diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_470.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_470.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_470.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +Secondly, I’m sure many of us want to see society flourish as humanity works its way towards a more sustainable means of supporting itself. By growing meat “in the lab”, billions of animal lives could be saved. The cruelty that inevitably comes with factory-farmed food harvesting could disappear, if lab-grown meat takes off. + +With veganism on the rise, clean meat offers conscious consumers an alternative that’s indistinguishable from the real thing. Every vegan and vegetarian I’ve asked so far all suggested they would be open to the idea of lab-grown meat. Many restaurants have been offering substitutes like Beyond Meat for a while now, but these are merely plant-based fillers “disguised” as meat. + +Another fascinating aspect of the clean meat revolution is the impact it could have on marine environments. Overfishing is a huge problem, and Agronomics has made several investments already in seafood replacement technologies. If it’s not clear already, this technology will soon allow mass-production of lab-grown seafood — indistinguishable from the real thing — at scale. + +Agronomics is backed by big-name philanthropic investors like [Jim Mellon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Mellon). ANIC is currently trading at around 25p, so its still early days. + +Several companies which Agronomics have invested in are aiming to reach the market later this year, so I’m very optimistic about its long-term future potential. + +Let me know what you think, and thanks for reading! And if you haven’t seen the original DD yet, [take a look here](https://reddit.com/r/wheresthebeef/comments/n3z3om/clean_meat_is_at_the_brink_of_revolutionising_the/). +What stocks are on your radar this week? + +What's in the news that's affecting the market? + +Celebrate your successes, rue your losses, or just chat with your fellow Value redditors! + +Take everything here with a grain of salt! We suggest checking other users' posting/commenting history before following advice or stock recommendations. Watch out for shill accounts that pump the same stock all over Reddit, or have many posts/comments deleted in other investing subreddits. Stay safe! + +*(New Weekly Megathreads are posted every Monday at 0600 GMT.)* +I'm looking to set up a Roth IRA for my 16yo daughter. I have personal accounts with Schwab and Fidelity, so they are definitely options. I'm wondering if anyone has any better ideas tailored specifically to an account that will be a minor/custody account initially and then convert when she's old enough (TBH IDK is that age would be 18 or 21). + +I'm asking in this sub because, while I'm not super-active here, I find it to be one of the more helpful subs I follow. + +Thank you! +I’ve been keeping my tabs on this one for a while and the sweet spot to enter this thing should be around 80-90 dollars.. hopefully this epic thing turns out in epic favour because I can already see a lot of Apple investors getting agitated with the stock because it hasn’t done anything in the last 2/3 months. They’re getting bored because it is moving sideways. We just need a catalyst to cause a sell off and this epic thing could be it along with people boredom with holding Apple +Morning all, just wanted to share that I'm starting to ease my way in to some positions using Joel Greenblatt's Magic Formula screener. Not planning to make it a huge portfolio, but wanted to test it out with <$50 per position spread over 25-30 positions. Would love to hear anyone else's experience with using his strategy. +In the never-ending quest to turn over as many stones as possible, I started looking at more small cap names. I used the magic formula investor screener to pop up some names with a market cap under 500 million, and the one that is really sticking out to me right now is Nautilus. They are a home fitness company whose most famous product is the Bowflex, though they do sell bikes under the Schwinn brand as well. + +In home exercise became a boom last year, and NLS shot up from a low point of $1.80 in January of 2020 to a high of $31.00. As covid plays become less popular, the stock price has reflected this, and it is back down now to its 52 week low of around $11.50. + +The thing is, I don't think at home exercise is going away just because people can go to gyms again, and while a large group of people are maybe more motivated to exercise in a gym setting, a lot of us are just fine turning on a movie or podcast at home and quietly exercising there. I don't think this is a company that is going away. + +Fundamentally, the metrics reflect this as well. Their revenue has gone from 406 million in 2015 to 553 in 2020 and a current TTM of 735 million. Their current ratio is 2.00 with current assets of 260 million and current liabilities at 130 million. Total liabilities as of 2020 was only 165 million. Their PE ratio is currently around 5, and their Price to Free Cash Flow ratio sits higher at around 23. This info is all from either Finviz or Macrotrends. I have not dug into the 10-Qs as much yet, though I have read the latest 10-K. Much of their sales come from Amazon, and more importantly, Dicks Sporting Goods (represents about 20% of all sales), which is currently riding a high after their earnings report last week. Their are transforming their space digitally, and their current CEO, Jim Barr, specializes in this type of transformation, doing the same with Richie Brothers last decade and making them a kind of ebay for exercise equipment and other products. + +Their Return on Invested Capital is impressive with a 10 year median of 16% and in 2020, a whopping 38%. My calculation of cash flow for owners shows a 10 year average of $20.2 million with 2020 showing a total of $63 million. Using this as a DCF projection, if I were to factor in an expected return of 22% per year (I like 15%, but the added 7% gives an extra margin of safety in conservative calculations), and even at a measly growth rate of 2-5%, I get an buy price per share of $10.08-11.67, which is where the stock is at now. + +So in summary, I see growth, I see a soured market and a chance on a turnaround, I see an excellent margin of safety, and I see a DCF model ran very conservatively that is showing the current price, which rarely happens when I do one of these. What exactly am I missing? The stock has gone down 35% year to date an is currently at its 52 week low. I feel like the stock rode the sympathies of Pelaton and crashed the same as well with little look at their specific fundamentals, but I feel like I'm missing something because I've only been doing this for a few months and I may not feel my analysis skills are the best yet. Is there something about this company that I'm missing that's gonna make it just sink because this seems like a great place to buy in right now. + +[https://quickfs.net/company/NLS:US](https://quickfs.net/company/NLS:US) + +I can link my valuation below. I use Hamish Hodder's spreadsheets. + +[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODr9HUJ90xtWD-0Xoz4vPw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODr9HUJ90xtWD-0Xoz4vPw) + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/112jc0G-j0mU6WUdzxPg-Co7SDNduI73jOaAcsfc62V8/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/112jc0G-j0mU6WUdzxPg-Co7SDNduI73jOaAcsfc62V8/edit?usp=sharing) + +EDIT: + +Someone brought up this was discussed on here a few weeks ago. Didn't notice at all. I want to link that post too because there's a lot of good comments there. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/p3o6qs/thoughts\_on\_nls/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValueInvesting/comments/p3o6qs/thoughts_on_nls/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) +Hello everyone, I know that Damodaran is like a good in evaluating businesses and his courses are followed all over the word. But in his website he mainly propose two courses: +Corporate Finance +Valuation +Both are pretty long, I tried to scroll some slides from the Valuation course but I see a lot of formulas and DCFs. Personally I am doing Value Investment by like 5 years and I never used things like CAPM, WACC ecc... and the DCF I use are the most simple ones, because I prefer to focus on the business more than on the numbers (like analyzing competitors, the sector the company is operating, how good the management is, ecc..). +Since I recognize that I still have a lot to learn, I would like to know if some of you followed one or both courses and if they found those courses useful for their investment decisions (obviously Value Based Investments). +Thank you in advance and have a great day! +From my knowledge and past articles, I believe that the phrase "the only reason to your shares is when company fundamentals start changing" is said by great investors such as Warren Buffett. Assuming that the company you are invested in doesn't issue dividends, when should you take profit. + +In the event where company fundamental doesn't change and stocks start crashing (black swan events), you would lose out on massive gains. An example will be if you bought in the company at $100, and now it's at $150, but due to not taking of profits, the crash happens to wipe the price to $50. As we know, crash can last for a long period of time, if the stock remains at $50 for 5-6 years, you are losing out on a lot of opportunity cost. What would you do in this case? +Hello All, +My first post here. Want to get advise on getting kids into financial education. Starting with basics and going into advanced topics of retirement/ stocks/ taxes etc . + +Thought summer is a good time to find some possible resources/ workshops/ courses so they can learn from stress free. Didn’t want it to be a course that’s graded😄. Want them to enjoy Learning concepts. + +Thank you! +Could be an unforced error or thumb sucking when action be needed. + +Why was it a poor decision? How did it end? + +(Examples: Paid too much, Forgone a better opportunity, Missed a critical weakness, Bias got in the way, etc) + +^(Note: A poor decision is different from an unlucky outcome.) +I'd love to get some input on what you all think about BBY. Up until today, I had never looked into the financials of this company and to my surprise, I liked what I saw. + +Growing revenue YOY, P/E <20, 2.79% divided that they can support, current assets are greater than current liabilities, growing ROIC YOY & they consistently buy back shares. + +I have the I.V. somewhere around $188.68 + +Price at the time of writing this is $100.03 + +I'd love some feedback. Perhaps I'm missing something that disqualifies this company as a great value play.... +# When inflation heats up, lots of folks look to gold or commodity businesses, or today even things like "coins". + +In my view, a much better path is to invest in value stocks - in particular, value stocks with certain economic characteristics. + +What you want is a business with a high return on capital, pricing power, and high gross margins. + +High return on capital means you have to do less capital spending under inflationary pricing in the future (elevated capex can eat up returns of high capex businesses). + +Pricing power and high gross margin mean that you will be able to raise prices during the inflation, and your profit margins will stay hefty as your cost of goods sold is a relatively small portion of your sales proceeds. + +In other words, high ROIC businesses with strong moats. + +I recall Buffett using the example of broadcasting rights as a good inflation resistant business. He also used the See's Candy as an example of a business that can hold its own under inflation (High ROIC, pricing power, brand moat). In general, royalty interests of any kind can be very favorable. + +\-Franchisors can also be great buys - they typically get a royalty based on sales - so as long as the network grows and can raise prices, the Franchisor gets the benefit of this without any increased cost of capital at a very high incremental margin. + +\- Long term, fixed rate debt can also act as a hedge (you pay back your loan in depreciated dollars) + +Any other thoughts? What businesses fit into this formula? + +Any considerations that you think I missed? +I know this topic has been covered in the past, but I'd like to get your latest thoughts as we sit today. + +Moderna currently has a PE of 5.4, they made $4.7 billion last quarter (beating estimates of $4 billion), they have $21 billion in advance purchase agreements for Covid vaccines in 2022, they have \~$18billion in cash to $650 million in debt, they have a current net margin of \~52%, they have a highly effective vax that has now been approved by the FDA for children......aaaaaannnnnd they have no other products besides their SPIKEVAX. Murky waters? + +Obviously a huge part of the buy thesis rests on how pervasive Covid continues to be and the need/demand for future boosters. I personally think Covid won't go away and we will continue to need Moderna's vaccine booster into the future. Remember, their product is one of the most effective and also isn't as challenging from a storage/shipping/administration standpoint as the competitors. However, with 67% of the US population already vaccinated, I don't think it's likely that the deniers/unvaxxed are likely to jump on Moderna's product in the future. What does this mean for the longer-term profitability of the SPIKEVAX and can the market grow? + +The next buy argument is that Moderna has proven the efficacy and potential of MRNA vaccines. Moderna is positioned to use their industry leading knowledge (and $18 billion cash pile) to develop new vaccines for other maladies. Currently $MRNA has Phase Three vaccine trials underway for cytomegalovirus (CMV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and the flu. Any one of these gaining approval would be a huge boon for profits and for the stock price. Phase 3 Trials typically take 1-4 years and how likely one (or all) of these trials are to hit is beyond me. + +The bear case is pretty obvious. Moderna is a one-hit wonder and their only product may be running out of disease to treat. While MRNA vaccines were effective for Covid, they haven't (yet) proven to be successful for anything else. It's a value trap and Moderna may not be able to create any future vaccines. + +Personally, I lean more towards the bull case. I think MRNA vaccines are a huge leap forward in medical technology and I have faith that Moderna is well positioned to profit off of this medical revolution. With that said, I'm a newbie on biotech stocks and I'd love to hear from folks more knowledgable than me. Thanks all! +I’m getting sick and tired of the incompetence of Bayer’s management. + +They made the worst acquisition of the decade by buying Monsanto and until now they are still not able to settle the RoundUp cases. + +All units are performing well, but the CEO just can’t handle the RoundUp problem together with his legal team. + +So my question is: is this a classic value trap or a classic turnaround opportunity? + +To be honest, I’m losing my patience with the incompetence of the CEO and his ignorance to the situation… + +Yes, I’m feeling angry right now and I learned to not push a buy or sell button in such situations 🙄 + +Open to hear your thoughts! + +Discl: I own 100 shares in $BAYN +Can anyone help me with this? Came across this in an accounting book and when I actually look at companies balance sheets this isn’t the case am I missing something? +I’ve been reading Peter Lynch’s book “One Up on Wallstreet” and I’m trying to apply some things from it. Mostly I struggle with newer companies (fresh IPO) and tech companies. My biggest problem is negative earnings. How do you value a company when it’s not making a profit? + +Edit: I’ve received some very good answers. Thank you all for your help. This is becoming one of my favorite subs on Reddit. So much good stuff. +Im reading ,,The Little Book of Valuation" by Damodaran and feel overwhelmed by information and cant get any knowledge out of it. Im starting 3 chapter, got some notes about previous 2 but i feel like im wasting my time bcs i dont understand much things. Maybe im getting it wrong? Should i consider starting from other book or change methodology? +thanks +If interest rates are surely going to increase, and prices (along with home prices) are predicted to go up, does this make it a good time to buy a home IF you are in the market for it? + +I know there are many other subs for such a question, but I wanted to hear what other value investors thought of the high prices of houses now. What would be your preferred monthly-home-cost to net-income-ratio? + + +Also, is there any good math-related things to know, reg. owning a home, paying off a mortgage and things like that? +As we know it's very difficult for an individual stock picker to beat the market so currently I have 40% allocated to EFTs (using trading212 as my platform) the EQQQ (I live in UK), S&P 500 and the iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology ETF (in preparation for 2035 and planning to lower my cost average over time) + +The other 60% is allocated to my own stock picks with my own thesis and that include stocks that I have seen mentioned in this subreddit and those that I think which people are missing some details on, which are (mostly) dividend paying established companies with consist revenue and net income growth over long periods of time and what I think are at a low pe / p/fcf - +ABBV +BABA +GOGGL +AMAT +BMO +BNS +BBY +COST +DPZ +HPQ +MU +NG +TSM +UPS +VALE + +Would be interested to hear your thoughts and which stock I could add to my portfolio, of which I will do my DD before opening a position. + +I currently have £5k invested and another £4k in cash along with an income (low income but still about £50 per month free) and dividend income which I will use to increase my positions over time +Energy stocks continue to be amongst one of the most undervalued sectors while almost everything else is at fair value or significantly above it. Apart from emerging markets (particularly China) Energy stocks seem to be the exception. Oil prices are on the rise and I believe will continue to do so for the next few years as we continue to fully open up and travel goes back to its normal levels. This allows oil companies, for example, to pay down debt and buy back shares or pay dividends. + +One of the most undervalued companies seems to be ET, which has been paying down debt and has been a massive cash-cow. One problem with the company for years has been their management, which has often over-paid for acquisitions and taken in too much debt, but they seem to be turning around and being smarter. Recent snow-storms in Texas have allowed it to get more profit this year, allowing it to pay much more debt down than would have been possible. + +Some other names that come to me as possible choices are Suncor, Exxon, Energy Products Partners, Magellan, Enbridge, and Petroleo Brasileiro, amongst many others. + +What I like about ET is that besides providing a nice dividend, they also seem to have the potential for massive capital appreciation, which is like a big cherry on top. I am in my late 20s, so I like the potential for a combination of some hefty dividends and capital gains. + +I am a long-term investor and would probably hold ET for 3-5 years. + +Anyone else buying ET and or any other energy stock whether oil or otherwise? +My highest conviction is BRK.B (also my biggest holding). Other potentials: Costco (COST), Discovery (DISCA), Altria (MO), Kroger (KR), T. Rowe Price (TROW) + +By annual return I mean dividends (if any) + share price appreciation + +Edit: Title should read "..with a minimum holding period of 10 years" +Hey all, new to Value investing. Read all the books and have been analysing GEO. A rehabilitation REIT paying a monster dividend and currently trading below Book Value with strong earnings, growth and as much of the sector, a lotta debt. + +Has anyone else looked at GEO? It is a Value trap? +I have been going through some companies, I have seen that some were significantly undervalued-meaning at liquidation a considerable amount would be paid out per share. Most of which were large banks and other financial institutions. These companies have been undervalued by the market for quite some time, what are your thoughts on this valuation method and do you find these companies investment worthy? Given the stock price doesn't appreciate, and dividends are not paid out, or are very minuscule when they are [paid.](https://paid.In) Is cheap enough? +I like to do DCF and they have worked so far but the hardest part of all is calculation the growth of a company, I know a couple of methods like the current profits generated from current assets can tell you how much you can expect from new assets brought but I feel that it only applies to commodities companies. For example in software companies the assets they have doesn't mean anything compared to profits, they could buy 3 more campuses and increase profits by 10% or they can shrink offices and one of the products becomes popular and increase profits by 700%. + +I also think of analyst forecast but I found them too short time and when they are long term they are far off. I also think of interpolating previous performance into future growth but that's a big bias in human nature and most of the time is wrong. + + In any case I always try to predict very low future growth because if I'm wrong and it was bigger I earn more money instead of losing money if they grow less that I calculated. + +I want to read your thoughts. +Hi all, I'd like to better understand the concept of Owner's Earnings. + +1) What's the benefit of looking at Operating Cash Flow - Capex over just simply Net Profit? Aside from being able to split Capex into Maintenance/non-maintenance capex is there some other benefit? +Why do we even look at Operating Cash Flow (which is simply Net Profit + Depreciation et al.) Isn't the concept of e.g. depreciation somewhat useful in understanding the cost of "maintenance" of a company? For example, say that I bought a local pub - and say that the pub needs to buy a fridge every 5 years - wouldn't the "depreciating fridge" charge of e.g. $200 this year give me an equally good understanding of the types of costs this business needs to be maintained on an average year compared to a one-off $1000 capex fridge cost ? + +2) Isn't "Growth Capex" very limited in its ability to capture "money spent to expand the business"? For example, a business spends money in many areas other than Capex for growth. For example, a product team's salary may all fall under SG&A. Wouldn't it make sense to add a chunk of that back into owner's earnings? Eventually, a developer's salary listed under SG&A will lead to growth, thus business expansion. +The bank is located in Argentina, the whole country is going trough a rough financial time. People are losing their trust in pesos (the Argentine currency). The gouvernement is corrupt. And the previous ceo of $BMA died in a helicopter crash a couple months ago. + +Do you think all this fear is rational or are people overreacting? After all, it’s generally good to be greedy when others are fearful as Buffett famously quoted. + Hey guys, my name’s Pat and this is my first post on here + +First thing I want to say is that I will only be recommending stocks that I own, and I’ll try to keep my posts as concise as possible as to not waste any of your time. With that being said, the stock I want to mention is SSR Mining. Ticker **SSRM**, currently trading at **1.09x Price/Book** and **15.82x P/E** which is extremely positive for a mining company. The balance sheet’s very very strong with $5.1b assets/$1.7b liabilities. The company currently has total debt of $460m, which $388m is long-term. The strongest part of the balance sheet is their cash and equipment totals with $860m cash on hand along with $3.4b in Prop/Equipment. Total assets/total liabilities ratio is 6.4, which again reinforces how strong this balance sheet is. Book value per share is **$16.70**, and the stock’s currently trading around **$17.50**. So ultimately this stock is a great risk/reward opportunity, if the market starts to pick back up again this stock could easily be trading in the mid to high $20’s. Let me know what you guys think. + +Thanks, Pat +Over the years, I've read about how buy and hold has come to dominate investing, something on the order of 60% of the market. If this is true, why is there so much volatility? I would think the market just goes up and up. Maybe brief losses here and there, but I would think huge dips would be impossible. Maybe people aren't as dedicated to buy and and hold as perceived? Personally, I'm struggling not to sell right now. Appreciate feedback and thoughts. +\-How do you find risk adjusted assets? If capital ratios are calculated with using risk adjusted assets then where the hell are they on the balance sheet? I'm having a nightmare trying to find them. Do I have to back them out of the capital ratio? I don't know what to do here. + +\-This is a bank that is very overcapitalized. Their capital ratio is sitting (using their most recently filed 10k) at 26.90%. Now they accept digital currency deposits so you have to consider counterparty risk here that the bank has to prepare for. The whole allure of cryptoassets is that it covers your financial trail so they have no idea what crypto they're accepting and how it may be traced to activities the bank may not be so approving of. I think a high capital ratio is necessary in this case. So I calculated out the reinvestment in regulatory capital as T1C2019-T1C2018, which was $246,447,000-$215,638,000, and I got a needed reinvestment of $30,809,000. Does this sound remotely correct? + +\-What should I be targeting as a capital ratio here? Am I just winging it for a growth bank? + +&#x200B; + +P.S. I'm using Damodaran's Deutsche Bank valuation as a big crutch here. But I'm not finding it very helpful because his Deutsche Bank valuation came at the time they were facing the $10B fine from the Department of Justice. It was a special event. This isn't. So his valuation accounts for a $10B hit against their capital base and adding reinvestment needs back into that capital base as the bank progressed. I'm trying to value a microcap commercial bank and I'm sincerely lost. +When you decide to invest into the company, how do you define catalysts of its price to converge to the underlying value? + +For example you might find a company selling cigarettes (Philip Morris) to be significantly undervalued, but it will be not very soon (or not at all) for its price to converge to its value due to the perception about its business. Consequently, you might be under-performing the market even if you are right about the company value. +What stocks are on your radar this week? + +What's in the news that's affecting the market? + +Celebrate your successes, rue your losses, or just chat with your fellow Value redditors! + +Take everything here with a grain of salt! We suggest checking other users' posting/commenting history before following advice or stock recommendations. Watch out for shill accounts that pump the same stock all over Reddit, or have many posts/comments deleted in other investing subreddits. Stay safe! + +*(New Weekly Megathreads are posted every Monday at 0600 GMT.)* +L These two LOOK like phenomenal businesses at incredible prices but I’d love a second opinion. + +EDUC + +Down 48% + +21.35% Pretax Return + + +Growing Pretax Earnings at 35% a year + + +Return on Equity of 35% + + +Net income to LT Debt: 1.35 years + + + +TIG + +Down 54% from high + + +19.2% Pretax Return (Pretax income divided by market cap) + +Pretax profits growing at 52% a year + + +Return on Equity of 26% + + +14% of shares repurchased + + +Net Income to LT Debt: 0.36 +The China Hustle is a documentary that follows a series of unfolding events after the 2008 financial crisis, where investors seeking new alternatives for high returns found a gold mine in China, at least until the discovery of a massive web of fraud begins to call things into question. + +Having just finished watching this documentary, and especially with the recent ongoing trade situation, it's definitely been an eye opening experience. I highly recommend anyone currently invested or looking into investing into Chinese stocks to heavily scrutinize your existing portfolio and consider carefully what exactly it is that you might actually be buying into. + +A link to the documentary can be found here - +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55892jT06aI +We got a delivery from Tesco last night and when he was leaving he reversed onto my lawn, almost got stuck but managed to get off after spinning the wheels. Once he was off the lawn he just sped off before we could ask him who to contact to get the lawn sorted. + +&#x200B; + +I tried to find the complaints details for Tesco but couldn't see any, does anyone know who would be best to contact about this? Would it just be standard customer service and is it likely that they will pay for the repairs? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Thanks for the help, I've spoken to customer services who have been in touch with the store. They are speaking to the driver and getting back to me this afternoon. +Situation: Current price of stock A is $35. You know that on 12/31/15, the price of stock A will be at $35. What are strategies that an investor would use to profit the most on this situation? + +Edit just to clarify: You absolutely do know with complete certainty that it will be the same price ($35) at 12/31/15, but you do not know how volatile it will be between today and 12/31/15. +Background: Currently a sophomore engineer that is on track for both a CS degree and an operations research degree. + + +The people on this subreddit definitely know finance and have experience whether it be a job as an analyst, graduate with a finance degree, personal investor, and so on. + +I'm really in need of some advice on how you knew that you would like finance, or any other description of finance that helps decide if one should go into the field. + + + +Ex: In CS, a common saying is if you like problem solving, CS could potentially be a high match for you. + +So for finance, what info would you give to help out anyone trying to decide if finance is for them? + +Thanks for the help +My situation: I am 24, earn £27k p.a which will increase £1k-1.5k or so a year for the next two or three years, I contribute 8% to my pension and work matches 8%. I put £150 a month into a Vanguard S&S ISA and any leftover money that I have month-to-month I save in a basic cash ISA. Those ISAs have both been contributed to in the 20/21 tax year. I also have £2k set aside in an emergency fund. + +I have an Australian girlfriend who I have been with for 5 years who I also live with, and who I will one day (probably in the next three to five years) move to Australia with, permanently. Note: for the purposes of the question, I am assuming we will stay together (obviously) but to preempt comments suggesting that I should be careful not to make any big plans on the basis of a relationship, let’s just say that I plan to move down under in the next three to five years with or without my girlfriend. + +My question is, what should I be doing with my money in the mean time? Previously I have shied away from LISAs and Help to Buy ISA as I don’t have an intention to buy a house in the UK. I don’t really know what to do, do I need to be doing anything differently? I’m looking for some general advice! +That's it. I'm out. Not from GME, mind you, but from the sub and the news. I've started to notice that some FUD has been crawling in the back of my mind and I think that the best is cut exposition to it from the root. + +I know my DD, I have my diamond hands I have my floor and there's no more DD that can make my tits more jacked than they are. + +I'll see you all when we're partying in zero grav, and we will. + +Londite out. +There is a lot going on at the moment, but can we all take a moment to realize that next week we should pass 50% DRS numbers? + +This is an insane accomplishment and we just need to keep blinders on and keep chipping at what matters. Let the GME staff do what they do best and get the business morphed into what we all know it will be. Let the DOJ and SEC fight about how the hell this happened and let MSM eat each other and play the blame game. We need to just focus on 1 thing and 1 thing only.... 100% lock. + +Buy and DRS... KISS (keep it simple stupid) + +Over and out. +I’m going to say it, I personally believe that the MOASS is close. Things are getting out of hand, the RRP is still at ATH, the housing market is teetering on a wire trying to stay up with its astronomically high prices, manipulation is clear in the stock markets and so forth. As the DD suggest it’s going to take one ripple to begin the GME tsunami… that being said. + +I firmly believe when this stock approaches 500-1000 dollars either by buying pressure, or from a “fake” squeeze HFs allow or any other means- the undertone of the media will switch. When the actual MOASS does start? You will be the enemy- and quite frankly you need to be careful and as we say- diamond handed. + +I think the media will begin to push that we are Finacial terrorist, that WE are causing the market crash that WE are responsible for people loosing their houses that WE are collapsing the worlds economy. THEY WILL TRY TO GUILT YOU INTO SELLING EARLY, “YOU’RE A BAD PERSON LOOK AT THESE PEOPLE LOSING EVERYTHING”. This is the one chance you’ll have in your lifetime to make this much money. Think of all the things we have read in the DD about what could happen- it’s not pretty and it’s terrifying. I highly suggest you DO NOT DANCE, DO NOT TELL PEOPLE YOU ARE INVESTED IN GME, DO NOT BRAG. People who have lost everything will be angry and looking for an answer, the news will tell them it was our fault, don’t give angry people a reason to do something drastic against you. The truth will come out to those who want to listen. Stay safe, and as always Buckle Up 🚀 NFA +So I earned some money recently from a freelance job and I’m thinking of buying some BTC with it. It’s just a small amount, about $300. I’m still new to crypto so I don’t know the best thing to do when it comes to this. I have friends who trade BTC and they are urging me to do the same. However I haven’t completely grasped the whole trading thing so right now I’m thinking of hodling for a few months before trading. + +Is this a smart thing to do or should I just keep hodling and stacking? Also what platforms do you use to buy and trade crypto? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +The college I am studying at has free access to a Bloomberg Terminal at the business school. Any student can get on it. I am extremely new to options and I barely know the basics. How can I make the most of this access??? +Sooooo, I’m looking to invest $2,500-$5,000 into the market. I’m just looking to see what everyone thinks would be worth investing into. I’m not real concerned with diversity, unless I break down payments. My point being, I wouldn’t mind investing all the money on 1 stock!! Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated!! +Ok ok... I understand the buying and selling of items in games because well... they have a purpose. You can use them to enhance your gaming experience... + +I understand music.. I buy an album and then forever own it. If you wipe your hard drive you can recover it without having to buy it again.. + +I don't understand why on earth people pay huge money for gifs and jpgs. What do you do with it? Set it as your wallpaper? + +I'm being a bit facetious, I understand the concept of collectables but I don't see how it translates into digital form. If I buy a Rembrandt there's that knowledge its the exact canvas he worked on.. the texture, wear and tear, the history etc. In the digital world, the original has all the same properties as a replica. Why is one more special than the other? + +Am I the only one? +MVIS is moving hard as hell today, I sold out of my 2200 shares once it hit .88 for about a $1000 profit. Could it make a run up for the rest of the week? Possibly, but it could also completely shit the bed once people realize the Microsoft stuff is BS and a clear pump. Don't get caught up in the excitement and forget why you're investing to begin with. Chances are, none of us are going to get in on the next Amazon or Microsoft with any of these stocks, so don't let anybody convince you otherwise. Take your profits and move on to the next one. Good luck today! +Link to 10k: + +[https://m2compliance.com/hosting/company/ETFM/link\_files/2021/04-06-2021/Form10-K(04-06-2021)FOMOCORP/Form10-K.pdf](https://m2compliance.com/hosting/company/ETFM/link_files/2021/04-06-2021/Form10-K(04-06-2021)FOMOCORP/Form10-K.pdf) + +FOMO has filed the 10k! the link below is a great recap of some highlights from this last year and man o man am I bullish... + +[https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/04/06/2205333/0/en/FOMO-CORP-FILES-SEC-FORM-10-K-AND-HIGHLIGHTS-2020-2021-MILESTONES.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/04/06/2205333/0/en/FOMO-CORP-FILES-SEC-FORM-10-K-AND-HIGHLIGHTS-2020-2021-MILESTONES.html) + +Next up, ticker change / name update on major platforms. Closing definitive agreements. + +&#x200B; + +I like this stock. +EDIT#4: To those coming in late to the party, there are a number of counter-points listed in the comments below that offer counter-arguments to this analysis. I suggest that you read them thoroughly. After this post was made, I have revised some of the regression analysis used to support this point. More data would be needed to corroborate this theory. There is qualitative evidence that debunks this post. If you are so inclined, continue to DRS. This is an unpopular position at the moment, but I refuse to provide a directive that one *should* DRS their shares as I feel that approaches financial & contractual advice. I am, however, comfortable saying that I would like to study the effects of increasing DRS with actual data sets, once available. + +See the Edits 2 and 3, as they are significant to the discussion. + +ORIGINAL POST: + +Hello Everyone: +I have read much of the discussion and DD surrounding the number of shares outstanding regarding ComputerShare (CS) registration and now have some evidence to present that as of this week, there are no longer any original, non-synthetic shares out on the market. + +I didn’t originally intended this to be my conclusion, but I will now describe my process. +I had first begun considering the effect of locking shares up in CS. + +**Theory:** As shares get locked up in CS, then the effect of each share sold will be more significant because the true “Float” of shares that are actively available to trade (ie, by being lent and found.) + +I obtained NASDAQ trading data for the starting from 9/30/21. The change in daily price was calculated by myself. + +1 - NASDAQ trading Data + + +|Date | Close/Last | Volume| Open| High| Low|Change in Daily Price| +|:------| -------------:|------:|----:|----:|-----:|---------------------: +|9/30/2021| 175.47 |3,177,453.00 |175.00 |185.45 |166.79 |(0.45)| +|9/29/2021 |175.92 |1,899,933.00 |180.09 |184.48 |174.61 |(2.68)| +|9/28/2021 |178.60 |1,770,493.00 |188.00 |190.81 |178.00 |(10.88)| +|9/27/2021 |189.48 |1,470,146.00 |185.92 |192.05 |185.87 |4.32 | +|9/24/2021 |185.16 |1,685,759.00 |191.00 |191.72 |184.11 |(6.08)| +|9/23/2021 |191.24 |1,682,259.00 |192.33 |195.75 |190.60 |1.10 | +|9/22/2021 |190.14 |2,256,593.00 |189.64 |193.50 |186.29 |0.19 | +|9/21/2021 |189.95 |2,633,827.00 |199.36 |199.36 |186.00 |(2.25)| +|9/20/2021 |192.20 |3,941,802.00 |200.00 |202.85 |184.55 |(12.77)| +|9/17/2021 |204.97 |3,950,643.00 |208.02 |212.49 |200.78 |(1.40)| +|9/16/2021 |206.37 |3,058,217.00 |202.33 |216.55 |201.15 |1.85 | +|9/15/2021 |204.52 |2,310,407.00 |197.00 |204.87 |193.75 |5.28 | +|9/14/2021 |199.24 |2,141,631.00 |200.65 |204.62 |195.00 |(4.16)| +|9/13/2021 |203.40 |4,334,068.00 |193.75 |208.88 |191.50 |12.99 | +|9/10/2021 |190.41 |3,042,648.00 |198.41 |202.16 |190.00 | (8.77) +|9/9/2021 |199.18 |7,511,458.00 |180.09 |202.00 |178.00 |0.38 | +|9/8/2021 |198.80 |5,173,566.00 |201.86 |206.88 |190.68 |(0.20)| +|9/7/2021 |199.00 |2,501,178.00 |206.25 |209.90 |196.10 |(3.75)| +|9/3/2021 |202.75 |2,664,005.00 |212.05 |216.27 |198.84 |(10.77)| +|9/2/2021 |213.52 |1,855,618.00 |213.86 |214.80 |206.30 |0.55 | +|9/1/2021 |212.97 |4,453,782.00 |224.00 |231.44 |208.02 |(5.27)| +|8/31/2021 |218.24 |3,574,687.00 |212.70 |222.30 |211.46 |9.04 | +|8/30/2021 |209.20 |3,309,584.00 |205.00 |218.19 |203.02 |4.25 | + +Next, I needed a baseline to compare the available float that is not locked up by institutions or by insiders. The Bloomberg terminal is, at least, somewhat authoritative on this. I Have no desire to be digging through FINRA or any other source to determine actual amounts held at the beginning of these periods. I arbitrarily selected August 20th to begin the calculation, because that is the earliest I can recall discussion about direct registration beginning. Do not get too attached to it, since I eventually used 8/30/21, as you will soon see. + +https://i.imgur.com/D1eNYRB.png + +Next, I wanted to find some previously estimated share count as of 8/30/21, however data on this is sparse. u/pinkcatsonacid made her first post was made on August 14, so it does not seem unusual that the process began in earnest around late August. **(7)** On September 8th, u/Disnerd93749203 **(2)**posted that they had a conversation with a CS representative, who provided a range between four and five million shares being registered directly. I have chosen to use this as the base point for our data set analysis, because four million is at least somewhat authoritative, but also that it is somewhat of a moot point because the rate of shares being registered increases daily if this number is truly lower than this estimate. On September 29, u/lnxist posted his estimate of shares registered in CS. **(40** and we now have our current share registration, to be set at 34,800,000. + + +34,800,000 = = = = **4** - Estimated Shares in CS at 9/29/21 + + 4,000,000 = = = = **2** - Estimated CS Shares at September 8 + +30,800,000 = = = = = - Change in Shares in CS + + 2,053,333 = = = = = - Daily Change + +These facts, assumptions, and estimates now only need to be related. I began to consider that of the shares in the float, Apes will eventually lock-up a considerable number of shares. This will be easier than anticipated, given our great numbers and also the significant number of synthetics available. Since Etrade and other foreign brokers are now seemingly having difficulties in locating shares, it does not appear unusual that their settlement practices have failed to locate shares in time. The one broker that doesn’t seem to be having any issues in completing the transfer is Fidelity. + +Fidelity seems to have succeeded in both tracking down shares after order fulfillment, so they can continue to transfer over to CS, so Apes are not disrupted on the transfer. Fidelity doesn’t have that large of a position held in ETF’s that they control, so they need to borrow them from somewhere else. Vanguard and Blackrock **(8)**both own a large number of shares directly and via ETF/Mutual funds, so this would most likely be the first source, given that they have not sold out their positions are quite sizeable and are most likely to be “real.” This will cause CS to become a blackhole of shares as the back end accounting transitions the assets of “shares owned” to be “shares lent receivable.” This will cause the shares transacted on a daily basis to become purely derived trades of receivables and liabilities, once there are no longer any **real** shares. + + **IMPORTANT NOTE TO CONSIDER: I believe the shares being used to transfer Apes from Fidelity are institutionally owned, lent to Fidelity.** This is the only explanation as to where they would be able to find original shares in a timely basis. Since they are borrowed, this is a liability on Fidelity’s books. + +**This part is speculation and not part of the thesis:**Obviously, they do not want to have this in their risk exposure profile, but the liability they have no can also be repackaged as a split-interest contract, or as a short. If you believe GME will go even lower, Fidelity is more than happy to sell you their liability to return shares. Someone else can buy this liability in the hope that it is lower when they eventually settle. + +So the next theory I decided to test is that of the original theory. As some of you may know, short percentage doesn’t mean that all shares are transacted as naked, just that at the time it was sold a share was sold and then found after the fact. The stonk-o-tracker is pretty good as an offhand reference for this **(5)**, since they source their data from FINRA. + +What this means is that it is reasonably easy to find a share to sell when the float is large, shares are plentiful within the brokers, and the percentage volume transacted relative to the number true shares in the market is low. In the % Short Vol / Surplus (Deficit) Column, you will see that at the beginning of the month, shares transacted short were around 0 - 5% of the surplus of shares available to be lent between the brokers. They can play musical chairs with the shares all day long until we sell, so there are plenty of available shares to settle transactions, however as we began to register shares in earnest this percentage has started climbing. Between the 8th and the16th we were between 5% and 10%, then between 10% and 20%. Each day was steadily less was containable until about the beginning of this week, 9/27, when the non-institutional float became locked up in CS and the available float became a share **DEFICIT**. Now the only shares available to trade are between institutions, but there is a significant problem. + +**There are more shares in brokerage accounts than shares that are available to trade. CS demand remains high, but the only shares available to trade are shares lent and receivable.** The market will now become purely A/R A/P derivatives of real shares that are locked up in CS, so the effect of selling one share will cause the price to drop every day until a tipping point is reached. Skip past the next table to see. + +Some of you have researched this and suggest that the actual short percentage is under reported, but that is beyond the scope of what I’m trying to do here. + +I assumed 800K Shares were transferred to CS per day starting on 8/31, to bring us up to the 4M that is the basis point. This may be liberal in its count, but again this is an analytical assumption, given that no data is available. + + +|Date | APE SHS IN CS | BARCLAY FLOAT AVAILABLE| SURPLUS (DEFICIT)| SHORT PERCENTAGE| CALC - Short Percentage of Vol| Perc. Short Vol / Surplus (Deficit)| +|:------| -------------:|-----------------------:|----:|----:|-----:|---------------------: +|9/30/2021 |36,853,333 |34,412,851 |(2,440,482) |62.00 |1,970,020.86 |-81%| +|9/29/2021 |34,800,000 |34,473,515 |(326,485) |61.30| 1,164,658.93 |-357%| +|9/28/2021 |32,746,667 |34,503,848 |1,757,181 |71.10 |1,258,820.52 |72%| +|9/27/2021 |30,693,333 |34,534,180 |3,840,847 |67.60 |993,818.70 |26%| +|9/24/2021 |28,640,000 |34,564,512 |5,924,512 |69.80 |1,176,659.78 |20%| +|9/23/2021 |26,586,667 |34,594,844 |8,008,178 |67.30 |1,132,160.31 |14%| +|9/22/2021 |24,533,333 |34,625,177 |10,091,843 |57.00 |1,286,258.01 |13%| +|9/21/2021 |22,480,000 |34,655,509 |12,175,509 |66.30 |1,746,227.30 |14%| +|9/20/2021 |20,426,667 |34,685,841 |14,259,175 |62.90 |2,479,393.46 |17%| +|9/17/2021 |18,373,333 |34,716,173 |16,342,840 |65.80 |2,599,523.09 |16%| +|9/16/2021 |16,320,000 |34,746,506 |18,426,506 |61.30 |1,874,687.02 |10%| +|9/15/2021 |14,266,667 |34,776,838 |20,510,171 |63.70 |1,471,729.26 |7%| +|9/14/2021 |12,213,333 |34,807,170 |22,593,837 |61.40 |1,314,961.43 |6%| +|9/13/2021 |10,160,000 |34,837,502 |24,677,502 |61.90 |2,682,788.09 |11%| +|9/10/2021 |8,106,667 |34,867,835 |26,761,168 |55.40 |1,685,626.99 |6%| +|9/9/2021 |6,053,333 |34,898,167 |28,844,834 |57.60 |4,326,599.81 |15%| +|9/8/2021 |4,000,000 |34,928,499 |30,928,499 |61.80 |3,197,263.79 |10%| +|9/7/2021 |800,000 |34,958,831 |34,158,831 |60.40 |1,510,711.51 |4%| +|9/3/2021 |800,000 |34,989,164 |34,189,164 |60.60 |1,614,387.03 |5%| +|9/2/2021 |800,000 |35,019,496 |34,219,496 |61.50 |1,141,205.07 |3%| +|9/1/2021 |800,000 |35,049,828 |34,249,828 |62.70 |2,792,521.31 |8%| +|8/31/2021 |800,000 |35,080,160 |34,280,160 |62.60 |2,237,754.06 |7%| +|8/30/2021 | |35,110,493 |35,110,493 || |0%| | + +~~Some of you may call this a lot of hog-wash and speculation, but allow me to present some mathematical, statistical evidence that supports, but **does not** confirm my theory. +95% Confidence level Statistical regression between the relationship of the change in daily price and the percentage of the short transaction volume relative to the surplus or deficit of real shares. There is a moderate association in the Adjusted R square column. For those of you unfamiliar with this, see the google definition below, but this is enough to suggest that there could be something more here, if the data were more precise. +The following was made in excel add-ins under the analysis tool pack, If anyone would like to recreate this.~~ + +EDIT #1 - This is supposed to be here +EDIT #2 - Its good that u/OnPoyntz is better than stats at me, since I misread the r^2 correlation coeffecitient in the following image. I am leaving it here because it adequately demonstrates that my theory of price correlating with the shares locked down is INCORRECT. However, the remaining calculations of the CS to trades transacted does indicate that we are still locking more down and that short volume may become more of a "an interest swap" between the back offices than true share purchases or sales. + + +https://i.imgur.com/5oYKpyQ.png + + +EDIT #3 - Once again u/OnPoyntz has a good understanding. If we ignore the outlier activity from the past two trading days 9/29 and 9/30, then we start to see a correlation again (though weak to moderate.) I have added it here as a comparison reference, to show that there is some merit to this theory. The coming trading 10 to 15 trading days will provide more data points as more information is uncovered. + + +https://i.imgur.com/bfSBh59.png + + +**CONCLUSION:** It appears that all shares transacted in the coming days are either going to be institutions selling receivables to each other. The CS blackhole has destabilized the game as brokers can no longer locate shares to transfer. There is some correlation between the change in price and the percentage of share volume that has been transacted without a real share backing it. **APES** own all of the available float. Institutions own the remainder, but will fight amongst themselves for the real shares because there are none left. + +In the coming days, brokers will attempt to rebuy shares to settle trades before the music stops. Today, 9/30, there were many trades transacted that brought the price up at the end of the day. This was what I believe was the tipping point. Vanguard may end up with a mega receivable on their book, while shady brokers like E trade and others will get stuck bag holding. Fidelity will probably be fine, since their shares on hand seem to be plentiful. + + +**Footnotes – Source of Data** + +1 https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/historical + +2 Here I would post the link to the CS post where we estimated how many shares are registered. +3 Here i would reference the bloomberg terminal post in DD into GME but its not allowed. + +4 https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py37kg/approximating_how_many_shares_are_currently/?sort=confidence + +5 https://gme.crazyawesomecompany.com/ + +6 Here i would reference the bloomberg terminal post in DD into GME but its not allowed. + +7 Here I would put a reddit reference to the direct registration post by Pink but automod hates me. + +8 https://eresearch.fidelity.com/eresearch/evaluate/fundamentals/ownership.jhtml?stockspage=ownership&symbols=gme +The title pretty much sums it up. We are currently at 0.0% change in the price of BTC over the last 24 hours. If you weren't currently obsessing over your portfolio, you wouldn't even know anything happened at all. + +Avoid the stress and headaches that come with the ups and downs of crypto. Do yourself a favor, take a deep breath and take a walk outside, engage with friends and family, etc. + +Enjoy the rest of your day. +I know Rivian is really popular right now and people are hyping this up for it’s long term potential but 150 billion dollar market cap when it’s never sold a car? Am I missing something? Like this valuation seems outrageous even when compared to beasts like Tesla. Makes me wonder if put options are viable. What do you guys think? +Good people of r/financialindependence: + +&#x200B; + +On your slow and steady journey to FI, do you ever feel a tug to take a risk when you hear about someone who built a great company (or accomplished some other great feat) relatively early in their lives? + +&#x200B; + +I'm in my late 20s with a solid net worth, and am on my way to reaching financial independence in my 30s. For those curious, I'm a midlevel associate at a large law firm. While I think I can build a nice nest egg in this profession, and eventually FIRE in a MCOL area there are certainly times when I wonder if I am dreaming too small. We live in an exciting time when new and innovative ideas (including FIRE) are being introduced and I sometimes wonder if I will look back on my youth and wonder if I should have been more courageous and tried to find my passion or impact the world on a larger scale. + +&#x200B; + +In particular, I am concerned that by the time I am FI I will be too old to take a bigger risk and am settling for a good (but not great) life. + +&#x200B; + +For those of you who have felt this way, how have you dealt with those feelings? What would you tell someone in my position? I'm especially curious to hear from those of you who are a little older and farther along the journey to FIRE. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks! +R&R is for ninnies! There's too much hype this week to wait. Shout out to [u/-einfachman-](https://www.reddit.com/u/-einfachman-/) for the call out in the latest DD [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0zrni/burning_cash/). + +No big updates this week - we've moved the goal posts a little bit closer, but given the margin of error on this is about a month, no significant change. I did better zero in my slope to TiberiusWoodwind's so that is what moved us more than any change in cash. + +# The Update! + +&#x200B; + +[We've dropped $29K in posted buying pressure. I expect us to continue dropping incrementally due to \\"scout and reinforce\\" DRS. Eventually it'll even out, but I think it'll be a while. Especially as it looks like non-US apes can take a couple of months to settle.](https://preview.redd.it/u1phd0mf1t291.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc8c62af1d9826241f058ae35f4d7d7f9b803a2b) + +What the colors mean: + +* Green - the most likely - uses only DRS data from 2022 and excludes clear outliers as everyone moved the bulk of their shares from 2021 in their second DRS post. (The top 2021 weeks were several times the average - way outside of norms.) +* Yellow - less likely - uses all DRS data back to September 2021 +* Red - the least likely - this is just how long it would take based on total DRS power (hard to predict first time buys) and what would happen if no one registered anymore shares. + +&#x200B; + +Reminder that this is all worst case. All of these predictions assume NO dividend, NO insider buys, and the only buying pressure from apes that feed the bot more than once. These charts also assume a quarterly average price - in reality, the price at the end of the quarter would be lower than what's on the table, so the specific days listed would actually happen a little earlier - I just didn't do that math. + +Assuming last night's closing price ($96.13) is constant and no inflation based on average weekly spend on recurring buys we'll lock the float in four years based on predicted recurring buying pressure. But that's not realistic in the least. + +**HALT WATCH** They lost the battle for $180! Next time we see that means MOASS. If the price gets high enough, expect shenanigans (halts) between $174 & $178 this week. + +# Introduction + +After the quarterly report, we really got to see how zeroed in the data sets that [u/jonpro03](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03) and [u/roid\_rage\_smurf](https://www.reddit.com/user/roid_rage_smurf) put together I thought it would be nice to see some forecasts. + +[u/jonpro03](https://www.reddit.com/user/jonpro03) breaks out data by existing and new accounts registered. This shows apes' regular buying pressure. We know how much money apes are going to spend each week. And, likely, keep spending each week, in addition to how much apes are going to dump into Computershare for a one time middle finger to Market Makers. + +I use data from [Nasdaq.com](https://nasdaq.com/) for historical prices, Reddit Scraper to find the account high score and number of shares posted from existing accounts, DRSBot to find the number of accounts per ape and the number of accounts posting more than once. "Float" data I pull from whichever data set on [Computershared.net](https://computershared.net/) is open at the time. For the "Taste the Rainbow" slope, I used the price points from 11/22/2021 and 3/29/2022 to determine the decreasing "danger zone" line. I think there's a little room for error, but within a penny. + +# Kudos: + +In the interest of pointing out the shoulders of the giants I'm standing on, please check out Taste the Rainbow by [u/tiberiuswoodwind](https://www.reddit.com/u/tiberiuswoodwind/) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tyxvrl/taste_the_rainbow_kaleidoscope/) also check in on the test/update [High Definition](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uoaqbz/taste_the_rainbow_ultra_high_definition/). Also check out [u/Turdfurg23](https://www.reddit.com/u/Turdferg23/)'s [The Mechanics of the Roller Coaster](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ty02e6/the_mechanics_of_the_rollercoaster/). This is a great post for a couple of reasons - mainly, it's an analysis tracking options on ETFs that tie back to predictions of price runs. (A better explanation of cycles, if you will.) [u/-einfachman-](https://www.reddit.com/u/-einfachman-/) dropped a post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/txnwhu/checkmate/) that goes into great detail on capturing efficiency of lowered prices. They meant it in terms of a stock dividend increasing the total number of shares, but it also applies to an algorithm reliably dropping the price each day. + +# Assumptions: + +**THE PRICE IS FAKE**. Due to dark pools, buy-writes, married puts, volatility swaps, naked shorting, and a mayo-crusted bedpost, the price is largely controlled by an algorithm with the exception of unexpected large insider buys. + +Apes are tapped out. We've blown our wad and all that's left is putting away that special sock and buying at a regular pace - whatever that pace may be for you. (Because averages.) + +“Existing Accounts” are shares bought by those that already opened a Computershare account and are adding to their position as much as they can as regularly as they can. This clearly ignores the “Scout and Reinforcement” style of registering so many have done, but without getting more detailed data from our AMAZING DRS gurus, I can’t control for that. (Not saying I particularly want that data, but if there were a way to see unique (still anonymized) data, I would further refine this.) + +Everyone is DRSing as fast as they can. Shares posted on a date are assumed to have been bought the week before due to settlement and transfer times. (On the Friday before if posted on the weekend.) + +Most apes that registered a few shares to figure out the process then sent all of their shares to CS later did so in 2021. By excluding 2021 buy data, we can see a more accurate picture of what apes are spending on moon tickets each week. (This is backed up by the highest priced weeks being in 2021 clear outliers in the data.) + +There are a lot of moving parts, so I wanted to add contingencies for A) Inflation, B) an individual's definition of the float, C) the presumed margin call line driving price down in an attempt to stay alive just one more day, and D) Gamestop's short hammer - $100M earmarked for buyback. + +**Inflation:** We don't want to discount that we've just started the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Inflation is real. Because JPow go BRRR, I've added 2% inflation each quarter. Yes, there are better ways to calculate this, but we should expect to lose some purchasing power in the coming years. I’m assuming 2% per quarter since we've hit 8% a year. + +**"Float":** Personally, float means everything but insider shares. Once all of those shares are locked, if anything is reported ANYWHERE else. Smoking gun, naked shorts, MOASS, etc. Others argue that MOASS starts when we overlap with reported shares in Edgar - that is the institutions, ETF's, mutual funds, et cetera. I dislike "free float" as a metric because those fillings are updated, at best, quarterly. It is certain to start a spasm in the market though. + +**"Taste the Rainbow" Rate of Price Decay:** We know the price won't stay constant. In fact I'm a strong subscriber of the "One more day" shorting crush to keep the price from going over a margin call line. To further illustrate, [u/TiberiusWoodwind](https://www.reddit.com/u/TiberiusWoodwind/) put up a great series of posts [here (external link to DD library)](https://online.fliphtml5.com/lvrgy/fhlb/#p=1). If you follow this line of thought, the price has to be knocked down on a regular slope to avoid a margin call, and that price intercept / danger zone is constantly approaching zero. Hell, by his crayons, rocket launches in October 2023! The more frequently the price hits that line, the more frequent the halts, greyed-out buy buttons, and other unpredictable BS. + +**Gamestop Buy Back:** Gamestop has $101M in cash on hand for a buy back. This is the ultimate middle finger to hedgies - if the price gets too low, the trap card is activated and Gamestop buys every single non-registered share and takes the company private-ish (At least private between apes and insiders). Gamestop Can't Fail. + +# Methodology: + +I’ve copied over the data from the Reddit Scraper table “Shares Counted” from Computershared.net. + +I pulled the past year's price data from [nasdaq.com](https://nasdaq.com/) and came up with an average cost for the day based on the day’s high and low. (Would love some extra thought on this. Maybe average that number with closing cost to account for those buying at market open/close?) + +Shares registered multiplied by the average cost of a share the week before equals apes’ regular buying power that day. + +To project that forward, I summed up money spent each week by existing accounts, then averaged. + +For funsies, I’ve applied the same methodology to total number of shares posted in DRS bot to see what our average weekly DRS cost is including new accounts. This is pretty specious as it requires new accounts to continue being created at the rate they have been – which at some point will have to stop because we’ll all have DRS’ed and no new blood will join. + +In order to predict the buy pressure across all accounts and not just those feeding the bot: + +1. I take the high score of accounts and divide by the average number of accounts per ape. +2. Then I take the percentage of apes that have posted more than once (in the comments of Roid\_rage\_Smurf's updates) versus the whole multiplied by the above. +3. I divide the average weekly buy by the number of apes that posted more than once. +4. I multiply step 3 with number of apes in Computershare (step 2) + +So let’s assume that this cash is our regular allowance from the wife’s boyfriend. A regular spend rate, if you will. We can now calculate how far down it will be before we lock the float barring any other influences like one-time DRS apes, dividends, insider buys, and MOASS. (I think it's safe to at MOASS, we won't be locking the float until some time later.) + +All of these predictions are based on apes registering AND REPORTING more after their initial account set up at Computershare. To accelerate things: if you're registering more and haven't updated the bot, please do so. This rolls your additional buy into the average! + +All these predictions COMPLETELY IGNORE one-time bot-feeders. These brave individuals are taking their shares out of DTCC but are not influencing the "regular" buy pressure. The more that register - even once - the faster this goes as they're raising the floor brick by brick. + +# "Want now! What Do?" + +"Mup, you crusty queef stain, I'm in this for the immediate gains! Get this out of here!" How do we accelerate this from here? + +Social Media - if you know a hodler, ask them to register their stash. And don't just think of people you know. Apes are among us. Two people know I'm an ape in real life. We need to get a little louder and get the non-stonkers on the bus. + +If you've read this far and haven't registered your shares, I'll assume you are trapped in a crap broker or tax advantaged account. If you're not, why haven't you locked your float? + +Retirement Accounts - we need to push investor relations, RC, the board, et cetera to allow Computershare to hold retirement accounts for GME. Yes, you can risk a Custodial account. Yes, you can take the tax hit. The easiest way to get more shares in is to get retirement accounts accepted RISK FREE. Looks like no one got to submit a shareholder proposal. We'll have to make some noise. Maybe during the Q&A in the AGM in June? + +# BUY. HOLD. DRS. Rocket Emoji. + +I've held this space to shout my uninformed opinion we'd have had a split before the meeting. I'm still hoping. Anyway, I'll update accordingly once we get numbers in if such a thing happens. + +# LFG!!!! +It’s so easy now to look back at your investments over the last few months and think ‘if’ you’d have waited or done things differently you’d be financially in a better position, but exposure is the most important thing, if you hadn’t invested back then and bitcoin went on to be $100k now you’d be just as, if not more annoyed at yourself! + +It’s all part of the journey so continue to DCA if the price continues to go down, lowering your average buy price and before you know it you’ll be buying more again as we are going back up and through the $40/$50/$60k levels. + +Don’t panic! +I have a smallish amount of money stored away in a BOA checking account which I like to use primarily when I travel due to ease of finding an ATM/bank. I recently found out that BOA sold that account to a small regional bank I've never heard of because they're closing the branches closest to my home. I didn't want that, so I called BOA and they assured me that the account would remain open with them and the issue was taken care of. + +Of course, today I got a call from somebody in corporate basically telling me none of that was true and "too bad, so sad, your account is being sold whether you like it or not." The woman on the phone told me that she absolutely COULD NOT keep the account open with BOA because the transition was "already in progress" (though the mail I've gotten says it's not effective until 9/21 and the new bank assured me they haven't received any of my banking info and won't until that date), and she insisted that there were zero options for me to keep my account with BOA and I'd have to close the account with the new bank that I never even wanted in the first place. When I asked to speak to a supervisor, the woman on the phone insisted she was the highest up person in her corporate office and there was no one she could transfer me to. She also wouldn't give me a last name/ID number/e-mail address when I asked for one for identification purposes. + +I know I'm way too small a customer for BOA to give a shit about me, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'm being lied to just so they can go through selling my account and make a $ before dumping me; I mean, it honestly seems crazy to me that literally NO ONE at BOA can keep my account from being transferred, and I can't believe this woman went out of her way to make sure I couldn't pin anything from our call down on her. I'm obviously going to close this account ASAP, but in the meantime I'd like to understand if this is common practice and whether they're trying to make me a sucker. Anybody have experience with this? +The year was 2019. I was convinced that in two years at the latest we'd all be eating cockroaches. They're a good source of protein, environmentally friendly, they're crunchy, you can make bread with them, and cockroaches are fuckin sturdy. Nuclear war? No problem. The cockroaches give zero fucks. It's a hedge against nuclear war. Guns, ammo, and cockroaches are what you want to have when we devolve into mad max. + +So I yolo'd my life savings into cockroach futures exp. last month, and until last month I was up 400% but I didn't fuckin sell. My wife's boyfriend told me to, and I told him that I was a human being and had dignity. That's not strictly true and my voice cracked a little when I said it, but I think it worked cause he left me alone. + +And then the fuckin cicadas came. Not a problem, right? That happens reliably on 17 year cycles, should be priced in. Except that they came *early*. Nobody's talking about this but everyone in the cockroach community knows. The rats have been feasting on these things. It only takes them three weeks to breed. And since the rat population is already booming, you retards can do the math. Oh christ, they're going to be everywhere. I already see them lurking in the grass. We're all going to die getting torn to shreds by an army of cicada-juiced rats. + +You know what else rats eat? Cockroaches. So absolutely nobody would buy my futures and I had to take delivery of literal tons of cockroaches. My wife and my wife's boyfriend left me at this point because I had not a penny to my name. And you'd think they'd deliver 'em dead, right? Nope! Now I have literal tons of cockroaches crawling around my house and as a bonus they're attracting more rats cause apparently I'm not the only one who thinks they're a good source of protein. And now since I have no money to buy food, I've been reduced to hunting my own cockroaches to eat them and I have to compete with this dumb fuckin rats. + +Then my neighbors started to notice my little predicament and reported me to the authorities, so now my house has been condemned. + +tl;dr I'm broke, I'm starving, my house is gone, and I'm probably gonna get eaten by rats. Never, ever buy cockroach futures. +# Weekly Property Mega Thread + +\-=-=-=-=- + +Welcome to the [/r/AusFinance](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance) weekly Property Mega Thread. + +This post will be republished at 02:00AEST every Monday morning. + +Please use this thread for general property-related discussions, such as: + +* First Homeowner concerns +* Getting started +* Will house pricing keep going up? +* Thought about \[this property\]? +* That half burned-down inner city unit that sold for $2.4m. Don't forget your shocked Pikachu face. + +The goal is to have a safe space for some of the most common posts, while supporting more original and interesting content in their own posts.Single posts about property may be removed and directed to this thread. + +\-=-=-=-=- +The title basically. + +They said, rather than get the card details and charge you if you cancel or whatever, they'd get the card details now (card no., expiry date and CCV number) and charge me a deposit for the booking. + +They also asked for the cardholder's name, but I refused and made up some shiz about being uncomfortable about doing so. + +Am I screwed? Or is this normal practise? +This sub and the bears can predict 30, 40 or even 50% property prices crashes all they want but I think deep down a lot of us pessimist and realists who been around for a while have this gut feeling that nothing will change, the Australian housing market at the end of a day is like a protected species and no one is willing to touch it. + + + +So lets say that prices either stagnant or follows the 'doubles every 7 years' trend whats going to be the long term economic impact on the average Aussie ? Yes I know there will always be wealthy high income earners or couples who can afford premium real estate but unfortunately majority of us are from the working class. So what will happen to the gen X stragglers, millennials and gen Z ? Do you foresee more people living at home ? More renters or possible a change to friendlier rental laws to accommodate this ? Less people having children due to the cost of living ? Mortgages passed down from generation to generation ? People retiring much later in life ? + + +I am a long term thinker, if house prices do have that divine miracle crash then good but if it doesn't I want to be prepared. Hope for the best but prepare for the absolute worst and always have a contingency plan. +Hey Gang! I am watching the news and social media (as well as anecdotal accounts) and am seeing the rental market go a bit nuts! Very low vacancy rates across the state, including regional areas, compounded with (insane) rental rate increases. + +It seems like it is across the entire state (Mackay, Toowoomba, Noosa etc) and isn't localised. + +My question is why? + +What has shortened the stock so quickly? The houses are still there. It doesnt feel right that a swathe of VIC people are picking obscure regional towns - Monto, Gayndah, Chinchilla? Or is it happening in that number? +You might remember [this moon distribution post](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mr04qf/new_moons_distribution_round_12_proposal/) last week. Containing this fateful statement: + + +> Karma/Moons ratio: Each 1 point of karma in this round corresponds to 0.88 Moons. + +You might also remember a while ago when I ran the Moon math and posted [this spreadsheet](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mp0vfx/i_ran_the_moon_numbers_can_someone_check_because/). + +&#x200B; + +So all I did when the karma data was posted is to total the karma and stick it in my spreadsheet, like this: + + +https://preview.redd.it/3w3zev9tgou61.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=768d6228afdfd27955e70b9dfc35d45f8f6d7591 + +And there we go, 0.46. +So I [commented my calculation](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mr04qf/new_moons_distribution_round_12_proposal/guj87hi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And boy did I feel the wrath of the downvote army! + + +I questioned it at the time and a mod responded saying something like a load of burned Moons have been reintroduced, I just thought it was weird that it was almost exactly double my calculation. The mods don't have much more info than we do when it comes to these posts as they are from reddit admin. + +My comment with the 0.46 value went to -10 karma, but that's cool whatever, win some lose some I guess. + + +# Then the Moons drop + +Goddammit I was right all along. + + +**There are three possible reasons I think as to why it was 0.46 and not 0.88:** + +1. There were supposed to be more Moons (burned or not claimed), but it didnt happen for some reason. +2. Whoever wrote the post done messed up. +3. I've got madder excel skills than the reddit admins. (Jokes, I love your work, pls dont ban me) + +&#x200B; + +**So what lessons have we learnt today?** + +1. Never trust anything written on the internet. +2. My spreadsheet never lies. +3. Stop moaning about getting half the Moons you were promised, its free magic internet money you get for shitposting. + +&#x200B; + +**Now for the real magic:** + +I guesstimate that the ratio for round 13 will be 0.39 +**Who am I?** + +I am an 18 year old high school senior, and I am attending Vanderbilt in the fall to study some field of engineering, likely biomedical. I applied under the EDII decision plan, so pretty much no matter what I am attending Vanderbilt for at least one year. + +**Whats the situation?** + +I applied for financial aid and I was awarded $3,500/yr from the TN Hope Scholarship and $58,869/yr in a need-based grant, totaling $62,369 in aid for the 2018-2019 school year. My financial aid letter lists the estimated cost of attendance as $73,501. (This figure also includes $1,294 in book costs, and nearly $3,000 in "Personal/Misc Allowance", so if I'm smart about that I could probably save an additional $1000). This leaves my yearly estimated family contribution to be about $11,132. For four years, assuming no changes in the EFC, that totals $44,528. + +**What are my loan options?** + +Vanderbilt fin aid makes it pretty clear that they don't think taking out loans is a good idea. Nevertheless, they direct students to three different options: + +* *Undergraduate Federal Loans*: This includes Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans and Federal Perkins Loans. As I understand it, it's highly unlikely that my family would qualify for the Perkins loans. +* *Federal Direct Parent (Plus) Loans*: This is where the parent is the borrower. This is not an option as I will be the one taking on student loans, not my parents. +* *Private Alternative Loans*: This is where Vandy really starts throwing up red flags and 'turn back now' signs. They advise students to only use private loans as an absolute last resort, and I have no intention of using these if at all possible. + +So basically, my only option currently is Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans (If you understand what that means, then skip to the next section since me writing this out is really more for my own benefit and understanding than anyone else's). + +* *Subsidized*: These loans are where interest on the loan is federally subsidized and covered while I'm in college. +* *Unsubsidized*: With these, interest accumulates and basically becomes part of the loan when I graduate. + +These loans have a fixed interest rate of 4.45% and an origination fee of 1.066%. The maximum borrowing limits are as follows: + +* 1st Year Student: $5,500 combined/$3,500 max for subsidized +* 2nd Year Student: $6,500 combined/$4,500 max for subsidized +* 3rd/4th Year Student: $7,500 combined/$5,500 max for subsidized + +If I max out on the loans, that works out to a grand total of $27,000 in student debt, not taking into account interest. + +So, if I were to take out the maximum loan possible each year, I would be left with these out-of-pocket costs each year: + +* Year 1: $5,632 +* Year 2: $4,632 +* Year 3: $3,632 +* Year 4: $3,632 + +My parents will be helping me with these out of pocket costs, though, again, all student loan debt will be my own. + +**What now? AKA What the hell is this kid talking about?** + +So that's how cards fall. Basically, my question is this: ***What can I do now and what I can I plan to do in the future in order to make going to college as financially manageable as possible?*** I know that during the summers I will be working my ass off to make as much money as possible to save and also put towards out-of-pocket costs. I know I likely will not be able to do work-study during college since I will be a BME major and also training to hopefully walk on to the cross country team as a sophomore (they are non-scholarship, so no help there). I know that out of college I'd really like to do some travelling before really settling down (I know this will also entail some work as I travel, whatever form that takes). And I know that as a Vandy engineering grad, I will likely end up with a fairly well-paying job. + +I have read a lot of the stuff provided by this sub's wiki, but most of it applies more to recent grads that actually have student debt already rather than soon-to-be student debtors. Any and all advice is appreciated. Thanks yall! + +**TL;DR: How can I make paying for college as financially manageable as possible?** +Is there something that you think will make the subreddit better? Is there something you want to see more of? Is there something that us mods can do that will help the community? + +Leave it in the comments of this post! + +Any and all suggestions are welcome and one of the mods will do our best to try to reply. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/06/us-markets-dow-futures-coronavirus-us-treasury-yields.html + +As of 6:50 a.m. ET Friday, Dow Jones Industrial Average indicated an implied drop of more than 500 points at Friday’s open. S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq-100 futures also indicated steep losses for the two indexes at the open on Friday. + +Meanwhile, the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury continued to head lower after tumbling below 0.8%. It last traded at 0.788%. The 10-year yield briefly hit an all-time low of 0.6947% +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +If you are a first time investor, especially a young investor, it is very easy to fall in the trap of buying the stock that your friend, relative, or a stranger on internet recommended. Just because someone made 1000% gains on something doesn't mean you are going to make that. + +Remember, that the faster any asset climbs up the faster it comes down like a house of cards. If it had no resistance going up, there is no support going down and when such stocks crack, they fall through the roof in a matter of hours, not even days. + +Nowadays, you get ads on YouTube every 2 seconds with someone shouting in your face with so called their magic formula where their students make $500-$2000 every trade. Don't fall for these snake oil salesman. If making money were that easy, nobody would work their ass off for years just to buy a house or a car. + +Pick up a book and learn the basics of Finance. Fundamentals will help you get a handle of how to start valuing a company. While Technical charts play a role in short to medium term movements of the stock, long term is always going to be based on Fundamentals. Watch Peter Lynch's videos on YouTube, he is an old school investor just like Warren Buffett, but has some really good food for thoughts in his videos. + +Needless to say, if you are investing in Crpto be extremely conservative. 10% of your portfolio is too much. Anything more than that, and you lose your hard earned savings very quickly if things go south. + +I understand there is a Euphoria when you make quick money, but derivatives like Futures and Options are sure shot way of getting screwed if you don't know what you are doing. Everyone has an itch to make a lot of money in a short period of time, but trust me, losing your original investment is one the worst feeling you can ever have if you earned that money by working hard. + +If you don't know anything at all about investing and want to start putting some money into an investment account, buy a broad market based ETF like SPY or QQQ on a regular basis. Think $100-$200-$500/month. Time in the market is always going to beat timing the market. + +Lastly, as Warren Buffett said - Rule 1: Never lose money and Rule 2: Never forget Rule 1. + +TL;DR: Don't invest blindly in Stocks that some friend/stranger recommended you. Efforts to make money quickly on Stocks, Crpto, or Derivatives (Futures and Options) without understanding the fundamentals and risks, will make you lose your hard earned money and your shirt. If you don't know anything about investing, buy broad market based ETF like SPY and QQQ on a regular basis. +Around October or so, my roommate said he wanted to set up an AT&T account for internet. He said he would take care of it, and that it would be a shared account, equal responsibility. I was 19, and never used a service like AT&T before. Little did I know, he used my personal information, SSN, etc for this account, while tying it to his email account, so that I cannot even access this AT&T account that I have never used. Shortly after he recieved the router and set it up, he bolted and left, taking the router with him. He refused to do anything about the account. I started recieving calls from a collection agency around a month ago saying I owe money to AT&T. I have contacted customer service via phone, and they said since I do not have the account number or the security questions for the account, and that I lived at the same address as ex roommate, and he used my mailing adresss, it cannot be classified as fraud, and I will have to visit an AT&T store. My ex roommate also apparently tried to set up ANOTHER AT&T account in my name, in a different city, but AT&T said they could do nothing. I have visited the AT&T store, and they claim they also cannot do anything because I do not have the account number. I am getting called 6 times a day by a collection agency, and am not sure who to call or what to do about this. I have nothing in my mail from AT&T. + + +I was already going to tech school for Mechatronics, aka industrial maintenance, when i heard so class mates talking about GME back in Jan. So naturally I fomo'ed bought some GME at 380 and other meme stocks. then bought 1 more GME at 380 road it down to 150. Sold all meme stocks and bout 10 more gme. Then it dropped to 40 and tried to buy as much as possible. I currently work as an amazon delivery driver. Fuking hate it. but it pays the bills and my stonk addiction. Finally I got a job interview this upcoming friday with a company that pertains to industrial maintenance. I am pumped. upgrade from 16/hr to 20/hr + OT. How many others have been seeking way to increase income. Everyone questions my sanity. Like to poke fun. Hell I question my sanity. But, I believe. I equate it to Neo taking the red pill. Now I have the "I want it to squeeze, but then again I don't because I want to buy more". It will be nice when the MOASS comes and I finally prove I am right. I feel bad for the people that have bought into the newest meme stock and are expecting a squeeze and it is like "bruh, GME apes been at this for 9 months" your really think you will have a squeeze in a couple weeks. This whole saga has taught me patience. As I am sure you veteran apes have learned. Once this over. The apes will rule the markets I believe. The DD put out by all these badass apes is amazing. I have learned so much that I will always be an aggressive investor. It is coming GME apes will bring down the house. I do believe other stocks will squeeze. But GME is gona be the only true MOASS!!!!!! + +Side Note: It is honestly funny to think that there is potentially a 150+ stocks that are shorted that other people have invested in. The whole system is for the first time going to loose and there is nothing they can do about it. The longer it is put off the more the retards can buy. It is really interesting to watch. +I've been thinking about strategies to grow stock positions over time and have been reading about different strategies. + +I'm trying to work out the best way to continually invest in my positions over time to ensure that I'm building my positions over time while limiting the downside. + +The two strategies that I'm thinking about are; buying the dip (every time a stock hit a negative, add to the position) or, just adding to each position each day irrespective of whether the stock is up or down. + +I found this article which put some math behind these strategies - [https://theirrelevantinvestor.com/2020/02/24/what-happens-when-you-buy-the-dip/](https://theirrelevantinvestor.com/2020/02/24/what-happens-when-you-buy-the-dip/) + +I'm still not sure which one suits me best and am interested in hearing how other medium/long term investors do this. + +Initially I was going to buy a set amount (let's just say $20 to each position where I'm down 1.00%) until I'm not down less than 1%). There's an obvious flaw here, as the position grows the amount ($20) becomes less and less as a percentage and will have less of an effect over time. + +What strategy do you use to grow your positions over time and increase the chances of profitability while reducing the chances of making a loss? What rules do you set/stick to? +This guy has really been losing it lately, and never seems to sleep. He releases like 57 videos a day, pretty much begging you to give him 8, then 10, but now 20 bitcoins so that he can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. + +Face it folks, if this madmen was as good as he claims, he wouldn't need other peoples money to make himself wealthy. He will take your bitcoin, and you will never see it again, so please don't be stupid, and if you much watch him, just have fun laughing at him, and enjoy his comment section like the rest of us, and nothing more. + +You've been warned... +[BLS announcement](https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cesprelbmk.htm). For comparison, the final revision for [March 2018](https://www.bls.gov/ces/publications/benchmark/ces-benchmark-revision-2018.pdf) was -1,000, and the final revision for [March 2017](https://www.bls.gov/ces/publications/benchmark/ces-benchmark-revision-2017.pdf) was +138,000. + +The only major sectors with upward revisions to estimates were information, financial activities, and government. +*Disclaimer: This is a bearish post about GME that I've been dreading writing. It won't feed your hype, but it also isn't a prophecy. None of my posts are. They're just output from a model I built for trading, so take it all with a grain of salt (as with everything you read on Reddit).* + +**TLDR: Options market has become bearish on GME, and the sell-off is compounding the GME drop through selling off hedges shared. Wait until the Delta Neutral stabilizes, and/or increases, before becoming bullish on GME in the short-term. Note that my model does not work if there is unexpected news/events that affect the price.** + +**Background - Last Bullish Update** + +[Here's my prior update from 15 days ago, where I gave a very bullish outlook for GME.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rxtqpg/gme_delta_neutral_update_hedgies_r_fd/) + +This is what my graph looked like then, with data through 1/5. The primary indicators included in these graph include: + +• **Delta Neutral (DN)** \- This represents the underlying price that would create a total market delta of 0 across all options (all expiration dates) for a given date and ticker. In general, it acts like a floor to the underlying price, but if the price drops below the delta neutral, then it tends to shoot back up above that line. This graph includes two versions: + +* **Adjusted (grey)** \- excludes strikes in the extremes which are not typically actively hedged with movements in the underlying. [Look towards the bottom of this post for more information on this adjusted version.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rg8cbg/gme_is_testing_my_models_limits_and_im_cautiously/) +* **Unadjusted (yellow)** \- includes all strikes in the delta neutral calculation. + +• **Gamma Maximum (GM)** \- This represents the underlying price that would create the maximum gamma across the market. The GM seems to act like a ceiling, but fun things happen when the underlying crossing that threshold! + +• **Delta Sensitivity Test** \- This is basically a gamma test, but I like this view better visually with my graphs. This represents the % change in the total market delta associated with a 5% increase in the underlying stock price. Significant spikes represent unusually large hedging patterns based on the options mix, and can indicate the potential for significant buying / selling power on the underlying ticker. + +[ GME 8\/24\/2020 - 1\/5\/2022 ](https://preview.redd.it/v4sckq3ww2d81.png?width=909&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3cd94ce603e092d8e94ee413a703c37932d7b80) + + And a log-based 10 view so you could see the build-up in 2020 + +[ GME 8\/24\/2021 - 1\/5\/2022 ](https://preview.redd.it/7wx6wru5x2d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4275e56b768809b938c8819705db8d3d68eee25) + +My main points back in the 1/6 update was the following: + +* The delta neutral was not dropping quickly with the price, indicating the options market didn't think the drop in the stock market would hold for long. +* Because the options mix didn't drop with the price, it created a situation where small changes in price result in much higher levels of purchasing than usual. +* As you can see above (more so in the first graph that isn't scaled for the green December 2021 monster), these delta sensitivity test peaks occur BEFORE surges, so small price increases in the underlying would get bonus volume from hedgies hedging that surge, to the tune of a 273% increase in the total market delta (i.e. stocks to hedge) with a 5% increase. + +**So then what happened?** Well.... in the after hours, the price surged 32%. Could it have been the unusually high hedging I suggested? Maybe? It's impossible to know. + +**And then what happened after that?** Well.... nothing good... + +Here's the updated graph with data through 1/20: + +&#x200B; + +[9\/8\/2020 - 1\/20\/2022](https://preview.redd.it/c6ejla3t03d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c15914c804cd213596cf12c1a4f3c21b2dc545) + +&#x200B; + +Close-up view of the last six months for reference + +[7\/26\/2021 - 1\/20\/2022](https://preview.redd.it/9a6ct9fl03d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=6843ca462c2a25359892b4e9cbb3ae30acdc2f0b) + +* After that AH surge on 1/6, the price started dropping, and the delta neutral started dropping with it at around the same pace, indicating the options market is now supporting this drop. +* A small spike occurred, but the price just kept dropping. And here's the important thing to know about those delta spikes. They indicate unusual hedging buying pressure with modest price increases. So to get that buying pressure, you need price increases in the stock market, otherwise the opportunity is lost. +* For example, on 1/6 there was a 1.3% price increase and those $130 strikes suddenly went ITM, which could have led to that insane AH surge. We haven't had a good gain since. +* I personally believe GME will be in a bit of a free-for-all until the delta neutral stabilizes, indicating the sell-off in the options market has ceased. Because at the moment, the delta neutral drop indicates people are buying more puts and selling off calls, which has a net impact of hedgies selling off stocks as part of their risk management strategies. + +Here are some other examples of what it looks like when a delta neutral is dropping with the price, and how it indicates a bearish forecast. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vid877zy03d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=29602db2fe8b20638c883fe50f85ab22d934514f + +https://preview.redd.it/f8j702mx03d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0815e1c0dc556826d03d869835e45aa5ca5d2f5 + + + +https://preview.redd.it/g3xrqhm613d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f20a3e79ce662fb297d90477b87f1b52faeeca2 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/at844klb13d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c4d3db7ca87dc8396506283e55535ac7b53ca52 + +https://preview.redd.it/ia8moqu813d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ab160978c979165943e28bd4c2b0263ba9a13bc + +Also note that the same thing is happening over on this side as well: + +https://preview.redd.it/yocknxf113d81.png?width=1421&format=png&auto=webp&s=68e02e0ae17c22736e6bc5e06fb541eb8fc915f0 + +&#x200B; + +**So how long will this last?** I have no way of knowing.... I would just watch the DN and wait until it levels out, and starts increasing again, before I become bullish on GME again. I'm sorry I can't give better news, just telling you what's in my model, which I have high confidence in. + + + +[Alright.... I'm ready for it....](https://preview.redd.it/702x20hu13d81.png?width=243&format=png&auto=webp&s=523e6e43d24979f2223f1a09ea8489506ace2888) + +[If you're interested, methodology and assumptions that go into my model are at the bottom at this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qfeama/options_market_says_the_price_is_wrong_with_delta/) + + + +**Caveats and Limitations on Use** + +These graphs contain output from my personal model. I am not qualified to provide financial advice, and have no experience trading professionally. This model has not been peer reviewed, so use this output at your own risk. + +This model serves to help Redditors make investment decisions, but still requires Redditors to consider other relevant information, including earnings reports, news, relevant events, momentum and reversion to the mean in the underlying stock. Redditors should think critically about emerging information, and not make decisions solely based on this output. + +In performing this analysis, I relied on raw daily options summaries from historicaloptionsdata.com. I have not audited or verified this data and other information. If the underlying data or information is inaccurate or incomplete, the results of this analysis may likewise be inaccurate or incomplete. + +These graphs are not predictions of the future; they are indicators based on the assumptions. Emerging results should be carefully monitored with assumptions adjusted as appropriate. + +**TLDR: Options market has become bearish on GME, and the sell-off is compounding the GME drop through selling off hedges shared. Wait until the Delta Neutral stabilizes, and/or increases, before becoming bullish on GME in the short-term. Note that my model does not work if there is unexpected news/events that affect the price.** +TL;DR: I made a 55-bagger on a nice slug of 5 cent options on an M&A deal falling through. + + +Ok, I've traded options since the early 1980s (with lots of hiatuses--hiatii?). + +The last couple of years I've been mostly successful selling cash secured puts and covered calls. + +Last year, a stock I have long traded got acquired and the deal was for $23.50 in cash. The stock flatlined around $23.15-$23.30ish for a few months. They got approval from CFIUS (the buyer was foreign and the companies are defense contractors). + +Then, the FTC asked for a second round of information right after Thanksgiving. Boom. I realized the deal was going to create a complete monopoly in a small defense product line and figured "Hey, this deal is going to get rejected." + +So, I shorted 300 shares and looked at the option chains. They are mostly totally illiquid, like zero bid offered at $4.80. + +Right before New Year's, knowing a deal deadline was coming but the FTC wouldn't be ready, I saw that there were two March 20 puts offered for 5 cents each. Now, I figured the stock would go to $15 if the deal fell through. So I put in an order for 10 and got executed on 2. The next day, same thing, two more. The day after, I was able to buy 4, for a total of 8. + +A few weeks went by until the end of January approached. Still no news. Then I noticed that JUNE 20 puts were for sale for 5 cents. I ended up buying 55 of them for 5 cents. + +LSS, on March 5, they announced the deal was off and the stock fell to the low 17 area. The options were totally illiquid and untradeable, so I bought the full 6,300 shares at an average cost of $17.25 and exercised ecerything. + +A couple of days later my group at work (about 15 people) had a pizza and salad free lunch courtesy of one contract. + +I felt like the scene in Titanic : "I'm the King of the World." +I'm basing my assumptions on MMM's: + +http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2011/10/06/the-true-cost-of-commuting/ + +Of course, I don't think it's worth $15,900 extra for every mile I live closer to work (per his math). Although I'm worth $25/hour I wouldn't be working those hours otherwise. My math comes in at $10,000. It's worth $10,000 every mile closer to work I get. My realtor tells me she's there to tell me what the best investment is. She doesn't understand that appreciation is not at the top of my list. I live in Austin so basically nothing will depreciate. I want to invest by saving! Should I keep my agent? + +update: I had a heart-to-heart with my realtor. I basically said life betterment is the goal here with less stress than apparent value/future market potential. I said living close to work means the most to me for the right price. We looked at a house in a neighborhood she told me wasn't any good (apartments nearby and the neighborhood is mostly rentals). It's not a dream home, but it's my first home and I need to get this right in the early years of my career. Plus it'll likely be a rental property whenever I move up so I'm not AS worried about it being in a rental property. Sure, it'll affect how much rent I can charge. But financial independence is more about life betterment than getting rich. +Celebrating both my longest apartment (13 months and counting in one place), and my first full calendar year of not being homeless since I was 13. + +I posted about a month ago, and have taken the advice received about building credit and here is my current situation: + + +- 26 year old bartender. + +- 500/ month rent + +- 100/month phone bill + +- 60/ month in subscription services + +- 100/month charity donations + +- I started tracking my tips and it has helped a lot with monitoring my spending. + +- I make 1,000 a week in tips on slow weeks and 1,800 a week on good weeks. + +- 550 credit score with 2 delinquent medical bills I plan on paying off around holiday season when I get extra $$ + +- applied and received 2 secured credit cards ($200 each) discover, and capital 1. (Thanks for the advice) + +- currently using these cards to pay for my subscription services and phone bill, nothing else. Trying to build credit and then apply for a 3rd card through my bank. + +As far as bank and liquid assets I have: + +- 1 checking that I don't let fall under 1,000 +Currently: $1,400 + +- long term savings (transfer 250/week goal is to even touch this money and have 12k in a years time) currently: $1,500 + +- short term savings (transfer 100/week and is for vacations and other 'short term' savings) +Currently: $400 + +I've never really had more than 3k in my life at any given moment. I know this isn't a lot of money but it's more than I'm used to. I used to be homeless and it feels weird to me to have this. + +Basically where I'm at is I feel like I could/ should be doing something with the money that I have but feel like it is too little to invest in anything. So what are some benchmarks I should hit or have so I can tell myself, self, you have X amount saved up- you should start investing with this other money that you have. And where should I look to invest? + +I'm looking at IRAs etc but still feel like I should have MORE in liquid cash saved before I start opening a retirement account. Starting one now feels like putting the cart before the horse. + +If someone can gently give me some advice as to what 'normal' people do with their money, I would really appreciate it. I'm a little lost. + + + +[88 Energy - Merlin-1](https://preview.redd.it/co6t0nuniqo61.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01709a98c3c46a48f102fecc9631c0af717586a2) + +What happened lately? + + +\- 88 Energy started drilling for Merlin-1 in Alaska (median 645mil barrel of oil) + +\- In total, the company drills for 1,6bil (median) barrel of oil in their upcoming drilling projects + +\- Dave Wall, Managing Director of 88E, leaves the company in May + +\- Dave Wall increased his shares from 39mil and 17,5mil performance rights to 120mil shares and 77,6mil performance rights + +\- Erik Opstad, general Manager of 88E, is the founder of their farm out partner ELKO + +\- After costs of the project increased, 88E has "issued 360,000,000 fully paid to a professional and sophisticate investor at an issue price of A$0.018 per Share" ( [02355885.pdf (weblink.com.au)](http://clients3.weblink.com.au/pdf/88E/02355885.pdf) ) + +\- The mentioned investor is drilling partner and company of Erik Opstad, ELKO [88 Energy (ASX:88E) completes surface hole drilling at Merlin-1 - The Market Herald](https://themarketherald.com.au/88-energy-asx88e-completes-surface-hole-drilling-at-merlin-1-2021-03-22/) ) + +\- Joe Bidens policy makes it more difficult for the big players to get oil [Biden policy puts 72% of Alaska’s remaining oil at risk, but output won’t be affected until after 2030 - DRILLING & PRODUCTION, Alaska, Joe Biden - Oil & Gas Middle East (oilandgasmiddleeast.com)](https://www.oilandgasmiddleeast.com/drilling-production/37800-biden-policy-puts-72-of-alaskas-remaining-oil-at-risk-but-output-wont-be-affected-until-after-2030) ) + +&#x200B; + +Rumors: + + +\- Drilling partner wants shares, not cash ( [88 ENERGY LIMITED (ASX:88E) - Oil Flowing then Buyer Coming In, page-1 - HotCopper | ASX Share Prices, Stock Market & Share Trading Forum](https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/oil-flowing-then-buyer-coming-in.5972716/) ) + +\- Both Dave Wall and Erik Opstad are preparing for a takeover by a big player + +\- Share price could jump even higher than it could if they'd find oil + +\- Why would DW and EO increase their share position right after the drilling? This would only make sense if there are big news coming up +Inflation is a symptom of a bigger disease called central banking and unfortunately, as I post this, bitcoin is still tied to and valued in fiat currency. While people still invest in bitcoin hoping to cash out for fiat, you can be sure bitcoin will not decouple from fiat currency, and you'll see the "value" of it move with other markets tied to fiat (although we all know the real value is priceless) + + +We know the central banking system is collapsing. The ship is sinking and they cannot keep it afloat much longer. Decades of manipulation and Bipolar policy has damaged fiat beyond repair. It's going to zero, as it has in many areas of the world already. When you buy bitcoin you should understand you're betting against the central banks. You're betting against fiat currency altogether. You're expressing your desire to see this decentralized monetary system become the standard, so you should expect to have to hold for a decade or several decades to see the vision come true. Once the fiat currency system finally collapses for good (and it will) your Bitcoin will be the only life raft you have. It will be the only life raft anyone has, and then you'll see everything else valued in satoshis. + + +Do you think the world is going back to trading physical gold when fiat finally collapses? I don't think so. In today's world technology is important and convenience. The world will choose bitcoin when central banking dies. Get on the boat and don't sell your bitcoin for any shitcoins especially the ultimate shitcoin USD. +I previously posted regarding my AAPL puts play last week. Lots of you gave me insights and valuable info about my play (some people were just flaming and getting mad). So I sold my puts at bare minimum profits last week and i swapped my play to bull this week and AAPL been treating me really well. (100% gains and currently in 144 call, in profit as well) + +So thank you to the people who truly helped me out, yall MVP. +So I was told I needed to post this story on Reddit. So here you go when Bitcoin was just over a dollar, ($1.13) +I played an Online game With a friend who lived in Norway, the game was EVE online. We had been playing that game since 2004, and one day me and my roommate who also played EVE ordered pizza one day after work, and our Friend, will Call Him "Griff" he Wanted one too. So me and my roommate pitched in to buy him a pizza as we just got paid and felt generous, but it was hard to do a currency exchange with no fees and without waiting, so I found a website that sold Bitcoin, but minimum was 100, a total of 113$, and then convert BTC into viking bucks, then into intercontinental space pizza 🍕... And it ended up costing around 43 Bitcoins to accomplish that.. so in total. +43btc x $32.000 = $1,376,000 😅😅 + +But Here is the kick in the teeth for the one time use of the bitcoin purchase.. +I never used the other 67 Bitcoin ... that's sitting in a wallet on some website or email or hard drive that may or may not exist anymore and have no idea where or how to get access to it.. 🤷 +Thanks for reading, I'm still sad. +Hey guys, since a couple weeks ago I have gotten lots of positive feedback regarding twitchplaysstockmarket. It allows anyone watching the twitch stream to make investment decisions every 5 minutes. I hope you will come join the community and have some fun in the chaos of group investing! + +[http://www.twitch.tv/twitchplaysstockmarket](http://www.twitch.tv/twitchplaysstockmarket) + +edit: OP here I will be in meetings throughout the day but I will check on the channel every so often to make sure things are running smoothly. My goal is for the channel to be fun, educational, and chaotic. I am working on adding more features such as leaderboards and prizes! + +edit2: it seems many people on /r/investing do not know what twitch is. its mostly a steaming website for gamers but its also the perfect website for this project. feel free to join and participate, its more fun the more people there are discussing and investing at once! + +edit3: the music is John Broomhall from the original Railroad Tycoon. Real money makin music! + +edit4: successful run today. stream is still up but market is closed any orders will go through tomorrow morning. thanks for all the suggestions and ideas keep em coming! +Hey guys, since a couple weeks ago I have gotten lots of positive feedback regarding twitchplaysstockmarket. It allows anyone watching the twitch stream to make investment decisions every 5 minutes. I hope you will come join the community and have some fun in the chaos of group investing! + +[http://www.twitch.tv/twitchplaysstockmarket](http://www.twitch.tv/twitchplaysstockmarket) + +edit: OP here I will be in meetings throughout the day but I will check on the channel every so often to make sure things are running smoothly. My goal is for the channel to be fun, educational, and chaotic. I am working on adding more features such as leaderboards and prizes! + +edit2: it seems many people on /r/investing do not know what twitch is. its mostly a steaming website for gamers but its also the perfect website for this project. feel free to join and participate, its more fun the more people there are discussing and investing at once! + +edit3: the music is John Broomhall from the original Railroad Tycoon. Real money makin music! + +edit4: successful run today. stream is still up but market is closed any orders will go through tomorrow morning. thanks for all the suggestions and ideas keep em coming! +I was actually planning on holding onto it for a crash (to get stuff on sale) but ended up just throwing it in a bunch of Vanguard mutual funds because i figured i'd been holding onto cash for too long and I'd get more growth in the long run. + +And then the tank happened. I know it will go back up. but I can't help but feel like it was such shitty luck that it will affect my portfolio long term. I am NOT planning on selling. It's just that my bad timing is getting to me. + + +Just market jitters or truth? +Unpopular opinion: With the GME marketplace right around the corner (maybe, sort of, it is, we will see) this seems toooooo perfectly timed. + +Hear me out…. + +If I knew that my execution was right around the corner, and I couldn’t convince the executioner to stay his axe, what’s my next best option? I’d think convincing the people that public executions are bad. They are not a civilized way to conduct themselves. Is the correlation escaping you? Let me try this… + +GME is set (allegedly, maybe, it is) to launch their Marketplace. It will deal is NFT’s, crypto, and all things related. If I know GameStop has me by the short and curlies, but I have failed at every attempt to derail the “execution”, my next best option would be to creat our favorite term around it FEAR, UNCERTAINTY, and DOUBT at its ability to protect anyone. I can’t do it directly to them as it’s not execution day, so how do I get to the almighty public opinion and scare them enough to maybe at the least create a stay of execution for even a small window to try and figure out another way out of their sentence? + +I don’t pretend to know anything or have any information to back this up. It just seems like it has created a positive sentiment for GME holders, but that’s just a small piece of the pie that will be needed to push it to andromeda. + +If this creates doubt in the system by association, could it not deter others from the FOMO we have thought would make them flock like the salmon or Capistrano oh so quickly to the stock? + +I’m aware of the significant differences in OpenCee to what’s being developed by GME and friends, I know most of you are. But what will the court of public opinion say? That’s my question. + +Edit: yes I am questioning if this hack was by design to create this. More than just a sweaty computer nerd trying to get rich in his moms basement +I apologize if this isn't the place for this. I just need to vent. + +I've been married for 4 years. I got married at 18 while I was still in highschool. It's odd, it's not for everyone but I love my wife and I still do very much. Sometimes I think I shouldn't have because of the financial toll it's taken on me. + +The first year I lived with my mom and was looking for apartments but they were way too expensive where I live. Being the only one who worked, we just couldn't afford it. I worked at Walgreens making 11/hr. That was my first job I picked up in highscool and it was the best I could do at the time. + +Furthermore, I feel like I've screwed up my life because I didn't go to college like I intended to. Instead I just worked full time at Walgreens. We were desperate to get out of my moms house so we were looking for an RV because my Dad offered to live rent free on his land. (Mom was perfectly fine with having us with her it's just mom/wife drama pretty stupid imo) + +We purchased an RV for 12k and moved onto my dads land for the next two years. Basically all I paid was $300 a month and that was going to my grandma who lent us the money to buy the RV. Eventually the RV started getting problems like boiler broke, started leaking, just things that were making it harder for us to live there. + +In those two years I saved up money and bought my current mobile home. I put 18k down and been paying 190 a month the last year. My car also started to break down a lot more so I wanted to get a new one because I was tired of being stranded on the side of the road. 2018 Honda Civic. Gas mileage is so much better and now I don't have to worry about being stranded. + +My wife and I now both work for amazon in a warehouse both making 15/Hr yet we're still struggling. Every penny goes to bills and debt and we're left with basically nothing. I feel very drained because I feel like my life is going nowhere and im just slaving away wasting my youth paying my debts. + +Recently all I do is sleep and I just don't have the motivation to do anything. Like I could even afford to go anywhere. Im worried its taking a toll on her as well. We've been at amazon for a year now and that's the longest she's ever been employed anywhere. I feel like i've failed as a husband to provide for her since she has to work. She has no problem working, she actually likes it because it gives her something to do. + +In the end life goes on and im just another young guy working and living in this world. I just really wanted to vent. Never have. Thanks for reading. + + + +Edit: Sorry for the inactivity I had to run some errands. To clarify we only work 36 hours a week and sometimes my wife takes voluntary time off because of the long hours. We work 3 days a week 12 hour shifts. I never take the voluntary time off but I don't mind when she does because I know it can be really physically demanding. However, since she does take the voluntary time off sometimes her paychecks are between $500-600. Also this year around February, my wife took a leave of absence from work to go back to her hometown because of a sick relative. So I had no choice but to use my credit card to help with some bills at the time. After taxes a full paycheck is around $850 + +* Car payment- $485 + +* Phones - $100 (T Mobile) + +* Wifi - $75 + +* Electricity - $80-100 (Depends on AC usage) + +* Credit card- $85 Minimum (Wife puts extra when she can $300) + +* Rent - $650-700 (Depends on water usage) + +* Mortgage - $190 + +* Insurance - $150 + +* Groceries and gas - $250 + +Sorry I took so long to reply to all of you thank you for being so supportive about this. This is the first time I really sat down and looked at my budgets and expenses. It's difficult for me to come up with solid numbers since my wifes paychecks vary a lot but it's the best I could do. +People need to stop posting about it. I know you might be tired and broke but so are many other people. Whining about it on reddit wont do shit except for make other apes start over thinking or might weaken peoples morale. I hope nobody threw in money they actually depend on but to each their own. Apes will be okay, apes will be rich. It's a matter of time. Wait it out and stay fucking strong! + +Edit: it's not in exact words but I'm talking about people who post that they are tired and broke basically lol. +Just wanted to post this for the skeptics. I know I was very apprehensive using the Coinbase card before I started using it. But it’s actually really easy. They mail you a card (and link a card using Apple Pay if you have an iPhone) and then you simply just use that as opposed to your normal debit card. Transferring from your bank account to your Coinbase account is literally instantaneous. It’s quick, easy, and convenient. If you’re on the fence, just get one! + +[Proof of over $500](https://imgur.com/a/WYhTK1H/) + +Edit: Forgot to mention. It’s 4% cashback on every purchase +Is this for real? I just wanted to send $20 to a charity so I did it from coinbase. Only after I sent did I notice it was $34 in totall, I checked the transaction it it confirmed $14 in fees. This in Insane! Why is this, is this normal? +As the title states, I didn't fix price my mortgage at the end of last year due to some hectic life circumstances and as we were making a lot of extra repayments. +Looking now, all rates are high 3% fixed for one year and over 5% for 3yrs. Have a missed the boat, or should I still try to fix as soon as possible? +Hello to all. + +Let me start by saying that I am not a big fan of credit card points program, I have always felt that it requires too much work and attention to do so and the reward is not that great, generally speaking I have found that improving my professional skills provides a much better economical reward. + +That said, I have been thinking that every year I have large payments to do to the ATO (this year it goes to 50k, due to some company shares that I receive), I consider myself to be quite decent with money handling, so I already anticipated the cost for the ATO and I do have the money to pay. + +Now, the question is, 50k is quite a bit of money and well, I could try to get some points from it and then convert it into some flights (I am European and my wife is from South America, so we do spend quite a bit on plane tickets every year). + +I have been checking [https://www.pointhacks.com.au/ato-points-earning-cards/](https://www.pointhacks.com.au/ato-points-earning-cards/) to understand what are the rules. From what I have seen there are a few (not many!) cards that consider ATO payments as eligible to gain points, the site also mentions some services such as [pay.com.au](https://pay.com.au) that seem to act as an intermediary and, for a fee, allows to get the points. + +Now, a few questions here. + +1. I do NOT have any rewards card atm, if i were to order one with a credit limit large enough to pay the ATO, would it arrive on time to do so (I do not use a tax agent) +2. Is it REALLY worth all this effort to go and get those points? How much time, realistically, do I need to dedicate to this. +3. On the good news, me having a credit card does not mean me overspending, in fact my plan is to not even have the card on my wallet at all, but leave it in an envelope with the passports and forget about it, in that sense, I consider this a zero risk from financial/stupidity perspective. +4. Apart from [pointhacks.com.au](https://pointhacks.com.au) is there any other resource worth checking? + +Thanks in advance for any suggestions/corrections/hints! + +EDIT: + +I am seeing people mentioning two things + +1. Not all cards are eligible to gain points when paying the ATO: I am aware of this, which is why i checked [pointhacks.com.au](https://pointhacks.com.au) website, as i have mentioned there are some services like [pay.com.au](https://pay.com.au) or [sniip.com](https://sniip.com) to handle this. More specifically [sniip.com](https://sniip.com) charges 1.5% fee on the transaction and then points are gained. +2. Assuming that no service is used, the VISA/Mastercard payment fee is if 0.7-0.8% to the ATO, which just brings two questions: + 1. Is this tax deductible? + 2. Is it worth doing all of this? I mean is there any real value on all the points, the way i am seeing is that the points would cost me 1.5% of the bill +I never spend my money cus ima kid and my mum and dad buy me thing most of the time if not i save I’m things. I think I should get a car when I’m 16 second hand but I’m not should what dog you think +Make it easier. Make it the easiest option. Don't use python. +Add merged mining. +Create an open source page like bitaddress.org for stats. + +edit: nothing against python, it's just that requiring it for P2Pool is extra complication for neubs +edit2: merged mining is necessary because miners are looking at the bottom line, and +% makes a difference. The two largest pools have NMC at least +edit3: I will give 10btc for either: + -a cross-platform, open-source executable that 'does everything' to mine P2P + -an open source website pool that allows cgminer connections, like existing pools, but on the back end is P2P +I realize that the reddit crowd trends younger, and that the younger cohort in general might tend to be more distrustful of social security (I know that I was when I was younger). They also might not understand it as well as those who are starting to see social security peeking over the horizon. I thought I’d create a post about a benefit of social security that most are probably unfamiliar with; I certainly was until recently. For me, this discovery was actionable: I will be able to cancel my term life insurance before I had otherwise planned, because the survivor benefits more than make up the gap between our current retirement stash and our FIRE number. In addition, the knowledge gives me a great deal of comfort moving forward, as my wife is ‘uninsurable’ due to being a cancer survivor. + +Social Security is actually made up of several components. You’ll note on your paychecks that it is designated ‘OASDI.’ This is three benefits in one – Old Age, Survivors, and Disability (Insurance). Most of what is discussed when we talk about Social Security is the Old Age benefit. I’d like to discuss the Survivors benefit. Note that I’m not going to proclaim myself an expert on Social Security, so I’ll welcome any corrections. + +I’ll assume you know the basics of Social Security and won’t rehash them here. The relevant information is that each of us who has earned income and paid OASDI taxes (employer+employee) has accrued a benefit level known as our Primary Insurance Amount (PIA), which is calculated from our Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME). Your PIA is the monthly benefit you would receive if you retired today at Full Retirement Age - typically 67 - assuming you have accrued the minimum level of credits. For Old Age insurance, this is 40 credits, of which you generally accrue 4 per year. For Survivors insurance, you actually need fewer than 40 credits in most cases. + +The survivor benefit level is 75% of your PIA. If you’ve accrued a PIA of $1000, your survivor benefit level is $750. Not too bad, since normally you’d have to reach 67 to get 100% of your PIA. Easy peasy, right? Well, not quite…read on. + +Who can receive benefits? + +From [https://www.ssa.gov/planners/survivors/ifyou.html](https://www.ssa.gov/planners/survivors/ifyou.html) + +*Certain family members may be eligible to receive monthly benefits, including:* + +* *A widow or widower age 60 or older (age 50 or older if disabled);* +* *A surviving divorced spouse, under certain circumstances;* +* *A widow or widower at any age who is caring for the deceased’s child who is under age 16 or disabled and receiving benefits on their record;* +* *An unmarried child of the deceased who is:* + * *Younger than age 18 (or up to age 19 if he or she is a full-time student in an elementary or secondary school); or* + * *Age 18 or older with a disability that began before age 22.* + +**So…for the FIRE crowd, this generally means that your spouse will receive benefits if you have children 16 or under AND each of your children who are in high school, or younger, will ALSO receive benefits.** + +That’s the key point of this entire post. Each one of your spouse and your children, subject to the age ranges described above, will receive benefits. + +With 1 child, family receives 150% of your PIA. 2 kids, family receives 225%, 3 kids, family receives 300%. 12 kids, the family receives 975%. Ok, not really, because there’s a family cap: + +(a) 150 percent of the first $1,226 of the worker's PIA, plus + +(b) 272 percent of the worker's PIA over $1,226 through $1,770, plus + +(c) 134 percent of the worker's PIA over $1,770 through $2,309, plus + +(d) 175 percent of the worker's PIA over $2,309. + +Still, that cap is substantial. My current PIA is just under $2,000. With that formula, this results in a family cap of $3626.88. That’s a pretty hefty monthly check for the FIRE crowd, and in my opinion should absolutely be considered in our planning. + +There’s one final fly in the ointment: income-based reduction of benefits. + +*If you are under full retirement age for the entire year, we deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn above the annual limit. For 2020, that limit is $18,240.* + +If my wife continued to work at her current job after my demise, that would kill off her survivor benefit for years she worked (though our current plans wouldn’t require her to work). However, the kids’ benefits - we have two - would continue. Since we’d bump up against the family maximum with all 3 receiving benefits, the reduction wouldn’t be so bad, down from $3636.88 to $3000. + +There are some other stipulations, but mostly they don’t apply to this sub. The spouse remarrying would be one that does apply, but I’ll leave worrying about that to the new guy. + +Hopefully this information is useful to others with kids out there, or at least will generate some discussion! I'd prefer that it not devolve into the politics of social security and/or its prospects for the future. For the purposes of survivor insurance discussion, it's worth noting that social security is currently fully funded through 2037 without changes, so presumptions about the long-term viability of the program aren't that relevant for any kids currently in existence. +For info - in New Jersey, large public apartment complex company that owns multiple buildings throughout the country. + +We received our renewal offer, was about $450 monthly higher than other identical apartments we’ve seen on the website. I spoke with both the on site manager and the “owner” of the building (not sure how that works as it’s a large public apartment complex company that owns multiple buildings) to discuss getting a lower rent for our renewal. Best they can offer is 1/2 month concession for us to renew. I told him that I’m 99% sure that when we submit our intent to “vacate” the apartment, it will be advertised on their website for significantly cheaper than what they’re offering me. He told me that I am probably right. I was also offered to transfer to an identical unit available at that same lower cost ($450 cheaper monthly) + +So, we submitted our intent to vacate, within an hour it was on the website for ~$450 cheaper than the renewal offer (same as the other identical units). I immediately re-applied for it, and by that time the office was closed so I had to wait overnight to speak to someone. + +Went to the office this morning (it was a different person than I had previously discussed the situation with), was told that normally this isn’t supposed to happen, because the prices being advertised are only “introductory rates” to get someone into the building. I asked then why I’m able to transfer to an identical unit for the exact same price decrease? No answer other than re-iterating that it’s a difficult situation because we’re currently living in that same apartment. I told him that this is no different than me submitting our intentions to vacate, and then “transferring” to the new apartment (which happens to be the same apartment that were in) - the exact situation that was previously offered to me. They are going to go back and discuss with their colleagues and call me back on Monday. + +It sounds like they’re doing everything they can to avoid allowing me to stay in this unit at a lower rate. Any advice on what to be prepared for the next time they give me the run around? I am fully expecting them to decline my application for any random reason. +A **common misunderstanding** about Bitcoin mining is that it involves solving complex math problems. Actually, what miners do isn't that complex at all. And that's a good thing. Let's explain 👇 + +Summary: + +* Mining is analogous to an open dice game; winners are determined every 10 minutes +* Difficulty adjusts to keep Bitcoin issuance consistent making it’s supply schedule fixed +* ASICs are superior to supercomputers + +[braiins.com\/blog](https://preview.redd.it/du1cr9h44cu61.png?width=1300&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6badff92001059a2277954527f3421ee6b00f3b) + +>Full article: [https://braiins.com/blog/bitcoin-mining-analogy-beginners-guide](https://braiins.com/blog/bitcoin-mining-analogy-beginners-guide) + +**Dice game analogy:** + +If miners were solving complex math problems as many people think, supercomputers and quantum computers would pose a serious threat to the Bitcoin network. In reality, **mining is more like a dice game than a math exercise.** + +Imagine you have a 1000-sided dice, and to win a game you just need to roll a number lower than 50. The more rolls you have, the higher your probability of winning. The amount of rolls is equivalent to "hashrate" for bitcoin miners. + +https://preview.redd.it/kwuh5mec4cu61.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7b6b2fb83ddf5ca8f0837c8e5787b35ce5673e4 + +The beauty of Bitcoin is the difficulty adjustment which maintains the steady block time and thus, issuance schedule. As more players join the game, the number that they have to roll to win the game gets lower and lower. + +https://preview.redd.it/rtlirare4cu61.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=881f6231a619e00d6b81195c591606800bdc754b + +In this way, the average time it takes for somebody to roll a wining number on the dice will stay constant, even as the amount of dice rolls occurring each second goes up. + +Bitcoin's hashrate has risen more than 10x since the 2017 bull market. Average block time? 10 minutes. + +https://preview.redd.it/lhrp22gh4cu61.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=542a5c194e28e7d3a527467132bbeaff3f8123e9 + +Final note**.** If you're interested in learning more about the future of the Bitcoin network as **quantum computers progress**, check out our non-technical explainer: [https://braiins.com/blog/can-quantum-computers-51-attack-bitcoin](https://braiins.com/blog/can-quantum-computers-51-attack-bitcoin) +I started my 401k very late and luckily i work for a amazing company that has a great match program and stock purchase program. I was just letting my 401k do its own thing for a while until a older employee started talking about how much better he was doing doing the investing himself. + +I opened up a brokerage account and just moved 2.5k over to dip my toes into the market.. and i have already doubled that in about two weeks. Complete luck...I have done some research but was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on ways to improve in the long term. Even very common advice will help because i am so new to this. Thanks!! + + +Edit : Thank you everyone for the awesome advice. + +Definitely will look into all of the material everyone recommended! + +Edit 2 : Man,you guys are awesome. So much information to take in. Thank you all. +It is pay review/bonus time. I have only been on a salary >100k for the last year so still trying to figure out the 60% “tax trap” where I lose my annual tax free allowance. Also I have never really taken out loans so not comfortable with this either. + +I am on a salary of £110k this will rise to £122.5k from end of April. This is about £400 extra a month. + +I am receiving a £16,500 bonus. + +I currently pay 13% into my pension and my employer pays an additional 7%. + +If I take my bonus as cash then I pay effectively a 63% tax - so will only take home ~£6k +If I pay it into my pension I avoid the tax. + +But I need cash for renovation work and was going to use bonus before I realised how much tax I would pay. +so instead, if I get a loan out for £10k and repay it over the next 2 years it is ~£430 a month cost which is about the same as my salary increase so I shouldn’t really notice a difference in my monthly income (and only about £400 total interest over two years) + +So to me looks really sensible to pay my bonus into my pension and then get a loan out. + +Am I missing anything obvious as this seems too easy to avoid tax!? +Hi, + +I am about to enter my first job with a pay packet. Looking at amex for a platinum cashback card but many family members warn me that it is not taken in a lot of UK shops. Is this still a big issue in the UK today? Cheers +There are a lot of young redditors here with decades of participation ahead in the workforce. The pace of social, economic, and technological change is unprecedented. What are your bold predictions about FIRE in the next 20-30 years? +Just too much volatility in the market and it would be a fool to go all in on assets right now. I'm still bullish on Bitcoin and Ethereum in the long term and will continue to buy in as long as exchanges keep running and that's not going to stop. + +However, 70% cash seems like the play for me I am afraid. It's just my perspective and I feel that crypto is really the least of the concerns the American market is considering. Layoffs are happening and buying power will go down as a result, this makes Bitcoin very unviable for the short term. It's just the truth of what's going to happen. + +That said, the speculative side of the alt coin environment is still going to exist but good luck choosing the right coin to make the play I would say. Play it wise but still bullish IMO. But you do YOU. +With inflation rising and (hopefully) pulling savings rates up with it. Is it worth still having short-term savings in Premium Bonds with an average of 1% return per year? +\*sigh\* At some point, some of you are going to have to take responsibility for being fucking idiots for investing in a company that can't even be bothered to design the logo for their flagship vehicle. + +\- + +Everything about this company just feels like a poorly planned troll. + +Actual level 10 bruh moment. + +edit: literally the first google result + +TL;DR NKLA 12.5p 09/18 + +https://preview.redd.it/fs7gzwvulnm51.png?width=1130&format=png&auto=webp&s=c345ba4d4023c231fa7b4f0baad72daa8d3fbff2 + +https://preview.redd.it/71gxxtvulnm51.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=783b60850f2fe2afa7006ab2e9b3e8ed12c8ae93 +Total cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities of the company as per the latest quarter (in billions of dollars). + +15. Cigna (NYSE:CI) - 10.1 B + +14. Cisco (NASDAQ:CSCO) - 11.8 B + +13. Costco (NASDAQ:COST) - 13.6 B + +12. IBM (NYSE:IBM) - 14.3 B + +11. JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) - 24.9 B + +10. GM (NYSE:GM) - 29 B + +9. Oracle (NYSE:ORCL) - 43 B + +8. Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK.A) - 48 B + +7. Ford Motors (NYSE:F) - 50 B + +6. Facebook (NYSE:FB) - 62 B + +5. Alibaba (NYSE:BABA) - 70 B + +4. Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) - 84.4 B + +3. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) - 132 B + +2. Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG) - 136.7 B + +1. Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) - 195.6 B + +Source: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/15-companies-most-cash-reserves-182708211.html +There are so many common misconceptions, but it's good to inform others what it's truly like. + +Some of us don't even have a washer or dryer, some of us don't have a car. Some of us have to go to the food pantry in order to get something to eat or to dumpster dive. + +Many of us already do everything we can to break the vicious cycle that we're in. Sometimes we can get ahead, sometimes it feels like an invisible force is pushing you back and nothing you try seems to work. It can be truly disheartening to many of us. + +When I was a child, my mom was a workaholic. Not because she wanted to be, but because she had to be. Even with child's support and SSI from me, she struggled as a single mother. + +There was a post on here that said that they couldn't understand why someone would buy fast food over buying groceries. They could have Depression, Chronic Pain, maybe they don't have a fridge or a stove. Or even a real kitchen. Could be, a lot of reasons why. Plus, while it isn't necessarily healthy, it is convenient. +According to Premium Bonds data from the (estimated) **February 2019** prize draw: + +* The total number of bonds in existence is roughly: **78 Billion** +* The total prize pool for **February 2019** is roughly: **£91 Million** + +Based on a **simulation of 10000 prize draws** for this month, you're probably going to win these amounts (based on median prize): + + * With £100 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£0** + * With £1000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£0** + * With £10000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£0** + * With £25000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£25** + * With £50000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£50** + + +Based on a **simulation of 10000 different years**, each with 12 similar monthly prize draws per year, you're probably going to win these amounts (based on median sum of monthly prizes): + + * With £100 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£0** (0.00% APR) + * With £1000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£0** (0.00% APR) + * With £10000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£125** (1.25% APR) + * With £25000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£325** (1.30% APR) + * With £50000 worth of bonds, you can expect to win: **£625** (1.25% APR) + + +If instead you put the money in a **1.5% savings account** for a year: + + * With £100, you can expect to win: **£1.5** (1.5% APR) + * With £1000, you can expect to win: **£15** (1.5% APR) + * With £10000, you can expect to win: **£150** (1.5% APR) + * With £25000, you can expect to win: **£375** (1.5% APR) + * With £50000, you can expect to win: **£750** (1.5% APR) + + +*sources:* + +*https://www.nsandi.com/premium-bonds* + +*https://www.nsandi.com/prize-checker* + + +In the last 24 hours, $56 Billion in USDT volume was traded. That is more than Bitcoin, ETH, and the next 3 largest coins combined. It is the glue holding the world of crypto exchanges together. + +I'm sure most of you have seen the movie "The Big Short". For the simplified cliff notes refresher - Leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, huge batches of dog-shit mortgages at high risk of default were being bundled up into various securities and bonds, which were then bought and sold by financial institutions around the world. When the defaults started rolling in....bla bla bla....global financial system collapses. Any financial institution holding the dog shit went down (either ending in bankruptcy or government bailout). Cool, remember that. + +So Tether FUD has been a meme since Tether was a thing...for good reason too. Since inception, the stablecoin has been caught up in a seemingly endless stream of shadiness and legal issues. A bunch of the OG Tether execs/funders charged with bank fraud, ties to other fraudulent crypto criminal activities, shady ties to Bitfinex, The NYAG suing Tether/Bitfinex and holding them liable for lying about reserves and hiding, the current DOJ investigation...etc etc + +Around 2019, Tether low key changed the claim on its website from "We are backed 1-to-1 with cash", to "we are backed by cash and cash equivalents". Of course this was swept under the table quickly in wild wild west cryptoverse. + +Since January 2020, Tether's market cap (and distributions) has exploded from just $4+ Billion to now over $62+ Billion. Supposedly all safely backed by some form of financial reserve. + +After the NYAG situation, earlier this year Tether was forced to finally publicly disclose their reserve composition. Although they didn't reveal much, the Microsoft Word-quality pie chart they posted did confirm that in fact just a fraction of their holdings is actual cash...the vast majority being held in "Commercial Paper." + +What's commercial paper? It's short-term (unsecured) debt issued by companies. They're typically used to raise money for short term funding needs like buying inventory, payroll, or pre-paying construction vendors….kind of like an "IOU" of the corporate world. It usually gets a rating, and is usually pretty safe...so long as the companies issuing it remain solvent. + +As of the latest Attestation by their sketch accountant shows Tether holds just $6.2 Billion in cash, $30.8 Billion in commercial paper, the rest T-Bills and RRPs. [https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tether\_assuranceconsolidated\_reserves\_report\_2021-06-30.pdf](https://tether.to/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/tether_assuranceconsolidated_reserves_report_2021-06-30.pdf) + +With it now in the open that these coins are actually operating more like unregulated money market funds, over the last several months alone the SEC, CFTC, DOJ, congressional financial committees, and the US Treasury department all set their sights on cracking down on stablecoins. + +Furthermore, since Commercial Paper is traded at a discount to Face Value, Tether can buy up dog shit junk bonds for pennys on the dollar, but report it as the full maturity amounts on their balance sheet. Great for their balance sheet…horrible if there’s a run on Tether redemptions. + +A lot of moonbois and Crypto maxis tried to shrug all of this off, saying "STFU FUDbois, who cares? They have a fractional reserve, regular banks do the same shit." + +This is true, except traditional banks are not gambling most of it in dog shit debt (at least hopefully not to the degree they pre-2008). Money market funds are pretty transparent with what they're invested in. And overall like them or not traditional banks are FDIC insured, meaning your funds are actually "safu" in the event of a run. + +Problem with Tether is that to this day, they still refuse to disclose the makeup of their commercial paper. Furthermore, at Tether's size they would be one of the biggest investors in the entire commercial paper market. However major players in the US investment markets claim they've never even heard of them. https://www.ft.com/content/342966af-98dc-4b48-b997-38c00804270a + +So this has all lead to speculation that maybe their paper is in fact Chinese paper. Why does this matter? + +Over the last 2 years, Chinese property developers have been issuing debt like crazy. So much so that the Chinese government has recently begun to significantly crack down on it, fearing a thread to their entire financial system. The biggest culprit is a company called Evergrande, who has run up a tab of over $300 Billion in debt, and is at risk of default any day. Trading of their bonds were halted last week. https://gulfnews.com/business/property/chinas-evergrandes-moment-of-truth-arrives-as-bond-payment-deadlines-loom-1.82361403 + +As Tether's huge influx of insurances coincided with the Chinese property development debt surge, many began to speculate that Tether's holdings could in fact be Evergrande debt. + +Pressure on Tether regarding their reserves continued to mount until finally several weeks ago they released an attestation containing the supposed ratings of their paper holdings. They basically said "Don't worry, all of our paper is rated A2 and above." + +Exoneration? Not really. Remember that scene in the Big Short when Steve Carell's character was going to the bond rating agencies only to find out that it was all a big pay-to-play scheme. The agencies gave pretty much everybody a high rating regardless of actual risk. Well...its the same thing in China. https://thediplomat.com/2019/06/understanding-chinas-bond-ratings/ It's all pay to play, everyone is given a high ratings, and the ratings don't really mean shit. + +Case in point, Evergrande's rating was AA up until just a few days ago. https://www.barrons.com/articles/evergrande-suspends-trading-of-onshore-corporate-bonds-after-downgrade-51631786843 + +Basically, Chinese commercial paper is the equivalent of mortgage backed securities circa 2007. + +As pressure continued to build, and with regulators circling them like hawks, last week Tether finally made a public statement claiming they do not hold any Evergrande debt. They said “Tether does not hold any commercial paper or other debt or securities issued by Evergrande and has never done so,” But, they never said it wasn't Chinese paper at all. + +Then just yesterday, Stuart Hoagner, Tether's lawyer put out a tweet saying. " If the concern is Evergrande, see our earlier statement. If the concern is Chinese CP, as such, we have published the ratings on our portfolio..." + +This is essentially lawyer speak for "We do hold Chinese paper, but don't worry because it has super good ratings". + +So Tether is pretty much confirmed at least some or all of its paper reserves is Chinese. And if that's true, a good portion of it is probably dog shit debt right now. It does not matter if the debt is Evergrande, if the worst case scenario happens, and Evergrande defaults, the effects will be systemic throughout Chinese capital markets. The entire Chinese market will seize up. + +This event would cause the value of Tether's reserve holdings to plummet with it. If that happens, either the coin becomes unbacked, or they're forced to suck liquidity out of the market (burning coins). This is catastrophic for USDT and for crypto in general. + +If Tether goes down, USDC or any other stablecoin will not have nearly enough liquidity to bail it out. This is the Lehman-brothers gray rhino event of the crypto world. + + This is not FUD, this is a real situation you should pay attention to. + +**TL;DR** Tether's lawyer basically confirmed they're holding a Chinese commercial paper time bomb. If Evergrande goes down, so will Tether's holdings. +https://www.financialreporter.co.uk/mortgages/nationwide-increases-high-ltv-rates-by-50bps.html + +Well damn. I was just reviewing mortgage options to see if anything had changed, went to check my options on Nationwide's mortgage portal today and noticed that all the products offered are now 0.5% higher than they were last time I checked on Friday. + +Dang. +I have been in crypto since the beginning of 2021. I'm aware this is not a very long time so I thought instead of giving investment advice, I would share how I earn and buy crypto. As we all know, college isn't cheap and I use many popular methods among this sub to earn and buy crypto but I also think I have found some lesser-known ways to fund my investments. I especially recommend some of these methods for other college students because I find they're easy to do during small breaks in my day. + +I will be breaking this post into two parts: + +* How I "Earn" Crypto +* How I Earn Money Online to Buy Crypto + +Before I begin, I do want to touch on GPT sites because I will be referencing them throughout the post. A GPT (Get-Paid-To) site is a website where users are paid to complete a variety of tasks such as taking surveys, playing games, and watching videos. I want to emphasize that the vast majority of these sites are not worth your time and are not as good as they might seem to be. That being said, there are some gems out there that I use consistently. + +# How I "Earn" Crypto + +These are all methods of how I "earn" crypto, rather than buy it. This means that none of this comes at any monetary cost to me and as a college student, I believe many of these are well worth your time to take advantage of. + +**Moons:** + +I think most of us, if not all of us know what Moons are. It's literally free crypto. I would say I do my fair share of shitposting with some actual quality content thrown in there but who doesn't? Hell, it's half the reason I'm making this post. + +**Coinbase Earn and CMC Earn** + +Like Moons, Coinbase Earn and CoinMarketCap Earn are literally free crypto. Both involve learning a little about a cryptocurrency or token, taking a short quiz, and receiving a small amount of the coin or token. I can't say a lot about CMC earn because it isn't available in the US but for Coinbase earn, the offers don't come around very often but they're worth doing. All in all, I have made about $44 in various coins and tokens from Coinbase Earn and I highly recommend using it. + +**Brave Browser:** + +This is another popular one among this sub but for those who don't know, Brave is an open-source Browser built on Chromium that rewards its users in BAT to view small ads within the browser. Being built on Chromium, its UI is identical to Chrome but Brave comes with some other features including a built-in ad-blocker. I tend to make between 5-10 BAT per month and could not be happier with Brave. + +**Presearch:** + +I don't think Presearch is quite as popular as Brave but it's basically a search engine that rewards you with the PRE token for using it. The amount you're rewarded with tends to be higher as the price of PRE decreases and lower when the price of PRE increases but I tend to get 0.05-0.12 PRE per search. However, one thing to make note of is there is a maximum amount of paid searches per day of 30 and you need a minimum of 1000 tokens to cash out. I have used it for about 4 months and have accumulated \~100 PRE. It is slow earning but I have no complaints. + +**Coin Hunt World:** + +There are a lot of crypto games out there but my favorite is Coin Hunt World. It is a free-to-play play-to-earn mobile game in which users explore their real-world area to search for keys to open vaults; think Pokemon Go but for crypto. When opening a vault, you are presented with a trivia question and if answered correctly, you are awarded a small amount of BTC or ETH. + +I especially like this game for college students because college campuses are full of keys and vaults and it's easy to earn a little crypto on your way to class. Coin Hunt World is in Beta on iOS and fully released on Android. The game is currently available in the US, Canada, UK, El Salvador, and is coming to the Philippines in the near future. + +**Mining/Folding:** + +As a broke college student, I don't have the money to go buy an expensive mining rig so I want to emphasize that this section is about utilizing what you already have available to you. This brings me to folding@home. + +Folding@home is a distributed computing project where users can use their computer power to simulate protein folding to contribute to scientific research for a number of diseases including Covid-19, Alzheimer's, Cancer, and more. To encourage people to participate, a number of cryptocurrencies award users based on how many "points" they earn by completing folding projects. The most popular of these cryptocurrencies is Banano (BAN). + +Obviously, the better computer specs you have, the faster you will complete folding projects and the quicker you will earn crypto but by no means do you need very new and expensive computer hardware to participate. The earnings aren't huge, I tend to earn between 10-20 BAN per night but it does contribute towards a good cause. + +I will also say that this method may not be for everyone as it requires some level of computer hardware, electricity usage, and the installation of the folding@home client. + +**Staking** + +I got a couple of requests to include staking so for those who don't know, staking is the process of participating in transaction validation on a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain. Most major wallets and exchanges offer staking opportunities and you will basically earn a percentage of interest on the coins you hold. + +There is almost no reason not to take advantage of staking for PoS coins and some of the most popular coins to stake are ETH(ETH2), ADA, ALGO, and DOT but there are many more. + +**GAIN.GG** **and** **Gamermine:** + +I will touch on more GPT sites in the next section but I wanted to include GAIN.GG and Gamermine here. These two sites are like most GPT sites in that the offers don't pay very well but what differentiates them is the daily reward offers. + +Both of these sites offer a daily reward, but in the beginning, it is quite low ($0.01/day). However, as you complete offers, you can level up your account which then increases the amount of your daily reward. GAIN.GG has a maximum account level of 100 and a maximum daily reward of $0.10/day but Gamermine's daily reward appears to be higher. I currently claim daily rewards of $0.10/day from GAIN.GG and $0.15/day from Gamermine. + +These earnings aren't huge but they are consistent drops in the bucket for only clicking a few buttons every day. + +# How I Earn Money Online to Buy Crypto + +There are a lot of guides out there on how to make extra money online but the problem with them is they are too dependent on each person's situation. Not everyone is able to get a side job, not everyone has things to sell online, not everyone has skills they can market for extra cash, and the GPT sites these guides recommend are almost always not worth your time. This section is about lesser-known, consistent ways for anyone to make money online in a way that doesn't waste your time. + +**Prolific Academic:** + +Prolific is a crowdsourcing community in which researchers from universities around the world post paid, online, academic studies and recruit participants. This is by far my favorite way to make money online because not only is it consistent and reputable, but the pay is consistently at or above the typical pay for a part-time job. + +Under each study, it lists a summary of what the study is about, how many slots are available in the study, how much it pays, the estimated time it will take, and how much the pay would be if equated to an hour. For example, if a study pays £ 2.00 and takes 10 minutes to complete, it would list it as £ 12.00/hour. + +Of course, you can only complete studies when there are some available and they do fill on a first-come, first-serve basis. However Prolific does have a browser extension that will give you a desktop notification when there is a new study available. Because the studies are conducted by universities, the months of the school year tend to have more studies while the summer months are rather slow. + +I especially like Prolific as a college student because I spend most of my day working on my laptop anyway so when I receive a notification about a new study, I treat it as a break. + +Prolific pays out via Paypal and although it pays out in GBP( £ ), you can convert this to the FIAT of your choice within Paypal. You need a minimum of £ 5.00 to cashout and you can cashout once per 24 hours. + +I have used Prolific for just over a year, have made over £ 1000, and could not recommend it more. + +**UserTesting:** + +Another one of my favorites is UserTesting, a platform in which companies receive feedback on their websites, features, products, and designs from users. I will say that every test I have completed has required the use of a microphone and some have required the use of a camera/webcam so if this makes you uncomfortable, UserTesting may not be for you. + +During a typical test, you will be presented with a prototype design or feature for a website or product and asked to think out loud and respond to questions about it. A typical test takes anywhere from 5-30 minutes and pays $10. There are shorter tests that pay less, and longer, live tests that pay more but I don't have experience with them. + +When a new test is available, a small screening questionnaire will appear in your dashboard to determine if you qualify for the test. I will say that I do only tend to qualify for a few tests each week but for the pay and time required, I think it's well worth it. + +Although UserTesting doesn't have a browser extension, if you have your dashboard open on a tab somewhere, you will hear a small \*ding\* when a new test is available. UserTesting also has a mobile app that some tests are conducted exclusively through. + +UserTesting pays out via Paypal and the payment is sent exactly 7 days after the test is completed. I have used UserTesting on and off for a few months, have made well over $200, and highly recommend it. + +**Others:** + +There are a number of other GPT sites I use but I will emphasize that these do not pay you as well for your time as Prolific and UserTesting. I tend to only use these sites on a second monitor while I play video games or watch TV, but I thought I would include them if anyone is interested. + +* **Microsoft Rewards:** Anyone with a Microsoft account can earn points each day by completing small quizzes and searching the web with Bing. If done consistently, I tend to cash out a $5 Amazon gift card about once every 10 days. + +* **Swagbucks:** This is one of the oldest and most popular GPT sites out there. There are many ways to earn but the pay usually isn't very high. Once in a while, I'm able to find something worthwhile and they do have a daily reward of $0.01/day. You can cash out to Paypal along with a variety of Gift Cards with a minimum cashout of 500 SB ($5.00). + +* **Paidviewpoint:** This is a survey-only site with mediocre pay but consistent and decent earnings. It cashes out to Paypal with a minimum cashout of $15.00. I tend to cash out once every month or two from semi-consistently doing surveys. + +* **Forthright:** This is another survey-only site with decent-paying but fairly infrequent surveys. One unique aspect is that you get a loyalty credit for each survey, even if you are disqualified midway through. For every 3 loyalty credits, your account is awarded $2.00 so each one is worth about $0.67. It cashes out to Paypal with a minimum cashout of $10.00 and I would say I cash out about once per month. + +* **Crowdtap:** Crowdtap is a site where you can complete short, multiple-choice questions to earn points. It pays decently, consistently, and is probably one of my favorites on the list. You can redeem your points for a variety of Gift Cards with a minimum redemption of 1000 points ($5.00). + +I know this is a bit of a long post but I hope some of you are able to find it helpful. If anyone has other recommendations for how you earn crypto or money online, I would love to hear them. + +Please let me know if you have any questions and happy earning! + +Edit: Edited for mobile formatting +Edit 2: Added Coinbase and CMC Earn and Staking +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +KTOV Megathread 6/25 + +&#x200B; + +Please keep all discussion about KTOV here! + +&#x200B; + +All news, catalysts, and DD can be submitted as a stand-alone post. + +&#x200B; + +Please don't downvote others' comments in megathreads. Sorted by New is default within this post +Forgive me if the wrong place to post this, but desperately looking for advice here. We are in the process of putting an offer in on a property, where we had to submit sealed bids to the agent. We have heard back, and from what has been said it sounds like we were the highest offer (matched asking), yet we have been told there is another party "very close" who are going to try and improve their offer. Because of that, the agent has asked us for our "best and final offer". + +A few things bother me here. We aren't allowed to know how close the offer was from the other party, and whether they are or aren't coming back with an improved offer to match us, yet we have to assume they are and put in a "best and final", or risk losing it should the other party decide to do so. + +Where do we stand in being told by the agent if the other party decide NOT to proceed with an improved offer? Are they duty-bound to tell us, or can they basically force us into improving our offer beyond the asking price regardless? Seems a very flawed process, open to any amount of manipulation on behalf of both the seller and their agent, with the prospective buyer basically over a barrel. + +We are already at the very top of our budget, and on a property that requires a lot of work, so we are very hesitant to go higher, but in the same vein have spent years looking for a property this big in the area that we could actually afford. + +Is this a common practice, or a dirty tactic employed by Estate Agents? + +What happened to the good old fashioned bidding war? + + +UPDATE: Offer accepted at original asking price Without having to submit a BAFO. Thanks for all the feedback and advice. We would have gone up very slightly, but just made it clear we are at the very top of our budget. Guess we were looked at as a good option after all. +A fellow ape showed me where to look it up. Fidelity showing no shares available to borrow in Active Trader Pro and it is listing it as "hard to borrow" and prompting you to call them instead due to limited availability. + +I believe this is the highest rate Fidelity has ever shown. Can anyone else confirm? +I hope they will now understand that they lost this game and start covering. If not, they will be wiped out from the earth. Kenny, I know it hurts to lose against dumb money, but please understand, new age is coming, information flow, no more hidden secrets, none of your crimes will remain secret, apes see everything, apes have the same strategy from the beginning, hold and buy. You see our moves, we do not see yours, still you are fukd. We are ready for better life, for ordinary people, for some pleasure. HOLD, BUY A DIP, BUY THE RIP, we dont care about current price, we know price is wrong.Hedgies u r FUKD!!! There is no defence against HOLD&BUY! 💎🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀 +When it comes to trading the Wheel strategy, I think there are largely two schools of thought. One is to profit primarily from focusing on selling Covered Call by finding stocks that have a high potential to continue to increase in price. The other is to profit from selling premiums by focusing on selling Cash Secured Put or Naked Put (requires a margin account). + +I belong to the latter and I am a big fan of selling Naked Put. This has taken me down the road of [finding underlying that could give a 10% return per month](https://alphapursuits.com/how-to-screen-options-stocks-for-the-wheel-strategy/) by selling Put. + +Below are the screening criteria and I use TOS. Using this scan I have managed to find a few underlying that could give 10% ROI per month. + +### Open interests (Option) + +This is essentially equivalent to "volume" for options. If there are more open interests, likely less slippage and easier to buy and sell options. + +I set it to 500. + +### Last (Option Last Traded Price) + +This is set to 0.4 because I am looking for a very low strike price option with a high return. + +For example, a strike price of $5 with 0.4 is equivalent to putting $500 down to get $40 in return, which is about 8%. If you use a margin account, that ROI will go even higher. + +As an example, [BCLI fits very well with these criteria](https://alphapursuits.com/options-trading-ideas-bcli/). Thanks to its really high IV, $500 down to get $195 profit in about 60 days. That is about 19.5% ROI per month. + +### Option type (Option) + +Set this to Put only, since we are looking for Put options. + +### Days to Expiration (Option) + +Set to 69 days. Obviously longer the DTE, the higher the premium. This is why it's set to about 2 months since we want to look for opportunities that would provide 10% per month ROI. + +### Strike (Option strike price) + +Below 7. Could be a little higher but if it's set too high, it will not give enough ROI. + +Example: Stike 8 with 0.4 = $800 down to get $40 in return. That is 5% ROI. + +### Volume (Stock volume) + +Set to 130,000. Underlying with high liquidity (popular stock) also likely means options with high open interests. + +### Last (Stock price) + +At least $1. If you are a risk-taker, stock hovering around $1 tends to have a pretty high IV. + +### IV Percentile (Study filter) + +Between 49-100%. + +&#x200B; + +Is there anything that I could do to improve this scan further? What kind of scan criteria do you use to find underlying to trade the Wheel strategy? +There are nearly 3 million members here. It's gotten to the point that people act like having been involved in crypto for a few weeks counts as proof of experience. Truth is if you let yourself trust the advice of strangers with a couple hundred invested in crypto you'd be just as well off trusting a coin toss. + +&#x200B; + +Everyone telling you that this "dip" is a money-making opportunity doesn't have any special knowledge. They told you to buy the tip a week ago too and guess what, it's even lower now. This isn't part of a normal market cycle that can be easily extrapolated. There is blatant manipulation by one of the richest people in the world. No one can say what will happen next. Maybe it'll rocket up this week. Maybe it'll crash down. The only real advice is to know your own risk tolerance and make your own decisions based on that. No one knows what comes next. +Last time I asked this I made 1100 bucks in the week. + +So boys, what’s the buys for Tuesday? +TNXP still a thing ? +Last time someone chanted ZOM ZOM ZOM ZOM and I was in. +Thanks for that. + + I’ll Venmo 50 bucks to whoever gives me the advice of the winner. 100 if you attached DD to it. +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Leeeeeets gamble, who am I buying? +Looking to put in around 2k. +Link some DD for me if you’re a true playa. +I normally don't like watching youtubers to get my information on the stock market, especially the ones that make money on people and not stocks. But "[InTheMoney](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfMiRVQJuTj3NpZZP1tKShQ)" has been a great resource that I have been watching for months and given me all the information that is important on options without jamming a course down my throat. Recently, I've been seeing a lot of new people on this reddit asking questions and he has taught me a lot of these. I know it sounds like this guy is paying me but genuinely I think he's a good guy. + +[Robinhood Options Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD7sw0bf1ms&t=858s) + +[Webull Options Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJjRnKpwDyw&t=3429s) + +After trekking through one of these movie length videos(I put it on 1.25), everything makes so much more sense. +Posting for my friend. + +She’s a 1099 who works for a small business at a rate of $5k per month. She’s been paid consistently up until about 3 months ago when they’ve all of a sudden stopped paying her. She’s approached them about it but is met with a promise of “we’ll get right on it”. At this point, they owe her 3mo * $5k = $15k. + +Does she have any recourse here? Any sort of boards she can file a report with? Will taking them to small claims court help at all? + +Location = Arizona +Hello /r/fatFIRE + +&#x200B; + +I figure this is probably the best sub in terms of collective wisdom for this topic. **My dad (early 60s, non-US resident, not currently based in the US**, NW \~10mm) is in the early stages of retirement planning. He wants to get started investing some of his assets in the US (stocks, bonds, real estate). I'm trying to wrap my head around the most effective way to do this logistically. From what I've seen it's very cumbersome opening and handling accounts as a non-resident without physical presence (checking, brokerage). + +&#x200B; + +I'm thinking setting up some kind of entity (corporate or trust maybe?) where he is the owner and I'm given access to handle some clerical/administrative work (showing up at the bank/brokerage branch, meeting with CPA for taxes etc.) would be ideal. FWIW he trusts that I will handle his funds in a manner that represents his best interests. + +&#x200B; + +**About me: early 30s, based in the US, US Citizen.** NW \~5MM. I manage my own investments (very straightforward strategy, mostly holding stocks/bonds through funds and achieving some leverage through real estate) so I have a bit of background knowledge to navigate options available, but I really don't know much about my options in the above scenario. Just weighing my options so I can present them to him and would really appreciate your opinions. Any personal experiences, tips, pointers, or directions to what kind of professionals I should consult with would be highly appreciated! +I’ve been thinking about donating some highly appreciated but still private stock to my DAF. All the resources from Schwab/Fidelity mention “qualified appraisals” to determine FMV but don’t actually link to a process. + +I asked my bankers about the process and they weren’t able to come up with anyone helpful internally, rather forwarding me to some secondary markets (maybe I need new bankers). + +Has anyone done this before? How did you get FMV for your private company stock towards your tax deduction? +Hey FatFire.. + +Looking at doing a potential 6-8 week trip in Europe with 18mo and 4yo... + +Has anyone done a trip at this length with young kids, and what are some life hacks etc. + +Feeling like we want to try make it a yearly thing before proper schooling starts..... + +thx +I know the $AMC narrative is retail vs hedge funds ONLY. + +But look at [flow](unusualwhales.com/flow) on June 2nd: you'd see whales making million dollar plays all day. + +Or a ten million dollar $AMC call: https://unusualwhales.com/alerts/c9e60810-708c-4d01-90a0-f81f49e0e343 + +Think that is retail? + +They love squeezes, too. + +Look out for large whales making big plays after these last two weeks! +My mother is currently dying and I'll be inheriting the house and mortgage. The mortgage is about 50% paid off with around $150,000 still owing. The house is rented and currently has tenants in it. + +I know very little about finance or owning a home and I don't know if it would make more sense to approach her bank and see if they will put the mortgage into my name or if I should just make plans to sell the house and move on. + +I don't know if I should be approaching the bank now or waiting until my mum has passed. If I'm going to sell, I don't know if I should be contacting the real estate agency who manages the rental now or waiting until my mum has passed. + +I'm not really planning to ever move into the home, if I did keep it, it would just be with a view to having tenants in it as an income stream once the mortgage is paid off. I don't know if that's even financially viable or a terrible idea. + +&#x200B; + +If anybody could offer any advice regarding this situation it would be a big help. I don't really know what I'm doing and any opinions would be beneficial to me at this time. Thanks. + +&#x200B; + +Update: I guess another question I have is, if I receive money from my mother's estate, should I be spending that toward paying off a large chunk of her mortgage or would it be more sensible to put it into my super or some other avenue?I would be the sole claimant to the estate, there aren't any other kids. + +&#x200B; + +Also thank you to everybody who has replied to me. +Hey everyone, + +Just wanted peoples thoughts opinions on pet insurance. So context, we recently adopted a rescue dog who is 4 years old (desexed, no health issues, previously had (successful) entropion surgery). We are debating about whether pet insurance is worth it or not. We are in a position to pay a lump sum should any major issues occur. So the debate is, whether I keep whatever i'd pay in pet insurance in my offset and pay as I go. Or have people had really good experiences with pet insurance. I'm not against getting it, i'm just not seeing the value, and we all know what a con private health insurance is. + +So after both sides of the fence here: + +Those who have pet insurance, what is your experience? any particular things pitfalls i should look for in the policy? Have you ever had a claim denied. Positive experiences, perks that you wouldn't have without it. + +Those without it, have you been burnt, am I thinking about this too simplistically? + +&#x200B; + +Cheers and happy new year! +Looking into changing banks (currently with a big4) and was interested in people's opinions on 86 400 bank. Their savings rate seems pretty good and if I used their Pay account as well, I would have no problem meeting the minimum deposit to receive the bonus rate. Or would I be better off going with U bank or ING? + +I have had a look at the whirpool bank account comparison spreadsheet, so am really just interested in people's opinions/ease of use etc. + +Am also interested in how good the banking apps are for these banks? + +Currently mid 20s, in full time employment with a fair amount of savings. + +Thanks! +I was looking at the significant drop in my personal super account and wondering if now is the time to put more money in. My logic (probably wrong) is that the unit price has gone down and hence the value of my superannuation. If the unit price is lower, wouldn't now be the time to put more money in. My understanding is that the market will bounce back and historically go higher. So, if I put money in now, I will be better off in the long run when the unit price goes up. Please feel free to correct my thought process. +Hey guys, + +With VIX at it's lowest point in a year, premiums from selling puts have seen significant decreases at the same expiry and % OTM level. You may be going closer ATM or selling larger positions to maintain the same weekly profits. + +At the same time, hedges have become cheap, like buying puts back before the 2020 crash. When Boeing was at $300, their 1 year out $150 puts were like $0.30. Puts still aren't as cheap as Feb 2020 but it's getting close. + +I compiled a top 20 list of the cheapest May put options defined by **Theta/Strike \* 100.** (Aka the yield on collateral if you do CSP). + +These options are found by using [FDscanner](https://app.fdscanner.com/scanner) with the following parameters: + +* Puts only +* Option Premium < 1% of strike +* % OTM < 10% +* Expiry: May 21st + +After running the filters, sort by the Theta Annual % column. Theta Annual % is the annualized yield on collateral if you do CSP, finding the smallest value means you're paying the least in theta for the long put position. + +&#x200B; + +|Ticker|IV|Strike|Share Price|Last|% of Strike|% OTM|Volume|Open Interest|Theta Annual %| +:--|--:|:--|:--|:--|--:|--:|--:|--:|--:| +|CLGX|12.88%|$75|$79.46|$0.25|0.27%|5.61%|9|33|3.41%| +|FPRX|16.70%|$35|$37.82|$0.25|0.36%|7.46%|1|1|4.48%| +|HWCC|13.19%|$5|$5.26|$0.05|0.50%|4.94%|21|927|5.11%| +|GSAH|14.34%|$10|$10.54|$0.05|0.50%|5.12%|691|15213|5.11%| +|GLUU|13.25%|$12|$12.48|$0.1|0.63%|3.85%|5|19|5.17%| +|GWPH|12.60%|$210|$217.33|$1.2|0.62%|3.37%|1|115|5.20%| +|AJRD|14.05%|$45|$47.21|$0.45|0.56%|4.68%|12|257|5.27%| +|RY|18.17%|$85|$92.48|$0.37|0.44%|8.09%|23|63|5.97%| +|COST|22.52%|$320|$354.94|$1.5|0.46%|9.84%|191|918|5.98%| +|VZ|20.71%|$52.5|$58.29|$0.22|0.40%|9.93%|98|2271|6.12%| +|AJAX|13%|$10|$10.23|$0.1|1%|2.25%|380|13089|6%| +|AEP|20.93%|$77.5|$85.55|$0.37|0.45%|9.41%|24|489|6.22%| +|JNJ|20.34%|$150|$162.8|$0.82|0.55%|7.86%|475|1986|6.28%| +|K|22.34%|$57.5|$63.32|$0.35|0.57%|9.19%|30|264|6.41%| +|DEO|18.97%|$155|$167.44|$1.05|0.63%|7.43%|27|46|6.45%| +|MRK|22.43%|$70|$77.08|$0.37|0.51%|9.19%|216|1697|6.47%| +|KO|23.03%|$47.5|$52.5|$0.25|0.53%|9.52%|800|3972|6.53%| +|TM|22.65%|$140|$154.16|$0.85|0.52%|9.19%|4|43|6.65%| +|CM|15.33%|$95|$98.71|$1|0.87%|3.76%|2|133|6.72%| +|COST|21.75%|$325|$354.94|$2.02|0.61%|8.44%|267|1202|6.82%​| + + +&#x200B; + +If you find yourself increasing your buying power usage, like diving into VIAC and similarly affected stocks, consider looking into cheap puts with a fraction of your collected premium for hedging. Make sure you can never get wiped out on a -30% crash. + +Cheap puts on lower IV stocks can pay out higher during market crashes. Eg a 10% OTM monthly put for a boomer stock can cost 1/5-1/10 a high IV tech stock. Even if it crashes by half as much, it can pay out more than the equally OTM put on a high IV tech stock. + +From the list above, do also remove SPACs because of their $10 floor, and any other stocks that you're confident won't drop due to merger at a higher price or other reasons. +For example, there could be a big hype about one in pre-market and it's shooting up 10-30%+ and right in the open it tanks way below than its average lifeline and may take weeks for it to recover. At the same level, there could be a big climb in pre-hours only to continue in the regular trading hours. + +1. What is a big catalyst for the big hike and then the tank + +2. Is it a catch if it's a big catalyst because you can speculate that the stock will keep rising in regular trade hours, for example, tesla joining apple but at the same time, big news like an FDA approval when it comes to bio stocks are a hit and a miss + +3. Should we put in mind what pre-market hours are for stock and use that as an example, or a map, for the day trade? Should we consider Pre Market hour data and treat it as regular day trading data? +You thought you were hot shit because of a winning streak and got humbled by breaking your rules. You traded premarket where you have no edge. You added to a loser because you didn't want to be wrong. You revenge traded, increasing size and doubling the loss. + +The money is gone and you will not try to make it back. Until you show discipline, your position sizes are halved & trades are limited to a couple a day. + +Thank you +Ok, I recently decided to stop letting news be a factor in the way I execute daily trades. I've trading for about 8 months, now, and everything I've read says you need to look for a catalyst of some kind (earnings report or news about the company's fundamentals) before making your move. + +What I've discovered, however, is that the positive or negative nature of the catalyst has no bearing, whatsoever, on the direction that the stock moves - meaning, price will likely become volatile after breaking news but GOOD news is NOT a predictor of positive price movement and BAD news is NOT an indication that price is going to drop. + +I actually stopped displaying the news feed for my stocks-in-play because they influence me to make trades that are not supported by my technical indicators and often end up going against me. + +Check out these examples from this morning: I'm bag holding 400 shares of TLRY right now and watching the price tank as positive headlines continue coming out. At the same time, I used TA only in a new trade on SQBG - after cashing out a $1.40 profit, I went back to see the catalyst and SQBG is rebounding from a major selloff yesterday because they're liquidating assets and in the process of being DELISTED. + +The point is, if I had ignored the fundamental catalyst on TLRY, I would have trusted the charts and not bought TLRY when I did and would not be holding the bag two weeks later. If I had read the news on SQBG, there's no way I would have been bullish on it this morning. + +I'm curious if anyone else has abandoned fundamentals completely in their day trades... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/soez1lid6xk71.jpg?width=1252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd59de997cb7b9b584c1c5acfdd3ff913b562d04 +Ok, I recently decided to stop letting news be a factor in the way I execute daily trades. I've trading for about 8 months, now, and everything I've read says you need to look for a catalyst of some kind (earnings report or news about the company's fundamentals) before making your move. + +What I've discovered, however, is that the positive or negative nature of the catalyst has no bearing, whatsoever, on the direction that the stock moves - meaning, price will likely become volatile after breaking news but GOOD news is NOT a predictor of positive price movement and BAD news is NOT an indication that price is going to drop. + +I actually stopped displaying the news feed for my stocks-in-play because they influence me to make trades that are not supported by my technical indicators and often end up going against me. + +Check out these examples from this morning: I'm bag holding 400 shares of TLRY right now and watching the price tank as positive headlines continue coming out. At the same time, I used TA only in a new trade on SQBG - after cashing out a $1.40 profit, I went back to see the catalyst and SQBG is rebounding from a major selloff yesterday because they're liquidating assets and in the process of being DELISTED. + +The point is, if I had ignored the fundamental catalyst on TLRY, I would have trusted the charts and not bought TLRY when I did and would not be holding the bag two weeks later. If I had read the news on SQBG, there's no way I would have been bullish on it this morning. + +I'm curious if anyone else has abandoned fundamentals completely in their day trades... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/soez1lid6xk71.jpg?width=1252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd59de997cb7b9b584c1c5acfdd3ff913b562d04 +#Unprecedented Growth + +Cryptocurrencies have seen explosive growth over these past few months. Just 6 months ago, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization sat at $93 billion, and the number of /r/CryptoCurrency subscribers sat at 71,000. These have grown by **750%** and **615%** to $697 billion and 437,000, respectively. /r/CryptoCurrency has been the #1 non-default fastest-growing subreddit for most of January. It's clear the community and interest is growing, and we are excited to see the enthusiasm. + +**We want to make /r/CryptoCurrency a place for quality discussion for ALL cryptocurrencies.** We do not want /r/CryptoCurrency to be dominated by a single project, or to have only low-quality content. + +The moderation team has been hard at work providing important community resources and refining the subreddit rules. We would like to speak about our values, what changes we are making, and what you can do to help the mission. Frankly, we owe it to the whole ecosystem to provide a quality discussion board and resources that benefits the entire community. + +Moderating a group that is growing so quickly has its challenges. We will make some mistakes along the way, but we want to be as open as possible about our processes and work with all communities. + +# Values + +/r/CryptoCurrency has the following values: + +1. **Education**. Many people take their first dive into cryptocurrencies on our subreddit. We need to promote high-quality resources for newcomers and long-time contributors alike. The moderators are working with several subreddit teams to create quality, factual documentation for as many cryptocurrencies as possible. If you are interested in contributing towards this project, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCryptoCurrency) with what coins you are knowledgeable about and what experience you have. + +2. **Constructive criticism and skepticism**. We highly encourage constructive criticism and skepticism in this subreddit. We want to create a culture where people are constantly asking critical questions about different projects. No coin is perfect (despite what some people will say), so we should remain critical where improvements can be made. Posts balancing cool features with honest disadvantages are much higher-quality than those which only show one side of the story. + +3. **Civil discussion**. /r/CryptoCurrency is a place that is open to everyone. Posts encouraging discrimination and hate are not allowed and will result in a ban. Please report any of these posts as soon as possible so they are removed. + +4. **Collaboration**. It's important that this subreddit works with other cryptocurrency subreddits. + +5. **Mentorship**. Everyone starts off somewhere, and we should politely point these people in the right direction rather than ignore them. We should help these people learn more. + +# Changes + +To better meet these values, we are making the following changes to /r/CryptoCurrency: + +1. **Maintaining our current rule of a maximum of 2 memes on the frontpage**. Of course, this means that most memes will be removed. We will encourage people who want a good laugh to post in /r/CryptoCurrencyMemes, in /r/CryptoHumor, and on Discord. In a month, we will assess if it's best to move all memes off this main subreddit. + +2. **Stricter "low-quality" rules**. Things like "why x is a top 10 coin", "why x should be worth $100", "why x will go to the moon", "why x will replace the internet", ALL CAPS, and screenshots of portfolios/CoinMarketCap will be considered low-quality and not allowed. Exceptions could be made for high-quality news sources like Bloomberg, BBC, Reuters, etc (most cryptocurrency "news" sites not included). Some low-quality posts that do not meet posting requirements will still be allowed in the daily discussion. + +3. **Stronger tools against brigading**. We will launch an active campaign to work with other subreddits to mandate non-participation (NP) links. Any posts that are linked elsewhere with the intent of starting a brigading campaign will be removed. Please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCryptoCurrency) with any evidence you have against brigading. + +4. **Better bots**. AutoMod is great in some ways, but it's clear that we need more. These include bots that automatically ban accounts that post referral links and hate speech. + +5. **More moderators**. /r/CryptoCurrency is recruiting! If you feel you have what it takes, make a thoughtful post in /r/CryptoRecruiting. We have added 10 new moderators (including me!) in the past month. + +6. **A weekly skeptics thread**. [Here's this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7op0t7/weekly_skeptics_thread_january_7_2018/). This thread will be heavily moderated. Make sure to downvote and report shilling and low-quality posts. We want this thread to be filled with quality, thoughtful discussion. + +7. **Increasing the post karma requirements**. The karma requirement to make new posts will be increasing. Most shilling comes from accounts with very little karma. + +8. **Banning karma begging**. We do not want to see karma begging anywhere. This has been a persistent issue in the daily discussion. Instead of begging, post quality content that deserves upvotes. + +9. **Sorting some threads by controversial**. This is a powerful tool that helps reduce the effect of brigading. It is often preferable to having a post completely removed. We have tested this on some posts and are still assessing if it's an improvement. + +10. **Megathreads**. The moderation team will create more megathreads for important events to reduce clutter and organize the conversation. + +# What You Can Do + +1. **Think twice before posting**. Are you seriously posting quality content with the best title? Does your post seriously add to discussion? Does the post meet all the subreddit rules? + +2. **Use the "report" button**. It's the best way we can spot any issues we miss. + +3. **Follow rule X - communicate with the mod team**. If you disagree with something, try contacting us first. We have resolved many issues from disgruntled redditors, and it's easiest if you start calm instead of grabbing your pitchforks. + +4. **Help us write documentation**! If you like a coin, why not create meaningful documentation that thousands of people will view? Quality standards apply, but we offer wide autonomy on several projects. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCryptoCurrency) for more. + +--- + +That's it for now. Let's make /r/CryptoCurrency a great place for everyone. +The tl;dr is that a bull case evaluation for XERS shows an upside of 206% with PT $14.70 and a bear case evaluation shows an upside of 28% with PT $6.18. Note that this does not factor in the possibility of a short squeeze which could increase the price past its fundamental value. Given the bull and bear case evaluations, XERS represents minimal risk with a lot of upside. + +# Gvoke/Ogluo + +Their commercialized product is an improvement on existing glucagon kits for diabetics who take insulin. Glucagon is a life-saving emergency treatment that is required when diabetics get severe hypoglycemia (extremely low blood sugar). Existing legacy kits have to be mixed before being self-injected, which is difficult for people and leads to many kits being administered incorrectly. Gvoke (or Ogluo as marketed in EU/Britain) comes pre-mixed and is auto-injected. It represents a clear and obvious improvement over the legacy kits. Non-legacy competition to Gvoke includes Baqsimi (a nasal spray) and Zegalogue (a similar epipen-equivalent). Baqsimi has the advantage of not requiring an injection but the disadvantage of having more severe side effects. Zegalogue is a similar product with similar pricing. + +6.8M diabetics in the U.S. take insulin, but only 641K glucagon prescriptions are filled annually. The glucagon market is growing rapidly now that it is becoming standard to prescribe it for anyone taking insulin. Given the standard price of $560 per prescription, the current market is $360M annually with a hypothetical total market opportunity at $3.8B. A conservative estimate would place the market opportunity at $1B by 2030, representing 11% CAGR. + +Legacy kits are being phased out in favor of their newer and improved counterparts, as their market share decreased from 100% in 2018 to 63% in 2020 to less than 50% in May 2021. Gvoke has rapidly increased its market share leading to 15.3% in May 2021, and its increasing at a faster rate than Baqsimi. It’s unclear how much market share will be given to the newly-released Zegalogue, but it’s at a disadvantage due to the year-long head start that Gvoke received in marketing to doctors and establishing a realized market. + +**BULL CASE: $800M** – I’ll use analyst projections for Gvoke sales for the next 3 years: $50M in 2021, $100M in 2022, and $150M in 2023. I’ll add 11% CAGR for each subsequent year until 2030, which assumes a sustained market share of 33.8%. I’ll estimate costs at 35% of sales and use 9% discount rate. Finally, I’ll add 10% additional cash flow for the EU/Britain market since it’s large but provides small profit margins. + +**BEAR CASE: $379M –** I’ll use 80%, 65%, and 50% of the analyst projections for Gvoke sales for the next 3 years. I’ll add 9% CAGR for each subsequent year until 2030, which assumes a market share of 16.9% that is slowly decreasing. I’ll assume the same costs and discount rate but add only 5% additional cash flow for the EU/Britain market. + +# Pramlintide/Insulin + +Pramlintide allows diabetics to better control their blood sugar, but it requires 3 daily injections before every meal. XERS’ product combines insulin and pramlintide, requiring fewer injections and reducing the amount of expensive insulin required by 30%. They completed a successful Phase 2 Trial and have a meeting scheduled in July with the FDA to discuss a Phase 3 Trial. They are looking for another company to partner with on the drug’s continued development. + +**BULL CASE: $121M** – I’ll assume 3 years until commercialization at cash flow -$90M with 50% chance of development success. If successful, I’ll use 75% of the bull case domestic DCF from Gvoke. + +**BEAR CASE: $14M** – Same assumptions except I’ll use 75% of the bear case domestic DCF from Gvoke. + +# Diazepam + +EDIT: Section removed due to incorrect information about their product. If you want to discount this product in the bull case evaluation, XERS' evaluation becomes $1.43B at PT $14. + +**BULL CASE: $50M** – I’ll assume 3 years until commercialization at cash flow -$90M with 50% chance of development success. If successful, I’ll use 50% of the bull case domestic DCF from Gvoke. + +**BEAR CASE: -$20M** – Same assumptions except I’ll use 50% of the bear case domestic DCF from Gvoke. + +# Rest of Pipeline and Technology + +There are other products in development, including glucagon kits for post-bariatric and exercise-induced hypoglycemia. Their XeriSol and XeriJect technology can be used to improve administration on a wide variety of treatments outside of the ones currently in development. In particular, XeriJect is used on monoclonal antibodies, which is a hot area of research right now based on its potential to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases. + +**BULL CASE: $150M** + +**BEAR CASE: $50M** + +# Strongbridge BioPharma + +Strongbridge BioPharma (SBBP) is being merged into XERS at the end of 2021. This will increase the number of shares in XERS from approximately 61.24M to 102.07M. SBBP’s commercialized product is Keveyis, which brings in about $30M annually. However, it may lose its preferential pricing in late 2022 which would significantly reduce its value. They have a number of products in development but the most exciting is Recorlev, a treatment for Cushing’s Syndrome which has a successful Phase 3 Trial. Its peak sales could end up being close to Gvoke. + +**BULL CASE: $379M** – I’ll start at $30M revenue for Keveyis with -20% CAGR until 2030. I’ll estimate costs at 35% of sales and use 9% discount rate. For Recorlev, I’ll assume 1 year until commercialization at cash flow -$25M with 85% chance of approval. If approved, I’ll use 60% of the bull case domestic DCF from Gvoke. + +**BEAR CASE: $208M** – Same assumptions except I’ll use 60% of the bear case domestic DCF from Gvoke for Recorlev. + +# Summary + +**BULL CASE:** The combined value would be $1.5B over 102.07M shares for a PT of $14.70. + +**BEAR CASE:** The combined value would be $631M over 102.07M shares for a PT of $6.18. +I believe Shitadel found GME Apes new base in Superstonk and are doing everything they can to infiltrate and cause chaos in the sub. Brace yourselves for all the sneaky "AMC and GME together strong" FUD type posts. + +AMC shills want to be a part of the sub so bad. + +Only GME is discussed here so please take your AMC discussions somewhere else. I don't give a fuck what you do with your AMC shares and don't want to hear about it here. + +I will continue to report and downvote all AMC related posts. I'm not going to sit here and let you shills come into superstonk and try to turn it into the next WSB + +Downvote away AMC shills, I eat your downvotes for breakfast and also drink your tears. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Link: http://nyti.ms/2bJOKG2 + +Thoughts on this? It's not clear what kind of accounts these would be or what investment options are. At first it seemed awesome, but then read about the criticism of previous state run retirement account programs. + +My employer doesn't currently offer 401k, (I haven't worked there that long, and we're small), so this still seems exciting to me. + + +I used to have scheduled auto-pay set up with one of my landlords. When I moved out, I cancelled it. This was 6 months ago. Last month, I got an text from my old landlord saying he was surprised to see I'd sent him an early Christmas present: BoA decided to resurrect my old auto-pay and send him rent money!!! My leading theory is BoA reverted to some backup of their internal systems, where my auto-pay was still active, but I otherwise have no notion of how this could have happened. To me this feels totally unacceptable. + +When I called to complain about this, I received no compensation and no apology. They just advised me to delete the auto-pay (again) and when I pressed them they gave me a complaint ticket number. No-one has followed up or anything. + +I honestly don't even know what value BoA brings to the table for me. Not only do I not feel I can trust them with my money, they also provide negligible interest on deposits. + +I already use an online bank for my savings account. I'm thinking of consolidating my banking by moving my chequing account to Schwab, where I already have a brokerage account and just bid farewell to BoA. + +Curious if others have had similar experiences and/or if others feel this course of action makes sense... + +Clarification: My old landlord did return the money. +I've noticed that everytime I mention XMR on this subreddit my comments get down voted to oblivion, is there a particular reason that this community doesn't like XMR? And if so what are the reasons. + +Personally I believe is one of the strongest projects out there with an actual useful usecase. +It can be actually used today in the real world to buy services with privacy. I really don't see why people wouldn't like that. It's true that as am asset is not performing well but the technology is actually really good. + +Is the XMR hate a meme that I'm too slow to get? + +Shower me with your opinions I'm ready. +I haven't participated in any ICO yet. The reason might sound silly, but many of us have a job and other personal duties. It is simply too time consuming to keep up. Many require registration on websites, sending ether to a special contract with a certain gas limit, etc. + +But I decided to dedicate a day or so to buy ico tokens, as the market sentiment is obviously hysteria at the moment. + +What are the big icos going on now and over the next week? Which ones do you recommend and why? +Traditional investors used to put their money in banks or financial institutions to earn interest on their deposits but those investors don’t really know where their money is being used or if bank management are involved in risky investments beside that banks literally charge fees for doing the bare minimum but we are lucky to be living in the growth of cryptocurrency, for example you can use a platform such as DIFX to buy cryptocurrency and trade in stocks, forex, and more commodities while having your money insured and secured. +I have: +TRX-35%, XLM-18%, VEN-18%, REQ 10%, XRP-10%, SUB-5%, QSP-5% + +Eventually I wanna be deep in IOTA, but I see major gains and potential in the near future for these. + +Any recs as far as my percentage is spread out? Too many coins? Any advice is welcome +I've haven't followed alt coin news recently so.. are there other places that have good volume and good selection of alt coins? What happened to Mintpal? +I am new with cryptos i invested some of my savings on ethereum when its price was 376$ but now its going down day by day i duno whats real reason so far looks ico but how long icos ll continue if its keep going like this whats ether future.. is my investment safe? I hold ether or sale so far lose i am losing 18000$ kinda stress.. +This argument is being used, naively or deceitfully, to divert attention from what's being produced from the electricity. Electricity is being converted into hard money that can't be printed out of thin air. That's why it has value. You want Bitcoin, you pay in electricity or you buy it. This incentive has the side effect of keeping the blockchain score decentralised and secure. + +Let's consider the current financial system. Let's sum up all the electricity used by all the physical banks, all the server rooms, all the office spaces. Would you rather use the electricity to power a centralised corrupt system? + +People who use this argument still don't understand the value that's being generated and secured by the Bitcoin network. + +Fascism is super efficient. But we all rather live under democracies as they are fairer systems. Can't put it in any simpler terms. +I can not believe that one and a half green days has got some of you talking about "the dip" in past tense. + +That some how this isnt over and we are heading back to 69k tomorrow especially since all the macro economic issues that are causing this haven't been resolved at all + +Let us not forget the inflation bubble that will pop eventually like 2008. + +This is not fud. We holders will make excellent money if we seize the opportunity of this bubble pop. Shilling lethal doses of hopium is good but not realistic ❤ + +Be realistic, this IS NOT OVER YET. + +Edit: all I'm saying is to keep your wits about you and don't make foolish choices. When In doubt DCA. The 2008 reference is worst case. Not saying it will happen this year but it will happen eventually + +Second edit: thanks for all the love and the hate bur I do have to say this AGED PERFECTLY LIKE FINE WINE. +I work for one of those Wall Street MM’s who take pleasure in fucking the average retard like you. These boomer fucks are quacking right now and they should. They manipulate the market to their liking with their friends and do underhanded shit to retain their position and make sure that the only people who can get rich are themselves. For once, they are scared. + +The war isn’t over yet. They will not give up easily and that’s why Melvin is strapping in more cash. This is truly a historical case. There has been an awakening. You autists realized your true potential but you have to keep going if you want to make some real change. DON’t FUCKING SELL. + +Congrats to all you GME bag holders out there. + +Due to holding period and security restrictions, I will be unable to participate in GME. But I am here with you in spirit. + +Edit: repost since Mods are on a power trip. +# Apes, The Gibbon Division is upon us! + +>!These may be some of the toughest choices yet.!< + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Just a couple of things first, as usual: + +1. Due to the way the poll site works, we cannot suspend the voting after the second round. This may lead to some confusion, so I wanted to be clear, **anything after the second round is void.** We will be putting together a separate set of divisions with the winners of the first four, facing off. I am so excited!! +2. **THERE WILL BE VOTING ON THE WEEKEND, DON'T MISS IT!!!** + +**You goddamn Apes are so awesome ❤ It warms our hearts how much you've all liked this idea.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**✨ 🚀 Showtime 🚀 ✨** + +*- Gibbon entered the chat -* + +GIBBON DIVISION - ROUND 1 [https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/ufSKAIk\_kVO](https://www.polltab.com/bracket-poll/ufSKAIk_kVO) + +32 Banners enter, only 8 move on from their Division, I am giddy. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Just as a final reminder: + +**Silverback** **Division** + +Round 1 4:20 pm 4/14 - 4:20 am 4/15 **\*Voting Closed\*** + +Round 2 4:20 am 4/15 - 4:20 pm 4/15 **\*Voting Closed\*** + +**Bonobo Division** + +Round 1 ~~4:20 pm~~ 4/15 - 4:20 am 4/16 **\*Voting Closed\*** + +Round 2 4:20 am 4/16 - 4:20 pm 4/16 **\*Voting Closed\*** + +**Gibbon Division** + +Round 1 4:20 pm 4/16 - 4:20 am 4/17 + +Round 2 4:20 am 4/17 - 4:20 pm 4/17 + +**Chimpanzee Division** + +Round 1 4:20 pm 4/17 - 4:20 am 4/18 + +Round 2 4:20 am 4/18 - 4:20 pm 4/18 + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +**📺 Stay tuned, More to follow 📺** +The U.S. is the exception, not the rule when it comes to stock performance. An average of 7% return over the last 130 years is incredibly good and if I had to guess I'd say not likely to be repeated in the U.S. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that we shouldn't be investing in U.S. equities, I'm just pointing out that it has had *exceptionally* good performance in the past akin to winning the stock market lottery. Would it not make more sense to base the SWR off of historical global stock market returns to get a more honest estimate of what an average market looks like over time? What would the reasons be for only looking at the U.S. stock market besides inflating our own confidence? On the same note the people I often see assuming 7% long term gains on their stocks are being very optimistic in and should expect such a high return from any particular market going forward. +I don't know if this is the right subreddit for this but I thought you guys might get a laugh out of it like I did. Found this in my textbook published in 2007 http://imgur.com/ukGUs90 +Is it possible for the market to continue its current average growth since inception when population growth comes to a halt? We are going to reach a point in my or my kids lifetime where the only reason the US stays population neutral is with immigration while most other developed countries see their population shrink. + +What do you guys think? +I see people in streams commenting "at what point does the government stop the squeeze? I want to plan my exit strategy." This is absolutely FUD. I don't think rensole meant to create FUD but unfortunately it's starting to have that effect and paperhands (or perhaps shills) are starting to plan to sell on the way up "before the government stops everything." + +All of the exit strategy DD is telling you to sell on the way down and not on the way up because selling on the way up will bring down the ceiling. Now, we have a bunch of FUD and paperhands planning to sell on the way up because of panic that the government MAY step in. + +First of all, we don't know if the government will step in. The last time the GME rocket was stopped wasn't government intervention. It was Robinhood, Apex Clearinghouse and potentially the DTCC. None of these are government institutions, so stop saying the government stopped the January squeeze. Additionally, the government would cash in on a shit ton of taxes and funnel money into the economy that has been laying dormant in fat cats stock accounts. So, it's not really in the government's interest to stop the squeeze. + +Second of all, even IF the government were to step in because GME squeeze "causes" the market crash (as if that wasn't inevitable with or without GME), you're not going to get a better deal selling before they intervene. Let's say the price goes up to $100,000 and then the government says "enough of this." The shorts still need to cover and you still have the shares. Do you think the government is going to force you to sell at $1,000 when the stock is officially worth $100,000? No, they will give you $100,000 or people are gonna flood the supreme court (with lawsuits) if they don't riot. If the government steps in at $100,000 then everyone is gonna get $100,000 at minimum. If you sold at $10,000 worried you will only get $1,000 in case of government intervention you will be the sucker. + +Also, I don't think the government can actually force you to sell. So if $100k per share is too low for you (as it is for most apes), tell them "my shares are not for sale." Which puts them in a catch 22 situation again. Because shorts still need to cover and nobody's selling. + +Edit: Adding real Exit Strategy DDs, so apes can get a little more educated if they're planning their exit strategy + +If you are panicking about how to exit your position, read the Exit strategy DDs that have been at the top of God Tier DD for months. I recommend reading them ALL and not just one of them that you hardly understand. At minimum, read the first 2 technical Exit Strategy DDs, so you know how to read a chart: + +##Technical Exit Strategy DDs: + +u/NHNE's first Exit Strategy DD that uses MACD and Stochastic RSI indicators to separate fake dips from real downward momentum https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m0r4kg/gme_exit_strategy_here_is_what_i_not_we_i_am/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +u/WardenElite's Exit Strategy by recognizing triangles and predicting positive or negative breakout +https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m073v6/exit_strategy_dd_a_comprehensive_guide_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +optional: u/ChristianRauchenwald's DD about Elliot Waves ⚠️Warning: Elliot Waves are natural stock movements that may not be applicable to a highly manipulated stock like GME +https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m6cebh/why_10000_per_share_is_just_a_stop_along_the_way/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +##Less technical Exit Strategy DDs: + +u/NHNE's second Exit Strategy DD about What's an Exit Strategy and why it's important +https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m8nk84/important_all_apes_need_to_read_this_to_prepare/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +There are more but I'm having difficulty finding them +Seriously, your names shouldn’t be used in the same sentence, it’s a travesty…I can’t speak for anyone else but you’ve been an inspirational part of this journey for me. And a deep fuckin cheers to all y’all has become a common quote around here. Miss your not cattedness! 🐱 +As promised on this morning's pre-market community talk, here is our first prediction tournament! + +Vote on whether you think the FOMC Press Conference will have a positive, zero, or negative, impact on SPY! + +\--- + +You can watch the FOMC Press Conference live today at 2:30PM EST here: + +[https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents.htm) + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/rh1lb9) +Link [here](https://www.npr.org/2019/06/19/734095998/putting-a-price-on-chat-slack-is-going-public-at-16-billion-value?t=1561029952531). + +Do you guys think it's worth $16 billion? Or is it another part of the profitless unicorn bubble? +Recently I got interested in accumulating wealth. Problem is the only thing I know about things like stocks or natural resources is "buy low sell high". I can read charts, but I don't know what's behind them - what alters their price. Can somebody please recommend me a book that will give me some insight on that? It'd also be nice if somebody could point me in the right direction regarding a general book about finance. Is The Intelligent Investor any good? +So far retail has been fighting alone with zero help from regulatory bodies that are supposed to protect investors and also RC/GME board. Thanks to all the individual wrinkle brained apes for spending immense amount of time digging out information and theories backed by data and others participating and debating that retail has come so far. With zero help from any side. *IF* the MOASS triggers due to DRS or some other unrelated event that is not directly caused by regulatory bodies or GME, remember you also have zero obligation to regulatory bodies or supporting GME (the stock or the company) after MOASS. You can always exit at the peak of MOASS. + +Edit: If MOASS triggers due to positive earnings I will consider that as directly caused by GME. But I doubt naked shorts will be forced to close due to positive earnings in any reasonable time frame. +Exactly three years ago I have created [this thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2g3bh1/already_90_into_bitcoins_going_to_buy_additional/), when bitcoin was 478 USD. I was buying. + +[one year later bitcoin was at 240 USD](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ko3xy/one_year_update_already_90_into_bitcoins_going_to/). + +[two years later bitcoin was at 629 USD](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/529uzz/two_years_update_already_90_into_bitcoins_going/). + +Bitcoin is currently at 4200 USD. i just bought all the bitcoins i could possibly buy, and i still want to buy more. + +i'm a millionaire now, but who cares about those silly usd valuations, its all about the bitcoins you own :) + +So fuck you, doubters. + +lets go to the moon :) + +See you next year + +*drops mic* + +Every month i think “i’ll treat myself with some gains” then every month I say to myself “but that’ll reduce my holdings” so then I think “maybe i’ll contribute a bit less this month and buy something” but then I say to myself “but you’re passing up a buying opportunity at the best time in history (aside from the past), so I contribute that month and the cycle continues....for ever + +Now to be clear, i have a good job and i’m not at all materialistic , so this doesn’t negatively impact my life, it’s just a funny loop to be in. The reality is that I probably don’t actually want the treat as much as I want financial freedom in the future, and that’s no bad thing I guess. +Ever since retiring, parents have been buying a lot of things brand new only to donate. This month is $1,000 in warm jackets for children. Last month was $1,200 in new hardcover best seller books. Before that was $2,500 new couches, delivered straight to Salvation Army. They claim it’s not just to feel good about helping the poor, but that they need as many tax write offs as possible. I don’t understand how spending that much money for that little write off makes any financial sense. Can someone elaborate the benefits, or provide a sensible explanation to curb this behavior if it is as wasteful as I think it is? +Guys I don't know what to make of this and I'm feeling dumb. + +I sold my Jeep Wrangler on Craigslist today to a really nice seeming couple in their 70s. Lets call them Dick and Jane. + +First. +I take care of my disabled adult daughter every weekend. She has cerebral palsy and can't do anything for herself. +While Dick and Jane were looking at my wrangler I stepped inside to check on her as she was taking a nap. + +She had vomited. She was fine. But she had gotten sick all over her self and needed to be cleaned up. +I started to clean her up but she vomited again. +My anxiety went through the roof as I was watching my daughter get sick and I guess I was paying more attention to her and her needs than the deal that was unfolding in my yard. + +When I get back outside Dick and Jane hand me a check for the purchase price of 10k. + +I refuse politely and say that I will only accept cash. + +Dick says he understands and that the check is only a receipt and that if I sign it back over to him he will give me the cash. + +Now at this moment all I can think of is getting back inside to care for my daughter so like a dummy I sign the back of the check and give it to them with the title. + +They gave me the cash. So yes, I have the money. + +Its just that it seems so strange to me in hindsight and I'm really embarrassed that I let someone convince me to do the deal like that. I just can't shake the feeling that something isn't right. + +Why would they write me a check only to pressure me to sign the back and then give me the purchase price in cash as I asked? +It's so strange. + +Any insight or help is really appreciated. Thanks. +Imagine you are faced with two buttons that you can press, and you can only press one: + +**Button A: You have a 50% chance to win $10,000** + +**Button B: You have a .00000001% Chance to win $10,000,000** + +What is the better option? Well probably Button A, but let's turn to basic probability theory to be precise. Treating it as an expected value problem, we find: + +Button A: $10,000 * .5 = $5,000 + +Button B: $10,000,000 * .00000001% = $.001 + +Button A is the better choice 100% of the time. If you were given the option, you'd probably press button A. + +However, imagine a world where you, making the right choice, chose button A and lost the 50/50 chance and didn't even win the $10,000. Then, someone steps up right after you, and after thinking for a bit, presses button B thinking it's the better choice. + +**He wins.** + +Confetti flies everywhere, his family is around to congratulate him and tell him how awesome he is. Everyone thinks he's a genius because hey, he has $10 Million and you have none. + +Then there's you, you went home with nothing. You're a button A presser and you suck. + +Well I'm here to tell you that as a fellow button A presser, you don't suck, and I'm proud of you. + +New investors - you are constantly being tempted to buy into this results oriented-thinking. The thinking that because the *result* was good you made the right decision. + +There's a reason portfolio managers can be sued for making their clients tons of money, and there's also a reason professional poker players don't beat themselves up after a lost hand that was played with Game-Theory Optimal. + +However, when it comes to the stock market, it's almost impossible to know what was the right decision, whether we make or lose money. The only reliable yardstick we have is our long run average, which is where we learn who's been swimming naked and who's Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet. + +There has obviously been a large influx of new investors flooding to reddit and heading straight to the markets themselves. Some of you are high off your recent gains and are looking for more, others are feeling discouraged after a streak of bad losses. + +I don't know what to say to winning and losing other than to treat those imposters the same, and we all can learn from each other that do the research, do the math, and proudly press button A and have our head high even when we lose sometimes making the right decision. +[GameStop.com](https://www.gamestop.com/) || Shop [Internationally](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vyyzmx/gamestop_retail_international_nft_game_informer/) || [NFT Marketplace](https://nft.gamestop.com) + +GameStop [Investor Relations](https://news.gamestop.com/) + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/xxh13d) 🎃🐦 + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +How to [feed DRSBOT](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/). Low karma? Post your DRS on r/GMEOrphans + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +*I apologise for the rant. I know this is an Internet forum - but to many of us, this is truly a community. A community that has been around for a long time, where bonds have been made, and people, friends even, have gone through the ups and down of this wild wild crypto ride for a long long time.* + +Since moons, well, mooned - we’ve had a huge influx of newcomers join. And that’s great. More people means more opinions means more constructive discussions and different perspectives. If a community never grew, neither would our minds, and discussions would quickly stagnate. + +And I get it. You realise members of this sub can earn actual crypto, with real-life value. So why shouldn’t you do too? It’s free, it’s worth money - *what more can anyone ask for?* + +But please, and this goes out to all newcomers: before you start spamming low quality shitposts, the same “news” links over and over from low tier news sources, and the same self-stories that have been over-flooding other subs (I swear some of you don’t even bother paraphrasing it even the tiniest bit) - **take the time to read the rules, and learn - at least the tiniest bit - the etiquette of this community.** *Shit, at least the scope of this community.* + +Over the last week I’ve witnessed a baffling increase of: + +&#x200B; + +* Crappy links from bottom tier news sources predicting X price for this by eow, eom or eoy. Posted over and over again. +* Comment sections full of people talking about how ‘crypto is just great for buying drugs’ +* Posts that have nothing to do with crypto. I get it - RobbingHood had their IPO and it tanked. One post is enough. If you want to discuss their stock - there are plenty of dedicated communities for that - stock discussions. +* Posts about “fighting the hedgies” +* Posts about short squeezing Bitcoin. +* Posts about Wall Street bad, hating Wall Street, and now Jordan Belfort says this, predicts that. +* Random shilling of actual shitcoins (I mean r/cryptomoonshoots level shitcoins). + +And this is just out the top of my head. + +&#x200B; + +If you enter someone’s home, you wouldn’t shit all over their carpet? If you meet people from different backgrounds, you wouldn’t shit all over their culture? You would adapt to their ways, or at the very least take them into consideration? *Right?* + +**Crypto is a beautiful, fascinating and truly magical thing. There is so much to learn, so much to discover, so much to build, and so much to discuss. And this community, and its members, hold so much knowledge. If you’re interested in something very particular, don’t understand something, curious about something - just ask! If you found some cool information, made an analysis, whipped up an infographic, have some breaking news - share it!** + +But at the very least, keep it focused on crypto. + +Moons are cool - and eventually, they will come to you. There is no need to spam garbage. As with anything in crypto, patience is the key. + +Take the time to learn, to inform yourself, to grow your passion and your newly found interest. Educate yourself. Inform yourself. Become a member of the community. Don’t be that guy. + +So please, let’s keep this wonderful sub just that - wonderful - together, as a community. Don’t turn this into Wall Street Bets or Satoshi Street Bets. Don't let this sub turn to shit. + +Thank you for reading. + +*- A tired and irritated cheeseburger* + +*Edit*: I am aware I shit on my own point by using the self-story flair. But at fault of there being no other fitting flair, that's the way it will have to be :p + +*Edit 2*: I am by no means shitting on WallstreetBets, or any other sub. I enjoy lurking there too. I enjoy the shittalk there too. Pre - GME that is. + +But this is a Cryptocurrency sub, so let’s try, together, to keep it that way. + +*Edit 3*: If you want to be more involved, please also head over to r/CryptoCurrencyMeta and vote on polls. + +*Edit 4*: When in Rome, do as the Romans. That’s my point. + +*Edit 5*: Well gee, this blew up. Thanks for the awards friendos, and thanks for the positive comments. I am glad to see other’s share my sentiment. +Hey all. I'm trying to figure out how to handle 457(b) contributions for me and my wife. Our annual income is currently $223,000 and I expect it to grow steadily over time, probably maxing out at $300K-$325K. We are fortunate to be in public sector jobs in a state with a well-funded pension system. Assuming we both work 30 years, and our salaries stay exactly the same as they are today, our annual pensions will total $145,000 starting at age 62. With modest salary growth built in, that amount increases to $180K - $200K. + +With Social Security included, we *may* wind up with non-adjustable retirement income being as high or higher than during our working years. To me, that tilts the scales in favor of Roth 457(b) contributions. If we were to build up a large Traditional balance, the RMDs would be painful. + +Ideally, we'll be in a position to RE by age 50. This could provide opportunities to convert some or most of the Traditional balance. I still feel a bit uneasy, though. I can't help but feel that I'm giving up something I can control (contributing at my known current tax rate) for the hope of a more favorable environment in the future. Obviously, tax rates could be higher in the future, but I also may end up working until age 62, with the pension starting in that year. There's a fair chance that I would lose those years of conversion to an unforeseen circumstance that forces me to keep working: college bills for our newborn, a health issue, etc. There are countless people who plan to retire early but just can't do it for a variety of reasons. I suppose the counter argument to that is that many people *are* forced to retire early, in which case I would have some time to convert the Traditional balances. + +There's almost a comfort in knowing that by contributing to Roth now, I lock in the tax-free growth and I won't need to play the conversion game in the future. But, it's painful to pay both federal and state income tax on our full salaries (we have no deductions available other than the SD). + +One thing to note: if one of us were to take a private sector job, or our pensions were suddenly cut in half, I would absolutely go Traditional. + +Am I a little crazy, or does this sound reasonable? Thank you all. +After seeing some posts a few months ago about people collecting items to signify wealth milestones, my wife(27) and I(29) decided to do the same. Our net worth recently reached a major landmark and it seemed like a good time to start. We decided at each $10k milestone we would buy a bottle of wine to enjoy in celebration. We would then write the date and wealth milestone number on the cork, and drop it in a large glass jug we found at Target. We are keeping the jug on our bedroom dresser, and it actually looks pretty great. We decided to write the wealth number in roman numerals to subtly avoid questions in case anyone takes a good look at the corks. I've linked a couple pictures of our set-up below. + +[https://imgur.com/a/PJLX3JG](https://imgur.com/a/PJLX3JG) + +I think this tradition will work well for us. The bottle of wine, and the satisfaction of dropping another cork in the jug, acts as a carrot on a string. + +Happy savings, and happy thanksgiving! + +For clarification, these $10k milemarkers will certainly have to change as our portfolio grows. For now, this seems like the right amount for us given where we’re at. Also, we’re using a “high watermark” approach where we won’t celebrate the same milestone twice, but only those which are new all time highs. +John Maynard Keynes wrote this essay in 1930, trying to imagine what the economy would be like 100 years in the future. He thought that as people became more and more productive and efficient, they would naturally work less and mankind would enter a new era of vastly increased leisure. He saw this a good thing but a huge challenge as well, as people would have to learn to find some other purpose in life besides working and earning money. + +This really struck a chord with me as someone considering what I might do with my life beyond working, so I thought I’d share the excerpt for the benefit of other like-minded people on this sub. RE does not automatically equally happiness; you have to put some effort into it! + +“Yet there is no country and no people, I think, who can look forward to the age of leisure and of abundance without a dread. For we have been trained too long to strive and not to enjoy. It is a fearful problem for the ordinary person, with no special talents, to occupy himself, especially if he no longer has roots in the soil or in custom or in the beloved conventions of a traditional society. To judge from the behaviour and the achievements of the wealthy classes today in any quarter of the world, the outlook is very depressing! For these are, so to speak, our advance guard-those who are spying out the promised land for the rest of us and pitching their camp there. For they have most of them failed disastrously, so it seems to me-those who have an independent income but no associations or duties or ties-to solve the problem which has been set them. + +I feel sure that with a little more experience we shall use the new-found bounty of nature quite differently from the way in which the rich use it today, and will map out for ourselves a plan of life quite otherwise than theirs. +For many ages to come the old Adam will be so strong in us that everybody will need to do some work if he is to be contented. We shall do more things for ourselves than is usual with the rich today, only too glad to have small duties and tasks and routines. But beyond this, we shall endeavour to spread the bread thin on the butter-to make what work there is still to be done to be as widely shared as possible. Three-hour shifts or a fifteen-hour week may put off the problem for a great while. For three hours a day is quite enough to satisfy the old Adam in most of us!” +I bought into FB at $190 and NFLX at $390, when it dipped a couple weeks back I picked up more NFLX and got my average share price down to $375. It’s been pretty rough watching these two tank over the last few days, I’m reading about how there’s only so many people on the planet and this is bound to happen, but I hate to sell now when I’m down a grand total. I’m comfortable just sitting on them and even considering buying more in the dip but I’m curious what others are thinking. Anyone else in this position? + +Edit: I’m long on both these, have an IRA I max out each year and decided to start purchasing stocks to learn and hopefully earn more. I’m 35 and ideally all these go towards retirement in 20 or 30 years. My risk tolerance is fairly high but I’m new to this so looking for advice. My Dad recently passed away so I have a good amount of cash to invest and can buy more..he was smart with money and saving so I’d like to do right by him and my two kids. +Let's just say, purely hypothetically, that six months ago someone borrowed up to their eyeballs in home loan so that they could FOMO into the market. They paid way more than the house was worth because the real estate agent told them it was worth that much, with the smallest deposit possible, and you know, RBA says free money until 2024 etc etc so why not... The standard actions that I'm sure quite a number of people have made over the past few years. + +Low and behold interest rates skyrocket, house prices correct to pre-stupidity levels, and for all but this group of people that have overstretched themselves, life goes on. But what about those people, those loans, and those houses? If they put down a 5% or less deposit on a $1.5M cloned McMansion and the house has now taken the 15% correction that almost all banks seem to predict will occur, will that ever bite the loan holder? Do banks ever make the call to pony up the difference? + +In my mind, all the loans are bundled together on the banks books, so unless the bank goes into negative territory it won't be a problem. And even then, it would only be a problem if the bank's final balance sheet looks shakey, which is unlikely because banks make bank, right? + +I'm sure it's not an issue... But am I understanding it correctly? +Would love to hear some perspectives and opinions +on my situation and if I should go ahead with this +apartment purchase. + +I'm 24 m and have around 150k. 75k of that is cash and I have access to another 10k for a deposit that has been salary sacrifices to my super if I really need to. +Currently making 80k/yr. + +I am wanting to buy an apartment in Sydney under 650k and spend 6 months doing whatever to get the stamp duty exemption and then rent it out. + + I'm looking at North Parramatta at the moment. + +Since I work for a bank I can get away with 10% deposit no LMI. + +Very lucky to be living with parents at the moment and won't be needing to move out until I get married in 2-3 years. + +This apartment doesn't need to be the one I move into so would really love some ideas on where might be a good location to invest? + +Any other things I should be taking into +consideration would be really helpful to hear. +Thanks a lot +I'm 23 years old and have some cash to invest. I have never invested in anything before, but I have heard and read that ETFs are great for tracking indexes and for diversification at a relatively good price and the convenience of a share trade. So that is what I have decided to get. + +Trouble is, there are a whole range of ETFs to choose from, such as VTS, VGS, VGAD, VEU, VAE, VEQ, VGE, and VAS. I know that diversifying is good, so I tried to construct a portfolio which distributes fairly evenly into markets from regions such as Emerging, North America, Australia / Pacific, and Europe. + +But I don't know whether it's a good idea to just go for this naive, 'even' distribution. Is it better to put more in US stocks? Is it bad to put more in emerging markets (which I understand are more volatile)? etc. + +I know there's probably not an answer to these questions, but I'm just after some rules of thumb so I know I am making at least an informed decision. My portfolio is completely arbitrary, and the only thought I put into it is making the pie chart look somewhat even across regions. + +I created a spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gbbzbvClyxFv5x8u8PwA88iRR4g1Y5D8xYQxvVyj6l4), and there's a picture of it below if you don't want to load it. The 'Goal %' field is editable if you want to mess around with it. + +https://i.redd.it/qun2eaby27h11.png +I don't know if this question is splitting hairs with asking for financial advice, but in your opinion, when is it worth getting a financial advisor? + +Edit:. +With this issue being a lot more polarising than I anticipated, I thought I should add some further info. + +My fiance and I both come from low to medium financially savvy families, i.e one house for primary residence that is still not paid off prior to retirement with no investments outside of super. As a result this is all we really know, but we've been able to learn a lot about what we might want to do differently. + +We have a gross household income of about 250K (fairly stable) and have been following what steps we do know. We've paid down all debts and have saved an emergency fund. We have about 50K in various savings/investments. Apart from a small car we have no significant assets. No plans for kids in the next 5 years. + +I feel like I have gone as far as I can and now am getting confused by lingo and terms I've never heard of before. We want to work towards having better investments so that our money works for us but I find myself pretty stumped. + +Are there any other ways I can go about this? +The largest public pension in the U.S. by assets increased its bets on makers of electric vehicles, and a videoconferencing stock in the third quarter. + +California Public Employees’ Retirement System, or Calpers, raised investments in Nikola  (NKLA) and NIO  (NIO) in the period, and nearly doubled an investment in Zoom Video Communications  (ZM). It also edged up an investment in Tesla  (TSLA). Calpers disclosed the stock trades, among others, in a form it filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. + +The pension, which manages nearly $400 billion in assets, declined to comment on the investment changes. + +Calpers bought 205,792 more Nikola shares to end the third quarter with 261,546 shares of the maker of trucks powered by alternative fuels. The pension had bought in a volatile period for Nikola stock. Shares have fallen in the second half of 2020, plunging 70% in the third quarter alone, and slipping 3.4% so far in the fourth quarter. + +A short seller’s report in September alleged Nikola management overstated its internally developed battery and fuel-cell capabilities. The company disputed the report and called it misleading. Another negative report in November alleged that Nikola had considered using customers’ deposits to fund Nikola One, a truck in development that will be powered by hydrogen fuel cells. Nikola also denied that allegation. + +NIO, a Chinese maker of electric-powered vehicles, has seen its American depositary receipts multiply 11 times in value this year, and have more than doubled since the end of September. Those gains far outstrip the 11% year-to-date rise in the S&P 500 index, a broad measure of the market. Since the end of September, the index has gained 6.6%. + +J.P. Morgan issued a bullish note on NIO ADRs in mid-October, and the company’s deliveries were strong that month. We have noted that trading volume in NIO ADRs is at elevated levels. + +Calpers bought 381,439 more NIO ADRs to end September with 2.3 million. + +The pension also added 312,406 Zoom shares in the third quarter, lifting its investment to 653,764 shares. + +Zoom stock has surged nearly 500% in 2020, including a 14% slide since the end of the third quarter. + +The advent of Zoom and videoconferencing has left televisions behind, we have noted. The company announced in October that it will begin collecting communications taxes in certain states. Zoom stock slipped last week on a sign that a coronavirus vaccine could be available soon. + +Calpers bought 38,373 additional Tesla shares in the third quarter to edge up its holdings to 1.69 million shares. + +Tesla stock has rocketed nearly 400% this year through Friday’s close, including a 4.8% slip since the end of September. + +The electric-vehicle giant’s earnings have been strong. There has been speculation Tesla stock could join the S&P 500. Recently a prominent investor blamed a mania for Tesla stock for hurting his short position in the shares. + +Source: Barron's + +It is good to see pension fund still buying tesla. This is bullish to all the tesla shareholders. + +Thanks for the awards. +Those who faced 2008 recession. What preparation helped you to ride the storm? + +What stocks should weather a potential recession? And what tips/strategies to navigate without your portfolio being obliterated? +This migt not be the right sub, but bare with me, please. + +Chile is living a massacre, military and police is killing us on the streets, banks are blocking money circulation, supermarkets are closed (for many obvious reasons) and we are living a shock doctrine. + +So we need crypto, part of the awakening is using crypto. + +Please suggest me the best ways to use it, how people can acquire, and commercialize freely with crypto. + +I don't care about what crypto is better or whatnot, I want you please to guide me in the best way to use what the cypherpunks gave us more than 10 years ago, so I can tell my people how to fight the system and the neoliberalist. + +- best apps to use crypto with low fee +- best ways to buy crypto. +- best ways to explain to non educated people in economy how crypto works. +- best ways to integrate little commerce to the crypto world as easy as possible, even better if is auto integration. + +Please don't try to push one crypto over another, that's not what we need. We need freedom and tools to fight an autoritarian government who is killing people who is asking for a better life. + +Your advice is our hope. +I made a comment about this in the daily, but wanted to post it here for some more visibility. + +This sudden obsession with crypto's supposed mass move to GME is based on zero real information. Until I see volume that shows they've moved, I'm going to assume it's more FUD for the media to blame crypto on the market decline. Especially when there's really only one post on the whole crypto sub linking the recent dip and GME, and most of the comments are talking like it's just conspiracy mumbo-jumbo. The general consensus on the crypto sub is that they've been infiltrated by r/superstonk conspiracy theorists. + +So that means either: + +1. This is an intentional shill tactic to shift the blame of the market decline to crypto day traders +2. This community has just taken no news too far and made tons of memes without real evidence +3. Both of the above + +My opinion is that it's #3. Shills made this no-news "news" here, and our sweet smooth-brained apes went to the meme factory because it's exciting. This is what they wanted. ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK YOUR SOURCES, OR CHECK FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE YOU INADVERTENTLY SPREAD FUD!!! + +[Here's the original post on the other sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/njegof/the_real_reason_crypto_is_tanking/) Look at the comments. + +Just buy, hodl, and vote. + +Edit: As u/the-stratonites mentioned, there is another possibility: it's so HFs/media can say the reason GME went up today is not because of T-35 or anything to do with GME directly, but because crypto people started selling all their crypto and bought GME instead. +I know a lot of folks in this sub have been seeing a lot of red lately. A word of caution for those expecting it to turn around - don't expect it in the near-term. Even ignoring the news - Yellen's comments on interest rates today, for example - the big boys are likely to be defensively positioned for the next 3-6 months. + +To grasp why, well, always look to the left - preferably far to the left - to gauge overall market conditions. Let's take a look at the log-scaled monthly charts (newer traders - this is a useful tip for gauging long-term trends - if a stock has been getting exponential gains, look at trends in log scale). Virtually the entire market is looking over-stretched, and the small caps and tech plays are particularly overstretched right now. + +**Russell 2000 Monthly (Highest volatility/risk)** + +https://preview.redd.it/816d70hw45x61.png?width=1630&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f85efd17688183633e7f6801cff41f5f9b23887 + +**Nasdaq Monthly (Mid-high risk)** + +https://preview.redd.it/ixbae25k55x61.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9f5f91187d77a48dda05b2ef1c00dc14c1bfbb3 + +**S&P 500 Monthly (mid-risk)** + +https://preview.redd.it/nr92k6st55x61.png?width=1634&format=png&auto=webp&s=9618bc4194c5ac55dce9462a32ef63d3b276e7cc + +**Dow Jones Industrials (Mid risk)** + +https://preview.redd.it/y96n9ul965x61.png?width=1633&format=png&auto=webp&s=1042c50c409e04867103212f9020be7c63cf8abf + +The key thing to keep in mind is how far price levels are from the overall long-term trend. That's going to be a good signal of the overall risk-on vs. risk-off appetite of the market, particularly over the next couple quarters. Right now we are shifting from risk-on to risk-off, and the shift is likely to continue for a little while. Overall, small-caps (and especially micro-caps) are a really bad place to be relative to other companies, and will likely continue to be so through at least the end of the summer (and I'd bet on mid-Q4). + +A little on fundamentals to think about too: + +1. We are moving from a very loose credit environment to a slightly tighter credit environment. That means micro-caps especially will be more incentivized to raise funds through equity offerings rather than taking on new debt. Which means toxic funder dilution, which is usually terrible for share prices in micro-caps. +2. A lot of recovery plays are starting to look overbought as well, at least relative to how quickly things will open up internationally. I was bullish on airlines and hospitality, for instance, a few months ago, I'm a bit less so now. This may also be part of why the Dow looks more overstretched than the S&P, and comparable to the Nasdaq, which is fairly unusual. + +So, where to park your money? Right now, I'd recommend looking defensively: + +1. Metals/Mining stocks - both GDX and SLV are in the handles of long term cup-and-handle formations, so they should be safe bets for now. Mining also has a tendency to lag industrials because of lag times in profits/indicators - the industrial indicators spike, driving the metal prices up, which drives mining profits up, but also incentivizes more mining, which can trigger a correction. (For pennies, I like $FTSSF - First Cobalt, which is making a lot of technical progress and getting lots of strategic investment from US/Canada because of China's rare earth refining dominance) +2. Utilities - boring, I know, but increased industrial/commercial output leads to increased energy consumption, which is what drives utilities profits. And the utilities market is still off of its peak. +3. Latin America/Brazil - overall the market here is looking quite undervalued, and Brazil has a lot of mining (Vale is a big driver of the EWZ etf, for example) and food/bev exports, etc. Plus, Bolsonaro's slow response has led to excessive investor trepidation about Brazil, which makes it a rare undervalued sector. (**Note:** weirdly, India appears to be fully valued or overstretched, perhaps because of a more robust foreign aid response, but also probably because of broader MSCI-Asia funds flowing to China are also flowing to India, so Indian asset prices benefit because of China's apparently successful COVID containment). + Lurker here for a month and just got my trading account funded. I have a moderate risk profile. Ideally looking for a stock that has long term growth prospects. I have around 17k to invest (for now) so a stock under $150 is preferred. + Appreciate your suggestions in advance. +So I'm a recent college grad, struggling to get by. My job barely covers my loan repayments, etc, you know the story. + +Back in 2009, I was living at home, had a high end gaming computer, and a bit of an interest in bitcoins. I did some mining, I spent a little bit on some coins, it all seemed like a bit of fun, but I didn't have much invested, or think much of it. I wasn't really sure what I'd use them for, and kinda just forgot about them as I went through school, and got a job, and real life was happening. + +Today, while trying to scrape money together for rent, and having seen a few posts on reddit about bitcoin, but not really paying much attention to them up until now, it occurred to me that I might have something worth something there! + +I dug out my old external hard drive, downloaded the bitcoin client and loaded the wallet. I have 971 bitcoins. + +I don't have a mt gox account, I'm struggling to stay financially afloat, but I've got a wallet with 971 bitcoins. What the hell do I do? I'm not a financially savvy person, I have no idea if what mt gox is currently saying is realistic, but if it is, I appear to be rich...? + +Help! + + +EDIT: When I said "rich" that was rather hyperbolic. What I've always aspired to is to own a house, work a job that I like without the worry of living pay check to pay check, and go on holiday every now and again. I'm not going to be blowing it all on blackjack and hookers. I'd like to go back into education to get my masters degree in chemistry, as I've got my bachelors, and I'm struggling to make rent with my lab tech job - student loans are crippling me. +The rise of DOGE and other coins that do not have anything to show for it is proof enough that Crypto is still in the early stages, moved by sentiment rather than facts. This is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it is a necessary part of the development of the Crypto scene, in the same way it was for the internet back in the 90's. We need to embrace this and actually feel happy that we are still early to this game. If you get lucky enough, you'll get a lot of money in a short time, but it is almost certain that you'll get there if you are consistent enough in time. +**PART 1 - THE RISE** + +Once upon a time in crypto land, the owners of the two biggest crypto exchanges were friends. Their names were Sam (FTX exchange) and CZ (Binance exchange). CZ had actually helped Sam start his exchange back in May 2019. For that, CZ got a bag of goodies. + +[Aww they were friends](https://preview.redd.it/89nkofyq2xy91.jpg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945cc22c7c33bc451ef36cc4294ea2d7a13b20e5) + +Sam's FTX exchange grew quickly. Sam became a billionaire! Three months ago, it was even said that Sam would be the next Warren Buffett. Spoiler: no he is not. + +&#x200B; + +**PART 2 - THE SECRET WAR(S)** + +Yet there was trouble in crypto paradise. Sam had been talking to other men such as regulators and politicians behind CZ's back and CZ did not like that. So CZ planned to get back at Sam while CZ continued to be friendly. First, CZ dropped the fees on Binance, luring in users from FTX. + +&#x200B; + +[THE PLOTTING BEGINS](https://preview.redd.it/3trc6pgj3xy91.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f230c939f26a28202a9bddbebed1b30468e13ab) + +Slowly, Sam started to realize that CZ was gunning for him. + +&#x200B; + +[SURPRISE ITS ME](https://preview.redd.it/hp1e27tt3xy91.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=edfc47b03f356c076d9078819ba50419df0955fe) + +**PART 3 - THE START OF THE GREAT CRYPTO WAR** + +In 2022, Sam overplayed his hand and made a joke about whether or not CZ would be welcome in DC. CZ decided to start the great crypto war. The battle was on. Who would win between these two giants? + +&#x200B; + +[A fight between two titans](https://preview.redd.it/of865cha4xy91.jpg?width=1927&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7be71e032d6c27008b8715532555bc3de830076) + +They picked their fighters. CZ picked Twitter, SFB picked regulators and politicians. + +&#x200B; + +[Goodness were they strong](https://preview.redd.it/uag2vwac4xy91.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9020ec6d77a9450e8f0eaa27a29734709faa898a) + +&#x200B; + +**PART 3 - THE MIDDLE OF THE GREAT CRYPTO WAR** + +The fight began in November 2022. CZ walked in with the sink to the Alamede Research headquarters. + +&#x200B; + +[Let that sink in](https://preview.redd.it/3j2dvg756xy91.jpg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6421212625320d792fe0b5df11409f7fd680039e) + +&#x200B; + +CZ quickly used his Twitter attack. + +[The Twitter attack is super effective](https://preview.redd.it/ax7evz5i4xy91.jpg?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acda0efb4c8460839eaa05cfcdcd7d21eb75bee7) + +At first, the community was entertained. They had not seen a great crypto war before. + +[At first it was fun](https://preview.redd.it/iy5rmxap4xy91.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=af1f5e06832c0e6d0988d157d2b05f87ae166b11) + +But soon, the community started to get worried and hit by the collateral damage. F in chat. + +[F\(TT\)](https://preview.redd.it/dr390mwt4xy91.jpg?width=3248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90049a9d6bc4b103da7160cb66c2b6f85d43b070) + +Sam valiantly defended himself. CZ is coming after us but we are fine, no worries! + +[it was a lie](https://preview.redd.it/4f3erbny4xy91.jpg?width=1186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c85bff58459f3d3e59ecd0414aceaf3a88bcb8b5) + +**PART 4 - THE END OF THE GREAT CRYPTO WAR** + +But CZ's Twitter attack turned out to be too powerful. Sam surrendered. + +&#x200B; + +[PLZ have mercy](https://preview.redd.it/v8xdsg3m5xy91.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2565e18a26e519f71c7fcd7738452ef0aefb3f37) + +There was truly no **SOL**ace for Sam. CZ gloated and paraded Sam around. + +[Yeah thats taking it too far CZ](https://preview.redd.it/0c6mvxv85xy91.jpg?width=803&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682057c94934b41f7d9bec0e263fa096cf9d16c6) + +&#x200B; + +**PART 5 - AFTERMATH** + +CZ went for the killing blow. + +[CZ WINS!](https://preview.redd.it/jd0xzun45xy91.jpg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530384dbfcfcd75d1791950fb217b9c295c56f58) + +&#x200B; + +As Sam was laying there, lifeless, he saw his crypto life flashing before his eyes. + +[F in chat](https://preview.redd.it/5wc2gjag5xy91.jpg?width=1186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1bd4178477349e361b1dd96cdd46f874754ef9) + +The celebrities who had fallen in previous wars were already waiting for Sam + +[Does Sam get to go to crypto heaven with the likes of Do Kwon?](https://preview.redd.it/2tnqhxcu5xy91.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8918387b62ff084400437fdbcefa8ccb8b71c1) + +But CZ had other plans and resurrected Sam. + +[No crypto heaven for Sam](https://preview.redd.it/36blvr1y5xy91.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fbd1a1af921e627c77670628dc44c4b7b85a2ee) + +And so, CZ acquired FTX and Sam was forced to work for CZ until the end of his days. He kept saying "I dont want it" but CZ didnt care. + +Now the question is, will CZ burn us all? +One year ago eth was bouncing from 100 to 350 to 100. Lost tens of thousands multiple times. If you were to tell me a year ago there would be a 50% drop to $2000 today, I would not believe you. That is why it crashed so hard. Because it went up 2000 percent in a year being a large cap crypto and people didn’t want to lose their gains. You lost money because you bought into hype so start buying during this large dip and stack Ethereum for once instead of paying too much for it. Worked for me in the last bear market, if this even is one. +It has been great to see eth hold strong above 3k, and I am becoming more confident that this is going to be a very strong support level for the future. + +We can't trade sideways forever, I'm seeing us break through $3300 in the next few weeks (speculation) , what do you guys think? +There are too many bad actors in the crypto space. Just saying to be very careful and trust no one in this business (including CZ) or any business! GLTA!!! +I’m fairly new to the space and this is the first real dip I’ve witnessed so I’m tempted to go all in and scoop up as much as I can. + +What is everyone else doing? + +EDIT: It seems like all the real ones agree with my urge to unload. I’m looking forward to viewing this post a year from now, whatever way it goes. + +1/5/2022: $3,439 +Finding it interesting watching the current marker and trying to guess when we may see a bottom for ETH. + +I've seen some people say bitcoins low could be somewhere around 18-20k. So what do you think it might be for eth? + + +Thanks +I know the 30% rule isn't some static one size fits all guideline, but I would love to get some feedback. + +I currently live about 20 minutes away from my work and pay $900(including pet rent addition) a month for my current apartment. + +I've done some quick math, and realize that I spend about 190.6 hours(without factoring winter increasing time spent in car by 30% or higher sometimes both ways) in any given year just driving to work. I also use about 416 gallons of gas just for commuting to work, which costs about $1,100/yr at the given rate. + +**My question is this: If my take home, after tax and deducion pay is roughly anywhere from $2350 on the low end(no commissions or overtime) to ~$3000(w/ commissions or overtime or both) per month could I justify getting an apartment that is $1050/mo that is quite literally a 20 second jog to my work building?** + +It would cost me roughly $1800 ($700 after factoring gas) over the year to buy my time back and improve my quality of life if you consider the gas money goes straight into my pocket. The apartment in question also has free heat(live in Michigan) so it could drop that $700 number by a few hundred over the year as well. + +My job seems pretty secure, and I'm one of the better performing members of my team. I also see myself staying there for at least another year. I just feel like if I don't get overtime/commission, it gets close to that 40~50ish percent mark spent on rent. + +I have a fully funded emergency fund and I intend to purchase a property(duplex/triplex and live in one of the units) in the next couple years if that makes any difference, and this shouldn't affect my pacing as I should still be able to put away $800-$1200 per month with either option. +With the exception of those who love to buy high and sell low, who else is excited af right now at the entry level of some of this stocks and ETFs?? I've been progressively DCAing into bigger positions. + +Right now my main investment strategy capitalizes on performance dips in QQQ, a fund that tracks the Nasdaq-100 index, by buying a leveraged version of the fund (TQQQ). If the fund isn’t dipping or is coming out of a dip, the strategy invests in short-term US government bonds to minimize risk. + + +Where are you guys seeing green rn? + +https://preview.redd.it/cb2qz34mxuz81.png?width=1173&format=png&auto=webp&s=babdd6b6e5125e2eae1a733e78db464e308b2e41 +Hi there, I've noticed that in several posts people talk about reaching FI but not necessarily RE... +I thought the whole point of FI was to not to have to work anymore, so why those dates would differ? + +Thanks! +The next distribution of Moons is ready. You can claim your Moons through the Vault in the Reddit mobile app (iOS/Android). + +Moons are r/CryptoCurrency's form of [Community Points](https://reddit.com/community-points), a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions to the subreddit, and they can be used on premium features in the community. + +This distribution is based on karma earned from 2021-01-20 to 2021-02-16. [Here](https://reddit-meta-production.s3.amazonaws.com/distribution/publish/CryptoCurrency/round_10_finalized.csv) is the finalized list, with contribution scores signed by Reddit (users with no signatures yet do not have a registered Vault. They will be able to claim their Moons when they create their Vault through the Reddit app). +I have been a bit inactive lately, but i'm picking the challenge back up! If you have any more suggestions, i'd love to hear them! + + +**Nano:** + + +- Wenano: 0.016 nano ~ $0.11 +- NanoRoyale: 0.01 nano ~ $0.07 +- PlayNano: 0.005 nano ~ $0.03 + + +**Ban's:** + + +- Faucets: 30.72 ban ~ $0.73 +- Tips from community: 205 ban ~ $4.90 +- Folding@Home: (It worked!) 64.5 ban ~ $1.51 + + +**Moons:** + + +- 110 Moons ~ $7.15 + + +**Total:** + +$14.5 + + +Things that didn't work/are not available in my country: + +- Brave Browser :( +- Coinbases Earn +- Coinmarketcap Earn +- Algorand faucet (don't have small amount in balance) +Use SSO as an example (a 2x leveraged index). It has a high expense ratio and it's susceptible to leveraged decay. But the long-term numbers speak for themselves: https://stockcharts.com/freecharts/perf.php?SSO,SPY + +Let's suppose you you invest at the worst possible time in the past 20 years, September of 2007 (that's actually worse than summer of 08), and that you held until the last couple years. + +If you look at the charts (link above) which take into account fees and leveraged decay, you'll see that after 10 years it outperforms the index. More specifically, you'll see that after the crash it took the normal S&P index (SPY) 4 years to get back to 0% return, whereas it took SSO an extra 1-1.5 years (about 5-6 years from the crash), about another year (about 7 years from the crash) to catch back up to the the SPY yield, and another 4-6 more years to get close to 2x-ing the SPY (got close in 2017 and currently it's close again). Keep in mind those comparisons take as a given that you invested in the worst possible time (right before the 2008 crash) and also that the market goes up (as it did) 50% over the course of the 7 years after the crash (that's about a 6% annual average return). + +The argument, then, is that this bet makes sense given time horizons of 20-30 years. I'm willing to make the bet that on average, over the course of say 25 years, the stock market will (1) probably have a 2008 style crash (2) and then, if that happens, it would go up at least 6% annually for 7 years after the crash (if it takes more years that's fine too). + +And of course that's all absolutely worse case scenario. I expect it to do significantly better. If you'd have bought in, say, 2010, it was doubling the S&P pretty consistently over time and after 2 years (2010 onward) it was significantly above 2x maintained until the current day (because of the compounding effect). + +So the downsides of a 2x leveraged investment are offset over long periods of time even when those long periods of time include huge stock market crashes (i.e. 2008). +Well most of the time we post on what we missed losing for selling too early or buying too high; Sometimes we have to recognize what we did right or in my case, how lucky I got. Two weeks ago I received a $250k check from a house we sold. It'll be a while before we need it, so I thought- what the hell- I should be able to make a quick buck instead of just leaving it in savings. I deposited it to my brokerage account and I tried to buy 225 shares of TSLA at $1,115 or so thinking it would go back to $1200 in no time. My broker blocked the sale because of the waiting period before I could use the funds. I watched as the price went up a little bit so I was pissed.. then I watched it go down and down and down.. so even thought I could trade, I waited instead. + +TLTR: My broker saved me from at least a $60k error because I couldn't use the funds when I wanted to. +Gavin Andresen, Peter Rizun and Jihan Wu have all favorably discussed the possibility that a majority hashrate chain will attack the minority (by way of selfish mining and empty block DoS). + +This is a disgrace and stands against everything Bitcoin represents. Bitcoin is voluntary money. People use it because they choose to, not because they are coerced. + +They are basically saying that if some of us want to use a currency specified by the current Bitcoin Core protocol, it is ok to launch an attack to coax us into using their money instead. Well, no, it’s not ok, it is shameful and morally bankrupt. Even if they succeed, what they end up with is fiat money and not Bitcoin. + +True genetic diversity can be obtained only with multiple protocols coexisting side by side, competing and evolving into the strongest possible version of Bitcoin. + +This transcends the particular debate over the merits of BU vs. Core. + +For the past 1.5 years I’ve written at some length about why allowing a split to happen is the best outcome in case of irreconcilable disagreements. I implore anyone who holds a similar view to read my blog posts on the matter and reconsider their position. + +[How I learned to stop worrying and love the fork](https://fieryspinningsword.com/2015/08/25/how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-fork/) + +[I disapprove of Bitcoin splitting, but I’ll defend to the death its right to do it](https://fieryspinningsword.com/2016/02/13/i-dont-want-bitcoin-to-split-but-ill-defend-to-death-its-right-to-do-it/) + +[And God said, “Let there be a split!” and there was a split.](https://fieryspinningsword.com/2016/08/03/and-god-said-let-there-be-a-split-and-there-was-a-split/) +I'm purchasing a duplex which is my first property at 136k. I will be living in one unit and inheriting a tenant who pays $700 a month in rent. + +I have the option to put as little as 10% down. Would this be a good move? Is it generally better to put less money down to increase the greatest value of return? + +I had anticipated putting 20% down until a lender told me I was eligible for a first time home buyer's program and could put less money down at a lower interest rate of 2.875%. Obviously my monthly payments will be more and I will have a low PMI of $30/month, but which ever route I take, I will not be living for "free" based on the rent of the tenant. I will still have to pay regardless if I put 10% or 20% down. I would like to only stay here no more than a couple years before moving on and renting out my unit. Then is when the rent from both would more than cover the mortgage. What would you do? + +Any and all advice is appreciated!! Financing is a huge deal and it's stressing me out. +Hi, + +Looking for professional advice here. The mortgage for our primary residence is in my wife's name only - I'm nowhere on the mortgage. I do real estate investing on the side, so DTI is very important for my ability to finance. How do lenders look at this situation? Will they add the monthly mortgage payment to my housing costs even though I'm not technically on the hook for it? +I've had mixed experience in the past: some mortgage brokers included the mortgage cost on the app and some did not. It hasn't mattered so far because my DTI was good enough either way so I didnt really argue with them. But now I've reached a point where it would make a difference. +Does anyone have any (preferably professional) insight? +Hello, + +Considering buying a duplex in terrible condition. You name it this place has it, mold in the walls, roof is completely shot and has been leaking for 1-2 years. Ceiling collapsed in certain places, needs new flooring, doors, windows, bathroom overhaul, kitchen overhaul in both units. + +I have a friend who used to live in one of the units, he let me know that it was actually condemned by the county. + +The previous owner is taking a roughly 30k loss on the property. + +Wondering if I could address the roof first, and renovate one side get it rented then slowly do the other side? + +Occupancy in the neighborhood is pretty good and each side could net roughly $700. + +&#x200B; +TL;DR: Assuming net financials are roughly the same, is it better to have a property with more doors or *fewer* doors? Ie, if I can buy a triplex that will net me $3,000 a month or a SFH that will net me $3,000 a month, which is better? + +Hi everyone, + +I'm laying the ground work to buy a first rental in the coming year to eighteen months. + +Long story short, I've been working in corporate finance for about ten years, hitting the 401(k)s, bought a home and so on, and now I'm looking to real estate as a next step to build wealth, create an alternative career path, and get me out of being chained to my corporate desk until retirement age. It also doesn't hurt that my wife and I are expecting our first baby in about a month... that certainly puts things in a whole new perspective. + +All that to say, as I'm socking away cash for a down payment(s), I'm doing research and running numbers on listings I'm finding online (mostly LoopNet). + +One item I haven't seen addressed in a way that seems exhaustive is the question of balancing the (at least perceived) decrease in vacancy risk of multiple doors vs the higher maintenance "hassle" of additional tenants. + +In other words, I imagine that, if you have more doors, the risk of you having vacancy rates so high that you become cashflow negative would seem to go down. That's a positive attribute. On the flip side, more doors = more tenants = more tenant issues, right? + +How do you guys go about balancing these seemingly opposing ideas? Or am I missing something else that supersedes this consideration? + +Thanks for any insight and thoughts in advance! + +P.S. I'll probably be posting more newbie questions on here soon-- sorry in advance! + +*edited to replace "more doors" with "fewer doors" in an attempt to look less stupid. +The seller got all the permits to build a detached 3 unit structure but after the fact could not get the zoning approved because of neighbors. Am I allowed to purchase and rent out the units anyway ? It will be common water and common electric so tenants will be ready to move in as soon as I take over . My strategy is to buy and hold for rental income but only if there’s no issues buying this property. +A little background on this: someone handed me a business card recently that just said "Investing Psychologist." While I've never met someone that marketed themselves this way and thought it was kind of strange, it did get me thinking. The subject is fascinating, and yes, I know there are whole books about it. Lots of maxims float around too (see: Be brave when everyone else is afraid; be afraid when everyone else is brave, etc.). + + +But I'm more interested in how these ideas work in real life. What are some cool or unexpected things you've learned about investing psychology? Doesn't matter how--books, experience, words of a self-proclaimed guru, everything counts. Also, if any of you are Investing Psychologists, or choose to brand yourself this way, I'm super interested in hearing from you! +I actively monitor several smaller 2nd/3rd tier markets and right now there are bidding wars on anything that might potentially cash flow. + +Is it really possible to make good investments in real estate right now from a non fix and flip perspective? + +How are people actually making the numbers works? +A friend and I are considering purchasing land in Mexico. Why shouldn't we do it? What risks should we consider? + + +We are a Spaniard and a bilingual American, so language is not a problem. +Good morning- I currently own a 3 family (owner occupied) that has about 500k in equity, 450k balance locked in 2% interest rate. I have a HELOC I used for renovations with a balance of 80k and the interest rate varies. I’m looking to get another property, what is the best way to do this? Pay down the HELOC and use that again? I don’t want to refinance as I’m locked in at a great mortgage rate. Any advice is greatly appreciated +I'm ready to buy a primary house to move in and make my current house to be a rental property. However, My dilemma is that housing price is going up really high during this pandemic as compared to last year and hesitate to buy a house now. + +I was expecting it will go down but due to no foreclosures and evictions, there are not much bargain houses out there to supply demands, so available houses' prices are very competitive among the buyers. I still feel like this could be a housing bubble. It might pop when people realize the housing prices are way higher than they should be and stop buying. + + My question is should I wait to buy a house till next year or housing prices won't come down for a while duding this Covid pandemic? How are you guys doing in terms of expanding your portfolio? +I currently have a STR in TX. Last year I made about $35K profit after everything. This year haven’t even made $10K, spent about $6K on new furniture and a new management team, so from July - September it was vacant. Had a month long listing from September - October and only made $1200. Which means I was still in the negatives because my mortgage is $1300, electricity + water about $150 on average a month. At this point should I give it more time or switch to LTR. It’s a 3bed/2bath completely renovated so I believe in this current market and the location I could get about $1700 for it. Not a huge cash flow but then I wouldn’t be paying the mortgage anymore and losing money. My fiancé and I live OCONUS and We are looking at moving back stateside in April. Should I give it until April to get momentum or just put the furniture in storage and rent it as a LTR to save more cash before we move back? TIA +I'm selling an investment property to a real estate investor in my small town. We signed a contract to sell the house for $270,000 a few months back and the contract is set to close on Monday. + +Now, we get a settlement statement this morning in advance of Monday's closing that has the contract sales price of $230,000 with $40,000 in personal property. Obviously, we did not agree to these terms to begin with and it feels like tax fraud to me. FWIW, this is a cash sale. + +Can anyone provide guidance. Is this normal? +So, I just bought a place and will be renting out the rooms and I had convinced myself that 20% is what's needed for safety. I also thought PMI was the boogeyman and should be avoided at all costs. It's still going to cash flow fairly nicely, but it seems like nobody is putting that much down. Do you typically just try to put as little down as possible? Why do some investors buy all cash? + +Part of me is trying to find solace in the fact that I might have put down tens of thousands more than I needed. +Good morning- I currently own a 3 family (owner occupied) that has about 500k in equity, 450k balance locked in 2% interest rate. I have a HELOC I used for renovations with a balance of 80k and the interest rate varies. I’m looking to get another property, what is the best way to do this? Pay down the HELOC and use that again? I don’t want to refinance as I’m locked in at a great mortgage rate. Any advice is greatly appreciated +I have found a good deal on an 8 plex for 1.1M. Per my banker "I could qualify for 10, 1 unit houses for 10 million but that doesnt matter they dont like or do over 4 units homes." + +So i started searching and this is a really common issue and have basically had no luck (some ridiculous hard money lenders have offered but i dont want the 8 plex that bad). + +Lenders basically have said its too big for "normal" loans but not big enough for commercial products or its not their "thing" + +Any advice? Thanks in advance. +My father owns a lot thats roughly 7000 square feet \(0.16 acres\) in the downtown area of where I'm from. I'm looking to potentially knock down an old storage building and turn the property into a 2\-story, 16\-unit apartment complex. I've already met the local zoning ordinance manager at the property and there shouldn't be any problems in regards to the city allowing a complex at the location of that size. Apparently, based on the lot, I'm maxed out at 16 units. They wouldn't allow me to build any more. Just wanted to get others' input on these rough numbers and get some feedback: + +16\-unit Apartment Complex \(2 story: 8/8; 1\-bedroom, 1\-bathroom units\) + +625 square foot units x 16 units = 10,000 square feet + +Multiply by 1.05 to add common area \(i.e. hallways, entry, etc\) = 10500sq ft across 2 stories + +Total footprint = 5250 sq feet \(roughly 72ft by 72 ft\) + +Approximate Yearly Insurance Cost: $4000 \- \- \- \> $333/mo + +Estimated Yearly Property Taxes: $15,000 \- \- \- \> $1250/mo + +Trash Removal Monthly: $125/mo + +Snow Removal/Other Maintenance: $150/mo + +$675,000 Loan Over 20 years @5.75&#37; = $4740/mo + +Monthly Expenses Total: **$6848/mo** + +Monthly Rent: 575/mo per unit \- \- \- \> $9200/mo rental income + +Account for 5&#37; vacancy \- \- \- \> **$8740/mo rental income** + +**Monthly Profit: $1892** + +Tenants would pay gas/electric/water bills. I won't be hiring a property manager; I'm potentially partnering with a long\-time friend of mine to go into this avenue long term \(we're both 30\). My estimates on the insurance and property taxes are going to be very accurate... my sister owns a 14\-unit complex that is literally right next to this location and I know what she's paying. Her apartments were built approximately 15 years ago. + +My estimate of cost to construct would be $750,000. I'd plan on putting $75,000 down and getting a loan for $675,000. I wrote down 5.75&#37; as an interest rate, but I'm assuming I could do better than that\(?\). Again, rough numbers here. If it helps, the property is in central Michigan. $575/month rent for a 1\`\-bedroom place is the market rate around here \(or at least very close\). + +Any thoughts on any of the above would be helpful. I'm in the early stages and trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks. + +Update: + +Bad News: Based on early feedback, my construction estimate of 750k is likely low. $850-900k is probably more realistic. + +Good News: I based my rental income per unit estimate at $575/month based on currently available one bedroom apartments; most of which aren’t very nice. I could probably get $650 to $700/month in this area on newly constructed units. +I'm very much interested in purchasing real estate in Mexico or South America. As American Real Estate prices surge and currency exchange between America and countries south of the border remain consistent. I feel like the best bang for my buck literally in terms of geographically arbitraging my money is to invest down there. + +If I can take profits from my real estate up here and invest down there for cash flow I can imagine I'd be on a faster ticket to early retirement than I expected. + +But I want to see if there is any one who is experienced as a US citizen but owns properties down there? +How does becoming profitable actually work? I am just here to lay out some points that seem contradictory to me, and I'm looking for some arguments against my points. + +-If everyone has access to the same technical analysis theorums, why doesn't everyone make money? If everyone made money, wouldnt that completely break the system? Stock markets are intrinsically unpredictable. You can literally flip a coin and that would outperform or match all indicators. Some of the most profitable traders have a 20% hit rate but are still in the green, which means that trading is more about risk management than technical astrology. I'm looking into multiple market theories and it seems that the only people who can make actual empirical, justified trades are extreme mathematicians (Jim Simon's medallion fund), and hedge funds. + +-the c0eurses (sorry for spelling, bot thinks I'm trying to sell something) . If daytrading is truly profitable, why are there so many c0eurses? If you had a way to consistently predict the market, you wouldn't be selling a c0eurse, or hell even running a youtube channel for the sweet adsense. You essentially own a real life gta money glitch. Like Jim Simon's medallion fund, their techniques are closed off and rightly so. I know that for every sector of business there are c0eurses, But daytrading is on a whole different level. It seems the allure of buy low sell high on some spikey line bois makes for a better business model of selling c0eurses than the actual practice itself. + +-The 5% argument: "95% of day traders lose money, 5% make money which means there must be skill and work involved". Statistically speaking, this is completely normal for a small outlier to be profitable with the absence of any skill at all. You can throw a bunch of monke from r/wsb, and it's proven time and time again that some people do get rich for no reason. It's essentially a survivorship bias in a way - losses never get talked about and outsized returns are attributed to skill by confirmation bias. + + +here's a plagiarized quote from a fellow redditor: + +"The idea that “someone” is profitable day trading is the wrong way to look at it. Even a tilted casino game can have long term repeat winners, given enough players and enough time. + +If a million monkeys started making trades, one or two of them would beat the market for years and years. You could look at their past trading history and see all their gains." + +I'm not shitting on daytrading. I know that people make money from daytrading, and thst it's a real thing so I just want answers to some of the contradictions I found. +You've gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need. Think about it. What's your end game? to be drowning in tendies while everyone is getting fucked? is that what you want? For everyone except you to lose everything? Being a bear poisons the soul. You are there in your little studio apartment, staring at the yahoo finance screen waiting for everything to get fucked? for the US to launch a nuclear war? For auto makers and tech companies to post bad guidances? + +Well you know what? Fuck you. All these mornings when the futures start badly but recoup their losses. Fuck you when we've had the longest bull run in history. Fuck you for betting against your own interests and fuck you for being poor. + +Stonks always go up. Always. +Hey guys! My mom is absolutely horrendous with money, we used to be homeless, she is 30k in debt, has bad spending habits, is relying on us for her retirement, and has no idea how to budget. + +I (20F) got kicked out when I was 17 and had to learn FAST how to manage money otherwise I would be on the streets again, so I kicked it into high gear and have learned so much about money out of necessity and do well for myself. + +I live on my own and I managed to save $61k by myself, I have 55k in investments, a fully funded Roth IRA, a 401k, an HSA, 6 months of funds saved up in case of an emergency, etc. + +I am always learning more, but I think I am financially literate enough to teach my siblings about money so they don't go down the same path my mom has. I try to sneak in investment talk here and there to get them interested, and my brother is starting to ask more questions which I love. + +I know no one else is going to be able to teach them about money in their family- their dad is an alcoholic and our mom has no self control when it comes to money, so my question is what should I teach them now at this age to ensure they have a grasp on money once they get older? + +I know I should include- + +1. Credit cards, only use a small amount and pay it off RIGHT AWAY. Build credit and get points but that is it! Staying out of debt. +2. Save as much as possible- you cant afford it until you can pay for it twice. +3. Emergency fund- have 3-6 months of expenses saved up. +4. Investing once you turn 18, and show them how to invest in stocks (ex. put $100 in today, tomorrow it is $95, next week it is $110). +5. Another one is funding their Roth IRA as much as possible, show them the power of the compounding amounts over 15 vs 40 years. + +TL:DR- What other principals are important to instill in young ones? I am moving across the country in the next month and won't be able to see them nearly as much as I do now. +I'm in trouble and looking for advice. +I had some unexpected expenses this month and I don't have the money to pay my rent. +I've been trying to get a loan but i have terrible credit so I need a guarantor. + +The problem is I moved to the UK 9 months ago so I don't know anyone. + +I have asked and pleaded with family, friends and strangers. I don't even think I'd qualify for a guarantor loan at this point but it's my only option. + +I really need advice. +Hi, + +I started work at my Job in June this year. + +I've not taken much leave this year because of the pandemic. + +I have 12 days worth saved up, and my job is saying that I have to take it by Dec 31st or lose it? + +is this correct? I thought the annual leave would be calculated based on when i started or the tax year, not the new year. + +I'd rather be paid for my untaken time off instead of take it (what am I going to do with 12 days off in tier 3??) but they say I can't do that either. + +is there anything I can do or is it at the discretion of the employer? + +Thanks +Hi all, + +Want to start off this post by saying this is for my Mum... To give you a bullet point breakdown of her scenario this is where she is at atm... + +* Currently going through a divorce +* Quit her work when she was around 30 years of age to look after myself and my siblings (4 children in total) +* Back in work at the moment as a support teacher earning around £20,000 ish a year from what I understand +* 0 in her own personal pension as her and R (my bio father but due to personal circumstances I don't see him that way, so we'll just refer to him as R at the moment) were going to be saving into a joint pension, but now due to the way the divorce is going, the agreement has been she gets the full value of the house sale and he keeps the pension (solicitors are already in place and have been throughout the entire process) +* Has very little money if not 0 money spare, but has a VERY small amount of savings, I'm not sure of the amount but I am aware there is something there < £10,000, but > £5,000 +* 55 years of age +* Assets of current... House (which is now sold for £530,000), Car and various possessions in the house +* Work has offered to pay for an Open University degree in teaching/science/law which she is currently deciding what to take up, I've suggested law as she has done a huge amount of her own work towards the divorce to save on solicitor costs and she actually quite likes it, so this could potentially be something she could get into work wise to earn more money + + +I'm wanting to help her out with this money as much as possible and have floated ideas around with her on what she could do to maximise this money she will have. + +Objectives I had in mind were as follows... + +* Invest money in such a way that could bring forward a long term passive and 80% > stable income/revenue maker that could then be used to invest further to develop more +* Help her get into a financial position to relieve stress +* Get something in place to place into a pension of some kind or another for long term +* Generate more to place into a savings account + + +As of current, I've come up with the following idea plan in mind... + +* Once house is sold, use excess money to buy out of mortage £55,000 +* Current property prices around the area we reside in for a 2 bedroom house average around £340,000. +* We have found several properties in a particular area that fit this price, and the area is known as a highly wanted rental area, so buying this property and then to get one up to scratch would take around £40,000. +* Rent out the property to earn money... + + +Now this is where I'm wondering on what would be the best thing to do with the remaining £80,000 + +Myself and another sibling have already moved out, so she is currently only needing enough space for 3 people in total. (her and 2 of my siblings) + +Would she be better of with... + +a. Placing the majority of this money into investments/bonds/savings? Leaving some left over to mortgage a house she can live in and use the profit from the other house to pay for mortgage? + +b. Fill up the ISA to the £15,000 limit and use additional money on the house to reduce cost of mortgage? + +c. Something else that I haven't thought of yet? + + + +Looking for decent, honest advice that could make or break it for my Mum, I'll always be there for her and provide a roof over her head when I have the financial income I want to have (myself and my brother are currently traveling, upon arriving back into the UK, me and my brother could either look for a place together, or move into the property she will acquire and rent it from her) + +Thanks all. + + + +Edit: I realise now I was a bit naive with my first question 🤦‍♂️ + +My Dad (retired) wants to open a joint account with me (probably Monzo). I guess I have two questions about this: + +1. This is to do with inheritance tax, so rather than transferring me a lump sum now and waiting for the 7 year cut off (and he can’t access the money any more), he can use the joint account and deposit the lump sum there now. This way he can still get access to the money. I won’t use it much if at all. Then when 7 years pass from this year, the whole amount in the joint account won’t be liable for inheritance tax. Is my understanding correct? That the tax only applies to deposits made within 7 years of passing? +2. I am looking to take out a mortgage as a FTB in the next 4-6 months. I understand that joint accounts link our credit histories together. My dad has never taken on debt besides a mortgage (paid off about 20 years ago). He doesn’t even have a credit card. Is this a bad idea? My Dad is very good with money but I realise that having no credit lines might make him untrustworthy to mortgage lenders. + +We’re both very open about our money, incomes, and expenses etc. so the transparency of joint accounts isn’t an issue. + +Thanks! +I was getting frustrated with all the posts and comments about high it's a good idea to move out of equities and into a more cash-heavy position given that the stock market is at all-time highs. + +So I collected monthly S&P and CPI inflation data since 1871. + +I calculated the forward 5-year real return for each month, adjusted for inflation, with reinvested dividends. + +I also calculated the percentage by which the index was currently below the record high at the time. + +Those two values are not correlated to each other. On average, you can expect to get 7% real returns whether we are at a record high or whether we are 40% below it. "Waiting for a dip" doesn't improve your expected returns. + +Scatterplot: http://imgur.com/cZ9B7h1 + +Notice the R^2 value of 0.0189. That means that less than 2% of the variation in 5-year real return can be explained by the current index level, relative to the current record. +I'm soon to be fully out of debt, and so will begin having more disposable income. With that, I'd like to start donating to a few charities. + +While obviously totally down to saving/investing goals, situation, personal preference and ideology, I was keen to hear what kind of percentages other people give to charity, as a bit of a yardstick. + +Thanks! +It’s very interesting reading over this and other subs with influx of new people wasting their time and energy on trying to explain daily move without looking at the big picture , the biggest difference you will spot between people with and without experience is that after you been investing for a while you stop carrying what is happening and why day to day or even month to month , you just accept randomness of market with millions buyers and sellers who all have their own goals and plans and insensitive doing their thing and sometimes they buy more and sometimes they sell more, life goes on. + +So , let’s look at the big picture to understand why we going to have a crazy bull run that’s been happening since 2013 ( some argue 2020 was reset , but imo it was event driven violent pullback and rally back with same intensity , I would argue until we go down -20% and stay there for couple month bull market is not dead ) + +1. + +XLF , financial ETF, you know, boomer shit like banks etc no sexy SQ or PayPal fin tech, we broke off 2007 top we had pre 2008 explosion when ETF still had BS and Lehman , spreads benefits banks and good for profits and if the banks are making money it’s good for market , I don’t think we ever had a serious market issues if banking sector doing good + +2. Euro 600 + +STOXX 600, dead money for 20 years and we finally past 2000 peak , could be false breakout but we shall see, euro full of boomer shit like banks and old economy companies , I am not super bullish on them but why not own them at cheaper valuation then USA ,half the people who jerk off to Warren B would love to try to dumpster dive and pick nuggets or just buy who basket + +3. Japan and emerging markets + +Both outperformed sp500 in 2020. Japan , out of all indexes , hard to be bear when even that part of world working + +4. QQQ + +“ Rising rates are bad for tech “ bullshit , sure some idiotic things will be killed , sorry if you decided to go all in on car company valued at 1 mil per car sold ever , it’s probably overpriced but we don’t care, find support group where you tell each other in circles how it’s tech/energy/ self-driving company , for other people exhibit A: + +Last rate hike cycle and rates going up, fall 2015 to fall 2018, rates were up 40% on relative basis , QQQ was up 90%+, so tech will be fine but some priced to perfection and overhyped stocks will be killed, oh well , they all did insane 2020, don’t feel bad for them + +5. Absolutely insane amount of Fiscal support for masses +In 2008 we saved banks and let everyone get killed, in 2020 we send people UBI checks , didn’t let them get for closed on, expanded unemployment benefits and gave tax breaks for people with kids, it could never be more different then last recession and it’s hard to be a bear when Americans have the highest savings rate in the history of this country ever with trillions of $$$ of liquidity flying around the world looking what assets to get into + + + +In the early days of the Twentieth Century, when J.P. Morgan ruled Wall Street, a visitor came to the City. He was a long-time friend of Morgan, a commodity trader from Chicago. He was what might be called a “perma bear” following the Panic of 1907. No matter how high or low the stock market went, his outlook was pessimistic. Another crash, panic and depression were just around the corner. +This was his first visit to the world’s greatest city. He arrived at 23 Wall Street, and was ushered into J.P.’s spacious office overlooking the Exchange on one side and George Washington’s statue on the other. +They immediately began talking about the markets, Morgan being bullish as ever, and his commodity friend being as bearish as ever. “J.P.,” he said, “the news overseas doesn’t look too good.” +“A buying opportunity!” responded Morgan. +After an hour of friendly disputing about the markets, Morgan invited his guest to join him for lunch. They walked outside and started moving up toward Broadway. As they did so, his friend couldn’t help but admire the skyscrapers that dotted the Manhattan horizon. Morgan gave him a tour of the giant buildings, pointing out the Singer Building, the Woolworth Building across from City Hall, the famous three-sided Flatiron Building, and the recently completed Met Life Tower, rising 50 stories high, the tallest skyscraper in the world at the time. +His friend was duly impressed,. He said he had never seen anything like it, not even in Chicago. +Finally, J.P. Morgan stopped his friend and said, “Funny thing about these skyscrapers – not a single one was built by a bear!” + +Positions : + +100% stocks since 2012, mix of VTI and VXUS , 2% BTC +I wrote this for LinkedIn in an attempt to share with other about a company I like. I thought I'd share it here as well to contribute and engage with this amazing community. Let me know what I got wrong. I'll make corrections so it's most helpful. + +# GameStop, most fun I've had all year + +GameStop’s 2021 drama is my favorite! It is the most fascinating tale I’ve seen in decades! Indulge me for 10 minutes and I’ll set the table for this dramatic feast. This true underdog story has everything – heartless villains, crushing betrayals, warm fuzzies, humor, suspense, inspiring heroes and so many memes. + +<speculation>GameStop (GME) will be talked about in marketing and finance classrooms for the next century. </speculation> + +If you are already familiar with this story, skip to the foreshadowing section. + +## The Setup + +In 2019, the “dying brick and mortar” store was going the way of Blockbuster and Sears. COVID was shutting down the world and GameStop looked like the perfect company to sell short (bet the stock price would go down). It’s laundry list was longer than a CVS receipt, it’s debt piled high and it showed no ability to adapt to a future dominated by ecommerce. + +[Ryan Cohen Tweet 6\/3 at 12:39 💀](https://preview.redd.it/dfgkxxg0p7i71.jpg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e703bcb7763fa1d7b36dbc019a83a6d99d47b758) + +The villains in this story are a cacophony of Wall Street hedge funds, market makers and media outlets. They shorted every share available, created synthetic shares and shorted those, sending GME’s short interest way past 100%. Que the evil master plan music: Step 1, lower GME’s stock price. Step 2, GME can’t raise much money. Step 3, GME defaults on debt and goes bankrupt. Step 4, the band of bad billionaires bag buckets of tax-free bucks...#sorrynotsorry #wrecklessalliteration + +[2008, when Wall St. was rewarded with taxpayer money for doing a bad job.](https://preview.redd.it/8tt6eia4p7i71.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f5125747e1d20ada0933cb4dd3e2c2b1125ef1) + +This evil plan was working. At the start of 2019, GME’s market cap was $1.6B, by April 2020, it was $180M - an 89% decrease. While this is happening, Dr. Michael Burry (The Big Short movie), sees an opportunity and calls attention to it. Burry makes some money, but ends up playing a minor role. As Burry fades out, my personal favorite character enters the picture - the man, the legend, Mr. Keith Gill aka Roaring Kitty aka [**u/DeepFuckingValue**](http://www.reddit.com/u/DeepFuckingValue). + +[Keith Gill becomes legendary with his yolo updates.](https://preview.redd.it/eo49du56p7i71.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb44008910234bdaea3035e13e1d882c93c64142) + +Keith Gill is our likable hero. An unlikely phoenix rising from personal loss and professional setbacks. As a complete unknown, he takes on Wall Street. He builds a bull case for GameStop and takes heaps of criticism for it. + +However, Gill’s intelligent and polite discourse convinces a handful of investors (Apes) to see the potential. Then late in 2020, GameStop lands its ringer – Ryan Cohen – the successful businessman who founded and sold Chewy.com. Cohen saw the opportunity and purchased 12% of GME. This is like when Emilio Estevez checks the zip codes, and the Mighty Ducks snag the league’s best player. + +[Turnaround stories are not just dumb luck](https://preview.redd.it/msi7yyk7p7i71.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55a5592ba65e56996517eaf1f415b36dad18b6e) + +So you have this ragtag gang of GameStop investors (and a couple legit smart ones) facing off with a handful of hedge funds with all the data, hundreds of billions of dollars, political connections and influence in the media. + +## The End Game’s Foreshadow + +So how’s this going to end? That’s the $70 trillion dollar question. I’ve followed this drama since January, and I believe there is enough foreshadowing to predict the outcome. + +As the new Chairman of the Board, Ryan Cohen refreshed GameStop’s leadership with ecommerce talent from Amazon and Chewy's. Then GameStop started putting on a clinic. Godin talks about it as building a tribe. When you know your customer, you can communicate the most engaging message on the most effective medium. Cohen and company are already excellent at this, but now, they are leveraging 1) GameStop’s true underdog story, 2) fantasy fulfillment, and 3) community. + +### 1) A True Underdog Story + +Like Carmine Gallo says, everyone loves seeing the little guy defy all odds and rise victorious. There is something that makes us want to root for the underdog. In this case, every investor is the little guy. + +[Talk about seeing yourself in this story.](https://preview.redd.it/4adbl8abp7i71.jpg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d165f59e8a999b213057ab32071605ecb1ad4158) + +### 2) Fantasy Fulfillment + +One of the basic reasons people play games is to experience something that is otherwise impossible - explore alien planets, race biplanes, manage football clubs, etc. In most games the player assumes the lead role and struggles for their cause against all odds. The GameStop situation is this IRL. Everyday people caught a moassaurus \[sic\*\] trying to destroy their favorite video game retailer. Now they’ve got a full nelson locked in and are waiting. + +[Fav scene from the movie The Big Short.](https://preview.redd.it/lonq5nwdp7i71.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3504f3c9cd3e46db78c3b588a0b9c4d0e254d461) + +### 3) Community + +Dr. Michael Burry said there will never be another GameStop situation. That is probably true for several reasons. The pandemic caused isolation like we’ve never seen before. Keith Gill, Ryan Cohen and the legion of apes started a movement people could join. It’s given meaning to some, motivation to others. Many investors have [**grown a few wrinkles**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) in our polished smooth brains and everyone’s had more laughs than could fit in a jar of mayo. + +## Conclusion + +There is [**good evidence**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxjv1n/google_survey_update_gme_ownership_w_aapl_control/) that Wall Street firms have sold so many fake shares, that attempting to close their positions would bankrupt all of them. Can they hang on long enough for GameStop to go bankrupt? + +GameStop is in a completely different place than it was at the start of 2021. It now has no debt, over $1 billion dollars of cash, new leadership, exciting NFT projects, and a marketing funnel that would make Apple jealous. + +[Left: Normal | Right: The funnel marketers want to present to the CEO.](https://preview.redd.it/saug6xwhp7i71.jpg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d3b47282b0d78b0d3054a04602f48b5c945cb2) + +On all accounts, Cohen’s proven himself as trustworthy and capable of achieving what he sets out to do. Whatever all his tweets mean, the GME tribe deciphers them, comes up with wild theories immediately, and enjoys every bit of it. + +[Cohen tweets utter brilliance to Apes. Completely random to Snakes\*\*](https://preview.redd.it/cqfz96bkp7i71.jpg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e80639fb3f8a7587bb51723df82d05bd39e3fef6) + +The thing that seals the deal for me, is the Apes who are buying anything and everything from GameStop. If their mom or husband or boss sends them something from Amazon, they return it and buy it from #GameStop. If they host a birthday party for their kid, the party favors are GameStop gift cards. Ask any marketer and they’ll say word of mouth is the best advertising. + +Are there enough of these Apes to make a difference? I think so. GameStop’s 1st quarter net sales, the only full quarter so far with these apes, increased 25%. + +<speculation>This game is over, the clock just hasn’t run out yet.</speculation> If all of this is new to you, I encourage you to have a look #GME. I’ve learned more about capital markets than I did in my finance classes and I’ve had way more fun! + +## Discussion + +Let’s discuss, what do you think I got right? What did I get wrong? What did I completely miss? I’m particularly interested in hearing from other marketing professionals, what do you see? + +## Disclaimer + +I am not a financial advisor and none of this is financial advice. I own GME and I like the stock. + +[Apes be eating this content up.](https://preview.redd.it/qkujagulp7i71.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02239ba8f67edd2891765cdbb025f7d41b6eeb50) + +\* Yes, I’m calling myself out for misspelling a fictitious dinosaur. + +\*\* Not everyone is a snake who things his tweets are random...the rhyme just worked ok? + +This article on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gamestop-most-fun-ive-had-all-year-michael-shipe-mba/?trackingId=SsrDyeg%2BCXEsuvR2tIwdxQ%3D%3D) if any Apes want to connect. +Just looking for guidance to some good websites for further research. I'm NSW if that helps. + +I'm looking at possibly buying land and building for my first property. The house will be used as a home, not an investment property. Houses sell for approximately 400K for 3 bedroom/1 bath. If I can find land for ~220K, can I build a house for around 180-200K? Ive looked at a few builders and there are definitely builders offering it. (would link but on mobile) Is it a no brainer building on land for 420K rather than buying a place for around 400k? + +Any advice is appreciated. + +Edit: Thanks everyone for the advice. +Hi as per title Im in a sort of strange position. Ive got a okay paying full time job making roughly 100k a year. My expenses are rather low. Recently my rental lease ended and Ive veen dabbling into the idea of home ownership. + +Ive found my ideal block of land and builder and the total price Im looking at needing to fork out is about 500k. + +My big issue is that I dont have a huge deposit but my parents are willing at putting their home up as guarantors. + +Through my mortgage broker it looks like I can secure a loan through westpacs flexi first homeloan with this method. Im close to submitting it all but Ive been stressed as of late thinking about all the what ifs. + +Am I stressing out over nothing... or am I going about things the wrong way? +I have officially paid off a $10,000 credit card, it took a year of shitty eating, no going out, but its gone! + +I have also been doing repayments for a $40,000 debt from a family issue in the shape of a personal loan through a bank. + +* ## MINIMUM PAYMENT ## +* Payments P/W : $250 +* Payments P/M : $1000 +* Interest Charged P/M : $500 +* Net ammt paying off: $500 + +This above is my only debt and the debt will be paid in full by 2024. + +I know the correct answer to this is more than likely, GRIND for another 3-4 years, but is there something i can do to better do this. + +Should i pay just the minimum repayment, or is there a better option for me, i have cut everything i dont need out of my budget, and i do have around $150 per week left over. + +I cant balance transfer it to a CC due to current credit rating (which would have been ideal) $500p/w x52 weeks is $26k, paid in less than 2 years.... i can only hope + +Any help is appreciated +Hi everybody, not sure if this is the right sub to ask this but here goes... +Ive applied for a job and got interviewed at a startup. Theyve been in business for 1.5 yrs and currently have 8 employees. Im luckily in a place where I can take a chance on working for a company that is not large and currently in its start up phase but if the company financials are not good i would probably pass on the job. + +Is this ok to ask during the interview? Is there a way I should phrase the questions? + +Edit: +Thanks for all he responses. Still reading through them all. + +Quick clarification - maybe "startup" was not the right word. It is not VC funded. It is just a guy who started a consulting business on his own. Not sure if that changes your responses. +And comments are all like "bye bye Ethereum". + +What a bunch of dumb assholes. + +Smart Contracts were never good enough or interesting. + +Ethereum is formed because of the lack of Smart Contract functionality in Bitcoin, + +Ethereum grows really big, + +and now Bitcoiners are all like "hey, we want smart contracts toooooooo". + + +Oh, so now Smart Contracts are suddenly interesting? + +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Weekly MACD turn green for the first time since bear market started !!! + +https://i.redd.it/epvesd3wpwx11.png + +in addition ,ETH/BTC weekly chart ....1 confirmation(almost completed) ->green MACD , a second confirmation would be yellow bear line crossing.If happen $400 ETH before xmas imo + +https://i.redd.it/nrcl9wxupwx11.png + +edit: + +3 more things supporting bullish scenario ,we have 6 red months in a row,without any correction !!! (this is very rare) Second, we are at 86% from ATH.Third,weekly RSI is only 36,2y low and pointing up .All those +already crossed green weekly MACD gives you a very good r/R ratio [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/riskrewardratio.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/riskrewardratio.asp) + +&#x200B; + +The only thing that bothers me is that we haven't seen yet "Despair" phase in bcore chart. +I would like to be able to speak for everyone when I say we all love and respect you for everything you have done to get us where we are today. Instead of looking at this as you stepping down I petition you look at it as a vacation! You have worked long and hard day in and day out providing us with some of the best DD being pushed out. People I know have literally changed their mindset on this particular stock purely based on what you have posted... you are an inspiration to us all and I sure hope the next ape that takes your spot temporarily is even half as collected as you were. + +And as far as the talk of you disappointing people you might as well stop that now any true Ape will completely without a doubt understand and respect your decision to keep you and your loved ones safe and sound. So as I said you just kick your feet up and enjoy the vacation and let the rest of us apes take charge and rise up and complete the largest transfer of wealth in history ! 💎🤷🏼‍♂️💎=🚀🌙 + +Edit: By the way I am still new to posting so please be gentle this is mainly an appreciation post for our friend pixel so please give it the attention it deserves and don’t let it get downvoted. + +Edit: The downvotes are crazy thanks to everyone for keeping it up as long as it has been 🥲 + +Edit: Every ape has their place and value in this movement even the apes with only fractions of a share ! + +Edit: I don’t know if this is common or not but I’ve gotten notifications for comments that aren’t popping up when opened my guess is they get downvoted just as hard as this post is ! + +Edit: If anyone hasn’t noticed yet what we are experiencing is just like the movie margin call . Be first , Be the smartest , or cheat . They thought they were the smartest but they aren’t they’ve tried to cheat but it doesn’t work the only other option is to cover their positions before the others to beat the odds in the end the price is ours to choose . So as for me I shall buy more and hold because I like the stock and strongly believe it will reach never before seem heights ! 💎🤷🏼‍♂️💎=🚀🚀🚀🚀🌙💰🦍💰 + +Edit: Any added information is always welcome I will do what I can to help promote that information! + +Edit: It has been brought to my attention that pixel was more so just recycling other reddit users work and calling it his own on top of self branding/promoting. If anyone can help shed some light it would be much appreciated. If anything is false it should be corrected. As always every ape had a place here. + +Edit: Don’t forget that every single ape Anywhere from a fraction of a shared to 10,000 + shares is important valued and very much appreciated especially by this smooth brained ape 🤘🏼 + +Edit: Upvote And share any kind of positivity right now and you will see the full affect of the downvoting bots. I made an appreciation post in towards shareholders specifically got my first award and some positive feedback and within 10 minutes of the first award got banned from posting and commenting in WSB for 30 days. I guess shareholder is being very valuable and appreciated is not the bees knees . + +Edit: most importantly and please remember when it comes to positions and expected dates to keep it to yourself or speak with others in person because silence is truly key. +The logic seems to be that since my wife didn't have earned income, was not a student, and was not disabled, she should have been able to take care of the kids, but she died earlier in the year, and the expenses were from later in the year (after school care). + +I'm 'Married Filing Jointly' for this year, and I did put into the system that she died. + +Logically, I should qualify for this, but I don't see a way to make it work. What am I missing? +Simply out of curiosity, what’s the size of your household and food budget? + +If you budget of course. Excluding eating out etc, simply how much you spend on groceries. + +We are two adults, 50£ per week. We are not budgeting as well as previously, would like to be a bit more systematic about this. 💰 +I said this yesterday and last week but holy shit I’m glad I didn’t listen to almost everyone here saying to keep far away from the airlines and stocks. I’m up a stupid amount of money because 90% of my portfolio is in airlines and cruises right now. It was a no brainer especially with airlines + + +Today AMTD Digital released the following news. “NEW YORK & SINGAPORE & HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AMTD Digital Inc. (“AMTD Digital” or the “Company”) (NYSE: HKD), a comprehensive one-stop digital solutions platforms in Asia, today announced that underwriters of its initial public offering (“IPO”) of American depositary shares (“ADSs”) had exercised in full their option to purchase up to an additional 2,400,000 ADSs at the IPO price of US$7.80 per ADS, less underwriting discounts and commissions. The Company expects to close the issuance of the additional ADSs on August 8, 2022, subject to satisfaction of customary conditions.” This comes from their website. [https://ir.amtdigital.net/investor-news/investor-news-details/2022/AMTD-Digital-Inc.-Announces-Full-Exercises-of-Greenshoe-in-Initial-Public-Offering/default.aspx](https://ir.amtdigital.net/investor-news/investor-news-details/2022/AMTD-Digital-Inc.-Announces-Full-Exercises-of-Greenshoe-in-Initial-Public-Offering/default.aspx) + +If you remember from a few days ago, it was discovered that Anthony Chukumba’s (the guy that sells now and asks questions later) Loop Capital Markets LLC acted as underwriters for the HKD IPO. + +HKD closed today at 721.23 and these shares were purchased for 7.80 per their contract. + +721.23 x 2,400,000 = 1,730,952,000. + +That’s one point seven Billion dollars. Pretty interesting that they paid 18,720,000 and have made 9,246% in unrealized gains to use as additional collateral against any potential short positions they currently have. + +I dug through their investor news and there were 5 results of IPO. Through a bit of research, Black Spade Acquisition CO seems to be another sus IPO they underwrote and I am trying to look deeper into to see if it may be another fountain of collateral waiting to happen. Their mission statement is another buzzword filled pile of jargon. + +“Black Spade Acquisition Co is a special purpose acquisition company focused on identifying a business combination target that can benefit from the extensive collective network, knowledge and experience of our founder and management team that is related to or in the entertainment industry, with a focus on enabling technology, lifestyle brands, products, or services, and entertainment media. While we intend to pursue opportunities globally, we will focus on opportunities with existing or future growth potential underpinned by the transformative consumption forces in Asia.” + +It seems to be mostly held by a Hedge Fund called Millennium Management. I searched this with Ken Griffin, and it appears the search results paint these two as rival funds that have both increased the amount of time required to have investors pull their money out of their hedge funds. What does this mean? I don’t know. + + + +Another IPO for Magic Empire Global happened August 5th. It is currently up 2,150% from IPO on the day. It is underwrote by a company called Network 1 Financial. The CEO is named Richard Hunt and he has been CEO since 1988 according to LInkedin. There are no pictures available of him. There are no videos of him on the internet that I can find. On the Network 1 website it does not list a CEO. It lists a William R. Hunt as President, CFO and COO. His Linkedin account says he is the Founder of Network 1 Financial in 1988. Strange because the Network 1 site says that it was founded in 1983. + +[https://brokercheck.finra.org/firm/summary/13577](https://brokercheck.finra.org/firm/summary/13577) lists their main address as + + +MAIN ADDRESS + +THE GALLERIA, SUITE 241 +2 BRIDGE AVENUE +RED BANK, NJ 07701 UNITED STATES + +It is a small office rented out of an old mall that is full with a list of corporate entities. Network 1 has a Chinese branch that I can’t dig too far into since I can’t understand the language. + +In summary, I haven’t found a connection between these two, but I am going to keep digging to see if I can learn more. + +Edit: Changed ticker symbols to avoid confusion. +Hi guys + +So I was renting a house, and I basically got injured at work and was unable to work for some time, it resulted in me building up some debt to my landlord (~£2,500), i got back on track and started working, we arranged £100 per month repayment as I planned to live there long term, he was OK with it. + +So my rent was £650 and I paid £750. After about 6 months landlord came over saying that all properties around mine had price increase and average rent is like £750, he demanded that figure + extra for debt repayment. I said that I don't believe it as I am in contact with couple neighbors and they paid around £550-600 at that time, I said that I am not going to pay £750 and will leave if he wants to, but will stick to £100 per month repayment. + +He got mad and said whatever, I asked him if I should vacate the property? He said no. + + +Then after about 18 months, when I almost repaid whole debt, he came over saying that I still owe him over £2,000 in debt? I asked him how come? I had around £2500 and was repaying him £100 every month, so I calculated that I only had 300 left. He said I was paying "rent" and wasn't repaying a single penny of debt. + +I said that we never agreed and I told him over a year ago that I will leave if he wants to raise rent to £750. He started threatening me with court and CCJs and I said that I have whole email trail where he says that I can stay in property for £650 and keep repaying £100 and where he acknowledged that. + +He told me to leave the property, I said that he can deduct remaining £300 from deposit. He gave me whole deposit and told me to leave and said "whatever" + +I just found out that he secretly put a CCJ on me? I was never aware of it, it is on my credit file and I am not sure what is the best way to get rid of it? It seems to be there for about 2 years now, I didnt take any credits or loans so wasnt aware. +Hi all, +I am planning to retire in 25+ years. I currently have different products when it comes to pension savings from an Aegon GrowthTkrFlexTgtPn ARC to Vanguard Target Retirement 2050 and S&P 500 UCITS ETF (VUSA) (approx 15k of savings) + +I'm having second thoughts about whether I should put all my savings into the S&P 500 instead of having it distributed. The main reasons for the S&P 500 are - one of the best performing trackers historically, small fees, and emphasis on FAANG related stocks. + + +Does it sound reasonable to you? What dangers apart from "eggs in one country basket" would you see? + +Many thanks + A stock market crash occurs when there is a significant decline in stock prices. While there’s no specific numeric definition of a stock market crash, the term usually applies to occasions in which the major stock market indexes lose more than 10% of their value in a relatively short time period. + +Market crashes typically happen without warning, often on the heels of a long bull market run during which stock prices steadily rise. The hallmark of a stock market crash is panic-selling by investors who attempt to quickly liquidate their positions to either curb their losses or satisfy a margin call. + +While a crash of the stock market can occur quickly, many of the market’s biggest crashes have had effects that were long-lasting and deep. Here’s a brief look at some of the market’s most notable crashes. + +**Biggest crashes in the history of the stock market:** + +**1929 stock market crash:** + +The worst stock market crash in history started in 1929 and was one of the catalysts of the Great Depression. The crash abruptly ended a period known as the Roaring Twenties, during which the economy expanded significantly and the stock market boomed. + +The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJINDICES:\^DJI) rose from 63 points in August, 1921, to 381 points by September of 1929 — a six-fold increase. It started to descend from its peak on Sept. 3, before accelerating during a two-day crash on Monday, Oct. 28, and Tuesday, Oct. 29. The Dow on what is now known as Black Monday tumbled by nearly 13% and declined by another almost 12% on what is referred to as Black Tuesday. + +By mid-November, 1929, the Dow had lost about half its value. The stock market was bearish, meaning that its value had declined by more than 20%. The Dow continued to lose value until the summer of 1932, when it bottomed out at 41 points, a stomach-churning 89% below its peak. The Dow didn’t regain its pre-crash value until 1954. + +The primary cause of the 1929 stock market crash was excessive leverage. Many individual investors and investment trusts had begun buying stocks on margin, meaning that they paid only 10% of the value of a stock to acquire it under the terms of a margin loan. The investment trusts also often purchased shares of other highly leveraged investment trusts, making the trusts’ fates highly intertwined. Consumers, too, increasingly purchased items on credit. When the debt bubble burst, it caused the greatest stock market and economic crash in modern history. + +**Black Monday crash of 1987:** + +On Monday, Oct. 19, 1987, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged by nearly 22%. Black Monday, as the day is now known, marks the biggest single-day decline in stock market history. The remainder of the month wasn’t much better; by the start of November, 1987, most of the major stock market indexes had lost more than 20% of their value. + +No single event caused the stock market to crash in 1987. Instead, a series of factors drove the sell-off, including a widening U.S. trade deficit, computerized trading, and tensions in the Middle East. The rise of program trading, which occurs when computers make automated trades, likely played the biggest role in this crash. The computers tended to produce more buy orders when prices were rising and more sell orders when prices fell. As those sell orders flooded the market on Oct. 19, it caused other investors to sell in a panic. + +Because the Black Monday crash was caused primarily by programmatic trading rather than an economic problem, the stock market recovered relatively quickly. The Dow started rebounding in November, 1987, and recouped all its losses by September of 1989. + +**Dot-com bubble of 1999-2000:** + +During the late 1990s, the values of internet-based stocks rose sharply. As a result, the technology-dominated NASDAQ Composite Index (NASDAQINDEX:\^IXIC) surged from 1,000 points in 1995 to more than 5,000 in 2000. But in early 2001, the dot-com stock bubble started to burst. The NASDAQ peaked at 5,048.62 points on March 10. The index would go on to plummet by 76.81% until it reached a low of 1,139.90 points on Oct. 4, 2002. + +The primary cause of this crash was overvalued internet stocks. Many investors speculated that dot-com companies, even those without revenues, would one day become extremely profitable. + +As a result, they poured money into the sector, driving up the valuation of every company with “dot com” in its name. This stock market bubble burst when the Federal Reserve tightened its monetary policy, constraining the flow of capital. The NASDAQ did not again rise to its 2001 peak until almost 15 years later. + +**Financial crisis of 2008:** + +In 1999, the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae) wanted to make home loans more accessible to those with low credit ratings and less money to spend on down payments than lenders typically required. These subprime borrowers, as they were called, were offered mortgages with payment terms, such as high interest rates and variable payment schedules, that reflected their elevated risk profiles. + +This increased availability of mortgage debt appealed to both previously ineligible borrowers and investors, fueling explosive growth in mortgage originations and home sales. At the same time, consumers, many of them new homeowners, took on additional debt to buy other goods. + +Companies seeking to capitalize on the opportunities afforded by the surging economy also heavily indebted themselves. Financial institutions, similarly, used cheap debt to boost the returns on their investments. + +This debt-fueled stock market started to show signs of impending collapse in March, 2007, when the investment bank Bear Stearns could not cover its losses linked to subprime mortgages. + +Bear Stearns’ failure was not enough by itself to cause the stock market to crash — it kept rising, to 14,164 points on Oct. 9, 2007 — but by September of 2008, the major stock indexes had lost nearly 20% of their value. + +The Dow didn’t reach its lowest point, which was 54% below its peak, until March 6, 2009. It then took four years for the Dow to fully recover from the crash. + +**Coronavirus crash of 2020:** + +The most recent stock market crash occurred in 2020 as COVID-19 spread worldwide. During the week of Feb. 24, the Dow Jones and S&P 500 tumbled 11% and 12%, respectively, marking the biggest weekly declines to occur since the financial crisis of 2008. The Dow would go on to decline by 9.99% on March 12 — its largest one-day drop since Black Monday of 1987 — followed by an even deeper plunge of 12.9% on March 16. + +However, unlike prior crashes whose recoveries required years, the stock market rebounded back to its pre-pandemic peak by May of 2020. Fueling that rapid recovery was an enormous amount of stimulus money, with the Federal Reserve slashing interest rates and injecting $1.5 trillion into money markets and Congress passing a $2.2 trillion aid package at the end of March. +My smooth-brained thinking: +Gabe Plotkin is no friend of mine, but I think he may have handed me some major gift-wrapped confirmation with his intent to restart the short-machine in a new fund. Idiot. + + +If you were Plotkin and you KNEW shit was going down, and you KNEW that any day now could be our ATH for the near future before the next colossal global dip, wouldn't it make sense to start up a new short machine now, as soon as possible? + +My reasoning tells me that if Plotkin thinks there is money to be made here, (enough to warrant going through all of this), then doesn't that at least suggest that our whole market plunging deep into the red is... inevitable? + + +SO, dude knows the ship is sinking, and he just silently told all of us it's sinking by showing his intent to continue massive shorting. + +NFA + +EDIT: Rule 3 +How do you guys scratch your itch when you see a promising stock but dont have the money to fully take advantage of it? I'm more of a long-term investor, buy and hold forever with compounding interest but lately, I've seen a few potential short-term buy and sell stocks (Eg: I'm keeping an eye on GE) that have some promise... but I dont have a large enough sum to make the profits even worth it after commissions (I live in Canada, so Robinhood is a no go). + +&#x200B; + +Currently, my portfolio is built on long-term stocks and ETF's (DIS, ENB, SPHD, VGRO, VXUS and ZLB) which I re-invest all dividends back in - it's \~$1700 between them all. I'm 25, so I have PLENTY of time to keep adding into these for the long run... but how do you invest your money in small amounts? + +&#x200B; + +I put \~$200/month into investments (yes i know its not alot, no there is no other way to put more in, ive done the spreadhseets, i dont have any debt other than my mortgage and yes i do have a nest egg). My wife is currently a stay at home mom, and will be for another little while as we are planning kid #2 (she won the rock, paper scissors game) for this year. So the next few years will be stuck \~$200/month invested. + + +Do I stick with tossing it into the ETF's and build them up for more compounded interest? (what im going with right now) + +Do I save up a lump sum and put it towards a possible short term buy? + +Do I sell what I have now, invest into bitcoin and become a bijillionaire? + +&#x200B; + +Let me know what you would do. My risk tolerance is moderate/high. + + +TLDR: +How would you invest your money if you could only put $200/month into the market? +I’ve posted this before. I work in ad sales. Over a month ago huge advertisers cut spend. All of them. Some shifted to “social good” and uplifting messaging but we saw tens of billions of dollars flow out of the ad market. + +Advertising is a glimpse into the future. “How much do I want to spend to acquire a valuable customer that will make me money.” + +Talk about your daily spy bullshit, companies that have become ridiculously overpriced, companies like Netflix that LOSE money like crazy and gain subscriber revenue that doesn't even cover their debt. None of it fucking matters. Peloton is not a “great” long term company. Airlines are fucking zombies. Cruise lines are floating Walmarts that kill the environment and deserve to die. + +Advertisers (aka companies) are expecting a weakened consumer. And they’re betting all their money on it. If you want, keep believing this fed-propped bullshit will last. But reality always hits the market eventually and when lack of ad spend catches up with complete lack of consumer spend, the market will reflect what a shitty condition our market and economy are truly in. +I'm sure my experience isn't super novel, but back when I was in college Bitcoin almost hit 20k. I put in $100 at the beginning of that spike and sold when it starting dipping for $122 ($22 profit!). I did zero research and I was in it because I thought I could make a quick buck. I decided I shouldn't be investing in something I don't know about, especially while I was paying for an education. + +Less than a year later, I started my first job after graduation which had an open office format. I distinctly remember a coworker saying Bitcoin was a good investment and we would regret not buying in. The response was pretty brutal as everyone was laughing at him and saying it would die out. It finally sparked me to do my own research and I hopped on board this wild ride. That week I put in $1000 which isn't a lot for some of you, but as a recent college graduate it was a big deal. Ever since then I have been trying to reach the milestone of accumulating 1 BTC and I'm almost halfway there! + +Anyway, I just want to thank that guy I used to work with and hope you're still HODLing. I sometimes feel like the crazy guy you were painted as, but I think people just haven't opened their eyes yet! +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +So I have been generally investing in ETH, hoping to reach 1000-2000 ETH for cold storage 1-7 years. I have decided to invest in tokens mainly because I see a positive future (in some of them). I am thinking of doing 40,000 Golem Tokens and 10,000 Firstblood tokens. I feel that it is almost too late for other tokens, though I am not quite sure about Firstblood. I did some research about Firstblood, but I wasn't here when Firstblood was funded, so I feel like I am missing some information. Anybody know if it is worth investing in firstblood tokens? **I am talking about long term, so 1 year+** +Most of the people around the world still needs to buy bitcoin to purchase ethereum. Once we can purchase Ethereum directly via our own Fiat, we can see the real huge increase of Eth compare to other cryptocurrency. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +So, I get that day traders are trying to 'buy low/sell high' on a regular basis, and eke out the small percentage profits on a routine basis, but I don't have the time or energy to learn how to day-trade. That being said, I feel like for once in my life I've somehow managed to hear about something with the potential to be HUGE, and right before it lifts off. So I'm currently all-in on ETH. + +As someone who's never invested in anything at all before, I'm curious to get other peoples' input. Are you waiting until your stash is worth $1,000,000? Are you waiting for a certain price per ETH? + +I know I'd feel stupid if sold everything at $100/ETH only to watch it eventually hit $1,000, but I might feel even MORE stupid if I don't sell at $100 and it drops back down to $50. For example, I bet there's a lot of people who wish they would've sold Bitcoin at $950 instead of waiting for $1,000 then watching it drop to $600. + +So what's your strategy? Obviously the situation is dynamic, and something better could come along at any given time. But as someone who's never done this before, I'm interested to get some input. At what point are you totally out of the game? +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I thoroughly enjoyed my time here the past few weeks, but the reddit format does not lend itself well to this conversation. People who have been here for less than a day carry as much internet presence as those of us who have been here for a long time. Accounts less than a day old spam the sub with fantastical statements while level headed advice from board vets get drowned out in the process. This leads to fear begetting fear. Panic spreads, and the board discourse diminishes in value. I am not suggesting that this board moves the market (lol far from it). But when the price tanks, it would have been nice if we could come here and discuss relevant NEWS instead of the inane bubble comments that get posted here. The fact is, this needs to be an eth investing sub, not an eth trading sub. Oh well. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +[We Need To Shut Bitcoin And All Other Cryptocurrencies Down. Here's Why.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonbloomberg/2018/03/10/we-need-to-shut-bitcoin-and-all-other-cryptocurrencies-down-heres-why/#3a33b3431bca) + +You've got to be kidding me with this absolute garbage. Read it for yourself, but the guy is wrong about almost everything he says. It looks like clickbait, but it's in Forbes and I thought Forbes was a respectable publication. When are journalists going to start taking their publications seriously when it comes to cryptocurrency? Why is this Jason Bloomberg dope the "president" of a tech company? + +I got so incensed about it that I pushed out [a response article of my own](https://medium.com/@malcolmrosegaming/jason-bloomberg-is-totally-clueless-heres-why-498db2e203e). Read it and give me some feedback, or don't -- either way, understand that this is the kind of ignorance we're up against in the crypto world. Dinosaurs who think that the whole idea of a decentralized system is so dangerous that it should just be *made illegal*. + +"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." It looks like we're getting to the "fight you" stage. +Currently there is a post on hot with thousands of upvotes about a Redditor quitting his job to trade Crypto full time. This is not a diss post, I'm not saying OP is giving a bad decision. He may be in a good condition financially that will save him from the bear market but seeing all people who support him makes me a little bit anxious. Whatever the circumstances are, quitting your job during a bull run is not a logical move for 90% people. You may become so regretful because of this decision in the future. So take this as a friendly warning from me. Please don't give illogical decisions that may make you regret in the near future. Love y'all, play safe! +I'm not sure whether I'm interesting enough for this, but I'll do an AMA [as requested](http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1djlkt/ama_request_the_most_powerful_man_in_bitcoin/). + +I am a 21-year-old computer science student in the US and an avid bitcoiner since early 2010. I am the head admin of the [Bitcoin Forum](https://bitcointalk.org/) and the top mod here, though I didn't create either community. I wrote [Bitcoin Block Explorer](https://blockexplorer.com/) and ran it for a long time, but it is now run by [Liraz Siri](http://liraz.org/). I am one of very few people with a copy of the [Bitcoin Alert Key](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Alerts). + +Bitcoin is the coolest thing ever. It combines my interest in applied crypto, protocols, and decentralized networks with my interest in libertarianism and economics. I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to see most of the major events in Bitcoin history first-hand and up-close, and I can't wait to see what'll happen in the future. +The posts are the newest FUD campaign, just not directed at APES. Instead, it is counter-marketing directed at newcomers considering joining the cause. They are meant to paint APES as know-nothing amateurs who have no idea what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. They are meant to imply this movement is nothing but a lark. + +MODS SHOULD DELETE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. + +Edit: + +We’re NOT talking about (or asking MODS to delete) EVERY post that says “I just bought GME.” + +We’re ONLY referring to those that couple their buy announcement with statements like: + +“I’m drunk rn,” + +“I’m new to investing,” + +“I’ve never held a stock before,” + +“I have no idea what the market is,” + +“I have no clue why GME is a good idea, but if you guys say so…” + +and so on. + +THOSE statements are suspect, NOT the buying of shares. + + +TLDR: We KNOW the enemy wants outsiders to see us as “dumb money.” These posts could be the newest iteration of SHFs portraying us as such. +Hello fellow smooth brain friends. + +This is entirely plausible but because RC's tweets are entirely vague and there needs to resemble some level of plausible deniability so that no fingers are pointed at him post MOASS. So take this all with a pinch of salt even though some of the things mentioned in the Whisky FUND below are absolutely TIT JACKING! ps. A LOT of Tinfoil was used in the making of this post but the coincidences are pretty amazing! + +I looked into Whiskey a while ago when RC tweeted and I made a small post. It didn't gain traction and gained very few likes. It was odd that some months later it was getting likes and awards (Snek awards). Yes this was in the time just before people thought Snek awards were some hidden meaning all until they were spammed by users to each other. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**TLDR:** + +**Whiskey link from ICOHOLDER where Daniel Wang (Loopring) features as the CTO for the fund literally says BUY and HOLD! Loopring and GME have a partnership (no shit sherlock). Whiskey NFT offering is to weed out fake whiskey from the market. Fraud whiskey on the market affects the collectors market. NFT's to be released to authenticate genuine whiskey.** + +**Apes and retail traders have been screaming about fraud and illegal activities in the financial markets. Almost like the same is being done to fight illegal activities in the Whiskey trade. NFT's for the win!** + +**Ryan Cohen tweets about a small Wee Wee & Wang is another term for Wee Wee/penis (Same as Loopring Daniel Wang surname). Cohen tweets about a small wee wee and does a post about 69 from Wikipedia. Online sites say no problem as wee wee size doesn't affect pleasure. Dan Wang probably have really big wee wee, and going to unleash it on the Market... because you don't brag about a having a big wee wee (Dan Wang) if you have one. We in for a good surprise when everything LRC and GME have been working on gets unveiled.** + +**This could be links between RC whiskey Tweet, RC 69 tweet & Wee Wee tweets.** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +So, I appreciate /u[/ninche60/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ninche60/) for sharing some screen shots from the [ICOHolder.com](https://ICOHolder.com) which made me want to break this down on a post and dive back into Whiskey! + +What originally lead this whiskey rabbit hole digging was Ryan Cohens first Whiskey tweet: + +&#x200B; + +[September Whiskey post from RC](https://preview.redd.it/v39420lmxfy81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=d591b43c7dba4bd059d4043adeb0c5c9254492b6) + +So /u[/ninche60/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ninche60/) shared some screen shots from ICOHOLDER and there was Daniel Wang involved in this project. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ICOHOLDER](https://preview.redd.it/ga3ezm1pjfy81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=868e777f281513116a7f699a3550bb688147e3e8) + +# Here is the breakdown of ICOHolder: + +Link: [https://icoholder.com/](https://icoholder.com/) + +ICOHOLDER company is a smart tracker, global analytics platform with the largest crypto database, giving institutional and retail investors access to real-time, high-quality, reliable market and pricing data. As a market data provider we offer a comprehensive, holistic overview of the market and crypto trends. We produce: cryptocurrency trade data, order book data, blockchain and historical data, social data, reports, audits, crypto reviews and a suite of cryptocurrency indices. Our mission is to make the crypto industry more transparent. + +# Here is the breakdown of ICOHolder Whiskey: + +*^(Howard Cai® ‘s Select Whiskey Fund is the World’s first ever FinTech enabled whiskey fund & The first to introduce fractionalized cask ownership Investment method.)* + +Link: [https://icoholder.com/en/hcs-whiskey-fund](https://icoholder.com/en/hcs-whiskey-fund) + +About HCS Whiskey Fund The fund was designed to provide more exposure to Fine Scottish Whiskey as an asset class. The HCS Whiskey Fund (“HCS”) provides lower barriers to entry through “Fractionalized” ownership (vs. whole barrels). HCS Investors will also benefit from a diversification by investing in multi-barrel portfolio (vs. single barrels) and will have higher liquidity via secondary market trading since it is utilizing blockchain in raising funds via Digital Asset Token Offering (DATO). The fund has also been designed to have stable funding source for long term “buy and hold” strategy via closed-end structure and has the expertise of the SEA’s leading independent bottler (IB), Howard Cai. HCS Maximizes the ultimate selling price of assets through use of Howard Cai® Selected brand and existing distribution network of high-end restaurants, casino hotels & duty free shops such as The Whisky Dungeon by Howard Cai®. HCS also has an enhanced security and transparency via FinTech atop traditional, proven Cayman SPC structure and is loaded with the Best-in-class compliance and integrity enhanced by best-in-class advisor. + +It literally says in the fund "The fund has also been designed to have stable funding source for long term “buy and hold” strategy" + +# BUY AND HOLD!!! + +Before I delve into the team what the hell is the purpose of this NFT/crypto market for Whiskey. + +Well it turns out that the Whiskey market is incredibly infiltrated with FRAUDS! YES FRAUDS! + +Here's an Article that was dropped on September 21st, 2021 5 DAYS before Ryan Cohen's Whiskey Tweet!!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/60h2bdsfufy81.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=f251ba64ab2511bdc5142fe01cbfef3e69d6d95b + +link: [https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthescammers/article-10013447/Scam-drams-Whisky-soaring-value-fraudsters-cashing-in.html](https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthescammers/article-10013447/Scam-drams-Whisky-soaring-value-fraudsters-cashing-in.html) + +This FRAUD in the Whiskey market devalues the market and collectors pieces, meaning criminals capitalize on innocent peoples money! Here's a brief breakdown from the below link. + +Headline: "Can NFTs Provide a Fraud-Proof Marketplace for Bourbon?" + +Link: [https://vinepair.com/articles/nfts-fraud-proof-market-bourbon](https://vinepair.com/articles/nfts-fraud-proof-market-bourbon/) + +“At the end of the day, the biggest hurdle is around authenticity,” one BlockBar founder told Newman. Without NFTs, “there’s no way to prove it unless the next person tests the liquid, which kind of ruins the whole thing.” (BlockBar didn’t respond to a request for comment; Glenfiddich’s parent company, William Grant & Sons, declined.) Because these 15 tokens originated with Glenfiddich, and that record can’t be manipulated, Scotch collectors can confidently buy and sell the physical bottles without ever scrutinizing or even taking receipt of them in person. + +What's been GameStop's biggest headache and something that we have been screaming about since Jan 2021?... + +# FRAUD IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM NAKED SHARES THAT ARENT REAL BEING USED TO SHORT GAMESTOP! + +... + +So here's the team helping tackle this FRAUD! + +&#x200B; + +Here's the Team: + +&#x200B; + +[Dan the man Wang!](https://preview.redd.it/s7yw5e4bkfy81.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff92ad7490c6b249c852e4d685e37b187b4809f) + +&#x200B; + +For those unfamiliar with CRYPTO and been living under a rock for the last 15 months, you will probably ask "WHO TF IS DANIEL WANG!" + +&#x200B; + +[Who is DAN?](https://preview.redd.it/wvfm3hn2mfy81.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c357b395f97330dace83791d9822322ec0d2ad) + +If you still confused and have no idea, GameStop and Looping have a partnership. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.fxstreet.com\/cryptocurrencies\/news\/loopring-price-explodes-after-partnering-with-gamestop-202203231337#:\~:text=The&#37;20GameStop&#37;20partnership&#37;20with&#37;20Loopring,security&#37;20while&#37;20low&#37;20gas&#37;20costs.](https://preview.redd.it/axjzdxzknfy81.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=41d44a6cb6c9de6175bb2f2d3f29f1f304e042cb) + +&#x200B; + +So I was looking at the past for this Whiskey NFT Fund and It seems to link back on dates relating to RC's Whiskey post + +&#x200B; + +[September Whiskey post from RC](https://preview.redd.it/odz8u9h0lfy81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=b81c98f3aba79b63480190e26ab87147b4e17273) + +&#x200B; + +First mentions of this fund? + +&#x200B; + +[September](https://preview.redd.it/h4utg1h8lfy81.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6706dd80b51682736870f59c2cf154dff16a597) + +&#x200B; + +BOOM! MIC DROP! September just like RC's first Whiskey TWEET! + +&#x200B; + +BUT wait?!? What else is another name for Dan the mans surname WANG? + +&#x200B; + +[Wee Wee?](https://preview.redd.it/rdmaeqbemfy81.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=42f676083c35dcf97c0387c4aa6aa47283c04ad7) + +well... + +&#x200B; + +[I'm really digging here...](https://preview.redd.it/vsnq5s8tmfy81.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b6ae1bf9be52cdd57c8d849ea57605cae0b102) + +&#x200B; + +[THERE it is!! Wee Wee is another word for Penis or WANG!](https://preview.redd.it/bpoydrdymfy81.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd4511b893e74d32bd21482348ca4de6028c3204) + +*Disclaimer: To Daniel Wang I'm sorry if this is a complete BS run down but damn the coincidences are wild! I'm not trying to make fun of your Surname! If I'm onto something here float me a Ternion anonymous award! lol! I'm very skeptical that the man will float one of those awards this way but if this post does get some crazy award we could be digging into the right stuff!* + +# What has RC been going off regarding Wee Wee or Daniel Wang? + +Here are RC's tweets in order that I think could be related: (Just excuse me I'm not using my normal "Funkle" Twitter account for these screen shots) + +&#x200B; + +[26 September](https://preview.redd.it/0ifrydwvpfy81.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=a408bf1267aa0f25dd6c9c5d7317b9ff695c074d) + +&#x200B; + +[\\"Hold\\" just like in the Whiskey breakdown above! and Wee Wee \(Wang\) straight after each other.](https://preview.redd.it/7bi27twzpfy81.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=e063cb3c08b4cab74c0404fafa7d4d7b60c81b3b) + +&#x200B; + +[Magnifying glass? Want us to look at your Wee Wee? \(Wang\)](https://preview.redd.it/vkpl00pnqfy81.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f1589eb3525453ad9df86885c835ba7227cec2c) + +&#x200B; + +[Maybe since the LRC and GME partnership RC has been underplaying his Wee Wee \(Wang\). Not many people like a guy that rates himself or his penis size. Its better to rather say its small and then shock the audience when they get a live viewing. ](https://preview.redd.it/5i4oprohvfy81.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=69ae95e5a49c2869ee2fbf297ff8a6b820ba216d) + +Oh my sack! My wife is going to slap me when she sees my browser history but here is another link to another RC tweet below! + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.insidehook.com\/article\/sex-and-dating\/men-underestimate-penis-size](https://preview.redd.it/ry63a7jzvfy81.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ad631e5d9669529942cb7d6ba8bc23f212c440c) + +Quote taken from this article: + +"Before I go any further, allow me to state without equivocation that there is [**nothing wrong with having a below-average-sized penis**](https://www.insidehook.com/article/sex-and-dating/boyfriend-dick-penis-size). Most women [**do not achieve orgasm from penetrative sex alone**](https://www.insidehook.com/article/sex-and-dating/men-should-use-vibrators-during-sex), so in that regard it’s arguable that size does *not* matter. If their penis-packing partner’s unit is on the small side of the spectrum, [**different positions can make penetrative sex more pleasurable**](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/small-penis-sex#for-oral-or-erogenous-fun) for people with a vagina. There’s also oral sex, foreplay and many other kinds of non-penetrative sex acts in which the penis (regardless of size) doesn’t take center stage. Not to mention, there are plenty of people who genuinely prefer a more modest-sized member. " + +&#x200B; + +[YES and RC tweeted about about sex positions](https://preview.redd.it/2ecj39o7wfy81.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=86e5ccfaed4f32f30e15398a40f00fff5d946d31) + +&#x200B; + +Maybe he is referring to Dan Wang being a real big dick all along and we are going to be shocked/amazed when we get to see this Wang in full force, I'm betting that some amazingness lies in wait for us as retail investors. You may not need a big Wang to get the "job" done but if you know what you are doing you will get the job done right in the end... leaving everyone happy... + +**Edit TLDR:** + +**Whiskey link from ICOHOLDER where Daniel Wang (Loopring) features as the CTO for the fund literally says BUY and HOLD! Loopring and GME have a partnership (no shit sherlock). Whiskey NFT offering is to weed out fake whiskey from the market. Fraud whiskey on the market affects the collectors market. NFT's to be released to authenticate genuine whiskey.** + +**Apes and retail traders have been screaming about fraud and illegal activities in the financial markets. Almost like the same is being done to fight illegal activities in the Whiskey trade. NFT's for the win!** + +**Ryan Cohen tweets about a small Wee Wee & Wang is another term for Wee Wee/penis (Same as Loopring Daniel Wang surname). Cohen tweets about a small wee wee and does a post about 69 from Wikipedia. Online sites say no problem as wee wee size doesn't affect pleasure. Dan Wang probably have really big wee wee, and going to unleash it on the Market... because you don't brag about a having a big wee wee (Dan Wang) if you have one. We in for a good surprise when everything LRC and GME have been working on gets unveiled.** + +**This could be links between RC whiskey Tweet, RC 69 tweet & Wee Wee tweets.** + +&#x200B; + +Tinfoil session over and out, + +&#x200B; + +Funkle +Hello fellow smooth brain friends. + +This is entirely plausible but because RC's tweets are entirely vague and there needs to resemble some level of plausible deniability so that no fingers are pointed at him post MOASS. So take this all with a pinch of salt even though some of the things mentioned in the Whisky FUND below are absolutely TIT JACKING! ps. A LOT of Tinfoil was used in the making of this post but the coincidences are pretty amazing! + +I looked into Whiskey a while ago when RC tweeted and I made a small post. It didn't gain traction and gained very few likes. It was odd that some months later it was getting likes and awards (Snek awards). Yes this was in the time just before people thought Snek awards were some hidden meaning all until they were spammed by users to each other. + +\-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +**TLDR:** + +**Whiskey link from ICOHOLDER where Daniel Wang (Loopring) features as the CTO for the fund literally says BUY and HOLD! Loopring and GME have a partnership (no shit sherlock). Whiskey NFT offering is to weed out fake whiskey from the market. Fraud whiskey on the market affects the collectors market. NFT's to be released to authenticate genuine whiskey.** + +**Apes and retail traders have been screaming about fraud and illegal activities in the financial markets. Almost like the same is being done to fight illegal activities in the Whiskey trade. NFT's for the win!** + +**Ryan Cohen tweets about a small Wee Wee & Wang is another term for Wee Wee/penis (Same as Loopring Daniel Wang surname). Cohen tweets about a small wee wee and does a post about 69 from Wikipedia. Online sites say no problem as wee wee size doesn't affect pleasure. Dan Wang probably have really big wee wee, and going to unleash it on the Market... because you don't brag about a having a big wee wee (Dan Wang) if you have one. We in for a good surprise when everything LRC and GME have been working on gets unveiled.** + +**This could be links between RC whiskey Tweet, RC 69 tweet & Wee Wee tweets.** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +So, I appreciate /u[/ninche60/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ninche60/) for sharing some screen shots from the [ICOHolder.com](https://ICOHolder.com) which made me want to break this down on a post and dive back into Whiskey! + +What originally lead this whiskey rabbit hole digging was Ryan Cohens first Whiskey tweet: + +&#x200B; + +[September Whiskey post from RC](https://preview.redd.it/v39420lmxfy81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=d591b43c7dba4bd059d4043adeb0c5c9254492b6) + +So /u[/ninche60/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ninche60/) shared some screen shots from ICOHOLDER and there was Daniel Wang involved in this project. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[ICOHOLDER](https://preview.redd.it/ga3ezm1pjfy81.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=868e777f281513116a7f699a3550bb688147e3e8) + +# Here is the breakdown of ICOHolder: + +Link: [https://icoholder.com/](https://icoholder.com/) + +ICOHOLDER company is a smart tracker, global analytics platform with the largest crypto database, giving institutional and retail investors access to real-time, high-quality, reliable market and pricing data. As a market data provider we offer a comprehensive, holistic overview of the market and crypto trends. We produce: cryptocurrency trade data, order book data, blockchain and historical data, social data, reports, audits, crypto reviews and a suite of cryptocurrency indices. Our mission is to make the crypto industry more transparent. + +# Here is the breakdown of ICOHolder Whiskey: + +*^(Howard Cai® ‘s Select Whiskey Fund is the World’s first ever FinTech enabled whiskey fund & The first to introduce fractionalized cask ownership Investment method.)* + +Link: [https://icoholder.com/en/hcs-whiskey-fund](https://icoholder.com/en/hcs-whiskey-fund) + +About HCS Whiskey Fund The fund was designed to provide more exposure to Fine Scottish Whiskey as an asset class. The HCS Whiskey Fund (“HCS”) provides lower barriers to entry through “Fractionalized” ownership (vs. whole barrels). HCS Investors will also benefit from a diversification by investing in multi-barrel portfolio (vs. single barrels) and will have higher liquidity via secondary market trading since it is utilizing blockchain in raising funds via Digital Asset Token Offering (DATO). The fund has also been designed to have stable funding source for long term “buy and hold” strategy via closed-end structure and has the expertise of the SEA’s leading independent bottler (IB), Howard Cai. HCS Maximizes the ultimate selling price of assets through use of Howard Cai® Selected brand and existing distribution network of high-end restaurants, casino hotels & duty free shops such as The Whisky Dungeon by Howard Cai®. HCS also has an enhanced security and transparency via FinTech atop traditional, proven Cayman SPC structure and is loaded with the Best-in-class compliance and integrity enhanced by best-in-class advisor. + +It literally says in the fund "The fund has also been designed to have stable funding source for long term “buy and hold” strategy" + +# BUY AND HOLD!!! + +Before I delve into the team what the hell is the purpose of this NFT/crypto market for Whiskey. + +Well it turns out that the Whiskey market is incredibly infiltrated with FRAUDS! YES FRAUDS! + +Here's an Article that was dropped on September 21st, 2021 5 DAYS before Ryan Cohen's Whiskey Tweet!!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/60h2bdsfufy81.