diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_467.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_467.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_467.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +5. Improve mobile UI. +6. Output more parameters like the Net Greeks. + +Feel free to share your thoughts and any bugs that you find! +Woke up this morning to YNAB alerting me to a new purchase at a fast food restaurant i haven't been to in months. I check my credit card's app, and there's no purchase on the date YNAB indicated. Confused, i try the apps transaction search function and it pulls up a transaction from literally six months ago ("Transaction date: September x, 2021") with a "Posted date" of March 22, 2022. + +It seems to be a charge that showed up as pending when i made the purchase but then disappeared. I totally forgot about it until now. My question is, can they do this?? It's been SIX months! + +The most annoying part though is that i think i had a cash back offer on my card for this place at the time, but naturally that long since expired. +For context 29 year old male, 30k per year salary. Married, two kids, owe 100k on house privately financed through family so zero interest. + +Got an emergency fund for 6 months and matching employer contributions of 5% on a pension by Aviva. + +Done a lot of reading on the subject and decided to open a S&S Isa with Vanguard and chose the Lifestrategy 100 Acc fund as I plan on investing over 30 years. I have since read some negative comments regarding the portfolio within this fund, specifically the heavy weighting towards UK markets. + +Should I have done something different to maximize returns? In my head this is retirement money but I don't want to necessarily lock it away in a LISA just in case. +We all like to speculate, especially with price predictions. I dont do this very often, but seeing some questions in the daily about what is different this time, etc, etc, i thought i would be fun to do some research. So lets compare the current bullrun VS the last bullrun. To be real, i am just a nobb, all i do is gather info and try to understand it. Thats it. I like to investigate and learn. So feedback is always welcome. I do apologize for spelling errors. + +If we look at the last bullrun vs the current bullrun than there are similarities. I will look in to the similarities and whats different from the last time. My main focus is BTC. Ofcourse **a lot of this is hopium, but its fun to speculate and to research.** As all redditposter say, not financial advice tho. + +**Current chart vs 2017 chart** + +If we look at the current status of the last three months, the dips that have been happening and now there recovery, it looks quite simular to the last bullrun. If we look at how much BTC gained during the Bullrun from 2018, and history would repeat itself, than we will see some massive gains in the upcoming months. + +https://preview.redd.it/1wcsocufh6m61.jpg?width=1761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ab6fca3d7491b9c1c40b1633ec302bb4397cf0 + +This would mean BTC will hit 100k in the upcoming months. This is just based on the similarities of the last bullrun, so cant take much from it. We all know what happend next, so would prefer a steady grow up. The massive growth was caused by retailinvestors after cryptocurrency went all over the media. + +**Pisu666 comparison and formula** + +I did some research and came across the medium of Pisu666. He proposes a different approach to predicting the bitcoin price’s short-term progress in the growth phase after the halving in comparison to the S2F PlanB theory. + +His goal is to develop an understanding of the Bitcoin price course and check new approaches to explain the price fluctuations and the prediction. + +*So I got all the historical bitcoin values since 2014 and looked at the phase in which bitcoin’s value increased. Then I looked for the beginning of the new growth phase from 2018 and compared these values with those from 4 years ago. With a factor of 17.5 for the old values and a shift of exactly 1399 days, both value trends could be superimposed well. The 1399 days correspond precisely to the time distance of the two halvings, which took place in the respective period.* + +*Source:* [https://medium.com/coinmonks/a-little-math-and-a-bitcoin-forecast-bcaddc17d252](https://medium.com/coinmonks/a-little-math-and-a-bitcoin-forecast-bcaddc17d252) + +https://preview.redd.it/276swpmtj6m61.png?width=1948&format=png&auto=webp&s=6658f828903e70e1463fd90b45b83fba36745248 + +**Stock to flow theory** + +The Stock to Flow model measures the relationship between the currently available stock of a resource and its production rate. It's typically applied to precious metals and other commodities, but some argue it may be applicable to Bitcoin as well. In this sense, Bitcoin may be viewed as a scarce digital resource. + +Pisu666: "There is almost always a mathematical formula behind it with such a regular shape, using which you can extrapolate future values. You only have to find it and justify it. Precisely this was made possible by the S2F theory. If you look at the calculations of the S2F theory, these values magically match the actual Bitcoin prices achieved over the entire period of its trading on the exchanges. It has also been repeatedly adjusted and extended to increase its accuracy" + +&#x200B; + +[ S2F chart by Rob Wolfram \(Twitter u\/hamal03\)](https://preview.redd.it/sgqsglf2m6m61.jpg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419d9bacceada495f2686d4b725f5898b6cee4b9) + +"All in all, however, there is probably no other theory that can make reliable predictions over so many orders of magnitude." + +**The difference from 2017/2018** + +2017 was the first time that the public had a real exposure to crypto and when it happened, it went absolutely crazy. + +At this point (2020 - 2021) people are buying crypto to hold and get more over time. Mostly isnt used for trading but for holding. This is for both institutions