the way down, and legitimate sales from paper-handed bitches, though legitimate shares would carry the same weight in this instance as a share sold short + +· Δ = Change in value + +So I took the data I have access to and built a small Excel spreadsheet to run a few calculations based on the volume data and ΔPrice. I didn’t take the time to make any graphs or even to format and make the spreadsheet look pretty, so all the data is just basically tossed in there in a way that makes sense to my autist brain. To anyone wondering why the volumes are listed in decimals, it was easier for me to run the numbers more quickly that way, idk why, just throw an E6 on there (multiply by 1,000,000). The volume levels are also, like I said before, added up on 5 minute candles from the start of the flash crash to the bottom. Depending on which broker’s chart you’re looking at it could change by a small amount, but the 3 websites/brokers (Fidelity ATP, Webull, TradingView) I ran through all had fairly similar numbers so I stuck with these. + +[Data and calculations based on volumes and price change during each of 3 flash crashes](https://preview.redd.it/2tl0r4y9u7471.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9079b389c7a9779b0bbad4aadf72b2a7a603794) + +What does this have to do with dilution? I’m getting there, hang with me for another minute and I’ll have some rough estimates that’ll give ya a fat fuckin chub, I promise! + +So let’s go through the data real quick: + +· January: It required a volume of 11,570,840 to drop the price by $370.60 + +· March: It required a volume of 7,858,790 to drop the price by $176.50 + +· June: It required a volume of 2,796,480 to drop the price by $63.66 + +So just looking at these numbers it doesn’t tell us a whole lot because all we have is a number of shares and a price, there is no commonality in them that would allow a good comparison, so let’s simplify those numbers and figure out how many shares it required to drop the price by $1 each flash crash. + +· January: 31,221.91 shares dropped the price by $1 + +· March: 44,525.72 shares dropped the price by $1 + +· June: 43,928.37 shares dropped the price by $1 + +Now those are some pretty numbers with a commonality: number of shares per $1 drop. Looking at this, there is a large disparity between January and March as well as January and June. However comparing March and June the numbers are pretty damn close (June is 98% of March, so a very small difference between the rate of the two). + +**HYPOTHESIS**: + +What has changed between right fucking now and March? Much to Mayo-boys dismay, we have spent the last 6 months learning a hell of a lot more than we knew in January, and I would wager since the Second Great Ape Migration to r/SuperStonk we have continued that process of learning and have far more wrinkles now than we did in March. So what’s the hypothesis? In March many of us were knew investors and were not veterans of the great pennystock stop-loss raids. Those of us who knew or had ever experienced a stop-loss raid knew the number one rule when HODLing a stonk: DO NOT SET STOP LOSSES. My hypothesis here is a fair amount of the March flash crash were stop-losses being triggered. I cannot confirm the number of stop losses vs. shares short, so since the ratio in March and June is very similar, we are just going to use the numbers for June moving forward from here since I would wager very few of us still had stop losses set yesterday (If you still have them set, remove that shit or you’ll miss the rocket, I guarantee it \*cue Men’s Warehouse old dude\*) + +I am going to use the January and June flash crashes for the rest of this data, and while I’m sure many stop losses were triggered in January, and robbinghood did some fuckery with force-closing positions for those on margin, cuz it’s all we’ve got. I’ve waited to do this DD to analyze a third flash crash, and while none of these was perfect (except I would put my money on yesterday’s flash crash providing the best numbers simply because we have all forged our hands deep within the pressure of FUD and shills and MSM bullshit and they are all now solid diamonds so there were few legitimate sales of long shares). + +Comparing the January and June flash crash, June required an additional 140% of shares sold to decrease the price by $1 (compare 43,928 to 31,221). The Reported short interest for GME on 12/28/2020 was 71,196,206 (Ortex, see above). The following data is speculation, and it’s assuming those short did not cover a significant portion of the short interest prior to the Jan flash crash. Any percentage I put from here on is also the short percentage of the total outstanding shares. There has been a lot of talk as to the exact number of the available float from back in Jan (most assumed it was 50m, GameStop in their annual report put it at 26m then sold 3.5m shares which would make it 29.5m now, but that part doesn’t matter so much at this particular juncture). + +So the definition of Short Interest (not to be confused with short volume, that shit drove me crazy when people would use the term interchangeably back on r/GME) is the number of shares that have been sold short but have not yet been covered or closed out ([https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortinterest.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortinterest.asp)). + +Back to dilution. Remember the example I gave back in the beginning of this dissertation with the 10m shares short interest on a 70m outstanding security leaving 80m shares on the market? So let’s apply that example here to our favorite stonk. Shares outstanding is 70,772,000 and Short Interest was 71,196,206 reported. Add those two together and you get a diluted share count of 141,968,206 shares on the market. + +Let’s take that one step further. We know the flash crash that occurred yesterday took 140% of additional shares to drop the price each $1, which one could infer means GME has been further diluted since January. + +Remember: Dilution reduces the “power” of each share sold short because it dilutes the security and synthetically reduces the value of each individual share per the market capitalization. To make that simpler: Each share holds a percentage of the value of the market capitalization, if previously it took 1 share to equal 1 banana, now it takes 5 shares to equal 1 banana, therefore you have to put 5 shares of the banana on the market for sale in order to reduce the bushel by 1 banana due to the banana being diluted. + +So we went through how in January there were 141,968,206 shares oustanding, and now due to the diluted power of each individual share sold in June to the tune of 140%, it is reasonable to assume there are approximately 199,745,362 shares outstanding with dilution considered. Let’s take that another step and consider that number compared to the available float, that way we can REALLY see how incredibly fukd Mr. Mayo and his buddies are. + +The given Total Outstanding Shares is 70,772,000. Let’s take that and Subtract out all of the institutions and insiders listed in GME’s Official Proxy Statement ([https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4](https://investor.gamestop.com/static-files/8f795a88-54a3-4320-b3e2-a2d5f28be6c4)) + +&#x200B; + +[Beneficial ownership of shares taken from GME Proxy Statement](https://preview.redd.it/o4er8q0gu7471.png?width=398&format=png&auto=webp&s=611e3781916c18bb39f5301f87c7dd66e2f05a0c) + +So according to GME’s proxy, there are 44,107,423 shares held by insiders and institutions, which leaves a float of 26,664,577 shares. Accounting for the ATM offering of 3.5m shares, we have a final float of 30,164,577 shares. + +So how deeply and truly fucked is mayo man? Well, using our dilution calculations and combining that with just the outstanding shares, we get a diluted value of 282% of the total outstanding shares on the market right now. Now don’t throw anything at me because that number is less than what you were hoping, remember, this is a percentage of the TOTAL OUTSTANDING shares, NOT the float. We do the calculation for the float, and Kenny-boy might turn into a scene from South Park just from reading the number. Wait, who am I kidding, Mayo man knows EXACTLY how very, incredibly fucked he is. + +Looking at the diluted value and comparing it to the available float, and we get 662.19% Holy good god damn, the boys at Goldman are probably shitting their pants looking at Kenny’s exposure and how he has not only fucked himself in trying to win the bankruptcy jackpot, but he has fucked everyone above and below and to the side and under his desk (give you a hint, its mayo, dude probably has a vat of mayo hidden under his desk). + +Well hope this gave out a few new wrinkles. Yes, I know the calculations are not exact and don’t perfectly account for the short exposure Shitadel and friends are sitting on, but it’s as far as estimations go, seems pretty legit to me, but who the fuck am I, I just put numbers in spreadsheets and snort crayons. + +If anyone wants to check my work or has more wrinkles and wants to throw some more data and make pretty charts and shit with my data, lemme know. Or if I’m completely off base and retarded as Kenny is fucked, then post up why and I’ll edit and correct. + +Hedgies are fucked worse than bananas in u/Rick_of_Spades kitchen. **Diamond FUCKING Hands.** +Imagine you’re sitting in your wife’s boyfriend’s kitchen 20 years from now and their ten year old kid that you’re raising walks in. + +“Hey, I just watched a movie about the GameStop squeeze of 2021! Weren’t you in the stock market back then?” + +His excitement tries to cut through the field of regret the memory has sparked, but it can’t. + +“I was,” you answer hesitantly. “That was a crazy time.” + +“Well, did you trade it? Did you have it when it went to two thousand??” + +He’s so giddy it’s almost palpable. You take a sip of coffee before answering. + +“Well uh, I was, but sold my shares in the morning after they fell fifty bucks in after hours trading, at two hundred.” + +You’ve never seen your son look at you like this before, and hope you’ll never have to again. + +“Uh, okay.. bye..” he walks off. + +You sigh, closing your eyes. + +What you wouldn’t do to change the past. + + + +Edit: Don’t give this dumb post money, put it into GME +I have 2 kids and I'd like to start saving for their future. It's hard for me to save money on my income alone but their dad started paying me child support and I want it all to go to them. I was hoping maybe there's somewhere I can put it and it can grow over the years but I honestly don't know anything about finance. If it helps, I live in the states. + +First off - apologies for shitty formatting - wrote this up on my phone. + + +So with a bunch of mainstream media support for Movie Stock picking up, and with the continual increase in laser eyed movie stock Twitter bots/hedgy workers, I wanted to take a minute to keep awareness spread about how movie stock is THE biggest counterplay being used by Citadel and others on the wrong side of GME to siphon volume/interest out of GME, spread retails money in the battle for GME thinner, and to gain capital to keep their balance sheets high enough to help avoid a margin call. + + +I know the hedgie bot downvotes are coming(as well as downvotes from genuine apes as their movie stock infiltration campaign has likely slowly progressed deeper) but I’m going to continue to do my part to keep awareness spread to the newest members of Superstonk as we continue to grow - as well as remind some of the older users here that might be forgetting or succumbing to the movie stock pressure from the citadel hedgie bots. + + + + +[BACKGROUND] + + +For those who weren’t around in January: This all started in the bets subreddit. Movie stock, SLVR, weed stocks, rocket, and others got pumped immediately following the GME January sneeze and thousands of posts promoting these with buzz words like “short squeeze” and “short interest” were being posted on the bets subreddit by a plethora of bots. + +When i say flooded by bots and shills, i mean FLOODED. It was BAD. +In fact - it became so bad that the real human investors slowly started to make their way to the GME subreddit and that’s when the first great ape migration happened - the entire 1st migration was to get away from the clearly strategized onslaught of movie stock shilling. + + +Why did they launch a barrage of movie stock shilling? + +Because turning off the buy button was only a temporary solution. Turning off the buy button acted as a temporary stop to halt the unprecedented momentum of retails buying to stop the squeeze from happening back then. + +Pushing movie stock and other “squeeze play” candidates was how they made sure when the buy button was turned back on(since they obviously couldn’t keep off forever), retails volume would be spread out and not entirely FOMOd straight back into GME, which would result in them being stuck in the same problem they just literally took illegal measures to get out of. + + + + +In the time to come, movie stock would become the counterplay they would ultimately push the hardest - due to being able to push a similar narrative. It has also allowed them to use mainstream media and even post DD here to confirm our own DD and then use those moments to try to push a “this must be true for movie stock too. They’re fucking the entire system. GME iSnT tHe OnLy PlAy” kind of narrative as an attempt to garner more acceptance. + +For the record, while “GME might not be the *only* play” is technically correct - it’s definitely the ONLY MOASS. +And since we are comparing directly to citadels counterplay, movie stock - it’s worth noting that GME is the only one of the two that’s over 100% short and has the entire float owned by retail. +It’s also the only one doing a huge turnaround - a complete transformation to an entirely new type of technology company that will open many more revenue streams for GameStop. It’s the only one building an all star executive team and poaching elite members from top companies such as Chewy, Amazon, Google, and Apple. + + +Movie stock is not doing a complete transformation and has no answer to a digital future. +Movie stock is not showing a turnaround in sales/revenue, but rather showing a decline. +Movie stock Insiders continue to sell their stock positions at these levels. +Movie stock is extremely overvalued when market cap is compared with present and historical valuations of similar industry publicly traded companies. GameStop however is extremely undervalued with current market cap, and this correct valuation of GME will only continue to rise as details of the technology transformation start to come to fruition, and as new revenue streams are introduced and when clarity on the NFT teaser GameStop revealed become known. + +I’d also like to note that while Ryan Cohen and GameStop are speaking with their actions - not their words, Adam Aaron of Movie stock continues to use his words to essentially try to sweet talk retail and lure unwary investors over. Adam Aaron is historically sleazy and I truly feel like his overly aggressive attempts to gain favor with retail investors and capitalize on the “ape phenomenon” just screams red flag by itself. + + +Movie stock is on track to be bankrupt by 2024. There’s no way around that after you look at their debt, lack of income, low amount of cash on hand - 3.53 CPS (cash per share) compared to 22.76 CPS for GME, and inability to make any type of actual dent in paying off their long term notes. Why such a low CPS and failure to contribute meaningfully towards the long term growth of the company after multiple share offerings and why did the C suite execs get paid with investors money in lieu of using that money towards company growth? + + + + +[FIGHTING THE MOVIE STOCK SHILLING] + +In preparation for the guaranteed shills and bots this message will attract, I decided to be proactive and save y’all the time and offer my rebuttals beforehand for the usual shill bot counter arguments/FUD attempts so you can go straight to the insulting that seems to always accompany any kind of logical conversation on the matter. +* +* + + +1.) hErE wE gO aGaIn - StOp TrYiNg To DiViDe ApEs. We ArE aLl On ThE sAmE sIdE fIgHtInG tHe SaMe FiGhT. + +First off, I’m not trying to divide anybody. We all have the right to invest in what we want. I’m not going to movie stock subreddits and trying to spread awareness there - I respect their sub and am keeping the message here - in the GME subreddit that was made for GME and to get away from the bots/hedgies trying to siphon volume out of our stock we like so much. + +But to be blunt, no - we aren’t fighting the same fight. To be honest, I just like the stock - but if you’re reducing your GME buying power and adding to the Citadel GoFundMe ticker - movie stock - then we absolutely aren’t fighting the same fight and you honestly don’t understand what’s going on if you think buying movie stock helps contribute to anybodies GME investment in any type of way. All you’re doing is DIVIDING resources - taking ally ammunition out of the fight and giving it to Citadel. The audacity to try and spin the narrative that it’s GME apes trying to divide when you’re promoting division is just… 🤯 + + + +2.)fUnDaMeNtAls DoNt MaTtEr. MoViE sToCk Is ShOrTeD tO sHiT aNd GoInG tO eXpLoDe. + +Uhm, excuse me but what? Fundamentals don’t matter? Really? They absolutely do matter. What else is going to act as a catalyst to bring in the volume needed to squeeze somebody into having to forcibly close out their short position in ANY investment? + +For the sake of making it clear how important fundamentals matter - let’s pretend retail traders own the movie stock float 5 times over somehow. +Guess what? You can own the float as many times as you want, but when the company goes bankrupt, the stock price is still going down to $0.00 and the fact you own all those rehypothecated shares doesn’t matter because they’re all gone now and your entire investment just disappeared. You made an uneducated investment decision and invested in a dying company because you believed that high short interest was the only variable needed for a short squeeze to occur- probably because you heard the buzz word on your favorite media outlet and didn’t take the time to research and learn that there’s a lot more to it than that. + + + + +3.)bUt ThEy TuRnEd ThE bUy BuTtOn OfF fOr MoViE sToCk AnD oThErS tOo + +Yes… They did this strategically. As I just mentioned, their goal was to subdue retails buying pressure - if they singled out GME, it would have been obvious how GME was the real issue and everybody and their moms watching TV that week were going to get rich with that kind of obvious tell. + +So they grouped the other candidates they felt they could use to siphon buying pressure and turned off the buy button for those too. A strategic masquerade designed for confusion to help with the illusion that they aren’t completely 100% fucked because of GME. Essentially smoke and mirrors to get the publics buying pressure spread out and more manageable so they could “live another day” and kick the can while they tried to figure a way out of this corner that retail has backed them into. + + + + +4.) dIdNt MoViE sToCk ShOw An AlMoSt PrOfItAbLe 2nD qUaRtEr? + +You realize the bulk of revenue for Q2 were the share offerings, right? + If you think issuing millions of new shares to retail every quarter is a sustainable business model for a company, and is a business strategy that you don’t mind the company you’re invested with using, then we are two completely different type of investors; I mean.. we all have the right to invest in whatever we want, but I would rather invest in a thriving innovative company utilizing technological growth and expansion to find new revenue streams, rather than relying on sucking it out of retail investors. + + + + +5.)hOnEsTlY iM jUsT iN MoViE sToCk BeCaUsE iTs ChEaPeR. + +Actually it’s not. Many of the bots and shills continually try to push the narrative that movie stock is a cheaper investment even though it’s actually more expensive. +If you’re not a shill and don’t understand how GME is actually cheaper than movie stock, then you skipped Stock Market 101 day. +Market cap and how to properly valuate the true cost of a security is bare basic investment knowledge that every investor should know before investing to begin with. + +$100 in movie stock will buy you less percent of the company than $100 in GME. + +If GME splits to the same amount of shares as movie stock, 513.33m - the price of each GME share would be $27.21 + +$27.21 is less than $40.12 - see how much cheaper GME is than movie stock? + +Or another way to do it, if movie stock reverse splits to the same amount of shares outstanding as GME, then price of movie stock would be $269.12 + +$182.63 is less than $269.12 + + + +So no…. Movie stock is NOT cheaper, get out of here with that shill shit. + + + + +6.)bUt My FaVoRiTe Dd WrItEr SaId ThEy’Re AbUsIvLy sHoRt sElLiNg MaNy DiFfErEnT sEcUrItIeS - nOt JuSt GME. + +They are and they’ve been doing it for years. They do it because when a company is going bankrupt, it fucking works. And yes, by abusive operational short selling, they are able to drive these companies into the dirt faster. + +But that doesn’t mean it’s wise to divide the biggest wild card weapon the hedge-fund algorithms never accounted for, the buying power of the retail whale, across multiple stocks that we think might be possibly being abusively shorted as well….. especially when we have found the risk-free for sure creme de la creme Achilles heel way to expose the bullshit these criminals have been doing right under our noses to rob every generation blind. +Right or wrong about movie stock, one variable that does not change is how it is not advantageous in any way for retail to unnecessarily thin out its GME buying power(exactly what the hedgies want) when we are on the verge of exposing what many only believe to be conspiracy theories or facts of life that we have to accept and can not change. + +I’m going to paraphrase Mark Cuban here because I’m too lazy to pull the actual quote right now “Shorts never want to close their position - but this can only happen if a company goes bankrupt, which GameStop is not”. + +I’m also going to quote Wes Christian from the Superstonk Wes Christian / Lucy Komiser AMA - “If there is a squeeze, frankly I think the viewers here have the best game in town - cuz the best way to take on a bully, is be a bigger bully. Find companies that really make a difference(GME), find companies that are really good to invest in(GME), and go show them that you’re better at the game than they are. And obviously you’ve found that with GameStop, I don’t know if you’re going to be successful in movie stock” + +Basically, the way we win, is by finding a good company embarking on a true turnaround that stands no chance of bankruptcy - and with time there will be no way not to expose the monster corruption because we have them in a corner and are holding them by the balls. The only way we lose is if the company goes bankrupt, which GameStop will most certainly not while it appears inevitable for movie stock. And even if movie stock finds a way to avoid bankruptcy (appears only possible by robbing retail with multiple more share offerings) there’s still no reason to risk helping citadel when we KNOW there is no risk of helping the other side by investing in GME. + +Just because somebody offers you confirmation bias, doesn’t mean they have considered all angles or that they have good intentions. There are plenty of plants that are intentionally trying to gain trust just to provide further acceptance towards a non-logical investment to the community. + + + + +[TLDR] + +TL/DR: There are only 2 possible scenarios - Either the movie stock is Citadels Hail Mary counter play to GME, or it isn’t. + +What’s the outcome of each scenario look like? + +1.) If movie stock isn’t a counterplay, then it’s still a risky play at best and not a guaranteed thing like GME. Movie stock investors would still need to worry about the fundamentals(or lack thereof) of the company to gauge whether their investment is sound. + +And while in this specific scenario, we are assuming movie stock is not a counterplay - it still doesn’t make sense to divide retail when you consider retail is against the top hedge funds and banks with large financial backings - it is an extremely flawed strategy to even consider dividing up retails buying power when retail is already at a financial disadvantage. + +Even if we ignore the risk of movie stock being a counterplay to GME by citadel and friends, if you understand the MOASS, then there is no way you can logically argue that splitting retails volume into movie stock is strategically beneficial in any capacity and not recognize how movie stock is essentially a retail volume vacuum. + + + + +2.) If movie stock IS Citadel and fams counterplay to GME - then every dollar put into movie stock is a dollar given to citadel, which only increases the capital on their books to help avoid a margin call as GME rises in price. This would mean you lose your entire investment and get to feel foolish for donating to the other side and helping them buy time before the inevitable MOASS happens with GameStop. + + +In both possible scenarios, going long on GME is the only investment strategy that has no risk of being a counterplay or of going bankrupt. Going long on GME is never the wrong answer. + +However if you’re invested in movie stock and you’re wrong about it not being a counter play, then your investment did nothing but hurt retail and help fund the very people who are in the process of being exposed by the GAMESTOP saga that are fighting every day to stay alive just one more night. + +Only one of these investments lacks any kind of risk no matter the scenario, so why risk it the other way when you’re potentially helping those on the wrong side of GME instead of sticking with the surefire ace that GME is? I believe the word for this is that GME has idiosyncratic risk - why would I invest any other way? + + + + +[EDITS BELOW FOR FUNNY SHILL RESPONSES IN COMMENTS] + +(why are these guys even subbed here?) + + + +1. “Lmao this is a lot of words for ‘I bought GME at $300+’ get fucked idiot” + +2. “Sounds like you're insecure in your own investment if you need to type all this out about a stock you don't even own.” + +3. “tell me you're 400$ bag holder without telling me you're 400$ bag holder.” + +4. “Give it a rest you boring bastard. Save cinema… movies &gt; computer games.” + +5. “I’m convinced half of you idiots making these posts are children. You seem mentally unwell. You got so triggered you had to quote negative responses to your post lol. Grow up please”. + +6. “Movie stock to the moon bitch”. + +7. “GME investors always on their high horse. B mad when popcorn squeezes harder than your shitty gaming company”. +Some of you may have heard of assassination markets. With the debut of Augur, we can now bet on basically anything. This creates a problem, because if you bet on real world events, you have the ability to influence their outcomes. For instance, if someone bets $1000 that /u/etherornot will never tackle a news reporter on air, then I can easily make some money by betting against it and then finding my local news crew. + +This logic reaches an extreme conclusion when you start betting on a person's life. An assassin can start a bet on a person's life, and then claim a reward once the assassination is complete. + +This is bad. It's bad for the world and it's bad for Augur, and it's bad for Ethereum. Please be a responsible early adopter of blockchain. Don't participate in assassination markets. And if you do, NEVER EVER bet that a person will live. If you do, you are betting \*against\* the assassin and your money will fuel their winnings. + +Hopefully this never becomes a real problem. Let's nip it in the bud before it does and make sure that people are aware of how to responsibly react to death markets. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22&sort=hot)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22&sort=hot)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22&sort=hot)|[**Education| Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22&sort=hot)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News | Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22&sort=hot)|[**Mega Thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22&sort=hot)|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&sort=hot)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22&sort=hot)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&sort=hot)| +|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22&sort=hot)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22&sort=hot)|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22&sort=hot)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22&sort=hot)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22&sort=hot)|[**AMA**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=hot)| +|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot)|[**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot)||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Due to some bad characters trying to take advantage of WallStreetBets going private, we have decided to make it public again and clarify something very important: **r/WallStreetBets will NEVER, and has never, charge for access.** There are scammers going around Twitter and other platforms pretending to be moderators and asking for donations in order to gain access. Do not send money to these scammers. + +We have absolutely zero tolerance for scammers and people trying to exploit the subreddit. We care about our community and only want the best for you guys. + +During the process of going private and public, AutoModerator is not functioning as it used to. Please be patient while we work this out. + +We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for understanding. +I left college at 23 with 80k in student loan debt. Parents had filed for bankruptcy when I was in high school and I had to take the financial burden on myself. Never had much savings. Got into about 8k worth of credit card debt post grad because I didn't have a job (degree in the arts). Landed my first job in entertainment at 24 as a PA making $450/week and have been slowly working my way up over the last 6 years to junior Producer level. Living in a HCOL (LA), it was always tough to save on such low salaries working project to project but I checked mint last night after I got my paycheck deposited and I saw the number. + +&#x200B; + +Net worth: $1,139.99. + +&#x200B; + +Having followed this sub for awhile and working my ass off to save and pay off debt, it feels good to finally be on the right side of the zero. Looking forward to that FI some day. Baby steps. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you all so much for your kind words and for the generous soul who gilded this! To go into a bit of detail since people are asking, here's how I did it: + +First off, I am not completely out of debt. I still have payments left on the student loan, but I was able to refinance through my universities credit union and got a phenomenal rate so I've slowed down on paying it off (still pay more than the minimum each month). In lieu of aggressively paying it off, I've maxed out my Roth IRA for the last 4 calendar years since the market has been so hot, and that has made me a decent return. I put about $100/week into my savings account for my e-fund and use programs like Acorn to invest with money thats automatically rounded up purchases to the nearest dollar. + +I had one $25k loan that I HAD to pay off in five years through USAA (I got the loan as part of another program I was involved with in college). That disciplined me from the start. I knew I had very little spending money so the only entertainment subscription I had was Netflix and internet. I ate very meagerly, cooked most of my meals at home (though work tends to pick up lunch quite often), picked up hobbies that didn't cost me too much money (like running and hiking). Over the course of the 6 years, I went from about $23k per year to $100k per year through promotions and different projects. I'm frugal. I don't spend money on shopping or clothing outside the essentials. I drive a 2008 Nissan Sentra thats fully paid off. My commute the past few years has been very short, saving a lot of money on gas. I lived with 2 other roommates for 4 years before moving to my own place, getting a killer deal on rent. I have no kids or significant other. + +I try to keep a mindset of not "how much I have" but "how much I have left". That helps me keep a tight budget and not spend extravagantly. I know that I could have saved a lot more over the last several years, but as I made more money, I treated myself a little more to things like travel and electronics. Overall, I'm very comfortable with where I'm at and these past 2 years have allowed me to aggressively save more than I have in the past. I am so excited for what the future will bring. If I can do it as someone who has a degree in theatre, I know others can too! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +From previous DD, we've discovered + +1.) BlackRock has the most shares in both AMC/GME, ([Marketbeat](https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/GME/institutional-ownership/)) + +2.) [They have a strong relationship tie to Adam Aron](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/mjm39k/whos_in_bed_with_who_part_1_amc_ceo_adam_aron/), CEO of AMC + +3.) They hold their "[highest level of cash in years](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-03-29/blackrock-s-rieder-running-highest-level-of-cash-in-years-video)..." \[Please watch that video if you want to understand my BlackRock CIO references\] + +\*\*4) [Ryan Cohen & Chewy received $350MIL in six rounds of funding](https://hbr.org/2020/01/the-founder-of-chewy-com-on-finding-the-financing-to-achieve-scale), one of which was BlackRock. + +Now I want to dispel a myth, Elon Musk has spoken out AGAINST BlackRock (/Vanguard). **I DO NOT believe they are friendly whales on GME**. Instead, I believe their CIO has a knack for playing both sides of the fence. + +[PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/05/elon-musk-says-on-twitter-blackrock-helps-short-sellers.html)... + +At first, after reading it, I was disillusioned, but then I thought more on it... + +If what the TechnoKing of Tesla alleges is true, odds are BlackRock has repeated this pattern with GME (possibly AMC) and loaned our their $9+MILLION shares to short-sellers. Likely those short-sellers were hedge funds. And more than likely, when they sold those borrowed shares and **WE BOUGHT THEM**. + +Now let's back-up to the previous video of BlackRock's CIO mentioning the fallout of Billy Hwang's topple, how overleveraged (and illiquid) the market may be AND dropping that BlackRock is running their "HIGHEST CASH POSITION IN YEARS... PERHAPS EVER." + +Well, if I knew there was a likely crashing of stocks, I'd also keep my cash reserves high for the looming fire-sale. BlackRock CIO also admits expecting more volatility in the market, but what he doesn't say is BlackRock may be in a position to create that volatility by calling back their shares from short-sellers. + +Remember GME has a *negative beta of 13 to 33* \[depending on which metric for beta you use\]. + +When they recall those shares, given my assumption that they'll continue their *both-sides-of-the-fence* trading strategy, the borrowers HAVE TO REPURCHASE THEM IN THE MARKET... + +# And that, dear apes = MOASS + +Now, 'tists, please help me with this; if you are a hedge fund that loans out your shares, is there a timetable for when your shares are due back to you? + +Can you loan them out and collect interest everyday until they're repaid, i-e you're getting paid no matter? + +Can you sell shares you've loaned out as the squeeze is happening even though those shares HAVE YET TO BE RETURNED? I-e do you miss the potential high $$ sale-point per share during the squeeze? + +Therefore, I'll inject my fancy-shmancy new term ***Latent Buying Pressure***, which only increases (*latent boner pressure* works too) how BlackRock-to-shortsellers-to-retail-to-BlackRock share recall-to-shortseller repurchase mania = MOASS. + +Simply put, if this is true, it's another explosive element to add to this powder-fucking-keg of a stock. + +*PLEASE CORRECT ANY ISSUES IN THIS LOGIC. I've been stewing over this for a week or so now and I Just want to understand it correctly.* + +ADDENDUM + +Another post that thickens the plot of what I allege above (specifically the battle between two hedge funds, **SIG & Citadel** versus **BlackRock &Vanguard**, how Tesla is another battlefield betwixt the two can be found here: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/md89wg/king\_kong\_magnum\_opus\_dd\_posted\_on\_behalf\_of\_wuz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/md89wg/king_kong_magnum_opus_dd_posted_on_behalf_of_wuz/) + +ADDENDUM II + +Read this excellent breakdown of our current market mechanics, the shorts, naked shorts, how the ETF (Eee Tee Eff) market has serious exposure potential, the Bank of Japan as a test case for what we won't be doing. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ml1er1/a\_gme\_saga\_the\_two\_towers/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ml1er1/a_gme_saga_the_two_towers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +[https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001326380/000132638022000038/gme-20220331.htm](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001326380/000132638022000038/gme-20220331.htm) + +[I don't want to brag but I definitely called this during the last run up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/tqhwt9/what_are_your_moves_tomorrow_march_29_2022/i2h8t46/) +My FIL got some TD AmeriTrade guy investing some of his money who was recommended by a a golf buddy (always a great sign) He told me he’s getting 8-9% returns on Bank of Montreal Bonds. He showed me the statements and I just can’t wrap my head around how he’s getting these. The broker told him they’re “low risk” but this isn’t adding up to me. I’m no investing guru but I manage my retirement accounts and know enough to keep me in decent shape. Are these super risky investments? + +Bank of Montreal Note M/W MTHLY CLBL INDEX LNKED 9.81% + +Citigrp global mkts hldgs inc Note M/W MTHLY CLBL INDEX LNKED 9.5% +&#x200B; + +I'm back to talk about my favourite low cap token, Myobu. Though I still think it was a good buy the previous times I posted it, it's now a better buy than ever. That's because Myobu just had a smooth, successful and transparent relaunch and has now forked into a revamped contract that is amenable to GameFi and allows for cross chain functionality. And with its Mcap currently hovering at 2M, this is one of the best investments you can make in crypto right now when you consider the risk/reward. + +&#x200B; + +First, let's start with trust. Crypto is hard enough without having to worry about a dev or a team soft rugging, but that's often a legit concern in the small cap game, and part of the reason the returns are so high to compensate. That's something you officially do not have to worry about with Myobu. Devs could have rugged $1M+ in the dev wallet and did not. Add in audit, liquidity lock, and constant communication and transparency, and you know this is safe. With that out of the way, lets talk about what Myobu is now doing with the rest of its dev funds and talent. + +&#x200B; + +Myobu is gearing up to be an industry leader in GameFi. I think a fair comparison to Myobu is Illuvium and Star Atlas. ILV and Star Atlas are working on their games and have been releasing snapshots and teasers over months / years. They have a lot of gaming experts and artists, with the goal of releasing a well-developed gaming ecosystem. Myobu can easily become the next Illuvium or Star Atlas (both multi-million tokens). It's very early for the project but they clearly aim to become a serious, long-term leader in the Gamefi space. That's why the team is currently hiring lots of gaming experts and is thinking about the game logic, as well as how the ecosystem will grow to compliment not only the games in development, but also leverage community involvement. I expect a lot of updates during Q4 - it's still very early, but hype is building continuously, and thanks to the team's transparency, it's very easy to track development and see that this is gearing up to be huge. + +&#x200B; + +Here's a rundown of the biggest changes for Myobu V2: + +&#x200B; + +🎮GameFi! Three games are planned and in development. Teaser trailers already out for two. + +• Project Hikari: NFT competitive strategy card game. Sponsored tournaments. 5 person dev team and 10-15 industry-leading artists working now (from large known gaming groups, but can’t share info on that yet). Hikari is not just a game, but also a full NFT marketplace. 150 initial cards planned. Timeline: by end of year. Prototype teaser here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKNhm\_aYe8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKNhm_aYe8) + +• Project Shinobu: On-chain roguelike game. Multiplayer competitive gameplay. Tradeable NFT loot. Timeline: in development, but no stated deadline + +• Project Yume: Open-world MMORPG powered by Unreal Engine 5. Clearly this is going to take time, but will be funded through the first two games. You just have to see the teaser (and more teasers on the way, based on this weeks AMA): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnDV7rXUFBU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnDV7rXUFBU) + +&#x200B; + +💎 Optimized Tokenomics and New Contract. Revamped to allow for GameFi and transferability + +•There are no sell limits and no cool-downs, which makes trading more attractive and should bring in whales once they realize the potential of the token + +•Taxless transfer + +•DAO’able taxes. Currently 5% buy, 10% sell + +•Taxes fund staking, liquidity pool, development for games, game prizes, play-to-earn, and DAO + +• Staking coming within a few days to earn ETH and other rewards (e.g. Fountain of Fortune lottery tickets, rumors of NFTs) + +•Fountain of Fortune: ChainLink oracle smart contract powered lottery. Last winner (few days ago) won over $10k! + +•Support for more DEX pairs + +•DAO governance coming to enable community control of ecosystem + +•100% Fair-launched, seamless airdrop from v1 to v2 for fork (done). + + + +Marketing for V2 is just picking up now that their contract recoding for GameFi is done, so this is not on people’s radar yet. Example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqWZjx3AoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcqWZjx3AoA) + +&#x200B; + +Compare Myobu to UFO's market cap or similar, and you can see the potential is huge. The first Myobu game will beat many other GameFi tokens off the line, and they have $800k-$1M on hand already just to develop and promote. It’s got all the smart contract, crosschain, ChainLink oracle, DAO, and CEX bells and whistles either in place already or in the pipeline to make for a leading GameFi platform. Whitepaper spells it all out and these are the same devs who helped Floki relaunch, and we all saw how well that went (to say the least). + +&#x200B; + +Come to the telegram, chat with the team directly, listen to their AMAs, and get your questions answered. To date, they have delivered the products they said were coming. There is more little stuff to say about rescuing real foxes, team expansion, Tesla giveaway, ETH giveaways, community engagement, etc., but just go read their tweets or DM a community member for their perspective on telegram. This is one of the most dedicated and bullish communities in the small cap scene and one of the most transparent teams, bar none. + +&#x200B; + +In terms of risk, GameFi is starting to take off, so competition is out there, and let’s be real - an MMORPG is not something you put together in a few months, so we may need to be patient for that. But with all that said, Myobu's dev plan addresses these concerns. For one, having the first game (Project Hikari) completed by end of year will allow for an actual product to be released well before most other GameFi projects. That allows for good moon potential very soon with even bigger moon potential over time, especially as the projects complement and fund one another. Also, a multi-game, tiered plan shows the team has staying power and vision, which is irrefutable after Myobu v1. Together this creates a sustainable platform for the Myobu GameFi DAO, which will be the future of GameFi development moving forward. + +&#x200B; + +Lastly, a lot of posts here have charts that are peaking or already peaked. Myobu's chart shows opportunity for those that know how to see it. It's currently sitting at the rock solid support that it has bounced off of time and time again. And though I spoke on the long term vision mostly in this post, there are a ton of short term catalysts on the way that can make Myobu explode just as much as the launch of the first game, including staking (coming in a week!), CEX, marketing initatives (including with big YouTubers coming soon), DAO....All this makes Myobu an incredible buy at this stage whether you're looking to trade or hold. Just know that once it really takes off, it is not coming back down. + +&#x200B; + +**Myōbu** + +🔗Official Links: + +Website: [https://myobu.io/](https://myobu.io/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/MyobuOfficial](https://t.me/MyobuOfficial) + +Medium: [https://myobu.medium.com/](https://myobu.medium.com/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/MyobuOfficial](https://twitter.com/MyobuOfficial) + +Whitepaper: [https://myobu.io/files/myobu-whitepaper-v2.0.pdf](https://myobu.io/files/myobu-whitepaper-v2.0.pdf) + +Audit : [https://myobu.io/files/Cybersecurity\_Audit\_CTDSEC\_MyobuDAOv2.pdf](https://myobu.io/files/Cybersecurity_Audit_CTDSEC_MyobuDAOv2.pdf) + +Dextools: [https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0xf2fbafe0fb235f80b6551918f8df505a5dbd4d5e](https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0xf2fbafe0fb235f80b6551918f8df505a5dbd4d5e) + +Discord: coming soon for GameFi +Was going through some dark times ended wasting £50kish of my 100k savings. I own a flat I'm considering selling it to recover some capital since it was hard to amass those savings in the first place. Should I just let it go and accept the loss? Feeling pretty depressed about this. +*Updated:* /u/qrpike *responded below to the issues I raised in this post. You can read his* [*detailed response here*](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/lp03i7/wow_polygon_is_shockingly_bad/goa7lbp/)*. Also worth noting: the issues I outlined are mostly related to Polygon's Reference API. I did not test Polygon's WebSockets service. Many users have given the WebSockets service a good review, while others have reported issues. On the whole, I think Polygon has the potential to be a really great provider if they're able to fix the issues that myself and others have reported.* + +I created a [polygon.io](https://polygon.io) account recently to test out their RESTful API, and I'm shocked at how bad the data is, especially considering how much they charge ($199/month for Developer access) and the hype I've heard. I'm just sharing this for others who might be considering Polygon. + +It seems Polygon's CEO, Quinton Pike /u/qrpike, is active on this board, so maybe he can respond. Below are just a few of the problems I encountered within the first 5 minutes of testing the API: + +**Ticker Details endpoint** [**(documentation)**](https://polygon.io/docs/get_v1_meta_symbols__stocksTicker__company_anchor) + +When I try to query ticker BF.B (Brown-Forman Corp Class B), I get a 404 error response: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/BF.B/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "error":"Not Found" + } + +I've tried the following symbol variants: BF.B, BF-B, BFB, and BF%2EB, and none of them work. I thought maybe it's just a bug with tickers that include a special character, but when I try querying ticker BRK.B (Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B), I get a successful response: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/BRK.B/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/brk.b/logo.png", + "listdate":null, + "cik":null, + "bloomberg":null, + "figi":null, + "lei":null, + "sic":null, + "country":null, + "industry":"Insurance", + "sector":"Financial Services", + "marketcap":271329152726, + "employees":377000, + "phone":null, + "ceo":"Warren E. Buffett", + ... + } + +**Tickers endpoint (**[**documentation**](https://polygon.io/docs/get_v2_reference_tickers_anchor)**)** + +When I query the Tickers endpoint, I can see the Brown-Forman stock listed with ticker "BF.B" below. Furthermore, the quote page in Polygon's Stocks UI uses the BF.B ticker too: [https://polygon.io/quote/BF.B](https://polygon.io/quote/BF.B). + + https://api.polygon.io/v2/reference/tickers?sort=ticker&perpage=50&page=76&apiKey= + + [{ + "ticker":"BEWFF", + "name":"BeWhere Hldgs Inc. Ordinary Shares", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"OTC", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BEWFF" + }, + { + "ticker":"BF.A", + "name":"Brown-Forman Corporation Class A", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BF.A" + }, + { + "ticker":"BF.B", + "name":"Brown-Forman Corporation Class B", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BF.B" + },{ + "ticker":"BFA", + "name":"Befesa Medio Ambiente", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"EUR", + "active":false, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BFA" + }, + ... + ] + +But also get this: notice that "url" property included in the response for each stock? None of those URLs work. *None of them.* I get a 404 error page at all those links. + +**Out of date ticker: AAXN vs. AXON** + +On January 26, 2021 (almost one month ago), Axon Enterprise Inc. changed their ticker symbol from AAXN to AXON. Polygon hasn't updated this. The ticker details endpoint for AXON brings up the incorrect stock: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/AXON/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/axon/logo.png", + "listdate":"2015-06-11", + "cik":"1636050", + "industry":"Biotechnology", + "sector":"Healthcare", + "marketcap":234776348, + "employees":45, + "phone":"+44 2033189708", + "ceo":"Pavan Cheruvu", + "url":"http://www.axovant.com", + "description":"Axovant Sciences Ltd is a...", + "exchange":"Nasdaq Global Select", + "name":"Axovant Sciences Ltd.", + "symbol":"AXON", + "active":true + } + +Querying the old symbol (AAXN) brings up the correct stock: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/AAXN/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/aaxn/logo.png", + "listdate":"2001-06-07", + "cik":"1069183", + "industry":"Aerospace & Defense", + "sector":"Industrials", + "marketcap":2897880299, + "employees":1095, + "phone":"+1 480 991-0797", + "ceo":"Patrick W. Smith", + "url":"https://www.axon.com", + "description":"Axon Enterprise Inc offers a network of...", + "exchange":"Nasdaq Global Select", + "name":"Axon Enterprise Inc.", + "symbol":"AAXN", + "active":true + } + +But when querying any of the stock quote endpoints, you have to use the new symbol (AXON) to get the correct price for Axon Enterprise Inc.: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/open-close/AXON/2021-02-19?unadjusted=true&apiKey= + + { + "status": "OK", + "from": "2021-02-19", + "symbol": "AXON", + "open": 176.38, + "high": 180.99, + "low": 175.99, + "close": 177, + "volume": 459822, + "afterHours": 178.07, + "preMarket": 179.0485 + } + +These are just a few of the problems I found within the first 5 minutes of testing the API. I had high hopes for Polygon because their UX and documentation both seem really nice, but this is unusable. +Turned on the news this morning while doing dishes and landed in the middle of a story about how an unemployed couple is handling the pandemic. These people were too happy to be interviewed by accident. According to them, the stimulus is enough to keep them from losing their home and make minimum payments on their credit cards. The story closes with the "good" news that they may both have part-time employment with a company that does outdoor concerts and venues. + +This whole time the over-paid TV narrator throws as much positive spin as possible over the crumbling of these people's lives and the bad economy we're all struggling with. They tell us to be happy that we can "tread water" in these uncertain times. + +How tone deaf are these people? Is this more mind controlling by the media to try and make us forget how bad most of us are doing while the rich get richer? + +I don't like "treading water" while some rich asshole circles me in his yacht telling me that we're all in this together. +Background: Single, no kids. 27 years old. $120k gross annual income. Net: $6k/month. First time home buyer in the US - Medium/Average COL area. Looking to have long term and not as an investment. Only debt's are $20k in student loans and $3k in CC (0% interest until November). I have $20k+ in non-liquid assets. After close I'll have 10k in cash. Family is willing to assist with emergencies. + +Home Price: $370k | Down Payment: 3% | Term: 30 Years | Rate: 4% + +**Monthly Payment Breakdown:** + +Mortgage Payment (Principle & Interest): $1,713.44 Property Tax: $110.42 Home Insurance: $60.42 PMI: $118.00 HOA: $160.42 + +**Total Out-of-Pocket/Month: $2,162.69** + +Water and sewage is included in the HOA. Missing electric/gas/internet. + +Edit: **Adding my expenses from January** + +Take home every month is 6k (really $6,200+) + +$900 general expenses (food/entertainment/etc) + +$1000 ROTH IRA/Individual Brokerage/Crypto (auto/recurring monthly) + +$1100 Housing (rent is $1800, this is my share) + +$3000 in cash savings + +Edit 2: Should add that plan is for SO to move-in in a few months who will also be contributing to monthly cost. + +edit 3: format for easier reading +something like this feasible for us? We are getting overrun here. I’ll also say that I’m sure this posted will get downvoted like crazy and probably get plenty of comments in the first few minutes calling ME a shill, or saying stop censoring , etc. but surely you can see we are overrun at this point , no? Thank you in advance for your help in this matter ! +- a concerned ape. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hi! + +I wanted to make a trading bot as a hobby project, but I've read on this subreddit that it is not quite good to try to predict stock prices using ML. Given historical stock data, I would like to predict whether I should buy/sell/hold stock in the next day. I have few questions regarding this problem: + +1. Is buy/sell/hold labels for classification a good way to formulate this problem? +2. Assuming that classification is a good way to predict actions, how I should generate labels for historical data? Using some technical analysis and using lets say RSI, MACD or other indicators? How I should approach this? +3. What are other ways to model this problem, if I want to use it later in trading bot (I assume that actions would be taken daily granurality)? + +Also I would be grateful for any tips/resources on how to start this project. Sorry for newbie post, but things are not clear for me yet :) +I still owe just under $13,000 in student loan debt. I recently made about $60,000 profit on an investment and the money is currently sitting in a savings account. + +Do I completely pay off the student loan debt or do I keep making the minimum monthly payment for the next 8(ish) years? +The student loans have been in an interest-freezing period for the last 2 years due to Covid (Canadian) gov policies. This could be extended another year, but eventually interest will resume. + +Thanks 😊 +Hello Everyone, + +I realize this may not be specifically on the topic of fatfire, but the wisdom here is consistently helpful and I suspect people here may have come across these frustrations. + +I’ve recently finished training. Having spent most of the last decade living in daylight basements decorated with couches harvested from the nearby alley, I like the idea of filling our newly purchased home with nice furniture. + +I’m a furniture salesman’s dream. I make great money. Own nothing but a futon and old desk, and our vacuous new house is begging to be filled. Unfortunately, I can’t find a single appealing item. Locally the options are just awful. Overpriced creepy junk that you wouldn’t take home free (this is coming from a guy that once tolerated a coffee table made out of pizza boxes and plywood). + +I’ve tried ordering from online, but it’s very hit or miss. Mostly misses. Impossible to tell quality from a picture and returning is a hassle. + +Money is not an issue, but it doesn’t seem to alleviate any issues on this subject. As the price goes up, items just become more unnecessarily ornate or gaudy. + +I’m hoping someone has some insight. Maybe a trusted vendor, website, or trick? Do people pick up furniture when they travel (my wife suggested this)? I’m usually too busy goofing off. + +I realize furniture is personal, but I can’t be the only wealthy person looking for well-made, clean, simple, functional furniture. Or does everyone approaching fat fire inevitably succumb to billowing couches and sprawling dining room tables? + +Also, some context, I live in Alaska. Local options are limited. So maybe this isn’t a problem for folks living in San Francisco. + +Thanks everyone. Appreciate any advice. + +Only furniture we can tolerate is the stuff my wife makes. She is a talented woodworker and welder. But it takes immense effort and I suspect that nice furniture can be bought from somewhere. + +Edit: Wife and I have been rejuvenated by all the advice. You’ve turned a frustrating process back into something with potential and optimism. The collective wisdom on this sub is potent and responsive. What a neat thing to behold. Thank you. +I decline a lot of invites because I don't have much space in my budget to buy food or drinks to contribute to occasions or events. Maybe I'm just terrible at finding ways to contribute that don't necessarily require extra budgets. I have bad spending habits myself that I need to fix but I do feel guilty about not "investing" into this part of my life +Hi UKPF, + +So I made a post a couple of months ago, linked [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/puhc54/how_do_you_get_into_the_30k_salary_bracket/) and got tons of advice from comments and PM's. + +I would just like to say a big thanks to this community, without your help and feedback I don't think I would of pushed myself. Today I accepted an offer for £45,000. From my currently role paying £26,000.. + +To anyone out there with no degree and no fancy qualifications. Believe in yourself, your skillset and make sure to invest time into your self. Such as your CV/LinkedIn Profile as this does help! + +Thanks again all. Time for a beer. +As the title suggests, I wrote a script that shows the most discussed penny stocks on r/pennystocks and other penny stock subreddits and tracks their DDs/Catalysts posted here. + +I made a post yesterday in the RHPennyStocks subreddit and it was very well received and I got a lot of positive response so I decided to keep working on it. I am still trying to improve it so all the feedback/suggestion is appreciated. + +### Most Discussed Penny Stocks in last 48 Hours +| Ticker | Mentions | Name | Price - 2/5 | 5d Low | 5d High | 1d Change (%) | 5d Change (%) | 1mo Change (%) | Industry | DD | Catalyst | +|:---------|-----------:|:--------------------------------------|--------------:|---------:|----------:|----------------:|----------------:|-----------------:|:---------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------| +| TSNP | 11 | Tesoro Enterprises, Inc. | 1.38 | 0.3599 | 1.69 | 23.21 | 275 | 712.24 | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances | [$TSNP is going through the roof. Super innovative company making game changing plays in Block Chain, Financials, and Payment in third world countries.](https://reddit.com/lddjwe) | None | +| OCGN | 11 | Ocugen, Inc. | 5.25 | 1.72 | 5.9 | 53.51 | 187.04 | 101.92 | Biotechnology | [Incase you didn’t know why OCGN mooned today⬆️](https://reddit.com/ldo02s) | None | +| ZOM | 7 | Zomedica Corp. | 1.91 | 0.95 | 2.01 | 12.35 | 97.52 | 365.85 | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic | None | None | +| ATOS | 7 | Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. | 3.89 | 2.15 | 4.9 | -2.99 | 64.14 | 332.22 | Biotechnology | [For anyone wondering what's going on with ATOS](https://reddit.com/ld97ls) | None | +| INND | 6 | InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc. | 0.02675 | 0.0048 | 0.0285 | 7.43 | 345.83 | 13275 | Medical Instruments & Supplies | None | None | +| AEZS | 6 | Aeterna Zentaris Inc. | 1.11 | 0.66 | 1.19 | 1.83 | 60.87 | 122 | Biotechnology | None | None | +| SSFT | 6 | Sonasoft Corp. | 0.2 | 0.14 | 0.225 | 22.7 | 33.33 | 263.64 | Information Technology Services | None | None | +| PVDG | 4 | Poverty Dignified, Inc. | 0.0444 | 0.01505 | 0.046 | 41.4 | 177.5 | 404.55 | Utilities—Renewable | [PVDG Short Squeeze Imminent](https://reddit.com/le1lsb) | None | +| MLFB | 4 | Major League Football, Inc. | 0.055 | 0.0345 | 0.058 | 38.19 | 44.74 | 1517.65 | Leisure | [$MLFB DD updated](https://reddit.com/ldgm1o) | None | +| RIGL | 4 | Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 4.66 | 3.7 | 4.89 | 5.43 | 24.27 | 35.86 | Biotechnology | [$RIGL (Rigel Pharmaceuticals) Analyst Forecast & DD](https://reddit.com/ld9msw) | None | +| ALPP | 4 | Alpine 4 Technologies, Ltd. | 7.3 | 3.65 | 7.46 | 25.21 | 94.67 | 173.41 | Electronic Components | None | None | +| SENS | 4 | Senseonics Holdings, Inc. | 3.03 | 2.38 | 3.27 | 8.6 | 18.82 | 207.61 | Diagnostics & Research | None | [$SENS might MOON next week](https://reddit.com/ldzemw) | + +### Why did I do this? +I have started making a lot of good gains from penny stock subreddits but I do not get enough time to go through every post, So I made a hacky script to do that for me. After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response I decided to put some time and effort into improving it. + +I have a lot of things planned like Stock vs Mention time analysis, Sentimental Analysis, Bull/Bear Analysis, etc. If you have more suggestions please let me know however improvement is really contingent on the time I get after work and college. Currently, I am only working on it few hours on weekends which is the reason why I made it open-source so few of you guys can contribute. + +A lot of people told me to post it Daily/Weekly, So currently I am also planning to work on a web-app that can do this in real-time but that requires more time and effort, + +### Source Code +You can find it on my [Github](https://github.com/iam-abbas/Reddit-Stock-Trends). + +P.S: To all tech guys, I know the Reddit API secret slipped through but not to worry it's a throwaway account. +Title pretty much summed it up. My grandpa has about $1,000,000 in physical USD, and has a bit more than $1,000,000 in gold ounces that he wants to give to me upon my graduation. He's never trusted banks or bankers, so his assets are practically 100% tangible. + +I want to invest the money ASAP to pursue fatfire, but there's one glaring issue I'm facing. If I deposit over $10,000, the bank has to report it to the IRS, but if I break up the deposits, then the money might get seized by the IRS. What's the best way to go about this? I'm fairly sure that the money was earned legally. + +I'll be speaking with a CPA and an estate planning attorney later this week, but I just wanted to check and see if anyone had a similar situation. +Would like to know if you continue investing or hold. What are key elements to look for and look out for and finally what do big value investor say during these times +> Tariffs from global trade wars will cost the company between $100 million and $120 million this year, it said in January. +> +> Tuesday, Harley said its revenue from motorcycles and related products fell 12 percent in the recent quarter to $1.2 billion. Harley's worldwide retail sales fell 3.8 percent, while international sales fell 3.3 percent and U.S. sales fell 4.2 percent. +> +> The net income of $127.9 million, or 80 cents per share, topped Wall Street expectations of 67 cents a share. - **[source](https://www.jsonline.com/story/money/2019/04/23/harley-davidson-profit-falls-trump-threatens-trade-war/3547493002/)** +Hi all - someone in passing mentioned earlier today that the Indian market is capable of producing stronger returns in contrast to, say, the US where the returns are more stable. + +I'm yet to verify the accuracy of that statement in all cases, but it got me thinking. Besides the benefits of diversification, what are some clinching reasons why you would decide to invest abroad? + +Thanks! +http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=2&res=9507E2D71F39E333A25755C0A9679D946196D6CF + +100 years ago, medical prices were too cheap and there was too much competition: + +"at the present time, there are in existence downtown somewhere between 1500 and 2000 lodges, societies, and benevolent associations founded mainly by the poorer class of workingmen for a double purpose; namely, social intercourse and mutual aid or benevolence." + +"Today there is scarcely an east-side workingman who is not a member of some association which has a physician to take charge of its members... the market price per head is as follows: 1 dollar per year for an unmarried member, and 3 dollars per year for each married member, including his family." + +"For these terms, he is supposed to make as many professional visits in time of sickness as he is called upon to do. + +Many laws (and 100 years) later, medical prices are too expensive and there is too little competition. +My husband died suddenly on Saturday and I’m not sure what to do. We have a mortgage, one car payment, boat payment, $8000 in CC debt, and he did have a small student loan balance. Between his ESOP and IRAs he has about $200,000.00 and we had a small life Insurance policy on him through my work of $12,000. + +I will be selling the house, boat, and one of the vehicles and I may just pay off all the cc debt, but I don’t want to make any rash decisions. + +I’m so lost. + +Edit/Update: Thank you all so much for this information. A little more info on our full situation. My husband and I live in Alaska in a more remote area and it was just the two of us. He died while running a 10k and I saw him about 3 minutes before and he was ecstatic and smiling and gave me a thumbs up. Both of our families live in New Mexico, so I will be moving back there. The boat was just a pleasure boat we'd use on the ocean and luckily it's a very sought after boat in this state so it should move quickly. We have one truck that is paid off and I will be selling that and keeping my Subaru. I went ahead and canceled all of the auto payments on his credit cards and I've already begun paperwork on IRA's and the life insurance policy. I'm fortunate that my family has means and are able to help me right now. My parents arrived the day after he died and his Dad and sister arrived Tuesday night, so I have a wonderful support network. I have about 13000 liquid with about 7000 more coming in so I'll be able to make the mortgage payment, car, etc. while we're waiting to clear things out. The ESOP is not paid out until a year after the event and my Dad has already contacted his financial advisor to help me navigate what to do with the money as well as not to be hit hard with taxes. I'll also be able to receive his Permanent Fund Dividend this year which is good since I guess it's supposed to be a whopper. I feel so fortunate that we somewhat had our shit together. My husband and I were both socking money away into our retirement accounts and we had a modest home so we could have lots of adventures, which we did. We lived without regrets and that is really helping me right now. Well I guess I slightly misspoke, I wish we did have more life insurance, but hindsights always 20/20. If anyone can learn anything from my situation it is this: Life is fleeting. Live everyday to the fullest. My husband and I went on adventures nearly every weekend. Whether it be hiking, backpacking, bike-packing, boating, fishing, hunting, traveling, we were always doing something. We told each other numerous times a day that we loved each other and we were each others world. I will get through this and I will continue to accomplish the goals that we shared together. Life through me a shitty surprise, but it's not the end of the world. I will get better. My beloved loved to tell me to get my shit together when I was being a whiny pants and that's just what I'm going to do. Also, because I'm selfish in my grief and if anyone is interested to learn more about my [amazing husband](https://www.sewardjournal.com/eedition/page/page_643cb6a9-a712-5261-8d3f-323e2b159dae.html), I wrote a letter of thanks and it's been published in two papers. +[https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002496/sc13da313351002\_08182022.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886158/000092189522002496/sc13da313351002_08182022.htm) + +&#x200B; + +Confirmed. As expected. Apes wrong forever. Enjoy your bags apes. +This comes after a contraction of 31.4% in the second quarter. + +> Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 33.1 percent in the third quarter of 2020 (table 1), according to the "advance" estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter, real GDP decreased 31.4 percent. + +Press release here: https://www.bea.gov/news/2020/gross-domestic-product-third-quarter-2020-advance-estimate +I recently had surgery which apparently required a surgical assistant. Throughout the whole surgical process, x-rays, MRI, pre op appointments, the hospital confirmed each procedure was covered by my insurance (Aetna PPO) before allowing me to schedule an appointment. The surgery was no different. The hospital, surgeon, and anesthesiologist are all in network and covered. + +A claim from the surgical assistant was submitted to Aetna - $13,700, to which Aetna agreed to pay $118 because the surgical assistant was out of network. + +I have two issues with this. First, I was under the impression that surgical assistants performing work in an in netowrk facility under the direction of an in network doctor would be covered as in network. Second, I had no choice in who the surgical assistant was, didn't even know I needed one until the surgery. Since I had no choice in the matter I couldn't tell them to make sure the guy was in network. + +What are my options to get this bill covered as in network? I contacted Aetna and they said a surgical assistant is covered under their plan, but said they would need to investigate whether or not this specific specialty was on their approved list. + +Has anyone else had experience with this issue? + +Thank you. + +EDIT: I have gone through the responses and provided some additional clarification to some of the comments. I appreciate the help and insight people have provided. I will post and update in 3-5 days based on what Aetna says about resubmitting the claim. Ultimately, this is a frustrating time and it seems like no matter how much prep you do, there is always something that will slip through. I just wish there was more transparency. I could have been more questioning about who was going to be involved, but honestly when I was wheeled into surgery and saw 12 people in there I was surprised. + +EDIT 2: Thank you to the people suggesting I go to my company HR representative. She informed me that this exact situation happened with another employee just a few months ago with the same hospital. She was able to get that one resolved and fully covered so she will attempt to do the same with mine. +When I was a soldier, I was also a linguist /interrogator. I was attached to many groups, and always listening to radio communications as we approached our objective. I remember the distinctive tingling I would get in my fingers and toes when their communications started getting fucked with, as it meant it was almost time for action. + +This is not a new tactic, but was employed by biblical armies and written about by sun tzu. Disrupting communication is the precursor to any battle. Whether you are destroying bridges and killing messengers, jamming radio, or prohibiting free discussion and sharing of information. + +Apes, my fingers and toes are once again tingling, and my tits are jacking like a Venice Beach hooker. Shills have successfully spread disinformation and used divisive language to disrupt free exchange of ideas and info using Reddit admin itself. That means the shit is about to hit the fan!! + +We apes are excellent at looking for prognosticating symbols, and this is no exception. The less they want us to communicate, the closer we are to the squozening! + +Edit: seriously with the reporting of this post? +Hi all, + +I just graduated from university in the U.S. as an international student on an F1 Visa. I've been offered a position to work for a US company remotely. In my interview process, I made it clear that I plan to return to my home country in the E.U. this summer and stay there long-term. My boss (and CEO of the company) said that was fine and that it shouldn't be an issue at all. + +&#x200B; + +Since I'm still currently negotiating my salary, I haven't gotten into any of the details of how this will actually work legally. I want to do some research on how I can best work this out before asking my boss about it. + +&#x200B; + +My understanding of my current options are: + +1. Go back to my home country, register as an LLC and work for the US company that way, meaning I'd be taxed under my home country. +2. Apply for OPT and work for the company as an actual employee but from my home country. I think this way I would be taxed under the US. + +&#x200B; + +Income taxes for the range I'd be paid would be about 45% in my home country, and only 22%-24% in the US, so I'd much rather be taxed under the US if possible. + +&#x200B; + +I'm very confused as to how to go about all this and what the best options are. If anyone has any experience with this or any advice, I'd greatly appreciate it. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR: What's the best way to go about working for a US company from abroad as an international student who just graduated from a US university. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I'm from Portugal +I am 62 and my husband (70) of 39 years is being swept away from me by one of the cruelest diseases as he is in the early stages of alzhiemers with recent indications that the disease is progressing at steady rate. He was (still has his license) a CPA and always handled our finances. It was not a marriage of my husband controlling me through controlling the money. I was not ever interested in the budget, most everything is in both of our names except for a couple of investments in my name only, which I established to have something in my own name. I did not have a retirement account in my name only so I bought a CUNA CMFG deferred premium annunity for $30,000. The ending contract value is $32,165.12 as of 9/02/18. The other money I have is an etrade account (used to be capital one I believe) where I have bought stocks starting when my son was in highschool and he opened an account as a minor with me as guardian for an economics class. I opened my own stock account at the same time.. I bought stocks that appealed to me for random reasons for the past 10-15 years. There is about $25,000 in there now. With the current chaotic environment in our country now, who knows if there will be .25 in it before long. + +I know I will have to hire an attorney/cpa for assistance as my husband's disease takes more of a hold. It is such a painful loss to whom he has always been for him now not be able to be responsible for the finances of our family. My questions therefore are should I leave the deffered annunity where it is what about or the stocks? Although I do not think I will need to access this money in any short time period, the future is uncertain and I do want it to be accessable if I need it quickly. Thank you, I am feeling somewhat embarrassed that I do not know more about finances. I recognize that I am going to need to handle the responsibility for our finances/my finances whether I feel emotionally able to handle thisor not. +I'm retarded and probably older than most here (30s). I have been depressed since my wife left me and took my 2 year old daughter + +I havent had the money for a lawyer and literally have been suicidal. + + +I now have enough money to get a good lawyer and get my daughter more. That evil bitch is done. + + +My life is the best it's been in 3 years. + +2 million retards combined can do anything. + + +Should I buy my wife's bf a a present ( we are still married just seperated) +Living in an non-physically (for the most part) abusive household- not going to go into details unless its important- and my parents are constantly threatening to kick me out when its legal. I'm in an advanced program at a school that's 25 minutes from my house and i'm still a Jr. in school. I don't have my own car although i have my license. Before anyone suggests trying to work things out i've tried since i was 15, and its ended with things being thrown/broken and me staying at a friends house for a couple of nights. I lack in knowledge of personal finances and i literally have no clue what i'm going to do. Ill be in High School for another 4 months after i get kicked out and after that, i assume, ill be attending university if possible. Any ideas? + +So far (needed things): + +- Gov. programs available for students? +- Job(s) +- A place to stay (currently at a friends) +- Transportation +- Funding for college? +- Money management + + +Edit: the feedback I've received in the last hour or so has been incredible. I wish I had the time and energy to thank all of you individually. I'm working through this one way or another, coming here gave me a vague sense of direction including my options. All advice is welcome and I thank you in advance! + +Edit 2 (18 May, 2017 8:32am): I woke up and this absolutely boggled my mind to find over 600 posts along with a handful of private messages about my post. I can't express my gratitude enough but I'll go through everything and figure it all out. Thank you all so much. + +Edit 3 (18 May, 2017 22:01 PST): I'm honestly a bit overwhelmed by the mass of generosity and advice constantly flowing in every minute of the day. I don't know how to express my gratitude to you all who have offered me advice and even some help but i sincerely hope this post gets to anyone who really needs some guidance. I plan on looking more into enlisting or applying for a university with an ROTC program along with applying for Gov. aid through FAFSA. I'm doing my best to atleast read as many comments and private messages as I can. Thank you all so much. +Disclaimer: All data shown here is publicly available and can be downloaded and evaluated with the scripts I provide. Please read my previous posts for this. I do not claim the correctness of the data and the source code, everyone is invited to review, repeat and improve the analysis. + +I'm not a financial advisor, I like data. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4jpqoqmde7m91.jpg?width=463&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=063c3bbed59521a1fe61d16f41452de631417922 + +This is an update to my previous posts. + +For retail it is not possible to determine the number of shares in circulation. The system is not transparent. Therefore, we must resort to indirect indicators that are available to us and estimate the number of total shares. An indirect indicator is the correlation between occurring gaps in one minute candles and the outstanding shares. The following graph illustrates this relationship for all Russel 1000 tickers. Large cap is indicated by black, mid cap by green and small cap by blue. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bhth3r7ie7m91.jpg?width=1459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602eb31218e521b800a2895de06562c9156b859c + +The proportion of gaps in one minute candles is still too small for the given outstanding shares. Note the log scale. Here one can conclude that GME is traded as if it had approx. 5x to 10x shares outstanding. + +Another indicator is the average volume in $ per day. Although the volume can be manipulated by internalized trading, it also indicates a higher share outstanding. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tbyoa7tle7m91.jpg?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ce579ce4ef8acb8601881d464d3fc8293ae3f4 + +A third indicator is the mean number of FTDs per day. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2s42ucjre7m91.jpg?width=1485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97fd5164fdd4f6f3e818250d32b9b868ff05cf0d + +Here we can see that the mean number of FTDs indicates at least an order of magnitude higher number of shares outstanding. + +A closer look shows that recently the share of FTDs compared to the daily traded volume is increasing and it is getting more and more difficult to localize shares. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mv2xi0g1f7m91.jpg?width=1488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5890e7c1fed7a2d8ae40579e872d30eb15c4a266 + +TL;DR: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably has a dilution factor of 5x to 10x of its shares outstanding. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +Here is the compilation of the scripts used: + +Script to download the data (shares outstanding, volume, price close, ...) from yahoo finance: [https://pastebin.com/KseEGcZh](https://pastebin.com/KseEGcZh) + +Script to download FTDs from [https://www.sec.gov/files/data/fails-deliver-data:](https://www.sec.gov/files/data/fails-deliver-data:) [https://pastebin.com/dhvm6U2T](https://pastebin.com/dhvm6U2T) + +Script to analyse the data and create a csv: [https://pastebin.com/xpzn1M3P](https://pastebin.com/xpzn1M3P) + +Script used to plot the data: [https://pastebin.com/Ww1RAqVF](https://pastebin.com/Ww1RAqVF) +Go watch some interviews, or his lecture on finance on youtube. Read up about who Gary Gensler is. Read his opening statement, if after all that you just parrot "ItS mY ThIrD WEek", "hEs RegUlllaTinG hIs FuTUre EmpLOYeer" memes without at least basic knowledge about what his career path was, I will consider you a FUD spreader (not a shill, but AT LEAST a FUD spreader). + +I have full faith in Gary Gensler as the chairman of the SEC to have retail investors best interests at heart and to bring back orderly and efficient markets. + +The fact that they even LET HIM IN THIS POSITION IN THE FIRST PLACE speaks to the abhorrent mess that the markets are in. + +I'm also not buying those "yeah lets wait to see what happens", "trust is good but verify later", "he just a wallstreet cuck who worked for Goldman Sachs" shittalk that's been going on. He had more impact in those 3 weeks than his predecessor in his whole term. + +Gary as the chairman of the SEC is one of the best things going for us right now. + +Also people spamming those comments are creating the image of "we attack everyone and everything" so when people call out actual corrupt politicians, its harder to separate criticism with trolling. +Hint: He did this one time previously in 2013, what was the stock price the last time he did this, and what was it a few months later? +http://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-stock-elon-musk-short-sellers-tweet-2017-4 +Late 30s, sold a digital marketing agency 3 years ago that started with friends in 2007, currently at around 16M in the SF Bay Area. + +Currently "living my best life" with everything I could ask for and could only dream of back when I was in high school/college. + +I'm not a material person but have a downtown condo, big house on the hills, couple of fancy cars, but other than that I dress like a college kid and don't own anything else of high value. + +Currently single with a dog and have what some describe as Peter Pan syndrome and don't really want this to change. + +Have traveled a moderate amount and want to continue doing so, also donate, volunteer a bit--and overall feel very fulfilled with my life--yet, the existential crisis feeling pops up every once in a while. + +I practice mindfulness and gratitude and those certainly help, but it's just the ultimate first world problem that I'm essentially playing life on the easiest mode now. + +I'm reminded of perhaps my three most happiest moments of my life: college when I had actual friends for the first time in ever (extreme introvert younger), starting our business which was as much exciting and fulfilling as it was stressful, and the time we learned we were selling (all the hard work was coming to fruition). + +Now there's just not a whole lot to look forward to as there was, I don't have interest in reliving the startup days, or having kids. + +I'm interested in potentially trying out psychodelic therapy which I think can help, but really want to live without regret in 10, 25, 50 years if I make it during this time period. +You may be seeing a lot in the media about silver, a silver squeeze or something of the sorts. + +My advice is don’t alter your investment strategy at the whim of media reporting. A globally diversified passive invest fund, invested in regularly, will serve you much better in the long run. + +You may also want to check the veracity of reporting that Reddit is pumping up silver. As always, don’t invest in things you don’t understand, as we’ve seen what happens when people do the opposite from a lot of posts here recently. +Hey, so starting an resp for my son and just opening an investing account. I understand that the government will give you 500$ a year when you deposit 2500 up to 7500$ total over the lifetime of the account with a total account deposit limit of 50,000. + +There is no annual deposit limit so you are allowed to deposit 50,000 right off the bat , but you would only get 500$ grant money and be 'losing' 7k free money. + + Now since lump sum investing beats out DCA, I would assume just dropping 50k in the account and letting it grow for 17 ish years would be best. I don't think I could do that but I could probably swing 15k ish. Would that be the best strategy?, deposit as much as I can to start then do the 2500 a year thing to get as much grant money as possible? Or am I overthinking this too much and just do 2500 a year and get all the grant money ? + +Planning to invest in just general equity efts or TD e series as this account is with TD direct investing. + +Thanks +It may be that there’s just a small window of opportunity because hopefully the price will rip, but with this splividend Papa Cohen has definitely created a few more seats on the rocket for apes that would otherwise have missed out due to financial means. I was an XX ape and now I’m a XXXholder - but every penny has counted for me this past year and I’ve had to make some tough sacrifices to HODL. Like I said, yesterday $158 was too much for me, but at $38 today, RC has just gifted me an extra ticket to a new life. + +NFA. +Fucking hell, apes. I just saw a ton of brigading on the employee sub after the compensation package news came out. For the love of humanity: + +* Do not go over to the employee sub and downvote users who are complaining about the compensation package. +* You do not need to explain to anyone over there how this is "actually a good thing." +* You are only making our community look like douchebags. They don't want you there. +* Let the news play out, and leave the employees in the employee sub alone. + +**Edit**: To the concerned Redditor that flagged my post for suicide risk, you're just making me DRS harder lol. + +To be clear, I'm healthy, happy, never gonna quit, and never once thought about doing so. + +**Edit 2**: I didn't want to add this edit, but the conspiracy apes just won't stop making comments without going and looking for themselves, so here it is: + +We live in a society, lol. Are we aligned against bots and shills? Certainly. But we are not an infallible herd of individual investors (fun fact: a group of apes is known as a "shrewdness of apes" heh). + +If you think bots and shills went over to the employee sub to downvote anyone who badmouthed the compensation plan, you need to step back from the hype train for a sec. + +If you think shills pretended for months that they were real apes by commenting positive things on superstonk, only to take this opportunity to go over to the employee sub in an effort to make us look bad by—seriously—telling them to go read the superstonk DD... well, you need to take a step back and think about how that makes any sense at all. + +I've made this comment several times below, but I'll repeat it now. Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. Are there meltdowners over there? Hell yeah. But seriously, people... we shove bananas up our asses and you think everyone in this massive community is a stable zen ape? + +What's more likely: Someone got paid to pretend to be a real superstonk user for 6 months, only to go over to the employee sub today and brigade them to... come here and read the DD... OR, maybe some of our members got a little bit overzealous. + +This ain't 6D chess. Some community members broke the rules and this post is calling them back in, end of story. + +**Edit 2 rant over** +We live in a vhcol area. I had been in an extremely stressful job in financial services for almost 20 years. Around 3 years ago I made a bad call that I knew would likely end my career at some point. So I started planning for what I wanted to do afterwards. I assume a lot of readers of this reddit are currently high earners / in good careers who will eventually or have already reached FI, but considering RE. I was laid off 4 months ago so it’s kinda “RE”, and I wanted to share my experience. + +1). For a long time, my sense of personal identity and self worth was tied to success at my job. The bad call 3 years ago was devastating to my state of mind as I thought I was worthless. I had a beautiful family with a loving wife and multiple kids. Our net worth at that time was already at fatFIRE level. It didn’t matter. My job was my identity, and when I didn’t perform at my job, my sense of self worth was destroyed. I fell into a severe bout of depression and contemplated killing myself. Eventually I sought medical attention and got things under control. Don’t let this happen to you. If you are reading fatFIRE, you are probably a high achiever. There is always going to be the risk that you stop performing. Don’t attach your identity to your career. Turns out there is so much more out there (see below). + +2). Over the past five years or so, I increasingly felt conflicted and eventually got to the point where I absolutely hated my job. On the one hand, I make good money that enable us to achieve fatFIRE. On the other hand, I felt that it was meaningless as it was just making rich people richer. If you are reading fatFIRE, you may have similar feelings about your job. You must also know that before you FIRE you need to figure out something to retire to. Even today there is an article in the New York Times about “arrival fallacy”.. Two years ago, after I made the bad call at work and anticipate eventually getting laid off, I got back to graduate school part time to get a degree in a subject that I am passionate about. I also started making plans on different scenarios to adept our household budget and lifestyle if I lose my job. This was like a two year runway to ease into FIRE. I would encourage others to go through this exercise as it makes the transition into FIRE much easier. + +3). Four months ago, I was laid off from the company that I spent almost 20 years. I expected to be laid of at some point, I just didn’t know when. When I was laid off, I actually feel a sense of liberation. I hated my job but the money was too good for me to walk away. The company made the decision for me. Honestly I didn’t know ahead of time how I would feel when I got laid off, and I was surprised how good it felt. There was no anxiety or hard feelings at all. It was liberating as I could finally put my FIRE plan in place. Instead of panicking about what to do, I just executed on one of the plans that we came up with over the past two years. + +4). After I was laid off, my original FIRE plan was to take a long break after a 20 year career in a high stress job. So I went skiing - a lot. But... I got bored after around 3 weeks. I mean I would love to travel the world etc but my wife still works and my kids go to school. I am spending a lot more quality time with the kids, I can finally go drop them off and pick them up from school, have time to help them with their homework, that sort of thing. These are all great and I continue to do it and love it. However, I wanted some structure. By that time I had gotten three soft job offers from my network - I wasn’t really looking for a job, there are more like hey if you want to join us we should talk. They all pay a lot less than a job in financial services, but these offers gave me the confidence that I could find a job in the private sector if I needed to. But we don’t really need the money, so... + +5). I “RE” into launching a non profit for a cause that I am personally very passionate about. Two months ago I started building the company from scratch and it will probably start operating in a month or so. I will also be teaching a class at the local university as I wanted to pay it forward to the next generation (and I was also fascinated with being a professor). I am also using my graduate degree (that I started two years ago) to get an academic research position. With all these things going on, on some week days I am actually busier than in my previous career, for a lot less money. However, I have complete control over my schedule. In the research position I only pick the projects that I want to work on. I love the challenge in launching the non profit. I am my own boss and I don’t have to work with / for a$$holes anymore. Honestly I have not felt this engaged and excited for a very long time. I am working but it doesn’t feel like working. I don’t know how to describe it. I guess it’s RE from a job that I hate into something that I love. + +Anyways, this was my journey. I didn’t choose when to FIRE as I was laid off, so it was a bit unexpected. Some might wonder what it’s like on the other side. So I wanted to share my journey. The other side, for me, is spending a lot more time with family and relationships, on some days similar to more “work” hours than before - for a lot less money (lol), and I don’t think I have ever been this happy. I think the most important thing is having a clear goal / objective to RE to. Lots of FIRE blog talk about it, but I can’t emphasize enough the importance of it. + +EDIT + +A couple more things I want to add. + +1). Keeping up with the Joneses. I want to share some thoughts on this. Around 10 years ago my wife and I went through a phase - four seasons, business class flights, newest cars, designer clothes, etc. Eventually we both grew out of it and went for functionality. However, I remember a conversation with one of my best friends around 5 years ago. When I shared our shift (from materiality, for the lack of a better term), he kinda bitterly mentioned that well you have already been there and tried all that, I never did. I think he may have a point. I would say to other people who pursue fatFIRE to keep this in mind. FIRE in essence is save more than you spend. If you are on fatFIRE path, you certainly have a lot of spending power, and your lifestyle will inflate. I hope you can find your “enough” point early on your journey. In our case, the “enough” point actually retracted. + +2). Another thought on keeping up with the Joneses - you are who your friends are. We live in one of the most expensive zip codes in the US. None of our friends had ever given a f about the keeping up with the joneses stuff. But for plenty of people in the neighborhood that’s all they can talk about. So... find like mind people to become friends? + +3). Perspective on money. To generate passive income, we had invested in some local mom and pop cash flowing businesses. I have gotten to know some owner / operators that we invested in. One fo them busted his ass at an implied pay of $20 an hour to send his daughter to private school so she can go to college. I mean this is kinda cliche stuff, but when you actually meet a person doing that, it’s still amazing. That dude changed my view on money. This was around 2 years ago, and factored into my consideration of what I want to do post FIRE (and how much money I need to make from it). + +4). After I was laid off from the old job, I did have a job offer from another financial services firm for a similarly high stress but well paid position. I asked for advice from a good friend who is a senior executive at a Fortune 100 company. He asked me if I needed to make the money from that job and I said no. Then he said go do whatever you enjoy, and then figure out how to make money from that. That gave me the final push to “RE” from the old stressful field. If I can somehow grow this non profit, I might be able to draw a reasonable salary for running it, for my passion cause. That’s the path I have decided to pursue for now. +Day one ape here. Seems like there’s been a lot of controversy on Superstonk again with Gherkin getting banned(?) and also issue with some Mods. + +I just want to say to my fellow apes and future moon friends. + +All we have to do is BUY, DRS, HODL. + +Everything else is filler. +TA is filler that continues to show us the price isn’t real. +DD is really really good filler that sheds light on the market we’re invested in. + +Superstonk drama isn’t real. +No amount of mods that have sold out and caused drama, or TA analysts that have taken advantage of people, or DD writers that step down… + +No amount of any of that useless filler, is going to stop me from BUY, DRS, HODL. + +This is a long bumpy ride. +Zen up. +I remember my economics professor telling me that there are basically two types of problems that India faces - Problems related to infrastructure and problems related to policy. While infrastructure related problems like electricity, ports, roads, health care etc cannot be solved overnight, policy related problems definitely can be and have been solved overnight with the stroke of a pen. + +Thanks to the license raj, policy related problems choke India more than infrastructure related problems. In fact, a lot of infrastructure related problems find their way back to policy related problems. The Balance of Payment crisis was a blessing in disguise for India as it helped do away with a lot of rigid laws related to import and export. This helped a lot of capital heavy industries blossom in India which wouldn't have blossomed otherwise and in some way, the BoP related crisis was majorly responsible for much of the growth that India witnessed between 1990-2015 before it started tapering off and now has come to a stand still because of corona. + +But this corona crisis has given the government an opportunity to clean up another messy area which inhibit mass manufacturing in India, that is labor laws. When I read Arvind Panagariya's book on India, he was very clear that the one major thing that stops India from completely eradicating poverty are labor laws. Arvind's logic was simple. Most countries go through three phases - agrarian, industrial and then information. As time passes by, agrarian cedes share to industrial and industrial to services and information. + +However, in India, the license raj kind of ensured that the industrial sector never grew. As a result, even in 2020, agriculture accounts for an insanely large number of people's employment in India. This is not sustainable as most farms in India are small and not mechanized. We have minimum support prices exactly because farming in this country is not efficient. If we were to start imports of all farm products without any tariffs then local farming would be wiped away and as a corollary this also proves that India cannot be an agricultural products exporter. + +As far as services is concerned, a lack of government intervention proved as a blessing in disguise. We are pretty much the Chinese equivalent of IT exports. Great quality stuff exported in operationally efficient ways and cheap prices. This has meant that companies like TCS, Wipro etc are multi-billion dollar behemoths. They are like the Foxconn equivalents of the services sector. However, these service based companies are generally high skilled and can employ on a limited population of the country, generally less than 10%. + +Coming to manufacturing, license raj completely killed the sector. From MSRTP and the labor laws to nationalization, all this completely killed Indian manufacturing. Scale matters a lot in manufacturing, the bigger you are, the more the economies of scale to a certain extent and the cheaper it is for you to produce something. This is simple economics 101 that is taught to everyone in a B-School. India however punished companies for being big and indirectly rewarded them for being small. This meant that most of the units that operated in India were small, made low quality products and could never compete with the international giants. + +Thanks to the 1991 crisis, at least import and export laws were relaxed, so Indian companies imported machinery from foreign and exported finished products outside. Else before even intermediate goods had to be sourced from India and if the intermediate itself was not of good quality, even the final product was not great. Letting companies import without much restriction led to capital intensive industries flourishing but these industries always employed low number of people and were not really your "community lifters". The reason was even though MSRTP and import laws were relaxed, labor laws were really a thorn. + +Labor laws in India are insanely complex. My economic professor told me there is no one single minimum wage law in India. Dozens of laws that do nothing for the vast majority of the public. They are a tool for harassment rather than protection. A lot of think thanks have been recommending for overhaul of labor laws but nothing happened and for good reason. A lot of political parties are driven by political capital. Why mess around with labor laws and then face the ire of left wing media, the super powerful labor unions, some of which are themselves affiliated with political parties and do a lot of the grunt work in election. + +The corona however has given a perfect opportunity. The whole world is engrossed like never before on an event that no one has ever seen at this scale. The media is engrossed, the public is engrossed and event the labor union people are locked up in their homes and can't come out and protest en-masse. Capitalizing on this a lot of states have taken up much needed labor reforms. UP has led the way by literally reducing labor laws to just four of them for a period of three years. + +All of this will definitely be challenged in court but if after a protracted legal battle, the current complex mess of 150+ local and state based labor laws get reduced to even 100, it would be a big win for the manufacturing industry. Some of the laws like asking the permission of a local politician before firing an employee are absolute bollocks that make no sense in today's age. + +A lot of people have talked about the violation of human rights etc but here's the thing - less than 20% of India works in the formal sector. Remove those working in service sector and the number of people working in formal manufacturing jobs is even lower. As much as 80-90% of manufacturing jobs in India are in the informal sector where there are NO benefits, no over time pay, no maternity leave, no medical coverage. NOTHING. + +The current labor laws look good on paper but apply to an insignificant part of the population and have acted as a disincentive for manufacturers to start operating as formal operation on a huge scale which is very crucial in mass manufacturing. I would any day prefer 50% of the population having a bunch of core rights which will come through the judicial process than an elite 10-20% enjoying extravagant benefits while the rest suffer. + +I have a strong feeling that these labor laws amendments get pushed through, it will open the flood gates to another growth of strong spell for India. But a lot of it depends on how the court react to this and how or whether states follow suit. +With the used car shortages, the residual value is much lower than the actual value. Look into into for your own good. + +Edit: I forgot to add that you can just buy and keep it. Just don’t turn in a lease without checking your lease paperwork for buyout info and current market value for your car. We bought out our Lexus and after paying taxes we paid 13k less than market value. We should be able to drive it for 2 or 3 years and get what we paid for it. + +Edit #2…Thanks for the awards. +Hello everyone! + +I would like some advice on what to do with my money. + +&#x200B; + +Some background: + +* 32 years old. +* I live in southern europe. +* High job security, as I work in the healthcare field. Gross annual income of about €80K-100K, depending on various factors. +* Financially illiterate and come from a family with a spending culture and little foresight, money-wise. +* Up until a year ago with total debts of approximately €14K which I have gotten rid of over the last year, using the "snowball" technique from Dave Ramsay's Total Money Makeover book. +* I have tried to educate myself and be more forward thinking and I am on the path towards it, but I need some advice. +* At the moment my only debt is my car, which is about €300 a month. +* My savings as of today are €5000 emergency fund (I expect to reach €7500 before the end of the year) and €550 in SP500 via DeGiro. +* I live renting with my partner (€1300/month between us). We do not foresee buying a house in the short-medium term, but we would like to save in case we change our mind along the way. + +&#x200B; + +Current situation: + +* Although in my country there are public retirement pensions, given the scenario of economic uncertainty, I prefer to ensure an income for my retirement. For this, I estimate that I need to save approximately 15% of my gross annual salary (between €12K and €15K per year). I intend to divide it as follows, but I don't know if it makes sense, so I am open to suggestions: +* €191 of my monthly salary goes to social security (public pension). My company matches with €970 more. +* 425€ monthly goes to a professional mutual insurance company (I don't know very well what is the equivalent in the rest of Europe). It is a supplement to the public pension, it is tax deductibleand, according to the conditions, by contributing this amount monthly I am guaranteed approximately €360K at my retirement. +* I was thinking of opening a pension plan with my bank and contributing €2K per year (approximately €166 per month). The limit of €2K per year is because it is the maximum amount that is tax deductible. +* The remaining €220 per month would be invested in ETFs (mainly SP500). + +&#x200B; + +**Do you agree with the division of savings for retirement, or would you distribute it differently?** + +**My partner and I would like to make variable monthly contributions to a saving account / invest that money, just in case we change our minds and want to buy a house.** + +**Would you distribute the savings according to the objective (retirement vs. others), or would you put it all in the same bag?** + +&#x200B; + +Thank you very much in advance! + +&#x200B; + +***TL;DR:*** 32 years old. €80-100K gross per year. Looking for information on the best way to save €12K per year for retirement. +So, yes I know "coin goes up, coin goes down". We seem to have taken a bit of tumble these last few hours. Curious if there was trigger. Not on Twitter, so I tend to need to ask around. Thanks. +Given how close we are to the start of a new decade, I figured it might be fun for some of us to reminisce (and speculate). I bet a lot of us have come a long way. + +So please leave a comment answering three questions: + +* Where were you (in the context of FIRE) ten years ago -- at the start of 2010? +* Where are you now -- at the start of 2020? +* Where do you plan to be in ten years -- at the start of 2030? + +I'll go first in the comments. +First of all, thanks to u/moneymotivated711 for helping to connect the dots here. + +Yesterday (July 29th) a new subdomain was created on Gamestop's website ([exain.gamestop.com](https://exain.gamestop.com)). + +This subdomain doesn't load a live page. We see this every time Gamestop integrates new software such as tableau.gamestop.com (data visualization tool that their data analysts in-house will use). So what is **Exain**? + +Well more info about Exain (now called **Fyblo**) can be found at [exain.io](https://exain.io) (which redirects to [fyblo.com](https://fyblo.com)) + +**" Fyblo simplifies investor-business relationships through blockchain** + +**We help startups and SMEs to tokenize their Strumenti Finanziari Partecipativi and other assets"** + +Strumenti Finanziari Partecipativi translates to "financial instruments" in Italian. TOKENIZE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS? Sounds like we might have 2 options... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/siz34der7oe91.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=374319f1036f5f4642767ff29dfe0307d52e8517 + +Some more confirmation that Exain did rebrand to Fyblo can be found on the CEO's LinkedIn page: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cim5db0s7oe91.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=5400f1d8746f6aa8f926a8ec77eec015d32362a0 + +It seems like Exain rebranded to Fyblo but their API still refers to their software as Exain, and now GameStop is integrating it. +We all wanted to do something great with our lives. And somewhere along the way we became a bunch of degenerates. + +But what if we banded together to accomplish great feats? Alone we may feel powerless to make changes, but together we have the power to move mountains, *to clean oceans*. [🌊](https://emojipedia.org/water-wave/) + + +Our vision and mission at Baby Shark is global in scope, as we all work together to clean the oceans and conserve marine life, leaving the world a better place for generations to come. [👪](https://emojipedia.org/family/) + +Warning: This is not another meme coin. We are in it for the long haul and to make a difference. If you were looking for today's flavor of the day pump and dump this is not it. +If you want to put your money in a place that could possibly build generational wealth and leave a story for your grandkids to know however, you've come to the right place. + + +We have officially partnered with the [the Gili Shark Conservation](https://www.gilisharkconservation.com/). If you go to their partner page you can see our text, once they get their hosting issues solved, you will see our logo there as well. And boy will it be beautiful. With our efforts together we can make an impactful difference towards the environment. This is one of many things to come. + + +And rest assured, we are here to stay. Our vision is steadfast and our journey is just beginning. Come join us for a swim, and leave this world better in the process. + +[https://www.babysharktoken.com/](https://www.babysharktoken.com/) + + +Contract: 0xcc9b175e4b88a22543c44f1cc65b73f63b0d4efe + + +All of our social links are on the community tab, we look forward to seeing you! +How come some people on AusFinance are anti Barefoot Investor/Dave Ramsey. Is it because their advice is simple/ common sense to get people out of debt and AusFinance is more about wealth building? I see comments everyday about the average salary in here being $250k but a lot of the questions are actually pretty basic financial ones which makes me think some of the people could start by researching BFI and DR 🤔 +Think about it, if they know that they’ve lost and that it is final. Why wouldn’t they try to reduce as much damage as possible. Why was it 100 something % and then suddenly became 224% literally minutes after. It’s high enough to get us excited but not low enough to feel disappointed. + +Well I say this, I don’t think after all this heavy manipulation that the shorts are ONLY 224% and it’s probably way more. +28 years old here, no student loan debt as I paid that off finally. Because of this, the last year I was able to go from $4k in my bank to $23k as I don’t have those student loans being paid off now. I also have two cars, one that’s fully paid off. A 2008 Lexus IS250 fully paid that I got from a relative, and a 2018 Corolla that I still owe $4,400 on. That car is worth like $15k in todays market, maybe more. Anyhow I was wondering since I have $23k in the bank, and $10k more if you count the Corolla’s difference in value, what should I do? I’m thinking about opening a savings account. Any suggestions on what banks offer the best interest rates on savings ? I have that $23k just sitting there. I figure it can grow in time. +Hi Reddit! I’m 28 years old, make 150k a year, live in the US, and currently have 100k in savings. In August 2022 I plan to take a year off to travel, self-discover, and spend time with family abroad. What is the best way to optimize my $100k savings to work for me as passive income? + +Edit: fixed a typo +Hello Apes I've posted this before, and I am posting it again and again. + +This 3 min video explains what the MOASS will look like and we must never ever assume that as soon as the price stops going up it is over and start selling. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVDGU-iFLIU&list=WL&index=86&t=97s&ab\_channel=AndyLee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVDGU-iFLIU&list=WL&index=86&t=97s&ab_channel=AndyLee) + +Remember WE CONTROL THE PRICE, WE LET IT RISE UP TO THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OR MILLIONS. AMC and GME to the Moon!!! + +I am posting this on AMC and GME and Superstonk + +&#x200B; + +THIS IS NOT, I repeat NOT a suggestion to Day Trade! I'm guessing everyone here has been holding not some random day trader passing around and picking info from groups. + +I also would not risk day trading and buying a shares that cost 1000 then 10K or 100K each. Dumb risk and too much + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you to everyone who generously gave me an award. It is kind very kind of you. + +Give and you shall receive! +Card is already cancelled. I'm 90% sure it was done at a specific restaurant where the card was out of my site for payment. Whoever stole the card used it to prepay online for their nail appointment. I thought about alerting the nail tech and the restaurant, but not sure if it's a good idea + +Edit: After reading the comments, I decided to call the police instead of the restaurant or nail tech. I spoke to a very helpful officer that explained how CC fraud works and what the potential scenarios are. A person committing fraud could have gotten my info months ago and chose a random business close to home so the bank wouldn't pick up on it. It could also be the hostess but who knows? The bank and the police can investigate from here. +As per the article from VRO ([https://www.valueresearchonline.com/stories/48692/are-index-funds-over-rated-nowadays/](https://www.valueresearchonline.com/stories/48692/are-index-funds-over-rated-nowadays/)), index funds are over-rated. + + +I am interested in feedback from people if it's worth to make Index fund as core part of our portfolio. +Like Index fund from US market, is the Indian Index fund mature & robust enough? +From CNBC: + +Delta said it plans to halve its cash burn rate to $50 million a day by the end of the second quarter. + +The airline posted its first quarterly loss in five years as travel demand dried up. + +Financial results of Delta and other carriers are expected to worsen in the second quarter. + +Shares up 2.7% in pre-market. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/22/delta-dal-posts-1q20-loss-of-607-million-as-coronavirus-hurts-travel-demand.html +I've been fatFire'd for 7 years now but really only "retired" in 2020. This was because I never really wanted to stop building new businesses and creating new products. Now that I've taken the time off I'm starting to really think about what I want to do with my time ... and working is very low on the list ... which is why I'm considering going back to school "just for fun". + +In particular I'm thinking about combining slow-travel with going back to school. My professional background is in software ... but I've always enjoyed playing around with video and animation as a hobby. My thought was to apply to various art programs around the world. + +Has anyone else here done this? Did you enjoy the experience? Any advice or suggestions on where and how? Thanks for the feedback. +Today I wanted to talk about Health Savings Accounts, which are an absolutely amazing way to save for health expenses and retirement as they are triple-tax free. These accounts can be a very useful part of achieving fatFIRE, considering the average retiree incurs around 285,000 in healthcare expenses from age 65 (so we'll probably have more given early retirement, barring universal healthcare). Members of r/fatFIRE are particularly well positioned to benefit from HSAs due to the tax advantages and our ability to pay for expenses today without having to take the money out, allowing for more tax-free growth in the future. + +I should start by saying not everyone is able to use an HSA. Only those with a high-deductible health insurance plan are eligible. The IRS defines this as having a deductible of at least $1,400 for individuals and $2,800 for families. You cannot contribute once you become eligible for medicare (age 65). + +In exchange, you can contribute $3,550 for individuals and $7,100 for families, with an additional $1,000 catch-up contribution for those over 55. These contributions are pre-tax, and, if done through an employer, are free of FICA taxes (most of us are probably over the FICA tax limit anyway, so it doesn't matter). This money can then be invested, and the growth is tax-free. + +Here is where HSAs become interesting. If you use funds for eligible healthcare expenses, distributions are completely tax free. If you take distributions for non-healthcare purposes, you pay income tax and a steep 20% penalty. However, when you turn 65, this penalty disappears and you pay only income tax on distributions for any purpose, with no required minimum distributions. As a result, this account functions like an extra traditional IRA with the added benefit of having tax-advantaged distributions for medical expenses and no RMDs. + +Now, you might be saying to yourself: "u/ACheetoBandito, that's all well and good that I can take this money out later, but I want it to pay pre-tax for healthcare expenses instead of getting growth!" This is a very interesting conundrum, and fortunately you don't really have to make this difficult decision. HSAs currently have no time limit for reimbursement. So you can pay for your healthcare expenses now, upload the receipt to your HSA portal, and then claim reimbursement for your expense at age 65 (or later, if you really want). If you are 45 now, that's 20 years of tax-free growth you just bought yourself, and you still got your money back on that reimbursement. + +Assuming 30 years of contributing $300/mo, and post-inflation growth of \~6%, you should have about 300,000 of today's money in your HSA. This money would help cover a large portion (or perhaps all) of your health expenses in retirement, keeping your vanguards fuller and your FIRE fatter. + +Edit: As some have pointed out, what counts as a "deductible" is complicated. Id add to the below comment that general purpose FSAs prevent HSAs (though LPFSAs may not). Please do your own research/consult a professional before following my or others advice, as it may not apply to you. +So basically I googled ‘wa lithium license’ and this is what I found, https://www.wa.gov.au/system/files/2022-08/IR-F09-Application-form-Works-approval-licence-renewal-amendment-registration.docx +I figured a we could get a lawyer to fill it, then we get a section somewhere in WA to go hunt, digging. + +Basically just figured I’d see how many of you degenerates would be interested in joining the expedition, of course it will be hot and dusty and will eat fuck all and drink a lot, sleep under the stars and basically dig 24/7. Kinda of similar to that Zac Efron movie. +Time is my most scarce resource, I think I could have 48 hours in a day and it would still not be enough! Interested in hearing about how you “buy time.” + +Some things we do: +- nannies +- housekeeper +- gardener +- pool service +- grocery delivery 2x a week +- home cooked meals delivery + +Some seasonal things we do: +- window cleaning +- gutter cleaning +- handyman +- sprinkler service +- tree trimming + +Adding it all up, we’re probably buying at least 100 hours a week back and still don’t have enough time! We’re considering a household assistant hire to manage all of the above. Please give me ideas for how you buy time! +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l1SwBdbBCo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l1SwBdbBCo) + +&#x200B; + +Are we in a bubble when a 10 year old is on youtube talking about ETFs +Has anyone reading ever has some decent ambitions, and then reached a point where you thought you actually had enough money? + + + +I hit 1m and while I never thought I’d retire at 1m, I’d still say my goals have grown. My dream world would probably take 25k/mo to fund which means I’d need maybe $6-8m, another decade of work. + + + +Now that I’ve reached 1m I keep thinking it doesn’t feel like enough, I feel like I can now understand and see just how easily I could lose that 1m. Essentially I don’t feel “secure” yet. + + +How do you all handle it? How does it feel to be completely secure? Do you not still want more? +Hello Apes and welcome to the evening news. Tonight's story is one brought to us by u/stonkyagraha. Thank you stonkyagraha for this excellent tip. If you have a tip to submit, post it in the sub WeAreAPE for us to dissect and report. + +[Maxine Waters on 07\/28\/2021 proposed a bill for market transparency, in her speech referencing GameStop and the naked shorting situation. Representatives Bill Huizenga, Anthony Gonzalez, and Ann Wagner were the only 3 detractors to vote against the bill. Maxine argued admirably in defense of the bill, but ultimately her hands were tied by the naysayers on the committee. u\/stonkyagraha discovered through the FEC.gov publicly available data that by strange coincidence these 3 naysayers also received monetary donations to their campaigns from Ken Griffin and Steve Cohen.](https://reddit.com/link/oubvwm/video/bv1ocuezg9e71/player) + +Watch the video from the Official U.S. House Committee on Financial Services Youtube Channel [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wzt-SMH744&t=15708s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Wzt-SMH744&t=15708s) + +Check the FEC.gov releases regarding the campaign finance contributions to the 3 naysayers who voted against market transparency as it relates to the GameStop naked shorting situation: + +Donations by Ken Griffin to Bill Huizenga's campaign: [https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee\_id=C00459297&contributor\_name=griffin](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00459297&contributor_name=griffin) + +Donations by Steve Cohen to Bill Huizenga's campaign:: [https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee\_id=C00459297&contributor\_name=Cohen](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00459297&contributor_name=Cohen) + +Donations by Ken Griffin to Anthony Gonzalez's campaign: [https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee\_id=C00654079&contributor\_name=GRIFFIN%2C+KENNETH&contributor\_employer=CITADEL%2C+LLC](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00654079&contributor_name=GRIFFIN%2C+KENNETH&contributor_employer=CITADEL%2C+LLC) + +Donations by Ken Griffin to Ann Wagner's campaign: [https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee\_id=C00495846&contributor\_name=GRIFFIN%2C+KENNETH&contributor\_employer=CITADEL%2C+LLC](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?committee_id=C00495846&contributor_name=GRIFFIN%2C+KENNETH&contributor_employer=CITADEL%2C+LLC) + +&#x200B; + +Credits for tonight's broadcast: + +u/stonkyagraha \- Without your tip, we would not have been able to report this story. Thank you. + +u/justkeeplaughing \- Production Director, Script writer, Voice Over Artist - "Jackie Tetas" + +u/GlassGoose4PSN \- Director of Broadcast, 3D Animator, Motion Capture +I'm selling my house, my permanent residence, and am planning to rent for a year before deciding to buy another one. Long story short, we don't know where we want to live and don't want to go through buying another house until we've decided exactly where we want to set up shop for the next 5-10 years or more. + +Once the house sells, I was thinking about finding a house to rent and just writing the landlord a check to pre-pay the year's rent. I have my eye on one that's $2200/month ($26,400/year), and I was thinking about offering the owner a $20,000 check. I save a little, but he or she gets 20K up front. + +Would you accept this offer? What would you think/say? +I've been wanting to write this for awhile and figured with the recent market turmoil and people social distancing (redditing), now might be a good time to reach some open minds. + +Real Estate investment is always downvoted to oblivion in this sub so please consider if this isn't for you, it doesn't mean it's not helpful to someone. This post is for anyone that is willing to consider real estate as part of their portfolio. + +I'm talking about holding physical real estate with a bank loan or mortgage. If that's not for you, consider REITs. Personally, I don't own any REITs since I own physical real estate but they have consistently proved to be less volatile and more profitable than total market indexes. [Average REIT Returns vs Stocks Over Long Periods](https://www.reit.com/news/blog/market-commentary/comparing-average-reit-returns-and-stocks-over-long-periods) + +In truth, physical real estate is one of the most powerful and accessible tools for people with common jobs to build wealth. I don't need to rehash why, as hundreds of articles have done before. [Why Real Estate Builds Wealth More Consistently Than Other Asset Classes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidgreene/2018/11/27/why-real-estate-builds-wealth-more-consistently-than-other-asset-classes/#69a0ba2a5405) + +Lastly, below's an illustration of a recent change I made that I hope resonates with the younger FIRE community. I went from living in a shared 2-bedroom apartment to a one-bedroom apartment, and am saving an extra $1296 per month doing it. How so? I invested $62k and bought a multi-family home, living in one unit and renting out the other 3. Don't have $62k for a down payment? You probably qualify for a FHA loan for 3.5% down. Below is my expense breakdown for the first month of ownership. My only regret is not doing it sooner... and cashing on in the current 3% 30-year fixed mortgage. + +[https://imgur.com/a/uCtkRVG](https://imgur.com/a/uCtkRVG) + +There's lots of advice about churning credit cards, cut out cable, reduce their cellphone bill, etc for a few hundred bucks a year. What about looking at your unused or underutilized assets. In this real estate focused post, that could mean renting out and extra room or garage. + +While I love my VTSAX for it's simplicity and returns, I expect this investment will have 2-4x the returns of VTSAX and add diversification to my portfolio. + +Edit: I should add I've been a landlord for 8 years but this is my first owner-occupied property. I stand by the fact I have 9 units and have done nothing but collect rent and place 2 tenants in the past year. I'm not living in some fairytale where I don't understand the work required. + +There's also already a fair amount of people warning others about the dangers and pitfalls. Good, everyone should know the risk and it's not for everyone. + +I should add the 2-4x VTSAX is largely based on leverage home appreciation. Cash flow is more in line with 1-1.2x VTSAX and requires some work. +Can I please get a big round of applause for all of you that were able to survive the recent bear market caused by Covid-19 Omicron. ([source ](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/26/crypto-bitcoin-btc-enters-bear-market-on-new-covid-variant.html?&qsearchterm=Bitcoin)) + + +I absolutely am amazed by all of your persistence for surviving this extensive bear market of roughly 2,5 days. I know most people gave up. But you were here and stayed. + +Respect to all the hodlers. + +Now let's watch the market blow up to 100k$ BTC. + +Congratulations on surviving the bear market. + HONG KONG (Reuters) -Chinese state-owned Yuexiu Property has pulled out of a proposed $1.7 billion deal to buy China Evergrande Group's Hong Kong headquarters building over worries about the developer's dire financial situation, two sources said. + + [Exclusive-Evergrande's $1.7 billion Hong Kong headquarters sale flops as buyer withdraws -sources (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money/other/exclusive-evergrande-s-1-7-billion-hong-kong-headquarters-sale-flops-as-buyer-withdraws-sources/ar-AAPylI0?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531) +[**Original Article**](https://themoneycog.com/news/uk/2022/01/stocks/financials/what-will-happen-to-the-lloyds-share-price-in-2022/) Written by Prosper Ambaka. + +2021 was a good year for the **Lloyds Banking Group** ([LSE:LLOY](https://themoneycog.com/company/lse-lloy)) share price, which climbed over 34%. And so far this year, this performance has continued with Lloyds shares up over another 10%. Will this be an explosive year for this major British bank? And can the stock return to its pre-pandemic levels? Let’s explore what could happen to the Lloyds share price in 2022 and whether I should be adding this business to my portfolio. + +## The Lloyds share price before the pandemic + +The stock was nearly 70p before the pandemic. But when the lockdowns were announced, the stock entered a free fall. It went to its lowest in over a decade at 28.15p per share on 22 May 2021. This was largely due to the enforcement of lockdown to curtail the Covid-19 pandemic, combined with a further cut to interest rates.  + +The doom and gloom atmosphere brought about by the lockdown hit hard on Lloyds shares as well as other companies. While the pandemic is still very much around, as [the virus keeps mutating](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03619-8), I think the worst may now be over for this stock.   + +## A look at the Lloyds share price in a post-Covid UK + +Already investors have gotten used to the pandemic and all that comes with it. Although the virus keeps mutating, I think a new variant will not send as big a shock wave among investors seen in early 2020. + +Many individuals are already [looking towards the post-pandemic world](https://themoneycog.com/news/whats-going-on-with-the-ftse-100-index) for their investment portfolios. That being said, buying Lloyds shares at their current price could be a lucrative venture, in my opinion. + +What makes it interesting for me as a value investor is that Lloyds stock still looks exceptionally cheap at a price-to-earnings ratio of around 7, despite its recent upward momentum. Combining this with a 2.35% dividend yield makes it a good choice in my mind for my passive income portfolio. + +## Rising inflation and interest rate hikes + +Since the pandemic, inflation has risen in ways not seen in many years. If it continues, more interest rate hikes will likely take place. The Bank of England has already raised the interest rate from 0.1% to 0.25% on 16 December 2021. If prices continue to rise, it will not be surprising to see other increases in the coming months. What does this mean for banks like Lloyds?  + +When there is a rate hike, most banks smile as it means borrowers pay higher interest on their loans. What’s more, savings accounts become more attractive to individuals, boosting deposits and enabling these financial institutions to issue more loans. + +In my opinion, this should help the share price of banks like Lloyds to rise higher this year. In fact, I think it’s even possible for the stock to potentially double in 2022. + +## Some risks to consider + +While the outlook seems all bright to me for the Lloyds stock, it is not all rosy. The banking industry is becoming ever more competitive, and not just between banks. Financial technology companies have begun stealing significant market share for consumer finance activities. + +If Lloyds cannot maintain the popularity of its consumer banking segment, its pool of available deposits could start to shrink over the long term. Needless to say, that could have a profound impact on Lloyds long-term performance, and in turn, its share price. + +Personally, I think the risk is worth the potential reward. Therefore I am tempted to add some shares of this business to my portfolio. + +\-- + +*Prosper Ambaka does not own shares in any of the companies mentioned. The Money Cog has no position in any of the companies mentioned at the time of writing. Views expressed on the companies, assets, and strategies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and,* therefore, *may differ from the opinions of analysts in The Money Cog Premium services.* +U.S. large-cap stocks overall have a 35.5 Shiller P/E, a valuation not seen since their peak of 44 during the 1999-2000 tech bubble. U.S. value stocks have a Shiller P/E of 21.6, and growth 46.8. Growth stocks need to fall 50% to return to normal. To me this looks like 2000 all over again and I can't bring myself to buy VTI or VOO when they are 70% growth stocks (due to the overbought growth component getting so large). + +Value stocks look like the better option, but how did value stocks do in 2000? Vanguard Select Value was around in 2000, up 17.5% in 2000 and 15% in 2001. It dropped 10% in 2002 and then went up 35% in 2003. Compare this to the Growth Index (VUG), which lost 22% in 2000, lost 13% in 2001, and lost 24% in 2002. + +So I decided to tilt my entire ETF portfolio towards value: VTV, VIG, VAW,and AVUV in the US and VYMI, AVDV, EWU, and DGS for international. I could obviously be wrong, but with inflation already appearing to be rampant which will hammer many growth stocks, I personally can't do anything besides this or go to all cash. Thoughts? +U.S. large-cap stocks overall have a 35.5 Shiller P/E, a valuation not seen since their peak of 44 during the 1999-2000 tech bubble. U.S. value stocks have a Shiller P/E of 21.6, and growth 46.8. Growth stocks need to fall 50% to return to normal. To me this looks like 2000 all over again and I can't bring myself to buy VTI or VOO when they are 70% growth stocks (due to the overbought growth component getting so large). + +Value stocks look like the better option, but how did value stocks do in 2000? Vanguard Select Value was around in 2000, up 17.5% in 2000 and 15% in 2001. It dropped 10% in 2002 and then went up 35% in 2003. Compare this to the Growth Index (VUG), which lost 22% in 2000, lost 13% in 2001, and lost 24% in 2002. + +So I decided to tilt my entire ETF portfolio towards value: VTV, VIG, VAW,and AVUV in the US and VYMI, AVDV, EWU, and DGS for international. I could obviously be wrong, but with inflation already appearing to be rampant which will hammer many growth stocks, I personally can't do anything besides this or go to all cash. Thoughts? +Hi! I have been learning to calculate DCF by watching at this YT channel called Learn to Invest. I have noticed that the required rate can make a huge impact on the fair value you get. For example 11.30 to 7.5. + +My question is, do you use WACC or put something like 7.5 for your DFC? + +I was doing today the model for AAPL and with a rate of 11.30 is a buy at 88, but with a rate of 7.5, its a 140 buy. +Looking at MHO, HOV, BZH… trading at forward p/e of 3-5 and either below or close to book value + +What am I missing? Other than interest rates rising what other things factor into the bear case? +Make a list of your favorite or best performing investors, but only taking into account their numbers since 2000. + +Mine would be: + +1. David Tepper (Appaloosa Management, 22% net returns from 2000 to 2014, with an absurdly incredible 120% performance during the 2008 financial crisis) + +2. Chase Coleman (Tiger Global Management, 21% returns since 2001) + +3. Chris Hohn (TCI Fund Management, has produced a net return of 18% from 2003 to 2019) + +4. Bill Ackman (Pershing Square Capital Management, Annualized net return of 16.9% vs S & P500 9.6% from 2004 to 2020) + +5. Li Lu (Himalaya Capital Management, annualized compound return of 19.4% since 2000 \[to 2017\], compared to 6.5% for the S & P500 during the same period) + +Position of recognition: Mohnish Pabrai (Pabrai Investment Funds, has obtained 25.7% in the last 18 years, although he does not manage a fund of billions like the rest) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I don't include Buffet on the list because he's basically in his own league. It manages a portfolio of hundreds of billions that makes it impossible to have extraordinary returns, although it has obtained 10.3% since 2000. It is the best of all and the comparison with the rest is absurd. +There is one thing Bitcoiners and Altcoiners (especially "Ethereum Killers") can't stop talking about: + +**That's Ethereum.** + +Altcoiners want to beat (read become) Ethereum, and Bitcoin's memes would do way better if highly capable Ethereum did not exist to keep poking it in the eye. + +**When literally everyone can't stop talking about you, you're probably on to something important.** + +Go forth and educate the masses, my fellow Ethereum community members. We have FUD to fight from every angle, and it's not because we're wrong, but it's because very likely we are onto something important and world changing. We are in the middle of a narrative and marketing shit storm with both sides wielding heavy marketing budgets from ICOs and corporate pockets, and as a decentralized community and project, we cannot combat it with the same form of centralized effort. We must work as individuals, and together where we can to make it happen. + +*Our amazing developers are already working overtime to make great dapps and build Ethereum's functionality, but what are you doing?* + +**Ethereum's success as a social and economic platform, not just as a technology, depends on every single one of your efforts.** + +Please contribute what you can: + +* Learn everything you can about Ethereum and how it works- go two levels deeper than you ever thought you'd go. [ethhub.io](https://ethhub.io) is a good place to start +* Create valuable content which can inform this community and newcomers alike. This size of this community will likely 2x to 5x in size (maybe more) over the next 3 years +* Engage with non-Ethereum folks at r/CryptoCurrency and other forums to set the record straight about Ethereum +* Get an account on Twitter right now to keep learning about what's going on with Ethereum, and respond to obvious misrepresentations of it. You can start by following me at @iamdcinvestor +* Contribute financially to resources like [EthHub.io](https://EthHub.io), designed to help inform our community +* Liberally use dapps and give devs real world feedback for how to make them accessible to brand new users +* On-board new users to Ethereum, and really help them through all of the confusing parts (from getting on Coinbase to using MetaMask). This new guide might be a helpful starting point: [https://docs.ethhub.io/using-ethereum/ethereum-new-user-guide/](https://docs.ethhub.io/using-ethereum/ethereum-new-user-guide/) + +No matter your means, **you have a skill which could be useful to help Ethereum**\- you just may not know what it is, yet. Keep learning and keep experimenting until you figure out what it is. + +This decentralized revolution can only be built on the back of your efforts. If you don't do it, there is no one else who will. + +The good news is the stakes are small and totally insignificant, so no pressure: + +**We're just trying to decentralize the world, y'all. Step up, spread the word, use the network, and let's get this done.** + +EDIT: Thanks to /u/_kitteh for this awesome meme: [https://imgur.com/a/NsLaAgz](https://imgur.com/a/NsLaAgz) +/r/Ethtrader used to be a place where people would share news and analyze the current situation of Ethereum and make predictions on what their next trading moves are. With the influx of new "traders", this place has turned into a meme-fest and new buyers trying to give motivational advice with every dip like the end of the world has come and need to provide moral support like they were shot and dying. + +Seriously, the crypto world is a blessing where everything is unregulated and you can make serious money. Buy dips. Don't make panic market orders. Analyze trends and make plans and stick to them. + +If you really want to make money, take a look at the charts for every coin on major exchanges. They are ALL in profit unless you were dumb enough to not catch a dip. This place has turn into /r/EthereumCircleJerk (Someone make this please to rid of the garbage). + +Money is to be made BOTH ways up and down by being smart. If you are HODLing, nothing wrong with that but you aren't a trader. You are a HODLer, which is fine. HODLing is a strategy, but please stop posting into /r/ethtrader. The amount of useless posts and downvotes for serious analysis is messing with the real traders. + + +**There are two types of people:** + +**HODLer:** Buys and rides the waves up and down. Gets high from euphoria on making money and provides moral support to everyone to make themselves feel better by trying to convince people to hold and not sell so the price doesn't go down. Downvote all negative news while upvoting positive news. Will defend their investment to ensure the reputation doesn't get damaged to ensure the price keeps rising. + +**Trader:** Analyzes the current market situation, finds new potential investments, keeps up with news of the market to exit or enters positions. Downvotes or upvotes people who disagree or agrees with their decision. Asks questions for the sake of making more money. + +Neither is wrong or right. + +It's the just /r/ethtrader has turned into moon or moral support and the real trading advice has become muddy from the HODLers. If you are HODLer, please stop being so active and find/make a new subreddit for the moral support and rejoicing. + +**STOP DOWNVOTING REAL TRADING INFORMATION.** + +Look at what this place used to be years ago (Daily threads) to what it is now. Actual trading advice. + +Jesus Christ. I have been in the trading crypto scene for way too long and its sad to see what it was to what it is now. I've been through the downs of losing $50,000 in a week to ups of making plenty more. Losing money on exchange hacks to riding super pumps like EXP. + +Really think before you post.... Is what I am saying or upvoting/downvoting trading information or is it some garbage move because it is fun. Real money is on the line here and the garbage I am seeing these days makes me realize we are in a bubble and it will all come tumbling down when there aren't enough relatives and friends for the new crypto "traders" to reel in. This bubble may not pop right now, but really realize that this euphoria won't last forever and eventually it will correct and if you don't take the time to see the big picture and learn what trading is, people WILL get rekt. This isn't the moon post anyone wants to hear, but try telling that to the people who know how markets work. If you are new, heed my words that you better start learning how markets work or else you are just a fool who found a fun train to ride on and made some money for now. The crypto markets aren't the traditional stock markets. Small ripples turn into big ripples and money doesn't stay in crypto forever because fiat is what most people are gauging their portfolio by. + +Good luck to everyone no matter where you stand, whether for the tech or for the money. Greed is the root of all evil. + +**HAVE. A. PLAN. AND. STICK. TO. IT. if you don't, MAKE. A. PLAN.** +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +I got a call from a Washington, D.C. number yesterday with an automated message telling me it was the "Criminal Investigation Division" of the IRS, and to call them back immediately. + +I did. Got on the phone with an Indian sounding man who told me his name was Matt Smith, or some generic sounding American name. He told me there was a warrant out for my arrest because I fraudulently claimed some tax exemptions over the past three years. + +I wasn't thinking straight because I'm in the process of buying a house, and my credit is really important. It sounded convincing until he asked me to pay. + +He said there were two ways it could be handled, either "privately or publicly." I could either pay the debt now and it wouldn't be reported to any credit agencies, or I could do it publicly, in which case the debt would be reported to the police and local news outlets. + +He told me all my assets had been frozen and my bank accounts were "black listed." It didn't seem like a term an IRS agent would use, but whatever. Then he told me since my accounts were frozen, the only way I could pay the debt was with gift cards from the grocery store, and that I needed to stay on the line with him the entire time until I got the cards. WTF? How am I going to buy gift cards if my bank account has been frozen? Do you think I just have $3,000 in cash on me right now? + +That's when it clicked. This is bullshit. I lived in DC for a few years and I know the area. I started asking him how he gets to work, what neighborhood he lives in, what Metro stop he gets off at, etc. + +He just hung up on me and when I tried to call back it just kept coming up as a busy signal. + +I'm laughing about it now, but I was shitting bricks on the phone yesterday. I'm an educated, moderately intelligent person, and he had me going. They probably trick elderly people with this scam all the time. + + +EDIT: To everyone making fun of me: I've been going through a lot of shit lately and I'm in the process of purchasing a house. So I'm really sensitive to anything that could screw that up. I didn't fall for it. This whole phone call lasted about five minutes. There was no chance I was going to buy this guy gift cards. + + +Literally anyone can make 20-30% in a bull market. You are not the chosen one if you’re up on your initial investment, and you shouldn’t invest more than you can afford to lose just because you’re making money when everyone else does too. + +Those who beat the market every day with smart trading are in the minority. Please check your portfolio’s performance and compare it to the market average. Are you still a genius? + +Many of us have fallen for this in 2017, buying and selling shitcoins on a daily basis, being eaten up by fees, but we were still up at the end of the day thanks to the bull run. But we would’ve made more money if we just hodled our coins and not traded at all. + +FOMO is hard to deal with, but you can’t ride every moonshot, and that’s something you’ll have to accept in the long run. +Think of it like a really extreme freelance career, working for tips at a seasonal bar or restaurant. Every day, week, month, you have to put in the work to build your revenue stream. One Friday, you could pull in $800. Memorial Day weekend, $2000. Then for all of June to August, $50 a week, or worse, you spend more on bus fare just to get to work. + +Same for trading. First you have to build some kind of personal track record. No one else needs to see it. No one else cares. It's just for you to know what you are actually capable of. You can't plan a monthly budget on an income you haven't proven yet. + +Calculate your rock bottom monthly expenses. Rent, transportation, bills, food. No entertainment or other discretionary spending. + +Compare to your hypothetical track record for trading. What's the worst month you had in a year? The best month? The average? How many months did you not make enough to pay your bills? + +From that, figure out how much of a savings buffer you need, to afford that many months of bills, and no trading income (or worse, trading LOSSES). + +Normal budget planning recommends 2-3 months of living expenses saved, plus an emergency fund. For volatile jobs, I'd say you need at least 2x that much. I've heard of some old school traders who only saw $0 or losses for 2 years straight. There's this penny stock trader guy Ross, who sells Warrior Trading education courses. In 2017 (?) he did a challenge where he traded $500 up toward a goal of $500,000 in a year -- he posted account updates (as far as one can trust them), and showed that he reached $335k by the end of the year, but had SIX MONTHS of zero to negative returns in the middle of his year. In 2012-2014, volatility died, and a lot of traders couldn't hack it in those conditions. With price movement dead for two years, how would you adjust for the lack of trading opportunities and income? + +Your living costs need to be as low as possible, and your trading income needs to be sufficiently high, so that even your low months are consistently able to cover your bills. If your living cost is currently $2500 a month, and you have a $50,000 job, then one example might be to downsize your life (take on roommates, whatever) to reduce your cost down to $1500/mo and aim for a trading account size combined with personal trading method that gets you an annual range of $50k-$100k. That way, even in a bad year when you only make $25k, you'll still be able to pay rent. And just as they recommend for people who make good tips, save the extra income from any good month or year, until you have that huge safety cushion to live off. + +It sucks immensely to trade under pressure when you don't have rent money. It's one of the big rules -- never trade with money you can't afford to lose. + +If that all sounds too unglamorous, keep a part-time to full-time job, and trade in the evenings/plan your setups on the weekend to juice your income. Keeping a base income means covering your bases (so long as the job market is good), leaving you to trade stress free. Even if you blow a $1000 account, hopefully you can build that back up in a few months of saving from your normal job. + +By the numbers, 93% of new traders quit or fail within 5 years. And only less than 1% of traders are profitable after expenses, per year. That means anyone who makes more than $0, so there's a long way to reach an income you can live on. Work towards being that successful guy, but make plans to survive the initial X number of years where you haven't yet proven your ability to be that guy. +You know sometimes you just randomly scroll on posts in this sub. A lot of people in these comments are so angry, why? + +Someone didn't share analysis or enough data that convinces you they're worth your precious time, why should you be a weiner? You could just ignore the freaking post or remind them it's against the rules to post charts without substance or analysis that opens up discussion or whatever the case may be. + +Lots of salty traders here man. I understand we deal with money and losing it induces a lot of feelings, just as well as making it pumps your brain with ecstasy but this sub isn't a place to take out your frustrations. This isn't your mom's basement where you say who gets to come in or go. + +Please, like the other gentleman posted yesterday, we need more quality in this sub and that goes for anyone. + +Regards! +So there seems to be a lot of new people on this sub. And makes sense if you have questions a lot of time you'll turn to reddit for the answers (I know I do). Well here are some tips that I think would benefit new traders. + +1. Don't trade ANY Euro pairs. +Look I know it's the most traded pair it goes up and down really fast and there's so much potential for you to make money. Turns out there's even more for you to lose money. It's way too volatile specially if you don't know what you're doing. EUR/USD is the worst offender. + +2. Trade the Daily. +Might think you're cool looking at charts every x amount of times during the day. You get to tell your friends and family that you trade all day and they might be impressed at what you're doing but unless you have some years under you stick to the daily. There's less noise. You can see clearer trends and when you don't stare at the screen all day you're less emotional therefore a more effective trader. I only look at the chart 15 minutes a day to either enter close or manage my trades. Whatever happens when I'm gone is what happens. + +3. There is no holy grail indicator +Look for it all you want. It doesn't exist. There are good indicators. There are bad indicators. There are some indicators that are so broken if you do the opposite of what they're intended for you'll actually make a profit. But the fact remains that there's no perfect one. Stop looking. What you should be looking for is an indicator that fits with your strategy. + +4. What currencies to pick. +I actually never see this brought up. The notion in forex is that all pairs can be traded equally. To a certain extent that's not false. But until you get the hang of it stick to a strict trading diet. Look for pairs that trend a lot. Duh look for the trend I can hear you say. When I say trend I don't mean a couple of days or weeks. I mean a couple of months. Half a year. Pairs that do that have a higher tendency to stick with one direction for a while. That's where you make your money. An easy way to identify those pairs as well is putting together a volatile currency (USD) with a less volatile one(JPY). + +5. USE YOUR SL +Trust me even if not putting a SL has netted you all kinds of gains eventually the market will turn around and bite you. With no safety net you'll lose most if not all your profit. The best offense is a good defense. + +6. How to pick your TP and SL level. +Most new traders care so much about that. I put it near the bottom because in my opinion you should know everything listed first. This is my opinion and I use it for my strategy I use the ATR(average true range) indicator. It's a really helpful tool that helps you identify the range at which the candles will either rise or fall. Obviously you want to set your TP inside of that range and your SL slightly outside of it. + +7. Lot sizes. +Everyone has a different story about how they pick their lot size. The general consensus is don't risk over 2% of your account. But I'm a simple man and I can't be bothered to figure out what my risk is every single time. So what I do is I put $0.10 for every $100 I have on the account. I then assign $300(minimum) to each pair. That's $0.30 per pair. It's easy to remember. 10 cent for every $100. If you're able to blow $100 with $0.10 then you probably shouldn't trade. + +8. How to avoid reversals. +Tbh you can't. There's no way to predict the future so eventually you'll get hit by one. What you can do however is minimize the blow. How I do it is for every pair I take two trades. If you remember in the previous tip is said I do about$0.30 per pair well I divide it 2:1. I take one trade with a TP(2) and one without (1). If my TP is hit I pocket that amount and if the trend keeps going in my direction I make even more. If the trend decides to end or reverses my losses are minimal because at least I kept half. + +9. There is NO right way to trade. +Stop listening to people telling the best way to trade is fundamentals or naked charts of to use some specific indicator. There are no right way to do this. It's as flexible and unlimited as your imagination. I personally use indicators but if that's not your thing do YOU! Just remember to manage your trades properly and be level headed when trading. Hell if your trading strategy is flipping a coin with proper trade management you'd probably make some money (don't quote me on that). + +10. Trade money you're willing to lose +Don't trade your rent money. + +That's all I have for now. If anyone sees this and wants to add more feel free. Hope this helps someone. +So there seems to be a lot of new people on this sub. And makes sense if you have questions a lot of time you'll turn to reddit for the answers (I know I do). Well here are some tips that I think would benefit new traders. + +1. Don't trade ANY Euro pairs. +Look I know it's the most traded pair it goes up and down really fast and there's so much potential for you to make money. Turns out there's even more for you to lose money. It's way too volatile specially if you don't know what you're doing. EUR/USD is the worst offender. + +2. Trade the Daily. +Might think you're cool looking at charts every x amount of times during the day. You get to tell your friends and family that you trade all day and they might be impressed at what you're doing but unless you have some years under you stick to the daily. There's less noise. You can see clearer trends and when you don't stare at the screen all day you're less emotional therefore a more effective trader. I only look at the chart 15 minutes a day to either enter close or manage my trades. Whatever happens when I'm gone is what happens. + +3. There is no holy grail indicator +Look for it all you want. It doesn't exist. There are good indicators. There are bad indicators. There are some indicators that are so broken if you do the opposite of what they're intended for you'll actually make a profit. But the fact remains that there's no perfect one. Stop looking. What you should be looking for is an indicator that fits with your strategy. + +4. What currencies to pick. +I actually never see this brought up. The notion in forex is that all pairs can be traded equally. To a certain extent that's not false. But until you get the hang of it stick to a strict trading diet. Look for pairs that trend a lot. Duh look for the trend I can hear you say. When I say trend I don't mean a couple of days or weeks. I mean a couple of months. Half a year. Pairs that do that have a higher tendency to stick with one direction for a while. That's where you make your money. An easy way to identify those pairs as well is putting together a volatile currency (USD) with a less volatile one(JPY). + +5. USE YOUR SL +Trust me even if not putting a SL has netted you all kinds of gains eventually the market will turn around and bite you. With no safety net you'll lose most if not all your profit. The best offense is a good defense. + +6. How to pick your TP and SL level. +Most new traders care so much about that. I put it near the bottom because in my opinion you should know everything listed first. This is my opinion and I use it for my strategy I use the ATR(average true range) indicator. It's a really helpful tool that helps you identify the range at which the candles will either rise or fall. Obviously you want to set your TP inside of that range and your SL slightly outside of it. + +7. Lot sizes. +Everyone has a different story about how they pick their lot size. The general consensus is don't risk over 2% of your account. But I'm a simple man and I can't be bothered to figure out what my risk is every single time. So what I do is I put $0.10 for every $100 I have on the account. I then assign $300(minimum) to each pair. That's $0.30 per pair. It's easy to remember. 10 cent for every $100. If you're able to blow $100 with $0.10 then you probably shouldn't trade. + +8. How to avoid reversals. +Tbh you can't. There's no way to predict the future so eventually you'll get hit by one. What you can do however is minimize the blow. How I do it is for every pair I take two trades. If you remember in the previous tip is said I do about$0.30 per pair well I divide it 2:1. I take one trade with a TP(2) and one without (1). If my TP is hit I pocket that amount and if the trend keeps going in my direction I make even more. If the trend decides to end or reverses my losses are minimal because at least I kept half. + +9. There is NO right way to trade. +Stop listening to people telling the best way to trade is fundamentals or naked charts of to use some specific indicator. There are no right way to do this. It's as flexible and unlimited as your imagination. I personally use indicators but if that's not your thing do YOU! Just remember to manage your trades properly and be level headed when trading. Hell if your trading strategy is flipping a coin with proper trade management you'd probably make some money (don't quote me on that). + +10. Trade money you're willing to lose +Don't trade your rent money. + +That's all I have for now. If anyone sees this and wants to add more feel free. Hope this helps someone. +I currently rent a house with my ex bf (recently split) and we split the bills 50/50. The bills amount to about 1800 total a month (internet, electric, rent, water, etc) so we each pay around 900. When we moved we agreed he would continue paying 50% until the end of the lease. + +I want to stay here at the end of the lease but I feel like 1800 is a stretch unless I can get a 6 mo lease or month to month. + +I make around 4k a month after taxes, my retirement, health insurance, etc. + +A roommate is out of question. + +I just started saving for a home as I just paid off my debt and have an emergency fund. + +What would you do at the end of the lease? +[article link](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/norwegian-stock-plunges-after-cruises-put-on-hold-through-september-2020-06-16) + +> Norwegian Cruise Lines Holdings Ltd. NCLH, +4.85% shares dropped nearly 10% in after-hours trading Tuesday after the company said that its cruises will not return until at least October. The cruise line had previously cancelled departures through July due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but announced Tuesday afternoon that all lines would be on hold through the end of September, and select destinations would not disembark until at least November. +Wow. This is fucking mind blowing. A woman come on to talk about finances. She was talking about recent retail investors and reddit so she brought a analyst on. He talked about shorts and "that bullshit movie stock" Her name is Hillary Cramer. Odd. Cramer. And he basically went on to talk about what's happening with Gamestop and the others. He said "companies like GME have been labeled as meme stocks but they have grown beyond that. They aren't memes anymore." + +She continued to cut him off and talk about other "short squeezed" companys and kept saying it's all meme stocks. Even here the FUD is real. Keep fucking calling it a meme. I'll laugh to the bank with meme money...simulation confirmed + +Edit: wow. I cant believe this community. I brag to friends and people about how amazing yall are and they still fail to understand. This is a revolution. And guess what. It will not be televised. Love you all you fucking beautiful retards. +Fatso here -- with a question about paying for grad school. + +I've raised two kids, paid for everything, and provided an enviable quality of life. + +I am divorced from their mother and, I'll be honest, it pisses me off that she contributed nothing meaningful to raising them the last 2 decades, despite our historically different earnings. + +She earned low six-figures (by my estimation) and, when I was working, I was earning 7 figures (i.e., between $1M and $4M). Her stated reasoning for not paying for anything was that because I earned so much more than her I should pay for everything and, as stated, I've done so (regardless of whether that's right or wrong because I adore my kids). + +I'm now happily retired early (i.e., a true "FatFIRE") and live off of dividends of about $450K per year (pre-tax), with surprisingly-little left over (if anything) after annual expenses (which include paying for my kids and my now-blended family of other dependants). + +Now, I tried to get my kids to go in-state for undergrad, promising to pay for that as well as grad school. However, they both insisted on going out-of-state (to decent schools, but not Ivy's) despite my telling them that, if they did so, my paying for grad school was not going to be in the cards. + +Graduation is now approaching and I've told them that, as a graduation present, I would continue to pay all their bills through the end of the calendar year, regardless of whether they had a job or not (i.e., they could blow it all, save it all, whatever they choose). But they're also aware I'm not promising to pay for grad school (I've reserved the option to contribute to it if feasible). + +Also very important, they really have no clue what they want to do and I've encouraged them to take some time after college, work a bit here and there, and figure out what they really want rather than marching lock-step to a grad program just to keep on living the gloriously-wonderful life of a student. + +I'm also aware that their mother now makes considerably more than she did several years ago and could, if she wished, contribute to their education and welfare, even though they are now in their early-20s, but she simply does not do so. + +One last bit of background that seems relevant. My parents paid for my education, including grad school, but I went to top-rated public schools and always had in-state tuition every step of the way. I did go out-of-state for that schooling, but I always made sure I obtained in-state residency when I did so (the rules were different back then, obtaining residency was a piece of cake, and college was far cheaper, even with inflation). Indeed, the one time I proposed going to a more expensive private school I was shot down by my parents in seconds and I did take time between undergrad and grad school and supported myself for a year. + +My question is: should I be paying for grad school too? + +I am tormented by the guilt of standing firm on my decision because my parents openly disagree with my grad school decision (pointing to how they paid for me) and by my kids sharing that information with family or others in a (transparently) strategic way to put pressure on me. It doesn't help that I am FatFired, which seems to create jealousy and/or resentment, and it seems as though I've raised my kids to be a bit entitled. + +What's more, I really want some pressure to be applied to their mother who could certainly step up and pay something but, apparently, refuses and (absurdly) cries poverty while flying first-class (which is not even something I splurge on). + +That said, I live a very comfortable life. I don't work, obviously, live in a $3 million home (surprisingly small--2,600 sft--but on the water), and I am remodeling it. I split time between that home in the U.S. and sailing in foreign countries, and support my step-kids and their mom, whom I love. + +I am sure there's counseling that would probably help me resolve some of the emotional turmoil, but practically what do you folks think? I guess the question is, should I pay for grad school because I can? Or because my parents did? Should I be feeling this way? + +UPDATE AND FINAL THOUGHT: What a helpful thread. After hearing all of the advice I've realized that the problem is both me and my kids--it's certainly not the ex's, and I need to (continue to) essentially ignore her as I've done the last 20 years. Most important, however, the kids need to work a bit and figure out what they really want to do--they need a plan for a future. And, if they continue to think that *they* are responsible for paying for grad school *and* choose to go, I can (and, frankly, *will*) pay for all or part of it, but their *thinking* they will be paying for it will cause them (if they go this route) to pursue scholarships, stipends, work-sponsorships, etc., and help them develop important life skills. In short, they need to form a real action plan and choose to invest in themselves (rather than automatically go to grad school because dad is paying) and they need to develop skills to take care of themselves in this world rather than endlessly relying on dad. Thanks for all the valuable insights. +***Ok this may be down voted but I think its pretty obvious what's about to happen.