diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_66.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_66.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_66.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +&#x200B; + +šŸ“Œ Transparency, Honesty, and Accountability - the guiding principles that Steam Exchange abides by. Doxxed Teamāœ”ļø (literally by the Canadian Government in order to get the required FINTRAC and MSB) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“Œ Apple Developer Program Enrollment - We have successfully been enrolled into Apple's developer program that ensures Apple's App store backing for when we launch our App. + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“ŒActive Job Hiring & Position Listings - We are actively expanding our team in Canada to help facilitate growth towards Stage 3 and beyond. Please do visit us on LinkedIn to find out more. + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“ŒPerformed the first ever TRUE Burn on the BSC - Reduced \~9.17% from the TOTAL Supplyāœ”ļø- Most other tokens out there do a fake burn by sending tokens to a dead wallet, that only reduces the Circulating Supply, not the Total. Steam Exchange does things the right way - the only way. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +āš”ļø SteamX Token āš”ļø + +&#x200B; + +Designed with investors & visionaries in mind. The SteamX Token enables early adoption to our Native Coin on our very own Blockchain! + +&#x200B; + +Upon launch of our Exchange, we will proceed to swap all SteamX Tokens for our Native SteamX Coin. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“± TG: [https://t.me/SteamXchangeOfficial](https://t.me/SteamXchangeOfficial) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Pancake Swap :[https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xc0924edefb2c0c303de2d0c21bff07ab763163b5](https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0xc0924edefb2c0c303de2d0c21bff07ab763163b5) + +&#x200B; + +Dextools Chart :[https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0x158befde95a3b2b5c915d04b0fbeefb1a542ca53](https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0x158befde95a3b2b5c915d04b0fbeefb1a542ca53) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +šŸ” Tokenomics šŸ” + +100 billion total supply + +&#x200B; + +\~90.1 Billion left after the Burn + +&#x200B; + +13% tax + +&#x200B; + +4% to Platform Wallet + +&#x200B; + +3% to Marketing Wallet + +&#x200B; + +2% Reflected to Holders + +&#x200B; + +4% Added to Liquidity to Pool + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +šŸš‚ Co-founders are doxxed. The team is always active on TG, come learn more - ask questions, get to know one another. We're here to stay and have huge plans lined up. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Join our growing community today - + +&#x200B; + +šŸŒ Website: [https://steamexchange.ca](https://steamexchange.ca/) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ•Š Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Steam\_Exchange/](https://twitter.com/Steam_Exchange/) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“± TG: [https://t.me/SteamXchangeOfficial](https://t.me/SteamXchangeOfficial) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ§‘ā€šŸ­ LinkedIn: [https://www.linkedin.com/company/steam-exchange-ca/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/steam-exchange-ca/) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ–¼Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/steam\_exchange/](https://www.instagram.com/steam_exchange/) + +&#x200B; + +šŸŽ¬ Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8xL6IB\_C51G2GuvYLZJexw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8xL6IB_C51G2GuvYLZJexw) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€ Discord: [https://discord.gg/AcdceuZt2c](https://discord.gg/AcdceuZt2c) +*EDIT: Thank you for the gold, kind stranger!* + +Disclaimer: I do not own XRP. These observations are my own and do not provide a single ounce of certainty behind XRP's price movements or decisions that may be made by Coinbase. I've tried to be sure these observations are factual but I may have missed key information.Take these observations for what they're worth: 0 XRP. + +In case you're curious, GDAX's Framework is here: +https://www.gdax.com/static/digital-asset-framework-2017-11.pdf + +**Notable quotes from the Framework, re: a possible XRP listing:** + +>**Decentralization** +>>The network is public, decentralized, and enables trustless consensus. + +**Status:** XRP is not decentralized, it is *distributed* and consensus is achieved, partly, through running a Validator server. Maybe you're thinking anyone can run a Validator. And that's true, you can. But will Ripple or the Banks be using your Validator? Well, here's what Ripple's website says as of today: + +>At present, Ripple (the company) cannot recommend any validators aside from the 5 core validators run by Ripple + +Well that doesn't sound very decentralized... Surely there's a catch? + +Yes, indeed there is, and it lies in the difference between the public XRP Ledger and RippleNet, which leads us to this next observation: + +>**Token Utility** +>>There is utility from obtaining, holding, participating, or spending the token. The team identifies a clear and compelling reason for the native digital asset to exist i.e. the main purpose is not fundraising. + +**Status:** Something that the Ripple company does not make abundantly clear on their website, but that you can find through your own research, is that the XRP token which is publicly traded on exchanges (the XRP you might own right now) is not in fact the same currency being used by all of the big bank announcements we've seen for Ripple. *That* currency is the stuff of RippleNet, and you do not have access to purchase or trade it. It's built on the same technology, sure, but as of today you can't get into that market, and while you certainly *could* sell your XRP to banks they have no reason to buy it because it is not what they use. + +Lastly: + +>**Team Ownership** +>>The ownership stake retained by the team is a minority stake. There should be a lock-up period and +reasonable vesting schedule to ensure the team is economically incentivized to improve the network +into the future. + +**Status:** The majority of XRP is not in circulation. As of this writing, there are 38.7 billion XRP in circulation, out of the total which sits slightly under 100 billion. By far, the current largest holder of XRP is the team itself, with tens of billions of XRP. But, at least they have locked the XRP up in vesting periods. + +Well, just thought those were some things worth considering. Remember, I have no idea whether Coinbase is going to list XRP. I wouldn't be surprised if they do, and I wouldn't be surprised if they don't. This is crypto, anything can happen. Good luck out there! + + +(Edited to fix words and removed some stuff that doesn't matter) + +This is just a personal thought/rant I just had. Please feel free to critique me or use it for discussion. I was just thinking about how some people choose growth and eventually have to sell those positions to actually see cash in hand. Well now that you have sold the stock, your money is no longer working for you and on top of that you are down on shares. Tying into that, something that helped me with looking at LONG TERM investing is to always think about the number of shares I have versus the value of them. If I am investing in say VTI, I care more about having ā€œXā€ number of shares in it rather than a specific value of money. So if my goal is to grow the number of shares I have and to continue allowing my money to go work for me, why would I ever pick growth then? I mean yes you are betting on the price to go up so in theory you wouldnā€™t be loosing value hopefully by selling down the line but I donā€™t know something has just come over me lately that makes me not like that. I definitely would consider myself a fan of growth but the more and more I look at it the worse it seems compared to value that pays good dividends. Especially for retirement, I would rather take my money in dividends and get to keep all my shares versus having to sell off stock to pay for stuff. Especially since I can then have shares to pass down as inheritance versus having to sell all my growth stock to actually realize profits or get cash. It sounds silly but in theory dividends just seem almost like an infinite money glitch to me. You keep your original investment and get to collect ā€œinterestā€ on it via dividends and you never have to sell. I guess I just canā€™t see a reason to ever sell again other than obviously you need a very large sum of money that your yearly dividends wouldnā€™t cover (ie; buying a house). I donā€™t know, I definitely sound crazy and ignorant but itā€™s just a thought I wanted to share for discussion. To state the obvious though Iā€™m young and dumb so take this all with a grain of salt. +We all come from a number of backgrounds, and I often see people saying things like: + +- Motivations of Reserve Bank are X + +- Politicians own property, this is a major driver in lack of action +- Real + Estate agents _____ (insert numerous/uncountable assumptions here) +- Many, many, more! + +I'd love to hear from anyone who's seen something that's just not true but hasn't bothered to correct it - would be good to dispel some notions that are commonly assumed to be true. +Basically what the title says. I keep seeing people ask for suggestions or suggesting finance books to read but it all seems so repetitive. + +If you do any basic research online you will find: + +1. The total stock market outperforms picking individual stocks + +2. Live on less than you make + +3. Invest as much as you can as young as you can + +4. ā€œTime in the market beats timing the marketā€ -2 pac + +I tried reading the millionaire next door and it all just seemed like basic knowledge? I donā€™t see how anything from these books can provide more information than trying to make money instead of reading about it. Any insight? +EDIT 4: +I'm re-arranging and cleaning up the post to show info in a clean format, so as to answer many of the questions than has been asked, because I can't answer questions timely any more, because this post blew up. But I want everybody to understand and use this opportunity. + +**What is a credit freeze?** + +A credit freeze is when you put a hold on your credit record, so that nobody can get access to it without your permission. It protects you against identity theft. Even if a hacker knows all your info, including your SSN, he won't be able to use your account to get a new credit card, because you will have to unfreeze your info before they can be released. Now by law, the credit reporting agencies have to respect your wishes, as to who has access to your personal credit record. Once you freeze your record, it can only be accessed after if you unfreeze/thaw it. + +Other replies: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/9hlps3/credit_freezes_are_now_free_starting_today/e6dk0sx/ + +**Why is this news important now?** + +Many experts agree that freezing your credit report is the strongest way to protect against identity theft. Starting Friday, you'll be able to do it free of charge. In the wake of a massive data breach last year at Equifax that exposed personal information for about 148 million Americans, Congress amended the Fair Credit Reporting Act to require reporting agencies to freeze reports for no charge. Equifax is one of the three major credit reporting agencies in the United States. [The bill was passed in May](https://money.cnn.com/2018/05/22/pf/free-credit-freeze/index.html). [It is effective as of today.](https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/20/us/free-credit-freezes/index.html) + +**How can I do it?** + +To set up your own credit freezes, go to the freeze page at each credit agency's website individually: + +[Experian](https://www.experian.com/freeze/center.html) + +[Equifax](https://www.freeze.equifax.com/Freeze/jsp/SFF_PersonalIDInfo.jsp) + +[TransUnion](https://freeze.transunion.com/sf/securityFreeze/landingPage.jsp). + +[ChexSystems](https://www.chexsystems.com/web/chexsystems/consumerdebit/page/securityfreeze/placefreeze/) + +[Innovis] (https://www.innovis.com/personal/securityFreeze) + +[NCTUE] (https://exchangeservicecenter.com/Freeze/jsp/SFF_PersonalIDInfo.jsp) + +You will be given a PIN that you'll need to lift or remove the freeze in the future. + +**Do I have to do this with all credit agencies? I only have one credit card** + +Yes you do. Your credit card reports to multiple credit reporting companies. + +**Does this mean that I can freeze my credit score at 810? Does freezing affect my score?** + +No. A credit freeze only freezes who can *see* your credit record. Your credit score will still be based on how you pay off your lenders. Freezing does not affect your score. + + +**Is credit unfreeze/thaw also free?** + +[Yes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/9hlps3/credit_freezes_are_now_free_starting_today/e6d4v8e/) + +**How long does the ā€œthawā€ process takes before credit is available to be pulled?** + +If you do the thaw request online, the law requires it to be done within 3 hrs. 24 hrs, if you do it by mail. + +**What if I lose my PIN? How do I recover it** + +From several posts I saw, there are methods to recover your pin/ and access your account that involves snail mail. You get letters in regular mail, which I assume is for confirming your physical address. + +**How accurate is this info?** + +To the best of my knowledge. I will update as I find better info. + +**Where can I find more info?** + +https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/09/credit-freezes-are-free-let-the-ice-age-begin/ + +http://clark.com/personal-finance-credit/credit-freeze-and-thaw-guide/ + +https://youtu.be/vsMydMDi3rI + + +**Original Post** + +EDITS: + +Thanks to /u/tjtwmfl , /u/graphitezor , /u/shawn_sarmin , /u/Indushydi , /u/pingpong , /u/Volim_Da_Mislish /u/DangitImtired /u/bobsmithhome /u/honorious for their contributions. + + +Thanks for the gold!!! + +The most successful fund, renaissance technologies, employees many many PHDā€™ds in various fields to achieve their returns with petabytes of data and years and years of experience. + +* FOR THOSE LOOKING TO COLAB [https://www.reddit.com/r/algotradecolab](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotradecolab) + +Does anyone have a very honest answer to how successful one can be at algotrading (as a solo) without all the academic prowess but able to read and comprehend subjects relating to quantitative trading. +Hey everyone. Hereā€™s a list of popular tickers with higher IV and most likely more expensive premiums to sell. + + +Ticker | Market Cap | Stock Price | IV (%) | Next Earnings Date +:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: +MARA - Marathon Patent Group Inc|591M|$9.05|201%|N/A +RIOT - Riot Blockchain Inc|677M|$9.88|188%|N/A +AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Class A|303M|$2.80|168%|N/A +BLNK - Blink Charging Co|1.17B|$36.13|142%|N/A +DGLY - Digital Ally Inc.|70.5M|$2.61|142%|N/A +SRNE - Sorrento Therapeutics Inc|1.93B|$7.30|139%|N/A +FUBO - fuboTV Inc|2.65B|$39.66|138%|N/A +TEVA - Teva- Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - ADR|10.9B|$10.00|137%|N/A +LAZR - Luminar Technologies Inc - Class A|1.1B|$26.32|131%|N/A +SBE - Switchback Energy Acquisition Corp - Class A|1.13B|$35.41|125%|N/A +JMIA - Jumia Technologies Ag - ADR|0|$42.34|122%|N/A +CRSR - Corsair Gaming Inc|3.56B|$38.36|121%|N/A +TLRY - Tilray Inc - Class 2|1.19B|$8.88|121%|N/A +QS - QuantumScape Corp - Class A|1.7B|$72.07|118%|N/A +CODX - Co-Diagnostics Inc|312M|$10.98|116%|N/A +AI - C3.ai Inc - Class A|0|$135.08|116%|N/A +HYLN - Hyliion Holdings Corporation - Class A|2.69B|$17.68|116%|N/A +ACB - Aurora Cannabis Inc|1.36B|$9.44|115%|N/A +NKLA - Nikola Corporation|6.55B|$16.87|111%|N/A +APXT - Apex Technology Acquisition Corp - Class A|513M|$14.21|111%|N/A +NIO - NIO Inc - ADR|47.9B|$46.63|108%|N/A +GSX - Gsx Techedu Inc - ADR|0|$59.97|107%|N/A +ABNB - Airbnb Inc - Class A|95B|$155.16|106%|N/A +GME - Gamestop Corporation - Class A|1.09B|$15.64|106%|N/A +APHA - Aphria Inc|2.28B|$7.63|104%|N/A +WKHS - Workhorse Group Inc|2.54B|$21.00|104%|N/A +MRNA - Moderna Inc|55.6B|$140.42|103%|N/A +OSTK - Overstock.com Inc|2.68B|$62.62|101%|N/A +RIG - Transocean Ltd|1.53B|$2.47|97%|N/A +PLTR - Palantir Technologies Inc - Class A|38.2B|$26.09|97%|N/A +APPS - Digital Turbine Inc|5.09B|$57.09|97%|N/A +CNK - Cinemark Holdings Inc|1.92B|$16.14|96%|N/A +U - Unity Software Inc|42.7B|$156.18|94%|N/A +DASH - DoorDash Inc - Class A|0|$164.01|94%|N/A +XPEV - XPeng Inc - ADR|0|$46.67|93%|N/A +PLUG - Plug Power Inc|13.1B|$31.98|92%|N/A +GRWG - GrowGeneration Corp|1.42B|$38.35|89%|N/A +SPCE - Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc - Class A|5.59B|$24.09|88%|N/A +BBBY - Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc.|2.36B|$18.80|84%|N/A +COTY - Coty Inc - Class A|5.35B|$6.97|83%|N/A +HOME - At Home Group Inc|1.03B|$15.85|82%|N/A +PSTH - Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd - Class A|5B|$25.04|81%|N/A +FSLY - Fastly Inc - Class A|10.4B|$102.53|79%|N/A +FROG - JFrog Ltd|6.28B|$68.76|79%|N/A +SNOW - Snowflake Inc - Class A|17B|$331.33|78%|N/A +CRON - Cronos Group Inc|2.77B|$7.76|78%|N/A +AAL - American Airlines Group Inc|10B|$16.32|77%|N/A +SAVE - Spirit Airlines Inc|2.53B|$25.86|75%|N/A +GLUU - Glu Mobile Inc|1.65B|$9.57|75%|N/A +PENN - Penn National Gaming, Inc.|14.3B|$92.05|74%|N/A +CCL - Carnival Corp. (Paired Stock)|23.7B|$21.27|74%|N/A +FVRR - Fiverr International Ltd|6.74B|$208.52|74%|N/A +ENPH - Enphase Energy Inc|20.8B|$163.89|74%|N/A +NCLH - Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd|5.41B|$25.13|73%|N/A +CRSP - CRISPR Therapeutics AG|10.6B|$147.98|71%|N/A +FEYE - FireEye Inc|4.38B|$18.96|71%|N/A +UPWK - Upwork Inc|4.91B|$39.64|70%|N/A +HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|364M|$20.95|70%|N/A +DKNG - DraftKings Inc - Class A|21.1B|$53.09|70%|N/A +SEDG - Solaredge Technologies Inc|16.1B|$313.98|70%|N/A +PRPL - Purple Innovation Inc - Class A|1.71B|$27.75|70%|N/A +OXY - Occidental Petroleum Corp.|17.3B|$18.62|69%|N/A +NET - Cloudflare Inc - Class A|25.8B|$83.60|69%|N/A +X - United States Steel Corp.|3.72B|$16.82|68%|N/A +M - Macy`s Inc|3.24B|$10.43|66%|N/A +RKT - Rocket Companies Inc Class A|2.51B|$21.45|66%|N/A +LL - Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc|953M|$32.53|65%|N/A +CGC - Canopy Growth Corporation|9.67B|$25.93|65%|N/A +IQ - iQIYI Inc - ADR|12.6B|$17.12|64%|N/A +EAT - Brinker International, Inc.|2.5B|$55.05|64%|N/A +SFIX - Stitch Fix Inc - Class A|4.4B|$69.55|63%|N/A +PTON - Peloton Interactive Inc - Class A|35.8B|$138.43|63%|N/A +UAL - United Airlines Holdings Inc|13.1B|$44.73|61%|N/A +INTC - Intel Corp.|195B|$47.58|61%|N/A +W - Wayfair Inc - Class A|20.2B|$277.49|60%|N/A +RCL - Royal Caribbean Group|16.2B|$72.34|60%|N/A +CVNA - Carvana Co. - Class A|12.5B|$264.39|60%|N/A +CZR - Caesars Entertainment Inc|12.7B|$75.30|59%|N/A +CHWY - Chewy Inc - Class A|39.9B|$99.94|59%|N/A +ROKU - Roku Inc - Class A|37.2B|$337.36|57%|N/A +PINS - Pinterest Inc - Class A|43.5B|$70.38|56%|N/A +GPS - Gap, Inc.|7.56B|$20.16|56%|N/A +DDOG - Datadog Inc - Class A|22.4B|$108.09|56%|N/A +CHGG - Chegg Inc|11.3B|$87.30|56%|N/A +VALE - Vale S.A. - ADR|91.8B|$17.39|55%|N/A +HAL - Halliburton Co.|17.4B|$19.62|55%|N/A +BIG - Big Lots Inc|1.66B|$44.40|55%|N/A +BYND - Beyond Meat Inc|9.06B|$142.70|55%|N/A +CRWD - Crowdstrike Holdings Inc - Class A|38.4B|$203.70|55%|N/A +LYFT - Lyft Inc Cls A|15.4B|$49.93|54%|N/A +TAN - Invesco Capital Management LLC - Invesco Solar ETF|3.17B|$95.77|54%|N/A +ETSY - Etsy Inc|24B|$189.86|54%|N/A +CLDR - Cloudera Inc|3.97B|$12.64|54%|N/A +DISH - Dish Network Corp - Class A|16.1B|$30.50|54%|N/A +ZM - Zoom Video Communications Inc - Class A|116B|$401.42|53%|N/A +TSLA - Tesla Inc|626B|$635.62|53%|N/A +DAL - Delta Air Lines, Inc.|25.9B|$40.52|53%|N/A +CREE - Cree, Inc.|10.8B|$97.60|52%|N/A +SNAP - Snap Inc - Class A|65.4B|$52.95|52%|N/A +LB - L Brands Inc|10.7B|$38.40|52%|N/A +ZS - Zscaler Inc|26.3B|$195.10|52%|N/A +YETI - YETI Holdings Inc|6.3B|$71.85|51%|N/A +Z - Zillow Group Inc - Class C|30.9B|$137.14|51%|N/A +BIDU - Baidu Inc - ADR|67.2B|$193.04|51%|N/A +TWLO - Twilio Inc Class A|51.2B|$361.23|50%|N/A +SQ - Square Inc - Class A|100B|$234.45|50%|N/A +SE - Sea Ltd - ADR|87.4B|$199.39|50%|N/A +DOCU - DocuSign Inc|45.1B|$240.49|50%|N/A +TDOC - Teladoc Health Inc|28.4B|$194.21|50%|N/A +Is this the Korean ants again and just an excuse for when the price inevitably rises in the next couple days? Is this an attempt at making people here look like theyā€™re trying to manipulate and persuade others to buy the stock? Something smells fishy here to me. The amount of members on the sub hasnā€™t really increased significantly at all yet the amount posts about new people here are insane. All I know is buying, holding, and drsing. Thoughts anyone? +Credit to u/dharde1 for pointing out 741 is under Dodd-Frank Act where it mentions swap on pg. 22/38: +https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2010/34-62717.pdf + +Web version: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-111publ203/html/PLAW-111publ203.htm + +There's a lot to dig in so I will attempt to summon the pomeranianape u/criand since it relates to his original DD on swaps. + +Here's what I find interesting: + +#741 - Swaps, Enforcement, and Details + +SEC. 741. ENFORCEMENT. +(a) ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY.ā€”The Commodity Exchange Act is amended by inserting after section 4b (7 U.S.C. 6b) the following: +ā€˜ā€˜SEC. 4bā€“1. **ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY. ā€˜ā€˜(a) COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION**.ā€”Except as provided in subsections (b), (c), and (d), the Commission shall have exclusive authority to enforce the provisions of subtitle A of the of the Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010 with respect to any person. + +--- + +##Would you look at that: CFTC is the enforcement authority on swaps. + +Just a Wolf guarding the hen house and hiding the true extent of risk exposure by burying the 2021 reports in 2023. + +Sure reports are out now, but they aren't showing what swaps were involved and transactions that occurred during the $GME sneeze era tied to stocks and futures commodities. + +#Furthermore - this part reveals why they hid the reports: + +`ā€˜(b) PRUDENTIAL REGULATORS.ā€”The prudential regulators shall have exclusive authority to enforce the provisions of section 4s(e) with respect to swap dealers or major swap participants for which they are the prudential regulator. ā€˜ā€˜(c) REFERRALS.ā€” ā€˜ā€˜(1) PRUDENTIAL REGULATORS.ā€”**If the prudential regulator for a swap dealer or major swap participant has cause to believe that the swap dealer or major swap participant, or any affiliate or division of the swap dealer or major swap participant, may have engaged in conduct that constitutes a violation** of the nonprudential requirements of this Act (including section 4s or rules adopted by the Commission under that section), the prudential regulator may promptly notify the Commission in a written report that includesā€” ā€˜ā€˜(A) **a request that the Commission initiate an enforcement proceeding under this Act**; and ā€˜ā€˜(B) an explanation of the facts and circumstances that led to the preparation of the written report. ā€˜ā€˜(2) COMMISSION.ā€”If the Commission has cause to believe that a swap dealer or major swap participant that has a prudential regulator may have engaged in conduct that constitutes a violation of any prudential requirement of section 4s or rules adopted by the Commission under that section, the Commission may notify the prudential regulator of the conduct in a written report that includesā€” **ā€˜ā€˜(A) a request that the prudential regulator initiate an enforcement proceeding under this Act or any other Federal law (including regulations); and ā€˜ā€˜(B) an explanation of the concerns of the Commission, and a description of the facts and circumstances, that led to the preparation of the written report.** + +##What is a Prudential Regulator? According to Thomson-Reuters Westlaw: + +"The US federal prudential banking regulators include the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) (collectively, prudential regulators)." + +The OCC is the big dog here and can revoke Bank charters for breach of fiduciary duties. They are a branch of the U.S. Treasury. + +**Makes sense why Kenneth C. Griffin wants to run for Treasury - to cover his crimes.** + +Link - https://content.next.westlaw.com/practical-law/document/I94091a23fdd311e698dc8b09b4f043e0/US-Prudential-Regulators-Ease-Variation-Margin-Compliance-for-Uncleared-Swaps-Until-September-2017?viewType=FullText&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true + +#Connecting the Dots + +The CFTC hid the reports so the Prudential Regulators wouldn't have the info to begin enforcement proceedings. + +This is so fucking insane and it reminds me of the SEC office failing to report 300+ fraud claims submitted in 2021 which never reached the Inspector General's office. They falsified reporting, here in case you missed it: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xir7q2/the_sec_charged_by_the_inspector_general/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +The reports were hidden so they wouldn't have to call on the responsible regulators to enforce the bullshit CFTC knew were VIOLATIONS. + +It is a clear and direct conflict of interest. The CFTC must be investigated for covering up the mess of it's swap dealers and market participants. + +They are the reason for causing Systemic Risk due to overshorting, over-leveraged bets, and mixing futures commodities (this is why metals like Gold is crashing) with equities (this is why stocks that were thought to be safe are crashing) via swaps. + +$GME is the smoking gun and DRS is the countdown to MOASS. + +##So where are the numbers if we can't get the reports? + +Archegos' RICO case and trial-in-progress is a glimpse into what is happening with swaps and rehypothecation and how the fallout of massive losses affect swap dealers aka Banks (Credit Suisse as primary bag holder) due to counterparty risk: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xnbcgq/how_swaps_rehypothecation_work_archegos_employees/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb + +#This part is interesting too - not all hope is lost, on page 356 : + +`ā€˜ā€˜(d) BACKSTOP ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITY.ā€” ā€˜ā€˜(1) INITIATION OF ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDING BY PRUDENTIAL REGULATOR.ā€”If the Commission does not initiate an enforcement proceeding before the end of the 90-day period beginning on the date on which the Commission receives a written report under subsection (c)(1), the prudential regulator may initiate an enforcement proceeding. + +Since a CFTC did not initiate an enforcement then someone like OCC (Office of the Comptroller of the Currency) at the U.S. Treasury can step in. Or perhaps they have been tapping the DOJ, hence the RICO announcement last year. + +I still don't trust DOJ. Until I see actual cuffs, jail time, and severe penalties on all participants, especially banks then it's all lip service and hoping for banks to "voluntarily" turn themselves in. + +Here's my response to recent DOJ press release: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xfe66f/just_read_doj_lisa_monacos_press_release_so_you/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +##Lastly, if uncle RICO and DOJ need to cite a rule for enforcement then this will help, on page 356: + +`ā€˜ā€˜(e) It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails, or of any facility of any registered entity, in or in connection with any order to make, or the making of, any contract of sale of any commodity for future delivery (or option on such a contract), or any swap, on a group or index of securities (or any interest therein or based on the value thereof)ā€” ā€˜ā€˜(1) to employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud; ā€˜ā€˜(2) to make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or ā€˜ā€˜**(3) to engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person.ā€™ā€™** + +I can come up with a few cases of persons that have been defrauded: + +- āœ… Options buyers during sneeze +- āœ… Shares purchased but not delivered +- āœ… Hiding reports and not reporting for enforcement +- āœ… Over-leveraged participants and dealers manipulating entire markets and sentiment which sums up the world + +#Finally - I call upon the law for penalties, also on page 358: + +`(11) Section 6(e) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 9a) is amended by adding at the end the following: ā€˜ā€˜(4) *Any designated clearing organization* that knowingly or recklessly evades or participates in or facilitates an evasion of the requirements of section **2(h) shall be liable for a civil money penalty in twice the amount** otherwise available for a violation of section 2(h). ā€˜ā€˜(5) *Any swap dealer or major swap participant* that knowingly or recklessly evades or participates in or facilitates an evasion of the requirements of section **2(h) shall be liable for a civil money penalty in twice the amount** otherwise available for a violation of section 2(h).ā€™ā€™. + +So not only I will claim monies from MOASS but demand my rights to 2x civil money penalty from the designated clearing organization (like Options Clearing Corp) and 2x civil money penalty from swaps dealers (Banks) and major swap participants (Brokers like Fidelity). + +##If you add up the monies owed to you: +- šŸŸ£ 2x penalty fees from EACH clearing house (N.S.C, O.C.C, who else?) +- šŸŸ£ 2x penalty fees from EACH Bank (how many banks are there?) +- šŸŸ£ 2x penalty fees from EACH swap participant (how many brokers are there?) + +Well damn, ontop of MOASS squeeze money then I can also collect from civil penalties. ā™¾ļø X ā™¾ļø + +As a directly registered owner, my investment has been impacted by all of the above and I will pursue my rights to all monies owed from all parties involved. + +#Do you see how MOASS is inevitable? + +It's written in the rules of their game and in the laws. + +This is the part in the movie where the main characters say: + +**Fuck you, pay me.** + +šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£šŸŸ£ + +Edit: came across this: + +Who regulates swap dealers? According to SEC's own website: + +Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the ā€œDodd-Frank Actā€) established a comprehensive regulatory framework for security-based swaps and swaps. Under this framework, **the Securities and Exchange Commission regulates security-based swaps, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulates swaps, and the two agencies jointly regulate mixed swaps.** + +##CFTC & SEC are in a conspiracy to cover-up SHFs and defraud Investors by refusing to Enforce + +Wow, so not only was the CFTC hiding reports to prevent enforcement but the SEC was falsifying reports so there could be NO enforcement. + +Put the two together for a massive conspiracy cover-up of epic proportions. + +*Insert meme corporate needs you to identify:* + +- A. CFTC hides futures swaps. +- B. SEC hides stocks swaps. + +Futures + Stocks = both are fucked. + +Edit 2: credit where due to all authors on swaps, CFTC research. The news here is 741 which is the code about swaps as identified in Dodd-Frank Act. + +Stock broker liquidation is also another reference to 741. + +Why not both? Swaps will lead to bankruptcy based on the available DD and Archegos' trial where employees have an admission of guilt for using said swaps. Credit Suisse is literally falling apart. + +If it's of any consolation, RC tweeted a lot of memes with face swaps. + +Edit 3: since I keep getting the same messages: + +Are we screwed? +Will anyone save us? +Is there no end? + +The answer has been in front of each of us. It's really just DRS. Direct register your shares. + +Dr. Susanne Trimbath has said this countless times. There is no escape out of this without departing from the DTCC system. (BTW go get her book if you haven't, it's worth it's weight in gold.) + +Point being: DRS just works and it's evident in the following: + +- šŸŸ£ Daily Low Volume with shares drying up +- šŸŸ£ Reported hedge fund losses in 13F reports +- šŸŸ£ Increasing borrow rates +- šŸŸ£ DRS tracker matches GameStop official DRS numbers (stoked for next quarter) + +Everyday they kick the can is just rocket fuel for shares which they will need to buyback. All shorts become longs. + +There is no escape for shorting hedge funds. + +You don't need the DOJ, SEC, FBI, or whatever govt body to intervene. The Big Short proved that. So in Mark Baum's words: I'm gonna hold, then I'm gonna hold.. + +Pay now or pay later. Everyday is a gift to buy 1 more share. Here's a hype video and remember MOASS is always tomorrow: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xj2txy/dedication_to_the_man_who_said_as_for_me_i_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb +Just wanted to put some investment news out because yes, **worst case scenario**, Monday afternoon could see the beginning of an Asian financial crisis when Evergrande defaults on repayments. + +Apparently it owes around US $7bn this coming week and there are 130 Chinese banks and 132 Asian investment houses all into the Chinese company for around US $300bn. + +**It's simply too much money and I doubt China will bail it out**. + +Keep your eyes open because when Evergrande defaults on Monday, it could literally trigger something far worse than a blip on Chinese markets... + +My daughter was accepted in to an ā€œeliteā€ private school. Sheā€™ll start as a first grader and we would love for this to be the school she stays at until 12th. + +Iā€™m hoping for some some personal anecdotes from fellow parents or previous students of these sort of schools. + +She currently attends a very small, close knit, church affiliated preschool. Going to an elite private school that offers boarding for upper levels will be a big jump, Iā€™m sure. + +Before we make this jump, I want to hear it straight. I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of what attending this school will mean for our daughter. + +On a very broad level we have concluded: + +Prosā€”enrichment opportunities offered far outweigh anything a public school or lesser private school could offer + +Consā€”everyone is wealthy, white, and blonde +Hi, my mom and dad came from poor families with 10 siblings on each side. They live in a country with no safety net so everyone is out for themselves. + +My mom siblings have been ruining my family including my childhood. My mom is the eldest and parents dumped the parenting to her. They have been leeching off my mom and depleted my dadā€™s life saving. + +Now my parents in their 70s, they turn to us. I am becoming their primary target. I just got the sob story from my aunt on how sheā€™s about to be homeless/starving and needs $500 a month to survive. Another said his kid needs to go to college and want to sell her house to me at ridiculous sum. I have no use of the house and itā€™s in the bad shape/location. + +Honestly, this is such a triggering moment for me. All my childhood, I witness this badgering and manipulating. Poor my dad that my mom squandered most of our family money to her relatives. + +I donā€™t want to be enabler and taking over my momā€™s role here. But on the other hand, I do believe one of my aunts will be homeless but I know once I open the pocket, this will be the beginning to an end. + +I donā€™t want to be cold hearted but deep inside, despite blood relative, I hate for what they are doing to my family. I mean I am willing to donate to charity to help struggling kids to get education, to a worthy cause. Taking over my momā€™s role as a provider for her siblings (who donā€™t work and donā€™t save) is not a worthy cause for me. + +Any help to reconcile this conflict will help. I told my husband , maybe I just do one time donation to my aunt and thatā€™s the end. But this is how it started for my mom tooā€¦a little help turns into a lifetime of responsibility. +Unless your company arbitrarily limits your contributions or you are a highly compensated employee you are able to contribute $18,500 into your 401(k) plan. In order to max out you would need to contribute $18,500 into the plan of your own money. + +All that being said. contributing to your 401(k) at any percentage is a good thing but I think people get the wrong idea by saying they max out because they are contributing say 6% and "maxing out the employer match" +So, I was unpacking from a recent grocery trip and I admired the $200 bottle of Garrison Brothers Bourbon and I mentioned it to one of my not fatFIRE friends and his comment surprised me... he said "I guess the midlife crisis it getting to you". Now if a midlife crisis for me is a $200 bottle of bourbon, I am getting off cheap. + +But it did get me to wonder, did I go through the midlife crisis and not know it yet? + +So what is your midlife crisis expense... how did it turn out? + +HERE IS MINE: + +After about 5 seconds of thinking it was a resounding YES as I realized that I have a freaking 50FT yacht that my wife and I bought on a whim... Ok, lemme paint you a picture. + +My wife and I always loved boating. We had a 20ft open bow trailered boat that we took everywhere for a decade. Fishing? YUP! Crabbing? UH HUH. Clam Diggin? Most Definitely. Camping? JUST SAY WHEN!!! + +So one year during our annual camping trip with the boat where we packed the sucker to the brim and went island hopping, we had one of the worst camping experiences in our lives (Nope, upon further review IT WAS THE WORST), because of the God forsaken insects that started the terrors of the Jurassic Park... a freaking mosquito. During the day life was grand, during the night... if you stayed out there you'd be like that rattling balloon with a bit of rice inside that you used to play with as a kid... swollen from all the bites but empty inside except a handful of bones that rattle about any time you move. The damn things would bleed you dry. + +The very next day, I looked up the list of large boats in the area, on our way back from the camping trip we actually took the time to tour the boat... By the time we got home form the 4 hour drive, we had already submitted the offer... THE NEXT DAY, I am driving another 4 hours each way with a friend of mine to do sea trials. We manage to do a full boat survey, and close on the boat within 2 weeks of seeing it. Not sure if you've ever bought a large vessel, but usually it takes 6 months or more. It's essentially buying a house that is constantly wet, and then adding truck parts to make it move. I was going to compare it to an RV, but it really isn't that similar. + +We've had this thing for nearly 2 years now and we are absolutely ecstatic with it but looking back, that was such a midlife crisis move that I can't believe I completely missed it. + +&#x200B; +Hey everyone, some of you may remember me from a few months ago when I posted this story about hitting $5k in savings: [https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/lirrhk/reached\_5000\_in\_savings\_after\_this\_last\_paycheck/](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/lirrhk/reached_5000_in_savings_after_this_last_paycheck/) + + +Anyway, I just wanted to pass along a brief update. Based on what I'm expecting my most recent paycheck to be (assuming my calculations are correct), I've reached my next goal of 10k with a total of 10,211.29 in my accounts and all monthly bills are accounted for ahead of this. I've never reached 5 digits before; been so used to skimming by going paycheck-to-paycheck that if anything, changing jobs during the quarantine did me a favor and forced me to get smart with money... or at least better with it. I'm not out of the water yet though; I've been in the process of saving this money up to pay off some outstanding bills from a long time ago, and I've been more-or-less using Dave Ramsey's 7-step method to do it. If you're not familiar with him I'd check out his books and/or radio show; some people swear him off but I've had good results from his teachings so far. + + +No real point to this post other than to say I feel good. I've been working almost exclusively 70-hour weeks for six months to get this far, 14 hours a day on average, and I'm starting to see the results in real time. I guess I could be considered out of poverty by this point depending on how you define it, but I'm going to hold off celebrating too much until the last of my old debts are paid off. This $10k will be used toward that goal very soon, but right now I'm just relishing the fact that it's there. Thank you for reading and your support previously, everyone. Keep your heads up high; a better life is possible for all of us. + +EDIT: I've seen a number of people asking what I do for work and the details therein, so let me explain. I'd respond to your comments individually, but I'm only on break for a little bit and don't have the time. + +In September I started work as a truck driver after switching jobs and training for a CDL- class A in August. I work for one of the major U.S. carriers; would prefer not to name which (not Swift though; they're a joke in the industry). I started out driving long-haul and was making peanuts for the work put in; one weekly paycheck was only $252 and I never made more than $700 or so per week, usually less, until I switched from long-haul to what's referred to as a dedicated account with a specific customer. When I made that jump in November, my pay increased substantially. + +On this account, I make over $22/hr. After 40 hours I'm on overtime making more than $33/hr. I've yet to be anywhere below 40 hours on a week; usually I get about 65-70. At the extreme end, I can pull 80 hours if I go 6 days a week instead of 5. My day usually lasts from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. or thereabouts, and federal DOT regs state that the truck cannot move past on-duty hour 70. I can *work* past 70 hours, I just can't *drive* past 70 hours. At that point, I have 34 hours minimum off for hometime, also per DOT regs. So that's how I pull 14-hour days and 70+ hour workweeks, and how I've been able to save up a lot in a short amount of time. To date the most I've made in one week is $1,945 gross, though theoretically I may break $2,000 at some point. Honestly I could have hit this milestone a few weeks ago if I hadn't blown money elsewhere, but oh well... + +Also someone asked my age; I'm 27 years old. If I'd gotten my CDL at 21, my life and finances would be much better off today. And for those concerned for my health, I'm only doing this temporarily, maybe a year or two, until I save up enough to wipe out my debt and pay for the rest of my college degree, on which I'm about halfway through. + +As for motivation, I think Dave Ramsey frames the ideal better than I could: "live like no one else so that later, you can live and give like no one else." + +Hope this helps. +As one of the more iconic bugs in gaming history, reaching level 256 in the Pac-Man arcade game would cause half of the screen to be rendered in a jumbled mess. The left of the screen would appear as expected while the right displayed a mixture of random characters. + +The bug stems from a memory overflow error in the code that retrieves the number of fruits shown on the bottom right of the screen and there's only enough memory to draw half the board. + +Because there's no possible way for Pac-Man to eat the number of dots required to pass the level, the "split screen" bug effectively marks the end of the game, forcing you to take a loss with no congratulatory message or credit roll. + +Toru Iwatani, the creator of Pac-Man, never intended for there to be an end to the game. + +https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Map_256_Glitch + +https://www.techspot.com/trivia/141-if-you-reach-level-256-game-pac-man/ +My partner says this is how TSX and NASDQ differ.. he mentions we cannot average down by selling higher than the average we created (when, say, the share price you bought it at reaches that price again) - yet with the American stock market, they can. + +In other words: he says when I sell TSX shares at a higher price, compared to the average I created, the average does not change for that TSX. + +Is this true? It sounds ridiculous. +Been working with a broker on a piece of property. She provided a pre-approval, then later a loan estimate after my offer was accepted by the seller. The closing costs on the estimate seemed very high, so I checked with another broker and got a LE with $1,700 less cash to close at the same rate and terms. + +I went back to the first broker with this info asked what we could do to bring the costs down, and she was very upset. Acted like sheā€™s never faced competition in her umpteen years of doing this. + +Itā€™s one thing if this is 1700 amortized over the mortgage. Itā€™s a chunk of cash at close that would otherwise go to furnishing the rental. + +Am I the asshole here? + +EDIT: do need to add there is currently an appraisal ordered not yet performed that she has paid for. I don't expect her to eat that cost. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned. +There has been a lot of talk about simply being happy with GME as an investment because you are holding shares of a transformational tech company. If you are one of those people, more power to you (player). However, for those of you who invested for a short squeeze, you have every right to expect one. Here are the two main reasons why: + +\+a system-wide shock is the only thing strong enough to restructure our financial markets to benefit the many instead of the few (ending naked shorting and sending a message to big financial institutions who plan on screwing over retail) + +\+given that it is well-established that apes (acting individually) plan on holding onto much of the stock for the infinity pool...the stock price post-MOASS will at the very least be higher than it is currently...this gives the GameStop team even more capital to continue their growth (and delight customers) + +**TLDR**; GameStop want MOASS. Why? MOASS help GameStop! +HÄ° everybody! + +&#x200B; + +I'm studying econometrics and this is my third year.I want to improve my computer skills(which i love to do something computer) and last summer i decided to learn python. I know python like a more than beginners but when i researching about data analyze i confused,should i learn R like a pro? Or should i continue with python? + +and does anybody have any advice to improve myself about econometrics? + +Sorry for my bad English,i'm from Turkey and i still try to improve English too! + +&#x200B; + +Thank you everyone +Iā€™m currently study economics in college but realized that the versatility of the degree makes it hard to find a specific job. I hope to get into finance/banking after college and consider changing schools to a more practical study. Can anyone tell me how hard it is to find a job with an undergraduate degree in economics? +I've been arguing with Dad that he should just throw used plastic (food packaging) in the trash. I don't believe that used plastic is worth recycling because unlike glass and aluminum, I don't remember seeing anywhere that used plastic can be traded for cash. + +Even if used plastic has some value, wouldn't it have to be cheaper to separate it from other trash, clean it, and reprocess it than creating new plastic directly from petroleum? +Hello! +I have a question regarding Milton Friedman's famous quote: + +"Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output." + + +Is it considered to be true / valid in mainstream economics nowadays? I mean, is there a cause of inflation that is not "monetary"? + +Thank you! +The news was a bit different today. Yall need to understand everyone here is a fucking person. Not some robot capable of spouting the god damned fucking future. Stop with your "shill" this, "shill" that, 1m isn't probable this, your a paper hand that. Fuck off. I'm just waiting for the moon, and now you've pissed off my anchorman. Now I'm pissed. I like reading his news(still his opinion). If he leaves, Ima be pissed. I like to do my own reading, and make my own conclusions. I use rensole as a standard to see what "other" people might think. How can I do that when y'all are making him thinking of quitting. This man has done so much for us. How dare you say this to him. Have some respect for the apes around you doing actual work. People get PAID the big bucks to do this shit. And you're getting alot of it for the effort and time put in. Aka free. Cash poor, time rich. Use your time for functional things, like mentally masterbating somewhere else than shitting on somebody doing their thing. I don't religiously believe what I read, which some people here, DO. Scary ASF. You do you. Ima like just keep reading and doing my thing, if you could just do your thing, but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't fucking say it. Discussion for DD is the back bone of the sub. Attacking people. Not on. You want to rip something apart? Do that to the DD. Rant over. Please don't leave. Lurk maybe. But don't leave. + +edit: youtube.com/watch?v=lSSajuW0kQI +&#x200B; + +[Gain Porn](https://preview.redd.it/e9fci7lucun61.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4207c58310dbff4febf197a6761a34816bb7712) + +Super happy that I finally squeezed that last bit of theta off this a.m. to lock in that thetabanging five bagger!!! + +Holding all cash atm to take a breather and wait for the next set of opportunities to show; definitely expecting more volatility to come in within the next week or so. + +Positions closed this morning (so I donā€™t get banned for not posting positions): + +* GME PCS 35/40 Strike Exp 2/12 +* AMC PCS 4/5 Strike Exp 2/12 +* SPCE PCS 45/50 Strike Exp 2/12 + +Started with $52k of savings in my RH account during early days of 2020 aka pre-covid era, and been spreading options since then. Strategy is all call or put credit spreads on multiple tickers at any given time, 10-15 DTE, at around 16-40 Delta. + +Planning on doing a full writeup of my experience/strategy later if and when I procrastinate on my studies again. Happy thetaganging! + +**~~Full Writeup~~** + +Heads up, I also secured a subreddit under the same name as my account to share all my thoughts and opinions in one easy-to-access place, where I will re-edit this writeup with more context and detail on each line item above for sharing with non-theta-gang Redditors. Thanks for reading! + +**RE-EDIT:** I refined the write-up with more details to allow options beginners to better understand my strategy. Check my post history to find it. Thanks! +Getting quite sick of the moderators on this subreddit. + +They are constantly removing helpful and valid discussion on personal finance but will do nothing about the 100s of "Just inherited 100k or whatever amount what should i do or where should i invest it", this subreddit is being clogged up by repetitive unhelpful stuff that doesn't belong here. + +Posts like that should be on the investment subreddit, asking where you should invest your savings, inheritance, etc isnt personal finance its UK investment. + +Actual helpful posts helping people with budgeting (which is **actual** personal finance) get removed. + +This subreddit is known as being out of touch because the moderators are the ones driving the discussion, removing actual helpful topics and driving it towards nonsense. + +It's becoming a bit of a joke now and actually starting to piss me off. + +If your not going to allow those posts then have a mega thread for discussion. + +It's ridiculous considering the current times were going through that the moderators of this subreddit ae so heavy handed deciding on what topic is allowed to grace "their" discussion board. +My dad retired this month and will get a lump sum (~1 cr) and my education loan payment begins next month onwards. +1) I earn ~1 lakh per month (in hand) and the loan EMI would be ~33k per month for 10 years (Loan principal ~28 Lakhs, loan repayment ~38 lakhs at the end of 10 years). +2) My dad's (senior citizen now) retirals put him in 30% tax bracket and my mom is in 20% tax bracket. + +Objective: maximise returns in totality for the family (assuming mother father and self as one unit) + +The solution we worked out was +1) I continue to pay the educate loan and avail tax benefit on interest (30% of 10 lakh = 3 lakhs) +2) Dad invests a lump sum of 20-23 Lakhs with HDFC deposit, getting a 6.8% monthly return. Since he's a senior citizen he gets .25% extra which my mom won't get for another 3 years but his tax slab is higher. However, this lets us protect principal and go for SIP of 10 years +3) This monthly return of ~15k then gets invested by my mother to mutual funds through SIPs with a portfolio of 40-60% equity 10-30% debt and 10-30% gold/real estate. this allows for benefit of averaging and since principal is assured we can opt for higher risk investments with this 15k. I'll be the sole nominee and this amount is reserved for me in case of any need. + +As per my calculations we should be looking at a CAGR of 10% conservatively, 14% realistically, 16% optimistically over a 10 year horizon. + +The caveats here are - since my father invests in HDFC Deposit and his tax slab is 30%, essentially we are getting 10k per month and not 15k. Ie. 6 lakhs lost to tax over 10 years. + +Is there a better way? + +Edit: Thanks for the advice everyone. I further did an NPV calculation assuming scenario 1 where the loan is paid off now and I use the EMI amount to invest in SIPs instead, and scenario 2 assuming I pay the EMIs to avail tax benefits and invest the lumpsum over a 10 year horizon. Paying off now increased my NPV by a LOT! So yeah, if you are lucky enough to have the lumpsum available to pay off your loan it might make sense to do so even at the cost of losing out on tax benefits ONLY and ONLY if you maintain the discipline of truly investing the EMI amount into SIPs as diligently as you'd have paid off the loan. :) +I started investing a few years back. I am confused as to when should I actually spend on anything like buying car or maybe gift myself an expensive watch or other luxuries. +I donā€™t necessarily hold back my life to invest but at the same time I donā€™t try to improve lifestyle and add materialistic depreciating assets. +But also, I donā€™t want to spend too much of my savings and loose compounding effect. +So, I am looking forward to any rule or something you guys have figured to save as well as improve lifestyle. +I froze my credit after the Equifax breach, but have had to lift it a few times since then. When freezes became free I wanted to confirm that my credit was frozen with each bureau. When I got to the Experian site, I went through the process of adding a new freeze, and when it asked for a PIN I put in the existing PIN I had. The confirmation page said something along the lines of "You already have a freeze, and the PIN is 123456". + +I was slightly worried and so repeated the process in a new incognito browser window and when it asked if I wanted to enter a PIN or have them generate one I let them generate it. I got the same confirmation/error page with my current PIN displayed. To be clear, the second time I did this, all I provided was name, address, SSN, and DOB. I did not provide the PIN. I did have to answer some of those security questions you tend to have to answer when confirming your identity online (eg, "What bank is your home mortgage with?"), but the entire point of the credit freeze is to prevent people who may have that type of information from opening new credit. + +I wanted to warn people, that while the credit freeze is a still a good idea, it's not iron clad. It would also be nice if there was some pressure on Experian to change this. I googled to see if this was already documented, and was shocked to see this article from over a year ago outlining the exact same process working the same way. + +[https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/experian-site-can-give-anyone-your-credit-freeze-pin/](https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/09/experian-site-can-give-anyone-your-credit-freeze-pin/) +https://questions-statements.parliament.uk/written-statements/detail/2022-01-28/hcws569 + +Commentary from: + +Paul Johnson of the IFS: https://twitter.com/PJTheEconomist/status/1487081246471725066 + +And Chris Giles of the FT: https://twitter.com/ChrisGiles_/status/1487084811944665090 + +Fun times ahead!!!!!!! Cost of living crisis goes vroooom vrooom!!! A v subtle way of hurting graduates, not as in your face as taxes which is why I think it annoys me more. +Kids are 5 and 7. I am thinking maybe in a year or two once covid is done and they are a bit more mature to pull them out of school and travel the world for a school year from September to June. But find an age appropriate educational program so they can continue to keep up. They can do projects on all the places we visit. + +Is this a terrible idea or what? Anyone done it? Any recommendations on a virtual school? + +We have a globally distributed family so would incorporate visits and maybe bring the grandparents along for a bit. +I've been digging around and trying to decide how i should allocate my ~$6k/year for my Roth IRA. + +I want to be moderately aggressive with dividends, since gains are tax-free, but i also want to see about a bit of growth potential too. My focus is on dividends, though. + +What are some of your favorite stocks that might fit the criteria? + +Edit: To clarify, I'm investing in stocks with an average yield of 3.5% or higher. For example: + +IBM, EXG, O, DX, GOOD, HRZN, and others. + + +Edit 2: I just came across this on the r/dividends sub-r, and it's amazing info. This is helping me plan out the solution to my own question:. + https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/nq19ob/updated_dividend_champions_list_available/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +*On February 24, the company's Board of Directors authorized a new share repurchase program to repurchase up to $1B of the company's common stock. This repurchase program replaces the remaining availability of approximately $76.6M under the company's previously approved $1B share repurchase program. + +This is after earnings that missed estimates. + +*Earnings per share: $3.46 adjusted vs. $3.89 expected* +*Revenue: $1.36 billion vs. $1.39 billion expected* + +*U.S. same-store sales increased by 11.2%, down from third quarterā€™s 17.5% growth. International same-store sales climbed by 7.3%.* + +Dominoā€™s also said it made a $40 million investment in Dash Brands, the privately held company that serves as the pizza chainā€™s franchisee in China. Dominoā€™s first invested in Dash in the second quarter of 2020, acquiring a noncontrolling stake for $40 million. + +**The companyā€™s new two- to three-year outlook projects net unit growth of 6% to 8% and global retail sales growth of 6% to 10%, excluding foreign currency.** + +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/25/dominos-pizza-dpz-q4-2020-earnings-miss.html +Day after day after day we can read complains about the price lagging, the ratio bleeding, and some altcoin performing better. So here's an idea: + +&#x200B; + +In his bestseller book [The Tipping Point](https://www.amazon.com/Tipping-Point-Little-Things-Difference/dp/0316346624) published in 2000, Macolm Gladwell defines a tipping point as "*the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point*". + +The notion he develops is that for idea or product to spread like wildfire, only a few key parameters must be met. + +&#x200B; + +Here, I'd like to apply his findings to the case of Ethereum. + +&#x200B; + +# 1) The Law of the Few + +*"The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of 3 groups of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts":* + +&#x200B; + +* ***Connectors*** *are the people in a community who know large numbers of people and who are in the habit of making introductions. A connector is essentially the social equivalent of a computer network hub. They usually know people across an array of social, cultural, professional, and economic circles, and make a habit of introducing people who work or live in different circles.* + +&#x200B; + +Right from its inception, Ethereum widened the array of its partnerships to the maximum. Even if controversial, partnerships with JPM, Hyperledger, and Polkadot exist for this exact reason: the more partners, the more connectors. + +Early on, Vitalik positioned Ethereum at the center, and Ethereum remained at the center. + +Here we're not good. We're the best. + +&#x200B; + +* ***Mavens*** *are "information specialists", or "people we rely upon to connect us with new information". They accumulate knowledge, especially about the marketplace, and know how to share it with others. "A Maven is someone who wants to solve other people's problems, generally by solving his own"* + +&#x200B; + +We, the Ethereum community, are mavens. Aside from developers, we're the knowledgeable ones. We care about the news, inform new members, and we want everybody to benefit from Ethereum's decentralization, and to make money with us. + +Ethereum has by far the biggest "non shill community". That's why anyone who posts anything that's pro-eth, but even partially BS, will be called out in a matter of minutes. + +Here we're not good. We're the best. + +&#x200B; + +* ***Salesmen*** *are "persuaders", charismatic people with powerful negotiation skills. They tend to have an indefinable trait that goes beyond what they say, which makes others want to agree with them.* + +&#x200B; + +Think Joseph Lubin, Paul Brody, and here in Ethtrader, /u/DCinvestor. + +Aside from the EF's marketing budget, Ethereum's communication relies on 2 things only: the quality of the product, and salesmen. Oppositely, most competing platforms have a dedicated, often huge marketing budget. + +Here we have room for improvement: we need more salesmen, everybody here can contribute. + +**As participants in a decentralized effort, we must be the salesmen.** + +&#x200B; + +# 2) The Stickiness Factor + +*The Stickiness Factor refers to the specific content of a message that renders its impact memorable. Popular children's television programs such as Sesame Street and Blue's Clues pioneered the properties of the stickiness factor, thus enhancing effective retention of educational content as well as entertainment value.* + +&#x200B; + +Here we face two problems: + +\- Ethereum's concept is complex and hard to understand, and so is the way the network can solve problems. + +\- Ethereum started with a disadvantage compared to Bitcoin: its name is harder to pronounce, especially in languages other than English. + +In marketing terms, what makes a good brand name is: + +1. Simple and easy to remember +2. Descriptive +3. Available + +"Bitcoin" checked all 3, "Ethereum"... not that much. + +This means that what we lack in brand, we must compensate in branding: + +The recent initiative of this community to create a catchphrase and a logo to be used by buidlers ("[Powered by Ethereum](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/bnktgo/feedback_on_powered_by_ethereum_logo/)") is exactly of the kind needed. + +If we want Ethereum's communication to improve, **we** must improve Ethereum's communication + +&#x200B; + +# 3) The Power of Context + +*Human behavior is sensitive to and strongly influenced by its environment. Gladwell explains: "Epidemics are sensitive to the conditions and circumstances of the times and places in which they occur"* + +&#x200B; + +The power of context simply means that for an idea to spread like wildfire, the timing must be right. + +And don't you feel like the timing is right? I believe it's ideal: + +\- Ethereum 2.0 is launching in 6 months + +\- Bitcoin's 4 years cycle has recently kicked in. This is the slingshot we need. + +\- Facebook's Libra is legitimizing the use of "blockchain" in the eyes of the masses + +\- We've recently had incredible partnerships with some of the biggest companies in the world (Microsoft, EY, Google, Ubisoft, Samung, Cloudflare, ...). + +What else do we need? IT'S ALL HAPPENING, NOW! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I'm writing all this because I firmly believe that the combined effort of all Ethereum communities could propel Ethereum past the moon. + +Not only in terms of price but also in terms of trust and adoption, the latter meaning more decentralization and more value added on top of the network. + +&#x200B; + +How about we stop complaining about price and ratio, and instead spend that time teaching our families, our friends and our colleagues? + +&#x200B; + +Teach about what Ethereum is, what it does, what it will be, and what it will do? + +Pitch our bosses and our workplaces' IT teams? + +&#x200B; + +Maybe what Ethereum needs to reach its tipping point is simply all of us making it reach its tipping point. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DR: + +Stop complaining. Do something. +So Iā€™m wondering if this would be of any interest to people on this sub. Iā€™m going to challenge myself, post up my daily trades and P&amp;L, and prove a small account can provide a living. + +The account size will be set to 13k and Iā€™m going to try to grow it to 20k in one month. The reason for it being set to 13k is its an amount people can save and itā€™s enough to trade the /es, /ym, and /rty, which are my most traded futures. I do trade oil and metals from time to time so those will be in play too. + +The only way to make it is to trade futures. I wonā€™t be using intraday margin though so no 4+ contracts for crazy gains. It will be a very methodical controlled approach. You could trade options but thatā€™s not my forte so Iā€™m sticking to what I know. Futures also provid a 23 hour market 5 days a week so more opportunities. Finally, there is not PDT rule for futures + +Is this something you guys want to see? If so Iā€™ll set up a small account to 13k October 1 and post daily. +***TLDR***: This stock seems like a great addition to a diversified portfolio in the consumer defensive sector given how cheap it trades compared to its competitors with respect to price to sales, price to earnings, and price to book ratio. This company has also almost zero debt, and seems to beat its peers in all metrics. + +I was casually screening companies this past week with a market cap < $2B with positive earnings in the last 10 years, share buybacks and dividends in the last 5 years. The list of companies was very short, but this one definitely stood out. I've spent a couple hours doing some research, which I will summarize below. This is not an extensive DD but rather a quick snapshot that I hope can spark some debate around this stock. Something I would be interested in knowing more about is the customer experience from any US folks in here when shopping at BigLot! versus other discount stores, from both a physical and an online shopping experience. + +**Fundamentals**: + +|Stock Price|$47.80| +|:-|:-| +|**Market Value ($Bi)**|$1.66| +|**Total Assets ($Bi)**|$4.04| +|**Current Assets ($Bi)**|$1.63| +|**Total Liabilities ($Bi)**|$2.77| +|**Current Liabilities ($Bi)**|$1.05| +|**Working Capital ($Bi)**|$0.58| +|**Long Term Debt ($Bi)**|$0.03| +|**Shares Outstanding (Bi)**|0.035| +|**Avg EPS (years 10-7)**|2.69| +|**Avg EPS (years 1-3)**|8.70| +|**Book Value per Share**|$36.66| +|**P/E Ratio (3-year avg EPS)**|5.49| +|**P/B Ratio**|1.3| +|**EV/EBITDA**|6.30| +|**P/S**|0.3| + +&#x200B; + +* **Strong Financial Condition:** Current Ratio of 1.55 and Working Capital greater than Long Term Debt. +* **Earnings Stability:** Positive earnings in the in the last 10 years. +* **Dividend Record and Share buybacks:** Consistent dividend payouts, and some buybacks in the last 10 years. Management announced intention to continue to add shareholder value via more buybacks in the future. Trailing dividend growth, with the exception of 2020. +* **Earnings growth:** 220% EPS growth in using first and last 3 years average. +* **Price to Earnings:** P/E of 5.49 using last 3 years EPS average, and current P/E of 6.77. Competitors like Dollar General and Dollar Tree both trade at multiples of 15+. +* **Price to Assets:** P/B of 1.3. The likes of Dollar Tree and Dollar general trade at multiples of 3+. +* **Enterprise Value to Earnings:** healthy below 10. +* **Price to Sales:** competitors trade at multiples close to 1, BIG at 0.3 is undervalued. + +&#x200B; + +**Growth prospects and future outlook:** + +* 20 net new stores in 2021. Looking to 2x-3x this number by 2022, with end goal of adding several hundred stores in the next 5 years. +* Freight cost went up substantially, but they are expected to come back to normal levels which should have a good impact on future margins. +* Seen an increase of 10% in ecommerce demand. Currently making investments in the online platform to increase conversion. Also added options for same day and 2-day delivery to help drive online sales. +* Addition of two forward distribution centers to offload regional centers and optimize inventory levels. +* Revenue has been oscillating from $5.18B the lowest to $5.40B the highest. More recently (2019,2020 and 2021) it has gone up from $5.24B to $5.32 to $6.20. +* With their furniture and household lines (i.e Broyhill, Real Living) including marketing/omni-channel initiatives, BigLots! seems to have an element of differentiation that can protect them from the competition. + +&#x200B; + +**Potential strategy:** + +This stock is definitely undervalued. With an earnings yield of 15%, good dividend track record, and decent growth prospects in the next 5 years, and the fact that it currently trades at roughly 14% above its 52 week low, it seams that now is a good time to build a position in this stock. Holiday season is around the corner as well, so an increase in earnings might bump up the stock price beyond the attractive point. In the long term, I don't think that we can predict exactly what's going to happen in this industry besides anticipating that there is very little room for growth, and some companies will be at risk if they don't manage to digitize their business models successfully. However, there will always be a place for discount stores even in unfavorable economic conditions, which is what gives me a little bit of confidence in the 3-5 year range for BIG. +Fuck this trap. + +College: $150,000 + + +Wedding: $35,000 + + +House: $500,000 + + +Used car: $15,000 + + + +$700k in debt after your first few years after graduating from college but society will call you a loser if you don't follow this trap. Don't get into the impossible escape scheme, be innovant, support DeFi and survive. +Title pretty much sums it up. + +I will be traveling and hopefully moving to Thailand beginning next month. I will still have an address in Canada and would like to continue using a Canadian broker. + +Does anyone have any recommendations of different brokers or how I can manage my portfolio while abroad? + +Sorry if this is a silly question - I don't have much experience trading stock. + +Edit: Thanks everyone for all the responses! Looks like I may have been given misleading info over the phone with the Wealthsimple rep. Seems like people have been able to trade while abroad (using certain VPNs or none at all). Great points about this maybe being more of a legal issue rather than practical issue (i.e. being abroad vs. legally residing abroad have different implications.) Cheers! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +It seems I always deal with a large amount of anexity whenever I go to make a larger purchase (buying a slightly nicer/ fun to drive car because my commute is long, buying new carpet because mine is 20+ years old etc). On paper I can afford these things, but when it finally comes down to making the purchase, I normally can't deal with spending the money I have been saving. + +What do you guys think? +So likeā€¦. Thatā€™s all the money he has. We want to get him on Medicaid after we spend the annuity but his contract only allows him to take out 20k a year and TIAA says they canā€™t change it. Itā€™s not paying out quick enough to cover his bills or make him Medicaid eligible so now he has all this money that he desperately needs but canā€™t access. Any ideas? + +Edit: hey all, I got an elder law attorney on retainer as of today, we talked with a rep for the annuity for a while and weā€™ve got a plan. Thanks! +I made [this comment yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2mkfp/comment/iatags4/), and based on many of the comments in the two posts below, I feel like more of us need to realize what's *actually* happening here- the reason that Wall Street and the SEC using the term "Meme Stock" + +&#x200B; + +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v3f83p/enemy\_showed\_hand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v3f83p/enemy_showed_hand/) + +&#x200B; + +* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2mkfp/the\_opponent\_just\_showed\_their\_hand/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2mkfp/the_opponent_just_showed_their_hand/) + +&#x200B; + +What could possibly be more dangerous than a GME subreddit full of pissed off, DRS'd GME investors who've already bought and registered $1.5 BILLION worth of shares?: + +# MILLIONS OF NEWCOMER WOULD-BE GME INVESTORS WITH UNTAPPED CASH AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS, WHO WOULD INEVITABLY FOLLOW THE SAME PATH WE ALL HAVE. + +When they say "Meme Stock", *that's* their intended audience. + +Calling GME a meme stock isnā€™t directed at us- itā€™s directed at the millions of normie investors out there that Wall Street NEEDS to stay asleep. + +They CANNOT afford to have the rate of GME investor newcomers grow, so they call it a meme stock to subtly encourage uninformed and/or ignorant outsiders to scoff. + +# Why? + +Bc *underneath the surface*, when humans scoff at things they privately know they havenā€™t personally studied, thereā€™s *actually* a mix of: + +* fear of loss +* fear of confirming/confronting oneā€™s own ignorance +* fear of being exposed to others as uninformed and/or ignorant +* fear of being associated w/ the ā€œwrongā€ crowd ("Do you seriously listen to all those idiot GME reddit traders?" +* ego stroking +* perceived self-preservation +* etc + +ā€¦and all of that keeps *most* would-be newcomers away from even considering learning more about GME. + +&#x200B; + +# So what? Why does knowing this change anything? + +Because the very thing they tipped their hand about is something WE have the POWER, RIGHT NOW, to CHANGE. + +It's on US to educate- DON'T GET OFFENDED. THEY'RE FUCKING TERRIFIED OF YOU OPENING MORE AND MORE INVESTOR MINDS THAN THEY CAN AFFORD TO FIGHT. + +# LET'S GO FUCKING GET THEM! + +https://preview.redd.it/190hxufip9391.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c0c97e4afeb674231e8978dbf201cef27167ff +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +&#x200B; + +[Wut do?](https://preview.redd.it/8fn8dn5alpk81.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=fed22ccadd903fbed8a4d840f7c2ee9c82eb1fb0) + +Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3x2z0/we\_are\_unstoppable/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3x2z0/we_are_unstoppable/) + +All credits to u/einfachman AKA u/healansonfiree + +šŸšØWARNING : This Reddit account will be deleted at midnight \[12 a.m, Pacific Standard Time\] + +This is einfachman. I impulsively deleted my original Reddit account several months back, due to serious threats against me. I regret that, but that's all in the past. My time on Reddit is no more. That doesn't mean I don't want to help the Ape community. I love you guys, and I have been trying really hard to find a way to share this DD with all of you. I tried creating a new account, but was shadow banned every time I tried to message or comment to an Ape to share this DD for me \[Reddit algo thought I was a spam bot\]. So, I bought this aged account from some website today for the sole purpose of posting this DD. I'm not interested in having an account on Reddit anymore. I still lurk from time to time, but right now I just want to publish my DD, and head back into darkness, where I don't have to deal with getting threatening DMs against me and my family. This account will be deleted at midnight, PST, so please, I would very much appreciate it if an Ape could save this post and copy and paste it on the sub, so that it's in the records and doesn't disappear after this account gets deleted. Thank you very much, and see you all on the moon. + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +My post: + +Einfachman here, back from the grave. Itā€™s been a crazy year so far, and thereā€™s very essential information I donā€™t see in the sub that needs to be addressed. This DD will be going over a variety of topics, but it all boils down to 1 point: Apes are unstoppable. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Recommended Prerequisite DD: + +1. [The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/) +2. [Are Citadel Client's Leaving? Is This Why Citadel Is Losing It? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pze6e3/are_citadel_clients_leaving_is_this_why_citadel/) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +We Are Unstoppable + +Ā§ 1: Relentless Dip Buying + +Ā§ 2: DOJ and DRS + +Ā§ 3: The Price Suppression Quandary + +Ā§ 4: Geometric Mean + +Ā§ 5: The GME Community At-Large + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Ā§ 1: Relentless Dip Buying + +If you read my past DD ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)), youā€™ll know that my conservative estimates where that, as months would go by, average shares would slowly lower to 150 shares/Ape from 160 \[and I still used 140 as a conservative number in my calculations to ensure that I would have hard proof of synthetic shares in my extrapolations; hence, the results in my DD have been strongly solidified over time\]. Average shares per Ape, according to DRS Bot, did decrease slowly, as I predicted; however, it rose back up to around 160 shares/Ape (159.85 as of February 26). + +https://preview.redd.it/9ljpv4c6dpk81.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb1dfa5dc1760597b76ff9b9eb2ef40f9f4dc1d4 + +This is curious, because on November 29, the average shares per Ape were 151.1 shares/Ape. But the price of GME was $200+ at the time. + +https://preview.redd.it/n39n7o77dpk81.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=1de6926b2a0377a37e90213948e6aa99f1099f21 + +Just as I predicted, the average number of shares per Ape was slowly decreasing for consolidation around a 150 average. However, the price dropped significantly since then. It now stands at $118 today. If Apes were selling, as MSM and shills are implying, then we would reasonably expect new DRS Apes to be lowering the average, as they would not be DRSing at an average of 150 shares/Ape anymore. The inverse is the caseā€”the number of shares/Ape has steadily increased to where it is now (Approx. 160 shares/Ape). What does this mean? Apes are legitimately buying the dip, and since the price is much cheaper now, they can afford much more shares to DRS. Therefore, Apes are defacto buying the dip. This can also be reflected on Fidelityā€™s 9:1 Buy/Sell Ratio when the price was hitting local minimums for the month of January: + +https://preview.redd.it/hrbfpl08dpk81.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ac46657ad6d5dac14cb655968ee42ff1474eeaf + +This brings us to the question, why has GME dropped significantly? + +The answer is simple. SHFs have thrown everything they had at us the past months, so much so that all the indicators went from near all-time lows to exponential increases to yearly all-time highs. + +https://preview.redd.it/hjufvnp8dpk81.png?width=2586&format=png&auto=webp&s=40012ec0856c47f0a52fe5d6a05e485b4a5c3319 + +The last time utilization (percentage of shares available to borrow that have been lent) was at 100% was pre-January run up. Ever since January, 2021, utilization slowly decreasedā€¦up until December when it started skyrocketing. As of now, weā€™ve been at 100% utilization for 2 weeks. + +As you may know, GME has been listed on IBKRā€™s Hottest Shorts since February, and every week that has gone by, GME short ratio on their website has been increasing significantly: + +https://preview.redd.it/tayj5rk9dpk81.png?width=1934&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2eecc637e0fdb58e4be9f06fc848631c6ea1271 + +These are all signs that SHFs have been throwing everything they have at Apes these past few months, explaining the heavy downward pressure on GMEā€™s ticker price these past months. Despite all their efforts, Apes have only been buying the dip and accumulating more shares to DRS. + +I should note that it is possible that indicators are also increasing due to the ongoing DOJ investigation into SHFs, as now SHFs canā€™t be as careless with synthetic shorts and illegal activity to manipulate GMEā€™s price. But, this would also explain why theyā€™d want the price so low. Now that the DOJ is watching them, they have much fewer options to suppressing the price without illegal activity drawing the attention of the DOJ. So any run up, similar to the June run up, may be the last. + +Ā§ 2: DOJ and DRS + +I stated this before in my past DD ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)): + +ā€œI expect the closer we get to locking 100% of the float, the stronger the pressure the government will feel to taking initiative themselves, as once the float is 100% locked, there's no going back, and the entire world will witness the synthetics shitshow that will reveal itself and completely undermine the market's regulatory bodies. Moreover, as we also get closer to locking up the float, shorting GME back down will be a lot more costly and difficult for SHFs to do, which is why it's highly likely to me that the MOASS will start before the entire float gets locked up.ā€ + +Well, according to computershared.net, about 43% of the float has been locked by Apes already. And 73% of all outstanding shares have been locked and registered. 73% of all outstanding shares locked is already enough to warrant a response from the government. + +I highly doubt the government will stand idly by while 100% of the float is locked and the curtains of fraud in the market are lifted for the world to see. GME isnā€™t some penny stock. Itā€™s listed on the NYSE; its market cap practically makes it a blue chip stock. If the world sees how brutally manipulated GME is, it will create lasting economic damage, reverberating into each financial market. If common folk donā€™t trust the market anymore due to all the fraud and corruption, theyā€™ll pull out their investments. ā€˜Investmentsā€™ being a variable of which GDP is contingent on \[GDP = C+I+G+NX\], itā€™s safe to say there will be long-term damage to the U.S GDP due to risk averse behavior prompted by domestic and international investors upon witnessing the blatant corruption polluting the market. + +**In other words, this is a legitimate national security issue.** + +Which is why the government is getting involved. So, if the DOJā€™s data scientists project that the float will be locked within 6 months, they will initiate MOASS before then. If they have to shut down Citadel and force them to close their positions before the float gets 100% registered, they will. Right now the situation has gotten too big for them to ignore and these SHFs pose a national security risk to the government. + +Ā§ 3: The Price Suppression Quandary + +This dilemma didnā€™t start until Computershare started becoming popular among Apes. I call it the price suppression quandary. Ever since Apes have begun to DRS in mass, the countdown to MOASS has started. The MOASS can no longer be can kicked indefinitely. This is due to the following conundrum: + +If the price of GME exceeds a certain point, margin calls will ensue, starting a snowball effect which will lead to MOASS. The more they short, the more money they lose, the more margin requirements pose a problem to them, and the more they will need a lower price. + +Now, if the price of GME declines too low, as Iā€™ve demonstrated in ā€œĀ§ 1: Relentless Dip Buyingā€, Apes will double, triple, quadruple, etc., their ability to buy up the float and register it. + +Example: Letā€™s say, at the price of $120, it will take 10 months to lock 100% of the float. If SHFs decrease the price to $60, it will now take 5 months to lock 100% of the float. $30? 2.5 months. $15? A little over a month. By taking the price down so much, they effectively accelerate their demise, which is why they need a higher price. + +This is also not including any outside entities purchasing the dip (e.g. institutions, pension funds, or even angel investors, such as RC, Musk, etc.). + +Thus, they have no other alternative than to do their best to keep the price in the middle to, as financial terrorist, Kenneth Cordele Griffin, best said it, buy 1 more day. + +Note: there is 1 additional factor that may accelerate the removal of margin from Citadel that should be taken into account as well, which I brought up here: [Are Citadel Client's Leaving? Is This Why Citadel Is Losing It? : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pze6e3/are_citadel_clients_leaving_is_this_why_citadel/). Considering the DOJ investigation into short sellers (including Citadel), it would possibly make it easier for clients with decent exit clauses to withdraw their funds from Citadel, since they have reason to believe their investments could potentially be misused for fraudulent purposes. Hence, the price suppression quandary only becomes even graver for SHFs going forward. + +Ā§ 4: Geometric Mean + +MOASS is inevitable. Thereā€™s no getting around that. But, there are some (most likely a mix of price anchoring shills and misinformed Apes) that donā€™t believe that when the price begins rocketing off that GME can in fact hit prices in the millions. The main argument is ā€œhow can it hit $100 million when GameStop would be worth quadrillions, and the world economy is only $80 trillion?ā€ That argument is invalid and mathematically flawed. + +Firstly, anyone saying that the payout will be in the quadrillions is assuming that every single one of us will sell at the exact same priceā€¦at the exact same time. This is nonsensical. + +To better illustrate what will actually take place, I will use a simplistic model, such as the bell curve: + +https://preview.redd.it/tkgz1fradpk81.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=f541904c5b664921ff50af868c74a4d07b3c601f + +As the price starts to take off, you will have your common paper hands selling at $20,000, $50,000, $100,000, etc. After all the paper hands are gone, SHFs have to buy back shares from the Diamond Hand Apes, which will be the hardest to obtain. These are the Apes that will refuse to sell no matter what. This is what could take the price up from $500,000 straight to $100 million for a few days (which, by the way, is why I say in my past DD that it doesnā€™t matter if 90% of GME investors paper hand, its because the final millions of shares SHFs will need that will drive the price up past the millions easily). From whatever peak, such as a brief stop at $100 million, the price could drop back down. There will be paper hands that practically gave their shares away for free, Diamond Hands that valued their shares at $100 million, and people like RC that decided to either HOLD or HODL, refusing to give up their shares at all. + +The geometric mean measures the compounding effect of numbers. Simply put, itā€™s the average of exponential growth. + +https://preview.redd.it/wotrld9bdpk81.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2a476dba56acf1949d6847c00a2d4059d76ab0e + +Calculating the geometric mean of a $100 million GME price from an initial price of $120 using the formula above give us an equivalent price of approx. $109,545, and a payout of around $8 trillion. + +We can also assume that GMEā€™s price, after hitting $100 million, could drop and consolidate around a fairer price than $120, such as $30,000, which would place it among the big tech stock market caps. The geometric mean would put us at an average payout of $71,000 per share and the payout from DTCC would only be around $5.41 trillion. + +Here, the payout is much smaller, because with the price consolidating around $30,000 after hitting $100 million, many Apes still kept GME shares, so the overall payout wouldn't be as large. + +Outcome #2 is more likely (GME hitting $100 million and consolidating around $30,000 when dropping instead of dropping all the way back down to $120, because weļæ½ļæ½ļæ½re only at $120 due to heavy manipulation to begin with), so the DTCC has way more than enough money to pay out around $5 trillion. + +In other words, yes, a $100 million GME price can be achieved, but the average payout per share will be approximately around $70,000-$100,000, and DTCC insurance will only end up covering around $5-8 trillion. $8 trillion isnā€™t much when they can cover up to $63 trillion. Anything not covered by DTCC will get handled by the FED. Hence, an extremely astronomical price is more than mathematically possible. + +Ā§ 5: The GME Community At-Large + +I brought this up before ([The Numbers Are In: Mountains of GME Synthetic Shares & Mathematical Proof : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/)), but didnā€™t take the time to elaborate. I strongly believe thereā€™s at least 5+ million GME Apes. + +To reiterate what I previously said in my last DD: ā€œĪ±mc Apes were informed by CEO Adam Aron that there were 3.2 million Apes within the U.S & Canada alone. + +In early June, they were informed that the numbers were 4.1 million Apes (worldwide). \[The data was recorded on June 2nd and released on June 9th\] (twitter.com/ceoadam/status/1402723600398946306?s=21) + +Since this was the number of Apes for Ī±mc, and since both stocks are similar in many respects to the Ape community, we can deduce that in June, there were 'at least' 4.1 million GME Apes (highly likely the number was floating around 5 million). + +This was almost half a year ago, mind you. There has been significant and consistent growth every week since then, within this sub, social media platforms, etc. I can't use June data in my analysis, as it would be considered obsolete. Furthermore, I am confident that the real number has increased substantially since then. + +This is the growth in members Superstonk has had since its inception: + +https://preview.redd.it/paonor4cdpk81.png?width=1374&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff317dd3d42c3d0011bebfb3ccb36ab4f6efc1f2 + +Consistent organic growth from new Apes as of June-forward + +Superstonk had about 400,000 members in the beginning of June. As of today, it has approx. 690,000. That's an over 70% increase from when 4.1 million Apes were recorded. If we were to apply these percentages to the 4.1 million, we'd come out to 6.97 million Apes. We could say that half of those new users were a combination of shills, alt accounts, etc.; however, that would still leave us with approx. 5.5 million Apes, up 1.4 million from June, which would be a conservative estimation for growth within 6 months. + +I honestly believe there's way more than 5.5 million GME Apes worldwide (e.g. in Hong Kong alone, there were 900,000 GME Apes trying to vote 6 months ago, just to give you a perspective of the numbers we are dealing with), but let's work with 5.5 million, as a conservative approximation is favored to ensure the results aren't overstated.ā€ + +A few things that Iā€™d like to add: + +The number of GME investors on Futu has increased from 900,000 to 1.2 million as of now (30+% increase). + +Furthermore, I would like to elaborate on my previous statement regarding deriving the number of GME Apes by using the number of Ī±mc Apes. We have definitive proof that in June there were 4.2 million Ī±mc Apes, yet their largest community on Reddit is much smaller than the largest GME community. The largest GME community is about 60% larger than the largest Ī±mc community. This comparison canā€™t be ignored. + +Both stocks have an almost identical market cap, very strong Ape community that share the same ideals, etc. Itā€™s reasonable to infer that GME has millions of shareholders as well (I believe itā€™s easily 5 million). So, when some Apes tell me GME doesnā€™t have millions of shareholders, I find it quite puzzling that they would think that. + +If you look at the SEC Report into GME, youā€™ll see on page 20 they state that on January 27, 900,000 accounts alone were trading GME. This was over a year ago, mind you, and it didnā€™t even include anyone that only held GME on that date, not just traded. Meaning that there were likely already one or two million Apes in January, and the number has only increased since then to around 4 million in June, and definitely at least 5 million now, if not much more than that, but Iā€™m going to keep the numbers conservative. + +With all said and done, what can we infer from this? There are easily well over 5 million GME Apes. A rule of thumb I learned in the past is that normally only 1%-10% of viewers end up upvoting a video (on YouTube or elsewhere). You can test this for yourself when you ratio video views online to likes. If we apply the same rule of thumb to Reddit posts, you might see 30k upvotes on a SuperStonk post, but the actual post was viewed by anywhere between 300k-3 million people. You donā€™t need a Reddit account to check out SuperStonk and youā€™d be surprised the amount of people that just lurk around Reddit without even an account, but I digressā€¦ + +The point is that the 741k+ SuperStonk members are just a fraction of the vast number of GME Apes out there. Iā€™m sure there are many of us that have friends and family invested in GME that arenā€™t engaged in SuperStonk, many that donā€™t know about DRS that we could reach out to and spread the word. I believe thereā€™s hidden communities out there, like Futu with over 1 million GME Apes, where we could send out envoys to provide them with strong DD on DRS and the importance of registering shares (perhaps these hidden communities are on other social media or trading platforms as well, similar to Futu), but if we can tap into them as well, we could potentially increase the rate of DRSā€™ed shares by a sizable margin. + +Nevertheless, taking all this information into account on the high likelihood that there are well over 5 million+ GME Apes out there, SHFs literally canā€™t compare to our power. If Apes had their own country, it would be larger than 100+ countries by population-density. It would also be larger than the entire U.S military, or any military in the world. + +We have some of the brightest minds researching, working days and nights to provide us strong DD and reinforcement. Among our ranks include: doctors, lawyers, economists, artists, professors, psychologists, accountants, engineers, people of all sorts of backgrounds providing valuable information, intellectual capital, and significant support towards GME and restoring actual fairness and transparency to the market, while forcing our government to hold hedge funds accountable for their gross negligence to our economy. + +This is what SHFs have been up against. And patiently waiting over a year for our tendies has only emboldened us, made us stronger, more resistant from MSM gas lighting and shills, more stoic upon seeing hard volatility and manipulation with the GME ticker price, more focused on registering our shares despite all the attacks and fear mongering to scare Apes away from registering. We came in like amateurs, and evolved into iron strong Navy Sealsā€¦ and itā€™s beautiful. + +No matter what SHFs throw at us, no matter how many times they get Cramer to go on CNBC and bash GME, no matter how much drama or forum sliding they pump out, no matter how many shills they send to our communities try to divide Apes or scare them away from DRSing, we will never be subjugated. No matter what they do, we are unstoppable. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Additional Citations + +Hoehn, L. and Niven, I. \`\`Averages on the Move.'' *Math. Mag.* **58**, 151-156, 1985. + +Morrow, K., 2020. *DTCC Launches Pilot Program for New Insurance Information Exchange (IIEX) Platform | DTCC*. \[online\] Dtcc.com. Available at: [https://www.dtcc.com/news/2020/november/23/dtcc-launches-pilot-program-for-new-insurance-information-exchange-platform](https://www.dtcc.com/news/2020/november/23/dtcc-launches-pilot-program-for-new-insurance-information-exchange-platform) \[Accessed 27 February 2022\]. + +Sec.gov. 2021. *Staff Report on Equity and Options Market Structure Conditions in Early 2021*. \[online\] Available at: [https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) \[Accessed 27 February 2022\] (pg. 20) + +# Additional Commentary by Einfachman/healansonfiree + +# [https://www.reddit.com/user/AzureFenrir/comments/t3zc8v/einfachmans\_commentary/](https://www.reddit.com/user/AzureFenrir/comments/t3zc8v/einfachmans_commentary/) + +# [https://www.reddit.com/user/healansonfiree/comments/t3usrd/reminder\_that\_shills\_exist\_in\_the\_sub\_get\_paid/](https://www.reddit.com/user/healansonfiree/comments/t3usrd/reminder_that_shills_exist_in_the_sub_get_paid/) + +# Does DRS remove shares from DTCC Cede & CO? (by u/MommaP123) + +# [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t39lu1/that\_fast\_contract\_yeah\_it\_doesnt\_say\_what/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t39lu1/that_fast_contract_yeah_it_doesnt_say_what/) +Title says it all! I'm not interested in how much you invested since you are already invested but why did you over leveraged yourself in crypto? + +Did you do so to have a shot at buying your dream house, retire early and enjoy life delicacies? + +A hedge against inflation and hate that your money in the bank is feeding ruthless greedy [jnsert insult] + +You totally believe in the crypto revolution and already see prices in Satoshi and Eth gas fees + +It was your best shot at getting rich scheme ? + +Be honest and just spit it. + +Regardless, I really hope you make it dude! + + +THE TIME HAS COME, Closed Beta (Aug 2021) + +A functioning version of the app is released to a select user group for initial testing, feedback, and refinement. + +ā€¢ 4th August - First 10 creators announced. + +ā€¢ 15th August - First 15 creators join platform. + +ā€¢ 23rd August - First 100 admirers join platform. + +Invites to the Closed Beta will be based on PRT holding, Community contribution, and a Lottery. + +šŸ‘ Application beta release šŸ‘ + +THE TIME HAS COME, Closed Beta (Aug 2021) + +Lil Pump + 10 Creators just tweeted today in part with the partnership of project. + +A functioning version of the app is released to a select user group for initial testing, feedback, and refinement. + +ā€¢ 4th August - First 10 creators announced. + +ā€¢ 15th August - First 15 creators join platform. + +ā€¢ 23rd August - First 100 admirers join platform. + +Invites to the Closed Beta will be based on PRT holding, Community contribution, and a Lottery. + +Since May 25th without touching the marketing wallet, PornRocket has: + +šŸ‘Application rebrand NSFW.app + +šŸ‘Gained acquisition of intimate.io + +šŸ‘Two prototype app testing sessions + +šŸ‘Listed on HotBit, LBank, BitMart, PancakeSwap, Padswap, ZT + +šŸ‘Achieved an ATH market cap of over $100 mil + +šŸ‘Exclusive partnership with Leolulu & ATMLA + +šŸ‘Recruited top-ten Pornhub stars + +Why is pornrocket taking over the industry? + +UNLIMITED UNCENSORED CONTENT + +NO FEE'S FOR CREATORS + +NFT PORNPAD + +100% ANONYMITY + +1 ON 1 EROTIC EXPERIENCE + +XXX REWARDS + +šŸ‘ Telegram: [https://t.me/prnrocketbackup](https://t.me/prnrocketbackup) šŸ‘ Website: [https://pornrocket.co/](https://pornrocket.co/) šŸ‘ New website: [https://nsfw.app](https://nsfw.app/) +I am now at 12m net worth. 44 years old and married with 3 kids. mostly faang money through 10+ years of senior level job and investing wisely in the market with some lucky breaks. I live in a VHCOL area but 12m net worth is good enough for me to not worry about having a job anymore. + +For most of my life, I have been chasing success as defined in our society. coming in the top quadrantile in school, school achievements, good college, good job, aspiring for a certain position in a company or work place, getting to certain net worth, living the american dream ...etc + +After I fat fired and no longer have to worry about paychecks, there has been a big shift in my perspective about what defines success in life. while I was in the rat race trying to reach my financial goals , it was easy for me to fall for the cultural narrative of what defines success in life. at least in US , for most part success means money and power. since reaching fat fire, I don't believe in that narrative anymore. + +My perspective has changed since I am no longer mentally blocked by the essential and existential physical need for certain level of money. I can see the world beyond the tunnel vision of the rat race now. success doesn't mean much to me anymore. I don't believe life has to be defined in terms of success or failure. life is not an exam which you pass or fail . life is just an experience ..period ! + +You don't go to a movie and ask yourself if watching the movie was a success or a failure for you personally. you just ask yourself if the experience was good or not. life doesn't need a definition or success criteria, it just needs to be lived. + +How many of you had a change in perspective after you got financially liberated. what was the change in perspective ? +There's a story that Joseph Kennedy sold all of his shares just before the 1929 crash because even the shoe shine boy was giving advice. I assumed this was at least in part a cover story for insider trading but I'm seeing it too lately when I'm interacting with people in my daily life. +[What the U.S. Loses When Americans Save Too Much](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/06/pandemic-savings-threaten-economic-recovery/619303/) + +ā€œItā€™s awkward for a card-carrying economist to urge people to save less. But Americans of late have been saving not to finance their kidsā€™ education or their own retirement; theyā€™ve been saving as a precaution against the possibility that the pandemic might ravage their lifestyle. All of that saving didnā€™t capsize the economy only because Washington stepped in with checks for nearly everybody. Because those are ending now, along with the worst of the pandemic, Americans can support a strong economy by saving only for their future needs and not out of fear.ā€ +Sorry if this is a stupid question, but does the partial share you receive from DRIP then create its own partial dividend or is it only when it gets to a full share? +> Vodafone Idea clarifies on reports of Google eyes stake in Vodafone Idea. Company says it constantly evaluates various opportunities for enhancing the stakeholdersā€™ value. Currently, there is no proposal as reported by the media that is being considered at the Board + +[CNBC ](https://twitter.com/cnbctv18live/status/1266294194680721416?s=21) +I've found that selling puts has made me a lot less susceptible to FOMO. Back in the day if a stock was mooning and I had no position, especially if it was one that had been on my watchlist before it took off, I'd chase it. Now, I sell a put instead. Getting a piece of the action thru selling puts seems to cure my FOMO, and it helps me wait patiently for a good entry. It's basically like setting a limit order and getting paid for it. + Yes I posted this in a daily thread but I wanted it to have a place where people could more easily clown on me for being bearish on Australian Tesla: + +Firstly, half of the hyperlinks in the VUL reports do not work and are not properly referenced. I cannot fact check half of their information, and this is basic uni stuff. Absolutely disgraceful from a company full of PHDs and world class government representatives as they say.. + +Secondly I don't support this short company, nor do I have an interest in shorting vul. This is purely an exercise in analysis + +Anyway here are some thoughts: + +First issue: Failure to clear names: + +They failed to truly answer the questions about their managements past failures. They listed all the fancy industry bodies Dr Kreuter is part of without actually answering anything about his capabilities as a leader of a company and his past projects. Listing his Linkin profile does nothing to address concerns have his ability to run a successful project or address his past failures. + +They also say that Weimann has been part of many projects and served as a consultant for gec-co without again actually listing any project successes. + +They do not even attempt to clear co-founder Wedin name at all. This entire section does nothing for their reputations and in my opinion makes them weaker because they had nothing to say to make themself look better outside of their academic titles and positions in government/industry bodies. Many of my university teachers had similar titles and positions I would not trust them to run a 1.5billion dollar company. They state they do not have a "record of failure" without listing a single success other than their academic qualifications. + +The acquisition of the PFS firms: + +They blatantly state they acquired the firms after the PFS for "strategic reasons." This implies a pre-meditated decision to use these firms and then buy them out afterwards. This again does nothing to disprove J-capital were correct in saying there was an underlying conflict of interest the entire time. Also, they try to lead readers to independent experts who they have ties with such as leading the cap raise so more conflict of interest on biased reports. + +Flow rates: + +Vulcan was careful to state their "assumptions" are "believed" to be correct based on team experience and science. Now I am inclined to not go against Vulcan here as I am a clown who knows nothing of how far modern technology has come but they do make a big reference to the world bank report which is not actually directly from the world bank but from the International Finance Corporation, which is a member of the world bank, but I believe they stated world bank for the validity. + +From this report they cherry picked data and sentences without context saying things like it found that ā€œ78% of verified wells were successfulā€. WELL, the official full quote is + +"Of those wells analysed, 68 percent were deemed to be successful and 20 percent unsuccessful. The status of the remainder (12 percent) could not be verified. Of those wells for which status could be verified, 78 percent were successful." + +This means that Vulcan are taking the high road with these numbers assuming a 10% increase in success discounting the unverified results which could have lowered that result. + +That report VUL is quoting from also has great quotes like "The probability of a well being successful increases in accordance with the number of wells drilled in a field" and VUL have made a statements in their response to the effect of "we have not drilled any geothermal wells, into our greenfields developments areas, and until we do so, we have already stated on numerous occasions risks around flow rate will remain.ā€ + +However, this is followed with Vulcan saying it believes it has an ā€œAPPROPRIATE LEVEL OF CONFIDENCE around its assumptions" going on to say that "one would expect Vulcan, based on this world bank report to have high success rates" + +So VUL with no evidence, with the highest risk part of the process, in a greenfield exploration using the highest percentages in the report are saying they are EXECPTING the highest success rates further saying a 40% failure rate is "incorrectly arbitrary.ā€ This is poor, work from VUL here they are misleading investors on assumptions of high success and saying much leaving little room for error in and to quote the report ā€œThis analysis suggests that once a project moves beyond the early Exploration Phase, the risks of failure become lower and more predictable.ā€ VUL has no reason to assume highest success chance yet. + +Furthermore the research goes on to say, ā€œIn 63 percent of fields, more than 50 percent of wells proved successful in the Exploration Phase. **This low average success rate across exploration wells serves to confirm the high risks of initial drilling**" + +This paper confirms that a high degree of scepticism and risk in the initial exploration phase is warranted. In fact, the world bank report specifically calls out the risks at this stage of development! Vulcan are in my opinion not properly broadcasting the risks in this stage and I would be very worried if they are truly running of the lowest failure calculations. + +Furthermore, Vulcan in my opinion does little to address the concerns of seismic activity but again I'm not a geo so I won't comment on this. + +Finally and I say this many times. + +Vulcan is request 700mill euro for phase 1 and 1.1 billion euro for phase 2. The combined equivalent of 20 CXO operations. They done nothing to address the listed capital concerns from J-Capital or the concerns that this prohibits the project from getting off the ground. + +This is 1.8billion euro or 2.78 billion Australian dollars. Assuming no cost overruns assuming a capital raise at $10 a share they would need to issue 278million new shares which nearly triple the shares on issue. from 123,834,613 to a total 401million shares. That is a dilution so severe your $10 shares would be worth around $3.5. + +Otherwise, they have to convince a bank to offer them a loan for a mine thats not yet built, thats not producing revenue potentially for years. If they can convince a bank to do this math is simple. + +2.78 billion Australian at an estimated 5% (current interest rates are around 3% but I would assume the risk would mark that up and inflation is going up too) is $139million AUD in interest a year not including paying back principle meaning VUL would likely lost over 50%+ of its NPAT per year. + +A mix of both leaves holders diluted and with reduced earnings. Offtake partners IMO unlikely to splash that much cash without significant upside. I do not think J-Capital is wrong in raising the CAPEX as a substantial risk the success of the project that was again not raised at all in Vulcans response. + +Vulcans response was better this time but still complete devoid of any meaningful retort to most of J-Capitals answers and have not earned my confidence. However I am not a financial adviser this is not financial advise. Please do your own research when making investment decisions. + + +[CXO down one end VUL down the other. How Many CXO can you fit in a VUL?](https://preview.redd.it/1vrkk6gkt6w71.png?width=1059&format=png&auto=webp&s=f71eea67424b567f725b8572038175b8ab3e637d) + +References: + +Allen, M., Avato, P.A., Gehringer, M., GeothermEx, Harding-Newman, T., Levin, J.N., Loksha, V., Meng, Z., Moin, S., Morrow, J.W., Oduolowu, A., Pantelias, A., & Sanyal, S.K. (2013). '*Success of geothermal wells : a global study.'* NW, Washington. International Finance Corporation. Date accessed: 28/10/21. Accessed from. [IFC Report Hyperlink](https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/22970ec7-d846-47c3-a9f5-e4a65873bd3b/ifc-drilling-success-report-final.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=jYlcyTW) +I work in credit approval for a bank and typically approve a couple million in loans a day. I thought a brief guide may be helpful for someone who is looking at either refinancing or getting a loan for the first time. All banks have different policies, these are all general comments around the basics and vary from bank to bank. + + +**How much can I borrow?** + +Rule of thumb - up to 6 times your normal income usually wouldn't be an issue unless you have personal loans / big household / big credit card spend. Up to 8 is typically the max policy limit for most banks. + + +**Do the banks care about our assets?