as retail investors. As we all can remember, the 2017 bullrun was lead by retail investors and not institutions. This shift happend the last year. The retailinvestor percentage could go a bit higher due the stimulus checks, but institutions will have the upper hand. + +Massive institutional players including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Deutsche Bank, Citibank and Guggenheim Partners have publicly come out in support of bitcoin. Grayscale now owns more than 630,000 bitcoin (3 percent of the total bitcoin supply), mainly on behalf of accredited and institutional investors. + +Last time (2017), even if a company wanted to buy $500 million worth of bitcoin, there wasn't a easy way to do it. This is no longer the case. MicroStrategy was able to buy about 38,000 bitcoin with minimal slippage and market participants didn't notice. + +Here is a screenshot about the companys know that has BTC: [https://bitcointreasuries.org/](https://bitcointreasuries.org/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0zdppb4qn6m61.jpg?width=1571&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e10820032b278456f40332556a9698a378810f1c + +There’s still a long way to go in mainstream support for digital currencies, but this rally is broader and with greater support than for the 2017 run. + +Still, this doesnt mean that BTC wont or cant crash. But with institutions and the retailinvestors who want to hold instead of trade, the changes are it will be less extreme as the last time. + +Stay safe :) +Hi all, looking for some general advice for me and my brother. We are looking at possibly buying a house this year, to get on the property ladder early and have a place for both of us to live in our hometown. + +Our current financial situation: + +Both 24, wages of £37K and £21K (£58K combined) working in Finance and Supply Chain respectively as our first jobs after graduating this summer. + +Savings of £35K and £20K (£55K combined) split between LISA’s and ISA’s at current, this increases monthly by £1K and £500 respectively. + +Secure jobs, no debt (excl. student loans). + +We are looking to get a 3 bedroom home in the SE of the UK as it could house both of us, as well as a friend being a lodger, helping to pay the mortgage. + +Questions: + +1. What is a realistic mortgage amount? We are looking at houses in the range of 220-250K where we would put 10% down and have a comfortable amount left over in savings. + +2. What term mortgage is the most common and what % would be ‘normal’ for a FTB with these financials? + +3. For the long term, what are opportunities to look for within a house for potential development that would increase the value of the property? All I can think of is loft space into bedroom etc. + +Any other comments/remarks that anyone has is welcomed as just trying to build knowledge of the process before committing to anything! +People don’t seem to realize the true value of data. It’s literally the main thing powering all media platforms. + +Companies like Google and Facebook use personal data to tune their ad display algorithms to try target the largest audience they can. + +What’s stopping us from taking full control over that data? This is exactly why I’m so bullish on Ocean protocol and other similar projects working on creating a completely decentralized data platform. + +The more we see similar projects launching the more we’ll be able to put pressure on these big tech companies taking advantage of us. +WSB isn't funny anymore. Simple as that. This place used to be the best place but its lame as shit now. If you disagree then that means you've only been here a short time. + +Anyone I talk to that joined this sub years back won't even revisit it. + +It's the same stupid comments every fucking post. + +"Stonks only go up" + +"My wife's bf this or that" (when its likely 99% of you are single) + +"Priced in" + +"Printer bullshit" + +SHUT THE FUCK UP. If you're laughing at these jokes then you're either actually retarded, or you're new. + +I miss when I would actually laugh at some these posts. Sort by all time and you'll laugh your ass off. Sort by new and you'll want to leave ASAP. +When we moved into our new place in Feb, the landlords had a meter installed to replace their old one. + +I’ve made multiple phone calls and emails to get them to register the new smart meter but they keep telling me they are working on it. Meanwhile they ask for meter readings and then put in the wrong numbers because they don’t believe my readings. Right now I have a reading of about 710, and they are putting in my bills 94980. (Old meter was in the 94000s, removed before we moved in.) + +Also, my meter tells me the charges I’ll be given and it’s drastically lower than what they are billing us. + +I’ve got a 20 email long email chain with them about this and they refuse to do anything apart from repeatedly ask for the serial numbers. I’m fed up. I’m from the US and don’t have a full grasp on who I can reach out to for support with this problem. Can anyone provide a suggestion? +Lost £55,000. + +Was not paying attention and was on autopilot, just doing what it said. Was arguing with my gf via Telegram at the time. Bloody hell. + +Convincing email, convincing site. Fake programme I downloaded was identical to the real thing. + +Hook line and fucking sinker. + +What a mug I am. Had been building up my BTC for seven years and lost it in a few minutes' utter stupidity. + +Amazing to hear Trezor was using MailChimp. + +More amazed that I fell for it: I thought I was savvy. Clearly not. + +Sad times, frens. I have become a Normie McNocoiner. + +:-( + +Edit: yes I entered my keys, because I'm a twat + +Edit 2: a lot of people saying they'd never fall for it. I hope they're right. At the time I had not slept enough, was a bit hungover and was distracted. These are the times when you're vulnerable to doing stupid shit. Clearly I am the mong, but never rest on your laurels. +So I graduated from a private college for audio production back in December of 2013 with a whopping $70k of debt racked up. I work part time but average around 40-48 hours a week in broadcasting which is widely known as a poor-paying industry. + +Here's my problem: my student loans are around $900 dollars a month split among multiple federal and private loans. (I believe it's $600 in private loans and the rest in federal loans.) I had to drop the lease on my apartment and move back in with my parents to afford the monthly payments. The only things I really pay for are my loans, gas, and to take my girlfriend on dates and occasionally buy her a gift for a birthday or holiday. + +I have looked into refinancing my loans but it seems like the rule of thumb is you need to have 12 months of previous payments before anyone will even look at your application. + +Is there anything I can do to lower my loans or is it just a waiting game? + +What can I do to better manage my money? Should I learn how the stock market functions? Would that even be beneficial with my limited amount of money to spend? + +I am starting to fear where I might be a couple years down the road. I have had people tell me that I'll never be able to afford a house or kids. I have every intention of marrying my girlfriend and planning ahead long-term is starting to become scary with people telling me I won't be able to provide for her. + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated! + +EDITS: + +-No, I didn't go to Full Sail. + +-Thank you to those who have provided solid advice. I am completely aware of the situation I am in and didn't post here to be bombarded with comments about being stupid and careless. Life is short and I chose to pursue something I love. I'm in a hole right now and I don't appreciate all the negativity. +LOS ANGELES, CA / April 19, 2021 / Social Life Network, Inc. (OTC: WDLF), announces today that it has filed a $40,000,000 complaint against a convertible debt funder for multiple alleged federal securities laws violations. + +The complaint may be accessed at our website via the following link: + +https://www.socialnetwork.ai/LGH-filing.pdf + +"Our management team has been focused for months on researching and identifying the [alleged] illegal securities activities referenced in the complaint that damaged our shareholders," said CEO Ken Tapp. "We need for our shareholders to know that we will not relent in our efforts to identify and pursue those who have engaged in illegal securities activity of our stock and preyed upon the retail shareholders supporting the growth of companies like our own." + +https://www.socialnetwork.ai/press-releases/social-life-network-otc-wdlf-files-40-000-000-complaint-in-the-united-states-district-court-for-the-southern-district-of-california +TL;DR: insurance denied huge claim, learned lots about employer managed insurance and got claim paid. + +My husband (super fit, healthy, 40) had a stroke at the end of 2016. Insurance denied paying for the medical helicopter used to transport him from a rural medical center with no neurological team to a stroke treatment facility. They said the flight was not “medically necessary.” I appealed twice and was denied both times. All other $225k in claims from his treatment were paid. + +Update: we were going back and forth with the medflight company about what we owed. We would get a bill, call and email them and be promised a follow up with the amount we owe. Lucky for us, our medflight case manager was terrible and never followed up, just kept sending us a $25k bill. I finally got fed up after the bill was sent to collections and found a contact email on their website, hoping that someone other than our case manager could help. The President of the company called me the next day, which happened to be a Sunday afternoon. He immediately started researching and pulled it out of collections. He said he runs into this all the time and explained how company insurance plans work. He wrote a letter to my company and I contacted HR. Within a few weeks, I received a phone call that the claim would be paid in full. + +Here’s the key things I learned: +1. The employer has 100% discretion over what is paid by the plan. Employers pay insurance companies to manage the day to day, but it is the employer’s ultimate decision. It’s best to assume the employer is unaware that claims are being denied and see if HR Benefits can help you. Don’t let your employer hide behind the insurance company (Blue Cross, Aetna, etc.) if you have a valid reason for a claim to be paid. + +My employer partially funds my insurance, but I pay a ton of money each year to have coverage. I have paid to have full coverage and deserve that service. + +2. Don’t give up. We were almost $25k poorer because I didn’t know what to do. +If you hadn't seen my previous post about Binance and its child company CoinMarketCap misleading users about PoR, a quick tl;dr: Binance, indirectly through CoinMarketCap, was misleading users about Binance having provided PoR, when in fact, it had only publicly disclosed wallets in its control. + +Soon after my original post, Binance "released" its "Proof of Reserves" system. Unfortunately, once again, Binance is misleading users about having produced full proof of its reserves. + +*As a quick disclaimer, Binance has not provided full Proof of Reserves. My post here is meant to show the efforts Binance is taking to portray itself as having done so when, in fact, it has not. This is not a post claiming that Binance doesn't have reserves to match user liabilities. There's no way to know because Binance has not provided sound proof.