diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_68.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_68.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_68.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +Mere words, will not convince the crowd of what is *right* and what is *wrong.* **Every single ape should have the ability to decide for themselves whether what they see is truth or falsifications.** Not these self-pedestal few who retain the ability to dictate the way information is perceived and assessed by the many. + +So, before questioning ***why*** I'm so vocal about **the absurd "debunked" claims** displayed below, I highly encourage you all to see a truth many of **you likely missed. The reason why Rensole no longer exists on this sub, and his** ***direct suppression of my original GC1 post, as well as multitudes of evidence substantiating it all.*** + +Simply find his section, you may be surprised by what you find along the way, **but the point to be made is in direct relation to what the mod here today, has stated.** + +Why do I say all this? B**ecause I made an entire post about it that led to the 'exit' of RCQ, Rensole, and Maddie.** + +[**https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false\_prophets/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false_prophets/) + +False Prophets. + +&#x200B; + +💎🤝💎🚀 +Retired a while back and as I ended up selling less than $170,000 of stock in 2018 (cost basis is 55%), my taxable income was under the $75,000 threshold for single taxpayers. As a result, and I'm getting a full $1,200 stimulus check. + +Yes, my stock portfolio value has fallen many hundreds of times this amount, I suspect I'll be paying this back in the form of increased capital gains taxes down the road, and when working I regularly paid 6-figure annual tax bills. + +I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but a single retiree with a multi-million dollar portfolio who can safely spend $170,000/year should be the last person getting a $1200 stimulus check from the government. Heck, if my spending was $100,000/year (more than manageable as I own my housing outright), I wouldn't be paying any income taxes at all (given the $50,000 - 0% capital gains limit) and would still receive the check. +My retired, 70yo mother is in the process of selling her home, and will have about $100k after paying off her debts. She's retired and does OK budgeting her fixed monthly income, but is an absolute SUCKER for scams. She has been preyed upon by the same scammers you see on YouTube and has had to cancel multiple credit cards and has had over $5k drained from her bank account when one got ahold of her debit card info. I'm also worried about her ability to budget this if she's got such a large lump sum just sitting in her bank account. She's the type that would give all the money she had to the first "charity" that tugs on her very gullible heartstrings.I'm terrified she's going to lose everything and end up in poverty in the final years of her life. + +My big question is: What is the best way to scam proof this lump sum? + +Can she set up a trust where she is the beneficiary to receive monthly installments? + +Can it be managed by a fiduciary to be invested/bonded while also paying monthly installments? + +First time poster, thank you for your time! +Let's get one thing out, I was brought up a spoilt brat. I could get watever I wanted, no questions asked. In my late teens I was given a large amount of money, which was put in a bank account, and have been living off of that since (~10years). It made me very careless with money. As a result, I've picked up a certain hobbies and lifestyle. + +Earlier this year I realised that I've almost burnt through the account. Started applying for jobs, but because I dont have any previous work experience, or qualifications, the only thing I could get was a position that pays $50k a year. After getting paid i realised that the account is still getting smaller. Looking through the account, found out that on average im spending just over $10k a month, while barely earning $4k. + +I have no idea what to do, how to bring down the costs, how to get a job that pays well. + +I realise that I've been spoilt, careless, and snobby. How do I fix it +Trying not to freak out but hey, this is the age of the internet. I feel like I need a bunch of canned goods and meats and DIAPERS and pasta, and my finances are set up to only get us through like a regular schmegular broke ass week. This virus anxiety is creeping up on me, like being broke doesn’t already stress me out enough. + +Anybody here getting creative with preparing themselves? Are there some hacks idk about? What are you stocking up on, if anything? What can get my family the best bang for our buck? I know for a FACT there’s people here much smarter than me, PLS HELP + +P.S. feel free to post memes and jokes here. Need to keep a sense of humor to drown out the fear of an INESCAPABLE DEATH (Moana’s grandma voice) +I am an attorney at a large law firm with about 5 years of experience, so my salary is $345K and I receive year-end bonuses upwards of $100K. The money is great, but I'm ready to leave. I was initially planning to go in-house as an attorney with a company and take a modest pay cut in return for a better work/life balance. However, as I've been thinking about it more, I've realized that it's not necessarily the amount of work that I hate, its that I hate the work itself and that I'm a highly-compensated paper pusher. + +Recently I've been thinking more seriously about quitting law altogether and buying a small business. I don't have any other skills, so I would likely buy a simple business that I could learn to run without extensive formal training, e.g. residential cleaning, laundromat, landscaping, car wash, etc. There are still so many factors I need to consider before making such a decision, but before I go any further down this route, I figured I would post here to see whether I'm making a glaring mistake by even thinking about it. +One of the most powerful things about the FIRE journey is the rejection of status. You know that people are going to think better of you if you have the fancy designation, the fancy car, the big house. But you choose to say – “Hey I don’t care what people think. I choose to NOT chase status. I’ll chase freedom and fulfillment instead”. + +&#x200B; + +What that does is it makes our journey lonely. We crave connect, we crave to be told we’re still valuable and important, we want people to tell us we are doing the right thing. So we come here onto this sub and talk to people like us. + +&#x200B; + +Unfortunately – this sub has slowly changed from a place where people came to seek connect, to a place where people come to seek validation. People have a void in their life from not being able to brag about their car, which they come here and fill by bragging about their income and net worth. + +&#x200B; + +So we have two kinds of posts, again and again with monotonous regularity: the first is the humblebrag (I have $2.8M and an income of 200K – can I retire?). This makes majority of the sub insecure and apologetic, and we have the second kind of post (I’m not an engineer in the Bay area – can I even think of retiring? I’m from a third world country – can I even dream of FIRE?) + +&#x200B; + +**We are the new Joneses** + +&#x200B; + +From being a powerful rejection of the status games that society plays – FIRE has become the ultimate status game. We now have incredibly intelligent, competitive people playing the game of “Who has the highest net worth”. + +&#x200B; + +We need to stop. We need to change. The sub no longer holds the values that made the FIRE path what it was. We no longer have that spirit of crazy rebellion, that heady feeling of freedom and power that comes with creating our own path. + +&#x200B; + +How do we change? I’m not sure. Maybe we refuse to state absolute numbers and net worth – phrasing everything in savings rate percentages or multiples of expenses saved. Maybe we recognize that the need to humblebrag is a natural human one, but restrict it to a daily thread. + +&#x200B; + +What do you feel about this? Is this a natural sequence of events when a sub becomes too big? Can we do something to rekindle that spark (FIRE pun intended)? Tell me what you think. +Every trader has bad habits. + +And I am not talking about the over-stressed, nicotine/alcohol/junk food lifestyle many find themselves living. I am referring to actual *trading* habits. + +Some of these stem from individual personality traits, while others are due to a combination of arrogance and simply being stubborn. I interact with hundreds of new traders a week, and without fail almost all of them have some, if not all, of the issues listed below. + +While I try to discourage them from repeatedly making the same mistakes, it is also without fail that most do not listen. Some do, and I have watched them become consistently profitable traders over time, but others prefer to argue despite their lack of monetary reward. + +As a professional Day Trader (i.e. *consistently profitable to the point I can support myself/family off the revenue)* I know how hard it is to do this. I am also know that it is very doable, and those that watch me trade everyday can see the results. Given how difficult this is to master, it is made even more so when people continue to commit the same mistakes over and over again. + +So without further adieu - compiled from my countless conversations - are the biggest mistakes I see being made on a regular basis: + +**Trading Without Knowledge -** Time and again traders will enter into a trade because they read a post or followed a trade live, and they have no idea what they are doing. You would think it should be common sense that someone should know how an option spread works before committing your money towards one, but apparently not. On Friday a trader asked me what "assignment" meant after they just bought a Call Option that expired on that same day. I do not hold out much hope for that trader. + +**Rushing Into A Trade -** Perhaps a stock is moving up quickly, or someone just posted they shorted a position, and instead of taking the time to look at the charts, looking at the best entry and exit points, deciding on position size, etc - they just jump into the trade without thinking. Again, you might think this advice is obvious, but it is not. + +**Relying on Others -** As someone who publicly posts their trades I know full well the pressure of having many traders follow you into a trade. And while I am posting the trades for educational purposes, I also realize that some people just want to grab quick trades that someone more experienced has chosen. This is an unfortunate practice. Not only are the constant questions annoying as hell (e.g. "Are you still in?", "It's dropping, should we exit?"), but it doesn't help a trader to just blindly follow someone, in fact it can hurt them quite a bit. Because if you are relying on someone for a trade that also generally means you are relying on them to exit as well. + +**Position Sizing -** This is a common refrain and no list of mistakes would be complete without it. No matter how often you tell traders to work on their win rate, start slowly, find your strategy first - it doesn't matter. Someone with a $15K account is buying 30 $1 calls on a stock and using 20% of their account on one trade. Hit singles, stop swinging for the fences. + +**OTM Options -** This warning always gets an argument, but arguments do not change facts and the facts are - OTM options are generally *not* a good idea. Sure, if you are doing Friday lottos, or an OTM Bullish Put Spread they are fine, but overall one should not be gambling with OTM options. Yes, they are cheaper, and they are cheaper for a reason - you are paying no *intrinsic* value. In fact, they aren't *really* cheaper, because you are actually paying *all* premium. Traders lose more money on OTM options than almost any other type of trade. + +**Anticipating** \- One of the absolute worst trading habits there is and it is done by both new and experienced traders. Nobody wants to *miss* a move, so people jump into trades before confirmation. This would be all of the people that went long on **SPY** a week ago (most likely using OTM options) thinking it was going to bounce back, only to see it drop even further. Traders love to try and guess tops and bottoms of charts, a practice that they continue no matter how often it loses them money. Another version of this is trying to predict the market based on external factors - i.e. "The infrastructure bill should help stocks like **CAT**, I am going long!" *Always* confirm first - let the chart tell you what is happening - Institutions move prices, so let them go first and then follow the money. + +**Overthinking -** Trading is hard, there is no doubt about that. It can takes years to get good at it. But that does not mean it is complicated. I see traders all the time with so many indicators on their charts that you can't even see the candles. Many of them are looking at esoteric studies and rarely used analysis to help them make decisions. Remember, Technical Analysis works insomuch as other traders also are following the same guides, and trust me, not many people are looking at the 73 SMA on the 4 hour chart. + +**Rethinking the Wheel -** So you been trading all of three months and you think you've *cracked* it with your new method? You haven't. Trust me, there isn't anything you can try that hasn't been tried already. Now if you have been trading for many years, have had consistent success and *then* come up with a new method of trading - great, that should be of interest to everyone. But way too many new traders think they can find a surefire system that can beat the market. + +**Decision-Making Bias -** There are several that impact traders, especially newer ones - whether it is *Anchoring* which would have someone looking back at that first successful trade as an example of how to move forward, or *Survivorship* where people tend to only look at the winners and ignore all the losers (**GME** is an example of this), this type of thinking gives a shortcut to correct decision-making. And in trading, there are no short-cuts. + +**Trading P&L -** Really hard to break-free of this. So many traders will set their stops based on a preset amount of money, or exit a trade because they are "down too much". You should be basing you exits on the charts, not your P&L. Time and again I see people jump out of trades they should have stayed in because they were afraid of "losing too much" (see - *Position Sizing*) only to have those trades turn into winners. Exit a trade when your thesis for entering no longer applies. + +**Believing in Losers/Scared of Winners -** Unless you were born rich, you have experienced financial struggle in your life. When things go right we are always expecting "the other shoe to drop", and when things go wrong we are always hoping they turn around soon. Unfortunately we bring this mentality to trading. It is why we take profits too early and let our losers run too long. When we are in profit many times we are so afraid of losing our gains we exit the trade even though it is going our way. And when we are down, way past the point of the stock violating a technical level, we constantly believe it is *just about to turn around*. Because of this our losers can tend to be bigger than our winners on average - and that is not way to make a living. + +**Ignoring the Market -** Successful Day Traders know that if you get the Market right and the Stock right, you will make money. But many traders ignore the market. Are you shorting a stock on a day the market is really strong? How is the stock performing relative to the market? One should always have the **SPY** 5 minute chart up and running in the background and constantly checking it. + +**Momentum Trading -** I saved the biggest one for last. This is also the most argued and most difficult to get people to stop doing. The entire field of Day Trading has been corrupted by YouTube videos promising people they can *get rich quick* using *very simple methods*. All of these videos are doing minor alterations to *Gap n Go* strategies, where one plays the momentum of morning gappers (most are found earlier in the day). Ironically, this is actually one of the most difficult types of trades to do with consistent success. Most professional Day Traders actively avoid them, except in rare circumstances. Yet, many new traders believe that Day Trading *is* Momentum Trading - it is not. + +I can absolutely assure anyone reading this that if you stop doing these mistakes your odds of success would increase dramatically. However, I also get that it is difficult to change. Overcoming these issues is part of the reason it takes time to be a successful trader. Learning how to trade isn't that difficult, but learning how to be a successful trader can seem impossible to some. + +Look through this list, try to figure out which of these causes you the most trouble and focus yourself on working on the issue(s). + +Best, H.S. +You see, announcing your positions on a public forum in an effort to try encouraging others to buy into similar positions, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy, is clear-cut market manipulation! + +Market manipulation is super illegal which is why everyone is calling for the markets to be regulated now! + +- + +^(Note: this is only illegal if you’re poor. If you do the *exact* same shit by announcing your positions on MSNBC if you’re a billionaire you’re okay.) +Like many of us, I am currently sitting on over 1.5 million USD worth of ETH. However, given the recent all-time high, I am now scared to buy 1 more ETH, because it costs over 4000 USD. I think my best course of action is asking strangers on Reddit what I should do. + +Will buying 1 ETH fuck up my cost basis? Where will I find the fiat needed to buy it? Do you have any strategy that could help me live off that 358 ETH? + +Before you ask, no, I didn't do any research at all and didnt even bother to give a look at the sub rules before posting. + +Thanks everyone and don't forget : GLTA!!1!1!! + +(In case you don't get it : /s) +Alright, I'm ready for the regular r/cc massive downvote, let's go. + +Everywhere I see "you should diversify", "don't gamble all in one coin", et caetera. + +The thing is, whatever coin you pick (if it's not just a hypecoin); the token is still in its infancy stage on the market; and will mostly follow blindly granddaddy bitcoin footsteps in his charts. + +In ten another years, yeah, we might see charts going their own ways, but as for now, diversification won't do much for you. In the cryptosphere that is. You may aswell get someting that offers you some sort of stacking rewards while you're at it, if you're in for the long haul, with a project you believe in. + +Now if you tell me that you got some stocks on the side; a pile of cash or precious metals, THAT is diversification, and doesn't follow the same old chart. + +Making it 50/50 between two cryptos, or more, won't save you in the bear. + +That's all I have to say for today. Bring on your guns, I am ready! + +Have a nice day, in all cases :) +Much like everything on reddit, this sub tends to be quite US-market-focused, while there is a world of wealth out there in other markets (ones I, personally, know far less about). + +Any thoughts on the LSE? Or European markets? Japan? Finland? heck... South Africa? +I have always done my taxes myself on HR Block's website and never had any issues. This past year (2017 taxes), I went into one of the offices and had an HR Block employee do my taxes( only worked for 1 company so only 1 W2). I assumed this was a safe decision. Yesterday I got home and had a letter from the IRS. The letter stated that my line 10 entry was incorrect and was about $8,000 less than what I actually made. This error has caused my taxes not to be payed correctly and now I have a bill to the IRS for $1,800 for back taxes that weren't paid. Do I have any recourse to HR Block for improperly entering my taxes? +If this post is too personal/specific to me, I apologize. I (25M) lost my parents in 2019, and through those events came into a very sizable inheritance (~7M since this crazy market growth). + +I took about a month off after everything happened, but eventually knew I had to get back to work to start the process of moving on. It’s been about a year and a half since being back, and while I’ve been able to mentally accept and move past what happened, I now have a new mental dilemma, am I wasting my time at my job? + +I work in med device sales, and in a good year I’ll pull ~90k. I’m definitely competent, but I’m not an all star either. At the end of the day, I don’t see my career trajectory breaking through middle management. Beyond all that - I fucking hate it. I hate the quotas, the pointless meetings, the customers who demand the world and I have to be the one who can’t give it to them. My only gratification is Friday afternoon when I can tell my weekend is on the horizon. + +I understand that this is likely the mentality of 99% of the American workforce, but in my situation it feels like I’m subjecting myself to it for no reason. My salary will never be in spitting distance of my capital gains, and I do have hobbies I genuinely enjoy and would much rather pursue. I feel like I’m at my job because, well, that’s what everyone else is doing. So r/FatFIRE, and I wasting my time? +I primarily trade S&P500 futures, and hold for about 2-30 minutes. Never overnight. + +I would say that on probably 9/10 days, my first trade of the day is usually either a big winner, or was a big winner until I held it down to breakeven or a loss. + +And then almost every single day, I manage to trade my daily PnL down to 0 again from that winner. + +I think it's because no matter how the first trade ends, it turns my emotion on. If I took profits, I get scared of losing those profits and trade fearfully for the rest of the day, which causes me to lose money. + +If I lost money on the first trade, or missed out on a ton of unrealized gains, I get mad at myself and that also makes me trade with emotion. + +But my analysis and execution on trade 1 is on point nearly every time. Probably because I go into that trade with a fresh mind and no emotions from previous trades that day. + +But whenever I'm up a lot on that first trade, and I know that statistically my best move is to take profits and close my laptop, greed gets the best of me and I either take profits and then keep trading and lose the profits, or hold the position to a loss. + +Does anyone have any advice on building the discipline to walk away and shut down greed? Its very frustrating to see every day where I could be as a trader, but to consistently ruin it with my emotions. I probably would have tripled my account in the last few months if you only counted trade 1 of each day, but I'm no where near that point because of what happens after trade 1. +>Under fire over weak economic scenario, Modi government may be up for more criticism as a member of PM Modi’s Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has said that India may be nearing a structural slowdown. The economy may soon get caught in the ‘middle income trap’ just like Brazil and South Africa, Rathin Roy told TV news channel NDTV. + +>India’s growth story which has been mainly driven by consumption and not exports since 1991 has finally began to stagnate, he added. The 100 million consumers fuelling the consumption have now started to level, he noted. Such a phenomenon is described as middle-income trap in the economy parlance. + +>Earlier in the week, the monthly report for March 2019 published by the Finance Ministry had also highlighted that same concern. Fall in private consumption, muted rise in fixed investment and sluggish exports have led to slowdown in the economy, the report had said. + +>On being asked about India’s growth rate, Rathin Roy, also the Director of National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, said India is the fastest growing economy in the world currently because China is growing as fast. + +>Even as India is growing at 6.1 to 6.6 per cent, the slowdown in consumption may put that under threat, he noted. In the next 5 to 6 years, India will grow at 5 to 6 per cent on-year, but a time will come when it may come to a standstill, he added. + +>On being asked if he was able to raise the matter with the central government, Rathin Roy said that the issue has been raised at various public platforms by him consistently. + +Source : https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.financialexpress.com/economy/india-may-soon-get-caught-in-middle-income-trap-join-brazil-south-africa-modis-economic-advisor-warns/1573666/lite/ + + + + +I think this prolonged demand slowdown can spell Doom for an internal consumption driven economy like ours. + +What are your views on this? +Thought this would be a good use of the subreddit, seeing as all, or most, of us are experienced being degenerates at this end of the market playing with small caps are going to get us involved with directors who are trying to treat the Australian public like an ATM rather than make their company a success. + +From my experience these characters do the same thing over and over again, jumping from company to company, or even just changing up the company name and repeating the dodgy process rorting investors for decades. Thinking if we have a list of these repeat offenders, then it should be easier for us to do our due diligence and cross a company off the list when its mentioned by other degenerates here. +I have been interested in dividend stocks, since I was told the company pays you, for only buying the stock. +I've always had the dream of living self sufficient with just dividend stocks, by purchasing enough stocks to match my current salary. +Yes, we all know about Warren Buffet, and his claim to fame. +But does anyone here have actually purchased enough stock to live without working, by only means of their dividend? + +Many thanks, +Pie +I've got three tax-free investment accounts that I plan to top up on 6th April: + +1) 20K in my S&S ISA +2) 9K x 2 for my kids S&S Junior ISA's +3) £2880 x 2 for my kids Junior SIPP's (and will then wait for the top-up for £3600 before investing to save on transaction costs) + +I am sure there are many of you already planning what to do for scenario 1), and probably a few of you also thinking about 2) and maybe even 3) as well. It would be great to hear ideas from everybody else about their plans and your approach/risk appetite for your tax-free accounts. + +I currently have £300K in my S&S ISA but it is very top heavy on individual stocks with over a third invested in one AIM stock, with only £70K of the £300K total invested in funds (LS100 and VVXAF). I would like to invest £20K into a fund, but I am not sure right now whether to go 'safety first' with LS100 (or similar less-UK bias global tracker) or whether to go for a more expensive active fund. + +I am very interested in what approach people are taking for their kids accounts. My children are 1 and 4. So far I have only ever invested in Vanguard All-cap global tracker for each of them, and it has done very well with both of them enjoying approx. 25% returns each. But I have also been reading advice from some parents who have adopted a far more aggressive investing approach for their kids that has handsomely paid off (one guy on here was telling me he made huge gains for their kid in ARGO, which is fantastic). Again I would love to her your ideas and individual investing approaches for your kids tax-free accounts. +(edit: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH❤️ seriously made my day y’all) + +Hi! This is my first post here because today has been extremely difficult for me mentally. Lots of crying and i’ve even has some suicidal ideation. + +For some back story, I’m 18 years old and a senior in high school. I got accepted into one college out of the 5 I applied to. It’s an awesome college (Virginia Tech) and I’d love to go. + +However, I have one problem. I’m out-of-state. My total for 4 years of Virginia Tech totals up to a little over $200,000, $41,000 per semester. Though my parents want me to go, my parents can’t afford it. I thought I’d get some decent financial aid from the FAFSA since my parents are divorced and I basically have a dead beat dad. Didn’t give me shit. As of now I also plan on attending law school so that’d be even more debt. + +I was rejected from every other school I applied to, except for Appalachian State. Now I didn’t get accepted into that school either, I got waitlisted. Appalachian State isn’t as prestigious as VTech BUT it is about $6000 a year. + +Honestly I have no clue what to do and I’m sick of arguing with my mom about what to do with my life. Please help me out with some advice. +:( +Using a burner account. Here's my situation I have a high networth $10 million so far. However my company (I'm the CEO) recently was acquired for $75+ million. Which will more than 5x my networth. + +I'm curious how other publicly and easily identifiably rich people deal with building relationships, find new friends or deal with any social interactions and how do you go about it? While avoiding people who only want your money. I've thought of abbreviating my name to some extent so if I'm Google searched it won't pop up. Tough because I'm also somewhat famous on social media so they may already recognize me. + +Any thoughts and ideas are appreciated. +sup apes, + +I hope everyone is looking forward to an exciting week of trading following the long weekend. I am curious to see what happens to the puts expiring on 21st. + +This is a follow up to my previous post "THEY STILL HAVENT TOLD YOU" where we looked at Bruce Knuteson's research paper regarding overnight and intraday returns. Out of courtesy, I emailed Bruce to let him know that Superstonk are very interested in his thesis. Not received a reply but will update if and when I do. + +Bruce has written several other papers on this topic, which are very much worth reading. they are all hosted here along with the code he uses to generate the data: [https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/) + +A bit about Bruce Knuteson before we go on, as I had many messages about his credentials (also I am not Bruce and can prove to mods if required lol). Bruce was Assistant Professor of Physics at MIT for nearly 5 years. He then went on to work at D E Shaw (remember this part) for 6 years in 2008 as a Quantitive Analyst, progressing to Vice President in 2011. + +He is clearly a knowledgeable guy. + +In this post though, I wanted to explore his various attempts at communicating his concerns to various regulators and media outlets. Bruce has made many attempts over the years to alert the relevant people to his findings, and has published these attempts on the GitHub linked above: + +# SEC + +Bruce has emails to the SEC between 2017 and 2021: + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/SEC.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/SEC.pdf) + +https://preview.redd.it/tk5d19lzqfc81.png?width=801&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad99897a21d57205f661a6635571d8eb043a4d4 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3edfok71rfc81.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=55073d10953130aedcde200afe2963278d05a685 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xaxwwwt3rfc81.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=42fbc311d77fac68553e98358e549f0d9ddf8e6c + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uaqq4kn5rfc81.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=12a6eae797d9a01d68f409105bdf27378f3c5b53 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hgp7iyc7rfc81.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d6e8ad889e77960dadd551027e7795a9c489a6a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s7c5vxb9rfc81.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cdaf00aa0e914a0b597c91f190853c2b14885fc + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/20og2r1brfc81.png?width=797&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e9adf9d8d1ab07a9980e2a029e14b5bf3971cf0 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0z27cdscrfc81.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=b87ca9e13dcc7cada6fae74cd272788b2ee94d38 + +**THE OFR** + +emails to OFR between 2017 - 2021 (not a single response) + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/OFR.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/OFR.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +**THE NY FED** + +Bruce emails NY FED between 2020 and 2021. They do reply with a paper they released looking at the pattern: [https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/staff\_reports/sr917.pdf](https://www.newyorkfed.org/medialibrary/media/research/staff_reports/sr917.pdf) + +Bruce notes this offers no explanation to who is causing this pattern, merely acknowledges it exists. + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/NYFed.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/NYFed.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lm0leywurfc81.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=adf0be9dda53947346afdd631949c8cc0abdd8cd + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2jc01u6xrfc81.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=0852c24437b68ef05fc61b0168cdfa6ade9d1a21 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7w8dtioyrfc81.png?width=816&format=png&auto=webp&s=e960d44ba141e482d137f6a29621d74b78d14a3b + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tfxgpbc0sfc81.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=638b75d5c85b0b5ae61f563583a154d365cb46b8 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l4foz363sfc81.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=192a3865a4e000f46b11e0609cda70e965e77c63 + +**FINANCIAL TIMES** + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/FT.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/FT.pdf) + +Bruce emails financial times between 2017 and 2021, who do eventually engage by providing questions for answer. Interestingly in this exchange, Bruce notes that a contract with D E SHAW his previous employer restricts him from answering some things: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/r704o86ssfc81.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=0777f0a995f02d32fcc84d82609572edcea0b7d2 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g36cfcmtsfc81.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=69dad1ab7624a06274ae151b4591a35c453a98f1 + +**WALL STREET JOURNAL** + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/WSJ.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/WSJ.pdf) + +Super professional from them: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/u3yv28r4tfc81.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=c396d45a6b4c334e492908e39811be658e37e552 + +**WASHINGTON POST** + +[https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/WashPost.pdf](https://bruceknuteson.github.io/spy-day-and-night/correspondence/1/WashPost.pdf) + +Now this part is where it gets interesting. Clear interest in the topic from the reporter: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7fadq8cftfc81.png?width=582&format=png&auto=webp&s=a84a35940125b5d3c3e354e8fc9e4e847fc3a61a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7b5wcqdmtfc81.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=cab22759d2488b65f4fe96ffb4c04605499cc78c + +Note the reply which seemingly stops the conversation dead. "D E SHAW IS A BIG DEAL. MY OWNERS FORMER EMPLOYER". + +Who do we know that worked for D E SHAW, that now owns Washington Post? + +&#x200B; + +[wtf](https://preview.redd.it/gy63arvwtfc81.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=f09888f435928e645629f462493507d886881a9f) + +Why no interested anymore Washington Post? + +&#x200B; + +I hope Apes find these exchanges interesting. Due to the number of questions and replies I saw about why the general tone of the article was sometimes angry/frustrated, I think these go a long way to show why. Bruce has strong conviction in his thesis that this is not normal (look at China where this does not occur) and has been trying to communicate this to people who are ultimately responsible for ensuring these abnormal patterns are thoroughly investigated, and to ensure if manipulation is occurring, to put a stop to it. + +They are clearly not interested, or, as he says, have chosen not to tell you. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +[Man who fell to his death from the 18th floor of a New York tower identified as Bed Bath & Beyond CFO, Gustavo Arnal, 52](https://news.yahoo.com/news/man-fell-death-18th-floor-120307316.html) + +Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends. + +Please remember that if you’re ever struggling, find someone to talk to. +Hi everyone, +I am American but I live in Germany and am on my way to becoming a permanent resident. I will be getting 30k in USD in inheritance money shortly, and I'd ideally like to buy some kind of property in Europe. I'm in my 30s. I'm mainly interested in Germany or Portugal. + +Is this impossible with such a small inheritance? I've read online that I could use the 30k as a downpayment to a house, rent it out, and use the renters money to pay off my mortgage. Thoughts? + +Also read that I could buy a duplex and use the renters money to pay off my mortgage, and keep the second half of the duplex empty for my personal use. + +Or would buying an apartment be the best bet? + +I would also be interested in just buying a plot of land and then building a small home on it over time. + +Lastly, what is the smartest long term investment? My end goal is to just have a second home to go to or have my family in the USA live in during long trips to Europe. The idea of passive income is also appealing to me. + +Thanks everyone. +Buying and selling underlying securities creates the market for IPOs and for compensating insiders. Does selling derivatives add economic value in a similar way, or is it more of a zero-sum game? Commodities derivatives allow companies to hedge prices for predictable margins which is valuable, but does the same need exist to hedge individual securities? +I haven't felt the energy in this sub in a while. Tits are JACKED, hands are diamond (as always), and spirits are HIGH AS FUCK. + +I'm assuming it's a combination of watching the market implode, while we're green, plus the successful extermination of the majorest (is that a word?) FUD attack we've seen in a while. Hell, multiple attacks at once, and they were all defeated. + +This sub feels like it has a new lease on life right now. I've seen more new high level DD today than I have in the past few weeks combined. + +I'm just saying I've missed this shit. Bless you, you damn dirty apes. Keep it up! + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Sorry if this is not the right sub, but I have not been able to find a good answer anywhere else. I am in early 30s and a mother of two small kids. I used to be able to sleep whenever, wherever I like and since the start of 2022, I suddenly started having insomnia. It started as having trouble falling asleep in the night, and now it is easy to fall asleep but I will wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling asleep again. + +I have talked to my doctor and he said, for people in your age who have trouble sleeping is due to either sleep habits/hygiene or stress. I now adjusted my life so much and live a very healthy lifestyle (no coffee/soda/alcohol and lots of yoga). And I am ONLY stressed about my insomnia. I feel very lost and I think the more I research insomnia, the more anxiety it brings me... And my mind will race at night and it is so painful. + +I know this sub has the smartest people with lots of resources. I am sure you all have gone through periods of stress and health issues, which may bring sleep problems to you. Please enlighten me-- what is the best way to resolve sleep issues, I will try and invest in any solution. +I have heard this multiple times across the internet. This sub seems to be a defendant of Mathematical approach, saying anything can be modeled or that it is our assumptions which are wrong, not the approach. However, I have heard a lot of stuff against Mathematical Economics. From the Wiki: + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_economics#Criticisms_and_defences + +> Friedrich Hayek contended that the use of formal techniques projects a scientific exactness that does not appropriately account for informational limitations faced by real economic agents. + +> Heilbroner stated that "some/much of economics is not naturally quantitative and therefore does not lend itself to mathematical exposition." + +> Keynes: Too large a proportion of recent ‘mathematical’ economics are merely concoctions, as imprecise as the initial assumptions they rest on, which allow the author to lose sight of the complexities and interdependencies of the real world in a maze of pretentious and unhelpful symbols. + +> This rapid systematizing of economics alarmed critics of the discipline as well as some noted economists. John Maynard Keynes, Robert Heilbroner, Friedrich Hayek and others have criticized the broad use of mathematical models for human behavior, arguing that some human choices are irreducible to mathematics. + +From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticisms_of_econometrics + +> Looking primarily at macroeconomics, Lawrence Summers has criticized econometric formalism, arguing that "the empirical facts of which we are most confident and which provide the most secure basis for theory are those that require the least sophisticated statistical analysis to perceive." + +> The current-day Austrian School of economics typically rejects econometrics, stating that historical mathematical data used to make econometric models represents past behaviour which may change in future and is ineffective at isolating causal relationships. In this they continue their belief that mathematics and statistical methods are mostly unsuited for the study of social sciences. + +I have also heard often that Economics suffer from 'Physics envy'. + +I don't think its hard to see why many people don't like Social Sciences being Mathematical. Human Behaviour doesn't seem to be a thing that can be described by quantities. Yes, we can use simple Statistics to correlate some quantities like the quantity demanded of a good vs the price of the good, stuff that were already in use in Classical Economics. However, modern Economics uses all Mathematics that Physics use - from Linear Algebra to Partial Differential Equations to even Topology sometimes. The fact that after so much mathematical formalism, Economists couldn't predict almost any major crises (like the infamous 2008 Economic crisis) using Maths, kind of takes away the appeal of Maths as it seems cold and useless in Economics. I heard in some online debates that after the crisis happened, many people thought mainstream Economics wasn't really valid and switched to heterodox schools of thought. +I have been trying to understand Buffett's move to buy 5 of the biggest Japanese companies and increasing his stake recently, basically creating his own index fund of Japanese stocks. I've been baffled by this move. Could it really be that after doing research on a number of Japanese stocks, He decided that these 5 largest trading houses are the best of them? Or is he essentially creating his own passive index fund of Japanese stocks? + +Recently, I discovered interest rates are still extremely low in Japan. At IBKR, even you and I can use margin loan at 1.5% in JPY. This compares to 5.83-6.83% on USD, for example. Many Japanese companies pay a higher dividend than 1.5%. In case of the ones Buffett is buying, Itochu 1.62%, Marubeni 4.9%, Mitsui 4.62%, Mitsubishi 3.6%, Sumitomo 4.62%. So essentially, if he is borrowing to buy these on margin, they would be paying back more than double their margin interest. + +Could this be the reason behind his move? To take advantage of low interest rates there? It seems like a no-brainer for us to replicate this. Appreciate hearing your thoughts on this. +I apologize if this question is clumsily worded, I have a very basic understanding of Econ. I also want to preface by saying I don’t have a political agenda here I just want understanding. + +This question has been gnawing on me since I’ve been reading about the tax bill. From what I understand the bill not only decreased the corporate tax rate (35% to 21%), it set a one time repatriation tax of profits overseas (8%, 15.5% for cash). The goal was to incentivize companies to move their money back to US (and tax revenue). + +I also have read that companies are in fact bringing money back to the US. I don’t understand why this would happen, as staying out and paying the same 15% seems more profitable. Is it that there are other benefits to being in the US? And what are they? +I posted a while ago when we were at the halfway mark of paying off our debt. Today I finally made the last big payment. We are officially debt free. We had 22k in CC debt in January of this year. It’s been hard to see almost all of your hard earned money go toward those balances but I am SO relieved. My credit score has gone up significantly. We have a little money in our savings account. We can maybe even start thinking about buying a house in the next year or two. + +I had no idea how much the stress of CC debt was affecting me emotionally and physically. Thank you to the tips and tricks and also just support of this sub - it’s HUGE to know you aren’t alone. Next mountain is student loan debt (20k) and our car (7k).... +I am 31M and on my path to fatFire by 40, and have always been an aggressive saver. +Now at this stage in my life, are there things worth splurging on that can have materialistic difference is wellbeing. For example a good mattress/pillow or things like that. +Saw a post yesterday and had to make a post of my own to address the gross over expectations I am consistently seeing here. + +This guy posted how he was loving the process so far, making $500 in two weeks off of a $25k initial investment + +People started chastising him from every direction asking if he was 'actually celebrating' these returns, and then pumping their own trades and patting themselves on the back + +First off, get real guys. $500 in two weeks off an initial $25k investment is ~50% ROI in the first year assuming no reinvestment... thats incredible returns for any strategy + +Second, we get it. You only used $2k and made $1100 or whatever, thats wonderful. Not everyone is you. Not everyone has the same risk appetite as you. You are tremendous. + +Just seems like a bunch of younger people who recently had college canceled had a string of a few good trades and all of the sudden believe their the next Jim Simons and have to push everyone else down so they can be above them +Hi All, + +Before we get into the fun stuff that is r/place, u/bye_triangle has an update now. + +# April Fools Jokes + +As many of you are likely aware, last April fools there was a moratorium on pranks, gags, and all other April 1st tomfoolery. This year, we are going to be implementing the same. Due to the sensitive nature of our situation and the prevalence of trolls, shills and others looking to spread misinformation and generally sow chaos in our community, this is the best way to go about this. Sorry if it kills the fun for some, but based on the performance of this post: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt65l7/tomorrow\_is\_april\_fools\_day\_petition\_to\_make\_this/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt65l7/tomorrow_is_april_fools_day_petition_to_make_this/) + +I have it on good authority that the majority wants this rule in place. + +**So tomorrow, April first, if you are caught breaking this moratorium, then you will be banned for 14 days. There will be no exceptions.** + +Thank you for understanding -B\_T + +—--------------------------------------—-------------------------------------- + +# r/Place + +r/place is back yet again. In 2017 it was a 3 day event where there was a blank canvas and everyone was able to add a pixel with a time restriction in place before they could place the next. People can also “paint over” the pixel you’ve placed - therefore it becomes a constant battle over the days it’s open ([recent r/place post here by radmin](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/tqbf9w/bringing_back_rplace/)). + +Therefore it becomes a community effort to essentially create the desired image, combating with other communities for space, creating alliances - all the fun stuff. We have one of the (if not the most) active communities on Reddit. + +As such, we hope you’ll join us in making sure GME gets its rightful place on the canvas. The first pixel will be located at 741, 741. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1jmojcx20tq81.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=76064c2b6910d3236e64d9af1b9b90ccbce5f6aa + +&#x200B; + +[Location of said image on the old r\/place canvas result. It's in the bottom right.](https://preview.redd.it/e6elnil80tq81.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650c183b0481d2485d17dd2abd80058f05142458) + +Huge shout out to u/DisproportionateWill, [u/ChippThaRipp,](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChippThaRipp/) and a large cohort of people who’ve created such a detailed plan: + +This is something that requires fast-paced coordination and communication. There’s also a strategy associated which you can check out below. + +—--------------------------------------—-------------------------------------- + +# Discord + +As such, we’ll have a channel dedicated to r/place on our discord server: + +[https://discord.com/invite/hgJmtEeJ](https://discord.com/invite/hgJmtEeJ) + +So, please join the discord server and let’s smash this out of the park. + +—--------------------------------------—-------------------------------------- + +# Strategy + +Beginning of [u/ChippThaRipp](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChippThaRipp/)’s [post about the strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEPlace/comments/tt6mty/updated_gme_rplace_strategy_please_provide/) (there are more details within about how r/place actually functions): [https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEPlace/comments/tt6mty/updated\_gme\_rplace\_strategy\_please\_provide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEPlace/comments/tt6mty/updated_gme_rplace_strategy_please_provide/) + +Efforts will be prioritized based on the position of a component within the image above, this is to ensure that we get at least one key component on the canvas as it’s a large undertaking and we’re unsure how many people will actually help out (hedging our bets). + +* **Priority 1: Gamestop Logo** +* **Priority 2: GME Ticker** +* **Priority 3: DFV** +* **Priority 4: Loopring and Immutable** + +Please check out the post from Ripps above, as it goes into A LOT more detail. + +I’m sure many people with have lots of different feedback, bring it to the discord - it’ll be chaos, fun chaos though. As said before, people have put a lot of effort into coming up with this design and building out the strategy, so if you do have feedback - try to make it actionable straight away as things will move fast. + +With that all said, let’s have some fun. Don't forget to join our discord to help out! [https://discord.com/invite/hgJmtEeJ](https://discord.com/invite/hgJmtEeJ) +For some reason I just can't wrap my head around this, maybe someone can explain it like I'm five. + +When there's an asset or economic bubble, prices go up and up as people continue pouring more money in. Suddenly, for whatever reason, the bubble bursts and investors rush for the exit. A lot of people don't make it to the exit in time, and these people are left with huge losses. + +But I mean, the wealth doesn't just disappear, does it? I mean, it has to go somewhere? Where does it go? + +I hope this question makes sense. +I'm very close to fatFIRE and this community has been really helpful. I'm curious if there are podcasts, books, etc. that discuss the tax/investment strategies, lifestyle, and pitfalls for people at this stage. Basically, any good resources beyond this community? +I keep running into comments about different stocks on different platforms about “short squeezes” and when I look at their short float it’s at like 3-4%. Are people that clueless that they think everything is gonna be like gme and is anyone actually believing this nonsense. +Pls + +http://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-trader-bets-it-all-on-apple-getting-crushed-after-earnings-2017-01-30 + +http://i.imgur.com/9hWYLOv.jpg + +https://gfycat.com/SizzlingLivelyHarborporpoise + +When Canadian autism hits critical mass. +https://youtu.be/OgZUvESyxbU?t=39s + + +TLDR: #CanaBan2017 +Feeling a little lighter on your feet today guys? + +Good. + +But this shit is far from over. + +That feeling that you have the titillation, the exuberance, shove it down. + +Cold, resolved, and calculated. + +These are the emotions you need to be feeling during this. + +Leave nothing on the table, this ran too hard and too fast today. The stops are pulled. There is nothing these fuckers will not do to stop us. + +Remember, you deserve this every fucking penny. + +Whether you never had the chance or the opportunity to make something of yourself. If you don't feel worthy. + +You are. + +This is that shot, that opportunity, maybe it was never given to you, maybe you never earned it. + +Well here it is, earn it now... + +Take these fuckers for everything they have because they would do the same to you. + +❤️🦍 + +- Gherkinit + +Edit* + +Market psychology effects everyone, whether it be fear, exuberance, greed etc. For those of you that think you sound so cool saying shit like "what happened today" or bragging about how long you've held. Do not be inconsiderate towards the feelings or concerns others have. +If your zen as fuck and you've been trading the markets since you were a fetus, awesome. + +Then keep it to yourself. + +This is for the thousands of apes that are scared, uniformed, nervous. The ones that don't know what comes next or feel that they don't deserve what's yet to come. The ones who have everything to lose and everything to gain. + +Be there to support them. +Use your zen for good. +I have a fat fire target of $30m. 10x from our current NW. We have a high savings rate and now our invested capital should start compounding nicely. + +I shared my goal with some close friends and the feedback has been you don’t need that much money. + +We live a upper middle class lifestyle now and could splurge on luxurious and lower our fatFire target. + +Questions for the already FatFired on the thread, do you wish you would have spent more and had a lower target? + +For those that have $10m, do you “feel” rich? Or just upper middle class? + +Promise I’m not trolling and sorry if I’m missing any information or not using the thread correctly. +I recently finished rehabbing my first house-hack property. + +I have zero expenses beside the house, and have a full-time stable income of about 40k year + +I have about $10k liquid and no clue what to do with it. + +Per my financing, I have to live in my current house-hack for a year. + +My goal is to buy 4 more units of buy-and-hold discounted multi family, this year. + +What strategy do you recommend I take in the coming months? + +(Added age for context of life situation) +From a longevity perspective which one is more suitable. + +* Public company like National Insurance, LIC, United India - have capping and limitations yet seems more secure to stay with for rest of the life +* Good Private on the other hand ( HDFC ERGO, MAX, ICICI ) - Have more benefits, large cover, no capping .. yet doesn't not inculcate confidence to stay with. As on date these firms look promising, but the risk that comes to mind is loosing a policy post retirement .. when it is required the most. + +What is your opinion? Does this decision vary for someone who's in 30s than someone who's close to 50? + +&#x200B; + +Edit : How's HDFC ERGO ? My agent is pushing me to switch from United to HDFC + + + +Guys, this is pure dynamite 🧨 A post on LinkedIn by Peter Hann, the investment manager of the city of Calgary officially sharing in detail all the fckery by Shitadel and friends he is seeing. + +It’s obviously very helpful if not only simple minded apes and belittled retail investors share their frustration but if also professional traders like him tell the public what is going on here (although he is unfortunately a paper hand and not a 💎 handed ape it is a brave move to call them out in his position) + +While the post is about the movie stock the manipulation methods obviously apply 1:1 to GME and are fully in line with our DD but if a guy like him makes it public at LinkedIn it will certainly draw some attention . Let’s see how long it will be allowed to be online...💥💪 + +Peter Hann CFA, Investment Portfolio Manager at City of Calgary +https://www.linkedin.com/in/canfxguru + +“Short's managed to get #Moviestock off the NYSE Threshold list last Friday, not clear exactly how this was done but looks like exposure converted from Fails to Deliver (#FTD) to outright naked shorts and then packaged into the #IWM ETF. + +I'm really not going to waste more brain power on this. Citadel is a market marker and between them and their "friend" #Virtu control 80% of retail orders. They can more or less dictate price on slow volume days. + +Allegations of buy orders being delayed as much as 35 days through Citadels data flow. How likely is that? Hard to verify baring an audit, but it is true that dark pool trading accounted for over 65% of volume for the last 5 trading days and over 50% over the last month. + +Meanwhile, retail orders continue to be overwhelmingly buy oriented. The only selling is coming from shorts using the dark pools to mute buying pressure. The short-ladder attacks from last week seem to shifted to a numb inducing slow drip lower. + +The degree of overt manipulation is mind blowing. + +I am told #Citadel employs a team of psych Phd's to design price moves designed to drive retail interest away. The media attacks are clearly not working so the recent price campaign has escalated, driving it from $59 to $39 last week, a brief surge back to $49 and today's slow drip from $46.50 to $42.50 at the close. + +I really think Citadel needs to fire their pysch experts. Most retail is holding and bought large amounts in March. Many likely did sell a small amount in June like I did, to cover their initial investment. For example, I was long at $9.60 and sold at $53.40, enough to cover my buy in and show a decent realized gain. + +My remaining position is a free rider. The price could go down to $12 and many holders would still be in the money. There were 3.2 million retail holders in March, there are likely 5 million now, there has been no dilution so how are new buyers finding shares without the price rising considerably? + +The longer Citadel delays this, the more the final bill will grow. The #DTCC has put most of their amendments into effect, so one wonders just how much free reign the #SEC will give Citadel and the 22 other shorts before strongly worded suggestions become more forcibly made directions. I thought in March the situation was a danger to financial stability. + +At this point I give up worrying about it as it appears officials in Washington have no clue the damage being done. If nothing else, the failure of officials to reign in Citadel all the while the stock is under a huge media spotlight will undermine confidence in the fairness of the market for retail participants. Which in turn will reduce retail activity and hurt longer term profitability for Citadel. + +So stop with the games and get on with popping the cyst.” + +Unfortunately I can’t even post the official link here as it contains the name of the movie stock company but I posted it also on Etoro and include the ETORO link here which will take you to the original LinkedIn post....🙈: https://etoro.tw/3hz0MDe +Forgive my hyperbolic title, but I can’t help but notice that many people are still assuming real estate prices are stable. From talking to residential and commercial brokers in my network, it seems like transactions haven’t slowed down. Additionally, every time I refresh this sub I see people asking about buying properties that haven’t seen any significant price decline since the pandemic began. + +The macroeconomic data is terrible, tenants are defaulting across the country, retail and hospitality are getting slaughtered, but residential and other commercial buyers don’t seem fazed. What gives? +Do you ever have those times when you are sure about your strategy and when you finally place your order, the trend starts to go in the opposite direction? We traders face this all the time. Some people give up and exit there positions without any logic other than they are losing their trade. The strong ones stay in their trade because they have seen situations like this before. The only way they exit is if there is a logical not emotional reason to exit. This is the small percent of traders that end up doing this for the long run. This market messes with you all the time. You must keep your emotions out of it. This why trading psychology is more important than you set up. +&#x200B; + +[Banner Submission by u\/New\_Competition4723](https://preview.redd.it/3xrflle340w61.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f8ae16a645df808e05a223f43fdd5f6b5e1aab0) + +# Good Morning Superstonk!! + +🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍🖍 + +Does everyone have their permission slips for the AMA today? Did you remember to bring a banana and crayon sack lunch? We [vibing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzya83/me_n_the_boys_vibin_to_this_every_time_gme_spikes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)? Good! Let's get it! + +&#x200B; + +[3pm EDT](https://preview.redd.it/92uchfw6n0w61.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7c13d8fca5127935aa16d086e519137fa9786bf) + +I've been going on all week about this AMA and talking about how excited the mod team is to be bringing you this level of relevant information on our ~~little~~ growing platform on reddit (and now YouTube). I've been telling you all about [Dr. T](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_Yv0ojfOl4) and getting you familiar with who she is and just how long she has been fighting the good fight, trying to expose naked short selling for what it is. It's admirable. It's legendary. And up until now, she has never met such a large group of apes, willing to learn and evolve to better understand this big, beautiful picture that is coming together. + +&#x200B; + +But I also want to temper expectations. + +&#x200B; + +There will be no planned questions about dO YoU tHiNk ThE sQuEEzE wIlL sQuOzE?! Dr. Trimbath is a professional and we respect her valuable time. She is doing this for us for free. And u/atobitt is a well trusted ape that is perfectly capable of representing this sub eloquently and succinctly. You've got this buddy. Good luck today 💪 + +&#x200B; + +Having said that, Dr. T has been reading up on some of the "God Tier" DDs such as those authored by u/atobitt. So she is familiar with where ape is at on the evolution chart. Spoiler:>!not far.!< But she has not been in this rocket since January with us. She's not aware of some of the nuances that we have discovered with our peer reviewed DDs that we share here. And as much as she has read and seen while lurking, no one has the answers to everything. + +We are capable of continuing to evolve as a community, and the interview with Dr. Trimbath today is proof of that. It's kinda like sitting at the big kids table for the first time, huh? \**Tries desperately not to spill ketchup on the tablecloth\** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gy0blpp4b1w61.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a65abc1d4ebab76b48c6d25c74bdf44404803db + +[**AMA**](https://youtu.be/9rKS92zwh_o) **starts today at 3pm EDT. Here's a** [**time zone converter**](https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/) **for my smooth brain babies.** + +&#x200B; + +Here's Brick Tamland aka u/Bye_Triangle with the Breaking News + +# 🚨Breaking News- Proxy Documents Released🚨 + +BREAKING NEWS + +I HAVE BREAKING NEWS! + +... YELLING!!!! + +Most of you know Gamestop released their Proxy Documents. This is a very hot topic and so a lot of people are linking it all over the place. We have received reports of attempts at getting users to click phishing links. We advise you to access the proxy documents and voting site, through OFFICIAL CHANNELS ONLY. That is to say, by one of the following methods: + +\-Through the GameStop Corporate website, accessible through a link on the bottom of [Gamestop.com](https://gamestop.com/) + +\-or- + +\-Through links provided by your broker + +**As many of you know there are lots of bad actors around right now, so it's best we are careful. Just like how we don't talk about positions, just an important precautionary measure.** + +When the proxy docs came out, I excitedly jumped for joy. Another opportunity to bring you apes more breaking news... yes, please! I immediately said to pink that I was going to dive in and deliver a full deep-dive report, I couldn't wait... + +[https://imgur.com/a/v1K08uU](https://imgur.com/a/v1K08uU) + +So yeah, I may have jumped the gun.. 54 pages and then all the supporting research to see what is and isn't actually that relevant. So... instead of a fully fleshed out deep dive, for now, I bring to a broader overview of some of the highlights: + +\-Despite a pandemic year, GameStop only lost 9.5% of sales, which seems pretty bullish considering that all year they suffered closures across the USA and elsewhere. + +\-Perhaps it was because GameStop saw an increase of 191% in their Ecommerce sale! This due in large part to the huge improvements they made over the course of 2020 + +\-The board Recommends voting for ALL nominees (That includes George Sherman) + +How to vote: + +[Lot word](https://preview.redd.it/dftqbwx251w61.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=663511e0ba42d84fa8dd0da75c1a83242c86147c) + +There is lots more info these pages, I am still working through them myself. I may do a deeper dive in the future if some wrinkle-brained ape doesn't get to it first. I encourage any and all apes to spend some time combing through the proxy docs, who knows what you'll find! Also, this is the company you are invested in, telling you about your investment, so it's worth reading the summary at least. + +Back to you, u/Pinkcatsonacid! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/mitm2w7ir1w61.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=a15f203ced7f63ddab7e3b074ca4800005176468 + +# Annual Reports + +Alright, I'm quoting u/luridess on the annual reports because she is wrinkly and lovely and astute and I know you won't read it if I just link it: + +&#x200B; + +**Here's the TLDR 🦍 Translation of a Company's** **Annual Reports:** + +* A company's "[Annual Reports](https://investor.gamestop.com/financial-information/annual-reports)" is just a fancy way of sharing their annual SEC 10-k filing with the public. +* Information in an Annual Report includes: + * Letter to Shareholders (new) + * SEC 10-K filing (not new information - usually submitted at fiscal year end a month or so before) + * Fancy corporate information at the end of the report (new) +* You can find all official corporate documentation on: + * [a company's website](https://investor.gamestop.com/financial-information/sec-filings) or + * [on the SEC website](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=0001326380) +* You DO NOT NEED to visit any proxy sites to obtain this information +* DO NOT TRUST ANYONE - Only follow links to proxy sites that you find on: + * the official company website; or + * in documents filed on the SEC website + +&#x200B; + +So please, stop hyping up Gamestop's 2020 Annual Report (regardless of when it's being released) or any legal document or corporate filing, before you actually read it and understand what it's about. + +**What you are doing is:** + +* giving shills an opportunity to make similar posts using fake links for phishing/scam/fud purposes +* setting yourselves up for disappointment - example: OMG ANNUAL FILING RELEASED MOASS CONFIRMED (when that is not actually the case) +* setting yourselves up to be fooled/manipulated by actual shills who want to spread FUD - example: OMG ANNUAL FILING RELEASED BUT NO MOON I'M SELLING THIS IS FAKE YOU SHOULD SELL TOO + +I know we are all excited and we want this thing to moon... but we have to be careful about the information we are posting and read things with a critical eye. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# SEC Director of Enforcement Alex Oh, Former Wall Street Defense Attorney, Resigns + +So [a statement](https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-sec-enforcement-director-alex-oh-resigns-agency-says-11619644474) by the new head of the SEC Gary Ginsler (who, by the way, hired Alex Oh as his first hire in his new position) is really all I want to focus on here. As [sus](https://bettermarkets.com/newsroom/resignation-sec-s-new-enforcement-director-opportunity-break-sec-s-corrupting-practice) as this is, the main takeaway is the quote, "I thank Alex for her willingness to serve the country at this important time." + +It was a very vague, broad statement to make on the matter. Though I wouldn't say much about a new employee that decided to show up for less than a week, get full access to everything currently being investigated, ~~randomly run a few paper shredders~~, then bounce, either. + +But what the hell is this "important time" Mr. Ginsler is talking about? I understand there is still a pandemic and such, but what could the SEC deem so important right now? The market is strong, banks are showing better-than-expected quarterly earnings, just like they did in [2008](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mseyai/chaos_theory_the_final_connection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and... wait... oh no. Mr. Stonk, I don't feel so good....🤷‍♀️ + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# A note from your friendly local pink cat 🐈 + +I haven't been able to interact as much in the comments, and I'm sorry for that!! I'm swimming in new responsibilities that I'm taking on with a ferocious appetite! I'm so proud of u/redchessqueen99, u/StonkU2, u/Bye_Triangle, u/atobitt, and all the other mods that have been seriously working their tail ends off to bring you guys the evolution that is happening before your eyes within this sub. It's a labor of love that is starting to feel just a little bit like destiny. Remember when we migrated from WSB to GME? PinkCats remembers. Remember when we made the largest subreddit jump in reddit history and moved to our new home of r/Superstonk? Look at what this community has created. We are broadcasting our peer reviewed findings on our very own YouTube channel today. To the world. And the world is watching (hello world!) because there is magic in this jungle. 🍌🍌🍌🍌🦄🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8xwfrewpj1w61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6304d77f8486a0453f742323ff5dd9eeec4ead0 + +**Be excellent to each other!!!** + +Be friendly, help others! + +We are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes.** + +**This helps us weed out the shills really fast, because if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out.** + +Remember the fundamentals of this company. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bu7oz9wtj1w61.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6b6acd4ddc777c46d13fb74a984c0b2f8b6c3de + +**Links you should read if you have time:** + +[**https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy**](https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy) + +[💖](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzyo82/the_big_picture_is_beautiful/) + +**Links to socials:** + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) +I'm a simple ape. + +Someone mentioned Sears surging 100% today. And it got a lot of attention. Which is good, cause crime. I tried posting about sears Canada in the at thread and I felt like it didn't really get the attention (the topic, not my comment) it deserved. + + +I don't know how to post anything other than the stuff I type. + +So go check it out. That's the biggest surge I've ever seen on any stock or any crypto for that matter. Sears Canada. +I have a feeling we are about to absolutely explode. + +- today’s volume is a record low +- with today’s record low, we still went up $4.00 per share +- 3 record low days in a row +- chart exchange is pretty much locked at an ask price of $4000+ (https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/) +- bollinger bands are tighter than your grandmothers butthole and are getting tighter + +I feel like the spring is coiling up and is about to bust its gargantuan nut + +🚀 +**Sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/sec-amend-13-f** + + +Retail Investors demand more visibility into institutional trading and borrowing. Anyone investing over 1 billion dollars (i.e. hedge funds and other investment institutions) is required to disclose their holdings to promote transparency in our markets - it's called Form 13-F. **But did you know that they only need to disclose it 4 times a year? And did you know its published with a 1 month delay? And did you know that they don't need to disclose all of their positions?** + + +We the people are asking for a re-evaluation of transparency requirements for Institutional Investors. We have access to technology and data that gives us new sophistication - and are beginning to understand there is a tremendous disparity in access between retail and institutional investors, and are concerned that this access is being used against us, in ways that we genuinely worry could be in flagrant violation of Securities Laws. We believe that with better access to institutional trading data, retail investors can better participate in the market when making buying and selling decisions. + + +**According to Form 13F (https://www.sec.gov/files/form13f.pdf), Institutional Investors only need to disclose their positions 4 times a year. Why?** + + +*Filing of Form 13F. A Manager must file a Form 13F report with the Commission within 45 days after the end of each calendar year and each of the first three calendar quarters of each calendar year. As required by Section 13(f)(5) of the Exchange Act, a Manager which is a bank, the deposits of which are insured in accordance with the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, must file with the appropriate regulatory agency for the bank a copy of every Form 13F report filed with the Commission pursuant to this subsection by or with respect to such bank. Filers who file Form 13F electronically can satisfy their obligation to file with other regulatory agencies by sending (a) a paper copy of the EDGAR filing (provided the Manager removes or blanks out the confidential access codes); (b) the filing in electronic format, if the regulatory agency with which the filing is being made has made provisions to receive filings in electronic format;* + + +**In your FAQ (https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/13ffaq.htm), it is clear Institutional Investors are not required to disclose short positions. Why?** + + +*Question 41 +Q: What about short positions? +A: You should not include short positions on Form 13F. You also should not subtract your short position(s) in a security from your long position(s) in that same security; report only the long position.* + + +**Contact the SEC and let them know retail investors demand increased transparency (https://www.sec.gov/contact-information/sec-directory)** +Cohen just pulled off one of the most amazing plays of this whole saga. Basically, he’s telling retail that it’s on retail for how long to hold during squeeze, that they won’t partake in the squeeze and none of those 3.5 million shares will be available later for shorts to cover. They did this by using their enemies as allies, sneaking shares into the market and making everyone think, including the various shorting entities, that it was shorting keeping the sp down, that the short strategy was working. Shorts weren’t covering during that time, they’ve proven they’ll fight to the bitter end, which means most of those shares went to retail or longs at a discount. Now gme is cocked and locked to go out there and make a huge acquisition, or can also use that money to buy up shares if sp dips too low from short attacks (filing recently came out about their right to purchase shares from time to time as they see fit) or can offer a dividend if it comes to it. They have $ options, all of them terrifying to shorts, and they barely diluted the float. What a play! +ULTRA EDIT: Huge thanks to u/davegtturbo who literally scrapped through a recording of the entire day of TV to find the original archive. Never have I seen more retarded work in my life so thank you my brother. + +part 1 (8:20am) - https://streamable.com/itg5o9 + +part 2 (8:21am) - https://streamable.com/a032gu + +part 3 (8:22am) - https://streamable.com/ehm7ah + +part 4 (8:23am) - https://streamable.com/g7r98b + +ALSO : +https://youtu.be/teQY6xIyvps?t=155 +him being equally sus about Tesla in the same interview which was taken down. Only available in this review video on Youtube + +------------------------------------------------------- + +The media interview used to be a 4-5minutes video about GameStop, where he explicitly says “GameStop” and now it’s been cut everywhere to be a 2 minute video with no mention of GameStop. + +Go check it out for yourselves, we’ve all seen it by now from CNBC. They changed it! + +A) wtf sus shill omg + +B) did anyone record the OG footage? + +EDIT: + +Link 1: altered video + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVBdyYynDNE&feature=youtu.be + +Link 2: a 4-5 minute segment of another topic on the same interview. Clearly they had no problem keeping this one 4-5 minutes long! + +https://youtu.be/Qk8x_638aIg + + +EDIT 2: + +I emailed CNBC about it and I’ve taken screenshots which prove the tampering such as time stamps which no longer make sense. I also commented on the YouTube video with hopes to shed some light on this... + +EDIT 3: I FUCKING FOUND [IT](https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/squawk-pod/id1480890290?i=1000509705599) + +The episode is 21 minutes long.... all the other ones are 40 minutes long. My god they completely nuked this off the face of the earth. +This is really the only place I can share my story since I can't explain FIRE to any regular person. And yes I admit this is kind of a humble brag, I am quite happy with my situation. Also, I feel this is a bit different from the usual "Bay area tech industry, 6 figure salary" stories for some change. Funny enough, my brother is a $100k USD+ techy in a HCOL city with a fortune 500 company, but that's beside the point. + +**Backstory** + +I work in the hospitality industry at a restaurant which comes with a unique situation. I have no benefits, nor time paid off but get to choose exactly how much I want to work. No formal education other than a couple of college courses, but a lot of time spent independently educating myself to further my career. + +I live in Toronto, Canada. Share a 700sqft 2br with a roommate in the downtown core. Live relatively frugally in some areas, but also splurge an absurd amount in others. I recognize I am very fortunate to be in the situation I am in, and also that there are many ways I can still improve my spending. Anyway, break down of my finances from past 12 months. + +**Finances** + +Essentials | Amount +---|--- +Rent | $890 +Phone | $50 +Internet | $30 +Insurance | $45 +Hydro | $30 +**Non-essentials** | +Groceries | $160 +Hobbies | $30 +Public Transit | $80 +Cab/Uber | $50 +Coffee | $20 +Dining | $450 +Monthly Total | $1,845/mth +--- | --- +**Yearly** | +Vacation | $3,000 +Education | $1,500 +Misc. Purchases | $1,000 +--- | --- +Total | $27,520/yr + + +Breakdown | Amount +---|--- +Approx. Income | $75,500 +Income Tax | $19,000 +Spending | $27,500 +Savings | $29,000 +Savings % (post tax) | 51% +Current portfolio | $85,000 +Years to FIRE | 13-15 Yrs + +**Couple notes:** + +1. **Insurance**, for now, is just renter's insurance and long-term disability insurance. I bought the latter due to the risks associated with working a physically dependent job. I also need to buy extended medical coverage soon, for things not covered by Canadian health care. + +2. **I walk to work** every day, a nice perk of living in the downtown core, 15 mins usually. But the public transit costs are still quite high because I often go around the city for other activities. + +3. **My hobbies**, outside of dining out, are mostly free or extremely cheap. I play sports at the community center which is usually free. I am competing in an amateur billiards league. The league is very affordable and I practice during the days when the rates are lower. A small perk of working nights I guess. + +4. **My dining budget is obscenely high**, I know. In my defense, it is my only serious vice. Also, it is my profession, being well informed about the current state of the industry and food scene has helped me in my career. + +5. **Education** covers the many books I buy and tastings I attend to improve my knowledge and hopefully further my career. + +6. **"Purchases"** is a very broad category that covers random things I end up having to buy. I barely own anything, I never go shopping or own any boy toys. It's mostly things like my laptop breaking after 7 years or having to spend $400+ on formal attire for a new job, these are unavoidable. I rarely spend the full 1k, I save the rest if there is extra. + +7. **I work 45-47h/wk** between my two jobs when I am working. This averages across the year to 44h/wk because I take time off which is unpaid in my profession. Usually, 2 weeks in a single vacation and a couple other random days here and there add up to approx. 3+ weeks off. + +8. **I declare my tips in full**, which is rare in the industry. This really helped me in getting my first lease since I have some proof of income. I also hope this makes it easier for me to get a mortgage, will have to meet with a broker soon to find out for sure. + +9. **Do not quit your job and apply to a restaurant.** My story is a rose-tinted one, 99% of service staff do not make this much. Only several restaurants in major cities pay this well, and those positions are extremely competitive. That being said, if you know what you are getting into and are cut out for it, it is a satisfying and well-paying job. + +EDIT: Because this has come up in several comments + +Note 10. I get fed at work, a very common perk of any decent restaurant. Although this is the first time it is being listed on my paystub as a taxable benefit LOL. My new company is very above board... +He has a net worth of $130m and that seems very low compared to some other investors, yet hes one of the most looked up to value invester along with Buffet, and Munger. + +Whats the hype around him in the value investing circle? +You're going to need to provide a few months of complete bank statements for a loan and then maybe more to prove your deposit came from your account and cleared. This means all your spending is in full view of the loan company. You have a couple of deposits to Draft Kings? Maybe a few withdrawals at the local casino? Red Flag! You have a payment or two to Only Fans? Naughty naughty! Or maybe you just don't want anyone to think you're stuck up and spend a ton on money at Whole Foods. + +Using a debit card for your daily spending and/or paying bills with checks or using Bill Pay puts the dirty details of your life into your bank statements. If all that spending is on a credit card that's paid in full every month all that becomes an opaque line item on the statement that the loan officer has no right to ask you about. + +Just something to think about while you're considering getting into real estate investing. +I had some problems with transferring my Bitcoin today. + +So I called the Bitcoin customer service (had the number from a friend). + +They told me to please hold. +I currently own about 20% in a SAAS business that is worth about 150mn right now. Have put blood, sweat and tears into this thing for the last 5 years with my partner. I've been renting in a VHCOL area for the last few years (have a wife and 2 kids) and may be forced to buy next summer due to my landlord wanting to move in to the house. + +&#x200B; + +Within the next few weeks, I'll be selling some secondary shares and will net 1.1mn or so after tax. I'll retain about 18% equity in the company post secondary (about $27mn in value pre-tax). I'll more than likely be selling some more equity (via secondary) within the next 1-2 years as we have great interest from a number of VCs and investors. I currently make 300k in salary. I have about 200k in savings from before..putting me at about $1.3mn available + 300k salary + +&#x200B; + +I'm wanting to buy a home our family (and young kids) can grow into. I enjoy the area I live in and want to buy a nice, big, comfortable house. Budget for said house (that would check all boxes + allow me to live in the current area) is about 2.75-3.25mn. + +&#x200B; + +Would it be dumb to pay the 20% down on a house like that (i.e. 600k on a 3mn house).. put 700k into the market.. and rely on future payouts (future secondary, or exit) like this? Monthly payment on a house would be around 15k per month..so I'd fund that from my salary + savings (+ returns on investments). Is that an insane idea? I really desire to own a home and commit to living here long term. Is relying on future secondary/exit a bad idea? Worst case scenario my remaining equity goes to 0 (highly unlikely) and I'm forced to sell the house. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice is appreciated. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks +Retail investors lose money because they try to play hedge funds at their own game. Hedge funds have better information, better execution, and more resources. Very few retail investors can beat the market with these kinds of disadvantages. But it is possible to win by playing a game in which you have an advantage. + +**Patience** + +The biggest advantage that retail investors have is time. Professional investors are judged monthly. Waiting until an idea works out, usually, isn’t an option. If an idea will only work out in a year, it is too late. By that time, the fund could have shut down, and investors redeemed all their money. + +Retail investors face none of these pressures. If an idea doesn’t work out now, that is okay. Hold onto the idea, wait for the fundamentals to come good, and be patient. + +This isn’t an excuse to hold onto losers, we are looking for undervalued situations with no obvious catalysts. Often, catalysts can’t be predicted, this makes it difficult for professionals to participate in many situations that are undervalued. But retail investors can hold onto these situations knowing that patience will compound their advantage. + +**Quality** + +It gets even worse for professional investors: the market is composed of many other professional investors, their inability to act with patience (or the inability of their investors to do so) actually causes mispricings. + +Performance chasing excerbates cycles. If the market moves up, everyone has to buy. If it falls, everyone has to sell. As a result: low-beta, less volatile, high quality stocks out-perform. + +High quality companies are usually investing capital at a high marginal rate, they grow consistently, their advantage actually compounds over time, and most of their outperformance accrues in bear markets. For professionals, there is often no compelling reason to own stocks like this: no catalyst, and they only outperform in downturns but it is more important to chase performance in a bull market because that is when you can gather asset and fees. It actually makes more sense for professionals to own low-quality trash that you can, hopefully, flip before everything blows up. Retail investors can take advantage of this. + +Briefly: finance theory predicts the opposite. This tells you everything you need to know about how useful most finance theory is. + +**Size** + +This is more straightforward: retail investors can invest in small-caps, professionals cannot. Small-caps are more likely to be mispriced. + +The point at which size limits your actions as a fund manager is lower than most people think. Once you pass £1bn, the UK market becomes very small. Even if you are running less than £1bn, you have issues with liquidity particularly after Woodford. If redemptions start, you have to sell positions which moves prices against you, which could trigger more selling, etc. Even focused small-cap managers will run portfolios with hundreds of stocks to improve liquidity (incorrectly, liquidity is pro-cyclical). This guarantees a mediocre result even in the best case. + +Being able to pick these situations where you have an advantage is huge. + +**Execution Costs** + +The professional's advantage here has fallen significantly over the years but overtrading is still the easiest way to harm performance. Most retail investors overtrade, they hold too many positions, and they make too many transactions that don't enhance returns in excess of transaction cost. + +It is very easy to justify endless trades in your portfolio. The market is always producing information, there are thousands of companies that you could own at any time, and there will always be some combination of companies that outperforms what you already have. Before you make a decision, think carefully: am I going to beat the transaction cost on this trade? + +**Information** + +The gap here is significant. This is how some professional investors do so well despite the huge roadblocks in their way (picking your investors carefully is important too). In many ways, the information gap seems to be insurmountable. + +In most cases, it probably is. Most people don't have the time or resources to dedicate to learning. You cannot compete without a comprehensive knowledge of accounting, finance, etc. And you need a few hours every week to go through financial reports, and related news. Even if you have the basic knowledge, institutions have teams of people, effectively unlimited budget to hire experts, etc. But it isn't hopeless. + +First, retail investors can acquire the basic knowledge: accounting, finance, etc. My personal view on this has varied signficantly over the years: most people fail to make this investment in knowledge, and they are usually unaware of how little knowledge they have. But if you have the interest and time, you can teach yourself accounting, you can teach yourself finance, it is possible. You cannot skip this step though. + +Second, the informational advantage that professional investors have in researching individual stocks is overstated. + +Yes, if the average retail investor dives into some random industrial stock then they are unlikely to have an advantage (unfortunately, this is what most people do). But if you build your knowledge slowly on a limited area, take the time to work out what information is important, and focus on the situations I mention above where professionals can't participate then this disadvantage is signficantly reduced. + +Professional investors have access to large quantities of information, but the quality of information is low. Their basic knowledge is good, but reading an accounting textbook won't turn you into Warren Buffett. Professionalism is not competence, it is just a lower bound on ignorance. The environment that most professionals work in is also highly detrimental to returns: overwhelming rivers of useless information, compliance, training, pointless meetings, etc. So more hours in the day doesn't automatically convert to productivity. + +If a retail investor takes the time to carefully parse information, learn what information is important, and then invests in finding answers it will take longer but that is the only real disadvantage. Whether most retail investors can attain that level of insight is, however, not clear to me. + +**Summary** + +* Make sure you are being paid to wait - low-beta, high-quality stocks. +* Focus on low-efficiency situations - small-cap, no meme stocks, no mega-cap stocks. +* Don’t overtrade. +* Invest in basic knowledge: understand accounts, understand finance, etc. Don’t skip this. +* Go slow, build knowledge on a limited area of the market, invest research time wisely. +* Understand that you are at an informational disadvantage most of the time so you have to build an advantage in the minority of situations. +I will preface this by saying I am not a smart person, I was just determined to make the most out of a shitty situation. I got promoted from quality control to floor manager (3 promotions). A lot of people have a bad attitude in these jobs. They come in and do the bare minimum. I was determined to make an impact with every person I met. A lot of people there speak Spanish so I did my best to learn Spanish. Duolingo + flash cards gave me the ability to speak in present tense Spanish. Making an effort to learn everyone’s name and at least say hello/good morning or Buenos dias for my Spanish speakers. That paired with learning people’s names is very important. I practiced what I preached, I made it clear verbally that I was there to help. Every time I saw an opportunity to help I would attempt to do so. This is exemplary manager behavior 101. I keep a Google doc running on my computer at almost all time that highlights my daily successes and failures. I used this to find out what my weaknesses were and what I was consistently failing and on what days. Referencing this daily gave me the ability to constantly improve. I used this for anything I was told and like a master profile for everything I had learned. Most importantly I aced the interview. I was only able to do this because I prepared for as much I could. + +Things I realized: if you don’t have an exact answer to a question try to give an answer that’s at least close. They prefaced the third and final interview with “if you don’t have answers don’t feel pressured just skip the question.” I skipped zero questions. + +Know the company values, they asked me what all seven were. I could only list 4, but I was able to point out that these values were listed on a specific shirt. + +Know your metrics or what they will be using to measure you with. I try to ask them questions that are difficult for them to answer. For example, it said I would have “KPI’s” I asked them to list them off. These are key performance indicators. The questions you ask them are a direct indicator of your intelligence and knowledge of the job. + +Smile, be happy, be positive and make jokes. Letting them know you bring a vibrant and uplifting attitude is important. They asked me about a conflict and I gave an example where I was attempting to ask for help with a mirror in Spanish. I accidentally asked a coworker to help me grab his wife instead of mirror as the words are very similar (esposa/espejo) that got a good laugh. + +As far as money goes I’ve burned through my savings after getting laid off. I will be moving back in with my dad rent free to save up as much as I can for the next year or so. This will allow me to put a down payment on a house. I’d like a three bedroom two bathroom so I can rent the two rooms out to pay my mortgage. I currently have a 2016 elantra that I will drive into the ground. I have about 6,000$ in debt that I will pay off also. Once that credit card debt is gone I will buy a PC with it and pay it off immediately (because battlefield 6) + +If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask. I’m on my phone so sorry for formatting and grammar. I creep this forum a lot and it’s helped me so if this helps even one person I’ll be happy! + +Have a great day! +I have this question in mind too, that gets asked from time to time, "What do we contribute to society?". Many answers can be given to this, but please read on, this is not what I want to ask. + +What I'm curious about is how do other people react when you tell them you're a trader? Do you feel any backlash, any negative reactions at all? Or is it the opposite, do they think it's cool and interesting? + +**What is your actual experience living life as a trader? Does it affect how You relate to others, or how others relate to you in any way?** E.g. your friends, family and strangers. + +**It would be particularly interesting to see answers from those who had regular jobs or 'meaningful' jobs in the past, but now live off of trading full time.** Did you notice any changes in your overall psychology outside of work, and how you relate to people? Did you notice any changes in how you are perceived as a person? +Someone went into the mobile store, presented a fake ID, and got a new sim card for his phone number. With the new sim card, all his accounts happily sent over password resets, and bank accounts were drained, and a "mid-six figure" sum was stolen out of two crypto accounts. Some other damage, too, that he's trying to track down. + +The friend had been very careful with passwords and the like, but was still vulnerable due to a flaw in the way our whole system works, using phone numbers as identification and verification. I also wonder if he wasn't directly targeted by someone who knew something about him, which is another issue entirely. + +I've already gone to my own provider and added an extra layer of security. [Here's a Wired article](https://www.wired.com/story/sim-swap-attack-defend-phone/) that talks about this vulnerability and some stuff you can do to protect yourself. It's scary to think, though, that a teenager at a mobile phone store might be the only thing standing between you and serious financial harm. +In my 30s and done reasonably well for myself but I am sure there is an entire world to learn from and to avoid making same mistakes that others made. I am in my mid 30s and want to know what people in their 40s think are do's and don'ts when it comes to personal financial organization/planning. The advise could range from Risks ratio, Cash savings, insurance, personal/family budgeting, or anything related to financial well being that people in their 40s think made a huge difference to(both positive or negative). Open for people to add anything additionally. Let's make this thread the best thread for people in their 30s. + +Cheers +I did what many of you guys have done. I was up before 5am every day, went to work and worked hard. Had great project success. + +In the same time I bought cash flowing real estate and even started a small software company that earns passive income. Everything is pretty secure. + +&#x200B; + +1 year ago I decided to quit a job that was essentially work from home or out of my private office downtown. It was literally the best job a person could have. (They made all kinds of weird exceptions to recruit me. It lead to resentment at the company and I would never suggest getting into that arrangement.) + +The past year has been horrible for me. The lack of socialization, need to get out of the house and even impulsive urges such as drinking at home have taken their toll on me. This year long experiment is over. Hopefully I am still hire-able. + +We will see. It will be fun to get back into the workforce for a bit. I'll be curious to see how it works out. + +**Anybody else do this and decide to go back?