*** + +***I believe Ryan Cohen only has interest in BABY and Gamestop is the buyer under Section 2 and he was already speaking with Carl Ichan about being the Well-Capitalized Acquirer under Section 3and that's why he says he believes*** **Bed Bath presently satisfies financial sponsors’ interest. Ryans motive was and still is to spin-off Baby. The post yesterday was to indirectly say that they have found an agreement.** + +1. ***Carl Ichan to buy Bed Bath and Beyond*** +2. ***Gamestop to buy BABY off Bed Bath and Beyond after Carl Ichan takes control*** + +# RC Ventures LLC to $BBBY on 6th March 2022 + +**We believe Bed Bath needs to narrow its focus to fortify operations and maintain the right inventory mix to meet demand, while simultaneously exploring strategic alternatives that include separating buybuy Baby, Inc. (“BABY”) and a full sale of the Company.** + +**2. Seek to Monetize the Ultimate Destination for Babies** + +Another path that can streamline Bed Bath’s strategy and **unlock value trapped within the Company’s underperforming shares is a sale or spin-off of the BABY banner.** Given that BABY is estimated to reach $1.5 billion in sales in Fiscal Year 2023 with a double-digit growth profile and at least 50% digital penetration, we believe it is likely much more valuable than the Company’s entire market capitalization today. Assuming continued growth and low double-digit margins, we estimate that BABY could be valued at a double-digit earnings multiple on a standalone basis. We believe under the right circumstances, BABY could be valued on a revenue multiple, like other ecommerce-focused retailers, and justify a valuation of several billion dollars. + +In the event Bed Bath pursued a full or partial sale of BABY, it could position itself to pay off debt, put cash on the balance sheet and continue reducing its share count, thereby creating significant value for shareholders. **Spinning off shares of BABY would be an even more efficient way to transfer value to shareholders. Notably, BABY’s high online penetration would likely ease operational hurdles. We assume Bed Bath and BABY could still have a shared services agreement to maintain an omnichannel experience for customers.** + +**3. Evaluate a Full Sale to a Well-Capitalized Acquirer** + +The final path we want to raise for consideration is a full sale of Bed Bath, in its current form, to one of the many well-capitalized financial sponsors with track records in the retail and consumer sectors and the ability to pay a meaningful premium. The past 10 years have shown that Bed Bath faces a difficult existence in the public market. The market is not giving the Company nearly enough credit for BABY’s value. A sale that can lock in a substantial premium for shareholders and provide Bed Bath the flexibility of the private market could be an ideal outcome for customers, employees and investors. **We believe Bed Bath presently satisfies financial sponsors’ interest in specialty retailers with recognizable brands, niche assets and sub-banners, and margin expansion opportunities.** + +**A private market participant with a long-term vision could unlock meaningful value by running the core business for cash and initiating a public offering for BABY at the optimal time. After stripping out the sizable costs of being a public company and setting a more focused strategy, we suspect Bed Bath’s core business — excluding BABY — could generate attractive earnings.** + +[Source](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/bbbletter030622.pdf) + +# Why would Carl Ichan want Bed Bath and Beyond? + +&#x200B; + +1. Icahn has previously stated he buys into a company "when no one wants it,” +2. Carl Ichan owns West Point Home + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m1nqtcrbxlu91.png?width=322&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba32fa67edc8461be4e8cd08e2d201d4a0a88db5 + +**Their products include a diverse range of home fashion textile products including: towels, fashion bedding, sheets, comforters, blankets, mattress pads, pillows and more.** Some brands that they offer include: Martex, Izod, Ralph Lauren, Hanes, Stay Bright, Vellux, Patrician, Lady Pepperell, and Utica Cotton Mills. Products from Westpoint Home are found in retail stores throughout the United States. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WestPoint_Home) + +**The year 2022 has been an exciting one so far for WestPoint.** Having made major strides toward European expansion and the release of a brand-new textile range, the company now looks toward further growth with new product launches with major brands such as Martex, Vellux, Luxor and Lady Pepperell across the US and UK markets. **Along with reinvigorating some of the company’s venerable brand names, they will be launching numerous branded initiatives for the important ‘back to school’ season with retailers like Bed, Bath and Beyond,** JC Penney and Macy’s. The company will also be collaborating with Ralph Lauren Home on several growth programs over the coming months. [Source](https://manufacturing-today.com/profiles/westpoint-home/) + +# How did Carl Ichan buy West Point Home? + +"Trumping" Seniority: Recent Decisions in Westpoint Stevens allow Bankruptcy Process to Undermine Intercreditor Terms Between First-Lien and Second-Lien Lenders. + +**The** ***Westpoint*** **case involved a contest between two groups of secured lenders for control of the debtor's business.** The first group, led by Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., held a majority of the debtor's first-lien debt of $488 million. **The second group, led by Carl C. Icahn, held a majority of the second-lien debt of $165 million, and 40% of the first-lien debt.** When it appeared that a consensual plan was unattainable, the debtor proposed a Section 363 sale of its assets. **Following a bidding war between the groups at an auction, the Icahn group emerged the winner** and obtained approval from the bankruptcy court to purchase the debtor's assets under Section 363(b). **Under the terms of the Icahn group purchase, a new Icahn entity would purchase the Westpoint assets, the first and second liens would be released, and the equity in the new entity would be shared among the first-lien lenders** (which would receive shares valued at $489 million, the value of their first liens as determined in the sale order), the second-lien lenders (which would receive shares valued at $95 million), **and the Icahn group (which would purchase a stake in the new entity for $187 million in cash)**. **This sale structure assured that the Icahn group would obtain majority control of the debtor's business, through the equity in the new entity distributed to it on account of its first-lien and second-lien positions, combined with the equity interest it purchased with cash.** + +[Source](https://www.wilmerhale.com/insights/publications/trumping-seniority-recent-decisions-in-westpoint-stevens-and-trump-entertainment-allow-bankruptcy-process-to-undermine-intercreditor-terms-june-17-2010) + +# Ryan Cohen hires Icahn proxy solicitor Harkins Kovler for possible Bed Bath fight + +**RC Ventures has retained Harkins Kovler,** the solicitor **frequently used by prominent activist investor Carl Icahn in his corporate battles**, said the sources, who are not permitted to discuss the private matter publicly + +[Source](https://www.reuters.com/business/retail-consumer/ryan-cohen-hires-icahn-proxy-solicitor-harkins-kovler-possible-bed-bath-fight-2022-03-10/) + +# Bed Bath & Beyond Adds New Directors in Deal With Activist Ryan Cohen + +The home furnishings retailer added **Marjorie L. Bowen, Shelly C. Lombard** and **Ben Rosenzweig** to its board of directors as part of a cooperation agreement with Cohen and his company RC Ventures, according to a Friday (March 25) [company press release](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bed-bath--beyond-inc-announces-cooperation-agreement-with-ryan-cohen-301510562.html). + +# Who do I believe these board members represent? + +**Ryan Cohen - Marjorie L. Bowen & Ben Rosenzweig** + +I believe **Marjorie L. Bowen and Ben Rosenzweig** **represent Ryan Cohen** as they joined a four-member strategy committee that’s **focused on alternatives to maximize the company’s buybuy BABY brand.** [Source](https://www.pymnts.com/news/retail/2022/bed-bath-beyond-adds-app-registry-rewards-turnaround-efforts/) + +***I believe they will focus on the carve out of BABY carve out under point 2 of RC Ventures Letter*** + +**Carl Ichan - Shelly C. Lombard** + +I believe **Shelly C. Lombard represent Carl Ichan** in structuring the indirect buyout of Bed Bath & Beyond through acquired the BBBY debt and exchanging it for equity to take control. Similar to how Carl Ichan took control of West Point Home. + +There was no mention of **Shelly C. Lombard looking at Baby so what is she there to do? WHat is her expertise** + +**Biography from Bend Bath & Beyond Website** + +Ms. Lombard currently serves as an independent consultant, focusing on investment analysis and financial training. She has over 30 years of experience analyzing, valuing, and investing in companies. **Prior to becoming a consultant**, **she served as Director of High Yield and Special Situation Research for Britton Hill Capital, a broker dealer specializing in high yield and special situation bank debt and bonds and value equities,** from 2011 to 2014. **Prior to that**, she was a high yield and **special situation bond analyst and was also involved in analyzing, managing, and restructuring proprietary investments for various financial institutions.** She was named by NACD as one of its 100 Directorship Honorees for 2021. Ms. Lombard brings strong financial analysis, investment, capital markets, and public company director experience to our Board. + +[Source](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/board-member/shelly-lombard) + +***I believe she will focus on buyout and change of control of Bend Bath & Beyond in a structure similar to how Carl Ichan bought West Point Home*** + +***If all directors were representing Ryan Cohen, why is there not pressure to remove them following his sale in August. Because the Game is still on!*** + +# Why did Ryan Cohen sell his shares of BBBY on August 17th 2022? + +**If you remember the start of August, out of nowhere the media started talking about Ryan Cohen buying Bed Bath & Beyond and the call options he owned.** + +**But we all knew about this since March, why was it being pushed now!** + +**I believe it was because the bonds were heavily discounted and Carl Ichan started buying them.** + +**They then started to push the narrative of Ryan Cohen and Bed Bath to drive the price and the value of the bonds.** + +&#x200B; + +[Green arrow is 17th of August when Ryan Cohen sold](https://preview.redd.it/6w5tolta6mu91.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=5222339291d18b29ccbaaf382de10ec0361761df) + +[Source](https://markets.businessinsider.com/bonds/bed_bath_beyond_incdl-notes_201414-24-bond-2024-us075896aa80) + +**The value of the bonds were rising, Ryans holding was therefore turning against him as the media was using this to pump the stock and the bond values.** + +**The lower the stock went and the lower the bonds went the better, RC could acquire more shares on the cheap and or Carl Ichan could buy more debt at discounted value.** + +**A value that truly represents the situation the company is in and not a pumped value created by the media.** + +# The BBBY September 29th Update + +A lot of disappointment, all the hype pushed for another day. However hidden in the 10Q was this little gem. + +10Q - [Source](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/static-files/5def01b1-cf9d-4c64-b2fe-d5c9c4edd750) + +The Company is considering liability management transactions with particular focus on the 2024 bonds. Transactions could be launched in the third quarter and could include offers to **exchange our current debt for new longer tenured debt or equity at exchange ratios related to the then-current value of the current debt**. However, the transactions could take other forms or might not be launched at all. + +# The Tweet + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d83y0dai9mu91.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7bf55352c1adf4d01fd6caa4464a007c4ea6118 + +# And Finally + +A few hours after the tweet, Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. (NASDAQ: BBBY) **today announced that it has commenced offers to exchange (the "Exchange Offers") any and all of its outstanding Senior Notes.** + +[Source](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/node/16511/pdf) + +***I believe this exchange will give Carl Ichan control over Bed Bath & Beyond as he will take equity in exchange for all the discounted 2024 bond he bought up.*** + +In conjunction with the exchange they are also seeking eliminate the restrictive covenants + +https://preview.redd.it/5nh2p7glamu91.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=969129ac7d142bdd8c29c42e598723585a4d295d + +# TLDR + +# Carl Ichan to buy Bed Bath and Beyond + +# Gamestop to buy BABY off Bed Bath and Beyond after Carl Ichan takes control + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 1: [**sheepwhatthe2nd**](https://www.reddit.com/user/sheepwhatthe2nd/) **- "but he might"** yes I fully agree with this. He might + +EDIT 2: I am 90% invested in GME and 10% invested in BBBY. GME is the play and always will be. + +EDIT 3: If you think this is a shill post, I will happily delete it. I will leave it for awhile longer to see if there is a general consensus + +EDIT 4: **BBBY Post S-4 Filing after hours** [Source](https://bedbathandbeyond.gcs-web.com/sec-filings/sec-filing/s-4/0001193125-22-264212) + +It pays specific attention to the ranking of the Lien's - as Carls buyout of West Point Home caused lots of controversy and law suits. Its seems this S4 is getting their ducks in a row and ensuring all bond holders know where they stand. + +You can read more about this in the section above "*How did Carl Ichan buy West Point Home?*" + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/opfzv9l6mmu91.png?width=855&format=png&auto=webp&s=30b5b98a706f1a1fe8699663d166ca45c4aefe11 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8bvuzv2gmmu91.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=797060f5e1d7b33db39eb3fc85e19f9170070bd9 + +Edit 5: The BABY Theory, also lines up with below + +1. the 2021 trademarks filed by GameStop; and [Source](https://www.trademarkia.com/company-gamestop-inc-481658-page-1-2) +2. recent updates on there website where you can search by age [Source](https://www.gamestop.com/toys-games) +3. Also the language used in the RC Ventures letter to GameStop [Source](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf) and the RC Ventures letter to BBBY [Source](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/bbbletter030622.pdf) (Section 2 - Seek to Monetize the Ultimate Destination for Babies ) is the same + +&#x200B; + +[1](https://preview.redd.it/iw4zacs0omu91.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=8aa2611107c11d5225c7490d7fc93db1f88125b3) + +&#x200B; + +[2](https://preview.redd.it/b5cj13mbomu91.png?width=1649&format=png&auto=webp&s=76f5e474056ff65b00e165eee80eec0e1bc9f8fe) + +&#x200B; + +[3](https://preview.redd.it/mjin19dcpmu91.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7b348b7a5d7ffd54d05d3ba8723137b11ad426a) + +&#x200B; + +[3](https://preview.redd.it/5cui4g9fpmu91.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a4efb50de3e976c52ddae2c4824daa13844fed2) +It may be that there’s just a small window of opportunity because hopefully the price will rip, but with this splividend Papa Cohen has definitely created a few more seats on the rocket for apes that would otherwise have missed out due to financial means. I was an XX ape and now I’m a XXXholder - but every penny has counted for me this past year and I’ve had to make some tough sacrifices to HODL. Like I said, yesterday $158 was too much for me, but at $38 today, RC has just gifted me an extra ticket to a new life. + +NFA. +Hi r/superstonk + +This morning Bored Ape Yacht Club, one of the most popular NFT collections, minted their latest drop on Layer 1 Ethereum, wasting $100 million in users' gas fees. People were not happy. [https://twitter.com/StonkHands/status/1520607411043991552](https://twitter.com/StonkHands/status/1520607411043991552) + +They're currently planning on building their own blockchain to scale in the future. + +This is a huge waste - Bored Apes were born on Ethereum, and Ethereum is where the best liquidity and security for NFTs are. It's why we built Immutable on it. + +**We're creating a proposal to scale ApeCoin's future drops with Immutable X.** + +1. [https://twitter.com/0xferg/status/1520673188685901824](https://twitter.com/0xferg/status/1520673188685901824) +2. [https://twitter.com/Immutable/status/1520672863317274624](https://twitter.com/Immutable/status/1520672863317274624) + +If integrated, this would mean all of ApeCoin's future drops would by default be tradable and accessible on GameStop. + +**ApeCoin is a community governed DAO - the more public support we can generate for this the better.** + +LFG, + +Robbie +News on ETH is picking up speed. Bloomberg added Ethereum to their terminal and there is rumor of a futures contract for ETH which will settle in ETH and not USD. This is huge and understated in how it will effect everything. + +Banks are adopting it for their interbank ledgers and many have stopped funding their competitor, Hyperledger, because a blockchain without a coin makes no sense. + +The implementation of zk-snarks for privacy is looking good. Vitalik has been making good progress with Casper and Plasma which are really important for the next stage of the network. + +They have already accomplished so much and it’s only now being realized what areas the technology will be useful in. + +All this and Vitalik is still humble and working harder to implement his vision. With his leadership and the community of developers, industries, and governments supporting the project it has potential to overtake and become the top platform both in utility and value. + +I’m feeling $900 by new years is completely reasonable. What are your thoughts on this? +Our fellow redditor u/-Stego- has created this extremely useful extension for Google Chrome that deserves attention. Because it's a free tool, I'm hoping this post doesn't break the subreddit rules. + +[KoalaData](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/koaladata/hlmlbjneliokncgbophonbofnikfimja?authuser=1) adds text to Domain.com.au to shows the price history for rental and purchase listings. Saves a lot of time digging around the web, creating spreadsheets or archiving pages to try and track price changes, or compare the listing price to the sold price. + +The more information in the market, the easier it is to negotiate, and the less likely it is that buyers and renters get ripped off. +Nothing more, nothing less. + +I've watched, re-watched parts and had a think. + +It was fun, it was light hearted, it was Ryan reaching out in the most direct way and giving us the head nod. + +&#x200B; + +We don't expect ground breaking stuff, it would be destructive to everything he built. Its a chess game remember - its about positioning & patience. + +Great interview, gives context to questions and theories without revealing anything major. + +He was clearly tactful with his responses and the questioning and answers were all backwards looking. + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy the man the myth and the legend, saying he dislikes shorts and loves our dark humor while confirming the work we put in here is service to the company. + +&#x200B; + +Tits jacked, DRS ya shit & HODL to the moon with me while we shit post memes against behemoth institutions. + +Oh, and ken lied under oath + DTCC committed securities fraud. + +&#x200B; + +Peace. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Cough... holy shit this kind a blew up, love all you banana stuffers. +Fellow Apes, + +We all know that RC is strategic, very smart and has a passion for cryptic messages. + +He knew that if he were to leave a message as odd as the recent one he posted on Twitter, apes would go bananas on it. + +Well, his recent tweet didn’t disappoint. + +RC’s recent tweet: +RYAN COHEN +R.I.P. DUMB ASS + +If you look carefully, you’ll see that it may be an anagram. By rearranging the letters, one combination you get is: +MOASS NEAR. BUY DIP. RCHN. + +After this, it will be impossible to get your tits unjacked! + +Next few weeks will be interesting, to say the least. + +edit: for clarification, “RCHN” is just his signature, Ryan Cohen + +edit 2: it was noted in the comments that the TOMBSTONE may refer to a type of financial print notice. Such notice is most often used in the financial industry to formally announce a particular transaction, such as an initial public offering, merger or acquisition. This leads me to think, potential merger with Super League Gaming announcement coming up!? + +edit 3: it was pointed out to me that Super League Gaming (SLGG), from edit 2, may have been used in the past as a speculation maneuver by Citadel as they own shares of it. + +So I looked it up and Fintel confirms that not only Citadel owns shares of SLGG, but that they also upped their stake in 2Q21! They went from owning 27.1K shares to 63.2K. + +Given the circumstances, let’s keep SLGG out of the picture/speculation. + +edit 4: several users have proposed the idea that the announcement will be the merger between GameStop and RC Ventures, which already owns 12.9% of GameStop. I really like this theory because it wouldn’t be out of character. + +Sep 2020: RC Ventures acquired 10% stake in GME + +Nov 2020: RC Ventures sends a spicy, big-D-swinging letter to GameStop’s Board of Director (if you have never read it, do yourself a favor: [check it out here](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/RC_Ventures_Letter_to_GameStop.pdf) and get your tits even more jacked) + +Dec 2020: RC Ventures ups its stake in GameStop to 12.9% + +Some users added that by increasing its stake to 20% or so, a merger would be the very next step +I’m new to investing and schd hold a little over 10% in my roth ira. Soo my time horizon is 40 years from now. Is schd a good choice for dividends growth over that period of time? +On top of this, we have a fuck ton of Robinhood and payment for order flow screenshots flooding the sub?? Baffled by that shit, those fuckers ROBBED us and continue to rob us and we STILL continue to use them?? WTF is good?????? + + +Buy, DRS, and hold your fucking shares. I am in way too fucking deep to sell and I will hold for the rest of my life. If you have shares on other brokerages send that shit to ComputerShare. And if you are using Robinhood, HONESTLY go fuck yourself. They will never stop fucking over the normal person. They want us to just work our jobs, pay taxes, while they move money around and get richer and richer, crash the economy and do it all over again all on your fucking dime. + + +If you are personally upset at this shit, honestly good you should be! But fucking do something about it. DRS your shares and educate the masses on the benefits. No disruption ever happens in a straight line. +I don't know if those posts are coming from a place of ignorance or deceit, but the Treasury is NOT running out of money in 15 days. It may look that way because the balance in the Treasury General Account (TGA) has been on a steady decline for months, but that is because it had an unusually high balance ($1.8T instead of the typical $100-400B) and so they have been moving money into external accounts to bring it back down to a normal level. \[There were a ton of articles about this back in Feb, when the plan was announced.\] + +For those who don't know, the TGA is like the piggy bank you have at home. You keep some money in it to buy pizza and stuff, but you \[probably\] keep your serious money in a bank account. Same thing with the Treasury -- they keep some money in their piggy bank, but there's tons more held in what are basically savings accounts at various financial institutions (>$1T at this point). + +Don't get me wrong, the government still needs the debt ceiling to be renewed, but that's a separate issue that's more about maintaining a strong credit rating, than having more runway. Runway still matters some -- there are probably only a couple of months' worth of funds available -- but the credit rating is the more pressing issue. + +Edit: Thank you for the awards -- I hope they were free! + +Edit2: For apes wanting more background, here's a [historical perspective](https://www.cato.org/blog/stop-presses-or-how-fed-can-avoid-reserve-shortages-without-bulking-part-1) from the Cato Institute. Also, a brief interview from Feb describing the [drawdown](https://youtu.be/VLR0jSNByGA) and its effects on bank reserves, short term rates, etc. + + +[EXPERIMENT – Tracking 2018 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – FOUR YEAR REPORT – UP +34&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/dzzes3g8ngb81.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e29ebda29cda106029c3f762a91b8b7d815d509) + +***Find the full blog post with all the tables*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-48)***.*** + +Welcome to your monthly no-shill data dump: Here's the FOUR YEAR REPORT for the 2018 Top Ten Experiment featuring **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, ADA, LTC, NEM, DASH, IOTA,** and **Stellar.** + +**tl;dr** + +* **What's this all about?** I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, haven't sold or traded, reporting every single month for four years. Did the same in 2019, 2020, 2021, and more recently, the [2022 Top Ten a few weeks ago](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/). ***Learn more about the history and rules of the Experiments*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/about/)***.*** Snapshots taken on the 1st of each month. +* **December** **Highlights:** A bloody, all-red month +* **Overall since Jan. 2018:** **ETH** solidly in the lead, followed by **BTC** and **ADA.** After briefly pulling ahead earlier in the year, ***the 2018 Top Ten are now significantly underperforming the S&P 500*** over the same time period. Q: So, big crypto fail, right? +* A: Only if I stopped after the first year. The **2018+2019+2020+2021 Combined Top Ten Portfolios are returning 406%, much, much better than traditional markets over the same time period (**fancy new chart at the very bottom of the post). + +***Some exciting new changes for*** [2022](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/)***!*** + +1. I'll focus on 2022 Top Ten Portfolio reports + one other portfolio on a rotating basis (down to two reports per month) +2. Incorporated Decentralized Finance (DeFi) for the first time. +3. Factoring in stablecoin gains: In past years, I have not included the ROI that is possible with stables in the monthly reports. This year, I will detail ways to build on the $100 of USDC in the 2022 portfolio and gamify it a bit: my goal is to outperform as many as the other cryptos in the 2022 Top Ten Portfolio as possible (simple if it turns out to be a bear year, a bit more challenging if the 2022 market moons). +4. Giveaways: Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned giveaway? I’ll be giving away crypto during the year, either through Twitter, Reddit, or my email list. I’m still figuring out the details, but aim to give away around $100 a month in crypto. +5. Friendly competition: I will compare my homemade 2022 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment to a Total Crypto Market Cap Index Token ($TCAP r/TotalCryptoMarketCap) to see which one outperforms. + +And here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + +## Four Year Report – UP 34% + +https://preview.redd.it/c3c6wlctpgb81.jpg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380248b14486edaa5749fba7a390198bf81260a0 + +Welcome to the four year report! + +The 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Portfolio is **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, ADA, LTC, IOTA, NEM, Dash,** and **Stellar**.   + +December highlights for the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio: + +* **100% red month**. **IOTA** falls the least, only down -4% (on news that staking on the Firefly wallet will yield two cryptos, Assembly and Shimmer). +* **ETH** maintains a solid overall lead, **BTC** in second place, **ADA** in third.  Three coins in the green since January 2018. +* After four years, the 2018 Portfolio is +34%, behind the S&P 500’s ROI over the same time period. + +## December Ranking and Dropouts + +Here’s a look at the movement in ranks since January 2018: + +https://preview.redd.it/ulc9dwgvpgb81.jpg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eadc9a98ec75b726cef37af7cb716fddf3126db + +**Top Ten dropouts since January 2018:** After four years of the 2018 Top Ten Experiment, only 40% of the cryptos that [started in the Top Ten](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) have remained.  **NEM, Dash, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, IOTA**, and **Litecoin** have been replaced by **Binance Coin, Tether**, **DOT, SOL**, **LUNA**, and **USDC.  NEM** looks like it wants to be the first to drop out of the Top 100. + +## December Winners and Losers + +***December Winners*** –  **IOTA** outperformed the pack, dropping only -4% this month. 100% of the cryptos in the red. + +***December Losers*** –   Losing nearly a third of its value, **Litecoin** fell the most, down -30%. **NEM** followed **LTC**, dropping -27% in December. + +## Tally of Monthly Winners and Losers + +After four years, here’s a tally of the monthly winners and losers over the life of the 2018 Top Ten Experiment.  + +https://preview.redd.it/lisz7rgxpgb81.jpg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf41f94e9716f0140f3a7dfff3f655fa9d21a59 + +With 11, **Bitcoin** has two more monthly wins than second place **Cardano**.  **NEM** has finished last place most often (12 months out of 48). + +**Bitcoin** is still the only cryptocurrency that hasn’t yet lost a month since January 2018 (although it has come very close a couple of times). + +## Overall Update –  2021 ends with a whimper. After four years, ETH in first place, and Dash and NEM tied for worst overall performance. + +After reaching an All Time High (+72%) in [October](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46), the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio continued to lose value.  After four years of holding these cryptos, only 3 out of the 10 cryptos are in the green: **BTC,** **ETH,** and **ADA.** + +Overall, first place **ETH** (+413%) is well ahead of **BTC** (+257%) and third place **ADA** (+99%). + +The initial $100 invested in first place **ETH** four years ago?  It’s worth $515 today. + +**DASH** and **NEM** are virtually tied at the bottom, both down over -86% since [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/)**.**  The initial $100 invested in each four ago is worth about $13 today.   + +## Total Market Cap for the entire cryptocurrency sector: + +https://preview.redd.it/mldnsr7zpgb81.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82435bc0e39657707f2143fb5dd1951f6ddcfd1 + +End of December 2021 market cap: **$2,211,626,655,207** + +The total crypto market dropped significantly in December.  Crypto as a sector is still up +285% since [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/).   + +There was no easy way to achieve this at the time, but if you were able to capture the entire crypto market since New Year’s Day 2018, you’d be doing much, much better than the Experiment’s Top Ten approach (+34%), the return of the S&P (+78%) over the same period of time, and nine of the individual cryptos within the 2018 Top Ten (except for **Ethereum)**. + +Crypto Market Cap Low Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: **$114B in** [**January 2019**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-thirteen/). + +Crypto Market Cap High Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: **$2.65T in** [**October 2021**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46/)**.** + +## Bitcoin dominance: + +https://preview.redd.it/qygnx0a0qgb81.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=567958cf7214839fa7befa749d61125dade6a9a8 + +**BitDom** declined a bit in December, ending the month at 40.2%.  When looking at the entire four year 2018 Experiment time frame, **BTC** dominance is near the low end.  For context:    + +Low Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: [**33% in January 2018**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one). + +High Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: [**70.5% in August 2019**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-twenty/). + +## Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2018:  + +https://preview.redd.it/cxtd9lb1qgb81.jpg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b3da0034194812e2b66f977450fff1555b48fb + +The 2018 Top Ten Portfolio lost $325 in December. + +If I decided to cash out the 2018 Top Ten Experiment today, **the $1000 initial investment would be worth $1,341**, up 34% from [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/).   + +Green is unfamiliar territory for the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio and a recent development.  Over the first four years of the 2018 Index Fund Experiment, thirty-eight months have been in the red, with only ten months of green.  And all ten of the green months have come in 2021.  + +Here’s a look at the ROI over the life of the experiment, month by month, since the beginning of the 2018 Experiment four years ago: + +https://preview.redd.it/cbumx113qgb81.jpg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bba9861143359ff6b70ff0ca8e6ba75de5d00d6 + +The all time high for this portfolio is [October 2021](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46) (+72%).  The lowest point was in January 2019 when the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio was down [\-88%](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-thirteen/).    + +Remember: no one can predict the value of any crypto tomorrow, let alone next month or next year.  The 2018 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio was down -88% after one year, -80% after two years, -25% after three years. + +## Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios + +Alright, that’s that for the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment recap. + +But I didn’t stop the Experiment in 2018:  I invested another $1000 in the ***2019***, ***2020,*** and ***2021*** Top Ten Cryptos as well (***(and, just announced,*** [***again in 2022***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/)***!)***.  How are the other Crypto Index Fund Experiments doing?    + +* [2018 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-48): up +34% (total value $1,341) +* [2019 Top Ten Experiment:](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-36) up +504% (total value $6,044) +* [2020 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-24): up +795% (total value $8,951) +* [2021 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-12): up +292% (total value $3,921) + +So overall? Taking the four portfolios together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line:  + +**After a $4,000 investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies,** the combined portfolios are worth **$20,257** ($1,341 + $6,044 + $8,951 + $3,921). + +**That’s up +406%** on the combined portfolios, **down from** [**last month’s all time high**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-47) for the combined Top Ten Index Fund Experiments.  Here’s the combined monthly ROI since I started tracking the metric in January 2020: + +https://preview.redd.it/xcl80o35qgb81.jpg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cd4923360a5492259faf606b3649c893fd4b16 + +***That’s a +406% gain by investing $1k in whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st (including stablecoins) for four years in a row.*** + +## Comparison to S&P 500: + +I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of the Experiment to have a comparison point with other popular investments options.   + +https://preview.redd.it/3uss07c8qgb81.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e68ae4c88a82ff35b70538ec11dd137e83447e2 + +After four years: the S&P 500 is up +78% since January 2018, so the initial $1k investment into crypto on [January 1st, 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) would be worth $1,780 had it been redirected to the S&P.  That’s more than double the +34% return of the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio over the same period of time. + +Taking the same invest-$1,000-on-January-1st-of-each-year approach with the S&P 500 that I’ve been documenting through the Top Ten Crypto Experiments, the yields are the following: + +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1,780 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1,900 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1,480 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1,270 today + +Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line for a similar approach with the S&P:  + +**After four $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, my portfolio would be worth $6,430** ($1,780 + $1,900 + $1,480 + $1,270) + +That is up **+61%** [since January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) compared to a **+406%** gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios. + +Here’s a fancy new chart showing the four year ROI comparison between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P as per the rules of the Top Ten Experiments:  + +https://preview.redd.it/gnkxsud9qgb81.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f94a09a11a36620fca7b8630d615420049141b2 + +## Conclusion: + +Many thanks to the long-time Experiment followers, appreciate you taking the time to follow along over the years.  For those just getting into crypto, welcome! I hope these reports can somehow give you a taste of what you may be in for as you begin your crypto adventures.  Buckle up, think long term, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose, and try to enjoy the ride! Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for monthly progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects where I repeat the experiment, purchasing another $1000 ($100 each) of new sets of Top Ten cryptos as of [January 1st, 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-36), [January 1st, 2020](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-24), [January 1st, 2021](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-12), and most recently, [January 1st, 2022](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/). +Hi all, I’m wondering if anyone has a calculation to share to calculate the minimum RRSP contribution to add to put you in another tax bracket? + +I also live in BC if that makes a difference? +My story: tech entrepreneur, sold my company and netted $5.5m, which has since grown to a little over $6m. 39, married, no children, live in the SF Bay Area. I did a mini-retirement for the past 12 months, relaxing and overcoming burnout, but still keeping a toe into the tech scene by helping entrepreneurs, thinking of new startup ideas, etc. + +I don't think I can FatFIRE in SF/NY with my NW (only regular FIRE), but possible elsewhere. However, as a hard charging/type A person, I'm finding it difficult to disentangle personal ambition from actually retiring. I find the level of conviction to be extremely high for me to start another company (not to mention the self-doubt), but also can't shake the feeling I'd regret not pushing myself and not making more money for a more comfortable life (maybe an exec role). Things move quickly in tech, so I can't be out for years and get back in without serious difficulty. I thought the 1 year mini retirement would provide clarity, but I still find myself at a crossroads, constantly wrestling with this in my mind. + +How did you decide you were done? How did you get a handle on your own personal ambitions? Any stories or advice folks can share? + +Thank you!! +When you do your DD what exactly are you looking for? What makes for an undervalued stock that you think will go up soon? Low Volume? Low P/E? Just reading news on the company? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Hello, + +I realized we are quite limited in terms of portfolio trackers and analysis tools that allow you perform portfolio analysis including on your ETF holdings. + +I am aware of morningstar, which allows you to quickly dig the top 10 holdings, but i cannot find any alternatives or options that provide a more broad analysis of all holdings. + +I also noticed that many tools lack support for European ETFs and brokers... + +Are you aware of any great tools for european retail investors that allow to conduct in depth portfolio analysis? + +Also do let me know of any tools you also use to get data, news and conduct etf screening and portfolio planning/analysis. (without exorbitant prices, cannot pay 1000 usd month...) + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +Hey there, + +I've been lurking this subreddit for a while now and ready to pull the trigger on some SCHD, I've got $25k to use. + +Obviously there's a bit of uncertainty in the market/economy right now but these funds look pretty stable. + +I'm tempted to go all in right now as price has looked good, but wanted to get your thoughts on how you would manage the investment if you were in my shoes + +Thanks! +Hey there, + +I've been lurking this subreddit for a while now and ready to pull the trigger on some SCHD, I've got $25k to use. + +Obviously there's a bit of uncertainty in the market/economy right now but these funds look pretty stable. + +I'm tempted to go all in right now as price has looked good, but wanted to get your thoughts on how you would manage the investment if you were in my shoes + +Thanks! +No meme or hype here, sorry. And yeah, everybody says to hold, mostly in the context of *triggering* MOASS. But it's incredibly important to hold *throughout* MOASS. If we aren't selling, then prices are climbing. + +We have to put a seemingly unlikely and incredible amount of faith in each other to not panic or get greedy. Holding is the only thing that is going to add commas to the share prices. + +Remember that scene in Dark Knight where the Joker puts bombs on two ships full of people, waiting for one to blow up the other? Even though they were very uncertain, they still held fast and in the end, it worked out for the best for everyone. It's kind of like that. + +Now, if you're about to be evicted, or you can't afford your medicine, or something major like that, nobody is going to fault you if you have to sell a share (or a fraction of a share). But it's important to not look at those numbers that seem high at the moment and lose control. Those numbers will keep getting higher. And yeah, they might even dip from time to time - but they *will* keep climbing. If shares are worth millions, you only need to sell one to buy your houses and cars - just leave the rest in there to keep prices high. + +It's ok to not even fully understand how it works - we have a lot of helpful, super smart people who have figured this stuff out and have tried to break it down so the rest of us apes can understand it. + +I'm just making this post in the hopes that people see it and remember it when things start to kick off. HOLD for you, HOLD for the rest of us, HOLD, HOLD, HOLD, and remember that your fellow apes will be doing the same! + +P.S. It's absolutely not too late to DRS your shares. +Six fucking percent for a week of work. That's what realtors want in this market. 3% for the buyer's agent, 3% for the seller's agent, and all they have to do is take some pictures and put that shit up on the internet. It's galling. You have a $500k house and want to sell it? Well, not without paying $30k to some shithead with an MLS account! And it only gets more galling the richer you get. The transaction cost on buying and selling homes is just really, really fucking high when you use an agent. + +And Zillow knows this, and they know people are sick of paying realtors $3,000-$10,000 per hour to sell their homes. + +Today, I just sold an investment property to Zillow. They offered me the Zestimate (their own pricing model which is publicly available on their website), which is great because it's how I valued my house anyway. People are always on Zillow looking to see what shit costs, and they just offered me what they said the house was worth. + +They charged me about $10k in seller concessions to for repairs and shit, which is higher than you might pay normally, but this is directly in line with my own estimations for what I would have needed to do to sell the house. + +Finally, they charges .1%. POINT ONE PERCENT as a transaction cost. So at the end of the day, I got exactly the price I expected, I didn't have to deal with anybody's bullshit (buyers, agents, showings, cleanings, contractors, staging, pictures) and I basically did the whole thing online. + +Their tech is also very good. Smooth docusigning, good customer service, even remote/Zoom notary services. + +They are going to spruce this house up and then they are going to sell it on their own platform to another buyer. Even if they don't make a profit, what they just did is FUCK TWO TO FOUR REALTORS out of their commissions. + +It's like Sony taking a loss on their hardware to get market share. This is how Zillow is going to win. It was easier and cheaper and I dont' feel slightly fucked. But realtors are fucked. I think Z has earnings on 8/5. I'm thinking about an option play but I don't know. My wife bought like 15k of their stock for a long term hold in her roth, so that's all we've got for now. What do you think? +Was discussing this the other day.... + +Given that a good majority of employed have spent the best part of the last month working from home do you think this may influence the property market? + +Could employers be more open to working from home arrangements which could then mean that people have to travel to the CBD as often - potentially meaning that living further away is less of an issue? +My monthly online spends hardly exceed 10/20k per month. So I usually do not document each transaction every month and rely only on the bank statements. However, most of these statements never mention the actual vendor but the payment gateway through which the transaction was effected. + +In this case, how do you manage to trace back the vendor through the said gateway and document the expense +I am not sure whether my query quality this sub. Mods please remove if it doesn’t. + +I am having a group insurance Medi Assist TPA which I claimed for my fathers surgery at Reliance hospital and cashless claim was approved. Before surgery they have collected 10k security deposit which they told will refund with in 45 days. + +Its been 90 days after the surgery and they have not refunded the security deposit. Upon asking hospital saying they have not received the claim amount from insurance company which they are following up and due to that they are not releasing my deposit. Hospital asking me to do followup with insurance company for the claim release. + +I am confused whether this is usual process or not. Since cashless claim is approved my part is over, right? Why I should followup with insurance company? + +If anyone have any idea please help. +This is gonna be a short post btw because I’m so fucking excited, also got a reservation at Casa Bonita tonight + +So I’m gonna start off by saying that I absolutely fucking knew RC would tweet this one day, I fucking knew it. It is the most legendary fucking thing ever, I feel like the whole string of South Park tweets is a big run up to what he’s just posted. I’m so motherfucking jacked rn. + +[Full clip of RC’s tweet](https://youtu.be/KeprIqxrDQo) + +Please navigate yourselves to 0:53 of the video and look above the blackboard. + + +I present to you, “Oh dios mio han matado a kenny” + +Which translated from Spanish is the iconic South Park phrase “Oh my god they killed Kenny!” + + +****My tits have exploded**** + +****UPDATE****: I may have come across another theory, Mr.Mackey (the teacher in the clip) is lecturing the children about drugs and how they are bad, yet in the same episode he is caught doing drugs and gets fired, RC could be saying that Gary Gensler is telling us shorting and dark pools are bad yet they continue to do it/let it happen. Plus he actually looks like him lol. + +****UPDATE 2****: I’ve just watched the episode (S2:EP3) and in this one Kenny died by falling into a hole being dug for a grave and got finished off by a tombstone. Wonder if this has anything to do with RC’s tombstone tweet 🤯. My tits are lactating rn I’m gonna have to stop looking into this. + +****UPDATE 3****: Well well well, convenient timing for Reddit to go down wasn’t it! Anyway………..we’re back! But for how long🤔 + +#WE LIVE IN A FUCKING SIMULATION IM SURE OF IT. TOO MANY COINCIDENCES +Hi Reddit, + +Im on my day 0 of making self guided investments. Where would you direct an absolute noobie to learn, study and keep up-to-date on current market trends? + +Please keep in mind I am a complete beginner so preferrably a large well regarded source that I can trust. + +Let me know what you think! +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/08/tesla-to-raise-up-to-5-billion-in-share-offering.html + +Tesla unveiled a $5 billion capital raise, its second such move in three months. + +The additional shares will be sold “from time to time” and “at-the-market” prices, Tesla said in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. + +Tesla’s market cap is currently at $598 billion, meaning the new offering represents less than 1% of the company’s value. + +Investors will buy this dip. People will just keep buying tesla stock due to the fomo and meme. It is a solid stock it is better to hold through the volatility. + +Thanks for the awards. +$Chaincade Launching on Pancakeswap in T-30 MINS! Bringing back Arcade Gaming to the Blockchain! We are here! 👾🕹 + +ChainCade is turning some heads after selling out a 500 bnb presale in under 10 minutes. The Telegram doubled in size today, and looks like it’s about to double again tomorrow! Now with game development, marketing, and some cross chain collaboration on the forefront of the roadmap, ChainCade is is looking ahead, and putting out a call for ALL Game developers, All experience levels!! They want you, and trust me, you want them! They are proposing a platform that will pay you in ChainCade to Debut Your game on their website!! Your honestly crazy if you think this isn’t pure gold! Get in on launch day Tomorrow!! + +Chart Address + +0x2FFEE7b4DF74F7C6508A4Af4D6D91058dA5420D0 + +Total Supply + +1,000,000,000,000,000 + +1 Quadrillion Initial Supply \[ 1/2 BURNED \] + +10% Tax on Transactions + +4% redistributed to holders + +2% automatic LP + +4% to the gamers wallet + +TOKENOMICS + +4% Redistribution + +Earn passive rewards through static reflection. No staking required, watch your tokens grow as you HODL. The burn address also receives the redistribution, decreasing the total supply over time. + +2% Automatic LP + +Every trade contributes toward automatically generating liquidity, benefiting investors by creating a stable price floor thus decreasing the impact of large sell-offs. + +4% Gamers Wallet + +All projects require funding for further development and growth. Our gamers wallet was designed with this in mind and will fund our gaming rewards, marketing, giveaways, and more. + +[https://chaincade.com/](https://chaincade.com/) + +[https://t.me/ChainCade](https://t.me/ChainCade) + +[https://twitter.com/ChainCadeBSC](https://twitter.com/ChainCadeBSC) +$Chaincade Launching on Pancakeswap in T-30 MINS! Bringing back Arcade Gaming to the Blockchain! We are here! 👾🕹 + +ChainCade is turning some heads after selling out a 500 bnb presale in under 10 minutes. The Telegram doubled in size today, and looks like it’s about to double again tomorrow! Now with game development, marketing, and some cross chain collaboration on the forefront of the roadmap, ChainCade is is looking ahead, and putting out a call for ALL Game developers, All experience levels!! They want you, and trust me, you want them! They are proposing a platform that will pay you in ChainCade to Debut Your game on their website!! Your honestly crazy if you think this isn’t pure gold! Get in on launch day Tomorrow!! + +Chart Address + +0x2FFEE7b4DF74F7C6508A4Af4D6D91058dA5420D0 + +Total Supply + +1,000,000,000,000,000 + +1 Quadrillion Initial Supply \[ 1/2 BURNED \] + +10% Tax on Transactions + +4% redistributed to holders + +2% automatic LP + +4% to the gamers wallet + +TOKENOMICS + +4% Redistribution + +Earn passive rewards through static reflection. No staking required, watch your tokens grow as you HODL. The burn address also receives the redistribution, decreasing the total supply over time. + +2% Automatic LP + +Every trade contributes toward automatically generating liquidity, benefiting investors by creating a stable price floor thus decreasing the impact of large sell-offs. + +4% Gamers Wallet + +All projects require funding for further development and growth. Our gamers wallet was designed with this in mind and will fund our gaming rewards, marketing, giveaways, and more. + +[https://chaincade.com/](https://chaincade.com/) + +[https://t.me/ChainCade](https://t.me/ChainCade) + +[https://twitter.com/ChainCadeBSC](https://twitter.com/ChainCadeBSC) +A little bit of info: I’m 18, and have an ABN as a Sole Trader so that I can sell an app I develop as a hobby on the Apple App Store. In April this year I was paid about $300 by Apple. My app is not at all popular and Apple has a minimum payment threshold of $150 USD so I don’t expect to get paid again any time soon, probably not until the end of the year. Since I technically experienced a decline in revenue, I applied for JobKeeper, not really expecting it to work because I didn’t think I was eligible. However, yesterday I got paid $3000 from the ATO... + +Can I spend it? I do feel like, I don’t really deserve it, I’m not who it’s for, but hypothetically, is there any chance I’d have to pay it back? + +Update: Thanks for all your replies guys. I contacted the ATO, and paid the money back. I definitely did the wrong thing and honestly am not proud of it. +This website (up since at least 2008) used to contain a rigorous breakdown of the fraud that we are all currently witnessing on wall street: how the system works, the DTCC, how counterfeit shares are created, etc. but it's been taken down within the last two months. It was at least still up in April when someone shared it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmk72h/counterfeiting\_stock\_20/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmk72h/counterfeiting_stock_20/) + +Luckily [archive.org](https://archive.org) has it: + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) + +I encourage you to read through it if you haven't yet, and maybe save a copy of it somewhere in case [archive.org](https://archive.org) encounters some "unfortunate" data loss event. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/19/lowes-low-q2-2020-earnings-top-estimates.html + +Adjusted EPS: $3.75 vs. $2.95 expected + +Revenue: $27.3 billion vs. $24.27 billion expected +There are plenty of reviews on Capital Mind smallcase and Weekend Investing smallcases and it seems those smallcase users are very satisfied with their experience. However, momentum investing is just not my thing and it seems like the smallcases subscribed most are based on the Momentum strategy. There are very few smallcases catering to Value investing and dividend investing almost seems non-existent in India (or atleast on social media). + +Honestly, I feel like smallcase is an excellent platform to introduce retail investors to a portfolio of Value stocks or Dividend stocks, that usually is only available to retail investors who personally subscribe to PMS services which requires an initial investment of >₹50lakhs. Investors with an initial capital of <₹50lakh but the capability to invest in a SIP manner are left high and dry. +The very few smallcases that do exist based on Value investing/ Dividend investing by Green Portfolio, Wright Research etc. aren’t subscribed enough, hence there’s less incentive for smallcase as a platform to promote it, and the retail investor isn’t persuaded to subscribe to those smallcases which shows a CAGR of 10-20% while momentum smallcases are displaying CAGR >100% (i know this isn’t at all accurate and there were changes made to the CAGR calculations). This ultimately leads to very few reviews or user experiences shared online on these smallcase. That is what I am struggling to find. +I would be extremely appreciative if someone could very guide me through the steps I should take to invest this money in ETF's with the intention of continuing to invest $250 monthly thereafter. + +I'm 25, based in Canada, will receive the $7,000 in a few instalments and would like to invest $250 monthly thereafter for at least the next 20-30 years. + +I've been looking at the Questrade and the Wealthsimple app, which one makes more sense for my situation? Do either of these apps have an option of automatically taking $250 out of my bank account and investing it back in the ETF? Lastly, the big question is obviously which ETF should I invest in? I was looking at XEQT. Is there a more recommended ETF? + +Is it as easy as? + +1. Download one of the apps +2. Transfer/deposit $7,000 into the app +3. Purchase $7,000 of XEQT or other recommendation +4. Continue purchasing $250 of XEQT or other recommendation every month? + +Please let me know if I’m missing any steps! + +Sorry for the basic questions but I hope you understand my situation and that I really appreciate any help! +Forecasts expected it to be 16% + +20.5 million Americans lost their jobs in April vs 22M expected + +Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm +Used to be an engineer. Now in my late 30s I'm a "professional landlord". Quit my corporate job a few years back. To me, this has been the best thing I've ever decided to do. No, it's not 100% passive. But it's very damn near it. I have may be a maintenance call a month. Dozens of units. I manage my own rentals. I regularly do upgrades on my own and believe me I take my time and do it at my leisure. This is a completely different work life than my engineering career which was always crunch time all the time. + +From reading on this site as well as talking to a lot of people, I dare say 99% of investors and investor-wannabes aim to get a couple of investment properties and still keep their full time jobs until they retire in their 60s. In other words, 99% of the people I have talked to never seriously consider replacing their w-2 income with rental income. + +Why? Again, I'm convinced deciding to go this path has been the best decision I ever made. Especially having read recently about the massive layoffs in the tech sector. I never have to worry about being laid off again ever in my life. I don't have a boss breathing down my neck. I don't ever have to worry about trying to find a new job. I've never felt this kind of security in my entire adult life before. + +How come not more people aim to gain FI through REI? + +PS - Please don't PM me for secrets or whatever. I never attended any conference or any of that. Everything I learned online for free. +I’ve only read Brandon Turner’s rental property investing book and it all seems like good stuff. But there is a part of me that doesn’t trust every time he says he wants me to do well and make millions lol. + + +[EXPERIMENT – Tracking 2018 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – FOUR YEAR REPORT – UP +34&#37;](https://preview.redd.it/dzzes3g8ngb81.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e29ebda29cda106029c3f762a91b8b7d815d509) + +***Find the full blog post with all the tables*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-48)***.*** + +Welcome to your monthly no-shill data dump: Here's the FOUR YEAR REPORT for the 2018 Top Ten Experiment featuring **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, ADA, LTC, NEM, DASH, IOTA,** and **Stellar.** + +**tl;dr** + +* **What's this all about?** I purchased $100 of each of Top 10 Cryptos in Jan. 2018, haven't sold or traded, reporting every single month for four years. Did the same in 2019, 2020, 2021, and more recently, the [2022 Top Ten a few weeks ago](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/). ***Learn more about the history and rules of the Experiments*** [***here***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/about/)***.*** Snapshots taken on the 1st of each month. +* **December** **Highlights:** A bloody, all-red month +* **Overall since Jan. 2018:** **ETH** solidly in the lead, followed by **BTC** and **ADA.** After briefly pulling ahead earlier in the year, ***the 2018 Top Ten are now significantly underperforming the S&P 500*** over the same time period. Q: So, big crypto fail, right? +* A: Only if I stopped after the first year. The **2018+2019+2020+2021 Combined Top Ten Portfolios are returning 406%, much, much better than traditional markets over the same time period (**fancy new chart at the very bottom of the post). + +***Some exciting new changes for*** [2022](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/)***!*** + +1. I'll focus on 2022 Top Ten Portfolio reports + one other portfolio on a rotating basis (down to two reports per month) +2. Incorporated Decentralized Finance (DeFi) for the first time. +3. Factoring in stablecoin gains: In past years, I have not included the ROI that is possible with stables in the monthly reports. This year, I will detail ways to build on the $100 of USDC in the 2022 portfolio and gamify it a bit: my goal is to outperform as many as the other cryptos in the 2022 Top Ten Portfolio as possible (simple if it turns out to be a bear year, a bit more challenging if the 2022 market moons). +4. Giveaways: Who doesn’t love a good old fashioned giveaway? I’ll be giving away crypto during the year, either through Twitter, Reddit, or my email list. I’m still figuring out the details, but aim to give away around $100 a month in crypto. +5. Friendly competition: I will compare my homemade 2022 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment to a Total Crypto Market Cap Index Token ($TCAP r/TotalCryptoMarketCap) to see which one outperforms. + +And here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + +## Four Year Report – UP 34% + +https://preview.redd.it/c3c6wlctpgb81.jpg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=380248b14486edaa5749fba7a390198bf81260a0 + +Welcome to the four year report! + +The 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Portfolio is **BTC, XRP, ETH, BCH, ADA, LTC, IOTA, NEM, Dash,** and **Stellar**.   + +December highlights for the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio: + +* **100% red month**. **IOTA** falls the least, only down -4% (on news that staking on the Firefly wallet will yield two cryptos, Assembly and Shimmer). +* **ETH** maintains a solid overall lead, **BTC** in second place, **ADA** in third.  Three coins in the green since January 2018. +* After four years, the 2018 Portfolio is +34%, behind the S&P 500’s ROI over the same time period. + +## December Ranking and Dropouts + +Here’s a look at the movement in ranks since January 2018: + +https://preview.redd.it/ulc9dwgvpgb81.jpg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2eadc9a98ec75b726cef37af7cb716fddf3126db + +**Top Ten dropouts since January 2018:** After four years of the 2018 Top Ten Experiment, only 40% of the cryptos that [started in the Top Ten](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) have remained.  **NEM, Dash, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, IOTA**, and **Litecoin** have been replaced by **Binance Coin, Tether**, **DOT, SOL**, **LUNA**, and **USDC.  NEM** looks like it wants to be the first to drop out of the Top 100. + +## December Winners and Losers + +***December Winners*** –  **IOTA** outperformed the pack, dropping only -4% this month. 100% of the cryptos in the red. + +***December Losers*** –   Losing nearly a third of its value, **Litecoin** fell the most, down -30%. **NEM** followed **LTC**, dropping -27% in December. + +## Tally of Monthly Winners and Losers + +After four years, here’s a tally of the monthly winners and losers over the life of the 2018 Top Ten Experiment.  + +https://preview.redd.it/lisz7rgxpgb81.jpg?width=411&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf41f94e9716f0140f3a7dfff3f655fa9d21a59 + +With 11, **Bitcoin** has two more monthly wins than second place **Cardano**.  **NEM** has finished last place most often (12 months out of 48). + +**Bitcoin** is still the only cryptocurrency that hasn’t yet lost a month since January 2018 (although it has come very close a couple of times). + +## Overall Update –  2021 ends with a whimper. After four years, ETH in first place, and Dash and NEM tied for worst overall performance. + +After reaching an All Time High (+72%) in [October](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46), the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio continued to lose value.  After four years of holding these cryptos, only 3 out of the 10 cryptos are in the green: **BTC,** **ETH,** and **ADA.** + +Overall, first place **ETH** (+413%) is well ahead of **BTC** (+257%) and third place **ADA** (+99%). + +The initial $100 invested in first place **ETH** four years ago?  It’s worth $515 today. + +**DASH** and **NEM** are virtually tied at the bottom, both down over -86% since [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/)**.**  The initial $100 invested in each four ago is worth about $13 today.   + +## Total Market Cap for the entire cryptocurrency sector: + +https://preview.redd.it/mldnsr7zpgb81.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82435bc0e39657707f2143fb5dd1951f6ddcfd1 + +End of December 2021 market cap: **$2,211,626,655,207** + +The total crypto market dropped significantly in December.  Crypto as a sector is still up +285% since [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/).   + +There was no easy way to achieve this at the time, but if you were able to capture the entire crypto market since New Year’s Day 2018, you’d be doing much, much better than the Experiment’s Top Ten approach (+34%), the return of the S&P (+78%) over the same period of time, and nine of the individual cryptos within the 2018 Top Ten (except for **Ethereum)**. + +Crypto Market Cap Low Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: **$114B in** [**January 2019**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-thirteen/). + +Crypto Market Cap High Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: **$2.65T in** [**October 2021**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46/)**.** + +## Bitcoin dominance: + +https://preview.redd.it/qygnx0a0qgb81.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=567958cf7214839fa7befa749d61125dade6a9a8 + +**BitDom** declined a bit in December, ending the month at 40.2%.  When looking at the entire four year 2018 Experiment time frame, **BTC** dominance is near the low end.  For context:    + +Low Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: [**33% in January 2018**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one). + +High Point in the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Experiment: [**70.5% in August 2019**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-twenty/). + +## Overall return on $1,000 investment since January 1st, 2018:  + +https://preview.redd.it/cxtd9lb1qgb81.jpg?width=339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b3da0034194812e2b66f977450fff1555b48fb + +The 2018 Top Ten Portfolio lost $325 in December. + +If I decided to cash out the 2018 Top Ten Experiment today, **the $1000 initial investment would be worth $1,341**, up 34% from [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/).   + +Green is unfamiliar territory for the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio and a recent development.  Over the first four years of the 2018 Index Fund Experiment, thirty-eight months have been in the red, with only ten months of green.  And all ten of the green months have come in 2021.  + +Here’s a look at the ROI over the life of the experiment, month by month, since the beginning of the 2018 Experiment four years ago: + +https://preview.redd.it/cbumx113qgb81.jpg?width=654&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bba9861143359ff6b70ff0ca8e6ba75de5d00d6 + +The all time high for this portfolio is [October 2021](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-46) (+72%).  The lowest point was in January 2019 when the 2018 Top Ten Portfolio was down [\-88%](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-thirteen/).    + +Remember: no one can predict the value of any crypto tomorrow, let alone next month or next year.  The 2018 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio was down -88% after one year, -80% after two years, -25% after three years. + +## Combining the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Crypto Portfolios + +Alright, that’s that for the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment recap. + +But I didn’t stop the Experiment in 2018:  I invested another $1000 in the ***2019***, ***2020,*** and ***2021*** Top Ten Cryptos as well (***(and, just announced,*** [***again in 2022***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/)***!)***.  How are the other Crypto Index Fund Experiments doing?    + +* [2018 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-48): up +34% (total value $1,341) +* [2019 Top Ten Experiment:](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-36) up +504% (total value $6,044) +* [2020 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-24): up +795% (total value $8,951) +* [2021 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-12): up +292% (total value $3,921) + +So overall? Taking the four portfolios together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line:  + +**After a $4,000 investment in the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies,** the combined portfolios are worth **$20,257** ($1,341 + $6,044 + $8,951 + $3,921). + +**That’s up +406%** on the combined portfolios, **down from** [**last month’s all time high**](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-47) for the combined Top Ten Index Fund Experiments.  Here’s the combined monthly ROI since I started tracking the metric in January 2020: + +https://preview.redd.it/xcl80o35qgb81.jpg?width=511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cd4923360a5492259faf606b3649c893fd4b16 + +***That’s a +406% gain by investing $1k in whichever cryptos happened to be in the Top Ten on January 1st (including stablecoins) for four years in a row.*** + +## Comparison to S&P 500: + +I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of the Experiment to have a comparison point with other popular investments options.   + +https://preview.redd.it/3uss07c8qgb81.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e68ae4c88a82ff35b70538ec11dd137e83447e2 + +After four years: the S&P 500 is up +78% since January 2018, so the initial $1k investment into crypto on [January 1st, 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) would be worth $1,780 had it been redirected to the S&P.  That’s more than double the +34% return of the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Portfolio over the same period of time. + +Taking the same invest-$1,000-on-January-1st-of-each-year approach with the S&P 500 that I’ve been documenting through the Top Ten Crypto Experiments, the yields are the following: + +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018 = $1,780 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019 = $1,900 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020 = $1,480 today +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2021 = $1,270 today + +Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom bottom *bottom* line for a similar approach with the S&P:  + +**After four $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, my portfolio would be worth $6,430** ($1,780 + $1,900 + $1,480 + $1,270) + +That is up **+61%** [since January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/) compared to a **+406%** gain of the combined Top Ten Crypto Experiment Portfolios. + +Here’s a fancy new chart showing the four year ROI comparison between a Top Ten Crypto approach and the S&P as per the rules of the Top Ten Experiments:  + +https://preview.redd.it/gnkxsud9qgb81.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f94a09a11a36620fca7b8630d615420049141b2 + +## Conclusion: + +Many thanks to the long-time Experiment followers, appreciate you taking the time to follow along over the years.  For those just getting into crypto, welcome! I hope these reports can somehow give you a taste of what you may be in for as you begin your crypto adventures.  Buckle up, think long term, don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose, and try to enjoy the ride! Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for monthly progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects where I repeat the experiment, purchasing another $1000 ($100 each) of new sets of Top Ten cryptos as of [January 1st, 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-36), [January 1st, 2020](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-24), [January 1st, 2021](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2021-top-10-cryptocurrencies-month-12), and most recently, [January 1st, 2022](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/announcing-top-10-2022/). +Seeing as it’s more efficient, the industry is pretty untapped and new (I think), and the world will run out of oil in <50 years, it seems like a good idea? +Plus, there is a lot of political pressure for renewable energy, and it’s becoming more and more common. +Earlier this year I sold all my other investments to go all in on Bitcoin because I was told this is a volatile market and I won't have to wait long for good returns. I just looked at the price and its still at $48,000. That thing hasn't moved in over 6 months. Has Satoshi stopped the Bitcoin servers? WTF is going on? I guess I will go back to the stock market where we get real volatility. I once made +2.4% in the stock market in just 5 months, we sometimes get -5% drops but I guess the stock market isn't for the light hearted. Oh well what would you kids know about volatility +For \*\*\*\*'s and giggles, I created a screener to look at pinksheets companies by market cap. Lo and behold, there are plenty of them out there with market caps substantially less than my portfolio value No, I'm not naming any names, and generally warn people away from those sorts of companies. But it did get me thinking, what would occur if I happened to somehow purchase 51% of the outstanding shares? + +This supposes that the company isn't under bankruptcy proceedings (no Q tacked onto the end of its name), and also the big question of whether 51% of the shares are being actively traded such that a purchase could even be possible. I suppose I could set my order to "all or none" just to be certain I didn't end up with 49% of the shares and no ability to do anything. + +Lets also set aside that many of these companies are hemoraging money, or have gargantuan liabilities, etc. + +Lets just pretend that Dick & Jane Corner Pizza Shoppe is listed on the pink sheets, and somehow I'm able to buy 51% of the company. What then? Do I call them up and say "hello, I just purchased 51% of your company, I'm going to need to convene a board meeting so I can install myself as chairman and CEO?". Do I need to file anything with the SEC to let them know that I did this? How is the company made aware of this? And what other responsibilities do I now have? + +Again, purely theoretical question. But hey, that's essentially how Berkshire Hathaway became what it is today. Warren bought an old textile company and transformed it into the beast that it is today. +As someone who pays for my families insurance today, it is my second biggest budget item for the year. With Obamacare on the chopping block, it will be interesting to see how it impacts the numbers for early retirement. + +Here is NY Times article on it: +[If Obamacare Exits, Some May Need to Rethink Early Retirement](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/27/upshot/if-obamacare-exits-some-may-need-to-rethink-early-retirement.html) + +NYAG [statements](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/02/23/tether-bitfinex-reach-settlement-with-new-york-attorney-general.html) + +>New York Attorney General Letitia James' office says it found that Tether sometimes held no reserves to back its cryptocurrency's dollar peg. It said that, from mid-2017, the company had no access to banking and misled clients about liquidity issues. + +>In a 2019 filing, the attorney general's office said that Bitfinex handed $850 million to a Panama entity called Crypto Capital without disclosing it to investors. Executives at Bitfinex and Tether then allegedly engaged in a series of transactions that opened up Tether's cash reserves to Bitfinex. + +>”Bitfinex and Tether recklessly and unlawfully covered-up massive financial losses to keep their scheme going and protect their bottom lines," James said in a statement Tuesday. + +>”Tether's claims that its virtual currency was fully backed by U.S. dollars at all times was a lie," she added. + +>”These companies obscured the true risk investors faced and were operated by unlicensed and unregulated individuals and entities dealing in the darkest corners of the financial system." + +**What is tether?** + +[Tether](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tether_(cryptocurrency)) is a 1 to 1 dollar peg cryptocurrency. It accounts for [60-80% ](https://coinlib.io/coin/BTC/Bitcoin)of all trading volume on cryptocurrency exchanges. + +**What is the significance of tether?** + +Please read the price manipulation section on it’s [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tether_(cryptocurrency)) page. In a nut shell, tether has been strategically printed (backed by nothing) and used to manipulate the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency market. There is a high [correlation](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2021-01-14/research-affiliates-quant-warns-of-bitcoin-market-manipulation) between how much tether is printed and Bitcoin’s price. + +https://assets-bwbx-io.cdn.ampproject.org/i/s/assets.bwbx.io/images/users/iqjWHBFdfxIU/irp9oaPu51XM/v0/-1x-1.png + +**What happens now?** + +This has long been one the cryptocurrency’s market biggest fears. That the price increases were mostly due to artificial demand. As to what happens next, I’m not sure, and no one really knows. I can speculate that Powell and Yellen may use this firepower to enact stricter legislation on the cryptocurrency market. Maybe Tether needs to be banned altogether. But if tether is banned what will happen to the artificially inflated Bitcoin/cryptocurrency market? + +[Tether recently released a statement in an attempt to show that all its stablecoins are fully backed. However, it fails to disclose what it's holdings are. “For all we know, they could have $25 in their bank account and the rest could be in Bitcoin.”](https://decrypt.co/63577/tether-attestation-takeaways) + +Tether will soon face a quarterly report, filed with the AG, may shed more light on how exactly Tether’s money is invested. + +What are your thoughts on tether and cryptocurrency after this news was released? +https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180130005676/en/Amazon-Berkshire-Hathaway-JPMorgan-Chase-partner-U.S. + +Discuss what this may mean for all 3 companies and for the industry overall. +Look at this transaction from f2pool to the Status crowdsale: + +https://etherscan.io/tx/0xecebe96fc1f70522ed3240b7ae53ce75ae87d33d697990cc0e78738a215051c2 + +>Gas Price: 0.000000049999780307 Ether (49.999780307 Gwei) + +Guess what, that block was mined by... f2pool + +https://etherscan.io/block/3903912 + +> Mined By: 0x61c808d82a3ac53231750dadc13c777b59310bd9 (f2pool) in 23 secs + +f2pool prioritised their transaction over the thousands of 50 Gwei transactions that were also trying to get to the Status sale contract. + +This is material evidence of f2pool not only mining empty blocks and preventing the block gas limit from going up, but also discriminating in favour of their own transactions + +It's easy to imagine a "premium service" for people that would pay f2pool in exchange for including their transactions, regardless of EVM variables such as gas price and so on. In fact, that is likely already happening behind the scenes. + +Again, f2pool otherwise mines empty blocks https://etherscan.io/blocks + +>3907044 56 secs ago 0 0 f2pool + +Miners, please point away from f2pool immediately. + +This is an absolute scandal +Look at this transaction from f2pool to the Status crowdsale: + +https://etherscan.io/tx/0xecebe96fc1f70522ed3240b7ae53ce75ae87d33d697990cc0e78738a215051c2 + +>Gas Price: 0.000000049999780307 Ether (49.999780307 Gwei) + +Guess what, that block was mined by... f2pool + +https://etherscan.io/block/3903912 + +> Mined By: 0x61c808d82a3ac53231750dadc13c777b59310bd9 (f2pool) in 23 secs + +f2pool prioritised their transaction over the thousands of 50 Gwei transactions that were also trying to get to the Status sale contract. + +This is material evidence of f2pool not only mining empty blocks and preventing the block gas limit from going up, but also discriminating in favour of their own transactions + +It's easy to imagine a "premium service" for people that would pay f2pool in exchange for including their transactions, regardless of EVM variables such as gas price and so on. In fact, that is likely already happening behind the scenes. + +Again, f2pool otherwise mines empty blocks https://etherscan.io/blocks + +>3907044 56 secs ago 0 0 f2pool + +Miners, please point away from f2pool immediately. + +This is an absolute scandal +Homeowners in disasters that are recognized by FEMA can get a period of leniency from their mortgage servicer. + +The time period has not been decided on yet for Harvey, but during this period your servicer will not try and collect late payments, won't put you into foreclosure, etc. + +Based on our portfolio I'd estimate that 300k mortgages fall into FEMA's current disaster zone. + +Obviously people are more worried about evacuation right now, but in the coming weeks contact your servicer if things are going to be tight. +I'm embarrassed but figure I should post this to hopefully help someone else out. + +This afternoon I was watching football and got a text message from Chase. + +> FreeMsg: Chase Sapphire Fraud Dept. Did you attempt $887.60 at Walmart Super Center BAL  with card xXXXX? Reply YES or NO.To Opt Out reply STOP + +I've gotten messages like this before when our credit card had been skimmed, so I replied no and then immediately got a call from "The Chase Security Center." + +You can see how this goes, and I'm ashamed I didn't see it coming. They didn't ask for my password or social, but they did ask my unique security question with Chase. With that and my account number, I believe they were able to link something with Google Wallet and start making actual fraudulent charges. + +Anyway, I figure out my mistake when I actually called Chase back and they had no record of the first call. This would all have been avoided if I had taken the advice I've heard here multiple times of making sure that you are the one who initiates the call. + +So far I've changed my online password at my banks and email. I set up a fraud alert at Trans-Union which should also initiate fraud alerts at the other two credit reporting bureaus. What else should I be doing to protect myself from further identity theft? + +Edit: Just to be safe, I went a froze my credit with all 3 bureaus. We just closed on our house this year so luckily I shouldn't have many credit checks upcoming. Freezing shouldn't be much of a hasssle for how much security it buys me. +***Current and Upcoming News:*** + +1. Dogira and Bingus are teaming up + +2. Split or Steal is getting a Dogira event + +3. White paper imminent + +&#x200B; + +***Why they matter:*** + +1. We're going to save the animals, duh + +2. You can win up to 20,000 Dogira and other Dogira prizes + +3. It's basically brain-food for the smarty-pantses out there—and solidifies Dogira's evolution from memecoin to utility. + +&#x200B; + +***Now to the goods...