diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_53.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_53.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_53.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Last ban length: 8192 days + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Hi everyone, + +My apologies for not being more active the last two weeks or so - life has a tendency to get in the way. But part of that involves something that I'm very excited to announce on here, hopefully in another week or two. + +Today I want to call your attention to FINRA's most [regulatory notice - 21-19](https://www.finra.org/rules-guidance/notices/21-19). + +This is clearly in response to the volatility involving GME and AMC, amongst others. FINRA is proposing some very significant changes to short-sale related disclosures. This is a big set of changes, and it looks very encouraging to me. The headlines are: + +* Consolidation of short interest data publication, centralized on the FINRA website +* Changes to the content of short interest data + * Require firms to segregate short interest held in proprietary accounts vs that held in customer accounts. + * Report to FINRA account-level short interest (not for publication). + * Report synthetic short positions. Interestingly they only note options contracts, and do not include security-based swaps. They are asking for comments on this. + * Loan obligations from arranged financing to better reflect actual short sentiment. + * Total shares outstanding and the public float. +* FINRA is considering reducing reporting timeframe to daily or weekly, and is asking for comments on this. +* Information on allocations of FTD positions - a daily report of FTD allocations at the security level, with applicable closeout obligation. This would not be for publication, but to allow FINRA to conduct more effective investigations. +* They're asking for comments on whether to create a reporting framework around stock lending activity. + +If you visit the page I linked above, you can see the full details of the regulatory notice, and also all of FINRA's questions for public comment. + +Submitting a comment letter can be a very effective way of advocating for change and showing FINRA that there is demand for a far more rigorous disclosure regime. The best comment letters are concise, well cited with evidence to back up claims, and unemotional. I know this is a hot button topic, but my feeling is that FINRA is trying to figure out what to do here, and I would urge you to engage them in good faith. + +Please let me know if you have any questions, I'll do my best to respond to as many as I can. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +I keep on top of my credit score pretty closely. I check CreditKarma at least once a month, and validate it by logging into MyEquifax to see the score offered there. + +I just applied for a new car loan, and - despite my published Equifax score of 780 - was surprised to be offered a rate lower than the rate reserved for "excellent" credit. When I asked the lender about this, they said my score was 670. I called Equifax to find out why they were vending a different credit score to the lender than to me. + +Evidently (and maybe I'm just late to understand this), there is no such thing as a "credit score". The score published by Equifax is their own model (which closely mirrors FICO), but *every lender can define their own scoring model*. This means that there's effectively an infinite number of models and no visibility into how you can increase your score against them. + +This is a rigged game, and carefully monitoring/grooming your credit does *not* necessarily result in a better score. +In the past I have posted various tips and strategies to help one in their Day Trading. + +I honestly believe in giving back to a community that you have prospered in - so that is the only reason I am here. This is a hard field to get into and a difficult journey for most. The reward at the end is definitely worth it, but the road there is filled with scams, pitfalls, losses and frustration. If I can help any of you avoid some of what I and others had to face, I am happy to assist. + +Also please know that while there are resources I recommend, I do not benefit or work for any service, channel or platform. My recommendations are my personal opinion based on what I have experienced, nothing more. I detest scams and hate the schills pushing those scams even more. I am an independent trader who trades with my own money. + +Hopefully some of you were able to get in on WOOF, AAPL, DOCU and ROKU longs today, or WYNN, FCX and CLX shorts. They all followed Relative Strength and Weakness against SPY strategy and were slam-dunk trades. + +OK - some other tips in addition to those I already posted: + +**1) Don't Trade Your P&L, Trade the Charts** \- When it comes to the question of "When should I exit?" your answer should be - based on the charts, not how much you are up or down on the trade. You never want to be making decisions out of fear of loss or greed. I exit a trade when the logic behind originally taking the trade no longer applies. Stocks will retrace but as long as it doesn't violate the why you got into the trade to begin with, there usually isn't a good reason to exit other than watching your P&L. Exit based on the technicals and you will find your win rate increase dramatically. + +**2) Focus on Win Rate -** Yes, I know the argument - one can have a 95% win rate and still lose money if they blow it all on that 5%. However, this should not happen if you are applying the same rules to every trade. When your strategy isn't working and you exit, the loss should not be so much that it overcomes many wins. The most important thing you can do is have a solid strategy that maintains a win rate of 80%. The best way to get to that point, no matter how much is in your account, is to practice your strategy with a very small position size, I am talking only a few shares, one contract on options, etc. (this will also help you practice not focusing on the P&L). Do not increase your position size until you get that win rate up to that 80% mark. + +**3) Don't Over-Complicate Things -** I have seen some setups where people have tons of indicators on their charts, lines are everywhere, clouds and Fibs, and then underneath is a constant stream of lines crossing each other all over the damn place. Keep it clean. I have SMA 50,100,200 and VWAP. I look at the True Strength Index and Relative Strength vs SPY. If I am scalping I will put the 3/8 EMA's up for the 1 Min charts. Technical Analysis is great, but with enough indicators you can convince yourself of anything, "There is an inverse Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4 hour chart, with the RSI saying it is oversold and a MACD cross!" You don't want to search for facts to confirm your theory, and having too many indicators lets you do just that. + +**4) Momentum Trading - Fun and Dangerous -** Yeah, we all love momentum trading. Watching a stock go from $6 to $7.50 in the span of 10 minutes. And then you wait for your pullback, jump in around $7.10, and proceed to watch it drop all the way back down to $6 because nobody ever wants to exit a momentum trade. You always think the next burst is one candle away. You know what does work? Around 90 minutes into trading today I notice that AAPL $129.24 after it already jumped up on the open. I also notice that SPY was dropping and AAPL wasn't. I went long AAPL at this point and stayed long, all the way to $130.30 which happened right before close. Was it as exciting as watching GRAY go from $6.50 to $8.50 after-hours last week? No. But I will take the AAPL trade every time. Because the AAPL trade will pay off almost every time. + +**5) Trading Doesn't Stop When The Market Closes -** You should be looking through your trades for the day, analyzing what went wrong and what went right. Looking at the chart and putting alert lines on various stocks you are watching for tomorrow. Creating watchlists and doing overall market analysis. Day Trading is a full-time job. + +**6) Stop Rushing Into Trades -** Yes, I know it is Day Trading and you don't want to miss the move. But you need to take a breath. Look at the charts, where is support? where is resistance? Are there a lot of bag holders right above this price? How does the daily chart look? Is the relative volume over 1.5? Is it strong/weak against the market? What is your best play, stock? options? a spread? Yeah, it takes time to do this, and with experience it will take less time, but you can't simply say - SRNE is moving I am going long and then jump in. Know what price you want to get it at, and what price your target is, then rely on the charts to get you to your goal. + +**7) Careful Following Trades -** When you follow someone else into a trade without knowing what their strategy is you may find yourself stuck well after they have already exited. People tend to post their trades pretty quickly, but generally post their exits well after the fact. If you are relying on someone else for your trades, make sure you have your own exit strategy. + +Seven tips seems like enough for a Monday. + +Keep in mind, everything I tell you and post is geared towards one thing - becoming a consistently profitable Day Trader. That is the goal. There are no shortcuts to it, no version of it where you trade for the first hour and then go about your day (yes, there are people who do that, even some that do it successfully, but the odds are stacked against you if that is your plan). This is about knowing you will have between $X and $X dollars of profit at the end of every month that you can pay yourself as a salary. And that years from now, you will still have that. + +I plan on posting about Day Trading Options next. As always, happy to answer any questions. I also want to thank everyone for their messages and questions, I try to get to them all, it just takes some time. + +EDIT: I just went long SRNE after-hours at $9.55 and plan on carrying into tomorrow. + +EDIT 2: sold for scratch pre-market , no volume +As the title suggests, I'm filling out my tax return for this year and it was rejected because it said I was missing a 1095-A form. This seemed strange to me as I've been working at my company for 2 years and I'm insured through them so I asked my parents and they said they put me on their plan for 1 month. Now when I included the form, my return went from receiving $225 to owing $4.6k. This is my second time filing taxes so I'm a bit distraught and not sure what to do or if there's anything to do. I would like to mitigate this value if possible. Any feedback is appreciated! + +Edit: Thank you for all the helpful comments! Adding for clarification that I am using online H&R Block and have filed and currently filing for single (so not under my parent's). They didn't do it out of malicious intent but we are working to try to figure it out. Unfortunately H&R doesn't allow allocation from what I see as suggested by u/CorrectlyKnown so I'm going to communicate with my parents and their known tax professional to get it resolved. Thanks! +Hey guys pdwp90 here, founder of [Quiver Quantitative](https://www.quiverquant.com/) for those of you who don't know me by Reddit tag. + +This report is primarily comprised of "alternative data" which can be loosely thought of as data that comes from outside of traditional sources like earnings reports. The reason this type of data gets me so jacked is because it's data that retail investors (you guys) often have an edge over Wall Street in interpreting. + +Sadly, it has also been largely inaccessible to normal people in the past as providers usually charge thousands of dollars a month for any sort of access to their data, making it only available to hedge funds and other institutional investors. That's what motivated me to start collecting this data myself, to make it available to those who can't afford to another $10k a year bill. + +So without further ado, here's the inaugural u/pdwp90 alternative data report + +# [Twitter](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/twitter) + +GameStop's corporate twitter account has had a .17% gain in followers in the last day (#14 of 842 companies tracked), a 2.06% gain over the last week (#6 of 842), and a 6.69% gain over the last month (#11 of 182) + +Here's a graph of the twitter following of GameStop Corporate (@gamestopcorp) over time: + +[GameStop Corporate Twitter following over time](https://preview.redd.it/z94s8qbcpkr61.png?width=1586&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc726f9f214a05261feed7373f18e471f15ab080) + +# [Off-Exchange Activity](https://www.quiverquant.com/offexchange/GME) + +Yesterday, 5.13 million shares of GME were traded off-exchange and 2.48 million of those shares were sold short, giving GME a DPI of approximately .48. Below is a graph of the cumulative net off-exchange short volume since 2010: + +[$GME cumulative net OTC short volume](https://preview.redd.it/gsbjbe48nkr61.png?width=1322&format=png&auto=webp&s=e34cbae8ae0d6843b766d0987e468dfc0d458ec0) + +# [Wikipedia](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/wikipedia/GME) + +GameStop's wikipedia page has been viewed 37.6k times this week, making it the 11th most viewed company page out of the 1342 that I track. + +# [WSB Discussion](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/wallstreetbets/gme) + +I know that this might ruffle some feathers in this community, but I put a lot of precaution into ensuring the data is protected from the effects of manipulation and moderation. The reason for using WSB is that it has years of historical data which allow for better analysis and modeling. + +Yesterday, GME was mentioned 895 times on WallStreetBets daily discussion threads, making it the most talked about stock on the sub. + +The discussion around $GME has a sentiment score of .576, which is the highest it's been since late January. + +# [Insider Trading](https://www.quiverquant.com/dashboard/GME/) + +"Insider trading" used in this context just means trading reported by company insiders, not the illegal trading. Over the last 6 months, GameStop's directors and management have bought 2.79M shares of $GME and sold 226k. + +# [Trading by US Congressmen](https://www.quiverquant.com/sources/senatetrading) + +There haven't been any trades of $GME in the last week by congressmen. + +&#x200B; + +Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. + +# +I cannot say for sure if Cathy knows what she's doing, but the fact remains they've picked up 220K shares. Other fun ones, about a million shares of Twitter and 300K of PayPal. +The one that was really interesting is about 300K of open door. + + +Are they buying the dip? +***TL;DR:*** +**DTCC / OCC / ICC etc. & Wall St want key things in place before GME unwinds, and we're now looking at a list that's been mostly checked off. This rocket is just about cleared for launch.** + +***Last updated: 2021-05-28*** | [Original post from 2021-04-22](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvq6rs/go_nogo_for_launch_the_dtcc_checklist_keeping_gme/) + +# Go / No-Go For Launch +**Opinion - Status: Hold** ❌ +*We're on a scheduled hold. Preliminary system checks are good enough to launch, and now we are being held for atmospheric conditions to be just right.* + +*GME ignition needs to appear from the outside to be organic, or it will be fairly obvious to the public that The System is built on lies, and run by liars, completely unfair, and this stock was just being flat out controlled for months. Even if Wall St survives financially by implementing all these rules, if they lose the public trust then it is literally "game stopped." They need plausible cover to launch now, the rest is in place.* + +## 1 - Rules of Engagement ✅ + +## 2 - Funding ✅ + +## 3 - Cover Story for Timing ❌ + +## 4 - Avoiding Perception of Responsibility ✅ + +--- ***End TL;DR*** --- + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Busy few weeks, eh Apes? Figured I'd give this a brush up and post it again since it was a month ago I posted the original. So here's the refreshed, reviewed, reassessed, reformatted, and return of the Go / No-Go Checklist. Freshness stamp at the top, changes by date at the bottom. Please comment with any additions and corrections as always. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +###### **Official notice that this is not financial advice, etc etc. I have no idea if any of this is indeed why these things are happening, or if they are even what I think they are. I bought a handful of shares before DFV's Congressional hearing because something seemed fucky, and that was my first stock purchase EVER. If you make financial decisions off of this speculation, you probably do eat crayons like me. I am literally just some Ape on the internet mashing buttons and you're gonna have to explain to your wife's boyfriend why you took this as advice and then spent your whole allowance already this week.** + +So this [post](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mu9xed/why_were_still_trading_sideways_and_why_we_havent/) from u/c-digs is about as close as anyone has come to my personal theory that there is a literal checklist somewhere that is getting marked off before this is allowed to unravel. The DTCC and Wall St (and probably the SEC) definitely do not want this spring to unwind before they are ready, and certainly not in a way in which they don't feel they are in control. These players are Big Corporate dicks with Big Corporate mindsets, and its my bet that they don't do anything without a plan that at least addresses all eventualities. + +However, as it is now probably alarmingly clear to them this isn't just gonna go away on its own (cue Apes waving from the windows of the rocket sitting on the launchpad), the DTCC and pals are now scrambling to get the last things in place before somebody trips over the cord to the shredder at 3am and lands on the launch button. + +I think the list goes something like this, but am intending this to be **a crowdsourced document** because there is no way I can keep this all straight on my own, and the GME Investor community has done so so much great DD already. There is definitely more to add in terms of DTCC / OCC / NSCC / SEC rules, and please comment with additional items & sources and I'll try to keep up with editing them into the list. Compiling it here can possibly help determine just how close GME probably is to liftoff. It feels like we aren't that far from it now. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +## 1 - Rules of Engagement + +**Opinon - Status: Go for Launch** ✅ +*The System would benefit most if new rules about payments in a member default situation are in effect prior to launch, and as far as we know at this point, all rules to cover that scenario that were filed are now in place. They can use remaining days to shore up a few more monetary rules, but there aren't any disaster-level rules still pending out there. My opinion is at ~~90%~~ 95% Go as we are still waiting for at least 1 important rule:* + +* *SR-NSCC-2021-002* + +Let's cover some basics before getting into each specific rule. + +**Whose rules cover what:** + +DTCC stands for Depoisitory Trust and Clearing Corporation which is made up of 3 self-regulating bodies: + +* [DTC](https://www.dtcc.com/about/businesses-and-subsidiaries/dtc) - The Depository Trust Company +* [NSCC](https://www.dtcc.com/about/businesses-and-subsidiaries/nscc) - National Securities Clearing Corporation +* [FICC](https://www.dtcc.com/about/businesses-and-subsidiaries/ficc) - Fixed Income Clearing Corporation + +and handles: + +* Physical Stock Certificates and ownership records, big institutional trades (DTC) +* Securities trades, clearing, and settlement for nearly all transactions involving US based marketplaces (NSCC) +* Government Securities and Mortgage-Backed Securities (FICC) + +[OCC](https://www.theocc.com) - Options Clearing Coroporation handles: +Options (shocker, I know) + +[ICC](https://www.theice.com/clear-credit) - Intercontinental Exchance (ICE) Clear Credit handles: +Credit Default Swaps, or CDS for short. + +**Naming Scheme (yes the whole thing is important)** +example: SR-DTC-2021-005 + +* SR - Type of document filed, SR = Self Regulation +* DTC - Name of self regulated entity filing it +* 2021 - Year regulation was filed +* 005 - Sequence filed in (5th, so far) + +✅ = in effect now +❌ = pending review / revision + +### Rules To Protect The System + +#### Stocks/Securities + +* **SR-DTC-2021-003: Obligation to Reconcile Activity on a Regular Basis** ✅ +*The "You're gonna report your risk daily now, you little shits" Rule.* +Filed 2021-03-09 +Effective 2021-03-16 +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m793h7/new_dtcc_rule_just_passed_in_effect_immediatly/) + +* **SR-DTC-2021-004: Amend the Recovery & Wind-down Plan** ✅ +*The "We'll liquidate your asse(t)s if you default, then make your pals chip in, before we pay a dime ourselves" Rule.* +Also stipulates what the DTCC is willing to cover when reconciling, as in only shares on the books, and why you (yes you Ape) should have a cash account and not a margin account. +Filed 2021-03-29 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgs05i/analysis_of_srdtc2021004_dtcc_changing_the_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +* **SR-DTC-2021-005** *Removed by DTCC for Review* ❌ +*The "We're tagging the shares you lend out so you can't do it more than once" Rule.* +While this won't help prevent anything, and would likely ignite the engines on its own, this will prevent a GME scenario from happening again in the future. +Filed 2021-04-01 +Removed for further review ^src-1 / **Now Expected "Soon"** ^src-2 +Effective Immidiately upon re-filing/approval (apparently) +[src-1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpmcyz/good_news_update_on_dtc2021005_according_to_john/), [src-2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ngwhzu/where_is_srdtc2021005_the_update/) + +* **SR-DTC-2021-006: Remove the Security Holder Tracking Service** ✅ +*The "We're dropping the old way of tracking shares, cause it didn't work well, and DTC-2021-005 will do it better" Rule.* +It was speculated in another post that the old system of tracking needed to be removed so there was no conflict in implementing DTC-2021-005 (I can't find that post here on reddit anymore, src needed!). It's likely that this could pave the way for 005 to be implemented. As if 2021-05-20 I am more inclined to think that it was removed to keep anyone from implementing share tracking prior to 005 being implemented. +Filed 2021-04-22 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwhyhw/sec_files_srdtc2021006_removing_the_old_and/) <- also my post + +* **SR-DTC-2021-007: Update the DTC Corporate Actions Distributions Service Guide** ✅ +*The "Stop bickering back and forth over the manual adjustments to your peer to peer trade records via the dumb APO method, and just use the GD computer validated Claim Connect system, please" Rule.* +Way to make a super vague title DTC... This is mostly about borrowed shares and updating who pays how much when circumstances - like rates - change. The old system (APO) needed both parties to just agree on the adjustments and one side could only submit an adjustment at a time, so it was rarely agreed upon in one pass and the bad guys could likely stall with many back and forths. To me this reads as a please use this better thing now, because APO will go away on July 9th 2021 so you'll have to use Claim Connect by then anyways. Since the lender is likely incentivized to use the new system, it may get adopted in higher numbers sooner. +Filed 2021-04-30 +Effective Immediately +Mandatory 2021-07-09 +[src](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/dtc.htm#SR-DTC-2021-007), [Explainer post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n28jes/new_dtc_regulation_posted_srdtc2021007/) + +* **SR-NSCC-2021-002: Amend the Supplemental Liquidity Deposit Requirements** *Pending* ❌ +*The "We'll margin call your ass if your new daily reports say you're overextended and make us feel scared" Rule.* +Works in conjunction with DTC-2021-003. This rule now appears to be clear to be acted on by the SEC. +Possible insight on why this may have been strategically delayed, via /u/yosaso ^src-4 +NSCC-2021-801 Gave Advance Notice of this, and as of 2021-05-04 is cleared to be included with NSC-2021-002. ^src-2 +Filed 2021-03-05 +Comment Period Extended to 05-31 / Expected action on or before 2021-06-21 ^src-3 +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mc0zfn/too_ape_didnt_read_summary_of_srnscc2021801/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [src-2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n51u5d/sec_has_no_objections_to_nscc801/), [src-3](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc/2021/34-91788.pdf), [src-4](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n67h63/the_reason_why_may_4th_was_important/) + +* **SR-NSCC-2021-004: Amend the Recovery & Wind-down Plan** ✅ +*The "Just so we're clear about stocks specifically, we're really serious about us not paying for your fuckups unless we have to rule" Rule.* +Works in conjunction with DTC-2021-004, but this is specific to securities and was filed first. ^src-1 This ALSO has language in it about clarifying the mass transfer of customer accounts from a failing member to a stable member. ^src-2 +Filed 2021-03-05 +Effective 2021-03-18 +[src-1](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mc0zfn/too_ape_didnt_read_summary_of_srnscc2021801/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), [src-2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvybgf/sec_is_expecting_the_need_for_a_mass_emergency/) + +* **NSCC-2021-005: Increase the NSCC’s Minimum Required Fund Deposit** ❌ +*The "We're gonna up your minimum deposit with us from an hysterically low $10K each, to an almost certainly still not enough $250k each" Rule.* +DTCC has submitted this to SEC, but SEC has not approved / published yet, so details may change. ^src-1 +Filed 2021-04-26 +Approved: Pending +Effective: Approval + 20days +[src-1](https://www.dtcc.com/legal), [Explainer post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mz9gl6/nscc2021005_has_been_signed_today_implementation/) + +#### Options + +* **SR-OCC-2021-003: Increase Persistent Minimum Skin-In-The-Game / Waterfall** ✅ +*The "You Market Makers are gonna give us more money now in case you fuck up with options later and owe someone more than you have" Rule.* +This is the rule associated with the SR-OCC-2021-801 advanced notice, and SIG filed an opposition during the review period delaying the implementation. ^src-1 You can read that whiney rant here via this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhh0f1/update_go_nogo_for_launch_the_checklist_keeping/gznui8r?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +OCC-2021-003 is now approved and both should be in effect no later than Tuesday 2021-06-01 10am Eastern (if SEC approval notice counts as the official written notice to OCC members). ^src-2 +Filed 2021-02-10 +Approved 2021-05-27 +Effective on or before 2021-06-01 10am EST +[src-1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mm8pnz/update_from_sec_on_srocc2021801_aka_srocc2021203/), [src-2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmjbov/srocc2021003_approved_that_one_was_needed_for/gzqwqzc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +#### Credit Default Swaps + +* **SR-ICC-2021-005: Amend the ICC Recovery & Wind-down Plan** ✅ +*The "Guys, DTC had a pretty good idea, lets also liquidate members first before touching our own cash." Rule.* +Fairly straightforward with this nugget as described by u/Criand: +"Something really cool is they'll not only wipe out members who default on a certain security, they'll wipe out similar positions in that same security of all their other members IF it's high risk/stress to the market." +Filed 2021-03-23 +Approved 2021-05-10 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfl69o/new_icc_rules_summary_they_are_preparing_for/) + +* **SR-ICC-2021-007: Update the ICC’s Treasury Operations Policies and Procedures** ✅ +*The "Your capital balance sheet is looking a little shaggy there, we think you need a Collateral Haircut" Rule.* +Tightens up what can and cant be considered as collateral, trimming off the stuff that is not deemed worthy, and reducing overall capital, which means you can handle less total risk and/or volatile CDS contracts. +Filed 2021-03-29 +Approved 2021-05-13 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfl69o/new_icc_rules_summary_they_are_preparing_for/) + +* **SR-ICC-2021-008: Update the ICC Risk Management Model Description** ✅ +*The "We're gonna start using our best guesses on if the collateral for the loans these psuedo-insurance contracts are based on might go crazy in the near future, 'cause shit is getting weird out there" Rule.* +This is about [Credit Default Swaps](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/creditdefaultswap.asp), which are a bit complex. Essentially this rule appears it primarily will help to reduce the chances of say, BofA failing because they agreed to get paid to take on some of the risk of a loan made by say JP Morgan, and then BofA got fucked over just because JP Morgain made the loan using a volatile stock as collateral and then that stock went bananas... a stock which everyone probably knew was volatile but somehow wasn't a big factor in making the agreement before this rule. The rule also limits the ICC maximum total losses/payout, and ups initial margin requirements. +Filed 2021-03-31 +Approved 2021-05-18 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfl69o/new_icc_rules_summary_they_are_preparing_for/) + +* **SR-ICC-2021-009: Update the ICC Risk Parameter Setting and Review Policy** ✅ +*The "We're basing risk on day to day averages now instead of month to month averages" Rule.* +When something strays too far outside of the acceptable baseline, it gets flagged. Now that baseline is automatically calculated day to day, instead of month to month, and manualy reviewed the old way at least monthly. It will result in faster response time to fast moving changes and real risks (safer), but also less shock from too few updates (smoother). All that so they can keep margin levels appropriate. Also cleans up some language to be more generic and descriptive like "Extreme Price Change Scenarios." +Filed 2021-04-02 +Approved 2021-05-20 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhdw0f/rick_management_updates_just_went_from_monthly_to/) + +* **SR-ICC-2021-014: Update the ICC’s Fee Schedules** ✅ +*The "Huuuuuuuge discounts on swaps! Get 'em while they last!" Rule.* +This cuts fees on CDS contracts about 25%, which sounds like they want to incentivize risk sharing even more. Program is for the 2nd half of 2021, and discounts start June 1st. +Filed 2021-05-07 +Approved 2021-05-18 +Effective Immediately +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfl69o/new_icc_rules_summary_they_are_preparing_for/) + +### Rules to protect the value of the market in general as best as possible + +* **SR-OCC-2021-004: Revisions to OCC's Auction Participation Requirements** ✅ +*The "Everyone can come to the feeding frenzy party when we liquidate one of you idiots" Rule.* +Allows more firms that were traditionally excluded from an auction of this type to now join in, probably making the market wide bleeding end sooner, and retain more value overall. +Filed 2021-03-19 +Effective 2021-05-19 +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mnpzu5/srocc2021004_why_this_proposed_rule_change_is/) + +### Non-regulation / Other Announcments + +* **Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3 Compliance Letter: Staff Statement on Fully Paid Lending** ✅ +*The "We're making you keep full collateral on hand for your shit, you've got six months to get it together" letter.* +Letter sent 2020-10-22 +Effective 2021-04-22 +[src](https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/staff-fully-paid-lending?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery) + +* **GOV-1085-21: DTCC / FICC White Paper Announcing WABR added as a Sponsored Member** ✅ +WABR Cayman Limited is a firm specializing in helping Institutional Sales Traders in times of "thin markets". u/stellarEVH explains: +*"When a company needs to quickly pay off their debts as in the case of a margin call, it can be challenging for them to gather all the money from their various investments. There are firms in place that are specialized in liquidating their portfolio in a manner to minimize market impact while they pay off their debt."* +Announced 2021-04-23 +Effective 2021-04-29 +[src](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/pdf/2021/4/23/GOV1085-21PDF.PDF), via [this post & comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/my1hio/friday_the_dtcc_approved_wabra_morgan_stanley/), linked from [It's Just a Bug, Bro Part 6 - Bug Spray Edition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/myl37p/its_just_a_bug_bro_part_6_bug_spray_edition/) +[Additional info on who WABR is](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mz4oza/the_rabbit_hole_of_wabr_cayman_company_limited/) 👀 *Spidey senses are tingling* +>!*I love this community*!< + +* **MBS978-21: FICC Notice on MBSD Intraday Mark-to-Market Charge - Timing of Intraday Collection** ✅ +*We've been lenient for the past year cause shit was wack, but we're going back on that regular hourly assesment for margins.* +"Starting on May 3, 2021, the fixed time of 1:00PM will be eliminated and the MBSD Intraday Mark-to-Market Charge will return to an hourly assessment." This combined with other things will tighten the screws. +/u/stellarEVH bringing that good good again: *"For example, it’ll be much harder to short GameStop and/or trade in dark pools when you’re expected to cover your margin every hour. For the last year, they’ve only needed to prove they were covered at 1pm."* +Notice Date 2021-04-21 +Effective 2021-05-03 +[src post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n3m0qu/the_mandatory_dtcc_common_stock_reallocation_for/), [explainer comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n3m0qu/the_mandatory_dtcc_common_stock_reallocation_for/gwr8n2a?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +* **OCC Notice 48718: TEMPORARY INCREASE TO CLEARING FUND SIZE** ✅ +*Yeah if you could give us some more of your money for a bit, that would be great.* +Yeah they used all caps, and gave 2 days notice before they would just go into members bank accounts to get that money. Must've needed it bad for the 19th, because it normally is just increased monthly on the 1st. Total increase was $588,378,155. +Notice Date 2021-05-17 +Deposit by Date 2021-05-19 [by 9am](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nfz9xa/huge_crypto_dump_currently_things_are_hotting_up/). +[src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nftyg4/occ_has_issued_a_statement_to_all_clearing/) + +*(please help me fill in other important rules via comments)* + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +## 2 - Funding + +**Opinion - Status: Go for Launch** ✅ + +### To pay out for shares of GME + +* [SHF Pulling money from crypt0](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-doge-ethereum-ripple-price-monday-19-april-crypto-latest-081427050.html) +* SHF Pump and Dump on other stocks +* SHF Liquidate other Assets Under Management (market-wide dive on 2021-04-22?) [Citadel Sell-off?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0fwx2/kenny_might_be_in_a_bit_of_a_pickle_right_now/) +* Wind Down and Recovery Strategies (SR-DTC-2021-004, SR-ICC-2021-005) +* *(other suggestions w/ sources wanted)* + +### Secure cash to buy up liquidated assets to prevent total market collapse + +* [Big Banks do a Bond Sales](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mu8a5m/6_out_of_the_7_top_listed_us_banks_have_made/), [Citigroup: "Me Too!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzvcli/citigroup_borrowing_55_billion_in_latest_bank/) + * Need plausible reasons for making those sales such as earnings report, or LIBOR to SOFR switch, or *insert wildcard like $50 Bil Football League*, etc ... +* Banks Re-Structuring / Netting [src](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mur8bz/srdtc2021004_the_dtcc_and_jp_morgan_theyre/) +* [Wells Fargo to liquidate two of its trusts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nh5ed7/wells_fargo_to_liquidate_two_of_its_trusts/) +* Rule SR-OCC-2021-004 allowing more players at the auction of the defaulting member's assets. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +## 3 - Cover for Timing of Launch + +**Opinion - Status: No-Go for Launch** ❌ +*This will likely be the very last one, and we'll only know what they will use as an excuse once it's started. I think all the other pieces would need to be in place* (Narrator: They are.) *for them to feel most confident to light the fuse. This will be more oportunistic in nature, I think.* + +I'm splitting this into 2 objectives: why GME is going up, and why the market in general is tanking. + +#### GME Go *BRRRRRRRRRRRR!* Cover + +Ideally a plausible Corporate or Market Event that the stock price “should” respond to in order to initiate upward price movement without the timing looking SUS AF and destabilizing the broader market due to fear of systemic problems and/or loss of public trust. These events are mostly out of the control of The System, and one will likely be the ignition. + +* Corporate: AGM Voting Proxy Release +* Corporate: Quarterly Earnings (Q1 2021) +* Corporate: CEO Announced +* Corporate: AGM Vote Count + Board Elections +* Corporate: RC Appointed as Chairman Official News +* Corporate: Dividend Issue / Stock Split +* Corporate: Major Partner Announcement +* Market: Broader Retail Gains +* TBD / Unkown + +&nbsp; + +#### Markets Go *clank!* Cover + +Major policy announcements, world politics, regularly scheduled economic reports released... Pick your favorite here, cause they will and already have. This cover will justify why the markets are hemorhaging to hide the fact that positions are being liquidated to start paying for buying-back all those GME shares. + +* Market: Global Supply Chain Issue +* Market: Liquidity Stress Tests + * [April 26th, 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mww2ah/dtcc_planning_liquidity_risk_testing_on_26th/) + * [May 13th, 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n763vq/dtcc_members_are_having_a_liquidity_check_may_13th/) + * Note: As far as I can tell, these happened yearly, typically in April/May, but only once... 2 back to back? +* Government: [POTUS joint address to Congress](https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-nancy-pelosi-coronavirus-pandemic-267e753a5d1ab7a72d3274728b25f63c) + Green New Deal? Capital Gains Announcement: [similar to BS on 2021-04-22?](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-22/biden-to-propose-capital-gains-tax-as-high-as-43-4-for-wealthy) +* Government: [2021-05-06 Congressional Hearing with SEC / Gensler, DTCC / Bodson, FINRA / Cook.](https://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=407762) +* Government: [2021-05-26+27 Congressional Hearing with Big Banks](https://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=407740) +* Government: Monthly [Consumer Price Index numbers released](https://www.bls.gov/schedule/news_release/cpi.htm), next is June 13th +* Government: [US Treasury Stability Council Meeting June 11th](https://www.reuters.com/article/usa-treasury-stability-idUSL2N2N638S) + Possible platform for policy announcement? Typically hold 6 +/- a year, but this would be first of 2021 and was postponed from May 21st. +* Government: [US 2022 Fiscal Year Budget Proposal](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-propose-6-trillion-us-budget-2022-fiscal-year-nyt-2021-05-27/) +* *(other suggestions wanted)* + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +## 4 - Fallguy, and the Lack of Prevention + +**Opinion - Status: Go for Launch** ✅ +*While they will likely have a fallguy decided upon prior to launch, I don't see it as a necessity that would delay it, certainly not like the Rules of Engagement or Funding would. I also think that nothing would keep them from changing the story if something else influences the narrative in an acceptable way shortly after liftoff.* + +### Blame! + +After the market pain is significant enough that the public wants answers, why not lay all the blame on bad actors, and defer attention from the system to try to avoid additional exterior regulation. + +* SHFs (now liquidated) as overly greedy and got what they deserved +* Retail (as Anarchists, or greedy and oportunistic) + * [Forbes article on January Gamma Squeeze](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvf7r3/forbes_reminder_as_we_hodl_towards_the_moass_gme/gvc5c8f/?context=3) +* Foreign Actors trying to destabilize the US Markets +* *(other suggestions w/ sources wanted)* + +### Control Public Image of the System via PR +* DTCC: ["We're doing a great job! Take our word for it!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvozps/dtcc_trying_to_get_ahead_of_the_story_the_most/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) +* DTCC: "We're announcing our plan to keep working on a plan to kind of band-aid a problem that's pretty bad and we've known about for awhile, and like we have definitely been talking about it and stuff, but now we're like really gonna talk about it using words like "in-depth analysis" cause up to now we were mostly just talking about it like how you tell that one friend *"yeah, we should totally hang out soon"* and then you never do, but not now cause we're serious now, and it's definitely not because we've gotta talk to the US Congress this week or anything. Like, honestly." AKA the announcement of [the DTCC's T+1 Settlement Plan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5b91j/dtcc_rolls_out_plan_and_faq_for_a_new_t1/) + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +--- + +# *...Meanwhile, at the SEC* + +"Let's at least *look* like we aren't asleep at the wheel here, lads" + +* [Whistleblower Awards](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrfxvg/secgov_sec_awards_over_50_million_to_joint/) + * [47.4% of the Amount of all SEC Whistleblower Awards Ever Given Have Been Awarded in the Last 12 Months (Out of 105 Months of Program Activity)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf3n64/474_of_the_amount_of_all_sec_whistleblower_awards/) +* [Closed door meetings](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mihiv9/another_sec_closed_door_meeting_scheduled_for_48/) +* [2021-05-27 Sunshine Act Meeting - Scheduled](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhgh3i/sunshine_meeting_rescheduled_may_27/) + * These have been cancelled 4 out of 7 times... so far! +* Speech by SEC Commissioner Peirce inlcuding the line that the SEC is *"working on a report about the events related to meme stock trading earlier this year, and some regulatory initiatives may come out of that work."* and a few other statements about how the SEC shouldn't be concerned with firms loosing money... aka Tough Titties Archegos, et al. +[src post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n2ax63/something_apes_missed_read_this/) +* [SEC sues HF, filed 5/19/21- states NAKED SHORT SELLING is ILLEGAL and ask FOR a JULY TRIAL!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nhmaxw/sec_sues_hf_filed_51921_states_naked_short/) + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; + +Any and all additions you think may belong on this list, feel free to put in the comments, and I'll try to update and give credit where possible. If I got any of these wrong, or you've found better links that explain the rules, let me know in the comments and I'll make those edits. + +Contributions noted where possible, and initial start from previous work on Recent Filings by /u/Antioch_Orontes [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/msh5mt/a_brief_overview_of_recent_filings_from_the_dtc/) + +&nbsp; + +Looking for the TL;DR? It's at the top. + +&nbsp; + +--- + +&nbsp; + +## Buy. Hodl. Vote. + +&nbsp; + +#### ... and make history. + +&nbsp; + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit 2021-05-22: +Typos, add expected effective timeframe for DTC-2021-005. May 27th SEC Meeting Scheduled. SEC Lawsuit. Restructured the 3rd/Cover section to clarify for some comments and feedback about why I think cover is important. Also by now I've got plenty of reddit points/currency, so spend new money on GME! + +Edit 2021-05-28: +SR-OCC-2021-003 approved. Add CPI release as market drop cover, US Treasury meeting, US Budget Proposal. +So currently, my credit isn't in the best spot (around 577), and I have a 2008 Chevy Silverado 1500 LT that I purchased in August 2016. I currently owe around $12,000 on the truck, and the other day it started making a grinding noise. After some back and forth, turns out there was an oil leak and there is now scouring in the engine, which means the mechanic is recommending scrapping the engine and replacing it, about a $7,000 cost. + +I have about 2 months before I NEED need a car/this car back, and I have about $3,500 saved up. + +I think my only options are to either + +A) trade it in for incredibly low (all quotes/offers have been in the $4K range at max), and take the ~$8000 hit in negative equity, and get a brand new car (most banks will only approve negative equity with a loan on a 2017/2018 vehicle), and make payments on it... however with my credit situation, my interest rate/monthly payment would be through the roof, around $650 a month. So in this scenario, I would take 2 months to pay off bills using the $3,500, and try to save as much as I could for a down payment while still working towards helping my credit score. + +B) Cash out my 401K to pay for the repairs. In this scenario, it'd take about 2 months to get my check for the 401K. I have about $9,000 in there (just started 2 years ago and going slow on it), so I would need to take out the full amount to cover taxes/penalties, and then include that with the $3,500 I have saved to cover the full payment. The plus to this is that I continue making my $300/month payments, but I wipe out my 401K completely. I DID just switch jobs though, and I'm only 25, so hopefully it wouldn't hurt me too much in the long run. + +Can anyone think of any other options I have, or let me know of anything I might be missing, especially in the 401K Cashout scenario? The most important thing to me right now is keeping my monthly costs low, as I need to continue paying student loans, so a +$350/month would hurt me a lot more than losing $7,000 up front, but I'm terrible with personal finance, so I might be overlooking something. + +**EDIT** +Sounds like the best option right now is to shop around (doing that this Saturday after I get images of the damage), see what other shops will charge to replace, and then probably take the 2 months to use my savings to pay off my debt, and then make a decision then. I'll probably be checking back in - definitely not cashing out my 401K. Thanks for the advice everyone! +As the title says I'm into crypto pretty deep. I was in crypto briefly in 2013, but only really hit the ground running in 2017 and never looked back. In 2017 I made all the usual mistakes, got into the wrong coins, entered some dodgy exchanges and sold the wrong coins (like selling Enjin on its first day after investing in the ICO). In 2018 things got worse, with shitcoins driving the BTC value of my holdings down by half. + +Now I'm sitting really pretty and feel like I have "clicked" to the point where I am generally making money in crypto and quite a few people ask me for advice on what to do, strategies etc. Here are some of my tips, observations and ideas. + +1. Don't trust anyone. Assume everybody you are talking to is a friendly thief who wants your money. That includes people shilling particular coins, or anyone asking for your crypto to invest, to random people that message you. (And yes ironically this means don't trust me, but you'll see I didn't mention my altcoin holdings and I am deliberately staying quiet on what my 800% defi pool is :) ) +2. Every position you enter should be a fixed percentage of your portfolio. I prefer 1% for a typical trade. Risky uniswap gems might be 0.5%, very strong longer term positions say 2-5%. +3. Have your portfolio value in BTC (or ETH if you prefer that). Your goal is to increase your BTC value. Each trade should be from BTC, and then exit back out of BTC. Log all transactions in blockfolio etc under the BTC pair, so you can see how much BTC value you are gaining. Don't worry as much about USD gains, as in a bull market its easy to make USD value gains. BTC is the end-game here so you want to accumulate BTC, especially if BTC dominance is falling. +4. Have a portion of your portfolio allocated to farming or staking. If you have a coin sitting somewhere for ages, ask if there is some way for you to make money from it. For example, I have a large stack of BTC and ETH, so rather than have it sitting doing nothing, I wrapped the BTC and entered a Sushi Farm. Months later the rewards from that farm are worth something like 25% of the amount I initially invested. Every so often, harvest the rewards and either re-farm (compounding) or shift to your long term hold. Remember compound interest. There are opportunities for very high returns (without ponzi aspects but be careful) - find those, constantly take and re-invest the income and the gains are quite extreme. +5. Have a dedicated stack of BTC or ETH that is your "HODL" portfolio that you never touch. Preferably in seperate legal entity (like a trust) than what you trade with. This will help for taxes. Every so often, move some profits into that long term stack. I don't do anything with that stack at all, it is just my safe holdings. +6. Spend as much time learning about tax as you do trading. Tax is something you kind of need to understand upfront - you can get way more rekt from bad tax approaches than you make gains with good trading. And keep your records safe - download all trade histories at the end of every quarter. +7. Use telegram (or discord). Find really helpful smart and useful people and stick to them. Find helpful trading groups. Eventually they will be a vital source of information or just ways to bounce ideas off. Check out my previous post for a full guide on "must have" telegram groups. +8. Read the crypto news as much as you can. Its amazing how often something pops up (e.g. grayscale announcing new trusts with other coins) and there is still a decent amount of time to buy. And always have some BTC on an exchange ready to buy on such an opportunity. Again, telegram is great for this as you can quickly see tweets or news-links being shared. +9. Have a preset % of gain or losses whereby you will sell if it reaches that. For example, for most coins, if a coin ever goes up more than 30% vs BTC in a day I always sell. 95% of the time that works out as better than holding. In the rare event I double my position I always sell the principal immediately (I did this twice this year - with Ethernity and Blind Boxes). +10. Always have an idea as to what the current "climate" is in terms of what is moving and in favour. Crypto markets often move with certain sectors at a time. For example, if you look at the Coin Gecko categories list, you can immediately spot what is "hot" right now. Last month it was NFTs, so I was heavy in that space, but now that sector is cooling. The binance smart chain and exchange coins are doing very well right now - if that is the case what else might move? Well other low gas blockchains could be an idea - especially if they have defi - so Avax, Raydium etc are all moving too. Soon it might well be BTC's time to gain as the expense of alts. You should be rotating in and out of positions to try and go with the ebb and flow of the market. +11. For newcomers, start with basic stuff like accumulating bitcoin, learning to use a wallet, security etc. Don't just dive in and ape into defi coins, wsb style. It may suck that it feels like you are missing all the gains from the "hot" new coins, but it will equally hurt if you are just burning through your capital. +12. Look out for free crypto opportunities. They key here is sorting out the gems from the scams. This isn't just staking etc but also things like reddit moons and airdrops. A lot of people are even "airdrop farming" whereby you have wallets that carry out certain activities deliberately to try and qualify for future airdrops. Coin market cap earn and coinbase earn are two more. Even something like the binance "dust" feature to turn dust into bnb is a way of generating some more bnb (even if its tiny). Check out my previous post on free crypto and ways to get passive income +13. For farming, make sure you are using the right apps like zapper or apy vision to track all your positions, your yield and any impermanent loss. That will also help with tax records down the track, should you need it. Watch out for farming on the ETH network as your gas fees will chew up any gains if you have small positions. Check out my previous post of sushi farming for how the rewards and gains work +14. Track all your numbers, your gains, your investments and portfolio change religiously, preferably in an excel document. That way you'll know how you are performing and if something is going wrong. Again, I wish I had done this more in 2018. +15. Have an "emergency reserve". For me, this is actually my stock positions, many which are crypto related, but you could have gold or cash (I especially like the idea of something like stable coins lent on FTX at a decent interest rate). If we get some kind of crypto turbo dump which is 40%, you can then have that as money on the side-lines ready to buy. +16. Constantly educate yourself. For me, I still need 3-4 hours a day to research and learn about crypto. I find crypto podcasts and even youtube vital sources of information, provided you are listening to the right people. Mix up your education with news, technical strategies, trading updates, altcoin news and even just the general philosophy behind sound money and financial sovereignty. +17. If you win or lose on a trade, delete that coin from blockfolio immediately. Why? Because you have exited that position, and seeing it jump up again in price is just going to torment you. You've made the decision to sell, don't even up revenge trading where you come back and try and get your losses back on the same trade. +18. Never margin trade UNLESS it is only because you want to minimise your funds at risk on an exchange. Even then I'd avoid it. Unfortunately many exchanges make this very hard to use - and there are confusing terms and default options which can rekt you (for example, positions that will drain your other funds instead of liquidiating the trade if falls too much). In fact, I avoid almost all USD pairings and only trade BTC pairing, unless very special circumstances are in play (such as ripple being delisted from coinbase). +19. Never hold more than around 10 coins. I used to have up to 40 at a time, it became impossible tracking them in terms of activity, prices, and god the horrors of trying to maintain enough wallets for them. 10 is enough diversification. I used to have a "bag" of around 15 moonshots - that strategy never worked as even if one "Gem" actually made it big, the losses from the other ones cancelled out. Typically if I had a huge gain from one of my coins, I sell back to BTC and waits for other opportunities. This isn't Pokemon - don't try and "catch them all". +20. Falling in love with alt-coins is like falling in love at a stripclub. Yes trade them. But just be conscious that their chances of beating BTC long term are very unlikely. Just look at all my 2013 gems (peer coin, feather coin etc). Heck I bought World-Coin because I read about a "bitcoin genius teenager" who made millions from crypto and said World-Coin was the next bitcoin. And I've made my mistakes as well going forward, holding on for dear life for nano (yes I know its fast and instant!) and grin. I think the tech for both coins is great, that doesn't mean its a great trade. If you want to marry your alt-coins then you will be lucky if you only lose half your money like a real world divorce :) +21. EDIT. Bonus one. Always learn from your losses (and I have MANY). I like to think of crypto as like a computer game where you are gaining new skills. Think of RPG games like Baldur's Gate or Warcraft. You can earn money or experience, and use that to gain new items or skills that protect you against certain things. So maybe you lost $500 to a "rug-pull"? Well do your research and figure out how to avoid that next time. Maybe you'll spend the next 2 weeks mad about it, but next time a potential rug-pull project comes along you'll dodge it - congratulations you now have learned "immunity to rug-pulls". Keep learning and gaining more experience and you'll start avoiding all the traps. +22. EDIT 2: You are going to have MANY scenarios where you see a coin that has gone x1000 or to some ridiculous crescendo, where you feel utterly compelled to buy to avoid missing out. This is the obvious trap (if you want an example of this look at Safemoon right now. Bitconnect was the one in 2017 and there are others). At some point bitcoin or ethereum will do a similar run up, and many people outside crypto will do the same thing. Yes this can be irresistible but you must resist the temptation - think of the cryptos has being a bunch of boats on the wharf, and there are thousands of boats. Every day another hundred turn up. Why are you going to try and jump across the water to get to the boat that is already leaving, when if you wait a bit another few dozen will turn up in five minutes? You'll just fall in the water and miss out on those new boats! +23. If you must trade as a new-comer, I highly suggest trading the smaller / middle cap BTC pairs. Not the USD or margin pairs. Certainly not something like futures contracts on FTX. Why? Because if you are on bitmex / bybit / ftx etc you are swimming with the whales and sharks, quant funds, robo-traders and the like. If you entered the casino for the first time in your life, would you immediately go to the blackjack table with James Bond and Dr Evil? The smaller BTC pairs are more likely to have less experienced traders - my trades actually went positive once I moved from USD pairs on margin exchanges to spot BTC trades with altcoins. +24. Last edit before bed (I promise). The chances are, crypto is still cyclical. That means we will have another bear market, or at least a very long boring period of no gains. If you have just joined crypto, you probably won't "make it" this cycle, as we may only have 6 months to a year to go. I actually lost money (a lot) in BOTH the 2013 and 2017 bull markets (-50% and -85%, respectively). All of my gains were made in the bear market when I was buying BTC and alts when BTC was in the 3ks. The "will you make it?" test isn't coming now when the market seems to be going infinitely up and everybody is winning. That test comes when everybody is selling and it seems like you are the only buyer. And yeah, thousands of alt coins will suffer or die at that point. So be around to scoop up the ashes - don't be the ashes! This is all a larger part of learning to move with the cycles. + +Anyway these are the ones that come to mind, hopefully that is helpful! No doubt I'll edit this post and add a few more. +Hi Guys, + +I wanted to post this here as well as [r/forex](https://www.reddit.com/r/forex/), but as my account was too new i could only post there initially. It seems to have gathered a lot of support, and as it ties greatly into DayTrading, i thought that it could be useful here, especially with a lot of beginner questions i've seen relating to Support and Resistance, and how to manage your orders. + +For those that don't use TradingView, i created a small series of How to identify Support and Resistance, and how Support becomes Resistance using examples. I also show how to identify a trade, and once identified, how to place all aspects of that trade, including Stop Loss, Take Profit and Trade Closure. + +Here's the complete series, in a single digestible post: + +Part1 - [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/JDkW7yxC-When-Support-becomes-Resistance-and-Resistance-becomes-Support/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/JDkW7yxC-When-Support-becomes-Resistance-and-Resistance-becomes-Support/) + +Part2 - [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/we3J0SSe-How-to-identify-trades-using-Support-and-Resistance/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/we3J0SSe-How-to-identify-trades-using-Support-and-Resistance/) + +Part3 - [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/W7YV3a9W-How-and-where-to-place-Orders-Stop-Losses-and-Take-Profits/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AUDJPY/W7YV3a9W-How-and-where-to-place-Orders-Stop-Losses-and-Take-Profits/) + +Many Thanks for your time, + +For\_The\_Many +It seems like most stocks on the tsx got really expensive. +I think it has largely to do with cheap cost of borrowing and bonds doing so poorly. +Both of these will change so what do you do knowing money will leave the stock market and will drive down stock value? +And thanks for pointing out all that timing the market is nearly impossible. +I guess just couch potato with an eye on a couple decades from now. +The other day I was telling a friend that I passed $50 annually in dividends. He asked how much I invested (just above 1k) and he told me thats such a waste, 1k for $50 a year is nothing. What do you tell people like that? + +EDIT: Thanks everyone for the replies, i made some progress with my friend and thankfully he has seen the light! +I finally have something of value I think I can provide to y’all. + +I own a chunk of land with a house on it. Bought it about five years ago. It was old, it was beaten up and it appraised low. I didn’t give a shit. I saw it with my own two eyes and I liked what I saw so I fucking bought it a smidge over appraised value. + +People said I overpaid. People said interests were high. People said we’re in a bubble (shit we might be idk) + +Friends. My fucking friends (who knew nothing about the housing market) all gave their two cents about my purchase. + +**I didn’t care** + +Because nobody can tell me the worth of something that I myself have assigned value. + +I am now pestered weekly from developers that they want to buy my property. I politely decline. + +So where’s the advice? + +There’s an old man who owned the lot behind me. We would casually discuss the properties and what we perceived their value to be. I hesitantly told him I thought my place was worth a million and a half and he chuckled and said I had a good eye for value. When I asked what he wanted for his property he quickly spat out “i want ten million dollars” + +I laughed and said “well, so do i” and he responded firmly that someone will give him ten million dollars. + +He sold the fucking land last year to a utility company that wanted to build a substation on it. 10 million dollars and not a penny short. + +You determine value, and sometimes you don’t need fancy data, charts and comparables. Sometimes it’s all in your gut. +I had a huge long post typed up, trying to figure out where all of my money is going, why I'm so broke, and why I can't pay down my credit cards. After looking through my bank statements I realized that the problem is 100% without a doubt how often I'm eating out. After calculating, I've spent over $300 on dinners, fast food, and coffee in JULY ALONE. I make an okay living but not enough to spend like that, and this doesn't even include grocery shopping which I've still been doing! + +It hasn't even felt like I've eaten out that much so I'm horrified right now. Sometimes I work crazy hours so the convenience seems worth it, but also sometimes I just get bored of what I have or feel too overwhelmed to go grocery shopping. + +&#x200B; + +How in the fuck do I turn this around? It's like second nature and I don't even think of it at this point but I have to change this pattern. If you've been through this, what helped you? + + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\* EDIT \*\*\* there are a ton of super helpful comments here and I feel so much better with all of this advice! I've started YNAB and I think my best plan of attack is to start slow, meal prep, and to invest in keeping more variety in the house. I love to cook but when it's go-time I either don't want to eat what I have or don't want to put in the effort. +Hey all, I did some digging into Point72 today. I've been meaning to take a peek, since whenever Point72 is remotely discussed, strange things start happening (major forum sliding on Superstonk. Remember the lego thing?) + +That said, I found this gem in the SEC archive. It's a Form D filing (a sale of stock without the hassle of an IPO), dated January 29th, 2021 (great timing Steve). + +[ Jan. 29, 2021 Form D Filing, Point72 Capital ](https://preview.redd.it/6rrfeu6m18g71.png?width=1339&format=png&auto=webp&s=043d37f345d06bfcaab85e2094faf4cb8735204b) + + Now that begs the question - who's the one buying stock? And for how much? Look no further. + +&#x200B; + +[ We have a buyer - hello Shorebridge ](https://preview.redd.it/9qcl5s5p18g71.png?width=1329&format=png&auto=webp&s=e60cc10037f35e6a42424b76ef0a98f4fdbb7bd9) + + How much you ask? + +&#x200B; + +[ 5.3 billion in this one filing alone ](https://preview.redd.it/dt4j3n5s18g71.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e90e167f2f380da497db839888d48b55b2c98d1) + + Okay, so we have a buyer, and we have an amount. Now, I've searched all 3 of the major subs for Shorebridge, and I haven't seen it mentioned. I took this opportunity to dig a little bit. Oh look - + +&#x200B; + +[ The Homeland of White Collar Crime ® ](https://preview.redd.it/rd9bko6u18g71.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=d28a20bf053abafa722d49882e13b57ba58d3364) + +So.... what does this mean? I'm not entirely sure. Kinda hoping you guys can provide insight as you always do. Biggest takeaways for me - the \*timing\* (January 29th), the \*amount\* (5.3 billion ain't no chump change), and the \*location\* (Cayman Islands?? Could you be any less discrete). My novice opinion is that this may be a shell company, but I encourage people to poke holes in this. + +TL;DR- Point72 sold 5.3 billion worth of stock to Shorebridge Capital Advisors, LLC on January 29th, who are incorporated in the Cayman Islands. + +Edit- credit to u/throwawaylurker012 for this excellent info- "Hey OP stellar goddamn find! Thought this info might be useful as well for your post whether on here or super stonk! + +1. Saw someone else found the Douglas Blagdon name affiliated with the account. WaPo published Bloomberg's piece by Hema Parmar, Saijel Kishan, etc. on "Fallen Hedge Fund’s Head Among Investors Getting PPP Relief". They wrote in the article last July 2020:**"ShoreBridge Capital Partners, a firm that helped billionaire Steven Cohen raise money from hedge fund investors after a regulatory ban on him managing other people’s assets was lifted, got approval for a $150,000 to $350,000 loan on April 13. ShoreBridge founder Douglas Blagdon didn’t return messages seeking comment."** (Blagdon and Cohen are utter assholes for this btw, taking PPP loans during a pandemic.)*Source:* [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-small-business/fallen-hedge-funds-head-among-investors-getting-ppp-relief/2020/07/06/c0f26cd6-bfee-11ea-8908-68a2b9eae9e0\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/on-small-business/fallen-hedge-funds-head-among-investors-getting-ppp-relief/2020/07/06/c0f26cd6-bfee-11ea-8908-68a2b9eae9e0_story.html) +2. You're right, they have those Cayman Island filings not just through the islands in general **but Ugland House, which was posted about not just by Atobitt** but also in a semi-recent TIL ([https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/k8ks9i/til\_of\_the\_ugland\_house\_a\_registered\_office\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/k8ks9i/til_of_the_ugland_house_a_registered_office_in/)). It's marked on those SEC filings as "pooled/other investment fund" but declines to disclose issuer size (revenue range, aggregate net value). +*Sources:* [https://sec.report/CIK/0001729976](https://sec.report/CIK/0001729976) +3. **Seems incorporated in 2018**, with 1st share sale Jan. 28, 2018 (am I reading that right?) +4. By Feb. 2018 had 8 investors during a share offering of about 111 milly invested.By Feb. 2019 had 72 investors, in an amended filing saying now 568 milly.By Feb. 2020 had 98 investors, in an amended filing saying now 679 milly.**By Feb. 2021 had 108 investors, in an amended filing saying now 819 milly.**Guessing they file this amended filing every Feb, guess we'll see what happens by next Feb." (comment from DDintoGME) + +Edit2- OMG GUYS ITS WAY BIGGER THAN I THOUGHT THERES EVEN MORE MONEY +https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001465991/000089914021000108/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml +Posting soon + +Final edit- More dirt on Point72 and ShoreBridge. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p0sysd/point72shorebridge_update_another_65_billion_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p0uh7w/deeper_into_shorebridge_and_point72_we_go_part_3/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +JK FINAL EDIT 2 - Thanks u/GreedyJester for pointing out the cyclical nature of these deposits. Quote-"Looking at this Form D, [Shorebridge appears to be the broker](https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/1390781D:US) in this case (Item 12) and received $2,233,142 in commissions for sales (Item 14). + +Form D is an annual filing, for as long as the offering exists they must file an amended Form D (D/A) every year. [This offering started in 2018 and has been filed every year at the end of January](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/browse/?CIK=1461642) (Also shown in Item 7)." + +This pokes a clear hole in the timing part of my theory - I'm grateful. The amount and location part still smells funny, so I'm going to look in that direction. + +Thanks for the fantastic insight I was hoping for! +Sauce: [https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article](https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article) + +Edit: Thank you all for the awards, much appreciated! For those who are asking what ticker to watch tonight Evergrande trades under 03333 and 06666. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕 + +For those not wanting to click the link here is a copy paste: + +By AFP Published October 20, 2021, + +Chinese developer Evergrande will resume trading in Hong Kong on Thursday, it said in a filing, but warned there was “no guarantee” it would be able to meet its financial obligations. + +The company suspended trading on October 4 as it struggles in a sea of debt and faces a default, with investors’ fearing the fallout from its predicament could impact the wider Chinese economy. + +On Wednesday, Evergrande said it had applied for a trading resumption to take effect the following day, although cautioned that “there is no guarantee that the group will be able to meet its financial obligations”. + +Evergrande’s announcement came as China’s new-home prices fell for the first time in six years last month, according to data on Wednesday, as the property sector struggled after a government clampdown. + +Figures on Wednesday showed that the cost of new homes in 70 large and medium-sized cities saw a small decrease in September, the National Bureau of Statistics said without giving a precise percentage, though Bloomberg calculations found they dropped by around 0.08 percent. + +That represents the first drop since April 2015. + +Prices in the secondary market slipped 0.19 percent, a second monthly fall, Bloomberg said. + +The latest readings will be considered especially worrying as September is usually seen as a peak season for the home market, and emerge as property firms come under the spotlight after the government began clamping down on their borrowing. + +This has in turn limited their ability to press on with building and selling projects, putting even more pressure on their bottom lines. + +The biggest casualty of the crackdown has been Evergrande, which is teetering on the brink as it struggles under debts of more than $300 billion. + +The firm has missed several payments on its bonds and a 30-day grace period on an offshore note is up on Saturday, leaving investors concerned about what will happen. Still, it has managed to meet its domestic obligations. + +Fears that the firm could collapse and send shockwaves through the Chinese economy — and possibly globally — rattled markets earlier this month, though Beijing has said any fallout would be containable. + +Several domestic property rivals have in recent weeks already defaulted on debts and have seen their ratings downgraded. + +Hong Kong-listed Sinic Holdings became the latest to miss a payment, S&P Global Ratings said Wednesday. + +S&P said the latest non-payment would “trigger cross defaults and accelerate demands for repayment of the company’s other debts… some of which are already overdue”. + +Mid-sized competitor Fantasia also failed to meet obligations in recent weeks, which triggered downgrades to “selective default” by S&P and “-CCC” by Fitch Ratings. + +China’s property sector has been under tightened scrutiny since regulators announced caps for three different debt ratios in a scheme dubbed “three red lines” last year. + +Despite concerns about the sector, Oxford Economics’ head of Asia economics Louis Kuijs said: “While a major housing downturn in China can’t be ruled out, we think the most likely scenario is a contained short-term downturn combined with a gradual, managed long-term retrenchment.” +Computershare’s official YouTube just dropped a update interview thing with the President of Global Capital Markets and he specifically states that transaction limits for GameStop are boosted to a cool 9 milli but other securities have been boosted to 2 milli. + +Source: +https://youtu.be/9H_pEIhIdTo + +They are also restructuring their mail and printing system in order to get international investors their pin packs more quickly. + +Edit for more context: They will be printing and shipping from international hubs in stead of mailing from the US which requires paper cross the Atlantic. First hub is Bristol with more to come. + +They’re sticking with the per share limit of 214 thousand or whatever (for now) but this is p siiick progress in my opinion. + +Remember, every share we send to CS is 5 taken from the dtcc. + +Ape together strong. Lock the infinity pool. Live forever. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +A good friend of mine works at rocket mortgage doing underwriting. They state rocket management is offering volunteers to be let go and offering 15k in severance and fully vested stock on the way out. Anyone that wants the severance package must let them know by this Friday end of day. Anyone who stays will either be shuffled out or formally laid off. This makes bofa, rocket mortgage, loan depot and one or two other large banks officially part of mass layoffs. Prepare for other institutions like jp morgan and citi to start doing the same. Underwriter pipelines are bone dry due to the current mortgage rates going up and up and up. +Hi all, recently I've seen hype about Smallcase and it's benefits. News channels talking about and I guess even some reviewer talked about it. I am wondering, out of curiosity, what made it blow up now ? I've seen smallcase offered by zerodha even a year ago but there was never any news coverage on it. Thanks. +I work for an unnamed fast food place, we have a little tip jar and after each shift it gets split amongst the employees. I don't think it's like official, but it's there. Whenever we do a register count and put excess money into the safe, if there are discrepancies, the manager takes the difference out of tips (and if it's more than tips, continues to do so over time until it adds back up) and I was just wondering if I should speak up about this because it's illegal or just accept the occasional extra dollar or two and grumble to myself about it. + + +Edit: a few people are mentioning this is the cashier's fault and that's fine, but we dont have a cashier. We're all expected to run cash register, food preparation, taking and handling orders as needed, so on a shift with 3-5 people you can never attribute money missing to anyone in particular. +So, I am in a discord with u/bpiraeus and right after posting the 25.45% of the Free float, I realized something in the 10-K that was filed yesterday, we discussed it with our other friend Ark, and he posted the update. Since my post got over 10,000 upvotes, I think it is important to post this as well, since the previous post had incorrect information. + + +on page F-3 there is an important statement in the table: +"Class A common stock — $.001 par value; authorized 300.0 shares; 75.9 and 65.3 shares issued and outstanding, respectively" + + +There are 10.6 million shares restricted, which are not on the market and will only be awarded to insiders based on vesting schedules. + + +This means that [computershared.net](https://computershared.net) needs to update its float total to not include these shares. + + + + +Institutional Unknown: +\- 13,716,541 + +Mutual Funds: +\- 7,957,066 + +ETFs: +\- 6,690,476 + +Insider: +\- 12,612,303 + +Restricted: +\- 10,600,000 + +Float Total: +24,374,395 + + +DRS total: +\-8,900,000 + + +Remaining Float: +15,474,395 + + +Please help me get this to the mods so they can recategorize my post yesterday to wherever it belongs. + + +A 13% discrepancy between the stated float and the actual float could be the cause for 100% utilization, because any trading algo that has a 13% difference in expected vs actual is basically worthless. +Fat lifestyles often come with indulgent expectations, many of which can be rated as unsustainable. I’m curious what your personal journey is towards sustainability (if you have one). + +This could include: things you are willing to pay more money for in order to buy a more sustainable option, things you can afford but decided not to consume because of their footprint, or even things that you know aren’t good but you won’t give up. +Intel Corporation announces that Matt Poirier has been appointed senior vice president of corporate development, effective May 31, 2022. + +Intel Corporation today announced that Matt Poirier has been appointed senior vice president of corporate development, effective May 30, 2022. Poirier has more than 20 years of leadership, finance and corporate development experience with a focus on mergers, acquisitions and integration, including most recently as senior vice president of strategy and corporate development at AMD. + +LOL + +Invested in Intel because of the valuation but love that they start stealing the good folks from amd :) + +Edit: AMD people don't be offended. If you care so much your probably didn't invest because of valuation and believe that my post will affect their brand. Sad.. I'm not a big Intel player either. I believe that the whole sector gonna rise. Amd on hype and Intel on undervaluation. Damm, Intel has always been a more safe play, even when it comes to building your own computer lol + Welcome to 🍫[MOONBAR](https://t.me/MoonbarFinance)🍫 + +Get some Moonbars and benefit from $BNB and $MOONBAR rewards just by holding 🍫 + +MARKETING ROLLING OUT HARD! GET IN BEFORE THE PUMP + +⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ + +PROMO POSTS INCOMING FROM [u/jakepaul](https://www.reddit.com/u/jakepaul/) , [u/fatboy](https://www.reddit.com/u/fatboy/), [u/unotheactivist](https://www.reddit.com/u/unotheactivist/) , [u/destodubb](https://www.reddit.com/u/destodubb/) + +⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ + +PRESALE OF 2500BNB SOLD OUT IN 8 MINUTES 🥳 + +One of the most successful launches in history! + +🍬 SWEET TOKENOMICS 🍬 + +—————————————————- + +Total Supply: 1 Billion (1B) + +Presale: 500M \[50%\] + +Liquidity Locked: 350M \[35%\] + +Marketing: 10M \[1%\] + +Moonbar Foundation: 100M \[10%\] + +Presale fees & Burn: 40m \[4%\] + +—————————————————- + +4.5% $BNB Redistribution ⚡️ + +4.5% Liquidity Acquisition 🔒 + +1% $MOONBAR distribution 🍫 + +—————————————————- + +☀[️Website](https://moonbar.finance/) + +——————— + +[🌟Telegram](https://t.me/MoonbarFinance) + +——————— + +[💥](https://twitter.com/MoonbarFinance) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MoonbarFinance) + +——————— + +[📈](https://bscscan.com/address/0x47e28936D9c7944D106e46295d87A8E4c1Be818c) [Contract](https://bscscan.com/address/0x47e28936D9c7944D106e46295d87A8E4c1Be818c) + +——————— + +🍫 Join the most delicious project of the summer 🍫 +I have $50 towards a house deposit at the moment, it's been in there for an ENTIRE WEEK without being touched. This is a huge moment for me! + +ETA +Thanks everyone for the kind comments, and thanks for the award! But mostly, thank you to the person who gave me $5 towards my deposit +**TL;DR** : The way the stock market MSM is talking about AMC but specifically avoiding to talk about GME is, for me, one of the biggest confirmation bias. Because when the stock market MSM guys avoid talking about a stock is exactly when you should look into said stock. They're not there to help you with your investments, they exist to push the stocks that their daddies want them to push. This is part of their strategy for a « controlled demolition » regarding the MOASS. + +Have you noticed how MSM suddenly have no problem mentioning AMC or « meme stocks » but they never ever mention GME? There’s clearly an unspoken rule at the moment within MSM that says « Do not, in any case, mention GME. As far as you're concerned, it doesn't fucking exist. ». + +Why? + +Because they want us to forget about GME. + +Because they are trying to make people jump ship from GME to AMC by pushing it down our throats every day so that we end up believing that AMC was the true play all along. + +Because GME is the elephant in the room of the whole economy, and there’s already enough retail interest to make the market implode, so they must avoid more people buying it at any cost to reduce the impact of the inevitable MOASS. + + +Have you seen the face that Charles Payne made in that interview with the two brothers that are making a documentary about apes? His expression totally changed the second one of the brothers mention GME and he seemed uncomfortable and distressed for the rest of the interview. The face he makes says it all. (I'm unable to find the post with the interview right now...) + +EDIT: [here is the clip](https://youtu.be/C73MBeMhfeE) thanks to u/ZoeMameth. Also, u/albanak, one of the Mulligan brothers, commented on this post himself saying he also thinks they are avoiding talking about GME and that’s why he mentioned it in the interview. It’s about 3 minutes into the video, notice how Charles nervously checks his glasses and completely changes his tone and demeanour for the rest of the interview. + + +There is only one true MOASS and it's GME. + +I believe the MOASS is inevitable, and that right now it’s all about stalling it as long as possible to find ways minimize it’s impact and back their asses up as much as they can, and one way they found for this is to push AMC over GME. You’re crazy if you think they’re going to let this happen without finding some way to make it profitable for them. Sure, Citadel and the others that shorted GME are fucked, but others are going to feast on this. + +That being said, I’m just a smooth brained ape and I don’t know shit, I just like the stock. + +All I know is that if they think they can distract us from GME they're fucking wrong. Today I sold all my remaining AMC shares for a nice profit (from 9$ to 62$, thanks for the push guys) and used it to buy more GME. My portfolio is now 100% GME and I'm not selling a single share until the price looks like a phone number or I'm literally dead. + +TO THE FUCKING MOON AND BE PREPARED TO HOLD THROUGH ANYTHING 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 +Hi everyone, how are you doing? + +I can't believe the subreddit hit 280,000 members in the last month. It's mindblowing how quickly it's grown. Looking at the traffic stats, it looks like we have WSB to thank for that (If we save just one YOLOer from themselves, I figure we've all done a pretty good job): + +https://i.imgur.com/QAkGN7i.png + +The subreddit grew by 85,000 members in a week! However, this kind of explosive growth can be quite painful for a community, and the requirement for mod intervention has increased massively lately. + +This is coupled with another trend - a growing number of members are trying to make video content, and this has caused concern for some. + +We have always tried to moderate as close to silently as possible - rather than making a public spectacle of removals and bans, we try to enforce the rules with minimum disruption. Most of the time (if I say so myself) this works pretty well, and I would say the quality of content and help at UKPF is higher-than-average for a subreddit of its size. + +To try and give you an idea of just how much work is being done behind the scenes, the (relatively small) mod-team have taken 2,537 moderator actions in the last month - these involve approving posts and comments, removing rulebreaking posts and comments, and banning users. There are five mods, excluding the bots, and none of us benefit directly or indirectly from our involvement in the subreddit. + +We also make use of automoderator and a custom bot to help with moderation. In addition to our manual interventions, the bots have take 25,206 moderator actions since the new year. This is mostly requiring new posters to read and agree to our rules before making a thread, but also removing threads that the mods have tagged as rulebreaking (to prevent the harrassment of individual mods in this case). + +Effective moderation is also reliant on community engagement - we can't vet anywhere near every post and comment for rule-breaking, and rely on members reporting content for review. + +The rules that we enforce have grown over time, and are as follows: + +1. Be nice +2. No low-effort self-promotion or solicitation +3. Read our wiki and sidebar first +4. No discussion of gambling incentivisation (i.e. matched betting) +5. Discussion should be on-topic and in-depth +6. No trolling, low effort content, bots or memes +7. No politics +8. No market or exchange-rate timing questions +9. No discussion of unlawful activities +10. Don't judge people +11. No referral codes or schemes +12. Discussions must be in public (i.e. not inviting DMs) +13. No donation or money requests +14. Do not delete posts or comments after making them +15. No unanswerable questions (or questions that can be answered with a simple yes/no) + +**So what?** + +This thread serves a couple of purposes, in addition to a general update: + +First of all, there has been an uptick in "gripe" threads. People complaining about elements of the subreddit they don't like. One sad truth is that with a subreddit of this size, there are _guaranteed_ to be bits of it you don't like. Our interest is in serving the community as a whole, and as that community gets bigger that task gets harder. + +This is your opportunity to gripe, on the condition that it is *constructive*. Tell us what should change, what is going wrong, what you like, what you would like more or less of. **The one rule is this: Don't complain about a problem without putting forward a potential solution.** + +Secondly, tell us what you think about the ruleset, whether it still serves the community, and if it doesn't, how you would change it. Should we be more visible/public about enforcing the rules? Should we change the rules? If so, how? + +Please don't be offended if a suggestion you make isn't followed. We do our best to base our approach on our perception of the community's need, and are happy to be challenged if people don't agree, but we need to weigh up the costs and benefits not only to you, but to the subreddit as a whole. + +We can't please all the people all the time, but are genuinely interested in the input of members new and old. +I often hear certain right-wing inidividuals (in particular followers of the Austrian School), claiming that the New Deal actually worsened the Great Depression in the US. They rarely give any arguments or evidence of why this should be the case, so I want to have the opinion of actual economists. + +So how are the New Deal policies viewed today and which policies are regarded as effective, ineffective or even counterproductive? +Screenshot here. Almost no other posts have many awards like this. + +[https://i.imgur.com/QiHJHDx.png](https://i.imgur.com/QiHJHDx.png) + +This "someone" thinks it's worth spending money to grab redditors' attention. Hmm, I wonder why they would casually throw away their money. Unless this would benefit themselves somehow. Hmmm. +This selloff is designed by the opposition to be doubt inducing but is actually confidence instilling. Because we know it’s not retail selling. Holders of GME have been through the storm, anyone who made it out the other side and is still here has proven to be a diamond hander. + +So while it admittedly hurts a little bit to see the account balance go down that hurt is outweighed by the happiness of getting shares on huge discount. We’re well under DFV’s last buy in and the picture has become so much more bullish since then. +Hey. So my husband and and are in our mid 50s, so about 10-15 years until we retire. We have been buying rentals since 2003, so we have a lot of equity and good cash flow. I have been starting to pay off our properties because I want to go into retirement with no mortgages. Sine paying off 10 properties takes time, I am funneling my cash flow to principal. I figure if I need cash later, I can always sell a home or refinance. Just wondering what others feel about paying everything off by retirement? We are also do active land development projects to generate cash while this is going on. +I'm relatively new to algo trading. I've started off with brute-force algorithms, moved onto various regression models, and I am trying a few time series models now. It doesn't seem too accurate or profitable, and I would imagine that if making money were as simple as using a machine learner tied to a few indicators, everyone would do it... + +&#x200B; + +So is machine learning not the way to go? Is it best to create an algorithm that checks for certain patterns that a human would look for? Or am I using the wrong combination of indicators? Is it bad to use too many? Or too few? Is it a problem of finding the right mix, or is ML not the answer? +# ~~ Activision Blizzard vs Electronic Arts ~~ + +>I want to add to my portfolio a **gaming company**, so I decided to take a closer look at the gaming giants - **Electronic Arts and Activision Blizzard**, I decided to choose ***only one*** because I want to keep my exposure levels to this sector to a minimum. + +&#x200B; + +>*Feel free to agree / disagree with my research + My personal opinion will be added to the 1st comment.* \*\****resources note***\*\* \~ *At the bottom of the post !* + +***Intro:*** + +>In my opinions both companies are very interesting, on the **EA** side, you will find many beloved games such as: *FIFA, MADDEN, UFC, NHL, BATTELFIELD, MEDAL OF HONOR,* etc… (**Fun fact**: FIFA 21 for sold 325 million copies!) +> +>But on the **ATVI** side you may find games like : *CALL OF DUTY ( Modern Warfare 2 sold* ***25.02 Million*** *copies) CRASH BANDICOT, WORLD OF WARCRAFT, DIABLO, CANDY CRASH,* etc… + +&#x200B; + +***So, lets dig into the financials!*** + +# > Financial Comparison- (2020 + 2021) + +***\~ Companies overview \~*** + +Market cap: $64.106B (**ATVI**) VS $40.678B (**EA**) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Revenues (2020): $8.09B (ATVI) VS $5.54B (EA) + +[Revenues Profit comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/8kbb847c2ik71.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=544836bcd5d6b6b789907682a33b886be8e81cc8) + +&#x200B; + +Cost of Revenues (2020): $2.26B (ATVI) VS $1.37B (EA) + +[Cost of Revenues Profit comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/fxj5nsxw2ik71.png?width=1137&format=png&auto=webp&s=73e1ea9601935c48e444629f313629bd0281b91c) + +Gross Profit (2020): $5.83B (ATVI) VS $4.17B (EA) + +[Gross Profit comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/yos781lh2ik71.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eca5a6c692e8cde108ab2fe8d2d2b649e1f223e) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +***\~ Key metrics comparison \~*** + +Revenue per share (2020): $10.96 (ATVI) VS $18.90 (EA) + + +[Revenue per share comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/1k74hb765ik71.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=b509b839d5d4f743296da4c9feed47667bc2cb5e) + +Net Income per share (2020): $2.84 (ATVI) VS $10.37 (EA) + +[Net Income per share comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/ru94wk275ik71.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=00bd5ed29c24b9ee3b169d02922a282dfda0e7c3) + +Cash per share (2020): $11.19 (ATVI) VS $19.57 (EA) + +[Cash per share comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/p2jckpt75ik71.png?width=1212&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbca747005d37e5a1212e04d8ea466fd3f3e95c1) + +&#x200B; + +**\~** ***Ratios comparison \~*** + +Gross Profit margin: **2019** 67.73%, **2020** 72.05% (ATVI) VS **2019** 73.29%, **2020** 75.28% **(EA**) + +[Gross Profit margin comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/j3g2o8b95ik71.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=350a41193f51ebdb90544122a1a1ef70fcf265ad) + +&#x200B; + +Net Profit margins (2021): 29.17% (ATVI) VS 14.87% (EA) + +[Net Profit margin comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/600oo4wa5ik71.png?width=1105&format=png&auto=webp&s=63e03d23c2818d3157d02f4b3ecbcca139e9ca6e) + +&#x200B; + +Return on equity (2021): 17.72% (ATVI) VS 10.68% (EA) + +[ROE comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/eafp8y1c5ik71.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=93e3ae72dca32071f8da781c4aad1d42d90228fd) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\~ *Balance sheet comparison \~* + +&#x200B; + +Short Term debt (2020): $25M (ATVI) VS $600M (EA) + +[Short Term debt comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/y7d7y65d5ik71.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=710cf03c4f955affeef7100374a93dee2516a145) + +long Term debt (2020): $3.60B (ATVI) VS $0.40B (EA) + +[long Term debt comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/0autbbld5ik71.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8e98c3c1f4722052f8edf876fa4f70d7fa93b53) + +&#x200B; + +Cash and cash equivalents (2020): $8.65B (ATVI) VS $3.77B (EA) + +[Cash and cash equivalents comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/vx8g8l8e5ik71.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab3bc47bd0820afcb04ba7688e16dc51391000f7) + +# ~ Growth analysis ~ + +>*The growth analysis is a* ***quarterly*** *comparison between 2019 to 2020 financials results- (* ***last quarter*** *reported).* + +&#x200B; + +Revenue growth: 0.92% (ATVI) VS 15.23% (EA) + +[Revenue growth comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/408wuq2f5ik71.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a7096543900b8f519e79e8c41add2baba3b94e8) + +&#x200B; + +Gross Profit growth: 20.35% (ATVI) VS 2.59% (EA) + +[Gross Profit growth comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/v1yaovpf5ik71.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c6a42da306d5d56c4711cabfe32b72df7d24a89) + +EPS growth: 41.44% (ATVI) VS 172.44% (EA) + +[EPS growth comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/59h9lw6g5ik71.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dc6614407780c318400a9188457efad30685bb4) + +Net income growth: 46.17% (ATVI) VS 198.23% (EA) + +[Net income growth comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/u004qzsg5ik71.png?width=1111&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eb9f2a5a5d69430a06ae87deadeb74dd07abdee) + +&#x200B; + +R&D expanses growth: -5.10% (ATVI) VS 10.04% (EA) + +[R&D expanses growth comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/b2bsodah5ik71.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=e502599623cf6d72f6b22880a1313e03294d1865) + +# ~ Analysts Comparison ~ + +***ATVI***: Based on **17** Wall Street analysts – **15 Buy** 2 hold 0 sell + +**Estimates** – low: $100, Average: $114.25, High: $125 + + +[ATVI analyst rank - tipranks ](https://preview.redd.it/pse8chhi5ik71.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb517adcdc536f52768994bcc639d1fa73f2b20e) + +***EA***: Based on 21 Wall Street analysts – **17 Buys** 4 hold 0 sell + +**Estimates** – low: $148, Average: $172.10, High: $195 + + +[EA analyst rank - tipranks ](https://preview.redd.it/sjxthtnk5ik71.png?width=1063&format=png&auto=webp&s=24e9e81a3dd9d95b5345de2351dc1f76c76bde47) + +# Number of employees Comparison + +> +why this is important ? recruiting employees growth indicated that the company still looking to grow revenues, expend to different locations, releasing new products.On the other hand, companies that layoff employees, trying to move to more lean business model, expanding their operations is not their first priority anymore. + +**2020 –** 9.50K (ATVI) VS 11K (EA) + +&#x200B; + +[ATVI vs. EA Number of employees Comparison - CNN.COM](https://preview.redd.it/r904h3mq5ik71.png?width=3200&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c724c37ad80c9036dfcfd7fc753c3b453ee887) + +# My Conclusion + +>Both companies show an extensive growth, whether its financial or popularity among their fan base, but after considering all factors, **Activision Blizzard has the upper hand**. +> +>Even though, it may seems that EA release more games then ATVI, has a diverse library of successful games. +> +>moreover, after looking at both companies financials and growth indicators, it appears that ATVI's revenue growth is much stronger than EA's, and with a bigger gross profit to be considered .. my winner is definitely **Activision Blizzard** + +&#x200B; + +***\*\* Resources list \*\**** +[JIKA.IO](https://JIKA.IO) \- Financial Comparison +tipranks - Analysts data +[FINVIZ.COM](https://FINVIZ.COM) \- companies stats + [cnn.com](https://cnn.com) \- employees numbers +I’ve been actually really profitable since start of this year and have no idea how to tackle this tax shit. I’m a new investor too so, can someone help me out with some tips that actually helps reduce or avoid paying lump sums of tax. I’ve run numbers based on marginal tax and as an example I’ve used 500k CGT, if that’s how much you made you’d have to pay 200k tax! WTF IS THIS REALLY HOW IT IS?? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +I bumped into this question, "What financial information do you wish was more commonly known?", in the [bogleheads forum](https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=283211). I found it a really interesting read and am curious of what the community in this subreddit thinks. + +&#x200B; + +here is the comment from the OP + +&#x200B; + +>With personal finance and investing information (index over active, fees matter, etc) becoming more widespread, what are some areas in finance that you wish more people knew about or paid attention to? +During this crash, I learned this the hard way. People with a huge amount of stablecoins staked didn't seem to notice anything and didn't panic as much as others. Now I'm not going to put most of my crypto investments into stablecoins, but it would be good to know that a portion of my worth isn't wiped out with each dip. + +Here are some of the platforms I recommend. All of these are very safe in my opinion, and you can lower your risk by dividing your entire sum among different platforms: [Haru Invest](https://haruinvest.com/), [Nexo](https://nexo.io/) and [BlockFi](https://blockfi.com/). + +Stablecoins can earn up a good amount of APY% on these platforms. Would be a great investment to sleep on for a few years and get passive income. +I had a bad job ($65k in a HCOL area) and debts for most of my 20s and 30s and wasn't able to save at all ( literally $0 in savings), but finally got a decent gig in late 2017 and started paying debts and saving. I'm now 37 and make $110k and should continue to. I've managed to pay off all my student loan and credit debts, max out my Roth IRA for 3 years and am over $20k there, have $20k in a 401k, have $20k in a traditional IRA, and have nearly $30k in savings. I continue to max the Roth, max my 401k at 6% (3% match), and put $1,200 into savings a month to buy a house next year. + +I know I wasted a lot of prime earnings years and have guilt about it, but how far behind am I if I keep up my current pace? +Went shopping for mattresses, and the employee offered to check and see what we would be approved for if we decided to finance. We agreed, and the employee took down a lot of information (SSN, address, DOB, income, etc). He came back and said we were approved for something around $7800 in financing. + +We ended up leaving and going to a different store. A few weeks later, Credit Karma reports a 50 point hit on our credit. Then a day or two after that we get a letter from Synchrony Bank giving us our two new credit cards. That we never signed for or agreed to. + +I called the bank immediately, cancelled the account, and explained multiple times that we did not sign up for this account, and that we were misled. We only agreed to checking to see what we could get approved for, not for actually getting a card. The rep on the phone was helpful, and got the request submitted. + +Fast-forward to a month later, and I get this letter: +http://i.imgur.com/YnKphpT.jpg + +I've replied via their online contact form explaining the situation again and demanding the account be removed from my credit history. I'm not sure what I should do next. Suggestions? + +Edit: Well this exploded (and first gold to boot! Thanks, Stranger). I've gotten several PMs from folks in both Synchrony and Mattress Firm offering to help, and a lot of really good advice here. I have a lot to read, more information to gather, and hopefully can get this resolved amicably. I really, truly appreciate everyone's insight. + +All of the best questions that I have seen suggested so far have originated from Dr.T. Why not let an industry expert ask the questions on behalf of retail? + +Imagine what Queen Kong could reveal in a ten minute question-answer with Gary? + +Don't let Gary ftd the answers retail deserves. +Laurus Labs is an integrated research and development driven pharmaceutical and biotechnology company in India. + +**Corporate office** - Banjara Hills, Hyderabad. + +## Brief history / Key events +* 2005 - Laurus Labs was started. +* 2016 - Successfully launched their IPO. +* 2021 - Richcore Lifesciences was acquired and renamed as Laurus Bio (subsidiary of Laurus Labs). + +## Market overview +* The world's population is set to continue to rise, with aged people population expected to double in 2050 and make up almost 16% of population. +* The increasing aged population and changes in lifestytes could lead to increase in chronic non communicable diseases such as heart diseases, cancer and diabetics. +* Due to improved economic situation and urbanisation, people are better informed and avail access to medicines and surgical procedures. +* Global pharmaceutical manufacturing is expected to grow at CAGR 13.74% in the period 2020-27. +* India fulfills 20% of global demand for generic medicines in terms of volume. +* India also supplies over 60% of global demand for various vaccines and Antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. +* Indian generics industry can benefit substantially from the **patent cliff** as patents for branded molecules (worth global sales of more than $ 251 billion) are expected to expire between 2018 and 2024. +* **Supply disruption from China**: Chinese players have been forced to shift their manufacturing facilities inland and outside the cities as the government continues to crack down on polluting industries. +* There is also an increasing preference to reduce dependency on China for API products. +* Competitiveness of Chinese players would reduce to a certain extent going forward as their cost of production increases. +* Moreover, the Covid pandemic has forced governments to de-risk their supply chains by on-shoring and strengthening domestic capabilities. +* To increase competition in the market, US FDA has significantly ramped up the pace of product approvals under the Generic Drug User Fee Act (GDUFA). The increased competition has led to significant price erosion impacting per product economics in the market. On the other hand, this will also help pharma companies in getting faster approvals and expanding their portfolio offering. + +## Product mix / business segments of Laurus Labs + +* Laurus Labs started their journey from an ARV API company to API company and now to a full blown pharma company. +* They currently manufacture generic Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), with a major focus on anti-retroviral, Hepatitis C, and oncology drugs. +* They supply to various multinational pharmaceutical companies across different parts of the globe. +* They are also involved in Contract research and manufacturing services (CRAMS). +* They produce specialty ingredients for nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and cosmeceuticals. + +### Laurus Generics (API) + + * Laurus Generics is all about development, manufacture and sale of APIs and advanced intermediates. + * This segment contributes to 54% of overall revenue (FY20-21). + * Products in this category: + * Anti-retroviral + * Anti diabetic + * Cardiovascular + * Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) + * Oncology + +### Laurus Generics (Finished Dosage Form (FDF)) + +* This segment deals with development and manufacture of oral solid formulations. +* 35% revenue contribution in FY20-21 +* Has a strong order book in all geographies. + +### Laurus Synthesis + +* Laurus Synthesis is involved in producing key starting materials, intermediates and APIs for New Chemical Entities (NCEs). +* 11% revenue contribution in FY20-21. +* Laurus Labs have added two big pharma companies under this segment during the last financial year. +* Synthesis is focused on Contract development and manufacturing services for global pharmaceutical companies and several late-stage projects. +* They also have a steroids and hormone manufacturing capability. +* In addition, they do sale and manufacture of specialty ingredients for use in nutraceuticals, dietary supplements and cosmeceutical products with natural extraction capability. + +### Laurus Bio +* Involved in making Recombinant products - animal origin free products for safer and viral free bio manufacturing. +* Laurus Bio provides them access to bio based technical expertise (used in Vaccine, insulin, biologic manufacturing) and enzymes bio-catalysis (Green API process). +* During the year, Laurus Labs acquired 72.55% stake in Richcore Lifesciences from two private equity funds and the company was renamed as Laurus Bio Private Limited. +* This was a strategic diversification, an attempt to enter high growth areas of recombinant animal origin free products and scaling up their existing CDMO. +* In addition to diversification, it also yields substantial synergies, as they have three distinct equally split revenue streams - biotech, enzymes and CDMOs and is also building a large fermentation capacity. +* Laurus Labs are in the process of adding incremental capacities towards CDMOs, providing mutual benefits to each other. Laurus Labs' wide customer base, geographical footprint and strong chemical skills and Richcore's expertise in biotechnology and fermentation capacity can help take Laurus Labs to the next level. + +### Manufacturing facilities +* Laurus Labs has seven modern manufacturing facilities in Visakhapatnam, one API facility in Bibinagar near Hyderabad and a Kilo Lab facility in R&D Centre, Hyderabad. + + +## Business analysis + +### Strengths +* Pharma industry has some of the most stringent regulatory expectations, providing an entry barrier to new competition. +* Laurus' facilities are certified and approved by USFDA, WHO, NIP Hungary, KFDA, COFEPRIS, PMDA, ANVISA and JAZMP, allowing their global clients to conduct business with them with relative peace of mind. +* As it is, Laurus currently supplies APIs to nine of the 10 largest generic pharmaceutical companies. +* It is also a major supplier for ARV APIs to other ARV manufacturers and finished drugs in several LMIC markets. +* Laurus is supplying to 80% of the players who participate in ARV tenders. +* **Focus on R&D** - Laurus spends 4% of revenue on R&D, hoping to build on their leadership position in APIs like antiretroviral drugs (ARVs), cardiovascular (CVS) and oncology. + +### Weaknesses +- They could potentially have a customer concentration risk, as their top 5 customers contribute to a major share of their revenue. +- As with all companies who export their products, their global revenue is exposed to foreign exchange fluctuations. +- Weakness in emerging market currencies will impact their earnings potential. + +### Opportunities + +* The possibility of significant revenue loss due to impending **patent cliff** has forced major pharmaceutical companies worldwide to outsource part of their research and manufacturing activities to low-cost countries like India. +* Some of these outsourcing services are from providers in the form of contract research organisations (CROs) and contract manufacturing organisations (CMOs). +* Laurus Labs have been adding capacities in CDMOs in anticipation of this, putting them in comfortable position to take advantage of such patent cliff driven manufacturing contracts. +* **Production Linked Incentive Scheme** - the Indian government has announced PLI scheme to boost the API industry in India. This scheme is in line with the government’s emphasis on building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) + +## Financial statements + +### Profit and loss + +| Narration | Mar-17 | Mar-18 | Mar-19 | Mar-20 | Mar-21 | +|-------------------|------------|------------|------------|------------|------------| +| Sales | 1,904.65 | 2,056.17 | 2,291.92 | 2,831.72 | 4,813.51 | +| Expenses | 1,496.89 | 1,642.33 | 1,935.15 | 2,266.42 | 3,262.22 | +| Operating Profit | 407.76 | 413.84 | 356.77 | 565.30 | 1,551.29 | +| Other Income | 32.26 | 28.67 | 15.36 | 5.17 | 23.05 | +| Depreciation | 105.98 | 125.45 | 164.19 | 187.27 | 205.07 | +| Interest | 99.90 | 79.64 | 88.19 | 89.59 | 68.16 | +| Profit before tax | 234.14 | 237.42 | 119.75 | 293.61 | 1,301.11 | +| Tax | 43.86 | 69.81 | 25.99 | 38.34 | 317.29 | +| Net profit | 190.28 | 167.61 | 93.76 | 255.27 | 983.58 | +| EPS | 3.60 | 3.16 | 1.76 | 4.77 | 18.33 | + + +### Balance sheet +* No equity dilution since the IPO in 2016. +* There has been big capex in 20-21 towards de-bottlenecking and capacity expansion. +* There has been increase in inventory and trade receivables but it is in line with increasing revenues. + +### Cash flow statement +- Net cash flow from operations has been positive over the years. +- They have spent heavily this year towards acquisition of Laurus Bio as well as towards expanding capacity. +- To fund the capex, they have borrowed quite a bit, impact of which has to be considered in the future. + +### Profitability, capital and efficiency ratios + +| Narration | Mar-17 | Mar-18 | Mar-19 | Mar-20 | Mar-21 | +|------------------------------------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| +| OPM | 21.41% | 20.13% | 15.57% | 19.96% | 32.23% | +| PAT Margin | 9.82% | 8.04% | 4.06% | 9.00% | 20.34% | +| Return on Equity | 14.30% | 11.35% | 6.04% | 14.46% | 37.94% | +| Return on Capital Emp | 16.74% | 13.70% | 8.24% | 14.11% | 39.58% | +| Return on Assets | 10.59% | 7.82% | 4.84% | 8.93% | 21.68% | +| Interest coverage ratio | 3.34 | 3.98 | 2.36 | 4.28 | 20.09 | +| Debt to Equity ratio | 0.63 | 0.66 | 0.67 | 0.61 | 0.57 | +| Debt to Asset ratio | 0.32 | 0.32 | 0.31 | 0.29 | 0.26 | +| Financial leverage ratio | 2.30 | 2.02 | 2.10 | 2.13 | 2.18 | +| Inventory Turnover ratio | 3.74 | 3.52 | 3.36 | 3.13 | 3.06 | +| Inventory no. of days | 97.55 | 103.81 | 108.60 | 116.68 | 119.46 | +| Accounts receivable turnover ratio | 3.36 | 3.60 | 3.23 | 3.58 | 3.69 | +| Days Sale Outstanding | 108.77 | 101.29 | 113.06 | 102.01 | 99.04 | + +## Shareholding patterns +| | Jun-18 | Sep-18 | Dec-18 | Mar-19 | Jun-19 | Sep-19 | Dec-19 | Mar-20 | Jun-20 | Sep-20 | Dec-20 | Mar-21 | +|-----------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------|--------| +| Promoters | 32.06 | 33.4 | 33.5 | 32.77 | 32.82 | 32.73 | 32.58 | 32.04 | 32.13 | 32.12 | 28.76 | 27.45 | +| FIIs | 10.85 | 9.25 | 8.07 | 12.77 | 12.35 | 12.52 | 10.52 | 11.29 | 16.06 | 20.74 | 19.92 | 20.68 | +| DIIs | 38.74 | 38.45 | 38.31 | 31.86 | 32.21 | 32.15 | 32.09 | 31.59 | 8.81 | 6.34 | 4.08 | 3.56 | +| Public | 18.35 | 18.89 | 20.13 | 22.6 | 22.62 | 22.6 | 24.8 | 25.08 | 43 | 40.79 | 47.24 | 48.31 | + +* There is decrease in the promoters' shareholding over the last two years. +* DIIs have also substantially decreased their shareholding over the same time period. + +## Management +* The management has a calibrated approach and are attempting to seize an advantage by expanding capacities and de-bottlenecking to establish their current leadership position. + +## Valuation comparison with other pharma companies + +| Sl no | Name | EV / EBITDA | P/E | CMP / Sales | CMP / BV | +|-------|------------------|--------------|-------|--------------|-----------| +| 1 | Divi's Lab. | 40.32 | 60.47 | 17.22 | 12.91 | +| 2 | Gland Pharma | 37.4 | 56.92 | 16.39 | 9.61 | +| 3 | Sequent Scien. | 32.91 | 70.13 | 5.22 | 9.78 | +| 4 | Shilpa Medicare | 24.49 | 30.74 | 5.04 | 3.07 | +| 5 | **Laurus Labs** | 24 | 36.95 | 7.55 | 14.03 | +| 6 | Hikal | 21.23 | 48.67 | 3.77 | 6.94 | +| 7 | Lupin | 19.97 | 43.3 | 3.47 | 3.82 | +| 8 | Aarti Drugs | 15.96 | 24.08 | 3.13 | 7.39 | +| 9 | Granules India | 10.11 | 15.35 | 2.61 | 3.88 | +| 10 | Marksans Pharma | 9.66 | 14.77 | 2.56 | 3.98 | +| 11 | Jubilant Pharmo | 8.11 | 13.78 | 1.89 | 2.43 | + + + +## Closing thoughts + +* Laurus Labs have commissioned a large scale fermentation capability, with plans in place to acquire more land for further expansion. +* They are also expanding into other therapeutic areas such as cardiology and anti-diabetic drugs. +* In the ARV space, they are moving from first line drugs onto second line treatments - Lopinavir, Ritonavir and Darunavir) for HIV-AIDS patients. +* Laurus Labs is moving up the value chain into formulation business, what with the higher capacity/ANDA pipeline build-up for the US market. +* Having a broad product portfolio, high quality operations and a steady stream of new product launches across the markets, and a robust order book and large capacity addition by end of next year, there is enormous scope for Laurus Labs to become a fully integrated player in pharmaceutical and biotechnology space and could be a force to be reckoned with in the pharma space. + +## Sources and further readings + +* [Annual Report FY20-21](https://www.lauruslabs.com/Investors/PDF/Disclosures/Annual-Report-FY-2020-21.pdf) +* [Q4 Investor presentation](https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachHis/21ae6eee-fe1d-4fa0-a4cc-c4b16231e212.pdf) +* [Q4 Investor concall transcript](https://www.bseindia.com/xml-data/corpfiling/AttachHis/6cb8d219-61e3-486a-82ca-4609a74f32ca.pdf) +* [Valuepickr thread on Laurus Labs](https://forum.valuepickr.com/t/laurus-labs-can-business-transform-to-next-level/19377/480) +* [Laurus Labs Screener data](https://www.screener.in/company/LAURUSLABS/consolidated/) +Recently there are so many posts from people asking others to rate their portfolio. A lot of the time these people have small portfolios and and brand new to investing. These people should be investing in some asset allocation ETF like VGRO or XGRO. Set it and forget it. + +You should NOT be trying to beat the market when you are so new to investing especially based off advice from internet strangers. Just because someone says a certain stock is promising or cheap doesn’t mean you buy in. Do your own research. In the meantime invest in VGRO/XGRO and focus on saving money. Investing isn’t something you quickly “figure out” and manage to get rich quick. You need to save and commit the time to learn. Don’t just trust internet strangers to pick your stocks and trust you will get rich. Spend more time saving so you can contribute more and less time trying to beat the market when you are new. +I sold some **BBBY Sep 09 '22 $8.50 Puts** for **0.7** on 8/31 when BBBY price was around 9.3$. So, it was roughly 10 DTE with some good premium. The price of option went up to **1.75** during this week which made me a little bit scared. Today the BBBY stock price climbed above 8.5 and puts expired worthless. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vrpu3s4adxm91.jpg?width=1852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4425fb080dcb7009846f6c4c10a3e55d91d87c41 + +Total earnings in 10 days - 8.23% of secured cash for shares equivalent, which I think is great! This gives about 300% APY if one continues selling those puts every week. Now it feels like an unlimited money glitch :) Or maybe it was indeed a risky play? What do you guys think? + +Should I be more conservative and sell far OTM puts/calls for like 5$ strike price when stock price is around 8$ to limit the chances to be called? +Hi, + +A good chunk of my portfolio (80%) consists of ARKK, ARKG, and ARKF. Now I’m definitely not going to sell that because that would be really ridiculous to lose money on something that will come back. + +So my question is, now that they are down, should I slowly invest in them more to bring my average down, or should I invest in a different ETF? I’ve got about $1k of cash left that I can invest so any advice is appreciated. +I think because of the great recession in '08, when people hear about a coming 'recession' they think it will basically be a collapse like the last time. In reality, a recession is literally just 2 consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. + +Now since we have to assume bull markets and awesome economies can't last forever, *something* will eventually have to cause a recession. Often times, such as the great recession and great depression, it's caused by unmitigated greed and delusion. Then the delusional euphoria for 'no reason' is followed by people shutting down (financially) because of fear, and no other reason. Things are great and then all of a sudden things collapse when delusion reaches a maximum. In that case, it's a self fulfilling prophecy. When confidence returns, and all the nonsensical businesses are purged, things can return. + +**BUT**, say we get a recession because of this virus. Would that even be surprise at all? Obviously people are going to not want to go outside, or buy a new car for a trip they no longer want to go on, and suddenly people are more concerned with staying healthy than having the latest new dumb gadget or fancy clothes. It's a recession that has a **reason**. + +And I think it will be a lot easier to swallow for the general public. Like, "of course we had a recession, no one was buying anything because of the virus!" + +But I'd argue the result is the same. The crappy unnecessary businesses and products will fail because they can't sustain themselves through any significant downturn, and the higher quality stuff remains. But once things cool down, like if we get a vaccine after a year, it's possible we'll come out of the other end with the benefits of having the fat cut, but way less uncertainty, and dare I say optimism. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. + +I don't know if I really have a point, I was just wondering what thoughts everyone else had and it might make a good discussion. + +**Edit: Title should say "caused *by* this virus"** +We all talk on here about how the stock market WILL recover and will even keep going up for decades to come. + +However, I researched a little about this, and apparently first off the US stock exchange trades for a premium compared to other stock exchanges. + +Next, I came across japans economy. They used to be a superpower. Some even thought they would overtake the US economic wise. + +But it crashed… and it has never went back to that high. + + +What makes the US different? I’d love to hear your opinions. I’m not too educated on the subject. + [https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-loeffler-coronavirus-georgia-insider-trading-reopen-20200416-6r4mmyd4rbduvfp2623en256vm-story.html](https://www.nydailynews.com/coronavirus/ny-coronavirus-loeffler-coronavirus-georgia-insider-trading-reopen-20200416-6r4mmyd4rbduvfp2623en256vm-story.html) + +&#x200B; + + + +A Georgia senator who’s accused of insider trading on coronavirus information has been named to President Trump’s task force on reopening America. + +Sen. Kelly Loeffler says she’s looking forward to pitching in on the panel to help “get Americans back to work safely." + +Loeffler, a strong Trump supporter, is one of several GOP lawmakers flagged for making suspicious stock transactions shortly after receiving official briefings about the staggering potential impact of the pandemic. + +A wealthy investor, Loeffler made millions of dollars of trades in stocks at a time when the public, and other shareholders, were in the dark about the extent of the economic carnage the virus was expected to cause. + +She contends that she did nothing wrong and says all the trades were made by a financial adviser who knew nothing about her inside info on coronavirus. + +But she later moved to sell all her holdings in stock of individual companies, which rivals called a “guilty plea” to accusations of improper trades. + +Besides Loeffler, GOP Sen. Richard Burr (R-North Carolina) is also under serious pressure to resign over coronavirus insider trading accusations. + +He is reportedly facing a criminal investigation for dumping stocks after getting a secret briefing about the pandemic and while he reassured the public that there was little to worry about. +So I was running my daily search on the SEC website: [https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=gamestop&dateRange=all&startdt=2021-11-23&enddt=2021-11-23](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/q=gamestop&dateRange=all&startdt=2021-11-23&enddt=2021-11-23) + +Noticed a lot of NPORT-P's so I ran my script to pull the GME data for the data dump (open incognito): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oVe2viQBOlgHKJL6qMnem3X3dReaBdgdRae05s8sZxE/edit#gid=1365586541](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oVe2viQBOlgHKJL6qMnem3X3dReaBdgdRae05s8sZxE/edit#gid=1365586541) + +For those AQR Funds, I only pulled 3 files so I opened them manually to see what's up. (two of them have short positions) + +Here's one of them (don't open on mobile screenshots bellow): [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001444822/000175272421251095/xslFormNPORT-P\_X01/primary\_doc.xml](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001444822/000175272421251095/xslFormNPORT-P_X01/primary_doc.xml) + +&#x200B; + +[Others have Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs as counterparty](https://preview.redd.it/qxyp446chd181.png?width=1658&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b45c033df5216ef37e82094e6f5b8717169d021) + +Then lower on the page we have gamestop: + +[this goes with a ton of other companies](https://preview.redd.it/aux3ik5ihd181.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6f60e1560891ac72a4570fa382f4254ab67cc83) + +Dividing the IV by III has values like 0.07 here. others have 0.06 and 0.08 + +So yeah, need an adult, what does that mean? Is it worth writing a script to pull those out? + +Secondly, there's this NPORT-P (don't open on mobile screenshots bellow): [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001557794/000175272421249853/xslFormNPORT-P\_X01/primary\_doc.xml](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001557794/000175272421249853/xslFormNPORT-P_X01/primary_doc.xml) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3dfkida8jd181.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f85138c97f87394c94552d0a0d72fd67895ab2f + +&#x200B; + +[this looks like another swap](https://preview.redd.it/rltmnrygjd181.png?width=704&format=png&auto=webp&s=67ee7c433e5a1a9759bff7f63b962566eea764ca) + +&#x200B; + +u/Gherkinit , u/Criand , u/Leenixus? +With all the economic doom and gloom, thought I'd try to put something a bit more lighthearted up for discussion. Here are some of the ironic contradictions I see in this sub a lot that make me chuckle: + +* There is no one size fits all answer when it comes to personal finance, so make sure you invest in these same 4 ETFs that we all do. +* Everyone needs to do their own research to decide what's best for them, so shut up and let me tell you exactly what you should do. +* Time in the market beats trying to time the market, so here is exactly why this is now the best/worst time to invest in the market. +* You can't trust financial advisors because they take commissions, so trust anonymous internet strangers instead who could be trying to pump up their own portfolios. +* It's impossible for property to go up in value forever, but the share market will definitely go up in the long run forever. + +Any I'm missing? I'm not trying to throw hate here, just having some fun ;) + +Edit: just to make it super duper super clear, this is a **100% tongue in cheek satire post** that's meant to have a bit of a laugh at ourselves. Nothing said here should be taken seriously or considered financial advice :) +&#x200B; + +* FY 21-22 budget made an announcement that employee contribution to PF more than 2.5 lac a year would be taxed +* There has been no further info till end Aug +* On Aug 31, CBDT published a circular that amends the IT act +* It introduces a new 'taxable PF' account +* The current account would continue as non-taxable +* It would have the balance as of Mar 31, 2021, the interest on it, contributions in future years below 2.5 lac, interest on it, and so on +* The taxable account would have the amount above 2.5 lac, interest on it, etc. +* No word yet on how the tax would be done - yearly or on withdrawal +* The hint seems to be that the tax would be yearly - hopefully the tax would be deducted from the interest amount before being credited + +Official circular is here: [https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/notification/notification\_95\_2021.pdf](https://incometaxindia.gov.in/communications/notification/notification_95_2021.pdf) +There have been a couple of posts on here about how you could "in theory" pay off a credit card 1p at a time, and round up all your savings into the Chase 5% interest round up pot. + +Well i decided to try it. + +I got access to my account, and after establishing that amex doesnt recognise Chase, so i couldnt pay that, i started paying off my barclaycard £1.01 at a time (min i could pay at a time was £1). + +After a week spending my idle time (on my commute by bus, when my partner was watching something shit on tv), i managed to pay off my ~£900 bill and had pver £400 in my 5% account. + +At that point i called it a day, it was (obviously) extremely tiresome, and id rather spend my time idlely browsing than earning fractions of pennies over the next year. + +Fast forward to today, Chase call me to inform me that the round up function is for "everyday" activity, and if i dont stop they will close my account! So it turns out that even "in theory" you cant do this long term! +COMPACT is a professional approach to the current shitcoin/memecoin hype. The token combines all the beneficial aspect of a BSC token into one. Distribution to holders, Return to locked LQ, Lottery, Airdrops, Events, Burn, Charity, DeFi and NFTs. It literally has it all. All in one - COMPACT. + +Marketing has just started and even in the current deep red market, CPAC was able to stabelize while others were going down the drain. CPAC announced a big event wallet giveaway in which they hand out a big items at a certain MCAP. At 250 Million they want to hand out a Lamborghini to the holders. Currently, more than 1500 strong holders are involved and the German and Turkish community is already quite big. They have applied to CMC and CG recently and are ready to rock the market. + +The main charity focus is on children. CPAC already got attention by the IAHPC which is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and developing hospice and palliative care worldwide. They said they will send out small bits weekly and display it on their new website. + +Tokenomics: + +\- Original supply: 100,000,000,000 + +\- Presale: 50,000,000,000 + +\- Dev wallet: 8,000,000,000 + +\- Total tax on each swap: 12% + +\- Distribution: 3% + +\- Liquidity Pool: 3% + +\- Marketing: 2% + +\- Charity: 2% + +\- Events: 2% + +Be part of a great project and community and join CPAC! + +&#x200B; + +Links + +**- Website:** compactcrypto.com + +**- Telegram:** t.me/compactcrypto + +**- Twitter:** twitter.com/CompactCrypto +i bought 80000.00 eth in the ethereum presale. like a fool I got rid of it all for about $48000.00 in oct 2015. i thought i was doing good because i made money from the time i bought to the time i sold. about double the money or something. i got nervous because the price went up and then crashed in half and the dao hack happened and i thought i would lose everything and i panick sold it all. then i kept watching the price go up and i realized i had made the worst mistake of my life it would have been worth 16000000 usd today. so the lesson i learned is dont sell it! price goes up and price goes down. dont panick when you see it go down and sell or you will regret it. there are so many amazing developments happening every day in this space. even if there is a bubble there is far more upside ahead of us in the long run. we are going to change the world. i learned this lesson the hard way. the technology matters. dont get short sighted. im now buying back in that coins are cheaper and this time im not letting go. signing this message with my private key so you can see this is true. 10 JUL + + {"address":"0xbfE3a1Fc6e24c8F7B3250560991F93cBA2cF8047","msg":"i bought 80000.00 eth in the ethereum presale. like a fool I got rid of it all for about $48000.00 in oct 2015. i thought i was doing good because i made money from the time i bought to the time i sold. about double the money or something. i got nervous because the price went up and then crashed in half and the dao hack happened and i thought i would lose everything and i panick sold it all. then i kept watching the price go up and i realized i had made the worst mistake of my life it would have been worth 16000000 usd today. so the lesson i learned is dont sell it! price goes up and price goes down. dont panick when you see it go down and sell or you will regret it. there are so many amazing developments happening every day in this space. even if there is a bubble there is far more upside ahead of us in the long run. we are going to change the world. i learned this lesson the hard way. the technology matters. dont get short sighted. im now buying back in and this time im not letting go. signing this message with my private key so you can see this is true. 10 JUL 2017","sig":"0xf158dd8f9bcf866cf35472c38b1786bf507ae615b69f7f955e49edac081a4898570508c62f2eca9efface4a2c36c71e67fec7989a003a3b81d24c8cb5aa785a91c"} + +**EDIT:** I replied to several comments but I think since my account is brand new on reddit, nobody is seeing my comments. To answer question about price, I think I paid somewhere around $0.30 per eth originally at issuance. + +in answer to another user /u/Codyktt yes at least i didnt lose money your right. i should be happy about that and not worry that i missed out. its just hard knowing i could have been a ten plus millionaire. honestly i havent invested in other currencies because i dont think any of them have had anything really special about them like ethereum. so my advice is stay away from the junk and only invest in things you feel really good about. i felt good about it but panick sold it unfortunately. but im back in now because i still believe in ethereums long term potential and i want to help code up some novel applications. + +in answer to /u/d4f6 so if you look at my account history youll notice two major sales, one was like sixty percent of it. the plan was sell out and make my original money back then hold the rest no matter what. but then i saw the hack and all the bugs early on and the price kept going down and i just had an emotional moment watching it go down thinking i should at least get something out of it while i still can plus i really want a new car. boy was that a mistake. i let my fear of watching the price go down go against the logic of just doing nothing and holding for the long term. so i advise everyone to really think about the long term of the technology and its promise and sometimes doing nothing and just waiting it out is the best thing you can do + +**EDIT 2** someone pointed out I did this before the dao hack. i think i just conflated events in my mind and used the dao hack to later justify my sell in my head. it was two years ago so i dont remember exactly what caused me to panick sell, does anyone recall events at the time? if i recall correctly the price had gone up but then crashed by about half of the value it was at from over $1 to like $0.60, and i think there were some bugs found at the time that was allowing for dos attacks that didnt completely break things but caused major, problems. mostly i think it was the price going down that i just one day panicked and sold and later the dao happened and i must have conflated them in my mind. either way the key point here is that there are a lot of smart people in ethereum and the community weathered the worst of attackers and bugs and came back stronger and i shouldnt have sold. today we are watching a decline and yet the future in this space looks amazing so we shouldnt lose faith. + +**EDIT 3** /u/Dunning_Krugerrands had a good explanation that jogged my memory of what spooked me and made me sell it all at that time: + +> "October 2015 I think the price fell from >$1 to 66¢ because at that time the [Ethereum foundation looked like it was going to run out of money before even reaching homestead](http://www.coindesk.com/ethereum-bitcoin-decline-9-million-funding-shortfall/). Stephan Tual resigned in protest about giving Eth away to early contributers" + +My wife and I are in our early/mid twenties. We have saved a little more than a third of our income over the past two years so we had several thousand dollars in an emergency fund plus extra savings. The amount isn't really relevant - the point is that we had no plans to use it. + +At the end of 2016 we were both in great health, and being young we decided to go with my employer's HDH plan with an HSA. Last weekend we blew through the deductible on my wife and we will likely hit the out of pocket maximum before the month is over. This health issue came out of nowhere and we're very fortunate to have good insurance. + +But because we have extra savings, we don't have to make medical decisions based on cost. We can pay the full annual out of pocket maximum and we won't really miss it. If a doctor thinks a test is necessary we can simply authorize it without worrying about how we will pay for it. It has been stressful but I can't imagine how much more stressful it would be if we had to go into medical debt to pay for it all. + +We could have eaten out more last year. My wife could drive a nicer car. We could live in a bigger apartment or house. But I wouldn't trade the freedom of having the extra savings for any of that. + +This came out of nowhere and was frankly highly unlikely. It could happen to anyone. And we were easily able to pay for it. An emergency fund is psychologically, emotionally, physically, and financially is the most important improvement to your quality of life that you can "buy." in my opinion anyway. + +Edit: Thanks to all for your well wishes and support. To those who took this as a criticism of spending, please know that this was not my intention. My wife and I are not ultra frugal - we simply prioritize our spending where we think it will have the greatest impact on our lives. In my view, an emergency fund is just another thing you "buy." I feel that, of all the things anyone could buy, it is the one that will have the greatest impact on your quality of life. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bd5yjg0sb1171.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eecf3cef72278d8c21e839efde2fdabd438d247 + +Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6h4j7vwvb1171.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d3d57ab6015b6d22d3226db20bf89dfe279b8ba + +# Intro + +Due to what we've seen occur over the past weekend we are expecting a big influx of new members. I've seen threads from r/CryptoCurrency and other subs finally catching on that the behavior we have seen recently is far from normal. + +For the people who are not familiar with the situation it's fairly easy: + +Market makers/brokers/ idiots involved with stocks have abused crypto's in order to stave off their margin calls, they did this by pumping up lots of low cap crypto's so they could show they had enough liquidity they would dump it, in order to have profit to redo their work again and again. + +Effectively digging their own hole deeper and deeper. + +So for the new apes joining, welcome to the jungle! + +&#x200B; + +Also because some people did not read it, there have been some updates to the sub a few days ago u/redchessqueen99 wrote up a thread about it and be sure to give it a quick look to make sure you're up to date. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nilq5f/the\_great\_ape\_updation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nilq5f/the_great_ape_updation/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/c8mzsdnxh1171.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ce84030bea70fdd74e1d055d7d8e9cca2f7675e + +# WO IST MEIN DEUTSCHE MARKT?!! + +For everyone wondering WHY IS THERE NO GERMAN PREMARKET!!!??? + +it's due to Pentacost, it's a christian holiday so the german market is closed today, so expect the pre market volume to be even lower than normal. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Official AMA- Lucy Komisar Today + +for the most up to date information regarding the AMA check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nj867u/official_ama_lucy_komisar_monday_may_24th_lucy/) + +&#x200B; + +[It seems the apes were early, but not wrong ](https://preview.redd.it/d6ejrm4og1171.png?width=831&format=png&auto=webp&s=028c5c6104ac0f81c8a68d61d15df63df39c68e8) + +&#x200B; + +# MARGIN DEBT AT ALL TIME HIGH + +This week is the week were the CEO's of a lot of major banks has to appear before congress... not entirely sure why but I remember there were a lot of this happening post 2008 crash stuff. + + There is a thread about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/nj6iz0/ceos_of_major_banks_testifying_this_week_margin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) which goes more in depth then I do. + +May 26 at 12:00 PM ET: The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will convene for a virtual hearing entitled, “Consumer Credit Reporting: Assessing Accuracy and Compliance.”  + +May 27 at 12:00 PM ET: The full Committee will convene for a virtual hearing entitled, “**Holding Megabanks Accountable**: An Update on Banking Practices, Programs and Policies.”  + +[Link To Committee Site](https://financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=407897) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/im50fwvpd1171.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=e075b266780072fcc9f7a221a66b1fad9b86d651 + +# Today is the day.... again.... part 10 + +So let's look at a couple of indicators + +[this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nil0ww/sp_500_negative_yield_crescat_capital_letter_may/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) by u/jealous_squash_1031 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[this was one of the indicators Dr. Burry used](https://preview.redd.it/1msxqvsdf1171.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=faf3c53da7ccd281994041fa7278fcd10a9527d2) + +&#x200B; + +[👀👀👀](https://preview.redd.it/n832btyvg1171.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8887cf8a93b35d6bc62cd9b037c4904232c20f25) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vfeh3vahf1171.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=4aa9002eee60d94d262871cf08120d709fbf7881 + +Just to go off of indicators... this looks like a huge market crash is coming very soon, not "Blizzard soon tm" but actually soon. + +We have seen a lot of new rules get passed very fast recently, we have seen banks and hedgefunds burning the midnight oil and on weekends, we see every possible indicator possible pointing to a market crash (even crypto is being cashed out because they need money)... this is the stuff hypothesized would happen for a long time, and now it's here. + +To the Crypto gang just joining us, welcome, if you guys need help feel free to help in the daily thread, apes like to help with anything 😉 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e6wl931ei1171.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1a26a22aa0c9a1bd51163b7d25b0002a3a1e5e + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pczh5zlgi1171.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=be5ba28356309ec88b89decb77c45cb79fff95f7 + + + +Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) +$FUCKELON - 24Hrs Hold - 250k Mcap + + ----------------------------------------------- + +🤬$FUCKELON is a positive deflationary token executed for success. + +🏅The main approach behind FkElon is to offer a decentralized transactions system which operate on the Binance smart chain (BSC). + +✅The road way for FkElon is set by market fluctuations, + +but the idea it runs on begs FkElon to succeed. FkElon is a deflationary + + ----------------------------------------------- + +🔥On each transaction, a tax of 5% will be shared to the Hodler + +and a further 2% will be burnt + +hence incentivizing holders to hodl and decreasing the supply overtime. + +As the supply decreases, the scarcity of the token increases. + +This inversely-proportional relationship constitutes a supply and demand model. + +Furthermore, there is no limit as to how many tokens can be burnt. + +Without a burning limit you know what happens next. 🔥 + + ----------------------------------------------- + +🚀Transaction network which operate on the Binance smart chain (BSC). + +🚀 Listed on Pancake Swap. + +🚀 Flat and smooth total token supply. + +🚀 Deflatory system to remove risk of inflation. + +🚀 Liquidity available for holders, 2.5% of every transaction. + +----------------------------------------------- + +🚀 FkEl0n Swap Slippage Tolerance on Pancake swap is 8 % + +----------------------------------------------- + +🚀 Telegram : https://t.me/fkelonmusk +So I’ve been a cobinhood supporter since post ico, so naturally once the exchange launched I deposited my ~90k cobs in, this is where the trouble started, see with cobinhood you can’t withdraw until you’re level 1 verified, this took me days and a lot of hassle with the team first saying Aussies were banned, then allowed , however I finally got verified, during this time I did some cob trading and managed to increase my cob stack, now anyway fast forward to today, I login and half my balance has been wiped out, I had withdrawn 49k cobs, I had 4K usd left, 23.64 eth and 21k cobs, then I message the team, after they fix it they email me saying it was actually a bug on the exchange I re login and my _whole_ balance is wiped, on top of this the team NOW say the balance is correct, + +_DO NOT USE THIS EXCHANGE_ screenshots to come + Update from Nasdaq Scandinavia: + +[https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b200356852c002d85b6fda00e0f1a300f&lang=en](https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=b200356852c002d85b6fda00e0f1a300f&lang=en) + +Update on market event + +During the morning of Monday May 2, Nasdaq saw a sudden drop in key benchmark indexes on Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Helsinki and Nasdaq Copenhagen, as well as other major exchanges in Europe. The reason was a sell event by a market participant. + +After a review, Nasdaq has not seen any reason to cancel trades that were made during this event. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +So, A BIG whale sold off more of less all major stocks in Scandinavia and Germany and that resulted in marketwide 8-10% drops. That has to be a lot of stocks that was offered for sale and sold quickly. +So for context how I grew up vs him. + +Me: Raised by Single mother, who was an immigrant. She was a maid to wealthy people. We lived in a room we rented in a house, where other immigrant women rented and shared the other rooms. Being hispanic, we ate A LOT of rice/beans/tortillas/all the animal parts (trotters, hearts, etc). Lots of flavor on a budget. Because I was raised in a multicultural immigrant community had better awareness of the world around me (mom had lots of immigrant friends from across Latin America and even some from Spain/Turkey). Got a little older, mom got married, had 2 more kids then it was 5 of us in a 1 bedroom apartment with me sleeping on the couch for years. I studied hard, applied and got scholarships for private high school then college. Then got smacked with the reality that you still need $ to get ahead in the career I wanted to be in. (fuck you unpaid internships) Ended up living with folks for a while and helping their small business they had put together. left for a few years and then did grad school and now I live with my folks and siblings again to pay off school debt. While I grew up poor, I was surrounded by a rich and vibrant immigrant community who was always banding together to throw potluck parties, share hand me downs, help each other move, eat and make the best of things, very positive and very much with the American dream mindset. My mother made it work with very little, and showed me you don’t need much to be happy as long as surrounded by good people. + +Him: Born the youngest in Appalachia, to parents who would go on to divorce. Very insular people don’t leave the town/10 mule radius. His dad raised him, and from the sounds of it, they were house poor. Had the house and not much else. His dad was very strict, angry, and religious. Very much a “by your own bootstraps mentality” pride man. My bf got into college but finally tasted freedom, fucked around and found out. Didn’t finish his first year, worked, moved out but fell into all the poverty traps. Dysfunctional mentally abusive (her to him) relationship lead to him losing his job, pawning things, payday loans, and finally even eviction; all the traps. He moved back in with his dad, got back on his feet. Paid off most of his debt but still suffers from the credit dings - especially from the eviction. Now he lives on his own in a shitty slumlord apartment with the worst downstairs neighbors because of said ding. We both make okay money now, though he is reaching the limit on his career due to lacking a degree. But we’ve both come far from our parents starting points. + +I love him. But we’ve lived very different lives and it never showed more than in a conversation when imagining the future. For him, all he can think about is having a roof over his head. He said he refuses to imagine things he wants to have or do because he is so afraid of being crushed and disappointed. While I can dream about all sorts of absurd things I would love to do and have, realistic and not because it motivates me. + +His poverty robbed him of the ability to dream and it just crushed me, because as the child of immigrants it is all I was ever taught to do. + +TLDR: Poverty is very situational and mentally affects people in many ways. + +Edit: since this blew up just a few things I’d like to clear up. + +1) love my BF and we both have our respective traumas to work through, we are both getting therapy. + +2) While I might have romanticized a bit the immigrant community, being immigrants comes with its own bag of shit. In my parents case operating outside the legal/health etc system. Having wages garnished for taxes they could never claim, depending on slumlords, and the only safety net you had really was the community. A few extra bonuses though. Payday loans aren’t really a thing when you don’t get W-2’s so only way to borrow money is from friends who charge interest in beer. Can’t burn your friends without being cast out of the community. Also the typical response to “I need money ASAP” would be “well this person needs help for $x on this day, want to come make some money doin this manual labor thing? So pluses and minuses all around. It’s complicated, traumatic in its own way as I grew up “behaving” with the constant anxiety of having the rug pulled out from under me at any moment and having my family deported. Woo trauma for everyone 😂 + +3) A lot of people rightly call out support systems make the difference. With this is mind, band together as much as you can. We are all on this big blue ball together. Be kind to one another, and even if you have nothing else to give, a kind word goes a long way and costs nothing. +[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Life\_expectancy\_in\_Russia\_and\_the\_US%2C\_1960-2015.png](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Life_expectancy_in_Russia_and_the_US%2C_1960-2015.png) + +[stagnating Life expectancy in the USSR](https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateCommunism/comments/lvvh65/thoughts_on_this_image_why_did_it_happen/) + +Was it due to Khrushchev moving away from Stalinism and implementing economic reforms? + +Wasn't it actually due to the USSR running out of the catch up growth? + +After Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, etc established democratic, inclusive institutions, they saw large increases in life expectancy + + From 1960 to 1990, + +Slovakia's life expectancy went from 69.92 to 70.93. + +From 1991 to 2018, + +Slovakia's life expectancy went from 70.88 to 77.27. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u). +Disney is restructuring its media and entertainment divisions, as streaming becomes the most important facet of the company’s media business. + +On Monday, the company revealed that in order to further accelerate its direct-to-consumer strategy, it would be centralizing its media businesses into a single organization that will be responsible for content distribution, ad sales and Disney+. + +Shares of the company jumped more than 5% during after-hours trading following the announcement. + +The move by Disney comes as the global coronavirus pandemic has crippled its theatrical business and ushered more customers toward its streaming options. As of August, Disney has 100 million paid subscribers across its streaming offerings, more than half of whom are subscribers to Disney+. + +“I would not characterize it as a response to Covid,” CEO Bob Chapek told CNBC’s Julia Boorstin on “Closing Bell” on Monday. “I would say Covid accelerated the rate at which we made this transition, but this transition was going to happen anyway.” + +“We are tilting the scale pretty dramatically [toward streaming],” Chapek said on “Closing Bell,” noting that the company is looking at all investments, **including dividends**, as it seeks to increase its spend on new content. Chapek said the board of directors will have the final say on Disney’s dividend payouts. + +Only last week, activist investor Dan Loeb called on Chapek to end the company’s annual $3 billion dividend to divert more capital to new Disney+ content. + +Loeb’s Third Point Capital is one of Disney’s largest shareholders and bought more shares earlier this year in support of Disney’s repositioning around Disney+, its flagship subscription streaming service. + +Loeb told CNBC, “We are pleased to see that Disney is focused on the same opportunity that makes us such enthusiastic shareholders: investing heavily in the DTC business, positioning Disney to thrive in the next era of entertainment.” + +Chapek said the reorganization could result in some reduction of staff, but not likely at the same scale as was seen at the company’s parks division last month. Disney was forced to lay off around 28,000 workers after it became clear that its Disneyland parks in California would not be reopening soon. + +As part of this reorganization, Disney has promoted Kareem Daniel, the former president of consumer products, games and publishing. He will now oversee the new media and entertainment distribution group. + +He’ll be in charge of making sure streaming becomes profitable, as the company continues to invest heavily in its various streaming products. Daniel will hold the reins to all of the company’s streaming services and domestic television networks, including all content distribution, sales and advertising. + +Disney is becoming more reliant on Disney+ as movie theaters have been unable to recover after being shuttered in March due to the outbreak. Ticket sales have been particularly lackluster at domestic cinemas since the industry attempted a large-scale reopening in late August. + +In recent months, the company pushed back a number of its theatrical releases including its Marvel blockbuster “Black Widow.” The much anticipated Pixar film “Soul” has also been postponed. It will now arrive on Disney+ in December. + +Analysts are still awaiting word from Disney about how “Mulan” fared after Disney removed it from theatrical release and sold it through Disney+ for $30. It is expected the company will share more details about its performance during its next earnings report in November. + +Daniel will be responsible, in part, for making big decisions about Disney’s theatrical and streaming release schedules going forward. + +″[Consumers] are going to lead us,” Chapek said on “Closing Bell.” “Right now they are voting with their pocketbooks, and they are voting very heavily toward Disney+. We want to make sure that we are going the way the consumers want us to go.” + +**Reorganizing Disney’s media business** + +Alan Horn and Alan Bergman will remain in charge of the company’s studios, Peter Rice will continue to head the company’s general entertainment group, and James Pitaro will stay as head of the company’s sports content. + +All will report directly to CEO Bob Chapek. The company’s parks, experiences and products segment will remain under the leadership of Josh D’Amaro, and Rebecca Campbell will remain on as the chairman of direct-to-consumer and international operations. Campbell will report directly to Chapek for all things related to international operations but will report to Daniel when it comes to Disney+, Hulu and ESPN+. + +“Given the incredible success of Disney+ and our plans to accelerate our direct-to-consumer business, we are strategically positioning our Company to more effectively support our growth strategy and increase shareholder value,” Chapek said in a statement announcing the reorganization. “Managing content creation distinct from distribution will allow us to be more effective and nimble in making the content consumers want most, delivered in the way they prefer to consume it.” + +Under Horn and Bergman, the studios segment will focus on creating content for theatrical release, Disney+ and Hulu. Walt Disney Studios, Marvel Studios, Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Animation Studios, Lucasfilm, 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures all fall under their purview. + +Rice’s general entertainment segment includes 20th Television, ABC Signature and Touchstone Television, ABC News, Disney Channels, Freeform, FX and National Geographic. + +As for Pitaro’s sports segment, that will focus on live sports programming, sports news and original and nonscripted sports-related content across ESPN, ESPN+ and ABC. + +Daniel’s media and entertainment distribution group will manage all distribution, operations, sales and advertising across the three content groups. Daniel has spent 14 years with the company in a variety of positions. He helped transform Disney’s Star Wars property into the two Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge lands in Disney World and Disneyland as well as aided in bringing Toy Story Land, Pixar Pier and Avengers Campus to the parks. + +“Kareem is an exceptionally talented, innovative and forward-looking leader, with a strong track record for developing and implementing successful global content distribution and commercialization strategies,” said Chapek. + +This new structure is effective immediately. The company currently expects to transition its financial reporting to reflect these changes beginning in the first quarter of fiscal 2021. + +Additionally, Disney announced that it will hold a virtual investor day on Dec. 10. + +&nbsp; + +Source - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/12/disney-reorganizes-to-focus-on-streaming-direct-to-consumer.html + [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/04/france-to-ban-the-destruction-of-unsold-consumer-products](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/04/france-to-ban-the-destruction-of-unsold-consumer-products) + +Any idea if or how this policy would influence the prices of goods? +I don't currently own Intel, but I'm really starting to like their valuation and this week I've started buying some other semis like MU and WDC. + +Why is Intel so attached to their high yielding dividend? Their management indicates they want to expand manufacturing and at the same time they are spending half their cash flow on the dividend and making partnerships to fund these fabs instead of doing it on their own. + +Am I the only one who would rather see buybacks or other investments from this company? I don't want to invest money in my taxable account just for them to quickly give it back to me to pay taxes on. +* For Q4, Jan - Mar, agriculture grew at 3.1% +* Mining declined almost 6% +* Manufacturing grew at 6.9% (Note that Mar 20 was a voluntary shutdown for many factories) +* Construction grew at 15.4% +* Hotel and transport declined by 2.3% +* Numbers for Apr-June quarter are likely to be low in absolute, but would still be a good increase over the previous year due to low base effect +* There would be breathless headlines that this is the worst GDP in last x decades; most of that was from the first half of the year +Brokers need to be called on this bullshit. How can they say with a straight face that they “can’t locate shares”? There’s this thing called the stock market, where shares are exchanged 5 days a week for 6.5 hours/day. Every day millions of shares are exchanged. + +Very simply, they took our money and never purchased the underlying asset, giving us an IOU instead. They’re basically taking a short position hoping to buy the asset at a lower price in the future, and literally betting against us, their own customers. “Can’t find shares” should translate to “don’t want to buy shares at the current fair market value” now that we’re cashing in those IOUs. + +I look forward to the SHFs, Market Makers, Shady Brokers, and Banks underwriting this criminals going bankrupt just as much as I look forward to a bank account that looks like a phone number. +Hibiki is now approaching two weeks old, and in that time she has achieved a lot. + +&#x200B; + +What can Hibiki do? Well, there are token tools available for BSC, KCC and AVAX. There is an LP locker, a token launch list which automatically updates and due soon from the roadmap are the token creator, presale platform and NFT platform. The team intends for the NFT platform to be the Opensea of BSC, not a walled garden. There is also in development a system for securely and trustlessly trading NFTs by escrow. There is also Cryptoshoujo, our AI generated anime Waifu NFT collection that can be battled in P2E or staked to earn. PVP battles are a planned upgrade with a potential for leverage to be introduced for extra degeneracy! + +&#x200B; + +In terms of marketing there are several ongoing campaigns, including one with MadJoe, which required the dev to dox. The dev has worked with other projects on BSC such as Olympus, Bingus Network and designed a very successful anti-snipe mechanism used in many token launches. + +&#x200B; + +Hibiki achieved CMC and CG on the 2nd full day of her life and currently is consolidating while holders steadily increase, an indication I believe that signifies an imminent breakout. The staking interface on the website has just received an update as part of an ongoing frontend overhaul. As more tools come to fruition and the roadmap is realised, the necessity to buy and hold Hibiki to use the tools will increase so I believe this to be an excellent buy at the moment. + +&#x200B; + +There is an AMA due tonight at 1PM EST in the Shampoo Lounge and the second phase of the Waifu beauty pageant begins an hour after, with a VC due while this is ongoing. Come and join us before the fun kicks off! + +&#x200B; + +The contract address: 0xa532cfaa916c465a094daf29fea07a13e41e5b36 (bsc) + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: [https://t.me/hibikifinance](https://t.me/hibikifinance) + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://hibiki.finance/](https://hibiki.finance/) + +&#x200B; + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/HibikiFinance](https://twitter.com/HibikiFinance) + +&#x200B; + +Crypto Shoujo: [https://cryptoshoujo.io/](https://cryptoshoujo.io/) + +&#x200B; + +You will need to use a 6-8% slippage, as the tokenomics account for a small tax which is used to incentivise stakers. +Hi all, + +i write you here (and some other subreddit) such as FIRE and PersonalFinance because i feel a bit confused about what to do now. + + +In 2017 I bought a bitcoin for 2500 USD, this year i sold my BTC for 55k USD and bought 7000 AMC shares at 9.78. The shares actually worth 282k USD. + + +Now people think AMC shares could get a price of 100 / 500 / 1000k each one and it would get me very rich, but I don't know if I can trust the DD, I suppose you are aware of AMC & GME short selling story this year. + + +Clearly I don't want to keep this shares forever, I'm 38 years old, with a normal job, I don't have yet a mortgage for buying house(but I think i would buy it), I live in Italy. + + +I would buy a house but I'd like also to have a very good monthly/yearly return by investing this money (paying a mortgage for buying house as well) + + +Invest my money in something else ? Buy a home ? Waiting for AMC squeeze ? + +What would you do ? +Please also suggest me where and how to invest.. + +I'm interested in ETF or follow some good investors on eToro with good profits and a safe level. +I’ve recently turned 40, which is essentially middle age, and my resentment towards sacrificing the enjoyment of my present life continues to grow. Financially, I would consider myself both fortunate and comfortable. My wife and I are both established in our careers, and combine for a gross income of $250K-ish Canadian. We have 3 lovely children, though we’re “old parents” for having them in our mid to late 30’s. + +I’m sure 60 or 70 year old me will be thankful, but I feel like I’m sacrificing the middle third of my life for a future that is not guaranteed. Friends in similar positions are enjoying new(er) and large(r) homes, vehicles, family vacations (pre-COVID), etc., while I’m living in a 1000sqft bungalow built in 1956 and drive vehicles 10-15 years old. My wife and I had to accomplish everything “the hard way” and had little to no financial assistance from our parents. They just didn’t have to ability to help in that capacity. Many of our friends were able to live at home during university, paid very little tuition on their own, received assistance on home down payments, purchased their first home before the housing boom, made a small fortune selling their first home and are now on their second... gah! My wife and I lived on our own and paid our own way through university, bought our home at the housing market peak, and on and on. + +Quite frankly, I’m unhappy with my daily life, and the promise of a comfortable retirement is not compensating for my growing resentment. It’s because all our income not dedicated towards living expenses (mortgage, utilities, food, childcare, etc.) is being saved an invested. Though we both have retirement plans through work, we have secondary RSP’s through our financial planner. RESP’s are in place for our 3 children. After allowing ourselves a minimal monthly “allowance” everything else is put in to savings. Our net worth (assets vs liabilities) is already over the million dollar mark, our mortgage will be paid off in less than 5 years, vehicles were bought with cash, and we have no other debts. + +And I fucking hate it. It’s a bizarre feeling, because I should feel comfortable and content, but I feel trapped and limited. Most days I couldn’t care less that 80 year old me, if I live that long, will be taken care of because 40 year old me is being “fiscally responsible.” My apologies for the rant, but I really needed a non-spouse outlet to vent. + +Here is a sampling of my monthly budget: + +Based on $12K/mo take-home (net) income. + +$1800 - childcare + +$1530 - mortgage + +$1105 - utilities, insurance, taxes + +$300 - transportation + +$800 - groceries + +$50 - charity + +$200 - personal allowance ($100 each) + +$6215 - RESP, RSPs, savings + +Both my wife and I also have retirement savings/investments deducted automatically off our paycheques. I did not include this. I’m coming at you from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Heathcare expenses, both now and in my old-age, are of minimal to zero concern. + +EDIT: Thank you, truly. The responses have been both appreciated (all of them) and overwhelming. I couldn’t even begin to address them all, but I have given each reply my attention. Thank you. +I hope everyone has their big boy/ girl pants strapped on. + +Tomorrow is in my opinion gonna be a violent one. + +No shorts Friday and Monday. Makes no sense unless they are gonna do the rug pull like they did last week. Or the week prior.. + +Yes we are making progress. DRS isn’t close to taking affect, they are just saving ammo for when they want to drop us $30 in a day so they can run news on how shit we are. + +Make no mistake. + +Be hyped and enjoy the green, but know that we are still at war. + +Edit: thanks for the awards. I have no idea why some posts do this and others go to the bin. But cheers +G'day cunts, I've missed shitposting with y'all this past week but I'm proud/scared to see DLC taking a deeper place inside this sub. If ASIO asks, I hadn't nothing to do with it. + +In the meantime, I've been distracting myself from real life tasks by joining the algo revolution and learning how to use python for finance. Being a masterful procrastinator, I took on the challenge of using nerd power to figure out how much of a meme Red Fridays are. + +#**What do I mean by Red Friday?** + +Since I've been on this sub, the general sentiment is that the market shits the bed more often than not at the end of the week. Pre-market threads are filled with nervous posts, and orders for lube in preparation for the onslaught of red triangles. +But what if there was a way to turn the tide on the Friday red market dildo, and shove a green one back up Tomsexx? + +#**What are BBOZ/BBUS?** + +Once upon a time, BBOZ and BBUS were the hottest tickers on this sub. Veterans of this sub already know them intimately, having being fucked hard post pandemic crash last year. + +[BBOZ](https://www.betashares.com.au/fund/australian-equities-strong-bear-fund/) and [BBUS](https://www.betashares.com.au/fund/us-equities-strong-bear-fund/) are leveraged BEAR ETFS (🌈🐻). Their value is negatively correlated to the S&P/ASX 200 (BBOZ) and S&P 500 (BBUS). For every 1% decrease in the ASX/US markets, BBOZ/BBUS should increase 2-2.75%, and they go down the same amount for a market increase. If the market is going up, putting your money into BBOZ/BBUS is an excellent way to lose it. By design, they go down over time, but they let people hedge their more risky positions, which none of you fuckers care about anyway. + + +#**The Hypothesis** + +So with this 🌈🐻 primer, we are ready to experiment. + +If the market does indeed crash regularly on Friday, and we are not being [Fooled by Randomness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fooled_by_Randomness), we can use BBOZ/BBUS to make money. + +All we have to do is buy BBOZ/BBUS at open on Thursday, and sell at close on Friday. A simple strategy, which I tested with historical data scraped from Yahoo Finance. + +#**Nerd Method Shit** + +Using the [Yfinance library](https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance), I yoinked the opening and closing prices of BBOZ/BBUS over the 1yr and 3yr time periods. I then ran a script that would buy at open on a given weekday, and sell at close the next day (e.g Buy Monday Open, Sell Tuesday Close). This gives me data sets to compare for this swing strategy to see if what day you choose really makes a difference. Each transaction includes the $9.50 Brokerage fee that you would pay from using SelfWealth. Because this script trades frequently, brokerage fees are a fucking bitch and you have to stay the fuck away from that slut Tommsex with his cucked progressive fees. The higher your starting portfolio balance, the lower the relative percentage cost is for brokerage therefore you make more money. If you tried this starting with only $1k, you would need to make on average (9.50/1000) = 1.9% return with each trade to profit. + +Starting with a balance of $10k, well below what many of you degenerates are fine with risking daily, I plotted the results for each Swing day pair, and compared it to the return of the ASX/200 (IOZ) over the same time period as a benchmark. + +#**Result 1, Don't do this with BBUS** + +[Here are the results from Swing trading BBUS.](https://imgur.com/a/BdNEs09) **They are fucking garbage**. You'd make more money in DLC over the same time. The Thursday to Friday swing does perform the best out of all combinations, and give a positive return, but if you sat $10k in IOZ you'd be $2k richer. + +There is a fun peak visible in the 3yr chart during the 🌈🐻 Pandemic Party for Wed-Thurs Swinging, but over time we see the Account Balance dwindle. This is what we should expect from the natural decay of the BBUS instrument if there are no days where the market regularly drops. + + +#**Result 2, BBOZ = $$$$$$$$, RED FRIDAYS ARE NOT A MEME 🤡🤡🤡** + +[Here are the fucking cooked returns for BBOZ.](https://imgur.com/a/P6n8CXe) I don't know what to say. Finance is a lie. If you bought BBOZ at Thursday Open, and sold on Friday Close, every week for the past 52 weeks, **you would have an 84% Return**. Starting with $10k, you would finish with **$8.4k profit**, and **beat the index cucks by ~$5k**. + +Looking across the 3yr period, we see this strategy fails before the pandemic, but something fucking crazy has happened. The market gods have henceforth declared Friday to be Red as a sacrifice, perhaps in exchange for the insane recovery. + +Breaking down the data further, [here are normalized histograms of the return % for each trade](https://imgur.com/a/RBwaUrm) across the respective time period for the Thurs-Friday swing. From a simple gaussian fit, the average return for a Thurs-Friday Swing is +1.281% over the past year, with a standard deviation of 3.295%. + +#**Conclusions** + +Red Friday has been real for the past pandemic year in Australia, but does not work using BBUS. We haven't been imagining things, this is a real phenomenon. If you had acted on this exploit, with this strategy **your portfolio would be up +84%**, starting from $10k and using SelfWealth. + +#**Why am I posting this here for everyone to see?** + +**1. I want validation and I want to show off my new python skills.** + +**2. I don't have enough money to exploit this properly, its all tied up in Uranium** + +I will not be trading BBOZ weekly, in spite of this stupidly high return that exploits a literal ASX_Bets meme. + +**3. Past Performance =/= future results.** + +Just because it has happened historically, does not mean it will continue. Its a weird, spontaneous pattern that hasn't gone away and has fucked us repeatedly this past year. Maybe this post will change that. + +**4. Its fucking hilarious and I can't not share this now** + +#Appendix: Return of Green Monday + +So just as an afterthought, I tested the corollary, what happens if you buy the Long leveraged ASX ETF (GEAR) for the same swing? + +[Here are the results.](https://imgur.com/a/cZO40Ro) Monday to Tuesday swing returns the greatest, at 94%. GEAR has performed very nicely this year, as you can see with the black line, but the Mon-Tues Swing is still beating it. What would happen if you combined the BBOZ/GEAR swing? 🤔 + +#Appendix 2: I am an unstoppable Leverage Monster (combined BBOZ/GEAR Play, 270% return) + +Alrighty so after that cliffhanger of an appendix, this is the result. Took around 1hr of abusing my spaghetti code to produce this [INFINITE MONEY GLITCH](https://imgur.com/a/sC2xtGe) (leverage is one hell of a drug). + +Just ignore the awful market performance in the 3yr chart pre-pandemic crash, something has happened that has made this play insane this year and I don't know what, I'm tired and getting lost in the sauce, catch y'all tomorrow. +**EDIT: read the post before you shill your sub-$1-coins, please, why does nobody do this today?** + +I always see these posts a lot, but for some reason more in the past few days: + +*"what are the best coins under $X?"* + +And sure, it looks like that makes sense - Bitcoin (BTC) is super expensive already, while a coin like BitTorrent (BTT) is available for less than one cent! If you buy some now and they become as expensive as Bitcoin you will be rich! Bitcoin also used to be cheap! Right? + +Lol, nah, wrong, obviously. The thing is: coin price doesn't matter. At all. Because it is strongly affected by how many coins are in circulation. There are currently about 18,700,000 BTC in circulation, there will never be more than 21,000,000. But there are 660,000,000,000 BTT at the moment and there will be 990,000,000,000 at some point. The important figure is the market cap, which is + +**Market Cap = Circulating Supply X Coin Price** + +So, for example, for BTC it would be 49,500 X 18,700,000, about 920 billion USD. So if we imagine BitTorrent becoming just as big as Bitcoin, how much would a single coin be worth? $1.38. So can't a single BTT be worth thousands of dollars, like BTC is? No, absolutely not. If 1 BTT would be worth 49,500, as 1 BTC currently is, its market cap once all the coins are in circulation would be almost 50,000,000,000,000,000. 50 quadrillion, or 50,000 trillion. The total amount of wealth in the world is about 300 trillion. + +**tl;dr:** Coin price is NOT a good indicator how much a coin can still grow. Check the market cap and compare it to other coins to see how much a coin would need to grow to be as big as another coin. [The Coin Perspective](https://thecoinperspective.com) is a great website to make these comparisons. Also remember that you can buy fractions of a coin, like 0.001 BTC and don't have to buy a whole one. +This is one of the funds I created for one of my kids. I found mostly aristocrats that paid at different times of the quarter to set them up to pay a div every week. I added my favorite income funds to help fund it even more. Just sharing it, no need to rate it or hate it. + +Stocks: KO,KMB,CAH,CSCO,JPM,SYY,CPB,PG,HRL,AAPL,CAT,C,AFL,JNJ,IBM,MSFT,SWK,TROW, BST, JEPI, SCHD, UTG + +FREE tickers mean to buy with whatever funds are leftover and that ticker is down at the time of purchase. + +The top part is when that company usually pays the div, not the ex-date. The right side is my next goal for each stock to hit the daily pay, just to keep it even. + +Edit: link to googlesheet + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvlYXoJfz1kXzixP85gH87r00FKci72d2wDCi9OecwA/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvlYXoJfz1kXzixP85gH87r00FKci72d2wDCi9OecwA/edit?usp=sharing) + +https://preview.redd.it/fn7djusi2g491.png?width=1685&format=png&auto=webp&s=713ac5c825653cd810789857563b93848baafc80 +I have a 2006 Honda Accord 4cyl that has 225,000 miles on it. I drive it to and from work every day (for 5 years) and it has been acting up on me lately. A tire leaks air, the brakes are bad, and I'm having troubles while accelerating. Not to mention my two toddlers have trashed the interior. I chalked it up to being time to buy an upgrade. + + +I started searching for cars online. I can get this 2016 for just $18,000! But I might as well go new for a lower interest rate. That's only $25,000 for a brand new car. I have about $2,000 budgeted for car repairs that I can add to trade-in value on my Accord and will come away with a super nice vehicle at a low monthly rate. + + +As I continued searching, I kept trying to fight reality. In actuality, I have the ability to fix every one of these issues, but my own laziness is attempting me to find the easy way out. + + +I got online and found new brake rotors and pads, air and oil filters, and spark plugs. I got my oil from a local mega-chain. In one day I plugged a tire (nail), changed my air filter, changed out the brakes, changed my oil, and changed my plugs. In total it may have cost me a hundred bucks and a weekend day. I also cleaned up all the trash and clothes, and vacuumed the car. I felt so accomplished when I was finished. + + +I swear, it feels like I'm driving a whole new car. Now looking back, it seems silly that I wanted to buy a new car just for convenience of not having to deal with preventative maintenance. Before you make a large purchase, take a step back and ask yourself if it's really necessary. I consider myself great with money but apparently very lazy as well haha. + + + +Edit: Many posters have recommended other semi-DIY preventative maintenance jobs for older cars. Do these at your own risk. There should be plenty of instructional videos on YouTube. (In no particular order): + + +Replace Water Pump + +Replace Control Arm Bushing + +Replace Tie Rod End + +Flush Brake Fluid + +Change Transmission Fluid + +Replace Serpentine Belt + +Clean Mass Airflow/Map Sensor + +Clean Throttle Body + +Replace Fuel Filter + +Replace Shocks/Struts +This is a teaser post of what will be a MUCH larger multi post involving 3 planes. This post is just one plane, on one day for a 17 hour span of time. + +For this post, I'll just be going through the massive crypt0 movements that correlate with the movements of a plane that I've been tracking (this is all public information). + +&#x200B; + +[Chompy? Why are you being judgemental?](https://preview.redd.it/r49bya9vhpj71.jpg?width=2148&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa31c90c470fe4917d2d182cf1c6a06f60d9363) + +&#x200B; + +After spending the past year essentially flying from: + +West Palm Beach FL, New York City NY, California, Chicago IL and Houston, the flight paths and destinations have changed this week. + +On August 25, the flight path changed but so did something else; + +After spending the night in Ithaca NY (not visited this entire year), it flew to Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Erie PA and then headed for Chicago. + +You could pass this off as "Since they know you're watching, they'll fly around to make you wonder what they're doing." + +True but there's also something else going on. + +There's also a second and third suspicious plane that met twice this weekend in Nice, France but for the sake of this post, I'm only focusing on this plane and today. + +Just before this plane (and the others) leave a runway, major transactions take place between "unknown wallets". + +These transactions of this size generally happen about once a week. + +Since this weekend, something has definitely changed. + +Let's look at just today and the timing of these movements in correlation with these MASSIVE $$ movements. + +&#x200B; + +\-\*(This is all correlated to my local time zone. Yours will be different but the times will still match between Twitter and the flight tracker.)\*- + +&#x200B; + +Early in the morning: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y4umlarwfpj71.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=22b03a8676b29210f31ae15adf75383fd336181e + +$2,066,945,903 + +Over 2 billion dollars in the same minute. + +Remember. One of those transactions a week is something huge. + +Let's take a look at what happened 30-45 minutes later: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h0yoo2rzfpj71.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ede05a416ff7dd71bd1b02d21a4a8af32da74df + +$1,195,447,721 ← I didn't even include that $19mil in that because this twitter feed is loaded with transactions under $50mil today. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/tdood4c3gpj71.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=42bce1e6959fe2e452b175f5a628f33434f348d3 + +Another $588,979,584 + +Then the plane left Ithaca about 1:00pm + +&#x200B; + +[ Ithaca departure ](https://preview.redd.it/8al37g67gpj71.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c55b9ee4830941d6aab6f0c5eee11d8ef890336) + +What happened right after it left? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1f3ilcmbgpj71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=893b3db3ed28a2f58cad419b6bfe034540b595ee + +$786,018,970 + +Then it landed in Baltimore about 1:45pm + +&#x200B; + +[ Baltimore arrival ](https://preview.redd.it/9pkyi72egpj71.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c27430292303f3ab729d5c913e9b81e8e80f60f4) + +15-20 minutes later, this happened: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6mx7a17kgpj71.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d5075cbe06ad9db5b6413ede6e6e5b7806866f0 + +$1,370,518,579 ← In 2 minutes + +The plane then left Baltimore about 45 minutes after arriving. + +&#x200B; + +[ Baltimore departure ](https://preview.redd.it/t5pc31lngpj71.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=d529d2527b230fcbb2ee08d416934fb3abe1df49) + +and ended up in Charlottesville VI 20-25 minutes later. + +&#x200B; + +[ Charlottesville arrival ](https://preview.redd.it/7qhpi93qgpj71.png?width=1437&format=png&auto=webp&s=833df146e57b5d925284151e270e1739f50a31fb) + +What followed that was absolutely amazing: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/b9futztigpj71.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3936b9e4d9a29c011fb64b1dd1f7187f3a440a7 + +$115,600,166 + +Here's an example of smaller but not small when added together: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/34r6ligxgpj71.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4fbb4f55cd4ce3067d4705383910b7073eb24fa + +$210,418,418 ← Over $200mil in 2 minutes. + +After that, it was time to move on to somewhere else. + +&#x200B; + +[ Charlottesville VI departure ](https://preview.redd.it/wy3nfhz0hpj71.png?width=1437&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4e81987c8efb3b7da954ffb705f1c46d104bd46) + +Correction: + +~~And not 10 after being in the air, this happened:~~ + +That was the time of the tweet. + +The transactions happened at 6:14pm and 6:16pm. + +This puts the plane on the ground at the time of the transaction. + +This is a good one. Two separate transactions made 2 minutes apart of equal size. + +Hash links: + +[https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/205d8854454229e21020162266bb5de3ce2e1049baa9c222c4e85431a430b538](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/205d8854454229e21020162266bb5de3ce2e1049baa9c222c4e85431a430b538) + +[https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/5d0eaa4a93b0b0bcf989a4d26999060daec261765737b8a6b8ae632a7d88116e](https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/5d0eaa4a93b0b0bcf989a4d26999060daec261765737b8a6b8ae632a7d88116e) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/enkxnot3hpj71.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=40fba699bc24a13a488e2a1d207267661074d702 + +$414,127,038 + +&#x200B; + +[ Erie PA arrival ](https://preview.redd.it/ho2t1sn6hpj71.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=5888d71e34b94075323cc64b3f6a3d41daf68569) + +$209,334,246 was moved about 30 minutes after arriving in Erie PA + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gq12jjpahpj71.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ed6bd9afc09a913ae8559c8c0bb9149a310f684 + +Then, 10 minutes before leaving, this happened. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fo5u7fcdhpj71.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=597e558c303b79dd244ad48dea90360376ec68a5 + +$386,801,542 + +The day totals $7,344,192,167 just in what I've shown. + +I'm not saying this plane is the cause of all this movement and I'm not saying that the person in the plane is either + +BUT.... + +When you add this to the long list of transactions that correlate with the flight schedule of this plane and the other two planes in question, a pattern starts to emerge. + +Here's the entire day worth of flights: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1yvsmo5hhpj71.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f445e3bd1ced348ea28117c86a39d2307004b4c + +Links: + +Whale Alert Twitter: + +[https://twitter.com/whale\_alert](https://twitter.com/whale_alert) + +Plane in question tracker: + +[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a66a4c&lat=38.079&lon=-78.663&zoom=6.1&showTrace=2021-08-25&timestamp=1629927415](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a66a4c&lat=38.079&lon=-78.663&zoom=6.1&showTrace=2021-08-25&timestamp=1629927415) + +Bonus links to the other two planes in question: + +This one frequents Chicago but has made two trips to France this year. It has been in France since Friday. Last trip was to Croatia and Paris 07/17/21. Home the next day. + +[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a326ca&lat=40.022&lon=3.455&zoom=5.1&showTrace=2021-08-25](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a326ca&lat=40.022&lon=3.455&zoom=5.1&showTrace=2021-08-25) + +This one appears to be based in Lisbon - has met with plane #2 in Nice France this weekend: + +[https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=424787&lat=-23.378&lon=-25.326&zoom=2.8&showTrace=2021-08-25](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=424787&lat=-23.378&lon=-25.326&zoom=2.8&showTrace=2021-08-25) + +I intend to use a graph like this as well to show another method to visualize the three planes in comparison with massive crypt0 moves. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/snuzusitipj71.png?width=1194&format=png&auto=webp&s=282e5298de3a14dbb761b54632d8de7646e238be + +As well as a spreadsheet. I love this shit! How about you Kenny? +Let's say I am an average human being, and want to become financially independent. So I got a second job, and I figure I can have 100K in the bank in 3 years of working this way. I am about 4 months into this lifestyle at this point, so the math is there to support the 3 year timeline. + + +If I have 100K dedicated entirely to long-term growth, such as the S&P 500, then I would likely be safe to retire when I get older, right? (Looking at retiring at, say, 65, while I am currently in my early 20's) + + +But if I put 100K into dividend stocks, I could see that income piling up in my bank account every month/quarter, then invest any excess into the S&P 500 thereafter + +&#x200B; + +Is there any reason I shouldn't prioritize dividends first? I like the idea of having the visible income, as opposed to the 'hypothetical' income of growing stocks. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +WSB convert here. I’ll always have love for that sub but over the last week it’s become nothing but an echo chamber. Anyone with an opposing view or asking valid questions is a “bot”, “shill” or “fake news”. This is just another example of the problems plaguing this country. We have a serious issue with information literacy and critical thinking. + +I’m going to watch the Tasty Trade videos posted here before I ask any stupid questions. + +Rant over, I look forward to learning! +> President Donald Trump's administration vowed to increase tariffs on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods over the weekend, marking a huge upheaval in the two countries' yearlong trade war. + +> US officials said on Monday the move was prompted by China's "retreating from specific commitments that had already been made." + +> According to a new Reuters report, China had deleted swathes of text from a tentative trade agreement that promised to change laws to resolve US trade complaints. + +> The tariff increase is scheduled to go into effect on Friday, May 10. + +https://www.businessinsider.com/china-deleted-chunks-of-trade-deal-it-didnt-like-angered-us-report-2019-5 +https://www.fool.com/retirement/2016/12/17/baby-boomers-average-savings-for-retirement.aspx + +With a conservative draw rate of 4% it makes me wonder if boomers are going to be a major drag to our economy as they get too sick to work. + +37% have less than $50k + +13% have $50-$100k + +14% have $100-$200k + +12% have $200-$300k + +9% between $300-$500k + +15% have $500k+ +Kinda like a breakdown of my thought process and all,i'll go in as much detail i can + +Also im not a pro trader hence you guys can also say what i did wrong and how i can improve,lemme know and i'll try to post something by tomorrow(the trade screen shots will have timestamps to prove it's not hindisght) +and i won't be posting winners only as i'll want to know what i did wrong in that case +A good day/night to all reading here 🥰 + +Aurum looks like it is constantly evolving and making improvements, so let's have a look what they have up their sleeve currently! + +During the last weeks Solidity Finance have been checking the Aurum smart contract and apparently have found some areas for optimisation and improvement. You all know however that once a smart contract is launched you cannot simply take it offline temporarily to make some amendments. + +Since Aurum has several upcoming events however: + +* Partnership with a top 20 (marketcap) crypto project +* Partnership with & listing on Apeswap (45% of LP); 35% of LP remains on PCS, 20% goes to development, marketing, operations and buybacks +* New web site with integrated DApp (dashboard with lots of info, used also to claim and change reward tokens) +* Open beta of the secure wallet imminent (after initial review and corrections by Google) as a Chrome browser extension; there will be several test phases, after which and iOS and an Android wallet app will be released + +the Aurum team saw this as a perfect opportunity to not only implement the recommendations Solidity Finance made but to also further improve the security of their investors by upgrading the entire Aurum contract! + +So an upgrade has been prepared, which in my honest opinion, is a very elegant and future-proof solution! How will this upgrade take place? What are the changes? Why where they made? Let's take a closer look: + +(1) LOWER SUPPLY & MIGRATION + +* the total token supply will be lowered from a Safemoon style 1 Quadrillion to a utility coin style amount of 1 Billion $AUR tokens... the NAME and the TICKER remain unchanged! +* every holder of Aurum will be airdropped his new $AUR tokens in the ratio of 1:1.000.000 with no minimum holding requirements +* the only action holders have to take will be to add the address of the upgraded contract to their private wallet (or for that matter: to the soon to be launched Aurum Secure Wallet!) +* a pleasant side-effect is that the value of $AUR 1 has the potential of reaching $1... ; when we apply the recalculation to the current market price we arrive at $AUR 1 = $ 0.0036, so less than 300x is needed to reach $1, giving a market cap of under $ 700.000.000. For a utility token with several first class products in the pipeline this is entirely feasible, not necessarily this month, yet towards end of 2021 we might see some big movement still and target might be reached in 2022 (which is NOT financial advice in any way, DYOR) + +(2) REDUCED & DYNAMIC TAXES + +* rewards tokenomics taxes will be lowered to 10%, coming from a very high resp. 15,8/15% buy/sell tax +* this will bring taxes closer to that of a utility token and to draw in investors who may have been discouraged by the previously higher taxes +* distribution: 5% Rewards, 4% Marketing & Operations, 1% Liquidity and 0% Buyback +* the taxes of the upgraded contract are dynamic and the above split can be adjusted as necessary in order to allow to respond to the conditions of the market and the needs of the project + +(3) REDUCED GAS FEES + +* tokenless dividend tracker to reduce gas costs, which brings up to 50% more efficiency to trading and receiving rewards + +(4) LOWER THRESHOLD + +* the minimum threshold to earn rewards will be lowered by 90%, meaning that for the airdropped token the minimum required amount to hold will be a mere AUR 1000, instead of AUR 11B in the current system... this is a huge bonus for smaller holders, who can now also start earning sooner + +The upgraded contract has already been submitted to Solidity Finance and the results are expected by the end of the week, after which they will proceed with ApeSwap listing and LP migration. + +Aurum is also featured on BitMart, where the token will be relisted with auto airdrops being handled. + +THE FUTURE + +Aurum is also developing a secure web browser, which is scheduled for beta release in Q1 2022, which will apparently integrate the secure wallet extension, whilst providing several layers of protection, in order to protect investors from scams, rugpulls and malicious dapps. + +A very exciting development, which I will follow very closely, is what is called Aurum HQ, which according to the limited info that I could look into at the moment, is a virtual 3D environment including the whole Aurum experience: wallet activities, NFT showcasing, charting, virtual assistant! + +I hope to have aroused your curiosity to take a closer look at this token which started out as something completely different than a utility token back in April 2021, and which has apparently managed to survive the hectic and destructive market movements of the past months. + +Why don't you find out more from the team themselves on their official Telegram channel: + +[https://t.me/AurOfficial](https://t.me/AurOfficial) +Computershare’s official YouTube just dropped a update interview thing with the President of Global Capital Markets and he specifically states that transaction limits for GameStop are boosted to a cool 9 milli but other securities have been boosted to 2 milli. + +Source: +https://youtu.be/9H_pEIhIdTo + +They are also restructuring their mail and printing system in order to get international investors their pin packs more quickly. + +Edit for more context: They will be printing and shipping from international hubs in stead of mailing from the US which requires paper cross the Atlantic. First hub is Bristol with more to come. + +They’re sticking with the per share limit of 214 thousand or whatever (for now) but this is p siiick progress in my opinion. + +Remember, every share we send to CS is 5 taken from the dtcc. + +Ape together strong. Lock the infinity pool. Live forever. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I am interested in people's thoughts/experiences on gaining/maintaining/losing personal connections on their fatfire journeys. + +Quickly about me - early 30s, not fatfire but well-positioned. Started off exceedingly poor being raised by one parent with a severe mental illness. Been joking recently that I've gone from the lowest cost of living city in the U.S. to the highest. + +I have started to notice recently that a lot of my old friendships are starting to deteriorate and I'm starting to suspect it may be due to the vastly different positions me and my friends are in. I don't think its envy or jealousy per se, but perhaps a little bit of shame from those people that they feel they haven't accomplished much and don't have a strong path forward. The friends that I do still talk to seem to be doing at least moderately okay, and the ones that won't return my calls have seen better days. + +As you climbed into higher percentiles of wealth, did you experience the same thing? Did you find it easier to start consorting with people of a similar socioeconomic background? Do people get over this over time? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/02/zillow-shares-plunge-after-announcing-it-will-close-home-buying-business.html + +>Zillow, the digital real estate company, said on Tuesday that it’s exiting Offers, its business that buys and flips homes, and eliminating 25% of its workforce. + +>The announcement was attached to Zillow’s third-quarter earnings report. The company’s revenue and earnings missed analysts’ estimates. + +>“We’ve determined the unpredictability in forecasting home prices far exceeds what we anticipated,” Zillow CEO Rich Barton said in the release. “Continuing to scale Zillow Offers would result in too much earnings and balance-sheet volatility.” + +>The stock dropped about 7.5% in extended trading following a 10% plunge during regular market hours. The shares are now down about 10% for the year as of Tuesday’s close. + +>Here are the key numbers from earnings: + +>Earnings per share: loss of 95 cents adjusted vs. profit of 16 cents per share expected in a Refinitiv survey of analysts +Revenue: $1.74 billion vs. $2.01 billion expected by Refinitiv +Revenue in Zillow’s Offers business, which competes with Opendoor, climbed to $1.17 billion in the quarter. That’s way up from $186 million a year earlier, which was in the middle of the pandemic and in a dry period for transactions. However, the homes segment, which is mostly Offers, lost $422 million in the quarter, producing an overall net loss at the company. + +>Shares of Opendoor rose 7% in extended trading. The stock plunged alongside Zillow earlier in the day, dropping 15% at the close. + +>Zillow launched Offers in December 2019, starting with Southern California markets. The iBuying, or instant buying, product allowed homeowners to sell their home to Zillow for cash, eliminating a lengthy bidding, sales and closing process. They also didn’t have to worry about costly repairs before putting their house on the market. + +>“After closing on a home, Zillow will take care of necessary repairs, working with local contractors to complete projects like a fresh coat of paint, servicing HVAC units and other work a typical homeowner would do to get their home ready for sale,” Zillow said in a press release at the time. + +>But the home-flipping market proved to be a drag for a company that had built its brand on listing homes across the country and helping buyers and sellers connect through a marketplace. Prior to shuttering the business, the company said on Monday that it would stop buying houses through the end of the year, citing tight labor and supply markets. + +>“We’re operating within a labor- and supply-constrained economy inside a competitive real estate market, especially in the construction, renovation and closing spaces,” said Jeremy Wacksman, Zillow’s operating chief, in a statement this week. “We have not been exempt from these market and capacity issues and we now have an operational backlog for renovations and closings.” + +>Barton told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” after the report that Zillow’s ultimate failure was its inability to predict housing prices accurately. At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the market dried up. It then bounced back dramatically, and prices in many markets have climbed to record levels. + +>For the home-flipping business to be profitable, a company has to be able to sell a home for more than the purchase price and have enough margin remaining to cover all the other costs, such as maintenance and sales and marketing expenses. Barton said the company realized that it’s not in a position to accurately predict where home prices will be in six months “within a narrow margin of error.” + +>Additionally, Barton said the Offers product reaches only a small sliver of the company’s overall audience, which is effectively the entire market of homebuyers and sellers across the country. + +>Zillow’s internet, media and technology business grew revenue 16% in the quarter to $480 million, with gross profit of just over $130 million. + +>“We just determined that being an iBuyer was too risky, too volatile and ultimately addressed too few customers,” Barton said. He added that, in closing the business, “the logic is clear, the emotion is difficult” because of the layoffs. + +>Bloomberg reported on Monday that Zillow was looking to sell 7,000 homes for $2.8 billion to institutional investors, as it looked to unload its portfolio of properties. Some of those sales would be for below the purchase price, Bloomberg said. + +>Barton didn’t confirm or deny the numbers in the Bloomberg report. He told CNBC that the company has always sold to those types of buyers since entering the market, and he acknowledged that Zillow does have properties that it needs to sell. The company bought 3,805 houses in the second quarter and sold 2,086 in that period. + +>“We’re not in any kind of fire sale,” he said. “We’ll wind down the inventory in an orderly way.” + +Seems like the strategy of buying 80 cents for the dollar just to capture market shares has finally backfired. +Fellow shareholders, + +Just got off the phone with the Register in Chancery, who confirmed that GameStop has submitted their response to the Court! + +GameStop's letter responding to my summons should be on its way to me as well. + +The next date for this case, which is another boring kind of date, is December 21, when there will be a hearing to discuss further scheduling, as well as the Motion to Expedite I filed. + +Onward and upward. + +*Disclaimer: My name is JASON FUCKING WATER FALL. I'm not subject to an NDA or any kind of equivalent gag order regarding issues within GME's milieu. I haven't received information indicating an unreconciled number of ballots or votes cast in GameStop's 6/9 shareholder election exceeded the number of outstanding shares. I haven't received information indicating GameStop has been legally prevented from taking action projected to cause a systemic market event. I haven't received information indicating that the number of shares held by beneficial GameStop shareholders exceeds the number of outstanding shares. Epstein didn't kill himself and I won't either. I once touched Owen Hart's sweaty bicep as he walked out with Jim Neidhart at a house show. I have never met or knowingly spoken to Ryan Cohen, Matt Furlong, Michael Recupero, Mark Robinson, Tess Halbrooks, Greg Marose, Deep Fucking Value, Ken Griffin, Vlad Tenev, Steven Cohen, Maxine Waters, Elon Musk, Amber Ruffin, PFTCommenter, or Ariana Grande.* +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hello Apes. + +It has been nearly six months since my original thesis (which I cannot link here due to where it was posted and the auto-mod settings; it was back in February, so you can probably work it out) on how GameStop is worth more than the current price ($40 at the time), how GameStop is poised to do amazing things like create their own livestream content, produce their own high-production-quality original content, get into esports, etc... and most importantly: how hedge funds, market ma(ke)nipulators, and short sellers artificially suppressing the price creates an opportunity to exponentially increase one's position, forever. + + +##Well, I'm back. And I'm a little pissed off. + +______________________________________________________ + +After continually seeing nothing but positive news about GME, bullshit ways in which MSM spins the situation, short sell ratios through the roof, buy to sell ratios *grossly* weighted on the buy side (clearly routed through dark pools), etc... I've decided to step back up to the plate and continue doing my job: which is working toward owning this company outright. + + +This will be accomplished the same way I managed to increase my position throughout the time I was actively pursuing my thesis: leveraging options (by way of my share count), in order to amass capital on a weekly/monthly basis, and use that premium to acquire more shares. + + +Additionally, excess money that my business generates will be allocated to my portfolio in order to take advantage of sudden discounts; after all, averaging down is a gift. + + +I am currently an XXXX shareholder. This week I acquired XXX more shares, and I expect I'll acquire XX more shares by end of next week. + + +This will continue every week until The Big Event. + +______________________________________________________ + + +Either I win, or you win; and as long as the stock price remains suppressed, my share count will increase at a compound rate. + + +See y'all from the boardroom. + +______________________________________________________ + +*edit to add (included this in a separate post, but it makes more sense to tack it on here): + +**I do not recommend anyone follow me on this path.** My understanding is that most of you are here for the MOAß, and playing options is a good way to miss it. + +Over-leveraging yourself on long calls is a good way to end with zero money in your account when hedgies toy with the price. + +Selling the wrong dates and strikes on covered calls is a good way to lose your shares when the rocket launches. + +If you mess with puts on GME, I don't even know what to say to you (good luck, I guess). + +Know that if this drags out long enough, you lot (apes with a fixed floor, who want to make the world a better place) are going to be a much smaller problem for hedge funds to deal with than I am going to be. + +I don't need or particularly want the money. I just want to own this company; I found a mathematical anomaly through which I believe it is possible, and I intend to explore it to it's fullest extent (but I imagine the main event will occur long before I acquire enough shares to cause any sort of gridlock). +(TLDR at bottom). Hello all, so as the title says, I need some advice or pointers to understand what I can do to survive the next year. I am going to bullet-point my circumstances as it is a lot to take in, even for myself. + +* On a gap year before university because mom passed away a month ago (I don't feel as if I could do studying at university or the whole socialising deal which goes with it just yet), no father present. +* Living with my Grandparents since 5th Sept, however there's not enough room for me (in my uncles room temporarily). Signed over tenancy to old house (council), couldn't afford rent. +* I have £1500 (bank) and £400 (cash) in savings as of now, decreasing everyday (bus journeys, food etc) as well as a £250 advance from Universal Credit (which I had to do for proof of income to apply for housing, as I had no previous proof of income). +* I'm unemployed with processing UC application, being sent jobs by Job Centre Plus for Kickstarter program (6 month long, minimum wage = just less than £4000) unsure whether to apply. +* Waiting for Council to get back regarding housing application (on priority as homeless). +From my old house I have in storage a bed, mattress, draws, wardrobe and desk and a fridge - as well as all of my possessions. + +One concern is that I have no idea what Universal Credit encompasses- like for example, I know it includes housing support, but there's so many technicalities to everything that trying to read and understand is just stressful. Because of this, I'm unsure whether I should apply for these Kickstart roles or not, or if a Kickstart role is even any good (the Job Centre seem to be pushing them for some reason, and from what I've read it seems exploitative). I don't know whether I'd be better off finding a job or not, or even how to get a proper job (no luck on Indeed so far after months...). Government website, while very well put together, is sometimes so ambiguous with their wording and sometimes flat out not detailed enough. + +I also have no idea what to do regarding housing. I need to live on my own, pay rent, utilities and so on, as well as save for university next year (SFE Maintenance loan just about covers the accommodation!). I just feel overwhelmed and it feels like I'm expected to just *know* how to live. Even small things like an oven/grill - am I going to spend hundreds just for 10 months. I'd be happy with a 1 bedroom shed so long as I could survive, but the private rate seems to be \~400-500, and there's very few listed online. Realistically, I don't think I'd be able to afford that, but again, I have no idea because nobody has told me how UC works. (finally starting to understand why people say school is useless lol...) + +I say all this out of ignorance. I really have been thrown into this situation and I have no idea where to turn regarding getting advice for my short term. 3 months ago I was just a Year 13 student, now I'm expected to live on my own and do everything for myself. Grandparents are great, but they don't have the financial or housing capacity to help me, they're paying for the funeral, which was very sudden, and aren't very wealthy. Sorry if this is a mess, or if I've left out something important- let me know and I'll get back to you. + +tl;dr - parent died, no home, £1900 in savings, what do? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: the AutoModerator has made it clear in the verification DM that I should be asking only financial and not housing / job related questions, so to help the process of getting this posted, here is the official pointer that "I only want advice regarding UC / my finances" (although if you have anything else to say about my situation, I'd be more than appreciative). + +Thank you everybody who replies in advance. It really does mean the world to me. +Numerous studies indicate that significant chunks of South Florida will be underwater by 2050 - I saw one study that about $23b worth of Miami real estate alone will be written off by then. This means people are buying property today and taking mortgages on property which will be useless before the mortgage term. + +It's built on limestone, which is porous. You can build all the seawalls you want, it's not gonna help. Water will come up through the ground. + +I mean, do you guys not believe the science, or are you banking on a kind of "bigger fool" thing where you enjoy ten years in paradise and unload it one someone else who's gonna get stuck holding the bag? + +I am genuinely curious. I wouldn't touch south Florida with a bargepole. There is some kind of game of actuarial chicken going on where everyone is just sort of agreeing to underprice the risk, from developers to property owners to insurers to reinsurers to state and federal government ... presumably based on some anticipated bailout as the water rises. But when it becomes clear the problem is too big, too insurmountable, too fundamental to bail out, then everyone gets slammed by 6x higher insurance rates, prices start to decline, mortgages are underwater, no new mortgages granted, the whole value will drain out in a couple of years. + +What's your endgame here? +**Website:** [https://esportsref.com](https://esportsref.com) + +**EsportsRef Viedeo Promo:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNfZnDC-b8w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNfZnDC-b8w) + +**Whitepaper:** [https://esportsref.com/whitepaper/esportsref-whitepaper-2022.pdf](https://esportsref.com/whitepaper/esportsref-whitepaper-2022.pdf) + +**Twitter:** [https://twitter.com/esr\_dapp](https://twitter.com/esr_dapp) + +**Github:** [https://github.com/esrdapp](https://github.com/esrdapp) + +**Telegram:** [https://t.me/esr\_marketing](https://t.me/esr_marketing) + +**ESR/USDT token listing starts Friday 28th Jan on** [**XT.com**](https://XT.com) + +Compete against friends or strangers for crypto on ANY game on ANY platform, providing the game can be streamed to Twitch, Facebook Gaming or YouTube gaming. + +We help match up like-minded gamers who want to play each other for crypto, and in order to do that completely fairly, we will be offering the services of our team of completely anonymous and completely neutral and unbiased Esports Referees who will watch you play your game via Twitch, YouTube Gaming, or Facebook Gaming live stream. Dispute the result? No problem.... simply raise a dispute and the payout will be suspended until the stream archive is reviewed by our team of experts, who have the power to override the referees decision if necessary. + +Perhaps you prefer to watch others play? Esports and game viewing figures are increasing year-on-year, so why not earn crypto whilst doing something you'd be happy to do for free? EsportsRef team referees earn a fee for each game they mediate, with an opportunity to level-up over time to a senior, all-star, or even legendary referee, with additional bonuses! + +Esports players and casual gamers can either compete for ESR tokens, or alternatively xDai stable coin. When players are ready to play, they each deposit an equal sum of ESR/xDai into a secure “smart contract” stored on the Gnosis blockchain. You can think of this smart contract as a type of escrow wallet, that has some very smart capabilities built into it. + +Once both players have stored their ESR/xDai into the smart contract, Esportsref will appoint a referee who loves watching others play games online! + +The referee will already be online and available, and will be immediately notified via email and instant message of a pending game which they have been asked to referee! + +Players compete online and stream to Twitch, Facebook Gaming or YouTube gaming, and the referee will award a winner, you will receive their crypto directly to their wallet. In the even of any dispute, bother players/teams can request that the result is disputed. + +Possible outcomes of dispute: + +1. The team agrees with the dispute raised, and overrides the decision made by the referee and the crypto is released to the correct winner. The referee will either be warned, or in some instances banned from the platform. + +2. The team disagrees with the dispute raised, and the original winner is awarded their crypto. The player who raised the dispute will be warned, or in some instances banned from the platform. + +Be part of the GameFi revolution of 2022! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +FM has asked people to send her their suggestions for the new budget so I'm wondering what others are thinking/expecting from it. +People are anticipating increase of the income tax deduction limit on investments upto 3 lakhs and house loan payments upto 2 lakhs. And rollback of last year's new tax on smaller dividends of upto 10 lakhs. + +What would you like to see though? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +That is, to what extent is it considered possible to identify the causes of economic development, and consequently reasonably criticise or commend a given political party/leader? I am most curious about US conditions, but the subject is also, of course, interesting more generally. + +What piqued my interest is the [following](https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/309cc8e1-b971-45c6-ab52-29ffb1da9bf5/jec-fact-sheet---the-economy-under-democratic-vs.-republican-presidents-june-2016.pdf), which I came across not long ago: + +> “The superiority of economic performance under Democrats rather than Republicans is nearly ubiquitous; it holds almost regardless of how you define success.” Fact-checking groups have investigated similar statements and have found time and time again that they are true. Moreover, past research shows that stock market returns are also higher under Democrats. +After a messy family breakdown I am left with 300k of my estate - my entire life's net worth. + +I am currently homeless living out of my car retired on a pension pf $500/week. I can not afford to rent on my pension in the current market but now that I have received settlement I could afford to rent for maybe 10 years before my savings run out - if I live frugally. But then what? + +In this situation, what should I do? for 300k I may be able to afford a cheap home in a small outback town a long way from my family, but not near Melbourne where my partner absconded to with my children. + +I could continue to survive living out of my car and invest the remainder somehow to earn a dividend to afford food, but I am not an professional investor and even those are having a hard time finding gains over inflation in this market. + +Worst thing I can do is leave it in the bank and have it depreciate away. + +So open for discussion, how does a homeless person with 300k plan for a secure future? + Why does budget Seems so goody goody, something to worry? + +India 10Y Bond Yield showed a fresh high in over 2 and half years, hinting inflation expectations and lets closely watch on next week's RBI's announcement. + +This Budget announced So many Bonds including Sovereign Bond and to make it worse neither overseas are not allowed trading in India Bonds nor national debts are included in global bond index. Fiscal Deficit is 6.4% for 2022-2023, BTW for this year it 6.9%. They claim to reduce to 4.5 by 2025-26, way to go India, which will eventually be summed up to national Debt. + +We did see the strong change in the Indian currency Trend, if anyone followed closely USDINR, trend SHARPLY reversed after Budget announcement. + +US is too too Positive on Biden's 2T Economy Build up, the unemployment pay, 30% pay increment, so much cash flowing in the system, all will sum up to the inflation. + +Need to Look, RBI Announcement next week and FED's March Meeting, which at least they have hinted to announce when the rate hike might come up. +**tl;dr my dad wants to use my name for a mortgage application and i'm wondering if this will hinder my plans to buy my own property in 5 years time/negatively impact my financial future in any way.