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=f251ba64ab2511bdc5142fe01cbfef3e69d6d95b + +link: [https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthescammers/article-10013447/Scam-drams-Whisky-soaring-value-fraudsters-cashing-in.html](https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/beatthescammers/article-10013447/Scam-drams-Whisky-soaring-value-fraudsters-cashing-in.html) + +This FRAUD in the Whiskey market devalues the market and collectors pieces, meaning criminals capitalize on innocent peoples money! Here's a brief breakdown from the below link. + +Headline: "Can NFTs Provide a Fraud-Proof Marketplace for Bourbon?" + +Link: [https://vinepair.com/articles/nfts-fraud-proof-market-bourbon](https://vinepair.com/articles/nfts-fraud-proof-market-bourbon/) + +“At the end of the day, the biggest hurdle is around authenticity,” one BlockBar founder told Newman. Without NFTs, “there’s no way to prove it unless the next person tests the liquid, which kind of ruins the whole thing.” (BlockBar didn’t respond to a request for comment; Glenfiddich’s parent company, William Grant & Sons, declined.) Because these 15 tokens originated with Glenfiddich, and that record can’t be manipulated, Scotch collectors can confidently buy and sell the physical bottles without ever scrutinizing or even taking receipt of them in person. + +What's been GameStop's biggest headache and something that we have been screaming about since Jan 2021?... + +# FRAUD IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM NAKED SHARES THAT ARENT REAL BEING USED TO SHORT GAMESTOP! + +... + +So here's the team helping tackle this FRAUD! + +&#x200B; + +Here's the Team: + +&#x200B; + +[Dan the man Wang!](https://preview.redd.it/s7yw5e4bkfy81.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=bff92ad7490c6b249c852e4d685e37b187b4809f) + +&#x200B; + +For those unfamiliar with CRYPTO and been living under a rock for the last 15 months, you will probably ask "WHO TF IS DANIEL WANG!" + +&#x200B; + +[Who is DAN?](https://preview.redd.it/wvfm3hn2mfy81.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=71c357b395f97330dace83791d9822322ec0d2ad) + +If you still confused and have no idea, GameStop and Looping have a partnership. + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.fxstreet.com\/cryptocurrencies\/news\/loopring-price-explodes-after-partnering-with-gamestop-202203231337#:\~:text=The&#37;20GameStop&#37;20partnership&#37;20with&#37;20Loopring,security&#37;20while&#37;20low&#37;20gas&#37;20costs.](https://preview.redd.it/axjzdxzknfy81.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=41d44a6cb6c9de6175bb2f2d3f29f1f304e042cb) + +&#x200B; + +So I was looking at the past for this Whiskey NFT Fund and It seems to link back on dates relating to RC's Whiskey post + +&#x200B; + +[September Whiskey post from RC](https://preview.redd.it/odz8u9h0lfy81.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=b81c98f3aba79b63480190e26ab87147b4e17273) + +&#x200B; + +First mentions of this fund? + +&#x200B; + +[September](https://preview.redd.it/h4utg1h8lfy81.png?width=725&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6706dd80b51682736870f59c2cf154dff16a597) + +&#x200B; + +BOOM! MIC DROP! September just like RC's first Whiskey TWEET! + +&#x200B; + +BUT wait?!? What else is another name for Dan the mans surname WANG? + +&#x200B; + +[Wee Wee?](https://preview.redd.it/rdmaeqbemfy81.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=42f676083c35dcf97c0387c4aa6aa47283c04ad7) + +well... + +&#x200B; + +[I'm really digging here...](https://preview.redd.it/vsnq5s8tmfy81.png?width=891&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b6ae1bf9be52cdd57c8d849ea57605cae0b102) + +&#x200B; + +[THERE it is!! Wee Wee is another word for Penis or WANG!](https://preview.redd.it/bpoydrdymfy81.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd4511b893e74d32bd21482348ca4de6028c3204) + +*Disclaimer: To Daniel Wang I'm sorry if this is a complete BS run down but damn the coincidences are wild! I'm not trying to make fun of your Surname! If I'm onto something here float me a Ternion anonymous award! lol! I'm very skeptical that the man will float one of those awards this way but if this post does get some crazy award we could be digging into the right stuff!* + +# What has RC been going off regarding Wee Wee or Daniel Wang? + +Here are RC's tweets in order that I think could be related: (Just excuse me I'm not using my normal "Funkle" Twitter account for these screen shots) + +&#x200B; + +[26 September](https://preview.redd.it/0ifrydwvpfy81.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=a408bf1267aa0f25dd6c9c5d7317b9ff695c074d) + +&#x200B; + +[\\"Hold\\" just like in the Whiskey breakdown above! and Wee Wee \(Wang\) straight after each other.](https://preview.redd.it/7bi27twzpfy81.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=e063cb3c08b4cab74c0404fafa7d4d7b60c81b3b) + +&#x200B; + +[Magnifying glass? Want us to look at your Wee Wee? \(Wang\)](https://preview.redd.it/vkpl00pnqfy81.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f1589eb3525453ad9df86885c835ba7227cec2c) + +&#x200B; + +[Maybe since the LRC and GME partnership RC has been underplaying his Wee Wee \(Wang\). Not many people like a guy that rates himself or his penis size. Its better to rather say its small and then shock the audience when they get a live viewing. ](https://preview.redd.it/5i4oprohvfy81.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=69ae95e5a49c2869ee2fbf297ff8a6b820ba216d) + +Oh my sack! My wife is going to slap me when she sees my browser history but here is another link to another RC tweet below! + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.insidehook.com\/article\/sex-and-dating\/men-underestimate-penis-size](https://preview.redd.it/ry63a7jzvfy81.png?width=585&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ad631e5d9669529942cb7d6ba8bc23f212c440c) + +Quote taken from this article: + +"Before I go any further, allow me to state without equivocation that there is [**nothing wrong with having a below-average-sized penis**](https://www.insidehook.com/article/sex-and-dating/boyfriend-dick-penis-size). Most women [**do not achieve orgasm from penetrative sex alone**](https://www.insidehook.com/article/sex-and-dating/men-should-use-vibrators-during-sex), so in that regard it’s arguable that size does *not* matter. If their penis-packing partner’s unit is on the small side of the spectrum, [**different positions can make penetrative sex more pleasurable**](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/small-penis-sex#for-oral-or-erogenous-fun) for people with a vagina. There’s also oral sex, foreplay and many other kinds of non-penetrative sex acts in which the penis (regardless of size) doesn’t take center stage. Not to mention, there are plenty of people who genuinely prefer a more modest-sized member. " + +&#x200B; + +[YES and RC tweeted about about sex positions](https://preview.redd.it/2ecj39o7wfy81.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=86e5ccfaed4f32f30e15398a40f00fff5d946d31) + +&#x200B; + +Maybe he is referring to Dan Wang being a real big dick all along and we are going to be shocked/amazed when we get to see this Wang in full force, I'm betting that some amazingness lies in wait for us as retail investors. You may not need a big Wang to get the "job" done but if you know what you are doing you will get the job done right in the end... leaving everyone happy... + +**Edit TLDR:** + +**Whiskey link from ICOHOLDER where Daniel Wang (Loopring) features as the CTO for the fund literally says BUY and HOLD! Loopring and GME have a partnership (no shit sherlock). Whiskey NFT offering is to weed out fake whiskey from the market. Fraud whiskey on the market affects the collectors market. NFT's to be released to authenticate genuine whiskey.** + +**Apes and retail traders have been screaming about fraud and illegal activities in the financial markets. Almost like the same is being done to fight illegal activities in the Whiskey trade. NFT's for the win!** + +**Ryan Cohen tweets about a small Wee Wee & Wang is another term for Wee Wee/penis (Same as Loopring Daniel Wang surname). Cohen tweets about a small wee wee and does a post about 69 from Wikipedia. Online sites say no problem as wee wee size doesn't affect pleasure. Dan Wang probably have really big wee wee, and going to unleash it on the Market... because you don't brag about a having a big wee wee (Dan Wang) if you have one. We in for a good surprise when everything LRC and GME have been working on gets unveiled.** + +**This could be links between RC whiskey Tweet, RC 69 tweet & Wee Wee tweets.** + +&#x200B; + +Tinfoil session over and out, + +&#x200B; + +Funkle +As the titles says, my parents want me to what I can only assume is co-sign on a new home loan. However, I have some questions that I might get better answered here instead of doing self research. + +A little bit of background, one of my parent's life is coming to an end here shortly, he's been through a lot. (2 pulmonary embolisms, congestive heart failure, spinal stenosis, broken upper back, and the list could just keep going on.) Their current living situation isn't pretty, and because neither parent is able to really do work around the home, it's begun to break down and become a much bigger issue than they can handle. I will be a co-signer with upwards of two other people for them to even have a chance at qualifying for the loan-however the money my parents make mostly comes from the state from a number of places (disability, social security, child support, and money from the state for taking care of my mom's two special needs children.) They live in rural Nebraska, and need to move closer to doctor's appointments as well. + +I'm 24, make 42k a year working as a retail manager, and have virtually no debt, however I have very little money saved and put away. I have a decent credit score, but my history is short as I only began building credit roughly a year ago. My s/o is currently in their last year of college, and once they're out, we'd like to begin our lives together and start planning to purchase our own home. + +The questions I have are as follow; Will co-signing on their loan disqualify me from future first-time home buyer loans and grants? Due to my ill-stricken father-once he passes who would be required to continue paying off the mortgage? My other parent doesn't collect much money-except from the state for taking care of two special needs children and social security (the disability is from my father, and I assume that would be taken away from their total income after he passes)-if they are unable to continue paying for the mortgage-and default-how does that immediately effect my stake in the purchase? Would I ever be able to take my name off the loan before the payments are complete? If in 10 years both parents pass and it's just myself and the other payee on the loan, who ends up receiving the loan? Could potentially either payee sell the home? + +I understand that this is a lot, but any advice would be helpful. My current thoughts are-even though I have no doubt my parents would be able to afford with both incomes-I worry that after one passes things will go awry. I would prefer to not have my life drug down due to this situation and potentially ruin my chances at securing a stable home for myself and my future wife. As much as I love my parents and would love to help-I'm worried that repercussions long term vastly outweigh the potential good outcomes. + +Edit: Thank you all for responding and confirming what I had thought but couldn’t quite say. As well as providing other options that I totally over looked. I’ve since spoken with my family about other options, and asking them to utilize their case worker for what they’re meant to do; help. I’ve denied their request to co-sign the loan as I know the situation doesn’t benefit my future. Again, many thanks to y’all kind stranger. +Near the end of Forrest Gump it shows how rich he became by having shares in Apple. He's a millionaire. He felt rich, and if you've held TSLA for a few years you probably feel rich too. + +Here's the thing, that was in 1994. So in 1994 Apple was already at a price where people are making bank. Since then it's gone up 500 times. + +So in 2046 when TSLA is worth 500 times what it is today (206 trillion) don't be kicking yourself you sold out to buy shares in a mattress company or some other shit. +I just watched a YouTube video of a crypto youtuber talking about how SHIBA will reach $1 in 2022. I didn't watch the video because its obviously bs but I went to the comments to see some cringey comments of people saying it will reach their goal + +I skimmed through a bit of the video and not once did he mention market cap + +I find it really cringey that these people don't understand market cap thinking that Shiba will reach this amount not realising that it would be the biggest coin in the crypto space if it reached this amount + +This is also another reason why I find most crypto youtubers to be a bunch of scammers just making a living from the ignorant + +Just for context, if SHIBA went to $1, it will have a market cap of $558 trillion (BTC is currently at around $918 billion) + +What do you guys think? +I have 5M with Schwab, the lowest portfolio margin they offered was 1.95%. I know discount brokers offer around 1.25% or lower. Is it worth transferring everything to a worse broker for 70 bps? That’s $7000 extra for every $1M of margin. + +Has anyone gotten Schwab to go lower? + +Seems like a lot to pay for better service. What do y’all recommend - take the lowest rate one can find or pay more for a better broker? +So we have a used car lot with 6 employees of which 4 have spouses and children. Most have been with us long term. I am 56 and ready to retire, but I have stayed the last couple of years because of the guilt of putting people out of work. Unfortunately it is a cash intensive business and none have the cash to buy it or keep it going. Which is sad because it is still a very profitable store. In this business the dealer is the business it is not like a new car store where you can sell the franchise. In the used car business you sell off the assets, collect the receivables, and either sell the dirt or rent it out. How did you break it to them and what did you do for them ? +I’ve been at the same midsize tech company for ~8 years and worked up to a VP role (not in the valley). I have a couple hundred people in my org and am looking for ways to build my network and industry knowledge further, outside the walls of my current company. I’ve seen the conversations about stuff like YPO or EO, but YPO is looking for CEOs and a corporate VP doesn’t really fit in EO. + +Does anyone have a recommendation for groups that bring together VP or C-levels from various tech companies? Something like a private slack channel or mailing list or forums or something that can let people connect and build relationships non-anonymously? Do any groups like that exist? +I had a look at my costs over the last 3 months (14 weeks). 2 adults with 3 kids with 50% custody. +We spend on average approx $450 on groceries (aldi/Coles/wollies) and $50 on restaurants. + +I have seen lots of posts re grocery bills having gone up etc. And I was fairly shocked by $450/week considering we only have the kids half the time. So consider yourself in good company. + +I am just wondering how much you guys spend on groceries vs. restaurants/coffees/McD. We are looking at where/how to save some money and were wondering how our 90%/10% compare to others. + +EDIT: +Having read all these insightful comments I am starting to think that people on here might have different expectations/targets/objectives when it comes to feeding the fam. I can easily go cheaper, i.e. more potatoes,pasta, etc. However, it might just be a case of us over the years having more and more leaned on the healthier side (right macros - proteins, carbs, fats). And this just kept creating significantly up thanks to covid. + +So I am wondering how much of your weekly net household income do you spend on your weekly family grocery bill? For me $450/week is approx 13% of my weekly household net income. +Am I missing anything with this scenario? If I can save enough into my 401k until I am 55 to have a value of $1.5M, and it continues to grow throughout retirement at 2.4%, I can safely withdraw $70,000 per year until death (figuring 85) and have a small balance left over ($31k). Are my assumptions here wrong at all? + +Edit: Thanks a lot everyone for all the input. You've given me a lot of great feedback about things I'm not considering but need to, and asked some questions that are helping me think through my plans in greater detail. +Let Fidelity be the hero of this portion in the saga. + +They single handedly fomo'd all their investors into DRS'ing their shares. Pro gamer move! + +Instead of outright bashing them, kill that company with kindness. I can guarantee that if you flip the narrative on them before they flip the narrative on you, Fidelity will stand no chance and have to eat from the hand feeding it. Thank them for making you, a valued investor, choose the right decision in DRSing your shares out of their brokerage. + +Without their fuck up, this subreddit might have not seen the push for DRS that I'm witnessing now. It's intense, and it's sparked another lashing fire. + +Congratulate them so fucking hard it hurts. Congratulate them for fucking up so unbelievably hard that they gave Apes/Retail the upper hand, and with evidence. + +Seriously, well done Fidelity 👏 you fucked up so good it hurts to smile. +Pretty much the title. + +I am super pissed and was wondering if any of you know of an agency I can report this to. + +I am on the board of a children's sports club. The person on the club's account quit and is suspected of skimming $$$. She needed to sign the account over and refused to come to the credit union to do so. Fine. They said they'd send out a "DocuSign" to her to sign off on, then they'd send it to me. + +I opened my email when my DocuSign arrived once she signed off + +I saw that this DocuSign floating around in this sketchy person's email showed both of our SSNs, drivers license #, DOB...you get the picture. + +I hit the roof. I called the CU and was told the following excuses: + +*We have to use this form when people won't come in. + +*This form is required by regulation. + +*We generally assume if you are on a club account that you trust them. + +There is a big difference between trusting someone and giving them everything they need to commit identity theft. And this chick is sketchy as hell. + +I said I did not know or consent to this, and I NEVER would have agreed to it. In fact, I'd have opened a new account and had the club's money transferred in to it. + +I told them I would never believe that my trusted financial institution would do this and am disgusted. + +Was this appropriate? They made it sound like it was. I am super super pissed and would like to contact a regulating agency to file a report if I am able. + +TDLR; credit union sent out a form for me and a sketchy person to sign that had everything needed to steal my identity. They had all kinds of excuses when I complained and I would like advice on if/how/who to turn them in to. + +EDIT: Per some comments, it appears that the form sent in the DocuSign was some sort of "membership card." By the nature of this form, PII would be on it for both parties. (I don't know know why my SSN couldn't have been obscured though.) The crux of this is that I had *no* idea that the form to remove the other party and add me would have PII. If I did, I would not have agreed to add myself. It was not explained to me *before* any documents were drawn up. I didn't sign anything at all until the other party signed. I am thinking now that there was a lack of explanation/communication from the credit union regarding what info would be shared when the form was generated. +I used to be covered by Anthem BCBS through my employer and my employer has a policy that all employees will continued to be covered through the last day of the month that their employment ended. My last day of employment was August 4th so I assumed I would be covered for a doctor's appointment I had August 31st. Anthem has rejected covering it and is claiming my coverage ended on the 30th, I have filed an appeal and they took 3 months to tell me they declined my appeal. + +Questions I asked a rep from Anthem: +- when you're covered through the month is it inclusive or exclusive of the last day of the month? +- how would someone gain coverage on the last day of a month if prior coverage ended the second to last day of the month? (As far as I know COBRA doesn't kick in until the 1st of the next month) +- in a billing cycle is the last day of the month included on the next month or the current month? I.e is August 31st considered part of September? + +Everyone from Anthem I've talked to has been super unhelpful and unapologetic. I contacted my previous employer and they confirmed I should've been covered August 31st. I'm not sure what to do at this point. + +**Update: Here is the exact wording Anthem sent me in their denial of my appeal: +"Please be advised, the services that you were rendered are not eligible for coverage under your plan. The reason for this is because services were rendered after your coverage termed. Our records confirm that your plan policy terminated on August 31st, 2020, which means any services rendered on this date are not considered eligible for payment." Then they quoted part of their documents: "Not Covered. Services received before your effective date or after your coverage ends, except as specifically stated under EXTENSION OF BENEFITS" So because my policy terminated on August 31st theyre saying I have no coverage that day. + +**Update 2: The exact wording from the paperwork I signed with my employer: +"If you were enrolled in _____ medical, dental or vision plans, your coverage will end at midnight, the last day of the month in which your employment ended." + +**Update 3: COBRA coverage is dated to start September 1st. So this appears to be an issue between my employer and Anthem. +This is just an anecdotal story, but wanted to share with you all anyway... + +Some of you on this sub will know me for various contributions over the saga. A few DDs, a few shitposts, publicising Jason Waterfalls' work, my WALLS series, the Planet of the Apes work to figure out which countries we have a presence, and a whole bunch of other things. Check my post history. + +But I do have a physical form in the real world, and that form is located somewhere in Asia (I am an exiled Europoorean) My job here requires me to be in contact with, and have a fairly sound understanding of, the Financial Services industry in general. Happy to show the mods more info, if required - don't want to dox myself here. + +Anyway, as part of my work, some time late last week I had a chat with a Legal & Compliance head for one of the evil financial institutions on the other side. This chap isn't here, as those fucktards don't have a presence where I am located, but in another non-US location. In that country they have hundreds of staff and work very closely with their US operations. Basically they facilitate Asia-Pacific institutions'/investors' access to the US markets, so connected at the hip to their US parent. + +The reason I was speaking with this guy was because he wants to get out, and wanted some help and advice on how to do that and what options he has. Some of his reasons were personal, but others were pretty interesting... Of course I didn't say too much about my online activities, but threw out a line about his company being in the news for all the wrong reasons, to see if he would take the bait... + +Well he did! This guy has to be the one dealing with the regulatory bodies (i.e. the equivalents of the SEC) of the various Asia-Pacific countries they are servicing customers in. He said that since the start of last year, things have been "hectic" due to all the bad publicity, and his workload has increased a lot. He and his team have had to go in front of multiple regulators a bunch of times, who wanted to know if they were playing at similar types of fuckery outside the US too, and what was being done with Asian investors' money in the US. + +Interestingly it sounds like these Asian regulators keep a close eye on what's happening in the US, and do more questioning/probing - faster, more regularly and more directly - than the SEC's standard approach. In fact, it didn't even sound like they need much evidence to ask questions, instead even summoning this guy based on news stories. Who knows, maybe even based on some of the things published on this sub! It seems this has been a recurring thing, and doesn't seem to be dying down as he has to get in front of these regulators quite frequently. + +Their approach to dealing with it now is getting ahead of the problem by "proactively educating these local APAC regulators more on what we do". He wouldn't say what that meant, but sounds to me like they could be sweetening these regulators in some fashion, before they probe more in an uncomfortable way. Actually he also said his colleagues in their Relationship Management teams - who are responsible for maintaining the relationships with existing clients - are following the same approach now. Basically it sounds like they have both unhappy customers and local regulators breathing down their necks, and the continued bad publicity is making life more and more difficult! + +Something else that's related and interesting for me is that my company gets almost no demand from this particular firm for the services we provide. That's a big change from, especially, before the pandemic and quite unlike pretty much every other Financial Services company we service. As that service is pretty crucial for these companies to operate and grow, I am guessing either don't have the money or just trying to keep what they already have together for now. There is very high demand for my company's services right now, and it is very surprising that this company isn't in need of that service (well, not a surprise for me though...!) + +From how this guy was describing things, it certainly does NOT sound like everything is on the verge of collapse or anything like that, so I want to make that clear. However, there do seem to be some quite unhappy employees working for them at the moment, and things seem to be getting worse for them... +I got a new job and I am currently training. In training they ask you to call a toll free number in order to join a chat. + +I just got a 4k phone bill. I had no idea my carrier was charging me for calling the toll free number. + +I am feeling so ashamed and stupid. How could this have happened. I am reaching out here to see if anyone's gone through anything similar or has any words to offer me. I'm feeling super anxious about this as I can't reach a rep right now and need to wait for a call back tomorrow evening. + +Thanks :( +30yrs old plan on retiring in 30 years. Looked at target retirement funds, ETFs, index funds, essential portfolio (robo-advisor) and mutual funds. Been doing a ton of research to see what is the best way to invest my money. I currently am in 3 ETFs but it’s a pain having to check my portfolio and buy more shares to equal out the percentages I want. I’d rather put the money in and then look at it in like 20 years and see if I need to have someone rebalance it. Are target retirement funds a good choice. The only thing I don’t like is it doesn’t give you a price target you’re looking for around that specific year. +I have live data that I would want to analyse, ideally like tradingview allows. + +Is there any website or tool that plots live data better then pythons plotting tool? +Example: [Stocks fall following new home sales declines](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/sp-trades-lower-boeing-lifts-dow-140722413.html) + +This news reports on what appears to be a direct causation to today's drop. Is it worth looking at the news cycle, or is it too late by the time it's reported? ...in which case does it always boil down to (timely) raw data sources? +I am very privacy-minded and actively work to keep my name out of any records that tie it to my address/email/phone/etc. The one area that I haven't resolved yet is that my full name is listed in real estate records and therefore gets propagated to spam lists, people finder sites, etc. What are ways that you have mitigated this issue? + +1) I use a trust, but my name is still attached as a grantor/trustee so it still makes it into the record. Did I miss something easy here? + +2) Yes, I know about LLCs -- do you have specifics on recommended jurisdictions/entities/structures or non-obvious pitfalls of the approach? +TBE is a great way for those with fatter assets to protect themselves (if married couple) along with other strategies but my current bank and brokerage do not offer this titling. Has anyone found some that offer this? +This feels like a huge roadblock to fatFIRE and wondering how you deal with it. I pull over mid-six figures a year while my siblings and parents have household incomes of 50-60k, and I feel constant internal pressure to help them out with life expenses. + +None of them have ever asked me for money but they often talk about their student debt burdens (120k for brother, parents carry 80k for my sister), health bills and trying to make ends meet. I feel guilty having the goal to retire early with 8 figures and deliberately saving my income stream instead of assisting them with 5 figures of expenses here and there... +I had 2 recent IPOs (one with lockup expired, one pending lockup) and sold 1/4 of the first one during an early lockup period but otherwise still have most of it just sitting in my brokerage account now. + +For those who have similar experiences did you rush to sell all of it as soon as you could, hold, or sell a little every so often? + +The stock took a bit of a beating like most of the new “growthy” tech stocks in the last few months and was generally not planning on incurring more cap gains this year than I need to but who knows where the market is headed. +Just looking for some perspective from this /r. I think I may have run across a possible bubble in real estate: Seniors. There are a lot of seniors who are staying in their homes longer, and along with the many other forces at work, that is having a tightening effect on the supply, driving up prices. When (if) we get this pandemic under control there will be a lot of older folks moving out of their homes and moving into senior living communities. + +I had been calling around looking for a place for my folks, and I have been getting bombarded with sales people looking to fill vacancies at the senior living facilities. In talking with them a bit they were saying that they have quite a lot of available capacity. + +So if a lot of seniors put their houses on the market, will it just be some price relief, or will it be a bubble bursting? +**EDIT 2: Wow, this blew up. Thanks again, everyone. Here were the steps I took:** + +1. **I called the CC companies and negotiated lower interest rates and monthly payments. I can't use the cards for a year, but it'll help me get control of this.** +2. **The credit counselor is contacting the servicer of my two personal loans and is going to negotiate the interest rates down and chop the monthly payments in half.** +3. **I backed out of the debt settlement program.** +4. **Still don't know how Reddit works.** +5. **Still love Taylor Swift (some of you will get this)** + +**Thanks again, everyone. All of this advice gave me some hope. If anyone cares, I'll pop back with an update at some point.** + +**EDIT: I appreciate all the sound advice. I just got off the phone with a credit counselor and we are going to work toward getting me a good budget. I'm also meeting with my psychiatrist to really discuss the severity of the situation and get coping mechanisms.** + +**Also, I'm mostly a lurker/casual commenter on reddit and I had no idea you could click on someone's name and see all their past posts. Super embarrassing and uncomfortable.** + +**ORIGINAL:** Let me start this by saying I’m probably going to be ripped to shreds over this. But I was referred to this subreddit by another sub, so I thought I’d give this a shot. + +I’ve been in debt since I was 19. I’m now 28, and that debt has ballooned to $35k, not including my student loans. + +The debt is all unsecured...credit cards and loans. I make $62,000 a year and I never have money. It’s embarrassing and exhausting. Yes, before anyone asks, I’m pretty sure I have an undiagnosed shopping addiction. + +Payment breakdowns below. I bring home around $3500 a month. + +Rent: $650 (soon to be 1300 b/c my bf and I broke up) Utilities: $25 (soon to be 50 for the same reason) Cable: $131 (I think I’m going to downgrade to just internet. I need internet because my job has me work from home a fair bit) Personal loans: $800 CCs: $500 Car payment: $260 (can not get out of this, it’s a lease) Car insurance: $135 (I live in an urban area and rates are higher, don’t know what do do about this) Wells Fargo Student loan: $334 Federal Student loan: $280 Misc. Subscriptions: $54 + +I just entered a debt settlement program two days ago. I don’t know what else to do other than to file for chapter 13. I’ve started trying to sell things that I don’t need. Tried doing Poshmark, but that didn’t take off. Literally considered crowdfunding, but then I realized no one would donate to the cause lol. Guess I’ll start playing the lottery. + +Any and all advice would be appreciated. I get that some of the responses might be harsh. I get that I’m an idiot and a failure. You don’t need to remind me of that. +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-market-just-experienced-the-most-seismic-shift-from-growth-to-value-since-lehman-brothers-says-nomura-2018-07-31](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-stock-market-just-experienced-the-most-seismic-shift-from-growth-to-value-since-lehman-brothers-says-nomura-2018-07-31) + +Some of the most popular bets in the U.S. stock market have gotten pummeled in recent days, leading one analyst on Wall Street to declare it one of the biggest rotations from growth stocks into value stocks since the aftermath of the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers back in mid September 2008. + +In a Tuesday research note, Charlie McElligott, head of cross-asset strategy at Nomura, said the “three-day move in U.S. ‘Value / Growth’ has been the largest since October 2008—a 4.3 standard deviation event relative to the returns of the past 10 year period…” + +See the chart below which shows a growth/value ratio over the past decade: + +https://i.redd.it/6i6kofyvdjd11.jpg + +McElligott’s comments come after the Nasdaq Composite Index [**COMP,** **+0.50%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/comp?mod=MW_story_quote)[**booked a three-session tumble**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/us-stock-futures-dip-putting-sp-500-on-pace-for-3rd-down-session-in-a-row-2018-07-30) that drove the technology-tinged index to its lowest level in about three weeks—a recent unraveling sparked partly by disappointments in quarterly updates from key members of the so-called FAANG contingent. Those include **Facebook Inc**. [**FB,** **-0.46%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/fb?mod=MW_story_quote) **Apple Inc**. [**AAPL,** **+5.81%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/aapl?mod=MW_story_quote) **Amazon.com Inc**. [**AMZN,** **+1.05%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/amzn?mod=MW_story_quote) **Netflix Inc**. [**NFLX,** **+0.45%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/nflx?mod=MW_story_quote) and **Google Inc**.-parent **Alphabet Inc**. [**GOOG,** **+0.39%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/goog?mod=MW_story_quote) [**GOOGL,** **+0.63%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/googl?mod=MW_story_quote) + +[**Both Facebook**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/facebook-stock-crushed-after-revenue-user-growth-miss-2018-07-25) and Netflix saw their shares fall into bear-market territory on Monday, defined by a decline of at least 20% from a recent peak, and nearly 40% of the S&P 500’s technology sector is in correction territory, typically characterized as a fall of at least 10% from a recent top. + +X + +**See Also**Amazon HQ2: What City Will Win Jeff Bezos’ Heart? + +What’s more, the NYSE FANG+ index [**NYFANG,** **+0.10%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/nyfang?countrycode=xx&mod=MW_story_quote) which comprises many of the aforementioned FAANG names as well as **Twitter Inc**. [**TWTR,** **+0.16%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/twtr?mod=MW_story_quote) electric car maker **Tesla Inc**. [**TSLA,** **+0.97%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/tsla?mod=MW_story_quote) **Nvidia Corp**. [**NVDA,** **+0.72%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/nvda?mod=MW_story_quote) and Chinese e-commerce giant **Alibaba Group Holding Ltd**. [**BABA,** **-1.10%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/baba?mod=MW_story_quote) and **Baidu Inc**.[**BIDU,** **-7.94%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/bidu?mod=MW_story_quote) fell into correction territory. + +The index had enjoyed stellar performance, up 23.4% for the year, compared with a 2.8% gain for the Dow Jones Industrial Average [**DJIA,** **-0.21%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/djia?mod=MW_story_quote)  so far in 2018, a rise of over the past seven months of 5.3% for the S&P 500 index [**SPX,** **-0.02%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/spx?mod=MW_story_quote) and year-to-date return of about 11.1% for the Nasdaq. + +**Read:** [**Opinion: The biggest problem for Facebook and Netflix is they are running out of humans**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-biggest-problem-for-facebook-and-netflix-is-they-are-running-out-of-humans-2018-07-30) + +Popular growth investing strategies, reflecting companies whose profits grow consistently and at faster clip than the overall market, have by far been the best performers in recent years, compared against traditional value investing, buying shares that are viewed as priced beneath their inherent value. + +However, the stumbles in FAANG names have highlighted growth’s recent deterioration, with those large-capitalization tech and internet companies that have helped to push the broader market to new heights, losing some luster as investors fret about stock valuations and the outlook for economic growth in the ninth year of an economic expansion in the U.S., the second-longest on record. + +So far this week, the S&P 500 Growth index [**SP500G,** **+0.38%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/sp500g?countrycode=xx&mod=MW_story_quote)  is down 1.2%, while, the S&P 500 Value index [**SP500V,** **-0.48%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/sp500v?countrycode=xx&mod=MW_story_quote) is up 0.2% over the same period. To be sure, over the longer-term, growth has been a steady outperformer, gaining 9.4% year-to-date, compared against action in value names that have left the S&P 500 value index little changed. + +In a Monday note, Morgan Stanley said the outperformance by growth had it poised for an eventual reversal, [**as MarketWatch’s Ryan Vlastelica writes**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/after-a-decade-of-wins-the-end-may-be-near-for-one-of-wall-streets-best-stock-trades-2018-07-30). + +It remains to be seen if the recent moves represent a sea change for a reemergence for value, which has been overshadowed by growth plays, or if moves of the past few days are a blip. + +**Check out:** [**How a tech meltdown could be contained**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-a-tech-meltdown-could-be-contained-2018-07-30) + +As McElligott writes: “The question now becomes whether value continue\[s\] to outperform growth if the tape turns to an outright ‘risk off’ one over the next few weeks of seasonal weakness, prior to commence of heavy (tech-led) buyback.” + +Michael Antonelli, equity sales trader at R.W Baird & Co., said that although he sees some rotation from one segment of the market to another under way, he believes that it reflects investors selling winning bets, which happen to be shares of Facebook, Netflix and other growthy companies and moving into other sectors, rather than a more pronounced rotation out of growth to value. + +“The rotation I think isn’t necessarily growth to value, it’s about selling the winners and that \[happens to involve\] growth stocks,” he told MarketWatch. + +Only time will tell. However, so-called growth names were bouncing back higher again, with the Nasdaq rebounding on Tuesday to finish up 0.6% [**in Tuesday action**](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nasdaq-set-to-stabilize-after-three-session-skid-2018-07-31), helping buoy the broad market. +The Wheel strategy (simple form, where you sell CSP for a stock you don't mind to own, and if assigned, keep selling SSCs) sounds pretty good. But reality is - it appears to not work. I coded a backtest on QuantConnect and run it through few "good" stocks (IBM, T, GIS, MSFT) and the best result is this one - [https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded\_backtest\_995782f9a954f9acdabe27351860ad22.html](https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded_backtest_995782f9a954f9acdabe27351860ad22.html) + +&#x200B; + +I also run it with selling at 30 delta and 10 delta. None of these would beat just buying SPY. + +&#x200B; + +This is simple script and no control for earnings, etc. But it appears drawdowns are not really related to these. + +&#x200B; + +So is it personal success of The Wheel strategy is really about luck and trading by hands, or I am missing something really big here. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: List of trades for the best result published above (GIS, 1-2 months, 30 delta) - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SzqznqZrrVtz-UvSqWF1YXNc13BPQz3t8jcvLL7b-xU/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SzqznqZrrVtz-UvSqWF1YXNc13BPQz3t8jcvLL7b-xU/edit?usp=sharing) + +EDIT2: After updating code to sell SSCs only above average assigned price, results are pretty much the same - [https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded\_backtest\_48563de9be3547a707a7890c7916d7ed.html](https://www.quantconnect.com/terminal/processCache?request=embedded_backtest_48563de9be3547a707a7890c7916d7ed.html) +Hey guys, I've just started investing in the past year or so and have done decently so far. One stock I've wanted. To own but haven't pulled the trigger on is AAPL. + +I don't know a whole lot of the technical stuff (I'm learning) but my main concern is "What else is there left for them to do?". They've grown so massive and already own a huge chunk of the market in their field, where else is there to go? They keep releasing newer versions of old products like the iPhone 6, but I don't really see much new groundbreaking tech coming out. + +Can you tell me why you disagree? +I created this thread to point out some distinct and important differences between the launch of bitcoin compared to the launch of every other cryptocurrency. I realize that many of you already know these facts, but some of you don't. + +Bitcoin, the most secure and decentralized cryptocurrency (I'm not debating it), was created to solve the problem of trust with governments and to be a store of value that can be sent/received anywhere/anytime without permission or trust of anyone else. Bitcoin’s narrative matches the real world utility. If you want to get technical, bitcoin is really a scarce tokenized derivative of inflation and corruption that's kept honest and secure by it's own decentralized ledger of value that can't be forged or hacked. + +**To ensure that the launch was considered fair, Satoshi took careful steps to make sure that the world would look back and observe that bitcoin was launched fairly:** + +- **No premine** (Satoshi didn’t grant himself any coins) +- **Gave a 2 month heads up before launching the network** (no sudden release and no mining before release) +- **Coins had no value for 1.5 years so they circulated freely** (this cannot even be replicated) +- **Satoshi never cashed out** (unlike every other founder in history and I bet it stays that way for eternity) + +Putting everything else about bitcoin aside, there will never be another cryptocurrency that is launched as fairly as bitcoin, for all of eternity, because bitcoin's fair launch cannot ever be replicated. Now that the genies out of the bottle and bitcoin is here, it's 100% impossible to ever have a cryptocurrency where the coins are circulating in the wild freely for 18 months before having any value. I also don't think that we'll ever see another cryptocurrency created where the founder never cashes out. +[https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/hwldl/ok\_bitcoin\_users\_time\_for\_your\_first\_test\_will/](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/hwldl/ok_bitcoin_users_time_for_your_first_test_will/) + +I stumbled upon this 9 year old thread and wanted to share it with you because it's an amazing piece of history. Some of the comments look like something you would see on threads today. + +Here are some of my favorite ones: + +" I'm mostly kicking myself for not buying in when I first heard about Bitcoin 4 months ago when they were going for $1.. " + +And here we are complaining about not getting in at 3000$. + +" I've invested several tens of thousands USD in this to have a better life later on. " + +I wonder how many Lambos this guy owns now. + +"panic selling is a bad idea, this is the first real test though. " + +You said it, bro. If you only knew how many more test were about to come. + +" its crashing SELL SELL SELL " + +This was posted by u/deleted, no wonder. + + " how do you hold your coins? do you keep them in your mtgox account? " + +Sweet child of mine. +https://www.wsj.com/articles/ford-ceo-paid-22-1-million-total-compensation-in-2016-up-19-149096648 + +I'm just trying to understand why companies reward executives even if they lose revenue. + +Edit: Thanks for the replies! +Lately, crypto has been following the economy itself beat by beat unfortunately, which means that though this is a perfect time to DCA into crypto, a lot of us unfortunately are struggling to gather up enough fiat to do so at the moment. + +Shit's just kinda rough all around. I don't know if it's the economy as a whole but I feel like everyone I talk to has had financial problems lately, and we've all been trying to save up just to pay the bills lately. + +What do y'all think? Might be confirmation bias, but I feel like there's a good correlation between the two. +So all do you see in the news these days is everyone forecasting a massive market crash. So when one has all their investments in 401(k) funds what is the safest and best route to go? +Haven't been churning so much lately; but found out I can make mortgage payments via credit card for a small fee (NOT %). Seems like a huge opportunity to get some points and free up cash flow for another month. + +Am I missing something here? Is this an obvious move? +Title says it all really. I think it would be pretty cool to have him representing the [upvote](https://i.redd.it/m1t4stz98bay.jpg) arrow and [downvote](https://i.redd.it/troiu3tw5v7y.jpg) arrow. +From reading the posts and comments on this sub, I've noticed that investment professionals often have insight\understanding that escapes both the general public and most retail investors (duh..). For example, I would have never known that Myanmar was such an up and coming place if I didn't read the comments from one redditor on this sub. + + +(1) So, redditors, will you share what domain your expertise is in? + +(2) and, may I/we ask you related questions to get an understanding of an expert's view? + +**Edit:** +(3) is anyone a domain expert on any particular commodities? I know one redditor expert on junior mining and one on wheat. + +TY +Title pretty much says it all, someone opened 5 accounts under my SS number and name and now I just received their bill! Verizon has suspended the account but the fraud department doesn't open until Monday morning. I'm not even sure what steps to take after this, clearly my SS has been compromised do I contact the 3 credit bureaus? My bank? Thanks in advance. + +Update: Filed a police report, contact credit bureaus, contacting FTC, contacting IRS, contacting bank, freezing SS, and looking into monitoring services (even though I hate them) + +Edit2: Set A Fraud alert, Verizon wants my ID, an insurance bill, and a Utility bill, and the police report (WTF) following the identitytheft.gov steps, seems thorough, Ran my credit reports on annualcreditreport.com saw some other shit on there. (urggh facckkk) +WTF is up with all these whiny cry babies blaming CMC, a **FREE** and ridiculously useful website when their shitcoins start dropping? If you are judging whether you buy or sell based on the average value of your shitcoin over multiple exchanges as opposed to the exchange you are directly dealing with, sorry to say, but you're an idiot. +I always knew I was a screw up, but this is it. yesterday I was happy to finally have my home sold just before foreclosure + + today the buyers backed out. my son lives with his dad, and I don't know how I can even say goodbye. my poor 2 cats, are rescues with behavior problems so their future is gone too. + +a nice cold storm is coming. its enticing, but I not ready for this. Northern Canada is not where you want to be homeless in winter. + +what a failure + +thanks for listening. +Maybe kind of a stupid question, I don't regularly check my shares so I have some positions that are at a very big loss (talking about 95-99% loss). Obviously there is no value in them so it's not like selling them for the few bucks will help anything. + +My question is therefore, should I just hold for them to miraculously rise again, or just clean up my portfolio and sell them anyway? +This is a pretty specific scenario, but one that potentially is another option to 401k. Can you please help fact check this to see if I'm missing something? + +Abstract: If one is looking to cash out investments all at once before 59.5 years of age, manipulating what tax bracket you're in and buying your own stocks could be superior to 401k investment. + +Example: Home interest payments ensure that you'll be in the 15% income tax bracket for the next 10 years. You take the money you would have invested in 401k and instead purchase the fund/investments directly yourself that the 401k plan would purchase. You make purchases of the investments every month. When it comes time to sell, you pay the 15% capital gains tax. Your total tax burden on the investment compared to the 401k option is 30% (15% of the money you used to buy the stock was taxed before you got it from income tax, and 15% was taxed at sale via capital gains.) Compare this to cashing out a 401k: if the total $ amount sold is 198k or more (Head of Household, not single status) you bump up into the 33% income tax bracket, and the lump-sum sale of 401k is now 3% more costly to you than if you had bought your own stock from the beginning... except there are some unaccounted for factors: + +- When purchasing stock directly, there is a price per transaction. If you invest every month, you have 12 transactions per year to account for. Does anyone have any input on how pricey that will be? I find it hard to believe that it would be enough to nullify the 3% margin between the two paths (buying your own vs 401k contribution) +EDIT: quick search shows $10 per trade on Etrade. So $120 per year... only $1200 over 10 years. The 3% is going to tower over that $1200 after 10 years! +- what else might I be missing that would cut into the greater profits that appear to be available using the "buy your own method" ? + +Being able to liquidate these funds before 59.5 years old is highly desirable for me. + +I apologize if I have some facts just flat-out wrong. I'm not an expert, and may have misinterpreted some rates / facts / data stumbling along my way to making this post. Thank you so much for helping shed light on this! +I do not seem to understand how the forex market work in that how do the different entities interact with each other. IE: + +How does a retail currency exchange acquire the currencies? + +Where are the forex market located? EG: stocks are traded on the stock exchanges but where are the forex equivalent? + +Where do banks fit into the picture? + +Also I don't seem to understand is why forex platforms do not allow currency conversion when they access the same market. + +Thank you very much for the help. +A friend who works in real estate recently tried to sell me on how IUL (indexed universal life) is the greatest thing ever. The plan they are on is indexed to the SP500, they get downside protection in that their minimum gain/loss in a year is 0%, but they also have upside capped at I believe 32%. This 32% cap seems way too high to me, which means that the plan must be incredibly expensive. However, the acquaintance could tell me nothing about the expense ratio of the plan - the management fees, etc. When he was sold the policy he either glossed over at the cost or it wasn't clearly communicated. He says it's particularly useful for people in real estate because you can borrow against the policy, flip a property, and extract the gain prior to retirement. I tried reading up on it at various insurance company websites, but the level of detail they provide is very limited, probably because it is illegal to advertise insurance products as investment vehicles. + +I would like to be clear on how exactly, if at all, an IUL policy can be better from an investment perspective than say a 401k, IRA, or a simple traditional investment portfolio with no tax advantage. + +1) Obviously no one is going to offer downside protection without requiring compensation, and my guess is that this particular feature is geared towards people who are either highly risk averse or gain an unusual amount of utility from never having to see a negative number in their annual statement. My question is what sort of fees/expenses have people seen in these kind of policies? + +2) What exactly are the tax advantages? From what I've read, the cash value is not taxed on the back-end, but you pay into the plan after taxes. Obviously everyone who understands the time value of money prefers a dollar today to a dollar tomorrow, all else equal. So what exactly is the advantage here? Are the gains also tax-free on the back-end? How can you extract these gains before death? + +3) Similar to #2, how does the borrowing aspect work exactly? How is this different from just taking money out of your non-retirement savings and promising to pay yourself back x%? To me this just seems like forced savings. This idea of "be your own bank" just seems like a way for people who are bad with money to force themselves to save, with the insurance company as a middle man taking x% off the top. Again, how is this different than investing all your money in a traditional portfolio and extracting money from it as you need it for other investment opportunities? + +4) My understanding of insurance is limited to the perspective from investment theory. Basically that, due to risk aversion and the shape of the utility curve, people are willing to pay for insurance even though it has negative expected value. But this should only be to a certain extent unless someone is infinitely risk averse. Since death is inevitable I don't understand how it makes sense to insure yourself through old age. Is this mainly used as a method for wealthy people to pass on an inheritance without it being taxed? Do you have to keep your IUL policy active your entire life? Can your premiums, fees, etc. ever change and if you refuse to pay the higher costs can your plan be canceled? Does it somehow also make sense for low- to middle-income families? +Recently I've had a large influx of packages delivered to my place with some key identifies that lead me to believe that someone is stealing cc info and picking up the packages from my place. I currently intercepted a few packages but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. + +Edit: the packages were meant to be sent to my address, but they are labeled as to: OP's address, apt X. Each name is unique, each apt label is a random letter of the alphabet. One package was from Target, three had the words "thrive" on it. There was one from coach, 3 from CVS, and maybe 3 that had no label on it. I don't have all of the boxes as they were taken. My own packages have never went missing. Also I don't plan to confront anyone directly for the sheer reason that they know where I live. +FHB here and trying to work out what size mortgage I should take on. Plenty of mortgage calculators out there to help but I don't know what interest rate to use. Presumably I want something like the average rate over the lifetime of the loan. I know we don't have crystal balls but I'm not even sure what a good guess would be. Interest rates were very much higher than they currently are, several decades ago right? They could return there right? +Dumb title I know and I'm sorry. + +I've been a property bear for the past 4 years and now that the oncoming property slaughter is on our doorstep, I'm presented with the perfect property and I'm having trouble pulling the trigger. + + * Nice home, large block, nil maintenance issues, no intentions to move 10+ years + + * In regional city close to work, in desirable school catchment + + * Value grown 20 - 25% in last 12 years since last sold + + * Only 5x my annual income + + * <80% LVR + +Buying seems the right thing to do given we have outgrown our current house, I just wish the current financial circumstances weren't so dire =( + +Any observations to cheer up an old bear? +I’m an international student in Melbourne currently making $40/hour working night shifts. I started working nights after I lost my previous job to the pandemic and have been doing them for about 3 months. However, I’ve never worked nights before and it’s taking a tremendous toll on my health and schedule. My sleeping habits are terrible now with work at night and classes during the day. I’ve had severe insomnia ever since I started this and find it incredibly hard to balance night shifts with uni. I’m worried this will end up compromising my final grades and ideally I want to quit immediately and switch to work that I can do during the day even if that means lower pay. + +My weekly costs including rent and food is on average $220/wk. I have enough savings to cover me for about 4 weeks. + +I wanted to gather thoughts on whether I should quit now and try to find something else within 4 weeks or stay until I have another offer in hand. I’m worried I might not be able to find another job on time if I quit now but I also can’t stand the thought of continuing to do night shifts any more. Any advice regarding what sort of jobs I should be targeting for immediate hire would also be appreciated. My work experience includes retail, tutoring, digital marketing, event management and several commerce internships at banks and PS firms (including one at a big 4) + +I’d be incredibly grateful for any advice or thoughts +It's hard to time the market and I don't feel like grabbing a falling knife with both hands, however, I expect stock prices to drop significantly by the end of the month, once another quarter of negative GDP growth is announced. + +With that in mind, once the opportunity presents itself, I intend to start DCAing into a handful of bluechip stocks and increase my positions at great entry prices. + +What I have in mind: + +https://preview.redd.it/eqya7z81s3491.png?width=1758&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7b5cfee0415092422cecd0048de216ebe706e49 + +&#x200B; + +Is anyone else looking forward to picking up great stocks at reasonable prices. Or are most of you more bearish than me/holding out until a later period? +**An overview of the secretive Gabriel Plotkin (AKA Portfolio manager B) and his short-selling Melvin Capital history** + +My fellow apes, + +&#x200B; + +“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love." - Mahatma Gandhi + +&#x200B; + +Gabe certainly doesn't love you, and he doesn't love the companies he drives under. Spread love between each other and stand strong for GME, and he will be conquered. + +&#x200B; + +Firstly, I apologise if this one is a bit shorter - Gabe is very secretive, as I would be running a company that thrives on the downfall of others (I personally find it disgusting). + +&#x200B; + +I am keen to inform you further again about the secondary antagonist of this story, who as far as I'm concerned has become little but a bloke stuck in-between a rock and a hard place (where he belongs, don't get me wrong; also I would cry him a river if he wasn't worth $400 million). I refer to of course Mr. Gabriel Plotkin, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Melvin Capital. + +&#x200B; + +Melvin was hilariously the first of the primary short-sellers in the GME debacle, where they were predatorially given loans by Citadel LLC and Ken Griffin to prevent margin calls at the GME peak in late January of this year. But worry not! tHEy CLosEd ThEIR POSitOnS , which has subsequently turned out to almost certainly be a lie. + +&#x200B; + +As with last time, Gabe runs the show at Melvin Capital so I find it to be fair that he is held accountable for its actions. Again, nasty man nasty business. I can't quite wrap my head around making people lose their lives' work for some quick profit (I mean seriously, do these people just not have consciences?). + +&#x200B; + +Enjoy: + +&#x200B; + +**Personal life** + +Let's start with the obvious, he called up CNBC, and told them he'd covered, but they 99% haven't (showed exceptional bravery in appearing live on air to announce the cover... oh wait): + +[https://twitter.com/squawkcnbc/status/1354386200157675521?lang=en](https://twitter.com/squawkcnbc/status/1354386200157675521?lang=en) + +[https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-posts-195234485.html](https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-posts-195234485.html) + +&#x200B; + +Gabe was a protégé of Steve Cohen, the infamous insider trader, at SAC investments, who probably set a really good example for him: + +[https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/08/15/a-former-top-sac-capital-trader-names-new-hedge-fund/](https://dealbook.nytimes.com/2014/08/15/a-former-top-sac-capital-trader-names-new-hedge-fund/) + +&#x200B; + +Gabe's incompetence (AKA Portfolio manager B) was one of the reasons they got caught, as he was forwarding emails he should have (never heard of BCC?): + +[https://www.investmentnews.com/senior-manager-at-sac-capital-indicted-for-fraud-50572](https://www.investmentnews.com/senior-manager-at-sac-capital-indicted-for-fraud-50572) + +&#x200B; + +Gabe paid $32M for a Miami beach mansion, and $12M for house next door, so he could knock down the house and build a tennis court and a garden (that's just obscene and unnecessary wealth, you can't convince me otherwise) how about giving the home to one of the 55,739 homeless families in the US mate?: + +[https://therealdeal.com/miami/2020/12/07/melvin-capital-founder-revealed-as-buyer-of-44m-miami-beach-property-sources/](https://therealdeal.com/miami/2020/12/07/melvin-capital-founder-revealed-as-buyer-of-44m-miami-beach-property-sources/) + +&#x200B; + +He's personally lost $460m from Melvin's losses; I'm happy to take it from you: + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-10/chase-coleman-leads-23-billion-payday-for-15-hedge-fund-earners](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-02-10/chase-coleman-leads-23-billion-payday-for-15-hedge-fund-earners) + +&#x200B; + +He said he received anti-Semitic responses on comments due to January, but failed to link them and the r/wsb moderators reported almost nothing (plus the internet is a big place, it could've been literally anyone): + +[https://www.timesofisrael.com/hedge-funder-who-tried-to-short-gamestop-says-he-received-anti-semitic-messages/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hedge-funder-who-tried-to-short-gamestop-says-he-received-anti-semitic-messages/) + +&#x200B; + +Enjoys petting zoos: + +[https://www.chabadic.com/templates/articlecco\_cdo/aid/1990574/jewish/Honorees.htm](https://www.chabadic.com/templates/articlecco_cdo/aid/1990574/jewish/Honorees.htm) + +&#x200B; + +**Business** + +Gabe and Ken Griffin go way back (the corruption runs deep): + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-06/ex-point72-manager-plotkin-said-to-raise-700-million-for-fund](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-01-06/ex-point72-manager-plotkin-said-to-raise-700-million-for-fund) + +&#x200B; + +I personally find the quote "a very human-intensive place. We have a lot of analysts, we require a lot out of them" as incredibly dehumanising, but I suppose that comes with the territory: + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-19/cohen-cub-gabriel-plotkin-sees-fund-surge-about-44-this-year](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-19/cohen-cub-gabriel-plotkin-sees-fund-surge-about-44-this-year) + +&#x200B; + +He's had to pay Steve Cohen back, which explains the link to and loan from Point72: + +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-outside-hedge-fund-is-driving-steve-cohens-gains-11565004717](https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-outside-hedge-fund-is-driving-steve-cohens-gains-11565004717) + +&#x200B; + +Took first quarter losses of 47% this year: + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-09/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-posts-first-quarter-decline-of-49](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-09/hedge-fund-melvin-capital-posts-first-quarter-decline-of-49) + +&#x200B; + +ANOTHER OFFSHORE ACCOUNT IN THE CAYMAN ISLANDS, Wall St. loves these! (A **tax haven** is generally an **offshore** country that offers foreign individuals and businesses **little or no tax liability** in a politically and economically static environment.): + +[https://sec.report/CIK/0001627486](https://sec.report/CIK/0001627486) + +&#x200B; + +Made puts on Tesla because of course: + +[https://fintel.io/so/us/tsla/melvin-capital-management-lp](https://fintel.io/so/us/tsla/melvin-capital-management-lp) + +&#x200B; + +There's just zero on them online, they must wipe it fastidiously. If you work for them, message me and tell me more. + +&#x200B; + +For the life of me I can't understand how these people become so heartless to run a company out of business, to have people lose their jobs and ruin lives. The people in finance are smart enough to realise what they are doing, so it must purely be intentional ignorance or just pure malice. Gabe, you're up there with the worst of them. If you did everything by the book, why do you make such an effort to hide? I still found the good stuff, don't worry. Again, these people don't deserve money. Take it from them and do better things with it than knocking down homes for tennis courts. KNOCK THE CITADEL DOWN AND USE THE BRICKS TO BUILD HOMES, SCHOOLS AND HOSPTIALS. + +&#x200B; + +If anyone has any more additions/changes, please message me and I will edit. + +&#x200B; + +ELIA: Gabe bad, hate sharing information and banana, want other apes to lose. + +&#x200B; + +Thank you for reading. Please GME to the moon, and hopefully Gabe to jail 🚀🚀🚀 + +*Edited for readability* + +*Disclaimer: all of this information was available online, or is an opinion. You'll have to sue them first before you sue me* +Dave Ramsey frequently talks about earning an average annual 12% return on his investments and claims that if you do your research, you can find funds that perform the same. + +My understanding is that Dave gets this number by simply taking an arithmetic average of returns each year. So if you earn 30% this year, and lose 6% next year, you've earned 24% over the two years - or an average of 12% per year. + +However, Dave is the only person who looks at returns in that matter. Everyone else takes a 12% average return to mean 12% compound interest. So if I invest $1,000 and earn 12% each year, I'll have $1,120 at the end of year 1, and $1,254 ($1,120 * 1.12) at the end of year 2. + +But taking Dave's method, I earned 30% in year 1, so I'm at $1,300 at the end of year 1. Then I lost 6% ($78) in year 2, so my balance is only $1,222. + +Dave *claims* to have an admirable objective. Something along the lines of "hey, I just want to get people investing and by showing them this big number that their savings can grow to will incentivize them to do that". But I think it has the potential to do just the opposite and cause people to invest too little. They may put away $5,500 a year into an IRA thinking that's going to grow to $7,000,000 over their working life - which is highly unlikely based upon historical performance of the stock market. + +But Dave has a response to that too. He'll go through the calculations, come up with his $7,000,000 answer, and then say "even if I'm half wrong, you're still going to be a multi-millionaire". Sorry Dave, but that's just not true. + +In another thread, I was doing some calculations and came up with the following for a poster who was curious about investing: + +$5,500 invested annually from age 22 to 65 will provide the following ending balance based upon assumed average return: + +3% - $510,000 + +4% - $666,000 + +5% - $878,000 + +6% - $1,171,000 + +7% - $1,571,000 + +8% - $2,126,000 + +9% - $2,892,000 + +10% - $3,954,364 + +11% - $5,427,000 + +12% - $7,470,000 + +So, no Dave. If you're half wrong and the average return is only 6% instead of 12%, you're not going to still end up with a huge nest egg. You'll be *ok* with a bit over $1,000,000. But you'll be a far, far, far cry from the $7.5 million you may have been expecting based upon Dave's advice. + +And you're only *ok* if you actually do the $5,500 every year, consistently, for your working life. If you're a 22 year old doing the calculations, you may decide that you don't need to put away that full $5,500 because you aren't going to need $7.5 million in retirement and would rather use more of your money to enjoy life now. + +So you run through your calculations again with Dave's recommended 12% return and realize that a measly $1,200/year ($100/month) is more than enough to invest because you're still going to end up with over $1.6 million in retirement. If you luck into that 12% annual return for 40 years, congratulations. + +But, if you have a more realistic return of 8%, you end up with a mere $463,000 in retirement. You can probably make that work (what other option will you have), but you're living a far different lifestyle that what you had planned on when you were 22 and thinking you'd have $1.6 million to live your golden years. +Chinas high speed railway debt crisis is a bigger deal than Evergrande apparently. Could this be what Ryan’s tweets are about? + +https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eLCa6Vl7EeQ + +My last post got removed for too few characters. So I’m going to offer some emojis. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 + +And also a reminder to DRS your shares. Not financial advice +After all of this? After YEARS of holding? YEARS of the bullshit and manipulation? Days upon weeks, market open until close, opex to nopex, FED to FUD, short and distort? Do you actually think we give a flying f*ck about what you are doing to fuck this market and the one stonk you SHOULD NOT have f*cked with?? + +IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT GAMES YOU PLAY. + +We will buy. We will directly register. And you will f*cking lose. + +Greetings from Margaritaville, you f*cking greedy financial fucks. NOTHING WILL STOP US EXPOSING YOU. +The portfolio will be equally balanced, at least across these 3 tickers. + +I picked these 3 companies since I strongly believe in the value they create in the world, and I am certain they will continue to create value for years. + +Is this a completely terrible idea, or do-able? +Scam Bankrupt Fraud is rich, even now he still has a lot of money and his family has money too. +So what, you’re asking? Well I’m not being cynical saying he’s rich and his friends higher up will help him avoid prison, I’m being pragmatic and saying that when you have a lot of money you can pay the best attorneys. + +FTX’s collapse is still quite recent all things considered and took the world by surprise. There is no RICO case or anything like that that was already being built before it happened so the investigation (I’m hoping there is one) has only just started. + +To put SBF in jail RIGHT NOW, you need some charges to be brought, so you need a prosecutor ready to put their neck on the line in a high profile case, and to do that they usually would like a slam dunk case. + +If they rush it and charge SBF with the wrong thing he’ll walk free, if they rush it and make some technical error, he’ll walk free. + +So I understand the frustration of people who lost money on FTX but you don’t want things to be rushed if you want to actually see SBF behind bars one day +> WARWICK, N.Y., April 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Ozop Energy Solutions, Inc. (OTCMKTS:OZSC), ("Ozop" or the "Company) is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, Ozop Energy Systems (OES), has reached a cooperation agreement with Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc. (Yingli), in which OES will be distributing the coveted Yingli solar photo-voltaic (PV) panels nationwide starting with its new high-performance YL360D module. +> +> OES has received signed POs in excess of $2,100,000 consisting of four containers per month which include the new YLM360 All-Black 120-Cell Modules. To meet the needs of the regional market, Yingli will provide mono products with elegant black frames and sheets, as well as flexible installation methods. +> "I'm extremely pleased to solidify this relationship with Yingli," stated Brian Conway, CEO of Ozop Energy Solutions. "As one of the world's largest manufacturers of PV modules, Yingli is known for its R&D capability and high-quality panels." +> +> The 360-Watt, 120-cell modules are only 3.3 inches taller than the traditional 60-cell footprint, allowing for a more flexible installation, which is preferred by system designers. The amount of power that this module will be producing in a small footprint is significant. +> +> Tim Toor, Co-Director of Sales of OES, notes, "Yingli brings their A-game, offering the price, quality and availability the market is demanding." +> +> "We are honored to reach full cooperation with Ozop Energy Systems," said Cindy Hu, Managing Director of Yingli Green Energy Americas Inc. "Solar is an effective means of generating electricity. We hope to serve local communities in their transition to solar and an environmentally friendly way of life." +> +> For more information on OZSC please follow on the link, www.OzopEnergy.com. +> +> Please be aware that our social media accounts can be used from time to time for additional material events. + +https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/ozop-energy-ozsc-secures-2-1-million-in-purchase-orders-for-photo-voltaic-energy-system-components-301281352.html +Just writing out my thoughts / research for anyone interested + +&#x200B; + +Done some dodgy calculations and ive come up with a rough estimate for the resource upgrade that's planned to be released next month + + +Previously used to say that i believe the resource will be increased to between 30mT and 40mT +But now im fairly certain its going to be 40mT (do note though that i could be wrong (im not an expert) - we'll find out soon enough) + + +I came up with approximately (a little more) than 10mT at both Manna and MBLP respectively (in total an increase of just over 20mT) - bringing the updated MRE to just over 40mT + + +MBLP should be slightly higher than Manna (for now anyway) + + +(this isn't including if we get any new assays prior to the upgrade - though im not sure if we will or if the drilling programs have completed?) + + +I think the reason they've decided to focus more on Manna is because firstly, the original resource was defined with only \~4000m of drilling. Secondly, the second round of drilling (\~24,000m at Manna - which i believe hasn't yet completed) intersected around the same amount of lithium minerlisation as the much larger (60,000m - also yet to be completed i believe) drilling campaign at MBLP but with significantly less drilling. So its showing much more potential to keep increasing as more drilling is completed / more targets are identified + + +Also, i believe that not all the Manna results from this campaign will be included in this resource upgrade next month (because there may be assays released after the upgrade has already happened - but im not 100% sure on that). If it's the case, these assays/results will fall into the next planned resource upgrade in Q2 2023 + + +- + + +**As for future growth potential** + + +**MBPL** +**20,000m RC and 2,500m diamond drilling from April to October 2023** +\-existing intersects are mostly from surface, which is really great from an economical view +-Additional prospective exploration corridors discovered at the MBLP +\-Regional exploration uncovers multiple corridors or prospective pegmatite zones to the North and East +\-New expanded exploration strategy planning is underway to cover off the larger project area to generate new drilling targets +\-New LCT pegmatite "the Lantern Prospect" + + +Exploration within the MBLP has been focused mainly on the Archer prospect, which covers an approximate area of 6km2 + + +In total, the GL1 MBLP tenements cover approximately 280km2 so there remains a considerable opportunity to expand its exploration focus to include other areas within the MBLP tenements. + + +The newly discovered pegmatite corridors 2, 3 and 4 follows the interpreted depositional “Goldilocks Zone” for LCT pegmatites distance from the parent Granite rock (Figure 2). Each of these areas are being assessed in the field by reconnaissance mapping and sampling surveys currently. + + +*A small number of holes have been drilled south of the Corridor 2 area with one hole, MBRC0236 intersecting several wide mineralised zones with 20m @ 0.47% Li2O from surface and 12m @ 0.53% Li2O from 44m (refer ASX release dated 2nd May 2022).* ***These wide anomalous lithium values indicate the zone may be close to a more significant mineralised system.*** + + +**Manna** +**30,000m RC and 4,000m diamond drilling (including exploration in the broader tenement package) from March to October 2023** +they acquired the tenaments around the existing Manna resource from Breaker, which also have high potential for lithium mineralisation (E28/2551 and E28/2522). Undertaking a broad drilling campaign to understand the extent of mineralisation in the immediate project vicinity and more regionally + + +\*Manna DFS during 2023 including a further MRE update and Mining Lease application +\*Feasibility to consider both a full spodumene concentrate beneficiation plant scope and optionality around a downstream lithium hydroxide production plant +\*Further MRE update expected in H2 CY2023 + + +--- + + +**This company will be a producer\*** (my opinion, and also Ron the director has said in multiple presentations, quote "this will be mined" with confidence) + In particular, **Manna will have its FID in 2024 with construction planned to begin in H2 2024** + + +\-MinRes (ASX:MIN) increases its stake to 9.9% most recently at $2.25 +\-Suzhou TA&A (associate of CATL group) maintains its 9.9% stake and also contributed recently at $2.25 +\-10 year offtake with Suzhou TA&A for atleast 30% of spodumene at market prices +-Partnership with Korean Battery Maker SK ON (MOU) - potential collaboration/investment/offtake + + +All signs point to a successful future operation with plenty of upside potential. Most recently Macquarie Research stated "GL1 offers the greatest near-term exploration upside." increasing their price target to $4.40. + +&#x200B; + +As always, this isn't financial advice - just my research/thoughts combined from a punter. I am invested in this company. NFA, DYOR, etc. +Hopefully this literature post is fine with the mods, I assume whatever is broken within us to shit-post here every day connects our outside tastes in some way. If not, eat my DDeez nuts. + +Continuing from yesterday’s impromptu Book Club post in the [premarket thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/z2i5dh/comment/ixgx2at/); thanks to everyone for their recommendations. Replying to everyone seemed like a hassle so I decided to make a post instead. /u/rustysalmon92, /u/bag_of_groceries, /u/Far_Unit9020, /u/PowerBottomBear92, /u/Asxpuntingmuppet, /u/sneakycutler, /u/Competitive_Copy2451, /u/Own_Birthday_1968, /u/Sharp_Pride7092, /u/diggercuz1, /u/rhythm34, /u/Sharp_Pride7092, /u/Zealousideal_Ad642. + +I have a [Recommendations Excel Sheet](https://imgur.com/abF2VCw) going for those interested. The Fatal Shore and Longitude are currently top of my list to read first. If anyone else has additional non-fiction recommendations, feel free to leave them in the comments. + +I also figured I should give my picks. While I don’t pretend to be particularly well read, I also don’t plan to die 100 meters from where I was born: + +[Kitchen Confidential](https://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Confidential-Updated-Adventures-Underbelly/dp/0060899220) **by Anthony Bourdain (2000, Autobiography)**. It may seem like a bit of a vanilla pick, but I was at the tail-end of binging all of Anthony Bourdain’s TV series when his suicide was announced. It started my tradition of reading autobiographies / biographies of public figures I respect after they die. He truly lived his life in extremes and experiences more through traveling than most of the population ever will. His prose and ability to communicate food and culture to the world are unbeaten. I’d recommend this book to literally anyone. + +[Wishful Drinking](https://www.amazon.com.au/Wishful-Drinking-Carrie-Fisher/dp/143915371X) **by Carrie Fisher (2009, Autobiography).** Continuing with celebrity deaths, shoutout to this incredibly short (176 page) memoir. I enjoyed her perspective on being a conventionally unattractive woman in Hollywood and she mentions some fun coke fuelled antics. For Star Wars stories read [The Princess Diarist](https://www.amazon.com.au/Princess-Diarist-Carrie-Fisher/dp/0399173595) + +[The Cult at the End of the World](https://www.amazon.com/Cult-End-World-Terrifying-Doomsday/dp/0517705435) **by David E. Kaplan (1996, Crime).** Look, sometimes when you start a doomsday cult the world isn’t going to end itself. I’m sure most people know Aum Shinrikyo from their 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway but that was just a small part of an absolutely bonkers story of how some blind fuck managed to accumulate power and influence and it was only by sheer luck he didn’t cause mass casualties on multiple occasions. I particularly enjoyed how he tried to get his cult to mine uranium in a cattle ranch north of Perth, and after irradiating a bunch of cattle the Australian government was one of the few countries to tell him to fuck off. + +[The Devil in the White City](https://www.amazon.com/Devil-White-City-Madness-Changed/dp/0375725601) **by Erik Larson (2003, Crime).** An account of H. H. Holmes elaborate murder hotel during the 1893 world’s fair. Sure, it was a horrific event and a lot of people died but he was one of the few serial killers who was having fun with it. + +[Religion for Atheists](https://www.amazon.com/Religion-Atheists-Non-believers-Guide-Uses/dp/0307476820) **by Alain De Botton (2013, Philosophy / Religion).** A recommendation from what I perceive as my edger teen years, I discovered this book through John Safran’s Late Night Safran radio show. The Book’s premise is if God isn’t real then what are the benefits of organised region. While religion definitely has it’s issues, I think as an atheist middle-class teen this gave an perspective on why some people need the in-built trust and support of religion. + +[The Great Successor](https://www.amazon.com.au/Great-Successor-Secret-Rise-Rule/dp/1529387256/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) **by Anna Fifield (2019, Biography / History)**. A look at look at Kim Jong Un’s rise to power. North Korea is one of the world’s most secretive countries and a hellscape dystopia trying to keep citizens hostage. This is one of the best sourced accounts of modern North Korea and how Kim is eating himself to death with cheese. + +Finally, I haven’t read these books yet but they’ve been recommended enough that I tell everyone I have so they take my financial advice while I down-ramp them into offloads their shares to bots on the cheap. + +[Devil Take the Hindmost: A History of Financial Speculation](https://www.amazon.com/Devil-Take-Hindmost-Financial-Speculation/dp/0452281806) **by Edward Chancellor (1999, Finance)** + +[The Psychology of Money](https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Money-Timeless-lessons-happiness/dp/0857197681) **by Morgan Housel (2020, Finance).** +All thanks to below article it went from 4.9c to 8.5c before settling in the 6s. + +I feel like the timing of the article means PSA and Farm out partner announced next week, hopefully Monday. + +18c and over is my hope after both announced. + +https://www.nextoilrush.com/introducing-our-top-energy-pick-2020-eying-elephant-scale-potential/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=IVZ-UA2&utm_content=IVZ-UA2+CID_522c625e6dba7743c0658c7576c1812d&utm_source=SD&utm_term=FIND%20OUT%20MORE + + +Dyor obviously +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Okay, listen up autists. I don't make recommendations, but I do have some data I'm going to present, but you must read through the following points to get it: + +1. I do not currently own, and do not intend to purchase, any of the following stocks, +2. I have not researched any of the following stocks, they're not in my portfolio of interest, +3. The data is only good to 15 September, for all I know they dumped it all yesterday and today, and we wouldn't know until next week (unless you looked closely at chart volumes and made an educated guess) + +However, for each of the following stocks: + +1. ... between 31 August and 15 September, at least two and sometimes three institutional brokers bought up a sizeable sum at prices that are relatively close to the Friday close price. +2. I judged "sizeable sum" as relative to how much they usually pump into sub $200m MC stocks, +3. I looked only for cases where there was substantial buying and little if any selling, +4. I checked the chart to make sure it hadn't already mooned from the brokers average buy, +5. Once I found a few brokers on the same stock, it went on to the list. + +And finally, the list: + +* [BIT](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/bit) +* [QTM](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/qtm) +* [NCZ](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/ncz) +* [ZLD](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/zld) *pending review +* [QFE](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/qfe) +* [KNO](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/kno) +* [9SP](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/9sp) +* [PAN](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/pan) +* [BCN](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/bcn) +* [MWY](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/mwy) +MM8 - Medallion Metals + +Gold and Copper + +Current resource \~674koz Gold @ 2.4g/t + 20kt Copper – this number has not changed since March 2021 as they haven’t added the ounces they have been drilling as the drilling program still underway. Near on every drill has been hitting economical grades that is being added to the total resource. Idea is to finish this round of drilling, wireframe all the results and calculate a global resource estimate. Management appears to be confident they’ll get to 1Moz (first milestone). Imo, this is due to there being a shit ton of historical reports (non-JORC) that’ll be added to the company’s JORC resource of \~674koz once proved up to JORC standard. + +Their Gem Restored location has a newly discovered northern lode with some decent grades to date. Maiden resource estimate including the new lode is expected for Gem Restored in Dec 2021. + +Rigs are now moving to Kaolin and Harbour View sites (traditionally very high grades from Harbour View) and consistent results from Kaolin. + +AISC is under $900USD. This does not include the copper component. Copper component has a recovery rate of 73% - 20,000t copper at $10000USD per ton at a 73% recovery rate is $190m AUD on it’s own. Note, this is from the current (\~674koz Au for 20t Cu) resource – will increase accordingly upon the updated MRE @ 1Moz. I'd assume a minimum $800USD AISC if copper is taken into consideration. + +Feasibility study shows technically & commercially viable. Mine cost $85m. Infrastructure already in place. Located in Ravensthorpe 5.5 hours drive from Perth or 1.2 hours plane. Heritage clearance complete and EPA (WA) approval complete. + +MM8 drawing analogy to Silverlakes Deflector project based on the minerology and scale of the project. For reference, Deflector FY21 EBITDA $172.5m. + +Few scenarios that could potentially unfold: + +1. (Big Find) MM8 anticipating lodes to intercept / clash. If this happens, big concentrations / grades where the lodes come together. Drilling underway to find where they intercept. + +2. (Takeover) M&A’s underway in the gold space. recently made an offer to take over Apollo with 1.2g/t for 1.1 million ounces for \~$160m and had some competition (bidding war) from another major. Interestingly the Non-Exec Director of Apollo is also Non-Exec director of MM8. + +3. (Mine) MM8 ultimately gets to mine stage and churns out similar figures to SLR’s Deflector project. + +Main issue – liquidity. Hard to get a decent sized position with what’s on offer. (T20 own approx. 85%) + +IPO price 25c. + +In a nutshell, very well-known and experienced management, lots of drilling going on, near on every drill is hitting economic grades, resource size growing by the day, decent potential for takeover or ultimately a mine, low production costs, decent copper credit, well advanced. + +What market is missing imo: Market sees a static resource number at a glance and overlooks the additional resources (already drilled yet to be added as they're infill drilling and expanding the resource), does not consider the copper component and it’s impact on ultimate profitability (as not included in feasibility study – this will change on the next study), does not sense takeover potential. + +&#x200B; + +Worth putting on the watch list. + + +I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, just some research. DYOR and all that jazz. +SOR's printable, self charging battery is now able to replace the batteries in your TV remote! The market for this is pretty much anything that takes a AAA battery! + +🚀 🚀 💎 🙌 +2020: Hits around $9.80 peak. Hype galore. ASX_bets chock full of pumping/hype posts. Promptly drops 35% - 45%. + +2021: Hits $14.53 peak. Hype galore. Pumping posts again. Going to be bigger than Apple and Google combined. Promptly drops 35%. + +'This is fine'. + +GLTAH. +Hi All, + +I am about to sink all my savings into a property purchase (FTB) but I feel like a massive curve ball was thrown when I took a look at the restrictions on the title which is for a freehold property (not new build - the deed dates back to circa 1979) + +I've added the restrictions below. + +Already, I consider restriction 1 as a problem as I intend to add a porch with WC in the future (due to the property having only one bathroom/toilet). + +What concerns me more however are restrictions 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8. + +I'd expect that with buying a freehold semi-detached I'd be free to park my Caravan or boat if I decide to buy one; on my drive without seeking permission. + +Is this purchase worth pursuing? I'm particularly weary of it becoming an issue if/when I have to sell as undoubtedly, other buyers will echo my concerns? + +Please let me know what you think / what you would do if you were in my shoes. + +TL;DR + +Will you buy a freehold semi-detached with the below restrictive convenants? + +>!Restrictions!< + +1. The Transferee will not alter or permit to be altered the external plan or elevation of the said dwelling house without first obtaining consent in writing of the Transferor to the plans drawings and specifications thereof nor will without such consent as aforesaid erect upon the said land hereby transferred any other messuage or building or garage. +2. The Transferee will not at any time without such consent as aforesaid carry on or permit to be carried on upon the said property any trade or business or use the said property for any other purpose than that of a private residence +3. No part of the land hereby transferred lying between the front of the dwelling house erected thereon and the road shall at any time be used:— **(i)** For the purpose of drying any clothes garments fabrics carpets furnishings or other household effects **(ii)** For the storage of rubbish or building materials **(iii)** For the erection of any sheds or buildings +4. The Transferee shall at all times keep the gardens in front and behind the said dwelling house in a clean and tidy condition +5. The Transferee shall not erect or permit to be erected on any part of the said wall of any the land hereby transferred lying between the front dwelling house and the road any fence trellis or description whatsoever +6. Not at any time to obstruct or interfere with any highway sight lines affecting the said land in any manner whatsoever or to do anything whereby the Transferor may be prevented from complying with its obligations under the Agreement with the Local Authority under the provisions pf Section 40 of the Highways Act 1959 +7. No external wireless or television aerials or other installations shall be erected on the property +8. The Transferee shall not place or cause or suffer to be placed upon any part of the said land any boat caravan or moveable dwelling + +Edit: Added that is not a new build as the deed dates back to circa 1979 +My young sister recently died and had an insurance policy which will pay 65k to 2 named people (her mother, and youngest brother - I am the oldest brother). Only 2 people could be named on the policy through her work which is why I was left unnamed on the policy. + +Each of them have agreed to share with me - we will split 3 ways. + +The problem comes in that my Mother is disabled, and as such receives benefits (PIP and others... I can clarify if required). Similarly, my young brother is disabled too and similarly receives benefits. He is in education also. + +I believe the insurance money (note, not inheritance) is tax-free, right? + +However, my ultimate question is, how can we receive this money without ruining their lives? I am not looking to commit fraud, but ideas of how we can work around this. It's a cruel twist that life-changing money comes with a life-destroying penalty for those two people. My mother wont likely work for 5 years at least, and my brother will hopefully be going to university after college. Even if they were to simply live off the money, my mother has fought very hard to receive fair disability benefits and would not want to start again in a few years time. + +Thanks in advance. +My husband and I own our residence which is probably worth around $180k-$195k and is approximately 1500 sq ft. We have made significant improvements to it. We do not have a mortgage. I spend around 1 hr and 20 min to 1 hr and 40 min commuting roundtrip each day. Around 33 miles each way. My husband's commute is around 60 minutes roundtrip. + +I would like to live in a more central location with a commute under 30 minutes. My husband's commute would go down or be about the same. The issue is that a home in the areas where we would each have a "fair" commute are much more expensive than our current area. We'd have to take on a $200k to $250k mortgage. + + +Part of me wants to stay in this house, since our home expenses are so low and will help us achieve FI earlier. Our gas bill is only around $200/month, since we both have fuel efficient cars. I spend $80/month in tolls. So really, the increased cost of fuel/tolls/depreciation isn't anywhere close to the increased cost of housing that we would need to take on. + +I'm in the office 9-10 hours a day, depending on what's happening. That extra time in the car really eats into the little free time I have. I recently just took this job, which came with a 10% salary bump and very good benefits. I guess another potential option is to stick with this job for a few years and then try to find another one with a better commute. + +Has anyone ever dealt with this issue? What did you end up doing and how did it impact your FIRE goals? +Source: https://www.lumenauts.com/blog/transcript-of-stellar-s-meetup-with-gopax-and-mobius + +TL;DR: + +* Stellar to support private transfers. + +* Stellar hired a team in NY to develop the frontend for the SDEX (Stellar Decentralised Exchange). + +* 14 Banks involved in Stellar/IBMs interbank transfer pilot. + +* Stellar talking to a few central banks about the possibility of issuing central-bank-backed digital currencies on the Stellar blockchain. + +* 20 Projects launching tokens on the Stellar blockchain in the first half of this year. + +* 2 Korean remittance partners and a Korean anchor coming! + +* More remittance company partnerships around the world are coming. +My mother recently visited me this year from the Philippines and had brought some money to deposit in a Chase bank account with the intention of using it when she visited the United States. + +Unfortunately the California Franchise Tax Board put a legal order on the funds in her account and claimed she owed $200,000+ in back taxes. She has not lived in the United States since 2012. + +We are trying to reach someone at the California FTB for the past week to resolve the issue but we have not been successful. Does anyone here have any knowledge of how to reach an actual person at the California FTB to resolve the issue? She is retired so there is no way she can pay back that $200,000 in her lifetime, we have been trying to apply for hardship. Thanks in advance. + +P.S. not sure how to flair this since it falls under a multitude of issues. +Not sure how many people saw this, but yesterday MDMP got around a 1200% increase followed by 200% increase at its peak. The main reason for this was that they found around $1.4B worth of oil in two of its wells, while the third hasn't been surveyed yet. Lots of people have been taking profit and a lot have been hoping on. Feel free to add any comments or thoughts about this in the comments :) + +&#x200B; + +Source here: [https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otcapi/company/dns/news/document/47532/content](https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otcapi/company/dns/news/document/47532/content) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Additional source about company: [https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otcapi/company/financial-report/273522/content](https://backend.otcmarkets.com/otcapi/company/financial-report/273522/content) (grabbed from u/businesstraveler-123) +# Intro + +So this is a theory, opinion, whatever you want to call it. Some data behind it are fundamentally flawed or don't exist so this shouldn't be looked at as a to-go-to DD. So, then, why post it at all? + +https://preview.redd.it/wcydk35crcy61.png?width=371&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba0c3f504b36ce73bfaf09e9b8a289cd3a545be6 + +I just want to post my own theory/belief behind what's going on with GameStop. I want to theorize, speculate, guestimate and extrapolate based on what very little data we all have available. Some parts of this post will contain from extrapolation from past data while others will be based on observation and/or data and/or extrapolation combined. A lot of this is based both on my own DD and others. + +If you somehow accept this as the ultimate truth for GME... God have mercy on your soul. (Says me). Also i'm not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice, it's just my own theories on GME that i'm cultivating. + +Here's the sub's rules on speculation, lies, spam, phishing, shills and fud. + +https://preview.redd.it/98u32db1scy61.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=48cab4449311a8ef46ac77d854829b6de1dfda27 + +I will not be replying to anyone who hasn't taken the above well in consideration before replying to this thread who's here to be toxic. To be clear, whilst this is all theoretical, it's based on some data, but that doesn't mean it's accurate. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 1 - Let's get into it: How this started + +4 days ago i made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5trot/i_dont_to_tout_the_horn_without_knowing_anything/) post that blew up. It was an extension/continuation of [another OP'](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n27l05/i_may_have_just_figured_out_the_margin_call/)s work whom i of course talked to for permission before taking this on. Somehow this piece of crap made it on the front page of reddit. Anyway... + +The idea by the previous OP was basic and i kept it basic because it seems to work. I've had ideas to add other variables to it, but for the moment it still seems like that's perhaps not needed. + +Feel free to build upon this theory if you like by the way. I won't be modifying it for the time being. If you think it's wrong (which it probably is), feel free to work on it on your own and correct it or do nothing at all. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 1 - Let's get into it: Some Charts and Data + +*\*\*This is where the theoretical bullshit starts* + +**Linear Margin Call Trigger Price** + +This is the theoretical price at which the singular entity (Not all the hedge funds out there) who's been manipulating GME and generally much of the market gets theoretically margin called or very close to being margin called. It goes -$4.80 dollars per day because they are bleeding. + +Now being margin called isn't Game Over. **You can meet your margin call** or remain just under the margin call threshold by simply liquidating other long positions on let's say AMD, Tesla, Facebook, Apple etc. In a nutshell a market "sell-off" or market "correction" as it often is presented. + +\------ + +Below is a data chart indicating the OHLC or Open, Low, High, Close prices of GME everyday for the past 6 months. Additionally, it has an extra column indicating the original OP's theoretical margin call line. + +This extra column again is ***T.H.E.O.R.E.T.I.C.A.L*** and is an assumption on part of the original OP and myself that the entity behind GME shorting is bleeding money everyday. + +***The idea is that, what would happen if the price of GME touches this theoretical margin call line or goes past it?*** + +\*\*\**^(The only true way to know what the true line is, is to go and peek into the HF/MM books and tally up the shorts hence why we're all gathered here today to watch an idiot (me)* *attempt to crack this without that data. Read)* [*^(this)*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5trot/i_dont_to_tout_the_horn_without_knowing_anything/) *^(on how the "formula" works.)* + +&#x200B; + +The idea here is that the purple line is Lava or you in high school. The GME High/Close price is that girl in high school that would not come anywhere near you. (*\*Falls asleep crying in fetal position\**) + +As we see here, that girl is having an averse reaction whenever you go near her. + +The first time this happens is on January 28 (When the "gAmE eNdEd") + +https://preview.redd.it/oqpbg6pqzcy61.png?width=2161&format=png&auto=webp&s=76dd9131fc98f75234e2fd17d90be2d7a2f77cb8 + +&#x200B; + +The other is on March 10 ($100 dollar price drop in 10 minutes). + +https://preview.redd.it/1kp5tebw0dy61.png?width=2161&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fef1c1bcd8711b41f497a7e6ba6d5f97b529663 + +&#x200B; + +From the 25'th of April onwards, we seemed to hit this "theoretical" margin call line and saw weird effects in the market like "Crashes" and other weird stuff. + +From this point onwards, GME's price seems to start trending/following this theoretical margin call line. It is still inconclusive for me to say that this theoretical line is 100% factually being traced by the GME price as more day/data samples are required to ensure this is not a happy coincidence. In a week or so, if the price and line keep tracing each other very closely, then i'll consider this to not be a coincidence anymore. + +One interesting pattern is that so far, except with 1 exception, we've always ended just below this theoretical margin call line. Even today we started all the way up from $162 and not only hit today's 146.79 limit, but also broke below it. I think i'm not crazy and that original OP was onto something here. + +[I'm going to throw some random shit out my arse and say that whenever the \\"Diff from Trigger \(Close\) is above 0, we'll see fucky things in the market e.g selloffs, sudden price drops, all the signs of someone selling to make sure they are not margin called or don't fail to meet one.](https://preview.redd.it/8y8dm3211dy61.png?width=2161&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0941fb3298fab84719b1895411126c0bce3425d) + +&#x200B; + +Additionally, here's all the above data in raw data format (***It's fucking raw***). I thought i'd continue the full Linear Margin Call Trigger Price line all the way to 0 zero to see on which date supposedly GME will be ***"gOiNg To 0"***. It's at the bottom. + +https://preview.redd.it/pz4fgy0f3dy61.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc67fa75f1c99d87b20d58b29256a395976a78e8 + +&#x200B; + +# Part 2 - FTD Cycles: The next cycle + +*\*This is where more theoretical bullshit starts* + +*^(\*\* This one i'm gonna copy paste from my)* [^(tradingview)](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/9Xx8vMxs-GME-They-are-now-shorting-while-resetting-FTDs/) *^(post because why write the same shit twice when you can copy paste it.)* + +*^(\*\*\*)* [^(Here's a bunch of FTD stuff)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4axra/95_gme_etfs_3_months_of_ftds_visualized/)*^(. Make your own conclusions or don't.)* + +I believe i've refined the T+21 and T+35 [FTD ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/FWB-FTD/)reset cycles down much better and i'm able to give you a better visualization of WHAT I THINK is happening. Obviously i can't prove any of this. No one can except the ones involved. + +That having been said, i thought of starting to count the T+21 and T+35 cycles that Market Makers are allowed to leave an [FTD ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/FWB-FTD/)in limbo until they decide to properly deliver and close it or reset it (e.g kick the can down the road) by borrowing shares from their buddies or buying deep [ITM ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/AMEX-ITM/)options. My use of the T+21 and T+35 cycles is extremely liberal and may not be even close to 100% accurate, so keep that in mind. + +\------ + +**In February - March**I'm see that 2 days before T+21, there's movement. Usually it's up by quite a bit.I'm also seeing that between 6-10 days later just before T+35 hits, the price goes up again 1 more time. + +I suspect that some family offices (not [Citadel ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/BSE-CITADEL/)) were covering here. + +**In March - May**I'm see that 2 days before T+21, there's movement. Usually the movement is DOWN, so it's a dip.I'm also seeing that between 6-10 days later just before T+35 hits, the price used to go up by a bit, but now on average it remains constant and doesn't move up or down by a significant amount. + +&#x200B; + +# Part 2 - FTD Cycles: What they might be doing + +Based on what i see on this chart, i believe that in the T+21 period that happened yesterday 3 of May, they also shorted [GME ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-GME/). We know this by the data from fintel, [gme ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-GME/).crazyawesomecompany and other borrow info sites. Today they returned those borrowable shares which indicates they were done with their current T+21 shorting. + +I believe that on T+21 there's [bullish](https://www.tradingview.com/ideas/bullish/) momentum from minor covering (because they can't fully cover at these prices) and they suppress the price by borrowing and shorting [GME ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-GME/). With this theory and their borrowing habits, everything makes sense suddenly. (To me at least) + +Additionally, right before T+35 (around T+25-30) they tend to do another minor round of tiny tiny covering which they also try to suppress but can't fully do so due to them having used all the borrowable shares they previously spent 1-2 weeks accumulating to short the T+21 cycle down. This is why right before every T+35 the price returns back to the price it was before they shorted T+21. + +https://preview.redd.it/urrgnj8cndy61.png?width=2857&format=png&auto=webp&s=37d992bfe6d24daf9af793ec46d19b19325a56ae + +**I've marked with a flag every important moment in time where there was** [**GME** ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-GME/)**momentum up or down.** I also marked the points in the future that will have moment up or down based on the highlighted theoretical FTD reset cycles. + +Important dates: **May 14, May 24 and June 3.** (Don't cry it's just a date) + +&#x200B; + +# Part 2 - FTD Cycles: Crazy theory (yep) + +**T+35 x 3 (Jan 28 to May 14)** + +I personally "want to" believe that May the 14'th is the day, simply because this day coincides 100% PERFECTLY with January 28'ths Mega Mega Mega huge amount of FTDs that were supposedly not closed, but only reset. How does it coincide with the 28'th of January? Well, From January 28 to May 14, the T+35 rule perfectly fits 3 times (105 days). Also on this date, we're 2 days before T+21 for the previous shorting period and if you've been reading, that means [GME ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/NYSE-GME/)will move down or up due to minor covering or will go down because they'll short more. So it's a double whammy. + +It's BOTH the next T+35 period where all of the accumulated FTD's from January are going to be reset and some are bound to leak through while they might purchase use Deep [ITM ](https://www.tradingview.com/symbols/AMEX-ITM/)calls to reset them, on the same day, they'll have the option to also cover the past T+21 shorts of approximately 750k-3mil shares borrowed. (Insert ruling about them no longer being able to do deep ITM call resets and them doing it anyway). + +Sorry to pop your bubble, but this is a theory too. No one knows what will happen in the future and you'd be dumb to think i do. + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT:** Fresh idea on this i've sorta been having for a few days but only now did it pop up again... This T+21 (really T+19) that's incoming on the 14'th of May is a day after the May 13 liquidity test. + +I'll randomly throw the idea that today's general market dip was a really hard ass attempt to drop GME's price low enough to survive this liquidity test. This would mean that my "Margin Line" theory from Part 1 above is off by about +10-15 bucks (possibly extra liquidity they propped up from their Crypto shenanigan's) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Part 3 - Extrapolating future events using past data: Dividend, Split, Recall or something unknown. + +In [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv2mqa/speculative_dd_the_near_future/) DD i correctly extrapolated the share record date for the June 9 shareholder meeting as well as the shareholder proxy material availability date. + +It wasn't hard, i didn't pull this one out of my arse, but i used a big range of past earnings dates and dividend dates (when GME had a dividend). + +I counted the amount of days from one earnings date to the next as well as the dates dividends were announced, recorded and paid and found a simple repeating pattern that i then realized is how sites like tradingview or Nasdaq also extrapolate a future earnings dates. + +I don't believe we will see a dividend or split. The conditions for these events aren't right and won't happen. I will regardless assume for the sake of the argument that IF there were ever to be any kind of event like a dividend/split (assuming a dividend just to explain the extrapolation method) that would require another share record date and/or announcement date, it can be extrapolated as follows... + +\------ + +&#x200B; + +**Wen Next Share Record-able (Dividends) event?** + +Let's find out / speculate when the shares are going to be recorded. Here's a chart of dates that show previous earning dates, dividend declaration dates, record dates and the final payment dates. + +I've gone ahead and manually added the amount of days it took from "Declaration to Record" to occur as well as "Record to Payment" and also an "Earnings - Declaration" differentiator so you can see if dividends were announced before, during or after earnings and in what time difference. + +https://preview.redd.it/hyhoyehk9dy61.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=82305ff819a5fd0ce898e169d68cb57b81a2945e + +**The next Dividend Declaration Date (If there ever were to be one)** + +GameStop has declared dividends in the past equally on earnings, a few days before earnings or a few days after earnings. + +1. In 1/15 cases dividends were announced exactly on earnings, +2. In 7/15 cases, dividends were announced 1-2 day after earnings +3. In 1/15 cases, dividends were announced exactly 7 days after earnings. +4. In 1/15 cases, dividends were announced exactly 7 days before earnings. +5. In 3/15 cases, dividends were announced exactly 2 days before earnings. +6. In 2/15 cases, dividends were announced between 3 to 4 days before earnings. + +Because of the above stats based on previous GME earnings, let's assume that the next dividends will be announced 2 days after earnings. We're taking the most probably dates/days from above and extrapolating based on them. + +&#x200B; + +* **Assumption on Dividends:** The next earnings date that will be as we know somewhere around the 9'th of June. The dividend is likely to be announced 2 days after earnings (shareholder meeting) on Friday the **11'th of June.** + +&#x200B; + +**The next Dividend Record Date (If there ever were to be one)** + +Based on the chart i posted above we see that it typically it takes 14 days more (In rarer cases up to 19) to reach the share record date. For this case, we'll assume that the standard 14 days apply here and we'll use that. + +* Assumed ***Dividend Declaration Date:*** **Friday of June the 11'th.** +* This would mean that the ***Dividend Record Date*** **is**: **Friday 25'th of June.** (Same day as Russel ETF reconstitution, happy coincidence) + +*xxxx GME hodler who's doing his own DD daily to be sure his investment is going to pay off.* +NATO member Turkey is threatening to take on Syria (which means Russia and Iran), Chinese banking system with $35 trillion+ in debt is struggling, US shale industry owing billions is headed under, chinese real estate is crashing, catalonia is trying to secede from spain, KSA might drop the riyal's dollar peg, the fed is considering negative rates... + +Too many to choose from! +Cathy wood are her ARK firm are not holding back as they bought over a million shares of Palantir, half a million shares of Draftkings and ton of Coinbase. Ark also bought Robolox and JD. + +What are you thoughts on these trades? I think if they succeed here they will remember as one of the greatest firms ever. Either way these are interesting trades. + +https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.benzinga.com/amp/content/20718639 +'The Cupertino tech giant shipped an estimated 6.7 million Mac models in Q1 2021, up from an estimated 3.1 million shipments in Q1 2020, according to new data from analysis firm IDC. The surge represents growth of 111.5% year-over-year. + +Apple's share of the market also grew during that period, from 5.8% in the first quarter of 2020 to 8% in the first quarter of 2021. Apple clocked in fourth among the top PC vendors, behind Lenovo, HP, and Dell. None of those companies saw the same type of growth, however. + +The entire PC market also saw a continued surge in growth in the first quarter. Global shipments of desktops, notebooks, and workstations grew 55.2% year-over-year.' + +Source: https://forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/221091 +For those that went for a longer term mortgage, how long did you go for? The standard, whenever I go to apply for a mortgage, seems to be 25 years. + +According to the [wiki](https://ukpersonal.finance/mortgages/#Mortgage_term): + +>One popular strategy is to go for a longer term, and thus have lower minimum payments, but overpay from the outset, saving on interest as you would with a shorter term. This gives you flexibility to reduce payments if you run into hardship, but you may run into problems if you don’t have the financial discipline to stick to your overpayment plans. +Edit: I’m so dumb, there is no connection to the cryptos here. My dumb ass was looking at Saturday and the timings happened to line up. Banks happened on Friday, crypto happened Saturday. I’m a idiot, please forgive + +I want to preface this post that I don't know what this all actually means other than something fucky happened at 4PM EST and 5:07PM EST on Friday. Everyone talked about Royal Bank of Canada showing volume at $33.75 and I wanted to check it out myself. I clicked into the "see more trades" button and that was just the beginning. + +Right as I finished my DD and started to make this post, I see posts of Bitcoin losing money and for the dip today, the timing lines up. My initial fear after completing my DD was that there were other sectors/regions having the same thing happening and my heart sank when I saw the news on Bitcoin. I think we're connecting two dots today 🦍s, (apparently 3, I found another one at the end 😭) + +This DD is broken into 3 Sections because I wanted to understand different aspects. What happened with Royal Bank of Canada? Did anything like this happen to other banks? What about top shareholders of Royal Bank of Canada?. This is going to be long, but it's worth it. The tiers are as follows: + +* ~Bitcoin connection (I did this in 2 minutes after finishing initial DD and seeing [other post about bitcoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt5eas/uh_bitcoin_just_lost_10k_in_value_in_like_a_minute/)~ see edit above +* Royal Bank of Canada, look into last 100 AH trades +* What about a bunch of other banks?, look into last 100 AH trades +* Top shareholders of Royal Bank of Canada, look into last 100 AH trades or fund connections + +I want to analyze the last 100 AH trades because that was the default returned by Nasdaq. I'm planning on writing some code to go through all the trades, but this will take many days and I fear I don't have time to complete that before this post. If there aren't 100 trades available, I will use the max there is. I also did some general googling as I went through everything to fill in gaps or questions I had. Buckle in everyone! + +~**Bitcoin connection**~ +~All I want you to know in this connection is when things happened, [look at 4PM EST](https://imgur.com/a/8Fkh48A). It's when everything happened today and I think it means next week is fucked.