** + +Assets do contribute to a risk grading system, but the final say is done on servicing - so no + + +**Servicing** + +A Bank will lend you money if your annual total cash inflows / income is greater than the sensitised new loan amount + other credit facilities + living expenses. Some banks are more conservative than others. Servicing killers include credit card limits, novated leases and personal loans. For example - a $500,000 loan commitment for 30 years would be roughly $30k a year in sensitised commitments. A 70k personal loan over 5 years is roughly around the same. In other words, don't get a large personal loan if you are planning on buying a house. + + +**Credit Scores** + +If you have never had a credit facility before we don't care - this is not the US. You start out with a generic score rather than build one up. +Equifax reports show comprehensive data on your facilities for conduct and inquiries - the bank will know if you are lying or have forgotten any of them. +Common examples include Latitude Store cards that people forget. So try and remember everything to avoid unnecessary questions. Please also note that these checks pick up any directorships or businesses that are in your name. + +Late repayments greater than 14 days are recorded on file. Banks appetite to account conduct varies - definitely not viewed positively but if it's a trivial thing then it can usually be worked around. + +**Living expenses** + +It amazes me how many people don't know how much they spend - e.g. declare $2k per month - provide the bank 6 months of statements showing $5k per month. Use pocket book or something to get an idea of what you are actually spending. + +The bank uses the greater of declared living expenses or their internal HEM benchmark which is based on a reasonable living expense figure given household income, dependents etc. + +**Income** + +Assuming you're PAYG we calculate your income in line with policy - e.g. shading of bonus, overtime etc +Any deductions on your payslips will also likely be questioned to confirm if voluntary (super, novated leases) + +\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* + +**Brokers** + +Banks have a love hate relationship with brokers - they give them the majority of their business but would rather have customers go directly to them. I have seen some really good brokers and also some bad ones that don't know what they are doing (Keeping in mind that you only need a cert IV). + + +Brokers typically get 0.5 - 0.75% of your loan amount as upfront commission and then a trail 0.2% to 0.3% of the interest - brokers do get different rates from different banks. (e.g. $500 per 100k and a few hundred bucks per year in interest - assuming you stay with the bank - if you refinance away then the brokers commission is clawed back - so it is in there interest to give you a good deal) + + +*Pros* + +\-Access to a variety of lenders - big 4 plus second and third tier lenders whose policy may fit your situation better than another bank + +\-you don't have to deal banks + +\-Usually professional service + + +*Cons* + +\-As brokers deal with so many lenders some lack knowledge of policy - meaning that insufficient documents are provided requiring more back and forth and increasing time to approval + +\-Banks typically prioritise their direct deals over brokers - as they want to encourage consumers to come straight to them to avoid paying commission +\*\* + +*I see a lot of people with debt up their eyeballs and with no real financial clue - do yourself a favour and read up on the subject :)* + +Edit: I appreciate the interest but I won't be answering any more comments about individual circumstances - speak to a broker or bank ;) + +I also won't be answering any questions around self employed loans - I have mentioned the basics in some of my replies + [Hedge funds rethink tactics after $12bn hit from meme stock army ā€“ Investors News Blog](http://investorsnewsblog.com/2021/06/25/hedge-funds-rethink-tactics-after-12bn-hit-from-meme-stock-army/) + + [admin](http://investorsnewsblog.com/author/admin/) 4 hours ago + +Hedge funds that bet on falling share prices are stepping up their efforts to spot the next GameStop after this yearā€™s ā€œmeme stockā€ bonanza left the industry nursing billions of dollars of losses in just six months. + +Huge gains in the price of companies favoured by day traders who assemble on message boards such as Reddit caught out some short sellers badly in late January. In recent weeks, these stocks have staged a second rally, with a rise in stocks including cinema chain AMC inflicting yet more pain. + +Hedge fund losses since the start of the year from betting against just GameStop, AMC and Bed Bath & Beyond total more than $12bn, according to data group S3, while bets against a number of others have each run up additional losses of hundreds of millions of dollars. More than half short sellersā€™ $5.1bn of losses betting against AMC this year have come in June. + +The heavy toll shows how moves by individual investors, which are regularly co-ordinated on forums such as r/WallStreetBets, has heightened the risks for professional investors in the Wall Street equities market. + +ā€œIn two waves, a few hedge funds have seen modestly sized short positions turn into extinction-level events,ā€ said Andrew Beer, managing member at investment firm Dynamic Beta Investments. Funds that suffer multiple rounds of losses on short bets ā€œwill face difficult questions from investors as to whether their risk management failed to adapt to a changed market environmentā€. + +The highest-profile hedge fund casualty has been Melvin Capital, which lost 53 per cent in January and is still down 44.7 per cent this year to May. Light Street Capital, the fund led by ā€˜Tiger cubā€™ alumnus Glen Kacher, was also hit early this year and again in May, with losses in the first quarter predominantly driven by soured short bets. London-based White Square Capital, which lost money shorting GameStop, is also shutting its main fund. + +An index compiled by Goldman Sachs of stocks favoured by retail investors has almost doubled since June 2020, while another that tracks companies that are targeted by short sellers has gained 28 per cent. + +Traders across the industry, both those caught directly in abrupt rallies in heavily shorted stocks as well as those hit by the ensuing market volatility, have now been forced to start tracking potential retail investor maneuvers or risk huge losses and backlash from their investors.Ā  + +ā€œThe danger is you donā€™t really know what stock the retail community is going to go after next,ā€ said Amy Wu Silverman, equity derivatives strategist at Royal Bank of Canada. ā€œThere is not a stock that is ā€˜safeā€™.ā€ + +Wu Silverman had typically concentrated on advising institutional clients about their hedging strategies. Now hedge funds seek her help to identify the early warning signs of a retail-driven meme stock surge. + +ā€œIt has completely upended our markets, and we have had to make really dramatic changes to how we model things and how we manage risk,ā€ she said. Retail investors chasing volatility ā€œhas gotten to the point where you canā€™t ignore itā€. + +Losses inflicted by retail investors have proved a rude awakening to hedge funds, which had just enjoyed a banner year in 2020 making their biggest gains since the aftermath of the financial crisis, according to HFR. + +Some funds are considering taking a greater number of smaller short positions to cut down on the potential losses a single stock can cause, say industry insiders. D1 Capital, whose founder Daniel Sundheim previously worked at Viking, is one fund that has been considering reducing the size of short bets this year, say people familiar with the strategy. Others are looking at betting against indices, rather than individual stocks. + +Managers in the US and UK have begun using algorithms to scour forums such as r/WallStreetBets or other data sources to try to spot co-ordinated buying. While the practice is new to most western funds, this kind of surveillance is already common for many Asian managers, according to Patrick Ghali, managing partner at advisory firm Sussex Partners. + +Tiger cub Lee Ainslieā€™s Maverick Capital wrote to investors in April that its quant team ā€œnow systematically monitors Wall Street Bets and other similar forums that cater to less experienced, retail investorsā€. Moez Kassam, chief investment officer at Anson Funds in Toronto, said his firm has been building algorithms to follow commentary and sentiment on Reddit, as well as using some bought from external companies. + +Fintech company S3 now provides a companyā€™s ā€œshort squeeze riskā€ score to Bloomberg terminal users, while alternative research provider Quiver Quantitative scrapes Reddit investment threads for ticker mentions and sentiment. + +ā€œYou donā€™t want your book to be exposed to the whims of r/WallStreetBets,ā€ said Quiver founder James Kardatzke. + +Data group Sentifi, which buys data from the likes of Reddit and Twitter and uses it to score sentiment around stocks, said it detected a nearly 1,200 per cent rise in chatter around AMC between May 20 and June 1. The cinema chainā€™s shares had already started to rise by then, but then doubled on June 2. Sentifi said the number of customers using its platform had doubled over the past year. + +Swiss investment firm Unigestion has also started looking at how it can deploy its machine reading and data techniques ā€” which it already uses to spot changing sentiment ā€” around meme stocks. + +ā€œIt is an important, though short-term, risk factorā€ in markets, said Unigestion portfolio manager Salman Baig. ā€œFor us, any factor that can disrupt markets is of primary concern.ā€ + +*Additional reporting by Miles Kruppa* + +*laurence.fletcher@ft.com, madison.darbyshire@ft.com* + $NASA is Not Another Shit Altcoin. It stands out because it has character, originality, tokenomics that prohibit rug pulls, an authentic community that wasn't built on the foundation of bots, and a team of amazing individuals with years of crypto experience between them. + +&#x200B; + +We have big plans in store for the next coming weeks and IT WILL BE HUGE! + +&#x200B; + +\- šŸš€ Coinmarketcap discussions have already begun with a potential listing coming as early as in the first TWO weeks. Expect a Coingecko listing even earlier! + +\- šŸ“° Our marketing campaign is ready to be rolled out. Just imagine what weā€™re capable of when we start broadcasting to the masses + +\- šŸŽ¤ We are now taking questions for our first AMA, head on over to our Discord to participate! + +\- šŸŒ App development underway šŸ¤« - did someone ask for a NASA seal of approval? + +\- šŸ“¹ Marketing Strategies are being developed with a number of Influencers, and designers on board + +\- šŸ’Ž Audits will be happening once NASA goes live! + +&#x200B; + +Here at $NASA we're focused on one thing and thatā€™s to step foot on the moon AGAIN. The question is, will YOU join us or will you be on the outside looking UP šŸ’«šŸš€ + +&#x200B; + +Tokenomics + +&#x200B; + +ā€¢ 10% tax (5% to LP / 5% to holders) + +&#x200B; + +ā€¢ 5% burnt + +&#x200B; + +ā€¢ Full transparency = Fully Doxxed Dev and global team active on TG & Discord + +&#x200B; + +ā€¢ LP Locked to MAX (79 years) + +&#x200B; + +ā€¢ Renounced Ownership after Launching + +&#x200B; + +DYOR + +&#x200B; + +šŸŒ Website - (nasatoken.net) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“„ Contract - \[0x70CF8d40A3D0F7BC88077Ba7D103050d0001A653\] (https://bscscan.com/address/0x70CF8d40A3D0F7BC88077Ba7D103050d0001A653) + +&#x200B; + +Become a Nastronaut today!šŸ‘©ā€šŸš€šŸš€šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€ + +&#x200B; + +šŸ—Æ Telegram -(t.me/officialnasatoken) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ’¬ Discord - (discord.gg/GNAhVt8v) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“£ Twitter - (mobile.twitter.com/NASAtoken) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“· Instagram - (instagram.com/nasatoken?utm\_medium=copy\_link) + +&#x200B; + +Questions? Head on over to our TG or Discord ā¬† and one of our fellow Nastronauts, will be more than happy to assist you. +A few reasons to not invest in Tezos. Take this as you will, but I figured I'd share some the results of my investigations. + +1. The uncapped ICO will continue for up to two weeks, and they will sell off the tokens they are getting DURING THE ICO ITSELF. I don't think anyone has had the unmitigated nerve to do such a thing yet. They will dump any ETH they get immediately, or perhaps wait and do so all at once, doing anything they can to hurt ETH. They talk a lot of smack on their slack channel and see ETH as their main competitor. They also will purposely give you slightly less tokens for your ETH than for your BTC... again, just because. +2. The only actual advantage they offer is that of formal verification to make sure smart contracts work the way they are supposed to. Note that Vitalik once tweeted that the vast majority of bugs in smart contracts wouldn't be solved by formal verification. The bugs are more often from unintended consequences of the contracts, not flaws in the contracts themselves. +3. As we've seen the past week, the #1 issue for blockchains, and for ethereum, is scaling. And guess what. Tezos has no scaling plan. No I mean literally. They have a bit of hand waving about improving zero-proof technology, but they have NO specified plan for it. The only ACTUAL scaling solution they propose is slightly larger blocks and... oh yeah saying that computers will get faster. And that stuff can be done off chain. What? That's not a scaling plan. + +So we have a case of an ethereum imitator with a totally different codebase that developers will have to learn that no one knows and with a worse roadmap for dealing with the real issues, and whose creators are very open about the fact that it will make them multimillionaires overnight. Literally overnight as they are selling AS the money comes in. +TL;DR + +Invested weekly gave 60,000 more returns for total investment of 6,00,000 over 5 years + +So, SIP monthly or weekly what is better? + +I have taken NIFTY 50 index for the calculation. Starting from Feb 2017. + +Start : Feb 2017 End : Jan 2022 + +&#x200B; + +||*Weekly*|*Monthly*| +|:-|:-|:-| +|SIP|2,320\*|10,000| +|No.s|259|60| +|Invested|5,98,290|6,00,000| +|Value|8,93,441|8,31,813| +|Difference|\+61,627|| + +\*weekly sip adjusted so that final invested amount is same. + +For volatile assets, the difference would be much larger. + +My strategy: + +I have had monthly sips for 4 funds but at different times of month instead of all triggering on 1st of month. I was curious if this had any benefit. Indeed it has :) +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-17/cathie-wood-says-burry-doesn-t-get-fundamentals-of-innovation-ksg2m0aa + +> Cathie Wood has responded to Mondayā€™s news that famed investor Michael Burry has placed bets against her firmā€™s flagship fund. +> +> In a Twitter thread on Tuesday, Wood laid out the thinking behind Ark Investment Managementā€™s approach and called out Burry directly. +> +> He made a ā€œgreat callā€ in the mortgage market, she said, but she doesnā€™t believe he understands the fundamentals that are creating ā€œexplosive growth and investment opportunitiesā€ in the innovation space. + +I read the whole article, and I didn't find it convincing tbh. + +So i MARCHED right into Cathie Wood's office and Declared that I am going SELLING all my ARKK ETFS and she Pulled my Pants DOWN and gave me a BARE-BOTTEMED SPANKING!! !!! +Hello, fam. Older ape here. I am not one to make posts. I religiously stick to comments unless I feel I have something useful to add. And those put contracts in Brazil feel like a big deal to me. + + +Now, I'm not a numbers guy. Even when I played poker five workdays I relied on instinct and guesstimates more than exact math. I've done alright by it, but apologies if this is not hard material. + + +What do we know: + + +1) Shorts have been kicking the can delaying closing their shorts in the hope of retail losing interest. + + +2) There's been a lot of new regulations that *theoretically* make it harder to kick the can. + + +3) Put contracts for 100 million shares of GME appear on a Bloomberg Terminal for Constancia Investimentos and Kapitalo Investimentos, filed in MARCH. + + +Now, I don't pretend to know WHY these put contracts are in Brazilian institutions. I'm sure any ape could speculate and come to the same candidate answers -- liability in case moass, extradition, kicking the can but with even more crime, you name it. It's fuckery, what flavor, your guess is as good as mine but fuckery all the same. I suspect that when the moass is said and done these companies will be linked to the known shorts CITADEL, POINT 72, MELVIN CAPITAL and SUSQUOHANNA. And regulatory agencies will say they didn't know. + +So let's get the word out. Because something about this FEELS desperate to me. Like they had to have those puts and they didn't have any convenient place to put it and shoved 'em in Brazillian shell companies or something similar. + + +We don't even need to know the reason. If word gets out, this info makes the rounds, the hivemind of the internet will figure it the fuck out. It almost always does. Furthermore, people like a mystery. It will get them involved and invested emotionally and maybe after that financially. + + +And the SEC will never have the luxury of saying they didn't know or didn't look at it. + + +Thanks for making it this far. My brain is smooth but my heart is in the right place, and I felt like sharing. + + +Power to the players, the wrinklies, and cheers to some deep fucking value. + +**EDIT 1)** https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otszbz/this_compliance_officer_previously_worked_at/ + +Thanks to u/broccaaa for pointing us to Ivan Padilha and his past at ENRON. + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/otqvmh/constancia_investimentos_ltda_kapitalo/ + +Thanks to u/El_Patron_1911 for these connections. + +https://i.redd.it/1cv0jl3464e71.png + +Thanks to everyone's favorite Pomeranian u/Criand for this thorough explanation. This pupper has more wrinkles than the old dudes running Wall Street. + +**EDIT 2**: + +https://imgur.com/a/Gn2S6ph + +Complete known list of companies that are short GME provided by u/bobsmith808 +In the nick of time, a gigantic crisis for the major US crypto exchange Coinbase was recently prevented. A "white hat hacker", a hacker with good intentions, came across a major vulnerability and instead of exploiting it, he notified the team at Coinbase. Coinbase was able to fix the vulnerability in no time and publicly thanked the hacker. + +&#x200B; + +**Coinbase white hat hacker** + +The hacker in question is known on social media as "Tree of Alpha. On Twitter a few days ago, he let it be known that he wanted to get in touch with Coinbase's dev team urgently. As it turns out, he was on to something important. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wwxdw9tslnh81.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb2656648a26deda4b43ae70b910e40a6a1897e2 + +Just a few hours later, Coinbase announced that they had temporarily suspended all trading on the Advanced Trading platform under the guise of "technical problems. Moments later, the problems had been resolved, Tree of Alpha itself confirmed. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lebw2nrvlnh81.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=284d1621fd230e44f073a1e9cd0a99714497f409 + +According to Tree of Alpha, the problems could have potentially caused a real catastrophe for Coinbase and the rest of the crypto industry. Indeed, the vulnerability allowed malicious parties to manipulate all Coinbase order books with fake prices. Of course, the consequences of such an exploit would have been huge, not only for the crypto exchange, but for the overall crypto industry. + +&#x200B; + +**Coinbase CEO Brian Armstong** + +Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase, has since publicly thanked Tree of Alpha. According to him, the hacker's willingness to warn Coinbase instead of exploiting the vulnerability himself once again shows what the crypto community really stands for. It is unknown if Tree of Alpha received a reward for his achievements. This is often the case within the crypto industry. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/teqaits0mnh81.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=3506ad02e6a57ef323d5ff0b8ebed9b75fc48ab2 + +At least Coinbase can count itself lucky that it ended with a bang. +Just as the header says; Best Canadian dividend stocks to hold forever? + +I have a few I have done some dd on a few I like, but I would love to hear what some fellow investors are a fan of and why. + +Thanks for any feedback and enjoy the rest of your Sunday yā€™all ! +I posted this in the Canadian personal finance subreddit but I didn't get as much input as I would have liked, so I figured this might be a good place to ask. We are located in Canada but the figures are USD. + +**Background:** My dad is in the process of securing $25-50 million (before tax) from his business, as well as a $1 million yearly royalty fee. His business is literally just him so for all intents and purposes it is all profit. After this deal my dad will basically do the minimum upkeep in the business, probably operating it for significantly less than $500k year for a few years and then close it all together. + +Prior to this my parents lived pretty much cheque to cheque. I am financially literate as far as diy fire goes. I have a government position so fatFIRE was never really in my plans and managing this much money is a lot different than a TFSA/RRSP (401K/ROTH equivalent). + +Now with this money we are very unsure on how to proceed once it actually comes through. + +**The plan so far:** Don't tell anyone ! Create a corporation, visit an estate lawyer and an accountant. I don't know if we also need to visit a corporate/tax lawyer. In this step we are both unclear if we should just interview a few different boutique firms or if we should just go straight to a big 5 firm. + +Obviously (or not?) my dad's plan is to create a family fund as a vehicle for the money but we are both very leery on any active management funds, he was thinking a 60/40 or 70/30 split using regular index funds. Our biggest concerns; + +* Decision making in the investments - how much decision making do you have under any of the following scenarios? +* Whatever approach we choose is to avoid active management as much as possible, bonds, indexing for most of it and maybe a tiny bit of ser or specific segment investing. A few years down the line we can start to discuss private equity opportunities but for now the priority is to establish the general purpose of the fund. +* Low fees. I understand you won't get 0% fees but even paying 1% scares both of us. +* Efficiency - As much as possible we would like an approach that helps us with estate planning, tax efficiency and any lawyer necessities. I list this last because if we have to pay AUM fees of 2% for a bundle when we could do a fee only tax + law solution and a 0.5% AUM fee for money management we would probably go with the latter. + +In the money management step we don't really know if we should go through private banking through the big Canadian banks (TD, RBC, Scotia, CIBC, BMO), wealth management (Raymond James, Richardson GMP) or if we should go for multi-family offices (Northwood - $10mm minimum). + +As the situation above describes, my dad doesn't plan or need to have a special connect with the banks for loans since the business will be minimally run. + +A lot of the advice that I have seen for similar posts is to talk to other wealthy people you know, unfortunately we do not know any people in Canada that we could seek in this regard. + +That also brings me to my next point, we have EU passports and my parents intend to buy real estate property and reside there and here (6mo on/off). Is this something that would require additional tax professionals or do the ones listed above able to manage this? + +Is there anything else we are missing? Is this process sound? + +**TLDR - $25-50 MM from a business venture, who do we get to manage it - Private Banking, MFO, or WM? The rest of the post is to fact check our process.** +Hi Guys and Girls!, + +I currently am a CS and Econ/Finance Major. I was wondering if you guys can help me out here a bit. What would be all the math topics that are needed to comprehend Algorithmic Trading to the fullest? Any book recommendation, pdfs, I will take anything, + +\*Side Note\* I come from a non-target school, and I feel that the school did not prepare me well enough for Algo. + +Thank you so much for your attention and participation! + + + + + +Edit** Thank you to all for replying to my question. I really appreciate it. You guys helped me to feel a little less lost. +Like the title says, I grew up poor. Today my dad is a homeless addict alcoholic and my mother lives on a disability check for her mental illness. Thankfully I was driven at a young age and went to college for my nursing degree. I had to work full time so I did all my prerequisite classes part time. After 8 years of going to school off and on, I became a nurse. I now have 51K in student loan debt, 3K in a car loan, 5K personal loan, and 6K in credit card/collection debt. Everything is high interest (my car is 9%!!). My credit score has been horrible since I let a bunch of bills go to collection in my early 20s- most of which I've paid off. I always thought that once I was a nurse, I'd have the money to pay everything off. + +After almost 4 years of struggling I became horribly depressed. My friend from nursing school were buying homes, paying for weddings, going on luxurious vacations, having babies.... and here I was calling the gas company begging them not to shut my gas off. I felt as if I was drowning and unable to catch my breath. I knew I had to do something differently. + +At this point, I had already sold anything worth money. I cut my bills to a minimum- I don't have cable or a fancy phone. I dont have designer purses or shoes. I rarely eat out or buy Starbucks. I have been eating SO much rice and beans. My only option was to get a better paying job. I quit my clinic job where I worked 4-10hr shifts, no weekends, nights, or holidays and took a job working 12hr night shift in the hospital about a month and a half ago (yay working weekends and holidays...). Way more stress. Way sicker patients. But I had to do it. I also have opportunities for overtime. + +1.5 months in to this new job and I have been able to get current on all my bills. This is HUGE for me. I paid off one of my 4 credit cards (it was only a $300 limit but a start) and a $175 collection. I have started to build an emergency fund. I've set aside a modest amount for Christmas. I am finally seeing some light. 65K is going to be one hell if a mountain to tackle but I want financial freedom more than anything. My mental health needs this. My goal is to build a $1500 emergency fund and pay off all credit cards by March 2020. That alone will save me hundreds of dollars a month in credit card payments that I can put toward my car, personal loan, and eventually my student loans. + +I refuse to follow my parents footsteps. I will take care of my mental health. I have this amazing career and I will not let it go to waste. Who ever said money can't buy happiness has never been poor. I dont need money to buy me expensive things I need financial security. I need to be able to buy food, pay my gas bill, pay for my health insurance and afford the copays and deductibles. I dont have any late bills this month and it feels so fucking great. + +TL;DR Lots of debt, resent my parents, I'm a nurse now and finally taking control of my finances for the first time at almost 30yrs old. +What free softwares would you recommend to produce a range of professional looking economics graphs? + +By graphs I mean geometric representations of theoretical relationships not empirical data graphs. + +Currently, I use R for both because I am comfortable with it. +I have previously posted my very small CS account due to that being what I've bought in CS while waiting for TDA to transfer. Waiting for 3 weeks now I decided today was the day, and initiated a transfer to fidelity. First I had to call TDA and cancel my drs request, and it was enlightening... + +The first thing I notice is "Kevin" has a very normal and fluent speech pattern with cheerful demeanor. He asks the qualifying questions to confirm account security including account balance (interesting validation technique and relevant because of the amount). He confirms the account is mine and asks what he can do for me. I tell him I previously made a DRS request and that it was taking too long. At this point he immediately begins stammering and stumbling over his words. I've seen middle schoolers perform Shakespeare with more confidence. He tells me "well you know, it's going to be harder to sell your shares that way" to which I reply "who says I want to sell them? I want to ensure they are mine". "Oh, oh uh, but, you know, we have you know, we use to only get maybe a couple of these requests a day and now it's thousands a day so the wait time, yeah the wait time is longer" + +Thousands. A. Day. + +I wonder how many shares that is! + +Then he goes on to say that the wait times are getting more manageable. I tell him it's been weeks, I'm transferring to fidelity because they can do it in 3 days. Kevin at this point stammered over his words so much it was incoherent. I, not know what he tried to say, just told him I found it curious how evasive tda has been, and how resistant they've been. At this point I hear something in the background on his end crash, which I assume was a thermos, but could have been a bedpost. He stammers some more, and I wish him a good day and thank him for his time. + +I have never talked to someone more nervous on a telephone, and I've done crisis work. Something big is brewing. Maybe tda is just hemorrh aging money due to the outbound clients. Maybe they never had our shares to begin with. He clearly NEEDED to convince me to stay, and sadly for him, nothing was going to do it. + +Post script: I put an intentional space in the H word up there because that tripped an automod block the first time I tried to post for a word I have never heard before that's a no no. So here we are again! +It looks like I found a new housemate. He said he'd rather be a subtenant than on the lease with me because his credit is terrible due to "restructuring" (which I interpret as filing for bankruptcy) but he says he has a LOT of money in the bank that he can prove to the landlord. + +I don't mind if someone has filed for bankruptcy as long as he pays rent because he's employed. But is having filed for bankruptcy AND having a ton of money in the bank a red flag? I'm trying to think of what trouble I could be in, and I do think it may even be better for him to be a subtenant because I could kick him out if he didn't pay. I find it funny he's also an accountant, but hey, I'm not trying to judge because I suck at finances too. + +But I also wonder if I'm missing something...what could it be? TIA. +Iā€™ve just seen an advert on instagram for ā€˜Zilchā€™ saying that you can now pay for an UberEats order over 6 weeks?! + +Surely this is preying on those who are already struggling to make ends meet and giving them even more payments going out of their account on a weekly basis? + +I understand itā€™s interest free and therefore there is no harm to it on the surface, but surely this encourages people to spend more, knowing they donā€™t have to pay for it straight away? +As you can see, I have marked this as a verified post, since I think that the issue I am having is a direct result of having a large amount of money. Net worth is around $25m-30m, and annual income from investments seems to be around $1m annually (with asset appreciation an additional 5-10%). Growth happened relatively rapidly, and my annual spending seems to hover around $350k pre-tax. + +Issue is that I have no idea what things cost any more. Numbers are just out of whack. I spent $2300 for a first class ticket cross country with no issues, but then today found myself asking if it was worth spending another $600 to go a day early. $600 seemed like a lot of money for a day extra on my trip - said my old self. But then again, I wouldn't notice it at the end of the year, really. But this mental shift seems kind of difficult for some reason. + +The world isn't set up for large numbers and income like I have and I can't seem to adjust my thinking to them. Any suggestion on how you might have approached this issue yourself? +Hey this is Brett from The Derevolutions. I wanted to share how we've gotten numerous nasty messages from longtime fans expressing their disappointment in our involvement with NFT's as launch creators. My partner and bandmate, who doesnā€™t spend anytime on Superstonk, keeps asking if Iā€™m sure this is a good idea. If weā€™re going to lose all of our fans and avenues of income from streams, commercials, TV shows etc... It's difficult for me to explain and prove to her why I have 100% confidence that this community will be the best thing that ever happened to our band. I was hoping you guys could do your thing to reassure her. +Ā  +We talk a lot about how community driven support will revolutionize banking, but I was hoping we could talk more about how community driven support will revolutionize the arts. Personally, I've never felt so inspired, as I do now, knowing that we're finally part of something bigger than ourselves.Ā I expect shockwaves from all the other creators too, I can't be the only one. + +Btw, musicians are gonna go ape over this platform. I never realized how much Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, etc were lacking. Finally, our music can fully express itself. + +We've got your back. + +LFG!!!! + + +# ... + +# šŸš€šŸ©Welcome fellow future POODLers!šŸ©šŸš€ + +**A lot is happening right now under the elegant fur and behind the cool glasses of our good boi $POODL. We want to share all of it with you, so can decide for yourself, if you want to be part of our amazing community. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!** + +# šŸ©What is $POODL?šŸ© + +$**POODL** is a meme coin, everyone telling you something different is wrong. There is no underlying technology or project that is going to change the world in $**POODL**. This means $POODLā€™s **value**, like $DOGE or $HOGE, stems from the culture it is creating and the **community** it can rally around itself. But new developers on the team are already thinking about different ideas to give this token a real use case, like a social platform for memes, where you can use and share memes of other people for some tokens, using POODL to buy merchandise, play games and much more! + +# šŸ’°TokenomicsšŸ’° + +$POODL is an **ERC20**\-token based on the Ethereum blockchain. $POODL had **100,000,000,000,000** tokens as original supply: + +**95**% of provided **liquidity** is **locked** and will be relocked before the locking expires + +**1%** of every transaction is permanently **burned** + +**1%** of every transaction is automatically redistributed to all holders of $POODL token depending on the amount they have + +This means every time $POODL is **bought** or **sold**, your amount of $POODL will grow while the total amount of $POODL tokens existing will become less and less. Combined with the high gas fees for Uniswap, this has so far given the investors strong reasons to HODL their tokens. + +Right now, 87,755,313,094,347 tokens are left, which means more than **12**% of all tokens are already **burned**! + +# šŸš€Why should I invest in $POODL?šŸš€ + +šŸ’° The community drive has proven to be the strongest aspect of $POODL, creating the opportunity for everyone to actively decide the worth of the coin and distribute their abilities towards the project. The website is developed by a member of the community, logo and other art, marketing etc. Everything is done by the community for the community! + +šŸ’° $POODL is now an **official** **trademark**! Getting a trademark on the name and logo of $POODL is a huge step forward regarding the legitimacy of the token and shows everyone taking a look at this good boi, that he is here to stay! Why else would we pay for this? + +šŸ’° $POODL is listed on WhiteBit and will be listed on Coinsbit on Friday. While only having a fraction of the MC of other meme tokens like SafeMoon, POODL got listed much faster on its first exchange and is now coming to its second, because everyone is working and helping, not just the admins! + +šŸ’° $POODL is **partnering** with **Canines** for **Disabled** **Kids**! This awesome **charity** raises **awareness** for the use of service dogs to help disabled children becoming more independent! All the paperwork is filed and the donation wallet will be open any day! Let's give something back! + +šŸ’° $POODL has opened its own **Merch** **Store**! Buy some dope clothing or enjoy your morning coffee in an exclusive POODL mug! The store will get bigger and bigger over time, offering a wide variety of cool stuff to get and show support to our community! And while doing so, you also actively support not only us, but also Canine for Kids! A part of the earnings will go towards **marketing** and **funding** of $**POODL** while the rest will get donated to the charity! + +šŸ’° $POODL is getting worldwide attention! Famous UK Rapper Young Adz (750k follower on IG) and US Rapper Hi-REZ (2 Mio follower on youtube) already tweeted about the coin, Big Man Tyrone made announcement videos about the WhiteBit listing and there is a constant wave of marketing coming to promote $POODL and bring it to those, who would not hear from it otherwise! + +Additionally, $POODL is competing in SSBā€™s Monday Moonshot right now and is currently leading the poll. The previous winners of this event were HOGE, SafeMoon, FEG and others. They all did at least an x3 after it. But $POODL is not even waiting for the contest to end and is already up by an astonishing 150% for the day! With 8 Million MC, there is still a lot of room left to grow, our ATH was about 32 Million and we are ready to reach for a new one! + +I can also promise you, with all these achievements already done, the admins are not stopping, instead they are working harder and harder, constantly updating the website (new meme generator, resources, look etc.), expanding the marketing, working towards new implementations of the token (games, meme platform etc.). + +I hope you can see now: $POODL is a legit meme token with serious potential. I do not want to tell you it will easily make x100 in a week, because this is no quick pump and dump project. I still have the feeling it has the most serious potential in the meme sphere and could have a future with a tremendous audience and amazing community. + +If you don't believe me, DYOR, join the Telegram channel, write to the admins and people or hop into the voice channel :) + + +Poodl is the top 5 gainer right now as well on coingecko: +[https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/trending](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/trending) + + + +Website: [https://www.poodltoken.com](https://www.poodltoken.com/) + +Etherscan: [https://etherscan.io/token/0x56a980328aee33aabb540a02e002c8323326bf36](https://etherscan.io/token/0x56a980328aee33aabb540a02e002c8323326bf36) + +Dex: [https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xcbc1ce4a9f18c6e8a0a328708ba6ab484f84bb47](https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xcbc1ce4a9f18c6e8a0a328708ba6ab484f84bb47) + +WhiteBit: [https://whitebit.com/trade-pro/POODL\_USDT?type=spot](https://whitebit.com/trade-pro/POODL_USDT?type=spot) +Remember when this sub actually involved company analysis? Remember when this sub involved market discussions? Remember when this sub was useful? + +Remember when you didnā€™t get downvoted and harassed in dmā€™s when pointing out terrible investments? (Looking at you GME and AMC) + +Remember when you didnā€™t get downvoted and harassed in dmā€™s when pointing out pump and dumps? (Looking at you crypto) + +Can we get a fresh start and focus on REAL discussions of ideas, REAL discussions of companies, and REAL discussions of strategies. + +This sub has been on a downhill trend for a while. Itā€™s sad to see. +Remember when this sub actually involved company analysis? Remember when this sub involved market discussions? Remember when this sub was useful? + +Remember when you didnā€™t get downvoted and harassed in dmā€™s when pointing out terrible investments? (Looking at you GME and AMC) + +Remember when you didnā€™t get downvoted and harassed in dmā€™s when pointing out pump and dumps? (Looking at you crypto) + +Can we get a fresh start and focus on REAL discussions of ideas, REAL discussions of companies, and REAL discussions of strategies. + +This sub has been on a downhill trend for a while. Itā€™s sad to see. +šŸ¤³Influencer followers: TikTok 5.7M, YouTube 400k, Twitter 300k, Instagram 500kšŸ¤³ + +Come and Join the telegram (1,5k). +šŸ’¬ Telegram: https://t.me/sheeshtokenchat + +$SHEESH Token was originally created as a joke by a known tiktok influencer (DYOR) +To his surprise the token caught traction quickly and sits at around 4500 Holders atm. The influencer and his team have worked their asses in the last couple of days and have a built an incredible foundation. He's very transparent about the project and its plans and is on Telegram and Discord like all the time to keep us updated. + +The dev is a big influencer, and we all know he's not going to risk his reputation and career to scam some HODLERS. He is very well-connected and has huge marketing plans and is currently working on several collaborations with different influencers. + +He has been working with social media analytics for the past 6 years and knows how to push a project like this! Furthermore, he has concrete plans how to use the Token in the social media and gaming world, that he will share with us soon (TM) -> Real Use Case + +Sheesh Token is a community-driven token utilizing Binance Smart Chain (BSC) technology. It is the first of its kind, created for influencers to link cryptocurrency to their fanbase and social media. The token will be used to host giveaways, lotteries, gaming tournaments, and other events for creators and holders, as well as the creation of unique NFTs, merchandise drops, and much, much more + +But don't believe me! DYORšŸ§‘ā€šŸ”¬! Come to our Telegram/Discord and see yourself. There is almost daily a stream on Twitch where you could shoot you questions at him and participate in the competitions where you could win some Sheesh. +Check out the links below and check the legitimacy yourself! But be quick! + + +šŸŽÆ Public DEV with millions of followers (TikTok, Twitter and YouTube) and expertise in social media analytics + +šŸŽÆ 5M Market Cap + +šŸŽÆ 4500 Holders + +šŸŽÆ Liquidity locked: +https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0x83f4c453b766a97E9467D6376B2419a47B082958 + +šŸŽÆ Submitted for Coingecko and Coinmarketcap + +šŸŽÆ Website and Roadmap live + +šŸŽÆ Huge Marketing plans with more influencers coming. + +šŸŽÆ Real use case - This is not your average animal shit token +ā€‹ + +HOW TO BUY + +Never follow any pancake links of random Redditors! Go on the website https://sheeshtoken.com/and follow their official links there! There is also a quick guide on how to buy. + +LINKS: + +šŸ“œ Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0x7e5d52c3335c91af0da392bea4bb9e43f2aba62c + +šŸ•Šļø Token Twitter: +https://twitter.com/SheeshToken + +šŸ’» Token Website: +https://www.sheeshtoken.com/ + +šŸ Roadmap: +https://i.imgur.com/Rm0bTIs.png + +šŸ§»White paper: https://sheeshtoken.com/sheesh.pdf + +šŸ’¹ Bogged chart +https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0x7E5d52C3335C91Af0da392BEa4BB9e43F2AbA62C + +šŸ’© Poocoin Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x7e5d52c3335c91af0da392bea4bb9e43f2aba62c + +šŸ”’Liquidity locked: +https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0x83f4c453b766a97E9467D6376B2419a47B082958 + +šŸ’¬ Telegram: +https://t.me/sheeshtokenchat + +šŸš‹ Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SheeshToken/ + +šŸ‘¾ Discord: +https://discord.gg/Ssq8MdwQ2w + +šŸ•¹ļø Twitch: +https://www.twitch.tv/sheeshtoken?sr=a + + + +I feel super confident with this project and I hope you like it too. What convinced me to buy was low market cap and that he has a shitload of followers on Twitter, TikTok and YouTube. They might not be the hardcore crypto guys, but I think it's an amazing opportunity for them to get into the field with the help of a guy they know and trust. +Hi all, + +This is a quick update to my post a couple of weeks ago, link below: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/osk42b/negotiating_current_salary_with_new_job_offer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +So I received a firm offer and contract from the prospective employer and was offered 55k. + +After conversations with my current manager about the offer it has been countered with Ā£47k. We discussed my personal development and they have also offered to fund a qualification that Ive been looking at associated to my role in addition to defining a clear career pathway. + +I think my decision has been made and im going to stay put. Ive gained a 6k salary increase and whilst a 14k jump would have been nice, its not enough to make me want to work for my previous manager again. A lot of the comments in my post took the pound signs out of my eyes and pushed me to think about this practically - so thanks! + +I feel like this has actually put me in a better position within my company, a comment that was made was that it shows my commitment to the business and desire to progress and push myself further. + +All in all Iā€™m a very happy lady today! +Hey Apes, I've written a couple posts about this. I'm an OG BeeTeeSea guy. A lot of what I saw back then is what I see now. People that stumbled across something they knew was going to be incredibly valuable in the future and they diamond handed and bought as much as they could. + +GME is another one of these opportunities which I never thought I would get again. I am a high XXXX ape soon to be a XXXXX ape thanks to dumb fucks dragging this out. + +It's never a good sign to count your eggs before they hatch, but when you see those eggs moving, I think it's time to get prepared. + +So what we've seen is a concentrated attack at this sub at the time of 450K puts expiring. If Citadel and co had control of the situation they wouldn't be attacking this sub because it wouldn't be worth their time or money. That isn't an algorithmic reaction, that is a human reaction. We have confirmation they need to us to sell. They lost those puts so they try and break our sub. If you would categorize this behavior as desperate, irrational and childish you would be correct. That is our adversary, just some children in big bodies that are losing. There is nothing special about them. *Imagine trading a world changing amount of money for ruin and rage.* + +So here you are in the right place at the right time, just like they were. So how do we avoid their mistakes. + +Soon, for many of you are going to have what many would reasonably categorize as more money than you could spend in a lifetime. It's important to remember, you absolutely can fuck it up like Kenny Mayo or whoever the fuck runs other no-name vampiric corporations that are involved in this mess. + +So here is the rule that those idiots didn't follow. **You do not risk what you have for what you don't need.** + +In the beginning, **the money will blind your judgement.** You need to **slow down and stay humble**. KSG and co didn't do this. They thought they were invincible. This is called hubris. If you look through history, the mighty have all fallen, from empires, corporations and individuals, they all lose it due to hubris. They think they will remain on top forever. + +Once you have it for awhile and done your splurging, which I urge you to skip, unlike myself. **Spending is subject to momentum, once you start, it is very, very hard to slow down.** You will start seeing where the true value in life is very quickly. **I highly recommend before you buy, see if you end up renting whatever it is regularly and frequently.** Want to buy a property with ocean view? Try seeing if you go to the same place 5 years in a row first and how excited you are when you get there. + +In my experience I have learned that the **most valuable things I have are my time, health, personal growth, my family and friends**. Money can help these things develop, but they really can't buy it. When you are out of time, good luck trading all the money in the world for it. + +So the question for me has become how do I spend my time since I don't have to work anymore, ever. + +**The formula for a fulfilling life is agency, mastery and purpose.** + +I focus on the trifecta, **diet, sleep and exercise**. This is the foundation of my health. I spare no expense here. This is trifecta is quite hard to spin up because they depend on each other as they power your will power and use your willpower. Exercise helps you sleep, so does diet, sleep helps you have the energy to exercise and the willpower to eat healthy. Once you get your self management to a point of excellence, the next stage to focus is on personal growth. Being healthy and having energy feels really fucking good. + +Now that I have more money than time, I have realized money can only help so much with skill growth. **Skill growth is really dependent on time.** You need 10K hours of focused practice to get to a world class level. Commitment to continually improving a skill is called mastery. Mastery doesn't top out you constantly can improve. It feels really good when you learn something difficult. + +Once you are committed to continually improving your skill. **You can now define your purpose. Your purpose is defined as something that helps more people than just yourself. Doing nice things for people that they can't do themselves and without seeking anything in return is the legit best feeling ever.** + +Let's kick back and Lol at diamond hands making 450K puts expiring worthless. +Hey guys + +I took your feedback for my last penny stocks algo and made the following changes you guys requested + +\- Written in python + +\- Gets stocks from [sentimentinvestor.com](https://sentimentinvestor.com/)'s free endpoints which are trending on social media + +\- Find stocks that have a market cap of less than a billion + +\- I check if companies have good fundamentals against price targets using Yahoo Finance's price targets and analyst ratings + +\- Returns these stocks to give some string high potential investment decisions. + +The code is below. You will need to use your own API key and tokens (they are free) but too many people used my key and token last time. + +The results were: + +\['JOB', 'TXMD', 'REI', 'AQMS', 'SNGX', 'ACRX', 'AUMN', 'DLPN', 'TNXP'\] + +[https://gist.github.com/lipton-green-tea/a1bd135d16ec95aeb60fc462f3658c03](https://gist.github.com/lipton-green-tea/a1bd135d16ec95aeb60fc462f3658c03) + +`import requests` + +`token = "<your app token>"` + +`secret_key = "<your api key>"` + +`RHI_rank = requests.get("`[`https://sentimentinvestor.com/api/v3/sort?limit=100&metric=RHI&token={0}&key={1}`](https://sentimentinvestor.com/api/v3/sort?limit=100&metric=RHI&token={0}&key={1})`".format(token, secret_key)).json()` + +`def get_analysis(recommendation):` + +`strong_buy = recommendation["strongBuy"]` + +`buy = recommendation["buy"]` + +`hold = recommendation["hold"]` + +`underperform = recommendation["sell"]` + +`sell = recommendation["strongSell"]` + +`recommendation_num = strong_buy + buy + hold + underperform + sell` + +`if recommendation_num != 0:` + +`return (strong_buy + buy * 2 + hold * 3 + underperform * 4 + sell * 4) / recommendation_num` + +`else:` + +`return 5` + +`stock_list = []` + +`for stock in RHI_rank:` + +`yf_json = requests.get("`[`https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/{}?modules=recommendationTrend".format(stock["ticker`](https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/%7B%7D?modules=recommendationTrend%22.format(stock[%22ticker)`%22])\`).json()\`\` + +`stock_cap_json = requests.get("`[`https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/{}?modules=defaultKeyStatistics".format(stock["ticker`](https://query2.finance.yahoo.com/v10/finance/quoteSummary/%7B%7D?modules=defaultKeyStatistics%22.format(stock[%22ticker)`%22])\`).json()\`\` + +`stock_cap = 0` + +`if yf_json["quoteSummary"]["result"] != None:` + +`try:` + +`analysis = get_analysis(yf_json["quoteSummary"]["result"][0]["recommendationTrend"]["trend"][0])` + +`stock_cap = int(stock_cap_json["quoteSummary"]["result"][0]["defaultKeyStatistics"]["enterpriseValue"]["raw"])` + +`if stock_cap < 1000000000 and stock_cap > 1 and analysis != None and analysis < 3:` + +`stock_list.append(stock["ticker"])` + +`except:` + +`pass` + +`print(stock_list)` + +Enjoy!! :) + +EDIT: some people have asked how to get an API. I don't think GitHub or Google signups are working for the API - so make sure you sign up with email + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Should make for a wild day tomorrow. Turns out the miracle drugs was not that effective. Might still have some benefits so hopefully not a single digit day tomorrow. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cortexymes-alzheimers-treatment-fails-meet-200000271.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cortexymes-alzheimers-treatment-fails-meet-200000271.html) + +Positions: + +Long 15 PUT Nov 19 + +Short 20 PUT Nov 19 + +Short 30 PUT Nov 19 +This is a friendly reminder to everyone who is new to the market. The ~28% return we seen last year for the S&P is not normal, the market has been overinflated and this is a healthy pullback that is normal. If you bought X/VEQT or TEC and the recent swings have you nervous and losing sleep, maybe you should reallocate your funds when the market jumps back. Investing should not be stressful, or nerve wracking. The point of these funds is to set and forget it, if you canā€™t do that, you should find another fund with less volatility that helps you sleep at night. + +Donā€™t sell, continue to invest, and donā€™t panic. In 5-10 years you wonā€™t even remember this pullback. +Hey everyone, I want to build a long term ETF portfolio and I could use some help. Iā€™ve seen a lot of talk about VTI, VOO, QQQ, QQQM, QQQJ, SCHD, etc but Iā€™m not too sure what to choose and what percent I should allocate to certain ETFs. I want my portfolio to be pretty safe and learn towards tech. All advice appreciated! Thanks! +Let's assume this article is true and after the pandemic there is going to be another "roaring 20's". +How can we profit from it? +https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/21/epidemiologist-1918-flu-pandemic-roaring-20s-post-covid +Just see so many saps sending this kind of crap across promising they will made x amount over night etc you would have to be a dip shit with two brain cells to fall for this crap seriously seems like every other Instagram account is a forex day trader weekend millionaire. +**Crossposting for** u/Justbeenlucky **from DDintoGME with permission.** + + +In an article linked below, the Ceo of Schwab stated that Fidelity uses internalization as an alternative to PFOF. + +What is internalization? + +according to investopedia "In business, internalization is a transaction conducted within a corporation rather than in the open market. Internalization also occurs in the investment world, when a brokerage firm fills a buy order for shares from its own inventory of shares instead of executing the trade using outside inventory. The process is often less expensive than alternatives as it is not necessary to work with an outside firm to complete the transaction. Brokerage firms that internalize securities orders can also take advantage of the difference between what they purchased shares for and what they sell them for, known as the spread. For example, a firm may see a greater spread by selling its own shares than by selling them on the open market. Additionally, because share salesĀ are not conducted on the open market, the brokerage firm is less likely to influence prices if it sells a large portion of shares." + +Theory: + +Fidelity has been one of the main reasons volume has been dry. By internalizing their stock purchases when apes buy, fidelity has the option to take that order to the open market or internalize that order off exchange. So this entire time Fidelity has been able to make BANK off of us. When the price is high they can choose to internalize their customers orders making a profit off of the spread. Doing this takes away volume by keeping buy orders off of the exchange having less of an affect on price. Then when the price gets dropped from shorting they slowly buy those shares back before the next rollover period which contributes to the slow rise in price leading up to the jump then dump. + +This whole time we assumed that Fidelity was the good guy because they did not turn off the buy button. But to me it seems pretty convenient that the one broker that didn't is the only broker that uses internalization. Making them the perfect broker to keep volume low. + +Summary: + +Fidelity uses internalization as alternative to PFOF. Basically if i buy a share from them they can either take that to the open market or or sell me one of their shares off exchange. This impacts volume and price discovery. + +Again, all credit goes to u/Justbeenlucky +#LOCK THE FLOAT + + +_______________ +Edit: +Link added per request of author. + +Schwab CEO: Fidelity's payment for order flow claims not 'the whole story' + +https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/trending/IiJL9zOpAk76f_BrDunluA2 +Got inspired by Another similar post and would love to hear from the group. + +Age 35. NW =\~ 5 million. Currently a senior L7 at FAANG expected to make 1.2+ next year (Yay Stock appreciation) . Spouse also works in a very similar role and is making similar money. + +VHCOL area, 1 toddler. Annual expense around 300-350. + +An ex-colleague started a company 6 months ago and is looking to raise seed round soon. He has a working MVP (mostly built via contractors) and is aiming for a valuation of around 15-20 million in seed round. +He wants to me join as a CTO of his company and is willing to offer a even split. + +Work wise current and startup work should be around equally exciting. Though I would be working longer hours. + +Spouse an me both like working and expect to keep on working. (May be in 60-80% capacity after 5-10 years) + +I am debating between doing the startup vs continuing on the current path and trying to hit a VP/Senior Director level in a reasonable timeframe. (5-10 years) + +Assuming I am optimizing for maximizing my chances of reaching UHNW (30+ Million) or higher in a reasonable timeframe (< 10 years) which is the best option? +Hi, I was wondering what was the difference between a first-time real estate investor (or better yet, how were you as a first-time investor and what were some of the things that you've focused as a first-time investor and how have you changed as a more experienced real estate investor? + +**TL;DR:** What are some things that you look for when investing in real estate properties? +My mom, bless her heart, was like, "I'm buyin the dip!" And I'm like, oh yeah, ok what are you buying mom? And she starts to rattle off a few individual stocks like Tesla and Apple. After lurking on this sub for a while it would seem like most folks hold JEPI in a 401k for tax purposes? Is dear old mom going to be ok if she's just holding this in her reg portfolio? At 100 shares is it making a big difference? Am I a bad son?!? I am not a financial advisor (don't tell my mom that). +Found [this](https://articles.cruxinvestor.com/beginners-guide-junior-mining-stocks) gem today for everyone wondering how due diligence is done for small cap miners. +This is a light DD - everything you need to know is in their Webinar recording, linked below. It's worth the watch. + +BVT is still in foreplay mode, but pretty soon they'll be f\*cking the pesticide industry right up. + +Proof & viability of the technology is done. California green light for operations is done. FDA approval is done. Mexico clearance is on it's way. + +Look at their statistics from operations in Georgia - how well their technology took to agriculture there. + +I'm a huge fan of BVT and think that their technology will make money, help the environment, and increase food security. That's a magical trifecta. Prove me wrong. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECIIlHQ2iSQ&utm\_source=BVT+Communications&utm\_campaign=3bb5e2376f-EMAIL\_CAMPAIGN\_2019\_11\_20\_07\_52\_COPY\_01&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=0\_199f2216ac-3bb5e2376f-367979813](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECIIlHQ2iSQ&utm_source=BVT+Communications&utm_campaign=3bb5e2376f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_11_20_07_52_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_199f2216ac-3bb5e2376f-367979813) + +&#x200B; + +Position: $20,000 in at 41.5 cents. +To clarify this is a new 401K and I've been putting away 15%. I was auto invested 100% in Charles Schwabs "Schwab Mngd Ret Trust 2055". Last week I switched my investment instructions to 100% Fidelity 500 Index. Is this a smart move? Should I allocate a percentage to other funds? A dividend fund perhaps? +Well well well well wellllllllllll well. + +Where do I even begin? I'm high, tipsy, and just trying to come to terms with this past weekend. I saw my father for the first time in over a year today. Some of you know me, some of you don't, so I'll give you the quick rundown. Pops is a former MD at a major Wall St firm, reserved and skeptical boomer, who at the same time loathes market manipulators and regulatory bodies. BIG YUGE long-on-GME ape-loving genius boomer. He has his biases, but he's objective to a fault, and this weekend marked an enormous change in our relationship. I've legitimately been on the verge of tears for the last six hours just thinking about what you guys, and he, mean to me, and how on Earth I was going to try to structure this post. + +So I've decided... not to, really. I'm just going to tell it stream-of-consciousness as I felt it, not as I "wrote" it. You can choose to take from it what you will. Take inspiration, take resilience, take whatever, or nothing at all. I truly don't care. I've been found and contacted, received buyout offers, received threats, received threats about revealing threats, it is what it is. What happens to me, you the reader, or any of us, is out of our hands. We stand and fight and what happens happens. But this weekend changed me, so I'm gonna be telling it like it is. Warning: this is gonna be LONG. If you don't want to stick around, I don't blame you. This is just a story of a kid finally meeting his dad on common ground, and there are plenty other BRILLIANT posts. For those still interested... + +My father and I's paths to Finance were vastly different. Out of college, he was pursuing an entirely different vocation before switching to Finance, whereas I went towards it directly after school. He had his MBA before setting foot on a much kinder Street. Whereas mine marked the end of my appetite for endless moral qualms and empty bottles. So he settled in as a much more journeyed and composed adult, whereas I floundered. I tried to salvage it with a graduate degree and a focus change, but it did nothing for me. To this second, my parents still don't know that most of the time they thought I was on the other coast of this continent doing consulting work, I was on another continent(s) working for a couple public sector entities. International Relations was always my greatest educational love, so I wanted to try my hand at humanitarian/peacekeeping work, and enjoyed it a great deal. If I lost a tooth, I'd tell my mother I took up boxing and had a rough day sparring. Or that my constant cough was a result of change in climate and not pollution. If they ever read this, it'll be the first time they've heard. Still haven't decided if I do or don't want them to ever find out. + +Eventually, that experience broke me down, and I returned home to pursue an entirely new industry and career path, which I also love. Diving into behavioral economics and data science has been incredible, and GME couldn't have hit at a more perfect time. Y'all are everything to me, truly. I had barely even dabbled in investing since I'd left the Street, and you not only brought me back full tilt, but have also shown me what I want to do for the rest of my life. As a thank you, if I can, I want to give you the most insight I can into a genuine battle between the skepticism and disbelief that comes from age, wisdom, and shattered expectations, and the hope, optimism, and doggedness that can only be born of youth. + +We discussed everything. [/u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/atobitt/)'s prescient HoCs, leavemeanon's speculations regarding ETFs and arbitrage, sovereign wealth funds divesting from USD, Fed divesting corporate bonds, MSM brainfarts, etc. You name it, we went over it. And after it all, he was still cautiously optimistic. You have to understand... this man was not born with a silver spoon. I was, thanks to him. He busted his ass, one of many kids, and ascended to the top of the industry. He earned every dollar he ever made, and I would put his moral compass up against anyone else's on Earth, and that's "on God", as the younger apes say. So while he was there, he was able to benefit from having the power of the system behind him. But once he was out, he was just another John Q Public. No matter how he worked, that was how he lived. And he would always tell me, same as you'll hear on Superstonk, "Nobody is your friend. They're always gonna step in and bailout the offender, because it's easier than the alternative." + +And he planted that notion firmly in my head. Thankfully, 6 months with you glorious bastards has eradicated my doubt.... But I was a kid in 2008. This dude lived through '62, '73, worked through Black Monday, Black Wednesday, Dotcom, and, with all that knowledge, watched '08 unfold in front of his eyes with complete and total understanding of the fuckery afoot. He saw, as he calls it, the government's preferred method of "dealing" with these situations. Stepping in and "taking over" the offenders. Years later, those offending institutions are right back to their old game. No justice for retail. NEVER. Like you guys say, they're ALL out to get you, you have no friends in this game, you can't win.... + +"But," I asked, "What if they CAN'T step in and unwind this?" He asked why that wouldn't be possible. So I explained that, if everything we'd just discussed was accurate, there are, at minimum, hundreds of other mini-GME bombs out there just waiting to detonate. The SEC abolished grandfathering/"forgiving" phantom shares in 2008 after the Overstock situation was exposed, swearing they'd never do it again. So...let's say they decided to do something similar and spit in the face of their own regulations. They step in and shut it down, forgiving all those shares. So now you've pissed off 5+ million retail investors, dozens of sovereign nations, and everyone is frothing at the mouth, calling for heads to roll. People might already be out in the streets, orchestrating massive movements that co-opt the many already-existing groups of citizens with massive disdain for the current system.... + +And while that's happening, you've still got hundreds of other companies shorted to the tits that you need to address. What are you gonna do? Start working your way down the list, giving Wall St a do-over on every last one of them? Try that shit with the whole world watching, as their retirement accounts tank 60%, because that's where it's going regardless. "So how do they fix it piece by piece?" + +That was the longest silence of my life. I had gone full tin foil, as far as my family is concerned. I was making connections that bordered on irresponsible, but I hadn't been immediately shot down yet. My father has this..... very judgmental expression that he somehow limits solely to his eyes. But even those alone just scream "You're an idiot, but I love and pity you." Instead, I was now getting "hold on, lemme think." Then he said it. "**They cant.**" + +This was the breakthrough that I'd been searching for, without knowing it was there. I had no idea that his mental block as to the possibility of a deviation from the status quo hinged on the severity of a situation. He had never seen something THIS systemic before. There was always a culprit, or culprits. I was able to convince him to buy in because he believed in the fundamentals, but he never REALLY believed that it had the capacity for such a monumental squeeze until just now. Because by his view of the government's favored "M.O.", they would just step in and take over. Well, if the government needs to "own" Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the ten largest banks, most hedge funds, the DTCC, and every other large regulatory and clearing institution just for their citizens not to be destitute, maybe it's time they just take the whole thing over, eh? + +He agreed that this course of action was simply untenable. "So...what's the right play?", I asked. + +**"I don't know."** + +Not sure I've ever heard those words from him before. + +With all his somberness in how he said it, his eyes somehow brightened. Like..... somehow, the fact that his brain didn't IMMEDIATELY take the skeptic's path amused and enthused him. We are different. We were born with this hope, this insane belief that we could somehow claw our way through all the bullshit to a meaningful existence, all thanks to beautiful internet movements like this one. His eyes now screamed "there's something to this. I don't know what this feeling is, but for once it's not disappointment." It was beautiful. I don't think I've ever been more ecstatic to score such a small victory. + +This was his core tenet. After all, one of his favorite quotes is a Superstonk staple, by J Paul Getty: "If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." He was amazed that they may actually have dug the hole THAT fucking deep, and he just opened up. He actually entertained a MODERATE amount of my tinfoil! We talked about how the implications of this..... + +Okay, time out. I gotta address this. To the "the market is not the economy" squad: FUCK YOURSELVES. When the hole is THIS deep, it penetrates not just the economy, but geopolitical power dynamics. Take, for example, our relations with South Korea and Japan. When I informed pops that the Russians had divested their USD holdings, he commented about the paltry amount that was compared to an entity like China. Come to find out, Japan, one of our most important allies, holds more US treasuries than the mother fucking PRC. And how Korea had abolished naked shorting a month after learning of its existence. Whereas their greatest strategic ally was allowing this behavior to continue unchecked, to the point where U.S. markets collapse, cascading and destroying the Korean market in turn. How many sovereign nations must we betray before everyone turns on us? How many global citizens must we disenfranchise before we are exiled from the global community? Okay, sorry, moving on!... + +Dont take this the wrong way....but my father hates Europe. Well...mostly France. I kid I kid. He's one of the most inclusive dudes ever. But he's also a rurally-raised, All-American boy that jokes about soccer being communist and the French rifles being "never fired, dropped once". Truly all in good humor, but he's just...that dude, you know? But that dude, swear to god, actually said "If they actually stepped in and stopped this from happening....I really don't know why anyone wouldn't just immediately move to Europe." + +Blew my mother fuckin mind, y'all. I can't even put it into words. + +He drew a connection this weekend. He's a huge golf fan. His favorite golfer is Brooks Koepka, who hates this other golfer Bryson DeChambeau, who hates him back even more. Pops was THOROUGHLY amused to find out that Koepka was offering free beer to people that taunted DeChambeau on social media. He then likened that situation to the power of the GME memes I'd shown him courtesy of Reddit and Twitter... + +He was getting it. He was seeing the value in our way of doing things, and the power it has on society. How it drives engagement, involvement, INTEREST. Leveraging the fascination with social media to drive REAL interest to a cause. + +I don't know what's gonna happen for sure. Neither does pops. All we've managed to see eye to eye on is that the government has two options. In either, the current system goes away. Either you leave retail with one last giant "FUCK YOU!", leaving millions disenfranchised and destitute, chomping at the bit for politician and banker blood. Or you give retail a win. One fucking win, as a gesture of good faith, that whatever new system that arises from the ashes of this fraudulent one might be the SLIGHTEST bit friendly to middle America. + +Pops was mystified by the lengths we were willing to take this. 6 months of endless fuckery. 24/7 FUD, no safe harbor in sight. And still we persevered. He believes that we've finally reached Malcolm Gladwell's "Tipping Point", that us 20% of people were finally doing the 80% of the work necessary to meet the Pareto Principle. That the citizens of the world finally had sufficient interest and involvement to to drive undeniable change. And that that is what we are seeing right now. There are so many eyes, so many fingers, so many minds on this trade, there's no way to lose. We have no liquidity requirements. We have no deadlines. We just BUY. We just HODL. That's all there is. That's all there's ever been. Apes have awakened and discovered this principle, and they truly believe it. Pornstars are posing with 'The Intelligent Investor'. Floyd Mayweather is wearing CRYP70 shorts into his fight. I'm personally seeing Shibecrap headlines by boomer news anchors on NYC cab screens. This shit is really and truly mother fucking unprecedented. + +History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Much like the boom/bust cycle, the wave recedes only to crash harder the next time around. The proletariat is only docile until they're not. Is this the wave that levels everything? + +**"I don't know. But it's sure gonna be interesting",** pops said. + +**I'm not sure I can properly thank you all for opening my father's mind up to the idea of a decentralized movement triumphing over entrenched power. I really, truly, deeply, and forever will love each and every one of you. No matter what happens, I know what I want to dedicate the rest of my life to, but I (and papa Brov) are pretty damn bullish about the fact that apes have adopted an entire second job to combat fuckery.** + +Which brings me to my last point. I know you are all just as flabbergasted as me that we've managed to beat hedgies into submission when this isn't even our day job. But that's just the point. If you're still reading this, you've dedicated most of your free time for the last 6 months to this movement. You've read every DD, every News, every Opinion, just to make sure you've got the full picture. And the result? You've got a better picture than the people you're up against. Because you genuinely care. Feel pretty good, eh? Well.... I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this isn't magic, it's math. This isn't a miraculous movement. You saw a problem, you identified the issues, and went about solving them. Hundreds of thousands of you. And what you were left with was a prime example of "wisdom of the crowds". One step ahead in every way. Smarter, better, faster, stronger. I worry that some of you are viewing this battle in a vacuum, rather than as what it represents... + +We can call for campaign finance reform, to expel outside influences, etc, but at the end of the day, the only person you can trust is YOURSELF. + +This is something you need to understand. This trade, this movement...is not a mistake. Because of the wisdom of the crowds, we accumulated enough data to make an intelligent play. But going forward..... you must understand this is your new second job. Yes, it already has been for months, but now we're making it official. If you want to beat the street, you have to put in the hours. Thankfully, between us, we have hours to spare! But only if you remain diligent. This is your life now. Even if the current system collapses, the next one will be built against your interests. Are you ready to put in the work to combat fuckery? I think you are. So does pops. + +**I saw a light in my father's eyes this weekend that I've never seen before. And I've never felt closer to him, and it's all thanks to you. So much love to each and every one of you.** + +**TLDR: "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance"** \- Wendel Phillips + +šŸ™ŒšŸ’ŽšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤ +So it turns out when it comes to "Selling puts on up-trending stocks you'd not mind owning" there are sometimes you might mind owning the stock. Let's have a wider discussion about puts, wheels and dealing with backwards positions. + +&#x200B; + +# Where to put it? + +&#x200B; + +Selling puts into an uptrend feels a lot like free money but not all sold puts are equal. First we'll look at some of the better and worse places to sell puts on an up-trending stock. We'll use CCIV. I think it's a stock quite a few people here might be trading and it's price action correlates closely to other stocks such as PLTR that people might be backwards on. + + + +https://preview.redd.it/77nrhm10lbl61.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=585bca355dfe40cfdc5bc37603b1c6dd115f92e5 + +**Purple: Bad puts.** + +**Green: Good puts.** + +&#x200B; + +I'm not just picking out examples here based on the benefit of seeing what happened. All of the bad puts are sold after there being a strong move up. One that had moved above the base of the last consolidation. When this has happened there's always more chance of a correction. The worst possible time to sell puts is after there has been a big push up and then the market keeps going higher and higher but it's doing it slower and slower. + +There are two ways in which you are decreasing your gains and taking up more risk when you sell options after a strong leg and then into a slowing rise. Your chance of a pullback from the current price is much higher and your premiums are lower because IV is dropping based on slowing price action and usually lower IV skew since we're on a move to the bull side. So you get less for the put. Have to go more OTM to not have a strike with a higher chance of trading ITM or you're going to have more puts trading and even expiring ITM. + +&#x200B; + +The good puts are all sold into the falling market. Into the conditions that inevitably always come around after we have a lasting expansion and a break away from the previous support base. When selling these if you're using the same distance in strikes you're going to have less chance of them trading ITM. There are a lot of times in these situations I am willing to sell puts ATM and would be quite happy if they filled. They are like a limit order because I am waiting for a price that I think is a good one. When selling puts into this sort of move you're getting higher premium on the IV. Also by selling puts after there being an expansion of real volatility to the downside and therefore a larger expansion in future IV, you have a lot more to potential for vega (Changes in IV) to work in your favour. Price might range and that's lower IV. It might go up slower than it fell and that's lower IV with a positive skew. + +&#x200B; + +**Stocks have been pulling back since at least the 1700's! You can wait for good entries.** + +&#x200B; + +# When good puts good bad + +&#x200B; + +Now we'll look at the two entries here that would have looked like great spots at the time based on the criteria we've used, but didn't look that great a while after. + +https://preview.redd.it/z2oxyocbobl61.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=f874fb5b1a556f2f141b033378421d3402badc90 + +When you're getting into a trade it's a good idea to work out beforehand places where you'd know you might be in trouble. Usually in a big pullback it comes back to the base it made the last breakout from. That was a price of indecision previously and then a big decision to take the market up was made. Usually the memory of the market kicks in at that level and support is found. But in this case there was an attempt at a rally but it failed. + +https://preview.redd.it/i1q30dpkpbl61.png?width=1345&format=png&auto=webp&s=084de9969fde1baf77f3424f3068fb0ba8bc8c32 + +There are lots of different things you can do when a sold put is in trouble. The thing I like to do is place in orders to short somewhere between 10 - 50 shares of the stock under previous lows (If I have some other things giving me some more bearish sentiment I might short more, but this is what I'd use just for caution to offset maximum loss. A good way to enter shorts if you do not have a lot of experience with that is to place pending orders under major lows. + +https://preview.redd.it/dbesfi2gqbl61.png?width=1361&format=png&auto=webp&s=0869daa66fed5d321b514b0b3b7b2f09a826d3b3 + +If price is breaking out and downtrending this is going to fill your protection orders as that begins to happen. And I'm going to trail my stop losses so when the market makes jumps up I'll be getting out of my shorts at a profit. Then I'll place pending orders to sell under the low again. I'm always setting stop losses when I place pending shorts. They are above the highs of the last big swings up. So as price falls and keeps making new lows I am taking down a bit of my exposure to the put and also closing out some profitable trades which is improving my cost basis (And it's kicking ass relative to what a covered call would be). + +&#x200B; + +If this keeps going down it's usually going to end up looking something like this. + +https://preview.redd.it/b3imjvhwrbl61.png?width=1358&format=png&auto=webp&s=c16b0ccbc0890a3b0fb91c6e192516e5ce729ab6 + +Which is bad news if you're on the wrong side of it and trying to instinctively manage the position. Because all the times you feel good about the trade in real time are here. + +https://preview.redd.it/15ha2kccsbl61.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=147d8353ce301b8d0514e8ef292932b9f5ed60ad + +And if you're experienced enough to spot price is trending against you these are places you want to short stock (Getting up to the full 100) which you'll take profit on when there is a break and run away from the previous support base. If you're wheeling, this is where you want be selling your covered calls. These are the only spots where you can sell the covered calls and get some real value to offset your cost basis when the price is doing some kick ya in the nuts falling. Here you can sell your calls just above the last highs of the previous swing. Selling them close to ATM. + +https://preview.redd.it/qy4i18y1tbl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78e7a38d725784510d687cec7629088bbb0e0ee + +But if you're not thinking about things in that way, the times you want to sell the covered calls are into the points when price is moving far away from the previous support base. And you're selling them deep OTM. Living life in that $5 land. + +https://preview.redd.it/r3cvz9betbl61.png?width=1357&format=png&auto=webp&s=b478aac60730deda1e00834ad888566aea2130b3 + +&#x200B; + +# Big bounces and reversals + +&#x200B; + +Doing this will work all well and good for a while but at some point there is absolutely surely going to be a move up that is enough to hurt short trades. Even if the stock is on its way to zero there will be a counter-trend rally that will break the previous recent down-trend and make all this "Just place the sell below the low and stop above the high" stuff a lot trickier to implement practically in real time. + +&#x200B; + +This is what a recovery rally and a buyers trapping rally would look like. These are pretty representative of how most moves in stocks will go. + +https://preview.redd.it/kfpeo5kbubl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=eda6ce85932e321c4373a6da1a4fb0e7bdcc173e + +When dealing with a reversal rally the length of the last swing down is going to be the maximum you lose in shorts using the simple methods explained here. Once price goes over there it hits stop losses and never makes new lows to fill the next short orders. One exception to this is a gapping market. Which will always have some undefined risk to it. + +In the second one you're going to get your stop loss hit. Only a bit higher than where your stop loss is price is going to start to turn around and then the crash down to the low is going to be quick. You'll fill new pending orders and have the stop loss in almost the same place as you were stopped out. It'll be frustrating. It's going to happen. Don't let it frustrate you into making bad decisions. + +&#x200B; + +# The price of doing nothing + +&#x200B; + +If a stock you've sold a put on does an entire correction swing this is what it looks like. I've highlighted in the obvious protection taking zones and added lines to show their prices relative to the low. + +https://preview.redd.it/wlbcaw5hwbl61.png?width=1375&format=png&auto=webp&s=111bac79608cdbb4aa375b0cf9552ff06c76cb14 + +https://preview.redd.it/vw7dx871xbl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=7576d2d974095c7bdc05d3f8fde081ef8efe2f12 + +Stonks always go up! Eventually. Probably. + +Maybe not soon. +It looks like the iBuyers are closing up shop as the market is slowing. I wonder who is going to end up owning the properties they're currently holding. + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/redfin-shuts-home-flipping-business-lays-off-13-of-staff-in-slumping-housing-market-11668010665?mod=hp_lead_pos10 + +>Real-estate company Redfin Corp. laid off 13% of its staff on Wednesday and closed its home-flipping unit, saying the operation was both too expensive and too risky to continue. + +>The Seattle-based company, which operates a real-estate brokerage and home-listings website, said the decisions were made because it is predicting that the real-estate market is going to be smaller next year and its home-flipping business is losing money. It previously laid off 8% of its workforce in June of this year. + +>The closure of Redfinā€™s home-flipping business, RedfinNow, follows Opendoor Technologies Inc. posting record losses last week. The biggest home-flipping company sold too many homes for less than their purchase price. Opendoor blamed the pace of rising interest rates for throttling the housing market faster than the company could predict. + +More: + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-09/redfin-lays-off-13-of-staff-shuts-down-home-flipping-business + +https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/09/homes/redfin-job-cuts-home-flipping-shutdown/index.html +GME is not a regular "solid" investment, a lot of apes have been following this for months and understand that this sittuation is bigger than you and me. + +It's important to reiterate that investing in GME is not investing into a once in a life time opportunity for a short squeeze, it's a once in forever because when this blows up, we will never see anything like it again. + +This is for all the new members who have joined Iver the weekend. The game plan is simple with GME, we buy the dips, we buy the peaks and we hold. + +We don't get interested in the price because its wrong, we watch the price but we don't care about it until it hits $5000 (why such a low number like $5000?, because once GME hits $5000 then we will know everything we have read is correct and the MOASS will happen. $5000 is not the MOASS, $5000 is just the confirmation that it's coming) + +So what happens when you hold past all the fuckery and the price reaches $5000? Not much, you continue to hold because we are just getting started. Apes are passionate about this cause and I trust every one of them and I believe they will not paper hand and sell for thousands. Again, GME is bigger than you and me. + +How high will the price go? Fuck knows but I can assure you you will not lose money by investing in GME so.. Why not? + +Us apes like to set our floor at around $20 million per share (the floor is the minimum we sell at, the ceiling is unimaginably high). I hear you think "$20million is abit ridiculous and childish, the price will never reach that high", well, you could be wrong. + +If/when GME hits a price of say ā‚¬1500, then nothing can be done to stop of slow down the price jumping by 50% every hour for a week straight. It mightnt be a clean rise (as in we might see huge heights with huge dips, but we fucking hold). + +A lot of apes have the same mindset as me, its either all or nothing, we hold on for world changing money, not life changing money. + +Long story short, if your new here + +BUY, HOLD, VOTE (if you can) + +$20,000,000 is not a meme but you will need balls of steel to reach those heights. + +This is gamestop. + +Edit: this is not financial advice.... + +This post is flared as opinion so everyone attacking needs to chill! + +Also, everyone who's awarded and upvote, thanks so much! I did not expect that at all! ā¤ļø +On June 28th my Poloniex account got hacked. Within 2 hours 10 BTC where stolen. + +Since email verification is used for performing withdraws, the hacker could not directly withdraw my money. The hacker used the web interface to do some very loss-making trading, against a second account doing the opposite, and making the profit. + +I have exported the trades, and put them in a [graph](http://imgur.com/a/H9ylE). +One can see the very bad strategy: sell low, buy high... + +I post my story for three reasons: + +* Protect your account well! Use Two factor authentication! As lasy as I am, I didn't do this, too much hassle to grab your phone each time. Despite I don't know how they got my e-mail and password, this would have protected my account, and saved me $25.000! + +* It's very instructive to see how fast you can lose money on a market with a shallow market depth. + +* Try to get Poloniex handle my tickets. As we all know, Poloniex has a hard time handling the user requests. But it is important that Poloniex tracks the counter account making the profit. If the funds are still there, they need to get frozen. + + +PLEASE give this post up-votes to get some pressure on Poloniex to handle my tickets! +Ticket number: #279231 + + +== Update == +Response from poloniex + +We have locked your Poloniex account and have reasons to believe your email address is compromised, please change its password and enable 2FA security on your email provider immediately, the attacker may be able to see this and try to lock you out - please act fast. + +== Update == +Response from poloniex + +You are welcome. We have identified the accounts involved and they have been banned. Unfortunately, as is normally the case in these situations the attackers immediately withdrew the majority of the coins and as these transactions have now left our system and have been confirmed by the blockchain then they are outside our control. We will continue to investigate further and see if we are able to recover any of the coins that were not yet withdrawn. + +**Preamble:** The ability of Congress to trade stocks has been controversial from the start. The 2020 congressional insider trading scandal where Senators used insider knowledge to trade large positions in stocks just before the coronavirus pandemic crash was just one example where they used their privileged position for gain. Ā While there is scope for a lot of discussion regarding the legality/ethical aspects of this, what I wanted to know is + +**Did Congress members** **beat the market and can I beat the market if I follow their trades after its been made public?** + +**Where is the data from:** senatestockwatcher.com + +Massive shoutout to [u/rambat1994](https://www.reddit.com/u/rambat1994/) for putting in the efforts to create this site and make the knowledge public. The website has data of Congress trading from 2019. While I could observe that all the trades may not be captured by the site, given that we have more than 9K trades to work with, I feel that we should be good from a statistical significance perspective. Also, please note that the data will contain trades done by senators who are not currently in the senate (Either they were in Senate earlier and now in the house of representative or another position of power which forces them to disclose their trades) + +While Congress members are supposed to [report the transaction within 30 days](https://www.citizen.org/article/personal-financial-disclosure-requirements-for-public-officials/), the median delay in reporting that I observed for the trades was 28 days and the average delay was 52 days. There were some outliers that pushed the average up and are most likely due to the fact that their broker might not report the trade to them immediately. + +All the trades and my analysis are shared as a google sheet at the end. + +**Analysis:** + +A total of 9,676 trades were made by the members in the past two years. This analysis would be focusing on the stock purchases made by the senators. (The stock sales and the pandemic controversy can be a standalone analysis by itself). Out of the 4,911 Buyā€™s what I am really interested in is the 1,375 transactions which were over $15K. I decided on this cutoff as I did not want small transactions (<5K) to affect the analysis. The hypothesis being that if someone is putting almost 10% of their annual salary into one trade, they should be very confident about the stock. (I know that some senators are millionaires and this hypothesis would not apply to them, but adding their net worth would again complicate the calculations unnecessarily) + +**Results:** For all the stock purchases I calculated the stock price change across 3 periods and benchmarked it against S&P500 returns during the same period.Ā  + +a.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  One Month + +b.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  One Quarter + +c.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Till Date (From the date of purchase to Today) + +**Returns made by the Congress** + +|Avg Return|% Change in Price|% Change in SPY|Change over SPY| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|One Month|2.55%|2.42%|0.12%| +|One Quarter|8.76%|7.42%|1.34%| +|Till Date|32.40%|26.40%|5.99%| + +At this point, it should not come as a surprise, but Congress did beat SP500 across the different time periods. But what I am really interested in is if it's possible to follow their trades after disclosure (after a time lag of 30 days) and still beat the benchmark. + +**Returns if you followed their trades (after the disclosure)** + +|Avg Return|% Change in Price|% Change in SPY|Change over SPY| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|One Month|2.0%|2.48%|\-0.48%| +|One Quarter|10.46%|7.89%|2.57%| +|Till Date|29.62%|23.73%|5.89%| + +If you had invested in the stocks Congress bought, even after adjusting for the lag of disclosure, you would beat SP500 over the long run. My theory for this is that Congress usually plays the long game and invest having a time horizon of more than a year as sudden short-term gains can put a spotlight on their trades. This gives the retail investors a window of opportunity where they can follow the trades and make a significant profit. + +**Limitations of analysis:** There are multiple limitations to the analysis. + +1. The time period of the analysis is 2 years during which the market experienced a significant bull run. So, the results might change in a market downturn/recession +2. The data has been sourced from senatestockwatcher.com as parsing the data from the official government site is extremely difficult. All the recorded transactions have a pdf of the disclosure linked to them (you can find it in the google sheet). I have made my best effort to QC the data and make sure there are no false positives. But this might not contain all the transactions made by Congress. +3. There is no disclosure for the exact amount of money invested by Congress. The disclosure is always in ranges (e.g., $100k ā€“ $200k). So, for calculating the investment amount, I have taken the average of the given range. + +**Conclusion:** + +This analysis proves that Congress indeed gets a better return than the overall market. Whether it is due to insider trading or due to their superior stock-picking capability is something that canā€™t be proven from the data and is left to the readerā€™s judgment. I intentionally left out the party affiliation of the members as I felt that it would bias the reader and was not the objective of this analysis. + +Whichever side of the political spectrum you lean-to, the above analysis shows that you get to gain by following their trades! + +Link to Google Sheet containing all the analysis and trades: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Rg5jMYG-X4I7cidQylzCNc_UpJZGNhGrjAt7g0QkXYs/edit?usp=sharing) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor* +[(New Zealand does not fuck around telling you to buckle up)](https://i.redd.it/uc4ihmxts8691.jpg) + +[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o2xz48/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_1/) | [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/od4bb1/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_2/) | [Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pzfxnd/the_sun_never_sets_on_citadel_part_3/) + +Well hellooooooo, Apes. + +This is a series that focuses on Citadelā€™s market strategy. (I recommend reading 1, 2, & 3 but hey, thatā€™s just me.) It started off with the perhaps naive question ā€œ*Why would Blackrock give Citadel the most epic smackdown in financial history?*ā€ + + + +Itā€™s time to start tying it all together. Itā€™s time to discover **WILD SHIT**. And itā€™s time to find out the real infinity pool is the friends we made along the way. (Goodnight, sweet u/bluprince) + +&nbsp; + +Oh yes, and time to discover that Citadel is *FUUUUUUUUKT* + +&nbsp; + +Okay, first. I need to get you to a conclusion that sounds like itā€™s crazy. + +* Why is it crazy? Because itā€™s obvious. We all know it. +* **And still sounds like something a hobo would shout on a street corner.** + +After that is when the real shit begins. + +And I mean ***REAL SHIT*** + +&nbsp; + +#Nobody has put this together on Superstonk. + +&nbsp; + +You ready, buttercup? + +&nbsp; + +Itā€™s time to **buckle up**. + +&nbsp; + +*** +*(This post will only refer to Citadel Securities ā€“ the Market Maker ā€“ unless noted.)* +*** + +#4.1 A Summary Review of the Empire + +To bring us up to speed: + +**Citadel Securities has 25% of all US securities trade volume** +[-](https://preview.redd.it/sdxlkna7gn591.png?width=949&auto=webp&s=309551575af74374e50f9acda1b28727dd9abb81) [sauce](https://www.citadelsecurities.com/products/equities-and-options/) + +* This means Citadel is buyer or seller on 1 of every 4 stonk trades in the US +* If true, this is close to [monopoly territory](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/sec-chief-warns-of-growing-monopoly-power-among-market-makers-retail-brokers-at-gamestop-hearing-11620323045). +* Citadel got here by several fronts: superior risk assessment, emphasis on technology, breadth of foothold, range of product offering, and more. +* Citadel also avoided regulations. They closed Apogee (regulated dark pool) and remained a Market Maker (MM) to forego Investment Banking and Prime Broker restrictions. +* It choked out the competition with purchases of competing MM assets, and by securing key roles at the most powerful exchanges (DMM at NYSE, largest MM at Nasdaq, CBOE). It even chartered its own exchange, MEMX, in a bid to lower trade and data costs while strengthening PFOF capabilities. +* This led to Citadel being a securities ā€œwholesalerā€, having enough supply or access to meet any order. +* *This* allowed them to become the USā€™s largest internalizer and conduct exchange activities inside its own walls. +* They offer access to their ā€œliquidityā€ via Citadel Connect, which has grown to become one of, if not the, largest dark pool ā€“ without ever being classified as such. It leverages Citadelā€™s massive wholesaler inventory and extensive supply reach but without requiring exchange features or oversights. +* Citadel also captured 35%-45%+ share of retail orders through Payment For Order Flow (PFOF), a practice which avoids competition while providing leverage over dependent brokers. + + > ā€œ[Ken Griffin has] built an extraordinarily diverse organizationā€¦ something with franchise value.ā€ + > ā€“ [Institutional Investor, 2001](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b15134ls4fblx7/boy-wonder) + +* ā€œFranchise valueā€ means it is **replicable**. Citadel has copied their MM systems to nearly every market in the world. +* Their footprint is unequaled. Citadel has Market Making access or internalizing responsibilities in nearly all of the worldā€™s wealth centers across Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Oceania, as well as North America. They are likely the worldā€™s largest MM and internalizer, either by unit volume, $ volume, or revenue. +* Further, Citadelā€™s size, position, and competencies make them a material competitor to almost any player in the financial world. Even major, multinational Investment Banks and Prime Brokers consider them a serious threat. + +**In short, Citadel has positioned itself at the heart of markets worldwide. This position is not an exaggeration.** + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.2 The Court Record + +I canā€™t find where I read it now, but evidently Citadel rents out co-location space in its servers. + +&nbsp; + +Remember this. + +&nbsp; + +*** + +**But first, some backstory & context:** + +* *See how I just mentioned Investment Banks?* +* *Kenny has always wanted to be a special type of Investment Bank ā€“ a Systemically Important Financial Institution (SIFI) Prime Broker (PB) Investment Bank (IB) ā€“ (*more on this later*). Altogether, letā€™s call it a... S I F I P B I B, or a* ***Sifipbib***. (Stop laughing, Ken is really, really serious, guys.) + +* *Kenny really wanted Citadel to become a Sifipbib in the mid 2010ā€™s, but didnā€™t get the right assets and people, and his plans fell apart. He resigned to being a MM, hoping it might give him some other advantages.* + +* (*Though, he* ***did*** *succeed in beating out those other Sifipbibs in the MM space, which Iā€™m sure really floated his boat*) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.3 Royal Charters + +Whatā€™s that? You donā€™t know what an ***Investment Bank*** or a ***Prime Brokerage*** is? You just thought itā€™s just another sleazy financial institution? Okay, hereā€™s aā€¦ + +&nbsp; + +###**Dumbed Down Definition** +(you can skip to 4.4 if you know this already) + +Letā€™s start with **Prime Brokerages**. + +* If you run, say, a hedge fund, you will want to buy stonks and bernds. +* BUT, rather than do boring things like acquiring access to exchange floors, setting up trading desks, establishing regulatory processes, yadda yadda yaddaā€¦. +* ā€¦you decide to go to a Prime Brokerage, who has all that already. Theyā€™ll do it better for less. +* ā€œFor you.ā€ + +*But, I like, have all that, like, through eTrade, or whatever.* + +Timmy, you have a browser with jumbo fonts. Iā€™m talking about *Prime* Brokerages. + +* Remember the saying: "*If you owe the bank ten thousand dollars YOU have a problem, but if you owe the bank ten billion dollars THE BANK has a problem?*" +* A Prime Brokerage is a brokerage, but for LARGE positions. They donā€™t have a problem. +* The biggest Prime Brokerages are the ā€œbig boyā€ brokerages. They have huge balance sheets that can absorb the riskiest, most complex positions from the largest hedge funds (*cough, Archegos, cough*). +* Because theyā€™re so big and so good at managing risk (hah...), they also offer customized ā€œexotic financial vehiclesā€ which have other features. + * Exotic products like: SWAPS (which hides client positions), DARK POOLS (taking positions in securities without affecting their price), CUSTOM BUNDLES (ā€œtranchesā€ of MBS, for example), and so on. + * (*Tell me where the ā€œSWAPSā€ tab is on your eTrade account when youā€™re done napping at that bus stop*) +* The hedge funds you read about **actually donā€™t own a single security** ā€“ they have a contract with the Prime Broker who holds and does all the transactions on their behalf. +* And Prime Brokers have Dave-Lauer-type smart people working for their assets, representing them in the marketplace (i.e. **street cred**). +* All this for a price. + +In short, a Prime Broker is a big, impressive bank that offers custom flavors of investment products. Theyā€™re the ā€œbig boy clubā€, able to handle larger transactions that specialized firms canā€™t do themselves. + +* Itā€™s how ā€œReal Moneyā€ invests ā€“ hedge funds, giant pension funds, etc. Everyone else eats at the kid table. + +&nbsp; + +*But what about Investment Banks?* + + + +If Prime Brokers serve people, then Investment Banks serve **companies**. + +* Since youā€™re really good at pretending you have a job when your parents ask, how about you pretend you run a large company. + * Rather than try and sell your inkjet-printed ā€œstock certificates,ā€ you go to an Investment Bank, who promises you actual money in exchange for your non-imaginary stock offering. + * They handle all aspects of the issuance, regulatory, collateral, and technical process of raising funds, taking on debt, whatever your company needs ā€“ and they make their money with the difference between what they deliver you and what they receive from the market. + * (They handle these deals because of their market relationships and their familiarity with the exchanges and trading framework.) + +&nbsp; + +*Gotcha. Investment Banks for companies and Prime Brokers for people. So why do we care about these prime brokers that are investment banks?* + +Wow this is a lot of questions from someone missing so many teeth. + +* Like all of finance, itā€™s made-up bullshit. Which Ken Griffin cares about. +* The biggest Prime Brokerage Investment Banks are the hubs of the investing infrastructure, and as such, they are regulated more than others. +* They are called ā€œSystemically Important Financial Institutionsā€ (SIFI) ā€“ thatā€™s an official term ā€“ and ***these are the real big boys.*** +* There are only a handful of them. They donā€™t fuck around. + * Ha ha, okay, they do, but in a waaaay different league than you. +* They are the biggest banks you've heard of ā€“ they even extend their services to countries and international trade organizations. Some are responsible for various aspects of US bonds, for example. +* Entire economies, even the world economy, relies on each of them to a degree. + +In other words, **Real Money** clients come to them for **Real Money** needs. + +&nbsp; + +Sifipbibs. + +&nbsp; + +*** +#4.4 Crusades + +**Suddenly,** you are magically placed back at Citadelā€™s trading desk ā€“ all their tools at your disposal. *What do?* + +* Your goal is to minimize risk better than these competitors can, specifically in securities. +* (Fortunately, Citadel enjoys some specialized tools that not even they haveā€¦) + +And by the way, do you know what the opposite of risk is? + +&nbsp; + +>!**Control.**!< + +&nbsp; + +>!So your goal is: *to control the price of securities.* Thatā€™s right: ***control the price of securities.***!< + +&nbsp; + +You start looking around and seeing, well, regulation is slow and lax. Which isnā€™t to say that there arenā€™t consequences, it's just that they arenā€™t very... *prohibitive*. + +&nbsp; + +Sooooooo.... want to really [minimize risk? ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/987/AhgHtnP.png) + + +* Why not ā€œstuff the order bookā€ so that competitorsā€™ quotes arenā€™t seen? ā€“ [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ns9rse/watch_the_volume_this_is_spoofing_in_action/), [2](https://youtu.be/itxbyXO67XY?t=110) +* Or use specific order types to jump the order queue? ā€“ [1](link to old sub in comments) +* You can shift the NBBO ā€“ national price goalposts ā€“ to your favor ā€“ [1](https://preview.redd.it/bra7t22yzp091.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e586ca7bfa5acbfaced81728e03c40ebda1b2865) [2](https://www.reddit.com/user/Landed_port/comments/uub6vl/nbbo_not_even_close_to_best_execution/) (s/o Better Markets!) + * (in addition to adding price pressure through your MM activities ā€“ [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o75dt4/dark_pool_not_required_market_markers_can_control/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx7jr9/could_citadel_securities_be_suppressing_gme_price/) [3](https://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2017/05/05/the-citadel-settlement-off-exchange-market-makers-and-giant-brokerages/) +* Or you could front-run transactions [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ux0llz/big_hedge_fund_president_is_told_his_trades_are/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uwznmm/ever_wonder_why_the_order_book_is_filled_with/) + +Since you want to avoid getting caught, you shouldā€¦ + +* Under-invest in reporting structures (after all, finance is self-reporting!) - [thereā€™s a dlauer quote on this I couldnā€™t find again lol] +* Paint the tape (obfuscate your actual actions with dubious reporting) ā€“ [1](https://www.nasdaq.com/glossary/p/painting-the-tape), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oj1tjl/erasing_the_tape_how_to_remove_daily_trade_volume/) +* Delay reporting as much as possible ā€“ [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o75dt4/dark_pool_not_required_market_markers_can_control/) +* ā€œMis-markā€ trades (i.e. falsify records to your benefit) ā€“ [1](https://www.sec.gov/enforce/34-87127-s), [2](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/sec-brings-naked-short-selling-case), [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uwntmt/barklays_fixes_error/) +* Or ignore reporting requirements altogether ā€“ [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqmz4u/breaking_goldman_sachs_co_fail_to_reconstruct_at/) +* (This is by no means an exhaustive list ā€“ the criminal [possibilities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n8mizw/here_is_a_complete_compilation_documenting_the/) are nearly limitless!) + +&nbsp; + +Ape u/JG-at-Prime said it best, starting with ONE [example of abuse:] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v1rqdz/no_shares_available_100_utilization_for_70_days/iaosryq/): + +>If you think about Darkpools [...] **Itā€™s brilliant, from a fuckery standpoint.** If you redirect 50% buys and 50% sells, you can dynamically adjust the ratios to make the price increase or decrease. +> +>Buys Lit 60/40 Dark sells = price goes up. +> +>Buys Lit 40/60 Dark sells = price goes down. +> +>You donā€™t even have to take 50% of the volume. Just that lesser percentage = lesser effect. +> +>Add in; Wash sales, order spoofing, odd & mixed lot trades, block trades, broker internalization, Market makers exemption, Market Makers internalizing, Naked Shorting, Payment for Difference, PFOF, Market Makers codes, coded orders, Market halts, volatility halts, pumps & dumps, poops & scoops, short & distort, complete corporate MSM media control, massive social media shilling campaigns & more. +> +>The Market as we see it today is a criminal masterpiece. They collectively control the prices. Itā€™s almost completely fake. + +&nbsp; + +ā€œFree market.ā€ + +*** + +#4.5 Sheriff of Nothingham + +*Woah, you can't go around assuming Citadel is intentionally doing bad things! Maybe... maybe they made mistakes, or had some bad actors that they fired...* + +* Well, champ, too bad the data does NOT support your presumption of innocence: + + * Citadel had 15 different ā€œregulatory eventsā€ for 2021ā€¦ or roughly 2% of all of FINRA regulatory events (based on estimated 800 events). That number is *high*. + * Some of those were redundant though: Citadelā€™s most recent regulation event was a price-affecting activity that went on **over 6 years with14 different exchanges** + * They were also fined for misreporting internal trades ā€“ oh yeah u/atobitt [wrote about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ml48ov/walkin_like_a_duck_talkin_like_a_duck/) +* And this number only reflects the crimes Citadel was *caught* for. (Relevant: FINRA seems to be [less and less effective these days](https://www.finra.org/media-center/statistics#key)) + +Illegal activities are widespread. It could even be said itā€™s the ā€œIndustry standard.ā€ + +* Citadel Securities reported $7bn profits for 2021 (btw, this number is [self-reported](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-15/citadel-securities-opens-up-after-record-7-billion-windfall)) +* It paid a maximum $3.04m in [fines](https://brokercheck.finra.org/firm/summary/116797), total, for 15 ā€œregulation eventsā€ ($3m is extremely conservative ā€“ high ā€“ because Citadel doesnā€™t report its annual fines so I added up all dollar amounts for 2021, lol. Itā€™s probably far less but I wanted to max out the number) +* **Thats a 0.0434% ā€œcrime taxā€ ā€“ part of the cost of doing unlawful and illegal business.** + * (0.0% if weā€™re rounding) +* (Notably, some fines were for illicit activities from *years* ago. This yearā€™s illegal activities wonā€™t be ā€œcrime taxedā€ for a few years down the road.) + +&nbsp; + +So, seriously, why should Citadel worry about laws? + +* (...and if they donā€™t need to worry about laws, why should you presume they keep them?) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +***(...back at the desk...)*** + + + +No, really. Why should you worry about laws? + +* Remember [this?](https://i.redd.it/iuxh7unu2nb71.gif) + * This is less than one hundredth of a second, for a single ticker (AMZN), slowed down. + * Citadel moves at this speed *for every ticker, in every asset, in every country, in every time zone it operates in, while trading* ***at industrial volumes.*** +* Now remember [this interview,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C0Sj6Us19I) where Gary Gensler said the SEC canā€™t afford coffee? (wow there is a suspicious lack of google results for this, btw) + * Letā€™s take the SECā€™s posture at face value. + * The SEC (FINRA by proxy) issued 73 fines to Citadel, but over *years* of transactions. How many transactions do you think occurred versus those the SEC examined by a human? What percentage of Citadelā€™s trades were affected by a human regulator? +* To be cynical ā€“ do you think that Gary ā€œcanā€™t buy coffeeā€ Gensler and the SEC can afford to keep up with Citadelā€™s nanosecond industrial volumes of trades? For every ticker? Every exchange, ATS, SDP, and broker they interface with? Let alone Citadelā€™s *international* operations? Over *years*? +* (Each new flavor of high-frequency fuckery will be baked in to trading algorithms, all while either observing regulations or ā€œunintentionally circumventing proper reportingā€) + +&nbsp; + +And so, we arrive at a cold reality: + +>!**Citadel and other MMs likely operate outside of the law** because they operate in ā€œbullet timeā€, while the regulators operate in ā€œpast tenseā€!