** + +I've never bought a home before, I'm currently renting a room in a shared house and saving as much as possible so I can one day buy my own place. If I keep saving the amount I am today, I'm projected to reach my target goal of a 30% deposit to buy somewhere on my own, within the next 5 years. + +My dad (60y/o) wants to buy a property this year, he has a 40% deposit saved and would like me to take out a mortgage to cover the remaining 60%. He believes it will be better for the mortgage to be in my name because 1) his age means he is too close to retirement to get a mortgage approved and 2) he thinks this will be something I inherit one day so it's better for it to be in my name. He currently owns no other properties and he plans to live in the property while paying off the mortgage. + +I'm worried this will have some negative future consequence when I come to buy my own place, he doesn't seem to think there will be. + +I'm basically doing him a favour but I don't want this to negatively impact my financial future, is there anything you know of that I should be aware of while entering into this arrangement? + + +*\[In the flowchart I am step 5 - saving for short term goal\]* + +Edit: thank you so much for all your advice! I’m overwhelmed by the number of people that have reached out to share their experiences in this thread. I’m slowly reading through each comment one by one to try make my decision. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +As the title says I'm into crypto pretty deep. I was in crypto briefly in 2013, but only really hit the ground running in 2017 and never looked back. In 2017 I made all the usual mistakes, got into the wrong coins, entered some dodgy exchanges and sold the wrong coins (like selling Enjin on its first day after investing in the ICO). In 2018 things got worse, with shitcoins driving the BTC value of my holdings down by half. + +Now I'm sitting really pretty and feel like I have "clicked" to the point where I am generally making money in crypto and quite a few people ask me for advice on what to do, strategies etc. Here are some of my tips, observations and ideas. + +1. Don't trust anyone. Assume everybody you are talking to is a friendly thief who wants your money. That includes people shilling particular coins, or anyone asking for your crypto to invest, to random people that message you. (And yes ironically this means don't trust me, but you'll see I didn't mention my altcoin holdings and I am deliberately staying quiet on what my 800% defi pool is :) ) +2. Every position you enter should be a fixed percentage of your portfolio. I prefer 1% for a typical trade. Risky uniswap gems might be 0.5%, very strong longer term positions say 2-5%. +3. Have your portfolio value in BTC (or ETH if you prefer that). Your goal is to increase your BTC value. Each trade should be from BTC, and then exit back out of BTC. Log all transactions in blockfolio etc under the BTC pair, so you can see how much BTC value you are gaining. Don't worry as much about USD gains, as in a bull market its easy to make USD value gains. BTC is the end-game here so you want to accumulate BTC, especially if BTC dominance is falling. +4. Have a portion of your portfolio allocated to farming or staking. If you have a coin sitting somewhere for ages, ask if there is some way for you to make money from it. For example, I have a large stack of BTC and ETH, so rather than have it sitting doing nothing, I wrapped the BTC and entered a Sushi Farm. Months later the rewards from that farm are worth something like 25% of the amount I initially invested. Every so often, harvest the rewards and either re-farm (compounding) or shift to your long term hold. Remember compound interest. There are opportunities for very high returns (without ponzi aspects but be careful) - find those, constantly take and re-invest the income and the gains are quite extreme. +5. Have a dedicated stack of BTC or ETH that is your "HODL" portfolio that you never touch. Preferably in seperate legal entity (like a trust) than what you trade with. This will help for taxes. Every so often, move some profits into that long term stack. I don't do anything with that stack at all, it is just my safe holdings. +6. Spend as much time learning about tax as you do trading. Tax is something you kind of need to understand upfront - you can get way more rekt from bad tax approaches than you make gains with good trading. And keep your records safe - download all trade histories at the end of every quarter. +7. Use telegram (or discord). Find really helpful smart and useful people and stick to them. Find helpful trading groups. Eventually they will be a vital source of information or just ways to bounce ideas off. Check out my previous post for a full guide on "must have" telegram groups. +8. Read the crypto news as much as you can. Its amazing how often something pops up (e.g. grayscale announcing new trusts with other coins) and there is still a decent amount of time to buy. And always have some BTC on an exchange ready to buy on such an opportunity. Again, telegram is great for this as you can quickly see tweets or news-links being shared. +9. Have a preset % of gain or losses whereby you will sell if it reaches that. For example, for most coins, if a coin ever goes up more than 30% vs BTC in a day I always sell. 95% of the time that works out as better than holding. In the rare event I double my position I always sell the principal immediately (I did this twice this year - with Ethernity and Blind Boxes). +10. Always have an idea as to what the current "climate" is in terms of what is moving and in favour. Crypto markets often move with certain sectors at a time. For example, if you look at the Coin Gecko categories list, you can immediately spot what is "hot" right now. Last month it was NFTs, so I was heavy in that space, but now that sector is cooling. The binance smart chain and exchange coins are doing very well right now - if that is the case what else might move? Well other low gas blockchains could be an idea - especially if they have defi - so Avax, Raydium etc are all moving too. Soon it might well be BTC's time to gain as the expense of alts. You should be rotating in and out of positions to try and go with the ebb and flow of the market. +11. For newcomers, start with basic stuff like accumulating bitcoin, learning to use a wallet, security etc. Don't just dive in and ape into defi coins, wsb style. It may suck that it feels like you are missing all the gains from the "hot" new coins, but it will equally hurt if you are just burning through your capital. +12. Look out for free crypto opportunities. They key here is sorting out the gems from the scams. This isn't just staking etc but also things like reddit moons and airdrops. A lot of people are even "airdrop farming" whereby you have wallets that carry out certain activities deliberately to try and qualify for future airdrops. Coin market cap earn and coinbase earn are two more. Even something like the binance "dust" feature to turn dust into bnb is a way of generating some more bnb (even if its tiny). Check out my previous post on free crypto and ways to get passive income +13. For farming, make sure you are using the right apps like zapper or apy vision to track all your positions, your yield and any impermanent loss. That will also help with tax records down the track, should you need it. Watch out for farming on the ETH network as your gas fees will chew up any gains if you have small positions. Check out my previous post of sushi farming for how the rewards and gains work +14. Track all your numbers, your gains, your investments and portfolio change religiously, preferably in an excel document. That way you'll know how you are performing and if something is going wrong. Again, I wish I had done this more in 2018. +15. Have an "emergency reserve". For me, this is actually my stock positions, many which are crypto related, but you could have gold or cash (I especially like the idea of something like stable coins lent on FTX at a decent interest rate). If we get some kind of crypto turbo dump which is 40%, you can then have that as money on the side-lines ready to buy. +16. Constantly educate yourself. For me, I still need 3-4 hours a day to research and learn about crypto. I find crypto podcasts and even youtube vital sources of information, provided you are listening to the right people. Mix up your education with news, technical strategies, trading updates, altcoin news and even just the general philosophy behind sound money and financial sovereignty. +17. If you win or lose on a trade, delete that coin from blockfolio immediately. Why? Because you have exited that position, and seeing it jump up again in price is just going to torment you. You've made the decision to sell, don't even up revenge trading where you come back and try and get your losses back on the same trade. +18. Never margin trade UNLESS it is only because you want to minimise your funds at risk on an exchange. Even then I'd avoid it. Unfortunately many exchanges make this very hard to use - and there are confusing terms and default options which can rekt you (for example, positions that will drain your other funds instead of liquidiating the trade if falls too much). In fact, I avoid almost all USD pairings and only trade BTC pairing, unless very special circumstances are in play (such as ripple being delisted from coinbase). +19. Never hold more than around 10 coins. I used to have up to 40 at a time, it became impossible tracking them in terms of activity, prices, and god the horrors of trying to maintain enough wallets for them. 10 is enough diversification. I used to have a "bag" of around 15 moonshots - that strategy never worked as even if one "Gem" actually made it big, the losses from the other ones cancelled out. Typically if I had a huge gain from one of my coins, I sell back to BTC and waits for other opportunities. This isn't Pokemon - don't try and "catch them all". +20. Falling in love with alt-coins is like falling in love at a stripclub. Yes trade them. But just be conscious that their chances of beating BTC long term are very unlikely. Just look at all my 2013 gems (peer coin, feather coin etc). Heck I bought World-Coin because I read about a "bitcoin genius teenager" who made millions from crypto and said World-Coin was the next bitcoin. And I've made my mistakes as well going forward, holding on for dear life for nano (yes I know its fast and instant!) and grin. I think the tech for both coins is great, that doesn't mean its a great trade. If you want to marry your alt-coins then you will be lucky if you only lose half your money like a real world divorce :) +21. EDIT. Bonus one. Always learn from your losses (and I have MANY). I like to think of crypto as like a computer game where you are gaining new skills. Think of RPG games like Baldur's Gate or Warcraft. You can earn money or experience, and use that to gain new items or skills that protect you against certain things. So maybe you lost $500 to a "rug-pull"? Well do your research and figure out how to avoid that next time. Maybe you'll spend the next 2 weeks mad about it, but next time a potential rug-pull project comes along you'll dodge it - congratulations you now have learned "immunity to rug-pulls". Keep learning and gaining more experience and you'll start avoiding all the traps. +22. EDIT 2: You are going to have MANY scenarios where you see a coin that has gone x1000 or to some ridiculous crescendo, where you feel utterly compelled to buy to avoid missing out. This is the obvious trap (if you want an example of this look at Safemoon right now. Bitconnect was the one in 2017 and there are others). At some point bitcoin or ethereum will do a similar run up, and many people outside crypto will do the same thing. Yes this can be irresistible but you must resist the temptation - think of the cryptos has being a bunch of boats on the wharf, and there are thousands of boats. Every day another hundred turn up. Why are you going to try and jump across the water to get to the boat that is already leaving, when if you wait a bit another few dozen will turn up in five minutes? You'll just fall in the water and miss out on those new boats! +23. If you must trade as a new-comer, I highly suggest trading the smaller / middle cap BTC pairs. Not the USD or margin pairs. Certainly not something like futures contracts on FTX. Why? Because if you are on bitmex / bybit / ftx etc you are swimming with the whales and sharks, quant funds, robo-traders and the like. If you entered the casino for the first time in your life, would you immediately go to the blackjack table with James Bond and Dr Evil? The smaller BTC pairs are more likely to have less experienced traders - my trades actually went positive once I moved from USD pairs on margin exchanges to spot BTC trades with altcoins. +24. Last edit before bed (I promise). The chances are, crypto is still cyclical. That means we will have another bear market, or at least a very long boring period of no gains. If you have just joined crypto, you probably won't "make it" this cycle, as we may only have 6 months to a year to go. I actually lost money (a lot) in BOTH the 2013 and 2017 bull markets (-50% and -85%, respectively). All of my gains were made in the bear market when I was buying BTC and alts when BTC was in the 3ks. The "will you make it?" test isn't coming now when the market seems to be going infinitely up and everybody is winning. That test comes when everybody is selling and it seems like you are the only buyer. And yeah, thousands of alt coins will suffer or die at that point. So be around to scoop up the ashes - don't be the ashes! This is all a larger part of learning to move with the cycles. + +Anyway these are the ones that come to mind, hopefully that is helpful! No doubt I'll edit this post and add a few more. +[RBC](https://www.rbc.com/investor-relations/_assets-custom/pdf/2021q2release.pdf) Net income $4B ($2.79 EPS) + +[TD](http://td.mediaroom.com/2021-05-27-TD-Bank-Group-Reports-Second-Quarter-2021-Results) Net income $3.7B ($2.04 EPS) + +[CIBC](https://www.cibc.com/content/dam/about_cibc/investor_relations/pdfs/quarterly_results/2021/q221newsrelease-en.pdf) Net income $1.7B ($3.59 EPS) + + +Amazing results, but judging by the stock prices, this was expected. +Hey CMS, i bring to you this project by a renowned team that had great success in the Binance Smart Chain space, it has a very active community with voice chats that are popping with great vibes and positivity. + +&#x200B; + +Without further ado i present to you Cryptomoonshots apes with - Ice Cream Token Fair Launch Presented by: Nano Dogecoin’s A7 Team. 🍧 + +&#x200B; + +🚀 Get ready to make profits with ICE CREAM TOKEN. + +&#x200B; + +🍨 Where: Launching on INDC Dashboard + +For the first 5mins. + +Can be purchased on Pancake Swap afterwards. + +&#x200B; + +Launch Date: November 1st at 4pm UTC. + +&#x200B; + +Buy and Sell Tax: 10%. 🔥 + +&#x200B; + +Nano Dogecoin and A7 presents PROFIT$ + +&#x200B; + +Every buy and sell that happens for the themed token, it will AUTOMATICALLY purchase more Nano Dogecoin $INDC within the smart contract. + +&#x200B; + +At the end of each week, you’ll be able to go into the dashboard and claim 2% of your share of the total INDC tokens that were purchased and held on the smart contract. Allowing you to make an instant profit each time! 💰 + +&#x200B; + +This trading strategy will allow INDC’s value to go up EACH WEEK! + +&#x200B; + +Join on Telegram for more mouth watering details! 🍧 + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: [https://t.me/icecreamindc](https://t.me/icecreamindc) + +&#x200B; + +Hope you guys enjoy this post, do give it an upvote if you like this and want to continue seeing more calls from me! +My grandmother bought 200 shares of this company. I found them in her cupboard and thought about getting them dematerialized. I wanted to check their value out of curiosity but couldn't find them anywhere. + +I searched the company on Google but couldn't find anything relevant. Please let me know if anyone knows about this company. +Tell us your story. + +How much down? What are the monthly costs like? + +I'm sick of reading about people on a combined $240k struggling because they needed to spend $1.3m to get a place in East Melbourne. + +I want to hear how regular people on smaller salaries have managed to buy a place, so I feel like it's manageable. Cheers! +[The US bank JPMorgan has raised its price target for Tesla from USD 275 to USD 295 following deliveries in the second quarter, but has left the rating at “Underweight”. These were better than expected, analyst Ryan Brinkman wrote in a study available on Monday. In addition, media reports suggested that the manufacturer of electric vehicles may have been profitable in the second quarter as well. However, Brinkman maintained that the valuation of the share was clearly too high.](https://gryffintrading.com/2020/07/06/tesla-stock-defies-pessimistic-analysts-and-rises-to-ever-new-heights/) + +Meanwhile TSLA is trading at 1,2k. I dont even know how this is possible, either the analysts valuations are entirely unrealistic or this is an insane bubble. In reality, the analysts are probably dumb and TSLA is also overvalued. +http://imgur.com/KIBBDre + +Edit: this is getting annoying I'm just gonna unsubscribe and and won't be reading any other responses, so you can save your efforts in trying to insult me, I won't be reading it and I really don't care. +I bought my house 7 years ago. Initially signed a 5 year fixed for 3.79%. Once that was up I signed a 2 year at 1.93% because we were planning on relocating for my wife's work but because of covid she now works permanently from home. + +Interest rates have been scaring the shit out of me and today was the first day I could renew so I set a meeting with the bank. They didn't ease my mind at all about the future so I panic signed a 5 year at 4.45%. + +I personally feel that we got spoiled with how low rates were and don't see them going that low again in the next 5 years, if ever. We may move before this term is up but I felt like I needed to lock in that rate since anything we would have the blend this mortage into would be at a much higher rate. + +Did I make a mistake or was this a smart move? +Does something like this exist? I don’t like to invest in China for various reasons. And I’d like to stay clear of Russian stocks given the recent events. I found EMXC that is ex-China, but it still has ~5% exposure to Russia. Any suggestions for investing in emerging markets ex-China+Russia without having to buy individual country ETFs? +I can already feel it within me, and as each day passes I waffle back and forth between HOLY SHIT I'm almost there and 'OMG these last 4 months are gonna take forever!!' I feel like a zombie at work, because I know these people can't hurt me now. I'm too close to the finish line. The motivation to do well enough to impress my bosses? Gone. Like, completely. I feel nothing. I look at my jackass boss and I think to myself 'you're on borrowed time buddy' with just a slight hint of a smile. + +So for those who are 'close' to that FU day, how are you doing? Are you just begging for the time to pass? How are you handling work? Do you conduct yourself as you always have, or has the sense of the leverage winds shifting completely got you in DGAFF mode( the extra F is for flying)? +**INTRODUCTION** + +Hello Apes! I’m here to shed some light on a topic that’s been bugging me for a while now, namely, why so many of the so-called “meme” stocks move together, and how this ties into GME’s price spikes (or lack thereof when they’re expected) and how it might all tie into the Reverse Repo Facility and everything else we’ve been seeing. + +This write up is basically going to show how, in 2020, in the wake of the COVID crisis, short hedge funds and possibly other entities tried to take advantage of the crisis to short multiple vulnerable companies, especially GME, into oblivion by bundling them together into a group of shorted stocks. This locked these stocks’ fates together, as they were sold as collective short positions to the buyers of the shorts. Think of it like a private, hedgie-only, off-market, short position ETF in a way. + +Some basic terminology for smooth brains: + +- Derivative: A financial instrument that gets its value and other properties based on an underlying asset. Options, for example, are derivatives. LIke, if I buy a call, I’m betting on GME. The value of the option is DERIVED from the underlying asset, GME. If I bundle a bunch of GME puts and sell them as a group, then that GME-Put-Bundle is a derivative of GME. Make sense? +- Swap: A swap is a type of derivative where two parties exchange assets or liabilities from two different financial instruments. They literally “swap” assets. So, for example, Melvin might be selling a bunch of GME shorts, so they trade them for US Treasury bonds (an asset). + +Now, please understand that my background is not in finance. I’m a physician. I’ve read the White Coat Investor blog for a few years (a decent site to learn about very basic investing, aimed at medical professionals), but prior to January I was pretty naive. I’ve learned a lot since then, but I’m hoping some actual financial professional wrinkle brains can spice up my thesis here with some more wrinkles. + +I’ve been musing for a while that all these “meme stocks” must be part of some group. Nothing else explains why they all move together so often. Nothing else adequately explains the magnitude and synchronicity of the movement of that many diverse stocks. Retail can’t possibly be moving that many stocks at once, and many of them aren’t even known until they’re already spiking. I remembered The Big Short (and real-life 2008) when they were bundling the junk mortgages into derivatives called “tranches” or CDO”s or whatever, but I wasn’t sure what you’d call it if you bundled a bunch of short positions together. + +I did some research and found an article that actually mentioned a derivative instrument called “Total Return Swaps”. Apes, I give you the [Wall Street Journal](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wsj.com/amp/articles/gamestop-resurgence-reinforces-new-reality-for-hedge-funds-11614335400) + +>Another lesson from GameStop is to avoid disclosing certain holdings so as to not attract attention from opposite-minded investors. One strategy is to use so-called total return swaps, in which investors pay a bank a fee to earn returns on certain securities but don’t actually own those securities, eliminating the need for disclosure. + +And + +>A hedge-fund manager with $2.5 billion in assets under management said he now uses total return swaps 80% of the time, up from 50% before GameStop. He avoids buying put options, which give investors the right to sell stock at a certain time and price and must be disclosed, and times his trades to minimize disclosure at quarter-end. + +I also found this [Bloomberg article from January 25th](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-01-25/gamestop-short-sellers-reload-bearish-bets-after-6-billion-loss) + +>A Goldman Sachs Group Inc. basket of the most heavily shorted stocks rose as much as 4.5% in New York Monday. + +A “basket of heavily shorted stocks” from Goldman Sachs you say? Interesting. Not Melvin. GOLDMAN SACHS. The Big Boys. + +So, now we know that this is definitely something they do, and if the one hedge fund manager from that WSJ article is to be believed, it is extremely common. + +The final confirmation for me came just this week, with the Credit Suisse letter many of you have no doubt seen by now in this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ou879r/gamestop_mentioned_in_new_credit_suisse_filing/ + +The letter specifically talks about Archegos entering into a Swap whereby they lost $800M in the Jan spike and would’ve been margin called except that Credit Suisse had $900 of margin coverage on hand from them already, which essentially wiped them out. + +**CHARTS** + +Now you might be asking, “Who else is in this basket with us?” Well, let’s take a look at some charts. Now, please note that I am in NO WAY advocating investing in any of these other shorted stocks. GME is the one true stock. I have no positions in any of these besides GME, nor will I. This is purely for informational purposes as will be shown in this analysis. + +Here are the charts for some of the stocks I’ve identified as being likely to be part of the GME Total Return Swap basket. These charts are all from Tradingview and are 6 month charts with 1-day candles. These are links to tradingview photos, but you can go view your own charts directly if you wish. + +> GME: https://www.tradingview.com/x/vhJ5ihO8/ + +We all know this one. The first runup is roughly starts around 1/20-1/21, picks up steam starting on 1/22 and peaks on 1/28. We have a second small run up on 2/24-25. A third on 3/8-3/11. April was mostly a dud with a couple of small green days on 4/14 and 4/26-27. Then the late May-June runup from around 5/25-6/8 and 6/9. July was mostly a dud with small green days on 7/19-20. These dates are important because we will see them repeat across multiple stocks on around the same days. + +> Movie Stock: https://www.tradingview.com/x/7Zg8VMdn/ + +Oh, movie stock. First peak on 1/27, same run-up as GME. Then 2/24-25, same as GME. Then movie stock also has a bit of a run up from 3/8-3/11 (see that tiny red candle with the long stem on top), but nowhere near the scale of the GME March run up. Some green days in late April, peaking on 4/27, again, same as GME. Then, movie stock has a crazy run up in late may, peaking on 6/2. Then drops, then more green days in mid June, with a second peak around 6/15. Then another spike on 7/20-21, just one day off from GME. + +> K Headphone Company (Rhymes with Boss): https://www.tradingview.com/x/BluiVsRA/ + +This one tracks GME even more closely than movie stock IMO. Spikes on mostly all the same days. Chart should look pretty familiar. + +Ok, but all these are “meme stocks” right? It’s just the “meme” crowd as Jimmy would say. Well how about this one: + +>Wrestling Company: https://www.tradingview.com/x/krl0iYLy/ + +This one is actually what made me realize what was up. I didn’t even know they were a public company until their run up on 6/9, when I saw them showing up on hot lists. But look back at the chart. What’s that on 1/27? Oh, a price spike! They were part of the Jan runup the same as GME and all these other stocks. Feb 22-24? Check. 3/11? Check. They mostly skip April, then a runup from 5/22-24 same as us, then an insane peak on 6/9. What’s that in July? Green days on 7/21-22. + +Want some more confirmation bias? How about… + +>Eyes are good: https://www.tradingview.com/x/LKe9JM2d/ + +This one is fun. First off, this is a company trying to help blind people see. Fuck hedgies for shorting this. They seem like good people. Anyways, notice anything weird? No spike on 1/27-28. Maybe they’re not part of the GME basket. Well, look closer. If you look on the actual chart, you can see a gapped up red candle with extensions on 1/26 and green on 1/27, just a very small magnitude. But look at the other spike dates. Feb? They skip this one. March? HOLY CRAP. Same days as GME. Some nice little upward spikes on 4/20-22. Run up in late may, peaks on 6/8-15 ish. Very similar to GME. July 21-22? Check. + +>Investing Company Mortgage: https://www.tradingview.com/x/e7MoPWZZ/ + +How about another industry? Anyone ever heard of this company? I still have no idea who they are lol. Saw them on a hot list on GME run up days. Check the dates. Crazy match. They spike more than we do in Feb but same dates. They spike less than we do around 3/11 and do it 3/12-15. Their May run up is a week early, but their June spike is exactly like ours, 6/7-10. 7/20-21? Check again. + +>New Breakfast Item Computer Parts: https://www.tradingview.com/x/p6xvxRuP/ + +I find this one REALLY interesting. I had no idea these guys were shorted so bad until they spiked in early July. It makes sense under the “hedgies kill anything that competes with Amazon” theory. But check the chart. Spike on 1/28. Green days in early March. Nice run up on the April days. May 19-20 is a bit early but a HUGE spike, then drop. This one skips June, then just explodes in early July, peaking on 7/7, which doesn’t fit our pattern, but the 1/28 spike is dead on, and the other green days match pretty well even though the magnitude is off. + +But what I find most interesting about this one is what happened BEFORE the January 28th spike. If you scroll back on the actual chart, they also start having monthly spikes a while before this. Certainly starting on 10/26, then 11/25, then 12/10-11. I wonder what GME did on those days? 10/26 was a red day for GME, but 11/19-30 was a run up, 12/10 was green, then GME had good spikes on 12/22-23. + +Here are some others that follow similar patters to varying degrees. They don’t all spike every time, but green days usually match, and some spike days match. Some more than others. You can look through them. There are others, and there is actually another group that I think represents a second shorted basket that spikes on dates different than ours, usually 1-2 weeks later. Sun Dial is one of the more notable stocks from this group, for example. But here are some more potentials that might be in our Swap/Basket. There are probably dozens more, but these are some I’ve identified as possibly/likely in our group. + +Wishing Internet Apparal Company: https://www.tradingview.com/x/BA90UX7j/ +Yes We Can: https://www.tradingview.com/x/HQ7GnMug/ +Live and in person: https://www.tradingview.com/x/8C8bUoQw/ +Jack and Jill: https://www.tradingview.com/x/xdIvFIZd/ +Alternate Immunity: https://www.tradingview.com/x/WY4AOhTA/ +Orbiting Energy Company: https://www.tradingview.com/x/VgheijcH/ +4 Leaf Clover: https://www.tradingview.com/x/hknNxCx1/ +Blackberry Pie: https://www.tradingview.com/x/BWuzeAVV/ +Express Lane: https://www.tradingview.com/x/C2agqyQl/ +Biologic Teensy-Tiny Genomics: https://www.tradingview.com/x/i2bJFlkY/ + +**THESIS** + +GME and a list of other stocks were shorted in Total Return Swap Derivatives that were traded as a group on the private market among big players, hedge funds, and most anyone looking to take advantage of the COVID crisis to make some money. Which stocks probably made up the biggest proportion of the basket? GME, “the next blockbuster”, and Movie Stock, because movies are gonna bomb during COVID. Other retailers like Jill and Express were probably thought to be toast. An internet company that “wishes” to compete with Amazon and a Newly Hatched (get it haha) online retailer also competing with Amazon. All shorted together. + +Obviously they fucked up. They didn’t count on Ryan Cohen and DFV (and subsequently us) bringing GME back from the dead. I think the basket took some early injury when the Newly Hatched computer retailer started turning insane profits in mid-late 2020 when everyone was building computers and CPU’s and GPU’s were insanely hot. This caused some early wounds to their short positions, then when GME exploded in January it was all over for them. The entire basket blew up, and they had to start damage control. + +I do think *some* of these run ups in *some* of these stocks are partly due to covering action where they have to meet FTD requirements, margin requirements, or start to unwind their positions. If you think of the basket as one position with multiple parts, it makes sense to me that they’d be able to help stave off margin calls by covering and closing some of the smaller parts of their positions. So they’ve been doing some of that when and where they can, but rotating which ones they cover/unwind so that nothing spikes too heavily, and trying to avoid covering GME whenever possible because, well, we know the numbers. They simply can’t cover GME. They’re just buying time trying to stave off death at this point. + +But since their position has gone SO disastrously wrong, and involved SO many players taking short positions (probably most anyone interested in shorting), they are now on the hook for a TON of money. They need assets to offset the huge liabilities of these short swaps and avoid margin calls. What do they do? + +They (edit: not the hedge funds, but their bag holding large backers) go to the Reverse Repo and trade cash (a liability for banks, and note GS above taking positions in these swaps) for treasury bonds, which they can use to offset their derivative liabilities. This is why the repo market is spiking only after the GME/short crisis. This is how it all ties together. + +TLDR: Hedgies, banks, and MM’s like Shitadel shorted an entire “basket” of stocks (a “Total Return Swap”). This basket explains why all the “meme stocks” (and beyond) trade together and spike or have green days on similar dates. They don’t always match or line up because they’re breaking open the swap to cover portions of it to lower their liability as much as they can and are rotating what they cover when to avoid spiking any one thing too much. The large entities bag holding all of this are likely using the Reverse Repo to get T-bills to use as assets to offset their insane liabilities from the swaps. +A lot of posts have asked what services or things you paid for had the biggest positive impact on your FATFIRE life. A lot of folks have suggested cleaning services or massages etc. But let’s now look at the other side of the coin: what splurges seemed appealing but actually disappointed you once you tried it? +Governments and Institutions around the globe slept through it and and didn’t catch crypto at the very beginning then in 2021 when they realized the potential of crypto it was too late for them to get in anymore; solution? Crashed the entire market to make a favorable path to either invest or create their own crypto coin. Now many of you may not agree with me which is totally ok, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and conclusions. But I highly encourage everyone to read a little bit about it, there is legit information all over the internet. +Some helpful information to read more about: Nubank is launching its own cryptocurrency and Warren Buffett invested billions on it, JPMorgan rolled out its own token, JPMCoin, an stable-coin that maintains a one-to-one peg to the U.S. dollar and there is a lot more information about institutions getting their hands on Crypto. +Crypto will raise again, all we have to do is educate ourselves, find a couple of good projects and Altcoins, invest only what you can live without for long term (3-10 years), hold strong, do not panic sell (you are not losing money until you sell) and educate others. +Again this is my own conclusion and opinion based on what is happening. Always do your own research, take your own decisions and don’t let others tell you what is best for you. +Happy investing ride! +We're down about 50% in our total investments, which I manage completely. This means we won't be able to buy a car, despite us having another baby in the way and just one vehicle. It also means our dreams of being homeowners are on hold. + +She was upset, but she said we shouldn't sell for a loss, and just to keep holding for the next few years and act as if the money doesn't exist. + +I fucked up royally, and she could've been much worse. + +Hope anyone else in a similar situation makes out okay. + +Remember, if you do all the investing, that means you did all the losing. Don't deny this. + +Good luck out there. +The age old question of how much money is enough… Often thought of in the way of how much do I have to have to retire, or others never retire and always look to grow wealth but have a goal in mind. + +Have spoken to people who say they want to be able to retire in a comfortable house and have enough money not worry about the cost of a coffee! All the way from having to worry about price of electricity to the price of a luxury hotel or international holidays every year. + +What say you? +So, my friend has a tenant in a condo that has taken advantage of the moratorium. Initially when COVID began, my friend panicked like many and allowed a tenant to stay at a much cheaper price than she should through AirBnb. She had an agreement to leave in a month so someone else could come in who was going to school and would be there longer term. + +Well, she won't move and claims she has a disability and thus can't move because of COVID. We have no idea what this disability is. She has only been paying 25% of her rent so my friend has basically been paying for this woman to live there since the beginning of the pandemic. She won't do cash for keys. + +My friend now wants to sell the condo but this woman won't allow for physical viewings. She had a 60 day notice done by a lawyer but now that the new moratorium has been signed it looks like my friend is stuck with her until June. + +My friend doesn't want to do mortgage forbearance because she wants to buy a home eventually and worries about it showing up on her credit. + +Is there anything she can do to ease the stress of this situation? Any help or advice would be appreciated. We're stumped. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thank you so much for the advice. My friend is still not sure what she'll do but we are thankful. She is not a redditor which is why I posted this. +My dad is 61 years old, has a great paying government job and has no plans to retire. He loves his job and wants to work until he dies. Subsequently, he has never really planned for retirement. He has some funds in his 401k but the majority of his money he tends to hoard in a savings account because he sees it as being more liquid as opposed to having his money "tied up" in investments. + +I have tried explaining to him numerous times that he needs to put his money to work so it can earn some interest as opposed to it just sitting there. But I am no pro at investing. What would be the best advice for next steps? Ideally I think he would benefit from a "set it and forget it" type approach where he can dump his funds and watch them grow over the course of the next 10-15 years. Assuming an average annual return of 6%, I think he can make some decent gains. But again, I am no pro - my best guess for him would be Vanguard ETFs. Or is this amount worth looking into a fiduciary? What say you, PF? + +Thanks in advance. +I’m starting to loose some of my mental health guys +I’m in this manic phase which I see so much “easy” opportunities and my mind is blown by the technology and believe this is a future for everybody. And also that I can get rich if I will just hold, but the question is , I start to realize that we might be in a bubble ? +And I’m the consumer ? +Whales and YouTube Chanel controlling me ? +I want to put 5k of my saving which is a lot for me in Ada because I believe it’s the future but maybe it’s to high right now and I should wait couple of months? Or even a year ? + +I’m getting these “to good to be true “ feeling and I’m not sure what to do . +Yes I got the bug , I’m a musician I haven’t made music for 2 weeks already. I’m addicted. + It’s fascinating tech and maybe it’s the future market or maybe this thec can be adopted by everyone? +Every traditional company ? +I can make a coin for my self and give it to fans for them to buy tickets for shows ok even I can use technology does this mean my coin will be worth something ? No. + +So all these etc-20-tokens-solutions-supporting other-etc-20-token-problems inflation is worth billions ? +Seriously ? + +Yes some companies are the future I believe , I realy do . Decentralized world is the future , but does that mean it will all be inside the crypto space ? Why can’t a company for example adopt blockchain technology and have their services? They must have their own token for that ? They can’t just just fiat? + I mean let’s be honest fiat is not going anywhere anytime soon. And it will take time to adopt , so 80% of these coins is not gonna hold value , + +And we are going crazy about them, +And the ones that will have value and serious parterships, are now 10x then what they were in April , so if I am realy interested about this tech and believe it’s the future maybe better do research and invest after this madness ? + +Or is this not madnes? +Are we in a bubble? Or is this history in the making ? +Or kind of both . + +I wish myself that I will act less on emotions and take a step back , crypto news and YouTube channels are Not* increasing my knowledge , +I start to feel I’m being brainwashed , +I’m in my way to the bank to make my credit Ching higher so I could put more money on binance, which I don’t even know how to take it out , + +Im telling my self that I’m this time it’s long term but if this is long term so why buy when it’s already 10x +Ok sure Ada gonna have smart contracts soon but they 10x already that’s a volume that takes time to process, +It is complete over valued right now and I still want to put my 5k there, and I don’t know what to do , +Maybe need to wait , +Is this time for selling ? +Not for buying ? + +We small players need to take care of each other and not hype each one to different coins because we bought a super small bag , that doesn’t make a difference, +We need to be more patient, and help one another, +whales control this market and nothing is regulated . +We need to have a different more skeptic approach of rather than hyping eachother jumping on coins like mother fuckers. + +We need to take care of eachother !!! + +This market is bipolar +I don’t know who needed to read this and thank you if you read and can give any thoughts or share experience + +I realy don’t know what to think anymore . +Am I completely brainwashed ? +Or am I a genius that seeing opportunity before all of my friends neighbor family and fellow musicians ? + +Should I buy now ?????? Hahahaha man this is insane + +Thanks for reading wow can’t believe I wrote so much + +Edit: +Thanks so much for all the replies guys it’s so nice see people relate and actually so helpful + +Edit : thanks guys again for many replies and some private messaged me to thank me to writing this that’s warmed my heart I’ll try to replie to everyone and thanks for the help. +Fuck the fomoooooo + The aim of AB 1771 is to discourage real estate speculation. It creates a new capital gains tax on homes held less than seven years. 25% if under three years, and dropping 5% a year thereafter. + +Won't this just keep more properties off the market even longer? + +Source: [https://rentalhousingjournal.com/watch-out-investors-california-is-at-it-again/?utm\_source=Master+Investor%2FOwner%2FProp+Mngr%2FSocial&utm\_campaign=d05e5c5c89-EMAIL\_CAMPAIGN\_2022\_03\_30\_01\_52&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=0\_1df36dfca7-d05e5c5c89-165585129](https://rentalhousingjournal.com/watch-out-investors-california-is-at-it-again/?utm_source=Master+Investor%2FOwner%2FProp+Mngr%2FSocial&utm_campaign=d05e5c5c89-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_03_30_01_52&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1df36dfca7-d05e5c5c89-165585129) +Hi Fellow dividend investors, I would like to keep the tradition alive with yet another monthly update from my dividend portfolio. + +What a month this has been, since I am breaking my previous dividend record with more than $80 + +The previous record was $405, and this month I have received $488, getting so close to milestone of $500 in a month + +I received the following dividends after withholding Tax + +11.13 LTC + +54.15 BMY + +78.63 VZ + +29.83 CVS + +40.52 GD + +143.65 ABBV + +9.82 SKT + +121.13 UNM + +I have made one purchase this month, since I have added 50 shares of NXST (NEXSTAR BROADCASTING GROUP, INC.) which paid $7413. + +The current value of my full portfolio is around $154.000. + +How has May treated your portfolios and what have you done? I am always curios to see what other dividend investors are adding. + +edit: + +I can see that I have received a dividend from NXST $29.75 yesterday as well even though it was first visible on my broker account today, hence I have breach the milestone of $500 which amazing. So this months total is $518. + +&#x200B; +Firstly, don’t mean to incite any political debate around gun laws - please refrain from that topic. + +Another mass shooting in Tulsa today. All of these mass shootings has me questioning - is the U.S. the safest place to be for a family with growing kids? I’m halfway to fatFIRE but still firmly on track - and moving could derail these plans - but there’s something to be said about moving to a safer place. + +Anyone gone through this decision process? What did you consider? +You're insane if you don't have a $Bingus bag right now, just search this sub and you'll see a constant stream of bullish next-level news! + +**Rocky Kanaka** just made his first $Bingus video! He has **2 MILLION YouTube subscribers** and his show **Save Our Shelter is on Netflix!** + +**Check out his new** [**YouTube video here!**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXgDps7y4TI&t=144s) + +It features Rocky reaching out to TikTok influencers and donating $1,000 for the first 10 who message him back. It's a really cool way of promoting good causes and getting the word out there! They’re about to reach the mainstream, for real. Bingus is mentioned left right and center and this exposure is going to open so many doors for the team. It’s only going to get bigger and better from this point. + +They just partnered with $Dogira, a cryptocurrency token focused on creating gaming ecosystems, software development kits for integration onto the blockchain and utility based NFTs! They just donated over **$20,000** on behalf of MoistCr1tikal! + +Last but definitely not least, they're getting listed on **HOTBIT** exchange! This is going to mean huge progress can be made and it will now be leagues **easier for people to buy $Bingus** and break in to the mainstream consciousness! It's crucial to get around the PancakeSwap issue of accessibility, and the Hotbit listing is just the beginning, expect to see them appear on even more exchanges too! + +All of this and more can be found and verified in our links below. This might be your last chance to get in before we go parabolic. + +**Other news from this week:** + +* **BogTools** built website redesign incoming! +* **Blowfish.one** partnership as their first lottery-as-a-service test case. (The winner **won 1 Billion Bingus, or about $10,000** as of writing)! +* **Neural Pepe** and Bingus came together to auction off an AI-generated Pepe NFT! The sale raised 1.6 BNB for Wolf Trap Rescue 🐾 +* Trading on **ApeSwap** and LP farming on **TakoDefi** +* An **official merch store is coming very soon!** They managed to secure the trademark to the Bingus meme and have done everything to a high legal standard. None of this GrumpyCat C&D rug nonsense! + +# Tokenomics + +**Only 3% slippage needed** + +1% goes to charity | 1% is burned | 1% is auto-sent to all $Bingus holders + +Holders: 12,091 + +Market Cap: $10.8m + +^(at time of posting) + +# Links + +$Bingus website [bingus.finance](https://bingus.finance/) + +Telegram: (Search for: @bingustoken2officialnew) + +[Discord](https://discord.com/invite/qKdZdd558F) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/bingustoken/) +So I'm just waking up from a drunken blackout and discovering the chaos. + +Blitzed my savings, overdraft and maxed my credit card. Roughly £6k in total all gone on Ladbrokes.com in 1 night. + +I've chucked what's left of the booze but that's for a different sub. + +The mortgage is due Tuesday, hopefully I can extend my overdraft to cover until payday. + +I'm just looking for some inspiration and how to pick up and start again. It took me so long to get my finances into a good place. + +I'm thinking cancel the credit card and arrange a repayment plan, maybe start locking most of my savings away each month? +As I am eating my very pro-budget but not very pro-health lunch of wraps with only canned beans and chilli sauce, I had a realisation while reflecting on why I don't have money to eat properly. It is very stupid, but it explains why I still am struggling financially. To put it short: my family has always been very poor. My parents are doing okay now financially, but they still raised us in that culture, by lack of a better word . Because of this, I grew up with a few (unspoken) social rules: + +* One: you never judge someone for not having money. You sympathise. When someone says they don't have money, you help them with the little bit you have. +* Two: everything that is not food and bills that immediately need to be paid is 'extra' money that you can use to help family and friends. +* Three: always offer to pay when the other does not respond (while being out for coffee, drinks or dinner groceries). + +This has resulted in me paying for a significant amount of food for a handful of friends, that kept triggering me with storied about how they could not eat that week. I paid for sandwiches when their cards declined, I always paid when doing groceries etc. + +Normally, I give people the benefit of the doubt. But last week or so I received a rude wake-up call. A friend agreed to help me with an important assignment that I had been struggling with all week. Before we even got started, he said: + +'we are going to eat together tonight, right?' I was pretty sure that we had never agreed to that, so I said + +'Oh I'm sorry, I can't remember I had promised that. I would rather work on this assignment which will take me the entire afternoon and probably tonight as well.' + +**He then said this:** 'Oh that's okay! I can do the grocery shopping for us! Wait, I don't have money... oh well, I can skip dinner tonight!' + +then he paused. And I felt so bad that I ordered pizza. Which cost me 25 euros. Which I could not afford at all. But I also had to finish the assignment and did not want to deal with the added stress of him guiltripping me the entire time he was helping me. Because I did need his help. + +&#x200B; + +Later, I found out that the week before he had spend over 50 euros on shots. He also eats pizza and subway almost every day for dinner. The worst is: he puts aside 10% of his salary on a savings account, while I plunder mine to deal with unexpected expenses like him needing to eat. + +&#x200B; + +The difference is this: + +\- He says he doesn't have money because he put aside 100 euros on his savings account and spends a shitload of money on booze. There are a number of occasions with other people that I suspected this was the case but gave people the benefit of the doubt. + +\- I say I don't have money because I literally have no money left in my bank account. Which has not yet happened, luckily. I don't eat out ever, I don't order food, I freeze big bags of vegetables and potatoes so I can get by from only 10 euros of groceries a week. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +I only found out his financial situation by talking to another friend, who had gone partying with him and knows him better, so she could tell me all that. By then the damage has already been done. Because I know this now, I will not do it again with him. But most often, I do not know the context and I assume they had a good reason to be, well, poor. + +&#x200B; + +I visited my sister two weeks ago, and it was basically a fight of who got to pay for the coffee. We're both poor, working students so we knew the other would appreciate the gesture! This is what I am used to. But this is not what I am experiencing at all in the student city that I am a part of. + +**tldr:** I'm being taken advantage of by friends who (some knowing, others i am not sure) keep making me pay for their stuff. How to say no, even though I know they will have to struggle that instance? Probably need some tough love because when I am reading this back I feel so ashamed. + +Edit: just wanted to point out that I mostly have very good and kind friends who don't do this to me, these are just a few instances. This is also what made me realize my ' problem' so late. + +Edit2: just got home today, I'm overwhelmed with the response! I have skimmed through the replies and they are so helpful. I will not reply tonight (its almost midnight here and tomorrow is busy) but I am going to set some time aside tomorrow to read carefully through the advice, thank you all so much! I appreciate it very much that you took the effort to read my question and made very personal responses! + +**Edit 3**: okay I just woke up and started off my morning with reading through the responses and got on my laptop to write this edit. I have gone through a first quarter of the messages and responded here and there but I am not able to respond to everyone but please know that I read everything because you guys are insightful! I’m not sure how to show my appreciation other than to say thanks, so, thanks! I’m going to take my time reading the rest. I feel more educated now and am going to make getting more educated a priority. + +Based on you advice I have a list that I’m going to translate into to do’s! Here’s some points: + +* Say no, because no is a full sentence. +* Open up a new savings account at a separate bank account than the one I have my checking account. I will look into this this weekend and will hopefully have an appointment at a bank next week (I probably won’t be able to set up an account right away because that usually involves actually having money to put on the account lol, next month.). I will put at least 10% of my salary on my savings. This way, I can more confidently say to someone that I would rather split the bill because I don’t have money instead of going to savings. +* Save up a small amount of money (I begin at 1 euro a month) that I will put away for meals with friends. +* Build a pantry. I deserve more surprise beans in my life. Also, then I can offer friends frozen pizza or self made spaghetti instead of soggy dominos that is cut infuriatingly asymmetrical. I need to think ahead. I also really like to cook for people when I have time and opportunity to do so. +* Popcorn apparently is filling food. I make and will consume more. My mother has LIED to me. +* Read recommended books! + +And also some painful but necessary reminders: + +* don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm! and: their lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on your behalf. +* I perhaps have some more unlearning and readjustment to do than I initially thought because this does reflect my way of thinking about my finances, and about me as well. Yikes. I would rather just stock up beans in my pantry. +* (this got downvoted a bit but I do agree:) people don’t force me to spend money on them, let alone expensive take out pizza (while frozen delicious pizza is only max 2 euros). I can say no, so I should do so. My finances is my responsibility. I can prioritise. +&#x200B; + +Hello, my fellow investors, i spend several hours writing this post in order to gather all information and sources together, but i think is worth it, and i will do it with the last post that [DFV](https://www.reddit.com/user/DeepFuckingValue/) leave in [twitter](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1359536195689197570/photo/1). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rgbra6uq7nh61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0d9e79688c15ed9b2d27b23f31fea47d71884aa + +First thought you might have think after seeing this image is because he was being [investigated by corrupt authorities](https://www.businessinsider.com/gamestop-reddit-trader-keith-gill-roaring-kitty-investigation-regulators-advisor-2021-2) for the GameStop case that in fact true, but there is something more.. + +&#x200B; + +This is the original thumbnail of a youtube video called [You Can Get More than 5 Stars in GTA 5! (Sixth Star)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VleqVNMTj04&t=569s) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/em7lks3j8nh61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c26afd88241ba7e8e05d6ef43422e24ad7ba65 + +First is you can clearly see the car standing while there’s a lot of army forces is in front of him, which you can understand this as ***HOLD THE LINE.*** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z20l9wyo8nh61.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=60b186bcbe82f6781e376ea7cdf769e70a35e114 + +In the minute, **9:28** of the video (Almost the time where the NYSE Open), you can read a billboard "*Invest in the red, it's in your interest*", clear message that we're all referring as **buy the dip**. + +&#x200B; + +In Game, the billboard refers to buying [Maze Bank](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Maze_Bank) stocks, which you can do in game. + +&#x200B; + +Digging even further if you use [Abstract Logic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=b4xQEXDBATw) you can realize that the logo of the maze bank is related to the logo of [Enron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron) which also is in the lore of the game too. + +https://preview.redd.it/y37fw77o8nh61.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=6349f93f42fc23cb7e7be739346086157d346217 + +The **Enron scandal** was an [accounting scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accounting_scandal) involving [Enron Corporation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron), an American energy company based in [Houston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houston,_Texas), [Texas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas). Upon being publicized in October 2001, the company declared [bankruptcy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankruptcy) and its accounting firm, [Arthur Andersen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Andersen) – then one of the [five largest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Four_auditors) [audit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audit) and accountancy partnerships in the world – was effectively dissolved. In addition to being the largest bankruptcy reorganization in U.S. history at that time, Enron was cited as the biggest audit failure. + +&#x200B; + +**Resume:** [DFV](https://www.youtube.com/c/RoaringKitty) [twitter](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1359536195689197570/photo/1) post say, buy in the red and hold, this might be one of the biggest frauds in history, cause we know there's high probability that the SEC ([stocks pushed by HF bots](https://www.barrons.com/articles/the-sec-finally-says-enough-to-one-social-media-fueled-trade-51613135287) later promoted on WSB to make us lose $ and tell we're “manipulating” those stocks) and some brokers might involved in this. + +When brokers as Robinhood and others shut down trades in the retail side, the price drop from 450+ to $50 (where is right now), **with no volume.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/t056wc819nh61.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e5f3cbd51ac523ac46a0e08dc5223d497992495 + +Not only that, the volume has been dropping over the week that means all our diamond hands are holding. + +Which mean they’re doubling the bet manipulating the market to scare retail investors ( well...paper hands) to sell, that's something they always do to profit from shorting and bring those business down, and, in the process, some even go bankrupt, but isn’t working for them this time, cause we’re not selling, we know what they are doing. + +Let’s remember all their market manipulation strategies: [short laddering](https://marketrealist.com/p/short-ladder-attacks-explained/), [naked shorting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naked_short_selling), [long calls](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/long-call.aspx) so synthetic cover, [media manipulation](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/01/silver-is-the-new-target-for-reddit-traders-three-experts-weigh-in.html), [front-running](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp), [shut down](https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/buying-stocks/articles/robinhood-was-flooded-with-negative-reviews-and-google-deleted-them/) ONLY retail side, [pay bots and paper hands](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lj3fqd/we_are_looking_to_pay_people_to_post_negative/) to spy and [insult us](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lisjk1/amc_i_think_we_might_be_doing_something_right/) and send negative sentiment all this is [market manipulation](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/market-manipulation), **all this is illegal**, where is the SEC there ? (*insert blind Patrick meme*) + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/9chzgtyl9nh61.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fc123955ad4f770c8d3a27168ecd7916a898216) + +https://preview.redd.it/85sgi5lf6sh61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=4aa0aa50515a70e3f44025cd5fb62ac70a7980bc + +[That username is often seen used in most of the new accounts sended to treat us like that](https://preview.redd.it/3oo9sxto9nh61.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ddfdb023f897814067b53706a428039d43b493) + +The [SEC instead investigate](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sec-hunts-fraud-social-media-192424385.html) WSB forum for [market manipulation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIfixbq_u0Q&t=14s) when they clearly know who is really manipulating the market, they use the [fake media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lfyyty/informative_broadcasting/), and using practices as short ladders and [naked short](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lglrg5/naked_shorting_in_gme_and_how_the_pieces_suddenly/) and push stocks as silver, uranium, weed to blame the volatility on us. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xh54d4zjanh61.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=cab665b4fa1bffafcb8e018ac4b15f3ccb0caa83 + +For all the global crisis, for all the families who lose somebody who get desesperated and $rope after he lose all in 2008 (nobody went to prison for that), for all the business they make go bankrupt, for all the money HF have been stealing from retail investors through [illegal tactics](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp) as the ones we see all this weeks and for years, this is our moment to make them pay for all the did. + +I know when this start to show the real value a lot of us are going to want to sell to recover the initial invest, but remember there's fellow who put their live savings at $400+ don't make them fall, we are here against corruption and [market manipulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/li50zh/wsb_has_been_infiltrated_by_hedge_funds/). + +&#x200B; + +I’m willing to lose all if this stop those greedy people to keep [stealing from us](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp), keep throwing business and then flex on us with new mansions, new supercars, new private jets, new yachts, this is a legal (*illegal if you know what they are doing*) daylight robbery. + +&#x200B; + +We’re not alone, there is massive hedge funds like BlackRock, [Vanguard](https://twitter.com/Vanguard_Group/status/1360227178185691137), in our side, do you think they buy [AMC](https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=AMC&subView=institutional) and [GME](https://money.cnn.com/quote/shareholders/shareholders.html?symb=GME&subView=institutional) stocks to lose money?, they probably know something that we don't + +&#x200B; + +**Legal Fightback Strategy:** + +\- **HOLD THE LINE.** + +\- Try to [contact all the authorities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/ljfiyy/letter_to_congress/) you can, congress, [FBI](https://www.fbi.gov/), we need to make pressure to investigate all this market manipulation and corruption case (Citadel, Melvin, Robinhood, SEC, etc.), the responsible need to go to jail for this. + +\- If you lose money in Robinhood when they shut down trades (*we all lose money in that let’s be real and together billions*), or don't receive support to transfer your money in order to ditch it, cancel your account with all your money in it for no reason, etc, put a lawsuit or join the class lawsuit and expose all the case to your local authorities, those dogs are laughing at us in [twitter](https://twitter.com/RobinhoodApp/status/1358611669446914050) trying to look like the good ones, we need those fake brokers to go down, they sell our orderflow to the corrupt HF, so they do [front-running](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp) and steal from us, no more robbery. + +\- Don't waste your time sending reports to the SEC about this case, these corrupt dogs are in HF side too, if not, they would have already done something against all the market manipulation they did. + +\- No sell GME neither AMC [until we get what we deserve,](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lkal7q/warning_there_are_several_people_trying_to/) at the end, is the money they have been stealing from us, not lower after they conducted a daylight robbery for years. + +\- Finance laws need to be updated to the new era in order to avoid corrupt HF like these ones keep destroying business and keeps stealing from us. + +\- Downvote all bots and infiltrates HF posting negativity to hide them and report it to the mods to be permanently banned. + +\- If somehow, they get to seduce mods in WSB legit left subs ([WSBN](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/), [WSBE](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/), [GME,](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/) ) and post start being weird and cringe like WSB right now, we will create another sub and if necessary, or our own web page so don't worry. + +\- Leave [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets) so you don't get brainwashed by corrupt mods and HF stocks.(if you buy those stocks they see you as stupid, they just push and dump to keep taking your money) + +\- We need **ALL** WSB mods **REMOVED** those corrupted disgusting dogs they sell us like product for money to the corrupted HF, we need our main sub back and new algorithms to block bots. + +\- Keep doing and posting when you do charity with your tendies in name of WSB, to let the world know we are here making the difference so they will see the fake media. + +\- In the Congress hearing let's try to get a lot of attention thought all social media so the people will see the reality, they have been brainwashed all this weeks by fake media. + +\- No more High-Frequency Trading, in most cases is just a sophisticated way to call [front-running](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp). + +\- We need a new public institution in charge of regulating the market, to much power in the economic market is what allow them to do this massive robbery for years. + +\- If somebody can [send this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lifb1g/psa_writing_to_your_congressmanwoman_works_aoc_is/) to our queen [AOC](https://twitter.com/aoc) or someone involved in the finances let's proposal that all stocks need to be in [blockchain](https://forum.cardano.org/t/cardano-foundation-ceo-says-blockchain-could-prevent-gme-type-showdowns/46924) or something, in order to verify shares and stop this illegal market manipulation, is a no sense that there’s more than 100% shorted or in holding, if we buy a stock is ours, 👉 [nobody can borrow and short what is not theirs](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1354890601649610753) . 👈 + +&#x200B; + +**Final:** + +Upvote to make all our fellow [see this information](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIfixbq_u0Q&t=16s) and try to repost it in all others subs, in case of [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets) use an account you're willing to be [banned](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetbetsnew/comments/lgu5g8/psa_wsb_is_a_medium_for_hf_to_spread/) cause we know [mods from WSB](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/lidkeg/wsb_mods_trying_to_censor_positive_amc_posts_i/) sold us all and their [dignity to HF](https://i.imgur.com/KPGUMBA.jpg) for a few dollars. + +&#x200B; + +**All this is information is public so i encourage you to check the links to contrast all data by yourself.** + +&#x200B; + +**Not financial advice, i'm just an investor writing real facts.** + +&#x200B; + +**PD:** + +*If a corrupt HF intern, hired spy, SEC, or paid paper hands is looking this*, **fuck you**. + +*You are being paid by the target of a federal investigation into market manipulation.* + +*You’re an active co-conspirator in a potentially criminal enterprise.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +*“When the rich rob the poor, it’s called business. When the poor fight back, it’s called violence.”* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Edit 1: Thank for the adwards, wasn't neccesary, love you all <3.** +I have a good amount of cash that has been just sitting there for a year now. Im planning to invest it in my own business in 9-12 months. Is there a way for me to accrue interest on the money in the meantime while keeping it liquid? + +Thank you in advance. +It looks like the first medical cannabis company to launch on the FTSE is coming in mid-February. Whilst there are some CBD firms already, this would offer something a bit different. + +Likely not something I’ll be investing in, and not advice for what to go for, just putting it up for anybody who’s interested, but previously had to look at the US/Canada for exposure to the cannabis market. + +https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jan/29/vaporiser-maker-to-be-first-medical-cannabis-firm-listed-in-london +I just discovered that someone stole all my ethereum on coinbase. I don't know what to do, I'm 19 year old and all my money was in ethereum. I partied on friday night and I lost my phone where I had Coinbase app. Can I locate who stole my eth? I really don't know that to do now. +PS: Sorry for bad english. +Account of the thief: https://etherscan.io/address/0x5605c008290adeb92e65eaa3e09133a76484d70a +It’s so secret rock bottom rates resulted in record mortgages by home buyers, but what are the long term effects on banks? + +Record high inflation probably won’t last forever *knocks on wood*, but it has to get down to at least 3-3.5% for those banks to even begin to see real yield on the loans consumers secured between 2020-2021. +For the past 5 months I have turned $10k into $50k with just put credit spreads and nothing else and it has genuinely been super easy. I take a stock from my large cap watch list that’s on a three month low and set my strikes pretty conservative with 2 to 3 weeks from expiration (usually takes a 5% to 10% drop to reach break even prices) then all I do is collect the theta and rinse and repeat. If I see lots of plays I usually have most of my buying power in credits spread and a little cash left just in case if I need to roll out a credit spread. Getting a 20% return a month is insanely easy with this strategy but my question is, I am missing something? Is there a flaw in this strategy? If anyone has been doing two legged options for longer than I have is my strategy sustainable? What is the outlook if I continue this strategy for the next 3 years or so? Because I genuinely don’t know if I’m just getting lucky or this is an actauly sustainable strategy +Good morning fatFIRE community! + +I was hoping to get context from younger members of this community on experience joining old-money institutions (country clubs, yatch clubs, tennis clubs etc...) + +Context - I live in Toronto, 2 young kids under 4 yrs old. My wife and I both work in tech (think hoodies, ripped jeans crowd) but have been incredibly fortunate with our careers to have achieved fatFIRE in our early 30's. With our economy starting to re-open we've been looking at curriculars for the kids. In speaking with some friends, we heard of a private members tennis/fitness club (granite club for those in toronto) really close to home with good children's programs and amazing facilities. I got some background information on the club, and it looks like initiation for us is \~$60K, and I estimate annuals (including food+programs to be around $10-15K). + +So here's the dilemma: In reading through the prospectus, they are fairly regimented in their rules (ex. dress code is smart casual in public areas outside the gym, rules on where hats can be worn etc...Neither of us come from money, our friends who are members have been lifelong members through their family so they came up with that crowd. Looking at their board it's all sort of 'old-guard' professionals (Law, Banking). With all that said, I'm worried about fitting in with a stodgy old-money crowd. The purpose of this membership would really be for the kids so us feeling comfortable there would be an important part of the kids feeling welcome as well. + +Anyone else go through this dilemma with any experience to share? Am I reading too much into this? +First of all the link to the rulechange: [https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-92038.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-92038.pdf) + +Maybe some wrinkle brained ape can add some information to this. + +&#x200B; + +\***SR-OCC-2021-003: Increase Persistent Minimum Skin-In-The-Game / Waterfall**\*The "You Market Makers are gonna give us more money now in case you fuck up with options later and owe someone more than you have" Rule.\*This is the rule associated with the SR-OCC-2021-801 advanced notice, and SIG filed an opposition during the review period delaying the implementation.Filed 2021-02-24Effective 2021-05-31 (expected no later than 05-31, unless further opposition is filed) + +\*This paragraph is from u/nothingbuttherainsir [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nhh0f1/update_go_nogo_for_launch_the_checklist_keeping/) + +&#x200B; + +30th March , Susquehanna [filed an opposition to AKA SR-OCC-2021-003](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-occ-2021-003/srocc2021003.htm) (AKA SR-OCC-2021-801) which pushed it out to 31st May based on [an SEC notice yesterday](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-91483.pdf) + +Seems that 003 is now approved, so both rules should roll out. I don't know when both rules will be effective. + +But as in the last paragraph of SR-OCC-2021-801: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/qbaobco8nq171.png?width=928&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d86676ae04824e80b39cc89c03af2eed1243d96 + +Here is the link to rule OCC-801 : [https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-91491.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/occ/2021/34-91491.pdf) + +Buy, hodl, vote (my 3 brokers won't let me) +>Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. + +A 2012 Rolling Stone article [Accidentally Released – and Incredibly Embarrassing – Documents Show How Goldman et al Engaged in ‘Naked Short Selling’](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/accidentally-released-and-incredibly-embarrassing-documents-show-how-goldman-et-al-engaged-in-naked-short-selling-244035/) links to an incredibly detailed [motion \[PDF\]](http://media.economist.com/sites/default/files/pdfs/Plaintiffs%20Opp%20to%20MSJ.pdf) by Overstock lawyers asking the Court to deny Defendant’s (Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs & a bunch of other banks) attempts to seal (meaning "hide") evidence that was submitted which would embarrass the banks. + +This particular document was written by lawyers for the Plaintiffs (Overstock) so it's obviously biased the way apes seek confirmation bias. We'll focus on Section II "Factual Background" on pages 4 through 21 for this DD. + +[\[pg 4\]](https://preview.redd.it/m0kwm7ihodl91.png?width=1948&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc6a9835997569203723c1123961fe992e3aafc9) + +Perhaps some apes can find these publicly available filings and court records? I'm too smooth to know how to do this, but a friend mentioned trying PACER. + +>Defendants decided to **manipulate supply and demand** for short sales by consciously opting not to settle certain short sales in hard to borrow stocks, including Overstock, at all. ... Both Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch decided to **create fails-to-deliver** in their affiliates, GSEC and Merrill Pro, so that they could correspondingly **create "supply"** in Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch. ... Goldman Sachs expressed its "intentions to **create supply and perpetuate selling in stocks with a large amount of short interest**." + +[\[pg 5\]](https://preview.redd.it/ungpuv1kodl91.png?width=1954&format=png&auto=webp&s=900e64c425d278c746c1a2070223e8cf1fad767d) + +# Sound familiar? Naked short selling isn't new + +>Defendants' decisions to **intentionally fail to deliver Overstock stock caused large-scale naked short selling** of Overstock stock. + +By intentionally failing to deliver millions of shares of Overstock, Defendants "increase\[d\] the tradable supply of shares of Overstock available for short sales by as much as 34%". "The fails created supply in excess of **six times the average daily trading volume of Overstock**." (*For comparison, the highest reported Short Interest for GameStop was 226% and BBBY still has 107% reported short interest.* *Have you seen how fast GME and BBBY floats trade?*) + +&#x200B; + +[\[pgs 6-7\]](https://preview.redd.it/56o9gdcnodl91.png?width=2010&format=png&auto=webp&s=b30f6f56aec0ece4abda6c6f485133cfb818962f) + +Goldman Sachs, [who asked "Is curing patients a sustainable business model?"](https://abovethelaw.com/2018/05/goldman-sachs-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model/), went above and beyond to circulate a *list of stocks targeted for \[naked\] short selling*. + +[\[pg 6\]](https://preview.redd.it/z1fddgzpodl91.png?width=2042&format=png&auto=webp&s=455ad76d5816b4e72d11621edb1c8eca796569fa) + +# How did they naked short Overstock? + +>"The clearing firms ... determine whether a fail has been resolved and what the age of a fail is.... Merrill and Goldman also effected fraudulent trades to extend the duration of the fails to deliver." + +Merrill and Goldman used fraudulent trades to avoid regulations and extend fails-to deliver beyond the T+13 settlement date *without delivering any stock!* Merrill even helped match trades to kill buy-ins by *selling into* required buy-ins. + +[\[pg 9\]](https://preview.redd.it/hbae2iksodl91.png?width=1958&format=png&auto=webp&s=879da041165bfd9898057221d8bfb6392a3c4679) + +Goldman played the same game of matching orders selling into buy-ins maintaining open FTDs. + +[\[pg 10\]](https://preview.redd.it/7jw73isuodl91.png?width=1950&format=png&auto=webp&s=69521c8efb022f0567408b451ab0681785a5047f) + +All these naked shorts were falsely reported as bona fide short interest. + +[\[pg 10\]](https://preview.redd.it/fnua973xodl91.png?width=1970&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c5c8e161ad5d11f99d0fe39f180429d0669c5ce) + +# F* compliance + +Despite Merrill's Chief Compliance officer being *against* this illegal naked shorting and failing to deliver, internal emails (*including by Merrill's* ***President***\*)\* said "F\* compliance": + +[\[pg 11\]](https://preview.redd.it/ymwp1g5zodl91.png?width=1960&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b1e32458de2f1c1dede7c2487621ccb11c80d18) + +[\[pg 18\] ](https://preview.redd.it/xx0muhf1pdl91.png?width=1968&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9fd3c009715d4ff3977e0697d685ad5a8720e89) + +# A Treasure Trove + +The prior Overstock case is clearly a treasure trove of good info apes could use, if apes can figure out how to find and access them in public records. + +[\[pg 14\]](https://preview.redd.it/qibq8pd3pdl91.png?width=1974&format=png&auto=webp&s=a791662e6dec97833e2954bb2db20eb08098437b) + +There's public records out there where we can find testimony from people like Marc Cohodes, a managing partner at Copper River Partners (a short seller), who described Goldman Sachs as "like the mob", "a racketeering entity that does whatever they can to make a dime without conscience, thought, foresight or care about ramifications ... cold-blooded and could care less about the law": + +[\[pgs 20-21\]](https://preview.redd.it/vtdk4yjapdl91.png?width=2016&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba34068675290d75871d22d20b9e962d1d1ac3e1) + +# What Next? + +All these crooks know how to do is stay hidden. Their naked short playbook hasn't changed much in two decades, they just kept their secrets hidden and it's time to light things up. + +1. Find these public records. The prior litigation was Overstock.com plus a bunch of individuals against 24 Defendants including [Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, Citigroup, JP Morgan, BNY Mellon, UBS, and Credit Suisse](https://trellis.law/case/CGC07460147/OVERSTOCK-COM-INC-A-DELAWARE-CORPORATION-et-al-VS-MORGAN-STANLEY-CO-INCORPORATED-et-al) (Case CGC-07-460147). +2. Expose crimes. +3. Report crimes to SEC & DOJ. + +EDIT: Typos and formatting + +UPDATE (Moar Resources!): + +[2007/2/02 Complaint filed by Overstock et al against Morgan Stanley et al in San Francisco Superior Court Complaint for Case CGC-07-460147](https://cdn.static-economist.com/sites/default/files/pdfs/Fifth_Amended_Complaint_%28Redacted%29_Redacted.pdf) in this DD (Thanks u/JustBeingPunny) + +[2014/11/13 California Appeals Court filing (Overstock et al vs Goldman Sachs et al)](https://cases.justia.com/california/court-of-appeal/2014-a135682.pdf?ts=1415916062) (Thanks u/JustBeingPunny) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Come back often, edits being added constantly. Lots of apes helping! + +Today I started searching for 741 inside of the SEC forms and other securities related documents. + +Guess what I found... I found a document filed by +Dreyfus Florida Municipal Money Market Fund in 2007 + +https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/911746/000091174607000015/form-741.htm + +Form 741 as described by this ape - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q8cf95/sec_form_741/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +The Dreyfus name rang a bell...So I dug a little bit deeper. Is RC pointing us to the options bag? + +Guess who owns that fund? + +BYN Mellon + +https://im.bnymellon.com/us/en/ + +Guess who clears Kennys trades? +Guess who holds the "Brazilian Puts" +Guess who Goldman had to bail out to prevent dominos + +Thats right. + +Please get the wrinkles in here. I need an adult. + +Looks like alot of apes found the bag of puts a month or so ago "BYN Melon" search in Superstonk had alot of hits about 30 days ago. + +Seriously think Ive hit something here. All help is appreciated while I keep digging. + +Edit: Im finding alot of connection here, like metric shit ton. Right now im diving into the funds product inception in 2017... This is the likely the fund used to naked short GME to oblivion, likely others too. But one eerie point stood out to me 741 - I shit you not. go look for yourself + +BNY Mellon's Dreyfus Corporation serves as the investment manager of the fund, and MBSC Securities Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dreyfus, serves as the fund's distributor. The fund is sub-advised by Pareto Investment Management Limited, an affiliate of Dreyfus and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Insight Investment Management Limited ("Insight" or "Insight Investment"), a BNY Mellon investment boutique with $741 billion under management globally2. + +https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/bny-mellon-investment-management-launches-multi-asset-fund-1001909081 + +Edit 2: Found some compelling evidence from DFV. yeah thats right. Thanks to ape comments for pointing this out. Look at the dates, look at gme, whats her name? + +(This could just be part of the struggle to get Computershare through our thick heads) Three colors, mix em up, whata get) But the Dreyfus-Mellon thing still stuck with me. And then Daves tweet below, pushed me to Seinfeld again.... + +https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1405258938543742976?s=20 + +https://mobile.twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1405204944471445505?s=20 + + + +EDIT 3: DAVE KNOWS - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q87vjy/what_do_the_numbers_mean_mason/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Dave almost instantly deleted this tweet. Dave never deletes tweets....🚨🚨🚨 Look at the title of the post. Look at the format of the tweet! "whats the deal" ... remind you of a certain sitcom? + +Edit 4: I believe I have found out who is colluding with Kenny and Co to hide, recycle, and naked short GME via deep options. This is the entity spoken about but not named in this recent DD - https://threader.app/thread/1441157342045749253 + +Im now getting very confident about this, and a huge bag of these puts expires tomorrow as per the briefly visible Bloomberg Terminal 150 puts showed. T+35 puts us exactly at the absolute end of this wedge End of Nov. no dates Nov 18-19 2021 + +This all started with a Google search for 741 while taking a shit. No jokes. Kerplunk + +I still have some weight in the broker default theroys, but DFV tweeting twice Elaine Dreyfus relieved and wanting to move on.. just after our spike to 350ish... yeah there is something here + +Edit: 5 I have had discussion with many folks in the last 5 hours. Let me tell you, this is bigger than all of us could have ever imagined, NFTs are the key to the final chapter. The OLD ORDER is about to be overthrown. I am now in a euphoria I have never experienced before.... + +Edit: 6 Well this just keeps getting better. A recent Burry tweet #GMESQUEEZE shows a sheet with Merrill Lynch shorting into GME buyback to avoid being squeezed. + +A look into Dreyfus has uncovered some dark shit. But noteable names be showing up on page 55 of their Mutual Fund Disclosure in 2008! Oh hello Merril Lynch and every other bad actor garbage shit fund.... + +Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Leeman, Credit Suisse, etc etc + +https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/30160/000003016008000005/dmmi485.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjzvrjywcvzAhUfknIEHWC5A48QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0kR-5Ewsv8BhZihy0Diti1 + +and on page 56 we have a link to dreyfus.com +who is the manager of the fund right. Do me a favor visit dreyfus.com + +Where does it redirect.... BNY Mellon + +Oh buddy. lots more to come + +Update here: 🚨🚨🚨 +Look at Mellons CUSIP number https://im.bnymellon.com/us/en/individual/funds/05587K741 + + + +EDIT 7: Gamestop twitter bio cheat code. Cheat code in wreck it ralph. Box office total for wreck it Ralph.... 471...👀 + +Movie 2 Ralph breaks the internet... blackout... The gamestop logo blackout that happened....😳 + +Digging into the movie and i keep seeing 741 +look at the reviews count here - https://www.amazon.com/Disneys-Ralph-Internet-Talking-Vanellope/dp/B07FHBBMMG?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_marketplace +Look at the followers for the animator of Ralph +https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/171136854561694231/ + +Update: The reviews on this toy and the animator followers have both incremented to 742 today. Unsure if this was coincidence, but I saw 741 so it made it into the post. + +It just keeps happening.... + +FINAL EDIT: Some of all of this could be wrong. This was simply a brain dump as I discovered 741. I do firmly believe that Dreyfus and BNY and Merrill Lynch all conspired to hide this bag of FTD in options. None of this is to be taken as fact, and hopefully it inspires others to dig into this more. + +I am humbled by the information that has been sent my way in the last 24hrs. It has opened my eyes to a much larger black hole than I could have ever imagined. Again! This could all be wrong, take it as such + +IF BY SOME CHANCE IM RIGHT HERE WE NEED A MELON TWEET RC OR A TWEET WITH NO 741 REFERENCE. MELON PREFERED! +I’m a recent first time homeowner in a large city. When I started paying my water bill from the city I received what seemed like a predatory advertisement for insurance on my water line for an extra $12 each bill. At first I didn’t pay because it seemed like when they offer you purchase protection at Best Buy, which is a total waste. + +Then after a couple years here I was talking to my neighbor about some work being done in the street in front of his house. He said his water line under the street was leaking and even though it’s not in his house and he had no water damage, the city said he’s responsible for it and it cost him $8000 to fix it because his homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover it. + +I immediately signed up for that extra $12/month. Well guess what. Two years later I have that same problem. The old pipe under the street has broken and even though it has no effect on my property, I’m responsible. But because I have the insurance I won’t have to pay anything at all! + +Just a quick note to my fellow city homeowners to let you know how important it is to have insurance on your water line and sewer. +So, around 3pm today I get an "Active Card Check" on my Monzo card from "Bird App". + +Very strange, as I'm at home and have never used Bird. Being a little suspicious, I immediately froze the card in the app. A few minutes later I get some failed transaction attempts. I cancelled the card and ordered a new one, figuring that was that. + +But this rabbit hole gets deeper. + +An hour later, I get a phone call from a guy claiming to be from Monzo. He tells me he needs to confirm some details about fraudulent Monzo activity. I'm aware Monzo never initiate phone calls directly, so red flags immediately went up. I asked him to prove he was from Monzo and he told me to check the text they'd just sent me against the customer service number on the back of my card. The text number matched Monzo’s legit service number, of course, but spoofing a number that way is trivial. + +The harder part is spoofing the number they're calling from. + +On closer inspection, the guy was calling from 0800 8021 **218**. Monzo's legit CS department number is 0800 8021 **281**. I'm naturally cautious about scams like this, but I can see how some people could easily fall for it at a glance. + +I just told the dude I didn't believe he was from Monzo and that I'd prefer just to call them back. He said I was welcome to but that queue times are over 2 hours and it's quicker to just answer his questions right there. I laughed and hung up. + +The best part of all of this, of course, is that my Monzo account is empty anyway. Happy to waste the chap's time. + +Stay vigilant out there, folks! +[Previous Post:](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/jfp3j9/mini_re_on_the_way_to_fatfire/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I hit the startup lottery and our net worth jumped to about $3M ($2.5M in diversified securities, $500k home equity). After many stressful years, I took a 6 month sabbatical in 2021, and just started a new job in the same field/industry (non-engineer in a tech org), TC mid $300k. But the retirement experience has made me question whether I can stand being a W2 employees for 10-25 more years. + +On sabbatical, I mostly kept my calendar empty, but spent some time staying connected to my network and doing some investing/research. I spent lots of “slow” time with my young family; I loved being “done” at 3pm and not racing through dinner and bathtime, feeling like I had work to do afterwards. It felt like the way people are supposed to live; I’m not sure how I survived doing long days in an office with a nasty commute. + +It’s been difficult to return to a world where I’m not in charge of my own time. The company, people, and work are fine, but I hate the fact that anyone can slack/email/calendar me and dictate my days. I told myself that I’m just going to do my thing, get the job done, punch the clock, and not try to be a hero; I’ve mostly done that. I know I have enough wealth and income to retire very comfortably and pretty early by just staying the course. What I didn’t count on is how unsatisfying it feels to be mediocre; it’s stressful knowing I’m leaving things undone or of middling quality when people are counting on me. + +I’ve thought about just being a SATH dad; my partner has a job she loves with great benefits making $75k. But our spend is $200-240k in a HCOL area, and while we could tighten up, I don’t see a lot of appealing options for reducing that dramatically. So there isn’t really a safe withdrawal rate on $2.5M that covers us. + +So: curious if other folks on their way to fatFIRE have dramatically shifted careers/lifestyle on their way. Specifically, combining existing wealth and time to live better and still earn? Some of the things I’ve seen here: +- real estate (good lifestyle, bad liquidity, high prices right now) +- consulting (need a strong network, lots of selling) +- investing (volatile, illiquid in private markets, near impossible to beat public ones) +- crypto (Volatile!, real risk of ruin, but I am intrigued by yields from staking and liquidity pools) + +I really appreciate the generosity and insights of this community; Happy New Year y’all. +Some famous users have probably been on the HF payroll FROM THE START. They are waiting to backstab apes at key moments during the squeeze. + +Some of you might have read the mod throwawaythisaccounts rant post on r/GME which also suggests something like this happening with the trusted figures that are now on other subs (of course he could be on HF side too, don't trust any individual other than DFV). + +Trust the underlying DD, decentralized information and every individual ape making their own decisions and HODLing. + +Not financial advice. + + +Edit: don't trust anybody specific user even if they claim they were contacted by hf people. It's easy to falsely claim this to gain trust. And while I think they truly are trying to buy apes to drive hedgie cause, the hf moles will of course also tell they were contacted too (by their friends). +Hey r/algotrading, I've been working on a stock trading algorithm these past couple months. My interest in trading began this January and since I'm lazy as shit and I know how to code, I decided to code myself something that would trade for me. + +For this project, I used Python and the TD Ameritrade API. I will begin by saying that the TD Ameritrade API is absolute garbage and you should use something else if you want to try something like this. + +The code for TradeAlgo can be found here: [https://github.com/4pz/TradeAlgo](https://github.com/4pz/TradeAlgo) + +TradeAlgo uses web scraping to pull a list of stocks which are predicted to rise already. After the list is scraped, each symbol is then checked to validate if they match the parameters set in the code. (These parameters are created by me after extensive research on how to predict a rising stock) + +After this, the total balance of your TD Ameritrade account is pulled using the TD Ameritrade API and your total balance is split among the stocks which matched the set parameters. You can change how much money from your account is allocated to be used with the algorithm by changing the balance variable to the desired amount. + +Finally, the buy function is called to execute all orders with a trailing stop loss to ensure minimal losses. + +I've also included a way to only see a list of recommended stocks without actually buying them so if you want to make your own educated decisions after seeing what TradeAlgo advises, you can do that. + +**Make sure to check out the repositories ReadMe for detailed setup and usage instructions!** + +*If you have a GitHub account and can star the repository, I'd appreciate it.* + +[Repository Link](https://github.com/4pz/TradeAlgo) + +&#x200B; + +[How TradeAlgo Should Look if All is Done Properly](https://preview.redd.it/613kor6dd7u61.png?width=1674&format=png&auto=webp&s=80548d4ce004378110f0dbcda17bf2c3e93166e8) +I have $2MM worth of equity, concentrating on two big tech stocks because I used to work there. No plan to diversify or sell them. + +Starting to trade theta 6 months ago, I sell weekly CC and CSP using my equity as collateral. I'm very conservative and only choose striking prices at delta below 0.01. And I only collateralize around $300K - $400K for CSP every week. + +This strategy consistently generates \~$500 income weekly, half from CC and half from CSP (mainly from TSLA). I think it's a too conservative strategy because I saw most people on this sub use delta below 0.1 as a safe play. However, I'm not sure if it's also because I'm getting greedy. + +In addition to general risk tolerance, is there a framework to help me maximize the utility of my equity while managing the risk in theta trading? + +I'm all ears if you want to recommend any other strategy to leverage $2MM existing equities as a low-risk income generator. + +Edit: the $2MM are all equities with long history. I have no plan to diversify or sell them yet because of 1) large capital gain tax implication; 2) great growth. My goal here is to collect extra money using my existing equities in addtion to their appreciation. +A month ago I applied for a small loan at Wells Fargo for the 1st time ever to consolidate some small bills. They denied the loan. I went to a local Credit Union and they gave me the loan. Today I signed up for a checking/savings account at that Credit Union and canceled my accounts with Wells Fargo. Couldn't be happier to stop doing business with a crooked ass corporation. +I'm new to investing and liking the value investing approach, however with this market everything seems so damn over valued. + +So my question is how do y'all approach weed stocks? Either ETFs like MSOS or individual companies. + +The reason I ask is non of these companies are going to pass the "safe investment" analysis, but it just seems like a huge market that could take off in the next few years to decade. + +So how do you approach things like this? Doesn't have to be cannabis specific, just how do you approach an industry that seems ready to take off, yet will not pass the "safe investment" mentality? Just designate a small portion of your portfolio to "gambling" or is there more I'm missing? + +Edit: I can't thank this community enough for the conversations being had bellow, I'm learning from all of it and appreciate all of your opinions and personal takes an this issue. +Investing in stocks that you do not know about is one thing, but trying to value and look for value stocks in industries you know nothing about seems foolish. + +What kind of sectors do you avoid completely and for what reasons? +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/21/banks-have-grown-by-2-trillion-in-deposits-since-coronavirus-first-hit.html + +A record $2 trillion surge in cash has hit the deposit accounts of U.S. banks since the coronavirus first struck the U.S. in January, according to FDIC data. + +The wall of money flowing into banks has no precedent in history: in April alone, deposits grew by $865 billion, more than the previous record for an entire year. + +Deposit gains were concentrated at the very top of the industry: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup grew much faster than smaller firms in the first quarter, according to company data. + +One consequence of the boom: Banks will likely lower their already paltry interest rates. +Pretty much what the title says. I just moved into West Houston area and bought a brand new house as primary but so far the change and the city has not been good for us so we have been thinking on the possibility to move back to our previous town in a year or so if things don't change and we can't get used to this new life. +I would like to keep this house as investment if possible and rent it. Depending on the house but rents in the neighborhood are in the range of $2. 3k - $3.3k/month. I would need to rent my house around $2.6k to barely cover mortgage, and scrow expenses. I see currently houses like mine are renting on the $3k line so maybe there is a chance. + +So like my question says, there are much bigger and better houses by this area that are posted at $4k, $5k, $6k and even more, do these houses get actually rented at that price? That seems pretty expensive to me honestly and can't see people paying that much for rent, so just want to get opinion from the experts. + +Thanks. +I grew up knowing my family had money, but always being told it was not mine. My grandparents, and parents, were definitely fat. + +I married a person who was not a good steward of any good fortune we were allowed; the best thing I ever did was divorce him and devote myself to becoming independent and solvent. The problem is, he knows my family history and is constantly telling our (grown) children that “your mother will handle it, she’s got all that money”. + +Except…I don’t? I mean, according to the faqs of this thread, in my last ten years I have elevated myself to fat status, which seems crazy, by a combination of really good real estate returns, working like mad, and basically being frugal and handy as all get out. My parents always delighted in their toys and things- and in telling me, always, it’s our money, not yours. Fine. I don’t have near what they did, but I’m well positioned, have a paid off house and car, and a permanent income I can’t comfortably spend alone. I try to ease my kids’ lives by taking care of their school loans and throwing them holiday treat yourself bonuses. I bank/invest close to 50% of my income. I haven’t worked for over two years. + +My mother passed away right before Covid. My father had a stroke the year proceeding that, and caught Covid last year, which basically flayed open his brain and showed us how much he had not recovered. Between my mother compensating/covering for him and a year of lockdown, no one really had a chance to evaluate him. She left her money in a generation skipping trust- she said because she didn’t trust my husband, although we’d been long divorced when she said it- I see none of it. The trusts also cover my father’s care. His other finances are overseen by my “local” sister, even though I moved home for a year and a half to take care of him and their….things. + +There are a LOT of things. This doesn’t seem strange to me on the one hand, but on the other explaining to people jokingly I’m a property and fleet manager is not exactly inaccurate, either. It’s kind of like being a mom, wife and secretary to a very confused bitter man who can’t always remember who I am, while my sister is my manager. My siblings essentially treat me like staff without a salary. + +Thankfully he is now placed in a very good memory care unit, and we do not need to sell anything like most people would expect. But. I am sick to death of managing an extended estate for no particularly good reason. For over a year I have said we need to to set a schedule for divesting personal effects before they lose value or utility and start costing us even more money. My father will never visit or use any of it ever again. I’m ready to tap out. + +I’ve been told to just go home, and I am, sort of. It’s just that I really feel conflicted about where I belong. Covid destroyed my “regular” life and support system. I live a different life in my parents’ world than I could geographically or financially sustain. My instinct before this was to be the conduit I was always told and expected to be- funnel and shuttle money to my kids. But honestly, they will inherit enough, granted at my death, to spring right to my parents’ level. They are young adults with their own lives away from me. I hate that their father essentially abdicated his responsibility to them and borrowed to live the life he thinks he was due but didn’t get from being married to me. They aren’t much interested in me either except for (usually) acknowledging Venmo deposits. I suspect they think I’m holding out on them, but I have always been transparent about my situation. Their father tells them I’m lying. + +I guess I’m looking for permission to violate the 4% rule and go a little crazy, but also for help with what that looks like. I’m in my mid 50s, and am acutely aware of the nurse or purse curse. I’ve also been schooled to save for the next generation- except anything I could add wouldn’t really dent their already anticipated inheritance. Depending on where I am/which life I’m inhabiting I’m perceived as way more or less well off than I am. Traveling seems fraught still- and I can’t quite do it at the level where it wouldn’t be. I have legitimate concerns about explaining any of this to anyone I might meet, friend or more, so I thought I’d try the internet. +Fellow shareholders, + +Just got off the phone with the Register in Chancery, who confirmed that GameStop has submitted their response to the Court! + +GameStop's letter responding to my summons should be on its way to me as well. + +The next date for this case, which is another boring kind of date, is December 21, when there will be a hearing to discuss further scheduling, as well as the Motion to Expedite I filed. + +Onward and upward. + +*Disclaimer: My name is JASON FUCKING WATER FALL. I'm not subject to an NDA or any kind of equivalent gag order regarding issues within GME's milieu. I haven't received information indicating an unreconciled number of ballots or votes cast in GameStop's 6/9 shareholder election exceeded the number of outstanding shares. I haven't received information indicating GameStop has been legally prevented from taking action projected to cause a systemic market event. I haven't received information indicating that the number of shares held by beneficial GameStop shareholders exceeds the number of outstanding shares. Epstein didn't kill himself and I won't either. I once touched Owen Hart's sweaty bicep as he walked out with Jim Neidhart at a house show. I have never met or knowingly spoken to Ryan Cohen, Matt Furlong, Michael Recupero, Mark Robinson, Tess Halbrooks, Greg Marose, Deep Fucking Value, Ken Griffin, Vlad Tenev, Steven Cohen, Maxine Waters, Elon Musk, Amber Ruffin, PFTCommenter, or Ariana Grande.* +This is a friendly reminder to everyone who is new to the market. The ~28% return we seen last year for the S&P is not normal, the market has been overinflated and this is a healthy pullback that is normal. If you bought X/VEQT or TEC and the recent swings have you nervous and losing sleep, maybe you should reallocate your funds when the market jumps back. Investing should not be stressful, or nerve wracking. The point of these funds is to set and forget it, if you can’t do that, you should find another fund with less volatility that helps you sleep at night. + +Don’t sell, continue to invest, and don’t panic. In 5-10 years you won’t even remember this pullback. +All you need for a tech license is a good background check, clean drug test, and some paid computer/on the job training. Most of these jobs on Indeed are listed at as either tech apprentice or pharmacy cashier. I’d say minimum pay around the US would be $15 an hour. + + If you like the work and would like to get Tech certification (you’re able to do tasks above and beyond just apprentice) they will also pay for classes on the clock and your test. This would earn you at least $1 an hour increase in pay. You can keep this certification (in your state) even if you leave the company as long as you stay up to date with paperwork. + +Company wide pay wages are set to increase in November. Minimum for pharmacy tech will be $17 an hour. Pay would be higher in larger markets. +In light of recent / ongoing comments from Parity team members on Twitter, a question is raised: does Parity have a conflict of interest working on both Polkadot and Eth 2.0? + +Example thread essentially bashing / FUDding ETH 2.0, while framing Polkadot in a very positive light: + +[https://twitter.com/5chdn/status/1096084730456489985](https://twitter.com/5chdn/status/1096084730456489985) + +&#x200B; + +Here is a comment from Afri on the thread above: [https://twitter.com/5chdn/status/1096420896288448512](https://twitter.com/5chdn/status/1096420896288448512) + +I don't really accept that the original tweetstorm was in good faith, and just sent "to stir a discussion", when you make comments like: + +*From a legacy chain client developer perspective, this will be a hell of a task to maintain the* [*~~$~~****ETH***](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24ETH&src=ctag) *1.x chain for another 2 or 3 years. From a d-app or contract developer perspective, projects like* [\*~~#~~\****Polkadot***](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Polkadot?src=hash) *will be much more interesting because you can already use them in 2019.