* + +# What is Proof of Reserves (PoR)? + +Let's first establish what PoR is. There isn't one standard definition for PoR, but there is a right and wrong way. Nic Carter, a blockchain expert, has covered this topic in-depth for several years, so I'll reference info from [his website](https://niccarter.info/proof-of-reserves/): + +>Proof of Reserves is the idea that custodial businesses holding cryptocurrency should create public facing attestations as to their reserves, matched up with a proof of user balances (liabilities). The equation is simple (in theory): +> +>Proof of Reserves + Proof of Liability = Proof of Solvency + +So what is the recommended way to conduct PoR? + +>Proving liabilities is tricky, and generally requires an auditor to engage in a full assessment. For instance, **exchanges can omit certain liabilities to ‘cheat’ a PoR attestation**. This is why I recommend both a user-facing PoR protocol, allowing users to obtain ‘herd immunity’ by collectively verifying their individual balances, and an **auditor-facing PoR protocol, to prove that the claimed liabilities are faithful to reality.** + +&#x200B; + +# Binance "releases" its "Proof of Reserves" system + +So, yesterday, Binance [announced](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-releases-proof-of-reserves-system-0c7a786cbe8c4e108f3301385ab61e39) the launch of a feature that allows users to "verify" that their deposited cryptocurrency has been included in an "audit." The problem is that there has been no public disclosure of a third-party audit of Binance's liabilities to users as of writing this post. + +&#x200B; + +[Snippet from the announcement](https://preview.redd.it/0gjfow3rg82a1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a1dd579e35356a7ac6db904d5aed1c93b2b0651) + +# Binance is misleading users. Again. + +The announcement directs users to Binance's [Proof of Reserves landing page](https://www.binance.com/en/proof-of-reserves). This is where the misleading info really comes to light. + +>In order to show that Binance has all user assets 1:1, we have built and implemented the Merkle tree (shown below) to allow people to verify their assets within the platform... +> +>This way people will be able to confirm that their funds are held 1:1 and they can have it **verified by a third-party audit agency**... +> +>We use these properties of Merkle Trees during our Proof of Reserves assessments **to verify individual user accounts are included within the liabilities report inspected by the auditor**... +> +> The Record ID enables you to independently verify that **your account balance was included by the third-party auditor**... + +&#x200B; + +[Snippet from the UI example on Binance PoR landing page](https://preview.redd.it/piax5m2ii82a1.png?width=1020&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cae23edf9a7ba7b78d5bbeffa8b09336bd2cfbf) + +Where is the liabilities report inspected by an auditor? Who is the auditor? We don't know because Binance hasn't done any of this yet. Binance has announced plans for third-party audited reserves but has yet to produce anything from an external auditor. So yes, they may very well do this at some point, but they haven't yet. So why are they portraying that they have? + +Well, at least, *all* the way at the bottom, below *all* the instructions and info about the new feature: + +&#x200B; + +[Snippet from the Binance PoR landing page](https://preview.redd.it/vp9ob98xj82a1.png?width=490&format=png&auto=webp&s=9055a8b297a794555037f37300ffd6494c1fc545) + +# As it stands + +Binance has not produced the very form of PoR that it is branding in the new feature, meaning they haven't disclosed any report or data from a third-party auditor that would prove that the claimed liabilities are faithful to reality. + +&#x200B; + +# At least this time, not all media ate it up... + +While I was writing this post, CoinTelegraph.com dropped [this article](https://cointelegraph.com/news/binance-proof-of-reserves-is-pointless-without-liabilities-kraken-ceo) covering Jesse Powell's (Kraken co-founder) criticisms of Binance and its misleading PoR branding. Jesse calling out Binance is not surprising, considering Binance is also misleading users about the origin of "its" PoR implementation (which it hasn't even implemented yet). + +&#x200B; + +[Snippet from the Binance PoR landing page](https://preview.redd.it/5pc72bmkl82a1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a5f75d73029628fb6d8a8f7df4b35960b7e45bb) + +For context, [Gate.io](https://proof-of-reserves.trustexplorer.io/clients/gate.io/gate-dataset-628806) (in 2020) followed by [Kraken](https://proof-of-reserves.trustexplorer.io/clients/kraken/kraken-dataset-716598) (in 2021) were the original exchanges to implement a PoR model that Binance is now claiming to have "built". Also, Binance didn't *build* anything other than a UI for this already open-source PoR method. Moreover, before any third-party auditors were available or capable of doing such audits, Kraken was doing PoR all the way [back in 2014](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2014/03/24/kraken-bitcoin-exchange-passes-proof-of-reserves-cryptographic-audit/) (minus the third-party audit, opting for an attestation from Stefan Thomas). + +&#x200B; + +# Final note + +Something I hadn't highlighted in my last post is that even Nic Carter called out CoinMarketCap, and indirectly, Binance, for this user-misleading behavior. + +>Recently, some exchanges have begun to post informal attestations as to their reserves, for instance by sharing a list of cold wallet addresses. CoinMarketCap has even taken to [calling](https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap/status/1594955634587611136) summary data on exchange holdings (see e.g. [Binance](https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/binance/)) ‘Proofs of Reserve’, even though these are issued without any proof of ownership. These attestations do not satisfy either side of the conventional PoR procedure: there is no cryptographic proof of assets held (merely disclosing an address is insufficient, as it could belong to anyone), and there is no accompanying proof of liabilities outstanding. **To call this a ‘Proof of Reserve’ is a blatant misuse of the term**. Users should demand the highest standard and should **be extremely wary of exchanges using PoR in marketing collateral without committing to the rigorous version of the practice** (see the caveats in the PoR wall of fame above). +Tim Beiko posted this Twitter response to a query