< + +>!**Citadelā€™s trading speed and volume effectively exceed the limit and capacity of regulation.**!< + +&nbsp; + +(This, of course, is taking the SECā€™s ā€“ at large ā€“ posture at face value) + +&nbsp; + +0.0% crime tax, dude. + +*** + +#4.6 A Royal Union + +*Butā€¦ but ā€“ what about other players? They are competing with Citadel across the board! Competition keeps Citadel in check, right?* + +* As referenced in previous posts: Citadelā€™s dominance discourages new challengers ā€“ [the industry is consolidating.](https://i.redd.it/1ze9zs5sin491.png) + * While Virtu (Citadelā€™s main MM competitor) and other larger firms might ā€œmicro-grappleā€ in the HFT space, the losses would only represent a small cost in a profitable business. +* Weak enforcement, plus Citadelā€™s dominance, incentivizes the opposite of competition: ***collaboration.*** + +*Collaboration?! But how could the firms work together? Itā€™s broad daylight ā€“ public data! And itā€™s illegal to collude!* + +* Itā€™s illegal to get caught, Timmy. +* The small group of market makers have all the ingredients to not only *outpace* the regulators, but can *avoid detection altogether*: + * extremely fast technology, exclusive knowledge of complicated systems, brilliantly talented ā€œquantsā€... + * ā€¦and the reward is essentially risk-free profits, soā€¦ + +ā€œHypotheticallyā€ + +* If several market makers wanted to collaborate and minimize risk (i.e. **price fixing**) in a given securityā€¦ + * ā€¦they would need to send and receive patterns which act as hidden signals in plain view (*check check*) + * ā€¦and they would need a mutual understanding of techniques, as well as a common goal: shared profits (*check check*) + +&nbsp; + +[*No, please donā€™t say it.*](https://c.tenor.com/sSwRqdgMyQMAAAAC/impossible-star-wars.gif) + +&nbsp; + +>![Apes have noticed patterns in the bids for *years*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/po51aw/we_just_had_3_separate_orders_for_300_shares_per/)!< + +>![Oh, you want evidence to show that prices are being signaled?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/phks3c/fast_forward_to_about_58_minutes_possible_codes/) and [buy/sell prices are being coordinated?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pul5gq/divorced_from_reality_dd/) !< + +>![How about a site that compiles these signals on a daily basis?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u7iox3/it_is_time_to_talk_about_market_maker_signals_i/)!< + +>![*code sheet*](https://i.redd.it/83m462308fl71.png)!< + +&nbsp; + +[WHAT IN THE DUMP TRUCK FUCK.](https://c.tenor.com/b2BSVm38AUgAAAAC/blink-blinking.gif) + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.7 All the Sun Touches, I + +So, we arrive at the crazy conclusion, the one thatā€™s obvious. + +Because between their market position and marketplace incentives, joint activities, and an environment with weak enforcement, we can start to put together a scenario whereā€¦ + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel likely has a claim on controlling the prices of securities**!< + +>!...a legitimate claim, in conjunction with other market makers, exchanges, and key parties.!< + +&nbsp; + +* FYI, ā€œPrice controlā€ doesnā€™t need to be 100% of securities 100% of the time. +* If Citadel can be the ā€œmargin of victoryā€, just in the securities they care about, then thatā€™s the difference between a successful trade and an unsuccessful one ā€“ decisive direction. + * (Note that Casinos operate profitably with 51%+ odds.) [(relevant)](https://i.redd.it/fsny6euskn491.gif) +* The dominance of the top MMā€™s also means there are no alternatives ā€“ itā€™s either price arranging via Citadel, or the naked uncertainty of the market (and oh, yeah, we just said itā€™s not so uncertain, didnā€™t we?) + +&nbsp; + +Because, after all, your goal is to control the price of securities. + +&nbsp; + +*** + +#4.8 The Round Table + +Now, think on this for a second. + +&nbsp; + +If you influence prices, you could make a KILLING by renting it out. + +&nbsp; + +> >!I canā€™t find where I read it now, but evidently Citadel rents out co-location space in its servers.!< + +&nbsp; + +>!Turns out, SELLING PRICE CONTROL as a service (directly or indirectly) ā€“ and being an EXCLUSIVE PROVIDER ā€“ is a great way to profit!!< + +* No brainer ā€“ it is almost always profitable to work with the firm that controls prices. +* As an added benefit: any firm positioned against Citadel should also expect to be competing with *all of Citadel's aligned parties* (i.e. **street cred**). +* **Citadel wonā€™t ever advertise this, because publicity is a risk to illegal activities.** + * But there will be signs: + + > ā€œCitadel Securities made [...] $**4.1m** per [employee] in 2020. This compares to **$275k** per [employee] at Goldman Sachs last year.ā€ [emphasis mine] - [sauce](https://www.efinancialcareers.com/news/2021/01/citadel-securities-pay) + +&nbsp; + +**Huh, interesting - seems that Point 72, Melvin, Sequoia, and several other firms are all so closely linked with Citadel. Strange. Must be coincidence.** + +&nbsp; + +Wonder why? + +*** + +#4.9 All the Sun Touches, II + +Now, letā€™s roll this up into some key points that this fantastic community has uncovered the past year-plus: + +1. u/Criand showed out how Citadel [leverages](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/) **swaps** +* And u/con101smd pointed to how Citadel likely employs **krypto** (before deleting ā€œThe Long Conā€) +* Itā€™s also important to note that Citadel has an **adjacent hedge fund**. *Extremely* important. +* Because remember how u/atobitt caught Citadel **shifting funds between different Citadel companies, partners, and subsidiaries**, such as Palafox? (in the ā€œEverything Shortā€ in another sub) +* And u/thabat theorized how Citadel might be **shifting assets between countries** [without disclosure](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pcklz0/rolling_in_the_deep_dive_hiding_money_in_the/)? (and u/P_mage did some [work here also](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sx2tka/the_shorts_never_covered_or_closed_kiting_a_hot/), not to mention that one flight to [ā€œRussia-not-Russiaā€](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skbb4y/any_fins_in_the_area_willing_to_get_us_a_tail/) right before war & sanctions) +* And we already covered Citadelā€™s **extensive international operations** and impressive **spread of products**. + +ā€¦all this plus Citadelā€™s **unequaled MM responsibilities in stocks and options and immense internal inventory**. + +&nbsp; + +Now, letā€™s add a *VERY* interesting quote from u/Super_Share_8721ā€™s [excellent find ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tt7td2/holy_sht_article_from_2001_ties_ken_griffin_and/)(and I see you u/JustBeingPunny [!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/u3qm9z/kenny_admitting_to_using_bcg_to_spy_on_other/) - BTW it was only a partial quote earlier): + +* [key quote](https://i.redd.it/92frvoabgm491.png) + + > ā€œā€™[Ken Griffin has] built an extraordinarily diverse organization, **horizontally and vertically integrated.** Itā€™s something with franchise value, which makes him different from 95 percent of the companies **classified** as hedge funds.ā€™ā€ [emphasis mine] + +&nbsp; + +**Now put it all together:** + +*So, Citadel is at the heart of markets worldwide with unparalleled price influence, shifting assets between partner companies and subsidiaries, bundling stocks, bonds, options, other securities, commodities, krypto, real estate, ETFs, access to SDPs, ATSs, nearly unlimited inventory, PFOF, international asset holdings and distributions, swaps (bundled because Citadel is ā€œhorizontally and vertically integratedā€)ā€¦* + +*ā€¦into EXOTIC products...* +*ā€¦pass them through their [international connections](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tl8uow/citadel_is_a_front_for_laundering_criminals_money/)ā€¦* +*ā€¦and offer them to ā€œReal Moneyā€ clients?* + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel is likely acting as an unregulated, backchannel *de facto* Prime Brokerage Investment Bank**!< + +>!They are likely bundling their offerings and services ā€“ including price influence ā€“ into exotic financial productsā€¦!< + +>!ā€¦and selling these to clients. Brokers like Charles Schwab and Robinhood. Hedge funds like Melvin and Sequoia. [Running IPOs for companies.](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-citadel-securities-dmms-are-handling-ipos-remotely-2020-5). Likely funneling the business through their [adjacent hedge fund.](https://www.bqprime.com/markets/griffin-s-citadel-beats-multistrategy-rivals-gaining-26-in-2021)!< + +*** + +#4.10 For King + +And you know whatā€™s crazy? + +* In addition to taking the other side of the position ā€“ either for hedging or to make a play ā€“ +* ...or even going un-hedged altogether (flexibility is a feature of their unaccountability, after all) +* **Citadel can also double down,** taking the same position as their client, +* ...doubling their exposure and **doubling the risk**. + +Now, remember [this image?](https://i.redd.it/idkn9cchpn571.png) How Citadel and Virtu combine for more transactions than the biggest exchanges? + +* And how Citadel alone represents 25% of trades in the market, 35%+ of retail orders, 99% of volume in 3,000 listed optionsā€¦ +* ...and for more and more of that volume, they are taking **one side of the trade**? + +&nbsp; + +>ā€Itā€™s as if the entire market is concentrating its risk on a single firm.ā€ + +&nbsp; + +#One more thing: + +**Hereā€™s the list of [Systemically Important Financial Institutions.](https://i.redd.it/hb110npz3b691.png)** [sauce is wikipedia] + +* Take a look +* Really. +* Did you notice something? + +&nbsp; + +>!**Citadel isnā€™t there**!< + +&nbsp; + +* Citadel, a firm with one of the largest international footprints who can likely unilaterally sway securities prices, **isnā€™t considered significant enough to regulate.** +* Their positions, capital, and international schemes are nearly completely hidden. +* ***They donā€™t even need to publicly disclose their quarterly US cash flows because they arenā€™t publicly traded.*** +* ***They could be exposing the world economy to catastrophic risk, and only a handful of insiders would ever know.*** + +**But since their model is replicable, why not keep on expanding?** + +[again...](https://i.redd.it/on6i2fnu2a591.png) [(sauce)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3vsdt/soo_ummcitadel_securities_is_applying_to_become/) + +and [again?](https://i.redd.it/j2tfcjci72691.png) [(sauce)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-07/citadel-securities-virtu-form-crypto-plan-with-fidelity-schwab#xj4y7vzkg) + +&nbsp; + +**[WHAT. IN. THE. HIGH. FREQUENCY. FUCK.](https://c.tenor.com/BUQOoWIhoCgAAAAC/get-out-movie-crying.gif)** + +&nbsp; + +*** +*** + +#TL;DR: + +* Citadel Securitiesā€™ influence in securitiesā€™ markets across the globe is unequaled and likely un-challengeable. +* Data shows that they (ab)use this position to overwhelm regulators with illegal activities, by both speed and volume. These activities further cement Citadelā€™s profit and market share. +* Citadel also likely exploits the environment of high-tech, weak enforcement, and mutual incentives to fix prices for securities by collaborating with other players in a way that avoids detectionā€¦ +* ā€¦then bundles these price-affecting abilities in with other services to sell across the finance industry, directly or indirectly. +* (ā€œlikelyā€ because illegal and other relevant activities are not reported) +* This makes them a *de facto* ā€œSuperā€ Prime Brokerage and Investment Bank. ā€œSuperā€ because they have additional Market Maker powers, but have none of the capital requirements or regulatory oversight required of their competitors (though their asset base is likely much smaller). +* They can exploit this lack of regulation to take on otherwise untouchable clients (sanctioned individuals, money launderers) while also engaging in extremely risky behavior. +* The combination of their powers, activities, and position in the markets, while operating without enough regulation, means Citadel can uniquely create gargantuan, systemically threatening pockets of risk while they perform key functions that underpin the worldā€™s financial systems. +* There is no current way to publicly account for the risks Citadel creates in the world markets, or any ready way to replace their function if they fail. +* They have made themselves a necessity, and therefore, a likely singular point-of-failure for the world economy. + +&nbsp; + +>!***So, did you see it? Did you see the setup?***!< + +#Part 5 is coming... + +Edit: This post isn't meant to make you a doomer, but make you better informed. (If you want to do something about it, [go here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ve8fqh/sec_proposals_are_not_getting_enough_comments/).) And this series follows what Citadel *has done*, not where Citadel is going -- yet. + +Edit 2: updated the SIFI picture. [Here](https://i.redd.it/iz6pn3ewn8691.png) was the previous one, thank you u/Present_Paint_5926 for pointing out + +Edit 3: Took out some of the mean tone in the DDD. There's too much hate in the world already šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/29/investing/nyse-direct-listings-spotify-slack/index.html + +New York(CNN Business) America's stock market is shrinking. The number of public companies has been cut roughly in half over the past two decades, mostly by choice. + +Some don't want to deal with the pressure and reporting requirements. Others are avoiding the hassle and expense of an IPO. And a lucky few just don't need the money. + +Now, the New York Stock Exchange is trying to lure more companies back to the public market, even if it involves taking a less traveled route. +As a community we have been puzzled ever since we saw [NFT.GameStop.com](https://NFT.GameStop.com). + +We have followed breadcrumbs, theory-crafted and wondered the purpose of the domain, what is it, how will it work, and most significantly if it may mean some dividend. + +We saw crazy theories of WHAT the NFT Dividend might be, and what the value it may hold. + +I could not rationalize these ideas into one theory that satisfies all stakeholders until now. A theory that reinvents ownership, fulfills ambitions of GME and rewards GME shareholders. + +# My theory: + +GME is building an NFT marketplace. This marketplace will represent a new platform for trading and owning digital assets. These assets will have integration into the meta verse, think taking your paid for Skin from one developer game to another, and the future of these uniquely owned digital assets is limitless. They will launch this platform with other key developer partners: think Lego, with cool unique collectibles. + +**The OWNERSHIP of this new GME NFT Marketplace IS the Erc 721 Token.** They have literally created an entire new business to represent their future ambitions in the digital economy and wrapped it up in a Token ownership structure. + +The NFT Dividend literally will be the ownership of the marketplace itself. + +Each shareholder will receive equivalent NFT tokens based on their ownership in GME. + +1 GME Share owns 1 ERC20 Token which collectively own ERC721 (owning nft.gamestop.com) + +It isnā€™t a Wutang album. It isnā€™t a JPEG. We are all going to get a non fungible piece of this amazing innovative exchange. You are getting a piece of a brand new company. This is the dividend, NFT ownership. + +**TLDR:** + +GME has created a new company to represent NFT.GameStop.com (GMERICA?) which is owned by the ERC 721 token. Erc20 tokens will be distributed to each GME Shareholder in the proportion they own (\~75M tokens only). + +This theory satisfies our test: + +1, Good for GME, growth into an innovative business model + +2, rewards insiders with equal proportional ownership + +3, rewards LONG shareholders + +4, puts pressure on the shorts to deliver an NFT (how?) + +5, signals to the world GME is up to ground breaking things. More buying pressure. + +6, this theory is also the lowest litigation possibility. Itā€™s totally reasonable GME would create a new company owned by a NFT token that is itself a business about NFT trading. This new business is the rightful property of ONLY the shareholders on record. Thus these owners on record are entitled to their NFT ownership. I think itā€™s a slam dunk! + +**Edit 1: Taking it further...** + +If 1 GME Share is entitled to 1 ERC 20 Token then the Transfer Agent will distribute \~75 M of these fungible tokens to registered holders and capture such registration on an Enhanced-Ledger. This is exactly what Overstock did (They also use Computershare) with their issuance of OSTKO. + +Cede & CO (DTC) will receive so many GME + ERC20 tokens on the ledger as they are suppose to have. The rest of the ledger will be full of shareholders who have direct registered. + +DTC and Broker-Dealers are going to have a BIG PROBLEM because any GME holder is entitled to this ERC 20 token- BUT Cede & Co only has a limited amount registered to them but there are MANY more beneficiary shareholders. How this mess gets resolved is unclear but DRS or not, you are entitled to receive your token (it's part of your GME share) but the only way to be certain you will get it is DRS (So you're on the Transfer Agent enhanced-ledger). + +In GME last filing prospectus they had an interesting section where they discuss distributions to shareholders through the clearing agency (DTC). They have a disclaimer there that says the DTC must perform by distributing entitlements to necessary benefactors. If they fail in this GME may move their stock to an exchange of their choice. This is basically a share recall and this can be the trigger of the MOASS. + +It's important to note that ERC721 is NFT, actually non-fungible, and represents the entirety of the new business, while ERC20's are alike/fungible, these are units of ownership (like shares). So each ERC20 is the same as each other, just like each GME share are the same. Technically GME shares and ERC20 are both fungible, every share is alike, every token is alike. + +The big problem with ERC20 issuances are that, as Overstock did with OSTKO, the Brokerages just created a synthetic version which traded illegally OTC. [I wrote a DD on it and why this didn't 'solve' Overstocks short problem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/purbjf/crypto_dividend_why_if_gme_issues_a_crypto/) This is despite Overstock declaring that their ERC20 Token could ONLY trade on a block-chain enabled exchange. Brokers ignored this. However now that GME and Ryan Cohen KNOW this... I am sure they have some better application/method that the Brokerages can't circumvent. It may be as simple as GME issuing this token, seeing that it is trading illegally (OTC), and then declaring a share recall. GAME ON ANON! +There has been an explosion in adjustable-rate mortgages issued in the last 4 months, from 3% of all outstanding loans, to over 11% + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/11/adjustable-rate-mortgage-demand-surges-to-14-year-high-as-homebuyers-try-to-afford-this-pricey-spring-market.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/11/adjustable-rate-mortgage-demand-surges-to-14-year-high-as-homebuyers-try-to-afford-this-pricey-spring-market.html) + +and in addition to this, more than 10% of loans are FHA/VA, which allow for credit scores as low as 580. So 20%+ of all outstanding loans can be characterized as "risky" going forward. + +And they are getting packaged up into MBS + +When rates rise dramatically, what is going to happen? Is the only reason the default rate is very low right now is because of the direct stimulus and student-loan payment deferrals of the last 2 years? + +Or to ask this in a different way, is Michael Bury shorting the housing market again? + Navi Mutual Fund on Monday announced the launch of Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund, which is an open-ended equity scheme that will replicate the Nifty Next 50 Index.Ā  + +The fund has an expense ratio of **0.12%** for its direct plan, which is the lowest compared to any other similar schemes in the passive funds category as of date. + +[https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/navi-mf-launches-nifty-next-50-index-fund-with-lowest-er-in-the-category-11641205033242.html](https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/navi-mf-launches-nifty-next-50-index-fund-with-lowest-er-in-the-category-11641205033242.html) +Hey everyone, + +I get thinking whilst at work and one thing that had me wondering earlier is the provision of a universal/full basic income. I haven't looked into it fully however I think overall it might be the way to go especially if there is less work to be done going into the future. + +I understand this is bordering on communism but I always thought that citizens (or at least welfare recipients) should be say provided with a few food staples i.e. milk, bread, eggs, some fruit and veg and people in public housing/assistance should have solar installed to avoid/help with cost of the power bill living expense = My line of thinking with these is having less outgoing costs means the less money they'd need to be provided. And now hearing how much food rescue groups and charity give away in terms of food and clothing as well as outright paying someone's bill that they cannot afford this we're already well and truly in this territory already, right? + +So what is your stance on this? Our PM a few years back proclaimed 'the age of entitlement is over' but was it really? If we all got the same base level of pay straight off the bat shouldn't it be that we could expect never to be asked to give to others? That one could be responsible for their own budgeting and if they didn't prioritize say healthcare that that's on them and they have no one to blame except themselves? It would help relieve people's money stresses surely? + +Again the mechanics of how this would work or wouldn't isn't something I've delved into deeply. +So I was listening to an interview with Howard Marks & Joel Greenblatt, called "Is It Different This Time?" (google it if you haven't, its fantastic) and one of Joel's talking points about the euphoria we've reached in the stock markets is that: + +* He took the 100 least profitable companies in 2019 (pre-covid) +* As of early 2021 all 100 companies have posted a 100% return + * (Share price at end of 2019 - Share price End of January 2021) / (Share price at end of 2019) + +I thought that statement was bonkers, so I took a list of NYSE + NASDAQ companies \~ 6500, excluded SPACs/warrants and anything that through an error in google sheets (lazy I know), which left around 5000 equities. + +&#x200B; + +* Of the 5,000 equities, Over 3,130 have posted a >100% return from their 52 week low +* Of the 5,000 equities, Over 500 have posted a >500% return from their 52 week low + +So I try to rationalize these as buying opportunities as a result from COVID but when I filter the 5,000 equities to only include companies w/ a TTM EPS of <0, I am left with 2,500\*\*.\*\* + +**2,500 unprofitable publicly traded companies.** + +So 2,500, or \~50% of the total universe of equities on NYSE + NASDAQ, over a 12 month window, have not been profitable (as defined by TTM EPS <0). + +What blows my mind is of these 2,500 "unprofitable companies" : + +# 1,795 have had a >100% return from their 52 week low + +# 500 of the have had a >50% return YTD + +WTF? + +* 50% of all publicly traded NASDAQ/NYSE companies are not profitable + * Filter 1 = only list equities where TTM EPS <0 + * Result = 2500 +* Yet 35% have posted a 100% return from their 52 week low + * Filter 1 = only list equities where TTM EPS <0 + * Filter 2 = Filter 1 + only list equities where ((current price - 52weeklow)/52weeklow) > 100% ) + * Result = 1795 +* And 10% have had a **2021 YEAR TO DATE RETURN OF > 50%** + * Filter 1 = only list equities where TTM EPS <0 + * Filter 2 = Filter 1 + only list equities where ( (currentprice - price on 1/1/21) / price on 1/1/21 ) > 50%) + * Result = 500 + +&#x200B; + +I mean guys, do this yourself if you don't believe me - it's literally 5 GOOGLEFINANCE functions a bunch of pivot tables in excel. + +What I dont have is a relative basis for comparison, e.g if these numbers are normal in a pre-covid environment, e.g. 5 years ago, 10 years ago, etc. + +I mean I love a good rally, and i'm definitely in some risky small caps but when I see companies like SOUTHWEST AIRLINES posting negative quarter-over-quarter earnings, **yet its trading back at pre-pandemic levels** I have come to one of two conclusions: + +&#x200B; + +1. **My math is wrong and I am in a moron** +2. There will be a "major correction" in 2021 + +I would love to get feedback from the community at large, especially from the contrarians and old timers. Also, if one were to "capitalize on a major correction in the next 12 months" what would you recommend? Buy VIX? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks reddit. +This AMA brought so much credibility on what apes have been saying for so long. + +In case you want to learn more about these speaker. + +About Wes: +https://www.linkedin.com/in/weschristian + +About Dave: +https://www.linkedin.com/in/davelauer1 + + I am in wow seeing how much experience they have in their field. And Wes citing real past cases made it super engaging. Dave hosting it gave the AMA a much professional feel. + +Personally, I feel this has been the best AMA I have attended. + +Thanks Dave and Wes! + +Edit: + +Link: https://youtu.be/2rJujnpKiqM + +Also, forgot to mention. But I am sure that the mods already know. Thank you very much for all that you do! +Iā€™m not looking for a get rich quick scheme, I just mean investing properly and growing my savings so that by the time Iā€™m in my 40s or 50s I have a large amount of money on hand so I donā€™t have to worry about money later in life. + +I just finished college and have a career as an assistant professional at a golf course. Iā€™ll openly admit that my base comp is 24k and based on club sales, lessons, club work and other sources of income throughout the year I make closer to 38k. I live with my parents and Iā€™ve dedicated $1k a month to my loans and another 1k to savings and the rest goes to food and gas. + +Iā€™m interested in crypto currency so sometimes I put about $500 in at a time but I have a horrible tendency to pull out my money short of these huge booms so i end up ahead but get out too early. For example about 3 years ago I had $4000 of bitcoin that I pulled out to make an early payment on my loan for school and had i waited that would have been a lot more. I thought I made a smart choice but holding on to it was smarter. + +It seems like Iā€™m doing the right things but I donā€™t seem to understand how to really grow my money. What are some basic principles I can follow so I grow my money. + +Edit: Left out some important stuff. Iā€™m single in my 20ā€™s and going through the PGA PGM Program and once Iā€™m a member of the PGA i can apply for better paying jobs. Thr first assistant at my current course makes over 100k a year. I wonā€™t always make this amount. +During the start of the pandemic things got really hard, I was working at a restaurant and was doing alright, +I was newly sober and started making changes to my life. +I am now doing side gigs on my own and left the restaurant business. +Side gigs are slowing and I want to make more money to sustain myself and rebuild a savings account. +My credit score is 517. +What worked for some of you when it comes to improving credit scores. +Also how do I successfully get rid of credit marks that are old and somehow still appearing on my credit? +Thanks for the advice and feel free to ask more questions. + +EDIT 1 +I forgot to mention I have $1200 until my vehicle is fully paid off +I am also switching cellphone providers because AT&T is outrageously priced for the +Mediocre service + And last but not least thank you everyone for your input. +I'm finally out of poverty after years of hard work. I'm in the works of starting a new job that pays significantly better than any job I've had in the past and I want to know what I can do to set myself up for success in the future. I'll be making about $56K a year. What should I do to invest in my future security so I can avoid poverty and homelessness forever? +Iā€™ve read quite a few people on these posts through OPs or commenters who have six figure jobs and they only work 10-20 hours a week. Iā€™m curious what those of you who have those types of jobs do. +I checked on credit karma last night and I noticed a credit card was opened in my name with an outstanding balance of $17,542. + +I called the number listed on credit karma and they asked the regular questions: full name, birthday, last four digits of social. The lady then said she couldn't confirm my account and asked me for my full social. I got sussed out and googled the number before I gave it to her and found out it was a scam number that was calling people trying to gain financial information (I didn't give them my full social). + +I feel like I'm kind of fucked. I gave them a lot of personal information and $17k is a lot of money. I'm in the process of disputing this claim with the three main credit bureaus and placing a freeze on my credit with the three of them. + + Is there more I should be doing? I feel a bit lost. Nothing like this has ever happened to me but I'm a bit worried. If anyone could provide some guidance I would greatly appreciate it. +Thought you guys might be interested in this! If you've never checked out Freakonomics radio, it's one of my favorite podcasts, definitely worth a listen. + +http://freakonomics.com/podcast/stupidest-money/ +Why is the house market crashing a bad thing, would it not be a good thing if the houses were cheaper, so that normal people can afford a home instead of being stuck renting? + +If the market keeps going up and doesn't have a correction will it be impossible to own a home? +I'm scrambling to deal with unexpected loss of income during the shutdown. I had $25k in an Ally CD as my emergency fund . . . I'd gambled last year that I wouldn't need the funds soon and locked them up in a 12-month CD, thinking that I could break it open and take the 60-day interest penalty if an emergency came up. + +Enter the shutdown. Usually I'd be ok for awhile, but I'd just made a large purchase in November that needed some belt tightening and budgeting. I hadn't budgeted for a complete loss of income. It wasn't dire, but I needed to pull the first parachute cord and liquidate the CD. + +I called Ally and got David from the Arizona call center on the phone and asked about the penalty and told him about my shutdown situation. He said "wait on hold a minute if you would" and he took the situation up to his supervisor who waived the penalty and also refunded a couple of overdraft fees I'd incurred in this mess. + +I've read your stories about WF being cold as shit to people impacted by the shutdown. I'm super grateful to Ally for their help during a stressful time. David, if you read this, thanks a bunch! A really professional and kind operation. + + +--Edit-- to those who accuse me of being a corporate shill, whatever. This is an honest story about something that happened today and I have no financial connections to Ally Bank other than being their customer. The cynicism makes me sad. +Has anyone else realized this? Iā€™m so tired of scrolling social media and feeling like everyone is trying to sell me something. + +Weight loss programs, get rich quick schemes, influencers marketing crap, Facebook friends selling stupid nail art and beauty products, aesthetic companies trying to sell me Botox and fillers. + +It makes me irrationally angry, to the point that I donā€™t ever want to buy anything because most crap is useless or superficial. I just want TIME and FREEDOM and I realize the only way to get these things is with MONEY. Anyone trying to sell me something is just chipping away at that dream. + +A part of me just wants to hide away in a forest and live off the land šŸ˜† + +Tell me Iā€™m not crazy! + +EDIT: Here is the podcast episode I referred to in one of my comments + +https://www.npr.org/2022/01/14/1073199737/tiktok-made-me-buy-it +Is anyone else in the same boat? I am cutting back on things I donā€™t need for example chewing gum used to be around $3 now looking at $4.50?! +Same with a lot of other items like yoghurt/cheese.. +I am simply cutting them out entirely as I canā€™t justify the prices despite inflation +I understand the idea that giving the average American 1000 dollars would mean everyoneā€™s consumption would increase, but for the government to raise the tax revenue to pay for this they would have to increase taxes on companies such as amazon and surely this would reduce their profit and decrease the amount amazon contributed back into the economy. Is his theory based purely on the fact that the marginal propensity to consume of low income consumers is higher than that of Jeff Bezos? +I understand the idea that giving the average American 1000 dollars would mean everyoneā€™s consumption would increase, but for the government to raise the tax revenue to pay for this they would have to increase taxes on companies such as amazon and surely this would reduce their profit and decrease the amount amazon contributed back into the economy. Is his theory based purely on the fact that the marginal propensity to consume of low income consumers is higher than that of Jeff Bezos? +As price increases, a supplier wants to supply more of a commodity. Thus the upward sloping curve. But wouldn't a supplier want to supply more of a commodity at any price, regardless of the price. What am I missing here? Why isn't it a vertical line that a supplier will want to produce till he has resources available? +In this piece by David Frum: [https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/five-challenges-could-trigger-trump-comeback/620221/](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/09/five-challenges-could-trigger-trump-comeback/620221/) He said this about rising prices in the U.S. + +> Economists disagree on whether to describe the resulting rise in consumer prices as ā€œinflation,ā€ in the sense of a loss in the purchasing power of money relative to all goods and services. + +Is he right? If so, then what are the names of these economists and why the disagreement? If he is wrong, then how did anyone make this kind of mistake when you can just look at the CPI and see that its going up? [https://www.bls.gov/cpi/](https://www.bls.gov/cpi/) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hey guys, I did a detailed video about how you can spot financial statement manipulations and how dishonest management of a company can inflate the numbers to paint a rosy picture to attract investors. A dishonest management can manipulate vital metrics like return on equity, sales, earnings and operating cash flows to fool investors and shareholders. I discuss in detail how you spot these manipulations and what red flags you should look for. I discuss examples like AOL which capitalised its advertising expenses to inflate its profits. I also talk about how as investors we can benefit from using tools like the Beneish score to detect financial fraud. Check out this detailed video here: +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIYKPsaieUM&ab\_channel=InvestingUntangled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIYKPsaieUM&ab_channel=InvestingUntangled) +Negatives: + +\-EPS decrease from 3.88 to 3.67 this quarter + +\-Weak guidance of between 3-11% revenue increase + +\-Reality Labs lost 10+ billion + +\-Expenses increasing faster than revenue + +\-Number of users is stagnant + +Positives: + +\-FCF increased from 9.2-12.5 billion this quarter and 23-38 this year + +\-Spent 20 billion on share repurchases and shares outstanding decreased over 3% YOY + +\-Revenue increased 20% this quarter and 37% this year + +\-Ad impressions increased by 13% and price per ad increased 6% this quarter + +&#x200B; + +Overall, seems like the core business is quite strong. The metaverse expenses are increasing, but free cash flow is also increasing. FB is trading after hours at about $250, so this gives a PE of roughly 18. Seems like a great price for a company with good growth, strong balance sheet, and committed to serious buybacks. +The reason the great DFV is so quick, organized and succinct in his responses is because you donā€™t need to ā€œprepareā€ to tell the truth. Itā€™s easy to answer a question when the truth is the answer. + +Compare that to Robinhood or citadel and itā€™s clear to see who needed to ā€œprepareā€ and be coached for these questions today. + +Itā€™s unfortunately clear that this hearing will result in little to no action or changes going forward to hold big money accountable for their bad decisions, and the people will continue to shoulder the burden for their mistakes. + +Iā€™m not here to stick it to the man, or take down big hedgies, Iā€™m here for the tendies just like anyone else, but itā€™s very clear we will see something like this happen again in another 5-10 years, with retail traders and tax payers shielding big money at the cost of our tendies. +Can you say what degree you got, how long youā€™ve been a data scientist and ballpark how much you make? + +Iā€™m heading up a new data science department (uk) and want to get an idea of expectations, experience and where to pitch wages to get someone decent. It would be to build machine learning capabilities using python to inform decision making on trading commodities. + +From experience it is often difficult to find a good data scientist and harder yet to identify them from a standard interview process. + +thanks in advance +Hey, + +I am looking a website, forum, repository which has different trading strategies (in any language) in order to use them for educational purposes. Do you have any links, repos in mind? + +thank you! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +There is nothing to see here. The market has boiled up higher because repo markets are proving out that the Fed will bail out the banks in a liquidity crisis. The Dow needs to fall at least another 2000 points before I'm even interested to look at it. We desperately need a good sized correction. Quit buying calls, unless you want to get ran over. +The fundamentals did not change. + +People did not suddenly forget about ethereum. + +No system collapse/ big technology fail. + +No bad news. + +This is just healthy price movement and it is teaching us, a future generation of investors, the hard way a market can be. I still see the flippening happenig soon, price reaching 1k$ and more. + +I am not looking forward to making an anti-FUD post, because IDGAS about people selling or getting scared. These people will always be even if we reach 2000$, the same questions will be asked. So I won't spend my time for it. + +You have to love the market and learn from it. Don't try to time it and especially don't forget the reasons why we went so high at the first place. THIS WAS NOT MANIPULATION LIKE BTC IN 2013 THESE WERE FUNDAMENTALS ! + +#etherisnotbitcoin + BabyFlokiInu ($BFLOKI) launched yesterday and completely shattered all expectations! The team and community absolutely killed it, at all time high the token was at a market cap of 8.5 million and the holders list skyrocketed, there are currently almost 7500 holders of BFLOKI in less than 24 hours of it launching. + +$BFLOKI got listed on coin sniper within a few hours of launching and CoinGecko has been applied for, the community is incredible and have helped the growth a tonne by shilling, spreading the word and upvoting ALL of the reddit posts about this absolute gem. We are currently trending on Dextools, have partnered with a huge Chinese influencer, and are planning on launching Btok ads to grow our Chinese community. + +Want some more bullish news? Okay! + +Within ONE DAY of this token's launch - two EXTREMELY prominent crypto exchanges have reached out to the team to list the token. The team are currently in talks with Hotbit and BKEX. This is massive and completely unprecedented in the DeFi space, to be in talks with exchanges after just one day is unreal. + +Weā€™ve seen BabyDoge whales sell huge positions for this up and comer, itā€™s still incredibly early! This is going to surpass 10 million market cap in the next few days without a doubt. + +The Elon hype is back in the BSC space and Baby Floki Inu is star of the show. The momentum has been maintained since launch and the team has incredible plans for this one. Letā€™s Go Baby Floki Inu. + +šŸ¶ Contract Address: 0x02a9D7162BD73c2b35c5Cf6cDD585e91928c850A + +šŸ¶ t.me/BabyFlokiInuBSC + +šŸ¶ t.me/BabyFlokiInu\_CN + +šŸ¶ Poocoin Chart: 0x02a9d7162bd73c2b35c5cf6cdd585e91928c850a + +šŸ¶ Pancakeswap Link: exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x02a9D7162BD73c2b35c5Cf6cDD585e91928c850A +With $100,000 investments performed on the same date. Dividends *not* reinvested. Math below. + +#Phillip Morris + +4,045 shares at a cost of $24.72 per share on a $100,000 investment. + +Stock split, 4 for 1. 10/10/1989. You now have 16,180 shares. + +Stock split 3 for 1. 4/10/1997. You now have 48,450 shares. + +MO pays out $50.29 dividends per share for a total of **$2,436,550.50** + +MO current price $48.85. A total of **$2,366,782.50** worth of MO stock. + +03/28/2008, Altria (renamed in 2003) Spins off Philip Morris International. You receive 48,450 shares of PM stock + +PM pays out $36.61 a share in dividends for a total of **$1,773,754.50** + +PM current price $83.46. A total of **$4,043,637** + +3/30/2007, Altria spins off Kraft foods. You receive 33,528 shares of KRFT. + +KRFT pays out $5.80 per share in dividends for a total of **$194,462.40** + +Kraft Foods Group merged with Heinz. Your 33,528 shares now trade under ticker KHC. + +KHC pays out $14.28 per share in dividends for a total of **$478,779.84** + +KHC current price 47.63. A total of **$1,596,938.64** of KHC stock. + +10/1/2012 Kraft Spins off Mondelez. You now own 100,584 shares of MDLZ + +MDLZ pays out $4.65 in dividends for a total of **$467,715.60** + +MDLZ current price is $47.76 for a total of **$4,803,891.84** + +Total return on investment? ***$18,162,512.82*** + +------ + +#AAPL + +$100,000 would buy a split-adjusted 74,626 shares. At 170.5 current price $12,723,733 with total of $1,066,405.54 in dividends = ***$13,790,138.54*** +It was June 21, 2019, the first day of summer, when I first broke the $500k resistance, and I was on track to $600k within a 1-year timeframe before the pandemic hit. Regardless, I checked my balance after close today, and was grinning from ear to ear. + +Oh, I know it will likely dip below that a bunch of times before it firmly settles above this threshold, but Iā€™m patient and diligent with always contributing the maximum to my 401k each year, and my company has a generous 4 1/2% match + a 3% enhanced contribution when they sunsetted the defined benefit plan 10-years ago. + +Now my goal is to see if I can hit $700k in less than 400-days. VEIRX, VIEIX, VSMAX, VINIX, VWUAX are the funds in my 401k. + +I just want to encourage everyone who strives for financial independence to stay the course, be patient, sacrifice wants vs. needs when you can, and contribute as much as possible towards your retirement funds. + +Good luck and happy investing! +**TL;DR:** Solana could literally be replaced with a SQL database at this point; you'd get as much scalability as you want, and there would be no tradeoff in decentralization b/c the chain has none to begin with. **People in crypto don't actually want to get rid of the banks; they just want to be the first to get in on the bank that will give them the biggest yields.** + +It's been said here before, but Solana is a scam: I knew it from the second I heard the CEO of the development company describe the "network switch model" of "doing one thing (high scalability and throughput for dApps) and doing it well". Here's my reasoning: + +I work in the tech industry, and I can show you a ledger that can scale faster and for cheaper than Solana right now. Moreover, it's more stable and you'll have next to no problems using it b/c *the underlying tech has already been in use since the '70s*! + +... It's called a SQL database. It can handle millions of TPS even without complex scaling schemes, and it gets faster as you add more machines to it. You can run pretty much any financial application you want on top of it with no problems b/c, in fact, *all of traditional finance is already built on top of it*. Instead of using a complex language like Solidity or Rust, devs can literally use JavaScript. You can even log into it with your Facebook account! + +The problem is: What I'm describing is 100% centralized. In fact, it's literally the technical foundation for all centralization of data; it's the bookkeeping layer behind the billions and trillions of dollars that the banks and big tech are screwing people out of every day (the *settlement layer*, if you will). + +The point I'm getting at is that: **If you have a ledger that can be rolled back at the discretion of a central group of authorities, then it's literally a glorified database being run by a glorified bank.** If you have no problem with this, then you're in crypto for the wrong reasons; therefore, I suggest it's time to reexamine things. + +**Citing a comment I made from below to clarify (thanks to** u/Halvinz)**:** + +>I'd imagined that any dev reading this would forgo the technical nitty-gritty, as this *is* Reddit. My point is that Solana has a closed validator set, a closed-source protocol, *and* a literal Discord channel where it's openly and explicitly scheduled network shutdowns with validators whenever it became inconvenient to fight D/DoS attacks. +> +>Solana clearly wasn't built in the makings of a blockchain, which is decentralized by definition; my point is that you could build pretty much the exact same UI/UX with a SQL database as a storage backend, and you'd have no loss in uptime or security (if anything, those would be better!) + +&#x200B; +**I am getting increasingly worried about the amount of warning signals that are flashing red for hyperinflation- I believe the process has already begun, as I will lay out in this paper. The first stages of hyperinflation begin slowly, and as this is an exponential process, most people will not grasp the true extent of it until it is too late.** I know Iā€™m going to gloss over a lot of stuff going over this, sorry about this but I need to fit it all into four posts without giving everyone a 400 page treatise on macro-economics to read. Counter-DDs and opinions welcome. This is going to be a lot longer than a normal DD, but I promise the pay-off is worth it, knowing the history is key to understanding where we are today. + +**SERIES (Parts 1-4) TL/DR: We are at the end of a MASSIVE debt supercycle. This 80-100 year pattern** ***always*** **ends in one of two scenarios- default/restructuring (deflation a la Great Depression) or inflation (hyperinflation in severe cases (a la Weimar Republic). The United States has been abusing itā€™s privilege as the World Reserve Currency holder to enforce its political and economic hegemony onto the Third World, specifically by creating massive artificial demand for treasuries/US Dollars, allowing the US to borrow extraordinary amounts of money at extremely low rates for decades, creating a** [**Sword of Damocles**](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+sword+of+Damocles+hangs+over+head) **that hangs over the global financial system.** + +**The massive debt loads have been transferred worldwide, and sovereigns are starting to call our bluff. Governments papered over the 2008 financial crisis with debt, but never fixed the underlying issues, ensuring that the crisis would return, but with greater ferocity next time. Systemic risk (from derivatives) within the US financial system has built up to the point that collapse is all but inevitable, and the Federal Reserve has demonstrated it will do whatever it takes to defend legacy finance (banks, broker/dealers, etc) and government solvency, even at the expense of everything else (The US Dollar).** + +# + +# Iā€™ll break this down into four parts. ALL of this is interconnected, so please read these in order: + +# [Part One: The Global Monetary System- ā€œA New Romeā€ < ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) + +&#x200B; + +# [Part Two: Derivatives, Systemic Risk, & Nitroglycerin- ā€œThe Ouroborosā€ < ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o727oc/the_dollar_endgame_part_2_the_ouroboros/) + +&#x200B; + +# [Part Three: Banks, Debt Cycles & Avalanches- ā€œThe Money Machineā€ <](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogzoco/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) + +&#x200B; + +# Part Four: Financial Gravity & the Fedā€™s Dilemma- ā€œAt Worldā€™s Endā€ < (YOU ARE HERE) + +&#x200B; + +***If you havenā€™t already, PLEASE go back and read Parts 1-3. Weā€™ll be referring heavily to concepts like Triffinā€™s Dilemma, Derivative Feedback loops, and Debt Supercycles throughout Part 4. I want to make sure everyone is on the same page as we delve into Part 4, the largest and most comprehensive section yet.*** + +&#x200B; + +# Preface: + +Some Terms you need to know: + +[Hyperinflation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/hyperinflation.asp): This is a term to describe rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases in an economy. While [inflation](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/i/inflation.asp) is a measure of the pace of rising prices for goods and services, hyperinflation is rapidly rising inflation, typically measuring more than 50% per month. + +[Money Velocity:](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/velocity.asp) The velocity of money is a measurement of the rate at which money is exchanged in an economy. It is the number of times that money moves from one entity to another. It also refers to how much a unit of currency is used in a given period of time. Simply put, it's the rate at which consumers and businesses in an economy collectively spend money. + +The velocity of money is usually measured as a ratio of [gross domestic product](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gdp.asp) (GDP) to a country's M1 or M2 [money supply](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/moneysupply.asp). + +[Monetary Base:](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/monetarybase.asp) The monetary base (or M0) is the total amount of a [currency](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/currency.asp) that is either in general circulation in the hands of the public or in the form of commercial [bank deposits](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/bank-deposits.asp) held in the central bank's reserves. This measure of the [money supply](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/moneysupply.asp) is not often cited since it excludes other forms of non-currency money that are prevalent in a modern economy. + +[Seigniorage:](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/definition/seigniorage) Seigniorage is the difference between the value of currency/money and the cost of producing it. It is essentially the ā€œprofitā€ earned by the government by printing currency. The greater the seigniorage, the more money the government is incentivized to print. Since this money hits government coffers before it circulates in the general economy, it represents ā€œstolen wealthā€ that is used to fund expenditures. This ā€œprofitā€ has to come from somewhere, so thus it is drawn from the real wages and incomes of the working class people of a country, since their wages/incomes stay constant, but inflation caused by money printing increases the real costs of living. + +[Currency Pair:](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/currencypair.asp) A currency pair is the quotation of two different currencies, with the value of one currency being quoted against the other. The first listed currency of a currency pair is called the [base currency](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/basecurrency.asp), and the second currency is called the [quote currency](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quotecurrency.asp). A pair such as EUR/USD which trades at 1.25, for example, means that 1 Euro can buy 1.25 Dollars. + +[Greshamā€™s Law:](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/greshams-law.asp) Gresham's law is a monetary principle stating that "bad money drives out good." At the core of Greshamā€™s law is the concept of good money (money which is undervalued or money that is more stable in value) versus bad money (money which is overvalued or loses value rapidly). The law holds that bad money replaces good money in circulation, since people prefer to dispose of a currency that is falling in value rather than one that retains it; thus in a currency system with two competing currencies, such as Zimbabwe during itā€™s hyperinflation, the populace prefers to use hyperinflated dollars over US dollars since the Zimbabwean dollars will lose most of their value in just a matter of weeks. + +*(Disclaimer: I have been reported for spreading FUD and hit with dozens of PMs stating that I am doing this to fear-monger- please know this is NOT my intention. History shows us that hyperinflations, although very difficult times, do NOT MEAN a complete societal collapse. Life gets harder for many people, but humans adapt to the challenges and continue to try to lead a normal life- crime rates DO increase (mainly theft) but* ***people DO NOT start randomly hunting each other like The Purge.****)* + +&#x200B; + +# Part Four: Financial Gravity & the Fedā€™s Dilemma- At Worldā€™s End + +(Part Four is so large, it had to be split into multiple sections; 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, and so on. It will likely be 6 or 7 sections in total) + +&#x200B; + +# Prologue: + +&#x200B; + +[The Ships of Trade](https://preview.redd.it/hhtbvd77y9n71.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=f625602452a6a7226a7759e989fde8808ea5f583) + +**ā€œImagine the world economy as an armada of ships passing through a narrow and dangerous strait leading to the sea of prosperity. Navigating the channel is treacherous- err too far to one side and your ship plunges off the waterfall of deflation; but too close to the other and it burns in the hellfire of inflation.** The global fleet is tethered by chains of trade and investment so if one ship veers perilously off course it pulls the others with it. + +Our only salvation is to hoist our economic sails and harness the winds of innovation and productivity. It is said that de-leveraging is a perilous journey and beneath these dark waters are many a sunken economy of lore. **Print too little money and we cascade off the waterfall like the Great Depression of the 1930s... print too much and we burn like the Weimar Republic Germany in the 1920s...** fail to harness the trade winds and we sink like Japan in the 1990s. + +**On cold nights when the moon is full you can watch these ghost ships making their journey back to hell... they appear to warn us that our resolution to avoid one fate may damn us to the other.ā€** + +* [**Artemis Capital Research Paper**](https://artemiscm.docsend.com/view/u8q6ygn3h8j5w99f) + +# The Weimar Republic Hyperinflation + +On June 28th, 1914, Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were [assassinated](https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/archduke-ferdinand-assassinated) by a Bosnian Serb nationalist named Gavrilo Princep. The assassination set off a rapid chain of events, as Austria-Hungary immediately blamed the Serbian government for the attack, and a complex web of alliances and treaties dragged country after country into the carnage. + +As large and powerful Russia supported Serbia, Austria asked for assurances that Germany would step in on its side against Russia and its allies, including France and possibly Great Britain. On July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the fragile peace between Europeā€™s great powers collapsed, beginning the devastating conflict now known as the First World War. + +The first month of combat consisted of bold attacks and rapid troop movements on both fronts. In the west, Germany attacked first Belgium and then France. In the east, Russia attacked both Germany and Austria-Hungary. In the south, Austria-Hungary attacked Serbia. Following the [Battle Of The Marne](https://www.britannica.com/event/First-Battle-of-the-Marne) (September, 1914), the western front became entrenched in central France and remained that way for the rest of the war. The fronts in the east also gradually locked into place. + +In terms of sheer numbers of lives lost or disrupted, the Great War was the most destructive war in history until it was overshadowed by its offspring, the Second World War. By the end, the combatants would estimate 10 million military deaths from all causes, plus 20 million more crippled or severely wounded. Estimates of civilian casualties were harder to make; they died from shells, bombs, disease, hunger, and accidents such as explosions in munitions factories; in some cases, they were executed as spies. + +Although both sides launched renewed offensives in 1918 in an all-or-nothing effort to win the war, all efforts failed. The fighting between exhausted, demoralized troops continued to plod along until the Germans lost a number of individual battles and very gradually began to fall back. A deadly outbreak of Influenza, meanwhile, took heavy tolls on soldiers of both sides. Eventually, the governments of both Germany and Austria-Hungary began to lose control as both countries experienced multiple mutinies from within their military structures. + +The war ended in the late fall of 1918, after the member countries of the Central Powers signed Armistice Agreements one by one. Germany was the last, signing its armistice on November 11, 1918. As a result of these agreements, Austria-Hungary was broken up into several smaller countries. Germany, under the Treaty Of Versailles, was severely punished with hefty economic reparations, territorial losses, and strict limits on its rights to develop militarily. + +World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th century geopolitical history. It led to the fall of four great imperial dynasties (Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey), resulted in the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, and, in its destabilization of European society, laid the groundwork for [World War II](https://www.britannica.com/event/World-War-II) and the Weimar Hyperinflation. + +&#x200B; + +[Great War Infographic](https://preview.redd.it/vgvmgiljy9n71.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2ab54416819a6f2f3f75c89b196a9f73262822f) + +&#x200B; + +This destabilization was especially visible in Germany, as soon after the war ended, it was thrown into economic and social disorder. After a series of mutinies by German sailors and soldiers, [Kaiser Wilhelm II](https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/kaiser-wilhelm-ii) lost the support of his military and the German people, and he was forced to abdicate on November 9, 1918. + +The following day, a provisional government was announced made up of members of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USDP), shifting power from the military. In December 1918, elections were held for a National Assembly tasked with creating a new parliamentary constitution. On February 6, 1919, the National Assembly met in the town of Weimar and formed the Weimar Coalition. They also elected SDP leader Friedrich Ebert as President of the new [Weimar Republic](https://www.history.com/topics/germany/weimar-republic). + +As in the case of other wars, governments suspended the gold standard during World War I to increase the money supply and pay for the war. Therefore, as in the case of all post-war eras, many countries faced much higher inflation rates at the end of World War I than they had experienced beforehand. + +&#x200B; + +[\(When Money Dies, pg. 9\)](https://preview.redd.it/q0aium9wy9n71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=147e40f3412685ef20fd0b0a0f056a93e645740c) + +The German inflation of 1914ā€“1923 had an inconspicuous beginning, a creeping rate of one to two percent. On the first day of the war, the German Reichsbank, like the other central banks of the belligerent powers, suspended redeemability of its notes in order to prevent a run on its gold reserves. (Similar to what Nixon would do for the US several decades later on Aug. 15th, 1971, as discussed in Part 1). + +Furthermore, it offered assistance to the central government in financing the war effort. Since taxes are always unpopular, the German government preferred to borrow the needed amounts of money rather than raise its taxes substantially. To this end it was readily assisted by the Reichsbank, which discounted (read: purchased) most treasury obligations. + +A growing percentage of government debt thus found its way into the vaults of the central bank and an equivalent amount of printing press money into people's cash holdings. **In short, the central bank was monetizing (directly printing) the growing government debt, which was being spent into the real economy.** + +**By the end of the war prices had risen some 140 percent, from their figures at the outbreak of war**. The German mark had traded around a normal range of 20 marks to the Pound during the early stages of the war, and before that was as low as 5. It ended December 1918 at 43 marks to the Pound. + +The U.S. returned to the gold standard in 1919, and other European countries and Japan reinstated the gold parity a couple years later. Considering the limited gold supply of the early 1920s, the European countries and Japan decided on a partial gold standard, where reserves consisted of partly gold and partly other countriesā€™ currencies. This standard is known as the [*gold exchange standard*.](https://newworldeconomics.com/the-gold-exchange-standard/) + +Germany, however, was in a much more difficult position. Devastated by the conflict, she saw her manpower collapse, her raw productive industries destroyed, and her old political establishment upended. Most destructive of all, however, was the [Treaty of Versailles](https://www.history.com/news/treaty-of-versailles-world-war-ii-german-guilt-effects). + +&#x200B; + +[Signing of the Treaty](https://preview.redd.it/kqqoopi8z9n71.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=37a30e8fd9167d55b56188eea2698b7ea31bab51) + +In January 1919, two months after the fighting in World War I ceased, a[ conference](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1914-1920/paris-peace) was convened at[ Versailles](http://en.chateauversailles.fr/discover/history/key-dates/treaty-versailles-1919), the former country estate of the French monarchy outside Paris, to work out the terms of a peace treaty to officially end the conflict. Though representatives of nearly 30 nations attended- peace terms essentially were written by the leaders of the United Kingdom, France and the United States, who along with Italy, formed the ā€œBig Fourā€ that dominated the proceedings. + +The defeated countries- Germany and her allies Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, (now Turkey) and Bulgaria, werenā€™t even invited to participate. In the end the Allies agreed that they would punish Germany in an attempt to weaken that nation so much that it wouldnā€™t pose a future threat. The counter-proposals submitted by the Central Powers on the 29th were all rejected. Germany refused to sign. On 17 June the Allies gave Germany five days to decide or have the war resume. Germanyā€™s representatives had no real choice but to accept the terms, and thus assented to the ā€œ[diktat](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/diktat)ā€. + +The terms were harsh, by any standard- [The terms of the Treaty](https://www.history.com/news/treaty-of-versailles-provisions) required the new German Government to surrender approximately 10 percent of its prewar territory in Europe and all of its overseas possessions. Germany was stripped of massive amounts of land, losing 68,000 kmĀ² of territory, including Alsace and Lorraine, which had been annexed in 1870, and 8 million inhabitants. Part of western Prussia was given to Poland, which gained access to the sea through the famous ā€œPolish Corridorā€. In addition, it lost most of its ore and agricultural production. Its colonies were confiscated, and its military strength was crippled. + +Under the terms of Article 231 of the Treaty, the Germans accepted full responsibility for the war and the liability to pay reparations to the Allies, in an amount to be determined by a Reparations Commission. This last provision would prove to be the most catastrophic for Germany. The reparations figure was hotly contested by all parties- it began as a $5 billion payment in 1919, then $9 billion, and then as the war costs continued to be accounted for, ballooned to $33 billion in 1921 ((all figures in $ value of debt at that time, not adjusted for inflation)). **The victors elected to hoist every cost, that of healthcare of wounded French soldiers, of lost Belgian horses, of pensions for British railway workers, and more- onto the shoulders of the German State.** + +Famous British economist John Maynard Keynes understood that a debt of this size was essentially unpayable, and further antagonized the German people against the Allies- **ā€œI believe that the campaign for securing out of Germany the general costs of the war was one of the most serious acts of political unwisdom for which our statesmen have ever been responsible,**ā€ [he wrote in 1920.](https://archive.org/details/economicconseque00keyn/page/n6/mode/2up) + +Immediately after the war, the German government embarked upon heavy expenditures for health, education, and welfare. The demands on the Treasury were extremely heavy because of demobilization expenses; the debt of the Armistice, the repair of destroyed infrastructure, and the staggering deficits of the nationalized industries, all added up to massive fiscal deficits that only continued to increase. + +&#x200B; + +[\(When Money Dies, pg 15\)](https://preview.redd.it/wkrqpjekz9n71.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=10cfe66f158b07c2a09a142d3f1168bf63b8f876) + +The wartime inflation of roughly 20% per year had largely been hidden from the public. Under the cloak of military secrecy, the government had been able to conceal the inflation figures, close the stock exchanges, and ban the publication of foreign exchange rates. The frequent shortages and price hikes were chalked up to wartime rationing, and thus many citizens thought that as the war ended and political agreement was finalized in Versailles, the high inflation rates would start to normalize and prices would come down. **What they did not understand was that the Treasury by this time was completely underwater in debt and war obligations- they had long since resolved to make up the massive deficits purely through the power of the printing press, electing to expand the money supply rather than default on payments.** + +&#x200B; + +[\(When Money Dies, pg 33\)](https://preview.redd.it/k2zfb1crz9n71.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcd05583f456fbde18ba33bf69655cef8410ba78) + +&#x200B; + +The cost of living since the outbreak of the war had risen by nearly 12 times (compared with 3 times in the U.S., 4 times in Britain and 7 times in France). The food for a family of four which cost 60 marks a week in April 1919, cost 198 marks by September 1920, and 230 marks by November 1920. Certain items such as lard, ham, tea, and eggs rose to between thirty and forty times the pre-war price. (pg 30). Prices continued to rise across the board. + +**Throughout the period of the inflation the most popular explanation of the monetary depreciation laid the blame on an unfavorable balance of payments (also known as current account deficits, as covered, in-depth in** [**Part 1**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)**) which in turn was blamed on the payment of reparations and other burdens imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. To most German writers and politicians, the government deficits and the paper inflation were not the causes but the consequences of the external depreciation of the mark.** The wide popularity of this explanation, which charged the victorious Allies with full responsibility for the German disaster, bore ominous implications for the future- as it provided Hitler with scapegoats on which he could direct the German fury. + +As the inflation continued to soar above 50% in late 1920, economists began to uncover a [devastating feedback loop that drove consumer behavior](http://cas-chile.blogspot.com/2016/01/the-feat-of-paul-volcker-systemic-view.html). As consumerā€™s inflation expectations rose, they went out and bought more goods, refusing to leave their cash sitting in bank accounts where it was losing half its value every year. This influx of buying served to increase prices, which confirmed the consumersā€™ own suspicions of inflation, **revealing a hidden feedback loop** (The Ouroboros, covered in Part 2) that was nearly impossible to halt. + +&#x200B; + +[The Inflation Feedback Loop](https://preview.redd.it/rsrgfpjvz9n71.jpg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2398ce91522b89c208bef55a494bc97112b17e9) + +The other problem that was quickly realized was the rapidly increasing [money velocity](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/velocity.asp). (The velocity of money is a measurement of the rate at which money is exchanged in an economy, measured in how many times the average bill is exchanged a year). Letā€™s walk through this- If an economy has a total money supply of $1000, but those bills only pass between hands once a year, they can only bid for goods and services ONCE during the year. If those same dollars pass hands (ie transact) 365 times during the year, they can bid those same goods up 365 times during the year, thus increasing overall prices. Low money velocity means that people are saving their money, rather than spending it, and thus asset prices and consumer prices remain low- there is less money available to bid them up. + +**Money velocity is a second order derivative on top of inflation- it also represents another positive feedback loop. Velocity typically increases in times of inflation and decreases in times of deflation, thus exacerbating moves in either direction (making inflation more severe or deflation more severe).** + +Data for this time period is extremely scarce, so it was difficult to find good sources that could reliably estimate velocity- one [decent source](http://www.econseminars.com/Other%20Episodes/The%20Weimar%20Hyperinflation.pdf) from an Economics PhD I found showed that money velocity started at 8 in 1920, **but rapidly increased to 10 in 1921, then 100, then soared above 10,000 in the final stages of the collapse in 1923. A rate this high implies the average single paper mark was changing hands 27 times a day!** (The way the Fed calculates money velocity today is EXTREMELY flawed, as we will cover in the coming sections). + +**Most Germans were oblivious of the ruin that lay in front of them.** Frau Esenmenger, a widow in Austria who documented the hyperinflation in detail, went out and used her life savings to buy 20,000 kronen worth of government bonds at the end of the war. When she returned a year later, it already had lost 75% of its value. Several years later, it wouldnā€™t even buy a loaf of bread. She stormed into the banking hall, asking her banker about her investment from a year prior- she documented this in her diary: + +In the large banking hall a great deal of business was being doneā€¦ All around me animated discussions were in progress concerning the stamping of currency, the issue of new notes, the purchase of foreign money, and so on. I went to see the bank official who advised me. ā€œWell, wasnā€™t I right?, he said. ā€œIf you had purchased Swiss francs a year ago when I suggested, you would not now have lost three fourths of your fortuneā€. ā€œLost!ā€ I exclaimed in horror. ā€œWhy, you donā€™t think the currency will recover again?ā€ **ā€œRecover!ā€ he laughed. ā€œJust test the promise made on this note and try to get 20 silver kronen in exchangeā€. ā€œYes, but mine are government securitiesā€, I replied- ā€œSurely there canā€™t be anything safer than that?ā€ ā€œMy dear lady- where is the State which guaranteed these securities to you? It is dead.ā€** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# BUY, HODL, BUCKLE UP. + +# >>>>>>>TO BE CONTINUED >>>>>>> PART 4.1>>> COMING LATER THIS WEEK + +&#x200B; + +**(Adding this to clear up FUD- My argument is for hyperinflation to begin in a few years- this is a years- long PROCESS, and will take a long time to play out. It won't happen tomorrow, but we are in the same situation as Germany after WW1. Hyperinflation is GOOD FOR GME--- DEBT VALUE COLLAPSES, MONEY CHASES ASSETS (EQUITIES) pushing the price UP, so shorts will have to cover) BUY AND HOLD.** + +*Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. From reading my Post I cannot assess anything about your personal circumstances, your finances, or your goals and objectives, all of which are unique to you, so any opinions or information contained on this Post are just that ā€“ an opinion or information. Please consult a financial professional if you seek advice.* + +\*If you would like to learn more, check out a Google doc of my recommended reading list [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nSw9odLoExaq0oEBqIHrCK1Xj5KfyjBkGQZ93LTh34g/edit?usp=sharing). This is a dummy google account, so feel free to share with friends- none of my personal information is attached. You can also check out a Google docs version of my[ Endgame Series here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing). + +If you want a PDF version, u/zedinstead made copies of Parts 1,2, and 3 in his Superstonk DD library [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p7fx8w/the_superstonk_library_of_dd_art_books_and/). +**Suspension over - if i had one last comment its this post.. Stay strong APES** + +[Read \^](https://preview.redd.it/a1n1me8zo6n81.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f28d382eea7250a81224a4766c5a1b54bcaf241) + +A year to date of analysis of FED spending and Markets confirms we are in the end game. The markets are unsustainable even with the FED spending. + +**FED BALANCE SHEET YTD** + +[https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/monetarypolicy\/bst\_recenttrends.htm](https://preview.redd.it/utruyxyf96n81.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=c55f0625fdc4b1819e8c1ddeb82d7f8d79b1795a) + +Year to date the FED balance sheet is up around $150bn. Over this time, markets have gone the other way. + +**US STOCKS YTD (S&P 500, DJIA, Tech and Smalls)** + +[U.S Stocks down 9.3&#37; to 17.9&#37;.](https://preview.redd.it/rci1p7mz96n81.png?width=1669&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e14917daed48bf735943134ab339e4bce0d1bc9) + +**Technically we are not in a bear market yet...** + +[But we are almost there... ](https://preview.redd.it/98la4jb8a6n81.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b71168fb3a3764e199b2af861dbf9510f75d5c3) + +**FED Balance Sheet since it all begun... \*Circa 2008** + +[https:\/\/www.federalreserve.gov\/monetarypolicy\/bst\_recenttrends.htm](https://preview.redd.it/b73iii1ga6n81.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e8218309c2fc4f63dde399edb922ab8a004f289) + +**US Markets since 2008...** + +[We hit the break even point...](https://preview.redd.it/pma45q39b6n81.png?width=1664&format=png&auto=webp&s=483d30e5f7f7726325dd9567a43e0b9fd1415fd3) + +[**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Break-even\_(economics)**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Break-even_(economics)) + +https://preview.redd.it/eokjtyaib6n81.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b7aa9215e1b8b95d1fbfbc78d76a30f483dd358 + +We are the point where the FED literally can't pump this market up anymore... I mean they would need crazy stimulus to the tune of trillions... + +**The law of diminishing returns aint a "law" for no reason...** + +https://preview.redd.it/qdnzd4r3c6n81.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a48d101fc4dde1d300324692dd82344589fe766 + +**Markets have gotten to the point where the new money the FED pumps in for liquidity isn't working, which is alarming since their only tool is to print more...** + +Pretty bad huh.. but it gets much worse... + +The FED balance sheet is composed of BONDS... mostly treasuries and agencies... + +A YTD look on Treasuries... + +[\\"TLT\\" 20 year plus treasury ETF](https://preview.redd.it/2keij79zc6n81.png?width=1665&format=png&auto=webp&s=86e4b966a7ef92229bd591eb23a40bc31199bdff) + +[The 20 year bond is down almost 8&#37; YTD.](https://preview.redd.it/3x69if1ed6n81.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb2df4e41bed83adac57f57655abf5ba56fc6612) + +[VGIT - Intermediatry Treasury Bonds](https://preview.redd.it/f4pkpmnmd6n81.png?width=1662&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0bd36b1951a86b10ab9fbfc5ba73255fbe23eca) + +[Down 1&#37; YTD.](https://preview.redd.it/c69ew0bxd6n81.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c68a9d83dfa7dbcf538a09591455120bc995bd1) + +**The longer bonds are selling off more than the intermediary and shorter as you'd expect...** + +So how many 20 year bonds does the FED have on their balance sheet? + +[From March 10th... It shows the FED has almost $5.75 Trillion in Treasuries... and more than $1.2 Trillion in the 20 year bond... ](https://preview.redd.it/wwjwtjfte6n81.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6f45691ccb9a574e9c183cc80154c461ebc6bb) + +YIKES... SIDE NOTE... + +[The FED has $2.25 Trillion in circulation and $1.75 in RRP and $250BN in overseas accounts??? ](https://preview.redd.it/tai93wj6f6n81.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=e825f242ac4eec9128ff704e5252b411e8ea7d95) + +So inflation is much higher if that RRP money was actually in circulation. + +The information above does not paint a good position for anyone to be in. The FED is still spending, and the markets are dropping... its one of the worst starts to a year ever... + +**BUT it gets so much better...** + +**Theory: FED's portfolios is decaying at a rate faster than the money they are pumping in to it.** + +Let me explain... I showed you above that the FED Balance sheet has increased YTD... But are their Treasuries not getting wrecked? You bet they are... + +With almost $6 Trillion in Securities, the FED owns more than 1 trilllion in 20 year bonds. Well the 20 year bond is down almost 8% YTD. So although it appears the FED balance sheet has increased only $150bn... thats after you factor in the losses. + +The FED is spending a lot more than it appears, because the bonds they own are selling off. + +Even tho the FED balance sheet is up $150bn YTD... I expect losses of more than $100bn on their 20 year bond exposure... and the selling has just started... + +[The 20 year bond looks similar to stonks, more volatile but you can see the trend change earlier in 2021... the market was worried about Treasuries before Stonks... ](https://preview.redd.it/s36rv40gg6n81.png?width=1669&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cd2e4ed7f1585ea9a24c8d7de8ece3df6320184) + +**Other bullets to remember -** + +1. When the FED does start offloading their balance sheet? Who is going to buy this? They have $9 Trillion... and yields are sub 2% in a high inflation and possible hyper inflation scenarios. +2. The FED balance sheet is getting rocked by interest rate risk and rising rates. If you look at their balance sheet its hard to see this (it just looks up) - securities going down in value/FED new money coming in - + +**Transparency is dying on their website... want some data...** + +[Why is it blank? ](https://preview.redd.it/hegcdw33h6n81.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5448a2480f8183b1afb78248ef16c409d283488) + +source: [https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst\_fedsbalancesheet.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst_fedsbalancesheet.htm) + +**TLDR: A YTD analysis of the FED spending and Balance Sheet confirms the DD.** + +**The FED holds more Treasuries and Agencies than anyone. Those markets are starting to fall. This will effect the FED balance sheet. When the FED starts to sell these assets... their balance sheet could destroy itself.** + +[oh shit... ](https://preview.redd.it/nitp00qph6n81.png?width=913&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f11befa1ede8e04eb74efadce297cbec744ca42) + +The house of cards is falling... this crash is going to be epic... + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +EDIT - **DID I just confirm my DD?** + +and with about $23 trillion in all Treasuries out there... the FED owns about 25% of the float... + +[https:\/\/www.sifma.org\/resources\/research\/us-treasury-securities-statistics\/](https://preview.redd.it/l444xawtr6n81.png?width=892&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9def84ddc730861a22d4de4492305d332c1fc9e) + +They about to learn about **liquidity...** + +**The FED DID PRINT $3 TRILLION THIS YEAR - FOUND AFTER - CONFIRMS MY DD -** + +**SO THE FED LOST ABOUT $2.85 TRILLION TO INTEREST RATE RISK IN 2022?** + +&#x200B; + +[1500 x 2 is about $3 trillion... OMG... ](https://preview.redd.it/g9nkb32gs6n81.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=2221fc3885c3d96358792256877b7b67204808d3) + +[https://www.sifma.org/resources/research/us-treasury-securities-statistics/](https://www.sifma.org/resources/research/us-treasury-securities-statistics/) + +one more time - the FED printed $3 Trillion this year (2022) - market is down, their bonds are down, their portfolio is only up $150bn... wtf is going on??? + +**They printed $3 trillion and lost $2.85 trillion... in two months... THE FED Balance Sheet eating itself much??? I need a wrinkle to look at that - I dont think the loss is actually that bad, some of the money they print does go to other things -** + +https://preview.redd.it/2cfkh6fcw6n81.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa4fad71141a2c7d7debb4f87e2c395f9c235d6 + +**The FED balance sheet is catpiss wrapped in dog shit... or something - its just Financial analysis - dont hate me -** +My great grandma just moved to a retirement home. My family is selling her house and 40 acres. They are willing to sell it all to me for just the price of the house and give me the 40 acres for free and mineral rights for free. Itā€™s $125,000. The house is old and probably will need major repairs soon. Iā€™m just torn over whether or not to buy and I donā€™t know anyone who is really knowledgeable about real estate investments. There is an oil boom happening in the area and they are drilling half a mile away. Appraised that I could rent it out for approximately $850 per month. Itā€™s in rural area of Texas but I donā€™t think finding a tenant would be an issue. Advice? + +Update: My loan just got approved and we are closing on the property. This whole process has got me really interested in real estate investing and I have already read several books. I want to thank yā€™all for your patience with the newbie and the engagement with this post! Iā€™ll continue to visit this community daily to learn even more. +A family member just sent me an article about Gamestop, and other "meme" stocks. Basically the article tries to spread FUD about investing in "meme" stocks, with Gamestop being the top of the list. + +I read the article, but they provide no convincing arguments with regards to their title. What's interesting though, is that they have a chart showing how much money went into buying Gamestop from Korea. The figure is shown below: + +&#x200B; + +[From left to right: Gamestop, Skillz, Microvision, Ocuzen. The number in the parenthesis indicates the rank, in terms of the total buy amount \(in dollars\)](https://preview.redd.it/v0hveepdxlx61.png?width=487&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d419d6f303eb63c8739aa9de68e146f13728b31) + +This chart is in Korean, so let me break it down for you. + +1. The light-blue pointy thing with number on top shows how much money went into buying these stocks. For Gamestop, this amounts to 236,840,000 dollars (\~237 million dollars). +2. The triangles right below show the return on these investments, over the period 4/1/2021 \~ 5/5/2021 +3. On the bottom right, the source is shown. **The source listed is the KOREAN SECURITIES DEPOSITORY**, which I believe is like the DTCC for Korea (someone please correct me if I'm wrong - although I'm Korean, I don't know much about the Korean system). + +So 237 million dollars from April 1st to May 5th, huh? Let's see how many shares that amounts to. + +Let's just assume the average price was 160 dollars. To me, this is reasonable, since the stock has been mostly trading sideways since April. I think if you consider the average return of -16.7%, you could get a more accurate average, but let's just say 160 dollars for now. + +**237 million dollars / 160 dollars per share \~= 1.48 million shares of Gamestop** + +You may think: 1.48 million? That's not a lot... + +But you have to remember: **this is Korea ONLY**. And Korea probably constitutes a very very very small portion of all GME shares. Plus, that's 5% of the free float (30M). Imagine how many shares apes in the US hold, as well as our Europoors, and Aussiepoors, and other Asiapes. Of course, the number above only shows the total buy amount. But I think it's safe to assume that people who get into GME mostly buy and hold - at least it's true for me, and all fellow Korean ants around me (family and friends). + +We own the float. We own the float multiple fucking times over. + +GME to the moon. + +**TL;DR:** Koreans alone have bought 1.48 million shares of GME since April Fools. Retail owns the float. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: The data above shows "ė§¤ģˆ˜ ź²°ģ œģ•”", which denotes **the amount of money used in successful buy transactions**. This is NOT the transaction amount in dollars, which would include sell amount as well. So it's a fact that 237 million dollars was used to buy GME since April. The only main assumption here is that the Korean Securities Depository provides accurate data, which I believe they do. Here is the [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea_Securities_Depository) page for what they do - I believe their role is similar to the DTCC + +&#x200B; + +\## Important Edit + +Edit 2: To answer a few common questions: + +* Yes, the number on the chart is in Dollars, not KRW. The left side of the figure says (ė‹¬ėŸ¬) which is "Dollar" in Korean. The number, "2ģ–µ3684ė§Œ" is 236,840,000. +* This figure does not provide any data for the sell amount. So we do not have data on this. But in my post, I state that I'm assuming most people in GME will hold. The reason for my assumption is that, most ordinary investors thought GME was done in January. BUT we have a lot of people who have looked into the research and concluded that GME is a good buy. If this was people FOMOing in in January, February, or even March, then I think this assumption would not hold. **But we have seen no significant price action in April - so why buy, if you don't believe in the squeeze?** Why would people FOMO in starting April? Media has been bashing GME, and volume has been mostly shit as well. That is why I think most people who bought in April are HODLing for the squeeze. +* Will add more later. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Update: I posted a [follow-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/8c9in2/last_week_i_posted_a_guide_on_making_1000mo/?ref=share&ref_source=link) to this post with more info and added revenue streams. + +Time investment required for these numbers: 30-40 hours a week. Feel free to work less or more. 40 hours a week is only a requirement if you want to make over $1,000 following this guide. + +Tech required for these numbers: A working laptop, a cellphone (in some cases), and an internet connection. Alternatively, just go to the library a few hours a day. + +This is a slightly modified and edited post that I made on another sub. I know that when I was trying to improve my life, working online opened a lot of additional doors for me. I was able to eat when I wanted instead of when I could afford it, I have been able to get my car paid off a little sooner, and have been able to afford more luxuries like taking the wife out on weekly dates. + +Working online is something that pretty much anyone can do. If you are already browsing Reddit, you have the tools to make additional income. I am including payment proof as well as direct links to all of the sites, so everyone can see that it is actually possible and get started today. These are all legit sites and I have not been scammed or jipped by any of them for any amount. Feel free to do your own research about their trustworthiness if need be. + +This is by no means a comprehensive guide to everything you can do online to make extra cash, nor is this really that impressive a number to make. This does not include some of the more well known sites like swagbucks or earnhoney, as I just do not like them that much. It does not include sites like Rat Race or Appen. It also does not include tutoring Chinese kids with some of the well known sites. This is more a quick overview of how I personally boosted my monthly income by almost $1,000 a month working with six different websites. While I am in America, many of these sites can be used worldwide. Hopefully someone can find a new revenue stream through this write-up. + +The times I have invested vary greatly, from one or two hours a day to well over 12 hours a day. I average somewhere around $6.25 an hour (admittedly never giving it 100% attention), but to me that is better than making nothing an hour. While it may seem excessive some days, I actually enjoy making money and I do some of it while I am at my day job, so it has become more of a time filler than actual work. Everyone will have their own experience but these are what have worked the best for me, either in time investment or having a little fun along the way. + +**Prolific.ac** ([$120](https://imgur.com/LJBrl0O)): Based in the UK, this is one of my favorites because they pay in Great British Pound (GBP) which is the equivalent to 1.4x the USD. Prolific is similar to mturk in that all you do is fill out surveys. Pay is better than mturk, but the availability of surveys is not as great. The initial questionnaire you have to fill out is a bit long taking me about 20 minutes, but ensures you qualify for every survey they show you and will never get disqualified for not meeting the demographic. You have to hit Ā£5 before you can cash out, but you get this after a few days of watching for surveys. Leave it open in a tab and check it throughout the day. I wish I could do this one all day because the pay rocks, but I only see a few a day. They pay out in PayPal anytime you request it and have a balance of over Ā£5. [www.prolific.ac](https://www.prolific.ac/p?ref=O8LEJ7R6) + +**Mturk** ([$2,400](https://imgur.com/1EPHq64)): This is by far the one I spend the most time on and has been the best earner. This site lets humans perform small tasks that robots still cannot do well. It is owned by Amazon. Downside is there are slim pickings on weekends and when colleges are out on vacation. I typically stick to surveys, but once in a while do batch jobs which there are more of. You have to wait a week for your first payout, which will go to an Amazon payment account. You can the get payouts one time per day after that. Approval for mturk can sometimes be a pain in the ass, almost impossible if you are not from the US, but is definitely worth it in my opinion if you can get approved. www.mturk.com + +**Respondent.io** ([$1,300](https://imgur.com/a/ITb6G)): This site allows users to screen for online or in-person surveys and focus groups. The pay is amazing, easily averaging $125 per test. I only average getting approved for the groups about 10% of the time (I have filled out about 200 screeners and have been selected for 20 studies). Thankfully, each screener only takes me a few minutes to fill out. I have made up to $200 with one hour of work doing an in person focus group. Most focus groups are done through webcam, so you don't even have to leave your house. They payout via PayPal 7 days after the activity is complete. [www.respondent.io](https://app.respondent.io/r/7%20secondman-6cf3dc2d701d) + +**Usertesting** ([$600](https://imgur.com/sxUwXW8)): This site allows you to review new websites and apps. The pay is usually $10 per recorded test lasting 10-15 minutes. Sometimes the pay is more, but never less. I average a few tests a week. Some weeks I will get a dozen tests, other weeks nothing. This one is great to practice your feedback skills, which open up a lot of other doors. Pay is through PayPal, one week (to the minute) after the test is complete. www.usertesting.com + +**Redbubble** ([$60](https://imgur.com/wobuyuz)): After getting rejected by merch by Amazon, I came here. You design and publish t-shirts, clocks, mugs, phone cases, and about 20 other mixed products, with each sell netting you a few bucks. They are based in Australia, and do pay-outs once a month on the 15th via PayPal. I have only been at this one for about two months, but see the potential it has. It also takes a good amount of upfront work before you see any dividends. You do all of the uploading and just wait for people to find it with keywords or searches. Great if you are artistic or know how to use any creative software. www.redbubble.com + +**PlaytestCloud** ($150): This is just simple game testing. It is super fun, very quick, and you get to test new games before anyone else. They send you tests for different listed devices, you download the game file, and they record your screen. The only issue I have with this one is that you are only able to test 3-4 games per month, at $9-$11 each. Paid almost immediately after each test via PayPal. No payment proof available as it is not all saved in one place. www.playtestcloud.com + +**Reddit subs**($400): From test driving cars, to doing homework, to rating businesses, these subs have been a catch all for when I have any extra time to go through them. Honestly, this has probably been the third best pay per hour of work out of everything, after Respondent and Prolific. I just wish there were gigs to find all day. Be careful not to get scammed here. Some people are just... something else. + +Check out r/beermoney, r/workonline, r/slavelabour, and r/jobs4bitcoins. + +Well, that is all I have for now. I hope someone can get something from this. Feel free to share any other revenue streams you may have and feel free to ask any questions you may have. I will answer the best I can. + +Edit: This isn't a get rich quick scheme. And it isn't a way to make anywhere near minimum wage online. This post if for people willing to sacrifice free time to make a few extra bucks. + +Edit II: Holy fuck, I get it. A second job would pay better. This is for people who want extra money without having to get a second job, are confined to their house for whatever reason, have unusual hours free, or for people (like me) that prefer making a bit extra sitting around in their underwear eating cereal not having to deal with other people. + +Edit III: I still understand a part time job will pay way more than this. If you would rather have a part time job, or deal with the stress of deliverables and bosses, have at it. Please stop. + +Edit IV: u/gordigor did an [excellent write-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/8asxdk/its_possible_to_make_an_extra_1000_a_month/dx25udg?utm_source=reddit-android) on a more passive way to earn around $50 a month. +I would like the data posted so we can look it over and identify what is actually going on. If you knew anything about this sub before you joined it and posted, you would realize this sub is full of extremely smart people with all different backgrounds including programmers, finance experts, lawyers, data scientists, etc. + + +The only way you can ā€œhelpā€ is by providing all of the data that ā€œretailā€ is too dumb to understand. Unless you are hiding something, this request should be fulfilled TODAY. + +IF NOT, please remove yourself from this sub. Ps, prove you reached out to the other sub reddits and also provide which mods approved your joining or reached out to invite. + +Edit: to ensure they see this as no response is typical. u/ORTEX_official + +Edit 2: they have been tagged on The bird app as well. + +Edit 3: the post has been up for over 5 hrs without a response BUT u/ORTEX_official has responded to the AMA request. Mods should remove and ban u/ORTEX_official from the sub at end of business today market time. 4p EST. + +Edit 4 : to the mod that approved them ā€œWhat say you?!ā€ I was messaged that I hastily moved to hold a mod accountable by a ban. I will remove that request currently but highly recommend some transparency. Wut doing mod?! Maybe they should be put on mod probation or something? + +Provide the data and where it is being sourced from, please. This is not hard. + +Edit 5: WTF response is that? We are looking into it and it didnt just affect GME?! Mods, it is time to ban? They even said they are being bullied?! + +Edit 6: added please + +Last edit: Mods, please ban them as at a minimum this can be considered forum sliding. They are not even a person as they are an entity. They can post on the bird app as they always do. I personally see 0 value with them here. They bring lies, gaslighting, disruption. (Msgd mod mail) +I can see in my BTC/ETH trade history that the perpetrator first sold my BTC for ETH. + +* There is no withdrawal history entry to indicate that it happened. +* No confirmation mail was sent to confirm the transaction(s). +* The IP addresses tracked are located in **Kiev, Ukraine**, where Liqui is based, and also Moscow, Russia and some other Ukrainian cities. + +This leads me to believe it's possibly an inside job or at least by someone with admin rights. Maybe Liqui's offices/databases were compromised. I opened a ticket and I am currently awaiting a response from them ASAP. + +PSA: Don't be a fool like me and enable 2FA (I always do this but I somehow missed it on liqui.io specifically) + +If anyone can notify them in other ways, please do so. +Hello friends, + +MtGox is gone. So let's prepare ourselves. + +On Tuesday, and for the rest of the week, all hell will break lose in the media. It will be blamed on MtGox, it will be blamed on Bitcoin, it will be blamed on the "bug," and it will, more than anything, be blamed on the "lack of regulation." Pundits and "experts" of all types will weigh in on the calamity. It will be world news in a matter of hours. + +Get ready, because it will be an ugly week. + +For all of you who lost money, my heart goes out to you. Some people lost a little, some lost a fortune. It will make people sick, and depressed, and full of grief. Personally, I had over 550 BTC in Gox. I will never get any of that back. If misery loves company, then we'll be enjoying a grand feast today. + +I should have known better, of course. I take responsibility for leaving those funds with an entity that had proven incompetence repeatedly. I chose to ignore even my own warnings, for nothing more than the sake of convenience. + +Gox is still at fault, to be sure, but I have learned the lesson. I hope it is not such an expensive lesson for others. And for all you observers, please take a moment to consider it as well. + +Be mindful, however, that the wrong lessons are not learned, for that would be the true tragedy, indeed. + +Let me suggest that the lesson is not that Bitcoin is broken. Bitcoin is fine. + +Similarly, the lesson is not that security is impossible. Those who know what they are doing, can achieve it and help others to do so. + +The lesson is not that nobody can be trusted. There are countless good men and women in this community who are worthy of trust, and some of the very best people I've ever met. + +And finally, the lesson is not that we ought to seek out "regulation" to save us from the evils and incompetence of man. For the regulators are men too, and wield the very same evil and incompetence, only enshrined in an authority from which it can wreck amplified and far more insidious destruction. Let us not retreat from our rising platform only to cower back underneath the deranged machinations of Leviathan. + +The proper lesson, if I may suggest, is this: We are building a new financial order, and those of us building it, investing in it, and growing it, will pay the price of bringing it to the world. This is the harsh truth. We are building the channels, the bridges, and the towers of tomorrow's finance, and we put ourselves at risk in doing so. + +We are at risk from accidents. We are at risk from fraud, from corruption, and from evil. We are at risk from journalists seeking headlines and from politicians seeking power and glory. We are at risk from the very market we are trying to build - a market which cares not about our portfolio, our ambitions, or our delicate sympathies. + +For all these risks, devastation will befall us repeatedly. Some of us will be discouraged. Some will be ridiculed and insulted. Some will be tricked, or swindled. Some of us will be crushed or caged. We will be set upon by all manner of antagonists, repeatedly, for a long time. + +So why do we do it? Why do we build these towers that fall down upon us? Why do we toil and strain and risk our precious time, which is the only real wealth we possess? + +Because the world needs what we're building. It needs it desperately. If that matters to you, as it does to me, then hold to that thought. You will see through the smoke, and your wounds will heal. + +So shake it off, brothers, for this won't be the last calamity endured before the win. + +Tonight, my heart is with you all. + +Tomorrow, my head is down. My eyes are open. And I am building. + +Toward peace and freedom, + +-Erik Voorhees +A mix of bad decisions and medical problems led me to rack up lots of credit card debt. I currently make 83,000 a year. My monthly salary after taxes is $4,800. I have $100 in my checking account and no savings. + +Card debt rounded up to make it easier. + +Card 1: $7,800, 26% + +Card 2: $6,300, 22% + +Card 3: $14,000, 0% till June 2023 + + +I also started a new job and my old job is making me pay back my signing bonus so I will have a bill for $4000. + +My new job gave me a sign on bonus of $8,500. I plan to use $4000 of it to pay back my old employer. Do I put the res ton credit card 1? Or do I keep it cause I have no savings? + +Monthly expenses + +Rent: $1500 /month + +Subscriptions & Wi-Fi: $132/month + +Transportation: $40 + +Food: $200 + + +Iā€™m just confused as to where to start. My lease is up in September 2023 so Iā€™m worried about finding a new place if my credit score is still low because of credit utilization. + +Before this I was making little over 20k a year. Just started this new job. Hence the no savings. Iā€™ve had credit cards since I was 18, Iā€™m 29 now. Which is why I was able to get such high limits. +Starting a new remote role as a staff sde in big tech in a few weeks. This role will likely be more responsibility than my last but also a lot more pay. + +I was wondering if any fatfirees made similar amounts at moderately demanding jobs on their way to the top, and what you did to optimize your time and wellbeing? I've always been the kind of person to do everything myself, but some of my coworkers have really leaned into paying others for almost everything so they can purely focus on their craft/job. + +Things I've been thinking of: + +* Personal Trainer + +* Nutritionist / Meal Service + +* Cleaning service + +* Good Ergonomic Desk / Chair setup + +* Good Vacations + +Curious to hear people's thoughts! Thanks +Melvin Capital previously showed a 6,000,000 put position on GameStop. On the 13F filing they released today, this position is nowhere to be found. + +**Does that mean Melvin covered!?** + +#NO. + +All this means is that they requested confidential treatment on all their put positions **AGAIN**. + +You can see they did this with their previous filing, Melvin chose to redact [large put positions](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1628110/000090571821000618/xslForm13F_X01/infotable.xml) from their previous 13F filing by requesting confidential treatment on them. + +Well the SEC denied their confidential treatment request, and they were forced to amend their 13F filing with these put positions NEARLY 2 MONTHS AFTER THE ORIGINAL FILING. All they did was kick the can down the road, and the SEC works about as fast as the DMV so it took them 2 months to deny their request. + +Now Melvin has done the exact same thing with this filing, they have simply redacted all their put positions from this 13F filing, requested confidential treatment from the SEC on all these positions, and will wait another 2 months before they finally have to amend them again. + + +From their previous filing, read the blue print: + +https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1628110/000090571821000618/xslForm13F_X01/primary_doc.xml + +> "THIS FILING LISTS SECURITIES HOLDINGS REPORTED ON THE FORM 13F FILED ON FEBRUARY 16, 2021, PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT AND FOR WHICH CERTAIN HOLDINGS WERE VOLUNTARILY WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUEST." + +edit: **A lot of folks are saying put positions don't really matter. This is mostly true, however, on the flip-side there are a lot of apes who think Melvin may have closed their positions because of this - and the point of this post is to prove they didn't. Their puts very well could have expired, BUT it's certainly not a coincidence that ALL of their put positions mysteriously disappeared at the same time. I'm 90% certain they filed for confidential treatment again.** + + +TL;DR + +MELVIN DID NOT COVER THEIR SHORTS. THEY ARE HIDING THEIR PUTS FROM THE PUBLIC. + +BUY. HODL. VOTE. +[[10+ year chart image](https://imgur.com/Pf4qj8e)] + +* 2008 - $15 K +* 2010 - $55 K +* 2012 - $170 K +* 2014 - $250 K +* 2016 - $540 K +* 2018 - $730 K +* Current - $930 K + +I graduated college in late 2008 and had a small amount of investments from working before then. My salary ($55K - $75K) has never been particularly high, so FIRE was always an attractive long-term solution for me. I saved aggressively from the very start (~50-80%) of take-home salary and already had FIRE in mind since way before the FIRE movement became popular. + +It wasn't too hard to hit those savings numbers since I either bummed at home with parents (very HCOL area, I only paid enough rent to cover the food + entertainment) or stayed with girlfriends for over **half** of those years. My parents didn't mind my staying at home due to their culture. + +Considering that I've only made roughly $450K post-tax from work over the past 10 years, I'm pretty happy with how much I've saved up. I don't have any side jobs or blogs for supplemental income, so everything's coming from my work and investments. + +I also wanted to mention that I really admire my parents for how well they've done despite their lack of upbringing. Neither of my parents went to middle or high school due to growing up during a civil revolution. They also got separated from their families during childhood and had to work as identured servants for 5-10 years of their lives. That really toughened them up mentally. They did eventually study hard enough to get into college and have been working STEM jobs. There's no way I would've gotten this far with having a privileged (and somewhat draconian) childhood due to them. I don't make anywhere near what they make, but I've always valued the freedom of my work. + +**Chart info**: + +Net worth: I started tracking my net worth in 2014 with Personal Capital + +Taxable accounts: Individual investments (mostly VTI and similar ETFs), Fundrise + +Retirement accounts: Roth IRA, Trad IRA, 401K--all invested in total-market ETFs/funds + +Properties: I've owned 2 houses, though not at the same time. This is the estimated value minus the mortgage. + +---- + +**Edit 1**: This is clarification about living with my parents. I actually paid $1K/mo rent for a couple of years, but then my parents gave it back to me in 2010 and 2011 so that I could grow my own investments (hence the sudden investment increases during those years). They didn't want the money. Part of the reason they wanted to spend so much time with me is to make up for leaving me at home alone most of childhood so they could work long hours. Living with them was a way to let them make up for lost time. Also, it's a cultural thing. Traditional Asian families usually don't mind living multiple generations under the same roof. + +Thus, I just treat my finances as if I never paid rent. + +In any case, I moved out when I owned my own houses. + +As for staying at girlfriends' places, I just mean that I would stay over that their place on nights & weekends when we wanted to spend time together. That gave me enough breaks away from my parents. When I had my own place, they would stay at my place too. + +**Edit 2**: Not married. No kids (yet). Eventually. +**TA;DR:** The available float of GME is turning over every 5-9 trading days since the beginning of the year. This is odd, bc institutional ownership has remained steady (\~39% of float), including shares in ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds and Pension Funds; and we all know DRS numbers are increasing. Possible explanations for high turnover: more shares exist than issued, wash sales, matched orders and/or abusive naked shorts? + +**TA;DR END** + +Float is defined as the number of shares that are available to the public. This figure is calculated by subtracting the shares held by insiders and those deemed to be stagnant shareholders from the shares outstanding. For GameStop, this is simply 75,950,781 ā€“ 12,612,303 = 63,338,478. This is the official float; however, \~15 million of these shares have been ā€œlocked upā€ in ETFs, mutual funds, index funds and pension funds for several months. We can also see institutions have maintained 39% ownership (of float) since early December 2021.^(1) + +Furthermore, direct registration of GME shares continues and best estimates suggest there are 9-14 million shares in ComputerShare. + +When we take into account DRS, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds, Pension Funds and institutional ownership, we are left with an ā€œavailableā€ or ā€œremaining floatā€ of 24-29 million shares. The following estimates are from [Computershared.Net](https://Computershared.Net). + +[Roughly 29 million remaining shares using Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average](https://preview.redd.it/0mhu7n244ih81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b585a6ca00a3be4772b717461c0691e85cc003d) + +Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average shows that there are roughly 29 million remaining shares. Search the history of u/JonPro03 for the definition of trimmed average. Essentially, it trims the top and bottom % to establish an average that matched GameStopā€™s Q3 Computershare numbers. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Roughly 24 million remaining shares using DRSBot Multi-Account Average](https://preview.redd.it/zgd88zp66ih81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=50a81528404bcf6e650ee53a8b12b36144b7e59f) + +DRSBot Multi-Account Average results in roughly 24 million remaining shares (or available float). Search u/Roid_Rage_Smurf history for an explanation on Multi-Account Average. Basically, it considers that apes have multiple accounts, i.e., there are less than 123,000 apes that have DRSā€™d - some have multiple accounts, myself included. + +So, the remaining or available float is somewhere between 24-29 million. Letā€™s take a look at the volume since December 31, 2021. + +Float A = 29 million based on Reddit Scraper Trimmed Average + +Float B = 24 million based on DRSBot Multi-Account Average + +https://preview.redd.it/68cvjnic4ih81.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=43a5ff8366db3b33206fec5aa3b6996430d436cc + +Based on the volume chart above, we can see that the available float is being traded every 5-9 trading days. Whereā€™s the volume coming from? Institutional ownership remains steady, including shares in ETFs, mutual funds, index funds and pension funds. Retail continues to DRS. + +Possible explanations: abusive naked shorts? More shares exist than issued? Wash Sales? Matched Orders? + +Per the SEC: + +Wash Sales ā€“ a person places simultaneous orders to buy and sell quantities of the same security in transactions involving no change of beneficial ownership of the stock. + +Matched Orders ā€“ a person or persons places buy or sell orders for a security with the knowledge that sell or buy orders of substantially the same size and price will be placed simultaneously. + +**TA;DR:** The available float of GME is turning over every 5-9 trading days since the beginning of the year. Institutional ownership has remained steady (\~39% of float), including share numbers in ETFs, Mutual Funds, Index Funds and Pension Funds; and we all know DRS numbers are increasing. Possible explanations for such a high turnover may include: more shares exist than issued, wash sales, matched orders and/or abusive naked shorts. + +^(1)[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sb20kk/nobodys\_selling\_update\_on\_institutional\_ownership/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sb20kk/nobodys_selling_update_on_institutional_ownership/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +Born to working class people that just knew ā€œgo to college and youā€™ll walk out with a 6 figure jobā€ + +Went to college, self funded , did it in 4 years. Had to run away from my abusers, spending every cent I owned. Now Iā€™m at an entry level job and between my car, my rent, and my insuranceā€¦. I feel like ending it all. It feels like things will never improve, like Iā€™ll never see the end of this tunnel. That Iā€™ll always live from paycheck to paycheck and thatā€™s thereā€™s no point asking for better. Iā€™m doneā€¦ Iā€™m tired and Iā€™m done. +If you can't see the writing on the wall, then you deserve to be left holding the bag. Tesla is now "post golden age". + +While they had a great 10-year run as the only viable EV on the market, that is not the case for 2022. Fresh, [award-winning EVs](https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/rankings/electric-vehicles) are now available from a majority of automakers. 