* + +&#x200B; + +This, among other tweets and communication, is painting a narrative that intentionally misrepresents Polkadot and attempts to damage ETH. There are far more constructive ways that this discussion could be framed, and we should expect better from implementors that have received 5 million dollars to build ETH 2.0 just a few months ago. + +&#x200B; + +Should we as a community accept that a team that has received millions of dollars from the EF is directly building a so-called ETH-killer? Will this eventually lead to botched releases and development delays designed to minimize the success of ETH 2.0? Will it foster negligence a la the multisig bug? (Edit: This reads a bit conspiracy-esque, but was just pointing out what might happen if there is a large enough incentive mismatch. It's at least worth asking the question due to what we've seen happen with crypto in the past.) + +Looking to start an open discussion on this topic, all viewpoints welcome. +There will be a bunch of FUD posts saying "We need to know a plan in the conference call tomorrow/today, they owe it to us". They don't owe you shit. Let them continue executing. You just BUY and HOLD and DRS. (Not financial advice) + +These forums posts will be accompanied by butthole analysts making similar claims. + +For eg we already see: + +Butthole Henry and Moron Extraordinaire Pachter (who is essentially a random dart according to tip ranks). Didn't even bother to check Henry, he is an obvious moron and seems desperate for views. + +&#x200B; + +Purple Circle. Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle.Purple Circle. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2k9slgvl7lb91.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=2feb88370699458e9d609e219927379bfc488d9c + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/76i8ky7n7lb91.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=b86b4d9d124d37590e244c5714b841ac6932f762 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fdju6ddq7lb91.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dba2012ada1244b9662599ac7b40b59cfdb7983 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2lx3hcxr7lb91.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca3183c6d1fbcd5b4b5f05e92d0f0495291d3915 + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/vz4ik7) +I had an online meeting with an mortgage broker last week going though all our in and outgoings, savings, payslips etc. A couple of days later he comes back with an offer from Accord mortgages at 1.80% for 5 years. He's charging a £399 fee if we choose this mortgage + +When I stick my details into moneysupermarket or comparethemarket, I can get the exact same deal directly with no upfront fee. Also on both sites there are 9 other lenders available offering better rates. + +So my question is - Why would I pay the broker £399 when I can get it directly for no fee, or even choose a different lender with a better rate? +[Link to Draft Red Herring prospectus](https://listing.bseindia.com/download/363156/Zomato%20-%20DRHP%20(April%2027%202021)_20210428025429.pdf) + +Key Stats (INR Millions) + +|Particulars|9M 2021|FY2021\*|FY2020|FY2019| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|**Revenue**||||| +|Services|11,204|14,938|22,908|12,814| +|Goods|1,244|1,658|1,075|148| +|"Platform Services"?|564|752|2,063|162| +|**Total Revenue**|**13,013**|**17,530**|**26,047**|**13,125**| +|||||| +|**Key Expenses**||||| +|Salaries (excl ESOP)|4,397|5,862|7,003|5,007| +|ESOP|1,093|1,457|985|1,000| +|Advertisement|3,069|4,092|13,384|12,359| +|Outsourced Support Cost|3,633|4,844|20,937|13,300| +|Payment Gateway|420|560|737|606| +|||||| +|**Loss before exceptionals**|**(3,561)**|**(4748)**|**(22,635)**|**(22,101)**| +|Exceptionals|(3247)|(3247)|(1220)|11,999| +|||||| +|**Key Cash Flow**||||| +|Sale of MF Units|17,687|23,582|40,127|28,246| +|Purchase of MF\*\*|60,794|81,058|21,478|40,868| +|Issue of Shares|45,808|45,808|3916.1|22,644| +|**Net Cash Flow**|**826**|**1102**|**(495)**|**(1133)**| +|**Cash Balance**|**2,482**|**2,482**|**1672**|**2124**| + +\*The info published is 9 Month FY 2021 (April 20 to December 20) so the FY2021 figure is a simple 4/3 of 9 month figures. + +\*\*Purchases has been shown as positive only to avoid confusion. CFS presents it as a negative (Outflow). + +[Link to LivMint Article](https://www.livemint.com/market/mark-to-market/a-first-peek-at-zomato-s-key-financial-ratios-11619606481343.html) +First, Crypto Apes, if you're truly here, welcome! + +Just because crypto is crashing doesn't mean those that have invested until now are somehow chumps or previously delusional. They didn't crack open a GME Bible this weekend and go, "Holy shit! My life is a lie!" + +No. These are people who have been HODLing and buying the dip since GME was a curly hair on our unjacked tits; unnamed, unloved, unsightly. These folks know volatility and they are tenacious; staring at their markets 24/7/365, manually trading, swapping wallets, shitcoining, staking, and mining. They've seen their version of Robbinghoods, manipulation, and market crashes. Some have seen impressive gains. Others, catastrophic losses. They. Are. Us. + +Just like us, they've had hopes of riches due to equal parts tenacity, patience, balls, and faith. Often they've been investing in a method of responsible consensus that is the seed to the future that we GME Apes want: a fair, honest, accountable, and transparent market. + +IF this Crytpo crash is the gas to our steady flame and their joining in our fight is the weighted catalyst we've been begging for ... Thank them for taking up arms. If they're here, they're moving their resources from one war front to the other. They're not idiots. They're tacticians and they've been aware of us. The whole world has been aware of us. + +Apes together. Apes strong. The smooth brains and ants welcome their digital brother apes. Together, we'll win this. +I’m seeing this coming up in a few articles from The Age where they mention the move to hybrid arrangements will change where people can live and the type of property they need. + +While yes there are going to be some nice industries and roles where this will be the new norm, I’m already hearing of people in lower level roles (call centres and processing) being told to return to the office full time over the next month. + +What are your expectations for the majority of workers? +Brand new memecoin with doxxed founder and long-term plans, only $500k market cap. Charity coin with real usecase. Insanely active community. Get in now--don’t miss out! + +Pandas are fucking dope. Everyone knows that. And pink pandas are even more dope… since pink is for cancer, and by hodling PinkPanda you’re contributing to cancer charities. + +How could it get any better, you ask? Well, PinkPanda’s usecase is the first mobile-first, fully on-chain DEX on BSC that will allow you to trade coins with up to 5x margin/leverage! To prove the development prowess to the community, the team is launching the first version of the mobile app in less than a week. Wtf? Yeah. They are serious about this shit. + +And, of course, the most important thing: the community. It’s insane, dude. Trust me. Check it out, get in the telegram, and chill with your fellow pandas. + +Stealth launched to beat frontrunning bots...don’t believe me, look at the chart. + +&#x200B; + +TOKENOMICS: 5% to LP, 5% to hodlers. Unruggable. + +Contract: 0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 + +Check out the whitepaper: [https://t.me/PinkPandaDefi/2535](https://t.me/PinkPandaDefi/2535) + +Telegram: PinkPandaDefi + +Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6) +I’m currently a junior majoring in BA in Economics. I’m worried because I know some people who graduated with my major that ended up jobless. What are the jobs I can get with my degree after graduating without going to grad school? +Is there any common factor between them? + +According to IMF: Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan since 1997, Cyprus since 2001, Slovenia since 2007, Malta since 2008, Czech Republic since 2009, Slovakia since 2009, Estonia since 2011, Latvia since 2014, and Lithuania since 2015 +I made this Google Sheet so anyone here can track their stock portfolio. It works for US markets too. + +1. Open the file +2. Make a Copy (File > Make a copy) +3. Add your Stonks +4. Done! + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UhIf0tRlCBNfC1iH26Cbnm\_JC2vPOqrVk8kZW3eDul8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UhIf0tRlCBNfC1iH26Cbnm_JC2vPOqrVk8kZW3eDul8/edit?usp=sharing) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6flqr05e07f61.png?width=2598&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec453e3691dcd37498e33d5a7e1876a50c33530 +* Sell Calls on Green days and Puts on Red Days for the best outcome +* Patience.. Better to wait a bit for a stock to recover a bit to sell a more favorable call with a higher premium. Look at the price history and what you think the fair value of a stock is. +* Typically, don't buy a stock to open a position. Especially with meme stocks. +* If you sell a call price with a strike that you're okay with stick with it. Don't close out the position if you're afraid of assignment. If it gets assigned so be it and move to the next one. +* If you're up a good amount on your call right after you open the position just close it. Chances are it'll go back down and you can re-enter the position once it corrects. +* Nothing is "free money". +* If premiums are so low then it's probably not worth entering a position. "Pennies in front of a moving train" or something like that. +* Do not sell calls on your blue chip stocks. Save this for stocks you want to get rid of. + +&#x200B; + +Just some of my advice. Best of luck to the new option traders. +If the SHF and MM would have let GME squeeze they would have gotten away with all the fraud and been able to continue their scheme. Since they didn't let it squeeze, people got pissed, did research and have uncovered evidence indicating market-wide fruad, collusion and racketeering. + +Those greedy fuks couldn't let us have anything, now.....I HOPE THEY LOSE EVERYTHING. +Robinhood Was Behind Phantom Surge in Berkshire Hathaway Trade Volume, Study Finds + +New research suggests fractional trades caused an apparent trading frenzy in the stock last year + +&#x200B; + +By Alexander Osipovich + +Updated July 20, 2022 8:26 am ET + +&#x200B; + +A sudden surge in trading volumes in class A shares of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. confounded investors last year. Now, a trio of academics say they have solved the stock-market mystery. + +&#x200B; + +The jump in volumes was an illusion caused by a change in how Robinhood Markets Inc. reports fractional trades, according to a new study released Wednesday. + +&#x200B; + +The study suggests that volume data for many other stocks were inflated during the pandemic. Its authors blamed a “misguided” Financial Industry Regulatory Authority rule for how brokers should report fractional trades. + +&#x200B; + +“The Finra reporting rule for fractional trading has created significant distortions,” wrote the authors, who are professors at University of California, Berkeley, Columbia University and Cornell University. + +&#x200B; + +Robinhood declined to comment. A Finra spokesman said the regulator was aware of the concerns about its rule. “Finra is already actively working on the issue and is engaged in ongoing discussions with firms and regulators,” he said. + +&#x200B; + +Fractional trading allows investors to buy or sell slices of a share, instead of the whole thing. The feature has gained popularity in recent years as Robinhood and other brokers have rolled it out to their customers. + +&#x200B; + +Although fractional trading is available in many stocks, it is especially popular for stocks with high share prices, where it can be prohibitively expensive for a small investor to buy an entire share. And no stock is pricier than class A shares of Berkshire because of Mr. Buffett’s decadeslong refusal to split the stock. Known by the ticker BRK.A, they closed Tuesday at $425,110 a share. Most trading in Berkshire takes place in cheaper class B shares. + +&#x200B; + +Because the class A shares are so expensive, they have long been thinly traded. In 2019 and 2020, just 359 of them changed hands on an average day, translating to about $109 million worth of daily trading activity, according to FactSet. + +&#x200B; + +But reported volumes of the class A shares shot higher in mid-February 2021 and have stayed elevated ever since. From Feb. 18, 2021, through last week, average daily volume was nearly 1,900 shares, or more than $800 million in dollar terms, FactSet data shows. + +&#x200B; + +The volume surge prompted speculation in financial media outlets and Reddit forums. Some articles suggested that a mystery buyer was amassing class A shares. At Berkshire Hathaway itself, Mr. Buffett was puzzled by the reported volume numbers and believed they were wrong, but didn’t know the reason why, a person close to the company said. + +&#x200B; + +The reason, according to the new study, is that Robinhood began to comply with an obscure part of Finra’s rule on trade reporting. + +&#x200B; + +When firms execute private, off-exchange stock trades, they are required to report them to huge databases called trade reporting facilities. When such trades involve fractional amounts of less than one share, Finra requires firms to report the trades as though they were for one whole share. Thus, a small investor’s purchase of just 1/100th of a share would count as a purchase of one whole share. The authors call it the “Rounding Up” rule. + +&#x200B; + +Since the trade reporting facilities are a key source of publicly available data on buying and selling activity, investors end up seeing inflated numbers for trading volume, the authors write. Such distortions are bigger for stocks with a large degree of fractional trading. + +&#x200B; + +The Finra spokesman noted that most systems for reporting U.S. stock trades weren’t designed to handle the entry of trades with a fractional quantity of shares. “The Finra guidance on trade reporting needs to be understood in that context,” he said. + +&#x200B; + +Robinhood launched fractional trading in late 2019, but initially it didn’t report such trades to Finra’s trade reporting facility, the brokerage disclosed earlier this year. “Since then, Finra has informed us that such trades should be reported. As a result, we began reporting fractional shares in January 2021,” Robinhood said in a securities filing. + +&#x200B; + +The three professors write that Robinhood began reporting Berkshire class A trades on Feb. 12, 2021, and stepped up its reporting of the shares over the following week. They pinpointed the trades reported by Robinhood by identifying its electronic “signature”—a slight delay, measured in tiny fractions of a second, in the time it takes for trades to be broadcast over public data feeds. The delay associated with Robinhood’s trades differs from that of other brokers, making it possible to distinguish which trades originated with Robinhood customers. + +&#x200B; + +Using the same technique, the authors found that another brokerage started reporting trades in Berkshire class A shares last year: DriveWealth LLC. Though it isn’t a household name, DriveWealth handles stock trades for a variety of investing apps including Block Inc.’s Cash App and Revolut. It was also an early player in fractional trading, saying on its website that it “helped pioneer fractional share trading in 2015.” + +&#x200B; + +Starting in October, hundreds of trades in Berkshire class A shares with DriveWealth’s signature started appearing each day on public data feeds, the authors found. That fueled a further increase in reported trading volumes. Since then, some 95% of the trades reported in Berkshire class A shares have borne either Robinhood’s or DriveWealth’s signatures—evidence that the vast majority of reported volume in the shares is being caused by small investors’ fractional trades, the authors write. + +&#x200B; + +DriveWealth declined to comment. + +&#x200B; + +The authors of the study called for Finra’s rule to be revised. Until that happens, they warned that reported trading volumes for many stocks—not just Berkshire class A shares—may be distorted. + +&#x200B; + +“Given its unusually high stock price, BRK.A is in many ways simply an exaggerated example of how Finra’s rule along with the rise in fractional trading creates phantom, non-existent trading volume across all stocks,” they write. +Not a shareholder, but the price has come so low that even if it goes to zero(which is unlikely)that I might just buy some. I know all about the VIE risk, delisting risk, geopolitics etc., but even then the price rn is worth the uncertainty. + +I was going through their quarterly earnings and something that I do not understand is that their income has gone down by 86% this quarter because of an impairment of goodwill relating to their Digital Media and Entertainment group. I understand that this is a non-cash expense, however management did not provide any further details regarding this in the earnings release or earnings call. I am interested because it means that the asset which has been impaired has lost significant or all its future earning power, which affects future cash flows. If someone could provide some insight into which asset this was and why this asset's goodwill had to be impaired, it would be helpful. + + +PS- Many people seem to be randomly commenting about the stock. It would be helpful if you could answer the question I asked and then add something else, if necessary. +Okay for you long-term holders that actually have sold now. Why? + +Why did you sell and betting on that the market that have already been obliterated is going down even more? In the stock market we only have a few and far between recessions and crashes. If you look at history it has always been the best buying opportunity's (Even tho you didn't buy the bottom). + +People may argue that all financial systems comes to an end at some point and that point is now. I agree but disagree that it's now and argue that we can't know when. At some point in time our financial system will come to end like all financial systems in history. The problem is that if the stock market goes to zero because everything is basically chaos I can tell you right now the economy of US would have already defaulted. Which means that even if you sold everything you owned your cash would be worth zero. So it's basically pointless to predict a dooms day scenario because if it happens it happens and it's nothing you can do to prevent chaos. + +Don't buy gold. It's so unnecessary to hold gold if you're going to sell it as soon the market reverses for you to be late in. + +I don't think "long-term" investors that have sold now can be called long-term investors anymore.. I understand if you sell a company that you don't think gonna make it under a pressured economy but otherwise you shouldn't invest anymore (If you can't hold and buy the dip). + +To make it more fun to discuss.. What stocks have you sold because you don't think it will make it through a pressured economy? + +Buy buy buy.. . And lets talk about how much money we made afterwards when the economy is back up again! +TORONTO, April 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Medivolve Inc. (“Medivolve”) (NEO:MEDV; OTC:COPRF; FRA:4NC) a healthcare investment management company that seeks out disruptive technologies, ground-breaking innovations and exclusive partnerships to help combat COVID-19, today announced that David Preiner has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective immediately. Preiner will succeed Doug Sommerville, who will assist as a transitionary advisor to the new CEO. As Medivolve’s CEO, Preiner will lead a team of computer scientists, engineers, and physicians to build a next-generation, data-driven healthcare system set to transform human health management across the United States... + +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/medivolve-announces-appointment-david-preiner-113000178.html +I've been watching documentaries/interviews surrounding the financial crash of 2008 and one thing that's pretty consistent - and I do see in everyday life - is how little people seem to understand what the rate on their mortgage means and how even a small increase in that number could lead to problems. + +I wondered if there are other examples of this you've seen in real life, especially if they're quite common. Things that we really should have a better and wider understanding about. +In my home Australian state of Victoria, a state which privatised its electricity assets in the late 1990s, electricity providers have profit margins of [around 17%.](https://grattan.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Price-shock-is-the-retail-market-failing-consumers.pdf) + +Another example from down under is our public transportation. Our metropolitan train system is run by Metro, a joint venture, in which MTR holds 60% of the stake. Metro is paid over [1B dollars in subsidies to run the network, and made a profit of over 40 million dollars after tax in 2015.](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/melbournes-billiondollar-rail-system-sells-passengers-short-20150325-1m7jze.html) + +Our tram system was also franchised at the same time as the train system, and KDR Victoria, another joint venture, this time between the French transport operator Keolis, and the Australian-based engineering firm Downer. Keolis is the senior partner in this venture, with a 51% stake. [They've made a 78 million dollar profit so far.](https://www.theage.com.au/opinion/the-real-cost-of-our-metro-public-transport-system-20170131-gu2b4j.html) + +Wouldn't it be better to take public transportation into government hands and use millions of dollars in profit a year to improve services rather then ship it all overseas? + +Someone will probably say that non-government operators are more efficient, but the simple fact is that in these 2 franchises, the senior partners are both government owned. Keolis is 70% owned by the French government, and MTR is 76% owned by the Hong Kong government. Any efficiency improvements which have materialised as a result of these franchises are attributable to governments, not to the private sector. + +[I see economists promote privatisation and deregulation all the time as a way to lower prices for consumers and increase customer satisfaction](https://theconversation.com/why-touted-public-transport-savings-from-competitive-tendering-are-too-high-78527), yet when it comes to natural monopolies, those supposed benefits always fail to materialise. So is there really a real argument against government ownership of natural monopolies? + +Believe me when I say I'm not soapboxing here. I'm just providing some examples, and would readily change my mind if someone gives me a good answer. +Michael Saylor makes the argument that in comparison to engineering and other disciplines, Economics as a field uses rudimentary measures and analysis that would be unusable in any other field of science. For example, complex engineering problems require n-dimensional vectors to measure things like fluid dynamics, but economists will measure things like inflation or money velocity as a scalar. Saylor argues that inflation and money velocity (among other things) are vectors, not scalars, and that measuring them in this way leads to an incomplete analysis. +This is a throwaway account, don't ever post on Reddit but I desperately need advice + +For Context, I live in NY, in a low-income neighborhood with my mom and my brother (19) and I just found the rent under the door and it checked out to be around 8k+. + +My mom is very secretive and doesn't like talking about money or anything for that matter, she's been collecting unemployment, and so have I and my brothers been working (security job). I brought up the rent to her this morning and she basically broke down and talked about how she made some mistakes with her money in the past and was paying that off first. + +I didn't know my mom was struggling this much I basically assumed we were fine since she was doing some side job and had unemployment kicking in, the rent is normally $900 a month, and if she talked to use prior we could have helped her easily get rid of this. I think we have until the 15th in order to get this resolved, it doesn't seem like my mom has much money, my brother bought an old car so he's been pretty financially unstable. since unemployment kicked in I've saved around 10k+, I want to know whats the best move to make for myself and the wellbeing of my mother. she's also thinking of moving in order to avoid the rent but I'm not sure how that works, please any advice is appreciated, I honestly don't want to give up all my savings but I need some guidance. +Say a business donates 30 million to medical research. Is that counted as an investment or is not counted as part of GDP since it's technically not a market transaction? +I don’t really have anyone to celebrate this with, but I have a job now! I’ve technically only been unemployed for 1 month but it’s been really hard. I had to quit my job last month after I had a bad breakdown and ended up cutting myself. I was then placed in a psychiatric hospital for about 10 days so that I wouldn’t hurt myself and so I could be put on some medication. I had to leave my living situation as that’s what caused me to have my bad breakdown. + +I got denied for unemployment and my bank account is currently in the negatives, but i’m trying so hard to think positives. I got hired as a CNA in a nursing home and I will be making close to $16 and hour, which is the most i’ve ever gotten at a job! I’m just feeling relieved right now and wanted to share this news!😊 + +Edit: Thank you so much to all you for your kind words. I didn’t think anyone would read my post. This means the world to me, especially hearing your words of encouragement. For all you struggling right now, please stay strong, it will get better!❤️ +Fellow retards, godspeed today on our $GME $BB $AMC $BBBY whatever else journey, these days are historic and the fight must go on. + +BUT KNOW that we have been under the watchful eye of not simply lurkers, BUT STILL REMAIN UNDER THE CROSSHAIRS OF EVERY MAJOR PLAYER IN THE GAME of the stock market. + +With such a significant growth, I'm not so sure if the dust has settled, but trades being blocked and manipulation being the climax thus far (until ape together strong break through TO THE MOOOOOON), with such a huge influx of newcomers mixed with a shit ton of bots and other fake ass joiners, YOU MUST PROVIDE YOUR OWN DD AND ASSESS EVERYTHING YOU SEE! + +We are not a legion or some organisation or the very establishment we hate. We all have our own reasons to be here, but we are standalones at the end of the day. DON'T FORGET AND BE BURNED FOR IT. + +Godspeed retards, may our tendies be OUT OF ROBINHOOD FOREVER +I'll start. I work in healthcare in WA for last 20yrs. Business is booming. I've never seen so many job ads for nurses, doctors, pharmacists, admin assitants etc. Only risk is, in WA, (and I don't like it) we are so dependent on iron ore that if there is a hiccup in China, we'll slow down very quickly. +Do you hear that? + +The bells are ringing. + +If you haven’t been paying attention to the markets the last 6 hours, you should be. BNB is on it’s breakthrough, and it's the perfect time to take a dive into a project with passion... and $HAPPY has given us plenty to be looking forward to over the next few weeks.. + +**With a solidified community consisting of over 70k holders, and a market cap of $17m**, the opportunity and potential should be enough to make your eyes wide and your mouth wet. + +BNB is on an upwards trajectory, and I doubt it’s stopping for gas anytime soon. So let's ride this wave and take the opportunity to surf on a project with solid fundamentals that can utilize the moment and **push to a new high.** + +You might be wondering why Happy? + +With an experienced doxxed founder at the helm; **the project stands out as a solid team full of experience to lead a mission to heights yet seen in the crypto market**. Just last week the team doxxed yet another member with extraordinary credentials. It just keeps getting better for Happy. + +Did I forget to mention the founder is in LA right now, securing partnerships (**Jesse Wellens - 10M YT subs**) that would make your knees WEAK? Yeah, you heard that right. You want marketing? Happy has that covered. + +But it gets better. + +Just yesterday the founder announced a new utility for the token - HappySwap, a place to buy and sell direct from the site. Furthermore a new NFT marketplace is set to roll out mid June & additionally there might be a way to partner with professional centres to provide online sessions to Happy holders. + +Next donation is on Friday and I hear it's going to be a very important one. You can tune into their livestream, and see for yourself. + +Personally, i'm excited for what's to come. + +💛 [Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) +Do you hear that? + +The bells are ringing. + +If you haven’t been paying attention to the markets the last 6 hours, you should be. BNB is on it’s breakthrough, and it's the perfect time to take a dive into a project with passion... and $HAPPY has given us plenty to be looking forward to over the next few weeks.. + +**With a solidified community consisting of over 70k holders, and a market cap of $17m**, the opportunity and potential should be enough to make your eyes wide and your mouth wet. + +BNB is on an upwards trajectory, and I doubt it’s stopping for gas anytime soon. So let's ride this wave and take the opportunity to surf on a project with solid fundamentals that can utilize the moment and **push to a new high.** + +You might be wondering why Happy? + +With an experienced doxxed founder at the helm; **the project stands out as a solid team full of experience to lead a mission to heights yet seen in the crypto market**. Just last week the team doxxed yet another member with extraordinary credentials. It just keeps getting better for Happy. + +Did I forget to mention the founder is in LA right now, securing partnerships (**Jesse Wellens - 10M YT subs**) that would make your knees WEAK? Yeah, you heard that right. You want marketing? Happy has that covered. + +But it gets better. + +Just yesterday the founder announced a new utility for the token - HappySwap, a place to buy and sell direct from the site. Furthermore a new NFT marketplace is set to roll out mid June & additionally there might be a way to partner with professional centres to provide online sessions to Happy holders. + +Next donation is on Friday and I hear it's going to be a very important one. You can tune into their livestream, and see for yourself. + +Personally, i'm excited for what's to come. + +💛 [Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) +Like the total mass-energy of universe constant, is wealth constant and just keeps changing hands or can it be created? + + +PS: I am a high school science student with economics as a optional subject (who intends to switch to a Econ degree in college) so the question and the analogy may sound super stupid. Sorry and Thanks + + + + +Edit: Thanks for response everyone. +I’m 56 & well into my investment journey. A thought occurred to me for young people to consider, and I figured I’d make my first post: + +Am I correct to advise young people to not over think retirement saving? If a 401K is available, at least invest up to the % a company will match. + +If not, find a Roth IRA and invest post-tax money as much as you can reasonably afford. + +I think getting in the game/habit of saving is super important, and young people may be paralyzed due to fear and/or too many choices. They may also get poor advice from family. + +Thoughts? +I'm new to dividends and I'm looking forward to reaching my first goal of $40 monthly because it will pay my monthly internet bill 😝. I'm building a passive income portfolio that will first knock out my small monthly bills like internet, mobile, Netflix, etc so what advice can you guys give a novice like me? +Hi, Tenant here. + +Please start offering to prospective tenants the opportunity to build credit through responsible and on time rent payment. It creates good will, and shows that you are committed to doing things right. + +Many renters are trapped in a cycle where they cannot build credit or savings to realize their desire of owning a house, and the dignity/wealth building that it comes with. + +The least a Landlord could do to curb the growing hatred of their practice, would be simple steps like this. + +Thanks to u/arsewarts1 for providing [this nerdwallet.com article ](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/rent-reporting-services) , containing information on how to get started with reporting credit for rent payments, and how it might not actually be the best interest for certain types of renters. + +Thanks to u/LordAshon for proving [this Urban.com article](https://www.urban.org/urban-wire/using-rental-payments-mortgage-decisions-could-create-more-inclusive-housing-finance) , which goes into much more detail and provides critical analysis of how payment histories are used in mortgage underwriting determinations. +I was interested in making a YouTube channel about Poverty Finance, so I did. + +First of all, if you find this to be too self promoting, please take the post down. + +That being said, I made a post on if you guys would like a YouTube channel that talks about Poverty Finance ([Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/gckih5/thinking_about_starting_a_poverty_finance_youtube/)). It got a decent amount of feedback, and I took that as motivation to get started. I planned and shot the first video to keep the momentum going ([Why being poor is so expensive? - First Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMQMSc89Va4&t=0s)). I'll let you guys decide if it's worth subscribing too and sharing, but I know that I wish there was a channel like this when I was growing up just show I could show my mother some potential ways we could have a better life. Let me know what you guys think, and if you want me to make a video about a specific topic, let me know in the comments below. + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: Asked reddit if we needed a youtube channel about Poverty Finance, they said yes, so I made one. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h4yf2ga1m7371.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=141c39c84ace8e358ed7dd0e8dbc0a63768c03e0 + + Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5959ao23m7371.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5dfef5ad7866f3691b9cbc9640db9f0613da721 + +&#x200B; + +https://reddit.com/link/ns0ngh/video/wx5400b4m7371/player + + + +Be sure to vote with your shares, don't think it won't matter because it does, over-voting would show there are lots of things being wrong and would give the company a much needed excuse to call their votes back in. + +Also for the 6/9 (nice) annual shareholders meeting, remember that we will most likely not see a lot happen to the stock immediately after this because if they have something planned (NFT/Dividend/ recounting their own shares etc) it can be mentioned there but could still take some time before it can be implemented. + +Like the NFT is set to launch around the 14th of July, if they were to give a dividend it could also be a few weeks, a recount can take a lot longer though, due to the audit process being very specific it may take a month or maybe longer (I can't say, or imagine, how long auditing the shares would take as this is a scale because the situation unprecedented) and there is a chance the vote count can be doctored to make sure it shows a non accurate vote count, regardless of everything just hodl and wait, as news reports have already stated SHF have list close to 2 billion usd just from Monday till Wednesday, but also these are "paper" losses as there is only an actual loss once they close their positions. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlpz4h/your\_votes\_are\_important\_the\_time\_to\_vote\_is\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlpz4h/your_votes_are_important_the_time_to_vote_is_now/) + +Please go out and vote! there are only a few days left that you can, I believe the official cut off date is the 6th. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3x052r4im7371.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=5300c8a9122c11248fe20fbf7470b3ce96c49488 + +# Reverse Repo + +And it's back up ladies and gentlemen, as of 6/3/2021 it has increased back to $479B with only 40 counterparties. This nearly matches the all-time-high with 13 less members meaning they'll soon be hitting that sweet 80 billion limit, after that... no clue what will happen. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[\*plays it's always sunny in Philadelphia theme\*](https://preview.redd.it/sczlf0byr7371.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1c4bf1823a49836a96bd7a54b474a73c1c3faf) + +# Morning Sunshine + +It seems that the SEC meeting of the sunshine act finally went through, this meeting was cancelled about 5 or 6 times in the past months, but it's only Gary's 7th week, he can't be expected how to do meetings so fast. + +[https://www.sec.gov/news/upcoming-events/closed-meeting-060321](https://www.sec.gov/news/upcoming-events/closed-meeting-060321) + +&#x200B; + +# OCC-2021-003 to be implemented TODAY + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vl3ndaupo7371.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9a8cf35a74a778482f27e3db09465e81f61c711 + +Kowalski? Boom? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hi3bafhan7371.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=adb25fe649f22f9fd13e2b0330987715946ecdfa + +Also this one is still missing + +# When someone gives you a Jeffrey + +Ok seems someone found something big yesterday [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrgdlo/this\_is\_huge\_news\_investment\_banking\_company/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrgdlo/this_is_huge_news_investment_banking_company/) + +The tldr is Investment banking Company Jeffries suspends short sells on GME AMC and MVIS + +Jeffries is a prime broker, and is used by GME for their Share offerings, so they are not the biggest player, but big imo nonetheless. + +His thread has a bit more details so if you'd like to know more I'd advise checking that out ;) + +&#x200B; + +[Gamestop 10k filing from march](https://preview.redd.it/nsqhaqmuq7371.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab894aa5b3b1a7809f1b544c1f4b33e8eaa1c751) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ijtz8au6o7371.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=75be5571808d0a52c98e85e61ebb9e2e4ea8a0d2 + +Now onto something a bit more speculative + +# TWEETS! + +Going to be honest seeing u/deepfuckingvalue shitpost memes again, I just love it but lets focus on our boy RC first, + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sfrfkr3kp7371.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=feb60a05885200a78fda27f32a56a1ec7d0897af + +I personally think that R.I.P. Dumb ass is litteral, there is no hidden meaning here other then he's finished the backroom stuff and is now just gloating, the dumb ass who tried to fuck GME over are now on the brink of collapse themselves. + +Now the Sears being demolished is a tricky one as there are a lot of different options as to what it can pertain to. + +it could be a link to the SEC's ARS + +&#x200B; + +[credit to u\/piefke\_](https://preview.redd.it/da8sfmchq7371.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7b9c1bc7187712261cf3bd65b9def33bb2211d7) + +it could be how Sears had it's downfall in 2018 [https://www.investopedia.com/news/downfall-of-sears/](https://www.investopedia.com/news/downfall-of-sears/) + +or it could be a cheeky reference with the "Rip Dumb ass" tweet that this is slowly happening to the SHF + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jdx30oq0r7371.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e88d5d1141bd7f2a6f477d807d4149c00aae4cf + +Now onto some exciting news + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hf7r4xc5r7371.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3fbf1d1da6be19399f8060ee5aa72ad45b07f59 + +# 4 Trading days left + +There are only 4 trading days left until the annual shareholder meeting. Again I'd say expect fuckery as always, expect them trying to tank the price, expect idiots spreading FUD expect everything. + +But I'm still bullish for the Annual shareholders meeting, Again I personally don't expect them to know the full amount of naked shares out there by then, but I do expect some sort of message saying they're officially going to look into it, I'm expecting a roadmap of the future of the company, I expect some AWESOME Q1 numbers (with the hype that's been on GME since early jan, the amount of consoles bought of the new cycle, nintendo switches donated to childrens hospitals, apes saying "nah not going to amazon I'll get it from GME", all that combined will make for some killer announcements and earnings. + +I'm Jaqued because of this alone. + +But do keep in mind, if you were on the other side, you'd try to stretch the inevitable until you couldn't anymore and it just blows up, so don't expect anything to happen on the day itself, as I've seen here on the sub many a times + +"it can be the best day ever, or it can be just another ordinary day" + +so.. be Jaqued, but only to about 60%, we can party once this is over 😉 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y8eg6szjs7371.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=46ecd2471dd9ea27f05ebfa006357b7caa2c3482 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wleo70tms7371.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=03bfc62b5516d1d32306ca061f3f373da44bf307 + + + +remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +**Countdown to the Annual shareholder meeting 5 days to go, and only 4 trading days, LETSGOOO! LFG** +Hello there, + +A friend of ours is offering to loan us a substantial amount of money - above £100k. This would be written up officially as a loan through solicitors. However, they are very wealthy and have said we do not need to pay this back, which is amazing. So really, the money would be a gift. I believe they want to do it this way due to tax reasons. + +We plan to use this to clear our mortgage. +My worry, however, is that they would have recourse to recover this money from us at any point if they decide to as it will be written up as a loan. + +If we take this gift/loan from them, and then as agreed, don’t repay, how do we protect ourselves from them coming after it. We will obviously speak to our solicitor about this in depth, but is there a way to write in a clause about this to the agreement? such as ‘the loaner agrees that after 5years the debt is written off’. Or is this not a safe way to do it. I’m just concerned that there will be no repayments from us to them to show if they bring it up. + +I am leaning towards saying we would rather take the tax hit to have the money as a gift. + +To be clear, I don’t think they would come after the money, but circumstances do change and you never know. + +Edit to add. We already own our home, not looking to move or buy another property and the person is unlikely (and hopefully won’t) die within 7 years. I’m not sure their reasoning for it being a loan actually now I’ve properly read up of gift tax. However, if there was no loan contract, would that be better or worse for us in the eventuality they wanted it back? + +Also to add, we were worried about ringing our lender and paying off the money and saying it was a gift, or a loan. Will they question where the money came from. Perhaps that was the reason behind friend saying it needs to be a loan? (Sorry, my husband has been speaking to friend as it is his connection. My brain is the one wondering about the finer details, it took us an age to get on the property ladder, I don’t want to mess anything up!) +24M here. I’m sure there are many of you who are as conflicted as I am from influence of older generations and social surroundings on the whole saving vs. living conundrum. I’m a fairly level-headed person, understanding the importance of saving for my future but the struggle is achieving so without guilt. I’m constantly told by older generations to “save as much as you can to secure your future”, but then others say “enjoy your youth while you can”. For years I’ve tried to save fairly well whilst also living my life, but I feel so much guilt when spending money to enjoy life. There’s just so much financial pressure of the near-future, along with doom and gloom on media and everywhere I look that make me feel bad for wanting to enjoy life while I’m alive on this precious earth. I understand it’s important to set yourself up for now to enjoy later, but where do you draw the line? Do any of you feel like you had/have this same issue? How do you manage to alleviate yourself from the worries of the future whilst being able to enjoy your life? +First one you enter too late. You probably heard about people making crazy returns on the news or from some of your friends. + +Second one you’re still greedy and inexperienced. Probably take profits too early or wait till it’s too late, don’t know how to recognise a top. + +Third one you already enter with loaded bags and take healthy profits along the way. You realise when the market is cooling off and exit accordingly. + +Experience matters guys. +In the past I have posted various tips and strategies to help one in their Day Trading. + +I honestly believe in giving back to a community that you have prospered in - so that is the only reason I am here. This is a hard field to get into and a difficult journey for most. The reward at the end is definitely worth it, but the road there is filled with scams, pitfalls, losses and frustration. If I can help any of you avoid some of what I and others had to face, I am happy to assist. + +Also please know that while there are resources I recommend, I do not benefit or work for any service, channel or platform. My recommendations are my personal opinion based on what I have experienced, nothing more. I detest scams and hate the schills pushing those scams even more. I am an independent trader who trades with my own money. + +Hopefully some of you were able to get in on WOOF, AAPL, DOCU and ROKU longs today, or WYNN, FCX and CLX shorts. They all followed Relative Strength and Weakness against SPY strategy and were slam-dunk trades. + +OK - some other tips in addition to those I already posted: + +**1) Don't Trade Your P&L, Trade the Charts** \- When it comes to the question of "When should I exit?" your answer should be - based on the charts, not how much you are up or down on the trade. You never want to be making decisions out of fear of loss or greed. I exit a trade when the logic behind originally taking the trade no longer applies. Stocks will retrace but as long as it doesn't violate the why you got into the trade to begin with, there usually isn't a good reason to exit other than watching your P&L. Exit based on the technicals and you will find your win rate increase dramatically. + +**2) Focus on Win Rate -** Yes, I know the argument - one can have a 95% win rate and still lose money if they blow it all on that 5%. However, this should not happen if you are applying the same rules to every trade. When your strategy isn't working and you exit, the loss should not be so much that it overcomes many wins. The most important thing you can do is have a solid strategy that maintains a win rate of 80%. The best way to get to that point, no matter how much is in your account, is to practice your strategy with a very small position size, I am talking only a few shares, one contract on options, etc. (this will also help you practice not focusing on the P&L). Do not increase your position size until you get that win rate up to that 80% mark. + +**3) Don't Over-Complicate Things -** I have seen some setups where people have tons of indicators on their charts, lines are everywhere, clouds and Fibs, and then underneath is a constant stream of lines crossing each other all over the damn place. Keep it clean. I have SMA 50,100,200 and VWAP. I look at the True Strength Index and Relative Strength vs SPY. If I am scalping I will put the 3/8 EMA's up for the 1 Min charts. Technical Analysis is great, but with enough indicators you can convince yourself of anything, "There is an inverse Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4 hour chart, with the RSI saying it is oversold and a MACD cross!" You don't want to search for facts to confirm your theory, and having too many indicators lets you do just that. + +**4) Momentum Trading - Fun and Dangerous -** Yeah, we all love momentum trading. Watching a stock go from $6 to $7.50 in the span of 10 minutes. And then you wait for your pullback, jump in around $7.10, and proceed to watch it drop all the way back down to $6 because nobody ever wants to exit a momentum trade. You always think the next burst is one candle away. You know what does work? Around 90 minutes into trading today I notice that AAPL $129.24 after it already jumped up on the open. I also notice that SPY was dropping and AAPL wasn't. I went long AAPL at this point and stayed long, all the way to $130.30 which happened right before close. Was it as exciting as watching GRAY go from $6.50 to $8.50 after-hours last week? No. But I will take the AAPL trade every time. Because the AAPL trade will pay off almost every time. + +**5) Trading Doesn't Stop When The Market Closes -** You should be looking through your trades for the day, analyzing what went wrong and what went right. Looking at the chart and putting alert lines on various stocks you are watching for tomorrow. Creating watchlists and doing overall market analysis. Day Trading is a full-time job. + +**6) Stop Rushing Into Trades -** Yes, I know it is Day Trading and you don't want to miss the move. But you need to take a breath. Look at the charts, where is support? where is resistance? Are there a lot of bag holders right above this price? How does the daily chart look? Is the relative volume over 1.5? Is it strong/weak against the market? What is your best play, stock? options? a spread? Yeah, it takes time to do this, and with experience it will take less time, but you can't simply say - SRNE is moving I am going long and then jump in. Know what price you want to get it at, and what price your target is, then rely on the charts to get you to your goal. + +**7) Careful Following Trades -** When you follow someone else into a trade without knowing what their strategy is you may find yourself stuck well after they have already exited. People tend to post their trades pretty quickly, but generally post their exits well after the fact. If you are relying on someone else for your trades, make sure you have your own exit strategy. + +Seven tips seems like enough for a Monday. + +Keep in mind, everything I tell you and post is geared towards one thing - becoming a consistently profitable Day Trader. That is the goal. There are no shortcuts to it, no version of it where you trade for the first hour and then go about your day (yes, there are people who do that, even some that do it successfully, but the odds are stacked against you if that is your plan). This is about knowing you will have between $X and $X dollars of profit at the end of every month that you can pay yourself as a salary. And that years from now, you will still have that. + +I plan on posting about Day Trading Options next. As always, happy to answer any questions. I also want to thank everyone for their messages and questions, I try to get to them all, it just takes some time. + +EDIT: I just went long SRNE after-hours at $9.55 and plan on carrying into tomorrow. + +EDIT 2: sold for scratch pre-market , no volume +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +First warning was, 'you might remember me from such DD as'... ( u/Bobsmith808 pulled this playing people on options ) 2nd was it's going to be a bloodbath so stay away... When hasn't it been a bloodbath? It's been a bloodbath for hedgies for a year and half now. We are immune to sudden price drops, FUD, and trust me bros. I've been on here enough to know an organic post vs a pushed post. + +Edit: Well shit this post got popular quick too. Now I'm the asshole. All I'm saying is take everything with a grain of salt. Put on your critical thinking hats. If u/thabat is telling the truth I apologize profusely, and will buy the shit out of that dip. + +Edit Edit: In regards to the post saying I'm trying to drive dd writers out of town, this couldn't be further from the truth. I've been here since the Jan sneeze and I have seen multiple DD writers push youtube channels, Fud, or try to get jackasses like Mark Cahodes to come onto Superstonk using the "Im a DD writer so trust me on this" angle. At this point I'm skeptical of anything without evidence regardless if you write DD or not. u/thabat's post got over 4k upvotes, and over 40 awards early in the morning very quickly which I found suspicious. Then of course it happens to my post to which I apologize to u/thabat. Again, I'm not trying to drive anyone out, especially not DD writers. Thank you u/thabat for writing up DD, that shit aint even remotely easy, and again I apologize for casting serious doubt on anyone who doesn't deserve it. I've just learned to be skeptical, maybe to a fault. +Why is it that we can’t identify a bubble? We can identify price and value. Is it because future growth might justify the prices, and we can’t predict that future growth? Still it seems there must be a price that future growth could not realistically justify. +**TA;CR: Ape always ask ‘Wen Moon’, but not ‘How Moon?’ This is the way to ‘How Moon’.** + +The financial media’s criticism of Gamestop for the past year and a half was the lack of direction and forward statements from the company outlining a path to profitability. The developments from the company show that it is well on the way to addressing a share of a digital gaming assets and collectibles market worth well over $400 billion with a double digit industry CAGR. In other words, the NFT marketplace is positioned under a ton of rocket fuel, and Gamestop is one of the first movers in this space. The bear thesis is heavily reliant on Gamestop being left behind as gaming turns digital. This bull thesis is predicated on Gamestop becoming the next destination for all things gaming and collectible. + +In this DD, I will be examining the rise and fall of Gamestop, which forms the bear thesis. I will then rend and tear the bear thesis brick by brick using verifiable, factual information from official statements, channel partners, market research, and the company reports. Don’t trust me, read it for yourself and make your own decisions because it’s your money, your investment, and you are the only one responsible for the soundness of your investment. I am too retarded to give financial advice and like the stock. I believe that hype can only move a stock price so far, the company needs fundamentals to stand on in order to bring long term value. Today, I present those fundamentals. Buckle up. + +**Part I, The Rise and Fall of Gamestop** + +Once upon a time in 1984, two dudes from Harvard opened up a video game retailer named after an ancient computer nerd, Babbage’s. It became a major player in the sale of video game cartridges in the United States, providing market data like this chart here from 1994: + +&#x200B; + +[From EGM 68](https://preview.redd.it/4t980cqptnk91.jpg?width=1844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3831a176129bffd741af9ffec971639d401dd29c) + +Through a series of sales and mergers, it became the Gamestop we know today. In the cartridge and disc era of gaming (from 8 bit consoles up to the Wii), Babbage’s became a major retailer that saw up to 75% of sales coming from video games. It would later acquire rival retailer Electronics Boutique in 2005 and consolidated the brand under Gamestop worldwide in 2021. Games were bought, sold, rented, and resold as physical media: + +&#x200B; + +[Before the internet, you had to talk to strangers!](https://preview.redd.it/iw741i7ttnk91.jpg?width=1389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9488e6972d01cff6d39e467d7e47e7615eb631a) + +Digital distribution was still in its infancy from the 1990s, with shareware software titles barely making a dent in the gaming industry market share compared to console sales. This also gave Gamestop, the largest video game retailer, some marketing clout with midnight launches and preorders of consoles and games, which may be sold out for weeks after the initial launch. Digital launches of games have made the midnight launch events for software a relic of the past. Console hardware shortages are still a problem down to this day. However, the profit on consoles are slim with single digit percentage margins. During Gamestop’s best years, 2005-2009, sales of used games and gaming accessories brought in billions of dollars for the company, with used game sales being the high margin cash cow. + +This report: [https://www.gamedeveloper.com/pc/analysis-gamestop-profit-margin-on-used-almost-50-](https://www.gamedeveloper.com/pc/analysis-gamestop-profit-margin-on-used-almost-50-) + +gives us a snapshot of Gamestop’s revenue streams during its best years. The margins were high for Gamestop because the used game business model was notorious for its poor value proposition to customers, which saw low values for trade-ins (slightly lower if you were a rewards member and got Game Informer) and used games selling for almost the same price as new games. Since few places offered trades for games, Gamestop min-maxed their business model by giving customers the lowest value possible and maximizing profits by selling used games for only a few dollars below new games. Turnaround on titles like EA Sports Roster: Shovelware Edition (we buy: $4, we sell: $55 used, $60 new) brought in big bucks. More importantly, the game developers never saw a dime from the resale of used games. It all went to Gamestop. This is a key point of contention, one that ultimately fueled the bear thesis for Gamestop, the migration of games to digital distribution, and the removal of disc drives from consoles. + +Customers were angry at Gamestop for a poor customer experience when buying and selling games. Developers / publishers were angry at the used game market undercutting their sales. When internet speeds around the world improved to the point where video could be streamed and digital storefronts like the Epic Games Store, Steam, and GOG became more attractive options for both customers and developers, it left Gamestop and its 2 billion used copies of Fallout 76 in the dust (just kidding, they were new). Many customers no longer had the need to go to Gamestop and preorder a game, especially when the larger developers like EA and Blizzard had their own digital storefronts, where disappointments like Warcraft 3: Reforged would hide behind a thin veneer of marketing instead of occupying an entire warehouse full of physical disc returns. When consoles started shipping without physical disc drives, this was just another nail in the coffin for Gamestop’s outdated business model. Then, in 2020, a global pandemic with an unknown virus and no known cure at the time drove fear to an all-time high and lowered all foot traffic to stores as one place after another instituted lockdowns. The Gamestop management at this time forced stores to stay open, getting a ton of bad press. In the middle of all this misery was a rainbow colored bear, happy to profit off the impending bankruptcy of one of the most hated and irrelevant companies now on its death throes. The fabulous bear would call out to many hedgies and have them short the stock to the point where it was cellar boxed, never close or disclose their positions, many of them sold naked, and to never pay tax on their ill-begotten gains. Here is the bear’s thesis: + +**1)** **Gamestop is a dying brick and mortar company with an outdated business model** + +**2)** **The transition to digital distribution will reduce revenue across all its stores and make Gamestop increasingly irrelevant in the market that it operates and remove its major driver of profits, used physical copies of games** + +**3)** **The last major pandemic lasted 3 years, at which point the lockdowns will have long bankrupted Gamestop, which was severely handicapped under an existing loan agreement and lacking funds to execute any kind of turnaround plan** + +**4)** **Gamestop is hated by customers, developers, and employees alike. Everyone wants to see this ship burn and sink.** + +Fabulous Bear: Sounds like easy money, doesn’t it? To minimize risk, Gamestop and other brick and mortar companies like it, were put into massive basket swaps that bet on many or all of these companies going to zero. Some firms may have shorted the stock like crazy by a variety of means because these companies are already on shaky ground and cannot secure the funding they need to defend themselves, because the same firms control the funding sources. It’s as easy as taking money from a retarded ape. The only way this plan could go tits up is if somehow, some way, a massive amount of retail investors don’t give in to fear, change sentiment on the company and refuse to sell, allowing the company to fund itself out of bankruptcy using the sale of its own stock like a car crash victim flipping over a burning car by brute force and then putting out the fire with its own piss. But that’s a viral black swan event that has never happened before in the history of stocks, so why worry, right? Retail traders will just take their lumps, sell, and move on, wiser and poorer like they always do, amirite? Amirite?! + +Narrator: The bear was not right. Ladies, gentlemen, degenerates, and apes, we have entered the other side of the trade we were never supposed to see. But first, a message from Little Johnny, the 12 year old gamer who goes to Gamestop. + +**Part II – The Liquidity Problem** + +It is 2009. Meet Little Johnny, a 12 year old American boy with no job, no income outside of household chores, shoveling snow, or selling lemonade. Oh, and birthdays and Christmases. Johnny has a Playstation 3 (2007 was the best Christmas ever) and a small library of games. Johnny has beaten all of those games and he’s bored of them. Johnny’s only source of new games are birthdays and Christmases, but 2008 was hard on everyone, and instead of a new Wii, he got a copy of Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge. Uncharted 2 came out, and he wants to play it. Badly. His parents say no, he has enough games already. Well, how about he trades them in at Gamestop for a copy of Uncharted 2? The parents are spared from paying anything, so the next time at the mall, Little Johnny trades in his pile of used games for a slightly used, but very playable, copy of his next game. Little Johnny is an asset provider, and hundreds of thousands of gamers like him once made up the asset pool of used games, which Gamestop arbitraged to maximum advantage to reap billions in profit. Not one cent goes to the developers. Keep this core concept in mind, that the customer is the asset provider, Gamestop is the platform to execute the trade, and the game developer is the one who mints the game’s asset supply, because this is the basis of Gamestop’s NFT marketplace. In 2009, this trading relationship was flawed. The asset provider, Johnny, and the supply minter, the developer, suffered under the massive arbitrage of Gamestop’s trading platform. + +Remember the landing page for Gamestop NFT? It read: Power to the Players. Power to the Creators. Power to the Collectors. We are going to look at how this new mantra benefits limited asset providers like Little Johnny later. + +We now return to breaking the bear thesis, brick by brick: + +**Part III – The Technology Company** + +Bear Thesis: Gamestop is a dying brick and mortar company with an outdated business model + +Bull Thesis: Gamestop is evolving to a technology company with a modernized business model utilizing an NFT marketplace to tap into web3 and mobile gaming opportunities as the new, dominant revenue stream. It has increased profitability by closing down unprofitable stores upon expiry of leases and investing in logistic centers to cover the gaps in service as part of their e-commerce expansion. + +The key to any transformation is understanding the core processes of the business and the needs of the customer. Netflix saw itself as an entertainment provider and transitioned from a mail order DVD rental service to a streaming platform. I believe that Gamestop sees its role as a trading platform for gamers and collectors and has taken material steps to ensure that its role as a platform will be secured in the future – by making right with the customer and the developers. This will be the fundamental change that will break the bear’s back. + +To succeed, according to the Gamestop chairman: “Gamestop needs to evolve into a technology company that delights gamers and delivers exceptional experiences”. This is from the investor letter filed on November 16, 2020. + +The hiring spree for web3 developers, the launch of the NFT marketplace and choice of channel partners to execute the NFT strategy telegraphs the next area of expansion for Gamestop, a market segment that a video game retailer and other competing brick and mortar stores cannot touch – mobile gaming. As much as true gamers want to snob mobile gaming as microtransaction riddled toilet games, the market segment can no longer be ignored as a revenue stream for those seeking profitability. Page 2 of the letter mentions of one the key squandered opportunities was “The explosion of mobile”. Notable hires to Gamestop in the past year are Matt Finestone, Larry Cheng, Matt Furlong, and a parade of tech talent who have left prominent positions in larger companies to work for Gamestop, and paid mostly in stock. These people are high net worth individuals who have bet their careers and their salary on Gamestop, and they are on the board of directors. + +The next indicator of a soft pivot to e-commerce is the acquisition of distribution warehouses, which will serve customers in areas where unprofitable stores have their leases closed out. While Gamestop cannot reverse the trend of brick and mortar stores dying out, one action it can take is to minimize losses from existing stores and improve delivery to retain customers in those areas. The massive uptake in web3 and logistics talent plus the acquisition of distribution centers shows that Gamestop is rapidly positioning itself to be the current and future destination for gamers. + +Bear Thesis: The transition to digital distribution will reduce revenue across all its stores and make Gamestop increasingly irrelevant in the market that it operates and remove its major driver of profits, used physical copies of games + +Bull Thesis: Gamestop is building a marketplace for digital gaming assets and collectibles that will capture value from the rapidly growing mobile gaming market. + +Remember when Not A Cat was talking about the relevance of discs and the impact on Gamestop? He was also very close to the concept that Gamestop is now executing. In fact, on the August 3, 2020 stream, From 1:16:50-1:17:54, he speaks about Gamestop being “a clearing house for used games”. This was the right idea on the wrong side of the chart. More specifically, this one: + +&#x200B; + +[Oh no, discless consoles will destroy GME!](https://preview.redd.it/vlg8oie2unk91.jpg?width=571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0d50c3fd7efc57703f9147988e2ae973ef70e6) + +&#x200B; + +[When in doubt, Zoom Out!](https://preview.redd.it/dxoe4fj5unk91.jpg?width=1772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f609bdbf68c7038808fb8ddad4e988f868c892b) + +Source: Mobile Gamers Whitepaper by Newzoo + +This shows how big mobile gaming happens to be. It’s now the largest segment of the gaming industry. Aside from Fortnite Funko Pops and gift cards, Gamestop currently sees no revenue from mobile games. The mobile gaming market also functions very differently from console gaming, with most games being free to download instead of charging $60-$70 a copy. There is no value in selling a copy of titles like Candy Crush Saga because the game itself is free. Instead, games like these are loaded with microtransactions like power ups, battle passes, and ingame equipment with separate bonus rolls, all paid for with ingame currency, which can either be earned ingame or purchased outright. The key point we want to focus on here is purchased outright – because all phones now come attached with a wallet connected to a payment method, like Google Pay, iTunes, or Apple Pay. There is also a lower barrier to entry for mobile games since they do not require purchase of a separate console to play. The games also come with inherent problems, like randomized loot drops and equipment set bonuses for said randomized drops, which compels the player to sink in more and more money. All this revenue is cut between the developer and the app store. + +If we go back and look at 12 year old gamer Little Johnny, 2022 edition, we now have a problem. All his money is sunk into one mobile game, and there’s no way he can sell his in-game assets to provide liquidity for the new mobile game all his friends are playing. There are third party websites where whole accounts can be sold, but these are against the developer’s terms of service and give horrible trade in values that are pennies on the dollar or less – much worse than 2009 Gamestop trade in values. Also, he hates the loot box mechanic because it’s basically a Skinner Box with some shiny loot on the cover. + +Enter Gamestop NFT and Immutable X. They are currently building games that are free to download and play, with the items earned in each game as a digital asset in the form of a non-fungible token, or NFT. Gamers who play these games, whether on mobile, console, or PC, can now earn in-game rewards, use them for loot boxes, and then sell those digital assets to players who don’t like loot box mechanics. If players like Little Johnny want to migrate to a new game, he can sell some or all of his in-game assets on Gamestop NFT with a marketplace fee that Gamestop collects, and then use the tokens in his Gamestop Wallet to purchase loot in another game. The developer makes money on the initial sale of digital currency, and then recurring revenue on the resale of the ingame assets via Gamestop NFT. The players gain liquidity that was previous sunk into one game’s economy. This will be how Power to the Creators, Power to the Players, Power to the Collecters plays out. + +For proof, here’s the Immutable marketplace: + +&#x200B; + +[The Multiverse of gaming and collectibles is here!](https://preview.redd.it/iymanu19unk91.jpg?width=2228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d2561bcd218b0d8b70b519e1838b195d8c9d61) + +You can pick up any game, like Gods Unchained, win some cards through card packs, and then sell those cards (which exist as NFTs) for IMX tokens or another cryptocurrency, and then use the wallet funds to buy items in another game like Guild of Guardians (or cash out for fiat currency). This is currently done via Metamask and integration with the IMX wallet, but improvements made on the marketplace now include the Gamestop Wallet, which launched this year. Liquidity for games has gone digital, with Gamestop once again becoming the place to go for exchanging games, or in this case, the digital assets within free to install games. + +Another key metric that would have supported the bear thesis is consistently declining sales revenue per quarter. If we examine the most recent Gamestop form 10-Q, the opposite is true. Sales revenue has consistently increased Y2Y per quarter since the pandemic, which indicates that the publicity received by the sneeze had an overall positive effect on the brand. Gamestop’s diversification into trades of digital gaming assets via mobile gaming and improving sales revenue disproves this part of the thesis. + +Bear Thesis: The last major pandemic lasted 3 years, at which point the lockdowns will have long bankrupted Gamestop, which was severely handicapped under an existing loan agreement and lacking funds to execute any kind of turnaround plan. + +Bull Thesis: The pandemic lockdowns have mostly ended. Gamestop raised enough money to sustain operations through sale of stock. It is currently executing a turnaround plan centered around growing ecommerce and web3. + +When Gamestop sold off its stock, it used the funds and cash on hand to pay off its debt obligation early. The obligation effectively crippled the company and prevented it from issuing dividends and a slew of other actions that could have been used to service the debt. This obligation was critical to containing Gamestop under the bear thesis and ensuring that the company collapsed under the load, just like Blockbuster – Netflix did not kill Blockbuster, it was the debt bomb during the IPO that did. With interest rates rising, any companies that have a heavy debt load are looked upon less favorably since that debt is now harder to service. Other than retail leases and some covid assistance loans, Gamestop holds no significant debts. This effectively kills the ‘death by crushing debt burden’ part of the bear thesis. Furthermore, the pandemic lockdowns did not last as long as the analysts expected. + +Gamestop has used its new lease on life to soft pivot to ecommerce and create a marketplace that targets two new market segments in gaming and collectibles that it plans to monetize. These two sectors are mobile gaming and digital collectibles. + +With Gamestop’s entry into the mobile market, it looks to address a segment that now makes up 52% of all total gaming revenue. More people are getting smartphones compared to consoles, with the console market actually shrinking 6% YoY due to hardware shortages, while mobile gaming revenue has a forecast CAGR of 12.2% to 2030. Mobile games have shorter development times compared to most console games and the ubiquitous nature of smartphones creates an environment where games can generate record revenue in a very short period of time. Games like Genshin Impact took a bit over 5 months to reach $1 billion in sales. PUBG and Candy Crush Saga still make over a billion dollars revenue a year. By comparison, Bethseda’s lifetime revenue on Steam, totaling 12 years, took in $714 million (source: [https://vginsights.com/developer/14012/bethesda-game-studios](https://vginsights.com/developer/14012/bethesda-game-studios) ). It’s fair to say Gamestop is jumping in a much bigger pond. To date, the only blockchain mobile game to surpass $1 billion in revenue is Axie Infinity, and it’s not even a AAA title by any stretch. Gamestop’s marketplace will really take off when more players realize they are being screwed out of liquidity by developers under the current model and more developers realize they have a recurring revenue stream through a digital marketplace. This is taken from the landing page of Immutable’s flagship game, God’s Unchained: + +&#x200B; + +[Power to The Players, once more!](https://preview.redd.it/shz76n9dunk91.jpg?width=2068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6d5c9db2bea6d42e614e9178cb7d6b5245ca5fa) + +The days of stranded cash shop assets in closed gaming economies are numbered. Players deserve better, and Gamestop is a brand they have always trusted to get value for their gaming assets. + +The other half of the equation is the NFT collectibles market. Despite claims that the NFT market is dead, total market size grew 28% from last year. This is in line with the analyst predicted CAGR of 30-33% of the NFT market, expected to top $120 billion by 2026 (probably much sooner if the backwards hoodie guy markets the Wu-Tang album). Even if you are a skeptic and believe NFTs are nothing more than digital POGs, it’s worth noting that from 1994 to 1998, pretty much every movie, TV show, and major brand had its own POGs and spent hundreds of millions of dollars marketing cardboard tiddly winks. Some of those complete sets are still worth money today and appreciated in value. Once major brands start using the technology as part of their marketing efforts or to authenticate high end merchandise, the same people who couldn’t see past the ugly, overpriced apes will be part of the same myopic crowd who thought the internet was nothing more than a fad with a bunch of dancing hamsters. + +Not only is Gamestop not going bankrupt any time soon, it is positioning itself to be a major player in the digital gaming assets and digital collectibles markets, which has a total projected market value of $400 billion by 2030 and double digit CAGRs. By comparison the bear thesis sees Gamestop dying by losing more and more of its market share in the shrinking $50 billion console gaming market. Based on Gamestop’s most recent balance sheet and future market ambitions, no part of this section of the bear thesis can be defended. + +The next part of this DD will cover the Transformation in Action and The Forward Looking Bull Thesis. Stay tuned. + +&#x200B; + +[Link to Part II](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/x18sg7/gamestops_400_billion_nftransformation_part_ii/) +How do the TV Licensing people know who to visit? + +I've seen a few posts about TV Licence letters, and it got me thinking - how do they know? + +Do they just attempt to contact and visit every address that doesn't pay for a licence? If not, how do they identify who is illegitimately watching live TV with no active Licence? + +Also, I own a tourer caravan, and can watch TV at every site we visit - how do they know I have a licence registered at my address, and can watch tv away from home? + +Edit: I do have a TV licence, I was more curious on what the situation was +#Background & reason for post: + +I see a lot of comments today about how the moass could begin- which seem to look past critical points we’ve learned from the DD and what our subject matter experts have shared with us from their publications & AMA’s. These theories mean well, and prepare the masses for what might be expected - where there could be large gaps of time between the rocket stages firing due to delays as insolvency cascades down, starting with the hedgefunds. But i’m not sure that’s how this is going to go down, because that theory conflicts with other facts we now know, and if it were true - it should have happened months ago. + + +#Here are the key observations I’m drawing from: + +-Prime brokerages, who have largely remained nameless due to the terms of the settlement, were involved in all of Wes’s settled lawsuits involving naked short selling. + +-As evidenced in the overstock case - prime brokerages, such as goldman sachs, were the mechanism which allowed hedgefunds to naked short. There is a littany of finra and sec history of prime brokerages improperly marking transactions with shorted shares as ‘long’ + +-“We will let you fail” is a quote from one of the emails found during discovery in the overstock case that is inked onto my so, so smooth brain. Prime brokerages make tons of money ‘lending’ these stocks. They haven’t had any need to actually locate stocks to lend for decades, the penalties are a joke and there’s no jail time. + +-The dtcc’s myriad of new rule changes don’t have a single thing to do with hedgefunds. They’re for members, such as prime brokerages, clearing houses and market makers. Hedgefunds are their customers, they’re nobody to them but a means of making money by brokering & clearing their trades, and lending them stock. + +-Melvin capital was reported as being bailed out with 2.75b on 1/25. Assuming they didnt close those short positions, if they looked bad enough to need that bailout when gme closed at $76 on 1/25- imagine how bad it looked on 1/28 when it almost bounced off $500. Reality is, they probably should been defaulted then and there. Or on 3/10 when we almost bounced off 350. Or today when the same thing happened. But they didn’t. I believe that’s because the prime brokers who let them get into this big a mess - helped them make it bigger by increasing their short position. This allows the hedgies to ‘average down’, at the expense of higher risk, and pocket the money for these ill-gotten shares at even higher prices, which they will undoubtedly fail-to-deliver. + +-When a hedgie blows up their account - the broker can proceed unwinding the account as they see fit, so long as the brokerage itself remains solvent after inheriting the account’s failed short position. Unless the brokerage itself gets the rug pull by a dtcc subsidiary - the brokerage can attempt to unwind the position slowly, just like what happened with archegos. To this day, months later - it is unclear whether that is fully unwound- just how they like it. Keep us in the dark. + +So why haven’t these guys been margin called, and why are we not on the moon already? Because the prime brokerages who literally executed many of these naked short trades - know damn well that a margin call that results in a defaulting short hedgefund means they themselves will default, as covering a huge gme short position will undoubtedly trigger the moass. + +So, like the title suggests, my thesis is simple: the brokerages involved with these short hedgefunds are doing everything possible to avoid defaulting one of these accounts holding a massive short position on GME. + +#What’s happening, and what happens next: + +Margin calls on hedgefunds by their brokers have came and went, and will continue to, until one of the prime brokerages themselves are unable to meet margin requirements of their dtcc subsidiary membership. At that point, the 002 (once approved) and 004 wind down kicks in and pulls the rug out from the brokerage, hedgefunds and all come right down with it. And those processes outline a streamlined liquidation process - that shit will rip fast because ‘if you aint first - yer last’. Ask credit suisse. + +But until then, these brokerages have no choice but to keep this up, and i am convinced they have colluded with at least one market maker (cough citadel) to roll the fails resulting from these naked shorts, but also to exert downward pricing pressure using all their illegal tools of price sorcery, many of which we’re seeing as I type this. And if they can collude on that level, it’s reasonable to suspect they are also colluding to profitably use reddit to pump & dump other tickers, to help stymie their losses as they hopelessly continue to wage war against the apes. + +#Wrapping up: + +Smaller margin calls, and covering is probably happening every single day. I know for a fact that there are still retail investors dumb enough to keep doing it - so maybe some of the otherwise erratic / inexplicable action we’ve seen on non t+21 days, like today, could be explained by that. + +So, while I appreciate the efforts by other stonkers to help keep expectations low, as it helps apes remain calm and patient - i however think the moass is going to happen without warning, produce the largest, most violent green crayons imaginable, and believe it may not even have anything to do with a particular price point or movement once the last of these dtcc rules go into effect. + +Truth is, no one can tell you how it’s going to go down. Either they are like me and they don’t know - or they know but can’t say. Either way, you’ll know beyond the shadow of a doubt when moass is upon us, so just buy, hodl, and try and enjoy the scenery along the way. + +#Bonus Theory: +My theory also provides a common-sense answer to why the borrow fee % is so low: no reputable broker can get their hands on any appreciable amount of shares legally to borrow and short gme at this point. The ones who can offer borrows - can because they’re doing it illegally, and need to keep that fee cheap so as to help keep their hedgie buddies trapped on their own sinking ship - afloat. + +#Tldr; +Prime brokerages who’ve facilitated naked shorting are going to do everything under the sun - including lots more naked shorting - to ensure melvin or some other hedgie with a huuuuuge short position doesn’t default. When a prime brokerage goes tits up - the price is gonna rip straight up so fkn hard it makes you dizzy. + +Obligatory: Not financial advice. Also brrrrrr 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: I edited for formatting a lot faster than 005. Lightspeed faster, actually. + +Edit: more edits for spelling. +*^This ^is ^a ^repost ^of ^a ^round ^up ^I ^did ^this ^morning ^that ^people ^found ^helpful. ^In ^an ^abundance ^of ^trying ^to ^be ^fair ^I ^linked ^to ^Fidelity's ^apology-not-an-apology ^post ^on ^their ^subreddit, ^but ^that ^triggered ^the ^anti-brigading ^bot ^and ^the ^post ^got ^nuked. ^Here ^it ^is ^again ^with ^the ^offending ^links ^taken ^out.* + +Work was light this morning so I followed this story closely. + +Fidelity started the day with a "fun" Halloween post on their LinkedIn page, showing different types of traders costumes in the cheap Spirit Halloween style. One of them was "Meme Stock Guy", a messy basement dwelling loser type with gamer headphones, a bag of popcorn spilled all over the floor, and most importantly, a phone with a purple circle. + +https://imgur.com/a/Dg3QlSC + +User u/thequickfix123 caught the post early and posted it here on the stonk. Apes couldn't believe it wasn't photoshopped, but nope, they really did it. Only 1 stock in the world is connected to the purple circle, 1 out of 7000 stocks on exchanges. Very interesting that Fidelity, a conglomerate with 4.5 trillion AUM decided this was a good thing to spend marketing time on. + +In addition, the other "costumes" in the post weren't even really costumes, just unfunny, nondescript, meaningless things like a guy in a fleece vest who's an active trader, a girl in a tracksuit and bucket hat who's a Gen-Z trader, a lady in a green suit who's a "tech investor". The whole post seemed padded out to get to the one punchline of making the meme stock investor look like a neckbeard loser. + +Edit* This post was able to capture all the costumes to show you what I mean. Edit 2* Nope! The post got deleted. Why? + +https://www.reddit.com/gallery/ye6g4e + +Soon enough, people started to pile into the LinkedIn comments, offering well-written counterpoints and objections to the depiction of meme-stocks and meme-stock investors. Over 100 comments were posted last time I checked, and far from being basement dwellers, they were from CEOs, business owners, vice-presidents, senior engineers, and so on. + +Here's just a sample I was able to screengrab before Fidelity deleted the post. + +https://imgur.com/a/KMWg0Ee + +After 6 hours of taking a drubbing in comment after comment, Fidelity pulled the post, and with it all that good content about the usefulness of DRS and the shady practices of brokerages. This is the true loss of this story. That post could have done a lot to educate people about what's really going on with GME, but it's all gone with the deletion of the content. I don't expect Fidelity to issue any statements or apologies, they just want us to forget it ever happened. + +That's why I wrote this. To not let it be forgotten so easily! + + +*My takeaways from this costume kerfuffle:* + +1. Fidelity is well aware of the DRS movement and what we get up to here. Only this and our sister GME subs post purple circles. That phone was a direct dig at 200,000 particular people in the world. + +2. The costume wasn't done in good humor or a sense of gentle ribbing. It felt aggressive. If this is what they're willing to say about their customers in public PR posts, imagine what they say and think of us behind closed doors. + +3. I'm not comfortable holding shares in Fidelity anymore and will be selling or moving the other assets I hold there over the next few weeks. +For those that have losses (relative to purchase price, not ATH) in ETH, if you were offered a one-off opportunity to have the loss compensated (i.e. your ETH purchased from you at the price you purchased it originally), but only if you agree to never again purchase any ETH, would you take the offer? + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/a5tb9w) +What sort of roles do FAT non-SWE tech business people here work? Are there marketers / product managers etc making significant money in FAANG and non-FAANG? What's your path been? + +Mid-late twenties. Married. Low 7 figure net worth. + +Make $200k a year in a senior marketing role for a medium size startup - 100 people / $200m revenue. + +Trying to understand if my path to significant compensation is marketing (CMO) or something else (general management / director, etc). Majority of my background is digital marketing. Have some experience as a product marketer and product manager. Have worked for every size organisation - small startups, a listed scale up and one large listed org. +&#x200B; + +# 🚨UPDATE🚨 [MUST READ FOR ALL EUROAPES AND THOSE TRYING TO VOTE!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc8d2u/europoor_here_is_carl_hagbergs_advice_on_how_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[Banner submission by u\/repagator8 ](https://preview.redd.it/pi7stpy2vyy61.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=c03440b2ed057ac4b2ff3eed1718b87c3b9614ec) + +# Good Morning Superstonk!!! + +&#x200B; + +# It's another AMA Day!!! + +**I told you we'd be having a lot of those!!** + +# 📢[LINK TO AMA📢](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34) + +&#x200B; + +Everybody got your permission slip and banana/crayon sack lunch? 🍌 + +# 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +# THIS SUB IS ON FIRE!! 🔥 Another 2 AMA announcements!! CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP! + +[Ya mad?](https://preview.redd.it/i8eajzwftzy61.jpg?width=778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27211e6217f5ba2d3c55db0ed640427612d98d1c) + +# [Award winning investigative journalist, Lucy Komisar is our guest today at 4:30 pm Eastern with u/Luridess our host!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb0fuy/official_ama_lucy_komisar_awardwinning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +[**Here's Lucy's piece on the Gamestop saga after the January run-up**](https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/) + +&#x200B; + +[**Here's her piece on naked short selling and Dr. T's book**](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/) + +&#x200B; + +**Both are required reading!\^\^\^\^** + +Lucy's miles-long list of accolades includes: + +• editor of the *Mississippi Free Press* from 1962 to 1963, which covered the civil rights movement + +• national Vice-President of the National Organization for Women + +• got the US gov to extend federal contractor and cable TV affirmative action rules to women while in her position mentioned above + +• exposed the practice of Sodexo, a major provider of food to schools and many other instituions, of demanding and getting kickbacks from its suppliers (2006) + +• ["Keys to the Kingdom: How State Regulators Enabled a $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme"](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2009/07/exclusive-florida-banking-agency-helped-stanford-set-up-unregulated-office-to-sell-his-phony-cds/) (About Allen Stanford's scams) + +She's also written several books, and has literally hundreds of other awards, recognitions, and accomplishments. + +**THIS WOMAN IS A LEGEND AND YES I AM FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW!!!!** + +&#x200B; + +[Investigative Journalist, Lucy Komisar](https://preview.redd.it/sh0o5la894z61.jpg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30879127e25e3b46d1704fcd9381ea88946d5328) + +&#x200B; + +Lucy has been covering financial and corporate corruption for decades, mainly through her online paper, [The Komisar Scoop.](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/) And the first time I spoke to Dr. T, and I told her how much I respected her not only as an OG ape, but as a badass feminist icon... (lowkey, I hate to even bring up gender here but it can't be dismissed...) she chuckled her warm chuckle and told me who she looks up to, and said "if you want a real icon... you all should talk to Lucy Komisar." That made me feel like I had been blessed by the lips of God... an icon that our icon looks up to? Sign us up! So in the whirlwind of AMAs that our mod team has managed to schedule and put together, (BIG thank you goes to u/StonkU2 for coordinating these connections!! 🙏🙏) we have managed to not only bring you the magnificent Lucy Komisar.... + +&#x200B; + +# [....But also next Tuesday we have Attorney Wes Christian](http://www.csj-law.com/attorneys/jchristian.html)!! + +# His primary focus in the last 11 years has been suing Wall Street for fraud. + +&#x200B; + +Wes Christian is a Texas attorney with [an accent as big as his list of accomplishments](http://www.csj-law.com/attorneys/jchristian.html)! Once again I'm going to [shamelessly plug the old documentary Wall Street Conspiracy](https://youtu.be/Kpyhnmd-ZbU), where I first learned of Wes Christian along with all of the other OGs we've been talking to. And a fun fact... our former AMA guest and very favorite resident wrinkly brain, u/dlauer has served as an expert witness for Wes multiple times in the fight against naked short selling. They go way back... + +# Which is why we're having u/Dlauer cohost this AMA with his old pal Wes!! We are literally assembling the dream team here!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +[^(did I mention Dave Lauer is one of us)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/naoqr9/bought_some_gme_yesterday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)^(?) + +**The Wes Christian/Dlauer mashup AMA is next Tuesday, May 18 at 4:30 pm Eastern!!** + +&#x200B; + +[Wes Christian](https://preview.redd.it/u05nr3qojyy61.png?width=170&format=png&auto=webp&s=abd5426cf404b8b982d5289df625a5e24059cd3c) + +**Here's what Dr. T has to say about how she first met Wes in her book, Naked Short and Greedy:** + +**Chapter 3**: A Sidewalk Café in New York. At the request of a business colleague, I have coffee with a lawyer from Texas who tells me that a problem was about to blow up the financial markets: Wall Street brokers are using short sales and fails to deliver to grab the assets of American entrepreneurs. I feel a pang of guilt for not sticking it out to fix this before I left DTC in 1993. By 2003, it was a full-blown regulatory crisis! + +&#x200B; + +**The Napkin Story** + +*"One afternoon \[in late 2003\], my boss tells me he has just come from lunch with an old friend, Gary Jewell, a Houston-based lawyer. Gary said that he was in New York looking for someone who understands post-trade clearing and settlement, possibly someone who may have worked at the DTC. My boss recognizes the company name as part of my past work experience. He asks me to meet Gary over coffee. The two of them had run marathons in their younger days and my boss presents it to me as doing him a favor. Gary brought Wes Christian to that casual meeting.* + +*James "Wes" Christian, is a Senior Partner at Christian, Smith, & Jewell in Houston. If not for Wes, I may not ever have become aware that the crack in the system Ray Riley brought to me in 1993 was becoming a gaping chasm in 2003. Wes was born, raised, and educated in Texas. He comes complete with a pleasant drawl that belies his non-nonsense approach to the matter. Wes would lead a team of 65 lawyers as he eventually uncovered more than 1,200 hedge fund and offshore accounts working through more than 150 broker-dealers to strip mall and medium size public companies of their value."*\- Dr. Susanne Trimbath, Naked Short and Greedy. + +&#x200B; + +We are so honored, humbled, and thrilled to bring you these top-tier AMA guests! If only we could go back and tell our February selves how far we've come 💖 + +[attacc](https://preview.redd.it/702je9hjtzy61.jpg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7568053e1893c8e0f41a84b72bad1c1d0c598f88) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Gamestop deleted their MOASS tweets, but I think Ryan Cohen told us what we need to know + +*Insert opinion flair here* 👽 + +Alright, some of you may think I'm wearing a tin foil hat here, that's fine. You can call all this a totally trippin Pink Cats theory... But I want to talk a little more about the Ryan Cohen tweet from Wednesday night. + +[RC was right by the SEC HQ on Wednesday night](https://preview.redd.it/a93vfyiy0zy61.jpg?width=2033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b1e6eaaedbcb3678d1d4f465a40804805e100a) + +Yesterday I pointed out that RC was at a Gamestop *thrillingly* close to the SEC HQ. And we know he doesn't really just take pictures at any ol' gamestop (remember when he was 15 minutes away from Elon Musk, who was also in town?) We know our favorite corporate memelord loves to speak in riddle through twitter, so I think he is *extremely strategic* about "dropping a GME pin" for us to figure out what's going on. + +&#x200B; + +So yesterday I also pointed out that the **SEC SEEMS TO HAVE FINALLY HELD THE MOTHERFUDING SUNSHINE ACT MEETING AFTER 4 POSTPONEMENTS....** + +[DID IT HAPPEN OR NOT?!](https://preview.redd.it/jr6qhlkf4zy61.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4e198431d5b4e182d54244fd4f65ac5aa902ab1) + +I can't find confirmation anywhere that the meeting *did* happen for sure, but it wasn't postponed, which I'm pretty sure would have to be posted on their website in a timely manner, so for the sake of this story we're gonna say it DID happen yesterday. Which would be a *HUGE* deal because this thing has been postponed **4 TIMES** in the last few months. Let's look at the topics they discussed: + +&#x200B; + +* injunctive actions- Definition: An **injunction** is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific **action**. +* administrative proceedings- refers to [this](https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin.htm) +* litigation claims- more court case discussions, sounds like they're resolving some open court battles (for the record I think this is a recurring agenda item, as is everything else.) +* Other matters relating to examinations and enforcement proceedings- this sounds like the blanket, open-ended term used at the end of most government entity agendas that allows for fairly open discussion... though I could be wrong. Maybe they're going heavy on the examinations and enforcements? 👉👈 + +&#x200B; + +Not really any meat here. It seems to be a pretty high stakes meeting though, given the heavy topics like litigation. But it *does* sounds like the kind of meeting someone would want to go to if you want to prove naked short sellers are attacking your company. + +[Edit: another Sunshine Act Meeting has been scheduled for next week.](https://www.sec.gov/news/upcoming-events/closed-meeting-052021) + +👽THEORY INCOMING👽 + +I think RC let us know he was there in Virginia at that Gamestop because of course we're going to do the thing we did and look around it on Maps. + +.**..And find that he's right by the SEC HQ....** + +The night before a **HIGHLY ANTICIPATED MEETING THAT HAS BEEN CONTINUOUSLY POSTPONED UNTIL NOW**\- which I honestly think is to let RC & co get their proxy affairs in order and present their case. + +# REMEMBER THE ACTIONABLE DATA FROM THE LIVE, REAL-TIME PROXY REPORT THAT GAMESTOP NOW HAS ACCESS TO? + +RC would have gotten the proxy results on May 11 and had them in hand for the meeting yesterday. He wanted us to know he was in attendance of the SEC meeting. He can't tell us. He know's we're watching and holding our collective breath, waiting for the banana to drop. But he can't be too obvious for obvious reasons. By telling us in this way, he's just a suit promoting his brand (who really knows his customers! 😉 ) + +# [Please read this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/naw85p/proxy_voting_dd_v2_why_gamestop_is_publicly/) by [u/TheGargaglione](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheGargaglione/) that explains perfectly why I believe RC was at the meeting, with Proxy vote numbers in hand, which is the evidence the SEC would need to start an investigation. + +[It's ok we have screenshots 👁👅👁📷](https://preview.redd.it/aqzj26vd0zy61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=70d91c52b80ddc5f0124ba9287ad67b1592e693b) + +&#x200B; + +# ALL OF THIS ALSO EXPLAINS THE EXTREME CONFIDENCE GAMESTOP HAD IN TWEETING MOASS + +Which they deleted :( + +But, in all the cool spy movies, the message always self destructs after the intended party reads it ;) (Apes copy, Houston. Over.) + +&#x200B; + +[It's just so beautiful I have to post it again](https://preview.redd.it/fuyfxd8wdzy61.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=bce0e9a669de011ed212a39008fc31562ca661f6) + +[Shoutout to this diligent ape](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbk1qi/i_just_visited_arlington_va_gamestop_where_ryan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) u/shane_4_us that drove to the Arlington, VA Gamestop to investigate the surroundings! 🧐🧐🧐 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**From the desk of** u/dlauer\*\*:\*\* + +# GME Depth of Book + +"I've seen the screenshot of GME with all those 1 share orders, and just wanted to reiterate that you need to know what the source is of the market data. Here is what Fidelity looks like - clearly a full book across many exchanges without those 1 share orders. Always think about the source of the data - standard retail data is low quality, and usually only from 1 exchange." + +[The order books on your broker are probably a lie](https://preview.redd.it/n507hmy9ezy61.png?width=319&format=png&auto=webp&s=de631f5b1cb834f915808fa4d3addd9eab68f7d8) + +**TA;DR: The order books ARE more voluminous than we can see on our retail level 2 data.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Yo I heard you like math and confirmation bias (but mostly the 2nd one so I did the math part) + +[**u/Dwellerofthecrags**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dwellerofthecrags/) **posted** [**this post and pointed this out**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbku8x/if_fidelity_transferees_own_19_shares_each_theyd/) + +https://preview.redd.it/nzv163w4gzy61.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=d434ba70c3e50e4a2dc6e0ff134b0aa23ac5ad5e + +* 4.1 Million new accounts switched to Fidelity in the first quarter of 2021. +* GME float is 47.75 Million held by retail, 69.75 total +* 69.75/4=17.43 +* 47.75/4.1=11.65 + +So, what's the maths? + +Well, assuming there are 47.75 Million available shares for retail to buy (float), **IF THE 4.1 MILLION NEW FIDELITY CUSTOMERS ALONE own at least 11.65 shares each, THEN THEY OWN THE FLOAT.** + +Being generous and saying if there were 69.75 Million shares available for retail to buy (there aren't), and the **4.1 MILLION NEW FIDELITY CUSTOMERS ALONE own at least 17.43 shares each, THEN THEY OWN THE FLOAT.** + +DID YOU HEAR ME? That's just those new 4.1 Million fidelity customers. And as you're well aware, many of us have high xx, xxx, xxxx and beyond. + +&#x200B; + +# [WE OWN THE FUCKING FLOAT. WE CAN PROVE IT IF WE VOTE!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6isp6/rock_the_vote_proxy_voting_101_the_most_important/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +# ✅VOTE YOUR SHARES AND GET YOUR FLAIRS!✅ + +**Drop a comment below with !apevote! to get your special vote flair** + +**EUROAPES GOT A FLAIR!! YOU TRIED!! TYPE !novote! TO GET YOUR SPECIAL FLAIR!!** + +*FYI this works anywhere in this sub, not just this one!* + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Gamestop has an Official Esports Twitter!! + +[TITS ARE COMPETITIVELY JACKED!!](https://preview.redd.it/c6z264vba2z61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=39d3d463aec9f23f523ac8299654238f21bd56b5) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# 📢📦International Giveaway Contest Submissions Close TODAY when NYSE Closes! International apes, get your memes in NOW!!📢📦 + +[iz my cat](https://preview.redd.it/rrnfgq0m6yy61.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=1503ddb82fc5f293c105e0a24423a2db9b8579bd) + +3 lucky apes outside the USA will receive a Gamestop Limited Edition Bananya Cat, complete with red headband! + +# TODAY IS THE FINAL DAY!!!💎🙌🚀SHOW ME THE MEMES!! 👀 AND VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES!! + +**I want you to show me your best GME meme**!!! The 3 most upvoted memes from international apes will be declared GOAT and will finally be able to fill the little spoon void that your spouse left when they found out about your GME yolo. **I will ship it to ANYWHERE THE USPS SHIPS TO OUTSIDE THE USA!!** Free of cost, no rules to enter, just show me your best, funniest, most classic memes about the GME saga!! + +I don't care if they're video or image, just as long as they are OC and they don't break any sub rules. + +**This contest will run through Friday, May 14th at 3pm Eastern, at which time comments will be locked! Upvoting will continue through the weekend. Winners will be announced in the Superstonk Daily on Monday, May 17, 2021 and winners will be contacted via personal message for shipping information.** + +Again, there is no shipping cost or anything to the winners! And tbh, if I end up being able to order more that the 3 plushies, I will give more away to top winners, so stay tuned!! + +**I love this community of apes!! Y'all are like family and you all deserve a hug from a cute lil cat 😻🐈💖💖💖** + +*Plushies will not be shipped anywhere in the USA! The plushy is available online at* [*Gamestop.com*](https://gamestop.com/) + +*to USApes.* + +&#x200B; + +# [LINK TO THE MEME CONTEST HERE!! COMMENTS AND ENTRIES WILL BE LOCKED AND CLOSED AT THE END OF THE TRADING DAY (MARKET CLOSE) 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n919hi/superstonk_daily_giveaway_meme_contest_limited/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +# + +# Memes will remain posted for voting and exposure through the weekend. Remember to sort by New if you're voting!! + +*Addressing some FUD I've seen: Obviously by participating in this contest, you are willing to give an address for the prize to be shipped. There are many ways to safely get a package without giving your address. But I can't even afford to go visit my family out of state, I promise I won't show up in Germany or some shit unless it's post MOASS and I'm tryna buy a castle. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀* + +# ________________________________________________________________ + +# A note from your friendly local Pink Cat 🐈 + +I want to say how proud I am of this community! The momentum has picked up, our bias has officially been confirmed, we know this is a matter of *wen* we moon, not if... all thanks to the overwhelming growth we've seen in the last couple of weeks and our amazing mod team. This is real, and you should feel confident in that as you peruse the sub, or as you interact with the people in your everyday life. *The only way the shorts get out of this like they always do, is by driving the company to bankruptcy like they always do.* **And don't forget that GME paid off all its long term debt a couple weeks ago.** Bankruptcy is *completely* off the table. In this unique scenario where we have the turnaround of a company with a dream team board of directors, the real unique situation here is THE APES ON REDDIT WITH DIAMOND HANDS. + +Do **NOT** forget where we came from. 💎🙌🚀 That's what got us here, and that's what will take us to Valhalla. Trust the company's plan and HODL. The professionals we are bringing on for AMAs are providing invaluable confirmation and validity to our sub and to apes (and ants!) everywhere. **The heart and energy of this sub is quite literally the catalyst.** By you buying a stock in a company you believe in, HODLing with diamond hands, and **VOTING YOUR SHARES**, you are literally creating the MOASS. + +&#x200B; + +**Do you understand that?** + +&#x200B; + +# 🚀APES ARE THE CATALYST🚀VOTING IS THE CATALYST🚀 + +&#x200B; + +**BUY. HODL. VOTE.** + +&#x200B; + +The catalyst really has been inside us the whole time. ✌ + +&#x200B; + +**No date or meeting or rule or new CEO or merger or margin call or ANY OF THIS WOULD EVEN EXIST IF IT WEREN'T FOR DIAMOND HANDS. 💎🙌 WE ARE THE CATALYST!! VOTE!!