about progress of the ETH Merge: + +https://imgur.com/a/d9r4uK4 + +Additionally a pool operator has been reviewing code and running nodes on testnet and in their opinion The Merge probably won't be ready until 2023: + +https://np.reddit.com/r/EtherMining/comments/u2cty5/confirmation_that_the_merge_is_delayed/i4hz8pe/ + +It's not wholly unexpected as development always tends to run a little later than original estimates, and it's also not a bad thing that they are going to take their time to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible. This is also not FUD, as anyone who is following the progress on tesnet can attest to there have been many major advances towards The Merge in the last several months. It's kind of a running theme in the ETH mining community how proof of stake has been "almost here" for years now, but this time it's actually true we are nearing the end. + +&nbsp; + +**Edit:** To the folks saying I "made this up" or am spreading FUD or whatever, I'm just posting info to help keep cc up to date with the latest from a prominent ETH developer. I like ETH, think it's a great project, and am interested in its development. A lot of casual ETH investors or miners were thinking The Merge might happen in June of this year, and this is the latest information to show that is unlikely to happen. +You’re only making r/pennystocks better, if you get downvoted for speaking your mind, just know someone else will see it and if it’s me, I will always step in. The best part about calling out somebody on their shit, is often the only response they have is a downvote. Just makes it easier to see for the rest of r/pennystocks. Remember, a community of 254,000+ is much greater than a few shitty, car salesman lookin’ ass pumpers + (my highest downvoted comment has 69 downvotes.... 254,000 >>> 69 pumpers).... +DON’T BELIEVE ANYONE WHO SAYS YOU NEED THEM TO MAKE MONEY- THEY ARE NOT SMARTER THAN ANYONE ELSE + +Edit 1: Just read through this thread, see if you can spot a pUmPeR!!! + +Edit 2: let’s play our own version of *Where’s Waldo*; “*Where r da pumperz*” + +If found, I will instafollow. Let’s take down these assholes + +To the pumpers, keep downvoting my highest downvoted comment. I will update my post, seems to me an easy way to find an approximation on the # of pumpers + +The catch, if you start upvoting the highest downvoted comment, the last updated number on my post serves as the approximation.... + +Note: pumpers aren’t good at math apparently, + +69/254,000 = 0.000272 + +If that # represented price of a penny stock, would be v cheap, similar to the bullshit these pumpers have been trying to feed everyone. + +To save my time, seeing as I may have to readjust a cpl more times (for pumpers/spammers/scammers/car sales men, whatever tf they are). Even if we assume there’s 100 of ‘em: + +100/254,000 = 0.000394 pumpers per r/pennystocks sub + +*0.000394 is like a fart in r/pennystocks winds.....* + +Feel free to begin keeping tabs on any user you deem a pumper, will start eliminating some of the apparent 69 + +Lmao #pumpersrbeanstoo + +Checkmate, pumperz +The Options Overload; How many Puts are marked as long positions soon to expire.. Slightly Updated with new numbers for Oct 15th and January 21 2021 + +PSA: The only change to this post I made 4 months ago is that October 15th has about 61,000 Open Interest 1.3:1 put to cal ratio and January 21, 2022 now has 389,000 open interest 4:1 put to call ratio + +Link to original but you can keep going further back in my profile than that to see how long Ive been on this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1o55v/reposting\_for\_visibility\_the\_options\_overload\_how/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o1o55v/reposting_for_visibility_the_options_overload_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +HOW MANY OF THESE PUTS ARE MARKED AS LONG POSITIONS BY SHORT HEDGE FUNDS? CITADEL’s HOLDINGS ARE MOSTLY IN OPTIONS…. + +PSA dont let anyone take your eyes away from the 7/16 and 1/21 massive open interest and put to call ratios. These are very important numbers. They are quarterly. The last date with open interest like this was April 16th. Thats the day DFV bought his $12 strike calls for months in advance. You think he didn't notice the open interest in puts that day out of place? Scroll down to view the screenshots of the options chain and see just how many large position there are on low strike Puts. None of us would ever buy those. + +July 16th 2021 $0.50 strike put....alone is 148,000 contracts in Open Interest that have been there for months + +For Ease, I pulled most of these total Open Interest numbers from on June 15th(2 days ago): + +[http://maximum-pain.com/options/GME](http://maximum-pain.com/options/GME) + +[https://preview.redd.it/op5i4k544r571.jpg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9922320c390dfcee159798c6ffc5904a0e6b479](https://preview.redd.it/op5i4k544r571.jpg?width=325&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9922320c390dfcee159798c6ffc5904a0e6b479) + +This is going to be a relatively short DD. All the numbers being represented are just right above. Simply put, what you’re looking at here is the total contracts in Open Interest as of this moment June 15th 12:45 AM Eastern Standard Time. + +Why is this important, who cares right? Let’s just say this gives you a little insight as to the MINIMUM amount of shares being lent in the options market that exist over the public float. We don’t know what % of the public is being utilized to sell calls and puts by retail investors. **The numbers above show how many shares are** ***claimed to be owned*** in order to sell these options contracts. You can only sell a contract if you own 100 shares for a covered call. And for uncovered calls, you're gonna need serious collateral in case you get fucked $22000 per option contract. The average household income the last time i checked was around $50-60k so dont tell me retail is just loosely selling contracts on margin...thats a laughable. Melvin and citadel got caught using margin, and we are not the same. + +For uncovered calls : + +"ExplanationExample of short call - uncoveredSell 1 XYZ 100 Call at 3.30In return for receiving the premium, the seller of a call assumes the obligation of delivering the underlying instrument at the strike price at any time until the expiration date. **This obligation has unlimited risk, because the price of the underlying can rise indefinitely.