~ see edit at top + +**Royal Bank of Canada, look into first 100 AH trades** - [Raw data](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/ry/after-hours-trades) + +_Average volume: 830,617_ +_Total volume for day: 1,076,337_ +_Total shares in AH analysis: 211,473_ +_AH analysis volume as % of total volume for day: **19.65%**_ + +**WTF volume** - _187,950 total shares (what a nice even number!) or $17,800,744.50_ + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +|:---------:|:-----:|:---------:| +| 16:01:53 | $94.71 | 125,300 | +| 16:01:37 | $94.71 | 7,831 | +| 16:01:32 | $94.71 | 7,831 | +| 16:01:29 | $94.71 | 7,831 | +| 16:01:06 | $94.71 | 7,832 | +| 16:01:03 | $94.71 | 7,831 | +| 16:01:01 | $94.71 | 7,831 | +| 16:00:45 | $94.71 | 7,832 | +| 16:00:26 | $94.71 | 7,831 | + +**AH Price Data** + +| | | +| :-----: | :----: | +| Average | $93.38 | +| Median | $95.03 | +| Mode | $94.71 | +| Max | $95.65 | +| Min | $33.75 | + +**AH Volume Data** + +| | | +| :-----: | :---------: | +| Average | 2978.492958 | +| Median | 200 | +| Mode | 200 | +| Max | 125300 | +| Min | 1 | + +All I did was copy/pasta from nasdaq website into a google sheet and do 5 dumb formulas. This was done the same for each institution in this DD (where possible) + +Sooooooo it looks like the after hours volume was approximately 19.65% of volume for the day? I could just imagine a room like from margin call, where they make the decision to be the first person to run out of the room and exit positions. Although we don't know if these are buys or sells, it's volume (probably sells). Mainly, it looks fucked and that's on top of the weird price "glitch" that some shills are saying to ignore (and sells might explain why the price dipped to that for some poor souls). + +**What about a bunch of other banks?, look into last 100 AH trades** + I just randomly thought of banks and made a quick list, others can add to this post if they want, I'm not sure if it matters much. + +I'll summarize the banks after hours volume as a % of total volume for the day to get a starting point since the Royal Bank of Canada analysis pointed at a high volume in AH + +| | | +| :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------: | +| Bank | AH volume % of total volume | +| [Citigroup (C)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/c/after-hours-trades) | 2.22% | +| [Credit Suisse Group American Depositary Shares (CS)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/cs/after-hours-trades) | 0.92% | +| [Bank of America (BAC)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/bac/after-hours-trades) | 5.42% | +| [Wells Fargo (WFC)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/wfc/after-hours-trades) | 1.02% | +| [JP Morgan Chase (JPM)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/jpm/after-hours-trades) | 4.32% | +| [Morgan Stanley (MS)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/ms/after-hours-trades) | 1.05% | +| [Deutsche Bank AG Common Stock (DB)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/db/after-hours-trades) | 1.08% | +| [Fidelity (FNF)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/fnf/after-hours-trades) | 0.22% | + +There were some banks that had some consistency to it and nothing looked really strange, but I also wasn't able to see the 1600 timeline for the banks because they have so much AH trading. There might be some stuff in there, but honestly I found a lot more interesting data further in the analysis. I will try and access that data in the future with a script, but the nasdaq website isn't letting me expand on that time region in their shitty app. Banks with too much volume: + +- Citigroup +- Credit Suisse +- Bank of America - above 5% in AH volume +- Wells Fargo +- JP Morgan Chase (JPM) +- Morgan Stanley + +Now Deutsche Bank and Fidelity have low after hours volume and you can see trades executed around the same time: + +* Deutsche Bank - Only see 16,345 shares @ $12.55 and this could also just be nothing. That's chump change. I'm leaving this data point out of analysis as an outlier because I can't definitively say this looks weird. + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 16:00:23 | $12.55 | 6,460 | +| 16:00:23 | $12.55 | 6,370 | +| 16:00:23 | $12.55 | 3,515 | + +* Fidelity - There are a decent amount of trades at this time and the volumes are all over the place, so I'm not sure what to add. I'm leaving this data point out of analysis as an outlier because I can't definitively say this looks weird. + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 16:01:54 | $44.63 | 9,653 | +| 16:00:39 | $44.63 | 169 | +| 16:00:30 | $44.63 | 6,186 | +| 16:00:18 | $44.63 | 59 | +| 16:00:18 | $44.63 | 3,532 | +| 16:00:18 | $44.63 | 106 | +| 16:00:17 | $44.63 | 900 | +| 16:00:16 | $44.63 | 103 | +| 16:00:08 | $44.63 | 2,032 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 223 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 121 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 3 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 400 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 273 | +| 16:00:06 | $44.63 | 72 | + +So the initial bank analysis is kind of a bust. The nasdaq website sucks and I'll have to try and build a script to get at those specific pieces. I wanted to keep this because I think it's important to still report all the criteria I initially started with. Onto the next piece. + +**Top shareholders of Royal Bank of Canada, look into last 100 AH trades or fund connections** + +[RY top institutional shareholders](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RY/holders?p=RY) + +| Holder | Shares | Date Reported | % Out | Value | +| :-------------------------------: | :--------: | :-----------: | :---: | :-----------: | +| Royal Bank of Canada | 73,467,566 | Dec 30, 2020 | 5.16% | 6,028,748,465 | +| Bank of Montreal/Can/ | 63,690,065 | Dec 30, 2020 | 4.47% | 5,226,406,733 | +| Vanguard Group, Inc. (The) | 42,948,836 | Dec 30, 2020 | 3.02% | 3,524,381,482 | +| TD Asset Management, Inc | 30,345,972 | Dec 30, 2020 | 2.13% | 2,490,190,462 | +| FIL LTD | 29,240,055 | Dec 30, 2020 | 2.05% | 2,399,438,913 | +| Bank Of Nova Scotia / | 23,615,062 | Dec 30, 2020 | 1.66% | 1,937,851,987 | +| CIBC World Markets, Inc. | 22,523,244 | Dec 30, 2020 | 1.58% | 1,848,257,402 | +| Toronto Dominion Bank | 19,693,568 | Dec 30, 2020 | 1.38% | 1,616,054,190 | +| Mackenzie Financial Corporation | 17,908,185 | Dec 30, 2020 | 1.26% | 1,469,545,661 | +| Norges Bank Investment Management | 16,206,021 | Dec 30, 2020 | 1.14% | 1,329,866,083 | + +This is where the bomb drops for me. We don't need to look at anyone else, it's the Candaian Banks. The Canadian Banks were hit along with bitcoin at the same timeframes: + +[Bank Of Montreal Common Stock (BMO)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/bmo/after-hours-trades) - AH volume was 24.14% of daily total volume + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 16:01:42 | $91.78 | 8,437 | +| 16:01:38 | $91.78 | 8,438 | +| 16:01:34 | $91.78 | 8,437 | +| 16:01:17 | $91.78 | 8,437 | +| 16:01:13 | $91.78 | 8,438 | +| 16:01:09 | $91.78 | 135,000 | +| 16:00:48 | $91.78 | 8,438 | +| 16:00:44 | $91.78 | 8,438 | +| 16:00:26 | $92.19 | 10 | +| 16:00:26 | $91.78 | 8,437 | +| 16:00:12 | $91.78 | 306 | +| 16:00:12 | $91.78 | 412 | +| 16:00:11 | $91.78 | 288 | +| 16:00:11 | $91.78 | 417 | + +[Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/BNS/after-hours-trades) - AH volume was 24.14% of daily total volume + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 17:14:14 | $62.08 | 1,354 | +| 16:01:36 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:01:34 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:01:31 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:01:29 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:01:26 | $62.08 | 400,000 | +| 16:01:11 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:00:51 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:00:47 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:00:28 | $62.08 | 25,000 | +| 16:00:23 | $62.08 | 1,381 | +| 16:00:23 | $62.08 | 829 | +| 16:00:23 | $62.08 | 255 | +| 16:00:10 | $62.08 | 232 | +| 16:00:10 | $62.08 | 561 | +| 16:00:09 | $62.08 | 1 | +| 16:00:09 | $62.08 | 166 | +| 16:00:01 | $62.06 | 1,622 | +| 16:00:00 | $62.05 | 19 | + +[Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Common Stock (CM)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/cm/after-hours-trades) - AH volume was **51.51%** of daily total volume and who the fuck popped up at 17:07?? Maybe a friend of a friend finding out shortly after and doing the same thing + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 17:14:13 | $99.77 | 2,418 | +| 17:11:58 | $99.78 | 1 | +| 17:07:38 | $99.77 | 156,600 | +| 16:41:40 | $99.77 | 1 | +| 16:41:40 | $99.77 | 1 | +| 16:35:18 | $99.83 | 4 | +| 16:01:37 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:01:35 | $99.77 | 200,000 | +| 16:01:33 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:01:30 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:01:27 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:01:04 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:00:58 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:00:41 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:00:24 | $99.77 | 12,500 | +| 16:00:07 | $99.77 | 9 | +| 16:00:07 | $99.77 | 926 | +| 16:00:07 | $99.77 | 606 | +| 16:00:07 | $99.77 | 53 | + +[Toronto Dominion Bank (The) Common Stock (TD)](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/td/after-hours-trades) - AH volume was 47.41% of daily total volume and who the fuck popped up at 17:07 again????? + +| After Hours Time (ET) | After Hours Price | After Hours Share Volume | +| :-------------------: | :---------------: | :----------------------: | +| 17:14:08 | $66.24 | 1,655 | +| 17:07:38 | $66.24 | 476,800 | +| 16:01:42 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:01:40 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:01:38 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:01:36 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:01:16 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:01:13 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:00:48 | $66.24 | 500,000 | +| 16:00:44 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:00:26 | $66.24 | 31,250 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 107 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 217 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 68 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 100 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 700 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 100 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 576 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 229 | +| 16:00:12 | $66.24 | 400 | + +YIKES!!! So....Someone (or some algo) did something big with the [Big 5 Banks of Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Five_(banks)) and ~Bitcoin. I'm going to assume the volume above is selling based on the Bitcoin aspect. Well at least that giant second player at around 17:07 didn't hold Bitcoin. The [second player had Ethereum](https://imgur.com/a/36tmMD2) and it looks like the first player did also~ see edit at top. There is definitely a couple $100M between all that and I think that is a conservative estimate now. I'm guessing we're going to get shills saying that 1600 is some common time for things to auto-do-things, I don't buy it. + +I'm afraid for the world next week, but I'll be sitting on my hands and jerking it my GME. Is that enough disclaimer I'm up to the tits in GME? This might not have anything to do with GME, but something is about to happen. My first big markdown post with graphs and pictures as links, hopefully it formats right on first post. + +🚀🚀🚀💎👐 + +Edit: Thank you to whoever gave my new account it's first award, I appreciate you. 🚀🌕🦍 + +Edit 2: After seeing a lot more posts of things just connecting, we should not celebrate, but keep in mind that there is a chance that Friday was a significant date in the shorts eyes and we are seeing a step in the execution of their next plan. Stay alert and always vigilant, hold for the tendies, you know I will be +Compared to many on this sub, I have relatively little savings. I have an emergency fund of $20k and about $220k invested (besides retirement accounts). + +My investment dollars are mostly active savings, not so much gains, as I've only recently learned not to bother with individual stocks (I made some mistakes). I've been watching it grow for a few years now, and introspecting what the money means to me. + +I think of it in terms of increments of years in Mexico. I feel like I could live in Mexico for about $20k/year and be fine. I felt pretty good about the $100k threshold, by comparison $200k didn't feel as significant. + +It made me wonder how you guys evaluate your savings and what are some of your financial thresholds, where you noticed that you relaxed a bit, in terms of feeling like you had FU money. +First, obviously the one and only + + +* **Elon Musk Shilled Dogecoin:** + + **ATH: $0.73** + Currently down 76% from its ATH. + +&#x200B; + +* **Mark Cuban Shilled TITAN:** + + Got rug pulled. + +&#x200B; + +* **Kim Kardashian and May Weather Shilling EthereumMax (EMAX):** + +**ATH: $0.000000597636** +Currently down 95% from ATH. + + + + +* **Soulja Boy Shilled Safemars (SAFEMARS):** + +Down 96% from ATH. + +&#x200B; + +* **Faze Banks Shilled BankSocial(BSL):** + +**ATH: $0.00578273** + +Currently down 70% from its previous ATH. + + +* **Adin Ross Shilled MILF Token:** + +**ATH: $0.0017** + + Currently Down 97% from its ATH. + +&#x200B; + +* **Faze Kay shilled way too many coins:** + +**$Rich:** Down 99% + +**$SafeGalaxy:** Can't track this coin anywhere probably got rug pulled? + +**$TITS:** Down 96% + +&#x200B; + +* **Many Faze Clan members were involved in Save the kids scam.** + +&#x200B; + + These celebrities don't care about their followers/Fans they are here just to make some bag. Please stay away from them when it comes to crypto or any financial advice. + + +Source: [https://mashable.com/article/influencers-altcoin-scams](https://mashable.com/article/influencers-altcoin-scams) took some of the shitcoins from this article. +At the time I'm writing the S&P is up 1.23% (3,173) and VIX is up 2.06% (28.25). Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this would either indicate the IV skew on calls is so high that its pushing up the VIX, or that the puts are holding their value in relation to the upward move. + +Looking at SPX calls, they are definitely not skewed above the puts. Is the takeaway that the options market is pricing in a reversal? Call premium is getting pretty thin up here. Also 5 straight up days and the VIX is barely below 30. Crazy times. +Me and my GF are looking to rent a house for 6 months before we buy one together as there is less of a risk should anything go wrong between us. We've found one and the amount of hoops we've had to jump through is insane. + +We both have really well paid jobs in stable environments, with great credit etc. however the amount of information they keep asking us to provide is insane and I have no idea why they need so much. + +So far we have both provided, passport, birth certicate, driving license, 6 months payslips, full bank statements as far as can go back, employer reference, full statements from all savings accounts, my guarantor had to provide 4 years worth of financial transactions (self employed), company house details and have his accountant give a reference. Every time we submit some info they ask for more. Its a fully legitimate letting company, so not worried about being scammed but even still this seems a bit ridiculous. + +All this for a 6 month contract that overall comes to like 4k~ total. + +I've only ever rented student accommodation so maybe this is the norm and I'm just not well educated on renting but just wanted to see if anyone else has had the same experience. +What do u guys think, will GS come back and say something about this or will they stay silent? I’m really curious because we haven’t heard from them yet after they put out that statement that they were aware of some things not going smooth when the stock was split. + +Let’s have a discussion about it 👇 +This is a useful comment because it shows the prejudice of u/Luke-jr perspective. + +I work for a bitcoin company, get paid in bitcoin, buy many, many things with bitcoin, give bitcoin to friends and family, hodl bitcoin as a speculative investment. + +But for u/luke-jr, none of this makes me a bitcoin user. + +Which is, on the face of it, absurd. and offensive. + +I admit there is value in running a node/mining, but certainly a community that claims to favor freedom should have the ability (and courage) to welcome a diverse range of users, even if they don't meet some arbitrary standard set by an elitist insider. + +Luke-jr's comment, more than any other in the blocksize debate so far, reveals the flaw in perspective of the Evolution Deniers. But this is getting ridiculous: + +- Redefining what an alt-coin is +- Censoring a main communication platform +- And redefining "bitcoin user" so that less than 1% of bitcoin holders are anointed as 'Real Users' + +Enough already. It smells like tyranny, it looks like tyranny - it IS tyranny. And Bitcoin, more than any other community, should overthrow these flawed attempts at governance. Where a minority holds the rest hostage. + +Remember, bitcoin works through *consensus by code.* Not consensus by CODERS. + +The miners and nodes will vote via code. and everything else, just doesn't matter. + +The last two sentences in the white paper: "They vote with their CPU power, expressing their acceptance of valid blocks by working on extending them and rejecting invalid blocks by refusing to work on them. Any needed rules and incentives can be enforced with this consensus mechanism" +***Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I do not recommend any position here. Everything here is speculation and my personal opinion and not to be construed as factual in any way. I may not be correct on some of my numbers. Do your own research before making a play.*** + +&#x200B; + +I think most of us know not to set stop-loss or market-sell orders, but for those who don't really know or aren't sure why, this is for you. I'm going to explain why these orders are objectively bad and that anyone who suggests you use them is either uninformed or a shill. + +&#x200B; + +Before we go into detail, it is important to know what the bid/ask spread is. If you are already familiar, feel free to skip to the next section **Order Types Explained.** + +&#x200B; + +# What is the bid/ask spread? + +In any market, you have buyers and sellers who are willing to make exchanges at different price points. The buyers will place a "bid" for an item, which is the price they are willing to pay to own it. Sellers place an "ask," which is the price someone is willing to sell it for. When a buyer and a seller has the same price, an exchange is made. The "spread" is just the difference between the bid and the ask. I know, it sounds super simple. That's because it is. + +In the stock market, there are millions of buyers and sellers so the spread is often very small, often within a penny. When there is an abundance of people trading a security, that is a sign of a liquid asset. Investopedia defines liquidity as "the efficiency or ease with which an asset or security can be converted into ready cash without affecting its market price." Liquid assets move slower and are less volatile then illiquid assets. In the case of GME, it is already illiquid and is going to be even moreso after the squeeze. **This means that as the squeeze happens, there will be a very wide spread.** + +&#x200B; + +So what? Well, lets get into the different types of orders and what they would mean practically. + +&#x200B; + +# Order Types Explained + +I'm not going to get into every order type, buy will explain the basic ones that are applicable here. To make things easier, I'm going to use a bid/ask spread of 50k/10MM as an example. Let's start with buy orders: + +&#x200B; + +1. **Limit Buy.** What this order does is places a "bid" into the order book. Lets say you're willing to pay 100k for a share. You place this order and the spread will now be 100k/10MM and you will have to wait for a seller to be willing to sell to you for 100k (or wait for a dumbass to place a market sell). + +&#x200B; + +2) **Market Buy.** This order takes the smallest "ask" and you buy at that price. If the smallest ask is 10MM, that's what you pay. When hedgies get liquidated, market orders get placed to close their position. This is what will cause the squeeze to happen in the first place. + +&#x200B; + +If you want to buy shares during the squeeze for whatever reason, **do not** place a market buy. Chances are if you're reading this though, you're not going to FOMO because you already have shares and sell orders are more applicable: + +&#x200B; + +1. **Limit Sell.** This order places an "ask" into the order book. Lets say you want to undercut the smallest ask, you might place a limit sell order for 9.9MM so yours is now the best price. Any market orders will now trigger your share to be sold at your limit price. + +&#x200B; + +2) **Market Sell.** This order will find the highest "bid" and fill your order there. In our example, your order will fill at 50k, 9.95MM less than the lowest ask. This is obviously bad and requires no further explanation. + +&#x200B; + +3) **Stop Loss.** This order will trigger a market sell once the price is less than your stop loss value. Example: lets say the price is 69MM and you set your stop loss at 10MM, your floor. What will happen is the price will cross 10MM on the downside and place a market sell order. Lets say the highest bid is 12k. Congrats! You just sold your shares for 12k. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Some apes asked about stop limits +4) **Stop Limit.** This order triggers a limit sell once a price threshold is passed on the downside. To me, this is dangerous because after the shorts have covered, your order would have to be hit by a bid in order to execute. In the event the shorts finishing covering is what causes the price to plummet, your limit sell would trigger but it would have to be met with a "bid" in order to execute. For me personally, I don't see any upside to choosing this option. What I'm going to do is set my floor and have a set amount of shares to sell at my floor price once it is met. I am going to have a select number of shares to sell at my discretion **after that.** I will also have a set number of shares that I will **not sell** during the squeeze because I will have already made life-changing tendies. That is my personal plan and you can make your own decisions. For me, **stop-limit orders are too risky** and I would rather ensure my tendies while the squeeze is happening and save a portion for the infinity pool. + +&#x200B; + +# So what the fook should I do? + +1. **Don't place market sell orders if you want to set the price.** You held this long primarily *to* set your price. Why wait all this time just to sell to the highest bidder? Make them come to you, that's why it's a squeeze. + +&#x200B; + +2) **Don't set stop loss orders at your floor if you want the best price.** You will not get filled at the value you set, the trigger point only serves to trigger a market sell. + +&#x200B; + +3) **Don't buy with market orders, if you choose to buy.** If you do, you're going to have a bad time. + +&#x200B; + +4) **Do place limit sell orders whenever you're comfortable selling.** This will ensure you get the price you want. + +&#x200B; + +Seriously, when the squeeze happens the spread is going to be very wide. You don't want to be eating that spread when you sell. Anyone who suggests you do is a fookin *idiot.* Remember, we are retarded, but not stupid. +After 15 years here, I've decided to leave. Would have done so last year to dodge Brexit and make the admin easier but covid happened... +I arrived in the UK as a young adult meaning my entire professional career has happened and been taxed here. I also now have dual British citizenship. +I'm not feeling well equipped to make the right financial decisions on my own with regards to: what to do with my savings here and the best way to transfer them over to Europe, what to do with my vested RSUs (best to cash them now in GBP and move to EUR bank account later or can it wait and they be cashed in EUR after I've moved without a double tax?), tax implications of moving, UK pension, potentially becoming a landlord to keep my flat here etc. +Are there tax/financial advisers/accountants that specialise in those types of international moves? Googling results so far have been: UK only professionals who don't really know about EU financial implications or biiiiig fortune kind of advisers (I have some savings but I'm far from being that level of wealthy). +Any recommendations/advice would be most welcome! +After 15 years here, I've decided to leave. Would have done so last year to dodge Brexit and make the admin easier but covid happened... +I arrived in the UK as a young adult meaning my entire professional career has happened and been taxed here. I also now have dual British citizenship. +I'm not feeling well equipped to make the right financial decisions on my own with regards to: what to do with my savings here and the best way to transfer them over to Europe, what to do with my vested RSUs (best to cash them now in GBP and move to EUR bank account later or can it wait and they be cashed in EUR after I've moved without a double tax?), tax implications of moving, UK pension, potentially becoming a landlord to keep my flat here etc. +Are there tax/financial advisers/accountants that specialise in those types of international moves? Googling results so far have been: UK only professionals who don't really know about EU financial implications or biiiiig fortune kind of advisers (I have some savings but I'm far from being that level of wealthy). +Any recommendations/advice would be most welcome! + + +[Well #1 Site](https://preview.redd.it/6al1dbyc6bt61.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=62914b3b5d32762ce77d646a1c78ba0e42426d26) + +**\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_** + +**\\\\\\\\ COMPANY SUMMARY** + +ReconAfrica is an early-stage oil exploration Canadian company listed on the Toronto Venture Exchange (TSX.V), US OTC (RECAF) and the Frankfurt exchange (0XD.F). A team of world-renowned oil exploration experts discovered a new, unexplored basin in Namibia and Botswana and promptly secured exploration rights to the entire area. ReconAfrica has purchased a drilling rig specifically for this drilling program and is working on confirming the presence of hydrocarbons in the Kavango Basin with [strong support](https://www.namibian.com.na/99647/read/Shifeta-defends-oil-drilling?fbclid=IwAR1PXrk8r5B4EpMfIW3x-r_acmH8e4vjh0q0GkGfDR9F__I_hmbT-_LRX6c) from the Namibian government. The basin’s age, size, and depth could make it **the** **biggest oil discovery in recent history**, resulting in [ReconAfrica becoming a potential African oil major](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4397342-reconnaissance-energy-africa-potential-future-major-african-oil-and-gas-company). I have previously compiled an in-depth research DD which you can find [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/mjzn10/reconafrica_reco_recaf_indepth_research_on_a_high/). + +*This is my second update since* [*my DD on ReconAfrica*](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/mjzn10/reconafrica_reco_recaf_indepth_research_on_a_high/)*.* *See the previous update* [*here*](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/mm38zy/reconafrica_reco_recaf_catalyst_well_1_complete/)*, which covered reaching total depth in Well #1 and high profile new hires.* + +[**>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RECONAFRICA FOUND OIL<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<**](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/reconafrica-s-first-of-three-wells-confirms-a-working-petroleum-system-in-the-kavango-basin-namibia-865139500.html) + +**\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_** + +**\\\\\\\\ CATALYST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY** + +ReconAfrica’s three well program includes: + +\- Two initial stratigraphic wells to confirm the sedimentary basin and obtain valuable data on the local geological strata + +\- A 2D seismic program to acquire further data about the basin in a wider area + +\- Well #3, a trap well, which will aim to hit an oil trap. The location will be chosen based on the data collected by the above tasks. + +**It has now been confirmed that the very first well has confirmed the presence of a working hydrocarbon system, fulfilling the primary objective for the program.** + +&#x200B; + +Statistically, the chances of success on wells like these are low. It is a testament to the skills and experience of the world-class team (see “The Team” [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/mjzn10/reconafrica_reco_recaf_indepth_research_on_a_high/)) as well as the quality of this basin that this could have been achieved on the first try. + +At the time of writing, the **share price rally began on the Frankfurt exchange ($0XD.F)**. The rallies for the American ($RECAF) and Canadian ($RECO.V) exchanges will begin at open. It is reasonable to expect a doubling from last day's close. + +**\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_** + +**\\\\\\\\ DRILLING RESULTS** + +The well sample log has indicated **over 660 feet** (200m) of **oil and natural gas shows** over **three discrete intervals** in a stacked sequence of reservoir and source rock. According to Chief Geochemist Dan Jarvie, this **supports an active petroleum system with multiple source intervals.** + +I am writing this as soon as I can after the announcement, so I have not had the time to fully understand the consequences of the numbers here. + +However, if you look at Dan Jarvie’s [interview](https://www.yahoo.com/news/largest-oil-play-decade-interview-000000645.html), you will find that his **120 billion barrel estimate (i.e. reserves the size of Kuwait) were based on a 400ft source rock estimate**. Well #1 was drilled in a shallower part of the basin and found **660ft of source rock.** + +My opinion based on discussions with other ReconAfrica investors who are O&G professionals: the sample source rock was found to be highly porous and permeable. This, along with the fact that they found light oil and high BTU gas indicates that the hydrocarbons are very mobile. **These are positive early signs for conventional resource potential** (i.e. no fracking needed)**.** + + **\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_** + +**\\\\\\\\ NEXT STAGES** + +ReconAfrica is mobilising its drilling rig to the next location, 10 miles north of the Well #1 site. This well will now fulfil the purpose of **evaluating the petroleum systems** discovered in the first well in an **area of maximum thickness.** + +It is expected that **Well #2 drilling will commence in late April** ([press release](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/reconafrica-operational-and-corporate-update-namibia-823327830.html)). Now that ReconAfrica have provided an update of this nature from Well #1, the results from Well #2 look to have the opportunity to be very impactful. + +**The 2D seismic approval is expected from the 23rd of April**, since there has been an extension for public comments. + +This will be followed by a Well #3 sometime in Q3. + +**\_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_** + +**\\\\\\\\ CONCLUSION & DISCLAIMER** + +**ReconAfrica have confirmed a working petroleum system with their very first well, therefore fulfilling the primary objective of the entire 3-well program.** + +It found local source rock thickness higher than what was used for the higher estimate of oil reserves (120 billion barrels). The source rock data has indications favourable towards a potential conventional resource. It is still early days for proving the basin, and this is just a single point measurement…. But this is an incredibly bullish sign. + +With **oil confirmed and the primary objective met**, this play is considerably de-risked. Expect another Haywood update with a price target ([you will find it here when it comes out](https://reconafrica.com/investors/analyst-reports/)) + +The facts contained in this post are based on publicly available information, and the opinions are my own. It is for informational purposes only and does not construe financial, legal or investment advice. Feel free to use it as a starting point to do your own research but remember to make your own conclusions. +To start off, I'm long-term bullish on Facebook. I think they're a well-positioned company with lean operations, good cash reserves, low debt. There's obviously a lot of controversy around the company recently and there are good reasons for that. However, I think they're finally being forced to address these, which should ultimately be good for business. + +The current drop of Facebook was extremely exaggerated in my personal opinion. The drop in users was 1 million out of... 1.93 BILLION. Less than 0.05% loss of users! That also comes after a pandemic boost so, even though it's not a great sight, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. + +Plus, the main reason why Facebook missed earnings was due to their investments in Reality Labs, e.g. their AR and VR branch. Facebook's core business actually grew and we can also see that in their revenue which is up 20% YoY. Does it make sense to punish the stock for trying to get ahead of the market in a brand new sector? It makes no sense. IIRC, AR and VR are meant to be a $300 bln market within 10 years or so. Facebook is one of the pioneers there along with other mega-cap tech giants. The revenue and earnings potential there is absolutely massive so it would make sense for FB to try to spearhead it as much as possible. + +I'm not a fan of Zuck and co., but I think we have to admit they've built something phenomenal (although frightening). It's a solid business and trading at a PE of 17 is crazy IMO. How many other companies at that PE ratio seen revenue growth of 20%? I mean, Coca Cola has a PE of 30! + +Long story short, I'm long-term bullish although seeing how the markets reacted, I can't see Facebook hitting $300 again in the next 3 months, possibly 6 to 12 months. However, I think it's a good time for anyone to add to their position which is what I'm doing (although I only own something like 1.2 shares of FB right now). +Had this thought as I came out of REM sleep this morning... + +Baby Boomers have made out like bandits at the expense of subsequent generations: + +* Low interest rates boost stock prices and home prices - great because they already have those assets +* Hell, now you lose money if kept in a savings account...younger people basically forced to put money in the stock market to outpace inflation...I don't like the concept of having no other choice...and it benefits the boomers more who already have large portfolios. +* High immigration rates encouraged to boost home prices and pay pensions - at expense of greater competition and lower wages for younger workers +* Pensions/retirements/social security/medicare pay out way more than they contributed - paid for by next generation of workers +* List goes on + +So, it all seemed wrapped up. I certainly didn't see a way out. But along came Crypto. + +Younger people are buying because they like the technology - and i think subconsciously have a feeling that the existing banking/investing/taxation system is rigged and just want an alternative. Kind of a middle finger to the old way. + +Now that this movement has led to 100's of % of gains, everyone is noticing. I can already hear a giant sucking sound in the traditional stock market (with all the boomer loot). + +Could the entire tables get flipped as Boomers that can't operate a smart phone are left with decimated stock portfolios as 22 year old crypto millionaires take their place? + +Can't say I'd feel bad. Of course, just an idea. Could also have unintended consequences. Certainly interesting times. + +TL;DR +Will Crypto draw money out of stock market and undo the unprecedented transfer of wealth from the younger generations to the Baby Boomers? + +I worked a job from December 2020 to September 2021, I was only enrolled into their pension scheme (via Royal London) for a few months and accrued less than £1k in the fund. + +Several people have told me I can withdraw this with little penalties due to the short duration, can anyone confirm whether this is true, and how I'd go about it? + +Thanks in advance + +Edit: dates changed, I'm not a time traveler +Hi everyone, + +My co-worker discovered that I’m fairly driven, occupationally, based on the work that I told him I do outside of my office job. He then told me briefly during a water cooler conversation that he makes income through something like the Amazon affiliate program (it may not be with Amazon; he may have just been using this as an example, as he wouldn’t clarify further). + +He invited me for coffee to talk about his mentor, Robert Kiyosaki’s The Business of the 21st Century, goal setting, career stagnation, passive income, and other topics you would expect in a MLM invitation. + +I asked him specifIcally to tell me more about his Amazon affiliate business and he let it slip that he intends to offer a “partnership” if he feels I meet his criteria, personality-wise. + +He made no mention of an “entrance fee.” + +He left me with a [video to watch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDxDCtZ9UkE). He said I need to read the book he gave me (Kiyosaki’s) and watch the video before the next meeting. + +He’s fairly senior at my company so I don’t know if this is legitimate or not. All I know is he’s not handing out invitations left and right. + +If this is an MLM program, I haven’t heard of it before. Does anyone know what he’s actually doing with the whole “affiliate links on a blog” thing? That’s what I’m primarily curious about. + +Thank you! + +Update 2018/05/07: Thank you all again your input. I really do appreciate it. With the skepticism you instilled in me, I went ahead and did some online investigating into my co-worker and found his website. He's dropshipping for Amway. That's what he meant by making an income via referral links. I will politely decline his offer to go any further in this ordeal. + + +[https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/17/china-warns-west-against-rapid-interest-rate-rise](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/17/china-warns-west-against-rapid-interest-rate-rise) + +&#x200B; + +>[China](https://www.theguardian.com/business/chinese-economy) has warned the US and Europe against [a rapid rise in interest rates](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/15/us-federal-reserve-expected-to-speed-up-end-of-pandemic-support) that would “slam on the brakes” of the global recovery from the pandemic. +> +>Central banks should maintain the monetary stimulus or risk “serious economic consequences” from the spillover effects with developing markets bearing the brunt. + +&#x200B; + +What are peoples thoughts on this? + Title really says it all, I’d like to move away from my parents and go to TAFE because I’ve been unable to work out school and my home life due to its distance away and my mental health. + +Nonetheless, I’m Aboriginal and am looking to continue my education and get a job ASAP, the reason I’d like to move out is due to my Parents wanting me to continue High School which I’ve already expressed to them is a problem for me, which they are ignoring with the reasoning of “You’ve only got 6 Months left.” + +Thanks for any help, I’m living in Victoria. +It didn't hit me how life changing it would be until I did the math on my new budget. I'll be able to play catch up on retirement and pay off debt AND put money in savings and my left over income will STILL cover monthly bills and food with fun money. + + +A teacher early on in school *laughed* when I said I'd become a nurse for the money. She clearly had no idea how hard it was to claw your way out from living hand to mouth. + + +Keep at it. Even if you feel like you're banging your head against a wall. I hung a license and a degree on an empty spot on my wall today. +South Carolina, USA. 19, M. + +Hello all; This morning my mom was in a severe car accident, I didnt find out until my sister called and let me know while I was at work. I’m unable to visit her due to COVID restrictions. My dad isn’t really in the picture financially to help us. He’s a bum + +All I know is the accident was bad enough to get her sent to the Trauma unit. When I found out what hospital she was at and room etc. I called to get some info from the nurse. Apparently she has a compression fracture and a sternum fracture. Possible back surgery later today. + +She was admitted early this morning around 5:30AM, she was driving a 2017 Jetta so I know the accident had to be very bad to cause those injuries considering modern safety features. According to the nurse she is stable and on an IV and all that at the moment. + +Anyways. I don’t know where the car is but cant find out from highway patrol until i know where the accident happened and can get a police report. And I cant get that info from my mom because while I was able to get her on the phone, she is in SEVERE pain and they have her on tons of pain meds so she’s hardly lucid ATM. + +I know she had full coverage and GAP insurance, but idk what her coverage amounts are or what we are paying out of pocket. She is a self employed nanny so all we have is Medicaid. Idk how we are going to pay bills. + +I live at home with her and my sisters, I make 23k a year after taxes, my two expenses are car insurance ($150/mo) and my phone bill (27.50). I have a small emergency savings with about $4K in it, and about $500 in my checking account. I have a secured credit card with a $200 limit. I also have the paypal credit card with 1k limit and 6mo zero financing but I’d rather not put anything on that card. My sisters are 17, 14 and 11yo. + +Idk where to start as far as getting everything in order financially and insurance wise. I also need to find the car asap so it doesnt collect fees + +Any help or advice is much appreciated!! + +ETA: My mom didnt hit anyone AFAIK. As of right now, there is nobody to sue for injury. Idk if she hit anyone or caused property damage or anything until I get the police report - and I can’t even contact HP until Monday because apparently M-F are the only days my tax dollars are good for + +Edit 2: Idk if my mom fell asleep or got ran off the road or if an animal ran across the road or if fucking bigfoot pushed her car off the road. She is not lucid so when I ask her she just groans and says random stuff. I am going to contact her insurance if at all possible today but apparently everybody related to emergency services takes a nice long weekend vacation when you need their help +I was homeless in 2009. I saved every penny I could (renting a room, eating $1 mcdonald's, walking/bus-ing, not go out w/ friends, sleep when I'm hungry, etc) and now have 60k saved up. My goal is to buy a house/condo/property as soon as possible since I have a family now (wife and 8-month old baby). Background: I have a job that supports my family. I have been very fortunate in life, love, family, and everything else. + +So, reddit, what should I do with this money? Maybe start a small business? (If you have a great idea, pm me and maybe we can work together) Maybe invest in a EFT? Maybe bet it all on black? (Joking) + +Any and all suggestions are welcome! +I truly believe Ixian ($IXI) is going to shock people this Alt season. + +This is the first post on Reddit about it. Yes it's gone up a lot today, but don't regret not paying attention when you saw this post. Read on... + +**What is Ixian?** + +Ixian is fully scalable, decentralized platform for encrypted data streaming & high volume of micro-transactions. Sound familiar? Think THETA. Essentially Ixian provides super secure, private data streaming. + +**Why is this important?** + +The demand for decentralised, encrypted, & private data streaming is exploding. According to a recent [Cisco study](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/collateral/executive-perspectives/annual-internet-report/white-paper-c11-741490.html), **82% of consumer internet traffic in 2021 will be video.** This explains why THETA is a 9 BILLION market cap... + +# IXI is currently 10 million MC + +The craziest thing? Ixian has been in development for 5 years. They already have 3 live products including a decentralized encrypted chat app, [Spixi](https://www.spixi.io/), that you can use today. + +Their custom built blockchain currently supports 666 transactions per second. They estimate to scale up to **10,000 tp/s**, on chain, without sharding or other workarounds. + +# The pumpamentals 🚀 + +Here's the good stuff. I've spent the last 3 days diving deep into IXI and there's the perfect storm brewing for some face melting gains. + +* IXI is only on ViteX exchange and **USA & China residents cannot currently buy.** +* Thankfully, **upcoming** **Uniswap listing is confirmed**. The smart contract and IXI-wIXI bridge are both operational and Uniswap listing will be shortly after 3rd Party KYC verification. **USA & China will finally be able to buy.** +* **New roadmap this week** (they completed their last 5 year roadmap). This will detail their final plans to hit 10,000 tps and other big developments. +* **Brand new website incoming** to give their products a cleaner & more exciting overview. +* **Marketing about to begin**. They've just hired a new strategic advisor and will finally be focusing on marketing over the next weeks. +* **Non-anon team**, team tokens locked for another 2.5 years. +* **IXI is 10 million market cap.** Again, THETA is 9 billion. + +Despite zero marketing I did find this [2019 interview](https://medium.com/@flashygordy/teamtalks-28-ixian-33b0d2ce29d3) which had some great insights. + +Finally, here's some resources to DYOR: + +WEBSITE: [https://www.ixian.io/](https://www.ixian.io/) + +TELEGRAM (800 members): [https://t.me/Ixianofficial](https://t.me/Ixianofficial) + +COIN GECKO: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ixicash](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ixicash) + +GITHUB: [https://github.com/ProjectIxian](https://github.com/ProjectIxian) + +IXI on ViteX exchange: [https://x.vite.net/trade?symbol=IXI-000\_USDT-000](https://x.vite.net/trade?symbol=IXI-000_USDT-000) + +# TL;DR + +IXI, at 10m Mcap, is a direct competitor to THETA and is about to unleash 5 years worth of hard work to a bunch of Uniswap apes. You're early. + +HMU with any questions! +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I have been in crypto since 2017 and following Cardano. I'm extremely confused by the 'cult like' conversations that happen in this sub and on Twitter about Cardano. What has Cardano done SO FAR that really shows that they have what it takes? I'm not talking about what is 'almost there' what I have been hearing for the last years already. What has been done so far? Please provide arguments and facts and not some vague narrative of 'best decentralized staking' or something else. A data driven approach on the amount of use cases so far would be appreciated. Saying that smart contracts are almost there etc. etc. is not an argument. Even if thats true thats literally just the beginning. That means nothing. Being happy that smart contracts are coming in a few months after starting around the same time as Ethereum is extremely worrying of how serious 'investors' are here. + +Edit: about 50 comments and 0 concrete examples so far... (lol @ downvotes). + +Edit 2: Ok forget my responses. Just please read through all the answers and tell me how convincing this all is. Do all of you see a pattern here? + +Edit 3: Publishing scientific papers is nothing fancy. I dont know why people keep mentioning this as if its something special. Algorand, Ethereum Zilliqa etc. are also doing this. Also, its only worthwile *if its implemented in reality and isn't just stuck in theory* + +Edit 4: Finally 1 good argument in almost 400 comments. Which is "Implemented native multi assets". This is actually a useful feature and good use case to increase the value of Cardano. Btw, please stop automatically assuming that everything Cardano has built is already the best. You dont know that. It has not been battletested yet. Its all assumptions and speculation. + +Edit 5: To be honest, I am kind of dissappointed in this subreddit. For months I have been wanting to write a post like this but thought maybe others will. But literally 100s of Cardano post and nobody ever asked 'but what have they done so far'? And this is suppose to be the main cryptocurrency subreddit? This just means there is barely any critical discussion going on. Its a bit insane to me that so many people invested in Cardano but can't barely even answer basic questions and just personally attack me because 'I'm jealous' or whatever. But I guess its going up in value and they figured out the right marketing formula. Feels like EOS all over again. But at least EOS launched lol. + +**Edit 6**: Ok this will be my last edit. I just want to leave everyone to think about what's going on. Its always easy to sell a dream than to sell something that is functional and being used. Selling a dream about the future you can exaggerate and you cannot dispute. You can make it as big as you want it to be and if enough people believe it it can get some kind of 'cult like' charisma. But think about this. This is a team with billions of funding. Hundreds of people working on it and it is one of the oldest teams in crypto. Having so much money and people should speed things up, not slow it down. Do you really think that they can keep up with the story they are telling after showing barely anything for the last years? There are teams like Aave with 20 million of funding that have done more in less time with a much smaller team. Just please think about this. Forget about the money and market cap and promises. Just let this sink in. +[Amazon Plunges](http://www.thestreet.com/story/12291131/1/amazon-plunges-what-wall-streets-saying.html) from the street.com. Amazon announced that sales increased by 20%, however analysts estimates were for growth of 23%. Is this decline a good buying opportunity, or is this proof that it has been too over hyped? +Okay folks out there seem to think (seems logical enough) that stock returns are linear. They get upset when they hold stocks and they don't return like a bond or CD whose distributions are set forth in a specific manner specified ahead of time. That is NOT how the stock market rewards its investors for taking on risk. Below may be a bit of an eye opener for some and a good reminder to others who already know... + +ALL of the market returns are clustered to just a few days of the ENTIRE time you hold them. Yes, that is true. Link below proves this point. It shows in the 18 year period ending in 2018 if one missed just the best 20 day period your return would have been -0.33% vs. being fully invested INCUDING those best 20 days which would have been: +5.6%. How significant was that? Well if you were in cash for that entire ENTIRE 18 year period you return would have been: +1.79% (thanks portfoliovisualizer)! That means if you missed just the best 20 trading days of that near 2 decade period of time you would have earned LESS in stocks by 2% annualized then just being in cash for the whole time period! + +If one assumes 253 trading days for the year (thanks google). That means missing the wrong **0.5%** of all trading days gets a return less then cash (=20/18 x 253). + +Since NO ONE knows which 20 days are the best 20 days your only option is to hold stocks through the ENTIRE period of time. Yes reinforcing the mantra, "time in the market and not timing the market". Some may find it interesting as well as the BEST 20 days are nearly always clustered around the WORST 20 days. So, when the worst days in the market happen when your mettle is being tested is the exact time to do nothing and stay invested so one doesn't miss the best days. + +Hope this helps some folks understand stock returns are NEVER linear and is the reason returns are higher then that of fixed income holders (cash and bonds). + +[https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/04/11/what-happens-when-you-miss-the-best-days-in-the-st.aspx](https://www.fool.com/investing/2019/04/11/what-happens-when-you-miss-the-best-days-in-the-st.aspx) +When ever there is a talk or rumors about adoption of Bitcoin by a company , I see it everywhere and might even agree with it sometimes. "Why would I spend my Bitcoin to buy stuff , when it can go much higher in value?" "Why would I spend my investment?" + +Most people might have come to this conclusion from the pizza story , where he bought 2 pizza's worth 10,000 BTC (that transaction was necessary to get us where we are. Because that transaction showed Bitcoin has value and can be traded , thank you Laszlo Hanyecz) + +How about stable coins then? + + Using stable coins instead of dollars makes no sense because there is (theoretically) real fiat currency being held in a bank account to back it up. So it's like using dollars but with extra steps. +I know today was mostly about the earnings call and the potential jacking of our tits and going green on the green holiday and all, but I think we kind of lost track of paying homage to the man that made the man we call our sugar daddy. HBD to the real Papa Cohen, Ted 🎈. +Haven’t really seen much about telehealth, so I thought I’d put my 2 cents in on what I’ve been looking at and what I’ve found. I'm not going to run through why telehealth is bigger now than it was before 2020. It's obvious.  + +So, I've been checking out all the telehealth companies, specifically AMWL, since they’ve been booming and I’m wondering if anyone has found anything different. + +Here are the players I’m looking at right now: AMWL, TDOC, CVS, ANTM; with my primary focus being on AMWL.  + +AMWL: Full disclosure, I’ve been heavily following them since their Q3 earnings call. Launched its IPO in Sept. 2020 where it was $18 and had a three month high of $42. Stock is currently trading just under $30, and IMO is highly undervalued. Results from Q3 show that the company had more than 1.4 million virtual visits, a 450% increase from the same period in 2019. Revenue from Q3 was $62.6 million, an 80% increase. From what I’ve been seeing, I'm expecting an increase from the Q4 results as well. I dug up some info, and it’s got an investment of $100 million from Google. Also a partnership with Cleveland Clinic, and a recently launched telepsychiatry service, so there must be something here with large interest from these companies. It’s still at an attainable price and my thoughts are, since the telehealth industry is booming, this looks like the next one to grow.  + +TDOC: If you don’t know, TDOC had it’s IPO in July of 2015 at $19 a share and now hovers in the $280s. TDOC’s 5-year trend shows that telehealth stocks haven’t JUST been growing because of the pandemic. TDOC has been growing for years, with a 179% stock price increase between its IPO in 2015 and November of 2019. This could be because it was the main player for so long (founded in 2002) and the only health service looking to the future of technology in health for some time. Q4 earnings aren’t yet announced, as none of the others have announced either, but I don’t know if I should bother this late in the game to invest. Short-term signals are positive. + +CVS: The company started trading under the ticker we all recognize in 1996, but CVS didn’t enter the telehealth market until 2018 through a partnership with the big guy above, TDOC. CVS saw a 600% increase in its MinuteClinic virtual visits from Q1 of 2019 to Q2 of 2020. It’s got a tumultuous history, so that’s probably why it’s currently undervalued. But is it going to keep growing? It seems extremely diverse as a pharmacy and it bought out Aetna a couple years ago, so now a healthcare provider as well. But it just fell, again, so is this still a solid stock? From what I’m reading, the long-term health of the stock is still trying to find a solid footing.  + +ANTM: this is an independent licensee of BCBS and is the 5th largest publicly traded health benefits company in the US. Its origins go back to the 40’s as Mutual Hospital Insurance, Inc. After years of mergers and growth, it went public in 2001 and then expanded into the telehealth sphere in 2018. ANTM opened in Oct 2001 at $20.25. I’m reading that it looks like Q4 is going to have a below average return. I am seeing that some are saying that it may be undervalued but from what I’m reading the stock is in the middle of a falling trend in the short term. There are also expectations that it’s supposed to fall up to 5.57% more in the next few months.  + +Some thoughts: TDOC is part of the EDOC ETF which recently launched last summer. Solid ETF choice that’s seen a 28% growth in the last 3 months. We see SO MUCH about ARKK, but I’m thinking EDOC is overlooked. My thoughts: getting into EDOC to mitigate risk, and investing individually in AMWL.  + +TLDR: no brainer: telehealth is up, but I’m hyped on AMWL. Best-in-class technology stack, huge partner investments, incredible price upside, major revenue increases with what looks to be a positive Q4 earnings call.  +I joined a webinar this week on Retirement Planning, being run by some accountants and financial planners I know - I thought it would be good to step outside the FIRE bubble for a half hour -[https://businessdepot.com.au/blog/retirement-planning-webinar/](https://businessdepot.com.au/blog/retirement-planning-webinar/) + +With nary a "Safe Withdrawal Rate" in sight, I still had some takeaways. + +**1. Retirement Spending will vary** + +They break down retirement into 'Active' and 'Passive', and there's a nice chart at the 10 minute mark that shows how spending changes. + +"Active Retirement" is the higher-spending first few years, when traditional retirees are spending money on a few luxuries - maybe house or car improvements, or that big world trip. "Passive Retirement" kicks in after 75-80 years of age, when spending typically declines (save perhaps some healthcare increases towards end of life). + +To that I might add a third category for 'Early' retirement - the years between FIRE and say 55/60, when you need to be more mindful of protecting your stash from the sequence of returns risk. + +So this is why I doubt many financial planners will dive too deeply into things like The 4% Rule - much more sensible, based on their experience of typical retirees, to be more granular year-by-year or chunk-by-chunk because your spending will (on average) go down as you age. + +**2. Not Leaving an Inheritance** + +Not advice, but their observation - more people are choosing to give kids a financial leg up rather than leaving them money in an inheritance. + +That makes sense to me - my parents gave me $15K in my mid-20s (related to our first home and our wedding), and that had way more of a financial benefit than the likely $100,000s I will inherit in my 60s or 70s. + +I know some of us hope to never dip into our capital, and leave heaps to kids and grandkids. My takeaway was not to be stingy on the journey, because a little bit now may be worth more to them than a lot much later. + +**3. People Fear asking for professional advice** + +One of the experts is a Superannuation specialist (Australia's 401k equivalent, though with far tighter access rules) - it was nice to hear her talking about how that's not the only smart thing to do (maybe because she's on the FIRE path as well, though perhaps not as early as many of us). + +People do fear asking for retirement planning advice, either because they don't know the cost or they worry it will be an ongoing suckle at the teat of their retirement money. I thought it was good they talked about once-off or short-term fee-for-service work - spend a little money to have someone look over your assumptions and plans, which might be a good idea for the many "Am I ready to retire?" questions get raised in various FIRE threads each week. + +Paying for advice may not be relevant for many of us here, since I think we're more knowledgeable than the average person. That's why I enjoyed this for free - identify some different viewpoints, then go back to my spreadsheets and wonder why we spend so much on toilet paper... +We both file '0' for Excemptions/Withholds on our ~~W2s~~ **W4s**, and make just about the same yearly - yet I ended up owing (albeit not much) and she got a pretty nice refund. + +FYI we filed jointly, but we both ran our numbers through Turbo Tax before filing just to see where we were independent of each other, which is where we noticed the disparity. + +She mentioned that because I say I'm 'Married' for my 'Martial Status' on my ~~W2~~ **W4** is the reason I get less taken out per pay period. Is this true? My understanding was that your Exemptions determine what is taken out for taxes, not your marital status. + +Thanks! +Update: Garzik has only gone and published an untested patch, to patch his previously buggy code, on a project he has supposedly abandoned !! All he wants is to cause disruption, he is a piece of shit. + +Edit: Fucking hilarious :) +https://twitter.com/adam3us/status/931544337359495173 +My car was parked along the street in Boston. This morning I discovered that the headlights are no longer around and my front wheel looks out of place. Looks like it was a hit-and-run. + +Will my insurance premium be increased significantly? It is already very high. How much do I have to pay to fix the car? What is the best course of action? + +Any idea how it was hit? + +[https://i.stack.imgur.com/C2kbj.jpg](https://i.stack.imgur.com/C2kbj.jpg) + +[https://i.stack.imgur.com/XHicY.jpg](https://i.stack.imgur.com/XHicY.jpg) +So I'm seeing a lot of information out here about Melvin and 6 days to cover and all that and I think a lot of it is outdated. Actually, I know it's outdated because people were saying the same thing a week ago and $GME has risen like 300% since then. There's been a huge amount of price action, and yet the shorts everyone has been talking about have exited their positions and there's still tons of short interest. What gives? Why haven't the shorts learned their lesson? Are they just stupid? Maybe. But maybe not... Let's consider the short's view on this situation: + +**The $GME Short Thesis as of 1/27:** Here's the scene. A stock which is widely regarded as colossally overvalued has doubled in value several times within a matter of weeks. You know that the retail investor plan is to force shorts into a squeeze scenario. However, volume is up to unprecedented levels as new traders flood into the market to get in on the action, so the days to cover is falling, making it easier for shorts to get out quickly when they get a window. Meanwhile, older long retail investors (aka bought like a day ago) are staring at what are, to them, very nice gains. It's been several days of insane price action already, and people are predicting the end is near because, well, it must be, right? The uncertainty and perceived risk of losing unrealized profits are very high. + +You look at this and predict the following: **retail investors who have made tidy profits will sell upon a volatility move, causing a chain reaction of sell-offs**. In other words, you expect that the bubble is gonna pop upon sharp price action (could be either way) and then there's going to be a sharp decline as retail investors scramble to take whatever profits they can before the next guy sells at a higher price. + +So what do you do as a short with that thesis? Short the stock, of course! **Even if there's tremendous upwards price action the next day, you can just sell short again, pay off the old loan with the new short money, and now you're in an even better position.** Your best bet as a short is to short the stock the moment before the bubble pops. High interest rates from your lender don't bother you because, based on the thesis, you're only holding your loan for a few days and the share price on the other side is going to be way below where you shorted. This is why short interest is still strong - it's generally a good play to short a bubble that you expect to pop soon. + +**How the Short Thesis could fall apart:** So, the whole short thesis is based upon the idea that retail investors are going to close out their $GME positions very abruptly as soon as they see some nice gains and sense that "the end is near." But here's the thing: what if they don't? As an investor in $GME myself, I did the following with my gains - I sold a portion of them to cover my initial cost basis and now I'm just sitting on the rest as "house money." I'm not buying in anymore because I'm managing risk, but I'm not pulling out because I think there's more juice to squeeze and I've got a lot of cushioning below if the price does start dropping. If this strategy is broadly applied by other retail investors (and it's a pretty classic and intuitive investing/gambling strategy), volume will slow down and the price will generally plateau. + +So as a short, aren't you happy that the price stopped rising? HELL NO. You need that price to either fall so you can close at a profit or rise sharply so you can roll your position up. $GME remaining tremendously overvalued at a steady price for a long time would be horrible for you as a short. You've taken out a huge loan, you're paying huge interest, and there seems to be no end in sight. This is how shorts playing volatility are forced to close at big losses - when the interest over time eats up all of their potential profits before volatility strikes. I think this is the scenario in which we'd see a true MOASS. + +**Disclaimer: I am just a guy on the internet. I don't have specialized education in the market, but I think this is a pretty plausible thesis for the continued short interest and how the MOASS might develop. I could be totally wrong! Let me know what you think about it in the comments** + +Positions: 100 shares $GME, avg cost basis 103.95 +I am finally done with investing/options, I finally give up, I watched Starbucks drop $10 straight in front of my face and I wanted to make a put the whole time, I finally do and every single last fucking day since the price goes up multiple percent, I fucking quit. All I do is lose no matter how much I learn, I’ve been doing this for 2 years and I still can’t figure it out so I’m withdrawing my cash shutting down my brokerage accounts and I’m just fucking done + +Edit: I’m not actually gonna quit I just wasn’t thinking clearly this morning. I basically had no strategy other then just entering for the sake of entering which not only do I know to never do, but I’ve learned from in my past and vowed not to do, I’m 18 and my brain isn’t developed yet so I guess I can’t make rational choices but I’m going to take a break and evaluate the situation so I can come back and be profitable, I’m going to paper trade options because I can’t seem to be consistent, I deposited $400, dropped to $150, got back to $509, and I’m currently at $70 because I deposited $250 into my account, and sent $50 to forex. So basically $400 to $150 to $370, this isn’t the biggest f*** up but it just rattled my fucken nerves this morning lmao, I have a fat ass headache and I feel sick rn but that’s just mental, I’ll be completely over this in 72 hours. +Hey guys, + +I have been trading for just over an year now and sometimes I lose hope that I will ever become consistently profitable and trade for a living. I am currently a student so I work full-time in order to save up money to use for trading and whenever I lose more than usual or make a stupid mistake it really hurts because I know how hard it was to earn that money. This year I had 3 profitable months in a row through the summer but ever since then I am mostly losing and I always make the same mistakes. I either don't stick to my stop loss or after a loss I use a larger size in order to make up for it. + +Recently, I have started following my rules which are to trade max 3 trades a day and to limit my loss to $50 a day. I currently trade with a 4k account which was originally 6k in January 2019. + +I think I am fixing my mistakes one by one or at least limiting them and I have noticed that when I have a lot of stuff going on in my life it also really impacts my trading and I think the reason I had 3 winning months was that I wasn't working and had a break from uni exactly at that time and I was able to follow my rules and be really disciplined. Have you noticed that in your trading as well? + +I am graduating in 2020 and I have a job lined up for September 2020, however, I live in the UK and probably won't be able to trade since market open is at 2:30PM here in the middle of the day. The good thing is that I will be able to save some money and I plan to save 60k in 3 years and then quit my job and try trading full-time for 6 months and see what happens. Problem is that I worry I will lose the intuition I have build up until now and generally my market feel if I don't trade for such a long time. + +I have been thinking about maybe getting into futures since they are open all the time or trading the FTSE in the UK in the morning at 8AM when it opens. + +I guess I just made that thread cos today I think I did everything well and I still lost money and I am feeling really dissapointed and starting to doubt that it is even possible to trade full-time, but it has been my dream for the past 3 years and I try to keep it alive. Those were my trades for today on MU and PCG and if I had to take them again I would probably do the same thing and I really don't see what I did wrong. + +https://imgur.com/P1RnP7d +https://imgur.com/Lvb3DUQ + +Anyway, sorry for the long post I just wanted to put it out there and share with you guys as I have been reading the sub for the past 2 years but never actually commented and I really enjoy reading other people's posts as well. +Sorry to be the who-knows-what-number person to ask this question in this sub, but everyone has to start somewhere. I'm not looking for your personal tips, tricks, and strategies, but if you're feeling froggy, I wont oppose. I'm just looking for a point in the right direction to get self-educated since the web can be such a rough place to try and wade through what's good advice and what's good advertising. + +Obviously as a know-nothing with a low amount of capital (I'm saving now while I dig into the research and self-education before I actually get on with a broker), Robinhood and Acorns seem very appealing to dip in a toe and start with low-risk trading. Good or bad idea? What types of trading simulators have worked for you? What are the pros/cons of day trading vs. long-term investing? What's a good balance of fundamental vs. analytical? What time of day do you trade? Day trading vs. swing trading? These are the types of questions I'm hoping to find some insight to with whatever medium or education you fine folks may provide. + +Thanks in advance! +I’m starting to learn more about options however i’m confused on why traders would day trade options over shares. I know that the price movement of an option relies on the underlying stock it’s attached too. + +So why would someone prefer to trade options instead of the actual stock? Are there less risks, higher payouts, easier? Just confused on what people get out of trading one over the other. + +Would appreciate any response thanks. +Hello! + +Pretty much, I wanted to know if there is anyone else out there like me! Often times I wonder if I am crazy for trading the way I trade BUT it has worked for me. So far I am up 3k in 2 weeks since reaching 25k. I recently got to 25k after 2.5 years of trading, doing the same thing. I have a strategy where "sometimes" I will briefly look at charts but most of my trading depends on "Price Action". It sounds crazy but I can tell about 75% of the time how a stock is going to go by watching the Price. My trades take seconds; I'm in and out. + +&#x200B; + +Actually my biggest losses have been from breaking my own rules and holding longer than I planned. + +I day trade penny stocks that have news or that are gapping up/momentum stocks. It sounds nuts I know but is there anyone else out there that does the same thing and doesn't use charts much? + +Also - I don't need any comments like "this won't work long term, etc etc. + +The stock market has risks in general; but I always say If it works it works and well this has worked for me. Maybe I developed something most people can't do? + +&#x200B; + +Anyway, Hoping to hear from you all! +My wife and I are 7 months pregnant with our first child and living comfortably and happily in our first home, a 3 bdr, 2 1/12 bath, decent neighborhood but close to lightrail (awesome for daily commute). House has gained about 210k in equity, I also have 100k in stock. No debt, perfect credit, and a retirement account on track with recommendations. That combined with the reality that Seattle is booming like never before without clear signs of impending "bubble" doom makes me think we should stretch a bit now to upgrade our house before prices get even higher. This is where I could use some advice. My wife and I have a combined salary of ~180k, very stable employment. With the other assets I listed above we can get a loan for 600k if we don't sell our house before we buy and 700k (with 20% down on both)if we do sell our house before we buy. Meaning we could potentially get into a 850k house, with a mortgage around 4,200 a mo. Currently, our Mortgage is 2,300, so this is quite a jump, especially if I factor in the cost of a new kiddo. I would love some advice from people in California or Seattle who have been financially stable and then dipped into a "house poor" state to get ahead while the door to do so was open. Was it worth the stress of having such a high mortgage payment? Any general or specific wisdom on people who've been through similar situations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! +Long story short, I have been approached by my director for a promotion to supervisor, in which I would have 10 full time employees under me. In addition to my new responsibilities, I will have to continue doing my current technical job and all the responsibilities associated with it because management does not want to backfill my position. I have been offered a 2% increase in pay for this promotion. + +Personally, I do not feel the additional work and responsibility is worth only a 2% increase to my salary. I would be interested in and happy to take the promotion and am stating my case for better compensation before I decide; however, I do not see the current offer as a fair deal. I would be doing a job worth between $60-80k plus benefits on the open market in addition to what I am already doing, while only being compensated a minute fraction of that. + +If my negotiations fail, I do not think I would want to trouble myself with all the extra work for so little extra pay. How can I tactfully decline this promotion? I really like my job, am treated well here, and do not plan on leaving regardless of the outcome of this situation. As such, I do not want to jeapordize my current job in turning this down. All responses are greatly appreciated, thank you! + +Edit: This garnered far more comments than I expected. I do not have time to respond to every single one but I want you all to know I have read every single comment (and continue to read the new ones), and appreciate you all taking your time to share your knowledge, experiences and opinions. I’ll post an update once everything is resolved so anyone who is interested can find out the outcome. As one comment said, the consensus seems to be “f*** you, pay me”. I think I’ll go with a more tactful version of that and see where it goes. +I have been slowly working on Diversifying my crypto investments, with the intent to hodl most, if not everything, for the long run. However I'm inclined to believe that diversification of investments should also include some high risk, high (potential) reward. + +I realise crypto isn't a get rich quick scheme, however it has helped some fine folk do just that. What lesser known coin(s) would you reccommend investing in? I'm hoping to find some coins with a good whitepaper and a solid team that has potential to make their contribution into something bigger, but hasn't quite made it into the major exchanges. + +If I can buy and hodl the right one when it costs .000000004 per coin inb4 it gets further backing, It could turn into a worthwhile investment. +The tomo in question were on idex V1 preswap but have been locked since. I had lost access to my wallet until now and upon trying to get them off of their, the tomo team says they are no longer doing swaps and that they took the coins to pay for things for themselves, and then banned me from the telegram. I am 100% serious and can easily verify everything I am saying. + +If tomochain can do this to me, they can do it to you. + +What are my options? + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +here is me not being able to see anything in the chatroom, last i saw before banned is they deleted all my messages. [https://i.imgur.com/6WpOkzn.png](https://i.imgur.com/6WpOkzn.png) + +&#x200B; + +[https://i.imgur.com/QFKAiyO.png](https://i.imgur.com/QFKAiyO.png) here is a link to them no longer swapping coins for cucked people like me. [https://forum.tomochain.com/t/the-submission-for-supporting-swapping-tomo-erc20-on-idex-was-closed/857](https://forum.tomochain.com/t/the-submission-for-supporting-swapping-tomo-erc20-on-idex-was-closed/857) + +&#x200B; + +[https://i.imgur.com/8K9L8HS.png](https://i.imgur.com/8K9L8HS.png) here is them voting on how to spend my money on themselves. [https://forum.tomochain.com/t/what-to-do-with-stucked-idex-tomo-coins/1129/2](https://forum.tomochain.com/t/what-to-do-with-stucked-idex-tomo-coins/1129/2) +So, I saw this mentioned on another post and I think it is a valid point of introspection. We all want to retire early. But what do you want to do when you retire early? What are your hopes and dreams for this whole process? + +For me, I work because I have to. Nothing has ever really appealed to me as a career. I have things I like to do, and I want to do them as a job, but there is little profit there. My mind wanders, and I want the flexibility to let it wander a bit. + +So, i want 2 things. + +First, I want to have enough invested that my daughter has a financial machine that empowers her to do whatever she wants career-wise. So I can't sell everything. That means my bar is a bit higher than many. + +For me, I want to be able to retire early, buy a few acres overlooking a lake, get a vintner's license, and make wine. I want to raise heritage pigs, and butcher 1 every week or so. Then I want to open a little shack BBQ joint where I make bbq, and sell wine. Then spend my free time on the water, or on my porch drinking wine. Or sitting in my living room looking at the lake through my big vaulted bay windows. I've had that last image in my head since I was a teenager. + +That's all I want. + +What about you? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Based on ABS data, Ben Phillips from the Australian National University has shown that the cost of home ownership relative to income has not changed significantly since 1993. This runs contrary to popular opinion, is his analysis flawed or are we truly a nation of wingers? + +[https://www.businessinsider.com.au/housing\-costs\-are\-actually\-the\-same\-as\-in\-1993\-but\-renters\-still\-struggle\-2018\-5](https://www.businessinsider.com.au/housing-costs-are-actually-the-same-as-in-1993-but-renters-still-struggle-2018-5) +So today all of a sudden Nokia reaches every reddit front page, even multiple posts. What makes me even more suspicious is the amount of awards they got, we know how rare they are here, but every Nokia post here got them and even got mostly the same. + +It is really scarry, I think hedges realised the amount of money floating around these subs and now want to take it from us or just benefit from it. Look at the Nokia Chart, went parabolic last friday with high volume. The accounts of the posters also look super suspicious. + +Maybe this is testing the water for them and the worst is yet to come, but this is a good reminder to never trust someone blindly. I hope mods can do something about it. + + +Edit: Thanks for the awards (am I suspicous now? :D) + +I did not want to say that Nokia has to be a bad investment, just that this pump was very suspicious. If you want to buy Nokia listen to some counter points in the comments and compare them to other 5G players like Ericsson. +Link to the white paper is here - https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf + +*9th page is the reference page. so really, it's only 8 pages. + +I was just re-reading it, and i really enjoy Satoshi's outright sass in it. For example, when talking about 'greedy attackers' : + +> "He ought to +> find it more profitable to play by the rules, such rules that favour him with more new coins than +> everyone else combined, than to undermine the system and the validity of his own wealth." + +and you can see that he was aware and conscious about node's being able to store the blocks with commonly found hardware: + +> "A block header with no transactions would be about 80 bytes. If we suppose blocks are +> generated every 10 minutes, 80 bytes * 6 * 24 * 365 = 4.2MB per year. With computer systems +> typically selling with 2GB of RAM as of 2008, and Moore's Law predicting current growth of +> 1.2GB per year, storage should not be a problem even if the block headers must be kept in +> memory." + +happy reading! + +EDIT - I've unknowingly sort of delved into the block-size/scaling debate in the last bit above. Not my intention. Bitcoin itself has evolved from the original white paper. Satoshi himself had found ways to improve on top of the white paper during the days he was active. My point here is to appreciate the great invention and truly understand it as told my the author/creator himself :) +I will always love this quote! + +“I happily played World of Warcraft during 2007-2010, but one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring.” + + - Vitalik +I'm looking for a book that will cover in depth strategies and information related to how to optimize the use of different investment accounts, and haven't found much on the topic. The only book I've found in my search that seems to meet what I am looking for is "IRAs, 401(k)s & Other Retirement Plans: Strategies for Taking Your Money Out" by Twila Slesnick. + +&#x200B; + +Does anyone have experience with any good resources on this topic? +Hello r/Fatfire friends! Feel free to delete if this post needs to be taken down. + +I wanted to ask now, at the near completion of a year, what your charitable giving looks like. I'm curious to learn a few things and think there's a lot people on this sub can learn from each other: + +1. What percentage of your income do you donate + +2. What charities you support if you feel like sharing + +3. If/how your giving changed when you achieved FatFire (ie are you now funding scholarships or programs directly? DAF vs foundation giving? Do you put your name on bricks, plaques, or buildings?) + +4. If you have specialized skills (ie doctor, lawyer, or business executive) do you donate time? If you bill hourly normally, what is the value of time you are donating? + +5. How does your donating contribute to your overall happiness? + +I'm not doing a survey or anything, I'm just curious to learn more about how y'all donate. +I posted this to /r/financialindependence and someone wisely suggested I post it here. A lot of folks suggested that perhaps it wasn't crazy to keep our money with the money managers. And yet I somehow feel like if I could get the portfolio to a manageable size, I could do it myself at Vanguard. What do you guys think? + +\++++ + +My situation. I am 48 years old. Have wife and 9 year old. + +We have about 3,000,000 in a taxable investment account, 500,000 in one IRA and 500,000 in my wife's. Have about 200,000 in a work Roth 401K. 200,000 in a 529. House is paid off and listed on zillow as worth $1,600,000. Give or take the vagaries of the values of things, I estimate our net worth including house at about 5.5M. + +I personally choose to include that house number in my retirement estimation as I know we will sell it like any other asset someday. I also choose to "believe" the trinity study and cfiresim and that I could carefully withdraw 4% on that 5M today and yield 200,000 a year on which some form of taxes (both LTCG and dividends) would have to be paid. + +Haven't really begun to study how I would withdraw it, Roth ladders, etc. etc. Still in a "structuring my life" mode. We do spend a lot of money - averaging 150,000/year over past three years. I am working on cutting that number down with my wife who is responsive, but it is a journey. I was raised in poverty she was raised with a bit of a silver spoon in her mouth. I make about 350,000/year before taxes. Wife no longer works. + +I know that 150K is a lot for many families and it does plague me and I see many ways of bringing it down. I do know we would spend less in retirement than we do now - I envision a mart/careful "retirement" where it becomes my job to live more intentionally and wisely/frugally. I could see retiring in 5 years. I do like my job right now. + +My issue right now is - I am preparing to "break up" with our financial advisors that are currently managing all of this money. They take 0.7 a year. This works out to about $25,000 a year in fees we pay them. + +I have opened up my first Vanguard account for our taxable investments. We have about 3,000,000 invested with the advisors now We also have about 1,000,000 between the two IRA's . + +I called Vanguard and they walked me through the process of moving things over. The process seems pretty simple. All ETFs can move with ease. The only things they can't move is some of/all of the 5-letter funds that may be specific to our current bank. + +The challenge now is that although I would like to be in something closer to what is discussed here, something close to the "lazy portfolio" of something like 20% VBTLX, 40% VTSAX, and 40% VTIAX. + +However, because I own the legacy of the funds my advisors put me in, I can't simply sell them all and reinvest in fewer funds. The tax hit would be huge. Still, I don't know if I should move them all over. I feel like there are too many for me to meaningfully understand and manage. + +Here is a view of my holdings. Kind of freaky to put this up here but what the heck, I'm sure you have looked at your own enough to handle looking at mine. + +I am considering just selling everything that is green and yellow to offset gains/losses and have no taxable capital gains. This would reduce my overall number of funds held AND it would yield a basket of cash that I could then invest at Vanguard and begin to VTSAX and chill. + +This isn't an attempt to "Marie Kondo" my portfolio but I do think there is too much here for me to meaningfully manage moving forward. All of that \~3,000,000 starting capital came to me in 2009 and 2010. If I had just put it all in VTSAX in 2009 I'd be beyond fatFIRE now. But can't cry over that now. + +I am not a savvy investor by any means. But I do think I can manage this, rebalance a few times a year, and ride out the highs and lows. This is what years of reading this sub has taught me I must do. + +Anyway, trying to take control of things and I would appreciate any thoughts on what you would do in my position. + +Should I reduce the number of funds? Should I hang onto my random municipal bonds that yield 5%? Should I keep the two funds that are yielding 4.55 percent dividends and 3.85 precent dividends? Or should I sell all the green and yellows and just start consolidating all further investments into something very tight and lazy as above? What about that massive municipal bond fund they have me in - should I just put all that in VTBLX? + +Would appreciate your thoughts, especially if you have ever had to move from money managers to "go it alone." + +&#x200B; + +Investment snapshot here: [https://imgur.com/a/1NTaILq](https://imgur.com/a/1NTaILq)? +Mid 30's former tech worker here, NW $3.5M, recently decided to FIRE. US citizen living on the west coast, originally from the east coast. + +Not to get too political, but I'm deeply concerned about the direction the country is moving in. I've lived a comfortable urban bourgeoise life for most of my 30's, but I fear the good times might be over - maybe for years or even decades. I'm sure there will be people suggesting I be part of my community and volunteer and be the change I wish to see; but the reality is, I want to escape before SHTF. + +Has anyone else decided to use their resources to FIRE in some sort of off-grid homestead? Some comfortable home in the country, powered exclusively by solar, using your savings to grow your own food, etc. + +Curious to hear stories from others who have done this or are planning to do it. +Hi, I apologize in advance if this doesn’t fit the forum perfectly. Have posted in realestate, realestateinvesting to no response. + +Looking to build home in the $2-3m range and working with developer but want to know the proper range as a % of project costs that should be payable to the developer. Developer contributes zero equity and so they do not wear much risk. + +Also, I assume these fees should be paid out in a backloaded manner - I’m googling that construction projects should be paid something like 25% at loan close (for the lot) / 50% or similar pro rata to the hard costs over the duration of the build / 25% or so at certificate of occupancy. + +This is for a higher-end home in Southern California. Please share any thoughts based your experience in building your home. + +Edit for more clarity: Developer is sourcing the lot but I am securing the lot myself with 100% cash, under my name. Developer will work with architect, GC, permitting. I will solicit the construction loan myself - developer will not be involved other than providing final design plans and approvals. +This question stymies me. + +I often talk about a hobby I'm pursuing, but it doesn't exactly sound like work. I worry people think I'm hiding something (I am, I suppose) and end up dreading the question. + +Anyone have creative answers to the question that work well? + +[I don't want to have it be public knowledge that I retired early, so saying that is not an option.] +What does the fatFIRE community think about the decision to go robo-advisor vs wealth advisor for investing? I’m in my early 40s, with $11mm NW, after a company sale, and I’m struggling with if I should keep managing my assets myself (I have a tech background, not finance), paying per-hour for tax optimization advice and investing using robo-advisor. Or if it’s worth paying 0.6% AUM for wealth management from one of the big boys (eg Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch). + +Am I being penny wise and pound-foolish? Or smart to automate and avoid those AUM fees? +I live in a medium sized, growing city. I want to buy a house for me and my 4 roommates to live. They would be my Tennants, paying off nearly my whole monthly mortgage. I wouldn't struggle to fill their rooms if they need to leave. My job situation is comfortable but nothing amazing. I could find a new job within a month if I ever needed to. + +I want to get this house purely for the investment. As I think about it, the risk seems low but it seems like such a large move. + +Are there pros/cons I'm not thinking about? Can anyone share similar experiences? +Stocks reach a peak! if you missed the original opportunity please don't chase the next hot stock. Don't buy a stock that has no support, just momentum. Guess what, there will be another one tomorrow that you can get in early. It kills me to see these post, one after another complaining that they bought this or that stock after it ran for 5 straight days as was up 450%. Guess what, all stocks check-up and fall. What do you expect to happen? It can't climb forever. + +Rant over... + +Thanks +u/fusionnnnnnnha said + +As someone with xxxx shares, I've had an x/xx ape ask me, "will you hold a bit longer so I can have life changing tendies too?" my answer was FUCK YES. I'm going to hold the line for you because you did the same for me. We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you so much. No one gets left behind. + +I'm one of many users here who have xxx/xxxx+ amounts of shares. I know once things start moving forward with the squeeze, people will think more for themselves. +**Those with x/xx shares will wonder, "will my fellow apes that I've held with and endured barrage upon barrage trying to hold the line, will they hold to 10m+ with me so I can have a breath of relief and be set with my family?"** + + +**You're just like me.** + +I say Yes, we will hold for you fellow ape. Your one share is enough and we will make it so by aiming high, beyond 10,000,000M+ a share. Why? **That's simple**. Because **NO APE IS LEFT BEHIND.** Because if I can just be a little more patient, I could set you up too. I know we all want to get ours and secure it but I know, if you're like me, eventually when you have so much, you'll naturally want to give it away because everyone around you, is like you. We're not part of the elite. We've so many shared experiences of feeling poor, unworthy, insecure financially and all the stress with it. We get it. That's why we always mock the rich because they just don't get it. Get what it's like to be poor. I'm in no way saying this like a victim, I'm actually thankful for my upbringing even if my family didn't have everything financially because it built compassion, relatability and humbleness. Lots of great qualities who make me unique and worthy in my own respect. But would I want another family to go through that, both parents and their children..? + + **FUCK NO.** It was hard and it tore my family and childhood apart. I missed out on a lot because my parents were either busy working for money, or arguing and stressed about money, or having to SAVE everything to the point where me and my siblings got nothing for our birthdays, or go out to eat or do fun things because of "money". Money doesn't buy happiness but it sure buys time. Time with the family, time to grow, time to enjoy, time to actually LIVE. We've lived our whole lives trying to become financially free. Wishing we were millionaires and imagining all the things WE COULD DO. It buys freedom. My upbringing taught me a good deal but.. I also missed out on a lot of things. Things that money can't buy. Memories, experiences, time. Those moments that we cant ever get back or relive. Family members we can't bring back. Things that could have existed with just a little... money. +We've all been through hard times, some of us more than others. I know the fortunate ones among us are deeply grateful for their fortune/luck in life. For every single digit share holder, I want you to know that we have not forgotten you because you were here for me, and for us. You HOLD and that makes you my brother/sister. You might not know me or see me, and you probably won't ever meet me or interact with me, but you.. out there in the void. **I want to thank you**, because by the sheer wonders of technology, **you're able to help me and a million other people just like you, trying to make a better life for their friends, families, and love ones.** Simply by doing the simplest, little thing, to hold. Very few people in life have helped me and I've mostly been looking out for myself. So when anyone, especially a stranger goes out of their way to do something for me when they have no obligation to, really makes me feel so thankful for good, good, people in life. I'm sure many can relate. And we're here. Right now. Hello. + +I see people like you and me who struggle every. single. day. Life is hard for many. +Many of us didn't have much growing up. I was raised in poverty. Another family is likely doing worse than we are. If I can GREATLY make your/their lives better just by holding to the peak, **I'll absolutely hold for you**. **When I help myself, I help you. When you help yourself, you help me. It's individualistic but it benefits the whole. Simply amazing. A game where everyone can win.** + + *The new fud on the horizon will most likely be saying your fellow apes are all selling now that gme has* ***started*** *squeezing, you don't want to be the last one holding the bag and everything along those lines to get you to panic and sell because of their Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.* Don't let it fool you, the only way they can take this away from you is if you sell low. But why would you do that? Especially if holding will change your life for the better in ways you have yet to even imagine. You've been here for almost 4 MONTHS. What's another day or two for good old apes? I would be doing the least to do the most for someone who really needs it and to me, that would be the ultimate cherry on the sundae. The old guard always said money was bad but honestly, that's just a flat out lie. Because when you give it out, you're giving time, resources, food, shelter for people who could really use it. It's a good thing. Not hoarding it illegal offshore banks and hiding it all. + +We're a handful of the population who want good things for ourselves and our loved ones. For apes. We're willing to stay in suspense and anxiety for months on end and suffer because we know the outcome will help us. It's just, so much deep fucking value. It's worth it. We see the opportunity here and we won't throw it away. Our one chance to beat life, with a high score. You're like a silent friend who believes in me, and my dreams, and my happiness even if not by design or intention. And just by doing the simplest thing, **holding.** Millions of us around the world, all the same, with no religion, color, politics, or division. Come together for the briefest of moments to change the course of history forever. Just a handful of apes. Who only care about bananas and their loved ones. All individually standing together for a better world, for the common people. + +Everyone here has proven that they are diamond handed and that they do believe in a better tomorrow for **everyone here**. A tomorrow not marred by corruption and greed. By division. I want you to know that, even if you can't see me, you'll feel me there with you when you look at the **volume** and it's dry as a bone, you'll know I'm there with you, holding with you in spirit. Cheering you on because **you honestly deserve good. fucking. things.** + + +***What does GME mean? GME means family. And Family means, no one gets left behind.*** +I currently have my portfolio set up to be managed by the FidelityGo algorithm where you give it a bunch of data points about when you want to retire, etc and it will come up with the stocks that most correctly fit the profile you specified for it. + + +I chose this because I am not much of a day trader or anything and I thought having it auto-managed would be an easy option. I am just wondering if this is something that I should be doing or I should I be investing the money myself into things I do my own research on? (ETFs for example) +Friday wasn't low enough, but after the lows this mornings the entry points looked good. + +Usual suspects - AMZN/GOOGL/AAPL/NVDA + +Anyone else scooping these up? My assumption is they're back to last Thursday's prices by the end of the week, but if not I'm still holding them long so it's no big deal. +If you believe the market has crashed, you're delusional. DOGE, which belongs at well under a penny based on history and utility, is still at $.33. + +When DOGE crashes, that's when to worry... because the speculators will be truly out. :) +**TL;DR: The GameStop Wallet / NFT platform is much more than just buying and selling GIF NFTs. It's going to be the next Amazon of digital products and we will own everything (for real, not just as beneficiaries of a given product).** + +The past weeks, following what's happening with GameStop Wallet, "playable" NFTs etc. I've begun realising, that we might just be heading towards a future where we - again (!) - own everything. + +Today, when you buy a movie, a game etc., you don't ACTUALLY own it. It's just like the way brokers sells you fake shares: you're just the beneficiary. + +We don't OWN our games. We don't OWN our music. We don't OWN our movies. It's made to look like it, but to me, especially one thing strikes my mind: owning, to me, means "being able to sell it again" and we can't. + +Sure, you can "buy" a movie on, say, Apple TV, but can you sell it again? No. When you "buy" a game, you really do NOT \*BUY\* it - you just pay for access to play the game as long as you want. + +This is where I think GameStop is going. When we buy music, we will OWN it. When we buy a movie, we will OWN it etc. - and when we don't want to keep it any longer, we can SELL it again. + +Then there's all the indirect / secondary stuff like buying an original Louis Vuitton bag and being handed a token as a proof of authenticity and that's it really IS an original and not a counterfeit bag. + +I think GameStop (or a given carve out of the company) will be the future Amazon for digital products. +I spent like $510 and I’m kinda hoping it will go back up to around 3.30 to sell since I bought at like 2.68. + +Will I go bankrupt + + +Edit: ok everyone’s telling me I made a mistake so I guess I’m gonna sell as soon as I can. Does anyone recommend anything else? + +I was looking at ROOT but at this point I’m very much rethinking my research methods + + +Edit 2: please I get that I did something stupid but does anyone know what I should actually do help would be very much appreciated +They’re all in bed together, always have been… I know people have mentioned The Inside Job here before. But if you have not watched it yet, go and watch it… it’s frightening how similar the situation seems to be that we encounter ourselves in today… the difference is, it’s probably a lot worse. + +Sauce: https://youtu.be/T2IaJwkqgPk +I’ve been researching a lot of altcoins for the past year and I am quite honestly tired of spending or wasting all that time looking at charts and hoping to make money. + +I could be doing other productive things like studying and making apps to contribute to society. But I am wasting my precious time and hard earned money into what I’d call a gambling at this point. + +I just bought a whole Bitcoin and this will be my final time to spend even one minute into looking at crypto market. I will not touch my Bitcoin for many years. + +Until then, I am gonna focus my energy on studying and improving my skills to actually do something with my life. Bitcoin is great but it’s not worth wasting my time and life over. +I’m a 22 year old doing physics at university in Ireland. I got the offer to do a year abroad in America, but I have crohns and needed a surgery last year for it. + +This has caused the travel insurance to go up from ~600 pound for the year to about 2 grand. + +I really don’t want to miss out on a once in a lifetime opportunity because of this stupid illness, and I was thinking of taking a credit union loan out for 2000 pound. Is this advisable? Or should I cut my losses. Any other institution you would recommend for the loan? Thanks! +Ford sold 2.4 million vehicles, gm 2.8million in 2019. Both at better margins. Tesla sold 368k vehicles in 2019. Ford and gm combined have a market cap of about 63 billion. Tesla today has a market cap of over 239 billion??? How does this make any logical sense? +At work, the company over the years gave all the employees a cheap mobile or contributed to them buying a better phone. Now everyone has mobiles. They no longer give away mobiles. Yet we have been told that we must have a mobile. + +Any thoughts on this? +I'm coming to the end of uni this June and have been offered a grad job with a big 4. They're really flexible on the start date and said I can either begin in July or next March. + +Given the later option I would get a job on a mountain and spend my days snowboarding before heading over to South America with a friend for some travel, and then again on to Japan for some hospitality work at night whilst I snowboard during the day. + +It's not that I necessarily love hospitality, I don't but I feel it may be the last bit of freedom I have before beginning my grad job. This also means delaying the start of my career (in IT) five months. I'm almost 23 and have already have had a GAP year but not sure if I am ready to grow up. + +But bar work won't be progressing my career. I'm really passionate about snowboarding and money isn't a problem, I guess I just want some mentorship from someone who has been in the same position. + +What do you think reddit? +My wife and I are looking at a property in West End, Brisbane. Great location, ticks all our boxes, really love the place. Two floor apartment in a really nice riverside block. Our offer is $615,000, which is over the asking price but there are multiple offers and we want to get it. However I am experiencing extreme anxiety about whether we will be able to afford it. + +These are our numbers: + +Combined pre-tax income: $136k. After tax income $106k. $78k deposit. 10% deposit after fees. + +Loan will be $564k, so repayments of $2,376 per month at 3%. + +Mortgage percentage of NET income: 27% and GROSS is 21%. + +The Body Corporate fee is on the high side, at $7,405 per year. There is a nice pool, gym and it is a premium apartment block, so we are prepared to pay this. + +Mortgage, Body Corporate, Rates and Water bills will cost us NET income: 36.45% and GROSS is 28.4%. + +I have run all the numbers and all our of current expenditure (bills, car, university fees, union dues, phone contacts) would leave us with $951 per week, or $4,124 per month. + +After deducting food, pets, and spending money, we are left with $378 per week and $1,641 per month, which will go into savings. + +&#x200B; + +My wife is currently studying full time and working part time. We are paying for her uni fees out of pocket. In three years she will qualify and will hopefully get a better paid full time job, at which point it would all becomes a lot more affordable. + +&#x200B; + +I am experiencing a lot of anxiety over taking out such a large loan. I have been researching what is an acceptable level of household bills but I keep getting different numbers (28%, 30%, 40%) and it always changes between NET and GROSS income so I am very confused. + +Wise people of AusFinance, is 36.45% of NET income on housing costs an achievable amount, without experiencing financial hardship? +In May 2021 I bought my first house. Had an inspection and did everything the right way. Inspection had a few things that needed to be addressed, but nothing major. + +First big rain after buying it I had water in the basement. That was due to a downspout that got detached. Next big rain had water coming in through the back door. Removed a heaved slab of concrete and temporarily solved that until I can afford to re grade the back yard. Biggest rain in years...guess what? Running water coming out of the hole that the water line comes in at. To fix this I have to remove the front porch grade the front and build new porch correctly. Remove and replace sidewalk and driveway and grade the front yard away from the house. The water issues are piling up and getting too expensive. + +Next we have the roof. This June we had a bad hail storm. Real bad. Destroyed the shingles and gutters. Shouldn't be a big issue because of insurance right? Well apparently some ass hat built a bunch of crap on to the eaves and overloaded the rafters. Now I have broken rafters and the contractor wants $15000 over what insurance is willing to pay. + +I already took out one loan for repairs and now another for the roof. We got another 3 inches of rain this morning and guess what? More water in the basement. Main issue is that we are living in the basement while I finish the main bedroom. I can't afford to take out another loan. + +I guess I'm just looking for opinions on what I can do. There's no equity in the house since I've owned it for just a year. This house has literally used up most of my income and I don't know what my next move is. I thought about just selling it as is but I would probably be upside-down on the loan without any money for a down-payment on something else. Any advice is useful at this point. +Plasma donation place in my city is offering $1,100 for the first month you're a donor right now, to get people back in after the pandemic made things kinda iffy. Great! I'm unemployed, my car is currently inoperable, this will be a great boost! + +But it can never be that easy. I get in there, the phlebotomist checks my veins...***and they're deemed too small to donate***. HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN??? The one fallback everyone always talks about, the one thing you're always supposed to be able to do, ***AND I CAN'T EVEN FUCKING DO THAT***! I'm so tired of a solution to my problems seemingly being right in front of me, only for it to be ripped away by the powers that be, with some bullshit reasoning. + +And you know what makes it even worse? The fact that I had an IV in the day before I tried to go donate, nurse said my veins were amazingly easy to find, but the donation center couldn't use that vein because "we can only use the veins by the crook of your elbow". Why??? Why does it matter? Literally just flip my arm over, there's a vein right fucking there! But nope, "company policy" or some bullshit. I feel so defeated. Fuck this shit +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-23/tesla-asks-suppliers-for-refunds-to-help-turn-a-profit-wsj-says](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-23/tesla-asks-suppliers-for-refunds-to-help-turn-a-profit-wsj-says) + +[Tesla Inc.](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/TSLA:US) asked some suppliers to return a portion of its payments to them in an attempt by the electric-car maker to turn a profit, the Wall Street Journal [reported](https://www.wsj.com/articles/tesla-asks-suppliers-for-cash-back-to-help-turn-a-profit-1532301091), citing a memo sent to a supplier last week. + +The company’s shares dropped as much as 5.9 percent on Monday following the report. The bonds also declined. + +Tesla, whose [eroding](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2018-tesla-burns-cash/) cash position has alarmed investors, requested a “meaningful” amount of payments made since 2016 to be returned, according to the letter. The note stated all suppliers had been asked to help the Californian company become profitable. + +The request indicates more struggles for Tesla in its quest to reverse losses. While Chief Executive Officer [Elon Musk](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/id/1954518) proclaimed a “real” carmaker after hitting a weekly goal of producing more than 5,000 mass-market Model 3s, there are doubts the volumes can be sustained. Some of the increased output, pivotal for boosting revenue and earnings, came from a makeshift tent. + +Tesla’s stock was down 5.7 percent to $295.64 as of 9:39 a.m. in New York. Its 5.3 percent bonds due 2025 fell as much as 1.75 cents, the biggest drop since May, according to Trace bond price data. They were last quoted at 89.375 cents on the dollar as of 9:31 a.m. + +The U.S. auto manufacturer declined to comment on the specific memo, but confirmed it’s seeking price reductions from [suppliers](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/TSLA:US) for projects, some of which go back to 2016, according to the report. Tesla called such requests a standard part of procurement negotiations to improve its competitive advantage, especially as it increases Model 3 production, the Journal said. + +### Money Back + +It’s not clear how many suppliers were asked to hand back money, with some saying they weren’t aware of the request, the newspaper said. Panasonic Corp, Magna International Inc, Continental AG and Robert Bosch GmbH are among Tesla’s suppliers, according to [data ](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/TSLA:US)compiled by Bloomberg. + +It’s not so unusual for carmakers to ask suppliers for discounts retroactively, and some Japanese automakers have done it before, said Tatsuo Yoshida, an analyst at Sawakami Asset Management Inc. in Tokyo, who worked at Nissan Motor Co. between 1983 and 1999. + +Tesla probably has some leverage to gain suppliers’ support, given that the type of parts it uses is probably a bit different from other automakers and it may even be the only customer in some cases, said Koji Endo, an auto analyst at SBI Securities Co. in Tokyo. “If Tesla goes bankrupt, those suppliers lose everything.” + +Tesla’s Australia and Asia media office, as well as a spokesman and spokeswoman in the U.S., didn’t reply to emails seeking comment on the Journal report. + +“Only costs that actually apply to Q3 & beyond will be counted,” Musk said in a [tweet](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1021285179178881025) late Sunday. “It would not be correct to apply historical cost savings to current quarter.” + +Musk was responding to a post by Electrek that cited the Journal article and he didn’t elaborate. +Saw a post here: + + [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/06/strategists-younger-investors-have-recently-been-buying-cruise-stocks.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/06/strategists-younger-investors-have-recently-been-buying-cruise-stocks.html) + +&#x200B; + +The problem I see is that they are not getting bailout money and with the virus people might fear going on cruises. Do you think all the cruiselines may go bankrupt +We’re all, for the most part, down… a lot. It’s going to be just fine though. Please don’t try and time the market because you never know. Do your research on DCA and decide when the right time for you is, if at all, to make another splash. Keep your head up, we are all experiencing this together. + +Much love to everyone in this Sub and please please do your research on the market before blindly believing someone on the internet. This may get taken down immediately but hopefully at least one person gets to see this. + +Reach out to loved ones if you’re really struggling. IT WILL WORK OUT. Enjoy your Saturday :) +So, I got this letter today that says HMRC was notified about me having income overseas that I should be taxed for. + +Indeed, there is some income in my name back in my home country from renting a commercial property that has been in my family for sometime. I pay tax for this income over there and never crossed my mind that I'd be liable for any extra tax here in the UK. + +But now I'm afraid I was wrong and I may need to rectify the situation. I'm pretty much clueless about this stuff and would like to hire someone to help me navigate the system and make sure I'm doing the right thing. Where can I find someone (an accountant?) to help? Ideally without paying thousands of pounds. Just by googling is pretty difficult to make a choice as there's just sea of ads and the only familiar name is kpmg but I'm pretty sure they'd be over my budget. +The International Energy Agency said Friday that global oil demand growth will slow to 1.2 million barrels a day (from 1.8M this year) in 2016, China still up in the air, Iran yet to enter the play, no war on the horizon...there is a massive temptation to go in hard but at the same time...could it hit $35-37 levels? + +This could be a massive opportunity or an absolute rekkage scenario. +Hi Everyone, + +&#x200B; + +**April 1st:** *(UPDATE: We have decided as a community, to REBRAND our name completely and move away from the word ''safe'', as the stigma behind it in the crypto world is something we don't want to support.)