*** + +Partnering with Bingus is a big deal because it's Dogira's way of moving toward one of our most requested goals: **\*providing care and resources to animals who need some love.\*** + +&#x200B; + +Bingus' sole purpose is to work with the crypto community and influencers to raise awareness of the need for animal care. Through their token **they've managed to donate more than $30,000 to different animal shelters and charities.** + +&#x200B; + +That's a business-sustaining amount of money for shelters that largely run off donations and grants. + +As we grow we'll continue to build charitable feedback loops so that all the animals out there that need care and homes can find them! Bingus is a huge step in that direction. + +You can check more about them here. + +&#x200B; + +***Splittin', Stealin'... Dogirain'???*** + +As some of you may know, Dogira's lead Dev, Eoghan Hayes, created the once #1 steam game, Split or Steal. And if you're privvy to upping the stakes, by the \*end of May\* a special Dogira version of the client should be released on the SoS site. + +&#x200B; + +Downloading this client and playing through it will allow you to **compete for a chance to win up to 20,000 Dogira.** With the current average price that's looking like a mighty fine haul indeed. + +&#x200B; + +Because Steam doesn't like gambling (someone should tell them the truth about lootboxes), **this event is being hosted off Steam servers. The winnings are real,** and your nerves will need to be made of steel... + +Except they don't because you don't need to bet token or fiat to win. Just rug your fellow competitors ;) + +&#x200B; + +***A good white paper is hard to find*** + +Finally, we're approaching the release of the Dogira white paper. The marketing team has been discussing unique usecases for Dogira, but finally, the time for speculation will come to an end. Another dev on the team, **Chris Husse, is currently hard at work putting the finishing touches on the paper.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +If digging in and reading isn't your thing, there will be a number of TL;DR breakdowns for those of you who need your martinis shaken, not stirred. + +For now, this is what we've got for you! As always there are big things coming (whispers of a larger CEX listing...), as well as some adjustments to liquidity will prime Dogira for some serious breakout ahead of utility implementation. +I wanted to revisit the discussion on this post from [2 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/ej5map/top_5_canadian_dividend_stocks/) which posed the question "If you could only buy 5 Canadian dividend stocks what would you choose and why." + +There was a great discussion on the post but I wanted to reframe this question in our current environment. What companies do you think are well positioned going into 2022 to maintain/increase their dividend, and retain their true value in an inflationary environment. + +What industries or sectors would you avoid? +There is no way he's not, but you know what is even more exciting for GME shareholders? That he has been able to keep restraint from talking about what is in the works. Cohen knows what they're launching needs to be PERFECT as it will be a target by SHFs on launch of the new platform. + +This is what excites me, the level of detail, cutting edge products, and time the Gamestop team will be putting into this project to make it ABSOLUTELY PERFECT ON LAUNCH is incredibly exciting to me as a shareholder of the company. + +RC and Gamestop's team, take all the time you need, I'm happy to wait and ride through dips and peaks because the price doesn't matter and I know what's coming will be huge. +The mere fact that you post and browse this sub, and think about your future puts you miles ahead. + +I am 36, and when I was 22, I was so scared that I wasn't saving money every month. But trust me, you are young enough that it is OK. + +You are ahead of the game because you're thinking about it. It's that consciousness of finance that is going to help you. You'll make the right decisions when the time comes. +I have been investing for the past 2 years, planning to keep investing for the rest of my life. One interesting statistic that I came across was that 92 percent of large cap funds trailed the S&P 500 over a 15 year period. Knowing this, why would I spend time researching and picking stocks when I could beat 92 percent of all top level investors by just buying SPY. Just curious what others think of this. +> It has come to our attention through media reports that certain banks/ regulated entities have cautioned their customers against dealing in virtual currencies by making a reference to the RBI circular DBR.No.BP.BC.104/08.13.102/2017-18 dated April 06, 2018. Such references to the above circular by banks/ regulated entities are not in order as this circular was set aside by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on March 04, 2020 in the matter of Writ Petition (Civil) No.528 of 2018 (Internet and Mobile Association of India v. Reserve Bank of India). **As such, in view of the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, the circular is no longer valid from the date of the Supreme Court judgement**, and therefore cannot be cited or quoted from. + +https://rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12103&Mode=0 +- Why are borrow rates going up? + +- Why are brokerages -except fidelity- making it so hard to DRS? + +- Why does Dr T think it's a good idea? + +- Why does GameStop release drs figures during earnings? + +- Why arent companies allowed to encourage their shareholders to DRS? + +- Why are we seeing increasing volatility despite lower and lower volume? + +- Cuz hedgies are fuk and your "not anti" but still anti-drs opinions need a lot more evidence to hold water than "dEcLiNinG sUb eNgaGeMeNT" + +Edit: Wow! This blew up. Thank you everyone for the kind words and awards! Thank you shills for the poorly reasoned FUD. + +Keep doing what you're doing everyone! I'm so proud of you guys. You've restored a lot of the faith I lost in humanity. +https://www.btc-echo.de/jp-morgan-kauft-bitcoin-obwohl-ceo-jamie-dimon-bitcoin-als-betrug-bezeichnet/ + +This german site states, that although JP Morgan CEO called BTC fraud they were on eof the biggest buyers after the price drop partially caused by the statement. So just a big FUD? +I was wondering why $GME wasn't rising due to immense buy pressure today. I also noticed someone keeps borrowing shares and returning seemingly unused ones. Upon suspicion, I looked at the level 2 sell data and noticed a $180 sell wall. Then it hit me. These guys have been borrowing shares, creating sell walls and returning whatever they didn't use. This is preventing price from spiking despite all indicators showing it wants to blast off. This method allows them to halt the price movement while not overly worsening their already shit position. Mark Cuban was right. Messing around with shares you don't legally own is a stupid concept just used by the insanely wealthy to control the market. + +This brings me to my second point. How can Gamestop combat this? Can a long whale borrow the remaining shares and just hold them? Interest is also insanely low as there is still no logical explanation as to why. At least in this scenario they can create naked shorts and continue to further doom their position. Does anyone have master data on which brokers/firms are lending these shares out or any relevant DD for me to read on this? I'm trying to understand all possible scenarios. Thanks. + + +Edit: A simple summary I wrote for some of you asking me to explain what a sell wall is: + +1. HF borrows X amount of shares from a broker. +2. HF creates a sell order of X amount of shares at a set price (in this case $180). +3. There aren't enough buyers to purchase X amount of shares at $180 so the price stays fixed there. +4. Return all unsold shares back to lender and pay almost nothing to borrow as the interest rate is laughably low (currently 1.1%). + +Edit 2: To some of you impatient apes: Remember that the former president (I hate how I can't say his name due to the automod) shitty collateral rules are gone. So smaller increases in price hurt shorters (and those supporting the shorters) all the more. Like A LOT more. Good things come to those who wait. Trust the process. Hodl. + +This is not financial advice. +Be careful everyone, volume is not much higher pre-market than any other day. There's something suspicious going on here. I think Melvin are selling shares below market price to force the price down. Volume is pretty average for pre-market, nothing seems too out of the ordinary. I'd imagine Melvin are scared, with short interest reports being released in a couple days, they probably want to bring that price down to a number that won't hurt them too much when they buy back. Stay safe, and remember the golden rule: 💎🙌 + +Edit: Stop giving me awards, use that money to buy GME shares retards +Hence, Hedge funds don't ever lose on option plays. The recent hype "dated" posts made apes lose so much in option trading. Simply don't trade options. + +I am not going to start this off by saying "I am smooth brained Ape with little knowledge blah blah..." No, I know what I am talking about and this is how the whole story develops: + +1. We get so hyped up from certain "dated" posts (DD) and we expect the price to shoot up in that specific date. +2. Market Makers/Hedge Funds create option calls and sell these calls to Apes and make a killing. Apes buy those calls thinking it's a win win for them. +3. Hedge Funds/MM look at the "calls" ratio and see it's very high, because of course Apes think they price will shoot up. +4. Hedge funds/MM buy "puts" against Apes' "calls". +5. Hedge funds/MM or aka "Shitadel" direct buy pressure or FOMO, if any, through dark pools and can even short the stock with very small amount of phantom shares. +6. The price tanks on that "hyped" date and Hedge Funds collect tendies from their puts. On the other hand, Apes get frustrated, helpless and powerless. "BTW that's the psychological war that they have been playing since Jan. They want you to hate the stock and wash your hands from it". +7. As you can see, they make money on both ways. Selling new call options to Apes and buying puts on the way down. +8. Rinse and repeat for the last 6 months and make millions of dollars off Apes. + +That's why I have been saying this since January. Apes will never win this war until they completely stay off options. Don't give them more ammo. Please don't. + +Furthermore, Apes need to downvote every hype post with specific "date". Or simply ask Mod to add a rule and ban dates. Just hodl, buy the dip whenever you can and wait for RC and his team to do something about this. Be fucking patient. Apes got this. + +- Low volume, doesn't matter +- FTD, doesn't matter +- Interest rate, doesn't matter +- TA, doesn't matter +- Exponential chart, doesn't matter +- REPO payment, doesn't matter +- Number of phantom shares, doesn't matter +- The Ken's ex wife story, doesn't matter +- s&p 400 or even 500, doesn't matter +- MACD, doesn't matter +- Positive Earnings, doesn't matter +- VWAP crossing, doesn't fucking matter +- Don't expect SEC or DTCC to do something about this. Apes are dealing with professional criminals who have been doing this for decades. + +The only thing that matters in this fight is RYAN Cohen. RC needs to act and take the matters into his own hands. I am sure he's working tirelessly and has a plan in place to expose the criminals and protect shareholders interest. Also, remember, besides fighting for apes, he's also fighting for his own 9,000,000 million shares and his future. + +Edit: the "we" in the title refers to "shareholders" who are interested in GME, not "we" the cult one. Aka, everyone is this sub is a shareholder and we all care about the future of the company. + +Edit 1: 9,001,000* + + +Edit 2: RC is well-aware that Apes can make or break his company. At the end of the day, we are the one who buy their products, not Hedge Funds. We already saved the company by buying its underlying stock. But most importantly, we continue to buy their products. I am sure he will fight to protect those who protected him. +Hi, so I made this cool indicator that can rate stocks performance over a period of time, similar to Sharpe Ratios and Sortino Ratios, using 3 factors **(return %, area under curve and length of line)** and weighing the factors to output a score. + +It weighs return % most heavily since after all, that is what is most important, then it weighs the area under the curve second most, more area means more gains during the time (usually) and then it weighs the length of the line the least. It weighs the length of the line because the more volatile a stock is the "longer" their "stock line" has to travel to get from point A to point B. So it weighs it negatively, as in the longer the line, the worse. The formulas to calculate area is like finding the area of multiple trapezoids and the formula for length of the line is just simple Pythagorean Theorum, **c** in this case being the length between each price, **a** and **b** being the days between the prices (usually one) and the change in the price. + +The great thing about it is that you can adjust how the algorithm weighs each factor and adjust the risk and returns to your own preferences. For example, if you wanted to have a safer investment and a higher sharpe ratio while still having good returns in the end, you could weight the return % and length of the line more than the area. Or if you wanted to prioritize not having big dips, but still open to upward volatility, you could weigh area under the curve more and a bit of return % but not the length of the line too much. + +So, below is the performance of my portfolio when fed the performance of NASDAQ 100 stocks in 2004-2010 and it chose about 20 and **wieghted them in a portfolio based on their score**, so some stocks take up more % of the portfolio. In this instance, I weighed return % alot and area under the curve quite a bit, since I was aiming for a high growth portfolio and still willing to take on some volatility. Overall it averages almost ***30% annual return*** from 2004 to today, with a sharpe and sortino ratio of 1.14 and 1.9 respectively. I posted some pics about its performance below and I was wondering if i could get some feedback. + +[Performance Summary 2004 - 2022 \(Log scale\)](https://preview.redd.it/8grcmpbdbxi91.png?width=3791&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad1fd5d342b1755cdd5c9ca1f452e49f446e200) + +By the way its Buy and Hold, so it only buys those stocks once and then just holds it while reinvesting dividends. No trading or adding capital. Blue is my port, is the S&P 500. One thing that I found is that the stocks is chooses are a bit tech heavy, but as you can see from the annual performance chart event though it falls significantly more than the S&P in 2008, it bounces back much harder in 2009. + +[Annual Return vs SNP](https://preview.redd.it/497ncfrnbxi91.png?width=3362&format=png&auto=webp&s=b24da94a94a9920129d5f8715a6ca08e9ef093b9) + +Here you can see its performance during the 2009-2021 bull run, and it ends up with a whopping 37.34% average annual return, and a 1.65 Sharpe ratio and 3.44 Sortino ratio. + +[2009 to 2021 December](https://preview.redd.it/hvy5i61jcxi91.png?width=3762&format=png&auto=webp&s=4244a7ddc3d4870e0a5a2b892ad486e1751d653f) + +[Portfolio Allocation \(final\)](https://preview.redd.it/ntvvncgqbxi91.png?width=3742&format=png&auto=webp&s=623736eb6769142c1796d9fafcc49303c89e6689) + +Please let me know if you have any tips, spot any flaws or have any questions that you want to ask for me to clarify. Thanks for taking the time to read this far! +thetagang I am not a big fan of selling puts, and I have been consistently profitable selling covered calls, but would like to know some golden rules from successful traders running the wheel. I’d like to learn about best practices, etc and best ways to manage risk +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM). +*This statement is a collaborative effort for people working in the space to voice their concerns on integrity. Both contributors and community need to work towards healthier discussion practices and protect each other from threats and violence.* + +&#x200B; + +Entities around open source decentralized projects, hackerspaces, and associations are born every day to promote development and to grow awareness by educating people about the value of software that is transparent, protective of freedom and aids peer-to-peer coordination. In order to succeed, these communities depend upon the invaluable work of their contributors, wider enthusiasts and stakeholders. + +&#x200B; + +Unfortunately, time and time again we have witnessed ecosystem members engage in toxic behavior that discourages open discussion such as doxxing, violent threats, or brigading against people they disagree with. In an instance just last week, one of our longest standing contributors, and the catalyzer of the Görli Testnet, [Afri](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/as8y75/statement_from_afri_i_did_not_quit_social_media_i/), received a wave of verbal violence from some Redditors, forced into the center of a storm on r/ethtrader which, triggered by a couple of tweets issued by him, turned menacing, dark and deeply toxic. Under stress from this backlash and to protect himself and his family from threats coming from unknown internet users, he made the decision to leave his position as a core Ethereum developer. + +&#x200B; + +While we acknowledge that the intention of Afri’s tweets was to be provocative, these were opinions made in a personal capacity. And while complaints were valid and many of those were made respectfully, others within the wider Ethereum community resorted to impugning Afri’s reputation by asserting his involvement in wild conspiracies, demanding his immediate resignation, and most disturbing of all, issuing personal threats. + +&#x200B; + +It is hugely upsetting and chills free speech when any contributor, whether a developer, community builder or otherwise, is[ attacked, intimidated and is deliberately made to feel unsafe](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/arzrwv/this_is_a_sad_day_for_ethereum/egs9a8j). + +&#x200B; + +This is far from the first time similar acts have been perpetrated. To give a few examples, Lane Rettig’s thoughtful post on increasing diversity in the space [sparked unnecessary ad hominem comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/ad8haz/ethereum_developer_lane_rettig_more_diversity_in/).Taylor Monahan, who has been an utterly invaluable contributor to the space, tirelessly spearheading initiatives to raising awareness about security and usability, was also targeted following the birth of [MyCrypto](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/7wgnds/official_myetherwallet_statement/) and [then again](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/8tjafy/taylor_monahan_founder_of_myetherwallet_seems_to/), for expressing positive remarks about non-Ethereum [technologies.](https://twitter.com/tayvano_/status/1010922813920694272) + +&#x200B; + +Of course, Ethereum is not the only online crypto community being damaged by such behaviour. [Jameson Lopp’s very real world ordeal ](https://medium.com/@lopp/reflections-upon-a-swatting-a45c0209135f)caused by an anonymous person deliberately mis-identifying Jameson as an active shooter thereby drawing armed police to his home is yet another awful example of the intimidation that can be wrought in the midst of very heated debates. [As Jameson wrote](https://medium.com/@lopp/reflections-upon-a-swatting-a45c0209135f), “had a few variables been different that day, I could easily be dead.” + +&#x200B; + +We reiterate that the community aims to welcome constructive feedback on all decisions as best we can, given the global, digital environment of our project. Many ecosystem members have voiced valid concerns regarding influential players’ perceived or potential conflicts of interest, a more formalized recognition of how backlash can form when someone speaks provocatively in a widely used social media platform, and information for strong contributors who might be vulnerable to burnout. We also believe these concerns are valid, though designing a solution that the community can rally around will take time and lots of input. We call on the Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians to continue discussing these (and other) valid concerns in their forums and at the Paris meeting in March. **Nonetheless, we cannot tolerate destructive behavior even if there are areas we can improve as a community.** + +&#x200B; + +*We, the undersigned, contributors and workers behind scores of projects, and those seeking to build better systems, feel that these actions have gone far beyond acceptable standards of debate: whatever the circumstance, threats against a person’s well-being can never be justified and we categorically reject such toxicity in digital communities****.*** + +&#x200B; + +***We also believe the Ethereum community values freedom, free speech, and privacy, but above all, it values basic respect for all human beings and seeks to promote and build systems which in turn promote and incentivize those very values.*** + +&#x200B; + +It should also be said that the Ethereum network is built, maintained and scaled by HUMANS. Though we are a global community, no single individual can be expected to be on call 24/7. Although many contributors represent projects funded by a vast array of people around the world, those contributors are entitled to express personal opinions through any medium they choose. + +&#x200B; + +We must preserve the mental and emotional health of those humans -- especially as they labor through their nights, weekends, often without pay in order to manifest the mission and vision of Ethereum. So we support Afri in this respect and will stand by and protect any others that are being intimidated, at any given time. + +&#x200B; + +Finally, Ethereum governance as a whole is a very pressing issue, which we as a community have yet to resolve. Those issues include how to hold the decisions and actions of core devs/contributors to wider scrutiny, and also ensuring that our community’s current power structures don’t sideline stakeholders with legitimate concerns. + + + +Ethereum is far from perfect. Like any other chain, we are experimenting with technologies never seen before. Navigating the frontier of discovery throws up the greatest turbulence. So as we build stronger systems for all of us to benefit, let’s also work together to ensure that we build better protocols for expressing community concerns and governing ourselves. To this end please [join the conversation this March in Paris.](https://hackmd.io/s/ByIVnZVdX) + +&#x200B; + +**Signatures (sorted alphabetically)** + +**Adam Kolar (Solidified)** + +**Adrian Manning (Sigma Prime - Lighthouse eth 2.0)** + +**Aidan Hyman (ChainSafe Systems- Lodestar eth 2.0 )** + +**Alex Boerger (ETHBerlin - DoD)** + +**Alex Van de Sande (Ethereum Foundation)** + +**Andreas Wallendahl (ConsenSyS, kauri)** + +**Andrew (@cyber\_hokie, AO.capital, EthHub Contributor)** + +**Anthony Lusardi (ETC Cooperative)** + +**Arjun Bhuptani (Connext)** + +**Arlyn Culwick (the Blocknet)** + +**Artem Kharlamov (@crypto\_eli5)** + +[**Auryn Macmillan**](https://twitter.com/auryn_macmillan) **(Colony)** + +**Ben Edgington (PegaSys)** + +**Billy Rennekamp (Clovers.network, Cosmos, Gnosis, ENSNifty, Memelordz)** + +**Boris Mann** + +**Bryant Eisenbach (fubuloubu)** + +**Caspar Schwa (DoD - ETHBerlin - brainbot)** + +**Chelsea Palmer (Carpe Lunam Events)** + +**Chris Fenos (ChainSafe Systems- Lodestar eth 2.0)** + +**Chris Hutchinson (Status)** + +**Coogan Brennan (ConsenSys Academy)** + +**Corey Petty (Status, Hashing It Out, The Bitcoin Podcast Network)** + +**Daud Zulfacar (license.rocks - Berlin Blockchain Week)** + +**Dave Appleton (HelloGold, Akomba Labs)** + +**David Ansermino (ChainSafe)** + +**Dean Eigenmann (ENS & ZK Labs)** + +**Devon Krantz (Linum Labs)** + +**Diederik Loerakker (Eth 2.0 contrib.)** + +**Dustin Brickwood (ChainSafe - Lodestar eth 2.0)** + +**E.G. Galano (@egalano Infura)** + +**Elias Haase (B9lab - DoD)** + +**Elissa Shevinsky (ETH Secure group, Soho Token Labs)** + +**Elizabeth Binks (ChainSafe)** + +**exiledsurfer (DoD)** + +**Fábio Hildebrand (Solidified)** + +**Fanny Lakoubay (**[**Snark.art**](https://Snark.art)**)** + +**Fauve Altman (State of the DApps - BerChain)** + +**Franziska Heintel (Brainbot - DoD)** + +**Gary Bernstein (**[**CoTrader.com**](https://CoTrader.com)**)** + +**Gonçalo Sá (@GNSPS)** + +**Gregory Markou (ChainSafe)** + +**Guto Martino (Dezentral - DoD)** + +**Helena Flack (Quantstamp - ETHBerlin- DoD)** + +**Harry Denley** + +**Holger Drewes (EthereumJS)** + +**Hudson Jameson (Ethereum Foundation)** + +**Igor Mandrigin (Status)** + +**Jacek Sieka (Status)** + +**Jack Gane (Authio)** + +**James Beck (ConsenSys)** + +**James Hancock (a Nobody in Berlin)** + +**James Moreau (@jrmoreau)** + +**James Quinn (Independent Ethereum Developer)** + +**Jamie Pitts (Eth. Foundation, Eth. Magicians, Eth. Financial Tools)** + +**Jason Civalleri (UNH Law Adjunct Professor)** + +**Jérôme de Tychey (Asseth - ConsenSys)** + +**John Light (Aragon One)** + +**Josef Jelacic (Ethereum Foundation, Institute of Cryptoanarchy)** + +**Joshua Mir (Parity Tech)** + +**Josh Stark (L4, ETHGlobal)** + +**Kirill Pimenov (Parity Tech)** + +**Kris Jones (Canada - just a social researcher that wants to see blockchain succeed and maintain healthy feedback mechanisms)** + +**Laura Giron (ConsenSys Design @lauragirons)** + +**Leo Arias (Zeppelin)** + +**Levi Morris (Lambdeth)** + +**ligi (EF - WallETH - DoD)** + +**Lili Feyerabend (radi.cards - DoD)** + +**Luke Anderson (Sigma Prime - Lighthouse eth 2.0)** + +**Maciej Hirsz (Parity Tech)** + +**María Paula Fernández (Golem- ETHBerlin - DoD)** + +**Martin Holst Swende (EF)** + +**Martin Lundfall (Dapphub)** + +**Martin Quensel (Centrifuge)** + +**Matej Nemcek (Progressbar, @yangwao, independent Ethereum developer)** + +**Matt Condon (XLNT)** + +**Maurelian (ConsenSys Diligence)** + +**Mick Ayzenberg (Security Innovation)** + +**Michael Yankelev (Linum Labs)** +**Simona Pop (Bounties Network)** + +**Maya Byskov (Centrifuge - Berlin Blockchain Week)** + +**Mehdi Zerouali (Sigma Prime - Lighthouse eth 2.0)** + +**Mudit Gupta (Polymath)** + +**Nathalia Scherer (DAOstack)** + +**Nick Johnson (Ethereum Name Service)** + +**Nick Munoz-McDonald (Melon Technical Council)** + +**Nicolas Liochon (ConsenSys - PegaSys)** + +**Niran Babalola (Panvala)** + +**Oliver Nordbjerg (@ONordbjerg)** +**Paul Hauner (Sigma Prime)** + +**Paul Vienhage - (Authio)** + +**Pet3rpan (MetaCartel)** + +**Philip Stehlik (Centrifuge - DoD)** + +**Piper Merriam (Snake Charmer)** + +**Preston Van Loon (Prysmatic Labs - Prysm eth 2.0)** + +**Priom Chowdhury (ChainSafe - Lodestar eth 2.0)** + +**Raul Romanutti (Parity Tech - DoD)** + +**Rex Hygate (SecurEth)** + +**Rhys Lindmark (MIT DCI, Grey Mirror)** + +**Robert Bent (Ethereum Foundation)** + +**Robert Habermeier (Parity Tech)** + +**Ryan Noble (Linum Labs)** + +**Scott Lewis (Concourse Open Community)** + +**Scott Moore (Gitcoin)** + +**Simona Pop (Bounties Network)** + +**Shiv Malik (Streamr)** + +**Stina Gustafsson (DoD)** + +**Stu Peters (Chainsafe)** + +**Terence Tsao (Prysmatic Labs - Prysm eth 2.0)** + +**Tim Beiko - (PegaSys)** + +**Tim Daubenschütz (Independent Ethereum Developer)** + +**Tomasz Kolinko (Eveem)** + +**Will Villanueva (R&D)** + +**Yalda Mousavinia (Autark - Space Decentral)** + +**Yaniv Fe** + +**Ziggy Zeidan (POA Network)** +Physicians of fatFIRE, what are ways that you’ve increased your income past the average figures? From what I’ve read online and heard from people in the business, the commonly stated range seems to be around 200k-600k depending on specialty. I was also put under the impression that the upper limit is a pretty hard ceiling in terms of what physicians are capable of earning. As a real life example, my dad is an ophthalmologist in private practice in a high physician-density area earning 350-400k a year. The only way I can think of for him to increase that number would be to expand his practice and open up multiple offices (which he’s said he doesn’t have an interest in doing). + +I regularly see comments from physicians on this sub claiming to earn well upwards of 600k extending all the way into the low 7-figures. For those individuals, how do you do it? +I'll just go ahead and say it right now before all the angry BYFC and bagholder posts start to pile in. + +1. **Don't be mad at BYFC** — the stock market is a zero-sum game. it gives zero fucks about you or your money. if you don't have rules in place for yourself and are flying by the seat of your pants, the stock market will run your pockets. +2. **Don't be mad at this sub** — I've already seen a lot of comments about how this sub is wrong about stocks. Negative partner. This sub is often good at giving you a good idea of which stocks will run. Now, how much they run and for how long? No one in the fucking world can tell you that. Especially not this sub. Once again, you have to set rules for yourself and make those decisions for yourself. +3. **Trading stocks is not a "we" game** — Sorry to hurt your feelings and break the comradery you feel this sub has, but this is not a "we" game. it's a me, myself, and I game. If you are waiting for other people to tell you what to do with your position, you've already lost. +4. **If you want to be angry, look in the mirror** — You lost money because of **YOU**. No one else. You got greedy and held hoping to go to $10. You chased the stock because of FOMO and bought at $4. You didn't have a stop loss or a profit target in place. It's on you. + +And for the record, I made good money on BYFC today. Frankly, this was easy money. If you lost money today, instead of whining about it, step back for a second and be objective. What did you do wrong? How can you improve for the future? + +That is all. Don't @ me. + +EDIT: Appreciate all your comments and votes, really. I saw a few people try and call me out about previous posts I made which were **clearly me being sarcastic and/or facetious**. I wanted to say I'll be more careful about what I post in the future... but what the fuck? This is reddit. Fuck you. Lol! + + +**✨🐱 It's almost time for the EPIC launch of PROJECT ONYX 🐱✨** + +**🔥🔥 Project Onyx is all set to launch on 17th November @ 8 PM UTC 🔥🔥** + +**Just to give you guys a taste of the massive HYPE surrounding this project -** + +**🏆Private sale of 250 BNB filled rapidly with zero marketing!** + +**🏆Presale of 750 BNB Hardcap filled in a few seconds!** + +**🏆Doxxed and Based devs who have handled several successful crypto Projects!** + +**🏆Audited by desert finance, the contract is SAFU!** + +**🏆Team tokens are locked and vested!** + +**🏆Anti-Snipe measures (99%tax for first few blocks) & anti-whale measures (0.5% of total supply set as max buy)** + +**👀If you are new to Project Onyx, here's some brief information to get you up to speed👀** + +**🎮Onyx in its final form will be an open-world game with a vast expanse of 7 continents, all of which will be developed in Unreal Engine 4 with cutting edge graphics.** + +**🎮The game will feature a multitude of NFTs ranging from playable characters to wearable armours and usable inventory.** + +**The playable characters will be highly customisable with six different battle classes.** + +**🎮Players will navigate through missions to gain experience points and level up their characters to unlock playable areas and powerful weapons and armour.** + +**🎮To top it off and keep things interesting, the game will feature a variety of different modes.** + +**✅LATEST NEWS ON PROJECT ONYX** + +**⭐️PROJECT ONYX BACKSTORY -** [**https://onyxtoken.net/onyx-project-backstory/**](https://onyxtoken.net/onyx-project-backstory/) + +**⭐️A BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF THE TEAM -** [**https://onyxtoken.net/team-experience/**](https://onyxtoken.net/team-experience/) + +**⭐️IMPORTANT PRESALE INFO -** [**https://onyxtoken.net/important-presale-info/**](https://onyxtoken.net/important-presale-info/) + +**⭐️ Audit link :** [**https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Onyx%20BSC%20Audit%2012709879.pdf**](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Onyx%20BSC%20Audit%2012709879.pdf) + +**OUR WEBSITE:** [**https://onyxtoken.net/**](https://onyxtoken.net/) + +**༄ Blackpaper -** [**https://onyxtoken.net/storage/2021/11/blackpaper.pdf**](https://onyxtoken.net/storage/2021/11/blackpaper.pdf) + +**SOCIAL MEDIA** + +[**Telegram**](https://t.me/ProjectOnyx) **||** [**Instagram**](https://instagram.com/onyx_token?utm_medium=copy_link)**||** [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/OnyxTokenBSC) **||** [**Facebook**](https://www.facebook.com/Project-Onyx-105348621946501/) +[Following another quarter of losses, CEO George Sherman says he anticipates fiscal Q4 to see positive year-on-year sales growth due to next-gen launch.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-12-08-gamestop-has-closed-462-stores-so-far-this-year-783-since-last-year) +## Preface + +Over the past year I’ve spent countless hours outside my career and familial responsibilities independently researching and writing as part of ongoing effort to debunk the portrayal of Retail Investors by news outlets as bad-faith, reckless market participants through a fact-based understanding of how the collapse of Greensill and then Archegos Capital groups were related events triggered by a short squeeze in the bond market that left Credit Suisse holding a [€1.5 billion bag](https://www.cdsdeterminationscommittees.org/documents/2021/01/emea-dc-issue-2020120201-europcar-mobility-group-s-a-final-list-11-january-2021.pdf/) - a narrative that remains unreported by financial reporters to this day. + +Until recently part of my [overarching theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qib1my/gamestop_and_hr_4618_short_sale_transparency_and) involved Archegos utilizing a Convertible Bond Arbitrage strategy referred to as Chinese Hedging by investing in tranches of Greensill-issued, Credit Suisse-syndicated loans with the goal of profiting off the demise of companies during bankruptcy auctions. The financial instruments employed by Archegos allowed them to avoid cross-broker margining, obtain obscene leverage and led me to believe Credit Suisse silently cultivated a [Credit Insurance Bubble](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pk08rq/clos_reverse_repos_and_gamestop) through the operation of a “[shadow CLO market](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q12t4g/credit_suisse_greensill_archegos_evergrande_and)” that only became visible once the Archegos assets were liquidated and publicly repriced via SOFR. + +Then I decided to read *[Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation, 2nd Edition | Wiley](https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Structured+Credit+Products%3A+Credit+Derivatives+and+Synthetic+Securitisation%2C+2nd+Edition-p-9781118177136)* during a few vacation days last week and some important realizations dawned on me: +1. It was *Capital Structure Arbitrage*, not Convertible Bond Arbitrage, that Bill Hwang practiced through the use of Total Return Swaps (as suggested by earlier [reports](https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-is-a-total-return-swap-and-how-did-archegos-capital-use-it-11617125839) and the Credit Suisse [legal review](https://www.credit-suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about-us/investor-relations/financial-disclosures/results/csg-special-committee-bod-report-archegos.pdf) of Archegos) +2. A financial derivative exists called a **Credit Linked Note (CLN)** that is similar but different from a Collateralized Loan Obligation in that it is more open-ended and specifically known to be used by those seeking to profit from the bankruptcy of companies + +Once these key learnings began falling into place I started recognizing some overlaps between my research and that of another author whose findings I felt were correct but parallel to my own until now - u/Criand. + +## The Criand Connection + +Criand has not only written about a derivative-driven [Speculative Bubble](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much) reminiscent of 2008 but also on the topic of “Meme Stock” baskets following [Futures Roll Periods](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity). Which is why, when I came across the following excerpt from a chapter on Capital Structure Arbitrage in the structured finance book, I was pretty “excited”: + +> “An example of such a trade opportunity arose in the last quarter of 2009. Equity levels worldwide had risen since their lows of March that year, and as expected credit spreads had also tightened during this period... We observe that the CDS price has fallen back down to its level at the time just before the Lehman collapse in September 2008, whereas the equity index had still to recover to that level. This suggested that equities still had further upside, relative to credit spreads. **A potential trade would therefore be to acquire an exposure to the equity index, perhaps via an exchange-traded future, and buy protection on this same basket via a CDS basket trade**.” - [Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation, 2nd Edition | Wiley - Chapter 5](https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Structured+Credit+Products%3A+Credit+Derivatives+and+Synthetic+Securitisation%2C+2nd+Edition-p-9781118177136) + +Wow, amazing, I thought. Here is a hypothetical trade related to Total Return Swaps involving a time period overlapping with the last financial crisis and the trading of both futures and CDS baskets 🤯 + +The second part of *The Criand Connection* involves the author’s recent discussion around [Variance Swaps](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvtmxm/clearing_up_some_things_about_options_and_how_it) and the purpose they’ve been serving. Until now my writing merely brushed up against Variance Swap theory through reference of [OTC Options](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/otcoptions.asp) in a pre Superstonk-approved post titled “Shake Your Market Maker” that was my best attempt at: +1. Explaining the OTM put options from July 16th, 2021 +2. Making sense of u/nayboyer’s OTC research and +3. Rationalizing Robinhood’s weird July 28th, 2021 [announcement](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/robinhood-ipo-twist-business-model) that they were considering becoming a “standalone market maker.” + +Then I stumbled across this explanation of Variance Swaps and voila, another a-ha moment: + +> “**Variance swaps have become popular risk recycling tools among dealers whose large structured products businesses leave them short correlation.** Dealers can buy back correlation from hedge funds via dispersion trades, in which **hedge funds take a short variance swap on an index, while buying variance swaps on the constituent single stocks.**” [Risk.net](https://www.risk.net/definition/variance-swap) + +This is also 🤯 to me because not only have GameStop and other “Meme Stocks” certainly left dealers of structured products short correlation throughout 2021 but ETFs like XRT have been heavily [shorted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q3858o/spdr_sp_retail_etf_ticker_xrt_gamestop_gme/) throughout the year as well. + +Which is a natural segue to the second major part of this post: the root cause of this whole mess. + +## Credit Linked Notes + +These notes represent a critical puzzle piece missing from my research - a “smoking gun” of sorts - and have been right under my nose the whole time. + +I was totally unfamiliar with the complexities and uses associated with structured notes prior to reading a subsection from the Capital Structure Arbitrage chapter of the structured finance book on ***Enhancing Portfolio Returns*** that says: + +> “Asset managers can derive premium income by trading credit exposures in the form of derivatives issued with synthetic structured notes. The multi-tranching aspect of structured products enables specific credit exposures (credit spreads and outright default), and their expectations, to be sold to specific areas of demand. By using structured notes such as credit-linked notes (CLNs), tied to the assets in the reference pool of the portfolio manager, the trading of credit exposures is crystallised as added yield on the asset manager's fixed income portfolio. In this way, the portfolio manager has enabled other market participants to gain an exposure to the credit risk of a pool of assets, but not to any other aspects of the portfolio, and without the need to hold the physical assets themselves.” - [Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation, 2nd Edition | Wiley - Chapter 5](https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Structured+Credit+Products%3A+Credit+Derivatives+and+Synthetic+Securitisation%2C+2nd+Edition-p-9781118177136) + +That resonated with me because I had semi-recently read about Credit Suisse investing heavily in Greensill notes: + +> “…the insurer providing protection against defaults on loans Greensill Capital arranged decided not to renew its coverage, effectively yanking away an important safety net for investors in its notes. And **Credit Suisse Group AG, which ran funds full of those Greensill notes**, decided it was so uncertain of their value that it had to freeze all four of the portfolios, making it impossible for clients to immediately get their money out.” - [Bloomberg - September 8th, 2021](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-09-08/why-did-greensill-collapse-the-simple-problem-behind-the-financial-empire) + +And unwittingly referenced the notes in a post of my own [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p9rlwv/gamestop_lay_back_enjoy_the_show) while quoting an excerpt from the British Parliament hearing on Greensill that I suspected tied Archegos to Greensill that stated: + +> ”**Greensill issued secured commercial paper via a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) registered in Luxembourg**. The FCA provides a definition of an SPV as a legal entity explicitly established for the purpose of securitising assets. **Greensill packaged up individual invoices into notes that were purchased by Greensill’s investor base. Some of these assets were purchased by outside investors, for example a fund managed by Credit Suisse**. Others were bought by Greensill Bank, a bank owned by the Greensill Group which was domiciled in Germany. Greensill’s reliance on investor funding made it vulnerable to a contraction in the supply of such funding.” +[U.K. Parliament, #17 - July 20, 2021](https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm5802/cmselect/cmtreasy/151/15105.htm#_idTextAnchor011) + +Which, again, resulted in another 🤯 moment when I came across a [legal brief](https://www.mayerbrown.com/-/media/files/perspectives-events/events/2020/10/reverse-inquiries-workshop--issuing-credit-linked-notes.pdf) published on October 13th, 2020 by the law firm *Mayer | Brown* that: +1. Specifies Credit Linked Notes are issued by Special Purpose Vehicles +2. Makes reference to Hertz, the Vatican and “Gambling on the failure of others” - a sad but truthful tale regarding the usage of donation money by a Cardinal investing in notes covered by the FT [here](https://www.ft.com/content/f966e8b4-945a-45d0-8391-a305b3d8f7f5) + +Reminding me of the fact Apollo Global Management just made a whopping ~~$1.5bil~~ $375mil [windfall](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-17/hertz-selling-1-5-billion-junk-bond-for-preffered-stock-buyback) on Hertz and were also publicly [interested](https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN2B4233) in Greensill’s assets earlier in the year. Also seems worth noting that many banks had SPV programs with ties to Greensill… which might help explain the generally negative sentiment by many on Wall Street towards former “Meme Stocks” like GameStop. + +For these reasons, I’m surprised more people aren’t eagerly awaiting the report on Greensill by Credit Suisse that was supposed to be published in early October but was unfortunately [delayed](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-10-11/credit-suisse-to-delay-publishing-findings-from-greensill-report) considering: + +> “CLNs are a form of credit derivative. They are also, in all their forms, bond instruments for which **an investor pays cash** upfront, in order to receive a periodic coupon and, **on maturity or termination**, all or part of its initial purchase price back. That makes CLNs virtually identical to cash bonds. The key difference is that the return on the CLN is explicitly linked to the credit performance of the reference security or reference entity.” - [Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation, 2nd Edition | Wiley - Chapter 3](https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Structured+Credit+Products%3A+Credit+Derivatives+and+Synthetic+Securitisation%2C+2nd+Edition-p-9781118177136) + +Perhaps there will be notes maturing in January 2022 that will need to be paid for in cash given the fact Archegos preferred non-cancellable bullet swaps with a 24mo tenor? Why else would the Variance Swaps be needed? + +## Conclusion + +After many months of research I’ve come to the independent conclusions that: +1. Criand has been correct with regard to a significant number of topics +2. Archegos seems to have been gambling on the failure of others by investing in Greensill-issued CLNs arranged by Credit Suisse +3. Structured Finance explains a lot and needs to come first - ahead of Retail Investors - in the “Meme Stock Blame Game” + +🐸 🍦 + +— + +Shoutouts to u/No-Intention1744 for broaching the topic of structured notes on April 23rd, 2021 in their post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwl3ru/the_shit_tickets_in_your_portfolio/) and all the incredible DD authors involved in the Variance Swap conversations: u/zinko83, u/gherkinit, u/Leenixus, u/Turdfurg23 and u/MauerAstronaut + +— + +Just a Retail Investor, not a financial advisor +I'm mostly investing in Vanguard's All World ETF (Ticker: VWCE), since it seems to be the "safest" and "most diversified" etf when it comes to exposure. What I'm wondering is: Do these kind of ETFs give too much exposure to USA market? + +[VWCE](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?query=IE00BK5BQT80&groupField=index&from=search&isin=IE00BK5BQT80#overview), for example, shows the following market allocation: + +1. USA 55.7% +2. Japan 7.4% +3. China 5.4% +4. UK 4.1% +5. France 2.7% +6. .... + +Wanted to add additional Small Cap world ETF to the portfolio, but these seem to have highest allocation in USA as well. Now, I understand that "USA might have the strongest economy in the world" etc, but are any ETFs more balanced? + +I'm not saying VWCE is not great etf, I'm just wondering how would it compare to, for example, having 3 ETF portfolio: EM, EU and USA Large caps. + +Hi fellow Apes! + +A lot of FUD has been shared around the 'low' vote count; this needs to be rectified! 🙂 A bit of visible frustration in the livestream as well! + +*The vote was never going to be higher than the float:* + +https://www.sec.gov/spotlight/proxyprocess/proxyvotingbrief.htm + +(clipout) - - > +"*How can these issues [over-voting] be addressed, and at what cost or consequence?* + +Background: Generally broker-dealers attempt to address the over-vote/under-vote situation by implementing of one of three reconciliation methods: (1) “post-mailing reconciliation”; (2) “pre-mailing reconciliation”; or (3) a hybrid process of both post-mailing and pre-mailing reconciliation. + +Post-mailing reconciliation (post-reconciliation) is a process whereby the data is reconciled to accommodate an over-vote situation after the broker-dealer’s customers have submitted their votes. If the broker-dealer votes in excess of its position at DTC, the broker-dealer will reconcile or adjust the number of votes to correspond to its DTC position." + +TL;DR: vote counts are adjusted BY THE BROKERS to be within normal parameters if over-voting occurs. + + +... so there you have it. Tits should still be jacked!! Mine are 😅 💎👐=🚀 🚀 🚀 +This website (up since at least 2008) used to contain a rigorous breakdown of the fraud that we are all currently witnessing on wall street: how the system works, the DTCC, how counterfeit shares are created, etc. but it's been taken down within the last two months. It was at least still up in April when someone shared it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmk72h/counterfeiting\_stock\_20/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmk72h/counterfeiting_stock_20/) + +Luckily [archive.org](https://archive.org) has it: + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210131014127/http://counterfeitingstock.com/CS2.0/CounterfeitingStock.html) + +I encourage you to read through it if you haven't yet, and maybe save a copy of it somewhere in case [archive.org](https://archive.org) encounters some "unfortunate" data loss event. +I get it + +We’re a bunch of retarded assholes and autists +But we used to make fucking $30,000 on a play and give like $1000 to a charity + +That was peak WSB’s + +Come Monday I’m opening more SPY put positions and closing the ones I’m holding right now in profit + +I’m gonna be donating some of it to the St. Jude + +If I’m gonna be retarded and yolo and win + +Might as well give something back + +WSBs used to do this shit all the time, no clue why we stopped + +Edit: Gold and Silver? Awww You guys shouldn’t have. No really. Save your money and buy puts. +While I consider myself an amateur trader and a small-scale investor, over the 2+ years of trading crypto I've learned some things I'd like to share with you all, but mostly with those who are making their first steps into the uncharted cryptoland. + +1. Just as with anything else in life, **trading cryptocurrencies is context dependent**. That means you should remain a healthy sceptic about general truths, universal rules and things that "everyone knows". Consider the famous "buy low sell high" dictum. The definition of high and low is subjective in most cases since it depends on your timescale, goals and trading strategy. If you’re a hodler, as are many of the fellow redditors here, your high and low will differ dramatically compared to the day trader's. + +2. It is for the same reason that **bulls and bears don't really matter**. Whether you're 'bullish' or 'bearish' depends on your strategy and timescale. Consider this: to someone hodling BTC since 2013 a dip here or there (even a prolonged one) makes little difference because the price of BTC over the time continues to grow monstrously – you can call it one long-term bull market. + +3. At some point, you'll bump (or you already have) into something that is called 'technical analysis'. Let me save you some time (and money, probably) by telling you this: **technical analysis is neither technical, nor is it very analytical**. While many traders regard TA to be a scientific way (supposedly based on mathematics) to read and predict the market moves, TA has little to do with any formal science. Differently from the surrounding physical world, we are not aware of any physical laws that govern our human behavior, including markets. If it was possible to mathematically calculate and with certainty predict market moves, the big buck guys in Wall Street would have already done it. Think about the major financial crises for a moment – just like the Spanish Inquisition, nobody (well, almost nobody) ever expected one. Does it mean TA – trends, chart patterns, MACD, RSI, Elliot wave count, etc. – is a complete rubbish? I wouldn't go as far as to claim that. It is somewhat helpful – if only a little, TA still gives you a feel of the current market mood. TA also does one other thing pretty accurately: it graphically represents historic data of human behavior in the financial markets. Surely you can benefit from that? Or do you? This brings me to another point... + +4. **Beware of historical analogies and 'I knew it all along' thing**. As humans, we are prone to hindsight bias, a tendency, after an event has occurred, to see it as having been easily predictable. We are all blinded by hindsight bias because our brain looks for simplistic linear link between cause and effect. This way when an unexpected event happens, the brain uses the knew-it-all-along mode to cope with cognitive dissonance and make sense of the surrounding world. While trading hindsight bias harms you in two ways: a) it drains you psychologically for not making 'the right' decisions in the past, and by luring you into oversimplified historic analogies, b) it creates a false sense of investment security at the present time. Just look at everyone complaining they've sold their BTC at the worst possible time (as a matter of fact, I am no different – I still autodestructively loathe my decision to liquidate a large portion of my BTC portfolio after the BTC price hiked to 8k). It is also very tempting to think you wouldn't miss 'the next bitcoin'. The problem is, though, that it is incredibly difficult if at all possible to spot such an opportunity. You have to be either lucky or extremely well informed (and lucky) to capitalize early on such opportunity. In reality, it's very difficult to differentiate between useless information (noise) and something that truly matters (signal). Which brings me yet to another point... + +5. **Stop being a news junkie and start filtering what you read/hear/see**. If you don't, at some point in time the quantity of consumed news will start to impact your decisions and it will begin to negatively correlate with the net gain of your investment portfolio. Instead of reading news nonstop, better educate yourself – dive deep into the market fundamentals and the technology you're dealing with. This way it will be easier for you to spot new lucrative investment opportunities when the time comes. + +6. **Accept the fact that idiots also happen to make lots of money and move on**. Multiple times too, if they're lucky ones. However, the net worth of (lucky) idiot doesn't mean you should imitate him and become one. Some two months ago a Dutch father of two young children sold his family's house, bought BTC and other cryptocurrencies, and relocated his family to a rented property. After the recent spike in BTC price the guy's net worth must have increased substantially. So, is he an idiot? Absolutely! It is only a question of time before he ruins his own and his family's life with some incredibly reckless financial decision. + +7. **Try to understand the motives governing your decisions and act (or don't act) accordingly**. If your actions are about to be driven by extreme emotions such as fear, panic or excitement – stop immediately and reevaluate the situation. Otherwise you'll end up belonging to the FOMO buyer/panic seller club aka the money losers. If you want to stay on the earning side long term, you must keep your head cool and think clearly. + +8. **Day trading is probably not for you**. Consider this: evidence in neuroscience research shows that we are a loss-averse species. For this we should thank our stone age ancestors who had barely enough food, shelter and belongings to survive in a very adverse world. Losing even a little of what they had meant their existence was in jeopardy. This explains why contemporary humans prefer avoiding financial loss to making financial gain. Neuroscientists claim that losing money activates the same area of the brain that responds to mortal danger. This is why in order to do day trading you must have A LOT of self-control and balls of steel – there are many ups and downs during a single day. It drains you emotionally, you end up being addicted to adrenaline, your fiancée hates it, and the hodlers will probably outperform you in the long run anyway. + +9. **Volatility is your friend**. Over time BTC volatility makes the coin stronger, not weaker. While wild swings in price makes BTC almost impossible to use as a currency, volatility is good from the financial asset point of view. Traders and investors dealing with BTC get used to huge and sudden price hikes and dips. Unlike for any 'stable' stock of any prominent multinational corporation, even substantial and unexpected shocks will not undermine the confidence in BTC. BTW, best of luck to everyone planning to short BTC. :) + +10. **Make small mistakes, learn from them, get wiser, err less**. In your childhood days, you needed the experience of burning your hand with fire so that for the rest of your life you wouldn't need to think about the painful experience. That information is now hardwired in your brain and helps you to avoid getting harmed. If you've just started trading crypto, expect to make mistakes and prepare to learn from them. It's only after you get into FOMO, get panicked big time, take too big a risk, get out too early only to jump in at the worst possible time, ONLY and ONLY then you'll start to improve. + +**The Road to Wisdom** + +The road to wisdom? —Well, it's plain and simple to express: Err and err and err again, but less and less and less. — Piet Hein + +Hope that was helpful. +24M. After grinding hard for years to achieve a more comfortable life I brought some friends into an operation that was my main source of income. I recognized their strengths and knew we could work well together. + +Before this incident we were celebrating me having assets greater than 1m for the first time and with the trajectory of the business I was flying past that number (and taking my friends along for the ride which was really fulfilling for me). I ended up getting taken advantage of by one of said friends of 10 years who we then let go shortly thereafter. On the way out he chose to sabotage our business and a number of relationships I valued as much personally as professionally. To say that it was embarrassing is honestly an understatement. + +Even though on the outside it's never really affected me I find myself a completely different person than before. Moving to LA in pursuit of my dreams seemed like a good catalyst for change but since arriving I feel like a shell of my former self. Feeling self doubt/imposter syndrome and much more cynical of the motivations of those around me has drained me of a lot of motivation, creativity, and overall vibrance. I still have myriad great positive social interactions but when it's me at home at night I feel hollow and disenchanted by the pursuit of more money. + +If there is anyone with their own authentic advice on how to learn from abuse of trust in business without retiring or becoming an asshole it'd be much appreciated! +Well good, because you are. + +You didn't let mistakes and moments of ignorance or hardship in life keep you in a bad position. You're all actively working to pull yourself out of a hole--however big or small--and improve your situation. Don't let anyone minimize your success or progress; every victory counts & I'm proud of y'all. + +Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger! +Wireless carrier AT&T is planning to permanently close more than 250 of its stores and cut at least 3,400 jobs nationwide over the next few weeks, according to a statement from the Communications Workers of America, a union that represents AT&T workers. + +AT&T cited the economic impact and change in customer behavior due to the coronavirus pandemic as reasons for the store closures, according to a report by Business Insider. + +https://www.nj.com/business/2020/06/att-permanently-closing-more-than-250-stores-cutting-3400-jobs.html +It occurred to me that the concept of writing covered calls to "lower cost basis" is just psychological trickery. When you write a CC, you net some premium. That premium, however, is completely fungible. Cash is cash. Cash does not carry a memory of where it came from (except for tax purposes). You could just as soon say "I sold CCs on AAPL to lower my cost basis on my MSFT shares." The reason people don't say that is because of narrow framing bias, where they view individual positions or tickers as separately existing atomistic entities segregated from their portfolio as a whole. + +In fact, let me be bolder. You can even say... + +"I got a raise at work in order to lower my coast basis on MSFT shares" + +"I sold my Tesla to lower my cost basis on TSLA shares" + +"I won a scratch off lotto ticket to lower my cost basis on GME shares" + +...and it would make just as much sense (tax implications notwithstanding). *Money is money.* + +Which is to say you aren't lowering your cost basis at all. You're just generating income. If you placed a bet on a coin flip, lost once and then won twice, would you claim that you won three times? Every time you enter a play, you CHOOSE to enter that play, specifically. The choice to long stocks/LEAPS and the choice to write CCs against stocks/LEAPS are fundamentally two different choices. + +Why do I bring this up? Because I think the way people relate to CCs is fundamentally dangerous. People feel that once they enter a position they are somehow obliged to at least break even before they're allowed to exit it. But this simply isn't true. Every play has an opportunity cost. Ignoring that may make you feel better, but it won't actually maximize profits. + +And of course the same is true of CSPs. +Hey all. How’s everybody doing? + + +What an absolutely surreal experience. + + +Satori has now been live officially for 36 hours, and quite honestly the process has vastly exceeded our expectations. We cannot express the level of joy and validation that we’ve received over the past 2 days in being able to interact with you while we’re all riding on the back of our Mind-Reading Monkey Friend. + + +We know that there’s still so much coming, and we have absolutely no intention of resting on our laurels (other projects are already under way.) We did, however, share an absolutely delightful moment as a team earlier thinking of the emergency meetings that were called today because of us. I don’t know if there’s a direct translation in Ape Speak for schadenfreude, but whatever that word is, we were swimming in it today. + + +The team wanted to take a moment to review what’s happened, and give some additional clarification about our initial reveal. + + +We’re still collecting specific data about the impact of Satori's activation, and therefore I can’t offer quantifiable evidence to say that we know that there’s a difference made already. However, from the number of posts, comments, and messages we’ve received about people already noticing a difference have been hard to pass off as simple happenstance. The feel of the entire sub has changed, and you Apes deserve so much of the credit for that. We sincerely hope that the results of our labors will continue to support your trust in us. + + +I’d forward you all to the F.A.Q. section that was curated by u/Bradduck_Flyntmoore about Satori in today’s Jungle Beat by u/pinkcatsonacid. The majority of concerns have been covered there, and the dev team would like to extend a special thanks to u/Bradduck_Flyntmoore for curating that process on launch night. We weren’t sure what exactly to address in our original statement. Now that we’ve been able to gauge how our announcement has been received, two things have stood out that we feel need additional information and clarification. + + +At its core, Satori is an information gathering system designed to expedite the process of moderators identifying bad actors within the sub. While some of the steps have been automated through Reddit for ease of implementation, Satori by itself is incapable of acting autonomously. It merely “reads minds.” The decisions on how to enforce based on the information Satori provides lies firmly in the hands of the Mods. Satori, as a system, cannot moderate without the direct assistance of a real person making the choice to utilize its information. In the same way Mods are accountable based on the Mod Log, all information gifted by Satori is trackable and reversible as necessary. Nothing is being done without significant oversight by the established leadership structure of the sub. + + +Approved status only means that Satori has not detected known shill activities on your account. It is not an endorsement. It is not to be used like “trust me I'm an approved user.” It simply means that the specific account has yet to behave shilly. Do not associate it with an additional level of trust. Be just as skeptical as you have been to this point. + + +Satori has only started giving approved status. This process will take time. The list is very long and almost every single ape will be approved. Don't fucking go Star Bellied Sneeches on this. The order in which Approved status is being distributed has been completely arbitrary, aside from DFV after his first tweet yesterday. He got the special treatment. Mods will also be manually adding names to lists for Satori approval if they can spare the time, but everyone else will have to wait. Please do not harass the mods with requests as there is already a lot on their plate. This should not be a point of division, but rather unity. Citing Satori in ways that drive FUD into the community is a shill strategy, so call that shit out. + + +What does it mean to be Approved? Simple: you bypass the karma and age requirements. This means you do not need to karma farm in order to meet the new requirements. Actually, this should allow more Apes to participate while still protecting the sub overall. + + +Our time in the last months has been dedicated to preparing for launch, and we have not discussed what we will be doing with Satori afterwards in any significant detail. I would ask you all to consider this: every member of our development team holds shares in GameStop. We’re all in possession of the most valuable asset on the planet already. We like the stock. We’re aware that we’re currently fighting one of the most corrupt systems on the planet; one based on greed, exploitation, and discrimination. We know the lives they’ve ruined for their own gain. We have absolutely no intention of letting what we’ve created be utilized by established powers to continue to abuse and exploit others. We know what having this type of technology in the hands of common people can mean, and we want the legacy of Satori to be one that we can be proud of for the rest of our lives, and for the ape community to feel the same. + + +Finally, there’s been several posts I’ve personally commented on that have raised a very, very vital point. Satori is, by definition, a reactionary entity. It can only identify what it knows to be a threat. We’ve spent three months working to make sure it has a very clear understanding of what all the threats to this point have been, but there will be new tactics, new shills, and new threats, so we will continue to need your help. The more insight we have about what moves the shills are making, the better Satori is going to be at identifying them. Satori will guard our flanks, and this means Apes no longer have to worry about anything besides identifying new strategies in order to keep Satori primed and ready for anything. Stay vigilant, and report things that seem contrary to ideal or normal Ape behavior. Give Satori your energy - get it to power level 9000. Satori is a direct result of the collective efforts of Apes over the past four months, and it will continue to be powerful as long as we maintain it as such. In a way, it is our collective consciousness. We are Satori. + + +Buy. Hold. Vote. Fight. + + +T.L.D.R. +What a fucking great day. + +Hedgies are angry, confused, and fuk. + +Satori is a powerful tool to be used by Mods, nothing more + +Every member of r/superstonk will be Approved. + +Approved status is not an endorsement. + +Using Approved status to divide is shill behavior. + +We will not allow Satori to be used to further oppress already oppressed populations. + +Satori is as powerful as we make it. + +Don’t get complacent. + +This community rocks so fucking hard. + +We. Are. Satori. + +Edits: formatting on mobile +I made a call today to Computershares new hotline ( + 800 3823 3823). + +&#x200B; + +My main objective was simply to find out what can be done to transfer my shares from eToro to Computershare, or if there is a workaround to eToros bullshit refusal to allow share transfers. + +The representative I spoke to told me that this was a subject that had come up several times today already, and that they are working on it. She was very nice and professional. But when asked about why I simply didnt DRS, I told her about eToro and their TOS. She told me flat out that **"Not allowing you to DRS by citing their TOS rings massive alarm bells with us."** + +Furthermore, I asked about allowing international apes (I am from Norway, specifically) to setup a CS account directly, so that we can do a sorta/kinda workaround by selling our shares on eToro, withdrawing funds, and deposist and re-buy our shares in the shortest amount of time possible. + +&#x200B; + +Now, this idea is not new, and as many people have pointed out, selling your shares to re-buy them on another broker is not a good idea. And I must agree; I will run the risk of missing the moass during that time window. But here is the thing; *I dont think eToro has my shares. I think they will fuck me anyway.* + +Every time they have been pressed on the issue they have given a non-answer. They "Cant DRS because TOS". **But that TOS** **breaks. the. law****.** Why would they not relent on this after all the pressure they have been getting? Because they cant. They dont have the shares, and it is waaaaay to costly to start buying em now. They also removed the buy button in January, just like RH did. + +&#x200B; + +The CS representative told me they would call me up later in regards to seting up an account, so now we know they are at least working on a solution to allow us to do that, wich is great news for us euroapes. + +&#x200B; + +I'll update if I get any more interesting info. + +mods, just update the flair if this one doesnt fit. + +Edit: as of evening 9th of Decemeber; I aint heard shit. Gonna call em again when I get the chance +With the used car shortages, the residual value is much lower than the actual value. Look into into for your own good. + +Edit: I forgot to add that you can just buy and keep it. Just don’t turn in a lease without checking your lease paperwork for buyout info and current market value for your car. We bought out our Lexus and after paying taxes we paid 13k less than market value. We should be able to drive it for 2 or 3 years and get what we paid for it. + +Edit #2…Thanks for the awards. +I got into my dream school with a decent scholarship a couple weeks after the stock market crashed in 2008. My parents had saved diligently for myself and my twin sister in a 529 account, but we saw that get cut in half overnight. Despite all that, my mom told me to pick the school that would work best for me and to not worry about the cost because "we'd figure out a way to make it work". I applied for hundreds of external scholarships, but didn't get any. So, I chose my expensive private dream school, signed my life away to Sallie Mae (the solution to pay for it after my savings was exhausted, which I didn't know in advance), and started college in fall of 2009. + +I was lucky to graduate with a good job thanks to the school's incredible co-op program, but also saddled with $120k worth of loans ($30k federal, the rest private). I met my amazing husband while there, and he was in the same boat. Together, we make a pretty decent living, but we currently owe more on our student loans than we do on our house. Even paying an extra $1k/month (our breakeven with our budget), it'll still take us many years to pay them off. It's so incredibly frustrating watching our friends from school (most of whom don't have loans) be able to live their lives the way they want while we continue to be slaves to our loans for the foreseeable future. No switching jobs because we want a new career, that doesn't pay enough. No moving to a different city, can't afford the hit to the salary in cheaper areas, or the huge cost of living increase in more expensive ones. + +I'm happy with my life and that I was able to have the experiences I did (I absolutely loved my school), but not a day goes by that I don't wonder how my life would have been different if I'd made better financial decisions. Parents, don't tell your kids to follow their hearts if the only way there is through massive student loans, particularly if their career will not let them have any hope of paying them off. Students, have those conversations with your parents. If they say don't worry about it, question what that means and what the plan is. Now is the time to be having those discussions, before you've already registered for classes and are looking to pay that first bill. Don't make the same mistakes we did. + +Edit:added paragraph breaks + +Edit 2: Wow, I did not expect this to blow up so much! Thank you for the awards! It's reassuring (and a bit sad) to hear so many of your stories that are so similar to mine. For all the parents and high school students reading this, please take some time to go through the comments and see how many people this truly affects. Take time to weigh your college financial decisions carefully, whether that be for a 4 year school, community college, or trade school, and ask questions when you don't know or understand something. I hope with this post that everyone is more empowered to make the best decision for them :) +I just wanted to throw this out there in the middle of the outrage, in the hopes that someone can take it in and strategize, rather than be upset. Worked @ Merrill as an analyst from ** - **. + +I also like to keep it concise so follow along. This ain't a fucking Qanon fan fiction. + +Disclaimer: I own GME. This is not financial advice. This is just some dude chatting with his old buddies. + +--------------------------------------------------------- +1) **Robinhood, restrictions, suppression**: + +When you place an order through RH, Citadel or some other HFT front runs your trade and pockets the spread; However, the transaction is not complete. + +Enter: Clearing house. The clearing house is the intermediary between the counter-parties. Because they stand between sellers & buyers, they have very defined levels of risk, risk management and regulation to be in front of. The clearing house is who gives you the "title" for your shares, the folks who make it official. + +**What Likely Happened**: The risk department retard @ the clearing house, who does jack shit all year other than flag Stacy's trade so he can get some face time with her runs to the C-Suite frazzled; He has looked at option open interest expiring this week, has done the math and there simply isn't enough float for GME in anyway, shape or form; turns out WSB is printing out their stock certificates and burying them in the Mojave Desert. It's simply not enough. + +In addition, they got a Snapchat from SEC/OCC which said hey, if you fucking keep selling open positions, you're on your own; we ain't gonna help you. SEC is sneaky like that; they like sending messages through the backdoor, not the front because they used to be hedgies themselves. If you're not following, Front door is making a public statement while the backdoor is a threat sent to an intermediary who you and millions of investors don't even know exists. + +So, they call up the risk department at RH and tell em to stop fucking selling GME, there simply isn't enough float, the SEC told the clearing house they're on their own and who tf is gonna take the blame/liability if there's a "failure to deliver"? + +--------------------------- + +2) **Failure to Deliver**: + +Failure to deliver means that one of the counterparties (in this case, the firm who sold you the option, RH or the clearing house) has failed to deliver you a contractually obligated position, profit or certificate. Since there's no float and ITM calls get exercised by HFT bots at the end of the day, how in the fucking hell are they gonna deliver the option holders their contractually obligated merchandise if there is no merchandise to be delivered? There simply isn't enough for everyone. + +It has been on the FTD list for a month already. Thousands (or possibly hundreds of thousands) of failures to deliver = big risk + + +--------------------------- + +3) **Liability**: + +You must be asking so what? Fuck them; They should be the ones figuring it out and they gotta give me, the customer, the right to choose or whatever the fuck; That sounds great in a boomer fashion but it's not that simple. Robinhood is contractually obligated to deliver you those shares or positions. If they fail to, they become liable for any losses or profits that you may have endured and they will LOSE in court cause they FAILED to DELIVER. How many people have options on GME on RH? Half? Imagine if half of these fine RH customers were legally owed benefits and they were engaged in DDoS style lawsuits involving Robinhood or the clearing house. There would be no Robinhood left. There would likely be no clearing house left. + +Robinhood is also a shitshow of a company, so they likely didn't even have additional collateral to put up to the clearing house for normal share buying and selling on the meme tickers and since they bank with T-Mobile, they had to pull the plug. This lack of collateral from Robinhood is important to note because the "music" never stops, trading low float/volatile shares just becomes much more collateral heavy on the side of the broker. + +Hence: Bad Decision > Bankruptcy or worse (WSB finds Vlad's mom and becomes her boyfriend collectively) + + +I personally don't believe it was out of malice or a coordination for RH; there's definitely coordination all around, but occam's razor says this is not such an ordeal. + +--------------------------- + + +Couple of semi-related notes: + +-Fuck Billionaires. Parasites of modern society, simply existing to leech off every slurp of alpha and take up resources meant for billions of poor people. Something is needed. Whatever is needed to discourage hoarding of resources of this tiny fucking planet. + +-I very much doubt that Ken Griffin and Citadel (the HF) would engage in blatant market manipulation or coercion of Robinhood or other brokers to make a few bucks on Gamestop or AMC. They cleared over 6 billion net last year, so just logically, it seems pretty unlikely to risk it for this. It is also very unlikely that Citadel Securities would engage in illegal behavior for the profit of Citadel, simply because it's such a money maker. If you were an evil genius, would you let your money maker go to shit because you were getting squeezed on some short? + +-The media just wants clicks and engagement, so they will bring the worst people on, simply to pad their own bottom line. Don't get engaged. Don't give in to them. Be the captain of your own ship and fuck over wall-street however you please. + +-The restrictions on the others tickers is likely proactive, not reactive. + +- **TL;DR**: There's simply not enough float and the broker/clearing house will fail to deliver on a large scale if they keep letting new positions be opened, hence restrictions. + +- **What will happen now**:Based on my previous short squeezes, all this gamma has to go somewhere and since there's not enough float, I'm guessing up. + +edit (2/1/21): Thanks for all the awards. I exited on Fri open. Now GME is likely in a holding pattern to crush IV. Best of luck to everyone. +Obviously, I'm going to ask for more to start negotiations. I've proved myself invaluable to the team and several people have said that they had not only hoped I converted but that they counted on it. I'm also fresh out of college (May 2018). Advice? + +Edit: since everyone's asking, the position is a supply chain analyst at a health management services company. I don't want to give my exact location but I'll say cost of living is relatively low. + +Edit 2: I'm trying my best to read every comment, I value all of the advice I'm receiving. Thank you all so much. I'm having to upvote a comment once I've read it to keep track so enjoy the karma! +I will start with one. GTT FR (french company). GTT is a global monopoly with royalty income streams coming from LNG storage in LNG carriers. All Lng carrier ship builders have to pay 5% of their topline to GTT. Moat is that no one else has the track record and tech to minimize Lng loss during transportation. +Is there any service that summarizes 10-K to save time and easier to understand? + +My purpose is to want to be easily understood before reading the full report. + +If you have any service that you're using (about summary or any time-saving service) please share about it. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you. +Not a trip or anything. Just what do you do? Any real details. I could technically retire now ($2.1m liquid, not including my house), but I wanted to get to $3m in case I have medical issues, etc... and I don't like to budget. I am close to retiring myself. I am 46. + +I am worried if I retire, I'll just sit on the couch all day long and watch TV or play video games. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +*8/2 Update: The War against Financial Terror ensues. The total has ballooned to now $533 Billion. This is over half a Trillion dollars siphoned over 15 trading days. HKD, with 51 employees, no financials available, IPO’d out of nowhere around the same time of the splividend. One of the underwriters of the IPO is “Loop Capital Markets” which has shown itself in several DDs with ties to* ***Citadel.*** Notable GameStop bear Anthony Chukumbra was and still may employeed with Loop Capital. *The* *corporate office for Loop Capital and Citadel are a 4 minute WALK from one another in Chicago.* + +&#x200B; + +I have reason to believe that this arbitrary chinese ticker is being utilized, among other tickers in the ETF, and using certain rule waivers due to the IPO process (allowed for trading on the NYSE), is being exploited to account for margin specifically to delay or cheat/steal MOASS. It might be absorbing all of the $GME-specific FTD "settlements," which can be closed out by buying like-kind 'risk' securities. Well, how about a fifth-of-a-trillion dollars worth? This junk, new ticker is now (with perfect timing as we discover dividend shares weren't distributed) one of the highest market cap companies in the world? + +# It is within my opinion that this is Apes' MOASS money, now sitting in a brand new chinese ticker. Who was even buying? Who are the investors? + +Nobody thought to remove the buy button on something that jumped orders of magnitude higher than Jan 28th, 2021? Nobody intervened? No long-duration halts? Nothing to see here? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m873k7fvj7f91.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=515ae50344ba3494c2689cc7d936740d0535318d + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fer8wfkxj7f91.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e7baa4dfbd5c55fba295356c92f103445dce58a + +The timing (as sync'd with the failed dividend distribution by brokers), GME's unexplained volume suppression during the entirety of the splividend process, and all of a sudden a new chinese-connected entity becomes one of the highest market cap companies on the planet - I'd say there is a connection here. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit:** There could be others, but these tickers share the mysterious timing of trading patterns: + +1. [HKD](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/HKD/news?p=HKD) \- Jumped from $1 Billion to $477 Billion market cap only within this span (this new junk company overcame Facebook in market cap, on $2m in monthly revenues, with no products, in only fifteen trading days?) +2. [AMTD](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMTD?p=AMTD&.tsrc=fin-srch) \- Jumped from $2 Billion to $16.7 Billion market cap only within this span +3. [PGY](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PGY?p=PGY&ncid=yahooproperties_peoplealso_km0o32z3jzm) \- Jumped from $2.5 Billion to $20 Billion market cap only within this span +4. [QRTEB](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/QRTEB?p=QRTEB&.tsrc=fin-srch) \- Jumped from $0.7 Billion to $4.6 Billion market cap only within this span +5. [LTRPB](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/LTRPB?p=LTRPB&.tsrc=fin-srch) \- Jumped from $0.05 Billion to $.40 Billion market cap only within this span + +(the sum of these jumped from $6 Billion to $519 Billion over about fourteen trading days. That's a quick jump, of less than 1 GameStop worth to 48 GameStops worth, for arbitrary tickers on no major news. Imagine the real sum combined with those still yet to be identified.) + +&#x200B; + +# Thinking about $GME FTDs again + +&#x200B; + +The HKD IPO date of July 15th is the 1st day of the second half FTD window. Highly suspect, since we only have FTD data for $GME up to July 14th. In digging further into the SEC's RegSHO at [https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm), Rule 204 states: + +&#x200B; + +[Brokers, dealers, funds, and market makers can 'close out' $GME-specific Failures-to-Deliver \(FTDs\) by buying pretty much anything they want and that they can self-argue as being similar. This could be argued to be able to sell or buy ANYTHING to close an FTD.](https://preview.redd.it/omdv9jpxu8f91.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3db692b19906bd4e2a41b4d3d53cba5e432dc16) + +It doesn't look like they have to do anything else with the new security that they purchased in order to close a $GME FTD. Couldn't they just let what they bought sit idly forever on their books? And what if they pump and then dump this asset? What if they sell this new security at a profit? Do you think they would ever go back to accounting for the FTD closure of which it was spawned? So then, couldn't they make quick pump and dump profits from these FTD-closure-driven purchases, and keep growing without ever keeping their books clean. This, quite literally, is Pandora's box. + +So the paper trail would be like: they start with a $GME short sale that completed a false price-suppression transaction against the stock, they purposefully don't deliver the shares (who would?), this triggers a failure to deliver and therefore an FTD balance increase, then to 'close' the FTD they then buy something like $HKD and other new tickers (maybe also getting in a little bit of insider trading if you know what I mean by telling their friends that they're about to buy it, so they can try to own it first), then now-satisfied $GME FTD thereby lowering the FTD balance. By this point they'd have the $GME short still, no more FTD, and a new security that they can probably get away with calling an equity. They could cook their own books with circles of these, create a bunch of fake pump and dumps to ride profits, never actually keep any of the long positions if they don't want to (and if they do, just stuff it away for good measure for a few years in a swap that lacks transparency), and nobody audit-wise would know what they were looking at and how it actually relates to their other liabilities. The $GME short-transaction never officially goes away. It'll just remain there as a 'sell' transaction that occurred in the past. Never being rebought. + +The SEC clearly enables all of this. *There doesn't need to be naked shorting. This here is the 'naked' shorting, all backed by SEC vague language systemically built in to allow multiple interpretations. This is SEC-enabled shorting cycle. Perhaps the SEC really is the Short-Seller Enrichment Commission. Is this the cause of HKD's rise? It could very well be.* Or, the HKD case here could also be a forced pump and dump to balance out growing margin on their short positions that are on their books and which haven't yet resulted in an FTD. Or combinations of these. + +&#x200B; + +[The theory of everything solved?](https://i.redd.it/ycof6znm29f91.gif) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +* **More Research Needed** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +My personal statement on this: + +>*So there I was this weekend, certified Alpha, single-handedly taking on an army of a thousand shills mixed with beta Apes who didn't know whose side they were on. I faced death threats, humiliation attempts, harassment, hate, and other miscellaneous threats, because I was trying to bring light to FTDs which were rising. Now: Ask Yourself Why. The saying in the Fleet was, "you know your time-to-target is near zero when you are taking the most flak."* +> +>*Don't question my loyalty to Apes ever again. Instead, start calling the SEC and DOJ. This is activity unlike anything I have witnessed in the market since '08/'09.* +> +>*BUY $GME. DRS. HOLD. CALMLY, RESPECTABLY, PROFESSIONALLY, AND WITH CONFIDENCE.* + +&#x200B; + +# TLDR: 8/2 Update: As GameStop shareholders were supposed to be in receipt of Dividend shares, and as GameStop's trading volume remained substantially suppressed, these seven tickers alone jumped from only $6B to $519 Billion. This is over half a Trillion dollars arbitrarily and overnight, with a brand-new IPO (chinese $HKD) making up the bulk. $GME FTD discussion above reveals a possible solution to 'the theory of everything.' + +# Wut doin, Ken? Pumping these to buy another day on margin? "Settling" $GME FTDs? Or stealing half a Trillion USD in Apes' MOASS money through hong kong? +Intels future is getting more gloomy after decades of dominance. They are behind AMD with the next gen chips while AMD Is already making them. Another big hit is AAPL moving away from intels chips as well. The meme stock status of AMD is changing! + + +Intel offers disappointing Q3 earnings guidance, delays next-generation chips https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/23/intel-intc-earnings-q2-2020.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I’m 22, make $100k and live in Orlando FL. To cut to it, i really want a Porsche Cayman S ($47k). + +My current car is a 370z that i bought at 17 and it’ll be paid off this year. I know this wouldn’t be the absolute worst purchase, however it certainly wouldn’t be the smartest. + +Is there a rule-of-thumb when it comes to luxury purchases? Just looking for opinions and advice on the situation +This is complete speculation, please take this all with a grain of salt, and no dates… but… + + +For those of you that have read the DD about the crypto dividend I’m sure you’ve heard of the ability that it has to absolutely fuck the shorts, [much like it did with Overstock way back when.](https://www.irmagazine.com/technology-social-media/how-overstock-used-blockchain-distribute-its-digital-dividend#:~:text=The%20OSTKO%20token%20represents%20a,liquidation%20rights%20of%20common%20shares.) I won’t be going into the details of how well this would work, there’s other DD on that, or the legal issues surrounding it, which GameStop has covered their ass in concern of this, but I will mention why I think that this week will end amazingly. + + +The date of the token at nft.gamestop.com is July 14th, which many have pointed out to be Bastille Day, where the citizens of France stormed the military fortress and prison of Bastille, a major turning point in the very french revolution (an uprising very much based on ‘eating the rich’). Technically settlement makes this iffy and they could announce the record date being the 16th which would mean that the moass ends on the 14th, which would also be cool. + + +If Gamestop is to issue a dividend they are to inform the public at least 10 calendar days in advance of the record date, as per NYSE rules. Let’s pretend for a second that the record date is July 14th. + + +July 4th would be the latest that this dividend was to be issued, and today is the earliest. Clearly it won’t be today because [CEO Matt Furlong’s compensation is based on the closing price of June.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7ek0q/a_lot_of_apes_are_forgetting_about_the_details_of/) + + +July 4th looks nice, as Cohen [has tweeted](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1399526466770059268?s=19) flags [a couple of times](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1385989779129503746?s=19), but unfortunately July 4th won’t work either, as it is both a holiday and a Sunday. + + +July 3rd won’t work because it’s a Saturday (dividends can’t be announced on a weekend because the SEC office is closed). + + +This leaves us with July 1st and July 2nd. + + +July 1st is a possibility, and maybe that would make sense. Furlong gets fairly paid his shares and July 1st is Canada day which could possibly have been construed from Cohen’s recent Terence and Phillip tweet, but that would be on an odd day and that tweet was better related in that DD about him tweeting shit before GME shits. + +Now July 2nd… July 2nd. It’s on a Friday, which is lovely, and it’s the weekend preceding the 4th of July. It would be very hype all on it’s own but you know what really makes me think it’s the perfect day? Remember those American flag tweets? + + +[July 2nd is ‘Made in the USA day’.](https://www.checkiday.com/79893609718e2d80665086187bfda4dd/made-in-the-usa-day) + + +And guess what happens if those tweets come out after hours. The first trading day following that is July 6th (the fifth being closed for July 4th’s observance). July 6th being the morning of a Tuesday. A Tuesday morning. + +[Now where have I heard that before?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpyk55/tuesday_morning_it_is_streetview_from_the_store/) + + +Tits jacked. *ᴮᵘᵗ ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵗᵒᵗᵃˡˡʸ ʷʳᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ.* + +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +EDIT: Additionally, I think it would be in Gamestop's best interest to do so. This would ensure that all the July 16th options go in the money, so even if it doesn't manage to force all the shorts to cover (which in my opinion it does, but let's pretend it doesn't) and simply introduces a ton of buying pressure, the buying pressure + gamma squeeze from those contracts would send the price of GME far past the point of forced liquidation. The E tee H (why is their a filter for something literally Gamestop related) smart contract is also already in place, and while I don't know if they put in the ability to alter it after the fact, if they didn't then this could ensure no interference with said token. I also think if they were to announce that they are launching an NFT platform they would probably do so in conjunction with the dividend, and a few days in advance, not have it be immediately live. Granted, they could just be launching the token then and all of this is irrelevant, but I choose to believe that the leadership is cooler than that and would like to get this along as soon as possible to actually do work in the company and not be inundated with dealing with all of this naked shorting and moass stuff. + +(If you're seeing this twice it's because the post got deleted by the automod for crypto words :/) + + +EDIT 2: + +["Put on your tinfoil hat and look at RC’s past tweets. On April 24, he posted a pic of an American flag. How many days are there between April 24 and July 2? 69 days."](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oatbcn/im_calling_it_now_this_week_is_going_to_end_well/h3jiz4j) + +I'm going to cum. + +EDIT 3: I am not saying Friday's going to trade well btw, just that we might get an announcement friday. + +~~EDIT 4: Okay so dividend declaration dates might be able to be done on weekend/holidays? I figured not for SEC filing purposes... however I can't find anything that says that they can't [and some evidence that says that they can...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oatbcn/im_calling_it_now_this_week_is_going_to_end_well/h3l5uxx) if so then July 4th might be the actual date.~~ + +EDIT 5: From reading [this](https://academic.oup.com/rfs/article/2/4/607/1587121?casa_token=WeDq43HiQqkAAAAA:vlVkPBxiT35evI8B8winiCD8HqjUDSCpK90k1qeK-wFSBX98r9e0xXl5QPez_GvhAFwqd4pUTVsXpg) academic article that studies the timing of when dividends are released and their effect on the market, it implies that dividends can only be released on weekdays. + +EDIT 6: https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1410398196610723842?s=20 + +If it happens tomorrow I'm going to cum. Send all those options ITM? Yes please Daddy Cohen. + +EDIT 7: Lmao. +Hello All + +**CANADA! -eh! (FYI)** + +I have been fortunate in business that I will be exiting the company that I am with, with approx 10mm of liquid cash and 5mm in real estate. + +Both my wife (43F) and I (48m) are looking to fatFIRE and live off 4% of the generated income with a view that we want to put our networth into trust so that future generations can benefit from it. + +From reading this Sub it would appear that 4% is enough (on average) to allow the NW to grow, without eating it away, and if invested smartly will allow, should allow growth of the NW endowment over time. + +We have one young child, and that qty will not change, so for the foreseeable future, the trust would have a chance to grow in size, if we stick to our budget. + +However if she had 2 or 3 kids and they have a couple of kids, this nest egg could get burnt up within a generation or two. + +**What rules have you put in place around the disbursement of money from trusts to ensure your trust survives as long as possible?** + +I am thinking higher ed tuition/vocational training is paid for. and maybe a stipend whilst studying. + +x amount towards the deposit on their first house. + +A stipend for the birth of child. + +Where i get stuck is - + +Maybe a yearly allowance that gets divided by the number of dependents and linage, so if i have 2 grandkids and 1 reproduces likes rabbits they only get 50% share of the allowance pot divided amongst that linage, verses the other grandkid that only has 1 or 2 kids etc later in life? + +Is there a resource that you have come across that list various options for these questions? + +I feel like I am navigating something that other people have already done before? +Hey Ausfinancers + +I was fortunate enough last week to have my offer accepted by the seller of a property. My offer was initially rejected at 1.49m and the agent asked if i could do 1.5m . I couldnt offer another 10k as I was already over my budget. + +One of the terms on the contract was that the seller wish to rent back the property for another 3 months after settlement (I am guessing it's because they want full access to the sale money before moving out) , so I went ahead and ask " Look, how about i make the 3 months rental virtually free at 1$ a week , that should be as good as the missing 10k?" + +To my surprise it actually worked and the seller agreed , the agent has drawn up the lease agreement as well. That also got me thinking that because this is now being purchased as an investment property for the first 3 months , does it mean that my expenses (such as solicitor fees , loan interest , building & pest , painting) are now tax deductible when it wouldn't have been ? + +Am i missing something? this seems too good to be true? I get to pay 10k less AND have tax deduction on probably close to 10k expense? + +Edit: Ah thanks guys! a few of you pointed out that I need to charge the rental at market rate for this to work. Getting answers here is much faster than calling up ATO , you guys rock! +I’ve recently been evaluating what I enjoy doing, and what my hobbies are. I’ve noticed that I’m interested in personal finance and enjoy browsing the subreddit, partly because I want to plan for my future but also because it’s ‘fun’. + +While my personal finance journey is only in its infancy, having just turned 18 and opening a S&S ISA, it’s still something I enjoy. So my question is would you consider personal finance to be a hobby? +**E: As of 10:28 AM EDT, a concerned redditor has reached out. Take that with what you will.** + +**E2: It seems the post was removed by Reddit due to PII. However, I am choosing to leave this post up for two reasons. The first is to remind people Citadel/Kenneth Cordele Griffin did, in fact, send out cease and desist letters. The second is because Kenneth Cordele Griffin did, in fact, commit perjury.** + +*I have removed the links to posts I originally included for the safety of those that made those posts in case Kenneth Cordele Griffin decides to address this post or myself.* + +The recent removal of a post by Reddit regarding the plane being flown with the words “KEN GRIFFIN LIED UNDER OATH” is very telling and the absolute worst thing you could do against the very party responsible for the banner, apes. + +If Kenneth Cordele Griffin truly closed his short position on GME there would have been no serious action taken against by either himself or his firm regarding a flying statement (or any previous time a cease and desist order was given, a post was removed, or an account was banned). *\[As pointed out, the banners were in regards to the hearing and not the closing of positions. However, it’s a safe assumption that Kenneth Cordele Griffin also lied about closing his short positions based on the hearing.\]* A simple denial would have sufficed if it wasn’t an issue for him and his business. This has been theorized countless times but his actions are almost confessions that we’re right. Did we forget about the recent House Committee on Financial Services report showing Robinhood’s conversation with Citadel (bottom of page 47) leading up to the sneeze? + +>k. Robinhood and Citadel Securities engaged in “blunt” negotiations the night before the trading restrictions to lower the PFOF rates Robinhood was charging CitadelSecurities. + +It doesn't specify negotiations about restricting the buy side of the trade but it **HAS** to have come up. There's no possible way it wasn't mentioned. + +People with power usually don’t react heavily towards something that’s factually wrong since, as mentioned earlier, a denial is all they really need. What happens when they catch wind of something potentially damaging on this big a scale? Any thriving business performs damage control. Whether that business is ethically sound or not does not matter at the moment. Damage control is a signal of repair and preemptive action is necessary when there’s a high risk of actual damage to follow if left unattended. + +To bring the point home, Kenneth Cordele Griffin has responded on several occasions regarding people publicizing his perjury because it’s true. It would’ve been left alone all those times if it wasn’t the case. If this post gets removed or if I get banned you’ll know why. Deuces. +It’s my first credit card and I’m looking to use it as a joint card with my partner for groceries, bills, life etc. How do people find it for this use? +I \[33M\] live in a rent-controlled apartment complex in South Carolina, and I've renewed my lease for another year until August 2023. My apartment recently came under new management a few weeks ago, and they're planning to demolish the entire property next year, so I'll need to move then. + +I currently make $85k annually working a remote data analyst position. I've been strongly considering moving to New York City to start fresh, but wasn't sure if it would be realistic given my income level. I know I won’t be living in a huge upscale place in Manhattan or anything, but I don’t want roommates either. + +I have no debt, I own my car outright (which I plan to sell), and I’m putting everything I can into my retirement and other investments. + +**EDIT: Wow! I never imagined this would blow up! I greatly appreciate all of your input. I’ve decided to look into Jersey City, Hoboken and Astoria as those seem to be the most popular places in this thread. Cheers!** +**Sorry if this is not allowed, I will attempt to keep the name out of this as much as possible to attempt to show this is not a shill but my crazy experience over the last few days and how it changed my viewpoint on crypto. If you are interested in making your token, or just how the under belly of crypto works, then this is for you.** + +This is a legitimate, crazy story that has changed my mind on crypto and taught me a lot about the trappings of small cryptos on the DEFI scene, specifically Harmony One's network. This is a long story. + +**Where this adventure started** + +Strange beginnings for a crypto, but I wanted to know how markets worked, how easy it is to manipulate a price, see how much buys and sells effect crypto. Now I am not rich by any means and didn't want to destroy someone else's project, whether it deserves it or not. So I went looking for a cheap way to build a token and deploy it onto a smart network. I first went to Harmony as it is a project I am really excited for (although this experience may not sound like a glowing reference to Harmony at points, I genuinely still believe Harmony will be a top coin in the future). + +Luckily for me, a token generator exists on the Harmony network (it is called tokenjenny, in no way affiliated). I genuinely do not remember how I found it, but it is likely due to the fact it has a tournament with Viper (what I believe will be the number 1 DEX on Harmony, but I have a small bag so I may be biased). I created a simple token based on what I would want out of a small token, a small hard cap on tokens to, no burns, no sale tax, no airdrops. Just a small token which value held itself against itself without using fancy gimmicks. This was also the best way to change prices. + +After a few clicks and a wallet connect, I had all 1 million of my token in my wallet. Ridiculously easy and fee less I believe, with the only cost being the cost of sending the coins to my wallet on Harmony. And there you have it, I own a crypto. + +**The self market manipulation** + +In the beginning I did not have a clue what I was doing, if I am honest. I thought I did, but once you hold it in your hands and you are responsible, trust me it is different. I immediately dropped 8 ONE (about 50c at the time) against 750k of my tokens into liquidity on Viperswap and I had a live token. From there I proceeded to trade the coin in small amounts until the market cap had gone up to around $20 (this is a guess, it could have been less). I sold some more, then bought back and carried on watching how a big buy vs a small buy sent the price to different levels. And how the DEX actively worked against you buying all the liquidity at once with price impacts. This made it clear to me that this actually works. If people trade it, it will go up. This is obvious, but having full control of the market cap of your coin is again a different feeling. It felt strangely powerful and I wanted to know more. + +**The dumb luck** + +So I knew the only way to know more was to join a pump and dump group. I arrived at a newly started one on Telegram aimed specifically at Harmony projects. At this point the coin was still a self experiment and I introduced myself to the group awkwardly (I am a very awkward person) and started asking questions. The group were nice and quickly I learnt that I needed to burn my tokens so people trusted me. They even taught me how to do this (twist regarding this later). I decided to go for it. They were complaining about a coin that had just rugged and the owner had too much tokens, so I stacked another 200k of my token into liquidity and sent it to a burner address. + +**The social experiment** + +So, I decided to explain myself to the chat. My coin was an experiment to me and I decided to be honest about that. That and the fact someone could easily buy the whole supply, I said the truth, I am testing your greed as if you buy too much then you will destroy the token. I thought this would lead to someone going FU and just buying it and me being completely out of all my money, which I was ok with, my experiment would then be complete. + +**What actually happened** + +People bought little bits, the price rose. It started under 0.00001c which was the lowest value possible on the analytics. After a few hours it had reached 0.00001c. No more > sign. Nice. I thought that would be the end. People were saying how much they liked how I put things, how I encourage selling. I woke up the next morning to it being 0.001c. I realised at this point I was in control of peoples money in a way and therefore I had to be responsible with that. I would hate to be why people lost money down to my experiment. + +**Putting the work in** + +I opened up a telegram and added people. The prices at certain points gets hazy at this time because it was all so surreal and a major whirlwind. They asked the obvious question, what now? What now indeed. I did not want a pump and dump, I couldn't do that to people. Don't get me wrong at some point I will sell some, but for now I just wanted to make sure I didn't lose people money. I set a price target of 1 token = $1, if not 1 token = 1 One thinking it would be unreachable. The price hit 0.01c. I promised to make a website. I looked into ways to add value. With a coin that does nothing the only value it has is the value that people put to it, so I went looking for ways to add value. It became pretty clear to me that the best use case for the token was to use it in liquidity pools. But how do you get one of those when your coin is still under $1k? I joined the token jenny tournament. A tournament where the 1st placed prize would get you an incentivised pool and a nice cash reward. The price hit 1c. I made a website and set up a tournament to create the logo, paying in my token. The website was to be revealed after the tournament. The price hit 6c. My token had a market cap of $60k in the space of a week from creation. 8 One had turned into a value of 1 million One in the space of a week. It rose to 8c. + +**The dump** + +I woke up the next morning and the price was 4c. Ouch. My worst fears had happened. It had battled against it but that was it, the end. Or so I thought. People asked what happened and to get people interested I went shilling. Not to pump and dump, but to get new customers. Not all the dump was people selling all, they were just taking profits, good. I had said from the beginning, you sell when you need to, no one knows your story and what that amount of money will do to you. People liked my response. It battled to 10c but dropped again. + +**The copycat** + +Someone released a coin called 1 billion. It was a reference to my name and advertised it as homage. It was a memecoin standard, where there were burns, tax and no proof of liquidity burn. I found it a compliment. People were annoyed that I didn't get annoyed, but I genuinely thought it would be good for my coin. + +**100k Market cap** + +This weekend was meant to be my wedding anniversary and nephews 1st birthday. I spent all weekend keeping people active. Growing bonds with people and advertising the competition. The competition happened and the response was immense. Immediately I added the winning logo to the website and shared the site. I expected to wake up back at 1c with the hype dying and having to talk down people wanting free crypto. I had made the mistake of paying people who did not win too as I liked their submission. Big mistake. + +I woke up with the price at 9c. As soon as I was active again it was at 14c. + +**Jealousy/FUD** + +So I had started noticing that certain people were saying not so nice things about my token and me. The main one being the rug pull. Easy to get rid of with proof of liquidity sent to dead address. This did not stop it. Then it was that I will print more. I showed the contract, hard cap 1 million tokens. They created a telegram group to do group research into new tokens. Fine by me, it is needed. 1st post, my token is on their watch list. I lost my rag. I didn't understand what their problem was. I should have stayed out of it, but it was other people's money in my hands. It felt personal. I managed to bat back every FUD except the fact there could be whales, I couldn't argue that, there were 2 or 3. It was inevitable. + +Then I went onto viperswap tradeable coins on Coingecko and realised my coin was the only Harmony coin with a green trust score. They soon gave up. They were the creators behind 1 Billion or in the circle. 1 Billion got rug pulled. I came out shining. The price stayed stable. + +**The tournament** + +We flew into second place and have stayed there since. The leading coin is probably out of reach, and they know the tournament creator and viper devs. It feels like they were meant to win. I hope I am wrong. + +**The hype dies down** + +So this is now getting to present day. Big buyers become smaller sellers, but still selling. We sit at a still very respectable 6 to 7c. I have plans, and will soon start approaching other DEX's for liquidity pools as I now fully understand our value in a pool. Being none deflationary nor inflationary, our value would hold a coin up very nicely. I have to learn social media marketing too, but I will get this coin on a DEX and in a pool. I have to. + +**What I learnt and how it changed my view on crypto** + +I genuinely thought that it would get bought immediately and I would be dumped off. I was genuinely ok with that. But I learnt that people just want a chance at a better life and crypto gives them hope. Some make it. Some don't. 1 Billion pumped and rugged so hard I had people apologising to me that they had to sell mine to cover losses there. I always said I understood and I did to a certain degree, at least enough to know it wasn't an act against my token. + +The DEX market is really a shit show beneath the hood. Dodgy analytics that lose connection making people think you have rugged (I have been told this is down to Harmony One issues at the moment, which I am inclined to believe). People trying to scam as many people as possible. Harmony was a nice place, but as more comes along the more it becomes like any other. Copies of copies popping up everywhere. It is good, but I wish I could get the message out to everyone, do not dip into it with money you can't afford to lose, even money you don't want to lose. You will lose 9 out of 10 times. There are geniuses in the early days, but they are heavily outnumbered by scammers. It is a shame, but it is inevitable with full decentralisation. + +Token value is set by greed rather than worth. A coin with green candles will outsell a coin with red candle any day of the week. People forget the saying sell when there is greed and buy when there is fear so quickly due to FOMO. It is terrifying and something I am going to start drilling into my kids ASAP. + +Analytics are easily scuffed, especially at low level crypto. I learnt this myself but also watching other coins in the tournament. Do not fall for green candles, please. + +Honesty can win, I was honest from the beginning, I will stay honest. Our little success is testament to this. It pushes me and the community to put more work in and make a genuine project. I know we will get there. + +Being responsible for peoples money is scary. Never will I ever trust anyone again who outright fully enjoys this. I thought it would be fun making money for people, but genuinely it has been terrifying, dizzying and has caused so much anxiety. This is why I have to make this work going forward. + +Thank you for reading this far down and not deleting it if it doesn't get deleted, I thought I would just tell my story, a story I will never forget no matter what. I couldn't it has changed me. +&#x200B; + +[Banner submission by u\/JoQuinoa](https://preview.redd.it/fnldxzy897y61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=51903b84e33bed34a0f883b1940880c6f739af74) + +# Good Morning Superstonk!!! + +**MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY!!** + +WHO'S READY FOR ANOTHER WEEK OF HODLING? 💎🙌🚀 + +By the time you're reading this, we'll probably be at 275,000 members!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +*pro tip because I've seen some comments: every word you see that's underlined and blue is a live link to my source material!* + +[🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀](https://preview.redd.it/wbeql6emm7y61.jpg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f46d8ecf5c569a19e1b02dec84a2ed1a22c90d4e) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Top Story- NSCC-006 + +There's been a lot of posts floating around this weekend pertaining to the new [NSCC-006 filing](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-006.pdf). Lots of hype, lots of mis-info, and we need to set the record straight first and foremost. + +**What does 006 do?:** + +**IT DOES** eliminate the 10 day waiting period before implementation after the DTCC and SEC approval process. + +**What 006 DOESN'T do:** + +**IT DOES NOT** implement any rules immediately. Including 002 or any others. + +**IT DOES NOT** eliminate the need for the approval process on any rules including 002. + +**IT DOES NOT** eliminate the extension already implemented on 002 or any others. + +[not it](https://preview.redd.it/08044elpw6y61.jpg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a45785911869b39ec6abcfe7e156bcda2b0fac0) + +# THIS RULING DOES NOTHING FOR MOASS AS A STANDALONE RULE + +*002 is still put off until June 21. It could be implemented well before then, we don't know. This is just the extended deadline. You can't deny that they are putting a LOT of rules in place that seem directly tied to GME and the exposure of naked short selling.* + +[**Here's a post that talks about it more in detail.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7jphk/nscc006_doesnt_change_much_but_looking_forward_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +# Negative Volume (Again) + +&#x200B; + +[Where go?](https://preview.redd.it/d9sm8mpbv6y61.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4152f7c81d43c45d1dd76da8f6002361fc77bac) + +Remember when I posted last week [about the -1million volume anomaly](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5pk8v/negative_1_million_volume_after_hours/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) that happened on May 5 and I said it was most likely due to a CTS server reboot that caused a glitch? [Well, IT HAPPENED AGAIN.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n728ty/it_happened_again_last_night_2_million_volume/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This time for -2 million. And once is an anomaly. Twice is something else entirely. + +[And according to the wrinkly math here, it may have been happening for even longer under our noses](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6x24u/finra_and_sec_says_volume_56_yesterday_was_17m/gxam4ot?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +Totally trippin' Pink Cats theory 👽 : The dark pool orders being unable to execute caused the negative volume due to cancelled orders. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Carl Hagberg is coming THIS WEDNESDAY AT 4PM Eastern to answer all your questions about Proxy Voting in the Gamestop shareholder election!!! + +&#x200B; + +[Carl Hagberg, OG Ape ](https://preview.redd.it/ddayumr4d7y61.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f5e3906475b194e85efd0a5eaab7afbd168d1c7) + +# [The official Carl Hagberg AMA question thread is LIVE NOW!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8qq8v/official_ama_carl_hagberg_retail_shareholder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Do you want to know what proxy voting is? + +Do you want to talk about why Euroapes are having trouble voting? + +DO YOU WANT SOMEONE TO COME EXPLAIN TO US WTF ALL THIS EVEN MEANS?! + +Well we gotchu fam. Carl is literally THE OG EXPERT. [We love Carl](https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieSubmissions/comments/kkc6k5/my_swedish_grandpa_tried_lingonberry_g_fuel_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And we're so grateful that he's coming to talk to us about [**how exercising our right to vote**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6isp6/rock_the_vote_proxy_voting_101_the_most_important/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **IS THE KEY TO EXPOSING THE CORRUPTION AND ABUSE BEHIND NAKED SHORT SELLING.** + +# Don't miss the AMA with Carl Hagberg where u/atobitt will discuss everything Voters rights this Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at 4pm Eastern! YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS AMA!!!!!👀 + +[**Upon Dr. T's recommendation, everyone needs to read this comment from Mr. Hagberg to the SEC regarding overvoting!🚨**](https://www.sec.gov/comments/4-725/4725-4611649-176367.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +[Also, did you know that Gamestop has access to live poll results ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxwfyt/proxy_voting_dd_how_the_count_works_and_timeline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)on and after 5/11 (tomorrow). THEN THEY WILL KNOW!! + +&#x200B; + +**THIS COULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF YOUR LIFE TO VOTE IN!!** + +[Exercise your right to VOTE!!! \(artwork by u\/Bye-Triangle\) ](https://preview.redd.it/5ydvqyicz6y61.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e5e43b553b195db7971ea6feacbf2219414c21c) + +# And while we're talking about voting... + +I know so many of you still haven't gotten your flairs, I am so sorry!! Some of you have been asking for weeks and I apologize for not being able to get to everyone. I will continue to try to catch up as I have time!! + +# BUT NOW'S THE TIME TO GET YOUR VOTED FLAIR IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY!! + +# Just comment !apevote! and automod will give you your voted flair!! + +HUGE shoutout to u/redchessqueen99 for coding this bad boy and saving the whole mod team some clicks! + +[!apevote!](https://preview.redd.it/ppv9cbsj77y61.jpg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f82c401fadc9972d95d5650865346f702daea7) + +# [You can ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6isp6/rock_the_vote_proxy_voting_101_the_most_important/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)[read the Rock the Vote post here to learn the steps for voting! VOTE ASAP!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6isp6/rock_the_vote_proxy_voting_101_the_most_important/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀💎🙌🚀 + +# Kenny doesn't know how to use a VPN + +[The 1 area in Chicago googling \\"Superstonk\\" ](https://preview.redd.it/9d111webe7y61.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=8230164480dd0b42d9c4506314bbb96e7ff0cc91) + +# [For those that don't know, here is the location of Citadel HQ (zoom out a bit)](https://goo.gl/maps/MhgSBQhR9njtv5K38) + +Remember the google trend posts? Those were good times. Thanks [u/Tosh\_00](https://www.reddit.com/user/Tosh_00/) for reminding us. + +&#x200B; + +**Also on this note, here are some updated analytics from Superstonk:** + +* 2.24 Million UNIQUE page views last week +* 1.95 Million UNIQUE page views so far this May +* 215,320,908 page views in the month of April +* Last week when the Superstonk Daily and Rock the Vote both made the front page of Reddit, we had 11,037,011 page views *on that day alone,* and we gained 11,993 subscribers *that day* as well. +* Daily new subscriber average still hangs around 3,000 per day + +As you can see, we have **LOTS OF EYES ON US** here at Superstonk. And as I've said before, why wouldn't they be watching? There's magic in this jungle 🦄🍌💎🙌👽🦍🐈🚀 + +# Let's Talk Politics (or don't) + +[This post got everyone talking politics, and we need to clear a few things right here and now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n727qd/as_someone_works_as_an_advisor_for_policy_makers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +We know how eager everyone is to get involved and make a difference. However, please keep in mind that [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) is a place for people from around the world to get together to share news, information, memes and comments about stonks. + +Our AMAs are for informational purposes only. Our guests are here to inform us and to answer YOUR questions. + +We are not a political group. Mods will not spearhead any political campaign nor will we reach out to any politician on behalf of [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/). + +There are several reasons for this, however the most important ones are: + +1. Many of us, including several Mods, are not US citizens. +2. If [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) reaches out to potentially "friendly" or "open minded" US politicians to try and "educate" or "inform" them, this is what will happen: + 1. Mods and influential [r/superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/superstonk/) users will be targeted as "bad actors" who are attempting to exert foreign influence on US politicians and policy; and + 2. Those politicians we reach out to, who may or may not be friendly, will be targeted as "compromised" and "under foreign influence/manipulation" +3. The result? All of a sudden, any positive changes they are attempting to make will be seen as "an attack on American Sovereignty" because they are "compromised" by "foreign manipulation" +4. Furthermore, politicians are not dumb. **You can bet that many of them are lurking on this sub, reading, watching and learning.** If they want to learn, they can and will do so. + +**If you want to get involved, all you have to do is watch our AMA with Dave Lauer or** [**read the transcript**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7295i/david_lauer_ama_transcript_summary_22/)**. Here's a direct copy/paste from the transcript:** + +>\*\*WHAT CAN WE DO?\*\*There have been questions about **what can we do** and to me this is one of those things that we can do.Another thing is you can just continue to make your voice heard, **you can file comment letters with the SEC or FINRA, that's an excellent way to get involved**, they do read them and \*\*they do listen to well thought out comments, or well-researched comments.\*\*You can contact your members of Congress because these bills that are going to come up are going to be controversial and they need to hear that there are people out there that support them, for good reasons.You can make use of the SEC and Office of the Investor Advocate who is there to advocate on your behalf and is often focused on institutional investors but would probably like to hear more from retail.And Gary Gensler I think in his testimony before Congress is going to say that they're requesting public input on some of these exact issues.So I think getting involved like that is just an *excellent thing*.It's great to have more involvement and more perspectives in this market structure debate, versus most of the people that are involved generally work for the high-frequency firms, the exchanges, the broker-dealersThere are very few of us out there who are not beholden to one of those types of firms and who are making money, actively, off of the current market structure. + +**If our American apes wish to contact their representatives as individuals, please do so.** + +However, the Mod Team will not be contacting anyone on behalf of the community, nor will we be involved with organizing any "Master DD", slideshows, or political AMAs. + +Many American apes are asking for information/websites/links on how to contact their representatives/SEC/FINRA. + +# [Report suspected securities fraud to SEC](https://www.sec.gov/tcr) + +# [File a complaint with FINRA](https://www.finra.org/investors/have-problem/file-complaint) + +# [Report Fraud to the FTC](https://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/submit-consumer-complaint-ftc) + +[But imma keep doing it anyway](https://preview.redd.it/9vcoe657b7y61.jpg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102e874a1437684ce8f9326932799b0cedd14bcb) + +Also, here's a message from [u/redchessqueen99](https://www.reddit.com/u/redchessqueen99/): + +"This subreddit is public space. I think that's even true, legally considering. People all over the world come to reddit and join public forums. We won't condone anything against our rules.Politics must be relevant to the discussion. There are private chat groups and messaging alternatives for those who truly wish to organize.This subreddit is geared toward public discussion and sharing of knowledge and education.This is not a place to organize action on the political battlefield.However, if those organized actions rely on information gained from [r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk) or other subreddits, that will not be on other community members or the moderators.We are here to facilitate public discourse, not censor information or discussion on the grounds of supposed involvement.**In the end, we all have free will and free speech, and we moderators seek to keep the peace and nurture public discussion, not police it or censor it without good reason.** " + +&#x200B; + +.......With that said... + +# An update has been made to Rule 5, Improper Content: + +**No political posts. Any reference to politics must involve $GME directly.** + +This is the 1 corner of the internet where everyone is equal and none of that dirty talk gets in through the gates. Let's keep it that way as long as we can. There are plenty of other places on reddit to discuss politics, even as they pertain to GME. But there is only 1 superstonk 💖 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# 📢📦INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT!! 📢📦 + +[Gamestop Limited Edition Bananya Cat Squeezy Plush](https://preview.redd.it/4ajzaoagb7y61.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc40dc61f9b48fea3afcb8c20427907a2784c60b) + +**I've seen y'all posting about the GME bananya cat and talking about how AMAZING it is (because it is.. it's so SQUEEZY!!!!) but the comments from international apes that couldn't order one got me big sad :'(** + +# SO WE'RE DOING A GIVEAWAY FOR 3 LUCKY INTERNATIONAL APES OUTSIDE THE USA! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +&#x200B; + +**They will even come with a Roaring Kitty red headband just like mine has!!** + +[SQEEEEEEzy](https://preview.redd.it/vmb0gczjb7y61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=29ec44f557cd0d011ffff62a0677d27019cf5f82) + +I'm also going to use this giveaway to bring some Gamestop corporate attention to twitter, to show how big the demand is for international sales!! [I will be blasting this contest on twitter @ Gamestopcorp et. al](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) to try to get some big eyeballs on the issue!! + +**So, how do you get your diamond little monkey paws on this squeezy? 🦧** + +# 💎🙌🚀SHOW ME THE MEMES!! 👀 + +**I want you to show me your best GME meme**!!! The 3 most upvoted memes from international apes will be declared GOAT and will finally be able to fill the little spoon void that their spouse left when they found out about your GME yolo. **I will ship it to ANYWHERE THE USPS SHIPS TO OUTSIDE THE USA!!** Free of cost, no rules to enter, just show me your best, funniest, most classic memes about the GME saga!! + +# I don't care if they're video or image, just as long as they are OC and they don't break any sub rules. + +**This contest will run through Friday, May 14th at 3pm Eastern, at which time comments will be locked! Upvoting will continue through the weekend. Winners will be announced in the Superstonk Daily on Monday, May 17, 2021 and winners will be contacted via personal message for shipping information.** + +Again, there is no shipping cost or anything to the winners! And tbh, if I end up being able to order more that the 3 plushies, I will give more away to top winners, so stay tuned!! + +**I love this community of apes!! Y'all are like family and you all deserve a hug from a cute lil cat 😻🐈💖💖💖** + +*Plushies will not be shipped anywhere in the USA! The plushy is available online at* [*Gamestop.com*](https://Gamestop.com) *to USApes.* + +# [LINK TO THE MEME CONTEST IS LIVE NOW!!!!! LET THE MEMES BEGIN!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n919hi/superstonk_daily_giveaway_meme_contest_limited/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) *Memes must be posted IN THIS LINKED THREAD to be considered! + +# Memes are not considered to be entered into the competition until they are posted in the giveaway thread (regardless of being posted on the main page.) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +https://preview.redd.it/sc5p4uord7y61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e03438445e0c8725eef273e856c03cda6a49508 + +**Be excellent to each other!!!** + +Be friendly, help others! + +We are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes.** + +**This helps us weed out the shills really fast, because if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out.** + +Remember the fundamentals of this company. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can. + +[Tweet from EB Games Australia ](https://preview.redd.it/vxy7pjt9k7y61.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d68bf2385a0eaa9bf6fd464457fc151e92df0bb5) + +**Reddit down, wot do?** + +Mods have carefully considered what to do during a reddit blackout and advise the following - IF REDDIT GOES DOWN AT A PIVOTAL MOMENT go to [u/redchessqueen99](https://www.reddit.com/u/redchessqueen99/) 's Twitter or [u/pinkcatsonacid](https://www.reddit.com/u/pinkcatsonacid/) 's Twitter (below) to look for additional instructions on where to muster (these are the most active twitter accounts on the mod team at this time!). And check in on SuperStonk's YouTube Channel for an Emergency Broadcast, if necessary. + +[https://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99](https://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99) + +[https://mobile.twitter.com/pinkcatsonacid](https://mobile.twitter.com/pinkcatsonacid) + +[SuperStonk. YouTube - Emergency Broadcast System](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4EET9NJPWxUuXGlG6fxPA) + +🚨 ... AND VOTE!!! 🚨 + +# Don't forget to comment with !apevote! for your vote flair!!✅ + +# + +# Edit: I removed my earlier piece about dark pools as it was determined to be misinformation. Please see [this response by Dave Lauer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9331h/dave_lauer_clears_things_up_about_the_dark_pool/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to explain. +Follow-up from my comment in another post in this sub-reddit: + +I've found the most happiness in fatFIRE life being around my parents in their later ages. I've learned to be wiser, become more fiscally responsible, learn about their youth in a town in India (when there weren't roads), and delve into how to cook (well) for myself based on their cooking + locally sourcing of foods from the garden. + +These are the people that spent at least 18-20 years, at least, of the prime of their lives (modest finances + time + effort) ensuring I can have a good one. I've been able to have that good life like most people in the world will never see. + +My parents are in the later stages of their lives and passing down their late-age wisdom and skills to me has been worth a ton...FIRE retirement allowed me the opportunity to do that. + +Anyone else have a similar experience with fatFIRE or FIRE? +If your take-home pay from a full time job is $1,500/month, and your rent is $1,300/month, what are you supposed to do? You won't have these kinds of issues of course if you earn more money, but what about the masses that feel lucky to get a job earning $15/hr? + +I'm old enough to remember a time when you still had options if you didn't earn a lot of money. You got a cheap, ugly basement apartment, and rode the bus/walked instead of owning a car. Rent would still be around 40% of your income, if that. You got the basics at the grocery store and drank cheap Folger's coffee. You never really felt too poor or worried a lot about money. + +Now it's hard to cover your bills no matter how cheaply you try to live. Things are sliding in the direction of it getting harder, not easier. More and more people fall off the bottom of the economy and become homeless. How long can the powers that be keep ignoring the crisis? +Usually it's a full time job to research and implement a good trading strategy. I was curious if there are stories where someone accidentally implemented a winning strategy in a relatively short period of time. Like over the weekend the algo was back tested and got impressive returns. Always curious about accidental discoveries. +# I think all of you need to ready to wake up tomorrow and see that the price of GME has been decimated. Will it be hedgie fuckery? + +https://preview.redd.it/e3tx3u38lzc91.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=334ba25ce4ed17b2510b43eb03f4c4973b767d92 + +# There is always hedgie fuckery, but before you freak out, this drop won't be hedgie induced. + +# Here is why: + +https://preview.redd.it/6kj9d09nlzc91.png?width=877&format=png&auto=webp&s=b108688636c0e8629a66f95273b4c15ec8bff0c3 + +# closing price of 7/21/22: $153.47 + +# number of shares: 4 + +&#x200B; + +# $153.47 divide by 4 equal + +# $38.36 + +&#x200B; + +you are welcome for this pubic service announcement + +may the Tendieman smile upon your dreams tonight, you soy boy beta cucks ✌🏼🚀🌕 + +&#x200B; + +# EDIT: i forgot to mention the floor doesn't change LMFAYO YOU SHORTING MORONS, HEDGIES R FUK ahahaha get rekt +So this requires a lot of backstory and I dont know how most of it works tbh so I'll just say what I know. I want to leave my house, no rather I NEED to leave my house, it's not safe for me anymore and I dont ever want to live there again. Problem is, my parents control my bank accounts somehow, all I know is I'm a linked account with them or something and anytime I take money out or try to transfer it they cancel the transfer and tell me not to do that. I'd be starting over with no money no nothing. I've figured for school I can just take out a loan and figure it out from there, but how would I start a new bank account from nothing, my plan is to literally leave with nothing and start over, I can crash at a friends' place for a bit but I dont want to bother them for too long, I just cant be here anymore. Please any advice helps, thank you in advance. + + +Edit: thank you everyone for your responses! I'm not currently in the US so I fell asleep, but I've read through all the comments and wanted to thank everyone for the advice. + +To answer a few questions: + +Parents are abusive, yes, something happened while we were on vacation that almost resulted in me being kicked out while on foreign soil and basically being forced to start a new life and find a way home by myself with no money and I decided "no, I'm not living like this anymore". + +Why didnt I leave earlier/why dont I leave now? I'm on vacation with them now, and in the past I was too scared/they threatened to call the cops on me before I was 18 and I guess I never figured that after I turned 18 they dont have jurisdiction over whether or not I leave. + +Thank you so much everyone, I wish I could get back to everyone that responded but I woke up to like 300 messages in my inbox. I appreciate all the help from everyone and all the best wishes, thank you. +Over the past year I have posted on different strategies one can use while Day Trading, told my story on how I got started, wrote about the importance of mindset and went into detail about how to Day Trade for a living. + +Some of you have been cynical, refusing to believe that someone successful at this would be here helping others without either being a fraud or a shill. Once again, I can assure anyone reading this, that while I will always recommend something that has worked for me, I am not employed by, contracted out from, own or run, any service or resource. My suggestions are based on my personal experience and should be taken in that vein. And plenty of people on here have seen me trade by now to know I am not a fraud. + +While I have been Day Trading for five years and successful for the past three, there are many others that have done this longer and have been more successful than I have. I define success in Day Trading as being consistently profitable to the point where you can depend on it as income to support your daily life. + +However, during that journey I have made many mistakes, and looking back at my post history there is a glaring omission in discussing those errors. Mistakes are essential in the learning process - hopefully some of you can learn from mine before making them yourself: + +*All of these apply to Day Trading, read them in that context:* + +**1) Going on Tilt** \- Far and away my biggest mistake. I wouldn't just revenge trade, I would take it to the next level of abstraction. I was so bad with this that even those on the WSB sub would be like,"Damnnnn....this is NOT the way." I was incapable of getting up and walking away, I could not set limits on daily losses, and as a result bad days turned into catastrophically bad days. + +*You cannot trade if you’re not in the right mindset. If you find yourself breaking your own rules and trading emotionally, you need to get up and walk away.* + +**2) Trying to Anticipate -** I thought I had figured things out, but I hadn't figured out shit. + +"*SPY is due to retrace here", "AAPL is going to blow away earnings, going long!", "Bag Holders are going to take profit soon, going short!"* + +I did not want to "miss out", so I constantly tried to be early on trades. When I look back, if had just waited for a basic 3/8 EMA cross to confirm before entering, that alone would have had a huge positive impact on my results. What you are essentially doing is trying to anticipate what Institutions will do, not the stock, and Institutional traders have far more information than any us ever will. + +*When I stopped trying to predict Institutional moves, and started following them after they occurred, my success rate went up dramatically.* + +**3) It's Not A Loss Until I Close The Trade -** Whenever I was bag-holding, I would look at my account and see that one stock with the huge red loss next to it and this stubborn belief grabs hold - the one that says "you didn't lose that money until you closed the trade". That belief is total bullshit - yes, you did lose the money. It is like how I used to think whenever I went to Vegas - "It's not a loss until I cashed in my chips and left the casino." You need to ask yourself, is there no better use for that money right now? If you are still holding a stock because of technical reasons (i.e. I held **CARV** from two weeks ago as it never violated support) that is one thing - but holding a loser and thinking *that* stock has to be the one to make up for the loss is all mindset, not logic. Find a better trade. + +*Don't stick with bad trades just because you think it isn't a loss until you close them.* + +**4) Too. Many. Indicators.** \- My charts were an absolute mess in the beginning. I had indicators, and then indicators for the indicators, trend lines, moving averages, etc. Eventually I couldn't even see the actual price action because the chart was so cluttered. At some point I was using several monitors just to look at the same stock, and with enough indicators and timeframes you could justify almost any decision. It also took me awhile to learn that - indicators without confirmation is a losing proposition. When I cleaned up my charts and waited for moves to be confirmed I stopped trying to find data to support my bad decisions, and started letting the data lead me to the right decisions. + +*Keep it simple. Wait for confirmation and don't hesitate when you get it.* + +**5) If You Don't Get It, Don't Do It -** I remember in the beginning I saw some YouTube video and the guy in it was doing his weekly stock recommendations. He suggested doing the Wheel strategy on **FB** and I thought, well that sounds easy enough. So I looked up how to do it and executed the trade. **FB** went up and I collected the premium. That was my first time selling premium, and I immediately started looking for other trades like it - and of course for a time I was *all about The Wheel* \- I mean, did other people know about this surefire strategy?! At some point I did one on **AMD** and got assigned - no problem, all part of the strategy I thought, so I sold covered calls. Well this was late 2018, and **AMD** kept dropping, and dropping - the premium I was getting was not nearly enough to offset the constant drops in the stock. Finally, when **AMD** dropped below 20 I got frustrated (*see mistake #1 above*) and started selling calls close to ATM to get more premium. And what happened? **AMD** finally went up and up, and they got called away - it was a losing trade overall, by a lot. The first time I did a Bullish Put Spread it was on **COST,** it dropped below my long Put and I had no idea how to leg out. I lost money because I didn't truly understand what I was doing, and therefore I also did not understand how to get out of the trade. + +*Don't enter a trade unless you have a clear understanding of the mechanics of the your position and have a plan for exit.* + +**6) Stop-Loss, Stopped Out, Stop Doing It -** Most beginning traders are focused on Risk:Reward and so was I. If I put my target at 50 cents profit and my max loss at 25 cents, I am getting a 2:1 return, perfect - so all I need to do is win at least 1/3rd of the time and I will be in profit. The problem was that I *would* have reached my target 1/3rd of the time if I didn't keep getting stopped out. When you set a tight stop, you now have two ways to lose that trade: 1) Stock just doesn't hit the target and drops, and 2) Stock hits the target but first it drops down to your stop. + +I now use mental stops on all my trades, but I recognize that some traders prefer actual hard stops. However, you need to give the trade some room to breathe - yes by moving your stop-loss out further you are reducing your Risk:Reward ratio, but you are also increasing your Win Percentage. And every professional trader knows that in the end, Win Percentage is what matters (I know you can have a 95% win rate, but you can still lose it all on the 5% - however, if you have consistency in your trades this will not happen). + +At some point you will realize that a consistent win-rate is *the most important* thing - a repeatable, consistently winning strategy. Setting tight stop loss are a quick way to drastically reduce your likelihood of having a winning trade. Also (and I have a post dedicated to this entire topic) - stops should be based on the technical analysis and not your risk/reward ratio. + +*Don't give yourself more ways to lose by setting a tight stop on your trades.* + +**7) The First Two Hours Are NOT All That Matters -** I thought it would be great, I would learn this, work maybe 1 or 2 hours a day, and be done. Hell, the guys on YouTube do it, seems simple, and then I have the rest of my day to do whatever I want. Well, to start with, I actually enjoy trading. Unlike most jobs, I have no desire to cut the day short. More importantly I found out that this "rule" only applies if all you are doing is momentum trading. Some of my most profitable trades comes in the middle or towards the end of the trading day. This past Friday, I made my best trades on **SGOC** *after* the first two hours. Plus, I was able to make trades on stocks like **AMZN** (shorted it), because I was able to watch how it responded to the market throughout the day. I tend to avoid trading in the first thirty minutes now and use to the time to see how stocks perform relative to the market (SPY). + +*Great set-ups happen all throughout the day. Keep scanning, keep setting alerts.* + +**8) Patience -** I remember when **SNAP** was a new stock and very volatile. One day I started trading it and I believe it was around $14.50 at the beginning of the day (it gapped up by around $1). I jumped in, bought around 5,000 shares and it dropped down to $13.75, so I sold it for a loss, which stung - down around $3,750. About an hour later it started getting volume again and jumping back up, so I bought it again, same share size (I think it was under $14 when I bought it the second time), and it went up. Instead of scalping it, I was looking to get even, so I didn't take profit right away. Naturally, it dropped again, and this time I scratched the trade. I must have traded **SNAP** 5 times that day, and by the end of it I was down around $6,500 overall - but **SNAP** finished the day over $15. So I kept going long on a stock that finished the day up over 20% and I lost money! If I would have either 1) waited for the first pullback and just bought it around 13.75 and then held until end of day or 2) just stayed in my original trade, I would have made money. My constant impatience with the trade cost me. As a new trader I didn't have enough confidence in my trades, and yet I was trading with big positions. Basically, I was doing everything wrong - trading my P&L and not my charts, not having the patience or confidence in the trade, and not knowing when to stop. + +*Lack of confidence leads to lack of patience. Don't trade out of fear, trade the price action.* + +**9) FOMO -** Every new traders worst enemy. Whether you are seeing posts on social media, or people in a chat room talk about a ticker, we have all fallen victim to FOMO at some point. When you see someone say, "**PRPO** is going!" and then right after that, someone else says, "OMG **PRPO**! Who's in??" It is really hard to not jump into **PRPO**. In fact, our anxiety is so great that usually we are jumping in before even checking the charts or trying to find out what the catalyst was for the jump in price. Even worse is when we have to liquidate another position to free up the buying power to take the trade. The overall lesson I learned here is - never jump into a trade without having a good reason, and a good plan for exit. Anything that causes you to bypass rational thought and trade purely on emotion is not a winning strategy. + +*FOMO is not your friend. FOFU should be instead (Fear of Fucking Up).* + +**10) Discounted Experience -** There is an "X" factor in Day Trading that can't be taught in a book, or through a post or video. It can only be learned after doing thousands of trades yourself, and when I say trades, I mean *real* trades, not simulated ones. As a former academic, I thought that if I just read the material, followed the rules, I could be successful. Turns out that you do need to do all of that, you need to have a solid foundation of knowledge and you need to have a good strategy - but you also need experience. It is a small edge, that is barely discernible, but it is what will make an experience trader perhaps stay in for a minute longer, or exit a trade a moment sooner than you might expect. In every trade there are countless variables occurring - the current market conditions, the volume on the stock, the overall sector, areas of resistance and support, the pattern on the stock on that day and historically, the candlestick patterns, the trendlines - all of which paint a picture. Experience allows you to see that picture more clearly. What do this mean practically? It means that the thing I wish I knew the most when I started out was - trade small - meaningful, but small. You need to build that experience over time, and you don't want to risk too much while you do. + +*Experience matters, but it can be costly to learn, so start small and build over time.* + +Anyway, I hope these help you, I wish I knew them when I started out. And I know that reading them is one thing, and actually putting them into practice is another - but if you manage to not repeat all of these mistakes (like I did), you will be well ahead of the game. +I'm just now going through my grandparent's desk and I found a stock certificate they bought in 1988 for Meredith Corp for 6,722 shares. How do I cash this in? After all this time is it even worth anything? +I don't know much about historical prices during high inflation periods, maybe someone can shed some light on it? + +What I mean is, for example, house prices, historically and on average go up. Same for everything, consumer goods, food etc. I don't remember of a single product costing £1 and 3 years later costing 80p... + +Therefore, I just can't see prices coming significantly down from where they are now, maybe 10% or so. Any thoughts? + ⚡️This presale will be 7 Digits and is gearing up to be the largest of the year! This isn't your average dog/cat coin, this one is a future multi-billion project💵 + +⚡️100xCoin, BSC Army and Launchzone have joined forces to work together and build a swap platform on Matic chain. + +CremePie Swap is going to be one of the FIRST & TRUSTED AMM and DEX on the Polygon (Matic) Network + +⚡️What if you could invest in PancakeSwap when it first launched? + +$100 would be would $100k right now...sounds like a dream for most of us and such chances occur once in a lifetime if you are lucky!🤑 + +**Goals🚀** + +⚡️This will be a REVOLUTIONARY collaboration to build a cross-chain ecosystem that will bridge two chains together (BINANCE AND MATIC) + +MATIC (Polygon), is a network much like the Binance Smart Chain that offers lower fees than Ethereum or other networks. + +CremePieSwap takes advantage of these lower fees and combines them with low decentralized exchange fees so users are always working on the lowest cost exchange. + +**Team 🦍** + +⚡️The leading dev team already has multiple successful projects to their name like 100xCoin and BSC Army, along with LaunchZone + +They definitely have what it takes to lead a project of this magnitude **AND THEY ARE DOXXED**✅ + +CZ Binance follows all 3 Twitter accounts and even Retweeted Ken The Crypto’s tweet yesterday! If this isn’t a bullish sign...I don’t know what is!!!🚀 + +[https://twitter.com/KenTheCrypto/status/1410920667503943683](https://twitter.com/KenTheCrypto/status/1410920667503943683) + +Cream Pie Swap might just be the best investment of the year!!! + +**Important Dates: 📆** + +**Today**, July 3rd at 8pm PST + +\- The Official Whitelist Registration + +**July 12th: 📆** + +\- Private Whitelist Launch + +\- Full Public Whitelist IDO Launch + +\- Official Launch Date (DEX, Token, Listing) + +**Official Project Pages:** + +🌐**Telegram**: [https://t.me/cremepieswapofficial](https://t.me/cremepieswapofficial) + +💻 Website: (Coming Soon) +# **Malamute.Finance** + +## **$MALLY is a rare 100% fairly deployed deflationary cryptocurrency on the Ethereum Blockchain.** + +### **Be The Leader Of The Pack** + +The ultimate dog breed meme coin just dropped only 2 WEEKS ago, this is your chance to get in at the bottom of a coin that will be mushing its way to the moon. You have NEVER been this early. + +We have built a decentralized transaction network operating on the Ethereum blockchain. **$MALLY**, our deflationary token has a max supply of 100 Quadrillion coins. With each successive transaction, a tax of 1% will be distributed to the holders and a further 1% will be burned. This incentivizes everyone in the Malamute pack to HODL and together decrease circulating supply over time. + +___ + +## WHAT'S NEW WITH MALLY? + +- Immune to a Vitalik rug-pull. All burned supply and liquidity pool tokens went to the ACTUAL Ethereum burn address +- Etherscan Updated With Our Socials & Logo! +- DEXT Score Up from 61 to 97 after Etherscan Update! +- 50,000,000,000,000 $MALLY Twitter Giveaway Paid Out! +- 15,000,000,000,000 $MALLY Video Contest! +- 1100+ Telegram Members! +- 10,000,000,000,000 $MALLY Giveaway once we reach 2000 Telegram members! +- 1600+ $MALLY Holders! +- 9 Million Market Cap! +- 3 Zeros Have Been Killed! +- CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap listings coming soon! Join us before the rocket takes off! + +___ + +**$MALLY Official Website:** https://malamute.finance + +**$MALLY Official Telegram:** https://t.me/Malamute_Finance + +**$MALLY Official Discord:** https://discord.gg/npbuR6uYgB + +**$MALLY Official Reddit:** https://www.reddit.com/r/MalamuteFinance + +**$MALLY Official Twitter:** https://twitter.com/MalamuteFinance + +**$MALLY Official Instagram:** https://www.instagram.com/malamutefinancecoin + +**$MALLY Official GitHub:** https://github.com/malamutefinance/Malamute.Finance +___ + +Deflationary.\ +Autostaking.\ +50% Supply Burned.\ +49% Supply Permanently Locked Liquidity.\ +1% Supply Marketing Budget.\ +0% Supply and 0% Liquidity Sent To Vitalik.\ +Contract Ownership Renounced.\ +No Dev Tokens. + +___ + + +📜 **Contract address:** https://etherscan.io/address/0xA3E7833775A9Cc022DB2c72EB900378F90cE89B4 + +🔥 **50% Supply Burn Transaction:** https://etherscan.io/tx/0x21a70cb3dda247350590ce4991fde66b1b5226bcfa7eac196e4c5c252eb33d44 + +💲 **1% Supply Reserved For Marketing Budget:** https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa708b3e374df1f62ef158fcbe4f60b9fa5597592a3c64ce33108b703434b10ec + +🔒 **Liquidity Lock Transaction:** https://etherscan.io/tx/0xbe596b406928c4c0e45b3a6b2839b1b909e9123e94b76e8e40eb11de3bf7a15e + +⚖️ **Contract Ownership Renounced:** https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2b4078b0dd96aa64b61c4cd639342f4366ac9ed363ad93aa903a4c79c05bb817 + +💱 **Uniswap Buy Link:** https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xA3E7833775A9Cc022DB2c72EB900378F90cE89B4 + +📈 **DEXtools Price Chart:** https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x09889f28cd5cdb5597035976bbd2c28dee0ccc35 + +___ + +🐾 **50% TOTAL SUPPLY BURNED** 🐾\ +Upon contract deployment, we burned 50% of the total supply so everyone has to buy on the open market. This ensures a fair and complete distribution where devs don't own team tokens they can dump on the community. + +🐾 **MARKETING BUDGET SECURED** 🐾\ +1% of the total supply was sent to a virgin wallet that has been set up for usage for all future marketing campaigns to get $MALLY in front of as many eyes as possible. + +🐾 **PERMANENTLY LOCKED LIQUIDITY** 🐾\ +The remaining 49% of the total supply was locked to Uniswap and we threw away the keys! + +🐾 **RUG PROOF** 🐾\ +Directly after the contract was deployed onto the Ethereum mainnet, we decided to renounce our ownership of the contract ensuring that we have no power over the fate of the coin and it is solely in the hands of the community. + +🐾 **BURN RATE** 🐾\ +Each transaction burns 1% of the tokens transferred, which decreases the circulating supply of $MALLY over time ensuring deflation. + +🐾 **REWARDS** 🐾\ +$MALLY rewards its holders with a 1% tax on each transaction to punish paper hands. + +___ + +## **How To Buy $MALLY** + +### **Step 1: Install Metamask for Chrome** + +Open your Google Chrome and visit https://metamask.io. Download the MetaMask chrome extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask's app for iPhone or Android. + +### **Step 2: Send $ETH to MetaMask** + +Transfer $ETH to your new MetaMask wallet from your existing wallet (e.g. Trust Wallet, Coinbase, or Binance), or buy $ETH directly within MetaMask. + +### **Step 3: Connect to Uniswap** + +The safest place to buy $MALLY is on Uniswap. Visit Uniswap (https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xA3E7833775A9Cc022DB2c72EB900378F90cE89B4) and click “connect wallet”. MetaMask will ask for your signature, go ahead and sign it. + +### **Step 4: Swap $ETH for $MALLY** + +Set your slippage to 5% and enter and the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $MALLY. If you encounter an error try increasing slippage upwards 1% at a time until the swap is successful. + +### **Step 5: Add Token To MetaMask** + +Click "Add Token" in MetaMask and paste in $MALLY's contract address (0xA3E7833775A9Cc022DB2c72EB900378F90cE89B4) and the rest of the fields will autofill. +Title says it all. I just don’t get wrinkly vibes from him too much. I get pretty quacky dumbass vibes actually. Like he’s not highly educated regarding the situation as he’d like us to believe and more or less just getting ready to repeat what others have said, maximize his verbiage, trying to pander to Reddit’s meme stock qualities etc he is no Susanne trimbath in my book. I don’t think he knows 75% of what we know so far. I don’t feel he is going to have any valuable information pertaining to gme stock and yea, unfortunately this is just my opinion so make sure to take it easy everybody. It’s just how I feel and I don’t have a plethora of evidence to support him being super uneducated. It’s my gut. :edit; let me add that I only feel this way due to his recent opinions toward the unmentionable. I honestly feel like he was bought out since he’s pushing what we all know is a trap. (What most of us know*) +Further edit: guys I get he started the evergrande discovery. Think for a minute how big of an asset that probably makes him for the hedge funds. I genuinely think his most recent talk is total BS and he is being controlled much like the media is. You guys can downvote all you want. My gut tells me it’s clear he WAS speaking the true true, and it made him become a perfect asset to buy out. I think that’s what’s happened. +FINAL UPDATE: you guys. Ok he discovered evergrande. I get it. But right now that man is a shill show and his evergrande discovery is fueling the trust for him to push an agenda that clearly is no longer his. I’m not stepping down from that. Its obvious to me and it should be obvious to any others. Let’s step out of the retard zone for a second and perceive the threat. For fucks sake. +Throwaway FI lurker. + +Just turned 40, married sole income earner with 3 kids under 10. + +I have ~$7.5m net worth with ~$2m in cash, $2m in 401k / IRA (60% allocated) , $1m in rental property, $1m in home equity, $1m in income producing company stock. + +I live in an expensive part of the country with kids in public schools that I don't want to displace, mortgage is <$1m. + +I have been working at a fever pace since I graduated high school, fought up to CEO role at an important regional business. + +I am exhausted after work every day and it's getting harder to deal with family needs after work, let alone any sort of hobbies or interests. + +As CEO weekends aren't off limits for work, and I usually wind up answering time critical emails throughout, take calls in the middle of weekend family activities. + +In moments of peace when I look at my balance sheet I don't understand why I keep pushing so hard. + +Part of it is disbelief that I could completely my nest egg into the market, and expect the return profile that most in the FI community can find their way too. + +Part of it is realizing that as far as I've come, in the next 10 years I could probably 2 - 3x my NW by staying focused and in the fight - lots of my contemporaries talk about building "generational" wealth as a badge of honor to keep up the hours. + +I have worked jobs ranging from hard physical labor on up, and I am extremely grateful for my position, but trying to understand a path forward. + +I respect the hell out of the FI community, welcome your comments. + +EDIT - I am humbled by the amount of time the FI community has put into your thoughtful responses, THANK YOU. Some true eye openers, I'm going to ingest and maybe post a follow-up with some additional pointed questions. + Just got a letter in post from Halifax saying that the BTCE product (which currently allows getting Bitcoin exposure in SIPP and ISA) will not be available after 4th Dec due to the FCA retail ban on products referencing cryptoassets. Existing holdings can be retained. + +[https://www.investments.halifax.co.uk/shares-centre/exchange-traded-fund/details/BTCE/DE000A27Z304/0P0001K5IC](https://www.investments.halifax.co.uk/shares-centre/exchange-traded-fund/details/BTCE/DE000A27Z304/0P0001K5IC) + +You really need to move quick if you wanted to get Bitcoin exposure into your ISA or SIPP. Hargreaves Lansdown already pulled their offering away last month. + +Quite pertinent considering chancellor toying with increase in Cap gains taxes. +Using [EV-CPO.com](https://EV-CPO.com), I've been tracking used Model 3 pricing primarily for my own research. I have parameters set for Clean title, under $45k, and under 30k miles. A month ago, a couple would pop up and get snagged very quickly. Since 11/8, average pricing has come down around 6%, but the amount of inventory has been doubling each week. 70 @ 11/17, 150 @ 11/22, 288 @ 11/27. It appears inventory is getting released but cars are just sitting likely because a base 2023 M3 (edit: Tesla Model 3) is $46k with only a couple week lead time. But whether it's Elon's antics tarnishing the brand, high interest rates, or hesitancy in spending, it seems like it's having an effect for sure. +**Background:** +I opened an account on July 23rd and it was fully funded for the opening bell on August 3rd. Today marks my 30th trading day completed (first position was opened on August 3rd). My account was funded with exactly $40,000 and I have followed this procedure for \~85% of trades. + + +**Mechanics:** +1) Sell option combos (mainly Vertical Short Puts) with the intent of capturing only theta decay. + +2) Only open positions whose strikes are more than 2 standard deviations outside the expected move. I have wavered a bit from this mechanic at times (and messed up), but 9/10 trades follow this rule. I want all positions to expire OTM. +3) Close at 50% profit. No exceptions. +4) Roll only if strike is breached more than 10 trading days before expiration. + +I have done my best to follow these mechanics, but I will say it was very difficult not to get emotional during some pretty red days. However, I trusted the math in my underlying assumption and the results have been very positive. I have only been assigned on a single option and my overall win rate is 92.47%. + +**Results:** +In 30 days (including today) I have realized a profit of **$4,213.30** on the 40,000 for a 30 day return realized return of 10.53%. Subtracting commissions and fees, this is reduced to **9.20%.** + +Summary: https://imgur.com/QjWXoLY +Realized P/L vs Close Date and Strategy Diversification: [https://imgur.com/ECbF9ny](https://imgur.com/ECbF9ny) +Strategy Performance: https://imgur.com/8xhbmMj +Hi, I have been working at my first post-grad, big boy engineering job for just about 2 years now. I have been thinking of leaving since roughly August but haven't put serious effort into finding a new place (yeah, yeah, not the brightest move). I was put on a performance improvement plan at the beginning of 2021 but have missed my marks and it is looking like they will let me go. + +&#x200B; + +Part of the reason I haven't looked for other places is that I am not sure that I am set on engineering. My internship and current job were both not great experiences for different reasons and I am worried about being able to find a middle ground, if that is even something I want to continue doing. I was lucky enough that I don't have student loans so my only expenses are rent, car payment, and staying alive, which I have enough saved for almost a year. + +&#x200B; + +My question comes down to would it benefit me more to leave now with nothing lined up but be able to say I left rather than being let go, or keep working until I get the axe to get those extra pay checks and potential unemployment benefits? And what things I can do to prepare in the meantime. There is also the third, more ideal, option of me holding out and finding a different job before the axe, but I am not holding my breath on that at this point. + +&#x200B; + +Let me know if this is the wrong sub for my question or if you know of a better place to ask. Thank you in advance! + +Edit: since many people were asking, I work in manufacturing and an electrical engineer. +You also only have to buy into BTC once, unlike a 401K where most people keep buying back in every pay check only to lose what you earned in interest by paying a penalty if you withdraw too early. Because that's the trick. The trick to a 401K is to get everyone to hold because if everyone sells, then everyone else who didn't sell fast enough will lose money and the whole thing will crash. That's why they charge penalities. + +It's like investing in safemoon and they charge you penalities for selling In order to keep the current value more stable so the entirety of holders don't start panic selling it into oblivion. + +Also you can panic sell a 401K too. It happened to many people after the housing market crash of 2008. My mom panic sold her 401k because it went from $50K to $9K ...I didn't know much about investing back then, but I will never forget what she said. *I was afraid I would lose it all, it kept going down* + +What she said sounds much like what people say about Bitcoin today. + +Nowadays my mom is retired, and sometimes she brings that up...