** +Everyone, + +TIME is the enemy of Wall Street. They’re running like a chicken with no head. They have to COVER and pay INTEREST!! + +AS LONG AS YOU HOLD AND DONT SELL, those big dips are NOT REALIZED LOSSES! They’re just psychological losses to make you DOUBT AND SELL! + +Brokers restricting PURCHASE of these stocks is creating an UNFAIR ratio of SUPPLY and due to the restriction of stock it creates a LOW DEMAND! Therefore when there’s a big supply and low demand is when the stock price goes down. However, there is A LOT OF DEMAND and that’s why they’re playing DIRTY and restricted purchase to CREATE A FAKE LOW DEMAND! That’s why there are lawsuits. + +1) HOLD AND BUY THE DIPS + +2) DONT LET WALL STREET BULLY YOU + +3) AS DAY PASSES WALL STREET CONTINUE TO BLEED since they have to cover and pay interest + +4)HOLD AND BUY🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕 + +5)REMOVE YOUR STOP LOSSES❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️ + +6) SET LIMIT AS HIGH AS YIU CAN + +7) DO NOT LOCK IN GAINS because you want to BUY DIPS. With the restriction, this strategy is not plausible + +8) AMC/GME ruled out bankruptcy so your stock won’t be $0 + +9) DOUBLE CHECK any news or analyst or posts as they may try to scare you with fake facts. Do your own DD + +10) think positive of the BIG REWARD. You CANT lose more than your total investment but GAINS ARE LIMITLESS and this is what’s SCARING wallstreet. (Example if you invested 10k, all you would lose would be 10k but could be walking away with 100k, 1 million , 10 million depending on the resilience of all of us to BUY AND HOLD🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕) + +11) Check (barstool el presidente) David Portnoy’s videos where he simplified and explains the illegal shit wallstreet is doing. Gotta love this man +Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/fw82ow/after\_2\_years\_of\_daytrading\_7\_months\_full\_time/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/fw82ow/after_2_years_of_daytrading_7_months_full_time/) + +Part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/j3zlqi/my\_1\_year\_anniversary\_of\_full\_time\_day\_trading\_3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/j3zlqi/my_1_year_anniversary_of_full_time_day_trading_3/) + +&#x200B; + +\*\*TL;DR\*\* - I’m still trading. It’s still boring and gets more boring by the week. Trading’s easy once you figure it out ("It" being a defined style/strategy). It's up or down and profit or loss. But it has become more and more boring. It is 80% mental. The other 20% is simply executing flawlessly. This is just me publicly documenting my career as a trader and until I hang it up (No time soon), I’ll keep doing these. Sometimes they’ll be better than others. I don't think one will be all that fun or cool to read. Perhaps it'll become more similar to the others but whatever info I can add, I'll surely add it to the threads I post every 180 days. + +# I'll go over: + +\*\*1) How to create a strategy\*\* + +\*\*2) When times get tough\*\* + +\*\*3) Tips to those wanting to go full time trading and how to help get to $25,000 (and then some) in order to make as many trades as you want.\*\* + +\*\*4) Balancing life (This is a serious one because you don't know what you're getting into)\*\* + +It’s hard to really give such granular suggestions for beginners the longer you do this for since small succinct things are 2nd nature for me by now. So again, refer to the other links and start from the beginning post I made 1 year ago. One thing I’ve noticed with trading communities. People come and go. You'll see an account giving what seems great advice, making daily posts, then poof gone. Queue the next hot topic Redditor. + +So here’s another post to link it to the previous 2. In it are more things I’ve learned over my time as a full time trader. + +Summary: At first, you’ll be addicted to the charts, obsessed with learning, and craving to find what defines your strategy. You’ll get pulled one way or another from different ideas/strategies/styles of trading. **Just pick one** and track it. Times will get tough so be ready to marry and die by your strategy. Lastly, have a balanced life. Finding things to do is cheap. + +&#x200B; + +# 1) How to create a strategy: + +&#x200B; + +Ask yourself - + +•"What puts a stock on your watchlist?" + +\*Is it a technical criteria?\* + +\*Is it a certain amount of shares traded PMKT?\* + +\*Is it a certain type of news event?\* + +• "What puts you into a trade?" + +\*Is it a pattern?\* + +\*Is it something you see on L2/Time & Sales?\* + +&#x200B; + +Now document it and review the statistics! Go find those patterns you see on YouTube or books you've read. Sift through all the charts. You don't need to come to reddit with your 47 \[lagging\] indicator charts asking, "Is this a good strategy?"... Not sure, man, do you want us to spend 40+ hours backtesting the title of your post? What do YOUR stats say? The Law of Large Numbers allows you to see the health, growth, and drawdowns then you can assess what you can and can’t mentally and financially handle over a long period of time. The more “events” (trades) in your documentation... the better. Excel works just fine. It's cheap. Get it. You want to make money but won't spend it? Get real. + +Document the data and then if you want, share the stats here along with your thesis and rules (if you're comfortable with the latter. Mine are in previous posts). I've chatted and worked with other traders who give ideas and we'll review them... only to find subpar stats that will result in poor EV. Meanwhile I've worked with people who have what seems like silly strategies but the stats say that it works well. + +Simply put. Have an idea and start documenting. You'll wind up with 500+ documented trades in a backtest then you can go back and start trimming the fat for that "Perfect Setup". + +&#x200B; + +\*\*Here’s something that will ruffle a lot of feathers:\*\* Patterns don’t mean much or "work better than others". They aren't some cheat code. They are simply “Events” or “Triggers” that allow you to capitalize on your thesis that you believe will move in the direction you think that stock/currency/option will go. Yes, these patterns do hold merit since you can identify, "That is an <insert\_pattern>, It made me X dollars or X Risk Units in my documented data". People who move the market, aren’t worried about your 1’ Bull flag pennant so they can “trick you and stop hunt” you out for your $300 risk. I speak on the behalf of those who trade tickers with a $500,000,000 market cap since that's what I trade. Perhaps it's different for small cap low float stocks so I'm not sure, I gave up on those a couple years ago. + +\*\*Patterns only tell me:\*\* + +•When to get in. + +•When to get out. + +•How many shares to buy or short. (StopSize) + +`Risk ÷ (Entry - Stop) = Shares to buy or short.` + +How hard is that? Now find a bunch of those “Events” and track them in excel. Am I using the cookie cutter/training wheel patterns I see in trading books? Yup. People ask all the time. “What patterns do you trade”... look at my Twitter (CJT2013). There’s a few videos in there. It’s pretty obvious. I’m a “Buy high; sell higher” or “Breakout” trader. If you can’t figure it out. It’s probably because the book or YouTuber trying to sell a course where you never even get to speak with the one “teaching” you, only wants to show you the easy stuff to lure you in. Live trading is rarely “Textbook” like you see in Google images or the books you buy. You want to make money trading 30 minutes a day on the open making full time income? Cool. Clock in. Put in the work and screen time until you’re tired. It took me a longer than “5 months of hard study” to learn statistics/trading and how to manipulate data then extract info out of it. + +&#x200B; + +Want to know if a trade is good? Ask yourself, "Would I risk this month's mortgage/rent payment on it?" If the answer is, "No", then you either haven't documented said "Event" enough to see the statistics behind it to feel comfortable or confident in the trade. (No I'm not saying you should risk 4 figures on a trade. Matter of fact, when I see my edge, I feel like the risk on the trade isn't enough but statistically the Risk of Ruin is 0%. + +&#x200B; + +I’d rather risk $1,000 on 10 PERFECT trades like a sniper than risk $100 on 100 “ok” trades like a machine gunner. I’m an “All systems go” trader. When my exact criteria is met 100%. I put a good chunk of change on that 1 trade. $500. (Last year was $100) If I see one thing wrong with it, I’ll sit and wait. If you’re not disciplined, the market will destroy your account and laugh at you while it happens. The market isn’t this nice place where you click green button and print money while “understanding” there are losses. People who sell you shares/currencies/options are thinking they got you. They're offloading baggage onto you for your money. When you sell shares/currencies/options.. someone out there thinks they're getting 1 up on you and taking that opportunity from you. + +Successful traders loathe losing more than they love profiting; that mentality enables the discipline to take only perfect trades. Don’t confuse this with fear of loss or unwillingness to take your StopLoss though. + +&#x200B; + +# 2) Times will get tough + +There will be months you absolutely feel like you're on top of the world making money like nobody's business and others you start rethinking the career choice. Being done before 11AM then nothing... Everyone's at work and it's just you. There will be months trade after trade comes through the pipeline then others where the market is slower than watching paint dry and you'll start breaking small tiny rules because, "I've been noticing" starts being said a lot. 4 trades in a row will only get to 2.7R when your target is 3R then you'll start decreasing your target to catch profits. + +\*\*Bleed for what you believe in.\*\* It won't always go your way. + +&#x200B; + +There will be months where your Sharpe Ratio and EV remain the same, but the trading frequency isn't there resulting in less money made. If you attach yourself to the money, you'll be discouraged that you're not making enough money but that's trading for you. Don't sit on the 4th week of the month saying to yourself, "Wow, I've only made X dollars I must be doing something wrong". Nope. Sometimes your edge just isn't there and \*\*statistically backed trades\*\* cannot be made since they aren't present. + +Here's a hasty example of what that looks like so you can visualize. Yes, you may be taking solid trades with +EV but if the trades just aren't there, you won't make as much money as your think you will. Now if the trading frequency stays low... increase the risk IF the risk of ruin is still low... <0.05% is my rule. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Having a +EV over 0.75 is my goal. If at any time it falls below that point I try to find trading errors that I may have made\/overlooked. What I'm wanting to point out is that P\/L is not an indicator for how well you're trading. Sometimes business is just slower than other times... like any other business endures.](https://preview.redd.it/2tkwi06rdbq61.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=db0d1e05f77898976a4bdbd746f187097e5f8165) + +&#x200B; + +# 3) Tips for those wanting to go full time + +I get asked all the time, "What books should I read". I said in that original post, "90% are fluff". Well I redact that statement. Read them all. You'll get information out of them and formulate your own style of trading. My way is only 1 of thousands of ways to trade. + +So you learned about trading recently and want to live the life of a full time trader without a boss telling your what to do. First off, being a trader doesn't give you that freedom. Your business plan is your boss. Honor it or you admit you don't respect your word. + +I see people all the time harping on the PDT rule requiring $25,000 to day trade. I hated it too. The market will always be there tomorrow so save up.. there's your answer. Save and paper trade while you do it. + +Go through your own personal finances. See where your dripping money into unneeded things/vices. Is going out really worth it? Doing the same thing over and over and over week after week? Go through the last 5 months of bank statements and see what you really didn't have to spend money on. Then visualize the data. See exactly where you nickel and dime yourself out of money then be disciplined enough to resolve it. + +•Sell your car and drive a beat up cash car. Your car doesn't need to be cammed or more tint. + +•Stop eating fast food, your body and wallet will thank you. + +•Going out too much? Find friends at a local gym or drink water when you go out. + +•Junk food on your grocery list? Chicken, beans, and broccoli is all you need. + +•Smoke, dip, vape, or casually drink beer/wine/liquor? Drink water instead. + +Here's a hasty example: + +&#x200B; + +[Yearly Unneeded Expenses](https://preview.redd.it/kzbyfqd12bq61.png?width=1034&format=png&auto=webp&s=34b7660ee132a2e90c972137799b44acbf5b2bcc) + +Now do this for a year and your account will be pretty well off. Make the sacrifice, it's worth it. Single? Live at home or share an apartment with a friend. Live like you're pinching pennies. + +&#x200B; + +You'll see me comment to "Write a business plan" here and there and nobody entertains it. Open up Word and start writing out your strategy. Mine started out as an idea then graduated to a 1 page Word document then next thing I know, I have 47 pages now of how and why my trading business operates along with all of the stats. You're building a business remember that. You'll fall and scrape your knee here and there but those lessons will help in the long run. + +&#x200B; + +# 4) Balancing life + +After you're financially ready to tackle full time trading. + +•Bare minimum $30,000 in your account. + +•7-8 months of expenses sitting in a checking account. + +•Plan to reinvest profits into interest yielding assets. + +Don’t ruin connections with your family and friends. Shut down your computer and spend time with them. Go out and treat yourself to an activity with your S/O once in a while. It doesn't have to be expensive. You'll see who the true friends are. When I went full time. It was scary (read the 2nd post). That drawdown was a real kick to the teeth. It instilled this fear in me that made me get really good at statistics and understanding exactly what I'm doing. I feared failing in front of friends and family. It resulted in me becoming a detached from those I love and have great relationships with only leaving the house to go to the gym and grocery store. Being with them from time to time only eagerly waiting to come back home right back to slicing and dicing data to sharpen my edge. + +&#x200B; + +I don't feel like this post really has as much impact as the other 2. I realized that my other post was about to archive and I wanted to link this post to the previous post in order to keep the thread going. I've gotten tons of messages from people who like my story so here's to those that like my posts. Not sure how the new r/daytrading will react to it since it went from 10k subscribers to its now almost 500,000. + +&#x200B; + +Lastly, make sure you're putting money aside for taxes. I wouldn't suggest to "Scale your account" with ALL of your profits. Take a portion out so when the it's tax season, its a simply process with all of the funds in a separate bank account. + +&#x200B; + +All the best. + +\-C +So I got the below message from Niyo Money. It's pretty clear on what will happen but not on why they are making this change. + +This will also hamper the ability of people buying mutual funds to time the market. T+2 is way too late and that's not even guaranteed. Whose interest is this serving? + +************************* +Hi , + +Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  + +As per the recent SEBI circular there are some changes in the NAV allocation for all the investment transactions from Jan 1, 2021 onwards.  + +In order to understand the changes, please remember that when you make an investment, the money gets debited from your account and goes to the payment processors account (eg Razorpay) who then forwards it to the bank account of the respective Mutual Fund companies. This forwarding does not always happen in real time and can sometimes take an extra day or two depending on the payout and reconciliation processes at the payment partner’s end. + +Existing NAV allocation:  +  + +For investments in non-liquid funds (i.e. all equity funds and other debt funds) of amount below ₹2 Lakhs made before the cut off time, Mutual Fund companies allotted the NAV of the same day irrespective of whether the investment amount reaches their account or not. If the money then never reached their bank account then Mutual Fund companies would reverse the investment transaction. +  + +For e.g. for a lumpsum investment in Axis Long Term Equity Fund for ₹10,000 on 15th December before the cut-off, you would get the NAV of 15th December itself. This would be the case even if the money is actually credited to the Mutual fund account by the payment partner on 16th December or 17th December (which could happen when paying via E-mandate for example).  + +New NAV allocation from Jan 1st 2021:  + +From Jan 1st 2021, all investment transactions, irrespective of the amount and type will be processed by the Mutual Fund companies only when the money reaches their account.  + +Based on current money transfer systems via banks, we have come up with likely NAV allotment dates for different types of investments and payment methods available on Niyo Money. Please note that to ensure safety and regulatory compliance, the money never goes through our accounts and directly goes from your bank account to the Mutual Fund companies’ account directly via the payment partners so we have no control over the timelines. +  + + + +*These are the most likely but not guaranteed timelines. NAV date could be later than that mentioned here. The money movement is dependent on the banking systems and we have no control over them. + +T = Day on which transaction is made or next business day if the transaction is made on a non business day. For SIP transactions, T means SIP date. T+1 means one business day after the transaction date, T+2 means two business days after the transaction date and so on. So for eg. if a transaction is made on Friday (T) then T+2 will mean Tuesday. All Saturdays and Sundays are non business days for the MF companies.  + +You can read about NAV allocation in detail here.  +  + +Important Note: + +This is a big change and requires coordination and efforts amongst platforms like ours,  RTAs like CAMS and Karvy, Mutual Fund companies, payment gateways and NPCI. It may take some time for various stakeholders to streamline their processes. Based on this, we’ve been told to expect some deviation from the likely NAV allotment dates (mentioned in the table above) till the end of February 2021.  + +P.S. This is an industry level change for Mutual Funds and not just for Niyo Money. Also these changes only apply for investments and not for redemptions. + +Best +Team Niyo Money + +********* +I know they say 3-6 months of expenses but if my current paycheck orals up to $3400 every month + +6 times that = $20400 + +That seems like a lot of money to just be sitting in a Hysa and doing nothing + +Is that right? +I think this post is mostly for people are quite serious about turning trading into a fulltime income and the mentality that will keep you on the path to success. I think people very often overcomplicate the path to excellence in trading when I think the root principals are quite simple. I might ramble on a bit but I really think this could be valuable for someone who really wants to become a trader. + +So to get started I should explain how Kobe Bryant is involved in this sort of cross-analogy. Kobe Bryant as most people know was a 5 time champion in the NBA and considered to be one of the all time greats of basketball right along with Michael Jordan. What is so special about Kobe is what he accomplished in his career off of a pretty basic mentality that was executed at the maximum consistently. If you watch interviews and learn how he approached becoming so elite, the answer wouldn't surprise most people. He at the minimum would take 2000 shots a day. Not just going to the 3 point line and shooting, he knew exactly which shots would give him an edge on the court and which situations would grant him the opportunity. The compounding effects of shooting 2000 shots on top of his practice as well would make it feel like second nature. Kobe was in love with the process, and that's what launched him to his greatness. + +Now to bring this back to trading, not everyone has to be Kobe Bryant. Everyone has heard the statistic that 95% of day traders lose, but honestly that statistic should give you hope. You only have to make it to the top 5% of traders to turn this into a quite generous salary that is scalable. And like I mentioned at the beginning, this is a more simple process than you think. The hard part is being consistent and staying in the game long enough. To tie it back to how I am profitable, I have hours and hours of time watching level 2 price action, to the point where I believe that I could trade with only a level 2 chart decently well (But I won't cause that's just dumb). The biggest problem that I ran into as a beginner was not knowing what I don't know. It's hard to study hard when you don't know what to study and you just feel lost. So lets break it down, Traders rely on volatility to make money, so they need high volume, high liquidity movement. All you need to be doing is watching the stocks that everyone is watching. If you are a beginner, take very small size, watch stocks that are moving with above average volume (Any basic scanner or chatroom will tell you which names are moving), and just start trading them. The key here is literally just to trade as much as you can. I record most of my trading day so that I can go back and watch important moves that I lost on or won on. If you are trading every day, journaling, watching your trades back, and just actively trying to get better then become a profitable trader is just inevitable at that point once you start compounding time. On days that it feels like you are getting worse or you just feel frustrated, just remember that progress isn't linear and if you remain consistent, results will come. + +Now lets talk about how to find your "shots". Like I mentioned earlier, Kobe wasn't just shooting 2000 random shots, he already had lots of experience in games and scrimmages to know which shots, that if he mastered would be undefendable. If you watched Kobe at all, you would know that he basically mastered the jump shot and could hit it from literally anywhere. So now how do we find the moves or patterns to learn? On the most basic level, if you are trading long, then you are looking for moves that go up. Finding a pattern is a more natural process than you would think. If you are making theory about where the price is going to go along with backing them up with trades, then naturally you are going to start to recognize patterns. People have different technical strategies and how they execute, but all strategies all really fall under the same categories. Either you are trading continuation, or you are trading reversal. Just figure out what time frame you want to trade on and what type of asset you want to trade (I'm a smallcap trader personally). Once you recognize a pattern, then you really have to start to go back and analyze the moves, figure out what signals mean the trade is working, and what signals mean you should be getting out or reducing your risk. Unfortunately I, along with most people, will learn the boundaries of our strategies by losing over and over again (Which is why you should be trading small and earning your size). But once you figure out and really flesh out your strategy, then it is only a matter of trading it over and over. On trades that I lost particularly too much on, or very large outlier trades, I will use the thinkorswim ondemand feature to trade those moves over and over again so they become like second nature when it comes to executing them again in a live market. This is also partially why I lean towards scalping, because short moves will happen a lot more often than longer term trades so I can get a lot more experience a lot quicker. + +So to wrap this up, just understand that the key to this game is repetitions. I truly believe that trading is performance sport just like basketball and using Kobe Bryant's philosophy can help you simplify the process. Imagine if you total 2000+ hours trading, journaling, and watching recordings. In my opinion you would have to be doing something extremely wrong if you aren't a profitable trader by then. I have literally spent over 2000 hours on pretty shitty video games, so there really isn't any excuse if you want to make it. + +&#x200B; + +And for the love of god humble yourself and use small size until you can prove consistency over a long period. You can't stay in the game if you blow up your account. +Though it is hypothetical, let's limit to companies which have revenues in India and listed entity will have only control over operations in India (may be Sri Lanka, Newpal, Bangaladesh, etc) and maybe include a one line reason. Forget investing in foreign markets temporarily. + +Some contenders: + +Foreign companies with Indian operations: Amazon India, RB India, Google India, FB India, Salesforce India, Coca Cola India, PepsiCo India etc. + +Startups with majority revenues from India: Delhivery, Swiggy, Zomato, Flipkart, etc. + +Established Indian companies: GCMMF, Parle, etc. + +Feel free to add a neighborhood kirana store, local retail chain or a welder next to your house. In such cases definitely add a why. Since there are be no hard numbers, it will be purely qualitative opinion. + +Edit: companies\* in title. + +Edit 2: Also Indian companies with majority revenue abroad is also cool. Eg: Postman. + +Edit 3: Assuming rational prices for the stock. +I’m really concerned that even if I buy high-quality, large cap stocks I can be stuck for decades with stock prices that can’t even keep up with inflation. At the same time I ask myself where rich investors will park their money since stock markets have historically delivered the best results in the long run? Can you guys help me with that? +Me: Early 40's, 2 very young kids. I'm FatFI without the money below, but barely so. I am 50% RE by choice. I could live off my investments conceivably indefinitely (Real Estate Investment Properties all critical businesses by Coronavirus standards). + +I spend 2 days a week with my kids who aren't in school yet. The other 3 days I spend on hobbies or working. I live in a VHCOL tourist town that has world class recreational activities. I had cancer 3 years ago and was told that it was terminal. Turns out they were wrong and I am in remission. Have 2 more years of high risk of the cancer returning. + +I have a share in a LP business, and unfortunately I am the LP. I was the brains, my GP (my father) was the money. Turns out the GP has been stealing (lawsuit finding) and has basically kicked me out of the business. My share is worth about $30M. I have gotten him to very low $20M's. I know how to easily make 8-12%, so I'd probably be making 7-10x our family expenses with a couple hundred hours a year. I have been suing the GP for over 2 years. It's likely I'll win if I keep going. The next round of suits would be very public and if son suing his father wasn't ugly enough, the theft findings would likely make the newspaper. He's a very big fish in a very small pond and he would be hurt in a way he never has. + +OTOH, I dedicate 2-3 days a week to this. If I give in I could spend more time with my kids, skiing, and hiking. I'd probably start a few new businesses. There is a school in Uganda for orphans that I could dedicate more time to building. I wake up at night thinking about it. I'm probably written out of the will at this point, but I don't really care. A significant amount of the difference will likely go to my kids, nieces, and nephews, which is fine. What this really about is a son getting validation from his father, but I realize at this point my father doesn't have it in him and I am not going to get it out of a lawsuit. He's truly an evil person, he tried to drown me when I was about 8, my mother had to beat him off me. Obviously there was more incidences than that one. I've gone no contact with my entire family, including my Mom, who is doing the best she can in her circumstances. + +So FatFire, do you take the buyout or do you go after winning? Yes, I know that I'm probably past Reddit's pay grade, but there are also enough true FatFIRE people on here that have some good thoughts. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Question is in the title. It’s been a blood bath for me the last few weeks. My portfolio definitely was too focused on small cap. Is there a market rotation going on or what? +This plant-based protein company has surged over 100% in the past week, catching the eye of investors looking for a disruptive company with substantial growth potential. Here’s what we think about Pontus Protein (TSVX:HULK): + +**Summary** + +* Pontus grows, produces, and sells protein created from water lentils using a proprietary AI-based system +* Pontus’ unique production method combines hydroponics (growing in water) and aquaculture (raising fish), creating a closed-loop system where fish produce the nutrients to grow water lentils +* The company listed last week on the TSX venture exchange through a reverse takeover with its last raise at $0.15; shares traded as of Feb-5 close at $1.24 ($74mn market cap) +* **Our Investment thesis** + * Pontus provides a unique, attractive product offering (sustainable plant-based protein powder) and operates in an industry with a deep, growing end user market + * Its proprietary technology and production methods solidify its leading position in its niche market through best-in-class efficiency + * Opportunity for scalable growth (outside of current plant growth) though leasing its patented technology (see *Financial Overview*) + * Unique production method (zero carbon footprint through aquaponics) presents an interesting sustainability/ESG play +* **Catalysts / Risks** + * Executing on production plants - its two contemplated plants are in development and roadblocks limit the cash flowing ability of Pontus + * Accessing its targeted end market - the company produces a niche product with an unproved customer base; Pontus must develop a robust and consistent offtaker market for its product + * Achievement of licensing arrangements - the company envisions a licensing model with stable cash flows to scale its business, this may be difficult to achieve in near-term given the limited customer base today + +***Here’s all you need to know about Pontus Water Lentils.*** + +**Outline:** + +1. **Overview of the Business** +2. **Market Overview / Competitive Landscape** +3. **Timeline of Recent Developments** +4. **Financial Overview** +5. **Valuation** + +**1. Overview of the Business** + +Pontus’ mission is to provide the world with an environmentally sustainable source of nutrient-rich, organic, bio-secure plant-based protein. It does so through leveraging its proprietary CEVAS technology *(detailed below)* to grow water lentils which are then used to create protein. Pontus builds production farms which it uses to produce water lentils, and sells its protein direct-to-consumer. In addition to producing a unique product, Pontus’ plants use aquaponic systems (using fish in tanks to help cultivate plants in water) to grow its water lentils. Pontus’ production facility is unique in that the water used in its ponds is recirculated back to the aquaculture system, establishing a closed-loop, zero carbon footprint system. + +*Protein Powder Product:* + +“Pontus Protein Power'' is Pontus’s principal product, a protein powder produced from water lentils that are dehydrated and processed. The company markets the following benefits: + +* Non-GMO plant-based protein +* High in antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals +* No solvents, chemicals, dyes, additives, preservatives, or pesticides +* Allergen safe, gluten-free and vegan +* Low in oxalic acid +* A good source of dietary fibre +* Rich in omega 3/6 fatty acids + +*Licensing Service:* + +The Company plans to license its Closed Environment Vertical Aquaponics SystemTM (CEVAS) technology to support the production of water lentils. The CEVAS system is a network of automated bio-secure aquaponic farms utilizing AI to grow the crops. Through leveraging its technology, which drives efficiency improvements over existing aquaponic systems, and its building and operational expertise, the company hopes to drive a long-term stream of cash flows from licensing and scale its business. + +*Method of Production* + +Pontus’ aquaponic production method is based on a symbiotic relationship with the fish and the plants in its production facilities + +**CEVASTM System** + +Pontus acquired all intellectual property rights and assets associated with the CEVAS tradename, system and brand developed by Green Oasis. + +The CEVAS system automatically adjusts environmental parameters to optimize efficiency and leverages machine learning, collecting data points and facilitating automated harvesting / processing to maximize crop yield and quality. Some of these controls (per the company) include: + +* Artificial Light Control System: Photobio LEDs are used for providing a spectrum of light specific to vigorous vegetative growth +* Machine Learning & AI: Using statistical analysis, the AI is able to make and test hypotheses to draw conclusions in real-time. The AI can automatically adjust environmental parameters within the building to boost productivity, maintain the health of the environment for the plants and fish, save on energy, and act as the smart security system +* Control Solutions: The Control System monitors and maintains the water quality parameters of the fish farms and crop production. +* Plant Productivity System: The Plant Productivity System monitors, manages and forecasts crop growing/harvest parameters. + +**2. Market Overview / Competitive Landscape** + +*Market Overview* + +The plant-based protein supplement industry is an attractive and growing market, and we see Pontus being well-aligned to capitalize on this opportunity with its water lentil-based protein powder. The protein supplements market is approximately 18.9 billion USD in 2020, and is expected to grow at a 8.1% CAGR from 2020 to 2027. Protein powder segment makes up the large majority (\~64%) of the market. Alternative protein products are also expected to grow at an outsized rate, and Pontus has communicated their plan to offer new products (protein bars, ready to drink products) after the establishment of the Surrey Facility. + +Plant-based protein products represented \~32% of the market in terms of revenue in 2019 and this segment is anticipated to have the fastest growth, driven by growing popularity among vegans, vegetarians, and people allergic to dairy and egg proteins. Similarly, the sustainable nature of Pontus’ operations supports the trend to the more environmentally-conscious consumer. + +*Competitive Landscape* + +Within the water lentil protein space, Parabel, Biorefinery Solutions, Aquibledo, and Lentein are some of the direct competitors of Pontus, with Parabel as the incumbent player with a product in market (albeit with a different mode of production). These competitors have yet to reach the mass market, and with its scalability and efficiency, we think Pontus has the strongest tailwinds. + +**3. Timeline of Recent Developments** + +April 23, 2018: Pontus Protein Ltd. is formed + +August 14, 2020: AmWolf Capital and Pontus Water Lentils enter into definitive agreement for Qualifying Transaction + +January 26, 2021: Pontus completed Qualifying Transaction with Amwolf Capital + +January 29, 2021: Pontus completes first successful day trading on the TSX.V under the ticker symbol TSXV: HULK + +February 3, 2021: Pontus submits a building permit application for the Surrey aquaponics facility + +**4. Financial Overview** + +Pontus’ go-forward financials will represent the consolidated results of both AmWolf Capital Corp (shell company used as part of Pontus’ listing process) and Pontus standalone, with Pontus representing the go-forward operations of the business. Given that both businesses are pre-revenue, our focus on valuation is on forward-looking cash flows and EBITDA. + +*Revenue & EBITDA:* + +Pontus’ near-term revenue and EBITDA is centered around two planned production facilities, one based in Surrey, British Columbia with a size of \~20k square feet (the “Surrey Farm”) and an additional \~60k square foot commercial farm to be built in British Columbia. The farms are expected to begin operations in 2021 and 2023, respectively. + +We expect the Surrey Farm to ramp up over time as demand increases, generating \~$2.5mn in EBITDA in 2023 with the commercial farm generating \~$7.5mn in EBITDA post-completion in 2023. As licensing revenue comes in and the output of the farms increases, we can see EBITDA growing to \~$20-$25mn in 2025. + +*Licensing:* + +Pontus envisions adding an additional revenue stream to its business, licensing the CEVAS technology and lending its building/operating expertise to third parties. This enables scalability outside of Pontus’ own farms to grow its top line. While this provides interesting upside to the company, potential licensing cash flow streams are not considered in our valuation, given the lack of proven end market. Due to this, we don’t expect licensing revenue at least until the finishing of the commercial farm (2023). + +It may be hard to find companies that will want to license the technology primarily due to the risk in accessing the targeted end market, as the licensee would essentially be competing with Pontus to sell their own produced protein. As an alternative, we see a streaming model, similar to those seen in precious metal industries, where Pontus licences the technology but also undertakes agreements to buy up a portion or all of the production of externally owned production plants as attractive. This model has also been successful in cannabis production, which we view as a space similar to Pontus’. This provides the licensee with guaranteed revenue, shifting the risk (and reward) of selling the product to the end market back to Pontus. + +*Share Count:* + +Pro forma for its recent private placement and concurrent equity financing, the company has \~59.9 million shares outstanding with a fully diluted share count of \~93.0 million shares (\~20 million warrants at $0.30/share). Outside of dilution from the warrants, we don’t expect further dilution as the company has sufficient capital to fund its near-term growth and should be able to fund future projects with either debt or free cash flows. + +**5. Valuation** + +Whereas other agriculture peers either produce proprietary crop inputs (fertilizer, herbicides, etc) or produce commoditized crops, Pontus doesn’t have the benefit of a broad, deep offtaker market for its product. Instead, to grow, the business has to both develop/scale its production and also create a market in the competitive supplement space for its product. If the business is able to execute on this, we feel this unique business model warrants a premium as it operates along its entire value chain, but until we see the broad market demand for its product and stable offtaker contracts, we don’t think a valuation premium is warranted. + +*Trading Multiples:* + +Farming/Agriculture businesses in the US trade at \~15x EV/EBITDA (Damoran), with these multiples being inflated by companies with business models more closely aligned with software (agriculture drones, crop protection) and biotech companies (fertilizer and herbicide producers), both of which trade at significantly higher multiples. + +While Pontus provides a differentiated product with a proprietary production method, it relies on scaling its production to grow, as-is, its business model is more in line with traditional crop producers than with agritech companies. There are meaningful opportunities (see financial overview) to scale, but without clear visibility beyond its two proposed plants, we see this as a \~7x multiple business. If a streaming/licensing-type growth strategy proves fruitful, this would warrant a significant multiple revaluation in line with the 15x multiples currently seen in the space due to the ability to rapidly scale. + +We also see potential for a trading premium as a unique sustainability play, with the company’s “mission” and sustainability upside warranting an elevated market multiple marked by a fiercely supportive long-only retail ownership (think Tesla) + +As noted above, we see three key risk factors for this valuation: + +* Executing on production plants - its two contemplated plants are in development and roadblocks limit the cash flowing ability of Pontus +* Accessing its targeted end market - the company produces a niche product with an unproved customer base; Pontus must develop a robust and consistent offtaker market for its product +* Achievement of licensing arrangements - the company envisions a licensing model with stable cash flows to scale its business, this may be difficult to achieve in near-term given the limited customer base today + +**Disclosure:** I certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject securities; and I certify that no part of my compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this research report. I have a business relationship with a member of management of the company and will suspend coverage in the event of any conflicts. + +I have a position in TSX.V HULK of \~2000 shares. +The manipulation and corruption is so blatant I have no idea how US markets will recover after this. And don't come at me with that bullshit about being patient because the SEC is silently investigating. Guess what, while they silently investigate people have been loudly losing millions for months. We might be diamond handing GME but we are not the only people in the market. For everyone of us they are probably hundreds that have paper handed GME or any of the other stocks that are actively being manipulated. After MOASS there's no snowflake in hell that will convince me to invest in any US market. Buckle up and see you on the other side. Hodl! +Wouldn't it be best to try QE tapering first, and then a rate hike, or vice versa? So that the effects can be more accurately studied? Doing both at the same time makes it harder to attribute which tool was more effective. +*A CFPB investigation concluded that Transunion and Equifax deceived Americans about the reports they provided and the fees they charged.* + +*In their investigation, the Bureau found that the two agencies had been misrepresenting the scores provided to consumers, telling them that the score reports they received were the same reports that lenders and businesses received, when, in fact, they were not. The investigation also found problems with the way the agencies advertised their products, using promotions that suggested that their credit reports were either free or cost only $1. According to the CFPB the agencies did not properly disclose that after a trial of seven to 30 days, individuals would be enrolled in a full-price subscription, which could total $16 or more per month. The Bureau also found Equifax to be in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which states that the agencies must provide one free report every 12 months made available at a central site. Before viewing their free report, consumers were forced to view advertisements for Equifax, which is prohibited by law.* + +[The Atlantic - Full Article](https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2017/01/credit-scores-cfpb/512162/?utm_source=feed) +Interested in understanding which provide access to UK IPOs? and do any provide access to US IPOs? + + +Note, I am not asking about after they are listed and trading freely in market but being able to actually purchase at IPO price before they are traded. +If you are an Ontario homeowner (condo, townhouse, detached - take your pick), you can sell your home and buy an equivalent place in Calgary for 1/3 the price. + +Let’s say you are a couple in your 30s (let’s say 35) living in a detached home. You bought your house 10 years ago in GTA for $500k and today, it is worth $1.5 million. You have $300k of mortgage left on the home. You could sell and instantly pocket $1.2 million. + +Now you move and buy a similar place in Calgary or somewhere else in Alberta for $500k in cash. And now you have no mortgage AND $700k in your retirement account and you are only 35. You can retire by 45 and save 20 years of your working life. + +Why isn’t everyone doing this? + +If keeping a job at the same pay is your big concern, who cares about a job if you can pocket $700k and let it grow for 30 years. $700k invested today at 8% real growth will balloon to $5.6 million by the time you are 62. + +You can work at Walmart for next 20 years if you must do a job to keep yourself occupied and pay the daily bills. + +What am I missing? Is Canadian housing arbitrage the biggest financial opportunity for millennials and homeowners today and path to instant semi-retirement? +Hi reddit, so i wish to invest 100$ and hold one year in at least 3 different coins, i was thinking about bitcoin eth and eso. What are your thoughts on this? +I currently own my home, my mortgage is $1300/month. + +I have built a Tiny House on the property that i rent out for $800 per month but because of Zoning laws in my city I cannot legally rent it out or claim the $800 as income. + +My goal is to buy 1-5 acres within 20 miles of my current home and build a modern triplex utilizing tinyhouse/minimalist layouts. + +think, pulling up to a 3 car garage with enough space to keep 2-3 sets of washer and dryers as well as the furnace/ac units, water heaters etc... above the garage would be a 3 bed 1.5 bath apartment. ..attached but behind the garage, would be a side by side duplex. The main floor would have an open small living room, dining, kitchen area with a half bath & stairs going up to the second floor. up there will have 3 small bedrooms, 1.5 bath and a living space (think kids' area) rooms fit a dresser, closet, window and bed, the living room would fit couch, tv, mini fridge, microwave, 2-3 desks for homework/gaming etc.. stairs going up utilizing the attic space (think lofted master suit) bedroom/office, walk in closet, master bath and a deck going outside. + +The idea would be to get the triplex/land built for a mortgage rate of around $1800 a month and be able to rent 2 units out for $1300 each for a total of $2600 a month. + +I would probably live in the 3rd unit and rent out my current home for $1500 a month. + +I would then move my tiny house to the triplex land so i could legally rent it out for $800 + +in theory I would live for free, plus make $1,800 a month + +Mortgage A $1300/month + +Mortgage B $1800/month + +Income unit A- $1300/month + +Income unit B- $1300/month + +Unit C live for free + +House number 1 rent for $1500/month + +Tiny house rent for $800/month + +&#x200B; + +My question is, how do I get started? + +I am thinking step one would be to hire an architect to design this? + +step two would be to find land that has zoning to allow this + +step three would be to take my plans and my zoning to a contractor and get a bid + +step four take the plans, zoning, contractors bid to a banker and secure funding + +any input would be appreciated +Hello all !! +I recently proposed to my finance and we had a talk tonight about getting a joint account and sharing everything when we get married. I wanted to see how some other people do it. How many accounts do you have and if you make more than your significant other how does that make you feel. New to doing everything together and know that it’s a team effort. But also know that your dreams and there’s can be sometimes different +# tl;dr + +# → I ape. I worries dey will no have monies for me. Do ape sell early before they run out? + +# → Nope! + +# → if theys runs out of monies to pay you, FED monies printer go brrrrr to pay you. Ape no need to worry about selling too soon. + +# → Ape should be prepared to ignore 'better sell now while dey still have monies' FUD as GME moons. + +&#x200B; + +Greetings apes, 4urkers, shills - thanks for taking the time to swing by. A bit more in-depth information for those looking to gain wrinkles as to the roles I think the FED and the various DFMUs (DTC, OCC, etc.) will play out when our rocket launches! + +&#x200B; + +Typed this up with the following goals in mind: + +* Educate apes on **what DFMUs are**, +* Offer context on **how the FED and other regulators view DFMUs**, +* Present an argument **as to why the FED will bailout DFMUs**, +* **Pre diffuse the potential FUD vector** of, "*you better sell now before they run out of currency*", +* Give something back to the community that's given me so much. + +&#x200B; + +# ...so to get started... + +# + +You probably are already familiar with the DTCC, [The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dtcc.asp), [Cede and Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cede_and_Company), and the NSCC, [The National Securities Clearing Corporation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nscc.asp). + +&#x200B; + +What you may not be as familiar with is all the above entities are considered [Designated Financial Market Utilities](https://www.federalreserve.gov/paymentsystems/designated_fmu_about.htm) (DFMUs) by the Federal Reserve in addition to a few others who (I personally believe) will become relevant as our saga plays out, most notably the OCC - [the Options Clearing Corporation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/occ.asp). + +&#x200B; + +The reason DFMUs matter is the [Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC)](https://home.treasury.gov/policy-issues/financial-markets-financial-institutions-and-fiscal-service/fsoc), established by Dodd-Frank, considers these entities to be *"systemically important"* as *"a failure or a* ***disruption to the functioning of an FMU could create, or increase, the risk of significant liquidity or credit problems*** *spreading among financial institutions or markets and thereby threaten the stability of the U.S. financial system...",* emphasis added. + +&#x200B; + +The practical impact is if a DFMU, say the DTCC or OCC, fails \[read: runs out of currency\] to provide final settlement \[read: payment\], the FED will backstop them and supply them with whatever liquidity is needed...this last bit is the money printer going brrrrr at speeds not previously thought possible. [Joseph Wang](https://fedguy.com/), a former FED insider, confirmed as much recently. + +&#x200B; + +*→ backstop?* + +*→ liquidity?* + +...but can you say that in ape? + +&#x200B; + +Imagine a squeeze kicking off a domino effect where the villainous \[naked short\] markets run out of monies before they buy back their shorts. + +Their primary broker becomes the bag holder of the \[still naked\] short position and then let's assume they too run out of monies before they can buy back their shorts. + +The still-naked, still-not-closed, and still-needing-to-be-delt with short position rolls up to the DTCC meaning the DTCC is now on the hook for closing out the short position. + +Now assume the DTCC *also* runs out of monies before being able to close out the short position...or said slightly differently...the DTCC has run out of ~~monies~~ *liquidity* to ~~close out~~ *settle* the ~~bag-o-massive-shit~~ *liabilities* which it now finds itself holding. + +This is where the FED (presumably) enters the picture. The FED ~~prints~~ creates ~~monies~~ *Bank Reserves* to ~~bailout~~ *backstops* the DTCC by providing it with an asset (the Bank Reserves) which in turn provides the DTCC with the *liquidity* needed to *settle* its liabilities. + +&#x200B; + +Thus if an ape wisely asks, *"what happens when/if the DTC goes broke"*, the simple answer is **the Federal Reserve will presumably supply them with the required liquidity to settle their obligations** as the FED possess *both* the means (Bank Reserves → DFMUs FED accounts...more on this in a sec) and, I would argue, the mandate to guarantee the DFMUs solvency due to their critical place in the market ecosystem (Dodd Frank's FSOC designating DFMUs as systemically important). + +&#x200B; + +# A Quick Review + +&#x200B; + +1. GME Mooning +2. DTC / OCC / etc. exhausts liquidity; teeter on the precipice of failure +3. FED creates Bank Reserves, deposits newly created reserves into DTC / OCC / etc. accounts at the FED +4. DTC / OCC / etc. uses newly created Bank Reserves (brrrrrrrrrrrrr!) to pay apes +5. tendies enjoyed +6. hedgies r fuk (they were always fuk, but now even more so) + +*(For those banking nerds out there DFMUs have accounts directly with the FED meaning the FED can conjure up their only product:* [Bank Reserves](https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/section19.htm)***,*** *a wholesale currency not spendable by us real apes in the 'real' economy, and deposit the newly minted Bank Reserves onto the Balance Sheet(s) of the failing DFMUs. In turn, the DFMUs can use this newly created liquidy to pay out apes by transferring into the commercial bank system \[i.e. your bank/brokerage account\] in return for apes' GME shares. In essence, the FED would use the DFMUs to "launder" bank reserves into the real economy as the bank reserves would then be transferred by the DTCC to the commercial bank system as an asset to offset the liabilities of the increase in customer bank deposits arising from the proceeds of the squeeze. The net effect is what was once unspendable by apes in the real economy becomes spendable with the failed DFMU acting as the modus operndi to facilitate the monetary alchemy transforming Bank Reserves → Spendable-by-Apes-Commercial-Bank-Liabilities. If apes want a more in-depth explanation of exactly how this works let me know, but for purposes of this thread I think this captures the salient points.)* + +&#x200B; + +# I believe there are two important takeaways from this: + +# + +1. **While other factors may constrain a ceiling on how high GME can moon, DFMUs going broke is NOT one of them.** +2. **Help apes avoid falling prey to the** *"omggggg must sellz now b4 they go broke lmaooooo!11!"* **psych FUD once MOASS kicks off.** + +&#x200B; + +# Lastly for our option degens... + +&#x200B; + +The Options Clearing Corporation (OCC) is the central counterpart for all options in the US. As such the OCC, backed by the FED and as a designated systemically important entity, will be backstopped by an unlimited amount of newly-issued-FED-Bank-Reserves. + +&#x200B; + +**One should also note while the FED can issue bank reserves en mass, it cannot issue GME shares in mass. Fundamentally banks,** ***even the FED***, **are constrained if they are on the hook to deliver something they are unable to create, and the FED cannot create GME shares.** + +&#x200B; + +Therefore should a situation arise where option owners exercise their options for GME shares in excess of option market makers' ability to supply GME shares, the option market markers will fail and their obligation will roll up to the OCC. + +&#x200B; + +This in turn will force the OCC, and then the FED, to use the only option at their disposal to source the GME shares: raise the bid to ***whatever*** level is required to acquire the necessary amount of shares...effectively pitting the FEDs money printer directly against diamond hands. + +&#x200B; + +**Remember Heath Ledger's Joker's line in the Dark Knight?** + +"*This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object*.”...think that. + +It will be quite a sight to see, I think. + +&#x200B; + +# Questions / Answers + +# + +*"I've DRS'd my shares, do I need to do anything with this?"* + +**→ No, you're already out of the system and the shares you own are not an IOU.** Should you decide to show mercy and sell one of your many shares for $69,420,471.69 via CS, you can do without worrying about actually getting paid when the trade goes through as the FED will underwrite the relevant DFMU. + +&#x200B; + +*"I've got some shares still in a broker for \[reasons\], do I need to do anything with this?"* + +**→ Probably not. Leaving shares in a broker exposes you to broker counter-party risk** \[i.e. are 'real' shares in your account or IOUs\] which is outside the scope of this DD. However, **I would GUESS the ultimate settlement of your IOUs → real GME shares will be guaranteed by the relevant DFMU (NSCC, I think?), which is in turn underwritten by the FED.** DRS elegantly solves this issue by completly sidestepping the counterparty risk vector but for those apes where DRS is not feasible, it is a net plus DFMUs are designated as systematically important. + +&#x200B; + +*"I'm an international ape and I got some shares still in a broker for \[reasons\], do I need to do anything with this?"* + +**→ UNKNOWN.** I lack the knowledge to offer insight here. + +&#x200B; + +*"Okay...so you're saying the FED will basically bail out GME holders. Yeah, not buying it."* + +**→ It's not so much the FED is bailing out GME holders as it is bailing out the existing system to try and save themselves.** + +Apes should always remember a key maxim when trying to predict outcomes, particularly when it may touch the political realm: ***"Preferences are optional and subject to constraints, whereas constraints are neither optional nor subject to preferences"*** \- *Marko Papic*. + +GME mooning will NOT happen in a vacuum and the fallout from a squeeze will resonate throughout the entire financial system - and beyond - as 'normal' market participants \[read: the public\] are at first shocked by the perfidy of the sophisticated \[mayo\] players and fecklessness of disgraced regulators once trusted. + +As markets spasms, gasps, and collapses under the weight of Marge's calls an enraged public's initial shock will grow to anger before blossoming to righteous fury as retirement plans, dreams, and hopes evaporate. The wealth illusion created through the asset bubbles in RE, equities, digital assets, etc. vanishing in the twinkling of an eye as [Gresham's Law](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/greshams-law.asp) plays out and a mad dash for collateral occurs. Thus the resulting scramble up the monetary pyramid ripping away any illusion of financial security once held by those who thought themselves financially secure. Politicians, fielding enranged calls from constituents demanding answers, will publically call on the FED to do whatever can be done to stop the hemorrhaging - and more importantly - placate an enraged public who'll be on the verge of calling for blood. + +**THIS is just PART the backdrop of what I assume will COMPELL the FED to act.** There are dimensions beyond economic (e.g. political, social, geopolitical to name a few) and I am not dumb enough to even hint I know all the twists and turns our saga will take. **But I do believe it will NOT the FEDs desire to do right by GME holders - far from it! - rather the FEDs desire to maintain their credibility, backed by terrified politicians desperate to shift blame from themselves and placate a newly impoverished electorate, that will in (large?) part constrain them to act out of their own sense of selfishness and/or self-preservation.** + +&#x200B; + +*"So this is going to be easy-peasy? Sweet. Why didn't you just say so?"* + +**No, far from it.** The entire system risks an extinction-level event here. This means **\[potentially illegal\] actions perhaps once considered too risky are suddenly 'on the table' as now the risk of NOT doing them is nothing compared to the FAR GREATER risks around an extinction-level event**. Truth be told I do not know how this will play out but I'd hazard a guess and say neither "easy" nor "straightforward" would be applicable to the endgame. Consider the SECs / Gary Gensler's recent tweet about the SEC freezing securities for up to 10 business days (...about two more weeks...) as an example of the craziness which may transpire as this sorts itself out. + +The takeaway is just as you've steeled yourself in face of the dips, **you must also steel yourself in the face of the rips and FUD** (e.g. the SEC is going to shut it down, they're going to run out of money, Reddit kicked offline, "financial terrorist cyber attacks", etc.) which will kick into overdrive as we liftoff. + +&#x200B; + +And lastly, if reddit does go dark (and expect it to) remember this: + +1. **First they ignore you,** +2. **then they laugh at you,** +3. **then they fight you,** *\[we are here\]* +4. **then you win.** +5. (optional) consider seeking medical attention if your tits remain dangerously Jacque'd. + +&#x200B; + +# Other relevant posts / work cited of sorts that helped to inspire this post: + +# + +[GME is fundamentally a value play. If the excessive naked shorting theory is true, then it's a squeeze play. If the government interferes with MOASS, then it becomes a store of value play.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sd2syw/gme_is_fundamentally_a_value_play_if_the/) + +[The Goal is NOT to Make You Sell](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/se3led/the_goal_is_not_to_make_you_sell/) + +[A Positive Hypothesis for the SEC Halting](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sfnlb6/i_have_a_positive_hypothesis_for_the_sec_halting/) + +[Government / PPT potentially interfering in the market?](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sfm3be/need_more_eyes_on_this_info_plunge_protection/) + +&#x200B; + +Closing remarks - **this is not financial advice and my opinions are my own**. Lastly, I'd like to again thank the community for all the help they've given me over the past year and hope this post can begin to repay the debt I owe. + +&#x200B; + +**But wait...there's MOAR!** Extra credit reading which helped me...maybe of use to other apes looking to gain wrinkles. + +&#x200B; + +|Title|Author|Remarks| +|:-|:-|:-| +|***Layered Money***|Nik Bahatia|Excellent job of explaing a very nebulous concept. Short and packs a powerful punch to improving financial literacy. While Nik's a bit too much of 'digital asset' maxi for own taste, his rundown of monetary history and layout of the Monetary Pyramid is second to none.| +|***Death of Money***|James (Jim) Rickards|In chapter 2 Rickard's goes over his financial wargaming with the government. Good layout showing how a failure in financial markets can resonate beyond the economey.| +|***The Road to Ruin***|James (Jim) Rickards|First half of the book discusses how the financial system can be frozen via Rickard's 'Ice-9' metaphore. Concept echoed by GG/SEC tweeting about suspension of specific equity trading. Rouch roadmap sketched by Rickards outlining how 'the powers that be' may react to financial armageddon.| +|***The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy***|Niel Howe and (the late) William Strauss|Short. Easy read/listen. Big picture book describing America through cycles. Written in the late 90's it's been eerily accurate in describing where we are today.| +|***When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM)***|Roger Lowenstein|[LTCM, a large hedge fund, almost cratered the entire financial system in 1998.](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/longtermcapital.asp) Same BS as today...but set in the late 90's with an Ace of Base background. Many of the current players in the GME saga were also intimately involved in LTCM (e.g. Gensler was Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions from 1997 to 1999; Rickards was LTCM's lawyer, etc.)| +|***The Storm Before the Calm***|George Friedman|Like the *4th Turning*, this is more 'big picture' and while there is a focus on geopolitics from the US perspective, a large part of the book - and the cycles Friedman IDs - tie into the financial aspects.| +I have a 2006 Honda Accord 4cyl that has 225,000 miles on it. I drive it to and from work every day (for 5 years) and it has been acting up on me lately. A tire leaks air, the brakes are bad, and I'm having troubles while accelerating. Not to mention my two toddlers have trashed the interior. I chalked it up to being time to buy an upgrade. + + +I started searching for cars online. I can get this 2016 for just $18,000! But I might as well go new for a lower interest rate. That's only $25,000 for a brand new car. I have about $2,000 budgeted for car repairs that I can add to trade-in value on my Accord and will come away with a super nice vehicle at a low monthly rate. + + +As I continued searching, I kept trying to fight reality. In actuality, I have the ability to fix every one of these issues, but my own laziness is attempting me to find the easy way out. + + +I got online and found new brake rotors and pads, air and oil filters, and spark plugs. I got my oil from a local mega-chain. In one day I plugged a tire (nail), changed my air filter, changed out the brakes, changed my oil, and changed my plugs. In total it may have cost me a hundred bucks and a weekend day. I also cleaned up all the trash and clothes, and vacuumed the car. I felt so accomplished when I was finished. + + +I swear, it feels like I'm driving a whole new car. Now looking back, it seems silly that I wanted to buy a new car just for convenience of not having to deal with preventative maintenance. Before you make a large purchase, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really necessary. I consider myself great with money but apparently very lazy as well haha. + + + +Edit: Many posters have recommended other semi-DIY preventative maintenance jobs for older cars. Do these at your own risk. There should be plenty of instructional videos on YouTube. (In no particular order): + + +Replace Water Pump + +Replace Control Arm Bushing + +Replace Tie Rod End + +Flush Brake Fluid + +Change Transmission Fluid + +Replace Serpentine Belt + +Clean Mass Airflow/Map Sensor + +Clean Throttle Body + +Replace Fuel Filter + +Replace Shocks/Struts +Hello Value Investor, + +So as Microsoft announced today it is going to acquire Activision Blizzard for $ 68.7 billion. + +The deal is going to be done in 2023 if there are no problems. + +Now I have some questions. + +1) Microsoft paid $ 95 per share so why is a stock trading less than the purchase price? + +2) Microsoft paid 68.7 billion, so for what I do 95 \* total number shares outstanding I get a result of 73.9 billion + +What am I missing here? +For a little bit of context, I'm a Data Scientist by trade so I'm all about the power of data and the possibilities that machine learning (and then AI) can present. I am very experienced in building python ML models for finance e.g debt forecasting, so it has not been much of a stretch to migrate over to a trading ML model. + +I've been day-trading at a high level for around 2 years now, using an established indicator structure I found worked well on trading view as well as a few 'gut-feel' punts. Over the 2 years I've grown my portfolio from around 11K to around 100K, which is great, but could have been into the millions had I not closed some crazy opportunistic positions prematurely (notably GBPvUSD circa April '20). I use mixed out leverage (300:1), as in addition to these funds I have other cash reserves and previously worked as an intra-day gas storage trader so qualify for 'professional privileges'. + +Onto the model itself; it ran for one day on Friday and had returns of 5% which was incredibly positive. I'm going to leave it hooked up to the OANDA API for a month, with looping trades every 5 minutes and backtest efficacy after this. + +MACHINE LEARNING strategy; + +For ML strategy, I used an ensemble approach, with underlying layers of random forest, neural network, xgboost, sentiment analysis, clustering and k-nearest neighbour. I run the code on a perpetual loop to identify criteria which match the buy/sell parameters and then the bot makes the update appropriately through the API. + +The primary input datapoints are indicators (Fibonacci retracement for support levels, RSI, EMA, MACD, stochastic oscillator, Bollinger bands), plus historic prices, movement over time etc. It is an ensemble build with layers of random forest, neural network, xgboost, sentiment analysis, clustering and k-nearest neighbour. + +First step is to understanding the correlations and relationships between variances in these indicators (different time period, combined with other indicators), to establish somewhat of a correlation relationship between indicators and stock price movement within 5 time periods (1, 5, 15, 30, 1hr , day). Then draw out most efficacious indicator combinations for buy/sell conditions and tag on ML iterative improvement capability, as well as ongoing outputs of ‘best setup’ running profit. The first output so to speak is regression analysis of indicators vs % movement in stock price within x time. In this way you could classify this is a regression model approach overall. + +I plan to use a 5% trailing stop clause for risk mitigation and ultimately hope to be able to clear £5K per day and just allow the bot to run and do its thing. + +Side note:- the best time to trade is immediately following american markets opening at 3.00pm. Here you will find extreme swings, volatility and the opportunity to grab £20K in under 30s. + +Hope this goes some way to inspire others that it can be done with hard work, educating yourself and self-discipline around goals and outcomes. I plan to retire at 40 and am on track for that currently. + +&#x200B; + +[Trading212 funds last 2 years](https://preview.redd.it/cnxjdn0mksl81.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=9acf1d2c56c11bc3bda2c9fa851560c80d35f83d) +Not financial advice. Pure opinion and speculation. + +UPDATE: u/jsmar18 made a great point and asked me what “X” represents in my math. I don’t have an answer. When you multiply the glitch by the price at the glitch you get a large number and I’m not sure what that represents. Take this all with a large grain of salt. + +UPDATE 2: u/dramatic-pancake made a great observation about “X”. Saying that “X” could possibly be the amount of money total towards the stock. Currently that number shows $4.3B in the equation but I’m not sure how to verify this. Furthermore, subtracting the funds raised by the company and subtracting that number might be accurate. + +Let’s not get our tits jacked here. This was just an experiment looking at something. Frankly I’m shocked it got so much attention. I’m fine with being completely wrong and hopefully it sparks others to think critically about the glitch and keep an eye on it. I’m retarded. + +A few thoughts: I don’t believe hedge funds have covered and close their short positions. I believe the price is manipulated and not reflective of reality. I am not sure what the glitches are. I am open to admitting I’m wrong. I appreciate the upvotes not for karma but for visibility and hopefully some smarter apes can help. Thanks for reading and being kind apes. + +———— + +Down to business.... + +Edit: The real price CURRENTLY unmanipulated at $209 is actually $5,535.10 (personal opinion). My floor still needs to look like a phone number. + +TLDR: glitch formula back in March showed $182.02 was a price point in which ~$1,700 a share was the target. New glitch showed up yesterday. With the same equation below the price shows $5,535.10. If $209 becomes a new battle as was $180-$182, I believe this glitch might be showing us what the actual price is without manipulation. Who knows 🤷🏽 + +Glitch date: Friday June 25, 21 +2,073,913,491 (glitch) * $209.51 = 434,505,615,499.41 / 78,500,000 (total shares) = $5,535.10 + +glitch number * price at glitch = X / total share in float = $5,535.10 + +Reference: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o7vvy3/need_a_wrinkly_brain_for_this_one_2_billion/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf + +—————- + +LIST OF PREVIOUS GLITCH NUMBERS + +94,189,110 - Feb 22 + +634,322,033 - March 23 + +290,114,478 - April 26 + +1,853,259,956 - March 25 + +63,039,337 - May 25 + +————— + +PAST GLITCHES AND FORMULAS + +Glitch #1 Revised (73.5M shares) +94,189,110 (glitch) * $46.12 (price) = 4,344,001,753.20 +4,344,001,753.20 / 73,500,000 (total shares) = 59.10 +59.10 + 46.12 = $105.22 + +Glitch #2 Revised (73.5M shares) +634,322,033 (glitch) * $182.02 (price) = 115,459,296,466.66 +115,459,296,466.66 / 73,500,000 (total shares) = 1,570.87 +1,570.87 + 182.02 = $1,752.89 + +Glitch #3 Revised (73.5M shares) +290,114,478 (glitch) * $183.77(price) = 53,314,337,622.06 +53,314,337,622.06 / 73,500,000 (total shares) = 725.36 +725.36 + $183.75 = $909.11 + +Glitch #4 Revised (73.5M shares) +1,853,259,956 (glitch) * $183.75(price) = 340,536,516,915 +340,536,516,915 / 73,500,000(total shares) = 4633.14 +4633.14 + $183.75 = $4816.89 + +Not financial advice. I am pleased with my investment. And I’m an idiot. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: I’d like to make a prediction that $209 price point is danger zone. Price may get pushed back down and battle to stay above $209. Just like what happened with the $182.02 price point weeks ago. + +——————- + +Be excellent to each other. +Here since December. +Staying until food stamps or Lambo. + +——————- +There have been a few posts about the stage 3 tax cuts linking to articles with misleading graphs. + +I wanted to present one which hopefully isn't misleading. So here is an interactive chart showing tax payed vs taxable income in 2023 and 2025 going up to 300k: + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTl5J\_kX4tunBa4Pz6X-Q6MWFJe40ZZlXYiL8DG3oWlxkTXUNZd4pCJhI0H8u8CpB\_YiLQjjevxvj3V/pubchart?oid=1634774069&format=interactive](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTl5J_kX4tunBa4Pz6X-Q6MWFJe40ZZlXYiL8DG3oWlxkTXUNZd4pCJhI0H8u8CpB_YiLQjjevxvj3V/pubchart?oid=1634774069&format=interactive) + +I personally am against the stage 3 tax cuts. I think they'll only increase inequality and with the massive debt we've acrewed over covid I don't know if now is the time to give a tax cut to those who in reality don't need it. + +Personally I am against the tax cut. Abolishing a tax bracket means those on 200k same rate of tax as someone on 45k. The current minimum wage is $21.38 per hour \* 38 hours \* 52 weeks = $42.246.88 per year. Should someone on the minimum salary be $3k per year away from paying the same tax rate as someone on $200k? Personally I think the system should be more progressive than this. + +&#x200B; + +I'd like to repond to a few arguments I've seen in favour of stage 3: + +>Stage 3 tax cuts combat bracket creep: + +This is a genuine problem but shouldn't the solution be to move the brackets up? + +>High income earners are already paying too much tax + +I'll admit I don't have as large a gauge on this. Those who are able to should be paying more tax to support those who have been delt a worse hand or picked a profession which will never reach $200k. Keen to hear a discussion on how progressive our taxes should be. + +>The uber wealthy don't pay any tax anyway. Why should I be paying so much income tax? + +Sounds like you'd support imposing a wealth tax or closing some of the loopholes they use. I don't know what that has to do with your income tax. + +>The government wastes/rorts our money. Put it in the hands of the people + +Again sounds like a different problem. Better solutions would be a federal ICAC, tweaking how policial donations work and us the people educating ourselves and voting out parties/MPs who are dodgy. + +&#x200B; + +I am fully prepared to be downvoted to oblivion and labeled as an extreme leftist but I hope we can all be civil! + +TL;DR stage 3 makes our taxes less progressive. I don't like that + + +Edit: +Alright I think I'm most things worth saying have been said... +I would have liked to respond to more people but I think I'm starting to repeat myself + +Couple of observations: + +* I don't think I've done a terribly good job justify why tax should be progressive (as opposed to a flat). +* A lot of people are saying we pay too much income tax in general. This is something I need to research and form a proper opinion on. Either way abolishing a tax bracket doesn't address this. Shifting the brackets or reducing the rates would. +* I partially regret picking 45k and 200k as my point of comparison. Going with 120k and 180k (or 200k) would show the true effects of removing a bracket which are that our taxes become less progressive. +* Many people have pointed out that even under a single tax bracket those on 200k will pay more tax than 45k. Congrats you've missed the point! + +Finally I feel like a lot of people didn't look at the graph? I think it shows the progressive nature of the tax brackets beautifully + +I'd like to be able to run my trading more like a hedge fund. I'm not looking for funding just trying to deduct costs. + +Im looking to deduct education, subscriptions, equipment, tools. It would also be great to elect mark-to-market. + +Anyone do this? Or has anyone done this? +I get the general gist that maybe it's not worth setting an entity up? + +Thanks! +⚠️ 18+ NSFW 🔞 + +&#x200B; + +(D0xxed Owner) will do a full audit within the next week! Huge Marketing budget LAUNCHING SOON! + +$HGS is a deflationary token operating on the BSC. It rewards hodlers with passive earning using burn and static reflection mechanisms on each transaction. + +&#x200B; + +The $HGS token will be powering the adult dating app and will be used as a tool to interact with it. This includes subscriptions, tipping, texting and much more. Hot Girl Summer will be used as a place to privately talk and video chat, as well as arrange meetings with other people. To differentiate from other dating apps, Hot Girl Summer is built on top of blockchain to ensure absolute privacy. Whether it is a casual hook-up or a long term relationship, our one-of-a-kind app will ensure the best sexting experience possible. You will also be able to privately message and interact with our exclusive creators. + +&#x200B; + +Get ready for your summer adventure! + +&#x200B; + +Huge announcements to come!! + +&#x200B; + +$HGS will be available for purchase on DXSALE with a hard cap of 25 BNB and a maximum contribution of 0.5 BNB per person. After the presale is completed, we will launch on pancakeswap with the same price to make it fair for those who missed the presale. $HGS is mainly a community driven project, so the ownership of the contract will be renounced after launch on pancakeswap. To guarantee safety and security, all of the initial dev tokens will be burned, the liquidity will be locked forever and a full techrate audit will follow shortly after release. + +There will be a 10% tax on each transaction and will distribute as follows: + +&#x200B; + +4% added to liquidity + +2% redistributed to holders + +2% burned + +3% to marketing wallet + +ownership will be renounced + +🔒 Liquidity will be locked for 2 years + +ANTI Bot Function in source code to Prevent bots + +&#x200B; + +We will never sell any tokens from the marketing wallet before consulting with the community and holding polls in our official telegram group. You will decide when and how we spend those resources. + +Tokenomics + +Total supply: 1000000000000000 + +Presale: 25000000000000 HGS + +Presale rate: 1000000000000 HGS per BNB + +Listing rate: 1000000000000 HGS per BNB + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: [https://t.me/hotgirlsummerbsc](https://t.me/hotgirlsummerbsc) + +&#x200B; + +Twitter ([https://twitter.com/hgs\_bsc?s=09](https://twitter.com/hgs_bsc?s=09)): [https://twitter.com/hgs\_bsc?s=09](https://twitter.com/hgs_bsc?s=09) + +&#x200B; + +Instagram: [https://instagram.com/hgs\_bsc?utm\_medium=copy\_link](https://instagram.com/hgs_bsc?utm_medium=copy_link) + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://hotgirlsummerapp.com](https://hotgirlsummerapp.com) +**What is a P/S ratio?** + +Price / Sales ratio. The higher the number, the more expensive the stock is compared to sales. + +**What about P/E ratio?** + +Price / Earnings ratio is great for mature companies, but the hottest stocks typically lose money, so P/S is a quick and lazy proxy. + +**Got an example?** + +Take AAPL's Market Cap of $2113B and TTM sales of $294B. 2113/294=7. So the P/S ratio of AAPL is 7. Is that good or bad? Well it depends on the industry. Typically Apple has a PS ratio of 2-5. APPL had a PS ratio of 7 at the end of 2007, and we all know what happened in 2008, right? + +**What does the P/S ratio have to do with anything?** + +There are currently [54 stocks with a PS over 30](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap_largeover,fa_ps_o10&o=-ps&r=41). + +The stocks with the highest P/S ratio [are getting hit the hardest](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap_largeover,fa_ps_o10&o=-ps). + +**Is having a PS ratio over 30 bad?** + +Historically, anything with a P/S over 30 underperforms as an investment. The revenue growth will outperform, but the overall stock still underperforms, because all that revenue growth was already priced in. None of the FANG stocks ever exceeded a P/S ratio of 25. MSFT had a PS ratio of about 28 back in 1999, and it took 17 years for the price to recover. + +**When was the last time we had this many stocks with a P/S over 30?** + +At the end of 1999 we had 22, making up 6.70% of US market cap. From 2001-2019 we had very few. At the end of 2020 we had 50, making up 4.80% of US market cap. + +**How significant is this?** + +I don't know, man. 5% of the market is not significant. Also, there isn't a lot of data, only 31 stocks went over a P/S ratio of 30 from 2001-2019 (the other 85 instances occurred in 2000 & 2020.) Also it's worth noting the valuation of all stocks [has been trending up](https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-price-to-sales) because of low rates. Yay? + +**What should you do?** + +I don't know, man. I am not a broker/ dealer. This is not advice. You can quickly check your individual stocks P/S ratio on [finviz](https://finviz.com/). P/S over 10 is red, which means you should dig deeper. + +**Edit:** No I am not implying Apple caused the housing bubble to pop in 2008. Let me be specific. From 2007 to 2008 Apples revenue went up (24b to 32b), earnings went up (3.4b-4.8b), but its stock fell (180-85). During a recession, mr market is less inclined to pay a premium for growth stocks. +What lessons learned might you be willing to share from an investment perspective? Things you wished you had’ve done or shouldn’t have done from an investing/financial perspective? + +Commentary on how you handled your RRSP and TFSA? + +USA investment strategy as a Canadian on a TN? + +Did you keep your property (especially investment/recreational) in Canada or sell it? + +Commentary on buying housing in the USA vs your experience in Canada? + +Tax/investing complications with CRA on becoming non-resident? + +TN hiccups? + +What about those that have returned to Canada? Financially wrt to getting yourself rolling again in Canada investment/banking wise? + +Other international/expat info is appreciated but with all the different countries and specifics I’d like to keep this post focused on 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 + +*please, no bashing of US health insurance or their health system. If you have helpful tips as it pertains to this please contribute. Broad, hyperbolic statements such as the system is “hot garbage” etc are not being sought here. It’s a separate issue I’ll flush out elsewhere and frankly not a concern as far as this post goes. + +If you were doing it over again and leaving Canada for 2-5 years what you do to prep or set yourself up to come back investment wise? + +TIA + + +Are you tired of being scammed every day? You want legit project with low market cap? CHECK THIS OUT‼️ + +This project is around 25 days old. Has a working product, hasn't been listed on CG or CMC yet and has a Marketing Campaign upcoming! If this won't give you profit I don't know what will.. + +The Beta Casino has already been online and has been tested by many community members. They LOVED it! They also made a partnership with one of the leading platforms in crypto gambling industry! Some of their games will be on CryptoCandy's platform and they'll do the marketing for them.. Multiplayer poker is in final stage. Live Poker also. you can play poker with your friends and watch each other trough webcam. + +Besides a Casino they also have their first Mobile Game upcoming. In this game, you can earn tokens by accomplishing new lvls. You also unlock premium features by holding tokens. So get em while they're still cheap! + +In the start, all profits from the Casino will be used to add to the LP and later on it will be used for Marketing & Development. + +A full rebrand of their website is currently being worked on and it's gonna look INSANE! + +The initial 3 Founders have DOXXED themselves and are very dedicated to the success of this project while also being engaged in the Community. + +;TLDR + +🌕 Audit Done + +🌕 Crypto Casino is LIVE! + +🌕 3 founders have Doxxed themselves + +🌕 First Mobile Game under development + +🌕 1 NFT is created and auctioned on the Discord every week. Profit goes into LP + +This is not financial advise and as always. DYOR! + +Website: [https://cryptocandy.club](https://cryptocandy.club/) + +Casino : [https://cryptocandy.casino](https://cryptocandy.casino/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/cryptocandybsc](https://t.me/cryptocandybsc) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/CUTWZQxQuS](https://discord.gg/CUTWZQxQuS) + +PancakeSwap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc1999565b29e5fa35a24ecc16a4dcf632fb22d1e](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xc1999565b29e5fa35a24ecc16a4dcf632fb22d1e) +DRS is the way. The naysayers may say they don't see DRS working yet, that's because we have just started. It's a long process and it takes patience. The company can't promote DRS and we just like the stock. That alone makes locking the float nearly impossible. Institutions can work together, insiders can obviously work together, but we are only allowed to like the stock. With that said, let's go over a brief history of popular instances floats were nearly locked. + +&#x200B; + +Piggly Wiggly had nearly all its shares locked by the owner, Clarence Saunders, in the 1920s. Unfortunately, once he locked these shares and had the market cornered, trading Piggly Wiggly was suspended from the exchanges. The rules changed mid game and it gave time for the shorts to find and cover. This story is an example of why owners have to file with the SEC and can only own a certain % of their own stock. They cannot corner the market. This changed the way the market works, but was still easily controllable because they just had to screw over 1 person. + +Porsche, who owned 42.6% of Volkswagon ordinary shares, and was able to lock 31.5% more through cash settled options without being on the shorts radar. Once it was known that Porsche had managed to lock 74.1% of the float, shorts panicked and you can see the squeeze in the graph below. This is the graph we use today with arrows that point, "We are here - dip before the rip." This is also a very popular alleged meaning behind 741, for those that didn't know. Again, this situation was manageable because the company worked with shorts and allowed them to close their positions. + +&#x200B; + +>“At the end of last week Porsche SE held 42.6 percent of the Volkswagen ordinary shares and in addition 31.5 percent in so called cash settled options relating to Volkswagen ordinary shares to hedge against price risks, representing a total of 74.1 percent.” + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gb4zk5ts22i81.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=7706f943acd5a2df28142e71c5881c6bdc3c6479 + +I keep seeing Dillards being thrown around as an example of how DRS doesn't work. Supposedly around 70% of Dillards has been direct registered through an employee program. But this isn't something I've seen, just heard through popular DD creators. Using this as an example of how DRS doesn't work is arguable because Dillards, compared to its competition, large indoor mall stores, Sears (bankrupt) JcPenneys (bankrupt), is doing great. + +https://preview.redd.it/y0fvsa2e72i81.jpg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f06228b5363708c50c6167ca8efb19015170f12 + +If the naysayers use Dillards as an example of how DRS doesn't work, does that chart look like it doesn't work? For the record, Dillards does not have the sentimental value of GameStop, the new group of execs behind it, nor is it even comparable to suggest employee DRS is the same as retail choosing to register their shares. Not close, not comparable, yet I'd still argue DRS has been effective (if true). Dillards is far from being bankrupt (see Sears & JC Penneys) + +&#x200B; + +What does any of this have to do with GME? Well, for the first time in history it isn't a single company or owner trying to lock the float, it's a large group of retail investors individually DRSing their shares to literally **buy** the company they like. This is how the market should have always been, retail buys and support the companies we like. But companies have good days and bad days. Unfortunately *the big money* couldn't make big money on the bad days...*until they could*. And then they decided to create their own bad days with false news and narratives. And then the bad days made more money than supporting any companies ever could. Because millions of retail investors could be liquidated by 4 or 5 whales creating bad days on whichever investment they decided. Enter the hedge funds. So let's take it back to the basics. Retail wants to own this fucking company and take away their power to make money on bad days. + +If the free float is locked through DRS, this will not be easily manageable because we aren't one owner buying the float, or 1 company buying the float. We are a million individual investors that just like this stock. They'll have to fuck over way more than 1 person this time. And what they'll have to do to stop retail will be much more damaging than just turning off the buy button. With that being said, it is my belief that institutions are lining up on the other side of the DRS movement and doing the same thing as retail! They are registering more shares! Institutional ownership has went from 39% of the float to 45% of the float. Why? Because these registered shares will be the only shares that matter once the float is locked by retail. They know that. So they are doing the same thing retail is doing, hoarding. I think they are realizing that the DRS movement isn't stopping. In fact, if the DRS numbers keep going up and others see the DRS count is making real progress, much more will join, **especially as the free float gets smaller.** Unfortunately DRS is still at the beginning and there will always be those on the sideline watching and waiting. + +It is my understanding that as institutions file and change their positions, registering more shares, now owning 45% of the float, rather than 39%, **it makes the free float smaller.** This means locking the free float through DRS is now going to be easier. + +The most interesting part about all this is the idea of a tug of war. Once the free float is locked, either retail DRS numbers will have to go down, or institutional shares will have to go down. If retail locks the free float and institutions are still lending out shares, more lendees will be unable to return shares, creating more FTDs (failure to deliver). But someone bought those shares the lendee shorted. That someone may not being able to register their shares because the free float is locked. CS may not allow it. That is going to cause major issues. Imagine the flood of people upset that they are buying shares they can't put in their own name. The tin foil conspiracy days would be over. It's real. This is clearly going to cause an implosion. The ability to lend so hedge funds can short will at this point be too risky. It's already too risky and we've probably only locked a third of the free float! Isn't utilization already at 100%? This is when institutions will have to start actually selling their stash rather than lending them out. But that isn't shorting the market, that's a different type of volume. It would take what, 30 days with a million volume a day to dry them out? This is why DRS matters. What I am confused about is will retail be able to DRS their shares once the float is locked? Will CS be able to continue to register during this tug of war? Also, what is going to happen with brokers who know that any share bought or sold on their platform will be unable to be registered. That's more than just a problem. I mean, once the float is locked, all brokers will clearly know, can we allow our clients to buy these shares when they can't register them? IS THAT LEGAL? What exactly are our clients holding now? When someone buys 100 shares, what the fuck are they buying? Will the institutional numbers be updated regularly so we can see their numbers dwindle away? Like I said, this is a total unknown, but with the institutions now having 45% of the float, this tug of war is getting closer. Much closer. Because the free float is getting smaller. This is going to be exciting and interesting to watch play out. I hope those on the sidelines have a plan or understand that as the free float gets locked, especially as it gets close, it's going to be a race to either sell (I only say sell because it seems risky to just hold them in a broker account when you clearly see the float locked) or try to register your shares. Do you believe the violent movements up will be as the float gets near locked up, or after? + +&#x200B; + +TL/DR + +Buy, Hold, DRS. +I currently make $100k and spend about 1 hour commuting round trip by car to my job. I just got a job offer for $125k with a new company, but it will be around 2 hours of driving per day. + +An extra hour a day of driving will mean extra gas, mileage on my car, and time away from my family, but $25k seems like it is worth it. + +What factors am I not considering and what would you do? TIA + +Edit for clarification: my current commute is around 30 minutes each direction and my new commute would be around 1 hour each direction. + Banks have been sanctioning housing loans under floating rate of interest for quite a while now. The floating rates are revised / reset once in one year / two years as per bank's internal guidelines. RBI was of the opinion that benefit of reduction in interest rates isn't being transmitted to customers under the old regimes like BR ; MCLR. Hence a new regime, EBLR (External Benchmark Lending Rate) was introduced by RBI and adopted by banks around sept 2019. EBLR seems to facilitate faster transmission of interest rates. + +Keeping in view of the above information, urging all redditors to convert their housing loans into EBLR regime. SBI has been allowing customers to shift HL from existing regimes to EBLR by obtaining a request and a one time fee of Rs.5900/- + +For eg: In SBI, borrowers who availed housing loan under BR regime are paying interest rate upwards of 8.5%. Such customers can reduce their ROI to 7.4% or so by shifting to EBLR. + +Under EBLR the ROI of existing borrowers is revised as and when bank announces revision of ROI. Whereas in the previous regimes the ROI of existing borrowers is revised once a year / once in two years. +Think about it: the fact that they feel threatened means they know their system is flawed. The very fact that some banks and credit companies ban you from buying crypto proves that crypto solves an important problem. +Don't think about buying back your initial investments. Don't think that the number you see in your screen is enough. + +Think about others. Think about the ones who need it most. Think about the lives that we lost. Think about those who are struggling, those who are going hungry, or sleeping in their cars. + +The longer you hold, the more help others will get. This is one of the few times where doing nothing will return greater things. + +Apes stronger together. Hold the line. Do good things. +I’ve recently started investing into an ISA and Invest on the trading212 platform and I have been gaining profit from under £100. I’ve only sold one stock that was about £90 and I was wondering would I have to pay tax on that sell. + +I’ve also tried trading on the tastyworks platform on options but it’s only been a $80 profit and nothing has been withdrawn. Would I have to pay tax on that as well? +Of course the flagship theta strategy is the wheel, and many delve into the PCS as well.. But i never see talk of our forgotten pal the Iron Condor, TWO credit spreads all wrapped up in one nice order. Also the adjustability is much better since you can roll the untested legs if it starts to move against you. Thoughts? +This isn't my idea but I couldn't find who posted it long ago when I saw it. Well, I did it and it's worked well. I found myself going out for a drink or bite to eat when I didn't really have a great reason to. Instead, I took that money I would have spent and payed down a loan with a quick click. (Not always) It feels great. About as great as I felt getting that drink on the way home after work. I did try Robinhood too but that felt very different to me and wasn't as rewarding. + +Edit: The app I use is my lenders, Great Lakes. People here are saying use ChangEd as well which works like Acorn. + +Edit: Yes, I know playing the market may yield more than paying down my lower interest loans but that's not the point. It is to chip away at a daunting 10+ year loan. It is also NO risk. +We always hear in the news or even on reddit that people are unable to put together a deposit/ save which is usually one of the reasons why they are unable to buy a house. + +&#x200B; + +However, i would be curious to see how many people are in the same situation as me, who actually have a hefty deposit ready but their salary just isnt enough to make the repayments. I know this is pretty rare compared to the "usual situation", but i feel like this isnt talked about enough. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +No one should have to pay $25-$50 just to send any amount of money or approve a simple contract. If a bank charged you that amount to open a bank account, then another time to deposit your money, you just wouldn’t use it. + +I hope in the coming years that the gas fees will be reduced to a fraction of a cent - kind of like Harmony’s right now at their current transaction load. That, or more developers begin looking at building on networks with lower gas fees as their TVL grows, though none are anywhere close to Ethereum’s at the moment. + +How does everyone feel about gas at the moment, and where we will be a year or two later? All the smaller networks are starved for apps, especially games right now :/ + +\--- + +*Edit: Just wanted to add on that I do know of and use L2 solutions - mainly borrowing platforms and DEXes. After reading some understandably angry comments I've learned a little more about them and how they leverage the Ethereum Network for scalability while protecting decentralization, though I'm nowhere near qualified to comment on the tech.* + +*I guess my main point was that many of the more desirable or attractive projects or games (current and upcoming) are housed on L1 and are what currently draws new user interest, only for them to be turned away by the gas fees that first-timers are almost certainly going to be taken aback by. Considering present circumstances, that's just not great for new adopters, though I'm sure it'll level out sometime in the future.* +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +This one is for all the newbies joining the corporate world. A lot of confusion about EPF and UAN. We simplify what UAN is and how it is useful in this article. + + +Universal Account Number (UAN) is all you need to operate your Employee Provident Fund (EPF) account. Withdrawal, PF loan application, checking EPF balance - everything is covered online through this one UAN. + +**What is a UAN?