2023 is going to see Tesla's market share absolutely eviscerated by competition that knows how to make cars better, more stylish, and faster. + +Tesla has effectively lost it's front-facing leadership. Musk is a liability, and he needs to be ousted immediately to save the company. This has been proven in [polls in both Europe](https://www.spiegel.de/international/business/der-spiegel-survey-musk-destroys-tesla-image-in-germany-a-fcc01ca2-d5fe-4c57-ac11-b48a560771f7) and the U.S. that the public no longer has faith in Musk's leadership or vision. + +My advice is to get out while you can. If Tesla is a large part of your investments, it's time to diversify. +Hey guys, + +&nbsp; + +Several of my IRL friends have been getting into crpyto recently ā€“ mainly into Ethereum. Many of them have been struggling to understand certain concepts - like Sharding (and even PoS). So I thought I'd write a quick post **using a simple analogy** to explain Sharding. Hopefully this will help the newer folk ease into the community! + +&nbsp; + +**[Formatted & Readable Orignal Post](http://www.mangoresearch.co/ethereum-sharding-explained-simply/)** + +&nbsp; + +----------------- + +&nbsp; + +The demand for scalability is becoming increasingly urgent. The Cryptokitties incident demonstrated how quickly the Ethereum network can clog-up. While many in the community are excited for Ethereumā€™s Sharding, there are just as many who struggle to understand how sharding will help Ethereum scale. + +&nbsp; + +In this post, I will attempt to explain Ethereumā€™s sharding using a **simple analogy**. + +&nbsp; + +**Understanding The Problem** + +&nbsp; + +One of the major problems of a blockchain is that an increase in the number of nodes reduces itā€™s scalability. This may seem counterintuitive to some people. ā€œMore nodes = more power. So more speed, right?ā€ Not exactly. + +&nbsp; + +One of the reasons a blockchain has its level of security is because every single node must process every single transaction. **This is like having your homework assignment checked by every single professor in the university**. While this may ensure that your assignment is marked correctly, it will also take a really long time before you get your assignment back. + +&nbsp; + + +Ethereum faces a similar problem. *The nodes are your professors. Each transaction is your assignment.* + +&nbsp; + +Sure, we can reduce the number of professors (nodes) until we are satisfied with the speed. But as the assignment (transaction) backlog increases, we will need to further decrease the number of professors. This will eventually lead us to rely on a few ā€œtrustedā€ group of professors. A centralized group. + +&nbsp; + +This defeats the ideology of blockchain decentralization. Itā€™s much easier to compromise/corrupt a smaller group of professors (nodes) than the entire university (the entire network). As a result, we sacrifice security in an effort to scale. + +&nbsp; + +To sum it up, blockchains must choose between Two of the Three following attributes: + +* SECURITY +* SCALABILITY +* DECENTRALIZATION + + +&nbsp; + +**What is "Sharding"?** + +&nbsp; + +With the problem and limitations understood, we now pose a question: + +> Can we have a system that has sufficient number of ā€œprofessorsā€ (nodes) to still maintain the security ā€“ while being small enough to increase the speed at which your assignments are returned (throughput of the network)? + +&nbsp; + +Essentially, we are conceding that we canā€™t ā€œmax-outā€ on all three of the attributes: Scalability, Security, Decentralization. But, can we have just ā€œenoughā€ decentralization & security so as to achieve more scalability? + +&nbsp; + +**Sharding** is Ethereumā€™s answer to this question. + + Think of Sharding as simply a fancy way of saying, ***ā€œletā€™s break down the network into smaller groups/piecesā€.*** + +&nbsp; + +Each group is a shard. A group/shard consists of nodes and transactions. +So in our professor analogy, a shard would consist of a group of professors and assignments. Now, instead of a professor having to correct the assignments across the entire network, he would be only responsible for the assignments within his shard(group). + +&nbsp; + +This greatly reduces the number of transactions (assignments) each node (professor) has to validate. + +&nbsp; + +**Ethereum Sharding - Structureā€‹** + +&nbsp; + +Okay, so I may have oversimplified a tiny bit. But now that you understand the gist, youā€™ll understand this part a lot easier. + + +&nbsp; + +In each shard/group, we have nodes that are assigned as ā€œCollatorsā€. Collators are tasked with gathering mini-descriptions of transactions & the current state of the shard. + +&nbsp; + +In our analogy, you can think of Collators as Teacherā€™s Assistants. All the TAā€™s in shard/group do the first run through of all the assignments within the shard. + +&nbsp; + +Finally, we have super-nodes. Each super-node receives the collations created by the collators of each shard. They then processes the transactions within those collations. Furthermore, they maintain the full-description/state data of all the shards ā€“ which they get from the collators as well. + +&nbsp; + +You can probably see the benefits of this structure. The number of nodes that process every single transaction would be greatly reduced, and thus increase overall throughput. + +&nbsp; + +**Conclusion** + +&nbsp; + +Sharding is a smart approach to tackling the blockchain scalability problem. However, itā€™s not without its drawbacks. Because of its structure, itā€™s easier to compromise a shard within the system. + +This is one of the driving reasons why Ethereumā€™s switch to Proof Of Stake. Proof Of Stake helps mitigate this security vulnerability that comes with Sharding. But for the sake of brevity, we will discuss that in a future post. + +--------------- + +&nbsp; + +Hope this post helps! + +**Formatted & Readable Orignal Post**: [MangoResearch: A Simple Explanation To Ethereum Sharding](http://www.mangoresearch.co/ethereum-sharding-explained-simply/) + +&nbsp; + + +**Edit:** + +[Vitalik was kind enough to point out](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/7y6pq3/understanding_ethereum_sharding_a_simple/dufsbgm/?context=3) that an attack on a shard would be extremely hard to achieve because super-nodes (validtors) are shuffled extremely frequently between shards. This makes it very hard to target a single shard. Also, contrary to what I believed - the overhead costs for the reshuffling can be made trivial! + + + + +I have to admit that I spent a long time trying to figure this out about the whole concept of how to trade *and* how Fibonacci works in trading. I have seen some fairly famous gurus, some saying Fibonacci is the key to trading and some saying it doesnā€™t even work at all. When I discovered what *does* really work, then at least I now understand the role of Fibonacci and what it really shows you for identifying the probability of entries and exits.. You can see this for yourself and prove that it's true about all financial markets in general. + +Many traders can get overly fascinated with Fibonacci to the point that they start believing that it is a trading strategy or would be the reason for *whether* there is an entry for a trade while not really being aware of the real reason. + +Yet many times it is spot on and looks like a perfectly precision clockwork machine. So how do you know? + +Yes, Fibonacci has some relevance, not to support and resistance zones, per se, but for identifying ends of corrections to trends. Or for projecting wave targets. It can have some amazing accuracy but can also be a total distraction from understanding the *real* reasons for entering trades. + +Ok so how do you use Fibonacci? And why do so many traders look at a chart and say such ridiculous things like, Iā€™m going long at 61.8 or some other completely meaningless irrelevant nonsense? + +Doesnā€™t it make sense that in order to use Fibonacci you would need to read chart patterns first using basic understanding of what trends are and what corrections are with some reference to Elliott Wave before it is useful to measure anything? Otherwise you will see people measuring things that have no relevance and should not be measured. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iauxdopazgv61.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd49958c975364cbe1071f0777f49b0bc43cd29f + +So if there is a value to Fibonacci it would be from measuring certain types of patterns relative to certain other types. Measuring a movement down relative to a movement up could be a mistake. If for instance there was an end of a correction and someone started measuring the next movement relative to that it would be useless because a trader who knows this would know the price would go past 100% and keep on going. + +The next step would be to notice that when there is an end of correction for one currency pair or other equity, there will be a similar end of correction on several others at the exact same time. + +Here you can see that on the EUR AUD the end of this correction seems to have turned right at 78%. Amazing! But why not 61.8% or 50% or 38%? Should we sell at each of those levels and see what happens? Is there a way to know which level it will turn at? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9bbww0lhzgv61.png?width=622&format=png&auto=webp&s=f024ee0990229cd88d2484f61a0d382e66114101 + +But with the almost exactly inversely correlated AUD CHF pair this one made the exact same turn but at a level that is as far from a Fibonacci level as is possible. Therefore is Fibonacci the reason for the entry? + +On gold, XAU USD the near perfect turn formed at a level that is as far from a fibonacci level as is possible. How is it then that we identified that turn right on the dot and got in right at the very point? How can you know how to enter a trade if it is not because of the Fibonacci level? The obvious answer is because of identifying the end of a correction which is not done by fibonacci. Fib levels can give 5-10 Points on the probability rating scale but the pattern itself has a much higher rating on that scale. So these turns can easily be identified and many times I check the fibonacci level AFTER entering the trade not IN ORDER to enter the trade. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vzmq03jnzgv61.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=10102fa83351a241c733490f2b91b1278149e6a1 + +Yet, on XAU GBP there is a 38% level hit right on the mark for an entire 5 wave pattern and 78% hit for the last wave by itself. Amazing! But is that the reason itā€™s an entry? + +When you see what really shows whether or not there is an entry and the reason it is an entry or not, then the whole question of whether or not Fibonacci works will sound like whether or not a measuring tape works in building houses. Yes a measuring tape works to assist with building a house but if you go to a construction site and start measuring things thinking you are building a house you could be missing something else. + +I went to numerous seminars on using Fibonacci in trading and took enough courses to fill a closet. And now if a trade forms I see it and the turn might happen at a Fibonacci level or it might be as far away from a level as possible. I was recently at a popular Forex trading seminar in my area where a famous guru gives a big presentation that leads to the conclusion that the participant should buy his product. So one of the reasons given is that he tried using Fibonacci and harmonic patterns and his teacher told him to enter at a certain level and the market did not turn. Then he was told to enter at the next level and it did not turn there either. So another level was guaranteed to be the turn and as you might guess he lost so much money it was devastating. + +The phenomenon described is one that I am familiar with and I know exactly why it happens. The reason requires learning a new way of trading altogether but to sum it up, if there was an end of a trend on a longer time frame such as the daily and then the trader goes to a shorter time frame like the 1 hour without realizing the market turned, it can look exactly like a correction but it will keep stretching and never stop. This phenomenon has caused people I know and respect to lose so much capital that their accounts are nearly wiped out. + +The reason is because Fibonacci seems to be mathematical and gives trading a sense of being a technical activity. + +Traders feel like they have these lines on their charts and are measuring things and that makes it look like they engaged in some kind of engineering work. And yet the reason for entry has very little to do with those lines or measuring anything. + +When an entry forms what is the real reason for it being an entry? Is it because the price went to a Fibonacci level? Why that level? Why not another level? The whole retracement level is covered with levels and when the market turns it is often at a level that is in the exact center of the levels or at a place that is totally random and not related to Fibonacci. + +This brings me back to the way to use Fibonacci. So many traders I have known have been trained by some guru like Joe DeNapoli or maybe through a Youtube channel. One seminar I attended called it the Jedi Forex Method and showed some Fibonacci strategies used by another famous trading mentor. And the truth is it can be fascinating and seem powerful. + +Notice in the chart above how the market forms a correction in a downtrend on the US Dollar index and hit the 61.8 % retracement level turning like a natural precision clockwork machine. But what about all the other times when it doesnā€™t turn at that level of it doesnā€™t turn at any level? Why do traders put some much emphasis on something that is totally hit and miss and actually has little to do with whether there is a winning trade? Itā€™s the same reason for most of the mistakes made in trading. Trading technical knowledge is fascinating and traders make the mistake of believing that this means it has a meaning in trading becoming the reason for entering. So many of these ā€œfascinatingā€ phenomena are almost irrelevant to the actual reason for entering. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bsjh4y2xzgv61.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e8445b17a1e59a660a620bc1d1f6ce11336398b + +Here is one way to prove that. Look at a group of correlated pairs. Such as for the U.S. dollar you can look at the Dow Jones U.S. Dollar Index, the DXY U.S. Dollar Index, the EUR USD, and the USD CHF. Or you could take some of my favorites, the AUD CHF, EUR AUD, NZD CHF and EUR NZD. The next time there is an end of correction measure all of them. Notice that one of two might be at Fibonacci levels and the others are not. So are the levels the reason for seeing the entry? If so, you canā€™t see or know there is an entry on the rest of them? + +In this chart, you can see first that there is a perfectly shaped and proportioned trend that is highlighted. This happens to be from today with the Dow Jones U.S. Dollar index which has no weighting like the DXY. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f5sgkax20hv61.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e04ab8a190b75df316bb4868e0081b21f812eeb + +So the reason I identified this entry right smack on the dot and do that on a regular basis is not because of the Fibonacci. Itā€™s because of being able to easily read and recognize 2 distinct shapes which serve as ā€œlettersā€ of the ā€œalphabetā€ in the ā€œlanguageā€ of financial markets. Itā€™s unfortunate that few people can read this, and yet itā€™s very obvious with no special skill needed. + +If children can learn to read letters like ā€œAā€, ā€œBā€, and ā€œCā€ in the first grade and then learn the meanings these shapes have using the to spell words that form sentences, then adult traders naturally have the skill to learn to read financial markets IF they are not conditioned by useless training and strategies, to NOT see these and put focus on things that are not related to that. + +For me, I can see it every day and other people can see it. Many people know that it is true that markets form these and by observation can know the high probability that they continue to repeat over and over. + +If you have a group of correlated pairs and at some point they all turn, forming the end of corrections often similarly on each one. Some are at Fibonacci levels and some are not. Yet, the reason to enter can be obvious on all of them, leading anyone to know that the reason is not because of Fibonacci or a certain expected level. One you know what the reason is you can keep using Fibonacci without believing it is the reason for entering. + +This is just the beginning of the story and if you want to learn more join in our live trading sessions and see these entries forming every day in real time. You will enjoy entering trades for the real reason they are identified and have a good time with friends and associates. + +&#x200B; +Like I said before the indexes are considered one of the safest and simplest methods for investors to be involved in the market. But, how can they really be safe if the largest companies making up many of the indexes like Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc. are continually growing at higher valuations than they deserve? +That quote is from [this article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-04-06/superannuation-savings-retirement-quality-aged-care-budget/100967828) from the ABC, and was wondering if that's most people's experience. My preservation age is 60 but getting access to my super five years earlier would make a huge difference to me. If the article's line is accurate, are the government in the wrong to have increased the preservation age? +I made a career switch from bartending which was WONDERFUL money but soul sucking in so many ways, to behavioral therapy for children with autism and I may make a lot less money but I am doing good. It wonā€™t be this hard forever but itā€™s definitely not an exciting weekend. +EDIT: I am completely overwhelmed with the positivity Iā€™ve received from you all. This job is 100% worth the struggle. It will pan out :) Iā€™ll update tomorrow after I take my exam. +EDIT 2: I PASSED MY EXAM!! (Pass/fail of 80% or higher) so I will be getting a raise!! Thanks again you guys! +Record debt - no more QE but instead QT - rising rates - record inflation numbers - an inverted yield curve. Economic indicators are as bad as 2007 and by now it seems to be concensus that there will be a Recession/Depression in 2023. + +Can this somehow be avoided? Is there a way to repair World Economy - or are things indeed as grim as they seem? +Is anyone here actually making money trading Forex? Reliably and long term? + +I've tried so many (technical) strategies and each of them failed backtests longer than 1 year. I had to "fit" them to the failing year and then they failed the previous and the next year, etc. etc. + +From my daily observations the markets sometimes react to news with big moves (like the EURUSD and Italy vs the EU recently) which should make them predictable to a degree, but more often than that they move for no obvious reason at all. It seems to be completely random. So altogether I just don't see a way how anyone can make consistent long-term gains in Forex. + +What is predictable about Forex? +Hi all, + +I've seen lots of posts telling apes to remove their 420.69 limit sell orders. **Those limit sells might not be from Apes.** I think hedge funds are placing limit sell orders in meme amounts to make us believe that apes are paperhanding. + +DON't ASSUME IT'S APES JUST BECAUSE IT'S A MEME NUMBER!! + +What do the hedge funds gain from this? Think about it, they know apes are looking at that data. And they have to sell to control the price anyway, so it is reasonable they will try to make it look as bad as possible or to shape the narrative around what the floor might be. + +Expect this fuckery to continue all the way to the top. Expect $1337.69 limit sells. Expect $6969.69 limit sells. Expect $420420.69 limit sells. + +DON't ASSUME IT'S APES JUST BECAUSE IT'S A MEME NUMBER!! + +I think the apes sharing the 'remove your limit sell order' posts are probably genuine apes trying to help. That is what is so insidious about this new FUD tactic. +Iā€™ve never used one and gotten couple quotes. One wants $325/mo with 12-mo commitment and another $250/hr. + +Iā€™m in MINNESOTA and am not planning to have them manage any accounts so this would be straight planning only. + +The cost seems high so Iā€™m curious to know if these prices are the norm or if I need to continue my search. +i wasted my 20s drinking and bartending. nothing to show for it. got sober and went back so school at 33. just graduated and landed a decent govt job that pays 20/hr now, but will top out at 26/hr in 4 years. i also work at restaurants on the weekends and can make 1500-2k a month doing that. i have 20k left of student loan payments and i could squash that by the end of the year. 12-18 months from now i should have apx 25k to put down plus 10k reserves. my credit score is over 740 and increasing all the time. rothIRA is maxed, and 6k set aside to plop in there on jan1st 2022. getting the full match from my company 401k, but nothing over that. im finally living life the responsible way now at age 38. better late than never, im told. so my question is how realistic is it for me to daydream about owning 4-6 rentals in the next 10 years? my goal is to have about 4k a month profit from rentals eventually. i live cheap, no kids, no vices. currently renting but i wanna buy my first duplex within the next 18 months. 150k is apx my range for a first property i think. i dont wanna get too deep with debt. i know i dont wanna take the silly Dave Ramsey approach, but im also trying to play it smart and not lose my ass. i dont wanna start from square zero again. anyone got any realistic frameworks/outlines of a potential vague timeline i should be following? sometimes i feel like im getting my life started so late that i just dont wanna fuck it all up again. any books i should be reading? penny for your thoughts! all constructive answers welcome. thanks for your time! +I've seen a lot of people on social media and the news spreading the idea that this whole thing was somehow masterminded by /u/DeepFuckingValue within the past 3 weeks. It wasn't and this is some dangerous misinformation as it needlessly makes /u/DFV a target. DFV is simply an eagle-eyed investor who bought into his GME positions quite a while ago, even before anyone here cared about GameStop's fundamentals or the remote possibility of a squeeze. He isn't some mischievous troll who decided sometime in early January to rally all of us into a stock-buying frenzy in order to stick it to some villainous wall street firm, nor did he ever make any special effort to promote GME in order to incite a squeeze. A large number of users here had known of the outsized short interest for a while so this entire thing was the organic result of increasing GME discussion. + +/u/DeepFuckingValue is basically that guy that shows up to the party at 5 PM..... on the day before. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: šŸ’ŽšŸ™Œ GME šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ šŸŒ– +As a 33yr old millennial farmer this isnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve heard this phrase. Talk is cheap it takes money to buy a farm/whiskey is an old American saying. + +My thought is RC is referring to him not revealing the plan. Being quiet while he puts all the bricks into place behind the scenes. It would be easy to come out and make big promises like a politician. But it takes money planning and pieces coming together before you can buy the farm or afford the whiskeyā€¦ we know gme has the money. We just need the last bricks to be laid. + +this is RC telling us to trust the process he and his team are working hard behind the scenesā€¦ +Any advice would be appreciated. + +I grew up poor, I'm in my mid-30s now. Up until 7 years ago I struggled financially with my wife, then my company started to make some money. Last year I figured out some great software automations that has led to a lot of easy growth. I made $140k last year and will triple that this year working a lot less hours. I expect the growth to continue through next year. + +While growing up I was taught to make money at all costs, that was the way to be happy. That's what I have been doing. I never really learned how to take care of myself, as both my parents were very unhealthy emotionally and physically. + +Now I have some money and am pretty miserable. I no longer have to work long hours (I've automated most of the business), 5 hours a week tops which I do remotely. I have traveled, bought toys, bought a nicer house, but having all these options makes everything seem empty and joyless. I have a couple niche ecom brands that could grow faster. It stresses me out that both could be so much more, but I am too lazy to make it happen. Knowing the truth that making more money doesn't lead to being happier really puts a damper on working harder. + +I worry it will all disappear, I have been getting fat. I drink more beer than I should. I scan reddit and news on my phone a lot. I have no clue what to do next. + +I am married and have 2 young kids. I love my family dearly but it's not enough to get me to shape up. We are spending 2 of the next 6 months traveling together and I am going to try and clear my head. We leave on the first trip in 3 weeks for a month. I would love to be in better shape before we leave so I have more energy on the trip. + +What I want is to be happy. Have fun like when I was young, go on adventures with my family and love them better. Eat better, lose weight, learn to chill and not worry about the business, but I'm struggling to make this all happen. I've tried 5 times in the last 6 months to change my unhealthy habits by eating healthier, drinking less and getting exercise, but I keep failing. + +I think the lack of work is giving me more time to be bored and worry, so I drink beer. I honestly believe I can have whatever I want in life, but I am letting it slip through my fingers. I feel guilty that I have this opportunity that most don't. My friends are all struggling, working their tails off with no free time and here I am whining that I have too much time and nothing to do. + +I have seen a few therapists. I had a good one in my old town, but haven't found one in my new city that I like. It doesn't seem like my complaints are taken seriously when it becomes obvious I make money doing nothing. My friends and family are similar in that they can't relate to my problems. I am not clinically depressed, I am just lazy and not motivated. + +Anybody been here? I would love to hear your story and how you got through it. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you all so much, I'm honestly choking up. The advice here is really motivating, and you all have been so supportive with your comments. I had no idea I would get a response like this. To be honest my uncle passed a few days ago and I have really been down on myself since. I posted this to try to get some ideas and now I have so many. Thank you so much! +It is as simple as that, if they had a secret method to making millions they would keep it to themselves. All of these youtube and telegram tip channels are simply pump and dump schemes where they buy into a token cheap and then shill it to their followers so that they can dump their shitcoins at a profit. + +The old saying "if its too good to be true, then it isn't true" applies 99% of the time in crypto. There are a few individuals out there that do share their genuine knowledge but they are far and few between, dont get suckered into the biggest and most prolific scam in crypto! +Any thoughts on why this may or may not be a bad idea? Would it be smarter to start with one or go for both? Pretty new to real estate investing but ready to pull the plug in my current job and delve into this full time. +* People used to pay each other in gold and silver. Difficult to transport. Difficult to divide. +* Paper money was invented. A claim to gold in a bank vault. Easier to transport and divide. +* Banks gave out more paper money than they had gold in the vault. They ran ā€œfractional reservesā€. A real money maker. But every now and then, banks collapsed because of runs on the bank. +* Central banking was invented. Central banks would be lenders of last resort. Runs on the bank were thus mitigated by banks guaranteeing each otherā€™s deposits through a central bank. The risk of a bank run was not lowered. Its frequency was diminished and its impact was increased. After all, banks remained basically insolvent in this fractional reserve scheme. +* Banks would still get in trouble. But now, if one bank got in sufficient trouble, they would all be in trouble at the same time. Governments would have to step in to save them. +* All ties between the financial system and gold were severed in 1971 when Nixon decided that the USD would no longer be exchangeable for a fixed amount of gold. This exacerbated the problem, because there was now effectively no limit anymore on the amount of paper money that banks could create. +* From this moment on, all money was created as credit. Money ceased to be supported by an asset. When you take out a loan, money is created and lent to you. Banks expect this freshly minted money to be returned to them with interest. Sure, banks need to keep adequate reserves. But these reserves basically consist of the same credit-based money. And reserves are much lower than the loans they make. +* This led to an explosion in the money supply. The Federal Reserve stopped reporting M3 in 2006. But the ECB currently reports a yearly increase in the supply of the euro of about 5%. +* This leads to a yearly increase in prices. The price increase is somewhat lower than the increase in the money supply. This is because of increased productivity. Society gets better at producing stuff cheaper all the time. So, in absence of money creation you would expect prices to drop every year. That they donā€™t is the effect of money creation. +* What remains is an inflation rate in the 2% range. +* Banks have discovered that they can siphon off all the productivity increase + 2% every year, without people complaining too much. They accomplish this currently by increasing the money supply by 5% per year, getting this money returned to them at an interest. +* Apart from this insidious tax on society, banks take society hostage every couple of years. In case of a financial crisis, banks need bailouts or the system will collapse. +* Apart from these problems, banks and governments are now striving to do away with cash. This would mean that no two free men would be able to exchange money without intermediation by a bank. If you believe that to transact with others is a fundamental right, this should scare you. +* The absence of sound money was at the root of the problem. We were force-fed paper money because there were no good alternatives. Gold and silver remain difficult to use. +* When it was tried to launch a private currency backed by precious metals (Liberty dollar), this initiative was shut down because it undermined the U.S. currency system. Apparently, a currency alternative could only thrive if ā€œnobodyā€ launched it and if they was no central point of failure. +* What was needed was a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. This was what Satoshi Nakamoto described in 2009. It was a response to all the problems described above. That is why he labeled the genesis block with the text: ā€œ03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.ā€. Bitcoin was meant to be an alternative to our current financial system. + +So, if you find yourself religiously checking some cryptocurrencyā€™s price, or bogged down in discussions about the ā€œone true bitcoinā€, or constantly asking what currency to buy, please at least remember that we have bigger fish to fry. + +We are here to fix the financial system. + +Edit: wow, thanks for the gold! + +I have 150 shares of T at an average cost of $34. While I love receiving $320 a year in dividends, I highly regret buying this stock. And yet I still hold it. + +WHY I REGRET: + +1. $150B in debt. Thatā€™s an insane total. Although to their credit they held true to their promises to prioritize paying off debt. 2 years ago it was at $180B + +2. Seemingly everyone hates them, even their own customers. No one loves them + +3. 5G infrastructure costs will probably be a significant burden on profitability/cash flow + +4. A history of baffling and overpriced acquisitions, like DirecTV + +5. They are now the smallest telecom provider of the Big 3, behind Verizon and post-merger TMobile + +6. They strike me as an inefficient bureaucracy + +7. Long term share price depreciation, despite a historical bull market + +8. Mass exodus of Time Warner leaders since the acquisition + + +WHY Iā€™M HOLDING + +1. Love that dividend + +2. HBO Max has growth potential comparable to Netflix. Share price growth could be comparable to Netflixā€™s too, right? + +3. Theyā€™re selling off underperforming business units and becoming more agile/efficient + +4. Holding telecom is like holding a utility, but supermassive and less accountable to society. And T pays the biggest dividend in telecom. + +5. Too big to fail? + +6. New, seemingly-refreshing, dynamic leadership in CEO John Stankey + +Letā€™s settle this once and for all. Is AT&T good or bad or what? +I'm honored to present to you a **Third Edition** of **Crooks Cookin the Books**, featuring an old ~~friend~~ nemesis, Robinhood, and a newly knighted partner in crime, Drivewealth, LLC. More on them later... + +Here's the first 2 parts of what is sure to be at least a 4 part series: + +[Part 1: RH increases total January OTC trades by 32%](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p4w9hq/january_gme_otc_trades_increased_by_32_last_week/) + +[Part 2: Crooks keep Cookin like Nobody is Lookin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbhj00/the_crooks_keep_cookin_like_nobody_is_lookin/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +These images were taken directly from [FINRA OTC TrAnSpArEnCy website](https://otctransparency.finra.org/otctransparency/OtcDownload). + +Please feel free to spread this on social media, send to the DOJ, SEC, FINRA, your local senators, family, or any of your fellow apes who are becoming disillusioned that MOASS is even possible. + +&#x200B; + +Without further ado... + +# 2019 GME Daily Volume + +[Some cyclical volume spike with the price shorted down heavily on 1\/29 and 6\/5](https://preview.redd.it/ftxxv3a24cn81.png?width=2046&format=png&auto=webp&s=78ecd26b7eea91c154806b091141dc30ef9de0f6) + +The price dropped from $16.00 in January 2019 to under $4.00 in August 2019. It found some solid footing and ended 2019 at around $6.00/share. + +* The daily volume on 1/29/2019 was **32,870,301** +* The daily volume on 4/3/2019 was **26,597,949** +* The daily volume on 6/5/2019 was **39,354,238** +* The daily volume on 8/22/2019 was **29,191,471** +* The daily volume on 9/11/2019 was **34,005,008** +* The daily volume on 12/11/2019 was **19,538,910** + +Well let's take a closer look at who was trading OTC on these weeks: + +[Citadel, Virtu, G1 Execution, Two Sigma, Wolverine, HRT, Cowen, and De Minimus firms](https://preview.redd.it/wnda875b4cn81.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c95fb975b2a66795ddfe25821a2cbaef1460a10) + +Citadel, Virtu, G1 Execution, Two Sigma, and Wolverine were the major OTC participants during the high volume weeks of 2019, with a little help from HRT Execution, ACS Execution, and the infamous "De Minimis Firms". + +These fuckers were shorting the shit out of GME, usually just after earnings, in an attempt to cellar box GME down to zero. + +# + +# What about 2020? + +# 2020 GME Daily Volume + +[Some big cyclical volume spikes, but look how badly they lost control of the price in August 2020](https://preview.redd.it/j4j1yn3i4cn81.png?width=1769&format=png&auto=webp&s=f63a219aab0d758e466ac7899e8fbac95ac77dec) + +We see some decent volume on: + +* January 14th, 2020: 12,562,570 +* April 14th, 2020: 13,506,630 +* June 8th - 10th, 2020: 10,133,660; 8,073,448; 10,606,370 +* August 4th, 2020: 10,361,360 +* August 21st, 2020: 10,642,590 + +Before things truly got out of control on August 31, 2020: **37,976,000** + +# Here's the OTC data from those weeks: + +[Virtu and Citadel doing most of the heavy lifting, with help from G1 Execution, Two sigma and De Minimis Firms. 12 Participants traded during the week of 8\/31](https://preview.redd.it/usb59urm4cn81.png?width=1181&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b10c4da0c61d39940424e7e2c52811c5913df8f) + +Look who decided to join the August 2020 OTC frenzy one year later (**August 31, 2021**). None other than Robinhood Securities... + +This is **now** officially the first time RH traded GME OTC. Previously, the first time they submitted OTC trades was January 2021, but I guess they were allowed to go back in time and submit some trades for August 2020 after their IPO in July 2021 to make sure the numbers added up, especially after the massive ape migration. + +Smells like fraud to me. + +Just for emphasis, they submitted these GME OTC trades for the week of 8/31/2020 on **8/31/2021**... + +And we thought DFV was the only time traveler... + +&#x200B; + +# Week of 8/31/2020 + +Let's zoom in on the week of 8/31/2020, when 12 participants joined the OTC frenzy. + +That week was interesting. + +On 8/31/2020 the total **Daily** volume was **37,976,000**. + +The next day, on 9/1/2020 the total daily volume was **23,211,051**. + +The **Total Weekly** volume was **96,204,655**. + +**45,732,851 shares** (**47.54%**) were traded OTC by these 12 participants in 114,093 trades (400.8 shares/trade). + +**One year later, on 8/31/2021**, RH added **3,964 trades** with 4,082 shares (**1.03 shares/trade**), and is now responsible for **3.47%** of all trades made that week... + +You're telling me that they were able to trade over 4,000 shares in almost 4,000 trades when the share price was less than $6.00/share in August 2021 when the share price was $220.00? + +Why were they adding never-reported OTC trades one year later? + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +# But why did things get so out of control on August 31, 2020? + +You probably already know the answer to this one. **RC bought the dip!** + +[RC bought his first 6.2 million shares between 8\/13 and 8\/31\/2020](https://preview.redd.it/66jqk2ku4cn81.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fff6659ee4b158d3d8b26a166678b2acaa743a0) + +He purchased **6,215,326 shares** between 8/13 and 8/31/2020. + +He filed his first 13D on **8/28** and then the amended version on **8/31**, shown above. + +Citadel and Virtu called upon Comhar Capital, Cuttone & Co, HRT Execution, Jane Street, Two Sigma, UBS, Wolverine, and De Minimus Firms to help minimize the damage. + +# September 2020 + +[RH adds 13,030 trades for September 2020 on 8\/30\/2021 - 9\/1\/2021](https://preview.redd.it/v4l8afdy4cn81.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e0b03d55ef059180bbded5bc7e99af25bd03528) + +RC submitted another 13D on **9/21**, showing he had purchased another **284,674 shares**. + +The volume spike on **9/22** was **34,752,480**. + +That week, **31,587,637 shares** were traded OTC in 91,350 trades (345.79 shares/trade). + +The weekly volume for that week was 68,497,431, so **46.12%** of the weekly volume was traded OTC by these participants. + +RH added 4,792 trades with 4,946 shares (1.03 shares/trade). + +The 4,792 trades are 5.25% of the weekly OTC total. These were submitted on 8/31/2021. + +&#x200B; + +According to the **monthly data**, RH added **16,095 trades** with 16,597 shares (1.03 shares/trade) for September 2020 on **8/30 - 9/1/2021.** + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.58%** of September 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# October 2020 + +[Another busy month!](https://preview.redd.it/3n1yz1t55cn81.png?width=1029&format=png&auto=webp&s=a398b165e14657e7737393386839b998563706cd) + +According to the **monthly data**, RH added **26,581 trades** with 28,427 shares (1.07 shares/trade) for October 2020 on **8/26 - 8/27/2021.** + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.58%** of October 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +That month was particularly wild: + +* **359,887,057** shares traded overall +* **175,936,989** shares traded **OTC** +* **48.89%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **503,774** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade were 349.24 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.07 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 12/7/2020, while RH submitted their October 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/27/2021** + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# November 2020 + +https://preview.redd.it/f1etc3i85cn81.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cc65dd49a7690ed066ccaa96fce1d9236b92a3e + +According to the **monthly** data, RH added **14,733 trades** with 15,247 shares (1.03 shares/trade) for November 2020 data on **8/24 - 8/26/2021**. + +That's only 0.02% of the monthly volume, but now accounts for **5.99%** of November 2020 monthly OTC trades. + +**November 2020 data:** + +* **161,522,956** shares traded overall +* **69,453,506** shares traded **OTC** +* **43.00%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **245,943** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was 282.40 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.03 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 1/4/2021, while RH submitted their November 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/26/2021** + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +# But we're just getting started... + +# December 2020 + +[Out of nowhere, here comes Drivewealth LLC in December 2020 recording 4,723 trades in December 2021. That's after RH already added 30,823 trades to the monthly total in August 2021. 35,546 in total](https://preview.redd.it/e15k28gb5cn81.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=330df248d7aa8c10376dae46f6702fd37da6cb58) + +**A partner in financial crime!** + +**Fraud finds a friend!** + +**Robinhood and Drivewealth, together til the end.** + +After not having recorded a single GME OTC trade before **October 4, 2021**, here comes Drivewealth in December 2021, recording **4,723 trades** for **December 2020 (according to the monthly data).** + +That's after RH already added **30,823 trades** to the running total on **August 20-24th, 2021**. + +December 2020 data: + +* **251,336,569** shares traded overall +* **110,606,452** shares traded **OTC** +* **44.01%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **455,712** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was 242.71 overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.03 and Driveweath was 1.00 +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 2/1/2021, while RH submitted their December 2020 monthly OTC trades on **8/24/2021** +* Drivewealth submitted their 4,723 brand new OTC trades on **12/27/2021** after previously not reporting any GME OTC trades before the week of October 4, 2021. + +In total, **35,546 trades** were added 8-12 months after the trades were supposedly made. These now account for **7.80%** of the total OTC trades for December 2020. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +&#x200B; + +[Point72 and Fidelity sponsoring Drivewealth](https://preview.redd.it/z67njap78cn81.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=57c580ee619e9e83e9997904706139a29c0d6016) + +&#x200B; + +# The January Jump-off - January 2021 + +Not only does Robinhood continue to cook their books, adding OTC trades to the FINRA OTC site up to one year after they supposedly occurred, but Drivewealth has officially joined in on the financial fraud. + +**January 2021 GME OTC** + +https://preview.redd.it/dvcisntn5cn81.png?width=1048&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff56910e034e1a16e7ceccd73e5d676ed033b687 + +**Don't forget the week of 1/25/2021** + +https://preview.redd.it/i18jkoxp5cn81.png?width=1001&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f750d8db28e3ea42e49eb7c372e39cebe55b8e1 + +**January 2021 was fun!** + +* **1,262,397,065** shares traded overall +* **527,520,375** shares traded **OTC** +* **41.79%** of monthly volume traded **OTC** +* **8,031,573** total **OTC trades** +* Shares/trade was **65.68** overall, while RH shares/trade was 1.01 and Driveweath was 1.00 +* RH's 1,852,210 trades were more trades than Virtu (1,774,037), and second only to Citadel (2,557,687 trades) +* All other participants submitted their monthly trades to FINRA on 3/1/2021, while RH submitted their January 2021 monthly OTC trades on [8/12/2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbhj00/the_crooks_keep_cookin_like_nobody_is_lookin/) +* According to the monthly data, Drivewealth submitted their 401,797 brand new OTC trades on **1/10/2022** after previously not reporting any GME OTC trades before the week of October 4, 2021. +* Citadel supplied **252,315,846 shares**, **47.81%** of all shares traded in January 2021. They also made **31.85%** of all GME OTC trades. + +In total, **2,254,007 trades** were added 8-12 months after the trades were supposedly made. These now account for **28.06%** of the total OTC trades for January 2021. + +**The Crooks Keep Cooking the Books!** + +# February Fuckery 2021 + +https://preview.redd.it/9yecfdfu5cn81.png?width=767&format=png&auto=webp&s=19ab360f1011cd4a19f298720e32c719dbba1637 + +# I'll cover February and March 2021 in more detail in Part 4. + +# Here's the 2021 monthly data: + +[January - March 2021](https://preview.redd.it/oz5msgax5cn81.png?width=984&format=png&auto=webp&s=259c7f97b8a6e2460e99a6861da3dee1d1a6c7ae) + +[April - July 2021](https://preview.redd.it/alt4eqw16cn81.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1932fb3faffc97787d24cc29bd9779d06da4b3) + +[August - November 2021](https://preview.redd.it/mzr3xw546cn81.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=3775e16abc1227d606909e5beb4540a08c91aab7) + +**December 2021 and January 2022** + +https://preview.redd.it/nxl4ken76cn81.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=3665422c5007f0906c5b4f7b1d50f1908e4cdde6 + +# And this is the short volume for the past year. + +Seems pretty cyclical to me. + +These blue arrows are all the same size. + +Looks like RC timed the Earnings Call (and possible GameStop Marketplace announcement?) just right! + +[14,924,764 in reported short volume on 3\/10\/2021, the date of the big dipper.](https://preview.redd.it/a47n03w96cn81.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf5e8403074648683dcf74ec2f05d10a9fc0a2c) + +# GME Closing price vs. reported Short Volume (one year) + +https://preview.redd.it/1vsjycgf6cn81.png?width=3889&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ab3534d962a55bcb1d678387f6fb008e8c0f25f + +# This is what GME vs. OTC looked like before they messed with the data. I'll update it for Part 4: + +[GME vx. OTC shares\/trade](https://preview.redd.it/0tfkcsji6cn81.png?width=2016&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48802b8ca54f3ddccb9d72288c0a727a7fbe129) + +# TLDR and Bananas for thought + +I'll keep adding to this over the next few days. I just wanted to get some eyes on this and some discussion in anticipation for the **Part 4** (of?) in the **Crooks keep Cookin the Books** series. + +We've seen a lot of cyclical volume over the past few years. Most of the time on no news, and responsible for the "cycles" we all love to try to predict and understand. This has shown in the short volume data over the past year (top image above). + +We look to be heading for another peak in volume over the next few days, likely cohenciding +/- with the Earnings Call on 3/17. + +A majority of Robinhood's book cooking happened in August 23-30th, 2021, right around our abbreviated climb on 8/24. + +They also recorded a bunch of new GME OTC trades in November 22nd, 2021, right before our abbreviated climb that ended on 11/24. + +Smells scandalous. + +What about Drivewealth? Drivewealth LLC didn't report one GME trade until 10/4/2021. Now they're reporting OTC trades for December 2020, submitted to FINRA OTC website in December 2021 and January 2021 in January 2022. They miraculously back-dated all their trades to make their numbers look a little bit better too? + +We're not talking about a few trades here or there, we're talking millions of trades with millions of shares, often at approximately 1.00 shares/trade and 8-12 months after they supposedly took place. + +Conservatively, from August 2020 to present, we've seen RH add over 2.488 million previously unreported trades 8-12 months after they were supposedly made. Drivewealth has now done the same, with 2.999 million trades reported 8-12 months after the trades supposedly took place. + +That totals over **5,488,225 trades!** That's not counting any RH OTC "adjustments" from March 2021-August 2021. + +If **$5,488,225** hasn't seemed like a realistic floor to you before, you'd have to at least consider it now. Make them pay. A dollar per fraudulent trade doesn't even seem like enough. + +In Part 4, I'll try to crunch some more numbers for these other participants to see how deep this grave really is. + +The game is rigged. We're playing against billionaire criminals who report fraudulent trades directly on the FINRA OTC TrAnSpArEnCy website in plain daylight. Let's finally get them caught. + +Also, I would love to somehow get u/Dlauer's take on this unusual OTC activity as well as the major discrepancy in shares/trade for GME vs the OTC. + +Until next time! **The Crooks Keep Cookin like no-body is Lookin!** +Fortunately I have the chance to put $100 into dividends per week (5,200/year) + and an additional one time $20,000 of savings I have saved. +I wouldn't be new to investing per say just the dividend aspect of it. + +I'm seeking advice on the following - + +How much should I diversify my portfolio in different industries? +How long should I spend on simply checking into my portfolio to see how its doing? +What would be the most consistent stocks that have thrown out dividends, quarterly, monthly or yearly under a yield of 5%? + +Sorry for all the questions. Any answers to any of them will be greatly appreciated, thanks! +Iā€™m new to the study of economics. But from what I understand, prices increase when either demand increases, or supply decreases. So if inflation is just an increase of price, then the cause of inflation can only ever be a decrease in supply (which has many causes) or a increase in demand (which also has many causes)? +I keep hearing more and more about it daily. There are so many things that are going wrong and I try to tell myself not to be a doomer and look on the bright side, but Im not a professional Economist and barely know a few concepts of Macroeconomics. Is a recession really coming? How scared should I be? What steps should I take to safeguard my family etc. +Alrighty, could someone tell me why we still havenā€™t raised interest rates and itā€™s been at a steady 0.25% for over a year now? I get it, pandemic pandemic, but isnā€™t this hurting the economy on the long run considering the current situation with real estate and how this bubble we are in will simply be a dark hole for Canadianā€™s income over the next 20ish years. Just wanna hear someoneā€™s take on why we havenā€™t raised the interest rates yet. +Preface: + +TLDR conclusion @ bottom. Also I like to keep my posts short and to the point, this post is rather dense, I expect you to know/read up on other DD such as RegSHO, C+35, FUTURES, DOOMP Swaps. + +**Edit2** (if 2 lazy 2 scroll): + +* Depends on ***Inclusion to the Threshold Securities List*** + * [http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=RegSHOThreshold](http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/trader.aspx?id=RegSHOThreshold) + * [https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mrfaqregsho1204.htm](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mrfaqregsho1204.htm) + * [https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-50103.htm](https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-50103.htm) +* Exact date when a security is added VARIES on surrounding FTDs in a +-5 day radius. It's actually very hard to get on the list because that's 5 days of sustained FTD activity. +* When in doubt Buy, HODL, DRS (with reputable agent). + +# Initial inspiration here: + +[ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/pntbyt\/put\_2\_and\_250m\_together\_if\_theyre\_expecting\/](https://preview.redd.it/ucsuif3ep1o71.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a48494c13f7dbaaab1f8cffea4e3dede4fd70a7) + +The **250M 5-day glitch** is weird, really weird: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnzf76/peaking\_behind\_yahoo\_curtain\_analyzed\_past\_year/hcwul4o/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnzf76/peaking_behind_yahoo_curtain_analyzed_past_year/hcwul4o/?context=3) + +u/gherkinit prior predicted an estimated \~190M was due this quarter, possibly in a form of futures. Now it's one thing to claim \~190M after the glitch, but to predict \~190M then a "perfect," glitch leaks the perfect number of official float + prediction? That's god lvl prophecy right there. + +&#x200B; + +**Getting away with hiding FTDs in volume and trying to understand why C+35 failing:** + +We know the FTD creation on T+2 after settlement is unavoidable. This is seen in FTDs reported for prior options expiration, but they're always able to claim they Delivered because the volume for those days was more than the FTDs. + +Claiming 75% of Aug-6th daily volume was covering without moving price - BOLD, but foolish. What They did with the FTDs afterwards, the market gods will reveal one day during the MOASS. + +[https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/pg7xsx\/sooo\_about\_those\_1\_million\_ftds\_on\_august\_6th\_did\/](https://preview.redd.it/3a3z84syp1o71.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=d51e028923d3702771e63f3661473d0d92d832ff) + +**The Numbers have to be JUST right to catch them undeniably fibbing.** + +1. Gamma ramp adds unhedged OTM calls to ITM. (figure out extra gamma\_volume needed) +2. Calculate daily\_volume - gamma\_volume, if negative GREAT those must be FTDs on T+2 (the following Tuesday) otherwise they lied about volume. Which is why we see quarterlies. +3. These FTDs created on T+2 then need to be rolled by C+35. + +You can read up on C+35 regulation here: (though application is likely wrong based on evidence) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o155a6/t35\_is\_the\_one\_true\_cycle\_evidence\_to\_back\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o155a6/t35_is_the_one_true_cycle_evidence_to_back_my/) + +Actually C+35 has actually never worked as intended with FTD cycles, despite regulation saying otherwise. We've counted C+35 over the FTD data and we never see the proper corresponding volume 35 days after creation - *myself included.* + +BUT the question begs - Despite all the FTDs, why hasn't any of the C+35's played out as indicated by regulation? Answer: They've avoided threshold list, the **one** reprieve from naked shorts. + +**We're no stranger to manipulation, this has been hidden through all the loopholes we've discovered (read up on others DDs)** + +As Fact it's preposterous on Aug 6 (mentioned above) 75% of entire day's volume was dedicated to closing without price change. This would only be possible through a predetermined wash sale between two parties a form of collusion. while no one else was allowed to trade that day. This we know to be total bullshit - the Daily Finra reported inter-brokerage volume for that day indicated over half the volume was over 50% short, meaning *there had to be at least an* ***additional*** *net naked short position that day* in the system as a whole **not** a closure of FTDs. + +No, they're hiding the FTDs and there's many "kicking the can" DD's out there on resetting the FTD cycles. + +This manipulation through naked shorting, has been around long before January's events. Which got me looking into prior + +**Under Market maker's manipulation:** + +* C+35 is never a threat to them since they're not required to actually close the position if they are allowed to cover them. +* FTDs can also be covered (not closed) if not on threshold list, thus forever naked shorting. + +**So with all the manipulation and fuckery and hiding, what made January sneeze possible?** + +&#x200B; + +# We actually know what caused the sneeze. Threshold list. Or at least that's what they want you to think was the whole story. + +[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25914503](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25914503) + +[https://realsafebet.medium.com/the-nyse-threshold-list-collapsing-shorts-and-launching-the-moass-3b1f667a77ea](https://realsafebet.medium.com/the-nyse-threshold-list-collapsing-shorts-and-launching-the-moass-3b1f667a77ea) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oadcb3/i\_made\_these\_charts\_illustrating\_occurrences\_of/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oadcb3/i_made_these_charts_illustrating_occurrences_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +# The other half of the story is Futures: + +[ https:\/\/www.cmegroup.com\/trading\/equity-index\/rolldates.html](https://preview.redd.it/smfg4bj1q1o71.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=28ed0561a94e493c47cd3632972cd19e243be1aa) + +Neither Idea is all too new to superstonk (as covered by u/criand et al.): + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the\_puzzle\_pieces\_of\_quarterly\_movements\_equity/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/) + +[https://i.redd.it/bol3hilmxsk71.png](https://i.redd.it/bol3hilmxsk71.png) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppqrag/no\_way\_out\_hedgies\_buckle\_the\_fuck\_up\_2\_pics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppqrag/no_way_out_hedgies_buckle_the_fuck_up_2_pics/) + +However Despite both theories being present and deeply looked at at the same time on this sub, little overlap connections have been made. Whether this is intentional of shill social engineering to prevent retail from catching on, or perhaps this is the inevitable breakthrough that bound to happen - lets look at the overlap of the two mechanics in concert with each other. + +&#x200B; + +**Lets look at FTD timeline:** + +Furthermore, this theory relies on not just 2021 data but is VALIDATED by last year's 2020 September run up to January! Look, this Happened the Tuesday following Futures expiry of September of last year. + +[https://wherearetheshares.com/](https://wherearetheshares.com/) + +* 9-18-2020 Futures Expiry +* 9-22-2020 T+2 settlement failure FTD creation +* 9-23-2020 Threshold inclusion on Wednesday following FTD creation. + +[ https:\/\/wherearetheshares.com\/](https://preview.redd.it/0b382uz3q1o71.png?width=1107&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddee08ac1d5676e372b7e18e7ffaab2fedf85908) + +You can even match the above events to price/volume movements of late 2020. Every Threshold related action that removed naked shorting positions allowed the price to be reflected in demand. + +[2020](https://preview.redd.it/c2ctibl6q1o71.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=445a6422679b7df12624a582e9a062ebec9ce865) + +# Now the problem has SNOWBALLED due to NO FAULT of retail this entire year due to FTD manipulation by the DTCC. A 190M snowball. So once again see if they can claim 190M FTDs.. ... + +Want proof? Do you remember that Yahoo (but really multiple source: alphavantage, stockanalysis) "glitch" mentioned earlier? Did you notice what date it was on? **The day after rollover 9-10-2021.** Additionally, I detected an anomaly in Yahoo's reported number indicating the Monday "fix" is actually fabricated. + +float source: + +[http://web.archive.org/web/20210910124841/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME](http://web.archive.org/web/20210910124841/https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics?p=GME) + +anomaly DD: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnzf76/peaking\_behind\_yahoo\_curtain\_analyzed\_past\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pnzf76/peaking_behind_yahoo_curtain_analyzed_past_year/) + +&#x200B; + +**A look at the play this year:** + +[2021](https://preview.redd.it/851y800bq1o71.png?width=1307&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d7f13237bfe8918bef8399fbc7fbd2923feb7a) + +Notice they've been able to kick futures by paying premiums to the counter parties. But on 9-9-2021 there was no run up. Just a tiny bump on no volume. This is parallel to what happened last year in September. + +* A partial premium roll +* Failure to deliver securities on Futures Expiry +* FTDs T+2 following settlement +* Threshold List activation +* Minor run up on T+13 Consecutive day on Threshold List +* FAILURE TO CLOSE ON T+13 -> STILL ON THRESHOLD +* **C+35 after FTDs generated,** ***while on threshold,*** **becomes the world's problem.** + +So now I'm in the same boat with u/gherkinit, this is 100% futures driven. And the future's party members (the DTCC members) inability to deliver shares. + +However I do **NOT** believe the closing of positions will happen all at once, I doubt anything will actually happen on quadruple witching, as pointed out by "A User." DO NOT BUY *WEEKLIES*. + +[ https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/ppqrag\/no\_way\_out\_hedgies\_buckle\_the\_fuck\_up\_2\_pics\/](https://preview.redd.it/0xv6y07gq1o71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ab52288863dd1a26bbb5c0f1219ccd41a40913e) + +These degenerate bad actors will only close out positions if **FORCED** to, such as through RegSHO, and being included in the threshold list. This gamma ramp non-sense is rather silly, they're also in the business of shaking out as many retail as they can before they close. So expect a ride much more similar to last year's September run up, but much more explosive near the end. Sideways until threshold list activation. + +**A Rant:** + +This FTD Process is not just neglect, but it's the continual denial of delivery and hiding evidence of the FTDs, this is straight up malicious. This process has only made the situation worse. Likely when C+35 is finally active during Threshold, it's going to rope in banks - This process of kicking FTDs is literal financial terrorism. + +If I had to guess what Kenny is doing every quarter, he's flying around and paying his counter party roll over premiums, not to report futures agreements, and not to trigger MOASS. He is brick-by-brick bankrupting himself and shitadel by paying Futures roll-over premiums off digital exchanges. **The ultimate dark market.** + +Some collection of counter parties out in the world wants 190M GME shares delivered to them (mostly Apes and other funds). Effectively, Kenny is choosing to enslave a Market Maker to these parties rather than pay up and deliver. This is no way to run a national economy. And the longer this plays out, the worse situation becomes. **For Fuck sakes the leak on it's own dwarfed the official January numbers. We're not going away.** + +The MOASS must take place. After the squeeze is over, no one will be indebted anymore, this FTD silliness must stop. + +# In Conclusion: Watch for Threshold Inclusion. + +https://preview.redd.it/bms3q06mq1o71.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2ea1fd9527f476bf838153629e91ffce860aa54 + +**DD even if not 100% correct brings discussion and eyes to the problem that is NAKED SHORT SELLING. APES need to continually build up the vault of evidence to end naked short selling once and for all!** + +# "Leverage bankrupts institutions, Naked shorting bankrupts nations." + +To the above paraphrased quote: MOASS is a must and inevitable, it'll make the nation stronger once we remove naked shorting (literal fraud) from existence. This will restore balance to Supply and Demand. + +&#x200B; + +========================================================== + += Concerns and comments: + +========================================================== + +I'll try to provide edits/updates to reference material down here like an appendix. but I expect other apes to help each other out with questions first. + +&#x200B; + +**edit1, FAQ:** Regarding why I believe the lack of run up is indication of liquidity problems. + +# The industry/system behaves as if it's built around FTDs. + +Last September, the DTCC members were faced with a choice of delivering on expiry -OR- hoping parties don't execute (HODL) and instead defer to the FTD decision the following Tuesday (T+2). The latter risks placing GME on the Threshold List, which as we can tell has been their number#1 nightmare of avoidance since January. There's only 2 reasons they wouldn't try to close partially this time. + +1. They've already closed - we know that's a load of crap +2. They don't have the liquidity << My opinion. + +This is similar to London's Gold Fixing, HOWEVER, unlike London's cartel, instead of arbitrating prior to closing and shifting spread to reflect supply and demand (which is one level of manipulation). The DTCC is deciding to arbitrate AFTER expirations become FTDs. They wait for FTD data to come in from around the market first, then decide what to *intentionally* fail and what to deliver. + +This is delayed ~~trading~~ execution - is 100% fraud (counter-trading on delayed deliveries) effectively allowing a decision to be made post-expiry on T-2(minus) retroactive execution. And since the SEC allows this to happen, this has become the standard to build the industry around FTDs. Letting failures pile up. + +# Letting failures pile up - The New American Way? + +[Is this how you lead the world? This is America's greatest achievement?](https://preview.redd.it/rcwnk4jri2o71.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4ddb07c0b4a266f972df8b0a6438dbd3fcfe6d7) + +PS... I can understand why Ryan Cohen - a man who prides himself on 2-hour deliveries would be affront to this situation. + +&#x200B; +[https://nyti.ms/2RakMyO](https://nyti.ms/2RakMyO) + +# I Quit New York + +Cameron Carling, 38, left to pursue a dream life in Costa Rica. Then he quit that, too. + +**Interview by** **Alex Williams** + +**Jan. 20, 2020** + +I moved to New York in 2007 from Los Angeles, where I had been living after college at U.C.L.A. You show up in New York for a week in September, and youā€™re like, This is the most magical goddamned place on the planet. This is where all of the things are happening in the world. + +I had no job, and figured that New York would just provide for me, and it nearly didnā€™t. I was on the verge of running out of borrowed money when I landed a job at a huge tech company via a temp agency. That turned into a full-time gig, and I ended up working there for 11 years. + +I met my wife, Marcella, two weeks after I arrived, at a party. New York was awesome as a couple with no kids. We would go to outdoor movies in Bryant Park, see the symphony in Central Park. + +But after a decade or so, I started to burn out. Part of it was that my wife and I had two kids and we were living in an 1,100-square-foot apartment in Brooklyn. Itā€™s a common refrain, but trying to raise a kid in New York is like growing an oak tree in a thimble. + +Also, Iā€™m originally from Utah, and wanted to be closer to nature, but in New York itā€™s hard to find a tree thatā€™s not growing out of cement. One day I was out on a terrace at work and listening to the hum of the city, and it just felt so unnatural. + +ā€œMenacingā€ is too harsh a word, but itā€™s this hum of anxiety. Everyone is so tense, so hunched. Even the cars feel hunched. I thought, Iā€™ve got to get out of here. + +A buddy of mine had already given me a book called ā€œTools of Titans,ā€ and that got me into the FIRE movement. It stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. The idea is that you learn to cut out luxuries and extra expenses and try to boost your personal savings rate as high as 70 percent of your income. + +Thereā€™s this concept called geo-arbitrage, where you take your savings and move to a place with a lower cost of living. + +My wife had always wanted to live abroad, so I started running the numbers. If we moved to a cheaper country, I thought I could just retire, and weā€™ll all be happy. I could write a book. + +My wife speaks Spanish, and wanted our kids to learn it as well, so Spain was one option. We went on a fact-finding trip to Granada and Valencia, but life there rhymed too closely with New York. Weā€™d still be living in an apartment building, in a city. It was New York with an accent. + +We figured we couldnā€™t look at every single country, so letā€™s just zero in on one. Costa Rica comes up on the list of everyoneā€™s favorite places to vacation. Itā€™s beautiful, thereā€™s tons of outdoors stuff, and it has good international schools, which became sort of the tail wagging the dog for us. + +The whole family went down there on spring break and ended up in a town called Playa Potrero. It had this great view of the ocean, and you could hear howler monkeys in the jungle. You get swept up by the beauty of it. Also, it is very New York opposite. Thereā€™s one road. + +My wife was an elementary schoolteacher, but she took time off for the kids, and was just working part-time. She loves New York and was hesitant, but she felt outnumbered. She felt everybody needed more space. + +For the most part she was trying to support me on this Iā€™ve-got-to-get-out-of-here mission. I was in this mind-set of, Iā€™m never going to work for a company again, so I put in notice at work, and then it was a mad dash to start packing up our lives. + +We moved to Costa Rica in June 2018. Soon after we got there, Marcella took a job teaching first grade at the dual-language school our kids went to. So we did a swap. I became what they call an ā€œamo de casa,ā€ a house husband. + +We ended up spending a little more on housing than we wanted to. We knew people who lived a little more rustically, with no washer, dryer, no air-conditioning. You can get that for $300 a month. + +But we didnā€™t know how long we were going to be down there and we wanted to land in a good spot. So we rented a modern two-bedroom place on the beach. It was $3,000 a month, but it had a pool, and we would open up the gates to the backyard, and that was the sand. + +I took about three months to decompress, but I realized pretty quickly, I couldnā€™t retire. This is insane. Iā€™ve worked all my life. I get a lot of joy and fulfillment by creating things. + +And so, I started writing a book with a friend of mine back in Utah who wanted to adapt his podcast into a book. That was an interesting part of the move. I was 38 and just starting out as a writer. + +People said you canā€™t do that, itā€™s too hard. But moving to a new country was this way to uproot some of these limiting beliefs, the idea that you canā€™t just go and do something totally different. Sure you can. + +So I was writing the book, but my full-time job was mostly taking care of the house and grocery shopping. I had this very silly, not-real vision of riding my bike to the store and filling up my little basket with fruits and vegetables, but in reality, the roads are obscenely dangerous. + +Thereā€™s so much rain that theyā€™re designed with a drop-off of three feet on either side for drainage, and everyone uses the same road ā€” and when I say everyone, I mean cars, people on foot, people on bikes, dogs. You try going down the road and all of a sudden a cow appears out of nowhere. + +We ended up having to buy a car, a big Toyota S.U.V., but you pay at least 50 percent more for a car there than you would in the United States, because of all the taxes. + +The nice thing about the town was that there was a very intense, small-town feel, so breaking into the expat community was not super-difficult. But we were looking for an integrated experience, and it was much harder to break into the local community. + +I tried to volunteer a couple of times, but my Spanish wasnā€™t up to snuff. Also, my wife has always been more the social connector, and Iā€™m the introvert who can sit inside all day long. But she was working full-time, so we were in the wrong roles. + +Our kids loved it there, and probably would have stayed forever, but we already knew by about three or four months that it wasnā€™t the right place for us. That December, we took a weekend trip to see the Arenal volcano, and I was like, This is going to be great, weā€™re going to go out into nature. + +We were staying at this random Airbnb, this giant place like a furniture showroom way out in the middle of nowhere, and there was a bat in the ceiling that was making all this noise. I had just tried to hack a coconut in half with a dull machete and almost cut my toe off, and it was like, All right, what are we doing? + +We were already planning to head back to New York for the winter break, and when we got there I met up with a former colleague of mine at my old company, and she was setting up a new team in Austin. I thought, O.K., weā€™ve got to start making some moves in another direction. + +We moved from Costa Rica to Austin after 11 months, but I think we had to move to Costa Rica to end up in Austin. It was all about that relativity. Speaking for myself, I had to have that swing, to go there and say, ā€œThatā€™s not right, the answer is somewhere in the middle.ā€ + +I now ride my bike to work, safely, every day. Itā€™s 15 minutes along the lake. Itā€™s beautiful. The kids are going to a Spanish immersion school and theyā€™re doing great. + +We live in a historic neighborhood called Clarksville, and we checked all the boxes: We got the rescue dog, and my daughter got some cowboy boots. Weā€™re settling into this new life. But again, who knows? I might just be a serial leaver. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +I thought that my (editorialized) headline would nicely sum up my thoughts on the guy. Evidently it did not as my post was removed...sorry mods :) The lesson here is: don't attempt to perform "geographic arbitrage" without doing an ounce of research ahead of time about the place you are moving to. This goes for international moves, like the author's, but also for moves to different regions of your own country. You are setting yourself up to be scammed ($3000 rent in Costa Rica??), but it is also deeply disrespectful to locals if you do not make an attempt to fit into the culture and customs. This man even had the advantage of a Spanish-speaking wife yet made little attempt to learn the language or venture outside of the "expat" (cringe) areas. +>Radius Financial, one of Canadaā€™s most competitive insured mortgage lenders, just launched a new **0.99% adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM)** for default-insured mortgages. + + +Canadian mortgage rates are *unbelievably* low. I seek to understand why there are people willing to lend their money at 0.99%. Considering that there are products out that garantee a 4% return for large sums (though illiquid), why are (a) credit union investors and (b) private lender investors interested in lending at 1.5%, and now.... at 0.99%? + + +I'm told it has to do with a tax-payer backing that removes too much risk. That it's effectively free money as us, the tax payers, are always making it a "risk-free" investment. + + +**Question**: Is that true and can someone working in banking here can give a good explanation? + +From RateSpy this morning: +[https://rates.ca/resources/new-record-low-canadian-mortgage-rate](https://rates.ca/resources/new-record-low-canadian-mortgage-rate) +Hello, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I only have a couple rental properties and this one is the first one in this particular city. Getting to the point, I purchased this SFH a year ago from another LLC that was renting it since 2016. I assumed everything would be good-to-go since they are a well-known rental company. Fast-forward and the city inspected the property and said the downstairs bathroom was installed without permit. I had my realtor pull a photo from 1995, when the house was sold to the second owner, showing the downstairs bathroom was there and it looked like it had fixtures from the 80s. I then asked the city to show me their previous inspections. They inspected it several times from 2016-2021 and not once mentioned the bathroom needing to come out. The bathroom has a 4" increase to the floor height making the ceiling height a couple inches under code. It also has a breaker panel in it. Both of these things show in the picture in 1995. It's since been sold 5 times as well. If I remove the bathroom, my mortgage states that I have to immediately repay. I have tenants moving in in a couple days as well and they expect it to have a downstairs bathroom. This should have been caught in previous inspections, but wasn't, I feel like the city is playing favorites depending on landlord. What options do I have? + +Edit: Thank you for all of the helpful comments! I'm working on some next steps and will update this with what the final outcome is. +Wanted to bring back a fantastic quote from Peter Lynch during these turbulent times in the market. I recently have seen a lot of finance "influencers", as you would call it, and YouTubers attempting to time the market. It seems reasonable to do so, especially when the market has been wiggly and volatile in the past couple of months. + +But this quote from Peter Lynch is a fantastic reminder of why timing the market is obsolete. Human emotions are imperfect and trying to time the market is no better than a fool's errand. The better thing to do is to simply invest in businesses that you understand at a good price, and continue to DCA through the downturns. + +Making rash decisions such as choosing to sell everything based upon some hunch that you have is probably going to get you nowhere. + +Hope this helps. + +\-BDover +**TL;DR:** The traditional American work ethic, while admirable and (perhaps) good for the collective, can be unhealthy for the individual. Many of us would be better off if we embraced a degree of self-centered self-indulgence and devoted ourselves to self-actualization instead of productivity, paid work or ā€˜the greater goodā€™. + +I often feel discomfort watching remarkably talented friends trade their mental and physical health to climb someone elseā€™s ladder. Many of them radiate an unmistakable din of desperation for a more tolerable life. The concern I feel for them motivated me to post this. + +In the US, the ethos of 'meaningful hard work and achievement' is so deeply rooted that most of my peers never question it. Why is this? Why do people continue to work in unhealthy environments when they could stop working decades before they finally do so? Obvious contributing factors include low wages, lifestyle inflation, financial illiteracy, etc. However, I believe that there are additional, less acknowledged variables at play. Below I discuss a few potential contributing factors. + +Until very recently humans had trouble obtaining the basics in life: shelter, food, safety, etc.. It was hard to get enough and nearly impossible to acquire a surplus sufficient for peace of mind. Those humans who continually strove for ā€˜extraā€™ were disproportionately likely to pass on their genes. + +Today things are different. Itā€™s feasible for many workers in highly developed economies to obtain not only the necessary basics but also to have a sufficient surplus (e.g., an emergency fund) for unexpected developments. With this comes the question: at what point should people stop pursuing more? I see this phenomenon manifested in the many, many posts where people say ā€”ā€˜Can I actually FIRE at this point? Should I work a few more years to build up a little bit of extra savings?ā€™ + +Further, many people have incomplete identities and few, if any, real passions in life. Therefore, they rely on paid work, artificial goals and milestones (e.g., degrees, promotions, titles, etc.) as a source of identity, meaning and reward. The fact that so many Americans derive their primary meaning and identity from work is, arguably, a reflection of deficiencies in their non-work lives. Perhaps If these same people had more non-work passions they would identify less with their jobs, work less and enjoy their lives more. + +Many people have difficulty developing their own structure and donā€™t have motivation to pursue their own goals. I believe that this is learned behavior that stretches back to at least elementary school; for the first 18 years of life most Americans have so much structure heaped upon them that they donā€™t learn how to develop their own (the negative consequences of not being able to create structure for oneself have manifested clearly during the pandemic). Further, many people are reluctant to leave paid work because they fear that they will wind up ā€˜doing nothingā€™ as if achieving FIRE would mean you would do ā€˜nothingā€™; there is a wide range between unhealthy inactivity and paid work in a job that sucks your soul. + +You could work your whole life trying to turn your ā€˜start upā€™ into the next big thing and fail. Or succeed and realize that it is another ā€˜facebookā€™ undermining democracy and the mental health of others. Or you could take an arguably less conventional path; you could chart your own course and self actualize. Grow like an unfettered, unbound, liberated bonsai tree. Find something other than paid work that gives YOU meaning and then strive for excellence as you define it. Travel, explore sunken wrecked ships, climb mountains, farm, etc. + +Among this list of potential meaningful activities I purposely did not include volunteering, establishing a non-profit or any other behavior that promotes ā€˜the greater goodā€™. I value and engage in activities that benefit others. However, I believe that the default substitution of one form of obligation (to an employer) for another (to society) does not address the problem. I believe that too many people are reluctant to engage in a healthy level of self-centered self-indulgence, and that many of my peers would do well to shed the hand wringing, self-flagellating privilege guilt that keeps them on one treadmill or another. + +I believe that many of us will be a lot better off if we embraced the side of ourselves that enjoys self-centered indulgence, striving for excellence in activities that do not necessarily come with any monetary reward nor any societal benefit but are nevertheless meaningful, healthy and rewarding. You are not obligated to devote your free time and disposable resources to anyone or any cause. Itā€™s OK to be a bit selfish at times. + +Lots of people experience true meaning and satisfaction from their paid work. They contribute to their communities and make the world a better place. I sincerely admire, respect and applaud them. I too have experienced lots of meaning from hard work and achievement in the world of paid work, but it came at a price. For me, devoting so much time, energy and resources to career progression undermined authenticity and self actualization. Leaving paid work meant I will never achieve x, Y or Z. So be it. I am much happier and healthier in my current situation. + +Now in my 50ā€™s, I am happier, healthier and more self actualized than ever. FIRE helped me to get here. + +I welcome your perspective and comments. I recognize that this post may offend some. Feel free to let me have it. + + +**TL;DR:** The traditional American work ethic, while admirable and (perhaps) good for the collective, can be unhealthy for the individual. Many of us would be better off if we embraced a degree of self-centered self-indulgence and devoted ourselves to self-actualization instead of productivity, paid work or ā€˜the greater goodā€™. +So, I'm in debt. In total it is about $5,000 between medical bills and loans. Only about $1,000 of that is student loans. I make $18.75 an hour, rent is $970/m, and utilities probably come out to about $250/m. My car insurance is super expensive, and I cannot get anything below about $140/m for it. I work from home so I don't drive much, so gas and car maintenance is very low. Groceries total about $300 give or take depending on the month. Internet is $23/m. Basically, I find that I can pay to keep going, but not get out of debt. I made some poor financial decisions when I moved out on my own for the first time, which is where the loans came from. Now, I am living paycheck to paycheck, don't have money set aside for emergencies (thank god for my family, if there is a true emergency I know that I have people who could help me get by if needed), dont have enough to pay on my debts, and have a very bad credit score (566). There are more affordable apartments in my area, but I cannot get approved anywhere due to my credit score. I'm not sure what else to do at this point. There are not really any jobs locally that I would be suited for that pay better than what I get, and overtime is limited and inconsistent. Theoretically I can just keep doing what I'm doing, stay stuck in debt, hope a promotion becomes available, but that could happen tomorrow or 3 years from now. I'm honestly not sure. Any advice? +**As I am sure everyone saw, last Friday the Fedā€™s O/N Reverse Repo figure hit a** [**record $1 Trillion**](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTTLD)**, shattering all previous records. In my first ever DD in May (**[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nk1s2a/connecting_the_dots_citadels_treasury_market/)**) I hypothesized that the reason for the sharp increase in RRPs was due to Citadel and other SHFs shorting the Treasury Market** (from Atobittā€™s The Everything Short)- my idea was that they were likely hitting FTDs on their shorts (since they may have shorted more bonds than exist) and needed to locate Treasuries to kick the can on the FTDs. Thus, the SHFs were using banks as intermediaries in order to get these treasuries on their books on the day they needed a locate. + +**It looks like I was wrong. Their shorts may have been contributing tangentially to the issue, but are not the driving reason for this record scramble for collateral.** The amount and diversity of participants is evidence that this is a systemic issue for Money Market Funds/Banks/Broker-Dealers- not just a few large SHFs needing Treasury collateral. **The real issue is worse. Much worse. There are signs that the entire banking system is straining under the weight of the massive liquidity injections from the Fed.** + +**Letā€™s take a trip-** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ym0yjv5j9cf71.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861edcff728a52d6c8782db0aa42bb70aeec5b7c + +&#x200B; + +# RRPs + +[Reverse Repos](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reverserepurchaseagreement.asp) are extremely similar to short term cash loans. The Financial Institution (most often a [Money Market Fund (read here if you don't know what MMFs are)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/money-marketfund.asp) takes $1M of cash, and gives it as a loan to a counterparty, who coughs up $1M of Treasuries as collateral to the MMF. Then the MMF gives the Treasury back to the counterparty at the maturity date of the RRP contract (in this case, the maturity is only one day) in exchange for the payback in full of the original loan. (These have been covered at length in other DDs, [read this if youā€™re still confused](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reverserepurchaseagreement.asp)) + +(Money Market Funds are massive- they manage nearly $5 Trillion dollars as of the end of 2020) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wylpbj0w9cf71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=65749897e7b271ef9c328648788e6ed135cfe56e + +**The end result from a RRP is that the MMF is able to use its cash in order to secure Treasuries, and the counterparty gets a loan they can use to cover a short term obligation.** The terms Repo and Reverse Repo are interchangeable, they just mean opposite sides of the Repo trade. + +(Another way of thinking of it is the entity **borrowing** the cash (loan) and giving collateral can be called a ā€œRepo Partyā€, the entity **lending** cash and receiving collateral can be called the ā€œReverse Repo Partyā€. Sorry if these terms are confusing) + +Credit to u/leisure_rules for [this great explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/os3cn6/daily_reverse_repo_update_0726_891203b/h6m9do7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bviglo50acf71.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c4042b33df71e507a994d3c6bc7402a5468423 + +**As many have pointed out, this massive figure is concerning because it is a symptom of a serious issue in the market.** MMFs typically operate by taking cash and lending into the ā€œmoney marketsā€, aka short term (cash-like) loans, such as AAA+ corporate debt, T-bills, or overnight bank loans. Some MMFs are ā€œgovernment MMFsā€, meaning they have to put the majority of their funds into government securities with short durations ([SPAXX for example, as pointed out by u/Criand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oteezg/daily_reverse_repo_update_0728_965189b/h6uro7d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) + +The MMFs are the largest investors at the RRP Facility- accounting for more than 80% of total volume. Since the govt MMFs have to invest the vast majority (99.5%) of their funds into T-bills (another name for short duration treasuries), they are scrambling to park as much money as possible into the RRP facility to maintain their legally required ratio of T-bills to cash. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e8uds0m1acf71.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f53182e9ff91225ee65b8bde50e806b62f1fc72 + +Typically, these MMFs trade Repos with primary dealers (basically these are banks that are allowed to directly buy Treasuries from the Federal Government- [primary dealers are also explained in Part 3.5 of my Dollar Endgame Series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oh0m2s/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)) as these researchers explain- + +ā€œ**MMFs conduct the great majority of their repo investments with securities dealers, and primary dealers in particular.** Nondealer counterparties include insurance companies, educational institutions, government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), and the Federal Reserve. Some MMF repos are centrally cleared and novated to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC).ā€ + +ā€œ**Access to MMFs in the repo market facilitates a range of dealerā€™s financing and market making strategies, indirectly connecting MMFs to a broader set of activity in the financial system.** As of December 31, 2020, MMFs held $877 billion of repo investments, or 82% of the total, with securities dealers. Of that amount, $642 billion repo investments were with primary dealers. Historically, primary dealers have been by far the largest MMF repo counterparties.ā€ ([Source- SEC Money Market and Repo Research Paper](https://www.sec.gov/files/mmfs-and-the-repo-market-021721.pdf)\- also where I get these charts). + +As stated above, **MMFs are Repo counterparties** for dealers/banks/corporations. **Thus, the MMFs are lending cash to the dealers, and receiving T-bills as collateral (occasionally other types of collateral). Remember, a Repo from the counterpartyā€™s (MMFs) point of view is basically a Reverse Repo since they take the opposite side of the Repo trade.** MMFs always want to LEND cash in order to get T-bills and debt securities, or just buy them outright. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n30gqp94acf71.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=55145106ebb5edcea9787e3ae079cef3a217bb20 + +All these transactions occur in the ā€œ[Money Markets](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/moneymarket.asp)ā€- the opaque, hidden and secretive world of plumbing that runs throughout the entire financial system. Reporting here is very spotty- large parts of the markets are lightly regulated, and very few people actually know what is going on in them. This is concerning since large parts of the financial system rely on these markets- for example large corporations such as General Electric, PG&E, and even McDonalds use this markets to roll their short term debt, ensuring that they can borrow enough cash to pay bills each month. + +**Because this world is so unknown and opaque to most in the financial world, this market has been coined the ā€œshadow banking systemā€.** This is because entities in the system, such as MMFs, **ACT** as banks (*ie depositors put money in, MMFs loan cash to corps/banks for collateral (Reverse Repos). Some retail clients of MMFs can even write checks from their MMF account, just like a checking account!*) but they are **NOT REGULATED** like banks- thus, **MMFs (along with other institutions) are called ā€œshadow banksā€**. + +They fall under much lighter regulation standards as ā€œcollateralized debt fundsā€. Post-2008, there was an effort to more tightly regulate these funds as banks/bank substitutes, but the bill failed (See: [The Payoff- Why Wall St Always Wins](https://www.amazon.com/Payoff-Wall-Street-Always-Wins/dp/1935212966)). + +In the midst of the 2008 Financial Crisis, Zoltan Pozsar, a Senior Analyst who was hired to work at the New York Fed, started diving deep into the Shadow Banking System. Obsessed with understanding it, he worked day and night for weeks, building a map of how it works, which NO ONE had ever done before. Here it is pictured below, from his seminal paper ā€œ[The Rise and Fall of the Shadow Banking System](https://www.economy.com/sbs)ā€ + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m49ugz6dacf71.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b9cab66b56ea5b678a4daaeca409abfd3c9f422 + +As you can see, this system is INCREDIBLY complex. The map pictured above is just the executive summary map. The real map is very big (4ft by 3ft or so). I saw the real map in an online research paper years ago, but now it appears [that the link to it is broken on the NY Fedā€™s website](https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/economists/adrian/1306adri_map.pdf) ([same issue with a FT article](https://www.ft.com/content/9023cd92-fee7-315c-b896-928bb23bbb85)). Weird. + +If anyone finds it, please let me know. ([Extra Credit Reading- Shadow Banking: The Money View by Pozsar](https://www.financialresearch.gov/working-papers/files/OFRwp2014-04_Pozsar_ShadowBankingTheMoneyView.pdf)) + +This system is huge- trillions pass through it every day, and it directly touches most major banks, insurance corporations, broker-dealers, MMFs, and even some pension/hedge funds. Pozsar is one of a few experts who have a deep understanding of how this system works (along with Jeff Snider and Steven Van Metre) + +[Pozsar predicted a month ago that RRPs would rise above $1T, and eventually climb to $1.3T or more. ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-05/zoltan-pozsar-sees-a-1-trillion-problem-for-money-markets-ahead)Looks like he was right. + +Iā€™m not going to dive deep into the Shadow Banking system- **as I have nowhere near the knowledge that the aforementioned experts have**, and it would take FAR too long for one DD. If you would like to know more I suggest you read the above resources (or check out George Gammonā€™s interviews with [Jeff Snider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_sc-H5QYSo&t=5s) or [Steven Van Metre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEl_a37D158)). My focus is more macro-economics + financial history. + +OK, Back to Reverse Repos- whatā€™s going on? + +# Three Driving Reasons for RRP Blowup: + +&#x200B; + +# 1. Loss of Faith in Primary Dealers/Repo Counterparties- Bank Credit Contraction beginning. CDS Rising. + +&#x200B; + +# 2. Collateral Supply Shortage- Caused by the Treasury drawing down the TGA (Treasury General Account) and hitting the Debt Ceiling (Treasury not issuing more bills/bonds). SLR exemption expired. + +&#x200B; + +# 3. Massive Treasury Demand- Spawned by ā€œflight to qualityā€ from FIs, Fed continues to pump $120B a month into the banking system. The Fed is EATING the Treasury Market. + +&#x200B; + +# Letā€™s cover these one by one. + +&#x200B; + +# Loss of Faith in Primary Dealers + +Typically, the MMFs can use the [primary dealers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primarydealer.asp) to source a large portion of their treasury demand. They would only occasionally use the Fed RRP window when their demand exceeded the market supply- this is because the Primary Dealers will usually pay a decent interest rate (like 1-3%) for the RRP, while the Fedā€™s RRP was pinned at 0.00% for years (until this July, which we will get into later). + +So why are the MMFs and other FIā€™s with cash to spare using the Fedā€™s RRP facility at near-zero interest rates when they could potentially make much more in RRP to banks? **Theyā€™re noticing something happening in the banking system.** + +**The entire banking system has begun entering a credit contraction.** Despite the trillions injected by the Fed, major commercial banks are afraid to make loans, and have been letting older loans mature without lending more- You can see this for yourself [here](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TOTCI). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xo70glafacf71.png?width=2334&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a72b010984abb8a50d172c5fe743a09ba9faad0 + +This is typical of a [credit cycle](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/credit-cycle.asp#:~:text=A%20credit%20cycle%20describes%20the%20phases%20of%20access%20to%20credit%20by%20borrowers.&text=During%20the%20contraction%20period%20of,loans%2C%20and%20other%20personal%20loans.), ([explained in depth in Part 3 of my Dollar Endgame Series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogzoco/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)). In a recession, companies that are overleveraged start to go under, banks get worried about credit risk again and slow down/stop lending. What is weird about this contraction is that it is occurring in the midst of the greatest fiscal and monetary stimulus ever- the Fed is printing billions and shoving it into the banking system. The economy is supposed to be growing again and lockdowns are being lifted. + +**Further, notice that the credit contraction is more severe (steeper) than either 2001 or 2008. Banks are pulling back commercial and industrial loans more rapidly than in either previous recession.** + +Zooming in, we can see an initial spike in loans from banks due to Fed Stimulus in March 2020, then a steady downward contraction in bank credit even into July 2021- despite the $120B being plowed into the system every month, and a reopening from the lockdowns of 2020. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y0bgv2pgacf71.png?width=2334&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a9c43851e88fa73825f62440b4ade573a0e4b05 + +Several important events have occurred in the past few months, notably [the closing down of personal lines of credit by Wells Fargo](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/wells-fargo-is-shutting-down-all-personal-line-of-credit-accounts-.html), and JP Morgan deciding to [hoard cash (ie, not lend) because it believes that ā€œinflation is here to stayā€.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/14/jamie-dimon-jpmorgan-is-hoarding-cash-because-very-good-chance-inflation-here-to-stay.html) These are just more signs of the widening credit contraction. Why? + +In periods of high inflation, the value of debt gets wiped out. This is great for borrowers (consumers) but horrible for banks, since they rely on the interest and principal payments to retain their purchasing power so that they can buy other investments or make new loans. **Inflation (in the real economy) is almost always horrible for banks/credit lenders.** + +Thus, the big banks are starting to decide not to lend (for consumer loans) for fear of their investments being wiped out. This could be due to fear of counterparties defaulting, or fear of inflation continuing to soar. Banks are many things, but they arenā€™t stupid. (**also, hint, inflation is MUCH higher than even the Fed reports- likely real inflation is around 12-14% right now.** I can make a post on this later). The great ape [u/Dismal-Jellyfish](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dismal-Jellyfish/) has been making amazing posts on inflation- I suggest you go check them out. + +**If inflation keeps climbing higher and is not transitory, the banks will be faced with the prospect of losing hundreds of billions of dollars in their commercial loan portfolios as inflation eats away the value of the debt (that they OWN).** This will squeeze margins on them drastically, maybe even forcing a few into bankruptcy, and where they can, they will drastically raise interest rates (which a system this over indebted cannot support) just to survive. + +More ominously, the [Credit Default Swap](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/creditdefaultswap.asp) Rates (Yes, THOSE things from 2008) on the major investment banks are rising. (Notice how they also spiked earlier in the chart, during the last week of January when RH prevented buying of GME.) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j66sbbaoacf71.jpg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf31a66216bbda8905a90031e8bf9c499e46966 + +&#x200B; + +The market views the banksā€™ credit risks as rising- likely the reason why bank ETFs like KBE are down >10% in the last two months. Credit Suisseā€™s credit risk is rising the fastest of all of them ([elaborated on in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/)). + +**Another interesting fact reported by Jeff Snider (mentioned by George Gammon**[ **in this interview**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1yyGieCC1w&t=876s) **at 6:20) is that T-bills received from the Fedā€™s RRP facility CANNOT be rehypothecated. All other collateral in the shadow banking system (aka collateral provided by primary dealers, banks, or others) can be rehypothecated 1-30x (or more, no one knows the exact multiplier), but T-bills from the Fed are specially marked to prevent rehypothecation.** + +Therefore, by using the Fed as their counterparty, MMFs get T-bills that arenā€™t (and cannot be) rehypothecated by anyone, and are thus MUCH safer. Further, they have basically no counterparty risk, because if the Fed runs out of money, it can just print more. + +**Why in the world would the MMFs use the banks as counterparties for RRPs when the collateral is rehypothecated and the counterparties could (potentially) default, when the Fedā€™s RRP facility is an option? It makes sense why they chose the Fedā€™s RRP facility.** + +# Collateral Supply Shortage + +The second thing driving the RRP figures into the trillions is the tightening of new supply of treasuries. This is because of a couple of reasons. + +\- First, the Treasury is drawing down the TGA (Treasury General Account) instead of issuing T-bill/bonds. The [Treasury General Account](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/treasury-general-account.asp) is the general checking account of the U.S. Government, which the Department of the Treasury uses and from which the U.S. government makes all of its official payments. The [Federal Reserve Bank of New York](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/federal-reserve-bank-of-new-york.asp) holds the Treasury General Account. + +Itā€™s basically where the Treasury stores cash raised from issuing bonds, so that this cash can be disbursed to fund government programs (like Social Security, or the Dept. of Defense), along with making payments on the over [$28.5 Trillion National Debt](https://www.usdebtclock.org/). Typically, the TGA sits between $200-$400B, giving the government a small cash hoard in the case that it canā€™t issue bonds for a time. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/axiaxr2sacf71.png?width=1930&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ac0de03c8e8ccf443350484a8336903affe458 + +Treasury Secretary Mnuchin built this massive war chest during Covid because the government was able to borrow basically unimpeded, but Congress was unable to pass the second stimulus package until December 2020. At the peak, the TGA reached $1.8 Trillion, and hovered around $1.6 Trillion for months after. In February 2021, Yellen stated that she wanted to spend the money in this account rather than issuing new bonds, and thatā€™s [exactly what the Treasury started doing.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-liquidity-explainer/explainer-u-s-treasurys-cash-drawdown-and-why-markets-care-idUSKBN2AM26A) + +So, since the beginning of this year, there has been less Treasury bond issuance than there otherwise would be, since Yellen can just pay for govt programs through the cash in the TGA rather than issuing new bonds. **Supply of Treasuries has thus been reduced since the beginning of the year.** + +**-The second reason for the collateral shortage is that the Fed now cannot issue any more bonds.** Just last week, as I am sure everyone saw, Congress adjourned for vacation without[ raising the debt ceiling. ](https://thehill.com/policy/finance/565745-missed-debt-ceiling-deadline-kicks-off-high-stakes-fight)This is crucial since it means that now, the Treasury legally cannot issue any more debt. Since the United States is running large budget deficits, it does not have the funds to pay for government programs and interest payments on the massive Federal debt- it typically borrows more (issuing new bonds) in order to pay off older bonds that are maturing (Like paying off your credit cards by getting a personal line of credit- genius right?). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/waw1gh23bcf71.png?width=1678&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa65553239feea9d5e6f30e5cff54a9fe4d8e63 + +Now, with[ the debt ceiling left at around $28.5 trillion](https://www.wsj.com/articles/debt-ceiling-deadline-11627913756) (basically exactly where the current debt level is) the Treasury has no room to issue additional bonds. **New supply of T-bills and T-bonds is completely cut off.** [Yellen will now have to take extraordinary measures to avoid defaulting.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/02/treasury-to-invoke-extraordinary-measures-as-debt-ceiling-returns.html) This is why I am not surprised that the RRP figures posted by u/pctracer keep showing \~[$900B figures](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox83b4/daily_reverse_repo_update_0803_909442b/). **The figures will likely keep climbing as the collateral shortage gets worse.** + +# SLR + +\-Third, due to the SLR rule exemption expiring in late March 2021, banks need to hold billions of $ more in Treasuries on their balance sheets to remain within legal SLR limits. + +What is the SLR? Glad you asked. Letā€™s use the explanation I gave in my first DD as a guide: + +*"The* [*SLR (Supplementary Leverage Ratio)*](https://www.risk.net/definition/supplementary-leverage-ratio-slr) *is the U.S. version of BASEL-III capital adequacy norm and a Tier-1 leverage ratio; it varies from 3-5% common equity capital U.S. banks must maintain relative to their total leverage exposure. This is like a backstop to risk-weighted capital requirementsā€* + +Tier-1 Capital means the highest quality bank capital, i.e. bank reserves, shareholder equity, AAA+ bonds (in some cases) and **Treasuries**. + +Pulling from my DD again: \*"On April 1, 2020, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed) released an interim final rule (IFR) that allowed bank holding companies to exclude U.S. Treasuries and deposits held at Federal Reserve Banks from the calculation of their Supplementary Leverage Ratio (SLR) \*through March 31, 2021....\*\****This change resulted in a $55 billion reduction of capital requirements for the largest banks.*** *The stated rationale for this change was to allow banks to ā€œexpand their balance sheets as appropriate to serve as financial intermediaries and serve their customers.ā€* + +So, U.S. banks were allowed to temporarily exclude holdings of UST and cash kept in reserve at the Fed from their assets when calculating the ratio. Basically, this meant that the treasuries they owned could now be lent out to hedgies to short in the market for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis. **The banks were allowed to go down to a 0% reserve ratio, meaning they could have a portfolio of 100% liabilities backed by NO assets, (theoretically, though this didnā€™t happen in practice- banks were just able to leverage themselves up even further).** [Hereā€™s a quick explainer on how SLR is calculated.](https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/84939/what-is-the-supplementary-leverage-ratio-and-why-is-it-important) + +[But, this SLR exemption (which lasted for a year) ](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/19/the-fed-will-not-extend-a-pandemic-crisis-rule-that-had-allowed-banks-to-relax-capital-levels.html)expired on March 31st, 2021- now they HAVE to have a higher amount of reserves at the Fed (reserves are like a bank account that cannot be withdrawn), **a large section of which are in the form of treasuries. They MUST maintain a minimum amount of Tier-1 Capital at the Fed.** + +**Since these bank reserve accounts cannot be withdrawn, the treasuries that sit there are locked in the system- they can potentially move between accounts at the Fed, but they canā€™t leave.** + +The Fed can use its own Treasuries for Reverse Repos, but not Banksā€™ Treasuries, since these need to be kept on hand to maintain the SLR. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mchtpc07bcf71.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=70514931163ab4067156aa8f5a5837c099d94bef + +**In fact, itā€™s interesting to note that the SLR rule being reinstated coincides almost perfectly with the beginning of the meteoric rise in RRPs.** [Check out the graph here.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTSYD) + +Once SLR was re-implemented, the banks pulled back all the treasuries they loaned out in the Repo market, in order to put these treasuries in their bank reserves so they could be compliant with the SLR. + +The SLR rule was heavily fought by the big banks, but the Fed passed it anyway. Itā€™s likely that even Powell knew that exempting the banks from the SLR forever would be a [bridge too far](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+bridge+too+far#:~:text=An%20act%20or%20plan%20whose,Netherlands%20during%20World%20War%20II.), and create horrific risks for the banking system. + +# Massive Treasury Demand + +Lastly, the Fed is driving massive Treasury demand through its Open Market Operations. It is plowing $120B of liquidity into the markets every single month, $80B of which go into directly buying Treasuries (the rest in MBS). + +Why? Well, bond prices and interest rates are inversely correlated. So, by pushing up the price (buying up massive amounts) of Treasury bonds, the Fed insures that the interest rate on them stays low. **This is necessary given how overleveraged the system (and the Federal Govt) is; if interest rates climb too much, this could cause 2008 all over again (massive defaults and deleveraging as no one can pay the high interest rates).** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yfcvjkndbcf71.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=67a3c634b5b4b08f008e69be31788db34fed6292 + +They say they will slow down ā€œtaperā€ bond purchases, but it looks like the pace of the buying is accelerating, not slowing down. So far, the Fed has purchased literally trillions of dollars of Treasuries in order to prop up the market and ensure the Federal Govt has enough money to pay interest and fund government programs (which it canā€™t do now that the debt ceiling is in place. + +**In fact, the Fedsā€™ actions here are so aggressive that they are literally EATING the Treasury market. So far, they own about 30% of the ENTIRE Treasury bond market- and rising!** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l6p7d2uibcf71.