*I should've just kept it in...it went back up* + +Unfortunately this is how the most powerful people work. They shake out weak hands so they can buy up super low. Otherwise there would be no big guy buying your shit back. + +Rich are buying your shit cheap for a reason...not just because they are just speculating. + + +So yeah, you can get serious FUD with 401K and it's not just coming from my mom. Many honest hard working people don't understand the game whales play...they get shilled into things and are convinced it's safe because their employer offers it. All a 401K is, is investments into stocks and bonds that are stable but not always safe. + +So if you can continually dump every paycheck into something that penalizes you for withdrawing early and hold that shit for 30 years , then you can buy Bitcoin once and hold it for 3 years without any penality for withdrawing some too early unless tax on capital gains. But that's normal. + +So stick to your original plan, and hold. +We’re thinking of moving our child who is currently in kindergarten at a private school to start year 1 next year at the local public school. We live in a working class area in Western Sydney. Although the local school doesn’t have a “bad” reputation, our catchment area has a few blocks of housing commission homes. We can afford to pay his fees for now, but have another child on the way and definitely noticed the mortgage repayments have gone up since our fixed term has ended. We also always have the thought in the back of our mind that the $15k we spend on fees per year could be better spent on family holidays and experiences outside of school, and putting more toward investing for their future. Has anyone else moved their kids from private to public? Do they regret it? +I finally found a deal too good to pass up. It’s a 1900 sqft house on 1.6acres corner lot in upstate SC. + +Winning auction bid = $5,200!!! + +It was a tax foreclosure sale and was held/sold by the County Forfeited Land commission. Will be transferred via QuitClaim Deed. + +I’m freaking pumped and scared shit less. I expect a complete gut job, what sold me was the gorgeous lot on the corner and woods across the street. +Is this too good to be true? I still don’t even know the whole process but I like to take action and learn as I go. Any tips or advice welcomed! +Is this because of [this](https://imgur.com/a/LvLhEIG)? + +Or is it because of cultural reasons where women shouldn’t work? But if that were true then why Bangladesh which is culturally similar didn’t face the same issue? [(Source: World Bank)](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.CACT.FE.ZS?locations=IN-BD) +I’ve realized that my line of study opens the door to a wide variety of options within business among other things. I’ve found that the most common path is analysis, and I’m wondering if these are the types of jobs i should be hunting for. (I’m sorry if this sub is the wrong place to ask this, but figured there are some folks on here that were once in my position as well) +It's no secret that it's extremely easy to lose money when it comes to investing. By thinking you're smarter than the average bear and doing things like: + +* try to pick individual stocks that don't beat S&P when it comes to drawdown/return other than say... some of the best tech stocks of the past 10-20 years + +* introducing leverage/margin into a buy and hold strategy + +* trying to time the market/do things like investing in an ETF that shorts the market when you 'think' it's going down + +* trying to trade options/buy calls/puts and hope that you get the timing right and sell the increase in premium/IV but instead get caught in the wrong trade and have them expire worthless/near worthless on you + +* trying to trade things like commodities/forex + +* trying to trade things like futures (which move $50 for 1 SPX point directionally on /ES) + +* trying to draw trend lines/support/resistance/thinking you can accurately predict price movement based on patterns/history/wedges/candlestick patterns + +* use one of thousands of indicators like RSI/MACD/Bollinger Bands to try and suggest good entry/exit prices + +* try to make money by investing in currencies/crypto/random countries + +https://www.google.com/search?q=stock+market+quant+jobs + +There's obviously at least some market for "Quantitative Algorithmic Trading Jobs" + +I'm just curious, how much of this is publicly accessible? There's SPY and IVV and VOO and VTI. People eat those up and love them. + +Why wouldn't people love access to an ETF that supposedly beats buy and hold through technical analysis/quantitive analysis/anything? A company offering that could potentially rake in lots of money. If the answer is "very few of them beat buy and hold", why is the industry as big as it is? If you google "does technical analysis actually work", https://www.google.com/search?q=does+technical+analysis+really+work you get a ton of articles saying... yes it does. This is contrary to what I would have thought. + +I've done a bit of light skimming on research papers related to computer programming algorithmic reinforcement training, and... it's almost 50-50. 50% of them say "no correlation was found, what we developed underperformed, stock market price movement is basically random noise" and the other 50% said "yep, totally possible, we beat buy and hold". + +What's the truth? I'm not looking to hear "1 in 10 people can successfully do TA/be a day trader/beat buy and hold". I want to hear... why isn't it agreed upon that *0* out of 10 average people can beat buy and hold? and if quant funds can beat buy and hold... where are they? are they really "so secret" that only people with millions can access them? My friend has $100m-$200m, he put some into something claiming to be a quant fund, it's down 30% this year... + For a lot of people, everything went downhill because of the bear market. A lot of paperhands gave up when the $20k support of BTC broke. A lot of founders filed for bankruptcy, so-called "hacks" happened, rug pulls, and a lot more chaos. It’s funny how you can even make a documentary because of all the things that went down this year. Anyways, as the title goes, other than DCA, staking stablecoins is my go-to. My fiat for DCA is now MOSTLY invested in stablecoins. + +Yes, It has LOTS of risks but it depends on what DeFi platform you are using, and the coins you are staking. It depends on your risk tolerance and how you will lessen it. + +There are a lot of ways to reduce risks. Examples are: + +\- Spreading your coins to mitigate risk + +\- Researching the tokenomics, + +\- Project TVL and profitability + +\- Ensuring that it is legal and audited, and so on. + +Most people keep a part of their crypto portfolios in stablecoins during a bear market. It doesn't hurt to earn some APY during a market downturn. It’s better to stake stablecoins than let your money sit in a bank. It’s like using it as a savings account anyways. Also, sometimes the higher APY the higher the risk is not applicable to certain platforms. Zunami has an average of 24% APY and Everything is fine. Obviously, those who have 100% APY are a scam. Staking is a great way to grow your cryptocurrency holdings with little effort. + +You don't need to rebalance funds between pools or reinvest profits. I don't know how to properly use the other platforms yet so it's a good thing that the protocol does all of this for you which is great if you're starting. A lot of people here believe that stablecoin staking isn't as secure as banking as far as I'm aware. It could be true, but if we want to change, we must take a risk. I’m not aggressively risky enough not to have emergency funds in my savings account though. + + +Are there any platforms you can recommend? +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/25/coronavirus-family-doctors-face-pay-cuts-furloughs-and-supply-shortages.html + +In 2016, primary-care physicians fielded 54% of all patient visits to doctors' offices. + +Primary care receives less than 7% of total U.S. health-care expenditures. + +The coronavirus pandemic is now threatening to push already tight budgets into the red. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gdw7w2hi1ya71.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e62c8fb5522a28d6e914e9acb8582a8eb604b2a + + Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lkau7p3k1ya71.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4074a6f3b02816953c5bdee20f85efd9c90c741 + +Reverse Repos + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vbtjmlam1ya71.png?width=1333&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa07892785ae6bfb5e31113eb5b612a7c1bdc3d0 + +AAAAAAND the bonds market seems like they're going to shit as well, may be a good thing to start looking into as well + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l5lfry9s6ya71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=28764fcb758c7aaf0ac05ecd59b8ab8b61420130 + +Alright let's start with the one thing that's been doing the rounds here + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m3fyj1j52ya71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9084774ded6a7eed8652e23eaf8c34cbca9dbb92 + +Some facts that make this tweet stand out: + +Normally Gamestop tweets from the "Salesforce - Social Studio" + +The GMERICA tweet was sent from twitter web app, meaning it's someone that's not part of the salesforce, it's been often hypothesized that this could be RC himself. + +the GMERICA has a few theories around it. + +1. The usa has 330 million inhabitants, it could be that they're trying to say there are so many shares out there, or at minimum in the usa. +2. GME is currently hiring 49 people on USA military bases, so could perhaps link to that? +3. could be that GME has struck a deal with the military to be on more bases or something like that? +4. usa's motto has been "e pluribus unum" out of the many the one, showing unity, perhaps something to do with that? + +At the end of the day it's unknown what they meant with this, but it's fun to speculate regardless. + +Also as I've seen people speculate on their signature at the end of some tweets + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ou2pbuwg4ya71.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b097dd564c882def05d117769a814acf21311119 + +# The SEC sent Wall Street a reminder: Companies cannot prohibit or impede employees from contacting the SEC or any other regulator about potential securities law violations. + +[https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikakelton/2021/07/12/secs-actions-against-guggenheim-securities-reassure-whistleblowers/?sh=3b4ffafb1163](https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikakelton/2021/07/12/secs-actions-against-guggenheim-securities-reassure-whistleblowers/?sh=3b4ffafb1163) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ckgim02s4ya71.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f6330651fb07725e3a77488fa3248026364cd24 + +# Gme starting to get momentum + +[https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-expands-fulfillment-network-new-facility-york](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-expands-fulfillment-network-new-facility-york) + +As Gme said in may "we got a new fulfilment center", less than a month and a half later it's up and running, just to get an idea this is something that usually takes months and doing it so fast... damn now that's impressive! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q2ccgsju5ya71.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=526f57d4006994fce997cb034be805ef6466b500 + + + +# COVID-19, The CARES Act, and Undeniable Greed: The Story of How Wall Street Tried to Bankrupt Businesses with Money Meant to Save Businesses (GME Centric) + + u/Freadom6 wrote a DD [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oiwpxj/covid19_the_cares_act_and_undeniable_greed_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) on how multiple things may tie into each other, it's a good read so give it a once over ;) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yxlwpgxx6ya71.png?width=977&format=png&auto=webp&s=c192a42faa8e37a9d2486235623781a21561a6c1 + +# Seems there is a pattern to be found + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oix58q/gme\_seems\_to\_mirror\_itself\_almost\_straight\_from/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oix58q/gme_seems_to_mirror_itself_almost_straight_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +it seems that pwnwtfbbq has found some correlations between the movement that GME has had and is currently having. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xgw7t1qp7ya71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffe4603f5b7c8bb809bd6363b62cd8ac4e987268 + +Again the pictures look promising but we'll have to wait and see her Maths to know if it's true or not. + +&#x200B; + +# Banks earnings are this week + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k0il20dh7ya71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e671e0007853c271c3a2ad61644b39d86d9d5014 + +This week we'll see the banks post their earnings, along with the BLS and CPI data for june should be published today. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tlfalim18ya71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=50bd2bbacec4500024c581e2fd84df418eb16dfd + +# Peek-a-Boo + +[30 million shares are due](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oiemiu/peekaboo_i_see_30m_hidden_shorts_coming_due/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/37bmvy6f8ya71.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=98004650fadbcc29e5e088b90dcd3afb09e05766 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q4inkegh8ya71.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=83c8c95d4d90ffcbf6692bd7a983bc419578f8d8 + + + +remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +[https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle](https://twitter.com/ByeTriangle) + +[https://twitter.com/u\_sharkbaitlol](https://twitter.com/u_sharkbaitlol) + +[https://twitter.com/BradduckF](https://twitter.com/BradduckF) + +&#x200B; + +Also for the people who keep commenting "nothing new", congrats dude it's a roundup of the information I've seen for the past day, this is for people who may have busy lives and don't have the time to browse the sub all day every day, and making sure they also have the same information as we have. +This is supposed to be like a paper, a roundup, not a new DD +I was hoping it wouldn't come to this point but apparently I have no other recourse but to post here and warn others of doing business with Kraken. I have literally been trying to get money out of Kraken for over a month. They use some withdrawal provider for USD called "synapse pay". These guys have complete control over how much money one can withdraw, so even if you are verified "tier 4" and send over everything including a tax return, SSN, drivers license etc. they can still at their whim decide that you don't make enough FROM OTHER INCOME to remove your funds from their exchange. When I asked why my wires were failing (after I managed to troubleshoot myself what my actual imposed limit by synapse pay was because my previous wires were failing), I received this response: + +>David (Kraken Support) +>Jun 6, 19:25 PDT + +>Unfortunately, our third payment processor Synapse has set limits that are consistent with banking regulations. They require the funds to come from employment earnings, and many times, they do not accept trading earnings. Since you have already submitted a tax return, you will have to submit another source of earnings (inheritance, investment account, sale of a house, ect). If you have additional documentation, please let me know. + +>Sincerely, + +>David +>Client Engagement + + + +*What. the. fuck.* +Hello Guys, + +I had fun this week end creating this dashboard that allows you to extract the most trending stocks in Reddit by SubReddit and by Time Granularity. Do not hesitate to provide suggestions for improvments :) + +[http://unbiastock.com/reddit.php](http://unbiastock.com/reddit.php) + +Thanks to the Github [https://github.com/kaito1410/AutoDD\_Rev2](https://github.com/kaito1410/AutoDD_Rev2) that provided most of the engine to extract the score. +Team Bog are changing the way we trade in the BSC space. + +Their successful charting platform now receives 1 Million Visitors per day and we are all enjoying the buy/sell limit orders. + +# The newest addition to the Bogverse + +[Bogged.Finance/Swap](https://Bogged.Finance/Swap) \- is a pancake swap interface that allows the user to buy their desired token for the **best price**. The best price is achieved **automatically** by routing through PCSv1 PCSv2 and newly added Apeswap. + +It's free (no additional fee) and you don't need to hold bog to use it. + +You might want to hold some $Bog though, especially after seeing whats coming up from team Bog + +# Current Stats + +Marketcap : 33 Million + +Holders : 16800 + +Devs : Luke (Doxxed) John (Anon) - Both very active and responsive on socials + +# Incoming soon + +🔸Sniper Release - 2/5/21 - [Medium Info](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/) 👀 + +🔸A huge update for limit orders which will support PCSv2 in the coming weeks. along with support for BUSD orders. + +🔸 Solo Bog Staking - Charts will start delivering value to stakers by returning some advertising fees to solo stakers (this will launch in about a month). + +**Bog is here to stay,** and lets us play using an arsenal of tools this Altcoin Season. + +So don't miss out on this Gem and Fomo in once it breaks 100M MC. + +If you need any more info hit up the TG, always happy to answer Qs + +**LINKS** + +[**Bogtools.io**](https://bogtools.io/) + +[**Chart**](https://charts.bogged.finance/) + +[**Telegram**](https://t.me/bogtools) + +[**Bogged.Finance**](https://bogged.finance/) **- Trading Platform** + +[**Bogged.Finance/swap**](https://bogged.finance/swap) **- can buy bog (& anything else) here** + +[**BSCScan - 0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099**](https://bscscan.com/token/0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099) + +[**Reddit**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools) + +[**Coingecko**](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bogged-finance) + +[**CoinMarketCap**](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bogged-finance/) + +[**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/bogtools) + +[**How to place buy/sell order Video**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools/comments/modi2x/bogtools_limit_order_howto_video_mass_adoption/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[**How to buy Bog / Use Bogged Finance with Trustwallet**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools/comments/mrcktr/how_to_use_boggedfinance_on_trustwallet_android/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[**Token Sniper Medium**](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/announcing-the-bogged-finance-token-launch-sniper-7dac90c6c917) + +HAPPY TRADING TEAM + +DYOR + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE +We are currently talking about having kids but worried about the costs. + +We currently manage to save maybe 300 a month, this will increase to more like 700 but we moved into our house last September and we are still getting bits done. + +We also will likely want to move house in 5 or so years, is it realistic to think we can save up to slightly upgrade house then? + +We are currently also relatively early in our careers and should be looking to continue to see salary increases but it is hard to know by how much they will have increased in 5 years. + +I just wanted to get an idea of how much it cost people. It is also worth noting we have. + zero family help so would likely have to be paying for nursery and child minders when they are young as we both need to be able to continue our careers. + +Edit: thanks all, general consensus is childcare is really fucking expensive but having kids is worth the financial hardships. +The EU boasts a [pretty long list](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=OJ:L:2021:414:FULL&from=EN) of all the duties on "third countries" (that is non EU, non EU teritorries). + +AFAIK, these tariffs are negotiated (set) by the European Commission on behalf of the whole EU. But could a single smaller country, say Austria or Slovakia, say "That's it, no more rice import duty", and simply change the rules for themselves only? Or is the tariff paid to the EU directly when entering the area and thus individual countries have no say in it? + +As you can see, I am not knowledgeable at all in this area, so feel free to recommend me any books or articles, I'll gladly read it. Thank you for all answers. +Any thoughts on how different is the Aus market compared to NZ? I have been wondering why/why not this could happen to us. +[https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2022/07/kiwis-tears-as-new-zealand-house-prices-plunge/](https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2022/07/kiwis-tears-as-new-zealand-house-prices-plunge/) +This thought occurred to me when considering that I have several siblings that each have more money than I do, but who persist in working at jobs that are definitely not their "best life". + +Quitting a job with status to be retired can be challenging. Status is a game we play in social interactions all the time. Since I retired, I notice this game most when meeting old friends. They want to know what I have been doing since I left work. I feel slight internal pressure to have interesting things to tell them. + +Retiring from a 40+ hour/week can be challenging. The 40+ hour work week organized my life in so many small insidious ways. Every choice about how I spent my time/life was anchored in the week vs weekend and how long is PTO and how long will it take to get to my job in the morning. Giving that up leaves you in great jubilation (for months), but eventually I had to build some anchors into my day (morning ritual, exercise, long term projects and short term goal setting). + +I think for my siblings, these two barriers (status and time) are enough to keep them working no matter how much money they have banked. They will eventually quit work, but they may have a rough time. The work to do before retirement is (1) learn how to feel good about one's self without the status of being a "boss". (2) Identify and pursue passions outside of work that will give wings to one's days when the 40 hour/week shackles have fallen away. +How is this even possible in 2019! Anyway, if you bank with them, make sure that your password complexity comes from length and have 2-factor authentication enabled. +Once you've FIRE'd, are you still obtaining a mortgage for primary residence? + +I've been told I can do that, but I'd need to have a certain level of assets in my portfolio. Does anyone know what those levels are? ie if I want to borrow $2M, what asset level do I need to show? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +I'm a 37 year old North American based woman who hit FIRE (2.0M) a while back and am now on my way to FatFIRE (2.85M), but I'm realizing all of the contacts that I have for this are men! I know very few on the FIRE path, and I actually know zero women in the same boat. I'm looking to grow my circle in this respect! + +Are there others, specifically women, in this position looking for friendship? It seems almost impossible to find other women in my situation. Regarding my situation: I've sent verification to the mods, hopefully it should be up soon. + +I am happily partnered and am not looking for any kind of romance, I'm only looking for platonic friendships. Feel free to reach out if you are in the same boat as me, especially if you are another woman. Discord is my primary communication for social things. + +**Edit: I did not expect the response this post got in my DMs. I am slowly sorting through all of my messages but there's about 20 left. I will hopefully be able to get back to everyone by the time the day ends here.** + +**Edit 2: I've gotten to all the DMs and post replies, will get to the chats later this morning.** +MC $44M +SP $0.125 + + +Alright fuckers, a lot of posts recently asking how one goes about finding a 10 bagger before it hits the first bag. And I've been thinking about this myself lately as I've been trading since July and while I'm in the green by about 13%, it's not much to write home about when you read comments where someone bought BRN at 7c, 3DP at 10c or APT at $2 etc. I'm done with jumping on mid rocket or onto stocks that go nowhere. + + +But where are you supposed to find these gems? Well, if you're in on 3DP, then you'd agree the easiest answer is to follow the smart money. We've all got a hard on for Bevan Slattery and what his investment did for 3DP's shareprice. But he's not the only whale out there, so if you have major regrets about not buying 3DP when Bevan did, you have a similar opportunity to rectify that now. + + +So here I introduce Mark Mconnel, who bought in at around 12c in March 2019 (https://www.google.com/amp/s/stockhead.com.au/tech/why-this-nine-time-young-rich-lister-joined-the-board-of-a-14m-adtech/%3famp you could probably just read this link instead of my dd but there's still some extra info below). This guy sits on the board of AV1 and is also ex CEO of Citadel Group. He's very well known to jump out of a sinking ship and cut his losses very quickly so the fact that he didn't sell when the shareprice was 26c (currently 12.5c) is a huge green-money-bag-flag. In fact, he's pouring more and more money into AV1. Since joining he hasn't sold a single share and is only buying more and more. He also personally funded the last cap raise for 2 mil and just bought another 70k worth of shares on the market. + + +So that's pretty much all I needed to know to buy in, at an average price of 12.3c. But if unlike me, you're not a degenerate, autistic gambler, below I have paraphrased what another asxbets member has told me about who Adveritas are, what they do and what makes them unique. + + +Adveritas have the most advanced ad fraud protection in the world that reports REAL TIME to you. Also, they are only targeting the world's biggest companies and winning them. Bar one exception (touched on below) they haven't lost a single tender yet. They have had a Google partnership in the works for a while and now announced its go to market strategy and made a refferal to it in their last last announcement. + + +When AV1 was called Tech Mpire they collected and analysed data and in doing so they have trained an AI bot to recognise fraud. They had millions upon millions upon millions of data points on people, such as how they behaved and interacted. They trained an AI bot to learn these behaviour patterns and created an algorithim to create around 200 data points on a person via cookies and other embedded agreements within apps and phones. So once you click on the advert and this runs in the background it tells the client if you're in their target market, therefore producing more data. And these days, data is worth more than gold. Facebook, YouTube, Tiktok etc are so valuable because of the data they create and target advertise. + + +Within about 5 seconds this AI can determine what apps you last had open. What websites you had open, how long for etc etc. This gives them the ability to real time track whether the person who's just visited the advert is a real person or a bot. This is super important when you engage a marketing company for millions to guarantee visibility to your product and know if they are out sourcing to click farms. This is a huge revenue stream and directing their business to Google play store and mobile apps makes it even easier to profile for the customer and figure out if they are getting what they paid for. + + +If you've looked at the chart you'll see it lost alot of momentum because of covid. It also didn't help that there was radio silence from the board, who dont appear to be too worried about the dip as they have been seen to be accumulating at these low prices. But the lack of updates to the market, along with the speculative nature of the investment, plus other stocks bouncing back while AV1 stagnated would be my uneducated explanation for the SP being still low. + + +Another point worth mentioning is that they announced a performance rights issue. This was issued on the basis they sign a third tier one client. In their own words a tier 1 client is someone who gets a billion clicks a month. That's fucking huge. + + +As they changed to Adveritas that performance incentive stayed. But rather than announcing to the market who the tier 1 client was or any details surrounding it, they instead issued the performance rights. This potentially indicated that they signed the tier 1 client. One can only speculate as to the reason why they didn't actually announce the clients to the market but it was interesting that rather than announce a contract win they just announced the satisfaction of the conditions to award the shares. Some have speculated it's so they can continue to accumulate at these low prices as we have witnessed recently with more buying from the board but who knows. + + +During my research into the funding of Citadel Groups capital raising I found that Petra group, whose clients are known to be high net worth individuals and investment firms and also used to do all the capital raises for Citadel Group, were responsible for big parcels so it can be deduced that more 'institutional' money is going into the company. Additionally, Regal funds was a big big investor in Citadel Group and they're also now a big investor in AV1. Again, follow the smart money! + + +In terms of clients, AV1 are targeting the biggest names in the world. They presented at an adfraud summit hosted by IMPLY, a neutral ad platform (buyers sellers of ads and adtech offer through platform) and was presenting along with Netflix, Twitch and Target (US). This puts them in pretty good company and showed a neutral platform viewed their tech and offering very highly. + + +I mentioned i think they won every tender so far except one but rumour has it the only reason they didn't get to sign [major company name redacted post edit] is because the higher ups decided they want to keep it all in house and do their own ad fraud. Other than this, they have won every tender they have gone upp for to my knowledge. They won Rappi and Gojek which are the main ride-sharing companies in South East Asia and Latin America. But [major company name redacted post edit] think they can create what they can't. They don't have the data to train the AI to the same capability. Which is why Rappi and Gojek signed and renewed. + + +It's all about capability with AV1. There are loads of other AI software out there but none of which has the particular millions and millions of data points collected to train the algorithim. + + +As a business owner if I market something, I need to know it's genuine organic traffic to my target audience. Not some Chinese or Indian click farm. + + +So in conclusion, I can't be assed writing anymore, so here are some rockets 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + + +TLDR: follow the smart money. + + +Disclaimer, dyor, not financial advice, I'm still learning how to tie my own shoelaces, don't pm me cos your wife is upset you took out a mortgage for this. +Actually my father did this but I’m trying to help out in this situation. He ordered a laptop that cost about $500. Delivery driver comes, signed for a box and when I Get it it’s an e reader cover inside. I called and talked to multiple people before getting the dispute department that said they cannot do anything because I signed for it. (Because they let you inspect the box before signing eight?) she said there was no one else to talk to regarding this issue and I’d have to take it up with the credit card company. It’s a Walmart capital one card and my father sent all the information, receipts and pictures of boxes and measurements showing a laptop box would never fit in it. They closed the dispute and told us to talk to the retailer. Where do I go from here? +I'm thinking of going back to uni to try and get a degree that will help progress my future. I already have a bachelor's of medical science which I regret doing as I couldn't get anything out of it. + +Uni degree or not, what do you guys do and what was the pathway/how long did it take for you to break the 100k pa mark? +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Canada) + + Revenues: 649.6 billion (2017 est.) + +Expenses: 665.7 billion (2017 est. ) + +&#x200B; + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Germany) + + Revenues: 46.8% of GDP (2019) + +Expenses: 45.4% of GDP (2019 ) + +&#x200B; + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Japan) + + Revenues: 1.714 trillion (2017 est.) + +Expenses: 1.885 trillion (2017 est. ) + + +So the government's revenue is higher than the expenses, or there is a few % deficits. +If I remember correctly, in the EU the goal is max -3% deficit. + +&#x200B; + +But then here is the USA: +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_United_States) + Revenues: $3.42 trillion (2020) + +Expenses: $6.55 trillion (2020) + + +The expenses are almost 2X larger. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Hi all, I don’t really have people I can tell about it that would understand or appreciate it so I feel like I needed to post and air my elation! + +About a year ago I was on the receiving end of a scam, I lost out on over £6,000. The scammer in question had intercepted a message I had sent to a company and pretended to be said company and obtained my money as a result. + +I argued back and forth with the bank after discovering I was scammed and even with the overwhelming amount of evidence I had, the bank rejected it. + +I took my claim to the financial ombudsman back in October 2021, they said they would get back to me in 9 months after reviewing my case…. + +Well as of last night when I had a phone call out of the blue from them telling me the bank was now fully refunding my money plus interest, I’m not ashamed to say I teared up a bit on the phone. + +The whole ordeal had a huge effect on my mental health, I became reclusive and very distrustful of everyone around me - I consider myself to be on the whole, a very glass half empty kind of mentality, expect the worst and that way you can’t be disappointed; I can honestly say now that I am currently over the moon and the money will surely be welcomed in these troubling times. + +Sometimes, the system does work. + +Edit - spelling + +Edit 2 - link to original post + +https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/tgk4rg/scammed_out_of_6000_bank_refuses_to_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +Edit 3 - link to the scammers previous conviction + +https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.warwickshireworld.com/news/warwick-conman-jailed-after-he-tricked-overseas-students-779879%3Famp +Just wanted to put a PSA on here that the I bonds fixed rate is going to roll over at the end of the month from **9.62%** to **6.48%**. If you buy I bonds before the end of October, you lock in the 9.62% rate for the next 6 months. If not, you'll only get 6.48%. If you've been thinking about purchasing now is a good time. + +You get a pretty incredible return for effectively 0 risk. Especially with the stock market where it's currently at. Just wanted to give people on here a heads up who have been on the fence. +Accounting is crucial to be a value investor. As noted here frequently, one cannot rely on metrics like earnings, free cash flow, and variations as a measurement of what truly goes into your pocket as an owner. Maybe they are a starting place, but there are things that can make these metrics deviate from reality. So in order to understand what we own, we must become sufficiently literate in accounting. + +But the problem is that it is hard to start. I have been doing my best to read 10K's and 10Q's for the past year. I have googled the terms that I don't know which are most of them. I try and look on Investopedia to learn the concepts that I don't know. I try to read about things here to see what things I am not looking at that I should be that would manipulate the data to not be the truth. + +Eventually I will get better, but is this the best way forward? How did YOU (accounting expert in this sub) learn this skill? +**E: As of 10:28 AM EDT, a concerned redditor has reached out. Take that with what you will.** + +**E2: It seems the post was removed by Reddit due to PII. However, I am choosing to leave this post up for two reasons. The first is to remind people Citadel/Kenneth Cordele Griffin did, in fact, send out cease and desist letters. The second is because Kenneth Cordele Griffin did, in fact, commit perjury.** + +*I have removed the links to posts I originally included for the safety of those that made those posts in case Kenneth Cordele Griffin decides to address this post or myself.* + +The recent removal of a post by Reddit regarding the plane being flown with the words “KEN GRIFFIN LIED UNDER OATH” is very telling and the absolute worst thing you could do against the very party responsible for the banner, apes. + +If Kenneth Cordele Griffin truly closed his short position on GME there would have been no serious action taken against by either himself or his firm regarding a flying statement (or any previous time a cease and desist order was given, a post was removed, or an account was banned). *\[As pointed out, the banners were in regards to the hearing and not the closing of positions. However, it’s a safe assumption that Kenneth Cordele Griffin also lied about closing his short positions based on the hearing.\]* A simple denial would have sufficed if it wasn’t an issue for him and his business. This has been theorized countless times but his actions are almost confessions that we’re right. Did we forget about the recent House Committee on Financial Services report showing Robinhood’s conversation with Citadel (bottom of page 47) leading up to the sneeze? + +>k. Robinhood and Citadel Securities engaged in “blunt” negotiations the night before the trading restrictions to lower the PFOF rates Robinhood was charging CitadelSecurities. + +It doesn't specify negotiations about restricting the buy side of the trade but it **HAS** to have come up. There's no possible way it wasn't mentioned. + +People with power usually don’t react heavily towards something that’s factually wrong since, as mentioned earlier, a denial is all they really need. What happens when they catch wind of something potentially damaging on this big a scale? Any thriving business performs damage control. Whether that business is ethically sound or not does not matter at the moment. Damage control is a signal of repair and preemptive action is necessary when there’s a high risk of actual damage to follow if left unattended. + +To bring the point home, Kenneth Cordele Griffin has responded on several occasions regarding people publicizing his perjury because it’s true. It would’ve been left alone all those times if it wasn’t the case. If this post gets removed or if I get banned you’ll know why. Deuces. +I was holding off posting specifics here. But I realize now my algorithm is nothing profound so I might as well ask a few questions. I stole inspiration from scalping strategies. Less from the bid ask discrepancy and more so the small profits over volume. Anyway I basically scan for stocks moving sideways. I find the most active stocks and make limit buy orders under a certain quantity. Then sell whatever orders are filled. + +Positioning matters quite a bit. In short I can buy/sell apple stock but the price is completely unpredictable. While less active stocks are easier to predict but hard to sell off. I find small success taking a mean regressive approach. Which functionally means buying something that's oversold in the short run. But I'm wondering if trend following would be better. + +How are you guys catching price reversals? + +What are you guys using to measure momentum in minute time frames? + +Has anybody on here who does not work for a quant firm found success with high frequency? +Daddy is home 😎 +I leave you kids alone for 4 days and all hell breaks loose...time for some good ol' german efficiency 😉 + +I thought about using my post from yesterday for the update ( btw holy f***, thank you all so much for your kind words, you're all crazy and I love it ) but there are so many comments, that it would be better to make a new one, so your new comments about the price movement won't be buried...if you disagree, I'll use my post from yesterday, just tell me what you think! + +For anyone asking where I get my numbers from: I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +If anyone wants another source, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! + +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Starting:                186.91 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +I'm glad that I'm back, what would you do without me, posting the same number for 15 minutes? 🤣 + +20 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +It's kinda flatlining for me...open the link I provided, you can see that there is a tiiiiny bit of movement, but it doesn't seem like it's enough for my banking app to pick that up 😄 + +35 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +It's getting ridiculous now 😂 + +50 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +Finally! +I post the price for which I can sell my shares right now... my banking app compares all the different exchanges ( Xetra, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin,...) and shows me the best price, that's probably why my price didn't move, while for example Frankfurt moved like 0.05 US-$. + +65 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ 🙄 + +75 minutes in: 186.32 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 187.32 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +This was my last update today, the US pre-market is about to open 🇺🇸 +Thank you all for being here, I appreciate every single one of you! ❤ + +Let's give 'em hell!!! +The most prominent players have gone to great lengths to marginalise Dr Susane Trimbath. Many of you have witnessed her journey on SuperStonk. I can't imagine fighting for decades all alone and being shunned from the world she knows so much about, she's always fought the good fight and no one's given her the credit she deserves. At first, I sensed her scepticism towards the subreddit, but now it feels different. I for one will try my hardest to get her voice heard, for the wisdom of her tongue is priceless. Power to Dr T. +First time real estate buyer pre-approved for $400k at 3.1%, 20% down. Don't think I'd be able to use that for the 8 unit (need a commercial loan?) but the numbers on the 4-plex look good and it's in a slightly better part of the neighborhood. https://ibb.co/z7kvBSS + +I am moving late July/early August. I'm thinking about making an offer on the 4-plex now and using a PM company until I move up there. + +I am inexperienced and probably don't know what I don't know. **What questions should I be asking? How much info can I get about their tenants, rents, past performance?** +I've read a lot of these 'triumphant' posts about paying loans and it always turns out the person was an engineer and got a huge bonus, or lived at home, or came into inheritance, or something. I was pretty frustrated by this when I started reading PF, because of course those people can pay their loans! I tried to the best of my ability to adhere to the advice on this sub about loans and budgeting and it’s working so far. I thought my post could provide some insight for others in similar situations with no safety net. + +I graduated college in 2015 with $15,000 in debt, in four federal loans ranging from 3.5% to 7% interest. I know this isn't a lot of debt compared to the average. I didn't start seriously paying it until December of 2016 and paid it off completely as of today. I left home at 17 and have been in the service industry ever since. I went to a CUNY school and got an arts degree in a field I love I don’t regret it for a second. What I do regret is that after four years of working full time as a waitress in college just to pay rent ($1000 a month because NYC) and general expenses, I was straight up irresponsible with money for a year after graduating because I finally had free time. I spent from $300 to $800/week drinking and going out. I own a $1000 handbag and yes, I bought a lot of avocado toast. All of my friends had trust funds and could spend hundreds going out and there I was, playing along. I was keeping up with the Jonses in the worst way and was breaking even at best. By the time I got serious about finances, I was $3k in credit card debt, too. I was paying the minimum on my loans ($142) with no end in sight. So I did a complete overhaul: + +-Moved to the West coast. Rent is now $650 a month instead of $1000. Utilities are $30-50 compared with $100+, No cable. + +-I don’t own a car or a bike. I live downtown and walk everywhere. Yes, it is limiting, but I spend a maximum of $20/month on uber if I need to. Still way cheaper than owning a car, and cheaper than my metrocard in NY. It also forces me to explore my neighborhood and be more creative. + +-Got a job actually in my field!! But pay was $15 and hour for anywhere between 5 and 25 hours a week. Obviously not liveable but something for my resume. + + -So I got a serving job. This was four nights a week, but because I’m not in San Francisco or something I was making between $80-150 a night. + +-Got another serving job that paid a little better, one night a week and two days (meaning doubles on the weekend) so I was now working Monday to Friday in the morning at the job in my field, Wednesday-Friday nights as a server in two restaurants, and doing back-to-back doubles every weekend (9AM-1AM). + +-I cancelled a $75 gym membership and bought a yoga mat and some weights. + +-Moving to the west coast helped a lot because my state has a high minimum wage for servers instead of the $5/hr I was making in NY. I think it will help me on taxes next year. + +-I used Mint and tracked every. Single. Penny. I know where every dollar between December and June went and hold myself personally responsible for it. I started making coffee at home. My SO and I meal prep together. We go to the reduced price movie night at the local theater, happy hours or bottomless brunches, and any free event our city offers. We are rarely bored! + +-I set my loan autopay to $600/month, and any extra leftover from the month went straight to the loans. I was averaging $1000/week working 7 days a week, in twelve “shifts.” I paid off the credit cards first and by January was making payments of $1500+ per month to my loans in addition to the autopay. My final payment was for $2k. + +There were a lot of times when it sucked, when I fought with my SO about us not taking vacations, when I was neglecting my personal life because I was pretty much always working. It was not easy. But now it’s all paid off! I spent a lot of time feeling like I may as well be living in a van down by the river, but seeing the zero balance is extremely satisfying and it was all worth it. I have quit two of my three jobs and am pursuing something in my field without the weight of my loans on my shoulders. I guess I really just wanted to say that not everyone on PF has a trust fund, and it IS possible to get your finances in control without one. The best advice is to use Mint or a budget tracker and avoid lifestyle creep. I know my debt will seem insignificant to most people, but this was life changing for me. +**Edit - TL;DR:** I paid $15k in loans in 7 months as a waitress by moving to a low COL area, working three jobs seven days a week, using a budget, and avoiding lifestyle creep. + + +**EDIT 2: I can't believe the support this post is getting! Thank you all for your responses, this is unreal for me. I'm working a double today but I'll be back later tonight and can respond to more of you.** +The title pretty much says it all. Whether you're throwing your money at the latest meme coin or you've spent a lot of time DYOR on some promising project, it's a good time to remind people that 90+% of these projects simply will not make it. + +Maybe they die completely, or maybe they just linger at the fringe like some projects have, just crabbing sideways (or downward) for years. + +So a good idea is to, whenever your favorite crypto doubles, take out your initial investment. Yes, it could keep going up and you'd miss out on those gains, but it could also go down and you'd lose everything. + +Once you've taken back your initial investment though, you are playing with free money. You'd be surprised just how relaxing it is to check the charts on a "free money" crypto and not really care if the latest candle is red or green. + +A good strategy is to continue doing the same thing every time that coin doubles. Take out half, leave the other half invested. Rinse and repeat. It's a super easy way to always know when you should be taking profits along the way, and also a way to always have dry powder to buy into any available price dips. +Update: I called the hospital and the woman said its *totally normal* to be billed a year later and to call my insurance company. So I guess that's my next step. I'm just so tired of US healthcare right now. :/ + +I just got an email saying that I had a new bill on MyChart. I logged on and saw that instead of the $500 I was working on paying off, my total was now almost $4000! When I looked, I saw that my insurance company had reached out to the hospital to track down some information and suddenly the hospital "remembered" that I had $3500 charges from last September (almost a year ago!) and applied that to my previous total. This is coming after a fight which ended in my insurance company paying them $15,500 which left that $500 I was paying off. I'm pissed that if my insurance hadn't reached out to them, they probably wouldn't have noticed, and I'd have paid off my account in the next few months. + +Guys, I don't know what to do. I can't afford that. I'm already paying $400 a month in medical bills alone, plus $200 in utilities and $1000 in rent. I'm pregnant as well. + +The funny thing is, they addressed the new statement to my 11 month old daughter. The statement literally states that ***she*** needs to explain why her insurance isn't covering it, why she can't afford it, etc. Do I write back on her behalf and say that she's unemployed, does not have a bank account, and will not be able to pay off this debt until she's at least 16 and legally employable? I mean... How do I navigate this situation? +After hearing about struggles to make payments on 35k in flight school debt at 7.5% through Sallie Mae. A family friend has offered to pay that loan off and take repayments at zero interest. My question is how would I go about receiving that money. Would I have them log into my loan account and pay the amount in full or would I receive payment from them? Or any other options? +https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/canada-sheds-record-1-01-million-jobs-in-march-1.1419622 + +Also, the US FED is a market manipulator. Printer goes brrrrrrr +I’ve never had to wait for an order to fill, it’s always been instant. Maybe I have to wait a minute for the order to fill. Now I am waiting 5+ minutes to fill. At first, I thought maybe my order was too larger (49 shares so highly unlikely). I put in a bid OVER THE ASK and it did not fill. + +I knocked my order down to 5 shares. 5 fucking shares and I am paying OVER THE FUCKING ASK and I have to wait. + +I thought the stock was garbage, why aren’t hedgefunds selling and filling my ordered? + +Edit: Omg I’m the dumbest motherfucker alive. I’m so sorry + +Edit 2: Lol! I just saw this on popular. Love the acceptance and lolz. There’s smart people here, I am just uniquely dumb. +Wasn’t sure how to phrase this. I read online about so many strategies to save taxes such as setting up a corporation, paying your kids a salary, paying parents and having them gift money back to you, etc. But, never had an accountant recommend any strategies. Just file your taxes and see you next year. EVERY accountant seems to be like this regardless of marketing speak about being your “partner”. Is there a different kind of professional that can help? Or have I just had bad luck? + +FYI I pay someone about $4k for preparing personal taxes for me and wife that include single family rentals in multiple states and multiple K1s. +Hi there, + +I am looking for a good free book that provides practical advice on how to invest in real estate in India, given the poor land rights system and the problems of land grabbing and corruption, a weak judicial system and such. + +I am referring to buying, developing/maintaining, selling of property. I am excluding REITs from the definition. + +Can anyone suggest such a book? Also, if possible can someone link such a book? +Please talk me out of this or share your opinion on a better strategy. + +My dad offered to let me split a new investment property with him. It is a condo to be rented on a monthly basis. My parents have several of them in this community and they have been solid rentals (plus they bought most of theirs out of foreclosure for less than half of this unit's purchase price thus most of them have grown in re-sale value substantially). + +For ease of math let's call my buy-in $50,000. + +The unit will lease for at least $1,200 per month. + +We are paying cash so no mortgage. + +HOA, Insurance, Taxes, etc. 500/mo + +Thus, by my math, the best I can do without repairs and other expenses is a return of $350/mon. (as I would only own 1/2). + +In the alternative, + +If I spent the same amount on 2200 shares of QYLD, I would make $472.87/month. + +&#x200B; + +At the same time, I am already fully invested in the market. I would need to sell like $38,000 of other equities to raise funds to $50,000 with about half of that being Long Term Gains and the rest being newer low conviction buys or stocks I am down. Additionally, I am losing my confidence as a bull and am growing fearful of upcoming Fed action and how it will influence my net worth which is 100% in the stock market. + +TLDR: I have all my money in the stock market. I want to diversify into physical real estate because I am afraid of future Fed actions. The math tells me that I am better off staying in the market. But I would like to minimize some of my risk and I am mostly ignorant of the less obvious benefits of owning investment real estate. +Hi guys! + +Before you all jump down my throat, yes I've read the flowchart and various other resources, they're very helpful! These, combined with all of your generous contributions to discussions on the subreddit, have really helped me get started on my savings journey, so thank you for that. I just need some curated advice from this point, which I'd really appreciate. + +**Current situation:** +24, in a very stable job with room to grow, 30K annual salary & £6000-ish total savings. + +No debt (bar student loan), living with parents but will soon move out, own a car which was bought outright. I take in £1866 a month, and save £1250 a month - though often more because I budgeted pretty generously for my expenses.Expenses are pots for car maintenance and insurance, petrol, O2 bill, spotify bill, rent (slightly less than what I expect to pay when I move out) and food and groceries. Then a small "fun" budget for weekly takeaways and enough to buy a videogame roughly once a month, for example. + +I'm also working on a sidle hustle at the minute too, with a hope that it can make me some money down the road too. Nothing to write home about just yet, but hopefully I can eventually spin it off into a semi-reliable source of income. + +**Portfolio:** +*NS&I Premium Bonds - Emergency Fund:* £5000 (target is £5598, aka 3 months of my net salary) + +*MoneyBox LISA:* £10 (after my emergency fund is filled this payslip, I'll be looking to max the 4k contribution before April / the new tax year, and then spreading a 4k investment over the next 12 months). + +*Pension:* It's employer sponsored to some degree, need to figure out more about it as I'm a bit clueless. I know they're contributing £300ish a month on their side, which I assume is being matched with some sort of contribution on my side. Just can't find the exact value! Will ask about this at work. + +*Current Account:* Just under £1000 (used to pay off my credit card, which I use for all purchases to build up some credit.). + +**Where I want to be:** +I want to buy a house in the short term, preferably within the next 2-4 years.I want to retire as early as possible, not so much because I dislike working, but I have a slightly peculiar goal of being very aware of my own mortality (perhaps it's from losing my hair at such a young age!) and want to enjoy life as much as possible without stress. + +**So where do I go from here?** + +Once my LISA is maxed before and after the beginning of the next financial year, I'm a bit puzzled as to where to put my money to achieve my goals. I've heard of the vanguard all cap fund, and it tickles my fancy even if it's a bit of a longer term pitch. Or is my pension something I should seek to max out instead? Or should I just plain wack my savings into the best savings account I can find? + +Any help is greatly appreciated - I only started my savings journey 3-4 months ago, when previously I'd have spent most of my paycheck at the end of every month and only had the one current account. You guys really helped smarten me up, so for that I say thank you! + +If you are looking for the next big cryptocurrency, Kodi is perfect for you and here’s why… + +KODI is fusing a classic reflections token with real utility to give investors a project with compounding value and one they can feel confident investing in long-term.💰 + +They're bringing the first ever crypto based Entertainment Network with an In-House Advertising Agency #Pitch. 🗣 + +Holder Earn BNB rewards and Reflections in KODI through the PITCH agency revenue 💰 + +🔥BIGGEST GIVEAWAY ON THE BSC🔥 + +Purchase one of their highly anticipated NFT packs and have a 1 in 1750 chance of winning a Tesla Model 3 🤯 + +Within one of the NFT packs being sold come the launch of their NFT marketplace on November 16th, a special NFT will hold your ticket to driving a Tesla Model 3 😎 + +But wait, there’s more‼️ + +We have multiple special edition NFTs that will come with a prize for one of the following: + +🏅 $2000 Vacation x3 + +🏅 PS5 x3 + +🏅 Xbox Series S x5 + +What a week for Kodi ! + +✅ BTOK Ads + +✅Trending Top 3 on CMC + +✅Trending Top 3 on Dextools + +✅In CMC Top Gainers + +✅Trending Number 1 on crypto.com + +✅Listed free of charge by Hotbit.io + +✅Pitch Revenue Buybacks in Kodi, awaiting airdrop + +✅Multiple Shout outs from Jay Alverez (6.8 million followers) + +✅Shout out from Claudia Alende (8.9 million followers ) + +✅Shout out from therealtarzann (6.4 million followers) + +✅Multiple tweets from multiple twitter influencers (total of 10 mill followers) + +✅Certik Audit passed and live on their website. + +✅Steven Clark YouTube video (43k subscribers) + +✅Shout outs and promotions from multiple high profile crypto Telegram Channels + +✅King of Kodi Tournament started with 10 bnb + up for grabs + +✅Finished some of the best NFT’s in the game + +✅NFT presale live, with a 1/3500 chance of winning a TESLA + +🔥All this in the space of 48 hours!!!We are just getting started. + +Everyone here is still early, the team thinks of this as a 1B market cap project and beyond. We are 100% dedicated in making this a reality and will not stop until it is. We have MUCH, MUCH more to COME!!! + +👨‍👨‍👦‍👦Stick with us and enjoy the ride to 1B Market Cap, it won’t always be a straight line, there will be some dips. But we will get there! With this team, community and use case there is no stopping us! + +❤️Thank you all so much for being a part of it. + + +📱 Website: https://kodicoin.com/ + +📬 TG: https://t.me/kodicoinofficial + +🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kodi_Coin +So I've been having a lucky few weeks on the market and have made quite a hefty sum. + +I made a profit of 130% on one stock, sold that, and split that into 2 stocks, both of which are currently about 10% - 30% up planning on holding for a week or so. + +I'm assuming HMRC will probably want to know about my gains, but when I do inform them? + +As soon as I sell my shares? Once I transfer my money to my bank? Do I need to disclose my original investment amount? Or is it when I hit a set amount regardless? (I've seen some reports say it's £10k, others £15k) + +I'm using Trading212, I am verified on the app and on T212, I'm using a Invest account, NOT an ISA or CFD. + +I'm also registered as self employed on the HMRC site because they consider my YouTube channel a self employed job, and I do remember seeing something about investments while filing my self assessment in April, would this investment fall under my "job" or a personal thing? + +I'm new to the taxes stuff, so any help would be greatly appreciated. + +Thanks! +The share price has taken a nose dive and is down 50% in the past month, largely down to a slowing in growth of the business. As well as some questions around the governance of the business. + +However, the CEO who previously had the 'golden share' of the company has now given this up as THG works towards being included in the FTSE 100 indices. There haven't been any fundamental changes in the way the business is run and it's got an extremely strong business model as we move faster and faster into an e-commerce dominated market/ future. I feel like it's current share price is undervalued at £2.45. + +I wondered where other people sit with THG +Something else to look out for, + +Watch out for companies returning government aid. + + So far in the UK Rightmove, compass and ASOS are returning the money and a guy who is in QA for ASOS said they have increased sales considerably during lockdown. + +https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/business-53465971?__twitter_impression=true + +Obviously still do solid research before buying stocks in an individual company +Bank of Montreal anticipates that as much as 80 per cent of its staff -- or about 36,000 employees -- may adopt new flexible arrangements that blend working from home with going into the office even after the Covid-19 pandemic subsides. + +The virus prompted the bank to make a sweeping reappraisal of workplace policies, according to Mona Malone, chief human resources officer. She said the lender expects that 30 per cent to 80 per cent of employees may continue to work from home at least some of the time. The Toronto-based bank employed about 45,000 people as of Jan. 31. + +“We’ve been able to maintain continuity of banking services with far more people working outside the office than we ever thought possible,” Malone said Monday in an interview. “We thought it was critical that we were in the office to make something happen, and what we’ve proven through this is that’s actually not the case.” + +Chief Executive Officer Darryl White has said “a 2.0 version” of the workplace may include the blended home-and-office arrangements, as big employers worldwide reconfigure offices and routines. Malone said Canadian and U.S. branch employees have “by and large” been going into work during the crisis along with a “small amount” of technology and operations employees, while 95 per cent of those in office towers have been working from home. + +About two-thirds of the firm’s employees are in Canada, while 13,408 are in the U.S. and 1,578 overseas. The post-Covid plan involves more workers at home including “a ton” of employees with hybrid office-and-home roles, and fewer people working solely at company locations, Malone said. + +“It’s a blended approach of thinking about productivity and flexibility and for us not a return to the way it used to be,” she said. “It’s about an evolution in the way that we work.” + +As with many companies worldwide, Covid-19 has already upended much of the workforce of Canada’s fourth-largest bank. For example, call-center agents initially went into offices at the start of the outbreak. Then in the past month, the bank shifted half of its Canadian call-center staff and 80 per cent of its U.S. agents to home offices. + +“That’s not a temporary thing,” Malone said. “We don’t have to think about contact centers as just these geographical hubs, and we can use this remote way of working.” + +The work-from-anywhere trend helps keep employees safe, Malone said. Crowding workers into office towers while dealing with mass transit, elevators and social distancing is “problematic.” She added that the new approach can also present recruitment possibilities. + +“It allows us to look for new talent in locations where maybe we haven’t before, and tap into talent pools across the country,” she said. + +The bank has already seen unexpected benefits in deal-making, as investment bankers use time once spent on commuting to communicate with clients. One investment banker in New York expressed surprise that “doing pitches virtually” has been a success, Malone said. + +“It’s causing this person who’s 25 years an investment banker to rethink what’s possible,” she said. + +https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/bmo-says-80-of-employees-may-switch-to-blended-home-office-work-1.1431569 +🌳 The BlossomCoin Project 🌳 + +Billions of trees are cut down every year. That's about 2,000 since you started reading this sentence. + +Every time BlossomCoin is bought or sold, a portion goes to our charity wallet. The value of this wallet (up to 0.5% of current market cap) will then be donated to tree planters of the world every month. + +Tokenomics: +🌳 30% of original supply burned +🌳 5% distributed to holders per transaction +🌳 5% burned per transaction +🌳 1% donated to planting trees per transaction + +They've just done their first weekly donation of $5k to charity, and the devs have announced on their website that they'll be doxing soon! + +They're already listed on CoinGecko and CMC (less than 3 days after launch), and the Telegram community is legit - everyone's really invested and can see this is a long-term project for the greater good. + +The dev team are really responsive and have been answering loads of questions in the Telegram, they've got a full team behind them of developers, graphic designers, web devs and have already begun the audit process - super legit. + +Recent concerns about BTC energy usage is gonna send green cryptos parabolic, and this is looking like the best one so far! The roadmap on their website is solid and aggressive, with listings on all major exchanges in the line-up - the devs are clearly in this for the long run. + +Check out the whitepaper on their website, it shows a unique and ambitious plan for the token, you can tell how serious the team behind this are! + +The site looks slick, you can tell the team behind it are absolutely dedicated to this project and know what they're doing - this is gonna go crazy so get in whilst it's early! + +🌳 Website: https://www.blossomco.in/ + +🌳 Telegram: https://t.me/blossomcoin + +🌳 Token address: 0x8d03e069840D6Fb103abC4F640C8cc07F7F4bc10 + +🌳 Verified contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0x8d03e069840D6Fb103abC4F640C8cc07F7F4bc10 + +🌳 Renounced ownership: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb20f45f0b43c4f95f04d6e16a8871de7efeb113239c4d8c59f153b0f16c48b9f + +🌳 Locked LP proof (make sure your wallet is connected else it'll show unlocked): https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=922&add=0&type=lpdefi&chain=BSC + 🥇 $SafeDogeFather 🥇 + +Admin: "Friends; Website TBA. Cmc and cgc soon. Share $dogefather. We need grow this community!" + +This it it chiefs, what we've all been waiting for. Papa Elon has SPOKEN. + + [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1387290679794089986?s=20](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1387290679794089986?s=20) + +You all know what happens when Elon Musk tweets. We all make money. That's just how it is. That's how it's always been and that's how it will probably keep being, Lol. + +Why this DogeFather? With all the scams going around? Well.... + +CaptainJack tweeted about this one and supports it in particular so you know this project is 100% SAFU. He checks contracts and developers before advertising to his followers or why else would he have 80k+ twitter followers and a massive telegram following? Most of you should know him by now. + +🏆 [https://twitter.com/CaptainJackAPE/status/1387342468656533510?s=20](https://twitter.com/CaptainJackAPE/status/1387342468656533510?s=20)🏆 + +&#x200B; + +50% Tokens BURNT so realistically market cap is HALF of what it shows on poocoin. Market cap currently ONLY $300k. For an Elon coin that is OUTRAGEOUS + +[https://bscscan.com/tx/0x94f104618a21399bb7f2fac99c9d8ee4719196944bc4df4db75e87c3027390c1](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x94f104618a21399bb7f2fac99c9d8ee4719196944bc4df4db75e87c3027390c1) + +Let's get Doge's father back on the moon and reunite him with his son shall we? + +&#x200B; + +Imporant Links: + +**BUY HERE PanCakeSwap V2**: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8) + +**Poocoin Chart**: [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8?fbclid=IwAR1Xj-evgFPcoBZwZHVac-5K3qI7eZGCkhhJVQw-XzH\_52OR4wZHOA8ETno](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8?fbclid=IwAR1Xj-evgFPcoBZwZHVac-5K3qI7eZGCkhhJVQw-XzH_52OR4wZHOA8ETno) + +**BSC Scan**: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0x107961c9db688f1bc1fb095c5e7ea6ae876373e8#balances) + +&#x200B; + +LFG. +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nvuL0mevRk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nvuL0mevRk) + +For years, Lisa Bragança worked as a SEC Enforcement Branch Chief, where she led investigations into securities fraud, insider trading, market manipulation, and other trading practices. Now, she aggressively fights to protect the rights of businesses, financial professionals, investors, and whistleblowers. + +[https://secdefenseattorney.com/](https://secdefenseattorney.com/) + +&#x200B; + +Usually u/jsmar18 does these AMA's, but he asked if anyone would like to join him on the next one, after receiving feedback from someone saying it might be nice to have more than one host. + +Unfortunately he got sick the day before we had it scheduled😭, and I ended up doing it alone. + +Hopefully everyone enjoys it. Lisa is packed with information! She also HODLs GME! 💎🙌 + +# Some of the questions I asked were - + +Should there be more oversight of SRO’s? + +What are her thoughts about the ‘cost of doing business’ fines? + +What are the obstacles facing Financial Regulators? + +What does she think about Gary Gensler? + +What can we do to enact change? + +Why hasn’t the SEC turned off dark pool access? + +&#x200B; + +**She even stayed after we finished with the official AMA and answered some extra questions!** + +We were going to ask about DRS, but she was \*just\* starting to look into it. Lisa has done her homework because she tweeted this out a couple days after we talked to her. + +https://preview.redd.it/rp21iuh8xqm81.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=732831a8a3929a0b3f12bcbf7be67f1817f85c3c + + https://twitter.com/LisaBraganca/status/1500112055503888384?s=20&t=cq6ShR2FGVh5fjKrM946ng - link to tweet + +She followed up with this document to include in the post. + +" I am not saying the author is correct, but it does lay out the history of criminal prosecutions of businesses and the competing interests." + +[http://www.schnader.com/files/Publication/079ca3cc-0006-4aac-8a33-48da4cbb789d/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/78bd395c-9256-4aff-bc3e-a6945457649f/AinslieArthurAndersen6-06.PDF](http://www.schnader.com/files/Publication/079ca3cc-0006-4aac-8a33-48da4cbb789d/Presentation/PublicationAttachment/78bd395c-9256-4aff-bc3e-a6945457649f/AinslieArthurAndersen6-06.PDF) + +&#x200B; + +\* we'll get a transcript out as soon as possible! + +Thank you u/Luma44 for doing video edits! + +edit:added link to tweet + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I plan to switch passports and apply for a E2 USA (entrepreneurship) visa since the country I come from is politically unstable. I need the business I buy to break even but I don’t need high profitability. It has to be something that requires an initial investment for visa reasons and I’m prepared to invest $2 million (ideally up to $1.5 mil upfront and the rest as and when needed for business development). I would prefer something that isn’t dependent on me being around 24X7, so either a seasonal business or one where I can delegate most tasks. + +My experience is in running businesses in the private education sector in my home country and I have interest in travel, culture, events, hospitality, and the arts. I’ve spoken to a few small business brokers in the USA and buying a small, well-run summer camp from owners who are retiring seems to be the most attractive proposition as of now. Am I totally crazy to do this? Anyone here have any experience running/ owning a similar business? Are there any other hobby businesses you’d recommend given my interests and budget? Thank you! +For as long as I can remember, all I’ve ever heard or read about when it comes to the financial implications of PCP / Leasing a car have been negative. + +And largely, I can see what you’re on about. Why pay £200+ a month for something that you could purchase outright and actually own? Sounds like you would be crazy to enter into a lease! + +However, and here’s where my personal experience taints the whole idea... I am 26 years old. I have owned 6 cars in the span of 8 years driving. + +This idea of purchasing a cheap car outright and saving money in the long run hasn’t really gone to plan for me... I have purchased from auctions, auction sites, dealerships, friends & simple online, yet every single time something has gone drastically wrong. Engine failure, major repairs, exhaust blowing up, someone crashing into me, me crashing into someone else - the list goes on. + +The total I have spent on these used cars (purchase price only) is: £10,500 (cheapest car, £800. Most expensive, £3500) + +Add the addition work carried out for repairs (not including services or mots), approx: £3000 + +That’s a total of £13,500 spent on cars over the past 6 years. Costing me roughly £187.50 a month since I started this journey of driving. (Not including insurance, MOT’s, service, tyres etc.) + +My current car has lasted the longest, 3 years - cost £2000 & has had roughly £350 a year to keep it in shape. It’s a VW Polo with over 160k miles, and on its last legs - costing me roughly £84.70 a month in total over the 3 years. Very good, however the chance of this happening again feels like a gamble. + +All of this to say, that in my experience cars are so unpredictable and the idea of buying something cheap to last years seems really like a pipe dream. +It could be that I’m buying the wrong type of car or spending too little money... but in the mid-term (next 6 years) the idea of spending £200 a month on a lease, works out to only be £13 more a month than I have spent over the past 6 years but seems to be a lot less of a headache & guarantees a car that works... + +Question: +Have I just been unlucky with cars, or am I making a sober judgment to enter in to a lease deal? +My wife asked me how we're going to explain all this to our parents when the dust has settled. I've spent a long and hard time thinking about everything that's happened in the last six months. For us apes, who have been watching this thing unfold, it's incredible and amazing; but from the outside it's easy to write off because it requires countless hours of DD and memes to get to where we are now. + +# RETAIL HAS ALWAYS BEEN PAINTED AS DUMB MONEY. + +But, *we are not that*. We're an aberration, something new. We're a disruption in a current ecosystem. Do you know why there are laws against transporting and planting certain seeds to different places? Big money agriculture aside, it's primarily because *an external plant* can actually completely disrupt an ecosystem. And that's what the internet does in every human system. + +* Amazon and online retailers changed the way we shop. +* Uber/Lyft changed the way we view transportation +* AirBnB changed the way we think of shelter when traveling +* Instacart changed the idea of buying groceries. +* Facebook/Twitter/Insta/Reddit/Wechat/Whatsapp/TikTok/etc changed how we communicate +* Google changed how we find information and advertising +* Wikipedia changed how we store and peer review public knowledge +* Zillow/Redfin/Zip changed real estate. +* Netflix/YouTube changed how we consume media +* edit: Someone suggested I add Tinder/Match has changed how we date. + +**The list can go on and on and on,** ***right?*** + +What's important to take from this is that these things all offer **services and experiences** *that are fundamentally different* than what they were before. They have an entirely different set of strengths and weaknesses that hinges on the internet, and that's what makes it disruptive. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that every disruptive system eventually gets used in ways, for good and bad, that it was never originally intended for. + +**And this**, I argue, is what makes r/Superstonk a disruptive force in which the rest of the ecosystem will have to accommodate for now, going forward, in the same way other existing elements in other markets had to adapt to new disruptive forces or face extinction. We are the element that financial elites *least wanted* to evolve, but I argue we are an inevitable market force meant to balance against their abuse of the system. + +[notice u\/rick\_of\_spades on the main screen.](https://preview.redd.it/xvle5q3933371.jpg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5255a0641c5c4962cb1b71522eb700db493c099a) + +And it's wonderful because its warm and full of little ironies. + +# IT'S ABSOLUTELY TRUE MOST OF US + +will never be able to do the level of due diligence that our best DD writers are doing (like u/atobitt u/criand u/homedepothank69 and dozens of others) on our own. And that's ok, remember every disruptive system is disruptive *because it's different, and the metaphorical cogs and gears we've naturally settled into all have their own purpose.* + +*Yes, it takes a certain amount of knowledge, tools, and work to write good DD.* + +# But it also takes a baseline level of knowledge to consume DD. + +I argue that the true smooth brains, myself included, have grown more wrinkles than we give ourselves credit for. + +**ANYONE can watch an oscar-bait movie and tell you what the plot is** but it takes a minimal level of knowledge to tell you what the story is **about.** *Likewise,* ***anyone*** can read our DD and be like "there is fuckery in our market," but it takes a base level of knowledge to understand how it's happening. + +Growing up, our education system did very little to teach financial literacy in school. Whether by design or not, my public school education in finance involved learning to write checks in 1st grade, and pretend buying and selling of stocks (and back then we used newspapers) that mysteriously goes up and down. Multiple market crashes and the MSM narrative that billionaire hedge fund managers are smarter than us (which is a lie, the key word should be more criminal than us), turned me off from ever entering the market for a long time. "*The game is* *rigged against the little guy"* is a sentiment that everyone *feels.* What's happened as transformed that *feeling* into *knowing.* + +I think there are many like me. A year ago, I didn't know what NBBO, bid-ask spread, DTCC, option, margins, shorting, etc. even was. + +**If the me from a year ago read today's DD, I'd be clueless. Even the memes wouldn't be funny, because 90% of the memes actually require some understanding of the DD to understand.** + +&#x200B; + +Let's take a little walk through what this disruptive force has **done** **so far, and how we're changing investing forever.** (THIS IS THE TLDR). + +**~~Uncovered~~** **Deconstructed a naked shorting scam** + +* Dissected said scam mechanically, to understand how it's being carried out, and then distilled this information down to a base level that the average of group can interpret. We've had DD writers look at every aspect: + * Their motivation for the scam (making tax free money by manipulating companies into bankrupting) + * Their means of getting away with it, as the regulatory agencies have a direct conflict of interest. + * Rehypothecation of shares + * Naked Shorting + * Shorting indirectly by pulling apart ETFs + * FTD cycles, and how they extend these by hiding them in options. (What a huge one this turned out to be!) + * How they criminally mark shorts as long and get away with a slap on the wrist + * How the SI reporting is a complete scam to begin with + * Orchestrating pump and dumps to extract more money + * Manipulating media in order to manipulate public sentiment, and directly timing price movements with a narrative that they create, not what is actually true. + * Paying "bad actors" to directly infiltrate retail communication in a psyop campaign + * When shit really hits the fan, they directly disable buying and execute flash crashes. + * probably some other shit I'm forgetting + +&#x200B; + +**Raised the average level of knowledge of everyone that frequents the subreddit.** + +* **bUt wHaT about FunDamenTals herp derp**. I think apes have analyzed gamestop's fundamentals far more than most people analyze fundamentals, period. And we've learned that fundamentals aren't the true driver of stock price in our heavily manipulated market, but we're backing a stock that has strong fundamentals anyway, so that MSM argument is shit. + +&#x200B; + +**Deep dived for** ***real information, not MSM fluff*** + +* We have apes that have dissected every DTCC/ICC/OCC/NSCC document that's come out the last few months. We've examined how the entire stock market actually functions on a mechanical level. + * there's even an ape that is out there filing FOIA requests with the SEC + * edit: more on this point, we have ballsy apes straight up writing and calling politicians, regulatory agencies, and brokerages for information +* We have apes breakdown every legal filing GameStop puts out. +* We have apes breakdown 13F and all sorts of filings from financial institutions +* edit: We have apes literally writing mini biographies of the new C-Suite. Apes literally straight up contacting them on linkedin and twitter, researching their track record in business. <=== if this isn't some solid fucking due diligence on fundamentals, than what the fuck is. +* edit: We have apes studying the villians in this narrative and how they're connected to different pieces of the puzzle. +* We have mods bringing in and consulting veterans, u/dlauer, Wes, Lucy, Dr. T, Carl who have spent their lives fighting financial crime +* We have apes doing technical daily and educating others how to read charts. Most of us would never be able to tell you what OBV, RSI, macD, VWAP, etc etc etc was before this. + * EDIT: I've seen posts with AI anaylsis, fourier sound analysis, and even stenography. Regardless of accuracy or relevance, apes are literally looking at things from every conceivable angle, and presenting said information to the forum to counter or support. +* We have apes cross analysing the entire financial market for correlations. VIX, S&P 500, Russell 2000, treasury bonds and ONRRP, other meme stocks, block chain coins. +* We have apes examining the unusual in building late night activities of large institutions + * And going as far as driving hours to post pictures of buildings with lights on. EDIT: We also have apes that get off on these pictures of buildings with lights on, so there's that. maybe we need to get a #TIWTUA (this is what they're up against) going. + * one really special ape went a flew a drone. + * We even had apes to and take pictures of the Glacier Capital Mailbox. +* Most importantly, Apes then share their findings, analysis, and thesis's for everyone to peer review. And **all is this is happening simultaneously** next to apes making memes and sticking bananas in the wrong orifice. + +&#x200B; + +**MEMES & MEME CULTURE & QUALITY SHITPOSTS** + +* It's easy to blow this off, but I argue the memes are important as hell. MEMES one of our natural immune defenses against FUD + * Some memes serve as MORALE boosters. They're funny and get us laughing, or their infuriating and get us motivated. + * Some memes are actually informative. They distill an important information into something an instantly digestible bite, and point users to a DD they may have missed. + * Some memes are esoteric. They get people talking and discussing what the true intentions are behind them (looking at you, genius of genius's u/deepfuckingvalue , and RC) + * Some memes are simply historic, like u/buttfarm69 's Chairman Cohen. Fucking kudos to you that you're still doing quality shitposts instead of just letting that be your peak. EDIT: you peaked again while I was writing this, you legend you. [This is for you, mate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrm4z1/this_ones_for_you_ubuttfarm69/) + * And some shit is truly unexplainable, but I think still very important (like banana's in ones ass). The truly unexplainable stuff is what I believe is the best point I that made long ago that was highly upvoted: **WE DON'T MANIPULATE THE MARKET, WE ARE THE FUCKING MARKET.