** + +Every employer contributing to EPF has a 12-digit Universal Account Number. This is alloted by the Employee Provident Fund Organization. + +The beauty of a UAN is that the UAN remains the same throughout the life of an employee. Does not matter if you change jobs. Every time you change jobs, the EPFO will allot a new membership identification number. This ID is linked to your UAN. + +**How do I find my UAN?** + +**A. Ask your employer** + +Your finance team/ HR team will have records of this. All you have to do is ask. Most employers also mention the UAN on the salary slips. + +**B. Know your UAN functionality** + +* Click on this link to access the EPFO website - [https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/](https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/) +* Click on Know Your UAN at the bottom right corner. +* Enter your mobile number. + +If UAN is linked to your mobile number, it will show up here. Otherwise, you need to talk to your Company's finance team/ HR team. + +**Activate your UAN** + +Now that you have obtained your UAN, your task does not end here. To actually access the [EPFO portal](https://passbook.epfindia.gov.in/MemberPassBook/Login), you'll have to Activate your UAN. + +* Click on this link to access the EPFO website - [https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/](https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/) +* Click on Activate UAN at the bottom right corner. +* Enter the necessary details. You can choose to enter one of the following: +* UAN +* Member ID +* Aadhaar +* PAN +* We recommend using UAN since that might be easiest. +* Click on Get authorization PIN and activate UAN using the OTP sent to your mobile number. + +And you're done! If you want to learn more about Income from salary and how tax is calculated, [click here](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/salary). + +The above is usually enough to answer most people's questions. But if you're here to learn or need additional information, read on below. + +**Documents required for UAN** + +New to the salaried world? Here's the list of documents you'll need (fret not. Your company will usually guide you through the process and what they need). + +* Bank account details: +* Account number +* IFSC code +* Branch name. +* ID proof: Any photo-affixed and national identity cards like driving license, passport, voter ID, Aadhaar, and SSLC Book +* Address proof: Utility bills (electricity bills, gas bills, etc), rental/lease agreement, ration card or any of the ID proof mentioned above if it has your current address. +* PAN card +* Aadhaar card + +**Do I really need a UAN?** + +Yes. There's no way around it. If you want to be employed in India, there's a high likelihood that you'll need a UAN. + +The UAN has several advantages for you as well: + +* There's no need for multiple EPF accounts. Your UAN remains the same irrespective of if you switch jobs. This is now a single unified account. +* The whole EPFO process is now online. No need to visit EPFO offices. +* Withdrawal (fully or partially) from PF is now online with this UAN. +* The EPFO passbook is available online instantly – either by logging in using the member ID or UAN or by sending an SMS. No need for passbook updation. +* If you do switch jobs, you can transfer EPF balance yourself. There's no need for any intervention from any of your employers. +* There is no need for new employers to validate your profile if the UAN is already Aadhaar and KYC-verified. +* UAN ensures that employers cannot access or withhold the PF money of their employees. +* Monitoring becomes easier. You can check that your employer is actually depositing money as their contribution in the EPF account. +Some day, I’ll pay rent without panicking and scrounging for $30 extra just to make it. And one of these days, I’ll actually have a savings account and won’t have to put my/my family/my pets health on the back burner just make ends meet. + +Hopefully some day soon. It seems like literally no one else I know struggles as hard as me. It’s really starting to get to me, and I can’t keep up like this. I know I’m not a failure, but god damn if I don’t feel like one sometimes. I just wanna buy a new fucking outfit to make myself feel good without making it hard to pay bills. It hurts, and I’m constantly embarrassed by my financial situation. Fuck me. + +Edit: I was seriously just feeling emotional off a $3 bottle of Aldi wine and venting about being broke and was not expecting so much support and good advice (and a silver lol). ily guys. One day we’ll all look back at our posts on here and be so proud of where we came from. You are not alone in your struggle. Keep grinding and make things better for yourself, everyone. You have tremendous power in your own life. Stay fucking positive. +I used to use digitallook for a summary of UK equities but it appears to be down. Following some tips from people here, I've made a google sheet that uses the 'GOOGLEFINANCE' function to achieve similar data. It is quite a powerful function that I'm sure could be applied many ways, the examples here should help people achieve what they want. + +Word of warning, it's pulling live data from Google so some of the tickers fall over. It varies from day-to-day and seems to be more stable at the weekend. + +[Here's the sheet.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KXFJoWgO-bPM9nrYPh3AW0WhL6QblKKddwwi7xdcpQU/edit?usp=sharing) + +Note: I've tried to share this anonymously. If it turns out to be non-anonymous could you let me know? + +EDIT: 'GOOGLEFINANCE' function documentation here: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093281?hl=en-GB +Some of you may have heard of assassination markets. With the debut of Augur, we can now bet on basically anything. This creates a problem, because if you bet on real world events, you have the ability to influence their outcomes. For instance, if someone bets $1000 that /u/etherornot will never tackle a news reporter on air, then I can easily make some money by betting against it and then finding my local news crew. + +This logic reaches an extreme conclusion when you start betting on a person's life. An assassin can start a bet on a person's life, and then claim a reward once the assassination is complete. + +This is bad. It's bad for the world and it's bad for Augur, and it's bad for Ethereum. Please be a responsible early adopter of blockchain. Don't participate in assassination markets. And if you do, NEVER EVER bet that a person will live. If you do, you are betting \*against\* the assassin and your money will fuel their winnings. + +Hopefully this never becomes a real problem. Let's nip it in the bud before it does and make sure that people are aware of how to responsibly react to death markets. +Throwaway account, but i also don’t know if this is the right sub. Thanks so much for any advice. + +My father passed away 3 weeks ago. He left behind a life insurance policy for my mom, but also about $40,000 in credit card debt. The house my mother lives in still owes $400,000 and they have a leased car about a year old at $500 a month. + +My brother and i decided that the best thing to do is take $50,000 of that life insurance and wipe out the credit card debt. My mom makes a decent living, and she can sustain the household expenses including the mortgage. We’ll put 6 months worth of expenses away in a savings account. + +My question is, after all is said and done, we’ll have about $150,000 to invest. My mom lives in fear, and she keeps saying she wants to be able to take the money if she needs, and she’s concerned we’ll invest it and she’ll lose it. What should we do with the money? Should we put the max amount every year into a Roth IRA, should we split it up into several reserve stock investments? I want to set my mom up for success in these tough times. + +I appreciate your help! +I currently work for $12/hour at a franchised business. I was recently invited to apply at a separate business that offered me $16.50/hour. When I told my current manager I was planning on taking it he guilt tripped me into staying, saying the business would collapse without me, and asked me if I would stay it I was paid $15/hour. If I’m worth $15/hour to you now, why have I been making $12/hour this whole time? Why was my last raise cancelled because of ‘budgetary issues’? Fuck people like this. I’m taking the new job. + +Edit: some more details. I’ve been working as a night auditor at a hotel. I’ve had my current job for a little over a year, in that time I never got a raise. I did some networking and got in touch with the management staff at a much better hotel, who offered me my new position. Networking is key folks! +Have a tenant move into a single family home I own last June, paid 3 months (first, last, security) and has not paid a dime since and claimed COVID reasons, even though they didn’t do any of the requirements to be covered by the ban. However the county court hasn’t and isn’t scheduling any court dates for non payment of rent, no matter how many times the court asked me to jump through their hoops to “help out the tenant”. + +Their first water bill for the quarter was over $800 and obviously there is a plumbing issue. However they have not let me or my repair people in to check and fix anything even though my lease stipulates I can. They will physically block the door to prevent us from entering and they don’t leave so there’s no time we can enter without them home. + +Got a few more water bills just as high between then and now just as high but the last quarter was $1800. I called the city and told them to shut the water off because there’s a problem that needs to be fixed, but they won’t do it for some reason (they said I need to turn it off at the main valve inside the house). + +Their lease expires at the end of May. I’ll need to go to court to get possession, but is it not considered an eviction for nonpayment because the lease is expired? Anyone else face the same issue with your tenants? + +To clarify, if the tenants made an effort to work with me on ANYTHING, I would be ok with not evicting them. They are taking advantage of the system and won’t even allow me to address the plumbing issue or repair...and the local county court here doesn’t want to get involved because of the eviction moratorium for some reason. +I think I know the answer to this but I want to ask the question to make sure I am not missing a trick. + +I'm looking to get an office built in my garden. I've reached out to a couple of contractors to get some quotes in and the quotes range from about £16k to £19k for what I am after. The more expensive end actually seemed like a better developer, a little more professional with how they surveyed the scene and the quote came through in a really nicely formatted PDF, whereas the lower end quote was a much more bog-standard word doc. + +I asked the more expensive guy if he could move on the price, so he came back to me somewhere around the £17k which felt much more reasonable. I was ready to say "Yup, I'll go with you" when he dropped a bit of a bombshell - he wants that in cash, in 3 separate installments. + +I'm used to dealing with contractors (Plumbers, electricians, etc.) who only take cash for smaller jobs, £50 or £80 here and there, but this is a lot of money and I don't think my bank would even let me take out such an amount without asking me a lot of questions first. He claims this is a "Cash discount" and the only way he could compete on that price, but it seems super bloody sketchy to me and I am ready to walk away from that developer entirely for even suggesting it. + +Am I being dumb or naive here or is this a massive red flag? + +EDIT: WOW, there's a lot of comments on this one! I'm so sorry I cannot possibly reply to every response here, but I appreciate all of your thoughts and ideas, some really great advice in this thread! Thank you! +When investing I am looking for stocks priced below their intrinsic value. Usually, for me these finds are among small and micro cap stocks with very low trading volumes and that are mostly overlooked by analysts/institutional investors. + +Often, when I buy these stocks they have had deep declines in their price. Many of these value stocks have a sudden return to a fair value after some time but then *they become neglected again or the stock price stagnates with the new higher ratios*. At that point, I don't understand why I should continue to hold the stock - it no longer presents value to me. + +Many value investors on this subreddit and elsewhere suggest you should hold a stock forever. For example, they will quote Buffett saying "our favorite holding period is forever". Personally, I think Buffett is more of a large cap quality stock investor - so I'm not sure how applicable this is to more deeply discounted "distressed" stocks. + +What I don't understand is: why would I hold a stock when it has returned to my calculated intrinsic value or its ratios are now quite average (like Buffett suggests)? + +When do you decide to sell (if you do) and what are your criteria and rationale for doing so? +Yes you read that right. It throws off so much cash and is so low in price that is its current position. + +Deducting debt, it still has $15Bn. + +Revenue per share is at $355 + +& TTM is 2.7x it’s market cap +This is it. 2 contracts on copper for 1,500 profit. Its been real guys and with my account over 20K after this I can say it is definitely possible to make a good living trading futures even with a small account. Sort of anti climatic because I was able to do it in 1 week and 1 day instead of the whole month but the added volatility made it very profitable. + + +Perhaps I will do another one in the future but only if I get more views. Kind of draining to put up a post only 20 people will read + +[HG 2 contract on 500 tick chart](https://preview.redd.it/ahfjd66i5ws71.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef0ab9f689fbe6b2e408e4af63c0aea4f24e73fb) +Bear with me, this is kinda long, but I feel good for saving and want to provide some context. + +Me and my girlfriend are just beginning to look for a house. We both live in Leeds, are 27, and been in a relationship for close to 4 years. I knew she was the one after 6 months, so, for 3 and a half of those years I used the opportunity to save some money by moving back in with my parents small flat which they downsized to after myself and my 4 siblings went to university. For the first year and a half I’d save around £750 a month, and very recently, I’ve been able to save closer to £1,500. As well as my full time work I’ve done freelance work on evenings and weekends to try get us a deposit. I’ve now saved £30k. + +I hate living here. My parents moved into this place to keep us kids away but understand it’s the only way for us to save. They drink a lot and are very loud, whereas I’m quite the opposite, I just like to keep to myself which causes friction and makes it an uncomfortable place for me to live sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I owe them so much and pay rent, try make it up to them with housework and making dinner occasionally, but put bluntly, I don’t like it. My older brother is also here and is incredibly loud, abrasive and irresponsible. We’ve had physical confrontations in the past. This lockdown and COVID 19 in general has been really tough but luckily I’ve had my girlfriend with me. + +Since January this year, she has moved in with me into my parents flat so that we can maximise our saving potential and get her out of debt. She’s not a Leeds native, she went to university here and after graduating was offered a conversion course and subsequent masters in law by the firm she was working with as a legal assistant (that she had to complete while working full time). As a result of a tiny wage when we first met, no help from parents and school fees, she racked up some debt (around £4K). After a few years of working to increase her wage and reduce her outgoings, she was in a position where she was gradually paying off the debt (around £150 each month). Since moving in in January, she’s close to paying it off completely, she’s also completed her masters, meaning once she’s done her training contract she’ll become a full time, qualified solicitor. It does mean she’s not been able to contribute whatsoever to saving for a deposit. + +As I’ve been keen to leave this place for a long time, I’ve been looking at properties online. We’re now comfortable that the house buying process will take a minimum of probably 3 months, which means even if we bought now, my girlfriend would have no debt by the time we move in. We found a property online we’re viewing tomorrow that we love the look of. We’ve got in touch with an IFA in case we want to put an offer in, but this is the second house viewing we’ve been to as buyers and at the first I felt a bit lost. I didn’t know what sensible things to ask or look for in the house. I also thought that even if I did offer, I’d have no idea how to justify an offer below asking price or what to look for in order to consider that option. I’m going to take one of my parents and try to take as many photos as possible to help me spot things I wouldn’t have usually but could use further advice so I don’t just look like a deer in headlights again. + +Also, I’ve read a lot online about the impact this pandemic will have on our economy. I’m not sure this is a reason not to buy, but have seen articles online suggesting it’s a good time to go for a more expensive house and offer less for it, which I’m slightly confused about. Would the potential decrease in our economy be a reason to reduce an offer on a house? Is it better to just wait? + +Another consideration is that as we can save and I do want to marry this person eventually, is it better to just wait another 6 months and have some savings for a marriage, allowing any fluctuations in the economy to happen and then assess the situation then? + +Thanks for reading and any advice. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +title. + +DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS DRS +Hello there! + +Regarding all that recent hype I’ve decided to look into trading. + +Did a lot of research (I mean, I think so lol), and before beginning to use real money and not excel I’m wondering about the mistakes I’m about to make (or already made as I ended up in this wonderful community). + +It will be great if you guys can share with me some of your experience and maybe give some advice, but tbh a good loss story will be OK as wel haha + +So, what are Top 5 of yours? +As the title suggests, I wrote a script that shows the most discussed penny stocks on r/pennystocks and other penny stock subreddits and tracks their DDs/Catalysts posted here. + +I made a post yesterday in the RHPennyStocks subreddit and it was very well received and I got a lot of positive response so I decided to keep working on it. I am still trying to improve it so all the feedback/suggestion is appreciated. + +### Most Discussed Penny Stocks in last 48 Hours +| Ticker | Mentions | Name | Price - 2/5 | 5d Low | 5d High | 1d Change (%) | 5d Change (%) | 1mo Change (%) | Industry | DD | Catalyst | +|:---------|-----------:|:--------------------------------------|--------------:|---------:|----------:|----------------:|----------------:|-----------------:|:---------------------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:--------------------------------------------------------| +| TSNP | 11 | Tesoro Enterprises, Inc. | 1.38 | 0.3599 | 1.69 | 23.21 | 275 | 712.24 | Furnishings, Fixtures & Appliances | [$TSNP is going through the roof. Super innovative company making game changing plays in Block Chain, Financials, and Payment in third world countries.](https://reddit.com/lddjwe) | None | +| OCGN | 11 | Ocugen, Inc. | 5.25 | 1.72 | 5.9 | 53.51 | 187.04 | 101.92 | Biotechnology | [Incase you didn’t know why OCGN mooned today⬆️](https://reddit.com/ldo02s) | None | +| ZOM | 7 | Zomedica Corp. | 1.91 | 0.95 | 2.01 | 12.35 | 97.52 | 365.85 | Drug Manufacturers—Specialty & Generic | None | None | +| ATOS | 7 | Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. | 3.89 | 2.15 | 4.9 | -2.99 | 64.14 | 332.22 | Biotechnology | [For anyone wondering what's going on with ATOS](https://reddit.com/ld97ls) | None | +| INND | 6 | InnerScope Hearing Technologies, Inc. | 0.02675 | 0.0048 | 0.0285 | 7.43 | 345.83 | 13275 | Medical Instruments & Supplies | None | None | +| AEZS | 6 | Aeterna Zentaris Inc. | 1.11 | 0.66 | 1.19 | 1.83 | 60.87 | 122 | Biotechnology | None | None | +| SSFT | 6 | Sonasoft Corp. | 0.2 | 0.14 | 0.225 | 22.7 | 33.33 | 263.64 | Information Technology Services | None | None | +| PVDG | 4 | Poverty Dignified, Inc. | 0.0444 | 0.01505 | 0.046 | 41.4 | 177.5 | 404.55 | Utilities—Renewable | [PVDG Short Squeeze Imminent](https://reddit.com/le1lsb) | None | +| MLFB | 4 | Major League Football, Inc. | 0.055 | 0.0345 | 0.058 | 38.19 | 44.74 | 1517.65 | Leisure | [$MLFB DD updated](https://reddit.com/ldgm1o) | None | +| RIGL | 4 | Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | 4.66 | 3.7 | 4.89 | 5.43 | 24.27 | 35.86 | Biotechnology | [$RIGL (Rigel Pharmaceuticals) Analyst Forecast & DD](https://reddit.com/ld9msw) | None | +| ALPP | 4 | Alpine 4 Technologies, Ltd. | 7.3 | 3.65 | 7.46 | 25.21 | 94.67 | 173.41 | Electronic Components | None | None | +| SENS | 4 | Senseonics Holdings, Inc. | 3.03 | 2.38 | 3.27 | 8.6 | 18.82 | 207.61 | Diagnostics & Research | None | [$SENS might MOON next week](https://reddit.com/ldzemw) | + +### Why did I do this? +I have started making a lot of good gains from penny stock subreddits but I do not get enough time to go through every post, So I made a hacky script to do that for me. After receiving an overwhelmingly positive response I decided to put some time and effort into improving it. + +I have a lot of things planned like Stock vs Mention time analysis, Sentimental Analysis, Bull/Bear Analysis, etc. If you have more suggestions please let me know however improvement is really contingent on the time I get after work and college. Currently, I am only working on it few hours on weekends which is the reason why I made it open-source so few of you guys can contribute. + +A lot of people told me to post it Daily/Weekly, So currently I am also planning to work on a web-app that can do this in real-time but that requires more time and effort, + +### Source Code +You can find it on my [Github](https://github.com/iam-abbas/Reddit-Stock-Trends). + +P.S: To all tech guys, I know the Reddit API secret slipped through but not to worry it's a throwaway account. +**[Article](https://www.creditkarma.com/insights/i/fomo-spending-affects-one-in-four-millennials/#editorialnote).** + + +**Methodology:** + ++ Online survey of 1,045 U.S. consumers between the ages of 18 and 34 during February and March 2018. + ++ Avg Debt Calculation = Total debt across U.S. 18-34 y.o. members of Credit Karma (CK) for March 2018 divided by total number of U.S. millennial CK members for the same month. + + +**Summary:** + + +*Key Findings:* + ++ 39% of respondents spent money they didn’t have to keep up with their friends. + ++ 73% of those who went into debt to keep up with their friends typically keep it a secret from their friends. + ++ 27% of respondents don’t feel comfortable saying “no” when one of their friends suggests an activity they can’t afford. + ++ Two-thirds of respondents feel buyer’s remorse after spending more than they had planned to on a social situation that they later regret. + ++ 36% of respondents doubt they can keep up with their friends for another year without going into debt. + + +* How much do millennials spend?* +**Amount spent over the weekend**|** % of respondents** +:--|:-- +$100 or less|69% +$101-$250|15% +$251-$500|16% +Over $500|7% + +*Does not take into account COL differences.* + + +**Discussion:** Inherent issues with sample collection; otherwise interesting article to begin a discussion on life style creep and modern take on the adage *“Keeping up with the Jones”* + +I invested in a couple of mutual funds through Groww app. But while setting up autopay, I noticed that the beneficiary is Groww themselves and not the AMC managing the fund. But this is in direct conflict with Groww’s statement that they act only as an intermediary and do not handle the money themselves. + +Also the mutual funds I bought are all direct MFs, so the autopay registration should be with the fund house directly. + +Is setting up autopay with Groww safe thing to do ? +I posted here three months ago ([Previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/99pqeq/husband_lost_job_where_to_cut_first/)) about my husband losing his job and your advice about where we should cut. You were all sort of brutal (in a useful way) and so I wanted to provide an update and ask a question. + +We put the student loans in forbearance while we were figuring things out ($783 per month). We realized my husband would need to stay home for a while to get healthy emotionally before going back to work, so we pulled the kids out of daycare (saving $2,370 on daycare and aftercare per month). Then we took your advice about looking into how to live below our means and made the big decision to sell our beloved home we had recently built and significantly downsized and moved to the suburbs (mortgage and escrow now $800 instead of $2,675). I'm a little sad about the home but I also feel so much less pressure it feels worth it. + +The question: After selling our home and putting 20% down on our new home we now have $28,000 left over. I previously thought my $5,000 emergency fund was cushy, but you all quickly corrected me there. How much of this $28,000 should I set aside for a real emergency fund and how much should I throw at debts? All my debts are as follows: + +His student loan: balance $57k at 6.8% + +My student loan: balance $34k at 6.6% + +Mortgage: balance $130k at 4.68% + +Auto loan: balance $17k at 2.49% + + +Approaching $1,400. At what point does this just go pop? On what basis does anybody believe this is sustainable? + +I’m not preaching here, I’m genuinely interested... +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Do you know what happens when a company transitions business models? Roles become redundant. + +GameStop has hired more than 600 staff this year. This is not a sign of a failing business, it is a sign of a changing business with new priorities. Don't let this get positioned as the end of GameStop, it's merely a change of focus. A change that we have all bought into. + +Oh and the CFO leaving? That shit happens all the time. It's business. Relax and trust in RC. +Hey everyone. I just wanted to give everyone a reminder that the price of GME is very capable of going higher then the gmefloor.com. the true squeeze starts when all the hedgies default and buying goes over to the DTCC. When that happens a computer will buy EVERY SHARE that is available at whatever price. It's only function is to balance the books. There is no emotion involved. What happens when the DTCC runs out of its 63 trillion insurance funds? +Well the FED better turn up that money printer and make it go brrrr. Thank God JPOW has been making the printer go brr since covid, so it should be nice an warmed up by now. + +We only get one shot, this will NEVER happen again. Apes own the float several time over. Half of the shares are locked up in computer share. The price is whatever you want it to be. + +In my personal opinion anyone that sells below the gmefloor.com is a paperhand. + +My personal strategy is to sell one for 69,696,969 and I'm holding the rest for infinity. Then I'm buying the mother fucking dip when the squeeze is over. + +I think the squeeze started yesterday and gme will be going up from here + +Remember what they did in 2008, turning off the buy button, and all the criminal activity they have done. This is our ONE CHANCE. Hold for your brother and sister apes. Hold for the x and .x holders. We got this! Apes strong together. 🚀 + +TLDR: this is an infinity squeeze. Price is whatever you want it to be. +I'll keep the post short and try to best summarize the deal without going into detail. There was a triplex listed for $146k in our target market where we ideally look to buy units at $50k each. Very clean neighborhood in the "B class" range. + +Immediately scheduled a showing and had our realtor send the full listing details and request leases right away for the property. With the current market conditions we fully expected the property to go over market price. There is value to add such as appealing the high tax assessment due the one unit being used as a commercial space, a few of the units needing upgraded, etc. + +We had a bank and private money ready to go. We will pay back that portion in less than a year once units are stabilized and we can get the expenses under control. + +We were fully expecting the deal to break even the first couple of months it now seems that the property might generate a small loss. + +Flashback to the offer and the seller was essentially delaying information to our agent. Since this has been a seller's market our offers have been much more aggressive such as more money being escrowed, adding escalation clauses, and waiving certain contingencies, etc. In the end we got the property under contract for about $12k over list price. + +This is when the issues start to occur. We still had not received the leases from the selling agent. At this point we still weren't concerned as the sellers listed the property income at roughly $2100/month and broke out the rent per unit. They also added that the seller was only responsible for water/sewer. + +Well once the leases were sent it was clear they misrepresented the rental income and the property brought in closer to $1700/month in rental income and the seller also paid trash expense. Finally we closed on the property and the seller tells us they don't even have keys for the property...... Wow. We finally get a chance to speak with the tenants and we tell them here's the lease we were provided and we plan to adhere to the leases initially. First tenant we spoked with shows us HIS copy of the lease and is providing Bank Statements that essentially show the lease we were given had false information. So rents are now even lower than our second projection. + +Basically, is there any action that could be taken against the seller? It's more a matter of principal at this point. +Taking profit on a stock is always fun, but when you take profits, you want to be comfortable selling when you did. Its not about timing the top, because if you try to time the top on when profit taking you will almost certainly never be able to always time it correctly, shit if you could time the bottom and top correctly you would be rich very quickly. But taking a profit is about selling when you’re happy and knowing whatever happens to the stock your reasons were good, and you don’t second guess yourself 1-2 days later if it keeps going up. For this post I’m going to do 3 ways you can take profit and then an example I have had of each. + +**Choosing xx%** +The first one, and one which I see quite a lot around on the sub is choosing a certain percentage or nice round number on the stock price and sticking with that. This could be something as simple as free carrying which you sell the initial cost and hold the rest presuming you have a gain of over 100%, or just selling all of it at something like 20%. Every strategy has its pros and cons but finding what works for you is the main thing. So, what’s the benefit of this way? Well, you can’t psych yourself out of it, you know what your exit strategy is on a gain and it stops you from thinking well its run this far maybe it will run another 50000%. As we have seen today though uranium gang have done great and some have over 100% gains, so you would have missed out on the extra, but looking big picture is the main thing and knowing you don’t need a lot of 100% gains to be rich quickly. For me I do boomer stonks so 20% is usually a good aim and then move onto the next one, but this all depends on the individual stock and is where it can go wrong as Ill try justifying holding longer or selling earlier. But the main thing to remember with this strategy is sticking with it as it reduces the constant stress of when to sell. + +**Resistance levels** +The next one is resistance levels, I know some of you, or maybe even the majority of you think TA is as useful as my routine of clapping my hands and spinning in a circle and hoping there’s a cloud with a $ sign, but I personally think there is value in TA. So, a strategy you can use is to sell at a resistance level which you have seen. To cherry pick an easy example we can look at CBA, people like to buy and sell at big round numbers which is why they are typically support and resistance levels. CBA is doing an off-market buyback at $100 and so that would have been an easy opportunity to sell as its become a resistance, After pay was also floating around $100 for a bit and where you could of used this strategy. Now resistance levels don’t work every time which is why TA won’t make you an instant millionaire, but if you are happy to sell at a nice round number and value the TA then this may be a strategy you can look into, as its easy to follow and easy to check where a resistance level is. What if your stocks at an ATH? Well, congrats, you have beat the system and this strategy is not going to help you much until some resistance is formed. + +**Fundamental analysis** +Last but not least is simply when the stock is overvalued in your opinion fundamentally. Now this doesn’t mean as soon as it gets overvalued you sell; you could hold until you notice the momentum has died and then get out of the stock. Let’s look at something like QUBE for example, you may have seen $3 was resistance and noticed that $3.20 was where you thought it was overvalued, so you sell at $3.20. This strategy relies on you doing some fundamental analysis though and trusting your analysis is somewhat correct, which is why having a margin of safety where you allow say 15% of the price that you could be wrong. For example, if you think a stock is overvalued at $2, you take 30cents off and sell at $1.70 roughly to be safe as with any fundamental analysis there is assumptions. + +None of these strategies are fool proof and all can lead to the stock flying higher, but as mentioned at the start you should take profit when you are happy with how much the stock has run and not be trying to time the top every time. Sure, we all wish we could time the top and see into the future, but once again it’s almost impossible. + +**Examples** +First example is of choosing a certain % to take gains at. Now free carrying doesn’t need much explanation but choosing the % that works for you is what its about. When you buy the stock, you should find a % you’re happy with, whether its 20%, 50%, 100% or even 500% (LUL). The point is you stick to the strategy, and you don’t get upset if it flies past or it starts to plateau at a certain point, which is why choosing an abnormally large number like 500% for every stock is unrealistic because you will either need to hold for an extremely long time or be a god at picking stocks…oh 10 points uranium gang! I had this when I sold GrainCorp initially, it hit 20% and I sold at $4.4 roughly and I was happy with it, now in hindsight I should have held but I was happy with the 20% gain and moved onto the next stock, looking back, and getting fomo and worrying just defeats the purpose of having a strategy. I recently bought back in because I was surprised by the guidance upgrade so did some more analysis, I still think selling was correct for me when I was up 20% though. + +The next one is resistance levels! I sold MND recently at $11.59 and was just shy of the peak which was more luck than anything. But the trade was largely on TA, I bought at $10 pre results and though results shouldn’t be too bad and I can’t see how much lower it will go. Then just before results there was quite a bit of resistance building up around the mid $11 mark and commodity prices were falling, so I decided to sell. Here I used some fundamental analysis as well because with commodity prices falling it was the straw that broke the camels back and the perfect excuse for me to justify selling at the resistance, it just so happened this worked and was near the top and was quite lucky. In general, as mentioned TA isn’t 100% guaranteed, but using it as a guide or letting it have some small influence in your profit taking strategy I think is perfectly fine. + +The last one which is selling when the stock is overvalued for me was Elders. Elders and I have a shaky history, it’s the farming stock I loved until I discovered GNC and then jumped ship. Elders results last year were quite poor to my expectations as they were having great growth of 15-20%, but then said we expect it to be more like 10-15% going forward. This changed my analysis and what I thought it was worth and I sold at just under $12 which left me with little profits as the stock tanked on earnings, but as it wasn’t earnings play, I just moved on and decided maybe I got too greedy with my expectations and analysis. When analysing a stock its easy to overlook the negatives as something small and will get fixed, but if results go bad its usually something obvious which was the issue. So having a margin of safety on when you buy/sell a stock based on FA is very important because it means you can still be wrong and right, and we all love to be right even if we are wrong. + + +**Summary** +As you probably noticed, I didn’t even touch on losses and bailing because that’s a whole different topic and would need its own post. But overall finding the strategy that works for you and your stock is the important thing. If you are happy selling at resistance levels knowing it could push higher then be happy and don’t get frustrated at yourself if it goes higher, you aren’t a genius for predicting the top just like you aren’t a dip shit for not timing the bottom. This is the same for choosing a set % and even fundamental analysis, you need to be prepared to be wrong sometimes and just be happy you had gains and not worry about what could have been. We all have that Afterpay example which we sold at $20 and wished we held but dreaming on what could of isn’t going to make you rich. + +“Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it is about having a lot of options,” -Chris Rock. +I get the impression that the UK's economic activity is particularly skewed towards London, with the rest of the UK lagging behind a lot. Other countries often have strong centres of economic activity outside their capital city. + +This seems to cause a lot of problems (high house prices and overcrowding in London, a feeling of left-behindness elsewhere) so I would be interested in knowing why it's happening. +I'm not really asking about what would change if the dollar lost its status as the reserve currency. Just the differences between the country who mints the reserve currency and countries who purchase the reserve currency. +Not new news as I saw it posted yesterday. However, I was thinking last night how quickly they decided to close the doors or come out and say they are withdrawing from short-selling activities AFTER the DOJ has announced they are investigating. + +Oh boy, you have to wonder how many shares are floating around that they just created hoping to magically make them vanish via bankruptcy. + +Headlines the same week the US launches criminal probe into short selling by hedge funds. *The United States Department of Justice is digging into how hedge funds tap into research and set up their bets.* + +**Tybourne Capital Management** is following Landston Partners in withdrawing from short-selling activities, one of the hallmarks of hedge funds. Tybourne to Shut $2.8 Billion Hedge Fund + +* Tybourne Capital will return fund money over coming months +* It will focus on long-only and private investment funds. + +Hedge Fund **Athanor Capital** Will Return Client Cash in Move to Family Office + +**Anchorage Capital** to Close $7.4 Billion Hedge Fund as Ulrich Era Ends. + +* Anchorage Capital is said to be shutting down its flagship hedge fund and returning money to investors. +* Anchorage Capital, run by CEO Kevin Ulrich, is known for managing investments in credit, special situations and illiquid opportunities in North America and Europe. The bigger entity Anchorage Capital Group LLC is said to have an AUM of about $28B as of May 2021, Bloomberg reported at the time. +EDIT: For reasons I can't mention, I had to remove this post. There are larger forces at play, bigger than me or anyone here. Remember to do DD and invest in whitepapers for long term, shills for short term. + +A correction is coming. Invest wisely, godspeed. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nep79owacm471.jpg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cca985daeb2c3eaf586b39dcb91e16d71fdbd89 + +&#x200B; + +u/CreamyChickenCock posted a really interesting thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/nwvxr4/gme_recieved_a_90000000_premium_purchase_on_the/) which is worth reading in its entireity. + +Highlights: + +\- price action is "mind blowing" (in an odd way) + +\- drop may have been due to the share offering ("buckle up" theory) + +\- "The price action is totally insane. If the shorts covered in January how is this still happening? Are they hiding their short positions with deep in the money puts? Is that possible?" answered in our numerous DDs + +\- " Funny thing is when the media down plays the seriousness of GameStop and then you see someone drop 90mill on puts. If this was just some penny meme stock, there would be no completely public searchable information showing how hard shitadel and others have been manipulating the hell out the value. Yet fraud news agencies are not investigating. I feel like “the news” used to do detective work, journalism... for the people. Now they lie and harm people. " + +&#x200B; + +\- drop may be due to shorters closing their positions (300k shares) from earlier in the week + +&#x200B; + +\- " If you're at the same time a hedge fund and a market maker, you can play options by shuffling money on the books to "force" your MM arm to make plays to stay delta neutral and get the desired price movements. Normally that would be incredibly expensive and not realistic, but if you're just shifting pretend monetary obligations between two wings of the same company, it's effectively free. Welcome to your free and fair market. + +Edit: If you want a market maker to use his legal ability to naked short what might you do? Force him to sell to stay delta neutral? Oh neat what would you do? Buy a shit ton of itm puts so he's "forced" to sell a shit ton of shares naked as he is "required" to do to stay delta neutral? Oh shit that would be super expensive..... Unless you're a hedge fund AND a market maker." No idea who this could be referring to.... + +&#x200B; + +The Hedgies are running out of options (literally) to cover themselves. As usual there is NOTHING from the mainstream media to report on this. + +Research is solid, jet is fuelling. **Buckle the fuck up fellow apes!** +Seriously, this is one of the most frequent and stupidest comments I see on this sub whenever someone posts about job problems. + +Can the IT brigade on this sub please stop dishing out "learn programming" as a solution to every job problem? Especially where you don't understand the person, their unique situation, etc. + +We get it, you're a programmer, or some kind of IT warrior. But the lack of empathy from this group of people towards understanding other people's tough situation in job sectors they have no experience in is just shocking and careless when dishing out advice. +I currently have HDFC Regalia credit card and being offered 6E rewards XI - Indigo credit card as an upgrade. I feel like Regalia card is a better choice than the indigo one and the offer is not really an upgrade and is only useful if one is a frequent flier with indigo, which I'm not. + +Has anyone else received this offer and did you upgrade? Why or why not? +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4k6cd/today_collaborated_spoofing_occurred_in_the_last/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Spoofing is not a new subject here, it's basically filling bid and ask orders in order to push the price down, without ever actually buying or selling any shares. + +This is a fucking crime and they have to pay for it. + + +C O N T A C T - T H E - D O J + + +https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice + +You can write messages up to 2000 words on their website. I'm not going to leave a text you can copy and paste because I'm not sure spamming their inbox with the exact same text over and over is the way to go about this. All you have to do is say something about how the screenshots and sources in the post (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t4k6cd/today_collaborated_spoofing_occurred_in_the_last/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) prove that there is spoofing being committed regularly, and that you don't think that's a fair way to control the price of your shares. + + + + + + + + + + + + +Here is the list of everyone that participate in spoofing of GME stock: + +CDRG - Citadel Securities LLC + +CTDL - Citadel Derivatives Group Llc + +SSUS - SUSQUEHANNA SECURITIES + +SUFI - Susquehanna Financial Group, LLP + +TSSM - TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC + +OHOS - TWO SIGMA SECURITIES, LLC + +SOHO - Two Sigma Securities, LLC + +VIRT - VIRTU FINANCIAL BD LLC + +GSCO - GOLDMAN SACHS & CO. LLC + +SGAS - SG Americas Securities, LLC + +XGWD - LATOUR TRADING LLC + +HRTF - HRT Financial LLC + +MSCO - MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC + +CSTI - CANACCORD GENUITY LLC. + +WBPX - SUMMIT SECURITIES GROUP, LLC + +VERT - The Vertical Trading Group, LLC + +MAXM - Maxim Group LLC + +BMOC - BMO Capital Markets Corp. + +LEER - SVB LEERINK LLC + +WBSI - Wedbush Securities Inc. + +WBLR - WILLIAM BLAIR + +INTL - INTL FCSTONE FINANCIAL INC. + +LEHM - Barclays Capital Inc./Le + +MLCO - MERRILL LYNCH, PIERCE, FENNER & SMITH INCORPORATED (aka Bank Of America) + +WCHV - WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC + +JSSF - JMP Securities LLC + +BARD - Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated + +UBSS - UBS Securities LLC + +RAJA - Raymond James & Associates, Inc. + +KEYB - KEYBANC CAPITAL MARKETS INC. + +GTSM - GTS SECURITIES LLC + +RBCM - RBC CAPITAL MARKETS, LLC + +COWN - Cowen and Company, LLC + +AEXG - ALTERNATIVE EXECUTION GROUP + +ETMM - G1 Execution Services, LLC + +FLTG - FLOW TRADERS U.S. LLC + +IMCC - IMC FINANCIAL MARKETS +The people I am referring to are also people who work minimum wage jobs but on insta every weekend even weekdays sometimes they are out in restaurants drinking going mini golfing spas nails eyelashes travelling to different states and even there they are going to sea world and seven flags. I looked at how much these costs and it’s so much! I guess if you are earning a lot it’s probably pocket change but My monthly budget is 940 this includes everything food rent electricity phone train pass etc. I barely have anything left over. I am a full time student and cannot work many hours so there is that too. But still how do people do it is there some trick? +We (late 30s fam) finally bought our first home (BNE), and you can too. + +Late 30's, two young kids, work in the city and wife works part time which essentially pays for childcare and a bit on top which also contributed to house deposit savings. Couple of side hustles paid down all debt. UK Migrants, Aussie citizens for a few years now, got on through FHLDS, 2 bed freestanding house for 545k in Redlands. + +I've lurked here for the entire time, and the number of doom and gloom posts are astounding. I get it. People are over it. But man, some days I'd see one of those posts and I'd feel the hope being drained from me too. + +I'm here to tell you to keep going. + +Focus. Keep learning. Stay consistent. Ignore the websites and hit those streets yourself, there's no better intel. Go to the inspections and auctions. Follow up agents on the actual sold prices. When the opportunity appears, which it always will, you'll be able to spot it in your earliest window to act. You've totally got this. + +Edit: if I’ve learned anything about throwing your contribution into the ether, there will be division. Not going to bag on any of the negativity, not at all. But def thanks for the goodwill. Ultimately, I wrote this for “the me” out there elsewhere. I would have liked to read something like this a couple of years ago. +“If you try to please everyone, you’ll end up pleasing no one”. +Hi everyone $HUKKU is just 2 days old with a 200k market cap. + + +We felt skeptical about meme tokens that pumped prices in a short period of time. + +With those tokens, only a few of the holders could make small bucks. + +We are working hard to ensure that many of our holders are all getting rich over the long term, and prices continue to rise. + +It's only been 2days, but we've shown sincerity. + +Imagine the price of $HUKKU in 3 months and 6 months! + +💎 This is a project with a real use case utility and we are here to make a difference + + +💎 $HUKKU will bring big success unlike other dog token + +Tokenomics +🔒Liquidity is Locked : All LP is going to dead address +👮Completely safe +- 7% transaction fees. +- 3% of every transaction will be redistributed to the holders +- 4% will go to liquidity pool +- Initial supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 +- Launching on BSC. + +🔥Highly involved dev team with long term goals +✨Homepage : http://hukku.io/ + +✨PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xFa01D3A2B25cdF3b1A6B2361FA07CC71A5F2fBA0 + +✨Telegram : https://t.me/hukkutoken + +✨Twitter : https://twitter.com/hukkuofficial + +🚀🔥 Do not miss out on this oppurtunity, this is a rare occasion to see such a solid project made extremely well and is still so early. This is an easy 1000x, so get in! 🎁 🚀🚀🔥🔥 +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/04/jobs-report-august-2020-.html + +Nonfarm payrolls increased by 1.37 million in August and the unemployment rate tumbled to 8.4% as the U.S. economy continued to climb its way out of the pandemic downturn. + +The unemployment rate was by far the lowest since the coronavirus shutdown in March, according to Labor Department figures released Friday. + +Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been expecting growth of 1.32 million and the jobless rate to decline to 9.8% from 10.2% in July. + +Government hiring helped boost the total, with the growth of 344,000 workers accounting for a quarter of the monthly gain. + +The report comes amid a raft of mostly positive economic signals, with retail sales, real estate and manufacturing showing sharp rebounds off their coronavirus lows. Still, economists worry that absent another round of stimulus from Congress, the boosts in activity could be short-lived. August's job gains mean that more than half of those displaced during the pandemic are back at work. +1k is a great number. We made it! And a lot of people who have been here a long time have been waiting for $1000 to take some money off the table. + +Also, let’s not forget to mention the huge huge pump in other coins that temporarily boosted them into the #2 spot before bankrupting a bunch of newer investors with 70% plunges from the top. + +It will take time to develop support at this new level. To re fuel the rocket. + +If you are like me, and easily bored, now is a great time to educate new users. + +Things that are really impactful: +Don’t let newbs buy Ponzi schemes. Or other frauds. +Explain the importance of decentralization and dev in blockchains. +Explain security tokens vs app tokens vs blockchains +Friends don’t let friends margin trade! (Unless they are a pro) +Try out a bunch of dapps. Breed a crypto kittie. Use a ledger. + +Be safe! I’ll be looking for more memes! +Edit/Update: JonPro's ban is [apparently what caused](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/wby732/guys_calm_down_its_broken_im_trying_to_fix_it/ii9crqn?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) comptershared.net data collection to fail and he's trying to fix it now. For those concerned. + +-Original Post- + +Up to you what to do with this information, but it should be known. + +The primary complaint from mods is apparently an excess of reports for the "millertime message" that gets added to every DRS post. There are apparently so many reports that it clogs up the queue for mods. From my perspective, this looks like mods letting bad actors win by getting rid of one of the biggest DRS advocates the sub knows. + +This [particular move](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03/comments/wbbkmc/oops/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) strikes me as at least one mod doubling down on a bad choice, rather than registering the protest from the sub's users and reflecting. Mods that cannot set their ego aside should take a break from moderation, at the least. +This subreddit is amazing, but as a newcomer i found it very daunting to "do my own DD" and the following order is both what i found most interesting, and what helped me understand it all. Hopefully it helps some new apes, which can then branch off and delve deeper into it all knowing the basics. + + + + +&nbsp; + + +**Explains all the basics and the terms:** + + +[u/HCMF_MaceFace LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nletnn/gme_the_mother_of_all_short_squeezes_moass_thesis/) + +&nbsp; + + +**House of Cards. What is the DTC and much more:** + + +[u/atobitt PDF LINK](https://pdfhost.io/v/lRQ4HqpG0_House_of_Cards_Atobitt.pdf) + +&nbsp; + + +[House of Cards part 1 LINK with a bit more information.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvk5dv/a_house_of_cards_part_1/) + +[Part 2 LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlwaxv/house_of_cards_part_2/) + +[Part 3 LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlwqyv/house_of_cards_part_3/) + +&nbsp; + + +The above also goes into depth about naked shorting which is very important. + +&nbsp; + + +**More information on naked shorting:** + +[u/sharkbaitlol LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nt0ojl/everything_superstonk_knows_about_naked_shorting/) + +&nbsp; + + +**The Everything Short - what is happening and why and how it ties in with everything else (ETFs etc):** + + +[u/atobitt LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) + +&nbsp; + + +**Similar to the above, but how it ties in with price movements of GME around shorting & FTDs on a cycle:** + + +[u/Criand LINK] (https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ny2ov4/a_revisit_to_net_capital_what_is_truly_driving/) + +&nbsp; + + +It also helps to understand why you shouldn’t panic when suddenly the price tanks, for example you can speculate the price will pump around T+21, then it will cool off and dip. Don’t sell, looking to buy in cheaper because 9/10 times you will lose. Just buy more or take a DCA approach. You have enough to buy 10 shares? Then buy 1 or 2 a day so you don’t miss out and end up fomoing in on a peak, but you also land a potential dip. [u/MSCToker Why **Averaging up** in GME is a wise move LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nv3zwc/concentration%5C_vs%5C_diversification%5C_and%5C_averaging%5C_up/) + +&nbsp; + +**Technical Analysis side of things from our friendly apes:** + +&nbsp; + +Here is Elliott Wave guy (not most recent version, search for the rest) [u/possibly6 LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nwyj77/elliot_waves_and_gme_why_im_jacked_to_infinity/) + +&nbsp; + + + +[u/squidja with Elliott Waves explained LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nz8k6w/fibonacci_retracement_a_supplemental_elliot_wave/?ref=share&ref_source=link) + +&nbsp; + +Here is Exponential Floor guy. [u/JTH1 LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nwwy5x/0610_update_broke_the_logfloor_by_1_5_in_linear) + +Here is ajquicks take on it. [u/ajquick](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nynxtq/recalculating_the_exponential_floor_equation/) + +&nbsp; + + +So all the above links cover a lot, but why are people so jacked right now, didn't GME allegedly already do 2 offerings, diluting the share pool and delaying the squeeze / potentially stop it from reaching a higher high? +Remember they are not in debt and 1-1.5bil cash in the coffers is a great thing to have! + +&nbsp; + + +On this sub, people don't like to talk about dates. But I used the dates link here [u/Ginger_Libra LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nxu1ck/lets_talk_datesthe_last_few_weeks_of_june_are/) to understand what is potentially happening in the future, and why it could be important by doing DD around the subject. (reading wrinkled apes DD on this sub.) + +&nbsp; + + +In "House of Cards" it touched on the fact we don't actually own our shares, but with a block chain you would. Also it highlighted the issues around conflict of interest around the fact that DTC board members are members / top guns of big hedge funds etc etc. Why is this a problem? Well technically they self regulate themselves. People are really hoping for this DTC rule to finally be re-implemented [u/SpinCharm LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ntg2ya/dtc2021005_is_supposed_to_be_the_regulatory/) + +&nbsp; + + + +**So why are people hyped around July 14th?** + +&nbsp; + +Potential for a blockchain dividend. Also describes what an NFT is. +[u/integ3r_p0sitron LINK](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmd7cr/the_guaranteed_short_squeeze_trigger_the/) + +&nbsp; + +**What’s an exit strategy?** + + +&nbsp; + +[u/gherkinit exit strategy DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogxnr/infinity_war_the_final_exit_dd_compilation/) + + +&nbsp; + + +**So once you have gained some wrinkles, take a look at these more in depth DDs** + +&nbsp; + + +[u/Blanderson_Snooper GME Master Guide campaign / compilation] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/njwv6n/the_gme_masters_guide_a_dd_campaign_for_apes/) + +&nbsp; + + + +[3 Part - Where are the shares??](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nt8ot8/rip_uleavemeanon_where_are_the_shares_part_1/) + +&nbsp; + + +**As suggested by other users, then visit these users profile and go through their DD’s** + +&nbsp; + +[u/Buttfarm69 LINK](https://www.reddit.com/user/ButtFarm69) + +&nbsp; + + +[u/HomeDepotHank69](https://www.reddit.com/user/HomeDepotHank69) + +&nbsp; + + +**Lastly, if you truly are a new ape, you need to know who DeepFuckingValue is, commonly referred to as DFV, the meme overlord and the original wrinkled brain who saw what could happen to GME** + +&nbsp; + + + +[u/DeepFuckingValue LINK](https://www.reddit.com/user/DeepFuckingValue) + +&nbsp; + + + +**NEED TO INSERT HERE WHY BUYING AND HOLDING IS THE BEST STRATEGY. SIMPLIFIED, SHORT YET ON POINT. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT WITH A LINK OR DD <3** + +&nbsp; + + +**Adding in suggestions** + +&nbsp; + + +[u/Pop-Tart_Rabies_MonkA lot of advice recently around passive income through ETFs etc - this says no](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ny9rxv/beware_of_passive_investing_index_funds_and_etfs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + + +&nbsp; + +There are 100’s of other DDs on this sub, once you have read everything above just use the search function for the sub and use terms you would like to delve deeper into. For example “options” “Junk bonds” “Reverse Repo” to name a few. + +&nbsp; + + + + +I do not take credit for any of the DD's above, I'm just posting the above to help other apes who have no wrinkles and give them some guidance on where to start. + +&nbsp; + + + +Love what you apes have done here, keep it up! + +&nbsp; + + + +“But what if you / they are wrong? What if the price crashes even more” + +&nbsp; + + + +**TL;DR I buy more, and hodl. My own opinion is this is one of the best long plays currently on the market. Once you have completed your own DD, make your own decision, it will then give you the confidence to hold the dips, and ride the rips.** + +&nbsp; + + + +GameStop is already established with its brick and mortar setup, and recently it effortlessly released same day delivery because of it’s established “network” of stores. The biggest problem a new brand has is advertising and getting its name out there. Everyone knows who GameStop is now because of this whole saga. They are debt free, already have, or soon will have, over 1 billion in cash in the coffers, and they have a chairman and a team of some of the best minds in the business. If anyone can do the impossible and turn this business around by tapping into the billion dollar gaming industry, manage to pull off reselling of digital games, become a wholesaler for the PC market, reignite the golden age of LAN party-esque nostalgia AND become the top company in the industry, it’s these guys! + +&nbsp; + + + +Even if there is no squeeze and they pull fuckery of the likes we have never seen before, what they are doing with the company is my safety net. + + +&nbsp; + + +And lastly, there is a lot of talk and DD around an impending crash / financial crisis looming. It is all speculation at the moment, but take the time to look into it. Better to be prepared for the worst scenario, than caught out like mr Kenny G. + +&nbsp; + + + +Wow this is really blowing up!! Thank you, and glad it will help some. Gone back through and given credit to those that provided the DD. + +I have removed some *items* to change the narrative. +Bear crypto winters are a literal massacre. + +you will be lucky to hold .10 cents on the dollar. + +based on previous Bear markets: + +BTC can go down to $3k because the market has a way of Shaming/Humbling even the cockiest MFs like Michael Saylor. + +ETH to $294 +I'm 23 and my parents had me later in life. Both receive social security (totaling $3,000). Since I graduated I've been paying whatever their ss doesn't cover. I'm losing money paying their bills -I've given them over 10 grand already. I dont know what steps they should be taking now and they dont either. +They have about $30,000 in credit card debt and the payments are about $550 a month. At first they thought about moving but I doubt they'll find anywhere cheaper (mortgage is $685 a month plus $210 hoa) . i was dropped from the family Health insurance once I graduated but the insurance said they would not lower the per month cost since my brother is still on the plan. This bill is the biggest $921, but theres car insurance, home insurance, cable (they refuse to drop this and honestly they dont do much but eat and watch tv). +I have heard people suggest filing for bankruptcy, reverse mortage, my parents want to do a home equity loan but at this point that will just go to the credit card bill and I dont think it will improve anything. We're in florida if that changes anything. I just feel so out of my depth and I dont know what direction to go in. Is there any advice for this situation? + + +Okay edit: holy shit thank you all for responding. I'm slowly reading through comments, I guess I'll try to answer some common stuff up here +1. I do plan to stop paying, I set up a budget for them months ago and they didn't cut back or change their lifestyle. This is just so I can offer them with advice. +2. The scary thing is my parents do have small part time jobs. mom hasn't worked since I was born, but right now she pet sits for friends thought that amounts to maybe $50 a month. Dad works at the grocery store and they cut his hours recently so he gets maybe $200 a month. +3. The health insurance said because I was no longer a student I wouldn't be covered so I was sort of forcefully removed from the plan. +4. Before I started voluntarily giving them money, my parents were taking money from my brother's account since they had access. They took almost $7000 from him. I dont want him to have to think about any of this, he's 21 and he worked hard to get scholarships and is paying his way through college like I did. So I wont involve him any more. +4. My dad is 76, mom is 62. He is on Medicare but I have no idea how any of that stuff works so when he told me what the bills were at first I just assumed that was already the only option they had. + +When I'm home tonight I'll post concrete numbers of the bills I consistently pay. I have access to their bank account and I send out all the payments after I transfer my money to their account. +Thanks again for all the advice, I feel like an idiot for not figuring this out sooner but I was just nervous to look into this at all for a while + +UPDATE: I am not feeling like a good son (not that I could, its 2018 and y'all assumed my gender). I have an older half sister that I confided in as a result of all this, she lives nearby and wanted to meet with my parents and I to help us plan finances. I told my parents and asked them to come with me. This was a very bad move. Lots of drama ensued but this is personal finance not personal drama. Parents said bankruptcy is "morally wrong" and they will never use that option. They are going to sign the home equity loan. I told them if that's their choice I can't offer them any more money once I disentangle myself from their bills. All I can do to help them now is remove myself from their bills. I'm very disappointed in all 3 of us for not being able to work together cooperatively. Thank you all for your advice, I just have to worry about my own budget now. + + +Hi, I am a student deeply interest in finance. that is why I am presenting to you my valuation thesis of Dominos Pizza. I made an extensive research of the company covering all the most important topics so hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions let me know in the comment section. + +LINK: + + [https://docdro.id/Ey5RdP6](https://docdro.id/Ey5RdP6) +Hard to find anything that hasn't run up +50%. + +The best penny stock value I can find at the moment is $GEO. Dr. Michael Burry recently bought a LOT of shares in GEO. Just looked at his portfolio and found he has 5.3% of his entire portfolio is in GEO now. + +It had an incredible run up yesterday. But still severely undervalued (analysts are saying it’s worth 3X its current value). It looks poised for a big run up. Michael Burry usually doesn’t do big investments unless he’s done his homework and knows potential is massive. I’m considering buying GEO, any thoughts? +Cryptocurrency seems to be posted here so much and personally, as someone who's traded cryptocurrency in the past, it doesn't really seems like a great asset class to trade with algorithms because exchanges go down so often and there's so much blatant market manipulation etc. + +It just seems like anyone trading crypto is asking to get ripped off; and I'm not saying this as someone new to this, I've traded cryptocurrency before and I'm familiar with the general market microstructure of it. + +I think a couple months back there was a sticky asking if the mods should ban cryptocurrency posts; while I do think the cryptocurrency spam is annoying, there are some interesting posts about cryptocurrency which are fine. + +Anyway since I don't want to be someone who just complains without offering something in lieu of complaining here's some interesting stuff I've researched about alternative data which people in this sub may find interesting. + +* [Deloitte Report about alternative data](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/us/Documents/financial-services/us-fsi-dcfs-alternative-data-for-investment-decisions.pdf) +* [Citi report about alternative data](https://www.cmegroup.com/education/files/big-data-investment-management-the-potential-to-quantify-traditionally-qualitative-factors.pdf) + +It seems like machine learning actually works really well with these types of nonlinear/multidimensional datasets, which is really cool. + +I guess one thing is that the average person on this sub who just trades retail with algorithms probably cannot afford these expensive datasets, but there are certain datasets you can build yourself or find online which may yield some results when paired with a more conventional trading strategy, so it's still relevant to most people on this sub. + +Hope everyone finds this stuff as interesting as I do. +SEBI and RBI are discussing a proposal to raise the overseas investment limit for Indian mutual funds by as much as 25%, as the funds have nearly reached the current limit of $7 billion, three people familiar with the matter said. + +AMFI has written to the RBI to raise the limit. The association is said to have already held meetings with capital markets regulator SEBI, which is now discussing the matter with the banking regulator. + +"The RBI now has to take the final call in permitting additional limits, which it may do once market volatility recedes globally," said one of the people. + +[Source](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/mf-news/mutual-funds-may-have-higher-limits-to-invest-in-overseas-securities/articleshow/89598918.cms) +So today is just the usual hedgies BS. Oh down instead of sideways, how original kenny. + +At my favorite Mexican fast food. Sitting at my table munching down my arm sized burrito (no seriously, full grown male forearm). I hear another guy order the same burrito and look over to see who this fellow legend is. I see a red headband and medium length dark hair. I chuckle and go back to eating. Ive been hanging out on reddit to much i think to myself. + +He sits to wait for his order and then I see his shirt. “Buckle Up” in gamestop logo color pattern of white and red. It all clicks. The headband, the hair, the shirt. This dude was in full DeepFuckingValue cosplay. + +Let me tell you that made my DeepFuckingDay. + +It was a tangible reminder its not just me and some keyboard warriors. We are everyman, we are EVERYWHERE even if most of us go unseen and undetected. + +I hope this post finds that dude as im sure he is on here. Your one beautiful bastard, see you in valhalla. + + +EDIT: 2k upvotes!? Y’all are are some OOGA BOOGA BADASSES! +Do Bull Traps in the past go up that much? Genuine question? I've been bearish, but this rally is starting to break my belief, at this rate we'll be at ATH by June lol. +My aunt died and after it was all said and done there was about 25k left. She was very explicit that she wanted her “adopted” granddaughter to get the money when she was 18. She also was very adamant she didn’t want the mother of the “granddaughter” to receive any of this money. I’m not close at all with this little girl, I don’t even know her age. I believe her to be between 11 and 13. But I understand this is my aunts money not mine and I would like to honor her wishes. What low risk options do I have to keep this money until I can ensure her mother will not get any of it? Like is a CD a good option? I’m not well versed in finance but I know enough that I shouldn’t just sit on this money for 5+ years. Any help would be appreciated. Also im on mobile so sorry if formatting is weird. +https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-announces-401k-limit-increases-to-20500 + +Previously the limit was $19,500. IRA contributions remain the same at $6,000. + +Edit: Annoyingly if you get paid every other week it goes from a flat $750 to $788.461538. Super annoyingly if your 401k plan only allows elections by percentage and not by dollar amount. +I know this is a cliché question, but considering that inflation is quite high and that [a recession appears to be on the horizon](https://www.ft.com/content/53fcbbf1-39e3-483c-a6f2-b0de432ed5a3) would it be wise to invest one's life savings (considering they won't be needed at least for 10 years) into a world index fund like VWCE (\~-13% YTD), or is it better to hold it as cash for the moment? Is not investing it right now a form of trying to time the market, or is there any rationale behind it? + +I'm just overall pretty confused, so apologies if the question doesn't make any sense. +With the failure of COP26 to do anything useful, Build Back Better bill getting torpedoed in the US and China slowly pulling back companies to it's own stock markets is it time to give up on any hope for short/medium term profits from climate change based positions? + +INRG seems like a healthier fund after the rebalancing it had but also the macro sentiment seems to be swinging towards letting climate change run since it will mostly impact upcoming poorer countries letting the existing super powers maintain their position. +Hi folks! I am trying to buy my first rental property in Texas. When running the numbers regardless of what I do I get negative cash flow. Unless I do a high amount of downpayment. The best case numbers scenario I have seen is at the end of each year equity is higher than initial investment + negative cash flow. + +Example +Townhome for 190k, +1055sq ft. Rent would be around ~1100 +Calculating 5% vacancy for expense +500/yr for random expenses +HOA is 100/Mo +Calculating Interest at 5% +I like to sort this sub by “new” to keep up with the latest, but lately I have seen way too many “I’m new what do I throw all my money into” posts, & honestly it’s getting really damn annoying. Some people are just demanding the answers get handed to them. + +It’s not like you even have to do a ton of DD on your own - this sub is a goldmine of information (& this is where I’m going to interject a big “THANK YOU!” to the people who take the time to do write-ups). + +You can’t even be bothered to lurk here or be grateful when someone directly links you some DD? Are you really going to just take whatever recommendation someone throws at you & possibly lose everything, simply because you’re that lazy? + +The in-sub search bar exists, along with Google. Learn how to use it. + +Edit to add: someone who commented here was very salty that I was posting this when I have not contributed my own DD post. + +I know I don’t need to justify this but for anyone who wants to try to come at me for the same thing, I don’t/haven’t posted any DD because I simply don’t have the time or energy to compile anything I find into its own post. I am juggling a full-time job with also being a full-time student, in addition to my own personal responsibilities. I have an equity research background & currently work in the finance industry. I am more than capable of researching on my own - I am in this sub because I enjoy seeing other peoples’ opinions. Reading this sub (& others on Reddit) is literally how I relax. + +I shouldn’t need to have to defend myself, but apparently one or two people out there are feeling called out. If you’re offended by this, maybe you should reflect on why. 💖 + +Edit 2: because apparently this needs to be clarified again, I mean if you’re too lazy to at least read, not calling out people who don’t post DD. I obviously don’t. But I am NOT too lazy to read & search for the information when I need it, on or off this sub. + +Edit 3: thank you all for the awards, but save your money for your penny stocks!!! WE GOT MONEY TO MAKE Y’ALL! + +Edit 4: if you’re gonna award anyone, give it to those who do the great DD that makes sub what it truly is. :) +I’m gonna keep this short. We have seen hedgies do things we didn‘t think were even possible. +That‘s why i want to raise awareness for a last attack: + +The grand finale - Reddit going down, and GME going with it. You‘re probably going to feel alone at some point but are NOT. + +They know we are immune to dips. We eat them. But when it dips and we cant look over to our ape brothers and sisters on reddit, it will be one of the real diamond hand times. Don‘t be surprised if it happens, don’t be scared. We‘re going to hold through it together. And don‘t forget to write down and follow the other news sources on twitter etc. + +We are fighting the richest people in the world. They can do almost anything with their power EXCEPT GET OUT OF THIS SHIT WITHOUT COVERING THEIR SHORTS. + +hodl on tight, trust in APE + +Edit : Backup news sources (just some of them!) + + Mod backups: + +[h](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4EET9NJPWxUuXGlG6fxPA)[ttps://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99](https://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99) + +https://mobile.twitter.com/rensole + +https://mobile.twitter.com/pinkcatsonacid + +https://mobile.twitter.com/heyitspixel69 + +https://mobile.twitter.com/warden_elite +In spirit of all the frugal tips and outrage post of wasteful renters owning xboxes, books and using the light switch. I thought we could consolidate our best money saving tips. +I'm honored to present to you a **Third Edition** of **Crooks Cookin the Books**, featuring an old ~~friend~~ nemesis, Robinhood, and a newly knighted partner in crime, Drivewealth, LLC. More on them later... + +Here's the first 2 parts of what is sure to be at least a 4 part series: + +[Part 1: RH increases total January OTC trades by 32%](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4w9hq/january_gme_otc_trades_increased_by_32_last_week/) + +[Part 2: Crooks keep Cookin like Nobody is Lookin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbhj00/the_crooks_keep_cookin_like_nobody_is_lookin/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +These images were taken directly from [FINRA OTC TrAnSpArEnCy website](https://otctransparency.finra.org/otctransparency/OtcDownload). + +Please feel free to spread this on social media, send to the DOJ, SEC, FINRA, your local senators, family, or any of your fellow apes who are becoming disillusioned that MOASS is even possible. + +&#x200B; + +Without further ado... + +# 2019 GME Daily Volume + +[Some cyclical volume spike with the price shorted down heavily on 1\/29 and 6\/5](https://preview.redd.it/ftxxv3a24cn81.png?width=2046&format=png&auto=webp&s=78ecd26b7eea91c154806b091141dc30ef9de0f6) + +The price dropped from $16.00 in January 2019 to under $4.00 in August 2019. It found some solid footing and ended 2019 at around $6.00/share. + +* The daily volume on 1/29/2019 was **32,870,301** +* The daily volume on 4/3/2019 was **26,597,949** +* The daily volume on 6/5/2019 was **39,354,238** +* The daily volume on 8/22/2019 was **29,191,471** +* The daily volume on 9/11/2019 was **34,005,008** +* The daily volume on 12/11/2019 was **19,538,910** + +Well let's take a closer look at who was trading OTC on these weeks: + +[Citadel, Virtu, G1 Execution, Two Sigma, Wolverine, HRT, Cowen, and De Minimus firms](https://preview.redd.it/wnda875b4cn81.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c95fb975b2a66795ddfe25821a2cbaef1460a10) + +Citadel, Virtu, G1 Execution, Two Sigma, and Wolverine were the major OTC participants during the high volume weeks of 2019, with a little help from HRT Execution, ACS Execution, and the infamous "De Minimis Firms". + +These fuckers were shorting the shit out of GME, usually just after earnings, in an attempt to cellar box GME down to zero. + +# + +# What about 2020? + +# 2020 GME Daily Volume + +[Some big cyclical volume spikes, but look how badly they lost control of the price in August 2020](https://preview.redd.it/j4j1yn3i4cn81.png?width=1769&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63a219aab0d758e466ac7899e8fbac95ac77dec) + +We see some decent volume on: + +* January 14th, 2020: 12,562,570 +* April 14th, 2020: 13,506,630 +* June 8th - 10th, 2020: 10,133,660; 8,073,448; 10,606,370 +* August 4th, 2020: 10,361,360 +* August 21st, 2020: 10,642,590 + +Before things truly got out of control on August 31, 2020: **37,976,000** + +# Here's the OTC data from those weeks: + +[Virtu and Citadel doing most of the heavy lifting, with help from G1 Execution, Two sigma and De Minimis Firms. 12 Participants traded during the week of 8\/31](https://preview.redd.it/usb59urm4cn81.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b10c4da0c61d39940424e7e2c52811c5913df8f) + +Look who decided to join the August 2020 OTC frenzy one year later (**August 31, 2021**). None other than Robinhood Securities... + +This is **now** officially the first time RH traded GME OTC. Previously, the first time they submitted OTC trades was January 2021, but I guess they were allowed to go back in time and submit some trades for August 2020 after their IPO in July 2021 to make sure the numbers added up, especially after the massive ape migration. + +Smells like fraud to me. + +Just for emphasis, they submitted these GME OTC trades for the week of 8/31/2020 on **8/31/2021**... + +And we thought DFV was the only time traveler... + +&#x200B; + +# Week of 8/31/2020 + +Let's zoom in on the week of 8/31/2020, when 12 participants joined the OTC frenzy. + +That week was interesting. + +On 8/31/2020 the total **Daily** volume was **37,976,000**. + +The next day, on 9/1/2020 the total daily volume was **23,211,051**. + +The **Total Weekly** volume was **96,204,655**. + +**45,732,851 shares** (**47.54%**) were traded OTC by these 12 participants in 114,093 trades (400.8 shares/trade). + +**One year later, on 8/31/2021**, RH added **3,964 trades** with 4,082 shares (**1.03 shares/trade**), and is now responsible for **3.47%** of all trades made that week... + +You're telling me that they were able to trade over 4,000 shares in almost 4,000 trades when the share price was less than $6.00/share in August 2021 when the share price was $220.00? + +Why were they adding never-reported OTC trades one year later? + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +# But why did things get so out of control on August 31, 2020? + +You probably already know the answer to this one. **RC bought the dip!** + +[RC bought his first 6.2 million shares between 8\/13 and 8\/31\/2020](https://preview.redd.it/66jqk2ku4cn81.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fff6659ee4b158d3d8b26a166678b2acaa743a0) + +He purchased **6,215,326 shares** between 8/13 and 8/31/2020. + +He filed his first 13D on **8/28** and then the amended version on **8/31**, shown above. + +Citadel and Virtu called upon Comhar Capital, Cuttone & Co, HRT Execution, Jane Street, Two Sigma, UBS, Wolverine, and De Minimus Firms to help minimize the damage. + +# September 2020 + +[RH adds 13,030 trades for September 2020 on 8\/30\/2021 - 9\/1\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/v4l8afdy4cn81.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e0b03d55ef059180bbded5bc7e99af25bd03528) + +RC submitted another 13D on **9/21**, showing he had purchased another **284,674 shares**. + +The volume spike on **9/22** was **34,752,480**. + +That week, **31,587,637 shares** were traded OTC in 91,350 trades (345.79 shares/trade). + +The weekly volume for that week was 68,497,431, so **46.12%** of the weekly volume was traded OTC by these participants. + +RH added 4,792 trades with 4,946 shares (1.03 shares/trade). + +The 4,792 trades are 5.25% of the weekly OTC total. These were submitted on 8/31/2021. + +&#x200B; + +According to the **monthly data**, RH added **16,095 trades** with 16,597 shares (1.03 shares/trade) for September 2020 on **8/30 - 9/1/2021.** + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.58%** of September 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# October 2020 + +[Another busy month!](https://preview.redd.it/3n1yz1t55cn81.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=a398b165e14657e7737393386839b998563706cd) + +According to the **monthly data**, RH added **26,581 trades** with 28,427 shares (1.07 shares/trade) for October 2020 on **8/26 - 8/27/2021.** + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.58%** of October 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +That month was particularly wild: + +* **359,887,057** shares traded overall +* **175,936,989** shares traded **OTC** +* **48.89%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **503,774** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade were 349.24 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.07 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 12/7/2020, while RH submitted their October 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/27/2021** + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# November 2020 + +https://preview.redd.it/f1etc3i85cn81.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cc65dd49a7690ed066ccaa96fce1d9236b92a3e + +According to the **monthly** data, RH added **14,733 trades** with 15,247 shares (1.03 shares/trade) for November 2020 data on **8/24 - 8/26/2021**. + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.99%** of November 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +**November 2020 data:** + +* **161,522,956** shares traded overall +* **69,453,506** shares traded **OTC** +* **43.00%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **245,943** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was 282.40 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.03 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 1/4/2021, while RH submitted their November 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/26/2021** + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +# But we're just getting started... + +# December 2020 + +[Out of nowhere, here comes Drivewealth LLC in December 2020 recording 4,723 trades in December 2021. That's after RH already added 30,823 trades to the monthly total in August 2021. 35,546 in total](https://preview.redd.it/e15k28gb5cn81.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=330df248d7aa8c10376dae46f6702fd37da6cb58) + +**A partner in financial crime!** + +**Fraud finds a friend!** + +**Robinhood and Drivewealth, together til the end.** + +After not having recorded a single GME OTC trade before **October 4, 2021**, here comes Drivewealth in December 2021, recording **4,723 trades** for **December 2020 (according to the monthly data).** + +That's after RH already added **30,823 trades** to the running total on **August 20-24th, 2021**. + +December 2020 data: + +* **251,336,569** shares traded overall +* **110,606,452** shares traded **OTC** +* **44.01%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **455,712** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was 242.71 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.03 and Driveweath was 1.00 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 2/1/2021, while RH submitted their December 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/24/2021** +* Drivewealth submitted their 4,723 brand new OTC trades on **12/27/2021** after previously not reporting any GME OTC trades before the week of October 4, 2021. + +In total, **35,546 trades** were added 8-12 months after the trades were supposedly made. These now account for **7.80%** of the total OTC trades for December 2020. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +[Point72 and Fidelity sponsoring Drivewealth](https://preview.redd.it/z67njap78cn81.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c580ee619e9e83e9997904706139a29c0d6016) + +&#x200B; + +# The January Jump-off - January 2021 + +Not only does Robinhood continue to cook their books, adding OTC trades to the FINRA OTC site up to one year after they supposedly occurred, but Drivewealth has officially joined in on the financial fraud. + +**January 2021 GME OTC** + +https://preview.redd.it/dvcisntn5cn81.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff56910e034e1a16e7ceccd73e5d676ed033b687 + +**Don't forget the week of 1/25/2021** + +https://preview.redd.it/i18jkoxp5cn81.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f750d8db28e3ea42e49eb7c372e39cebe55b8e1 + +**January 2021 was fun!** + +* **1,262,397,065** shares traded overall +* **527,520,375** shares traded **OTC** +* **41.79%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **8,031,573** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was **65.68** overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.01 and Driveweath was 1.00 +* RH's 1,852,210 trades were more trades than Virtu (1,774,037), and second only to Citadel (2,557,687 trades) +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 3/1/2021, while RH submitted their January 2021 monthly OTC trades on [8/12/2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbhj00/the_crooks_keep_cookin_like_nobody_is_lookin/) +* According to the monthly data, Drivewealth submitted their 401,797 brand new OTC trades on **1/10/2022** after previously not reporting any GME OTC trades before the week of October 4, 2021. +* Citadel supplied **252,315,846 shares**, **47.81%** of all shares traded in January 2021. They also made **31.85%** of all GME OTC trades. + +In total, **2,254,007 trades** were added 8-12 months after the trades were supposedly made. These now account for **28.06%** of the total OTC trades for January 2021. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# February Fuckery 2021 + +https://preview.redd.it/9yecfdfu5cn81.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ab360f1011cd4a19f298720e32c719dbba1637 + +# I'll cover February and March 2021 in more detail in Part 4. + +# Here's the 2021 monthly data: + +[January - March 2021](https://preview.redd.it/oz5msgax5cn81.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=259c7f97b8a6e2460e99a6861da3dee1d1a6c7ae) + +[April - July 2021](https://preview.redd.it/alt4eqw16cn81.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1932fb3faffc97787d24cc29bd9779d06da4b3) + +[August - November 2021](https://preview.redd.it/mzr3xw546cn81.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=3775e16abc1227d606909e5beb4540a08c91aab7) + +**December 2021 and January 2022** + +https://preview.redd.it/nxl4ken76cn81.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=3665422c5007f0906c5b4f7b1d50f1908e4cdde6 + +# And this is the short volume for the past year. + +Seems pretty cyclical to me. + +These blue arrows are all the same size. + +Looks like RC timed the Earnings Call (and possible GameStop Marketplace announcement?) just right! + +[14,924,764 in reported short volume on 3\/10\/2021, the date of the big dipper.](https://preview.redd.it/a47n03w96cn81.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf5e8403074648683dcf74ec2f05d10a9fc0a2c) + +# GME Closing price vs. reported Short Volume (one year) + +https://preview.redd.it/1vsjycgf6cn81.png?width=3889&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab3534d962a55bcb1d678387f6fb008e8c0f25f + +# This is what GME vs. OTC looked like before they messed with the data. I'll update it for Part 4: + +[GME vx. OTC shares\/trade](https://preview.redd.it/0tfkcsji6cn81.png?width=2016&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48802b8ca54f3ddccb9d72288c0a727a7fbe129) + +# TLDR and Bananas for thought + +I'll keep adding to this over the next few days. I just wanted to get some eyes on this and some discussion in anticipation for the **Part 4** (of?) in the **Crooks keep Cookin the Books** series. + +We've seen a lot of cyclical volume over the past few years. Most of the time on no news, and responsible for the "cycles" we all love to try to predict and understand. This has shown in the short volume data over the past year (top image above). + +We look to be heading for another peak in volume over the next few days, likely cohenciding +/- with the Earnings Call on 3/17. + +A majority of Robinhood's book cooking happened in August 23-30th, 2021, right around our abbreviated climb on 8/24. + +They also recorded a bunch of new GME OTC trades in November 22nd, 2021, right before our abbreviated climb that ended on 11/24. + +Smells scandalous. + +What about Drivewealth? Drivewealth LLC didn't report one GME trade until 10/4/2021. Now they're reporting OTC trades for December 2020, submitted to FINRA OTC website in December 2021 and January 2021 in January 2022. They miraculously back-dated all their trades to make their numbers look a little bit better too? + +We're not talking about a few trades here or there, we're talking millions of trades with millions of shares, often at approximately 1.00 shares/trade and 8-12 months after they supposedly took place. + +Conservatively, from August 2020 to present, we've seen RH add over 2.488 million previously unreported trades 8-12 months after they were supposedly made. Drivewealth has now done the same, with 2.999 million trades reported 8-12 months after the trades supposedly took place. + +That totals over **5,488,225 trades!** That's not counting any RH OTC "adjustments" from March 2021-August 2021. + +If **$5,488,225** hasn't seemed like a realistic floor to you before, you'd have to at least consider it now. Make them pay. A dollar per fraudulent trade doesn't even seem like enough. + +In Part 4, I'll try to crunch some more numbers for these other participants to see how deep this grave really is. + +The game is rigged. We're playing against billionaire criminals who report fraudulent trades directly on the FINRA OTC TrAnSpArEnCy website in plain daylight. Let's finally get them caught. + +Also, I would love to somehow get u/Dlauer's take on this unusual OTC activity as well as the major discrepancy in shares/trade for GME vs the OTC. + +Until next time! **The Crooks Keep Cookin like no-body is Lookin!** +My gen is more open about this stuff. And recently my gf and I were out to dinner and this subject came up. The other couple started professing their salaries and I deflected for as long as I could, never gave it up. Currently over 250k/yr in mid 20’s and none of my friends make anywhere close. + +To the fat fire mentors and baby fat fire lurkers like me, what are your experiences good/bad telling people your nw irl? + +EDIT: I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and DM’s. Especially the ones that had some personal stories to share. I hope this was helpful to more than just me. Appreciate all of you! + +EDIT EDIT: going back to baby fat fire lurking now…thanks again! +This is a humble-brag since I have no one else to tell this too. + +I decided to pursue FI not so much for the RE but rather for the peace of mind and the psychological effect of knowing that I can retire whenever I want to. + +When I paid off my mortgage my mind set at work shifted from working my butt off and trying to please everyone to working smart, putting in less hours and being vocal about alternatives to my manager. + +In the past I would of put my head down, do what I was told and hope to get a good review at the end of the year. Due to “work smart” mentality, I spent more of my companies money to hire qualified people at a high price so that they can make my life easy. + +I then got the $1M mark and accelerated my “work smart” philosophy and pushed to spend way more money on quality hires. My company is kind of cheap and this was a big deal especially since I was putting my neck out if it didn’t work, but I had $1M saved so psychologically I won’t be homeless if things went wrong. So I kept on pushing. + +Recently just had a meeting with the president of my fairly large company and they want to promote me due to my “strategic” mindset. This new job pays more than double my current compensation and is going to be a life changing jump. + +The best part is that I see my wife and kids every night for dinner and never work weekends anymore. This is all because of you guys and having my FI give me the courage to catapult myself. + +I continue to learn a lot by reading this subreddit daily and promise to not splurge on a bigger house, expensive cars, etc. I hope to build more confidence at work and who knows maybe RE when I’m tired of working. + +Cheers to all of you on your journey. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Did u guys see what’s going on in China? + +From what I’m observing, the Evergrand collapse lead to a demolition of their projects, which lead a movement (around July 7th) from the Chinese people to stop paying their mortgage, which lead the top banks to limit withdrawals, and since banks are 10/1 leveraged on housing, might be the collapse of banks (7/10 biggest companies in China are banks)… people are getting beaten up in the streets now.. tanks.. +Over the past 5 years, I always struggled with taking profits. Often, I end up riding things up then down then back up then down. Idk if its Greed or Fear of Missing out on Potential Profits. What strategies do you guys use to take profits? Anyone here takes a small percentage weekly or monthly? When you sell stuff, do you keep a small percentage like 10-15% just in case the coin pumps later? A lot of times I sell something that hasn’t been moving for months and then it conveniently pumps after I sell it as if they were all waiting for me to leave haha. + +I watched my portfolio go from $200 in Early December 2020 to around $43,000 during the first week of May 2021 (Thanks to all the Meme Tokens). Then it dropped a lot, but now its recovering. I still have PTSD from the January 2018 crash, but what I learned from that is that HODLing through that crash would have made me back everything that I had if I had faith and patience. I watched the same thing happen again last month. My guts and instincts were telling me to Buy stuff when they’re red even when they’re dipping daily. It was hard tbh. + +I remember everyone wishing for low prices and saying “If xxx goes back to $$$, i’m buying a lot” and “If I bought xxx last month or last year at those prices, I would have been rich”. Everyone says things like that and how if they bought Bitcoin or any other coin, they would be millionaires, but the reality is that if they bought any coin early, they’d sell it early or panic sell it at a Loss after any of the annual/yearly FUDs that come and go. + +I don’t trade on emotions and I am unfazed/desensitized to FUD. I can’t tell if that’s part of the issue since I suck at taking profits. Yes, I know that historically things tend to go up if you zoom out, but I lost around a million dollar’s worth of profits between this bull run and the last one mainly because of my HODLer mentality. I tried switching back and forth between being a Trader and Holder, but I just couldn’t convince myself to do it. How do you guys do it? Any tips or suggestions or advice? And for profits, what kinda strategies do you guys use for taking them? (A percentage of the profits? Taking only your initial investment?). Don’t tell me that we Never Take Profits here. + +Holding is easy, Taking Profits is Hard. Looking for Genuine advice. +Ok, we all have more time on our hands. + +We can't book flights/vacations. + +We can't shop for cars (in person). + +Work takes up a a few hours a day when we are lucky. + +What bad habit have you developed? I will go with I watch the futures for the couple of hours before the market opens. Never act on it. Can't change it. But I check it like 3 times. + +What habit do you have to break? +Hi all, + +I wanted to pose a question to the group. I am a younger investor with a long time horizon (30+ years). + +I’ve been investing for a little while now, but mostly heavy in tech and index funds. + +My specific question: What are the benefits of investing in dividend stocks rather than dumping your money into SPY, or QQQ (SPY & NASDAQ index fund equivalent)? Both of these indexes are quite diversified across all the companies they are comprised of. + +Please note that my question is tailored to folks who have a longer time horizon, not people who are near retirement and need a more steady income stream. + +Thanks! +I'm 23 and graduated last year and was offered a full time position making decent money out of school. I've come to notice that ever since taking the job a lot of my peers constantly hint that I should be spending every dime I make on a new car, clothes, going out every weekend etc. At first I was pretty bad since I live alone am lucky enough to debt free and don't have any obligations outside of monthly bills which leaves me with decent amount of wiggle room. I'm usually left with around 500$ every month and instead of investing/saving I would spend most of that 500$ for the first while. I've come to realize there's better places to put my money. + +I've noticed that a lot of people my age have very short sighted goals when it comes to money. Instead of taking that extra cash every month and investing in retirement, emergency fund etc. we tend to blow it on useless crap that we think will get us notoriety among our peers. There's probably a lot to blame for this mind set (social media etc etc.) that I won't get in to. Not saying every millennial does this but it's something I've noticed through my friends, and just in general. + +I'm definitely not saying don't treat yourself every once and while but 100$ a month spent on stuff you probably don't need versus 100$ a month in a savings or retirement account can go a long way. Don't let peer pressure make you look back and wish you saved more! + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: A lot of great replies. I just want to stress that this isn't some attempt to make people feel bad for spending or try and say every young person has it the same. I am also not trying to demonize anyone I'm just talking from my perspective and my experiences for people who may be in the same boat or find themselves in a similar situation. Especially in today's world where materialism is more and more prominent with social media you'd be crazy to not think that "peer pressure" I talk about isn't there even if its not directly stated by people around you. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT #2: than\* ... heh. Also for the all people saying it's okay to enjoy life, you're absolutely correct! But it's also okay to prepare for the future which is what I'm getting at. + +&#x200B; +So I haven't been on this subreddit long, but but a common theme I have seen is people doing stuff like saving to buy a house in 3-5 years and wondering if they should put their down payment into the S&P during those 3-5 years so they can get 8% to 10% interest. Another (and the one that inspired me to actulay wtrite this) is someone complaining that the S&P is basicly the same as where it was in July of 2021 and wondering why there hasent been a 8% to 10% profit over that time. + +Year on year data for the S&P is aviable in several places, but just to pick one reference, let use [https://www.macrotrends.net/2526/sp-500-historical-annual-returns](https://www.macrotrends.net/2526/sp-500-historical-annual-returns) Lets copy/paste the table here ..... + +|Year|Return| +|:-|:-| +|2022|\-8.10%| +|2021|26.89%| +|2020|16.26%| +|2019|28.88%| +|2018|\-6.24%| +|2017|19.42%| +|2016|9.54%| +|2015|\-0.73%| +|2014|11.39%| +|2013|29.60%| +|2012|13.41%| +|2011|0.00%| +|2010|12.78%| +|2009|23.45%| +|2008|\-38.49%| +|2007|3.53%| +|2006|13.62%| +|2005|3.00%| +|2004|8.99%| +|2003|26.38%| +|2002|\-23.37%| +|2001|\-13.04%| +|2000|\-10.14%| +|1999|19.53%| +|1998|26.67%| +|1997|31.01%| +|1996|20.26%| +|1995|34.11%| +|1994|\-1.54%| +|1993|7.06%| +|1992|4.46%| +|1991|26.31%| +|1990|\-6.56%| +|1989|27.25%| +|1988|12.40%| +|1987|2.03%| +|1986|14.62%| +|1985|26.33%| +|1984|1.40%| +|1983|17.27%| +|1982|14.76%| +|1981|\-9.73%| +|1980|25.77%| +|1979|12.31%| +|1978|1.06%| +|1977|\-11.50%| +|1976|19.15%| +|1975|31.55%| +|1974|\-29.72%| +|1973|\-17.37%| +|1972|15.63%| +|1971|10.79%| +|1970|0.10%| +|1969|\-11.36%| +|1968|7.66%| +|1967|20.09%| +|1966|\-13.09%| +|1965|9.06%| +|1964|12.97%| +|1963|18.89%| +|1962|\-11.81%| +|1961|23.13%| +|1960|\-2.97%| +|1959|8.48%| +|1958|38.06%| +|1957|\-14.31%| +|1956|2.62%| +|1955|26.40%| +|1954|45.02%| +|1953|\-6.62%| +|1952|11.78%| +|1951|16.46%| +|1950|21.78%| +|1949|10.26%| +|1948|\-0.65%| +|1947|0.00%| +|1946|\-11.87%| +|1945|30.72%| +|1944|13.80%| +|1943|19.45%| +|1942|12.43%| +|1941|\-17.86%| +|1940|\-15.29%| +|1939|\-5.45%| +|1938|25.21%| +|1937|\-38.59%| +|1936|27.92%| +|1935|41.37%| +|1934|\-5.94%| +|1933|46.59%| +|1932|\-15.15%| +|1931|\-47.07%| +|1930|\-28.48%| +|1929|\-11.91%| +|1928|37.88%| + +Years where the return was less than 8% : 1929 1930 1931 1932 1934 1937 1939 1940 1941 1946 1947 1948 1953 1956 1957 1960 1962 1966 1968 1969 1970 1973 1974 1977 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1992 1993 1994 2000 2001 2002 2005 2007 2008 2011 2015 2018 2022 + +Years where the return was more than 10% : 1928 1933 1935 1936 1937 1942 1943 1944 1945 1949 1950 1951 1952 1954 1955 1958 1961 1963 1964 1967 1971 1972 1975 1976 1979 1980 1982 1983 1985 1986 1988 1989 1991 1995 1996 1997 1997 1998 1999 2003 2006 2009 2010 2012 2013 2014 2017 2019 2020 2021 + +Years where the return was exactly 8% to 10% : 1959 1965 2004 2016 + +When parsed this way, its fairly straightforward to see that when you add up all of the times it was under 8% and put that together with all the times it was over 10% that it balances out to 8%-10%. However, actually getting the 8% to 10% is a rare occurrence, happening only four times over the past century. + +Four! + +This is one of those counter intuitive things about stats. Kind of like how if a medical test is 99% accurate and your test is positive that does not mean you have a 99% chance of having the condition. Or like how it can be the case that for women medicine A is better than medicine B and for men medicine A is better than medicine B but together for the population as a whole medicine B is better than medicine A. Its just "common sense" that if an average is 8% to 10% then that should mean that 8% to 10% is the most common happening. But it does not work that way. + +I know I am shouting into the void here. No matter what I say or do it is not going to stop the flow of people thinking that the S&P is a sure bet to return 8% to 10%. But I just had to say something to get it out of my system. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I thought I'd summarize some information about the juicy morsel of information that was just discovered. I will try to keep it to information rather than opinion. + +As has been rapidly circulating online, [https://nft.gamestop.com/](https://nft.gamestop.com/) was discovered. **This site is real and official. You cannot fake a subdomain.** + +It has a curious little thing of numbers and letters near the bottom + +https://preview.redd.it/jhk5pvou3c171.png?width=536&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e7761eb55c1edbf3486a4494369673abd4e0e6a + +Those who aren't in crypto might not know that this is a an ERC (etherium) address. If we plug it into etherscan we get... [https://etherscan.io/token/0x13374200c29c757fdcc72f15da98fb94f286d71e](https://etherscan.io/token/0x13374200c29c757fdcc72f15da98fb94f286d71e) + +https://preview.redd.it/auq83ic24c171.png?width=1417&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e2eec1c0422df770769531e5c86a0cc3ce170d2 + +What is this! **A GME crypto token!** + +I had one of my crypto friends look into the code, he found this: + +https://preview.redd.it/z8iptat44c171.png?width=1338&format=png&auto=webp&s=6afca582e1f6a054216d8a4d4187d9c9a720b03e + +launchDate is a unix timestamp, which again if you are unfamiliar with this stuff might not mean anything to you. If we convert this: + +https://preview.redd.it/vxzck7yc4c171.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=5250ba997c7d3fcc11218efec929e60d42686e16 + +**Wed Jul 14 2021 11:20:00 GMT+0000 is the launch date for gme crypto.** + +(opinion: I think that is just the date that you could publicly purchase the tokens! I believe they would distribute a dividend of them before they were available for purchase, because the thing that forces **ALL** shorts to **HAVE** to cover is the token being unavailable to acquire.) + +*But what could this mean? Some ideas...* + +GME is going to pull an [overstock-style crypto dividend](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/overstock-founder-tried-to-squeeze-short-sellers-then-sold-out-when-the-sec-cracked-down-2019-09-19), which if executed correctly would force all shorts to have to cover, no margin call needed. + +\--and/or-- + + >GME Launches NFT platform + >Digital Game licenses w/ reselling + >All publishers want in because of permanent smart contract returns for peer-to-peer trade of the digital copy in perpetuity + >GME is the steam killer + >Fundamentals primed for moon + >Shorts have to cover + +\--and/or-- + +GME token backed skin marketplace, plays well with the idea of pre-order and retailer specific skins + +\--and/or-- + +A user suggested they could somehow use blockchain to curb console scalping, if so maybe even graphics cards? + +\--and/or-- + +Being able to play a game in any launcher? Or without any launcher. Open source launchers? + +\--and/or-- + +Anti-piracy by requiring a linked NFT game ownership + +\--and/or-- + +Cross game avatar/identity + +\--and/or-- + +*NONE OF THE ABOVE - MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS!* + +\--and/or-- + +lets hear your ideas! + +i liek dis stock + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: another bit of info, this screenshot has been floating around. Note the source code block at the bottom. [link](https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e#code) + +https://preview.redd.it/t9rza7pq7c171.png?width=1397&format=png&auto=webp&s=273f483c1ad4156c429f1c5c81bf726b4b74e669 + +edit: Also, if you haven't found it, there is a tinnnnny little dot next to the header on the [nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com) website. If you click it, you get to play a game where you are a cat on the moon. Can't make this shit up. + +https://preview.redd.it/twuyo1wddc171.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=91d7b5d12d9c6d3df544de70d7574a560e24e561 + +edit2: someone made this connection + +https://preview.redd.it/8ktikbw8fc171.png?width=1834&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e593cf209b24b0764c25708a769ac3be8c831a2 + +Edit3: this guy is the head of blockchain at Gamestop, give em a follow! https://twitter.com/finestonematt/status/1397309790964047872?s=19 + +He tweeted this **VERY** interesting tweet https://twitter.com/finestonematt/status/1395051881844592641?s=19 + +Edit4: I crawled through the game and website code and found no additional information hidden in there + +Edit5: From a message: The French National Day is the anniversary of Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789,[1][2] a turning point of the French Revolution, + +Canada Vancouver, British Columbia holds a celebration featuring exhibits, food and entertainment.[31] The Toronto Bastille Day festival is also celebrated in Toronto, Ontario. The festival is organized by the French community in Toronto and sponsored by the Consulate General of France. The celebration includes music, performances, sport competitions, and a French Market. At the end of the festival, there is also a traditional French bal populaire.[32] +Ryan is from Canada, and if he is from a French province, then well maybe its a favorite holiday of his. + +If anyone finds any inaccurate info or corrections please let me know! +\*12:59PM EST 5/18\* Created a new post with ETFs, Insiders, and all filings. Note, I noticed a large discrepancy between Fidelity's holdings and their ETF reportings. The ETF holding links are on the NPORT sheet. I'll link the post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfdqo5/13fhr\_51821\_update\_with\_extras/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfdqo5/13fhr_51821_update_with_extras/) + +&#x200B; + +But will put final numbers in here for those who are checking this: + +# Total Shares Owned by institutions, insiders, and in ETFs + +# 53,105,399 + +&#x200B; + +# Free Float with 3.5m ATM offering: + +# 21,164,601 + +&#x200B; + +# Average number of shares needed by Superstonk users alone to OWN the float: + +# 71.75 shares per member as of writing. 😂😂😂😂😂 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fw44w9x9uwz61.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b9d2bfe2a4659992aaf4b68ef168bf09123e846 + +Thank you for the awards and apologies if the data seems confusing. Just trying to do my part. ❤ + +&#x200B; + +I've got all the others listed and grouped, but will be updating the sheet in real time as they come in today. If you wanna check it out (incognito mode preferably for YOUR anonymity). You can find that here with links to every report filed so far on GME: + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR\_9WceecfHCGVtZWLYXi7VQOMH2bP9O6h01B0cKPcR8gujpRTFMrYQjLm2SYxFxzHJcrZHSpOAuCFm/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vR_9WceecfHCGVtZWLYXi7VQOMH2bP9O6h01B0cKPcR8gujpRTFMrYQjLm2SYxFxzHJcrZHSpOAuCFm/pubhtml) + +\*edit\* took out the google docs link and posted the public link instead. If you want the link for the google docs sheet, just message. + +https://preview.redd.it/dvv5q081moz61.png?width=1195&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fc2752da26f1ea74edc07ce5d7dd8448ef52eee + +&#x200B; + +Still waiting on if someone can give me more info on NPORT-P/EX reports. I've found a bunch of them and shows short positions, calls/puts written, calls/puts purchased, how much is lent and to whom, etc. Downvoted instantly both times I've asked about them so I'll ask a 3rd time on this since it'll prolly get seen. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/abt8tvaemoz61.png?width=1214&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e1826a102bf3ec5ee4ab00937447a617f5ab64a + +If you wanna look yourself, they can all be found here: + +[https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=gamestop&dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-04-01&enddt=2021-05-17&forms=NPORT-EX%252CNPORT-NP%252CNPORT-P](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=gamestop&dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-04-01&enddt=2021-05-17&forms=NPORT-EX%252CNPORT-NP%252CNPORT-P) + +&#x200B; + +I haven't entered all of the ones that have been submitted so far, but will have them updated shortly. Thanks and Love Ya Apes! + +&#x200B; + +Tick Tock Kenny boy.. I wanna see you guys' filings, and see if we have a check mate. 😁🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Wife and I are looking to take our kids (from 3 to 6) on our first ski vacation in March. We will stay in the US for Reasons. We aren’t familiar with the best resorts/ski towns despite research, because there are just too many choices for a total novice to sorry through. + +None of us have been skiing before, so we are looking for a resort with a ski school right on premises that is kid friendly. Most of our IRL friends have been skiing for generations, and don’t seem to appreciate our level of ignorance when it comes to skiing and ski towns. They often suggest getting a house for privacy, but schlepping our kids, snacks, and gear over to the ski school every day doesn’t sound like a vacation if we can find something more centralized. + +Asking r/FatFIRE specifically to get an idea of the nicer places we could go in large part because we rarely can get away from work and like our vacations to be special. (We’re normally beach folk and have enjoyed the Four Seasons Punta Mita, Rosewood Mayakoba, and similar places often referenced in this sub, if that is helpful context.) + +Thanks in advance for the suggestions! +For any other apes with Fidelity, please read the rest of this post. *Not Financial Advice, I can’t even tie my shoes* I spoke with Josh from Fidelity, and he helped me DRS another 1125 shares of GME. He mentioned the rate of requests to Fidelity to DRS shares has dropped substantially, which is disappointing to me. We have such a great community, and taking the time to DRS shares is so helpful to locking up the float! + +More concerning to me, however, is that I have made every effort to ensure my GME shares are held in cash and NOT in margin. YMMV, but if you have a margin account with Fidelity with GME shares, you may want to double check they are held in cash and not margin. Specifically, I had made the request to make sure my shares were in cash and not converted back to margin the last time I DRS’d through Fidelity. This was several weeks ago. When I submitted my request earlier this evening, I was very alarmed when Josh said before I DRS your shares, I have to convert them from margin to cash. Despite multiple requests to Fidelity to make sure my GME shares are always held in cash, they had converted back to margin without my approval. + +Proof of this new DRS request will happen when the shares hit my existing Computershare account with 1110 shares, and I will then feed the DRSBOT with another 1125 shares. Cheers! + +Edit: Oh sweet apes, RIP inbox, thanks for the upvotes and awards. I briefly forgot how passionate each individual in r/superstonk can be - have a wonderful evening, and to the moon for GME!! + +Edit #2: For the European Apes, by pissed I meant angry, not drunk…that being said, I definitely was enjoying a glass of wine when I called Josh from Fidelity to DRS more of the float. Cheers everyone! +2 weeks ago TradingView published a tribute to best PineScripters in the community, producing a special "Wizards" page. It is worth visiting, these guys developed a lot of OPEN SOURCE scripts, being endless source of inspiration: [https://www.tradingview.com/…/meet-the-tradingview-pine-wi…/](https://www.tradingview.com/blog/en/meet-the-tradingview-pine-wizards-15929/?fbclid=IwAR1cfDhKAFpbPMlklrhboOG7DpQ5EoKwVphHX7HYFa_pPGOwd1w2-IpCnBI) +As retarded as this question might seem, I don't get it why suddenly everyone is so hyped again. I mean, GME NFTs have been in discussion for a long time iirc. Also, commonly, NFTs have been marked as a scam and bullshit by the majority of the internet (e.g. this Doom mod where you take monkey screenshots). + +So what am I missing? Do people really think NFTs will bring billions to GME while at the same time they're mocking it? I don't get it and would be really glad if someone could explain. +I love the dynamism of the crypto world, and I am always on the lookout for interesting crypto and blockchain-based projects. I found one in Amnext. + +Amnext takes saving money to a whole new level by turning it into an interesting venture, and that is done through the combination of smart contracts, DApps, and creativity. Amnext is a saving game where you are always a winner. + +**The main features of Amnext are:** + +* *Lifetime Lottery Ticket* +* *No-Loss Lottery* +* *Staking Rewards* +* *Referral Rewards* +* *Rewards in AMC by depositing in Prize Pools* +* *Doxxed Developers* +* No Launch Until Audits are done (Certik as 1st chose) + +Lifetime Lottery Overview: + +The **Lifetime Lottery** follows an easy but smart procedure. Once a user buys the lifetime ticket the funds are sent to the **Amnext Staking protocol**, it will generate Interest. + +This is where the magic happens. The interest produced is accrued to the to the lifetime jackpot depository which allows users to **keep their lottery tickets forever** without the necessity of putting in money repeatedly to participate on the drawing of the next lottery. + +In simple terms, the money used to buy the tickets **does not become the jackpot** as it happens in classic/national lotteries but it is used to generate the interest, which will form the jackpot and allow **the birth of the lifetime ticket!** + +No Loss Lottery Overview: + +**Another unbelievable concept** inside the Amnext ecosystem is the **No-Loss Prize Pools.** + +The members can deposit funds in different stable and well-trusted Tokens like **BNB/CAKE/USDT/BUSD/VAI.** + +The amount deposited follows the same workflow similar to the lifetime lottery protocol. The Tokens deposited are invested in one of the most active and secure platform of the Binance Smart Chain, **Venus a Lending and Borrow** Dapp that permits the invested tokens in Amnext to generate the interests which form the jackpots. + +Instead of the lifetime lottery, you can remove your investment whenever you want and accrue AMC tokens as a simple staking system. There is also a **bonus that is added to the jackpots,** the fabulous **LootBox;** a fair amount of AMC tokens that is provided by the tokenomics logic of the project. + +My Review: + +The confidence of the doxxing team is amazing and **should sell itself early enough**. I advise you to join the **telegram group** to connect with the community of developers to clarify any doubts you may have. I personally believe that the project has a lot of potential and will be for sure a **long-term GEM.** + +Website: [amnext.io](https://amnext.io/) Telegram: [https://t.me/amnext\_official](https://t.me/amnext_official) +Real life conversation between my wife and I after she decides to upgrade our video doorbell while I’m mowing the lawn: + +Her: Great, now we are going to be out of a doorbell until September. + +Me: wut mean? + +Her: Amazon is out of stock until then. + +Me: Babe, you know we are supposed to check GameStop first for these things. + +Her: GameStop doesn’t sell a ring doorbell pro 2. + +Me: Just check it + +Her: I just found it. In stock. Free premium shipping. Same price as Amazon. Just bought it. + +Me: (fist pump for the earnings win) + + +I’ll have her fully converted from Amazon soon ladies and gentlemen +Real life conversation between my wife and I after she decides to upgrade our video doorbell while I’m mowing the lawn: + +Her: Great, now we are going to be out of a doorbell until September. + +Me: wut mean? + +Her: Amazon is out of stock until then. + +Me: Babe, you know we are supposed to check GameStop first for these things. + +Her: GameStop doesn’t sell a ring doorbell pro 2. + +Me: Just check it + +Her: I just found it. In stock. Free premium shipping. Same price as Amazon. Just bought it. + +Me: (fist pump for the earnings win) + + +I’ll have her fully converted from Amazon soon ladies and gentlemen +Real life conversation between my wife and I after she decides to upgrade our video doorbell while I’m mowing the lawn: + +Her: Great, now we are going to be out of a doorbell until September. + +Me: wut mean? + +Her: Amazon is out of stock until then. + +Me: Babe, you know we are supposed to check GameStop first for these things. + +Her: GameStop doesn’t sell a ring doorbell pro 2. + +Me: Just check it + +Her: I just found it. In stock. Free premium shipping. Same price as Amazon. Just bought it. + +Me: (fist pump for the earnings win) + + +I’ll have her fully converted from Amazon soon ladies and gentlemen +New York Times magazine article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/02/21/magazine/elite-professionals-jobs-happiness.html + +The one thing that attracted my attention were these two sentences (the man quoted gets 1.2 million dollars a year, as said in the previous paragraph to this): + +> He had received an offer at a start-up, and he would have loved to take it, but it paid half as much, and he felt locked into a lifestyle that made this pay cut impossible. “My wife laughed when I told her about it,” he said. + +Wealthy beyond anything I'll ever be able to get on my life, but basically living by each paycheck. I prefer to live frugally and with peace of mind. +Original post; +https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/lezqfx/just_got_a_name_your_price_on_my_house/ + +"They're speaking to be bank and will get back to you with an offer in a day or two". + +That's when I knew the offer probably wasn't going to be enough. + +The offer came in at 550. I politely declined and explained that would not work, what with CGT, moving costs, etc etc. Anything over 700 I would have opened discussions, but probably would not have sold anyway. + +I understand the agent has an obligation to present interest or offers if/when they present, and I said I'd be happy to listen to more realistic offers in the future. + +So all in all its no big deal. Good to know the property is sought after. Not upset with the agent, they're just doing their job, but now they have a much clearer idea of what price range I'd entertain. I'll wait and see. + +Thanks for the advice to everyone on previous thread. +Hey all, I’m 16 years old(almost 17) and I opened a Roth IRA account a little over a week ago! I work at a local restaurant making 10/hour and am planning on contributing between $500 and $1000 dollars this year into my Roth IRA (I have already contributed $250 into it). I opened the account through a friend/broker through American Funds and currently my money is invested into AIVSX. I was wandering if this type of investing will be profitable in the long run or if I need to be investing in something else? The main reason I wanted to go ahead and open this account is because I realized I have the factor of young age on my side and I have almost 40 years until I retire to let the money compound! My approach to this is to be pretty conservative and not worry about making a lot of money real quick, instead, contribute consistently and let the money do it’s work! Do y’all have any advice on what I am doing? Or any advice on investing in general? Thanks! +I just had my final design meeting with my architect this morning for a house we are going to start construction on in the spring. I own a beach house currently that we’ve lived in full-time since Covid started and we’ve decided to make this permanent, so I’m pretty much in tune with beach specific questions. But I’d really like some thoughts of what I might not be thinking of. + + + +Quick rundown. + + + +- House will have 3 floors above grade and some finished space at grade since our base elevation is going to be around 17’. + + + +- We will have 35’ deep pilings rather than the normal 25’ since we will be at 48’ above our base elevation at the peak of the roof. + + + +- I know we will have a whole house dehumidifier either as part of the HVAC system or as a stand alone. + + + +- I’m going with an LP generator as a back up power supply since I don’t know that I trust a solar panel install to withstand high winds. + + + +- Impact rated doors and windows, plus turtle safe as well. + + + +- Ice machine at ground level since they are probably the most likely appliance to cause a major leak. + + + +- Leak detection of some type for the house overall for when we are away. + + + +- Water treatment system. + + + +And, all these are pretty normal/obvious things. What else should I be thinking of? I’m more interested in these types of things since I have a good handle on the design aspect. + + + +Thanks! + + + +Editing to add: + + + +Thanks to everyone for all the great comments. +I am an adult female (single no children) who lives with my parents. I have been saving for and looking for a house of my own. + +A lot of people online talk down about adults living with their parents and people in person make comments about it. + +I think there is a difference between someone living with their parents and not working and being a bum vs someone working and paying their bills + +I know someone who is almost 40 that lives with their parents and does not work or do anything and is being supported by them, this person has no reason they can’t work and I think that is scummy, + +But I respect someone living with their parents and paying their bills more than someone living alone and going Into debt when they have other options. + +It’s frustrating that I can’t find a house and it really makes me feel like shit when people make comments. +How were your stocks this week? What you buying and selling? What were your best plays? + +Remember this is a community to learn. + +**Downvotes are discouraged** + +**Sort by New to find the best daily play** + +Add 🚀🚀🚀 if you serious +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/79b05cofcqp11.png + +In a Cryptocurrency Exchange Evaluation survey conducted by us, the cryptocurrency traders were asked whether "Paper Trading" is useful and 69% of the traders gave a positive response. + +We all are aware of the high volatility of the cryptocurrency market and in such cases simulators turn out to be traders' best friends. Even the newbie in the Cryptocurrency trading are afraid to lose money as the lack of Paper trading feature. That's the reason we have decided to add "Paper Trading" feature on our Encrybit exchange. It not only helps novice traders to get an idea of the real market but also experienced traders to test a new move/trend. + +Looking forward to know more about the upcoming exchange Encrybit? Visit - [https://encrybit.io/pdf/encrybit-wp-v1.pdf](https://encrybit.io/pdf/encrybit-wp-v1.pdf) +Even today, gold is being mined constantly. So, since the supply of gold cannot really decrease, and since the supply of gold is constantly being increased (aka "inflated"), gold is, by definition, suffering from perpetual inflation. Thus, how isn't the price of gold perpetually increasing? + +This same question applies to any precious metals. +Hi, do you know of an economic event that isnt explainable by macroeconomic theories, and actually goes against what's taught in econ textbooks, e.g. When the interest rate was increased in a particular year, the expansion of money didnt stop as a result, etc +Is there literally no regards to laws anymore, completely? Is nobody looking into this? Isn't this signaling a lot of red flags? Is this absolute fuckery, at the highest degrees possible happening right now? + +When do you see people religiously buying, DRSing and holding to a stock, while the value of that stock doing the exact opposite of what is supposed to do? It's exactly inverse to the basic law of supply and demand. + +Is literally the life for the average person about being shat on by the wealthy on all angles? +Just had an email from Halifax saying that they are adding an annual fee to their share dealing accounts from April 2022 (so 14 months from now): + +> The fee changes at a glance + +> Customer administration fee - taken from April 2022. We’re introducing a new £36 annual fee to cover the costs of running the Share Dealing Service, which includes our Share Dealing Account, ISA and ShareBuilder. The first fee will be taken in April 2022 so you have over a year to decide if the account is right for you. + +> ISA administration fee. From April 2021, we’ll no longer charge the annual £12.50 fee as this is being replaced by the customer administration fee. We’ll collect your final payment for the 2020/21 tax year in May 2021 in the usual way if you have an ISA. + +> Online dealing commission. We’re reducing the online dealing commission for UK Shares, International Shares and Funds from £12.50 to £9.50. +As per the BBC news article this morning, Loughborough University claim the costs for a family with two children have risen by £400 to £4160 a month. That took me by surprise as whilst costs have risen for my family (two adults, two children, very close to their example age wise), not by anywhere near that much. + +To me, £4160 post-tax (and student loans) is a pretty large household income for two parents. Our budget is much less than that and I don’t feel we are missing out anything for our children (multiple holidays per year, day trips each weekend, all they need in clothes and toys). I’m trying to work out if I’m out of touch, being too tight with spending or if Loughborough Uni are making incorrect assumptions. + +Edit with links; + +https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61501778 + +https://www.lboro.ac.uk/research/crsp/minimum-income-standard/ +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 2048 days +Currently doing my upper division electives and will graduate this fall. So far I'm planning on/have taken intermediate micro & macro, economic statistics, econometrics, industrial organization(game theory), mathematical economics, money and banking, capital markets, and economic forecasting. Should I do a minor in finance? Is it even worth it? I'm asking since I am interested in working finance such as IB or as a data/financial analyst but don't know if my coursework is enough as is. I'm also planning of pursuing my CFA later on. +I’m 22, make $100k and live in Orlando FL. To cut to it, i really want a Porsche Cayman S ($47k). + +My current car is a 370z that i bought at 17 and it’ll be paid off this year. I know this wouldn’t be the absolute worst purchase, however it certainly wouldn’t be the smartest. + +Is there a rule-of-thumb when it comes to luxury purchases? Just looking for opinions and advice on the situation +As I am eating my very pro-budget but not very pro-health lunch of wraps with only canned beans and chilli sauce, I had a realisation while reflecting on why I don't have money to eat properly. It is very stupid, but it explains why I still am struggling financially. To put it short: my family has always been very poor. My parents are doing okay now financially, but they still raised us in that culture, by lack of a better word . Because of this, I grew up with a few (unspoken) social rules: + +* One: you never judge someone for not having money. You sympathise. When someone says they don't have money, you help them with the little bit you have. +* Two: everything that is not food and bills that immediately need to be paid is 'extra' money that you can use to help family and friends. +* Three: always offer to pay when the other does not respond (while being out for coffee, drinks or dinner groceries). + +This has resulted in me paying for a significant amount of food for a handful of friends, that kept triggering me with storied about how they could not eat that week. I paid for sandwiches when their cards declined, I always paid when doing groceries etc. + +Normally, I give people the benefit of the doubt. But last week or so I received a rude wake-up call. A friend agreed to help me with an important assignment that I had been struggling with all week. Before we even got started, he said: + +'we are going to eat together tonight, right?' I was pretty sure that we had never agreed to that, so I said + +'Oh I'm sorry, I can't remember I had promised that. I would rather work on this assignment which will take me the entire afternoon and probably tonight as well.' + +**He then said this:** 'Oh that's okay! I can do the grocery shopping for us! Wait, I don't have money... oh well, I can skip dinner tonight!' + +then he paused. And I felt so bad that I ordered pizza. Which cost me 25 euros. Which I could not afford at all. But I also had to finish the assignment and did not want to deal with the added stress of him guiltripping me the entire time he was helping me. Because I did need his help. + +&#x200B; + +Later, I found out that the week before he had spend over 50 euros on shots. He also eats pizza and subway almost every day for dinner. The worst is: he puts aside 10% of his salary on a savings account, while I plunder mine to deal with unexpected expenses like him needing to eat. + +&#x200B; + +The difference is this: + +\- He says he doesn't have money because he put aside 100 euros on his savings account and spends a shitload of money on booze. There are a number of occasions with other people that I suspected this was the case but gave people the benefit of the doubt. + +\- I say I don't have money because I literally have no money left in my bank account. Which has not yet happened, luckily. I don't eat out ever, I don't order food, I freeze big bags of vegetables and potatoes so I can get by from only 10 euros of groceries a week. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I only found out his financial situation by talking to another friend, who had gone partying with him and knows him better, so she could tell me all that. By then the damage has already been done. Because I know this now, I will not do it again with him. But most often, I do not know the context and I assume they had a good reason to be, well, poor. + +&#x200B; + +I visited my sister two weeks ago, and it was basically a fight of who got to pay for the coffee. We're both poor, working students so we knew the other would appreciate the gesture! This is what I am used to. But this is not what I am experiencing at all in the student city that I am a part of. + +**tldr:** I'm being taken advantage of by friends who (some knowing, others i am not sure) keep making me pay for their stuff. How to say no, even though I know they will have to struggle that instance? Probably need some tough love because when I am reading this back I feel so ashamed. + +Edit: just wanted to point out that I mostly have very good and kind friends who don't do this to me, these are just a few instances. This is also what made me realize my ' problem' so late. + +Edit2: just got home today, I'm overwhelmed with the response! I have skimmed through the replies and they are so helpful. I will not reply tonight (its almost midnight here and tomorrow is busy) but I am going to set some time aside tomorrow to read carefully through the advice, thank you all so much! I appreciate it very much that you took the effort to read my question and made very personal responses! + +**Edit 3**: okay I just woke up and started off my morning with reading through the responses and got on my laptop to write this edit. I have gone through a first quarter of the messages and responded here and there but I am not able to respond to everyone but please know that I read everything because you guys are insightful! I’m not sure how to show my appreciation other than to say thanks, so, thanks! I’m going to take my time reading the rest. I feel more educated now and am going to make getting more educated a priority. + +Based on you advice I have a list that I’m going to translate into to do’s! Here’s some points: + +* Say no, because no is a full sentence. +* Open up a new savings account at a separate bank account than the one I have my checking account. I will look into this this weekend and will hopefully have an appointment at a bank next week (I probably won’t be able to set up an account right away because that usually involves actually having money to put on the account lol, next month.). I will put at least 10% of my salary on my savings. This way, I can more confidently say to someone that I would rather split the bill because I don’t have money instead of going to savings. +* Save up a small amount of money (I begin at 1 euro a month) that I will put away for meals with friends. +* Build a pantry. I deserve more surprise beans in my life. Also, then I can offer friends frozen pizza or self made spaghetti instead of soggy dominos that is cut infuriatingly asymmetrical. I need to think ahead. I also really like to cook for people when I have time and opportunity to do so. +* Popcorn apparently is filling food. I make and will consume more. My mother has LIED to me. +* Read recommended books! + +And also some painful but necessary reminders: + +* don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm! and: their lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on your behalf. +* I perhaps have some more unlearning and readjustment to do than I initially thought because this does reflect my way of thinking about my finances, and about me as well. Yikes. I would rather just stock up beans in my pantry. +* (this got downvoted a bit but I do agree:) people don’t force me to spend money on them, let alone expensive take out pizza (while frozen delicious pizza is only max 2 euros). I can say no, so I should do so. My finances is my responsibility. I can prioritise. +Edit: IPO\* *Sorry for the title being all jacked up, I write these things sloppy thinking maybe 10 people will see it.* + +MSM, these brokers, literally doing everything in their power to push FUD onto GameStop and crush any momentum. It is no accident this headline stayed on top all day. + +*7 Potential IPOs in 2022: Discord, OpenSea...* + +https://preview.redd.it/3abtdv3cel881.jpg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afeb49953eb908419f82630c2992d6c645da1da5 + +To be honest, at first I couldn't even figure out why that headline was on the GME ticker to begin with. Must be some typical fluff in the article where they mention GME to make sure they attach this misleading headline to the ticker. Then it hit me, "Oh, they are responding through headlines to the superstonk reddit posts that created the current NFT Marketplace hype. WTF?" + +&#x200B; + +Let's make this clear, they do not want GameStop NFT marketplace to be successful. This breaks the mold about what they thought GameStop was, what and why they were shorting, and even what they thought it was going to be going forward. This nft marketplace isn't just GameStop moving into e-commerce, which they can compare to other companies attempting the same and easily fud as GameStop makes this transition. This marketplace is a **game**changer. *Enough of a gamechanger that MSM is prematurely trying to push another nft marketplace into IPO territory.* Yesterday I made a post stating that GameStop NFT marketplace would be the only public company that had a NFT marketplace, which could lead to other major companies interested in creating NFTs being open to working with them. The brand is on the public market, trustworthy, and accountable. This made the front page. Sure enough, the following day MSM releases a fallacious headline mentioning OpenSea being a possible IPO for 2022. Because, well, anything is *possible* right? I guess it's not a lie if its possible. + +They read our reddit and literally the next day counter any buzz points we make with **misleading** headlines. This was no coincidence. + +So what do I do? I look into it. + +The headline is deceptive, as opensea has publicly stated they are not planning an IPO. On December 9, 2021, after a huge backlash within the OpenSea community, Chief financial officer Brian Roberts, is quoted as saying: + +“Let me set the record straight: there is a big gap between thinking about what an IPO might eventually look like & actively planning one. **We are not planning an IPO,** and if we ever did, we would look to involve the community.” + +Of course MSM ignores that, as that doesn't help stop GME's momentum. Benzinga creates the headline, throws GME in the article with some fluff point to make sure it stickies to your ticker, and the brokers sit it right on top your favorite stonks news feed all day (and night). + +Anyway. I no longer believe anything with the GME ticker is a coincidence, glitch, or accident. They see the momentum with the NFT marketplace, GameStop being a known brand, a publicly traded company, and hopefully first in the race to bring a NFT marketplace to the table for mainstream projects and releases (games, exclusive game items, collectables in nft form, sports collectables \*no longer need to pay to have a sports card verified authentic - nft does this for you\*, movie collectables, shoe collectables \*no longer need to keep our receipts due to counterfeiting\*). If you believe in this group of guys running the company then you know they have bigger ideas than just transitioning to e-commerce. The marketplace shows us that. MSM can't let this happen and these fucking guys will stop at nothing. They have name recognition, 1.4b on the back burner, no debt, and a markerplace in the works that could be a gamechanger (see the great reply below to see what this marketplace could mean for GameStop). The bottom line is, this headline actually reinforces what we already knew, the new marketplace is a company changer, or a whole new company within a company. Bullish. + +&#x200B; + +[This reply below needs more eyes on it. Know what you hold!](https://preview.redd.it/6qjgnw172o881.jpg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96cb1ce94591f0b3a977947b0285bc61f50cd187) + +And to reiterate, THIS IS WHY GME KEEP THEIR PLANS QUIET. They know the media is against them and will purposely do the above to ANYTHING they announce. +> A [2015 study by Deloitte](https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/insights/us/articles/us-generational-wealth-trends/DUP_1371_Future-wealth-in-America_MASTER.pdf) said that nearly $24 trillion of wealth would be transferred in the U.S. over the following 15 years, while a separate [2017 UBS study](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/23/ubs-millennials-worth-24-trillion-by-2020.html) predicted millennials’ could be worth that amount as soon as this year. + +The following article talks about the baby boomers losing their parents and inheriting their homes- most of which will be sold. Major opportunity for wholesalers, imo. + + [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/19/millennial-investment-trends-watch-out-for-huge-wealth-transfer.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/19/millennial-investment-trends-watch-out-for-huge-wealth-transfer.html) +I got into the market around 2017 with like $300. Since then, it’s built up to about $5k. It was actually closer to around $8k just a few weeks ago, but we all know what happened there. I was I hoping to hold for another 10 years, at least, but medical expenses have left me no choice but to use my crypto. About a year ago, I became disabled by lower back problems and unable to work. I have pretty severe degenerative disc disease in my spine and problems with my SI joints. I already had a surgery in December and have been in physical therapy three times a week for months, which unfortunately did not change much. Now my doctor is recommending I try PRP and stem cell therapy. It’s not guaranteed to work but it might be my only chance. Because the insurance company still sees this as “experimental” I have no choice but to pay out of pocket. Without the crypto, I wouldn’t have the option at all. My savings are completely gone at this point. It sucks to be in this position considering I’m only 38 and just trying to start a new business, have kids, etc, but at least crypto is giving me a chance to get better. I’m extremely thankful for that. I hope the rest of you keep holding for a long time. I would, but I don’t have a choice anymore. I’ll be back in the crypto game as soon as I get the chance. Good luck to the rest of you. Keep holding for me. + +Edit: some internet detectives have determined I’m fake because I said I make $40/hr 3 days ago. That is what I make, when I’m working. I didn’t get fired because I’m injured. And that comment was a joke about moving to Florida to work at a gas station. Name whatever proof you want and I’ll post it. You can call my surgeon for all I care. + +Edit 2: here’s a comment I made 54 days ago about my issues. From [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/mjk21l/my_walking_distance_and_walking_symmetry_since/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf) post about the surgery. + +“I just have a breakdown in that joint from a combination of stress and bad genetics. I’m probably going to end up getting the left side done as well soon. by stress I mean stress on the joint through work and athletics, not mental stress.” +Sometimes, you sell a CSP and it gets assigned. It happens. This is what seperates the beginners from the pros. I defintely don't like to be down more than 6 figures but that is the type of market we are in. For all you thetagang that are down big. Always remember, someone always has an even bigger loss + +tl;dr: ALWAYS wheel a stock you would want to own. + +[https://i.imgur.com/u71h6av.jpe](https://i.imgur.com/u71h6av.jpeg) + +&#x200B; + +Update Jan 25. I'm down even more now. Nearly $150K. Doesn't matter. Still ain't selling. Can't shake me. + +[https://i.imgur.com/d6mV5Wm.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/d6mV5Wm.jpeg) +This is more for for theta gang than WSB,... + +Got sucked into the AMC on June 3rd. Yup, absolute worst time to go long AMC, but I did, because #fun. + +I did it all for the premium: buy-writes, slightly ITM, because the premium was obscene. While I agree with the apes that something is very wrong with the predatory shorting of a company already impacted by implications of a questionable quarantine, I was never an activist. I was never banking on the MOASS. + +Writing covered calls on 2000 shares in the first from June 3rd until until June 25th was very lucrative... made just over $16k on about $130k risked... it's fair to call it 12.4% in 22 days. + +That was addictive, so I had to go in one... more... time... on June 28th. + +This turned into a 4.5 month fist fight to get out with my shirt on; at times writing staggered covered calls 5 weeks out to break-even (strikes below my adjusted basis, but such that strike + premium = basis), occasionally using premium to buy more. + +Got rid of my last 100 shares on Wednesday. The IRR function on the exported excel spreadsheet from Schwab can't comprehend the data and I'm too lazy to reformat, but it's fair to say that I ended up netting +16% in 5.5 months on a stock that dropped 34% over the same holding period. + +Is this an _amazing_ return? No, but I think the average annual rate, about 34% (16% x 12 mos ÷ 5.5 mos), is superior than what the S&P will do this year. + +Anyway. Just one more example of selling "insurance policies" to turn a really bad trade into a moderate success. + +Happy Friday! +Which dividends do you have pegged as paying dividend that end up being 30-50% of the initial investment in 10-20 years? You hear the stories about Buffett getting 50+% of his original investment in Coke back every year in dividends. Obviously to get to that you need a company with a commitment to returning capital to investors as well as maintaining medium to high growth. + +AT&T has a high yield but most likely won’t have the high growth to boost their dividend amounts enough. Is it a tech giant like AAPL or MSFT? Is it something more traditional like WMT or JNJ? +Ok 🦍, Vacay is back again with even more news: + +In just six short days we have become one of the healthiest tokens on the BSC with some of the strongest growth over that period. + +We are now in active discussions with major players in the travel industry who have expressed exuberance and enthusiasm to join forces with the Vacay team. Who are they? You'll just have to wait and see, but it won't be long now. + +Our early investors are made up of professional businessmen who don't even know how to sell. Seriously, look at that chart. No initial dump after launch whatsoever. 📈 + +7.5M Market Cap with only 2700 holders. Our foundation is built upon professional investors with huge amounts of capital to support this project until it grows into an absolute behemoth of industry. 🌃 + +🦎 We were listed on CoinGecko in under 72 hours! 🦎 + +$20,000 USD (total value) Bora Bora trip and token giveaway! Make sure to check our website and socials for the details on how you can win! + +We just appointed a new Chief Operating Officer with major connections in the hospitality and casino industries. Please see our website for more details. + +____________________________________________________ + +Quick list of our accomplishments so far: + +Launch: COMPLETE ✅ +Whitepaper: COMPLETE ✅ +Solidity Audit: SUCCESSFUL ✅ +Techrate Audit: SUCCESSFUL ✅ +3x Letters of Intent from official partners: SIGNED ✅ +Business Utility: CONFIRMED ✅ +CoinGecko: LISTED ✅ +CMC: COMING SOON ⌛️ + +If you've heard enough, here's the contract: 0xA3424FB48b9FA2FF8D3366eD91f36b4cDa7cAdd8 + +____________________________________________________ + +However, if you really want to know what we're all about, and you should because I've never seen such a professional project on the BSC, read on fellow 🦍: + +What is Vacay (VACAY)? 🌴 + +TL;DR - You will be able to pay for your travel expenses with $VACAY + +Vacay aims to capitalize on the global tourism, travel, and hospitality industry, which is valued at approximately $9.25 trillion dollars, by leveraging the executive management team’s extensive experience and network in the industry to form strategic partnerships with hotel chains, airlines, rental car services and renowned restaurants around the world. This IS the perfect storm of a "reopening play". + +Tokenomics? 💰 + +Original Supply: 1,000,000,000 50% Burn Before Launch - Current Supply: 500,000,000 3% Transaction Tax: This tax is sent directly to Liquidity Please note that our token has a relatively low supply and is NOT deflationary! Staking will be coming in a future update. + +Who are the Founders of Vacay? 🏦 + +Paul Mulder (CEO), Johan Bleeksma (CFO), and Peter Keijzer (COO) are the founding members of Vacay. + +You can learn more about them on our website. As of the time of this writing, Paul is doxxed with a video, and more info about our founders will be coming soon. + +Where Can I Buy Vacay? 💸 + +🥞https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xA3424FB48b9FA2FF8D3366eD91f36b4cDa7cAdd8 + +🐥 https://t.me/vacayfinance + +💬 https://www.vacay.finance/ + +📄 https://www.vacay.finance/post/whitepaper +You have accumulated enough ETH or soon will and it starts mooning hard. You have concerns about Ethereum as overall since POS can fail and BUGS are there to be exploited and also other things could fail as well. Although all the concerns imagine that the price starts to moon HARD. At what point would you consider to cash out in fiat ? + +&#x200B; + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9p7o95) +Backstory: I was wildly successful at a full time retail commission sales job. I made a switch when one of my clients asked me to work for his Energy Conservation startup. He falsely marketed the job to me--sold me on an internal sales position and I'm currently doing everything but sales. At the time it seemed like a good idea because I was willing to do anything to get out of my toxic retail job. + +The company does not have an internal sales team, he is spending more in lawyer fees than the residual monthly income (witholds commissions from contracted brokers...they sue him), and I cannot see it going anywhere despite his strong-willed forward thinking enthusiasm. Note: there are VC investors who see a lot of potential in the company...I don't get it. I've been in the position for four months--almost fired twice (my boss realized I wasn't closing sales even though my workload was geared toward everything BUT sales)--saw two employees (bosses he had me train, to be my boss...) come and go because he is impossible to work for. Think Donald Trump temperament with complete inability to reason with people. + +Here's the catch. He's given me some serious raises in the course of 4 months. I'm currently at $55k/annually...24 years old...with a college degree. But actually no clue wtf the future of this job has in store for me. It could be super successful by some act of God and I'm in a great position to reap the benefits if this does happen. It might happen in a year...it might happen in five...it's hard to tell. At this point I'm bound by the salary. + +I have the opportunity to jump ship and work as an SDR for a fast growing tech company. I'd be starting from the bottom with a lot of college grads willing to take a $40k/year salary because it's their first real job and they're enthusiastic as hell to climb the ladder of tech sales. + +My boyfriend just moved in with me...brought rent from $1650 to $1100. I am less worried about not affording living expenses and more worried about my future. I can make the lifestyle adjustments...I think. I've gone from $70k/year in retail sales, $55k/year in a startup setting with zero direction and utter chaos solely because of the owner, to considering $40k/year just to start from scratch in an industry that could offer some serious longevity. + +The tech position has a lot of upward career trajectory...but this pay cut is hard to wrap my mind around (Approx. $15k!!!) . I do not have kids or a mortgage...part of me thinks this is the only chance I'll get to start fresh in a fantastic industry. The other part thinks I'm throwing away the (confusing) hard work I've put in and settling for a common entry level position with little leverage to negotiate. I probably won't see the money I'm making now for a few years. + +Please advise!!! + +EDIT 1: Holy shit thank you for these thoughtful responses. I'm going to get to everyone..but I had a 2 hour window without my boss in the office and now he's here. + + + +EDIT 2: Uhhhhh it's taco Tuesday and between the spicy pork I roasted all day (sorry guys, no soup tonight) and the amazing feedback I've gotten it's going to take some time to respond. I have a LOT to watch/consider/ask/read etc etc...but I really appreciate everyone's input!!!! + + +EDIT 3: The reason my rent only decreased by $550/mo after my boyfriend moved in is because I live in a 400 square foot studio and gave him a drawer for his 15 articles of clothing and a corner for his guitar and Katana. The spacial distribution is definitely not 50/50 lol. He's inspired by Netflix's "Minimalism" documentary. +I've been heavily invested in ARKK and ARKW, with more than 75% of my portfolio comprising these two funds since I started investing two years ago. I know that sounds nuts but I'm 21, have no need for the money anytime soon, and am seeking aggressive returns. I understand the tech sector as a whole as experienced a rotation, but it appears that QQQ and other tech focused funds have recovered from their dip, while ARKK and ARKW remain. Why is this? I don't see any fundamental reason as to why we should expect a long term decline in the technology industry, so I'm still holding, but I wanted to gain insight from some more seasoned investors. +To the people who comment on DD posts brutally destroying the hopes of the OP and the ticker with sound facts and reasoning as to why the company is a shit play. I feel like 85% of the time I will read a DD and end it feeling like "damn, I need to get in on this." + +Then I head down to the comments and get brought down to earth by the real MVPs. + +You guys are awesome. Keep doing what you are doing. You help me and so many others out a TON +https://seekingalpha.com/news/3569652-disney-will-forgo-1h-dividend-payments-cfo-says + +Stock was up after earnings this afternoon until this was said on the call. +Listen you little newbs , stick to these 2 main stocks so we can HOLD them together and come out on top. +GME +AMC + +Just buy only those 2 and nothing else. The reason WHY these 2 stocks are NOT going up is because we are all over the place. Focus on those 2 for HOLDING and we all come out on top together. Yes I am a financial advisor and I won’t reveal my ITA information. (Legal protection rights) + +Anyways carry on. + +Edit #1: Another thing killing the stocks is putting sell orders. Cashing in and out. You are missing the opportunity of a much larger cash out of you just HOLD. Get rid of your sell orders and just hold onto those stocks. Also if you want brokerage accounts try Fidelity, Etrade, Webull, M1 Finance. + +Edit #2: after today’s volumes me and my team have discovered yet another shift in these “main” stocks. +NAKD is officially out of the mix. +AMC and GME are the only stocks anyone should be buying. If we had the same amount of people invest more into either of those stocks rather than the BB NOK and other misleading stocks TODAY then GME and AMC would’ve reached a very very very big number. + +Edit#3: everyone this is your chance to buy the dip before this explodes. This is literally a mirror image from what happen to VW back in 08. Don’t be dumb and sell your stocks keep holding. The only reason why the price is going down is because HF are selling to eachother to manipulate the stock price. + +Please watch this new video highlighted in the blue wording. If you click on it it will take you to a video explaining everything on a beginner level basis. [BUY AMC DIP](https://youtu.be/RZHn--2wfwQ) +Hi there, + +I'm in the position where I'm considering moving from up North (currently on £32k per year) to London, where the jobs I'm looking at offer approximately £45k per year. + +I'm wanting to know roughly how these two stack up against eachother - given the higher cost of living in London, should I expect my quality of life/savings to be similar to those that I already have? + +Appreciate this is a very broad question, but I'm having difficulty quantifying the whether my finances will actually be that much different! +I'm one of the statistically few people that make a living Day Trading / Swing Trading. Go right ahead and ask / troll away :) + +Also, If you have any specific help as far as your trades or even thoughts on your personal analysis of how things work or even a current trade is concerned, please feel free to PM me. All i ask is to put in the effort with your question and also FOLLOW UP (Nothing worse than trying to help someone is the other party just says ''thx" +Hey everyone + +The mod-team have been talking about the direction of this sub, prompted by the recent thread asking for a weekly “rate my portfolio” thread (which already exists!). + +It’s fair to say that UKInvesting has played second fiddle to /r/ukpersonalfinance since we started running both subreddits, because at the time it was a fairly small, high-quality community, and last time I asked what you wanted from the mods, the answer was basically “nothing”. + +Since then Reddit has introduced interest-based and geographical subreddit discovery, and the quality has dropped as the community has grown. + +We want to hear from regular users - what do you want? Do you want more active moderation? If so, what would you like from us? + +Some thoughts as starters for ten (some may be contentious and we wouldn’t plan to implement all, but this is just to help the discussion) + +* Should the stated purpose of this subreddit be "thoughtful discussion of active investing strategies"? +* Should we add a rule that all “rate my portfolio” posts go in the weekly thread and actively remove posts outside of it? +* Should we either have a weekly “I’m a beginner...” thread, or simply point beginners to UKPF on the basis that beginners should be looking for simplicity? +* Should we expand the ruleset more generally to tighten up the scope of the subreddit? See [UKPF rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpersonalfinance/about/rules) for example +* Should we require a higher-quality of post than “what do you think of [insert flavour of the week here]?”? +* Should we ban duplicate threads if a question has been asked in previous 3/7/14 days (possibly a softer alternative of previous option)? +* Should we stop allowing link posts? Should we require links to be posted in a text post with some context? + +Over to you! What do you want? What direction should the sub take? +[Link to the full article (2 min read)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/28/apple-stock-surges-on-pace-for-its-best-day-since-2020.html) Apple stock rose 7.5% after posting a better than expected Q3 earnings. Although the results were only slightly higher than expectations, it was still noteworthy since the company continues to grow sales and kept margins high amid tough macroeconomic conditions. Apple’s sales grew by 8% and their macbook business grew by 25%, while sales from other brands around the world have dropped. This shows that demand for their products remains strong. Shares of Apple’s big tech peers such as Meta, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have all plunged after reporting weaker results. + +**Check out** [**investorsnippets.com**](https://investorsnippets.com) **to get more bite-sized news like this straight to your inbox for free.** +Just like to catalog some of the problems that come up and the cash required to mitigate ($60k). RE is still a good investment but it's vital to keep a healthy cash reserve: + +1. Non payment of rent $10k +2. Damage/trash unit $12k +3. Abandon unit & contents $10k +4. Water leaks $20k +5. Take me to arbitration opportunistically $8k +6. Smoking inside, loud parties +7. Aggressive behaviour toward me +8. Dogs adopted without permission + +So far no fires, no deaths, no bankruptcies. + +Edit: added post with the benefits over last 5 years. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I’m(23f) is such an idiot. AN IDIOT! This month I picked up a second job because I have a few things I’m trying to pay off. I thought I was doing well when I budgeted enough for my bills and to pay off the things I’m in debt for. But since following this subreddit, there was this one post that made me want to take a harder look at what I’m spending my money on. $742.57 is what I’ve spent this month on food and other miscellaneous things. I’m sick to my stomach realizing the amount of money that has flown out of my pockets this month and August isn’t even over yet. I thought spending $2 here and $10 there wouldn’t make a significant difference, but it does. It makes a HUGE difference and I’m glad that I know now than never. I’m sorry but I had to rant about this. I know my mistakes and I won’t make them again. God man I’m such an idiot + +Edit: Thank you all for your wonderful responses! Didn’t think this post will be so well received and reached out to so many of you! So much helpful advice has been given in the comments and I really hope this post has helped others as well. Thanks for helping me feel less of an idiot by not criticizing my mistakes and instead, helping me to do better. Because of everyone’s great advice, I do plan to open a second bank account later this week and budget in a small amount to myself for treats. Thanks so much for all the help by every single one of you! I greatly appreciate it and hope others are inspired as well on creating better budgeting skills. Much love :) +Hi Everyone. 32 year old, 2 lpm salary, not very good in investments +here are my current investments, please let me know if any changes to be made or should i increase the SIP's amount? +ICICI Prudential Nifty Index Fund 3k index fund +Aditya Birla Sun Life Liquid Fund 5k dept liquid +UTI Dividend Yield Fund 3k equity +Top 100 Stocks Smallcase 3k +Quant Tax Plan Direct Growth 3k +Axis Long Term Equity Direct Plan Growth 3k + +Apart from this have my emergency fund(approx 3 months of my salary), health (15k/year) & term insurances(12k/year), PPF(2k/month), NPS(50k/year) and paying a home loan of 45k/month. +Thanks. +Hello, + +All sweet people out there. So, now I have 10k approx to invest in crypto, after convincing my father, he shelled out 5k and 5k mine. I want to HODL for at least a year. + +Here's what my research directs me to : + +50% - Stellar, +25% - Ripple, +25% - Cardano + +What would you invest in 10k in, any other coins suggestions are welcome too + +Thanks +>Rich Millennials to Financial Advisers: Thanks for the Golf Invite, but You Can’t Invest My Money + +WSJ recently wrote an article about it, you can easily find an article if you are interested. + +I hear the same again and again: "anyone can do a job of an average financial advisor". Below is a story of a person from the industry. + +>We had a group of 5 mutual funds and our decision to decide what fund to put them in was based on one question: “on a scale of 1-5, what is your risk tolerance”. We asked every single client this and based on their answer plus their age, income and savings we put them in one of those +> +>I thought even a monkey could do my job at first but was amazed how many clients wouldn’t invest at all and just had their money sitting in cash. I wondered how even without an advisor why people couldn’t/wouldn’t pick pretty much any mutual fund and put their money there +> +>I got paid based on how much I got people to invest and thought it would be easy money to convince people to make their assets grow but it was damn hard. Most clients had money in a CD and would refuse to move it + +Have you ever thought of going to money managers? + +Maybe you tried - what was the experience like? +To start with, I know some of you don’t like reading long posts so ill do the summary at the start in one sentence…Don’t buy every red day because you aren’t going to sell every green day. That is all, but if you want more detail well lets have a look at why. Now logically just because the market has a red day doesn’t mean everything is undervalued and cheap, much like when the market has a green day nobody panics and goes oh shit! Stocks are up 1-2%, quick sell sell sell!! Now im not talking about penny stocks here which crash 40% in one day, I mean large companies and the XJO. + +The first example to start with is the XJO and its probably the clearest and easiest reason to see why every dip is not a buying opportunity. Lets pretend you have watched the market the past year and you were looking to ‘buy the dip’, so presumably a red day. Well you would of done perfectly fine just buying 1 year ago and waiting and up around 20%, or you could of bought the month after when November had 5 great green days in a row and still be up about 15%... Or you could of waited until there was a string of atleast 3 red days and you would of got an entry point higher than both of those times if you bought in every time it dips for 3 days. Because I like to do weird comparisons, lets use skittles. If someone offers you money every week you aren’t going to keep saying no incase of money laundering one week and waiting until they get busted and then the next group starts offering you money, you are just going to take the money every week, THIS IS THE SAME! If your stock was cheap at $15 its not magically cheap still at $25 just because it fell a little bit from $30, same as if the stock was overvalued at $15, it is not undervalued all of a sudden at $23 because it fell from $30. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/amzv1j6kxim71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=724c5ced7a4c30eb2a1cfe89c3d4f56f806531f9 + +But lets look at individual stocks, to start with I’m going to pick the 2 biggest on the XJO because its bias but it proves my point some more. We will start with CBA who this time last year were around $67 and are now $100, which is a 50% gain roughly. Now if you thought CBA was overvalued this time last year because of COVID, low interest rates and you thought the housing thing was going to be short lived, then fundamentally its still overvalued even on these red days in between. For example, in June it went from approx. $106 to under $100, no point screaming buy the dip because if it was overvalued last year…well you get the point. If you looked at CBA again recently though and thought things had fundamentally changed and there were worth $100 a share, then buying at $100 a share should be the goal, not to wait for a random big red day to buy at and ignore the price. To go back to the XJO this is the same thing, if you thought most stocks were overvalued 1 year ago, 6 months ago and 3 months ago then a 2% dip should not have any impact on your thinking. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7fm7jb2lxim71.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9a971aa176b4b9aac52e6b1967d6bb410cf6c74 + +Next is CSL, who have had quite a volatile past year by their standards and have had some issues in terms of expectations. Some analysts think they will struggle to have any growth over the upcoming years and some still think it’s going to do fine because it’s a giant monopoly which historically has done great. CSL highlight perfectly why you shouldn’t just see every red day as a buying opportunity, because as you can see there has been plenty and if you just stuck to choosing a price you liked and had some conviction you would of done perfectly fine presuming you didn’t buy at $320. Let’s say you were watching them fly up to $320 late last year and were like well I think they’re only worth $270 but I really want some, so you waited for the 2 red days following and bought in around $300, well you would have had a perfect chance to buy them at $270 with some patience. What a stock or the market does day to day should not scream to you whether or not to buy the dip and sell the rip, you should find some price your happy with and stick to it. If you thought CSL was worth $320 for example, well it appears you were wrong in hindsight, but it also means you have had plenty of buying opportunities and waiting for another big dip would have had a big opportunity cost. + + + + +https://preview.redd.it/j303eswlxim71.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=37d8dec6f564a4fd6bfb36fb9ca98c072d9cd4bc + +This brings me on to probably the most important point which is opportunity cost. As Peter Lynch likes to say, more people have lost money waiting for a crash then they ever did from a crash. Now this isn’t possible if you don’t include opportunity cost, but if you include opportunity cost which is very big and real, then you realise trying to time dips and rips within the market is not investing…its just trading or gambling. I’m running out of ways to say the same thing but if you draw a diagonal line going up and you ask someone to pick a point on the line in hindsight they want, they will pick the bottom where you started, not at some ripple where it wasn’t straight up half way along. The same is for the markets, if you think they are overvalued then write down why and stick to it until it changes, just like if you think they are undervalued don’t wait for some silly 2% and then swap sides because it makes no sense. This is the same for a stock, for me personally its PME. I thought they were overvalued pre results at $55 and they ripped after results, but I didn’t buy because I think $40 is more of a fair value to get back in. Until you learn how to do basic stock analysis and figure out a rough price for a stock then any dip may make the stock look cheap, but in most cases with boomer stocks you’re better off just buying in if you want to hold long term and then just waiting. + +One thing I want to touch on quickly is Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA), which is quite popular for people bag holding. I personally don’t mind this strategy, its not one I use, but I can understand why people use it. If you are holding a stock for say 10+years and you aren’t sure how to value it then buying in once a month or every 3 months is great, because long term presuming the company is great it will slowly go up and when big dips do happen you will get the benefit without panicking every 2 seconds on whether you should buy because it’s a red day. This is possible with dozens of large companies from the the big 4, MQG, BHP, WPL, CSL, COH, PME, tech stocks and so on. The issue here is you need to pick a quality stock obviously, because a pile of shit is still a pile of shit in 10 years, it will just be smaller and worth less if it survives that long. + +Another summary with new examples! If you are investing long term a day or week of small red is not a buying opportunity or some great stock sale because stocks were lower 1 month ago and nobody was screaming buy then…yet because the stock is higher but red it is a buy? You wouldn’t buy a quarter pounder meal for $25 because it has a 50% sale sign next to it when you know its only worth $10, you would just buy something else or wait for it to hit $10. I’m struggling to figure out how to type this but if the market wasn’t undervalued 1 month ago at lower levels, its not magically undervalued now at higher levels because it’s a red day? That just doesn’t make sense, but ramble over and thankyou for coming to my TedTalk! + +Also, as market recaps have died, I thought I would start doing quotes again but at the end of these posts! + “It is important to draw wisdom from many different places. If we take it from only one place it becomes rigid and stale.” -Uncle Iroh +We are all aware that there is a very special relationship between $GME and $XRT. And today we saw that relationship in action, BIG TIME! + +On a day when the wider market got crushed, historically crushed, all day long (only to miraculously end green, which is a whole different story), we saw components of the $XRT ETF deliver AMAZINGLY strong performance throughout the day. + +It very much looks like $XRT components are being pumped and supported for the sole purpose of balancing an attack on $GME. + +Here are the ETF components: + +https://preview.redd.it/r7v0fy6wdpd81.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dd11642b21eb764a41248597626a7021aa91574 + +Go ahead and look up today's performance for any of these at random. Most didn't just outperform the wider market, they inversed its daily lows or more, miracle comeback made by the indexes aside. I can't even begin to describe how unusual this day was for the $XRT basket. + +I started to build a Watchlist for these tickers and gave up when I got about 30-40 deep only because it was the same story over and over ... tons of GREEN, and all virtually on absolutely no news, save Kohls. + +If this isn't 100% evidence of how badly GameStop's ticker is being manipulated, I don't know what is. Take a look ... every $XRT component up and most up big, save one: $GME. + +https://preview.redd.it/jc3u0cwpepd81.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a18c502feadb28331727da1a5bfe2fa532e7d05 + +https://preview.redd.it/70ec85mqepd81.png?width=856&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e5d6b217a5c32d600e2922f449c0b32da1ca492 + +Pretty sure such blatant manipulation is costing them a ton of $$$$$ ... I can't see how this is sustainable. But they are leaving a ton of breadcrumbs. + +Buy. Hold. DRS. Shop at GameStop. They are trapped, and these sorts of tricks show their desperation. + +............................. + +EDIT #1: This following post got buried by the downvote army the other day, so let me use the popularity of this post to promote it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9hak2/where\_can\_value\_be\_found\_in\_this\_market\_who\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9hak2/where_can_value_be_found_in_this_market_who_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +............................ + +EDIT #2: There have been a couple of questions about how it is that $GME got left behind today. Well, the answer is below ... they shorted the shit out of it. But they also shorted the shit out of $XRT, but it still managed to somehow run today, along with everything in it. I wonder if they figured out a way to focus all that $XRT short volume ratio (all 81% of it) onto our beloved. + +Crazy market happenings ... we knew the expiration of 160K deep OTM $GME puts would do something interesting, and here it comes. Things are getting spicy!!! + +https://preview.redd.it/42wiclnv2qd81.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e00d2abe154b13ff2e8fa8d68700eb334588fcd + +https://preview.redd.it/xujvyv5w2qd81.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=446a401eddad3b2a55615a86617f1aa9899ebc1b + +EDIT #3: Another very interesting tidbit on $XRT ... you and I see a systemically abused ETF, while others might be seeing a lifeboat: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sby5zt/xrt\_you\_dirty\_dirty\_dog\_institutional\_ownership/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sby5zt/xrt_you_dirty_dirty_dog_institutional_ownership/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT #4: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sbtw6b/show\_me\_gme\_and\_xrt\_are\_tied\_at\_the\_hip\_without/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sbtw6b/show_me_gme_and_xrt_are_tied_at_the_hip_without/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +All my life, I have always been broke. Three months ago, I received $10,000 and it totally made a big difference in my life. I didn't touch the money. It's still in my savings account and I hope it stays there longer. Anyway, one thing I notice is that...money doesn't seem so important to me anymore now that I feel a little secure. Maybe it's a good thing but I remember that when I was so broke, I was so grateful...with every meal, every gift, every little thing I have day to day. Now, it's just meh...but a good kind of meh for sure. I don't know what I want to say. I'm all over the place. But maybe I want to know more about this phenomenon I'm experiencing just out of curiosity and so I would know how to motivate myself more. Do you know money psych theories and articles that I could read? Thank you. +I've been in the tech industry for about 10+ years now. At the start of my career, I had genuine passion for software and building new products. However, overtime the companies I worked at gradually became more bureaucratic partly to mitigate risk from public scrutiny and partly from the hyper growth. I also felt that the engineering cultures at these companies started to really over-optimizes for the performance evaluation process. + +During this time I also discovered the FIRE movement and started aggressively saving and reached around \~2.5M by DCA into index funds and with the appreciation of my RSU grants. My original FIRE motivation was so I could quit tech all together because my original passion slowly faded over the years. + +My partner has finally finished a long stint of professional training and is expected to bring in similar income to my compensation in big tech, so although I'm not fatFIRE yet I have an opportunity to pause and reflect on my current path. My current issue with my path is that I'm running away due to dissatisfaction with the engineering cultures in big tech companies rather than retiring to a life I want to live. + +I wanted to get thoughts from the other big tech fatFIRE if they were able to find passion again for tech by moving to a smaller startup or through entrepreneurship. I've always wanted to pursue these paths, but it has been quite difficult to justify leaving a [L6/E6 level compensation](https://www.levels.fyi/) at one of these large tech companies. +They’ve been having MSM reach out to them and ignored them. When the requests became too many to ignore they asked us individuals what to do. Every single comment is like “there’s no we, fuck off”. + +I’m sure they’ll keep ignoring them after getting individuals overwhelming feedback. + +This is the opposite of that first sub where mods were in it for personal glory. + +Knocked it out of the park. + + +Alright, off to an odd job so I can afford to buy another share through CS this week. + + +DRS. +It’s been a super long journey. I started 7 years ago, I was young, full of energy. Time and time again I’ve tried, after countless failures, it was depressing, fucking depressing. After failing once you pull yourself up and still work on getting profitable. + +I’ve tried everything, “system always have losses”, I’ve stuck to my system, numerous times but I really don’t get how it always loses when my backtesting has shown that it’s profitable, I’m down 15% risking 1% on this one. So no, I don’t think it’s a working system. + +Anyway I’m done with this journey and moving onto the next “big” thing (hopefully), thanks to everyone who has answered my questions, this is pretty depressing, feels like I have wasted so much time learning a new skill that I eventually did not enjoy nor made money with, but instead lost quite a lot ofmoney. I’ll probably put the remainder of my account into ETFs or something. Anyway good luck to everyone.. + + +I've seen a lot of post talking about $Tnxp lately and some people I've seen have wanted initial DD so here it goes. + +[https://www.tonixpharma.com](https://www.tonixpharma.com/) Taken directly from their website: + +**Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp (NASDAQ: TNXP) (Tonix) is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to discovering and developing innovative and proprietary new therapeutics that address the needs of patients. We focus on developing small molecules and biologics to treat CNS (pain, neurology, psychiatry, addiction) and immunological (vaccines, immunosuppression, oncology, autoimmune disease) conditions.** + +**THEIR PIPELINE OF DRUGS:** + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-positive-phase-120000688.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-positive-phase-120000688.html) + +**TNX 102:** A Fibromyalgia drug in phase 3 trials that already had positive results in it's first part of it's phase three trials. Yes Fibromyalgia and the stock is still under 2$ with a market cap of under a billion. Now how much is Fibromyalgia worth ? See for yourself. [https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/05/10/1821834/0/en/Fibromyalgia-Treatment-Market-to-Surpass-US-3-607-3-Million-by-2026-Coherent-Market-Insights.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/05/10/1821834/0/en/Fibromyalgia-Treatment-Market-to-Surpass-US-3-607-3-Million-by-2026-Coherent-Market-Insights.html) + +**For those too lazy to click the link it's estimated to be worth 2.8 billion.** **Oh yeah and there's less than three drugs specifically used to treat fibromyalgia approved on the open market by the FDA.** + +**TNX 1500:** Used For the prevention AND treatment of organ rejection. Also, they are working with Mass General Hospital on this. [https://seekingalpha.com/news/3648714-tonix-pharma-gains-13-on-tnxminus-1500-deal-in-kidney-transplant-rejection](https://seekingalpha.com/news/3648714-tonix-pharma-gains-13-on-tnxminus-1500-deal-in-kidney-transplant-rejection) + +**TNX 102 SL FOR ALZHEIMERS:** + +[**https://www.tonixpharma.com/therapeutic-areas/aad**](https://www.tonixpharma.com/therapeutic-areas/aad) + +Remember TNX 102 from earlier? The improved sleep quality seen in earlier clinical trials of TNX-102 SL for other disorders suggests TNX-102 SL could potentially be an effective treatment for agitation in Alzheimer's disease. Currently, there are no FDA-approved treatments for AAD, despite a high disease burden and a need for an effective therapy. **TNX-102 SL for the treatment of AAD has been designated by the FDA a Fast Track development program**, designed to facilitate the development and expedite the review of drugs to treat serious conditions and fill an unmet medical need. **YES FDA FASTTRACK. WORTH 3.5 BILLION** [**https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/alzheimers-drugs-market-detailed-overview-market-analysis-manufacturers-and-latest-trends-forecast-to-2030.html**](https://www.medgadget.com/2020/09/alzheimers-drugs-market-detailed-overview-market-analysis-manufacturers-and-latest-trends-forecast-to-2030.html) + +**SO YOU WANNA HEAR BOUT THEM COVID VACCINES AND PROJECTS :** + +**VACCINE:** + +[https://www.tonixpharma.com/pipeline/tnx-1800-coronavirus-vaccine](https://www.tonixpharma.com/pipeline/tnx-1800-coronavirus-vaccine) This quarter they will presumably be done with monkey trials and will move onto human trials. TNX-1800 is being developed by Tonix Pharmaceuticals in a strategic collaboration with Southern Research a respected research organization developing with them. Also, they already talked/released some about positive results. **THIS ALSO USES T-CELLS meaning anyone could basically get this vaccine. That guy Fauchi talks a lot about T-cells just saying** + +[**https://fujifilmdiosynth.com/about-us/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-fujifilm-diosynth-biotechnologies-to-be-manufacturing-partner-for-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-tnx-1800-2/**](https://fujifilmdiosynth.com/about-us/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-announces-fujifilm-diosynth-biotechnologies-to-be-manufacturing-partner-for-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-tnx-1800-2/) **They also have been working a little bit with Fujifilm.** + +**Buying two big facilities for vaccines outright** + +[**https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/23/2150047/0/en/Tonix-Pharmaceuticals-Plans-Commercial-Scale-Vaccine-Manufacturing-Facility.html**](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/23/2150047/0/en/Tonix-Pharmaceuticals-Plans-Commercial-Scale-Vaccine-Manufacturing-Facility.html) + +**SKIN TEST FOR COVID:** + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-70m-plans-develop-181512513.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-70m-plans-develop-181512513.html) + +**Institutions loading up through offerings:** + +**50 Million Shares at 80 cents** [**https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-closes-210500731.html**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-closes-210500731.html) **Generating 40 million.** + +**58 Million Shares at 1.20$ That closes AFTER HOURS TODAY.**[**https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-prices-153000940.html**](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tonix-pharmaceuticals-holdings-corp-prices-153000940.html) **Generating 70 million.** + +**Before this they had around 40 million banked looking at the last quarter add the new two funding/offerings that means they 150 MILLION IN CASH.** + +**After these offerings the share float will be a little over 300 million. Assuming the institutions didn't flip for pennies this means they own essentially a little under 33% of the stock.** + +**EDIT: I almost forgot in 5 or 6 days it will regain Nasdaq Compliance as well.** + +I got in last year for 4300 shares @ 1.01. Unfortunately I don't have the funds to buy more. I hope this answered your questions ladies and gentleman about TNXP$. Get in while it's still low and happy trading and good luck out there. Let's all make some money. +This post will probably get downvoted to hell (and probably deserves to be) but this subreddit has done a lot for me, and I'm wondering if I'm the only one who feels this way. + +&#x200B; + +I'm a 30 year old lawyer in SF, and I feel completely inadequate. Like many lawyers, I ended up in this profession with a very poor understanding of what lawyers actually do. I work with some of the hottest and most innovative companies in the world, but I find the work to be dull and hate my secondary role. I'm not building, creating, or leading - our clients see us as a cost center, and with my billing rate I can't blame them. My salary is nothing to sneeze at, but in the Bay Area I am middle-class at best. Every week, I read about some whiz-kid who raised $100m to change the world, and my soul dies a little inside as I stay up late into the night checking some mundane agreement for double periods (a slight exaggeration, but you get the point). + +&#x200B; + +Here is my dilemma: In addition to hating my job, I'm not very good at it, and I don't have a lot of confidence in my future earning potential. At the same time, I am scared of losing this job and being seen as a failure in the eyes of my friends and family. I grew up fairly well-off, and while many of my friends and classmates in banking, medicine, and tech seem to have a bright future, I cannot say the same. + +&#x200B; + +This feeling led me spiraling into depression when I first started practicing three years ago. I spent a small fortune on school, only to end up in a profession where you work crazy hours just to get by. As you get more senior, the hours get worse and many partners end up bitter and jaded for having mortgaged their 20s and 30s for a relatively "low ceiling." + +&#x200B; + +This is where FIRE comes in. When I was in the pits of my depression, I stumbled across MMM. While I am not a mustachian, I was intrigued by the idea that you could leave the rat race early by living below your means. In my mind, this solved the issue of having to admit that I was wrong about something as fundamental as my career choice. It's a lot easier to say "Oh, I had a few million and realized I had no one to impress" (a lie) vs. "Oh, I foolishly chose the wrong career and I was a risk-averse wimp who was too proud to admit it" (the truth). + +&#x200B; + +This is not an easy thing to admit (thus the throwaway account) but I am an upper-middle class man who is saving every dime he can because he made a mistake in his career choice, and is seeking FIRE because it's easier than admitting that he fucked up. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you for listening. :) +If you were hoping to buy in \~2 years? I know that the general recommendation is to retain in a high yield savings account; however, if home prices keep going up, the downpayment may be useless and may be better to forgo home buying all together and invest your disposable income instead. + +Keeping the funds invested is risky if home prices do slightly correct, which would have negative consequences on the investment portfolio. On the other hand, keeping it in a savings account for a couple years only to realize you're being priced out faster than you can save will result in lost investment opportunity. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +There goes my chances of getting into the tech field/IT. I’m tired of the rejections. I’m debating on whether or not finishing school because I don’t want to graduate college and be in this same position 3 years from now. Gas is 4.50 a gallon and im a delivery driver basically fucking up my car working here. I can’t keep working at dominos for three years while paying rent, maintenance on car, and college.. this is too stressful. +There’s nothing more crushing than seeing others hanging up lights, putting up stockings and their Christmas tree, buying and wrapping Christmas presents, buying and cooking all of these nice meals, and everything else that normal people do around the holidays... knowing that you can't do those things... knowing that you're already behind on bills and rent will be due again right after Christmas... knowing that you can't give your family and friends what they deserve... knowing that it's just another stressful season. Oh, and I forgot to mention, if you don't have kids you can't get assistance with gifts, because apparently adults don't deserve a good Christmas. + +Oh, well, maybe next year... + +(Reposted from last year since so many people related to it. I wanted everybody who's joined since to see it and know they're not alone if they feel this way. If reposts are not allowed I'll delete) +So....this may not be a very profound question.... + +I am a university econ senior that has learned about the 2008 financial crisis over and over again. Even after reviewing it and watching documentaries I simply can't consolidate information and summarize what happened in a few sentences without also doing every part justice. + +So i'm currently stuck in understanding where the fraudulent banking happened and where fault occurred and who is mostly responsible. As of now I understand this: + +In lieu of a possible recession, the fed slashed interest rates on loans and subsequently encouraged banks to lend more and take on higher risk. This risk came in the form of subprime mortgage-backed securities that were credit-rated incorrectly or fraudulently. The credit rating formed the basis of how insurers, funds, banks, and other investors selected to purchase collateral debt obligations (CDOs) and thus, further expand the market and economy with lofty financial instruments. Unfortunately, the housing bubble naturally popped and people who bought houses at lower payment rates could not keep up with the newly adjusted rate and thus, defaulted on their mortgage. This led to the massive deflation and breakdown of mortgage-backed securities and created a bearish market due to lack of confidence in major financial institutions...which lead to a recession. This recession obviously reached broader markets even remotely attached to them of companies trading them and the banks with massive mortgage portfolios failed and were acquired via the help of other banks and a crapload of quantitative easing. + +I know that the last part got a little more summarized, but overall how did I do? Is there anything i'm missing? And is the fault just with bankers giving out mortgages to anyone with a pulse and credit rating people fraudulently rated subprime mortgages as good? + +Thanks +I am someone who has always firmly believed in the idea that so many large corporations are fucked up for avoiding the amount of taxes that they do (admitted Bernie supporter, naturally). I was thinking about this and sort of realized that if Apple can use tax havens it could also just move its business there. So, what I'm asking is, would they? Or is there some reason tying them to the States that I'm missing. +Don't send shit to their headquarters. Don't call them. Don't email them. + +You want to give the media MORE fuel in calling us the enemy? Seriously, stop it. Don't fucking dance. + +Hodl. That's what we do. +768k Subs on Superstonk. And we still dont have 70k signatures for the letter to the SEC to ban PFOF. Apes.. Either there are 710k bots/shills, or there's 710k lazy apes lol. + + + +[https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-pfof-sign-on](https://www.urvin.finance/advocacy/we-the-investors-pfof-sign-on) + + + +5k moar, that's it and we met Dave's goal! Pretty cool! + + + +Edit : + + +Every comment mentioning that you should just be quiet and be zen and that's enough is FUD. Try your best to do everything you can to help benifit all individual investors long and short term. Nothing better for the shills than to shut us all up. I mean after all, according to CNBC we are a bunch of teenage Memesters who only dumped their stimmy checks into it. + + +Last edit : + + + HOLY SHIIOOOOOT IT'S SHILLY IN HERE AF TODAY AHAHA BULLLISHHHHHHH TO THE FUCKING MOON BITCH ASS HEDGE FUNDS. +What's up fellas at Theta Gang. I made called [FD Ranker](https://www.swaggystocks.com/dashboard/stocklabs/fd-ranker) that logs the average IV of popular tickers. The tool is inclusive of almost 1,000 tickers now. + +**What is this tool good for** + +I often use the theta gang wheel strategy by selling cash secured puts close to at-the-money and I like to see where I can get some bang for my buck. A quick scan of the list will tell me what IV is looking like for certain stocks and when earnings is coming up and whether or not I want to do a weekly theta YOLO for earnings. You can sort by IV, stock price, or Earnings and filter by ticker. + +Here's some of the top tickers from this weekend. Instead of making a full list of tickers ranked by IV, I'll share some of the more common tickers mentioned. + +\***Smaller Accounts:** I made [this list earlier in the week](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/kncgya/iv_report_stocks_with_high_ivpremiums_under_50/) that highlights cheaper stocks. + +High IV Tickers List + +\*Some of the market cap data is off, so always double check before entering any plays! + +&#x200B; + +|Ticker|Market Cap|Stock Price|IV (%)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|MARA - Marathon Patent Group Inc|664M|$10.41|203%| +|RIOT - Riot Blockchain Inc|1.15B|$17.00|190%| +|FUBO - fuboTV Inc|1.89B|$28.00|179%| +|AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Class A|348M|$2.12|174%| +|BLNK - Blink Charging Co|1.38B|$42.65|148%| +|CODX - Co-Diagnostics Inc|263M|$9.30|146%| +|LAZR - Luminar Technologies Inc - Class A|7.44B|$34.00|140%| +|DGLY - Digital Ally Inc.|62.6M|$2.31|138%| +|SBE - Switchback Energy Acquisition Corp - Class A|1.26B|$40.08|135%| +|GME - Gamestop Corporation - Class A|1.31B|$18.84|133%| +|SRNE - Sorrento Therapeutics Inc|1.79B|$6.83|129%| +|APXT - Apex Technology Acquisition Corp - Class A|538M|$15.05|128%| +|HYLN - Hyliion Holdings Corporation - Class A|2.54B|$16.48|120%| +|GSX - Gsx Techedu Inc - ADR|0|$51.71|118%| +|ARCT - Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc|1.06B|$43.35|117%| +|QS - QuantumScape Corp - Class A|17.5B|$84.45|115%| +|JMIA - Jumia Technologies Ag - ADR|0|$40.35|115%| +|RIG - Transocean Ltd|1.42B|$2.31|113%| +|CRSR - Corsair Gaming Inc|3.33B|$36.32|111%| +|WKHS - Workhorse Group Inc|2.38B|$19.79|109%| +|NIO - NIO Inc - ADR|50.2B|$48.74|107%| +|ACB - Aurora Cannabis Inc|1.18B|$8.31|103%| +|NKLA - Nikola Corporation|5.86B|$15.26|101%| +|TLRY - Tilray Inc - Class 2|1.1B|$8.26|100%| +|APHA - Aphria Inc|2.07B|$6.93|98%| +|PLTR - Palantir Technologies Inc - Class A|34.7B|$23.55|98%| +|OSTK - Overstock.com Inc|2.05B|$48.01|98%| +|XPEV - XPeng Inc - ADR|0|$42.83|97%| +|AI - C3.ai Inc - Class A|0|$138.75|95%| +|BBBY - Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc.|2.24B|$17.75|93%| +|APPS - Digital Turbine Inc|5.02B|$56.56|93%| +|COTY - Coty Inc - Class A|5.38B|$7.02|92%| +|PLUG - Plug Power Inc|14.1B|$33.92|90%| +|GRWG - GrowGeneration Corp|1.48B|$40.19|88%| +|SPCE - Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc - Class A|5.56B|$23.73|88%| +|MRNA - Moderna Inc|41.3B|$104.33|86%| +|PSTH - Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd - Class A|5.54B|$27.72|85%| +|CNK - Cinemark Holdings Inc|2.06B|$17.41|85%| +|PINS - Pinterest Inc - Class A|40.7B|$65.90|84%| +|HOME - At Home Group Inc|1B|$15.46|82%| +|CRSP - CRISPR Therapeutics AG|10.9B|$153.22|81%| +|DASH - DoorDash Inc - Class A|0|$142.75|80%| +|LL - Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc|888M|$30.74|79%| +|ENPH - Enphase Energy Inc|22.2B|$175.46|79%| +|U - Unity Software Inc|41.6B|$153.47|78%| +|FVRR - Fiverr International Ltd|6.29B|$195.10|78%| +|CRON - Cronos Group Inc|2.47B|$6.95|77%| +|FSLY - Fastly Inc - Class A|8.95B|$87.37|76%| +|GLUU - Glu Mobile Inc|1.55B|$9.02|75%| +|CCL - Carnival Corp. (Paired Stock)|23.9B|$21.66|74%| +|NCLH - Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd|5.46B|$25.43|74%| +|FROG - JFrog Ltd|5.73B|$62.83|73%| +|PENN - Penn National Gaming, Inc.