**" If this is your reason for thinking a large percent of retail investors are selling calls they cant cover if they lose on...you need to rethink your position. **The average retail investor will not have the collateral to support that much risk exposure.** + +Starts out with "Naked Call Writing: A High Risk Options Strategy"[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/122701.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/122701.asp) + +I can only speculate how the Short Hedge Funds are using this part of the market. I couldn’t tell you which order things happen in but there’s a link between the shorting and the options market absolutely. It could be the hedge funds have been in practice of shorting a stock in order to borrow shares to sell options and collect premiums. They sell calls, buy puts themselves, flash crash the price with their shorts and collect on all three. + +I really think [u/Atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/Atobitt/) could establish how they accomplish this.\^ + +Melvin's Filing back in Feb 12th: + +[https://preview.redd.it/a1ifud9w3r571.jpg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138442ac4bc38b3fa874baeaeeffd4c3c1acb5a3](https://preview.redd.it/a1ifud9w3r571.jpg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138442ac4bc38b3fa874baeaeeffd4c3c1acb5a3) + +There are two dates left in the entire Options chain that really just stick out like a sore thumb as you notice the out of place massively larger amount of contracts in existence those 2 days. Not only do those numbers stand out but the Put/Call ratios those day are extremely high as well…hedges are supposed to stay balanced and close to neutral. + +What you might also notice is that for the next 3 Expiry dates, we have more calls than puts :) + +A couple screen shots of what the options contracts and you’ll really begin to see that somebody f\*\*ked up on these options..nobody is going to buy them they’re so bad. These are the options of the bag holders, Citadel, Melvin, and all the rest of the Short Hedge Funds + +Heres 7/16/2021 from Marketwatch: + +[https://preview.redd.it/gq7ty9mp3r571.jpg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33824f2c50afe7acbbf5e5591240f5056b9f296a](https://preview.redd.it/gq7ty9mp3r571.jpg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33824f2c50afe7acbbf5e5591240f5056b9f296a) + +Here's January 21, 2022 from MarketWatch: + +[https://preview.redd.it/wnjnoclr3r571.jpg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ce4120408f882f8c437af336ee0232ba8587e6](https://preview.redd.it/wnjnoclr3r571.jpg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36ce4120408f882f8c437af336ee0232ba8587e6) + +It’s just a hunch but I’m willing to bet the only thing Citadel might own is the physical buildings they work out of…who knows, maybe they only rent that. 😂🚀🚀 + +Tl;dr GME go brrrrrr +Today is a great day. Monzo finally added support for Apple Pay. I just added it to my iPhone e and marry watch. It’s amazing. + +[read the article! ](https://monzo.com/blog/2018/05/17/apple-pay-is-here/) +Elon and Cathie had an exchange on Twitter about passive investments. Cathie calls it a "massive misallocation of capital". What does she mean by this, isn't her fund passive? They seem to disprove of them. Is there any truth to their statements? + +[https://i.imgur.com/m2xu1uR.png](https://i.imgur.com/m2xu1uR.png) +Full time student, 26 single parent... just got my final paycheck from my last job. Car broke down and I was a delivery driver for Mellow Mushroom, long story short all I got is 110$ ... no rent to pay, foods covered, I sha[M]efully live at my parents and currently waiting to start working at Amazon which isn't for another three weeks or so. And my son, he's fed (EBT- all for him and him alone) and he has all his needs, diapers covered by my siblings if I can't afford to. I have Financial aid butafter everything I'm usually left with nada. It's my small emergency funds for my kid or me and school. I'm really embarrassed with myself, but I know it could be worse. Would love any and all advice or information. I'm very fortunate for all my help but I hate needing it. Makes me feel like shit. So I have a few questions.. + +Is this the right subreddit to post this? - If not I am sorry, I will remove it and post elsewhere recommended. + +Are there programs that help with these sort of things? I feel bad I have to use some of these, but at the same time I need them and hate asking if there's other ones I should be apart of. I just don't know. + +I gotta wait to pay off my phone bill, should I apply for one of those free phones until I start work, would it even matter in your opinions? + +If I had to buy food, which is most likely.. is Aldi's a place to shop for budgeters? I honestly see myself needing to here in a while. + +If yes, would rice and a simple protein be a good route to go? + +What would you do if you were in my shoes? + + +Note: I really hope this gets a few answers because my left eye keeps twitching and this is all I'm thinking about! Also, thank you in advance if anything. + +Edit: a word + + +Edit 2: after everyone's wonderful feedback I'll be getting on my grind starting tomorrow and I will do a follow up post/ and to troubleshoot anymore issues that come Up. + +I've decided to take my ladder to my grandfathers, see if he needs help and go through his neighborhood tomorrow and clean the gutters of his elderly neighbors. It's a start. Thanks everyone, sincerely. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Ada is considered to be the first female programmer. More facts about her below! + +https://preview.redd.it/y1hm7e1ha0t71.