** + +&#x200B; + +[it was](https://preview.redd.it/r1o8n8k9uzy61.jpg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d215dc6bb4ec5d236fa065b69b01b56f56b65953) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Custom Flair Friday! + +Alright boys and girls! To celebrate the AMA, and Friday, and just how fricking COOL THIS WEEK HAS BEEN, we're doing Flair Friday! I am going to try to get to as many as I can this weekend, I know so many of you have asked over and over but we are doing THOUSANDS OF FLAIRS and I promise I want to get to each and every one of you! So just keep asking! **I will also add, these are custom voted flairs!!** + +# GET HYPED FOR ANOTHER AMA FOR THE AGES!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f2af9np1pyy61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=393e0393315f965a970f052e01149ca684898246 + +**Be excellent to each other!!!** + +Be friendly, help others! + +We are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes.** + +**This helps us weed out the shills really fast, because if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out.** + +Remember the fundamentals of this company. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can. + +[Kick back and enjoy your weekend, friends!!!](https://preview.redd.it/9eqguocguzy61.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a795bc4dba681cea2c0ea31bf36b6e477c5182bf) + +**Reddit down, wot do?** + +Mods have carefully considered what to do during a reddit blackout and advise the following - IF REDDIT GOES DOWN AT A PIVOTAL MOMENT go to [u/redchessqueen99](https://www.reddit.com/u/redchessqueen99/) 's Twitter or [u/pinkcatsonacid](https://www.reddit.com/u/pinkcatsonacid/) 's Twitter (below) to look for additional instructions on where to muster (these are the most active twitter accounts on the mod team at this time!). And check in on SuperStonk's YouTube Channel for an Emergency Broadcast, if necessary. + +[https://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99](https://mobile.twitter.com/redchessqueen99) + +[https://mobile.twitter.com/pinkcatsonacid](https://mobile.twitter.com/pinkcatsonacid) + +[SuperStonk. YouTube - Emergency Broadcast System](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI4EET9NJPWxUuXGlG6fxPA) + +# 🚨 ... AND VOTE!!! 🚨 + +# +So when I was born my grandparents invested stock into apple with the intention of giving every penny to me when I turn 18. They got lucky, and now I am going to have over 70k transferred to me soon. + +I have no debts, no monthly payments to take care of (yet), and I just wanted some thoughts on what I should be doing to ensure I don't lose it and how or what to invest in. I'm not planning on splurging on anything with it. My first thought that my dad brought up was to maybe invest in property in another state and charge rent for people to live in it. We still don't know if the money is in stocks or if it's been cashed out yet. + +Edit: Holy moly guys I went away for a couple of hours and this absolutely blew up. Thank every one of you for the advice, really appreciate it everyone! I've been in college for a year now but everything's paid for and taken care of. + +P.S. My grandparents live about 30-40 mins away so we do visit often! +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Hyundai is now announcing that when you order a vehicle, the ongoing rate is going to be frozen until you take delivery of it and if it goes down you'll be able to get it. + +PC has announced that they'd freeze most prices for the next three months on No-Name products. + +Car manufacturers used to make 1% off deals here and there on financing and food items don't have the biggest margin in the cyclical items world so now that we're seeing those kind of "promotions", is it a sign that businesses are planning that prices/rates are about to be flat or decrease? +Hi all, I'm looking for an overview of diverse disciplines and/or research areas in economics , visualised in a form of a map. I know it's a daunting task, but it's been done for maths and physics, why not economics? + +Maths: [https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/5reqif/the\_map\_of\_mathematics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/5reqif/the_map_of_mathematics/) (physics [https://youtu.be/ZihywtixUYo](https://youtu.be/ZihywtixUYo)) +I’ve been shopping around property management companies. They all take about $100 a month and then a first month rent fee per lease. + +The way the numbers work, that’s about a 12% fee. That’s absurd. I thought 8% was standard? I’m renting the place out for ~$2,500. They are taking about 60% of my cash flow… is this normal? +* 1 year: +801% +* YTD: +379% +* Today: +6.6% to close at $2,001.83 + +Are we experiencing some major [FOMO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear_of_missing_out) and [irrational exuberance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrational_exuberance)? Am I the only person in America that doesn't own Tesla stock? + +[TSLA price](https://www.cnbc.com/quotes/?symbol=TSLA) +I read that some believe the >$1trillion spending package won’t add to inflation. I was wondering how we can know that? What does add to inflation? + +My thought is: if we take money from people/companies not using as much of it (via higher taxes) and spend it on infrastructure where much of it goes into raw materials and worker pay (who are more likely to use it), it seems like it should put more pressure on inflation? Especially in such huge volumes of money. + +So, does it seem like it would be more or less likely to put additional pressure on inflation? +If people are poor they can’t afford anything, so companies have to bring prices down. I get that. How stupid is that? Let capitalism work. If people can afford things, the cheapest price will still usually prevail. Let companies fight it out in the open market. What am I missing??? +This question has bothered me for days. If, on average, returns are greater than the rate of inflation, why do investors so commonly end up with significant losses or net-zero returns? + +Is it a matter of perception? Is it that the average investor actually *does* have a positive RoI, but I'm more likely to hear about those who lose? +I don’t really have anyone to celebrate this with, but I have a job now! I’ve technically only been unemployed for 1 month but it’s been really hard. I had to quit my job last month after I had a bad breakdown and ended up cutting myself. I was then placed in a psychiatric hospital for about 10 days so that I wouldn’t hurt myself and so I could be put on some medication. I had to leave my living situation as that’s what caused me to have my bad breakdown. + +I got denied for unemployment and my bank account is currently in the negatives, but i’m trying so hard to think positives. I got hired as a CNA in a nursing home and I will be making close to $16 and hour, which is the most i’ve ever gotten at a job! I’m just feeling relieved right now and wanted to share this news!😊 + +Edit: Thank you so much to all you for your kind words. I didn’t think anyone would read my post. This means the world to me, especially hearing your words of encouragement. For all you struggling right now, please stay strong, it will get better!❤️ +Because there is no barriers to being a trader. Want to start trading? Sure! Find a random broker and deposit minimum 10 dollars to start trading forex, stocks, options and futures. + +Want to be a doctor? 7 years of med school minimum. +Want to be a dentist? 4 years of dentistry school. +Want to be a lawyer? Pass the bar exam. +Want to be an engineer of any sorts? Get an engineering degree in 3-4 years. +Want to be a blue collar worker? At least go for an apprenticeship for 6-12 months minimum. + +Why do 90% of traders fail? Because there is no barrier to entry and all the shitheads think they are gonna make it like they did on their 100000% ROI demo account. + +Stop dreaming and put in effort and you might have a chance at not getting margin called. +I just read [this NYT article](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/27/business/retirement-parents-aging-living-to-100.html) about the financial difficulties associated with caring for a parent while you are in your golden years. But wait, it gets worse. According to the [NBER](https://www.nber.org/aginghealth/2015no2/w21270.html), + +>Nursing home expenses are a significant concern for the elderly, with costs on the order of $77,000 to $88,000 a year in 2014. Relatively few older individuals have long-term care insurance, so most of these costs are paid either out-of-pocket or by Medicaid for those who have exhausted their own financial resources. + +Furthermore, + +>Medical spending by the elderly is highly concentrated. Individuals in the top 5 percent of the distribution of total expenditures spend about $98,000 per year, nearly seven times the overall average of $14,000 and accounting for 35 percent of all medical spending. Out-of-pocket expenditures are even more skewed, with almost half of expenditures made by the top 5 percent of spenders. As the authors note, "even with public and private insurance, out-of-pocket medical expenditure risk is significant." + +This is a double whammy: your expenses are increasing the most precisely when your net worth is at its lowest level and decreasing. The SWR literature needs to address this vulnerability, because I don't think health care costs are going to go down any time soon. In the meantime, it would be prudent to work for a few more years and build up more of a buffer to account for this. +&#x200B; + +Glass Castle OP here. If you don't know who or what I'm referring to, it's probably because you weren't supposed to. + +It's probably because I was early, but I was not wrong. + +There is only one true 7 4 1. Any of that other nonsense I've been watching from the sidelines over the past 2 months in regards to what it means is hilarious to see. Don't believe that shit they still filter in massive dumps to you on these subs. Question everything, question it all. + +If you decide to assess it, question its validity through and through. Source the posts, the links, the reasoning and only then, come to your conclusion. + +Leave no stone unturned and then you will see that the truth, is far simpler than those who would mislead you, may attempt to make you think. + +Erc20 + erc721 = .... + +You do the math, or peep the posts below to see for yourself. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the\_glass\_castle\_new\_game/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pki107/the_glass_castle_new_game/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) + +Most importantly, here is absolute direct validation about everything I discussed in Glass Castle II: NG+, regarding the link between D.A.Os/A.M.Ms such as Loopring and GME. + +1. Visit [https://nft.gamestop.com/](https://nft.gamestop.com/) +2. Copy and paste the link on guugle +3. Click first link that takes you directly to their etherscan page (I'm explaining this for thoroughness but I'll link that for you extra special, or extra smart apes? Who want to skip the above steps lol) [https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e](https://etherscan.io/address/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e) +4. Once on the page, look at where it says "token: " and click down on the sidebar to the right of the number in the box. +5. Scroll down until you see a transaction which has taken place for the first time ever between GME....and Loopring. +6. Quickly shift focus to opening your easy to access nip pouches for unzipping, allowing maximum tit jacking. + +There it is. To understand why this is fucking massive, you need to understand what Loopring is and does. Thoroughly. As well as their ties to GME and why through the market they create for the latter entity, + +The shorts will soon be eviscerated. All of the insight on this, if you so wish to learn more, is within that link above. Happy fuggin Friday ya apes. Be seeing you soon where gravity ain't holding us down like the shortbus and Co of the financial markets. + +**Edit: This one's for you real special 'apes' out there who claim that this txn was from some "random wallet" or that "anyone can do it".** Fret not though my friends, this was planned for as well and to avoid having to reply to each of ya, I figured we'd wait for the plethora of attempts to "DeBuNk" this post and handle them all at once. + +If you're going to attempt to falsify something, make sure you validate your claims. Here's an example as to how that works - + +[https:\/\/etherscan.io\/address\/0x13374200c29C757FDCc72F15Da98fb94f286d71e](https://preview.redd.it/fubtqgsflew71.png?width=1612&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc68c5df92356110b702dd87b64ee434a59847c3) + +Once you click that bad boy, you'll find yourself on the other end of the transaction. At this point, I know it's easy for you 'debunkers' to just see something which might confuse people pretty easily if you just throw random shit out there in the comments about it. I.e. the fact it says "from Coinbase" as your primary point of a counter-argument, lol. + +To which I recommend you attempt clicking this fine old highlight on that same page, \*\*which quite literally says '\*\****official page',*** + +https://preview.redd.it/mgjtz83vmew71.png?width=1408&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a66ba4cc836cd4906f083963102832df6ba3fce + +***Oh, I wonder where this takes us...*** + +https://preview.redd.it/1pp9nmq5new71.png?width=1580&format=png&auto=webp&s=e019ca2614ccece2558217bb6f898605d7278bb6 + +***It can't be, that's odd...it looks just like...*** [***https://loopring.org/#/***](https://loopring.org/#/) + +**Loopring's literal, offical, existent, website.** + +Apes, what if I told you all that these claims about certain transactions from wallets being 'scams' over the past few months, have been utilized as a way to dissuade you from ***actually digging into them and sourcing them yourselves to see if it's truly been the case or not***. It's easy to mislead people when hundreds of messages come in at once attempting to state the same argument, **but it's even easier to invalidate those non-substantiating arguments when they aren't based on actual assessment and research.** + +**You want even more validation to it though?** I recommend guugling Looprings V2 token, completely separated from any other link to the GME etherscan link, and guess where you'll end up, after clicking the literal first link, yep. + +https://preview.redd.it/mwluqnzppew71.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=fee0c69dfd2ae89fabad62f68564c3ab1e709ab7 + +That's right. The same page. But hey, don't believe my ass, literally try it for yourselves. You'll believe yourself before you believe anyone else. *Always verify the words of others, before letting them hold weight*. This is the true way. + +**Oh boy....** u/trendysk8er69 + +https://preview.redd.it/5ranxfnyqew71.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=91a2d166b1249e3a6193422b1a73c2f702a5d392 + +**Do the math on it. Hover over em once ya get there as well.** + +https://preview.redd.it/cwq4nm7wtew71.png?width=1340&format=png&auto=webp&s=944278ccc601d17ec2a8a8ad65969e5c7a0af5b2 + +**Game On, Anon ;)** + +# Priority Edit - + +**How intriguing, so without any counter-argument by the mods in control, any reasoning to the contrary or even a chance provided for me to make a proper argument they claim to "debunk" this post.** + +**Apes. I** ***highly encourage you to assess everything I've provided for yourselves before you take into consideration the stickied comment below. What is even MORE fascinating is the absurd claim made, in stating that my posts have NEVER been suppressed.*** + +This is a **blatant lie and** ***anyone*** **who was around for the first release of GC1 would be able to see this. Furthermore, I have** ***ample evidence to show that this was the case.*** + +So, you made your play from the top down, but in doing so the mod who stickied his comment **loses validity in making a statement which** + +1. **Makes a literal false claim in his statement which has plenty of evidence to the contrary.** +2. Provides **no justification or reasoning as to** ***why the post is debunked, with no evidence,*** naturally. While the post itself quite literally does **just that. Provides evidence that EACH ape can see for themselves.** +3. ***As a result of 2,*** it leaves me without an attempt to provide a counter-argument. + +If you've read any of my work, you'll know that if there is one thing I always recommend to those whom read it, ***it is to click and assess EVERY piece of data, evidence, and link for themselves. People can lie,*** **facts, do not.** + +# Priority Edit II - + +In case any of my statements above were in question, **words without substantiating evidence and validating sources, are just that; mere words.** + +Mere words, will not convince the crowd of what is *right* and what is *wrong.* **Every single ape should have the ability to decide for themselves whether what they see is truth or falsifications.** Not these self-pedestal few who retain the ability to dictate the way information is perceived and assessed by the many. + +So, before questioning ***why*** I'm so vocal about **the absurd "debunked" claims** displayed below, I highly encourage you all to see a truth many of **you likely missed. The reason why Rensole no longer exists on this sub, and his** ***direct suppression of my original GC1 post, as well as multitudes of evidence substantiating it all.*** + +Simply find his section, you may be surprised by what you find along the way, **but the point to be made is in direct relation to what the mod here today, has stated.** + +Why do I say all this? B**ecause I made an entire post about it that led to the 'exit' of RCQ, Rensole, and Maddie.** + +[**https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false\_prophets/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEJungle/comments/omntvy/false_prophets/) + +False Prophets. + +&#x200B; + +💎🤝💎🚀 +Morning everybody, 26 year old in full-time employment (Estate Agent) earning around £18k a year. I'm wondering if anybody could help me, advise me on what to do next. I'm really struggling and I honestly don't know what to do at this point. + +I am currently looking into taking some sort of large loan/consolidation loan (not even sure I'd be approved, my credit rating is horrible) but I'm not sure if I'm just panicking or this is actually the only answer? + +I currently am £2000 into my £2000 overdraft, plus an additional £52 over my arranged borrowing limit, so my balance sits at £-2052. + +I have a "forward card" through Barclays which has a £250 limit, which I am at £246 of, so have £4 on. + +I have an outstanding Sainsbury's loan which I took out for £3000, I've paid off £450 of this so still owe them £2500 roughly. + +I also have a PayPal Credit limit of £2500, which I have £100 available. + +I only have £520 left to pay off on my vehicle, 1 regular payment and the final balloon payment. + +I also owe various friends £100 here and there as well. + +My main issue is the fact I get paid every last Friday of the month, and I am already over my arranged borrowing limit and therefore cannot spend anything, so unless I use PayPal Credit to order my groceries, I cannot eat, and also cannot fill up my car to get to work either. + +I got myself into this mess by irresponsible and reckless spending throughout my younger years and it has caught up with me, and I'm completely embarrassed but at this point I honestly do not know the answer, the only loans I can find at £37% APR and I only have a 50% acceptance rate anyway. + +The only silver lining is I live at home with parents and pay £205 rent a month. + +Has anybody got ANY advice whatsoever? Is getting a £10k loan at 37% APR a better idea? I am constantly being harassed by various creditors and I don't see any other option. Close to tears as I write this. + +Thanks everybody. +CONTRACT REDEPLOY TO FURTHER OUR JOURNEY THROUGH THE COSMOS AND LAND ON MARS + +5000X ON FIRST LAUNCH HOW MANY X CAN WE GET THIS TIME?!? + +THIS NEW CONTRACT WILL IMPROVE THINGS SIGNIFICANTLY FOR THE LONG TERM, AND IT WILL ENABLE US TO REAPPLY TO CMC, CG, AND WHITELIST EXCHANGES WHICH IS NEEDED!!!!! + +LOVED OUR TOKENOMICS BEFORE? LOVE THEM EVEN MORE NOW!! + +A NEW, IMPROVED, AND BETTER CONTRACT THAT WILL HELP US WITH ANY ISSUES REGARDING LP! I AM ALSO DECREASING THE MAX TRANSACTION SIZE FROM 1% -> 0.5%! + +- 7% Auto-staking via 7% tax from every transaction. This means that for every transaction made, 7% of that transaction gets redistributed among investors. You earn more money just for holding coins! + + - 1% Burn tax - This means that for every transaction 1% of that transaction, those coins get burned forever meaning your coins once again become more valuable as this acts an auto deflationary measure! + +- 0.5% Maximum transaction size - This unique anti-whale feature prevents any transaction from being larger than 0.5% of total coins available. This prevents individuals from doing large dumps and causing increase in volatility. + +Here at SMGM, we are a 100% community driven project that is taking testicular cancer research to the moon and beyond! Our goal at SMEGM is to once and for all END testicular cancer! How we achieve this is quite simple, for every $5 Million in market cap raised, we donate money to testicular cancer research + +OUR JOURNEY - + +- Initial launch at $3000 USD market cap (no pre-sale) +- Over 1000 investors within 24 hours +- Within three days reached $15 million market cap +- Currently over 6000 investors +- TikTok partnerships with @LondonLaz and @JabagelMan + + +Website: https://www.smegmars.space/ + + NEW CONTRACT +ADDRESS: 0x74f3a669A8f35010F6f8811c495c0A5F60c5d04d +NAME: SMEGMARS +SYMBOL: SMGM +&#x200B; + +[Banner submission by u\/NitroDildo](https://preview.redd.it/b8veyvpdblv61.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a53cf543bedde9e0c88c57feed158723d55275e) + +# Good Morning Superstonk! + +\*Passes out green crayons to the class\* + +How about them after hours?! + +&#x200B; + +[Big fat green crayon in AH](https://preview.redd.it/ksrphy0y9pv61.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a506e249caefdc2d9011854a49f83449ef48e43d) + +Before we hand the banana over to Brick Tamland for today's top story, I want to make sure everyone has seen [u/atobitt's AMA update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mz37ds/dr_trimbath_ama_questions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). **The official AMA question thread** [is now live!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzknu6/official_ama_dr_susanne_trimbath_phd_thursday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)**.** + +u/atobitt has been an absolute champ and in addition to modding, finishing up HOC II, and just living life with a big ol' wrinkly brain, he has also been cramming Dr. Trimbath's Books to prepare for our [Superstonk Live YouTube Livestream](https://youtu.be/9rKS92zwh_o). Do you see how dedicated this guy is? I'm so proud we have people of this caliber serving this community on the mod team!! 💪🧠🦍 + +And speaking of Dr. Trimbath's book Naked Short & Greedy, I want to add links and clarify some information. + +[IPG](https://www.ipgbook.com/naked--short-and-greedy-products-9781910151341.php?page_id=21) is the North American Distributor + +[Spiramus](https://spiramus.com/naked-short-and-greedy) is the Independent Publisher (Which also has a chapter by chapter summary) + +&#x200B; + +[She is lurking 👀](https://preview.redd.it/ur5g2fqlbmv61.jpg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc4a20bccc42895475a4c313aebc8e71095874a0) + +Please keep in mind as you peruse the sub, this week and always, that we are garnering some *highly esteemed* attention. And we deserve it!!! But we need to behave as the good apes do when Jane Goodall comes to teach. Don't you want to evolve to learn how to make crayon? Let's keep being excellent, reading, discussing ideas civilly, and evolving. Dr. T is watching. + +&#x200B; + +[Dr. T when she reads our sub](https://preview.redd.it/xkj494mgumv61.jpg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2634aaa650b2e2743cf74143c534ca5851a4ca23) + +So with that, here's u/Bye_Triangle with today's top story. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Top Story- Gamestop Completes At The Market Equity Offering + +Yesterday was very exciting for everyone, that price increase was the perfect morale booster. Also a nice appetizer for what is likely to come next. Besides the pleasing price-action, something big was officially announced yesterday: + +Not only is GameStop now free from long term debt, but they have completed their aforementioned At The Market Equity Offering Program. + +&#x200B; + +" Why is that a good thing? Sounds like they just sold a bunch of shares? " - My wife's boyfriend + +Very astute of you to point out, well done. + +&#x200B; + +Well, this is a good thing for a bunch of reasons! First off, the capital raised from their ATM offering didn't go to paying off their debts, that was done with capital the company already had. GameStop sold their 3.5mil shares at an average price of $157 which means they raised a WHOPPING... $551,000,000.00 , All of which can go to funding all of the plans that Ryan Cohen and Co. have in store. Furthermore, the remaining debt that the company had, coupled with the concern over raising enough capital to actually pivot, were both key pieces of the remaining Bear-Thesis' for GME. With that out the window, there isn't any evidence that GameStop is bound for failure. + +&#x200B; + +So let's quickly review: + +\[✔\] Debt Free + +\[✔ \] Name recognition + +\[✔\] Amazing, Competent Leadership team + +\[✔\] Clear path forward + +\[✔\] Funding for transformation + +\[ \] CEO + CFO + +\[ \] Predatory Short Sellers in jail + +&#x200B; + +GameStop is looking so hot right now 👀 Looks like just a few more matters to handle. + +Though, with the debt crushed, the capital raised, and the newly selected (and highly talented) board on its way... I personally find it harder and harder to find the risk here. Just as our boy Cat Not-a-cat u/DeepFuckingValue saw, many, many moons ago, there is a lot of value in GameStop. + +Back to you, u/pinkcatsonacid + +[Papa Cohen is debt free and swimmin in tendies](https://preview.redd.it/6c0qtvxiqmv61.jpg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee31696febeb078de715f769c1ff0b80e22cf5aa) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# DTCC Liquidity test and the new SEC Filing + +So the DTCC performed a liquidity test yesterday, and they also decided the minimum fund deposit requirement needed to be lifted from $10,000 to $250,000. What does that mean? (Edit: Earlier version implied a direct connection between the 2. [These comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzl0dq/superstonk_daily_04272021/gw1c4jj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) help explain the procedure in more detail.) + +This is an annual test (simulation), as outlined [here](https://www.dtcc.com/~/media/Files/Downloads/Clearing-Services/FICC/CCLF-Annual-Test-Reference-Doc.pdf). Basically it's a simulation of what happens to NSCC members if SHTF. + +Searching the DTCCs [Important Notices](https://www.dtcc.com/legal/important-notices?q=Capped+Contingency+Liquidity+Facility+Test&pgs=1), we can find out the following information on when they are usually held. Feel free to speculate in regards to the revert of dates back to April from August. + +Year Date + +2021 April 26th + +2020 August 31st + +2019 August 26th + +2018 April 23rd + +2017 April 24th + +There are two parts to the test, part 1 dates are above, where all members from the Government Securities Division (think treasury securities) and Mortgage-Backed Securities Division’s (think 2008) need to partake. + +The simulation of a member defaulting is performed in a non production environment (It won't affect any thing in the real world). + +Well the sim seems to me to have failed yesterday (LOL) and what do you know? We also got some shiny new [SEC Filings](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-005.pdf). + +Basically, hedgies have to keep more money in the bank to keep playing their games. And that money is up for grabs if they step out of line. (Plus a whole lot more). + +&#x200B; + +[All those minimum deposit requirements](https://preview.redd.it/xfv7a05v8nv61.jpg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b9e1c8ef864ab9da9029f6142e875dd3ff57bb) + +# Automod Posting and Commenting Requirements + +Ok listen, it's hard to steer a tight ship while also allowing you drunk ass sailors to run freely around the place, so we have had to come to some pretty strict requirements, at least until after MOASS. I've seen a lot of mod-mail about this, so let's break it down. + +## Automod is currently set to do the following: + +* remove **comments** by accounts less than **30 days old** or with less than **250 karma** +* remove **posts** by accounts less than **60 days old** or with less than **500 karma** +* remove posts and comments that violate our banned word list (the message you receive will have the word detailed) +* some words are merely reported to mods since they are not always removable offensives (you won't notice this) +* remove text posts if they don't have a minimum of 250 characters (about one paragraph) +* change flair of "DD" or "Possible DD" posts to "Discussion" flair if they don't have a minimum of 2000 characters (about 8 paragraphs) +* remove comments if they are longer than 1500 characters (about six paragraphs) +* remove posts and comments that utilize cryptocurrency discussion unrelated to $GME - there are other subs for that and this removal stops a lot of spam + +[Don't have enough karma?](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) Get out there and get to socializing a bit! 🦋 + +&#x200B; + +[No speaky](https://preview.redd.it/crns4cgy1nv61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e94e8c6f24f3eb4550184dc74cdf7b557cf5b0) + +We realize these rules kinda suck for some apes. That's why I'm providing the resources here to help you interact with the sub. But have you noticed how relatively quiet and peaceful it's been? That's because mods are working around the clock through some [crazy stuff](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99/status/1386463002363404290) behind the scenes to keep it clean. + +Pink Cats don't do drama and I don't think we need to go into detail here of why certain conversations have been limited or banned. Everyone is requested to bring receipts if you're going to make claims in your post. Just like I did in my post [Blowing my Diamond Whistle.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ms6yvq/blowing_my_diamond_whistle_as_a_highly_visible/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) We want to run a respectable sub with trustworthy resources for all apes. + +&#x200B; + +**We operate primarily through modmail, so if you see something sus, say something.** + +&#x200B; + +As I said yesterday, I am reading through your comments, taking notes, and we are adapting to build a Superstonk platform that is **NON MONETIZED** and **RESEARCH DRIVEN.** I love this community and the only motivation I have is GME tendies and to see happy apes growing a wrinkle or 2. Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the love yesterday. All the mods were overwhelmed with the love and support for the new daily format! + +&#x200B; + +This place is a gem. It's no wonder they try so hard to tear it down. 💎💎💎💎 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/km3w56dq4nv61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=55b556e32fd6fa8eb96478021a5a8196b7b27d06 + +**Be excellent to each other!!!** + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +**This helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out** + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +&#x200B; + +[HODL](https://preview.redd.it/i1fn7ie26nv61.jpg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77699b152a2e2aa13afa399ea8bee23474d37260) + +&#x200B; + +**Links you should read if you have time:** + +[**https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mz7c7h/put\_anomalies\_pt1\_were\_127\_million\_synthetic/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mz7c7h/put_anomalies_pt1_were_127_million_synthetic/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +**Links to socials:** + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +**Edits** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ +Single parent here where things have gone from dire to ok in the last year. I scrimped for months to get a fund together. I also had xmas money and my parents paid for an activity for us (ziplining). My cost was $900. It was a huge amount to come up with, but I did it and we went and actually had some pay off for our hard work during the year. Kids have to get up early and get home late so I can work 55 hour weeks (near minimum wage). We did lots of activities and even swung a meal at a restaurant at the end. + +Now I need to buckle down and keep paying off debt for the next year. I hope to be debt free bar the mortgage by the end of it. + +How I did it: 1 year timeframe: Got a job working more than 40hrs pw. Cut out some insurance payments because they came with the job. Paid off a car loan and a water bill, cut netflix. Got ahead on my bills with the extra wiggle room ($150pw). Thought f-it, the kids deserve a holiday. Got mad that I hadn't managed it in over a decade. Starting saving $100pw + what I could from the food budget by eating through the overstocked freezer - I had a lot of preprepared soups and things in there that I had made when covid started in case it hit the household. I'm in New Zealand so it turned out to be unnecessary but took up heaps of space. + +No regrets on the money spent. Now I'm planning another couple of domestic holidays for the next few years. +Parents are kicking me (20f) out for being depressed I’m in £4,000 of debt what do I do? HELP + +I’m not 100% sure how to start with this one. + +I’ve been depressed for a long while but I was diagnosed 2 years ago. Initially, I didn’t tell either of my parents but I ended up opening up to my mother which was a terrible mistake. + +Since then she’s been angry at me because I “have no reason to be depressed” and I need to “rejoin reality” and “if I just got out of bed and exercised I would be fine.” She picks on my failures every time she feels like it safe to say I can’t particularly heal. + +I’ve tried my very hardest, I’ve discovered some of my weak points and made an effort to rectify them. I used to work as a lab technician 44hrs+ a week when I collapsed at work leading to my diagnoses. + +At the start of quarantine I realised- when I didn’t work as much- that work was a huge part of my stresses and anxiety so I made the decision to change my career. I have good grades and have always dreamed of doing a degree it is by far one of the most important things to me. My parents however believe people with degrees to be stuck up and that they “don’t know anything.” Initially however, I seemed to have the full support of my parents to work part time and study. More recently this has shifted into “how I really ought to be working full time because there is nothing wrong with me.” Despite quarantine etc. I did manage to get 21hrs in a supermarket last month and I have done full time hours in overtime- I really pushed myself. + +Regardless for the last three weeks, due to the spacing of COVID tests we have been isolating. My sleep schedule eventually reversed mainly because I slept in the day to avoid my parents- this really angered them. I’ve had to cancel my counselling on zoom because my mum has insisted on listening in because she wants to know what my counsellor is putting in my head. I’ve asked for privacy but she says that I won’t tell her what to do in her house. + +Now they have told me I need to get out of their house because I am a lazy layabout who needs to get over myself and I am not welcome to live off of them- as a side note I pay my own bills, food, and own my own furniture. I have never paid rent for them but I have never been asked to, I have instead bought supplies for the house when asked. I don’t think I can get better in this house regardless. + +As for how I have accrued the debt, I went through stages in my depression of buying things in an attempt to fill the void. Unfortunately, should I sell it, nothing I have bought will even nearly dig me out of the hole I’m in. It’s shared across credit cards, PayPal and tech repayment. + +Lastly, my boyfriend and I are long distance. His mother has invited he and I to Spain to live with her. This would mean however that I would lose my job- I don’t know how at that point I would keep up my repayments. I desperately want to complete my degree and I don’t know how that can be possible. Lastly, should I got to Spain my Spanish is weak. My boyfriends mother is a language teacher but obviously this becomes and immediate barrier in getting a job. + +My only other option as far as I can see is selling my car, (although it may not raise the full amount) going to Spain and attempting to earn money to come back. I love my car, it’s my first- it’s also my only way of getting around and it might become a barrier in getting a job when I return- if I can. + +I’m scared, I’ve never faced homelessness and I’m worried about ruining my credit score and never being able to move forward. What do I do? + +Also I’m sorry if this made little sense, if you need clarification please ask me. Thank you for reading. +Long time ago I took some saved money (around 10k) and put it on different cryptocurrencies. Crypto was taking a lot of time from my life and was stressing me out to follow the charts everyday, so I moved everything to a wallet and forgot about it. + +A few weeks ago I decided to check how much I have and I have aprox 500k €. They're not in an exchange, it's my personal hard wallet. + +About my personal situation, I'm 28, living in europe, not married and living alone. I don't want to buy a house, but I want to use this money wisely and invest it. + +I'm also very worried about taxes, so I would love to see how everyone here thinks about that. I guess the best option would be to get a financial advisor. + +My financial objective is improving my current lifestyle: better appartment and better job to be less stressed out. Another option is investing more aggresively and leave my job to do some freelancing instead. That would be less stressful for sure, but at the same time I don't trust my money management skills and you never know what can happen in the future. + +All tips are appreciated, thanks. + +EDIT: I currently live in spain, moved here 2 years ago. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-22/fed-s-bullard-says-u-s-jobless-rate-may-soar-to-30-in-2q + +> Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard predicted the U.S. unemployment rate may hit 30% in the second quarter because of shutdowns to combat the coronavirus, with an unprecedented 50% drop in gross domestic product. +Those of us that have IRAs, are in trusts, foreign countries, etc. are not able to DRS either as easily, or at all. + +I'm seeing a deluge of posts recently that are basically blaming the victims if we miss out on MOASS somehow because we didn't direct register our shares. + +ALL OF US should receive the full benefits of being a shareholder. Put the blame on the brokers and the system for even needing to DRS, not on us poor bastards that have no choice but to buy through them. + +This is divisive and FUD, frankly, and it's disappointing to see on this sub. It's totally fine to encourage people that can to DRS, but it's way over the line to ridicule and blame those that can't. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +If you want to save money, think about how much you spend at a gas station each week. If you are addicted to something sold at a gas station, add up how much you spend on that item per week and multiply it by 52. That daily energy drink adds up! It is estimated that smoking costs a smoker $1-2 million over their life. Sugar, tobacco, beer, the lottery are all very highly addictive and hurt you greatly physically and financially. Eliminating one of these items can change your financial situation greatly. + +If you absolutely have to have something like an energy drink buy in bulk somewhere else. + +[50 things to stop spending your money on](http://blog.credit.com/2017/05/50-things-to-stop-wasting-your-money-on-172651/) + +EDIT- I just got back from work and can’t believe how much this blew up!! Good tips in here and of course there are always exceptions to the rules. To the people that left comments about how I shouldn’t tell people how to spend their money.... umm this sub is Poverty Finance! I hope it helps someone out there that is trying to do their best to work on their finances and become more aware of how much a daily stop like this can add up. +Sauce: [https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article](https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article) + +Edit: Thank you all for the awards, much appreciated! For those who are asking what ticker to watch tonight Evergrande trades under 03333 and 06666. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕 + +For those not wanting to click the link here is a copy paste: + +By AFP Published October 20, 2021, + +Chinese developer Evergrande will resume trading in Hong Kong on Thursday, it said in a filing, but warned there was “no guarantee” it would be able to meet its financial obligations. + +The company suspended trading on October 4 as it struggles in a sea of debt and faces a default, with investors’ fearing the fallout from its predicament could impact the wider Chinese economy. + +On Wednesday, Evergrande said it had applied for a trading resumption to take effect the following day, although cautioned that “there is no guarantee that the group will be able to meet its financial obligations”. + +Evergrande’s announcement came as China’s new-home prices fell for the first time in six years last month, according to data on Wednesday, as the property sector struggled after a government clampdown. + +Figures on Wednesday showed that the cost of new homes in 70 large and medium-sized cities saw a small decrease in September, the National Bureau of Statistics said without giving a precise percentage, though Bloomberg calculations found they dropped by around 0.08 percent. + +That represents the first drop since April 2015. + +Prices in the secondary market slipped 0.19 percent, a second monthly fall, Bloomberg said. + +The latest readings will be considered especially worrying as September is usually seen as a peak season for the home market, and emerge as property firms come under the spotlight after the government began clamping down on their borrowing. + +This has in turn limited their ability to press on with building and selling projects, putting even more pressure on their bottom lines. + +The biggest casualty of the crackdown has been Evergrande, which is teetering on the brink as it struggles under debts of more than $300 billion. + +The firm has missed several payments on its bonds and a 30-day grace period on an offshore note is up on Saturday, leaving investors concerned about what will happen. Still, it has managed to meet its domestic obligations. + +Fears that the firm could collapse and send shockwaves through the Chinese economy — and possibly globally — rattled markets earlier this month, though Beijing has said any fallout would be containable. + +Several domestic property rivals have in recent weeks already defaulted on debts and have seen their ratings downgraded. + +Hong Kong-listed Sinic Holdings became the latest to miss a payment, S&P Global Ratings said Wednesday. + +S&P said the latest non-payment would “trigger cross defaults and accelerate demands for repayment of the company’s other debts… some of which are already overdue”. + +Mid-sized competitor Fantasia also failed to meet obligations in recent weeks, which triggered downgrades to “selective default” by S&P and “-CCC” by Fitch Ratings. + +China’s property sector has been under tightened scrutiny since regulators announced caps for three different debt ratios in a scheme dubbed “three red lines” last year. + +Despite concerns about the sector, Oxford Economics’ head of Asia economics Louis Kuijs said: “While a major housing downturn in China can’t be ruled out, we think the most likely scenario is a contained short-term downturn combined with a gradual, managed long-term retrenchment.” +There is an unfortunate abundance of hate and jealousy from people presumably "missing out" on significant price increases and frankly I don't understand that mentality. + +We should be congratulating our Brothers and Sisters in crypto and not criticising their choice of coin. + +Crypto isn't a race to become rich, it's a much longer journey with plenty of ups and downs and ultimately, we're all in it together! + +So lets just congratulate others on their recent successes and if you believe in your portfolio then your time will come too. + +Edit: Was it something I said? +Background: I have been investing for the last 6 months and consider myself to follow the ideologies of of value investing. + +My primary holding is up 40% (Aspen - on JSE, can give info about it if asked) and this has me wondering if I should sell my profits. + +I know a core principle of value investing is to not sell, and it makes sense from the perspective that I should back the fundamentals of Aspen and trust my investment in them to grow. + +This is something I’ve learnt from buffet, but his powers of evaluating a business far exceed my own (obviously) so I cannot be sure if this growth is supported by its value? + +I would not sell my entire stake in them, just the 40% profit I have made, which I would re-invest in a different company. + +Ultimately, the question of “where can my investment grow the most” is the bottom line. + +Should I continue to trust Aspen, as my investment continues to grow, in thinking this is the most profitable investment so I should keep more money in it. OR should I sell the profit (still keep the initial investment in Aspen) and invest the profit elsewhere? + +Open to discuss this and would appreciate some ideas pertaining to this. + + +Edit: spelling + +Thank you for the responses, appreciate the ideas and thoughts. I found large majority to be very helpful and reminded me of the basics of value investing. +At the beginning of the so-called pandemic I bought Moderna stock for $144 a share. As many of you know over time it went up to almost $500. I held onto it. It went down to $350. I held onto it thinking: “ there will always be a new variant and the vaccinations won’t stop, MRNA should go back up to over $400. +Omnicron came, yet the stock fell under $300. Over the last few days it fell from $235 to $215 and I thought to myself “I’ve had it. I’m going to put in a stop loss order at $205!” This morning MRNA dropped just enough to trigger my stop loss order, I sold everything and the stock went right back up to $222 and ended at $216 for the day. I am extremely pissed. From $140 a share to $205, that’s a nice gain and yet I am more pissed than ever about a trade. Who has similar horror stories? And how can I get out of this funk? +# How to Think About Stock Ownership. + +First I'd like to talk about what a stock is not. **A stock is not a random number generator** on your phone. It is not a squiggly line that bounces up and down. It's not a lottery ticket. A stock is a partial ownership in the underlying business. And in the long run, the stock's price will track the value of the underlying business. In the long run. But in the short run anything can happen. The two can diverge wildly. In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if you own a particular stock for long enough, you will see it decline in price by 10, 20, 30, 40, 50%. And it may stay down for days, weeks, months, or years. If that isn't something that excites you, then you shouldn't own individual stocks. + +Notice how I said that **declines in price should excite you**. That may seem counter-intuitive. Isn't it a good thing when your stocks increase in price? No, not if you're a net buyer of them. If you're a net buyer of something, you should want the price to go down. If you're a net seller of something, you should want the price to go up. What you want is for your stocks to increase in value. This may seem like a pedantic distinction, but it's really at the core of value investing. Price is what you pay and value is what you get. In short, **you want declining price and increasing value**. + +Someone once asked me why I thought long term. That's because I cannot predict stock prices over a short-period of time. They're essentially random. But what I can do, is find a handful of companies that I think will increase in value over the next 5 or 10 years. And if I don't pay too much for those companies, I should do very well. In the next few episodes, I will get into what I look for in businesses, both from a qualitative and quantitative standpoint, and how I think about valuation. But for today, I want to focus on stock ownership. + +If I were to go to a cocktail party, and someone asked me what I did for a living, and I told them that I owned a laundry mat or a car wash, no one would think I was crazy. No one would think I was risky. They'd just assume I was a small business owner. Or if I were a dentist and I owned by own practice, no one would find that particularly risky. Or if I had some 9 to 5 job earning a steady paycheck, no one would think that was dangerous. But I think all of those things are more dangerous than stock ownership. A laundry mat is a shitty business. You have to hire people to work for you, and keep the machines in order, and hire lawyers and tax accountants, and it really just seems like a complete headache. Or if you have a 9 to 5, most of the net present value of your future cash flows are wrapped up in that job, and you could be laid off or injured or something of the sort. A computer program could replace you. To me, that seems dangerous. But I don't think owning a handful of superb businesses is dangerous. + +**I think owning Apple or Google is a lot less dangerous than owning a laundry mat, but if you told someone that you had over 50% of your portfolio in Apple they'd think you were crazy.** They would say that is risky. That's nonsense. If you look at the richest people in the world, most of them have most of their net worth in a handful of companies, and in many cases, a single company. Having a really great idea, and having the balls to bet on it, is how most people get rich. Most people don't get rich off their 20th best idea. + +And you don't need to have more than one or two good ideas a year to make a lot of money. If you can find one amazing company a year, you're doing fine. Figure if you have a portfolio of five to ten companies and your average holding period is five to ten years, then you just need one new company a year. + +**The problem a lot of people get into, is they sell out of their best ideas.** People will buy a company and then sell it because the price went up. They'll say you can't go broke making a profit. But unless you're taking that money out of the stock market, it has to go back somewhere. So what you'd end up doing is taking it out of a one stock and putting it in another. And maybe that next stock isn't as good. Or some people sell a company because the stock price has gone down. They use stop-losses, for example. Stop losses never made any sense to me, it would be like if you had a house for sale for let's say $1 million dollars. You tell your realtor, if someone offers you $950K, don't accept it. But if someone offers you $900K, accept it. It doesn't make any fucking sense. But people think that way. And some people will sell a stock because it's gone sideways for too long. They get bored and want to move into something else. So what you have is investors who will sell a stock if it goes up, sell if it goes down, or sell if it goes sideways. + +So when should you sell a stock? Well the simple answer is when something better comes along. Taxes are no joke, so you should account for them if you're going to sell out of one stock to buy into another. I could probably do a whole episode on when to sell a stock, so I'll save that for later. + +One last thing I want to say about stock ownership though, is that I treat it as if it were a small business. **I think of my small business as a conglomeration fo Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Take Two Interactive.** Now clearly, I don't have any executive power over those companies. I can't walk into an Amazon Bookstore and start demanding changes. I have no control over them. And that's fine, I don't want control over them. What I have control over is where I put my capital. That's my job as owner of my little business. I allocate capital. That's it. If I think management is doing a good job, I may invest more capital in their businesses and if I think they're doing a poor job, I'll pull out my capital. It would be like if I divested from a failing division. + +**And I think stocks provide you with a way to own an amazing small business.** If you had $100K, what kind of small business could you run? Perhaps the aforementioned laundry mat. Well with stocks, you can own a $100K microcosm of Apple. And you get all of the smartest people in the world working for you, and you're paying them essentially nothing if you stop to do the math. You get to leverage that brand name and have global recognition of your products and services. It's an incredible business, and you get to buy it with no contracts or legal fees. No real work is expected of you, other than just maintaining a working knowledge of the business. It's really a goldmine of an opportunity. + +**I think stocks are the easiest way for the average American to live the American dream.** Work hard, save, and invest. You won't get rich quick, but you will get well to do eventually. + +\~\~\~ + +* [How to analyze a business qualitatively](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/rb4km3/how_to_analyze_a_business_qualitatively/) +* [How to analyze a company quantitatively](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/rfmg0d/how_to_analyze_a_company_quantitatively/) +* [How to value a business](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/rim0b2/how_to_value_a_business/) + +You can listen to these and other topics on my podcast [How Not to Suck at the Stocks](https://soundcloud.com/user-650296856/064-investing-201?si=09c9f19af2af419b8b1480b5ecfb0a78&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing). +Any time you look up a list of great investors they're fund managers investing other people's money (great for those people!) My question is: Who is the greatest person to invest that used their own money to have a rags-to-riches story? I'm sure we'll hear about self-made millionaires from this generation that used discount brokers, Reddit, and analysis purely from the internet to amass wealth, in due time. +So I (reminder: 44f, single, no kids) accepted the start-up position per my last post (fingers crossed macro headwinds don't cause redundancy...). I've now got the summer off. I've been off for about 2 weeks already and getting bored. I went to stay with a friend in Paris but post-covid travel is a nightmare with travel staff shortages and people waiting for trains/planes etc. (at least in Europe) for 7 hours. I found it stressful. What can I usefully do that doesn't involve travelling. Useful upskills/learning stuff/FatFire related activities you'd recommend. Thanks, wise folks! +It’s officially here. HappyCoin is live in NYC with a **huge billboard** you can see down the entire length of Times Square. +It's big, and it's oh so beautiful. +Despite the bloody market conditions, Happy wants to pave its own way and continue its bullish mission. + + +If that wasn’t enough, how about this to wet the taste buds: + +Two articles are about to be dropped. Yep, you heard that right; **Yahoo Finance + Marketwatch**. With this Happy is officially entering the mainstream space. Everyone is going to be talking about the amazing work the doxxed $HAPPY team has done, with $200k donated to mental health related charities, this is a project that is worth your time. + +**NFT marketplace prototype dropped this week** and has the communityof 75,000 holders buzzing. This is a huge opportunity for artist partnerships and fundraiser campaigns that will allow $HAPPY to continue the incredible work that's been achieved so far, separate from the market. **This is truly a project that has longevity on its side**. + +There’s even talk of potential partnerships with start up organisations to fund projects from the **ground up** and provide boots on the ground support - **A task no other project has yet undertaken**. + +Happy has the branding and message to truly appeal to the everyday consumer. We all know someone who has had their fight with mental health struggles, and $HAPPY is the only token dedicated to the cause. + +More articles are coming next week, along with a MASSIVE video from Jesse Wellens and the Happy team. You can see a teaser on the Instagram highlights page. + +But it gets even better. + +The team is going ahead with another **$20k LIVE** donation to Mental Health America, tonight at **9pm UTC**. + +This isn’t one to miss. I’ll be there, will you? + +[Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/happy_coinTG) + +[Pancakeswap](https://v1exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + +[Yahoo Finance Article](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/happycoin-cryptocurrency-changing-face-online-184500166.html) +Exactly one year ago to this day, I had less than $100 in my savings. I was 20yo and I spent all my money on food, alcohol and games. I had no idea about savings accounts, buying shares, interest rates etc. + +Today I hit $13000 in savings. I’m currently in uni so I can only work part time and thus this amount isn’t a lot, but I’m getting there. Today I also took $5000 of this and invested it into an etf. I have begun to build my future and it is thanks to all of you who share your advice and thoughts on this subreddit. + +So from the bottom of my heart thank you, and when I retire in 20-30 years I’ll be sure to buy y’all a drink :) +This is my first post on reddit. My question is for those that decided to retire at or near the height of their earning potential. How were you able to walk away from your high salary positions? + +A little background. My partner and I came to this country as refugee/immigrant. Our parents worked low wage jobs and still aren't able to communicate very well in English. They worked as much as they could sometimes taking on 2 or 3 side jobs just to put food on the table. + +We went to college and got jobs in tech in the SF bay area. Now in our mid 40's and in management, we're doing very well. My partner and I have been financially able to retire for a few years now, but a few factors prevent us from doing so. The main one is that our youngest is still in elementary school. The other factor is that our annual income is in the mid 6 digits while on cruise control. But there's no excitement for the work anymore. Partner is ready to retire, but the thought of leaving so much on the table is difficult especially having known hunger. I still remember the joy of finding coins especially quarters on the street. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Hi, recently the car market has been shit and as a broke grad student, I really needed a new car before August and so paid a 1,000 nonrefundable deposit to preorder one at a local Hyundai dealership. However, even though I can pay for the car in cash, this dealership requires me to finance with their plan. Without much choice since after calling all other Hyundai dealerships with in a 50 mile radius, all their models in my budget range were out of stock, so I preordered the vehicle since I didn't have many other choices, if at all. + +Still, I also asked if I could pay for the car in full on the first day of their shortest 60 month option with their financing plan and they said sure, that's my own choice and I'd save the marginal interest, but warned me that with COVID, paying in full on the first day is risky and there is a 1/10 chance that the full payment record would be lost with bank transactions. Instead, they suggested that to pay for the vehicle ASAP and save interest, I could paying 4 separate payments with their financing plan at least one month apart for safer transactions. + +Right now, is there actually any difference between paying in full on the first day of the loan vs. four separate payments as they suggest to avoid risking losing my payment with bank transactions? Everything sounds sketchy and I don't have much experience with buying a car so would appreciate some insight here! Thanks! + +Edit: Thank you all for the feedback didn’t expect it! Just wanted to add that I was not forced into signing the contract for financing but rather they said I could not sign the contract without agreeing to finance with them. Since I had few/any other options, I signed. But today, the car arrived and I asked if I could pay on the first day of financing and they SUGGESTED I pay in 4 separate payments at a 7.63% INTEREST or I may risk not getting the car title and money via the bank (obv they’d say that to scam), and I just politely nodded. However, based on the comments, I guess I will pay in full ASAP since they said the only ramifications are risking losing money which sounds complete BS (didn’t see anything about penalties on the contract). +My girlfriend has this political opinion that every person should be paid the exact same wage, no matter what job they do. I don’t know enough about economics to explain why this wouldn’t work. Looking for some insight. +This is a follow up post to this one i made 20 days ago [Vanguard NOT sending over Cost basis to Computershare.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qdiue2/calling_in_wrinkle_brained_support_what_is/) + +&#x200B; + +After i discovered all of this, i decided to file a complaint to the SEC and FINRA. Well yesterday was the deadline for Vanguard to respond, and they LIED and I can prove it. + +&#x200B; + +[Vanguard claiming they sent my cost basis over on 10\/22\/21 \*SEC \/ FINRA CCd\*](https://preview.redd.it/ftcwnd7x00z71.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=80bbe7b5099823f91d2f58bba64a63659a58908e) + +I found this alarming, as i remember asking computershare on 10/28 if they have received my cost basis yet, here is the conversation. + +&#x200B; + +[10\/28\/2021 - Computershare says no cost basis received from Vanguard](https://preview.redd.it/65988nt410z71.png?width=605&format=png&auto=webp&s=7314f9248cd11aba9b87abc0f76034d31c360741) + +So what do i do this morning? I go back to the good ol live support at Computershare and have this conversation + +&#x200B; + +[fast track straight to the secure form](https://preview.redd.it/mlrw7xqb10z71.png?width=753&format=png&auto=webp&s=a443812f8eafa165e0ae29e3b699db0c1e78343c) + +[Edrick kinda giving me a run around answer? but i wasnt having it.](https://preview.redd.it/y7p3n1rb10z71.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=156df08f357803fa6d83e551f5f08e00ec4ab83d) + +[WELL WELL WELL, LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE IS LYING](https://preview.redd.it/qe8x4yqb10z71.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd1518c8c232eaa2b60731cb31a1a0f9b8cbefb3) + +As i post this i am about to fill out another SEC and FINRA complaint. This is not okay and if you are in a situation related to this i highly suggest getting it in documentation and reporting it to the SEC/FINRA + +&#x200B; + +BUY, HODL, DRS + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: A LOT OF CHATTER ABOUT PEOPLE BEING IN THE SAME SITUATION. IF YOUR SHARES IN COMPUTERSHARE LOOK LIKE THIS: + +&#x200B; + +[Non-Covered \(2\) shares](https://preview.redd.it/o0z2wjw911z71.png?width=1466&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf66d07b754ac2bfd3efb48e2b3861468632c8ce) + +THIS MEANS YOUR BROKER HAS NOT SENT OVER THE COST BASIS TO COMPUTERSHARE. + +Edit 2: shamelessly plugging how to guide to DRS the shares in your IRA as this is the last shares i have to move + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qe6wfu/drs_my_ira_shares_yes_i_believe_i_did/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** + +Greetings apes, it's been a while. I've been a busy autist and have taken a break from DDs, so I'm sorry for my absence. I'm not sure when the next time I'll be posting another big DD is, but I am still lurking, commenting, and keeping up to date, so it'll happen. Today's post is a mini DD that inspired by a message from an ape. An ape by the name of [u/emu\_fake](https://www.reddit.com/u/emu_fake/) messaged me and asked what I thought about the ATM offering that GME did right after earnings having an effect on the FTD cycle. Well, here are my thoughts on it. + +As well all know, the FTD cycle happens every 35 calendar days which comes out to about every 21 trading days. The idea is that because this is the latest possible day that a HF might have to cover, they do it at the very last minute. We have seen a substantial positive volume and price increase consistently for months now. However, we didn't see one on 6/24, which was supposed to be an FTD cycle day as well. At first, when I heard what this ape had to say, I didn't think much of it.... until I remembered another day: 4/26. This was also an FTD cycle date but many of us have noted that it could barely be considered an FTD cycle day because it's volume and price increase were not that substantial. Guess what GME did right before that date? That's right, a share offering. They announced this offering as being complete on 4/26 (so they actually sold it before then). That offering was for 3.5m shares, which is 30% fewer than this most recent offering. + +https://preview.redd.it/srxiovw42a871.png?width=2164&format=png&auto=webp&s=a37ae503d39fed43a7d21c468b4fd693ee129c81 + +Even more interesting, is that a certain coin hit a low a few days before it usually does during the FTD cycle. Interesting.... + +From all of this, I theorize that because both of these FTD cycle dates proceeded an ATM offering, this gave HFs the ability to buy an influx of shares at a discounted price. They sold off their coin faster than they normally would have to cover. This effectively allowed them to "skip" an FTD cycle price increase. It also makes sense that we saw some light gain on the 4/26 one but no gain on the previous one because the 4/26 offering was 30% smaller, so they still may have had some FTDs to cover. This is all complete and total speculation but IMO it is definitely a plausible theory. If we miss the next supposed FTD cycle date, then I'd say this theory isn't true, but if we see an FTD cycle next time, then this theory may be accurate. This is also interesting because if it's true then it is more evidence that: apes own the float, HFs are WAYYYYYYY over-shorted, the FTD cycle is persistent and exponentially increasing, and the MOASS will happen. + +Finally, let's all just take a second to realize the absolute absurdity of GME's chart. Seriously, wtf. The stock is holding in the 200's, and went well over 300 a few weeks, on absolutely disturbingly low volume. IMO this shows us just how pervasive the OTC/dark pool trading is. If there isn't anything going on here, then why are they doing that? Also, the 350 level is absolutely absurd. We've been rejected by it brutally two times and when we passed it in January, the market literally shut GME down. Yeah, I'm guessing Marge has HFs on speed dial at $350. Anyway, my tits are jacked and I like the stock. That's all for now, apes. + +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** +I am about to start an Access to Higher Education course which will enable me to attend university (upon successful completion) at the start of the 2020/2021 academic year. + +I want to work within the field of economics, and am unsure of which university course would give me the best chance of achieving this. + +An economics course could well be the best route for me, but what about computer science? + +Computational economics techniques are widely in economic analysis and forecasting, and I already have about a year of experience learning about the fundamentals of programming. + +So to those who have worked or do work in the field of economics, what do you think would be the best path for me to pursue? A computer science course or an or economics course? +There was an issue some months back with the seal. He put a new seal and leak stopped. Tenant unhappy cuz they wanted a new dishwasher. Well this one works so whatever. + +Now they say there is another leak and don’t want landlord to come look. Tenant can’t lockout the landlord from the house!! Now can they? +Has the UK just been living beyond it's means and now economics and history are finally catching up to them? + +In late 2007 a pound was worth an incredible $2.04, how can that happen? Do people just have more faith in the UK generally than the US? +To try and explain what I mean, I'll give an example: physics is a very rigorous field. It requires large amounts of math, understanding of how the world works through experiments and derivations, and is always changing/being modified. In this regard, physics is very definitive as a science. Not to mention, it physics follows the scientific method VERY intensely. + +&#x200B; + +I want to know how rigorous economics is. Is it a field also very sensitive to new observations as well? To be fair, experiments aren't really a thing in economics; what is known comes from the analyzing of past economies, firms, and using what we found to predict future actions. However, when we create graphs and models, say when we find profit maximizing prices, I tend to feel a bit unsure as to how solid these methods are. I'm not saying they aren't tried and tested, but it feels less steady then say physics. + +&#x200B; + +TL:DR- Is economics a very rigorous, both academically and non-academically, field? +Keep this in mind, the data we have is always imperfect, but here are the numbers: + + +Issued: 75,950,781 + +Institutional Unknown: - 13,716,541 + +Mutual Funds: - 7,957,066 + +ETFs: - 6,690,476 + +Insider: - 12,612,303 + +Float Total: 34,974,395 + + +DRS as of 01/29/22: 8,900,000 + + +8,900,000 / 34,974,395 = 25.4471% + + +We getting there bois. Slow and steady. Brick by brick +What would happen if I bought a call and a put of the same stock? +Let’s say I buy SPY, and I buy a call and a put of it for the same expiration date, obviously, one of them will make money, but as for the other one, will I just break even and have made no profit? Or is this a less risky way to buy options. I can’t think of the math on this so I was just wondering if this is a real strategy that people do? +For beginners: CAGR is simply the total growth over a period of time, averaged out to give a better idea of just how much the money has grown by. (Edit: Here I'm only talking about long-term CAGR, not just a year). + +I used to think there were some technical hiccups keeping them from doing so. I don't think there are, so do let me know if that is indeed the cause. + +In my view, 90% of problems in this industry are due to bad advice. Bad advice is generally given by people who are for one reason or another not so good at their job (generating returns on capital). + +For example, Buffett's lifetime CAGR is roughly 30% (Berkshire is 20%). That's an honest signal that Buffett is much more reliable when it comes to advice on doing this compared to others. + +On the other hand, none of the professors, TV gurus, or anybody on the internet ever disclose their CAGR. I don't want to name someone because many people get attached to what they see or hear about consistently (due to a psychological effect called the 'mere-exposure' principle). + +But to my mind, it should, quite frankly, be a basic requirement for providing investment advice. If somebody's CAGR is much higher than Sensex, that person is worth listening to. + +But otherwise it is like going to a doctor who has no certificates on the wall. We all know what they are called: quacks. +If this isn’t the correct sub to post, I apologize. + +I’m currently a rad tech (X-ray), working two per diem jobs. At job 1, I’m working 3-4 days a week depending on urgency of the hospital. Job 2, I’m working 1 day a week since covid began (before covid, 2-3 days). I’m struggling to pick up hours where I can get it. My manager at job 2 called me and asked me to resign my position because I was working only 1 day a week (but they weren’t offering any more hours!). + +Something about this doesn’t feel right. I was hoping if any of you would have some feedback at the matter. I don’t want to lose this second job. My boss hasn’t been is not at all professional. Even the demeanor of the call was abrupt. I just responded that I would get back to her, but before I hung up, she told me again to put in my two weeks. For the most part, I have a good rapport with patients and I have 0 marks against me or my performance. + +Can she just ask me to resign? Couldn’t she just fire me if need be? +My husband and I are in our early thirties. Neither of us completed high school; we both have GEDs. We both come from very financially and emotionally unstable backgrounds. We have a lot of reasons/excuses to fail in life. And we did, for a while. + +Then we found plumbing. My husband went through his apprenticeship first while I financially held down the fort (driving 18 wheelers, which is a great short term way to earn a good amount of money). He still made between $12-15/hr throughout his two year apprenticeship, which is a lot better than no dollars per hour, and now he is paid commission and nets about $60/k year. That is low for this company and he will make more as he gains confidence and experience. + +I have now decided to follow in his footsteps and got lucky with a $15/hr position as a completely green apprentice. As a female, it was VERY hard to break in with no previous labor experience, but I found a female-owned company that gave me a shot. I'm 3 months in, 21 to go for my Tradesman license. + +So, for now, we have a combined net income of about $85k/year, and no debt of any kind. Within two years, that income should rise to $120-$150k very realistically. More is entirely possible as half the plumbers at the company we both currently work for bring home $90k or more. Also, this is for service (residential) plumbing, not commercial or union. You can make great money in both of those arenas as well (especially union if you're in a good state for it). + +I think that most states do not have a Tradesman license, so in that case, your apprenticeship would be 4 years to get your Journeyman. I still think it would be well worth it for a lot of people. + +I just thought I would make a post giving some people a first-hand, real world example of making it without a college degree or any student loan debt. And the job prospects are fantastic. There are no plumbers in my city that look for a job for more than a few days... and they have multiple offers to choose from. The fact is that there are not enough plumbers to go around, and that is true of a lot of trades. The job growth in plumbing over the next 20 years is double the national average. + +Unless you are disabled, there are no excuses. And yes, ladies, you can do it, too. I do. I'm 5'1" and weigh 118 lbs and I do it. I have trouble helping lift water heaters into and out of attics, and the company tries to keep me off water heaters when possible, but I still do it. Yes, it will be harder. But no one ever got anywhere by whining about fairness or difficulty. + +&#x200B; + +I will try to answer questions if there are any. +I know for a lot of people this is a given but I work an hourly job and I am still surprised by some of the snap judgements that I hear. There are always a handful of people who are trying to get work as much as they can, they will make themselves as available as possible and try and cover shifts for other people as much as possible. They often aren’t shy about how they need money and might not be in the best place at the time. + +What shocks me is when they aren’t able to take a shift I’ll hear chatter about how “they must not actually need money that much” or “they have their nails done/are drinking Starbucks/etc. so obviously their financial situation isn’t that bad.” + +What people don’t always realize is maybe this person hasn’t had a weekend day off in months. Maybe this person has a significant milestone that day. Maybe this person was given a Starbucks gift card and couldn’t sell it. Maybe their nails are always done because that’s the once a month get together they have with their mom and she pays for it. + +I get where the skepticism comes from but it’s always important to remember things aren’t what they seem, and people deserve to have days reserved to be off no matter what their financial situation is. You never know the backstory to everything so be kind. Assuming the worst doesn’t help anyone in these situations. + +I’m sorry if this is redundant to you. I just needed to get this off my chest and I hope that it may help somebody out there. +Well after being banned for a week for predicting BRN touching $1 sometime throughout the day on Thursday, I've served my week long sentence. + +In that time I've lost half my value on BRN and the market in general has been woeful. I also got to sit on the sidelines for the civil war between pro and anti BRN autists. + +IN THE SPIRIT OF GIVING. If BRN isnt sitting at 0.65 by the start of December, I will buy whatever raw brain i can from the butcher, pour a pack of plain chips in a bowl, and squeeze all the delicious raw brainy goodness on those fuckers til they look like beetroot crisps, and scoff them down until i spew everywhere. My grandpa would tell me im a pussy and this was a delicacy during the great depression, but it aint no KFC to me. + +Love ya Melvin. +I should probably talk to a professional but thought I'd start here. We're a 40+y/o couple that recently came into some money after 20 years of Hard ass labor. I'm trying to convince the s/o to reinvest instead of letting this money sit in a savings account doing nothing. + +Currently, I have $5k in QYLD and like the monthly payouts. If we put the full $200k in that QYLD fund, plus throw every last left over penny we earn for the next 4 years ~$7k monthly into it, then after 4 years plus drip, it should grow to ~$680k (after taxes). At that point we can stop contributing to that fund and let the monthly dividend keep dripping into the account. After 10 years, it should reach around $1M. + +Is this a stupid plan or will it work? I know there are growth funds, but it seems like this fund will pay out a consistent 12%. + +I've seen the JEPI, voo and other tickers listed in this channel, but don't know if i can trust the growth aspect of those. Also don't have the cajones to just put it into a regular index fund with all the fud everywhere. Also open to pursuing rental properties or crypto as an alternative. + +Any help is greatly appreciated. Just trying to get out of the 70hr a week rat race before becoming obsolete in my field and missing out any more on life. +I made the decision about a month ago to go ahead and sell my house and move into an apartment. The initial reason was I have to drive 50 - 100 miles a day because I live in a rural area. Vehicle gets 24 MPG tops, so this is a big financial drain. Yeah, I like my truck, but I honestly bought it because I get few city services where I live and need it. Otherwise, I would've stuck with my compact car and saved a \*lot\* of money. + +&#x200B; + +After thinking about it some more, I found I am not a very handy person and have to hire way too much help to repair problems, hate mowing a yard I never use (now pay 80-160 a month for someone else to mow), etc. It's a financial burden to say the least. + +&#x200B; + +This all seemed pretty logical to me, but a lot of my friends and family say I have lost my mind. Granted, these are the same people that consider a huge house desirable and stuff their house full of junk. I just don't value things most people do. My current house is about 1200 sq ft and I still think it's too large. Half of my furniture is unused and just there for a decoration. + +&#x200B; + +I am 32 now and really wanted to go this route before I even moved out. Bought a house because everyone thought it was a great idea and would be a great investment. Somehow, the American dream of owning my own home hasn't been so nice. + +&#x200B; + +Am I wrong about all this? Are my family and friends right? Thoughts? +My wife recently joined a new company, which only has salary accounts in Kotak bank. Due to work from home situation, bank sent her documents over post. (AADHAR not linked to current mobile number for e-KYC) + +What they did, is to also add a credit card application along with the account opening + KYC forms. We discussed, and decided not to apply for their credit card, and sent back the bank account from and it's KYC form only. (We don't want any paid credit cards, as those can be a huge trouble to get rid of, if not needed) + +Now the bank representative called her after a few days and told that at least one credit card is mandatory with the bank account. Now I am fairly certain that giving unsolicited credit cards, along with bank accounts has been illegal for a while now. And maybe, that's why they are trying to trick us into applying for it. + +When she asked them, why don't they just send the credit card, if it's really mandatory. (I mean, why would you "request" for something that's mandatory?), they had no answer, but kept pushing that she must apply for the credit card. + +Now, if this wasn't a salary account scenario, I would have suggested her to just ask them to fu\*\* off, but given that they have come via her employer, I wanted to know if anyone else has faced a similar situation, and how they dealt with it. Are there any specific guidelines about this, that you can guide me towards. She is planning to talk to her hiring HR about this. And it will be useful to be aware of any specific guideline. there's a fairly low chance that her company would be too interested in taking the bank's side, if she is ready to confront. (even if HR has any kickbacks, as it's a fairly big org) + +&#x200B; + +**Update**: + + +Thanks for all the responses awesome folks. (and thanks for the rewards, didn't expect those) These advices made it easier for us to deal with this drama, however we didn't need to use much of that. The bank rep backed off, when she told her that she wouldn't apply for the credit card, and they can reject her account on those grounds, if it's mandatory. They even played the "due to delay, your this month's salary will be late". But they finally backed off. + + +But then they got adamant that she applies for a SILK debit card program . (a typical "upgraded account" for women, where they wanted her to keep 2-3 lacs monthly average balance, and in return, there were "rewards" for POS shopping, and privileges like "being able to withdraw 2 lacs from ATM in a day". She declined that one as well, and told them that she only wants a plain and simple 0 balance salary account with a debit card and net-banking. And she will decide if she needs anything else, later on. But they kept insisting, that the account upgrade was mandatory. She asked them to send that in writing, and he agreed. Later, after an hour, when she called him to check if he is sending it, he started complaining- "Madam, only you are taking this much time. No one cares about these small fees. SILK account is for WOMEN EMPOWERMENT". + + +In short, they are so habitual of people just signing on their tiny crosses, absent mindedly, that they are actually offended that she wouldn't be fooled. + + +"How dare a woman not be fooled, and be robbed of her money, in the name of women empowerment?" + + +She later told me what kind of woman empowerment it is, if they are telling someone that because she is a woman, her account won't be opened unless she pays them an extra charge, and maintain a high monthly balance. (Honestly, that's more like a "Pink Tax") + + +She then sent an email to the HR in the company, telling them about this miss-selling. The HR team was super helpful, and told her to immediately reject the credit card form. And that they don't want the bank employees to keep selling things in their name. (turns out, someone else from the same bank, earlier made someone take a credit card by telling them that "it's mandatory by your company") + + +They told that the bank normally gives the SILK account to all women employees, and that there's no minimum balance requirement. But when she told that they aren't ready to confirm the same over an email, even the HR got suspicious. Fair to assume that they might not be aware as well. But then he told that they will take it up with the bank, and will get confirmation on mail from that guy's boss, so that they are well aware in future. + + +(The SILK privileges seem pretty much useless, looking at the bank's website. And even if it's free with salary account, it will be an added cost, if she changes job, and the account changes to regular account after 3 months) + + +Meanwhile, she happened to talk to another of her friend in another company, and the same thing happened with her with same Kotak bank. They kept pushing her to take credit card and SILK account upgrade, until she informed her company's HR. So this seems to be a very Kotak thing. + + +Thanks again... :) +It's here! + +Find below the link to the AMA with Robbie Ferguson, President and Co-founder of Immutable X. Thanks to you all for the great questions, and to Robbie for being transparent and insightful. + +**Youtube Link:** [https://youtu.be/UKQQ3KCiKbI](https://youtu.be/UKQQ3KCiKbI) + +and dare I say.... please like and subscribe away. Please note, *Superstonk Official* is a non-monetised channel. + +**Transcript:** + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/smp57i/transcript\_ama\_with\_immutable\_cofounder\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/smp57i/transcript_ama_with_immutable_cofounder_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +**Initial Request Post:** + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skiyk8/ama\_with\_robbie\_ferguson\_cofounder\_and\_president/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/skiyk8/ama_with_robbie_ferguson_cofounder_and_president/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Credit to u\/bradduck\_flyntmoore](https://preview.redd.it/0v3ejk0onbg81.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=80a4dff140352b7b4dbbc3669833c80004ac7ee8) +[https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/22/beyond-meat-looks-to-raise-183point8-million-in-its-ipo.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/04/22/beyond-meat-looks-to-raise-183point8-million-in-its-ipo.html) +Keep up the great work. Someone once told me the best investors have the strongest understanding of the numbers. + +People might think there are too many of these posts, but understanding a deal and all the inputs / outputs is essential. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +I have managed to flip $100 account from Monday until a few hours ago. But it only took 1 trade to wipe me out. + +And the only reason? + +GREED. + +LESSON LEARNED THE HARD WAY. + +HAPPY TRADING EVERYONE! ☺️ + +P.S. + +It hurts but I know if I can do it once, I can do it again. +First, Crypto Apes, if you're truly here, welcome! + +Just because crypto is crashing doesn't mean those that have invested until now are somehow chumps or previously delusional. They didn't crack open a GME Bible this weekend and go, "Holy shit! My life is a lie!" + +No. These are people who have been HODLing and buying the dip since GME was a curly hair on our unjacked tits; unnamed, unloved, unsightly. These folks know volatility and they are tenacious; staring at their markets 24/7/365, manually trading, swapping wallets, shitcoining, staking, and mining. They've seen their version of Robbinghoods, manipulation, and market crashes. Some have seen impressive gains. Others, catastrophic losses. They. Are. Us. + +Just like us, they've had hopes of riches due to equal parts tenacity, patience, balls, and faith. Often they've been investing in a method of responsible consensus that is the seed to the future that we GME Apes want: a fair, honest, accountable, and transparent market. + +IF this Crytpo crash is the gas to our steady flame and their joining in our fight is the weighted catalyst we've been begging for ... Thank them for taking up arms. If they're here, they're moving their resources from one war front to the other. They're not idiots. They're tacticians and they've been aware of us. The whole world has been aware of us. + +Apes together. Apes strong. The smooth brains and ants welcome their digital brother apes. Together, we'll win this. +Most people are just hiding from the truth + +The market has literally been fucking shooting upwards like we’ve never seen before without any healthy correction. We’ve created so much money out of thin fucking air it’s ridiculous. The amount of Money we’ve created in the past year relative to total circulating dollars is absurd. + +Not even a massive bear but holy shit you guys are like too naive to even see beyond the next market open - do you realize how stupid this is? This is a fucking bubble. When money starts to move out you’re not gonna know what hit you because you’re too busy looking at the next 5 minutes. + +It will happen, and when it does, most of you - not all - will have the rug pulled out from underneath you and fall right on your asses because you were to near sighted and haven’t read any history about any time prior to the year you dumbasses graduated high school. + +What’s happening right now in the economy is your childhood wet dream of eating your cookies without finishing your broccoli. Everything comes with a price - what would be childhood obesity and a heart attack at 30 in one case is equivalent to having the rug pulled out from under you and going broke in another. But hey at least you’re living that childhood dream for now + +It’s fucking coming - could be tomorrow, could be another 6 months but holy shit is it coming + +Edit: since more than half of you have never bought your own groceries, just ask your parents if the prices have been going up over the past year (this is where experience comes in) + +Edit 2: For those confused what what might happen to money once it leaves the market look into precious metals. Don’t take anyone’s word without doing some research. Actually do some research on gold and silver - there’s a reason why these assets have outlasted fiat currency and the only money that have actually stood the test of time for thousands of years. The American empire is just a couple hundred years old; our fiat even less - look to assets that have endured the test of time (60 years isn’t long) +It seems like most stocks on the tsx got really expensive. +I think it has largely to do with cheap cost of borrowing and bonds doing so poorly. +Both of these will change so what do you do knowing money will leave the stock market and will drive down stock value? +And thanks for pointing out all that timing the market is nearly impossible. +I guess just couch potato with an eye on a couple decades from now. +I've been noticing a lot of threads from people that are, bravely, admiting they fucked up by blowing up their account. Firstly, I want to congratulate you guys. There is no shame in that, because it's part of the process for most successful traders. If you don't quit, you will learn a valuable lesson. I want to share my past with you guys when I first blew up my entire savings on a single trade. Prior to that, i also blew up another account during my college years. I figured if I can be a semi-pro in csgo (not that i was but i could have easily been), trading would be a similiar challenge. + +--- + +Trading has never been easier. With a few mouse clicks, you are either coming out as a winner or a loser. Anyone can trade and anyone can get lucky. When you combine those two factors, we end up hearing stories of how someone on a subreddit of r/wallstreetbets is still holding on to a 2000%+ return from buying uncovered call options of Tesla or people holding bitcoin, hoping it goes to the moon. + +Shown [here](https://i.imgur.com/cGefxKz.png) are two different equity graphs. On the left side, we have Graph 1, where it indicates a typical trader on r/wallstreetbets. They oversize their long/short position and have very large drawdowns. Eventually, this trader ends up blowing their account. They also expect each trade to be a winner, or why would any normal person trade otherwise, right? It's a wrong mentality. All professional traders dont expect any particular outcome. It can be a winner or a loser. Their edge wins in the end, because they are profitable over a series of trades. They take trades without any hesitations or emotions. Graph 2 is how most professional traders' equity graph looks like once they truely are aware of their emotions. + +So when and if the trade goes in red, the following usually happens: They are frozen in fear and in result they are in able to think rationally. Every time the market goes in their favor, even for a split second while they are still in the red, they are convinced this trade will work out…eventually. Then, the market goes against their favor even more, so they are swearing to themselves that as soon as the market goes in their favor again, they will take a small loss. As they watch their profits bleed in red font, the market slowly goes in their favor. Their profits are still in red color, but it seems, now, the market is going back up to breaking even. I don’t need to take a loss. Who knows...these numbers might turn green. As they stare at the vibrant red font, representing their unrealized loss, they are not even paying attention to what is happening in the market. After waiting a grueling few more minutes, the market - without a single hopeful sign – never comes close to the breakeven point. In fact, it goes back lower than before. Now the trader can’t handle being in this situation. The amount of stress and uneasy feeling makes it too painful for them to hold on the position. They rather take the loss than ensure another second of this pain. So they end up closing the position just like that, and their mind is finally free from the burden of looking at the red numbers. Their mind is paralyzed. They don’t know how to act, feel or even what to think. They wished it was a bad dream or could rewind back in time. Read this, ALL consistent profitable traders have been in this position before…ALL. + +What happens if an average WSB trader keeps trading just like the way they do a hundred more times? Will they blow out their account before they can finish making 100 hundred trades or come out just losing/making some money instead? My money is on the former. Or a better question would be: do you know want to be a consistent profitable trader or trade as if every trade will make you either broke or over-night filthy rich? + + +When I decided to invest full-time into learning how to trade, I made a lot of mistakes (ive lost my savings more than once) and encountered a lot of fillers. I didn't know what trading strategy worked best or which signals to follow. I couldnt even tell you what accumulation or distribution meant, let alone how they were formed. I remember in April of 2019, when Ethereum was around $100 - $180. I longed 241,000 contracts ~ roughly about 9 bitcoins at that time. I went to bed without having any stops. Next morning when I woke up, I immediately checked my email to see this [message.](https://i.imgur.com/LW11Ls0.png) + + +Words can’t describe how I felt. I was so sure that ETH would not visit $149 during that short time. I couldnt even function properly. I had no money to pay rent... it was so bad that I just wanted to sleep and be in a different world. I decided to stop trading all together by stepping away from trading in general for 6 months. I started to figure out how to become a consistent profitable trader as I worked my old job. After a year and half of just learning , I decided to trade again. Eventually i became a prop trader for earn2trade. I highly recommend to take a break when these types of things happen to you. Adam Grimes also has couple of other suggestions from one of his [books.](https://i.imgur.com/PfTVKN0.png) + +--- + +I highly recommend reading two books that helped me tremendously on how i saw the market: 'Trading in the Zone' by Mark Douglas and 'The Art and Science of Trading' by Adam Grimes. Adam Grimes has a free blog where most of his ideas are there for anyone inerested. Mark douglas has videos on youtube (highly watching all 4 parts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgaTlTfQnZI + +Until then, stay strong and chin up. + +--- + +Edit (1): Some of my fav. Mark Douglas' quotes (not in any particular order). He was a great trading coach for a lot big traders back in the day. + +>- When you achieve complete acceptance of the uncertainty of each edge and the uniqueness of each moment, your frustration with trading will end. + +>- When you genuinely accept the risks, you will be at peace with any outcome. + +>- When you really believe that trading is simply a probability game, concepts like right or wrong or win or lose no longer have the same significance. + +>- Why do casinos make consistent money on an event that has a random outcome? Because they know that over a series of events, the odds are in their favor. They also know that to realize the benefits of the favorable odds, they have to participate in every event. + +>- No man ever reached to excellence in any one art or profession without having passed through the slow and painful process of study and preparation. + +>- The typical trader doesn’t predefine his risk, cut his losses, or systematically take profits because the typical trader doesn’t believe it’s necessary. The only reason why he would believe it isn’t necessary is that he believes he already knows what’s going to happen next, based on what he perceives is happening in any given ‘now moment.' + +>- It’s the ability to believe in the unpredictability of the game at the micro-level and simultaneously believe in the predictability of the game at the macro level that makes the casino and the professional gambler effective and successful at what they do. + +>- Rarely will the typical trader stay with his system beyond two or three losses in a row, and taking two or three losses in a row is a very common occurrence for most trading systems. + +>- If you can learn to create a state of mind that is not affected by the market’s behavior, the struggle will cease to exist. + +--- + +Edit (2): Firstly, I’m so happy to see a conversation revolved around an issue most people have difficulty admitting and then to even go talk about it, means you’ve already shown resilience. It’s one important characteristic for all pros. I also applaud to those that have had it worse than me and still continue to trade. I hope one day, you achieve your goals. I’ve read all the comments, again thx for contributing. I’ve noticed that a lot of us are confused distinguishing a successful trader from a consistently profitable trader (aka the pros). You can be a successful trader by simply making a handful of trades and reaching your goal and never trading again. Great - nothing wrong with that. Being a consistently profitable trader is trading full-time and making a consistent living. This thread is for those that to be consistent profitable traders. +If you really value privacy, you may want to be holding some Monero (XMR). This token allows for completely private transactions, so much so that the federal government's IRS is convinced people are avoiding taxes with it and has issued a cash bounty of $625,000 for anyone that can hack the token to reveal any information on who uses it. So far, no one has claimed the prize. Other government agencies are also convinced that other illegal activities are being carried out with the token due to its anonynous nature. Do you believe a completely anonymous token has a valid place in the world? +[Link to the Q1 financials.](https://tesla-cdn.thron.com/static/IOSHZZ_TSLA_Q1_2022_Update_G9MOZE.pdf?xseo=&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D%22TSLA-Q1-2022-Update.pdf%22) + +P/E is now ~130 and EPS for Q1 was 2.86. Forward P/E is ~90. + +Tesla is an absolute financial monster and by retiring the debt they are saving ~200 million in headwinds due to interest payment. They sit on 17.5B cash while earning 3B+ in net income per quarter. Operating margin went from 14.6% in Q4 21 which was fantastic already, to 19.2% Q1 22... + +EDIT; Customary edit, thanks for all the gold. :) +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + + +What does everyone think will happen? I saw a lot of people say they might force google to get rid of chrome which is pretty dumb tbh + + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/justice-department-to-file-long-awaited-antitrust-suit-against-google-11603195203 + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-20/google-accused-by-u-s-of-abusing-market-power-in-landmark-case + + +Edit: deleted verge articl + +Edit: added better Bloomberg link +Basically the title. If there'll be a recession and this bear is long for 2-3 or even 5 years... If you're in it for 20+ years, why does it matter? Isn't it really just prices on sale for you to DCA? + +I understand the case if someone is like 5-10 years to retirement. But otherwise? Is it maybe that people can't take it psychologically and look at the red unrealised loss for a long time? +Guten Tag to all of you Great Apes across the world! 👋🦍 + +The US Stock Market is closed on Monday, July 5th, but the German exchanges are open as usual! To celebrate this occasion, Diamantenhände will run for the entire duration of the Frankfurt stock exchange. These threads tend to draw many new participants to Diamantenhände, so for those just joining us, please have a great time! Drop a comment below to help represent your country or culture, and join apes around the world to watch low-frequency updates from a single German exchange! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 Frankfurt Exchange ending price: **$205.77 / 173,43 €** *(volume: 4330 shares)* +- ⬜ 510 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- ⬜ 505 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- 🟩 500 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- ⬜ 495 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 490 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 485 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 480 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 475 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- 🟩 470 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 465 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 460 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 455 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 450 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 445 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 440 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 435 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 430 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 425 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 420 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 415 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 410 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 405 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 400 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 395 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 390 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 385 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 380 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 375 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 370 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 365 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 360 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 355 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- 🟥 350 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- 🟩 345 minutes in: $206.00 / 173,62 € +- ⬜ 340 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 335 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 330 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 325 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 320 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 315 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 310 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 305 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 300 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 295 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 290 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 285 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 280 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- ⬜ 275 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- 🟩 270 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- 🟩 265 minutes in: $205.74 / 173,40 € +- 🟩 260 minutes in: $205.72 / 173,38 € +- 🟩 255 minutes in: $205.62 / 173,30 € +- 🟥 250 minutes in: $204.91 / 172,70 € +- 🟩 245 minutes in: $205.64 / 173,32 € +- 🟩 240 minutes in: $205.62 / 173,30 € +- 🟥 235 minutes in: $204.67 / 172,50 € +- ⬜ 230 minutes in: $204.73 / 172,55 € +- ⬜ 225 minutes in: $204.73 / 172,55 € +- 🟥 220 minutes in: $204.73 / 172,55 € +- ⬜ 215 minutes in: $204.97 / 172,75 € +- 🟥 210 minutes in: $204.97 / 172,75 € +- 🟩 205 minutes in: $205.09 / 172,85 € +- ⬜ 200 minutes in: $205.03 / 172,80 € +- 🟥 195 minutes in: $205.03 / 172,80 € +- ⬜ 190 minutes in: $205.48 / 173,18 € +- 🟩 185 minutes in: $205.48 / 173,18 € +- ⬜ 180 minutes in: $205.32 / 173,05 € +- ⬜ 175 minutes in: $205.32 / 173,05 € +- 🟩 170 minutes in: $205.32 / 173,05 € +- ⬜ 165 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- 🟥 160 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- 🟩 155 minutes in: $205.12 / 172,88 € +- 🟥 150 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- ⬜ 145 minutes in: $205.92 / 173,55 € +- ⬜ 140 minutes in: $205.92 / 173,55 € +- ⬜ 135 minutes in: $205.92 / 173,55 € +- 🟩 130 minutes in: $205.92 / 173,55 € +- 🟥 125 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- 🟥 120 minutes in: $205.77 / 173,43 € +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $204.85 / 172,65 € +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $204.61 / 172,45 € +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $204.67 / 172,50 € +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $204.81 / 172,62 € +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $204.85 / 172,65 € +- ⬜ 65 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $204.85 / 172,65 € +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $204.85 / 172,65 € +- ⬜ 35 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $204.88 / 172,68 € +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $205.05 / 172,82 € +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $204.61 / 172,45 € +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $205.41 / 173,12 € +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $204.55 / 172,40 € +- 🟥 US close price: $202.83 / 170,95 € *($202.83 / 170,95 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: To generate this data, I'm capturing current prices in Euros at https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie and converting to USD. Today's EUR -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1865. I created a simple C# application that assists me in scraping this data and updates the post automatically. + +I've had many people reach out to offer help or support with the extended session. Since the most time-consuming (and demanding) part is fetching data and updating the post, I automated it and have tuned my update tool to work for the extended session. As such, once I have it running I should have no trouble taking a break. Thank you to all who offered help and encouragement - I really appreciate it! + +Many among the Diamantenhände community are concerned about the well-being of the originator of the series, u/DerGurkenraspler. I also am worried, as I have tried to make contact many times and haven't received a direct response. Last weekend, DerGurkenraspler deleted their Reddit account. While this gives me hope that they are alive and well, it seems to be a certainty that they will not be resuming their role as the originator of the series. I've been serving as guest-host since their unexpected absence began and I intend to continue to post updates, but dearly hope that DerGurkenraspler is well and sincerely thank them for the effort they put into building the worldwide community that lives on. + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Srs question - do you not want your kid to grow up the same as your new rich set of friends’ kids? Do you question if passing down generational wealth is the right move? Is your kid/grandkids not having to work for money something you want to pass down (whether they do actually work is another thing)? Do you fear future generations growing up with a sense of entitlement and not experience the joy of navigating life’s hardships? + +Edit: this doesn’t apply just to folks that started off poor but folks that went from middle class to FAT or even well off/comfy to stupid rich + +Edit2: So far most of what you’re looking to provide for your kids can be achieved with middle/mid-upper class lifestyles. Interesting... +I have been working for the family for a few years. In 2018, my boss told me she claimed me on her taxes that year for child care, she hadn’t done this previous years. I asked her if she had a 1099 for me and she said no. I trust her and I don’t know a lot about taxes so I filed my 2018 return and it was rejected. I wasn’t able to figure out why. + +Fast forward to now, I was doing my 2019 tax return and was consulting with a TurboTax employee on the phone. The consultant said that since I didn’t receive a 1099, I could claim the money as self employment. Which means I have to foot the bill for the taxes withheld, social security, Medicare etc. This came out to two grand. + +I’m confused because I know they claimed me as a household employee, this is what they told me and they asked for my social. I read that legally they were supposed to withhold the taxes themselves and pay unemployment fees. And I was supposed to receive a W-2 or 1099 from them. + +Is it possible for them to claim me without having to pay those taxes and fees? Is it my responsibility to pay the two grand? + +The sources I have found say that a “nanny tax” is the employers responsibility and negligence can result in criminal charges. I haven’t confronted my employers yet, I don’t want to sound any alarms if there is no reason to. +There's a long list of things you need to worry about when separating from your job regardless of how or why that is happening. It is often an emotional time, but missing a few key steps could be troublesome down the road.