|13.4B|$86.39|72%| +|PTON - Peloton Interactive Inc - Class A|38.8B|$151.70|72%| +|SAVE - Spirit Airlines Inc|2.39B|$24.45|71%| +|M - Macy\`s Inc|3.49B|$11.25|70%| +|SNOW - Snowflake Inc - Class A|14.3B|$281.40|70%| +|TSLA - Tesla Inc|669B|$705.33|70%| +|PRPL - Purple Innovation Inc - Class A|2.01B|$32.96|70%| +|IQ - iQIYI Inc - ADR|12.7B|$17.48|69%| +|X - United States Steel Corp.|3.7B|$16.77|69%| +|DKNG - DraftKings Inc - Class A|18.2B|$46.53|69%| +|CGC - Canopy Growth Corporation|9.17B|$24.63|69%| +|FEYE - FireEye Inc|5.25B|$23.05|68%| +|SNAP - Snap Inc - Class A|61.8B|$50.07|68%| +|AAL - American Airlines Group Inc|9.54B|$15.76|68%| +|SEDG - Solaredge Technologies Inc|16.3B|$318.14|67%| +|HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|344M|$19.93|66%| +|UPWK - Upwork Inc|4.21B|$34.51|66%| +|OXY - Occidental Petroleum Corp.|16.1B|$17.31|65%| +|CVNA - Carvana Co. - Class A|11.2B|$239.54|65%| +|NET - Cloudflare Inc - Class A|23.4B|$75.99|64%| +|CREE - Cree, Inc.|11.7B|$106.00|63%| +|CLDR - Cloudera Inc|4.35B|$13.91|63%| +|RCL - Royal Caribbean Group|16.8B|$74.69|63%| +|RKT - Rocket Companies Inc Class A|2.33B|$20.22|63%| +|SFIX - Stitch Fix Inc - Class A|3.69B|$58.72|62%| +|EAT - Brinker International, Inc.|2.56B|$56.57|62%| +|CHWY - Chewy Inc - Class A|35.8B|$89.89|62%| +|UAL - United Airlines Holdings Inc|12.7B|$43.23|61%| +|WDC - Western Digital Corp.|16.9B|$55.36|59%| +|W - Wayfair Inc - Class A|16.4B|$225.81|59%| +|ARKG - ARK Investment Management LLC - ARK Genomic Revolution ETF|7.11B|$93.26|58%| +|TAN - Invesco Capital Management LLC - Invesco Solar ETF|3.66B|$102.76|58%| +|CHGG - Chegg Inc|11.6B|$90.33|58%| +|ZM - Zoom Video Communications Inc - Class A|96.5B|$337.43|58%| +|CZR - Caesars Entertainment Inc|12.5B|$74.30|57%| +|ABNB - Airbnb Inc - Class A|88.4B|$146.65|56%| +|ROKU - Roku Inc - Class A|36.2B|$331.99|56%| +|BIG - Big Lots Inc|1.59B|$42.93|56%| +|LB - L Brands Inc|10.3B|$37.19|56%| +|HAL - Halliburton Co.|16.7B|$18.90|56%| +|DDOG - Datadog Inc - Class A|20.5B|$98.43|54%| +|LYFT - Lyft Inc Cls A|15.2B|$49.13|54%| +|TWLO - Twilio Inc Class A|47.5B|$338.50|54%| +|BYND - Beyond Meat Inc|7.83B|$125.09|53%| +|ETSY - Etsy Inc|22.4B|$178.08|53%| +|CRWD - Crowdstrike Holdings Inc - Class A|39.9B|$211.90|53%| +|WYNN - Wynn Resorts Ltd.|12.2B|$112.78|53%| +|GPS - Gap, Inc.|7.55B|$20.19|53%| +|AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.|110B|$91.86|52%| +|TTD - Trade Desk Inc - Class A|33.6B|$800.70|52%| +|BIDU - Baidu Inc - ADR|75.3B|$216.25|52%| +|SQ - Square Inc - Class A|92.5B|$217.64|52%| +|ARKK - ARK Investment Management LLC - ARK Innovation ETF|17.7B|$124.49|52%| +|Z - Zillow Group Inc - Class C|29.8B|$129.77|52%| +|SE - Sea Ltd - ADR|86.9B|$199.05|52%| +|TDOC - Teladoc Health Inc|29B|$199.96|52%| +|SPOT - Spotify Technology S.A.|57B|$314.66|51%| +|ZNGA - Zynga Inc - Class A|10.6B|$9.88|51%| +|ZS - Zscaler Inc|26.8B|$199.71|51%| +|ICLN - BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - BTC iShares Global Clean|4.63B|$28.23|51%| +|MTCH - Match Group Inc. - New|39.2B|$151.34|51%| +|MGM - MGM Resorts International|15.6B|$31.51|50%| +|DISH - Dish Network Corp - Class A|17B|$32.34|50%| +I was at a family event yesterday and spoke to a surprising amount of aunts and uncles who believed their bills would be capped at £2,500 regardless of usage. This was also the case with the lovely old lady I chat with who works at Boots, and I felt sorry for her (though from what I know she’s quite financially comfortable and should be okay) + +Was curious if some of you had also had this convo with family members who aren’t the finance-obsessive nerds like us who spend our time on these reddits all day! + +Not sure how much can be done other than educating those around us + +Edit: Blimey, I didn’t expect to get this much support! + +I think an easy way of getting this across to people is the electric car example. You should say “If it really was unlimited energy for £2,500, then people would just turn their houses into electric car charging points for everyone and charge them £5 a go and basically become a petrol station and make 100% profit”. The fact that that doesn’t work should make people realise that’s not how the price cap works! +https://www.calstrs.com/sites/main/files/file-attachments/realestateperformancereport_3q2018.pdf?1560287619 + +For all the new visiting troll accounts: + + Those rent payments are (were) helping pay school teachers' retirement. +After seeing a few posts about LTE:V I wanted to look deeper at some aspects of the company as I've been looking for a new penny stock recently. Most of the posts seemed to be positive but not detailed enough for my purposes. I purposely set out to try and find any reason I could to not buy this stock. Why would I do anything else if I'm risking my own money? If I desperately look for something wrong with the company but cant find it its either a decent buy if other fundamentals line up, or all my sources are lying to me. I looked at every page google gave me for the first 2 pages across multiple search phrases. Their site, the reddit DD, their annual reports, forward looking statements, linkedin, worker profiles and work histories, etc. I don't intend to lay out a bunch of well formatted numbers for you since you can easily find that on a single finance site or other posted DD and their comments. It's what I feel is missing from some DD. The numbers can make sense but that doesnt always tell you if a company will do well. If you bought into this company without reading all the nonsense I had to for like 6 hours then you have a gambling addiction. If you bought based on any reddit single DD post, you're crazy(for any stock not just this one). If this buy made up more than a few % of your portfolio, please sell it and buy a few different ETF and leave it for 30 years until you retire. Sorry in advance for making you read so much but its for your own good. Dont listen to me, listen to yourself. Also dont listen to me since I bought gme at 319. If you believe in the stock then do whatever you want. NOBODY is Nostradamus except Nostradamus. And he was wrong all the fucking time. Don't believe any one person because they are right once or more times. If you want to actually make money and not lose it, do your own research. But whatever its the stock market, 50% luck 50% skill 50% bs. I made money by making good picks and also gambling things like SLGG volatility. Rant over. Read on. + +I'm partly reacting to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadapennystocks/comments/lyp7dx/ltev\_buying\_opportunity\_at\_near\_private\_financing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadapennystocks/comments/lyp7dx/ltev_buying_opportunity_at_near_private_financing/) but that's mostly just a starting point for me to talk about it. + +Just to be clear, its not my intention to attack the post or any other post or say its wrong. I just wanted more info for my own research and typing it up helps me and potentially others evaluate the stock. Even if you read through this and find that I'm 100% wrong on everything then at the very least you can have some conviction in the stock then. Hopefully then even if I'm wrong on some or all points you can get some value from this. I think every post has some value as they all provide their own points and sentiments that add to the overall picture. + +Originally I only had a short counter argument in to post in that thread as a comment but now I feel I've spent so much time on it and it's become big enough that it should probably be its own post so as not to derail the other thread. + +I eat crayons but my gut feeling is that I'm skeptical of this. Not that anything said by others is untrue but when I looked at it the pros aren't exactly sky high reasons to invest. If I wanted to invest for that long I might as well just invest in CN and be pretty sure I'll see good gains. It's risky and you could 4x but I'd rather get my tendies from a sure bet like CN. And I'm not that against risk. I scalped SLGG for +3k this week. And that stock was volatile AF, could have easily plummeted at the wrong time. But I felt more confident in that play than this one. + +My favo**u**rite colo**u**r is red. + +I swear I see different numbers for insider buys everywhere but there's something at least. + +Why did the president stop buying in 2020? Why does he buy 5k at a time every few days for a while then stop? Does this guy get paid every 2 days?? Covid? It looks weird but my guess was he needed to get his ownership to a certain level based on a board requirement or recommendation. Still though, he can't afford 5 out of his 30k for some more stock? Ownership is kinda low but its a small company plus he might use his options at some point who knows. Some people have sold but there are legit reasons to sell other than not believing in the company. The lawyer sold so maybe not a big deal. + +There's plenty of data available that shows CEOs with high $$ invested in the company perform better. He doesn't really own that much $$ wise. I've seen people saying insiders are buying more but I keep seeing different numbers so its hard to say. + +No major institutional ownership. One with a small stake barely counts. + +Its a v stock/otc. You win some, you lose some. + +None of the DD i've seen has much more than a few points and a selection of numbers. I wanted to see all the numbers. Like reading every line of the annual report numbers. I'm that guy that attends audit presentations because I have nothing better to do. + +They offered stock recently which helps their capital and potential growth but devalues the shares. + +Can you really compare these quarters fairly with covid? Q1 Revenue was up but covid man. If a third wave comes I don't expect them to bankrupt but I do expect their revenues to be lower and the low earth orbit rocket to be delayed in launching. + +They do have an acquisition of AMEC coming up soon. I would say their plans are to expand their deployment abilities with this. Less reliance on other companies or contractors and maybe a move to long term reduce costs. + +Their office does look real at least. I presume thats the president hard at work. Maybe 10-20 sized not counting workers that would typically be out of the office or in other locations. If you add the other locations I havent looked at plus out of office or contractors it seems to match their linkedin size. There's 28 people publicly stating they work there, but of course not everyone is on there so it probably matches the stated 51-200 size. I'm at least not worried the company doesn't exist or has a fake address to farmland or something. + +The president supposedly has 30 years of experience but his other ventures should be looked at to see if they were successful. Some other members have similar experience despite not working at this company very long. + +I've seen people saying the CEO will be gone soon but wasn't able to confirm this. Supposedly due to the AMEC deal. If true, I think this is a good thing. Just speculation but you cant help but wonder if he was planning his exit a while ago. He hasn't even been there that long. A new CEO could easily jump start the company if he or she is good enough but it will still have a near term impact of potentially slowing growth. + +It's tough to tell from a look at their financials if they are going to be okay. Covid happened so its likely skewed. They seem to be improving their cash flow over time but seem focused on growth over profitability. The revenues are up over time though. They have some debt but not a ton of cash either. They seem to think they have sufficient cash flow for the future. I'd think if they were going to collapse then they would have in the last 20 years. They have enough to keep going for a while though and they clearly state they want growth so I guess it's ok considering that. + +Their website looks like a typical business website and doesn't look low quality or shady. It has all the information you'd expect from a legit business. + +This stock has been mentioned here before on reddit a few times. Reports of sales and some minor surface DD. New contracts, cancelled contracts. There's been a mix of good and bad news over the past years but I didn't see many big things recently. Some small things so they might still be relevant but I wonder how concerned people are with fibre deployment during the covid recovery. If you want this to grow then what you want to see right now is sales. + +Reddit is not DD. Go look at everything yourself like I did after I saw all the positive posts and not much negative sentiment other than a few comments. I don't even have 100% of the info I wanted and my own opinion might change if I missed something or got something wrong myself. + +I've seen a price target of 1.30 + +I do have the forward statements for some guidance and recent history highlights. Most of it makes sense and is reasonable. I think the CEO is overpaid but the CFO is fairly paid. + +I have confidence they can grow the company but I wouldn't say I have total confidence in the management. If I'm buying into a penny stock I'm looking to 10-25x with confidence not 4x with less confidence and the same risk. + +There's a few sales posted on their statements but if you read the whole statement you get a better picture of their expected potential. They state themselves its not going to be easy going forward. They are based in BC and I don't see much expansion plans beyond that area other than the one Alberta plan. + +Don't forget about Daddy Elon and Starlink. Not saying we dont want or need fiber and for all we know having more people connected could drive more fiber connectivity. + +I'm just an above average ape. I'd buy in at .25 but would feel like I paid too much. .15 was a steal. But it's also a long term play. You can probably 4-6x but expect to spend several years invested. It's probably not going to rocket like some may hope it will just because the economy will start to recover soon. And I think there are some factors that make it less likely to go up as quickly as other plays will in the coming months or years. If you really wanted this to multiX then you should have bought in at .15. If anyone here is relying on fibre deployment in canada coming quickly and having them capitalize on that youre just fucking crazy. Daddy Elon had to come save our internet and he's in a much better position. The CRTC is a widely known and commonly accepted joke. The feds announced broadband funding but that will take forever and they can't take the whole pie as such a small company. Still, I guess its something positive. + +tl;dr I think the ceo sucks, they dont make money, there's some potential for gains over the long term, if you bought in now you probably won't lose your money, there's enough red flags for me to rather just pick something else to buy into, its your money. I don't think investing in a growth stock like this is a good idea right now. WHERE ARE THE SALES!? I know people have said some are coming and they very well might be but I didn't see much. All I can tell you is what I've seen. If people know about what all the sales are and how it adds up to more than last year or quarter then I'm eager to know since I couldn't find much. What I've seen looks like recovery and plans for future growth. But I don't see it happening right away. I came away from this less skeptical than when I initially went it. There's potential but there's also some shady shit. Be careful. I don't consider this as anywhere near a complete DD. This is like 1/4 of what I would do. But I felt like stopping here because I wasn't feeling it. If you still want to invest, I encourage you to dive deeper first. Too many unanswered questions. But that's the market I guess. I aint buying this. 0 @ 0. + +Thanks for listening. I welcome constructive criticism to help me improve or better inform me of anything I've gotten wrong. But its also 6am and I've been doing this all night so be nice. + +I don't have a complete list of sources but here's a sample: + +[https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00036922](https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00036922) + +[https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/lite-access-technologies-reports-q1-2021-financial-results-801415887.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/lite-access-technologies-reports-q1-2021-financial-results-801415887.html) + +[https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2021/02/minister-monsef-to-announce-high-speed-internet-projects-in-southern-british-columbia.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2021/02/minister-monsef-to-announce-high-speed-internet-projects-in-southern-british-columbia.html) + +[https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-approval-of-first-universal-broadband-fund-project.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-approval-of-first-universal-broadband-fund-project.html) + +[https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/internet.htm](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/internet.htm) + +[https://www.canadabulls.com/SignalPage.aspx?lang=en&Ticker=LTE.V](https://www.canadabulls.com/SignalPage.aspx?lang=en&Ticker=LTE.V) + +[https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/CVE/LTE/insider-trades/](https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/CVE/LTE/insider-trades/) + +[https://ca.investing.com/equities/lite-access-technologies-inc-technical](https://ca.investing.com/equities/lite-access-technologies-inc-technical) + +[https://simplywall.st/stocks/ca/tech/tsxv-lte/lite-access-technologies-shares](https://simplywall.st/stocks/ca/tech/tsxv-lte/lite-access-technologies-shares) + +[https://www.canadianinsider.com/company-insider-filings?ticker=LTE](https://www.canadianinsider.com/company-insider-filings?ticker=LTE) +Hello guys! + +I would really appreciate your advice! + +I want to invest a large sum of money (approx. 800k) fairly quickly, as inflation and the general economic development are obviously bad at the moment. + +I am currently considering investing in a flat for a budget of around 800,000 euros in Paris (central arrondisments, approx. 60-75 sqm) as a financial investment, as I would like to place these values somewhere quickly. I already have some experience with real estate, but in Germany. The real estate market in German cities is not only completely exhausted and overpriced at the moment, but the returns here would also be lower than in Paris - or at least that's how it looks according to my calculations. + +**Do you have any experience with investing in Paris?** + +I have read that currently - mainly because of Corona - many flats are empty in Paris (no tourists and Airbnb rentals...) so that more flats than usual on the market. I am looking for a nice flat in a bigger city in Germany since a few months and could not find any suitable property so far. In fact, I currently have the impression that you can find a lot more good flats in Paris than in Berlin, for example. + +For a flat I currently looked at in Paris, I would have a gross rental yield of about 3.6 - 3.75% in long-term rentals if you look at comparable flats and rents, which would not be the case compared to the currently available flats in German cities. + +In my circle of acquaintances I am advised against it with the very reasonable reasons that I am not familiar with the real estate market abroad, that I don't know how the rentals might work and that in general I might tie a lot of trouble and hassle on my heels.... all very valid points, which is why I'm thinking it's a snap idea myself right now. As I said, I am also considering investing in other financial assets at the moment, and I am currently taking advice from two different sources. + + ETFs are of course a possibility, and I am currently in intensive consultation on this. But my question here should now relate to a real estate investment, as I would like to think in any direction. + +**What do you think? Does anyone perhaps even have experience with such a consideration? Does anyone have flats in France?** + +Many thanks for any suggestions! +Before you ask, no this isn't Denzel Washington's burner account. I've lurked here long enough and with the pandemic, social unrest, and tropical storm all conspiring to keep me indoors I figured now was as good a time as any to contribute to the community. + +Background: Grew up disadvantaged. Mom institutionalized schizophrenic, dad had other priorities so grandparents took me in and literally saved my life at 9 months old. Neither could read or write very well but managed to own two homes(that I now own) and were small business owners(maid and landscaper). Dad lived on the other side of the state but paid for catholic school which helped me avoid some of the pitfalls associated with abject poverty: busing, overcrowded schools, overworked educators, etc. So let's just say that I started the FIRE race a bit further back than most and had to navigate a few obstacles along the way. + +Graduated high school with a whopping 2.38 GPA and an 1170(old scale) SAT score. I wanted to go to college but didn't have the pedigree to make it happen. Oh yeah, I was the president of my high school's computer science club. I wasn't dumb, just distracted. Long story short, I joined the Service to pursue an ROTC scholarship and with a bit of remedial work and a fair amount of institutional motivation(read threats and punishment) I received an undergraduate degree in Computer Science and started my professional life. + +The Plan: At this point in my life (early 90s), I had a gig and was making the most money I had ever made in my life: $18,795.60(before housing allowance). I was finally housing and food secure and at 23 I had transitioned from poverty to the middle class. The plan was to complete my service commitment and join my peers in industry. + +You all know about the best laid plans of mice and men. Four years became \~20 years and add a wife, two kids and a couple wars to the mix. Outwardly my life resembled the Jones'. We had a single family home in the burbs, two great kids at great schools, and a couple of almost paid for cars. But we were net worth poor. In the late 2000s I would return from my final deployment to 22K of credit card debt, a rental property that was upside down and not cash flowing, while living in a rental across the country that we couldn't afford. + + Side note: In the early 2000s I stumbled across a book called The Wealthy Barber, and although I knew nothing about personal finance let alone FI, I knew that my finances were a mess and that I was mentally and physically tired. Something had to give. + +The Plan 2.0: The gory details aren't as interesting as the outcome, but starting in the late 201Xs and over the period of about 12 months I retired from the Service, divorced my now-ex, and founded an IT consulting firm. I hasn't been easy, but over the last 10 years the firm has grown to 40 engineers with annual sales in the mid seven digits. I've heard every possible version of no and been told on several occasions, to include by my now ex-wife, that I would never make it as a small business owner. Failure only occurs after you stop trying. I've also started up a new company that is product oriented. I'm getting to learn all about manufacturing and production. For a software guy this is uncharted territory and exciting to say the least. + +FI: YNAB tells me that I'm well on the path to financial independence. For you YNABers out there the age of my money is over 30 with a buffer over 100. For the non-YNABers, I live below my means. In practical terms, I'm debt free with about 4 years to go on my mortgage in a medium to low cost of living area. I have liquid assets over 1MM. I can almost go tell my boss to GFY(oh wait.. that won't work). + +RE: Like many others here. I'm not certain what retirement looks like for me. I'm receiving my military pension now(high 5 figures), and absolutely love running my company. I work on average 3 hours a day from home with the bulk of that mentoring and leading the team. It's something that I enjoy and can do from anywhere in the world. I travel as much as I like and when I like. Life is good. + +I'll humbly ask that this story be added to the collection of others like it. The magic of this community lies in the ability to be more open about finances. My neighbors and all of family members see me as the youngish, lucky, retired military guy. If they ever read that Tom Stanley book they might take a second look at this black man on fire. +&#x200B; + +Glass Castle OP here. If you don't know who or what I'm referring to, it's probably because you weren't supposed to. + +It's probably because I was early, but I was not wrong. + +There is only one true 7 4 1. Any of that other nonsense I've been watching from the sidelines over the past 2 months in regards to what it means is hilarious to see. Don't believe that shit they still filter in massive dumps to you on these subs. Question everything, question it all. + +If you decide to assess it, question its validity through and through. Source the posts, the links, the reasoning and only then, come to your conclusion. + +Leave no stone unturned and then you will see that the truth, is far simpler than those who would mislead you, may attempt to make you think. + +Erc20 + erc721 = .... + +You do the math, or peep the posts below to see for yourself. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the\_glass\_castle\_new\_game/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the_glass_castle_new_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) + +Most importantly, here is absolute direct validation about everything I discussed in Glass Castle II: NG+, regarding the link between D.A.Os/A.M.Ms such as Loopring and GME. + +1. Visit [https://nft.gamestop.com/](https://nft.gamestop.com/) +2. Copy and paste the link on guugle +3. Click first link that takes you directly to their etherscan page (I'm explaining this for thoroughness but I'll link that for you extra special, or extra smart apes? Who want to skip the above steps lol) [https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e](https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e) +4. Once on the page, look at where it says "token: " and click down on the sidebar to the right of the number in the box. +5. Scroll down until you see a transaction which has taken place for the first time ever between GME....and Loopring. +6. Quickly shift focus to opening your easy to access nip pouches for unzipping, allowing maximum tit jacking. + +There it is. To understand why this is fucking massive, you need to understand what Loopring is and does. Thoroughly. As well as their ties to GME and why through the market they create for the latter entity, + +The shorts will soon be eviscerated. All of the insight on this, if you so wish to learn more, is within that link above. Happy fuggin Friday ya apes. Be seeing you soon where gravity ain't holding us down like the shortbus and Co of the financial markets. + +**Edit: This one's for you real special 'apes' out there who claim that this txn was from some "random wallet" or that "anyone can do it".** Fret not though my friends, this was planned for as well and to avoid having to reply to each of ya, I figured we'd wait for the plethora of attempts to "DeBuNk" this post and handle them all at once. + +If you're going to attempt to falsify something, make sure you validate your claims. Here's an example as to how that works - + +[https:\/\/etherscan.io\/address\/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e](https://preview.redd.it/fubtqgsflew71.png?width=1612&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc68c5df92356110b702dd87b64ee434a59847c3) + +Once you click that bad boy, you'll find yourself on the other end of the transaction. At this point, I know it's easy for you 'debunkers' to just see something which might confuse people pretty easily if you just throw random shit out there in the comments about it. I.e. the fact it says "from Coinbase" as your primary point of a counter-argument, lol. + +To which I recommend you attempt clicking this fine old highlight on that same page, \*\*which quite literally says '\*\****official page',*** + +https://preview.redd.it/mgjtz83vmew71.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a66ba4cc836cd4906f083963102832df6ba3fce + +***Oh, I wonder where this takes us...*** + +https://preview.redd.it/1pp9nmq5new71.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=e019ca2614ccece2558217bb6f898605d7278bb6 + +***It can't be, that's odd...it looks just like...*** [***https://loopring.org/#/***](https://loopring.org/#/) + +**Loopring's literal, offical, existent, website.** + +Apes, what if I told you all that these claims about certain transactions from wallets being 'scams' over the past few months, have been utilized as a way to dissuade you from ***actually digging into them and sourcing them yourselves to see if it's truly been the case or not***. It's easy to mislead people when hundreds of messages come in at once attempting to state the same argument, **but it's even easier to invalidate those non-substantiating arguments when they aren't based on actual assessment and research.** + +**You want even more validation to it though?** I recommend guugling Looprings V2 token, completely separated from any other link to the GME etherscan link, and guess where you'll end up, after clicking the literal first link, yep. + +https://preview.redd.it/mwluqnzppew71.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee0c69dfd2ae89fabad62f68564c3ab1e709ab7 + +That's right. The same page. But hey, don't believe my ass, literally try it for yourselves. You'll believe yourself before you believe anyone else. *Always verify the words of others, before letting them hold weight*. This is the true way. + +**Oh boy....** u/trendysk8er69 + +https://preview.redd.it/5ranxfnyqew71.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a2d166b1249e3a6193422b1a73c2f702a5d392 + +**Do the math on it. Hover over em once ya get there as well.** + +https://preview.redd.it/cwq4nm7wtew71.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=944278ccc601d17ec2a8a8ad65969e5c7a0af5b2 + +**Game On, Anon ;)** + +# Priority Edit - + +**How intriguing, so without any counter-argument by the mods in control, any reasoning to the contrary or even a chance provided for me to make a proper argument they claim to "debunk" this post.** + +**Apes. I** ***highly encourage you to assess everything I've provided for yourselves before you take into consideration the stickied comment below. What is even MORE fascinating is the absurd claim made, in stating that my posts have NEVER been suppressed.*** + +This is a **blatant lie and** ***anyone*** **who was around for the first release of GC1 would be able to see this. Furthermore, I have** ***ample evidence to show that this was the case.*** + +So, you made your play from the top down, but in doing so the mod who stickied his comment **loses validity in making a statement which** + +1. **Makes a literal false claim in his statement which has plenty of evidence to the contrary.** +2. Provides **no justification or reasoning as to** ***why the post is debunked, with no evidence,*** naturally. While the post itself quite literally does **just that. Provides evidence that EACH ape can see for themselves.** +3. ***As a result of 2,*** it leaves me without an attempt to provide a counter-argument. + +If you've read any of my work, you'll know that if there is one thing I always recommend to those whom read it, ***it is to click and assess EVERY piece of data, evidence, and link for themselves. People can lie,*** **facts, do not.** + +# Priority Edit II - + +In case any of my statements above were in question, **words without substantiating evidence and validating sources, are just that; mere words.** + +Mere words, will not convince the crowd of what is *right* and what is *wrong.* **Every single ape should have the ability to decide for themselves whether what they see is truth or falsifications.** Not these self-pedestal few who retain the ability to dictate the way information is perceived and assessed by the many. + +So, before questioning ***why*** I'm so vocal about **the absurd "debunked" claims** displayed below, I highly encourage you all to see a truth many of **you likely missed. The reason why Rensole no longer exists on this sub, and his** ***direct suppression of my original GC1 post, as well as multitudes of evidence substantiating it all.*** + +Simply find his section, you may be surprised by what you find along the way, **but the point to be made is in direct relation to what the mod here today, has stated.** + +Why do I say all this? B**ecause I made an entire post about it that led to the 'exit' of RCQ, Rensole, and Maddie.** + +[**https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false\_prophets/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false_prophets/) + +False Prophets. + +&#x200B; + +💎🤝💎🚀 +I was wondering how many here worked at a big 4. I have an uncle who retired late (didn't have to but still worked quite a long time) but has two mansions and a resonable yacht in the South of France. He pretty much spent his whole life working his way up at a big 4 eventually making country partner. I am in a sense following his path but I was wondering one thing: the higher up you get, the more investment restrictions you have as they will be independence issues since they have a huge amount of clients globally and you most likely will end up having a stock that also is a client. I guess they focus more on real estate which can be an interesting alternative to stocks and just indexing. +final quick edit note: didn't expect this post to get this much traction, please remember that everything I wrote/write is my **opinion** and (obviously) not a well thought out post. **BUY - HOLD - DRS** +___________________________________ + +Why is this cocaine campaign getting more votes than some of the top-tier DD that has been made, even with such a bad like/dislike ratio? + +The premise is so stupid "Ken Griffin Crime and Cocaine - upvote so this shows up when someone googles “Ken Griffin Crime and Cocaine" + +Who the fuck googles "Ken griffin crime and cocaine" ?? + +What the hell does Ken griffin have to do with 2 grunt workers doing coke? + +Low quality content that shoots up with 30k+ upvotes (20k+ of them being in a very short period of time) would normally be deemed suspicious, but it seems there is a weak spot when it comes to this Ken Griffin dude. + + +Also not pointing fingers here, but when such a post comes from an account that hasn't been active before january I would say it becomes even more sus. + +It is also clear that this has caused some controversy in the sub. + + +I guess there isn't really a point to this post except airing my grievances and perhaps just to say "think before you upvote". +____________________________________ +*EDIT +It's odd that people seem to agree with the post looking at the ratio, but every comment i make instantly gets downvoted to hell. Oh well.. + + +*EDIT + +Ok i was trying to be active in replying to all comments, but too many people are writing now, sorry if I don't give a response to something that warrants one. + + +*EDIT + +By saying that it's not an anti Ken G sub I don't mean that we aren't against him and what he stands for (corruption, market manipulation and many other things that my stoned ass can't remember in this second) + +I just mean that the essence of this place has been of love & support for our company. + +I upvoted the first post like this myself - https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2a0gp/ken_griffin_crime_upvote_so_this_shows_up_when/ + +But that was because it had come to light that he had been trying to manipulate the google algorithm so that a recent interview with him would come up if someone searched on his name and crime. + +There was a point to it, but this time it's 2 grunt workers that most likely did some coke which has nothing to do with kenny. + +And yes I get the argument that it reflects bad on him as the CEO but it has nothing **directly** to do with him. + +If he was the one (caught on video) snorting coke, then it would have been a different story. + + + +*EDIT + +to the people saying who am i to dictate what this sub is or isn't and what people are allowed to upvote and not upvote.. + +I'm nobody and I never tried to dictate or control your actions or thoughts, this was an **OPINION** post, as tagged, it was just my opinon, wasn't trying to do anything. + + +**BUY - HOLD - DRS** +\## CALLING ALL DEGENERATE ~~GAMBLERS~~ INVESTORS!!!!! /r/ASX_BETS IS 6 MONTHS OLD!!!!!!!!! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +Once upon a time, long long ago (Well, 6 months)….. A Degenerate Australian on WSB began searching for a place to get local information. He found the r/ASXbets subreddit and discovered it to be a ghost-town. Gates were locked and signs posted ‘access never granted’, no matter how much he yelled. He called to the Shadowy Gods of reddit (well, the admins) for access. He waited and waited,but no access came. + +&#x200B; + +During this time in the wilderness, a shadowy figure appeared on the desolate landscape. The figure demanded knowledge, "has your access been granted solitary one?" “Nah mate” replied the solitary wanderer, “it has not…”’. + +&#x200B; + +In their fury, the two began discussing the ways of gay bears and their interest in random sci fi from the 90s. Whist they waited, many snaggas were made as the market crumbled and ~~market manipulators~~ Central banks awoke howling and thrashing. + +&#x200B; + +Then, in a moment etched in Reddit history (or at least the reddit logs), one turned to the other and uttered those immortal words "Why not add an underscore?". + +&#x200B; + +That day was 6 months ago this week. + +&#x200B; + +One created a new account to hide their shame from the world and the other the Sub and together they began calling across the Reddit wilderness, into the great beyond, seeking the elusive Autist. + +&#x200B; + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +In the dark seething hellholes like r/Ausfinance, they would make offhand comments like "Sounds crazy enough for r/ASX_bets.! to draw in…the others. + +&#x200B; + +Slowly, Autists began lurking… + +&#x200B; + +From nothing, A community was formed. + +&#x200B; + +Who would have thought that ASX\_Bets would survive this long without a rigorously supervised counseling intervention program? + +&#x200B; + +But we have and we are thriving. + +&#x200B; + +Great moments such as The Purge, The discovery of the BBUS Limit down bug, that time Plucky went off their meds, BRNaggedon, when we finally added more mods (this is actually very important), the "do stocks last a day?" question, managing to get a Z1P/cuckold reference into the AFR and of course, Shit-hands-posting. + +&#x200B; + +So, to celebrate our anniversary in this glorious corner of the Reddit cesspool we are throwing our own gala celebration and you are ALL invited to participate. + +&#x200B; + +Families and especially children squabble, especially highly autistic ones so the Mod team have devised a little game to help you all shake out any little festering rivalries you may have developed recently. Do you believe that your wife's boyfriend is another member? Maybe it's time to settle the score instead of bringing it up during the filming of your onlyfans. + +&#x200B; + +You must chose a stonk, challenge another and they must chose better than you for a 1 day battle. + +Its going to be user VS user in the ASX Arena. The aim is to have sweet Snags delivered to our Accounts and our vanquished rivals deliver pizza to our doors. Any ASX\_Bets Autist may call out any other degenerate in a ‘’stonk off’’, pitting your rocket picking skills against each other in the ultimate battle to the end of market day. Here. THERE ARE NO RULES. Oh wait. There are rules, see below. Good luck and may the charts be forever in your favour!!! + +&#x200B; + +\### READ CAREFULLY Rules: + +&#x200B; + +\- Autist must call out rival Autist on this THREAD ONLY (any other bets will be deleted). + +\- In your comment you must tag your rival and name your stonk. Options, Warrants and other forms of leverage are not allowed. + +\- Rivals, reply to your comment thread ONLY. + +\- Rivals, in your comment you must either accept or reject. If you accept, name your stonk. + +- Only one challenge per Autist. If your rival has already been challenged (or a challenge they gave was accepted) and they have accepted, you were too slow. + +\- Challenge close Monday 21/09/2020 at the time the daily thread for Tuesday is posted (around 6PM Eastern time) . + +\- All stonks must be bought and sold on Wednesday 23/09/2020. They can be purchased or sold at any time the market is open that day, 10:00AM to 4:10PM. The order can be placed at any time the night before, ready for market open. + +\- $500 minimum buy in. No Maximum. + +\- Greatest % gain wins. You may even chose the same stock as your opponent, if you think you have better timing than them. + +\- You must chose the amount of money that is going in at the first purchase. You may sell it at any point, wait some time, then get back in. However, brokerage must be deducted. (Also remember, its % based not $$ based) and you need to sell by end of day. + +\- When you make a buy or sell, make a post in the sub. This is to prevent people making stupid rebuys, losing it all and "forgetting" to post those. + +\- Proof of buy/sell order MUST be posted in the relevant thread. One will be posted. + +\- Loser is responsible for organising 1\* large pizza of winners choice, delivered to said winners door or available for pickup by the end of weekend 26-27/09/2020. + +\- Proof of delivery MUST be posted by WINNER by end of weekend 26-27/09/2020 Losers are recommended to get their own proof (as receipts) Autists may by mutual agreement donate pizza money to charity instead, proof required. + +&#x200B; + +\### CONSEQUENCES: read this shit carefully + +&#x200B; + +\- Rejection of contest – no penalty, just a lot of trash talk directed your way, maybe even a shiny (or shitty) flair to remind you if you're very, very lucky. + +\- Edit your comment after the challenge has been accepted = 1 week ban and the challenge is void + +\- No proof of buy AND sell order = 1 month ban (trading halts excepted, but sale must be as soon as reopening) + +\- Failure to deliver Pizza to worthy victor = 3 month ban + +\- Winners not posting proof of PIZZA delivery by weekend ending above = 1 week ban + +\- Winners posting information about another members address or using it for anything other than Pizza = Lifetime ban. + +&#x200B; +The short version? Chose someone to challenge. Challenge them to a bet. Buy your Stonks on Wednesday. Biggest gains wins. Loser buys the winner Pizza. + + +All buy/sell proof and subsequent pizza posts will need to be tagged with the **"Salty Toppings"** flair, don’t make the mods do this for you or we might get salty…. +https://twitter.com/jmwind/status/1250816681024331777 + +Goes along with what WIX said the other day about their belief that their platform would fare well in an economic crisis (WIX letter to investors on 4/13: https://5414c2cd-af59-4a47-a3e3-ef0b620af461.filesusr.com/ugd/9a25f2_677ae7b43b894ed5b95158302dda63c0.pdf) and they were already seeing evidence of that with the traffic/engagement they were seeing. + +Said in this thread two days ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/g1ebgm/shopify/ + +That if Wix was seeing increasing engagement that Shopify would likely also be. If Shopify is seeing this level of traffic, imagine what Amazon is seeing. If people aren't in stores, they're apparently still very much online. Stock already way off the lows of March, but in any case an interesting note that they are seeing that level of traffic now on a daily basis. E-commerce benefiting during this and likely to get a long-term boost. +Tesla market value today (716 Billion) is about the same as the market value of all the world's major car makers combined. In addition China's BYDDY (86B) and Nio (78B) are both more valuable than Daimler (74B) even though NIO only delivered less than 40,000 cars in all of 2020 with huge loss. China's LI and XPEV combined market value are similar to GM (61B), which has production in China and has a worldwide lineup of EV to be on the market in the next few years. + +With the exception of autonomous driving, EV manufacturing appears to have a low technology barrier to entry, that's why we have so many EV car companies pops up all over the world. Everybody used the same Total Addressable Market to justify their future value. I don't think autonomous driving is a must have in buying an EV, so the competition will be intense once all ICV companies start to produce their lineup of EVs in the near future. + +Since Auto industry is a cyclical business, historically, the market value of the auto companies were somewhat depressed as compared to other high growth industries. Since there is a limit on how many cars will be sold in a year based on historical trends, I don't know how we can justify doubling or tripling the total market value of the whole auto industry unless all the non-Tesla companies lost significant amount of their market value, which is not likely (you are talking about fierce competitors like Toyota, Daimler, Honda, GM, etc) + +The first movers (Tesla, BYDDY, Nio, Xpev) are catching all the investment dollars, driving their stock to current nose bleeding price. Once all major car makers start to deliver EVs, supply and demand will determine their profit margin, future cash flow and true present value. + +What do you think? How long will this EV mania last? +Went live selling 0DTE and 1DTE SPX Iron Flys and Condors on December 7 and have won 100% of the trades opening in the AM and letting them expire worthless in the afternoon. + +The spreads aren’t super wide so a single loss will not wipe out ‘months’ of gains as is the standard chorus on this sub. + +Two questions: + +1. Who the fuck is on the other side of my trade giving me money everyday? It seems like degenerate gamblers getting rekt. + +2. Why is this working so well and how have I not gotten rekt? + +Asking to not let the easy wins get to my head or effect the strategy I’m executing. +Elgi Equipment is a player in compressed air technology with presence across more than 120 countries. The company has a product portfolio of 400+ compressed air systems and has 2+ million installations all over the world. + +With a market share of around 22%, EEL is one of the largest manufacturers of compressors in India. However, Elgi is more of a global player, with almost 50% of revenue coming from outside India. + +Major competitors for air-compressors in the space are + +Atlas Copco - The largest player in the air-compressor space. + +Ingersoll Rand - Ingersoll Rand is the second largest player in the air-compressor industry. It has its subsidiary Ingersoll Rand (India) which is listed in the Indian Markets. + +Kirloskar Pneumatic Company Limited + +Understanding the air compressor Industry + +Air-Compressor Industry - + +Air compression is used in a wide spectrum of applications in nearly all manufacturing and industrial facilities and many service and process industries in a variety of end-markets, including infrastructure, construction, transportation, food and beverage packaging, chemical processing. + +In industrial processes, air is needed in Oil and Gas, Energy, pharmaceutical, electronics, Semi-conductors and Textile industries. + +Compressed air is also used to power industrial tools, in robots, and in applications as diversified as hospitals, snow making, fish farming, high-speed trains, wastewater treatment and conveying. + +Below is the global compressor market share by end uses. + + +Market size - + +The market size of air compressor industry is 15 billion USD. The Indian market size comparatively is only a little over 3 percent of the total global pie. The global market is expected to grow at 3% CAGR and the Indian Market is expected to grow at 7% CAGR in the next 5 years. This along with possibility of gaining market share overseas and entering newer markets makes Elgi a very interesting player. + +The nature of air-compressor industry is that it is diversified revenue source without a dependence on any specific industry vertical. Two, the geographical opportunity reduces the risk of dependence on any one economy and its business cycle for Elgi. + +Elgi's primary focus is on North America, Australia, South East Asia and Europe which is 50% of the global opportunity. Below are the large markets in air-compressor industry. + + +Aftermarket/ Recurring revenue - The biggest positive for the industry is the aftermarket revenue it generates. For every dollar of equipment sold, aftermarket generates 1.2 USD across the next 10 years in aftermarket sales. In addition to the same, the aftermarket parts gross margins are almost 2-3x of the original equipment. Recurring revenue is anywhere from 30-50 percent of total revenue. + +The aftermarket growth is outpacing the growth in units in India due to a higher installed base. As the installed base increases in India and in other countries, the certainty of recurring revenue is almost given. + + +The nature of the industry thus is a factor of + +New Installations. + +After Market revenue from the installed base. + +Subscribe now + +Indigenous Technology, Focus on quality and R&D - + +Elgi Equipments has built its own indigenous technology for compressors which competes and fares strongly against the deep pockets of multi-national brands. + +Below shows the increasing focus on quality by Elgi. + + +In addition to the same, the company offers the longest warranty of any company in the world and at the cheapest price. + +The focus on quality and indigenous technology has helped Elgi build a strong brand in India and overseas. + +Elgi is a global brand and the company has R&D capabilities to innovate in order to stay relevant. The R&D capabilities can be seen by technology relating to oil-free compressors Currently, oil-lubricated compressors and oil-free compressors exist as two separate categories. Both in terms of product offerings and end-use applications. Oil-lubricated compressors are more efficient and less expensive than oil-free compressors. However, in applications that cannot tolerate oil in the air, customers do not have a choice but to buy oil-free compressors, and they pay the penalty of a high upfront price as well as higher running cost. Elgi has managed to develop a technology that converges these two categories so that all compressors are oil-free with low upfront cost and comparable running cost. + +Global player - + +The company is also aggressive in its growth plans in-organically. The company has acquired 8 air compressor production and distribution companies around the world in the past decade, entering the markets + +Below is the revenue mix from different geographically (FY 21) - + +India - 52% + +Americas - 24% + +Europe - 9% + +Australia - 7.5% + +Others - 7.5% + +Potential weaknesses + +Competitive intensity - + +While capital cost for setting up a compressor manufacturing unit is not high due to the assembly nature of operations, technology plays a major role and acts as an entry barrier. Most large domestic players are subsidiaries of established international companies or have technical collaborations with global players which makes the air-compression industry tougher to thrive. + +The merger between Ingersoll Rand and Garden Denver, the second and the third largest air-compressor companies, have created a very strong number 2 air-compressor industry further consolidating the space. + +Poor performing subsidiaries in the past - + +The company’s acquisitions were not without their issues. The company had foreign currency debt issues in Brazil and legal issues with their French subsidiary along with other issues which resulted in continuous losses in the last downcycle in 2015. + +While the company has addressed the same by restructuring of operations in China, converting most of foreign currency debt into local currency in Brazil, and admitting the French subsidiary, SAS Belair, to legal redress which has helped curb losses. + +While most of the above units are likely to be profitable over the medium term, their revenue contribution are still modest compared to the company, as stated above. + +Modest performance - The company despite a lot of promises has not performed very well over the last decade or so, where the revenue and profit growth has been in low single digits. That can be partly attributed to the company diversifying in 2013 to other geographies. + +The company seems to have reached an inflection point with the foreign subsidiaries growing very well in the pandemic induced year. With growth possibly being back in India and South-East Asia over the next year or so, the company looks prime + +Alternate sources of information/ Red Flag ? - Going through the concall, I came up with a seemingly orange/red flag. + +Below is the conversation with the management and an analyst from SBI Mutual Fund who is the largest DII shareholder with an almost 8% stake in the company. SBI small cap (one of the largest small cap funds) also has their largest allocation to Elgi equipment. + + +The company citing sensitive information has asked the analyst to reach out to a member of the company for information. + +As a retail investor, I am not sure if I would have access to the information, which should be a big red flag in my books. I have dropped an email for the same to the company and am awaiting a response. + +If any retail investor can get the information than nothing stops the competitors from getting the above so called *confidential* information + +And if a retail investor cannot get the information that means there are 2 channels of communication, one with institutional investors and one with retail investors which questions the integrity of management. + +I would be waiting a couple of weeks for the response before shadowing doubts over the management but it is still an orange flag. + +Conclusion - The company has set broader targets for FY 2025-26 + +1. Revenue - $ 400Mn + +2.EBITDA - 16% + +3. ROCE - 30% + +Let us assume the same, on the same assumption, the company can be expected to see profit in the range of Rs. 240 crores in FY 2015-16 at a CAGR of around 15%. + +That should be valuing the company at around 29x FY 2025 numbers. + +The company looks to disrupt the global air compressor industry and while it has some potential for the same, the valuations along with the above orange/red flag scenario makes it a no go for me. +# Hi everyone Eli Buyko here 🙏 + +&#x200B; + +**This is another post I think will be very beneficial to new and experienced traders, keep in mind I sell futures options neutrally so everything is based off of my experience doing so over the years!** + +&#x200B; + +All these rules make sure I stay in the game, keep being profitable and control risk as best I can. + +**Rule #1: I open trades with at least 45 DTE**\- With longer expiration cycles you can go further OTM, which automatically makes it safer because the position has much more room for profit! Another side effect is that because your position is further OTM, your actual probability of profit(POP), is greater than the expected one. + +\- Theta decay starts accelerating around 45 DTE, which means as an options seller this is a great opportunity to capture some theta decay. + +\- I receive more credit and margin requirements are lower(comparing to cycles with less DTE), in simple words you get paid more and have less in funds held for a position, its just a better deal overall. + +\- The market usually moves in 45-60 day cycles(this is based on a tastytrade study), the market moves up and down as we know but usually trades within its average range, so if the price of a given product makes a strong move up, it has a high probability to reverse back to its average trading range within 45-60 days! + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #2: I sell just outside the expected move(1sd)** + +\- Historically expected moves is always overstated, meaning the price of a product moves less than the expected theoretical move until expiration and this is a great edge for options sellers! + +\- If you sell a strangle just outside the expected move you get a probability of profit(POP) of around 68%, which lines up perfectly with the famous bell curve that is used in all aspects of finances and even science! The bell curve predicts that an average event is likely to happen within 68% of the time. (Let me know if you want me to make a detailed post about the bell curve and options selling) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #3: I never hold a position to expiration** + +\- Options lose most of their value quicker than they expire: My average trade entry is at 55 DTE, I take a profits at 50% of credit received and my average trade duration over 6.5 years is 17 days! Meaning my positions(on average) lose 50% of their value in 30.90% of the time left to expiration! Simply I get a much higher P&L per day taking profits at 50% of credit than holding to expiration. + +\- I want to avoid gamma risk! The last 3-4 weeks of an expiration cycle has accelerated gamma increase which means the position becomes more sensitive to small price moves in the underlying! I want to avoid that and keep the sensitivity as low as possible because I sell neutrally! The less volatility the better. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #4: I avoid volatile products** + +\- Obviously as a neutral options seller I want as less movement as possible so I stick to trading futures that are relatively stable and cyclical! This means IV expansions don't happen often and when they do, IV contracts back down soon enough. + +\- Some futures products have IV increasing week over week for a period of months and to trade it as an options seller is a death wish! (an example is NG, remember that futures are mainly based on supply and demand, less hype! On the flip side stocks are mainly based on hype, so high IV environments are different for the two ) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #5: I do little to no adjustments** + +\- I actually very rarely adjust a position because when you adjust a position you essentially try to save a badly losing position! I have set criteria for adjustments and they never meet because I am out of the position by that point, either my stop loss is hit or I close the position because of increased gamma risk. + +\- Sometimes adjustments can be amazing but from my experience with futures options, most times they don't help and only hurt my positions. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #6: I use up to 70% of my buying power(margin power)** + +\- This is mainly because margin requirements change and usually increase as you get closer to expiration(I keep at least 4-5 small positions open at once so margin requirements expansion is not massive, on March 2020 margin requirements increased by 10-15% across my account) + +\- I need to have some liquidity for unrealized losses as well! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #7: I keep at least 4-5 opened positions at once** + +\- Each position belongs to a different sector in the futures market, making the positions not correlated to one another, simply if one position is losing badly it doesn't affect the other ones! Making my account much more balanced wth less P&L swings) + +\- Diversification is key when selling options neutrally in my opinion! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #8: I risk no more than 7-8% per position** + +\- It works out to be about 40% of my account at risk at once! I think this is very low considering that something major needs to happen for all my positions to get stopped out(because they are not related to one another), on March 2020 when everything went to hell I lost about 12% of my total account value and was stopped out on CL and ES. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #9: I am always safe than sorry with the market** + +\- This rule overrules all the other rules! If there is market uncertainty for a specific sector or product, I ran away from it and wait for things to normalize(IV levels to go back to average). A current example is ZB(Bonds futures) which I regularly trade: the Feds accelerated their interest raising plan and it affects ZB very badly and makes it more volatile than usual! So I stay away from it for now. + +\- If you are not safe than sorry with market, you are hopeful with the market and hope is not a strategy or profitable haha so I keep that in mind. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Rule #10: I run it like a business** + +\- Options selling is A BUSINESS and I treat it like one! I do my best to optimize and come up with new trading ideas, as well as learn new things and improve overall! + +\- Like any business you need to work after hours to bring it off the floor and for it to become profitable, options selling is no different in my mind! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I hope it was useful to you and you got a little glimpse into my mentality! + +I will be posting much more in the coming weeks, I enjoy it and let me know if you have any questions 🙏**Eli Buyko Futures Options** +TL;DR how do you help less fortunate friends without becoming some sort of benevolent richman? + +I've got a friend I've known for a couple of years who is going through a very, very rough patch. I know this is legit because I met him through his family. I have met him, his wife, and his kids in person. This is legit. Not a scam. + +A guy who I play online games with found his wife in the garage unresponsive. He did CPR, revived her. She went to the hospital, woke up but was cognitively impaired and has serious disabilities now (blind, language, etc). Summary - don't get CPR. He's left raising two kids (one of hers from a previous relationship) plus her and works his ass off to do it. He's working third shift and getting rides from people to get to work because he doesn't have a car. + +I've already contributed to go fund me's for his kids's Christmas presents and he makes sure they are in good shape. I want to help him out as much as I can, but I don't want to be some benevolent rich friend of his who sprinkles dollar bills on his life. I want to help him improve his situation and mental health. How can I help him out anonymously without acting like I'm expecting something in return? + +I've given him a VR headset that's out of date and bought games for him on Steam (it's the only escape he has). I know he needs cash, but I don't know how to get it to him without fucking up the whole dynamic we have of just friends. Any help is appreciated. +Anyone knows why? I have 1000 at 3.75 and wondering whether I should sell or keep. Market depth is heavily filled with buyers. + +Edut: I sold 300 shares and kept rest of them intact. + What do you like/dislike about the strategy? + +I'm thinking about getting into stocks more seriously and I want it to be as stress free as possible. From my initial research it looks like I'd want to dollar cost average into a handful of tried and trusted ETF's like vanguard or something of the sort. + +Just wondering if other stockholders who do such a strategy enjoy it or wish they would have done something different however many years later. +I know they're looking a little ragged but bear with me: + +&#x200B; + +Pros: + +Post-Covid looks like a reality and international air travel to ramp up. Planes need engines. + +Extremely high barrier to entry in the sector, only a few players. + +UK government likely to protect strategic capacity such as RR if things get even worse. By investment or force BAE to takeover, something. + +With only a few sources of these jets the customers (Boeing and Airbus) do not want to lose a supplier and have their options reduced further. Should seek to keep RR in the game. + +Have recently raised a lot of money. + +Cheap / dip. Now trading at just above £1. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Cons: + +Have recently raised a lot of money but that doesn't seem to helped their share price much. + +Peaked at around \~425p end of 2013. Were at \~50% of that even before Covid which obviously hit them hard. They've been in trouble for a long time then. + +Seem to have picked the wrong type of engines in terms of planes, wide body instead of narrow? Make the wrong bet. I'm basically clueless about this. + +Longterm competition from the like of China might make the space more competitive. + +Financial situation generally dire (Again, I know nothing). But back to profit the last year? + +&#x200B; + +Conclusion: + +I'm more a gambler than an investor but this company... What do you think? +For 24 hr fitness members, section 6 of your contact states for the times they are unable to provide the services you are able to get a prorated refund. That being said, I contacted them and they refused to provide the refund, the gym closed half way through March and I did a charge back for half the cost of my monthly membership, my bank was great and refunded me it. + +24 hr Fitness charged again for the full month of April and I did a charge-back for the total cost, and 24 hr fitness has been emailing every few days asking me to call them to resolve the charge-back. + +That being said, when this entire thing blows over, what is the best approach to handle the situation - I doubt they'll let me into the gyms without getting their dues that I ended up charging-back, if so, what would you suggest be the next steps. + +. + +Edit: Their phone numbers in the email has an automated message saying that all call centers are closed that hangs up itself. They've added a outstanding balance of $62 ($20. 50 +$41.50, for the month and half month) to be owed to my account. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hi All, + +My parents currently own an investment property valued between $650,000 - $700,000 and have a loan amount remaining of around $250,000. They want to give me the property however I will take over the loan to take the pressure off them. I will then pay off the loan however they will receive the rental income, which I am happy to do as I get the asset and the equity gifted to me. I have done my research and see this can be done as a favourable purchase. + +A bit about me - I am 22 years old and still living at home. I work full time and earn around 60k a year. + +What would you do in my position ? Would you take the property and the loan ? My thinking is this is great opportunity for me and when I come to buy my first actual home, I can use the equity from this property to help me. + +Thanks All + +Edit: Wow I didn’t expect a response like this. Let me clear a few things up with everyone. I am 22 years old and will be living at home for at least the next 5 years. I am on 60k a year but reckon I’ll be on at about 100k in the next 5 years if I keep going at the rate I am. The point of this transaction is too take some stress of my parents in terms of the their loan amount - it has nothing to do with access to pension as both won’t be eligible for pension for at least 7 years. What my thinking is - its a win, I get the equity which will set me up to buy my first proper house when I am ready to move out and start a family while also reliving my parents from the loan amount they pay every month. I don’t have much expenses as I save 2-3k a month into my savings account. CGT and stamp duty have all been taken into consideration. I understand things can get messy with family, however these are my parents who would give the world up for their kids, they have bought three investments property and own their current house with the intention of given each kid (3 kids) a house when they pass away. I am thinking off doing this to get into the market quicker and set my self up for a better future. Hopefully this clears a lot up. + +Edit 2: I will pay solely on the loan amount and my parents will pay everything else to do with the property including maintenance and all property. The money will go into an account with my name on it where my parents will have access to it. +This may seem like common sense to most, but I'm posting in case it helps even one person not make the mistake I did. + +In August of last year, I was offered a promotion, full time, and a 3$/hr raise at my current job (a small B2B software company). I'm a new graduate so this was my first "grown up" job with benefits. I accepted and just assumed the pay raise would be reflected September 1st since my boss, his boss, and HR had all signed off on paperwork saying it would be. Full time hours did hit and there was more money in my account...my timecard only shows hours, not rate, so I just assumed all was well. + + +Well, my fiancé and I were combining budgets, and his hourly rate is the same as mine should be...but somehow, he was making a lot more? I checked with HR and it turns out, due to a paperwork error THEY NEVER INCREASED MY PAY. I've been receiving my old rate the past 7 months. I feel like an idiot! But, I'm going to get back pay to the tune of $3,000+ plus the incentive I was offered on start up and never actually received. + +So, don't be me. Check that your company is actually paying you what they said they would, and never, ever assume when it comes to your paycheck. :) + + +Edit to add: I went from 30 hours to 40 hours at the same time my raise was supposed to hit, which is why my pay went "up" and I didn't notice! +# LOF Cryptp (LOF) + +⏱LOF subscription based platform in development! + +⏱NFT market place coming soon! + +⏱Utility of LOF tokens fully implemented + +✅ Only $1.1 Million MCap right now, great entry point + +✅ Over 30,000 holders + +✅ CoinGeko Listing (3rd Day) + +✅ Blockfolio Listed + +✅ CMC listed + +✅ Full Techrate Audit + +✅ Ownership Renounced + +✅ Doxxed Team + +🔒 LP, Team wallets and Marketing wallet Locked!!! + +🔥 Listed on Coinsbit with more to go + +🔥 Partnered with 15 Only Fans models and more on the way. + +🔥 Regular competitions for holders to win free OnlyFans subscriptions 👀 #FreeNudes + +🔥NSFW NFT market place almost complete. ETA end of June/ early July. Form of Payment will be LOF (First to do it) + +🔥 Staking farm available in different tiers to earn NFTs from our lovely models + +👀 In talks with a top tier artists that is well known, 6.6M follower base. + +👀 In talks with celebrities and rappers + +TOKENOMICS: + +\- 3% burn + +\- 3% reflection to holder + +\- 3% sent to LP + +🔎 Website - [https://lofcrypto.com/](https://lofcrypto.com/) + +🔎 Telegram - [https://t.me/Lonelyfanschat](https://t.me/Lonelyfanschat) + +🔎 Contract - 0xB3225aC90B741f762BecA76dEA1eaD278Ef26A96 + +🔎 Twitter/IG - LOFcrypto +Hello, fellow investors. + +&#x200B; + +I have a dividend portfolio, it has different stocks which i really like and i'm pretty sure in my picks + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sp9gquol4nl91.png?width=1582&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c4ff473514739d5900c98e11fcb8e4912a66eb1 + +I compared total returns of my portfolio with SCHD, and unfortunately for me, SCHD has better performance than me in last 2 years. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0itincns4nl91.png?width=1583&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bd8553570dcc34d88ed6493322839fc414261d0 + +But i still not sure about adding SCHD into my dividend portfolio. + +Even if i lost in total performance, i still have yield higher than SCHD (3.54% VS 3.37%) and pretty high dividend growth for last 5 years (almost 10% vs 14% for SCHD) + +&#x200B; + +Assuming that SCHD appreciates in price more than my portfolio, it means that even if it has higher dividend growth rate, it will be leveled by reinvesting by more expensive prices (on average) + +&#x200B; + +What do you guys think about it, do you considering total returns of your portfolio or just dividend part? + +for me dividend of my portfolio looks better than SCHD, but worrying about total returns. +When the Interactive chairman was interviewed, he straight up said the reason the clearing houses told the brokers to restrict certain tickers is because they don't want to front transactions they're not sure will clear. + +When the WeBull CEO was interviewed he basically confirmed they had been asked by the clearing houses to restrict the tickers for that reason. + +Neither of them said they themselves were underwater, they just said they don't want to be, so they halted trading on their own accord to limit their own risk. + +I don't want to spread FUD, but I can't help but worry - if the bag holders of the GME shorts don't have the money to cover, the brokers will cover the loss and chase the shorters for the money, which they don't have, so it will be written off or whatever. But if the brokers don't have the money to cover, don't the clearing house have a problem? And if the clearing house can't even cover the loss, the integrity of the whole market is at risk? This is literally what these people themselves talked about on national television. + +I think there may be a small but non-zero risk of systemic risk to the financial system, similar to when Lehman collapsed. + +I'm always the first to laugh at permabears always screaming that the next collapse is happening any day now, but I have to admit, today, even I am legitimately worried. + +At US open, I will sell some SPY calls. + +Tell me why I'm wrong. +I wanted to share with you [my favorite Youtube channels about Value Investing](https://beanvest.com/blog/youtube-value-investing) so here's my top 7 : + +1. [Learn to Invest](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSglJMvX-zSgv3PEJIE_inw) +2. [Cameron Stewart](https://www.youtube.com/c/CameronStewartCFA) +3. [The Popular Investor](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-CfltxhlMMCT5pJNIfQhlQ) +4. [Value Investing with Sven Carlin](https://www.youtube.com/c/InvestwithSvenCarlinPhD) +5. [The Plain Bagel](https://www.youtube.com/c/ThePlainBagel) +6. [Ishfaaq Peerally - Value Investing](https://www.youtube.com/c/IshfaaqPeerally) +7. [Investing with Tom](https://www.youtube.com/c/InvestingwithTom) + +There are also some other channels I enjoy following: + +* [Everything Money](https://www.youtube.com/c/EverythingMoney) +* [Ben Felix](https://www.youtube.com/c/BenFelixCSI) +* [Adam Khoo](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK-aOjEvZNJl3HINja0gAiQ) +* [Frank Taber](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7DSlY4iWJrLb2ShSOpBHbw) +* [Hamish Hodder](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODr9HUJ90xtWD-0Xoz4vPw) +* [Learning Finance](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqD50ymKNQvFzsgH9V7Ipw) +* [The Investor Channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/TheInvestorChannel) +* [Tre McKee & the Benevolent Investors](https://www.youtube.com/c/TreMcKeeJapanTrePreneur) + +What's your favorite youtube channel about value investing? +Be like ***Samuel L. Jackson***. I got to thinking about this earlier today while I was reading Future Shock (Toffler). What that book has to do with the 72 yr old actor I have no idea. He was unknown when it was written. Idea formulation is weird that way. + +Samuel L. Jackson is an American actor. Most of you are familiar with something he's done. He's been at it for about five decades. Samuel was John Shaft, in Shaft. He was tired of [those motherfuckin' snakes on that motherfuckin' plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubLRB7tb78Q). He tells children to [Go the Fuck to Sleep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_the_Fuck_to_Sleep#Celebrity_readings), in a way that only he can make endearing. He was Jules in Pulp Fiction and [Nick Fury, mastermind behind the Avengers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZkGQkOAFoQ). + +Oh yeah, he's also on the Jedi Council. He gets after it. + +What else does he do? Whatever he wants, I'd guess. Among the highest grossing actors of all time, [his films have grossed north of 27 billion dollars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_actors#All_roles). Sure, a large part of it is concentrated on some recent mega-hits like Avengers. Was that an accident, that he got that role? 50 years, 138 films, and 27 billion dollars of work, earning most of it very late in his career? Those are super investor numbers. I'd say it's *luck meeting preparation.* Sounds an awful lot like the career of He-who-shall-not-be-named. + +So how does Samuel L. Jackson do it, and what's it got to do with investment? He's a bargain hunter. + +What's his rule for being in a film? + +* Is it artistic merit? The film has to feed my ego, speak to my soul? Doubt it. See Snakes on a plane. +* Is it diversification? I can't play the same type twice, lest I be pigeon-holed? No. Definitely not. +* It's money. Pay my fee, and I'll be in your film. That's my guess. Money. + +He didn't do Snakes on a Plane because it was going to win an Oscar. He did it because they paid his fee, and it probably looked like fun. Bargain hunter. + +It's a brilliant screening strategy. Pay my fee. *Put enough skin in the game and I'll loan you my reputation and skill set.* This is similar to an investing idea: "Don't tell me what you think, show me what you own." + +That's what we're doing as investors. **Pay my fee, and I'll borrow you money.** That's investment. The fee for common stocks is the expected rate of return. The active investor dictates his (or her) own fee. If we assess situations well, over the long-term we get paid well. + +If anybody could have 10 wives and make it work, it'd be Samuel. He's been married to the same woman for 50 years. They have one (grown) kid. Another trait of a bargain hunter - not needing a long train of baggage (partners, houses, stuff) to be satisfied. + +Did you know he wasn't born famous? He didn't get famous til he was 40. Long after he watched Denzel Washington, Lawrence Fishbourne, and Morgan Freeman get their breaks. Just a few guys who've made a couple movies. Before fame, they were all in running in the same theater circles. Coincidence? Or putting yourself in the right place? Can you think of some famous investors who put in decades of work before they became widely known? + +He didn't split his bets. In dating/love that's called monkey branching (aka two-timing). He worked as an actor. When he didn't have acting work he was on set doing something else. Anything else. Whatever paid. He wasn't in a restaurant waiting tables or tending bar while he waited for an acting role. He was in the studio. Where films get made. Where actors work. He was learning the craft. ***Putting himself in the right place everyday, preparing for opportunity.*** + +Wasn't that his life was perfect. He was a drug addict for a period of time, before he got his first big break (Pulp Fiction). It was that he kept showing up. Kept practicing. Didn't hedge. [Plan B](https://youtu.be/CrRQhY71QUk?t=330) is to pay attention to making sure Plan A doesn't fail. + +Golf is a good comparison. Golf has no hedging. No teammates, no blame game. You put the ball in the hole, or you take a bogie. You've got the proper club for the job. You've sussed out the weather, scouted the terrain. You've taken enough practice swings. Or you haven't, and you get a mediocre score. + +To all the new people showing up to this sub lately, asking how bargain hunting works, here are some answers: + +1. Which books do I read? One per week. For the rest of your life. Knowledge compounds. +2. Which strategy do I adapt? The one that fits your personality. Temperament matters. +3. How do I improve? Show up. Every day. Active investment is a job. + +Every time I'm going anywhere (car, walking, plane, whatever) I'm thinking about businesses. To the point of obsession. + +Why is that Chick-fil-a so successful, yet the Burger King across the street is dying and the Subway next door is boarded up? They all serve chicken sandwiches. What's different? Skin in the game, superior service, consistency in food quality + +Why is this Walmart on the outskirts of town regularly packed, and the Big Lots in the city center only ever has half a dozen cars? What's different? Selection, price, convenience + +Wow look at the For Lease / For Sale sign on that building. "Any reasonable offers considered." This is not a normal advertising sign. That sounds like my favorite phrase, "***at any price***." I should write down that phone # and investigate. + +Stephen King reads books while he's waiting in line. Samuel L. Jackson probably thinks about his next role. I think about businesses. + +Half-assing it in this industry leaves you with far worse results than accepting the indexer's return. + +Be like Samuel, or be somewhere else. + +Footnotes: + +* More math won't save you. Arithmetic is sufficient. Thinking is your edge. +* Discipline without passion won't save you. Be curious or be an indexer and accept average returns. +* Nobody can tell you what you're competent to value. One person's semi-conductor heaven is another person's high fashion hell. Stay in your circle. +* The too hard pile is something that should be taught in grade school, but never is. +Hi, + +FIRE subreddits used to recommend to buy 2-3 years old Toyotas. +Do you think this is still the best advice today? +In the past few years: +\- used cars (especially Toyota) have gotten much more expensive, +\- 'cheaper' brand have risen in quality standards (Dacia Sandero/Stepway), +\- gas prices increased and hybrid cars may be more frugal, +\- manufacturer offer better guarantees (e.g. 5 years, 100,000km). + + +I was first thinking of buying a 2019-2020 used Toyota Corolla or Yaris (both hybrid). Then i saw that I can save 40% by purchasing a Dacia Sandero Stepway (petrol). Even with the fuel costs, the difference is huge between the two options. + +Here is some more info about my situation: + +\- Budget: 20 Keur maximum. I do not currently own a car. +\- Location: Luxembourg. +\- Expect to drive 10,000 km/year (15 km commuting both ways, weekly groceries, occasional short trip). +\- My girlfriend has a small 10 yo car which she uses for her daily commute. We plan to have a kid in the next 2-3 years. + + +Thanks for your help! +Over the weekend I realised that I'm addicted to gambling on the ASX. + +Don't get me wrong. I don't do T+2s, YOLOs, or even intra day trades. + +But I am addicted to the rush of gains, I trade purely on emotion, and I obsessively stare at charts as if I am going to have some kind of 'Aha!' moment. + +My ego is correlated with the performance of my portfolio and I subconsciously believe I must be 100% exposed to risky growth stocks or else 'what is the point?' + +The worst part is, I shift the goalposts of my exit strategy constantly to ensure I will never, ever take a profit. + +I want to buy a car, you see, but cars are such money pits that I can only justify it if I fund it with pocket money from my investments. + +Now, I've never been close to Lambo territory, and realistically I should just sell enough shares to buy a $6k shitbox of a Ford Fiesta. But I notice that even when I get $6k of profit, I don't sell anything. Ever. + +I just hold, and then when the numbers start going up, I start fantasizing about a Corolla (lol), then a Civic, then a Mazda 3 Skyactive... Then I think, Hell, in a week or two I'll be able to buy an i30 N! + +Then the stock price fucking tumbles faster than I can say 'The clapped-out Fiesta with 220 ks on it will be fine, thanks!', and I'm all the way back down at my entry price (if I'm lucky). + +You'd think knowing this would help me, but it turns out even intellectually understanding this pattern is not enough to avoid making this mistake all over again, because the greed is still there, ready to kick in on the next upswing and cheat me out of my money! + +So what should I do? +Hey Everyone! I am about to close on my first rental property and I am so excited! It is a single family townhouse. It needs a little bit of rehab, but nothing too major. I was wondering if you guys had any advice or tips on what to look out for as far as maintenance, unexpected expenses, and managing the rental itself for a new investor like me. Anything would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! +I hate to share a sob story, but that's what I've got and I need to pick brains for ideas I may be missing. + +I am a 40yr old guy. After 20 years with the same company, I was just laid off from my Senior Technical Analyst / Senior Technical Support Engineer position. A few years ago, I began to have severe trouble with my back to the point I could not even navigate my own home. This did not affect my work, however, because I was already telecommuting full-time (and have my entire career). + +Finding a similar job is proving difficult, given the limitation that I can not leave my home for an interview or for the actual work. (And mind you, there is no reason my position can not be fully performed remotely). Unless a job specifically announces it is remote work, I'm not sure how to squeeze into it *anyway*, and ask for my need to be treated as a "reasonable accomodation". I am *perfectly* capable of doing the work I've done for the last 20 years. Literally the only thing holding me back is an employer's unwillingness to set me up with a PC, VPN, and phone remotely. + + +**INCOME / DEBT:** + +At the moment, nothing. Some 'unemployment' payments should be coming in for a little while, but that's it. I should have a little money coming in from being laid off and it'll be just enough to pay off my $6k in credit card debt. + +My income up until this point was a base salary of about $86k, but with shift-work and on-call pager-duty, was about $135k this year. + + +**SAVINGS:** + +I have $190K in a 401k and $10k tied up in a Prosper account. The 401k has an outstanding $18k loan, which I've been told by Fidelity that I can let "default" after 45 days and then (I think) that $18k will be treated as income and taxed the same for the year it defaults in (and then I'll also pay an extra 10%, so probably totally $7500 on this?). + +I have enough money in my checking account to pay my mortgage on December 1st and January 1st. Then I have literally no more money. + +That's all my savings. That's it. Yes, I used to have a lot more saved and invested. Yes, I know I should be in a much better situation than I am. Given the length of my employment (entire adult life with this company), I took the risk of helping a friend to the tune of $200k over the last two years. I expected that I would buckle-down in 2018 and regenerate my safety-net from that point on. I was not expecting to lose my job this Thanksgiving of all times. Yes, this was stupid. I just really wanted to help my friend out and didn't realistically thing it would destroy me. + + +**ASSETS:** + +I have a home in the Denver metro area that I bought for $195k in 2010. It has had about $100k or so invested in it (gutted the basement and two floors to update them from 1969 styles, insulated the attic, updated the 50amp electrical panel to 200amp, added some 20amp outlets on two floors, added a very nice new bathroom, installed a new boiler, installed new baseboard hydronic heating, new evaporative cooler, new roof). It could still use some finish work to make it presentable for a sale. Zillow claims it could sell for something like $330k. I have no idea how accurate that is or how fast it would go. I still owe about $140k on it. + + +**MONTHLY EXPENSES: (~$1,950)** + +* Mortgage: $825 +* Property Tax: $200 +* Homeowner's Insurance: $220 +* Power: ~$250-$300 *(It has been about $140/mo while I'm here alone but I may have a sibling and their sigifnicant other move in and last time they did that it easily jumped up to about $300/mo).* +* Cell/Ting: ~$20 *(this includes my service and a phone for my aging mother).* +* City utilities (trash, sewage, water): ~$40-80 *(Is around $40 when I'm alone. Probably more like $80 with guests in the house).* +* Internet: ~$100 *(Need it to job hunt or do just about anything else, since I'm not able to get out of the hosue to even go to the unemployment office and file things in person, for example).* +* Medication: ~$5 *(I take blood pressure meds and urgently called my doctor the day I was laid off to get them to update my prescription for a full year and I can probably fill it at Walmart for this).* +* Food: ~$150 *(Denver is stupid expensive for food. I think I can maybe get enough calories and protein in my body if I mostly focus on rice and beans.)* +* Misc: $20 *(I have an elderly cat. I figure $20 or so per month for litter and food). + + +This doesn't include medical coverage. With the ACA, I don't think I can afford that with no income. It seems to be about $300/mo for the privelege of having them pay about 40% of *some* expenses after I've met like a $6k deductable for the year. With a very minimal income, it seems I *might* be able to get enough tax credit to pay only $60/mo. Still, for something I can't afford to use, so this is literally money that I'm just paying for nothing. Alternately, I can pay like $700 penalty next year and have no coverage (which seems even worse, being I'm 40). This also doesn't include dental coverage. I need some dental work and it looks like dental coverage would be at least $60/mo and I wouldn't even be able to get anything significant done until the *second* year and even then only up to $1500 with them covering 50%. This also doesn't include vision. I don't think I can afford to have *any* of these things and my best bet is to find $700 somewhere and just pay the government to not give me health coverage. + + +**HELP?!** + +How can I make the best of my situation? I'm really scared, because I'm 40 and in poor health and am worried I may not be able to get a job again at all -- much less an equivalent one. At this rate, I see myself ending up old, literally broke, never being able to retire, and scrounging at some awful job just to barely get by. I never saw my life going this way... It is the way my parents have gone and I don't want to suffer like they have had to. + +My sibling and their significant other are probably going to move in in a couple weeks and we have discussed what we can do. It is likely that we will split things three ways (including mortgage) and I will give them their share of equity in the house if I ever sell it (calculated as whatever percent of overall mortgage payments they wound up covering). + +If that works out, it could take my monthly expenses down to about $800 including food and pet, but not including ANY sort of health, dental, vision or anything else. + + +I can only think of two ideas. + +*Sell House:* + +I can get someone to help me do some work on the house and then sell it. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll sell fast and for like $330k (the last owners had it on the market over six months before I came along). I'll eat a big loss considering I spent about as much to renovate the house as it has (maybe) increased in value. Then I could pay the bank back the $140k and use the remaining $90k (or whatever I get after paying a real estate broker and taxes) to live on. I'm not sure how or where I would live very long on $90k, but at least I'd (maybe) have up to $90k. + + +*Cash Out 401k:* + +I can cash out my 401k. It was $179k last I looked. Subtract that $18k and it's $161k. Figure 30% tax and 10% penalty, so I keep 60% of it. Maybe that leaves me with $96k. Use $7500 of that to pay off the 401k loan tax and penalty, leaving me $88k. That's $88k to live off of for as long as I can stretch it while having my house to continue to live in (though I'm then paying whatever portion of the mortgage and expenses still). + + +Which is better to lose? The 401k or the house? Either way, I feel I am just delaying the inevitable and have no future. I've been living every moment of the last two weeks like I'm constantly hyperventilating. + +Thank you for reading this. Thank you for any consideration you give it. Thank you for any advice you offer. + +Regards. + +EDIT 1: + +First of all, thank you to everyone who has awarded and commented on this post. Honestly, I thought that only 500-700ish people would read this, so the fact that it got this much traction is a surprise. + +Secondly, I just want to say that this is all speculation based on some research I did into the figures behind the DTCC. There are most likely things I've missed, misunderstood, or got wrong. If I did, then I apologize and want to state that I tried my best with the smooth brain I have to understand the situation and explain it with the information I found. + +Third, I think that based on the comments, the feeling that there's so much more going on underneath the surface that the MSM isn't talking about is something MANY people are feeling. All of this runs deeper than any one of us realizes. I mean, trying to read the DD u/atobitt has been pumping out... I feel like my findings are like finger paintings compared to his Sistine Chapel. But it's a communal effort. If I did contribute to the overall knowledge of this community, if I did uncover some hidden strings that are being pulled, then I'm happy. + +With that being said, I highly encourage you all to keep on digging. Yes, so much information is being tucked away and hidden from us. BUT the edges of the puzzle are there to find. The more people keep putting out DD for these amazing communities to read, mull over, and question, the better. + +So, lastly, thank you to all of the amazing people who have been pumping out DD since January. Thank you to all of you who will continue to put out DD. Thank you to all who comment on the DD and further the pool of knowledge. You have all enriched me, as I hope I have enriched you... and as I know that GME will enrich us. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍 + +Apes strong together + +\--------- + +EDIT 2: + +One other tidbit I saw that I failed to mention because it was a bit off tangent was brought to mind by a comment made by u/Nileliketheriver + +This is my response: + +>This is my cynical answer. Legality doesn't matter if the rules aren't enforced. Take jaywalking. It's illegal and yet I've never gotten ticketed or stopped for it. So, even though it's against the law to jaywalk, I still do it. +> +>That's the thing with all of this. The people involved know the rules, but they also know the people who make the rules and enforce the rules. +> +>Take, for instance, Robert L. D. Colby. He's on the DTCC Board. He's also THE CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER FOR FINRA. +> +>The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (**FINRA**) is an independent, nongovernmental organization that writes and enforces the rules governing registered brokers and broker-dealer firms in the United States. +> +>So, you have the head lawyer for FINRA on the Board of the DTCC. I think that says it all. + +From Robert Colby's bio + +>Robert L.D. Colby is the Chief Legal Officer of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which he joined in June 2012. In this capacity, he oversees FINRA’s corporate and regulatory General Counsel functions, as well as FINRA’s Advertising and Corporate Financing Departments, the Office of Hearing Officers and Dispute Resolution. +> +>Previously, Colby was a partner in the Washington, DC, office of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, where he advised on regulatory and compliance matters involving securities and derivatives for financial institutions, markets and clearing organizations. +> +>Before joining Davis Polk in 2009, Colby served for 17 years as Deputy Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Division of Trading and Markets. In that role, he was responsible for the regulation of broker-dealers, securities markets and clearing organizations. Previously, for 11 years he was Chief Counsel of the Division and Chief of the Division’s Branch of Market Structure. + +\--------- + +EDIT 3: + +I just wanted to say something super obvious but that needs to be said. I don't believe that there are any good guys or bad guys in this scenario (except for retail). They're all bad. The only difference is that some will get us our tendies while others will try to take our tendies away. + +\--------- + +This is a follow-up to a DD I posted a few days ago. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmh9jq/why\_is\_the\_dtcc\_taking\_so\_long\_to\_act\_when\_moon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmh9jq/why_is_the_dtcc_taking_so_long_to_act_when_moon/) + +Something has been nagging me about what I dug up, so I continued to dig and found some more interesting connections that paint a clear picture of what's going on behind the scenes in the DTCC, + +TL;DR + +There's a battle going on for control of the DTCC that is pitting the Citadel team against the JPM/BOA team. + +\--------- + +**RECAP PREVIOUS POST** + +As I wrote in my previous post, every 3 years the DTCC has a STOCK REALLOCATION. Based on the previous year's usage of DTCC resources, the MANDATORY PURCHASER PARTICIPANTS must purchase a proportionate amount of shares. These shares determine the voting power that will be used to elect the board during the yearly shareholder meeting. + +Just like politics, the more money you have, the more you can influence the outcome of the election, which means that you will have more influence over the direction and decisions of those in power. + +\--------- + +**PART 1: Board Leadership Changes** + +The last time the STOCK REALLOCATION occurred was 2018. This led me to look at the DTCC Board for 2018, 2019, and 2020. + +[**https://www.dtcc.com/annuals/2018/index.html#/leadership**](https://www.dtcc.com/annuals/2018/index.html#/leadership) + +[**https://www.dtcc.com/annuals/2019/leadership**](https://www.dtcc.com/annuals/2019/leadership) + +[**https://www.dtcc.com/about/leadership/board**](https://www.dtcc.com/about/leadership/board) + +Between 2018 and 2019, there was no change on the Board. It stayed exactly the same. During 2020, however, 3 members were replaced. + +**OLD MEMBERS:** + +\-Michael Herskovits (Morgan Stanley) + +\-Joseph A. Molluso (Virtu Financial/JP Morgan) + +\-Emily Portney (BNY Mellon) + +**NEW MEMBERS:** + +\-Debbie Cunningham (Federated Hermes - Largest Owner of shares is CITADEL) + +\-Craig Messinger (Virtu Americas - Same as Virtu Financial) + +\-Andrea Pfenning (BNY Mellon) + +\--------- + +**PART 2: Board Leadership Allegiances** + +Going further into the Board's bios, I found very specific connections between the members and a lot of the groups at play in the GME story. + +\-Robert L.D. Colby: FINRA CLO: 2012 - Present + +\-Shawn K. Feeney: Citi: 2013 - Present + +\-Claudine Gallagher: JP Morgan: 2002-2012, BNP Paribus + +\-David S. Goone: OCC, DTC, Intercontinental Exchange: 2015-Present, Singapore Mercantile Exchange (FUTURE DATE) + +\-Kieran Hanran: JP Morgan + +\-Lori Hricik: JP Morgan + +\-Pinar Kip: State street, PWC: 2006-2011, BOA: 2002-2005 + +\-Kathleen B. Lynch: UBS Americas, BOA/Merrill Lynch: 2012-2013 + +\-Raj Mahajan: Goldman Sachs + +\-Graeme McEnvoy: Morgan Stanley + +\-Joseph Noto: Barclays International: 2017 - Present, Citadel 2015-2017, JP Morgan: 2009-2015, Bear Sterns: 2003-2008 + +\-Ann N. Reese: Genesee & Wyoming Inc (Citadel has interests in this:[ https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/heres-what-hedge-funds-think-about-genesee-wyoming-inc-gwr-739208/](https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/heres-what-hedge-funds-think-about-genesee-wyoming-inc-gwr-739208/)) + +\-Paul Simpson: BOA + +\-Joseph Weinhoffer: Mitsubishi UFJ Securities (ties to Morgan Stanley), Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch and Bank of New York + +\-Debbie Cunningham: Federated Hermes, Inc.