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79eafa37017f684440021b9db2cea85eac3a100c + +* She is the daughter of Lord Byron (the Romantic movement poet) +* Lovelace was tutored in mathematics and science – subjects often forbidden for girls at the time – at the insistence of her mother +* At 17, she met Charles Babbage ("the father of the computer"), and worked with him on developing the Analytical Engine. The algorithm they developed for this machine has been recognized as the first computer algorithm ever made. The Analytical Engine incorporated an arithmetic logic unit and control flow in the form of conditional branching and loops and integrated memory. The machine is considered Turing Complete +* Ada's day is dedicated to women in the STEM field +* She also has a programming language (ADA) named after her +I went to deposit funds into btc-e.com, my international transfer was refused because it was deemed 'too risky'. Despite explaining to them I've dealt with btc-e.com many times, for larger amounts, they won't budge. + +When did my cash cease to be my own, when did we all need to ask permission to transfer money? +For all of my friends who are 30 years plus to retirement: this is what we have read about, this is what wise people like Buffett and others are always talking about, this is *it*. The first true risk tolerance test in many of our investing lives. + +I am staying the course, because unless the United States implodes or ceases to be a world superpower by the 2050s, this will simply be another blip, possibly lengthy, in an otherwise upwards line. + +I won't touch what I have. I will carve out another 1-3% of my paycheck to contribute during this "stocks on sale" crash. And anything extra I will play with more adventurously on the side. + +But what I will never do this far out? Lock in a loss. + +I am battening down the hatches, holding the fort, staying the course. If you're with me let's strap in and ride this crazy train to 2055 with fortitude and poise. And most importantly, let's get there without ever selling low and buying back high. +Looking at where the industry is now and the recent gains, it seems like a monumental mistake to have dumped Disney and to never get back in. Instead they bought AMZN at a ridiculous P/E. Does someone know what are the issues Buffett or his lieutenants see that could be problematic with Disney long term? +Mycelium proudly announces the release of its first online service, [Mycelium Gear](https://gear.mycelium.com/), based on the [Straight Server](https://github.com/snitko/straight-server) developed by Roman Snitko, who has joined our team and is now leading this project. + +Mycelium Gear is a merchant processor which demonstrates something that has never been possible before Bitcoin: the ability for merchants to use a full featured merchant processor to receive payments online, and have the money go straight into their own wallets, even if that wallet is running on their own phone in their pocket. Mycelium Gear does not hold any money on the merchant’s behalf, meaning there are no days of waiting for the money to arrive into your bank account, no risk of money being lost by the merchant processor, no need to fill out applications where you give out tons or personal information, and no complicated restrictive policies. All of this means that the costs of running this service are almost zero, which is also what it costs for you to use it: it’s absolutely free. It’s simplicity also means that it’s very easy to set up: you can have it up and running on your site within minutes. + +Mycelium Gear relies on the unique benefits of BIP32 HD wallets, which use a single unique random number, called a seed, to generate a list of public bitcoin addresses (called an xpub key), and a corresponding list of private keys (xpriv key) for each of those addresses. When using Mycelium Gear, you give it only the xpub key that generates a unique bitcoin address for each customer invoice, while you keep the private xpriv key - the part that actually allows you to spend that money - only in your own wallet. Mycelium Gear also allows you to set your prices in other currencies, such as USD and EUR, and automatically adjust the amount of bitcoin for the invoice based on the bitcoin price at the time of purchase. When a purchase is made, Mycelium Gear presents the customer with an invoice with a bitcoin address to send their payment to. When the invoice is paid, Mycelium Gear monitors the public Bitcoin blockchain and notifies the merchant’s web store when a payment is detected. Since all bitcoin payment addresses are those of the merchant’s own private wallet, Mycelium Gear never needs to interact with any money directly. + +Mycelium Gear is designed for both basic and advanced users. For basic users without a lot of programming experience, it provides an easy step-by-step walkthrough that creates a widget they can easily copy/paste into their website. For more advanced users, Mycelium Gear has a full API, including detailed documentation on how to implement it into your own shopping cart software. + +Mycelium’s hope is that Gear will encourage even more merchants to adopt bitcoin and completely change the way merchant transactions are done, thus continuing our goal of decentralizing everything, improving privacy, and eliminating unnecessary third parties in the Bitcoin economy. +The Federal Open Market Committee released minutes Wednesday from its most recent meeting, which concluded April 29 with the central bank’s policymaking arm holding steady on interest rates. + +After slashing its benchmark rate to near zero as the coronavirus pandemic took hold, the FOMC voted to keep the rate there in a range between 0% and 0.25% and not move it until a recovery is firmly in place. + +The action came as central bank officials noted the excessive damage the virus was doing to the economy and the potential for damage ahead. + +“Participants commented that, in addition to weighing