[ ](https://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/leaving-my-job-without-the-going-away-party--aa5a7/) + +This checklist is intended to apply for most situations including: resigning or quitting a job, being fired from a job, or being laid off. Navigating the end of a contract as a contractor is not really the focus of this post, but some steps may still apply. + +Some specifics will only apply to the US (e.g., retirement account types, filing for unemployment, health care). If you're aware of a guide for any other countries, please make a comment! + +## Before resigning *or* if you are at risk of being let go/laid off + +- It hopefully goes without saying, but you should already have a firm job offer in hand before resigning (unless you have a different plan like heading back to school). Likewise, if you are at risk of being let go or laid off, you should be building your network at the very least (if not outright looking for a new position). +- Do you have a retirement plan with your employer (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), 457, SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, or TSP)? + - Note that many employers will require to to pay off any outstanding loans you have made against your retirement plan. If that's the case, you will have only 60 days after separation to pay off the balance to avoid early distribution taxes and penalties. + - [Plan out what you'll do with your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored retirement account.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/retirementaccounts/rollovers) + - Recognize that you will be giving up any unvested matching for your retirement plan. +- Have a plan for the first few months after the job. + - Figure out what you'll do for health insurance (sign up for your own via COBRA or the ACA, switch to a spouse's plan, or wait to get coverage with new employer). + - Consider whether you will want to convert your group life insurance policy to an individual policy. + - Make sure you have enough money to carry you into your next job without dipping into your emergency fund, set up a budget, and examine your general financial situation. Emergency funds are for unexpected circumstances. + - If you are planning on moving, understand that landlords often want to see proof of a job and income - which may make getting a new place more difficult. +- Make copies of any performance reviews, professional certifications, or other personal documents that you'll want to keep as well as your current vacation balance, salary information, etc. Having a copy of your contract and benefit information on a personal computer is also recommended as you might not have access to them in the future. +- However, do not take copies of any work performed without written approval from management. This is not your property and is equivalent to stealing. +- Backup (commonly by emailing a copy to your personal email or copying to a thumb drive) and remove all personal files from your work computer, work phone, and any other device. +- Be prepared for what you'll do or say if your manager makes a counteroffer. Many people say it's a bad idea to stay after attempting to resign, but it can also go well. +- Don't give more than two weeks of notice if leaving immediately and not being paid for your remaining time would be a financial hardship. +- If you received stock options, received a hiring bonus, or receive ongoing monetary bonuses or RSUs: + - Examine your vesting schedule and consider whether you may have to return any bonus money (e.g. hiring bonus, moving stipend, education assistance) before you decide when to quit. + - Don't expect to collect options, RSUs, or bonuses during your notice period because you might be terminated immediately. It's better to wait to give notice until after any important vesting dates (you should still give two weeks). + - Purchase any stock options that are "in the money". +- Check on your benefits and find out what happens to them upon leaving. + - Do you get your outstanding vacation days paid out or do you lose them (meaning you should take them before resigning if possible)? + - When does your health/dental/vision insurance expire? End of the month or day you leave? Make sure any appointments are scheduled with this in mind. + - If you have floating holidays, you may want to take them before resigning. + - If you have an FSA, is there anything left in it to spend down (check out FSA eligible items on Amazon). Anything left the day you leave, the company keeps. Even if you are resigning on Jan 15 and only contributed once, you can still spend the entire annual amount and not have to pay it back. + +- Put together an email list of anyone you want to email (individually or as a group) when you leave. Don't email too large of a group because it's tacky and use Bcc: for group emails. + - Email should be short and to the point. Something like it was great working with you, I learned a lot. Here's my personal info to keep in touch. Don't try to explain yourself. + +## How to resign + +- Don't burn any bridges and maintain a professional attitude. You never know who you will run into again in the future, keep it professional. +- Bring a box with you (leave it in your car if you can't bring it in discreetly) to allow for easy packing of any personal possessions in case you are walked out that day. +- Make sure you have contact information for any key people - coworkers, managers - that you want to keep in contact with or possible use as a reference in the future. Send a copy of this to your personal email. +- Do not tell your coworkers/friends prior to telling your boss and HR. This is not something that you want floating around the office. +- Tell your manager in person and present a short and professional resignation letter to him or her at this meeting. When you leave the meeting, email a copy to them and HR (even if it is from home later that day). + - Don't make it personal or give a reason. State the facts. "I am resigning POSITION effective DATE." You don't owe them a reason (especially in written form), don't try to provide a list of things they could fix, etc. + - If you want to elaborate with your manager in person, keep the discussion positive and brief. +- Give two weeks notice and finish strong, but don't be surprised if you get walked out the day you resign or even immediately after resigning. +- If you do end up working the notice period - you still need to work! This is what you will be remembered for, don't start slacking off. Work with your manager to finish or hand off all projects you are currently working. +- Once you do leave, if something was left behind, make arrangements to pick it up. Talk to HR about this if needed. +- Send any goodbye email later from a personal email account. Don't "spam" aliases for an entire company or large departments unless it is a very small number of people (under 20 people). + +## What to do after you are laid off or fired + +- Don't burn any bridges and maintain a professional attitude. You never know who you will run into again in the future, keep it professional. +- Try to keep a calm appearance until you are off property. This is an emotional time, but you don't want to be remembered as the person who cussed out everyone as they were dragged out by security. +- Make sure you have contact information for both your manager and HR representative in case of questions later. +- Try your best to pack any essential personal possessions that day if you get walked out, check for small things like cell phone chargers and pictures. It can be awkward returning later. + - If you do need to return for personal items or any other reason, make arrangements in advance, don't just show up and expect to be let back in. +- You may be asked to sign a legal document giving up certain rights (e.g., a non-compete clause or waiving certain rights to sue) in exchange for severance pay and/or other benefits. Note that non-compete clauses are very difficult to enforce in some states. You absolutely need to read the entire document before signing and it's your decision to make. Consult an attorney if you need help. +- Send any goodbye emails later from a personal email account. Don't "spam" aliases for an entire company or large departments unless it is a very small number of people (under 20 people). Do not send anything right away because your emotions will be running high. + +## After leaving + +- If you were laid off or fired, [apply for unemployment](https://www.thebalance.com/how-to-file-for-unemployment-benefits-online-2064123) as soon as you can assuming [you were not fired for misconduct (i.e., terminated for cause)](https://www.thebalance.com/can-i-collect-unemployment-if-i-am-fired-2064150). The entire process can take weeks so do this as soon as possible. +- Any life insurance coverage through your employer will terminate after you leave (sometimes immediately, sometimes at the end of the month). Consider converting your group life insurance policy to an individual policy, especially if others depend on your income or if you have medical conditions that may prevent you from getting an individual policy on your own. The cost tends to be low, but you will only have a limited amount of time to do this (usually 30 days or until the end of the current month, but don't count on that). +- Move your 401(k) or other employee-sponsored retirement account to your new plan or a Rollover IRA (if that was your plan). +- Get on LinkedIn and link up with the ex-coworkers who would say good things about you (and vice versa). +- Get health insurance if needed (see above). There's a 60-day grace period after leaving your job for COBRA election (you can get coverage retroactively), but signing up for ACA coverage may be less expensive. +- Make sure you have a plan for how you will sell any company stock. +- Inform your new employer about how much you've already contributed to your 401(k) for this calendar year to avoid exceeding the contribution limit. Note that you may have another paycheck or two still coming from your old employer after you quit so it may take a little time to figure this number out. + +## Being unemployed + +Unless you have a signed job offer in hand, it's time to actually *act* like you are unemployed. + +- Hoard cash. Don't waste money on stuff you don't need to survive. Review your budget, cut any and all unnecessary expenses, stop eating out and going out to bars for drinks. +- You have extra time so use it to save money: cook at home, exercise on the cheap, read books from libraries instead of buying them. +- Your "job" is now finding a new job. + - Update your resume (get some feedback on /r/resumes), customize it to each job, and submit it everywhere. + - Spend time every day on job search sites, LinkedIn, and communicating with your network. Set a weekly goal to send customized applications and resumes to a specific number of jobs per week (e.g., 20 jobs). + +---- + +Thanks /u/CripzyChiken for adding information on FSA and a few other things. + +P.S. The wiki home for this article is https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/leaving_job. +I have compiled the interest rates of the different Central Banks Worldwide. Argentina has the highest interest rate at 60% and Switzerland has the lowest interest rate at -0.25% (everyone else is in between). + +[Image 1](https://preview.redd.it/g62fc3qkm8k91.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27838f43990755b05bdd95f19c46c5eaba4ac5d6) + +[Image 2](https://preview.redd.it/h5t6b4qkm8k91.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c6d084f0428b361ca6a087d773095cf8a3df774) + + + +A few factors that affect Central Bank interest rates are - + +* the demand of money in terms of borrowing within the economy and the borrowing done by local companies in the international markets +* the supply of money in terms of how much money is printed by the Central Bank with regards to the goods available in the market (if more money supply but goods are less then inflation can kick in and vice versa) +* the deficit or surplus the country generates in fiscal year for its budgets +* INFLATION +* the interest rates of other Central Banks and the exchange rate of your currency (if rates move higher or lower in a relatively stronger economy then money can move out or into your economy) +* the use of a Central Banks currency Worldwide (the US Dollar is used in more than 75% of the World's transactions) + +**It would be great if Redditors (who have the knowledge) can discuss the various reasons for the different interest rates for their country or any other country, and how they affect the stock markets and value investing in general. It would help everyone!** + +**Thanks,** + +**Have Fun!** +What are your thoughts on Dividends. Can we build a portfolio which can beat market returns over time just by owning and adding dividend growth stocks? + +I tried to find answer. +https://www.unskilledinvestor.com/2021/12/10/dividends-how-to-beat-the-market/ + +What's your opinion? +Is this a dumb strategy? I'm a bit ignorant of finance. But really tired of paying so much to someone else's equity. I just want my own place. + +I work remotely so I can go wherever. Currently I earn $125k before taxes but don't have much savings due to extended education and bad spending habits (edit - my spending habits aren't the main issue here, what I meant is I was a professional student with low stipend, below poverty level, who ate out a lot and had a dog with $$$ medical issues, he's dead now, I'm not compulsive shopping or anything like that). The city I live in, studios end up being about $2k+ for a decent situation. I'd rather not live in a tiny/dark apartment (minimum $1500ish for worst studios) because I work from home so I'm there the vast majority of the time. + + I could go live in remote Alaska rent free (gorgeous comfortable house and location) and work remotely and save as much as possible for a while (nothing to spend it on...), then return to the big city to purchase a home in a year. I have lots of airline miles so I could visit the big city every once in a while. I grew up in Alaska and visit from time to time so I know what I'd be getting into. Would look forward to the nature time. + +Alternatively, I enjoy my work but could potentially jump to $180k if I went to a different company. That company would also let me work from Alaska - in fact the founder has been "joking" about doing the same thing for years. I feel bad bailing on my projects because they help lots of people. I've only been there less than a year and am leading a big project and sharing lead on multiple others. I already told my job I needed a raise to $140 but they only raised me to $125. I believe I am being underpaid for my market value. My niche skills are in high demand. I am recruited on LinkedIn about once a week. Should I focus on getting a higher paid position and stay in the expensive city? Get it and save in Alaska for a bit anyway? + +(Btw I do have retirement accounts and am working with two different financial advisors for investing whatever money I have) +I am 30M got married last year in November and currently living with my parents in a tier II city due to lockdown. + +Both me and my wife are in tech companies amd working decently well. Combined annual earning 50L+. We haven't started living our independent married life away from our parents yet as we got married during covid. + +Now both of our current jobs are remote and we would like to travel across India and the world. Not sure whether we should get a rented home in a big city and then travel for few weeks every year or just keep hopping airbnb's without a central base. Currently, we have no big purchases like car, TV fridge or anything else. + +My close friend(similar age, similar earning capacity) but different situation in life got a flat for himself worth around 1.5Cr in a tier I city. His situation is pretty different than me as he got married almost 4 years ago and would be living with his parents. He is planning to get a loan worth 1 cr with 80k monthly installments for 20 years. + +Now I am certain that I don't want to buy a house right now and be tied to a particular city or a house. I would rather prefer flexibility and debt free life. + +But what do you think should be an ideal time to purchase a house for yourself? +We need to figure out when this new path for us started, and maybe what the "normal" universe looks like. Did it start with certain presidential elections? Did it start with Covid? Did it start when life gave us Elon Musk? Let's figure it out. Let's have this meaningless discussion while we become millionaires and are getting paid to do so because apes fucking HODL🚀💎🚀🚀💎💎💎 +Fee free to include reasons why such as salary, work environment, sense of fulfilment etc. + +A lot of people on this sub seem discontent with their current careers so would be great to see who is actually enjoying theirs! +My dad has been investing in Mutual Funds for over 20 years. His investments are all in Regular funds recommended by his financial advisor (these are the ones who are called distributors now). Most of these investments are via SIP route. Today I got my dad onboard a digital mutual fund platform(Imported his external funds) and was surprised with the returns he got over the years. I was expecting the returns to be higher as he invested over the years when the Indian markets where rising. The XIRR returns he got is 8.4%. + +Comparing Index fund returns over the same period it is 10.8%( Nifty Index regular - Dividend plan). Dividend plans is what my dad invests as he needs regular income. + +Considering this data I am thinking of moving my investments to Index funds. I too am an investor for 10 years and I too see only 8.32% returns(I invest in Growth plans). + +Wanted to share this with the community as there is a popular opinion in India that active funds are better than index funds. I know this is anecdotal data but wanted to hear from the community about this. +Title pretty much says it all but I’m happy to expand on why I believe this. + +1. Gary told us it would be ready by the end of the summer + +2. Gary was probably thinking he could get away with, essentially, clearing HFs, HFTs, MMs, Vlad, Kenny, the whole crew, of all wrongdoing. + +3. BAM apes are shown court documented evidence that these parasites lied through their teeth to Congress. + +4. Gary probably realizes at this point that it would be the pinnacle of hypocrisy to release such a report, clearing these fuckers, now that more information is out in the open. + +5. Gary and friends are probably pulling all nighters to fix their homework assignment because they done fucked up. + +💎🙌🏼🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🌒 + + +Edit: tisssk tissssk Gary, you should have known better than to cheat on your HW assignment. I expect better from you, young man. + +I do hold out hope that the reason it’s taking so long is because there is a massive investigation going down so Gary has to watch what he says. Ideal GG memes are some of my favorites. +Sauce: [https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article](https://www.digitaljournal.com/business/troubled-developer-evergrande-to-resume-trading-warns-of-financial-obligations/article) + +Edit: Thank you all for the awards, much appreciated! For those who are asking what ticker to watch tonight Evergrande trades under 03333 and 06666. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌕 + +For those not wanting to click the link here is a copy paste: + +By AFP Published October 20, 2021, + +Chinese developer Evergrande will resume trading in Hong Kong on Thursday, it said in a filing, but warned there was “no guarantee” it would be able to meet its financial obligations. + +The company suspended trading on October 4 as it struggles in a sea of debt and faces a default, with investors’ fearing the fallout from its predicament could impact the wider Chinese economy. + +On Wednesday, Evergrande said it had applied for a trading resumption to take effect the following day, although cautioned that “there is no guarantee that the group will be able to meet its financial obligations”. + +Evergrande’s announcement came as China’s new-home prices fell for the first time in six years last month, according to data on Wednesday, as the property sector struggled after a government clampdown. + +Figures on Wednesday showed that the cost of new homes in 70 large and medium-sized cities saw a small decrease in September, the National Bureau of Statistics said without giving a precise percentage, though Bloomberg calculations found they dropped by around 0.08 percent. + +That represents the first drop since April 2015. + +Prices in the secondary market slipped 0.19 percent, a second monthly fall, Bloomberg said. + +The latest readings will be considered especially worrying as September is usually seen as a peak season for the home market, and emerge as property firms come under the spotlight after the government began clamping down on their borrowing. + +This has in turn limited their ability to press on with building and selling projects, putting even more pressure on their bottom lines. + +The biggest casualty of the crackdown has been Evergrande, which is teetering on the brink as it struggles under debts of more than $300 billion. + +The firm has missed several payments on its bonds and a 30-day grace period on an offshore note is up on Saturday, leaving investors concerned about what will happen. Still, it has managed to meet its domestic obligations. + +Fears that the firm could collapse and send shockwaves through the Chinese economy — and possibly globally — rattled markets earlier this month, though Beijing has said any fallout would be containable. + +Several domestic property rivals have in recent weeks already defaulted on debts and have seen their ratings downgraded. + +Hong Kong-listed Sinic Holdings became the latest to miss a payment, S&P Global Ratings said Wednesday. + +S&P said the latest non-payment would “trigger cross defaults and accelerate demands for repayment of the company’s other debts… some of which are already overdue”. + +Mid-sized competitor Fantasia also failed to meet obligations in recent weeks, which triggered downgrades to “selective default” by S&P and “-CCC” by Fitch Ratings. + +China’s property sector has been under tightened scrutiny since regulators announced caps for three different debt ratios in a scheme dubbed “three red lines” last year. + +Despite concerns about the sector, Oxford Economics’ head of Asia economics Louis Kuijs said: “While a major housing downturn in China can’t be ruled out, we think the most likely scenario is a contained short-term downturn combined with a gradual, managed long-term retrenchment.” +I've seen a lot of people on social media and the news spreading the idea that this whole thing was somehow masterminded by /u/DeepFuckingValue within the past 3 weeks. It wasn't and this is some dangerous misinformation as it needlessly makes /u/DFV a target. DFV is simply an eagle-eyed investor who bought into his GME positions quite a while ago, even before anyone here cared about GameStop's fundamentals or the remote possibility of a squeeze. He isn't some mischievous troll who decided sometime in early January to rally all of us into a stock-buying frenzy in order to stick it to some villainous wall street firm, nor did he ever make any special effort to promote GME in order to incite a squeeze. A large number of users here had known of the outsized short interest for a while so this entire thing was the organic result of increasing GME discussion. + +/u/DeepFuckingValue is basically that guy that shows up to the party at 5 PM..... on the day before. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: 💎🙌 GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🌖 +From my experience of investing so far I notice that lots and lots of people in the UK (where I live) seem to have little to no knowledge on investing in stocks, but rather even may have the view that investing is limited to 'gambling' or 'extremely risky'. I even found a statistic saying that in 2019 only 3% of the UK population had a stocks and shares ISA account. Furthermore the UK doesn't even seem to have a mainstream financial news outlet, whereas US has CNBC for example. + +Am I biased or is investing just not as common over here? +**An overview of the deplorable Mr. Ken Griffin** + +&#x200B; + +My fellow apes, + +I believe it was Sun Tzu who said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." That is what we face every trading day, as the saga of GME continues. + +I am keen to inform you further about the antagonist of this story (though I'm sure as a likely narcissistic psychopath he doesn't see it that way). I am talking about **Mr. Kenneth Cordele Griffin**, founder, chief executive officer, Co-chief investment officer, and 85% owner of Citadel LLC - a man estimated to have horded a wealth of **$22.4 billion**. + +In case you are unaware, Citadel LLC are thought to be the primary short-sellers in the GME debacle, where they predatorially gave loans to Gabe Plotkin's company to prevent margin calls at the GME peak in late January of this year. Their relentless pursuit of profit has landed them in rather hot water this time, as I personally don't believe they ever wanted the public to be aware of their practices, nor they unbelievable amount of money they made at the cost of American jobs, businesses and livelihoods. + +Given Mr. Griffin is both CEO and 85% owner of Citadel, I think it is only fair to say he guides the operations of his business, and the operations are therefore reflective of his values. If you agree, it is therefore fair to attribute praise/blame (99% the latter) to the man who oversees all in this company. + +So, please join me in reviewing Mr. Griffin as a man, in both his personal and business affairs. In doing this research, I have personally been sickened by what sort of a man has risen to the top of the US pyramid, but I will leave it for your deliberation - enjoy: + +&#x200B; + +**Personal life** + +Bought the most expensive home in the US ever ($238m penthouse in NY), money that could have been used to help millions of others out of poverty, or maybe pay for almost 1000 $250,000 homes for those affected by the 2008 crash: + +[https://www.businessinsider.com/ken-griffin-most-expensive-home-ever-sold-us-nyc-penthouse-2019-1?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/ken-griffin-most-expensive-home-ever-sold-us-nyc-penthouse-2019-1?r=US&IR=T) + +&#x200B; + +Oh wait, more multimillion dollar houses because of course you need those: + +[https://www.businessinsider.com/ken-griffin-real-estate-nyc-apartment-record-chicago-london-miami-2019-1?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/ken-griffin-real-estate-nyc-apartment-record-chicago-london-miami-2019-1?r=US&IR=T) + +&#x200B; + +Owns $800m+ in art, instead of giving it to charity or allowing it to circulate through the economy: + +[https://news.artnet.com/art-world/art-industry-news-june-4-2020-1878852](https://news.artnet.com/art-world/art-industry-news-june-4-2020-1878852) + +&#x200B; + +Griffin owns **two** private jets: a 2001 [Bombardier Global Express](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombardier_Global_Express) valued at $9.5 million, and a $50 million 2012 Bombardier Global 6000, so he hates the environment too: + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/photos-how-citadel-billionaire-ken-griffin-spends-his-fortune.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/photos-how-citadel-billionaire-ken-griffin-spends-his-fortune.html) + +&#x200B; + +He HATES being taxed, because having a fair amount of money would be unfair apparently: + +[https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2020/11/05/battle-of-the-billionaires-failed-illinois-income-tax-initiative-drew-more-than-110-million-from-governor-jb-pritzker-and-citadels-ken-griffin/?sh=6046e7302da4](https://www.forbes.com/sites/giacomotognini/2020/11/05/battle-of-the-billionaires-failed-illinois-income-tax-initiative-drew-more-than-110-million-from-governor-jb-pritzker-and-citadels-ken-griffin/?sh=6046e7302da4) + +&#x200B; + +He believes that people should be able to make unlimited contributions to politicians, but that these contributions should be public (P.S. USA wake up - this 'lobbying' disproportionately ensures rich people can trample you further) + +[https://money.cnn.com/2015/02/26/news/ken-griffin-political-contributions/](https://money.cnn.com/2015/02/26/news/ken-griffin-political-contributions/) + +&#x200B; + +Allegedly forced his second wife to sign prenuptial agreement from which he benefitted financially: + +[https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11075726/US-billionaires-wife-claims-she-was-forced-into-prenuptial-before-Versailles-wedding.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/11075726/US-billionaires-wife-claims-she-was-forced-into-prenuptial-before-Versailles-wedding.html) + +&#x200B; + +Refused to pay alimony, and threatened to sue ex-wife into the ground: + +[https://dealbreaker.com/2015/01/chicago-billionaire-sounds-like-a-real-treat](https://dealbreaker.com/2015/01/chicago-billionaire-sounds-like-a-real-treat) + +&#x200B; + +Oh, and he's got a real temper like all well-adjusted folks: + +[https://dealbreaker.com/2015/08/hedge-fund-manager-known-for-inspiring-spine-tingling-terror-in-people-hopes-to-lighten-things-up-with-haunted-house-come-october](https://dealbreaker.com/2015/08/hedge-fund-manager-known-for-inspiring-spine-tingling-terror-in-people-hopes-to-lighten-things-up-with-haunted-house-come-october) + +[https://qz.com/1969532/how-ken-griffins-citadel-transformed-financial-markets/](https://qz.com/1969532/how-ken-griffins-citadel-transformed-financial-markets/) + +[https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/citadel-chief-gives-up-dream-for-investment-bank/#](https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2011/08/11/citadel-chief-gives-up-dream-for-investment-bank/) + +&#x200B; + +He even smashed up furniture when his wife threatened to break up with him (she made a good choice): + +[https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/the-breakup-that-has-gripped-america-billionaire-smashed-up-furniture-when-wifetobe-queried-prenup-9711096.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/the-breakup-that-has-gripped-america-billionaire-smashed-up-furniture-when-wifetobe-queried-prenup-9711096.html) + +&#x200B; + +He doesn't do philanthropy because he is a good person; he does them for tax write-offs so jot that one down: + +[https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article249945144.html](https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/article249945144.html) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Business** + +From the start, he's far more likely to be a psychopath, and all of my reading has supported this (he is horrific to work for and as a person): + +[https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1ghpmmp796w07/Sports-Cars-Psychopaths-and-Testosterone-Inside-the-New-Frontier-of-Fund-Manager-Research](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1ghpmmp796w07/Sports-Cars-Psychopaths-and-Testosterone-Inside-the-New-Frontier-of-Fund-Manager-Research) + +&#x200B; + +He doesn't do empathy: + +[https://www.efinancialcareers.co.uk/news/2021/04/ken-griffin-citadel](https://www.efinancialcareers.co.uk/news/2021/04/ken-griffin-citadel) + +&#x200B; + +A prideful man, who bragged in 2015 that Citadel "[manufactures money](https://www.wsj.com/articles/citadels-ken-griffin-leaves-2008-tumble-far-behind-1438655887) like an automaker manufactures cars" + +[https://www.ft.com/content/25e6100d-4cdd-45d0-aaab-6f9b77b14257](https://www.ft.com/content/25e6100d-4cdd-45d0-aaab-6f9b77b14257) + +&#x200B; + +He's living his best life pretending he's the 'Navy SEALS' of Finance (grandiose and delusional): + +[Ken Griffin on Forging the Navy SEALs of the Industry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tW8Gk4cre8) + +&#x200B; + +Suspicious location of subsidiary company Palafox in the Cayman Islands (coincidentally a tax haven hmm). They are also prepared to collapse the world economy and indirectly kill thousands to make a quick buck: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the\_everything\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) + +&#x200B; + +Like a typical hedge fund/investment bank, Citadel doesn't give a s\*\*t about your work/life balance with 80+ hour workweeks: + +[https://www.glassdoor.sg/Reviews/Citadel-no-work-life-Reviews-EI\_IE14937.0,7\_KH8,20.htm](https://www.glassdoor.sg/Reviews/Citadel-no-work-life-Reviews-EI_IE14937.0,7_KH8,20.htm) + +[https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/mar/22/goldman-sachs-boss-responds-to-leaked-report-into-inhumane-working-hours](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/mar/22/goldman-sachs-boss-responds-to-leaked-report-into-inhumane-working-hours) + +&#x200B; + +On top of this, they treat employees terribly, hence the high turnover (ex-Citadel employees, make him pay using the second link): + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/meoqgw/citadel\_headed\_toward\_hiring\_freeze\_deep\_dive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/meoqgw/citadel_headed_toward_hiring_freeze_deep_dive/) + +[https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower](https://www.sec.gov/whistleblower) + +&#x200B; + +Tries to psych out his employees with long pauses and weird rituals because he's awful: + +[https://dealbreaker.com/2013/09/ken-griffin-strikes-fear-into-the-hearts-of-citadel-employees-](https://dealbreaker.com/2013/09/ken-griffin-strikes-fear-into-the-hearts-of-citadel-employees-with-long-pauses-strange-coffee-ritual)[with-long-pauses-strange-coffee-ritual](https://dealbreaker.com/2013/09/ken-griffin-strikes-fear-into-the-hearts-of-citadel-employees-with-long-pauses-strange-coffee-ritual) + +&#x200B; + +Wanted to be a whistle-blower/snitch, which was presumably done for a competitive advantage, not for altruism/respect of the law: + +[https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/citadel-a-24-billion-hedge-fund-seeks-65806/](https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/citadel-a-24-billion-hedge-fund-seeks-65806/) + +&#x200B; + +Citadel PROFITED on the 2008 crash: + +[https://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/04/citadels-ken-griffin-poster-child-for-americans-anger-in-this-election/](https://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/04/citadels-ken-griffin-poster-child-for-americans-anger-in-this-election/) + +&#x200B; + +Citadel accepts these fines as they aren't high enough to be a deterrent (no shame at all eh lads?): + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m9dfcw/100\_million\_in\_fines\_from\_citadel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m9dfcw/100_million_in_fines_from_citadel/) + +&#x200B; + +Just watch this, he doesn't blink and ABSOLUTELY believes everything he says: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cwf-JrrE9g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cwf-JrrE9g) + +&#x200B; + +**And this is just the stuff we know. I'm sure even worse occurs behind closed doors. KEN GRIFFIN HATES YOU.** + +Overall, Ken Griffin was likely hoping he would never be in the limelight, but here we are (BTW please share this far and wide so people know how much of a deplorable piece of s\*\*t scumbag he is). He is, both in business and pleasure, a disgusting, greedy, angry, cheating human being who deserves to be in jail without a cent to his name. GME is your last chance to even get close to punishing these people. The American system has ensured the ivory towers of smoke and mirrors are built, and the final bricks that will ensure invincibility lie here - KNOCK THE CITADEL DOWN AND USE THE BRICKS TO BUILD HOMES, SCHOOLS AND HOSPTIALS. + +*If anyone has any more additions/changes (there will be loads because he's truly detestable), please message me and I will edit.* + +Thank you for reading. Please GME to the moon, and hopefully Ken to jail 🚀🚀🚀 + +*Edited for readability* + +*Disclaimer: all of this information was available online. You'll have to sue them first before you sue me lol* +**About Drone Delivery Canada Corp.** + +Current Price - $2.01 Cad + +Estimated Fair Value Price - $4.85 Cad + +Revenue Forecast To Grow 51% Per Year + +Link To Article Below For More On This Information: + +Drone Delivery Canada Corp. designs, develops, and implements commercial drone-based logistics systems in Canada. The company offers drone delivery services consisting of Depot to Depot services, which focuses on rural applications providing services from warehouse to warehouse; and Depot to Consumer that offers logistics services from a retailer/warehouse direct to the consumers home or business location. It serves government, commercial, industrial, and retail customers. The company was incorporated in 2011 and is based in Vaughan, Canada.. + +Drone Delivery Canada Corp. is a publicly listed company trading on the TSX.V Exchange under the symbol FLT, on the U.S. OTCQX market under the symbol TAKOF and on the Frankfurt exchange in Germany under the symbol A2AMGZ or ABB.F . + +The Company is focused on designing, developing and implementing a commercially viable drone delivery system within the Canadian geography. They are focused on bringing Innovation to the Canada - utilizing drone technology to redefine the just in time delivery standard for retailers. Their group consists of highly seasoned technology professionals who have successfully built, owned and operated technology ventures in the Canadian marketplace. + +Notable Links: + +Stock & Value Analysis - [Drone Delivery Canada (TSXV:FLT) - Share price, News & Analysis - Simply Wall St](https://simplywall.st/stocks/ca/capital-goods/tsxv-flt/drone-delivery-canada-shares) + +Letter of intent with Apple Express Courier - [Drone Delivery Canada Announces Letter of Intent with Apple Express Courier Ltd (newswire.ca)](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/drone-delivery-canada-announces-letter-of-intent-with-apple-express-courier-ltd-889950948.html) + +Company Youtube Content - [(3) Drone Delivery Canada - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/dronedeliverycanada) + +Company Website: - [Home - Drone Delivery Canada : Drone Delivery Canada](https://dronedeliverycanada.com/) + +Overall, I see great potential with the company. With so many potential partners like apple and amazon the possible growth with this one is under estimated IMO. Feel free to voice your opinion and leave a comment below. I like the stock. +So, I’ve just got my new Barclays child debit card. At the bank, my mother transferred me £50 asking me if I wanted it, to which I replied yes. I took it assuming it was a gift for opening my first ever account, but right as we went outside she told me that I needed to transfer that £50 back into her account because she needed it for that month. + +I asked her why she would even give me it in the first place and she states that it’s necessary (could’ve left me with £1) so that my account “settles”. Then she starts yapping about me being grateful and all that (for wanting to deposit my own money?) and so on. + +She also starts berating me for disclosing the amount of money I have in notes and coins to the banker who was setting up my account, as I was being provided advice in storing my cash on their systems. Apparently, according to my mother, me depositing a few hundred quid that I’ve accumulated over my life from gifts is going to mess with the benefits that my dad receives (he’s employed), probably that child benefit stuff. Then, they’ll apparently take the benefits away seeing that I have money??? + +Do her words hold any weight whatsoever? Neither of my parents are very financially literate, so I have a hard time believing that me depositing some money will prevent my father from getting any state assistance. We very much need the money, so I’m not mad at my mother having taken the £50 that she gifted me - I’m more disappointed that she got my hopes up that it was a gift. +I went from $3k —> 35k in 4 months on one big trade. I thought I knew my shit, but I didn’t. What was my strategy? What was my success rate for my strategies? When I browse subreddits, are there a lot of terms that I am unfamiliar with? Did I follow a list of steps when I traded? No. + +I am down to $2800 now with dreams of making this full-time. I’m working Shipt in the meantime. + +I have been trading for 9 months. I’ve been losing for 5 months in a row since my big win. I was in a huge state of denial. I HAD TO TRADE. Every day, otherwise it was a missed opportunity. + +After posting on here, a bunch of people basically told me it’s time to go back to the drawing board. I didn’t know enough, I didn’t know what I was doing. + +I have 5 strategies, that I believe could be solid. I’m in the process of back testing them, finding flaws, finding the win/loss rate, and removing indicators I previously thought were necessary. (I love indicators) + +I haven’t traded for the past 3 weeks and plan to resume trading in 3 more weeks. I am growing in confidence and setting myself up with realistic expectations. (Check out the book “Mastering Trading Psychology”) +The stock market is a probability game and you want to take trades where the probability is in your favor. You will win and lose but you want to win more than you lose. + +Newer traders like myself who took a break and resumed trading, how did you do? + +Veteran traders, any advice would be appreciated, me and others here would like to hear your story! + +Good luck everyone and happy trading! + +Edit: Thank you everyone for your responses, advice, and recommendations! I didn’t expect this much support and it’s good to know I’m not alone in making some of these stupid mistakes. + +Edit 2: I primarily use TD Ameritrade, ThinkOrSwim. +In light of the news we are seeing where several banks are no longer permitting their credit cards being used for anything crypto related, here is a classic example of why they are doing it: + +>bitconnected1369redditor for 2 days [score hidden] an hour ago + +>I bought bitcoin at about 17k on its way up. Am I worried? No. I believe in the technology and I believe believers will be rewarded handsomely. I bought it on my credit card through Coinbase and had planned the repayments would be paid out of bitcoin profits. First payment due in a couple of weeks and I believe we will start to rise up before then. If we don’t, I can always sell a little bit of the crypto to make the minimum payment. + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7v5ydz/daily_discussion_february_04_2018/dtrtlkh/ + +I hope that guy does not take too much of a hit, but this does remind me of when the SEC started with the PDT rule back in 2001. + +Everybody is going to hate it, but its going to save a lot of people from a lot of pain in the long run! + + +Ive been completing nursing school with a good buddy of mine for a while now. We have one year left. Last year I got into crypto around christmas time and I told him about it too. He has taken this so much further than I ever thought. I like to stick to my guns and just accumulate and hodl. + +He is convinced that he can use astrology to predict the charts down to the cent and day with the moon. Yes, Astrology. + +He has since dropped out of school, and is basically committing all his time to astrology and the markets. + +Does anyone else think like this? Am I the crazy one? Or is he? + +Edit: I see lots of posts asking "well is it working" + +You see. I dont really know. He insists it is, says he knows what hes doing and that his past predictions are all right. I keep saying to lmk what the next one is and ill believe him. Except he never does. He just messages me at 4 am saying "btc at *** told ya! Just like I said". Or he says he told someone else that they should pull out and back in on X date and it worked for them. But I havent seen any proof. + +Edit 2: he is not playing the stock market. This is all cryptos. + +Edit 3: BREAKING 7:39pm ct. His latest call is that RIGHT NOW here. Is the bottom of the BTC correction from today. Current price now : $41,784. Around march or April is when the next bear market will be + +Edit 4: just now he changed his mind, now saying that it is gonna drop again one more time between tonight and tomorrow. To 37500 or 30000. Lets see +Hi! This is my first time submitting here. I didn't know where else to go to ask help regarding the matter. + +So here's the situation: my parents separated nearly three years ago. My mom now has her own property, while my siblings and I have also moved out of my father's house (he was physically abusive towards my mother and has intoxication issues). My mother was the breadwinner of our family, and my father never bothered to have a job the whole time we were together (around 18 years), and so depended on her. +Apparently, my mother failed to pay the mortgage on the house during the last year we were staying with our father. Her income is on a commission basis and prioritized on spending it on the education of her kids. + +My dad has been receiving warnings on the loaning company taking back the house, but hasn't really done anything. He's tried looking for jobs but has only gotten very low paying ones (around <$1/day) because he didn't finish college and his intoxication problems. His salary is only enough for his basic needs. He is currently unemployed and relies on my aunt for meals. + +To keep the house, we have to pay 2 million Philippine pesos, which is around ~$40,000. This is a problem since I only have one sibling who is working and is earning $160/month. Once my working sibling gets off of her 'trial' period in work, she earns ~$560. I and my younger sibling are still in school. I am in my fourth year of college and I still have another year to go. My college expenses are costly, around $1,200 for a whole school year. My younger sister also goes to a private school that is $660/school year. We can't send my younger sister to a public school as majority of public school students have delinquent tendencies, and my sister is very rebellious. + +I am currently working on freelance writing jobs to help fund my education, but I don't know what to do when my dad gets evicted or where the household items will go. My paternal aunt and uncles aren't doing so well as their husband/wives are the ones that have higher paychecks. + +Hoping to get some advice on what to do. Thank you. + +**Update:** I've been recently informed that there's a way to get around the payments. Before my dad gets kicked out this July, we have to pay 200,000 Philippine pesos which is approximately $4,000. After the payment, we have to pay $140/month for the next thirteen years. + +I was always under the impression that NPS is not a great tool given that there is a restriction that you can only withdraw <=60% of the corpus upon retirement. +However, the implication by investing in NPS is huge (I assume 80C is already being filled to 1.5 lacs and you are unsure about investing additional 50k in 80CCD). + +Option 1 Avoid NPS: You pay 30% tax, so essentially you keep 35k cash in hand. Now just to reach back 50k you need to earn a return 40%/year. Very difficult. + +Option 2 Choose NPS: Right away, you are essentially earning 15k + you have decent returns to be expected (8-10% annual). + +Curious if there are others who choose to not invest in NPS and what your reasons are. Because, currently it seems like a very attractive option for someone in the 30% tax bracket. +Before people run off and start messing with options there is a reason people are cautious on the subject. Option premiums on GME are insane compared to last year before the run up. I myself made a lot of money but also lost a lot of money on options. Options that aren't exercised are doing absolutely nothing except giving money away from the premiums. If you understand them and have the funds sure go for it. Also leaps are the way, if you buy weeklies you're literally throwing money into the basket. For the majority of people buy hold and drs is enough. Good luck to everyone else. +I have a masters in math and one in finance, both from state schools. Finished both with 4.0s. I did my undergrad at a "public ivy," but only got a 2.75 there. I was happy with my scholastic performance turnaround and only applied for competitive jobs at the beginning of my job search. As time has passed, I've been applying to anything and everything. I've been living off of a small inheritance, but that money is almost gone. I've recently applied to be a teller at a bank and at a local Target - no interview for either. + +I have two decent internships under my belt which I did during my last degree program. I'm 31 and apart from those, I have no relevant work experience. What do I need to do differently? + +EDIT: I don't know anyone who works in any field that I have an interest in. + +EDIT2: Holy cow. Thank you for all the responses everyone. Did not expect this. +Spending a lot of time at home in this pandemic, and have been trying to make more home more... zen... and more luxurious. + +What homeware products have you really come to appreciate? Expensive body washes? Table and bath linen? Fresh flowers every few days? Expensive indoor plants. + +Sorry, not sure if this is a FAT topic, just want to up my home comfort. Thanks! +They have a game plan. No doubt. They've had time to plan. They have the power to move the price anywhere they want. Up, down, or nowhere. Whatever happens, it's because they want it to happen. + +A couple possible scenarios: + +1. It spikes. $1,000 maybe. Why? Because then they can crash the price and claim that was the short squeeze. An NFT announcement, or something else in the meeting, "pushed out the last 20% of short sellers and the squeeze is over". Clearly, BS. Don't fall for it. +2. They repeat the earnings call trick. Crash that son of a banana 40%. Why? They still think they can shake you. They shouldn't think this, but their egos tell them that they are smarter than you. +3. The price stays put. Why? Wouldn't this make you question your hypothesis more than either option above? I mean, you being a diamond handed ape, this will only last .0000005 seconds. But! This is the scenario that kills the excitement. Doesn't look like manipulation (but it is). Doesn't look like you're getting what you want. + +The point is simple, they are trying to get you to believe the story they want you to believe. Everything you see is fake. As for me, I might just avoid watching the ticker all day Wednesday. What I'm holding for won't play out this week. + +Edit 1: + +Contacted by a shill after this became hot. + +Edit 2: + +Thanks for pointing out that the shill was actually a troll. + +**Not financial advice. Not a financial advisor.** +I started day trading back in 2016, and failed epically. Now in 2021 that I've achieved some pretty amazing levels of success (multi six figures in profit since October on an $8000 account), I wanted to give some of my insights on what changed from when I was failing to now. + +The first, and biggest thing, was finding the particular trading outlet that matched my personality. There's so many things people trade, whether listed stocks, OTCs, options, futures, forex, crypto, etc. + +When I first was trading, I traded volatile low float Nasdaqs, and I absolutely got ripped to shreds. What I didn't realize was, these stocks trade completely differently from OTC, and OTC works so much better for my risk averse personality. Let me explain. + +I'm a firm believer in the idea that you should close out your losing positions quickly. I take this more to heart than most, and I literally (with a few exceptions) *refuse* to hold positions that I am negative on. If I enter a trade and it goes against me, I close out the position *immediately*. 99%+ of the time. + +This strategy might seem a little extreme, but it actually works surprisingly well on OTC stocks, due to the nature of the slower executions. Nasdaqs usually have instant executions, and it means that one large buyer or seller can instantly jump the price significantly. This makes the stock trade a lot more choppily, and my strategy of instantly closing out losing positions is not feasible, since it's nearly impossible to get a perfect entry in a Nasdaq. With OTC though, the slower executions make momentum a lot more easy to judge (in my opinion, at least), so when I enter at a key inflection point, I usually get an immediate positive resolution of my trade. I also like to lock in my profits very quickly as well, especially in a market that's much less hot than January or February. + +I've found once you get enough screen time, you start to really get an innate feel for the momentum of stocks by just absorbing the level 2 and time and sales, and once you get to this level, you'll find that you're immediately profitable on the vast majority of the positions you enter. + +&#x200B; + +Now, in terms of what I actually trade to make these profits: + +I love going both long and short. My favorite 3 patterns are pretty much the same, and they can be reversed for going long / short. + +1) Buying overextended dips & panics OR shorting overextended spikes + +2) Buying breakouts past key resistance levels OR shorting breakdowns past key support levels + +3) Buying breaking news plays (good news) or shorting breaking news plays (bad news) + +Perfecting these patterns, combined with the habit of immediately exiting losing positions, completely transformed my trading, and the risk to reward on my trading strategy as a whole is absolutely incredible. My last red day was over a month ago, and it was only about -$200, which is less than 1/10th my average green day. + +Moral of the story is, find a trading medium that matches your personality. I never would've been this successful if I'd stuck with listed stocks, and I'm sure there's plenty of you out there who are in a similar boat to where I was back in 2016. + +&#x200B; + +I'm happy to answer any questions you guys have about trading. I do have a YouTube channel where I have live trades and tutorial videos, but in the spirit of avoiding self promotion, I will not link it here unless requested to do so. + +EDIT: Wow, I did not expect this much response. Thank you guys for your kind words. My channel is YouTube.com/c/thelaptoplegend + +I’ll answer every one of your questions as soon as I can, so don’t think I’m ignoring you! +So I got this message from a random user. He said I should check the SEC site for fillings about credit suisse. Since I am really not that smart (just like the company), I asked if he could eleborate. He then send me a link to the filling he was referring to, but then again I didn't understand shit of that filling. He then sends me another message which he named, "Some more bread crumbs", this message contained a total of 3 links, but then again, I not smart ape so don't know wut mean. + +I will post the screenshots of the messages below, I asked the message for permission to post here and he was fine with this as long as I blurred his name. I will also put the links below so some smooth brained apes can check this out. + +This is maybe nothing and might just be distraction from what is going on because this weekend is 🔥, however this can also be a very serious DD. + +Check out the convo; + + + +[this was the first convo](https://preview.redd.it/p1fr9113q3n71.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=9554fc4edfcbcbf3b0676cd3c473ed9c71ad7429) + +&#x200B; + +[Second convo](https://preview.redd.it/yedupoafq3n71.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99b95cbd6ccc01a3f7d8ce3d3371ea3f7cc0396) + +Here is a transcript of the convo and links so apes can check it out for themselves. + +First convo messages + +perhaps if one would navigate to the SEC website and find recent filings by a one cr3d1t su1ss3, one might find some interesting information + +never follow a link without verifying. might want to use urlscan dot i o or something but here is one of the direct links: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1053092/000095010321013821/dp157741\_424b2-u6153.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1053092/000095010321013821/dp157741_424b2-u6153.htm) + +i appreciate your inquisitive nature. more eyes are needed on the "Contingent Coupon Callable Yield Notes due October 5, 2026" filed by Credit Suisse. naming these securities: Citigroup, Comerica, and Horizon Corp. + +Second convo with links: + +find this post: "[https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nptiio/gamestop\_shareholder\_list\_the\_final\_catalyst/](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nptiio/gamestop_shareholder_list_the_final_catalyst/) + +follow the link to the ownership summary [https://investor.gamestop.com/stock-information/institutional-ownership](https://investor.gamestop.com/stock-information/institutional-ownership) + +how weird but if we use the waybackmachine + +[https://web.archive.org/web/20210906101126/https://investor.gamestop.com/stock-information/institutional-ownership](https://web.archive.org/web/20210906101126/https://investor.gamestop.com/stock-information/institutional-ownership) + +## After Sept 6, No More Ownership Data + +in addition, if one were to review many of the recent SEC filings from Sept 10, one would find many CE0s and CF0s unloading their stocks + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +So that's about all, I hope some smooth brained ape can find some interesting stuff on this. + +GME FTW + +Edit: this post is getting more traction then I anticipated. I already saw some interesting comments of apes who are already doing there best digging. I just want to stress that I am really not a smart ape and I just like the stock. When this person messaged me I was skeptical at first but I really think there is something here. Like one comment said, this might be an insider who doesn’t want to be recognized in anyway, and just decided to send some apes this info and hope it would gain traction. Out for now, I will be going to sleep. If there are any updates in the morning or DD’s based on this info I will edit my post. Good Sunday for you al and may Monday come soon. GME for life + +Edit 2: couldn’t sleep, specially after this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pmwcnt/some_guy_started_messaging_me_some_mysterious/hclgswn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 +Go check it out. Hope some smooth brained ape can have an even better look at this +u/EXTORTER massive thanks for having a look at this. I appreciate you taking the time and figuring this out already. Still a bit unclear to me as what it means, yes I know, really dumb ape I am +💎🙌🏼 + +Edit 3: wow this got a lot more traction than I thought. As Said go check out the comment by u/EXTORTER , he has done some really fine work. If there would be any dd released based on this I will post it here but as of now there is none as far as I know of. These messages send to me by a stranger turned out to be somewhat interesting and some apes found some things. Hope someone can figure the whole puzzle out on what it means, and specially what it means for GME. +$HODL is causing disruption in the financial industry with its frictionless yield farming and liquidity generation protocol. You EARN FREE BNB everyday by simply holding $HODL in your wallet + +💰HODL investors are earning FREE $BNB everday 💰 + +$HODL launched with its platform and daPP ready and their investors are claiming free BNB everyday! The excitment around the project is gaining more momentum by the day. It is the worlds first Anti Dumping Deflationary Rewards Token + +**Every transaction is taxed 10% and distribution happens as below :-** + +\- 4% to BNB Rewards Pool + +\- 4% to Liquidity + +\- 2% Re-Distributed to Holders + +HODL is also a deflationary coin with 25% Supply Already Burnt and 0.5% of every transaction gets burnt as well. + +**Features:** + +\- Anti-Whale Mechanism + +\- Highly Secured + +\- Built for the Community + +\- Transaction (Sell/Buy) that trade more than 1% of the total supply will be rejected. + +\- Whales who make transfer (between 2 wallets) that is larger than 1% of the total supply will be charged 1BNB which will further be donated to Charities + +**For more information:** + +Telegram: [https://t.me/hodlinvestorgroup](https://t.me/hodlinvestorgroup) + +Website: [HodlToken.net](https://hodltoken.net/) +https://ir.citi.com/_tpHpW8MfaZ1QXwGmP1JGMGXXI95qXm3IMJzUJScLMb6XIjtOls6EbDehXMR3B_o9Opi7mdc5tQ%3D + +US banking giant Citi has authored a new report which suggests bitcoin could become “an international trade currency” as it evolves. + +The report, entitled “Bitcoin: At the Tipping Point”, charts the evolution of bitcoin from a form of payment to its current status as a store of value. The authors forecast that bitcoin’s core properties combined with its global reach and neutrality could see it morph into the “currency of choice” for international trade in around seven years. + +“Perceptions about what makes bitcoin important continue to evolve and create new opportunities while increasing its perception towards becoming mainstream,” the report states. + +“A focus on global reach and neutrality could see bitcoin become an international trade currency. This would take advantage of bitcoin’s decentralized and borderless design, its lack of foreign exchange exposure, its speed and cost advantage in moving money, the security of its payments, and its traceability.” + +Citi’s report explain that bitcoin, in the role of a global trade currency, could be used by importers and exporters to pay for goods and services directly – simplifying the process of international trade. A decentralized cryptocurrency may be preferred to a Central Bank Digital Currency, it argues, because “no government or outside entity can take steps that might affect the supply of the trade currency, helping to decouple trade from political considerations.” +I get the importance of taxation and what not, but that doesn’t mean it absolutely sucks looking at my gross income vs what I actually take home. And somehow I still owed the government money this tax season. That being said, although I struggle to save a significant amount of money each month (only a couple hundred) I’m happy with where I am, roof over my head, food in my stomach and bills get paid every month. It’s just a pipe dream of mine to not have 30% of my income gone before it even hits my bank account. Have a blessed Tuesday y’all +Hi! I wanted to hear realistic stories of those who achieved (or are near) financial independence, who didn't receive a down payment or other help from their family members. It just seems like most of the posts here don't show the full picture and might be creating unreasonable expectations for others. + +Any thoughts? + +I have nothing against receiving financial help from your parents, if they can it's amazing that they did. However, I want to hear the stories of those who didn't came from that amount of money. + +EDIT: + +If you parents paid for your college and you got straight As and landed a great job that's amazing and I'm very happy for you and your effort. No one here is taking away the effort you put into all of those sleepless nights studying. No one here or elsewhere can take that away from you. This post is about those who didn't receive that monetary help from their parents being in the form of a down payment, or payment for their college. + +&#x200B; +Hello, + +My job has changed so that i frequently travel to London airports from South Wales, my company pays for my flight, but I have to pay for my train as it is classed a “reasonable commute”, I agree with this and am happy doing so. + +My question, what railcards are available for a 32 year old man to try and reduce the cost of these trains, it’s only twice a month (out and back) but it would still be good to try and get some saving. + +I looked into a season ticket, but it would cost more that paying for each train individually. + +Googled railcards and asked at the local station but it’s all drawing a blank. + +Anyone have any ideas? +So, I work full time, I earn around £24,000 a year. After bills, I have around £600 a month to live off (and pretty much provide for another person), including fuel and food etc. By the end of every month, I'm usually skint, in my overdraft, or borrowing bits of money from parents, which I hate. + +I've got £300 from my 30th birthday. + +I need ideas what to do with it. I always fancied trying to make furniture and sell it as a side hustle. By I'm not great and this 300 is really precious, so I'm not sure if I want to buy tools for something I'm not skilled in yet. + +What would you do with a spare £300? I know it's not a lot, but it's all I have. + +Just trying to show some initiative and turn things around a little. + +Thanks! +We all saw the post from GameStop today on their Instagram and Twitter page. (Also Facebook?) + +My theory is that they either received the first batch of proxy votes and it’s more than 100% or we surpassed the 100% just now and they are going to post soon. + +TLDR: we are going to the moon and GameStop is waiting for us. + +EDIT: they edited GS (GameStop) on his right arm. My ape tits are jacked +Some famous users have probably been on the HF payroll FROM THE START. They are waiting to backstab apes at key moments during the squeeze. + +Some of you might have read the mod throwawaythisaccounts rant post on r/GME which also suggests something like this happening with the trusted figures that are now on other subs (of course he could be on HF side too, don't trust any individual other than DFV). + +Trust the underlying DD, decentralized information and every individual ape making their own decisions and HODLing. + +Not financial advice. + + +Edit: don't trust anybody specific user even if they claim they were contacted by hf people. It's easy to falsely claim this to gain trust. And while I think they truly are trying to buy apes to drive hedgie cause, the hf moles will of course also tell they were contacted too (by their friends). +So the Bitcoin halving just happened if im correct! +Coinmarketcap says: +All Time High Apr 14, 2021 (a month ago) $64,863.10 +-50.86% + +So we did it! The Bitcoin halving happened! We are now at 31k and we did the halving! Get ready for a new bull run and dont forgot the seatbelts! Next stop is the moon! +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** + +Salutations, apes. + +https://preview.redd.it/b38sk0hf2yw61.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea3c93becde0c24de8af8437b60b9974b47c6a7 + +Last night, as I was listening to Carly Rae Jepson's smash hit "Azz & Tittiez" in my race care bed, a thought came to me: hedies r fuk. Then I woke up to my wife yelling at me to pay her boyfriend's rent. I immediately apologized to both of them and bought him flowers and chocolates so he knows that I care about him. This DD isn't going to relate to GME's chart or FTD cycles directly, instead, it's going to be an explanation of why institutions are willing to take these risky bets on GME and other securities and how it affects us. + +Since I've been active on GME-related subreddits I have commonly heard the phrase "(insert institution) hasn't learned from (1987, Dot Com bubble, 2008, January squeeze, etc.)." I am here today to give my reasoning on why that is not the case. The people that run these institutions went to some of the top universities in the world, have a ridiculous amount of experience, and have almost unlimited resources at their hands. Though we hate them, they are undoubtedly very smart people. So, the idea that they haven't learned from past mistakes is not correct in my opinion. Instead, they understand that taking an astronomical risk in the American financial system can lead to big rewards. Even if this astronomical risk goes completely tits up and leads to bankruptcy, the system is set up in a way that the big players in the institution do not lose much money, are not prosecuted, and have ample opportunity to set up other firms/institutions after a previous one fails. The only people who lose in these situations are the investors. Here, I will be documenting case studies of large institutions failing and showing how the people at the top of those institutions came out completely fine and were able to continue making money despite failing. Therefore, the idea that they haven't learned from their mistakes is incorrect. Instead, the consequences associated with failing on Wallstreet are so insignificant that it makes complete and total sense for any large institution to take an astronomical level of risk because they know that the money machine allows them to just move on somewhere else and keep pumping money. Below are the case studies. + +**1. Bill Hwang - Tiger Asia Management** + +By now, we all know who Bill Hwang is. What many don't know, however, is where he started. Hwang started at Tiger Management, a huge and successful firm. Hwang was one of the most successful "Tiger Cubs" to come out of that institution and went on to start Tiger Asia Management. Hwang took heavy losses due to the 2008 crisis and was convicted of Insider trading in 2012, which forced the fund to close. He was banned from having outside money for investment. He then started Archegos, a family office. Despite being a convicted felon and insider trader, Hwang was able to get an insane amount of leverage from multiple prime brokers. We all know that eventually these bets turned bad and he got margin called. The man is still a multi-billionaire and there is no indication that he will be charged again. + +**2. Steve Cohen - SAC** + +Many of you might also know of Steve Cohen, who currently runs Point 72, which gave Melvin a $2 Billion infusion to save it from the GME January squeeze. Many people speculate that he was the inspiration behind Bobby Axelrod in the show "Billions," which is an absolutely amazing show that you should watch, because of his dealings in SAC Capital. Cohen ran SAC capital since 1992 and grew it into a multi billion dollar institution. He was known for extremely aggressive, borderline illegal trading activity that netted him insane returns. In 2013, the firm pleaded guilty to insider trading. From this, Point 72 was founded. Cohen's net worth has increased significantly in the past decade. + +**3. John Meriwether - LTCM** + +Long Term Capital Management, LTCM, was one of the most successful institutions in the 1990's. Founded by multiple award-winning economists, the fund had an ingenious strategy to trade on bond arbitrage. The firm was able to take out over 100x (I'm not even kidding) leverage because their strategy was so risk free. The only thing that could destroy this strategy would be an international bond crisis, which was extremely unlikely. Enter the Russian Bond crisis in the 1990's. This made the firm go tits up. Because of the insane amount of leverage they had, the FED had to bail out this firm because it could've started a global financial implosion (think Archegos but about 1000x bigger). The firm went defunct in 1997. Their CEO was John Meriwether. Where is he now? He has since started two HFs: JWM partners and JM Advisors. He still makes millions every year. + +**4. Dick Fold (lol) - Lehman Brothers** + +We all know the story of Lehman Brothers in 2008. They had some of the largest exposure to CDOs and SPM in the financial crisis, which caused them to go tits up. Their CEO: Dick Fold (c'mon bro just go by Rich or something, why do you have to go by Dick with a last name like that). His lack of oversight and complacency with these bad bets is a large reason why the institution had to undergo the quickest and largest bankruptcy in US history. Where is he now? He currently manages a multi-million dollar institution called Maxrix Private Capital where he is still making multi-millions per year, despite the fact that he should probably be in jail. + +**5. Raj Rajaratnam and Gary Rosenbach - Galleon Group** + +Galleon Group was at one point one of the biggest HFs in the world, managing over $7 Billion in assets in 2008 at its peak. In 2009, multiple members were arrested for insider trading. The fund would close because of this scandal. Where is our boi Raj now? Raj is in jail, serving the longest sentence ever for insider trading (a measly 11 years). Raj is the rare case of someone who committed crimes so obvious that he had to be arrested. Where is Gary? He is currently the CEO of Eider Fund LP, making millions per year. + +**6. Amaranth** + +Aramanth was one of the biggest HFs at its peak with AOM of over $9 billion. In 2006, it took a loss of over $6 billion on natural gas futures. Currently, the traders responsible for this are all employed at various HFs making millions and none of them have been sent to prison. + +**7. Every bank associated with Archegos** + +It has been widely reported that the banks associated with the Archegos situation disregarded and even overrode their risk management departments. Why? Fees. They were willing to take an extreme amount of risk on a convicted felon because total return swaps, the instrument Hwang used to get his leverage, come with some nasty fees for the banks giving the leverage. + +There are SOOOOOOOOO many more examples of situations like these. I could probably take a dive into the Dot Com bubble, more firms from 2008, and firms that went defunct during the covid crash to find more examples, but I bet that you get the point by now. When a fund fails, unless the traders' actions were so blatantly illegal (lmao Raj), they are not penalized and are still able to make millions in the financial world. The next question is why? + +**Why?** + +Why can the leaders of these funds take billions of dollars in losses, come out clean on the other side, and go on to start firms that give them millions of dollars a year? There are many reasons. The most glaring reason is the lack of enforcement at the SEC and justice department. It blows my mind that only 1 person was put in jail for the 2008 financial crisis (don't know his name but remember hearing this at the end of the big short). There was clearly criminal activity going on but still no accountability. Even worse, people who commit insider trading rarely go to jail and are still allowed to trade in financial markets with only a few restrictions as a result of their conviction. So what this tells us is that the legal penalties for extreme/illegal risk-taking are minuscule or nonexistent. + +But what about Wallstreet itself? Surely there should be reputational damage to people who lose money like this? To an extent, yes. None of these people are given positions at giant institutions immediately following their controversy. However, almost all of them have no issues in getting funding to start their next ventures. Why? Connections. + +So why can they still make money afterward? The way that fee structures are set up on Wallstreet makes it very easy to make money as long as you can secure funding, which is easy because you have so many connections. The famous 2 and 20 structure of HFs (2% immediate fee on assets and 20% of returns go to the fund/trader) makes it insanely easy to make money this way. Fees are how these institutions make money. This explains why big banks were willing to take such big risks on Archegos and in 2007 (SPM had some of the biggest fees for banks as underwriters). Ever heard the statistic that HFs have only returned like 2-3% on average for the past decade? They're still in it because the business model is tied around the idea that the more outside money that flows into the firm, the more they get on that initial fee, so their net worth is not tied to how the fund does, it's tied to their fees. + +Moreover, the house always wins. You probably keep hearing the phrase "70% of options expire worthless," which means that the house (MMs) win 70% of their bets WITHOUT even considering how hedging these bets probably makes that 70% more like 90%. So when you have a lot of money, it's relatively easy to make more money on it if you engage in market-making activity. + +**Conclusion** + +Therefore, what we must understand is that this isn't stupidity, it's a lack of consequences. The reason that these firms made such huge bets against GME was because they thought "we might hit the bankruptcy jackpot and not have to cover our shorts. If we're wrong maybe we lose a little but make it back on something else. If on the off chance we are wrong big and the firm goes tits up, we'll just start another one." + +The only people who suffer when a fund goes tits up are the investors in that fund. The ones at the top of it are fine and just move on to the next thing. Remember, the only people who suffered from Archegos were investors in Viacom and Discovery and Credit Suisse because they're stupid. + +Thus, we are not dealing with stupid people, we are dealing with people who have nothing to lose, which is why they have dug themselves into these asinine situations. Even if these firms lose money, all of their money isn't tied into it, so the only real losers are the investors. The leaders of the firm can just start their next venture. + +NOW LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR: I am not saying that we shouldn't call these HFs stupid and I am not defending them by any stretch of the imagination, I hate them too. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't be thinking that they're doing this because they're stupid, they're doing this because of greed and a lack of consequences. I believe that this benefits us because they will keep digging themselves into a hole, which will make the squeeze bigger, because they know that even if they go tits up, they will be fine long-term. + +https://preview.redd.it/vo4jqdax0yw61.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=accd87b266ce7e3d2d48f8a9392abea6b36e6f84 + +The HFs think they have nothing to lose? Here's a picture of Apes who have been bag holding since January: + +https://preview.redd.it/2o5vd1021yw61.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=6db13df63000111c1b6b85dd85e39393f3fc4d94 + +Yeah, I'll be on apes any day of the week. + +**TL;DR** + +The way that the financial world is set up, money managers have nothing to lose if their firm goes tits up. The only ones who lose are investors. They are not stupid, they just know that if their firm goes tits up they can go on to the next venture and make money. This explains why they have gotten into all of this risky behavior. The lack of consequences benefits apes because it demonstrates that HFs are willing to get themselves in a conundrum, which will make the squeeze bigger, because they have no consequences. + +**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advice \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** +I don't know if this is the right subreddit to ask this question, so apologies in advance if this is violating any of the rules. + +I studied at a regular run-of-the-mill college in a major city in south of India. 15 years after graduating, I find myself in a fairly good financial position and in a very high paying job. I feel very blessed and I credit a lot of that to this college and the friendships I formed there. The college too has grown and has attracted a wide diversity of students from various walks of life. I'd like to start a scholarship for 1 deserving student (based on their academic marks). My plan is to either pay on behalf of the student before they join the course or convert this into an award where I reimburse some portion of the fee to the student after they complete the course. Other than picking up the phone and speaking to the principle, I don't know what else to do. I asked my CA and he doesn't seem to know what to do as well (and he also dissuaded me because "*why do you want to waste your money?*"). What is the best way to start this effort? Do I need to create a fund? How does this impact taxes, etc? +I read some of these posts that comment having a few million must be living life having butlers and servants with no worries. I am a multi-millionaire and make about $1M per year and I still am not worry-free when it comes to money. I have $1.5M in real estate assets and $3.4M in stocks (mostly index funds). I live in a modest house ($650k in Canada which may even be considered cheap). I have a 10-year-old car. We don't have a house cleaner or nanny. + +I try to spend money on family experiences and conveniences. My kids have many more activities and richer experiences than I ever had. We travel for vacation to interesting places, although we stay in modest hotels (3 star). One of my three children has a disability so I am always thinking about planning the future for him as it's unlikely he'll be able to live fully independently. + +I graduated as an engineer and started working at a Fortune 500 company and worked my way up the ladder. Along the way, I saved a ton of money and took field jobs that no one wanted to get higher pay. I bought my first real estate investment property at 23 yrs old and have been doing that on the side since then. I enjoyed life with activities but always was quite naturally cheap. Many of my friends made fun of me for barely using heat in my home and knowing the cheapest grocery items by calorie (not anymore). I became a millionaire at 29 years old. At around 35 yrs old, I got headhunted to a smaller company as an executive and started making much more money. Along the way, I got married and had three kids. Family life put a serious crimp on my deep savings, but it seemed like a reasonable compromise to have a family. I love kids. + +Life is comfortable, but not easy. Parenting three kids in a hands-on fashion isn't easier with more money. We choose not to use babysitters and nannies as we want to spend our time as parents. It's nice not to worry about money, but I am still naturally cheap. Lifestyle creep has certainly occurred, but I'd say most of my employees spend more money than me. We don't have designer clothes, shoes, or even that nice of things. We don't even have a TV or streaming services. Things just aren't important to us. Our house has plenty of IKEA furniture. + +I haven't retired mostly because I like my job. I find it very interesting. I considered retiring while my kids are young and then going back to work when they're older, but it's hard to give up a job that's paying $1M per year. + +I thought I'd share my story in case there was interest. Ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer. +We called out weeks ago that hedgies would drop the SandP500, DOW, and NASDAQ and make it correlate directly with GME to shake as many 📄 🤚 off the rocket. + +We also called out that they’d make it trade sideways as long as possible to **bore everyone out of their positions and pump and dump other “meme stocks” or distractions to FOMO into.** + +Buy and HODL, nothing has changed. + +**This was all discussed weeks before, Hedgies are predictable at this point and it’s pretty sad to be honest lmao, get fucked Shitadel.** + +Edit: *Also there is three instances of almost vertical VIX spikes this year.* + +January 27th, February 25th, and **TODAY.** + +**”I’ve heard this is their last Hail Mary X amount of times...I get it but realize this is MY first time saying this, if GME doesn’t hit 200+ AH by 4/26/2021 forever call me “insecure-setting”. Peace.** + +[Remind me 4/26 8:00PM](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/94/7b/c1/947bc190cd1b598c0c6d56e2673f7cb4.jpg) + +President Biden's Capital Gains Tax Proposal. Mentioned alllllll the way back July 2019 (credit to u/theblacklabradork) + +[https://taxfoundation.org/joe-biden-tax-proposals/](https://taxfoundation.org/joe-biden-tax-proposals/) + + + +[SHILLS ARE NOT LIKING THIS POST.](https://imgur.com/a/sPvG0Hg) + +[DESPERATE MUCH?](https://imgur.com/a/Xs6CpZ3) + +**This is not financial advise.** +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Here's the deets! +2 bed 2 bath attached home with fenced yard in suburban area poised for growth IMO + + +Purchase price: $146,000 (cashout refi) + + +Vacancy rate: 5% + + +Rental rate: $1350/mo + + +Annual mortgage: $6200 + + +Annual insurance: $795 + + +Annual taxes: $1037 + + +Purchase cost: $3097 (closing, inspection, lender fees) + + +Annual Property Manager Fee: $1296 (talked down from 10% to 8%) + + +Rehab cost: $8500 + + +Net Cashflow: $5,015/yr (adjusted for vacancy) + + +So excited!! +If people believe there will be a fake squeeze, they will be tempted to daytrade. " + +Oh, I'll just sell for profits now, and then buy back on the dip!" + +No no no. + +You like the stock, you buy and hold it. Don't believe this FUD. Very dangerous. Any selling while rocket is priming can hinder the full effect of the squeeze. +Although BTC started to tank a little today, ETH just reached a new ATH around 2920$ it is so exciting to see it moving on its own. This is only good for the future of crypto as a whole. + +Maybe in the future this will change the time we spend at a bear market because not everything's tanking at the same time. +I’m talking about the details and tweaks to the generally discussed strategies and or why you chose one of those generally discussed strategies over the other. Why does it make sense to you. What about it works for you in your particular situation and market. + +Forgive my lack of proper punctuation. My phone is busted and I’m relying heavily on predictive text and can’t use portions of my keyboard. +In 2020 I earned enough dividends to cover 6.25% of my living expenses ([image with dividend calendar](https://monosnap.com/file/uJIUa6kOCy53tVzycAzstJz2FkiGk6)). I think that is amazing, I have more types of investments, and **my total passive income covered 11.68% of 2020 living costs**. I believe I have pretty low living costs, as I live in central Europe with a low standard of living, corona forced me to stay at home and I don't have kids yet. But in 2020 I was able to lower my costs by 26% compared to 2019, which is huge, as before it was increasing by 30% every year. My goal is to cover 100% of my living costs within 10 years, which according to my math is not possible, but we will see. Fingers crossed. + +Corona impacted some of my companies and dividends were suspended, which also affected my dividend income. I don't count taxes into these calculations, so I stay motivated on investing and saving :) + +My goal for 2021 is 15% living costs coverage. **My projected dividends for 2021 are $1431.40**, with monthly contributions I hope it will be a bit higher. Also would be great if suspended dividends get reinstated. And most importantly, I hope I will keep my costs on a similar level as I had in 2020. I wanna move to my home country next year and that will definitely be costly. + +**How much of your living costs get covered by dividends?** It took me 5 years to get to 6.25% living costs coverage by dividends, so getting to 100% doesn't look doable in foreseeable future :( +I need advice on what to do with my savings. +I got 400k saved after working for 7 years on 180k a year salary. I never buy a stock or invest in anything. I just save , save save . I just turn 33 and wonder what I can do or invest into so I can retire sooner. +Any advice will be welcomed. +How much should be in an emergency fund?? I know most people will answers 6 month expenses and that seems reasonable. Once you hit that goal do you leave the money in a savings account or invest it somewhere you have easy access to it? I’ve just hit the 10k mark for my emergency fund and feel like it’s a waste to just leave it in savings with no ROI. +I wanted to start a discussion on how everyone is storing their emergency funds. I can't choose between keeping it in a savings account or an FD. I tried liquidating a small FD I had and the charges were almost equal to the interest earned and felt that savings account was better. + +The other option is a liquid funds, but I don't want to have too many mutual funds. + +Since I'm young, I have a 5 month emergency fund, it isn't large. Any suggestions or personal experiences are welcome. +I just finished Jeremy Siegel's "The Future for Investors" and it blew my mind. The 900+ companies added to the S&P500 after its creation have on average underperformed the original S&P500 companies, because investors overpay for new companies. Standard Oil beats IBM, MSCI Brazil beats MSCI China, IPO investors trail the market by 2-3p.p./year.Not long ago I was looking into ARK and similar ETFs, but now I don't think I would ever put my money in anything with an above-median P/E ratio. Fellow ETF holders, what am I missing? Total n00b here, please poke holes in Siegel's "growth trap" argument. +I’m glad to see the massive influx of new users lately who are really excited about investing in Ethereum, but I’ve also seen an increase in the number of hate and FUD comments. + +To me, this is a sub where experienced traders and hodlers share their knowledge, and everyone keep each other up to date on the Ethereum ecosystem, including all ERC20 tokens. It’s also where we should shitpost abundantly when the ETH moon, and everyone gets another piece of their lambo. + +If you see FUD, call it out. I mean the “This shit is going to $40 next week, watch”, not the “volume is decreasing, we might pull back a little”. And if traders share their knowledge, please don’t talk shit, even if you believe trade analysis is some made up voodoo crap; ask for clarification or better yet, keep it to yourself. Be kind to each other and help the newcomers out, don’t let this turn into /r/Bitcoin because it will drive people away and invite those assholes over here. + +Thanks + +I am fucking sick of posts criticizing the state of the sub. Especially a recent, *highly* upvoted one claiming the sub has been “lost”. Are you fucking kidding? This idea is genuinely the biggest FUD I’ve seen lately. I honestly wish mods would just eliminate it, and think it’s maybe even their responsibility according to the rules. + +Apes are fine. Almost all of us know all we need to know to be zen. More DD is great, but it’s not going to do a damn thing to most of our strategies: buy, hold, DRS. + +We’re good. Chill out, carry on as you were, enjoy your zen. This community is still the greatest I’ve ever been a part of. + +Don’t let anyone tell you to worry. They’re the true FUDders. + +I love this stock more every day. And sleep more peacefully every night. Not buying and registering more shares will be the only regret I ever have. Just my opinion. See you fuckers on the moon. +Good Day, Apes! + +I originally dropped my research into this a month ago, due to hitting a cold trail. However, in light of the many requests I have gotten from Apes to continue the research, as well as the resourceful leads I received from Apes, such as “throwawaylurker012” and “Wurmholz”, I decided to continue digging, and I have now collected enough evidence to produce this DD post. + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +BCG & Goldman Sachs Were (At Least) Partially Responsible for the Events Leading Up to the Default of Greece \[And Citadel Profited From It\]. + +§1: The History + +§2: The Connections + +§3: The Implications + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**§1: The History** + +[It all started in 2001](https://www.cnbc.com/2015/06/24/greece-debt-crisis-timeline-it-all-started-in-2001.html#), 2 years after the European Union (EU) created the Euro. Only nations of the EU that had a debt-to-GDP at 60% or less could adopt the Euro. Greece, however, had a debt-to-GDP that exceeded the 60% acceptable limit; as such, they were not allowed to adopt the Euro. Adoption of the Euro came with many perks, among which included more trade, financing, leverage, and a stronger overall position internationally. This is why Greece desperately wanted to adopt the Euro, so much so that Goldman Sachs exploited their desperation with an inauspicious deal. + +https://preview.redd.it/besxqwve4gy81.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=89cd3ce9bc5ba2f36b9c791b3a48f89e5af6892c + +Goldman Sachs helped Greece hide their debt via manipulation through currency swaps. This way, Greece could appear as if they held significantly less debt than they actually had, meeting the debt-to-GDP threshold allowing them to adopt the Euro. With the help of Goldman Sach's legerdemain, Greece was able to join the Eurozone in 2001. + +\[The Eurozone is a monetary union of member states of the EU that adopted the Euro (€) as their primary currency and sole legal tender.\] + +This is where the problems began for Greece. + +The debt-to GDP ratio continued to increase substantially, while Greece admitted in 2004 to exaggerating budget deficit figures. The situation, however, was still somewhat manageable, as there was steady economic growth as well as EU funding towards the deficit. This came undone with the Great Recession of 2008, where the Athens Stock Exchange crashed 65%, along with Greece's GDP tanking and borrowing rates skyrocketing. + +The Euro made things worse after the Great Recession. It prevented Greece from stabilizing, due to monetary policy. + +On April 27, 2010, [Standard & Poor's downgraded Greek credit rating to junk status](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/apr/27/greece-credit-rating-downgraded). + +With Greek bonds rated as junk bonds, the debt crisis became harder and harder to escape. Not only was Greece having a harder time securing money to pay off the debt, but their borrowing rates kept increasing, dragging them further into the hole. Economic rescue began soon after, with 2 bailouts from the Troika (a group formed by the International Monetary Fund, the European Commission, and the European Central Bank), which came in the form of €240 billion, major debt haircuts (reduction on the value of the debt), and austerity measures (i.e. spending cuts as well as substantial increase in taxes). + +In 2015, the citizens of Greece fought back from the austerity measures (of higher taxes, unemployment, and reduction in wages) by voting in the ΣΥΡΙΖΑ (syriza) anti-austerity party, which went against the austerity measures proposed by the Troika deal. This further increased the budget deficit, and on June 20, 2015, Greece officially defaulted on its debt (failing to pay $1.7 billion to the IMF), making Greece the first country to miss a payment to the IMF since Zimbabwe in 2001. + +The Athens Stock Exchange, consequently, was shut down on June 27, 2015. [Greek banks were also shut down to avoid a total collapse](https://money.cnn.com/2015/06/28/news/economy/greece-banks-ecb/). + +Ultimately, Greece received a [third bailout](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2015/aug/14/greece-edges-third-bailout-positive-signals-germany) on August, this time an €86 billion bailout from Eurogroup. Although Greece finished its bailout program, it still maintains an extremely high debt-to-GDP (approx. 193%, as of 2021 \[down from 206% in 2020\]), and millions of Greeks still suffer from the ramifications of the debt crisis. + +The austerity measures during the debt crisis led to unemployment reaching a height of 27.47% ([according to Statista](https://www.statista.com/statistics/263698/unemployment-rate-in-greece/)), and still reports an unemployment rate of 16.85%, as of 2020. + +According to Poverty Watch Greece, [nearly 1 out of 3 Greeks are at risk of poverty](https://www.eapn.eu/poverty-watch-greece-poverty-watches-overview-2021/#), as of 2021. + +Domestic businesses were also forced to [cut production as well as wages significantly](https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/86397), as a result of the debt crisis. With consumption and investments decreasing substantially in Greece, along with rising costs of production, many businesses went bankrupt, and the hedge funds that shorted said businesses profited greatly from it all. + +**§2: The Connections** + +In the case of Goldman Sachs, they made tons of money from Greece's default in a variety of ways. + +Firstly, they made money on the transactions with Greece to help hide its default via swaps. According to Armitage from "[The Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/greek-debt-crisis-goldman-sachs-could-be-sued-for-helping-country-hide-debts-when-it-joined-euro-10381926.html)", "Goldman Sachs is said to have made as much as $500 million from the transactions." + +But they made much more money on the sovereign credit default swaps against Greece. + +A sovereign credit default swap is a financial contract in which you pay a premium for insurance in the event of a nation's default. In layman's terms: country defaults ⇒ you get money. + +This is similar to a regular credit default swap on a company, where you make money when a company defaults on debt. Hedge funds/banks have a history of trading sovereign credit default swaps, and these swaps were abused so much on Greece that on November, 2012, the EU banned all naked sovereign credit default swaps ([as reported by Noked from the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance](https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2011/12/27/europe-restricts-naked-credit-default-swaps-and-short-sales/)). + +We should note that, unfortunately, this did not extend to all sovereign credit default swaps, only "naked" or uncovered sovereign credit default swaps. + +The Greek government openly accused U.S hedge funds and investment banks of attacking its country, for the sole purpose of profiting off of sovereign credit default swaps. Among those that attacked Greece, Goldman Sachs and billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson were called out by the Greek government, reported by [Michel-François Clerin at Finyear](https://www.finyear.com/What-about-between-Greece-and-Goldman-Sachs_a13720.html). + +There's a good article from the New York Times, "[Banks Bet Greece Defaults on Debt They Helped Hide](https://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/25/business/global/25swaps.html)" that goes into more depth on how sinister this scheme really was. Not only did Goldman Sachs help put the Greek government into this financial dilemma, but they also bet that the government was going to default and made billions in doing so. In essence, they knew that Greece was going to get themselves into a bad financial situation by concealing their debt, and profited off Greece drowning itself in debt as well as the millions of Greeks that suffered as a result of it all. As the New York Times states, + +"These contracts, known as credit-default swaps, effectively let banks and hedge funds wager on the financial equivalent of a four-alarm fire: a default by a company or, in the case of Greece, an entire country. If Greece reneges on its debts, traders who own these swaps stand to profit. + +“**It’s like buying fire insurance on your neighbor’s house; you create an incentive to burn down the house,” said Philip Gisdakis, head of credit strategy at UniCredit in Munich.** + +As Greece’s financial condition has worsened, undermining the euro, the role of Goldman Sachs and other major banks in masking the true extent of the country’s problems has drawn criticism from European leaders." + +So, we understand how Goldman Sachs was involved, but how about BCG? BCG was actually involved and impacted Greece in a variety of ways. + +[BCG's Greece office was founded in 2001](https://www.bcg.com/greece/client-consulting-work), the same year that Greece began manipulating their balance sheets via swaps \[although, I should point out that according to legal forms provided by "[Kompass](https://gr.kompass.com/c/boston-consulting-group-bcg-hellas-s-a/gr0248103/)", they were established in Athens, Greece as early as 2000\]. And as soon as BCG joined affairs in Greece, they began influencing the decisions made by banks. + +The BCG HQ in Greece has a division specifically for wholesale banking (providing banking-related services to other banks, institutions, and government agencies). They actually have a page on their site that goes over their [wholesale banking services](https://www.bcg.com/industries/financial-institutions/wholesale-banking). + +You can find many of BCG's consultants in Greece left to get into positions with large Greek banks or in Greek government. Even the current Mayor of Athens worked at BCG. + +This is an important factor to note, as we already know Citadel has a history of using BCG to spy, infiltrate, and manipulate other entities from within for their own economic benefit. + +Example: + +[Incriminating article](https://amalakho.hosted.uark.edu/teaching/finn5333/links/II_CitadelGroup_Sep_2001.pdf) discovered by Ape "JustBeingPunny". + +https://preview.redd.it/g8t2757h4gy81.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=f13dc8fbc73e29337ca9c6d5c1fb61dcc34b2308 + +[On pg. 8 par. 6](https://preview.redd.it/cz8dx9oi4gy81.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4fb360743a94522daa8ff2a23a82c9ecaf0023d) + +There was already a lot of DD in the past that demonstrated how BCG consultants in the U.S would be sent by BCG to infiltrate companies being shorted by Citadel and Co. for purposes of reconnaissance (via corporate espionage), as well as taking down companies from within (e.g. Macy's, Toys "R" Us, Blockbuster, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc.). Infiltrators from BCG not only took down companies through sucking out their money and making terrible decisions from within, but also having said companies overleveraging themselves on loans they couldn't afford to pay back. Sound familiar? That being said, if BCG was tasked by a hedge fund with the objective of helping ensure that Greek bonds would be downgraded to junk bonds (as well as ensuring that businesses in Greece would be more likely to head to bankruptcy), the smart decision would be to have consultants helping banks ensure that is the outcome, such as Goldman Sachs (which some BCG consultants got hired from after 'resigning' from BCG) or Alpha bank (a major Greece bank that BCG consultants also transferred to). + +Now, as I've stated before in **§1: The History**, €240 billion came from the first 2 bailouts. Cottrell, from one of Germany's most relevant international broadcasters, Deutsche Welle (DW), asserts that only 5% of international bailout money for Greece was used for government reform, and that most of the money was used to pay off banks and take out more loans from banks. In his article, [Most of Greek bailout money went to banks: study](https://www.dw.com/en/most-of-greek-bailout-money-went-to-banks-study/a-19234391), "Most of the money was used to actually transfer risks from private creditors to public creditors," Rocholl said. "This means money was used to repay the private creditors by taking on more debts that were taken by private creditors. \[...\] Only 9.7 billion euros, according to ESMT, was directly contributed to [Greece's fiscal budget](https://www.dw.com/en/eu-creditors-put-greece-finances-under-the-microscope/a-18900920) or to kickstart the Greek economy. " + +In The Guardian's article, "[Where did the Greek bailout money go?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jun/29/where-did-the-greek-bailout-money-go)", most of the money went to the banks that lent Greece funds before the crash. Much worse is that, while Greek pension funds suffered terrible losses, €48.2billion of the bailout "was used to bail out Greek banks which had been forced to take losses, weakening their ability to protect themselves and depositors." A very miniscule amount of this bailout ended up going to the Greek Treasury to rebuild the economy. + +https://i.redd.it/n532icb15gy81.gif + +The banks had heavy influence in the situation the entire time, from the beginning of the debt crisis to the end, and considering that BCG's office in Greece had influence with the banks, it can be inferred that BCG played at least a partial role in the matter. + +Now, what type of influence did BCG have within Greece? Well, it was initially harder to find than Goldman Sachs, because BCG has been especially secretive with their dealings in Greece. Finding their Greek clients is like trying to find who are Citadel's 17 clients. So, I decided to take a different approach: we can find out if BCG was at least partially responsible for the events leading up to the default of Greece by understanding what their philosophical/socioeconomic positions were, and by finding that info, we can deduce what type of influence they had within banks, institutions, the government, and the overall economy. + +We'll start with Vassilis Antoniades, who is Partner and Managing Director of Boston Consulting Group, Athens. He is a member of the Business Advisory Council in Greece, as on the [BAC page](https://imba.aueb.gr/bacouncil/9/), which states that "**he has been involved in the build-up of BCG Athens since early 2003**." The Delphi Economic Forum also [states](https://2017.delphiforum.gr/speakers/vassilis-antoniades) that his focus is in wholesale banking. + +In a [BCG publication in 2015](https://www.bcg.com/publications/2015/public-sector-transformation-antoniades-palinginis-quick-progress-course-left-greece), BCG Athens Managing Director Antoniades makes the case that Eurozone has been (and will continue to be) good for Greece. + +"The prophets of doom may prove to be right: this is surely a very tough deal. Its unpopularity has led some experts to continue arguing that leaving the Eurozone is the preferable course. With the exception of the leftmost- and rightmost-leaning members of the Greek political system, few of these proponents live in Greece. They ignore the fact that the vast majority of Greeks see their future as part of Europe. Polls regularly show that 65 to 70 percent of the population supports remaining in the Eurozone. A “Grexit” would permanently undermine Greece’s position in Europe, seriously limit its influence in international affairs, especially in its immediate neighborhood, and substantially negate the significant achievements that the country has registered over the last four decades with regard to economic and sociopolitical change,"-Antoniades. + +Greece joining the Eurozone is something BCG has been supportive of, since 2000, and even today, despite the fact that Greece only got into the Eurozone via swaps manipulation from Goldman Sachs, and Greece's debt-to-GDP ratio is over 3 times the acceptable limit of 60%, meaning that they should've never been in the Eurozone, and shouldn't continue to be in the Eurozone. As I've stated before, the Euro prevented Greece from stabilizing, due to monetary policy. Its high risk still harms Greece's economy in the long-run, yet BCG is supportive of it. + +BCG also published a [23 page document in 2018](https://www.sev.org.gr/Uploads/Documents/50906/BCG_Greeces_Startup_Ecosystem_Apr_2018.pdf), where they ENCOURAGE making bankruptcies in Greece easier for businesses. + +Page 7: + +"Studies show that fear of failure is preventing Greek citizens from setting up new businesses. \[...