(**Citadel:** [**https://fintel.io/so/us/fii/citadel-advisors-llc**](https://fintel.io/so/us/fii/citadel-advisors-llc)**)** + +Craig Messinger: Virtu Americas, BNY Mellon + +Andrea Pfenning: BNY Mellon + +Looking at this list, you can see that the board consists of certain allegiances. Below is a VERY ROUGH guess of what it looks like. + +JP Morgan - 4 + +BOA - 3 + +Citadel - 3 + +Morgan Stanley - 2 + +BNY Mellon - 2 + +Virtu - 2 + +Goldman Sachs - 1 + +Citi - 1 + +State Street - 1 + +UBS - 1 + +\--------- + +**PART 3: Lost Influence/Gained Influence** + +During the Board changes from 2019-2020, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley lost one member each who was a potential ally. At the same time, Citadel gained one member on the Board. + +Now, I'm trying to remember where I heard this... maybe it was during the second GME Hearing, but I think that Citadel was trying to become a bank but it failed. Oh wait... that happened. + +[https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/citadel-chief-gives-up-dream-for-investment-bank/](https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/citadel-chief-gives-up-dream-for-investment-bank/) + +Why was Citadel trying to become a bank? My guess is to gain more power/influence. + +Looking at the DTCC Board, it's clear that the BANKS are the ones in control. They have the greatest influence on the DTC, NSCC, ICE, FICC... I mean, it's just crazy how deep their tendrils go. + +Maybe that's why Citadel welcomed the break up of wall street banks. + +[https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/citadel-s-griffin-welcomes-the-break-up-of-wall-street-banks-14112108](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/citadel-s-griffin-welcomes-the-break-up-of-wall-street-banks-14112108) + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2013/11/12/citadels-ken-griffin-would-break-up-big-banks.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2013/11/12/citadels-ken-griffin-would-break-up-big-banks.html) + +Since Citadel's tactic of becoming a bank to gain more DTCC influence failed, they tried to go about it in another method. Growing so big that they use as much of the DTCC resources as possible in order to gain more voting power install Board members who will favor them. I also have no doubt that they have deals with MPPs and VPPs (please read the first post for info on this) to help their cause. + +\--------- + +**PART 4: Who AGAINST Who?** + +Right now, there's an important war going on inside the DTCC, and the battleground is GME. So, who are the teams in this epic saga? + +According to this[ old post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mebjlr/why_did_the_dd_get_deleted/), one guess is that the teams are arranged like this: + +**TEAM GME (OR TEAM ROCKET, BECAUSE** u/KlausInTheHous **ASKED)** + +Retail, Vanguard, Morgan Stanley, Blackrock, Maverick Capital, Senvest, State Street, D.E Shaw + +**TEAM SUCK BALLS UNTIL YOU CHOKE** + +Melvin, SIG, UBS Group, Group One Trading, Jane Street Capital, Citadel, Citibank, Wolverine Trading, Maplelane Capital + +I'm adding Virtu Financia/America and Susquehanna to this group because of[ this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mlf82b/the_missing_citadels_frenemies_pfof_michael/) + +\--------- + +**PART 5: BOA & JP Morgan Institutional Investors** + +When you dig into who has a vested interest in these two banks and compare it to PART 4's teams, something becomes illuminated. + +[BOA](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/bac/holders/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lxgc8t2pqks61.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=dad4124bde3e6bb1202e78cfdebde6a7de4a31d3 + +[JP Morgan](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/JPM/holders/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jwypeatpqks61.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa69cae43d39c575092ada129b38c69fe2ae0a74 + +I know that the last date was 12/30/2020, but I think that the info is still relevant to my point. + +[GME Institutional Holders](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/moea4e/i_built_a_small_app_to_display_sec_institutional/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7wif4ecqqks61.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=8510d9d832d1652a5d8888d0506e9ff1ea664421 + +Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street, FMR, Morgan Stanley, Geode Capital... they're all on the GME rocket. And the one's shorting it: Melvin, SIG, UBS Group, Group One Trading, Jane Street Capital, Citadel, Citibank, Wolverine Trading, Maplelane Capital, Virtu Financial/America, and Susquehanna. + +The only group shorting GME with a long position is Susquehanna, and look at how much their position changed. + +\--------- + +**PART 6: Going Back To The (Drawing) Board** + +When you take part 5 into consideration, you can see that there is a HIGH likelihood that the DTCC Board is drawn up like this. + +**TEAM (ROCKET) GME** + +JP Morgan, BOA, Morgan Stanley, State Street, Goldman Sachs - 11 + +**TEAM SUCK BALLS UNTIL YOU CHOKE** + +Citadel, Virtu, Citi, UBS - 7 + +**TEAM UNKNOWN** + +BNY Mellon - 2 + +\--------- + +**PART 7: IT'S CONJECTIURE TIME!** + +So, why are all these DTC, FICC, NSCC, ICE, and OCC (There's an OCC Board member on the DTCC Board, that's the connection) rules and regulations passing right now? Why is there such a rush to get things done? + +My guess is that TEAM (ROCKET) GME is in control. They're pushing these new rules and regulations. BUT, TEAM SUCK BALLS UNTIL YOU CHOKE is trying to gain more power and influence in the DTCC. With all the dates I mentioned in my[ other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmh9jq/why_is_the_dtcc_taking_so_long_to_act_when_moon/) coming up, things are getting down to the wire. + +It's clear that when you look at what's going on with the DTCC Board along with what's going on with GME, there are major forces at work behind the scenes that directly influence what will happen with us, the lowly retail investor. + +AND GME IS THE CATALYST THAT WILL SET THINGS OFF ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. + +\--------- + +**PART 8: PREDICTION TIME** + +So, the biggest question on everyone's mind is most likely, "Will rocket go BRRRR????" + +From the rules and regulations that are coming out, I'd say that team (ROCKET) GME is still in control. They want the rocket to go BRRRRR so that TEAM SUCK MY BALLS will go under and lose their ability to vote for the new DTCC Board and further increase their influence. + +\--------- + +**PART 9: BONUS TIME... Why JP Morgan Wants To Decimate Citadel & Have Control Of The DTCC... THIS IS EXTREME TIN FOIL HAT TERRITORY** + +This is random AND COMPLETE SPECULATION, but I didn't want to write another post. According to[ this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mo6i57/speculative_dddiscussion_who_will_ultimately_take/), there is some speculation that the NSCC might go bankrupt when GME moons. At first, that sounded wayyyy too far fetched... until I saw this rabbit trail of ideas. + +1.[ Paxos Has A Solution](https://www.paxos.com/what-lehman-brothers-gamestop-and-the-next-financial-crisis-have-in-common/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kta6b185rks61.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae3463eac741f317b0dffce4e659d0b4440912e0 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lcj928u5rks61.png?width=583&format=png&auto=webp&s=74e80069746567dcd2e5b7632621652c356a8ff8 + +2.[ JP Morgan Is Pro-Blockchain](https://www.jpmorgan.com/solutions/cib/investment-banking/corporate-finance-advisory/blockchain) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fgv9f5v7rks61.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=d36aa34cbd1cec0c52eb0c240af1b27b8439e3a3 + +3.[ JP Morgan Is Looking For Crypto Help](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/daily/82334/jpmorgan-digital-asset-custody-subcustody) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f32mjyk8rks61.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=17eb49b95639d55ef344c157935b45914de519c7 + +4. [Paxos Wants To Replace The NSCC](https://www.paxos.com/what-lehman-brothers-gamestop-and-the-next-financial-crisis-have-in-common/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/013lrm7irks61.png?width=549&format=png&auto=webp&s=d99fbb57e041f3057e21d27b315f4ed0631555df + +5. [Citadel Is Bearish On Blockchain](https://www.coindesk.com/citadel-ceo-ken-griffin-says-he-doesnt-know-how-to-think-about-bitcoin) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zrtlbefwrks61.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=e82974560555988ebe1fbe0f0da34b8596ecbebb + +Maybe this is why JP Morgan wants to bankrupt Citadel. If JP Morgan can gain control of the DTCC, maybe they can push Paxos (or even their own blockchain) to replace a bankrupt NSCC? + +EDIT 4: + +u/iamjustinterestedinu made this comment + +&#x200B; + +>Couple of days ago, another OP found that Paxos firm, and Paxos is already in a trial with the SEC for limited stock tickers to achieve a T+0 performance hence near realtime settlement of a trade, thus no longer needing the existing (costly) intermediates. +> +>Trades on a blockchain will be less expensive, faster and cannot be manipulated as dark pools (settlement within a firm) can't exist no longer as these cannot be added to a blockchain without consent of the blockchain. +> +>(OTC trades might still exist imho because of the same reason those exist today, not influencing a market unnecessary, the total volume added to the blockchain to complete the day) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 5: + +u/kn347 made this comment + +>Paxos actually already got a letter of no action from the SEC (meaning the SEC looked at the action Paxos applied to take and said they wouldn’t get fined for it) — [https://www.securities.io/paxos-application-for-no-action-letter-from-sec-a-success/](https://www.securities.io/paxos-application-for-no-action-letter-from-sec-a-success/) +> +>It was to perform the first blockchain based transaction completely free from the NSCC system, and they just did that with **Credit Suisse** and and Instinet **Nomura**, reported by CNBC a few days ago on April 6th: +> +>[https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/04/06/paxos-completes-t-0-settlement-for-credit-suisse-and-instinet-nomura.html](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/04/06/paxos-completes-t-0-settlement-for-credit-suisse-and-instinet-nomura.html) +> +>Wonder what that transaction was.... on the blockchain and not through the regular NSCC system 🧐 + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 6: + +Found this article: [https://realinvestmentadvice.com/bye-bye-brokers-hello-blockchain-technology/](https://realinvestmentadvice.com/bye-bye-brokers-hello-blockchain-technology/) + +>To help you appreciate why intermediaries will try to block the economic benefits of tokenization, consider Ken Griffin. His equity trading firm, Citadel, handled about a quarter of all trading volume in U.S. equity markets last year. +> +>Per Bloomberg: “*The trading operation, which is separate from Griffin’s hedge fund business, generated $3.84 billion of revenue in just six months, more than the $3.26 billion for all of 2019, according to a presentation to investors. Net income was $2.36 billion in the first six months of 2020, compared with $982 million for the same period a year earlier*.” +> +>The enormous profits from Citadel’s equity trading operations are almost entirely risk-free! + +&#x200B; +&#x200B; + +[Our shares only safe haven](https://preview.redd.it/km6ijs2ydv291.jpg?width=795&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e9c03b02765c02a7858666f2bebe48a2766cfb5) + +I would like to adress a few words to my loved sub regarding the soon to be known, new DRS numbers. + +I remember a huge wave of tried FUD and disappointment when DRS numbers got released back in March and we "only" had 8.9 Million shares DRSed. + +What a lot of people did not realize was the fact - as stated in the filings - that this number was not the state as of March (Earnings Report) but from End of January. Lots of DRSed shares had not been bought, transfered or settled and at the time we received this number, we're already more and more DRSed and were hugely enjoying the latest dips. ($InsertSlurpingHomerNoises) + +The same will probably happen tomorrow - i guess that the number will be 2 months old again and the latest dips and waves of DRS will already have increased that number of direct registered shares by a huge amount. + + +DO NOT FALL FOR DISAPPOINTMENT OR FUD tomorrow. Stay focused. Stay calm. Stay zen. +The recent PCS swap has caused **havoc** for many of us. Many tokens still require to purchase through v1 or purchases made through vs are at a different price. + +This can cause **serious concern** for potential buyers who just want to buy at the best price. + +👊THANKFULLY - Team Bog got your back again👊 + +An update to [bogged.finance/swap](https://bogged.finance/swap) now allows Swap between **any token-token pairs** and have your trade automatically routed through either Pancake V1 or V2 to give you the **best price** with no extra effort on your part - it's like Pancake's chaotic update never happened! This is a **FREE TO USE SERVICE** + +**What else are these incredibly talented devs up to?** + +🔸The bog sniper announcement on 27/4 caused a serious surge in price as everyone scrambled to hold enough bog to be able to use this tool. For more info see: [Token Sniper Medium](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/announcing-the-bogged-finance-token-launch-sniper-7dac90c6c917) **Sniper goes live May 2nd** + +🔸BogCharts - now over 1 million unique visitors a day, an all in one seamless charting platform that shows entire wallet balance. + +🔸BogSolo Staking - inbound in next month - stakers will receive a portion of fees made from advertising costs + +🔸Mention of plans for cross-chain in the future in recent AMA "*we've had our eyes on Harmony and KuChain*" + +🔸 "*Nothing to announce yet on the Android/IOS front*" 🧐 + +🔸 Incorporating the BogTools company in Singapore. Advertising on the charts has been returning good money which will put BogTools in a position to survive a bear market downturn. + +🔸Recent AMA here - [https://t.me/ChaposCartel/17331](https://t.me/ChaposCartel/17331) + +**Summary** + +1.Bog Devs are clearly delivering week after week. + +2.There’s now incentive to hold bog as a stack other than just speculative value. + +3.Bogcharts are so popular advertising bog happens in itself. + +So you heard it here **now**, $Bog is an altcoin you need to consider for Your portfolio. It now has multiple use cases (hold for sniper , use for buy sell limits). **Most importantly this is still undervalued at approx 30M marketcap.** + +So if you interested, come join team $Bog. Happy to answer any Qs here / in TG + +LINKS + +[**Bogtools.io**](https://bogtools.io/) + +[**Chart**](https://charts.bogged.finance/) + +[**Bogged.Finance**](https://bogged.finance/) **- Trading Platform** + +[**Bogged.Finance/swap**](https://bogged.finance/swap) **- can buy bog (& anything else) here** + +[**BSCScan - 0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099**](https://bscscan.com/token/0xd7b729ef857aa773f47d37088a1181bb3fbf0099) + +[**Reddit**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools) + +[**Coingecko**](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bogged-finance) + +[**CoinMarketCap**](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bogged-finance/) + +[**Twitter**](https://twitter.com/bogtools) + +[**How to place buy/sell order Video**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools/comments/modi2x/bogtools_limit_order_howto_video_mass_adoption/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[**How to buy Bog / Use Bogged Finance with Trustwallet**](https://www.reddit.com/r/BogTools/comments/mrcktr/how_to_use_boggedfinance_on_trustwallet_android/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[**Token Sniper Medium**](https://boggedfinance.medium.com/announcing-the-bogged-finance-token-launch-sniper-7dac90c6c917) + +HAPPY TRADING TEAM + +DYOR + +NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE +Just a friendly reminder that GME did dip because of the same flooding of shorted borrowed stocks. + +&amp;#x200B; + +\- January 25th: **Open: 96.73, high:159.18,** low: 61.13, **close: 76.79** + +&amp;#x200B; + +\- January 26th: **Open: 88.56**, high:150.00, low: 80.20, **close: 147.98** + +&amp;#x200B; + +\- January 27th: Open: 354.83, high: 380.00, low: 249.00, close: 347.51 + +&amp;#x200B; + +They sold over 0.5 mio shorted stocks and borrowed a ton. Calm your asses down and hold (and buy - hey, free money). + +Edit: Do not forget tons of eurobois are grtting paid tomorrow + +Edit 2: okay 1) you can find all of this shit yourself on nasdaq. It is public fucking information. Wouldn’t have thought this edit was needed. + +2) do not message me. Chill and don’t try to threaten me in my DM’s. That’s a new low. + +Edit: previous* in the title. Oh no no... +[(New Zealand does not fuck around telling you to buckle up)](https://i.redd.it/uc4ihmxts8691.jpg) + +[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o2xz48/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_1/) | [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/od4bb1/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_2/) | [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzfxnd/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_3/) + +Well hellooooooo, Apes. + +This is a series that focuses on Citadel’s market strategy. (I recommend reading 1, 2, & 3 but hey, that’s just me.) It started off with the perhaps naive question “*Why would Blackrock give Citadel the most epic smackdown in financial history?*” + + + +It’s time to start tying it all together. It’s time to discover **WILD SHIT**. And it’s time to find out the real infinity pool is the friends we made along the way. (Goodnight, sweet u/bluprince) + +&nbsp; + +Oh yes, and time to discover that Citadel is *FUUUUUUUUKT* + +&nbsp; + +Okay, first. I need to get you to a conclusion that sounds like it’s crazy. + +* Why is it crazy? Because it’s obvious. We all know it. +* **And still sounds like something a hobo would shout on a street corner.** + +After that is when the real shit begins. + +And I mean ***REAL SHIT*** + +&nbsp; + +#Nobody has put this together on Superstonk. + +&nbsp; + +You ready, buttercup? + +&nbsp; + +It’s time to **buckle up**. + +&nbsp; + +*** +*(This post will only refer to Citadel Securities – the Market Maker – unless noted.)* +*** + +#4.1 A Summary Review of the Empire + +To bring us up to speed: + +**Citadel Securities has 25% of all US securities trade volume** +[-](https://preview.redd.it/sdxlkna7gn591.png?width=949&auto=webp&s=309551575af74374e50f9acda1b28727dd9abb81) [sauce](https://www.citadelsecurities.com/products/equities-and-options/) + +* This means Citadel is buyer or seller on 1 of every 4 stonk trades in the US +* If true, this is close to [monopoly territory](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sec-chief-warns-of-growing-monopoly-power-among-market-makers-retail-brokers-at-gamestop-hearing-11620323045). +* Citadel got here by several fronts: superior risk assessment, emphasis on technology, breadth of foothold, range of product offering, and more. +* Citadel also avoided regulations. They closed Apogee (regulated dark pool) and remained a Market Maker (MM) to forego Investment Banking and Prime Broker restrictions. +* It choked out the competition with purchases of competing MM assets, and by securing key roles at the most powerful exchanges (DMM at NYSE, largest MM at Nasdaq, CBOE). It even chartered its own exchange, MEMX, in a bid to lower trade and data costs while strengthening PFOF capabilities. +* This led to Citadel being a securities “wholesaler”, having enough supply or access to meet any order. +* *This* allowed them to become the US’s largest internalizer and conduct exchange activities inside its own walls. +* They offer access to their “liquidity” via Citadel Connect, which has grown to become one of, if not the, largest dark pool – without ever being classified as such. It leverages Citadel’s massive wholesaler inventory and extensive supply reach but without requiring exchange features or oversights. +* Citadel also captured 35%-45%+ share of retail orders through Payment For Order Flow (PFOF), a practice which avoids competition while providing leverage over dependent brokers. + + > “[Ken Griffin has] built an extraordinarily diverse organization… something with franchise value.” + > – [Institutional Investor, 2001](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b15134ls4fblx7/boy-wonder) + +* “Franchise value” means it is **replicable**. Citadel has copied their MM systems to nearly every market in the world. +* Their footprint is unequaled. Citadel has Market Making access or internalizing responsibilities in nearly all of the world’s wealth centers across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, as well as North America. They are likely the world’s largest MM and internalizer, either by unit volume, $ volume, or revenue. +* Further, Citadel’s size, position, and competencies make them a material competitor to almost any player in the financial world. Even major, multinational Investment Banks and Prime Brokers consider them a serious threat. + +**In short, Citadel has positioned itself at the heart of markets worldwide. This position is not an exaggeration.** + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.2 The Court Record + +I can’t find where I read it now, but evidently Citadel rents out co-location space in its servers. + +&nbsp; + +Remember this. + +&nbsp; + +*** + +**But first, some backstory & context:** + +* *See how I just mentioned Investment Banks?* +* *Kenny has always wanted to be a special type of Investment Bank – a Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI) Prime Broker (PB) Investment Bank (IB) – (*more on this later*). Altogether, let’s call it a... S I F I P B I B, or a* ***Sifipbib***. (Stop laughing, Ken is really, really serious, guys.) + +* *Kenny really wanted Citadel to become a Sifipbib in the mid 2010’s, but didn’t get the right assets and people, and his plans fell apart. He resigned to being a MM, hoping it might give him some other advantages.* + +* (*Though, he* ***did*** *succeed in beating out those other Sifipbibs in the MM space, which I’m sure really floated his boat*) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.3 Royal Charters + +What’s that? You don’t know what an ***Investment Bank*** or a ***Prime Brokerage*** is? You just thought it’s just another sleazy financial institution? Okay, here’s a… + +&nbsp; + +###**Dumbed Down Definition** +(you can skip to 4.4 if you know this already) + +Let’s start with **Prime Brokerages**. + +* If you run, say, a hedge fund, you will want to buy stonks and bernds. +* BUT, rather than do boring things like acquiring access to exchange floors, setting up trading desks, establishing regulatory processes, yadda yadda yadda…. +* …you decide to go to a Prime Brokerage, who has all that already. They’ll do it better for less. +* “For you.” + +*But, I like, have all that, like, through eTrade, or whatever.* + +Timmy, you have a browser with jumbo fonts. I’m talking about *Prime* Brokerages. + +* Remember the saying: "*If you owe the bank ten thousand dollars YOU have a problem, but if you owe the bank ten billion dollars THE BANK has a problem?*" +* A Prime Brokerage is a brokerage, but for LARGE positions. They don’t have a problem. +* The biggest Prime Brokerages are the “big boy” brokerages. They have huge balance sheets that can absorb the riskiest, most complex positions from the largest hedge funds (*cough, Archegos, cough*). +* Because they’re so big and so good at managing risk (hah...), they also offer customized “exotic financial vehicles” which have other features. + * Exotic products like: SWAPS (which hides client positions), DARK POOLS (taking positions in securities without affecting their price), CUSTOM BUNDLES (“tranches” of MBS, for example), and so on. + * (*Tell me where the “SWAPS” tab is on your eTrade account when you’re done napping at that bus stop*) +* The hedge funds you read about **actually don’t own a single security** – they have a contract with the Prime Broker who holds and does all the transactions on their behalf. +* And Prime Brokers have Dave-Lauer-type smart people working for their assets, representing them in the marketplace (i.e. **street cred**). +* All this for a price. + +In short, a Prime Broker is a big, impressive bank that offers custom flavors of investment products. They’re the “big boy club”, able to handle larger transactions that specialized firms can’t do themselves. + +* It’s how “Real Money” invests – hedge funds, giant pension funds, etc. Everyone else eats at the kid table. + +&nbsp; + +*But what about Investment Banks?* + + + +If Prime Brokers serve people, then Investment Banks serve **companies**. + +* Since you’re really good at pretending you have a job when your parents ask, how about you pretend you run a large company. + * Rather than try and sell your inkjet-printed “stock certificates,” you go to an Investment Bank, who promises you actual money in exchange for your non-imaginary stock offering. + * They handle all aspects of the issuance, regulatory, collateral, and technical process of raising funds, taking on debt, whatever your company needs – and they make their money with the difference between what they deliver you and what they receive from the market. + * (They handle these deals because of their market relationships and their familiarity with the exchanges and trading framework.) + +&nbsp; + +*Gotcha. Investment Banks for companies and Prime Brokers for people. So why do we care about these prime brokers that are investment banks?* + +Wow this is a lot of questions from someone missing so many teeth. + +* Like all of finance, it’s made-up bullshit. Which Ken Griffin cares about. +* The biggest Prime Brokerage Investment Banks are the hubs of the investing infrastructure, and as such, they are regulated more than others. +* They are called “Systemically Important Financial Institutions” (SIFI) – that’s an official term – and ***these are the real big boys.*** +* There are only a handful of them. They don’t fuck around. + * Ha ha, okay, they do, but in a waaaay different league than you. +* They are the biggest banks you've heard of – they even extend their services to countries and international trade organizations. Some are responsible for various aspects of US bonds, for example. +* Entire economies, even the world economy, relies on each of them to a degree. + +In other words, **Real Money** clients come to them for **Real Money** needs. + +&nbsp; + +Sifipbibs. + +&nbsp; + +*** +#4.4 Crusades + +**Suddenly,** you are magically placed back at Citadel’s trading desk – all their tools at your disposal. *What do?* + +* Your goal is to minimize risk better than these competitors can, specifically in securities. +* (Fortunately, Citadel enjoys some specialized tools that not even they have…) + +And by the way, do you know what the opposite of risk is? + +&nbsp; + +>!**Control.**!< + +&nbsp; + +>!So your goal is: *to control the price of securities.* That’s right: ***control the price of securities.***!< + +&nbsp; + +You start looking around and seeing, well, regulation is slow and lax. Which isn’t to say that there aren’t consequences, it's just that they aren’t very... *prohibitive*. + +&nbsp; + +Sooooooo.... want to really [minimize risk? ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/987/AhgHtnP.png) + + +* Why not “stuff the order book” so that competitors’ quotes aren’t seen? – [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ns9rse/watch_the_volume_this_is_spoofing_in_action/), [2](https://youtu.be/itxbyXO67XY?t=110) +* Or use specific order types to jump the order queue? – [1](link to old sub in comments) +* You can shift the NBBO – national price goalposts – to your favor – [1](https://preview.redd.it/bra7t22yzp091.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e586ca7bfa5acbfaced81728e03c40ebda1b2865) [2](https://www.reddit.com/user/Landed_port/comments/uub6vl/nbbo_not_even_close_to_best_execution/) (s/o Better Markets!) + * (in addition to adding price pressure through your MM activities – [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o75dt4/dark_pool_not_required_market_markers_can_control/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx7jr9/could_citadel_securities_be_suppressing_gme_price/) [3](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/) +* Or you could front-run transactions [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ux0llz/big_hedge_fund_president_is_told_his_trades_are/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uwznmm/ever_wonder_why_the_order_book_is_filled_with/) + +Since you want to avoid getting caught, you should… + +* Under-invest in reporting structures (after all, finance is self-reporting!) - [there’s a dlauer quote on this I couldn’t find again lol] +* Paint the tape (obfuscate your actual actions with dubious reporting) – [1](https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/p/painting-the-tape), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oj1tjl/erasing_the_tape_how_to_remove_daily_trade_volume/) +* Delay reporting as much as possible – [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o75dt4/dark_pool_not_required_market_markers_can_control/) +* “Mis-mark” trades (i.e. falsify records to your benefit) – [1](https://www.sec.gov/enforce/34-87127-s), [2](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/sec-brings-naked-short-selling-case), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uwntmt/barklays_fixes_error/) +* Or ignore reporting requirements altogether – [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqmz4u/breaking_goldman_sachs_co_fail_to_reconstruct_at/) +* (This is by no means an exhaustive list – the criminal [possibilities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8mizw/here_is_a_complete_compilation_documenting_the/) are nearly limitless!) + +&nbsp; + +Ape u/JG-at-Prime said it best, starting with ONE [example of abuse:] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v1rqdz/no_shares_available_100_utilization_for_70_days/iaosryq/): + +>If you think about Darkpools [...] **It’s brilliant, from a fuckery standpoint.** If you redirect 50% buys and 50% sells, you can dynamically adjust the ratios to make the price increase or decrease. +> +>Buys Lit 60/40 Dark sells = price goes up. +> +>Buys Lit 40/60 Dark sells = price goes down. +> +>You don’t even have to take 50% of the volume. Just that lesser percentage = lesser effect. +> +>Add in; Wash sales, order spoofing, odd & mixed lot trades, block trades, broker internalization, Market makers exemption, Market Makers internalizing, Naked Shorting, Payment for Difference, PFOF, Market Makers codes, coded orders, Market halts, volatility halts, pumps & dumps, poops & scoops, short & distort, complete corporate MSM media control, massive social media shilling campaigns & more. +> +>The Market as we see it today is a criminal masterpiece. They collectively control the prices. It’s almost completely fake. + +&nbsp; + +“Free market.” + +*** + +#4.5 Sheriff of Nothingham + +*Woah, you can't go around assuming Citadel is intentionally doing bad things! Maybe... maybe they made mistakes, or had some bad actors that they fired...* + +* Well, champ, too bad the data does NOT support your presumption of innocence: + + * Citadel had 15 different “regulatory events” for 2021… or roughly 2% of all of FINRA regulatory events (based on estimated 800 events). That number is *high*. + * Some of those were redundant though: Citadel’s most recent regulation event was a price-affecting activity that went on **over 6 years with14 different exchanges** + * They were also fined for misreporting internal trades – oh yeah u/atobitt [wrote about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ml48ov/walkin_like_a_duck_talkin_like_a_duck/) +* And this number only reflects the crimes Citadel was *caught* for. (Relevant: FINRA seems to be [less and less effective these days](https://www.finra.org/media-center/statistics#key)) + +Illegal activities are widespread. It could even be said it’s the “Industry standard.” + +* Citadel Securities reported $7bn profits for 2021 (btw, this number is [self-reported](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-15/citadel-securities-opens-up-after-record-7-billion-windfall)) +* It paid a maximum $3.04m in [fines](https://brokercheck.finra.org/firm/summary/116797), total, for 15 “regulation events” ($3m is extremely conservative – high – because Citadel doesn’t report its annual fines so I added up all dollar amounts for 2021, lol. It’s probably far less but I wanted to max out the number) +* **Thats a 0.0434% “crime tax” – part of the cost of doing unlawful and illegal business.** + * (0.0% if we’re rounding) +* (Notably, some fines were for illicit activities from *years* ago. This year’s illegal activities won’t be “crime taxed” for a few years down the road.) + +&nbsp; + +So, seriously, why should Citadel worry about laws? + +* (...and if they don’t need to worry about laws, why should you presume they keep them?) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +***(...back at the desk...)*** + + + +No, really. Why should you worry about laws? + +* Remember [this?](https://i.redd.it/iuxh7unu2nb71.gif) + * This is less than one hundredth of a second, for a single ticker (AMZN), slowed down. + * Citadel moves at this speed *for every ticker, in every asset, in every country, in every time zone it operates in, while trading* ***at industrial volumes.*** +* Now remember [this interview,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C0Sj6Us19I) where Gary Gensler said the SEC can’t afford coffee? (wow there is a suspicious lack of google results for this, btw) + * Let’s take the SEC’s posture at face value. + * The SEC (FINRA by proxy) issued 73 fines to Citadel, but over *years* of transactions. How many transactions do you think occurred versus those the SEC examined by a human? What percentage of Citadel’s trades were affected by a human regulator? +* To be cynical – do you think that Gary “can’t buy coffee” Gensler and the SEC can afford to keep up with Citadel’s nanosecond industrial volumes of trades? For every ticker? Every exchange, ATS, SDP, and broker they interface with? Let alone Citadel’s *international* operations? Over *years*? +* (Each new flavor of high-frequency fuckery will be baked in to trading algorithms, all while either observing regulations or “unintentionally circumventing proper reporting”) + +&nbsp; + +And so, we arrive at a cold reality: + +>!**Citadel and other MMs likely operate outside of the law** because they operate in “bullet time”, while the regulators operate in “past tense”!< + +>!**Citadel’s trading speed and volume effectively exceed the limit and capacity of regulation.**!< + +&nbsp; + +(This, of course, is taking the SEC’s – at large – posture at face value) + +&nbsp; + +0.0% crime tax, dude. + +*** + +#4.6 A Royal Union + +*But… but – what about other players? They are competing with Citadel across the board! Competition keeps Citadel in check, right?* + +* As referenced in previous posts: Citadel’s dominance discourages new challengers – [the industry is consolidating.](https://i.redd.it/1ze9zs5sin491.png) + * While Virtu (Citadel’s main MM competitor) and other larger firms might “micro-grapple” in the HFT space, the losses would only represent a small cost in a profitable business. +* Weak enforcement, plus Citadel’s dominance, incentivizes the opposite of competition: ***collaboration.*** + +*Collaboration?! But how could the firms work together? It’s broad daylight – public data! And it’s illegal to collude!* + +* It’s illegal to get caught, Timmy. +* The small group of market makers have all the ingredients to not only *outpace* the regulators, but can *avoid detection altogether*: + * extremely fast technology, exclusive knowledge of complicated systems, brilliantly talented “quants”... + * …and the reward is essentially risk-free profits, so… + +“Hypothetically” + +* If several market makers wanted to collaborate and minimize risk (i.e. **price fixing**) in a given security… + * …they would need to send and receive patterns which act as hidden signals in plain view (*check check*) + * …and they would need a mutual understanding of techniques, as well as a common goal: shared profits (*check check*) + +&nbsp; + +[*No, please don’t say it.*](https://c.tenor.com/sSwRqdgMyQMAAAAC/impossible-star-wars.gif) + +&nbsp; + +>![Apes have noticed patterns in the bids for *years*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/po51aw/we_just_had_3_separate_orders_for_300_shares_per/)!< + +>![Oh, you want evidence to show that prices are being signaled?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/phks3c/fast_forward_to_about_58_minutes_possible_codes/) and [buy/sell prices are being coordinated?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pul5gq/divorced_from_reality_dd/) !< + +>![How about a site that compiles these signals on a daily basis?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u7iox3/it_is_time_to_talk_about_market_maker_signals_i/)!< + +>![*code sheet*](https://i.redd.it/83m462308fl71.png)!< + +&nbsp; + +[WHAT IN THE DUMP TRUCK FUCK.](https://c.tenor.com/b2BSVm38AUgAAAAC/blink-blinking.gif) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.7 All the Sun Touches, I + +So, we arrive at the crazy conclusion, the one that’s obvious. + +Because between their market position and marketplace incentives, joint activities, and an environment with weak enforcement, we can start to put together a scenario where… + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel likely has a claim on controlling the prices of securities**!< + +>!...a legitimate claim, in conjunction with other market makers, exchanges, and key parties.!< + +&nbsp; + +* FYI, “Price control” doesn’t need to be 100% of securities 100% of the time. +* If Citadel can be the “margin of victory”, just in the securities they care about, then that’s the difference between a successful trade and an unsuccessful one – decisive direction. + * (Note that Casinos operate profitably with 51%+ odds.) [(relevant)](https://i.redd.it/fsny6euskn491.gif) +* The dominance of the top MM’s also means there are no alternatives – it’s either price arranging via Citadel, or the naked uncertainty of the market (and oh, yeah, we just said it’s not so uncertain, didn’t we?) + +&nbsp; + +Because, after all, your goal is to control the price of securities. + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.8 The Round Table + +Now, think on this for a second. + +&nbsp; + +If you influence prices, you could make a KILLING by renting it out. + +&nbsp; + +> >!I can’t find where I read it now, but evidently Citadel rents out co-location space in its servers.!< + +&nbsp; + +>!Turns out, SELLING PRICE CONTROL as a service (directly or indirectly) – and being an EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER – is a great way to profit!!< + +* No brainer – it is almost always profitable to work with the firm that controls prices. +* As an added benefit: any firm positioned against Citadel should also expect to be competing with *all of Citadel's aligned parties* (i.e. **street cred**). +* **Citadel won’t ever advertise this, because publicity is a risk to illegal activities.** + * But there will be signs: + + > “Citadel Securities made [...] $**4.1m** per [employee] in 2020. This compares to **$275k** per [employee] at Goldman Sachs last year.” [emphasis mine] - [sauce](https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2021/01/citadel-securities-pay) + +&nbsp; + +**Huh, interesting - seems that Point 72, Melvin, Sequoia, and several other firms are all so closely linked with Citadel. Strange. Must be coincidence.** + +&nbsp; + +Wonder why? + +*** + +#4.9 All the Sun Touches, II + +Now, let’s roll this up into some key points that this fantastic community has uncovered the past year-plus: + +1. u/Criand showed out how Citadel [leverages](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/) **swaps** +* And u/con101smd pointed to how Citadel likely employs **krypto** (before deleting “The Long Con”) +* It’s also important to note that Citadel has an **adjacent hedge fund**. *Extremely* important. +* Because remember how u/atobitt caught Citadel **shifting funds between different Citadel companies, partners, and subsidiaries**, such as Palafox? (in the “Everything Short” in another sub) +* And u/thabat theorized how Citadel might be **shifting assets between countries** [without disclosure](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcklz0/rolling_in_the_deep_dive_hiding_money_in_the/)? (and u/P_mage did some [work here also](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx2tka/the_shorts_never_covered_or_closed_kiting_a_hot/), not to mention that one flight to [“Russia-not-Russia”](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skbb4y/any_fins_in_the_area_willing_to_get_us_a_tail/) right before war & sanctions) +* And we already covered Citadel’s **extensive international operations** and impressive **spread of products**. + +…all this plus Citadel’s **unequaled MM responsibilities in stocks and options and immense internal inventory**. + +&nbsp; + +Now, let’s add a *VERY* interesting quote from u/Super_Share_8721’s [excellent find ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt7td2/holy_sht_article_from_2001_ties_ken_griffin_and/)(and I see you u/JustBeingPunny [!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u3qm9z/kenny_admitting_to_using_bcg_to_spy_on_other/) - BTW it was only a partial quote earlier): + +* [key quote](https://i.redd.it/92frvoabgm491.png) + + > “’[Ken Griffin has] built an extraordinarily diverse organization, **horizontally and vertically integrated.** It’s something with franchise value, which makes him different from 95 percent of the companies **classified** as hedge funds.’” [emphasis mine] + +&nbsp; + +**Now put it all together:** + +*So, Citadel is at the heart of markets worldwide with unparalleled price influence, shifting assets between partner companies and subsidiaries, bundling stocks, bonds, options, other securities, commodities, krypto, real estate, ETFs, access to SDPs, ATSs, nearly unlimited inventory, PFOF, international asset holdings and distributions, swaps (bundled because Citadel is “horizontally and vertically integrated”)…* + +*…into EXOTIC products...* +*…pass them through their [international connections](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tl8uow/citadel_is_a_front_for_laundering_criminals_money/)…* +*…and offer them to “Real Money” clients?* + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel is likely acting as an unregulated, backchannel *de facto* Prime Brokerage Investment Bank**!< + +>!They are likely bundling their offerings and services – including price influence – into exotic financial products…!< + +>!…and selling these to clients. Brokers like Charles Schwab and Robinhood. Hedge funds like Melvin and Sequoia. [Running IPOs for companies.](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-citadel-securities-dmms-are-handling-ipos-remotely-2020-5). Likely funneling the business through their [adjacent hedge fund.](https://www.bqprime.com/markets/griffin-s-citadel-beats-multistrategy-rivals-gaining-26-in-2021)!< + +*** + +#4.10 For King + +And you know what’s crazy? + +* In addition to taking the other side of the position – either for hedging or to make a play – +* ...or even going un-hedged altogether (flexibility is a feature of their unaccountability, after all) +* **Citadel can also double down,** taking the same position as their client, +* ...doubling their exposure and **doubling the risk**. + +Now, remember [this image?](https://i.redd.it/idkn9cchpn571.png) How Citadel and Virtu combine for more transactions than the biggest exchanges? + +* And how Citadel alone represents 25% of trades in the market, 35%+ of retail orders, 99% of volume in 3,000 listed options… +* ...and for more and more of that volume, they are taking **one side of the trade**? + +&nbsp; + +>”It’s as if the entire market is concentrating its risk on a single firm.” + +&nbsp; + +#One more thing: + +**Here’s the list of [Systemically Important Financial Institutions.](https://i.redd.it/hb110npz3b691.png)** [sauce is wikipedia] + +* Take a look +* Really. +* Did you notice something? + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel isn’t there**!< + +&nbsp; + +* Citadel, a firm with one of the largest international footprints who can likely unilaterally sway securities prices, **isn’t considered significant enough to regulate.** +* Their positions, capital, and international schemes are nearly completely hidden. +* ***They don’t even need to publicly disclose their quarterly US cash flows because they aren’t publicly traded.*** +* ***They could be exposing the world economy to catastrophic risk, and only a handful of insiders would ever know.*** + +**But since their model is replicable, why not keep on expanding?** + +[again...](https://i.redd.it/on6i2fnu2a591.png) [(sauce)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3vsdt/soo_ummcitadel_securities_is_applying_to_become/) + +and [again?](https://i.redd.it/j2tfcjci72691.png) [(sauce)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/citadel-securities-virtu-form-crypto-plan-with-fidelity-schwab#xj4y7vzkg) + +&nbsp; + +**[WHAT. IN. THE. HIGH. FREQUENCY. FUCK.](https://c.tenor.com/BUQOoWIhoCgAAAAC/get-out-movie-crying.gif)** + +&nbsp; + +*** +*** + +#TL;DR: + +* Citadel Securities’ influence in securities’ markets across the globe is unequaled and likely un-challengeable. +* Data shows that they (ab)use this position to overwhelm regulators with illegal activities, by both speed and volume. These activities further cement Citadel’s profit and market share. +* Citadel also likely exploits the environment of high-tech, weak enforcement, and mutual incentives to fix prices for securities by collaborating with other players in a way that avoids detection… +* …then bundles these price-affecting abilities in with other services to sell across the finance industry, directly or indirectly. +* (“likely” because illegal and other relevant activities are not reported) +* This makes them a *de facto* “Super” Prime Brokerage and Investment Bank. “Super” because they have additional Market Maker powers, but have none of the capital requirements or regulatory oversight required of their competitors (though their asset base is likely much smaller). +* They can exploit this lack of regulation to take on otherwise untouchable clients (sanctioned individuals, money launderers) while also engaging in extremely risky behavior. +* The combination of their powers, activities, and position in the markets, while operating without enough regulation, means Citadel can uniquely create gargantuan, systemically threatening pockets of risk while they perform key functions that underpin the world’s financial systems. +* There is no current way to publicly account for the risks Citadel creates in the world markets, or any ready way to replace their function if they fail. +* They have made themselves a necessity, and therefore, a likely singular point-of-failure for the world economy. + +&nbsp; + +>!***So, did you see it? Did you see the setup?***!< + +#Part 5 is coming... + +Edit: This post isn't meant to make you a doomer, but make you better informed. (If you want to do something about it, [go here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ve8fqh/sec_proposals_are_not_getting_enough_comments/).) And this series follows what Citadel *has done*, not where Citadel is going -- yet. + +Edit 2: updated the SIFI picture. [Here](https://i.redd.it/iz6pn3ewn8691.png) was the previous one, thank you u/Present_Paint_5926 for pointing out + +Edit 3: Took out some of the mean tone in the DDD. There's too much hate in the world already 🤣🤣🤣 +For context, I own a house and drive a 14 year old, paid off car...so the question is more because I’m curious about the logic and the math. + +I regularly see posts where people want to buy a house because they don’t want to “throw money away” on an apartment. Obviously everyone chimes in and explains that it isn’t throwing money away because a need is being met. So, why is it that leasing a car is so frowned upon when it meets the same need as owning a car. I feel like there are a lot of similarities, so I’m curious if there’s some real math I’m not considering that makes leasing a car different than leasing an apartment. +Just posting in case this may help someone else. My son had a procedure last ~~year~~ month and with my high deductible insurance, I owed $3700. While I could have probably paid in full I wanted to work out a payment plan since I know hospitals will work with you interest-free for a year (Edit: people have commented that they will work interest-free for much longer) and it never hurts to have money in the bank in case of emergency. + +I called and spoke to a CS rep for the hospital and simply asked to work out a payment plan. She said I could pay a monthly amount for a year OR pay in full right now and get a 20% discount! I was ready to leap out of my chair but thankfully composed myself and said, while I appreciate that offer is it possible you could do more. She said that is the most she could offer without manager approval. I asked if she would ask her manager. After a minute hold she came back with 30%!!! + +I paid in full and saved $1200. Never hurts to call and ask +Mods can't do it all themselves/don't want to ruin the integrity of this sub that comes from free speech. There has been a bit of this happening recently (incorrect interpretations of SEC filings come to mind) and I don't actually think it's FUD, it's just excited apes. + +Not linguistic advice, I just like the truth. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: u/michalxm suggested maybe a debunked flair? +Alright, its been a truly chaotic fortnight, that is no lie. + +&#x200B; + +**Some big shit went down**, but this isn't about that. + +More will come on that, but if you want to get up to speed then [click here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lhhvuo/killing_pump_and_dumps_targeting_rasx_bets_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + + + +We have seen a huge spike in numbers, mod-mail has gone into over-drive with '*'why was my comment/post deleted*'' Whining, **Auto-mod** has been taking no prisoners and there are bans and bets a plenty....... + +&#x200B; + +New levels of degeneracy have been reached, its all catalogued for you below. + +**Noobs** read these posts carefully, when you say dumb shit we hold you accountable to following through on dumb shit or you don't get to play in the cesspool anymore.... + +&#x200B; + +We have **ALOT** of shit to get through, so dive in and then we can fuck off to enjoy the weekend.... + +&#x200B; + +Also just a friendly reminder: + + **make a bet?** + +**Tag a Mod** + +**Don't tag Auto-Mod though, bitch is cranky......** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**HIGHLIGHTS AND UPDATES** + +&#x200B; + +\- The media jackals have been sniffing around again and have been in contact with the **Mods**. + + We see the chaos everywhere, so **Mods** have made our [OFFICIAL RESPONSE: BOOMER AND AUTIST VERSIONS](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/laj16o/message_from_the_mods_to_media_inquiries_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) public so y'all are up to speed. + +&#x200B; + +\- Our Euro-Trash connection, u/WolfofAnarchy has made a [500K YOLO on IBG](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/labhtf/what_my_week_has_been_like_as_a_european_who/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +After a [comprehensive DD piece](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l77s9s/why_im_all_in_asxibg_ironbark_zinc_is_a_mining/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) posted a while ago, user has back their Autism in for early retirement and free flowing tendies. + +&#x200B; + +\- Purveyor of the finest Beverages, u/SuntoryBeverage has jumped on the big boy **YOLO** train as well, [punting 300K into MEP](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lbera9/alright_i_wrote_my_dd_on_the_stock_now_heres_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +They did however, post up a [DD piece on said YOLO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/kwsun9/minotaur_explorations_mepasx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) prior, another glowing example of putting your money into whatever you gleaned and copy/pasted from Hot crapper. *(jokes..... it was a decent write up)* + +&#x200B; + +\- u/bshezza has drunk the kool-aid, making [made a $350,000 YOLO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lapsox/350000_call_on_tyr_the_user_was_quickly_removed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on **TYR**. + +There is a bet attached here, so more on this below... + +&#x200B; + +\- [u/theoriginaluser01](https://www.reddit.com/user/theoriginaluser01/) has made a big boy [YOLO into RAC](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lahw52/yolo_bet_150k_on_rac_174_85000_shares/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), rounding out the seriously large plays with a ''*bio-tech speccie buy out from big pharma*'' hay-maker. + +[ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lahw52/yolo_bet_150k_on_rac_174_85000_shares/) + +\- u/DareBottle has finally explained their [asx\_bot in detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l9tt46/a_brief_look_at_harnessing_the_power_of_the_crowd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +This is actually a really interesting/in-depth look at our collective Autism from the *'boy and his bot*' and well worth a read. + +&#x200B; + +\- [u/BOTANIXtoTENDOLLA](https://www.reddit.com/user/BOTANIXtoTENDOLLA/) had a truly magnificent episode during their [Meltdown over GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l9p9x1/to_you_gme_cock_smokers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). We have been keeping a tight leash on these posts, but this one was truly a unique rant and demanded to be preserved. + +Caution, reading their post may cause severe haemorrhaging...... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/timbuckley66 has donated [$200 to the Autists supporting Z1P fund](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ldog9r/managed_to_scrape_together_100_bucks_gonna_buy_z1p/gm70n4l?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Enjoy that shiny new flair young Timmy.... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**NEW BETS** + +&#x200B; + +\- u/24caratcommodes made a bet with the **mods** that **BBUS** would open at [$1.70 or higher](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l97t8s/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/gljilqe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) after the great **Red Monday** Open. + +Credit to this user for developing a bear thesis that they posted up on Big Daddy sub (got deleted), but the theory was blown apart by a nice shrek-coloured dildo the next morning courtesy of the split personality exchange we all know and love. + +Perhaps they should have invested in **DLC** instead.... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/sweatygooche has made a bet with the **mods**, claiming that the indefinitely stalled **NVA** rocket will take off too [20c by the end of February](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ldog9r/managed_to_scrape_together_100_bucks_gonna_buy_z1p/gm7yppz?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) or its ban time. + +Maybe this is the spark needed to ignite said stalled rocket, or maybe the mighty Tom will look unfavorably upon the lack of, ahem, tribute...... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/limputg has gotten on board with the body hair bets, stating that [4DS trades at 30c by the end of feb or they will submit a film of eating their own pubes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l9umhw/which_stocks_are_you_long_on_fk_off_with_ur_penny/glkcbwx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +It baffles **Mods** as to why this phenomenon has caught on here, but hey if it keeps us entertained then go crazy..... + +&#x200B; + +\- Not to be outdone in the consumption of bodily refuse, u/jamesnangs has upped to ante and has gone on the record that **JAT** will touch 2.5c by the end of Monday 8th or they will [eat their own shit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ld2lta/listen_here_spacemen_jat_is_going_to_mars_get_in/gm3f06w?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +We don't know why, we just know that is their wish. + +And the market provided opportunity for you to act out your pervy scat fetish, yet you were nowhere to be found.... + +Folks, can you guess what comes Next????????? + +&#x200B; + +\- u/tuzymandias got in on the act as well, promising that if [Z1P hit $10 on Monday they would swallow a sweet load.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lcvvhr/did_someone_say_z1p_10_by_monday/gm2a7eb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Well......... here is the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lf94gp/alright_you_sick_fucks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +I still feel dirty.... + +&#x200B; + +\- Sub veteran and owner of the r/ASX_Bets most coveted flair, u/kooksy_monster has made a pact to memorialize their **AVA** diamond hands by getting some [Ink when AVA hits $1.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ld2i7n/weekend_thread_for_general_discussion_and_plans/gm483k4?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +We will not need to follow our favorite dole bludger up on this claim, **mods** know they are an autist with a code and shall post up if the mark is hit. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/bshezza was freed from ban captivity after they [made a $350,000 YOLO](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lapsox/350000_call_on_tyr_the_user_was_quickly_removed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on **TYR**. + +There is a bet attached, u/oxymoreme has bet against the shezz, claiming that for [every 1% up till the end of FEB they will take a 1 week ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lapsox/350000_call_on_tyr_the_user_was_quickly_removed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +We enjoy an accumulative ban, its like compound interest, Scotty would be so proud..... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/luner124 made the commitment to order [custom ASXBETS number plates](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/laqoq4/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/glpx5d6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if **LKE** finished green on **Wed Feb 5th**. + +Let the record show that whilst [questionable bodily fluid](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/kwvrxf/my_new_hero/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) tributes seem to make green candles, custom number plates seems to be the recipe for red ones, as **LKE** continued on its merry way down that day.... + +You'll have to pimp your ride with some alternative bling........... + +&#x200B; + +\- [u/Evilshogun](https://www.reddit.com/u/Evilshogun/) and [u/xxt3nt4c10n](https://www.reddit.com/u/xxt3nt4c10n/) have a bet running on **LKE**. + +One users likes the **LKE**, the other no likely the **LKE**, someone is [getting a ban if it misses or hits the 40c mark](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lbiqos/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/gm3nmj7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by Friday **12th**, that's all we really need to keep in our short attention span. + +&#x200B; + +\- As far as we can tell, u/1stPostISwear has missed the 1st post on their [convoluted double bet with BRN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/k8t4t8/brn_25_cents_by_early_feb_or_35_cents_still_by/giivloc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +This was a fucked up scenario for **Mods** to follow, but u/jbent has provided you all with a [little video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lf6100/goodbyeee_gooodbyeeee_goood_friend_goood_bye_see/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) containing just the right amount of spite to try and send their fellow conspirator packing...... + +**BUT WAIT!!!** + +u/jbent09 is in mourning this weekend. + +The scintillating, raw, oddly sexually charged chemistry between these 2 degenerates has been strangely compelling, but u/1stPostISwear has pulled the ultimate ghosting, deleting their entire reddit account and vacating the reddit universe. + +Was this a jilted love story gone wrong? + +Was it knowing they had fucked up with the bet? + +was it the pressure of becoming another [failed Prophet?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lfun56/f/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +All we know is that when you leave the table before the end of the game, you lose it all. + +So u/1stPostISwear will be receiving a **Perma-Ban**, albeit a theoretical one... + +&#x200B; + +Love, it appears, is fickle indeed. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/nomadnobad has jumped on the **LKE** train, with [a $1 by Easter or Ban bet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/legmkg/my_fellow_lketards_welcome_to_the_game_of_hands/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Train is currently boarding, a few have purchased tickets to feast on tendies or bust in the dining car. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/phishbaron and u/nundee have a [bet running on RNT](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lb7n03/my_dd_on_why_i_chucked_10k_into_rentcomau_rnt/glt8om9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The loser of this bet has agreed to donate $1K to charity and post proof on the sub. + +There will be no banning here, unless there is a failure to come through then there will be a fucking lot of banning. Seriously though, this reminds me of the [Salty Toppings Fight card charity bets](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/izidkw/salty_toppings_the_aftermath/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) we ran a few months ago, hats off lads for doing the good thing.... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**BANS** + +&#x200B; + +\- u/itsdankreddit has finally lost a [ban bet on DW8](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/kq4909/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/gi4mnm5?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). For the record, this use has won every bet up until now so whilst its an impressive ride for the cycling trader, it had to close out sometime. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/markz91 has been banned for **6 months** after a [coward gains post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l5zg4x/coward_gains_today_boys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) drew the ire of some of our more attentive users. + +Baby Mod u/mcfucking asked for further proof of the claim and the user has been conspicuously absent since then.... + +We take our gains seriously people, make a claim and don't back it up at your peril...... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Beavoir was banned for **1 month** after [calling out the hairy bear](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l97t8s/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/glgpcen?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), only to find the bear had out-stonked them and gone temporarily bull. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/DareBottle comes in with their second mention in the post, but this one is for a ban after [PEN failed to reach 20c.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l9y3f6/daily_thread_for_general_trading_and_plans_for/glp1fie?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) enjoy the **month off**, that bot better be predicting tendies for all upon your return. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/MS_Travels has been banned for failing to come good on a [proof or ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/labhtf/what_my_week_has_been_like_as_a_european_who/glpeb9s?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +Flog. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/drag0nb0at, u/ASXrockets69420, u/bruinjack, u/snitchles007, were all banned for **3 months** after various '*can* r/ASX_Bets *organise a short squeeze*' posts. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/ssayrus has received a **Perma-Ban** for continually spamming Auto Mod with MYR pump posts and comments. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Trader786 has also received a **Perma-Ban** for the same offence + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Dependent_Will_5798 has been banned for shilling a silver pump website repeatedly. I mean seriously........... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/redlegs1123 has been **banished** for 3 months after [betting that GME would close below 50](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l8zt00/can_we_get_all_the_usa_gme_crap_confined_to_one/glg7imw?context=4 another one for the ban post lmao he was so close) the week after the rally. At least he doesn't have to read posts from retards anymore. + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Maj11k has been banned for 3 months for an attempted short squeeze call to arms. + +User seriously needs to learn what the % actually means on shorts......... + +&#x200B; + +\- u/Xsouleater and u/jarfour offered themselves as sacrifices to the **random ban length act** for survey posts, earning a **64** day and a **128** day holiday respectively. + +However, we really needed to flag a **special shout out** to u/NezyReddit, whose first post on the sub earnt them a [1024 day ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ldsy4v/perhaps/gm7pljd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in accordance with the survey post exponential ban length program. + +**Mods** thought that was epic, but then [u/ItsSpyroTheBandicoot](https://www.reddit.com/user/ItsSpyroTheBandicoot/) rolled the dice and levelled up to a [2048 day ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lebjej/i_spose_that_depends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +But, if you really want to indulge in this frenzy go and pay your [respects here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lhjga0/yes_a_major_effect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), this user is currently serving a **8192** day ban... + +&#x200B; + +Exponential ban gains for the **mods** every-time someone rolls the dice, and u/phantom_hax0r loves them dice rollin games... + +&#x200B; + +calls on bans people!!! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** Πρώτα για να αποκωδικοποιήσετε το πολύ μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα που δεν διαβάζει παίρνει μια λαμπερή νέα αίσθηση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι πληκτρολογείτε πρώτα στο σχόλιό σας +So I want to buy a house in a year. I recently got a pay bump this year, and I can save 1,500 a month after all bills and miscellaneous/“fun” expenses are taken care of. Should I put this money into the stock market to make it grow (save in Robinhood?), so I can have a larger down payment? Should I save it all for guaranteed 18k? Or should I do anything else? Any suggestions will help a lot! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + + +Reddit won't let me link the ftp, but if you navigate to the short sale restriction xls file over [here](https://www.nyse.com/markets/nyse-arca/notices) and search GME, apparently that comes into effect tomorrow? So maybe we won't see such wild swings of short ladder attacks happening. + +The big question is... What happens when the short sales get restricted? Are they still able to do these short ladder attacks? +**About Kuvera**: + +Kuvera is the world’s first completely Free Financial Planning and Investing platform. That’s right – no hidden commissions, no AUM linked or monthly subscription fees. + +**About Gaurav Rastogi**: + +*From the Kuvera site:* + +>Gaurav is our Chief Evangelist. As a Portfolio Manager with Morgan Stanley, Gaurav saw first hand how the wealth management industry is focused solely on the super rich. He started Kuvera to change that and is on a mission to make the latest investment tools available to everyone. He also enjoys quoting dialogues from movies and playing soccer. + +Prepare your queries related to mutual funds, market crashes, pandemics and what to do and what not to do. We'll keep this AMA very topical. + +The AMA is scheduled for **27th March, 2020 @ 12 PM IST** + +If you are unavailable on the 27th and would like to have your questions answered, leave them here or PM the mods, and we'll try and have them answered by Gaurav. You can also post your questions now, to give Gaurav time to prepare their responses (answers would be in the AMA thread). + +Wondering how Gaurav answers queries in the AMA? [Here's the previous AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/8iud4n/ama_on_kuvera_mfs_investing_gaurav_neelabh/) by Gaurav and Neelabh. +First the big 4 banks were all down simultaneously a week or two back, then over the weekend BankSA customers couldn’t use eftpos terminals, now today CBA users can’t access their funds at all. This is madness! +I completely missed this and haven't seen it posted here yet so here yall go. + +Report (April 2021):[https://s21.q4cdn.com/421822989/files/doc\_financials/2021/Press-Release-Realty-Income-To-Merge-With-VEREIT-In-All-Stock-Transaction-4.29.21.pdf](https://s21.q4cdn.com/421822989/files/doc_financials/2021/Press-Release-Realty-Income-To-Merge-With-VEREIT-In-All-Stock-Transaction-4.29.21.pdf) + +TLDR: + +* O will buy VER in an "all-stock transaction" and create a spinoff (This will have ALL their office space) called "Spinco". VER shareholders will receive 0.705 a share of O. +* Shareholders of O will have 70% of the new company (basically every 2 shares gives you 1 Spinco (new company's name)) while VER will get 30% (So almost every 4 shares) +* **The new company will hold ALL of VER and O's office spaces and, it's a REIT!** So it legally needs to pay 90% of its income as dividends (meaning we got another company that pays dividends (I'm assuming monthly)). + +Key Takeaways: + + " Realty Income Corporation (NYSE: O) (“Realty Income”), The Monthly Dividend Company®, and VEREIT, Inc. (NYSE: VER) (“VEREIT”) today announced that the two companies have entered into a definitive merger agreement by which Realty Income will acquire VEREIT in an all-stock transaction, creating a combined company with an enterprise value of approximately $50 billion " + + " VEREIT shareholders will receive 0.705 shares of Realty Income stock for every share of VEREIT stock they own " + + " Dividend stability. Realty Income is one of only three REITs in the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats Index® for + having increased its dividend every year for the last 25 consecutive years and the improved diversification + effectuated through the merger is expected to further enhance the durability of Realty Income’s dividend + coverage. VEREIT’s shareholders are expected to experience an immediate increase in the dividend upon + closing of the merger. Dividend payments for both companies are expected to remain uninterrupted through the + close of this transaction." + +About the Spin-Off (Spinco): + + Immediately following the closing, the companies expect to effectuate a taxable spin-off of substantially all of the office + properties of both companies into a new, self-managed, publicly traded REIT (“SpinCo”). Following the merger and the + spin-off, Realty Income will continue as the surviving public entity. Realty Income and former VEREIT shareholders are + expected to own approximately 70% and 30%, respectively, of both Realty Income and SpinCo. +For the past month I've been getting absolutely crushed little by little each day it seems like in every sector. I feel like I have a pretty well diversified portfolio. I'm not really heavy on any one particular stock out of the ones below, so I'm not even sure where the majority of the losses are coming from. I'm still green on most everything but I've given back a lot of gains, these definitely aren't all my investments but a majority of the bigger positions. +Tech/Growth: AAPL, GOOG, PLTR, TSLA, AMZN, AMD, UBER, BABA, JD etc. \~35% +Travel/Rebound (cyclical): UAL, AAL, OXY, MGM, MAR, NCLH, TRIP, ABNB \~30% +Financials: WFC, BCS, JPM, BAC\~10% +Retail stocks for stimulus check play: UAA, NKE, M, LULU, etc. \~10% +Other positions making up less than 15% + + +Somehow I've lost about 20% of my portfolio with these names in the last month, it doesn't feel like it but every day it goes down 1 or 2% and that starts to add up. I know I know, in 5 years who cares but I just wanted to know if other people seem to be in the same boat. I haven't seen the main indexes see that kind of loss so I'm not getting where it seems to be coming from. Even today when all looked great in the morning now somehow I'm deep red again (another 2%) despite indexes being mostly stable. +My wife and I are now WFH since covid-19 and we have our young kids (5/10) home with us all day. We seem to have so much free time, house is immaculate, lots of unfinished projects done. Console games are being finished and lots of reading. But we are self isolating, so not seeing any friends, or going out to lunch. I guess I am getting a taste of early retirement but I am just not sure how I feel about it. I do realize I am spending next to nothing, and since my house is paid off, my bills are minimal. Looking for perspective from others. +For example when a company announces a succesfull quarter the price usually goes up, why is that? I understand that people buy the stock which causes the price to go up but why do they buy it as a result of the companies good querter? Why does it matter to a shareholder how much money the company makes? It cant be just because of dividend since not every company does it. I know this was a bit all over the place but realy my question is why does the company's profit affect the price of a share, why is there a connection? +Hi there, as it states in the title, I am just starting out, but no matter what I do, I am always on the wrong side of a trade, I have been studying TA for about 2 years on and off, and realised that without putting any skin in the game I won't get a chance to work on my emotional reaction, so I'm now doing trades, but they are tiny, my thinking being that keeping my trades tiny, I get more chances before blowing out my account. and so far that seems like my only option, I basically have about another 300 chances before I'm out. But basically out of the 20 trades I've done to date, only two of them have won and only because I saw green and being sick of seeing red, I closed them taking the $2 profit before it quickly turned into a $10 loss like many of the others. That's really bad odds I'd argue, seems like I'd be better off using a coin to decide to short or long currently. + +Is this typical of starting out, or is that exceptionally bad and I should give up? +It’s a small amount but I wanted some input since I’m a young/new investor. Which individual stocks are in decline right now due to the pandemic/recession but will go back up in a few years or 10? I was thinking car companies? +Greetings apes, + +I am working on my next DD currently. This one is going to be VERY data-focused (sadly this means it will take longer than usual). Many of you beautiful creatures have messaged me in the past saying that you are data scientists, coders, etc., and have offered to code things for me. Because of the sheer amount of messages that I've received and responded to, I literally cannot locate your messages (trust me I've tried for like the past 30 minutes). So if you are a data scientist, coder, etc., and would be willing to code something for me, please message me (even if you aren't one of the people who messaged me before)! Thanks, apes, hopefully, I'll be reporting back soon. +*GME hits $1000 in a day* + +"OH SHIT MOASS TIME??? Fuck yeah!!!! I am so ready to be rich" + + +*GME hits $10,000* + +"Hoooooollyy fuck, with my shares that is my years worth salary!!!! I could take that right now and be on vacation!!... No, no, I can't do that I need to hold for my fellow apes....To the Moon baby!!!" + + +*GME hits $100,000* + +"😨😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤‼️‼️‼️🍆💦‼️‼️💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕😨😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤‼️‼️‼️🍆💦‼️‼️💎🙌🏼🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕" + + +*GME drops to $70,000* + +"Oh fuck, oh fuck, it's going down ... wait, the apes told me this would happen! Hold strong!" + + +*GME drops again to $50,000* + +"Uhhh this is getting low, when moon??? Is this thing really going to 10mil?" + + +*GME goes up to $150,000* + +"YESSS LETS GO BABY MOON SOOOON" + + +*GME drops to $125,000* + +"Uhh..." + + +*GME jumps up to $200,000* + +"MOOOOOMMMM GET THE CAMERA AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" + + +*GME drops to $110,000* + +"..." + + +*GME jumps to $190,000* + +*panicking now* "Shit shit shit is this really happening, I don't know, fuck what do I do, is it going to go down again, I don't know, Shit reddit is down, what do I do!!!" + + +*GME drops to $150,000* + +"😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰" + + +*GME jumps to $250,000* + +Now you are sweating and you haven't ate right in days. Your stomach hurts and your dizzy from the stress. + +"... Fuck... fuck, what do I do... It's going to drop again, it has to. Will this really moon??? Do I really believe in the MOASS? Shit, I don't know... Maybe I should sell some shares now so when it drops I can buy more... No, I can't, my fellow apes need me!" + + +*GME drops to $175,000* + +"Fuck this I'm selling, I'm not losing this chance for years salary there is no way it can go up to 10mil" + + +*GME skyrockets to $500,000* + +"Fuck" + + +*$1,000,000* + +"FUCK" + + +*$10,000,000* + +"FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!" + + + +No tendies for you. + + + +**TL'DR** : Trust the DD. But also remember that you are a retarded Earth ape that is largely moved by emotions rather then logic. You will feel ALL SORTS of feelings when the rocket is taking off. Do not be fooled by dips. Do not be fooled by your own mind. Do not be fooled by the absolute avalanche of FUD that will hit us right as the MOASS begins. Always remember no matter what, when it gets as high as any of these numbers... we win. +EFT started it’s journey with a team of individuals that all came together in early 2021. The ETH Fan Token is a community-driven project and an independent tech audit that uses innovative tokenomics and smart contracts. This token gives users an option to generate dividends with its smart contracts in the Ethereum network. + +Users can lock their liquidity for 5-years alongside other team tokens that are undergoing a 180-days or more lock-in period. Also, buyers are taxed at 10% while sellers are taxed 14% tax for their transactions. + +EFT has voting powers to express their views during decision making. EFT’s smart contract also has anti-bot features and takes preventive measures against the sniper-bots. + +**Key factors :** + +Dividend 4-5 % + +Marketing 3-4% + +Liquidity 1-2% + +Community Development – 2-3 % + +What Makes The ETH Fan Platform Different? + +**These are the key drivers that makes us different:** + +👉 Safe + +👉 Social + +👉 Reliable + +👉 Transparent and Fun. + +**Our features :** + +• Fully Audited & Tested + +• Weekly MoonShot Actions + +• Multi Blockchain + +• Anti Bot + +• Strong Loyal Community + +• Contract Renouncement + +• 24/7 customer service + +What more do we want to do. + +We have plans of extensive marketing and regular promotions. + +With our tested tokenomics, our complete branding and with the features and goal we have in addition with the support from you all , we can reach the skies and more! + +🌐 Website: [https://ethfan.club/](https://ethfan.club/) + +📱 Telegram: [https://t.me/ethfanclub\_global](https://t.me/ethfanclub_global) + +🕊 Twitter: [https://twitter.com/ETHFanToken](https://twitter.com/ETHFanToken) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +A tried and true method of acquiring wealth is simply to marry someone who is already wealthy. Discussions here frequently circle around the opposite side, dealing with pre-nups and other things. + +I think this is possible for both men and women, despite the common stereotypes of gold diggers. Marrying someone with rich parents also counts if eventually they'll get the inheritance. + +It's a tempting idea to think about that you can in theory get more money in one second by saying "yes I do" than an entire lifetime of work. + +I know this sounds like a callous way to frame something so sensitive, but it seems like a valid path to fatFIRE that not many people talk about. +I have been actively looking for a duplex for the past 6 months now and with the market being so crazy, it’s very hard to win any offers I put down. + +My plan is to buy a duplex and live in one side while rent the other out to pay for most of my mortgage. I would really like to build some equity up and hopefully own multiple units one day. To a point where I’m cash flowing. I currently still live at home at the age of 25 and have been educating myself on the whole real estate investing. But with all the tenant laws due to covid I keep asking myself if I’m better off just with a single family ? I’d like to live in this duplex for atleast 3-5 years and help leverage myself for a SFH when the time comes. But a lot of what’s on the market is going way over the asking price. Any words of advice during this crazy time with covid laws and the market extremely hot for sellers? +Editing to put this up here: \*please\* PM for more specific information than is included in the post. With the nature of Reddit being a wonderful but weird place I'd prefer at the very least to have certain things kept off of a public post. Thanks for understanding :) + +\--------------------------- + +Hi everyone, I’m a relatively recent first time home buyer (November 2020) in the US who got bit by the real estate bug and just closed on a house in Italy (north of Torino) a little over a week ago. From what I’ve gathered there are plenty of people interested in doing this but not as many confirmed closings so hoping this will help some folks out there who are interested in taking the plunge. + +Numbers will be at the bottom of this post. + +Background: I’m single, not made of money but with a decent income, and I got an amazing deal on a condo in the bottom of the pandemic market. I’ve always wanted to have a first home and then one second home/investment property somewhere. Initially I was thinking in New Orleans because I have a lot of family there, but as we all know the market is crazy- and besides that it’s really not that easy to come up with the money for a second property. + +Simultaneous with this consideration, I had been hearing for the last couple of years about the €1 houses being sold in several towns in Italy (France and Spain too I think) with the obligation to fix it up in a set amount of time. I had decided to take out a HELOC to finish renovations on my place (I bought it well below what market value had been just before the pandemic and sales had gone way back up again, so I decided to tap into the equity) so I began to also consider renovating one of these properties. + +Now, the renovation on my place in the US started a year ago now, so I was also wary of trying to oversee a major rehabilitation across an ocean while I’d only be able to be there part time. So additionally I started to look at habitable fixer uppers that were a bit more expensive but didn’t need quite as drastic of a project (or have the time constraint to rehabilitate). After looking at listings in various places in the country, I realized that I could actually buy a place in good condition for less than €100k. So I narrowed down my search area and started looking in earnest. + +The purchase process: I decided first and foremost that I needed to have legal representation in Italy. I interviewed several firms who specialize in assisting foreign buyers with the process. They all offered comprehensive services but I ended up going with one specific to Italy that also has a US office (the others did several EU countries). I also did my research and reached out to confirmed clients to pick their brains about the services they received. It’s a leap of faith to pay someone you’ve only ever met on zoom a retainer, but I also found the attorneys’ legal registration in the Italian database, so everything seemed kosher (if it didn’t work out I’d be out the €2500 deposit). + +I had a legal assistant functioning as my case manager/buyer’s agent and we did the typical meet and greet/assess what my wish list was. Despite the internet saying that foreigners can get Italian mortgages, they advised me that in practice this is very difficult to do. So I set a hard upper price limit of €90k cash for everything related to the purchase (sale price, legal fees, closing costs including taxes, wire fees, etc etc etc). She had offered to search for properties for me and come up with a list (this is what they typically do) but I had already narrowed my list to three (really it was two that I was deciding between) properties. + +So we scheduled some virtual visits for these properties. For me it was between one house that had an amazing veranda/view and another house that didn't but was in my ideal location (just on the border of Piemonte/Valle d'Aosta). I had my realtor/good friend join me on these calls just for an extra set of eyes. Once we got halfway through the visit of the latter house I knew it was the one I wanted to buy (what can I say, when I make my mind up I make my mind up!). + +Side note on visits/general agency structure: in Italy, aside from with foreigners, it is not typical to have a buyer and seller agent, but to have one agent for the property. Both sides pay that agent their commission, and it is typically a fixed rate, not a percentage of purchase price. There is also VAT on just about everything (including the commission). In my case though, the law firm acts as a buyer's agent in every way that we in the US/Canada would consider them. + +So once we got off that call (I stayed cool while the listing agent was on so I didn't show all of my cards) I told my law firm person that I knew that this was the house I wanted- as long as I could visit it and it passed inspection. Another note: the real estate market in Italy, especially outside of major cities, is not at all like it is in the US. It is entirely normal for a property to be sitting on the market for months or even years, especially in covid times, and it is generally expected that the list price will be negotiated down. + +So I had a flight scheduled to Italy for about ten days later, and in the meantime had my law firm draft a formal offer and set up a surveyor visit (this is essentially like an inspector- though not as comprehensive. they are licensed by the locality and are focused on the habitability and structure of the property). I knew this would essentially be an "as is" purchase, as most are in Italy. While drafting the formal offer she also had a conversation with the listing agent to feel them out. Right off the bat he agreed to reduce his commission from 4k to 3k, and indicated that the price was negotiable. + +So I advised them to draft an offer contingent on a successful surveyor's visit that I would attend (so I could see the property/town). In the drafting process they also conducted an attorney review period/research on the property, which included pulling municipal documents/certifications on the property, They found that it did not have a certificate of habitability at all. This was because the property was originally a ruin (built in the late 1700s) and gut rehabbed by the seller (who inherited the property) but there were a couple of things they never finished. So everything was permitted but the final certification had not been carried out. + +Luckily as soon as they were alerted to this (even before receiving my offer) the seller agreed to resolve all discrepancies at their expense. They knew I was a serious buyer because I offered a deposit about 5x the normal amount, and as the house had been listed for a while (I found a google earth snap from 2017 with the for sale sign up!) they wanted to move on it. So they even paid for the surveyor's visit. + +So fast forward a couple of weeks later, I attended the surveyor's visit and everything checked out (and I still ADORED the house/location/everything). We had not formally submitted the offer yet as they were still doing research, but it was formally completed and translated by my lawyer within two days. The listing agent (who I had met and told him what I would accept as a final price) met with the sellers and we agreed upon a price. So we were under contract! Woohoo! + +Ok, next. I transferred my deposit to the seller's bank account and we finalized the purchase agreement. It had extensive contingencies that I would be allowed out of the contract if anything involving the certification/legality of the property were to not pass. This was around February 10th, and the surveyor indicated that he thought we could get all the paperwork done by the end of the month. Unfortunately (not surprising) it wasn't until mid march that that was completed, so we scheduled the closing for April 8th. + +I had already signed over power of attorney (which involved notarizing the document in the US and getting it apostille'd) so that the law firm could close on my behalf, but as luck would have it I had a gap of a few weeks in April without much going on so I planned a trip here just before closing so I could attend. + +Once we got all of the certification documents back I was given all of my final numbers and sent a butt load of cash to various accounts in Italy :) note: Wise (formerly TransferWise) is THE best and cheapest way to do international transfers. I also began researching homeowners insurance (which apparently is not common in Italy, but I'm too risk averse not to carry it) and got in touch with an English speaking broker. I got a policy with Generali (one of the biggest insurers in Italy) which covered all of the usual things for €330/year. I also, in the meantime, got my internet account opened and the listing agent assisted me extensively with getting everything set up. + +I flew over and arrived in the region the day before closing, and the listing agent had gotten the sellers to agree to me taking the keys that day. So bonus, I slept in the house that night. + +Closing: closing is conducted by a notary in Italy, who is similar to a lawyer and certifies the legal complaince of the contracts/deed transfers/etc. This is different from the American concept of a notary. This functioned similarly to a title agency, in which I sent the bulk of the purchase price to the Notary's account for security in case something went wrong with the closing. Then basically we (myself and the law firm assistant/my power of attorney) went to the notary's office along with the sellers and the listing agent. The notary read out the contract (similar to the reading of a will), asked if we had any objections, and then went out of the room to sign off on things and produce my certification of deed transfer (I will get the actual deed itself in a few weeks). And then- boom- I'm an Italian homeowner! + +The sellers were absolutely lovely and have been immensely helpful in making sure everything is ok with the house- for example, the hot water wasn't working when I first got here so they came over the following morning and got it to work. We will be transferring the water/electric bills this coming week. + +Note to everyone: Google translate is an absolute godsend. + +Some stats: + +The house: listed for €75k, purchase price was €65k. house is 160msquared, 3bed/2bath. The entire inside of the house is new, along with the roof/foundation/systems/etc. If you picture a tiny little alpine village with cobblestone streets, that's what my town is like. The house still needs some finishing touches, including a kitchen faucet, bathroom sinks, interior doors, and a stair railing. I'm meeting with a contractor this week to get all of this done. + +Listing agent commission: €3k plus VAT (20% I think) + +Law firm fees: €5500 plus €450 for the representative to travel to the closing. This was worth. every. penny. And included everything pre purchase that you can think of. They also offer post closing services for things like utilities, taxes, setting up internet, etc, but I've managed to figure out most of that on my own and with the assistance of the listing agent. I will eventually be getting a property manager (will figure that out at a later date) to oversee the property when I'm not here. My plan is to spend half fish time here and rent it out very occasionally during the other months. + +Notary's fees: included payment to the actual notary (plus VAT) as well as transfer taxes: €4900 + +I'm sure there are helpful things I'm forgetting, so please feel free to ask away! Please PM me if you'd like contact info for the people I worked with. + +Hopefully this very long post has been informative! Have a great week, y'all. + + +Domestic Economic growth continues to be soft, 1.4% annualised, sub trend but met market expectations. + +Cash rate left unchanged at 1%. Expected cut in October. + +Inflation 1.6%, still below the target band of 2-3%. Despite import inflation from weaker AUD. + +Retail sales declined -0.1% for the month, a result of prolonged weak real wages growth of 0.7% (Wages growth 2.3% - inflation 1.6%). + +Current account achieved a surplus of $5.8 Billion, first time in 45 years, a result of higher iron ore prices, improving terms of trade and weaker demand for imports, a sign of weaker domestic demand. + +Unemployment steady at 5.2%, RBA expects NAIRU \~4.5%, indicating some spare capacity in labour market. + +Expected 25 basis point cut from the fed next week. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +If you guys find this useful, leave an upvote to indicate if you want this regular commentary continued for coming months. +Bear market yada yada yada. If you're down multiple digits this year, like I imagine a lot of us are, I just want to remind everybody + +You would be doing worse with buy-and-hold. + +Even if you had your entire portfolio wheeling Netflix... You're still doing better than the people that were holding Netflix out right... + +A few days ago YeetToken introduced our use case, YeetPixels. The team has been astounded by the positive feedback from the community and even publicists have reached out to us to learn more. I want to preface by saying that YeetPixels is a long-term community project. The YeetToken staff believes in launching high quality use cases that serve our community. Many tokens claim to have a strong community. But finding fresh, unique ways to engage that community is where YeetToken excels. + +Over 90% of the content and ideas for YeetToken’s brand and message come from the community. We have artists, musicians, podcast hosts, streamers, among many other creatives. + +# What is YeetPixels? + +YeetPixels is our first community project and one that has reach beyond the cryptocurrency market. In 2017, Reddit developed a social experiment by introducing /r/place, a subreddit where users could change one pixel of a 16 million-pixel canvas followed by a lockout period. Our use case for YeetPixels (and first use case for YeetToken) expands this initial experiment by developing communities around the canvas. The canvas is expected to be similar to a social game that will be "played" while people interact in various community-created chat rooms. Those chat rooms provide a platform where users can plan and create "meta" projects within the canvas such as drawing a pixel image of the latest meme or making as much area on the canvas as possible a specific color. + +We envision this project being a new space for community engagement and freedom of expression. The chat rooms encourage interaction and collaboration among users. We are playing to introduce a snapshots mechanic that YeetPixels owners can utilize to capture the entire canvas to save personally or share among others. We plan to showcase user submissions and each month host a community vote such that the winner of the vote's snapshot becomes a digital NFT that can be used to continue to fund operations. A secondary market for resale of YeetPixels among members is also planned. + +Read more about our use case: [YeetPixels White Paper](https://pdfhost.io/v/fngyMfWlu_YeetPixels_White_Paperpdf.pdf) + +# Join the Community + +We have an active Telegram community of nearly 6,000 members and over 16,000 holders. In the next few days, we plan to meet with representatives from large exchanges in the European and Asian markets to not only get listed worldwide, but to promote YeetToken and YeetPixels globally. This is your chance to be on the ground floor as we shoot for the heavens. + +Join us on Telegram: [YeetToken Telegram Group](https://t.me/YeetTokenOfficial) + +Visit our Website: [YeetToken Official Website](https://www.yeettoken.io) + +Become a Yeeter (Contract ID): 0x7060d3f1cc70a07f4768560b9d9b692ac29244de + +Buy now at PancakeSwap v2: [Direct Buy Link](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x7060d3f1cc70a07f4768560b9d9b692ac29244de) +I developed a couple of spreadsheets that can help you plan your budget. The first is a planning document that helps you set a monthly budget -it's available either as a download that works with excel or google sheets or, if you prefer, I've embedded into a [webpage](https://thebusinesscougar.com/online-budget-planning-tool/). Information on how to use this in [this article](https://thebusinesscougar.com/free-downloadable-budget-planning-tool/) on my website. + +The second is a detailed cashflow tool which can help you track where you're spending all your money or help you forecast when your bills are due. It's a little more complicated than the first tool so there is also a corresponding [article](https://thebusinesscougar.com/free-downloadable-personal-cashflow-tool/) on how to use that on my website as well. This also can be used with excel or google sheets. +I often read on here it is bad to buy an apartment due to the lack of captial growth. But as a single person, is it really that bad to buy an apartment in the inner city to live in? +I always hear people reference these gov jobs that are boring, cruisy and pay 90k a year. +What kind of jobs are they? How do you find/ apply for them? + +Are specific training required for most? +For example what kind of government job could a public practise accountant get? + +Edit: VIC based preferably +My point literally being proven here: *last comment was deleted + +https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/ril6y7/unpopular_opinion_the_wheel_and_selling_premium/hoza0v9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 +**\*Obligatory** – I am not a financial advisor and I do not provide financial advice. Nothing contained within this post should be construed as financial advice. These are my conclusions from my own research with my own damaged brain. All investors need to do their own due diligence. Don't follow along blindly. Question everything, including my work. + +**TL;DR** + +I manually reviewed nearly every NPORT-P filing for this year containing GME shares. NPORT-P's are quarterly holdings reports for mutual funds and ETFs (funds). Using data within the filings I was able to estimate GME shares being lent out by these funds. The data will also show GME Swaps, Total Return Swaps, and short positions of these funds. + +The funds lending out their GME shares are exposing themselves and their investors to securities lending counterparty risks during MOASS. Securities lending is complex and exposes multiple parties to [risks.](https://deloitte.wsj.com/articles/securities-lending-a-focus-on-two-risk-areas-1495080131#:~:text=Lending%20agents%2C%20on%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20are%20broker-dealers%2C,risk%2C%20liquidity%20risk%2C%20operational%20risk%20and%20legal%20risk) + +*Funds that engage in securities lending typically lend their portfolio securities to broker-dealers which, in turn, generally* ***relend*** *the securities to hedge funds and other market participants looking to implement various investment strategies* **(short sell)**. [SEC](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/securities-lending-open-closed-end-investment-companies.htm) + +Updated comment: This is not naked short selling right off the bat. Broker dealers are lending something they do not own to begin with. + +**Main Data Points:** + +* Reviewed **213 NPORT-P filings** for funds holding GME shares (for holdings dates of 11/30/21 - 1/31/22). 