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=18858997ae6f03403c85a555e9a857f50cec76ac + +Thus, they are sucking billions of dollars of Treasuries out of the system EVERY DAY, ensuring that T-bill rates stay near-zero and as a byproduct taking all the pristine collateral out of the system. **Now, they are having to re-inject that collateral back into the system through the RRP facility to make sure that the Money Market Funds donā€™t blow up.** [**Powell knows this and itā€™s why he promised to keep the RRP facility open to all participants.**](https://alhambrapartners.com/2021/07/14/powell-admits-rrp-and-collateral-scarcity-still-unaware-of-what-it-means/) + +In fact, they have already started to get worried about this- they raised the % on RRP from 0.00% to 0.05% in mid-July, marking the first time in more than a year that the Fed has raised this rate. This may seem trivial- such a small amount doesn't matter, right? + +WRONG. **They did this to prevent a collapse of Money Market Funds.** Currently the 1 month T-bills are [trading around 4.5 basis points](https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/bond/BX/TMUBMUSD01M) (basis points are 1/100th of a percent), or 0.045%- **extremely** **close to 0%.** + +This matters because MMFs have what is called a Net Asset Value of 1.00 (ie $1 asset for every $1 liability)- this means that **they arenā€™t supposed to lose money**. People who put money in expect them to act like a bank account, and when the NAV goes below 1.00 ([called breaking the buck](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/breaking-the-buck.asp#:~:text=Breaking%20the%20buck%20occurs%20when,operating%20expenses%20or%20investment%20losses.&text=When%20breaking%20the%20buck%20occurs,t%20bode%20well%20for%20investors.)), this means that the fund has started to lose money. Very quickly, people panic and start pulling their money out. Soon, a system-wide ā€œrun on the Money marketsā€ begins with millions of depositors clamouring to get their money out. + +This actually started happening in 2008- [several money market funds broke the buck, a run on the funds ensued,](https://www.thebalance.com/reserve-primary-fund-3305671) and the companies that relied on the MMFs for short term funding (like Ford or McDonalds) suddenly found themselves strapped of cash- they couldnā€™t make their payroll. + +**Failure of the MMFs would be catastrophic to the banking system. With T-bill rates near 0%, a spike in demand could easily push the T-bills into the negative interest rate territory**\- **which means that MMFs would be making a nominal loss in their portfolio, thus breaking the buck. The Fed simply CANNOT allow this to happen, as this could quickly start a second 2008 financial crisis. Thus they raised the RRP rate to 0.05% to prevent any potential losses the MMFs might have had.** + +**The MMFs donā€™t want to buy T-bills outright (the original way they got them on their books) because the T-bills could enter negative interest rate category, or the Treasury could default on the payments. By using the Fedā€™s RRP Facility, they can essentially own the T-bill for a day, make the same amount as buying it outright, and be certain that their collateral is not rehypothecated. They can repeat this process every day to give the appearance that they own the T-bills and make some guaranteed interest. THIS is why they are rushing to the Fed EVERY DAY.** + +How does all this play out? No one knows exactly. What we can see clearly here is that the entire money market is being violently pulled around by the Fed and Treasury, who are trying to prevent bigger issues (i.e., a Debt Default) from occurring. + +**TL;DR: The Treasury and the Fed are creating massive collateral shortages in the shadow banking system which is driving Money Market Funds to use the Fedā€™s RRP Facility in record numbers. The huge liquidity injections from the Fed are putting enormous weight on the system and sucking collateral out, so MMFs are using RRP to get the T-bill collateral back on their books. Risks to the primary dealers are rising. New collateral (Treasury bond) supply is all but cut off for the foreseeable future.** + +&#x200B; + +# BUY, HODL, BUCKLE UP!! + +Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. + +Here is an [anonymised link to a Google Docs version of this post](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ibWK8wxjWlTOz8_zUJCaFCdW_22kcn2Cm18W9zid0g/edit?usp=sharing). I know yā€™all apes like PDF more so feel free to make this into a PDF and share it. (This is a dummy account, not linked to my personal email, I am not THAT stupid) + +**Side Note: A LOT of you have been asking me for updates on Part 4 of my Series ā€œ**[**Hyperinflation is Coming- The Dollar Endgame**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)**ā€ I just made the outline for Part 4 and will begin working on it, but this will take some time as I am extremely busy with work and trips this month. I promise you it is coming! I am running my arguments by former econ professors and colleagues of mine in finance to make sure my points are rock solid- this takes time unfortunately so it will be at least a few weeks until I can get this out.** + Hello, + +Let's go straight to the point. + +Apple announced in 2020 that they plan to increase the level of privacy of the iOS users, with the release of iOS 14. What does that mean concretely? + +\--> As soon as you open a new app, they will ask with a pop up "Do you allow this app to track you across different apps". We expect that 10 to 20% of the users will say yes. Bumble officially said while filing their IPOs that could be a major risk for them, to do proper analytics on their users. + +Therefore, all the apps relying on paid acquisition, won't be able to track where you are coming from, and if you are a rentable user. Therefore, it makes it even harder to create profitable user acquisition campaigns on mobile. Those who will suffer from it are casino, midcore, casual games, as well as all the apps relying on paid subscriptions. It will provoke a drop of eCPMS (price per 1000 impressions of ads), as there will be less demand on the ad networks. + +Certain networks will suffer more than other, but the biggest one is Facebook. + +99% of the revenue of Facebook is coming from ads. It means that they will still be able to do targeting on Facebook itself, but not on the networks of apps that run ads (like all the games). Facebook is a key player in this industry, and this will certainly provoke a drop in terms of revenue (9M businesses are relying on their ad network). They officially said that IDFA change (this iOS privacy update) " Could Have A Material Business Impact". + +Apple postponed their measure to Q1 2021, but this will come. + +Google usually follow suit with these kind of measures. + +TLDR : Significant drop in terms of ad revenue on mobile due to the new iOS privacy change. It will prevent targeting and tracking of the users. Facebook will suffer from it like crazy, as well as other ad players such as Unity, Ironsource (IPO soon) or Applovin (IPO soon), and apps Bumble (IPO soon). + +Play : Wait for Q4 Revenue of Facebook. Then short Facebook until next quarter, when the measure will show its impact + +Thoughts ? +[**NOTE**]: This thread is from a single person's perspective. Families are probably better off buying if they can't fit comfortably in a relatively small 2 bedroom apartment. This argument is specifically comparing living in a cheapo (relatively speaking) apartment, or buying a 3/2 house in a mediocre, but not completely awful neighborhood. Oh by the way, doing all of this in a nice city in California where real estate prices are completely out of control + +[**NOTE 2**] If you know you're going to be living in the same city for at least 10 years, then yes... buy a house. Even 7 years would make sense + + +Look, I know that home ownership is the "American Dream", and everybody is always thinking ahead to how great it will be when they own their very own home. I've owned two different homes in my life. The first time I owned a home, it did feel really amazing. But, over time, that "New Home Ownership High", wears off, and you're left with the reality (and responsibility) of owning your own home. The key word by the way is RESPONSIBILITY. Home owners are responsible for way more things than a regular renter. All of these things cost a lot of money too. + +So, in my city, where the prices of homes are stupid ridiculous (nice city in Northern California), you'd literally need to pay 500k for a mediocre, but not completely awful 3 bedroom home in a below average, but not completely craptacular neighborhood. + +I'm not talking about any kind of mansion, or anything special at all. I'm talking about 3 bedrooms, and 1750 square feet, just your typical single family home, in a slightly crappy neighborhood. Not a "nice" neighborhood. Those types of neighborhoods start at about 850k. + +Yes, we're talking about an area of the country where the home prices are tremendously inflated, but it seems like this is happening all across the country to one degree or another. + +So, getting back to this 500k house. So, let's say that you lived in my city, and you wanted to buy a 3 bedroom house in a lackluster, but not completely awful neighborhood. Well, you're going to need to come up with half a million dollars. Now, if you want to avoid paying PMI (**Private Mortgage Insurance**), you have to have a down payment of 20 percent. This would be 100k. Yep. No joke. + +You got 100k sitting in your bank account for this? Yeah right. + +Ok, so you'll be paying monthly PMI every single month. Private Mortgage Insurance can be anywhere from .75 percent to 1.5 percent of the loan (annually). The percent you'll pay is based on your credit score and certain other factors. If your credit score is impeccable, you might get the .75 percent rate for PMI. If your credit score is bad, you might get the 1.5 percent rate. Let's just meet in the middle at 1 percent. This would be 5k per year and $416.66 per month. Yes, you heard me right. You're literally going to have to throw **$416.66** per month away, every single month, because you didn't have a 20 percent down payment! + + +You're also going to be paying **property taxes**. Yes, this is something that you've never dealt with if you've been renting all your life. If you've been renting all your life, property taxes are going to be a really, really rude awakening. Let's take that 500k house that I was talking about before. In my area, the property taxes are 1.25 percent annually. 500k x 1.25% = $6,250 + +$6,250 divided by 12 months = $520.83 + + +Let the **$520.83** amount sink into your head. Right now, I'm a renter. I don't own a 500k 3 bedroom house. But I'm also not paying $520.83 every single month in taxes. Each month that I'm renting, I'm literally saving myself $520.83 every month by avoiding home ownership. [That $520.83 could potentially be invested in an S&P500 ETF for example] + +I'm also saving the PMI amount every single month. (Remember, it was $416.66 in our example) I don't need any Mortgage Insurance, because I don't have a mortgage. + +Speaking of insurance though, that brings us to another incredibly expensive aspect of home ownership. Right now, as a renter, I'm unfortunately required to pay renters insurance. This is costing me $150 per year, which isn't too awful. Still, I'd rather not be paying this extra $150. + +Well, guess what, that's nothing compared to owning an actual home and needing real-deal **homeowners insurance**. Remember that 500k home that I've been talking about? Typical homeowners insurance for a home like that is about $1100 to $1300 depending on a number of various factors. Still, either way you slice it, it's a HELLUVA lot more than the $150 that I pay per year. Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're able to score a great deal on your home owners insurance for only $1150. That's still 1k more than I'm paying per year as a renter. I'm *saving* this 1k every single year by not being a homeowner. Every single month I'm saving $83.33 over somebody paying $1150 per year in house insurance. [Again, this $83.33 could be invested in an S&P 500 ETF with very low fees] + +Ok, so we've talked about Property Taxes, Private Morgage Insurance and Homeowners Insurance, but there's another HUGE monthly bill that we haven't discussed yet. + +**Upkeep and Maintenance costs**. If you think property taxes are this huge hidden fee that you never really took into consideration, well upkeep and maintenance is another scenario that can severely affect your budget. When you're a renter, if you're heater stops working, you call your landlord and your landlord calls the HVAC crew. Same thing if your air-conditioner goes out. Or if your stove and oven no longer work, your landlord has to go buy one somewhere and swap it out. You don't have to cover those costs. If water starts leaking into your living room, you call your landlord, and they have to hire a roof guy to fix the problem. + +Landlords pay for all this stuff, and renters will typically not account for all these costs when they upgrade to being a first-time homebuyer. If the heating unit at your 3 bedroom home goes out and needs to be fully replaced, that could be nearly 5k. Are you ready for that 5k bill coming out of the blue? + +Are you ready for part of your backyard fence falling down in a storm? Don't even get me started on claiming this with your homeowners insurance that you're paying for. If you're smart, you'll have a high deductible, which means this will be an out of pocket expense. Truth be told, you don't even want to involve your homeowners insurance with something like this. So you'll just have to pay for the repair yourself. + +So, another monthly fee that you'll need to deal with is this "proactive" maintenance fee. I'd honestly suggest dedicating $350 each month to a special account. This account should only be touched when you need to do a household repair. $350 per month totals up to $4200 for the year, which honestly wouldn't cover the cost of a new AC unit, or a roof repair. You'd likely still have to come out of pocket for that. But hey.... at least it's a start. + +So, let's take a look at all the money somebody might be saving each month by renting, instead of owning a 500k home: + +1. Property Taxes -------------------------- $520.83 +2. Private Mortgage Insurance ------------$416.66 +3. Repairs/Maintenance ------------------- $350.00 +4. Homeowners Insurance ----------------- $95.83 +5. Water/Sewer/Garbage ------------------ $75.00 + + +TOTAL = $1,383.32 + +I'd save $1,383.32 (-$12.42 per month for my renters insurance). + +Yes, I know that some renters have to pay for Water/Sewer/Garbage, but for me there's no extra charge. Some of the other apartments I was looking at did charge another $50 for that, but luckily, my landlord is eating that, or baking it into the price. Even though Water/Sewer/Garbage is only $50 for a renter, when you own a full house, it's usually a bit more, closer to $75. + +There also could be homeowner association fees for the neighborhood that you're in, or maybe special zoning fees for schools that are being built. I'm not even taking any of that into account. + +I'm also not taking into account how much your monthly mortgage will be compared to your current rental payment. Probably DRAMATICALLY higher. + +I'm currently paying $1350 per month for a 2 bedroom apartment. If I were to get a loan for 500k, at say 4 percent flat, (much lower than it actually is), my monthly mortgage would be $2,387.00 per month. Which is $1,037.00 extra. The grand total that I'd be paying extra for housing each month would be $2,407.03 +Iā€™m seeing so many people just not have any understanding of one of the most basic measurements of valuation. If you donā€™t know what ā€œmarket capā€ means and youā€™re trying to get in early on ā€œmoonshots,ā€ Iā€™m begging you to take 2 minutes to read. + +Market capitalization is the total value of all members of an asset. Just circulating supply * price. (Edited note: worth mentioning that you should be using the average price over different platforms. THAT BEING SAID: if the platform youā€™re looking at shows a price that would imply a market cap in the quadrillions, then that DOES mean the price is too high there. Even though the market cap calculated by that price wouldnā€™t be an accurate measurement of the combined value of the coin, it IS a good indicator of whether or not it will actually be able to maintain that price. If itā€™s not an accurate price, arbitrage is going to correct the price soon enough.) + +What does it tell us? It lets us know how much ~~money~~ value is attributed to it, and how it compares to other coins. + + +Take SHIB for an example. It has a circulating supply of **400 trillion tokens,** so at its price of 0.003Ā¢, it has a market cap of nearly $12 BILLION. Thatā€™s 1/5 of dogeā€™s cap of $60B, and it is therefore already one of the largest cryptocurrencies out there. + +At 10Ā¢, the market cap would be $40 trillion, double the US annual GDP. It will not hit 10Ā¢. It will not hit 1Ā¢z It will not hit 0.1Ā¢. It MIGHT hit 0.01Ā¢ because of how the market has been working lately, but those other targets are just mathematically far too high. + +(Another edited note: when I say reach that price, I meant having a stable price that high on most/all trading platforms. Thanks to those of you who corrected me on that) + +The creators want you to see all those zeros in front of the price and assume buying it would be ā€œgetting in early.ā€ Donā€™t let them fool you. You are not getting in early by buying a coin with a $12B market cap. You are almost certainly very very very late. + +DYOR. Please. + +Edit: + +A lot of people are hung up on ā€œhow much money is in it.ā€ I didnā€™t mean it in terms of principal investment, I meant it in terms of valuation. I have a lot of BAT that I bought at 30 cents. I donā€™t value it as if it were the 30 cents per token that I bought it at, because I know I can just sell at the market price if I need to. + +The argument that it would crash if everyone tired to sell at once is fallacious. Itā€™s valued at what it is and it ISNā€™T crashing to nothing from everyone selling at once because people arenā€™t trying to all sell at once. They would rather have the BAT than the $1.30. If they didnā€™t, they would have sold already. + +Edit 2: + +Think I came off wrong here. Not a financial expert, that much is obvious. I know that things can crash from everyone selling, I was trying to say that everyone selling is BECAUSE they value the coinā€™s value in fiat/btc/eth/whatever less than they do the coin. + +Second, I know there are flaws in it, as it canā€™t be instantly converted. Iā€™m not trying to make it out to be some perfect metric of value. My intentions here are solely to tell people that their millions of scamcoin that they bought for $10 probably is not going to make them a 9 figure crypto whale. + +Edit 3: u/ReachOutLoud broke down problems with a lot of my points. If youā€™re interested in actually learning more, their [comment](https://reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/na0jwv/_/gxsrlqu/?context=1) would be a good start. +From my understanding if I get solar panels installed on my roof: + +* Panels are owned, not leased. +* I get a 51% tax credit (25% SC + 26% Federal)\*. Get reimbursed almost half of the total cost when I file taxes. +* No down payment. +* Monthly solar payment plus utilities is 20% *less* than my average utility bill over the past 3 years. +* 25 year warranty such that if my solar panels dip below 80% of their rated performance they get replaced free of charge. + +Surely I'm missing something, right? So I keep living along as usual and I get a $10k - $15k check during tax season, *and* I pay 20% less monthly for power+solar payments?? I've also had an appointment with a 'Solar Advisor' from my utility company, a neutral 3rd party whose job it is to just provide the facts (as I understand it). According to the solar advisor, the utility company buys back the power I generate for the exact price I pay them. Should that rate change in the future, I'll get grandfathered in and maintain our agreed upon 1:1 rate. + +&#x200B; + +Even more factors in my favor: + +* I have natural gas water and house heating. Per the solar advisor, I'll likely build up a credit during winter and spend that credit over summer when air conditioning is needed. Ultimately breaking even. +* No HOA +* No trees nearby +* House faces north-to-south. + +&#x200B; + +A couple things that aren't adding up/red flags: + +* According to the utility company, only 700 out of their 68,000 customers only have solar?? I understand that a large portion of their customer base probably rentals, HOA-restricted, or multi-family building residents. I'm outside of city limits in a relatively rural area so I'm doubtful that 99% of their customer base falls under those categories. +* If this deal is so good, why would I be the ONLY house in my neighborhood with rooftop solar? + +&#x200B; + +In order to structure the payments such that my average monthly payment is less than what I'm paying currently, the loan payments will last \~20 years. Should I sell my house before the panels are paid off, I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult to add the balance of the loan to the asking price of the house. If I were a buyer it'd certainly be a bonus to buy a house that *doesn't* have a power bill! + +&#x200B; + +*\*SC pays the tax credit in $3,500 increments each year.* + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: If I get rooftop solar my net monthly payment will be 20% cheaper than my average electric bill, and I get half the total solar cost back when I file taxes. This seems too good to be true, and I'm trying to find the catch. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: The solar advisor from the utility company made a good point in suggesting that it'd be a good idea to make any home appliance updates before getting solar (i.e. replace my 20 year old hvac). That way I can have a better understanding of my monthly power consumption. +&#x200B; + +\-600 BNB filled in 35 minutes, wallets have good spread, presale wasn't botted (on bounce) and liquidity is locked for 1 year (proof in telegram, pinned!) + +\-Tech is the edge. Nobody else cracked the auto-claiming (except tikitoken). Every 30 minutes, you get paid in BNB šŸ”„ + +āœ…**Marketing team is also great**, big marketing has not rolled out but yet TG is 2.5 k organic members and waiting investors. 388 holders from presale, very nice spread (max holders have less than 0.5 %) + +\-The bigger the bag, the bigger the redistribution. It incentivize HODLING so we can expect a great price action. + +\-Tikitoken contract is Audited by HASHEX.ORG , not your average shitcoin audit. And because it will be a fork, the new contract will be safe as well. People have confirmed the differences are minor. DAPP coming tomorrow, audit coming on Thursday. Contract locking has also been implemented (not in tiki) for long term development and managing of contract - contract won't be renounced but it will be locked for 1 week when everything is working correctly! Parameters will be updated if need be, but otherwise the contact will remain locked (same as renouncing). + +**Get in now and DYOR** , Also big marketing connections on crypto platforms are secured . Little heads up you will be hearing about Astrokitties a lot more even probably by your grandma, lets go! People from tiki are already selling and buying Astrokitties! + +Also, check out the earnings calculator (link on the website) and also note, there is a whitelist competition going on for whitelisting on the presale! 1 BNB will also be given out to one person as a reward! + +**āœ…Important Links and Informatio:** + +\-**Contract**: 0x41536dab3bf116d6383b93167d8f36949f2e5278 + +\-**Whitepaper** and tokenomics https://www.notion.so/Astrokitties-Whitepaper-5d6e3aa5bb0a4ea49c58dbc9e0b83bae + +\-**Website** : https://astrokitties.io/ + +\-**Telegram** : https://t.me/astrokitties +In recent rise of financial sector which maybe part of rotation but still I want to understand the relation between financial sector and increase interest rate; would that lead to more profit or less profit. +Also if we take inflation and possibility of debts that are not paid back would that be considered as a risk or possibility of more debts (ppl need more money) makes it worthy ? +Also how to evaluate Banks like (BAC) +And is it better to invest in banks or credit services (Visa). + +Thank you +[Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffkauflin/2018/12/13/in-a-bold-asset-grab-robinhood-offers-3-interest-on-checking-and-savings-accounts/#b1c0b46341a4) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I left my job 3 years ago to take care of my mom who had stage 4 cancer. I thought I could find online work but between caring for my mom and doing small VA tasks I didnŹ»t have the whatever to upgrade my skills. In desperation at one point I cashed in my 401k (please donŹ»t judge, everything is so expensive). So now IŹ»m selling her home and after everything IŹ»ll have about 200,000, but no job, no family or friends. Just me. I thought about buying a little piece of land and building a small home but I donŹ»t drive and it really feels like the housing bubble will burst, I thought about renting a room in some strange town and looking for work at some non-profit (I used to be a social worker), I thought about buying some flat land in a sunny spot and leasing it to a solar power agency, I thought about buying a boat and renting it out, or buying a hostel in a foreign country, or buying a hot dog cart in a college town. Going back to school at 54 holds some appeal but I get that itŹ»s unrealistic. Maybe buy a pretty property and turning it into a wedding venue? I used to work with the homeless so working with newlyweds shouldnŹ»t be that much different on the crazy scale. I feel paralyzed by the choices. I need to find a way to earn money, I have no problem being "uncomfortable" as I spent a year volunteering overseas independently (the Syrian exodus). I just wish I had a family member that could tell me what I should do. +**Portfolio Update** + +My portfolio, like many, has seen a lot of ups and downs in the past few months. It's been tough to see the stock market downturn. But the good news is my dividends keep going up. Currently, the portfolio is worth about 900k, and forward annual dividends just exceeded 20k. I'm very excited about this milestone. + +$20,000 per year + += $1666.66 per month + += $54.79 per day + += $2.28 per hour + += 3.8 cents per minute + += 0.063 cents per second , every second of every day + +(I always loved this breakdown once I saw someone else do it. It makes me feel so good to know that I have a few bucks coming in every hour, even when sleeping!) + +&#x200B; + +My portfolio is roughly: + +* 25% VTI +* 50% individual div stocks & REITs (biggest holdings are ABBV, T, O, SPG, ENB, CVS, STOR, JNJ, MMM, BMY, BEPC, KMI, BTI, LMT, PEP, LOW, CAT, CSCO) +* 20% individual non-dividend stocks (mostly tech) +* 5% crypto (just BTC and ETH) + +My tech stocks and crypto have been pummeled by the recent drop, but I'm still in the green with those. I took some profits on tech around Dec/Jan but I should have taken more when those prices were so high -- I got a bit too greedy! + +I felt fairly comfortable with 25% of my portfolio in relatively risky tech + crypto. And now I'm trying to do some bottom-fishing in super-beaten-down tech stocks. + +When the market is down these days, div stocks are an amazing psychological balm. Instead of looking at prices and portfolio value, which fluctuates all over the place, I keep my focus on the dividend income, which has been steady and just keeps growing, even through down times. + +This goes both ways too. In 2021 when tech was flying high, I felt really good about my portfolio value, which went above $1M for the first time. But I had to remind myself -- it's the income that matters. Wealth is only good if it generates income to live on. And the simplest way to convert wealth to income is to buy businesses that pay you some of their income. + +It's really nice to see SCHD not crashing down like the whole market. (I don't own SCHD myself, but my own basket of div stocks matches it pretty closely) Companies that pay dividends are signaling to the market what their priorities are -- namely, generating cash flow. And investors who like cash flow can opt in to exactly that. It's a joy to know that these companies are working so hard to keep that cash flowing to my pocket. + +I'm still working at my day job, and still dumping most of my salary into this portfolio. I've been saving more money because the pandemic cut down most of my eating out / traveling. But no prob, I can stay inside and play video games and still have a good time. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I posted recently that I might cash out refinance on a 4plex I own but I ultimately decided to sell. + +I bought the property for $215k in 2017 and my realtor said it was probably worth $300k. Within 8 hrs of listing it for sale we got offers for $340k. + +What is happening? Lol + +Edit: Thanks for all your responses +So I was reading a recent post on the pf sub about how to teach your kids how to be good with money. The consensus opinion was to show your kids your paychecks/how all the money is gone at the end of the month to instill good savings habits/money decisions. + +I don't think that advice applies to me (most of us?) as I'd expect my kid to say, "Shit dad, why are you telling me I can't get a PS5 when you're fucking loaded?" + +We're pretty reasonable when it comes to spending, and with little kids I've never liked lying to them by saying "we can't afford that toy." Usually, we just tell them that we can't buy all the toys because we need to pay for our house/food/cars/clothes/etc. things they can relate to. My kids are still pretty young (4 and 7), but money is definitely something they're starting to understand. + +How do you guys ensure your kids don't grow up to be spoiled brats who don't value the hard work/savings/years it took to get you here? +Sorry if this is not the right sub, but I have not been able to find a good answer anywhere else. I am in early 30s and a mother of two small kids. I used to be able to sleep whenever, wherever I like and since the start of 2022, I suddenly started having insomnia. It started as having trouble falling asleep in the night, and now it is easy to fall asleep but I will wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble falling asleep again. + +I have talked to my doctor and he said, for people in your age who have trouble sleeping is due to either sleep habits/hygiene or stress. I now adjusted my life so much and live a very healthy lifestyle (no coffee/soda/alcohol and lots of yoga). And I am ONLY stressed about my insomnia. I feel very lost and I think the more I research insomnia, the more anxiety it brings me... And my mind will race at night and it is so painful. + +I know this sub has the smartest people with lots of resources. I am sure you all have gone through periods of stress and health issues, which may bring sleep problems to you. Please enlighten me-- what is the best way to resolve sleep issues, I will try and invest in any solution. +I seems everyone is predicting continued inflation in the near future. If I have some money that I may want to use for a vacation home down payment in 2-3 years, what should I do with it? The thought of sticking it in savings, makes me sick at current interest rates, where it could lose significant value if inflation is high. But, inflation could also trigger the stock market to contract, making it a bad time to sell in the short term. Since buying the vacation home isn't a must, I could ride it out if necessary, but it wouldn't be ideal given some of our short-term plans that we have been building up to for many years. What would you do if you wanted to use the money in 2-3 years? +TLDR: long-term, the blockchain has huge potential in healthcare, but Patientoryā€™s ICO has many huge red flags. Investors and the community deserve some straight answers from the company, which they have so far not provided, so I am putting them here, in public, in the hopes that the company might answer. If they donā€™t, hopefully it will at least serve as a warning to others and save a few people from being scammed. + + + +**7 QUESTIONS FOR PATIENTORY MANAGEMENT** + + +**1) No Code, Rapidly disappearing website** + +Iā€™ve visited your website a number of times in the last few weeks, and each time I do youā€™ve *removed* even more info. There is now scant info regarding anything *except* your ICO. Your Github is completely empty except for your whitepaper. Why? Where can we find your app or see some of your code? + + +**2) Vague ideas, seemingly stolen IP** + +Speaking of that whitepaper: itā€™s absurdly buzzword-heavy and seems intentionally hard to decipher what *exactly* you claim to do, even by someone who is an expert in the field. It read so much like copy-pasta, that on a hunch I ran it through a couple of plagiarism checkers, which returned scores ranging between 25 and 80% plagiarized (e.g. there are sentence-for-sentence matches with IBMā€™s whitepaper: https://www.healthit.gov/sites/default/files/8-31-blockchain-ibm_ideation-challenge_aug8.pdf +You would need to partner with a *lot* of Academic Medical Centers to have a shot at the success you claim youā€™re aiming for, and they take things like plagiarism very seriously. Have you given that any consideration? + + +**3) Claimed partners and deals** + +On a similar note, you have been hyping your ICO by claiming that Kaiser Permanente is a ā€œpartnerā€ and that you have ā€œat least 8 pilots in the pipeline.ā€ + +If you have ANY actual traction, can you please provide some/any documentation to support your claims? If you actually have pilots please clarify who they are with, what the status is (do you have a letter of intent? Have you had in IRB review? HIPAA audit? Do you even have insurance? ) Introducing ANY new product with a healthcare provider is thousands of times harder than in any other sector. Above are just a couple of the hundreds of steps you will need to take over YEARS before you have any chance of getting ONE actual healthcare provider using your platform. + + +**4) Team** + +Above are just a few of the issues youā€™d be paying attention to if your team actually had the healthcare experience you claim you do in your sales pitch. +You list 7 team members on your site, however only 2 of the corresponding LinkedIn profiles even *mention* Patientory. (e.g. your ā€œLead Developerā€™sā€ job title is CEO at ā€œAutoMatcherā€ and before that he was a sales guy for Verizon?) +Whatā€™s more concerning is that NONE of you has any substantive experience in healthcare. The closest is your CTO who worked at a life-sciences related firm some years ago. Given your lack of experience, you may be unaware that life-sciences/medical devices is a *COMPLETELY* different market from healthcare providers, with totally different dynamics. + + +**5) Any plan at all for adoption/traction?** + +Do you have ANY kind of plan for how you will actually get healthcare providers to use your platform? Do you understand that the failure rate for healthtech startups is nearly 100% and that teams with deep experience and tens-of-millions in venture funding fail constantly? Do you get that selling to healthcare providers is probably the single most impossible thing a startup can attempt? +That not even GOOGLE could successfully bring a new PHR to market? http://www.mobihealthnews.com/11480/10-reasons-why-google-health-failed +Hereā€™s some additional reading if youā€™d like to understand why youā€™re currently headed for failure: +https://www.forbes.com/sites/davechase/2016/05/18/why-98-of-digital-health-startups-are-zombies-and-what-they-can-do-about-it/ +http://hitconsultant.net/2014/10/06/why-my-digital-health-startup-failed/ + + +**6) Fake press/endorsements** + +You have some impressive press logos on your website as a credibility indicator (e.g. Beckerā€™s Hospital Review) but on closer examination, theyā€™re paid placement ā€œcontent is sponsored by Patientoryā€ Have any actual hospital administrators or clinicians NOT on your payroll actually endorsed your product? + + +**7) Deceptively run ICO** + +Many of the early investors in your ICO have complained loudly and repeatedly that youā€™re running a very deceptive and opaque process (secret deals for some groups of undisclosed early investors, unclear dilution, high-pressure sales tactics to ā€œget in before the presales closesā€ after which you just open another tranche. Can you please clearly state the legitimate purpose for these tactics? Do you foresee reputation issues caused by this impacting your ability to strike deals with healthcare orgs that are very reputation conscious and lawsuit-phobic ? + +The recent surge in popularity of Wallstreetbets sub has brought an influx of people to r/investing peddling harmful information for new investors, and it pains me to see a sub that was such a great resource for me when I started out investing become infested with losing strategies. Study after study shows that 90% of options traders lose money, that the vast majority of people who try to time the market lose out in the long run, and that almost 92% of actively managed large cap funds lost to the S&P 500 over the last 15 year period. Despite these facts, these losing strategies have been all I have been seeing on this sub over the last few months. + +If the data isn't convincing for you, I've got a story for you about the smartest man I know. Only person I know who got a perfect score on the SATs. Undergraduate and graduate degree in economics and finance from an Ivy League school, after which he became a CFA. Earned multi, multi, millions as a portfolio manager, before retiring young in his late 30's or early 40's. You want to know how he invests now that he is retired? Index funds. Do you want to know where he told me most of his hedge fund and mutual fund manager friends invest their own money? Index funds. + +Honestly, over the past few months, wallstreetbets has been a considerably less harmful sub for new investors than here. There seems to be an overarching theme over there that they know they are gamblers and dumbasses, where the options traders here seem to think they are the smartest guys in the room. At least they have funny memes over there to help ease the pain when they inevitably lose their money. + +I don't know what the solution to this is, I'm not sure if banning advice that has been statistically proven to lose money for most investors is a good idea. All I know is that this sub has become a place that is peddling advice that will lose new investors money, and I think it's atrocious. End rant. + +Edit: the amount of disinformation being up voted in this thread is staggering, people not knowing basic things like what the difference between an ETF and an index fund is and people thinking that portfolio managers only get compensated when they are successful. Case in point. + +Edit 2: Since everyone seems to think I am saying everyone should just throw everything in VTI and call it a day because they think that is the only index fund that exits, I'll clarify. If you feel like you have very strong knowledge that a particular sector will outperform, or if you have done a lot of homework and think for example growth stocks are going to crash, it's fine in my opinion to use a low cost index fund to overweight your portfolio towards value. For example, if you think large cap growth is going to continue to outperform, feel free to buy some Fidelity large cap growth index at .035 expense ratio. If you think tech is the way to go, dip your toe into some .08 expense ratio FTEC tech index fund. Hell if you have a stiffy for groceries, go ahead and treat yourself to some .13 % expense ratio XLP consumer staples index (I personally wouldn't buy anything with .1% exp ratio or over, but I don't it's a big mistake for someone to do that.) Using cheap indexes doesn't mean only buy things that completely emulate the market. You can diverge from the market as long as you do it cheaply and within reason. +Myself and many others in the daily chat are very confused about CS being pushed so suddenly. Attempts to ask questions are downvoted, and responses are mostly just other people with the same questions. Remember how we all agreed that urgent calls to actions, basically anything other than buy + HODL, are likely FUD or scams? Well myself and many others are attempting to figure out for ourselves what the fuck all this CS hype is about. + +Here is the CS DRS thesis: the DRS process with CS will catalyze the MOASS. The catalyst occurs because only real shares can be registered directly. I think pretty much all apes understand this thesis perfectly fine. We understand what it means to be a beneficiary or a direct owner. We arenā€™t looking for explanations of the thesis, we are looking for confirmation. A source. + +1. We can all easily understand the concept of direct registering ā€” you have your name on some books as the direct owner of share, as opposed to e.g Cede and Co. Fine. But how do we verify for ourselves that a direct registration will actually remove shares from pool available to the DTCC? How can I confirm it will do anything to the shorts at all? Iā€™ve been unable so far to find an actual first-hand source about this. Links appreciated, but all links Iā€™ve seen so far have no sources for this point. + +2. Dr. T said sone positive things about direct registering. Okay sure, but she didnā€™t actually confirm or provide a source as to how this affects the DTCC. Honestly she hadnā€™t really explained anything about how it would start the MOASS at all. + +3. The point of HODL is to crush the shorts who have manipulated the market and sell shares during MOASS. A direct registration adds in latency of when you can sell. So without any confirmation about how direct registration negatively affects shorts, it seems like kind of a bad deal beyond simply diversifying brokers. + +4. All the DD Iā€™ve read so far about CS is low quality. They donā€™t explain, with sources, how they know it can start the MOASS, how they know it can be a catalyst, or anything really. These critical points are merely asserted without any way for an individual to validate their correctness by checking sources. + +5. Yes GameStop uses CS for some services, but that doesnā€™t validate the catalyst thesis by DRS with CS. + +6. Pushing CS DRS without properly explaining answers to these concerns is super sus. Calls to action are sus. Hype fads like these are sus. If DRS with CS is the real deal I would expect high quality DD to be readily availableā€¦ But I havenā€™t really seen it yet. So go ahead and link me your best DD so we can confirm for ourselves if this whole thing is worth the hype. + +7. Let us assume that CS DRS will create a bonafide share under the books at CS. We donā€™t know if this actually removes a ā€œreal shareā€ from the DTCC. Weā€™re talking about criminals here printing supply. The real and fake shares likely completely indistinguishable. Now imagine we register the float at CS. So what? Remember the float on the market is huge, and dwarfs the 75.9 million total outstanding shares. Itā€™s like a drop in the bucket compared to all the fuckery going on. Itā€™s a bit silly to think the magnitude of DRS shares relative to an infinite supply printer will matter in terms of supply/demand ratio. Sure, there may be some recourse as proof of fuckery will exist, but beyond shedding light I donā€™t see any *mechanism* we can understand and verify through a citation that DRS harms the shorts. + +And finally, check my post history. Iā€™m an actual contributor to this sub and have been around the block a few times. If Iā€™m still asking these questions, then many other apes are as well. Downvoting or responding with sarcasm to legitimate questions/concerns simply because the questions grade against the hype is unintelligent and rude. + +Edit: + +Let me put out a counter thesis. I will assume DRS is good for a couple reasons, and then provide the counter thesis. + +- DRS gives us another layer of security about having a share. Diversification of brokers can be a very good thing, especially if something dramatic happens regarding GameStop switching depositories. + +- A DRS share under the book of CS can not itself be shorted. However, this is *not nearly enough* to "fight" the supply printing. In terms of magnitude there are way more printed shares than we could possibly register at CS. We're paying real money for DRS while the criminals are creating fake supply out of thin air. That's not a fight of brute force we can possibly win. I'm bringing this up because it's touted as one of the main points to perform DRS. In practice the effect of a single DRS share will be heavily diluted by fake supply. + +Now the anti-thesis: We have no source or citation about the inner-workings of the DTCC (yet) that definitively confirms the DRS process will actually force, in a mechanical way (i.e. how the system currently works), to close a short or make a real purchase. All we know is that the DRS process names a share directly on *another* book. You have to remember that even CS is a part of this fraudulent system. We can't just assume that there's a magical catalyst mechanism somewhere in DRS. Even if we register the entire float it's highly presumptuous that CS would even publicize that information, or take any kind of action against the DTCC. + +Edit: + +Here's the closest I've found to an actual source, thanks to u/tatonkaman156: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppafab/because_everyone_keeps_asking_why_dr_your_s/ + +It says "prevents previously cancelled certificate from circulating", so I'm not exactly sure what that means, "cancelled", or how that would affect printed shares if at all. It doesn't sound quite what we're looking for, but a positive find nonetheless. +I initially got involved in January on the run up from from 40 something to the top, and back down. At the time - I thought that was the squeeze, I wrongly assumed that market makers, brokers - everyone would ensure that the top was in. + +Watching order flow is like watching paint dry - but I do it everyday for the trades I take, and after spending months now watching the flow on GME i am 100% converted and holding. The amount of uptick shorting, momentum killing price action, and large share blocks I see shorted on a daily basis is disgusting. + +$GME has become a battleground and it's no longer about the stock, but an argument about free markets - and the backbone of the entire US financial system. + +I believe there are many people like me who initially got into GME to make a quick buck, get out and find the next set up - that have also converted - I personally know half a dozen. + +The DD, commentary, and memes i have read in this sub and r/gme continues to blow my mind. As someone that trades full time - I have only just started realizing how little about the system I knew overall. + +I don't have anything to add that's new or exciting. I just wanted to post something non shill related for the weekend. + +I'm proud of you guys. Your commitment drives me to me hold, so me and my XXX shares will sell on the way down. + +&#x200B; + +No paper hands. You guys fucking earned this. Don't let anyone take this away from you. + +**EDIT**:I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction to a nothing post. I just wanted to provide some confidence in the lurkers, and those with doubt in their minds - I was tired of seeing all the FUD inspired posts, qanon theories - just all of it. Anytime you doubt your position, look for controversial posts and ask yourself why so so many exist and why they're all repeating the same core things. + +I appreciate the messages, comments and awards - but since we're all here. + +Be kind to each other, there are so many apes in this subreddit - and we all have different challenges in our lives. I'm a fortunate one, my story is no more important than the 19 year old college student with 3 shares. We're all on the same team here. + +Don't let nameless faces take away your future. + +You earned this. +Hello all users of r/Daytrading. I am 18 years old and I want to become a full time day trader. I am currently paper trading with lightspeed. I am just looking at the time/sales. Buying in at a small dip, selling a couple cents higher. Thatā€™s just my ā€œstrategyā€ now per say. I know there is a lot of stuff I need to learn before I become a full time trader. A lot. I just donā€™t know where to start. Iā€™m watching Humbled trader. Clay trading. All of these videos about trading but donā€™t know what Iā€™m watching is actually helping. What do I really need to focus on. Write notes on. Is there a recommended YouTube channel that I should watch? I just feel Iā€™m jumping around from learning VWAP to the 3 candle play to moving averages and Iā€™m not sure what to stick to learning. I want too learn. I want too become a full time trader. I would appreciate all the help and tips I could get. + +EDIT: So many replies! Thank you all! +I was taught to reinvest dividends, but Iā€™m reading some Phil Towns and it seems like this may be negative as it increases cost basis. What are your thoughts? +The 0.1 percenters are buying up loads of Bitcoin and pumping the price. + +Their goals it pump the price as high as possible until Dec 11 when CME futures are released. + +Then they will open huge short positions on the market and start dumping their Bitcoin. The dump will cause an immediate flash crash and they will profit immensely from the bets on shorts. + +It almost seems too easy. I would be kind of surprised if Winklewii twins are not contemplating doing exactly that. After all, that would be in their rational self interest. + +Thoughts? +The 0.1 percenters are buying up loads of Bitcoin and pumping the price. + +Their goals it pump the price as high as possible until Dec 11 when CME futures are released. + +Then they will open huge short positions on the market and start dumping their Bitcoin. The dump will cause an immediate flash crash and they will profit immensely from the bets on shorts. + +It almost seems too easy. I would be kind of surprised if Winklewii twins are not contemplating doing exactly that. After all, that would be in their rational self interest. + +Thoughts? +On of my roommates texted me saying they just started working in financial services and that his new employer requires, "per federal regulation and company policy" that I send him statements for all my financial accounts. This doesn't sound right to me and don't want to send any info to him unless I absolutely have to (also met him ~1 month ago). Any thoughts are welcome, thanks. +You know, the dude who claimed his article wasnā€™t published 20 minutes before the price suddenly started tanking, and then when called out about it on Twitter claimed that we were all confused by time zones. He then went on to make his Twitter account private. + +Whatever happened with him? Is he still writing GME hit pieces for marketwatch or has he moved on to less illegal pastures? + +Good thing the internet never forgets, and superstonk screenshots everything! Anyone have any handy links they can add in here? +ļæ¼ + + +TL;DR: 27500 adults pretending to be pirates making ludicrous amounts of money while their kids are asleep. + +Community / 24-7 Coin Support - Telegram, 8500 members and rising:Ā https://t.me/MoonPirate + +And yes, the rum is real. Follow the updates here - Twitter Rum UpdatesĀ https://twitter.com/MoonpirateBSC + +Why should you join? - I'll keep this short, sweet, and to the point. + +The Dev is COMPLETELY transparent and open with the project. There's also a huge community of Admins & Mods that are active on the Telegram 24/7 if you have any questions, issues, or concerns. + +We've grown to 27500 holders in 4 DAYS. Yes, you read that right... 4 days. This is absolutely surreal and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. The community is next level and insanely interactive. + +We're creating a Rum company [OBVIOUSLY BC WE'RE PIRATES], and this will tie into future giveaways. - The first 200 bottles of rum are going to be CBD infused and are being produced in California. HOWEVER, the first ever bottle will be auctioned for charity. + +If you compare the early growth of Elongate & Safemoon to where we're at you'll understand exactly why 27500 holders in 4 days is an early sign of a moonshot. Considering we're still under a $30,000,000 market cap, now's the time to get in. + +We have a beautiful selection of NFTS that have already been created. We will be releasing these in giveaways and other fun interactive ways. + +NO WHALES - If you check the 'Holders' section on BSCscan.com you can see how evenly distributed the coin is. + +Community / 24-7 Coin Support - Telegram:Ā https://t.me/MoonPirate + +Copypasta-ing the below from their Telegram: + +šŸš€ MOONPIRATE šŸš€ + +āœ… TOKEN ADDRESS: 0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 + +šŸ’° How to buy video:Ā https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f9eHmJy86s&ab_channel=DeFiDomĀ šŸšø + +šŸ’µ Purchase on Pancake Swap:Ā https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 + +šŸŒš Moonpirate is SAFU and sailing to the MOON + +šŸ”„ 100% LP tokens burned. 60% of all supply burned. + +ā™»ļø 2% fee AUTOMATICALLY GOES BACK INTO LIQUIDITY + +šŸ’Ž 1.2% fee AUTOMATICALLY GETS DISTRIBUTED BACK TO HOLDERS + +šŸ”„ 0.8% GETS BURNED FOREVER + +šŸ”® Contract Address šŸ”®https://bscscan.com/token/0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 + +šŸ‘ŒšŸ» Ownership Renounced šŸ‘ŒšŸ» + +https://bscscan.com/tx/0x761054a6b262d484be39099639a9b89465805c18f2a97f4b94a53726c1d7bc6d + +šŸ”„ LP Burned šŸ”„ + +https://bscscan.com/tx/0xc4189bc138d0b1f02a88d65014ff7605f8d10e6e27e12783c28db326a56c7e18 + +šŸ“² Links šŸ“² + +Website:Ā https://www.moonpirate.finance + +Twitter :https://twitter.com/moonpiratebsc + +Telegram:Ā https://t.me/MoonPirate + +Pricebot:Ā https://t.me/moonpirate_pricebot + +Youtube:Ā https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJw866zV-eU + +šŸ“ˆCharts šŸ“ˆ + +https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xf09b7B6bA6dAb7CccC3AE477a174b164c39f4C66 + +https://goswapp-bsc.web.app/0xf09b7b6ba6dab7cccc3ae477a174b164c39f4c66 + +šŸš— Roadmap šŸš— + +āœ… TRENDING ON REDDIT + +āœ… FAIR LAUNCH WITH BUY LIMIT + +āœ… LP TOKENS BURNED + +āœ… 60% INITIAL TOKEN BURN + +āœ… PRICEBOT + +āœ… WEBSITE AND TWITTER LAUNCH + +āœ… COINGECKO APPLICATION + +āœ… MOBILE FRIENDLY WEBSITE + +āœ… CONTACTED RUM DISTILLERIES + +šŸŸ¢ MERCH STORE (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ EXPLORING AUDIT OPTIONS (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ DISTILLERIES PROJECT PHASE 2 (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ BSC SCAN MC AND LOGO UPDATES PENDING (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ MARKETING CAMPAIGNS (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ WEBSITE UPDATES (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ¢ WHITE PAPER (IN PROGRESS) + +šŸŸ” NFT STAKING AND MINING (PLANNED) + +šŸŸ” INTERNATION RUM DROPSHIPPING! (PLANNED) + +šŸŸ” MORE TO COME! +Hi everyone, Happy New Year! + +I am comparing two investment opportunities which I have right now: + +- buying an apartment to rent in one of German cities with 3-4% rental yield (e.g. Frankfurt, NĆ¼rnberg, Karlsruhe) +- investing into broad world index (e.g. MSCI World) + +From the first glance buying RE in Germany with very low interest rates and letting tenants pay it off looked very sexy. +But the more I think about it and analyse, the more it looks like a very risky deal. +Apart from being a part-time job and being very undiversified and illiquid, I have 2 more concerns: + +- according to Bundesbank, properties in big German cities are now 15-30% overvalued (I don't want to buy high) +- growth of property prices in Germany might decline a lot (I don't want to sell low) + +According to [this](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/mortages-real-estate/11/factors-affecting-real-estate-market.asp) investopedia article there are 4 factors that have a big impact on property prices: + +- demographics +- interest rates +- economy +- government policies + +I tried to evaluate each factor separately and so far all of them look grimmy for Germany. +Please verify if my understanding is correct and share your thoughts. +And thank you for your time! + +###Demographics +According to [Destatis](https://www.destatis.de/EN/Themes/Society-Environment/Population/Population-Projection/Tables/variant-1-2-3-agegroups.html): + +- total population is projected to stay the same, decline by 4% or decline by 7% (depending on immigration, fertility, etc) till 2050. +- working age population (20-67 y.o.) is projected to decline by 11%, 17% or 23% till 2050. +- old age population (67+) is projected to increase by around 30% + +Taking above projections into consideration, the demand for housing in big cities has a potential to decrease due to: + +- a huge decrease in a working age population, which needs to live closer to work +- a huge increase in old age population, which will have less reasons to stay in big cities (e.g. closer to work) and more reasons to move to a more affordable locations (e.g. decreasing pensions due to a demographic shift) + +[Projections](https://populationstat.com/germany/) for population of biggest cities suggest that growth will remain (probably due to urbanization) but slow down significantly. + +###Interest rates +Interest rates are harder to predict, but it looks like they already hit the (psychological) bottom and furter decrease will unlikely drive many people to buy their own property. +There is very little room to go down, but a big potential to go up, which will lower the demand and prices. + +###Economy +It is hard to predict how innovations and productivity will drive the economy till 2050, but rapid decline of working-age population and rapid growth of old age population suggests that the economy as a whole will probably stagnate. +[PWC projections](https://www.pwc.com/gx/en/research-insights/economy/the-world-in-2050.html) suggest that emerging markets will grow and dominate the world economy by 2050, so investments might shift more from developed (e.g. Germany) to emerging markets. + +###Goverment Policies +It looks like rent cap in Berlin is only a beginning and other cities will follow the trend due to a rapidly growing rents. +So, this factor is also likely to slow down RE price growth. +# Hypothesis / TLDR: + +I am hypothesizing that GME being placed on the threshold security list from September 2020 ā€“ February 2021 is what ultimately triggered the January sneeze. Retail buying pressure from the second half of 2020, long whales (Ryan Cohen) scooping up shares from the float and transforming company fundamentals lit the fuse on this nuclear stock, making the normal cycle of hiding FTDs more difficult for SHFs to manage during this period of time. **Price action began slipping from SHF & market maker control in September of 2020 as they were no longer able to hide enough FTDs to prevent GME from staying on the threshold security list for several months**, which forced bona-fide market makers to deliver shares within the required settlement periods according to SEC Reg SHO. *Achoo!* Since February, HFs & short-sellers have been carefully coordinating FTDs to prevent GME from returning to the threshold security list. **This is because even bona-fide market makers must deliver shares for threshold securities, and as long as GME is not on this list, bona-fide market makers can avoid closing out FTDs.** + +# Contents: + +1. Reg SHO & Threshold Securities +2. How to keep a stock from reaching the NYSE threshold securities list +I. Dispersing FTDs across ETFs +II. Hiding shorts in derivatives +III. SROs (such as FINRA) are not labeling certain securities as threshold securities despite meeting FTD requirements +3. How staying off the threshold securities list benefits SHFs, MMs, and share lenders + +# 1. Reg SHO & Threshold Securities: + +Official sources: + +[https://www.nyse.com/regulation/threshold-securities](https://www.nyse.com/regulation/threshold-securities) + +[https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm](https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm) + +According to Reg SHO, a security must meet **three criteria** in order to be placed on the threshold security list: + +A Threshold Security is defined by Rule 203(c)(6) of the SEC's Regulation SHO as any equity security of an issuer that is registered under Section 12, or that is required to file reports pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Exchange Act where **for five consecutive settlement days:** + +(1) there are aggregate fails to deliver at a registered clearing agency o**f 10,000 shares or more** per security; + +(2) **the level of fails is equal to at least one-half of one percent of the issuer's total shares outstanding;** + +and (3) **the security is included on a list published by a self regulatory organization.** + +GME was put onto the threshold security list on September 22nd of 2020. Since GME was removed from the threshold security list on February 4th, there have been no consecutive 5-day periods where GME is above 10,000 FTDs & the aggregate FTDs of five trading days has exceeded 0.5% of the outstanding shares (or approximately 350,000-385,000 shares depending on the date), which are the first 2 criteria of 3 that make a stock eligible for the threshold security list. + +The third criterion is that the security is **on a list published by a self-regulatory organization** (SRO) and we will get to that later. + +# 2. How to keep a stock from reaching the NYSE threshold securities list + +In my own study of the FTDā€™s on GME leading up to its placement on the Threshold Security list on **September 22nd**, GME would have been eligible to be placed on the list as early as September 8th, as the aggregate fails of the previous 5 trading days met the 0.5% outstanding shares requirement and each day had over 10,000 FTDs. This tells me that there appears to be some delay in the time it takes for a threshold security to be placed on the list, according to the discretion of self-regulatory organizations (SROs). FTDs spiked huge following August 31st of 2020, leading up to GMEā€™s placement on the threshold security list. + +[https:\/\/sec.report\/fails.php?tc=GME](https://preview.redd.it/kxo1vxksoth71.png?width=1647&format=png&auto=webp&s=15cc144341126d0109e8718c35736a567b39a7ca) + +How did HFā€™s slip up after all these years and let GME onto the threshold security list? It stayed on this list for months following too. + +[On August 31st, 2020 RC ventures announced a 9&#37; stake in Gamestop.](https://preview.redd.it/iiehq5xtoth71.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=50b5d02a53fb58bd7bcf97dff586415c0598bc6a) + +After the news, Gamestop shares were trading \~30% higher in the next few days. This purchase removed a significant amount of shares from GMEā€™s float, making it harder for SHFs to locate shares to borrow. And the massive FTDs started piling up from here onā€¦ + +Now, how are short HFs keeping GME from staying on the threshold security list currently, which would force market makers to deliver shares according to Reg SHO? Some possibilities: + +# I. Dispersing FTDs across ETFs + +[u/broccaaa](https://www.reddit.com/u/broccaaa/) has created some beautiful visualizations of GME FTD data spread across ETFs. These ETFs have been failing to deliver significantly since February. Since a few weeks ago, GME has moved into larger cap ETFs, new ETFs must be tracked for fails and it will take time for those results to appear. + +[https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/o14ccz\/the\_naked\_shorting\_scam\_in\_numbers\_part\_deux\_up\/](https://preview.redd.it/wve8mo70pth71.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e39e5b98f442a14253b535fe67cb3e18935bbf4) + +One, these ETFs can help hide the SI% on GME, but also, they can be used to spread FTDs across multiple securities which prevents GME from being labeled a threshold security, which would severely limit the daily fuckery that market makers are able to inflict on GME price action. + +# II. Hiding shorts in derivatives (options, futures, swaps) + +[Another visualization by u\/broccaaa, wow look at those puts! Unfuckingreal](https://preview.redd.it/np433524pth71.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e0d52f24582fb21bca20a9b37c40a0aa7733477) + +[https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=1675234](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1675234) + +Sourced from the academic paper linked above: + +ā€œ**Equity options market makers currently enjoy an exception from SEC Regulation SHO**, which requires short sellers to borrow or locate stock. This exception exists so that options market makers can hedge positions and maintain liquidity. **When the market making is bona fide, naked short selling is permitted**. Options market makers, however, still must locate and deliver shares within 13 days \[(or sometimes 35 days)\] in securities that have significant failures to deliver (FTDs), also called ***threshold securities.*** + +ā€œIn a married put, a short seller purchases put options from an options market maker who then \[naked\] shorts the same amount of stock back to the short seller as a hedge. **If the stock sold is not a threshold security, then the options market maker may fail and never deliver.**ā€ + +While Bona-fide Market Makerā€™s married puts can also be used to help hide SI% just like shorting the ETFs, **these can also be used to bypass locate requirements in shares that are NOT threshold securities.** As long as GME is not a threshold security, they can continue to naked short at their own discretion. As long as market makers can naked short, they can roll FTDs indefinitely. + +As well for some discussion about futures & swaps affecting GME, see [u/Criand](https://www.reddit.com/u/Criand/) ā€˜s DD if you have not already: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p37osl/are\_futures\_or\_swaps\_the\_secret\_sauce\_to\_price/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p37osl/are_futures_or_swaps_the_secret_sauce_to_price/) + +# III. SROs are not labeling certain securities as threshold securities, despite meeting the FTD criteria across the previous 5-day trading period. + +According to FINRA rule 4320, + +[https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/rulebooks/finra-rules/4320](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/rulebooks/finra-rules/4320) + +ā€œIf a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency for **thirty-five consecutive settlement days** in a non-reporting threshold security that was sold pursuant to SEC Rule 144, **the participant shall immediately thereafter close out the fail to deliver position in the security by purchasing securities of like kind and quantity.ā€** + +ā€œIf a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency in a non-reporting threshold security for 13 consecutive settlement days (or 35 consecutive settlement days if entitled to), the participant and any broker or dealer for which it clears transactions, including any market maker that would otherwise be entitled to rely on the exception provided in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of Rule 203 of SEC Regulation SHO, **may not accept a short sale order in the non-reporting threshold security from another person, or effect a short sale in the non-reporting threshold security for its own account, without borrowing the security or entering into a bona-fide arrangement to borrow the security**, until the participant closes out the fail to deliver position by purchasing securities of like kind and quantity and that purchase has cleared and settled at a registered clearing agency.ā€ + +**Too ape cant read:** SHFs & MMs have to settle shorts within either 13 or 35 consecutive settlement days for **threshold securities**. SEC Reg SHO prevents new short sales without closing FTDs UNLESS (and thatā€™s a BIG unless) there is an exception for bona-fide market making (often bona-fide fulfills whatā€™s called a **pre-borrow requirement. we'll get to that.**) šŸ¤”. **Bona-fide market makers cannot (legally) naked short threshold securities without closing existing FTDs, but letā€™s have a look at what pre-borrowing looks like for a non-threshold security:** + +# 3. How staying off the threshold securities list benefits SHFs, MMs, and share lenders + +How do HFs pre-borrow shares to make a short sale? Check it out on Interactive Brokerā€™s guide to short stock buy-ins and close-outs (*hint hint* there isnā€™t a lot of closing out happening): [https://ibkr.info/node/845](https://ibkr.info/node/845) + +ā€œ*Short Sale Settlement* \- Prior to executing the short sale, the broker must make **a good faith determination that shares will likely be available to borrow when needed** and this is accomplished by **verifying their current availability \[I have a bit of speculation about this below\].** Note that, absent a pre-borrow arrangement, there is no assurance that shares available to borrow on the date of trade will remain available to borrow 2 days later and the short sale may be subject to forced close-out if the shares are no longer available to borrow.ā€ + +šŸ™ Me praying that the hedgies will return the GME shares they borrowed with all my good faith šŸ™ + +[https://iborrowdesk.com/](https://iborrowdesk.com/) + +For those who do or donā€™t know about this website, it keeps track of ā€œInteractive Brokers stock loan availabilityā€. People used to post screenshots of this site all the time to suggest that shares available have gone down so hedgies are going to short the stock with these shares. Now, while borrowed shares can be used short the stock, they can also be used to temporarily cover FTDs. Iā€™m not suggesting the creator of this site is cooking the numbers, **the numbers on this site are pulled directly from Interactive Brokers Stock Loan Availability Database:** [https://ibkr.info/article/2024](https://ibkr.info/article/2024) + +**So, as a stock lender, IBKR profits from the lending of shares.** They have a Pre-Borrow Program where they charge a commission per pre-borrow transaction. Since they make money from these transactions (a daily % fee), they benefit from loaning out as many shares as possible to reap the most profit. IBKR does not only lend its own shares, they actively reach out to other lenders to lend THEIR shares as well for more $$$. So, as long as there is **good faith that shares will be likely to be available to borrow when needed by verifying their current availability** (aka \*poof\* more shares just appeared on iborrowdesk, how does that keep happening???), **then bona-fide market makers can continue to naked short the stock, thus providing an increasing supply for lenders to lend out to become rehypothecated short shorts that they can make daily % fees from.** + +**Maybe this is why the current borrow rate listed here for GME is so low, since it is no longer a threshold security and can be naked shorted by bona fide market makers. This makes shares easy to "locate" and lend out endlessly, so the % fee is low.** This is speculation because I cannot prove it, but the incentives are clearly laid out. + +ā€œ*Loan Recall* \- Once a short sale has settled (i.e., stock has been borrowed and used to deliver the sales sold short to the buyer), the lender of the shares reserves the right to request their return at any time. **Should a recall occur, IBKR will attempt to replace the previously borrowed shares with those from another lender.** If shares cannot be borrowed, the lender reserves the right to issue a formal recall which allows for a buy-in to take place 2 business days after issuance in the event IBKR doesnā€™t return the recalled stock. While the issuance of this formal recall provides the lender the option to buy-in, **the proportion of recall notices that actually result in a buy-in are low (typically due to IBKR's ability to source shares elsewhere). Given the volume of formal recalls which we receive but are not later acted upon, IBKR does not provide clients with advance warning of these recall notices.ā€** + +Holy fucking shit. So these buy-in requests to return shares happen with a regular frequency, but are so barely enforced (ā€œthe proportion of recall notices that actually result in a buy-in are lowā€!!!) that IBKR does not even WARN its clients of said recall notice. + +[Why are they confessing?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c14vfq3jqpo) + +ā€œ*Failures to deliver* \- In the case of US stocks, brokers are obligated to attend to the fail position by no later than the start of regular trading hours on the following settlement day. This can be accomplished through securities purchases or **borrowing**; however, **in the event that available stock borrow transactions prove insufficient to satisfy the delivery obligation, IBKR will close-out clients holding short positions using a volume weighted average price (VWAP) order scheduled to run over the entire trading day.** It is possible that under certain circumstances, due to limited liquidity in the market, that the buy-in order may not be executed or may be only partially executed.ā€ + +I feel like Iā€™ve read some DD about the VWAP order type showing up for GME? I wish I had more to say about it specifically, but if anyone with a wrinkle can link some DD or provide some insight as to whether these order types are showing up for GME, I can add more to this section here. + +Either way, it is important to mention that **IBKR attempts to obligate the failure to deliver position by BORROWING securities first**, not necessarily purchasing securities unless it has to through a market order (VWAP). + +Well. Iā€™m suffering enough after reading all these documents. I think thatā€™s enough for today. + +# Summary and extra TLDR: In essence, I believe that GME is actively being kept from the NYSE threshold security list through various market mechanisms, and this is because the threshold security list puts several restrictions on bona-fide market making activity such as naked shorting and not closing out FTDs according to SEC Reg SHO settlement timelines. +This happened in Toronto earlier this month. The Bank is CIBC. + +&#x200B; + +Yesterday I found out that I could not log into my mobile banking app and called their service number. I was told somebody walked into a branch with a fake ID and claimed he lost his debit card. Apparently the teller gave him a replacement and added a new contact number to the account. He withdrew 1000 dollar from ATM. He then went to money mart and try to get more cash which caused CIBC to trigger a fraud alert and locked the card. I have been overseas since August and won't be able to come back until next February. I have my debit card with me the entire time. Haven't receive any funny messages or emails. I was told a investigation case has been opened and I should call then back in 10 business days. Meanwhile a new debit card would be mailed to my current address (overseas). Once I have received it I can access online banking again. I am quite baffled by what happened. I have chequing, visa, mortgage and line with CIBC. Without online banking I could not access my accounts or even try to see if any other accounts have been compromised. Furthermore I do not know what kind of personal information has been leaked. Did the bad guys just know my name and address and then made a false ID and tried their luck at different banks? Or is there some other things they have got about me that made the teller believe he is the real deal? Btw I have an obvious Chinese name. Which might make impersonating me a possibility. + +&#x200B; + +Right now this seems surreal and I just have a lot of questions. Will I be liable about the $1000? Any further steps should I take to minimize other potential losses? Should I inform the police or is the bank doing that? Can I make a police report while overseas? Any advice is deeply appreciated. Many Thanks. +I get the importance of taxation and what not, but that doesnā€™t mean it absolutely sucks looking at my gross income vs what I actually take home. And somehow I still owed the government money this tax season. That being said, although I struggle to save a significant amount of money each month (only a couple hundred) Iā€™m happy with where I am, roof over my head, food in my stomach and bills get paid every month. Itā€™s just a pipe dream of mine to not have 30% of my income gone before it even hits my bank account. Have a blessed Tuesday yā€™all +I understand RSI, MACD etc on technical trading. I want to learn some various concepts & logic for algotrading? Is there a site or book that provides more information? Thanks +Key points: + +* **A ā€œbear marketā€ is when stocks see a 20 percent decline or more from a recent high ā€” but theyā€™re also marked by overall pessimism on Wall Street.** +* **Since World War II, bear markets have lasted 13 months on average, and stock markets tend to lose 30.4 percent of their value.** +* **During those conditions it usually takes stocks an average 22 months to recover, according to analysis from Goldman Sachs and CNBC.** + +See link for chart and more details: + +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/12/24/whats-a-bear-market-and-how-long-do-they-usually-last-.html +Iā€™ve heard people always say that when a company does well on their earnings, they become a more valuable company so their stock price will go up. + +Whatā€™s in it for me if I donā€™t directly get paid by them and I am solely hoping for other investors to buy stocks too? Arenā€™t I really just relying on other people to buy too? What if no one wants to buy it even if ā€œthey become more valuable of a company due to strong earnings?ā€ + +I know there are dividends involved but That is besides the point. +What's the difference bwtween the two? + +I'm majoring Economics next year and become a bit curious about the course. Some people say graduate Economics is basically ug Economics with more sophisticated maths, while others would point out they are vastly different. So how different are they in terms of the content, mathematical rigour, etc? And how does having a graduate Economics degree benefit me more career wise? + +edit + + a bit more context: studying in UK, more interested in macroeconomics, so details on how ug and graduate differ on macro would be much appreciated :) +As the user base of the subreddit grows the level of discourse has (anecdotally, from my personal observations) dropped in quality. + +Generally, I'm seeing + +* Constant repetition of 'pop' finance topics, e.g. bemoaning the state of the property market, bubble discussions, etc. +* Finance 101: how to get started in ETF investing, which broker to use, which ETFs to buy, etc. +* Bad financial advice or analysis armchair economists. + +Without more active moderation the future of this sub is in jeopardy. What will most likely happen is as more of the 'general population' seeps in, there is a larger audience who will upvote populist content, causing a death spiral of lower quality content getting upvoted, and thus attracting more people who that resonates with, and drive away those more clued in. + +This is happening already I would say, and perhaps it's even too late for this sub. +Ever since GameStop dropped their 10k announcing Immutable (IMX) and their partnership with NFT Games/assets I've been trying to figure out where Loopring fits in. + +What if... GameStop really *is* shooting for the moon? + +What if... They're actually going to **re-design the entire financial system with a new peer-to-peer decentralized stock market, based on transfer agent assets on a block chain ledger.** + +We've heard about this theorized for many months... a kind of tokenized stock... but the pieces didn't really quite fit together and it seemed too bold, too brazen, too unlikely, like maybe indeed we were dreaming... But I will argue today that this is NOT a dream but rather a totally realistic and ambitious plan which is very soon going to be revealed. + +&#x200B; + +[Immutable is GameStops primary NFT Gaming solution and connection to Games\/Game Studios](https://preview.redd.it/m3vfnyff8ll81.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=4127c15026cea03809ffb4869c9a132b5212f4fa) + +Immutable can't be the cornerstone of GameStop Technology if they're launching an Alpha Marketplace with so called L2 NFTS before the IMX integration is even ready. So who is this cornerstone partner? + +https://preview.redd.it/0wy6k4vw8ll81.png?width=1617&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfdfaae35618aab1a654f3a33b4c793b64442220 + +It's been hinted before that Loopring has developed a new L2 NFT, basically called a counter-factual NFT. The concept is it's free to mint until it's sold or transferred. Might Loopring be this partner? + +After the IMX announcement, Daniel ex-CEO and Founder, confirmed his excitement still for Loopring and what's to come. + +https://preview.redd.it/vw3u4xry8ll81.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=49800e0cf7ba2e5bf94fe1d76c83b7b3f23294a9 + +The original premise of Loopring Technology was to enable ANYONE to create a decentralized exchange where *anything* could be traded. + +Tokenized Stock is actually not a new concept, however it's current implementation is totally convoluted and the token doesn't really represent a stock per-se, and still requires settlement in traditional finance, so it's still rife with fraud and solves no problems. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hvvx2t29bll81.png?width=711&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a0ec54dc31e9a95fa9e801492ad00656aa4491c + +However imagine that a company's stock is registered at a Transfer Agent (like Computer Share) with an enhanced blockchain ledger. + +Now imagine if you had the technology to enable a stockholder to trade their stock to a buyer DIRECTLY, PEER TO PEER! + +**No** middle man- **no** broker, **no** commissions, **no** payment for order flow, **no** market maker, **no** internalizer, **no** DTCC settlement fraud, **no** FTDs, pure instant exchange of settlement. Impossible to counterfeit. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/oovcekzmcll81.png?width=1601&format=png&auto=webp&s=414fea778212c0e24e0117e30f79ed37d049df2e + +Loopring is a technology that enables you to build your own Decentralized Exchange. Matt Finestone is a finance guy (ex-bond trader). He didn't come to Gamestop for the gaming- he came for de-fi, for finance, for the future of the markets. + +**Economic Significance of Peer to Peer De-Fi Stock Exchange** + +Imagine you want to sell your stock for $100. + +In Traditional Finance your broker gets a commission, the exchange gets a rebate or the internalizer pays for your order. You are paying for this service. + +In De-Fi Peer to Peer you can trade your stock for $100 and get a better price. Period. No middle men. + +**Shareholders would prefer to trade peer to peer because:** + +1, Instant settlement +2, They know they are getting the best price3, They know trading peer to peer will reduce naked shorting, which reduces their stock value + +**Companies would prefer to trade peer to peer because:** + +1, They can better understand who their investors are +2, There are no risks of over voting or governance concerns +3, Their stock is safe from naked shorting and abusive manipulative practices which lowers stock value + +ComputerShare is the transfer agent for MANY companies. Once they integrate with GameStop Exchange you can buy and sell a vast array of stocks. + +**A few hurdles:** + +1, Computershare is not a broker or bank, so there would need to be some other kind of support to enable you to CASH FUND the GameStop exchange (possibly with a USD crypto token like USDC), this is why FIAT ONRAMP and FIAT OFF RAMP are important. Your transaction would settle instantly and the Transfer Agent would move the stock to your Transfer Agent Account instantly. That account ledger would likely be an enhanced blockchain based ledger. + +2, We're now dealing with securities and that will have regulations but how can regulators like SEC dislike a system where a stockholder can trade directly to another stockholder within the NBBO? This would be very hard to block as it's clearly in the interests of all investors. + +**Implications:** + +1, A Stock Exchange would be a gold standard for describing the value of Loopring technology. After a Stock Exchange you could imagine all kinds of real life practical exchanges- like real estate, music, other property. + +2, It's very unlikely GameStop would just use Loopring and make their entire protocol worth a huge valuation if they did not have a stake or did not control Loopring. This is why the retirement of Daniel Wang, CEO/Founder of Loopring, makes sense. Daniel has very likely agreed to some kind of merger or acquisition where GameStop is now taking over the development and protocol (led by Matt Finestone). As they grow the protocol it will be a win-win for Gamestop and Loopring. + +This is why we have not heard of any agreement, announcement or partnership about GameStop and Immutable even though the supposed GameStop Marketplace Alpha is launching before the IMX integration (and we have heard about *that* agreement). The thing cooking with Loopring is bigger... a lot bigger. + +**This is why DRS and Computershare are so important**... Moving your assets to the Transfer Agent level will enable an entirely new peer-to-peer market to be created. A market without manipulation, without naked short selling, without huge block trading and dark pools. We're talking a completely **simplified** market structure powered by trustless systems where you can **do no evil.** + +Do you remember this: + +[With Daniel retired and Matt taking over the development team \(speculated\) and by GameStop buying Loopring Technologies \(not this is not the token, this is the LLC\), then it isn't really a Chinese operation is it. In fact Daniel always insisted Loopring was not Chinese. I think we're in for a merger or acquisition.](https://preview.redd.it/rbxsc1ov2ml81.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5be3c1b22275056825c8fd2a15e6d45ad24dd228) + +&#x200B; + +[The Same Asset... GME](https://preview.redd.it/pjb1i9by2ml81.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=9496915dbe9e4fb507e8721a0d5ae9552ebc82eb) + +&#x200B; + +[\\"Naked\\"... Hmm](https://preview.redd.it/i5g3pj023ml81.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef9581499b4e43557a92b326a49f37d24ef0f6b3) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kyzs9dd63ml81.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=72462007dd4af677203f0c52c55ef2577dd804bc + +**Roadmap and Liquidity** + +One huge problem with any market or exchange is liquidity. Gamestops Stock Exchange would have this same challenge. In crypto we have Automated Market Makers where the community can pledge assets/stake and computer systems create markets. I expect we see a similar solution here. + +Looprings Ordering technology also allows for factors more of liquidity than traditional order book mechanisms. This is their secret proprietary secret sauce and no doubt Gamestop wants to own it or at least have a stake in it. + +What I expect is that if you are within the Transfer Agent ecosystem then you can decide to trade your assets on Traditional Finance (sell or buy) OR you can go to the GameStop marketplace with your order. The GameStop marketplace order would be instantly settled and the price would always be better because the only cost is the protocol fee to the exchange (which is LRC). + +We're about to see the birth of a peer to peer market where you have complete control over the things you own. + +Loopring also recently described their roadmap for a DAO and Insurance Fund, and Daniel has previously stated, after his retirement, he's a huge LRC holder still. It's very likely that the LRC tokenomics were ensured into any Gamestop agreement and holders of the token will share in protocol fees driven by it's use. GameStop likely could have acquired a significant portion of tokens via the company treasury owned and controlled by insiders. It's very unlikely Loopring would continue to talk about a DAO if the future roadmap of Loopring would not exist and the token would cease to be- therefore I think we're more likely seeing a kind of merger where Loopring LLC equity holders receive some GME shares, and GME receive equity in Loopring. + +**TLDR:** + +The vision is BIG and BOLD. GameStop isn't just planning to launch an NFT Marketplace. They're planning to do something much, much bigger. They're going to launch the worlds first peer to peer decentralized stock market. With assets existing on the transfer agent level (computer share) you will be able to sell peer to peer without any middle man at a better price than going to any other exchange. They're going to completely eliminate the rot and complexity of the financial system by simplifying it. + +Once they develop a GameStop Exchange of securities it isn't a far step for that very same exchange to also trade crypto assets: tokens, currencies, NFTs. It's not far fetched that GameStop enables a wallet with FIAT ON and OFF ramp. Before long GameStop is a de-centralized peer to peer non-custodian exchange for crypto AND securities- completely simplifying the entire financial markets in a universal and borderless way- all secured with real assets on a blockchain transfer agent level. WOW! You really don't need a bank, you don't need a broker, you only need your Gamestop Wallet. + +**Parting thoughts on the community....** Every week we seem to hear from another community 'hero' about how we're going to the moon because #marketmechancis and #reasons but 100% of all those theories are wrong, or just lucky, and can't be consistently relied upon. + +This whole story was always about GameStop, the company, and how they were going to transform and innovate. They are now transforming on 3 huge pivots simultaneously: ecommerce/brick and mortar, entertainment & esports and web3 technologies. Each of these new businesses can be worth tens of billions when they demonstrate growth, scale and revenue. + +I believe in GameStop, do you? +"America has lurched from one crisis to the next in 2020, knocking many people, even professional forecasters, off their feet. But not Matt Gertken, geopolitical strategist for BCA Research. + +ā€œUnrest was an easy prediction even before the pandemic and recession, which made matters worse,ā€ wrote Gertken in a note out Friday." + +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/strategist-who-predicted-the-us-would-see-a-revolt-of-some-kind-by-the-2020-election-says-us-in-danger-zone-and-stocks-will-suffer-2020-06-08?mod=home-page + +"In his most recent analysis, he skips the victory lap and instead focuses on what it means for markets. Broadly, volatility is likely to worsen, and equities SPX, +1.30% DJIA, +1.90% to be vulnerable. More specifically, Gertken notes, the U.S. dollar DXY, +0.36% is likely face choppy waters over the near term, but some of the headwinds may abate over the long term. + +ā€œThe market is reacting to stimulus now,ā€ Gertken writes, ā€œbut policies look to turn a lot tougher on business,ā€ no matter who wins the White House in November." + +"ā€œEither the market sells off in the short run to register the currently likely victory of Joe Biden, who will hike taxes, wages, and regulation, or the market rallies all the way till the election, increasing the chances of President Trumpā€™s reelection, which would revolutionize the global system, especially on trade, and would require a selloff around December.ā€" +What is a Zero Cost 0% EMI? + +You can buy something for Rs. 20,000. But someone offers you an interest free EMI loan for, say 6 months! As in you pay Rs. 20,000 / 6 = 3333 per month and take this thing. No processing charges, no other charges, so youā€™re like why? + +Obviously paying over 6 months is better than paying all at once. Some interest will be earned by your money simply sitting there in your bank account. + +But whatā€™s in it for the shop? For the finance company? + +Now three entities need to be satisfied ā€“ the shop, the manufacturer of the thing, and the finance company. You might just walk away saying Rs.20,000 is too much, Iā€™ll come back the next time. No one makes any money. + +But at Rs. 3,333 a month, youā€™re like: I can afford that. + +To entice you to buy, they work together. + +1) The manufacturer says ok, if the customer takes this 3,333 per month deal, Iā€™ll provide a 5% discount on the product (but not to the customer) + +2) The Customer pays 20K, but the financier gives the manufacturer just 19K (5% less) + +3) The manufacturer pays a commission to the shop. Possibly 10-20% or so, which would be the same even if customer hadnā€™t taken the loan ā€“ but at least this ensures a person becomes a customer. + +4) The financier, you think, is getting screwed. He pays 19K to get back just 20K in six months? Thatā€™s just 5% over 6 months or 10% annualized? Isnā€™t that too less? We will now introduce you to the magic of ā€œcash flowā€. + +Further read https://www.capitalmind.in/2020/01/how-zero-cost-emis-work/ +Hey everyone! Iā€™m really looking for some advice. Iā€™m 27, in school for engineering. The problem is I just started, so I will most likely graduate in my mid 30s. Thatā€™s not a huge issue, but a part of me wants to get into real estate. + +Any advice? School costs time and money, and real estate will cost time and me saving money. I guess Iā€™m tired of being close to 30 and still not having much money or much to show for. I really want to get into business and start making some real money. +I am a materials engineering fresh grad and have just recently discovered the world of economics during the Covid-19 pandemic. Iā€™m starting my career in ESG consulting at a Big 4 and would love any advice you might have. I took engineering simply because I found the natural sciences easy, not necessarily because I liked it. + +Iā€™m getting more and more interested in economics as I read more, and being from a developing country, particularly interested in development economics and am considering making a career out of it. Iā€™m considering aiming for development agencies like WB, ADB, UN. + +Do the economists here have any suggestions on what to do (read/ study / online courses / career options/ anything else) for people like me with engineering backgrounds to shift into economics and even aim for graduate study in economics? Can anyone speak from experience as someone with an engineering background who is now an economist as well? Thanks! +There appears to be a growing consensus that global supply chains are too vulnerable to the kind of shocks covid introduced, reason being that efficiency has been prioritized over resilience. + +We are now experiencing compounding shortages and inflation with no obvious end in sight. The standard of living expected by citizens in the wealthy world looks set to decline until supply chains are fully restored. + +But isnt this inevitable? Corporations will generally choose short term profits over longer term issues like how they might adapt in the rare instance that severe disruptions last for long periods. + +How could countries incentivize more local production without breaking trade rules? How could Trade wars be avoided if countries want to get their supply chains out of China? + +I understand food and pharmaceuticals.....but what kind of Consumer goods should be manufactured in America? (or whatever wealthy country that imports more than exports) +**Centaurify** \- A cross-chain NFT-Ticketing solution & a music niched NFT market-place. Is now releasing its bridged version of the ERC20 token $CENT Nowā€™s the opportunity to buy $CENT on the BSC chain and be a part of this revolution in both the music and NFT industry + +šŸ“¢ Launching on BSC chain u/PinkSale [https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x6860b48e800fE558b135364807134E0361aCA381?chain=BSC](https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x6860b48e800fE558b135364807134E0361aCA381?chain=BSC) + +**Centaurify** will prevent scalping, fraud, and give the control of the secondary market back to the organisers and artists. Built by artists for artists. Empowering Music! + +šŸ’°**100x Potential, Low market cap project!** šŸ’° + +Nowā€™s the opportunity to buy $CENT on the BSC chain and be a part of this revolution in both the music and NFT industry šŸš€ + +**Helpful Links:** + +šŸŒ **Website:**[ **https://centaurify.com/**](https://centaurify.com/) + +šŸ“ž **Telegram:**[ **https://t.me/centaurifyofficial**](https://t.me/centaurifyofficial) + +šŸ“ž **Discord:**[ **https://discord.com/invite/v6ZT7Tg72J**](https://discord.com/invite/v6ZT7Tg72J) + +šŸ¦ **Twitter:**[ **https://twitter.com/Centaurify**](https://twitter.com/Centaurify) + +&#x200B; + +šŸ’Ž First of its kind, Multi Chain Music Niched NFT marketplace. + +šŸ’Ž First to build a CrossChain NFT-Ticketing Solution + +šŸ’Ž Centaurify is The Gateway Into the NFT & Metaverse For Artist + +&#x200B; + +āœ…START OF PRESALE: 6th of April 14.00 UTC + +āœ‹šŸ¼CLOSING PRESALE: 13th of April 16.00 UTC + +šŸ„ž Listing on PancakeSwap right after + +āž”ļø Tokens available for sale: 9,310,000 CENT + +āž”ļø Listing rate: 1 BNB = 49,000 CENT + +āœ… SoftCap: 100 BNB + +āœ… HardCap: 190 BNB + +Minimum Buy: 0.1 BNB + +Maximum Buy: 0.5 BNB + +āž”ļøAllocation: all funds raised will go into the LP, lockedšŸ”’ for 210 days after PCS listing + +āž”ļøInfo on the project: ā¤µļø + +[https://www.centaurify.com/](https://www.centaurify.com/) + +āž”ļøPinksale buy-link: ā¤µļø + +[https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x6860b48e800fE558b135364807134E0361aCA381?chain=BSC](https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x6860b48e800fE558b135364807134E0361aCA381?chain=BSC) +I was waiting to buy a dip for a few days when I heard about/researched Ethereum so I bought the June 15th dip. Now that eth is tanking I still don't care. I refuse to sell at a loss. I have only put in what I can afford to lose therefore it doesn't matter. I believe in the tech and I also believe/know the price will have it's ups and downs. However, I still think that in the long term the price will rise past $400, even if what we are experiencing now is a correction to sub 250 levels. + +Furthermore, I think when the next economic crash comes things such a cryptocurrencies will be run upon by those who don't want their paper that isn't backed by anything, stolen by the banks. The next recession will be the biggest in any of our lifetimes. + +Tell me to sell all you like. I don't care, and sure there are people out there who are the same. +I'm 37 and everything feels very vanilla to me. I'm unhappy in my job, I feel out of place in it. It's paying me 120k a year for 40 hours a week with great benefits. It's unfulfilling, stressful, and unrewarding. I'm debt free, house paid off, under 10 years to FIRE, paid off cars, healthy family, good work/life balance in terms of time off... but damnit, I'm feeling a lot of despair. I wonder if it's because my biggest goal is just a matter of time and beyond my control. Paying off the mortgage, cars, cutting spending, enjoying not buying things, having free time, I have all those things, all those goals are met. I can't shake this feeling of restlessness and even fear about FIRE because that means I'm going to be older and might have just 'gotten by' until FIRE which concerns me. I'd like some meaning in my life but working and waiting until fire are not that meaningful like I thought they'd be. + +From the outside looking in, I'm living the dream of so many people when it comes to status in the middle class and the fact that I'm feeling down makes me feel even *more* down because I think to myself that I'm acting like a spoiled brat, that I should just shut the hell up and be thankful I have a job at all and not think about meaning in work. + +Thoughts? Anyone else experience this? Anyone feel the need to call me a spoiled child? :) + +EDIT: Wow, so many great replies. I need some time to read them and want thank everyone contributing to this conversation!! The few I've read have been really information and even uplifting. + +&#x200B; +Hi all šŸ‘‹šŸ». Alexis Goldstein here. During my testimony before the House Financial Services Committee today, I tried to flag some open questions I have. One of them is, what was the volume of trading in GME (and other meme stocks) by institutional players who, unlike retail, can trade ā€œover the counterā€ (OTC) options (which they typically still hedge with listed stock). If regulators or Congress had a sense of the volumes of OTC options on GME that traded in periods of high volatility, that would give some insight into their overall footprint in the volatility. + +I elaborate on this a bit more in my written testimony if youā€™re interested: +https://financialservices.house.gov/uploadedfiles/hhrg-117-ba00-wstate-goldsteina-20210317.pdf + +And here are some my other observations about todayā€™s hearing, in case that is also of interest! https://twitter.com/alexisgoldstein/status/1372355570196480002?s=21 + +UPDATE: I wrote up some of my thoughts on yesterday's hearing over at my newsletter, if it's of interest! https://marketsweekly.ghost.io/second-gamestop-hearing-in-hfsc/ +I am sitting here, thinking about the last 9 months of my life after learning about and investing in GME. We have been through now 3 earnings calls. We have been through countless short attacks. Massive FUD campaigns from nearly every media company in the world. + + +The odds have always been against us. Yet the fact that I feel nothing after our 3rd post-earnings short attack is a testament to why the hedgefunds are doomed. I no longer CARE about the money I invested into GME. We know you guys fucked up. We all know it. And you make it blatantly obvious. I donā€™t know many things, but I DO know that you guys are fucked. + +I, like many other middle class retail investors donā€™t have many things to look forward to ā€¦ and HODLing has been the MOST fun Iā€™ve had in my fucking life. If you want to take away the sheer joy Iā€™m having right now then youā€™re going to fucking pay what I *WANT* to take this happiness away. And not a lot makes me happy. *Youā€™re fucked.* + + +We ride at dawn. šŸš€šŸ”œšŸŒ• +This message is mostly aimed at the new blood in here: Seriously, no dates, no expectations, nothing. +Clear your mind. + +To anyone saying "nah i'm jacked to the tits": me too ape, but we need to not get ahead of ourselves. Trust the process. The instructions are simple. **Hold** + +The MOASS is inevitable. + +-socrates ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°) + +---------------- + +*edit in regards to rensoles post: Apes don't fight apes. But seriously, no one has a clue what the price will be. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of finance. **NO ONE KNOWS.** You could say your floor is 100K and another person could say 10Million but none of that even matters. No one has any idea what will happen. +If you are shaken up by someone else's price expectations then you clearly aren't confident in your own.* +I've heard multiple traders state that most strategies are either mean reverting or trend following (i.e. momentum-based), and successful strategies determine when to switch from one or the other (or stay on the sidelines). What metrics or indicators can I use to determine which type of market a given instrument or equity is in, mean reverting or trend following? +While everyone is pissing themselves in glee over the 4 way stock split, GameStop is at this very moment laying off 20% of their corporate staff. I have a friend who works there in Grapevine and itā€™s still ongoing. + +I know what you apes are probably thinking: that this is good, theyā€™re trimming the fat, RC Cola and friends will remain and save the day - the layoff INCLUDES new hires from Chewie and Amazon. Say what you want about the future of the company, but 20% layoffs are never a good sign. I have a pretty good feeling that Royal Caribbeanā€™s resurrection plan isnā€™t going so great. His success with Chewie is starting to look less like mastery of business and more like right place at the right time. + +TL;DR - GME moon soon go brr + +EDIT - Trust me bro. Now itā€™s coming out on Twitter: +https://mobile.twitter.com/stephentotilo/status/1545137465748590593 + +EDIT 2 - For all you twitter haters: +https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/07/gamestop-cfo-is-leaving-the-company-retailer-announces-layoffs.html + +EDIT 3 - apparently it's 25% according to yahoo finance sources. I should fire my friend. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/game-stop-cfo-out-layoffs-announced-stock-drops-220443293.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADd15Qh6vbRQUrpDp1_VZAcJMTx99o4giH9xJ_DPqb-f36aU9r6-dFIJx8RH_J0WvKPt5kT5S5Zo9TBBcaQoskQNm2h8vVs36xZIlvzUeQyZ2-vYYpKCDvz8NCoQFufHlvxM0B049CvLIgmNME995fcfyguUNzmvnR1Fq2GX6a_E + +EDIT 4 - /u/gastopme beat me to the punch on this news... by 5 HOURS: +https://www.reddit.com/r/GameStop/comments/vtkujs/another_round_of_layoffs_at_corporate_today/ + +EDIT 5 - You guys got me.. I am actually Ken Griffin himself. You dratted apes saw right through my FUD attempt! Better tell the MSM to pull the story now that the jig is up... Mayonnaise. +Hey Everyone + +Iā€™ve been thinking about this but for about the last 10+yrs Iā€™ve always found my new job through my personal network. Someone refers me based on working with me & I move around every 4-5yrs. + +This time, Iā€™d like to try work thru a headhunter (some background - Iā€™m a senior exec at a FAANG) since pretty much everyone I know is at places Iā€™ve worked at or not that interested in working at. + +Do any of you have recommendations for good head hunting agencies in the tech space? +Just wanted to share this. I've worked in the medical space and have helped other patients as well as myself with this strategy. Any time you get a bill from your insurance, call them and challenge them on the amount. + +For example: Got an X-Ray done and was told over the phone that total out of pocket expenses would be $70. In my bill the actual charge was ~$150. Called in, challenged the amount and filed an official grievance/complaint. Went to review and got a letter 2 weeks later saying the charges were just dropped. + +Example 2: Got some blood labs done. Got a bill for ~$150. Saw that the original charge (before ins paid) was like $800+. Called in again, challenged the charge. Told them I could get all those tests done for less than what my co-pay was as a cash patient and that there was no way in hell I was paying that amount. Filed an official grievance/complaint and again, 2 weeks later was informed that the charges would just be cleared. + +Basically, you have the right to challenge a payment amount to be equal to or less than what Medicare would pay out. And if you want to get real sassy you can threaten to call the state insurance board to report them for over charging. More often than not it's much easier to wipe the bill than to deal with the headaches of an educated customer. Worse case scenario, your bill gets lowered, best case is you pay nothing. Can't hurt to try. + IndiaMart is the largest online B2B marketplace for business products and services with approximately 60% market share of the online B2B classifieds space in India. + +IndiaMart works on a negative working capital model via subscriptions i.e. they charge the customers before availing the service similar to Netflix, Tinder and Amazon Prime. + +IndiaMart is one of the oldest internet businesses with its inception in 1996 and has been profitable since inception and was one of the few businesses which survived and thrived when the tech-bubble burst in 2000. IndiaMart has successfully pivoted the business model in the face of disruptions, once after 9/11 when their major market was exports to USA and their focus was primarily was travel industry during that time and in 2006-07 when real estate and employee costs rose dramatically which resulted in the company venture into raising of money and changing the business model from a classifieds business to the current B2B subscriptions platform. + +Understanding the B2B space in India - + +In India B2B space can be majorly divided into 2 major categories - Classifieds Based and Transactions Based + +Classifieds base - Primarily operates via subscriptions, pay per leads and advertisement on the platform. + +The major players in the classifieds base are - IndiaMart Intermesh, Trade India, Exporters India, Alibaba India and the recently launched JD Mart (a part of Just Dial). + +Transactions based - Operates via a commission model, inventory based model (profits earned on re-selling inventory purchased beforehand from sellers) and advertising. + +Some of the major B2B players in this space include Udaan, ShopX, Jumotail, Ninjacart, Industry Buying, Power2SME, Amazon Business and Moglix. + +Below are some stats and comparisons across some players. + + +Industry dynamics - + +A majority of IndiaMart subscribers are MSMEā€™s (Micro, small and medium sized enterprises). Around 90% of the customers have turnover from 50 lakhs to crores with almost 60% of the sellers having turnover of 1-10 crore annually. + +As per RedSeer estimates, the total MSME company in FY20 were 75 million. Of which, 52 million MSMEs were involved in services and 23 million were involved in manufacturing, each growing at 6.6% CAGR. MSMEs employ around 120-130 million people spread across urban and rural India. This contribution from the MSME segment to GDP stood at nearly 30 percent in FY20, with around 6 percent coming from manufacturing and around 24 percent from the service segment. The MSME market is thus strongly linked to the Indian economy. + +55 percent of SMEs in India are digitally connected as of 2020 and 23 percent use internet for business purposes. On the other hand, over 89 percent of all enterprises were already connected to internet in China. This shows the untapped potential for adoption for internet in the MSMEā€™s business. + + +Addressable Market size for B2B Market - In India, there are over 12 million GST payers. Out of which product based B2B players are at around 3 million. Currently IndiaMart has a 5% stake of the total addressable market size. This figure has a potential to increase both as an increase in digital adoption by existing companies and a net increase in GST payers. The management of IndiaMart believe they can have a 10-20 percent market share in the long run. + +The Indian Classifieds market - The digital classifieds market in India is a combination of horizontal and vertical players. The horizontals offer listing across a host of goods and services, ranging from real estate, home services, pet care, used goods to medical suppliers. On the other hand, the vertical players focus on a single product/service category such as matrimonial, recruitment services etc. The digital classifieds market in India was estimated at INR 43 billion in 2019, expected to grow at a CAGR of ~22-25 per cent over 2019-25 to reach a size of INR 140-160 billion by 2025. The global business-to-business e-commerce market size is estimated to reach USD 20.9 trillion by 2027, expanding at a CAGR of 17.5% during the forecast period. + +IndiaMart Intermesh + +IndiaMart has 72 million product listings, 6.5 million supplier storefronts/companies, 125 million registered buyers and 50 million monthly business enquiries delivered. IndiaMart has 1,52,000 paying subscriptions with an Average Revenue Per User /Subscriber(ARPU) of INR 43600 per customer as on 31st March, 2021. + +A similar company in China, 1688.com was incorporated in 1999, and is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group holding company. It is one of China's leading online business-to-business (B2B) marketplaces, with 120 million users and 10 million companies listing their products on the site and earns revenue through subscriptions. + +1688.com has around 900,000 paying members. The business of 1688.com has done very well across the last few years primarily due to an increase in the average revenue from paying members for the past 3 years despite the fact that there has been no major increase in the number of subscriptions. + +FY 2018/ 2019/ 2020 - RMB7,164 million / RMB9,988 million (+39%) / RMB12,427 million (+24%) + +Average Revenue Per User - 7960RMB (INR 81,988) / 11098RMB (INR 1,18,738) / 13807 RMB (INR 1,54,000) + +IndiaMart is at a very nascent stage whereas 1688.com is at a much mature stage providing a host of additional services in the areas of payments, tax invoicing and basic management software and incremental services. + +1688.com does 1.5 billion USD in sales almost 20 times what IndiaMart does (due to having 6x more subscribers and more than 3x ARPU) and is still growing at very high rates which shows the possible runway IndiaMart has, if it executes efficiently. 