\] Greek bankruptcy laws also make closing a business a costly and time-consuming endeavor; in some cases, it is punitive, without any second-chance provisions." + +Page 13: + +"The government should revamp its bankruptcy laws. The fear of failure has plagued the Greek business landscape for the past decade. The negative repercussions that result from declaring bankruptcy often deter entrepreneurs from starting a new business." + +This is their philosophy, and this is what we can expect their consultants in Greece have been influencing. + +Simply put, making the bankruptcy process easier and more lenient discourages risk aversion from businesses and incentivizes more "overleveraged and risk loving behavior", which would lead to bankruptcies. A substantial increase in bankruptcies is ultimately bad for the economy and the nation's GDP; hence, bad for Greece. This would only be good for hedge funds shorting those businesses and/or the economy. + +Now, in terms of money trails, it's harder to find out if there was any money laundering between BCG and institutions paying BCG to attack a country's economy/businesses, as BCG is not directly regulated. + +For instance, the World Economic Forum made BCG a Gatekeeper, meaning that BCG self-regulates and also has the power to "prevent or interrupt illicit financial flows from other institutions". + +[Here's the WEF Unifying Framework](https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Gatekeepers_A_Unifying_Framework_2021.pdf). It was created by Gatekeepers (i.e. BCG and Co.) for Gatekeepers. You will find on pg. 2, par. 2, it states, "regardless of whether such assistance is provided knowingly or unknowingly, these professionals can open access to financial markets, set up complex company structures, manage shell companies, and otherwise blur the nature and origin of ill‑gotten gains. Given their central role in the global economy, this professionally diverse group of service providers is also strategically situated to interrupt or prevent illicit financial flows by exercising appropriate due diligence when providing their specialized services. While sometimes presented as “enablers” or “facilitators” of illicit activity, the reality is that much of the so‑called enabling or facilitating is unintentional. **Further, the term “gatekeepers” more accurately captures the dual potential to promote or impede illicit transactions**." + +Companies that endorsed the WEF "Unifying Framework" for Gatekeepers to give themselves self-regulatory powers include BCG, UBS, Baker McKenzie, etc. + +Multinational Law Firm Headquartered in Chicago, Baker McKenzie ([which also got exposed by the Pandora Papers as facilitating a money laundering operation](https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/baker-mckenzie-global-law-firm-offshore-tax-dodging/)), is not only connected to BCG but also the Former Chair of the International Monetary Fund and current head of the European Central Bank, so seeing all these connections is quite surreal, but I digress. + +The point is that if a hedge fund wanted to use a tool (one that's not directly regulated) to carry out its will of destroying companies (and hurting economies) from the inside, Boston Consulting Group would make for strong utilization. + +We would have never found out about BCG, if it weren't for RC. He was tweeting tons in regard to BCG; it was clear he wanted Apes to dig into its affairs. And the fact that RC liked THIS particular tweet on April 9th about BCG secretly being Citadel (or controlled by Citadel at least), is telling. + +https://preview.redd.it/0nnpdkrm4gy81.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c33a97a63e2136fade29ebcba52e098f4674d2b + +Which begs the question, if BCG was trying to hurt Greece (and Greek businesses), which hedge fund (along with billionaire John Paulson and the other hedge funds that the Greek government openly accused of trying to attack their country) stood to profit from the Greek Debt Crisis? + +https://preview.redd.it/dmucsmxn4gy81.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=a25033146f4ed9bc910615ac5b6e2364b9a9eba9 + +Citadel's hedge via sovereign credit default swap spreads against Greece paid out, and news articles made him sound like some brilliant finance wizard of highly advanced intellect that can foresee the future, when in reality he and his buddies just manipulated the Greek market, damaged the economy, and profited off it. This is comparable to his work on shorting brick-and-mortar companies in the U.S, just on a macro scale. + +**§3: The Implications** + +With what we now know, what can be inferred? That not only have companies been manipulated and shorted for profit, but that this behavior can also be captured on the macro scale with the manipulation and shorting of entire economies supranationally. + +This has been seen in the past, such as in the early 90s when Soros made billions by [shorting the British pound](https://historyofyesterday.com/the-day-george-soros-broke-the-bank-of-england-to-make-1-1b-4834df0605d1), and then having his friends deplete the reserves from the Bank of England, forcing currency devaluation and ultimately crashing the pound, damaging the economy in the process. Or, on March, 2020, when Ackman set up a hedge against the U.S market, then immediately went on national TV, [scaring the public](https://www.afr.com/markets/equity-markets/hell-is-coming-billionaire-bill-ackman-sends-sharemarket-spiralling-20200320-p54c1t) by telling them, I quote, "hell is coming," and "there's a tsunami coming", referring to the market, helping lead to a 30% flash crash of the S&P 500, [netting him billions in profit](https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-ackman-billionaire-hedgefund-manager-made-billions-off-coronavirus-crash-2020-4). + +This may be why Citadel was previously banned from China during their crackdown on [malicious short selling](https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/regulation/citadel-securities-fined-97m-in-china-for-malicious-short-selling/). Unlike other countries, China wasn't having it. + +I've also heard of similar stories (from Apes as well as news outlets) of BCG potentially meddling with other nation's economies as well, which I find compelling, and may possibly further support my findings. + +Here's some examples: + +Comment excerpt from Ape "throwawaylurker012" relating to his DD on [SHFs shorting Argentina's economy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tf43zo/sovereign_debts_ransom_notes_pt_2_elliot/): + +https://preview.redd.it/w2zmdtsp4gy81.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b65ef75cf39fd8b13095fb2490acfe5bbe82c4d + +"Kalsitu" discovers BCG meddling in Spain. + +https://preview.redd.it/7k9r88oq4gy81.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=b39d2d6d45d62740f44295c4d2066e152f10f509 + +"KakelaTron" draws connections between Sri Lankan debt and BCG. + +https://preview.redd.it/0t7cyawr4gy81.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=99152795e5b7f41bc7544722a218ac9ea97bf98f + +I've also noticed Goldman Sachs' name keeps showing up alongside BCG in the other "affairs", which I find interesting as well. + +Apes "JustBeingPunny" and "CruxHub" were previously shadowbanned for posting DD related to BCG, so I'm not entirely sure what will end up happening to this post, but I do believe we're definitely onto something. Otherwise, there'd have been no reason for BCG to want to censor any research relating to their inconspicuous dealings in domestic and foreign affairs. + +A good takeaway from this, though, is that post-MOASS, it may not be only generational wealth that you'll achieve, but also a spot in the history books, and the knowledge that you've essentially become a hero to countless lives around the globe, protecting them from economic parasites and malicious shortsellers that have tried to profit off the socioeconomic hardship of millions, just like in Greece. + +**TL;DR: A preponderance of the evidence suggests that Goldman Sachs as well as BCG were at least partially responsible for the events leading to the default of Greece, and that Citadel profited in the process. This is amply evident from Goldman Sach's ledgerdemain with the Greek government, in addition to the sovereign credit default swaps they purchased behind Greece's backs. This is also evident from BCG's wholesale banking connections in Greece since 2000, and their influence of Greece remaining in the Eurozone (which led to the default), in addition to a push for incentivizing Greek bankruptcies, etc., all while helping Citadel rake in profits off swaps against Greece. Further connections suggest that Greece wasn't the only country this happened to, and that other nation's economies may have been susceptible to manipulation and malicious short attacks for profit.** + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +Edit: u/ throwawaylurker012 [posted a DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/um2omm/in_2012_citadel_sat_on_the_cddc_the_secretive/) not long after I made this one, which goes over how Citadel sat on the CDDC, the secretive board that determined if Greece defaulted, as well as when the credit default swaps paid out. I wanted to share it here, as it further supplements the DD. +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/investors-are-ignoring-the-parallels-between-stocks-today-and-heady-years-of-1929-1999-and-2007-do-this-next-says-strategist-11631013007?siteid=yhoof2](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/investors-are-ignoring-the-parallels-between-stocks-today-and-heady-years-of-1929-1999-and-2007-do-this-next-says-strategist-11631013007?siteid=yhoof2) + +&#x200B; + +1. The S&P 500 is trading at a lofty 22.5 times forward earnings and its price-to-sales ratio of 3.1 times is far costlier than in 2000. The Nasdaq-100 tracking QQQ exchange-traded fund [**QQQ,** **0.14%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/fund/QQQ?mod=MW_story_quote) is trading at a 70% premium to its 200-week moving average, the biggest since 1999/2000. +2. “Blank-check” or special-purpose acquisition companies where investors have no idea what the investment will be. “The last time SPACs were as big as they are today? That’s right [1928/1929](http://marketwatch.com/articles/spacs-are-red-hot-why-that-could-spell-trouble-51614995100?mod=article_inline),” said the strategist. +3. Leverage highs. Similar to 1920 and 2000, margin debt has shot to new highs, which is fine until it starts heading the other way. It has recently started to unwind and if that keeps going, markets have a problem +4. 4. Cryptocurrencies. Maley said he’s bullish longer-term on cryptos, but is concerned about “froth,” given a 1,000% gain for bitcoin since the Federal Reserve’s massive quantitative easing program began in 2020, with Ethereum up 3,400%. +5. 5. Individual investors make up 20% of average daily volume for stocks, twice the level of two years ago. Many big market tops of the past — 1929, 1999/2000 — were marked by big jumps in investor activity. +6. 6. From 1998 to 2000, lots of companies with zero earnings saw shares shoot higher and investors pile in, and Maley sees parallels with \`so-called [“meme” stocks of today.](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-meme-stock-moment-turns-unofficially-one-welcomes-new-class-of-tickers-11630417851?mod=thornton-mcenery&mod=article_inline) +Looking online the figures for average pension pot seems to range from £20k to £70k. + +I got this from a financial planning website. I am trying to save as much as possible into my pension but still get anxious as I am in my early 40s but working out the numbers I don't know how I would retire and I also don't know if anyone would want to hire me at in 10 years. +What are peoples plans to fund retirement? Buy to let income??? + + +A 35-44 year old with a pension size over £95,100 would put them in the top quartile of households for their age group + +To remain in the top quartile of the next age bracket would require more than doubling the pension size to over £237,400. This age group looks to be the main point where pension saving increases in preparation for retirement. +Someone directed me to this forum saying you guys might appreciate the tool I built. Essentially it analyzes WSB comments in real-time and logs the sentiment based on hundreds of keywords, phrases, and option purchases. Then it tracks the sentiment for the top tickers mentioned throughout the day and gauges the volume of comments vs the sentiment. It's all free so I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions for future ideas. I'd be happy to develop them! + +[SwaggyStonks](https://swaggystocks.com/dashboard/wallstreetbets/realtime) +After the market crashed and just began to recover, I felt I had to post on this project as it just launched, has a really low market cap, doxxed devs and big collabs coming. The project is very exciting with their mix of charity work and marketing plan that is coming. + +Just one day after launch, over 20+ Youtube collaborations have been confirmed + CEO hints more marketing during the week, like Poocoin ads, bscscan ads and more. + +They have really managed to take advantage of the ability to make a moonshot while developing an established charity venture that has a high impact to make the world a better place. It truly is a great mix of marketing and charity that makes the project exciting. + +The project launched just a day ago, and has so much coming. +Devs doxxed +Renounced ownership +Liquidity burned +Rest of liquidity locked forever +CMC + Coingecko applied +🌐 Website: https://charix.org + +💰 Pancake V2: +https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4eabb20064586dea07aaaf84d4ba35037854bd44 + +💬 Telegram: https://t.me/charixtoken + +Charix freely shares all information about each charity/marketing wallet allocation, and the team's allocation to demonstrate openness of the project to its investors, stakeholders, and community. This method of accountability goes above and beyond what other crypto ventures have done previously +We purchased our house 10 years ago and the prices have gone up like crazy. Bought for 450,000 realtor said we could get 1.2 million for it now. Homes near us seem to be renting for $2,500 to $3,000/ month. +We have a fair amount of equity, and a looking a purchasing a place in a lower cost of living area for $850,000. Are there any calculators to figure out what the new home mortgage payments would be etc. +I want to see if having both places is something that might be so able for us. It seems like our current house would be cash flow positive from the beginning. But I’m new to all this. +Thanks Reddit!! +Hi everyone, I'm 19 currently living in italy with my parentes , doing my bachelor in economics here and than planning on changing city to get a good master in finance. My granparents have about 80k saved up for me( could be even more)(yeah I'm lucky) but I also work (youtuber, make about 2000-2500 per month after taxes, save and invest 85-90% of this, hopefully it might even grow to 3000-3500 or more in the future) + +Now I have 3 options: get the master at: +an italian public school : Bologna, so I would spend close to nothing. + +Bocconi - Milan (as far as I know they are in the top 10 for finance masters in EU) I would spend about 10k per year for the university + Let's say 15k per year living (I'm very very frugal, so that's just an assumption)(Always lived with my parents, idk how much rent, food, ecc could cost and also it would really depend by the city) so that would be 50k for the master + +Go abroad (HEC paris, Tilburg, Rotterdam) there are a lot of options that would cost me between 50k-150k + +Now my choice would be go to bocconi and that's it. Super good master, again one of the best in EU but still it wouldn't cost too much. And that would be the best option if I wanted to live in italy. But i don't want to, I want to live outside italy. So my question is: would a degree made outside italy help me get a better job in EU in general? Is worth spending that 50-100k more? How's bocconi master in finance seen in EU, that much worse than for example one got at HEC Paris? + +It's still early, I've just finished my first year, but I the earlier I get my mind made up, the earlier I can decide how to get the money for example, how much I need to save and how Much I can invest ecc. + +Thanks in advance. + +EDIT: +Thanks so much everyone for the comments, I really appreciate all of your answer really. I will try to answer every post, but atm can't because tomorrow I have an exam, but seriously thanks so much for the help +I’m 41 my partner is 30, we have been saving our money and recently hit 22k in our savings account. I’d like to invest in something however I am completely ignorant to money and anything financial. Any advice on how to grow our money safely? +Tether has just 13 listed employees on LinkedIn. [Source](https://www.linkedin.com/company/tether/) + +There is just over $62bn Tether in existence, meaning Tether theoretically has $62bn under their control. [Source](https://wallet.tether.to/transparency?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=569d26e948b27b5612065dd34dfe9d1938354e50-1624295546-0-ARnBckN33_gX9azsPbMvYz7d1-g0iQMRI5kgVph6MxVxO6N9RQwEEViCBi8c8tfeqoR9GfmcfKIQrvpBLJPOGuF5am6OiD4wD9ADI4UtAFgCy3g18lfsDJCUch-fe8qkslwVXEt-wl22zv0K3XTvlinHcWIiyPR9oFTJvqrDqPD-Y5iatCNQV50ut-jVrub9wflh2qoxbZsr7jVGWgL9akIGR9ekxfhLnx7FeYXCaQB-OY9_9OGuBhdHGDvrZxdvRyJwgq99SlSOs7BJUFVh6--irks2AyDI1CKXLtlPsFGfhyw-Sc2KInYgAw7zmeSizSMwQ1tidgDCIrlq6HAGx6JAH-X35JZi_dmhwlc4YR1Lnu3RT88QHnYS3pUmTFQFtTUF5UyXR5jiywwl-2GBcFAT5bQK5FS7wTLMjnX2xhb2) + +That is over $5bn in assets **per employee of Tether** + +If that seems comically low it's because it is. It's a world record for total amount of money managed per employee. + +The only similarly small number of employees for such a large amount of money under management was Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme which had $50bn under management with just 25 employees. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madoff_investment_scandal) + +-------------------- + +What benefit is there to having such a low number of employees? Lower costs yes but with the money they control and need to invest surely it would make sense for them to have more than just 13 employees doing this? + +Or is it because it's easier for them to conceal fraud when there's only a handful of people being exposed to it and most of them have a large interest in keeping the fraud going. + +Tether has just under $30bn in commercial paper ([source](https://www.ft.com/content/342966af-98dc-4b48-b997-38c00804270a)) which makes it one of the largest US commerical paper market investors in the entire world alongside the likes of Vanguard (17600 employees) and BlackRock (16500 employees). **THIRTEEN EMPLOYEES EVALUATING THE CREDITWORTHINESS OF NEARLY 30BN IN COMMERCIAL PAPER LOANS AND WITHOUT THE OVERSIGHT OF AUDITING.** + +Remember: **Tether has never been properly audited, refuses to be audited and has been caught lying through their teeth multiple times** + +------------------- + +Does this not absolutely terrify anyone else? +>Indian digital payments giant Paytm saw its overall revenue take a hit amid the pandemic as it fell 9.9% from INR 3,540.77 in FY20 to INR 3,186.8 in FY21 on a consolidated basis. On the verge of a [$3 Bn initial public offering](https://inc42.com/features/can-fintech-giant-paytm-give-india-its-biggest-ipo/), the fintech behemoth’s losses narrowed 42% to INR 1,704.01 Cr from INR 2,943.32 Cr in the same period. +> +>The company achieved this  on the back of lowering its expenses from INR 6,138.23 Cr in FY20 to INR 4,782.95 Cr in FY21, the company’s annual report showed. While Paytm spent a staggering INR 1,397.05 Cr in marketing in the financial year ending March 2020, the digital payments company tamped down its marketing spend by 62% to INR 532.32 Cr amid the pandemic as digital adoption went up.  + +[https://inc42.com/buzz/ahead-of-ipo-paytm-narrows-loss-by-42-to-inr-1704-cr-in-fy21/](https://inc42.com/buzz/ahead-of-ipo-paytm-narrows-loss-by-42-to-inr-1704-cr-in-fy21/) +Last month our 18 year old water heater started leaking out of the bottom. I realized immediately that it would simply need replacing and called a few local plumbers for quotes. + +One of the plumbers came by that day, inspected the heater in our garage and then spent 20 minutes explaining we would need a new water heater. On the work order it shows they were present for 30 minutes. + +&#x200B; + +2 weeks later we got an invoice for $116.97 based on it being a minimum of 1 hour service call. + +&#x200B; + +I would argue it wasn't a service call but a quote, since we knew the heater needed replacing. Included in the bill is a "shop supplies" for $7.75 which is apparently shoe covers, that were never needed or even used since it was in a garage. There was also a fuel surcharge of $6.60. Now, we live in a small city of 20,000 people and you can get across town in 3-4 miles, and 6.60 would get me 40 miles in my van. Last but not least they are charging 2% a month (24% annually?) and I don't feel that we entered into a credit agreement. + +&#x200B; + +Should I fight it or just pay it and move on? Should I report to BBB? I can afford to pay it but out of principle and for the protection of others I am on the fence about what to do. I realize some of this is legal but much is financial. + +&#x200B; + +Update: I called and paid the invoice and was able to get the shoe cover charge removed. + +&#x200B; +SONAR is now followed by 🔥🔥 u/cz_binance 🔥🔥on Twitter! Looks like he realises the potential of Sonar! + +[https://imgur.com/a/UANjP2Q](https://imgur.com/a/UANjP2Q) + +Sonar is building an AI-driven data aggregation platform that monitors BSC and Ethereum network tokens, providing holistic analysis and tracking capabilities for any given token – All within a carefully crafted UI. + +&#x200B; + +$PING is the Sonar Platform's native token. Holding a specific amount of $PING will give you access to more features as well. + +&#x200B; + +The Sonar Platform is a multi-chain analytical tool, which presents its users with an interface that tracks social network/influencer trends, vets contract code, price charts, creates price action alerts, executes orders, as well as features other innovative and unique solutions, including the implementation of artificial intelligence for investments. + +&#x200B; + +The Sonar Platform intends to serve as a crypto analysis one-stop-shop and provides users with all the necessary tools and information need to make smart investment choices and to reduce the likelihood of traders falling for rugpulls and honeypots. + +&#x200B; + +**-Listed on CG!** + +**-Listed on CMC!** + +**-Techrate audit passed!** + +&#x200B; + +✅ Doxxed Core Team + +✅ Real Use Case (Utility Token) + +✅ Clear Roadmap and Whitepaper on Website + +😇 Sonar Token ($PING) Distribution: + +&#x200B; + +\-Total Supply: 4,000,000,000 + +&#x200B; + +**Transaction taxes:** + +💰 3% tax to Liquidity Pool to create a stable price floor + +🤑 2% tax to Redistribution + +👨‍🔬 2% tax to Sonar Innovation Lab Wallet + +👨‍💻 3% tax to Sonar Marketing and Development Wallet + +&#x200B; + +✉️ Telegram: + +[https://www.t.me/sonar\_official](https://www.t.me/sonar_official) + +&#x200B; + +📷 Instagram: + +[https://www.instagram.com/sonar\_token/](https://www.instagram.com/sonar_token/) + +&#x200B; + +🐦 Twitter: + +[https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09](https://www.twitter.com/SonarToken?s=09) + +&#x200B; + +⭕️ Reddit: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform](https://www.reddit.com/r/sonarplatform) + +&#x200B; + +🎮 Discord: + +[https://discord.gg/4AaDgScB9M](https://discord.gg/4AaDgScB9M) + +&#x200B; + +🎥 Tiktok: + +[https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/](https://www.vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ9oBTDo/) + +&#x200B; + +📽 Youtube: + +[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCixkuolcOuQdEnn80E-tyew) + +&#x200B; + +👫 Facebook: + +[https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425](https://www.facebook.com/Sonar-Token-107371881570425) + +&#x200B; + +🌐 Website: + +[https://www.sonarplatform.io](https://www.sonarplatform.io) +So wondering how many people would feel confident holding O as 5-10% of a portfolio for the next 25 years or so? + +I hold all dividend Growth ETF’s and O is my only individual holding as I wanted have a reit in the mix since none of the ETFs hold any. I feel pretty confident there not going anywhere anytime soon and they’re dividend should be safe for years to come. +Good Morning Everyone! + +HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! HOLY MOLY! +This is an interesting story and I'm curious what the motives are in what are already over priced markets like San Diego. In my area we had a wave of Chinese investors but that mostly dried up because of newer restrictions in Chinese law. More on the story here https://www.kpbs.org/news/2020/jan/07/organization-sues-treasury-department-reveal-shell/ +As the title states I'm getting really unhappy at my current job. I don't have any debt minus my car note (have about $12,000 left which I intend to pay off in 24 months). My monthly expenses come out to about \~$1100 with rent/bills. I'm in a position where my job is draining the life out of me and I'm losing the energy and charisma I used to have. I do intend on speaking with a financial advisor but I would greatly appreciate any help because I'm honestly afraid of slowly becoming too depressed and unmotivated to do anything about it. I also can't deal with interest due to religious constraints so unfortunately I understand that it limits my options somewhat. I truly appreciate any advice that anyone can offer. I'm just in a position in my life where I want to make a change to be happy once more. Thank you everyone. +Fucking hell, apes. I just saw a ton of brigading on the employee sub after the compensation package news came out. For the love of humanity: + +* Do not go over to the employee sub and downvote users who are complaining about the compensation package. +* You do not need to explain to anyone over there how this is "actually a good thing." +* You are only making our community look like douchebags. They don't want you there. +* Let the news play out, and leave the employees in the employee sub alone. + +**Edit**: To the concerned Redditor that flagged my post for suicide risk, you're just making me DRS harder lol. + +To be clear, I'm healthy, happy, never gonna quit, and never once thought about doing so. + +**Edit 2**: I didn't want to add this edit, but the conspiracy apes just won't stop making comments without going and looking for themselves, so here it is: + +We live in a society, lol. Are we aligned against bots and shills? Certainly. But we are not an infallible herd of individual investors (fun fact: a group of apes is known as a "shrewdness of apes" heh). + +If you think bots and shills went over to the employee sub to downvote anyone who badmouthed the compensation plan, you need to step back from the hype train for a sec. + +If you think shills pretended for months that they were real apes by commenting positive things on superstonk, only to take this opportunity to go over to the employee sub in an effort to make us look bad by—seriously—telling them to go read the superstonk DD... well, you need to take a step back and think about how that makes any sense at all. + +I've made this comment several times below, but I'll repeat it now. Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. Are there meltdowners over there? Hell yeah. But seriously, people... we shove bananas up our asses and you think everyone in this massive community is a stable zen ape? + +What's more likely: Someone got paid to pretend to be a real superstonk user for 6 months, only to go over to the employee sub today and brigade them to... come here and read the DD... OR, maybe some of our members got a little bit overzealous. + +This ain't 6D chess. Some community members broke the rules and this post is calling them back in, end of story. + +**Edit 2 rant over** +So I just feel so angry when I read something like this. + + +So a coinbase employee got arrested after trying to flee the country. The reason he was arrested was because he was involved in insider trading, he as a high ranking employee had knowledge of which assets Coinbase was preparing to list, he sold that information however was caught soon after. + + +Of course not everyone get caught. + + +I just feel like a fool sometimes I spend my days researching, I diversify my assets from BTC to Eth, Xrp to even memecoins like Dogge and blockchain tech startups in all area like Telekom, Energy e (World Mobile Token, Lemonade, Xledger), then insurance and many others ( 24 different coins) all to try new ideas and see which one stick. + + +And then what happens some douche like this guy sells privileged information to allow some people to get even more rich without even working hard. + + +Why is crypto then any different than stocks for example, same stuff happening there too. + + +I started trading crypto because I didn't want to be a part of something like this. + + +Of course here we go again, lets make everything corrupt ! +Hi. So I like to call myself a big skeptic of all things “get rich quick”. I’ve always hated MLM’s and other sorts of marketing businesses. I’ve seen many people and heard many stories of people losing thousands and I’ve always been super skeptical about them. However, my boyfriend, let’s call him Cody, has become interested in Forex. He has been a partner with Primerica for a while now but hasn’t done anything with that. He is a manager at a gym here and makes decent money from that. He was approached by a friend to start working with Forex. When I heard about this, I was shocked, just because I’ve heard horror stories about Forex. When I look up reviews online, all I see is people losing money. When I spoke to his friend to see what this is all about, all I got was attacked and hated on for being a “non-believer”. He essentially just said that people who lose money are lazy and don’t even try. I am genuinely curious in learning more and want to be more educated in this. From what I’ve read, it depends a lot on gambling and knowing a lot about the craft. Cody is convinced he will earn $40,000 (approximately) by February doing 6% everyday excluding weekends (I have no clue what that means but I know that’s what he’s doing). I want to know if and how this is actually a legit endeavor or if he’s just delusional. Please, no attacks, I want serious, informative answers. Thanks so much. + +TL;DR: my bf is starting Forex and I think it’s a scam, how legit is it? + +Edit: +I told him that if he actually does make that $40,000, I’ll apologize for my skepticism and not question this typa shit anymore. We’ll see 🤷🏼‍♀️ + +Edit: +He works all day with no break and gets home at 11-12 and gets EXHAUSTED. He goes to sleep at like 1 every night and spends that free time watching tv. Nothing wrong with that I just don’t see how he has time to do this stuff. From what I’ve gathered, this has to be done in the afternoon and takes a while. + +Update: +So I spoke to him and mentioned all the advice y’all have given me here. He said he is already doing research but he’s down to join an MLM. He says “everything is an MLM, college, businesses, everything”, which is ridiculous to me but ok. I’m scared for him but I guess there’s not much I can do. He’s writing all this advice off as idiots that had a bad experience even though most people here have said that they have had ups and downs. He also says I’m being super negative and the least bit supportive. Idk what to do😕 + The aim of AB 1771 is to discourage real estate speculation. It creates a new capital gains tax on homes held less than seven years. 25% if under three years, and dropping 5% a year thereafter. + +Won't this just keep more properties off the market even longer? + +Source: [https://rentalhousingjournal.com/watch-out-investors-california-is-at-it-again/?utm\_source=Master+Investor%2FOwner%2FProp+Mngr%2FSocial&utm\_campaign=d05e5c5c89-EMAIL\_CAMPAIGN\_2022\_03\_30\_01\_52&utm\_medium=email&utm\_term=0\_1df36dfca7-d05e5c5c89-165585129](https://rentalhousingjournal.com/watch-out-investors-california-is-at-it-again/?utm_source=Master+Investor%2FOwner%2FProp+Mngr%2FSocial&utm_campaign=d05e5c5c89-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_03_30_01_52&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_1df36dfca7-d05e5c5c89-165585129) +Forgive me if this isn't allowed. First time poster, but I've been reading a lot of posts. Right now I spend my time at work as a Network Technician, I'm going to school on the side, and I'm learning web development on the side to create SaaS products. + +In your opinion, regarding fat, would my time be better spent hustling for my side business and not applying more time climbing the tech ladder or should I focus on hustling to climb and reach an eventual goal of CTO or the like? + +I want the best for my future family and FIRE. My goal is to retire fat, of course, and I know I can get there. I'm just weighing my options on how to spend the bulk of my time and not run around with my head cut off focusing on too many things at once; rather prioritizing and cutting out the fat (no, it's not a pun lol). + +Edit: I'm 23 +So I’m 23 and have been reading this sub a lot. I’m very interested in investing, despite having only basic knowledge of how to do so. I’m a long-term investor who is trying to retire early, not make a quick profit. But after reading hundreds of posts here, it got me wondering - how the hell do normal people retire? I’m on a subreddit where everyone is knowledgeable about how to reach early retirement. Even then, it seems with most peoples plans, they’ll retire around 60. If that is with extreme budgeting and great investing strategies, how the hell will some normal dude with no investment knowledge make it? + +By the looks of it, you need a good chunk of money saved to retire (depending on where you live this “chunk” varies). So what happens when the average dude checks his savings account as 65 and sees he only has $125k saved? Will people be working until they die in this generation? It sure seems like most people won’t be able to retire if this is the kind of stuff it takes to retire. + +Either way, glad I’m starting now. I’d love to retire early, or hell, even just at 65. + +Edit: one question. When you guys plan on retiring, are you going to pull money from investments or are you going to live off of dividends? What would you do if you’re living off investments and something like this happened where a recession occurred? Your retirement funds could be dropped in half for 10+ years +I'm saving up for college while a job every day after school but I don't think I'm going to be able to save enough money to afford college. Anyone have any ideas of profitable jobs I can do on the side? I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme but I need something. Thanks! +YouTuber MrBeast built his channel by giving away large sums of money or assets to random people. + +While incredibly generous and entertaining to watch, are his practices responsible? Clearly many people who win MrBeasts gifts are financially challenged and rarely have proper education on how to manage money or assets properly. + +**Let me give you examples:** + +1. Winning $1,000,000 cash - this person upon winning, bought a house, 2 cars, all new furniture, dozens of devices to give out as gifts to friends and family. This person may or may not know how to file taxes, how to select fitting insurance for his house / cars, how to invest the remainder of his winnings to not go broke within a few months. As with lottery winners, this person may lose friends or may attract unwanted attention. +2. Winning an island worth $800,000 - upkeep, property taxes and lawyers are very expensive. This could drain the winners finances within a month if not handled properly or sold quickly to someone else. +3. Winning a Lamborghini - Owning an exotic car is very expensive for someone who can not afford to buy one. Repairs, insurance and even gas cost will quickly get out of hand. Not to mention unwanted attention from neighbours and public. +4. Large donations to online streamers - it is more than likely that a teenager or 20-something person is not going to invest the winnings, rather than burn through it buying unnecessary things that quickly depreciate in value. + +Indeed we dont know the full story, perhaps MrBeast has financial advisors who keep an eye on awardees to not go bankrupt because of their winnings, yet it seems quite irresponsible to give away awards that could ruin the winners financial situation in short period of time. +I know that if people are willing to spend money, then that means it's worth it to them. But I'm not asking about that. + +I'm asking for the economy in general. For the welfare of the rest of the economy, and the welfare of the people in an economic sense. Is such a useless industry a good thing, because any economic activity is good, or is there such a thing as not good economic activity? +A tried and true method of acquiring wealth is simply to marry someone who is already wealthy. Discussions here frequently circle around the opposite side, dealing with pre-nups and other things. + +I think this is possible for both men and women, despite the common stereotypes of gold diggers. Marrying someone with rich parents also counts if eventually they'll get the inheritance. + +It's a tempting idea to think about that you can in theory get more money in one second by saying "yes I do" than an entire lifetime of work. + +I know this sounds like a callous way to frame something so sensitive, but it seems like a valid path to fatFIRE that not many people talk about. +I received a notification from PayPal at 10:21pm ET that a $299.99 charge was made on my wife's Google Play account. The payment was for 30TB storage for 1 month. My wife's account is only using 7GB (and Google offers 15GB free) so it does not make sense that we would want 30TB of storage! We did not authorize this charge and nobody in my house made this purchase. Kids are sleeping and wife was taking a shower at the time. I called Google immediately and they refused to refund the money saying it happened "inside the account" so basically accusing us that we did it. No suggestions to change our passwords and that it might be an unauthorized charge from a different computer. No information as to which IP address the charge came from was provided. They said to contact PayPal to open a dispute if I want. Google has canceled the storage account so it is no longer active. I'm not sure what to do but this seems like a very unfair policy from Google. Any suggestions? + +Update: I called again this morning and spoke to another representative "Michael" who was a lot more empathetic and helpful. They submitted the return request again and said it should be approved this time. Also a redditor who works for Google reached out to me here on Reddit and is checking on the case for me from the inside. Hopefully I can get this resolved via refund and can close that PayPal dispute, since we don't want to lose my wife's account if at all possible. Thanks for the support everyone. + +Update2: Success! http://imgur.com/U4yVL6q After talking to the second Google representative this morning, and most likely with help from an anon Googler who contacted me via Reddit PM, they have refunded my money! I have closed the PayPal dispute and just waiting for the refund to "clear" (currently it is in pending status). I told the second call center rep this morning the exact same thing, we don't know who made this purchase. Also I did not mention this Reddit post. He was super professional, empathetic and took care of me. Even his email was reassuring, he said "don't worry about it, we will take care of this!"... + +Lessons learned: + +- Be persistent! The first call center rep might give you a hard time but calling back validates or tests their stated policy and in my case it proved that they could in fact help me IF they wanted to. + +- Don't leave credit cards or PayPal pre-authorized payment methods connected for years on end. From now on I'll be disconnecting these payment methods as soon as they are used. It's not THAT hard to retype a credit card or PayPal credentials. + +- Use 2 factor authentication! Although there is a possibility this could have been done accidentally in my house by my son (he still hasn't fessed up) this has been an exercise in learning where our security gaps are and making sure we're not too naive when it comes to account protection. + +Thanks for your help PF community! +I'm curious for those here who were about to pull the trigger and got caught up in the bear market. Or even after the downturn you feel even more confident that you can weather the storm? + +Like many, my large long positions in my buy-and-hold portfolio are not looking too happy. The unrealized losses are crazy. Saving grace is I went more conservative back in December with getting out of margin, exiting most calls, and just have stock/index positions in quality picks (I hope) that I can ride till recover. +[https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/1326380.htm](https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/1326380.htm) + +You know what's great about GameStop? The Insiders, who know more information than anyone else, haven't sold a share since June and that was the only person to sell since January. + +And now I can't decide if I should [hold or hodl](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1457902069206163460). +Can anyone provide some ACTUAL information on signs that we are headed towards a bear market? If so, what are people's thoughts on the market moving forward? + +Feel free to direct me to other posts or videos that discuss this topic. +Rang up my bank last week and said I'd seen lower home loan rates than what I was on advertised and asked what they could do about it. + +Straight away they offered a 0.25% reduction, then asked if I was happy with that. If not, I could go through to another team to discuss. Went through to the other team and after 5 min of basic questions they offered another 0.15% on top, to give a 0.4% discount off my old rate. + +Old rate was 2.34%, new rate is 1.94%. + +Can't believe it was that easy... +If you haven't had a chance to check out $BONFIRE, give it a whirl. One of the fastest growing communities in the space, with an honest team working on some useful long-term stuff for the coin.PREVIOUS ATH was 100M. Currently holding at 58M. + +Today, on their 2nd AMA they announced **FIRESTARTER**, an upcoming social media platform/marketplace, with details on it and **a new roadmap coming tomorrow.** + +WHITEPAPER tomorrow as well. + +If nothing else, check out the community, meet the devs, and have a look and listen. DYOR, and best of luck. + +**\*\*NEW\*\*** \- **APRIL 28 - 6:35 PM - 2nd AMA RECAP** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8xZiUteY2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8xZiUteY2c) + +**\*\* OLDER \*\* - APRIL 25 - FIRST AMA FULL:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDGU00LkjNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDGU00LkjNo) + +&#x200B; + +>"Bonfire is a fast-growing, deflationary token with an outstandingly strong community! +> +>Applications have been made to several listings and exchanges including **CMC, CoinGecko, WhiteBIT**, and more! +> +>What makes our coin so special is its growth potential and its community drive. Bonfire has grown to an astounding **91,000+ holders in a little over a week**!!! Our market cap had peaked at **100 MILLION USD on day 3**. +> +>The passion and drive our community has to make this token into something beautiful is astounding. We have had people from all over the world show their support for this coin and its future, through creating graphics, reaching out to influencers, doing their own live streams, and pushing this coin at a pace faster than any other coin. +> +>Throughout this week and onwards to next month, plans are being laid out to translate the **MASSIVE HYPE** around our project into something that will break the boundaries of what a cryptocurrency can accomplish. +> +>The $Bonfire team is very transparent about everything that they are working on. If you want to learn more, go watch the **first Bonfire AMA here. We just finished the 2nd AMA today, video soon.** +> +>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDGU00LkjNo\&amp;feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDGU00LkjNo&feature=youtu.be) +> +>Keep up with us! Join us before we become the next global phenomenon : +> +>**Website 🔥** \\ - [www.bonfiretoken.co/](http://www.bonfiretoken.co/) +> +>\*\* WhiteBIT 🔥\*\* - Coming soon! +> +>\*\* CoinMarketCap \&amp; CoinGecko\*\* 🔥 - Applications sent! +> +>\*\* Coin Gecko \*\* \\ - [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bonfire](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/bonfire) +> +>\*\* PancakeSwap\*\* 🔥 - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) +> +>**\*\* Chart\*\*** 🔥 - [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) +> +>**\*\* BSCScan 🔥\*\*** : [https://bscscan.com/token/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590](https://bscscan.com/token/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590) +> +>**Get Involved/Chat 🔥** +> +>\*\* Telegram: [https://t.me/BonfireTG](https://t.me/BonfireTG)\*\* DISCORD: [https://discord.gg/2CAYe7h2](https://discord.gg/2CAYe7h2) +> +>\*\* Twitter\*\* 🔥 - [https://twitter.com/token\_bonfire](https://twitter.com/token_bonfire) +> +>\*\* REDDIT: \*\* 🔥 - [https://reddit.com/r/BonfireToken/](https://reddit.com/r/BonfireToken/) +I have recently started investing in equity funds. I do it in the form of SIPs. Recently, the market has been really bullish and I am afraid a correction might be due. I do not want to touch the SIPs as I am trying to build a habit. I do however have some cash which I am saving to build up on my equity holdings if and when the market corrects. So, the question is where do I park this money? Liquid funds, debt funds, FDs? I would ideally want to put it in an instrument which isn't affected much by equity markets and I can also leave the money in it even for long term if the market doesn't correct. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Just saw an article about Larry Page getting residency -- do other people know something I don't? Unless there was some unofficial channel, the residency through investment requires at least 3 years time, which would have been prior to COVID (if that had any factor). + +Wondering if I should be considering this country long-term... with the obvious asterisk that I'm far, far from being a billionaire but will have a goal to have means to move if needed... +I (f/37) have no desire to do a lot of the grinding tasks of maintaining a house and life that are required. Over the years I've tried various scenarios. Hiring a cleaning service, sending laundry out, having someone come in to help with shopping and meal prep. Open mail. But it's always piece meal and it follows none of the normal rules I apply in business. + +When I choose a team member in business I pick self starters. Positive people who I feel like can make decisions on my behalf. People who I feel are here for the long haul. + +In my house it's like a string of people who are here as a stepping stone or temporarily. I have to micro manage . And I just dont want to. What I need is a household manager or a personal assistant where this is their profession. They're not waiting for the next thing. + + It truly does require a wide variety of skills and everything I've tried thus far has not been cohesive.How does everyone handle this? Has anyone had any great success with a service? Or if you found one person how did you find them? I'm interested in hearing about scenarios where someone has been with you for 5 plus years or long term. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +[https://www.livemint.com/companies/company-results/voda-idea-posts-rs-50-922-crore-loss-in-q2-after-agr-verdict-11573742055848.html](https://www.livemint.com/companies/company-results/voda-idea-posts-rs-50-922-crore-loss-in-q2-after-agr-verdict-11573742055848.html) + +[https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/earnings/vodafone-idea-posts-indias-biggest-ever-quarterly-loss-at-rs-50921-crore-on-agr-hit/articleshow/72058447.cms](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/earnings/vodafone-idea-posts-indias-biggest-ever-quarterly-loss-at-rs-50921-crore-on-agr-hit/articleshow/72058447.cms) + +This loss was on a revenue of Rs 10,844 crore, which has also fallen YoY + +Part of this loss was due to the provisioning of Rs 25,680 crore as a Adjusted Gross Revenue which is to be paid. + +It however was EDITDA positive, at Rs 3347 crore which is jump from Rs 461 crore last year. + +Gross debt is Rs 1,17,300 crore, while cash and cash equivalents was Rs 35,088.. + +&#x200B; + +Now what is surprising is that Airtel and Vodafone has shown strong operating profit margins, even at such low ARPUs. They can survive if the AGR due is deferred and the loan is restructured. +To any newcomers, there is an insane level of scam posts here. As I scroll through recent feed it seems like 90% are scams. If you can’t discern the scam posts I suggest you disregard everything you see in this sub. People here orchestrate false perceptions for their shitcoins. + +I love the idea of this sub, but of course, humans. This is why we can’t have nice things. Always people ready to take advantage of something, exploit something, abuse something. Indifferent to the fact they’re attempting to coerce people out of their money. + +Again, if you cannot see what is a scam and what isn’t in this sub, leave this sub. You don’t need these con artists dangling shit in front of you. + +Wish we could have some posts that refer to something legitimately worth looking into. +I have added commentary to the interview and bolded what I think are the important takeaways. If you want to read the un-adultured full interview you can find it [here.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/08/16/entrepreneur-chewy-founder-ryan-cohen-shares-his-best-advice/?sh=4c7b405d5840) I cut out the end part where he answers some questions about his dad. While very insightful information into the life of RC, I didn't feel like analyzing that particular part as it relates to investing. + +Over 7 years RC and Chewy raised around $350m in investments. He sold to PetSmart for 3.5bn. He has already raised [$550m](https://www.shacknews.com/article/124044/gamestop-gme-completes-550-million-secondary-stock-offering-shares-skyrocket) \+ [1.126bn](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gamestop-completes-market-equity-offering-104500035.html) = **$1.676bn** for GameStop\*\*.\*\* The difference is this isn't private money. These monies were acquired by selling to long term devoted investors. He is starting off at GameStop in a significantly better capital position than he did at Chewy. GME **is and is not** a meme. + +>**Cohen** also served as **CEO** of **Chewy**, which **PetSmart acquired** in **2017** for **$3.35 billion**, which at the time was the **largest e-commerce acquisition ever**. +> +>**Zack Friedman:** Why did you see a need for Chewy that didn’t exist with Petco, PetSmart, Amazon and other online retailers? +> +>**Ryan Cohen:** I was going to the neighborhood pet store for my dog food but because I was busy building a business, I didn’t always have the time to make the trip. **I tried Amazon** and the big box retailers, but they were all **missing** the **specialized experience** and their **customer service sucked**. Try calling them. +> +>**With Chewy**, I combined the best from all of them. I saw an opportunity to differentiate from the pack and **convert fanatical pet parents, like myself, into die-hard customers.** Our customers got the **local pet store experience with the convenience of shopping online.** + +You can see that RC really believes in what he does. It's a mentality like this why some people would say "Invest in the man, not the company". You see a similar aspect with someone like Elon Musk. Not to put anyone on a pedestal but many investors put a lot of blind faith into him because they believe in his vision. It's great when you get the combination of a great company and a visionary behind the wheel. It's the cherry on top of a sound investment. You can see he built the business because he identified a major flaw in the existing market and sought to remedy it with controversial and groundbreaking business ideas. Some of it was against the grain as he elaborates to further on. You can see a mirror premiss in his investment in GME. + +>I **focused on bringing a human element to e-commerce**. We provided **24/7 US-based** **customer service** and included **small touches** like **handwritten** holiday **cards** and personalized pet portraits. These were ways we could **connect with customers** and **build loyalty over time,** optimizing for a **lifetime relationship,** **not a single transaction**. Chewy’s **relationship with customers** was the **secret sauce**. + +This is the main reason why Microsoft, and likely Sony, have commission based sales relationships with GameStop. Both companies have the ability to create decreased Customer Acquisition costs though GameStop vs Amazon or WalMart and create longer LifeTime Revenue and increase their Total Addressable Market. GameStop does have the largest digital magazine subscription in the world. Someone like Ryan Cohen will be able to capitalize on this aspect by focusing on Customer Service and Customer Experience. You can tell he as a huge inclination towards his customer loyalty. Another great article in the link at the top of this paragraph. + +>**Friedman:** You were **rejected by 100 different investors.** What did you learn from the process? **What made you keep going when you kept hearing no?** +> +>**Cohen:** For me, each no sounded like they just didn’t understand my vision. It was frustrating at times, but never discouraging. **Those “no”s never made me doubt my strategy** – it was the opposite. I was **motivated by** all the **rejections** and they just got me fired up. + +Buy and fucking hold. Don't worry about the noise. + +>Most investors couldn’t get past **two hurdles:** **competing head-on with Amazon** and the **pets.com failure** during the **dot com bubble.** But I was convinced being focused on the **pet category along with high-touch customer service** gave Chewy unique **competitive advantages.** **Pets.com** was a good idea but a **decade too soon** and without sufficient scale to **cover their costs.** These two hurdles didn’t scare me. **I never considered changing my business plan.** One highly respected venture capitalist told me he would be more interested if we were selling live pets over the internet rather than pet supplies. Like most investors, he believed running into Amazon’s teeth was suicidal. +> +>I understood that **thinking big** was likely going to be **misunderstood** along the way. I’m contrarian by nature, so **being misunderstood often validates** what I’m doing. It wasn’t until Chewy boxes were on doorsteps across the country that the bulk of **investors started to recognize** **our formula**. + +How many times has Ryan and GameStop shown they have a hidden edge that no one expected? That sentiment will only continue to grow. + +&#x200B; + +>**Friedman:** Let’s talk about execution and scale. You’ve said that you used Zappos as a model. You also were inspired by **Jeff Bezos** and **Amazon’s growth** and **model**. How do you go from idea to platform to scale? What was the process and **how did you scale so quickly?** +> +>**Cohen:** In **just three months** we built a **website**, found a **distributor** and **partnered** with a third-party **logistics company.** + +What has GameStop done in the last three months? Raised almost 2bn in cash. Made a ton of new hires. Expanded their product offering. Completely changed their board. Increased revenues and online sales. Got rid of the drift wood, thank you for your service Sherman. Revamped their online presence. Sustained insane valuations compared to where they were last year. + +&#x200B; + +>In June of 2011 we launched. I focused on four pillars and we did them better than anyone else. We **started** with the **value proposition** of **delighting our customers**, which we did through **amazing customer service**, **low prices**, **fast shipping**, and **selection**. The onus was on us to create the most efficient supply chain to support that business model. + +This is where we start getting into some more serious DD on RC's comments. Anyone who has ever worked for a multi billion dollar corporation recognizes what RC means when he starts talking about building pillars. Pillar systems are some of the most cliche corporate business strategy foundations that exist. What this tells me is this guy is familiar and *in the know* with running a multi-billion dollar company. He obviously has experience with Chewy but this jargon validates that he was actually doing something while he was there. Those who have been following along know that he has made a major shift towards delighting customers and offering a better value proposition. Anyone in the USA who has experienced the Door Dash same day delivery knows what I'm talking about. + +&#x200B; + +>When we **reached $200 million in sales**, we had to **insource fulfillment** to be able **scale** to the next level. We **opened** our **first two warehouses in 2014**. By **2018** we had **seven warehouses** around the country and **4.7 million square feet of space.** Each is the size of 13 football fields and four stories high. + +GameStop, like I just said is using DoorDash for fulfilment along with pickup in store. Covid is probably presenting a lot of challenges for this right now, and no doubt every industry is either going to adapt or die though these times. Maybe RC intends to insource this as well for GameStop. I also do not know what they currently do for warehousing and distribution but I would imagine this would be one of the first things RC would intent to overhaul if he saw fit. Will be curious to see if we can get any insight into these plans, if any. To give you reference 4.7 million square feet is about 3x3 city blocks or it would take about 6km by 6km of property to fit warehouses of that size. Roughly peaking. It's large though. So he is capable of managing logistics of a large scale. This is the scale of multi billion dollar operations. + +Edit: [A good spot to add u/thechaoschicken 's contribution about GameStop expanding their fulfillment capabilities with a new 700k+ sq.ft facility.](https://investor.gamestop.com/news-releases/news-release-details/gamestop-expands-fulfillment-network-new-facility-york) + +&#x200B; + +>I needed to **hire** the **best people** and **delegate** into their **areas of expertise**. Each employee we hired had a strong bias for action and were excited about the **opportunity to disrupt the pet industry.** We always hired for **will over skill.** One you can teach, the other you can’t. Everyone and everything revolved around being **customer obsessed.** We **scaled** from **3 employees** in **2011** to over **9000 Chewtopians** by **2018**. + +I specialize in labor management for large corporations. I also ran a small business with several employees. These are the fundamental aspects of managing people. You could literally be entirely unqualified in your field, as long as you delegate to qualified people and hire people based on their attitude vs their qualifications, then you will build a very strong culture and worker base. Most skills can be taught to most people, especially the motivated ones. But only the motivated ones can help you drive business forward. They will grow as much as you nurture them. One of my largest concerns with GameStop is that, judging by their subreddit, they have a ton of disgruntled employees. Sounds like they are often driven to quitting through unreasonable growth and sales expectations and competing with stores that manipulate figures. Among other problems. To see Ryan call his employees "Chewtopians" really signifies that he has a personal relationship with his workers. I would like to see that type of culture expanded in GameStop. + +&#x200B; + +>We **prioritized long term growth** **over short term profitability**. The last thing you want to be is a subscale e-commerce company. You’re a **dead man walking,** and **Amazon** will **crush you**. We **rapidly expanded our product offering** to include all pet food and supplies so there was never a reason to shop elsewhere. + +Expect the same thing with GME. Sustained growth. Long term investment. He knows what it takes to take on Amazon. We know this. We've seen it before in Chewy. Maybe Bezos will be smart enough to partner this time. Only time will tell. They have already expanded their product offering in the USA. Expect that to continue. + +&#x200B; + +>By **2018**, **90%** of our **revenue** was from **repeat customers**. + +This is easier to achieve with something like pet food, but holy smokes that is an insane figure. + +&#x200B; + +>We raised **six rounds** of **financing** and more than **$350 million** over **seven years**. We grew sales from **$2 million** in **2011** to **$3.5 billion** by **2018**, a **190% annual growth rate**. + +190% ANNUAL growth? Jesus christ those kind of returns are practically unheard of on a continued basis. Applying that to GME sends it to a trillion dollar valuation in less than 5 years. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB9ZerucuwQ) a video of Anne Hand, CEO of Super League Gaming talking about the potential market for the gaming industry. + +&#x200B; + +>**Friedman:** What’s the most misunderstood thing about entrepreneurship? +> +>**Cohen:** Don’t let the pictures or magazines mislead you, it’s not at all glamorous. Negotiating with vendors, reading long contracts, conducting nonstop interviews, convincing investors to give you money, combined with a constant stream of everyday problems, is not fun. +> +>The Type A in me is **competitive** and **loves to win**, but the day-to-day feels like you’re losing. If you think you’re winning you’re probably not doing a great job building your company. Even as our **sales** **grew** into the **billions**, I always felt behind. Whether that’s the right mentality or not, that’s how I’m wired. +> +>**Friedman:** What are three pieces of advice you would give to an aspiring entrepreneur? +> +>**Cohen:** +> +>I’d be remiss to say my way is the ‘right’ way. It’s simply **what worked for me.** My dad had a glassware importing business, and he told me about how he was talking with his dad one day. His dad had pointed at two trucks. “You see those trucks there?” he’d said. “If what’s in one of those trucks will make you more money, and what’s in the other truck will make your **customers happier**, choose the one that makes your **customers happier,** even if you make less money.” That served as the guiding premise for Chewy. +> +>Second, I was **never afraid to say no.** I was constantly bombarded with new ideas, and when you’re growing quickly it’s critical to stay focused, **so I said no to almost everything.** There’s a time and place for ideation, but in the early days when resources are finite, it’s important to choose a handful of things and do them extremely well. + +This just provides some insight into his business strategy. Out of the box thinking can be a great thing, so don't be worried if you see some un-orthodox moves come from RC. + +&#x200B; + +>Third, my **biggest risk** would have been **not taking risk**. The risk of going **head-to-head** against **Amazon.** The risk of **insourcing fulfillment**. The risk of building a company in **Florida rather** than a **popular tech hub**. The risk of **spending $3 million a month on TV ads,** more than Home Depot [HD](https://www.forbes.com/companies/home-depot) [\+1.6%](https://www.forbes.com/companies/home-depot)'s budget. The risk of **hiring expensive executives** even though we **weren’t profitable.** These decisions were some of the most **controversial** and required me being **comfortable betting against conventional wisdom**, and were often **contrary** to the **advice of my board**. Suffice it to say, I was not the most popular board member. + +This is basically where I stopped analyzing the interview. Like i said, he goes on to answer some questions about his dad. Which I believe lend a lot of insight into his personality and life but I didn't really feel comfortable commenting on it. I have no doubt his dad would be pretty proud of what he is doing now. As a father myself I would be completely blown away if my kids were doing what he's doing. Based on what RC says here I believe you can get a feel for what to expect next. TV/Social Media ads are probably coming. So much meme potential for them. Hiring expensive execs has already started. If anyone could share the DD on that I would love to link it here. The next piece of the puzzle will be what they plan to do with the over 1bn in cash on their books right now. Expecting some type of acquisition or major business expansion. + +Tl;Dr: You guys really need to put more blind faith into this guy +Hi, I was wondering what was the difference between a first-time real estate investor (or better yet, how were you as a first-time investor and what were some of the things that you've focused as a first-time investor and how have you changed as a more experienced real estate investor? + +**TL;DR:** What are some things that you look for when investing in real estate properties? +Hey guys. I'm looking for some benefits and drawbacks from working in a quant firm vs running your own algo at home. Why did you pursue the path that you have taken? Why didn't you choose the other path? Do you regret the choice that you made or are you happy with your lifestyle now working in a quant firm/working on your own? + +(Sorry to ask the personal life questions, I was just curious as I've seen people mention they run their own algos with a great profitability rate and brings home a lot of money, and I've also seen people mention working at top tier quant firms, so I just wanted to get an overview from personal experiences. TY!:)) +I’m a little worried about my sister, she’s about to have a baby with this guy who I’m suspect of his finance situation. So, my brother in law earns $160k before tax. Has no property, no car, no savings and no shares. He basically has no assets or investments and lives in one of his parents properties & pays approx $200 a month to live there. He has to wait until pay day to buy anything for example a $500 piece of furniture which makes me think he has absolutely 0 savings. He spends his money on a bit of travel and partying. He would get over $100,000 in his hand yearly. He claims some of his trips are “work trips” so wouldn’t that be covered by work? My sister earns ok money but has stressed to me she is a little worried about finances when she’s on maternity leave. I asked her if he could help out with her half of the bills and she didn’t seem confident he would help. + +Does this seem like a big financial red flag to you? Someone spending >$100,000 a year on partying, does it feel like there’s something else going on here? +**Welcome to ArbiMatter! A One of a kind Rebase Token!** + +**What is ArbiMatter?** + +ArbiMatter is next big thing in Rebase tokens, its uniquely designed contract triggers a rebase at set intervals, which will decrease the supply and increase the price so the chart always looks super bullish! This is one of the first Rebase tokens on the Arbitrum Network and is set to be huge! + +&#x200B; + +**but, what is a rebase?** + +A price-elastic token, or a rebase token, is one where the project’s total token supply is not fixed, but instead automatically adjusts on a routine basis. + +These token supply adjustments, called “rebases,” take place per market demand and are done in such a way that users’ proportional holdings ultimately don’t change and thus aren’t diluted. Rebases are performed per a specific target price, with the idea being that a token’s nominal price will steadily be moved over time toward its target, in our case, toward the price of bitcoin! + +Different then just a normal pegged token/stable coin, rebases make price-elastic tokens into synthetic commodities with fluctuating values and supplies that gradually stabilize. Ultimately, rebases are designed to be tradable and potentially extremely profitable. + +&#x200B; + +**Future of ArbiMatter** + +ArbiMatter is currently being shilled by its great community!, Marketing is in high gear with lots of influencers to come, CG & CMC in the future and dextools trending and this is just the start! + +&#x200B; + +**Tokenomics:** + +ArbiMatter will have super low fees!, unlike the high tax rewards tokens of late, ArbiMatter only has a 6% buy and sell tax!, 3% goes to Liquidity to ensure stability and low volatility!, 1% goes to Ecosystem Development to expand ArbiMatter and keep developing into the futre!, 2% goes to Marketing to ensure we can get the word out to everyone! + +Join the Telegram and type /bridge to learn how to move funds from BSC/ETH to the Arbitrum Network + +&#x200B; + +**Websites and Socials:** + +[https://arbimatter.com](https://arbimatter.com/) + +[https://t.me/ArbiMatter](https://t.me/ArbiMatter) + +Official Contract: 0xa7e1d00f1dc94040a8aad3ad993589f3e39a6b7a + +Chart: [https://www.defined.fi/arb/0xfbf2d455cebc6fff99b0acbf28bcbbd5a71c9f36?cache=5817f](https://www.defined.fi/arb/0xfbf2d455cebc6fff99b0acbf28bcbbd5a71c9f36?cache=5817f) +Today was supposed to be the “slowest” day all year! That’s the market, never think you have it figured out! Taking losses on most of my value positions today, but holding since I have a big return YTD. Not buying, since I gave up trying to catch a falling 🔪. Sold MU on a stop order with 25% gain earlier this morning. Overall thought on the COVID scare is it will be short lived because of the vaccine, learning to cope and people do Not want a shutdown again. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃. +Alibaba is a great business and will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. There are rumblings within China and significant changes are taking place in Chinese society. It is impossible to know what may take place and what this means for Alibaba. Some of it does make sense, because some people in China have made an obscene amount of money, and the govt is moving towards a more traditional socialist path requiring corporations to share their wealth with mainstream society. + +As value investors we accept that macroeconomics or geopolitics plays no role in our investing process as these are fundamentally unpredictable. + +Now, we must not forget what Mr. Benjamin Graham taught us - "A stock represents an ownership in a business, it is not simply a piece of paper that is traded again and again". + +The problem I have is with Alibaba's ownership structure. Specifically the VIE structure. + +Yahoo at one point of time owned 43% of Alibaba, and it suffered deeply because of this structure. + +***Brief history lesson: Alipay/Ant Group grew up within Alibaba and became China’s largest payments processing company (think Mastercard, Visa, Paypal, and Stripe all in one). It was for many years one of the most valuable parts of Alibaba. Then, only a few short years ago in 2011, Alipay was stolen from the US and European investors in Alibaba’s VIE structure when the founder and CEO Jack Ma unilaterally transferred 100% ownership of Alipay into a different company controlled solely by himself.*** + +***One of the shareholders hurt was Yahoo who were a big early investor in the Alibaba VIE, amassing a 43% stake. Yet, despite that very substantial ownership, Yahoo did not even find out about the transaction until months later. When they discovered what had happened, they were of course outraged and launched into legal proceedings.*** + +***However due to the VIE structure, Yahoo (and other shareholders alongside them) were powerless to do anything. They had no legal recourse. Yahoo owned 43% of the Alibaba VIE (Fake Alibaba), so it did not technically own any portion of Alipay at all. What Yahoo legally owned was 43% of a shell corporation listed in the Cayman Islands that had some (unfortunately illegal) contracts with Alibaba. And when it came time to enforce those contracts. they were unsurprisingly unenforceable. Let us be very clear about exactly what happened: Jack Ma took a company worth billions of dollars directly from under the nose of thousands of US and European investors in the VIE, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.*** + +***Yahoo were eventually given a pitiful settlement by Mr. Ma, he offered the VIE shareholders up to $6 billion when Alipay eventually IPO’d, a sum that undervalued the asset by multiples (the recent valuation was in excess of $300bn). Naturally, Yahoo shareholders were furious, and the CEO of Yahoo was fired shortly afterwards.*** + +***Yet, despite this recent, brazen, and high-profile theft, along with many others like it, thousands of investors continue to invest in the Alibaba VIE to this day (currently valued at over $770bn). This is even though there is absolutely nothing preventing the same happening again. Or indeed the same at any other VIE. Thousands of Western investors continue to eagerly invest billions in the very structure that has been proved to offer them no protection in the past.*** + +***Most people do not realize is that the stock they buy is not Alibaba but fake Alibaba. A shell company, but I am sure most people see it as a necessary evil. Something that is mutually understood by both the company and investors. The problem is that you are completely under the mercy of the Chinese Govt. in this matter. To date no one has been able to enforce this structure in China.*** + +***Investors simply have no clue what they are actually buying when they invest in Chinese stocks. They think when they buy JD.com or Alibaba stock that they own a percentage of the company, as they do in any US or European listed company – they don’t.*** + +***The reason is that under Chinese law, foreign ownership in certain (most) Chinese industries is prohibited. As a result, it is illegal for Chinese companies like JD.com and Alibaba to have any non-Chinese shareholders. Back in the early 2000s, as the China growth engine was really beginning, Chinese companies growing quickly looked longingly at the huge amounts of capital available in the US and wanted to access it. At the same time, US investors and Wall Street firms looked longingly at the huge growth rates in China and wanted to access that. But Chinese law prevented them both from doing so.*** + +***So, a structure was developed to circumvent Chinese law: the VIE (Variable Interest Entity). This is a structure that has been around for decades, first popularized here in the US by Enron to obfuscate assets and liabilities on its balance sheet (there is the first alarm bell…).*** + +***The VIE structure achieves the dual purpose of giving Chinese companies access to Western capital, whilst simultaneously allowing Western investors access to Chinese stocks. It does so by effectively saying two different things to each side: the VIE says to the Chinese regulator that the company in question is wholly owned by Chinese nationals, while the same VIE simultaneously tells the Western shareholders that they legitimately own that Chinese company.*** + +***We will use Tencent as an example to explain the basic structure of a VIE. Tencent operates in a sector on the ‘restricted list’ issued by the government. This list outlines which sectors are prohibited from having any foreign ownership. It is a very broad list, with general wording such that in reality the majority of Chinese companies are barred from any outside ownership.*** + +***So as a result, Tencent cannot sell its shares to any non-Chinese investors. But it can circumvent this law using that VIE structure.  Without getting into complex legalities, the VIE works as follows; Tencent creates a Cayman Islands listed shell company (no real business, no office, no employees), which it also calls Tencent. (For simplicity from here onwards we will refer to the actual Tencent as ‘Real Tencent’, and the Caymans shell company as ‘Fake Tencent’) Once Fake Tencent has been setup, Real Tencent then creates a complex web of legal agreements that serve to give Fake Tencent a claim on the profits and control of the assets that belong to Real Tencent.*** + +***(Note that there is no recognition of any actual ownership, just a claim on the profits and indication of an element of control)*** + +***Fake Tencent now owns as its only asset these contracts and agreements. Fake Tencent then lists itself as a company on the NYSE, selling shares to investors under the name ‘Tencent’. Wall Street banks take in millions of dollars in fees to list Fake Tencent, and hundreds of investment firms and investors invest billions of dollars into buying shares of Fake Tencent. Bear in mind, the whole time the Western investors are buying stock in a company called ‘Tencent’ that appears to simply be the Chinese company. Fake Tencent appears to have control over the assets and a right to the profits of the real Tencent in China, even though in reality it is just a shell company with no real assets or business.*** + +***This structure has been repeated over and over for hundreds of Chinese companies, such that there are now vast numbers of VIEs listed on NYSE and NASDAQ, with the total amount invested well into the trillions of dollars.*** + +Coming back to Benjamin Graham's thesis, I would like to ask people something and would want their honest answer, if you were able to buy 60% of Alibaba(the money is available), would you gain a controlling interest in the business of Alibaba? You would not. This is not an arrangement where the Chinese and foreign investors look the other way and get things done. It is dangerous. It may very well be that Alibaba's stock price goes up next year and those who buy it now make a profit, but I would not own it, because to me a common stock is an ownership in a business and the stock listed is not Alibaba, it is something else. Buying it would go against what it means to me as a value investor. I had bought Alibaba seeing it's business and the degree to which the stock fell, but I am mostly out of that position and will sell the rest very soon. I must say that I was swayed by other value investors buying, especially Charlie Munger and allowed my brain shortcuts to hit buy. + +Another cognitive bias is looking at Alibaba and seeing how great it is as a business, but beware! you are not buying Alibaba, you are fooling yourself. The market regulators have not done their job well and I hope these Chinese stocks will be delisted ASAP. + +To those who have been able to read this far, I should say that this is my personal opinion of BABA stock, and if a friend asked me for my advice I would say that I would not own it. We value investors who think that we are different and we can be contrarian, but I think we are also capable of 'Groupthink' and can allow our brain to be biased when we see the stars in our group do something, 'the follow the leader syndrome'. + +&#x200B; + +***The highlighted parts are from the following article*** + +[https://gci-investors.com/chinese-vie-structure-wall-street-continues-to-ignore-the-risks/](https://gci-investors.com/chinese-vie-structure-wall-street-continues-to-ignore-the-risks/) +**METHODOLOGY** + +If we were to establish how many shares are traded across the market each day through odd lot orders and combine this data with the known retail daily buy/sell order ratios, we could predict with a certain level of accuracy the accumulation of GME shares held among retail, given retail overwhelmingly trades in odd lots and institutions trade in round lots. + +**SEC DATA** + +[The SEC publishes very detailed trade data for each quarter](https://www.sec.gov/opa/data/market-structure/market-structure-data-security-and-exchange) This has a wealth of information that can be used for many purposes in future DD's. + +**ODD LOTS** + +This data includes a column for daily 'TradesForOddLots' and 'OddLotVol('000)' + +From the SEC README: + +· TradesForOddLots = Trades: Count of trades from order-based exchanges. + +· TradeVolForOddLots('000) = TradeVol('000): Sum of trade volume from order-based exchanges. + +The daily average share count per odd lot can be calculated by dividing the Odd lot volume by the odd lot trades. + +[SEC Data shows the average share count per odd lot order to be 16 shares +-4 (trimmed ave) from Jan 2021 through Q3 2022](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTwztu4PEglwKkS7EVY_uY7Lbl8kcLdATGwt3Ff_hHukIkazYgATFOVhXL0OcxdjjgwQhxUvy1k5ho-/pubchart?oid=1911097850&format=interactive) + +This is interesting on a couple of counts IMO. First, It is surprisingly consistent even during big price swings. Second, I would have expected to see a significant jump after the Splitivind on July 22nd 2022. But there is hardly a move. I have written to the SEC to try to understand why the split did nothing to the odd lot share count...Update to follow if i get a response. + +Retail is known to be responsible for the majority of Odd Lot Trades. Institutions deal in larger round lots. [The rise of the retail odd lot phenomena is detailed nicely in this condescending post showcasing what institutions can do about it!](https://www.cowen.com/insights/retail-trading-whats-going-on-what-may-change-and-what-can-institutional-traders-do-about-it/) + +**FIDELITY** + +The SEC data is great but what is missing is how many of these odd lot trades are buys and how many are sells. + +Luckily for us, our good friends over at Fidelity ~~are~~ were publishing their retail orders for the top 30 tickers on their platform. [For some unknown reason they moved this information behind an account wall on Sept 15th 2022.](https://digital.fidelity.com/prgw/digital/research/src/details/orders) So you would need to log in to your fidelity account to see it now. + +But fear not! in another strike of luck, the folks over at [Way Back Time Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20220000000000*/https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/gotoBL/fidelityTopOrders.jhtml) have a detailed, [albeit a little incomplete historical dataset of this data post sneeze](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTwztu4PEglwKkS7EVY_uY7Lbl8kcLdATGwt3Ff_hHukIkazYgATFOVhXL0OcxdjjgwQhxUvy1k5ho-/pubchart?oid=1746944991&format=interactive) (log scale). Unfortunately the Wayback time machine no longer can access the data. Obfuscation by design... + +**~~MARGE~~** **MERGE** + +By merging the SEC average shares per odd lot, with the fidelity Buys/Sell lots for GME, we can infer the share accumulation among Fidelity customers for GME over time. If we go a step further and presume the actions of Fidelity retail investors are aligned with the actions of the broader retail markets, we can apply the Fidelity share accumulation ratio across the market as a whole. + +In short, what Fidelity retail does, so does APE-X, Interape-ive Brokers, Robbinghood and other PFOF 'customers'. Which is Buy and Hold and DRS. + +[This data is interesting IMO because it shows the unwavering buying pressure and hunger for GME shares among retail regardless of price action](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTwztu4PEglwKkS7EVY_uY7Lbl8kcLdATGwt3Ff_hHukIkazYgATFOVhXL0OcxdjjgwQhxUvy1k5ho-/pubchart?oid=1362997260&format=interactive). + +When the price goes up Apes buy! When the price goes down Apes buy! When the price stays flat Apes buy! WTF. I guess retail just likes the stock. + +**MIND BLOWN** + +>!Get yourself some mayo and tissues for this next chart!<. + +What do we get when we apply the odd lot Fidelity share accumulation to the broader market data provided via the SEC and how does that grow in context of the entire GME pre-split float of 58.19M shares? + +[We get to see the entire fuking float being accumulated over and over and over and over and over](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTwztu4PEglwKkS7EVY_uY7Lbl8kcLdATGwt3Ff_hHukIkazYgATFOVhXL0OcxdjjgwQhxUvy1k5ho-/pubchart?oid=1433058966&format=interactive)! + +The purple diamonds in the chart are the published DRS numbers from Gamestop. As of last quarter, 6.35% of the shown accumulated retail shares were DRS'd. This is trending upwards. Pull your finger out and put it in a purple circle FFS. + +The data also shows retail through odd lot share accumulation has been consistently doubling the entire float every 4 months, now above 540% since the January 2021 sneeze. + +Let that sink in.... + +**TRUST ME BRO** + +[Here is a link to the published google drive data used in this post.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NQDHEySi6XQL7oQhg_1epJici7cZmByduy7DO-fdeuo/edit?usp=sharing) Use it as you see fit. DRS mo-fo's. + +**TL:DRS** + +SEC Odd Lot raw data crossed with Fidelity customer order data indicates the entire GME float continues to be bought outright by retail through the DTCC every 4 months, showing 540% as of September '22. + +As of June 30th 2022, 6% of GME retail shares purchased post sneeze were DRS'd. + +SEC Odd lot data shows a negligible increase in the average daily share count per odd lot order after the Splitivind. This does not look correct and the SEC has been asked to clarify. + +**WALLSTREET IS FUK'D** + +EDIT: Post has stalled. Now beginning a decline in upvotes. Removed from my profile. Downgraded to ‘Speculation’ from ‘DD’ confirmation bias. Close to the end the shorts may be…. +The entire market is bloody red and today is the day 801 is suppose to be passed. If you don't know what it is, please read about it! In short, hedgies need to put up like 20x the collateral to short or in other words they are fucked! Dogecoin is soaring and who owns a lot of dogecoin? That's right, fucking robinthehood! Guess what? Rh is basically citadel bitch, so basically citadel is pumping up doge to raise money. Guess what, rh restricts selling so citadel can make money and retails gets fucked over again. Get out of rh already! Check the rest of cryptos, they are all down and Elon didn't tweet anything about dogecoin. Hm interesting, maybe shitadel needs money to not be margin called + +Apparently shares are hard to fill overseas! Liquidity is drying up. Why can't you buy shares? Maybe there aren't any real shares floating around and you can't buy fake shares overseas! Here is a picture of no volume from today!https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4t1mb/we_just_had_two_1_min_candles_with_0_volume_in/?utm_medium=android_app&amp;utm_source=share + +Also shitadel registering something in Cayman Islands. There are no coincidences, shits going down. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4sbhz/omg_wtf_did_shitadel_register_something_in_the/ + +Also technical analysis is pointing to a breakdown at the apex soon and many DD out there talking about the Elliot wave and how we are primed to pop. Also the TTM squeeze is showing signs of a pop! Not to mention the Macd and the volume drying up, that's a good sign for big volume to come in and you know what happens afterwards 🚀 + +Also Reddit been down for me for an hour or so! Please let me know if you apes are experiencing it as well. Remember when they took down wsb and gme sub? Yeah it is coming together. Also a lot of apes are having technical difficulties from Reddit. Hm, coincidence again? + +Also gme is hard to borrow on TDA +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4qmg5/ooooopppss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +Anyways no dates, my point is that dogecoin going up and the market going down today isn't a coincidence. Some shit is brewing and my tits are jacked. Always jacked! + +Diamond hand apes, we are in the endgame + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎✋✋✋ + +If I miss something or I am wrong on some points, please let me know!!! + +BTW gme is moving up after hours? Hmmmm interesting + +IMPORTANT INFO, 801 is ready!!🚀🚀🚀 +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n51u5d/sec_has_no_objections_to_nscc801/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +I live in a poor country (Macedonia) , it is 4th poorest country in europe, + +Please give me tips how to make some money from crypto (Around 0.10-5$ a day) , i have around 2 hours a day to spend on it , also if possible without fees and requiring to pay,watching ads is also ok , just no mining, my laptop is so weak to mine + +i have no money to invest in crypto,, + +i have no problem with doing surveys , preferably if i can get money without id as corrupt government tracks everything here and sells all data, even 2$ a day is enough to pay for food for whole month +"In China all land is state-owned, the economy is governed centrally and planned through five-year plans. Heavy industry and strategic resources are nationalized. If any private party touches the terrain of the five-year plan dedicated to the state or cooperatives, they are immediately expropriated. Huawei and Xiaomi, Chinese electronics giants, are cooperatives where 2/3 of the profits go to the workers and 1/3 to the growth of the company. The creator of Huawei owns 1% of the shares of the company, the rest belongs to the workers. All large private companies in China have a CCP cadre on their board to keep them well controlled, as the NEP mandates". + +Basically a successful example of what Lenin considered the NEP (which is considered justified by socialists from what I've read)? I also think someone else asked this here before, but I don't mind. Still, why do people call the country capitalist when it comes to the economy? It looks more socialist to me, but correct me in anything that's wrong here. +I’ve always wondered this since I don’t understand it much nor have I been in the position lol + +Say someone makes $500,000 off a token, decides to cash out, sends it to coinbase or etc wherever, then sells it on there, do you just then deposit it from there into your bank? + +I mean I would assume the bank would be questioning where this came from or if it’s legal etc if you’re someone who just typically makes like 60k a year lol. + +How does that work or what does one do? + +Especially cause sometimes coins just skyrocket and people wanna take their profits fast +I'm also seeing that mods are banning people asking why. + +https://imgur.com/gallery/lXMwNbO + +Of course, we already know why: + +https://dailyhodl.com/2021/12/21/polygon-matic-creates-200000000-fund-with-reddit-co-founder-to-back-games-and-social-media-on-blockchain/ + +This is not a call to arms. This is not a post to condone brigading, but something needs to be done about the blatant censorship from power-hungry mods. + +Take to Twitter. Take to Discord. Spread the word because the cryptoverse is ~~comprised~~ compromised on Reddit. + +EDIT: the prevailing narrative seems to be mods went with a scorched earth strategy on bans to mitigate brigading and multiple posts. + +**This does not explain why the initial announcement post was deleted and all the comments nuked**. + +Mods banned and muted me lol +I was reading up on US drug manufacturers with U&C pricing, PBMs, insurance, patents, and the like, and even though all that what I couldn't wrap my head around was how EU drug manufacturers make profit with, and I could be wrong on this fact, their government setting a cap on drug prices. + +Wouldn't a market cap disincentivize R&D? Or at least limit it? + +Or can EU manufacturers simply copy what US R&D produces and use the formula and create a new patent in the EU? + +I have no idea how patents work over international borders and I could be very underinformed about the process so feel free to correct me on any and all points made! + +https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-16/as-migration-restarts-does-it-hold-down-wages-for-everyone-/100620538 + +"We've seen the experiment of that in COVID, and in shutting down of our borders, and what impact that has on the labour market, which has been quite negligible." + +Who are they trying to fool? The labour market has been hugely affected by a lack of cheap temporary workers and it has driven up wages for the first time in many years... +Hi all. Thank you very much for your time. + +I currently live in Spain, I have a net income of 35k From this I save 20-25k annually. This situation is not going to change, I have a lot of stability. I do not plan to have large expenses in the short-medium term. + +I have 15k invested in Vanguard funds and others to a lesser extent + +I have 35k in the bank doing nothing (this is what I want to invest) + +I have 2k invested in the American stock market (I do this for fun) + +I'm 24 years old. My goal is not to lose purchasing power due to inflation, and I am willing to take low-moderate risk + +How do you see my situation? What would you do if you were me? +I do not have much knowledge in investing and am still learning but I often see people saying that XEQT us a safe long term investment around this subreddit. Why is this? What separates this from other ETFs. Sorry if this is a very basic question but there are so much terminology and jargon that it is quite difficult for me to understand even the basics +I'm seeing WAY too much crying over Ortex, volume, price, charts, parabola, and manipulation. + +This sub is being slid with this shit all weekend. The very same weekend the 3 most important rule proposals' comment periods end. + +The amount of pushback on commenting is eerily similar to the pushback DRS received at first. + +Stand on the sidelines, and you won't change anything. + +But DRSing your investments and commenting, will bring the very change we all seek. + +You want moass? + +Stop wishing for it. + +**DO SOMETHING TO REALIZE IT.** + +EZ Comment Guide found here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yggyr0/swaps\_shorts\_and\_securities\_lending\_want\_better/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yggyr0/swaps_shorts_and_securities_lending_want_better/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +edit: came back to credit OP of the comment guide u/Conscious_Student_37 and saw we have some heroes watching NEW. Thank you for the awards, together we can make a difference. +Learning how to be financially independent is so important, but we don't learn that in school. + +So let's start a thread of the best financial independence advice you've ever received. + +Here's a list of mine: +1. Pay yourself first. +2. The first $100k is the hardest. +3. Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. +4. Take asymmetrical risks. +5. A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one. +6. Investing in a well diversified, low-cost Index fund (ie S&P500) consistently over the long haul is much safer than putting cash in your bank. +7. Spend less than you earn. +8. Make money work for you while you're sleeping. +9. Time in the market beats timing the market. +Correct me if I am wrong but the Soviet Union and consequently central planning are considered to be failures at least economics-wise. But I was bored and looking at GDP per capita over [here](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/maddison-data-gdp-per-capita-in-2011us?tab=chart&year=1957&country=Former%20USSR+USA) and found that the USSR seemed to do quite well. Starting in 1921 at a GDP per capita of $1,051 and ending in 1991 with GDP per capita of $18,574 means that the USSR grew by 1657%. Doing the same thing over the same period with the USA results in them growing by 348%. My question is if the USSR grew so quickly then why are it and central planning considered a "failure"? +DISCLAIMER: we have a roof over our heads and clothes but we barely get by, lower middle class. I woke up today and for the 1st time, my bank account was in the negatives. Growing up I never obsessed over money like others. When I got it I was generous and quick to lend it out. But life was better financially when I had 2 parents in one house. Now because of the financial struggle and my adolescent social media usage I’ve become mentally obsessed with the concept of money. I have 2 pairs of shoes and one of them lean like crazy, I am known for wearing the same 2/3 outfits, we don’t have that much food in the fridge and a lot of what we eat comes from family friends and people my mother is close w. I’m 19, and I work a part time job. Some days I consider getting a full time job so I can support myself and move out but the issue is I’m a student, and I don’t know if it’s my raging depression, or if I’m too lazy to commit to the miserable 9-5 middle class American life. + +There are days sometimes when my stomach is empty and as a result I’m in a bad bitchy mood. And then I log onto Instagram and people are buying new houses, going to fast food restaurants(I use most of my money on fast food because clothes will leave me damn near empty pocketed), buying nice cars, being able to afford a car, wearing nice clothes or at least being able to switch it up, decent beds that aren’t leaning like mines, and all types of things I’ve never been able to afford. I can’t afford the latest PS5, the latest sneakers, we can barely afford to get by. My mother works so hard without a doubt, but working hard in America doesn’t guarantee success. THE AMERICAN DREAM IS NOT REAL. 😐 + +So is this the universe way to punish us? Ik it sounds funny but what can I do to become rich? Or before that financially stable? It’s like a never ending wet dream of mine, Idk if this is the universe punishing me. If thought this for a while about our financial lifestyle but waking up and finding my bank account almost 30 dollars in the negative/overdraft fees today reminded me of how down bad we’ve been, and compelled me to come here. I don’t want sympathy, I don’t want funds, I want a solution. For myself and for my future children, that’s all. 🤷🏿‍♂️ +Yeah, well, can someone give me a cool $100,000 so I can test that theory? + +I'm so sick of seeing this saying everywhere when i'm constantly worried about money. It's such bullshit. I guess the saying only says "happiness" because money CAN buy you peace of mind. +Oriental Bank of Commerce and United Bank merged with Punjab National Bank + +Canara Banka and Syndicate Bank merged + +Union Bank of India, Andhra Bank, Corporation Bank will be merged + +Indian Bank is being merged with Allahabad Bank + +Bank of India and Central Bank of India will continue to function as is. + +https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/nirmala-sitharaman-press-meet-live-updates/article29299217.ece +It appears the prevailing wisdom for theta profits is to sell -.30 delta 30-45DTE puts and close them for 50% of the total premium to minimize gamma swings closer to expiration. + +How did this 50% number come about - Is there mathematics behind it or just a conservative benchmark? +Just imagine how fast we will DRS the entire available float if they drop the price to single figures. Remember, we're not locked in with them, they're locked in here with us! All short sellers are eventual buyers. There is no escape from the inevitable. 🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: Wow! Walked the dog and came back to this. Thanks for all the awards.🙏 Hope this post helps to keep perspective. The price is fake until the shorts close. +So, you made enough money, and now you don't have to work anymore. What gives your life meaning now? Work is good at stealing hours of your life and energy, so many of us don't have time to think of existential things. But without such drain, what is driving you, what makes you tick, what gives your life meaning and joy, sense of accomplishment? Sure RE is not the last accomplishment you want to have in your life +If your a dumb fuck like me and bought NVX because your a stupid FOMO retard what are your plans going forward? Cut your losses or pray big dick Elon sends us all to mars. Personally I only put $500 in because knew it was risky so I’m prepared to ride it right into the ground on the off chance we all get sent on a moon holiday +1st Attempted partial DD as you should do your own as well, be kind and add or rip it to shreds!  Yeah yeah no financials for the last 1/4 yet.  Even when release will only show a LITTLE bit of the CBD roll-out, and by then you will be too late to get on the rocket. + +First invested with $MTRX.V (TSX) in the .35 range, bought and sold along the way.  Currently 3,200 shares in trade @ .95 average.  319 in TFSA @ 1.83.   Last news didn't really move SP at all, not sure why. I think it is perhaps NEWS RELEASE Fatigue or non golfers going WTF is Korn Ferry sounds like a metal band!  + + + Latest news.  + + +Loop insights posted News Jan 22,2020. +https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/loop-insights-selected-bdg-sports-110000365.html + +As Im not a sports guy and last time I went golfing was 20 + years ago and that was just for drinking. + +https://www.pgatour.com/korn-ferry-tour/tournaments/paiute-las-vegas-championship.html + +Las Vegas, a longtime home to the PGA TOUR, will host its Korn Ferry Tour event at the Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort’s Sun Mountain Course (about 30 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip), April 12-18. One of three courses on-site at Paiute Golf Resort, the Sun Mountain layout measures 7,112 yards and features rolling terrain set to a massive mountain backdrop. + +All about the championship game. + +https://paiutechampionship.com/ + +Current leaderboard? +http://www.espn.com/golf/leaderboard;?tour=korn_ferry + +Each golfer comes with a caddy and I would assume a supporter or two or more. 18 holes so 18 Check-in points minimum over 4 days.   Staff etc counts for #'s as well.    Can't find the article now, but it has been suggested by PGA that Korn Ferry tour is a test run for PGA tour which they are hoping for 5,000 fans for games. + +Download the investor deck here: +https://share.hsforms.com/1rPMu6QzzRU2Jf_3ofSqKkw3hqsz + +Look at page 13 for Loops Revenue Model +Interesting Releases Working Backwards. + +Jan 22:  Korn Ferry Championship + +Jan 19: Integrated crypto, makes it very easy for brick and mortar to accept crypto. + +Jan 14: Pilot with PharmAssist Solutions:  Up to 12,000 UK pharmacies up for Grabs for IOT data. +Jan 12: Acquired Passcreator (digital wallet with Tier 1 customers already) + +Jan 8th: Company has been selected by bdG Sports to provide its venue management platform to the Big West Conference Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championships being held March 9-13, 2021 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center in Las Vegas. + +Jan 7th: Company has appointed Danny M Spataro as Sr. Director of Sales, Sports, and Entertainment, effective January 11th. (look him up) + +Jan 4th: TELUS (T:TSX; TU:NYSE) is accelerating its partnership with Loop Insights in 2021 by launching a direct and indirect national sales & marketing campaign showcasing Loop’s IoT solutions stack. +  +Dec 17:   global partnership agreement with NTT + DATA Corp of Japan (TYO:9613), a global leader in technology services and a top-ranked global Internet of Things (IoT) consulting and system integration services company, with $USD 20-billion in revenues in 2020  NTT is heavily going for Smart Cities and AI + + + +Etc Etc Etc +LOOP PARTNERS/CONNECTIONS TO DATE:   Empower ( .05 to .365 in past 6 months) Telus (23-26.44 and is launching a HUGE AI IOT spinoff in 2021) NTT DATA (11.96-14.73 in past 6 months) Venue Next, iStoc, SG Retail, BDG Sports, Simpli Flying , Dragonfly.... and more..   THINK GLOBAL not local.   + + +TLDR   + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + + +LOOP is an AI and IOT play, not a covid play.  DATA is the driver not COVID.  COVID just added some fuel to LOOP and they are set-up with the right partners to rocket in 2021. + +Edited: spacing +So let me get this straight, + +- Warren Buffet, the king of hodl, is selling a lot of his positions, including banks, and 100% of JP Morgan. https://youtu.be/ZJekc8t0aFo +- Steve Cohen just sold his penthouse, interesting timing, after trying to sell it for 8 years. +- Citadel is executing buy orders through Dark Pools, and selling on the open market, to artificially drive down the price. +- Better Markets is filing a legal brief against Citadel to stop them “from rigging the markets to protect their predatory behaviour.” +- CEO, George Sherman has his contract up for renewal on April 15th (or not). +- GameStop searching for a new CEO. +- (Possible) share recall at some point. +- Shit ton of options expiring this Friday. +- Big Banks release earnings information on April 15. +- The SEC is awaiting to have their new chair nominated. +- Rule 801 and 005 could be passed at any moment. +- The shorts have still NOT covered their shorts. + +Yeah, nothing to see here, move along. + +Post edited for further clarification. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/08/costco-beats-profit-estimates-as-margin-pressures-ease-shares-rise.html + +Costco Wholesale whizzed past analysts' estimates for quarterly profit. + +The warehouse club operator's margins were lifted by a drop in gas prices and a shift to lower-cost sourcing. + +Costco said it will raise its starting wages to $15 and $15.50 per hour, from $14 and $14.50 per hour in the United States and Canada amid a tight labor market. +I'm familiar with the capabilities of GPT-3 for a long time and I used it and other NLP models during the last two years. Despite that, I cannot ignore how dramatic the launch of ChatGPT and its massive adoption are. + +It makes me wonder what industries and companies will be affected by that. Unfortunately, the first companies I can think of are $UPWK and $FVRR, which I hold. It is likely that a large part of their work will be replaced by this technology. + +If you have any ideas about who stands to gain or lose, I'd love to hear them. +EDIT: Many of you are asking about how to enable two factor authentication for Wells Fargo, see the comment below: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/66n4li/i_just_discovered_that_wells_fargo_account_login/dgjuo1u +1. Don’t buy presale. The scam rate is more than 50%. Statistically, YOU WILL LOSE. + +2. Don’t buy if you see a huge dev wallet. +Look at their bscscan link and look under holders. If you see a wallet with more than 2% before launch, stay away. + +3. Don’t buy just because it’s upvoted a lot and has a lot of awards. It’s easy to ask on telegram to upvote and it only costs a few bucks to award a post. + +4. Don’t buy without verifying that liquidity is locked. +Don’t listen to the devs saying it’s locked, verify. + +5. Don’t buy if you see thousands of twitter followers but barely any likes or comments on posts. They bought the followers for $20 bucks. Same thing with telegram. + +6. Don’t listen if it’s a team with a previous 100x. It’s most likely a lie. Why would they create a second coin if the first one was so good? People don’t have time to work on two projects at once. They are trying to fool you. And if they are really creating multiple ones, the answer is simple, it’s a pump and dump. + +7. Avoid buying in the first 30-60 minutes. I know you miss the best entry doing it but given the # of scams now, it’s worth waiting. + +8. No website but maximum shill. If they say guaranteed 100x and have barely done any work, it's a scam. + +9. Advertising “presale sold out in x minutes” is not always a good thing. It can all be bought up by people who will dump shortly after launch. + +10. Verify that the developers are known. If you don't know the owner, it's a huge gamble. I leave this one last because almost 99% of coins here fail this point and there are some that have unknown devs that succeeded. That's the nature of DeFi after all. Also, as we progress into this mania, even having a known dev will not be enough because people will think they can get away with scams, until they don't. I mean, hello bitconnect. + +Seriously guys, if we collectively stop putting our money in all these shitcoins, the world will be a better place. Stop supporting this behavior. +Every week the scams get more and more convincing and scammers find new tricks up their sleeves. You always have to improve your DYOR. + + +For the mods of this subreddit. You all need to find more moderators. You can’t keep up. + +Edit: A lot of people are asking how to verify if liquidity is locked. +Unfortunately, the average redditor can't verify on their own. You have to wait for a reputable audit. +Even if the liquidity is locked, scammers can have a mint method that creates more coins out of thin air. +To give you an idea of the process to verify, read this article here: +https://unifundglobal.medium.com/liquidity-locking-b86e431c7ed2 + +Don’t trust anything in crypto, including myself. I’m just another fool. +I'm not even talking about borrowing. I just mean when coworkers, for instance, want to do an after work dinner. Or a group of friends want to go out for drinks. It should be the new norm to accept that most people choose to forgo travel, dining out and other stuff until payday. People need to realize that bills/debt can be absolutely ravenous in spite of a decent income. +According to this URL (https://hedgescompany.com/blog/2019/03/new-bmw-owner-demographics/): "...in the BMW 7-series, the 2019 740i has an MSRP starting at $83,650, up to the somewhat rare Alpina B7 with a starting MSRP of $139,350. **The average household income of a new BMW 7-Series buyer is $184,170.