2 files were too large for my computer to open and I omitted funds with less than 100 shares (which was about 10 funds, I thought it would be more) +* **138** funds lent some of their GME shares +* **70** funds lent out more than **90%** of their shares +* Total estimated shares on loan for ALL funds equals **5.72M** (This does not equal short interest, merely the amount of securities on loan by these funds) +* **Largest 32** funds by "estimated shares on loan" account for **5.09M** of the total **5.72M** **(88.8%)** +* Estimated **47.8%** of ALL GME shares were on loan (including funds that are not lending GME) +* **8** funds holding GME "swaps"/"Total Return Basket Swaps" +* **8** funds short on GME +* **1** fund with put options + +Here's the search: [NPORT-P 'GameStop' Filings](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=%2522gamestop%2522&dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2022-01-01&enddt=2022-03-25&forms=NPORT-P) + +**end tl;dr** + +I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tj8fvc/my_broker_trust_issues_drs_is_the_way_some/) about Fidelity's funds' lending a bunch of GME shares about a week ago. I encourage you to read that post as it also lists more of the specific securities borrowers of those funds (big banks primarily). This post will not cover much of that information even though its an important piece of the puzzle. It just got to be too big of an undertaking. + +Anyways, here is the information I used to calculate the estimated shares on loan by these funds: + +[ Name of the Mutual Fund from the Filing](https://preview.redd.it/gpfsazdormp81.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=221fcce9aaae4c6623db8d56bb7730ca465be598) + +[ GME investment by the Fund ](https://preview.redd.it/u4l7kklrrmp81.png?width=703&format=png&auto=webp&s=49365dc8d7471a83b22083dc8612d7f76511f67f) + +[ Number of shares owned by the fund and value of the shares \($63M\)](https://preview.redd.it/h1d0phebump81.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=a174a9f9f676b4f9af70fbab8c1e433f9aa86e37) + +[value of securities on loan \($61M\)](https://preview.redd.it/dw3t3uxlump81.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=71cb2c472d32f77ddd2c3ab6e7edde7f4d71e6cd) + +**Math:** value of securities on loan **/** value of securities **=** % value on loan + +% value on loan **x** shares owned **≈** shares on loan 🤓 + +The above NPORT was filed on 1/25/22 for holdings on 11/30/21, and we'll be coming back to it in a moment. + +Now, let's jump into zee day-ta. + +# Top 32 Funds by "Value on Loan" + +[Get out your microscope, sorry for the small print](https://preview.redd.it/bwfevmeb6rp81.png?width=1721&format=png&auto=webp&s=f507a006b12353763516e27cee89611079cce50f) + +Estimated shares on loan for the top 32 funds = 5.09M ($765M based on stonk price at the time) + +# Top 32 Funds by % of Value on Loan + +https://preview.redd.it/kxfi6gzh6rp81.png?width=1719&format=png&auto=webp&s=39ae462ac681b7d0ef6d07506b40b9707eddda57 + +By % on loan, the top 32 funds all had at least 99% on loan... Yikes + +I'll post the entire list at the bottom of the post. **Familiar names, yes?** + +# Swaps + +Here's the list of funds containing Total Return Swaps (I highly encourage you to read u/Blanderson_Snooper's *possible DD*, the Ultimate Wargame Theory [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojh2eh/ultimate_wargame_theory_the_beginning_total/), as it discusses their research into Total Return Swaps and how Citadel and a laundry list of bad actors, called the "Voltron Fund", have been using these derivatives to screw the banks over. Also, the Pomeranian's *possible DD* [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/)). + +https://preview.redd.it/8os2vkycxtp81.png?width=1443&format=png&auto=webp&s=96370b8da6aac3ba6be6e48a8f247e594f7a65f8 + +Here's two more that were labeled as "swaps": + +https://preview.redd.it/63l8zr7toqp81.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa2dcd8b75d46e6504e3154aaebce745a7994787 + +# Short Positions + +Here's the list of funds that filed short positions: + +[Fixin to get wrecked](https://preview.redd.it/k6lgifau2np81.png?width=1789&format=png&auto=webp&s=74279b45d16ffddfd3a0e8e8b35482b215d13cf7) + +T. Rowe Price Multi-Strategy Total Return Fund also reported some puts with the New York Stock Exchange listed as the counterparty on a 3/25 filing... + +# Full List of Funds Lending GME Shares + +Alphabetically, based on the filing entity: + +https://preview.redd.it/9cu7cv37crp81.png?width=1785&format=png&auto=webp&s=11ffd6a3589524cf352cc9d6903dca0274d903b7 + +https://preview.redd.it/33ouxnj8crp81.png?width=1781&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1e115bcbe46f68198ea2abba45fef68922890b2 + +https://preview.redd.it/v9wj4as9crp81.png?width=1780&format=png&auto=webp&s=faeb95d2264b16d540dbb1c771c23cdfc9f1d2f9 + +https://preview.redd.it/k6o0vbwacrp81.png?width=1774&format=png&auto=webp&s=c98822fb751c3655a8e65f9a7fd5a0e7a582f842 + +https://preview.redd.it/h3t2pucccrp81.png?width=1780&format=png&auto=webp&s=48d236cc362e7df9649a927f56661fc573864e8e + +Soooo, not only are institutions shorting ETFs directly, but they're borrowing the underlying securities of the fund (to short) as well. What a fascinating system we're getting screwed by. + +Total Shares Owned by All Funds = 11.98M + +Total Shares on Loan by All Funds ≈ 5.72M + +Just for fun, here are **ALL the borrowers** of the **one** Fidelity fund I used as my example at the beginning of the post. This is the value of all securities borrowed, not just GME: + +Morgan Stanley **($911M)**, Goldman Sachs **($454M)**, Citi **($388M)**, BofA **($380M)**, JPMorgan **($321M)**, State Street **($239M)**, Barclays **($115M)**, BNP Paribas **($105M)**, UBS **($56M)**, National Financial Services **($32)**, Scotia Capital **($25M)**, BMO **($17M)**, National Bank of Canada **($17M)**, Credit Suisse **($7M)**, Nomura **($7M)**, ING **($6M)**, Jefferies **($5M)**, Wells Fargo **($2M)**, & Deutsche Bank **($1M)**... Someone(s) here is borrowing GME shares. See "B.4. Securities Lending" within the filing. + +That's a lot of securities on loan for this fund. Many funds loaning GME shares, list these same entities as the fund's securities borrowers. + +# The Counterparty Risk + +Here are some quotes regarding potential risks when SHFs fail to return all of their shares during MOASS: + +[Deloitte - Securities Lending](https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/financial-services/articles/addressing-securities-lending-risks-with-blockchain.html) + +***A typical securities lending transaction involves multiple entities: borrower, lender, lending agent, prime broker, and clearinghouse.*** *Lenders typically include various investment firms, as noted above, whereas, broker-dealers and hedge funds make up the bulk of the borrower group. Lending agents, on the other hand, are broker-dealers, custodial banks, and some large asset management firms as well.* + +***In almost every securities lending transaction, lenders are exposed to multiple risks***, such as counterparty default risk, collateral reinvestment risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and legal risk. In particular, counterparty default risk and collateral reinvestment risk seem to have captured the most attention from regulators. + +[SEC - Securities Lending](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/securities-lending-open-closed-end-investment-companies.htm) + +*Lending agents* ***often*** **(not always)** *indemnify* (protect) *funds against the risk that the borrower will fail to return the borrowed securities (to the extent that the value of the collateral is insufficient to replace the unreturned securities).* ***Lending agents, however, typically do not indemnify funds for losses incurred in connection with cash collateral reinvestment.*** + +[mutualfunds.com - Securities Lending](https://mutualfunds.com/education/mutual-funds-and-security-lending/) + +***When a fund lends the stocks,*** *these assets are not actually part of the fund, the put-up collateral is.* ***Typically, U.S. Treasuries or cash is used.*** *However, in recent years everything from mortgage backed securities and derivatives to letters of credit and other exotic I.O.U.’s have become commonplace. These sorts of instruments fluctuate in price and must be marked-to-market daily. That can actually affect the net asset value of the mutual fund if they swing rapidly. An additional risk is if the mutual fund invests that money in something less than desirable to juice returns.* + +*Secondly, if the collateral drops in value by too much, the investor borrowing the shares may be forced to add additional collateral or cover the short early. If they can’t,* ***the mutual fund and its investors are on the hook for the damage.*** + +# 🕸️⏰☎️💥 + +# fin + +[DRS is the way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/?utm_source=BD&utm_medium=Search&utm_name=Bing&utm_content=PSR1) I am protecting my shares in the event my broker defaults and is liquidated [(741)](https://usbankruptcycode.org/chapter-7-liquidation/subchapter-iii-stockbroker-liquidation/section-741-definitions-for-this-subchapter/) from short selling OR securities lending counterparty losses. AIG's securities lending counterparties were bailed out [$43.7B in 2008.](http://graphics8.nytimes.com/packages/images/nytint/docs/aig-bailout-disclosed-counterparties/original.pdf) + +I'm not telling you that your broker will default. I'm also not telling you to DRS your shares. I'm simply saying that **I feel safest knowing most of my shares are on GME's books at Computershare** because when marge calls and the short sellers are liquidated, that exposure is going to be passed elsewhere, including to the funds and other entities involved in the securities lending listed above, and the other avenues we've done our DD on. + +*Buckle Up* + +Tanks fo reedin + +&#x200B; + +Here's the list of funds that are NOT lending GME shares for those that want to see that information as well: + +[Avantis U.S. Equity Fund cost basis doesn't add up so it's flagged](https://preview.redd.it/32kbtr059rp81.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=c44193a1a58d197442998fb8542c7ffe6753dc19) + +https://preview.redd.it/eyzh0y079rp81.png?width=1367&format=png&auto=webp&s=81ef6718e2fe471f0a39d8dcf041c57d83a1f67a + +https://preview.redd.it/bbjqchc89rp81.png?width=1364&format=png&auto=webp&s=04368605d608297f2a3fe2b8c7ff2bf2622962b2 + +Note: There's still a few days of reporting left for this quarter. + +Edit: A few comments came in that this comment in the TL;DR is incorrect so I have removed it as the comments are right and I apologize for the mistake. "Wait a minute, isn't that naked shorting right off the bat? Oh, that's right, they are "*making a market*"." The correct phrase should have been, aren't broker/dealers lending something they do not own to begin with? + +Edit 2: Replaced comment in TL;DR + +Edit 3: Updated borrowing to lending in TL;DR because I'm dum. + +Edit 4: Added a missing "M" millions + +Edit 5: Removed some formatting issues +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I currently have $100 in my bank account and I get paid on Thanksgiving. My fridge and gas tank is full and my bills are paid. This is the first paycheck I didn't run out of money and have to use a credit card to get groceries, I even put money towards the credit card and put some money into savings. By this time next year, I will have a job that pays $41,000 a year. I don't have much, but at least I'm not digging myself further down now. +Paying off my student loans, and credit cards seemed like such big feats to me, I'd always be ecstatic after each account was paid in full. Now I'd hit what should seem like a much bigger mile stone, but I feel no emotional charge. Is this the part where FIRE gets boring? +Hey ThetaGang, I am a mathematician and have been building visual trading tools. I have built interactive plots for all first, second, and third order greeks. + +You can play around with them here, [https://www.vicarisi.com/](https://www.vicarisi.com/) +Yeah…brokers have nothing to hide. + +It was just a glitch, it was just a typo. Somebody fell asleep on the zero this weekend. Convenient. + +How often are these “glitches” or “typos” going to confirm our DD? + +FUDelity is loaning our shares and has been all along. Probably making a sweet premium for it too. How many millions of customers migrated to that platform, hoping for an honest brokerage? They’re all the same. They get rich by screwing you over. + +I’m so done. There is only one way I see this ending. DRS or nothing. I just transferred the rest of my shares to CS. + +LOCK THE FLOAT. +I'm not sure how landlords think they can keep upping rent every year when rent isn't supposed to exceed 1/3 or income.... and our income never goes up. In between inflation, rising energy costs, I'm worried I'm going to become homeless just to finish my degree. My savings are totally drained from a car breakdown. I just feel like crying. It feels like there is no winning +Hey guys, I was going through and filling out my taxes on Creditkarma and when I got to the if I had a healthcare coverage I selected no, as I did not for the entire year and the penalty fee was $695 on my $917 refund, I was reading that I could try to file for an exemption based on the fact I only made $16,214.08 + +I live in Colorado, does anyone know how I can go about filing this? +Thank you. +I posted this in because I hope it will be of some use to those of you who are on the road to FI and because I am interested in the perspective of others. + +I am in my 40’s, live in a large US city. Never married, no kids. + +I stopped working about 5 years ago. The experience has been largely good, but mixed. + +The good: + +—If, 15 years ago, someone had asked me to design the ideal life, I would have described the life I am now living. I spend my time indulging in my passions and other healthy pursuits, I have traveled the world extensively, I have done most of the things that I always wanted to do and I am continually thinking up new ideas. + + —Living an authentic life. Some people think I am a bit of an oddball (middle aged, never married, no kids). So be it — I am not struggling to fit into someone else’s mold. For years I was faking it so that I would be well regarded by some boss/girlfriend/professional community, etc. No more. Employers want you to be one thing, your girlfriend wants you to be something else. So does your church. So does the community into which you were born. They all want you to be something—often they nudge you to become what they mistakenly believe will make you happy. Sometimes they just want to live their lives through you. Regardless, when I was employed I was somewhat pressured by my employer to live a life that was not entirely authentic. FI means I am as free as I choose to be—I am not beholden to, or dependent upon, any person or entity. + +—Finantial peace of mind. I have virtually no financial restraints. I don’t have unlimited money but I have much more than enough to do whatever I want. I love having steady income (bond yields, dividends, rental income) without having to work. The securities are easy, the RE has a manager. I probably have to put about ten hours of work per month into making decisions, signing documents, talking on the phone, etc. Almost everything can be done with a laptop, a phone and the occasional visit to a notary. + +—The clarity that came with financial independence, including freedom from the delusion that more money would solve everything. I used to think that my life would radically improve if only I had more money. I now have much more than I need, and while FI has improved my life in some areas it has also helped to clarify the degree to which money has a very limited impact on the things that matter most to me. Including: + +1-Health. Money does not eliminate most health threats, including the physical and/or intellectual decline that eventually comes to everyone. However, FI frees me from stress inducing and soul crushing bureaucracies and people. I also have effectively unlimited time and money to pursue a healthy lifestyle + +2-Interpersonal relationships with family and close friends. Aside from health, nothing is as important to me. An abundance of high quality and meaningful relationships is absolutely essential. Money has had virtually no impact on the most important relationships in my current life, although it has complicated some important romantic relationships. + +3-Meaningful activities. Helping the people I care about. Doing good for others, even for strangers. Working every day to be a better version of myself. Living a life consistent with my values. + + + +The bad: + + +—Deceit. About half of the people in my life don’t know that I am FI or how much I travel. I may be gone for a month but they just assume that I have been in town and they just have not seen me in a while, or that I was traveling for work. I am effectively deceiving/lying to them. When they ask about work, I am vague and circumspect. Why? I am a private person. I am wary of envy, animosity, judgment etc.. No good comes from people knowing that I am rich. Most of my life long friends know. A few recent friends know, but very few. Some suspect but we don’t discuss it. The deception is stressful for me. I am looking for a way to resolve this and live more honestly with everyone. + +—Loneliness. Traveling the world and doing whatever I want to do whenever I choose to do it can be lonely. My friends usually cannot join me on my adventures due to various limiting factors (family, job, finances, health). So I go alone.-sometimes for months at a time. I am sometimes lonely when I am away. And when I am home I am often lonely as well—I don’t work and that means I don’t have the regular day to day interaction with my old colleagues. Most of my friends are now married and have children so even on weekends it is hard to get together. I seek human interaction through my pursuits, volunteering, travel, etc, but its not the same as regular contact with a group of people who have known each other for years. + +—Lack of structure or goals. I work very hard at imposing structure on myself because the lack of structure that FI facilitates can be disorienting. I plan trips, take classes and engage in lots of exercise. I go out of my way to initiate social activities with friends. But creating structure takes a lot of effort and sometimes I get lazy and spend days alone with little to do. Further, living alone with no career makes it hard to envision a future. I don’t have any idea where I will be in 20 years. If I had kids I would envision my relationship with them when they were grown and had kids themselves. If I had a career I would look ahead and plan a career path and objectives. I have had several careers, none of which was a true calling. One of my main goals in life was to be completely financially independent. OK, I’m there, and I live the life I have always wanted. But I have no long term goals. Like many people, I need goals, so I set up little goals for myself like exploring Bolivia or Singapore, but I don’t have any long term goals. + + +So it has been a mix. My focus now is to increase my social network and interaction and try to develop new long term goals. I encourage everyone on the path to financial independence to maintain and develop passions, hobbies, health and relationships along the way. When you get there, these factors will be as important to you as your FI. + + I welcome all comments or questions. + +----------------------------- + + +EDIT: +I am humbly astonished at all of the positive feedback. + +In response to some of the trends in the comments, feel free to contact me anytime. I am always happy to give my perspective with the caveat that I am not a qualified financial professional of any kind and you should take what I say with a grain of salt. For all you know I am a 13 year old compulsive liar with 35 cents in my pocket and a stolen laptop + + + +With respect to the conflicts between the benefits and struggles inherent to FIRE, sometimes the good and bad go hand in hand. Imagine that you are in exactly the situation you dream of. The ideal location, engaged in your passions, completely FI. Its great. But after a little while feelings of discomfort develop and you reflect on this supposedly perfect situation, and you think to yourself: is this it? Is this really as good as its going to get? + +When I was striving to get to my ideal situation I thought that I would one day achieve some sort of perfect existence of happiness, contentment, fulfillment, etc. I felt deprived of X,Y and Z and I wanted to indulge in all of the things that I thought would fulfill me. And getting there has been great and I have had five years filled with some extraordinarily meaningful and enriching experiences, relationships and growth. But a lot of it has also been somewhat lonely, self indulgent and meaningless. So, having achieved my goals, I am confronted with an uncomfortable reality-life is never going to be perfect and the grass is always going to be greener. I now look back on my years of struggle with nostalgia. + +There is a conflict between, on the one hand, unlimited freedom, autonomy, wealth, etc, and on the other hand, community, meaning, and the fulfillment that comes with giving to others, joining with others, committing myself to a noble endeavor, etc. + +Finding the balance between the two impulses (self indulgence vs. generosity/community/interdependence) is a continual struggle. + + + + +Thanks for your comments, insights and advice. Its been helpful. I will consider an update in the future. And thanks for the gold, strangers! + + + +In my area, fewer landlords are taking in Section 8 tenants. Why is that? Our local housing authority practically begged us to open up more of our houses to Section 8 tenants. +Tl/dr: My grandpa still works. I’m going to FatFire. How do conversations like this go? + +My grandpa is amazing: married for 65+ years, served in the army, supported a large family, multitudes of grandkids and great-grandkids, jobs in public service, pillar of the community, etc, etc. + +He is almost 90 and still draws a part-time consulting salary. I’m not sure if he will ever stop working. Although he never earned a lot of money and was never a good saver, he could retire if he wanted. + +I had an interesting interaction with him at a family dinner recently that requires a little background information: + +I’m mid-30’s with multiple Ivy League degrees. I started with a low six-figure job out of grad school. I put in \~5 years on the low end of the corporate ladder building my resume before landing the desirable big-kid job a couple of years ago. It pays between 450k and 900k cash plus options depending on a few factors. + +I’m married to an MD (early 30’s) in the final years of residency. We are currently lopsided DINKs. My partner will be in a specialty that makes \~250k. + +Our net worth is now 1.7M, so we are probably beyond the HENRY stage. We are financially like-minded and live well below our means. We saved about 40-50% of our take home pay even before I got my new job. Last year was a big salary year and we saved 85%, which supercharged our net worth. Don’t worry, we aren’t in the delayed gratification camp. We spend a decent amount on food, drink, entertainment, and big international trips. We currently live on 85k per year in MCOL area, which I guess isn’t that much, but for two people who work a lot, we live pretty fun lives and never worry about our spending. + +Back to my grandpa… + +We are planning on moving after residency to be closer to home. My grandpa asks me what I am going to do for work. I jokingly said, “Nothing, I am married to a doctor.” Most of the table laughs because they know my job will follow me to our new state, and the conversation moves on. However, my grandpa didn’t know that. 30 minutes later he returned the conversation to me asking if I was really not going to work and that it was important to have an occupation. He seemed very concerned that I was going to live off my partner. Not all of his offspring have been self-sufficient. I told him that I will be keeping my current job, and he was relieved. + +What I didn’t tell him is that I am well on my way to FatFire, and if I am working at age 45, something probably went wrong. My job is not my identity. I work to make money to live my excellent life outside of work (sports, travel, experiences, etc). I may retire when we have 5-7M in savings. My partner will likely still work as that is what my partner loves (at least right now). + +How awkward will it be if I retire and my grandpa is still working? Perhaps he won’t be around to see it, but I will definitely be retiring before my parents. My grandparents and parents don’t need me to support them, but they aren’t wealthy. Yet, I recognize that I am only in my current position due to their hard work, the lessons they taught me, and financial support (e.g.; paid for 50% of undergrad). I am grateful and fortunate. + +How would you tell your family? They know I make a lot of money and am accumulating wealth. I wouldn’t be able to hide the fact that I stopped working. Does anyone have experience with this type of situation? + +Edit: Thanks everyone for the feedback. There were some clever approaches to talking to family about this that didn't involve lying or being vague. Vague with reddit strangers is easy. Vague with family members who care about you and see you a lot doesn't seem sustainable. It's amazing to me how many people think just telling family you are a consultant will work. +Given inflation is on the rise, what are the best ETFs / Sectors to invest in for the short-term (6-12mo)? The talking heads stay to stay away from Tech / Growth. Are there sectors like Energy, Materials, or even Consumer Discretionary that will benefit from rising prices? +Hello all, I'm in my second year of playing in the market. Aside from all the degenerate plays I've made in my first year, I'm beginning to allocate more towards dividend stocks. While I prefer to be long on companies I believe in, does it make sense to approach it with a short term mentality? For example, I bought F at $12, sell after ex-div date, collect profits, and buy back in. + +Companies I have my eyes on: F, WMB, T, VZ, MMM + +Companies I've collected dividends on so far: BYDDF, F, XOM +I am currently saving for a pair of headphones, that will be the most expensive thing I have ever purchased for just my self, for pure entertainment , coming in at $7K. Talking to some mates about the same deal, the general answers seems to be around watches, which range from couple of grand to a few dozen grand and push bikes, same as watches, as I have to admit my most expensive purchase at present is my bike at 4k. + +One mate is a rev head and has a car he works on as a project and drives when he gets time. + +So wanted to see what other people have dropped money on purely for personal enjoyment. +He predicts a crash EVERY SINGLE YEAR, non-stop. Yet when covid came, a real blackswan, he somehow didn't realize the gravity of it on the market and didn't short and missed the opportunity. He's the typical example of being right once and think exact same thing gonna happen later. + +2015: https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015-12-30/michael-burry-housing-meltdowns-soothsayer-sees-terrific-stresses-in-the-economy + +2017: https://www.lombardiletter.com/michael-burry-stock-market-crash/10895/ + +2019: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/04/the-big-shorts-michael-burry-says-he-has-found-the-next-market-bubble.html + +2021: https://www.independent.co.uk/money/michael-burry-big-short-investor-economy-b1956722.html + +May 2022: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/big-short-michael-burry-tweets-stock-market-bubble-crash-rallies-2022-5 +Lots of interested info - page 14 covers the level of net worth needed to join the 1% for your country - [https://content.knightfrank.com/research/83/documents/en/the-wealth-report-2021-7865.pdf](https://content.knightfrank.com/research/83/documents/en/the-wealth-report-2021-7865.pdf) + +Monaco - USD$7.9MM +Switzerland - USD$5.1MM +United States - USD$4.4MM +Singapore - USD$2.9MM +New Zealand - USD$2.8MM +Hong Kong - USD$2.8MM +Australia - USD$2.8MM +Details - https://zerodha.com/z-connect/zerodha/why-zerodha/on-conspiracy-theories-about-zerodha + +> Thursday, 29th Aug, was a tough day for us as a business. Our vendor-managed Order Management System (OMS) had a 30+ minute downtime caused by a single anomalous order, a new scenario they were not familiar with. We investigated the issue and published a postmortem report with technical details on the same evening, which seems to have been glossed over amidst the viral coverage and the trolling that followed. We also shared the report with the exchanges and SEBI. + +> The media coverage was staggering. We trended on social media for the wrong reasons. There was a panel discussion on a TV channel inciting their audience to tag and tweet at us. Our competitors jumped on the opportunity, as they often do, touting their own “bug-free” and “0% downtime” services, which of course is an impossible premise. + +> It was a very stressful event for us as at Zerodha. What caught my attention the most though was the slew of ridiculous conspiracy theories about us, mostly from sources that have no insight into how stock broking works or the strict regulatory framework governing it. Even the above-mentioned TV panel posited a conspiracy theory, which was quite irresponsible. + +> I decided to write this post to address some of these conspiracy theories. Non-response will probably start making them wilder. Now that this is on the public record for everyone to read, I hope the theories can be put to rest once and for all. +Are you guys reducing your cash position? + +I have about $60k cash for rainy days but starting to feel like they are just rotting away due to inflation. +I have just passed £20k in total net worth today 😊 I’m 30 and this is the most I’ve ever had. + +In Aug 2019 I had my wedding and was in my overdraft by around £200 the day after. I really started learning about money around then. Teaching myself things that now seem bread and butter to me! + +I was alcohol dependent for almost my entire 20’s. The longest I held a job down was 7 months in a decade (19-29). I’ve now held down a job for 21 months. This proves it’s never too late! + +Just 3 years ago I was clinging to a part time role in Poundland whilst still struggling with my drinking. Me and my wife are now saving for first house. + +The amount of great free info on Reddit, YouTube, MSE etc. Have really helped me become financially literate and I’m chuffed that I never truly gave up. +You may be used to me writing novels here, or entries into the saga of Bingus Token. Today I'll get right to the point, drop the bomb, and then bore you with details. + +&#x200B; + +[Michael Rainey Jr]([https://www.instagram.com/michaelraineyjr/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/michaelraineyjr/?hl=en), Lead of the hit Showtime show, [Power: Ghost]([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power\_Book\_II:\_Ghost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Book_II:_Ghost), has officially joined the cause and will be on the bingus train for the foreseeable future. [Proof]([https://streamable.com/otegmc](https://streamable.com/otegmc) I believe this is fairly unprecedented in the BSC landscape. We are so happy, thankful, and excited to have Michael on board. + +&#x200B; + +Read on to hear about other exciting news but if you have been waiting to jump on the Bingus train yourself this Reddit post is the last stop before total liftoff. + +&#x200B; + +So for the last month, if you read my post history, my growing team and I have been working our asses off to make Bingus not only the best BSC charity coin, but a staple inside cryptocurrency. I spoke in AMA after [doxxed AMA\]([https://streamable.com/h2w51l](https://streamable.com/h2w51l) about our extensive connections to the entertainment industry and how our marketing strategy relied on that. Like I always stressed, things like this take time. In the crypto world, especially in the BSC gambling addict world, patience is not something that is usually rewarded. Today with our strategy finally showing itself in a public way, we hope we are proving that we plan on sticking around for a very very long time. + +&#x200B; + +Michael is an incredible actor who has been into cryptocurrency for a long time now. As a lover of animals, we love having his support. Today we have donated $10,000 in his and the Bingus name to Hope for Paws as the first gesture of our work together. Proof will be posted in the comments as soon as there are enough confirmations on the blockchain. We so look forward to the relationship growing and expanding. + +&#x200B; + +In other news, we are planning on an overhaul of our Liquidity Points-based voting system. You will still be able to vote for the charity of your choice, but the new system will make it a little bit more fun (we think). + +&#x200B; + +Next, we are working on an additional incentive structure for liquidity providers which includes a very special NFT platform, and actual games. We're not talking about simply reskinning Doom, Duke Nukem, or flappy bird with Bingus and saying we have games. No, I have enlisted a professional writer to craft the epic tale of Bingus. Furthermore luckily inside our admin team is a professional game reviewer with connections to the smaller independent studios that would be perfect for a project like this. These type of things are why we have not released a roadmap thus far, we find that many roadmaps are full of buzzwords rather than actual specific and accomplishable goals. We are learning, adapting, and changing as our team grows. + +&#x200B; + +All of this is being done against the backdrop of ever-increasing donations and connections to the larger world of pop culture.... and we're just getting started. + +$Bingus website [bingus.finance](https://bingus.finance/) + +**Buy $Bingus on PancakeSwap** [here](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xda20c8a5c3b1ab48e31ba6e43f0f2830e50218d8) + +[Bingus chart](https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xdA20C8a5c3B1AB48e31ba6e43f0F2830E50218D8) + +[CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bingus-token/) + +[CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bingus-token) + +[Audit](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Bingus%20Token%20BEP-20%20Audit%206489097.pdf) + +**Social Links** +============= + +[Telegram](https://t.me/bingustoken2official) +^(complete the captcha in time) | [Telegram News & Announcements](https://t.me/bingustoken2official) + +$Bingus on Reddit r/BingusFinance + +[Discord](https://discord.com/invite/qKdZdd558F) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bingustoken/) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/) + +**Charity Donations** +================ + +Donation 1 (**$350**) [Wright-Way Rescue](https://imgur.com/GjMOBt5) | +Donation 2 (**$1000**) [Forgotten Animals](https://imgur.com/a/Evvmvah) | +Donation 3 (**$3000**) [Reversed Rescue](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/status/1381103970383491072?s=28) | +Donation 4 (**$2500**) [Jersey Animal Rescue](https://www.instagram.com/p/CNlTQO8p1ik/?igshid=c9i35ifw2b0o) | +Donation 5 (**$3000**) [Sterling Shelter](https://imgur.com/gallery/VXPICLP) | +Donation 6 (**$10,000**) [The Real Bark](https://imgur.com/gallery/wjYnZQ9) + +**Charity Links:** +============= + +**Wright Way Rescue** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/WrightWayRescue) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/wrightwayrescue/) + +[Website](https://wright-wayrescue.org) + +**Forgotten Animals** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/forgottenanimal) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/forgottenanimals/) + +[Website](https://forgottenanimals.org) + +**Reversed Rescue** + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/ReversedRescue) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/reversedrescue/) + +[Website](https://www.reversedrescue.com) + +**Jersey Animal Rescue** + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/jerseyanimalrescue/) + +[Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/jerseyanimalrescue/) + +[Website](https://jerseyanimalrescue.com/) + +**Endorser Links** +================ + +**Rocky Kanaka** + +[Save Our Shelter](http://saveourshelter.com/) | [YouTube](https://m.youtube.com/c/rockykanaka/videos) | [Rocky’s Website](https://rockykanaka.com/) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/rockykanaka/) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rockykanaka) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/rockykanaka/) + +**BBno$** + +[Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/41X1TR6hrK8Q2ZCpp2EqCz) | [SoundCloud](https://soundcloud.com/bbnomula) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/bbnomula) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bbnomula/) | [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/bbnomula/) | [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/bbnomula/) + +**MoistCr1tikal** + +[Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/moistcr1tikal) | [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6VFHwMzcMXbuKyG7SQYIg) | [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MoistCr1TiKaL) | [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bigmoistcr1tikal) + +MoistCr1tikal stream clip +https://youtu.be/BrfZfBxGx8U + [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-13/herding-by-naive-robinhood-traders-may-be-good-signal-to-short?sref=xTkgnLSf](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-13/herding-by-naive-robinhood-traders-may-be-good-signal-to-short?sref=xTkgnLSf) + +&#x200B; + +from buying the dip to surfing the tech surge with options, an investor following the Robinhood crowd this year would have a lot to feel good about. + +Provided they didn’t follow too long, that is. + +Users of the millennial-friendly app -- the first to offer commission-free trading -- are more likely to chase popular stocks with extreme performance. The result is herding that ultimately becomes a drag on those companies’ returns, according to the latest [academic research ](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3715077)into retail investing. + + When Robinhood users pile into a stock in large numbers, the average excess return on the day surges to 14%. But this is followed by a reversal of nearly 5% over the subsequent month, a new paper found. + + + +The thinking is that in seeking to make investing easier, the platform’s slimmed-down interface could be resulting in concentrated trading in the most “attention grabbing” shares. That increases the chance of herding which can lead to big market reversals. + +“Robinhood users are more subject to attention biases,” wrote authors including behavioral finance pioneer Terrance Odean. “The combination of naïve investors and the simplification of information is associated with herding episodes.” + +Robinhood was at the center of Wall Street drama this year as the young fintech firm stirred up an investing [frenzy](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2020-10-22/how-robinhood-s-addictive-app-made-trading-a-covid-pandemic-pastime) amplified by Covid-19 restrictions and stimulus cash. + +As retail volumes spiked, even professionals started tracking the activity of Robinhood’s 13 million users in a hunt for fresh trading signals. To do that they relied on data from Robintrack, a website that provided updates on retail stock demand, on which the academics also based their calculations. + +One idea from the academic world: A strategy of selling a security after a herding event and buying it five days later delivers a 3.5% return and nearly double that for more extreme scenarios. + +In fact, the researchers say there’s good reason to think hedge funds are doing some version of this, since they observed a spike in short interest among shares bought heavily by Robinhood traders. + +[Read more: Robinhood Users Weren’t as Reckless as Portrayed During Rally](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-29/robinhood-users-are-a-bit-less-nuts-than-you-were-led-to-believe) + +It’s familiar territory for two of the paper’s co-authors. Odean at the University of California, Berkeley, and Brad M. Barber at the University of California, Davis have previously [documented](https://faculty.haas.berkeley.edu/odean/Papers%20current%20versions/AllThatGlitters_RFS_2008.pdf) a tendency for individual investors to buy stock darlings. + +In the case of Robinhood, they argue it’s even more extreme, since many users are first-time investors on a platform that offers frictionless trading and only limited information. For instance, users buy equities on the app’s “Top Mover” list more aggressively than other individual investors, meaning they’re more likely to trade extreme losers as well as winners. + +“How information is displayed can both help and hurt investors,” wrote the team, which also included Xing Huang at Washington University in St. Louis and Chris Schwarz at the University of California, Irvine. “The simplified user interface influences investors decision.” +We had a lot of people ask us for this. Here's what we cover in this post: + +1. Example - GST v Income Tax + + +2. Income Tax provisions for Freelancers + +* Income from profession +* The Legendary Section 44ADA +* What to do if you cross the magical INR 50 lakh number? +* Case Study - Freelance and Full-time Salary income +* Case Study - Services rendered to overseas Company + + +3. GST provisions for Freelancers + +* Registration under GST +* Export of services and filing an LUT +* Case Study - Freelance and Full-time Salary income +* Case Study - Services rendered to overseas Company +* What to do if you cross the magical INR 20 lakh number? + +Guide available here - [https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/comprehensive-guide-on-tax-for-freelancers](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/comprehensive-guide-on-tax-for-freelancers) + +Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have! Our reddit activity may be slightly lower during this busy season. Contact us and we'll get in touch :) +We had a lot of people ask us for this. Here's what we cover in this post: + +1. Example - GST v Income Tax + + +2. Income Tax provisions for Freelancers + +* Income from profession +* The Legendary Section 44ADA +* What to do if you cross the magical INR 50 lakh number? +* Case Study - Freelance and Full-time Salary income +* Case Study - Services rendered to overseas Company + + +3. GST provisions for Freelancers + +* Registration under GST +* Export of services and filing an LUT +* Case Study - Freelance and Full-time Salary income +* Case Study - Services rendered to overseas Company +* What to do if you cross the magical INR 20 lakh number? + +Guide available here - [https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/comprehensive-guide-on-tax-for-freelancers](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/comprehensive-guide-on-tax-for-freelancers) + +Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have! Our reddit activity may be slightly lower during this busy season. Contact us and we'll get in touch :) +TL:DR - Got rich. Got covid. Now chronically ill with long covid. + +**The story:** + +It was almost exactly a year ago, I remember it like yesterday; ETH was crossing 1k again for the first time in 3 years. Years of hard work had finally paid off and I'd made it. There was lots to celebrate about, yet I wasn't out celebrating. I was in my bed with a positive covid test. No matter, I was strong. I'd be able to handle it. A fit 35 year old male that trains muay thai and HIIT workouts multiple times a week. I would have been vaccinated had it existed at the time, but statistically I would be fine anyways. Unfortunately I was wrong. + +The illness ended up being mild-moderate, with flu like symptoms for 5-7 days. So I decided to go back to exercise quickly, to prove to myself I could do it. 2 weeks later I woke up hardly being able to breathe. The chest pains were abysmal. I was short of breathe, coughing, fatigued, and in a lot of pain. + +Fast forward to a year later and I have been battling this post-viral illness with no end in sight. Granted I have gotten somewhat better. I can breathe OK again but symptoms persist. I cannot exercise (long walks are fine), I am often tired, and the chest pains are endless. It feels like something is moving around inside me, these rotating symptoms. I have many doctor friends, and have consulted many specialists. There is no treatments currently available for long covid. I consider myself semi-disabled. + +**The finances:** + +I'm sitting on a low 8 figure position at the moment. I have good advisors around me, and I have a plan to manage the portfolio properly.. But the truth is I don't want anything besides my health back. Granted, I wasn't materialistic before this, and my lifestyle costs maybe 60k a year. That being said I have thought about a number of things I could do with the money; + +\- *Communal philanthropy:* maybe helping people in my community during these tough times will bring me some purpose and happiness. + +\- *Buying a nice auto:* I've been looking at a Porsche Macan, although I've never cared for cars. I currently drive a 7 year old mid-tier car and it's the best. + +\- *Upgrading my living:* I've in a rent controlled apartment for the past 10 years and I haven't cared for lifestyle. I would only really do this for dating and confidence purposes. + +\- *Dating on seeking arrangement:* This may seem wild, but it's a solution i've considered because my confidence to regular date has been totally destroyed by my current health. I have not done this yet. Before my illness I dated enough and had many profound relationships, and now lifelong friendships. + +\- *Health retreat:* I've been recommended by doctor friends to go on a health and wellness retreat to detach for a while. Maybe this makes sense. + +\- *Find world class medical care:* I was thinking about going to the mayo clinic, but I've heard stories about other long haulers who have gone and the results have been disappointing. + +\- *Therapy:* I am in therapy for this now, and have a good therapist. Maybe I need a second one. + +**Looking forward:** + +These days I spend my time yield farming, and the money continues to roll in. Otherwise I go for walks, listening to podcasts, and live a fairly solitude life, taking it very easy in hopes of getting healthy again. There is a chance I do get better as the weeks and months go by, there are many recovery stories. But there is also a chance I end up with CFS like symptoms for the long term. I don't think I have the energy to pursue a family now, maybe in a few years. + +What would you do to feel better? What things could help with my happiness? I appreciate all your help and advice. Thank you. +Because I am willing and able to buy all the bitcoin ever mined at 1 cent each. So the next time a bitcoin skeptic brings up the bitcoin going to zero argument just let them know that a random reddit guy on the internet said that he will not let that happen. + +Edit: thanks for all the love and support Reddit family! Looks like we made it on Cointelegraph. + https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-to-zero-not-while-this-redditor-has-187-000-to-spend +I just started building a Dividends Portfolio less than a month ago and my largest holdings are Canadian Banks which all went down in price today. Should I hold off buying any more Canadian Banks until after the election or buy the dip now? + +Trudeau announced he would tax Canadian Banks 3% more (from 15% to 18%). Since Canadian Banks Dividends are currently only 3.3% - 4.5% does that mean the dividends will be cut or not grow as much as in the past? + +I assume Trudeau will win since that's the point of him calling an early election because his people have researched and think he can go from a minority government to majority. If they are right does that mean this new policy will happen for sure? + +Also I bought Manulife. Is that considered an Insurance company that he will tax more as well? + +https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6152710 +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hey guys, interesting one. + +Recently my yaiyai (Greek grandmother) passed away, in typical old school Wog fashion she didn’t believe in banks and for the last 20-30 years had been literally stuffing cash in suitcases under her bed. + +Needless to say, after her passing (this was not in the will) my father and uncle bought us grandkids into her house and all given a sizeable even split of her cash, and it’s not a small amount by any stretch.. + +What the hell can I do with this so it doesn’t look dodgy? Because it feels dodgy, do I declare it somehow? Or is this straight “dodgy Wog” territory. My cousins are convinced they’re just gonna go pay cash for cars and not worry about ramifications, I’d like to turn this into a house deposit or invest.. +Meanwhile, many of my stocks have already recovered. I get that stocks are forward looking. I also get that there’s no better place to invest at the moment, but it all still seems to soon and people are too eager for a recovery. + +Article linked below. + +Coronavirus: Pandemic sends US jobless rate to 14.7% +https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-52591262 +Our fearless leader is making his plans dark and impenetrable and he should be. Extremely powerful people, entities, and institutions would take any piece of information given to them and use it to relentlessly bash the plan, try to put as many monkey wrenches in the works as possible, and build a direct competitor as fast as possible. + +It’s hilarious to see msm try the angle that investors are getting antsy in the face of the silence. + +Apes aren’t antsy they’re proud of Cohen and everything he and his team have already achieved in one short year. + +The transformation is moving at light speed and we see it through the totally revamped website, the huge increase in skus, the stories of amazing customer service, the social media presence, the shoring up of the balance sheet where debt is all but eliminated and 1.7 billion cash has been raised, the rebranding of Canadian locations, the constantly improving top line revenue, the over 300 incredible hires from highly respected tech companies, and so much more. +Don't send shit to their headquarters. Don't call them. Don't email them. + +You want to give the media MORE fuel in calling us the enemy? Seriously, stop it. Don't fucking dance. + +Hodl. That's what we do. +There is a lot of speculation today about Gamestop filing Gmerica as a Trade Mark + +At the same time, we see Gamestop expanding into selling Electronics and Vinyl Records and lots of things that fall outside the 'traditional' game stop business model + +********************************************************************************************************** + +How does Gmerica fit into Gamestop? + +Simple Answer + +Ryan Cohen has background of being an affiliate marketer (since he was 15), dropping out of college and starting a jewelry startup with $150,000 of his own money, and then switching to Chewy.com and selling it for $3.3 Billion + +His background is in ALL ONLINE RETAIL, and actually very little in games specifically + +********************************************************************************************************** + +Gamestop was an INCREDIBLE opportunity and he got into it + +HOWEVER + +his thesis for Gamestop - provide amazing customer experience, lowest prices, best selection, and fast and free delivery + +Also applies to all other retail categories + +Amazon has made a mess by treating employees very badly, and many other illegal things discussed here and elsewhere + +It has shifted jobs to China + +It has replaced high quality retail and warehouse jobs with low quality warehouse slave jobs + +********************************************************************************************************** + +Gmerica is a Parallel company to Gamestop (within Gamestop) that will take on Amazon DIRECTLY + +while focusing on + +American Net Positive products i.e. + +manufactured in America + +good working conditions + +adds to American jobs + +etc + +********************************************************************************************************** + +Game stop will focus on -> Games and everything games related (which itself is a $150 billion a year business (all of games, not GME itself)) + +Gamestop NFT -> potentially a $10 to $100 billion a year business + + +GMerica will be a tech PLATFORM that will sell Everything with focus on AMERICA and quality american jobs and american manufacturing and eliminating counterfeiting and reducing shift to China + +Tech Platform means - instead of 10 to 20 P/E (price to earnings), it can get valued at 50 to 100 P/E (price to earnings) + +********************************************************************************************************** + +Please remember that Ryan Cohen's specialities are + +1) Great Customer Service + +2) Selling ANYTHING online i.e. ecommerce, not just games + +3) Seeing big opportunities + being a contrarian + +He went up against Amazon in Pet Food when other people thought it was impossible. First 100 VCs he talked to rejected him + +What seems most impossible right now? Taking on Amazon + +not only do they have advantages due to size and scale + +They also short attack their competitors (Wish, GME, Newegg, Overstock, etc) in short market (gonna leave this Freudian Slip intact) to prevent them from raising capital and growing + +So it is THE PERFECT CONTRARIAN OPPORTUNITY + +********************************************************************************************************** + +Gmerica - EVERYTHING RETAIL + +Gamestop - Everything Games + +Aug 30th Update for GME Apes & Autists + +Aug 29th we knew -> Gmerica filed for trademark in America i.e. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pdwxd1/gmerica_was_filed_for_trademark_by_gamestop_on/ + +Aug 30th we now have -> Gmerica filed for trademark in + +EU -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pecckh/gmerica_has_also_been_registered_as_a_trademark/ + +Germany -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peed5d/gmerica_was_also_filed_for_trademark_in_germany/ + +Austria -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peesv1/gmerica_also_registered_in_austria_same_date_as/ + +Sweden -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peeop1/gmerica_registered_in_swedish_trademark_database/ + +Australia -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/ + +New Zealand -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/peenve/nz_wasnt_left_out/ + +Denmark -> https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pefclo/gmerica_also_registered_in_denmark_link_in/ +Hi all, + +&#x200B; + +At the weekend I went on a lovely vineyard tour and tasting in Wales (yes, vineyards in Wales!) and the whole concept piqued my interest. + +&#x200B; + +The number of UK vineyards is growing quite considerably, partly fuelled by climate change creating more favourable growing conditions in the UK and elsewhere (interesting [FT article](https://on.ft.com/3f6Vugt) on the broader agricultural impacts). It is also tipping traditional wine-growing areas such as Bordeaux into climates that are unsuitably hot for wine growing. According to the Welsh vineyard owner lots of these French wine firms are now scrambling for suitable sites further north in Brittany and even in the UK. + +&#x200B; + +I'm no expert, but UK wine seems to be growing in prominence and has an increasing number of respect and award winning wines. That said, I'm mindful that sometimes these 'awards' are given out firms that are created solely for that purpose and they don't always indicate great quality. + +&#x200B; + +I also wonder whether post-Brexit there may be a greater market for domestic consumption of UK wine, and additional emphasis from govt and industry to drive exports. Within the UK market there are also ecological/green arguments for sourcing 'local' wine versus imports. + +&#x200B; + +Does anyone have any exposure to UK wine growers or related industries? Or any thoughts on whether there is an investment opportunity here? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! + +* * * +https://www.ft.com/content/9bd5e3f3-4d09-458c-b390-bc94b1f4a024 + +The original design for Nikola’s flagship truck was purchased by founder Trevor Milton from a designer in Croatia, according to two people with knowledge of the matter, despite company claims in a 2018 lawsuit that the vehicle was initially designed by Mr Milton “in his basement”. + +The truck, the Nikola One, is at the centre of a $2bn lawsuit with Tesla, in which Nikola alleges its rival infringed on its patents. Nikola claims in that lawsuit that Mr Milton began designing the model in 2013, with other company staff later working on it. + +In a rebuttal to the lawsuit filed last week, Tesla alleged that Nikola could not protect the designs because they did not originate from the company itself, but from Adriano Mudri, a designer based in Croatia. + +Two people with knowledge of the transaction told the Financial Times that the Nikola founder bought the designs in 2015 after meeting Mr Mudri while visiting electric supercar maker Rimac in Croatia. + +While Tesla’s filing identifies the designer as the source of the original truck drawings, it does not contain details about the transaction, explain that money was exchanged, or that Mr Milton himself orchestrated the purchase. + +The latest twist comes with Nikola still reeling from accusations earlier this month that it passed off purchased technology as its own, covering supplier names on key components with stickers when making promotional videos. Nikola said it never claimed it made the components. + +In a report that sent Nikola’s shares tanking, Mr Milton was accused of spreading an “ocean of lies” about the company’s technology and its products by short seller Hindenburg Research. + +A little over a week later, Mr Milton decided to leave the company, telling staff he planned to defend himself “against false allegations levelled against me by outside detractors”. The 39-year old founder has repeatedly insisted that he has not lied to or deceived anyone about the trucks. + +The lawsuit with Tesla, filed during Mr Milton’s tenure, centres on the origins of the designs for the “Nikola One” truck. + +The company claims that Mr Milton worked for two years on the truck before, unsatisfied with his designs, he hired designer Steve Jennes in 2015. The lawsuit says the pair then crafted the final design between them in a lengthy process. + +When it was finished, Nikola had spent “several million dollars developing the Nikola One”, according to the lawsuit. + +In its rebuttal, Tesla said that the designs for the model originated from Mr Mudri, a designer at Rimac, who had dubbed it the “Road Runner”. The design’s origins could raise further questions about Nikola’s intellectual property. + +“Trevor Milton chose not to disclose the Road Runner concept truck to the [US Patent and Trademark Office] with deceptive intent,” Tesla said in its filing. + +Nikola said: “The Nikola One truck was designed and patented by Nikola. It is commonplace to license third party designs during vehicle development, and although early in the process Nikola purchased a license to Antonio Mudri’s designs, he was not part of the design team and his designs are materially different from the design invented by Nikola for the Nikola One.” + +According to several people with knowledge of the deal, Mr Milton sought, unsuccessfully, to collaborate with Rimac on a range of projects in 2015. + +On a trip to Rimac’s headquarters on the outskirts of Zagreb, he met Mr Mudri, the company’s designer, who had designed a futuristic truck as part of an earlier diploma project. + +Mr Milton purchased the computer drawings and virtual 3D model of the vehicle for several thousand dollars from Mr Mudri, according to two people. + +The Road Runner name lingered for months. A person familiar with the development of the Nikola One said that “Road Runner . . . was the internal name for Nikola’s project the entire time we worked on it”. + +A screenshot of a Nikola document seen by the Financial Times, shows 13 people being invited to collaborate on the “Nikola Roadrunner Prototype Project”. + +Another screenshot shows an early version of Nikola’s website depicting a truck that appears identical to the Road Runner in Tesla’s court filing. + +Nikola did not mention Mr Mudri, or Rimac, or say that the designs were purchased, in its 2018 filing against Tesla. + +Representatives for Mr Milton declined to comment. Rimac also declined to comment. +Hey all! + +I am looking to get more acquainted with data science and was wondering if you have any tips on where to start as someone who is experienced in economics. My background in econometrics and causal inference is solid but my programming, data acquisition, data management, etc. skills are lacking (they unfortunately don't teach those in theoretical econometrics courses). What would be a good place to start? I am already getting familiar with R and plan on doing Python afterwards. Does anyone know any good material (lecture slides, textbooks, online courses) to get started? +Every time Steve Cohen or Point72 gets brought up, there’s a new wave of FUD or Outrage that springs up. + +As soon as someone found the Point72 Link to Crypto, Coindesk and grayscale, Vegas victim outrage was the big distraction. + +This has happened the last 2-3 times anyone has done any digging into P72. I get the feeling there may be more to uncover. +I’m a young investor too, and I didn’t see any posts reassuring anyone. Seems we either want to shitpost or panic together, but I think it’s important to just take a second to remind ourselves that everything’s going to be okay. + +First thing to remember, no one knows what’s going to happen to the market. There’s going to be plenty of people who will divulge wisdom of impending doom. There’s going to be people talking about catching falling knives. There’s going to be people talking about tendies and buying shorts. Ignore all of that shit. Nobody knows. + +Stick to the fundamentals. You’re young, you have plenty of time, and the best possible thing that can happen for a young investor (whether you just started or you’re a decade in), is to start your journey in a bear market. Fear and uncertainty means cheaper prices. Don’t panic sell; you cannot time the market. Don’t spend all of your cash at once thinking we’ve reached bottom. + +The best thing to do, first off, is to wait out this volatility. Second, once these historical up and down days are over with, begin incrementally investing in this glorious discount sale. Index funds are your friend. I personally like tech. I’m talking a “2% of cash” nibble. Take a nibble all the way down. For all we know, it could be a year, who cares, we have plenty of time and steady jobs to give us cash. + +Even if you ignore the last paragraph, at the very least, do not try to time the market. You will lose. Hope this helps someone out there. Good luck everyone. +I have $5,000 for the first time. Ever. Seriously I’ve never had the opportunity to hold on to more than $200, ever. And I’m 40 years old. + +What should I do +I have 60% section 8 tenants. Section 8 is paying rent through this crisis. About half of my non-section 8 tenants have contact us to work out a payment deferral agreement with me. + +We are able to retain 80% of our income during this crisis. Where otherwise we could’ve lost half. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Breaking news or important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I recently consulted with Paramasa Wealth Advisory and my experience has been very mixed bit on dull side. +https://paramasa.com/ + +The plan suggested by him was nothing extraordinary and the plan looks very moderate. Under 3yr all FD/RD and bigger than that, MF, that just 2-3 which could have easily been recognised if one do proper research. + +I mean if I am paying 18k for 6months to a person to suggest me investment strategy, I was expecting much more aggressive strategies. +If it had to be so sober, a non-financial person could also manage the same. + +Edited: +The advisor first went through the process of risk assessment and my expectations turned out to be in *moderate high risk category*, on basis of which my equity/debt ratio was decided. + +I think I was overhyped with the Advisor thing and thought he might advise some niks and kicks to juice out maximum returns but it isn't so. + +Just need to revisit plan from tax perspective once though. +Given the context of this group (making a shit ton of money) whatever you end up with could put you at risk of things like ransom kidnapping. + +This is not a fucking joke, blur out their faces. Please. MODS PLEASE DONT LET PEOPLE POST PICTURES OF THEIR CHILDREN. + +Edit: I’m talking about posting pictures in this sub and other GME subs. However, if you post in another sub it is still linked to your name. + +Whether you post on social media is your call, if you don’t display your wealth or you have private socials then I don’t see a problem. + +The biggest risk comes from people knowing that there will be millionaires made in the sub and that makes you a target. Don’t make it easier by showing them your kids faces. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Sup apes + +Not financial advice, I'm financially and literally illiterate. literally. + +As the title suggests, it is **mandatory** to play this song before reading : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVaBgcJwkI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVaBgcJwkI4) + +mobile apes, here's a spotify link: [https://open.spotify.com/track/5lLNBIyjp72btcnrjBG751?si=9adfe92dc69943e5](https://open.spotify.com/track/5lLNBIyjp72btcnrjBG751?si=9adfe92dc69943e5) + +Title felt fitting, I've got a lot to go over, so without further ado, let's jump right into it! + +If you follow me for regular EW updates, you'd be wrinkly enough to remember that in my "return of the uptrend" post, I said that in order for the uptrend to remain in tact, it was **imperative** that we hodl above 197. Here's the direct quote if you missed it: + +"What's important is the LOW IS IN MOTHAFUCKAS (so it seems, i'd love more cheapies), AND we had a seemingly definitive wave 1 on a smaller scale complete. Identifying a wave 1 is often times the hardest part of EW, but the trick is to look for the end of a downtrend. It is imperative that the wave 2 does not cross below the low of wave 1 (197), or the move is invalidated." + +Where did we bottom on friday? + +[1m](https://preview.redd.it/74si1n35d3871.png?width=2794&format=png&auto=webp&s=79e0188ef7e65035fa8cef1dd78699dfce642feb) + +198.5. + +Nice. + +So the uptrend is intact, though in the grand scheme of things this doesn't really change anything if we broke below. All this does is solidify the uptrend, as higher lows relative to our recent low is quite literally the definition of an uptrend. + +I don't quite know where to start, I guess I'll go from today. + +If you follow me on [twitter](https://twitter.com/gavinmayreal) for intraday analysis, I took a closer look and am providing updates here. + +I initially made the assumption that our move to the high of today was a 1234 impulse, which would put 5 finishing somewhere around 228 (on an intraday time frame). What I believe is actually the case is the move up to 224.45 was a minor wave 1, you can see this by the notations in blue numbering (i) to (v). + +I see it this way as the move at close on friday was actually a hyper extended minute 3. If you watched my EW tutorial video, I briefly touched on this subject. Mass hysteria in markets can result in hyperextended waves, that target the 4.326 extension of wave 1. Visualized below, you can see this happen friday: + +[hyperextended minute 3](https://preview.redd.it/8kgn4dg7d3871.png?width=2796&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b53e6216f75e9b96771cbec252955844a36594f) + +This lead be to believe that there wasn't too much upside left in the move, sure enough we topped out intraday at 224.45. + +So wut mean for tomorrow you ask? + +First of all, this is intraday waves, so for one it really doesn't matter, but pay attention because remember, smaller targets come together to identify future larger scale targets. + +My thinking for tomorrow, given that todays peak was a minor 1, we can expect our minor 2 to retrace at least 50% of the move, though ideally 61.8% of the move. + +Tying this concept into different types of corrections, the typical correction in ABC form is the A = C, or a 1:1 extension of A. + +Visualized you can see the 61.8% target and the 1:1 target of A, they land very close to each other which confirms my bias in the analysis (look at the letters in red) + +[30m](https://preview.redd.it/waqhrd2ad3871.png?width=2790&format=png&auto=webp&s=2adaf9e3889a1229120b5baa8cbab33fb2452851) + +So, not only does this mean that we can expect a nice little discount towards the beginning of the day tomorrow, but the overarching setup is screaming BUY! + +Remember how I said it was imperative we hold above 197 for the trend to remain intact? because we did, that means that after the minor wave 2 completes around 208.5 (assuming we target the 61.8 level and not the 50 or 78.6, it really doesn't matter haha), means that the setup is technically a 3 within a 3 within a 3 within a 3 (nice) + +This puts the intermediate (3rd 3) at a minimum of 227, though the 1.618:1 extension comes out to 245 (note the (3) annotation): + +[1hr](https://preview.redd.it/m0ago9sbd3871.png?width=2816&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe9b5028166cae497a2b170360f059b2cdf5910) + +What I'll be watching for is holding above 197 still, other than that I'm inclined to believe the visualized count is correct as no rules of EW are broken, and all targets have checked out thus far. + +It is entirely possible we don't retrace to the 61.8 level and we witness something called a flat corrective 2 wherein the A and C hit the same level, in this case around 212 (technical traders refer to this as a double bottom, a buy signal) + +After the C wave completes, the 3 within a 3 within a 3 within a 3 begins. This will also likely take place tomorrow and Wednesday. idk about you, but I love Wednesdays. + +Now let's talk bigger picture. + +[4hr](https://preview.redd.it/32f2k64dd3871.png?width=2800&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c04a447363222ffa65d2eb35239a039abbda9be) + +4hr + +Looking for some study material on bullish charts? look no further. + +I've never seen a chart more bullish than this. seriously. I get hard thinking about how explosive this is gonna get when we get volume upticks. + +There are a bunch of targets to watch out for, but the major ones I'm watching for are 428, 484, 517, 572, 660, and 862. + +I think everything before 862 isn't super relevant tbh, I only say this when comparing GME to the movie stock. There has been some work to show there is a correlation between the two, and that GME is lagging a few weeks behind said ticker. + +Using this same ideology, eyy emm sea hit the 1.618:1 extension of its january move (35 ish) before retracing to 22 then 70. This was a 12345 impulse with a slightly extended 3rd. + +By this logic, GME is still in its biggest wave 3, which at a minimum is targeting 547, though using the movie stock as a precursor, that puts GME at 862. + +Note though, movie stock 35 correlates to GME 862. not current prices. + +nice. + +I'll need to see where GME retraces to after said move is complete, though it'll probably go a little something like 862, 600 ish, then break into the thousands. + +note, THIS IS NOT THE SQUEEZE! These are all pre squeeze targets. + +Something else to note, friday we finally filed the minuscule gap up I mentioned a few days back, visualized by the tiny green box: + +[BULLISH](https://preview.redd.it/4k3di9dyd3871.png?width=2812&format=png&auto=webp&s=319fbf8ffcdbc0c06f7ed2c39a37b7c0a2c9b15d) + +If you're a true OG and have been following me for a while, you know how I always emphasize gaps, and how GME has a tendency to fill them rather quickly. This was the only gap to the downside that had to be filled. + +Now you ask, wut mean, and are there any more? + +In short, when the gap to the downside fills, now stonk can go up. + +There is a gap on the DAILY chart around 300 from a few weeks back, in the image below I highlight all daily chart gaps so you can visualize they do always get filled: + +&#x200B; + +[DAILY gaps](https://preview.redd.it/uhfxxoppe3871.png?width=2794&format=png&auto=webp&s=aed6a9a8d9ea89db6525a3a304b65699a2610e35) + +these are only daily gaps, not intraday. all intraday gaps are filled. + +For smoothest of brains, we can expect resistance at 286 and 292, but once we break this level, it then becomes support. + +GME is starting to get pushed on (double u ess bee, automod blocked first post) again too, which is interesting. Seems like the only thing the shills can do at this point is encourage day trading, which I do not endorse. + +Personally, I could have a much larger share count If I sold upon target confirmation, but this is not the way. The way is buy and hodl. I love every price I see, the lower the better. + +Let me repeat that. + +Do NOT day trade/swing trade GME. By selling, you allow shorts to close their position. By holding, they are forced to find another source to short from, or just create synthetic shares. I for one love when they pump more fake shares, it's just more shares that have to be bought back later. So by all means, keep flooding the market shitadel. I know you're reading this ;) + +I think I covered everything. In short I like the stock and am incredibly bullish on said security. I will not sell said security until it reaches 8 figures, and when this happens I will only sell a small portion of my xxx shares for the sake of the infinity squeeze infinite money glitch. + +Imagine finding a GTA V modder who dumps money bags on you and suddenly you can buy every car at west coast exotics. In this scenario, we found the modder, he's just hesitant cause he doesn't wanna get banned from the game entirely. But you know he'll do it anyway and likely get permabanned... + +TLDR: buy and hodl, moon soon, godly setup, don't day trade, be nice to each other 🚀 +"Most strategies require only high school math" vs "If you don't understand Stochastic Calculus, Advanced Probability Theory, Linear Algebra, Machine Learning, Finance, Econometrics, etc. then you may as well give up" +"As long as you can problem solve, firms don't care about your education background" vs "if you don't have a PhD in a hard science, just give up" +"TA is snake oil" vs "TA shows market psychology" +"All the alpha is in alternative data, price series is just random noise" vs "Price series is enough for most alpha" +"Focus on creating the most realistic backtesting engine, the rest is easy" vs. "Focus on developing alpha, the rest is easy" +"You will never beat the big guys because they have better execution, lower latency, and insider information" vs "with smaller market capitalizations, retail algotraders can find alpha too small to allocate to for the big guys" +"Read books as a starting point" vs "Sorry bud, don't bother reading books because author's won't reveal any alpha, you have to figure it out on your own" +"Understand programming and math first, the finance comes after" vs "Finance is the most important part, the programming and math comes after" +"RenTec hires the best and brightest, so that's why they perform so well" vs "Insider Trading" +"It's impossible for retail to consistently be profitable, any profits are because of luck, algotrading is just a hobby" vs "I live off my algotrading system" +My current work shoes are on the way out and colleagues are saying I should buy some RM Williams due to its comfort and quality. They also say that it works out cheaper in the long term as it last longer than the usual $200 business shoes you can buy at Myers or David jones. Do you finance savvy people think it's works out better financially in the long run? +I am not very educated in economics and I love to be proven wrong. Throughout my life I always identified with the economics of the left. Recently I have been reading lot of books from famous economists, and hardly ever I find a good 21st century book about economically left leaning theories and most modern school of economics advocate for free market, deregulation etc.. Why is that? + + +Long term 99.99% of penny stocks and 99.9999999999% of penny stocks recommended on this subreddit just go down. + +Bag holders try to prop them up, promising short squeezes or catalysts NEXTMONTH^(tm) , but 99% of the time, none of that happens. + +If you are in a penny stock and there's no big movement and no catalyst for a month, Get out. + +If you are thinking about getting in and they are just in phase one testing for the miracle drug. Don't buy, you'll have time. + +Penny stocks are for quick holds. Wait for the catalyst, buy a day before and ride the wave up or if nothing moves get rid of it quick, because if the catalyst comes up empty, you're going down. + +Good luck! +**Introduction** + +*Welcome to Theoretical Microeconomics for Apes.* + +This post will discuss the interactions of fundamental microeconomic principles of supply, demand, price, and quantity during the MOASS, pose a theoretical example based on a hypothetical Short Interest, and discuss the possible impact of an Infinity Pool depending on its size. One of many reasons that GME will be studied for centuries is because it will stretch fundamentals of supply and demand to their theoretical limits. There are a handful of terms used repetitively throughout this post, so put your wrinkle-caps on and do some word learnin'. Fortunately, there is no quiz or attendance record. + +* **Section 1: Microeconomic Principles** + +* **Section 2: Microeconomic Principles Applied to the MOASS** + +* **Section 3: Key Takeaways** + +*Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert, nor am I giving advice. My goal here is to understand and discuss theoretical microeconomic principles in relation to the MOASS due to my interest in the underlying mechanics of supply and demand at play. Please refute any incorrect assumptions in the comments and I will amend the post as necessary.* + +**ta;dr: GME is a fascinating experiment of Supply and Demand. Diamond-handed Ape names price for banana** + +***************************************************** + +**SECTION 1: MICROECONOMIC PRINCIPLES** + +I will provide a brief overview of each concept, with links. It is worthwhile to read the entirety of each article if you are interested in the topic(s). + +If you are already familiar with these principles, you can skip to the next section. + +***************************************************** + +**1.1 Theory of Price** - [Link to Article](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/theory-of-price.asp#:~:text=Understanding%20the%20Theory%20of%20Price,a%20given%20good%20or%20service.&text=The%20concept%20of%20price%20theory,adjustments%20as%20market%20conditions%20change.) + +> The theory of price—also referred to as "price theory"—is a microeconomic principle that uses the concept of supply and demand to determine the appropriate price point for a given good or service [or in the case of GME, a security]. + +> The goal is to achieve the equilibrium where the quantity of the goods or services provided matches the demand of the corresponding market and its ability to acquire the good or service. The concept of price theory allows for price adjustments as market conditions change. + +Ape Speak: In general, price will go up when demand exceeds supply. When supply = demand, price stay same. When supply exceeds demand, price go down. + +***************************************************** + +**1.2 The Laws of Supply and Demand** + +*Law of Supply* - [Link to Article](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lawofsupply.asp) + +> The law of supply is the microeconomic law that states that, all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, the quantity of goods or services that suppliers offer will increase, and vice versa. The law of supply says that as the price of an item goes up, suppliers will attempt to maximize their profits by increasing the quantity offered for sale. + +> SUPPLY CURVE: Supply in a market can be depicted as an upward sloping supply curve *that shows how the quantity supplied will respond to various prices over a period of time.* + +Ape Speak: higher prices gradually convince more Apes to sell over time. + +*Law of Demand* - [Link to Article](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/lawofdemand.asp) + +> The law of demand states that quantity purchased varies inversely with price. In other words, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. + +> DEMAND CURVE: A market demand curve expresses the sum of quantity demanded at each price across all consumers in the market. + +> Changes in price can be reflected in movement along a demand curve, but do not by themselves increase or decrease demand. + +Ape Speak: [Typically, higher prices make people buy fewer of something.](https://imgur.com/a/WlR7tGv) + +***************************************************** + +**1.3 Supply and Demand Curves** - [Link to Article](https://open.lib.umn.edu/principleseconomics/chapter/3-3-demand-supply-and-equilibrium/) + +[Pic#1: Example Supply and Demand Curves plotted together.](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +> The demand curve shows the quantities of a particular good or service that buyers will be willing and able to purchase at each price during a specified period. The supply curve shows the quantities that sellers will offer for sale at each price during that same period. By putting the two curves together, we should be able to find a price at which the quantity buyers are willing and able to purchase equals the quantity sellers will offer for sale. + +Any individual point along the Supply or Demand Curve identifies the quantity that will be supplied or demanded at a particular price (i.e., *Quantity Supplied & Quantity Demanded*). When supply exceeds demand, there is a *surplus*. When demand exceeds supply, there is a *shortage*. + +Ape Speak: Typically, demand and supply move in opposite directions in relation to price. When you put the two lines on a graph, they intersect at a specific price and quantity - these graphs are useful for analyzing prices. + +***************************************************** + +**1.4 Equilibrium** - [Link to Article](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/equilibrium.asp#:~:text=The%20equilibrium%20price%20is%20where,in%20a%20state%20of%20equilibrium.) + +Equilibrium (artificial or otherwise) is something GME users have come to know intimately over the last month. During the MOASS, the price of GME will begin moving wildly towards a new market equilibrium (extreme rising and dipping), after which prices will stabilize and return to earth. + +> Equilibrium is the state in which market supply and demand balance each other, and as a result prices become stable. Generally, an over-supply of goods or services causes prices to go down, which results in higher demand—while an under-supply or shortage causes prices to go up resulting in less demand. The balancing effect of supply and demand results in a state of equilibrium. + +Because Equilibrium is a singular point on a standard graph where two curves intersect, it produces an Equilibrium Price (the Y axis), and an Equilibrium Quantity (the X axis). + +> A market in equilibrium demonstrates three characteristics: the behavior of agents is consistent, there are no incentives for agents to change behavior, and a dynamic process governs equilibrium outcome. + +*This is where Apes combined with astronomical Short Interest throw a wrench into the market machinery and stretch the mechanics of supply and demand to the limit.* + +Ape Speak: Equilibrium is reached when quantity supplied = quantity demanded. Equilibrium produces a measurable *Equilibrium Price* and *Equilibrium Quantity*. Equilibrium = market harmony. + +***************************************************** + +**1.5 Price Elasticity of Supply and Price Elasticity of Demand** + +[Elasticity vs. Inelasticity](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/012915/what-difference-between-inelasticity-and-elasticity-demand.asp) - [Perfect Elasticity and Zero Elasticity](https://opentextbc.ca/principlesofeconomics/chapter/5-2-polar-cases-of-elasticity-and-constant-elasticity/) - [Inelastic Supply Explained](https://www.economicshelp.org/concepts/inelastic-supply/) + +*Elasticity:* In this context, elasticity is another way of saying "rate of change" of a curve. Both Supply and Demand Curves have their own elasticity, [which determines exactly how steep the curve is on the graph](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh). See Pic#1. Determining the elasticity of each curve is helpful for understanding where the curves might intersect to create market equilibrium price and quantity. + +Elasticity, expressed mathematically, is: E = (% Change in Quantity (Supplied or Demanded) / % Change in Price). It expresses the relationship of how many units become available from sellers or are demanded by buyers in response to changes in price. In theory, Demand and Supply Curves can reach extremes of elasticity - either perfect elasticity, or zero elasticity. It is important to note that elasticity is subject to market conditions, and changes over time - this means that Supply and Demand Curves can have different slopes at different quantities/prices. (Hint: supply being held by a diamond-handed Ape is a market condition that impacts elasticity of supply!) + +* Perfect elasticity means that your Supply or Demand Curve is completely flat, and that Quantity Supplied or Demanded changes by an infinite amount in response to any change in price. (We don't really care about this in the context of GME, except to the extent that it helps us understand the flip-side, zero elasticity). + +* Zero elasticity (E = 0), which is what we care about in our GME example, refers to extreme cases where a % change in price, no matter how large, results in zero change in Quantity Supplied or Demanded. When elasticity is zero, supply and demand are irresponsive to any change in price, no matter how large. + +Ape Speak: Elasticity determines the slope of the Supply and Demand Curves. Low *Elasticity of Supply* means that a big change in price has a small impact on the quantity of shares supplied to the market. Low/zero *Elasticity of Demand* means that a big change in price does not impact demand (in this case, the requirement to close a fixed quantity of short positions). + +***************************************************** + +**SECTION 2: MICROECONOMIC PRINCIPLES APPLIED TO THE MOASS** + +*Disclaimer: This is the point of the post at which my understanding of the material presented above collides with my understanding of the last few months of DD. In other words, the proceeding sections could be most accurately classified as an opinion or educated guess.* + +[We're gonna hypothetical them hedgies' clavicles!](https://imgur.com/a/09lARpM) + +Here, I will apply the above-reference microeconomic principles to a MOASS that uses hypothetical numbers. Short Interest is critical here because it represents the number of shares at which the QUANTITY DEMANDED WILL BE FIXED. (Note: this is not a discussion about the possible short interest. I personally believe that the real SI is much higher than in the example I am about to pose.) + +[Pic#2: Money Glitch Activated: A Hypothetical GME MOASS Supply & Demand Curve](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +**Important Numbers for this example:** + +* Short Interest: ~400% (280m shares) + +* Float: 25m (for ease of calculation) + +* Float repurchases to cover shorted shares: 11.2 float repurchases (the last ~25m shares - the final whole float repurchase - is important later on) + +***************************************************** + +**2.1. GME Demand Curve and Price Elasticity of Demand - Fixed Demand Enables Infinite Losses** + +*GME Demand Curve* + +* When shorts must cover and close their positions, they will require a fixed quantity of shares to do so. + +* This fixed *Quantity Demanded* means that shorts must cover at any price until the *Quantity Supplied* reaches the *Quantity Demanded*. + +*GME Price Elasticity of Demand* + +* Because *Quantity Demanded* is fixed, *Price Elasticity of Demand* is ZERO - the *Demand Curve* is VERTICAL. + +* *Quantity Demanded* will not change NO MATTER THE CHANGE IN PRICE. + +***************************************************** + +**2.2. GME Supply Curve and Price Elasticity of Supply - The Ceiling is Your Imagination** + +*GME Supply Curve* + +* The GME *Supply Curve* is the single most important factor for determining the "price ceiling" of the MOASS. + +* Because the *Demand Curve* is a vertical line, *Equilibrium Price* is determined by whatever point the *Supply Curve* intersects the *Demand Curve* (in other terms, when *Quantity Supplied* equals *Quantity Demanded*). + +* The steeper the slope of the *Supply Curve*, the higher the "price ceiling" of the MOASS + +*GME Price Elasticity of Supply (PES)* + +* In practice, GME *PES* (the slope of the *Supply Curve*) will change over time and according to market conditions. + +* Paperhands lead to higher *PES* and flatter *Supply Curves*, whereas Diamond hands lead to near-zero *PES* and more vertical *Supply Curves* (Remember when I said that having diamond hands is a market condition?) + +* When PES is high, more shares will trade between trading halts. When *PES* is low, fewer shares will be exchanged between trading halts. (Theoretically, as little as a single share could be traded between trading halts). + +* At the beginning of the MOASS, *PES* will be higher as paperhands are tempted to sell in the 3-6 figure range. (Smaller changes in price will cause higher quantities to become available) + +* The real squeeze begins when Diamond hands begin setting/lowering the *PES*, enabling share prices to exceed 7 figures. (Larger changes in price cause very low quantities to become available) + +***************************************************** + +**2.3. GME Theory of Price and Equilibrium - Ape Names Price** + +Bringing it back to this graphic: [Pic#2: Hypothetical GME MOASS Supply & Demand Curve](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh), you can see that a hypothetical *Equilibrium Price* has been established. + +*Disclaimer: This example does not account for the fact that some amount of the final ~25m shares (the final float once rehypothecated shares are gone) will be re-circulated and change the Price Elasticity of Supply as the Supply Curve approaches the Demand Curve. In other words, the Supply Curve could begin to flatten once Quantity Supplied is one whole float away from Quantity Demanded.* + +* In this example, a price somewhere between $10m-$100m is sufficient to convince Diamond-Handed Apes to provide enough supply of shares to meet the demand created by Marge's call and create the required liquidity to close all of the outstanding short positions. + +* When the short positions are closed, *Equilibrium* has been achieved, *Quantity Supplied* equals *Quantity Demanded*, and the price begins to stabilize (crash). This does not imply that the peak occurs exactly at the moment that the last short position is closed. I believe that the peak will occur sometime shortly after the first of the real shares enter the market, and liquidity begins to normalize. + +***************************************************** + +**2.4. GME MOASS, Infinity Pool Edition - The Forever Shorts** + +*But what happens if the Quantity Supplied never reaches the Quantity Demanded?* + +It would look something like this: [Pic#3: GME MOASS Supply & Demand Curve: INFINITY POOL EDITION](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +* An Infinity Pool of any size will reduce *Price Elasticity of Supply*, thus maintaining a more vertical *Supply Curve* even as real shares enter the market for re-circulation. + +* If there is an Infinity Pool that equals or exceeds one whole float (~25m shares +1 share), then the *Price Elasticity of Supply* becomes ZERO, the *Supply Curve* becomes COMPLETELY VERTICAL and never intersects the *Demand Curve*, and Apes can truly name whatever price their broker allows them to enter at the time. There is an absolute *Shortage* of shares. + + +***************************************************** + +**SECTION 3: KEY TAKEAWAYS** + +*I believe these key takeaways are reasonable given the information already known and presented here, but these are best classified as opinions/ educated guesses*: + +* **Current State of Relative Equilibrium:** Currently, so long as shorts create artificial equilibrium by meeting demand with artificial supply, the market will remain in a state of pseudo-equilibrium. When the downward price pressure of artificial supply inverts itself into upward price pressure from buying to cover, a wormhole opens. (This is nothing new, but I have yet to hear it expressed in these terms) + +* **Real-time Supply & Demand Curve:** Monitoring activity on the bid/ask spread and volume between trading halts during the MOASS will provide insight into the current state of *Price Elasticity of Supply*. At times, the bid/ask spread will be as wide as brokerage maximum-price limits allow. + +* **When is the Infinity Squeeze phase of the MOASS truly getting started?** When the *Price Elasticity of Supply* is stupidly low and getting lower. Assuming that Diamond Handed Apes own the float, the real squeeze hasn't started until GME is trading over 7-8 digits. Apes will be some of the last sellers to get in line, so any price action prior to Apes getting in line to name their price is only a buildup to the Infinity Squeeze. + +* **Utility of Volume During MOASS as a Predictor of a Potential Peak:** In all likelihood, total volume is not a reliable indicator of a squeeze peak. You would have to possess a relatively accurate idea of the true size of the short position (a.k.a. *Quantity Demanded*), know that there is no additional volume being created by new short positions that open during the MOASS, and know the impact of real shares beginning to re-circulate. + +* **Infinity Pool Can Create a True Infinity Squeeze:** Suppose that Apes own the float two-times over. If each Ape placed half of their shares into the Infinity Pool, then the final ~25m shares will be inaccessible by the market, and the short positions can't be closed until other sources of liquidity become available. In that scenario, Apes can name their price for the half of their shares that do not go into the Infinity Pool. I cannot personally fathom what would happen to the price if the entire current float could not re-enter circulation - perhaps institutional sellers would provide liquidity to stabilize the price later-on, but I do not know the details of how or how long it would take. + +* **Dips on the way up:** No matter how far the price crashes down on the way up, I will not be convinced that the squeeze has started until the price is rocketing past $100k-$1m and very few shares are exchanging hands between the trading halts. IMO, any dip between $1m-$10m cannot be the true peak, because by that point it is clear that Apes are diamond handing enough shares to allow Apes to name their own price if they continue to hold. + +* **Closing the Last Short Position vs. Timing of the Peak**: When the short positions are closed, *Equilibrium* has been momentarily achieved, *Quantity Supplied* equals *Quantity Demanded*, and the price begins to move towards a new *Equilibrium* with different market conditions. This does not imply that the peak or crash occurs exactly at the moment that the last short position is closed. I believe that the peak will occur sometime shortly after the first of the real shares enter the market, but IDK though. + +* **USE LIMIT ORDERS:** How can an Ape name their price if they let the market name the price for them? + +***************************************************** + +**As many have said, if everyone waits until backside of the MOASS to sell, there will be no backside.** + +My personal opinion on the matter, which is obviously not financial advice, is that holding all but 1 share would be the optimal way to assure an Infinity Pool is achieved! + +***************************************************** + +**ta;dr: GME is a fascinating experiment of Supply and Demand. Diamond-handed Ape names price for banana** + +[Pic #1: Ordinary Supply and Demand Curves](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +[Pic #2: Money Glitch Activated: A Hypothetical GME MOASS Supply & Demand Curve](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +[Pic #3: GME MOASS Supply & Demand Curve: INFINITY POOL EDITION](https://imgur.com/a/xVsyDnh) + +****************************************************** +This is a repost of my content from a month ago. [Further reading on Infinity Pool concept by /u/bluprince can be found here.