1688.com has EBITDA margins of over 50 percent, while IndiaMart has a sustainable EBITDA margin in the range of 35-40 percent. Investments in technology and value add products will keep the range lower than the more mature 1688.com at least in the near future. + +Growth in subscriptions and ARPU - + +IndiaMart over the past few years has managed to grow the topline due to 2 factors + +Increase in paying subscribers in the range of 15-20% + +Average Revenue Per User increase by around 5-6% + + +Increase in subscriptions can be expected to grow post-covid in the future due to low internet penetration, recovery of Indian economy and entry of newer businesses in India. + +As the subscriptions mature in the future, value addition products/services addressing the pain points and offering more utility to MSME will be driver for growth (as seen in the case of 1688.com). + +Below are the pain points and potential growth areas for MSME. + + +IndiaMart have made investments in the following companies - + +Simply Vyapar Apps Private Limited (26% stake) - Last round valuation 116 crores. Accounting and tax invoicing company. + +TruckHall Private Limited (25.02 % stake) - Last round valuation - 44 crores. Online Marketplace and software development for the logistics industry and managing Superprocure that digitises freight sourcing. + +Legistify Services Limited (11.01 % stake) - Last round valuation round 11.8 crores. Through its SAAS based ERP tool ā€œLegistrakā€ offers organizations to manage legal workflows such as litigation tracking, notices management and legal vendor management. + +Shipway Technology Private Limited (26 % stake) - Last valuation round - 70 crores. Shipway Technology Private Limited is engaged in the business of developing SaaS based solutions which allow small businesses to automate their shipping operations. + +Mobisy Technologies Private Limited (8.98%) - Last valuation round - 111 crores -Mobisy owns Bizom which is an integrated platform for distribution and salesforce management of businesses. + +This is over and above their in-house CRM, lead manager and payment gateway. + +The above investments signify that IndiaMart wants to create a one stop shop for addressing all MSME needs. The company expects one large ticket size acquisition and multiple smaller investments which are synergistic to the IndiaMart model over the next year. + +Management Quality - The management is pro-active and Mr. Dinesh Agarwal is well known and well respected in the Indian tech startup scene. A few instances which further solidifies claim of quality of management are + +Trade India was the largest player in the B2B space when IndiaMart joined at 10x the size of IndiaMart. Currently India Mart is 4x the size of Trade India which shows effective management. This is similar to NSE disrupting the stock exchange platform and dislodging BSE from the top spot. + +Cost control during Covid times - The management was very agile in controlling costs in time of Covid-19 and adapting to more contactless customer communication from Q1 2020 which resulted in operating margins jumping from 25-30 percent to 50 percent. It is evident that some of the costs will come back and margins will eventually settle at 35-40 percent, but it is a great indicator of the quality of management. + +Raising of QIP of Rs.1070 crores for organic and inorganic growth when the share price rose dramatically is a good sign and gives them enough resources to compete + +Market Leader - In a platform business, it is usually a case of winner takes all. It is almost impossible to disrupt a strong market leader in the platforms business. For example National Stock Exchange, Indian Energy Exchange and Multi Commodity Exchange. In the B2B classifieds space IndiaMart is a market leader and it is very difficult for any company to disrupt the same. + +Cash and Investment in books - The company has cash and investments balance of 2365 crores or 10.7% of the current market cap. Also due to the subscription model and negative working capital days, the company has very robust cash flows which can provide additional opportunities for growth via organic and in-organic opportunities and also provides a buffer if there is increased competition. + +Challenges for IndiaMart + +Slower growth due to disruptions - Since the MSME sector is broadly linked to the Indian Economy any disruption or slowdown also impacts IndiaMart. Demonetization, GST, Economic growth slowdown and Covid-19 lockdowns has resulted in massive disruption especially in the MSME space, while the company has bounced back very strongly in the past, an extended lockdown or recurrence of third wave or depressed economic conditions can result in a slowdown in the growth trajectory for the company. The Q4 growth of 4K subscribers which is seasonally the best quarter for IndiaMart is an indicator of the pain in the MSME sector. Q1 is expected to be washout, with a slight de-growth in number of subscribers a possibility. + +JD Mart - JD Mart part of the Just Dial has ventured into the B2B classifieds space. JD Mart has gone through an aggressive advertising campaign to promote their product. While it is tough to disrupt India Mart's dominance, JD Mart can still slowdown the growth numbers by IndiaMart. Historically, JD Mart has been a company of great promises and not so great execution, but it does have resources to disrupt the market. I believe JD Mart is a few years late to the party and in the long run it wonā€™t be able to materially effect the moat around IndiaMartā€™s business. + +Stretched valuations - The company trades at stretched valuations of 65X FY 22 earnings (ex cash and investments) and with Q1 quarter most likely to be muted and the possibility of a third wave and further lockdowns, the company despite promising prospects doesn't provide much of a margin of safety. The subscription add rate is one key metric to monitor over the next 2-3 quarters. + +Closing Remarks- I really like the industry and business model of IndiaMart and believe the internet adoption theme still has a long way to give. I believe IndiaMart is well poised structurally to grow in the long term but the current valuations leave little to no margin of safety despite dropping almost 30% from itā€™s all time high. However, I would not put fresh capital at the current levels not before there is a bit more clarity on bouncing back to the growth trajectory. + +Disclosure - Invested at much lower levels. Not likely to add at current valuations. +If you are reading this, then congratulations: you are on the inside of something that is more real than some people want us to believe. Not only did you survive the FUD, but you've demonstrated that you have genuine diamond hands. + +Imagine that everyone around you has been saying you've made a dumb investment and that you're part of a stupid, dwindling movement with no perspective or plan -- at that moment Ryan Cohen comes in and buys another 100k shares. *For now.* + +Anyone that is still certain that RC, GameStop, Immutable X, Loop Ring, and all the other friends don't have a plan: it's time to rethink and go long. **No dates, but the window seems to be closing**. Now is the time to act - BUY, DRS, and HODL. Then do it again. It's time to be the change *you* want to see. + +I am holding onto my moon tickets, and as a matter of fact, I am buying another 25 once the market reopens. + +Not financial advice. I am retarded. +Stock market intraday patterns ā€“ all times are in Eastern Standard Time! + +When day trading the US stock market you may notice certain patterns, based on the time of day, that occur more often than not. These patterns, or tendencies, happen often enough for professional day traders to base their trading around them. + +&#x200B; + +9:30am: The stock market opens, and there is an initial push in one direction. Highly volatile! + +&#x200B; + +9:45am: The initial push often sees a significant reversal or pullback. This is often just a short-term shift, and then the original trending direction re-asserts itself. + +&#x200B; + +10:00am: If the trend that began at 9:30am is still happening, it will often be challenged around this time. This tends to be another time where there is a significant reversal or pullback. + +&#x200B; + +11:15am-11:30am: The market is heading into lunch hour, and London is getting ready to close. This is when volatility will typically die out for a few hours, but often the daily high or low will be tested around this time. European traders will usually close out positions or accumulate a position before they finish for the day. Whether the highs or lows are tested or not, the markets tend to ā€˜driftā€™ for the next hour or more. + +&#x200B; + +11:45am-1:30pm: This is lunch time in New York, plus a bit of a time buffer. Usually, this is the quietest time of the day, and often, day traders like to avoid it. + +&#x200B; + +1:30pm-2:00pm: If the lunch hour was calm, then expect a breakout of the range established during lunch hour. Often, the market will try to move in the direction it was trading in before the lunch hour doldrums set in. + +&#x200B; + +2:00pm-2:45pm: The close is getting closer, and many traders are trading with the trend thinking it will continue into close. That may happen, but expect some sharp reversals around this time, because on the flip side, man traders are quicker to take profits or move their trailing stop losses closer to the current price. + +\--- + +3:00pm-3:30pm: These are big ā€œShake-outā€ points, in that they will force many traders out of their positions. If a reversal of the prior trend occurs around this time, then the price is likely to move very strongly in the opposite direction. Even if the prior trend does sustain itself through these periods, expect some quick and sizable counter-trend moves. + +&#x200B; + +As a day trader, its best to be nimble and not get tied into one position or direction. Many traders only trade the first hour and the last hour of every day, as these times are the most volatile. + +&#x200B; + +3:30pm-4:00pm: The market closes at 4pm. After that, the liquidity dries up in nearly all stocks and ETFs, except for the very active ones. Itā€™s common to close all positions a minute or more before the closing bell, unless you have orders placed to close your position on a closing auction or ā€œcrossā€. + +Trade Entry Checklist - Things to Consider before entering a trade + +1. Portfolio fit ā€“ Make sure you diversify your portfolio. If you have 9 open bullish positions, consider a bearish stance elsewhere to balance your portfolio and reduce risk. + +2. Liquidity Check ā€“ If the stock you are considering has enough stocks traded per day. This can easily be found on Yahoo! Finance ā€“ look for ā€œAverage Volume.ā€ Look for contract strikes that have at least 1,000 contracts of open interest ā€“ this minimizes bid/ask spread and ensures market liquidity so that you can actually enter/exit trades easily. + +3. IV Percentile ā€“ Example: AAPL has IV of 45%, but IV percentile of 85%. This means that 85% of the time over the last year, volatility will be lower than it is right now as itā€™s current actual IV (45%). Likewise, if GOOG has an IV of 45% but an IV rank of 25%, then only 25% of the time over the last year IV was lower than itā€™s current value (45%). This means we have a 75% chance that IV will increase on average, meaning itā€™s current volatility is low ā€“ and we want to buy into that. If IV is between 70%-100% you will need to actively monitor that trade, higher risk. + +4. Options strategy - Pretty straight forward- If IV is high and the price of the underlying is also high, we can eliminate bullish strategies and focus on bearish, and vice versa. + +5. Strike Price ā€“ First you need to determine if you want an in the money (ITM) or out of the money (OTM). An ITM option has a greater sensitivity ā€“ delta ā€“ to the price of the underlying stock. So if the stock price increases by a given amount, the ITM call would gain more than an ATM or OTM call. This also means it would decline more than others if the price falls. ITM calls are more expensive as well ā€“ higher intrinsic value. + +&#x200B; + +Next consideration is risk/reward. An ITM option carrier less risk, but costs more. If you only want to stake a small amount of capital in a trade, an OTM position may be your best choice. OTM positions are riskier, cheaper, and potentially much more profitable if the stock surges past your strike price. + +6. Expiration ā€“ Date similarly to strike price, the further out a contracts expiration is, the higher the premium because time is on your side. There is a higher chance of the stock meeting your OTM target price given a year to do so, compared to a week. This is called Theta ā€“ a quantification of how much value is lost due to the passing of time. Theta also grows exponentially as you near the expiration date ā€“ your $190 strike call will be worth very little if the call expires tomorrow and the stock is at $180 because the probability of the stock reaching $190 is low. + +7. Position size ā€“ This is important ā€“ BIG TRADING POSITIONS WILL EXPONENTIALLY INCREASE YOUR RISK OF BLOWING UP YOUR ACCOUNT. We suggest you place trades utilizing only 1-5% of your total account value, with an emphasis on the lower end. Play it safe, round down. Itā€™s much easier to recover from a -5% loss than -80%. + +8. Future moves ā€“ Think beyond whatā€™s going on with a stock than just in the current day ā€“ unless youre scalping. Is there an earnings report coming up? Can I roll this into the next month if I need to? Is there an upcoming dividend payout? Take the time to plan your positions and donā€™t rush your entry ā€“ You want to ensure the best possibility of success. Iā€™d take $500 profit with a 90% success rate over $750 profit with a 50% success rate any day. You want to build consistency, and plan your positions before you take them. + +This is a write-up i did today to assist beginners AND experienced traders with understanding everything that needs to be understood in the markets. Enjoy! +A lot of you probably have cars that havenā€™t moved in a long time (thanks COVID) and might find yourself in a situation where youā€™re unknowingly sitting on car lease equity like I was. Hereā€™s how I found out and how to check for yourself. + +I recently paid the last month of my car lease so I planned to turn it in to the dealership and pay a $300 disposition fee like most people do, but due to a change in my commute length and COVID leading to WFH for the past six months I ended up using only half of the miles I was allowed in the lease. I decided to get the car appraised by used car dealers and was surprised to learn I had $4k of equity in the car (appraised at $17.5k while lease end buyout was $13.5k). $4k is almost ***half*** the total amount I paid to lease the car over the past 36 months, so this is a ***huge*** return. + +I accepted an offer from an online used car dealer, scheduled the inspection/pick-up, and two days after they took the car I got my equity check in the mail while the check for the lease end buyout was sent directly to the financing company by the used car dealer... It was that easy. + +Hereā€™s a brief rundown on how to do this: + +1. Call the lease end maturity center for your car and ask what the current lease end buyout is for a third party dealer. Be specific because this amount is different than if you were to buy it out yourself. This amount also changes every month as you make payments, so only call when youā€™re serious about ending the lease. +2. Make sure to ask your financing company if you can sell your lease to a third party dealer. Some donā€™t allow you to while others wonā€™t let you do it during the last 30-60 days before the lease maturity date, so if youā€™re thinking of doing this call asap to ask how the exact process works so you can plan ahead. +3. When you're ready to sell get as many appraisals as possible. Carmax, Carvana, Vroom, Shift, and used car dealers are all places to get free appraisals. Online appraisals are generally higher than in-person ones, but check everywhere. These appraisals only last 2-6 days so you need to be ready to turn in your car fairly quickly. +4. Accept an offer, set-up the pick-up/drop-off, and make sure the dealership buying the car has the information needed to make the lease end buyout to the financing company +5. Cancel your car insurance for the sold car, end your registration/turn in your plates (some states donā€™t require this), and hopefully walk away with some surprise money + +TLDR - My car lease was coming to an end and I was going to pay a $300 disposition to give it back to the dealership, but decided to get it appraised and ended up making $4k by selling it to a used car dealership. + +EDIT: Not here to argue whether leasing is good or bad (that's up to you) or if specific cars should/shouldn't be leased (depends on the deal you can get), I'm just here to present an often overlooked and *potentially* lucrative end of lease option to those who do choose to lease. + +EDIT 2: Didnā€™t realize this would get so much attention, but glad to help in any way. This whole scenario happened in California. The process could differ slightly in another state as some have pointed out and I have no idea how this process works in other countries, sorry! + +EDIT 3: **You donā€™t have to wait until lease end to do this, but you need to check with your financing company for your situation.** If you have a car thatā€™s not near lease end, but you donā€™t need anymore you can also use this method to *potentially* get out of the lease without paying early termination fees by giving it back to the dealer. Make sure to ask for the current third-party lease buyout (might also be lease payoff amount, same thing), *not* lease end buyout as they might give you the wrong figure. Also ask if there are any fees associated with an early lease buyout just in case. + +EDIT 4: Getting a few messages about this, **please** **DO NOT lease a car assuming this scenario will play out for you.** this is 100% a result of the circumstances we're living in now that if you can take advantage of, you should. Lease a car assuming you will get nothing back and will have to pay a disposition fee to get rid of it if you don't keep it because that's the reality for a lot of people. Remember I did not make a PROFIT on my leased car, I just got a significant portion of the amount I paid for the lease back that I didn't anticipate getting. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/14/barra-gm-conducted-appropriate-diligence-on-2-billion-nikola-deal.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/14/barra-gm-conducted-appropriate-diligence-on-2-billion-nikola-deal.html) + +Either GM is desperate or Nikola is a really good scam artist. +Newbie here. I have recently started investing. People always talk about Market Crashes. Am I going to lose all my money when market Crashes? Or it won't affect a long term investor? What happened in 2008 and depression of 1930 US? If i invest in Nippon India Nifty 50 and junior bees ETF, am i still prone to capital loss? +Hey Superstonk! + +[DRS / Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v2ff5r/drscomputershare_megathread_062022/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +With the recent influx of NFT giveaway posts, we figured it was time to do a quick temperature check to gauge how everyone was feeling about having them featured on the sub. + +We know some of you love them, but we also know some of you feel that they don't belong here and prefer to keep the sub focused on stock related content. So, let's open up the conversation to discuss their place on Superstonk. + +Here are some potential solutions. Please discuss your thoughts on these or share your own! + +1. Keep everything the same and continue to feature NFT giveaways +2. Only allow NFT giveaways during off market hours (including premarket and after hours) **edit to be clear:** this also includes weekends & anytime the market is closed +3. Only allow NFT giveaways on the weekends +4. Keeping NFT giveaways to a mega thread and no longer allowing individual posts +5. Keep NFT giveaways off Superstonk entirely and move them to a different sub specifically for NFTs, marketplace, and non stock related GameStop content + +We'll keep this pinned until market open tomorrow. If it's determined that change is needed, we'll go ahead and introduce a poll at a later date so the community can vote on their preferred option. +Yesterday, I was doing some good old arbitrage trading between Solana and Ethereum, and I managed to get my hands on 80,000 ETH for a really low price - so low, in fact, that you wouldn't believe me if I told you how I pulled off this deal. + +Now I don't know what to do with all this ETH. It's worth approximately 250 millions USD, which is not bad, if you ask me. Should I stake it all and get the 4% rewards? This way I would get passive income, something like 10 millions USD/year, which is theoritically enough for my family to live a comfortable life. + +Also, by staking, I would be contributing to the security of the blockchain, which is a big plus for me - I wanna do my part! + +But is this the best course of action for me? + +I also thought about getting into liquidity pools, **but I am afraid of smart contract risks**. What if I put all my ETH into a LP on Solana, and then some asshole comes and drain the contract? I worked very hard for this ETH, that would suck. And there's also the risk of impermanent loss - what if my ETH on Solana decoupled from the ETH on mainnet? + +Anyway, thanks everyone, and I look forward to read your ideas. +I don't know real estate at all, but something feels fishy to me. + +My wife and I own a 3 bedroom house in the Pittsburgh area. We have rented it out through a property management company for the past 5 years while we've lived in the DC area. + +With the housing market as it is right now, we decided that now might be a good time to sell the house and invest that money elsewhere. + +The property management company we've used put us in touch with a realtor they work with a lot. + +This realtor has quoted us a price that she believes the house to be worth. + +I'm okay with the price as it's comparable to what zillow says, but something started to really rub me the wrong way when the realtor suggested that we not list the house, because "she \[the realtor\] is pretty sure that the current tenant will buy it for this price." She's urged us several times to not list the house because "it's just easier this way." + +Is something off here? In this market, isn't it possible that we might receive bids over that price from the open market if we listed the house? Again, I don't know real estate, but I'm pretty sure that when a house gets sold, that 3% of the commission goes the agent who listed the house and 3% goes to the buyer's agent, right? Is there a conflict of interest here? + +For the record, we are in no rush to sell this house. + +TL:DR--Is my real estate agent trying to grab the entire 6% commission by not putting the house on the market or am I being paranoid here? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: We have NOT signed any contract with the realtor yet +Hi, r/FI. I'm the guy who FIRE'd and quit his job to accept a year-long volunteer job in Bangkok, Thailand earlier this year. +[https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8pv2yd/38msingle\_23\_million\_submitted\_my\_resignation/](https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8pv2yd/38msingle_23_million_submitted_my_resignation/) + + +First, I'm having a great time and regret nothing. The volunteer work itself is rewarded and not stressful at all, I spend my weekdays in classrooms helping folks with novice and intermediate English skills converse for eventual hospitality job placement. Former petty criminals and prostitutes make up the bulk of enrollees, are a few non-Thai civilians as well. My weekends are largely spent exploring the endless nooks and crannies of the city, I've barely put a dent into it. I've had about a week off each month as groups of enrollees graduate and their replacements have yet to start my portion of the training, so I spent part of August in Italy as a solo traveler and my sister flew in to Singapore to meet me for a week last month. My fellow volunteers tend to be westerners, 19-25yo kids or 60+ retirees, have made several good friends. Very few of us are into the debauchery that is painfully easy to find in Bangkok, so nights out usually involve a street food stall crawl, then karaoke or a movie or a ladyboy cabaret show. Monsoon season is finally ending, so I plan on ramping up my weekend and break travel to nearby Vietnam and Malaysia and Indonesia very soon. + +Second, my old boss called me about two months ago to see how I was and offered me a new remote job, much to my surprise. He didn't offer me my old job, that job is impossible to do remotely, more of an on-call consultant job where I would set aside 60 to 90 minutes in the evening to respond to internal emails and remotely double check other people's work, that kind of thing. I politely turned him down, fearing that it was a way to be talked into coming back to work full time when I move back to America after my year is up. He reassured me that this new job would remain a remote-only, "digital nomad" type job that I would never have to come into the office for, even when my time in SE Asia ends. I was going to say no for the final time, but then I thought about how so many people struggle with finding structure in RE and thought about how when I move home, having that 60-90 minute structure every day would at least be something I could look forward to daily if I got too restless and bored. And if I don't get restless and bored back home, I can simply quit this job. And I'll be able to rejoin the company health insurance and restart my 401k matching when I move back home, too. So I accepted. They pulled my back in, I'm sorry. Ha. The job so far is nice and as advertised. Five times a week I spend an hour on Outlook and Google Docs, no one bothers me the rest of the day. If it creeps into something more, I will quit. +Recently, I saw the following medium guide being mentioned on this subreddit: +https://medium.com/@andy.m9627/the-ultimate-guide-to-stock-market-apis-for-2020-1de6f55adbb + +It specifically mentioned finnhub as recommended, and polygon.io as one of the ones to avoid. I had added a comment, simply adding some detail, and clarifying some issues I've had with finnhub [in the past](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/hw0ggy/adding_to_the_finnhubio_hate_avoid_them_like_the/) for their unprofessionalism, even in their official responses in that post. + +I was promptly [banned](https://i.imgur.com/eTup3gw.png) from viewing this users posts and the comment was deleted. I was not rude, and had simply pointed out the issues I've had in the past with finnhub (And some positive experiences at polygon). + +I personally believe that the person who wrote this article, may have connections with finnhub, and is actively trying to suppress any criticism. If you come across this post: Be VERY wary of this reviewer, and review multiple sources before coming to a consensus. In addition, I can't stress this enough: + +**Avoid Finnhub.io**: As noted above, their professionalism, and their API has many flaws that need to be addressed. +buffet said it best about how the market transfers money from the impatient to the patient. + +&#x200B; + +even the most moonish stock ever GME, it's main backer DFV had that position for like 18 months before the explosion. + +&#x200B; + +it takes time to bake a cake. +Do ETF prices go up/down based on the change of the stocks included in them or based on the buying and selling of the ETF itself? + +So if for the sake of simplicity we assume an ETF with just 1 stock in it, if this stock closes 10% up, does this mean that whoever has invested in the ETF will also be 10% up on that day? Or maybe the price of an ETF is based on the buy/sell orders for the ETF itself? +I am now an actual millionair, tbh I already regret it but wth. It just got out of hand to the point where I was making money so fast I couldn't even tell how much money I had. Blockfolio started showing letters instead of numbers. + +I'll most likely hodl the rest untill I die. + +Love you guys. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aeesfuyylxa81.jpg?width=905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0339f6d988850e63ac18f5cb3d399ad4b29bff47 + +I am actually surprised this hasnt happened already. All it takes is a troll with a VPN to mass report. Since most of youtube is automated the robots shoot first and ask questions later. Thankfully the internet never forgets and an ape historian u/Elegant-Remote6667 has hosted the files for you to download. Check his comments for recent links. I will edit this post with better formatting when we get it all sorted. + + +**Edit:** For those that are confused there are two superstonk channels. The ones with the older AMAs was from the previous mod team lead by Red. That one is still up. The new channel that has the CS AMAs and such on it is still down but u/Bye_Triangle has submitted an appeal to its suspension. This is the channel: [**https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-mn\_GXx-MZeL8KiNx-\_IA**](https://notifications.google.com/g/p/AD-FnEzGQy6USihEqqd-0dIKDKlaCbIq7FKdsEBE99fCV2yEfMs5TxZdqJbL0Dy1ckp8DLdalNLf52DkqWJ9QTVaRXb-MDX5YWCmAN63ZjPy3InxJvkKxGnr8bTZvXZW) +Do you feel like you've been waiting way too long? Do you have the feeling that what you expect will never happen anyway? Do you occasionally lose all hope of an imminent MOASS, even though all the facts tend to predict the opposite? Well, if this is so: WELCOME TO THE **impatience trap**! + +Patience is a dwindling virtue, especially in times of media and digital acceleration. We want to see **quick results**, and the more a decision affects us, the sooner we want to know where we stand. + +Especially in the face of **hyper-complex problems**, we long for clarity and unambiguity. Psychologists are actually registering **a growing "need for closure"**. Most people want to avoid uncertainty and ambiguity at almost any cost. We are all extremely reluctant to endure the unfinished and the provisional, because they plunge us into doubt and confusion. + +Therefore, any answer often seems better than none. But the strong desire to "see results" and to shorten decision-making processes usually has unexpected costs: **We search desperately for any confirmation, no matter how illogical or even mendacious it may be** \- in experiments, psychologists observe again and again that people, out of impatience, are more likely to believe a lie (which confirms their expectations) than to wait for or trust hard facts. This effect seems to become all the greater, the more a part of their expectations was actually already proven by facts! + +A cause for it: The "need for conclusion" tempts us to bring about the painfully missed clarity and truth by half-knowledge, vagueness, with wishful thinking or simply with assertions. + +And we are, secondly, in a state of growing impatience more susceptible to assertions that correspond to our prejudices or to the vigorously presented half-knowledge of others. Sometimes it is simply more comfortable and reassuring to accept a lie than an uncertainty. + +**That's why we've already hyped up so many bad DDs that, in retrospect, turned out to be just plain wrong or manipulative. That is the reason why it is not enough for us to trust only in DDs that have already been tested thousands of times, discussed millions of times and recognized as general consensus. That always makes individuals in a social group vulnerable to fake news, manipulation and division.** + +No, our impatience demands for always new confirmation of one and the same: GME is manipulated, shorts have to cover, you only have to hold and wait....All this has to be confirmed again and again, although we already "know"....Why? And what can be the way out of it? + +A very interesting psychological experiment from 2009 impressively showed that reading a disturbing book is proven to keep the "need for closure" in check: + +[https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02414.x](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02414.x) + +Researchers had subjects read the Kafka novella "A Country Doctor" before solving a complex problem (with no ideal solution option). This unsettling read, a text full of puzzling twists and shocking events, made readers work more patiently, carefully, and creatively than a comparison group of non-readers. + +The explanation: In the face of complex or existential problems, it helps to be aware of the complexity and contradictory nature of life per se. + +&#x200B; + +TL:DR **Impatience and the strong need for closure can make us all more open to manipulation and lies. Psychological experiments prove that. The way out: do something completely different that makes you aware of the complexity of your own life again. Read works by Kafka, Houellebecq, Palahniuk, and other similarly disturbing writers. And if you can't read or don't want to read - then take a step back from time to time and do something completely different for a day or two: gardening, group sex or bake crayon cakes.** + +**And above all: stop constantly setting concrete points in time at which the MOASS "could" happen(no matter if publicly or privately for yourself)!** + +**We know the facts, know the risks and opportunities, know what to do...so do it.** + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy reading :D +What's up fellas at Theta Gang. I made a tool called [FD Ranker](https://www.swaggystocks.com/dashboard/stocklabs/fd-ranker) that logs the average IV of some popular stocks. The tool is inclusive of almost 1,000 tickers now. + +**What is this tool good for** + +I often use the theta gang wheel strategy by selling cash secured puts close to at-the-money and I like to see where I can get some bang for my buck. A quick scan of the list will tell me what IV is looking like for certain stocks and when earnings is coming up and whether or not I want to do a weekly theta YOLO for earnings. You can sort by IV, stock price, or Earnings and filter by ticker. + +Here's some of the top tickers from this weekend. Instead of making a full list of tickers ranked by IV, I'll share some of the more common tickers mentioned. + +# High IV Tickers List + +\*Some of the market cap data is off, so always double check before entering any plays! + +|Ticker|Market Cap|Stock Price|IV (%)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|GME - Gamestop|7.09B|$108.82|295%| +|SNDL - Sundial Grower|2.08B|$1.34|261%| +|SRNE - Sorrento|2.72B|$9.66|256%| +|MARA - Marathon|1.92B|$29.95|250%| +|RIOT - Riot Blockchain|2.94B|$44.50|227%| +|AMC - AMC|2.3B|$8.24|192%| +|WKHS - Workhorse|1.95B|$16.15|163%| +|CRON - Cronos|3.78B|$10.47|163%| +|CCIV - Churchill Capit...|6.4B|$30.80|161%| +|TLRY - Tilray Inc|4.18B|$23.99|153%| +|SOLO - Electrameccanic...|504M|$6.16|152%| +|HYLN - Hyliion|2.33B|$15.13|148%| +|FCEL - Fuelcell|5.46B|$17.00|144%| +|DGLY - Digital Ally|72.1M|$1.95|144%| +|FUBO - fuboTV Inc|2.39B|$34.91|143%| +|MSTR - Microstrategy|6.94B|$753.40|142%| +|NNDM - Nano Dimension|1.69B|$9.84|140%| +|PSTH - Pershing Square|5.88B|$29.39|137%| +|BLNK - Blink Charging|1.37B|$38.13|129%| +|RIG - Transocean Ltd|2.13B|$3.48|127%| +|SBE - Switchback|974M|$31.10|126%| +|APHA - Aphria Inc|5.65B|$17.80|124%| +|ARCT - Arcturus Therap...|1.29B|$51.79|124%| +|QS - QuantumScape|11.4B|$55.60|122%| +|CODX - Co-Diagnostics|390M|$13.92|118%| +|CLOV - Clover Health|4.14B|$9.41|115%| +|BBBY - Bed, Bath & Bey...|3.26B|$26.68|112%| +|JMIA - Jumia|3.94B|$43.45|112%| +|BB - BlackBerry Ltd|5.67B|$10.12|111%| +|APXT - Apex Technology...|459M|$12.82|110%| +|SFIX - Stitch Fix|4.8B|$76.06|110%| +|GRWG - GrowGeneration|1.68B|$45.78|109%| +|PLTR - Palantir|35.2B|$24.04|109%| +|OSTK - Overstock|2.87B|$66.92|108%| +|AI - C3.ai|0|$112.62|108%| +|XPEV - XPeng Inc|16.6B|$34.61|107%| +|NKLA - Nikola Corp|6.94B|$18.12|107%| +|PLUG - Plug Power|22.7B|$48.25|106%| +|NIO - NIO Inc|72.8B|$46.88|105%| +|ACB - Aurora Cannabis|2.08B|$10.54|105%| +|LAZR - Luminar Tech|5.94B|$27.10|105%| +|HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|6.21B|$26.88|103%| +|LMND - Lemonade|7.12B|$124.03|99%| +|SPCE - Virgin Galactic|8.73B|$37.77|98%| +|HOME - At Home Group|1.64B|$25.36|93%| +|CRSR - Corsair Gaming|3.3B|$36.13|91%| +|APPS - Digital Turbine|7.38B|$82.40|90%| +|GSX - Gsx Techedu|15B|$102.84|90%| +|DASH - DoorDash|0|$170.56|87%| +|CHWY - Chewy Inc|40.4B|$101.93|85%| +|CGC - Canopy Growth|12.3B|$32.54|84%| +|CCL - Carnival Corp|29.6B|$26.46|84%| +|FVRR - Fiverr|9.72B|$270.75|82%| +|PRPL - Purple|2.24B|$36.71|82%| +|COTY - Coty|5.88B|$7.68|82%| +|CLDR - Cloudera|5.05B|$16.16|80%| +|M - Macy\`s Inc|4.72B|$15.27|79%| +|X - United States S...|4.36B|$16.76|79%| +|CRSP - CRISPR Therapeu...|9.48B|$125.73|78%| +|UPWK - Upwork Inc|6.56B|$54.11|78%| +|ENPH - Enphase Energy ...|22.7B|$175.45|77%| +|GPS - Gap, Inc.|9.34B|$25.05|76%| +|CNK - Cinemark|2.65B|$22.93|75%| +|FSLY - Fastly Inc|7.53B|$73.11|75%| +|PENN - Penn National|18B|$116.34|75%| +|UAL - United Airlines|15.4B|$52.97|74%| +|NCLH - Norwegian Cruise|6.35B|$29.44|74%| +|MRNA - Moderna Inc|61.3B|$153.88|74%| +|ZM - Zoom Vide|107B|$368.38|73%| +|DKNG - DraftKings|24.1B|$61.00|72%| +|AAL - American Airlin...|13.4B|$20.92|72%| +|SAVE - Spirit Airlines...|3.51B|$35.94|72%| +|BIDU - Baidu|98.6B|$283.08|71%| +|SE - Sea Ltd|103B|$235.44|71%| +|TSLA - Tesla Inc|646B|$682.52|71%| +|RKT - Rocket Companies|2.52B|$21.86|70%| +|FROG - JFrog Ltd|4.93B|$53.62|70%| +|ABNB - Airbnb|124B|$209.60|69%| +|CREE - Cree, Inc.|12.6B|$113.20|69%| +|PTON - Peloton|31.8B|$120.17|68%| +|OXY - Occidental Petr...|24.8B|$26.53|68%| +|W - Wayfair|21.1B|$289.82|68%| +|BIG - Big Lots|2.36B|$63.51|68%| +|SNAP - Snap Inc|98B|$65.19|67%| +|SEDG - Solaredge Techn...|15.4B|$300.67|67%| +|NET - Cloudflare Inc|22.7B|$73.39|67%| +|LL - Lumber Liquidat...|717M|$25.21|66%| +|SNOW - Snowflake|73.8B|$259.76|65%| +|RH - RH|10B|$494.25|65%| +|ROKU - Roku Inc|50.2B|$392.59|65%| +|U - Unity Software|29.2B|$107.42|65%| +|CVNA - Carvana |13.3B|$285.48|64%| +|NOK - Nokia Corp|2.57B|$3.94|64%| +|ETSY - Etsy Inc|27.9B|$220.47|63%| +|CZR - Caesars Enterta...|15.7B|$92.82|63%| +|SMAR - Smartsheet|8.46B|$69.66|63%| +|PINS - Pinterest Inc|49.9B|$80.40|63%| +|PBR - Petroleo Brasil|16.7B|$7.88|63%| +|RCL - Royal Caribbean|20.9B|$93.61|62%| +|BYND - Beyond Mea|9.12B|$142.83|62%| +|IQ - iQIYI Inc|18.5B|$25.34|62%| +|VALE - Vale S.A.|89.3B|$16.97|62%| +|DOCU - DocuSign|42.3B|$226.54|62%| +|CRWD - Crowdstrike|40.7B|$213.76|61%| +|ARKK - ARK Investment|24.1B|$129.95|61%| +|LB - L Brands|15.2B|$54.64|61%| +|SQ - Square Inc|97.9B|$229.51|60%| +|DISH - Dish Network|16.6B|$31.57|60%| +|SPLK - Splunk Inc|23.1B|$143.84|59%| +|WORK - Slack Tech|20.5B|$41.13|59%| +|Z - Zillow Group|38.3B|$161.35|59%| +|FEYE - FireEye|4.4B|$19.36|58%| +|ARKG - ARK ETF|11.1B|$93.08|58%| +|TDOC - Teladoc Health|32B|$220.97|57%| +|MELI - MercadoLibre|81.6B|$1626.32|57%| +|LYFT - Lyft Inc|17.2B|$55.80|57%| +|TAN - Invesco Capital...|4.16B|$101.24|56%| +|SPOT - Spotify|55.7B|$308.47|56%| +|ZNGA - Zynga Inc|12B|$11.20|56%| +|DB - Deutsche Bank|25.3B|$12.36|56%| +|DDOG - Datadog|19.9B|$95.60|56%| +|EAT - Brinker Interna...|3.12B|$69.52|56%| +|YETI - YETI|6B|$69.17|56%| +|GM - General Motors|74B|$51.37|56%| +|TWTR - Twitter Inc|61.5B|$78.08|56%| +|UBER - Uber|91.4B|$51.82|56%| +|HAL - Halliburton Co....|19.4B|$21.89|55%| +|MGM - MGM Resorts|18.7B|$37.87|55%| +|JD - JD.com|146B|$93.55|55%| +|SHAK - Shake Shack|4.53B|$118.94|55%| +|TWLO - Twilio|55.1B|$393.67|55%| +|DBX - Dropbox|7.47B|$22.83|54%| +|WYNN - Wynn Resorts|14.2B|$132.26|54%| +|TTD - Trade Desk|34.4B|$807.31|54%| +|MU - Micron|102B|$91.89|54%| +|OKTA - Okta|31.7B|$260.82|52%| +|ESTC - Elastic|11.8B|$133.86|52%| +|PZZA - Papa John|2.97B|$90.42|52%| +|TEVA - Teva- Pharma.|11.7B|$10.81|51%| +|ZS - Zscaler Inc|27.5B|$203.49|51%| +|SHOP - Shopify Inc|154B|$1282.61|51%| +|ICLN - Clean Energy ETF|5.82B|$25.93|50%| +|CHGG - Chegg Inc|12.5B|$97.00|50%| +|DAL - Delta Air Lines|30.6B|$48.08|50%| +That Spotify theory sure put a spoil on this excellent win for Ethereum adoption. + +KIK's announcement is the Ethereum blockchain (ETHB) being put to real use, by a company many of us have heard of - 300 million total users - looking to build on their application with a proven business model. See WeChat. + +Recent announcements of Token and Status will likely be more exciting from a technology perspective. They'll be loaded with cool features and potential. But they don't have users, and users are not always easy to acquire. Think Google+. + +Up to now, application development on the ETHB has been from the innovator's bucket of the [technology adoption curve](http://smartideastore.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/technology-adoption-curve-Rogers.png). Exception to this being JP Morgan's parallel private blockchain - Quorum. + +DAPPs? Innovators. EEA? Major organizations looking at ETHB's potential to create a business case and standardize. The latter is hugely promising. Repeat that, HUGELY promising - but still without release of customer affecting development which is what will be meaningful for the endgame of ETHB. To the former, well, amazing DAPPs will come along as the ecosystem develops and developers gain mastery of the potential at play. Usage of Brass Golem over the coming months will be interesting. Real value will come down to paying customers and/or user adoption of these DAPPs. + +Back to the [Technology Adoption Curve, in case you haven't clicked yet](http://smartideastore.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/technology-adoption-curve-Rogers.png), moving from innovators to the early adopters - both business use cases and end-user adoption of cryptos - entail bringing in a different type of customer. One with more skin in the game, is recognizable, generally more risk averse than the innovators, less tolerant to bleeding edge pain, but one that sees the potential and takes the leap. KIK is number one on that list for us. + +Without JP Morgan, we wouldn't see the level of enterprise engagement we have with EEA. KIK, though certainly no JP Morgan, gives us a use case for other businesses to reference and follow. Other early adopters will begin to follow suit. As they do, and more customer facing applications are developed and lay the foundation for others to follow. The golden egg? EEA enterprises gaining the confidence to one-by-one begin their own customer facing development. + +When that happens, my friends; well, that's what they mean by web 3.0. + +For what it's worth, web 3.0 would be no less than a Mars landing. That or one of Jupiter's many moons. + +TLDR: Actual development by businesses on the Ethereum Blockchain is a major driver of the longterm value of ETH. This is different from adding new hodlers. Technology adoption by businesses follows an adoption curve. DAPPs are being built by innovators, not the mainstream/majority, nor even the early adopters. KIK signifies an early adopter and will pave the way for more like businesses to follow suit. Business cases will ultimately give confidence to enterprises to follow through with their projects. Enterprises using Ethereum's blockchain = moon^x. + +Also, can't hurt to gain ETH exposure to millions of new users. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +# In case you haven't heard of BogTools, it's a suite of DeFi tools that give a trading experience akin to Binance, Kucoin or coinbase, but on DeFi chains (currently on BSC, with forthcoming expansions to MATIC and ETH). + +They've already released limit orders, stop-losses (standard and trailing), along with some advanced tools designed to make DeFi trading even more powerful. + +I've been using them for quite some time, and they definitely beat PancakeSwap by a mile: the level of control over my trades feels like I'm cheating against the automated market makers. + +Charts was one of their first offerings as a platform, and it's been continuously upgraded since release. + +**Charts v3 (Charts.Bogged.Finance), is the biggest update yet, firmly solidifying BogTools' title as a one-stop shop for DeFi Trading.** + +&#x200B; + +# So what's being added in BogCharts V3? + +&#x200B; + +**šŸ“ˆSmooth charting.** One common complaint on charting platforms is broken-up, irregular candles. BogCharts has solved this, and V3 will contain full candles that are easier to make out at a glance; perfect for those high-pressure trades where you've got no time to waste deciphering bad charts. + +&#x200B; + +ā±**Reliable first-block charting.** The BogTools team is confident that they've cracked the puzzle of creating smooth and reliable real-time charts for tokens that have just launched. Closely monitor any launch, a perfect accompaniment to V3's new **automatic trade plotting** or maybe BogTool's (in)famous Token Sniper + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“**Automatic Trade Plotting** With your wallet connected to BogCharts, it will track your buys and sells, and plot them on the token's chart automatically. No need to spend precious trading time penciling them in. + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“Š**Portfolio Tracker** No need to fiddle around with spreadsheets any more. The Portfolio Tracker will accurately show graphs and info for: + +* Current Holdings +* Profit and Loss (P&L) + +This is a feature that requires holding 50 $BOG, the governance token of BogTools that is used to pay for a few other tools. Unlock more premium features by holding more $BOG. + +&#x200B; + +šŸŒ**Language Support** Trade in your native language! They'll be launching with CN, EN, ES, FR, ID, IT, NL and RU, with more being added over time. + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“°**News Integration** Just like a DeFi Bloomberg Terminal, there'll be a News tab where you can see the latest news about the token you're researching. + +&#x200B; + +šŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆšŸ“ˆ**Multichart** This frequently-requested feature will let you view as many charts as your screen can fit! + +And of course there are many additional reliability, quality of life and speed improvements. + +&#x200B; + +It truly looks like BogTools have delivered something that will ensure all your DeFi trading runs as smoothly as possible, and they're definitely not stopping anytime soon. Check out the densely populated roadmap on [https://docs.bogtools.io/roadmap](https://docs.bogtools.io/roadmap) and you'll see why BogTools have made a name for themselves as the one BSC project that consistently delivers. + +&#x200B; + +To see the charts in action, visit [charts.bogged.finance](https://charts.bogged.finance) + +The telegram community has 22k members and lots of active mods, so feel free to pop into [https://t.me/bogtools](https://t.me/bogtools) with any questions you may have. They're hosting a developer Voice AMA there on Saturday at 1800 UTC, which is definitely worth joining if you have any questions about the project and the new launch. + +&#x200B; + +Honestly this is one seriously undervalued project and once it goes cross-chain this is gonna dominate the entire DeFi trading scene. I've been loading up their governance token cause this is gonna fly! + +&#x200B; + +Feel free to read this article published by BSC Times about the upgraded platform: [https://bsctimes.com/bogchartsv3-brace-for-the-nextgen-bsc-charting-platform-at-its-finest/](https://bsctimes.com/bogchartsv3-brace-for-the-nextgen-bsc-charting-platform-at-its-finest/) +It looks like the iBuyers are closing up shop as the market is slowing. I wonder who is going to end up owning the properties they're currently holding. + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/redfin-shuts-home-flipping-business-lays-off-13-of-staff-in-slumping-housing-market-11668010665?mod=hp_lead_pos10 + +>Real-estate company Redfin Corp. laid off 13% of its staff on Wednesday and closed its home-flipping unit, saying the operation was both too expensive and too risky to continue. + +>The Seattle-based company, which operates a real-estate brokerage and home-listings website, said the decisions were made because it is predicting that the real-estate market is going to be smaller next year and its home-flipping business is losing money. It previously laid off 8% of its workforce in June of this year. + +>The closure of Redfinā€™s home-flipping business, RedfinNow, follows Opendoor Technologies Inc. posting record losses last week. The biggest home-flipping company sold too many homes for less than their purchase price. Opendoor blamed the pace of rising interest rates for throttling the housing market faster than the company could predict. + +More: + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-09/redfin-lays-off-13-of-staff-shuts-down-home-flipping-business + +https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/09/homes/redfin-job-cuts-home-flipping-shutdown/index.html +During my wealth accumulation stage, I spent much of my spare time devouring books on business, investing, and entrepreneurship. I disappointingly noticed the other day that my bookcase is quite narrow in its focus: filled mostly with books about how famous people got rich, how to get rich myself, or how to stay rich. + +Now that I feel like I have enough to relax a bit (NW $50m), Iā€™m really sick of reading about getting rich. I want to read about how to what to do with my money to buy happiness, how to spend my time on more fulfilling ventures, and enjoying the rest of my life in ways people with monetary freedom can. Most of my get rich books focus on the journey of climbing the mountain, but donā€™t discuss what to do when you get there. Now Iā€™m lost. Rather than money, I want to focus on health, travel, life. + +What are your book suggestions for like-minded folk in our community who can afford to do it all, but still have the same finite lifespan as everyone else in the world? What are the best sources of wisdom for wealthy people? Where are the fatfire self help books? +I'm 25 and work in construction management making 75k a year. I currently max out my 401k/roth 401k each year and also max out my roth ira. All of my expenses are paid for and I get a daily per diem that is tax free. My company also usually gives a bonus ranging from 25%-80% every year. I invest into my personal portfolio as well. I also have a rental property that is just breaking even but a long term tenet. I am trying gto figure out the best way to be able to retire at age 45 without losing all my retirement funds to taxes and fees. Has anyone figured out a good strategy for early retirement? Shoukd i invest more in roth or 401k? I appreciate all comments and suggestions. Thank you. + +Edit 1: Wow. Thank you all for the quick and detailed responses. I will try to reply to some comments directly, but I will provide some more detail with this edit to attempt to get more detail out. Currently I have 60k in my employer 401k/roth 401k plan. I went heavily towards the 401k option for the first two years I could contribute. My employer matches 6% fully vested in 4 years. I just maxed out my roth ira last year, so I only have 6k in that in mostly vanguard ETFs. I paid off all of my student debt, but I have 240k in debt for my mortgage of the property I am renting out. I also have 27k in my personal portfolio in stocks and ETFs. Also some doge coin lol (can hope for it to reach$1). I am planning on maxing out a HSA this year. I have been listening to the ChooseFI podcast lately. It is a little difficult to predict my personal expenses. The only expense I actually have currently is groceries and netflix. Most of my purchases are for entertainment or towards my mustang I am rebuilding. I would estimate I spend less than 15k a year as a conservative guess. My goal would to buy my own home when I do not want to live on the road anymore. Maybe in the next 5 years. I plan to live in the range of 60k-75k a year in retirement. I mostly want to travel and explore. I was thinking about doing the roth ira conversion ladder, but I am worried that when I go to start the ladder that my conversions will be in a higher tax bracket based on my income at the time. Once again, thank you for all the replies. This was my first post on reddit. +We all know we're in a bull market. Quite possibly the biggest on in history(or so I've heard). But all good things must come to an end eventually. I got no idea when that "eventually" is going to be but I don't wanna be caught with my pants down when it does happen. + +Now, don't get me wrong I'm not a doomsayer. I hope we all see green everywhere but realistically at some point the market is going to pull back. + +So, what options are there? + + - Bonds: so far they've had a negative return and for good reason. Most people avoid them, again for good reason. Do you have bonds in your portfolio? I don't. Although I feel I should. + + - Real estate: this is debatable. It may be good or bad depending on your location. For my location specifically it more than likely is good but it also has a big enter barrier and unless you're paying cash the interest rate is rather high which makes it not worth it. + + - ETFs: I have 100% of my portfolio invested in world etfs. Which in theory should be enough. + + - Hedge funds(of all sorts): I don't know much about them tbh. + + - Precious metals: They seem like a bad investment regardless of bull/bear market. At least in recent decades. + + - Commodities: Don't know much about them. + + - Specific sectors: such as healthcare, foods, etc. They're generally viewed as good investments in a bear market. + +---- + +Long story short: How are you prepared for a bear market? I'd love to hear opinions/strategies/what-have-you. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/30/goldman-sachs-ups-sp-500-forecast-but-cuts-earnings-outlook.html + +Goldman Sachs raised its 2019 year-end price target for the U.S. benchmark S&P 500 index by 3% to 3,100 on Tuesday, but lowered its earnings estimates, citing weakness in economic activity and margin outlook. + +Despite the earnings squeeze, they analysts are still positive on a further rise for stock markets. The new price target for the S&P 500 implies a 24% full-year gain for 2019. It also set a 2020 year-end price target of 3,400, a 10% rise from the 2019 target. +Car and laptop repair estimates are about to break my bank account and Iā€™m laying awake unable to sleep because I canā€™t believe the bad luck I just had. + +At this point I donā€™t even want happiness, if I have money I donā€™t care how bland my life is as long as I never feel this stressful or anxious again. + +Edit: Thanks for the inbox messages dudes and dudettes of Reddit. This site truly is a wonderful +place. I was just a little spooked when I posted this because it was just terrifying that the two of them happened around the same time. That being said I asked for an advance on my paycheck so Iā€™ll make it through this month. I also found some great +local repair places that are willing to let me pay in increments. Iā€™m very grateful to my irl support network as well. Thanks yaā€™ll, ya boi will survive. +**Hello everybody,** + +**There's no doubt about it! The beginning of a new era in yield farming and liquidity provision is here.** We may be a **TOAD** but there isn't any croaks in these statements. This šŸ’£ team comes with experience from Tron, Matic, HOGE, and are here for the **inevitable takeover of DEFI**. Follow on down below to see what can't be unseen. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# + +# + +# šŸø [TOAD.Network](https://TOAD.Network) + +**TOAD** in conjunction with [**PADSwap**](https://padswap.exchange) aims to change the way users view liquidity with perpetual & decentralized liquidity through a unique, one of a kind system called ā€œ**DPLP**ā€. **What is DPLP you ask?** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# šŸ“ DPLP is ā€œDecentralized Perpetual Liquidity Protocolā€. šŸ“  + +Utilization of natural market forces, and self interest ensures perpetual movement into and out of farms. Like a water wheel using an endless river current, this means that there will forever be liquidity to farm and decentralize. This creates a **rugpull-proof ecosystem for projects to utilize**. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# [Toad Network](http://toad.network/) + +# šŸø 1M Market Cap, 1M+ TVL!! + +šŸø Maximum token supply 195K + +šŸø Recent List at top 30 Exchange XT.com + +šŸø Rugpull-proof as DEVS have donated all their LP tokens for users to farm + +šŸø Large selection of yield farms to earn TOAD and PAD + +šŸø Toad has DPLP farming that ensures there will be liquid TOAD for purchase 1000 years from now + +šŸø [Toad.Academy](https://toad.academy) brings gamification to crypto learning + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# [Padswap Exchange](http://padswap.exchange/) + +# āœ³ļø 400K Market Cap + +āœ… Highest LP Rewards on BSC with low swap fees + +šŸ”„ Swap any token that has liquidity added to the DEX + +šŸ¤ Fair launched and self funded. The DEVs donated over 200k of their own liquidity at project launch + +šŸ¦ Vault providing an ever rising price floor of index backing **over 7% already!** + +šŸ’ø High rewards to liquidity providers: .25% vs the .17% LPs earn on PCS + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +šŸ’„[**BUY TOAD AND PAD on PADSwap!**](https://padswap.exchange/#/swap) šŸ’„ + +Math nerds and meme lords behold: It gets even better! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# The future evolution of the [TOAD.Network](https://TOAD.Network) ecosystem: + +šŸŒ‰ ERC20 Bridge final in days + +šŸŒ‰ FTM bridge + +šŸ“ŠPortfolio tracker + +šŸ’°Crypto ATMs + +šŸš€LaunchPAD + +āš›ļøGovernance system(TOADAO) + +šŸŒNFT marketplace + +šŸ‘ā€šŸ—ØSimplified app + +āœ³ļøAuto-stake as savings account + +ā˜¢ļøNew Merch additions and limited series, collaborations + +šŸ§¬Partnerships Farms, LPFs, Custom Liquid solutions + +šŸŽ¦Animated Video Series + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# šŸøToad Network is limitlessšŸø + +**What is TOAD.Network? -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://toadytoad.medium.com/the-toad-network-46f5f6872ab6) + +**TOAD.Network Audit Report -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://toad.network/toad_audit_report.pdf) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**What is PADSwap? -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://medium.com/@SnakePlisken/hi-im-pad-4b06686c8508) + +**PADSwap White Paper -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://www.dropbox.com/s/bng5e1bq2u03bk6/PAD%20WHITEPAPER.PDF?dl=0) + +**PADSwap Audit Report -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://toad.network/pad_audit_report.pdf) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# šŸøSOCIALSšŸø + +**Twitter -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://twitter.com/toadnetwork?lang=en) + +**Reddit -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TOADNetwork) + +**Telegram -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://t.me/toadnetwork) + +**Youtube -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zOg6WWLO0o&t) + +**Merch -** [**CLICK HERE**](https://piramyd.me/toad-network-x-piramyd/) + + +Also sorry for editing a word in my previous post which resulted in its removal. +I donā€™t know how people donā€™t see this yet: NFTs are the next bullrun. It doesnā€™t matter what they are now, they are what teams and big normie companies are looking to develop. That means they are SEVERELY undervalued in all aspects. What they will be worth at the end of the bullrun will be a LOT more than they are now. DeFi is dead. Think of it like this: DeFi is like investing in Oil--a lucrative but very established market with some very big players, NFTs are more like crypto in that they are severely undervalued, a new market, and the mainstream is now looking to get into them and learn about them meaning their ROI is going to be way bigger, itā€™s absurd. Sure, you may get out worse off if you canā€™t actually figure out who is good to invest in. Perhaps their marketing plan or business model is shit. Maybe youā€™ll pick a loser and be a bagholder, but overall youā€™re looking like youā€™re going to make a good stack if you get in when and where you should. + +Places like Bake, Rari, OpenSea (though no token) are making a ton of money and this shit hasnā€™t kicked off yet. Think of it like this. NFTs are computers back when people thought computers were for loser nerds who couldnā€™t get laid. Now everyone has a literal computer in their fucking pocket they spend most of their day on. A lot of NFTs now are shit, sure, but theyā€™re growing, more big money is being poured in, and they very well could normalize into regular retail markets--and we are going to make sweet bank as they grow and get bigger and better and the market grows. The problem I see with A LOT of them, Rarible being a good example, is they are just undiluted shit. Like you can actually take a shit, take a picture of it, and put it up as an NFT. Partnerships and filtering needs to take place for quality to emerge. Nevermind, the fact that there is a ton of IP infringement going on in these places. Do you think legal suits are going to bode well for the valuation and long-term functioning of some of these companies? No, and content creators know that and the good ones donā€™t want to associate with companies who actively promote behavior that destroys their livelihoods. + +I am getting in early on something at ILO, that means a shit ton less than it will be worth even one week from now when the 10x FOMO happens. If you want to get in, go for it, I donā€™t give a shit. Be poor, be rich, do whateverā€”DYOR, etc, etc. But the reality is you donā€™t get a better moonshot when you get in at ILO/ICO. If this thing even gets a slither of a slither of the NFT market it is a literal 100x. Inb4 the comment section is filled with ā€˜NFTs are a memeā€™, ā€˜NFTs are going nowhereā€™, ā€˜hur durr I can just printscreen your NFT and itā€™s mineā€™ā€¦ yeah, cool: donā€™t care still making my easy 100x. Maybe they are the dumbest thing on the planet, it doesn't matter they're going to get some normie ape and I'm going to ride their ape brains from branch to branch until they ape so hard the centrifugal force of a branch sends me into orbit to the moon. Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention this NFT is doing partnerships/vetting, so the huge issue of IP infringement I mentioned, and content creators not wanting to work with them, or their NFT market being a sea of literal junk and crap is not going to happen. + +**Investment:** **Seedswap (SNFT)** + +At ILO, roughly under a cent per token, and with a supply of only 100m itā€™s going to go to 10c easily after ILO ends + +**Website:** [www.seedswap.io](http://www.seedswap.io) + +**The telegram is on the website** + +**ILO:** [**https://www.unicrypt.network/amm/uni/ilo/0x4cC177CCE7e533D3f7189Bac202Ad86107a8FD45**](https://www.unicrypt.network/amm/uni/ilo/0x4cC177CCE7e533D3f7189Bac202Ad86107a8FD45) + +**DYOR, not your mother, etc.** +Brokers need to be called on this bullshit. How can they say with a straight face that they ā€œcanā€™t locate sharesā€? Thereā€™s this thing called the stock market, where shares are exchanged 5 days a week for 6.5 hours/day. Every day millions of shares are exchanged. + +Very simply, they took our money and never purchased the underlying asset, giving us an IOU instead. Theyā€™re basically taking a short position hoping to buy the asset at a lower price in the future, and literally betting against us, their own customers. ā€œCanā€™t find sharesā€ should translate to ā€œdonā€™t want to buy shares at the current fair market valueā€ now that weā€™re cashing in those IOUs. + +I look forward to the SHFs, Market Makers, Shady Brokers, and Banks underwriting this criminals going bankrupt just as much as I look forward to a bank account that looks like a phone number. +I'm 23 years old, I'm graduating college with my Marketing degree in December, and I have just about $70,000 in debt across mostly federal and state loans. I am not an expert in economics, far from it, but what little I know about it, I'm getting nervous. I remember 2008 just enough to know I don't want to end up like a lot of the college grads did then.Regardless of your opinions on the economy, what are the best ways to recession-proof myself? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I'm not sure if this is the best sub for it, so correct me if I'm wrong. As an additional note, I live at home in NJ, commute to school, and looking to end up in DC after grad. +Hello apes, + +Follow Up Post on this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qrws0b/dr\_marco\_metzler\_is\_going\_to\_call\_me\_tomorrow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qrws0b/dr_marco_metzler_is_going_to_call_me_tomorrow/) + +Mods hit me up for prove if u need.here is the summary of the call with Dr. Marco Metzler from the DMSA.The call was 1 hour and 15 minutes long. + +***But first i want to point something out which is important to me:*** + +I am aware that the the whole Evergrande crisis, is not directly related to GME, as we don't know how exactly a global market crash will influence GME. There was a long ongoing theory that a crash would lead to SHFs positions to decline and therefore would lead to them failing margin requirements which will lead to forced close of their shorts and therefore MOASS. - this is just a theory, like all of the many others. + +**Still i believe that this post and call is important to the community** as there is a lot of interest, in prior market crashes, (hyper) inflation, production chain issues, false media coverage and everybody feeling that a crash is coming. *...I mean how much longer can those bulls run, the system is doomed...* + +Furthermore there is a common spirit in the superstonk community which asks for the truth and is sick of false media reports and institutions covering up. + +To me the Evergrande crisis is a very interesting topic and the turn of events around the DMSA and Dr. Marco Metzler are even more spicy. Still it might turn out do nothing (unlikely in my opinion, you will later see why). + +But what is important for **GME** is that you **DRS your shares,** as it is the only way apes can take the MOASS into their own hands. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) for more information on how to DRS your shares. + +I'm just a simple ape like you guys who took his chance and was lucky to make this call. I've been holding XXX GME till January and been averaging up. Its been 11 months and the market crash might be a catalyst, but we don't know. So stay zen, live your lives, be excellent and continue to fight for a better world even after the MOASS. + +**My call with Dr. Marco Metzler** + +***Question 1:*** ***Is Dr. Marco Metzler a real person and if so who is he?*** + +Yes, he is. Dr. Marco Metzler has worked for numerous financial companies, most of the time in the analysis aswell in the merger and acquisition department. He was present in the financial world when the crashes of 2000 (Dot-Com-Bubble) and 2008 (US-Real-Estate-Bubble) occurred.Between 2003-2006 he also worked for Fintch London, i u want more detailed information on his careers, please consult his Linkedin profile. + +Funny anecdote in our email conversation yesterday he forwarded a superstonk meme post to me where his face was used. It was a funny meme with only good intentions. But he asked me if i could reach out to the author in order to delete it. I explained to him that this meme was made out of sympathy and with good intentions. He answered me that his son also explained it to him and it is all good. *...but anyway slow down on meme press guys...* + +But please as always be respectful and don't harass people! + +***Question 2:*** ***What is the DMSA?*** + +The [DMSA](https://www.dmsa-agentur.de/unternehmen) was originally another company based in MĆ¼nster which was purchased by Dr. Metzler and his family in 2016. They then moved the company to Berlin. It completely belongs to his family.Dr. Metzler also founded the [DFSI](https://www.dfsi-institut.de/) which is focused on the analysis and review of financial products on the german market i.e. insurances or *Krankenkassen*. But the DFSI no longer belongs to him.He also worked together with the *Fokus*. + +The DMSA was initially used for various products reviews and analysis. I.e. online pharmacies.The reason why its only showing information about Evergrande as of today, is simply that Dr. Metzler did not want to operate as Dr. Metzler himself directly in regards to the Evergrande crisis. + +***Question 3:*** ***But why does the website look so similar to two other websites?*** + +One ape had concern about the DMSA, DFSI and [SFSI](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qr34de/did_evergrande_default_i_dont_think_so/) all looking similar and being potential scam.The reason why the all look the same is, that they were designed but the same web agency.They are just the website for these 3 analysis and research companies which were created by individuals. Furthermore Micheal Ewy the CEO of DMSA is the nephew of Dr. Metzler.I just want to point out that these companies are in no way connected to the German government. + +***Question 4:*** ***Why did Dr. Metzler buy the bonds?*** + +The Evergrande story caught his attention and after looking into numbers and balances sheets he came to the conclusion that Evergrande and the whole Chinese financial market is in dire straits. + +As the various stories of offshore bonds failing , but then being saved by last minute payments at the end of the 30 days grace period emerged and were distributed by US news outlets quoting unknown sources he made the decision to invest in such bonds himself in, order to see for himself if these bond payments are really done ... *Hint: Like us, he believes otherwise! ...* + +He told me that he never received any payments. + +***Question 5:*** ***Which bonds, for how much money did he buy? Can we see the recipe?*** + +First off. These information are critical and are a vital part of his strategy. As in theory the trustee (which are big US banks) for these offshore bonds could pay exactly his bonds. Therefore his bond investments need to stay unknown. + +But still if one only one recipient does not get his payment, there is a reason to declare a default. + +He mentioned the dollar amount for these investments to me, but i just want to be sure and don't want to disclose it. ...*Hint: Its not like ten bucks, its more dont think most apes could afford it. So no, its no possible easily for apes to do the same. Anyway if u had that much money left, u should be buying GME in the first place, and any purchases of these bonds will be lost!...* + +**Furthermore Dr. Metzler is 100% sure that this money is gone for good** and he is not gambling on it or is planning a lawsuit in order to get repayment on his bond investments. + +***Question 6:*** ***Is he on his own? Did he ask other people if they received their offshore bond payments?*** + +As of now Dr. Metzler and the DMSA are on their own, although he got a lot of interest in the last days, especially on LinkedIn and there are lot of people who support his thesis. But none else invested into these bonds as it seams. + +Dr. Metzler was not able to find anyone who could ensure him using real proof that they received their bond payments. Nobody wants speak up, like the media quoting sources which want to remain unknown or anonymous. + +He sees that it's almost always the US media reporting these last minute payments. Often its the New York Times first, then Bloomberg and Reuters and after that everyone else.All quoting the same no existent sources. + +***Question 7:*** ***Is Evergrande the trigger for the worst market crash ever or just one the dominos?*** + +Dr. Metzler believes that Evergrande wont be THE reason for the collapse of the system, but is the trigger for first dominos to fall which will get everything going. + +***Question 8:*** ***How is the situation in China in his opinion? Who is covering up?*** + +Very bad. He thinks that China has already entered a recession and that Evergrande is toast.The fallout of that can already be seen on certain ETFs declining.Furthermore he says there is an even bigger bubble for Wealth Management Products in china which is on the brink of collapse, which nobody knows about or wants to know about. + +**The DMSA are gonna publish three reports in the coming weeks.** One about **ETFs**, one about the **massive bubble and debts around Chinese Wealth Management Products** and the one about **CDS** (Credit default swaps). ***Note***\*: Initially i wrote CDOs, that was a mistake on my side.\* + +He pointed out that even during the cold war, the UDSSR paid offshore bonds. In his opinion the problems in china are so bad that even if the Chinese wanted to pay the offshore bonds they could not do it or it does not matter because their whole system is on the brink of collapse anwway. Only if china paid those offshore bonds they could stop the Evergrande Crisis, but there is just simply to much debt or it wont mater in the end. + +He thinks that the offshore bondholders and trustees them self might be covering up because they fear that the collapse off Evergrande would lead to the collapse of their own system, as there is massive exposure from foreign markets who invested into the rapidly growing Chinese market. + +He also is aware of the political problems that might arise. + +***Question 9:*** ***Why Evergrande no 0 yet? Why is it rising?*** + +Speculations, people who believe Evergrande is fine. Options.But we all know that all the executives dumped their shares. + +***Question 10:*** ***What kind of crash is Dr. Metzler expecting, will it be global?*** + +**Its getting really spicy here.** + +In their [press release](https://www.dmsa-agentur.de/download/20211110_DMSA_EVG_PM_en.pdf) the DMSA said... + +*Only the DMSA - Deutsche Marktscreening Agentur (German Market Screening Agency) already recognized the default at that time and proved in a study that the bankruptcy of Evergrande, the world's most indebted corporation, could ultimately lead to a "Great Reset", i.e. the final meltdown of the global financial system.* + +I quoted him on that and he assured to me that this is what will happen, in his opinion. The great reset. He thinks that this crisis - **please note**: he is talking about the **global financial crisis** were heading to **anyway. Evergrande is just the trigger in order for the card house collapse.** + +Im gonna quote the worlds most famous Pomeranian u/peruvian_bull here on what awaits us -*"A Modern Rome, Hyperinflation".* Based on what Dr. Metzer described to me, this is what he thinks. The crashes of 2000 and 2008 were never handled correctly, the financial institutions never learned out of these crashes and their consequences. No regulations in order to prevent such a crash again and fix the problems were done. + +I told him that based u/Criand s DD and the superstonk opinion **2008 never has ended and the loose interest rate policy and the providing of more and more money during Covid for the sake of market liquidity and stability will lead into hyperinflation.** He agreed. + +He thinks the system and FIAT currencies are done and its needs to crash down in order to build a new system. and he is ready to contribute to the creation of such a system. the current System will crash anyway, just a matter of time. **NOTE**: He is talking about building a new system NOT rebuilding the existing one, in his opinion this approach has failed and after the crash all trust will be gone. + +***Question 11:*** ***Wait ...so this guy is telling us the whole system like we know it, is about to crash and he is investigating into the Evergrande Crisis which might be the trigger for the collapse of the cardhouse?!*** + +Yes, sounds familiar doesn't it? He is aware of the consequences his theory and involvement into Evergrande might have and his ready to take this responsibility, because he wants to help to build a new system after that! + +So basically has the same opinion about the system and hyperinflation as lot of user on superstonk do. + +***Question 12:*** *But why would someone be ready to take such a burden of responsibility on himself?* + +Dr. Metzler told me that some personal events, lead to a mind change and the growing interest into the system that we have right now, the Evergrande Crisis and the wish for a new better system. a system with transparency and trust from the common people. This mindset is also mentioned in this [interview](https://www.encouragingangels.org/new-blog/2021/11/10/4odzvav6hxznj0qrlng6rrnx76l5kh). he pointed out to me how common people are already feeling the inflation. + +**Question 13:** ***How will the Evergrande crisis continue, when will it be officially declared defaulted? When will the crash come?*** + +Again Dr. Metzler didn't want to disclose his complete strategy as i would danger its potential success. But yes they are working together with lawyers and courts in order to fill a default deceleration for Evergrande. This could happen within days or a week. (<- regarding Evergrande default, not market crash yet) As soon as Evergrande officially defaults, investors will have to acknowledge their loses and markets will start to react. This will surely start selloffs and a massive lose in trust leading in a fruther crash. + +*Note (my personal opinion): We don't know how China will exactly handle it, because they are a blackbox and this never happend before.* + +Regardless of Evergrande, Dr. Metlzer is sure that the market is massively overheated and the bull market cant continue much longer, speculation, overvaluation, political and economical tensions, debt, massive issues in production chains and hyperinflation which is getting out of control, will lead into the market crash **anyway**. He believes we need a new system, back to a stable currency in order to prevent such crashes for ever. + +***Question 14:*** ***What about Crypto? What will happen with it during the crash?*** + +We only touched this topic briefly and i brought it up because some users pointed out that the [Tether dollar reserve is backed by chinese commodities (especially Evergrande)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qr7cow/tether_the_nuclear_bomb_that_hides_the_chinese/).So if the Chinese market crashes down, Tether would not be able to hold up its 1:1 parity with the US-Dollar and will crash. If Tether crashes, Bitcoin will crash, because most of the transactions are being done with Tether and if Bitcoin crashes the rest will crash. + +He has no detailed insight and strong opinion on that, but believes that with a crash and collapse of the ordinary stock market and financial system around it, all trust will be lost and in search for new safe assets investors might turn into real physical assets again or maybe crypto because its stands for a new and better system (*if that is real, is up for debate*). - **NOTE THIS A LOT OF SPECULATION ON APES SIDE** + +***Question 15: Is he hedged for a market crash?*** + +Yes. He is sure the crash is coming and cant be evaded for much longer. + +***Question 16: What is his opinion on GME?*** + +He heard about it and the massive discussion about, short selling, Reddit and so on.But has not made any further research. He is only interested in Evergrande crisis, the collapse of the old financial system and creation of a new better one. + +***Question 17: Did he have candlelight Dinner with Dr. Burry?*** + +No. But the agrees with his view on inflation running out control and the most speculative, overvalued, overleveraged market ever. And also the failure of the Fed in order to guarantee a stable currency and inflation. + +I hope these questions and answers lift all of the uncertainty about Dr. Metzler and DMSA. They have a strong opinion about the Evergrande Crisis, the upcoming market crash and are aware of what they are doing. As for me i know that they are real, of course noone knows if they will be able to make a change. But he shares the same critical opinion that we do. Is he doing it for the fame? Maybe.But he is taking actions, so lets see what happens. + +I did not record this phone call because it felt wrong to me. But Dr. Metzler pointed out that if i did its okay as long as i did not publish it directly. + +If you support Dr. Metzler please follow him on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-marco-metzler-403341163/?originalSubdomain=ch). Engage with him, but please remain nice and civilized. Remember there is always a real human being on the other side, who has emotions just as you do and act the way you want others to act with yourself. *Expect for SHFs, fuck these guys....* + +Im gonna forward some of u/Criand and u/atobitt work to Dr. Metzler.Gonna link our library too. + +I will follow this post briefly, because that was quite exhausting and i need to do something else now.Gonna get a freezer pizza from the super market. + +**TLDR**: Dr. Metzler and DMSA are real. He thinks Evergrande and China are done. The US finical institutions are lying about the offshore bonds payment, because they want to delay a market wide crash. 2008 never stopped and the system has not changed. Production chain issues will show soon and we will enter a recession. Its just matter of time until the bubble bursts, hyperinflation is a real. we need a new system. the system was gonna crash regardless of Evergrande, but he is ready to kick this domino. Lets see what happens. + +DRS your shares! Stay Zen! Live your lives! MOASS is just a matter of time! + +Thanks for the awards and sorry for any spelling errors, my brain is toast right now. + +[Here is the thesis from DMSA on Evergrande.](https://www.dmsa-agentur.de/download/20211024_DMSA_EVG_RR_en.pdf) + +EDIT: Made some changes, format was broken somehow?! quoted u/Criand on the wrong side, where credit was due to u/peruvian_bull +# ADDENDUM- Q&A + +# Hey everyone, I wrote this section as purely a response to the hundreds of questions, comments, and rebuttals I received over this series. They are listed in no particular order, and I do my best to answer each point as concisely and accurately as possible. + +Updated Complete Table of Contents: + +* [Part 1.0: The Global Monetary System](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 1.5: Triffinā€™s Dilemma and the New Rome**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4w45f/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 2.0: Reflexivity and the Shadows of Black Monday**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o727oc/the_dollar_endgame_part_2_the_ouroboros/) +* [**Part 2.5: Derivatives and the Alchemy of Risk**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o72fc1/the_dollar_endgame_part_25_the_ouroboros/) +* [**Part 3.0: Debt Cycles and Great Depression**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogzoco/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 3.5: The Money Illusion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oh0m2s/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 4.0: The Weimar Republic**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/png8nu/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 4.1: Nightmare of Hyperinflation**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ppenly/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 4.2: Financial Gravity & The Fedā€™s Dilemma**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qassc0/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [**Part 4.3: Economic Warfare & The End of Bretton Woods**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/stz5lm/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) +* [Part 5.0: A Story of Fire & Ice: The Finale](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z8wus9/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +# Jeffrey Snider- QE is not money printing! QE is the creation of bank reserves which are swapped for commercial bank assets within the financial system. These bank reserves CANNOT be spent in the real world. + +Ok, a lot to unpack here. First, in a TECHNICAL sense you are correct- QE does not create money in the form that normal people think of as money. No physical cash is printed and shipped to banks, instead the Fed ā€œprintsā€ by adding entries to their internal SQL ledger and exchanges these new entries for assets. These entries are bank reserves, and like I have already described, are exchanged for assets, mostly Treasuries. + +They canā€™t be immediately ā€œspentā€ into the real economy- THEY ARE A FORM OF MONEY, but they are trapped exclusively in the financial system, within the markets. Joseph Wang, former Senior trader at the Fed, describes this best, explaining that we have [a two tiered money system- the bank reserves trapped at the Fed, and commercial bank deposits that the rest of us can access. ](https://fedguy.com/two-tiered-monetary-system/#:~:text=We%20have%20a%20two%20tiered,everyone%20else%20(bank%20deposits).)These two systems interact and work with each other to provide liquidity and funding. + +This doesn't disprove the Dollar Endgame hypothesis- because they can be turned into real economy dollars through the Treasury. This is why high fiscal deficits are the key to extreme inflation- itā€™s a pairing of the money PRINTER with the money SPENDER. + +When the Treasury issues bonds, they receive funds as consideration in the form of commercial bank deposits. These commercial bank deposits CAN be spent in the real economy! **Or else what is the point of all this? Why would the government issue debt for money it cannot spend on real world essentials like tanks, bridges, pensions or hospitals?** + +&#x200B; + +[QE into Bank Deposits](https://preview.redd.it/loztqz11xi3a1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=0280711a8c9b60f813a1d0d9c563e945aacf38ac) + +**Through this process, the banking system and Treasury paired together turn Bank Reserves, which can only be held by commercial banks at the Fed, into deposits, and then into funds in the Treasury General Account, which can now be spent in the REAL economy.** + +The Treasury is the missing link- which is why in 2008 we didnā€™t see widespread inflation, because the massive tsunami of QE was trapped within the financial system and could not be spent in the real world. We saw inflation in financial assets, but nothing else. + +**Once the Treasury is underwater and is continually incurring significant fiscal deficits, and the Fed is monetizing these deficits through QE, that is when we see a massive increase in inflation and a resurgence of the vicious feedback loops that propelled countries like Weimar Germany to monetary doom and hyperinflation.** + +That's why we even had widespread inflation in 2021 and 2022- the Treasury borrowed AND the Fed printed fresh cash to monetize the debt. And this cycle will continue. + +&#x200B; + +# Macro Alf- The true risk is deflation, not inflation. Macro indicators point to a global recession on a scale not seen since 2008. The destruction of aggregate demand will push inflation down to 0 and then below. The Fed will hike us out of inflation. + +I am not surprised that many believe this, as all mainstream economists in the late 1960ā€™s believed that stagflation was impossible, or that the dollar could never de-peg from gold. Of course the macro indicators point towards deflation- central banks are hiking rates into 356% global debt to GDP, oncoming recession, energy crises, and war. However, what you and many others completely fail to understand is the entire point of the Central banks. + +They DO NOT exist to ā€œmaximizeā€ employment. + +They DO NOT exist to ā€œminimizeā€ inflation. + +**They exist to backstop the banks, markets, and most of all, the federal governments via money printing.** + +**They care about ā€œfinancial stabilityā€ more than anything- to them, this means the Treasury has enough cash to roll over its debt, and the banks have enough cash to meet redemptions.** + +**Just look at their actions! Honestly, who cares what they say, state, proclaim, or announce. Everytime there is a financial crisis, they find another excuse, another reason, to turn the money printer back on.** + +**Do you REALLY think that if the Treasury defaults on its debts, and all Treasury bonds enter freefall, that theyā€™re going to sit back and do nothing?** + +**They have printed TRILLIONS for FAR LESS.** + +**Treasuries are the backbone of the global financial system. They are used as collateral in the Eurodollar market, they are held by sovereign wealth funds, used to fund FX swap transactions, and most importantly fund the largest military superpower the world has ever seen.** + +**The Treasury rate is used throughout finance- described as the ā€œrisk free rateā€ ; they are used in almost every valuation metric, including Option Pricing Models, Backsolves, GPCs, DCFs, etc. I would know- this is the industry I work in!** + +**The importance of this asset CANNOT be understated. The Fed will do anything to prevent a deflationary collapse- and they will have to print, as we have already covered, the US Treasury is already bankrupt, deep underwater with $31T of Federal Debt, and $163T of unfunded liabilities.** + +**To prevent a bankruptcy, the Fed will print WHATEVER IT TAKES. This money will be spent in the real economy, as fiscal deficits are at all time highs, and inflation will spike higher, EVEN as the economy contracts while the Fed continues hiking.** + +**Just look at Argentina- they have** [**83% inflation**](https://tradingeconomics.com/argentina/inflation-cpi)**, and they have** [**75% interest rates!**](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/16/argentina-hikes-interest-rate-by-550-basis-points-to-75percent-after-inflation-overshoots.html) **THEY ARE HIKING AS HARD AS THEY CAN AND IT DOES NOTHING.** + +**It all leads back to a** [tweet](https://twitter.com/peruvian_bull/status/1578028375880634374) **I wrote awhile ago-** + +&#x200B; + +[The Debt Paradox](https://preview.redd.it/f1s6q3jixi3a1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eaf7b88fb45b2a8f8d0fa42d731830d33bdb66a) + +**So no, the Fed hiking will not lead to widespread deflation- the Treasury will break before that happens, and the system will be flooded with money.** + +**And ironically the higher and faster they hike, the quicker the largest borrowers in the world, the federal governments themselves, become bankrupt.** + +**We are in a macro environment that is more indebted than any other time in human history. The higher they raise rates, the more interest is due on all these debts, and to prevent a collapse greater than the Great Depression, the central banks have to print MORE.** + +**Thus hiking rates ironically really does nothing in the long term to fix the situation. It may slow inflation in the short term but it dooms the central bank to print more in the long run in order to stave off Treasury collapse.** + +**NO WAY OUT** + +&#x200B; + +# All this inflation is caused by corporate greed. Large companies with monopolies are hiking prices to take advantage of people. Itā€™s all a scam. But not the Fed. + +Look, I completely understand where this is coming from. A ton of corporations have taken advantage of their market share to hike prices, garner unfair profits, and even fire workers without cause. + + +This much is true. However, the broad increase in prices of everything, from lumber, to coal, to computers and food, is NOT due to soulless companies- it is due to a 40% rise in M2 money supply financed by the Fed! Milton Friedman said it best- ā€œInflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon, in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.ā€ + +Restaurants, small businesses, real estate, family farms, plumbing companies, and many more distributed industries saw large increases in prices charged to consumers in the last 2 years- this is without major monopolies controlling the majority stake! And for those who would posit that this inflation is ā€œjust due to the war in Ukraineā€ and gas disruptions from Russia, may I remind you that inflation was already at [7.5% per the BLS in January 2022](https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2022/consumer-prices-up-7-5-percent-over-year-ended-january-2022.htm#:~:text=Over%20the%2012%20months%20from,month%20period%20ending%20February%201982.), before the war had even begun! + +Itā€™s easy to blame businesses for this phenomenon, and like I stated- there are definitely some firms guilty of price gouging consumers and labeling inflation. But your local small deli store or carpentry shop arenā€™t raising prices to hurt you, theyā€™re doing so because the price of all their inputs are rising- and thus what they charge to consumers must rise as well. + +**If deflationary collapse occurs or the government defaults, we can repeat the Bernanke playbook post 2008; just lower interest rates again to 0% to ensure Treasury solvency.** + +This is a common counterargument. However it falls prey to the exact same conundrum that was discussed earlier- namely how everything the Fed does to avert disaster would make the situation worse, not better. + +By lowering interest rates to 0%, this stimulates loan demand and therefore credit creation, which spurs an increase in money supply as the banks lend money into existence. Everyone goes to take out loans, buying cars, houses, food and essentials on credit. Debt burden thus increases in the system overall, making it even harder for the Fed to raise rates in the future. + +And this serves to incentivize the Treasury to borrow and spend even more recklessly, as they have the excuse of low interest rates to finance government spending. ALL this does is only slightly delay the inevitable and make the problem worse, not better. + +Furthermore, this credit boom increases inflation as new money is created and pumped into the system. So it doesn't even solve that problem. + +The fundamental issue, stated again and again, is that the Treasury is underwater and is spending out the wazoo, and as inflation continues to rise, Treasury spending will continue to rise and thus borrowing will increase. + +Lastly, letā€™s talk about the elephant in the room- the bond market!! If the Fed implements Yield Curve Control, similar to what the Bank of Japan did to their market, then they would effectively push bond yields down, but the price would be promising to do infinite QE to buy any bond with a yield above the set amount. + +Who wants to buy 0%, or 0.5% bonds, when inflation is 8%? Nobody- so the Fed will have to be the buyer of only resort, which means they will effectively monetize all Federal deficit spending. QE will thus steadily increase for the foreseeable future as the entire bond market gets eaten by the Fed. + +&#x200B; + +# Money velocity is insanely low and keeps dropping. The idea that inflation can accelerate with falling velocity is asinine, and thus inflation will subside back to 2% within a year or so. + +&#x200B; + +[Money Velocity](https://preview.redd.it/onr0sfhi1j3a1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=aae5ebcc308c9d4b06e9cef63c96d42f61257d22) + +This is another common argument, especially among those who are educated in economics. At first glance they seem correct, [as the chart above from the Fed demonstrates](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2V), there appears to have been a massive collapse in money velocity since the late 1990s and especially since COVID. + +What they fail to understand is that the manner in which money velocity is calculated is extremely flawed. Instead of using the actual transaction volume of the economy divided by GDP (which would be difficult to do, but could potentially be done with data from Visa and Mastercard as well as ATM txs), they calculate it as + +ā€œthe ratio of quarterly nominal [GDP](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDP) to the quarterly average of [M2 money stock](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M2SL).ā€ + +Thus, the denominator is the money supply- and as money supply expands, the equation forces ā€œmoney velocityā€ lower and lower. This equation works well enough if you have stable GDP growth and flat or miniscule money supply growth; but it blows out as soon as we see massive money printing like we did in 2008 or 2020. The estimate therefore goes LOWER as money supply INCREASES, which is ironically just the opposite of what happens in reality! + +Just take this equation to the real world- if countries like Venezuela who have hyperinflation suddenly use this metric, they would theoretically REDUCE money velocity by printing more money. The velocity there, with money supply growth over 5000% YoY, could easily be infinitely near zero- estimating that 1 Venezuelan bolivar only changes hands every century. + +If you go in the streets or talk to the people living under this monetary hellscape, you will see that they spend every dollar the DAY they get paid- as prices will change hour to hour, day to day. They treat their currency like melting ice cubes in the hot tropical sun; they must be used immediately or else be completely wasted. [See this documentary for examples. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qdO2pFoGgw&ab_channel=RealVisionFinance) + +These kinds of illogical, nonsensical equations can only be thought of in the ivory towers of academia and banking institutions which are protected from the consequences of the real world. None of this works in practice. + +So no, money velocity didnā€™t really fall THAT far in 2020, it just appears that way due to the way it is calculated. Now, did it fall somewhat, maybe 10-20%?? Sure! But that can only be determined by looking at live transaction data on the real economy, not arcane equations made up by the Fed. + +So many PHDs and so little common senseā€¦. + +# QE is a net good for the economy. It creates a wealth effect and thus stimulates aggregate demand, increasing prosperity and asset prices for all. The rising tide lifts the boats. + +This is another common argument I see from the Neo-Keynesians. Letā€™s remember first that QE is a completely new experiment- it was not used during the 1800s and early 1900s for example, where America entered the Gilded Age and experienced some of the fastest economic growth in human history. It wasnā€™t used during the 1950s or 60s, another period of rapid development. So we were able to achieve massive economic growth WITHOUT centralized banking or money printing- in fact, I would argue that on a percent of GDP basis we grew faster during these times and the average worker experienced far more prosperity than now. + +Itā€™s only been used at scale post the 2008 financial crisis and into the ā€œlost decadeā€ of the 2010s and 2020s that we are currently experiencing. The thesis was by boosting asset prices we therefore boost the economy; but this is asinine on several levels. First, WHO holds the assets? Recall that the top 10% of Americans hold 84% of all registered stocks on exchanges. They also hold the majority of the land, housing, businesses, and debt instruments. Goosing asset prices higher only directly helps these economic elites- it does little for everyone else. + +Besides, this creates the ā€œ[credit boom](https://mises.org/library/boom-and-bust-0?gclid=Cj0KCQiAyMKbBhD1ARIsANs7rEHA4P5xzXdajxdU7QqeMzBgtrn4ytecTQVVPCZ1ZyCeCtoPWzKyGrgaAuqEEALw_wcB)ā€ that Mises described- an artificial rise in asset prices solely due to central bank interference. It is not based on true economic productivity. + +The Fed creates no new factories, they create no new jobs, no innovations, no startups. Instead they create cheap money which ā€œfundsā€ these things- but as the price of money gets distorted, so do investments, and thus unprofitable and useless projects are built up with debt. + +This results in a phenomenon similar to the Chinese ā€œghost citiesā€- entire sections of the economy built without need or purpose, and worse, they waste limited commodities and energy to create. + +When the debt cycle rolls over, as it always does, the debt must be paid, and the assets that are liquidated are found to be near worthless- a waste of time, energy and resources. + +**QE therefore harms the real economy and enriches the wealthy at the same time. It cannot be said to be capitalist or socialist; it is simply plutocracy and kleptocracy; crony capitalism where the wealthy steal from the poor and foot them with the bill.** + +&#x200B; + +# Even if inflation gets a bit high, it wonā€™t and canā€™t get worse. The system will be fine, and the Fed hikes will cure the situation. Itā€™ll be rocky for a little bit, similar to the stagflation of the 1970s, but weā€™ll get through this and in a few years itā€™ll be back to 2%, no problem. + +The issue with this argument is one of scale. Sure, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Fed, under the reign of Volcker, was able to hike rates to the 20% range, but debt to GDP at the time was 30%- not the mammoth 132% we have now. + +Besides, this doesn't take into effect the slippage that will occur in bond markets- as the Fed continues to hike, bonds will selloff hard, racing ahead of the Fed and moving rates much higher, much faster than the Fed anticipates. + +With $31T of Federal debt, this means interest expense will spike; thus the Treasury must borrow MORE to rollover existing debt and in doing so lock in higher coupon payments, OR they must ask the Fed to pin interest rates LOW, in a policy called Yield Curve Control, but this requires infinite QE as every time the yields peek their head above the target interest rate, the central bank must print as much money as needed to buy bonds, forcing rates back down to the target. + +**The Bank of Japan is currently experimenting with this policy, and it is creating an emerging markets currency crisis for them.** + +Besides, this ignores the basic feedback loops that take place once inflation rises above 2 or 3%- first, the inflation expectations loop, where people frontload purchases, driving up prices. + +Next is the Treasury feedback loop- more inflation means deficit spending increases, which means more government borrowing, which means more QE, which means more inflation. + +After that is money velocity- as inflation increases and people lose faith in the currency the speed of transacting in the money starts to increase. This increases inflation as the dollars get turned over faster, and are able to bid more products within a given timeframe (say a month or a year) + +Next is the wage price spiral, where prices rise, forcing workers to strike or demand higher pay, which is usually eventually given, which increases business costs, which forces higher prices, repeating the feedback loop. + +**Long story short, once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, it is very hard to put back- and it usually begins to grow a life of itā€™s own. These processes feed on each other exponentially.** + +**Worse yet, like already stated, there is $31T of federal debt, $20T or so of Eurodollar debt overseas, and $166T of unfunded liabilities owed by the US government - all debts which must be paid in dollars, which must either be paid through taxation or the printing press. Passing new tax laws during an economic downturn is essentially political suicide, so the printing press is the likeliest answer here.** + +The REAL risk for hyperinflation lies in the international community finding another World Reserve Currency - if this happens, either slowly or over time, the global DEMAND for dollars switches into global SUPPLY of dollars as USD positions are liquidated in favor of the new global reserve currency. + +The dollars are now dumped for real goods and services- and the strong tailwind of demand becomes a headwind of supply as USDs flood back into America, bidding up prices of land, food, manufactured goods etc. The scramble becomes a stampede and the entire system unwinds as trillions of dollars flow back to the States, causing a massive whiplash in inflation and further pushing the US Treasury into deficit spending, thus causing more money creation, and more inflation, in a vicious feedback loop. + +Again, this process may take years to play out- but no reserve currency has lasted forever, and the inherent structural defects explained by Triffinā€™s Dilemma cannot resolve themselves. All currencies come to an end. + +&#x200B; + +# What would the effect of a CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) be? Would it be able to be used to ā€œresetā€ the system? + +I am being completely honest and transparent when I say this- CBDCs must be resisted AT ALL COSTS. Most people are completely blind to the level of Orwellian control that this sort of technology would implement over the populace. + +Remember, Keynesian economic theory rests on stimulating spending and consumption, and utilizing government deficits and central bank money printing to pull economies out of depressions. It arose from a need to get the US and Britain out of their 1930ā€™s economic contraction and into a strong economic position in order to fight World War II. The Keynesians believed the best way to stimulate spending would be to cause inflation, as this would force people with ā€œhoards of cash under their mattressā€ to go out and spend these funds before they lost more value. + +There was no way to centrally force people to spend- they could just increase money supply and pump that money into the economy by government spending in order to hike inflation up and as a second order effect, produce higher spending patterns. + +Theyā€™ve always wanted more control over spending- and a CBDC would get them there. With a CBDC, they would eliminate the need to have banks, credit unions or trust companies- you would essentially just make a direct account with the Fed. The Fed would be able to create new policies, written in code, that would enforce certain actions on your deposits. + +They could program in a 1% weekly negative interest rate- the balance would decline by 1% a week in perpetuity, and thus you would be forced to spend or invest it unless you wanted to see your money disappear. + +They could enforce taxes directly to your account. You buy cigarettes? Thatā€™s unhealthy and against their guidelines. $15 taken. Alcohol? Doesn't promote work ethic- $10. New car? Thatā€™s bad for the environment. $1900. + +They could even ban travel, remove the ability to buy firearms or food, and reduce your ability to use healthcare services. + +The issue is not whether these things are good or bad- there are arguments to be made for reducing consumption, buying used cars, reducing environmental waste, etc. + +The issue is that to force these policies on the people via a CBDC would grant the Fed and Treasury virtually unlimited, Orwellian power to control and command almost every aspect of a citizenā€™s life. **Freedom of speech would now be an afterthought- who cares about the protest if no one can buy a bus ticket, Uber, or gas to get there??** + +**And the worst thing is these extreme neo-keynesian economists ACTUALLY THINK this would be a good thing! ā€œThink of all the policies we could implement! We could ban smoking, we could reduce travel, we could lower CO2 emissions directly! We could even eliminate the IRS as we can tax people directly from their bank account!ā€** + +In my opinion, the economists who support these kinds of policies are nothing but grifters, frauds and cronies of the lowest sort- those willing to force total financial control on the populace so that their ā€œtheoriesā€ can be tried in real time, on real people. + +Furthermore, I think it would be incredibly difficult for them to ā€œresetā€ the system. Monetary resets have happened before, but usually they occur only under the most difficult and strenuous of circumstances, and involve an issuance of a new currency that is some fraction of the old one- for example, in Peru, due to the bad state of economy and [hyperinflation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation) in the late 1980s, the government was forced to abandon the inti and introduce the sol as the country's new currency. + +The new currency was put into use on July 1, 1991, by Law No. 25,295, to replace the inti at a rate of 1 sol to 1,000,000 intis. Coins denominated in the new unit were introduced on October 1, 1991, and the first banknotes on November 13, 1991. The new currency was basically a reverse stock split of the old currency- and if a monetary ā€œresetā€ occurred in this manner, the only intended effect would be to boost confidence in the currency and thus shore up bank deposits, slow down monetary velocity, and reduce inflation. + +The ā€œresetā€ would likely hurt the working class the most- as some wealthy government elites would know about it beforehand, they would sell their assets for another currency, wait until the conversion, and then re-buy the assets with the new currency. The old currency, the Inti, quickly became completely useless as everyone switches to the new system. + +Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m not exactly sure what a CBDC ā€œresetā€ would look like, as it has never been tried before. I think the main issue is the debt- does the debt get converted as well? If so, then the problem may not be really solved. If you convert the debt at 10:1 and the currency at 10:1, what has really changed? + +Nothing- and therefore likely what they would do is apply a different conversion rate to debt to de-lever the system and wipe at least some of it out. But this is all speculation. + +(You didnā€™t hear this from me, but there has already been a covert war on cash and ATMs from the CIA, look up Operation Choke Point). + +**CBDCs must be resisted. At all costs.** + +&#x200B; + +# Just cut government spending down to zero, or close to it! This would solve the issue. + +**This is another common counterargument- the hyperinflationary feedback loop rests on government deficit spending, which increases during inflation, resulting in more borrowing, and thus more money printing, and thus more inflation.** + +**If we cut government spending enough to drastically reduce deficits, we would essentially be gutting our own economy, and very quickly bring on a Great Depression. The only ā€œtoolā€ that we have to escape a Great Depression quickly IS government spending, and thus we would be in for a long, hard downturn with severe unemployment and price collapse.** + +Remember the equation for GDP: + +&#x200B; + +[GDP Equation](https://preview.redd.it/925a46ex1j3a1.jpg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704c1ed238fc9649cb47e2711bd5c7cc719fe467) + +**Government spending is part of the value add of the formula FOR GDP. Thus, if we reduce government spending, all else being equal, we REDUCE GDP.** + +According to data from the St. Louis Fed, Federal Net Outlays are currently 29% of GDP, in 2021 data. Thus, if we were to severely slash government spending, we would see a reduction of 25% or so. To get rid of the deficits, we would have to slash so much spending that we would basically immediately see a collapse of 15.96% of GDP within a few weeks. + +As all things do in economics, this would have immediate knock- on effects. Government contractors, like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or Raytheon would quickly lose huge revenue streams. Massive layoffs would occur across defense, infrastructure, social services, and more- and within a few months GDP would drop another 10% or so. + +This would spur on a deflationary wave similar to the Great Depression. Unemployment would soar- bringing all the issues with it, the soup lines, homelessness, crime, collapsing house and business values, and political upheaval. If the FDIC did not step in to print enough money to shore up the banks, there would be widespread bank runs as the capital reserve requirement for banks is 0%- and most banks only hold 2-5% of reserves in cash to pay out to consumers who want to redeem their deposits. + +**In my opinion, all this is besides the point- the government will NEVER cut spending this much, and create this severe of a depression, to stave off a crisis they believe cannot occur.** + +Firstly, most government spending is mandatory- per the [Government Accountability Office, 70% of federal outlays are already earmarked and must be spent](https://www.gao.gov/federal-budgeting). To reduce the size of these programs would basically require an act of Congress, a bill passing through the House and Senate and signed by the President. + +The other 30% of discretional spending is very hard to cut as well- lobbyists, corporations, citizenā€™s rights groups, unions, and other powerful interests will do anything in their power to ensure that the money continues to flow into their coffers. + +Besides, some of these programs are good, or at least appear good! Imagine the political backlash if a House Rep proposes to cut food stamp benefits, or funding for the DEA, or National Parks Service. + +Remember who runs our country- and these people will do virtually anything to prevent the money spigot from turning off. They do not believe, or maybe donā€™t even care, if extreme inflation comes. They are benefiting from the structure of the current system- why would they change it? + +&#x200B; + +# Delete all the debt! + +The basic equation learned in first year finance and accounting programs is this: + +&#x200B; + +[Accounting Equation](https://preview.redd.it/fx5zh8772j3a1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=698a14ce26a9e14043c106c48578bfbd83843af8) + +**Thus, for every asset there is a liability or equity. If you destroy one side of the equation, the liability side, you simultaneously destroy the other side of the equation, on someone elseā€™s balance sheet!** + +Treasury bonds are debt, and a LOT of them are held by Boomers in retirement accounts. Even if we could go in and somehow ā€œdeleteā€ the bonds and annul the coupon payments, this would be tantamount to deleting assets of these retirees- and what will they have to retire with then? The retirement accounts would lose trillions of dollars worth of value! + +**There is no easy way out of this trap. Remember, in a debt based monetary system, most money is actually credit- the only ā€œrealā€ money that is not someone elseā€™s liability is cash, but his makes up for less than 3% of total money supply. Imagine if we had a 97% reduction in money supply within a few months- the pure economic catastrophe that would occur is unimaginable.