** We're millions of *individual investors, and no one is manipulating shit.* + +&#x200B; + +**The Immune System: Defending against an ongoing psyop campaign by the shorts** + +* When the body is under attack, an immune response of white blood cells, Lymphocytes, histamines, and physical reaction work in tandem to repel the invader. Like the immune system, this system has fucking *EVOLVED to repel shill invaders.* I'm so fucking blown away by this. Forget repairing organs, we've literally grown new *bodies* by migrating forums multiple times. Hedgefund's shoveling money to pay "basher", as Wes Christiansen called them, and we've developed an immune response against it. Like a virus, they keep evolving, but so do we. + * We've developed a culture of questioning everything, which is healthy in moderation (this is like the histamine response. Too much can cause an allergic reaction, so it careful to keep this at a nice medium). + * We've got our knights of new (white blood cells) upvoting and downvoting thousands of posts. + * We've got SATORI (Lymphocytes), an AI analyzing how shill individual posters are. + * Mod Banhammers, karma and age requirements (physical reactions). + * We've developed the ability to pick apart MSM articles and their sad excuse of DD (I just equate this to pooping.) + +&#x200B; + +**We've changed everything because we got involved. This alone is a solid indicator of how important we are.** + +* If you look at the graph for people that watch House Committee Services livestreams, you'd think you'd be looking at the chart of the MOASS. Seriously. The long ass boring, mostly useless hearings generally garnered less than a few hundred viewers and we broke 1000 fold. +* We're forcing brokerages to *cater to us*. Brokerages have seen how retail has exited Robinhood *en masse*, and they're all acutely aware they could become the next Robinhood. Even more so than damaging their businesses, these brokerage CEO's likely don't want to be the next boy in bulgaria meme. +* Brokers are having to change there automated messages *just to deal with the volume* of apes calling them. Services reps are literally dealing with apes calls all day everyday now. +* To quote u/ohcrookedwarden in the comments below, a top US broker Fidelity, is in the process of "*chang\[ing\] their entire app* to cater to the inflow of the next generation of brokers." +* We're **exercising shareholder rights**. This is where the meaning of "voting with your wallets" has been all along, right under our noses. + * Seriously, this was such an underutilized power, that many brokers didn't even have fucking systems set up to **VOTE** in the first place. + +&#x200B; + +[Updated for the 3rd time based on today's posts. I've been keeping track of all the international brokers that rose up to retail demand \(and the few shitty ones that didn't\)](https://preview.redd.it/grevjvtxi3371.jpg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963e07fc37070954b21a05d60b1b2c0ba6f6d2d0) + +Seriously. I'm so proud to be an infinitesimally small part of this. Some Apes (like our DD writers), are the fucking superheroes in our scene. The rest of us but one of a million boots on the ground, and that's OK. Individually, we're nothing. But remember, APES STRONG TOGETHER. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: BONUS: We've possibly collected evidence that we're actually living in a simulation 😆😆😆 + +EDIT2: fixed some typos and grammar I think. + +EDIT3: more shit grammar fixing. expanding on a few points. +I think I have a problem. Perhaps an echo chamber will solve it! + +None of this r/frugal canned beans BS - post your salary and your shocking takeaway/eat-out figures for my mental health pls. +Had a conversation with a friend who is in a long-term relationship yet they don’t discuss salaries. They don’t live together yet. + +Out of interest does your other half know how much you earn, and is it something you’re relaxed with or only mention when absolutely necessary (such as seeking a mortgage). + +I’ve always been pretty open about salaries, especially if they earn less or more than me, it can affect our decisions on things like holidays, date night etc. I’d want things to be fair. +This is pretty messed up: + +https://twitter.com/AndreTilban/status/1252048132260626435 + +Unfortunately most oil quotes outside of brokers is delayed by 2 days, so it's difficult to confirm atm. +Xiasi Inu 🐶 + +The Xiasi Dog is respected by people due to the belief that the dog brings wealth to family.  + +Forever and always trade Xiasi Inu secure on PancakeSwapV2, Hotbit and Lbank.(CMC & CG LIVE) + +https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/xiasi-inu/ + +TOKEN CONTRACT +0x0e20E3216EA172fcf9eAa19723b119e090fD353f + +Xiasi just started its journey months ago and we love the Reddit and CryptoMoonShots Community. +We hope u will embrace Xiasi like our close community does and invite u to take a journey to the stars with Xiasi. + +Rewards are distributed to holders automatically and in real-time. With every transaction (buy or sell), 4% of the transaction value is distributed to holders. Sit back, relax, and watch your XIASI balance grow. + +Automatic LP + +4% of every trade contributes toward automatically generating liquidity locked inside PancakeSwap LP. + +XIASI is a fully decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency, owned in whole by its community. Each user is (in theory) an equivalent owner and contributor of the network. + +Xiasi Inu is a 100% community run token. +Our aim is to be a breath of fresh air in the ever-evolving crypto space with our true legitmacy and honesty! + +XIASI INU A MEME WITH A BIGGER DREAM + +PHASE 1 + +Community development: +Telegram, Twitter, Discord, Facebook,Snapchat,Tiktok, +Wechat,Weibo + +Price Tracker Listings: CoinGecko✅, CoinMarketCap✅, Blockfolio + +Decentralized Exchange Listings (DEX): PancakeSwap + 1Inch ✅ + +Community Marketing Fund + +PHASE 2 + +Centralized Exchange (CEX) Listings: ✅ + +Techrate.org (http://techrate.org/) Smart Contract Audit ✅ + +PHASE 3: +MORE INFO SOON +XIASI INFINITY??? + +Xiasi Inu is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency with built-in Automated Rewards Farming (ARF) technology. Just hold XIASI in your wallet, and watch your balance grow!. + +TOKEN CONTRACT +0x0e20E3216EA172fcf9eAa19723b119e090fD353f + +SUPPLY: +1,000,000,000,000,000 + +4% ARF (automatic reward farming) + +4%  Automatic liquidity pool +Seeing garbage on Twitter about their DRS-like attempt which has nothing to do with registering shares and just puts all owners of popcorn into a database for identification. They even go as far as to say all popcorn and “non-DRS GME” owners should do it. Shit reeks of Kennifer. This is the DRS version of ApeFest if you ask me. + +Y’all know the drill. + +I think I need more text for character minimum. Hello. +GME will run decentralized apps through their website browser and iOS app. There will be many more to come, but by far the most important (in the short term) is 0x ZRX using ERC-741 Protocol (ERC-721 and ERC-20) + +Link from [https://wallet.gamestop.com](https://wallet.gamestop.com) scroll down to see Image below showing the circle of partners as confirmation of partnerships. But what does 0x do exactly? + +[GME, ETH, LRC, IMX, 0x ZRX, UNI](https://preview.redd.it/u9ttowlmcrx81.png?width=3900&format=png&auto=webp&s=910133b4e29c4c4d9e9eb101a33ef62f58e2c944) + +&#x200B; + +[GME and 5 Horseman of the Stockpocalypse ](https://preview.redd.it/25aa8mbb7sx81.png?width=3648&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2c83c9e23b4b128d1201b2a6f42ce2149047574) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.0x.org\/-0xDAO. https:\/\/www.0x.org](https://preview.redd.it/airetoci7sx81.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb3cfd33c1005e8a8a44d3ba9b1058b5adb04044) + +ZRX Token (likely dividend awarded to shareholders) = Voting share. Will house future shareholder voting and counting. (DAO’s, Governance, Voting platform for shareholders) + +[https://0xdao.gitbook.io/0x-dao/](https://0xdao.gitbook.io/0x-dao/) + +0x is Decentralized finance company that has its functions performed for the companies it works with on the blockchain using ZRX. It works directly with Crypto Brokers like Binance, Coinbase, and now LRC/GME. + +# 🔥💨With 0x, users can create markets for representing any form of value – these could include markets for tokens representing physical real estate, to tokens representing shares of stocks and bonds, to tokens representing other crypto assets. 0x is important infrastructure for the emerging crypto economy and enables markets to be created that couldn't have existed before. As more assets become tokenized, public blockchains provide the opportunity to establish a new financial stack that is more efficient, transparent, and equitable than any system in the past. 💨🔥 + +Using the 0x protocol, users can both tokenize assets and buy and sell tokens running on the Ethereum blockchain. + +# 0x will allow anyone to Automatically create orders that can be passed directly through your smart contracts (LRC) to be settled on-chain. (ETH) in GME Wallet. + +Two types of users are needed to operate any 0x market: + +&#x200B; + +* **Makers** – Those providing liquidity to the order book. Makers place orders on the exchange that do not trade immediately; rather, they wait for it to be matched. +* **Takers** – Those who take liquidity from the order book. Takers place orders that are instantly matched with existing orders. + +# Folks. The definition of “Stock Market” + +*Stock markets are venues where buyers and sellers meet to exchange equity shares of public corporations.* + +*Stock markets are vital components of a free-market economy because they enable democratized access to trading and exchange of capital for investors of all kinds.* + +*They perform several functions in markets, including efficient price discovery and efficient dealing.* + +## Why does ZRX have value? + +The ZRX cryptocurrency derives value from the role it plays in operating markets on the 0x protocol, rewarding relayers for hosting order books and facilitating trades.  + +In addition, ZRX is also used as a way to allow users to govern the software and set its rules.  + +For example, users can stake ZRX to gain the ability to vote on network upgrades and policies, with each vote being proportional to the amount of tokens they stake.  + +Users can also delegate their tokens to other validators, allocating votes to them while still earning a portion of the block reward.  **(proxy in market terms)** + +Lastly, there is a finite supply of ZRX that can facilitate 0x markets.  + +As of 2020, only 1 billion ZRX tokens are scheduled to be created. This provides a certain scarcity to ZRX tokens, which could help their value increase over time. + +&#x200B; + +0x works with (LRC) and not against many exchanges. LRC will take care of trading and 0x will take care of the back end of the securities servicing. + +For example: Voting on board, share/token holder activism, Voting on vision, receive dividends, provides proxy, distributes filings, and it offers rewards for using that will likely be implemented into the dividends. + +&#x200B; + +[Wonder who those Users will be?](https://preview.redd.it/9zjex6iq8sx81.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=79f1e72d94398fdb31c4d4917ab06b34e12a7e20) + +# 0x could allow GME to become the next source of decentralized funding for new companies looking to bypass venture capitalist and the wall of the elite. Think Shark Tank, but with the entire world through decentralized investors each contributing different amounts and having the same voting rep rights as shareholders. + +&#x200B; + +*0x is the global backbone for decentralized exchanges (DEXs), making it easier for teams to create or operate a DEX.* + +*Building DEXs Made Fast 0x is open-source, if you want to start a DEX, you can simply use 0x's API and quickly tap into multi-chain liquidity. Making it that much easier to incorporate exchange functionality into apps designed on L2.* + +*Because so many businesses rely on 0x for their success, the 0x team needed a developer platform that could trust 24 hours a day to: - Scale infinitely - Maintain complete - data accuracy - Provide 100% reliability* + +*"Want to help build a tokenized world where all value can flow freely?* *📷" sounds a whole lot like:* + +\-Power to the Collectors + +and + +\-Be your Own Bank + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/loopringorg\/status\/1490529748593823744?s=20&t=1QYejnV83EthKN2KKqdQCQ](https://preview.redd.it/zc4me52zasx81.png?width=1176&format=png&auto=webp&s=925952ee61850506aa5b201c0609bbc266f37303) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/macro\_diary\/status\/1517070821889609731?s=20&t=1QYejnV83EthKN2KKqdQCQ](https://preview.redd.it/91i8a1ycasx81.png?width=1162&format=png&auto=webp&s=eec1edd03de4bfd87c2343565b722d17d62f3a63) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/macro\_diary\/status\/1521523987607703552?s=20&t=1QYejnV83EthKN2KKqdQCQ](https://preview.redd.it/t7c73ze7asx81.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf952f3db9d62cef838068c3785031138e2e8c26) + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/macro\_diary\/status\/1459276514474840069?s=20&t=1QYejnV83EthKN2KKqdQCQ](https://preview.redd.it/mqaghhn2asx81.png?width=1172&format=png&auto=webp&s=a695c70eb89d2911610b61d2460f634590c23e0b) + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/AlchemyPlatform\/status\/1518973685209649153?s=20&t=1QYejnV83EthKN2KKqdQCQ ](https://preview.redd.it/ov7cv5r79sx81.jpg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39473c6c901d73491dbe191cda0f5832c112cf17) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/articles/4411152558355-What-are-ERC-20-ERC-721-and-ERC-1155-tokens- ](https://preview.redd.it/zoyjfgljerx81.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9260cf39190d32f139e7880df6f81197778b4ca) + +https://preview.redd.it/wt3y1g8q7sx81.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a71e1077afeff82b861b390f3269bc74b222a83 + +[https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/categories/4408905918099-Crypto-NFT-Basics ](https://preview.redd.it/2dpjyp6rdrx81.png?width=2004&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4b1c475ace8fc447b522134e76e20da3cbece79) + +&#x200B; + +[Kagny Support on GME page](https://preview.redd.it/texor1vr7sx81.png?width=2004&format=png&auto=webp&s=11a081416475e2a5faf22a01e499b8ca031d2aa4) + +&#x200B; + +Final Edit: 4 Facts to Consider before Replies. + +&#x200B; + +1. 0x's business model described above is not a theory. +2. Their partnership with GME is not a theory. +3. The only theory is my *opinion* of the implementation of the two technologies, now that the partnership has been officially announced. LRC and others will have an equal impact on GameStop's NFT future. +4. I do not hold a single bit of 0x or ZRX. + +&#x200B; + +# What Cohen wants, Cohen gets. Master of supply chains in real and digital world. + +&#x200B; + +Angry that an NDA is allowing the value of your token to tank because you can't assuage holders? Too fucking bad. + +***Gotta grow corn to make whiskey.*** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# TL;DR + +&#x200B; + +Courtesy of: + +u/[abatwithitsmouthopen](https://www.reddit.com/user/abatwithitsmouthopen/) + +# "GME: I’m the market now" + +&#x200B; + +$GME STO (Standardized token offering) on blockchain using #0x $LRC $UNI $IMX #ETH + +Gamestop and the Five Horseman of the Stockpocalypse + +Just because a Billion shares will be authorized in June doesn't mean they will put a Billion for sale. They have to authorize what the numbers tell them for the dividend. + +Outstanding Shares / Split (Dividend) + Shares Short needing to be bought and returned= What will be issued from the 1 Billion. Why the potential large amount left over? + +SEC may not allow a split without confirmed numbers and because they cooperated together in an investigation (confirmed Dec 2021) they both know that's impossible without forcing a return. Hence 1 Billion shares authorized to deal with the theory of a .7 Billion Short interest count. + +Ryan knows 2/3 parts of the equation, but that doesn't mean they add to a billion (later on) nor that they will stay that way after all outstanding shares existing are returned by recalling. This would trigger all shares including the illegal ones to be returned and reissued through dividend process (on Blockchain) with an SEC certified vote count. + +We are about to see the ushering in of a new age of financial protection for individual investors. I believe this is where Gamestop comes in. Someone has to pilot this new system and launch the very first American Security Token Offering (STO) as a replacement for the DTC defaulting on their fiduciary responsibilities. These shares/tokens will trade on decentralized lit exchanges as well as traditional exchanges (NYSE) while still being tied to the blockchain. Every owner tracked. Every share accounted for. In perpetuity. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.sec.gov\/litigation\/investreport\/34-81207.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/nlzfvui2dsx81.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bf4a90b2b018832d482991aba8c3840b8855109) + +[Credit to 3for100Specials](https://preview.redd.it/rps3eh6ghzd81.png?width=1602&format=png&auto=webp&s=00e034ead41aa35012e505c98ef699592112c30c) for breakdown of SEC filing +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + TL;DR; How people that fatFIRE deal with having a partner that had way lower or no income at all? + +LONG VERSION: I moved from being low income into being a high earner. Ideally I would like to have a partner that had the same level of education and/or income as me. The problem being that since I moved into being HE, after people find out they just see me as some sort of free international pass or cash cow. + +I've been in a sort of relationship for about 1 year now and I find it very hard to deal with the mindset of SO. SO has a kind of minimum wage job, and although they say they want to get educated etch, they don't move forward with any plans. They have expensive taste and lavish lifestyle that are sustained by debt. They have no interest in financial literacy (or any literacy at all), and no desire to FIRE. Me on the other hand want to FIRE asap, in 5 years if possible. I like to do some travelling and or nice things but it hurts me that I have to pay double if I would like them to join me. I don't wanna end up in a sugar situation. + +My main question is, how do people that are high earners/fatFIREd deal with that? I saw that many have SOs that became homemakers, how do you deal with that mentally? How to overcome the feeling that you are the SO source of income? +Today I was picking up a friend at my former MegaCorp for lunch (retired 2 yrs ago) and pulled up in front of the building in my sports car with the top down. + +I must have looked pretty relaxed sitting in my convertible when a woman who looked like she worked there walked over and joked, "Just curious - could I have your job description? Because I want that job!!” + +I simply said I used to work at MegaCorp but now I'm a goof-off. :-) + +It was probably the funniest reaction I've ever had to my early retirement! What is the funniest thing someone has said in reaction to your FIRE? +I have invested in Degiro in the VUSA ETF. The plot of the ETF follows the S&P (1 month data) but the S&P is down 0.5% and I am down 2.6%. I have not performed any other transaction, just bought 10 pieces of that ETF. + +I can't undestand the reason for the discrepancy. Any ideas? Any hidden costs i don't know? +That’s right. You’re scrolling through this subreddit, seeing all the screenshots of people posting their Computer Share screenshots well guess what…… + +How are you supposed to know if they’re shills or not… + +Making you feel like, “oh hey everyone else is handling this, I don’t need to worry about ComputerShare or DRS��� + +Well, wrong. + +Every 🦍 matters + +Do what the SEC talked about back in 2003, and take ownership of your investment. + +https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html +If the shfs were really all powerful they wouldn’t be panic short selling the instant the price goes up even a couple bucks. They’d be employing a more global, long-term strategy of domination that’s not so reactionary and knee jerk. + +While on the surface trading sessions over the last weeks have shown them seem to exert almost total control over price movement, when we look deeper we see that the fierce, instant, reactionary nature of their attacks is indicative of a cornered animal fighting for its very survival, not an all powerful entity in total control of the situation. +I politely suggested the bank was discriminating against me due to my disability & boy did they come to the party quick! + +I sent this email at 1am & less than 8hrs later we were sent new loan documents with every one of our requests met. + +I’m not saying they agreed with me but it was either more hassle than it was worth or… + +Saved ourselves near $1000 a month in mortgage repayments (yes I know longer term means more interest but I’m not expected to live that long & hubby will get a large life insurance payout when I die) + +NB: email text edited to remove identifiers. + +Hi, +I have just stumbled upon (REDACTED insert decorative name for a complaints team) whilst trying to research the banks policies regarding accessibility and discrimination. + +Whilst we have raised our issue with our current Home Lending Executive - who has amazing customer service skills and is very approachable - I feel your department may still be better suited to managing this given we came across the same issue last year at another branch. + +It is our view that current policies around lending terms are discriminatory against disabled persons as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) by providing goods & services on less favourable terms and conditions, & or in an unfair manner. + +Please bear in mind I make this statement broadly & without access to your lending criteria / guidelines, however I do note that the lack of transparency in this area and the absence of a discrimination policy being available to customers, combined with my own experience on multiple occasions across two seperate products & branches does seem to support my claim. + +Put briefly my main concerns are: +* The banks requirement for ‘Proof of adequate Life Insurance Policy’ +* The reduced maximum limit of years available to us under home loan products; and +* The absence of category / system recognition of my income type + +Our basic customer details for lending purposes are: + +(REDACTED husbands personal info though in his early 30’s) +Full-time Employed Retail Management with current company for 7+ years on $95,000+ net +Centrelink Carers Allowance + +(REDACTED my personal info though in my mid 30’s) +Officially Medically Retired from full-time employment in January 2019 and Classified as Totally & Permanently Disabled (TPD) for insurance and superannuation purposes. +Have been receiving Income Protection (IP) consistently as my wage source since late 2016 with the insured terms covering me until I am 60 years old due to meeting all TPD criteria. +In addition to this I have had my full super released, received a lump sum insurance payment for TPD, and still hold a unrestricted life insurance policy in addition to this. + +No other debt outside of our products with your bank. No children / dependents. 82% LVR + +It has been made clear to us in emails from your bank that: +* I was required to show proof of adequate life insurance for myself due to my cancer diagnosis +* A limit to the loan term available to us of a maximum 23 years has been applied due to my income only being guaranteed until I’m 60 years old +* That in your systems there are no categories available to appropriately record my income source, with the closest options being either ‘Workers Compensation’ or ‘Disability Pension’ - the later of which has been applied. + +I put to you a few thoughts to consider regarding these issues: +* Whilst I personally believe it is a responsible lending practise to ensure customers have appropriate life & TPD insurance to service their portion of a loan… is the bank applying this condition to customers in an equitable manner? +* If a loans maximum term is dependent on the length an applicants income is guaranteed for, then what is the definition of guaranteed income? Is this condition applicable to every customer or only only applied to certain income criteria or customer circumstances? Is this fair and equitable? +* Is the banks failure to recognise Income Protection as a source of income inherently discriminatory towards a vulnerable community? Does mis-applying the income category type as ‘Workers Compensation’ or ‘Disability Pension’ disadvantage a customer by applying an inaccurate risk profile? + +In a direct comparison of customer service it seems my able-bodied healthy husband has more favourable terms and conditions and a greater product range available to him as an applicant than I do. The advantages of which in this instant though he is unfortunately unable to enjoy due to his association to me. + +I would love the opportunity to discuss these issues further. Please feel free to contact me via email or on my mobile (REDACTED) + +Thank you for your time & patience with the above. +Seriously, I can not tell any work friends yet and my family and close friends do not seem happy for us. In fact most of them seem to be pissed with me. We have saved and done everything right and are planning exit the work-a-day world pretty soon. I just wanted to tell some people who may actually be happy for us. BTW IFA has agreed we have more than enough on projections until 99 life expectancy. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/14/coronavirus-aid-us-airlines-treasury-department-reach-agreement-in-principle-on-aid.html + +>The grants will likely come with additional conditions. The Treasury Department has asked airlines to pay back 30% of the grants, essentially turning a portion of them into low-interest loans, according to people familiar with the discussions. + +Seems to be positive news for the market, DAL is up 6%, UAL up 7.8%, LUV up 5% +Hi guys, + +My fiancée and I are are buying a house that's costing £435,000 and its our first home together. I see myself with her for the long run and trust her fully. + +Due to earning more and having opportunities to work over time I've accumulated £82,000 that's going to be used for the deposit. My fiancée has around £3,000 that she was going to use for furnishings ect. With the mortgage repayments we were both going to put half our salaries into a joint bank account this would be used for mortgage, bills, food, holidays ect. + +My mum yesterday advised me to get something written up in case we split and I'd lose out on the money I have put in. When bringing this up last night it was met with a raging argument about trust and how I'm already predicting the downfall in the relationship or doing her wrong. We want to have kids in the next couple of years and she worries that this will leave her vulnerable. + +It's been sited that this isn't something neither of our parents have done and there has always been a disparity between male and female earnings; while I understand that our parents house didn't cost this much and neither was the deposit this large. + +What is the right thing to do? If things do go South is there a way of displaying that the money trail has came from my account or as the house is in both our names its tough shit? + +Truly I feel terrible today. +Probably a good exercise to prepare for a potential long downturn! + +Let me start: + +1. "Long-term" investor, but checking stock prices every day. +2. Checking analyst targets/stock price before making a valuation. With Strong Buys and price growth (obviously) causing positive biases. +3. Comparing my portfolio with some random benchmark and other managers, who have different portfolio size, incentives, investment horizons, and goals. +4. Invest in SPAC / IPOs on hypes. +GoPro is down 75% since mid-2014 when it had its IPO. There has been a lot of negative sentiment around it and based on the negative returns to the initial investors, rightfully so. + +However, it might be a turnaround company and I'll make my case below. + +For those that prefer to watch a video, the link is below: + +[https://youtu.be/TVQ6HqKaMiU](https://youtu.be/TVQ6HqKaMiU) + +Up until 2019, the company was mainly selling hardware consisting of cameras and certain accessories around it. Over 90% of their sales were through retail and their gross margin was around 34%. + +In the meantime, there have been 2 main changes: + +1. In March 2021, they launched an app called Quik and they have 221k paid subscribers ($9,99/year), bringing in around $2.2m in revenue that has a higher margin than their old-school business. +2. They introduced GoPro subscription, which grew to 1.6m subscribers fairly quickly (130k in 2017, 185k in 2018, 334k in 2019, and 761k in 2020). Why is this relevant? The annual subscription costs $49.99 and without knowing anything else, it seems as they're adding $80m in revenue (1.6m x $50). Well, not really. The subscription provides the following: + +\- $100 discount on a new GoPro camera - Wait what? A user pays $50 in subscription and gets a $100 discount? That is a no-brainer! But wait, that's not all, it also provides: + +\- Unlimited cloud back-up + auto uploads + +\- Up to 50% off @ [GoPro.com](https://GoPro.com) + +\- No questions asked damage replacement + +\- Full access to the Quik app + +\- Share on the go + +**So, what is the catch?** + +From a user point of view, they get a lot of value and from GoPro's perspective, it doesn't seem to be that profitable as they pay by not only discounting the hardware price but also they have to cover the costs for the rest of what comes with the subscription. In theory, subscriptions are a high-margin segment, but when taking all of this into account, it is clear that we cannot expect the $80m on top of what they're earning. So, why do they offer this? + +1. At the beginning, I've mentioned the main sales channel in 2019 was retail, with 90%+ of the total sales. As of 2021, retail was 66%, with 34% being DTC (Direct to consumers). As the subscription is offered through the website, more users are opting for it. This means, they're not paying the "cut" to the retail companies and they can increase the gross margins (2021 - 41% gross margin, while 34% back in 2019) +2. As they're providing a high-value no-brainer package, they are more like to retain the customers. When they need to buy a new camera in 4 years, they would not be considering only the hardware, but also what comes with it (Is there unlimited cloud back-up, is there a damage replacement policy, what about the Quik app substitute?). So, the subscription model (in my opinion), is less about making more money and more about retaining the customers by providing value. + +&#x200B; + +**What about the brand?** + +\- The hardware is in a very niche industry (action cameras) and as they're focused on high-quality, they're targeting the high-end. Their Hero10 black was the best-selling camera in the US camcorder market. + +\- They have over 46m social media followers across all platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram) + +&#x200B; + +How does this reflect in the financials? + +Their revenue was almost $1.2b back in 2017 and is almost $1.2b now in 2021. So, in the last 5 years, it seems as there were no changes. That's not fully correct as 2020 was terrible due to the pandemic. The customers buy cameras with the purpose to capture memories while they're on holiday. Having that in mind, the drop of revenue to $900m was not unexpected. + +&#x200B; + +The rest of the operating expenses have also decreased: + +\- R&D from 19% of the revenue in 2017 to 12% in 2021 + +\- Sales & marketing from 20% in 2017 to 13% in 2021 (As they have a huge social media presence, they can use that at a lower cost to interact with their customers) + +\- SG&A from 7% in 2017 to 6% in 2021 + +**Where does that bring the company today?** + +The company finally had a positive operating margin of 13.5% in 2021! Their free cash flow is a bit over $100m. + +**What about the financial position (balance sheet)?** + +The company has half a billion in cash (with a market cap of $1.4b) with debt being below $300m. From a financial health point of view, it is definitely in a good position. In addition, they have around $280m in deferred tax assets (related to valuation allowance) that they can use in the future and pay lower taxes. In my valuation, I'm adding 50% of this as the benefit will come in the future. If we adjust the market cap for the cash, debt, and deferred tax assets, we get to a price of around $1.1b. Not bad for a company with a $100m+ free cash flow. + +In addition, in the last earnings release, it was revealed that the management was authorized to buy back shares for $100m. + +&#x200B; + +**What could be expected in the future?** + +My assumptions for the future are as follows: + +\- Revenue growth 6% in the next year (analysts forecast between 4% and 9%) and then 1.83% (risk-free rate) - This leads to revenue growth of modest 25% in 10 years to $1.4b. + +\- Operating margin 13.5% in the next year, growing to 14% (long-term operating margin) + +\- Reinvestment (sales to capital) ratio of 4 - Pretty high for a manufacturing company, but I do not expect them to invest in an additional factory or any heavy equipment. This reinvestment mainly relates to working capital + +\- WACC 7.5% + +Plugging all of this into a DCF, the **value per share is $15.95** (price $8.78) + +&#x200B; + +**What if the revenue doesn't grow as fast and what if the operating margin isn't 14%?** + +Let's take a look at a few scenarios: + +&#x200B; + +|Revenue/Op. margin|12%|14%|16%| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|\-10% ($1b)|$11.8|$13.1|$14.4| +|25% ($1.4b)|$14.2|$16.0|$17.7| +|50% ($1.7b)|$15.8|$17.9|$19.9| +|75% ($2b)|$17.4|$19.8|$22.1| + +&#x200B; + +I'd like to get your thoughts on both my analysis as well as the company as a whole. +I know they missed earnings, but subscription growth was through the roof, trading at very low p/e with solid yield. Spent probably too much on content and growing out the platform but that will lead to sustained subscribers. They are priced as a legacy TV company rather than a company with growth potential, have competitive content, and an obvious acquisition target. + +Also, iCarly season 2 is being filmed so don't understand how you can possibly be bearish +Anybody think Mohnish is just profiting off his relationship with Munger and building an online audience to market to? Why does Charlie allow this? The whole thing is so weird to me…everything on Mohnish’s Twitter, website, videos, etc. is a picture of him and Charlie, a bust of him and Charlie, a story of him and Charlie…he uses the relationship with Charlie to validate his investing abilities and advice to the public on the internet but there’s really no proof he is an above average investor. I feel like from everything I’ve read about Charlie he would loathe this. Anyone have any ideas on this? +I wonder what makes more financial sense. + +I have about 15k for the deposit. He has 47k, making up 62k deposit. We will spit paying off the mortgage 50/50. + +So now we have the choice. Either we pay what we have into the deposit as is and we will split the house roughly 43/57. Or he lends me the 16k that I need for paying half the deposit (16k+15k=31k) and we will figure out a repayment plan. He has some money, so he doesn't mind either way. + +If relevant, I earn 25k and he earns 31k. We split all expenses 50/50. + +Would it be smarter for me to own more of the house and pay him back for some years or to own less and have that money at my disposal? +I am really new to investing -- with no experience or knowledge, I started investing a couple of hundred dollars a month and after 10 months with about $3,000 invested, I'm at a 1.95% gain. + +I still have a lot to learn, but investing is exciting and I want to get better at it. + +***I'm just curious to hear what the first year of your investment experience was like.*** + +**Current Positions:** + +1. \~50% in T-Mobile and AT&T (I love the dividends and I'm holding after the split) +2. \~25% in various Vanguard Funds (US Stock Market, International, High Dividend, Value) +3. \~15% in Costco and Walmart +4. \~10% Misc. (Chevron, Microsoft, Bank of America, JP Morgan) + +**Edit:** For those that are curious...I ended up losing upwards of 15% at different points by making foolish choices. Since holding these positions, I've gained about 10% in just the last 3 months. +Hello, + +This post is being compiled as a result of my anger towards the massive amount of "Google"-able questions appearing on the subreddit. I am attempting to place some common knowledge into this post, so please add info if you feel it is important and I will tack it onto the end. + +&#x200B; + +\------------------RANT------------------------------------- + +Before I say anything: + +**You will probably lose money.** + +This isn't exactly tied to algotrading specifically, just the stock market in general. Most people do not have the education to trade it effectively, let alone turn a profit. If you're looking to make easy money, look into investing your money and not trading it. + +Also, I am not a professional. I trade literal pocket change and make ok returns. I am in no way a financial professional and this advice should be taken with a grain of salt. There are people out here far more qualified than me who could say this better, but for now, you have me. + +\-----------------END RANT----------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +**I'm completely new to this, how do I get started in Algo trading?** + +If you no background in either finance or programming, this is going to be a long road, and there's no way around this. Mistakes and failures in understanding how either component works will result in you losing money. This isn't a win-win game, for every dollar you gain someone has to lose it. + +**If you have a background in finance:** + +You're going to need to learn how to code for this. I suggest Python, as it is both easy to learn and has a plethora of libraries for both trading and backtesting data. Fortunately, this will be much easier for you, as you do not need to learn how finance works in order to create strategies, more often than not this will simply be you automating previous strategies you already have. + +**If you have a background in computer science/coding/programming:** + +You need to learn how economics works, and how the stock market works. No, the free online course will not likely teach you enough on how to make money. You need to know how they work to a T. This is going to take a while, and you will lose money. This will be true for 99% of you. + +&#x200B; + +\*if any term from here on out makes no sense to you, open up Google and look into it. \* + +&#x200B; + +\***Common backtesting errors\*** + +Overfitting: + +Something you should never, ever, ever do, test your strategy on your entire dataset at once. This leads to an error known as "overfitting." Basically, it means that you're making the strategy look good because you tweak the data until it returns a positive result. If you're new and you find a strategy that returns 50% annually, this is probably your issue. + +**How to solve**: \*\*\*as u/provoko pointed out, the solution I detail for this falls under "hold out bias" and would actually itself be another error. Link to the paper describing it [here](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2460551). If anyone knows how to deal with overfitting, please leave a suggestion below \*\*\* + +&#x200B; + +\--------EDIT: BAD SOLUTION ---------------- + +split your historical data into 2 pools of data: a training pool of data and a test pool of data. For example, if you have historical data on the S&P 500 from 2000-2015, your training pool would be 2000-2010, and your test pool would be 2011-2015. Train your model on the training pool, get the results looking good, then test it on the test pool. It if performs miserably on the test pool, you overfit your data. + +\---------EDIT: BAD SOLUTION -------- + +&#x200B; + +Look ahead bias: + +This means that your model uses data in the backtest that it would not know in real time. So if your model buys a stock at the beginning of the day if the high of the day is greater than the opening, it would not be able to do this because the high of the day is only known at closing. + +**How to solve:** A good way to solve this is to simply train your model on data from start until the day before (i.e. if the current trading day is January 21st, you only train your model until January 20th. + +&#x200B; + +Not factoring in other costs (Namely, commissions and slippage): + +Anyone can make a model that trades dozens of times a day and makes a profit. When you train your models, you do need to account for the broker you're trading with. Some brokers charge no commission, but instead make up for it on a bid/ask spread, or have spotty liquidity(looking at you Robinhood). As a result, strategies that look fantastic on paper wilt at the vine because of the "unforeseen" costs of trading. + +**How to solve**: Account for the transaction costs within your model, or look around for better brokers) + +&#x200B; + +\-----**Resources**\------- (If you have suggestions list them down in the comments) + +(I'm only going to include Python for the coding here because that's what I use and I can account for. If you use another language, usually googling "programming\_language" + keyword should get you some good answers) + +&#x200B; + +Coding: + +Code Academy: Learn Python [https://www.codecademy.com/learn/python](https://www.codecademy.com/learn/python) (video resource + mini classes) + +Learning Python, 5th edition [http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028154.do](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028154.do) (Book) + +Python for Data Analysis [https://www.ebooks.com/book/detail/95871448](https://www.ebooks.com/book/detail/95871448) (Book for learning Pandas, a great data-science library IMO) + +&#x200B; + +Algorithmic stuff + +Ernest Chan's Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business and Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale - both great books for learning the ins and outs of how to trade with an automated system. + +Inside the Black Box: The Simple Truth About Quantitative Trading - Not a how-to, but more of an introduction into the ins and outs of what it really is. + + [Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Trader's Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Trading](https://www.amazon.com/Building-Winning-Algorithmic-Trading-Systems/dp/1118778987/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1547343212&sr=1-3&keywords=building+winning+algorithmic+trading+systems) (recommended by u/AsceticMind) (book) + + [https://www.quantopian.com/lectures](https://www.quantopian.com/lectures) (videos) - According to the comments section on other "how do I get started", these are apparently really good. + +&#x200B; + +**Where to get historical data (mostly free):** + +EOD U.S Equities: [https://www.tiingo.com](https://www.tiingo.com) This is a free financial API for fetching US equity data for EOD. It has a REST API, so if your language is not natively supported, you could always write your own. (Or just use your browser to get the data and then save it to your computer, IDC) + +Also: Yahoo Finance -- While they removed support for their API, they still let you download historical end-of-day data from their website directly, no API or keys required. + +&#x200B; + +If anyone has any suggestions or comments, please suggest down below. This is only a start, and someone may know a better way of doing something, or perhaps I made an error. +u/Criand and the many others that helped contribute to [The Theory of Everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/) astonished me, and unless you prefer to keep your brain smooth, I highly recommend reading it before you do anything else. I have been following the "meme" basket of movies, retailors, cell phone makers, etc for some time, and originally theorized the movies and other memes were part of a hedging strategy to offset GME shorts, and became pretty convicted this was the case after analyzing [the trades on 6/2/21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqzo1o/i_got_what_you_quant_6221_trading_analysis_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). However, after the latest on the theory of everything, it seems much more probable hedging is probably only a small part of the correlated moves, as these positions have been packaged/collateralized, sold as portfolio swaps, and leveraged to the max. While we won't know for sure until bailouts are issued, we do know this is standard operating procedure on wall st. Just about everyone from 08 is still around (with far more AUM), and the moral hazard issues that lead to the 08 crash have been further removed by relentless FED intervention that encourages taking systemic risk, as anything less won't get you a bailout when 💩 hits the fan. Besides, Kenny's history continues to repeat itself, just browse the 59 SEC/FINRA violations from 💩a🔔 if you're looking for more [PROOF Kenny doesn't change.](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_116797.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +I "quanted" to test u/Criand's portfolio swap theory, and was inspired by u/gherkinit to put a VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) hat on. I used [Market Chameleon for the data](https://marketchameleon.com/Overview/GME/Stock-Price-Action/VWAP), so no guarantee its 100% accurate, but should be close enough to draw some conclusions. Additionally, since VWAP is the average price based on where things actually traded, it gives a great look into what happens during each trading day as prices move around to help smooth out fuckery like when they [BANG the close](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxdd1x/dear_sec_on_8321_gme_stonk_was_blatantly/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). So here is the raw correlation data of the daily percent change of a hypothetical LMAYO (Leveraged 'Meme shorts' About to Yeet and Obliviate 💩a🔔) Portfolio - + +[LMAYO Portfolio Single Asset Correlations - Daily VWAP Change YTD](https://preview.redd.it/6t2grj0jokj71.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec545078bd13e80c364d2791106c3a6f514b0807) + +Below is a chart showing the data YTD, with GME daily VWAP % Change as the X-axis, and all others on the Y. I've highlighted 🍿 and added an equal weighted LMAYO average - + +[LMAYO Basket - GME VWAP Correlation R2 = 0.7023](https://preview.redd.it/1ya5h4w2qkj71.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=69b3f66e074c1d6f80007eaced6d5aded85299e4) + +Now, does this prove the LMAYO portfolio exists? I think it's statistically impossible for it not to exist based on my 'dumb money low lizard fuk' data. How do I come to that conclusion? The strongest correlated assets to GME are 🍿 and Express, each giving a R^(2) around 0.57. Individually, these assets are correlated enough to impact VaR (Value at Risk) models, and minimize hedging/margin call risk if the holder was short GME and long the other stonk. **However, looking at the entire LMAYO basket vs GME, that correlation becomes stronger. SIGNIFICANTLY STRONGER!** Take the sqrt of 0.7023 (damn, almost 69) - The basket and GME are 83% correlated during the trading day. + +&#x200B; + +Now, let's take a closer look at what happened on June 2. During the trading of 6/2, 🍿 was on its way to the 🌙, and trading got halted in the middle of the day. Take a look - + +[6\/2 Tape of 🎮&🍿 - Take note of that amazing pink🍆](https://preview.redd.it/ooc2n1cyrkj71.png?width=1742&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc99cde3298f6cb51190c2b07bc62f94d302da0) + +Before growing enough wrinkles to understand the LMAYO portfolio, and the additional leverage a ETRS (Equity Total Return Swap) and Portfolio Swap could create, while also using futures to hedge, I thought this was the smoking gun of my "hedge trade" thesis, as I stated in the [6/2 Post -](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqzo1o/i_got_what_you_quant_6221_trading_analysis_and_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +*" If there was ever a smoking gun what 💩a🔔 is doing to ward off a margin call, this is it. During the halt, the main vehicle Shitadel has been using to hedge their GME short went away, right before one of the most important times in the day that institutions use in calculating counterparty VaR and margin needs. GME goes parabolic, because they couldn't hedge the short by purchasing AMC stock, they actually needed to start covering, and that volume spike gives all the confirmation anyone should need to infer some serious forced buying started. The exponential price rise continued until the moment AMC reopened. The HFT algos across the markets are currently programmed to respond to AMC price dumps with corresponding price dumps of GME, and the moment AMC reopened, 10 million shares were dumped, bringing AMC down over $10 in 2 minutes (hmm, recalling GME on 3/10 🤔), triggering another trading halt, but effectively stopping GME's exponential price rise."* + +This was back when I thought there was still some sanity and logic behind what's happening. While there is a chance there was some hedging activity at play, it seems much more likely Criand is right, the SHFs and MMs have made the LMAYO basket, created portfolio swaps on the basket, and used those baskets to further leverage the LMAYO portfolio short through those swaps. In fact, I think we can use 6/2 to even estimate the holdings, at least between 🎮&🍿. + +* During the trading halt highlighted above, GME traded \~1MM shares as price went parabolic, roughly 6% of the day's volume of 16MM shares. Lets assume 333k/min for simplicity. +* In the minutes prior to the 12:25 🍿 halt, GME was trading \~75k shares a minute, while 🍿 was closer to 3.5MM/min. +* The difference in volume during the halt vs non halt, since this is a rough estimate anyway, I'm going to assume 250k/min. In other words, a removal of 3.5MM shares a min of 🍿 trades led to an increase in GME shares traded of 250k/min. A simple ratio of this two - 3,500,000/250,000 = 14. +* I think it is safe to assume off the maffs the **LMAYO basket has 14 shares of 🍿 for each share of GME.** +* Using simple market cap as of 6/1, GME started the 6/2 trading day valued at \~$17B, while AMC was \~16B, assuming 70MM shares GME and 500MM shares🍿. This is close enough for a rough estimate to feel confident the amount of the GME and 🍿 shares held in the LMAYO swaps is likely around 14 AMC shares for every 1 GME share, with a value close to being equal weighted, making the equal weight analysis of the LMAYO valid. I don't have the data or time to analyze the other stonks in the LMAYO swap, but I don't think it changes anything material in the analysis either way. + +&#x200B; + +**TA/DR -** u/Criand most likely solved the puzzle, data supports the LMAYO portfolio swap theory, 🔔a💩 and the other members [of the Volton Fund](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojh2eh/ultimate_wargame_theory_the_beginning_total/) are fukd. Buy, HODL, 💎🖐. This is not financial advice. + +&#x200B; + +BONUS CONTENT - Hell Yeah u/yelyah2! As she shared yesterday, [The GAMMA SPIKE IS BACK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb2u5i/the_gamma_spike_is_baaaaaaacckkkkk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \- Buckle UP APES! Feeling discouraged we closed red today? Don't - Hedgies r FUKd! Why? Although from yesterday's close to today's close, we lost $10 - the VWAP from yesterday to today shot up from \~199 to 208, gaining over 4%. While the hedgies fought all day to scare you into 🧻🖐, they couldn't pull it off, and probably ended up creating millions of new synthetic shorts they will need to cover. While on the surface it may look like they won today's fight, taking a closer look you can realize they spent millions, if not billions, today, and they still lost. Oh, also, we never even breached the gamma max price point from yesterday around $190, and instead of trying to minimize their gamma exposure, they created more of it. For all those that like to bet on doing weird things with food, fair waring, if we see upward momentum return tomorrow, the added gamma pressure from not covering today makes a return to $300 much more likely, in a very short time frame. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙 + +EDIT 1 - More proof, if you're tits can handle it, that our favorite pomeranian dropped 🔥 - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbshru/irrefutable_proof_of_ucriands_subprime_meme/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +Not taking your kids to the store with you can help save a little bit. Both on money and from beating yourself up due to financial inadequacy. + +Dollar Tree is our go-to place for a lot of necessities and sometimes even food. We've purchased bread, cereal, pasta, 24oz cans of sauce, juice, gallons of drinking water, and hygiene items there in the past. We're not big on name brands for most things so long as what we buy serves it's purpose. We were down to our last five dollars and we're low on food in the house. The little ones immediately lit up at the toys and games, wanting one thing each. Normally, I'd hoard coins and when I had 2 bucks, I'd reserve that for those Dollar Tree trips so we don't buy anything we don't need out of our regular pool of funds. Even when you're making a decent amount, you budget for frivolous items. My husband gently explained to them that we couldn't get them anything this time. We already had to buy toilet paper and were down to just apple juice, a pound of ground beef, and white rice at home and I forgot the coin bag. They had a melt-down that usually comes with being overtired. They cried all the way back to the toy aisle to put their toys back and cried all the way to the register. A lady felt bad and told them to pick their toys and she'd pay for them because seeing them cry broke her heart. I had to hide down an aisle to cry, myself. I made sure the babies said their thank yous and we did the walk of shame back to our car. + +Next time, either my husband or myself will go to the store to get *needs*. I'll leave them at home so they can rest, so they can play, so they can be occupied. So I don't have to feel defeated all the way home for not being able to get them *wants*. + +***Edit/Update:*** I honestly had no idea this was going to take off the way it did. Thank you all for the advice and kind words. To the person that gave me the gold, thank you! It's my first so I'm still in a bit of shock. <3 + +Budgeting, saving, and weighing needs vs wants is definitely something we're going to instill in our minions. I'd rather they have a healthy view and be prepared, than have to go through baptism by fire. The hubby and I are taking part of DOL workshops, VA workshops, and any vocational paths so we can be marketable and get better jobs asap! I'm seeing Behavioral Health to keep the depression at bay. Life takes no prisoners. >.>;;; +Just saw that the G20 talks on climate action have broken down because Australia, Russia, China and India refused to budge on phasing out coal. + +I'm curious about how deeply in the shitter Australia's economy would be if we did actually phase out coal. Is it an export thing? Will we go broke as a country without it? + +Maybe I'm being too generous, but I assume that there are *some* good reasons why the coalition are being so bullish on coal/so anti climate action, rather than just reducing them to being pure evil or being paid off by lobbyists. +So, a bunch of apes #KenGriffinLied and you think THIS is enough for Shitadel to break its silence? Because they give a fuck about what the world thinks. + +Wrong. + +Shitadel has been accused of far worse crimes than perjury (global market manipulation, yeah). Believe me - they do not actually feel a need to defend themselves on Twitter. + +What they are doing now is theater. They are managing optics. And who knows? Maybe they even started the #. Their goal is to discredit and distract apes. We know they planned BIG FUD for this week - who knows? Maybe this is it. DON’T FALL FOR IT. + +Apes do three things: buy, hodl, DRS. Everything else is a distraction … and at this point in the Game, a potential trap. + +Don’t be fooled. Ken is smarter than you. Your one advantage is you are more autistic than him. Do what you damn beautiful autists do best. BUY, HODL, DRS. + +Leave everything else to the hired actors. +Holy shit. The nsadaq is down a whole 2.5% right now. SP500 is almost 1.5 and the Dow is down a little under 1%. Whats going on? I know the market is overvalued right now, but I didn’t think it would drop this fast or this soon. Is there another reason so many people sold today? +I'm going to get straight to the point: I, like many of you, did not appreciate the SEC video mocking my decision to invest my hard-earned money in GameStop. But guess what? A lot of institutions also invested in GME because they see, like we do, the potential upside. Even discounting the short squeeze (which is very much in play, see the thousands of MSM hit pieces for reference), the upside is huge, akin to buying Apple in the 70s. + +So after Windows 11 updated this morning, I accidentally hovered over the widget on the side of my taskbar and it brought up GME ticker! Thx Microsoft for tracking my online activity! I got curious and clicked it, and was brought to [Microsoft's stocks page](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/money). In Edge. I felt dirty. + +However, I immediately looked up GME to see the data, and was clicking on the various tabs, and then I got to the 'Investors' tab, which I found interesting. + +We all know the big boys are holding the lion's share of, well, shares. Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Geode Capital, BNY Mellon, Charles Schwab, etc + +I did notice, however, that many smaller institutions are buying in post sneeze. As if they see what we see: + +# A short squeeze wrapped in an incredibly deep fucking value play. + +So without further a-do, I present to you the DFV institutions: + +&#x200B; + +[Look at them!!!](https://preview.redd.it/l8uynl1dxe391.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=2563d0565d4a75a338e6951b76b5a7a6eb167592) + +Here's the actual table I compiled, in case you can't see them clearly in the picture above : + +[Institutions buying GME post-sneeze](https://preview.redd.it/yia0z2vuxe391.jpg?width=1058&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8aa8a4fc00ea5a4dfa05979af32e7700159dde) + +All of these bought GME post-Sneeze. Some of them already had some shares and added, others were new investors in the stock. + +&#x200B; + +[Twin Tree Management started buying in Q3 21, and added in Q4 21 and Q1 22. They currently hold 143,026 shares worth 23.82 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/7c17zic2ye391.jpg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3bc38fe9d73550b100a02b329103127520b06e0) + +[Retirement Systems of Alabama rocks my socks so hard. They bought 80k shares in Q3 21, then lightly added in Q4 21 and Q1 22. They currently hold 81,146 shares worth 13.52 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/ddv6iv3cye391.jpg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68cf5977a9a328eea0e27ae5b0bc5547875e64e1) + +[Anson Funds Management LP is a new buyer. They bought 62,470 shares in Q1 22, which they currently hold, worth 10.41 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/aydagc3nye391.jpg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2e8c740c0034e763b26167703b64864fd981bf) + +[State of Wisconsin Investment Board always dabbled, but seriously increased their holding in Q1 22, by 649.33&#37;. They currently hold 58,530 shares worth 9.75 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/p0s32fvvye391.jpg?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2771ce8b62b3bbd3ef16720c23c09147c5f70f5) + +[Mutual of America Capital Management just went HAM in Q3 21, increasing their holding by 593.84&#37;. They currently hold 56,392 shares worth 9.39 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/yblf8vh7ze391.jpg?width=1233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2ed1ddd590d9e8d3bf81b4eb4e35a3b3df643f) + +[Coatue Management is a new investor. They bought 54,697 shares in Q1 22, which they currently hold, worth 9.11 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/fgrr8gejze391.jpg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be268c0032365d7a518805843006723769b73bb9) + +[Fairbanks Capital Management has been holding and adding GME for some time, and in Q1 22 they increased their position by 92.37&#37;. They currently hold 47,900 shares worth 7.98 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/5terkbaqze391.jpg?width=1231&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1713f88647b383f61955c66c0315f741a2e6656) + +[Amalgamated Financial Corp is another new Q1 22 buyer. They currently hold 46,850 shares worth 7.8 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/kjah2i210f391.jpg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd2566ecabb5442bc5af387595b1b5f2bf57e68d) + +[Eaton Vance is yet another new Q1 22 buyer. They currently hold 21,006 shares worth 3.5 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/glz7cnoo0f391.jpg?width=1234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4191411c55f6f2835b2f8d113e132b9be316adb1) + +[Teacher Retirement System of Texas know what's up. They first bought in Q1 21 and kept buying the dip! They currently own 13,477 shares worth 2.25 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/jhvwmh390f391.jpg?width=1230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cf78a2f698ed7e715989cfde9560f73a944e5f5) + +[Algert Global LLC bought GME in Q3 21, then more than doubled their position, by 138.09&#37;, in Q1 22. They currently hold 13,288 shares worth 2.21 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/lus98bdx0f391.jpg?width=1232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f854146abcbd2e6b7cb6c2d95160f989112da1a6) + +[FFCM LLC bought GME in Q3 21, then almost doubled their position, by 90.58&#37;, in Q1 22. They currently hold 7,002 shares worth 1.17 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/wsr0qrmb1f391.jpg?width=1216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=364e42e7a80f643f0e9eae39d02467f98d0175c5) + +[Scotiabank also bought GME in Q3 21, then increased their position in Q1 22. They currently hold 5,889 shares worth 0.98 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/yhqpicfj1f391.jpg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c15e7b04e6b372e1bdebceddd23e1317ce79034) + +[Penserra Capital Management first bought in Q2 21 then dramatically increased their position in Q1 22, by 1,373.78&#37; ! They currently own 4,215 shares worth 0.7 Million $](https://preview.redd.it/u7hml9kp1f391.jpg?width=1216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584e7b47a1a7552deb27b4ad346a0f9c3f885418) + +Anyway, you get the gist. + +The dramatic increases I am seeing in institutional investments in Q4 21 and Q1 22 are actually a good indicator that may point to things coalescing soon! + +In any case, I was zen months ago, and so should you. The SEC is scrambling. The hedge funds are shitting their pants. The investment banks are bracing for impact. + +Before I end this post, I want to leave you with this: + +[Look at these motherfuckers. Even Motley Fucking Jokers know what's coming.](https://preview.redd.it/v97vc2lv2f391.jpg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76736313fdb01dd82c53972f6b437feaa1fa3425) + +TLDR: Institutions are seeing what we are seeing. They are investing in GameStop for the short squeeze and for the long-term value play. Shit, they may even be reading our DD! Shorts R Fuk. MOASS is tomorrow. +There was a massive FUD campaign over the weekend to confuse apes into thinking that if they buy on these days, they’ll miss out on the splividend. The reality is whoever owns shares come Thursday evening, WILL receive the splividend. + +Any naked shorts sold into the market over the next 3 days, will NOT have a splividend attached to them. The sellers of these phantom shares will have to provide the dividend out of their own pocket. This means they either have to buy shares, or cook up even more phantoms. + +By buying and subsequently DRSing these shares, it creates a massive wombo combo headache for Ken and his buddies. Buy pressure is their biggest threat this week. + +God speed apes and see you all on the moon. + 🚀🚀 +Hi everyone one thing I don’t get is why I don't here this more often am I missing something, + +as far as I can tell you should do everything you can to max out your capital gain tax allowance, so say you have some stocks you like and they have done great most people seem to say hold for a decade or more but then you would have a huge tax bill when you come to sell, you save a small fortune by maxing out your capital gains every year even if that means selling some stocks you like and re-buying them in a little while I read somewhere you have to wait 30 days before buying the exact same stock, + +Any input most welcome + +p.s. this is regarding non ISA account + +&#x200B; +I’d like to be a little open about all my finances for a second. I’m hoping maybe I can gain some different perspectives from you guys on r/personalfinance and choices/paths I can maybe take. + +I’m currently 24, graduated with a BFA about 2 years ago and now I am currently in a toxic salary paying job and feel seriously stuck and moderately depressed about my life. By stuck, I mean I feel like my financial situation is significantly preventing me from taking risks, or switching careers, or pursuing my career in a different state. + + +My salary is 61k/year. +Which comes to about 3,550/month after taxes. + +I am contributing around 5-6% to my 401(k) and the company matches 100% up to 4%. + + +For monthly bills, I’ve got: + +Mortgage: 1358.00. +HOA: 170.00. +Water: 33.00. +Electric/heat: 130.00. +Internet: 65.00. +Cellphone: 70.00. +Car loan: 274.00. +Car insurance 190.00. +Car gas: 70.00. +Counseling 250.00. +Student loan minimum payment: 400.00. +Parent plus loan: 500.00. +Groceries: 250.00. + +Totals to: 3760.00 + + +Obviously I’m negative each month, but I am a 3D artist so I usually pick up some side projects to keep me a float. + + +I guess I’m frustrated because I feel like I am always working, day and night and at the end of the month I have absolutely no money left. I’ve gone into a deep depression because I haven’t been doing anything fun in my world because I’ve been working my butt off to pay bills off each month. + +I went into 3D because I was passionate about it and really wanted to make a career out of it, hopefully to make a decent amount of money where I had a little freedom to save up for stuff. But after getting out of college I’ve come to realization of how savage the industry is and how it would be impossible for me to take a junior/mid level position in the states where most of the jobs are posted. (California or Vancouver) + +Happy to answer any additional questions, + +Greatly appreciate any response! + + +edit: Wow, I did not expect this to blow up... I have to go to work right now but I will make sure I read everything and respond when I can. + + + + +# TLDR: + +* The 2005 Merger with EB Game was just the start of the manipulation of GameStop +* GameStop underwent a hostile take over via a proxy battle and a tender offer +* Many other companies had the same events happen to them during this time perior +* GameStop was acquring massive amounts of unnecessary debt to be hopefully forced into backruptcy so a private equity company could purchase the company + +# Note + +This is just an initial introduction of a multiseries part I have been working on. I had so much written up that I needed to break it up to parts. This is just discussing the hostile takeover and the beginning events that would help GameStop to be acquired by a private equity company. + +# 2005 Merger + +In Oct 2005, [GameStop and Electronic Boutique merged](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1157644/000095012305010726/y09199gdef14a.htm) + +to make the new worst combination aftermath ever since orange juice and toothpaste. + +**I’ll give you about a billion reasons why it was a bad idea.** + +The merger caused like $1 billion in debt which would + +* Make it difficult during adverse economic and market industry conditions +* Cause a disadvantage with competitors with less debt +* Reduce cash flow to fund working capital, capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes +* Make it difficult to borrow additional funds +* Take up any time to conduct progressive business development + +**The Structure and Setup** + +EB at that time was not going so well since it was the one bringing $1 billion dollars worth of damage. The merger was written to be a loss: + +https://preview.redd.it/2jx173gn1o391.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=374e19ed1ccaa9e179c1bf38cf1e9b7f5e141be7 + +# Wam Bam Thank You Ma’am + +Both EB Games and GME CEOs came and went just for this Oct 2005 merger to happen. + +DePinto was 7-11 VP of Operation from May 22, 2003 to 2005. Joseph DePinto was hired on as GameStop President on March 15, 2005. The merger finalized in October 2005. DePinto left GameStop in December of 2005 but was hired back to 7-11 on December 1, 2005. + +Griffiths was EB Games CEO and President of EB Games from Sept 2002 – Oct 2005. He left EB Games to become a director a THQ inc. which went bankrupt in Aug 2013. + +The people that were running this merger were: + +* Daniel A. DeMatteo (GME) +* R. Richard Fontaine (GME) +* Leonard Riggio (GME) +* Joseph DePinto (GME) +* James J. Kim (EB Games) +* Jefferey Griffiths (EB Games) + +# Everyone Started to Sell Once the Dust was Settled + +James Kim is out in June 2007 and ran off with his almost half a billion dollar cash out. Riggio hits over $270 million by end of 2007 Richard Fontaine sold over $65 million worth of shares by 2008 and Danial A. DeMatteo got almost $68 million. That’s not sketch at all. + +https://preview.redd.it/wdbz4auqp0491.png?width=3615&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fa9a51cc671b6998c90c41e4a495a3bccc5877b + +# More Tomfuckery + +The absolute minimum notional value (\~$180,000) was the only buy trade seen for all four of these insiders across their entire employment history. That single buy trade occurred on 11/24/2008 by Daniel A. DeMatteo who was CEO at the time so he probably had to it the insider trading would be less noticeable… right…. + +# Suss Timing + +The timing seemed to be too suss only a single buy trade occurring in 2008 for the absolutely minimum notional value. Looking at the main guys summed yearly trade notional value, they all hit their max in 2007. + +&#x200B; + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/k5h6gsd32o391.png?width=713&format=png&auto=webp&s=cdde61b2d4b826f1c0823370f241cde6db5dcfde) + +To help remove any potential that “luck” was on their side when they all sold at just the right price, below is GME closing share price by date with red diamonds indicating when an insider sold anything. There were only ever sells on the way up or during “sideways” movement. No trades were made when the share price was trending downwards. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2pzozs4w5q391.png?width=1795&format=png&auto=webp&s=6485382b9f71adaef0f21a3b5bfc42b22d31be32 + +To increase confidence of illegal inside trading activities, significant business events have been also added to the closing share price. The focus was only placed on trades of Riggio and Kim given their less indirect association with GME business events. + +Surprise: insiders sold at peaks. + +https://preview.redd.it/9snnvxkz5q391.png?width=2341&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e340521bfb6290aec7e063924ccab7adb0233d2 + +# Hostile Takeover + +A hostile takeover happens when a company is acquired when it doesn’t want to be. The company executing the attack, the acquirer, on a target company goes directly to the shareholders to get the acquisition approved. Either a tender offer or a proxy fight is used to obtain approval of the acquisition. + +This type of forced acquisitions can be motivated by believing the targeted company is currently undervalued. Other factors include wanting to access the company’s brand, operations, technology, or industry foothold. There are two common forms of attack, issuing a tender offer and employing a proxy fight. + +As [u/hereticvert](https://www.reddit.com/user/hereticvert/) pointed out, the primary reason for hostile takeovers is "to gain access to a company and sell off all their assets. " + +https://preview.redd.it/b7eobwz1ru391.png?width=1693&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1be2f21eab294a55a6ab3493376961ad6e72d8f + +# Proxy Battle Take Over: Some ass hats who were fired in 2021 + +[On 5/30/2019, new leadership was appointed](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-announces-new-leadership-appointments-and-enhanced). James Bell, [George Sherman](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-names-george-sherman-chief-executive-officer), Frank Hamlin, and Chris Homeister were appointed t0 the executive boards around 2019. They all left (were fired) in 2021. + +https://preview.redd.it/ene3kcpj5q391.png?width=2057&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a9a06c0af1b30b66e82a1abcf38be2ebfe954a2 + +https://preview.redd.it/od6ku3hm5q391.png?width=1868&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc345f811f207411041ebebb5787c5638a3c4855 + +# Tender Offers aka Repurchase Authorization + +On March 4, 2019 , [GameStop Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend, Announces Intent to Retire 2019 Notes and Approves New $300 Million Share Repurchase Authorization](https://news.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-declares-quarterly-cash-dividend-announces-intent) + +https://preview.redd.it/3fgr3d68ru391.png?width=943&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c223a24199ccdf0681fd0ca4b789bd16b4fbcb + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7s95g849ru391.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=61a2ad7e04685ddd6c65c1de03d297baa450b1c0 + +A proxy fight occurs when shareholders join forces and attempt to gather enough proxy votes to win a corporate vote. The voting bids include replacing corporate management or board of directors. They often occur around a corporate takeover or merger. + +# WTF was going on?! + +EB Games was not the first and definitely not the last company to be acquired by GameStop. + +https://preview.redd.it/8xyb9rfu1o391.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d26287812ccb183fd204dcf8352f72bb358b85a + +# Private Equity + +All these companies that were meant to be acquired all had the same history. A corrupt board would take over and start to pile debt to be more easily made into bankruptcy. Many had unexplicable easy breaches. Once a company went bankrupt or experience an event that should be unrecoverable, private equity companies would swoop in and purchase the company using leveraged buyouts. Dividends would also be used to help cover the costs. + +# J. Crew: The Case Study of Corruption + +2006: IPO + +2011: Went private by TPG Capital LP and Leonard Green & Partners LP buyout. TPG and Leonard Green borrowed MORE money to finance dividends. + +2016: J. Crew faced litigation after it moved its intellectual property “out of reach of lenders.” + +2017: + +Made an offer to some of its bondholders to push backs it most pressing debt obligations (around $567M) due in May 2019 which was later accepted. By swapping debt for new debt, the debt due date was delayed from May 2019 to September 2021 and momentarily saved the company from bankruptcy. + +It was also during this time when several long-term c-suite executives, and 250 jobs were cut. + +October: The Chairman and CEO, Mickey Drexler, reportedly began huddling with consultants at McKinsey & Co. on a strategy to turn the company around. + +2018: + +Adam Brotman was appointed president and chief experience officers. He soon started the first rewards program. He was only employed at J. Crew for a little more than a year from March 2018 to April 2019. Adam Brotman’s uncle co-founded Costco. + +The debt saw was being held up by a lawsuit. Litigations began popping up focusing on transfers of it intellectual property to an unrestricted Cayman Islands subsidiary. Eaton Vance Corp. and Highland Capital Management are the holdouts in a plan to trade senior notes due in 2019 for an equity stake and bonds that mature in 2021. + +2020: + +* January: Jan Singer is appointed CEO. She previously worked at Victoria Secret, Spanx, and Nike. +* May: Company filed for bankruptcy. They blamed COVID despite how billions in deb were reported in previous years. + * had a bunch of debt for years prior +* November: Jan Singer leaves the company with less than a year of employment at J. Crew. +* Singer served as a Board Director for Kate Spade & Company from 2015 to 2017. + +Other companies + +Here are some other companies that underwent a events and have been listed by IPO year. + +# 2006 / 2007 IPOs + +https://preview.redd.it/2tppzosat0491.png?width=3180&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8d9f05a94705820971cf69b732174203e73dbf7 + +**2007: VMware** + +Broadcom just recently announces its plan to acquire VMware for $61B when literally VMware had a significant cyber-attack by “North Koreans” not that long ago. They didn’t even wait for VMware to bleed out before calling dibs. + +https://preview.redd.it/7uiu7zcft0491.png?width=3417&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ea7b290024b3b06cff07afe273d7790ad353856 + +# 2009 Solarwinds + +https://preview.redd.it/23knh4g7t0491.png?width=2845&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fad30f9a08dd7aad18d1eb1db395d80b393c28e + +**Supply Chain Attacks (December 13, 2020)** + +In December 2020, SolarWind reported to the SEC a hack in its software named Orion, and multiple government agencies were breached. APT29 aka Cozy Bear, a Russian hacker group believed to be associated with the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), was reported to be behind these attacks. + +In a letter to the SEC, SolarWind said fewer than 18,0000 of its 33,000 Orion customers were affected when a version was relea­sed March 20202 to June 2020. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency advised all federal civilian agencies to disable Orion. This 2020 cyberattack was later called SUNBURST, and Microsoft even named it Solargate. + +Some of the victims of this attack include: + +* FireEye +* US Treasury Department +* US Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration +* US Department of Homeland Security + +A few days after SUNBURST on December 19, 2020, Microsoft found a secondary cyberattack within Orion and named it SUPERNOVA. This \*completely unrelated event\* named SUPERNOVA by Microsoft was completely different from the other attack a few days ago because SUPERNOVA did not have a digital signature. This suggested SUNBURST and SUPERNOVA were orchestrated by two completely different, unrelated groups. Despite all this, SolarWinds still continued to provide malware-infected updates and did not immediately revoke any compromised digital certificates used to sign them. + +Insiders sold approximately $280 million in stock shortly before all of this became public knowledge, which was months before the attack had started. + +In 2021, Microsoft President Brad Smith said this attack was “the largest and most sophisticated attack the world has ever seen.” In 2019, A security research commented how easily a hack could upload malicious files since SolarWinds had their FTP server password set as “solarwinds123.” Later on March 1, 2021, SolarWinds CEO blamed a company intern for using the insecure password, “solarwinds123” for their server. + +# 2010 / 2011 + +https://preview.redd.it/pdqdwar4t0491.png?width=2877&format=png&auto=webp&s=da3fd76f740e0ec9714aac6a73a15a25a70baaea + +# 2013 + +https://preview.redd.it/16qp5klxs0491.png?width=3410&format=png&auto=webp&s=4967669b657ca55959c2e806a1fce879e37436ca + +# 2014 / 2015 + +https://preview.redd.it/axiae012t0491.png?width=3337&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67293fea2c799ec7bdfa259bff1d7d7b0f5e02f + +# [Continued to 1.2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v65q13/the_burning_cogs_in_the_wheel_part_12_gamestop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Edit + +* Replaced low res image +* Removed list of sweepstakes in 1.1 because it was also in 1.2 +* Update hostile takeover objectives by [u/hereticvert](https://www.reddit.com/user/hereticvert/) + + + **Join the Telegram for 24/7 support -** [**https://t.me/TacoCatCrew**](https://t.me/TacoCatCrew) + +**Ask the devs any questions you might have!** + +\--------------------- + +**BUY HERE! -** [**PancakeSwap**](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +\--------------------- + +**🌮** [**Telegram**](https://t.me/TacoCatCrew) + +**😺** [**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/tacocatcrew) + +**🌮** [**Website Tacocat.finance**](https://tacocat.finance/) + +**😺**[**Discord**](https://discord.gg/kwPG4edB) + +\--------------------- + +**🌮 PAST WEEK ACHIEVEMENTS 🌮** + +\--------------------- + +* **Approaching 12,000 holders** +* **ATH Marketcap of $25 Million** +* **INSANE liquidy stabilized at 33%** +* **1M follower Influencer campaign initiated** +* **10k TacoCat + Exclusive First Merch giveaway** +* **Pancake Swap logo submission** +* **Dev and Marketing AMA on Discord and Telegram completed** +* **CoinGecko listing in six hours after application** +* **E-Commerce operations beginning to roll out** + +**😺 Why invest now? 😺** + +\--------------------- + +Tonight, the dev has just invested over **60,000 thousand** of their personal crypto holdings straight into the project, taking the commitment to an ALL NEW LEVEL. The TacoCat team is getting into SERIOUS MODE and is starting off the week with a **brand new litepaper and roadmap**. Want to see and understand all of the steps for TacoCat's new vision? Check the TacoCat socials to get the update on Monday! + +**🌮 What else is coming? 🌮** + +Together with the community, TacoCat is going to begin the implementation of the **exclusive TacoCat merch store**. + +TacoCat fans will be able to purchase **exclusive and limited time TacoCat merch** on the platform, and have community run votes on merch apparel, design, and access. Want to see TacoCat shirts? Hats? Slippers? Come in to the **TacoCat community and talk about it!