* + +Introducing **GREENTREE** + +&#x200B; + +Before you even bother reading the rest, click here to view a certificate from [onetreeplanted.org](https://onetreeplanted.org/) (800 trees planted in Australia) + +&#x200B; + +\- [https://twitter.com/GreenTreeCoin/status/1376337914997526530/photo/1](https://twitter.com/GreenTreeCoin/status/1376337914997526530/photo/1) + +&#x200B; + +**GREENTREE** \- The Worlds First Fully Interactive **CLIMATE & ENVIRONMENTAL** Coin - Committed Too Bringing Back **Forests/Wildlife/Habitats** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +This is a nice, short sweet and hopefully encouraging reason to invest in the absolute greatest **COIN** of our generation, and no I'm not saying that lightly, this coin has the potential to be up there with the greats, I'm talking a 1000x + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Website:** [www.greentreecoin.com](https://www.safetreecoin.com/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The whitepaper is simple - the more people who invest into **GREENTREE**, the more **GREENTREE** can use its allocated tokens to **PLANT TREES** and **REVERSE** Deforestation & Cryptocurrency Blockchain Energy Use. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +We all know how much energy is used in the crypto space, and its not stopping, we cant stop it, but we can do our part and **JOIN GREENTREE'S** Cause! + +&#x200B; + +So, What makes this easily **THE BEST** investment of 2021? ill start here: + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +***(REFORESTATION PROGRESS) -*** [***https://www.greentreecoin.com/pages/tree-planting-worldwide***](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/tree-planting-worldwide) + +&#x200B; + +**1,000 TREES** Planted Over The Last **THREE** Days - **AUSTRALIA / USA / CANADA** + +\- **840** Trees Planted In Important Locations The FIRE Ravaged 2020 Australian Bushfires Had Destroyed + +\- **100** Trees Planted Within CANADA/QUEBEC Where They Are Needed Most (Aid Natural Habitats) + +\- **60** Trees Planted In Oregon USA Where They Are Needed Most + +&#x200B; + +\- **CERTIFIED** by [onetreeplanted.org](https://onetreeplanted.org/) one of the greatest worldwide non-profit 501(c)3 Tree Planting Charities + +\- [Reforestnow.org.au](https://reforestnow.org.au/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +***(WALLET DISTRIBUTION) -*** [***https://www.greentreecoin.com/pages/token-usage-alerts***](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/token-usage-alerts) + +&#x200B; + +**FIVE** Separate **GREENTREE** Wallets, with specified and allocated **TOKENS** in Each for the following: + +Meaning **NO** RUG PULLS. + +Wallet 1 - **\[Natural Disaster Reforestation / Relief Fund\]** + +Wallet 2 - **\[Agricultural Reforestation Fund\]** + +Wallet 3 - **\[General Tree Planting Allocation Fund\]** + +Wallet 4 - **\[GREENTREE Marketing Fund\]** + +Wallet 5 - **\[Exchanges & Listings Fund\]** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +This can be found and confirmed here [https://bscscan.com/token/0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171#balances](https://bscscan.com/token/0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171#balances) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +***(Liquidity Locked)*** + +\- 1st July 2021 (4 Months) + +This project is already doing **GREAT** things for the world around them and its **TRULY** a world first in the crypto space. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**How To Buy** \- [https://www.](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/how-to-invest)[greentreecoin](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-whitepaper)[.com/pages/how-to-invest](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/how-to-invest) + +**Pancakeswap Link** \-  [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xEDA9675DC967052cc5a047E19179E4Df040CB171) + +**Roadmap** \- [https://www.greentreecoin.com/pages/project-roadmap](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-roadmap) + +**Whitepaper & Tokenomics** \- [https://www.greentreecoin.com/pages/project-whitepaper](https://www.safetreecoin.com/pages/project-whitepaper) + +**Coingecko.com** \- Applied + +**Coinmarketcap.com** \- Applied + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +And the best part? all you have to actually do is just hold some tokens, and see where it goes, come back in a few months a year...the amount of traction this coin is getting in such a **SHORT** period of time is mind-blowing. + +Mark my words, you will look back on this post in **6 MONTHS** or so, and wonder why the hell you didn't listen and get in whilst it was just beginning, it just makes sense, and who wouldn't want to fight to keep our forests and wildlife thriving. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[www.safetreecoin.com](https://www.safetreecoin.com/) **REBRANDED** [www.greentreecoin.com](https://www.greentreecoin.com) + +&#x200B; + +**Telegram** + +OLD + +\- [t.me/safetreeofficial](https://t.me/safetreeofficial) + +NEW + +\- [t.me/greentreecoin](https://t.me/greentreecoin) + +&#x200B; + +**Twitter** \- [https://twitter.com/GreenTreeCoin](https://twitter.com/GreenTreeCoin) + +**Reddit** \- + +Old - [r/SafeTree](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeTree/) + +New - r/greentreecoin + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Conclusion:** + +\- Not one token from this projects team has been sold by the creators since its inception *(some screamed rug day 1,2,3,4,5 and counting.)* + +&#x200B; + +\- 1,000 Trees planted so far - with receipts - Australia (Bushfire Recovery), Canada, USA + +\- Certified by [onetreeplanted.org](https://onetreeplanted.org/) \- the best reforestation 501 charity in the USA + +\- A little community video made [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbzW4fB7cm4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbzW4fB7cm4) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +*(Beware regarding the comments: organized groups of 100+ people will downvote posts and comment negative things, they generally are shilling for their own coin/post to reach the top and drown every other post out, when people comment, do some research and read there comment history, if they are shilling another coin, well now you know why they are here.)* +TLDR: Take a 2 week (1 paycheck) unpaid vacation to take care of my health and hone life. Or wait months to do them all. + +Only have 2k in saving and taking this vacation will drop it in half. The reason I want to take it is 1) I just moved. I want to get everything aligned and in its place already. Hate seeing boxes and hunting for things. 2) Go to the dentist for much needed work. 3) My foot is hurting really bad. I have plantar fasciitis and resting would give me a bunch needed break. The only cons I see are obviously losing money. + +I can’t see myself volunteering to give up 1 paycheck, but at the same time. It’s not a total waste. I’m not just gonna sit at home playing games all day. I actually have things to do. My wife is supporting the idea to take it. What’s your take? All this stuff could be spread out in the next few months and slowly be taking care of, or I do it all now. Becuase for the next 1-2 months I’ll be working 12-14 hour days 5 days a week. Compared to my normal 8 hours 4 days a week. + +Money wise. It’ll take me at least 2-3 months to make this up. However. With all the overtime I’ll be doing from now till the end of the year. It’ll likely cover it all. So all that bonus money I usually look forward to at the end of the year will be gone. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/many-young-people-shouldnt-save-for-retirement-says-research-based-on-a-nobel-prize-winning-theory-11664562570 + +The biggest flaw I see in this is that it equates saving with "putting money in a savings account" and then bashes it because the real return on savings accounts is negative. Well duh, if you have someone "saving" for retirement by putting their 401k money in the provider's money market account they'll have a bad time. + +He also advocates buying a house young because it leverages your future income and the equity you build up can act as savings. While those are good points, they neglect the costs of buying and owning a house (reduced ability to change jobs to increase pay, high transaction costs to buy and sell or even borrow against, high carrying costs [taxes, insurance, maintenance], and increased risks of sudden mandatory expenses). + +The consumption-smoothing (sorry if I misremembered the name) approach has some validity, and there are some benefits to buying a house, but overall I don't put much weight on this story. +I'm a M48 living in the Midlands. Currently earning £45k pa as a software engineer although this should rise slightly in the summer, also bonuses of around £9k pa paid directly into work pension. I try to get as much as I can into my ISA and SIPP. + +&#x200B; + +I own a 2 bedroom end-terrace house - paid off mortgage about 10 year ago. Purchased for £51k in 2001 - probably worth £140k-£150k now after a little bit of work. No debts - just bills. + +&#x200B; + +I moved into my long-term gf's house temporarily 8 months ago due to her health/medical problems, and we've decided I should make it a permanent move. I will be setting up a direct debit to give her money each month to help with bills. + +&#x200B; + +I need to decide what to do with my house. I think I would get around £7k-£8k pa rent. I would use a property management company so would see maybe 10%-15% deducted for their fees, and then obviously tax - I would move into the 40% tax band. If I sold it I'm not sure what I'd do with the lump sum apart from make sure my ISA and SIPP allowances were fully used each year. + +&#x200B; + +Any advice? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +&#x200B; + +Thanks to everyone who posted. Lots of valuable information there. Pros and cons for both pathways. I must admit I'm even more unsure about what to do now. +What is it called when you see something and then see it everywhere? This is what you call the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon. However, it is also known as frequency illusion and frequency bias. It is the phenomenon in which something you saw for the first time starts to “appear” everywhere. + +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +Body of text. +# What is the cause? + +A majority of bitcoin services have their network security centralized into a single place. This place is a service called CloudFlare (CF) that provides security for things like DDoS attacks. By using CF they must route all of their traffic through them, and they must provide CF with their SSL (https) certificates. Meaning CF has access to the unencrypted traffic for every service listed below. + +# So what? + +CloudFlare, Inc. is based in California. Any government agency that wanted to monitor any service below (or all) could do it at a single easy location in the United State's jurisdiction. It wouldn't be surprising if this is happening right now with sites like BTC-E that many see as some anonymous exchange in Russia. + + +An attacker gaining access to CF would have countless ways to compromise the services using them. They could just listen to traffic, again unencrypted, including password submissions. They could modify the contents of web pages, so for example showing the attackers bitcoin address instead of the one you were asking for. They could modify data you send, so for example you tell Bitfinex to withdraw to address 1abc and they change it and tell Bitfinex it is 1xyz. Or they could replace a service all together so you think you are setting up a vault with coinbase.com but you are really setting up a vault with coinfake.com. + + +#What services does this affect? + +* Coinbase.com +* Circle.com +* Bitpay.com +* Blockchain.info +* Bitfinex.com +* Localbitcoins.com +* Btc-e.com +* Shapeshift.io +* Bitgo.com +* Coinsetter.com +* Coinkite.com (fixed with Tor, see update at bottom) +* Purse.io +* Cex.io +* 21.co +* Kraken.com +* Bitwage.com +* bitquick.co +* Bitfinex.com (using Incapsula instead of CF but all security issues are the same) +* Bitstamp.net (using Incapsula instead of CF but all security issues are the same) + +# What can we do about it? + +As consumers we can stop using centralized services for bitcoin. As developers we can keep working on providing better tools for consumers to take control of their own finances. As any of the companies listed above we need to sit down and take a hard look at this practice. + +&nbsp; + + +*Please note that I wrote this like an ELI5 on purpose. I am happy to provide a more technical explanation to anyone interested.* + +&nbsp; + + +**TLDR;** The network security of many of the top bitcoin services is trusted with CloudFlare. This provides a scenario for the ultimate man-in-the-middle attack, defeating everything from SSL to 2FA. + + +&nbsp; + + +Update on Coinkite: They have already thought this through and the answer using their Tor .onion. See: https://coinkite.com/faq/tor + +Update: Made a note on the list that Bitfinex and Bitstamp use Incapsula instead of CloudFlare. +Hi everyone! + +&nbsp; + +Today I hit 100k cash savings after 4.5 years into full-time working. I wanted to post this here in order to celebrate, try to help, thank everyone for this amazing community and to collect some advice looking towards the future. + +&nbsp; + +Note that I am from southern Europe (where the average salary is around 24k/year), here 100k is a lot of money. + +&nbsp; + +Story: + +- I am 25yo and started saving the day I got my first job +- Grew up middle class, but my parents made some money mistakes +- Studied university and moved away from my country (paid scholarship) +- Got into a niche industry and leveraged my tech skills with marketing +- Lived very frugally up until last year +- Mindset **switch from saving more to earning more** (still in progress) + +&nbsp; + +Stats: + +- 100k in cash +- 2k in crypto for fun +- No debt +- No car +- No house + +&nbsp; + +Savings: + +- For my first job I was saving at 30% +- Now it´s 70% (around 2500k a month) +- When my side-hustle was going strong it was up to 85% + +&nbsp; + +4.5 Year income progression (brutto): + +- 1st job: 18k per year (Netherlands) +- 2nd job: started at 28k and left with 50k (Netherlands) +- Side-hustle: brought in 6k (netto) in 6 months +- 3rd job: currently at 60k agreed on 75k after 1st year (Spain) +- Side-hustle: shut down for now + +&nbsp; + +Reasons for me switching jobs was because I got those offered. The process involved a bit of luck, great past work, and people talking about it to their network. That gives a lot of leverage in the salary negotiation stage (plus, you have no pressure since you already have a job!) + +&nbsp; + + +FI(RE?) goals: + +- Originally I wanted to retire at 35 and live frugally +- I realized I like working in my industry but not for a boss +- I also want my partner and parents not to worry about money +- I want to own a 250k home, a 25k car and go on holidays when I need to +- I want the freedom to quit my job and start my company with very little risk* +- By 45 I want to do whatever I want to do (might incl. work or not) + +&nbsp; + +*By little risk I mean having the security that I can bring in enough money to fuel my spending and my FI investments. I think I can get my side-hustle to match my current salary by working on it after hours for the next 2 years. + +&nbsp; + +So why do I have 100k sitting in cash? + +- 10k for an emergency fund +- 30k to eventually fuel my company +- 60k to eventually put as real state down-payment +- In the past 4 years I moved location 3 times +- **I have no idea where to settle down yet** +- Having enough liquidity gives me a sense of comfort + +&nbsp; + +**(here´s where you come in!)** What to do now with my next paychecks? + +- I am not sure! +- Maybe get a 100k mortgage and rent out a small studio...? +- I already read the whole thing about ETFs and bonds...? +- Put money for retirement?* +- Treat me to a nice weekend with my partner to celebrate 100k +- Buy a computer to properly work on my side-hustle! + +&nbsp; + +*In Europe this works different than the USA, but I really need to gain some perspective there. My former company contributed a great deal to my retirement, current company will do that after 2 years at the job. I plan to max the % out in those cases, not sure if worth it though here in Spain. + +&nbsp; + +What I think is an ideal plan: + +- Suffer for the next two years at a job +- Put money into *insert here investment vehicle/s* +- Start a company +- Buy more *insert here investment vehicle/s* + +&nbsp; + +Again, my goal is that throughout this journey my family is comfortably taken care of +and that at 45 I get to do whatever I want to do (hopefully that means giving back to society) + +&nbsp; + +I think that to achieve my lifestyle goals (and those of my family) I need a cashflow of 5k a month after having paid off my house. **The question is what´s the most efficient way to get there, and which steps should I be taking next?** + +&nbsp; + +If you made it that far, thanks for reading. Feel free to point me in the right direction, share your views and ask some questions if you think that my experience can help you :) + +&nbsp; + +Best of luck! +You people are the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen. What cock did you take in your hairless ass that made you panic sell over a 1.8% drop? ON A TUESDAY AT 2:30??? Holy fuck. You all think you have balls until you don’t. Just to prove a point, I will go all in tomorrow morning on MSFT 2/14 190 calls. And if I lose who gives a fuck? I will be calling my bank for a personal loan against my house for 150k and re rolling on 2/21 190 calls again. If you’re scared today, please leave this sub. If you can’t take the pain, you can’t get the gains. + + +What happens if I lose my house on MSFT next week? All in $ROPE +I understand that banks can basically create money as long as they stay within the Fed's guidelines and ratios. Does the same apply for brokerage firms? I can't image Schwab or any of the other brokers being able to create cash out of thin air like a bank could. + +I can't find an answer anywhere! + +Edit: typo +I live in Ireland and basically, it looks as if the Euro will collapse at some point or another. Having a single-rate currency for multiple countries with different economies seems to be a clear-cut path to failure. Unless a good solution is found, it looks as if it's a question of "when" and not "if". + +So I ask, what is the best way to negate the impact of such a failure? If Ireland drops out of the Euro and returns to Punts, it will most likely devalue its currency. If I open up a foreign US/UK bank account and save in dollars/pounds, will that help? Is that even possible for me to do? +The chance of Greece getting things in order is getting less likely every day: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-05-08/greek-government-mandate-passes-to-syriza-after-samaras-fails.html + +As European and Forex trader I was wondering what will happen to our currency when this happens. e +Just started working full time time a few months ago as a Corporate FA. I've met a lot of people since starting my job that have taken interesting career paths to get where they are. You always hear "if you want to do x one day, you HAVE to do y and z for 3-5 years". What has been your career path, and what did you learn from it? +Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I'm currently applying around for jobs and I am trying to develop mainly my VBA but also Python skills. + +I would love to be able to do it in 2-3 weeks, just get a good grasp on some basic functions. What are your tips on fastest way to learn this? Could anyone provide me with certain examples or 'projects' that I tackle to see if i can program well? +I understand there are books and resources out there that teach you the basics, but I am more interested in learning by attempting to just work on a project and play around to get it working. +I guess ill give you guys a little background. I'm currently a Sophomore double majoring in Finance and Supply Chain Management, looking to get into some form of trading. As it stands now, Commodities really interest me, and I have always had a knack for trading just about anything worth of value from a young age. However, I have no idea what the daily duties/lives of these Wall Street traders consist of. Therefore, I was wondering if you guys had any good reading materials/movies/documentaries for me to read up on? + + +One of the things I like about finance is that people in this field are not idealistic; they are not fooled by hazy claims or utopian ideas. A lot of the time, finance people are grounded, if sometimes too cynical. Financiers know how incentives make things happen, and how business models and industries based on the right incentives produce better results than bad business models. + +Because of this, there's one thing I don't get: credit rating agencies. + +Why the fuck does the finance industry tolerate companies paying an agency to get their credit rating? The incentives this create are horrible for anyone who wants a good understanding of a company's credit. This is why I can't pay Equifax to boost my credit score; the idea is absurd, and even a child could see how this could cause all kinds of disasters. So why is this thing common in the finance world, and accepted as the way things are? +This is your safe place for questions on financial careers, homework problems and finance in general. No question in the finance domain is unwelcome. + +Replies are expected to be constructive and civil. + +Any questions about your *personal* finances belong in /r/PersonalFinance, and career-seekers are encouraged to also visit /r/FinancialCareers. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/09/fed-fires-an-even-bigger-bazooka-expands-its-shopping-list-to-include-junk-bonds.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/09/fed-fires-an-even-bigger-bazooka-expands-its-shopping-list-to-include-junk-bonds.html) + +&#x200B; + +This is a big deal. I get Jpow wants to avoid a corporate debt implosion but this just sticks it to the taxpayer but the investors get the cash. Capitalism is over. RIP USA. + +&#x200B; + +Long Guns and Seeds. +Man, the missing the GME boat really got into some people's heads. + +Check out the new posts on the Dogecoin subreddit. It's a mess of day old accounts who signed up for Voyager/Robinhood within the last 6 hours talking about DiAmOnD hAnDs and retiring because Dogecoin will "be bigger than GME". + +They also appear to be sharing a petition (not sure why) around social media sites to put a supply cap on it as well as stop all mining so that the value stops getting diluted. + +This may very well be the most delusional thing I've ever seen in the cryptosphere. + +Edit: lmao I found one of the petitions: +https://i.redd.it/odz76d6khde61.jpg + +Edit: they're trying to get #capthecoin trending on twitter by harassing a former developer, BUT STILL BUYING despite being aware that the value is suppressed to 14 million new coins being generated each day + +Edit: noticing a lot of them asking others to 'like, share and react' to their reddit posts and to 'pin them on the front page'. not how that works here but sure. + +Edit: If you know anybody who is unfortunate enough to buy into this, you can show them [this article where the founder talks about how people lost all of their money the last time this happened](https://www.vice.com/en/article/9kng57/dogecoin-my-joke-cryptocurrency-hit-2-billion-jackson-palmer-opinion) +This proposal is on behalf of u/that_one_indian_dude, you can see their original proposal and reasoning in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta [here.](https://new.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/np7mmz/proposal_increase_the_karma_requirements/) + +&#x200B; + +Currently we require 50 comment karma and a minimum account age of 30 days to comment in r/CryptoCurrency. In order to submit a post, we require 500 comment karma and an account age of at least 60 days. This proposal would not make any changes to the account age requirements, but would increase the comment karma requirement for commenting from 50 to 500. If this proposal passes the new requirements would be as follows: + +\- For commenting: 500 comment karma and 30 days account age + +\- For posting: 500 comment karma and 60 days account age + +&#x200B; + +Users with the special membership for r/CryptoCurrency will still be exempt from the karma and age requirements. + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/nwnwfo) +Hey guys, I would love some advice on a problem I've been wrestling with over the past few months. I've been day trading and it's a little overwhelming to make so many quick decisions to buy or sell. + +Although there are so many indicators available (such as moving averages, MACD, Stochastics, Bollinger bands, etc.) and different combinations of them, I've found it even more challenging for someone who day trades to clearly identify when to buy and when to sell. + +1) Am I alone in this thinking, or are there others feeling this way too? + +2) And if so, how are you dealing with this? +As much as I appreciate the community here, it's mostly people doing random stuff and posting them randomly, the rationale for any advice being nothing more than 'take my word for it'. As someone with a scientific mindset, I can't simply take your word for it. I hate randomness and would like to be a bit more organized with the process, to move beyond the realms of "bro science", for lack of a better word. + +So my question is, is there any academic literature for daytrading where daytrading is taken and studied seriously? To my knowledge, there are no university courses on daytrading. I actually don't know why. To me, daytrading is no different than economics or finance or accounting. + +As someone who loves math, a mathematical analysis of the daytrading process would be highly welcome. I haven't seen any math in the sub, except for prices, of course. It's always do this, do that. No explanation, no analysis. I abhor such vagueness and lack of precision. With the entirety of math at our fingertips, this is an unacceptable situation. + +Or perhaps such information is out there and it is I who is ignorant of its existence. Which is why I'm asking here. If anyone knows about it, I'd really appreciate it if you could inform me. + +PS I've read many books on daytrading and while they are more organized and entertaining, they're still just taking someone's word for it. +I’ve been trading for over three years now. I’m currently looking for other ways to make money that don’t involve me working a regular job. Something semi related to trading would be nice, but I’m open to anything. Below are some ideas I have for making money, both related and unrelated to trading. + +1. Day trading YouTube channel + +2. General finance YouTube channel + +3. Tiny home rental property + +4. Selling bulk trash (furniture, TVs, instruments, etc.) +I’m trying to understand better the risks, opportunities and what we will experience through this process, maybe taking years. + +How will the housing market be affected? +How will the bond market be affected? +Will stock act normal or liquidity will be sucked out of stocks? + +It’s such a huge number. And I don’t find a lot of info about the repercussion and what to watch out for . +Because international markets are awash with USD's due to the big bank's currency carry trades, and domestic markets are cash starved due to unemployment, lost credit, shrunken retirement funds and underwater homes, and because inflation is a function of liquidity available in a currency in a certain geographical area, we will be experiencing BOTH inflation and deflation at the same time. + +Domestic Goods will continue to get cheaper because there are fewer and fewer dollars for local american people to spend. Houses, food, domestic labor are all in a deflationary spiral. + +Foreign Goods will get more and more expensive because of the trillions of USD's that foreigners already have but do not want. These include oil, outsourced labor, electronics, foreign cars, solar panels, and most everything except housing, food and domestic labor. +I hear a lot in the news from politicians (in the U.S.) going on about how cutting government spending and balancing the budget will somehow spur economic growth, job recovery, etc. and I'm more than a bit skeptical. I know that *increasing* government spending can stimulate an economy (when done intelligently), but I'm not seeing the connection between responsible fiscal policy (which seems a noble goal in and of itself) and economic growth or increased employment. +Reading Bloomberg today, I came across [this gem](http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=an0ehK2dtdXg&pos=11): + +>China’s foreign currency reserves will be “one asset” that can be used to fund a cleanup of the banking system, he said. The country has accumulated a record $2.4 trillion of reserves... + +Why people can't seem to get this through their head? Everyone seems to think that the People's Bank of China (PBoC) has some sort of piggybank of U.S. Dollars that they can spend as they please. They can't. The PBoC's dollars are **simply the asset side of a leveraged balance sheet**. The PBoC has dollars, sure, but they are matched by an enormous wad of RMB liabilities. + +And boy, what a wad of liabilities they are. I mean, do you honestly think a still-poor country could possibly afford to [build shit like this](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Shanghai_Center_Dragon.jpg) with massive amounts of leverage? Hell no. + +Remember, dollars can only be used to fund foreign purchases, not domestic ones. So if the PBoC decided to spend some money on re-capitalizing a bank, that would automatically burn a hole into their balance sheet. From there, they would have three choices: 1. borrow more RMB from the country's nascent bond market (which definitely couldn't absorb much without jacking up interest rates) 2. use tax dollars 3. print money and have an inflation party + +China can spend its currency reserves on two things - servicing external borrowing (of which it has little) or buying natural resources. That's it. +Dear current and future well-meaning and not so well-meaning "freedom fighters." Don't take it personal. + +It already breaks my heart that I pay taxes for wars. I already have blood on my hands. I am not going to voluntarily send any money into a region where people are fighting. Especially a region that I know very little about. We are continually lied to and exposed to propaganda and pushed and prodded and treated like ATMs. + +No thank you. Not anymore. + +I'd rather give the guy sleeping behind my building 1BTC to get a shower and some new clothes and some food than give you a satoshi for your violence. + +EDIT: There was a top post at the time I posted this requesting donations for activities related to Ukraine. +# 1. Preface & disclosure of position + +**This is my second and final DD post on RSSV.** I’m posting this detailed DD after having done a lot more research into this company over the last month or so. I’m convinced that it’s going to run well into >$1 territory in April. I may post small updates when the big catalysts start rolling in next month. + +**Full disclosure: I own 50,000 shares, now at an average of 0.11.** I obviously have a vested interest in this stock, so please do your DD and do not treat this as financial advice. I also welcome your thoughts and criticisms in the comments. I don’t know how else to make it clear that this is not a pump and dump, but I hope you get a sense for that as you read this post. I have included some red flags at the end. + +**There are sources at the end of this DD which cover all the datapoints I quote in the post**, should you wish to investigate further, as well as a list of other good DDs on this company. I have adopted some of the research in these DDs in making this (e.g., u/Manlikecheese, u/NightcoreRo, u/Silly_hat7720). + +# 2. What is RSSV? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/r0hhyt1ornl61.png?width=193&format=png&auto=webp&s=59cb72b9d58957be05b989072ab69e09fceb4280 + +Phoenix Rising Companies Inc ([https://phoenix-cos.com/](https://phoenix-cos.com/)) is a **diversified industrial holdings company** headquartered in Malaysia. The company is currently trading as RSSV while it waits for FINRA to approve an update to the ticker. RSSV currently has 3 portfolio companies, with more on the way. The existing portfolio companies are below (more detail on their financials further on): + +* **Tieshan Oil:** a Beijing-based supplier of refined petrochemicals products (e.g., methyl tert-butyl ether, paraffin oil, petrolatum liquid). The company was founded in 2005, with a long-term client base comprising licensed Chinese gasoline operators. It does \~$30m in revenue per year +* **Admall:** a Malaysia-based B2C eCommerce platform focusing on health and wellness, selling products in SE Asia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea +* **Wandi Mine:** a mine containing 24m tons of clean, low-sulfur thermal coal. It was acquired for stock in 2020 by RSSV, but the details of the transaction are yet to be confirmed (more on this below). 80-90% of the coal is attainable, and it is all pre-sold to the Chinese government, meaning there is no wasted production. In 2017, this mine was valued at >$1bn USD (lifetime) + +&#x200B; + +[Wandi Mine - exact google maps co-ords are 34.137889, 113.161561](https://preview.redd.it/3a8c5usqrnl61.png?width=349&format=png&auto=webp&s=d66ff59af5447f4b15ba43b45a9cd743942d3f7a) + +# 3. Where we are, and how we got here + +**RSSV is currently trading at $0.08**, and has oscillated between $0.08 and $0.2 over the last 6 months. In late 2019, the stock was trading at $1-3, but fell rapidly as the onset of COVID-19 in China put a hold on Tieshan Oil’s revenues. Since then, Tieshan Oil revenues have recovered to pre-pandemic levels, but – remarkably – the stock price has not. + +Note: The stock price has oscillated somewhat in the last 6 months, on the anticipation of news regarding the Wandi Coal mine. Although we are still waiting, it’s likely that we will hear by the first week of April (in the RSSV annual report – more on why I think this below). **I believe these oscillations up to $0.2 are still far, far below the fair value of this stock, which is why they do not concern me.** + +Looking back a bit further, you’ll see that RSSV previously traded at a much higher price. From 2017 to 2019, this was between $20 and $30. The current management team took control of the company in 2018, and issued a 1:100 split in 2019. They are now assuming an acquisitive strategy, having reduced their liabilities/debt from $34m to $2.5m in 2019/20. Assets are at $12.5m - so the balance sheet is positive. + +# 4. RSSV is undervalued based on existing financials alone + +As of March 5th, RSSV’s market cap is USD $10m. **Yes, $10m**. That’s 128m outstanding shares at a $0.079 price per share. Based on current performance alone, that’s low. **In fact, the market cap is lower than the assets on the balance sheet.** ($10m vs. $12.5m) + +**In 2019, Tieshan Oil did $30m in revenues and $0.6m in gross profit, and in 2018 it did $37m in revenues and $1.4m in gross profit**. The difference between these years corresponds to the higher oil price (>$70) in 2018. Although TO was hit hard by COVID, **its recovery is complete** – it generated more revenue in Q3 2020 ($4.8m) than Q3 2019 ($3.2m) – and the rising oil prices will work in its favour. Admall is less of a money spinner, bringing in $0.6m revenues and $0.1m in gross profit. + +So, **in an ordinary year, RSSV’s current subsidiaries should do around $30-35m in revenues and around $1m in profits**. It was valued at \~$1.50 a share pre-COVID, and even though its financials are bouncing back post-COVID, that is not reflected in the current stock price. + +# 5. Upcoming catalysts + +**Wandi Mine** + +* We are expecting to see confirmation of the $1.2bn Wandi Mine transaction in the RSSV annual SEC report (due 31 March), or soon after. It is already listed as a portfolio company on the RSSV website. +* As stated, **the mine was purchased for stock on Feb 24 2020, with 60m of RSSV’s shares transferred to the owner of the Wandi Mine, at a value of $1.50**. In essence, the owner of the Wandi Mine sold it in return for 49% of the shares in RSSV, who will then contract out the extraction of the coal using equipment which is already on site. The Wandi owner made this agreement when RSSV was trading at $0.5, meaning that he must have confidence in the fact the stock was at least 3x undervalued, even back then. **If RSSV reaches the $1.5 valuation at which the Wandi deal was made, that makes it 19x undervalued at current prices.** +* All that is left is for the transaction to close. In Feb 2020, RSSV estimated that this would take one year (i.e., it should be happening right now). To add to my confidence that this will happen, DS Chang (RSSV CEO) is listed as a director of the Wandi Mine, and there was a further change in Wandi Directors in November 2020 (presumably to RSSV management but this was not disclosed). +* The Wandi financials are very attractive: it has 24m of clean coal, of which \~19m is extractable and all is pre-sold to the Chinese government. **RSSV has determined an initial production scope of 0.9m tons of coal a year, and taking a coal price of $65/ton, this would generate revenues of USD $58.5m per year.** As the annual production scope increases with extraction, annual revenues are likely to be substantially higher than this in the future. + +**99technologies:** + +* RSSV has an acquisition agreement in place for 99technologies, **a Swiss disinfectants company which owns 27 patents and was expected to generate $14m in 2021 revenues**. We are also expecting to hear news on this acquisition in the annual report. RSSV has an acquisition agreement in place with another disinfectant company in China – Culmination Radiant – to be finalised as a complementary acquisition to 99technologies. For some bullish evidence: in **August 2020, RSSV formed a subsidiary – PRX Biomed – to enable the distribution of infection control products in the USA**. Sounds a lot like what 99technologies are selling, right? + +**Ticker and name change:** + +* This sounds like a small thing but I’ve seen a lot of questions about the use of the old ticker (i.e., what is Resort Savers? What does oil have to do with resorts?) and I believe that this lack of clarity reduces investor confidence. When FINRA changes the ticker, the stock will seem more trustworthy. + +In summary, we are looking at $30m in revenue from Tieshan Oil, $60m from Wandi Mine, and potentially $14m from 99technologies. **That’s up to $100m in revenues – for a stock with a $10m market cap. I surely cannot be the only one who sees that and thinks that this is crazily undervalued.** + +# 6. The share structure is excellent + +As mentioned above, there’s a comparatively small float of 128m shares outstanding, with **\~40% of shares owned by the CEO, CFO and COO as of last year’s annual report.** **DS Chang, the CEO, was subsequently granted an additional 16m shares in June.** It’s encouraging to see that the management team is heavily invested. + +# 7. The CEO is experienced, and has a long-term relationship with the Wandi Mine + +DS Chang, the CEO, has 25 years of experience in corporate finance, and was formerly the Vice-Chairman for SGCI, a French international financial group ([https://www.sgcifinance.com/](https://www.sgcifinance.com/)) + +**DS Chang also has a long-term relationship with Wandi Mine – in 2018 via SGCI, he was tasked with bringing it public on the CSE** (Cyprus Stock Exchange) which did not work out – which is now why he is bringing it public via RSSV (i.e., purchasing it for equity). + +Last thing to mention is that Chang’s firm, SGCI, was hired to help RSSV on its journey towards uplisting to NASDAQ back in 2018. Now Chang is the CEO of RSSV, he’s taken that mission on properly. + +# 8. Red flags + +**The biggest red flag is the lack of PR** – i.e., in a similar vein to companies like TLSS, the management team only seems to issue PR when it also has to make an SEC filing. This is in equal parts frustrating and concerning, but I believe it can be attributable to two things. + +Firstly, it’s an Asian investment holdings company – and culturally, it could be that these companies are more focused on turning a profit than they are in publicity. Compared to ALPP, for example, which has an incredible PR team and which I am also invested in, RSSV puts out no PR for months at a time, even when it has been profitable over the last couple of years. + +Secondly, the deals on which we are waiting are only now reaching the point where we would expect disclosure. **The CEO has also responded personally to a number of emails stating that he is working on some PR at the moment, and that he will release more in the year ahead.** On the other hand, that is indeed what you would expect him to say. + +Don’t get me wrong, the lack of PR really pisses me off. But I think it will improve following this month’s annual report, and even without any PR I still think RSSV is undervalued. + +Another red flag is that it’s hard to find information on the company’s CFO, Lucy Liu, online. The RSSV website states that she has worked very closely with the Chinese government, which leads me to believe she might be using a Chinese name online rather than the anglicized ‘Lucy’. But if anyone finds more info on this, please let me know. + +# 9. Conclusion + +**Without any acquisitions, I believe RSSV should be trading at $1+** and will do so with its next annual report regardless of the Wandi mine. + +**With the acquisition of the Wandi mine, it should easily be trading in the multiple dollars**. I expect this to occur following the annual report or soon after, given some of the evidence on the Wandi transaction noted above. + +# 10. Other DD on RSSV + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/ldxqo6/rssv\_can\_reach\_alpp\_type\_of\_gains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/ldxqo6/rssv_can_reach_alpp_type_of_gains/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/lp0hbm/rssv\_the\_extremely\_undervalued\_pennystock\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/lp0hbm/rssv_the_extremely_undervalued_pennystock_with/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/les9eo/rssv\_huge\_potential/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/les9eo/rssv_huge_potential/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/lb3iac/resort\_savers\_rssv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/lb3iac/resort_savers_rssv/) + +# 11. Sources + +RSSV website (which includes Wandi mine in the portfolio): [https://phoenix-cos.com/](https://phoenix-cos.com/) + +RSSV investor presentation: [https://phoenix-cos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/RSSV-Investor-PPT-5.7-pdf-version-1.pdf](https://phoenix-cos.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/RSSV-Investor-PPT-5.7-pdf-version-1.pdf) + +PR on the recovery of Tieshan Oil in Q3: [https://phoenix-cos.com/phoenix-rising-companies-ceo-discusses-dramatic-recovery-in-second-quarter-results/](https://phoenix-cos.com/phoenix-rising-companies-ceo-discusses-dramatic-recovery-in-second-quarter-results/) + +PR on the formation of a subsidiary to distribute infectious control products in the USA: [https://phoenix-cos.com/phoenix-rising-companies-to-form-subsidiary-for-u-s-distribution-of-infectious-control-products/](https://phoenix-cos.com/phoenix-rising-companies-to-form-subsidiary-for-u-s-distribution-of-infectious-control-products/) + +Annual report: [https://sec.report/Document/0001640334-20-000722/](https://sec.report/Document/0001640334-20-000722/) \- see here for details of the Wandi share transfer to Liu Fakuan, Wandi owner + +DS Chang listed as a Wandi director (in line with his 2018 attempt to list on the Cyprus Stock Exchange): [https://cyprusregistry.com/companies/HE/385760](https://cyprusregistry.com/companies/HE/385760) + +Transfer of Wandi shares noted in August 2020: [https://opencorporates.com/filings/632469463](https://opencorporates.com/filings/632469463) + +Change of Wandi directors noted in Nov 2020: [https://opencorporates.com/filings/644789548](https://opencorporates.com/filings/644789548) + +Market cap: [https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RSSV/security](https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RSSV/security) + +Wandi mine website: [http://www.hnwandi.com/en/col.jsp?id=103](http://www.hnwandi.com/en/col.jsp?id=103) + +99technologies website: [http://www.99technologies.ch/home/](http://www.99technologies.ch/home/) +The front page of Bloomberg has 5 articles about the short squeezes we are inducing, including an article titled "Market Manipulation Is Like Pornography: You Know It When You See It" because we are fucking the shorts. + +&#x200B; + +CNBC's front page has more articles about us, and are trying to spread fear with an article titled "it will take a stream of buyers to keep GME and AMC going." + +&#x200B; + +Wall street journal calls us "barbarians at the gate". + +&#x200B; + +Every bit of financial media is reporting on us. They are scared - nay, terrified. They know they are going to be bitch slapped by the strongest, hardest pair of diamond hands. They know it's not over and that the squeeze has not yet squoze. I smell blood in the water. Buy and hold, fellow retards. Keep the onslaught coming and they will collapse. + +&#x200B; + +GME 69000 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 +Mom :"how are your cryptos going?" +Me: "lost 250 dollars in two days, prices are in the basement" (<—broke ass student) +Mom: "told you this isn't real. Glad you learned it finally. Time to get a real job" +Me: "i just bought more" +Mom"WTF" +Hi all, + +As the title mentioned, my partner and I are separating. It's been pretty difficult unfortunately as we still care about each other a lot. + +I've decided it's best if I move out. I can stay at my parents for a little bit but ideally I wouldn't want more than 2 weeks. So my options are: + +\- Rent on my own unfurnished \~$400-450p/w + +\- Rent on my own furnished \~$470-500p/w + +\- Rent with someone \~$300p/w + +\- Buy a unit within 5-10km of the city + +I have around $350k in savings however I've got that in a high growth stocks that are down at the moment so don't really want to sell. + +I earn $130k per year, however, also run a startup so don't have a lot of expendable income. Ideally i think $400 is a sensible maximum. I would really like my own space within 7km of the CBD, however, it might be sensible to rent with someone for 6 months to reduce the initial costs whilst I get my life back on track and not break the bank whilst doing it. + +I don't know what I don't know so thoughts and experiences would be really appreciated. +Hey guys, I’m 20 years old and working full time and studying full time ($21,800 in HECS debt) earning around $71,000 before tax and I’m in the process of buying a house a land package in the north. The land is planned to be titled in early December and currently now I have noticed my borrowing power has dropped a fair bit with all the interest rate increases. I’m eligible for the $10,000 grant for building so it brings my total deposit so far to $85,000 for a property that is worth $506,000. I was wondering if you guys had any tips or any banks/brokers I should talk to because I’m scared by next month (when I want to start getting preapprovals) I won’t have enough to cover the loan +I'm currently contemplating placing an offer on a house 4km's from the CBD in Brisbane (south side). The corelogic valuation is 800 - 900k and my partner and I are both in stable jobs that are very unlikely to be affected by COVID19. + +We've been looking for over 6 months and this is the first property in a location we like that ticks all our requirements. Given this we're tempted to put in an offer at 800k. + +There's a whole range of speculation as to the future of house prices, ranging from 10% to 50% drop in the coming to years. I personally feel the drop will be felt most on apartments and outer suburbs, standalone houses inner city I feel will hold their value better. + +We have an offer for very good finance: 2.3% fixed for 3 years. + +Given this is a house we will want to live in for at least the next 10 years should we go for it or step back and wait 6 months? + +My thinking is 3 months ago we would have put this offer in without hesitation, and if we wait 6 months we'll be in the same predicament of trying to predict the future. + +EDIT: The plan is to put a kitchenette in downstairs (there's already a bathroom) and rent it out at $220 per week, this would bring the repayment down to $580, for comparison we're currently paying $450 per week rent + +The other big caveat though is that the place is current tenanted ($550 per week) until early next year so we need to put a clause in that the place must be vacant within 6 months of settlement. Given new laws around eviction the seller might not even be able to meet this condition. +What a disgusting way to prey on the lower-income folks by sending a fake check titled "2021 Financial Relief" on the envelope, you open it up and it's just a loan shark sending an offer. + +Do they really think someone is going to do business with someone pulling that shit? +I was wondering if people could share a few stocks that are priced at $10 and below per share. I'm new in investing and I'm content with crawling before I walk. I want to learn from my mistakes (small). Anyone know of any low priced stocks that have potential today? +Hi /pf. + +33m here. Between paying off debt, saving 18% of my net pay (+13% of gross), and an ongoing attempt to get an emergency fund off the ground, I can't fathom how people do these things AND pay ~$50k for a down payment on a house. How exactly did you do it? Did you slow up on your retirement contributions? Throw every bit of savings you did into the 'house' pot? Pay less than 20%? I'm trying to wrap my head around it and coming up short. Thanks for any replies. +One of the big reasons people hold physical gold and silver is to hedge against economic collapse. + +However we've now had quite a few, including the fall of East Germany, the Soviet Union, hyperinflation in Africa, many countries in the middle east and most recently, Venezuela. + +Is there any evidence that people holding physical gold and silver were actually able to do anything with it? Because if not I think that kind of proves it's fairly useless. + +For my own personal anecdote, I do know one family who escaped from Iraq during Suddam's reign by bribing many, including border guards, with gold. But as a Canadian I just don't think that would ever apply to me... +If you look at a long range [chart](http://static.cdn-seekingalpha.com/uploads/2011/1/31/saupload_0128_spx_bubbles_mauipeterb_3.png) of the S&P 500, you see slow, steady growth (but almost predictable) during 1981 through 1995, then things stat swinging up up and away...hello bubble city: dot-com bust, financial crisis and whatever bubble we are in today.....how could there be so much volatility post-95. What happened in '95? What do you guys think? +Every trade requires speculation and you don’t own the underlying stock so you’re not investing. Are you gamblers then? + +EDIT: +Lots of great takes here. Best of luck to you all. And may the odds be ever in your favor. ✊ +What's going on everyone? I initially wrote this for WSB, and was recommended to post it here. Let me know what you think! That being said, please excuse the vulgar language and memes. I tried to edit most of it out, but if some has slipped through the cracks from my initial draft, I apologize. + +&nbsp; + +This is going to be my first attempt at writing DD in my entire life, so please, give it a read and let me know what you all think! I've attached a TLDR at the bottom for those who are a little short on time, and a TLDR of the TLDR for those who came from WSB. All that being said, lets begin! + +&nbsp; + + +**__Background__** + +What initially caught my eye about this entire play, was the [large influx of OTM call options being purchased for AT&T at the 30C and 30.5C strikes, dated for 03/05](https://imgur.com/vZLHCJ6). These contracts started popping up at the start of the month, and then exploded February 10th and 11th. What makes these calls so odd is the nature of AT&T; It's a boomer dividend stock. It experiences little to no volatility. It's a behemoth with an insanely large market cap. $T is extremely resilient to big moves, so why are so many options contracts so far OTM (*in relation to T*) being gobbled up? Someone with a deep pockets, and potentially a crystal ball, is betting insane amounts of money on $T to go above $30.5 (a roughly 6% increase at the time of writing) within the next three weeks. + +&nbsp; + +I had a few theories as to what may be going on, but was ultimately unsure of what to make of these unusual flows, so I decided to keep it at the back of my mind, and start to look for answers. + +&nbsp; + +**__Catalyst #1 : AST SpaceMobile__** + +To those who don't know, SpaceMobile is the first and only space-based cellular broadband network able to be accessible by standard smartphones. SpaceMobile will effectively be able to provide both 4G and 5G connectivity to your phone ANYWHERE on the planet. AT&T has been in talks with AST about using their satellite network to provide 5G to their users, which I think is pretty nifty. Nothing has been confirmed yet, however, an FCC filing over the summer hinted at a commercial agreement. AST says that they plan on providing North American coverage for AT&T as early as "Phase 2" of their satellite launch. Overall, I think this is a pretty awesome deal, as the technology ensures that all AT&T cellular dead zones in North America would be effectively eliminated, making AT&T more attractive than it’s competitors in the consumer cell phone market. Could this warrant a jump in price? Absolutely. + +&nbsp; + +**__Catalyst #2 : 5G Airwave Auction__** + +Every time someone accesses the internet through their smartphone, their wireless carrier transmits that data through the airwaves on frequencies that *only it* has the license to use. Currently, there is an active auction (Auction 107) for air-wave licenses within the 5G spectrum band that has netted a record grand total of $81 billion dollars from various big players in the industry, such as Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc. Bidding concluded on Friday, January 15th, with winning bidders having the opportunity to further bid for frequency-specific licenses in the assignment phase, which began on Monday, February 8, 2021. The larger the portion of 5G spectrum a company acquires, the better situated they'll be when 5G becomes the new normal standard among consumers. The performance jump from 5G is going to be so dramatic, that if carriers are not in that game they’re going to get left behind. On January 31st, it was revealed that once the assignment phase is completed in the *coming weeks*, the winners will be announced. Coincidentally, this lines up right before the expiration of these options, leading me to believe the call buyer(s) could be betting that AT&T won a large slice of the spectrum, easily warranting the needed 6% jump. + +&nbsp; + +**__Catalyst #3 : PLTR Partnership__** + +Here is where things start to get a little spicy. It is rumored that PLTR and AT&T have signed a partnership agreement. As asinine as it sounds, these claims are easily backed up. PLTR and AT&T seem to have been in talks about collaborating for a bit, [as leaked by an employee on LinkedIn](https://i.redd.it/of9onix9izg61.png). The employee alludes to the fact that he was a key person in getting PLTR approved by the AT&T chief data office, with the timing and duration of his position reinforcing the fact that the contract is still fairly new. Furthermore, there have been a large magnitude of job postings from AT&T in Texas, that had PLTR as a high preferred / necessary qualification. This brings us to out next lead. + +&nbsp; + +Luxoft, a large Digital Strategy Consulting firm, has a newly posted Data Analyst role in Plano, Texas. [Some key takeaways from the posting](https://www.dice.com/jobs/detail/data-analyst-luxoft-usa-inc-plano-tx-75023/newageny/6846840) : + +&nbsp; + +• Our client is looking to Luxoft for help to scale the deployment timeline of a network ticketing and orchestration system into **five new centers**. + +• This person would analyze Network operations center data via PowerBI and on the **Palantir platform**. + +• Under "Mandatory" skills, there's **"Worked in Palantir or other big data analytics platforms"** + +• Under "Nice-to-have" skills, there's **" Experience in telecommunication industry"** + +&nbsp; + +So we know that Luxoft wants someone with PLTR experience, to scale and deploy some form of network into five new centres, in Plano, Texas. If we go to the Plano Economic Development website, [we find an incredibly important article](https://www.planotexas.org/269/ATT-launches-new-innovation-center-in-Pl). The key takeaway from it, is that : + +&nbsp; + +• "**AT&T announced plans to open new innovation centers in Atlanta and Plano, Texas, to open in coming months, giving it a total of five such centers worldwide**" + +&nbsp; + +As a result, we can conclude that the undisclosed Luxoft client is AT&T, and that the new system they are looking to deploy across five new centers are the new AT&T innovation centers, the first of which is the one located in Plano, Texas, where all of the hiring is taking place. To top it all off, there was a recently posted position at AT&T, looking for people for their Professional [Advanced Analytics - Operations Transformation program, located in Plano, Texas](https://www.att.jobs/job/plano/professional-advanced-analytics-operations-transformation/117/18772894). + +&nbsp; + +Given Palantir’s meme power, and excitement for the future, a partnership could provide very beneficial to both companies, resulting in a swift upward trajectory to AT&Ts underlying price as well. + +&nbsp; + +**__Bearish Counterpoints__** + +AT&T is under a mountain of debt (The most of any publicly traded company), and they're losing subscribers from DirectTV and cable faster than they projected, further adding to this issue. At the same time, for them to keep up with 5G, they're to pay additional billions in a spectrum auction and then need to pay many billions more to roll out 5G. From a financial standpoint, this is a massive red-flag, but with interest-rates still at 0, it is unlikely do be an immediate issue, especially with the shorter dated March contracts. Another thing to consider is that AT&T is a behemoth of a company. It's been trading in the 28$-30$ range since the dawn of time. PLTR Partnering with T may very well be akin to a fly landing on an aircraft carrier. Although its everyone's favorite meme stock with a promising future, the partnership may ultimately end up being negligible in the movement of AT&T's stock price. The same could be said for any of the above catalysts, so please, proceed with caution. + +&nbsp; + +**__Conclusion__** + +With such a large number of potential catalysts, combined with the extremely cheap price of the contracts (10$ a pop at the time of writing), I feel like this offer is a little too good to pass up. Best case scenario, you hit a multi-bagger. Worst case scenario, you don't buy Wendy's for lunch on Wednesday and vow never to touch boomer stocks. I hope you all enjoyed this comprehensive DD on the unusual options flow of AT&T. If you would like to follow me for future DD, you can either DM me, or find my socials linked below in the comments, or on my profile :) + +&nbsp; + +**__TLDR__** + +AT&T has been experiencing some insanely large magnitudes of unusual options flow. Whales are gobbling up $T 2021-03-05 C $30 and $30.5 like candy. This is likely due to them having insider information regarding one of the potential catalysts. AT&T either partnered with AST SpaceMobile to eliminate cellular dead zones in their network, won the bidding war and managed to gain a favorable monopoly on the 5G airwave infrastructure, or partnered with none other than PLTR for an upcoming super project. + +&nbsp; + +**__TLDR of TLDR__** + +• Buy **$T 2021-03-05 C $30** OR **$30.5** + +&nbsp; + +**__Sources__** + +• https://www.lightreading.com/ossbss/vodafone-atandt-sign-up-for-5g-via-spacemobiles-satellites/d/d-id/766194 + +• https://twitter.com/satorimind/status/1345494002821427200 + +• https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/31/5g-spectrum-auction-bids-total-80point9-billion-winners-revealed-soon.html + +• https://auctiondata.fcc.gov/public/projects/auction107 + +• https://www.dice.com/jobs/detail/data-analyst-luxoft-usa-inc-plano-tx-75023/newageny/6846840 + +• https://www.planotexas.org/269/ATT-launches-new-innovation-center-in-Pl + +• https://www.att.jobs/job/plano/professional-advanced-analytics-operations-transformation/117/18772894 + +&nbsp; + +**2/17 Followup** + +It seems as if a lot of people are looking at some pretty handsome gains! With over 100% gain on my contracts, I have sold out of half of my position, and am letting the rest ride with a stop set at 0.35. Thanks for playing! :) + +**2/18 Followup** + +I was stopped out at 0.35 shortly after open. Netted an overall 130% gain, though I know others who were pushing 180%. +Despite recent volatility, most major indices seem to be [**up over the past 12 months**](https://imgur.com/gallery/AP9UwNP)**.** + +The heaviest losses seem to have been driven by tech / NASDAQ heavyweights, with some major indices [**down over the last 6 months**](https://imgur.com/gallery/R9qBUZz). + +This is most obvious in the February drops - most all major indices [**are down since 2022 started**](https://imgur.com/gallery/HdqxKT0). + +&#x200B; + +Assuming Russia does not nuke (or gas) Ukraine, do we think we've more or less corrected as much as we're going to? + +In other words, is there evidence we are near the bottom? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I've suffered with bad teeth, dental pain and being bullied about my "crooked teeth" which I was born with and my parents unable to afford braces for me for well over 15 years. + +Due to a combination of genetics, growing up with well water (no fluoride) and then drinking bottled water once I moved (also, no fluoride), parents unable to afford to take me to a dentist in my teens, and a few years of depression, my teeth are bad, but not unsalvageable. + +I have dental coverage through state-medicaid, but very few dentists accept it because they "pay 30 cents on the dollar". + +I've had dentist offices literally hang up on me when I ask them if they accept my medicaid dental plan. They act like they won't give you the time of day unless you walk in with your credit card or wallet out. + +There are literally 3 dentists within SIXTY MILES that accept the state insurance. + +I called one of the larger offices today and they are **"booked out until 2022"**. + +It also does not help the fact I have a terrible gag reflex either. I'm not "afraid of the dentist" but I gag sometimes just brushing my teeth, which lead to a dentist asking me if I was "*abused as a child*", um what? + +About the only other option I'd have would be to get a mafia-high interest loan for probably $3-$5k to have all my dental concerns addressed. + +I am completely fed-up with teeth being viewed as "luxuries". I'd honestly rather be deaf or blind because neither keep you up for nights upon nights in sheer agony. +1. FitBit | FIT | 5 year return -82.19% +1. GE | GE | 5 year return -66.26% +1. Overstock | OSTK | 5 year return -54.10% +1. Twitter | TWTR | 5 year return -51.30% +1. Sprint | S | 5 year return -43.40% +1. Dillard's | DDS | 5 year return -32.74% +1. Baidu | BIDU | 5 year return -7.60% + +--- + +Anyone make money from puts or short on any of the above declines? + +After Trump is no longer a big draw on twitter won't that like hurt their traffic and revenue. + +Hey, I’m a 18 y/o who works with quite a bit in my savings and I’ve always wanted to get into investing, but I never knew how to get into it any help please? +Any post that is telling you to sell and buy back in at any point is FUD. + +I’ll repeat for the smoother brained apes in the back **”ANY POST THAT IS TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU TO SELL AND BUY BACK IN AT ANY POINT IS FUD”** + +You may now return to your normal scrolling. 🦧💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀 +&#x200B; + +[ 2018 \\"Index Fund\\" EXPERIMENT - Tracking Top 10 Cryptocurrencies of 2018 - Jan 2020 Update - Down -80&#37; ](https://preview.redd.it/mtayomqbobf41.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=a69ce97a2a0a0f9c993e96ab0e3cd99ea6916cf7) + +[Full blog post with all the tables](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-twenty-five/) + +\*\*NOTE\*\* - I usually like to release the updates a day apart, but I'll be spacing out the Top Ten 2018, 2019, and 2020 a bit more as readers have mentioned they've been removed by the mods (no offence taken, mods - the content is similar, I assume the posts are being removed because they're seen as identical). \*\*END NOTE\*\* + +tl;dr - Alt-lead rally in January, but **Bitcoin** still in comfortable overall lead. **NEM** still in the basement. **Dash** crushes competition in January. January 2020 was easily the best start to a year since the experiments began in 2018. + +# The Experiment: + +Instead of hypothetically tracking cryptos, I made an actual [$1000 investment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/), $100 in each of the Top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap on the 1st of January 2018. The result? The 2018 Top Ten portfolio ended the year [down 85%](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-twelve/), my $1000 worth only $150.   + +***I then*** [***repeated the experiment***](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-one/) ***on the 1st of January 2019*** with the new 2019 Top Ten cryptos, then again in [2020](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-ten-month-one/). + +Think of the Top Ten Experiments as a lazy man’s Index Fund (no weighting or rebalancing), less technical, but hopefully still a proxy for the market as a whole – or at the very least an interesting snapshot of the 2018, 2019, and 2020 crypto space. + +I am trying to keep this project simple and accessible for beginners and those looking to get into crypto but maybe not quite ready to jump in yet. I try not to take sides or analyze, but rather attempt to report in a detached manner letting the numbers speak for themselves. + +This is not investing advice – as a matter of fact, the vast majority of the reports will show that the Top Ten approach under performs other strategies. This is experiment is designed to be documentary in nature, describing a specific period in cryptocurrency history. + +## Month Twenty-Five- Down 80% + +After two straight down months to end last year, 2020 started off with a bang.  Every 2018 Top Ten crypto finished the month in the green, a rare event for the 2018 Top Ten and something this grouping hasn’t seen since [May 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-seventeen/).  The “worst” performing crypto still gained about +25% in January (**XRP**). + +## Ranking and January Winners and Losers + +Six out of the Ten Top cryptos were on the move this month, most gaining ground.  **Bitcoin Cash** climbed back to 4th place, up one from last month.  **Cardano** and **IOTA** both advanced three places to #10 and #20 respectively.  **Dash** made a massive leap this month, gaining 10 places from #26 to #16, the largest month to month move for any coin (in any direction) [since this experiment began in 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/).   + +On the other hand, even though they both had great months, **Litecoin** (+68%) fell one spot and **Stellar** (+34%) slipped three spots to settle at positions #7 and #14 respectively. + +***January Winners*** – **Dash** blew everyone out of the water during the first month of 2020 gaining an astounding +184% and climbing 10 positions in the rankings.  **Bitcoin Cash** and **IOTA** finished in a virtual tie for second place, both up about +87%. + +***January Losers*** –  **XRP** under-performed the pack, but still finished January up +24%. And **Bitcoin,** despite receiving most of the headlines in early 2020, couldn’t keep pace with its altcoin peers “only” gaining +31%. + +For those keeping score, here is tally of which coins have the most monthly wins and losses in the first 25 months of the 2018 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund Experiment. Most monthly wins (6): **Bitcoin**. Most monthly losses (5): **Stellar**. All cryptos have at least one monthly win and **Bitcoin** now stands alone as the only crypto that hasn’t lost a month (although it came close in January 2020). + +## Overall update – Bitcoin still with healthy lead, alts recover a bit, NEM still at the bottom + +Down -46% just last month, **Bitcoin** made up a lot of ground in January 2020 and now is down -29% since the beginning of the experiment in 2018. **Litecoin** is now safely in second place at -68%, then comes **Ethereum** in third, down -75%. + +**NEM** remains stuck at the bottom, down -95% despite a strong +48% gain in January. **Cardano** and **IOTA** join **NEM** as the three cryptos that are down over -90% since [January 2018](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-one/). + +40% of the cryptos that started 2018 in the Top Ten have dropped out, specifically **NEM, Dash, IOTA**, and **Stellar**. They have been replaced by **EOS, Binance Coin, Tether,** and **BTCSV**. + +## Total Market Cap for the entire cryptocurrency sector: + +The overall crypto market gained approximately $67B in January 2020, up about +36%. After two months under $200B, the overall market cap is now back over $250B, a level not seen since September 2019.  So, yes a good January 2020, but for some perspective: since January 2018, the total market cap is down -55%. + +## Bitcoin dominance: + +As could be inferred by its relative under-performance compared to altcoins this month, **Bitcoin** dominance dropped to 66% in January 2020. It was near this level a few months ago, in early [December 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2018-top-ten-month-twenty-four/). + +For context, the range since the beginning of the experiment in January 2018 has been quite wide: a high of 70% in September 2019 and a low of 33% in February 2018. + +## Overall return on investment since January 1st, 2018: + +The 2018 Top Ten Portfolio gained about $65 in January 2020.  If I cashed out today, my $1000 initial investment would return $202, down -80%. + +Here’s a look at the entire experiment, month by month: + +As you can see, nothing but red. The closest this group has come to breaking even was after the very first month. + +The 2019 Top Ten Experiment and the just launched 2020 Top Ten Experiment are both doing much better: + +* [2019 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-thirteen/): up about +63% ($1,631) +* [2020 Top Ten Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-ten-month-one/): up about +55% ($1,549) + +(Yes, this feels like the world’s slowest dollar cost averaging) + +Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom *bottom* line:  + +**After a $3000 investment in the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies, my portfolios are worth $3,382.** + +That’s up about **12.7%**. + +## Implications/Observations: + +As always, the experiment’s focus of solely holding the Top Ten Cryptos continues to be a losing approach. While the overall market is down -55% from January 2018, the cryptos that began 2018 in the Top Ten are down **-80%** over the same period.  This of course implies that I would have done a bit better if I’d picked different cryptos. + +At no point in this experiment has this investment strategy been successful: the initial 2018 Top Ten have under-performed each of the twenty-five months compared to the market overall. There are a few examples, however, of this approach outperforming the overall market in the parallel 2019 Top Ten Crypto Experiment and, spoiler alert, the [first update of the 2020 Top Ten Crypto Experiment](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-ten-month-one/) shows that focusing on the Top Ten was a good strategy in January. + +I’m also tracking the S&P 500 as part of my experiment to have a comparison point with other popular investments options. The S&P 500 is now up +21% since the beginning of 2018. My initial $1k investment into crypto would have yielded about +$210 had it been redirected to the S&P. + +Taking the same $1,000 per year in January approach with the S&P 500 would yield the following: + +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2018: +$210 +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2019: +$290 +* $1000 investment in S&P 500 on January 1st, 2020: +$0 + +Taken together, here’s the bottom bottom *bottom* line for a similar approach with the S&P:  + +**After three $1,000 investments into an S&P 500 index fund in January 2018, 2019, and 2020, my portfolio would be worth $3,500.** + +That’s up about **+17%** (compared to **+12.7%** with the Top Ten Crypto Experiments). + +## Conclusion: + +After whimpering across the 2019 finish line, crypto has begun 2020 with a roar. A rare all green January for the 2018 Top Ten cryptos is hopefully a good sign for the year to come. + +Thanks for reading and for supporting the experiment. I hope you’ve found it helpful. I continue to be committed to seeing this process through and reporting along the way. Feel free to reach out with any questions and stay tuned for progress reports. Keep an eye out for my parallel projects where I repeat the experiment twice, purchasing another $1000 ($100 each) of two new sets of Top Ten cryptos as of [January 1st, 2019](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2019-top-ten-month-thirteen/) then again on [January 1st, 2020](https://toptencryptoindexfund.com/tracking-2020-top-ten-month-one/). +Like, for part time positions every company loves to talk about how flexible they are in working with your schedule, but the fact that they all change every single week makes it basically impossible to actually work more than one position since you usually won't know your other schedule for one job when they're making the schedule for the other job. +The annual report was posted today. An interesting read for all your ARK folks: + +[https://research.ark-invest.com/hubfs/1\_Download\_Files\_ARK-Invest/White\_Papers/ARK%E2%80%93Invest\_BigIdeas\_2021.pdf?hsCtaTracking=4e1a031b-7ed7-4fb2-929c-072267eda5fc%7Cee55057a-bc7b-441e-8b96-452ec1efe34c](https://research.ark-invest.com/hubfs/1_Download_Files_ARK-Invest/White_Papers/ARK%E2%80%93Invest_BigIdeas_2021.pdf?hsCtaTracking=4e1a031b-7ed7-4fb2-929c-072267eda5fc%7Cee55057a-bc7b-441e-8b96-452ec1efe34c) +The Federal Reserve has released their FOMC statement and can be found here - [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220126a.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220126a.htm) + +The implementation notes can be found here - [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220126a1.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220126a1.htm) + +If you are interested in seeing the news conferences at 2:30pm ET - it is live streamed here - [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents.htm) + +If you are interested in reading professional commentary - r/econmonitor will likely have links in a day or two. +I am lucky enough to have citizenship in Portugal and have seriously considered moving there in the past, but salaries for my industry are so much lower there that I decided to stay in the US. + +As I start to think about an early retirement (still nowhere close, probably 10+ years away) I am wondering what would happen if I were to move to Portugal after retirement or in some sort of partial retirement working a low stress job in Portugal. + +Can I essentially avoid the exorbitant US healthcare costs this way? I realize I'd have to pay higher taxes in Portugal, but still might be worth it? Especially if my income is lower? How will my investments be affected if they are all in US based accounts? + +Thanks for any advice +Seems like GME and SEC stuff are getting censored more on the internet, this reminds me that we should make it as hard as possible for them to censor us by using mayo man's full name + +Ken Griffin + +Kenneth Griffin + +Kenneth C. Griffin + +Etc + +Have fun, stay safe, remember to DRS and/or follow the DD on call options (at your own risk) + +See y'all on the moon 🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: Marking as debunked as per the comment by Mysterious_Page_9964 here: +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sjfgwa/reminder_to_use_ken_griffin_instead_of_just_kenny/hvk1m8u?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 + +Edit 2: apparently I can't mark this as debunked, however, don't stop talking about Mayo Boy and remember to DRS 🚀🚀 +First of all I come from a poor and developing country in West Asia. I have quality education for my region, having finished a BA in USA and an MA in Korea. That has allowed me to make a decent salary upon graduation and save up to $7,000 in one year. Now I have two options: one is attending a PhD program in a top ten ranked program in the world with full scholarship and an opportunity to possibly migrate to a developed nation. The second is work for a firm in Dubai making a decent salary that would allow me to save $2,000 per month. + +**Financially speaking I have several questions:** + +* Would you go for a PhD that might/might not land you a good teaching job in four years? Or would you advance your career and continue saving more than $24,000 per year? Financially speaking, which is more rewarding? + +* Investing in Africa: I intend to travel to Tanzania soon to initiate an agricultural project. We will acquire land first then expand our operations as our investment keeps rising. I ask: how many of you have experience in East Africa? Also, would you rather invest the $7,000 in an ETF ? (Keep in mind being from a poor nation makes it extremely hard to join an electronic investment/trading platform unless you have substantial amounts to invest) + +* For fellow poor nations citizens; how would you invest $7,000? + +I currently own 15 shares of NFLX, which I purchased near the 52w low. But tomorrow's vote has me worried. I've been having trouble finding any indication that the FCC is going to protect net neutrality. With several hours left in the day, would it be wise to sell off my shares to avoid a possible 5-10% drop that may come as a result of the vote? Is there any indication that net neutrality will be ensured and that NFLX might take a jump up? Thanks +I was born and raised in a poor family in Africa, my country is poor and the level of life is so low but my family was poor even by those standards, I did good in school and graduated college by working all sorts of jobs that don't pay all that much anyway but I could barely get by, I moved to a country far from mine to get a decent job with my qualifications and I finished my second year 6 months ago in here, 10,000 dollars is what I could put together throughout this period which was anything but easy, I want to seek advice on what is the best way for me to invest this amount to be able to get back to my country and help my family which is still struggling with poverty, I cannot afford to lose money and I'm just tired of being away from my people and I need to find a way to grow the amount that I put my sweat blood and tears to make, your help is much appreciated + +Edit: THANK YOU SO MUCH for the replies I'm out of words really it means a lot, for the people who asked my home country is Algeria in north Africa and I am currently in the UAE, thankfully; the kind of poverty I'm talking about is not that extreme as some may imagine we never struggeled with food or shelter, we do however live in a bad city and in a very modest house (for a family of 7) and we never had a car +My sincerest graditude again for everyone who took the time to answer and suggest something <3 +tl;dr: Your first $64k of take-home (~90k gross) is gone the first of the month here. +-- + +I've seen some awesome discussion in this group, and as I was going through my budget this evening I thought it might be interesting to share what it costs for a family to live in Silicon Valley, CA, USA- one of the most expensive places in the country. I've got some general advice below, and will answer questions and comments if they come up. + + +Background: Me, my wife, our 3 and 1 year olds live in a rented 1100 square foot 3 bedroom house in Santa Clara with a cute little back yard and a 2 car garage. Our last landlord in Mountain View raised our rent by 33% ($900) with no warning, so we noped and moved here a year ago. It's smaller than the last place and less 'cool', but in a great school district and at about our old rent. Slightly dreading what will happen when the lease renews in December, but whatever. It would take a $400,000 down payment to buy a house. + + I'm in tech, she works part time from home, but we just put both kids in a decent day care 3 days a week so she can get a break from the kids and start looking to get back to her career. + +Here's the "necessary expenses", household things we can't or won't avoid: + +Expense | Monthly | Annually +----------|----------|----------- +rent | -2750 |-33000 +car insurance | -123.06 |-1476.76 +renters insurance |-22.73 | -272.78 +city water/trash|-124.24 | -1490.88 +cable/internet | -130.00 | -1560 +cell phones | -116 | -1392 +gas/electric | -125 | -1500 +part time daycare|-1966.8 | -23601.6 +subtotal: | -5357.83 | -64294.02 + + +Full time day care will be $3278/mo, or $39k/yr. In my calculation, worth it for my wife to interact with adults again, and the kids to have a social and educational experience outside the home, provided her income offsets a good chunk of that tuition. + +Aside from the necessary expenses, My last car died after 10 years so I've got a $340/mo car payment. Wife owns hers outright, but it's only got a year or two of life left in it. I want to retire someday and I want my kids to not worry about paying for college, so each month I'm putting away $1300 to a 401k and $350 for each kid into a 529 plan. Whatever's left over after all that and the 30% federal/state/medicare/social security/unemployment insurance taxes (yikes) goes to food, gasoline, savings/vacation/etc. A lot of our toys and clothes for the kids come from family and friends whose kids outgrew their stuff, and the kids eat what we eat, so having the kids wasn't that big an impact until day care. I envy friends with parents and grandparents in the area. + +Some advice: Don't skimp on renters/homeowners insurance. I had a suitcase stolen off the baggage carousel at SFO a few months ago. My renters insurance covered the jewelry and expensive eyeglasses that were not covered by the airline. One claim paid for 8 years of renter's insurance. + + +Why do I stay here? Opportunity. I'm learning a lot and love what I do, and if my company IPOs it could mean a very nice bump to the bank account. I get calls from recruiters constantly for interesting jobs (thanks LinkedIn) even though I'm an old family guy and not a recent Stanford grad. Maybe the next company will IPO, and the one after that, and... If I ever lose hope on the opportunity, though, I'm taking my marbles and moving -anywhere- else. It's rough on the ego to have a six figure household income and feel you're just barely getting by instead of prospering. + +So yeah, that's what it's like out here. I hope this is interesting to somebody, I love reading about people's situations in other places. +Just generally confused about such a steep dip today after such a strong rally yesterday. I made the classic noob move of trying to buy in too late with fear of missing out when there wasn't a gap down at market open and bought in only to be left seeing red. I know there was talks from the Fed, but presumably this was already priced in? Is this something that will linger around for the next few months? I keep hearing conflicting stuff about it being priced in or not. The war seems to be a complete non issue now and I was finally expecting a couple green days for once... guess I was wrong since there still hasn't been 2 green days in a row in a hot minute.. +**Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.** + +*** +- + +###Disclaimer: + +Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here. + + +**Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take.** Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams. + +*** +- + +###Rules: + + - All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/about/rules/) apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect. + - Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency. + - Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language. + - Comments will be sorted by newest first. + +*** +- + +###Useful Links: + + - [**Beginner Resources**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/beginner_resources) + + - [**Intro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/gj96lb/introducing_rcryptocurrency_moons/) + + - [**MOONs Wiki Page**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki/) + + - [**rCryptoCurrency Discord**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/kth255/join_the_crypto_currency_discord/) + + - [**r/CryptoCurrencyMemes**](https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptocurrencymemes) + + - [**Prior Daily Discussions**](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=title%3A"Daily+Discussion+-+"+&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) + + - [**Monthly Skeptics Discussion thread**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n26p85/monthly_skeptics_discussion_may_2021/) +Early January 21 ape here. + +It’s hard for me to fathom where the price would be if there were no dark pools and all shares were bought on the lit market or maybe even a decentralized market. Just fucking imagine. I can’t wait! My tits are jacked beyond belief as they always have been and always will be. + +After MOASS, I will reinvest my money back into the hands of RC and inverse Cramer just for the fucking fun of it. + +What a wild year this has been. Much love to all! + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +💎🤲’ed 🦍 + +Edit: buzzed ape grammar + +Edit2: had a busy day at work today and didn’t realize the shares were bought this morning before the run up. Don’t really care 🤣. Not trynna karma farm, just hype as fuck. I’m my opinion it’s a much needed relief from all the FUD. +In case you have not seen it: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/2018/04/10/hacking-hedonic-adaptation/ + +Interesting perspective and good reminder to choose wisely on the things you spend...even if you think you want them. + +Also I know he is a bit out of flavor on this sub for various reasons, but for me (like many here I'm sure) he was my first glimpse into FIRE...so if you don't like it...just click back and move on :) +I got a payday loan in november for 2500. I didnt make any payments on it and now it is 4000. I know it will be like 5000 next month. I have 1500 in my bank account. + +How the hell do i deal with this piece of shit? +Hi everyone, hope you're doing well. I was hoping someone could help me with my bond situation. +I've recently moved out of a unit I lived in for the past 12 months, before I left I had the place absolutely spotless, and to my knowledge it was the exact same way it was when I moved in. (Minus a little bit of paint I had accidentally ripped off the wall using Blu-Tac. + + +Now, my monthly rent was around $1,050. My property manager claims I'll only get about 1/4 of that back. $250 - Carpet Cleaning (steam clean I guess, okay fair enough.) , $150 - Damage to Wall (The little bit of paint missing from the wall, bit expensive but okay, sure.) then there's a $400 (cleaning) fee? Can someone explain what this is to me? What exactly do they need $400 to clean? The place was the exact same way it was when I moved in. In the condition report they mentioned things like cobwebs around the windows, etc, but when I moved in there were cobwebs everywhere, inside the cupboards, and they've included a lot of stuff that was like that when I moved in (hole in windscreen, carpet stain) etc. I'm struggling for cash at the moment and I feel like I'm seriously being played by the landlord right now. + + +My friend said I should talk to VCAT about this, but is there anyone else to contact before? Should I just ask the property manager what the $400 is actually going to be used for? The only thing I can think of that actually needed cleaning was maybe a wipe down of the walls, besides that I had everything spotless as it was when I moved. Appreciate any help I can get with this, thanks! +First time landlord here. My tenant is offering to stay 3 years and have offered a $10 rent rise into the contract every year without me asking. Initially I thought it was a great idea as I value stability and consistently over small amounts of money I can make. +However I’m realising 3 years is an awfully long time to commit to someone I’ve never dealt with before. I haven’t even had a mortgage for this long! + +Could things go terribly wrong with longer leases such as being harder to evict a bad tenant etc? Is there a reason I’ve almost always only been offered one year leases myself? + +Also, how long do you prefer lease to your tenants? + +Thanks everyone! + +❗️🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡 🏡❗️ + +EDIT: Thank you so much everyone! I didn’t expect to get so many different opinions on this topic but it has been very educational so far. The opinions are VERY different depending on whether you’re a tenant/landlord, obviously, but also what stage of investing you’re at. + +I will summarise the trend of what has been said so far: + +Landlords perspective +- Most landlords prefer 1 year leases, at least to start off with. Quite a few prefer to just keep renewing 1 year leases to review the circumstance each year +- Some landlords don’t mind long term leases or even prefer it. Especially if they’ve had prior history with the tenant and have locked in a fixed rate for their home loan +- A tenant who becomes extremely difficult despite having good references and prior rental history is very much a possibility. Don’t count on just this information over your own experience. +- Rent prices are likely to keep going up +- Your home will become less affordable due to interest rate rises. +- A tenant in your property while selling is not appealing to prospective buyers. + +Tenants perspective +- From the tenants perspective, leasing longer is beneficial because the prediction is that the market will go up with rising interest rates and migration. +- It’s possible for you to break a fixed term lease while the landlord cannot, so again you have more advantage to have a longer lease + +Opinion: +I think some of the advice shared here is very pro-tenant but I just want to point out I AM A TENANT living in a crappy suburb paying less rent while a richer tenant lives in my IP. It’s called rentvesting and it’s so one day I can buy a house. Not all landlords are rich and money-hungry bastards with no shred humanity and can afford to do charity otherwise. + +In fact, I bought when the interest rates were the lowest (it’s around 2%) and when it expires at the end of this year I’ll be paying $400-600 more PER WEEK to my mortgage over the next year which is way more than than the $10-50/week I might raise the rents by. This is the reality new landlords are living. Do people realise that if owners keep defaulting on their loans = less supply = HIGHER RENTS? + +Yes tenants are doing hard, but I’m left with little to no savings after paying my home loan and have given up luxuries. As a tenant you can always choose to move further out (like I have) whereas I’m stuck with this loan. Selling sounds easy but I’ll probably find that I’m in negative equity and plan to ride it out for the next few years. Investing is no short term game. +[https://www.afr.com/policy/tax-and-super/millennial-super-raiders-buoy-industry-reformists-20201120-p56ght](https://www.afr.com/policy/tax-and-super/millennial-super-raiders-buoy-industry-reformists-20201120-p56ght) + + + +# Millennial super raiders buoy industry reformists + + Natalie Maric was already experiencing a tough time when the coronavirus pandemic hit. With the breakdown of her marriage still an open sore, she felt secure at least in her skilled full-time work in the healthcare industry. + +But the virus quickly saw that financial stability crumble, as private medical practices shut or drastically reduced their hours and her mix of casual and part-time gigs left her ineligible for the federal government's raft of temporary welfare measures. + +"I was stuck in this awful position where all of a sudden I was really struggling," the 30-year-old Wollongong resident tells *AFR Weekend*. + +"I still had all of my bills – my rent and car loan – to pay, but I was hardly working and I wasn't able to get any assistance at all.” + + Four months later, she is a proud property owner and positive about the future. And she says she has the Morrison government's controversial superannuation early release scheme to thank. + +Plagued by dwindling income and uncertainty over how long the pandemic will last, she took hold of the full $20,000 available under the temporary relief measure, despite the advice of a family accountant, who echoed the financial services industry's dire warnings about the threat to long-term retirement income. + +"It was no-brainer for me," she says, comforted by the receipt of a superannuation payout as part of the marriage separation settlement, without which she says she might not have felt confident enough to ignore her accountant's advice. + +"I had it as a back-up and now I’ve been able to put the money towards a deposit," she says. "I just feel so much safer to be honest." + +Ms Maric is one of the 3.3 million Australians who have pulled out a collective $35 billion from the superannuation system during the pandemic. + +The Morrison government is quietly confident that many other participants in the scheme, especially Millennials with decades-long time horizons to recoup the losses, have had a similar rosy experience. + +The findings of the Retirement Income Review have further encouraged the government to continue its dogged reform of the $3 trillion superannuation sector. + +The report by the independent panel, chaired by Treasury veteran Mike Callaghan, effectively endorsed the early release scheme's benefits, finding it was appropriate for the government to cushion the pandemic's blow to income and living standards by opening access to retirement savings. + +Treasurer Josh Frydenberg claims the report provides justification for the shock measures announced in the October budget, including a new performance test and online comparison tool for super funds, aimed at weeding out chronic underperformers and reducing the $30 billion gobbled up by the industry in fees each year. + +But the reforms have been pushed back against strongly by lobbyists for the superannuation sector, who are now [gearing up for a fight on the potential delay or abandonment](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/super-brawl-looms-as-government-opens-door-to-capping-guarantee-20201120-p56gbr) of the legislated rise in the mandatory superannuation guarantee rate to 12 per cent of wages. + +Labor financial services spokesman Stephen Jones tells *AFR Weekend* he looks forward to campaigning against any pending delay, or any efforts by Liberal MPs to jump on the Retirement Income Review to push radical changes, such as opening up superannuation assets to fund property purchases, which he says is "political dynamite". +I just had my tax done for the first time since investing in ETF's - I was surprised to learn that despite me not selling any of my holdings I was liable for Capital Gains Tax! + +This is due to the ongoing sale of underlying assets by the fund manager as part of general fund management. + +It was learning experience for me and given the popularity of ETF's on this forum I thought this may be of interest here :-) +Original thread here: +https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/5civdm/closed_my_chase_account_over_the_phone_account/ + +For anyone who still cares, I went to the branch and Apparently the replacement check was sent out on November 12th. They are telling me to go back to to the branch if I don't receive anything by the 29th. I still haven't received anything. My bullshit meter tells me it doesn't take almost 2 weeks for a check to arrive in the mail. If I don't receive anything by the 29th I'm done dealing with them and filing suit in small claims court. Only reason I'm waiting until the 29th is because it makes my position stronger (I look more reasonable). + +For people who suggested threatening regulatory action, it was a good idea. It basically got me nowhere though. I'm still going to file with the FDIC and NYAG because they can pursue actions while litigation is ongoing. Office of the Comptroller apparently cannot intervene with other agencies/litigation is proceeding. +This week's casual valuation is Meta (formerly known as Facebook), a company that's down almost 50% over the last 5 years and over 75% since its all-time high back in September 2021. + +As always, this post is not financial/investment advice, it is purely for educational/entertainment purposes. It is divided into a few segments: + +1. What is Meta? +2. How to value Meta? +3. Historical financial performance and assumptions about the future +4. Valuation +5. Is Reality Labs that bad? +6. The different scenarios + +**What is Meta?** + +Meta doesn't really need any introduction, everyone knows their main products (Facebook/Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp), but what caused the decline in recent years is the change of their vision from these apps (that are known as "Family of Apps") to the metaverse idea (known as "Reality Labs"). + +**How to value Meta?** + +Since one of the goals of this post is to value Meta, the question is, how to value these two operating segments? + +The "Family of Apps" is the cash-generating machine, and there's a decade of financial data available to understand how it has performed when it comes to revenue and operating margin. + +However, the second part is what brings the uncertainty in here. Regardless of the model used to value the "Reality Labs", the inputs/variables are too uncertain to create anything that's reasonable. + +For that reason, I decided to take a different approach. I'll value the mature segment, the "Family of Apps" and compare that with the current market cap to understand what the market thinks of the metaverse and how much it prices it at. + +&#x200B; + +So, let's get started! + +**Historical financial performance & assumptions about the future** + +Over the last 5 years, the "Family of Apps" grew revenue over 100% to over $115b for the last twelve months (ending September 2022). The operating margin of over 40% has been nothing but impressive. + +Looking at the analysts' forecasts, they're expecting the revenue to grow around 5% during 2023 and over 10% during 2024. I find these numbers a bit optimistic taking into account the environment in which the company operates today with the economic uncertainty. As a business that makes money from advertising, it is difficult to expect that the advertising budgets of the companies will not be cut during this period. + +However, looking 10 years ahead, I can also not imagine that this segment isn't generating more cash than it is today. So, in my assumptions, I'm using a growth rate of 3%, which leads to 34% revenue growth 10 years from now, which I don't think is too high. + +When it comes to the margins, I'm using the 40% operating margin. Of course, the operating margin of Meta today won't match with the 40% margin as the reality labs segment is a money-losing segment with lots of R&D being poured in. + +Using a discount rate of 11.5% today (decreasing to 10.6% over time), the intrinsic value of "Family of Apps" is around **$417b**. + +**Valuation** + +Now, what's on the balance sheet (cash/debt) together with the outstanding equity options is worth -$1b, which brings the value of Meta to **$416b** if all they had was the cash-generating machine "Family of Apps". + +But there's one more thing to consider. Having two classes of shares gives Mark Zuckerberg the majority voting rights (close to 60%), hence, a discount for lack of control should be applied. + +If the discount is 15%, then the intrinsic value decreases to **$354b**. + +The current market cap is $240b, so basically, the market believes the metaverse is going to destroy over $100b of value over time and doesn't believe Zuckerberg's big idea. + +Is something going to change, is he going to change the path? I'll share a tweet from Professor Damodaran: + +"If you invest in a company with dual-class shares, be a realist about what you can and cannot change. Investing in Facebook & complaining that Zuckerberg won't listen to you is like marrying a Kardashian & whining about your privacy being invaded." + +**So, what can be done?** + +Well, the significant share price decline provides an answer that the option always available to the shareholders is to sell their Meta shares, and many of them did exercise this option. + +**Is Reality labs that bad?** + +This is a question that will be answered a decade from now. + +Mark Zuckerberg has said that this segment would contribute a lot to the company's profits in the 2030s. That's a decade from now. Until then, it will consume a significant portion of the cash generated by the "Family of Apps". + +So, the company has been reclassified from a cash-generating machine to a company that pours lots of money into something that might work in the next decade. This uncertainty combined with the power of Zuckerberg to steer the company pushed the price down significantly. + +Since 2019, **over $36b** have been invested in this new segment. + +**The Michael Burry tweet** + +The great big short investor has been right on many occasions, and wrong on probably just as many. + +One of his tweets was, "Seems Meta has a New Coke problem.". As always, soon after the tweet was posted, it was deleted. + +I wasn't familiar with this, but after some research, I stumbled upon an article that helped me understand what this means. + +Back in April 23rd, 1985, the Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola stepped before the press introducing a new formula, which was "smoother, rounder, yet bolder - a more harmonious flavour". Turns out, this new formula tasted more like Pepsi. + +What followed was 5,000 angry phone calls per day within weeks, increasing to over 8,000 by June the same year. + +This means Michael Burry believes that Meta's new vision/strategy is not the best way forward. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. + +Could he be wrong? Absolutely! + +There's no certainty when it comes to the value of Reality Labs. The question is, is the "Reality Labs" fairly priced today at negative $100b or not. + +**The different scenarios** + +What if Michael Burry is right? - If he is right, the question is how long it would take before Mark Zuckerberg pulls the plug. Is the "Reality Labs" going to destroy $100b or maybe even more? If the company raises funds to pour even more into the metaverse and turns out to be a failure, Meta could go down significantly even from this low point. + +What if Mark Zuckerberg is right? - If he's right and Reality Labs is contributing a significant portion of the profits a decade from now, that means Meta is undervalued today. + +As for me, I have 1 share in Meta, just to be entertained by what's coming next. +Second post within the week and I’m over the top appreciated with the help I’ve got so far regarding my financial state. I’ve haven’t really left this sub and the other day I read a post of someone in a similar situation who was dealing with debt and asked if he should stay focused getting rid of the debt or keep contributing to his 401k for his future plans. Most of the feedback was deal with the debt now. I do have a 401k that I have been actively contributing 6% of my paycheck too, my employer does match and as of right now I have a little under 7k. + +As I stated in my last post, I am in debt and just barely have enough for myself and the necessities to get through daily life. And not to mention I have already taken 1k of my 401k in the beginning of the year which I’m currently paying back on. So now my question, would it be a bad idea to take out again to at least have some money for a rainy day and to pay off at least 1 CC that I currently owe $1200 on. I was thinking taking out 3k but i just keep seeing another, basically loan, I’m paying back on. And it’s an even shittier feeling that it is my own money. Again, any help/criticism will be heavily appreciated and hope all you have a great day and stay safe. +I’m 36, my wife is 32. No kids, no house, no debt, but no plan on investments. We were pretty broke for a while, and never had the luxury of worrying about investments. We’ve ended up in stable jobs, about 200k combined salaries, of which we can put away maybe 80k after tax/rent/expenses. We have about 200k cash, and about 150k in our 401k accounts. We each put in about 6% to 401k, plus some more from company matching. We plan on moving to the Bay Area in a few years, so are hesitant to buy a place where we are at, and hesitant to lock money up in long term investments if we’ll need it for a down payment in a couple years. How should we start investing? + +Max out 401k? Vanguard? Bonds? High yield saving account? + +Edit: Thank you everyone, for the recommendations. After talking with my wife about this, we are going to increase our 401k contributions significantly, and move everything else into a high yield savings account. CDs are a bit higher yielding, but we want to keep everything liquid in case the market starts looking really attractive in a year or two. + +I’m not sure that we qualify for Roth IRA, and if so, we likely would not with moderate raises, so not putting money into that right now just to keep things a bit simpler. +I'm just curious everyone, how many millennials are planning to buy a home in the next 3 or 5 years? We always hear that millennials consumer behavior will doom them for bad savings for the future, meaning they do not have enough for a down payment on a home. How many millennials do you know are actually planning to purchase? or is our demographic still not ready yet? +Situation: + +33 year old, married, no kids. Have \~$90K in HYSA (saving for a house), \~220K in Roth TSP, Roth IRA and V-Guard Brokerage account (all index funds) + +My Aunt passed away and Uncle gifting me $500K over 4 years. Two increments of $50K each year until the full amount has been transferred. + +Question 1 - I dont have to pay taxes on this "gift" right? my uncle will have to pay the tax (i think) + +Question 2 - with the housing market going nuts does it make more sense to wait to buy a house or should i use the money to pay the a larger majority of the down payment or just put it into IRA and brokerage accounts and act like I never got it. + +Thanks +I got involved in a post on another sub - young, single woman with child, lives in a small rural town, no child support, no family, works two jobs, would love to go to school but can’t due to her situation. + +Just wondering if there are any programs out there for people in her situation? +I've always been told it's best to start investing into the future while you are young, but I barley know where to start. As of now I am investing into a Roth IRA fund right now and planning on starting a certificate of deposit with my bank... I just feel I could do so much more, should I look into the stock market? If so who should I talk to? Do I visit a broker? Do I start real estate? If so where do I begin? I just want to take advantage of my youth right now, I currently make about 1.2k a month but I would like to make good decisions so in about 10 years I'll look back and say Im glad I posted on this subreddit. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you :) +I will be posting this in /r/personalfinance /r/financialplanning and /r/financialadvice just to give it the best chance of getting seen because I just don’t know what to do or where else to go. I do apologize if this breaks Reddiquette so please let me know if there’s some other way I should do this. + +&nbsp; + +Hi all, + +&nbsp; + +I’m in a bit of a mess and I am super lost and just don’t know what to do. I work 30-35 hours at Arby’s in a “Crew Leader position” (in between Crew Member and Assistant Manager), and make about $1000/month. + +&nbsp; + +My expenses include: +$239/Month car payment +$80/Month gas +~$140/Month food, I am not comfortable or always welcome in my kitchen due to my current familial standing so I eat out at places with $5 specials or similar pricing a lot. I know it’s not good for me health or money wise, and I plan to switch to buying cheaper food I can make depending on my future living situation +May eventually start paying for my phone bill, don’t know if/when/how much + +&nbsp; + +My parents have said that they want me out of my house my the start of my Sophomore year in college (so basically this summer), my father later told me that my mother did not know that I had to pay for college room and board all by my self (scholarships didn’t cover it) so she may be receptive to letting me live there for longer and pay them rent, but not to bring it up because it could upset her and she needs to figure this out on her own. So, I have no idea if I’m being kicked out or not + +&nbsp; + +I had two plans, Plan A was to split a 3 bedroom apartment 4 ways, but that fell apart after one of said friends didn’t get a job for a very long time and only recently started a $9/hour job at which he works for less than 30 hours/week. Plan B was for a friend to let me live at his house, but someone else has moved in and basically has the okay to stay there indefinitely. So, now I have no plans what so ever. + +&nbsp; + +Current options include: +Room at my college, about $6000 plus food costs +I have an old teacher who may let me live with him, I believe we said $300/month, but my worry is that he has said that he can’t promise that nothing will change and if need be he may give me a months notice that I have to leave, just depending on what happens in his life +An assistant manager I work with has offered me a job, however she is a very avid drug user and her boyfriend is a drug dealer. +Another manager has possibly offered me a room but she is not the best at thinking financially, and very very strongly wants to purchase a house and have a child even though given what I know she is certainly not financially stable +That friend from Plan B has offered me a room at a family friend of his. Apparently she is the nicest person he knows, but she smokes, and maybe I’m being more picky than I can be in my situation but the higher susceptibility to cancer and the fact that I know the smoke will eventually permeate everything I own there are huge turn offs +I could start searching through CraigsList for homes and rooms for rent, though I am not sure how to exactly be sure the person I am moving in with is safe and sane + +&nbsp; + +I am debating dropping out of college to work full time. If I continued working at Arby’s full time I would be making about $200 more, which I don’t know how much it would help, but I also may get a promotion to Assistant Manager quicker and that would be a raise of up to $1. I could also look into finding another job which pays more that I could now attend with my no-school full time availability. I just thought of this while typing this up so I need to look into it, but I also have Stafford Loans out for college, so if I drop out presumably I’d need to start making payments on those, too. + +&nbsp; + +I just don’t know what to do in my current situation. I don’t know what’s best or if there are options that I am unaware of or haven’t considered. Now that both my plans failed I just feel really lost an anxious and unsure. I appreciate any help or opinions other resources that anyone has or recommends. Thank you all so much + +So as the title reads I’m semi new to holding my money in a place thats not my credit union accounts. I have 1,000 in my Ally but I still keep my majority portion in my account. I’m aware Ally is insured as well. I want to get to the point of transferring the majority to Ally and keeping 1,000 in my regular account. Is this a smart move? Has anyone experienced issues or hiccups transferring to Ally or other HYSAs? +Sorry if this is the wrong sub, I wasn’t sure where to go with this situation. I have always been pretty close to one of my aunts, who is in her 70s right now. Due to her living situation with the apartment she is in, she has to be pretty shady with her finances. She has about 10k in her bank account. She currently lives in the independent section of an dual apartment/nursing home campus. She is worried that she could have a sudden stroke and, if transferred to the nursing home section, the campus company who manages the nursing home would take all of her money in the account. Therefore, she wants me to have dual ownership of her bank account to take out any funds in the account if such a situation occurred. I was willing to do it until I realized that this might affect my taxes or, even worse, my college financial aid. I just turned 18 and got maximum need based financial aid from my college I’ve committed to due to my home situation. I want to help my aunt, but I can’t risk my financial aid package decreasing. Would adding myself to her bank account result in a decrease in my financial aid? I am in the US if that provides context. +Wife and I have a roth IRA with Edward Jones. I'm considering transferring the account to my TD and opening a roth with them, and manage myself. + +It seems the mutual funds he has our money distributed in are pretty similar to SPY, QQQ, IWM, so my thought is why not do that myself? The expense ratios are not much different, some a little higher some a little lower than SPY. And it would save the monthly fee managing myself. I feel that long term, that would add up significantly (we are in our 30s so retirement is a long ways away.) + +For those with more knowledge and experience, is there anything I am missing, or not considering? + +Thank you +I (24M) Got a higher-level job in the media field in another state (Rhode Island from NY). CC debt started accruing and just trying to get my shit together before making it worse or longer to get out of debt. Having trouble budgeting as whenever my girlfriend visits for a few weeks we go out often. I've got a subscription food kit service to lower costs of eating out but know I can lower it even more by learning to cook. I also haven't enrolled in my job's 403B with matching 5% just trying to clear this debt ASAP before doing so. Help? + +Monthly Income: $2930 + +Rent: $1250 + +Car: $200 + +Internet: $54 + +Electric: $30-$50 + +Gym: $30 + +Food (Meal Kit): $240 + +Eating out: $80 + +&#x200B; + +This is how my debt is spread. + +Card 1: (0% Interest for 10 more months) $3492.54 (Nearly full, lowering my credit score) + +Card 2: (16.24% Interest) $2,245.37 + +Card 3: (23.99% Interest) $1261.00 + +&#x200B; + +I've honestly thought about doing a weekend job or something to kill the debt quicker. I have no student loans or anything. I'm hoping to possibly go to Graduate school once I kill this debt. Help? + + +Hi guys, + + + + +I made an Excel template in which I show 4 sheets. + +In the “data” sheet I put all the transactions from my bank account and categorize them into 2 levels. + +On the “pivot table” sheet I show the consolidated amounts per month and the totals over the last four months. + +On the “visuals” sheet I show 3 visuals: a pie chart with the costs (without the fixed expenses), a line chart with a slicer to show the fluctuations of the expenses over the months and a bar chart with the total expenses per category. + +In the last sheets “savings” I created an overview of the savings goals for the short and the long term. + +Do you guys have any tips on how to improve this excel workbook, maybe some tips on how to present it better and especially how to improve the savings sheet? + +Thanks! + +&#x200B; + +[Personal Finance Excel](https://www.dropbox.com/s/y7l5ye2zpiducnv/Budget%20template%20for%20reddit.xlsx?dl=0) + +BIG EDIT: +These are not representative of dark pools, instead they are various third party exchanges that are being suspended. +This is likely due to fee structure or other issues. You can read a summary in the linked comment. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n8k4be/found_this_in_the_latest_nyse_rule_filing_appears/gxk18ck?