** + +Besides, remember debt based instruments, like Treasury bonds, are literally the collateral that holds this whole system up. There is $2.2T in reverse repo secured by Treasuries, and most of the Eurodollar market, as well as the interbank repo market (which blew up in September 2019, spurring a Fed rescue). Wiping out the debt would also wipe out the collateral which underlies the entire financial system. + +Itā€™s all intricately linked together, like a wired bomb- remove any connection, and the whole thing can blow. Thatā€™s not to say that this would be impossible, just that it is very unlikely to be taken as a serious response to the crisis. + +&#x200B; + +\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +# This is the end of the first section of the addendum. the next section will be uploaded next Monday. + +*Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. From reading my Post I cannot assess anything about your personal circumstances, your finances, or your goals and objectives, all of which are unique to you, so any opinions or information contained on this Post are just that ā€“ an opinion or information. Please consult a financial professional if you seek advice.* + +\*If you would like to learn more, check out my recommended reading list [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nSw9odLoExaq0oEBqIHrCK1Xj5KfyjBkGQZ93LTh34g/edit?usp=sharing). This is a dummy google account, so feel free to share with friends- none of my personal information is attached. You can also check out a Google docs version of my[ Endgame Series here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing). + +# You can follow my Twitter at [Peruvian Bull](https://twitter.com/peruvian_bull). This is my only account, and I will not ask for financial or personal information. All others are scammers/impersonators. + +BUY, HODL DRS GME. POWER TO THE PLAYERS. +I went from $3k ā€”> 35k in 4 months on one big trade. I thought I knew my shit, but I didnā€™t. What was my strategy? What was my success rate for my strategies? When I browse subreddits, are there a lot of terms that I am unfamiliar with? Did I follow a list of steps when I traded? No. + +I am down to $2800 now with dreams of making this full-time. Iā€™m working Shipt in the meantime. + +I have been trading for 9 months. Iā€™ve been losing for 5 months in a row since my big win. I was in a huge state of denial. I HAD TO TRADE. Every day, otherwise it was a missed opportunity. + +After posting on here, a bunch of people basically told me itā€™s time to go back to the drawing board. I didnā€™t know enough, I didnā€™t know what I was doing. + +I have 5 strategies, that I believe could be solid. Iā€™m in the process of back testing them, finding flaws, finding the win/loss rate, and removing indicators I previously thought were necessary. (I love indicators) + +I havenā€™t traded for the past 3 weeks and plan to resume trading in 3 more weeks. I am growing in confidence and setting myself up with realistic expectations. (Check out the book ā€œMastering Trading Psychologyā€) +The stock market is a probability game and you want to take trades where the probability is in your favor. You will win and lose but you want to win more than you lose. + +Newer traders like myself who took a break and resumed trading, how did you do? + +Veteran traders, any advice would be appreciated, me and others here would like to hear your story! + +Good luck everyone and happy trading! + +Edit: Thank you everyone for your responses, advice, and recommendations! I didnā€™t expect this much support and itā€™s good to know Iā€™m not alone in making some of these stupid mistakes. + +Edit 2: I primarily use TD Ameritrade, ThinkOrSwim. +As a teacher, I'm interested in this question. I teach math privately, but know many people in the public school system. One major issue is the drain on time and resources it can be to try and catch the lowest-performing student up to the level of the class. I have a friend who, for example, had a young man who barely spoke English, and was at least a couple of years behind the curriculum, inserted into her math class. She had to slow down everything to communicate with him and make sure he could keep up, which costs the rest of the class. + +I also am aware that many of the things taught in math class are unlikely to be things that low-performing students will use later in life. You could argue that general cognitive development is promoted, which it might be, but you would probably want to change the curriculum if that was the primary goal. Plus, perhaps coldly, I wonder if it may not be dollar-for-dollar worth it to spend that significant time and resources on that...but that's a question I leave to you here. + +By contrast, high-performing students are often capable of being taught significantly more, significantly faster, than the standard curriculum requires (One of the great joys of my job is when parents are willing to pay me to 'accelerate' their child; teach them calculus and other higher-level math earlier than they would otherwise encounter it). Again, in cold economic manner, I wonder if we perhaps could calculate that spending that same time and resources giving accelerated teaching to these 'special' students may turn out to have a much bigger ROI for society? + +So, I'm curious to hear what the current thinking is: What's the likely ROI difference, if any, between investing in the especially high-end students, vs. investing generally in all students, and/or investing on getting as many students as possible up to a certain standard? + +Edit: 'Return on Investment' is what I meant by ROI. +So....this may not be a very profound question.... + +I am a university econ senior that has learned about the 2008 financial crisis over and over again. Even after reviewing it and watching documentaries I simply can't consolidate information and summarize what happened in a few sentences without also doing every part justice. + +So i'm currently stuck in understanding where the fraudulent banking happened and where fault occurred and who is mostly responsible. As of now I understand this: + +In lieu of a possible recession, the fed slashed interest rates on loans and subsequently encouraged banks to lend more and take on higher risk. This risk came in the form of subprime mortgage-backed securities that were credit-rated incorrectly or fraudulently. The credit rating formed the basis of how insurers, funds, banks, and other investors selected to purchase collateral debt obligations (CDOs) and thus, further expand the market and economy with lofty financial instruments. Unfortunately, the housing bubble naturally popped and people who bought houses at lower payment rates could not keep up with the newly adjusted rate and thus, defaulted on their mortgage. This led to the massive deflation and breakdown of mortgage-backed securities and created a bearish market due to lack of confidence in major financial institutions...which lead to a recession. This recession obviously reached broader markets even remotely attached to them of companies trading them and the banks with massive mortgage portfolios failed and were acquired via the help of other banks and a crapload of quantitative easing. + +I know that the last part got a little more summarized, but overall how did I do? Is there anything i'm missing? And is the fault just with bankers giving out mortgages to anyone with a pulse and credit rating people fraudulently rated subprime mortgages as good? + +Thanks +As a teacher, I'm interested in this question. I teach math privately, but know many people in the public school system. One major issue is the drain on time and resources it can be to try and catch the lowest-performing student up to the level of the class. I have a friend who, for example, had a young man who barely spoke English, and was at least a couple of years behind the curriculum, inserted into her math class. She had to slow down everything to communicate with him and make sure he could keep up, which costs the rest of the class. + +I also am aware that many of the things taught in math class are unlikely to be things that low-performing students will use later in life. You could argue that general cognitive development is promoted, which it might be, but you would probably want to change the curriculum if that was the primary goal. Plus, perhaps coldly, I wonder if it may not be dollar-for-dollar worth it to spend that significant time and resources on that...but that's a question I leave to you here. + +By contrast, high-performing students are often capable of being taught significantly more, significantly faster, than the standard curriculum requires (One of the great joys of my job is when parents are willing to pay me to 'accelerate' their child; teach them calculus and other higher-level math earlier than they would otherwise encounter it). Again, in cold economic manner, I wonder if we perhaps could calculate that spending that same time and resources giving accelerated teaching to these 'special' students may turn out to have a much bigger ROI for society? + +So, I'm curious to hear what the current thinking is: What's the likely ROI difference, if any, between investing in the especially high-end students, vs. investing generally in all students, and/or investing on getting as many students as possible up to a certain standard? + +Edit: 'Return on Investment' is what I meant by ROI. +Hi everyone, I wanted to start a discussion as a follow up to u/hopefultext's excellent thread on fatFIRE careers in the biopharma industry ([https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/i8fbhp/thoughts\_on\_financial\_success\_in\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/i8fbhp/thoughts_on_financial_success_in_the/)). There's a ton of very helpful information and statistics for the mid-late stage career tech crowd on here, and I thought I'd try to do my part to jumpstart one for the life sciences industry as well (as it's another industry predominantly located in VHCOL areas). + +A quick primer on my background. I was a pre-med in medicine before I decided I was too impatient / greedy for medical school and switched to business. Joined a no-name PE shop coming out of undergrad focused on clinical stage biopharma assets. Got an MBA and ended up in strategy consulting for 4 years before joining an industry client as a director of strategy. I'm also a pretty active angel investor and sit on the board of several start-ups. + +I've listed out the way I think about business-facing career options in the biopharma industry. I fully concede my structure is not fully MECE (e.g. are MSL's considered business or clinical? How about sell-side finance covering healthcare?), but broad strokes should cover most of the high paid business facing roles in the biopharma industry. + +Business Focused Careers + +* **Industry Jobs (e.g. Pfizer, Genentech, Biogen)** + * *Departments / Functions* + * Strategy / Corp Dev - Generally considered the "sexiest" group, and made up almost exclusively of former strategy consultants or investment bankers. At the core of it this is a capital allocation role, whether it is identifying the highest internal NPV projects (strategy), such as re-organizing the reporting structure so that China + Japan + Korea report up to an APAC lead instead of directly to HQ, or identifying the highest external NPV projects (corp dev), such as identifying and executing deals to license or acquire external assets or companies. + * Insights and Analytics - Portfolio level strategy if you will, instead of supporting corporate level decisions (e.g. should I buy this company) you are supporting portfolio or brand level decisions (e.g. should we pursue a confirmatory Phase 3 trial? What is the opportunity for a new indication of our existing blockbuster brand?). Generally made up of former strategy consultants, though of a "lower" caliber (e.g. more ZS associates rather than McKinsey). + * Brand - The core operational function, and the ultimate owner of the P&L. Include HCP marketing ,DTC marketing, payer marketing, etc. Generally the hub for all commercial related activities, and coordinates all pre and post-launch tactics and activities (e.g. promotional materials, TV / radio buys, etc.) Generally considered the best place to be if your goal is ultimately to rise to a C-level position, given this is the path to true P&L ownership. Comes from a grab-bag of backgrounds, but usually either from strategy (e.g. consultants) or sales folks coming up through the trenches. + * Sales - Field reps and MSL's, responsible for educating and ultimately pushing our drugs to prescribers. Generally considered the least "prestigious" commercial group, but many top P&L leaders have had at least a short stint in sales to truly understand the business. 90% of sales reps come from no-name colleges and are happy in their roles, 10% come from T15 MBA programs and are doing a rotational program on their way back to marketing. + * *Titles / Role / Compensation (VHCOL companies)* + * Manager Roles - General starting point for post-MBA grads or undergrads with a few years of consulting experience. Individual contributor role, may manage a small budget or a few vendors. Responsible for analyzing and presenting data or pulling through small workstreams. Compensation is pretty standard across the board, expect 120-140K base, 10-20% year end bonus, and 25-50K annual RSU grants. + * Director Roles - Lowest level role where you would run a team or own a brand P&L, though there are still individual contributor roles at the director level (particularly associate director level). First true "decision maker" role; your higher ups transition from telling you what to do to setting KPI's for your team to execute against. Compensation at this level is where stock grants start to overshadow cash comp, expect something like \~200K base, \~30% year-end bonus, and 100-200K annual RSU grants. + * VP Roles - True executive level roles, where you are running a portfolio of products (e.g. oncology portfolio lead) or entire function (e.g. head of licensing and acquisition or national sales leader). Generally reports directly to C-level functions at all but the biggest of companies. Beyond my current level so cannot comment as a primary source on compensation, but anecdotally this level becomes much more variable. At the larger companies, expect \~300K base pay, \~50% year-end bonus, and 300K - 1MM annual RSU grants. At some companies VP is the first level where you are entitled to "profit share", which is a black box to worker bees like myself. + * C-Level Officers - Cannot really comment as I do not even interact with these level folks on a regular basis. As you would imagine compensation at this level is heavily tied to stock performance, and pay is disclosed for officers of public companies. +* **Strategy Consulting (e.g. BCG, ZS, LEK)** + * *Titles / Role / Compensation* + * Associate - Starting point for post-MBA grads. Heavily involved in data analysis and deck building. Usually an individual contributor role, might manage 1-2 junior analysts in their workstream or small project. Expect \~175K base, \~30% bonus + * Engagement Manager - Point person for a client engagement, overseeing teams of 2-5 consultants to deliver scope of work. Primary point of contact for client, firm leadership, and junior resources. Has end-to-end responsibility for successful delivery of project. Expect \~200K base, \~50% bonus (at this level MBB comp starts to outpace other firms) + * Associate Partner - Oversees multiple projects, and usually has a sales quota to hit. Generally considered the "worst" position in consulting, as you are trying to build your business case for partnership while juggling sales and client delivery expectations as well. Expect \~250-350K base, 50-100% bonus (MBB's skewing significantly higher than others here) + * Partner - Sometimes called Managing Director if non-equity position or at a public company (as opposed to a private partnership). There are many ranks of partner, with junior partners generally responsible for a client account and all business associated with it (e.g. account partner at Gilead) and senior partners leading an entire service line or country (e.g. national pricing and reimbursement lead). Compensation is highly variable, based on seniority, firm "rank", and overall health of the business. Anecdotally (I left before partner in my career), junior partners can expect around \~800K all-in, tenured partners can get to \~2MM all-in, and senior leadership can get up to \~5MM all-in when everything breaks right. +* **Investor Roles (e.g. KPCB, Blackstone, Bay City Capital)** + * *Deal Stage* + * Venture Capital - Exclusively invests in pre-commercial stage companies, mostly clinical assets, but may even get into pre-clinical assets if the space is hot enough (e.g. gene therapies). Almost always requires a PhD / MD background due to the scientific due diligence nature of the job. + * Private Equity - There's certainly overlap between what's considered VC and PE in the life science space. Most of the deal flow in PE happens in late stage clinical assets, or early stage commercial companies looking to scale up a commercial team. The due diligence is more commercial / financial focused at this stage, as the scientific proof of concept is mostly established and investors are looking to identify and value growth scenarios (e.g. opportunity size of other indications) You will also see PE-backed companies acquire smaller companies / assets in this stage of the life cycle as well. + * Hedge Funds - Plays in the public equities space, trading shares of publicly traded biopharma companies. I have very little personal knowledge of this space. + * *Titles / Role / Compensation* + * Associate - Excel jockey, usually post-MBA landing spot. Works on sourcing and modeling potential deals, and supporting the VP in overall deal operations. Compensation varies heavily on fund size, but somewhere around \~150K base and \~100% bonus would be considered in the range of "normal". + * VP - Responsible for end-to-end deal execution, with associates / analyst support. First level where carry may be offered, though no guarantee. Compensation gets too varied to really comment on (especially you have carry). Anywhere between 200K - 1MM all-in would be considered normal, depending on the size and performance of the fund. + * Partner / Director - I'm really not qualified to speak about the role / comp at this level, but intuitively these are the people in charge of raising money from LP's and signing off on capital deployment. Compensation is pretty much exclusively tied to the performance of the fund, and this is where you can see "high finance" making 10MM+ annually if the fund is performing well, though this level is comp is exceedingly rare and reserved only for the top funds despite what main stream media would have you believe. + +Love to hear like-minded fatties currently working in or retired from the biopharma industry. Happy to try to answer any questions or expand on anything I might be qualified to do, but definitely welcome thoughts from the more experienced biopharma executives on here. I have very little transparency into the clinical side of the business (e.g. medical directors, CRO's, etc.) and would love to learn more about it as well from those in the know. +Hello all, + +Greetings from London. + +I would love to get some opinions on [this interesting piece on the "Tesla-financial complex](https://www.ft.com/content/17f0cd1f-e751-4ddb-b13c-ea4e685b55c0)[" in the Financial Times](https://www.ft.com/content/17f0cd1f-e751-4ddb-b13c-ea4e685b55c0). + +I found this article immensely fascinating and disturbing too. I have a few points: + +&#x200B; + +* I think Warren Buffet & Charlie Munger will be proven right on the growing WSB-Gamestop-Robinhood gambling culture that seems pervasive. I was shocked that the article specifically mentioned Reddit. And, just a few days ago, someone messaged me on reddit about Alibaba saying "the hedgies will have to cover their shorts". I think the ridiculous culture and mania and language of WSB has more pronounced than people realise. And the use of leveraged-instruments to exacerbate a mania/bubble is exactly what Warren Buffett warned about in the 1990s. +* Reading this article, there seems to be parallels with the crash of 1929. The widespread greed and speculation that has the power to spill into the broader market. + +I have pasted the article below: + +&#x200B; + +# [The ā€˜Tesla-financial complexā€™: how carmaker gained influence over the markets](https://www.ft.com/content/17f0cd1f-e751-4ddb-b13c-ea4e685b55c0) + +The rally in Teslaā€™s shares has lifted the overall stock market value of Elon Muskā€™s electric carmaker to over $1.1tn, making it one of the most valuable companies in the world. This year alone it has added almost $475bn in market capitalisation, equal to a Procter & Gamble, a JPMorgan ā€” or two McDonaldā€™s. + +However, the real importance and wider footprint of what might be called the ā€œTesla-financial complexā€ far outstrips the companyā€™s market capitalisation. This is thanks to a vast, tangled web of dependent investment vehicles, corporate emulators and an enormous associated derivatives market of unparalleled breadth, depth and hyperactivity. + +Combined, these factors mean Teslaā€™s influence over the ebb and flow of the stock market is far greater than even its size would imply. It may even be historically unrivalled in its wider impact, some analysts say. + +ā€œWe donā€™t really have the language to describe Tesla any more,ā€ says Michael Green, chief strategist at Simplify Asset Management. ā€œItā€™s like explaining to a person in a two-dimensional world the concept of ā€˜upā€™.ā€ + +The Tesla-financial complex is a phenomenon that many investors ā€” whether passive index funds, traditional mutual funds, hedge funds or ordinary retail investors ā€” have no choice but to contend with, given the idiosyncratic force it now exerts over the stock market. + +ā€œIt stands out like a sore thumb,ā€ says Dean Curnutt, the chief executive of Macro Risk Advisors. ā€œItā€™s something youā€™ve got to pay a lot of attention to.ā€ + +One of Teslaā€™s oddest quirks is the fuel that has helped power its rocketing stock market value. Although its stock is wildly popular with many ordinary retail investors, the swelling size and hyperactivity of Tesla ā€œoptionsā€ ā€” popular derivatives contracts that allow investors to bet both on and against a stock and magnify any gains and losses ā€” has also flabbergasted many market veterans. + +The nominal trading value of Tesla options has averaged $241bn a day in recent weeks, according to Goldman Sachs. That compares with $138bn a day for Amazon, the second most active single-stock option market, and $112bn a day for the rest of the S&P 500 index combined. This makes Teslaā€™s stock more prone to whipsaw movements, because of the ā€œleverageā€ inherent in using options to trade. + +ā€œThe Tesla options volume has always been outsized, but it is now huge,ā€ says Michael Golding, the US head of trading at Optiver, a firm active in the options market. ā€œTesla almost represents a generation. Itā€™s come to represent innovation, at a time when option trading has taken off.ā€ + +The Tesla options market ā€” more than 60 times as active as the entire FTSE 100 options market, and almost seven times greater than Euro Stoxx 50 options ā€” has helped push US option trading volumes above actual stock trading volumes this year. + +Tesla accounts for a big chunk of that aberration. In November options trading was 50 per cent higher than stock trading in nominal terms, and without Tesla and Amazon it would have been 20 per cent lower, according to Goldman Sachs. ā€œThe combination of a high market cap and extraordinary option activity make Tesla a critical driver,ā€ the investment bank said in a note. + +Golding estimates that historically the combined trading activity in US equity options has been between 10 and 20 times larger than activity in the biggest individual equity options market. However, there have been days recently where Teslaā€™s option trading activity has been five-to-six times the rest of the S&P 500 options ecosystem combined. ā€œThe size of the Tesla options market is absolutely enormous,ā€ he says. + +The value of options depend on what the underlying shares do, but due to their complex mechanics analysts say the option tail can occasionally wag the equity dog if there is enough activity in them, and even bleed into the broader stock market ā€” adding to its churn and making it harder to navigate for many investors. + +Curnutt points out that it is unprecedented to have such a huge stock that is also so volatile, and moves to the beat of its own drum. For example, the swelling heft of Teslaā€™s stock and options market is one of the reasons why the Vix volatility index has diverged so sharply from actual US equity market volatility lately, he argues. ā€œTesla is its own animal,ā€ he said. ā€œIt changes how markets price risk.ā€ + +**Who will bet against Tesla?** + +Ordinary retail investors have been the primary power behind the Tesla options boom, but some of them have more resources to make bigger leveraged bets on Muskā€™s company than others. + +IT billionaire Leo KoGuan recently said that he had by early November accumulated almost 7.2m shares in Tesla. They had largely been accumulated through aggressive purchases of Tesla call options ā€” which give buyers the right to buy shares at a pre-agreed price within a certain time period ā€” and offer a popular route to boost gains. Bloomberg previously verified the growing size of his direct equity stake and options investments, and in September, Teslaā€™s investor relations head Martin Viecha confirmed KoGuanā€™s original claim. + +That would make him Teslaā€™s third-biggest individual shareholder, behind Musk and Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, with a stake worth almost $8bn, and has made him a hero on Reddit forums dedicated to the carmaker and trading. ā€œLeo KoGuan = Tesla Godā€, one thread declared. + +ā€œHeā€™s trading a lot of options, we can definitely see his footprint in the market and heā€™s inspiring others,ā€ Golding says. ā€œItā€™s almost as if heā€™s waving the Tesla flag and people on Reddit see him as someone they can follow.ā€ + +Teslaā€™s fame and the volatility of its stock have also started to make it a component in some structured investment products, such as ā€œauto-callablesā€, further enmeshing its shares into the fate of the broader financial ecosystem. + +Auto-callables are complex savings vehicles ā€” particularly popular with Asian investors ā€” where bankers construct an attractive, bond-like fixed return by selling stock options. Historically they have been mostly options on broad stock market indices such as the S&P 500, Hang Seng or Nikkei, but because of falling market volatility some bankers have started to structure them with options on choppier individual stocks. Tesla has emerged as a popular choice. + +ā€œTesla is perceived as safe because it is big and at the technological vanguard, but itā€™s incredibly lucrative \[for investors\] to put into structured products because it is so volatile,ā€ says Simplifyā€™s Green. + +The frenetic rally in Tesla has also buoyed money management groups such as Cathy Woodā€™s Ark Invest and Baillie Gifford, which have bet heavily on the electric carmaker. But there is a flipside. Its gains have left a huge and growing blot on the performance of many other investors with only negligible or modest positions in Tesla relative to its big heft in their benchmarks ā€” or ā€œunderweightā€ in market jargon ā€” due to what many see as its wildly inflated valuation. + +US mutual funds focused on growth stocks suffered their worst bout of underperformance in at least two decades in October, largely due to the carmakerā€™s rally. For US mutual fund managers as a whole, Tesla alone crimped their relative performance by 0.46 of a percentage point in October, according to Wells Fargo analysts, helping turn what was heading towards being a decent year into yet another mediocre one for stockpickers. + +ā€œManagers that have been underweight Tesla have certainly been punished,ā€ says Drew Dickson, chief investment officer at Albert Bridge Capital. ā€œItā€™s been a sizeable driver of underperformance for many. You have to wonder whether a lot of them are now holding it simply due to fears theyā€™re going to lag.ā€ + +Betting against Tesla has been particularly painful. Hedge funds that have shorted Tesla shares over the past decade are sitting on cumulative losses of over $60bn, according to S3 Partners, a financial analytics company. Just this year the losses have come to $11bn. + +The ā€œshort interestā€ in Tesla ā€” the percentage of shares that have been lent out to and sold by hedge funds ā€” has now fallen from 20 per cent at the start of 2020 to just 3.3 per cent by mid-November, according to S3. A sign, industry insiders say, that fund managers are now reluctant to risk their careers betting against a stock that has defied financial gravity for so long. + +Prominent bears keep falling by the wayside. Michael Burry, the hedge fund manager made famous by author Michael Lewis in The Big Short and portrayed by Christian Bale in the film of the same name, last year called Teslaā€™s stock price ā€œridiculousā€ and revealed that he was shorting it. But in October he said he had ended the trade and closed out the short position. + +ā€œItā€™s the original meme stock,ā€ says Green, referring to companies like GameStop that have gained sky-high valuations off the back of social media hype. ā€œShorting Tesla is just an ego trade at this stage. Tesla has been a primary contributor to destroying the credibility of active management over the past few years.ā€ + +**EV bubble** + +Underscoring its financial idiosyncrasy, Tesla stock tends to not be much affected by other market and economic trends, but correlates somewhat with bitcoin, according to analysis by Quant Insight. + +At the moment Teslaā€™s shares seem to be benefiting from a ā€œmixed bagā€ of factors, such as rising inflation expectations, tighter dollar conditions and uncertain credit markets, but ā€œTesla spends a lot of time out of \[recognisable\] macro regimes ā€” unsurprising when it is often driven by idiosyncratic factors like Elonā€™s tweets,ā€ says Huw Roberts, head of analytics at Quant Insight. A macro regime is industry jargon for how different economic environments can hurt or help certain stocks or sectors. + +The success of Teslaā€™s stock has also helped inflate what some analysts and fund managers think is a broader bubble in anything related to electric vehicles. Tesla-emulators Rivian and Lucid are now valued at about $110bn and $90bn, respectively, despite having negligible revenues and no profits. + +An index of EV and electric battery companies compiled by the FT has a combined market capitalisation of almost $1.8tn. In contrast, automotive giants Toyota, Volkswagen and Hyundai, the biggest car manufacturers in the world, are worth about $254bn, $135bn and $42bn, respectively. + +ā€œThereā€™s obviously a big halo effect with anything electric vehicle-related at the moment, thanks to Tesla,ā€ says Benjamin Bowler, an equity derivatives strategist at Bank of America. + +Even Nikola, an electric truck start-up that has set aside $125m to settle fraud charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission over claims that it misled investors about its technology, is still valued at $5.4bn. That is enough to qualify it for the blue-chip S&P 500 index ā€” if it had ever made any profit. + +If Teslaā€™s ascent continues it will further enrich believers, hurt the dwindling band of doubters and drag swaths of the broader equity market up with it. But if it were to fall sharply, it could cause ripples through financial markets that are far in excess of what many appreciate. + +Tesla did drop as much as 17.6 per cent in November before rallying once more, without the fall triggering any major ripples. But even this decline only took it back to its October level, and a bigger, more sustained drop could prove more impactful. + +ā€œThere is a huge, recursive ā€˜tail wagging the dogā€™ nature to the valuation of a lot of things these days,ā€ says Dickson. ā€œIā€™m unwavering in my belief that ultimately the fundamentals are what matters. But over the past few years I can see that the short and intermediate term is far more dominated by flow, momentum, memes and appetites.ā€ + +He recalls the financial analyst Ben Grahamā€™s adage that the stock market is a voting machine in the short run, but a weighing machine in the longer run. ā€œIn the current environment, I think weā€™re spending a lot more time voting,ā€ says Dickson. +Iā€™m curious why TRX is still climbing up so much, is there any ground breaking news on it? Just because of supply and demand? Or is this the correction after the dump? +I'm noticing a pattern where it's all "wind and solar" over coal and gas. Nuclear power keeps getting omitted from energy efforts and I am wondering why? I am guessing it has to do with the few nuclear disasters of the past, specifically Fukushima. +" Evergrande, the worldā€™s most indebted property developer, is set to formally enter default on Oct. 23, when the grace period ends for its first missed bond payment. On Tuesday, the company missed a third round of payments, bondholders confirmed to the Ā­Reuters news agency, intensifying investor jitters" . [source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/china-evergrande-debt-property/2021/10/12/403d48ca-2b1a-11ec-b17d-985c186de338_story.html) + + +Other real estate giants are also set to default and are currently missing bond payments like fantasia [source](https://www.reuters.com/business/chinese-developer-fantasia-misses-repayment-deadline-2021-10-04/) + + +Seems the entire Chinese real estate market is in trouble. + +So, NOW we will see who the creditors to Evergrande are, and what the rippling effect of this house of cards on the financial industry will be and especially on the Chinese economy. +~~Perhaps the price of Bitcoin is being manipulated recently to highs, in anticipation of the collapse of Evergrande and the end of tether stablecoins?~~ +We saved about 400k over the last few years. Never bought a property before. + +We live in Sydney so are now considering an apartment in other major cities, not far from the cbd. + +My thinking is we should not continue renting and we should not get a mortgage at this point. + +Getting a small place cash in hand, would save a lot of fees and headaches, no mortgages, no sweating rate increases, no fearing losing our jobs or getting paid less, etc. + +Does this make sense? Part of my money is invested in the market as ETFs. I would go back to having very little savings, but a roof and no rent going forward. + +Thank you! + +Edit: Iā€™m 40, partner is mid 30s. We both work in tech, remote. +https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tombstone.asp + + + + + + +Death to RC Ventures - RIP to the dumbass that thought he could take on Amazon and turn around a failing brick and mortar + + + + + +New CUSIP for the newly merged entity = share recall + + + + + +Could this be the catalyst? +There's currently a misconception floating around that anyone who has not registered their shares with CS once the MOASS hits will be left with "fake" shares that they won't be able to sell when the time comes. This is not correct and needs to be reiterated. Because bad actors might use this perspective to try and convince people to sell their shares now "because you can't participate in MAOSS anyway" - which is bullshit. + +The whole point of registering at CS is to *kickstart* the MOASS. + +But once the MOASS hits, *all short positions need to be closed,* by buying back shares on the open market. And for purposes of closing a short, it does not matter, *it is irrelevant*, if that happens by buying back a synthetic share or a registered share. + +So even if you own only synthetic or "fake" shares, your shares *will* be bought back to close short positions *at the price you choose.* You will not be left behind. + +Having said all that, please, please register your shares at ComputerShare if you are at all able to. It is vitally important, because no-one will be buying back your shares until we trigger the MOASS first anyway. + +Context: Moving into UK with my wife and a little baby. Wife will look for a job as she is in finance sector. I have got two offers as said in the title. + +The parameters I am looking for are: +Liveability +Global Exposure +Job prospects for my wife +Good school for my kid +Enough savings to keep for the future +Comfortable living + +I know this maynot be the best time to move to UK. But honestly, I come from a third world country where my wife doesnt feel safe walking out of home after 8pm so trust me when I say this - quality of life in UK will be better than where I am now. And I need more global work exposure. + + +PS: I have no intention to brag about my salary and I dont even think my salary is worth bragging about. I am genuinely curious and want to make a choice from people who live in UK. Apologies if I made anyone unhappy. +So my course fee is going to be like 12,00,000 for 4 years and 3 lakhs/year. + +My family income can pay the yearly fees but then very less of the income will be left, so we need some financing but not the whole amout to be financed. + +What I feel is, we can pay half of the fees on our own i.e. 6 lakhs (1.5 lakhs/yr) and we'll need the rest as a loan i.e. 6 lakhs ofc. I was thinking if we could get a loan of 6 lakhs only which disburses 1.5 lakhs/year(+1.5 lakhs/yr from our side, the fees can be paid). + +As the loan will have a moratorium of the course period atleast, we will only have to pay half the fees for 4 years and then repay the loan. This would be very helpful for us. + +Problems with full education loan: + +ā€¢ Will need collateral for 7.5L+ loans. No collateral needed for 6 lakhs so good. + +ā€¢ Interest on 12 L would be more than 6 L. So I feel we shouldn't really take extra loan of an amount that we can afford to pay ourselves. + +Is this possible? Thanks. +[https://imgur.com/a/9oZU06y](https://imgur.com/a/9oZU06y) This was in Cameron County TX and I am not sure if this is a signal to go bigger on everything on the water, or sit back and watch. I wanted your takes. +In essence, don't be greedy but don't arbitrarily make investment decisions based on Old Mcdonald Had a Farm. + +If all your research and due dilligence tells you a company will see 1200% growth over the next few years, trust the data. Don't say "Well, I really think this company is gonna go to the moon, but I already made 20%, I don't wanna be greedy." Making an arbitrary decision to sell and ignore your data is always a bad idea. + +If this is all your life savings, take your 20% sure, there are always unforeseen risks. But if this is money you can afford to lose, and you've truly put in the work on your DD, don't second guess yourself out of fear. + +Don't be a pig but don't be Ronald Wayne. + +Edit/Correction: Wayne made an additional $1500 from selling his Apple stake, totalling $2300. +We might still be retarded, but this tactic to keep delaying ~~802~~ 002 could backfire on you spectacularly. + +1. Apes are going to keep buying and increasing their positions. +2. Proxy votes may exceed the float, at which point the GME board may call for an inspection before the election, and RECALL those sweet sweet shares BEFORE the extended ~~802~~ 002 implementation date of June 21, 2021. +3. IV could get low enough that all the calls start getting bought and executed. +4. There could be a major positive announcement or catalyst +5. A dividend could be issued. (Issue a physical dividend like Game Informer Magazine rofl) + +ETC. + +These guys are 100% shaking in their boots and pissing their pants right now because.... + +One wrong fart and ALL HELL IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE. Way to destroy your whole business model guys. + +Thoughts and prayers. + +EDIT: MY DUMB ASS MEANT 002 + +EDIT 2: What if GME gets included in the Russel 1000? lol + +EDIT 3: CPI on May 12th!!! + +EDIT 5: LIQUIDITY TEST MAY 13th!!!! JAQUE LE TITS!!!!!!! +Recently RBI announced linking of RuPay credit card with UPI: [Link](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/wealth/save/rbi-allows-upi-payments-via-rupay-credit-cards-how-you-can-make-upi-payments-via-credit-debit-cards/articleshow/92074152.cms). Many small retailers do not have PoS machines to accept credit card payments but they do accept UPI transactions. I think It would be better to do these transactions through UPI via credit cards since we can earn some rewards on that. Since now only RuPay credit card allows this, is it sensible to apply for a RuPay credit card for UPI transactions? Hope Visa and Mastercard soon allow this as well. +Hey gang, this is my first post and I wanted to share my PMCC strategy that I've been doing for the last few months. I wrote it like a guide so it may read a little weird. There's also probably a million of these post but I'd like to get some opinions: + + + +**Trading Plan - Synthetic Covered Call** + +This is a monthly income strategy that attempts to minimize risk at the cost of capping upside gains. The basic idea is to purchase a deep ITM call with an expiration date of a year or more and then sell monthly or weekly calls against it, this is known as a synthetic covered call or the poor manā€™s covered call. + +**Pros:** + +\- Less capital required than a traditional covered call strategy. + +\- Risk is capped to the cost of the deep ITM long call. + +\- The short leg of the trade is covered by the ITM long call should the underlying move drastically higher. + +\- The cost basis of the long call is reduced over time until both legs need to be closed or the long call either expires worthless or gets sold for a profit at expiration. + +\- If you can hold on to the long call until expiration and it has been over a year it will be viewed as a long-term capital gain. + +**Cons:** + +\- If the underlying moves down and stays down it can be difficult to sell calls against it and may end in a loss if there is a rally after selling a call below your break-even strike. + +\- The short legs need to be managed, this is not a set it and forget it strategy like buying stock and holding. + +\- Premium earned on your short calls that are sold on a weekly or monthly basis will be considered short-term capital gains. + +**Assumptions and Variables:** + +\- I am trying to find underlying equities that are high value growth stocks (to me) that I believe will be at or above the break-even price of the long call at expiration. + +\- The preferable monthly return on short calls are greater than 5% of the cost of the long call. + +\- The price of the deep ITM long call is less than around $5,000. + +\- I will only be allocating approximately 50%-60% of my account to this strategy, leaving 30% cash and 10%-20% for other strategies and hedging. + +**The Greeks:** + +Theta \- There's no real risk here, you are using it to your advantage with this strategy. The only downside of PMCC vs traditional is that there is some small theta on the long call, but usually when you are talking LEAPs that's not much of an issue and should be offset greatly by the short calls. There could be some risk of theta decay if you are close to the strike price near expiration but hopefully you have taken some action by then or made your cost basis in short calls. + +Vega \- IV risk is real when a stock has a large run up (like TSLA, AAPL) and the LEAPs price in that continued movement for years to come. Many bullish stocks have a short term run up and then base for a long time before their next move. The whole time it is basing (can be years) the IV drops and you are losing money on your call even though the underlying price is stagnant. Again, it should be offset by the short calls, but it is worth noting when choosing which underlying to use this strategy on. + +Credit for this section goes to u/drewdawg101 + +**Strategy Breakdown:** + +1. Purchase a deep ITM call around an .80 delta with an expiration date of 365 days or greater. + +The strike price of the call plus the cost of the option is the cost basis of 100 shares should you need to exercise for whatever reason. + +Example: + +I purchased 1 x AAPL call expiring 21 Jan 22 with a strike price of $75 for $37.85 ($3785), my cost basis on 100 shares is $75 + $37.85 = $112.85. This should also be your break-even price. + +2. Sell a covered call on either a weekly or monthly basis to collect enough premium that will give you approximately 5%-10% return on your investment (sometimes more, sometimes less). The strike price of the covered call you sell should be above the break-even price of the ITM call you purchased; in this instance I am looking at a strike price of above $112.85. There are two other variables that I consider: probability of touch and delta. + +After making sure my strike is above my cost basis, I like probably of touch to be less than 50% and delta to be around .30 to .20 because I do not want to have to close out my short call for a loss and I do not want to sell my long call. + +3. Keep a log of the premiums that you have earned each month and subtract it from the cost of your long call to recalculate the true cost basis and new break-even price of your shares. + +**Possible outcomes and adjustments:** + +All the options listed below are on the table for me in this strategy and will be dependent on market conditions and what the underlying is doing. + +\- The underlying increases past your strike price of your short call. + +Option 1: Close both legs for a gain, purchase another long call and start again. + +Option 2: Roll the short call out for a credit. + +Option 3: Close the short leg for a loss and sell another at a higher strike price and later expiration (this may be preferable if you are worried about short-term capital gains). + +Option 4: Roll the long call up to receive more credit while rolling the short call up to keep max profit at or above the original amount (this can reset your long-term capital gains timer) ā€“ Credit to u/Oh-I-Misunderstood + +\- The underlying decreases but you can still sell calls at a strike higher than your cost basis: + +Option 1: Do nothing and let the short leg expire worthless then sell another call. + +Option 2: Roll down for a bigger credit. + +\- The underlying decreases and you cannot sell calls at a strike price above your cost basis: + +Option 1: Determine a stop loss that you are comfortable with on the Deep ITM call. If you have an open contract on the short side, you will have to consider both contracts at the same time. If you close out the long leg because it is down without closing out the short you can be stuck with a naked call and may end up with big losses if the stock rallies. Credit to u/drewdawg101 + +Option 2: Let your current short call expire worthless and sell another call, if the underlying rallies and goes past the strike of your short call you may have to close out both for a small loss or buy back the short call for a loss. + +Option 3: Do nothing and wait for the underlying to rally to a price where you can sell calls at a preferable strike. + +Option 4: Buy the dip, sell calls against your new long call further reducing your cost basis of both contracts while reaping the benefits of the inevitable rally. + +**Current holdings and returns:** + +For the month of October, I started this strategy with the following AAPL and QQQ contracts: + +21 Jan 22 AAPL $75 Call for $37.85 + +17 Sep 21 QQQ $210 Call for $74.60 + +Total Invested - $11,245 (Max loss) + +Premium Earned - $968 for an 8.6% return (this is locked in now and not potential returns at the end of the month of October) + +Updated Cost Basis ā€“ AAPL $105.64, QQQ $281.63 + +Current value of long contracts: AAPL $43.675 (+$582.30), QQQ $82.43 (+$782.30) + +For the month of November, I have added SPCE, GME, and ROKU so along with my QQQ and AAPL I have a potential gain of $1564 for the month (although I have not sold a call against AAPL yet for November). This should give me about a 7.5% return as it stands on a $20,980 investment. + +Ultimately, if you do nothing else but sell calls until expiration of your long contracts you should own them for much less and you should be able to sell them for a nice profit. I also plan to compound my returns by using the premium I have earned to purchase more contracts. + +**Future plans for this strategy:** + +Additional contracts I plan on adding are 3 more contracts of SPCE, 3 more contracts of GME, DIA, LOW, WMT, NIO, DOW, AMD, and DD with plans to earn about $3,046 a month. This should allow for an additional 1 or 2 contracts a month to start compounding returns. I may wait on the more expensive contracts like DIA and LOW until I have more capital so I can have about 30% allocated to cash for other strategies, and keep each trade allocation to less than 10% (my ideal trade allocation is 1%-5%). + +Another option for this strategy is to buy 2 long contracts but only sell 1 call on each equity, this way you can capitalize on any upside gains but still reduce your cost basis over time. This does however double your capital requirement and increases your exposure. + +**Disclaimer:** I am not a professional trader or financial advisor; I am sharing this for you guys to either learn something from it or poke holes in the plan. The stocks I have chosen are stocks that I like to trade, and I am not endorsing any equities whatsoever. Also, trading options is risky, please only invest what you can afford to lose. + +TL:DR ā€“ Buy LEAPS, sell monthly calls + + +If there's any interest in this I'll post an update monthly on how the strategy is doing. + +Edited for clarity and additions to the strategy. +I want to provide an update on the RRGs, but will write more about each sector every Monday. + +https://preview.redd.it/qnmn4vg9y5q61.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b3b5903b1825bb4c081574e3699ab21a508e02 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wrf3wykay5q61.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=c43190e2aa94770d86dc7842e53e51d81488baf7 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hbo64n6by5q61.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=707abb9adf9711a3fced897fdd41fcc4f90ea890 + +You can find stocks within each sector [here](https://imgur.com/a/On8uxKi). + +Edit: Thank you for the gold! +Hey gang, this is my first post and I wanted to share my PMCC strategy that I've been doing for the last few months. I wrote it like a guide so it may read a little weird. There's also probably a million of these post but I'd like to get some opinions: + + + +**Trading Plan - Synthetic Covered Call** + +This is a monthly income strategy that attempts to minimize risk at the cost of capping upside gains. The basic idea is to purchase a deep ITM call with an expiration date of a year or more and then sell monthly or weekly calls against it, this is known as a synthetic covered call or the poor manā€™s covered call. + +**Pros:** + +\- Less capital required than a traditional covered call strategy. + +\- Risk is capped to the cost of the deep ITM long call. + +\- The short leg of the trade is covered by the ITM long call should the underlying move drastically higher. + +\- The cost basis of the long call is reduced over time until both legs need to be closed or the long call either expires worthless or gets sold for a profit at expiration. + +\- If you can hold on to the long call until expiration and it has been over a year it will be viewed as a long-term capital gain. + +**Cons:** + +\- If the underlying moves down and stays down it can be difficult to sell calls against it and may end in a loss if there is a rally after selling a call below your break-even strike. + +\- The short legs need to be managed, this is not a set it and forget it strategy like buying stock and holding. + +\- Premium earned on your short calls that are sold on a weekly or monthly basis will be considered short-term capital gains. + +**Assumptions and Variables:** + +\- I am trying to find underlying equities that are high value growth stocks (to me) that I believe will be at or above the break-even price of the long call at expiration. + +\- The preferable monthly return on short calls are greater than 5% of the cost of the long call. + +\- The price of the deep ITM long call is less than around $5,000. + +\- I will only be allocating approximately 50%-60% of my account to this strategy, leaving 30% cash and 10%-20% for other strategies and hedging. + +**The Greeks:** + +Theta \- There's no real risk here, you are using it to your advantage with this strategy. The only downside of PMCC vs traditional is that there is some small theta on the long call, but usually when you are talking LEAPs that's not much of an issue and should be offset greatly by the short calls. There could be some risk of theta decay if you are close to the strike price near expiration but hopefully you have taken some action by then or made your cost basis in short calls. + +Vega \- IV risk is real when a stock has a large run up (like TSLA, AAPL) and the LEAPs price in that continued movement for years to come. Many bullish stocks have a short term run up and then base for a long time before their next move. The whole time it is basing (can be years) the IV drops and you are losing money on your call even though the underlying price is stagnant. Again, it should be offset by the short calls, but it is worth noting when choosing which underlying to use this strategy on. + +Credit for this section goes to u/drewdawg101 + +**Strategy Breakdown:** + +1. Purchase a deep ITM call around an .80 delta with an expiration date of 365 days or greater. + +The strike price of the call plus the cost of the option is the cost basis of 100 shares should you need to exercise for whatever reason. + +Example: + +I purchased 1 x AAPL call expiring 21 Jan 22 with a strike price of $75 for $37.85 ($3785), my cost basis on 100 shares is $75 + $37.85 = $112.85. This should also be your break-even price. + +2. Sell a covered call on either a weekly or monthly basis to collect enough premium that will give you approximately 5%-10% return on your investment (sometimes more, sometimes less). The strike price of the covered call you sell should be above the break-even price of the ITM call you purchased; in this instance I am looking at a strike price of above $112.85. There are two other variables that I consider: probability of touch and delta. + +After making sure my strike is above my cost basis, I like probably of touch to be less than 50% and delta to be around .30 to .20 because I do not want to have to close out my short call for a loss and I do not want to sell my long call. + +3. Keep a log of the premiums that you have earned each month and subtract it from the cost of your long call to recalculate the true cost basis and new break-even price of your shares. + +**Possible outcomes and adjustments:** + +All the options listed below are on the table for me in this strategy and will be dependent on market conditions and what the underlying is doing. + +\- The underlying increases past your strike price of your short call. + +Option 1: Close both legs for a gain, purchase another long call and start again. + +Option 2: Roll the short call out for a credit. + +Option 3: Close the short leg for a loss and sell another at a higher strike price and later expiration (this may be preferable if you are worried about short-term capital gains). + +Option 4: Roll the long call up to receive more credit while rolling the short call up to keep max profit at or above the original amount (this can reset your long-term capital gains timer) ā€“ Credit to u/Oh-I-Misunderstood + +\- The underlying decreases but you can still sell calls at a strike higher than your cost basis: + +Option 1: Do nothing and let the short leg expire worthless then sell another call. + +Option 2: Roll down for a bigger credit. + +\- The underlying decreases and you cannot sell calls at a strike price above your cost basis: + +Option 1: Determine a stop loss that you are comfortable with on the Deep ITM call. If you have an open contract on the short side, you will have to consider both contracts at the same time. If you close out the long leg because it is down without closing out the short you can be stuck with a naked call and may end up with big losses if the stock rallies. Credit to u/drewdawg101 + +Option 2: Let your current short call expire worthless and sell another call, if the underlying rallies and goes past the strike of your short call you may have to close out both for a small loss or buy back the short call for a loss. + +Option 3: Do nothing and wait for the underlying to rally to a price where you can sell calls at a preferable strike. + +Option 4: Buy the dip, sell calls against your new long call further reducing your cost basis of both contracts while reaping the benefits of the inevitable rally. + +**Current holdings and returns:** + +For the month of October, I started this strategy with the following AAPL and QQQ contracts: + +21 Jan 22 AAPL $75 Call for $37.85 + +17 Sep 21 QQQ $210 Call for $74.60 + +Total Invested - $11,245 (Max loss) + +Premium Earned - $968 for an 8.6% return (this is locked in now and not potential returns at the end of the month of October) + +Updated Cost Basis ā€“ AAPL $105.64, QQQ $281.63 + +Current value of long contracts: AAPL $43.675 (+$582.30), QQQ $82.43 (+$782.30) + +For the month of November, I have added SPCE, GME, and ROKU so along with my QQQ and AAPL I have a potential gain of $1564 for the month (although I have not sold a call against AAPL yet for November). This should give me about a 7.5% return as it stands on a $20,980 investment. + +Ultimately, if you do nothing else but sell calls until expiration of your long contracts you should own them for much less and you should be able to sell them for a nice profit. I also plan to compound my returns by using the premium I have earned to purchase more contracts. + +**Future plans for this strategy:** + +Additional contracts I plan on adding are 3 more contracts of SPCE, 3 more contracts of GME, DIA, LOW, WMT, NIO, DOW, AMD, and DD with plans to earn about $3,046 a month. This should allow for an additional 1 or 2 contracts a month to start compounding returns. I may wait on the more expensive contracts like DIA and LOW until I have more capital so I can have about 30% allocated to cash for other strategies, and keep each trade allocation to less than 10% (my ideal trade allocation is 1%-5%). + +Another option for this strategy is to buy 2 long contracts but only sell 1 call on each equity, this way you can capitalize on any upside gains but still reduce your cost basis over time. This does however double your capital requirement and increases your exposure. + +**Disclaimer:** I am not a professional trader or financial advisor; I am sharing this for you guys to either learn something from it or poke holes in the plan. The stocks I have chosen are stocks that I like to trade, and I am not endorsing any equities whatsoever. Also, trading options is risky, please only invest what you can afford to lose. + +TL:DR ā€“ Buy LEAPS, sell monthly calls + + +If there's any interest in this I'll post an update monthly on how the strategy is doing. + +Edited for clarity and additions to the strategy. +This comparison is probably older than Reddit itself, but for investors who have decided to buy into only one fund and forget about it, why'd you pick that one? + +Sure, the difference between these ETFs is in the diversification: top 500 US companies vs. whole US market vs. whole world market. But with so many of the top US companies operating internationally, and such a globally connected economy in 2021, is VOO not diversified enough to reliably protect my money? + +I understand that past performance is just that, and want to avoid recency bias, but I have no reason to believe that the US market will suddenly start underperforming the rest of the world any time soon. Without such a thesis, VOO just makes the most sense to me. + +Today, my money is invested in VOO, but I'm curious to hear thoughts from others. Which fund do you invest in, and why not the others? +Taking several assumptions here + +1. that you wont get a margin call in a naked put or naked call (lets say you have enough capital in regards to your margin to risk. for example, 100k account with only 10% in a naked put. or 1% in regards to a naked call) + +2. Not at risk for early assignment. + +what stops you from profiting by shorting options and continuously rolling them until you get a profit? + +for example, lets say with this downturn going on, you open a 430 spy naked put. if it drops and you're in the red, you roll down and out for a credit. and you continue to do this until a green day comes (since historically, US markets have been a bull run sooner or later) + +what makes this not a possible strategy? +I live in an area where it's not that common, culturally speaking, to charge your sons and daughters rent, and those who do are expected to be in the most dire of straits. If they're not, they're seen as greedy. The justification is that you made it this long paying for their necessities, and now that they're working and likely buying their own food, clothes, etc, you're technically saving money, so it's seen as unnecessary. + +Just curious what some other areas think of this situation. +Alright boys. This is going to be my final gains post. I cracked the 7-figure mark, and then some. I started with $35k in my ROTH IRA in late February/early March. I took out $50k, so current balance is after this amount. + +Total balance: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aza8wfympn951.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=9bf62f41c7548042e7155fc7988cb55b63e74f69 + +YTD graph, it's been an insane wild ride. The top balance on graph is balance from yesterday, this graph only updates overnight: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4ujrx8gtpn951.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e7dfbddc461ba03ad0dce267a78002a797407b0 + +Unlike my previous post, I'm going to post every single one of my trades I've ever made. There was a total of about 350 trades I made. + +Here are all my winning trades: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fu0a7hn4qn951.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a2fcc6bb5b52e10ba50301aa0374feb8d0fe863 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dzsx6d2aqn951.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=06a5639feb386ebd2ca83bfaed92b6b70d197803 + +And here are all my losers: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/50o2gaufqn951.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=d08b45c387251b1ad9d89fb13ba9ed733cb98503 + +Paid over $14k in commissions to Fidelity: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6jsl4utqqn951.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=1238eed7f211baf66e79fbb8a3a9d8c8f1ec6d38 + +I will update this post if anything else comes to my mind. But to put it succinctly. There is a process I follow. I outlined pretty much everything I do in the series of edits and comments I made in my original gains post here: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/h83cfp/35k\_590k\_in\_3\_months/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/h83cfp/35k_590k_in_3_months/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) + +If you have any questions in addition though, ask away, I will try to get to everybody. And yes, it fucking feels amazing. + +Also, gaymods... can I please get a flair change to "$35k to $1.25M"? + +I'm copying and pasting the tips I had in my other post into this since many of you retarded fucks can't even seem to click a link. The following are the general rules I follow in my trades. They have served me well. Luck has a lot to do with it. Probably 60% or more, but learning to click the damn sell and buy button when you don't feel like it (due to greed or fear) is the second biggest component. + +EDIT: + +Let me try to answer some of the common questions. + +I started with $35k in my ROTH. That was money I saved up from previous job. + +Hold 50% cash reserve at all times as a minimum. YOLOs on FDs are not how you build wealth using options. + +Go into OTM positions but only about 10-15%, and a reasonable chance that you personal feel the company can get to the strike before expiration + +Learn the greeks. Check current IV levels of the company. Try not to get into trades where the IV is at the top tippy top of a 12 month period. + +Learn to not beat yourself up over your trades/mistakes/woulda-shoulda-coulda's. <- This right here was the biggest lesson I learned. Staying focused and not killing myself over my huge mistakes. That sense of dread and horror after seeing your account run up to $550k and then plummeting below $100k in a matter of a week or so, I know is horrific, but learn to focus on what you still have left and climb back up. + +LET YOUR WINNERS RIDE. If you are cashing out on a hugely green position, consider taking out only a chunk or better yet, put a trailing stop loss around 20%. I put t-stops once a position goes green about 50%. I don't put trailing stops on currently red positions. I exit my losers by hand usually. I think psychologically I prefer to kill the red deals myself because I'd feel even more horrific and blame the system of the broker if I had a losing position exit out on a trailing stop. + +Do not put more than 25% of your account into a single position. We celebrate YOLOs and retardism around here yes, but that doesn't mean you need follow the ultra-retards. + +Don't hold 20 different positions. I see so many people holding fucking LUV/AAL/UAL/DAL positions at the same fucking time. No, just pick one and focus on it. Doesn't fucking matter which one, currently besides maybe LUV, the airlines move in lockstep. + +LEARN TO CUT YOUR LOSSES. Even at -90%. That 10% through the magic of options trading can easily be used to make the 90% again. Try to climb back out of a hole with 0% left though. + +I'll edit more in if I think of anything else, but overall, try to stay disciplined. Learning to control (I admit still very ineffectively but enough to usually put a rein on a runaway destructive thought process) my emotions was key. Losses don't kill options traders, calculating your alternate universe net worth on your woulda-coulda-shouldas do. + +EDIT 2: + +I will say this. My undergraduate degree was in Economics, and I'm finishing up my MBA in Finance right now. + +My education I think did give me a great deal of edge, over the average person just plunging into options. That doesn't mean you can't educate yourself. First and foremost go fucking watch some videos on options and their greeks. Implications of volatility on price as well is a basic knowledge you should have. + +EDIT 3: + +I usually buy contracts 1-2 months out. My plan is to sell around the half way point. Leaving a lot of theta meat on the bone so that they are still more valuable. + +10-15% OTM. I never buy ITM. That 10-15% level has worked for me. I go for a strike price that I personally feel the stock can hit within the expiration. Almost all my winning trades have been ITM by the time I sold I believe. + +EDIT 4: + +If you look at my history, I followed the trends down, and then the trends up. If there's one "strategy" to what I do, you can say I ride trends. Knowing the trend was more instinctive. When China, the second biggest fucking economy in the world, was willing to take an extreme measure of forced quarantine of almost 500 million of its citizens, I understood just how fucking serious the virus was. Was that getting priced in the US stock market though? The potentially similar lockdowns in the US? No. Market was fucking hitting ATH at the same time. I shorted the shit out of everything about a week after (including DIS, $80p I bought when it was at $130) market hit ATH I think. My instinct was right, I went up to $550k\~ or so from this. + +But then I made the mistake of holding when the trend had reversed. The market was no longer responding to the bad news. More death count than any other source of death in the country per day? Green. Record setting unemployment? Green. I went from $550k down to $91k. Bought ballsdeep calls from here and rode the wave back up. + +Learning to get a sense of the current trend is the hardest part I think. And who is your best friend? The trend. Who gives you your giant pile of tendies? The trend. Who buys your wife a new iMac pro? The trend. Never try to "outsmart" the market. You're going to lose you fucking shirt. + +EDIT 6: + +Almost forgot one of the biggest lessons I learned. I never ever close a position within the first \~1 hour of market opening. I usually close them in the last hour instead. Contract pricing is usually way out of wack across the board you are going to have massive amounts of slippage, mispricing, and just retarded level of lag and shit, even on the big boy brokers like Fidelity. (The only exclusion here would be for SPY...I don't go into SPY anymore, but if I did, I will sell at market open. The liquidity and the price movement is already built in when market opens for SPY. Any other tickers like AMZN, this rule applies) + +EDIT 7: + +I will add one more thing that led to my biggest gain trades. When a stock currently is at ATH, I mean actual ATH not high of 52 weeks, then there's a massive momentum going for the stock and chances are it will keep that momentum for a while. Using this logic, I went into AMZN calls. Many people asked me why I got in when it had already run up from $1.9k to like $2.1k or something, it's because I used that logic. (Be aware of buying into meme stocks ATH though, I'd be ready to cut my losses the next day if I got into a meme stock and it didn't continue going up/down) + +EDIT 8: + +Let me make one point clear. You are nothing. You are a nobody. Nobody gives a fuck about your gut feeling, or TA voodoo, or this, and that, and the market doesn't owe you shit. You are a dumbass. You are a dumbass. Repeat after me, you are a dumbass. The sooner you get this fact through your thick skull and learn to respect the trends of the market, the better it will be for your trades. Learn humility, stop fucking bragging about your 1 or even 10 wins, and more importantly, don't delude yourself into thinking you figured out the secret after your few trades. You haven't. Learn to be humble, and always fucking respect the market trends. It may feel like it, but this is not a fucking game, unless you want it to be and think the #'s you see on the neo screen are not real. You are trying to make serious $, not be proven right or how smart you are. I'll repeat, take ego out of it. Or not. But for me to get to this level over about 350 trades, these tips I outlined above worked remarkably well. + +EDIT 9: + +Many people seem to miss my points from the above giant ass retarded fucking post. So let me write another paragraph you can ignore. Hopping on the same trend is not enough. People pull out too soon, or worse they insist on going the wrong fucking direction. Even with my gains, I pulled out early on so so sooo many trades, with lost gains to the tune of approximately $3\~ mil by my rough estimate. Letting my winners run and not pulling out too quickly let me get some big wins. This was not something easy for me to do, I was always tempted to pull the plug early on my positions but I held most and relied on tight trailing stop losses. +HŠ°kunŠ°MŠ°tŠ°tŠ° TŠ¾kŠµn just LŠµgŠ°llу signŠµd Š° CŠ¾ntrŠ°ct with fŠ¾rmŠµr DisnŠµŃƒ DirŠµctŠ¾r Š¾f MulŠ°n(1998) TONY BANCROFT Š°nd TŠ¾nу himsŠµlf shŠ¾wŠµd in Tata's Ama fŠµw hŠ¾urs Š°gŠ¾ tŠ¾ cŠ¾nfirm his рŠ°rtnŠµrshiр with thŠµ tŠµŠ°m! + +TŠ¾nу BŠ°ncrŠ¾ft is Š° DisnŠµŃƒ AnimŠ°tŠ¾r in AlŠ°ddin, LiŠ¾n King, BŠµŠ°utу Š°nd thŠµ bŠµŠ°st HunchbŠ°ck Š¾f NŠ¾trŠµ DŠ°mŠµ, ThŠµ EmрŠµrŠ¾r's NŠµw GrŠ¾Š¾vŠµ, StuŠ°rt LittlŠµ, Š°nd mŠ¾st rŠµcŠµntlу, SрŠ°cŠµ JŠ°m 2! HŠµ will sŠµrvŠµ Š°s thŠµ LŠµŠ°d InfluŠµncŠµr fŠ¾r TATA's NFT MŠ°rkŠµtрlŠ°cŠµ Š°ttrŠ°cting DisnŠµŃƒ crŠµŠ°tŠ¾rs Š°nd рŠ¾Ń€ulŠ°r Š°nimŠ°tŠ¾rs with his LŠµgŠµndŠ°rу StŠ°tus in thŠµ Š°nimŠ°tiŠ¾n fiŠµld + +This mŠ°kŠµs Tata thŠµ Š¾nlу LŠµgit TŠ¾kŠµn tŠ¾ hŠ°vŠµ Š° bright futurŠµ in thŠµ NFT mŠ°rkŠµtрlŠ°cŠµ schŠµmŠµ. A tŠµŠ°m thŠ°t hŠ°s Š° RŠµŠ°l Legendary Artist Š°s InfluŠµncŠµr instŠµŠ°d Š¾f tурicŠ°l cŠµlŠµbritiŠµs! + +Huge рlŠ°ns incŠ¾ming! Will bŠµ listŠµd Š¾n tŠ¾Ń€ 23 glŠ¾bŠ°l ŠµxchŠ°ngŠµ, PrŠ¾bit, bу thŠµ stŠ°rt Š¾f thŠµ nŠµxt wŠµŠµk. With this mŠ¾rŠµ influŠµncŠµrs рŠ°rtnŠµrshiрs Š°rŠµ Š¾n its wŠ°Ńƒ tŠ¾Š¾. ŠlŠ¾ng with this, Ads Š°nd bill in LŠ¾ndŠ¾n tŠ¾ bŠµ рlŠ°cŠµd in this mŠ¾nth. SŠ¾ thŠµrŠµā€™s Š° lŠ¾t cŠ¾ming, bŠµttŠµr nŠ¾t tŠ¾ miss Š¾ut Š¾n this gŠµm - buу nŠ¾w whilŠµ mŠ°rkŠµt cŠ°Ń€ is lŠ¾w! + +Is built Š¾n thŠµ fŠ¾undŠ°tiŠ¾ns Š¾f trust Š°nd trŠ°nsрŠ°rŠµncу. Š¢hŠµ dŠµvs dŠ¾xxŠµd thŠµmsŠµlvŠµs bŠµfŠ¾rŠµ рrŠµsŠ°lŠµ with vidŠµŠ¾ ŠMŠā€™s Š°nd furthŠµrmŠ¾rŠµ рŠ°ssŠµd twŠ¾ Š°udits (DŠµssŠµrt FinŠ°ncŠµ Š°nd SŠ¾liditу Šudit) with flуing cŠ¾lŠ¾urs. With this Š° Certik Š°udit is currŠµntlу Š¾nbŠ¾Š°rding. + +Links: + +šŸŒWŠµbsitŠµ: httрs://hŠ°kunŠ°mŠ°tŠ°tŠ°.finŠ°ncŠµ (https://hakunamatata.finance/) + +šŸŸ¦Š¢ŠµlŠµgrŠ°m: httрs://tŠµlŠµgrŠ°m.mŠµ/tŠ°tŠ°tŠ¾kŠµn (https://telegram.me/tatatoken) + +šŸ¦Š¢wittŠµr: httрs://twittŠµr.cŠ¾m/tŠ°tŠ°tŠ¾kŠµn (https://twitter.com/tatatoken) +It just doesnā€™t work like that. Itā€™s either decentralized or itā€™s not. You donā€™t get to pick and choose when or why itā€™s decentralized just because you donā€™t agree with the use case. + +Obviously, it sucks that psychopaths take to crypto to hide illicit activity, and that it gets publicized in a way that paints crypto in a bad light. But if we want crypto to maintain its autonomous decentralization, we have to accept all of its shortcomings. + +Crypto scares the shit out of the powers that be for all the reasons we love it. It gives power back to the people, unfortunately there's bad people out there and fear sells, so the media likes to focus on it. + +I donā€™t agree with anything thatā€™s going on in Russia right now, but I do believe in crypto maintaining its decentralization. +Honestly, this is probably the most insightful person I've talked to in my history of organising AMAs for this sub. Their knowledge when it comes to naked shorting, the system in general is amazing - because theyā€™re on the ground floor detecting it. + +Let me start off with a quote from the interview regarding cash account lending: + +&#x200B; + +>**Wes:** As you know and I know, one of the main reasons reported short interest does not equal the real short interest is because the brokers in an attempt to circumvent Regulation SHO marked their trading tickets long. Trading tickets say short, long, exempt - so if you mark it long it does not go into your reported short interest right? + +&#x200B; + +>**David:** You have it. And if theyā€™re borrowing shares from cash accounts, which is another trick, that you have uncovered (Wes). Iā€™m not making accusations here, you uncovered this - we have together uncovered this. + +&#x200B; + +>**Wes:** No question. + +If you want anecdata evidence of cash account lending, there it is. DRS is the way. + +# The Interview + +Iā€™m dropping an interview here between Wes Christian and someone you may or may not have heard of called David Wenger. Theyā€™ve worked together for a long time and I low-key view this as a ā€œbromanceā€ type scenario when it comes to the three musketeers, including Dave (among many others) who know each other and actively fight the ill-structured market. + +Note, this might come off as an ā€œadvertā€ in some *small* respect, but look past that as the utility value of the knowledge we can acquire is great. + +&#x200B; + +[Sharepoint link here for the interview](https://shareintel-my.sharepoint.com/personal/dwenger_shareintel_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fdwenger%5Fshareintel%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FVideo%2FWes%20Christian%20interviews%20David%20Wenger%2010%2E13%2E2021%2Emp4&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fdwenger%5Fshareintel%5Fcom%2FDocuments%2FVideo&originalPath=aHR0cHM6Ly9zaGFyZWludGVsLW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tLzp2Oi9wL2R3ZW5nZXIvRVR1ODlFa0xRUXhFaG92U0I5djZxSjhCaktJWTBCbnJ1VFl4NWUzSUk2RFdNdz9ydGltZT0tOUFKSEptUTJVZw) (Iā€™ve got Davidā€™s permission to share this link on our sub - let's see if SharePoint can hold up against the volume šŸ˜…) + +# Alt Link removed for the Wes/David interview, there's a connection to a former scam with someone named Chad where apes lost money. + +I was previously talking to David to set up an AMA months ago, which fell off the books due to life. So itā€™s great we have access to this interview here as it does have some interesting tidbits in it. Iā€™ll provide my anecdotal notes below from conversations I've had with him. + +# Intro to David and [Shareintel](https://shareintel.com/) + +This guy has been on the right side of the fence for 20 odd years. Spent years building software thatā€™s patented, which can detect shady shit when it comes to share ownership (essentially detecting if naked shorting is occurring). + +Now, that catch to this is - it cannot be backdated. As David puts it in the interview, a company needs to turn the security camera on to capture this happening. Not a limitation of their software, rather a design of the system theyā€™re working in (yes, your thoughts can lead to shady design). + +He has witnessed naked shorting in the order of double that of outstanding shares in the example he gave in the interview, or double/triple that of the reported short interest reported to FINRA. It just does not align with whatā€™s in the DTC. + +David even reached out to the SEC and got put under an NDA. His solution at a macro level could basically help the SEC solve the problem of naked shorting. But guess whatā€¦. It appears to me (and David?) that they did not want it - which then translates into the regulatory capture debate. + +# Ending notes + +Iā€™m catching up with David on CS/DRS topics, let me know if you have any questions specific for him - if there are a lot that are outside of the scope of the interview above, Iā€™ll try and set up an AMA if thereā€™s interest. + +Second, to that, we have an AMA coming up with a company that begins with C and ends with E - so stay tuned šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ + +Note: I've applied a moderator flair as it's associated with mod work - informative mod work šŸ˜‰ + +Edit: I'm fairly sure I spelt Wes's name wrong in the title - sue me, I've been drinking +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + + + +I'm 59 and spouse is 62, no kids, no debt, 3.2 million in the bank, house is paid off and somewhere in the 600k range in terms of equity.Not exactly big time fatFIRE+++ but I'm posting this more as a reality check and because I am at my spouse's annual work retreat where everyone is now hearing about retirement...so it's REAL. We aren't necessarily retiring "early" but had planned on maybe 3-5 more years of work, but professional frustrations (categorized under "being over it") as well as some unexpected personal losses (friends and family passing at what seems to be an early age) just made us realize that it's time. We are not unprepared - we have done countless budgets, are both well educated and understand financial forecasting, and have put our financial advisor through the paces multiple times. + +I'm now at that scary (for me) point if giving notice to my employer. But as I type this, I am on a balcony overlooking the Pacific, as opposed to my work cubicle (which looks out at a parking lot and a couple dumpsters). + +What am I worried about? Our biggest expense is going to be health insurance (no surprise there) and obviously without LTC coverage that's a huge risk. An overall financial downturn would hit our investments. And these are the "known knowns". I am trying to educate myself by reading a book on Thriving in Retirement as a Couple which is well written and talks about the psychological and social and physical aspects...because I think for us, we spent all our time wondering if the financial stability was there. + +I just want to thank this reddit community for insight and support over the last couple years as I have gotten my thoughts (and finances) in order. + +Thanks for listening to my TED talk +Long story short, I'm about to inherit a lump sum of 300k Euros, and I have some questions about investing it. And yes, I have read the Wiki, a few books and all the blogs posts - but I still would appreciate some new ideas/comments. + +Background: + +* I live with my partner in Berlin, we are both 30 years old +* I am an Engineer, making 90k/year, and have around 50k in savings (I have started to invest recently and already have 20k in the famous A1JX52) +* Every month I'm able to save something in between of 1200 and 1500 euros +* My partner makes around 40k/year with 10k in savings, we are not married so this is not very relevant. +* No debt +* We are about to start a family and recently moved into a nice 100m2 flat in which we are paying 1450 euros. This is relevant because the Real Estate questions will show up eventually. Moving again soon is out of question. + +The first thing I'm sure I want to do is put another 40k in A1JX52 to exhaust the German tax benefits from it (57k is the number I think). The second is to reinforce my emergency fund (maybe end up with 30k in it). Put a minimum of 100k in the accumulating version of A1JX52 seems to be something I'm sure I want to do too. + +I don't plan on buying a house soon, we love to rent, and I don't plan to invest in real estate either. I am a big fan of Lazy and small portfolios. + +According to my age and risk I would be ok with a portfolio of 80/20 or even 90/10, between stocks and bonds. I keep reading and reading about bonds and I don't find a definite answer, should I buy bonds right now? What's the best bond ETF (*Vanguard Global Aggregate Bd ETF USD Hedged Acc* and *iShares Global Aggregate Bd ETF EUR Hedged Acc* seem to be great candidates)? Saving accounts in Europe are pretty bad too, should I just keep the money in cash? + +What about individual stocks? I know this is often NOT recommended, but how bad of an idea would be to invest maybe 25k in individual stocks (Mastercard, Visa, Walmart are some examples I had in mind)? + +Some Portfolios I am considering: + +Portfolio 1 (maybe a bit aggressive and risky given the high exposure to the stock market): + +* Emergency Fund: 30k (maybe too much?!) +* A1JX52 60k +* A2PKXG 200k +* Individual Stocks: 25k +* Remaining 35k somewhere else? Cash? + +Portfolio 2 (~22% in Bonds): + +* Emergency Fund: 30k (maybe too much?!) +* A1JX52 60k +* A2PKXG 180k +* Bonds: 80k (which ETF?!) +* What do you think? + +What do you think? + +But what's your goal? - you may ask. Long term investing is the goal. Achieving FIRE is something I might consider but I would have to save a bigger percentage of my salary, I'm pretty comfortable with the amount I save now. + +Thanks everyone +I just turned 23 years old, and have 52k in Savings. I dont have any debt, have credit in the 700s, and have already been pre approved for a mortgage of up to 215,000$. +Me and my wife did not go to college or anything. We've been working low paying entry level jobs since turning 18, and decided that we would aggressively save for a house. Even after paying all our rent and bills, we threw everything else into savings and continued to live our frugal life. +We are now at this point and I kind of want to buy something that we would both enjoy, but I feel terrible about it.. I'm a gamer and am really interested in buying a PS5 or Xbox Series X in December or January when they become available. +I then start to feel terrible about it because thats 500$ gone and It would take us about 2 weeks to save that amount after bills. +Half of me wants to say live a little, but the other half tells me to stay focused on saving more money towards a house. +How do you guys deal with spending guilt? +Nothing more, nothing less. + +I've watched, re-watched parts and had a think. + +It was fun, it was light hearted, it was Ryan reaching out in the most direct way and giving us the head nod. + +&#x200B; + +We don't expect ground breaking stuff, it would be destructive to everything he built. Its a chess game remember - its about positioning & patience. + +Great interview, gives context to questions and theories without revealing anything major. + +He was clearly tactful with his responses and the questioning and answers were all backwards looking. + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy the man the myth and the legend, saying he dislikes shorts and loves our dark humor while confirming the work we put in here is service to the company. + +&#x200B; + +Tits jacked, DRS ya shit & HODL to the moon with me while we shit post memes against behemoth institutions. + +Oh, and ken lied under oath + DTCC committed securities fraud. + +&#x200B; + +Peace. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Cough... holy shit this kind a blew up, love all you banana stuffers. +We called out weeks ago that hedgies would drop the SandP500, DOW, and NASDAQ and make it correlate directly with GME to shake as many šŸ“„ šŸ¤š off the rocket. + +We also called out that theyā€™d make it trade sideways as long as possible to **bore everyone out of their positions and pump and dump other ā€œmeme stocksā€ or distractions to FOMO into.** + +Buy and HODL, nothing has changed. + +**This was all discussed weeks before, Hedgies are predictable at this point and itā€™s pretty sad to be honest lmao, get fucked Shitadel.** + +Edit: *Also there is three instances of almost vertical VIX spikes this year.* + +January 27th, February 25th, and **TODAY.** + +**ā€Iā€™ve heard this is their last Hail Mary X amount of times...I get it but realize this is MY first time saying this, if GME doesnā€™t hit 200+ AH by 4/26/2021 forever call me ā€œinsecure-settingā€. Peace.** + +[Remind me 4/26 8:00PM](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/94/7b/c1/947bc190cd1b598c0c6d56e2673f7cb4.jpg) + +President Biden's Capital Gains Tax Proposal. Mentioned alllllll the way back July 2019 (credit to u/theblacklabradork) + +[https://taxfoundation.org/joe-biden-tax-proposals/](https://taxfoundation.org/joe-biden-tax-proposals/) + + + +[SHILLS ARE NOT LIKING THIS POST.](https://imgur.com/a/sPvG0Hg) + +[DESPERATE MUCH?](https://imgur.com/a/Xs6CpZ3) + +**This is not financial advise.** + While BTC still can't decide whether or not it wants to truly break 40k, Saturna continues its trajectory, rocking on towards the next moon! + +Last Week, 55k-strong holder Saturna had it's 3rd AMA on the official saturnatoken subreddit. There were a bunch of great questions and the Devs gave some great answers, outlining some exciting plans for the token's future! + +Having been released a mere **\*\*3 weeks\*\*** after appearing on the BSC (where 99% of other tokens still failed to do so), Version 1 of Saturna's NFT Marketplace already proved to be a hit, but over the last few days, the Dev team released a few previews screenshots of the full version of the marketplace, (including a sneak peak of a never before seen Saturna exclusive NFT šŸ“·). Allowing artists to buy and sell NFTs using USDT, BNB or the native $SAT token, things are really looking bright for the future, and this is only the beginning. + + +And if that already wasn't enough bullish news, Saturna now has not one, but **TWO** articles featured on Yahoo Finance (linked in the comments). 2 Yahoo finance articles already is massive, and from the sounds of it, Saturna's media presence is only going to grow! + +We have: + +* Big plans down the line; proposed special NFT use-cases as well as the enigmatic 'Project Luna'. +* A merch store coming to complement the sleek space-chic branding that Saturna has become famous for. +* Reliable Devs that carry the mantra of not over-promising and under-delivering and yet have still delivered on every promise they've made so far. +* A fun, welcoming and engaging community (with frequent contests & giveaways), as well as a diverse team of kind, attentive and knowledgeable moderators. + +To name but a few... + +Check our all recent news on the official Discord or Telegram groups and get involved - what are you waiting for? + + +\--- + + +šŸŖ[Website](https://saturna.co/)šŸŖ + +šŸ“·[Telegram](https://t.me/Saturna_TG)šŸ“· + +šŸ„ž[Buy on PancakeSwap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44)šŸ„ž + +Donā€™t FOMO, 99% of you wonā€™t become life changing rich. The people posting $200k gain porn are the same ones with $80k to YOLO into memes. + +Donā€™t yolo your rent money, or life savings, or any money you canā€™t afford to lose. Everyone gets it, money is money, but there is a massive difference between gambling away pocket money and gambling ā€œlifeā€ money in these stocks. The people posting gain porn are doing the former with $80k, should you be doing the latter? + +There is a massive illusion that if you put your rent money you will be overnight rich, sorry to tell you that simply wonā€™t be the case. Especially if you are new to this. Good luck. +[https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/02/02/2168338/0/en/Atossa-Therapeutics-Phase-2-Endoxifen-Breast-Cancer-Study-Produces-Substantially-Positive-Results-Allowing-Study-to-be-Halted-Early.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/02/02/2168338/0/en/Atossa-Therapeutics-Phase-2-Endoxifen-Breast-Cancer-Study-Produces-Substantially-Positive-Results-Allowing-Study-to-be-Halted-Early.html) + +&#x200B; + +Great news for $ATOS owners, ahead of their conference today. There will likely be dips today before the conference, could be a good time to get in. + +This is not financial advice! I believe in their products. +So have enough $$ for a few 20% down payments on some homes in Jackson County, MO, which seem decent for low income SFH + +What I understand is this: + +3 Bedroom SFH listed at 75K + +20% down for around 18K total + +Mortgage is $450 + +Rent I can charge according to FMR is $1,400 + +Monthly net: $950. + +Lather, rinse, repeat till Iā€™m comfortable enough to give 7-10% of my income to a good property management company. Do it more till I donā€™t have to work at all and buy more properties with just my rental income, and be happy. + +Is it seriously that simple? What am I missing? +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/01/jeff-bezos-would-pay-over-6-billion-a-year-in-taxes-under-warren-plan.html + +To pay for Medicare for All, presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren would double the top rate of her wealth tax to 6% from 3%. + +This would be in addition to other taxes wealthy people already pay. + +If this proposal were adopted, Jeff Bezos would pay more than $6.5 billion in wealth taxes this year alone. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I am having a hard time accepting the adage "shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations" -- or a similar adage where the first generation builds wealth, the second tries to preserve it, and the third squanders it. For discussion purposes, I've sketched out a simple scenario: + +* Assume you inherit four million dollars at age 25 +* That same year, you have two children +* You need $80k/year -- so using the 4% rule, you can live off of half the money (two million dollars). Upon your death, you give away the principle (originally two million) to charity +* The other two million is invested and grows at 5.75% (For simplicity, I am ignoring inflation but we could bump up the CAGR to 8% to account for 2.25% inflation) +* In 25 years, the other two million turns into eight million +* Each child, now 25 years old, can be given four million each +* Rinse & repeat... + +The scenario above shows just how easy it is to keep the intergenerational wealth cycle perpetuating. So I am a bit baffled that we don't have more financially independent people. I also find it hard to believe that someone could become wealthy and intend to pass the wealth on to their kids but would totally drop the ball on educating their kids about the value of fiscal discipline and money management. And I find it especially difficult to understand the lack of intergenerational wealth perpetuation with folks who pass down over 10 million dollars. These folks have the ability to hire financial advisors or a family office for the very purpose of money management and fiscal discipline. + +So what gives -- why is perpetuating intergenerational wealth (seemingly) so difficult? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: + +Thank you all for the comments. This is one of the very few posts where I have literally read all of the replies. Your feedback has been helpful but more importantly, it has allowed me to learn a little more about myself. + +My grandparents and my parents struggled out of moderate poverty and broke into the middle class mostly because of good fiscal habits and frugality. Growing up, good fiscal habits were a constant. My parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family, family friends, etc. all demonstrated them. This was largely because I lived in a 3rd world country and there was no government social safety net and the justice system was a sham and did little to protect you from victimization. Family was the only protection and social safety net so good fiscal discipline was a matter of survival. + +Since I grew up in a frugal household, my journey to FIRE started via frugal websites, blogs, etc. I never liked being frugal (which is probably why I'm following this sub) but the cold factual logic on these blogs evoked a certain familiarity and nostalgia. Add in a little disdain for work and you arrive at FIRE. + +Today, my frugal habits are engrained in my character and are a part of who I am. I never recognized them for what they are and always thought of them as odd quirks. For example, I still cut open my empty toothpaste tubes to get the last few bits. Since everyone I was close to shared good fiscal management habits and were incredibly frugal, I subconsciously assume good fiscal habits are common when they are not. + +My take away from this discussion is a greater appreciation for the fragility of wealth and the importance of having the proper mindset with good fiscal habits. These habits are like air and water -- you don't appreciate their importance until they are not around. Thanks again for all your feedback! +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Just watched "Worth" on Netflix, and it talked about many things, but I was mainly pointed out that they where all sitting in the room with Airline industry execs and talking about if the survivors would have sued the airliners, it would take them 10 years, and cripple the economy. + +Is this true in any sense? Could a couple thousand people suing a couple of airlines cause an economic collapse? Or where there other factors before hand that contributed to it? + +And if the latter is correct, could fear of economic collapse be a contributing factor as to why we rushed into war so quickly? only recently leaving? + +Would love some clarification on this, thanks! +If interest rates are the "price" of money and it's liquidity, shouldn't it be set by the market instead of a central authority? How is the control of interest rates any different from any other form of price control (which I was taught creates inefficiency)? +Hi everyone. After becoming financially independent many years ago and having retirement on the table at any point so to speak, I find myself in what many would consider a cushy c-level exec role at a job I don't really need per-se, overseeing my industry niche for a medium-enterprise brand. I manage a big team and deal with a lot of interesting personalities, talent, vendors, partners, etc. throughout my day to day, but it's all relatively easy and doesn't require much effort at this point since I know the ins and outs of the industry niche extraordinarily well. I have unlimited PTO and actively pursue my hobbies and dreams and spend a lot of time with my family and friends. + +&#x200B; + +I painstakingly worked through the ranks at many different companies through very junior roles, to mid-level management, to director/VP level, and now to the top over a 20 year career starting in my late teens. So it's essentially on autopilot and honestly doesn't even feel much like work since the industry is and has been a personal passion of mine as well. Being that I have decades of relevant industry experience in a continuously growing field, I find myself wanting to continue applying these skills and passion/desire to a company or team and that's why I haven't pulled the ripcord just yet. + +&#x200B; + +However... Almost suddenly it seems (last 6-12 months perhaps?), I am suddenly appalled and almost disgusted by the amount of corporate bullshittery that exists in today's world and corporate environment. It's just mind blowing to me that people are willing to work under these conditions. The push for clueless CEOs to get everyone back into a clunky old office, the constant desire to micromanage and check-in on every single little thing everyone is doing, the endless financial engineering and hacking away to save $0.07 cents per unit sold, numerous blatant HR violations and slandering of employees and staff, the constant talk and actively performing layoffs (while giving others raises at the same time), general mis-management of teams and performance, a lack of understanding and just flat out bad ideas coming from around the table (i.e. investors, partners, other leadership, etc.). I am financially independent from re-investing all my earnings into real estate, investments, bonds, and such; and of course always saving more than I spend so I have no problem up and leaving but it just feels like every company these days has reached peak corporate slavery where the nonstop back to back meetings all day and all week are constant. I don't attend 3/4 of them but watching people become so frustrating over continually attending these force-fed meetings is tough to observe. + + +I am trying to decide which direction to take, whether it's to find a more relaxed company with less exposure to some of these factors (smaller company, perhaps?) but I am not convinced that it's possible; I think every org will have some collection of these negative factors that make working for them disheartening. Maybe taking a step back and going more mom & pop or family ownership is a good direction? Of course the obvious answer is to start my own company; but also requires quite a bit of sweat equity to get involved with something intelligent and to run it in a passionate + profitable way. + + +Has anyone else been feeling these pressures lately? And if so what direction did you take or planning to go? Are you trying to start your own gig on the side and grow it into a self-sustaining business? Tough it out at your current role until "things get better"? Switch roles to another company? +First, for those who donā€™t know me, Iā€™m the guy that comments on 90% of purple ring posts. Iā€™m xxxx all in GME, 100% DRS (I used computer share flair so you can check the bot comment for proof) Iā€™ve been here since January. Iā€™m on here many hours a day every single day. I love encouraging and helping others. šŸ¦šŸ’•šŸ¦ + +Iā€™m going to keep saying this: There is nowhere near 700,000 of us on Superstonk and other GME subs. Most ā€˜accountsā€™ are bots, shills, dead accounts, and multiple accounts. The highest level upvoted posts are under ~65,000 upvotes. So even doubling that only gives you 130,000 apes. Yes, I know there are many lurkers that arenā€™t included in those numbers, but how many do you really think? + +On the subject of number of CS accounts ā€¦ yes, the high score account number being 1.04M means there are 104,000 accounts. However, there are many apes (3-5000 my best estimate) with 2 or more account numbers due to transferring from 2 or more different brokers. So you canā€™t use bot average shares per ape and then also multiply that by the CS high score account numbers. +Also, all too often I see posts using ~33M as the float, but Iā€™m convinced that is wishful thinking. Existing shares ~75M minus insider shares (if even all of those can truly be deducted) of ~16M = 59M shares that probably need to be DRSā€™d. So even IF you say there are 200,000 apes, the average number of shares per ape would need to be 295 to lock the 59M. Obviously that would take a much longer time to accomplish. (Alternatively, 300,000 would require 197 average. Current scraper bot average is 143) + +This is not FUD. Itā€™s meant to be purely motivational and encouraging. + +My main point is that locking the float in CS is going to take every one of us DRSing very close to 100%. There are only 2 things that could change this: +1) The word about DRS needs to be spread to the masses outside of Reddit in a big way. (Social media, word of mouth, website, +banners, billboards, whatever) +2) Enough apes with other investments would need to convert those to GME. If you truly believe in GME, why the heck wouldnā€™t you? + +Please donā€™t give the hedgies ā€œone more dayā€ !! Please donā€™t be a bystander. EVERY share matters. Everyone knows the system and the world needs changed. Be that change. Ignite the rocket. šŸ§ØšŸš€šŸ§ØšŸš€šŸ§ØšŸš€ šŸ¦šŸ’•šŸ¦šŸ’•šŸ¦ + +Edit: Many donā€™t seem to understand this: Even if you donā€™t post for the bot, you are counted! You have a CS account number, so you were included in the 104,000 CS accounts. The ape u/jonpro03 (God bless him) at computershared.net then takes the number of CS accounts and multiplies it by the average per ape that did in fact post. 104,000 x 144 = ~15M shares in CS. In other words, he attributes 144 share average to you. +Plan to get into multi-family investing and house hacking within the next year or two. Is it worth getting a real estate license to keep up with the market and represent myself in my deals? Iā€™m wondering if the money I save in commission fees would outweigh the fees of continuing education and broker fees every year. Also would ideally be an agent for people in my circle if desired. Does anyone else do that? Any advice or insight is welcome. Thanks! +https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/money/how-manage-money-single-parent-london-monthly-income-814060/amp + +No pay wall. + +Thought this might be interesting: the Take Home Salary is just over Ā£25K with a 5% Workplace Pension Contribution: at the headline, I thought it might be finally time to see what a more realistic income/living costs article would be like. + +How wrong I was. + +>Mortgage:Ā Ā£270,Ā Council tax:Ā Ā£69,Ā Utilities:Ā Ā£89,Ā Broadband/landline:Ā Ā£74,Ā Mobile phone:Ā Ā£30,Ā Contents / other insurance:Ā Ā£33,Ā Water:Ā Ā£44,Ā Groceries:Ā Ā£380,Ā Car tax:Ā Ā£58,Ā Petrol:Ā Ā£40,Ā Gifts:Ā Ā£40,Ā Streaming services:Ā zero,Ā Clothing:Ā Ā£60,Ā Contribution to sonā€™s universityĀ accommodation:Ā Ā£200 + +Thoughts? +In general, is she out of her tree? + +- slightly misleading article: yes, it does show living in London on 1400pcm: but in order to do that, you needed to be born 50 years ago, by a fixer-upper flat you could flip to then afford a (now) Ā£900K 4bed Edwardian house while supported by a husband (who provided an unstated income) and benefitting from the easier lending of the time. You can then divorce said husband, and stay in same house with the majority paid off. +Simples. *meerkat noise* + +- It's oh so simple to live in London, you don't even need to pay for your transport. Just get a 4 bed house using the above process within walking distance of your workplace. + +- it is very hard for her to see people struggling due to a lack of social housings, says a lady who lives on her own in a 4 bed whole her son is at uni. + +- she has no idea how she will afford to live on her pension, even though Ā£200 of costs will not be going to uni costs. I don't know why she doesn't get a lodger or 3 to pay off the mortgage while she is working, then she can either enjoy her retirement with the mortgage paid off from the Ā£1000/PCM minus costs she'd be likely be to command from that. + +These articles are fucking shit. +So my question is now that US has announced $1200 checks for households to stimulate spending, what if the people getting these checks save this money (or stash it if long/short term interest rates go negative) instead of spending and helping the economy revive ? Will this worsen the situation? +Hi there + +I am a bit embarrassed to ask this.. + +I am totally new to FatFIRE. + +I am a self made entrepreneur. I am 42 and I have a NW of 4.8 million. I have no kids and I am single. + +Some day I will also inherit money, although I try to never think about that and I don't care if my parents leave me anything.. + +..but its likely I probably will never have to work again if I don't want to. + +I have no loans and I own my condo. But I also do not have a solid income as I am trying to grow my new business. But I am quite sure it will make multiple six figures this year. + +I made most of my money selling my last business. + +I am def no financial genius and I have my money invested into stock and (soon) real estate.. but my strong point is starting things that make money .. not really using money to make money. + +&#x200B; + +I don't like many luxury items.. but I have found this car I am completely in love with. + +Its 300 grand, and its over sticker because of the demand for cars right now. + +Its just truly a work of art. + +&#x200B; + +I realize a car is just a material item, but I've had Porsches in the past and the feeling they provide just seems to have good emotional return on investment :) as they put a smile on your face every time. + +Just wondering -- is 300k on a car a bit too much? I guess it really comes down to many factors. +There's this [article](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2019/07/5-myths-about-global-poverty) from currentaffairs.org which is claiming that: + +\> B*ut when we look at absolute numbers, the news gets worse. Remember when Arthur Brooks touted free markets for lifting ā€œover 2 billion peopleā€ out of poverty? Well, under the $7.40/day threshold, it turns out that nearly 1 billion have been added to the ranks of the global poor since 1981. Let that sink in for a minute. There are 1 billion additional people living in conditions of extreme poverty today compared to 40 years ago. That is no cause for celebration. It is a tragedy.*Ā  + +There's a lot more claims like these in it. It also supposedly """"debunks"""" the global poverty graph, saying that in reality more people have been thrown into poverty. It's main claim is that global poverty has actually been the same or has been INCREASING since 1981. Is this true? Has this article been refuted? +That is it, my beautiful apes. When the price starts to spike up, I can already see a flood of screenshots from every source of stocks like *"$GME at $1000 and I'm not selling!", "$GME at tree fidi and hedgies r fuk", "Watching the ticker in my hot tub at 10 milli and still HODLing"*. Believe me, every active member of the GME subs will be staring at the screen 24/7 when the rocket takes off, so PLEASE don't bury important wrinkled brained posts with useless information. + +&#x200B; + +I love you apes. We all want the tendies, that's one of the main reasons we are here and we are really close. Just remember, a lot of people will suffer from the collateral damage, so please, DON'T FUCKING DANCE. + +&#x200B; + +See you on the moon! +My mum was orphaned from her family and grew up from institution to institution. She was homeless, in prison, and eventually died when I was 16 due to her alcoholism. + +My dad divorced from his first (and only) marriage, and had an unplanned pregnancy resulting in me sometime after with my mum. He was also an alcoholic and he wasnā€™t very present in my life. + +While I grew up mostly with my dad, I canā€™t say that he ever *raised* me. He worked constantly to try and make ends meet. Out by 5am, home by 8pm where heā€™d do maintenance on the car so that it would get him to work again the next morning. He was a grinder and did everything he could to put food on the table and a roof over my head. And Iā€™m grateful for that... but itā€™s just that I needed more than just a provider. I needed a mentor too. + +I eventually left when I was 16 and have gone through life largely alone until now. + +And Iv made some very life altering mistakes in my 20ā€™s due to a lack of people in my life to help me watch out for those pitfalls. And at 32, Iā€™m still paying for them now. Iv blown opportunities, chosen the wrong decisions, and just genuinely made a mess of things. + +Itā€™s only been in the last few years that Iv started making progress. I fell homeless for the 2nd time in 10 years in September 2017, and for me, that was the last straw. It was then that I vowed to change. + +But it all feels like too little too late. I have some savings now, and Iā€™m about to graduate from the degree thatā€™s taken me 8 years to accomplish. But thatā€™s it. + +I feel discouraged when I see others at my age and younger boasting out their hundreds of thousands of dollars in net-worth, getting these massive inheritances, and just genuinely kicking ass in life. They made all the right moves early on with a bunch of support in their corners - and Iā€™m genuinely glad for them. + +But it just kinda stings when I reflect on the lack of support in mine, and the subsequent beatings iv taken because of it. This is not to say that Iā€™m blaming my short comings on other people. In the end, I know that itā€™s all up to me and that Iā€™m accountable. I guess itā€™s just hard at the same time to not also focus on some of the basic fundamentals that I missed along the way. + +I just genuinely donā€™t know how to excel, the steps that I need to take, or the plans I need to put in place. Iā€™m scared of making more mistakes, and I donā€™t have the smarts to know exactly how to form my plans for the future. + +All I know is, I want to be successful financially and I want to contribute to those around me. + +But I donā€™t know where to start, or how to go about it. Iv reached out for help plenty of times - asking for mentoring, even through just one or two email dialogues per month, but most of those people never replied or wanted to help. + +So itā€™s just me. And I guess Iā€™m asking for a little advice.. + +Thanks a lot. + +EDIT: +Since someone asked me to share my direct circumstances, here they are: + +I moved to China to teach English in 2018. +While there, it took me about 9 months to get out of debt and put money into savings. + +Before the Coronavirus hit, I managed to save about 25k USD, and used some of that to purchase camera and film equipment because I like cinematography and photography. + +I havenā€™t worked since the coronavirus hit, and have been living in Mexico for 6 months. Iā€™m here because my fiancĆ© is from Mexico and we can stay with her parents. And also because itā€™s a good place to lay low and spend as little as possible. + +Since then, I havenā€™t touched any of my savings, and just living off a little of the wage I was earning still from China teaching my classes online. Itā€™s not a lot, but itā€™s enough to stretch out extra thin here. However, I no longer have that job and am not earning any wage from that school. Now Iā€™m scratching my head on what to do for an income. + +In China, I was making about 3k USD per month, and saving about 50-75% of that depending on expenses. + +I plan to go back as soon as the boarders open again, and am considering to do a Masters in Education in February next year. + +My goal is to use my degree that I will get this December (itā€™s a degree in ministry and theology) as a qualification to continue as an English teacher in Asia where the salary is high compared to the cost of living. + +Iā€™ll most likely keep doing that, and saving, while I do my masters in education part time and online in the evenings. + +So until then, I have about 20k USD in savings, and am waiting to return to work when the boarders lift. +I currently rent solo and I've been in a wonderful relationship for 1 year and we intend to marry in a few years (providing relationship continues to blossom). He currently does not live with me but we spend about 4 nights a week together. We met in high school btw. + +I'm aiming to buy a house in the coming months and the plan is that my partner will move in with me a few months after I settle into the home (and pay xzy 'rent') to me each week. He has nothing to do with my house deposit savings so I'm applying for homes in my name (If we had if been together for longer and rented together prior we may have purchased together but it's just a bit too soon for such a big financial commitment). + +My colleague today stated that if he lives with me for a minimum of six months & we break up then he can have some sort of rights over the house. How do I navigate this? See a lawyer prior to buying? + +Also, he's very open to joining my house contract in a few years if we are still going strong. Is that an option? + +Your help is much appreciated :) +Just finished up the Intelligent Investor, as someone new to finance it took longer than normal because I would stop a lot to watch or read some supplemental material to help build a better base for myself. + +My questions is now what do I read? I get what Graham and Gweig were talking about in principle with making intelligent investments but how do I get started with finding companies/corporations that would qualify as a value investments? + +I've seen strategies like looking into companies that just hit their 52-week lows or just had a run of bad news or even that were severely impacted by the pandemic but that can be a lot and I don't have hours a day to research and breakdown all of these companies financial records. + +Really just asking what do I do next? +Degenerates on Binance with up to 150x leverage (borrowing Tethers to buy crypto) have been building up their margin account balances to big numbers, and when they make money, they double down, and build even bigger positions. Because they're degenerates. + +But when the price dips below a certain point, some degenerates who have these margin accounts are suddenly below their maintenance limits, and they get liquidated. When they get liquidated, Binance will sell your crypto for Tether, and you are left with little to nothing. + +So what happened? Crypto got sold, and Tether got bought. Because Crypto got sold, the price drops, which triggers more accounts, who thought they were safe, to dip below their margin maintenance requirements. + +This creates a feedback cycle which basically ends in the liquidation of all the margin accounts. It all ends in a very fast, cascading crash like we just saw. + +The bad news is the price is lower, but there's a silver lining. The good news is the market is in a healthier position after this. Most of the unsustainable degenerate margin accounts are probably gone. If we go up to $60k in the next week, it's not because of borrowing (as much). Going forward, at least for the near term, another event like this is not very likely. + +The price we see right now could be thought of as being closer to the "real" price which we would have had without the degenerates. + +TLDR: Fuck Binance + +And fuck the rest of the exchanges with 150x leverage bullshit + +EDIT: Some people wanted more evidence to support this theory, so I suggest you look at the price differences between the exchanges (Binance vs. Coinbase, for instance) during the crash. You'll notice the exchange with leverage was significantly lower in price, which suggests bots were arbitraging Coinbase down to match it. Additionally, note the Tether price during the crash, which went up to $1.05. + +&#x200B; +I make pretty good money, so I like to be generous and help out friends and family when I can. But obviously I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable or come across as me just showing off how much money I have. + +I have a younger sister who had a baby a few months ago, but I live in a different state so I can't be there to babysit and help support them the way I would like to. Would it be weird to offer to pay for a babysitter/nanny occasionally so that she and her husband can have a date night? Or spend a few hundred dollars on a doordash gift card for them? + +This is a pretty specific example but I would love to hear about any experiences you've had helping out friends and family financially, or if you just generally avoid it. +My dad worked for a semi-conductor company in the 90's and collected about $25,000 in shares. He stashed them and forgot about it until recently. They're currently worth approximately $1,150,000. + +We were obviously super pleased to have that stroke of luck, but I am anxious at how poorly diversified their portfolio now is. The value of their shares fluctuates tens of thousands of dollars day to day. (Edit: I understated how volitile it's been. The stock is KLAC.) + +Does anyone have any advice on how to sell the shares and then reinvest? The capital gains tax will be astronomical. Do we need to just bite the bullet and sell all of it immediately? Is it better to spread that out over a few years? Will this affect their taxes on their standard income? + +After it's sold, what sort of things should they be invested in if they plan to retire in the next 5 years or so? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I had a big shock earlier; I checked my student loan balance for the first time in years and I've only reduced the debt by Ā£100 in 7 years even though I've been paying at least Ā£100 a month for the last 5 years and Ā£150 a month for the last year. + +I know the debt gets written off after 30 years and it's more of a graduate tax etc, but it's still really depressing knowing that after 7 years I've hardly touched the debt because of the interest. It seems cruel that SLC have 4.5% interest rate when interest has been at rock bottom for years. + +The biggest kick in the teeth is, yes I wouldn't be able to do my job without a degree, but I earn considerably less than all of my friends who did not go to uni. + +Does anyone have a time machine? I'd do lots of things differently! + +Edit: Wow, I didnā€™t expect this to blow up like it has: thanks for the award. Too many of us are feeling let down by the system. +https://twitter.com/reutersbiz/status/978281316516024320?s=21 + +https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/26/ftc-confirms-facebook-data-breach-investigation.html + +> "The FTC takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the privacy practices of Facebook. Today, the FTC is confirming that it has an open non-public investigation into these practices," the agency said in a statement. + +> The FTC declined to confirm last week that it was investigating Facebook and whether it violated a consent decree the tech company signed with the agency in 2011. + +> The consent decree required that Facebook notify users and receive explicit permission before sharing personal data beyond their specified privacy settings. + +> A violation of the consent decree could carry a penalty of $40,000 per violation. + + +In my opinion the EU and especially Germany (electricity prices are the highest in the world for consumers) are in for a rude awakening for the need of some form of energy production/storage system to cover their base load. +Batteries are not suitable for this task and other forms are highly geographically dependent (Hydropower in Norway for example). +This leaves natural gas and nuclear power on the table. +Green Parties in the north of Europe seem to find a new liking to nuclear power and i think others will follow. +So my question is, what are the best ways to participate in a possible increase in the usage of nuclear power in your opinion? +šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ + + +$Bonfire token is lit, itā€™s going to the moon and nobody us! +It's a community-owned token. Rug-pull proof +(ownership-renounced, liquidity burned). + +It has hit up to $66M in just 4 days +Only three days old, the community has responded in +turn already paying for a PooCoin ad and are currently +looking at getting a billboard in Times Square. + +Seriously, they got a quote for $5k already. +Dedicated wallet with donations that have already +reached $10k, donated by the community within 12 +hours! + +It's still super early, and has potential to go up to +$100M market cap by TOMORROW. + +Most big whales have already dumped, and now we are more community based and PUMPING! + +I got my bag. Will you? + +Sitting by the comfy bonfire ;) + +Website - www.bonfiretoken.co/ + +Telegram - t.me/BonfireTG + +PancakeSwap-https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed +08a64ab5590 + +Chart - https://poocoin.app/tokens/ +0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590 + +Our own subreddit - r/BonfireToken + +Twitter - https://twitter.com/token_bonfire + +BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/token/ +0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590 +Add comment +https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-announces-401k-limit-increases-to-20500 + +Previously the limit was $19,500. IRA contributions remain the same at $6,000. + +Edit: Annoyingly if you get paid every other week it goes from a flat $750 to $788.461538. Super annoyingly if your 401k plan only allows elections by percentage and not by dollar amount. +LunaDoge is a fork of MoonRat and SafeMoon. Both projects have been audited by CertiK, assuring users that there is no backdoor in the code for the team to scam its investors. $LOGE is currently in itā€™s infancy and is only available on PancakeSwapšŸ„ž. + +Devs just did a suprise 35tril burn already, we have another 35tril burn coming as well. 189BNB buy back Monday/Tuesday (no specific time given to void whale manipulation). Now is the time to get in. + +Website: + +[https://lunadoge.finance/](https://lunadoge.finance/) + +Why does this token have Moon potential? + +āœ… Buyback and Token Burn + +Ā· Recent DAO proposal approved by holders + +Ā· 50% of liquidity pool will be unlocked May 28th + +Ā· Half of this will be locked again for 3 months + +Ā· Half of this will be used to BUY BACK LOGE tokens + + +āœ… Hold and Earn + +Ā· Every transaction incurs a 10% fee: + +Ā· 5% distributed to hodlers + +Ā· 5% permanently added to LP (currently $350k) + + +āœ… Liquidity Locked + +Ā· Team tokens (24% of total supply) locked using third party provider DXSALE + +Ā· 15% for 6 months, 5% for 3 months; 4.7% for 14 days which will be re-locked again + + +āœ… Bi-weekly Token Burn + +Ā· Every second week the team will burn 1% of total $LOGE supply from their own tokens Ā· This coincides with team token re-locks. + + +āœ… DAO Voting + +Ā· Project is community driven + +Ā· Proposals made by and voted on by holders + + +āœ… Whatā€™s in the Pipeline? + +Ā· CMC listing + +Ā· Cross-chain integration + +Ā· Token farming + +Ā· Partnership rollout + +Ā· Community growth + +Take the plunge and join the LunaDoge community today! Or wait until after the buyback and burn and finally have an anxiety free investment where you only need to worry about marketing execution and helping in building the brand. + +Iā€™ll see you on the moon good sirs! šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ + +ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”Additional Infoā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” + +šŸ“±Contract: 0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753 + +šŸ“ˆPoo Chart:: poocoin.app/tokens/0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753 + +šŸ„žPancakeSwap: (11-13% slippage might be necessary) [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753) + +šŸ”“LP locked: [https://bscscan.com/tx/0x3888dc9bfe1e0976d019480c58583bafdd7a2a7e551c487732042491f218bd7f](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x3888dc9bfe1e0976d019480c58583bafdd7a2a7e551c487732042491f218bd7f) + +šŸ”“Team tokens locked - [https://bscscan.com/token/0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753?a=0x2d045410f002a95efcee67759a92518fa3fce677](https://bscscan.com/token/0xb99172949554e6c10c28c880ec0306d2a9d5c753?a=0x2d045410f002a95efcee67759a92518fa3fce677) + +šŸ”“Ownership renounced: [https://bscscan.com/tx/0xf54e7d14f2d431ad4e24afdb459ff13f7530bb8d8e84dd672843a705c1f02e5e](https://bscscan.com/tx/0xf54e7d14f2d431ad4e24afdb459ff13f7530bb8d8e84dd672843a705c1f02e5e) +I'm 17, and I live with my mom. She's very abusive, sadistic, and narcissistic. She recently just made me start paying rent and stopped providing for me. She says that I'm "almost an adult" anyways. I literally just turned 17 last month... Anywho, she wants me to take all of my hard earned money out of my savings account and give it to her. She said that since I live in her house, she can legally take my money if she wants to. I have a student bank account, so she has access to all of my information. I can't open a bank account on my own since I'm under 18. I have saved $860 since I started working in June. I don't want to send her all of my savings. I need to find a way to hide the money somehow. Can I just send it to my PayPal account or something? +He everyone thanks for popping it. I want to start by saying Iā€™m a new trader only been trading for about a year, started trading cause I got fired from my job over COVID and thought I had a nack for this and was doing well. Had a 10k account and got that up to 140k In December going into Jan but I then pretty much lost all that in the first couple months of this year due to reinvesting that money. I know I should have put some money aside and better managed it but it all came so fast and I had never had that much money in my life. It was like a movie. Iā€™ll be honest I felt like I couldnā€™t lose so I kept reinvesting my winnings and I was wrong and now I have a bigger problem. + +Like the title says I owe $15k to the irs after throwing my tax info into turbotax, I got the home and business edition not sure if this was needed or not or if I could have gone with a cheaper option. + +Iā€™ve done a little research on TTS(trader tax status) but itā€™s still confusing to me and not sure if Iā€™d meet the criteria. My trading only ramped up after Aug 2020 but I still had less than $25k in my account until mid Nov. + +TLDR; pretty much what I want from yā€™all is some advice or maybe tips/tricks if itā€™s possible for me to lower how much I owe to the IRS. Is there maybe something in turbo tax Iā€™m doing wrong? Or maybe I have to manually file some forms or just something Iā€™m missing?. Any friendly advice will help. I know itā€™s pretty late in the tax season and Iā€™m already planning on getting an extension. I donā€™t expect there is much to be done at this point and that I will probably have to get a payment plan to pay this off but I wanted to make sure and see if the community had any advice. + +Thanks in advance guys + +Edit: thanks for all the replies everyone. Based on what most everyone said I will most likely be going to a tax pro, I was a lil hesitant at first because I wasnā€™t sure if it would be a waste of money to go to them and have them tell me that thereā€™s nothing else to be done but Iā€™ve decided it will be worth it even just for ease of mind. + +On that note does anyone have suggestions on where to look for tax professionals? Iā€™ve heard that I should look for a tax pro that is familiar and handles day traders taxes specifically. How have your experiences been? I also live in the Chicago land area so if anyone knows a good cpa or tax pro in that area that they can recommend Iā€™d greatly appreciate it. +As I understand, the interest on EMI is tax-free, so instead of 9% annual interest, I would effectively pay 6%. But isn't be wiser just to pay off so I can save this 6%, without worrying to invest the loan amount to beat this returns elsewhere? For instance, FD might fetch me 8% but post tax it is much lower. Mutual funds carry enormous risk and I already have a balanced portfolio. Thank you. +TLDR: Consistently executing a strategy works; goalposts move; freedom is awesome. + +I recently got a notification that I've been a Redditor for 4 yrs, so I decided to take a walk down memory lane by looking at past posts with an eye on how our NW and perspective shifted over time. + +Four years ago, we had a NW of $5M and a liquid NW of $3.8M. We were making $650k combined and spending $260k. Additionally, we were working for companies that had liquid public equity that gave us $500k / yr. Clearly we were spending quite a bit, but we were also saving a lot. + +Today, we have a NW of $12M and a liquid NW of $7.5M. That savings / investing from the high-income and investment gains resulted in a 100% increase in liquid NW. On the illiquid side, most of it is home appreciation which has been insane. Additionally, we have three private company investments with completely unknown value and liquidity timing. I put them in the NW calculation at my buy-in price with no upside, but the underlying companies all continue to grow nicely. + +The overall growth was pretty consistent and a result of contributions and investment returns. + +* 2018 - NW $5.3M +* 2019 - NW $6.9M +* 2020 - NW $8.4M +* 2021 - NW \~$10M +* 2022 - NW $12M + +On the income and expenses side, little has changed. We continue to work and are basically pulling in the same cash as we were 4 yrs ago, but no equity payouts. Our expenses are actually down a fair bit. We refinanced our house, so that cut our payment and shortened our mortgage. Our kids are also out of preschool, so that significant expense disappeared. I estimate we're spending at least 10% less, but we don't track it very closely. + +When you put this all together, we are well past FI, but not too much has changed. We're spending $240k / yr on a $7.5M liquid portfolio (3.2% WR). Despite that, we continue to both work, and plan on doing so for the next several years. About a year ago, I exercised the right to step away from a job that wasn't going the way I wanted even though I didn't have anything lined up. That's something I would never have done without the financial cushion. We're also evaluating shifting the goalposts with our never-ending search for a vacation home. + +Either way, looking back, we've benefitted from being diligent in sticking with a 25%+ savings / investing rate for over 20 years. We never planned on the NW we achieved, but we just kept doing the right things in our careers and our investments to put us into fatFIRE territory. Astonishingly, if we just stay on our current path, I wouldn't be surprised if we hit $25M and beyond. +* Navi had filed for a large number of ETFs based on US indices +* The one for US total market has been approved and the NFO begins on Feb 4 +* Navi has clearly mentioned that this would be a feeder fund to VTI - Vanguard Total Market Indiex +* SEBI's regulation says that the ER of the feeder fund can't be 2x of the base fund +* Depending on the configuration VTI has an ER as low as 0.03 +* This would be a super, super simple and efficient way to invest in US markets +* VTI has been around for decades and are very good in keeping tracking error low +* I stay away from NFOs, but for this NFO I would be in the line! + +Edit: Adding a source article (this also gives out the planned ER) + +[https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/mf-news/navi-mutual-fund-launches-us-total-stock-market-fof/articleshow/89152384.cms](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/mf-news/navi-mutual-fund-launches-us-total-stock-market-fof/articleshow/89152384.cms) +Opinions are my own, do your own DD. + +QYOU is a media company with an international presence + +With the upcoming earnings report, I believe that this is the perfect time to dip into QYOU. + +The catalysts are set up perfectly and with the insane team managing them, this is going to the moon. + +&#x200B; + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/correction-source-qyou-media-inc-155500920.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/correction-source-qyou-media-inc-155500920.html) + +They recently closed a deal that will be hugely beneficial and sets up the company for a great start for 2021. + +&#x200B; + +[https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/iiroc-trade-resumption-hhs-170100325.html](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/iiroc-trade-resumption-hhs-170100325.html) + +Their India branch recently hit record numbers showing that growth in that sector is about to explode. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?issuerNo=00010753&lang=EN](https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?issuerNo=00010753&lang=EN) + +&#x200B; + +Here is a link to their Sedar filings. If you are interested. + +&#x200B; + +QYOU is on the cusp of breaking out, and in my professional retarded opinion I think now is a good time to go in. The catalysts are in place and we on the way to the moon. +Jack Nathan Health (JNH) + +Tickers: JNH and JNHMF + +Stock Price: $0.71 (2021-03-31) + +Shares outstanding: 81M + +Market cap: 57M + +Cash: $6M + +Debt: None + +JNH is a micro-cap healthcare company that operates primary care medical and allied health clinics in Walmart stores under the banner Jack Nathan Health. Walmart is the highest traffic retailer in the World. Daily global foot traffic in all Walmart stores averages at 37M people. This enables JNH to quickly capture patients at a very low cost as Walmart only charges a nominal fee to JNH to access its locations and website. In return, JNH patients bring more foot traffic in Walmart and their baskets are on average 50% bigger. It's a win win relationship. JNH patients can shop while waiting and have access to quick referral between services offered in JNH clinics. For example, conditions such as fasting permitting, a patient can have a blood test done right after seeing his doctor. + +The locations are state of the art and look amazing compared to most competitors. + +JNH just went public in October 2020. That being said, JNH has been operating since 2006. Over the last 15 years, JNH has built a strategic partnership with Walmart in Canada and Mexico. JNH has successfully scaled up to 88 health clinics in Walmart locations by using a low revenue-licensing model. + +There are 76 operational clinics in Canada and 12 operational clinics in Mexico. Each location under a license based model bring in between $40k and $50k. + +JNH is now maturing into a high revenue practice model and can be expected to get between 20x and 40x revenues. JNH has expressed a conservative average target of between $1 and $2M in revenues per Canadian location. We believe that this target is very conservative. A high performing clinic can bring in much more. + +More precisely, JNH management are targeting revenues of between $500 and $1000 per sq feet for their current 76 clinics in Canada and future ones too! For example, Vaughan, the biggest location at roughly 8200 sq feet, could be expected to bring in $6.4M per year. Quite the jump compared to previous $50K license revenue JNH got from most locations under a licensing model. + +JNH has confirmed that some of the clinics owned by their licensees are already producing 1000$ per square feet and JNH intends to acquire them all. + +Based on the conservative target expressed above, we believe that JNH can reasonably ramp its sub 4M annual top line to 150M with the current number of clinics and other services offered. After scaling up the number of clinics with Walmart's approval and letting doctors bear the initial risk of starting practices, JNH is now ready to take over and hog the revenue of those clinics. + +Furthermore by taking over the practice management under the supervision of Dr Glenn Copeland, JNH will now be able to ensure quality control of all services. Let's just say that hiring and managing a practice can be challenging for those lacking business flair such as doctors. + +JNH publically reported financial Results for the first time on December 30, 2020. For the Q3 2020 financial Results ending October 31, 2020, JNH reported $3.1M for a 9-month period with a loss of $7.6M. That loss was caused by a one-time $7.9M non-cash listing expense. JNH would have been reporting positive net income if not for that one time expense. Most of that loss is attributable to share options given to a close group of advisers that provided and still continue to provide strategic support to jnh management. Investors would be wise to note that JNH has always been profitable since 2006 except for that one time due to the listing. This first report is not indicative of JNH corporate based model. + +JNH management have confirmed that, based on the publically available information only, the annual revenue run rate has already doubled. We think this is too conservatived and that both top and bottom line have and should expand even further. Signs of a great management, underpromise and over deliver. + +Since going public, JNH has made quite a few acquisitions with the cash raised from the listing and the warrants. + +On January 11th, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of Writi, a cloud based medication-management software platform. At that time, Writi was used by over 800 frontline healthcare workers and in 15 long-term care home. Writi has a stable and growing SaaS revenue of 300K since it creation in 2019. JNH has expressed its intent to use Writi to accelerate its tech offering. Also, with the Writi acquisition, JNH has taken its first step in a new market that direly needs services, long term care homes. + +JNH has been offering telehealth for a while and it is safe to assume that they will continue to expand in that sector. It is a fantastic opportunity for JNH to have access to Walmart's website to deliver Telehealth. Walmart has been putting a lot of cash to better its online services and JNH can benefit from this growth in online traffic. JNH management have also been vocal about developing their services based on an model similar to Apple where they vertically capture all the services by having a comprehensive tech ecosystem. + +JNH currently serves 2M patient on an annual basis and is laser focused in capturing more patients by opening more clinics. Compared to its peers, JNH is not making acquisitions of practices to capture more patients. JNH already has captured those patients. JNH is making acquisitions to ramp its top and bottom line. This is a major difference from its peers. + +On February 18, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of Redeem Medispa. Medispa offers a complete range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments for conditions such as Botox, migraines, laser therapy, anti-aging, face and body skin tightening, PRP therapies, hair loss and joint pain. + +The timing of this acquisition could not have been better with the huge increase in people working from home on sofas and using Zoom. Some articles from reputable medias are highlighting an increase of 60% for facial surgeries, they called it the ā€œZoom Boomā€. Also, with the covid pandemic, patient have postponed their massages and other healthcare services thus there is a significant pent up demand. + +Currently the two Redeem practices bring in a top line of 500K with 25% margins. JNH has confirmed its intent to roll out the Redeem practices in all possible locations. JNH management demonstrated their ability to make yet another intelligent acquisition at a great price, $535K up front and an earning-out of $200K for the opening of first eight new clinics ($25K per opening). It is also important to note that the revenues are immediately captured by JNH and that further rollouts can be done very quickly. + +On March 9th, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of 4 primary care medical practices for a purchase price of $560K in cash and 840K shares. Those 4 practices located in prime locations in Ontario currently have a total annual revenue of $2.8M with a adjusted EBITDA of 7%. JNH practice management expertise under the World renowned Dr. Glenn Copeland should expand that margin. + +On March 22nd, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of the primary care medical practice located in its flagship location of Vaughan. While the purchase price was not disclose, we can safely assume that it was favorable for JNH based on their excellent track record. The practice currently has revenues of $500K for first 20 months of operations with significant revenue growth and earnings potential moving forward. + +There are also many other growth opportunities available for JNH. JNH with the help of its strategic partnership with Walmart can expand its on-site and online services in new markets all around the world. During the last Webinar, JNH management have confirmed currently being in brisk conversation with Walmart to expand their reach in 4 new national markets. Rumors have been flying around for a while about JNH entering the China, USA, UK and Latin American markets. On the later, it is good to note that Walmart Mexico is in fact Walmart Mexico and Latin America! + +On November 19th, 2020, JNH has announced to be expanding in 50 additional locations in Mexico. + +Furthermore, JNH has also recently announced during its webinar working to increase the number of locations in Canada. The usually media shy CEO of Walmart Canada, also recently stated to the press that he wants more clinics in the province of Quebec. + +It is also important to note that, there are two substantial underappreciated revenue growth factors available to JNH. First, the direct hiring of doctors and allied health professionals. JNH has been very active by recruiting doctors, chiropractors, kinesiologists, massage therapists, physiologists on the various job websites. That should represents a very nice surprise on the top line. JNH signs long term agreements and offers doctor a split revenue arrangement which should prove very attractive considering that peers such as Apple tree do not. The model is very simple and well though of. The operational costs are controlled. Once securing doctor, JNH can build other services around the primary care clinic. These other services which represent most of the footprint, have much bigger margins, as much as 25%. + +Second, it is well known in the sector that a doctor that does not manage his practice can see as much as twice the number of patient thus any managing doctors brought into the JNH family via an acquisition should bring in more revenue. + +JNH had also a partnership with Dynacare, a reputable lab company that pays JNH licensing fees to locate in JNH clinics. Dynacare started to offer serum covid 19 testing. Also important to note that one needs a referral from a doctor to get those tests. JNH has the doctors. Client capture! + +Management have also shown to be very capable by taking a page out of the book of the Big Boys i.e. Apple, Walmart, Disney by offering a bundle of services based on a monthly fee. Shout out to Scott Galloway and his term ā€œRundleā€. This is a proven method to ramp up the top line and secure recurring revenues. The human being is simply incapable of having a full grasp on the element of time. Too many have spent tons of money of monthly membership without fully taking advantage of the service. Like gym membership for myself. + +The share price of JNH went up to $2.72 during the telehealth rage back in November 2020. The share price is now sitting at rock bottom valuation due to the acceleration of the expiry of warrants issued for 75 cents and the general pessimist pullback on healthcare stocks due to the covid19 vaccine rollout. + +Insiders currently own 55% of the fully diluted float and have been buying massively on the open market. These same insiders have confirmed being under voluntary share lockup. JNH management have also confirmed that the fully diluted tradeable float is around 20-25%, 16M-20M shares. JNH has confirmed that a small group of early stage investors that is close to founders are holding 20-25% of the fully diluted shares. As the saying goes, show me the incentive and I will tell you the outcome. Management do want share price to appreciate! + +Shares of JNH are available on the TSX venture and the OTCQB market. JNH has confirmed working on DTC elegibility which should help US based MM buy shares. + +JNH has currently 6M cash on hand and doesn't need to raise additional money to fuel future growth. JNH management have shown to be excellent at acquiring great practices at great prices. JNH has expressed a strong commitment to not dilute shareholders and will explore bank arrangement and other possibilities. However, JNH has huge ambition and growth plans, should the smart move be to raise more cash, management will consider every option for the benefit of its shareholders. The CEO stated that every dollar spent produces upwards of 10. + +What is in store for the future? + +JHN management have express strong bullish sentiment in their company and confirmed that we can expect robust M&A, significant technology rollout as well as a very significant uptick in revenues month over month and by the end of the year with a massive increase in patient engagement. + +The future looks bright for JNH. With the help of Walmart it is currently building a strong position and is a becoming a leader in the healthcare sector. It might even help solve the issues plaguing healthcare: costs and inefficiencies. + +Last thoughts + +With the aging of the population, JNH as the wind in its back. Spending in healthcare will represents a significant portion of GDP in the future, as much as 20% of the US GDP in 2028. Healthcare is one of 3 sectors that have true inflation in prices. Healthcare is one of my favorite sector as it is very defensive and just ripe for being disrupted. The runway is huge and the path is clear. + +These are early days for JNH. They are laser focused on growing as fast as possible. JNH has confirmed that we can expect many additional acquisitions. If JNH management hits their targets, the company could well see its top line grow from $4M to $150M without factoring the surprise factors mentioned above, further clinic expansions, tech rollout and new markets. + + +Suffice to say that going from 4M top line to 150M based on a shift from license to practice management model is transformational yet not that difficult with the help of a giant such as Walmart and acquisitions right in your own backyard i.e. acquiring the licensees. + +Rarily have we seen an opportunity such as JNH where a microcap with a strategic partnership with a giant can scale easily on the international market. + +Long JNH + +- Credit for DD to @merzenstein on Twitter! +Jack Nathan Health (JNH) + +Tickers: JNH and JNHMF + +Stock Price: $0.71 (2021-03-31) + +Shares outstanding: 81M + +Market cap: 57M + +Cash: $6M + +Debt: None + +JNH is a micro-cap healthcare company that operates primary care medical and allied health clinics in Walmart stores under the banner Jack Nathan Health. Walmart is the highest traffic retailer in the World. Daily global foot traffic in all Walmart stores averages at 37M people. This enables JNH to quickly capture patients at a very low cost as Walmart only charges a nominal fee to JNH to access its locations and website. In return, JNH patients bring more foot traffic in Walmart and their baskets are on average 50% bigger. It's a win win relationship. JNH patients can shop while waiting and have access to quick referral between services offered in JNH clinics. For example, conditions such as fasting permitting, a patient can have a blood test done right after seeing his doctor. + +The locations are state of the art and look amazing compared to most competitors. + +JNH just went public in October 2020. That being said, JNH has been operating since 2006. Over the last 15 years, JNH has built a strategic partnership with Walmart in Canada and Mexico. JNH has successfully scaled up to 88 health clinics in Walmart locations by using a low revenue-licensing model. + +There are 76 operational clinics in Canada and 12 operational clinics in Mexico. Each location under a license based model bring in between $40k and $50k. + +JNH is now maturing into a high revenue practice model and can be expected to get between 20x and 40x revenues. JNH has expressed a conservative average target of between $1 and $2M in revenues per Canadian location. We believe that this target is very conservative. A high performing clinic can bring in much more. + +More precisely, JNH management are targeting revenues of between $500 and $1000 per sq feet for their current 76 clinics in Canada and future ones too! For example, Vaughan, the biggest location at roughly 8200 sq feet, could be expected to bring in $6.4M per year. Quite the jump compared to previous $50K license revenue JNH got from most locations under a licensing model. + +JNH has confirmed that some of the clinics owned by their licensees are already producing 1000$ per square feet and JNH intends to acquire them all. + +Based on the conservative target expressed above, we believe that JNH can reasonably ramp its sub 4M annual top line to 150M with the current number of clinics and other services offered. After scaling up the number of clinics with Walmart's approval and letting doctors bear the initial risk of starting practices, JNH is now ready to take over and hog the revenue of those clinics. + +Furthermore by taking over the practice management under the supervision of Dr Glenn Copeland, JNH will now be able to ensure quality control of all services. Let's just say that hiring and managing a practice can be challenging for those lacking business flair such as doctors. + +JNH publically reported financial Results for the first time on December 30, 2020. For the Q3 2020 financial Results ending October 31, 2020, JNH reported $3.1M for a 9-month period with a loss of $7.6M. That loss was caused by a one-time $7.9M non-cash listing expense. JNH would have been reporting positive net income if not for that one time expense. Most of that loss is attributable to share options given to a close group of advisers that provided and still continue to provide strategic support to jnh management. Investors would be wise to note that JNH has always been profitable since 2006 except for that one time due to the listing. This first report is not indicative of JNH corporate based model. + +JNH management have confirmed that, based on the publically available information only, the annual revenue run rate has already doubled. We think this is too conservatived and that both top and bottom line have and should expand even further. Signs of a great management, underpromise and over deliver. + +Since going public, JNH has made quite a few acquisitions with the cash raised from the listing and the warrants. + +On January 11th, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of Writi, a cloud based medication-management software platform. At that time, Writi was used by over 800 frontline healthcare workers and in 15 long-term care home. Writi has a stable and growing SaaS revenue of 300K since it creation in 2019. JNH has expressed its intent to use Writi to accelerate its tech offering. Also, with the Writi acquisition, JNH has taken its first step in a new market that direly needs services, long term care homes. + +JNH has been offering telehealth for a while and it is safe to assume that they will continue to expand in that sector. It is a fantastic opportunity for JNH to have access to Walmart's website to deliver Telehealth. Walmart has been putting a lot of cash to better its online services and JNH can benefit from this growth in online traffic. JNH management have also been vocal about developing their services based on an model similar to Apple where they vertically capture all the services by having a comprehensive tech ecosystem. + +JNH currently serves 2M patient on an annual basis and is laser focused in capturing more patients by opening more clinics. Compared to its peers, JNH is not making acquisitions of practices to capture more patients. JNH already has captured those patients. JNH is making acquisitions to ramp its top and bottom line. This is a major difference from its peers. + +On February 18, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of Redeem Medispa. Medispa offers a complete range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments for conditions such as Botox, migraines, laser therapy, anti-aging, face and body skin tightening, PRP therapies, hair loss and joint pain. + +The timing of this acquisition could not have been better with the huge increase in people working from home on sofas and using Zoom. Some articles from reputable medias are highlighting an increase of 60% for facial surgeries, they called it the ā€œZoom Boomā€. Also, with the covid pandemic, patient have postponed their massages and other healthcare services thus there is a significant pent up demand. + +Currently the two Redeem practices bring in a top line of 500K with 25% margins. JNH has confirmed its intent to roll out the Redeem practices in all possible locations. JNH management demonstrated their ability to make yet another intelligent acquisition at a great price, $535K up front and an earning-out of $200K for the opening of first eight new clinics ($25K per opening). It is also important to note that the revenues are immediately captured by JNH and that further rollouts can be done very quickly. + +On March 9th, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of 4 primary care medical practices for a purchase price of $560K in cash and 840K shares. Those 4 practices located in prime locations in Ontario currently have a total annual revenue of $2.8M with a adjusted EBITDA of 7%. JNH practice management expertise under the World renowned Dr. Glenn Copeland should expand that margin. + +On March 22nd, 2021, JNH announced the acquisition of the primary care medical practice located in its flagship location of Vaughan. While the purchase price was not disclose, we can safely assume that it was favorable for JNH based on their excellent track record. The practice currently has revenues of $500K for first 20 months of operations with significant revenue growth and earnings potential moving forward. + +There are also many other growth opportunities available for JNH. JNH with the help of its strategic partnership with Walmart can expand its on-site and online services in new markets all around the world. During the last Webinar, JNH management have confirmed currently being in brisk conversation with Walmart to expand their reach in 4 new national markets. Rumors have been flying around for a while about JNH entering the China, USA, UK and Latin American markets. On the later, it is good to note that Walmart Mexico is in fact Walmart Mexico and Latin America! + +On November 19th, 2020, JNH has announced to be expanding in 50 additional locations in Mexico. + +Furthermore, JNH has also recently announced during its webinar working to increase the number of locations in Canada. The usually media shy CEO of Walmart Canada, also recently stated to the press that he wants more clinics in the province of Quebec. + +It is also important to note that, there are two substantial underappreciated revenue growth factors available to JNH. First, the direct hiring of doctors and allied health professionals. JNH has been very active by recruiting doctors, chiropractors, kinesiologists, massage therapists, physiologists on the various job websites. That should represents a very nice surprise on the top line. JNH signs long term agreements and offers doctor a split revenue arrangement which should prove very attractive considering that peers such as Apple tree do not. The model is very simple and well though of. The operational costs are controlled. Once securing doctor, JNH can build other services around the primary care clinic. These other services which represent most of the footprint, have much bigger margins, as much as 25%. + +Second, it is well known in the sector that a doctor that does not manage his practice can see as much as twice the number of patient thus any managing doctors brought into the JNH family via an acquisition should bring in more revenue. + +JNH had also a partnership with Dynacare, a reputable lab company that pays JNH licensing fees to locate in JNH clinics. Dynacare started to offer serum covid 19 testing. Also important to note that one needs a referral from a doctor to get those tests. JNH has the doctors. Client capture! + +Management have also shown to be very capable by taking a page out of the book of the Big Boys i.e. Apple, Walmart, Disney by offering a bundle of services based on a monthly fee. Shout out to Scott Galloway and his term ā€œRundleā€. This is a proven method to ramp up the top line and secure recurring revenues. The human being is simply incapable of having a full grasp on the element of time. Too many have spent tons of money of monthly membership without fully taking advantage of the service. Like gym membership for myself. + +The share price of JNH went up to $2.72 during the telehealth rage back in November 2020. The share price is now sitting at rock bottom valuation due to the acceleration of the expiry of warrants issued for 75 cents and the general pessimist pullback on healthcare stocks due to the covid19 vaccine rollout. + +Insiders currently own 55% of the fully diluted float and have been buying massively on the open market. These same insiders have confirmed being under voluntary share lockup. JNH management have also confirmed that the fully diluted tradeable float is around 20-25%, 16M-20M shares. JNH has confirmed that a small group of early stage investors that is close to founders are holding 20-25% of the fully diluted shares. As the saying goes, show me the incentive and I will tell you the outcome. Management do want share price to appreciate! + +Shares of JNH are available on the TSX venture and the OTCQB market. JNH has confirmed working on DTC elegibility which should help US based MM buy shares. + +JNH has currently 6M cash on hand and doesn't need to raise additional money to fuel future growth. JNH management have shown to be excellent at acquiring great practices at great prices. JNH has expressed a strong commitment to not dilute shareholders and will explore bank arrangement and other possibilities. However, JNH has huge ambition and growth plans, should the smart move be to raise more cash, management will consider every option for the benefit of its shareholders. The CEO stated that every dollar spent produces upwards of 10. + +What is in store for the future? + +JHN management have express strong bullish sentiment in their company and confirmed that we can expect robust M&A, significant technology rollout as well as a very significant uptick in revenues month over month and by the end of the year with a massive increase in patient engagement. + +The future looks bright for JNH. With the help of Walmart it is currently building a strong position and is a becoming a leader in the healthcare sector. It might even help solve the issues plaguing healthcare: costs and inefficiencies. + +Last thoughts + +With the aging of the population, JNH as the wind in its back. Spending in healthcare will represents a significant portion of GDP in the future, as much as 20% of the US GDP in 2028. Healthcare is one of 3 sectors that have true inflation in prices. Healthcare is one of my favorite sector as it is very defensive and just ripe for being disrupted. The runway is huge and the path is clear. + +These are early days for JNH. They are laser focused on growing as fast as possible. JNH has confirmed that we can expect many additional acquisitions. If JNH management hits their targets, the company could well see its top line grow from $4M to $150M without factoring the surprise factors mentioned above, further clinic expansions, tech rollout and new markets. + + +Suffice to say that going from 4M top line to 150M based on a shift from license to practice management model is transformational yet not that difficult with the help of a giant such as Walmart and acquisitions right in your own backyard i.e. acquiring the licensees. + +Rarily have we seen an opportunity such as JNH where a microcap with a strategic partnership with a giant can scale easily on the international market. + +Long JNH + +- Credit for DD to @merzenstein on Twitter! +Lets have one thread for all the discussion. + +Appreciate there will be some political commentary but please keep it relevant, polite and non-abusive. If it gets too political posts/threads will be removed at mods discretion. +Sup cunts, it's me, ya boy. + +It's been an amazing week for the ship and her crew and I'm absolutely chuffed. I've been rocking a half chub for the better part of 5 days now and am considering seeking medical attention. + +I like to step back when it's rocketing and come back to help people find a good entry. I've seen a lot of comments about buying the dip, buying in for the first time, buying the correction etc. + +I've seen a lot of comments about how much more does it have to run, what time frame, what risks etc. So, I'm going to attempt to answer some questions here, this isn't so much DD as an informed opinion, and at the risk of sounding like a HC boomer, I really do advocate for doing your own research. Now, the disclaimer: + +Unbelievably I hold this stock, shocker. My first buy in was at 9c and my average buy in is now 33.5c. I have no intention of selling it untill were well into production, my price target is $3.30. how did I get to that target? Well... +I could type out the calculations for the lithium spot price predictions over the next 5 years, I could go over our 25ktpa doubled to 50ktpa, the esg benefits, the brine purity and all that other shit, but you can find that in any one of the thousands of webinars or conferences Lake has done. Theres also 10+ forward looking evaluations that put lake anywhere from 1.20 to 8.60 (8.60 is pretty retarded, don't count on it) these are also easy to find. Additionally, youtubes got some good shit that's easy to find for the next generation of bag holders to find. + +Now here comes the risks. Not nearly enough people mention them, and I'll be honest, they're still there and some are still fairly large. It goes without saying that anything pre production has risks, but specifically for us there's a huge difference between theoretical and practical. While novonix confirmed our coke is nice and white and DLS is now proven at scale thanks to a bolt on system used by another big boy, the fact remains our very specific set up hasn't been done before, and while unlikely the reality is it might not go as smoothly as we all want. + +Another risk is construction. Anyone who's renovated a house knows that delays and fuck ups are pretty common and honestly are not that big a deal, but when the margins are tight and the timeframe is important, delays to construction could be really painful to the SP if it causes us to miss a key window. + +Argentina is also a risk, though not as much as I think some bears play it off to be, there is some sovereign risk here, but the military and government (who's who you tell me) love money, and they seem to be able to get payed off pretty easily with mine money, so I honestly think they'd leave us alone if we chucked them some oppies. + +Lastly, offtake. Now I know, it's probably going to happen, but there is a chance it doesn't, or it doesn't eventuate soon enough. Offtakes are really fucking important, without it we are nothing. This is especially true because our financing with the UK and Canada is predicated on having the offtake in place in a timely manner. + +Now the moment you've been waiting for, should I buy now? I can't legally tell you the answer to that. What I can tell you is it's currently overbought to fuckery, while it might keep going, statistically buying in when the RSI is doing it's best Usain bolt impression and the MACD is producing more green rods then PEN is generally going to be a bad idea. + +As we didn't form any resistances on the current run up, I honestly can't place a solid numerical value to a good buy, but I'd be looking for a solid run of red and a return to a normal or negative divergence and at least a return to sub 70RSI and preferably sub 50RSI. If you don't know what I'm talking about, download Trading view, YouTube some basic ta shit and plug in lake. + +We have the 75c oppies that will be out next year, so that's where my money is at for a logical pull back at this point. + +Best of luck, I think it's a great stock, but be very careful with entering at this point. GLHFLMAODYORLGBT. šŸ”‹šŸŸ©šŸ»šŸ„‡šŸ’øšŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ +To clarify, I'm referring to the two options of: + +**A**. Creating a handpicked portfolio of stocks + +**B**. Just buying a "set and forget" index fund + +The advantages of **B** are obvious: reliability, safety, etc. but what one that's easy to underestimate is *relatively zero time expended* in making decisions. + +The advantage of of **A** is (theoretically) higher quantitative ROI but significantly higher risk. Risk that must be eliminated via the following traits that I've discerned through my limited knowledge: + +1. Temperament to see things as they are. Not what you want them to be, nor what you fear them to be. + +2. Arduous expenditure of time in screening + +3. Skill in reading financial statements + +4. Humility to only strike within your circle of confidence (the stuff you know about well). + + +What if your age is such that the returns you see aren't going to compound well relative to investing your time and energy into starting a business yourself? + +What if your capital too small, e.g. $300,000 sounds like a lot of money but is it worthwhile to see a 10% annual return for 30 hours of research per week? That's just $19 per hour. + +I'm curious and eager to hear your thoughts in the comments below. + +Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell button. +Update: Thank you to everyone for the advice, I'm going to file a complaint to the department of labor and tell them I have not been paid. My issue is as mentioned I'm not in the state anymore since I had to leave for school. When I file the complaint how do I inform them I haven't been paid without getting into the details of the theft? Do I just say tell them I had a family member go to my employer and the employer had no physical check to provide to them? + +&#x200B; + +I recently quit my hourly job because I moved out of state. I had a final paycheck arrive this past Monday after I had already moved, and I had arranged for someone to pick it for me on Tuesday. We get physical checks at this job, they don't give us the option of direct deposit. When the checks are delivered on Monday, they are stored in the cash register under the till to allow employees to get them, and they're move to the safe after a few hours. Come Tuesday, my manager went to get my paycheck out of the safe, and it was not there with the other remaining checks. I've spoken to the upper level management who handles the checks and they reached out to their bank who informed them that that check had been been cleared that very same day it was delivered. Meaning one of my former coworkers took the check and deposited it somehow. + +I was counting on the money from that check to support myself at the start of this semester, it was around $750 before tax deductions, so I'm really upset. Since they are physical checks, they have my family's home address, my full name, and part of my social security number. They also have information such as the total amount of money I made this year and tax deductions. I really don't know what to do, I'm trying to reach out to my employer but the man who handles the money is barely responding to me and has only told me that their "bank is investigating it". + +I don't understand how the thief was able to deposit my check in the first place and if they are able to commit any sort of fraud with the information on it. I'm not sure if this is the right sub to post this on but any and all advice would be appreciated. I'm still pretty young (college student) and I feel totally lost. +I barely qualified as an accredited investor in the past and took some probably unadvisable risks with my new found investment options. + +I invested heavily into 3 pre-IPO companies (almost 35% of my net worth) and cashed out as soon as the lock up period ended. Luckily I did since they haven't faired well since, but I was able to realize my gains by a little bit of luck and a little bit of understanding their trajectories. + +The companies were: + +Snowflake: Got in at $85/share and after the lock up period floated around $240/share and cashed out almost instantly. + +Palantir: Got in at around $6/share and exited after the lock up period around $24/share. + +And last but not least UIpath: Got in at $40/share and cashed out immediately once the lock up period ended immediately cashed out since it was dropping a bit since the IPO day at around $55/share. + + +I'm still holding 2 private companies pre-IPO shares, namely SpaceX, and after this I am done. (I rolled over a large portion into these last 2 companies). + + +My NW will be between $3-5 million I figure once Starlink goes public (since they're under SpaceX once they go public I'll realize those gains) and they're rumored to go public as soon as next year. + + +My main question is, I've gotten lucky and this amount of money is entirely new to me. I certainly don't want to work anymore so I'm here to ask specifically the people in my potential NW range, what would you recommend? + + +The market is a little crazy right now which I'm sure we all know is temporary. I'm debating keeping 85% cash and 15% if anything in some private companies as opposed to public markets for the time being. Once the market corrects itself I want to invest in ETF's or mutual funds (particularly a vanguard). + +Main thing is: Are my short term plans okay? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Thereā€™s only one reason that DOJ is putting it out there that Hedge funds are possibly manipulating pricesā€¦. + +Because DIRECT REGISTERING SHARES is about to put them all in a fucking pickle and there is no way out except someone getting fucked. + +Before DRSing the news had slowed, the sec did their song and dance, and it seemed like some fines was all that was going to come of this. + +But holy shit the world has felt like itā€™s turned upside since DRSing has gained traction.. the ploy interviews with laugh tracks, the delay in releasing the game stock report, the economy hanging on by strings while articles attack people for being educated and asking questions. These inflated numbers are finally making other subreddits flinch. Defaults and new variant being the blame for minor spy dips while CEOs are selling off their portion of company stock. + +Iā€™m not saying that GME is the reason for the impending crash, it just opened the door to the disgusting acts going on behind the scenes of the casino of our economy. We will be the reason many other companies donā€™t get fucked and destroyed by the powerful in this country. + +They need to put this blame on someone and itā€™s only because we decided to take action and some retards finally transcribed cone poo tear chair + + +buckle up buckaroos and DRS your shares. +Hey all, I'm particularly new to stock investing and I'm currently in the learning and understanding phase. I've read and heard so much advise that one should buy good companies at low valuations. One of the most common metrics for that is the PE ratio. Most of the advise I've heard regarding value investing is to buy companies with low PE ratios. Even in the fundamental analysis series on Zerodha varsity its recommended to buy companies with PE<20. +But as I'm researching more and more, I've found very few companies which have low PE values. Be it the consumer durables sector or the FMCG sector, most large cap and midcap companies have extremely high PE ratios. I use these sectors as an example because that is what I understand and have done maximum research on. +So I want to ask are those days where good companies have such low PE values have gone away? or is there some lack of research on my part? Or maybe these particular sectors have high PE's in general and I should look in other sectors? Please feel free to point out mistakes in my opinion and recommend me how to proceed further as I'm really confused +I can't believe that the front page post about porn coins being "the next big thing" has been so massively upvoted. Is it being brigaded? Or do people think it's tagged as comedy? + +Why the heck would we need a brand new coin to buy porn? If I wanted anonymity then surely i'd use one of the already existing, perfectly functioning, time-tested privacy coins like XMR, DASH or ZCASH? Why would I want to take the extra steps of going to some dodgy exchange to buy a coin that I can solely use for one thing? It literally makes zero sense + +Plus, every single of those coins OP listed is an ERC-20 token. I don't know how many of you are familiar with ethereum gas prices (i'm guessing the majority are) but I don't really feel like paying hundreds of dollars in gas fees just to see Tyrone bang somebody's wife. I make transactions with XMR all the time and end up paying a few cents + +Unless i'm missing something here then it's pretty clear that porn coins will NOT be the next big thing +Just posting in case this may help someone else. My son had a procedure last ~~year~~ month and with my high deductible insurance, I owed $3700. While I could have probably paid in full I wanted to work out a payment plan since I know hospitals will work with you interest-free for a year (Edit: people have commented that they will work interest-free for much longer) and it never hurts to have money in the bank in case of emergency. + +I called and spoke to a CS rep for the hospital and simply asked to work out a payment plan. She said I could pay a monthly amount for a year OR pay in full right now and get a 20% discount! I was ready to leap out of my chair but thankfully composed myself and said, while I appreciate that offer is it possible you could do more. She said that is the most she could offer without manager approval. I asked if she would ask her manager. After a minute hold she came back with 30%!!! + +I paid in full and saved $1200. Never hurts to call and ask +*A note before RCā€™s article below: If you are ever fearful, uncertain, and/or doubtful about GameStopā€™s ability to overcome the parasitic criminal shorts, JUST REMEMBER: THIS is the man weā€™ve entrusted with BILLIONS of dollars. Read it, read it again, and then watch the FUD completely evaporate* + + +*Link to original article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/349890* + + + +By Ryan Cohen May 4, 2020 + +Everything I know ā€” from empathy to the principles of making money ā€” I learned by following in the footsteps of my late father, Ted Cohen. We spoke for hours every day. He was, and always will be, my best friend, advisor and biggest advocate. A successful glassware importer with an impeccable work ethic, my father never missed a day on the job. If he were here today, heā€™d be worried about the millions of unemployed and struggling businesses across the country. The warehouse workers, drivers, construction workers and small-business owners ā€” those are the people he respected most. Looking back on his life and influence, the following five principles he showed me were critical to my success building Chewy.com and investing. + +**Watch your expenses** + +Disciplined capital allocation is one of the most important skills for running a successful business. Thanks to my father, I had the privilege of learning this firsthand. He kept track of every expense ā€”his power bills, daily gasoline prices that impacted transportation costs, the individual prices of hundreds of glassware products that he sold. My father also kept tabs on Chewyā€™s metrics. He memorized the key performance indicators in both of our businesses. + +At Chewy, we had maniacal discipline when it came to how we spent money. The company-wide culture of frugality came from his example. Free cash flow was our unwavering governor of growth. We grew Chewy from $200 million in sales in 2013 to $3.5 billion in 2018 while spending only $130 million in capital, all of which went into opening distribution centers across the country and acquiring new customers. + +**Delight your customers** + +My father always repeated this quote from his own father: ā€œIf you take a carload of this (pointing to a pallet of glassware) youā€™ll make more money. But if you take a carload of that (pointing to a different pallet), youā€™ll make less money, but youā€™ll keep the customer. So, take a carload of that.ā€ + +When we started Chewy in 2011, selling pet food online wasnā€™t a novel idea. The field was crowded with competitors, including Amazon. But our mission was to delight customers in a more personal way. We believed combining the experience of the neighborhood pet store with the convenience of shopping online was a key differentiator. The focus was fast shipping, competitive pricing and providing customers with a hyper-specialized experience. My father showed me how building lifelong relationships with customers was far more valuable than optimizing for short-term profits. + +**Be the person others want to follow** + +My father led by example, but not in a deliberate way. Itā€™s who he was. He never patronized anyone. He admired the blue-collar worker. I watched him roll up his sleeves and help his employees move shipments of glassware from trucks into the warehouse, then put his suit jacket back on, shirt drenched in sweat, and do administrative work. Iā€™ve never seen anyone work harder. + +I was fortunate to find employees at Chewy who worked relentlessly to grow the company from a three-person operation to a household brand with more than 10,000 employees. We didnā€™t disrupt the pet industry by accident. Our team made huge sacrifices. We opened our first fulfillment center in early 2014, and everything from the warehouse management system to the Wi-Fi would constantly break down. The team worked 16-hour days for weeks until our supply chain was humming. Everyone from the fulfillment staff to the directors and executives were committed to Chewyā€™s success. You donā€™t get that level of dedication by leading through fear. My father always said, ā€œYou catch more bees with honey than with vinegar.ā€ + +**Take the long view** + +My father was never looking to make a quick buck. He had no interest in material possessions. Every year, through thick and thin, he invested his savings into the stock market. He believed the real money was made through time in the market, not timing the market. When I was 13, he gave me a chart comparing real estate to stock market returns since the 1920s. Real estate annualized returns were around 4 percent, and the stock market was around 9 percent. It didnā€™t take long for me to figure out which I preferred. Iā€™ve been investing ever since. My father never invested in any fancy funds or paid management fees. He bought blue chip companies and held them forever. His 20-year annualized stock returns were over 10 percent. He never borrowed money or paid interest. + +As we scaled Chewy, many advised us to slow down and raise prices. We disagreed. Key to our success was obsessing over customers and market leadership. Over the long term, customers and profits intersect. + +**Trust yourself** + +Entrepreneurs donā€™t operate with a handbook. My father taught me how to be independent and trust my own moral compass. He encouraged me to separate myself from the herd and think critically. When I told him I had no desire to go to college, he shrugged. Whether he agreed with my decisions or not, he supported me unconditionally. Letting me make my own decisions sowed the seeds for me to become an entrepreneur. The confidence to never compromise my vision of building Chewy into the largest pet retailer came from knowing if I failed, he would always love me. + +For 45 years, he was the first employee to open his office and last one to leave. He showed me how perseverance and discipline ultimately pay off. Not only was his work ethic unmatched, so was his commitment to family. He gave me unconditional love and showed me how to be a father. Above all, he taught me that the best decisions come from heart, instincts and empathy. + +Dad, I will forever be grateful. + +Ryan Cohen is the founder and former CEO of Chewy.com, a company he started when he was 25 years old. In 2017, Cohen made history when he sold Chewy to PetSmart for $3.35 billion in the largest ecommerce deal in history. In 2019, Chewy went public at a valuation of $8.7 billion. +Over the last few days, I have watched a dozen videos now where someone is explaining the benefits of having a credit card and how it could be used as a device to improve my CIBIL score. + +Here is the question I have (I might be completely wrong about this but), doesn't a good and an average CIBIL score affect your *chance of getting the loan* itself and not the interest rate? Say, if you have a CIBIL score of 780 and I have 800, doesn't this just make me a better candidate for the loan but I do not necessarily get the same loan at a lower interest rate. Right? + +How is the CIBIL score used practically in the Indian context? I have seen in some movies in the US that the score they have dictates the interest rate they have to pay...is it something we have here in India as well? Thank you. +You know, the dude who claimed his article wasnā€™t published 20 minutes before the price suddenly started tanking, and then when called out about it on Twitter claimed that we were all confused by time zones. He then went on to make his Twitter account private. + +Whatever happened with him? Is he still writing GME hit pieces for marketwatch or has he moved on to less illegal pastures? + +Good thing the internet never forgets, and superstonk screenshots everything! Anyone have any handy links they can add in here? +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Seeing a whole lot of posts with the following themes: + +&#x200B; + +Is 1-5% a week realistic? + +What size portfolio do I need to retire and sell options full time? + +Should I sell options on XYX because IV is incredibly high? (up triple digits already but the future looks soo bright) + +&#x200B; + +These posts seem to point to incredibly high levels of confidence, bubbly sentiment and unhealthy levels of risk taking. There are traders with great gains and risk management. But the influx of new traders from the 2020 bottom are seriously scaring me. There is certainly a new market regime with active investing and risk taking, but this sub is being overrun by young traders who have yet to see a gut wrenching downdraft. These SPACs and high growth stocks could easily be marked down 50-75% in a mild correction. + +&#x200B; + +I will continue to sell OTM puts on quality stocks. (This naturally gives a margin of safety) However, I welcome a correction to cleanse sentiment and reduce overall levels of margin in the market. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Could not ask for a better sentiment survey. The responses are very interesting + +&#x200B; +The ASX bets inquisition has been launched and I believe that they believe that Melvin is a prime suspect in the stock ejaculation that was BRN. The inquisitors are out and they want blood for this day is red and our tendies are cold. + +Edit: +You autists. I'm not throwing Melvin under a bus lmao. I'm looking at all of you that have beared your fangs over a whole market red day. My crystal ball says market green in Monday so we should all Yolo it pre close today and almost suffer from a fucking stroke from the anxiety of the weekend wait. +Is it just me? I havenā€™t been able to stop cutting onions for hours. From DFVā€™s yolo, to everyone saying goodbye and see you on the moon on the ending WSB GME megathread, to DFVā€™s monkey hugging a kitty tweet, to his final surprise ā€œcheersā€ in front of todayā€™s closing price. + +What a fucking ride this has been so far, and continues to be. This has been a life changing experience. Most of us apes havenā€™t yet seen anything close to DFV gains, many are even taking losses at the moment. But we are participating in history. We are not only here to witness it, we are participating in it. Helping it. + +I think Iā€™m just wound tight after months of this rollercoaster, but Iā€™m feeling fucking profound. Months now of anticipation, excitement, thrills, disappointment, hopes, anger. Has to be mentally taxing on anyone, I would think? + +But I wouldnā€™t fucking change this experience for the world. It has changed ME. My feeling all choked up right now isnā€™t out of disappointment we havenā€™t squozed yet, or anger at the blatant market manipulation going on and the powers that be of our country blatantly turning a blind eye to it all (thought thatā€™s certainly a thing). + +My overwhelming emotion is for you apes. This has been a feeling of comradery, of community, like Iā€™ve never experienced. Ignoring the planted shills and fud, I feel like Iā€™ve found a family here. I have seen acts of generosity on these subreddits, and support for other apes in need, or hurting, or afraid and unsure, that have genuinely moved me. Iā€™ve laughed so fucking hard so many times at the somehow brilliantly retarded commentary here. I may have lost faith in the government and the absurdly rich, but Iā€™ve gained faith in humanity in general. + +I see apes refusing to bow down for money, or from harassment and threats, to continue to do right by fellow apes. Iā€™m sure there several out there right now who have been offered enough money to be set for a long while, who have refused to abandon the rest of us. + +Anyway, enough of my emotional tangent, just felt like I had to spew all this out in case Iā€™m not the only one out there feeling this way. + +I love each and every one of you apes and you deserve all of the tendies. I know I will do my part to help ensure they reach the hands of those who need and better deserve them. + +Our fight ainā€™t over yet, Iā€™m doubling down, QUADRUPLING down on my resolve to diamond hand as long as it fucking takes. + +CHEERS. šŸ» + +Edit: typos. Sure I missed more. Those fucking onions blurring my vision. + +Edit 2: thank you so incredibly much for all the awards and love. I truly wasnā€™t expecting that. Just wanted to vent and thought I might get a few responses if that. Never underestimate apes. šŸ¦ ā¤ļø +# If you lose your job or have your hours cut + +Read __*[Be prepared if you're resigning or quitting, have been fired, or are being laid off](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/leaving_job)*__ from the PF wiki. + +In particular, if you were laid off or fired, [apply for unemployment](https://www.thebalance.com/how-to-file-for-unemployment-benefits-online-2064123) as soon as you can assuming [you were not fired for misconduct (i.e., terminated for cause)](https://www.thebalance.com/can-i-collect-unemployment-if-i-am-fired-2064150). The entire process can take weeks so do this as soon as possible. + +# [Please also see our Coronavirus Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/fhrfqo/coronavirus_megathread_resources_discussion_and) + +# Location-specific information + +If you're outside of the US, please see our **[country index](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/country_index)** and check for a megathread or resources on a country-specific subreddit (if available). + +This list of resources and links is originally based on [this submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/fkttsv/a_full_exhaustive_list_of_american_unemployment/) from /u/bigdamncat and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/fhrfqo/coronavirus_megathread_resources_discussion_and/fkfh4va/) from /u/ryuukhang and we're making updates as more information becomes available. + +Location | Links +-|- +Federal | [U.S. Department of Labor Announces New Guidance on Unemployment Insurance Flexibilities during COVID-19 Outbreak &#124; U.S. Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/eta/eta20200312-0) +Alabama | [Alabama Department of Labor - COVID-19 Resources](https://www.labor.alabama.gov/covid19resources.aspx) +Alaska | [COVID-19 links](https://labor.alaska.gov/COVID-19.htm), [Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for State of Alaska Employees](http://doa.alaska.gov/dop/directorsOffice/covid19/) +Arizona | [COVID-19 &#40;Coronavirus&#41; Information &#124; Arizona Department of Economic Security](https://des.az.gov/services/coronavirus), [Unemployment - Employer &#124; Arizona Department of Economic Security](https://des.az.gov/services/employment/unemployment-employer) +Arkansas | [Arkansas to help people get unemployment during covid-19 pandemic &#124; thv11.com](https://www.thv11.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/arkansas-to-make-it-easier-to-apply-for-unemployment/91-7bc702a3-5c43-4f20-9bb1-be55633f252a) +California | [Coronavirus 2019 &#40;COVID-19&#41;](https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm), [How to File for Unemployment in California During the Coronavirus Pandemic &#124; KQED News](https://www.kqed.org/news/11806938/how-to-file-for-unemployment-in-california-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic) +Colorado | [Colorado workers affected by COVID-19 closures eligible for assistance](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/coronavirus/colorado-workers-affected-by-covid-19-closures-eligible-for-assistance) +Connecticut | [File for Unemployment Benefits - Connecticut](http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-online/index.htm), [Unemployment Due to Coronavirus](http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-online/unemployedduetocoronavirus.pdf) +Delaware | [The Delaware Department of Labor Expands Unemployment Benefits to Workers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic - State of Delaware News](https://news.delaware.gov/2020/03/17/the-delaware-department-of-labor-expands-unemployment-benefits-to-workers-affected-by-the-covid-19-pandemic/) +Florida | [Governor: Florida workers need immediate economic relief](https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Governor--Florida-workers-need-immediate-economic-relief-568874841.html) +Georgia | [NEW Information for filing for unemployment, mandatory filing by employers for partial claims, and reemployment services &#124; Georgia Department of Labor](https://dol.georgia.gov/blog/new-information-filing-unemployment-partial-claims-and-reemployment-services) +Hawaii | [Department of Labor and Industrial Relations &#124; News](https://labor.hawaii.gov/blog/category/news/) +Idaho | [Idaho Department of Labor](https://labor.idaho.gov/dnn) +Illinois | [COVID-19 and Unemployment Benefits - IDES](https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/COVID-19-and-Unemployment-Benefits.aspx), [News and Announcements - Details View](https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/SitePages/NewsArticleDisplay.aspx?NewsID=490) +Indiana | [DWD: DWD's COVID-19 Information](https://www.in.gov/dwd/19.htm) +Iowa | [Updates and Resources about COVID-19 &#124; iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov - www](https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/updates-and-resources-about-covid-19) +Kansas | [Unemployment Insurance and COVID-19 FAQs - Benefits - Kansas Department of Labor](https://www.getkansasbenefits.gov/NewsAndUpdates.aspx?NewsID=77) +Kentucky | [Unemployment waiting period waived in KY as COVID-19 affects jobs](https://www.wlky.com/article/unemployment-waiting-period-to-be-waived-in-kentucky-covid19-coronavirus/31665692) +Louisiana | [COVID-19 Information - Louisiana Workforce Commission](http://www.laworks.net/PublicRelations/COVID_19_Information.asp) +Maine | [MDOL: Information about COVID-19](https://www.maine.gov/labor/covid19/) +Maryland | [Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 and Marylandā€™s Unemployment Insurance Benefits Administration - Division of Unemployment Insurance](https://www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/uicovidfaqs.shtml) +Massachusetts | [Information on Unemployment and Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; &#124; Mass.gov](https://www.mass.gov/resource/information-on-unemployment-and-coronavirus-covid-19) +Michigan | [Coronavirus - Governor Whitmer Expands Unemployment Benefits for Michigan Workers](https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163-521770--,00.html) +Minnesota | [COVID-19 and unemployment / &#124; Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota](https://www.uimn.org/applicants/needtoknow/news-updates/covid-19.jsp) +Mississippi | [MDES - Novel Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; Response](https://mdes.ms.gov/news/2020/03/13/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-response/) +Missouri | [Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; Information &#124; Missouri Labor](https://labor.mo.gov/coronavirus) +Montana | [COVID-19](http://www.dli.mt.gov/employer-covid-19-faq) +Nebraska | [Gov. Ricketts Issues Executive Order to Loosen Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements &#124; Office of Governor Pete Ricketts](https://governor.nebraska.gov/press/gov-ricketts-issues-executive-order-loosen-unemployment-insurance-eligibility-requirements) +Nevada | [UInv - The Nevada Unemployment Insurance Claim Filing System](http://ui.nv.gov/css.html) +New Hampshire: | [Welcome &#124; New Hampshire Employment Security](https://www.nhes.nh.gov/) +New Jersey | [Department of Labor and Workforce Development &#124; NJDOL Benefits and the Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41;: What Employees Should Know](https://www.nj.gov/labor/worker-protections/earnedsick/covid.shtml), [Department of Labor and Workforce Development &#124; NJDOL Benefits and the Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41;: What Employees Should Know](https://www.nj.gov/labor/worker-protections/earnedsick/covid.shtml) +New Mexico | [New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions > Unemployment > Information for Workers & Businesses Affected by COVID-19](https://www.dws.state.nm.us/COVID-19-Info) +New York | [Unemployment Insurance - New York State Department of Labor](https://labor.ny.gov/unemploymentassistance.shtm) +North Carolina | [DES: Apply for Unemployment](https://des.nc.gov/apply-unemployment) +North Dakota | [Dealing with COVID-19 &#124; Job Service North Dakota](https://www.jobsnd.com/news/dealing-covid-19) +Ohio | [Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits &#124; Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations &#124; Ohio Department of Job and Family Services](http://jfs.ohio.gov/ouio/CoronavirusAndUI.stm) +Oklahoma | [Oklahoma Employment Security Commission - Claimants](https://www.ok.gov/oesc/Claimants/) +Oregon | [State of Oregon: Employment Department - COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits](https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Pages/COVID-19.aspx) +Pennsylvania | [COVID19](https://www.uc.pa.gov/Pages/covid19.aspx) +Rhode Island | [COVID-19 Workplace Fact Sheet](http://www.dlt.state.ri.us/pdfs/COVID-19%20Workplace%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf) +South Carolina | [COVID-19 Resource Hub](https://dew.sc.gov/covid-hub) +South Dakota | [COVID-19 Reemployment Assistance Eligibility](https://dlr.sd.gov/ra/covid_19_ra_eligibility.aspx) +Tennessee | [Information about Tennessee Unemployment Insurance benefits and Coronavirus](https://www.tn.gov/workforce/general-resources/news/2020/3/11/information-about-tn-ui-benefits-and-coronavirus.html) +Texas | [Coronavirus](https://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/information/coronavirus.html) +Utah | [COVID&#45;19](https://jobs.utah.gov/covid19/), [Unemployment Insurance Benefits &#40;UI&#41;](https://jobs.utah.gov/ui/home) +Vermont | [COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions &#124; Department of Labor](https://labor.vermont.gov/covid19/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions) +Virginia | [FAQ from Workers Regarding COVID-19](https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/Frequently-Asked-Questions-from-Workers-Regarding-COVID-19.pdf) +Washington | [ESDWAGOV - For workers and businesses affected by COVID-19 &#40;coronavirus&#41;](https://esd.wa.gov/newsroom/covid-19) +West Virginia | [WorkForce West Virginia - Unemployment](https://workforcewv.org/unemployment) +Wisconsin | [Unemployment COVID-19 Public Information](https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/covid19/public/ui.htm) +Wyoming | [Unemployment Insurance](http://www.wyomingworkforce.org/workers/ui/) + +Edit: + +# US Territory Information + +The following links are for US territories that are not states: the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Please note that at this time, we could not find information specifically related to COVID-19 for these areas, so we have linked their general pages for the offices that handle unemployment compensation. We encourage any readers in these areas to reach out to those offices and/or apply for benefits even absent specific guidance related to COVID-19. If anyone finds specific pandemic-related information from these territories, please send a message to the moderation team so we can update the links. + +Location | Links +-|- +D.C.|[Department of Employment Services](https://does.dc.gov/) +Guam|Guam does not have local unemployment benefits. [Guam Homeland Security](https://ghs.guam.gov/) maintains updates about COVID-19. +Northern Marina Islands|NMI do not appear to have information about unemployment benefits, but the [U.S. State Department has links to NMI Agencies, including Social Services](https://www.usa.gov/state-government/northern-mariana-islands) +Puerto Rico|[Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos](https://www.trabajo.pr.gov/) +U.S. Virgin Islands|[VIDOL Unemployment Insurance](https://www.vidol.gov/unemployment-insurance/) +My thoughts were to open up a stocks and shares ISA and put in as much as I can (\~Ā£5000) into an index tracker? + +But literally have no clue at all. So, any suggestions? +Since inflation is the rate of which prices increase, even if inflation does drop from 10% to 2%, excluding energy and fuel, consumer prices won't go back to 2021 levels, right? +I was pretty happy to see Kenny g burning the candle at both ends to try to squirm out of this, but the amount of low karma (bought) reddit accounts blasting citadel's late night work hours tells me otherwise. I am naturally skeptical and my spidey sense is tingling. Also, the crypto market crashed. Like all of them. I do believe in coincidences. They DO happen. But this is all a little sus. My plan hasn't changed. BUY & HODL. But I don't think apes should get too hyped here. The shortie's only weapons are FUD, FOMO & BOREDOM. To me, this seems like it's the premeditated manufacturing of one of those. We could be in for another flat or down week. Prepare your minds for more of the same, because that is just as possible. + + +Edit: Thanks for the awards guys and gals. I really don't get too many of these! +Pre-Covid you would get $70 (tax free) if you donated plasma twice in one week. It takes 2-4 hours the first time and 1-2 hours the second time. 1 hour of this time is spent with a needle in your arm each visit. + +Now you get paid $375 (tax free) to donate the same plasma the same way. + +You get paid on a debit card instantly. + +It feels and looks exactly like donating blood except I did not get lightheaded during and afterwards like I do when donating blood. + +It takes longer than donating blood, the needle was in my arm for 1 hour. + +I was cold for the last 20 minutes (wore a short sleeved shirt and jeans). + +You can play on your phone and listen to earbuds while donating. + +If you have any questions let me know! +Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies "will come to a bad ending," billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC on Wednesday. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/01/10/buffett-says-cyrptocurrencies-will-almost-certainly-end-badly.html +Since last year Iā€™ve been working on an algo strategy that I started serious effort on in April 2019. At the start of May, after many many many months of back testing, paper trading, and fixing bugs, I put my algo in production with real money. Suffice to say Iā€™m very thrilled with the results! + +There are plenty of articles on how to develop an algo and hone a trading mindset. But I donā€™t know what to do next. Am I supposed to keep working on the algo so it adapts as the market evolves during these strange times? Should I step back and say ā€œthis is as good as it gets, youā€™re a dummy not a trading wizā€? Itā€™s written in Goā€”should I try selling the binary (and where would I even do that)? + +Hoping to hear from successful algo traders in what theyā€™ve done with their dumb luck. + +PS because Iā€™m sure it will be asked: my algo looks at the previous ten days of trading activity for large cap stocks, specifically volume, and identifies if the current dayā€™s trading is above that average. I have 100k to play with, so Iā€™m not looking for huge multi percent gains; I can buy more stocks and it doesnā€™t need to move very high for me to take a percentage gain I like. Thatā€™s about all Iā€™ll share. Edit to add: the most complicated math I use is a linear regression of price and time of day, donā€™t waste time like I did thinking thereā€™s a whole amount of mathematical TA necessary. Just look at how people acted in the recent past and how they are currently acting. +Article here: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-03-18/coronavirus-recession-is-already-causing-staggering-job-losses?utm_content=business&cmpid=socialflow-facebook-business&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=facebook + +The federal government is moving at a breakneck pace to respond to the coronavirus recession. In the states, however, the preliminary data suggests staggering job losses, exceeding economistsā€™ expectations of just a week ago. If the pattern holds, it will mark the sharpest downturn in the labor market on record. + +A spike in initial claims for unemployment insurance is among the earliest signs that a recession is underway. The most recent official number is from the first week of March, and it shows 221,000 claims, roughly on par with the average of the last several months. + +State unemployment offices, however, are reporting huge increases in the volume of more recent claims. Hawaii reported 1,500 claims on Monday, five times the previous Monday. From Friday to Tuesday, Connecticut saw 30,000 claims, about 10 times the average for a whole week. Pennsylvania received a staggering 50,000 claims on Monday alone, compared to 12,000 claims for the first week of March. + +All of this implies that, for the U.S. as whole, total initial claims for unemployment insurance for this week could spike to over 2 million. During the worst week of the Great Recession, the last week of March 2009, claims reached 665,000. + +Some perspective: Even when the economy is booming, hundreds of thousands of workers file for unemployment benefits each week, and an even greater number find new jobs. In December 2007, by way of comparison, the U.S. economy added 108,000 jobs. In March 2009, it lost 800,000. + +The correlation between unemployment insurance claims and the monthly payroll report is not exact. But simple extrapolation suggests that next monthā€™s payroll report could show a total decline of roughly 4 million jobs. The human suffering behind that number is overwhelming. It all but requires Congress to pass without delay an increase the amount workers receive in unemployment insurance. + +The macroeconomic consequences are if anything more dire. A typical recession gains steam because all workers reduce their spending: Some because theyā€™ve lost their jobs, others because they expect to, others who are worried they might. This effect ripples through the economy. + +The first month of major job losses during the Great Recession was February 2008, when the economy shed 906,000 jobs. The effect rippled throughout 2009, and during the entirety of the Great Recession about 8.5 million jobs were lost. A similar multiplier would place total job losses from the current recession at ā€¦ 37 million. + +Again, using back-of-the-envelope math, that implies a rise in the unemployment rate to about 27% ā€” even higher than the 20% Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has warned as possible. It would exceed the highest unemployment on record, 24.9%, set during the Great Depression. To repeat: These are rough estimates based on early data. + +Moreover, the coronavirus recession is, structurally speaking, unlike any that have come before it. Many of the measures the public is being asked to take are voluntary, so it is possible that economy could bounce back rapidly once they are lifted. On the other hand, because social distancing will have to continue for months, it could be that the initial shock is compounded several times over. + +In either case, the government and the public should be prepared for a dramatic and uncertain economy. +I'm a newbie trader and I've been trading for a month now. I have a portfolio of about 30k. I've unrealised profit of 8.72%. + +I sold bajaj finance at 3450 and the next day it reached 3600, then I sold astrazeneca for 3440 and it reached 3550 the same day, I'm having trouble deciding when to actually book profit. Any suggestions would be very helpful. +# Looking for the DRS Mega Post? Find it here + +[When You Wish Upon A Star - A Complete Guide to Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +# Useful Links Provided By Computershare + +FAQ on [Becoming a registered shareholder in US-listed companies through Computershare](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) + +For shareholders who need assistance with their account (e.g. logging in, password reset, etc.), please review [FAQ](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Help/FAQ), [email](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry) or [virtual assistant](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Help) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +# Itā€™s Finally Here! + +Before we get to the good stuff, Computershare has agreed to a second AMA. We were unable to get to all the questions in the time provided and there will likely be follow up questions from you all which they are more than happy to answer! + +You can find the full video here, on our new (non-monetised) [Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-mn_GXx-MZeL8KiNx-_IA). + +**Youtube Link:** [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVEJo87jejo**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVEJo87jejo) + +Please note, the transcript may not be 100% accurate as it was typed out by hand. Please refer to the video for full accuracy. + +**Timestamp Directory** + +It was great working with the CS team to bring this to you all and was a pleasure hosting Paul. I thank them for spending time addressing all the questions our community has, as itā€™s greatly appreciated. + +I also recommend checking out the DRS AMA u/dlauer is holding over on their sub as well. They have an anonymous guest who knows DRS in and out, so itā€™ll likely yield some interesting insight! + +**Transcript** + +**Timestamp: 00:00** + +**Jsmar18:** Thanks for joining us paul, this is paul conn and this is the president of global capital markets, thanks for joining us + +**Paul:** I head the global capital markets group at computershare, quiet a large reaching role looking at providing solutions to clients and their investors, looking at major market market structure challenges and changes and looking at new commercial opportunities - a rather small group of people positioned throughout the world + +**Timestamp:** **00:44** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=43**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=43) + +**Jsmar18**:Letā€™s get kicked off with the questions, the first one which i canā€™t avoid asking is what is the maximum price that you can sell a share for through computershare? + +**Paul**: Thatā€™s a good question, weā€™ve seen a lot of traffic come through on twitter and reddit asking that. + +There are really two parts to that the first part is, whatā€™s the trade consideration, whatā€™s the maximum value of an order you can put on a member (exchange). The second part relates to the max limit price of a transaction you can put on our platform. + +For the first one, on our FAQ as well - once you move over the $1m trade consideration, weā€™d like to receive the order in writing. In actual fact people can go on our web based platform and put an order on for $1m, nothing stopping them putting another order on - you can put many orders on and they are not really capped that way. So hopefully that puts a lot of your audience at ease. + +As it relates to the second point, the maximum limit order on a tractions is just under a quarter a million of the dollars - donā€™t ask me how we get to that as i donā€™t know the details, our technical team looks after it and itā€™s something weā€™ve seen a lot of discussion around and weā€™ll monitor it as something that needs to be increased. + +**Timestamp:** **2:41** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=161**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=161) + +**Jsmar18**: Okay, so if you say if you need to increase it, youā€™re saying you can increase it if it does eventuate in that scenario? + +**Paul**: Yeah, weā€™re looking at how long itā€™ll take to do the increase, something weā€™re conscious of and something weā€™re taking a look at as people are making a lot of noise about that. + +People can, of course always be directly registered on our books themselves through their self ready broker. + +**Timestamp: 3:24** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=205**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=205) + +**Jsmar18**: Great, thanks - moving onto the second most popular question would be IRAs.The main thing is, can people actually direct register their IRA shares? + +**Paul**: There's a few different parts - none of these questions are simple one word yes nos. + +There should not be any specific reason why someone can not move their shares from an IRA and directly register them - at least from a market transfer directly registering perspective. + +There max be tax consequences of doing that, and an investor should talk to their own financial advisor to find out what the implications are. Computershare are not advisors. Some of our clients will allow an IRA registration on their own books, which we administer for them. So it really needs to be looked at on a case by case basis. + +**Timestamp:** **4:35** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=274**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=274) + +**Jsmar18**: Okay, so very much case by case - thatā€™s fair enough. Are Computershare looking to offer any custodians services for IRA at the moment? + +**Paul**: Not at the moment, weā€™re always looking at new commercial opportunities as itā€™s hardwired into our DNA and itā€™s clear whether Computershare need to be a IRA provider in order to solve this particular issue. So not at this moment in time. + +**Timestamp: 5:02** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=302**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=302) + +**Jsmar18**: Fair enough, that makes sense - moving over to transferring from brokers and buying shares. The past month or so people have been looking into the DTC and how the DRS actually works. Could you help us understand the process is from the start when someone requests direct registration through the shares landing in their Computershare account? + +**Paul**: Sure, let me do that by first answering the piece which is directly under our control which is when the DTC initiates an electronic transfer under one of their broker-dealer participants and registers shares on the Computershare platform under the investors name. When that occurs it happens on a daily basis, we will record the investors name on the register and issue a statement to recognise that registration. Indeed the process between the DTC and Computershare is very fast - as for when the investor first communicates with the broker and the broker puts the transaction in the DTC system, we really have no visibility of of that whatsoever and is something we have no control over. It may take a few days for a broker to give effect to that transaction, weā€™ve seen some chatter that there has been some extended periods, but thatā€™s really a broker client matter that we cannot matter. + +**Timestamp: 6:40** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=399**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=399) + +**Jsmar18**: and to clarify, do you know if the shares are removed from the DTCs books? + +**Paul**: So when one of these DRS transfers occur, when it comes out of the DTCs system and into an individualsā€™ name we employ a double entry accounting process - where we put Jackā€™s name on the register and take one share away from cede and co - which is the DTCs nominee, so we are taking the share out of the DTCs name as it were on the register. In that respect, the register is always kept in balance for the register's share capital. + +**Timestamp: 7:21** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=441**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=441) + +**Jsmar18**: The community is big on hypotheticals, and there is a lot of interest on direct registering shares on stocks that have been naked shorted, creating what is known as synthetic shares. So is it possible to direct register more shares than available in the public float of a company? + +**Paul**: Okay, there is a lot in there and let me park the comment on synthetic shares - not trying to dodge that but iā€™ll come back to it. As it comes to relate that if we can register more shares, the answer is really no, in order to put your name on the register, we need to take a real share off cede on co on the register. This is what needs to be done to keep it in balance. + +When it comes to synthetics, and concerns people have around short selling - thatā€™s really a step removed from CS and the role of a transfer agent. Thatā€™s really what is happening behind the scenes at the DTCs and how they hold the shares in participant accounts, being banks or brokers. In turn now holding accounts for individual investors - this is not visible to the registered transfer agent. + +**Timestamp: 8:49** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=529**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=529) + +**Jsmar18**: So itā€™s not really related to CS in that essence? + +**Paul**: I think itā€™s all related because these are investors in companies we are the agent for so we have an indirect interest in it. Weā€™re definitely not the cause of it. + +**Timestamp: 9:07** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=547**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=547) + +**Jsmar18**: Is it your responsibility to look after it as the transfer agent? + +**Paul**: Itā€™s not really our responsibility to look after it because we often donā€™t know itā€™s happening which is one of the many challenges that people have. Weā€™re talking about a distributed set of records that no one in the marketplace really has the entire access to. So itā€™s not something weā€™re repsionsuble for, weā€™re responsible for what shares are on the register. + +What the DTC needs is to make ensure each of its records balance with its participants records and each of the banks and brokers need to ensure their records account for their customer assets as they have net positions for shorts and long - but thatā€™s really the beyond the scope of what CS look after. + +**Timestamp: 10:09** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=609**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=609) + +**Jsmar18**: So if direct registering does stop, due to all shares being directly registered - what actually happens to people who want to still register their shares? + +**Paul:** That is a really good question, I think it is, at this point in time, a hypothetical, but itā€™s a very important hypothetical. So itā€™s right for people to ask. Itā€™s really, I think, unprecedented in a public company since where the company is transacting on the marketplace so Iā€™m sure that that trigger point or even surely before that trigger point there will be discussions amongst the company, the exchange, the DTC to talk through what the ramifications of that outcome really ought to be. + +**Jsmar18**: ok. That's very interesting. So the conversation would very much be, basically be discussed between parties who have an interest in this. + +**Paul**: Well I think the regulatory organizations would have a look at that because, if I'm understanding your hypothetical correctly, youā€™re saying if every share is registered on the books of the company, which it is today, because one of the large shareholders is Cede, but if Cede goes to zero, and there are third parties that hold every issued share, i think your question is what is the status then for everyone who has a share in their brokerage or bank account and what happens to trading and that will be an interesting set of discussions if and when we get there. + +**Timestamp: 12:00** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=720**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=720) + +**Jsmar18**: ok, so this comes back to, you know, as retail investors (?) how are we ever going to know how much stock weā€™ve collectively registered? Is there any way we can actually inquire for this information? Is it your responsibility or again the companyā€™s responsibility? + +**Paul**: So we have 2 ways of reporting ownership, the first is to the public company itself, our client. The client has online access to the entire issued capital that we are recording and we have affected administration on their behalf as agent and each investor has access to their own portion of the register, their own account or holding on the register. You know, it's a little bit like a bank account. You go online to check your cash in your bank, you can see your cash, but you canā€™t see any other kind of subset of like-minded people and that I think is what a lot of people are trying to grapple with just how to do that when the informationā€™s not in the public domain. + +**Jsmar18**: yeah that's right, I think it's natural that humans want to kind of get certainty on these things by understanding the data. But, from your side it sounds like itā€™s not really computershareā€™s side or responsibility to do that, and it's more so the companyā€™s. + +**Paul**: I mean look, just balancing those 2 points, we act as a companyā€™s agents, so we canā€™t just automatically decide to just publish statements of the data, even if there is interest in it. I think the company might need to consider from time to time if it should do that or maybe if a regulator may suggest to a company it might be a good order thing to do, to keep people fully informed but weā€™re not there yet. + +**Timestamp: 13:50** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=830**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=830) + +**Jsmar18**: Thanks. Moving on to brokers, in terms of the actual DR brokerage process, many people have observed that thereā€™s broker pushback when it comes to transferring shares, a prime example would be Etoro as of recent, who have straight up refused to direct register shares for customers who had purchased them. So in these instances where there is broker pushback , is there any route retail customers can take where we can escalate it or actually force brokers to direct register the share? + +**Paul**: Ok, well you kind of laid it in on a real specific there and I think thereā€™s a more general.. Maybe if I just step back and just talk about.. An investor that's got an account with a broker, letā€™s say a U.S. broker that happens to be a DTC participant, should be able to get a transfer into DRS forms so the investor can hold their shares in their own right. That shouldn't be an onerous process. The broker may have many requests coming in simultaneously, so things might take a bit longer than they might otherwise but there shouldn't be extended delays. + +When you start to talk about online brokers, an online broker let's say in Europe or down in Australia, it mainly gets down to how that broker is holding shares in custody because the underlying shares generally would be in the DTC. So an International broker usually would have a custodian arrangement with a DTC participant or there might be 2 or 3 parties in the chain so ultimately the length of time it takes will get down to how simple or complex that holding structure is, how many people are in the chain. There may be some international brokers that just don't have the functionality to do this type of transaction because they never envisioned that it would ever be needed. Obviously the issue that I think people are grappling with ā€˜Does the broker always have the shares I want to transferā€™ thatā€™s really an issue the client and the broker need to work through. + +**Timestamp: 16:06** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=966**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=966) + +**Jsmar18**: In Terms of, would you actually suggest you know, basically, continuing pushing on, if this is retail, to encourage brokers like this to actually invest in the processes? Because to me, it seems like direct registering your shares, it shouldn't be the brokers saying no and blocking this off, they should be able to provide this option. + +**Paul**: Yeah look, that is a good question, and I think the situations that weā€™re seeing in the marketplace now, kind of throwing up some unusual situations, right, in every stock every day of the week, so it's not unreasonable for a client to be asking their broker why they can't do it and if itā€™s a lack of functionality, why the broker doesnā€™t have the functionality. I mean weā€™ve seen situations, and I'm now just reading things that have been reported in your forms- some investors, some customers, have actually changed their broker in order to get a broker-to-broker transfer of the shares, then to us, the third party broker to DRS the shares into Computershare. One of the things Iā€™m really amazed about is the way in which information is being, thereā€™s clearly a thirst for information in the community and how people are collaborating by sharing information, and really becoming quite inventive in terms of how they put these transactions together to ultimately get on to the register. But thereā€™s no single silver bullet here, you need to really talk to your broker and try to understand why thereā€™s some reluctance to transfer, and ultimately an extreme situation would be to talk to the regulators to see why thatā€™s the case because weā€™re talking about, in all cases here, financial organizations that are regulated in each of these markets. + +**Timestamp: 18:09** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1089**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1089) + +**Jsmar18**: Ok, so moving on, people were kind of confused about seeing fractional shares on your platform, and that you actually display them, and it rightfully raised some eyebrows as a few people assumed that only one person can claim ownership to a single share certificate, and fractional shares is something thatā€™s kind of a broker thing in terms of how they purchase it, etc. so how do fractional shares actually work when it comes to ComputerShare and ownership? Do I share ownership with someone else if I have a fractional share? + +**Paul**: Ok, well let me try and answer that. Thereā€™s a few different parts to this, so if weā€™re talking about the direct registration system and how shares are recorded in individual investorā€™s names on the register, only whole shares are transferred, either from the DTC into the investorā€™s name, or from the investorā€™s name back into the DTC, so weā€™re always talking about whole shares there. Fractional shares can come about through the Direct Stock Purchase Plan that we operate, where we buy shares and record them in the investorā€™s names. In that situation we have the ability to offer fractional entitlement to shares and those shares can at any point in time be moved from the purchase plan into the direct registration system, so they can be separated out as well. + +**Timestamp: 19:37** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1177**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1177) + +**Jsmar18**: That makes sense, essentially when it comes to share ownership, with the register itself, you donā€™t actually own that fractional share. + +**Paul**: So when you look into our system, you come into the investor centre, youā€™ll see your total number of shares, it may be made up of a book position and a DRS position, the DRS position you own absolutely unfettered in your own name, the shares that are in the plan represent a pool that we operate on behalf of the investors, those shares can be withdrawn and put into the other part of the account at any particular moment in time. So you can buy shares through the plan, you can immediately transfer them from the plan into the DRS portion of the holding. + +**Timestamp: 20:22** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1222**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1222) + +**Jsmar18**: Ok that makes sense, thanks. So when it comes to buying shares through computershare, itā€™s been theorized that the broker places large orders on the exchange that essentially represent an cumulative amount of buy orders from yourself and computershare. Do your brokers lodge these orders on the exchange when they come through, or do they wait and accumulate them, and then wait to execute them as a batch order? + +**Paul**: So when weā€™re talking about purchasing, we purchase within a batch, so we will accumulate orders through a 24 hour period, and we will lodge that aggregate order with the broker that acts on on our behalf, just around or just after when the market opens. So we leave it with that broker to determine how to work that order through the marketplace, so that will be driven by how big is the order, how liquid is the stock? Weā€™re always looking for our broker to execute these trades on lit exchanges on the markets. + +**Timestamp: 21:23** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1283**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1283) + +**Jsmar18**: When you say lit exchanges, are you referring to specific exchanges? Do they have to execute on NYSE or Nasdaq etc? + +**Paul**: They have to abide by the national best bid and offer so thatā€™s a rule that binds, so theyā€™ve always got to look at best execution, but weā€™re looking for them to execute these transactions on the NYSE or the Nasdaq , not in dark pools. I think just to be clear, if thatā€™s where you were heading. + +**Timestamp: 21:54** [**https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1314**](https://youtu.be/LVEJo87jejo?t=1314) + +**Jsmar18**: Yeah, youā€™re right. So they have to adhere to the NBBO, that makes sense. If a company is listed on NYSE they donā€™t have to purchase through NYSE themselves?