** TacoCat wants the community to have a larger say in what you see in the merch store, and where you see it. + +Like the last week, a **new weekly roadmap will be presented on Monday**, outlining the next week of marketing, growth, potential new partnerships and and a broader social media rollout!! + +Expect much more from this little kitty, as the TacoCat token ecosystem begins to grow! **From restaurants, to festivals, to store fronts and even in your home**, TacoCat wants to explode on to the scene. From Cryptocurrency to real life merch and function, **TacoCat is gearing up for liftoff!** + +**Expect to see:** + +* **Hats** +* **Hoodies** +* **Plushies** +* **Stickers** +* **Shirts** + +And much more! Join us on our TacoCat social media to get involved and start interacting with the whole team and community. + +\--------------------- + +**😺 So what about the Taconomics? 😺** + +These are the fees on every transaction on TacoCat: + +8% to liquidity pool + +1% to holders + +**What does this mean? - Good Liquidity is indictive of a strong pool for stable growth and has cushioning effect on manipulative whale plays. That means whenever someone buys OR sells, holders gain! The liquidity pool is strengthened AND everyone gets a 1% reflect.** + +\--------------------- + +**🌮 Is it Safe? Can I get rugged? 🌮** + +No, because the liquidity of this token has been locked. That means that the dev team cannot access these liquidity for SIX MORE months! And after that, the remaining liquidity is also locked for an ENTIRE YEAR. + +Ownership as been relinquished as well, so the smart contract cannot be altered to include any nefarious functions. + +**😺 BSC SCANS FOR LIQUIDITY LOCK 😺** + +**50% of Liquidity LOCKED for 6 months:** [**https://bscscan.com/tx/0xd714bb4f8a53993cf9581cb56d6e0726e281db252efaf80f9347702cfc990814**](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xd714bb4f8a53993cf9581cb56d6e0726e281db252efaf80f9347702cfc990814) + +**Remaining 50% of Liquidity LOCKED for 12 months:** [**https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb6ed6506d363a151d7e11add586f0e97e83732b3e11258a9a612ccbaf7737257**](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb6ed6506d363a151d7e11add586f0e97e83732b3e11258a9a612ccbaf7737257) + +\--------------------- + +✅ TOKEN ADDRESS: 0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020 + +💵 Purchase on Pancake Swap: [https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +♻️ 8% fee AUTOMATICALLY GOES BACK INTO LIQUIDITY + +💎 1% fee AUTOMATICALLY GETS DISTRIBUTED BACK TO HOLDERS + +🔮 Contract Address 🔮[https://bscscan.com/token/0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66](https://bscscan.com/token/0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020) + +👌🏻 Ownership Renounced 👌🏻 + +\--------------------- + +[**Buy PCS ( set slippage to 9)**](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020&inputCurrency=BNB) + +[**Chart**](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xA8fcEe78B782eF97380326E90DF80D72f025f020) **📊** + +**🌮 Please DYOR and this is not Financial Advice 🌮** +GAMESTOP CORP SAYS TRADING WILL BEGIN ON A STOCK SPLIT-ADJUSTED BASIS ON JULY 22, 2022 + +&#x200B; + +GAMESTOP UP 5.2% IN EXTENDED TRADE AFTER CO ANNOUNCES STOCK SPLIT + +&#x200B; + +[GAMESTOP UP 5.2&#37; IN EXTENDED TRADE AFTER CO ANNOUNCES STOCK SPLIT](https://preview.redd.it/4gpy04rha0a91.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=078afae5922b9fa046276b2a06db2e785f6b6e2c) +The sentiment that indexes like the S&P 500 will return 7% per year over the long run seems to be very wide spread, but at the same time a common investment advise is past returns are not necessarily indicative of future returns. + +It doesn’t seem to be taken for granted that other countries overall stock markets (like Japan) will even return positive in the long run. + +What about the U.S. economy makes it so that this sentiment continues? Is it safe to say that the trend will continue for the foreseeable future? +Just curious. +I have some extra time on my hands and have been thinking about showing how to write up a simple MA cross system in python. + +Anything you are wanting to know in particular? + +Edit: Awesome, overwhelming support and interest seems to be coming from this thread. I am going to get all of my ducks in a row and try to release something by the end of the week for everyone to follow. Perhaps I should break it into sections so that beginners can follow along. Whatever you guys want to see, I will create. Thanks! Feel free to PM if you have any q's or just want to shoot the breeze. +I am a beneficiary of a large trust 50-70m value - The trust will be selling a shopping center as one of the partners has passed away. We will be paying off some taxes and be left with 4-5m cash to reinvest into a new asset. Looking for cash only purchases no debt. + + +Previously the focus was always multifamily residential. I've been poking around the carwash scene and wondering if that might be a better route for income? I've seen numbers in the 2-5m range for a high end carwash that supposedly nets 600-800k yr. + + +Anyone here have experience with both types of assets that can share some insights? + +TIA +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +After a strongly worded announcement, showing their focus on progressing Nechalacho and not getting distracted. + +What do the Rare Earth investors think of this one? There’s been a swift review & overhaul at Vital Metals since the Lionhead investment and Geoff Atkins ceasing as CEO. +Yesterday has been like poor person Christmas for me, lol. I got my first paycheck in years. + +I haven't had a job since the pandemic started. I ran out of unemployment insurance, which gave me a higher standard of living than when I was working before the pandemic. They raised the minimum wage in my state and now I'm making $12 an hour. Boss said he likes my performance so I might be making $13.50 an hour. + +I used the extra unemployment to go back to college and get off the streets, living at the dorms. All the rich kids moved out and a lot of them just gave me stuff they didn't want anymore.... So I got myself a mini fridge, a vacuum cleaner, a television, two laundry bags of clothes, and a ton of other stuff just because people can't be arsed to take it back home with them. + +I'm excited to be able to buy textbooks without writing letters to various foundations for help, because now I have a job! I'm gonna go to Target now and get myself a new blanket... I've had the same one for ten years... I'm pretty happy today! + +Edit: thank you everyone for the awards and out pouring of support. I will make a detailed thread tomorrow for those who want advice on how to attend college with very little. Maybe my experience might be able to help others, and others can add their own bit to the thread as well :) +In a walkback from their earlier statement only two days ago, JPMorgan's strategist says that it's too early to buy stocks yet. + +> “I’m not yet confident in advocating overweight risk assets positions because you’re vulnerable in that scenario to a deterioration of the news on the medical front,” said Hugh Gimber, a global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management, in a phone interview. “The policy measures have helped but they’re not on their own enough for us to call a definitive bottom in this market.” + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/jpmorgan-am-says-it-s-too-early-to-buy-stocks-amid-virus-risks + +Two days ago, JPMorgan said that the worst of the market routs was probably over: + +> Conditions that JPMorgan had set for market stabilization and revival have largely been met, with recession-like pricing, a reversal in investor positioning and extraordinary fiscal stimulus, strategists led by John Normand wrote in a note Friday. Coronavirus infection rates remain a “wild card,” as they’re still high. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-30/jpmorgan-says-the-market-rout-is-probably-past-its-worst-now +Hello! + +My close friend recently published this -removed link- + +- I have zero economical background, and don't really understand what the document says. + +I will meet him for a few beers in a week, and it would be good fun if I had some really deep analysis of this paper to throw in as an offhand comment. Just to see how he reacts. Or even better, If there is some good counter arguments to what the paper says. + +If someone is bored enough to help out with this, please give it a shot :) + +cheers from Sweden! + +This might sound like a dumb question, but I'll ask it nonetheless. I'll try to explain as best I can, but I am no Economist. English is not my primary language either. + +I'll start by saying that I understand why inflation is bad from the "fairness" side: Everyone who has saved up money loses purchasing power. + +The point I'm wondering is wether this is bad for the economy in general? Low inflation or even deflation incentivises hoarding money. This in turn lowers velocity, which I understand is generally a bad thing? Won't controlled, reasonable inflation, as the US has now, lead to increased spending and therefore stimulation of the economy? + +Lastly I want to clarify that I see the problem of hyperinflation, and how inflation can spiral out of control. What I wonder is wether reasonably controlled inflation, as the US has today, is bad for society, as long as it doesn't lead to high inflation over time or hyperinflation. +[S](https://imgur.com/a/N11XREp)o this is a warning more than anything. If you do spreads or any options strategy and you see someone say "Oh you won't be assigned early". This is the third time in 2 months I have been early assigned, this one is just a bit weird. + +Some guy bought my PLTR shares 2 weeks early for $4 more per share than they are worth. I had the shares so it wasn't an issue but just a reminder that you can always be assigned any contract at any time. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bpohggonzq561.jpg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73a4bf8ecb8b069dd20abfa355984f147d4218a2 +(EDITS BELOW FOR CLARITY) + +So YTD i've sold 450 option contracts: + +\- I was assigned on Puts 47 times out of 275 contracts sold (so 17% of the time). I collected $26k. + +\- I got called away 34 times out 175 contracts sold (20%). I collected $20k. + +I still hold 7 stocks that were assigned on which i can't do any decent CC coz the price gapped down big time and still far from brkeven. + +**I write mostly weeklies, rarely roll, and never ever use margin.** + +My key lessons so far are: + +1. **The discipline of wheeling stocks you TRULY don't mind holding is critical.** Those 7 stocks i "stuck" with were all SPACs. I had some conviction on the underlying but I played mostly coz the premiums were juicy. +2. **A steady win rate rate on small gains works.** Overtime, the reduction in cost basis of selling CCs on my core positions (shit I intend to hold forever) is material. I reduced my cost by 15%. +3. **Not using margin gives you real control of what you do.** I have zero pressure to sell losing trades and can hold till I recover. Happened a few times. + +How does this all this compare to your results? Comments/feedback welcome. + +EDITS FOR CLARITY: + +1. As per the title, the point of this thread was more to discuss/compare # of times one gets assigned or called away - the premiums i mentioned were those on ASSIGNED only; excludes unassigned and stocks. +2. My TWR ytd is close to 18-19% - this include realized and unrealized on stocks an options. +3. I don't track TWR just on options. I only focus on generating X amount of income pa. +4. My investment horizon for stock is 5-10 years. For LEAPS 2 years. For option - mostly weeklies. It's just what I do - not saying its great and happy to get constructive feedback, however critical. +5. NOW - I don't feel obliged to share my account value - if that's all you want to know; go f urself +6. For those who saw two CNBC clips and are playing "hedge fund managers" and talking "alpha" - go f yourself too. +7. Ans yeah I invest to both make money AND Learn. And if you think learning has no value - go f urself one more time. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Kids are 5 and 7. I am thinking maybe in a year or two once covid is done and they are a bit more mature to pull them out of school and travel the world for a school year from September to June. But find an age appropriate educational program so they can continue to keep up. They can do projects on all the places we visit. + +Is this a terrible idea or what? Anyone done it? Any recommendations on a virtual school? + +We have a globally distributed family so would incorporate visits and maybe bring the grandparents along for a bit. +Just read this article that chronicles one of the first people in the U.S. to have his student loan debt forgiven under the program. The amount of diligence he undertook to ensure he was on the right plan, was making the right type of payments, and that all his payments were being kept track of properly is astounding. + +I never qualified for PSLF, but given the low success rate of people in the program, I will definitely think twice before recommending it to someone here at r/personalfinance or elsewhere (not that it isn't potentially valuable, but if it's this difficult to jump through all the hoops, it might not be the right choice for everyone that qualifies). + +Article (New York Times, soft paywall): Public Servants Do Get Student Loan Forgiveness. Meet One of the First. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/04/your-money/student-loan-forgiveness.html + +Regarding the title, the actual statistic is: “While the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has estimated that one-quarter of the United States work force could potentially qualify for the forgiveness program, only 139 people had made at least 97 qualifying payments toward their goal of 120 as of 2016, according to figures that the Department of Education presented at a conference.” +Sharing a small story hope it gives some out there motivation . + +I bought a property for 88k summer 2021 1700 square feet and gave 10% down under HML(6.9% interest hml). Around 14k down payment with closing costs etc. The bank financed the rehab for 33k of which I spent 31k . At this point I owe approx 80k on the principal plus 33k for a total of 113k. I just finished refinancing and home has appraised for 199,500 of which I took out 149500. There was approx 11k in closing costs for the refinance but my rate is 3.9% under my llc which is fantastic for 2022. + +My cash out today was 27k of which I'm getting my initial down payment and 13k extra tax free. I am renting the home for 2200 and my mortgage is 1099. I expect to cash flow around 9k a year from this property. + +I beat out many offers that were higher by offering 40k earnest money non refundable and I gave selling agent 1% of my commision. By far this has been my highest returning property in the shortest amount of time but not by much. I refinanced another home in dec 2021 that I bought for 99k and it appraised for 195k. + +On a last note I make around 5-10 offers on properties every single week all over Illinois and I lose out on most of them. I always offer 50% to 60% of arv +You either are a boomer or have a boomer mindset. "Wait, let the experts file first", "Wait, don't bog down the system". This is an old world mindset. You think GME/Loopring would launch a product that could only handle a couple people applying? Who are you to determine who files first? You are the reason the rich get the advantage. How dare you discourage the the minuscule or disadvantaged. + +I want the 8 yr old boy who gets picked on at school but is a savant artist to apply first. I want the 15 yr old girl who doesn't fit the HS mold but is brilliant at coding to apply. I want the 23 yr old waitress, who struggles to get that first singing gig to apply. I want the 35 yr old dad who has a passion for baseball card collecting to apply. I want the 42 old single mom, who wants to explore her kids hidden artistic talents to apply. + +You don't get to decide. Its power to the players, creators and collectors! + +Edit: After careful thought and a cool message, some of you are right...painting boomers with a broad brush is wrong. Thats exactly what this sub is NOT about. I'll do better. Replace boomer with "close minded"! +I am pretty certain one of the main drivers behind cryptocurrencies was so that the financial system would be placed back into the hands of the ordinary person and not controlled and influenced by the top 1%. Why is it now ok that someone of the 1% can now be the influencer and spokesperson (and even manipulate devs) to do what they want with it? + +# There is something fundamentally wrong with present day crypto if this is the new norm. + +What happened to the anonymous - that now requires more identification than you would to open a bank account. + +What happened to the peer to peer - that now goes through middlemen exchanges who "own" your wallets. + +What happened to cypherpunks? The dreamers? The ones who want to change the world to make it better and especially the ones who believe in the technology and not looking to "buy" only because you think someone else will buy it from you for more than what you paid for it? + +We need to go back to the roots. It's time to awaken the sleepy cypherpunks from their slumber and give them back the ink they had once lost, so that they can form a new world. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +NewGenGaming (NewGG) is a token that launched a little over a week ago. The team plans on utilizing their token in online and mobile games, bridging the gap between the gaming and crypto world. + +Their short term goals include an aggressive marketing campaign with multiple YouTube and TikTok influencers, as well as many airdrops, giveaways and charity events to push the token into the public eye. Long term goals include online browser and mobile games, NFT minting based on the games you're playing, and even VR-NFTs + +Coin Gecko and CMC listings have been applied for, and the developer just had a live AMA with the team on telegram which is available for everyone to listen to right on the website. + +Distribution is pretty standard: + +💰5% back to the holders from every transaction + +💰5% back to the liquidity wallet. + +🔥Ownership has been renounced🔥 + +🔒Liquidity has been locked until the year 2100🔒 + + + +🕹️Pancakeswap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x55f29D6C2992D7c098b6427C5FCe810717548170 + +🕹️Bsscan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x55f29d6c2992d7c098b6427c5fce810717548170#balances + +🕹️Website: https://www.newgengaming.info/ + +🕹️Telegram: https://t.me/NewGenGamingToken_official + +🕹️Twitter: https://twitter.com/newggtoken +Norway Pension Fund (erstwhile Norway Oil Fund) is the largest sovereign wealth fund in terms of assets. It's a fund for people of Norway and their next generations, managed by Norway's Central Bank (Norges Bank). + +[The official site for this fund is surprisingly easy to follow and heavy on details, and it'd be great if every Indian AMC has a website like this with all relevant information about their flagship funds](https://www.nbim.no/). + +Norway have had political stability since the late 1920s (same labor party in power for years), and by 1960s, they were a country mostly dependent on fishing based economic activities. + +Then, eventually they found oil in the North Sea. What's interesting here is what the Norway Govt. did after that. They issued licenses rarely, kept ~50% stake in oil companies getting these licenses, taxed oil profits heavily and so on. Eventually, they formed STATOIL, a state-owned company to take over all oil production in North Sea. + +In 1996, Norway Oil fund was established, to invest all oil profits of Norway Govt. for the future of Norway. Idea was that Petrol is a limited commodity, and when it runs out, Norwegians wouldn't want to go back to the days of living on fishing income. + +[This link has detailed history on how the fund has changed and grown over last 23 years](https://www.nbim.no/en/the-fund/the-history/). + +I'll mention major areas to focus on: + +- This fund, by act of Norway parliament, cannot invest in any company based out of Norway. + + This delinks fund's performance from that of the economy of Norway. + +- At present, this fund invests 60%-65% of its holdings in global equity (almost 8,000 companies in its portfolio), 30%-35% in fixed income assets (sovereign bonds of other countries, corporate papers etc.), 5% in real estate and ReIT derivatives (properties all over Europe and some in US). + +- During 2008 crisis, this fund was down by 23%. + + Compared to the global investment scenario at that time, this is some seriously good downside capture! For instance, HDFC Hybrid was down around 40% that year. + +- This fund expects 4% or higher returns. + + What has helped this fund grow this big, isn't high returns. Rather, lack of much volatility and simply doing basics right. Investing diligently, all its oil profits, over last 23 years with a dead simple asset allocation has helped it a lot. + +- What's interesting about this fund, isn't where it invests its money. It's where it doesn't. + + [Nbim maintains a list of companie](https://www.nbim.no/en/the-fund/responsible-investment/exclusion-of-companies/)s they avoid investing (part of equity portfolio of this fund) in, based on corporate governance, worker rights protection, treatment of minority shareholders, commitment to CSR and green initiatives etc. + + In Indian parlance, it's like saying, _don't need to find next HDFC bank, just have to avoid the next Yes Bank_. + +--- + +It'd be interesting to see how this fund performs in next 20-30 years. Norway has population of about 5.3M, and fund being at $1T asset, that makes it 188k USD in assets per capita. In their domestic currency, everyone's already a Millionaire. + +There are lot to be learned from how this fund has grown over the years, even if you're a retail investor: + +- Buy right, sit tight. Don't chase high returns. Get asset allocation easy to understand and manage, and give it 2-3 decades. You can reach great heights even with ok returns. + +- No need to introduce complexity or get too diversified early on. + + In 1996, this fund started only with a fixed-income asset portfolio, then gradually moved it to 40% US & European equity in its portfolio in next 4-5 years. + + It took another 7-8 years to get to diversifying across emerging markets, and boost equity to 60%-65% of its portfolio. + + It wasn't until 2011, that this fund had moved to real estate diversification. + + As a retail investor, you can do this too. Start with a simple saving attitude, using a liquid or UST fund. Gradually build up your corpus, and then once you've a cushion, you can start with equity. Then over the years, boost up your equity allocation. + + You'd not see huge losses upfront, in first few years. And when you start seeing losses, you'd already have a sizeable Debt-heavy corpus in place. +Norway Pension Fund (erstwhile Norway Oil Fund) is the largest sovereign wealth fund in terms of assets. It's a fund for people of Norway and their next generations, managed by Norway's Central Bank (Norges Bank). + +[The official site for this fund is surprisingly easy to follow and heavy on details, and it'd be great if every Indian AMC has a website like this with all relevant information about their flagship funds](https://www.nbim.no/). + +Norway have had political stability since the late 1920s (same labor party in power for years), and by 1960s, they were a country mostly dependent on fishing based economic activities. + +Then, eventually they found oil in the North Sea. What's interesting here is what the Norway Govt. did after that. They issued licenses rarely, kept ~50% stake in oil companies getting these licenses, taxed oil profits heavily and so on. Eventually, they formed STATOIL, a state-owned company to take over all oil production in North Sea. + +In 1996, Norway Oil fund was established, to invest all oil profits of Norway Govt. for the future of Norway. Idea was that Petrol is a limited commodity, and when it runs out, Norwegians wouldn't want to go back to the days of living on fishing income. + +[This link has detailed history on how the fund has changed and grown over last 23 years](https://www.nbim.no/en/the-fund/the-history/). + +I'll mention major areas to focus on: + +- This fund, by act of Norway parliament, cannot invest in any company based out of Norway. + + This delinks fund's performance from that of the economy of Norway. + +- At present, this fund invests 60%-65% of its holdings in global equity (almost 8,000 companies in its portfolio), 30%-35% in fixed income assets (sovereign bonds of other countries, corporate papers etc.), 5% in real estate and ReIT derivatives (properties all over Europe and some in US). + +- During 2008 crisis, this fund was down by 23%. + + Compared to the global investment scenario at that time, this is some seriously good downside capture! For instance, HDFC Hybrid was down around 40% that year. + +- This fund expects 4% or higher returns. + + What has helped this fund grow this big, isn't high returns. Rather, lack of much volatility and simply doing basics right. Investing diligently, all its oil profits, over last 23 years with a dead simple asset allocation has helped it a lot. + +- What's interesting about this fund, isn't where it invests its money. It's where it doesn't. + + [Nbim maintains a list of companie](https://www.nbim.no/en/the-fund/responsible-investment/exclusion-of-companies/)s they avoid investing (part of equity portfolio of this fund) in, based on corporate governance, worker rights protection, treatment of minority shareholders, commitment to CSR and green initiatives etc. + + In Indian parlance, it's like saying, _don't need to find next HDFC bank, just have to avoid the next Yes Bank_. + +--- + +It'd be interesting to see how this fund performs in next 20-30 years. Norway has population of about 5.3M, and fund being at $1T asset, that makes it 188k USD in assets per capita. In their domestic currency, everyone's already a Millionaire. + +There are lot to be learned from how this fund has grown over the years, even if you're a retail investor: + +- Buy right, sit tight. Don't chase high returns. Get asset allocation easy to understand and manage, and give it 2-3 decades. You can reach great heights even with ok returns. + +- No need to introduce complexity or get too diversified early on. + + In 1996, this fund started only with a fixed-income asset portfolio, then gradually moved it to 40% US & European equity in its portfolio in next 4-5 years. + + It took another 7-8 years to get to diversifying across emerging markets, and boost equity to 60%-65% of its portfolio. + + It wasn't until 2011, that this fund had moved to real estate diversification. + + As a retail investor, you can do this too. Start with a simple saving attitude, using a liquid or UST fund. Gradually build up your corpus, and then once you've a cushion, you can start with equity. Then over the years, boost up your equity allocation. + + You'd not see huge losses upfront, in first few years. And when you start seeing losses, you'd already have a sizeable Debt-heavy corpus in place. +Daddy is home 😎 +I leave you kids alone for 4 days and all hell breaks loose...time for some good ol' german efficiency 😉 + +I thought about using my post from yesterday for the update ( btw holy f***, thank you all so much for your kind words, you're all crazy and I love it ) but there are so many comments, that it would be better to make a new one, so your new comments about the price movement won't be buried...if you disagree, I'll use my post from yesterday, just tell me what you think! + +For anyone asking where I get my numbers from: I trade through my bank account and just refresh the page to see the current price. I then use my conversion app ( Euro to US-$ ) and post the result. +I try to post every 5 minutes, but I am at work so I can't guarantee it 😄 + +If anyone wants another source, you can take a look here...just remember to convert from € to $! + +https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie + +Starting:                186.91 US-$ + +5 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +10 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +15 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +I'm glad that I'm back, what would you do without me, posting the same number for 15 minutes? 🤣 + +20 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +25 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +30 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +It's kinda flatlining for me...open the link I provided, you can see that there is a tiiiiny bit of movement, but it doesn't seem like it's enough for my banking app to pick that up 😄 + +35 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +40 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +45 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +It's getting ridiculous now 😂 + +50 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +55 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +60 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +Finally! +I post the price for which I can sell my shares right now... my banking app compares all the different exchanges ( Xetra, Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin,...) and shows me the best price, that's probably why my price didn't move, while for example Frankfurt moved like 0.05 US-$. + +65 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +70 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ 🙄 + +75 minutes in: 186.32 US-$ + +80 minutes in: 186.91 US-$ + +85 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +90 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +95 minutes in: 187.32 US-$ + +100 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +105 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +110 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +115 minutes in: 187.02 US-$ + +This was my last update today, the US pre-market is about to open 🇺🇸 +Thank you all for being here, I appreciate every single one of you! ❤ + +Let's give 'em hell!!! +I'm a low count share holder (no positions, right?}. + +At 1,000 a share I get to go on a decent holiday when covid ends. + +At 10,000 I get to pay off the mortgage but my wife and I will still have to work until retirement. + +At 100,000 My wife and I get to retire and live to roughly the same standard that we currently have. + +At 1,000,000 We get to retire. Buy a nicer house in a nicer area. We can help out our close friends and family. + +At 10,000,000 We retire in luxury. Our friends and family, their kids etc are set for life. We can sponsor our favourite charities. We can chip in to cleaning the oceans, educating the world, drinking water for all. We can start to change the whole world for the better. + +Every zero added to the share price extends the circle of influence that we can help. + +This is why I want ALL of the money. +I recently saw some comments discussing the $20M in pulte homes puts bought shortly after pulte was threatened by the hegies. They were along the lines of buying pulte stock instead of $GME wouldn’t that be a great distraction to get apes to let up on our deathgrip of $GME? Get the apes so enraged at the hedgies play that they fool themselves into buying something other than the stock that they’re so afraid of apes buying holding and drs’ing that they directly threatened a u/realpulte just for mentioning he supports? Think about it apes, it’s another distraction. Don’t fall for the mind games, if they divide apes up into smaller groups it’s easier to deal with them. The king must fall first then the armies will scatter, the king is the uncovered naked shorts of $GME, DO NOT LET UP. THERE IS ONLY ONE STONK, APE NO DISTRACT APE. BUY HODL DRS. + +Edit: some apes are getting the wrong idea of the message so here’s the TL;DR: BUY HODL DRS sorry if I didn’t make that clear earlier +$StopElon started off like most potential moonshots, with a vision and a plan. The plan is to take control of $TSLA stock with a 2/3 majority ownership and $StopElon from being able to have such a direct effect on the market. We are becoming much more however. People from all around the globe are sticking up against the effects of manipulation from Elon Musk and his lies and deceit he used to post a $100m profit on Q1 for Tesla. Billions and billions of USD was lost from investors around the world just so he can barely scrape by with his nonprofitable company. Don't you think Tesla workers deserve a union and fair wages before Doge holders get kickbacks? + +What no one envisioned was how there would be many converging factors that could allow this community to grow & become a rallying point for everyone that is fed up with market manipulation, the system always winning & Business leaders like Elon that have left the everyday person in the rear view mirror. + +Having a cause or being the newest token happens all the time. Coins are purely speculative and should be treated as such. With that said, $StopElon is only a week old, making exponential returns still possible. Any early clue that this is much more than the new token is the community being forged on social media apps, as we speak. $StopElon is available on Telegram in (18) different languages as the community has pitched in to design our ecosystem in a way that encourages coin holder engagement. + +No one person should have this much power, money, and benefit off of the financial losses and sufferings of the common man, in the way Elon Musk does. + +Updates: + +StopElon has been completely rebranded with new a logo, telegram stickers, and an whole new website. + +The team has announced that tomorrow there will be a huge reveal. Something has been cooking and it is time. + +News is completely going crazy again. Elon is in heat with SEC. As shown on CNBC, WSJ, CNN, and more. Also, we are back in the headlines! Firstly, Forbes Mexico/Columbia/Central America. Then News Au, Hlb be, Laptopmag, and Nzherald. As always, fascinating how word wide this movement is. + +Stopelon team announced upcoming NFTs, merch, and a event on June 6th 12pm at Tesla factories in Fremont, California. This event will have shirts, signs, and more! Also, the team hinted at a Stopelon wrapped Tesla! + +When it comes to progress on the actual goal, a core team member, Devacor, has made great progress. After talking to a lot of people regarding legal advise, we are looking to create a voting trust. This voting trust can have shares added to it, and many members have already pledged to add the first shares. Meaning, that we are making our first steps towards Tesla’s HQ. + +We have continued to gain holders, now at 21,650+ and total transactions have now surpassed 60,000 + +Another Fantastic live audio Q/A with the team today. Very detailed answers and developers really proved they know what they are doing. Could not have gone better. Was recorded, pinned in the telegram, and 2 hours long. + +The team has been in talks with many different exchanges as well. They say they can’t say much (a great sign) but they do admit they have narrowed it down! I’m getting excited! + +Contract audit from Techrate is completed and passed with flying colors! + +Check our TG for daily updates + +Tokenomics: 0.1% max buy/sell 10% tax total (to holders and LP) 40% initial burn (almost 50% burn as of now!) 5% dev marketing wallet 5% community wallet $14M+ Marketcap 21,650+ Holders + +✅ Verified contract 0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d + +Twitter: STOPELON (@STOPELON_BSC) / Twitter + +📱English Telegram (@StopElon_BSC) + +🌐 Website: www.StopElon.space + +📈Chart: https://charts.bogged.finance/? Ok token=0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d + +🥞 Buy (v2, slippage 12%, 0,1% max) : https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d +Some of the salient points from their communique: + +&#x200B; + +||Existing|New| +|:-|:-|:-| +|Category|Multi Cap Fund- An open-ended equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks|Flexi Cap Fund- An open-ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks| + +&#x200B; + +* This is a change in a fundamental attribute of the fund, so load-free exit is permitted till Jan 12 + +This comes in after the SEBI notification about multi-cap funds ([see earlier thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/irywq1/multi_cap_changes_sebi_puts_out_additional_info/)). For those who haven't been following this, moving to flexi-cap allows the AMC to continue the scheme as they were. + +**Segregated Portfolio:** Provision for a segregated portfolio has been approved in the debt/money market section of the scheme. This portfolio comprises debt and money market instruments which might be affected by a credit event and shall also include the unrated debt or money market instruments affected by actual default. + +>PPFAS AMC will decide on creation of segregated portfolio on the day of credit event/actual default and will seek approval of PPFAS TC. Post that PPFAS AMC will immediately issue a press release disclosing its intention to segregate such debt and money market instrument and its impact on the investors. PPFAS AMC will also disclose that the segregation shall be subject to trustee approval. Additionally, the said press release will be prominently disclosed on the website of the AMC. PPFAS AMC will ensure that till the time the trustee approval is received, which in no case shall exceed 1(one) business day from the day of credit event/actual default, the subscription and redemption in the scheme shall be suspended for processing with respect to creation of units and payment on redemptions. The segregated portfolio shall be effective from the day of credit event/actual default, post approval of PPFAS TC. AMC shall not charge investment and advisory fees on the segregated portfolio. + +[Detailed disclosure](https://amc.ppfas.com/downloads/addendum/2020/change-in-the-fundamental-attributes-of-parag-parikh-long-term-equity-fund-recategorisation-as-a-flexi-cap-change-in-the-name-of-the-scheme-and-inclusion-of-provisions-for-creation-of-segre.pdf?10122020) +I'm talking about this page here: [https://retirementplans.vanguard.com/VGApp/pe/pubeducation/calculators/RetirementNestEggCalc.jsf](https://retirementplans.vanguard.com/VGApp/pe/pubeducation/calculators/RetirementNestEggCalc.jsf) + +Long story short, Vanguard's calculator has surprisingly high failure rates for greater than 30 years for withdrawal percentages that have never historically failed. Like 7-8% failure rates at 40 or 50 years for a 3% withdrawal rate. + +This leaves me wondering - why is this so different than calculators like FireCalc, which essentially show 100% perpetual success rates once you lower your withdrawal rate to around 3%? +Just found out my dad has been having problems with his left arm. He said it's been tingling/numb for the past 2 weeks. He doesn't have insurance unfortunately so he didn't go to the doctors. Well today I took him and told him I would pay and we found out he needs major surgery to his nerves or something. My dad has done so much for me and my younger brothers so the least I can do is pay his bill. I'm going to have to sell my eth to do so. The thing that sucks even more is that he has a clothing shop which is his source of income. He doesn't make much and unfortunately it seems like he gets clothes stolen from him almost every other day. + +I'm going to miss you all. I'm sure I'll be back in the future to buy some more eth. I know eth will succeed and probably be 3-5x what it is now probably sooner than later. I hope you all succeed and enjoy the gains. Peace out y'all + +Edit: a couple people have messaged me saying I should put up my eth address cuz they're sure some people might like to donate. I'm not the kind of person to ask but thank you if you had that in mind + +Putin has signed a decree that creditors will be paid in Rubles according to a report from Bloomberg today. This will apply to sovereign and corporate debtors paying countries who are hostile to Russia. List of countries to be published later today. Guess all the NATO countries will be on the list + +Edit: Check Bloomberg.com - article is behind a pay wall if anyone can view and copy + + +New token with a 100x potential + +🐶Yidu Token🐶 + +Once upon a time, a dog was born! 🐶It’s name was Yidu ! It grew up to become the leader of the MemeVerse because of its special abilities to fly🚀🌕🐕 Yidu’s bestie’s name is Floki. Floki is Elon’s dog. Yidu rewards it’s holders with 3% of transaction tax! + +✅Audited by Dessert Finance + +✅Transparent and Dedicated Devs + +✅Strong Community + +✅12K Twitter followers + +✅9k telegram members + +✅Verified Contract + +Contract Address + +0xe3369485423f53c92a0a67bfb447f84e9e4f9a2a + +Chart + +https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0x400e45428db6dec5d099d8c58c1f924423b5bef2 + +Website + +yidutoken.com + +Telegram + +https://t.me/yidutoken + +Discord + +https://discord.gg/Zkk2JWXp + +Twitter + +https://twitter.com/yidutoken?s=21 + +Instagram + +https://www.instagram.com/yidutoken/ + +YouTube + +https://youtube.com/channel/UC-cTiKygQPMc1SPE5W9Ua1A + +Telegram (https://t.me/yidutoken) + +Yidu Token | Leader of the MemeVerse + +Once upon a time, a dog was born! 🐶It’s name was Yidu ! It grew up to become the leader of the MemeVerse because of its special abilities to fly🚀 +EDIT 10:45am: I have been trying to keep up but have almost 400 unread responses and countless questions under posts. THANK YOU to everyone. Every idea, feedback, support, criticism, eye roll, shared stories....I can’t say how much it means to me. I know my family will get out of this one way or another! + + +Original post: + +My wife and I have gotten ourselves into a disaster. + +Here is the high level summary: + +**Average monthly take home from salary: $7,450 (after min matching 401k contribution, health insurance, and taxes)** + +**The debt:** + +* Fed Student Loans (between spouse and I) - $490/m ($85,500 total) +* Private Student loans (between spouse and I) - $600/m ($41,700 total) +* Private Loans (four) - $1800/m (13% apr) ($54,000 total) (holy fucking shit we fucked ourselves with irresponsibility #1) +* Credit Cards (seven) - $1300 (22%) ($50,000 total) (holy fucking shit we fucked ourselves with irresponsibility #2) + +**Debt: $231,000, min monthly payments $4,190** + +* House - $1,250/m (owe $160k, worth $200k) + +**Debt with house: $391,000, min monthly payments with house $5,440** + +**The bills:** + +* Electric $200 (average) +* Water $90 +* Cell phone $120 +* Internet & Cable $190 +* Car Insurance $160 +* Gas $110 +* Food $800 (family of four) (edit: also includes all household consumables like toilet paper, etc) +* Auto fuel $40 + +Total bills: **$1,710** + +**Net:** + +**$7,450 - $5,440 - $1,710 = -$300** + +We're adding to our credit card debt monthly and that assumes no unexpected expenses, co-pays, etc. + +I work full time from home. My wife is raising our kids. (Edit: youngest is special needs and we’re trying to keep him home with her as long as possible before sending him off to school, however we talked today and are looking at working some opposite shifts). Our oldest is in grade school our youngest starts kindergarten next year. My wife has a four year degree as do I. I do some moonlighting which brings in about $400/m currently at a rate of $30/hour (not included above in my income total) and I am hoping to expand that to about $1000/m if I can find an additional 2-3 clients to work with nights/evenings. Even with a more robust moonlighting roster we will be adding debt when any 'unexpected' bills come up during the year (car repairs, etc). + +What do I do? I know I can work at Target (or the equivalent) for $13/h on nights/weekends. That would bring in about $800/m after taxes I believe. I am actively reaching out to prospects and consider $30/h to be the low end of my rate ($50-75 is my goal). My wife can work half days next year after kid goes to school. + +I've sold every toy I own; no gaming systems, hobbies, etc. I only own my laptop for work. My wife has about $2000 of remaining hobby/collection things we are selling. We've been selling off random things for $5-10 at a time as we clear out our basement, find old kid toys, some furniture pieces. + +Tell me I'm missing something, there is a strategy to follow, or I am somehow (currently) being stupid/irresponsible. I am all ears and my feelings cannot be hurt. + +Edit also we own one small car, paid off, worth about $6k +I’ve never had to wait for an order to fill, it’s always been instant. Maybe I have to wait a minute for the order to fill. Now I am waiting 5+ minutes to fill. At first, I thought maybe my order was too larger (49 shares so highly unlikely). I put in a bid OVER THE ASK and it did not fill. + +I knocked my order down to 5 shares. 5 fucking shares and I am paying OVER THE FUCKING ASK and I have to wait. + +I thought the stock was garbage, why aren’t hedgefunds selling and filling my ordered? + +Edit: Omg I’m the dumbest motherfucker alive. I’m so sorry + +Edit 2: Lol! I just saw this on popular. Love the acceptance and lolz. There’s smart people here, I am just uniquely dumb. +Buying a new property. 1 month into the process, I realize my real estate agent and mortgage broker that he referred me to, have pegged me as a real estate dummy and are working in collusion to extract maximum cash out of me with scam overpriced properties made by their developer friends. + +This is after I treated my real estate agent well and treated him to a $500+ dinner on our first day of showings. This actually makes me extremely angry that my real estate agent and broker is trying to scam me this hard after I've treated them with nothing but kindness. + +It just breaks my heart that you can treat people so well and give them the benefit of the doubt, and they just view you as a pile of money, and try to scam the maximum out of you. Short-term minded people. I'm relatively young, but I feel like I'm going to have to experience much more of this throughout my life unless I adopt the proper screening mechanisms for my service providers. + +How do you guys filter out the leech service providers out of your life who don't have your best interests at heart? +Besides maxing my PPF and few lakhs of emergency funds in FDs, I was thinking of dumping the rest in Nifty 50 Index funds. But at the same time I view equity as a long-term investment of 5, 7 or 10+ years or even more. So I'm curious where & how I should invest the money which I require for the short-term like wanting to buy a car (smaller sum of 2 to 15 lakhs) or a house (higher sum of 1 to 1.5CR) over the next 5 years or so maybe? Should I still go with Index funds regardless? +I have $10,000 that available to put into the market (XEQT). My question is, with current market conditions (covid,politics,inflation etc.) which of the following would you do? + +a) DCA like $2000 for the next 5 months + +or + +b) lump sum the $10000 all at once + +&#x200B; + +I know lump sum is thought to be best 2/3 of the time, but the current market climate makes me think DCA could be better. Thoughts? +I live in a very well to do town. Teens here are driving BMW and Mercedes to school. Parents pay $1500/year for reserved parking spots( there are limited parking at the high school). My daughter needed shorts for the summer and asked to go to mall so we could buy shorts at Aeropostale, Hollister or Abercrombie. I told her that I was not paying $25 for a pair of shorts. She is growing so fast, and whatever I buy her this summer, is not going to fit in 6 months. So we went to Goodwill and found 2 shorts from Hollister, 1 guess, and 2 from Aeropostale. My daughter is so excited and I am too. The shorts are in the washer as I type. +We are happy to announce the updates to the full version of the WorkNet TestNet 🤩 + +The following features have been successfully tested and added to the TestNet: + +1️⃣ Algorithmic stabilization of the native stable coin $WUSD. Successful testing transactions with native stable coin. + +2️⃣ Adding, removing, editing WorkNet validators. Distribution of rewards among validators. + +3️⃣ Full functioning of the test nodes of the WorkNet network. + +4️⃣ Tested the deployment of smart contracts to the nodes of the WorkNet network. + +5️⃣Delegation of funds to WorkNet validators, receiving rewards for delegates of validators. + +6️⃣ Security improvements. Successful completion of test loads and network spam. + +7️⃣ Uninterrupted and stable operation of the Devnet network has been achieved over the past 90 days. During all the tests, the failure-free operation of all nodes and the achievement of consensus were noted. + +In the near future, we will add the ability to swap $WQT tokens to the WorkNet network using the WorkQuest cross-chain bridge. We are also working on adding validator functionality and the possibility of delegation. The WorkQuest wallet will add the ability to add or switch between DevNet, TestNet, and MainNet networks. All functionality will be available for testing. + +Stay tuned so you don't miss anything 😉 + +**$WQT token already listed on:** + +🏦 *CEX Exchanges:* + +🎇 **MEXC:** + +[https://www.mexc.com/exchange/WQT\_USDT](https://www.mexc.com/exchange/WQT_USDT) + +🎇 **BitMart:** + +[https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en?layout=basic&symbol=WQT\_USDT](https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en?layout=basic&symbol=WQT_USDT) + +💎💎💎 + +🏦 *DEX Exchanges:* + +🎇 **Uniswap (V2):** + +[**https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf&outputCurrency=ETH**](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf&outputCurrency=ETH) + +**🎇 PancakeSwap (V2):** + +[**https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7**](https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7) + +**WorkQuest Token ($WQT) Contract:** + +**ETH**: [0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf](https://etherscan.io/token/0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf) + +**BSC:** [0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7](https://bscscan.com/token/0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7) + +**Important Links:** + +Telegram: [https://t.me/WorkQuestChat](https://t.me/WorkQuestChat) + +Website: [https://workquest.co/](https://workquest.co/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/workquest\_co](https://twitter.com/workquest_co) + +Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/user/WorkQuest\_co](https://www.reddit.com/user/WorkQuest_co) +\#WorkQuest #WorkNet #blockchain $WQT $WUSD #WorkQuestApp #technology #crypto #launch +https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musk-terminating-twitter-deal-2022-07-08/ + + +Tesla (TSLA.O) Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on Friday he was terminating his $44 billion deal for Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), citing material breach of multiple provisions of the agreement. + +Shares of Twitter fell 6% in extended trading. + +The announcement brings to an end a will-he-won't-he saga after the world's richest person clinched a deal for Twitter in April but then put the buyout on hold until the social media company proved that spam bots accounted for less than 5% of its total users. +https://www.reuters.com/technology/elon-musk-terminating-twitter-deal-2022-07-08/ + + +Tesla (TSLA.O) Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said on Friday he was terminating his $44 billion deal for Twitter Inc (TWTR.N), citing material breach of multiple provisions of the agreement. + +Shares of Twitter fell 6% in extended trading. + +The announcement brings to an end a will-he-won't-he saga after the world's richest person clinched a deal for Twitter in April but then put the buyout on hold until the social media company proved that spam bots accounted for less than 5% of its total users. +Good Morning Apes! + +Today is looking like a fantastic day for an even steeper market correction. + +Hopefully our lack of volume will insulate us but we are already below $100 in the pre-market and gamma exposure from last week is not due till tomorrow. + +I know a lot of people think that a crash is good for us and could act as a catalyst for MOASS. + +I think it's a bit of a mixed bag. + +Pros: + +* Institutions even SHFs core positions are dropping like rocks reducing the amount of margin available to them +* Prime lenders will be less willing to take on risk with the volatile market conditions meaning less leverage to support things like internalization +* MMs may be less willing to fudge their delta hedging and this could skew GME's call chain in our favor +* GameStop has some inverse correlation to the VIX +* Lenders wanting to dump GME positions may recall their shares + +Cons: + +* The same people short GameStop appear to be short the entire retail and consumer discretionary sectors, and they just doubled down their position since the end of November. Essentially this is what they have been waiting for. +* A steep correction in this sector will mean there positions are going to skyrocket giving them more money to play with + +We will have to wait and see how steep the correction goes, if this is a full on crash, or just an unusually steep SLD period only time will tell. + +In the meantime this will mean steep discounts for those that missed opportunities last week to average down. + +With FTDs due tomorrow along with GEX from LEAPS some of today's negative price action could reverse. + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +46, 92, 98, 100, 104.50, 116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Hours + +GME closed above 100, all puts blown out. That is all. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/z0ef9x69apd81.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=177198e67cfb9aafcfb5941c5568588f2f1408ea + +Edit 3 1:13 + +We're coming back, XRT ripping and GME moving up as well this is a good sign. Just broke VWAP. + +https://preview.redd.it/aovyydaufod81.png?width=1513&format=png&auto=webp&s=32e2468a44b728f356b431114c27d5c729ad85ec + +Edit 2 11:33 + +The downside gap is filled at 91.80 and there is currently no historic support below us unless we drop to Feb levels. We see to be clinging on to this $90 range and hopefully will find some continued support here but if the S&P continues to fall off a significant move to the downside is possible. + +https://preview.redd.it/e7l45507ynd81.png?width=1533&format=png&auto=webp&s=e37772513b94e96cf495465615429c8ece46d361 + +Edit 1 10:07 + +Dropping down to 95 currently with over 1m volume so far, for now it looks like we are tracking the overall market. + +https://preview.redd.it/kvy75jmpind81.png?width=1532&format=png&auto=webp&s=749a865ebbc1f0159b02eb95e9fef235c42ed1c1 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +We are currently holding at 100 and resisting the downside a bit. We have some support down at 98 and 92 with that gap at 91.80 yet to be filled. Below that there is little to no historical support till 46 from last Feb. Pre- market volume is higher than usual and we have some buy pressure from FTDs and GEX so hopefully we can withstand the downturn today, especially with last weeks put wall lifted. If GME does resist or flow opposite the overall market then it may pick up some serious institutional interest. + +Volume: 78.25k + +Max Pain: + +[@ 120 but much more heavily call favored than last week with some serious potential on a cross of 120](https://preview.redd.it/yv061dza6nd81.png?width=2022&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e1299bde275fb25739bae8c2a8bcd6a570a50a9) + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 20,000 @ 0.8% (about - 35k this morning) + +Fidelity - 16,301 @ 0.75% + +[GME pre-market 1m](https://preview.redd.it/me8c33m98nd81.png?width=1534&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc3d21cd1cbe84f558bbd176bdae2a0e5f50ec06) + +CV\_VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/co5qkyox7nd81.png?width=2455&format=png&auto=webp&s=6068faf611fd32b92af7799669dd73d7ac8f034b + +TTM Squeeze + +[Not looking great, still some room to the downside before reverting](https://preview.redd.it/oek680438nd81.png?width=2466&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0b814e4729f5e68e64c78d3fd9a76972c17a9bf) + +ETF FTDs + +https://preview.redd.it/xtpzneki8nd81.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0b31fa8aa60abbee067720ab41667479b95ca37 + +MM FTDS + +https://preview.redd.it/tpqp9stl8nd81.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe68dbcb136af898635501a407c3a84f7d18ef6e + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +I understand folks in this sub want to be stock pickers like Buffett and Munger. + +But do you guys have the majority of your net worth in individual picks or in broad index funds? + +And what is the % of your net worth in index funds or individual stock picks? +Just curious if anyone has put any cash into I-bonds? Not so much investment money, but just extra non-investable cash. + +7.12% for 6 months and the rate will likely reset at a similar number in May. +I've been a member of this evolving community of individual investors since January. I've seen a lot of memes that have helped the community feel a shared sense of humor and appreciation of the absurdity of our situation. Memes, while perhaps not as essential as DD, education, and information, are a vital part of this subreddit. + +However, the Rising section of r/superstonk is chronically plagued by a flood of low effort memes, reposts, and screenshots of Robinhood stock charts. + +Now, I do not claim to be the arbiter of what is funny, original, or helpful. But I think it might be helpful to inspire fellow members of this community to exercise their right to downvote posts that seem, to you, unhelpful or even detrimental to the community. + +On several occasions, a flood of similarly-themed memes will clog up the subreddit's feed. Sometimes, these memes are just genuine attempts at original content. But other times, these memes perpetuate misinformation or nonsense. + +Lately, the anti-Gary Gensler memes have come out in full force. These memes are not educated attempts at critiquing the SEC's efforts (or lack thereof). Rather, they are crude depictions of Gensler performing homosexual acts. They are accusations that Gensler is actively and intentionally aiding Citadel and SHFs. And they are insults against his character. + +Look, I am very aware that Gary Gensler has played a role in the development of the fraudulent US financial system. But there is a difference between critical rhetoric and hateful shitposting. + + To be clear, I am not saying that memes criticizing Gensler ought to be downvoted. And I am not trying to police what types of posts ought to be allowed. You can completely disagree with me, and that's the beauty of Reddit. + +I am arguing that individual members of the r/superstonk community have the ability to determine what content this subreddit produces. The content produced by r/superstonk, will be noticed by media, historians, and potential members. Thus, I encourage readers of this post to exercise their right to upvote and downvote, by filtering by New and Rising more often. Play a role in determining which content represents this subreddit. + +I believe the individuals who post unhelpful content are the minority. I believe they do it to karma-farm, to spread FUD, or because they are immature (I admit that's a bit judgmental). That shills and bots patrol the New posts is common knowledge. Rather than allowing them to determine the popular content of this sub, consider taking a more active role in controlling the content that represents the community which has fostered such an amazing awareness of market manipulation. + +As a final word, let me just say that I am very grateful to the mod team, and those who have an active role in producing DD, education, information, and hilarious memes, all in the spirit of supporting our favorite video game retailer. And another thanks, to all those who *do* actively participate in upvoting and downvoting posts. + +--- + +***This is not financial advice!*** +*This post was **anonymously** submitted via **[www.superstonk.net](https://www.superstonk.net/)** and reviewed by our team. +Submitted posts are unedited and published as long as they follow r/Superstonk rules.* +I initially posted a screenshot of a comment that was discrediting one of our valued DD writers, u/-einfachman- + +In my hasty, weary moment, I knee jerk reacted to yet another post pointing to timeframes for the big squoze. In my moment of reactivity, I realize now that my post backhandedly called out our friend for misinformation and FUD hype, but being the gentleman he is, he DM’d me after clarifying his standpoint, and wrinkled me up. + +YO. PEOPLE. + +RC BOUGHT BILLIONAIRE FD’s, WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE. + +My 6 or 7 brain cells (probably 6) never computed the expiration date part of the whole option thing, and defaulted to thinking about common stock (like I do) + +Anyways, I just know a bunch of people saw and commented, and awarded the previous post, but 4 hours later, I have matured and grown, and no longer feel the same way. The post has been deleted to prevent further misinformation. + +u/-einfachman- - thank you for being so polite, understanding, and going even further, by kindly elaborating without coming off as defensive or condescending. This guy is a good APE y’all. + +Apologies again. + +Edit: I just woke up. Holy shit y’all. You’re too kind. Damn lol. + +Edit 2: Y’all really aren’t too familiar with integrity eh? I guess I was just raised to admit my wrongs. It’s easier than holding onto them, and makes the path forward smoother 99/100 times. All we have in this fucked up world is our integrity. Just own your mistakes, and learn stuff. Never be too proud. This is the way! +For kids presumable too young to work (Junior high school uniforms) what allowance do you give for them to afford $50-$60 per week just for morning frappes or coffee. My kids are about to hit high school and I presume we might soon be underpaying comparatively. +I work for a small business (<10 employees). I have recently tested positive for COVID and I am using my (plentiful) sick leave while I am in my isolation period. After 3 days of testing positive, my boss told me that I will have to use my annual leave from now on, or I need to come back to work. + +Is this legal? I am the only COVID positive person at the workplace, so if I report this to fair work, it will be obvious who reported it. + +Note: I am currently symptomatic (sore throat and coughs), I explained I'll probably get the rest of the workplace sick, but he dismissed it and said it's 'not possible' to catch COVID at work if someone is wearing a mask. + +------ + +UPDATE: I will be getting a doctors note tomorrow from my GP via telehealth. Still costs me like a copayment but still better than using up the only annual leave I have remaining. Thanks everyone for the advice and tips. +Someone from our Telegram group reached out to us and wanted us to put this message on CMS: + + + + + +Been on to crypto for a month or so and already been rugged a couple of times. So I am being very careful. I like YEET Token for short and long. The use case they just announced seems really unique - an on going pixel canvas that holders can buy into. Has anyone seen this elsewhere? Sounds like a form of the /r/place canvas that went viral. Pretty cool and may really catch on. + + + +I also like the crew running it. The key people come off as professionals (can’t say that about every token) and they’re looking to grow the token’s utility for the long term with ongoing use cases to be announced over time. + + + +Also like how active the devs are publicly. I heard them talk a couple times in the Telegram voice chat. Seem like good guys that are on it, smart and transparent. Marketing is getting ramped up and it’s already has a strong community after just a week or so. So, it looks like it’s ready to pop. I think it’s definitely more than a meme coin, but has the potential and moon. + +[https://YeetToken.io](https://YeetToken.io) + +&#x200B; + +Written by u/JLav7 (Telegram) + +&#x200B; + +YeetToken address: 0x7060d3f1cc70a07f4768560b9d9b692ac29244de +Centi-billionaire Elon Musk provoked Twitter and challenged the company’s CEO Parag Agrawal to a “public debate” about fake accounts and spam in the midst of a contentious legal battle over a $44 billion acquisition. + +Musk filed a bid with the Securities and Exchange to acquire Twitter back in April this year. After the companies agreed to move ahead with a take-private deal, Musk said he was terminating his acquisition, and accused Twitter of presenting false numbers, including in its SEC filings, pertaining to the amount of monetizable daily active users, and the number of spam and bot accounts on the social network. + +Twitter then sued Musk in a Delaware chancery court to ensure the deal would go through as promised, and Musk filed counterclaims and a countersuit there on July 29. + +In a series of tweets that Musk began posting just before 1 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, Musk interacted with a fan who had summarized his accusations about Twitter including that it was stonewalling him and giving him, “outdated data,” and “a fake data set” when he asked the company for details about how it tabulates mDAU, and estimates for spam and bot accounts. + +The Tesla and SpaceX CEO wrote, “Good summary of the problem. If Twitter simply provides their method of sampling 100 accounts and how they’re confirmed to be real, the deal should proceed on original terms. However, if it turns out that their SEC filings are materially false, then it should not.” + +By just after 9 a.m. Saturday morning, Musk started a Twitter poll asking his followers to vote on whether ”\[l\]ess than 5% of Twitter daily users are fake/spam.” Respondents to the informal poll could choose one of Musk’s provided answers which read either “Yes” followed by three robot emoji, or “Lmaooo no.” (The slang abbreviation “lmao” stands for “laughing my a-- off.) + +Musk also wrote Saturday morning: “I hereby challenge u/paraga to a public debate about the Twitter bot percentage. Let him prove to the public that Twitter has <5% fake or spam daily users!” + +https://preview.redd.it/0pc4fltiuhg91.jpg?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27f0b0cb950e14fdfd81530c90462f833e009b0 + +A source close to the company says a debate is not going to happen outside of a pending trial. + +Attorneys for Musk did not respond to requests to comment on Saturday, and an attorney for Twitter declined to comment on Musk’s Saturday tweets. + +Twitter’s attorneys have argued in court filings that Musk gave the company just twenty-four hours to accept his offer before he would present it directly to Twitter shareholders, and waived due diligence including a chance to seek more information on false or spam accounts. + +They wrote in court filings, “Musk’s repeated mischaracterizations of the merger agreement cannot change its plain words.” + +At an annual shareholder meeting for Tesla on Aug. 4, Musk was asked to speak about Twitter during a question-and-answer session that followed a proxy vote. + +He said, drawing laughter from the audience in attendance, “I obviously have to be a little careful what I say about Twitter because there’s this lawsuit and stuff.” He confirmed that the only two publicly traded securities he owns are Tesla and Twitter. + +And then he spoke as if he still wants to become the owner of the social networking company, a stark contrast to arguments made by Musk via his attorneys in legal filings in Delaware in which Musk argues he should not have to go through with the deal. + +At the Tesla 2022 shareholders’ meeting, Musk said: “I think in the case of Twitter since I use it a lot, shoot myself in the foot a lot, you know, dig my grave, etc. I think it’s — I do understand the product quite well, so I think I’ve got a good sense of where to point the engineering team at Twitter to make it radically better.” + +He added that Twitter would “help accelerate” a “pretty grand vision” he had to build a business he’d been thinking about since his earliest years as a tech entrepreneur, [X.com](https://X.com) or X Corporation. + +“Obviously that could be started from scratch,” he said, “but I think Twitter would help accelerate that by three to five years. So it’s kind of like something I’ve thought would be quite useful for a long time. I know what to do. Don’t have to have Twitter for that but, like I said, it’s probably at least a three-year accelerant and I think it’s something that will be very useful to the world.” + +Musk didn’t go into any further details at that meeting. However, he reportedly said during a town hall meeting with Twitter employees in June this year that he wanted to grow Twitter’s user base to a billion people and saw Twitter as a platform that could evolve into an app like China’s WeChat, a “super app,” that incorporates everything from messaging, video and social media, to mobile and point-of-sales payments, with a robust app ecosystem. + +Unless they reach a settlement first, Twitter and Musk are headed for a five-day trial in Delaware that starts on Oct. 17. The judge ruling on the case is Chancellor Kathaleen St. J. McCormick. + +Source: [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/06/elon-musk-challenges-twitter-ceo-parag-agrawal-to-a-debate-on-bots.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/06/elon-musk-challenges-twitter-ceo-parag-agrawal-to-a-debate-on-bots.html) + +Elon Musk has challenged Twitter’s CEO Parag Agrawal to a public debate about the percentage of bots on Twitter. Musk is confident that Agrawal can't prove that less than 5% of TWTR accounts are fake or spam. + +Twitter and Musk are headed for a five-day trial that will start on Oct. 17. In whose favor do you think the court suit will be ruled? + +Elon Musk or Twitter? +Whats up gang. + +&#x200B; + +It's time we had another sub debate on the shit show that is going on around us. Global markets are choppy, the bears are in full chub, interest rates are flying up, CPI, cost of living, fuel blah blah... + +The R word is getting thrown around, but what does that actually mean and how does that translate to our beloved stonks? + +The purpose of this post is to gather up all our demented ramblings into one place, have a debate on whats going down and hopefully provide a wrinkle or two for the smoother brained amongst us... + +&#x200B; + +**THE TOPIC: Are we heading for a recession?** + +&#x200B; + +**Yes or No, Why or Why Not?** +Hey all! + +I worked in a couple of European countries and I have different accounts everywhere. I was wondering if there are any laws prohibiting me to wire my money to another account in another country? I hear stuff about "exit taxes"? Why do I need to pay taxes on top of the taxes I already paid in income tax? + +I have ~180k euro in Germany, ~40k pounds in the UK, ~100k francs in Switzerland, ~120k pln in Poland, ~$45k in the US. + +Can I, for example, wire everything to currency-specific accounts in Switzerland? + +Thank you! +1. Okay, at least with passing time, we are seeing less of useless forks. Why? I truly believe by next bull run, most useless forks will fail to gain traction, and original ideas will dominate the top 10. + +2. Bye bye shitcoin. If this market continues for next 3 months, I can bet it will spell doom for a lot of shitcoins. Lets say, like bitcoin gold, diamond, platinum etc. + +3. Less of btc vs bch feud. Lets face it. The well being of the crypto space does depend on original ideas. While btc is an original idea. Bch isn't + +4. No more lambo people till next bull. How many lambo or moon posts do we see in reddit? Nope. Not really. Vitalik must be damn happy, that there's at least some serious investors (or hodlers or gamblers) with some skin in the game + +5. More FUD resistance. Well consider this just like a vaccination. Yeah, we all take Vaccines. We all have that Fever that follows vaccines. The bit of illness, weakness, but then it does protect us from a terrible infection. + +6. Opportunity to be a real Millionaire. Yes. The bubble hasn't even started. How will it pop. If a 800 billion market with almost 40 to 60 projects that have got products is a bubble, well I dunno what the debt Bubble is. Maybe it's a superbubble. + +7. Mass adoption. Technology will advance. I don't think people like vitalik, charlie, charles hoskinson, colin lemahieu, da hongfei, Cz of binance are doing it just to be a millionaire. With tech advance we will see adoption rates going up. After using nano, I seriously question, why should I use Visa Cards! + +8. More btc alt decoupling. I would like this to happen at the soonest. Why? A lot of pump and dumps happen just to farm satoshis. Also a lot of alts get a fake dollar valuation due to the BTC value. So coins like XP or Pac continue to have valuations based on that. + +9. Killer dApps, interoperability and more. platforms and payments solutions products are my pick for the next bull run. Yours? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Really sorry I could not do this post last month, since I was slightly busy with the investment tracking app that I was working on (r/Artos). Here's the post for this month. + +**Companies MFs love the most.** + +This is computed as the weighted average of the AUM allocation for the company for the mutual funds that hold it. + +1. HDFC Bank (7.1%) +2. Gillette India Ltd. (6.14%) +3. ICICI Bank Ltd. (6.09%) +4. Reliance Industries Ltd. (5.54%) +5. Infosys Ltd. (4.63%) +6. HDFC (4.1%) +7. LT (3.89%) +8. Kotak Mahindra Bank (3.8%) +9. Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (3.55%) +10. ITC (3.53%) + +Notes: + +1. This is the first time I've seen HDFC Bank hit 7%. +2. SBI is out of the list. + +**Companies MFs bought the most.** + +This is computed as the % change in the number of shares held by all MFs. + +1. ICICI Lombard General Insurance Co Ltd. (102.03%) +2. 3M India Ltd. (46.88%) +3. Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. (42.05%) +4. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. (42.01%) +5. Avanti Feeds Ltd. (34.87%) + +**Companies MFs dumped the most.** + +This is computed as the % change in the number of shares held by all MFs. + +1. Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. (-72.26%) +2. Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation Ltd. (-61.08%) +3. Ujjivan Financial Services Ltd. (-31.38%) +4. Indian Energy Exchange Ltd. (-25.09%) +5. L&T Finance Holdings Ltd. (-20.58%) + +**Companies most MFs increased the stake in.** + +This is computed as the net funds that increase the stake in the company to the total fund holding the company. + +1. Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (84.62%) +2. 3M India Ltd. (77.14%) +3. Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd. (73.91%) +4. Heidelberg Cement India Ltd. (72.09%) +5. REC Ltd. (71.43%) + +**Companies most MFs decreased the stake in.** + +This is computed as the net funds that increase the stake in the company to the total fund holding the company. + +1. Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. (-77.48%) +2. Ujjivan Financial Services Ltd. (-59.26%) +3. Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. (-57.14%) +4. Steel Authority Of India Ltd. (-52.5%) +5. Redington (India) Ltd. (-47.37%) + +Comment your thoughts about these companies, if there are any you are looking into, or the ones that you dumped. + +**About the data:** + +1. The data is over around 575 companies. +2. Companies that are held by less than 10 funds have been excluded. +3. The funds include ETFs, and arbitrage funds. +I was browsing Reddit when I noticed a sub r/squatting where people were discussing how they find and identify properties that they squat in, what their process is, etc. + +I know that squatters exist but I did not know that they had an entire community based around their ideology. + +Have any of you experienced this in one of your properties? + +I have a property that is not in my home market and reading some of the posts was pretty eye opening. This one is a bit further and I rely on my team on this. + +Either way, this may be common knowledge to you guys but scrolling that sub was a little eye opening for me. +- Why are borrow rates going up? + +- Why are brokerages -except fidelity- making it so hard to DRS? + +- Why does Dr T think it's a good idea? + +- Why does GameStop release drs figures during earnings? + +- Why arent companies allowed to encourage their shareholders to DRS? + +- Why are we seeing increasing volatility despite lower and lower volume? + +- Cuz hedgies are fuk and your "not anti" but still anti-drs opinions need a lot more evidence to hold water than "dEcLiNinG sUb eNgaGeMeNT" + +Edit: Wow! This blew up. Thank you everyone for the kind words and awards! Thank you shills for the poorly reasoned FUD. + +Keep doing what you're doing everyone! I'm so proud of you guys. You've restored a lot of the faith I lost in humanity. +# EDIT: Please look at the [BROKER MASTER LIST \[2.0\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wlv4ds/broker_master_list_20_for_splividends/) for the most updated list! + +Aggregation of Brokers with sourcing to help provide proof if they have either performed the Splividend correctly or as a forward stock split. + +I'll update this list as I receive more information. + +EDIT: Find something incorrect or missing? Let me know in the comments (with sourcing!) -- See Providing Sourcing section below! + +# 🟢 CORRECTLY HANDLED + +* Avanza 🇸🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9231/avanza_swedish_broker_confirms_that_they/) +* BMO Wealth Management [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/wg58y7/i_emailed_bmo_about_how_they_handled_the/) +* Bolero 🇧🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjynje/divisplit_response_by_belgian_broker_bolero/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* CIBC 🇨🇦 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjlzs4/canadian_broker_cibc_confirms_they_received_stock/) +* ComputerShare [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdpx26/i_got_the_answer_directly_from_cs_it_was_a/) +* Disnat 🇨🇦 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjpso1/canadian_broker_disnat_confirms_the_stock_split/) +* Fidelity [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdlhvp/fidelity_confirms_that_they_are_handling_the_gme/) \[X\] [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjd68b/made_a_previous_post_but_was_premature_hate_when/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjilfm/the_most_concise_answer_ive_gotten_from_fidelity/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjg53q/fidelitys_current_response_to_the_dividend/) [\[6\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjgnfz/fidelity_answered_the_splividend_questions_shares/) [\[7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjev2d/i_asked_fidelity_about_my_shares_via_the_chat/) [\[8🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiwlaf/fidelity_split_data_point/) +* Freetrade 🇬🇧 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weg6q8/from_freetrade_in_the_uk/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfdym2/freetrade_response_to_the_split/) +* Hargreaves Lansdown [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjfmwa/hargreaves_lansdowns_stock_split_process_makes/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whxfnt/hargreaves_lansdown_response_to_splividend/) [\[3\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/webz7d/hargreaves_lansdown_seems_to_have_handled_the/) [\[4\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/webxou/hargreaves_and_lansdown_confirm_they_received_new/) [\[5\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weo8ja/this_was_hargreave_lansdowns_response_we_have_not/) [\[6\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wecj4u/asked_my_broker_how_the_split_was_distributed/) [\[7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj6d9s/after_gamestops_announcement_end_of_last_week_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +* Merrill Edge / Merrill Lynch [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wi37pw/merrill_edge_has_posted_my_gme_shares_as_stock/) [\[2\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdxjoe/it_was_a_dividend_according_to_merrill_lynch_usa/) +* NordNet 🇳🇴 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we5zat/asked_norwegian_broker_nordnet_about_how_they/) [\[2\]](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfez5x/nordnet_makes_its_own_post_on_shareville_stating/) +* Scalable Capital 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjwy03/german_broker_scalable_capital_handled_the_split/) +* Sharesies 🇳🇿 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/weqtju/chaos_of_misunderstanding_splividend_new_zealand/) +* TD Direct Investing [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMECanada/comments/why8rh/td_did_do_the_split_reverted_back_and_now_has/) +* Trade Republic 🇩🇪 [\[1\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjhesb/statement_from_the_german_broker_traderepublic/) + +# 🟡 INCONCLUSIVE + +* Apex Clearinghouse (Webull / SoFI) [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdojfs/sofi_apex_clearing_may_also_be_treating_the_41_as/) [\[2🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdte39/webull_apex_says_its_basically_a_split_i_asked/) [\[3🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjec8j/webull_points_finger_at_gamestop_in_first/) +* BMO Wealth Management [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdohf1/i_just_requested_evidence_that_i_received_a/) +* Capital.com [\[1🟡🔗\]](https://imgur.com/a/4BSaYpK/) +* CommSec international Australia 🇦🇺 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we5jns/comsec_international_cannot_confirm_or_provide/) +* Den Norske Bank 🇳🇴 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/we68of/update_to_system_is_broken/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9mos/dtcc_form_for_gme_splividend_from_dnb/) +* DriveWealth (Stake^(a) / Revolut^(b)) 🇦🇺 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wj19a3/response_from_stake_australia_regarding_slividend/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiux7w/how_australian_broker_stake_is_handling_the/) [\[3🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/widgbm/drivewealth_support_confirming_they_actioned_it/) [\[4🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wic6lq/revolut_saying_it_was_a_stock_split_in_a_form_of/) [\[5🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wk2b40/stake_i_asked_those_2_questions_regarding_the_gme/)^(a) [\[6🟢\]](https://www.wykop.pl/cdn/c3201142/comment_1660024247TbYOBMsaJRR35E0MvqCAlV.jpg)^(b) +* iTrade [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjdlw9/on_july_22_i_emailed_my_broker_regarding_the/) +* Questrade 🇨🇦 [\[1🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wec6ii/canadian_here_questrade_confirmed_it_was_a_4_to_1/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjazgh/canadian_ape_questrade_seems_to_have_processed/) [\[3🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wi2qrf/questrades_response_re_gme_splividend/) +* Royal Bank of Canada 🇨🇦 [\[1🟡\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/whw1wx/canada_apes_and_rbc_user_i_contacted_rbc_who/) +* TD Ameritrade [\[1🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjfl3d/tdas_response_to_splitdiv/) [\[2🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjf8tp/td_direct_investing_canada_claims_the_split_was/) [\[3🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wjb3uy/tda_message_center_rep_on_how_they_processed_the/) [\[4🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wiglk5/tda_response_to_my_question_about_a_forward_split/) [\[5🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdq0e0/chat_logs_from_tda_confirming_dtcc_told_them_to/) [\[6🔴\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wec1mf/a_letter_from_my_broker_after_an_inquiry/) [\[7🟢\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wfcdx0/i_have_received_the_update_from_tda_about_the/) [\[8🟢🔗\]](https://i.imgur.com/5qeYQZr.jpg) +