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 + + + + +**Incorrect original post below** + + + +On Friday, the SEC suspended the use of a number of ~~dark pools~~ exchanges that were in use by various members of the exchanges. + +Specifically, the following: (sourced from [https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n8k4be/found\_this\_in\_the\_latest\_nyse\_rule\_filing\_appears/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n8k4be/found_this_in_the_latest_nyse_rule_filing_appears/)) + +&#x200B; + +[List of Suspended Third Party Systems and Data Feeds](https://preview.redd.it/w6615cm1o6y61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b45579c0e2df6c98e24f11f5dde6d9692dcc7cb) + +&#x200B; + +This suspension means that many of these ~~pools~~ exchanges that were allowed to provide connectivity services filed for an amendment to allow for these other 3rd party systems, + +Timeline: + +March 10, 2021 -An amendment is proposed: Which would change the colocation services offered by the Exchange to provide Users the option to access to the systems and data feeds of various additional third parties. These various third parties being the list above. + +April 9, 2021- Amemdment passed: The proposed rule change became operative + +Between April 9, 2021 and May 7, 2021-More Users added: 5 Users have contracted to receive the services that were added in the Filing. + +May 7, 2021 - SEC suspends amendment: the Commission suspended the Filing and instituted proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule change should be approved or disapproved. + +&#x200B; + +**Reason to suspend ~~Dark Pools~~ Exchanges of Citadel, TD Ameritrade, Morgan Stanley, Virtu Financial, and UBS** + +"Pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(C) of the Act,12 at any time within 60 days of the date of filing of an immediately effective proposed rule change pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Act,13 the Commission summarily may temporarily suspend the change in the rules of a self-regulatory organization (“SRO”) if it appears to the Commission that such action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest, for the protection of investors, or otherwise in furtherance of the purposes of the Act + + Whether the Exchanges have demonstrated how the proposed fees are consistent with Section 6(b)(5) of the Act, which requires, among other things, that the rules of a national securities exchange not be “designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers" + +see 15 U.S.C. 78f(b)(4), (5), and (8) + +SO, pulling info from this, we can see the the SEC thought these new ~~dark pools~~ exchanges that had been created may not have been fairly dealing with all customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers. + +&#x200B; + +From the filing: + + The Commission is instituting proceedings to allow for additional consideration and comment on the issues raised herein, including as to whether the proposed fees are consistent with the Act, and specifically, with its requirements that the rules of a national securities exchange provide for the equitable allocation of reasonable dues, fees, and other charges among its members, issuers, and other persons using its facilities; are designed to **perfect the operation of a free and open market and a national market system, and to protect investors and the public interest**; are not designed to permit unfair discrimination between customers, issuers, brokers, or dealers; and do not impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purposes of the Act; as well as any other provision of the Act, or the rules and regulations thereunder. + +&#x200B; + +The SEC believes there may be a reason to look at these ~~pools~~ exchanges, their fee schedules, and the anti-competitve nature that they may help to create in the market. The NYSE has taken SR-2021-38 out in an attempt to delay this suspension by a week. I'm not sure why the NYSE is seeking this change, though I am surprised that they would look to get any trading off their exchange (perhaps there are some lucrative opportunities by providing another way to route to the exchange, I don't know). + +Ultimately, I don't think this is a big deal, there are many available ~~dark pools~~ exchanges, but it is interesting that the ones that were created only in April 9th of this year have been suspended. I also find it interesting that the ones listed include a number of the ones that other GME posters have been wary of. I speak specifically to the MEMX, Morgan Stanely, and TD Ameritrade ~~pools~~ exchanges. + +The NYSE having many of these services that could possibly have a latency advantage on other services that are not co-located could also be the target that the SEC wants to look at. Giving a service preferential latency, and then charging for that service may be enough anti-competitive behavior that the SEC suspended the amendment. + +In any case, keep searching for the corruption, root it out, and we all get a better place to trade. + +Sources: + +Securities Exchange Act Release No. 91790 (May 7, 2021) (SR-NYSE-2021- 15, SR-NYSEAMER-2021-13, SR-NYSEArca-2021-15, SR-NYSECHX-2021- 04, SR-NYSENAT-2021-05). + +Securities Exchange Act Release No. 91388 (March 23, 2021), 86 FR 16433 (March 29, 2021) (SR-NYSEArca-2021-15). + +[https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-arca/rule-filings/filings/2021/Arca.pdf](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-arca/rule-filings/filings/2021/Arca.pdf) +Seriously these guys make billions and still aren’t satisfied while children starve to death because they have nothing to eat. When this makes me a millionaire I will use some of my money to give back. I don’t have the connections to fly to africa and start building houses for people but I am sure we have some apes here who could. We can do good in our countrys and in the poorest areas of the world. + +Who of you would be willing to donate 1% of your gains to people in need post MOASS ? + +Lets show the world we are good apes who want to make the world a less shit place. I can’t wait for the happy faces of the people I will help and I hope there are many others like me too. +Theoretically, if you woke up to your wallet now going from 3 to 7 digits worth overnight through a random transaction, what would you do? Assumingly as the result of an error from someone else, what steps would you do to try (or not) and keep this coin and remain anonymous to the sender and everyone around you? + +This is strictly hypothetical, of course +Interesting timing with the article being released about an anonymous source stating they carl icahn holds a short position. The wallet app just dropped on IOS (if you ha not activated a wallet yet it’s never been a better time!), RC does his firstly interview in >2 years, and the big article of the week is CI’s supposed short position? This is a trick that the elites have been using for years. + +Something big going on politically? Coincidence that X celebrities scandal happened that same day and drowns out the important news for the people. The same thing is happening here, in short DRS is the way, MOASS has never been closer (tomorrow is MOASS also it’s Tuesday, coincidence? I think not). + + +I will leave you with this tidbit on Rome and their use of gladiators: + +According to recent studies Emperors wanted gladiators to distract citizens from politics and keep them happy. They were also an effective propaganda means: Emperor Juvenal even created an expression for this strategy: “panem et circenses”, meaning “Bread and Circuses”. Be fed and entertained: this was all citizens needed! + +TL;DR The circus can no longer contain apes attention, they’ve used the same tricks for too long. DRS. +One month from now: + +"We're going to let you go." + +Mmmmkay. + +"Would you like to know why?" + +Can I guess? + +"Wait, what?" + +Is it because I'm only 25% as productive as I was 4 months ago? + +"Uhhhhh, yes." + +That's fair. Bu bye now. + +"HR can talk with you about your COBRA benefits." + +I'm good. GME hit a million this morning and I sold my first share. Thanks though. +Hi all -- this is a follow up to my post/thread from August (wow). https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/ij13f4/covid_may_force_my_hand_to_be_fire_sort_of/ + +So after a lot of soul searching, anxiety, running numbers and spousal support -- I did it. I tendered my resignation after giving a lot of notice, and am now officially a stay at home parent. I have every intention of returning to work (different role/self-employed) in the future, and have a concrete plan on doing so. But for now, I am at home, helping my kids during remote instruction, taking care of the house, and, well, not stressing about work. It's glorious. + +But it was scary. Taking a step back from a stable, and not inconsequential, paycheck in a VHCOL area is really daunting, especially when you have two young kids. But the spouse is happily working with great benefits, we have saved like crazy, and this is not RE for me -- more like a longish sabbatical. I won't go into details to keep this as anonymous as I can, but suffice to say I am a professional that can (and plan to) go back to work, likely in my own office, when the time is right. In the interim, I am staying relevant in my field (deliberately vague) on my own terms. One unexpected side effect -- I am actually *less* worried about money than I was before. Perhaps it was the constant stress of my former role that made me always focus on $$ to get out. Maybe it's the absence of that stress that makes me less RE-centric (but definitely FI). The point is that even with all the advantages I had -- not a $5M inheritance or anything, but in very good financial shape -- I was extremely reluctant to step off the hamster wheel. It can be done. Now, I don't have a crystal ball and I can't say where I will be in 2, 5, 10 years. But what I can say is that you can run numbers, push through the fear, and just do it. I feel like I am really *living* again for the first time in a while. +Being a bear is painful today. But paytience pays—that’s why the word “pay” is in the word “paytience” + +Now, first of all, today is the witch thing; which I dont understand at all...but what I do understand is short squeezes—and today at 3:00, you will witness the greatest short squeeze in the history of capitalism—and you better have fucking cash on hand to buy every put you can from 3-4 this afternoon. + +After the short squeeze, Stocktwits bulls will scare you and make you think that everything is okay—but it’s not. Literally everyone is dead—just look in your living room—boom dead people. Everyone who isn’t dead or a cashier at a gas station will file for unemployment in coming weeks. Businesses are closed across the planet—and their stocks are rising—this is a gift from god. Buy puts. + +It will look like god is making SPY go up 1000 points literally every second—BUT DO NOT BUY FUCKING CALLS NO MATTER WHAT. Resist the temptation like your dog does when you try to fuck it + +TLDR: all puts literally doesn’t matter...just buy them a month out from expiration +Hi all. Hoping for some advice moving forward, I'll explain what we think happened and what we have done so far. Please redirect me or delete if it's the wrong sub. Also on mobile and full of anxiety over this so please forgive spelling/format issues. + +Just to give you a little background, we are new parents to a 7 week old so money is tight. + +Yesterday we had a withdrawal from our checking that caused us to have a negative balance. Of course I freak out because we haven't paid rent yet so there is no reason to get a low balance email. I check the account and see a check # the typical amount of rent (water is included in rent so it varies) has been withdrawn. It had yet to post yesterday when I looked so I couldnt view the check. I looked up the check # and see we already had used that specific check for June rent. I called the bank (wells fargo) and they couldn't do much since they could not see the check until it posted but filed a claim on that withdrawal. + +Check posts this morning and it is clearly the old check, same number as the check that already cleared for June rent. But someone has changed the date, the paid to, and the memo. The pos responsible literally changed the memo written 'rent' to 'reimbursement'. + +I called my apartments office yesterday before the check had cleared and found out they definitely hold on to the checks, scan them in to be deposited so its obvious someone from the office got ahold of our old check and doctored it to pass it off as a new check. I dont even know who tf the person is that is on the paid to line. + +What should we do from here? File a police report? We will go to the bank when they open now that the check is cleared. By calling the appartment office, did I tip off the asshole who did this? How hard/long will it be to get our money back? + +I know we have proof with the checks being the same but this has never happened to me before so I'm unsure how long it's going to take or even if we will be able to get our money back. Any advice would be really appreciated and thanks for reading! +My company just went through a merger in an all stock transaction. My shares are worth around 2.5 million. Will this be taxed as income or capital gains? I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I’ll be talking to an accountant soon but I want to figure this out ASAP so I can start planning. + +Here are the details: + +- I bought half of my shares 2 years ago and held them until now. These shares went up about 10x in value. + +- The other half was given to me by my company 3 years ago. + +From the limited info I’ve seen, it seems like the shares I bought will be taxed in terms of the profit. And for the shares I was given, seems like the whole thing will be taxed. + +My only question is, will this be considered a capital gains tax? And will this tax be paid when I sell the shares in the new company? If so, should I hold the new shares for 1 year to make sure all of it is capital gains? + +Any input greatly appreciated +Unfortunately, I've come to the realization that my career is hitting a plateau in terms of salary. $240k/year is way more than the median income for someone in my field. Most people make between $70k-$120k/year. My salary is higher than many of my former managers even, so I can't really "work up" any more at my age because they want 10 years of experience to make *less*. [The only people I know who make more are VP level executives.](https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/vice-president-pharmaceuticals-salary-SRCH_KO0,30.htm) + +I've had my own consulting company for a while on the side, but even there I'm not seeing many long-term projects for $120/hour or more. I had a few months with a $150/hour contract (40 hours/week), but most are in the $100-120/hour range. + +I could grow the consulting business, get higher fees and more contracts and more junior people who I can pay a lower salary. But that also takes a lot of time/money to promote. After a few years of that type of experience it might give me enough "management" experience to get back into the industry at a higher salary. Or I could just stay with the consulting gig until I fatFIRE since it should be pretty stable over the next few years. + +Does anyone else have experience with "ladder hopping" like this? Between independent consulting and industry experience? +Just curious. It seems with telecommuting becoming more and more popular I could see people being tempted to try to hold down 2 jobs at once to speed up fatFIRE. +Company recently raised a series D and valuation was at $1b+. Plan seems to be to IPO in the next 18-24 months. I have stock options I can exercise now and more will vest over time. As far as I can understand I exercise them anytime after they vest and as of now the "spread" on them seems low. Wondering if that will change after the new valuation. These are ISO not NSOs. + +Is there a generally accepted strategy for when to exercise options to minimize taxes + risk? Any resources to read up on would be appreciated. +To reduce the multitude of posts on this topic, this megathread will take their place and include existing information and any further updates. + +####Summary + +On April 4th, suprnova mining pool operator ocminer [posted this thread](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3256693.0) notifying the crypto community and verge team that the attack had happened and how it worked. + +> There's currently a >51% attack going on on XVG which exploits a bug in retargeting in the XVG code. +> +> Usually to successfully mine XVG blocks, every "next" block must be of a different algo.. so for example scrypt,then x17, then lyra etc. +> +> Due to several bugs in the XVG code, you can exploit this feature by mining blocks with a spoofed timestamp. When you submit a mined block (as a malicious miner or pool) you simply set a false timestamp to this block one hour ago and XVG will then "think" the last block mined on that algo was one hour ago.. Your next block, the subsequent block will then have the correct time.. And since it's already an hour ago (at least that is what the network thinks) it will allow this block to be added to the main chain as well. + +This attack given the malicious miner almost 99% of the effective hashrate, giving them the ability to perform a 51% attack and rapidly collect block rewards from thousands of blocks. In response, some exchanges have disabled deposits and some pools have disabled Verge support as they cannot currently compete. + +The Verge development team has said they will not rollback the chain, and has [pushed an attempted fix that has been controversial](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3256693.msg33949269#msg33949269) about whether it will work and what unintended consequences it may have. ([source](https://cointelegraph.com/news/cryptocurrency-verge-responds-to-hacking-claims-by-launching-accidental-hard-fork)) + +Update: [Verge's latest twitter post on the matter](https://twitter.com/vergecurrency/status/982059778729037826) + +--- + + +###Prior popular /r/cryptocurrency posts + +* (Initial post): [Network Attack on XVG / VERGE. Hacker mined a block every second for the past 13 hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/89q8gu/network_attack_on_xvg_verge_hacker_mined_a_block/) + +* [XVG Still Being Exploited After "Fix" By Dev (Check Block Times)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/89t4yc/xvg_still_being_exploited_after_fix_by_dev_check/) + +* [What any XVG investor must see - ocminer about the recent attack, developer incompetence and hostility towards the one who reported the flaw](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/8a0uii/what_any_xvg_investor_must_see_ocminer_about_the/) + +* [Wow... XVG can go from "undisputed coin of the year" and "most trusted" (likely shilled posts, of course) to hacked apart inside of the same week. Gotta love the cryptocurrency roller coaster.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/8a1f1w/wow_xvg_can_go_from_undisputed_coin_of_the_year/) + +* [Verge Is Forced to Fork After Suffering a 51% Attack](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/89xlxh/verge_is_forced_to_fork_after_suffering_a_51/) + +* [Turns out the Verge fiasco is worse than thought. Devs now having to issue new wallets having accidentally hardforked their own currency trying to fix the attack. Popcorn, salt and GODL overflowing](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/89xs30/turns_out_the_verge_fiasco_is_worse_than_thought/) + +* [Verge holders burying their head in the sand... what has crypto become; seriously?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/89zphd/verge_holders_burying_their_head_in_the_sand_what/) + +###Other resources + +* https://themerkle.com/price-of-verge-holds-above-0-50-despite-major-attack/ + +* https://news.bitcoin.com/verge-is-forced-to-fork-after-suffering-a-51-attack/ + +* https://cointelegraph.com/news/cryptocurrency-verge-responds-to-hacking-claims-by-launching-accidental-hard-fork +Microsoft reported earnings after the bell. Here are the results. + +Earnings: $2.48 vs $2.31 per share, adjusted, as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +Revenue: $51.73 billion vs $50.88 billion as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +After two consecutive quarters of revenue growth of over 20%, analysts expect a slowdown to 18% in the fiscal second quarter. That would bring the company back in line with its performance over the prior two and a half years. + +Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud segment, which contains the Azure public cloud, GitHub and server products such as Windows Server, generated $18.33 billion in revenue. That works out to 25.5% growth, and it’s a bit more than the $18.30 billion consensus among analysts surveyed by StreetAccount. + +Revenue from Azure and other cloud services grew 46%. The expectation was 46%, according to a CNBC survey of 15 analysts, while analysts polled by StreetAccount had been looking for 45.3% Azure growth. + +Amy Hood, Microsoft’s finance chief, eased investor concerns on the earnings call, indicating that demand remains strong across much of the business. + +Hood said the company expects revenue of $48.5 billion to 49.3 billion in the fiscal third quarter, topping the $48.23 billion Refinitiv consensus. Hood said the company now expects full-year operating margins to widen slightly. + + +Credit to CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/25/microsoft-msft-earnings-q2-2022.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard +23M, Wales. +My mother has her wages paid into my bank account, every month direct debit from a large U.K. company. +She does not have a bank account as she was declared bankrupt many years ago and possibly has unpaid debts. +She asked me to put the wages into my bank account as a teenager and I said yes, but now I’m wondering if when I go to apply for a mortgage in 2 years time this might affect me negatively as I might be seen as having financial ties to her and her bad debt history. + +The money deposits very clearly come from a well-known company, they’re approx £1k a month but will this affect any background check/financial check on my application? +If so I’ll have to block the payments and force her to make alternative arrangements, as much she’ll be furious with me. +[From IRS.gov](https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-form-1040) + +> For Tax Year 2018, you will no longer use Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ, but instead will use the redesigned Form 1040. Many people will only need to file Form 1040 and no schedules. + +This is the "postcard size" form you may have heard of: [Form 1040](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040.pdf), and the [instructions](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040gi.pdf). The return is two half-pages, and the signature section is the bottom of the first page. Form(s) W-2 are now attached on the left margin of page two. + +> However, if your return is more complicated (for example you claim certain deductions or credits, or owe additional taxes) you will need to complete one or more of the new Form 1040 Schedules. Below is a general guide to what Schedule(s) you will need to file, based on your circumstances. See the instructions for the Schedules for more information. + +[Schedule 1: ](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s1.pdf) + +> If you have additional income, such as capital gains, unemployment compensation, prize or award money, gambling winnings. + +> If you Have certain deductions to claim, such as student loan interest deduction, self-employment tax, educator expenses. + +[Schedule 2:](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s2.pdf) + +> If you owe AMT or need to make an excess advance premium tax credit repayment (calculated on Form 8962). + +[Schedule 3:](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s3.pdf) + +> If you can claim a nonrefundable credit other than the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents, such as the foreign tax credit, education credits, general business credit. + +[Schedule 4:](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s4.pdf) + +> If you owe other taxes, such as self-employment tax, household employment taxes, additional tax on IRAs or other qualified retirement plans and tax-favored accounts. + +[Schedule 5:](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s5.pdf) + +> If you can claim a refundable credit other than the earned income credit, American opportunity credit, or additional child tax credit. If you have other payments, such as an amount paid with a request for an extension to file or excess social security tax withheld. + +[Schedule 6:](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1040s6.pdf) + +> If you have a foreign address, or a third party designee other than your paid preparer. + +Here's an example: + +A couple files a married filing joint return with no children, where one spouse works for wages and the other spouse is self employed. They claim the standard deduction, and the self employed spouse made estimated tax payments, because it's a pay-as-you-earn system. + +This couple will file the Form 1040, Schedule 1 (for the self employment income and the self employment tax deduction), Schedule 4 (for the self employment tax), and Schedule 5 (to claim the estimated tax payments). These new Schedules are **in addition to** the Schedules C and SE the spouse would need to compute the business profit and self employment tax. If the Taxpayer want's their mom to be able to contact IRS on their behalf, they could list mom as the third party designee, and add Schedule 6. + +If they are filing this return by mail, they must remember to sign the return on page one and attach the W-2 on page 2 of the 1040. Then they attach Schedules 1, 4, 5, and 6, and then Schedules C and SE. Each IRS supporting form or schedule has a sequence number in the upper-right corner. These are supposed to be attached in the appropriate sequence number order. + +> Individuals who filed their federal tax return electronically last year may not notice any changes, as the tax return preparation software will automatically use their answers to the tax questions to complete the Form 1040 and any needed schedules. + +If you are electronically filing your return, these mechanical changes should be invisible to you. Carefully review the finished product and, as always, when you are done preparing and filing your return, make digital and physical copies for your records. + +Tl;Dr: Here's the new and improved tax return, and new schedules, for 2018. Forms 1040A and 1040EZ won't be used this filing season. I just want to say good luck. We're all counting on you. +Watching the guys/gals over at WSB take down Melvin capital this week was like watching the prisoners take over the jail and feed the corrupt warden a big F you sandwitch. + +Their community seems so much tighter than ours, and I couldn’t help but wonder why? + +Why does it seem so fractured here? They all have their favourite stocks like we do our coins and tokens. They are trying to make money like many here. + +How do we make this place more like a community? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +versus long just 4500 shares against those puts neutral. The power of the delta neutral trade..textbook example. He put this trade on yesterday, was just checking out history tool for action in kodk over the last ten days. + +[KODK overnight long put winner](https://preview.redd.it/fonwoyfeqtd51.jpg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c67b8e853503c3037f7f02ae10f4b5379f8f78b) + +&#x200B; + +Source: + + [https://www.volsage.com/chooseHistoricalCriteria.php](https://www.volsage.com/chooseHistoricalCriteria.php) + + [https://www.volsage.com/activityInName.php?ticker=kodk](https://www.volsage.com/activityInName.php?ticker=kodk) + + [https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KODK/options?p=KODK](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/KODK/options?p=KODK) +So for a bit of back story i have already been terrible with money. Im actively trying to get better at this but for full transparency I'm i have gotten myself into quite a bit hole with debt total around £20k and would like some advice. i just installed an app called Snoop that can tack my money and it looks like im always always going over my monthly earnings, below i have given a bit of a breakdown according to the app. + +£1910.21 Income per month working full time. This is after Tax, NI and pension. + +£620 per month is rent + majority of my bills excluding Council Tax + +£142.00 council Tax + +£479.01 on finance (So bad debt) (i have a 13k loan with barclays 9.9APR, 5k loan with Rate setter 12.9APR and there is also money on a MBNA credit card about 2k 21.99%APR) + +£120.99 Eating out so take aways more so than eating out. + +£300 roughly on groceries. + +£18.11 for roadside and home breakdown cover for car + +£50.34 for car insurance. + +£43.62 for mobile phone contract. + +£110 monthly on fuel. + +£75 for a gym membership (i use this extensively its a strongman specific gym) + +£50 for misc memberships netflix, amazon prime, wow sub, that kind of thing. + +&#x200B; + +Sorry if the formatting is trash, i've never really done this before and don't really know the preferred format of this sub. Would really just appreciate some advice because i'm struggling and i cant seem to stop what seems to be spiralling out of control. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +UPDATE! + +So firstly i just wanted to say thank you to everyone that commented on this post. Honestly having you all reach out and give advice has been amazing and really made me realize this was defiantly needed. ive read everything thats been said and i have already started making cutbacks. + +&#x200B; + +I have already cut out Netflix, Spotify and amazon prime as entertainment packs. I hardly used these anyway, i used Spotify a lot but i can deal with ads. + +&#x200B; + +I have started putting together not only a food budget of £200 a month and setup alerts for this when my spend on this gets to 25/50 and 75% so i can keep a close eye on this, I am also going to be doing a food diary and a meal plan to try to help stick to this. I will also be cutting out all takeaways apart from 1 a month, ill put £20 limit on this. + +&#x200B; + +I am looking to cancel my gym membership and move to a gym down the road that is only £30 a month rather than the £75 a month gym i am currently at. + +&#x200B; + +My phone contract end in November when this ends i will not be getting a new handset and will be going to a sim only plan max of £15 a month. + +&#x200B; + +I also have a meeting with my director this week and in this meeting i will be pointing out that i am doing a good job and im very underpaid for the job i am doing. I work as a Technical Account Manager and im on 30k at the moment when the national average is £47k a year but i took a lower wage as i havent done this job before (ive always worked as an IT technician) and its a new position at the company so lots of factors but i think i should get a raise. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +How do you think about SWR in the case of trying to build wealth for heirs? I've been running with the assumption that 1% SWR probably lets you still grow your capital / estate, but would be interested in other approaches. +Hi guys, + +For the last 3 years I've been treading water financially. Paying minimum payments on a credit card, a store card and incredibly high charges on a £3000 overdraft. In 3 years I've paid out about £250 per month for these debts and paid next to nothing off. + +So tonight I took out a loan from my bank for £6000, paid the overdraft off, the credit and store cards off. The loan was for 5 years at £170 per month. I reduced my overdraft to 0, cut up the credit and store card... + +I just figured in 5 years I'll be debt free.... was this a good move? I know nothing about finance so sorry if it's a stupid question + + +The ‘Fire’ movement and the trouble with penny pinching + +Parsimony is a way of life for those who aim to retire in their 30s and 40s — but how practical is it? +By Claer Barrett + +https://www.ft.com/content/f4283596-c967-11e9-a1f4-3669401ba76f + +Google Search Result : + +https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Fire+movement+and+the+trouble+with+penny+pinching + +As you can imagine from the title, the author us not that impressed. The usual arguments such as penny pinching, lentils as your 5 a day and pitfalls of 4% SWR etc. are on offer. +The fastest path to on-chain scaling is miners signalling in favour of segwit via BIP9. But they are not doing this. + +Segwit effectively creates roughly 2Mb blocks by removing the signatures from the block itself and putting them elsewhere. + +These will activate the UASF on August 1st and thereafter **reject any blocks mined that do not signal in favour of Segwit.** + +If we install and run these **AND** get enough miners to support it by the activation date, the length of this chain will be longer than the non-signalling chain and cause non-signalling blocks to also be rejected by all other nodes and miners (even the ones mining non-signalling nodes). + +We have to "bootstrap" this by getting a movement going. August 1 is more than 70 days away, which is very long in bitcoin time. We have lots of time to advocate strongly for this. Opposition on reddit will be vehement (and I no longer care to speculate on the motives or identities of all the brand new reddit accounts suddenly appearing and warning against SegWit or slandering core developers). + +SegWit has been extensively tested on the test network. There is no tested or stable version of any large block hard fork client in existence. + +Therefore, the only way to quickly address the transaction backlog is to activate SegWit as soon as possible. And the only way to do that is to both run and advocate for miners and exchanges to run the UASF releases. + +* edit - removed link to binaries due to subreddit policy. +You might remember [this moon distribution post](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mr04qf/new_moons_distribution_round_12_proposal/) last week. Containing this fateful statement: + + +> Karma/Moons ratio: Each 1 point of karma in this round corresponds to 0.88 Moons. + +You might also remember a while ago when I ran the Moon math and posted [this spreadsheet](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mp0vfx/i_ran_the_moon_numbers_can_someone_check_because/). + +&#x200B; + +So all I did when the karma data was posted is to total the karma and stick it in my spreadsheet, like this: + + +https://preview.redd.it/3w3zev9tgou61.png?width=654&format=png&auto=webp&s=768d6228afdfd27955e70b9dfc35d45f8f6d7591 + +And there we go, 0.46. +So I [commented my calculation](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mr04qf/new_moons_distribution_round_12_proposal/guj87hi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And boy did I feel the wrath of the downvote army! + + +I questioned it at the time and a mod responded saying something like a load of burned Moons have been reintroduced, I just thought it was weird that it was almost exactly double my calculation. The mods don't have much more info than we do when it comes to these posts as they are from reddit admin. + +My comment with the 0.46 value went to -10 karma, but that's cool whatever, win some lose some I guess. + + +# Then the Moons drop + +Goddammit I was right all along. + + +**There are three possible reasons I think as to why it was 0.46 and not 0.88:** + +1. There were supposed to be more Moons (burned or not claimed), but it didnt happen for some reason. +2. Whoever wrote the post done messed up. +3. I've got madder excel skills than the reddit admins. (Jokes, I love your work, pls dont ban me) + +&#x200B; + +**So what lessons have we learnt today?** + +1. Never trust anything written on the internet. +2. My spreadsheet never lies. +3. Stop moaning about getting half the Moons you were promised, its free magic internet money you get for shitposting. + +&#x200B; + +**Now for the real magic:** + +I guesstimate that the ratio for round 13 will be 0.39 +Good Morning, + +My girlfriend is a FTB and has found a house she loves and had an offer accepted on it. When it came to checks the solicitor found the house was on an unadopted road. This wasn't news to my partner as she has a friend that lives on the road. + +The issue is that the selling party are missing a document detailing the information on the road. The mortgage company then declined my partners application. The solicitor then negotiated with the mortgage company and turned this into a yes. The solicitor has advised the sale can go ahead but said that my partner would struggle to sell the house in the future because of this document that is missing. + +She is now in two minds, she really wants the house but it isn't her forever home and so she is worried about the future. + +Can anyone offer some advice on what she can/should do? +Like most of you know, buffet sold his stake in airlines. My question is, to who? The stake is so big I assume the individual market wouldnt be able to take this on (if you would find individuals who are currently interested) so do banks take this on or...? + +Thanks +https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/current/ + +Scroll down to: 5. Consolidated Statement of Condition of All Federal Reserve Banks + +Key takeaway + +**The new asset change was -$88B week over week. The balance sheet gets smaller for a fifth consecutive week.** +I am about to make a noncontingent offer on a 1.5 million duplex in the Bay Area. The disclosure states there were Subterranean termites at subarea wood members and Drywood Termites at the roof eaves and subarea wood members. The total estimated cost for repairs is $23,532. How bad is this and how much it can cost me if everything goes south? + +&#x200B; + +Many Thanks, +So I, like so many others have always wanted to invest into real estate. I want to begin this in the next 18 months. I am in the midst of getting my business (taxes and insurance) to solidify along with getting myself clear of personal debt before beginning this step. + +What my goal is to have 2 mixed use buildings in the town where I live in. 1 of which would be the one I currently have my office in. No idea where the second will be, but I'd like to make that one happen within a year or two of the first. + + +I also would like next year to buy my first home. With what prices are in this area, I'd learn towards a mother/daughter to have some income from there as well. + +Now as far as my town, it's in the NYC suburbs and the waterfront is in the midst of major construction that will definitely create a significant increase in real estate prices when it's all finished, so I'd like to have this done beforehand. + + +My questions remain as the following: +Where do I start? Do I start reading certain books? Research certain things about my area or start making a certain type of connection? + + +Are these 2 projects or can I combine them? I'm not an expert in finance and was wondering where to begin on that. And should I have my home purchase as a part of this real estate holding or is that a recipe for disaster? + +Am I insane for trying to do both of these things (buy a home and investment building in the same few months)? + +I know it's a lot to ask and can go one of a million directions but I've always wanted to do this and am finally getting to a point where I feel comfortable handling a project like this. Any and all advice is welcome (as well as CONSTRUCTIVE criticism). Comment, message. I'll take it all. Thank you. +[Here's a rough calculation of my monthly and annual net income](https://imgur.com/IfFGIcR) + +So in my other [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/realestateinvesting/comments/c8w2rz/what_can_i_realistically_do_with_5000/) yesterday I was wondering I could do in REI with just $5k but from your guys' input, I feel like I need to save more money and educate myself more while I wait. + +My goal is to save enough to get into real estate investing and eventually replace my 9-5 income with rental income. I currently have $5k sitting in my checking account doing nothing. Others have suggested putting that into a high yield savings account while I save an extra 15-20k for down payment of real estate. + +As you can see, I have maybe about $1.1k left over after expenses. Should I move all of that into the HYSA every month with my 5K? or should I split it where 500 goes to a ROTH IRA and the rest to the HYSA? + +Or just move it all to a HYSA and get into real estate quicker? + +Any other routes you guys can think of I can take? + +At this point I'm 34 and single and I feel like I'm starting way too late in investing my money. The only thing I've got is contributing to my company's 401k and ESPP plan. + +I also have an HSA with $750 sitting in it but I'm not sure what to do with that. +All, + +My fiancée and I are seriously considering vacation rental hacking for our family. We want to purchase something either fixer or turnkey in a vacation spot. The hope would be to rent it most of the year and reserve time for our family. + +Is property management pretty easy to find? Will they be able to advise on potential rents and occupancy? Do we need to furnish and stage the house ourselves? + +I’m primarily a long term rental investor and am looking for a bit of insight into how this would work. +I’m looking for any advice on purchasing a property which has effectively two units. The upstairs is about 1900sqft 2 bed 2 bath and a garage, the downstairs is around 1800sqft also 2 bed 2 bath complete kitchen and washer/dryer with a dedicated entry and parking. It’s a finished basement so the upstairs and downstairs are connected by a normal basement staircase. I would live in the upstairs unit and rent the downstairs. + +The house was originally built in the 1950s + +Couple questions I have: + +how difficult is it to get tenants for this arrangement? + +Can I separate the upstairs with an entryway door and call it a separate unit or would they still be room mates? + +How difficult would it likely be to split the electrical to have separate meters for the upstairs and down? + +Anything else I might not know to watch for? +I've heard people using HELOCs to buying their second properties. I'm a bit confused as to how to actually pull it off. Assuming you can access a HELOC but the credit limit isn't high enough to pay all cash on the second property, which means you'd use the HELOC as the down payment and a mortgage for the remaining. Doesn't the HELOC negatively affect your DTI ratio, thus lowering your mortgage qualification? So in the end, isn't it the same as not taking out a HELOC and getting a higher mortgage with a higher DTI? What are the pros of this strategy? +My real estate agent buddy, whom I've known for a long time, wants me to loan him $7500 for a max of 45 days to pay off his contractors while his investment property flip closes. I don't have any reason to distrust his intentions as he's helped me close on a few deals and he lives and owns right around the corner; ie: he's low risk for fleeing the state for this amount. He's also done flips before. + +I had him write up a contract that says the following: + +This agreement covers the personal loan provided by (loaner) to (borrower), signed into effect on x x , 2020. The terms of the agreement are as follows: + +-(loaner) will loan (borrower) $7,500 (principal loan) + +-(borrower) will repay (loaner) the principal loan amount of $7,500 plus 10% interest of the principal loan ($750) which brings the total repayment to $8,250. + +-(borrower) will have 45 days from the day the money is received to repay the loan & interest total of $8,250 to (loaner) + +-The money will be used for (borrower)s investment property, at (address) for roofing, staging, lender dues, and materials/supplies + +-If (borrower) is not able to pay the loan back within 45 days, an additional $500 penalty will be assessed for every 15 additional days it takes to repay the loan in full. For example, if it takes 60 days to pay the loan back for example, (borrower) will owe (loaner)$7,500 principal + $750 interest + $500 penalty = $8,750. If it takes 75 or less days there will be a $1,000 penalty. This penalty amount continues to increase by $500 for every 15 days outstanding until the loan is repaid. + +We will both then sign the agreement. + +Pretty straightforward but am I not considering something to protect me, like actual collateral? Any advice would helpful. +TL;DR (really?? It's like 4 paragraphs! Lol): how can I buy house #2 without putting 25% down?? + +**Intro:** Last year, I bought a house - yay! It's a duplex. Love the house, love house hacking. Had to put very little down, a win-win-win all over. I want to buy my second house - yay! + +Everywhere I look suggests I need to put 20-25% down on next house - boooooo! + +**Question:** How do people amass rental properties putting 20-25% down on each "new" ones?? All of you guys are cash-rich like *that*?? + +**P.S.:** And yes, I'm doing my research and getting into the Brandon Turner/BiggerPockets books, please give me the cliff notes! Besides, there aren't any $100,000 homes in my area for me to use rental-income-cash-flow as down payment for next house...hell that $100,000 is the expected down payment now! +So I’ve been reading biggerpockets and it seems like everyone and their mother is trying to house hack their first property. + +This sounds like a good idea in theory but one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people who are successful in house hacking live in the Midwest. + +It seems like for someone who lives in a coastal city, rent hacking and investing out of state is a much better solution to reducing housing costs. + +For example, I found a triplex where I live for $325k that will rent for $3500 per month assuming all units are occupied by renters. The cash on cash return on a place like this will be 13-14% after all expenses are accounted for (assuming I buy with 5% down and move out after a year). If I were to live in this property I wouldn’t be paying any rent. + +On the other hand. I can also rent a 4 bed apartment where I live for around $1900 per month. If I sublet out three of the rooms for $600 each I would only be paying around $100 per month in rent. This is a real property and the owner is okay with me doing this. In this scenario, I could use my cash to buy a rental out of state in the Midwest where I could do better than 13-14% cash on cash. + +Assuming a person only cares about cash flow and is not investing for appreciation why would they not choose the rent hacking option? + +Any feedback you could prove would be appreciated. Thanks! + +Edit: to clear up any confusion. I’m commenting from the perspective of someone whose number 1 goal is financial independence. I don’t care about the temporary quality of life issues involved with having a roommate. +This seems dodgy and unethical as hell. He says the listing was “owners estimate” so he isn’t at fault. I already have time and money in the property and don’t want to pull out, but do think he should at least come down to the appraisal price? +It seems I have anxiety, imagined the worst and sellling the property though the logic tells keep it. Has anyone made decisions like this due to anxiety? +Do you have a separate LLC and bank account for each building? If that is the case, do you carry multiple cards with you (one for each building)? Just thinking the mess it would be to track expenses once an investor has over 10 buildings.. +Does anyone have experience with taking out a HELOC from their rental property and using the funds as a down payment on another rental property? + +I currently have a Triplex in the state of Florida that I owe about 240K on and is worth 320k conservatively. Looking to take out the maximum amount. My credit score is 790+ and the current property has excellent cash flow. +I'm looking to purchase my first property to rent out to people. I'm still quite young with little to no experience in the real estate market, but I'm eager to learn. + +Would this be an appropriate time to purchase property? I'm assuming the pandemic would result in much cheaper property prices. + +What are your thoughts? +I am looking to purchase a duplex in the next six months and live in one half while renting the out the other half. This will be my first home and I plan on using a FHA loan to get the house. Does anyone have experience owning and living in a duplex? I feel like this will be a great way to start my way in the real estate investing world and would allow me to start up a rental real estate portfolio. +I'm 17k deep in repairs and maintenance after buying this property less than a year ago. + +- Basement Waterproofing 6k +- Appliance repairs and replacement 700 +- Roof Repair 6k (only 3 years old) +- Plumbing Work 3k +- Bathroom Repair 2k + +Thought I was buying this thing turnkey. This has been such a pain in the ass. The previous owner clearly just renovated it just enough to sell it. My inspector fucked me. Do these problems get better with time or much worse? +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/05/ea-q3-2019-earnings.html + +Video game maker EA fell more than 14 percent after reporting its Q3 2019 earnings. + +The company misses on revenue, reporting $1.61 billion for the quarter vs. estimate of $1.75 billion according to Refinitiv. + +I bought ea last July and sold it last month, took a 40% loss, this company is really doing so bad, failing investors expectation every quarter. +I work for a well known, large tech company that's been around for over 40 years and I'm trying to figure out if I should buy discounted company stock. I can opt in for up to 10% of my paycheck to be withheld for 6 months at a time and at the end of each withholding period period, that withholding is used to buy company stock at 95% of the closing price on the last trading day immediately before the Exercise Date (end of the 6 months withholding). + +The stock has pretty much always increased in value for the past 20 years and it almost doubled since last year (probably pandemic related digital transformation of so many companies, who then needed our products more than usual). + +Is this worth doing? Are there any tax benefits besides the potential earnings on the stock? + +Let me know what other info I can provide and and thanks in advance! +I bought a 2007 Mustang GT new back in 2006. Wasn't a smart purchase at the time for my income (I was just out of school ;D), but I paid it off in 5 years and have been driving it since then. Paid off since 2011. Been really nice having no car payments for like 8 years now ;D + +As it goes with older cars, stuff has stopped working. And what's really cost me has been my state's mandatory safety inspections. + +Last year I got tagged on emissions - needed to replace the catalytic converter in full. That was like $700. + +&#x200B; + +This year - the whole brake system - rotors, calipers, whatever. There was some other nonsense on the bill but it ended up being like $1500. + +So in about a year I've spent \~$2200 on a car that KBB tells me is worth about \~$5300. Am I going into stupid territory here? What is your rule for how much to spend maintaining an older car vs its value? I've priced out cars I would like online but I hate the idea of going back to a monthly payment. +Hi all, + +My wife and I are currently boarding at my brothers place while we are waiting for our land to title in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. + +The land cost was $348,000 (deposit paid of $34,800) and was purchased last year. The land size is 448. + +The build will cost us \~$388,000 (no contracts signed yet). 32 square home, with quite good inclusions. + +A total of $760,000. + +We have saved for a 12% deposit plus stamp, approx $108,000. + +My wife earns $77,000 annually and I earn $105,677 annually before tax. No debt, cars are paid, no credit cards, other than $15,000 remaining on a $30,000 loan we took for our wedding. + +According to most online calculators, our borrowing capacity lays around $1-1.2 million and advice from our broker is that we're in a good position. We'll be asking for $669,000 after our deposit, almost close to half of our capacity. + +With the recent news of interest rates rising we will be okay to afford this mortgage even if the rates were 7%, but we expect rates to hover around 4-5% by the time we go for finance by December (optimistic?). + +We've also heard about the potential drop in house prices over the next year. + +My question is, are we screwed going into the housing market in the next six months? We were previous house owners, but sold and moved into my brothers to gain profit during last year, to be able to buy our somewhat 'dream' home in preparation for children. Either way staying with my brother and 'waiting out' this whole thing for another year is not something we're keen on. + +Or is most of this inevitable and maybe its all going to simmer down by this time next year, 2024? + +Is buying an established property a better option? + +First time poster so please take it easy on me. +I’m 26 and spent the first 5 years of my 20s doing everything right to get my credit score up. I got all the right credit cards, never missed a payment, never paid interest or fees, and that got my credit score up to 805! Fast forward to 2020 and I get laid off and end up in the hospital with an autoimmune diagnosis. My parents then offer to pay my hospital bills and I forget about them and focus on my health and career path. Fast forward again about 8 months later and I get two bills from debt collectors. I ask my parents what happened and they hit me with “well we weren’t going to take care of it entirely, we still expected you to pay we would just give you some financial assistance if you asked for it.” It’s my fault for assuming they were taken care of. I should have been more involved. But I wasn’t and now fast forward to today… I’ve started a business which is growing faster than I can keep up, I’m planning to open a brick and mortar, purchase a truck for conducting business, and possibly my first home by next year. But what’s stopping me? a 644 credit score. How could it have dropped this much over two medical bills?? I’ve paid one of them already. I want to pay the other but apparently they weren’t sent to the same debt collector and I can’t find the letter from the other collector. Even if I pay that one too though I don’t think this is going to come off my record for 7 years. Is this one stupid mistake going to ruin everything I worked towards or can I fix this somehow? +This is a copy of a [**blog post**](https://tradytics.com/blog/candlestick-patterns-and-the-way-they-should-be-taught) I recently wrote on our website. I feel like this would be very helpful to new retail traders. Happy to take any feedback. Talked about $TSLA, $HD, $MRNA, $BA, and $QQQ. + +If you search on google for the keyword [**Candlestick Patterns**](https://www.google.com/search?q=candlestick+patterns), I am quite certain that you will find a plethora of posts and videos talking about hundreds of different candlestick patterns with very complex names. From spinning tops to shooting stars, every single type of candlestick will have a pattern associated with it. I have never personally understood the reasoning behind giving such complex names to these patterns. After having read about 20 books on technical analysis and price action, I have an unpopular opinion that these names do not matter, and same is the case with a vast majority of candlestick patterns. I spend most of my time in a day reading charts and I can assure you that I don't remember more than 2 or 3 candlestick patterns by their names. The reason I wanted to write this blog post is to change this culture of drilling these patterns into retail traders without explaining why they work. There so many charlatans that claim of being technical analysis experts and charge thousands of dollars. Having done thousands of backtests over the last 20 years, I can assure you with 100% confidence that relying on any single technical indicator or candlestick pattern will never work in the long run. Despite that, these patterns are still good to have in your arsenal because they can sometimes help infer and predict price action. Let us go over some candlestick patterns and try to understand why they work. But before that, for new traders, we need to define what a candlestick is. + +## A Candlestick + +Looking at [investopedia](https://www.investopedia.com/), this is the definition of a [candlestick](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/candlestick.asp) that we find. + +>A candlestick is a type of price chart used in technical analysis that displays the high, low, open, and closing prices of a security for a specific period. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xs293m5f0o761.png?width=1757&format=png&auto=webp&s=39eb22284fb144e3ceddd526c873986077867848 + +Candlesticks are important because they show us the battle of bulls and bears. If a price opens lower and ends up higher (green candle), that depicts that bulls are in control. Similarly, if the price opens lower, goes up very high but eventually closes lower as well, that means bulls tries to take control but bears defeated them. This is how I believe everyone should think about candlestick patterns. You will realize that having this type of thinking will help you understand these patterns instead of simply cramming their names and looking for them everywhere. Now that we have created a simple framework that we are going to use, let us go over some examples to drill this deep into your minds. Before we go to the section, it is pertinent that you always remember the importance of risk management when you are learning technical analysis and candlestick patterns. In your trading career, you will find out that most of these patterns only work about half the time or less. When they don't work, you need to have good risk management to get out of bad positions. Risk management is the holy grail of trading. Please do not forget that. + +## Battles of Bulls and Bears + +## [TSLA Daily Chart](https://tradytics.com/stocks-dashboard?ticker=TSLA) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8349r1ie0o761.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9d89a6b2ea4978416cdafe4b898ad9a2fbe60d4 + +Instead of naming different candlestick patterns, we are going to do something different here. We are going to look at a few charts and see if there are any patterns that can illustrate how the battle between bulls and bears worked out. + +There are four instances in this chart where a good battle took place between bears and bulls. In the first instance, we can see that the price was rallying for a few days. However, on November 27th, 2020, the price started low, went up very high but ended up very low as well. That tells us that bulls were in control at one point in the day but bears took control and defeated bulls thus closing the price close to the low of the day. In the next few days, we can see a reversal happen. On the next three instances, we observed a very similar pattern. Digressing a bit here, there's a great quotation, "Price has memory" that you need to remember. If a certain patter/type of battle keeps appearing on a chart, it has a much higher probability of panning out as compared to one-time battle. + +On points 2, 3, and 4, we can see that we had a short term downtrend and the bears tried to make the trend continue. However, bulls took over and brought the price from a very low to either a middle ground or close to the high of the day. In the following days, we can see reversals happening + +## [HD Daily Chart](https://tradytics.com/stocks-dashboard?ticker=HD) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dohldhwd0o761.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=8708bec4efd15c26fc222b1d57273c0b3d6f2d6f + +So many things to learn from this chart. Let us start with point number 1 where we saw what folks call a "Bearish Engulfing Candle". In layman terms, that simply means that the bears were able to get the price down to ever lower the low of the previous day all the way from the top. People call this an engulfing candle because it sort of engulfs the previous candle. Sometimes, these candles can start a new short term trend as we can see here. After the engulfing by bears, the price went down. + +The second point is actually very interesting and one of the higher probability setups you will find. When price continues to go in a trend for a long period of time before we see a candle where the opposite party completely defeats the trending party, we usually see a reversal from there. That is exactly what you see after point number 2. The reason this happened was because bulls had tried their hard to get the price up but bears were dominating and made the price go to the very low of the candle. I do not want to name these candles a lot but people usually call this an inverted hammer. Again, as you can now see, no one should really remember the names as there are so many. Once you understand what happens, it's easy to spot patterns. + +Points 3, 4, and 5 are very similar and goes back to finding similar setups on a chart to increase probabilities. There were three times when the price was going in a downtrend before we got an indecision candle or a candle where bears were exhausted and bulls took over. After all such candles, we saw a reversal. + +## [MRNA Daily Chart](https://tradytics.com/stocks-dashboard?ticker=MRNA) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/h1we3bfd0o761.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=c00b690f54f33e729c04e700dfe0b63e4786fe3c + +With Moderna, we again see two bearish candles that engulfed the previous bullish candles. After the first candle, we immediately had an indecision candle where bulls and bears could not decide what to do. However, we had another engulfing candle at point 2 that started a downtrend. One thing to note here is that on a larger timeframe such as a weekly chart, the first engulfing candle would be enough to see that it started a longer term downtrend. After that candle, the price has never gone above the high of the candle. This is how we can gauge bullish and bearish pressure based on different candles to see if we should go long or short on a stock. + +## [QQQ Daily Chart](https://tradytics.com/stocks-dashboard?ticker=QQQ) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0xcylfxc0o761.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb0add93777473c0718865e3966c0c2d33f3bfad + +Indices are slightly hard to trade solely based on candlestick patterns. However, we can see some pretty clear ones here that I wanted to discuss. The first two patterns were candles where bulls wanted to continue their run but bears defeated them getting the price close to the low of the candles. That initiated a short term downtrend. + +The third is an interesting point where we again saw a bearish engulfing which started a slightly longer term downtrend. There are many small patterns after this candle such as an indecision green candle that started an uptrend, a hammer like candle that was a fake candlestick because the uptrend continued. Hammer like candlesticks are usually thought of as reversal patterns but they can also be thought of as bulls defeating the bears and price can potentially continue higher, which it did here. + +Finally, the fourth point is again a hammer like candlestick that led to a big reversal. As I said previously, hammer like candles are mostly used to find reversals. But since the price went down and eventually came back, it also sometimes shows that bullish pressure is still there. The reason most people use them as reversal signals is that it gives us a sign of caution because there was a time when bears were able to get the price to the very low of the candle. Although bulls defeated bears for that particular candle, just the indication of bearish pressure is sometimes enough to infer a reversal. + +## [BA Daily Chart](https://tradytics.com/stocks-dashboard?ticker=BA) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3iqrflac0o761.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=8246cecf6af6f0a6e4a5a5f7c2740d40a5be2e1b + +When you start finding candlestick patterns on charts, one thing you will realize is that there are many fakeouts i.e patterns that don't pan out immediately or don't pan out at all. There are many theories behind why this happens. One reason is that since most people know that retail traders are going to follow these patterns, they fake them to create liquidity in the market because people immediately start buying and selling on these patterns. Another reason is that these patterns are just not universal. They can show the battle between bulls and bears but new events, news, and other things come up that can affect that pressure. + +In Boeing's chart, we can see that we had a huge indecision candle where bulls and bears could not decide which way to go. After a good up or downtrend, an indecision is a sign of reversal because the trending party is losing momentum. That is what we would have expected there but look at the large green candle the next day, which was a fake candle. After that, the price indeed started to go in a downtrend. + +## Final Thoughts + +That is it. This was a short introduction to how retail traders should go about looking at candlesticks to gauge bullish and bearish pressure. I personally learned this way of looking at candlesticks from this amazing book by Alexander Elder called [The New Trading for a Living](https://www.amazon.com/New-Trading-Living-Psychology-Discipline/dp/1118443926). The book goes into length on many things we have discussed in this post. Please note that I have no affiliation with the author. + +Finally, I would like to urge retail traders to spend time learning to read price action because it is an important skill to have in your arsenal. People forget that almost all technical indicators are simply extensions of price action since they are calculated based on the price and volume. Therefore, if you understand the tension between bulls and bears well, you will not need any technical indicators. Most of the examples we see in this post are also on daily charts. The same principles hold for weekly charts, intraday charts, or any other time period. +Sorry for being a bit vague about my financial situation but I am really bad at this type of math. I have about $10k in credit card debt but my credit is very good and I have about $50k in credit at my disposal if I needed it (which I hopefully won’t). I know it is good to have an emergency fund in savings, but would it be better to put off putting cash in a savings account until I pay that down? I also have a voluntary pre-tax retirement retirement plan through work. Should I also skip or lower those payments until the credit card debt is paid? + +Right now I take home about $3000/month and expenses are about $1600. I put $200 in the retirement plan that’s not included in take home pay. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ending-the-extra-600-a-month-americans-are-getting-in-unemployment-benefits-could-cost-the-us-more-jobs-some-economists-say-2020-05-28 + +Two-thirds of Americans are receiving more money from unemployment benefits than they did from their jobs, largely because of a supplemental $600 weekly benefit that’s part of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act. + +However, job openings hit a three-year low in March, the most recently reported month in the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly Job Openings and Labor Turnover report. Job openings are expected to continue to dwindle, suggesting that more Americans are unlikely to leave their state’s unemployment insurance program. +I simply want to share with you an article by Business Insider I recently read, called "These 3 firms own corporate America". + +The rise of the index investing led to a situation, when the three giant American asset managers - BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street together have more than $20 trillion under management in 2022. + +Together, the Big Three (BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street) are the largest single shareholder in almost 90% of S&P 500 companies, and the largest shareholder in 40% of all publicly listed firms in the United States. + +The individual investors, pension funds and institutional investors own the shares through the index funds, but The Big Three do exert the voting rights attached to these shares. + +The author concludes, that a huge power is concentrated in the hands of very few people, who can change the fate of any company in the US. +Just a simple thought. People keep saying "do they really think we're selling?" and the answer is no. They know you won't sell. They are screwed, yeah. + +The dips. The volume. The price slowly lowering. It's not for us. + +Like a creature playing dead, SHFs are manipulating the price so that other institutional players don't buy in. They won't convince us, but they can throw off technical indicators that might make other large investors stay clear. Or make it too risky. + +So yes, we buy these dips, and they are aware and there's nothing they can do about it. They just HAVE to make it look like it's a slow sell off or else the whole financial world will FOMO in and then it's game over anon, even if it means selling more shares into the hands of us ape's who got nothing better to do on a Tuesday except HODL. +**TA;DR : Banks are fuk, USD is possibly fuk. How can we keep our tendies after everything goes to shit? Here are some of my ideas and I'd really like to hear some of yours. Apes together strong!** + +So I just finished checking out this great infographic post on how the value of the US dollar has pretty much plummeted during the last 50 years since the creation of the Federal Reserve, and it really got me thinking. + +For those who have yet to see it, you can check it out here: [Exactly 50 years ago Today (Aug 15,1971) the US was taken off the gold standard. Since then, the dollar has lost over 85% of it's value.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p51rh5/exactly_50_years_ago_today_aug_151971_the_us_was/) + +I've seen this sentiment about the declining value of the USD pretty regularly in this sub. Combined with the exponentially increasing rate of inflation in the US, I think it's a very important reality we all need to be aware of, especially as future mill/billionaires. However, something we don't really talk about often is how if this happens, all our USD tendie$ are going to effectively be worthless or close to worthless due to hyperinflation. + +There's also a very real possibility of large banks collapsing after MOASS. For those of you who don't know, banks are only insured up to [$250,000 per depositor, per bank and per ownership category](https://www.fdic.gov/resources/deposit-insurance/faq/) by the FDIC. Credit unions are similarly only insured up to $250,000, but by the NUAC instead. + +People have suggested using credit unions both now and post-MOASS as they're (probably) not overexposed to the incoming market crash. While this is a great idea and definitely better than keeping your gorzillions in the likes of 🤢 Wells Fargo, Chase or 🤮 Credit Suisse, I think it's important for people to realize that if they've got $40,000,000 in a credit union account and for some reason, it happens to collapse, the feds are only gonna write you a check for 0.6% of your total funds ($250,000). + +The same is true for banks, of course. This can be somewhat mitigated by splitting your deposits across multiple **insured** institutions (always make sure your depository institutions are insured, people!), but even then, each of us would need at least 160 separate US-based accounts just to have the value of a single share fully insured! + +**So something I think needs to gain traction in this sub is what options we have to preserve our wealth after we get it.** + +Every time someone mentions this, one of the options that is offered is crypt0, which is a great idea but honestly also pretty speculative. We have to accept that there's a chance that crypt0 will crash as the value of the dollar plummets and people lose faith in "speculative" investments. + +While I'm a big crypt0 believer, I wouldn't want to have all my eggs in a single basket. Especially as I'm sure that many of the hedge funds that are currently using the US stonk market as their private pump and dumpster will simply fully move to crypt0 until the GG squad can pass any serious crypt0 regulation. + +In the meantime, they'll probably continue using the crypt0 markets to steal money from retail investors as they try to claw their way back from the dead. + +Putting a portion of our newly-gained fiat into the stock market is also a possibility. While invested funds aren't "insured" in the same way as $$$ in a bank account, no one can just take your shares from you. The value may fluctuate, sure, but like crypt0, the actual shares are always yours. + +However, a lot of apes on here have mentioned how this whole saga has actually made them lose faith in the American market and they'll never invest in it again. I think until the SEC can prove that market manipulation will not be tolerated, this is a perfectly valid perspective to have. + +Buying land is another great option I've seen mentioned, but it's not liquid enough to use as a bank account. Buying rental properties or investing in REITs for a steady stream of passive income might work to preserve the value of our MOASS gainz, but I know a lot of you don't want to become landlords yourselves. + +So full disclosure, I'm probably going to do all these things post MOASS. Put 20% into a diversified crypto portfolio, 20% back into the sea of red value stocks that I believe will bounce back after [**The Fall**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p3qqwv/make_sure_you_have_plans_for_both/) and another 20% into land and real estate. (Not Financial Advice 😑) + +But that still leaves me around 16 milly after I sell 1 share. So what's an ape to do? Well first, I'm gonna pay off my house and buy/pay off houses for my family so they don't end up homeless after 2008 V2.0 + +After that, Idk. I had some ideas though that I'd like to run by you guys, my favorite group of retarded savants, to see what you all have to say and what we can come up with together. + +**1.** + +What do you guys think of diversifying our tendies into other fiat currencies? Like putting part of our gains into Euros, Yen and (maybe?) Renminbi/Yuan? + +I figure that if the USD succumbs to hyperinflation, having some funds in a few other world reserve currencies would make the overall value of those deposits strong against the dollar and at least ensure a comfortable lifestyle. + +I really have absolutely no experience whatsoever in Forex though, so I don't even know what I'm talking about. Do any of you know if this would be a viable idea or what some of the downsides would be? Obviously, I'd try to find insured depository institutions and pay taxes on interest received. I'm not trying to avoid taxes, just protect my steaming hot tendies from getting gobbled up by the maw of a market collapse. + +The only drawback my smooth brain can come up with is that if the USD fails it might trigger a worldwide market failure and I'd still just be losing money but with extra steps. + +**2.** + +How does the idea of buying up struggling businesses sound? Plenty of small to mid-size businesses took a serious hit during Covid, and some of them are still struggling. I can only imagine that after a large-scale market crash while the country is still dealing with the effects/after-effects of the pandemic, plenty of operations with solid business structures that are profitable during normal times might begin shuttering, possibly because of poor cash flow. + +If we reinvest some of our post-MOASS funds into these businesses we can possibly snatch up some great investments at pretty low prices. Not only could we possibly make some decent returns once the economy recovers, but we'd be helping our local communities by preserving jobs. Worst case scenario, if the business ends up going tits up anyway, we can liquidate its assets and recover a good chunk of our initial investment. + +This option is definitely not for everyone, but for those of us who are a little business savvy, it might be a great opportunity to at least preserve part of our wealth from hyperinflation. + +**3.** + +This next one I feel like is a beaten horse, but I think it's worth mentioning. How intelligent is it to buy precious metals (actual metals, not paper IOUs) as a hedge against inflation? It's been shown that the precious metals market (looking at you Silver) can be just as manipulated and sprinkled with a heaping serving of crime as some stocks are. + +However, precious metals have always been considered "safe" assets to hold during a recession. As long as we don't see a repeat of President Roosevelt's criminalization of gold ownership, having actual metals in our possession might help us to weather the financial shit storm that would be the fall of the world's reserve currency. Precious metals are a lot more liquid than other assets and can even be used as bartering tokens if the shit **really** hits the fan. + +One of my concerns with precious metals is that if people find out I have a good stash, it's gonna make myself, my home and my family a big juicy target. So I would definitely make sure no one knows what I'm holding, and much less that it's in a vault inside my home (no way am I trusting a bank's safe deposit box with anything of mine - banks are equally fuk). + +**4.** + +Finally, it occurred to me that art & collectibles might be another great store of value. However, this is another subject I'm completely ignorant about, other than knowing the rich currently use it to put their cash in instead of keeping it in fiat. + +If anyone knows more about how effective or useful this would be, please chime in. The only thing I do know, is that art & collectibles tend to be very illiquid and it can take a long time to find a buyer interested in paying whatever stupid amount appraisers say it's worth. + +Those are pretty much all my ideas, but I'd really love to hear what my online ape troop thinks about this too. I can't imagine I'm the only one who'se concerned about holding onto my MOASS gains during uncertain financial times. + +This obviously isn't meant as financial advice, but as a way to generate what I believe to be a crucial discussion on how we can all preserve our upcoming wealth, especially with MOASS right around the corner. +"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on. If +enough people think the same way, that becomes a self fulfilling +prophecy. Once it gets bootstrapped, there are so many +applications if you could effortlessly pay a few cents to a +website as easily as dropping coins in a vending machine." + +Satoshi Nakamoto +--edited to add because of comments -- Warning, 10 minute read. No tldr. Use your brain. There is a conclusion at the end, but some people wanted a tldr. Also, i wrote this 2 years ago. So yes, we just had the 7 year anniversary of monero, not the 5th. And randomx has been on the network for almost 2 years now. ---- + +I originally wrote this and posted it on https://moneroworld.com/whymonero.html , but obviously no one reads that. + +so, thought I would put it out here. + +# Why monero? + +You may be coming across this article as someone new to cryptocurrencies because of some recent bull run in bitcoin, and you are one of those folks that think you've missed the bitcoin wave so you want to try and find another coin that might also rocket to the moon. Or, you've been following Monero for a long time but have never got in for whatever reason, and getting in can mean either buying a nice bag or getting the software and actually using it. Or, you've researched Bitcoin and see the flaws that exist and you're wondering what project has actively addressed these flaws. + +I know I shouldn't write a piece that tries to shill Monero to you, but why not? I think Monero is the best thing out there, and I almost feel it a disservice that our community can't communicate the awesomeness of Monero effectively, and people end up "investing" in other altcoins because those coins have louder voices. So, I will add my voice to the noise. + +First and foremost, I should probably expound the larger issue at hand - the global schema of my thoughts - my interpretation of our human experience. I believe that humanity is destined for greatness, and that our consciousness provides us faculty that is unprecedented in the web of life. The life force, be whatever it may, has granted us these abilities so that we can Do Our Part in the great expansion of life. Humanity is steward of life as we know it; thus we have the ability to write the story of how this strange notion of life grows throughout the cosmos. Now I don't know where I've gotten this notion - probably some strange whispering manifestation of Mother Culture. If you think we are just meatpuppets put here to eat, shit, and reproduce... well, i guess monero might give you the chance to do more of that in a more fancy way if monero moons to the lambo world. But me, personally... I think cryptocurrency is revolutionary and will change the course of humanity. + +Before diving into "why Monero", I should probably first dive into "why cryptocurrency". First, one has to have an appreciation of the existing monetary and financial system. The quote you often see thrown around sums it up quite well: “It was Henry Ford who said in substance this: ‘It is perhaps well enough that the people of the nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning”. Now it should be noted that I don't consider myself a wild laissez faire kind of guy - I think there is a place for laws, rules, regulation, etc. You shouldn't be allowed to put toxins in the water supply, and you shouldn't be able to just rob somebody blind because an opportunity presents itself. I personally think that the common person is good, and when in favorable circumstances the common person will promulgate that good. Thus, it behooves the systems in which we live to foster these favorable circumstances, and this fostering is an act that can, and is, achieved. In fact, it could be said that the laws of our society best serve the individual when they are performing this fostering. + +And before getting to Monero, we should also explore my conceptualization of value. Here, I use value as that which has worth. And this worth I refer to is the personal worth of time. "Is this worth my time". The phrase "time is money" comes to mind, and even though it is a now banal colloquialism that we utter mindlessly, it is a very powerful phrase. Time is a unique concept perhaps known only to man. Indeed, we have no idea how it works. Despite this elusive nature of time, our entire consciousness is predicate on the flow of time. Our narrative about who we are, as an individual or as a society or as a civilization, is firmly planted in the wake of times arrow, and its hopes and dreams in the arrow's path ahead. Thus, it is quite remarkable that we have invented the ability to "store time" in the form of money. Because, indeed, the most valuable thing we have is our time in this universe, and we have found a way to make time "timeless" by storing it in value transfer and storage instruments. If you want to spend less time on something, you can spend more money to get it done. If you want to obtain money, you have to spend time. If you manage to rid yourself of the need of money, you own more of your time. So things that have value are things into which we invest time. From that investment of time, we either see an immediate consequence in the form of satisfaction (or any other element of the human experience) or we see a time-deferred consequence in the form of money acquisition to be spent on future elements of the human experience. + +To me, it boils down to the fact that the extant monetary systems and policies of the world have created a system where value has been misplaced, and therefore, value has become perverted and the world has become valueless. This can be seen in how the United States of America, for instance, values human health. The very basic notion of tending to human physiology has been monetized and packaged as a commercial product, and for many this is a product that is unaffordable. The basic needs of child development have been made dependent on financial status. The natural world in which we live has been shaped by these perverted values - our environment is endlessly exploited and marching towards collapse. The things which should hold the most value - life, and that which fosters life - do not have value. Ironically, it seems the thing that holds the most value is the ability to identify value (I'm looking at you Wall Street). It's easy to see how this orabourus ring of value will just put us in a downward spiral. + +So how can cryptocurrencies fix this? Firstly, I don't know if they can - but I do know that they are different and can change the course of things. It is possible their fundamental properties could modify our values towards the good, though I guess it is possible they could modify our values towards the bad. I have a notion, though, that it is the former - towards the good. I get this feeling due to the fact that a cryptocurrency - a GOOD cryptocurrency - is one that is trustless and permissionless. These properties allow the cryptocurrency itself to function as the authority, so that the Human Hand can not interfere with the progression of things. The extant systems are centralized - controlled by a powerful few who are forced to make decisions and modify parameters on the fly to achieve some target state. I can't quite put my finger on why centralized monetary systems fail, but it mostly has to do with the fact that decisions have to be made, and humans can make bad decisions. In the existing system, this creates odd feedback loops that ultimately end up destroying your 401k and erode the value of the US dollar over decades timespans, for instance. Honestly, inflation to this degree has never made sense to me. The fact that time erodes value implies that the past has less value than the present. If you can fathom nonlinear time, or embrace the possibility that time doesn't exist, you can see that this construct of eroding value just ... doesn't make sense. Thus, I ponder why this exists. Based on the current wealth disparities of our current world, I think there's an obvious reason why it exists - to work for those in power, and to keep others from gaining this power. + +Furthermore, these systems are dynamic - they change. The terms quantitative easing and prime lending rate come to mind as examples of these dynamic parameters. Granted, the ability to adapt to a changing environment is generally a good thing. However, when this change is centralized, this dynamic nature becomes less and less favorable as the changes implemented depend on the notions of this centralized entity. + +So the case must be made why the existing system is a failure and why it has failed. I would argue the existing system has failed because it has created significant gaps in a human's ability to thrive in the system based on both the socio-economic status they are born into as well as their geographic location. The Horatio Alger stories have *always* been a myth, and these days they are moreso. Granted, there are still flukes, but the exceptions really only draw attention to design of the existing state - that the state is *so bad* that those that have the ability to rise above and find their way out are exceptional and superheroes. This is ridiculous. Literally - should be ridiculed. "The pursuit of happiness" becomes a luck of the draw, either that you are born into money or you have the rare ability to not need that much of it in a world built on it - e.g., you are born with no illnesses and have the mental faculty to liberate your thoughts from the pursuit of money. + +Why the existing system has failed is unknown to me. I have notions, but the exact technical reasons are not within the scope of this rambling. Overall, I think the term failure may be too strong - the system is *not* a failure for some. But overall, I think the existing system has failed because it has just run its course. The existing system was not given to us as a corporeal manifestation of some archetype of monetary systems. It exists like all things today exist - because some group of someones thought it up and made it happen. It was designed, it is an experiment. So "why it failed" can simply be waved away with the notion that we never knew whether it would work. So, when you start with the question of "does it work", and the answer is "no", then it didn't fail. + +Of course, the same can be said of cryptocurrency. Does it work? Well, that's what were doing. Figuring it out. + +Perhaps one notion thats important to exclaim is that I think we will see both the new cryptocurrency system and the old system live alongside each other for a long time. The two are not mutually exclusive - indeed, cryptocurrency can bring to the extant system a novel type of input / modifier / parameter that it didn't have before, and perhaps this new element is a piece of the overall puzzle that has been missing. + +So now that I've rambled enough about why cryptocurrencies are revolutionary and not just a new paypal or visa or investment vehicle, lets get into Why Monero. + +First off, this is just my opinion. I'm just a dude. I got into Monero years ago because I studied Bitcoin and identified parts about it that I didn't like. Namely, the proof of work (PoW). The proof of work in a cryptocurrency is one of the most important aspects of the entire system. Its what allows the consensus mechanism to remain trustless, permissionless, and decentralized. Its what allows the ledger of transactions to grow in an uncensored way without anyones approval. In bitcoin, this proof of work is now performed by Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) machines, which are special computers purpose-built just for bitcoin mining. There are a small handful of companies that make these machines, and they have very few incentives to sell the hardware directly to consumers - most have incentives to use the hardware themselves to mine for profit, and then sell the hardware to consumers. In addition, these computers are expensive, loud, difficult to source, and difficult to use. In an ideal world, anyone can contribute to the mining network of a cryptocurrency, because - again - this mechanism is how the network remains decentralized, and the entire value of these new currencies comes from their decentralization. You should be able to contribute to the mining network in a meaningful way. + +Instead, what has happened in bitcoin is the economies of scale have made the mining infrastructure heavily centralized. Large mining farms are built containing thousands of these ASICs, managed by an individual or company, and located in parts of the world favorable for mining (climate and cheap power). Furthermore, the dominance of ASICs means that you can only contribute to the mining network in a meaningful way if you have an ASIC. You can not buy an ASIC at your local computer store. I doubt you can import them in some parts of the world. So here, a barrier to participation has been erected, and this is a centralizing force. + +Why is decentralization important? This whole cryptocurrency thing is *completely* dependent on decentralization - no one can shut this down, and no single entity can do significant damage to the network. The centralizing factors created by ASIC mining are multifaceted, but mainly center on the fact that it an ASIC is physical hardware. The hardware needs to exist, and it needs to get to where it is going. For one, in order to manufacture ASICs, a company needs permission from the state they are operating in. So, effectively, we need approval from the state in order to manufacture the computer equipment to secure the bitcoin network. + +Doesn't that seem.... odd? + +I think its more than odd. I think its flat out wrong and dangerous. Its counter to the entire reason Bitcoin exists - to be stateless, authority-less currency. + +So how does Monero address this mining aspect? The protocol that started Monero was actually designed with this goal in mind. Back in 2014, this goal was called "ASIC Resistance". Basically, the developers of the original Monero code made a proof of work (Pow) that modified the Bitcoin PoW so that ASICs would be hard and expensive to build. This PoW is known as Cryptonight, and is referred to as CNv0 (Cryptonight Variant 0). Many years later, however, some companies decided to create ASICs anyway, even though they were expensive to make (most likely the value of Monero rose to a point where it made economic sense to build these machines). These ASICs infiltrated the network and commandeered a large percentage of the network hashrate. The Monero developers decided to tweak the PoW slightly (to create CNv1), so that any specific circuit design would no longer work. Furthermore, the Monero developers stated that the policy going forward would be to tweak the PoW every 6 months, in an effort to prevent the development of new ASICs (i.e., why would a company invest in making equipment that would become obsolete?). Admittedly, the Monero developers knew that this would be a battle of attrition (e.g., Monero devs tweak the PoW, ASIC designers make new chips, keep on fighting until one side gives up), so it was understood that this 6 month tweaking schedule was a way to buy time until a better solution could be found. Regardless, the first tweak (CNv1) may have worked - it is unclear if ASICs were developed for CNv1. On schedule, the Monero developers introduced CNv2. There was some evidence that the CNv2 epoch saw ASICs infiltrate the network again, though it is not certain. Due to the general gestalt of the community that ASICs were present, the Monero developers tweaked the PoW again, but this time ahead of schedule, to reach CNv3. And this is where the network stands at the time of this writing. + +Along the way, random souls of this Great Journey discovered Monero and it's quest for truly decentralized digital currency, and these souls hatched and developed the idea of what would become RandomX. Thinking about it now, its quite obvious, but the concept had evaded the entire cryptocurrency space for a whole decade. The proof of work, as built for Bitcoin, was effectively a hack. It uses cryptographic hashes to perform both the proof and the work. Howard Chu makes a good writeup of this PoW flaw , but in essence - you solve cryptographic puzzles and then prove you solved those puzzles using cryptography. This works, but cryptographic puzzles are really easy to solve - they are designed that way. You want a cryptographic puzzle to be easy to solve, because data needs to be protected, so it should be as easy as possible to protect it. For a cryptocurrency, you want a puzzle that is hard to solve but easy to prove. + +The goal - as stated in the original bitcoin whitepaper - is 1 CPU = 1 vote. The dreamers of RandomX took that to the extreme and thought, well, what does a CPU do really well? It executes programs. Any program. Anything you throw at a CPU, the CPU will just buckle down and do it. So this crew thought that a good bunch of work could be performed by creating a random program, having the CPU execute the program, and then proving that the whole thing was completed. Thus, they used cryptography to prove that a CPU had a done a lot of work, and the work that was done was just random programs. + +So this has been developed, and as of writing, RandomX is currently in the birth canal, waiting for some final reviews and initial implementations to wreak its glorious entropy-defying nature unto the fabric of the universe. The lock-step amorphous conjuring of an idea mashed into existence by disparate souls connected by a lightspeed communication network, a phenomenon only present in a true open source project, is occurring before our eyes and Monero may be handed the fervent baton of progress as humanity continues its relentless march through time. + +Of course, there are still aspects of the mining infrastructure that are anathema to decentralization - primarily pooled mining. Here, mining pool operators are creating block templates, and then the miners submit solutions the pool operator and the operator then builds the block. Therefore, the number of block producers on the Monero network is effectively equal to the number of pools (this is the same as all contemporary PoW networks). This is not a great situation, but at this time there are no clear solutions. I would argue, however, that having a decentralized PoW algorithm fosters a more independent mining community, such that any rogue pool operator will be abandoned and miners will migrate to pools that are following the protocol. There are some developments in Monero that may help chip away at this problem - namely, the idea of hash-for-service. Here, a user of the monero network will submit mining shares to receive a service of the monero network. This has mainly been designed as a means to incentivize those that run public RPC services - i.e., the ones you use as remote nodes for mobile wallets and using the GUI without your own copy of the blockchain. This will slightly increase the number of independent block producers. + +In addition to these decentralized aspects, Monero also have the vaulted property of actual being money. Monero's privacy gives it the property of fungibility, an essential property of money that all first generation cryptocurrencies do not have. Bitcoin is not fungible, ethereum is not fungible, litecoin is not fungible, etc. The privacy-protecting features of Monero are integral to its function as money. The features are well described elsewhere, but the primary outcome is that you can not trace transactions on the blockchain, you can not assign an identity to a transaction, and you can not see the value of a transaction. Of course, this does not mean that Monero provides 100% privacy - there are ways that metadata can leak due to user behavior, and some fundamental properties inherited from the internet itself can leak information. Countermeasures for these are being developed. It is important to note, however, that although Monero can not provide 100% privacy, I would argue that the Monero blockchain itself is 100% private and 100% fungible. If an adversary only has access to the Monero blockchain and they have NO access to meta-data, it would be very difficult for them to track the flow of money. + +Thus, when you spend your Monero, you do not need to worry about your money's history or its future or its ability to function. You don't need to worry that your monero may have come from a culturally-relevant nefarious activity, or that your transaction partner is going to use the money in culturally-relevant nefarious ways. You don't need to worry that your transaction partner can now monitor the blockchain to calculate your wealth. You don't need to worry that your transaction will be censored by a mining pool, or that the network will grind to a hault due to state interference of mining operations. + +Right now, the only legitimate fear that Monero can instill is that there is a bug in the code that allows for inflation or a breach in the privacy technology. These fears may always be present, as the technology is continually updated and new features are made available. Firstly, Monero has just celebrated its 5 year anniversary. This means there has been 5 years of software development. A critical bug in the original cryptonote code has been identified by Monero developers and fixed, and it was determined that this bug was not exploited. I am personally confident that the Monero money supply is sound. Again, this confidence comes from the fact that the software is now "old" and that hundreds of software developers have worked on it. I am confident that the privacy technology is secure because, again, the software is old and we have a dedicated team of cryptographers that study and develop this technology. + +So with all of that being said, if you are going to "invest" in a cryptocurrency, shouldn't you invest in a cryptocurrency that is actually a cryptocurrency? Also, it should be noted that if you plan on simply buying some monero and holding it, you are not investing - you are speculating. A true investment in Monero means that you are involved, in some way, to make the network better and stronger. Sure, you could argue that buying all the monero to "invest" means the price will skyrocket and maybe attract more development, but the network won't grow stronger as an immediate consequence of your actions. You, as a single user, have the ability to strengthen the monero network by investing time in understanding the software, burning electricity to support the network through mining and node operations, and developing the software and other infrastructure. For instance, one of the *most* critical aspects of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem that is overlooked is that a functioning cryptocurrency requires a functioning internet. At this point in time, it is possible for end users to build their own internet (some kind of mega meshnet) - this is a critical development that must occur, and can only occur if people invest time in developing the infrastructure that supports Monero. + +In conclusion, Monero is money. Money is inherently private due its fungible nature. Cryptocurrency needs to be permissionless and decentralized in order to function as stateless money. Therefore, the only cryptocurrency that can currently function as money is Monero. +Balance: $1,486.66. + +Minimum payment: $29.61. + +>At your current rates of interest, if you make only your minimum payment by its due date each month, it will take approximately 23 year(s) and 9 month(s) to repay the account balance shown on this statement. + +>>**23 year(s) and 9 month(s)** + +A message like this comes on every credit card statement I get. It's scary how bad it can be. +The credit score is *still* one of the most oft-addressed topic in /r/personalfinance. It shouldn't be. Building a good credit score is simple. A few simple truths you should keep in mind: + +**Utilization is not worth worrying about.** It has no history, can be changed in a month, and isn't the biggest factor in your credit score anyways. Stop worrying about it. + +**Extending loans for the sake of improving your credit score is silly.** Choose to extend a loan longer than you otherwise would to use your money more effectively (for example, if you have a very low interest loan you might want to make an IRA contribution instead where you hope to get higher returns), not because you think it will improve your credit score. + +**It doesn't matter what your credit score is if the rest of your finances are a mess.** Good credit scores come from sound finances, not the other way around. + +**It's fine to leave unused accounts open as long as you aren't being charged.** This could include old credit cards, lines of credit from a bank, or whatever else. Just make sure you verify you aren't being charged a fee to do so. + +**Never carry a credit card balance.** Always pay your credit card bills in full, every month. If you can't afford to pay off your credit card bill in full, that is a sign you cannot afford whatever it is you charged to it. + +Everyone has lots more to worry about in life besides their credit score. Focus on what's important in your financial life and a good credit score will follow. + +I hope everyone has another happy, debt-free holiday season. Let's all make an effort in the new year to unwrap people from around FICO's little finger even just a little bit. +JUNE 3, 2021 EDIT: This has been reposted since the AGM is coming up quickly. Some apes have pointed out that the AMA with Wes Christian confirmed this further, that some over-voting may be corrected prior to those votes reaching Computershare/GME. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +*This is not legal or financial advice. I am a random ape and you have no reason to believe or trust what I say. Look at this from your own perspective and inform your own decisions. Nom nom. Crayons.* + +I know there is a lot of hope riding on over voting during the shareholder meeting. I made a DD post that was well received on the potential impact of over voting. + +I wanted to follow up with this post, because in Dr. T's AMA, she mentioned something that I did not know - **Broadridge offers a service to allow a broker to "correct" its voting records before the votes are put to the inspector of elections/the issuer**. + +TL;DR: This means that certain brokers who pay Broadridge may adjust the votes that they report to the company for the shareholder meeting in order to hide over-voting. **This means that the actual votes cast may already be corrected (reduced to eliminate over voting from a particular broker) before the votes get to the company.** + +**Background** + +Many, including me, believe that over voting at the shareholder meeting will provide the Board of GameStop with evidence of naked shorting and that the shorts have not covered. Armed with this knowledge, the Board has an obligation to act in the best interests of its shareholders and may consider and implement courses of action designed to maximize shareholder value in light of this information. + +*But what if those votes are "corrected" before they even get to the company?* + +Here is an excerpt from the transcript ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky\_news\_special\_report\_dr\_susanne\_trimbath/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/)): + +* Dr. T + * Yes, and even *issuers* have a hard time finding out exactly what is going on with *their own stock,* this is a **long-term** problem. But there a few things which bubble up and one of them is during the annual meeting when it comes to voting + * Now after we raised this issue in 2005 there was Broadbridge, who processes a lot of this electronically, put in a service to the brokers, they can pay that if they report more shares to be voted, **THAN** they have held at DTC, then Broadbridge will tell them to ‘fix it’ *before* they tell the issuer + * And that is probably how 15% of the overvotes down, right, so they went from 100% of the test cases (Leaglese edit: being over-voted) to only 85% of the test cases, because Broadbridge will tell DTC, of the 1,000,000 million shares, 100,000 are held by Goldman, Merryl etc. So Broadbridge goes to Goldman and says you have 100,000, who does the vote go to? + * Goldman then says we have 200,000 or 150,000, Broadbridge will say sorry, you only have 100,000 so you need to fix this. Goldman then has a system where they have retail investors, within their accounts that they have more shares than actually existed. + +This is actually a very big deal and should not be overlooked. + +It is likely that the company itself will not get the full picture of how many of its shares actually over voted. + +**What does it mean?** + +Do not put the shareholder results on a pedestal. Do not expect too much with these results. **It is unlikely that the shareholder votes being cast will - ON THEIR OWN - trigger any squeeze. It is likely that FUD will spread when there isn't an insane announcement of 10x the float voting at the meeting. Ignore it, because you shouldn't expect that anyways.** + +The company will have to file an 8-k within 4 business days after the shareholder meeting, here is an example from 2019 ([https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638019000128/form8-k2019votingresults.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638019000128/form8-k2019votingresults.htm)). Note that the inspector of records will likely correct these numbers before finalizing them for the company to be filed with the SEC. The company would know the real number of votes reported to the inspector of records. Those votes will likely be adjusted for 8-k filing purposes, because you cannot properly disclose more shares voted than those that the company actually issued. + +It is possible that the company would put out a statement in addition to its 8-k disclosing how much or whether it needed to adjust shares due to over voting, but the company may not. + +**Why vote?** + +Here's my perspective on it from my earlier post: While over-voting does not directly and immediately trigger a share recall or force shorts to cover, **it does provide the company with information on the total votes cast, which it could use as evidence of massive naked shorting of its shares and consequently the fraudulent creation of millions of shares**. The company may publicize this information, which would refute the narrative that all shorts covered. This may put the SEC and the NYSE on notice that this has happened and needs to be investigated and resolved immediately. + +**This may also cause the company to pursue other actions that it would not have reasonable grounds to pursue without this hard evidence of the creation of synthetic shares that should not exist and artificially drive down shareholder value.** Those other actions by the company may result in a triggering event that would force the shorts to cover. + +***Vote your shares, you diamond handed apes, to fulfill your role as a shareholder of the company.*** + +For more information on the inspector of records and the voting process, you can see my post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mya2a8/dd\_heres\_what\_happens\_if\_there\_is\_over\_voting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mya2a8/dd_heres_what_happens_if_there_is_over_voting/) + +*Still not legal or financial advice.* + +EDIT POST: /u/Repulsive_Counter_79 suggested reaching out to brokers asking about this. If any apes ask their brokerage if the broker pays Broadridge to advise if the votes reported exceed the broker's share position at DTC, it would be interesting to hear the response. + +EDIT POST 1: Apparently Fidelity responded that they did not have information on this, but GME investor relations would be the ones to ask. That said, GME investor relations would not know about a broker's interaction with Broadridge to correct voting, so this remains a bit of a black box. +Decided to start investing for the first time....lots of research helped me decide on ETFs and safe investments. Discovered GME then WSB shortly after. Proceed to buy high and sell low as told. Discovered options and other meme stocks...tried to recover and YOLO on BBBY. I hate all you regards. +I ran a relatively simple spending flexibility scenario using my **Rich, Broke or Dead early retirement calculator**. This is a new feature I just added. It works like this: if you portfolio goes below your inflation-adjusted starting balance, your spending is reduced by your specified amount (e.g. 5%). If your portfolio goes back above that threshold, spending returns to normal (adjusted for inflation). + + +**Images to accompany the bullets below** **https://imgur.com/a/NMI5Bf1 +** + +Adding spending flexibility to your early retirement plans increases your chance of success because you aren't withdrawing as much when your portfolio is low. + +* With 0% spending flexibility and a 4% withdrawal rate, there's a 5% chance of being broke after 30 years (*this is basically the Trinity study and standard 4% rule*) and 24% chance after 50 years. +* With 5% spending flexibility and a 4% withdrawal rate (your spending is reduced by 5% in years that your portfolio value is lower than your starting point), there's now a 1% chance of being broke after 30 years and 17% chance after 50 years +* Changing that to 10% spending flexibility (your spending will be reduced by 10% in years that your portfolio value is lower than your starting point), there's now a 0% chance of being broke after 30 years and 12% chance after 50 years +* Changing that to 15% spending flexibility (your spending will be reduced by 15% in years that your portfolio value is lower than your starting point), there's now a 0% chance of being broke after 30 years and 4% chance after 50 years. +**(It's helpful to view the series of images in the link above)** + +Remember that the 4% rule is already pretty conservative (95+% success for a 30 year period) so adding flexibility in the form of reduced spending or part-time income in the case of poor market returns can greatly increase your chances of making it through a very long retirement. + +And I've ignored the longevity/death part of this calculator but looking at the giant death wedge makes the 4% rule with or without the spending flexibility seem like a pretty decent rule to follow. +Algos are very often built on indicators, but everybody knows, that markets move from one SR line to another, providing best entry/exit locations. But has anybody seen an algo/strategy using SR lines to determine entries/exits? +Essentially looking for the name of the test to check if the time series is holding a trende or not or if it was historically holding a trend but not anymore! + +This is the closest question asked that I could find on the sub: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/mxkjy0/testing\_stationarity\_properties\_to\_deduce/](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/mxkjy0/testing_stationarity_properties_to_deduce/) + +But this is not what I'm looking for! + +I thought of trying to find if the trend holds or not by looking at the angle between two linearly regressed time series each having 10 periods of lookback, but it is unreliable. +I know APIs like Alpaca can keep track of an individual's account, allowing the individual to use commands to see account balance, order history, etc. Is there a way for me to create multiple accounts (on any API) or do I have to generate separate API keys? + +For more context, I'm looking to create a paper trading app of my own and want to know if there is a way to hold account balances for my users without having to calculate everything within my own database. If you think there would be better subs to ask this, please let me know! +As the title says, what's the best way for somebody with little money and little knowledge to slowly get into penny stocks? + + I'm not into getting rich quick, just looking for something to spend a bit of time each day to learn something new and gradually make some money among the way. +Here for round 2 of why being a high school teacher has been an 'ear to the floor' revelation for me. + +Having taught in schools for nearly 5 years you can get a sense about what is important to kids. + +*Facebook is not cool* = Subsequent rebranding and losing relevance + +*Tik tok very cool* = tik tok becoming the leading social platform for 12 - 45 yr olds. + +*The US Office is better than the UK Office* = US office now the only one streaming on Aus Netflix. + +I must confess, 5 years ago I didn't hear any of the above. Facebook was (somehow) cool, tik tok didn't exist and there was stiff competition for which Office series was better. Fast forward to today.. + +I'm teaching my Yr 9 commerce class and they ask **"sir which crypto do you recommend buying?".** + +Students no longer laugh on this topic, even 3 years ago they might have switched off. But not now. they are increasingly involved in crypto and are investing in it themselves. This is because it is both relevant and achievable for them to do so. + +I'm telling you listen to what the youth is talking about; they are INTO crypto and that makes me bullish af. +When there’s big dumps in the markets, you always hear things like, “a whale just dumped $XXX million dollars of bitcoin in 10 minutes!” That is almost never the case. It’s true there are usually large events that trigger it, but you need to understand how trading bots and stop losses work. A stop loss is a certain price at which a trader, usually with the assistance of a bot, will decide their losses are too much and will sell their crypto to prevent even greater losses. + +For example let’s say bitcoin is at $45k, and a bot has a very conservative stop loss set for $43k. Then say there’s some price swings that bring the price down to $43k. The bot will now instantly dump its crypto to prevent further loss before the market goes down even further. + +Now, let’s say there’s not just one bot, but thousands. And let’s say some bots have stop losses in the $44.9k range, and some in the $44.8k range, and so on, and so on. That small market swing which brought the price down to $43k just triggered hundreds or thousands of stop losses. So what happens if there’s not enough buyers to support all these bots selling? The price continues to drop, and it will drop until it finds enough buyers to support all of these sellers. + +Remember these are bots. They are software programs that can trade instantly, so this massive sell-off and dump in the market happened in the span of just a few minutes. To untrained eyes it will look like an instant drop, which they conclude could only happen from a single massive sell, but that’s not he case. + +Traders love times like this. They’re able to watch the buy and sell volume and estimate when the buying support will sustain the sellers, and that’s when they start buying. A lot of noobs see a giant red line in the charts and assume it’s a good time to buy. Don’t. Traders say, “don’t catch falling knives” because if the buyers aren’t yet supporting sellers, that red line is going to get a lot longer. + +This is a super simple explanation, but you should at least be familiar with the concept if you’re going to dabble in crypto. + +Good luck! + +EDIT: Just to avoid confusion, a stop loss is a general term. There are different types of stop orders, but actually many bots won't set an actual order for their stop loss because that can affect the market. Instead the bot will constantly monitor the price in real-time and if its stop loss price is reached it'll sell. There's also trailing stop losses, which re-adjust the stop loss as the price increases. For example if you bought at $1.00 and set a stop loss in your bot at $0.80, if the price goes up to $1.20, the bot would re-adjust your stop loss to maybe $1.00. This allows maximum profits even when the price dumps. +I have been invited to go on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast for the fourth time. Please join me, live, on September 7th. The JRE podcast now has almost double the audience it had last time I was on, more than a year ago. Joe is as excited about bitcoin as ever and we have a lot to discuss. + + +For background, I am unmarried, have no dependents, and live in California. As the title states I make $52,000 before tax and take home $33,000 after taxes and benefits. + +I am 23. I have full benefits but feel I am overpaying for them. + +After tax I take home $38,500 and after benefits I take home $32,400. This is my first job out of college. Are these figures accurate? +Do some night shifts at Wendy's for a week. +Now you have $1000. + +2^20 is about a million. +SPY options 3 have expiries a week. + +Get 10 $2 width call or put debit spreads around the money. Depending on how your Oreos taste. +E.g. SPY is $450, get $449/451s. + +1 day later spy is up and you've now doubled your money. +Do it again with 20 spreads. 