**). + +As someone with a household income much higher than that $184K, I have trouble fathoming a splurge on a BMW 7 series - I just don't want to throw money down the drain of depreciation. Am I way off base here or is the frugalness of the average fatFIRE redditor in line with my thinking? +I’m a bit wary of putting cash into the market right now, so paying off the mortgage on my primary seems like the best idea. + +I was also thinking about only paying off 75% of it as I have a very low interest rate (3%) and investing the rest when the market bottoms out. Thoughts? + +Edit: thanks for all the comments y’all. This forum seems to be very evenly split across 3 options: + +1. Pay whole mortgage off +2. Pay some mortgage off (including option to recast), invest some (50/50) +3. Invest all (DCA/conservative investments) + +I went ahead and used 66% of the gain to pay down my mortgage and will invest 34% more in I-bonds, DCA, and another investment arm I have access to. This was close to my original plan and was somewhat validated by this forum. + +The house I am in right now as my primary is not my forever home, but my forever home will undoubtedly cost more so I’m comfortable putting a large sum of money towards the mortgage since that housing expense will be larger in the future when I eventually trade up anyway. Better to have more of a principal paid off for when I trade up in the future as well since interest rates on a future home will be sky high. (I live in the highest COL area in the world btw.) + +Another note I will make is that I didn’t have to pay cap gains on the gains from the sale of the income property because it was my primary for the first 2 of the last 5 years before I rented it out. +I have three reasons for why I prefer to rent right now instead of actively looking for a house. + +1) My rent is dirt cheap. Between my brother (roommate) and I, we pay $500/month plus a few meager utilities. As I’m debt-free and frugal in most other areas, this $250/month is almost pocket change, and is obviously incomparable to what I’d pay on a mortgage. +2) The place I’m renting now is on a farm and has everything I’m looking for in a nesting place. Solitude, space for our dogs to exercise, a beautiful, private trophy bass lake to fish and swim, plenty of room to garden, etc. Landlord isn’t a control freak and lets me basically treat it as my own. Realistically, I wouldn’t be able to buy a place even half this nice at this point in my life, and why would I want to settle for a place I’d be less happy? +3) I don’t want to sound like I’m counting on a windfall, but my long-term girlfriend is an only child and her parents are our landlords. If we get married and stay together (which is the long-term plan) we’d realistically be living here anyway. I know life throws you the unexpected sometimes and this is not an excuse to not save for my own place “just-in-case” but it IS a solid relationship and would nullify any reason I’d personally want to own another house. + +These are my reasons. Most of my friends have bought “starter homes” at this point and think it’s dumb that I shouldn’t aspire to do the same. I feel as though the traditional “American dream” isn’t a mold that everybody should be pushed into, and that a different path in life might be okay in certain situations. What do you think? +Tax time is coming up and the only thing worse than the stock picks I see on here is the general level of knowledge on CGT. + +Here is a guide that should answer the majority of your dumbfuck questions. I'll also throw in some tips to help you out with what records you need and if you want to see an accountant how to best keep the fee low. The more you give the accountant the less you'll get charged. + +None of the below should be taken as taxation advice and I implore you all to do some further research on your own scenarios or seek out assistance with your accountant. + +# What makes up capital gains + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/hsn4oblmfq771.gif + +As far as the taxman cares, basically everything that you can buy that you expect to appreciate in value that is not a personal use asset is subject to CGT. This excludes some personal use assets, your motor vehicle and principal place of residence. + +Capital assets subject to CGT include: + +* Rental and Investment properties +* Shares +* Cryptocurrency +* Collectables acquired for over $500 (i.e. pokemon cards, art, etc) +* Some personal use assets + +Link to the ATO: [https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/cgt-assets-and-exemptions/](https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/cgt-assets-and-exemptions/) + +# How do I calculate capital gain on a sale? + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/7p8ra2lbfq771.gif + +Every buy and sell you have can be broken down into its cost base and the proceeds on sale. I'll keep this relevant to the sub and use shares - property and other items take a little bit longer to calculate. + +&#x200B; + +**Cost Base** + +* Purchase Price - number of shares x price per share +* Brokerage Fee on Purchase +* Brokerage Fee on Sale + +**Proceeds** + +* Sale Price - number of shares x price per share + +One of the most autistic debates I see are when people partly sell their initial share parcel purchase. + +For more information: [https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/working-out-your-capital-gain-or-loss/cost-base/elements-of-the-cost-base-and-reduced-cost-base/](https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/working-out-your-capital-gain-or-loss/cost-base/elements-of-the-cost-base-and-reduced-cost-base/) + +***Scenario:*** *Autist buys a speccy miner for 500 shares @ $1 per share. Value of the shares miraculously doubles to $2 per share. Autist wants to take out their initial value of capital but let the remaining money do its thing (i.e. "Free-Carrying)* + +*This is absolutely fine to do, however, to rip out the $500, they have sold half of their shares (i.e. 250 shares out of the initial 500 shares). There is a capital gain on the 250 shares sold, i.e. a capital gain of $250.* ***Capital gain is always calculated on sale per share. Not value.*** + +&#x200B; + +For assets that you've held for over a year, you will be eligible to claim a 50% discount on the capital gain of the sale. + +&#x200B; + +# Ok OP I've made capital loss on some sales, made some capital gains and I've made some discount capital gains. What do I put in my tax return? + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/14cs2tmifq771.gif + +Unfortunately this one isn't as easy as you might think. The Taxman would want to limit the use of capital losses as much as possible, so capital losses must be applied before the discount capital gains are allowed to be used. + +&#x200B; + +Effectively, if you made $500 of capital losses, but you made a $500 capital gain on an asset you held on for over a year, you cannot deduct the 50% and carry forward a capital loss. + +&#x200B; + +If you are in the fortunate position that you've made a bunch of non-discounted capital gains and discount capital gains, always look to apply the non-discount gains against your capital losses first. + +&#x200B; + +I'll illustrate this in another scenario below: + +* Capital loss for the year: $500 +* Capital loss carried forward: $1,000 +* Non-discount capital gains: $2,000 +* Discount capital gains (gross): $3,000 + +&#x200B; + +First of all, you must apply capital losses against capital gains in the order the loss was made. You apply your current year capital losses first and then carried forward capital losses in the order the losses were generated. What you want to do is apply all of the losses first against the $2,000 of non-discount capital gains, allowing you to reduce your overall net capital gain by taking up the discount on the discount capital gains. + +The calculation would go as follows: + +$2,000 - $500- $1,000 = $500 capital gains + +$3,000 x 0.5 = $1,500 discount capital gains + +Net Capital Gain = $2,000 + +For more information: [https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Capital-gains-tax/Working-out-your-capital-gain-or-loss/Working-out-your-net-capital-gain-or-loss/](https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Capital-gains-tax/Working-out-your-capital-gain-or-loss/Working-out-your-net-capital-gain-or-loss/) + +# Brave assumption that anybody here needs to worry about a capital gain or even the need to worry about a discount capital gain. OP I fucked up and swimming in losses. Surely this can at least benefit me by reducing my tax? + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/xhn9zrkjfq771.gif + +This one is an interesting question and really comes down to how you are classified for tax purposes. You can either be classified as a: + +* Share Investor +* Share Trader + +Be careful with this one and this is really a conversation to be had with your accountant. A share trader is where you run share trading as a business, making all of your buys and sells assessable items. A share investor is where you buy and sell shares but you are not in the operation of share trading. I would think most here are classified as "share investors". + +Share traders have the benefit of claiming losing trades against their assessable income. However, they do not get the benefit of the 50% Capital Gains discount. + +Share investors get the benefit of the 50% discount and everything is run on a capital basis. One of the last thing the taxman wants to do is let you autists claim a tax deduction against your losses. + +For more info: [https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/shares,-units-and-similar-investments/shareholding-as-investor-or-share-trading-as-business-/](https://www.ato.gov.au/general/capital-gains-tax/shares,-units-and-similar-investments/shareholding-as-investor-or-share-trading-as-business-/) + +&#x200B; + +# Real World Tips + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/1izwyn7kfq771.gif + +* If you are doing your own taxes, I would suggest to keep an excel spreadsheet on all of your buys and sells. For all of your HODLs that you sell in different financial years it won't come through on your annual CommSex report. This applies to your longer term holds where you can apply for discount capital gains too. +* u/sharesight seems to be a bit of a gift for a lot of people managing their own tax returns. I've recently started using it and seems pretty comprehensive to me (Sharesight free premium pls). They seem to offer a few options on how you want to calculate your end of year capital gain which is pretty cool and useful. +* If you want to see an accountant, provide as much detail as possible in as easiest format as possible. This would likely be a transaction report clearly showing all buys and sells. Even better if you can group it via ticker code so buys and sells can be matched quicker. Make sure the brokerage amount is captured somewhere as well. If you see the same accountant year on year they should be maintaining some form of workpaper with your historical buys to use in the next tax year as well. + +&#x200B; + +# Community Questions + +&#x200B; + +https://i.redd.it/ht9o6oxkfq771.gif + +u/Tacomaster33- *As I'm young I know fook all about tax in terms of practicality, I'd like to know what the average accountant fee is. Last 2 years its ranged from $200-$500 (different accountabts). Also, even though none of my questions are cgt related, I know I can do it myself online but how hard is it in terms of the shares aspect? Last and least, why did you become an accountant? I did a year of that shit at uni and fooked right off to the economics side of finance?* + +Good question mate. It honestly depends on a lot of factors. The amount of time it takes for an accountant to prepare your return, have it reviewed by a manager and signed off by a partner all comes into the fee amount. The more you have running, the more the fee will be. The better condition you give the information to your accountant to, the better. This includes excel spreadsheets summarising your information such as: + +* Deductions - I would provide details of these and attach receipts in a folder or embedded into the excel sheet. This includes your donations made, uniform, work-related phone use etc +* Dividends - Usually a commsec report will do that has your EOFY Tax Summary. The accountant will basically look for the tax summary and compare it against your ATO Pre-Fill +* Share Trades - As mentioned before you really want to give it in some form of excel or csv format that the accountant can filter through + +I would think $200 would be average for salary and wage and some basic deductions. The CGT stuff is really where you want the time to be saved on and it does depend on how many trades you typically do. + +Unfortunately I've never actually used the MyGov CGT workpaper. I would presume there is a section where you can put in current year capital gains, discount capital gains and capital losses. These can be calculated easily enough using my above methodology. + +Reason for being an accountant: Got a few family members in the area, felt like I was alright at maths, enjoy the people side of accounting and getting to see businesses grow and families do well. + +u/Arnoldslehrling *Is it possible to calculate and pay CGT on profits ahead of tax time?* + +I've never seen anyone ask to do this before funnily enough. I think if you are within the Pay-As-You-Go Instalment system, you'd be able to edit your quarterly Instalment for what you believe your estimated tax for the year will be. + +Honestly, if you kept an excel log of your buys and sells and keep a record of your capital gain as you go (which is what I do) you can estimate the end of year tax payable and keep this money aside. + +I.e. if you think you'll make $20k of capital gains what you could do is calculate the tax payable going off your marginal tax rate (for instance if you're over $180k you'll be on 47% + 2% medicare levy) so you can expect to pay an additional amount of \~$10k tax. + +u/zupahorse \- *Are you sometimes as heavily armed as Ben Affleck is in the Accountant?* + +Funnily enough I have not seen this movie so I don't have a witty response. + +u/Ruskiwasthebest1975 \- *So i know i cant claim cgt losses against normal income etc…….but im not clear if i was to sell a rental property for gains but lose on share sales can i claim that share cap loss against a property cap gain since they are both cap gains? Or can i only claim the real estate losses against real estate and shares against shares?* + +Good question. All capital gains and losses fall under the same heading in the end and do not need to be classified against like for like assets. + +u/AntiCGT \- *One ticker I have bought and then added to multiple times then sold some then bought and so on, what methods other than FIFO are there and how to calculate?* + +The ATO offers you the flexibility to choose which parcel of shares you have "sold." This can help you allocated share sales against parcels that can optimise your own scenario. + +The usual ways you can apply share sales are: + +* FIFO +* LIFO +* Maximise CG +* Minimise CG + +Everyone always goes on about minimising capital gains, however, there are occasions where you can find maximising the capital gain is advantageous in your circumstance. For example, if you are low income earner in this current financial year but are expecting a large pay increase or earning capacity next year, you might find that you want to crystallise the largest capital gain this year on the lower tax bracket as opposed to next year. This is all completely dependent on your own situation but just know that you do have options out there. As mentioned u/sharesight also offers this as an option for you if you use their services (swear I'm not endorsed I just think it's a cool feature!) + +&#x200B; + +# Thanks for taking the time to read everybody. + +This was my first community post so I hope I was able to provide some helpful information to you autists. +TL;DR: The goal of the post is to spread FUD by lowering the price expectations from $10m to $100k and to make you worry that this will take months to unravel so better sell at $100k than not. Please beware. + +**EDIT 1: The post has now been removed and locked by MODS. THANKS!** + +~~**EDIT 2: The post has now been made visible again by MODS**~~ (AND it’s gone again now) + +**EDIT 3: Thanks for pointing out that I need to wrap this post in a credible amount of “BUY & HODLE” and rockets, so here we go: 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 buy and hodl 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀** + +I read https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n28mhx/the_180_wall_explained/ this morning and I’m amazed as to how many just jumps right in and accept the post as truth. + +Here are my thoughts and why I think it’s definitely worth AT LEAST being cautious about the post: + +1. It’s NOT DD - even though many responds to it as “god tier DD”, it’s not. It’s just someones opinion. It’s not backed by with the amount and quality of proof, that real DD needs to have and is mainly speculation. **It was posted as DD flair, but our MOD team changed it because it’s NOT DD.** +2. It’s main take-away is the anchoring of a $100.000 CEILING and a prolonged period of time with 2 squeezes, clearly making some people think about the $10m floor and if it’s just too much. **MOD /u/heyitspixel has already stepped in with a pinned reply that he does not believe the plot about 2 squeezes**. Mod team quote: *“To everyone unsure about one or two squeezes taking place, you should read the comments. A lot of folks explained, why it’s nearly impossible to squeeze twice. I agree with them.”* +3. It introduces a new FUD about - more or less - that the power is not in OUR hands but rather we’re just a mere pawn in the chess play where we will just have to wait for the DTC/SEC to judge whatever is going to happen. “Not being up to apes” is a dangerous thought and WILL create paperhands. +4. It’s from an “unknown” poster that has not produced any DD before and out of the blue, the lightning strikes and he has THE answer to “everything”. The poster has almost no history here and as MOD’s already replied in a pinned reply to the post, it has already been posted once a couple of days ago. Now the poster does it again even when arguing he’s almost to sick to stay awake? +4. It plays on the “oh I’m [the poster] so sick, but I’m doing this for you guys [martyrism]” to build empathy for the guy so it’s harder to ask the “uncomfortable” questions, pointing out that it’s FUD. +4. It has more uploads and awards in a short time than I would expect to happen organically (ie. I think it’s “backed” by shills/bots) +5. It completely turns the gameplay upside down by arguing that it’s actually not the shorts, that are keeping the price from hitting 180 but the longs. The centiment in the post is that the shorts would like an even higher price and more volatility - basically a 180 degree reversal of the common belief in here after 3 months of VERY much digging and DD writing/reading. If this was actually the case, it would be VERY easy for the shorts to raise the price as they could just hammer the marked with buy-orders by starting to cover, EASILY outweighing the longs. + +To me, there’s just too much “fishy-ness” going on in this post and I’m a bit concerned that 100s of you just jump right in because it’s confirmation bias that turns off your critical thinking. + +TRUST NO ONE ! + +This is a pretty straightforward question so I’ll try not to create too much of a word salad in order to reach minimum post length, I’m just curious if you all have noticed any way that the skills or attitudes you’ve gained through learning to trade have seeped into other parts of your life. + +Are you more disciplined? Less? Do you spend every waking hour seeing candlesticks in everything you do? + +Or is trading just an isolated part of you that you ignore the moment you step away from your computer/phone +I recently accepted a new offer with full-time working from home. This was a downgrade from my previous role at $130K/year (only $125K/year) but it does have a $10K bonus paid each quarter ($40K per year) which most people usually hit. However, the fact that it is WFH role is amazing. Already I am feeling the benefits, financial and otherwise: + +* No longer do I have to spend 2 hours a day sitting on a bus or a train or $50 a week for transport. I don't have to rely on people giving me a lift to places. +* In the morning I am able to go to the gym and work out. In between lunch breaks and even in quiet afternoons I'm able to go shopping or work on my hobbies. I enjoy doing the gardens and doing some food runs here and there. TV, Netflix, gaming, the list goes on. +* I don't have to deal with people. My manager leaves me alone and trusts that I'll get my job done. I have to report to him once a quarter (4 times a year) and that is basically the extent of our interaction except for emails. I also don't have to try to be friendly with colleagues that I otherwise wouldn't be friends with outside work. This is great. No more idle chit chat, just work and focus. + +And the benefits are quite literally awesome. + +* Sick of office politics/drama/personality clashes? GONE. Nobody knows what I even look like because the Zoom interview was done off camera. Nobody can discriminate against me and I don't have to be around politics or drama or "he-said" she said situations. +* Workplace harassment and bullying? Sure, it's still possible. But a lot of in-office jobs are affected worse by this. A lot of these harassment/bullying cases come down to "he said she said" debates - so working from home basically eliminates that opportunity altogether. How many stories have you read on the news about people being afraid to come forward / lack of evidence? Well, because we communicate by email and because Zoom meetings are recorded, nobody can lie. Nobody knows what you look like anyway. +* Tired of idle time? Ever had a situation where you have no work and have to sit there and do nothing? No worries, I'll just send sit there waiting for work to come my way whilst I listen to the radio in the background, listen to my own music, play some games, etc. Can't do that in the office. + +I absolutely love working from home now. What are your thoughts? +I am withdrawing like 20L to fund the real estate purchase. Should I be concerned? Would IT folks ask me an explanation on where did I spent that money? Thanks! +I am a European guy, lived in Southeast Asia for over 10 years, worked and travelled a lot in Vietnam/Indonesia/Philippines/Thailand. + +Occasionally, a thread comes up where people discuss the naïve and romanticized idea to retire in one of these places on an Ultraleanfire budget. + +**I have seen this idea go horribly wrong countless times.** + +**Mistakes to avoid when retiring to Southeast Asia** + +* **#1 - Under-budgeting.** Many people vastly underestimate their costs and end up being broke. Lots of English teachers in Thailand are too broke to go home, forums are full of these stories (see more below at “income needed in Southeast Asia). Also: remember to budget for the move (temporary accommodation, sorting visas out, buying necessities in the new country). +* **#2 - Bar girls.** I am not kidding. I work in a Fortune 500 company and there is an unofficial “policy” not to allow married guys to live in developing Southeast Asia without their spouses on a split-family delegation. Single guys get “the talk” from HR warning them, most of the time to no avail. At some point in time you will meet some nice lady in some bar and that is when all types of trouble start. Before you know it, you must help her out and buy her father a Toyota Hilux. Hyperbole aside, the huge difference in incomes leads to many people desperately looking for a partner from the West as a solution to their problems. There is a huge number of scams, but also desperation on both sides. Most often these situations end badly. The amount of drama I have seen… + +* **#3 - Relocating to Southeast Asia as a single Western female**: somehow it is mostly guys who want to move there, but I met many female expats as well. They tend to lament the fact that all Western guys seem to want to only date local women. At the same time, Western women typically are not into the local guys. I am sorry for the lack of political correctness in this statement, but it is really an issue you cannot ignore. +* **#4 - Mental health**: a lot of people greatly underestimate the impact of moving yourself to a foreign country across the globe. Once the holiday is over, culture shock tends to set in. If you have never lived outside your home country you will 100% underestimate this. I have seen quite a few people who underestimated the challenges and became disillusioned. Many expats form enclaves in these countries and only talk to other Westerners in their bubble and/or resort to: + +* **#5 - Alcohol/drugs/vices.** It is easy to get drawn into the party culture in some of the places. The amount of US people dying in countries like Thailand (drugs, drunken scooter riding etc.) speaks for itself. I remember a number of cases where the company had to bail people out. It can be the wild west out there and it is all fun and games until it isn’t. +* **#6 - Running away from your issues by moving**: your issues will normally move with you, leading to compounding problems in #2, #4, #5. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of suicides. If you must you can google “Farang Deaths” for examples of #4, #5, #6. + +* **#7 - Open a bar**: seriously, this is always a shitty idea that many people seem to have. It will most likely lose you money in your home country, but in a foreign country the odds are even more stacked against you. Also it will most likely lead to issues described in #1, #2, #4, #5. + +* **#8 - Not to plan what to do there**: many people do not plan anything productive for their time living there. They just want it to be a never-ending holiday with beaches, parties and relaxation. In 95% of the cases that will lead to #2, #4, #5, #6 or even worse #7. Plan something productive to keep you occupied! + +**Further challenges of retiring in Southeast Asia:** + +* It is **difficult to integrate** in some of the cultures, especially Thailand, Vietnam, Laos. Many western tourists treat Southeast Asia like a playground with natural beauty and cheap thrills, but do not understand the culture or the background. They have a great time, people smile and are friendly to them, but they truly do not understand the culture. It is not easy to make local friends and takes a lot of initiative and effort. + +* **Different values**. Even beneath the "Western" appearance of cities like Singapore there often is huge difference in values and culture below the surface. I am always surprised by how many of my coworkers advocate beating their kids and so on. +* **Language:** Thai, Vietnamese, Mandarin are some of the hardest languages to learn because they are tonal. This is not like another Roman language that you could easily pick up. + +**Monthly income needed in Southeast Asia** + +* **Basic living:** rent a cheap apartment, ride a scooter, basic healthcare, local food, little to no traveling: USD 1,200 a month. This is the bare minimum. At this budget, you will basically be stuck in this country and a plane ticket to the US will set you back 1.5 months of living expenses. You will be poor. +* Comfortable life: At least USD 2,000 per month is needed. + +**OK, you still want to go. How can you make it work:** + +* **Most importantly: Do not give up your old life to live in SEA.** Try it for a few months. Learn the language. Try to make some local friends by being active in the community. +* **Local partner:** If you happen to have a local partner you will have a much easier time. Cases where I saw people succeed were normally when there was a local partner in the picture. +* Get sent there for work: try to get some type of expat assignment there. If you cannot get one, try and find a job. + +Maybe some other long time expats can help and chime in. + +https://imgur.com/a/7u2yAYX + +Says it changes his life. Imagine buying into a shit meme in high school and having close to a million dollars after working your whole life. This guy was seriously in the pits trying to provide for himself bartending. + +Just shows how liberating crypto can be. Just one of those wildcard things that can be life changing... + +Edit: here is the 'story' for those wondering: He remembered he had some shitcoins on his hold highschool laptop so he logged on and found his dogecoin core wallet that sync'd up to 2.5m DOGE. After he found it he went to a trusted financial planner and said "I have $750k USD in Dogecoin. What do I do with it" the financial planner said "you know how the class system works in america right?... Well, Fuck 'em" +I have owned my own business for 20 years and managed to save $11M in liquid assets plus another $1.5 in real estate investments. I just passed 60 and it's time to pull the trigger on an exit strategy. I could sell internally for about $10M or externally for an estimated $16M. If I sell internally, I would be paying it forward, but I would also need to finance the buyout. The next generation of leadership wants to try and part of me thinks they deserve a shot. So, less money and more long term risk for me. Friends, however, tell me I'm crazy, I need to sell to the highest bidder and move on, that if I leave $6M on the table I will regret it years from now.. So my question is this. Have you ever made a decision knowing that you would make significantly less money, or the opposite, made one based solely on money, and regretted it? +It would be great if you could stop dipping, as I am slowly running out of fiat money. Maybe you could consider dipping only once a month, around payday, so I am able to buy the dip and feel good about myself. I don‘t want to tell you how to run your chart, but maybe it is worth a thought. + +Kind Regards, +Poor Student +HuffPost Canada: Canada’s Households Are Sitting On $100 Billion In Extra Savings. Where Will The Money Go?. +https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/household-savings-canada-cibc_ca_603a97dec5b6d7794adf59b7 +[VWCE](https://www.justetf.com/en/etf-profile.html?isin=IE00BK5BQT80) (**Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating)** + +This is a ETF that tracks stocks from developed and emerging countries worldwide, made by Vanguard. + +Most people don't understand that VWCE's cost is actually less than 0.22% TER. + +We often see it mentioned: + +IWDA's TER is 0.20%; EMIM's TER is 0.18%, while VWCE's TER 0.22%. + +So, Blackrock's ETFs cost is less, therefore, we should invest in them, right? + +Well, not so certain. + +The true cost\* of a ETF is shown on its [tracking difference (td)](https://www.etf.com/etf-education-center/etf-basics/understanding-tracking-difference-and-tracking-error?nopaging=1): + +^(\*t)*^(he tracking difference is not a cost but it shows the real cost.)* + +For example, if you have a fund that tracks S&P 500 with TER of 0.1%, the expected tracking difference should be -0.1. This means the tracking was perfect, only the TER is eating the cost. If it was -0.5, it meant the fund was 0.4 off. Got it? + +Now, looking at VWCE's td, we see it's too new (2019) and still has no historic data. But it's brother, VWRL, which is the same except for being distributing instead of accumulating, has a longer history. These two funds are two versions of the same underlying assets. They are the same except for what they do to the dividends. + +[VWCE/VWRL TD:](https://www.trackingdifferences.com/ETF/Index/FTSE%20All%20World%20Index) + +2015: 0.0 + +2016: 0.0 + +2017: 0.0 + +2018: 0.0 + +2019: 0.1 (this means the fund exceeded the benchmark by 0.1%. This can be achieved by interest on security lending, etc). + +[IWDA](https://www.trackingdifferences.com/ETF/ISIN/IE00B4L5Y983) has a similar td to VWCE. [EMIM has a much worse td](https://www.trackingdifferences.com/ETF/ISIN/IE00B4L5YC18), but since it's such a small % of the overall world (10/12%), it makes no dent in the overall td. However, if you are one of those that wishes to bet on Emerging Markets, take this into consideration. For example, in 2019, EMIM's cost was not 0.18% but 0.9%. + +This means that taking td into account, VWCE and IWDA td is the same, which means their real cost is basically the same. So 0.02 TER difference (IWDA's 0.20 vs VWCE's 0.22) makes no difference because these funds' td is the same. + +If a fund constantly does 0.0 in tracking difference year after year after year, like Vanguard's VWLR/VWCE, then you can deduct that the real TER is actually lower than the announced fixed cost. Hence 0.22 TER is in actuality lower than that, because the ETF that tracks the index (FTSE in this case), is not - 0.22% below the index, but 0.0, aka the same. + +Considering this, I picked VWCE so I don't have the issues of having to rebalance every year. It's one world fund and done. That's what I'd advise most people do. + +Of course, you can allocate 5% or 10% of your investment money into stocks or sector ETFs (I do have some stocks and bets on my own), but that should be about it. + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR: Investing in VWCE is the most straightforward, simple, fool-proof, long-term, cheapest successful investment strategy for passive investors that benefit from accumulating ETFs in Europe.** The only reason not to invest in VWCE is if you are already invested in IWDA/EMIM and want to keep investing in those or if you are on degiro want wish to go for the free ETF (IWDA—though this lacks emerging markets). + +Good luck! +In this article written by Emma Panttee she says, “Being frugal and working hard may have saved me some money — a lot of money — but frugality is not what enabled me to be financially independent. I owe my financial independence almost entirely to being lucky and being advantaged.” + +https://thefinancialdiet.com/why-i-joined-then-left-the-fire-movement/?fbclid=IwAR0YJkcnXriDXEaIfZky2vDYdclw_qjQHizBrpW_lJbVvCChV94vQHbN9hM +Hey everyone. Relatively new investor here that took time to do extensive research on the ETFs I have wanted to invest in. My portfolio has been consistently outperforming the NASDAQ, SP500, and the DOWJ. + +After comparing a lot of different institutions that offer ETFs, I’ve decided to go with First Trust on the majority of my selections. + +They have a consistent expense ratio of .6% for almost all of their ETFs. All of them offer dividends. Their overlapping between funds is extremely low. Lifetime performance of their ETFs have been extremely consistent and bullish. I try to stay away from ETFs that have 30%-50% of their weight in the top 5 holdings for more diversification and less risk. And most importantly I like the companies they have selected for their funds! + +I’ve been using dollar cost averaging to invest weekly. Each of these ETFs I have invested $500 in. Shares are now being purchased evenly and dependent on dips. I also plan on investing in ARKX upon release as I’m very bullish on space exploration. + +These are the ETFs that are currently in my portfolio: + +I look forward to what you guys have to say! + +*MSOS just recently added, cant account for +loss/gains yet. + +CIBR - FirstTrust + +SKYY - FirstTrust + +QCLN - FirstTrust + +IYC - BlackRock + +HDV - BlackRock + +FXAIX - Fidelity + +*MSOS - AdvisorShares +Is anyone else concerned about how our kids will afford to buy a house? + +What's your plan? + +Do they live with you until mid 30's until they save a deposit? + +Do we help them out by financially? If so how do you protect your money you lend them if there's a break up? + +Do you buy a house and rent it to them? + +Are they better off renting? +In a microeconomics course, students are given "supposed" marginal cost and marginal revenue functions so they can solve for the profit-maximizing price and quantity. In the real world, these functions must be found with real empirically data. + +Suppose a consultant is trying to inform an entreprenier/investor on what price and quantity he should charge for his new business he wants to open up in a few months. How does the consultant go about predicting what this firm's marginal cost and marginal revenue functions will be? +In a microeconomics course, students are given "supposed" marginal cost and marginal revenue functions so they can solve for the profit-maximizing price and quantity. In the real world, these functions must be found with real empirically data. + +Suppose a consultant is trying to inform an entreprenier/investor on what price and quantity he should charge for his new business he wants to open up in a few months. How does the consultant go about predicting what this firm's marginal cost and marginal revenue functions will be? +I'm out at my ranch for the long weekend and was talking with my neighbor tonight when he mentioned that he wants to build a runway and hangar on my land. He said, the best spot on our properties to build is partially on my land, and while we didn't talk about details of the sale or swap that is not really a big concern to me as he has many acres bordering me that I like and the two he wants are not near the main house. I have three questions. + +First, have any of you built private runways, and did you find it worthwhile? Did you visit more? There is a major airport two hours from us and a private one an hour away; both of which are fine for me. At the same time, I have friends with planes and have considered getting one myself, and it would be cool to be able to land at my house. + +Second, what impact does doing this sort of thing typically have on the value of the adjacent properties? I don't plan to ever sell, but I think it is still something I'd like to know. + +Finally, are there any other questions or considerations I should weigh before discussing this idea with my neighbor further? +I'm implementing a trading strategy in Python that I learned last year and successfully traded with manually. + +Here's an image of my bot's 3 years backtest of BTCUSD trades. I'm getting great results, but this is my first rodeo. Can I ask, what are common pitfalls to watch out for when trading live, versus a backtest? How might trading live lose money despite a backtest winning big? + +Edit: fixed the image link, sorry + +https://solrac.prodibi.com/a/1jwk24gd54qyqxv +As an undergrad studying economics I am constantly amazed at how many viable solutions there are for the seemingly unanswerable questions that are discussed in politics. Why is it that policy discussions are so far detached from bodies of empirical evidence about the problems we want to address? + +Maybe I am not frazing this question correctly. But, i would like to know why is it that economic analysis often happens apart from policy and what causes this? +I found this article + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Maddison_statistics_of_the_ten_largest_economies_by_GDP_(PPP) + +And they claim that in 1820 and 1870 China hard the largest share of the world's economy, surpassed by United States in 1890. + +It blew my mind because I thought the largest economy in the world in the 19th century was the UK (if we count Índia as part of the British Empire it's indeed the largest one, but I thought that UK itself were) and China was not that relevant until Deng Xiaoping reforms + +So, what is the deal with this study of Angus Maddison? +I understand costs go up from oil going up, higher wages, shipping rates, bad growing etc. + +But not 40% for chicken breast, 30% salmon, 30% bread and 30% for biscuits. + +I believe in profits which is good for our supers etc. + +There does come a point we’re it’s just annoying. Will leave a lot of people not buying items to feed their families and opting for a cheap takeaway. + +It may come to a point we’re it’ll be cheaper for a family of 4 to get hungry jacks, fish and chips etc than to eat a healthy meal. + + +Just my rant. What are peoples thoughts. + +The price increases don’t affect me right now. But a few items that are little treats like salmon I may not buy if the prices of other things go up… +I found this buried in the comments of another post, but I think everyone should see it. It's an infographic/guide for recent and long term market trends. LOTS of juicy statistics. The quarterly version is available to the public without a subscription. + +[Link Here](https://am.jpmorgan.com/us/en/asset-management/gim/adv/insights/guide-to-the-markets) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +# TLDR + +I wrote about [Netflix's recent behavior in my last Potential DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9fmaj/potential_dd_gme_netflix/), but I'm willing to bump this up to DD status now. I think someone got margin called. I don't know who, but I think I've found some telltales to help narrow it down. + +# Summary + +Normally, a business will choose the most cost effective, or cheapest, solution. + +The cheapest solution is usually to increase the value of your assets. That's [the BRKA link here](https://www.reddit.com/user/ammoprofit/comments/s2csyh/the_curious_case_of_brka_spy_and_the_ath/). + +Once that doesn't work, they use the next cheapest solution. And the next cheapest solution. And eventually they use an solution that permanently addresses the problem (success), or they run out of choices and fail (margin call). + +I'm not 100% convinced this is because of GME. It could be any number of meme stonks, or something else entirely. But if it's a margin call in a bull market, you would expect to fail because you bet against something that increased in price from roughly one year ago. + +And we are up big from one year ago. + +# Recap + +>Netflix's stock took a $100 dive during 2022-JAN-22 after hours. The news report spins alleged a lack of growth. Whatever. Briefly, Netflix is an amazing tech company, and their market is now competitively saturated. There's a dozen or so streaming services now competing for the same userbase. Long-term growth is no longer on the table for anyone. People will either choose a service and stick with it or pay for a service, binge their show(s) of choice, then move on. The news spin is **complete** crap. +> +>It's up there with all the news cycles' bullshit about Gamestop's NFTs with Gamestop didn't announce anything. +> +>[I previously covered BRKA here](https://www.reddit.com/user/ammoprofit/comments/s2csyh/the_curious_case_of_brka_spy_and_the_ath/). And now I have another juicy tidbit, but I don't have enough yet. I'm not sure what I'm looking at, but I know it's important, and I want to get it on your radars. + +I went on to compare various stocks and found some outlier behaviors. I made some mistakes like swapping F (Ford) and FB (Facebook), but I felt like the stats-less approach was solid. + +# The Meat + +At first, I thought it was a margin call, but couldn't figure out why. Why would someone fail a margin call now when GME's price has been steadily decreasing for months? + +So I woke up, at two in the goddamned morning for no reason, and had an epiphany. + +&#x200B; + +1. The phrase, "scheduled margin call," has been rattling around in my head for months. +2. These entities can roll their debts through various market mechanics, like derivatives. +3. As the underlying asset moves unfavorably away from the debt's original price strike price, or equivalent, it becomes more expensive to roll those debts. +4. These market mechanics have different schedules. Some are quarterly, some are *annual*. + +When we look at the price day to day, we see GME dropping over time. Even when we look quarterly, the price has been decreasing. This is favorable for the shorts. But for the annual short mechanics? We're up \~$80. That's bad for the shorts. + +Regardless of how you're short the stock, whether it's total return swaps, leaps, or puts, they're in the hole $80/share for the annual market mechanics. + +# The Potatoes + +I compared every stock in the S&P 500 to the S&P 500. Here are the outliers. + +[4-Hour View](https://preview.redd.it/avv5q1uvemd81.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5294f15b1bf4ec9518a28c68782242b724b3a85) + +[Daily View](https://preview.redd.it/w3dsf6bafmd81.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=8238ee92f014866f5873771b6fee4a066a606048) + +Group 1: DISCA, SIVB (SPX in yellow) + +[4-Hour View \(DSCA, SIVB\)](https://preview.redd.it/wsfbhx2tfmd81.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=f37c853568d707c869fccb7e32f18782bb015acd) + +Group 2: NXPI, AVGO, MCHP, NVDA, AMD, NUE (SPX in yellow) + +[4-Hour View \(NXPI, AVGO, MCHP, NVDA, AMD, NUE\)](https://preview.redd.it/xzy9t26zfmd81.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=f37c435620519321ef381e29dedb145d822f0026) + +&#x200B; + +Group 3: MOS, DISH, BRKA, LYB (SPX in yellow) + +[4-Hour View \(MOS, DISH, BRKA, LYB\)](https://preview.redd.it/n727sxnagmd81.png?width=1894&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec2ae8c86d7c69770f03dc509f7cf52a091e14b7) + +Group 4: AMAT, SIVB, GPS (SPX in yellow) + +[4-Hour View \(AMAT, SIVB, GPS\)](https://preview.redd.it/zl03y0eggmd81.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=b368df5ca68fbb077ac83d57fc90f43e7807dbb9) + +&#x200B; + +# The Dish + +Go here: [https://www.optionseducation.org/referencelibrary/expiration-calendar](https://www.optionseducation.org/referencelibrary/expiration-calendar) + +Go to August 2021 + +* August 18th, 2021 is the Monthly Volatility Products Expiration Date. (red arrow) +* August 19th, 2021 is the Monthly A.M. settled index options cease trading. (orange arrow) +* August 20th, 2021 is the Monthly equity, index, and cash-settled currency options expiration date and PM settled index options cease trading. (purple arrow) +* August 24th, 2021 is T+2 from August 20th, 2021. + +https://preview.redd.it/qfa78is5lmd81.png?width=1902&format=png&auto=webp&s=093712932d124c11cb31ef28c719bb66f823cb9e + +After Hours and Pre-Market are grey background. Black background is intraday. Arrows point into the date of the intraday. + +T+2 here compares to the Equity, Index, & Cash-settled currency options on an August cycle. The stocks don't really fluctuate. + +&#x200B; + +September and October 2021 are quiet. + +&#x200B; + +Go to November 2021 + +* November 17th, 2021 is the Monthly Volatility Products Expiration Date. +* November 18th, 2021 is the Monthly A.M. settled index options cease trading. +* November 19th, 2021 is the Monthly equity, index, and cash-settled currency options expiration date and PM settled index options cease trading. +* November 19th (Friday) and 22nd (Monday) have the run up, and they short on Tuesday. + +https://preview.redd.it/r20ljsxlmmd81.png?width=1895&format=png&auto=webp&s=cba4c7f842159eeeec5fa9b2defae817574f737d + +If you're looking at T+2 for green days, you're looking at the orange arrow, for Monthly A.M. settled index options cease trading on a November cycle. + +&#x200B; + +December 2021 is quiet. + +&#x200B; + +Now look at January 2022. + +I changed the colors this time to match the calendar below. + +https://preview.redd.it/0q1cajwcgod81.png?width=1893&format=png&auto=webp&s=39f70db01d4a21799443084effe9d431845fedbb + +https://preview.redd.it/usstz43oomd81.png?width=1079&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b80c090ee7bbea37ebeb9a9cb4faefaba6d7d79 + +Not only is it early, not only does GME not move, but four S&P 500 stocks take a beating on *no bad news*? + +* SIVB beat expectations... +* NUE is undervalued and expected to do well in Earnings report next week... +* NVDA has no news... +* AMD has no news... + +Go through the list of the 25 stocks, and see what you find. + +&#x200B; + +Are you seeing the pattern? + +1. SHFs using these derivatives know the schedules in advance. +2. [SHFs push the underlying assets' values up](https://www.reddit.com/user/ammoprofit/comments/s2csyh/the_curious_case_of_brka_spy_and_the_ath/). +3. SHF's counterparty re-assesses the collateral for its notional value (market value less any haircut) to roll the derivative. +4. SHF makes the margin obligations. +5. SHF sells the underlying assets high and reinvests the proceeds. + +Lather, rinse, repeat. + +&#x200B; + +# Dessert + +Except this time lots of stocks in the S&P 500 all took beatings just before the January scheduled margin call, and [Netflix took a dive](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s9fmaj/potential_dd_gme_netflix/). I've color coded all 25 stocks the same deliberately. + +https://preview.redd.it/ydw2c7gqqmd81.png?width=1900&format=png&auto=webp&s=29c7f01881fa2279cd51a8fdb9b6390280e13c94 + +I think someone failed a margin call. + +(I also think Credit Suisse rolled Archegos' debt.) + +&#x200B; + +# Sprinkles? + +[https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1485690593988825094](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1485690593988825094) "I just heard a rumor that Melvin is down 25% month-to-date, might be blowing up." + +DLauer is better than FXHedge, right? + +&#x200B; + +[https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1484619145530404865](https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1484619145530404865) "Might get news on someone blowing up over the weekend" + +[https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1484618208069840896](https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1484618208069840896) "Meltdown Monday coming together SPX" + +May be related. May not be related. Who knows! + +[https://finviz.com/map.ashx](https://finviz.com/map.ashx) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Added summary! + +Edit 2: Added Sprinkles + +Edit 4: u/ifiwerearichman pointed out... [https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1485690593988825094](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1485690593988825094) "I just heard a rumor that Melvin is down 25% month-to-date, might be blowing up." + +Edit 3: [The market is red like a bloody mary today](https://finviz.com/map.ashx). + +https://preview.redd.it/fbzsfebbjnd81.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=44406bd516128e44e57dac64fa906a45e9e89050 + +&#x200B; + +So many potential hits... More on potential margin called companies... + +[This comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sbukni/melvin_d1_tiger_global_and_more_suffer/hu26636/) from another post lists a bunch of hedge funds not doing great. Again, may or may not be related. Melvin is related. ;) + +* Melvin: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1628110/000090571821001492/0000905718-21-001492.txt](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1628110/000090571821001492/0000905718-21-001492.txt) +* Whale Rock: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1387322/000138732221000017/0001387322-21-000017.txt](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1387322/000138732221000017/0001387322-21-000017.txt) +* Lone Pine: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1061165/000090266421004961/0000902664-21-004961.txt](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1061165/000090266421004961/0000902664-21-004961.txt) +* Tiger Global: TBD +* D1 Capital Partners Onshore LP and/or Dan Sundheim: TBD +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +This whole concept came to materialize for some unknown reason in one of my comments the other day, but I just wanted to throw my opinion out there. + +Finance is such an oppressed and sour subject because of a *select few people*. Those of which, unfortunately, have access from to massive hoards of money and assets. Which subsequently can lead to fraudulent behavior and corruption. Though this type of behavior happens in almost every environment known to man. In finance though, when it happens, it just has a much more widespread effect on the economy. You could even say that the finance world is held to much higher standards relative to other professions. + +In reality, finance is a muddle of very advanced and complex subjects that can range from theoretical mathematics to psychology. Most of the bigwigs I’ve researched aren’t criminals nor halfwits. They are extremely well-rounded individuals with very interesting backgrounds that have devoted their life to particular subject. + +When politicians are referring to “Wall Street,” they are casting shade on themselves in the minds of people that know how the finance world works. Because a majority of “Wall Street Traders” are actually quantitative specialists and experts in their respective field(s). Yellow Journalism has really corrupted the reputation of the subject, and haphazardly thrown blame to those that don’t deserve it. People are swarming to blame someone for their miserable and unfortunate lives and the media has given them the perfect scapegoat. + +Think this video (that I just randomly thought of) sums of the situation. + + +https://youtu.be/RY0R0NpIdQQ + + +A bunch of people that have no idea how the economy works, blaming something that they have no idea about, because they perceive it to be something other than what it is; not willing to listen to educated individuals or research into resented subject. Their desire to be right overpowers their desire to be informed. +I hate to share a sob story, but that's what I've got and I need to pick brains for ideas I may be missing. + +I am a 40yr old guy. After 20 years with the same company, I was just laid off from my Senior Technical Analyst / Senior Technical Support Engineer position. A few years ago, I began to have severe trouble with my back to the point I could not even navigate my own home. This did not affect my work, however, because I was already telecommuting full-time (and have my entire career). + +Finding a similar job is proving difficult, given the limitation that I can not leave my home for an interview or for the actual work. (And mind you, there is no reason my position can not be fully performed remotely). Unless a job specifically announces it is remote work, I'm not sure how to squeeze into it *anyway*, and ask for my need to be treated as a "reasonable accomodation". I am *perfectly* capable of doing the work I've done for the last 20 years. Literally the only thing holding me back is an employer's unwillingness to set me up with a PC, VPN, and phone remotely. + + +**INCOME / DEBT:** + +At the moment, nothing. Some 'unemployment' payments should be coming in for a little while, but that's it. I should have a little money coming in from being laid off and it'll be just enough to pay off my $6k in credit card debt. + +My income up until this point was a base salary of about $86k, but with shift-work and on-call pager-duty, was about $135k this year. + + +**SAVINGS:** + +I have $190K in a 401k and $10k tied up in a Prosper account. The 401k has an outstanding $18k loan, which I've been told by Fidelity that I can let "default" after 45 days and then (I think) that $18k will be treated as income and taxed the same for the year it defaults in (and then I'll also pay an extra 10%, so probably totally $7500 on this?). + +I have enough money in my checking account to pay my mortgage on December 1st and January 1st. Then I have literally no more money. + +That's all my savings. That's it. Yes, I used to have a lot more saved and invested. Yes, I know I should be in a much better situation than I am. Given the length of my employment (entire adult life with this company), I took the risk of helping a friend to the tune of $200k over the last two years. I expected that I would buckle-down in 2018 and regenerate my safety-net from that point on. I was not expecting to lose my job this Thanksgiving of all times. Yes, this was stupid. I just really wanted to help my friend out and didn't realistically thing it would destroy me. + + +**ASSETS:** + +I have a home in the Denver metro area that I bought for $195k in 2010. It has had about $100k or so invested in it (gutted the basement and two floors to update them from 1969 styles, insulated the attic, updated the 50amp electrical panel to 200amp, added some 20amp outlets on two floors, added a very nice new bathroom, installed a new boiler, installed new baseboard hydronic heating, new evaporative cooler, new roof). It could still use some finish work to make it presentable for a sale. Zillow claims it could sell for something like $330k. I have no idea how accurate that is or how fast it would go. I still owe about $140k on it. + + +**MONTHLY EXPENSES: (~$1,950)** + +* Mortgage: $825 +* Property Tax: $200 +* Homeowner's Insurance: $220 +* Power: ~$250-$300 *(It has been about $140/mo while I'm here alone but I may have a sibling and their sigifnicant other move in and last time they did that it easily jumped up to about $300/mo).* +* Cell/Ting: ~$20 *(this includes my service and a phone for my aging mother).* +* City utilities (trash, sewage, water): ~$40-80 *(Is around $40 when I'm alone. Probably more like $80 with guests in the house).* +* Internet: ~$100 *(Need it to job hunt or do just about anything else, since I'm not able to get out of the hosue to even go to the unemployment office and file things in person, for example).* +* Medication: ~$5 *(I take blood pressure meds and urgently called my doctor the day I was laid off to get them to update my prescription for a full year and I can probably fill it at Walmart for this).* +* Food: ~$150 *(Denver is stupid expensive for food. I think I can maybe get enough calories and protein in my body if I mostly focus on rice and beans.)* +* Misc: $20 *(I have an elderly cat. I figure $20 or so per month for litter and food). + + +This doesn't include medical coverage. With the ACA, I don't think I can afford that with no income. It seems to be about $300/mo for the privelege of having them pay about 40% of *some* expenses after I've met like a $6k deductable for the year. With a very minimal income, it seems I *might* be able to get enough tax credit to pay only $60/mo. Still, for something I can't afford to use, so this is literally money that I'm just paying for nothing. Alternately, I can pay like $700 penalty next year and have no coverage (which seems even worse, being I'm 40). This also doesn't include dental coverage. I need some dental work and it looks like dental coverage would be at least $60/mo and I wouldn't even be able to get anything significant done until the *second* year and even then only up to $1500 with them covering 50%. This also doesn't include vision. I don't think I can afford to have *any* of these things and my best bet is to find $700 somewhere and just pay the government to not give me health coverage. + + +**HELP?!** + +How can I make the best of my situation? I'm really scared, because I'm 40 and in poor health and am worried I may not be able to get a job again at all -- much less an equivalent one. At this rate, I see myself ending up old, literally broke, never being able to retire, and scrounging at some awful job just to barely get by. I never saw my life going this way... It is the way my parents have gone and I don't want to suffer like they have had to. + +My sibling and their significant other are probably going to move in in a couple weeks and we have discussed what we can do. It is likely that we will split things three ways (including mortgage) and I will give them their share of equity in the house if I ever sell it (calculated as whatever percent of overall mortgage payments they wound up covering). + +If that works out, it could take my monthly expenses down to about $800 including food and pet, but not including ANY sort of health, dental, vision or anything else. + + +I can only think of two ideas. + +*Sell House:* + +I can get someone to help me do some work on the house and then sell it. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll sell fast and for like $330k (the last owners had it on the market over six months before I came along). I'll eat a big loss considering I spent about as much to renovate the house as it has (maybe) increased in value. Then I could pay the bank back the $140k and use the remaining $90k (or whatever I get after paying a real estate broker and taxes) to live on. I'm not sure how or where I would live very long on $90k, but at least I'd (maybe) have up to $90k. + + +*Cash Out 401k:* + +I can cash out my 401k. It was $179k last I looked. Subtract that $18k and it's $161k. Figure 30% tax and 10% penalty, so I keep 60% of it. Maybe that leaves me with $96k. Use $7500 of that to pay off the 401k loan tax and penalty, leaving me $88k. That's $88k to live off of for as long as I can stretch it while having my house to continue to live in (though I'm then paying whatever portion of the mortgage and expenses still). + + +Which is better to lose? The 401k or the house? Either way, I feel I am just delaying the inevitable and have no future. I've been living every moment of the last two weeks like I'm constantly hyperventilating. + +Thank you for reading this. Thank you for any consideration you give it. Thank you for any advice you offer. + +Regards. + +&#x200B; + +[Dark Pools...](https://preview.redd.it/a6mhlqepi0771.jpg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebb1bf94d1ea8b9375b7d19ad25c219c6a9d1c1f) + +&#x200B; + +# Dear Apes, + +I'm not smart enough to write real DD. The best I can do is just point out problems that I'm learning about with admittingly VERY limited knowledge that I have, at least at the moment. I'm attempting to gain wrinkles each and everyday. I spend hours reading and trying to learn things. I want to talk about OTC's and Dark Pools. If I have anything wrong here or I misinterpreted things, please let me know but this is just here to point out information for others. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/050614/introduction-dark-pools.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/050614/introduction-dark-pools.asp) + +&#x200B; + +# " Dark pools are sometimes cast in an unfavorable light but, in reality, they serve a purpose. However, their lack of transparency makes them vulnerable to potential [conflicts of interest](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/conflict-of-interest.asp) by their owners and predatory trading practices by some high-frequency traders. " - Investopedia + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +So here is my opinion. I think the fact these even exist is bullshit. The whole reason these were even created, was to basically allow wealthy and big players to do big moves without "affecting" the market. Basically, they are able to hide what they are doing from the public because they don't want to spook the market. **To me that sounds like, rich people/institutions want to get themselves in the best positions possible without the poor's getting spooked and then pump/dump something down or up to maximize profits. Change my mind.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +You see if they had to do EVERYTHING on the open market they wouldn't be as profitable because others would see what they are doing. **Not only that but through these vehicles, they can literally control the price of stocks and the market without the public seeing it.** Their HFT machines combined with Dark Pools/OTC transactions at their disposal, they can essentially negate retails buying pressure lets just say our favorite stock. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# GameStop's (GME) short interest is over 50% EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY and 40 to 60% of the daily transactions are done through dark pools/OTC's. THAT SHIT IS NOT NORMAL!! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Off Exchange = Dark Pools \/ OTC - this is just one days example for GME](https://preview.redd.it/89lhkqsuv2771.jpg?width=972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4274c98779a15546c072934705fb70636eff7424) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Once you realize they can manipulate the price of a stock at any time, it opens an entire can of worms. That means that the entire markets are essentially just controlled by the 1% and it's all a show. They get to move the pieces where and when they want. When GME moves, it typically is only moving from bigger players who they can't reroute their traffic; they are hiding a huge chuck of retails buying pressure. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The DTCC- Knows what is happening and wishes this would just go away. They have dragged their feet on these rules for months. They hope and prayed this would just disappear. Retail will get bored they hoped.....now here we are. This is starting to put a strain on the system. My guess is there are hundreds of millions of counterfeit shares of GME and it's Prime Brokers / a couple of Market Makers who are all sweating right now. They have known since probably Dec into Jan how bad this got. They tried to cover it up and hoped it would go away. But guess what......It's worse now. + +# + +&#x200B; + +So here we are......again. New rules about to be in place. Hedgies dumping out of crypto, pumping and dumping stocks through Wall Street Bets to raise additional capital. The DTCC and SEC have been hoping this would get swept under the rug to they can continue business as usual. Problem is, it's fucked. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Apes are an immovable object now who aren't going to blink first. They know the truth and are unwilling to be shaken from their positions. + +&#x200B; + +# + +# + +So these Dark Pools and Over the Counter (OTC) are a real fucking problem. Their lack of transparency and ability to completely manipulate stock/markets for months at a time. That shit has got to go.They" tried to cheat and lie back in Jan. "They" lied to our Politicians. At this point, I'll hold FOREVER if it means exposing their corruption. + +&#x200B; + +# They only have one way out at this point. They either let it MOASS or Apes rip apart the system piece by piece. The longer they let this continue, the closer their house of cards is to being toppled. Apes numbers are growing each day. Regular people are asking questions about the market and these "meme" stocks (Which really should be called illegally shorted to fuck stocks) and it's getting worse each day. I keep buying each and every time I have money. I'll do it forever. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Fuck this accepted "Dark Pools" and OTC's have a purpose defense. GameStop is joining the Russell 1000. Half of it's volume shouldn't be going through off the market exchanges that do not allow price discovery. The market's are fucked. I trust the DTCC, SEC, Market Makers, Prime Brokers and Banks as far as I can throw them. We need reform. That means we need new politicians. We need these greedy fucking pigs on Wall Street out of politics so we can clean up this mess. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# TLDR: Dark Pools and OTC's are bullshit. Real non-penny stocks like GME should be traded on major exchanges for fair price discovery. I'm HODLING until stupid money and change. Fuck those guys....fuck them up their stupid asses.... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +I'm from Europe and here we are told that if we must pick just one index fund for a long term reccuring investment, we shouldn't invest it all in a S&P 500 etf but into a ACWI etf. + +A provocative question I'd like to hear your opinion on: is Warren Buffet "stupid" to choose the S&P 500 index fund instead of the more diversified ACWI fund? I put stupid in quotes of course as he's known to be one of the best investor of all times. + +Why is it OK for him to invest everything he has into an American market but not for me? John Bogle also thinks investing more than a few percent of your portfolio in a World fund is unnecessary; the rest should be invested in the US market according to him. + +Looking at the historic performance of both indexes the S&P 500 index heavily outperforms the ACWI index over the last few decades. So why wouldn't you invest it all into a S&P 500 etf if you had to choose just one etf long term? Why is the ACWI etf a better choice? +The WorkQuest Team is ready to present the $WQT token inflation rate plan! + +Have a look at the chart we have prepared to learn how many tokens are available on different stages of token offering since the Token Generation Events of April 5th, 2021! + +📌 Learn more in our Medium: + +[$WQT Tokenomics and Distribution Schedule | by WorkQuest | Mar, 2022 | Medium](https://workquest.medium.com/wqt-tokenomics-and-distribution-schedule-d2901dcebf36) + +Here’s what is planned for March: + +1. Completion of work on the localization of the platform into different languages. The top 10 most used languages are expected. +2. Debugging the TestNet platform, completing preparation for the transition to the Mainnet network. +3. Adding a new WotkNet network to the cross-chain bridge. +4. Testing the WorkQuest platform. + +Stay tuned, more updates are coming! 🚀 + +WorkQuest to the Moon! 🚀 + +**$WQT token already listed on:** + +🏦 *CEX Exchanges:* + +🎇 **MEXC:** + +[https://www.mexc.com/exchange/WQT\_USDT](https://www.mexc.com/exchange/WQT_USDT) + +🎇 **BitMart:** + +[https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en?layout=basic&symbol=WQT\_USDT](https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en?layout=basic&symbol=WQT_USDT) + +💎💎💎 + +🏦 *DEX Exchanges:* + +🎇 **Uniswap (V2):** + +[**https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf&outputCurrency=ETH**](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf&outputCurrency=ETH) + +**🎇 PancakeSwap (V2):** + +[**https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7**](https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7) + +**WorkQuest Token ($WQT) Contract:** + +**ETH**: [0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf](https://etherscan.io/token/0x06677dc4fe12d3ba3c7ccfd0df8cd45e4d4095bf) + +**BSC:** [0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7](https://bscscan.com/token/0xe89508d74579a06a65b907c91f697cf4f8d9fac7) + +**Important Links:** + +Telegram: [https://t.me/WorkQuestChat](https://t.me/WorkQuestChat) + +Website: [https://workquest.co/](https://workquest.co/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/workquest\_co](https://twitter.com/workquest_co) + +Reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/user/WorkQuest\_co](https://www.reddit.com/user/WorkQuest_co) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +18 here really and I want to get rich and look after the parents. I have a little capital but no real idea what to start in to make some good money quickly. + + +So the average US household income is about 45,000 in that ballpark. I also read that the top 1% makes about 500,000 or more, while anyone making 200,000 or more is the top 2%. All would be considered a high income earner. I also read somewhere that 105,000 is the amount of money a year to reach life satisfaction (I read somewhere else 75,000 so I’ll say between 75,000- 105,000 annually) to feel financially stable. I’m single with no dependents and I make roughly 45k annually. I’m unsatisfied in my career. I’m 27 and this is my first entry level position that is paying me a livable wage. I work in tech sales… and I hate it, I basically cold call all day and I’ve been doing this since last year June. It’s completely unfulfilling. + +When I think of money my main values are security, sustainability and stability, I work to live , not live to work. I also kinda deal with depression so I know money won’t make me happy. I’m looking for my balance. I really want to reach that life satisfaction income in that 75k-100k range and I think I’ll be fine with that. There’s a Bob Marley quote I like “ Money is numbers and numbers are never ending so if you’re relying on money to make you happy you’ll never find that”… something like that. I can make a lot of money and buy a lot of stuff and things and it won’t have any lasting happiness in my life. + +I really want to develop a minimalist lifestyle but also balance it out with enjoying nice things and not being too radical. I have friends who are in the top 2%, and idk if that’s a goal of mine. Of course I don’t want to struggle with money, but it just feels like in this rat race capitalist society, a man with material riches and financial wealth is held with higher value. I don’t want to be ambition less or anything but I guess redirecting my ambition towards things where I’m not so focused on money. The focus on money really sucks the life out of me. To think all these celebrities and social media influencers who are millionaires or even 500k+ incomes are the top 1% and they just pretty much flaunt their wealth in our faces. + +I’m ranting, I guess because I’m unhappy with my life and career. I only make 45k and I can’t just go after “what I love” ( I don’t even know what that is) or what if whatever that is doesn’t make me money. I’m looking for healthier ways to see money, to see wealth, career and even when I’m around people with money or without much money have that not change my perception of them … classism is a thing. It’s cool I have friends in the top 2% with the salary I make, and those friends have millionaire friends. I don’t have millionaire friends, but if I did I wonder if the wealth gap would have any strain on our relationship. I know not all high income earners are upity and elitist. And not all low income folks are necessarily ambition-less, shiftless and lazy. But there has been this hierarchy built in this society and how people are praised and shitted on based off their economic class. + +Also I’ve read articles where Warren Buffet and Tony Robbins says do what you love and it won’t feel like work. Ideally that sounds great because I don’t like the day to day of my job but I have this fear that I either have to choose between a monotonous job that pays a good salary or do what I love and struggle. I basically make calls and emails all day as a Sales Development Rep and I work remotely. Loving something doesn’t necessarily mean you’re good at it or that it even pays well and I gotta eat. I have expenses. There’s a painter out there or a struggling musician eating a hotdog and can beans with a slice-of bread every night because they are following a passion that may never turn into financial/material success. So what’s the middle ground. Hearing a multi billionaire tell me to follow my passion and that’s how I will become a high income earner who enjoys his career just feels like I’m being sold a dream. If everyone could do that everyone would be rich. Capitalism doesn’t allow for that because someone always has to be at the bottom and the top, it’s hierarchical by nature. My dad always told me rich people choose careers they like, poor people choose what’s marketable. I can’t afford to just do fun stuff for a living. +All these post are doing is spreading FUD. +If we lock up the float on CS they can halt trading as long as they want it doesn’t f-ing matter we ain’t selling. These rules are pointless, change my mind! + +Just keep in DRSing, even if we don’t no body sells. So there’s no point in being afraid if they halt the NYSE. + +Edit: +Since this blew up, + +Don’t get me wrong apes, I rather see this rule go to. I’m not saying it’s a good thing. I’m just saying don’t let it scare you. + +I’ve been Hodling since Feb and they can stop trading for a year I don’t care I’ll Hodl for another year... No cell No sell. + +💪🏻🦍🚀🚀🚀🌚 +lunadoge.finance + +&#x200B; + +Remember my thread here 2 weeks ago? Since then we've done a 10x, and the BEST is yet to come! The TG is growing, holder count growing, marketcap growing. + +&#x200B; + +The LunaDoge token ($LOGE) takes the deflationary tokenomics of Safemoon and fuses it with the novelty of Dogecoin. LunaDoge operates just like SafeMoon, Shiba Inu, Elongate, and Moonrat with regards to a quadrillion dollar token supply and deflationary nature. + +&#x200B; + +LunaDoge is a fork of MoonRat and SafeMoon. Both projects have been audited by CertiK, assuring users that there is no backdoor in the code for the team to scam its investors. $LOGE is currently in it’s infancy and is only available on PancakeSwap🥞. + +&#x200B; + +Why does this token have Moon potential??? + +&#x200B; + +✅Hold and Earn + +&#x200B; + +· Every transaction incurs a 10% fee · 5% distributed to hodlers (LOGE will automatically get added to your wallet) · 5% permanently added to liquidty creating a steady rising floor Anti-Whale measures · Transactions greater than 0.5% of supply rejected to prevent Whale manipulation + +&#x200B; + +✅Liquidity Locked + +&#x200B; + +· Team tokens (24% of total supply) locked using third party provider DXSALE · Team tokens RE-LOCKED as of May 5th · 15% for 6 months, 5% for 3 months; 4.7% for 14 days which will be re-locked again · 1% burn every 2 weeks to a dead address which will create an ever decreasing supply of LOGE + +&#x200B; + +✅100% Community Driven + +&#x200B; + +· LunaDoge is fully transparent · Whitepaper · All team and LP tokens have been locked · Every trade automatically contributes to generating liquidity + +&#x200B; + +✅Bi-weekly Token Burn + +&#x200B; + +· Every second week the team will burn 1% of total $LOGE supply from their own tokens · This coincides with team token re-locks + +&#x200B; + +✅Marketing and Branding + +&#x200B; + +· They have a growing community on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram (links at the bottom) · This is a key element in the success of any product · The graphic design team has developed an appealing logo · Community contests such as a meme competition (running until May.8th) · They've partnered with multiple influencers to build brand awareness + +&#x200B; + +✅What’s in the Pipeline? + +&#x200B; + +· Coinmarketcap listing (pending) · Coingecko Listing (pending) · External audit · Website updates · LunaDoge Mars Program · Cross-chain integration · Token farming · Partnership rollout · Community growth + +&#x200B; + +This team has continued to demonstrate their commitment to the LONGEVITY of this project and have continually increased my investment confidence through their actions! Its holders are put first and that seems to be a rarity given the recent landscape of startup projects. + +&#x200B; + +Do your own DD and let me know what you think! Hopefully we’ll take a ride to the moon together 🚀 + +&#x200B; + +[https://lunadoge.finance/](https://lunadoge.finance/) +[Link to the full article (2 min read)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/25/alphabet-googl-q3-2022-earnings-.html) Alphabet stocks plunged in the extended market after reporting weaker than expected earnings and revenue for Q3. Revenue growth slowed to 6%, the lowest since 2013, as the company continues to experience decline in online ad spending. This is the first big tech earnings this week that focuses on the digital ad market. Snap reported weak Q3 results last week and reiterated the current challenges in the online advertising space. Google’s CEO acknowledged some of those concerns and has enacted cost-cutting measures across the company. + +**Check out** [**investorsnippets.com**](https://investorsnippets.com) **to get more bite-sized news like straight to your inbox for free.** +As the title suggests I’m looking to secure money as emergency fund. If I have the money in my savings account then I’m scared I might just spend it. I am also slowly starting to invest a part of my money in bits in MFs, RD, Insurance. How do I save money for emergency which can be easily available in case of emergency? Any tips and guidance is highly appreciated. + +Thank you in advance. + + +Note: please ignore any grammatical mistakes/ typos +When 2 of my family members passed away several years ago, I came to this group asking what the hell to do with a few million dollar windfall. I received a lot of great advice like what to read, research & not do. I followed the advice and did endless research, obsessively listened to podcasts on investing, real estate investing, etc. I had an inherited 401k and dumped an additional 500k into the market after the full windfall came (which happened to be the best timing, while not trying to time the market). +.The rest is in real estate that I bought off market by seeking out multifamily owners in our smaller town. I flipped a house and made 80k. Bought a house from a wholesaler and took it down to the studs and made it into a short term rental that made 8k+ last month. We manage our own apartment buildings now. Bought a historic building and we are applying for a housing grant to make the upstairs into housing that would be really cool and important for our town. We have two little kids. I think we are enjoying our lives’ work and proud of what we are doing. I’m truly nowhere near FAT (actually I am rather irrationally still concerned about finances) but I did increase my net worth by almost a million in a few years by buying correctly and not trying to time the market. I may not have followed the advice given to a tee but I think that me not completely screwing it up can be attributed to this community. So, thank you. +We are in a stage of working really really hard; we do a lot of work ourselves on our rentals. Sometimes I find it hard to relate here, but I’ve read this sub before bed every single night for 5 years since I got this advice from you all & I just wanted to say that there are some very wise and helpful people here. + +Also, as a side note, I understand now that windfall posts annoy people. One response was something like “My goal is for my kid to never make a post like this”. (I have a degree in business and consider myself rather intelligent but I didn’t feel well equipped to have several mil dropped in my lap). But the most meaningful response was the one that acknowledged the grief/loss. Most helpful was you all teaching me not to try and time the market. Keep in mind people who are experiencing windfalls are usually also experiencing immense loss. +Bringing **millions** of new agents into the market, disrupting the whole industry with commission-free trading, an intuitive UI that any ape like us can use, becoming the #1 downloaded app across most app stores... + +Without Robinhood, this whole thing probably wouldn't have happened and WSB would likely be stuck at 100k subscribers like it was 3-4 years ago. Because lets face it, a hugee percent of WSB use(d) Robintard because we're too low-functioning to use brokerages that use >4 syllable phrases like "money market fund" or "moving average" + +Something like this happening right before going public was **GOLDEN** for them. All they had to do was not be a corrupt sellout bitch, keep their huge influx of new users happy, and they would've been set to come out of this a more respectable, even larger brokerage, as well as a high-value public company. + +Instead they decided to expose the raw underbelly of their shitty business model and go exactly against their entire mission statement. Even if capital/margin requirements was the reason for the restrictions (it was definitely a factor but protip: it wasn't the full story), it doesn't change anything about the end result. Who the fuck wants to use a BROKErage who can't guarantee functionality during historical black swan events that usually result in the largest transfer of money? And then, **even if** they can't maintain capital requirements to execute trades, they could have handled it better. Just fucking pull the money from somewhere. Take out a huge loan from somebody ASAP. You can always get instant money if you don't give a fuck about interest rates, which they shouldn't because it's short-term and like I said, it would've been **HUGE** for the future of the company. Another one, they could have restricted both buying &amp;amp; selling of the trending tickers, or just go down altogether (RH users are very familiar with the app being down and losing full functionality, why is this time any different?). Yeah it would've sucked but at least it would've fucking stayed consistent with their mission statement of fair, democratic trading for all. I fuckin work at Wendy's and I can still imagine several better alternatives than the BS "difficult solution" they did. + +And speaking of their mission statement, it's complete BS. It's just a sugarcoated way of saying "lol we allow poor people to trade and have pretty colors". They clearly don't give a shit about DeMoCrAtIzInG tRaDiNg FoR aLl. Because if they did, their business model wouldn't have been a Wall Street megacorp keeping the lights on by frontrunning user trade data. + +And yeah another reason why "volatiilty" and "trade volume" excuses are BS is because they **increased** restrictions on Friday when both volume and volatility **decreased** lmfao. Screw this POS jokerage. + +Edit: And the lawsuits up the ass. They just finished a $65m SEC settlement **LAST MONTH**, think their rainy day fund is big enough to handle something like this immediately after? Lmao gl + + +Edit: Tbh this fuckery was such a double win for Citadel because they get to force RH to manipulate the market while also signing their death note, which for Citadel means less retail investors.... + + +#FUCK YOU ROBINTARD. YOU CAN'T STOP US FROM LIKING THE STOCK🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +I just bought my parents a new refrigerator and the GEStore offers a loan with no interest as long as it's paid off in the first 12 months. I went with that because why not? Why pay $1700 out of pocket now when I can just pay $144-ish per month for 12 months? + +Anyway, I looked at the terms of the loan and the details. It seems like they split your total purchase into 48 monthly payments. Weird. Ok who cares, I'll just do the math myself and make sure it gets paid off within 12 months. Then I saw the interest rate. 29.99%!!! Holy shit!! + +I know that won't matter to me because I'll have this thing paid off in 12 months, even sooner if I want to. Really I could pay it off right now if I wanted to, but no reason to while it's interest-free. But that's insane! Someone who is less conscious of these kinds of things or less educated in finance would probably get screwed over by this thing. + +Be careful with this kind of stuff!! By default, you often will **NOT** get the benefit of interest-free. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Alright, you've all convinced me. I'm going to just pay this off completely once it appears on the loan so I don't have to think about it anymore. I think I have to wait for my first statement. Now I'm regretting not using my credit card for the rewards :( + +Edit2: I changed my mind again. I might call and see if I can switch payment methods. If so, I’ll switch to my credit card to get the rewards and then pay off the credit card right away. If they can’t switch it then I’ll just pay the loan in 10–11 months like I originally planned. + +I’ve read a lot of your comments, many which say to just pay the loan in 10 months or so and others say to pay the loan immediately. I think there is merit to both approaches and functionally for me it’s not going to make much of a difference +Democratic Rep. Kathy Manning, D-N.C., scooped up thousands of dollars in semiconductor company stock just one day before voting to pass a bill providing massive subsidies to the sector, new disclosures show. One of the companies is already planning large-scale investments made possible due to the legislation. + +Manning and her husband purchased up to $30,000 in Micron Technology stocks and up to $95,000 in Nvidia stocks on July 27, the new disclosures show. The next day, Manning voted to pass the CHIPS Act, which will help expand semiconductor manufacturing facilities in the United States while providing the industry tens of billions of dollars in subsidies. + +The legislation received plenty of media attention prior to the vote, particularly concerning stock investments made by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's husband. + +"I'm proud of my vote to pass this historic investment in American CHIP manufacturing, lower costs, and creating good-paying jobs," Manning tweeted after the vote. + +Manning's congressional office told Fox Business the investments "are in accounts entirely controlled by third party managers" and that she and her husband "have no discretion or control over the underlying assets held in the accounts." + +"Neither Congresswoman Manning nor her husband exercised, or attempted to exercise, any control or direction over any transactions executed within the accounts," the office said. + +"Congresswoman Manning supported the CHIPS Act to maintain semiconductor chip manufacturing in the United States because it creates good-paying American jobs and protects national security," they added. + +Source: [https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/dem-rep-kathy-manning-scooped-thousands-chip-company-stock-one-day-voting-pass-chips-act](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/dem-rep-kathy-manning-scooped-thousands-chip-company-stock-one-day-voting-pass-chips-act) + +Kathy Manning bought Micron Technology MU & Nvidia NVDA on July 27, one day before voting to pass the CHIPS Plus Act in the House. Non-politicians would get convicted for insider trading if they trade on non-public info. Do you think this should be made illegal? +**TL;DR** + +**The Squeeze Is Happening Now** + + +Let's see see, today is a really big day for the Snake Banks, selling themselves like your mom on the street corner. It's okay though, there's a list of johns she uses. + +Get it, she keeps getting fucked by the same people over and over again. + +Just like you. + +* + +So below this is companies that are selling Notes, Senior Notes, their funds. Apparently the top links don't work, I'm fixing it, but [this one](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-04-16&enddt=2021-04-20&forms=FWP) goes to the list of companies offering sales. + +[HSBC](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000083246/000110465921052270/tm2113400d2_fwp.htm) + +> If we were to repurchase your Notes immediately after the Original Issue Date, the price you receive may be higher than the Estimated Initial Value of the Notes. + +Nice language, I wonder what it means? + + +[Bank of America](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000070858/000119312521119914/d141072dfwp.htm) +3.5 Billion + +[Morgan Stanley](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001666268/000095010321005698/dp149553_fwp-ps1365msfl.htm) + +UBS is being their dealers for a sales commission, great guys those. Real salt of the earth. + +[Bank of Montreal](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000927971/000121465921004342/d419211fwp.htm) + +Their subsidiary(holding), BMO Capital Markets Corp. (“BMOCM”), is the agent for this offering. + +[Morgan Stanley](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001666268/000183988221005998/msf1361_fwp-03859.htm) + +Republic of Columbia +[1 Billion](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000917142/000119312521121876/d117835dfwp.htm) + +Bank of New York Mellon +[400 Million](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001390777/000119312521122039/d127542dfwp.htm) + +[Royal Bank of Canada](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001000275/000114036121013422/brhc10023364_fwp.htm) + +OH SHIT ARE THEY SELLING TWITTER STOCK + +also + +> The Notes are our debt securities, the return on which is linked to the performance of the Reference Stock. As is the case for all of our debt securities, including our structured notes, the economic terms of the Notes reflect our actual or perceived creditworthiness at the time of pricing. In addition, because structured notes result in increased operational, funding and liability management costs to us, we typically borrow the funds under these Notes at a rate that is more favorable to us than the rate that we might pay for a conventional fixed or floating rate debt security of comparable maturity. + +Bank of America +[4.5 Billion](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000070858/000119312521119919/d141072dfwp.htm) + + +[JP Morgan](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001665650/000182912621002705/jpm_fwp.htm) + +[AMC fund 19](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001857646/000185764621000001/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml) + +Those are single offerings, btw, they have more. + +[The link](https://www.sec.gov/edgar/search/#/dateRange=custom&category=custom&startdt=2021-04-16&enddt=2021-04-20&forms=FWP) has preliminary proespectus regarding the Notes they are going to be putting up for sale. Lots of really familiar faces liiiike + +* JP Morgan +* Citibank, +* Royal Bank of Canada, +* Bank of Nova Scotia +* Bank of America +* HSBC +* Bank of New York Mellon +* Republic of Colombia +* Bank of Montreal + +A tidy little list, and by no means is it complete. + +And here's Ally Financial Inc offering up 1 BILLION dollars. I've never heard of them, let's check out their + + * Joint Managers +* Barclays Capital Inc. +* Citigroup Global Markets Inc. +* J.P. Morgan Securities LLC +* RBC Capital Markets, LLC +* BofA Securities, Inc. +* Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. +* Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC +* Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC +* U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. + + +Oh dear, those are familiar names. They're co-managers of a LOT of funds guys. + +Probably cause they're never sure who's fucking their wife that day + +[Genesis Energy Finance Corp](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001022321/000119312521121461/d150074dfwp.htm) is offering about 250 million in Notes, let's check out these + + * Joint Managers +* BofA Securities, Inc. +* BNP Paribas Securities Corp +* Capital One Securities, Inc. +* Citigroup Global Markets Inc. +* Fifth Third Securities, Inc. +* RBC Capital Markets, LLC +* Regions Securities LLC +* Scotia Capital (USA) Inc. +* SMBC Nikko Securities America, Inc. +* Wells Fargo Securities, LLC +* Co-manager:  Comerica Securities, Inc. + +Boy you guys are just literally everywhere huh? I started out by researching each individual one, but as I learn their names and subsidiaries, they just show up, for free, like your mom. + +**What are they selling?** + +Secured bonds, not always guaranteed, but ones that will make a lot of equity for them. We talk about them needing equity and liquidity, but do they? + +Or does snakey hedgies just want a buffer between their personal banana numbers and apes? + +I'm moving on from these drafted up Sales proposals, but I know who's going to buy them. Another snake bank. If you'd like to hunt yourself, filter for forms FWP and 424B2. + + * + +Guggenheim Capital is being the 'institutional investment manager' for Security Investors LLC, they made sure to file on...today. I didn't know Guggenheim had it's tail dipped in so many pies. [Today.](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000791185/000182126821000123/xslForm13F_X01/primary_doc.xml) + +Always great to see a familiar face. + +I'm going to put a pin in this filing, cause Citadel isn't the most uncommon name but. + +[Citadel Investment Advisory, Inc. PO BOX 900 CHESTERLAND, OH  44026](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001811907/000181190721000005/xslForm13F_X01/primary_doc.xml) + + * + +[Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001330399/000156459021019552/na-8k_20210414.htm) isn't selling stuff, but I like their language regarding debt secuties. + +**Item 2.03 Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet** + + > The Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh (the "FHLBank") obtains most of its funds from the sale of debt securities, known as consolidated obligations, in the capital markets. Consolidated obligations, which consist of bonds and discount notes, are by regulation the joint and several obligations of the eleven Federal Home Loan Banks. The Federal Home Loan Banks are regulated by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (the "Finance Agency"), successor to the Federal Housing Finance Board effective on July 30, 2008 (collectively, the "Regulator"), and the regulations issued by the Regulator authorize the Finance Agency to require any Federal Home Loan Bank to repay all or a portion of the principal of or interest on consolidated obligations for which another Federal Home Loan Bank is the primary obligor. Consolidated obligations are sold to the public through the Office of Finance using authorized securities dealers. Consolidated obligations are backed only by the financial resources of the eleven Federal Home Loan Banks and are not guaranteed by the United States government. + + * + +Oh hey! On April 12, 2021, JP Morgan is filing a beneficial ownership of ::checks hand:: [PLBY Group](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000019617/000001961721000288/PLBY_GROUP_INC.htm) nearly 3 million of their stocks under Sole Voting Power, and checkmarked + + > x A parent holding company or control person in accordance with § 240.13d-1(b)(1)(ii)(G); + +Hey, we remember what that is, right? JP Morgan is soooo generous, helping out other companies. BTW, Sole Voting Power means JP Morgan gets to decide what to do with those nearly 3 mill stocks, it's not a Shared Voting power which means the company gets, any say really. + +Also, PEG U.S. Direct Corporate Finance Institutional Investors IV LLC is the beneficial owner of 7.4%. + +Let's keep an eye on that name. + +[Monthly Distribution](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001600824/000185362021000002/cgcmt2014gc19_10d_42021.htm) of Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2014-GC19 just got filed, that's pretty normal. Let's check out the Holders/Sponsors of this fund. + +Citigroup Global Markets Realty Corp. +Goldman Sachs Mortgage Company +MC-Five Mile Commercial Mortgage Finance LLC +Cantor Commercial Real Estate Lending, L.P. +The Bancorp Bank +Rialto Mortgage Finance, LLC +RAIT Funding, LLC + +Aaaand + +U.S. Bank National Association (principal executive offices of issuing entity) + +Issuing Entity, real fancy. + +Okay, next thing. Aww hey it's a stock offering by [Full Circle Brewery](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001715599/000166516021000493/xslC_X01/primary_doc.xml), reason for the Amendment is they need to extend their campaign? Let's check this out. Arthur Moye is trying to get someone to invest in him, he even has a website. + +Look at those sweet little numbers, he's offering Class C non voting stocks, the target is 1964 and the deadline is July 19, 2021. He has 22 employees. + +Poor guy, guess he doesn't know the right people. + +I wonder if this is how hedgies find people needing help? You know they wouldn't accept no class c stocks with non voting power tho. Some lawyers are 'ambulance chasers', maybe some hedgies are 'I own your company now fuck you'. + +Sorry, that got away from me. + +[Wookey Technology](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001854155/000185415521000002/xslFormDX01/primary_doc.xml) is also offering stock, or a minimum of 5 thousand accepted by any outside investor. He's got 38 investors, bless them. + +Investing is interesting, isn't it? + +Here's another important thing to remember this is included in pretty much all of these contracts, in big bold letters deep inside the language. + +**Hedging Risks** + +Very, very, VERY few times have I seen under that caption that a company states they don't do that sort of thing. + +Let me tell you, if you heard the RBC bank's salty ass answer to the analyst from BoFA, [you'd deffo laugh](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001000275/000121465915001685/s225150425.htm). She told him. + +*Janice Fukakusa - Royal Bank of Canada - Chief Administrative Officer, CFO* +Oh, I'm sorry. You were talking about the CAD41 million in earnings. That's strictly foreign currency translation on earnings. + +*Steve Theriault - BofA Merrill Lynch - Analyst* +So there's no hedging offset to that number? + +*Janice Fukakusa - Royal Bank of Canada - Chief Administrative Officer, CFO* + No. + +*Steve Theriault - BofA Merrill Lynch - Analyst* + So that won't necessarily rise next quarter? There's no sort of smoothing on that? + +*Janice Fukakusa - Royal Bank of Canada - Chief Administrative Officer, CFO and Bad-Ass Bitch* + Right, because we do not hedge our future earnings. So that's strictly translation, as we earn it and translate it to Canadian dollars. We only hedge our equity. + +Fucking dead. + +anyway i haven't even participated yet in this beautiful holiday, ill go fix that in a minute. + +Uh right, so stuff. You know that meme where spongebob is angrily showing beneath his bed and the closet and the whole trash heap outside? + +*Where are they going to get the money to pay a floor of a million plus?* + +Yeah, that. So I'm just going to keep meandering through this shit and giving a feel for what kind of money moves around daily, what kind of funds they've got on their end. + +Until the names become ingrained in your head. + +Until the numbers become as familiar and heartwarming and *within reach* to ape's mind as it is to snakes. + +You see, because the squeeze is getting squozed right now, and it has been for decades. On you. + +Take a walk somewhere or a drive, look around. Look at the schools, fuck look at the average person's bank account. + +Ape reading this, most of them anyway, know exactly the pressure I mean. + +It's time to squeeze back. + +Happy 4/20 + +**** + +*** + +** + +* +The Banks Are Selling Government Bonds to the Hedgies- The Floor is 250 Million [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtp8y1/the_banks_are_selling_government_bonds_to_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[Part 1.5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtt8wg/master_feeder_funds_privately_negotiated_loans/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) (unformatted) + +[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mubk7t/the_worlds_largest_shell_game_the_floor_is_250/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[The Banks ARE The Hedge Funds - The Floor is 250 Million Link-Free Edition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/muoyq8/the_banks_are_the_hedge_funds_the_floor_is_250/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Edit 1: sorry about the links guys fixing it + +Edit 2: trying to make it look...neater + +Bonus Banana Numbers + +**Two banks merging** + +>[Webster and Sterling](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0000801337/000114036121013384/nt10023268x5_425.htm +) are uniting to create a powerhouse bank with over $63 billion in assets. + +>Together, we will have $52 billion in deposits, $42 billion in total loans (80% of which are commercial), and 225 banking centers across the footprint. + +> The combined company will be called Webster Financial Corporation (NYSE: WBS) and the combined bank will be called Webster Bank. Chairman and CEO of Webster John R. Ciulla will serve as the President and CEO, and President and CEO Jack Kopnisky of Sterling will serve as the Executive Chairman. There will be a combined executive management team, and the board of directors will have representation from each company. + +Tis but a drop of blood to them. +I seems everyone is predicting continued inflation in the near future. If I have some money that I may want to use for a vacation home down payment in 2-3 years, what should I do with it? The thought of sticking it in savings, makes me sick at current interest rates, where it could lose significant value if inflation is high. But, inflation could also trigger the stock market to contract, making it a bad time to sell in the short term. Since buying the vacation home isn't a must, I could ride it out if necessary, but it wouldn't be ideal given some of our short-term plans that we have been building up to for many years. What would you do if you wanted to use the money in 2-3 years? +Obligatory emoji 🚀 + +**Short Version:** +The short version is that a review of the **'strategic fails–to–deliver'** data indicates that institutional insiders may have counterfeited a massive number of Gamestop shares which is why they tried to stop retail investors from buying more shares on Thursday. + +There are are **71 million shares** of GME that have ever been issued by the company. Institutions have reported to the SEC via 13F filings that they own more than **102,000,000** shares (including the 13% of GME stock is owned by Ryan Cohen). That is already 30,000,000 shares more than even exist. + +On top of the shares reportedly owned by institutions, retail investors may currently hold 50+ million shares (counting both long holdings and call options – both ITM and OTM). + +Once you include call options, **retail investors may already hold more than 100% of GME (not just 100% of the float, more than 100% of the actual company)**. This would be definitive proof of illegal activity at the highest levels of the financial system. + + +**Long Version:** +A more detailed analysis by /u/johnnydaggers is here. This chart is also from /u/johnnydaggers: +[Link to original analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l97ykd/the_real_reason_wall_street_is_terrified_of_the/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=wallstreetbets&utm_content=t1_glj2msx +) +This message is mostly aimed at the new blood in here: Seriously, no dates, no expectations, nothing. +Clear your mind. + +To anyone saying "nah i'm jacked to the tits": me too ape, but we need to not get ahead of ourselves. Trust the process. The instructions are simple. **Hold** + +The MOASS is inevitable. + +-socrates ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + +---------------- + +*edit in regards to rensoles post: Apes don't fight apes. But seriously, no one has a clue what the price will be. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of finance. **NO ONE KNOWS.** You could say your floor is 100K and another person could say 10Million but none of that even matters. No one has any idea what will happen. +If you are shaken up by someone else's price expectations then you clearly aren't confident in your own.* +Guten Tag to all of you Great Apes across the world! 👋🦍 + +The US Stock Market is closed on Monday, July 5th, but the German exchanges are open as usual! To celebrate this occasion, Diamantenhände will run for the entire duration of the Frankfurt stock exchange. These threads tend to draw many new participants to Diamantenhände, so for those just joining us, please have a great time! Drop a comment below to help represent your country or culture, and join apes around the world to watch low-frequency updates from a single German exchange! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 Frankfurt Exchange ending price: **$205.77 / 173,43 €** *(volume: 4330 shares)* +- ⬜ 510 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- ⬜ 505 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- 🟩 500 minutes in: $206.10 / 173,70 € +- ⬜ 495 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 490 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 485 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 480 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 475 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- 🟩 470 minutes in: $206.07 / 173,68 € +- ⬜ 465 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 460 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 455 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 450 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 445 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 440 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 435 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 430 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 425 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 420 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 415 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 410 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 405 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 400 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 395 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 € +- ⬜ 390 minutes in: $205.80 / 173,45 €