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpvx9n/the_infinity_pool_naming_a_theoretical_posit_for). This is a case of two people independently arriving at the same conclusion using different methodologies, which ought to jack your tits that much more. +Powell in a speech this morning gave a [decidedly negative outlook](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/powell20200513a.htm) on the U.S. economy moving forward, which flipped the after-hours markets from green to red. While promising more help from the Fed, Powell also highlighted how many U.S. households have lost jobs, while pointing out that there remains significant downside risk to the economy. + +I would expect stocks to decline into today, and perhaps several days forward, as we continue to retreat from our recently overbought levels. This dip down will also take into account the virus warnings from Dr. Fauci, as well as the economic threat from Congress against China. + +Start preparing your buy list now. Figure out what prices you want for the stocks on your watch list. Good luck to all! +Up 3% yesterday, down 3% this morning. How does any of this make any sense anymore? + +Can anyone explain these wide market swings? At this point, they’re starting to seem arbitrary to me. But, then again, I’m just a passive trader trying to scrape together enough to maybe retire one day. What do I know? + +Edit: I should clarify that I’ve been casually invested since 2009 and do have a bit of knowledge about the market’s historical volatility. My post is mostly just venting. + +But, what’s really been confusing me are the extremes of the market’s swings this year, as compared to others. It is not normal or typical market behavior to have a record increase one day immediately followed by a record decrease the next day. The current labor climate and supply chain issues have been ongoing for more than a year, so that shouldn’t be new news to investors. + +As a long term investor, I’ll continue to buy and weather the storm. But, again, my point is that, as I understand it, the volatility over the past year is historically anomalous and I was curious if anyone could put it into perspective for me. +Basically my mom is going to get married to a guy that no one in the family trusts. We all think that he is trying to get access to her 401k if she decides to leave him. + +So my question is what can we do to help her protect her 401k? I was thinking of something with changing beneficiaries or something but I’m not real familiar with 401k rules. + +Edit: thank y’all everyone for the responses. I will be talking to her about a prenuptial agreement. +I’m 29, and have been at my current job for almost two years. I make $56,000 a year, paid off my student debt, and have about $17,000 in savings. + +I live at home, but I’m starting to feel cramped and need some independence. + +The place I’m looking at is $1365 (with only water utilities included), a five minute walk to work and dog friendly (it’s been hard finding a dog friendly place for my dog). + +I’m feeling overwhelmed because I always had in my mind that I wanted a small house and that I’d somehow save for it, but everyday that seems impossible that I could go in it alone (I’m single at the moment). I would still like to save in case the housing market turns around and if affording a house ends up being reasonable. Im sorry if I sound ignorant—I have no idea what questions I’m supposed to ask when renting an apartment and I feel overwhelmed. Thank you for your help. + +Edit for more info: I found three sources on google that said the average rental cost for a one bedroom in Lowell, Ma is around $1400-$1600/mo. There are cheaper options, but they're in kind of bad neighborhoods and not dog friendly. Chelmsford, MA (the next town over) seems to be closer to $2000/mo (there are some cheaper, but they're not dog friendly and I wouldn't be able to walk to work). I’ve looked at other apartments in surrounding towns and they’re in about that $1200-$1700/mo range. + +I don't know if these stats are helpful. The median sales price for Lowell house is $266,100. The home value index is $305,115. The median home price for Chelmsford, MA is $426,600. + +I get the cost of living raise at the end of every year (it’s like 2%), but I am going to be taking on more responsibilities in my role in the next year or so and once that happens I’ll see if I can negotiate a raise. My employer so far seems supportive and wanting me to grow and offering training, but I haven’t asked for more money yet so I don’t know how it will go. + +I don’t have car payments. + +Edit 2: Thank you for all the replies, everyone! Definitely wasn’t expecting that much advice. I’m reading through everything and will respond as I go through. Thanks so much for your help! I feel less overwhelmed now than I did a few hours ago. +I opened the GOOG 1/21/22 $2,500 call in Sep 2020 when GOOG was trading at $1,450 because I thought the stock was deeply discounted and could possibly move higher than $2,500 over the following year, which is what happened. Everyone always calls Google's core business "advertising", but Google doesn't sell advertising. Google collects a toll for being the gate between consumers and businesses online. In my opinion, it is arguably the world's best business and still one of the most undervalued stocks. Thoughts? +When it comes to understanding how overvalued the market is, the Buffet Indicator\* (total market cap over USA GDP) is for sure one of the most popular ratios. Today, it is at 204%, which means "significantly overvalued", but this doesn't take into account what could be the new normal... + +In the past 5 years, thanks to companies like RobinHood, investing became accessible to many more people\*\*, which in turn drove the market higher. + +So, what if this is the new normal? What if these new investors are here to stay and so having an average P/E of the S&P500 of 25 will be the new 15?\*\*\* + +\* [https://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php](https://www.gurufocus.com/stock-market-valuations.php) +\*\*[https://www.businessofapps.com/data/robinhood-statistics/](https://www.businessofapps.com/data/robinhood-statistics/) +\*\*\*[https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-pe-ratio](https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-pe-ratio) +Interesting that just in recent months people started talking about buying BABA in the mainstream. + +Pabrai, longterm advocate sold 77% of his BABA holdings with massive losses. I think his average price paid was around 210-230$. +According to media reporters, FBI claims that it can get access to bitcoin stored anywhere. That is just impossible, unless somehow they have developed ways to crack SHA256 and brute force wallet private keys. In which case, BTC is the least of everyone's worries and state/nuclear secrets could be under risk. + +[While Bitcoin isn’t stored on a server, the private keys to unlock the Bitcoin may have been. In any event, an FBI official just told reporters that it doesn’t matter where the Bitcoin wallet is—the FBI still can get access. They won’t say how.](https://preview.redd.it/b2ctswfre1471.jpg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f56cbffd28695d53010ea63cf3616b0c3bc1b27) + +And clueless media reporters are taking this to the next level by parroting and amplifying these distorted narratives. + +[FBI can empty anybody's wallet. ](https://preview.redd.it/d0eup9f8f1471.jpg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03f7dcdcf2a0252d84ce4217308a5de524b181b) + +What rubbish, if FBI can empty anyone's wallet they can get BTC from the top addresses and all become billionaires themselves. This is some of the weakest FUD but people still seem to be falling for this. + + +Edit: Lots of comments seem to suggest that governments are developing or have developed "quantum computers" that can crack/hack bitcoin private keys. While quantum computers can definitely become a threat to cryptocurrencies in the future, they are not presently anywhere close to being capable of deriving the private key for a bitcoin address. + +As per u/BreakingBaIIs : + +> I did a back-of-envelope calculation that showed that it would be faster to mine all the remaining bitcoins 6 billion times than it would to crack a single private key using brute force. + +> If the FBI found a way to efficiently crack a private key, that would mean they solved the most important math problem humanity has ever faced, that P=NP (in the affirmative). What they could do would go far beyond breaking all of the Internet's security protocols (which they could do). They would be able to solve all the mathematical theorems that humanity has ever worked on for thousands of years, plus many new ones we never thought about, in a matter of days or hours. They would be able to efficiently create superhuman AI using modest computational resources. + +The complexity of cracking a single BTC private key is large and currently not in existence. + +Moreover, if such a powerful computer existed, it would be a threat to several other things rather than bitcoin and crypto. The entire internet runs on cryptographic encryption. Nothing would be safe. In fact, someone in possession of much less powerful quantum computing power can easily hack into Federal reserve and transfer out every dollar there, or hack into Bank of England and shut everything down. In other words, cryptocurrencies would not even be among the top threats, because much bigger and important threats would be easily taken over. + +If they had quantum computers, they wont be asking Apple to de-encrypt devices seized from criminals. + +If they have quantum computers that can reverse engineer the private keys to any BTC address, they wont bother recovering measly 60 BTC from the 80 BTC ransom, when they can just send BTC to zero by hacking and moving Satoshi coins, thus destroying BTC's narrative completely. + +Tl:dr - Its preposterous to suggest anything like this exists. While it is true that research and development on quantum computers is an ongoing topic, there is no evidence to suggest that such a quantum computing system exists today that can derive BTC private keys from just the addresses. +She's just now moving in and signed the lease agreement already. + +Should I allow her to terminate the lease early? Should I tell her she needs to get smaller furniture? + +I know I should have told her the doorway is small but it skipped my mind when we were signing paperwork and showing the place. + +I don't know what to do, all ideas are appreicated. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/hyundai-now-says-its-not-in-talks-with-apple-to-develop-autonomous-electric-car-11612747205?mod=home-page + +Hyundai Motor Co. said Sunday that, contrary to multiple reports, it is not in discussions with Apple Inc. to develop an autonomous electric car. + +In a regulatory filing, the South Korean auto maker said it wanted to clarify “rumors” about a joint effort with Kia Motors Corp. to work with Apple AAPL , and said it has received “requests for cooperation” from a number of companies seeking to develop self-driving electric vehicles. + +“We are not conducting consultations with Apple on the development of autonomous vehicles,” Hyundai said in the filing, according to a translation. + +Hyundai said its various talks about an autonomous electric vehicle were in the early stages and nothing has been decided yet. +Although this seems like a great time to Buy and Hold, It is difficult to see your portfolio going down everyday. + +Many new investors might turn their back towards the market looking at this bloodbath. + +What's your opinion? +Good morning fatFIRE community! + +I was hoping to get context from younger members of this community on experience joining old-money institutions (country clubs, yatch clubs, tennis clubs etc...) + +Context - I live in Toronto, 2 young kids under 4 yrs old. My wife and I both work in tech (think hoodies, ripped jeans crowd) but have been incredibly fortunate with our careers to have achieved fatFIRE in our early 30's. With our economy starting to re-open we've been looking at curriculars for the kids. In speaking with some friends, we heard of a private members tennis/fitness club (granite club for those in toronto) really close to home with good children's programs and amazing facilities. I got some background information on the club, and it looks like initiation for us is \~$60K, and I estimate annuals (including food+programs to be around $10-15K). + +So here's the dilemma: In reading through the prospectus, they are fairly regimented in their rules (ex. dress code is smart casual in public areas outside the gym, rules on where hats can be worn etc...Neither of us come from money, our friends who are members have been lifelong members through their family so they came up with that crowd. Looking at their board it's all sort of 'old-guard' professionals (Law, Banking). With all that said, I'm worried about fitting in with a stodgy old-money crowd. The purpose of this membership would really be for the kids so us feeling comfortable there would be an important part of the kids feeling welcome as well. + +Anyone else go through this dilemma with any experience to share? Am I reading too much into this? +To make it perfectly clear...I don't want him distracted from school work, homework and other pursuits. But he is adamant he wants to spend his time earning some money. I am honestly not sure what is acceptable at his age, so have been putting it off. Not to mention it would require a significant amount of my own time to support and supervise. I'm not talking going into business. He suggested car washing for neighbors but at his age, (and in this day and age) there's liability to think about. Any suggestions before I tell him to focus more on his schooling one more time? + +EDIT: appreciate the massive response from the vast majority who understood this as intended. For those who think I'm trying to straddle some thin line between legality and getting a 9 year old rich quick, it's clear that I was talking about keeping him occupied, and earning pocket money, not trying to peddle him out as a 'young entrepreneur' or send him down the mines. Unfortunately there are many psychopath parents out there like that so I can understand your concern! + +Also paying a kid for chores is a parental decision that I respect either way, it depends on the kid, and the parent I'm sure. Personally, in his case I think paying him to perform 'pulling his weight' chores would send the wrong message. + +Many many thanks for some great suggestions. +not talking ~~Nimitz-class~~ military subs here, just a private exploratory sub like these: [SeaMagine](https://www.seamagine.com/) [TritonSubs](https://tritonsubs.com/) [UboatWorx](https://www.uboatworx.com/) + +From doing some research it looks like purchase costs range from 1.5-5M depending on seating arrangement. Then you have cost of installing the sub onto your yacht (which would obviously have to be above a specific size to be a suitable support vessel. + +I'm mainly looking for someone on here (hopefully) who has personal experience and can speak with some relative accuracy about cost estimation. I can't find any information on annual costs (maintenance/fueling/air resupply/compression costs/ inspections/etc) + +Also what kind of yacht are we talking here minimum? I'm assuming either in the 60+ft range min for a standard-type yacht, or maybe less for a purpose built ship?(refurbished commercial fishing boat maybe idk) + +I'm currently just guessing with random numbers: + +Purchase: 3m Sub +Boat cost + +Annual cost: Boat cost + ??5%?? for sub = $150k/year?.... + +so $3M + $3.7M to fully cover the annual costs forever + the boat + +For a boat: I see two options: Either a yacht that can support the sub (more $$), or a used Steel support vessel (like a repurposed trawler or a steel support vessel [Like this?](https://www.boats.com/power-boats/1966-explorer-43m-steel-5822028/) + +The yacht would be preferable but everything is more expensive on a yacht than a purpose built steel ship (I think...i'm not very familiar with maintenance costs on a commercial ship vs a yacht - side question does anyone have more details on this?) + +Follow up questions: most every resource/picture appears to require staff to help run the sub? is this true? Obviously I'd want some staff to man the support vessel while diving, but do you require a captain for the sub or is personal training so I can captain my own sub an option? + +&#x200B; + +I seriously think this is one of the coolest things that humans can do and I would love to be able to say...boat out to the titanic and dive it, or just run my own research out of it "oh you're a marine biology student with a theory about how xyz fish of the deep responds to audible signals? Let's test it!" + +This seems like one of those "if you have to ask" things, but at $6M for the sub and forever annuals...it really doesn't seem like *that* much. But I would love you hear from any fatFIRE people who may have experience + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: some people have mentioned renting instead, and that's definitely something i've considered....the best I can find is [CharterASub](https://charterasub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/CAS_Charter_SYS_August_2020.pdf) ...but with pricing at $120k USD per week...it seems like this is one of the few occasions where owning *may* be cheaper (that or this is a bad indication of how expensive it *truly* is to own :/ +Status' market cap at the end of this ICO will be $275,814,878.06 based on the total of max SNT 7,317,073,171, which will most certainly all be sold in this ICO (remember irrational exuberance with the Gnosis ICO?). Beware of this.. investors will almost certainly be better off holding their ETH. Only BAT and GNT outperformed ETH and they had small caps with their ICOs. Also, no one needs a quarter of a fucking billion dollars to build a project like Status. This is just GREED on the part of the Status team. + +Section 12 in [terms](https://contribute.status.im/status-terms.pdf): +12 Token Pools: ​At the end of the Contribution Period (and regarding Pool C also after the end +of the Contribution Period), an amount of max. **7,317,073,171 SNT** (as specified by Status +GmbH 12 hours prior to the start of the Contribution Period on: https://contribute.status.im) is +3​ | 15 +planned to be created by the Smart Contract System, all of equal value and functionality, +however, divided by the Smart Contract System into four different pools. +I’m trying to decide if it is worth the 10% to hire a full service property management for one mixed use building with a commercial space and 2 apartments. What are your thoughts? +As the title implies, the SEC - or specifically, Division of Investment Management’s Analytics Office - is supposed to share the quarterly update of [*Private Funds Statistics*](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics.shtml) + +This aims to provide detailed reporting of the **aggregate investment exposures by asset type for certain hedge funds as well as new analysis of private funds' borrowing, beneficial ownership, and use of stress testing**. I'm no expert, but I have to imagine there'd be some interesting data in the last 3 versions of that report.... the PF forms are required to be filed quarterly by the funds, so where are they? + +Filings are grouped by their report date within their reported year: ˆ + +* (Q1): February 15 to May 14 +* (Q2): May 15 to August 14 ˆ +* (Q3): August 15 to November 14 ˆ +* (Q4): November 15 to February 14 + +Here's the last one filed for Q3 2020, released back in December, but reflects data from Fourth Calendar Quarter 2018 through Third Calendar Quarter 2020: [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics/private-funds-statistics-2020-q3.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics/private-funds-statistics-2020-q3.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +[donde?](https://preview.redd.it/qwluskzay0a71.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1e22395c643e4338c579a788469bcd09ee00100) + +**EDIT**: submitted a request and sent an email to the Records Management Office of the SEC: + +https://preview.redd.it/9zse15oz91a71.jpg?width=1702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fda80a7ba6d5a6959aec4c501fc44fbe982bc2 + +going to call the EDGAR Filer support as well, I'll keep you all posted + +**EDIT 2**: I've now sent a few emails and called: + +Records Management Office + +Chief Counsel's Office (CCO) + +Trading and Markets Department + +Investment Adviser Regulation Office + +& the EDGAR General Inquiry Line + +**NO ONE ANSWERED**, but I left messages, so hopefully someone will take a break from scrolling the latest PH uploads, and call me back. + +**EDIT 3:** I think it's safe to say that I'm not going to get an answer today, I'll follow up here and/or create another post when (if) I get a response. + +**EDIT 4:** + +**Ok I had some more time to dig into these** \- + +after looking back through the release dates **on the documents themselves** over the past few years (started in 2015), the **4th Quarter of the year prior** (which is the next one we'd be expecting) traditionally **comes out in July/August of the following year**. But in 2020, things got set back: + +&#x200B; + +* Q4 2015 - released **July** 22, 2016 +* Q4 2016 - released **July** 7, 2017 +* Q4 2017 - released **August** 2, 2018 +* Q4 2018 - released **July** 23, 2019 +* \*\*Q4 2019 - released **October 2**, 2020... took 'em an extra few months on this one. +* \*\*Q1 2020 - released December 1, 2020... still about a month behind the 'normal schedule' +* \*\*Q2 2020 - released January 25, 2021... back on schedule... + +But looking at the past two **Q3** releases: + +* **Q3** 2019 - Released **May 14, 2020** +* **Q3** 2020 - released **May 5, 2020**... what? gotta be a typo, right? [It's printed on literally every page though](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics/private-funds-statistics-2020-q3.pdf). It's kinda hard to miss. My guess is that if it is a massive typo, it *should* be May 2021, which would track with 2019 and prior. But there's no press release for that one, the latest [this press release from Dec 2020](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2020-313) that I referred to in the original post, which states: + * "The most recent version of the report, published today..." + * The latest release, according to the document itself, came out way back in May of 2020, not December... **leading me to assume that** **we were way behind track here.** + * I think that press release was in fact referencing the Q1 2020 report *(even though that paper is actually dated 10 days prior to the PR release... so close guys)*, but it would more or less line up with our 'schedule' + +**So looking ahead** and assuming we're back on track - *hopefully without anymore fuckin typos*, this is what we should expect: + +* Q4 2020 - should be released any day now if we go on the 2015-2019 average... we'll see +* Q1 2021 - again based on the above, should be OCT-NOV 2021 +* Q2 2021 - Jan 2022 +* Q3 2021 - May 2022 + +I will still update regarding any response from the people I contacted, which hopefully will either confirm or deny my projected timeline here. We still don't know if the next one still might not be ready for a few months. + +**Between the typos, mis-dated press releases, delays, and lack of response, I still think someone should revoke all of their PH premium access. But for now, I think we can put the pitchforks down and hope Q4 2020 is delivered in the next week or two.** + +# FINAL EDIT: + +**I just received a reply from an individual in the Analytics Office, within the Division of Investment Management:** + +*Good evening* + +*I wanted to reply to let you know that consistent with prior years, our* ***2020Q4 Private Fund Statistics report will be published in the coming weeks***\*. Generally, the Q4 reports are released in late July or August. As you can see\* [*here*](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics.shtml)*, our most recent 2020Q3 report was published in May 2021. As the instructions to* [*Form PF*](https://www.sec.gov/files/formpf.pdf) *and our indicate, annual filers are not required to report until 120 days after the end of their fiscal year, so we take that into account before publishing our reports for a given quarter. More detail on our handling of the data can be found in the appendix of our reports.* + +*If you have any additional questions please let me know.* + +*Thank you* + +*------* + +Additionally, the date on the latest Q3 2020 Report has been updated to **May 5, 2021** + +[https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics/private-funds-statistics-2020-q3.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/investment/private-funds-statistics/private-funds-statistics-2020-q3.pdf) + +**edit to the edit:** + +**one more thing to add, especially after going through a lot of these comments, as well as a few of these Private Funds Statistics reports...** + +the SEC as a whole has a lot of bad rap for a lot of legitimate reasons, and while and I'll be the fist one to call them out I want to just point out that the team that puts these together deserves some credit for the work put into these reports. These are some seriously wrinkled individuals that have to sift through thousands of PF forms, verify the data is correct, make amends, and then compile it into a document that hopefully some other people will read and understand. + +**So, again, while we should absolutely hold the SEC accountable to the mandates its set out to accomplish, it's good to still recognize work being done on the individual level.** +“The single greatest edge an investor can have is a long-term orientation. In a world where performance comparisons are made not only annually and quarterly but even monthly and daily, it is more crucial than ever to take the long view. In order to avoid a mismatch between the time horizon of the investments and that of the investors, one's clients must share this orientation. Ours do." - Seth Klarman, Baupost Group + +What is your investment time horizon and why? +Hidden GEM is here + +&#x200B; + +\- World Class Team (Microsoft, Y Combinator, Nvidia, Visa, IBM, etc) + +\- Already listed on some TOP Exchanges, waiting for BINANCE + +\- High transparency: Update reports every 2 weeks, regular videos made by the Founder on Twitch to show progress + +\- Strong network and top class VCs. Mentioned by Willy Woo, Pentoshi, Birb, Moonwalker, StackingUSD, Martini Guy, etc + +&#x200B; + +Big Buying Opportunity + +&#x200B; + +Radix is a solid and unpumped layer one protocol and will do a full unlock tomorrow! It is a huge buying opportunity before smart contracts and ecosystem come into the play. I personally expect a dump happening within a few days given the fact of there are early investors but it will create a very good entry point for the new ones! + +&#x200B; + +Be part of our community: + +&#x200B; + +JOIN RADIX TELEGRAM GROUP: [https://t.me/radix\_dlt](https://t.me/radix_dlt) + +&#x200B; + +100x potential is the truth + +&#x200B; + +For more information: + +Links: + +Website: [https://www.radixdlt.com/](https://www.radixdlt.com/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/RadixDLT](https://twitter.com/RadixDLT) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/WkB2USt](https://discord.gg/WkB2USt) +Fellow money-loving apes. Remember the last time you saw a coin and thought “damn, why couldn’t i have seen that a week ago”...good news. THIS IS THAT TIME. This coin is still in early days and there are huge things to come. I watched it for a bit and realized i couldn’t wait any longer. I joined the telegram community and realized that this is the real deal. This is not a pump and dump shitcoin. There are long term plans listed on the website that could really change the game here. Don’t like your job? Chill at the bonfire and you don’t have to go to work anymore (eventually). + +But seriously, the top 10 holders have less than 13% of the coins which is massive. The 10% fee acts as a cushion and i have been accumulating hella coins from the 5% from every buy and sell. I put all my safemoon into bonfire and that could be a top 3 decision of my life. ( idk the other two 🤷🏽‍♂️) + +This isn’t like the other coins. The tokenomics, the low marketcap, the marketing, the active and positive community - all signs of a genuinely good deal that IF YOU ARE READING THIS, IT’S NOT TOO LATE. you’re actually early and the obvious decision is to warm yourself at the bonfire...on the moon. + +TL;DR: https://www.bonfiretoken.co/ + +Peep the roadmap on the website. Listen to the AMA (https://youtu.be/mDGU00LkjNo) and all doubts will be eliminated. + +Most important about this: HODL. i have made billions of free tokens just from holding. The price right now is an incredible value and i don’t think we will see this price again. Bonfire won SatoshiStreetBets Moonshot Monday proving the committed community and the only direction this is going is...🌙🌙🌙 +So this just happened to me. I received a text message supposedly from my bank. It's a national bank and the format of the text looks very similar to the other texts I get from them about fund transfers. It says something along the lines of "Due to fraudulent activity, your card has been locked. Call this number to unlock your card. " It seemed fIshy to me so I call the actual bank phone number I find online and verify my card is indeer active. I guess the scammers were phishing for people to call back and "verify" their card number to them. +Jaw-dropping quotes on just how close the UK came to catastrophe today 🤯 + +&#x200B; + +Senior banker describing the leveraged unwind in Gilts (UK government bonds) as coming close to triggering a "Lehman moment" + +>That process had put pension funds at risk of insolvency, because the mass sell-offs pushed down further the price of gilts held by funds as assets, requiring them to stump up even more cash. +> +>"At some point this morning I was worried this was the beginning of the end," said a senior London-based banker, adding that at one point on Wednesday morning there were no buyers of long-dated UK gilts. "It was not quite a Lehman moment. But it got close." + +&#x200B; + +Asset manager accusing the Bank of England of ignoring calls to intervene sooner + +>"It appears that some players in the market ran out of collateral and dumped gilts," said Peter Harrison, chief executive of Schroders, which has $55bn in global LDI business. "We were more conservatively positioned and we had enough collateral to meet all of our margin calls." +> +>But a senior executive at a large asset manager said they had contacted the BoE on Tuesday warning that it needed "to intervene in the market otherwise it will seize up" — but the bank failed to act until Wednesday. It declined to comment. + +&#x200B; + +Via: [https://twitter.com/BondHack/status/1575208869889835008](https://twitter.com/BondHack/status/1575208869889835008) + +More coverage at [Financial Times](https://www.ft.com/content/756e81d1-b2a6-4580-9054-206386353c4e) (non-paywall: [https://archive.ph/8hV9E](https://archive.ph/8hV9E)) +[The Robinhood IPO Is Coming Soon. Steer Clear. – Market Trading Essentials](https://www.markettradingessentials.com/2021/07/the-robinhood-ipo-is-coming-soon-steer-clear/) + +[**Market Trading Essentials**](https://www.markettradingessentials.com/author/markettradingessentials/) **July 23, 2021** + +[ Illustration by Andrea Chronopoulos ](https://preview.redd.it/9expahtdydd71.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbe09510e7215aa251e23ca723b3415ad7e43314) + +There will be no velvet rope at Robinhood Markets’ big debut on Thursday. The company is offering up to a third of its shares [in its initial public offering](https://www.barrons.com/articles/robinhood-ipo-51626693536?mod=article_inline) to the Average Joes who use its app, instead of the Wall Street suits who usually get first dibs. The wisdom of those crowds may validate the $35 billion valuation that the company projected [in a prospectus](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001783879/000162828021013986/robinhoods-1a1.htm). But its numbers don’t. + +Make no mistake, Robinhood is a truly transformational company. Founders Vlad Tenev and Baiju Bhatt took a simple premise—zero commissions—and upended the brokerage industry. Its success forced the other major brokers to eliminate commissions and opened the door to millions of new investors who had never traded before. The company estimates that nearly half of all new brokerage accounts in the U.S. between 2016 and 2021 were opened at Robinhood. That’s even more impressive given that 2020 was a record year for new accounts in the U.S., and 2021 is shaping up to be even better. + +Robinhood is on track to generate enough revenue this year to justify a valuation of $35 billion in theory. It reported revenue of $522 million in the first quarter, and the company estimated that it pulled in between $546 million and $574 million in the second. + +Thomas Mason, an analyst at S&P Global Market Intelligence, notes that when TD Ameritrade was a fast-growing broker in 1999, it traded at more than 26 times total net revenue. That would value Robinhood, with $1.35 billion in total net revenue for the four quarters ended March 31, at $35 billion. + +Robinhood’s problem, however, is [the quality and sustainability of its revenue](https://www.barrons.com/articles/robinhood-ipo-meme-stocks-51625266076?mod=article_inline). At least three quarters of it comes from routing customers’ trades to trading firms that execute the trades and profit off the spread between the bid and the ask, a practice called payment for order flow. During trading frenzies, payment for order flow rises. But when trading slumps, payment for order flow slumps, too. That’s one reason most other brokers rely on other revenue streams for the majority of their revenue. Payment for order flow is also in the crosshairs of regulators, with Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler [raising concerns about it](https://www.barrons.com/articles/gary-gensler-says-sec-is-focusing-on-spacs-and-retail-trading-apps-51624460483?mod=article_inline) in recent weeks. + +**Robinhood by the Number** + +**The online trading platform released second-quarter financial estimates ahead of its initial public offering next week.** + +[ Note: The numbers in the filing are preliminary and subject to change. ](https://preview.redd.it/4azuzj2u9dd71.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=501e13fc5f12122fba0bd5be0a4ff531301c335c) + +Robinhood is also highly dependent on cryptocurrency trading, another area now getting a close review by the SEC. Trading in Dogecoin, the joke cryptocurrency favored by Elon Musk, made up about 6% of the company’s revenue in the first quarter. + +Thomas Peterffy, the chairman of Interactive Brokers, which focuses on more experienced traders, has been impressed by Robinhood and its ability to introduce new people into the market. “I’m a little bit talking my own book, because we get five to 10 customers from Robinhood every day,” he says. But he wouldn’t invest in the IPO. “I like to understand the profitability of a business,” he said. “But there is not a simple way to project Robinhood’s profits going forward, or even understand it going backward.” + +Robinhood could pivot to other business models—its goal is to branch out into lending and payments. But the company’s forays into new areas have not gone well so far. In fact, they have sometimes flopped in spectacular ways. In 2018, it had to withdraw its plan to offer checking and savings accounts after being called out for misleading marketing and a lack of insurance, and later backtracked on plans to offer trading in the U.K. and to obtain a bank charter. *Barron’s* has followed Robinhood’s twists and turns, [including a cover story last August](https://www.barrons.com/articles/what-is-robinhood-apps-next-act-its-already-mastered-the-stock-market-game-51597451777?mod=article_inline). + +There has been a boom in new IPOs this year, which has created a lot of opportunities for investors. These opportunities also come with great risk. Here’s what you need to know + +The company says in its prospectus that its customers “already trust us with their hard-earned cash and assets,” so they will likely trust it to take care of their other needs as they grow their wealth. The company did not reveal just how much of that hard-earned money the typical customer has put in her account, but the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority said in an enforcement letter that the median Robinhood customer had $240 in her account as of February. + +Many investors seem to consider Robinhood their “play-money account,” says Hugh Tallents, senior partner at management consultancy cg42, which surveyed more than 1,000 account-holders at various brokers about their habits this year. To justify the valuation, “customers will have to change their financial behavior to integrate a lot of their financial life with a company that has been mired in scandal for a long time. I just don’t see that being likely,” Tallents says. + +Nearly every financial technology company is now focused on cross-selling customers on multiple services. [Square](https://www.barrons.com/quote/SQ) (SQ), Stash, [PayPal](https://www.barrons.com/quote/PYPL) (PYPL), [SoFi Technologies ](https://www.barrons.com/quote/SOFI)(SOFI) and more all want a bigger piece of your financial life. And some are able to make better first impressions. SoFi is known for refinancing student loans, for instance. + +Getting from a student loan to a mortgage is “a bit of a layup,” Tallents says. “It’s far harder to envisage a world where people take a quite basic tool, which Robinhood is by design, and put a lot of their debt-based products or their savings accounts and integrate those things together.” + +**Write to** Avi Salzman at [avi.salzman@barrons.com](mailto:avi.salzman@barrons.com) +[Find the full comment paper here.](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-dtc-2006-16/dtc200616-42.pdf) + +In 2008 the DTC was working to pass a new rule that would make it much harder for smaller Transfer Agents to work with the DTC. The effect was to put the smaller Transfer Agents out of business. + +It worked. + +**The DTC does not want you to hold your shares with Transfer Agents (like Computershare).** + +**They want you to hold your shares with them in Broker-Dealer participant accounts!** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/eabkp0g6cwp71.png?width=2514&format=png&auto=webp&s=823bb4a1cd4ebf4c2cc7c94e69d6fc9d8714154b + +Key Highlight here:"The DTC ... \[is\] attempting to make... rules... for transfer agent non-members... \[who\] are **direct competitors of DTC.**" + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x8096ywdcwp71.png?width=2456&format=png&auto=webp&s=b77fdd3fd4e3f5e5a78f01df481936b0c5050411 + +In 1970 **70%** of all securities were registered with Transfer Agents and 30% at the DTC. + +As of 2008... **70%** of securities were registered at the DTC! + +I can not find any information as of 2020... I can assume it is higher. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/44yqzuopdwp71.png?width=2375&format=png&auto=webp&s=b748abd27ada3cc4ca0c04642607c406a753b26a + +"...DTC has always looked on transfer agents as **competitors** and has repeatedly designed ways to take business away..." + +https://preview.redd.it/8r7w598ydwp71.png?width=2431&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b3567b569e70c205aa07c72922fa1f8602b3ca6 + +"...transfer agents originally proposed DRS..." + +https://preview.redd.it/vkfcdt14ewp71.png?width=2420&format=png&auto=webp&s=76b8ef791741f99d8bb45e61f674adcc58d94870 + +"...\[DTC wants\] to move millions of registered shareholder accounts from transfer agents... \[to\]... the DTC System for the benefit of DTC and its broker owners." + +https://preview.redd.it/yp8q1gz9ewp71.png?width=2440&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce662674d92d29b1bdb06bd0dce8fe8c905e6b0 + +"...transfer agents are not members of DTC..." + +"...Congress did not authorize DTC to regular transfer agents... it authorized only the SEC..." + +https://preview.redd.it/v1rar73iewp71.png?width=2432&format=png&auto=webp&s=86eec02910843ad0c50c30f0ad22f2c20f917b90 + +"...transfer agents maintain securities records that may include records of securities that are registered to DTC or its nominee Cede & Co." + +"...a transfer agent is not a custodian for DTC..." + +"...a transfer agent is the agent of the issuer and has only one customer, the issuer." + +**TLDR:** + +**1,** DTC has for decades sought to undermine Transfer Agents and get more and more shareholders to register shares directly on DTC for the benefit of DTC and it's Broker-Dealer Owners. (my other DD talks about how they use these registered securities for their [Collateral Loan Program](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pvi1u3/dtc_participants_are_loaning_your_cash_stocks_the/)). + +**2,** Transfer Agents are Competitors to the DTC. + +**3,** Transfer Agents have only one customer- Gamestop. + +**4,** Transfer Agents **ARE NOT** regulated by the DTC. They are ONLY regulated by the SEC. + +**5,** Ryan Cohen literally tweeted a picture of cone-poo-chair and a 'compooter chair'. Do you *still* not get it?! + +**6,** So, anyone who argues that Computershare is the DTC, or like any other broker-dealer, is completely wrong. Computershare is about as far OUT of the DTC you can get (without physically requesting your share certificates).[Read about your only 3 options of holding securities on the SEC website.](https://www.sec.gov/reportspubs/investor-publications/investorpubsholdsechtm.html#faq) +There have been numerous posts telling people how to set up their DTC-network brokerage accounts to reinvest dividends after their brokers give them cash equivalents, instead of the actual shares they should have received as dividends. These posts are being upvoted like crazy and no one is questioning the absurdity of the scenario being described. Stop the madness! This is blatant misdirection and needs to be stopped. + +There won’t be any cash distributed to the shareholders by GameStop, just *additional shares of GME stock*. Please re-read that sentence as many times as necessary for it to become set in your mind. This is not a new concept...brokers will owe you shares, not cash! + +If your pre-split shares are held at Computershare, then that is where GameStop will send your extra dividend shares (to be distributed into individual accounts by CS). The difference between # of Shares Outstanding - # of shares Direct Registered at CS = # of shares sent to DTC (Cede & Co.). The DTC should perform the same function as CS, which is to distribute the shares into the individual brokerage accounts of investors. This should happen automatically and is a simple procedure, since EVERYONE'S ACCOUNTS ARE ALREADY SET UP TO RECEIVE SHARES...DUH! + +If your broker fails to provide you with actual shares and substitutes cash into your account instead, that mean the shares provided by GameStop for your dividend were probably used by the DTC to cover their naked shorts. They will have stolen from you, again. Additionally, one of the big advantages of receiving Stocks as dividends, instead of cash, is the advantage of not owing tax on the extra shares UNTIL THEY ARE SOLD. If they put cash into your account as a dividend, instead of shares, they are diminishing the value of the dividend that GameStop intended for you to receive, as well as forcing a tax liability onto you without your consent. + +My advice for anyone thinking they need to jump through hoops at any DTC brokerage is don't do it. They are not working for you, nor are they concerned with your best interests. They are concerned with saving their own hides and will use any trickery possible to get you to abdicate ownership of the dividend shares you are entitled to. + +If I got anything wrong, please let me know and I'll make a correction. Thanks for hearing me out! Good luck and best wishes to all. + +EDIT (copied from mod post below): Thanks to [u/\_kehd](https://www.reddit.com/u/_kehd/) for pointing out this post from Fidelity, stating that nothing needs to be done for the Dividend Stock Split + +Please see link posted by MOD below...I tried to include it in my post but that got my whole post deleted. +I read [this article about JPMorgan hoarding cash](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/14/jamie-dimon-jpmorgan-is-hoarding-cash-because-very-good-chance-inflation-here-to-stay.html) ($500 billion so far) waiting for higher rates because they think inflation is going up and is here to stay. + +How does this make sense? Wouldn't that cash become *less* valuable with inflation? Shouldn't they be doing the opposite: leaving as little cash as possible uninvested? +https://twitter.com/martinslewis/status/1334185560882229250?s=21 + +> I'm very concerned about the growth of Buy Now Pay Later. It's exploding like payday loans did. And like payday loans were, it's a huge credit industry that's unregulated - so few rules, and you can't go to ombudsman. That must change. Amend the fin services /regulation bill. + +Elon Musk replied to Floki Shiba Inu’s tweet check it out guys https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1410797535837396995 ! + +Floki Shiba Inu is having BTOK AMA on July 6 UTC 0800. + +BTOK is the biggest Chinese community cryptocurrency platform, with more than half a million subscribers! (Hare and Baby Doge went parabolic after they promoted in BTOK). + +Get in now, market cap is still low ($3 million now) before they go parabolic. + +Be a Viking and join the Floki Shiba Inu family today! + +Liquidity locked, secured and unruggable. + +16.3% token locked which will be used to manual burn in the future, in which 5% belongs to dev marketing wallet for future CEX listing. + +https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1&add=0xFd285cb85E2e0C3c6B732336f9204113974ffF97&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC + +https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x2546455022f3CEc8A853C5186973A399a7Ea3aD4&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC + + +10% Tax On Each Transaction + +6% Back to the liquidity pool + +4% Redistribution + + +📝 Contract Address: 0x2A42B6896E4B756621f08A1996162D8EA5A9c580 +Tested and verified in Rugscreen. + +📊 BSC Scan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x2A42B6896E4B756621f08A1996162D8EA5A9c580 + +🥞 PancakeSwap(v2): https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x2A42B6896E4B756621f08A1996162D8EA5A9c580 + +🦎 CoinGecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/floki-shiba-inu + +🕊 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Floki_ShibaInu + +🌐 Website: https://www.flokishibainu.com/ + +📱 Telegram: https://t.me/flokishibainucommunity +I am getting increasingly worried about the amount of warning signals that are flashing red for hyperinflation- I believe the process has already begun, as I will lay out in this paper. The first stages of hyperinflation begin slowly, and as this is an exponential process, most people will not grasp the true extent of it until it is too late. I know I’m going to gloss over a lot of stuff going over this, sorry about this but I need to fit it all into four posts without giving everyone a 400 page treatise on macro-economics to read. Counter-DDs and opinions welcome. This is going to be a lot longer than a normal DD, but I promise the pay-off is worth it, knowing the history is key to understanding where we are today. + +SERIES TL/DR (PARTS 1-4): We are at the end of a MASSIVE debt supercycle. This 80-100 year pattern *always* ends in one of two scenarios- default/restructuring (deflation a la Great Depression) or inflation( hyperinflation in severe cases (a la Weimar Republic). The United States has been abusing it’s privilege as the World Reserve Currency holder to enforce its political and economic hegemony onto the Third World, specifically by creating massive artificial demand for treasuries/US Dollars, allowing the US to borrow extraordinary amounts of money at extremely low rates for decades, creating a [Sword of Damocles](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+sword+of+Damocles+hangs+over+head) that hangs over the global financial system. The massive debt loads have been transferred worldwide, and sovereigns are starting to call our bluff. Systemic risk within the US financial system (from derivatives) has built up to the point that collapse is all but inevitable, and the Federal Reserve has demonstrated it will do whatever it takes to defend legacy finance (banks, broker/dealers, etc) and government solvency, even at the expense of everything else (The US Dollar). + +I’ll break this down into four parts. ALL of this is interconnected, so please read these in order: + +* Part One: The Global Monetary System- “A New Rome” < (YOU ARE HERE) +* [Part Two: Derivatives, Systemic Risk, & Nitroglycerin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o727oc/the_dollar_endgame_part_2_the_ouroboros/)\- “The Ouroboros” < +* [Part Three: Banks, Debt Cycles & Avalanches](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogzoco/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)\- “The Money Machine” < +* Part Four: Financial Gravity & the Fed’s Dilemma- “At World’s End” < + +**Preface:** + +Some terms you need to know: + +[Inflation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation.asp): Commonly refers to increase in prices (per Keynesian thinking). However, Inflation in the truest sense is inflation (growth) of the money supply- higher prices are just the RESULT of monetary inflation. (Think, in normal terms, prices really only rise/fall, same with temperatures. (ie Housing prices rose today). The word Inflation refers to a growth in multiple directions (quantity and velocity). Deflation means a contraction of the money supply, which results in falling prices. + +[Dollarization](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dollarization.asp#:~:text=Dollarization%20is%20the%20term%20for,due%20to%20hyperinflation%20or%20instability.) (Weaponization of the Dollar): The process by which the US government, IMF, World Bank, and other elite organizations force countries to adopt dollar systems and therefore create indirect demand for dollars, supporting its value. (Think Petrodollars). + +[Central Banks](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/centralbank.asp): Generally these are banks that control/monitor the monetary policy of the country they reside in. They are usually owned by private financial institutions (large banks/bank holding firms). They utilize open market [operations](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/openmarketoperations.asp#:~:text=Open%20market%20operations%20(OMO)%20refers,out%20to%20businesses%20and%20consumers.) to stabilize and set market rates. They are called the “Lender of Last Resort” as they are supposed to LEND (not bailout/buy assets) to other banks in a crisis and help defend their currency’s value in international forex markets. CBs are beholden to the “[dual mandate](https://www.chicagofed.org/research/dual-mandate/dual-mandate)” of maintaining price stability (low inflation) and a strong job market (low unemployment) + +[Monetary Policy](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/monetarypolicy.asp): The set of tools that central bankers have to adjust how money moves through the financial system. The main tool they use is quantitative tightening/easing, which basically means selling treasuries or buying treasuries, respectively. \*A quick note- bond prices and interest rates move inversely to one another, so when Central banks buy bonds (easing), they lower interest rates; and when they sell bonds (tightening), they increase interest rates. + +[Fiscal Policy](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiscalpolicy.asp): The actions taken by the government (mainly spending and taxing) to influence macroeconomic conditions. Fiscal policy and monetary policy are **supposed** to be enacted independently, so as not to allow massive mismanagement of the money supply to lead to extreme conditions (aka high inflation/hyperinflation or deflation) \*cough Yellen cough\* + +# Part One: The Global Monetary System- A New Rome + +&#x200B; + +[Allegory of the Prisoner's Dilemma](https://preview.redd.it/7sgzws8mlm671.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=956c8e050e84de9715eb2c7e4aeee59910f38d3a) + +# Prologue: + +In their masterwork tapestry entitled “[Allegory of the Prisoner’s Dilemma](https://loloro.com/artwork/3552148-Allegory-of-the-Prisoner-s-Dilemma.html)” (pictured in the title image of this post) the artists Diaz Hope and Roth visually depict a great tower of civilization that rests upon a bedrock of human cooperation and competition across history. The artists force us to confront the fact that after 10,000 years of human civilization we are now at a cross-roads. Today we have the highest living standards in human history that co-exists with an ability to destroy our planet ecologically and ourselves through nuclear war. We are in the greatest period of stability with the largest probabilistic tail risk ever. The majority of Americans have lived their entire lives without ever experiencing a direct war and this is, by all accounts, rare in the history of humankind. **Does this mean we are safe? Or does the risk exist in some other form, transmuted and changed by time and space, unseen by most political pundits who brazenly tout perpetual American dominance across our screens?** ([Pulled from Artemis Capital Research Paper](https://artemiscm.docsend.com/view/t2rpfyivddgqg6n8)) + +# The Bretton Woods Agreement + +[Money](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/money.asp), in and of itself, might have actual value; it can be a shell, a metal coin, or a piece of paper. Its value depends on the importance [that people place on it](https://www.investopedia.com/insights/what-is-money/)—traditionally, money functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of measurement, and a storehouse for wealth (what is called the three factor definition of money). Money allows people to trade goods and services indirectly, it helps communicate the price of goods (prices written in dollar and cents correspond to a numerical amount in your possession, i.e. in your pocket, purse, or wallet), and it provides individuals with a way to store their wealth in the long-term. + +Since the inception of world trade, merchants have attempted to use a single form of money for international settlement. In the 1500s-1700s, the Spanish silver peso (where we derive the [$ sign](https://www.lexico.com/explore/what-is-the-origin-of-the-dollar-sign)) was the standard- by the 1800s and early 1900s, the British rose to prominence and the Pound (under a gold standard) became the de facto world reserve currency, helping to boost the UK’s military and economic dominance over much of the world. After World War 1, geopolitical power started to shift to the US, and this was cemented in 1944 at [Bretton Woods](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bretton_Woods_system), where the US was designated as the WRC (World Reserve Currency) holder. + +&#x200B; + +[Bretton Woods](https://preview.redd.it/gw3dze1plm671.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=270e50cd07607e6e8c2f0254d954849cdb443c82) + +In the early fall of 1939, the world had watched in horror as the German blitzkrieg raced through Poland, and combined with a simultaneous Russian invasion, had conquered the entire territory in 35 days. This was no easy task, as the Polish army numbered more than [1,500,000 men](https://www.ww2-weapons.com/polish-armed-forces/), and was thought by military tacticians to be a tough adversary, even for the industrious German war machine. As WWII continued to heat up and country after country fell to the German onslaught, European countries, fretting over possible invasions of their countries and annexation of their gold, started sending massive amounts of their [Gold Reserves to the US](https://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/regional-economist/first-quarter-2020/changing-relationship-trade-americas-gold-reserves). At one point, the Federal Reserve held over 50% of all above-ground reserves in the world. + +&#x200B; + +[US Trade Balance](https://preview.redd.it/40yylu9qlm671.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=57a4cfabc73c8b074da57f68980467e834055f62) + +In a global monetary system restrained by a Gold Standard, countries HAVE to have [gold reserves](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_reserve) in their vaults in order to issue paper currency. The Western European powers all exited the Gold standard via executive acts in the during the dark days of the Great Depression (in Germany’s case, immediately after WW1) and build up to War by their respective finance ministers, but the understanding was they would return back to the Gold standard, or at least some form of it, after the chaos had subsided. + +As the war wound down, and it became clear that the Allies would win, the Western Powers understood that they would need to come to a new consensus on the creation of a new global monetary and economic system. + +Britain, the previous world superpower, was marred by the war, and had seen most of her industrial cities in ruin from the [Blitz](https://www.britannica.com/event/the-Blitz). France was basically in tatters, with most industrial infrastructure completely obliterated by German and American shelling during various points of the war. The leaders of the Western world looked ahead to a long road of rebuilding and recovery. The new threat of the USSR loomed heavy on the horizon, as the Iron Curtain was already taking shape within the territories re-conquered by the hordes of Red Army. + +Realizing that it was unsafe to send the gold back from the US, they understood that a post-war economic system would need a new World Reserve Currency. The US was the de-facto choice as it had massive reserves and huge lending capacity due to its untouched infrastructure and incredibly productive economy. + +At Bretton Woods, the consortium of nations assented to an [agreement](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/bretton-woods-agreement/) whereby the Dollar would become the WRC and the participating nations would [synchronize monetary policy](https://ies.princeton.edu/pdf/E106.pdf) to avoid competitive devaluation. In summary, they could still redeem dollars for Gold at a fixed rate of $35 an oz, a hard redemption peg which the[ U.S would defend](https://www.thebalance.com/gold-price-history-3305646). + +Thus they entered into a quasi- Gold standard, where citizens and private corporations could NOT redeem dollars for Gold (due to the [Gold Reserve Act ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Reserve_Act), c. 1934), but sovereign governments (Central banks) could still redeem dollars for gold. Since their currencies (like the Franc and Pound) were pegged to the Dollar, and the Dollar pegged to gold, all countries remained connected indirectly to a gold standard, stabilizing their currency conversion rate to each other and limiting local governments’ ability to print and spend recklessly. + +&#x200B; + +[US Gold Reserves](https://preview.redd.it/6pqkimnwlm671.png?width=746&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2d3e71f7fe4462d7157d0a54e45c2f5f63b8e51) + +For a few decades, this system worked well enough. US economic growth spurred European rebuilding, and world trade continued to increase. Cracks started to appear during the Guns and Butter era of the 1960’s, when Vietnam War spending and Johnson’s Great Society programs spurred a new era of fiscal [profligacy](https://www.thebalance.com/president-lyndon-johnson-s-economic-policies-3305561). The US started borrowing massively, and dollars in the form of Treasuries started stacking up in foreign Central Banks reserve accounts. + +Then-French President [Charles De Gaulle](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Charles-de-Gaulle-president-of-France/Return-to-public-life) did the calculus and realized in 1965 that the US had issued far too many dollars, even considering the massive gold reserves they had, to ever redeem all dollars for gold (remember naked shorting more shares than exist? -same idea here). He laid out this argument in his infamous [Criterion Speech](https://www.usagold.com/cpmforum/favorite-web-pages-degaulle/) and began aggressively redeeming dollars for gold. + +The global “run on the dollar” had already begun, but the process accelerated after his seminal address, as every large sovereign turned in their dollars for bullion, and the US Treasury was forced to start massively exporting gold. Backing the sovereign government's actions were fiscal and monetary strategists getting more and more worried that the US would not have enough gold to redeem their dollars, and they would be left holding a bag of worthless paper dollars, backed by nothing but promises. The outward flow of gold quickly became a deluge, and policymakers at all levels of Treasury and the State department started to worry. + +&#x200B; + +[Nixon ends Bretton Woods](https://preview.redd.it/n2o4uz5ylm671.png?width=761&format=png&auto=webp&s=02ce74f1d61b5fa8c920db23af4c87bff8e2e2d2) + +Nearing a coming dollar solvency crisis, Richard Nixon [announced](https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/gold-convertibility-ends) on August 15th, 1971 that he was closing the [gold window](http://triplecrisis.com/a-first-default-closing-the-gold-window/), effectively barring all countries from current and future gold redemptions. Money ceased to be based on the gold in the Treasury vaults, and instead was now completely unbacked, based solely on government decree, or [fiat](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fiatmoney.asp). Fixed wage and price controls were created, inflation skyrocketed, and unemployment spiked. + +Nixon’s speech was not received as well internationally as it was in the United States. Many in the international community interpreted Nixon’s plan as a unilateral act. In response, the [Group of Ten](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/groupoften.asp) (G-10) industrialized democracies decided on new exchange rates that centered on a devalued dollar in what became known as the [Smithsonian Agreement](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/smithsonian-agreement.asp). That plan went into effect in Dec. 1971, but it proved unsuccessful. Beginning in Feb. 1973, speculative market pressure caused the USD to devalue and led to a series of [exchange parities](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/parity.asp). + +Amid still-heavy pressure on the dollar in March of that year, the G–10 implemented a strategy that called for six European members to tie their currencies together and jointly [float](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/float.asp) them against the dollar. That decision essentially brought an end to the fixed exchange rate system established by Bretton Woods. This crisis came to be known as the “[Nixon Shock](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nixon-shock.asp)” and the DXY ([US dollar index) began to fall](https://www.macrotrends.net/1329/us-dollar-index-historical-chart) in global markets. + +&#x200B; + +[DXY](https://preview.redd.it/jioirg70mm671.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=e81e3ab7724a05947925e436657a05e8d5ed6c5e) + +This crisis came out of the blue for most members of the administration. According to [Keynesian](https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/KeynesianEconomics.html) economists, stagflation was literally impossible, as it was a violation of the [Philips Curve](https://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/PhillipsCurve.html) principle, where Unemployment and Inflation were inversely correlated, thus inflation should [theoretically](https://www.stlouisfed.org/open-vault/2020/january/what-is-phillips-curve-why-flattened) be **decreasing** as the recession worsened and unemployment climbed through [1973-1975](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973%E2%80%931975_recession#:~:text=The%201973%E2%80%931975%20recession%20or,World%20War%20II%20economic%20expansion.). + +&#x200B; + +[Phillips Curve](https://preview.redd.it/865d1fr1mm671.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee8be1d79e2323da9f0f19ecc39c0da0a3360511) + +MONKE-SPEK: Philips Curve Explained + +* Low Unemployment>Lots of jobs/high demand for labor. +* Thus, more workers are employed, and wages rise>putting more money in more people’s pockets. +* These people go out and buy beanie babies, toasters, and bananas (what economist John Maynard Keynes called [aggregate demand](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/aggregatedemand.asp)) and this higher demand leads to higher prices for goods and services. This shows up as inflation. +* Consider the opposite- high unemployment>fewer jobs>less money for people +* Less demand for goods and services> lower inflation + +Keynesian economists treated this curve as a law of nature, rather than a general rule. We see exceptions to this rule everywhere- Argentina is a prime example, where they have [persistently](https://www.statista.com/statistics/316703/unemployment-rate-in-argentina/) high unemployment AND high [inflation](https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/inflation-cpi). This phenomenon is called [stagflation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stagflation.asp), and is evidence of inflationary pressures so strong that they overcome the deflationary force of high unemployment. These economists were utterly blindsided by the emergence of stagflation. + +After the closing of the gold window in 1971, the crisis spread, inflation kept climbing, and other sovereigns began contemplating devaluing their currencies as their only peg, the US dollar, was now unmoored and looked to be heading to disaster. + +US exports started climbing (cheaper dollar, foreigners could now import stuff to their countries), straining export economies and sparking talks of a [currency war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_war). Knowing they had to do something to stop the bleeding, the Nixon administration, at the direction of Henry Kissinger, made a secret deal with [OPEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPEC), creating what is now called the Petrodollar system. This [article](https://greatpowerrelations.com/great-powers/status-of-great-powers/key-drivers-of-economic-capabilities/dollar-and-de-dollarization/birth-of-petrodollar/) summarizes it best: + +&#x200B; + +[PetroDollar system](https://preview.redd.it/m5a1v6a4mm671.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8ff7945a9bbe8924be32f157864c67a0db4cb41) + +[Petrodollars](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/petrodollars.asp) had been around since the late 1940s, but only with a few suppliers. Petrodollars are U.S. dollars paid to an oil-exporting country for the sale of the commodity. Put simply, the petrodollar system is an exchange of oil for U.S. dollars between countries that buy oil and those that produce it. + +By forcing the majority of the oil producers in the world to price contracts in dollars, it created artificial demand for dollars, helping to support US dollar value on foreign exchange markets. The petrodollar system creates surpluses for oil producers, which lead to large U.S. dollar reserves for oil exporters, which need to be recycled, meaning they can be channeled into loans or direct investment back in the United States. + +It still wasn’t enough. [Inflation](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FPCPITOTLZGUSA), like many things, had inertia, and the oil shocks caused by the Yom Kippur War and other geo-political events continued to strain the economy through the 1970’s. + +&#x200B; + +[PCE Index](https://preview.redd.it/l89uq1v5mm671.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=3673060f2a7a4492bafae2ef07d0a33f3442f649) + +Running out of road, monetary policymakers finally decided to employ the nuclear option. [Paul Volcker](https://www.thebalance.com/who-is-paul-volcker-3306157), the new Federal Reserve Chairman selected in 1979, knew that it was imperative to break the back of inflation to preserve the global economic system. That year, inflation was spiking well above 10%, with no end in sight. He decided to do something about it. + +&#x200B; + +[Volcker Doctrine](https://preview.redd.it/ytyvtld7mm671.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0be2afbd5e646ee7afa70c4bac738796029ff97) + +By hiking interest rates aggressively, consumer credit lending slowed, mortgages became more expensive to finance, and corporate debt became more expensive to borrow. Foreign companies that had been dumping US dollar holdings as inflation had risen now had good reason to keep their funds vested in US accounts. When the Petrodollar system, which had started taking shape in ‘73 was completed in March 1979 under the [US-Saudi Joint Commission](https://www.legistorm.com/reports/view/gao/6895/The_U_S_Saudi_Arabian_Joint_Commission_on_Economic_Cooperation.html), the dollar finally began to stabilize. The worst of the crisis was over. + +Volcker had to keep interest rates elevated well above 8% for most of the decade, to shore up support for the dollar and assure foreign creditors that the Fed would do whatever it takes to defend the value of the dollar in the future. These absurdly high interest rates put a brake to US government borrowing, at least for a few years. Foreign creditors breathed a sigh of relief as they saw that the Fed would go to extreme lengths to preserve the value of the dollar and ensure that Treasury bonds paid back their principal + interest in real terms. + +&#x200B; + +[10yr US treasury yields](https://preview.redd.it/8wmho589mm671.png?width=775&format=png&auto=webp&s=7af6f7393d964baeabd3ff69eeb876ef70bace1e) + +Over the next 40 years, the United States and most of the developed world saw a prolonged period of economic growth and global trade. Fiat money became the norm, and creditors accepted the new paradigm, with it’s new risk of inflation/devaluation (under the gold standard, current account deficits, and thus inflation risk, was self-stabilizing). The Global Monetary system now consisted of free-floating fiat currencies, liberated from the fetters of the gold system. + +[(I had to break this post up into two sections due to the character limit, here is second half of Pt 1): /](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4w45f/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +Fear of missing out. +I’m a woman. I was raised poor and I mean POOR. My mother was a stripper meth addict with a severe personality disorder and my dad was a heroine addict who hated himself, as one does at 18. They met at a rave in 1990 something after my mom was released from a psych ward. +I wouldn’t meet him until I was 6. Then again when I was 16. + +I was raised in the streets, while my mom was working for whatever illegal crime mob boss for the week. I learned to cook, clean, shower, take care of myself, go to school, do my homework, go to after school programs, come home and get ready for bed by the time I was in 2nd grade. + +As an adult life has been a lot easier. I met my husband when I was 18 and we fell in love. I went to Europe at 19 and solo traveled for three months. I wasn’t raised with stability or financial intelligence at all. I’m street smart, always have been. + +I want what I’ve always dreamed about. Freedom, financial freedom. I’m trying SO hard to learn about social media’s, content creating, algorithms, NFTs, digital art, real estate, investing, stocks, and on top of that my emotional fucking childhood trauma, being a good wife, our struggle with infertility, keeping the house clean, laundry, cooking, and exercise! All at 24!! + +It’s a lot but funny enough not the craziest shit that’s been thrown at me. I use to walk into stores knowing I had to steal food, school clothes, school supplies etc at 7. + +If you made it through this far, thank you. I guess I just want to know if someone’s out here who feels like they’re missing out on the big wave of being financially wealthy. I’m tired of feeling like I’m in this glass box made out of a one-way mirror. + +Edit: +Wow!! I woke up this morning to some amazing stories, personal achievements, and some serious kick ass advice! I can’t say how much I appreciate all of the time and effort you spent to reply to my post. I have read every single comment and I will continue to do so. I’ve ordered the books you’ve recommended and I’ve made a list of terms that I will research more about. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! +Before anyone says it ... Don't trade what you can't afford to lose, and only do this for the tech. + +Now, lets get to the real world. As someone who is disabled and have extremely limited ways to have a normal life. I'm using this to help at least get me there. I'm wondering how many others here are like me. Where you're in some level of poverty and you're trying to use this to get you out of it + +How close are you to being out of poverty directly do to this? How many is deeper into poverty directly due to this? +So here's the thing. I started out with 5k back at the beginning of Covid... got it up to like 18k by a couple months ago (could have been alot more), but AMC took me up to 42k. Finally, my ship has arrived. So I start getting cocky and throwing around 10-15k at a time by looking for the "high volume of the day" low cap stocks that's going hog wild. I got lucky a time or 2, but then got unlucky the next 4 times in a row, and my portfolio is back down to the mid 30's because of those couple of dumb moves. + +So now I'm scared to continue. I mean, it seems like when I think I'm reading something off the charts, it ends up doing the opposite. Is this why people say 9/10 day traders lose their shit ultimately? I am tempted to scale it WAY back to a maximum of say $500 per trade, and maybe start swing trading some large cap stocks instead, with the much more humble goal of attaining a set amount of profit per week ($500 profit per week has a nice ring to it?) + +What say you all? Have you been in my shoes? This post may also be self therapy as much as anything else, but some advice would be cool. + +&#x200B; + +If it helps any, one potential problem I've identified and am working on is being GREEDY. This morning, I was in XELA at $2.30 and could have taken a $1,000+ profit when it peaked at $2.54, but I ended up triggering my stop loss at $2.10 instead. I saw what MRIN did, and wanted that to happen to me. Bad news bear came knocking instead. +As the title says, our HR rep sent all of our tax info in the form of W-2s to a scammer parading as our company president. I don't know why or how, but he didn't question it or call to confirm before sending. + +Regardless of how it happened, what can I and other employees do to protect ourselves? I'm miffed that the higher-ups haven't yet notified us directly. Time is of the essence here. The standing IT guy was saying "They'll just sweep it under the rug." He's the type where you can't quite tell if he's joking. I hope he was. + +I already went ahead and changed my bank passwords and submitted a fraud alert to the credit bureaus. What kind of future am I looking at in terms of preventing future fraud, now that my info is floating around out there? Am I going to have to maintain some kind of fraud alert or monitoring for life? + +Edit: My apologies folks! I was trying to go all meta with my title and refer to a similar post in the recent past which featured someone's HR falling for the same scheme. This is the first time that my HR rep has released info like this--that we know of. + +**One more edit:** My supervisor just showed me this [IRS web page.](https://www.irs.gov/uac/Newsroom/IRS-Alerts-Payroll-and-HR-Professionals-to-Phishing-Scheme-Involving-W2s) The third quoted scam email was in the email to our HR rep, word for word: + +"I want you to...Kindly prepare... to me asap." + +It's definitely not how the president writes his emails... Pretty spooky. + +**Aaand another edit:** It's 2pm CT. No official word yet from the company higher-ups. As someone commented below, it's understandable that they have to get their ducks in a row (I think I said "ducks in order" before...I'm bad with colloquialisms) before approaching all of us. At the same time, it's bothering the hell out of me that we're still in the dark. I'm credit freezing as we speak. Will update when I hear something! + +**And another:** Just wanted to follow up now that the work day is over. No word officially. I was called down to my manager's office for what I was hoping to be a discussion on the events detailed here, but it turned out to be a meeting to discuss a potential client that has historically been known by others to be difficult, unclear, and not really worth my time. Basically, they sat down with me to warn me about a future job that wouldn't be a good fit. Even though in the back of my mind, I was like, "What are you people going to do about this breach that no one's mentioned yet?!," when it comes to my actual job and its duties, they were looking out for me. + +Now, I don't want this to sound like some sappy story in order to back up the fact that my company is a good company to work for, but I do believe that. So I won't be suing anyone but will be doing my best to protect myself with the tips in comments below. + +I'll give it another day, but after that... !!! + +**Edit showing things have gotten all too real:** I was just be-bopping around my Facebook tonight and saw that my coworker was getting pestered by Facebook profiles with one friend/one pic. Those are apparently a textbook sign of someone sitting behind the fake profile(s) trying to add people in order to obtain your full birthday. I'm pretty sure this coworker is somewhat aware of the "mistakes" that have been made by HR, but not the full extent, but I warned him to NOT add any of these fake people and why. I haven't been bombarded with requests, and I don't think I ever had the year listed to even my friends, but it's definitely hitting home what is happening to all of us. This will definitely be evidence of our collective identity theft. I suppose I should try to go to bed now... At least my doors are locked? + +Thank you all for the feedback! +Let's face it, the (hard) truth is, apes probably have a long way to go still. This isn't FUD, it's just an observation based on what we have. It just means apes need to DRS harder and that APES NEED TO GET LOUD OUTSIDE OF HERE. + +MOD11 is not disproven at all. [This post](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q8nhq7/there_are_more_than_60k_accounts_in_computershare/) that claims it is disproven with "logic and basic math" is just garbage. It doesn't disprove anything at all, and just seems like they wants us to think we are close to done. + +Citadel got trending on twitter shortly after apes discovered DRS. If apes could get that trending, they must be pissing their pants that we could get DRS trending. After doing my DD, I can't be more convinced that DRS is the way. DRS has a direct cause-effect relation to stopping their naked shorting and bullshit broker practices and initiating moass. It's simple as that. We know it. They know it. They are fuk'd and they know it. All they can do is try to slow DRS down. + +If there is ANYTHING apes need to get loud about, it's DRS. + +Apes can even help shareholders of any company by getting this trending, because you can only really own shares if they are registered to your name + +# #DirectRegisterShares #DRSGME #OWNYOURSHARES + +Edit: if you aren't sure about DRS, please do your DD on it, it really is the checkmate. I recommend these DD posts by the awesome u/Criand: + +- [ComputerShare and DRS is the way DD](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/prpum9/computershare_and_drs_is_the_way_it_ignites_the/) + +- [Visual charts for easier understanding](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptp3a4/thought_id_make_some_bad_charts_for_you_visual/) + +Edit2: Guides to register on Computershare: + +- [Step by step Guide](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmsq3u/transferring_shares_to_computershare_a_stepbystep/) +- [International apes guide - Transfer from IBKR](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmu19h/international_apes_can_transfer_shares_to/) +I imagine this is not an uncommon problem for fatFIRE... but I'm in the position where I could retire if I moved to a lower cost-of-living location, but I don't feel like I currently have enough money to retire here where housing and related expenses are astronomical (Bay Area). + +The simple solution is to just retire & move... but I'm finding that's not as straightforward as it sounds. Family, friends, schools, networks etc are all here in the area. If we left we'd be starting anew socially. + +Do we just grind it out to make enough money to fatFIRE here? Move to an area that's nearby but slightly cheaper? Make the move somewhere else because we're young and there's plenty of time to reestablish relationships? +Now that you are fatFI and have RE, what experiences are you having with your children (8-14??) that you otherwise wouldnt be able to? + +What are your suggestions to the rest of fatFIRE community as it relates to how time and money can best be spent to bond with your children, teach them, and prepare them for their future in ways that maybe we haven't thought of, but have the capabilities to execute on now. +Looks like no deal, tier 4, flight bans... Its going to be a rough Monday, those of us with cash how will we take advantage? + +UPDATE: Beautiful responses team, I wish you all to update us tomorrow on what you did +Today I ran across BST on seeking alpha. It’s a tech etf ran by Black Rock and everything seems too good to be true: + +- Its top holdings include AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, GOOG, etc. +- It has a 4% dividend with just a 24% PE ratio +- It pays a monthly dividend + +Why haven’t I heard more about this? I see so many people going for SPHD which frankly has wayyyy less stable holdings. I don’t think I’ve seen BST once on this subreddit (which maybe I’ve completely glossed over it) and I’m wondering why? + +Any thoughts from the community? What do y’all think about this holding? It’s a “perpetual close-end fund” can someone explain that part to me? Because other than that this seems solid to me +From [the article](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/10/consumer-price-index-november-2021.html): + +> The consumer price index, which measures the cost of a wide-ranging basket of goods and services, rose 0.8% for the month, good for a 6.8% pace on a year over year basis and the fastest rate since June 1982. + +> Excluding food and energy prices, so-called core CPI was up 0.5% for the month and 4.9% from a year ago, which itself was the sharpest pickup since mid-1991. + +Shelter costs came in at +3.8%: + +> Shelter costs, which comprise about one-third of the CPI, increased 3.8% on the year, the highest since 2007 as the housing crisis accelerated. + +An interesting observation was made in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/rd8rjn/inflation_surged_68_even_more_than_expected_in/hnzk9o9/) about this: + +> It’s wild to consider the math here. 1/3 of the formula came in at 3.8% and the other factors still lifted this equation to 6.8%. + +> The reporting on the 3.8% for shelter may raise eyebrows, but independent of disputing the data the raw math on this is shocking. + +The US is not alone in dealing with inflation, for example Canada reported 3 weeks ago an [annual inflation rate of 4.7%, the highest in 18 years](https://www.westerlynews.ca/news/canadas-consumer-price-index-makes-largest-year-over-year-leap-in-18-years/). +My parents and i purchased a house togethere years ago. The plan was that we would live together as a joint family. Basically my parents paid about 2/3 of the property i paid 1/3. My mum has now told me that they want to buy my share of the property but they want to pay me what i contributed to the purchase of the property not what my share of the proprty is worth today. This would mean i would sell my share for about £100k less than its worth. +I am inclinded to do this but its a large amount of money to give up and i would struggle to find a house for my family. Do i have any options to ensure i am given the actual value? +One of the foundations of modern mainstream economics is the concept that people behave in the market as rational agents who choose what's best for their self-interest, but clearly, there are some goods and services that may still keep being demanded even if they're not in the best interest of the consumers. For blatant abuse, economists would say that the government can step in and regulate it, such as opioids and other drugs. However, there are some cases where the abuse isn't clear, such as companies that uses child psychology to better market their products to children, or social media features that keeps you hooked even though it has negative effects on your mental health. + +It's fair to say that, sometimes, people are unable to weigh opportunity costs rationally. What's the current consensus in economics about all of these? + A moon mission to end world hunger. 😋🌕 + +Hungry for crypto gains whilst helping those in need? Introducing Yummy coin. + +Huge Celebrity Endorsements. ✍️ + +$1 Mill + Donated to Charity. 🎁 + +BitMart Listing Imminent. 🕸 + +Launched in May of this year, Yummy took the crypto world by storm after receiving huge hype due to big celebrity endorsers such as Jake Paul. This, coinciding with a clean logo and a simple mission, lead to a huge parabolic rise in the chart in the opening few days. The developers wanted to create a project where holders could reward not only for holding but also rewarded through a sense of good deeds by utilizing the coin’s 3% charity wallet. Already $1 million + has been donated to charity, with the team committed to donating up to $700,000 a week. The project is only a few weeks old with a huge road map ahead and the chart has consolidated at a very healthy $14 million market cap. This really is just the beginning of the journey for Yummy and its holders. + +$33m Million Marketcap 📈 + +74,000 Holders 🙌 + +LP Locked 🔐 + +Renounced Ownership + +1 T Total Supply + +25% of Supply Burnt On Launch 🔥 + +3% Of All Transactions Redistributed To Holders💎 + +3% Of All Transactions Go To Charity Wallet 💰 + +3% Of All Transactions + +Automatically Added To LP ➕ + +No Big Whale Wallets 🐋 + +Notable Upcoming Events: + +BitMart Listing Fee Paid – Listing Very Soon + +Top Gainer Last 24hours on CoinMarketCap + +4 Major Announcements 5pm EST 13/06/21 + +More Big Celebrity Endorsements In The Pipeline + +Further Charity Initiatives Planned + +Useful Links: + +🗣Telegram: + +[u/yummycoin](https://www.reddit.com/u/yummycoin/) + +🌐Website: + +[Yummycrypto.com](https://yummycrypto.com/) + +🕊Twitter: + +[u/yummycrypto](https://www.reddit.com/u/yummycrypto/) + +📬Contract Address: + +0x05F2dF7B3D612A23fe12162A6c996447dCE728a5 + +Pancake Swap V2 And Slippage At 11-12% + +If you want to find out more about this project you can join the active telegram or visit the website and read the whitepaper. +Feel free to check my comment history, i am 100% pro-eth. + +We all want the price to go up but this is ethtrader, not ethpumper. Lets make sure even the not so sunny news is getting covered. + +There was a deliberate attack on the network that may but was probably related to some of the dip we recently saw. The price is back on the up but this news was downvoted like crazy today. + +I think we, as the awesome community we are, should make sure we have all the info we need to make the best trades possible. +Before this year, I could close at 90% and get a win week after week. After November, I lowered that to 50% and started getting assigned. Now, I can't even make 20% without risk assignment. Today is looking to be more assignments. Rolling DOES NOT WORK either; it just prolongs the inevitable. + +I think this strategy is dead for the foreseeable future. +I own some rental properties and in the past I've always used biggerpockets as my go-to for getting property management recommendations. + +I just created a new thread asking for Orlando STR managers, and within 2 minutes I was messaged saying my posting was removed because asking for referrals is like advertising and I have to purchase their PRO plan to post advertisements. + +Feels to me like a money grab, I'm very disappointed they're turning this way. What's another good resource to ask fellow investors for people/company recommendations? + +**EDIT:** I understand a lot of people share my frustration with BP's new direction. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like there are any alternatives yet (I'm not going to keep using BP anymore, just sucks there's no other forum to fill the void) +TL;DR: An NFT Spin-Off for MOASS? GameStop has confirmed a partnership with Immutable X and Loopring. Combined, these company partnerships actually provide the foundation tools for GameStop to announce an NFT spin-off!! What does this mean? More details below, but it means all shareholders would be introduced to GameStop's new NFT Marketplace! + +GameStop could spin off their NFT Marketplace division as a separate company with its own stock, but issued as NFT units'. Shareholders would receive an NFT 'unit(s)' for every $GME share(s) they own. Any market participant that holds a short position in GME would need to provide an NFT 'unit' for their counterfeit shares - which of course they don't have. If the NFT 'unit' is issued by GameStop in such a way that shorts cannot substitute a cash equivalent for the unit offering - the shorts will be *forced* to cover! R.C.'s '*Checkmate*'! + +[*https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-forms-partnership-immutable-x*](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-forms-partnership-immutable-x) + +***The genesis of this post: is from*** [***u/OGBobtheflounder***](https://www.reddit.com/user/OGBobtheflounder/)***'s post today and a post I had made based off*** [***u/HODLTheLineMyFriend***](https://www.reddit.com/u/HODLTheLineMyFriend/)***'s theory back in 2021.*** + +&#x200B; + +In [u/OGBobtheflounder](https://www.reddit.com/user/OGBobtheflounder/)'s [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjtzck/the_immutable_x_licensee_agreement_is_between_gme/) he highlights: + +The part that stuck out to me is that this partnership with Immutable X is not a direct agreement with GameStop Corp. (the parent company whose shares we all own), but rather a license agreement with "GME Entertainment, LLC". + +GME Entertainment, LLC is not a new company or a new name. It seems that the whole NFT division that GameStop has been forming within their company has been doing business under the GME Entertainment name this whole time. So, what's the big deal? There is a juicy line in the agreement on page 3 that caught my eye... + +*"To the extent any change of control occurs (for GME Entertainment, LLC) that results in Licensee no longer being a wholly-owned subsidiary of a publicly traded U.S. company"* + +and he postulates: + +*"GameStop could split off the NFT division of it's company into a new company. The new company would not have to issue shares on the NYSE, but instead could be publicly tradable on the blockchain using NFT tokens (since this is a main part of it's business model). Initial ownership could be distributed to existing shareowners of GME stock via NFT tokens."* + +&#x200B; + +**Well.. .**[**u/HODLTheLineMyFriend**](https://www.reddit.com/u/HODLTheLineMyFriend/)**'s theorized:** + +June 9th, 2021 GameStop prospectus. Buried in there without much fanfare was a section that describes exactly what they're going to do .... it is the missing piece that ties it all together.GameStop defined a new type of offering: a "unit" for any future "prospectus supplement". The June 9th offering was also a "prospectus supplement", so they may be planning at some point to publish a new prospectus filing with the SEC defining the specifics of the "units." + +&#x200B; + +* The units will be issued in "distinct series," ie. numbered items in a collection. They cannot be duplicated. NFT fits this like a glove. +* They will be issued by a "unit agent" to be designated in the supplement. Could be CS, could be the NFT spinoff, who knows? +* Units will combine "two or more securities". Unit holders will hold each security in it with all shareholder rights. *Hold AND Hodl?* Will do\*.\* +* Units will be transferable "for a specified period of time" only by themselves. This is to bundle the price of "GameStop and Gmerica \[GME Investments LLC\]” together for a while, until the spinoff has gotten momentum, earned revenue, and is ready to be out as a public company. +* There will be "material U.S. federal income tax considerations." Really? Why would that be? Oh, wait, that would probably mean shareholders are getting something of value that they must pay taxes on. OK, so what if every shareholder trades in their GME share for a new GME Unit that contains their GME share plus 1 GMErica \[GME Investments LLC share\]? That'd be like getting a dividend, especially if the LRC it took to make the share cost $3 USD. But it's not a cash dividend, and not a generic crypto NFT that has some undefined value. The cost basis for taxes is $3 and it has some unknown market value. +* You can't break out the GMErica \[GME Investments LLC\] share and resell it. This way the short market participants have no way to acquire the share/unit. Aw, too bad, SHFs! Better get started closing your naked shorts! oops, MOASS! + +In conclusion, I think that GameStop is poised to announce that they are spinning off their NFT Marketplace division as a separate company with its own stock, but are issuing new "units" that will contain 1 share of GME and 1 share of the spinoff NFT Marketplace. These units will be tradable on their NFT marketplace or a DEX of a similar kind, and cannot be separated for some period of time. + +*Prospectus:* [*https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873\_24*](https://news.gamestop.com/node/18961/html#supprom192873_24) + +&#x200B; + +***Important Edit:*** + +Credit to u/FiveEggHeads for this update he messaged me with: + +I can’t post because I’m just a lurker and investor. I would love it if you could edit your post to point out to people that the language you reference about units in your post existed for the first time in the December 8, 2020 registration filing by GameStop. + +That filing was the first major update the company had made about their common shares and securities since 2006. The filing was also done only two weeks prior to RC purchasing his final batch of GameStop common shares to reach 9,000,001. + +Everything you’re describing dates back to before the sneeze and I firmly believe has been part of the plan that RC had for the transformation company since the very beginning. + +&#x200B; + +# $GME go BRRR! + +*Buy, Hodl, DDRS & 'Share the Story'* + +&#x200B; + +*DISCLAIMER \*\* Information contained in this post has been compiled from sources believed to be reliable. No representations or warranty, express or implied, is made by as to it’s accuracy, completeness or correctness. All opinions, estimates, and comments contained in this post are subject to change without notice and are provided in good faith but without legal responsibility. This is not financial advice, and neither I, nor any other person, accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this post or the information contained herein.\*\** +I have a big chunk (about 45%) of all my money in IndusInd FDs which I put in about a year or two ago. They are fetching me good returns for now. + +But seeing the current market situation, IndusInd stocks plumetting and their lending to not-so-well-to-do sectors while also offering high interest rates above repo rate, do you think it's getting too risky for us normal depositors? + +I mean is the bank big enough that RBI and GOI will prefer bailing it out if something happens to save the economy? +Or do you think the bank has what it takes to survive through the tough times? +&#x200B; + +[Banner submission by u\/skratchattack ](https://preview.redd.it/aonkh35b4ly61.png?width=1111&format=png&auto=webp&s=f05b0100dbeb418e286ffb91726e458875c9d73b) + +# Good Morning Superstonk!!! + +# 📢TODAY IS AMA DAY!!! 📢 + +# [LINK TO AMA! STARTS AT 4PM EASTERN!!](https://youtu.be/KHnpPfWdf78) + +[**Countdown Timer to the AMA!!**](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?msg=Countdown%20Timer&p0=179&year=2021&month=5&day=12&hour=16&min=0&sec=0&fromtheme=generic) + +[🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9xjh7/come_and_get_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +**T**[**ake a minute to scroll through and (up)vote the memes in our giveaway thread!**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n919hi/superstonk_daily_giveaway_meme_contest_limited/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) **😆** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# The Tweet Heard Round the World + +[Mission Control to Major Gamestop. Do you read me? HODL.](https://preview.redd.it/jbj5axgezky61.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9cc9dede70692e40f6ea2419cbf0efa046bac87) + +So Gamestop decided to be cryptic af while also jacking all of the tits yesterday when they tweeted this pic with the caption "**Been away for the past few months. What did I miss**?" + +# UM EXCUSE ME I HAVE SEVERAL QUESTIONS!! 🙋‍♀️ + +Let's look at the pic a little closer shall we? 🧐 + +Some people have pointed out that this is an [old original Carlsberg Beer advertisement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnrq-V39B6M). And that is true. + +As you can see, the astronaut is both holding the Carlsberg beer in their hand, and resting their feet on a Carlsberg cooler. + +But let's think about whether this was intentional... ok. They *didn't* edit out the original Carlsberg, yet they edited *in* the GS on the sleeve? So it *is* edited, which logically tells me they left the Carlsberg there for a reason.... + +AND TODAY IS THE **CARL** HAG**BERG** AMA..... + +# 🚨GAMESTOP KNOWS ALL ABOUT CARL HAGBERG, HE IS THE EXPERT THEY CALL AND HIRE TO OFFICIALLY EXAMINE THE VOTES IF THEY'RE FUCKY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! GME CORPORATE ALREADY KNOWS CARL WAY BEFORE THIS AMA!!!!!🚨 + +From Carl Hagberg's bio: + +["He is also considered to be a leading expert on the proxy voting process and has served as Independent Inspector of Election, both in contested and uncontested situations, at over 300 annual and special meetings of shareholders."](https://optimizeronline.com/about/) + +When a corporate election uncovers something wonky, like **OVERVOTING**, they call experts. + +# LIKE THE LEADING EXPERT IN THE FIELD, [CARL HAGBERG!](https://optimizeronline.com/about/) + +[**It has also been pointed out that Carlsberg (the Beer) has been- and continues to be- in the middle of a share buyback.**](https://tools.euroland.com/tools/Pressreleases/GetPressRelease/?ID=3909116&lang=en-GB&companycode=dk-cbg&v=dk-cbg_new) + +If that were to happen with GME, that would be more than checkmate for Hedgies, although that doesn't make a whole lot of sense considering they just unloaded a bunch of shares to clear debt. But maybe they are just getting back on the rocket with us **BECAUSE THE PRICE IS A LIE!!!** 🚀 + +Now do you see why it's not just a bunch of tin foil conspiracy? **DO YOU SEE IT?** (Laughs maniacally) + +[Ground Control to Major GME- DO WE HAVE BLASTOFF?!?!?!](https://preview.redd.it/6w7n8qeomly61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a29e0f288d76f33e57514c99e745af4448529ff) + +&#x200B; + +# [And don't forget that yesterday was the first day that Gamestop Corp was actually able to see live poll results from the proxy voting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxwfyt/proxy_voting_dd_how_the_count_works_and_timeline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) THEY KNOW!!! + +[From the proxy vote computershare company's client handbook](https://preview.redd.it/tzcu9feq2oy61.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=117d1dc4553efd2c4586beb42f7220077d74585c) + +**Not only do they get REAL TIME results, they are ACTIONABLE results, meaning when they see the numbers and reports, THEY CAN BE UPHELD IN A COURT OF LAW!!!** [**Read more about it here!**](https://www-us.computershare.com/content/download.asp?docId=%7B9D6D5536-F0AD-4BF0-BECD-BA50A08971E1%7D&cc=US&lang=en&bhjs=0&theme=cpu) + +&#x200B; + +[~~This is the website we retail investors can use to find the results~~](https://www.proxymonitor.org/)~~!!~~ I will update here with results! None are posted at the time of publication. 👀 + +Edit 9:00 am NYSE time: I think we hugged the website to death. Idk if the link works now 🤷‍♀️ + +# __________________________________________________________ + +# 📢📢Clear your schedule for today at 4pm Eastern- No, SERIOUSLY YOU CAN'T MISS THIS AMA 📢📢 + +Remember how much the Dr. T AMA changed the game for us? Well the world is taking us seriously. And leading experts are now willing to come and educate this community, free of charge, because **THEY HAVE BEEN FIGHTING NAKED SHORT SELLING FOR YEARS AND SO FAR NO ONE HAS LISTENED!!**