40. 80. ... +Repeat this twenty times. + +Do it again to cover your tax bill. + +Congrats, you're now a billionaire. + +The probability of this working is one in two million. There are two million+ special individuals here. One of us will be a billionaire in half a year if we follow this foolproof plan. +Hello my fellow **CTXR** friends, + +**CTXR** current price: **$2.08** + +**CTXR** has been standing steady around the $1.90 - 2.10 range for about 3-4 weeks now. + +We are finally closing into the day we have all been waiting for and that is the FDA approval of the Mino-lok. Today and tomorrow **CTXR** is holding a conference call on the Mino-lok phase 3 of the FDA Approval. We have been waiting for this announcement for a little over a month. + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/citius-pharmaceuticals-highlight-phase-3-130000818.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/citius-pharmaceuticals-highlight-phase-3-130000818.html) + +&#x200B; + +From previous analysis on this stock we have a bunch of different Price Targets. Many are assuming $4.00 after the announcement and $8.00 - $12.00 by the end of 2021. Personally I predict this stock could hit $10.00 just off the announcement initially and settle back down to the $4.00-$6.00 range until the company gets the manufacturing and sales inorder. But you have to remember the Mino-lok is not the only catalyst this company holds for products. They have 3 total products going through the trails. Mino-lok is the closest to finalizing. + +Incase you didn't know what they are: + +Mino-Lok + +*Our Mino-Lok product is an antibiotic lock solution used to treat patients with* [*catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSIs)*](https://www.citiuspharma.com/opportunity/crbsis/)*. CRBSIs are very serious, especially in cancer patients receiving therapy through central venous catheters (CVCs) and in hemodialysis patients where venous access presents a challenge.* + +Our Mino-Lok product is intended to salvage the CVC, obviating the need to remove and replace the catheter. This is a recognized unmet medical need. There are few alternatives to removing and replacing the CVC once it becomes infected. Studies show that removal and reinsertion of CVCs have a 15% to 20% complication rate, including pneumothorax, misplacement, and arterial puncture. + +Our Mino-Lok product contains a proprietary combination of minocycline, edetate (disodium EDTA), and ethyl alcohol, all of which act synergistically to break down bacterial biofilms, eradicate the bacteria, provide anti-clotting properties to maintain patency in CVCs, and salvage the indwelling catheter. The Mino-Lok product is used in two-hour locking cycles, allowing the CVC to be used for its intended purposes for the remaining 22 hours each day. + +CITI-002 + +CITI-002 is a topical formulation of halobetasol and lidocaine that is intended to provide anti-inflammatory and anesthetic relief to individuals suffering from hemorrhoids. In the United States, hemorrhoids affect nearly 5% of the population, with approximately 10 million patients annually reporting symptoms. + +Mino-Wrap (CITI-101) + +Our Mino-Wrap product (CITI-101) is a malleable, bio-absorbable film impregnated with minocycline and rifampin. It is designed to reduce infections associated with the use of breast tissue expanders (TE) used in breast reconstruction surgeries following mastectomies. + +Mino-Wrap is placed over or wrapped around the TE in the surgical pocket as a solid film. It swells and liquefies in situ for a specified period of time providing extended protection against infection from the most likely pathogens. In January 2019, Citius signed a definitive worldwide license agreement with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to develop and commercialize this novel approach to reducing postoperative infections associated with surgical implants. Mino-Wrap is being reviewed by the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (“CDER”) division. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +This company is a billion dollar company if the Mino-Lok gets the FDA Approval. + +The cost of CRBSIs is between **$33,000 and $44,000** in the general adult ICU, between **$54,000 and $75,000** in the adult surgical ICU, and approximately **$49,000** in the pediatric ICU. + +Being the only player in the game. This has huge upside potential especially once they have the manufacture in place and the product is in production we should see massive amounts of cash flow. + +Company Presentations: + +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/presentations](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/presentations) + +Balance sheet: + +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/balance-sheet](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/balance-sheet) + +Income statement: + +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/income-statement](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/income-statement) + +Cash Flow: + +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/cash-flow](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/cash-flow) + +Financial Results: + +[https://ir.citiuspharma.com/financial-results](https://ir.citiuspharma.com/financial-results) + +What should we expect in the next few days? Well IMO I think we will start seeing heavy volume starting to flow in since the announcement is near. If we can start getting heavy volume the price could easily reach new highs as CTXR has a low float and has some big institutional investors. + +Market Cap: +**241.59M** + +Outstanding Shares: +**125.78M** + +Share Float: +**67.62M** + +If the volume is heavy this price could reach my target on announcement very easily. Remember if the FBA approval gets approved this is easily a billion dollar company. We are only at a 241.59M Market Cap. Based on my numbers the company can Revenue around 1.6 Billion dollars with Mino-Lok alone. If this is the case we are looking at a 5 bagger - 7 bagger in the making coming very soon!!! + +Stay tuned because this stock is about to explode!!! + +***Disclaimer: 12,000 shares @ 1.92*** + +***This is not financial advice just simply facts and information on what is happening with CTXR.*** +There is a subreddit setting called "Minutes to hide comment scores" which does exactly what it says. The idea behind this setting is to hide comment scores to reduce [the bandwagon effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandwagon_effect). That is to say, visible comment scores introduce cognitive bias: + +* Most people are more likely to think a comment is good or bad based on how others have already voted +* There is also the reverse bandwagon effect where people will intentionally do the opposite of what the popular opinion is +* Sometimes users will think a comment's score is too high or low and use their vote to correct it. For example thinking a comment with 200 upvotes is good but not great, so they downvote it even though they thought it was good + +This kind of bias negatively influences they quality of votes because it considers how everyone else voted instead of just the quality of the comment itself. Currently this setting is set to 5 minutes, but I'm proposing that it be increased to 60 minutes. + +Some additional technical notes: + +* **Comment sorting is unaffected**, even though the specific scores are not visible +* **Your own comment scores are still visible to you**, this only affects seeing scores on comments by other users +* Comment scores are still visible to mods so work against vote manipulation is unaffected +* The time to hide scores can always be adjusted again in the future + +CCMeta post: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrencyMeta/comments/s45e8f/preproposal_the_time_to_hide_comment_scores/ + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/s88hbt) +I’d been holding some stablecoin waiting on a good re-entry point and BTC being under $30k this morning was it. + +If you look at corporate buys, they’re not looking to book a capital loss. That alone is strength enough to invest on, IMO. + +If you have funds sidelined, trying to figure out what to do, use regret theory: would you regret not buying under $30k more than whatever your other choice is? If so, buy. If not, stick to your plan. +I've been working since I was 18 and haven't contributed anything to my 401k. I'm finally in a spot where I can start, but as you guys know, this shit is complex for new comers. + +I'm roughly bringing in 26k a year and my expenses+luxuries are hovering around 980 a month. A couple things in collections that amount to about 200 dollars total debt. No debt otherwise. + +If I put in 6% company will do 3% maximum. I want to play catch up so my first thought is just throw in 25% a month, but I need to get health insurance this year. Obama Care penalties are killing my income tax returns now. + +I have about 6k in emergency fund and I rent my place. + +What would you guys do? This shit gives me a headache and I don't wanna avoid this for another 12 years. I read the How to handle $ thread which is how I got this far since Dec 2015. + +Still on the fence about future choices. + +Edit: I only have 200 dollars in collection debt. I'm not paying on the 200. +Posted by Olivier Janssens. Twitter: @olivierjanss https://twitter.com/olivierjanss + +Hi Everyone, + +Now that Lighthouse has been released (and its looking great!), it is time for the final (important) step! + +There is still $50,000 remaining in my bounty, which will be given to the Bitcoin core devs, as promised. + +This is a call to the Bitcoin core devs to put their projects online so we can start backing them massively. I would also like to ask everyone to motivate them to do so. + +I will follow the community in backing the ones that are wanted the most: +The moment a project reaches half the required funding, I will complete the other half, and I will keep doing that until the $50,000 runs out. + +We are very close to getting core development and Bitcoin itself truly decentralized. This in return will help streamline development immensely. + +To assist in this process I am also running for Bitcoin Foundation board member. My goal when elected is to remove core development out of the Foundations hands, and have Gavin and others directly paid by the community. + +Mike Hearn has already put a couple of his projects online at https://www.vinumeris.com/projects/core (there are more in the menu on the left). + +I would also recommend anyone with a Bitcoin Foundation membership to active their voting powers at https://members.bitcoinfoundation.org/election/ - Without activating upfront, you will not be able to vote on February 13. +If you would like to see more about my platform, you can go to https://bitcoin-election.consider.it/olivier-janssens?results=true +I would also recommend you to have your second vote go to Cody Wilson. He has a similar agenda. + +Thanks again for all your support! + + +TODO / TL;DR + +1) Motivate / Call to core developers to put their Bitcoin core dev projects online. + +2) You should sponsor the projects you like the most - As soon as a project reaches half its funding I will complete the other half (until my $50,000 runs out). You can already sponsor Mike Hearn’s projects at https://www.vinumeris.com/projects/core + +3) Those with a Bitcoin Foundation membership, activate your voting powers now at https://members.bitcoinfoundation.org/election/ and vote for me and Cody Wilson on February 13 so we can help decentralize core development. https://bitcoin-election.consider.it/olivier-janssens?results=true + + +Original bounty thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/25sf4f/100000_bounty_for_software_platform_that_can/ + +Winner announcement thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/29n8o0/100000_bounty_winner_announcement/ + +Here is an overview of what has been happening with Tusker Finance. + +1. A new medium article was just released with an overview of the vision and roadmap for the project. + +[https://tuskerfinance.medium.com/the-elephant-in-the-crypto-space-212b63c0593b](https://tuskerfinance.medium.com/the-elephant-in-the-crypto-space-212b63c0593b) + +Here is a summary: + +1. Tusker Finance — [https://tusker.finance](https://tusker.finance-/) — is a DCO (Decentralized Charitable Organization) dedicated to elephant conservation. $TUSK serves a dual purpose as both a governance and deflationary token. The sole purpose of this project is to be a community-run organization focused on building partnerships with and supporting elephant-based charities. +2. The first successful donation of 1 ETH was made to the Wild Tomorrow Fund from the charity wallet. You can read the Tusker team's interview with them here:[https://tuskerfinance.medium.com/the-following-is-our-interview-with-wendy-hapgood-and-john-steward-of-the-wild-tomorrow-fund-55ec9a1e41bf](https://tuskerfinance.medium.com/the-following-is-our-interview-with-wendy-hapgood-and-john-steward-of-the-wild-tomorrow-fund-55ec9a1e41bf) + +As part of the donation, all participants received a commemorative NFT designed by the community.[https://tusker.finance/nft](https://tusker.finance/nft) + +3) The governance vote has finished and the next charity to donate to will be C.R.O.W, an organization that helps train and equip rangers in their fight against poachers. Tusker only donates to charities with public Ethereum addresses to maintain transparency. + +4) A new website is being developed to better reflect the project. + +5) CG & CMC listing have been submitted and are pending. + +6) Multi-sig charity and marketing wallet + +In addition to the usual 2D NFT awarded to all participants, this donation will offer a rare 3D NFT to everyone who makes a direct donation to either the charity wallet or the marketing fund. + +Now that the sniper-bots and whales have come and gone, this project is in a much healthier place with a dedicated community. Come check us out and join us as we grow this project into something big, and help Elephants while doing so. Elephant conservation is a real issue, with over 90% of the population having been wiped out in the last century. This project can take the speculative energy of crypto and put it towards some real good. +Safe this, safe that. I didn't come to r/Cryptomoonshots for SAFE anything. I am here to RISK it for the MOON. Test fire went successful and whales have left the for new lands, however this ships building nice momentum and waiting for boarding. + +[https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xa96f3414334F5A0A529ff5d9D8ea95f42147b8C9](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xa96f3414334F5A0A529ff5d9D8ea95f42147b8C9) + +Tokenomics: + +Token: $RISKMOON + +Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 + +Penalty tax fee: 10% + +Redistributed to holders: 10% + +Auto-locked in LP on PancakeSwap: 5% + +Pancakeswap: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa96f3414334F5A0A529ff5d9D8ea95f42147b8C9](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa96f3414334F5A0A529ff5d9D8ea95f42147b8C9) + +TG: [u/RISKMOON](https://www.reddit.com/u/RISKMOON/) + +Medium: [https://medium.com/@riskmoonbsc](https://medium.com/@riskmoonbsc) + +Website : [http://riskmoon.com/](http://riskmoon.com/) + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/RISKMOONBSC](https://twitter.com/RISKMOONBSC) + +Github: [https://github.com/RiskMoonBSC](https://github.com/RiskMoonBSC) + + +Truly, we are all here for undiscovered Gems to RISK it for. I think at least the spirit of this coin is true to the sub. +I have a new partner of a couple of months, 30M. He is not good with money and gets a lot of anxiety around it. He works part-time for a salary and runs a small business. He just disclosed to me that he has never filed a tax return, or paid tax or done a BAS for his side business. He has both a TFN and an ABN. He wants to get squared up but he finds it too overwhelming as he is now so far behind. +As the child of two accountants, this makes me anxious lol and I want to support him to sort this out (with an accountant/bookkeeper, I obviously know how to do my own taxes thanks to parents but his situation is beyond me; plus I understand they will be able to set up a payment plan if needed). + +I would appreciate some advice: +- what are the chances the ATO will eventually come after him if he continues to not file/pay? +- am I correct in assuming that the ATO will be more lenient (in terms of fines) if he proactively gets caught up, rather than waiting till they come after him? +- I see that the penalty for not filing taxes can include a jail term, does this ever actually get applied in sentencing? +- any other advice for his situation? +- any general tips on supporting him with this, without feeling like I’m turning into his mother? +I went to school for engineering, and have been working for a company that designs and builds solar power plants. I have been working at this company for about a year and a half in an entry level position. But my title has not included "engineer". Now there is a restructuring in our department, and my hard work has paid off, because I'm being moved to an engineering position. That change will officially take place the second week in January. And I'm not sure how to approach the salary discussion. + +For reference, I am currently making $43,000. I have heard through the grapevine that people that have made similar changes in the past have been bumped up to around $55,000. Doing some research, I've found that similar positions at other solar companies are often in the $70,000-80,000 range. But some of these are in areas with a much higher cost of living (like the Bay Area). + +My company is somewhat infamous for barely competitive salaries. They also offer everyone a 15% bonus at the end of the year, which helps, I guess. And I believe the company likes to factor this into overall compensation figures, which is unfair. First, because it's a non-guaranteed bonus that depends on factors outside of my control. And second, there's the time value of money. Money in my pocket every two weeks is obviously more valuable than getting it at the end of the year. + +Someone else in my department already tried to negotiate a raise given the pending restructuring, and apparently they told him that "it's not in the budget". Our department deals with maintenance, so it can be hard to put a value on what we do. Our job is basically to minimize the amount of money we lose, so it's kind of like we don't get noticed unless something really goes wrong. Which means we get the short end of the stick with budgeting and resources. + +Given all of this, how should I approach the discussion? Is it appropriate to negotiate a promotion like this, or should I take whatever they offer? What happens if they flat out say "there is no room in the budget"? What's my next step? My only thought would be to put it back on them, to ask what I can do to show I deserve a raise, and then schedule a meeting in a few months to show my progress. +__________________________ +**Edit:** In regards to everyone saying "look for a new job", I don't disagree. I just don't feel the timing is right. Obviously I've developed some skills that earned me this promotion, but my day to day work was a little of this, a little of that. I'd like to have this *new position on my resume for even 6 months to strengthen my credentials before I go looking for a new job. +__________________________ + +**Edit 2:** Lots of good information, thanks. I guess I want to emphasize that I do intend to pursue other opportunities, no matter when that may be. But that doesn't preclude me from maximizing my earnings in the short term too, especially with such an obvious opportunity to negotiate. +I deposited bitcoins with this company months ago, roughly 10,000USD, intending to use their bitcoin debit card. I later found out you can't if you deposit with Bitcoins (not mentioned at the time) and with the price of dropping over that period I decide to withdraw and these are the emails I get. + +&nbsp; + +1.) Prove your source of funds + +2.) Your withdrawal has been rejected + +3.) Your account has been closed + +&nbsp; + +Bearing in mind all of these were sent within a few hours of one another and I did not get a chance to respond to a single one. + +&nbsp; + +Now when I try to log on to my account it is gone! + +&nbsp; + +I am absolutely shocked by the this and I will keep a running commentary on this situation but I am warning you all against the use of this company!!! + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +UPDATE:- + +&nbsp; + +Thank you all so much for the support, I had the worst nights sleep of my life last night. Below is the email I sent to them after I came off the phone. + + +&nbsp; + +My reference to calming down is in regards to when I spoke to them on the phone (https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4m7mox/bitgold_is_a_scam_company/d3t7uz2), after the noted exchange I told them that it is absolutely disgusting how they are treating me and that the service is appalling, although what I said is 100% true I do not like to lose my composure in this way. + +&nbsp; + + +"I have calmed down somewhat but I am still extremely concerned about my money. This is a lot of money and according to the telephone support there is some kind of review which will determine if my funds are returned or not. To keep a customers funds when they can provide evidence it is their money is a criminal offence, it is theft. +The only reasonable explanation for this course of events is that when you requested the KYC information, you then attempted to ring the phone registered to the account and upon finding that it was turned off assumed there was some kind of fraud on the account and closed it pending review. + +&nbsp; + +But the bank account I'm withdrawing to is in the Bitgold account holders name, I have all the IDs to prove it is myself - I cannot see why such drastic action is needed when you cannot get through to my phone. An email requesting ID would surely suffice for this particular situation, which leads me to believe that the issue is actually that I am trying to withdraw my money, and Bitgold wants to keep it. + + +&nbsp; + +I can provide any ID you require, any proof that the bank account is mine and proof this money belongs to me. But on the phone none of this information was even requested of me, so I cannot understand how you can perform any kind of review at this time. + +&nbsp; + +From my perspective I trusted this relatively new company with a large sum of investment from me and I have been totally betrayed firstly by the policies and secondly by the phone support of whom did not care to offer any information or reassurance that you would return my money. + + +&nbsp; +I plan to write a full account of the conclusion of this situation on all bitcoin community forums, all rip-off report websites (if required) and all review websites such as Trustpilot that I can find and I will also contact online news outlets (if required) providing full evidence of this theft should it occur as I suspect. + +&nbsp; + +Why do I think this may result in a theft? Because that is what support told me. That the review would determine if my money is returned to me - I have evidence this was said too. + + +&nbsp; + +I need to state very clearly that I will never accept that my hard earned money can be stolen from me in this way. I will do absolutely everything in my power to get it back should you choose to try to steal from me at the conclusion of this "review". + +&nbsp; + +I will contact support again by phone tomorrow at a similar time should I hear nothing back on this email, by that time. + +&nbsp; + +I hope you decide to do the honorable and honest thing and return the funds, with an apology and explanation. +Regards," + +&nbsp; + + +It is so important others are aware of this, imagine if I had put more money in the account over the course of the next year? You could lose your entire life savings to this company doing that and no one has any idea until they try to withdraw their money. + +&nbsp; + + +The idea that a company can hold bitcoins if any come from the dark web is also shocking because they are all mixed, you can never know where they have come from, so it is again just a ploy to steal from people if that is the case. + + +&nbsp; + + +I know Bitgold have seen this thread, because I have found links with people talking about an official response where they provide their explanation for their actions by claiming I refused to provide ID. This claim from them has since been removed, I guess because it is easily provable that it is an absolute lie. + +&nbsp; + + +Asking for information:-https://i.imgsafe.org/132a059906.png + +&nbsp; + + +Withdrawal rejected:- https://i.imgsafe.org/1313a38f12.png + +&nbsp; + +Account disabled:- https://i.imgsafe.org/1313ba0cb0.png + + +&nbsp; + + +I know Bitgold have seen this thread, because I have found links with people talking about an official response where they provide their explanation for their actions by claiming I refused to provide ID. This claim from them has since been removed, I guess because it is easily provable that it is an absolute lie. + +&nbsp; + + +I must state that if they do return the money with a reasonable explanation then I will be updating this very clearly to state that, I have nothing personal against this company, I just want my money back that I trusted with them. I have learnt my lesson and I hope others think twice before handing money over to any company in the future, no matter how large they are. + +&nbsp; + +I finished watching the movie Tenet last night. Had to watch it twice because I’ll admit, I didn’t quite get it the first time. + +Anyway. The movie introduces the concept of Freeports. Explanation in link below. Tldr: a Freeport is a private storage facility that isn’t technically imported. Therefore you don’t pay import or customs tax on your property while it’s stored here. + +https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/explainers/trade-freeports-free-zones + +After watching the movie, I thought perhaps Kenny is flying around the world, collecting his shit. Here is a list of free ports + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_economic_zones + +Just a theory at this point. +X Ape here hi +Yeah I don’t know how to explain. + +My grandma died not long ago and she was literally my hope and motivation in life. Always been there for me. + +Long story short I want to really give her the gravestone she deserves after all of this is over. That‘s actually the main reason I‘m hodling. + +It‘s a deep fucking long story and I don‘t want to sound depressive but she deserved the world. + +Thanks to all the XX and XXX and above holders for taking care of the X holders. +You guys don‘t know how you‘re going to change people‘s life’s + +Thanks to everyone on here ya‘ll great not gonna lie +As a new investor, I was wondering if some of you vets could give perspective on Tesla going into the S&P 500. I know the stock has gone up significantly since the announcement. My question is will the stock go up significantly again on Dec. 21st when funds have to start buying it? It seems like it should but I have very little experience. Thanks. +I've just begun investing into stocks and getting into the stock market for about 2 months now, but I've noticed that especially for the past few weeks, stocks in general no matter what it is tend to even out by around Wednesday, slightly drop by around Thursdays, and usually drop a bit more by Friday closing. Then during Monday opening again they rise either back to normal or even gain by about Tuesday/Wednesday. Is this just me and weird stocks I have or is this how the average stock works? If so, why? +Needless to say, I made a really nice profit. Do you guys think it’s time to sell? The high was around $44.33 today, do you think it has a chance of breaking past the $54-ish mark it set last time or will it dip back into the thirties again? +Let’s face it, no one is selling. The data is there! Retail basically owns the float and GameStop is becoming a movement. More people are joining everyday and everyone is holding knowing that it might be a good chance for life changing money... who will give up on that? Especially the working class who wants to take a long deserved break and spend on their families, have control of their own work life, go to school... etc. + +My point is they know that playing with the price won’t get us to sell, waiting it out won’t either so what can they do? FUD? Tried that but didn’t work. Compromise an entire sub? Not that either, we just move to another sub. + +I do think that Kenny is fighting to survive, like he said before in his video about the 2008 crash. He knows he’s f’d but he is fighting it day by day, raising capital to hopefully stay afloat after the moass. +The Public Library will save you serious money in the long run. Not only do we have books, but you can borrow dozens of other things. The obvious ones are video games, movies, and magazines. But if your library is like ours, you might be able to check out museum passes, sports equipment, board games... even sewing machines. + +**Edit:** There are tons of great additional recommendations in the comments. Some of my favorites mentioned are telescopes, musical instruments, language learning software, academic journals, and video hardware. + +&#x200B; +I've still got quite a while to live, which is good news. There really isn't good enough data to say exactly how long I'll live, but I'm currently 30 and taking an optimistic look at the numbers gives me about a 50/50 chance of living to 45 and the numbers beyond that continue to get worse. I'd say the chances I make it into my 60s are negligible. + +I don't currently have a lot relying on me. No kids and currently no plan to have any. + +Only debt currently is my mortgage. About 100k left on it with about 120k equity. + +I doubt there's a right answer to this question, but I'd be interested in knowing how personal finance would adjust things as these plans in life change. +Dear Reddit, + +I feel so many emotions right now: desperation, extreme anxiety, frustration, & shock to name a few...In addition to a lot of personal stress in my life, I've had to deal with Citibank denying $20,600 in fraudulent claims over the last 4 months. + +&#x200B; + +I was in Mexico when the first transaction went through as a "Bill Pay" to "Paypal" on May 12th for $3900, then another one went through for $6800 on May14th. I was not alerted at all about any of the transactions and just happened to be checking my account since I was traveling... So I called them using wifi calling and told them these transactions were clearly fraudulent and the representative assured me she should have this taken care of and not to worry. On May 18th, another one went through for $9900. I called them freaking out and they kept telling me to call Paypal. I have called Paypal over 20 times at this point and they cannot find any information about the transactions using my bank account and routing number. + +&#x200B; + +Citibank has denied my appeals saying that I authorized these transactions to Paypal.I have gone into multiple branches, which has proven useless, as the representatives call the same fraud number and they also get the runaround. Since there is no direct number, I have spent hours on the phone with Citi and Paypal, repeating my story each time to every representative I talk to, then I get transferred to the dispute department, then the dispute department tells me to file another appeal and then my heart sinks again with anxiety each time I get another denial, saying "an established device was used" and "activity is not consistent with fraud" when I clearly said this was fraudulent before the last transaction cleared. I am not understanding how every time I call Paypal they cannot find any transaction linked to my Citibank accounts, along with the "Paypal account" listed in the Citibank document (per Citibank this Paypal account used to "add funds" was established in 2010),yet this is inconsistent with fraud per Citibank. On 7/29, Citi responded, "Our records indicate that the $9,900 payment was entered on your mobile app using a Pixel on May 17,2021. Considering that you contacted us the day before, there was no payment on file to stop." I have requested the transcript of the first call I made alerting Citibank that this was fraud, but they said I need a subpoena to obtain "proprietary info." + +&#x200B; + +When the claims were first discovered, I mentioned an unrecognized number that I saw on my checking account contact info and even a foreign email listed under my credit card account, yet no mention of these has been brought up in any of my investigations. I immediately changed my username and pw after I saw this. I have kept the minimum balance so that my accounts can be open for investigation, along with leaving the "paypal payee" account info in my file for investigational purposes. I have also requested more information about the specific device that was used to "authorize" these transactions and when/if these notifications went out (I received no alerts whatsoever and have also asked when the contact information on my account was changed), however Citibank continues to provide the most vague information. I also asked for IMEI, IP address, or exactly how/when these transactions were "authorized." They provided me with an IP address located in Mexico but I believe the first transaction may have cleared before I was in Mexico, but since they didn't give an IP for each transaction, I can't prove that for sure. + +&#x200B; + +I have filed complaints to the CFBP, IC3, my local police, OCC, FDIC, FTC, yet Citibank assumes no responsibility. Prior to contacting CFBP and a local news station, Citibank would take 15 agonizing business days to get back to me via snail mail (nope, no email or phone call in 2021). I have received ONE phone call from a Citibank representative to investigate my case after several appeals, countless calls and emails. It is outrageous that Citibank is disgustingly apathetic when one of their customers lost $20,600 under their care. On 9/1, they stated "with this final letter, we consider the issue resolved. We will no longer respond to inquiries regarding this matter." I sent a follow up email on 9/8 requesting a three-way conversation with me, Paypal, and Citi, but got no response. On 9/24, a representative from the office of the President's Executive Branch said they will no longer respond to my inquiries and they could not conduct a three-way call. + +&#x200B; + +After contacting a couple of lawyers they said it might end up costing more/the same in legal fees. Small claims court covers up to $10,000 only. After contacting several local news stations, surprisingly all they do is mediate and reach out to Citibank, then I hit a dead end again and they say there is nothing more they can do. It is just insane that a consumer can have over $20,000 vanish out of thin air from a trusted bank, and the bank does absolutely nothing! I have been a loyal Citibank customer (although I hate this played out phrase) for years, held multiple accounts with them and always spoke highly of them prior to this. + +&#x200B; + +Does anyone have any advice at this point? Thank you for listening. Please think more than twice about the bank you use. + +&#x200B; + +Update: I have since filed a CFPB complaint to Paypal (Oct 2021) and they have confirmed identity theft (with an official letterhead) and a document of the fraudster's addresses and some IP addresses used to login in Paypal. Apparently the fraudster created a Paypal account under my legit Paypal account, and even after countless calls and hours on the phone with Paypal, they were only able to link the accounts after the CFPB complaint with the initial foreign number I had informed Citibank about. DESPITE CONFIRMED IDENTITY THEFT, CITIBANK CONTINUES TO DENY MY $20,600. I have looked into legal action, which seemed promising at first...then everywhere in the contract says I will get taxed on all of the legal fees and there is a good chance I will get less than the lawyers. + +Does anyone have any advice at this point? If I proceed with legal action, how to negotiate with lawyers that work on a contingency basis and to ensure I am not taken advantage of further? After all of this, I just don't feel like dealing with more drama (from lawyers). I know they have to make money too but damn, it just feels so wrong that I am just merely a payday for them after going through hell. It seems like they have no problem profiting on this shitty situation, depriving me of my own money. I just want my money back uggggggh. It has almost been a year since all of this shit happened, can't believe this nightmare is still unresolved. +After following u/Variation-Separate and [u/scarvesandsuspenders](https://www.reddit.com/user/scarvesandsuspenders/) 's DD for few weeks. I'd like to share some of my own analyses on volatility and how this can be the start of the next leg down. + +&#x200B; + +So looking at this from a volatility perspective, short volatility has been profitable for many years because realized vol is usually lower than implied vol until a black swan event which is the coronavirus. So MM and hedge funds have been shorting volatility for years until this crisis fucked them all up. Realized vol shot up with the increase in IV in the first 3 weeks of the crash. Many got margin called so they had to liquidate everything which added to the crash. + +&#x200B; + +But since then, VIX has been suppressed for the past few weeks while realized vol continued to go up. + +&#x200B; + +[VIX spread](https://preview.redd.it/1iq7ou2a2xr41.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=034a945e5a479718d15c2d6cf803e7829583445f) + +Looking at the graph the spread between realized volatility and VIX is now beyond 30, I suspect the number is even higher now given that the market remains to be volatile while VIX drops further. This puts us at .15 percentile of previous spread, the last time in 2008. Every time in history, when the spread between real and implied volatility is that high, there must be a process of reconciliation. + +&#x200B; + +[2008 Spread](https://preview.redd.it/qggs4nh35xr41.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce91091e7d6a17581a04890a6268ea5d06893aa) + +And if we look at 2008, the spread peaked at -40 (We are now at -32 few days ago). Then it was followed by a drop from 100 to 75 in 14 days. Very interestingly, the spread increases as Spy undergoes a relief rally, which took SPY from 85 to 100 in 2 weeks. Even more fascinating, SPY went from 115 to 85 in the downfall and went back up exactly 50% before peak spread. + +What's happening right now indicates that MM and hedgefunds are probably getting back into the short vol trade, knowing that the FED have their back, and betting on the blind optimism right now. They are massively writing off risk. But given the current economy, I believe this is insanely stupid, and would exacerbate the volatility once the real downfall comes. + +So then comes the reconciliation between IV and real vol. + +There are only two ways: + +1. VIX increases to catch up with real vol +2. Real vol decrease to catch up with VIX + +If the real downfall comes, then VIX would naturally bounce up to catch up. + +Looking at this chart, if no. 1 really occurs, then we are looking at an all time high of VIX maybe even at 100s. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ibdnlhwc5xr41.png?width=2144&format=png&auto=webp&s=71835b7d87c5c7378516175947b0c8e9bf9d398a + +no. 2: Real vol drops. + +So if this happens, then either we settle in the current range as volatility dies down in 1 month or we continue to go up but at a slower pace. If we continue going up at the current pace, the spread would still continue to widen. So for option 2 to happen, pace is crucial, the market would really have to slow down quite significantly for a long period (As real vol is 30days backward looking). But given the current externality and the active FED action, I believe this is less likely. + +&#x200B; + +So say IV will increase and we will have a massive leg down. What is the timeframe. Personally I think what we really lack is a strong catalyst. I started shorting SPY on 1/2/2020 when the news of COVID-19 first got out. The market didn't react at that time because it was still in a phase of blind optimism so we saw the market continue to rally even on negative news (Although vol was lower at that time). Once Europe got hit, the market collapsed. + +Now after the initial drop, I believe we are at the phase of blind optimism again. Market rallies on very negative news. But this time what's different is the FED, after printing so much money, I don't really know when will they stop or will they ever stop. So the timeframe and the catalyst here is crucial, but this is largely unknown I believe. + +&#x200B; + +Technically, we are now at the Fib 50% retracement, which surprisingly held last night even after positive news from OPEC and the FED 2T program, indicating bulls might be running out of steam. At one point we even saw SPY down to 275. In terms of volume, It is drying up as well + +Looking at 60min graph, I see that we are at wave C of Elliott wave of the greater fractal, which so happens to coincide with 50% fib retracement. Volume has also markedly dropped in wave C. In fact we have the lowest volume now since ATH. We are also at the top of the BB. + +&#x200B; + +[60min SPY](https://preview.redd.it/r6usa6oi5xr41.png?width=1879&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0c6f5a9f4990ab8653d3d4d798aa93d2038748d) + +60min Looking at weekly (The greater fractal), we are now nearly completion of Wave 2, the decrease in volume is quite apparent here. Fundamentally this indicates a lack of conviction. + +&#x200B; + +[Weekly Spy](https://preview.redd.it/fzyp5ktk5xr41.png?width=1688&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7fecf24dd475b1dd4ebf34b3c4a85c1d75bee48) + +Strategically, I do see more upside to 278, given the lack of catalyst right now. We are shifting to earning season now and China is opening up. Potential catalyst can be very poor earnings or projection, second wave of infection in China etc. Near term I see 278 - 290 to be potential trading range. Next week would be quite heavily contested. I see a sell off early next week from being overbought this week and contest between bull and bear to bring the price to 278-290 range with sell off again EOW. This might give us a confirmation Doji for the leg down. Alternatively, we might get a sell off early next week then trade within 265 -275 range which also gives us a reversal pattern. Volume would be crucial here. But one caveat would be the FED, since FED is literally buying up everything, natural price movement can be heavily skewed, so It is possible that everything can be delayed. Price discovery has been killed by the FED. Given the uncertainty, I am now hedging my puts with 290 call. I entered too early with 515 200P and am now sustaining heavy loss. Will look to roll the 515 200P to something more realistic once theres exit point. But will save most of my powder after next week plays out. Next week might be the most important trading week of the year. + +Finger crossed. + +More info: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/bemusedThoughtBank/comments/fx3ram/what\_on\_earth\_is\_vix\_doing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bemusedThoughtBank/comments/fx3ram/what_on_earth_is_vix_doing/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/WSBElite/comments/fx5og5/for\_the\_brave\_long\_vix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WSBElite/comments/fx5og5/for_the_brave_long_vix/) + +[http://www.discretionarydystopia.com/mind-the-volatility-gap-spread/](http://www.discretionarydystopia.com/mind-the-volatility-gap-spread/) +Hey guys! I mean this will a sense of genuine curiosity. Every few weeks, we will get one of these posts: A very young person, working in very vague sounding “financial industry” making 6 figures plus. What do they actually *do* for a job? What job in the “financial industry” pays someone so young so much money? What kind of degree do they have? What did they learn in school? + +I don’t ask this out of jealousy or spite...I really don’t know the answer to this and I’m glad they are making so much at such a young age! If they are smart, they can be set for life relatively young and that’s a wonderful thing. I come from a family of teachers with absolutely *no* business savy, and I'm a computer animator so this entire "financial industry as job" world is a complete mystery to be. + +Most jobs, starting out I would think would have a much lower salary. What is a 24 year old doing to earn this kind of salary? (I know the short answer is “earn money for their clients”, but I’m looking for more detail.) Does the company basically “own” them with a salary like that? Do they work 100 hour weeks? Is this type of job *extremely* difficult to get? Do you have to be brilliant or otherwise demonstrate superior skill set for the job, or is it mostly connections from school? + +BTW: They may be worth every penny, I do not know. It just seems most lines of work take *years* to get to that salary (if ever) and I am wondering these very young folks *actually do* as a job to get these high salaries in that particular industry. Doctor's salaries I can understand a bit more because I am more familiar with their schooling structure and what they do day in and day out, but doctors also take something like 10 years to earn a salary...they don't start doing it at 24, so I am just a bit confused as to how the "financial industry" works, and what it really means when people say they work there. + +Any insight would be appreciated! Thanks in advance! +My guess is quite a few less. + +I sure as heck would not have. + +When else do Americans open bank accounts or other accounts in Japan? Almost never. + +So really we can say that, suppose a fifth of the assets would have been in the US we can say that the regulators actions directly cost people $100 million. + +This is called the law of unintended consequences and is a certainty in regulation. + +Not all, but some blame rests firmly on the shoulders of Ben Lawsky and others who made it so people had no choice but to go to Japan to buy the product and service they wanted. + + +EDIT: I am only saying this to show unintended consequences of regulation...that is all. Obviously it's not the fault of regulators people lost money....what I mean is that some responsibility is due because of the unintended consequences of their actions. + +I work in the food industry at a chain restaurant. My boss has had a pretty rocky history with managers. Since he bought our store, he has went through 2 managers (both who worked for him before and still work for him) and both haven't done a good job, leading to him sending them to other stores. Since then, another worker and myself have been taking on the responsibilities of managers, i.e. managing the money, changing the "face" of the store every month, ordering product, etc... until the our boss finds someone who can effectively fill the position. + +Here is the issue though. I recently asked him if he found anyone to fill the position, and he told me that the store is running well, and he doesn't want to push anyone into the position, which I understand, but this isn't what we agreed. I am in college, and looking for internships as I have less than a year left. Already, these extra responsibilities are taking time out of my schoolwork and my life. Even yesterday, I had to stay late because a coworker didn't show up for work, and I lost a day on a paper I have to write. I was also at the store on both of my days off this week to help co-workers fix a problem that they caused with the money in the cash register. Long story short, I feel I can't keep doing this without a raise and I want to ask for one, but I don't know how. I would also be okay with splitting a raise with the coworker who is helping me with these responsibilities, because he deserves one too. I just need something to make this worth it. +I am about to turn 40 years old. I have a wife and 4 kids. I can't take huge chances with my finances anymore. If you don't have people that rely on your income now is your chance. Invest in what you believe in. Don't be afraid to take chances, but also take some profits along the way. Bitcoin and ETH are both great opportunities. Invest in yourself and your future will be bright. It's not too late for me, I have a great life and will be able to reture someday. For you, you can make this happen now and become rich. Do your research, invest, win. +Can someone please explain to me how this company is still alive and in business with a valuation of about 4.4 Billion dollars??? + +&#x200B; + +what the serious fakkkkkkk +Hey everyone, long time reader, first time poster. I work as a contractor, and as such my company does not offer overwhelming great benefits. Which for the most part is ok because my wife has great insurance through her job. The one crux is that my job offers a 401k but no match at all. I do have a Roth IRA that I contribute to per pay check. I was wondering if I was able to put money towards my wife 401k as her company does match up to I believe 11%. +In December, my husband used his Capital One credit card to get gas from a Speedway. The amount was for $64.05. Life went on as usual. When it came time to pay bills, I checked the account and saw that the charge had gone through four times. We filed disputes for three of the four charges, and was refunded by Capital One for them, easy as pie. + +Except. Last week we got an account message from Capital One that read as such: + +>On your 01/13/2015 statement, a credit was issued to your account for $64.05. However, the merchant, SPEEDWAY 02383 WES, did resubmit the charge along with supporting documentation. Based on this evidence, unfortunately, we must re-bill the charge to your account. This adjustment will appear on your next monthly statement. We have sent you a letter along with the merchant’s supporting documentation. This letter also requests that you provide us with additional information/documentation to support your claim. If we don’t receive your response by the date indicated, we’ll consider your case closed. + +My husband called when we received this message to find out what the hell was going on, and the only information he could get from anybody is that we have to wait until the notice from Speedway comes in the mail. It hasn't come yet. What sort of supporting documentation could they have showing he got gas four times in one day, for the amount of $64.05 each time?? + +And yesterday, we got that exact same notice two more times, presumably for the other two charges that were disputed and refunded. + +What proof do we have besides our Capital One account statement showing the four charges, and then the three charge backs? He bought the gas outside at the pump, and declined a receipt, so we don't even have that. If they do charge us back the $64.05 three times, that will put our card over the limit (only $300, it's his first credit card). Should we pay the card down to $0 to avoid that? If we don't, and they charge the purchases back, and it puts the card over the limit, are we liable for any fees it may incur? + +How do we even fight this? + +**EDIT** @5:23p + +I am going to be a bit red in the face posting this, but I think we have solved the mystery. A couple hours after I made this post, we got our mail, which included the letter from Capital One regarding Speedway's proof of the transactions happening. + +They did happen. + +It just wasn't my husband. + +They were fraudulent charges made by someone using my husband's credit card numbers at a Speedway in Michigan (we live in Indiana), buying cigarettes. When I initially asked him about the charges, he did say that he had gotten gas at Speedway, and he did, but it was a few days before these charges, so it went unnoticed by both of us. Now, we just have to prove he wasn't in Michigan on the 22nd of December... + +While I truly appreciate all the attention this post has gotten, from here on out, I think the problem is much easier to solve! +I had set a limit, at which I would not buy any more bitcoin, but as the priced dropped, I felt compelled to buy more and more. I have lost more than 2 year's worth of salary on bitcoin this year and I still feel compelled to buy more. + +I am among those who feel Bitcioin's rise is inevitable, and as such I do not "feel" as though it is risky, but I worry that my behavior is essentially the same as someone who becomes addicted to gambling. + +Does anyone else feel this way? I feel confident in my decision but I am painfully aware that if I am wrong, my life will be completely and irrevocably fucked. I need to stop. +I always doubted cryptos, seemed useless to me. The complicated way how cryptos work scares off a lot of people - why would they invest in something they dont understand. On top of that, cryptos being used for illegal stuff (drugs), using hell a lot of energy - does not help. I asked myself why bother. +But recently I opened trading account for stocks / ETF, and started following much more financial situation in US / EU. The global crisis for sure helped opening my eyes - governments printing money like it was a toilet paper. Then the stock market - endless machine of growth, and gambling for adults. I never really thought about it before (cause I had no money to invest). Why the hell is everyone investing in the stock market (or rather every rich guy)? Because money is freaking worthless, whatever currency. You let it sit in your bank and your are basically getting robbed, silently, but steadily every god damn year. +So I figured - gotta put money into stock-market, and so I did. But then I finally though about crypto again. And then it made sense - hedge against that useless currency (USD / EUR). Get something no one has control over. No rich guys, no god damn governments. Bitcoin seemed like made-up artificial thing before - but normal money is too in the end. So finally I have decided - I will start buying bitcoin. I will start slow just to get carefully into the game, but eventually putting some of my investment money into bitcoin. +As sad as this topic is for me to talk about (and discuss with my parents (M&F 76), their health is poor and they don't think they'll have more than 5-10 years left. They recently came into about $300k from the sale of their home and have asked me to help them decide what to put it in to draw about $1000/month to add to their existing SS and a pension from my Dad's previous employer for living expenses. They will have plenty of money to live on, and due to their health really can't go on any extravagant trips. + +My Dad initially wanted to put it all in a horrible annuity product (that would have disappeared upon their death), and philosophically I'm against annuity products anyway due to all of the high and hidden fees, and potential sketchy nature of many of those products. + +I don't know what to put all of this into. With such a short time horizon, I'm looking for advice on what would be appropriate for them - minimal to no drawdown, while still being able to pull out approximately 4% a year. The money is already inside of a brokerage account at a large brokerage firm you've all probably heard of, and now I need to figure out what would be best for them. +After painstaking research tonight I’ve come to the conclusion that 5G will be the next millionaire maker among us. And that the entire US-China trade war is all about which country gets to dominate the 5G space in the next few years. The arrest, the IP theft, entire dispute is all about who will dominate 5G. And rightly so, as it will be a game changer. + +My approach to playing 5G is this... + +Right now buy AMERICAN cell tower companies. AMT, CCI, SBAC. These companies are holding gold in the form of cell towers. They’ve barely flinched in the December massacre. Some at all time highs already, and looking like a new uptrend is starting. + +Stay away from telecom service providers like Verizon, AT&amp;amp;T etc because they will be the ones paying cell tower companies up their ass to use the towers. They are already investing heavily and will drain their pockets initially. They’re profits will gain years down the line as every noob wants the new “5G” phone and the system becomes main stream. + +Stay the absolute fuck away from cable companies like CMCSA. 5G will enable faster wireless internet into your home without the use of cables. + +Possibly go long on 5G gadget suppliers and fiber companies. NOK, ERIC, GLW, ZAYO. They will be relied on heavily to get the infrastructure up. + +I will not be investing in Apple, Intel, AMD, QCOM etc YET. These companies are still a year or maybe more from seeing profits from 5G. + +Also, YOLO everything on Apple when they do release their 5G Iphone. Not many people will pay for $1000+ Iphone because it doesn’t have a home screen button, but huge amounts of their loyal customers will pay even more to switch to the new 5G Iphone. + +I’m betting my nut sack the US will not concede 5G to China, and they’ll put tremendous pressure on their allies AKA client states to tow the line and not proceed with allowing China to develop their nations telecommunications networks. + +In the event of a down turn in the US markets for 2018, I will continue to buy the cell tower companies and accumulate their shares. Although tech will get raped as we have seen in a down turn, these companies will remain relatively strong and give me more of a chance to accumulate. Plus they pay good dividends. + +tldr: Buy American cell tower companies for 5G rollout. Consider 5G equipment suppliers as well. Stay away from normie tech stocks in case of headwinds in US market. Short cable companies to the earths core. + +EDIT: upon more reading, I am leaning towards NOK for hardware, GLW and ZAYO for fiber, CCI for small antennae, fiber, and already existing 4G infrastructure which will be used in some way to incorporate 5G (Idgaf what you retards say the cell towers will 100% be incorporated into 5G rollout). Cell tower co’s know this and are giving great forward guidance because of this. Also possibly DY for construction and engineering of the infrastructure. And maybe SWKS and QCOM for parents. + +Also the cable companies might consolidate, and they own a shit load of fiber networks which will be valuable for service providers. They are good targets for mergers and acquisitions HOWEVER if they decide they want to use 5G for their services it will cost them immensely to change their systems to stay relevant. So risky plays there. + +Also hoping this weeks earnings show some weakness in the market and we get a bit of bear action going. + +I want to invest in this 5G portfolio early to mid 2019 hopefully after a strong pullback in the market. + +If no strong pullback I will jump in and hedge with SPY puts 20% OTM with 0.5% of my portfolio as insurance recurring every month, buying puts 2 months till expiration. Need insurance in case we dive this year and I end up investing near the upper range of my 5G portfolio. + +If market tanks I sincerely think the 5G infrastructure roll out will be the next catalyst for the next bull market. I will go balls deep on 5G stocks if market tanks. + +Thx +I absolutely hate how impersonal the job application process is. It's just computers and algorithms and automated emails. How can they gauge whether or not they want me based on a bunch of hypothetical scenarios when they never even met me or talked to me. + +This most recent one for a stocking job. My previous job I did stocking for 7 years but somehow I get rejected? Fuck this revolving door bullshit where they just want people who'll do a job for less money, quantity>quality I guess +I’m still new to the market, and what I’m finding right now is that my biggest challenge is pulling the trigger. I have my plans and strategies set, practice them daily, and they’ve worked far more frequently than they haven’t when I’ve the traded for real. I’m confident going into the day, but then come time to execute a trade and a moment of hesitation always interrupts, and a voice is screaming, “Stop! The price will turn the instant you enter!” + +I’ve tried different ways to figure out what’s causing the hesitation, and it’s not the usual suspects. + +- It’s not lack of confidence in my plans, because they’ve worked and I’m constantly back testing them. However, when I back test, I don’t have this type of hesitation, because I subconsciously know it’s not real money. + +- It’s also not position size. I tried trading one share of some low-float stocks that cost less than $5 per share, and this hesitation is still just as strong as when I trade a Tesla option. + +- Strangely, it’s also not fear of loss despite the voice’s screams, because I have a tight stop loss that I adhere to every time a trade turns on me, and I don’t dwell on losses afterward. + +Have you ever had this issue? If so, what was the cause behind it (if you were able to figure it out)? +TL;DR - In a nutshell, ratings agencies are ranking companies based on financial risk, rather than positive affects for the planet/population, allowing business as usual to continue, with a shiny new social gloss. + +Link to full article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/opinion/esg-investing-responsibility.html +The U.S. and the rest the world are in dire need of a bigger workforce, but there are difficulties in hiring. Could this mean big growth in the valuation of companies that simplify the hiring proces and manage to connect workers with employers? + +I don't know a lot of companies myself that offer a solution. The only thing that comes to my mind are Indeed (private), small outsourcing bureaus (private) and Upwork (overvalued as far as I've heard) + +What are your thoughts on the potential of these companies that connect employee with employer? Who is currently dominant in this space and who could become dominant in the future? +After January of last year, the price of GME saw severe resistance to approaching the price of $350. After that, the target of resistance was $250. Now, it seems $150 or less is the sticking point. I think the hedgies really are running out of room to fight. The price will never reach $50. It'll be full on fire sale to DRS! This is just something I thought I noticed. It might be nothing? +For those that remember when MVIS was trading around \~$1-$2 and then they partnered with Microsoft and ran to $30, this is for you!!! + +**About the Company** + +Verb Technology Co., Inc. engages in transforming how businesses captivate and engage customers. The firm's Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform is based on its proprietary interactive video technology and comprises a suite of sales enablement business software products offered on a subscription basis. Its software applications are available in over 60 countries and in more than 48 languages to large enterprise and small business sales teams that need affordable, easy-to-use, and quick-to-get-results sales tools. The firm’s applications are available in both mobile and desktop versions and offer fully integrated suite, as well as on a standalone basis and include verbCRM (Customer Relationship Management application), verbLIVE (Interactive Livestream eCommerce and Video Webinar application), verbTEAMS (a Self On-boarding version of verbCRM with built-in verbLIVE and Salesforce synchronization for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs), and verbLEARN (Learning Management System application). The company was founded by Rory J. Cutaia on November 27, 2012 and is headquartered in American Fork, UT. + +**Catalysts** + +1. Partnered with Microsoft yesterday with verbMAIL... it is an interactive video sales tool that allows Microsoft Outlook users to record or upload virtually any video to which users can add interactive clickable buttons and icons right in the video for easy click purchasing by viewers (“Buy-It-Now”), scheduling appointments, downloading or viewing product literature and media, and many other sales enabling interactions – all natively from the new verbMAIL button that will appear on the Outlook toolbar after installation. Microsoft Outlook reaches 1B users!!! +2. Partnered with SHOP Today...VERB has partnered to launch SHOP LIVE, a customized, interactive and live-streaming channel unique to each of Market America Worldwide’s global distributors, known as UnFranchise® Owners (UFOs). With this extraordinary and next-level technology, SHOP LIVE™ will allow each UFO to hold their own live broadcast, where they can talk about, demonstrate and sell products to their current and potential customers anytime, anyplace, 24/7. +3. Today they are doing a presentation of the technology at 2:30pm at the Issuer Direct's Access to Giving Virtual Investor Conference + +**Positions : 30k shares in 2 accounts** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m68wphnqt6b71.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a244cc83ec4697981497a7b2965336916c9f50a +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Currently I do 50 hours a week work with the rest of the time mostly occupied by exercise and eating. Weekends are nice but I'm often mentally exhausted. + +The life I want is reading whole books in a couple of days because I can't put them down. Travelling across Europe. Helping family. Trying new things like diving or skiing. When the hell am I supposed to build that into my life today? + +I only have so much mental capacity and time each week and that's taken up by, you know, the necessary evils. So what am I missing? Everyone seems to swear by it + +Edit: some commenters have set me straight. OP didn't mean live the life you want right now, they meant envision the life you want and the expenses that would require, then save for it. That might still require sacrifice during saving but is better than an arbitrary figure like 40k p.a. Which may leave you short. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/22/salesforce-earnings-q2-2020.html + +Salesforce released its first earnings report since its $15.3 billion acquisition of Tableau Software, the company’s largest deal ever. + +Prior to the announcement, Salesforce was expecting revenue for the current fiscal year of over $16 billion, a number it expected to reach $26 billion to $28 billion by fiscal 2023. + +Between Tableau and MuleSoft, Salesforce has been growing into new areas beyond cloud applications. + +Earnings: 66 cents per share, excluding certain items, vs. 47 cents per share as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +Revenue: $4 billion, vs. $3.95 billion as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. +So we just got word that our entire team is being laid off, because there's going to be a merger and the other company thinks they have enough people with our skill sets. This came as a shock as the merger was supposed to include our team as well. Everyone in the office is in panic mode. You can see that they're scared to their deaths. They're talking about how they're not able to afford their mortgages, car payments, other loans, student loan debts, etc... + +We live in a small town and this means a lot of people with my skills will be on the market which makes it difficult to find a job that pays as much as the current job. I'm 32, married with two kids and someone like me should be scared to death right now. Indeed I would have been had it not been for this sub and other people who helped me realize that financing a lifestyle I can't really afford is like living in a house of cards, it's always ready to collapse with the slightest of winds. + +Starting 6 years ago my wife and I decided that we're going to aggressively clear all debts . That included student loans, car loans, our mortgage and some personal loans from family and friends. It took a lot of hard work but just 3 months ago we paid off our house. + +I have an emergency fund for 6 months of expenses. In fact we funded this before we went to pay off the mortgage, so it actually includes 6 months of paying mortgage as well which we no longer need to pay. In reality it's closer to 9 months of expenses. + +So I'm going to be unemployed very soon, but I'm not scared. I would have been scared to death if I had a ton of payments to make with no or a small emergency fund. Now, it's just a matter of searching for a new job. I can spend time aggressively chasing down opportunities because I can afford the time to do so! I don't need to work a temporary job just to keep up with the payments. + +Whenever I find a new job, the first thing we'll do is to refund the emergency fund to its full level. + +So yeah guys, work on your emergency fund. Sure you'll lose money on it because it's in a bank account with low interest rates (compared to investments), but it's your insurance. It's there to support you when your income can't, you're supposed to lose money on insurance. You do it so that if you get into a situation like mine, you don't lose your shit. You can be calm, keep the lights on and keep supporting your family while you're focusing on your future options. +26m here in a pretty good financial position. I do have trouble staying away from excessive consumption I’m always looking at a bigger house, nicer car, bigger boat etc. At the moment I’m battling myself not to buy a bigger/better boat (I genuinely love fishing and a bigger boat would be safer and able to handle more conditions) but know the 60k could be worth 500k in 30 years if invested right. Then I rationalise and say well I’m not going to want a boat when I’m 65 may as well enjoy it now blah blah blah. Honestly I do compare where I’m at in life with others I’m very competitive by nature how do you just be happy with where you are and not be tempted to spend more on upgrading things you don’t need? Recently bought a really nice home (215sqm home on 490smq) in a great area it’s everything I need but find myself wanting more like what if I had 3 living areas and a 900sqm block to build a shed on. I just want to be happy with what i have has anyone here actually upgraded to find it wasn’t as fulfilling as they thought? Thanks! + +As an after thought I think knowing my financial position may help I have a 700k house with a 425k mortgage and 130k in my redraw as well as like 5k savings in my bank and earn around 115k annually. +How long would it take to repay $400k in HECS debt w a graduate start salary of around $90-$100k? + +I’ve been looking through some posts in this community and the highest I’ve seen so far was less than $200k in debt. + +This is just a kind of hypothetical situation because I want to get into dentistry after my undergrad but the only way I am able to do this is via this course that’s ~$320k in fees alone. I don’t like the thought of being in huge debt for a long period of time (I mean I’m sure that’s everyone, right?) so I’ve been having second thoughts on this pathway bc idk if it’s worth that much... + +Edit: im a first year uni student doing a bachelor atm.... I still don’t understand how HECS works haha... 💀🤡 +Let’s say I bought $100k of voo and sold it for $80k. Thus I have a tax loss of $20k. Next I buy $80k of vti and never sell. By the time my heirs inherit it, it’s worth $500k. Would this mean I get a free $20k tax loss harvest and totally avoid capital gains? +I’m looking to purchase a boat to live aboard partially with my savings and partially with a personal loan. One has come on the market that fits my needs well, but I may be forced to either withdraw from the bidding or make an offer before my loan application is approved. I’ve been given a 95% chance of approval by Tesco Bank, but I’m still somewhat anxious about finding myself in the embarrassing position of having made an offer and paid the deposit only to have to withdraw from the process. + +How much confidence can I really have in that 95% chance? It would seem a reasonable bet if I actually can be 95% sure but my circumstances are a little strange; despite earning a decent salary I’m living with one of my parents since I was (ironically enough) recovering from a long-term illness just before the pandemic hit and I���m also a company director, but only for a company that exits on paper to jointly own some software a friend and I wrote. I’d quite happily stake my deposit on a 95% chance of success, but only if I can be confident those are my true odds. + +Cheers in advance! +When I finish my studies in April, I have a job to go back home to where I earn £720 a week. I live at home with parents, paying £300/month in keep and looking at my bank statements I would estimate total monthly spend on everything else is around £500. I’ve got £3k saved and £7k invested. I’ll use some of my savings for driving lessons so I’m not worried about setting more money aside for this. + +Anyway, I was having a play around with an online tax calculator and saw the monthly tax-free allowance is £1,048. As my monthly pre-tax earnings is over £3k, it estimates I’ll pay £690 tax on £2k taxable income. So I was wondering seen as my spending is so low and I’ve got savings already for extra spending or emergencies, would it be ok to put 65% of my income into my workplace pension to pay less in tax? +I can not believe that one and a half green days has got some of you talking about "the dip" in past tense. + +That some how this isnt over and we are heading back to 69k tomorrow especially since all the macro economic issues that are causing this haven't been resolved at all + +Let us not forget the inflation bubble that will pop eventually like 2008. + +This is not fud. We holders will make excellent money if we seize the opportunity of this bubble pop. Shilling lethal doses of hopium is good but not realistic ❤ + +Be realistic, this IS NOT OVER YET. + +Edit: all I'm saying is to keep your wits about you and don't make foolish choices. When In doubt DCA. The 2008 reference is worst case. Not saying it will happen this year but it will happen eventually + +Second edit: thanks for all the love and the hate bur I do have to say this AGED PERFECTLY LIKE FINE WINE. +I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask, but /r/Zelle limits who can post there + +I just moved into a new place and my new landlord wants me to send monthly rent through Zelle. I gave him my security deposit and first month's rent through a check. A couple questions: + +Do the new rules on IRS reporting affect rent payments? Do I send it as a personal payment? + +My bank does not work with Zelle, but apparently I can still use the app on my phone to pay. I'm wary of this and wondering if there are built-in limits or things I should be aware of when using the app with a bank that doesn't already work with Zelle. + +When I install the Zelle app I'm getting a message: + +> We use third-party software to scan your device for malware and to protect your account from misuse, including fraud prevention. No data is stored or collected through this scan. + +The only option is to hit "allow" to continue. I see no mention of what this third-party software is or what it can access. Searching Google returns zero results for this message - is this new? + +Are there any other things I should be concerned about or aware of when paying rent through Zelle? + I looked at all of the yearly historical returns of the S&P (including adjustments for inflation/deflation) and what I found surprised me and was in conflict with a lot of the standard talking points on this sub. These are a few takeaways: + +· Using the 4% rule with 100% stocks is WAY riskier than I realized. There are multiple starting years where using that allocation would fail outright. + +· Even more troubling to me is that many more sequences would not fail, but would reduce your nest egg to a level that would be uncomfortable for a LONG time. Would you feel confident living for a decade or more off just 7 times your expenses? The most concerning were periods starting around the late 60’s/early 70’s. + +· Flexible spending isn’t enough. I always assumed that because my personal number was relatively fat, that I would be able to reduce my spending in lean years to my leanest number and be ok. Unfortunately, even if cutting your budget to survive a lean year works to keep you solvent, you may have to live at that reduced number indefinitely, something I would not be prepared to do. + +· Although the average return of the market after inflation (which I calculated to be roughly 9% from 1926 on), the average POSITIVE return in a positive year was closer to 20%, while the average NEGATIVE return in a negative year was -14%. + +My original thought for fixing this was that perhaps by taking a lump amount (say 3 years of expenses) and leaving it as cash you could largely avoid the sequence of return risks. I ran calcs using that breakdown and the results weren’t much better. By leaving cash on the sideline in the present, you’re reducing the gains that will fuel future years. + +I’ve come to the realization that a SWR of 3.25% or even better 3% is the best way to address the sequence of return risk that threatens to derail a long retirement. The beauty of using 3% is that based on the historical data I looked at, it has *never* failed. Obviously “historical performance is no guarantee of future results”, but it sure makes me feel more secure that I won’t be facing a failed retirement or more meager lifestyle than I had planned. + +The best part is that if you hit the 4% SWR number and get lucky enough to have two years of average positive returns (19.9%), it would take less than 2 extra years to go from 25x spending to 33.3x spending, even without additional contributions. Worst case, the market tanks during that time and you’re able to preserve all of your capital until it swings back positive, avoiding the sequence of return risk. Not everyone here will feel this way, but I would much rather delay my retirement by 2-3 years than live on financial eggshells for the rest of my life. + +TLDR Use a 3% portfolio +*Link:* [*https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/uk-inflation-february-energy-cost-of-living-bank-of-england-2022-3*](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/uk-inflation-february-energy-cost-of-living-bank-of-england-2022-3) + +Prices rose across the UK economy at the fastest rate in 30 years in the year to February, intensifying a cost-of-living crisis in the country. + +Year-on-year consumer price index inflation hit 6.2% in February, the Office for National Statistics [said](https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/bulletins/consumerpriceinflation/february2022) Wednesday, the highest level since 1992. The reading was up from 5.5% in January, and above economists' expectations of 6%. + +"Inflation rose steeply in February as prices increased for a wide range of goods and services, for products as diverse as food to toys and games," Grant Fitzner, chief economist at the ONS, said. + +The jump in inflation adds to the chances that the Bank of England will hike interest rates again at its next meeting on May 5. It has already raised them for [three meetings in a row](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/bonds/bank-of-england-interest-rates-uk-economy-inflation-ukraine-conflict-2022-3?utm_medium=ingest&utm_source=markets), taking the main rate from a record low of 0.1% to 0.75%. + +London's [FTSE 100](https://markets.businessinsider.com/index/ftse_100?utm_medium=ingest&utm_source=markets) stock index was up 0.52% after the figures were released. The [pound](https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/gbp-usd?utm_medium=ingest&utm_source=markets) was down 0.23% to $1.323. + +The figures make tough reading for Britons, who are now seeing prices rise faster than wages and face a steep rise in living costs in the spring. + +Energy bills are set to soar in April after wholesale prices skyrocketed and the government lifted a price cap. Prices at the fuel pump have also risen sharply, and the Ukraine conflict risks sending energy prices even higher. + +The government is also increasing taxes in April, as it worries about the state of the public finances following a surge in spending during the coronavirus crisis. + +There is little sign that the cost-of-living crisis will abate any time soon. The Bank of England expects inflation to soar above 8%, and even suggested it could hit double digits if global energy prices continue to rise. + +UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak will unveil measures to ease some of the burden on households when he delivers a spring economic statement later Wednesday. However, he has argued in favor of tax rises in the face of opposition from within his own party. + +Martin Beck, chief economic advisor to the EY Item Club, said he expects inflation to rise significantly over the coming months. + +"The impact of rising global goods prices continued to feed through," he said. "What happens further out will be heavily influenced by the geopolitical situation and its impact on commodity prices." + +Samuel Tombs, chief UK economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said he expects the Bank of England to be cautious about how far it raises interest rates. + +"With the economic recovery likely to slow sharply as households feel the pinch, and domestically-generated inflation still relatively subdued, we expect the Committee to pause raising Bank Rate, once it has increased it to 1% in May," he said. + +"Further rate hikes would increase the risk of a [recession](https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-a-recession?utm_medium=ingest&utm_source=markets) and the chances that CPI inflation ultimately would significantly undershoot the 2% target in the medium term." +Thanks to everyone who participated.../u/Sileniced was kind enough to share half the reward with /u/platypii...both have received their share of the bounty. I wonder, once this community grows 1000 fold, will decentralization be an applicable future? unless everyone were to understand how the blockchain works under the hood, I'm doubtful. The bitcoin experiment is at a very brittle state...exciting times. + + +Update Monday 22nd: /u/Sileniced http://imgur.com/a2r7P9V has the highest chances of winning this, if anyone would like to agree/disagree please let me know. + + + +Update: Here's a compiled list of everyone who made an effort, if I've missed any, please let me know. + +/u/platypii http://i.imgur.com/bnsmrDs.png + +/u/scriib http://i.imgur.com/IudwcGZ.png + +/u/Sileniced http://imgur.com/a2r7P9V + +/u/BruceCLin http://i.imgur.com/cR1xSBn.jpg + +/u/joabble https://i.imgur.com/pdqHQAX.png + +/u/suraj6454 http://i.imgur.com/FnxfFFR.png + +Thanks for your submissions, if any corrections have been suggested, please edit them in. /r/bitcoin do pm/post on this thread on who you would want to receive the bounty + +/u/jonstern an infographic from a professional like yourself would be interesting to see. + +It's been stated that the bounty of .5 BTC isn't justifiable, wish I could do more for the time and effort that has been put in to this, I can't but I will try. + +Something learnt from this exercise: If we aren't able to properly digest the first major debate over the networks future, one can assume with ease that over time, the human tendency to "leave it to someone else" will take over and a pseudo form of centralization shall ensue. I hope not though, only time will tell. + +&nbsp; + + + + + +hello, + +After having watched the video where Gavin and Mike take a firm stance on the blocksize debate, despite having good intentions surely, it seemed as if Gavin took his first bite of power. + +Its actually anyone's best guess as to which lead developer will serve the network as dutifully as we'd like them to. + +To many like myself who have no technical knowledge of why this is so crucial, it would be so nice to have an image that clearly and simply portrays: + +* Why either side has chosen their stance +* The positive/negative outcomes if one of their implementations gets adopted +* Anything else that would be considered useful + +.5 BTC will be awarded to the most upvoted image. Please tip contributors if able. + + +Sorry if this is not the right sub to post this, being directed to where this may be relevant would be appreciated. + +Thank You + +Edit: Judging by the complexity of the requirement, id like to add that the bounty will be granted to whoever receives the most positive response by Monday June 22nd. Whether it fully encapsulates the matter or not, the most appreciated effort will be rewarded. +Those of you that have received significant pay rises going from job to job - did any of you apply for jobs with higher salaries thinking “Well I might not get it but it’s worth applying” - or did you feel that the salary on offer is what you should be paid instead of what you were/are? + +I have been looking and applying online for jobs with starting salaries of £10-15k higher than mine, but I do the same in my current job as the responsibilities outlined in the ads. It just makes me feel odd that I’m applying for jobs which such a difference in pay as what I currently get, even though I’m sure I can do them. I’m in sales, btw. + +Has anyone else felt like this, and how did it turn out? +My grandparents have been literally storing cash under their mattress. Now with the transition to new £20 notes what is the best way to swap old for new notes or pay into their account without raising any eyebrows as they have almost £10,000. Don’t want the bank to think that either me or they are drunk dealers. + +Would I have to do it very slowly a couple of hundred at a time? +I donated blood and was told I could get free parking for doing this. I parked for 1hr4 mins and just received a £100 parking fine from Parking Eye for not paying for parking. I was told verbally that this was free and I am also sure in a letter (which I must have thrown away) it said this too. When I google Crewe Alexandria parking and blood donation there are several posts regarding it being free (but they are from 2016). Do I have to pay this fine? I am obviously going to appeal it; I have evidence I donated blood but I can’t find the letter that said parking was free and was only told verbally on the day +New builds in the south east where I live are about 500k which is more than I can get a mortgage for i earn around 52k and my wife is now part time working 3 days a week earning around 24k. +Do you regret taking the help to buy to boost your living space? +Currently, I am working full-time at McDonalds and Wendy's and I am using a calculator to calculate how many customers walk into the store, and then storing it on word. During quarantine, we would get a lot of cars in the drive through, but now those decreased by quite a bit at both my positions. Now, like we get quite a few cars but not as many, but we have quite a few more people walking in for takeaway. + + My guess is approximately 300(+-100) come in per hour but before it was around 310 (+-110) at McDonalds and at Wendy's it is now 200 (+-80) versus the 214.20(+-100) it was before. These were done by calculating the average by using different weights depending on the time that I selected at random. + +Also, I am not really sure how reliable my numbers are as sometimes I would get bored and just guess the number of customers that were there. + +My question is, as I have done this technical analysis, would it be insider trading to buy a bunch of puts as I think McDonalds and Wendy's will both tank like around 10% (+-15%)because fewer people are ordering. Like McDonalds has at least 10,00,00 stores in the USA so it will be quite a significant amount of dropping and I can also long McDonalds when Wendy's release their earnings first as when their stock drops McDonalds will also go up. + +&#x200B; + +P.S: Is it insider trading if it is like 500 usd? + +Edit: guys I just checked and their next earnings is at the end of this week as there is a contract expiring on 7/30. I’ll update with my position on Thursday night. +I thought a virtual universe is where your dreams come true. You can be anyone and do anything you want. You can have anything you want. + +I can't buy a Lamborghini in real life, fine I drive my virtual Lamborghini. + +If I dont own a house in real world, I could have the biggest house, a Kardashian house, in the virtual universe. + +But if I have to pay as much as a real property to buy a virtual one, then whats the benefit. If it is still too expensive, and i have to work my ass off to be able to have nice things in virtual universe then whats the fun? Then its not a game, its just another market for companies to sell their products, well virtual products. +Right now metavers games are not fun, you have to work for every thing. +There is a lot going on at the moment, but can we all take a moment to realize that next week we should pass 50% DRS numbers? + +This is an insane accomplishment and we just need to keep blinders on and keep chipping at what matters. Let the GME staff do what they do best and get the business morphed into what we all know it will be. Let the DOJ and SEC fight about how the hell this happened and let MSM eat each other and play the blame game. We need to just focus on 1 thing and 1 thing only.... 100% lock. + +Buy and DRS... KISS (keep it simple stupid) + +Over and out. +I'm unfortunately one of those people who is seeking FIRE because I cannot stand working in my profession (niche practice of corporate law). I started out working at a big firm and am currently in-house at a Megacorp. I jumped at the opportunity to move to Megacorp because of all the stories about how in-house jobs are hard to come by, cushy and infinitely better than big firm life. + +While the hours at Megacorp are better than firm life, everything else is the same -- endless stacks of paper, constant negative stress, lack of control or meaning, culture of "if you act happy it must be because you don't have enough work to do", 24 hr on-call including while on "vacation" and over holidays -- I could go on and on. Everyone around me seems miserable and this is something I've observed for the entire time I've been practicing in the profession. + +The mentality and realities of the job have impacted and continue to impact my personal life negatively. In particular, I'm frequently moody, quick to anger, frustrated and (from what I understand from family and friends) incredibly difficult to be around. I get into loops where I cannot stop thinking negatively about life in general and cannot stop thinking about work and it poisons everything around me. + +Rightly or wrongly, I look at FIRE as a savior of sorts from my current life, which revolves around work. After reading countless stories around the interwebs, however, I fear that what I'm experiencing is not relegated to my profession but is inherent to most fields and jobs. This makes me cling to FIRE even harder, and keeps me locked in at Megacorp as the salary and benefits are probably one of the fastest ways to get to FIRE (I'm 2-3 years away from my FI number). + +I'm looking for advice on how to improve my situation and gain some self control over my moods and negativity (as I fear its ruining my personal life) and whether I am right to be reluctant to jump ship and try a new career when I'm so close to reaching FI and live in a HCOL area (my gf just got a huge raise and promotion so we'll be staying at least another year). I exercise regularly, eat well, practice gratefulness (on and off), volunteer and have tried therapy in the past, but am still facing the same issues. I'm actively job searching, but reading job descriptions for jobs that actually match my skill set depresses the hell out of me, it all looks like more of the same BS. + +I know there this group is an extremely smart and adaptable bunch -- any wisdom you could impart would be greatly appreciated. + +Hi so i have been lurking around here for quite some time never posted anything.I have been in the market for about 5 years now . and one thing that see as a "common wisdom" is to take your profits early . + +Now this post is not meant to bash on the before mentioned rule , taking profits early does work .My problem though is that every trader should always know themselves first . lets say you are a person who is more nuerotic than average ( firstly I think active trading in itself might be akin to swimming upstream in your case) , the more attention you pay to your P&L the more anxious and impulsive you are likely to get .in a perfect world where you could follow these rules that obviously work without emotions and your own personality interfering just following every good rule would make sense in this case though have an honest reflection wether you can follow through on these sets of rules or not . + +now , if i have to come to some solutions , as the title suggests hoding till expiry can help given that you are willing to just sell the option and forget , remember for a neurotic person less the interaction with the position the better . + +holding tille expiry does not mean that you are going to be careless though . you when wrong are going to lose more than the average trader who is booking profits early . always always insure your positions to limit your loss to a set amount . how much should you risk every trade ? my personal suggestion is that if you lose twice in a row , you still should be able to bounce back relatively easily. + +and how do you insure ? mostly just buy an option further OTM. + +further points to remember + +stick to index as a beginner less premium but more stability and ITM probability is more reliable (not absolutely though) + +because we are assuming you are the neurotic person/the overthinker .backtest , if you cant do it manually just buy some tool .it is expensive but the peace of mind that it can give you worth more than any profits .and it will lead you to interfering less with the position . + +you'll be quite surprised to find out how some strategies actually work better if you just hold till expiry . + +BUT , there are going to be trade offs , there is obviously a chance of a draw down huge enough to cause you trouble but it is relatively low if you keep everything under sound risk management.secondly you will make somewhat less frequent money than the person who books profits early but again that is something that we already know you wont be able to do . +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep bragging to a minimum; remember every dollar you make is a dollar someone else lost. +Hello, I have a lot of MSFT shares with a low cost basis. + +I would like to boost my returns by selling covered calls and rather not to lose my shares. + +My plan is to sell \~30DTE, avoid earnings calls, and roll whenever it is possible. + +I wonder if its safer/better to sell CC on all shares with delta like 15 or on \~33% of shares with delta like 30-35 and use the rest of the shares to sell additional calls when rolling is not possible. + +Both ways give similar amount of initial premium. + +Any suggestions? +I am inviting fellow put sellers to share their views and experiences with selling NAKED PUTS. there is a lot on wheeling and selling CSP but I think naked puts are slightly different animal and the most attractive trades too! +I am personally coming to a portfolio where I am keeping 50% cash and selling naked puts 2x-3x of that. +My cost basis for Spy is $460 but I've been selling covered calls WAY below my cost basis since March of this year. I've collected about $4k in CCs so far. Why shouldn't I sell CC below my cost basis since we in bear 🧸 market? +I'm relatively new to option writing, and during my research I saw it pop up a lot that it's common/ reccomended to sell credit spreads at the .30 (or -.30) delta. If this is true, why is that the case? I was more inclined to sell at the.10 delta to decrease probability of expiring ITM. What delta do you guys usually sell at? +Let's say I bought 300 shares of stock X at $10, currently trading at $15. I'm willing to hold longterm and plan on selling a third of it at $20, third at $25, third at $30 (all hypothetical numbers). + +If that's already my exit strategy, regardless of all other factors, is there any reason I shouldn't sell a covered call at each price point? If they're exercised, I sold at my desired price and collected premium. If they don't, I continue holding as planned and continue gaining premium along the way. + +I know that's not a real theta strategy since I'm not accounting for IV, greeks, wheeling, etc, but it seems like a reasonable way to earn some income on my shares while they sit around. +# The Scenario + +AMD ended trading today at $120.24 a share. At the height of the most recent market downturn AMD bounced off at around $100 per share three times, indicating a strong level of support at that price point. + +&#x200B; + +[AMD Price Chart](https://preview.redd.it/thoknxl6e8q81.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=be77d83a56d7c5875fe7873fd2038b12653943ca) + +# The Play + +Selling the May 6th 100P for about $1.95 each with 0.15 delta. I think this is a good put to sell because of the strong support AMD has shown at the $100 level. + +This play might carry some extra risk because of the various reports that are going to come out during the month of April (CPI, jobs report, etc.) + earnings most likely coming out during the last week of April. + +# The Execution + +Holding until expiration doesn't sound like a good idea to me, especially since this put expires after AMD earnings. Depending on how this put goes, I believe I'll close it out a day or two before AMD earnings come out. I'd also consider buying to close once I get a 50-80% gain on the CSP. + +&#x200B; + +**tl;dr** + +Selling May 6th 100P and planning to close before earnings report or once appropriate profit level is reached. + +&#x200B; + +**Update:** + +Rerolled to July 15th $100P and roughly doubled net credit to 8.12 per contract—I now intend to get assigned if it goes further down south. +Hey Gang, this is the update for the end of February with my current positions on the PMCC strategy that I am running. I had to take some money out of my brokerage account to purchase some property so I ended up with only long positions of shares for the month of January and February. + +Background information on my trading plan and previous month updates can be found in my profile. + +\-Previous Long Positions: + +AAPL 21 Jan 22 $75 Call + +QQQ 21 Jan 22 $240 Call + +ARKK 21 Jan 22 $87.96 Call + +ARKG 17 Dec 21 $74.20 Call + +\-Closed Positions: + +AAPL 21 Jan 22 $75 Call – Opened 23 Sep 20, closed 21 Jan 21, cost $3,785, closed for $5,650, premium earned $640, total profit $2,795 (+74%) + +QQQ 21 Jan 22 $240 Call – Opened 15 Dec 20, closed 3 Feb 21, cost $7,750, closed for $9,725, premium earned $133, total profit $2,110 (+27%) + +ARKK 21 Jan 22 $87.96 Call – Opened 15 Dec 20, closed 12 Jan 21, cost $4,810, closed for $5,940, premium earned $265, total profit $1,395 (+29%) + +ARKG 17 Dec 21 $74.20 Call – Opened 17 Dec 21, closed 12 Jan 21, cost $3,710, closed for $3,880, premium earned $180, total profit $290 (+7%) + +\-Current Long Positions: + +AAPL 17 Jun 22 $90 Call @ $39.10 + +PLTR 17 Jun 22 $18 Call @ $12.05 + +\-Current Short Positions: + +I have no short positions open, waiting for a bounce + +Current total invested: $5,115 + +Current value of long positions: $4,957.50 + +P/L: -157.50$ (adding in the premium earned) + +% P/L: -3.18% + +March potential premium: $0 + +P/L of closed positions: +$6,590 + +%P/L of closed positions: +32.7% + +I’m always looking to add more LEAPs, I’m watching BA, LOW, CAT, AMD, NIO, PLUG, and several others. My other positions include shares in BB, GME, and PLTR, along with calls in NEPT, NIO, and QQQJ. I also have a cash secured put in PLTR. + +If you have any specific questions, critiques, or my math is wonky let me know. + +Disclaimer: I am not a professional trader or financial advisor; I am sharing this for you guys to either learn something from it or poke holes in the plan. The stocks I have chosen are stocks that I like to trade, and I am not endorsing any equities whatsoever. Also, trading options is risky, please only invest what you can afford to lose. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Sup Theta! I’m buying a power boat with the gains from the tricks I learned from you degenerates. Need some trading-related name suggestions. So far I have “ Naked Call” and “THX TSLA”. Let’s hear it from you creative apes ! +I had 2 CSP last week on Intel last week when stock was over $60 did anyone else get burned and get assigned after the bad chip news? I now have 200 shares with an average basis of $57.5. Stock is now around $49.50. So i have an unrealized loss of about $1,600. I dont mind holding 200 shares of Intel, but ive never had the Wheels fall off like this and my original plan was to implement the wheel strategy. I am looking for some insight on my path forward from people that have experience with this. Covered Calls short term at $57-$58 strikes are not very high. + +Is this how the Theta Gang noob loses? Or was i just seriously unlucky! Thanks guys. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Been working on my options game, and I ran into something I can't google my way out of: + +Why shouldn't I open Iron condors for low returns on very safe stocks? The example I have specific questions about are companies like AT&T and Ford... + +Very stable stocks, very sideways. I could do condors outside their last 3 month high and low prices, and then some because I am conservative. One strike beyond the 3month high and low for my sells, and another outside that for my purchases... + +In a practice math situation I could turn 3k collateral into 10 contracts per company with intracompany diversification at different strikes for a return of about 600$ at expiration with VERY limited risk (so far as I can tell)... + +To me this seems like an easy way to make decent returns on lower collateral. I would anticipate losing some of these contracts but winning most, and making most of that 600 premium. I am obviously wrong and can't wait to laugh at how stupid I am, please help me. +Let's say I bought 300 shares of stock X at $10, currently trading at $15. I'm willing to hold longterm and plan on selling a third of it at $20, third at $25, third at $30 (all hypothetical numbers). + +If that's already my exit strategy, regardless of all other factors, is there any reason I shouldn't sell a covered call at each price point? If they're exercised, I sold at my desired price and collected premium. If they don't, I continue holding as planned and continue gaining premium along the way. + +I know that's not a real theta strategy since I'm not accounting for IV, greeks, wheeling, etc, but it seems like a reasonable way to earn some income on my shares while they sit around. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I have about $1000 in free capital right now and I was wondering if it would be smarter to wheel 1 $10 stock or drop down and maybe find 2 $5 stocks to wheel? Which would be the more profitable option? +23m, single, last year of school, working at a grocery store for $16/hr. Been trading for about four years and making decent gains (I'm up about 30% this year—but who isn't). My goal is to make enough income off of the wheel strategy (maybe a few credit spreads here and there) to sustain myself while I focus on making music and youtube videos in my spare time (hopefully those will eventually net me a profit too). + +I want to hear your biggest failures, disappointments, and screw ups. Someone beat some sense into me! +The returns with the wheel / selling options seem low at first glance -- say 0.5%-1% per week, but they are HUGE over time -- 20-30% per year is massive. With 20% you can double money every 4 years + +Selling options seems much better than buying real-estate or PE funds or other exotic investments. You keep control of your money, there are several mitigation strategies, full liquidity, etc. + +What's the catch? Why are more people not doing this? +I am trying to do the math in my head but am wondering if this is a strategy that is worthwhile to explore. And the risks involved. + +Are you able to short a position, and using the funds from selling the stock as collateral for an ATM put? I am assuming it carries the same risks as buying a stock to sell a call. + +Are there any benefits to doing this? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I'm writing weekly naked puts at the 20 delta on AMZN and GOOG with the expectation that they can only fall another ~20% based on historical valuation multiples, i.e., I'd accept assignment at 2200 for GOOG and 2600 for AMZN. Until then, my plan is to keep rolling down and out for a credit until assignment or the trades expire OTM. Thoughts? + +Update: in the green on the AMZN and GOOG weekly puts I sold yesterday, which are now at ~10 delta. +How do you guys choose the stocks to do strategies on? + +I know TastyTrade has some nice filters where you can choose several criteria, such as DTEs 30-45, POP in a certain range, no dividend before expirations, etc. Unfort I cannot have an acct there. + +I have been looking at barchart's IVrank page, then I look for a name that I like which is in their high point, look at the graph for support/resistance, and plug the numbers in an excel to see if the premium is around 1/3 of width of strikes (mostly put or call spreads) + +I would love to hear other ideas, so I can improve my strategy. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I am trying to do the math in my head but am wondering if this is a strategy that is worthwhile to explore. And the risks involved. + +Are you able to short a position, and using the funds from selling the stock as collateral for an ATM put? I am assuming it carries the same risks as buying a stock to sell a call. + +Are there any benefits to doing this? +This is just a light hearted more fun personal finance post... + +Say you have £5,000 to invest, which you had to invest in a product or tangible item. + +It could be a bottle of whiskey, rolex watch, a relatively cheap car. Maybe a painting. Or perhaps a collectors edition video game unopened childrens toy. + +You maintain it in perfect mint condition for those 40 years in storage. + +What would you try your luck with to have a good return? + +This is influenced by watching antiques roadshow and some of the things that have done very well in value..! +Decided to try TurboTax this year, since using Credit Karma was resulting in my mailbox filling up on a weekly basis with loan spam. + +1st attempt: using the free online page, amounts match what I had last year. At the very end I am taken hostage with a "Pay for Deluxe or we won't let you submit, since you have an HSA". There goes an hour of my time. + +2nd attempt: bought their Deluxe for $30 off Costco, start reentering all that on the desktop program. When it gets to state filing, it holds me hostage again to pay *another* $40. My state refund is about $100 tops. I call in customer service and get put on hold for about an hour by a rep who had better things to do (55 mins to be exact). So TurboTax stole about 2-3 hours of my life at this point, ~~and $30 on top since Costco does not refund those keys.~~ + +Meanwhile I put laundry in the drier, vacuum the room a bit, register again on Credit Karma, file the entire thing and submit before finally telling the agent I did not need her help anymore. +Workhorse Group (WKHS) As of today, it is shorted at nearly 42% of float. This seems to me to be the next runner from AMC and GME. + +Both GME and AMC were hugely shorted previously when the rallies started, and now that short interest has decreased. It still is there but has decreased and that's why I think we've seen momentum change. + +Today, AMC took a massive hit due to the company offering nearly 12 million stocks for purchase which hurt many peoples wins and likely some that hasn't invested sooner. +Edit: this above paragraph apparently is inaccurate, it was misinformation posted on a news article today that was misleading. Apparently there was no selloff. +Edit 2: renig here. Apparently it is confirmed that the 11.5millipn shares were selling today, which naturally would've contributed to the amc sell off. Multiple news outlets I've found state the same not referencing any April date. This is a discussion post. This is the most up to date and accurate info I can seem to find. + +I expect GME and AMC will likely both continue to increase if stocks are held. But based on short interest alone, it would seem to me that WKHS is next in line for the biggest squeeze meaning it has the biggest short term gains to be had. + +WKHS was trading for around $10-$11 yesterday and is nearly $15/share currently. + +Thoughts? +Wife has 118 118 Money credit card, not often used, only conveniently. I recently realised there is a fixed monthly fee of £18 (instead of interest and other fees). + +Have told her that's a silly fee to be charged each month when the balance is often below £50 and more often than not £0. + +Anyway, if she clears small balance and closed the account with them, will it have any negative short comings regarding credit file (planning on mortgage in next 20 months) + +As always thanks in advance UKPF +They bumped up mine by £150+ this year for renewal. I phoned up saying I was cancelling and surprise surprise, I get a 'loyalty discount' of £110. Which took the total to £2 per month less than the best quote I got elsewhere. + + +when you grow up poor, you really have to do everything perfectly i would like to add you are dependent on luck because theres so many outside things that can screw you bad, so many things you cant control. + +this is a bit of a rant growing up poor in the early 2000s + +you really had to had to make the most of every little good thing you had, one or two failures you can end up screwed. making mistakes while poor were very punishing. + +**housing**: hopefully you live in a safe area. this is a serious concern for many and can prevent you from achieving things. fear and anxiety are serious debilitating things. also hopefully you dont have a crappy landlord that doesnt fix things, provides enough winter heat, etc. + +**parents**: hopefully you don't have crazy parents, if you have both you already have some luck, and with more luck your parents can give you wisdom because education begins at home. + +**self esteem, confidence**: this is important, you really need this to make that decision to fight your poverty and believe you will get out with the right actions. another thing is poor people are treated like dirt, and get no respect or sympathy, and are brought up to feel ashamed, you need thick skin + +**extra dose of faith**: when you grow up poor, you notice many people around you fall, and stay poor. its scary to see your family, friends, end up in bad situations and it seems like you are next. you need everything, thick skin, self esteem, confidence, faith, mental strength because once slip into a tight situation you can be stuck there + +**education**: you really need to make that crummy k-12 public school education work. you need to break out of any immature mentally fast, you need to grow up fast, you cannot really afford to take it easy. one missed math lesson and it can be over right there. you need to distance yourself from crazy people who are on a fast track to prison, this is hard when you will meet so many people like that in poor schools. bullies and tough guys are the worst. i was not bullied but i saw them and that energy was so draining and depressing. + +**networks**: when you are poor you will probably lack networks. no rich uncles, no connected friends. its a big disadvantage and its unfortunate and it sucks. + +**after high school**: this needs to be perfect. this needs to be a perfect performance. there are so many dangers at this point, toxic relationships, addictions, sickness, not knowing what the heck to do when time is ticking. this is not unique to poor people but when you lack networks and finances, its a lot harder to fix major issues. you really need to dodge all of the bad stuff like the matrix, while drafting some 200iq plans. + +if you take the college route, you cant really afford to "figure it out" at college. you need to be ready to get a marketable degree. even random STEM degree holders end up in endless retail hell. your college career needs to be a perfect performance. you need to establish those networks, get recommendations, get experience while there. this inst unique to poor people, but again its wat harder without networks. hopefully you can get a scholarship, you really have to be super careful with debt + +growing poor is freakin hard man and so much of your future is dependant on luck + +RANT OVER (for now) +**Disclaimer**: This post is going to have a lot of Trust Me Bro Energy. I've been active on the sub for a long time and you'll have to just take my word for it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ + +About a month ago I purchased a significant number of GME shares and immediately called Fidelity to have them DRS'd. Today I was going through my finances (this is going to be the year I don't file for extensions on my taxes, dagnabbit!) and I noticed the DRS never happened. The shares were still at Fidelity. + +So I gave them a call and let me just say the call was...weird. + +I inquired about my first DRS request and Fidelity had absolutely no record of it. I tell them I would like to put in that request and have it expedited. The agent asked to put me on hold. + +I wait for about 15 minutes before the agent comes back where she proceeds to provide **a lot** of push back to discourage me from DRS'ing my shares. + +* The shares are already in your name! +* Your account is cash so they can't be lent out, anyway! +* DRS'ing your shares will make them hard to sell when you want to! +* DRS'ing doesn't do anything! + +They refuse to DRS the shares unless I explain to them why I want to. I explain it doesn't matter why I want to and I just want to ensure I am in complete control of *my* shares. + +Finally the agent concedes and starts the process, but makes me confirm 3 times before being finished (are you sure? ^(are you sure? are you sure?)). + +Maybe it's nothing. Maybe I just got a strange agent compared to my past experiences. But the way she came back with a machine gun of reasons to not DRS my shares felt like there was a script and there's been a tone shift at Fidelity. + +Make of this story what you will. +Anyone here either adopted or used a surrogate? We have one toddler and always saw ourselves as a family of 4 but due to complications during the pregnancy/birth, it is not advisable to carry another baby to term. I understand these are two very different experiences and I think we are leaning towards adoption, as we are not super attached to experiencing the newborn stage again or passing on our genes. I honestly just wouldn't know where to start... like how to find an adoption agency? Should we consider adopting from out of the country (US)? I guess it's like we don't know what we don't know so hoping for some insight. +Hi fatties. Wife and I are in our mid 30's. We have a one year old and as I type this we are waiting in the labour room expecting our second any hour. (She's resting and I'm restless) + +BACKGROUND + +Our NW is approx. 5m in Canada. +- 4m equity in RE +- 300k in stocks +- 700k in cash +- 700k in LOC + +Our expenses are roughly $8k/mo after all RE cashflow including our principal residence. Wife's lifestyle business brings in steadily $5k/mo. My job pays approximately $20k/mo before tax (not counting any bonuses as it's been very volatile). No real RE intentions for the next 10 years. I enjoy the work that I do. I feel I have the perfect amount of time left over for family and myself currently. + +I've started a side business last year and it can begin paying me 20k/mo. I also have 1m in carried interest already that is looking good but won't be materialized until 4 years later. We have at least a 1 year runway to support my $20k/mo salary in the business if no new deals are signed which seems very unlikely. + +I have been telling myself and my two partners I am ready to go all in. Mentally however I feel I shouldn't pull the trigger until I know the business is a sure thing. That may mean another 1-2 clients/projects. We already have over half a dozen of strong leads that should result in 500k-3m profits each. + +I feel I have reached my limits at my current job. The owner is driving the company into the ground. She does not value the people that work for her. I have very little faith in the outlook of the company or my future in it. What it has going for me is I do have the rare trust of the owner and tremendous flexibility. + +In my recent performance review with the owner I brought up that I was severely underpaid according to every market or internal comparables. In a predictable fashion I'm given random excuses why my package is fair but my next ask was the real ask - if I could work on side projects while I kept my job. Up to this point I was very quiet about my side business and I haven't taken on any day to day roles/compensation. She didn't like it but she seems open to trying it out. + +QUESTION: + +My original thinking is I will continue at my job for at least 6 more months while I take on a bigger role in my business. Hopefully I grow it quick and hit my comfort zone in the business so I can seamlessly transition into it. + +As I play it out in my head for the 100th time I wonder if I am playing it too safe as the short term income doesn't even matter in the long run. I have enough savings to absorb a short term hit and I literally make the same in my business as my job today. I have all the upside in the business and none in my job. Am I just hurting my chances to do well in the business and potentially be mediocre in both roles by straddling my options? + +Thoughts? Would you tell me to grow a pair or hedge my bets? + +Thanks in advance! +Hi all, + +Throwaway for very, very obvious reasons.