heavily on economic activity in the near term, the economic effects of the pandemic created an extraordinary amount of uncertainty and considerable risks to economic activity in the medium term,” the minutes said. + +One area of particular concern is what should happen in the event that coronavirus infections should surge later in the year. The minutes noted that the “more pessimistic” outlook for a rebound was probably as likely as the baseline forecast for improvement. + +“In this scenario, a second wave of the coronavirus outbreak, with another round of strict restrictions on social interactions and business operations, was assumed to begin around year-end, inducing a decrease in real GDP, a jump in the unemployment rate, and renewed downward pressure on inflation next year,” the summary said. + +As far as specific threats, the meeting summary noted vulnerability to the banking sector and the potential for bankruptcies from nonfinancial companies. + +They also noted the danger of high unemployment levels as workers became separated from the workforce. + +In addition to the pledge on rates, Chairman Jerome Powell discussed the multiple measures the Fed has taken since early March. The central bank also instituted nearly a dozen liquidity and lending programs aimed at maintaining market function and getting money to needy areas of the economy. + +Federal Reserve releases meeting minutes from April meeting - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/20/fed-minutes-released.html +Is anyone else really excited for the Unity IPO? Personally, I've been using the engine for years and it is incredible. I've been waiting for what feels like forever for their IPO. I believe the company is poised for tremendous growth in both mobile and vr gaming as well as in enterprise software. I am curious as to what other people think about the company and the IPO. +How the hell is taxation handled in a split (thinking Bitcoin)? + +When you invest X in Y, and then Y turns into the same amount of Z and W. Capital gains on overall investment? Treated as income (based on mining approach?) + +/discuss. +r/ethtrader, this post is about Bytecoin - I hope that is fine with you as well as the mods. I initially posted the below findings on the Bytecoin subreddit (among other places). This led to users en masse reporting my Medium account for fake news and spam, all encouraged by the official Bytecoin community manager. My Medium account was promptly shut down, but it is now up and running again after some begging from my part. The purpose of this post is to spread some awareness of the Bytecoin scam as the coin is very large and most people have no clue about the shady activities over there. So what has been going on? + +* Around 20 Bytecoin sockpuppets have been extensively mapped. Many of them are connected to the OP of Bytecoin's BCT ANN-thread and so with the team itself. The Bytecoin team refuses to address this fact. +* These are all controlled by Russian-speakers, proven mainly by use of these ))) kind of smileys (product of keyboard layout). +* The Bytecoin community manager, listed on the official webpage that is tied to the developers, also uses Russian emoticons although claiming to be a 'Jenny Goldberg' living in Barcelona. She also faked meet-ups over there, which I confirmed with actual Barcelonians over email. +* Running Jenny's Twitter handle through the Twitter Archiving Projects database confirms a Russian language setup is used for her account. +* Jenny's side venture to Bytecoin, AssetRush - a token promotion company - is massively sockpuppeted as well. The team initially consisted of around 20 people and was lead by CEO David Booker. Knowing the shit Bytecoiners pulled earlier on BCT, I investigated the team. Despite anglo-saxon names, their grammar was sometimes off. Some followed Russian news outlets (in Cyrillic) on Twitter. After I pointed this fact out, they un-followed. David Booker uses Russian emoticons multiple times on Reddit. +* All their Twitter accounts were created the same week as Jenny Goldberg's. Investigating the AssetRush team's LinkedIn profiles revealed that they were all newly formed, yet they had 500+ contacts and looked extremely professional. After I pointed this fact out most of the profiles were immediately deleted. Weeks of work up in smoke. +* In an attempt to hide these mistakes, almost the whole team of 20 was changed overnight. Now new names and faces sits on the AssetRush webpage. They are obviously not real persons either. + +The Bytecoin - AssetRush ties are still strong, and I suspect Jenny used the fake company to get Bytecoin listed on larger exchanges. AssetRush indeed offers exchange listing consulting services. The company continues to this very day with building relationships and partnerships with real companies that don't know better. + +I don't know what this behavior from 'official Bytecoin' will lead to, but I don't think anything good will ever come from owning this coin. + +All claims are proven in the below articles. + +[https://medium.com/@bdratings/bytecoin-puppets-among-us-7381db79c468](https://medium.com/@bdratings/bytecoin-puppets-among-us-7381db79c468) + +[https://medium.com/@bdratings/an-update-on-the-bytecoin-farce-3ae34ce45ba8](https://medium.com/@bdratings/an-update-on-the-bytecoin-farce-3ae34ce45ba8) + +Edit: spelling mistakes +I thought that my findings would be better in a separate thread. Just a warning to all those who are selling in order to buy back lower, the good lot of you may miss the boat. If you view the chart carefully you will see that the price is being manipulated down by someone or some group. My common sense tells me that they are doing this to accumulate because they understand the potential of ethereum and the impact of the upcoming events. + +About 12 hrs ago when eth was about to launch upwards towards $100 today, the price was pushed back down by a 5.4k eth market sell on GDAX. this dropped the price from $94 to $88.9. now, if you're not convinced that the market is being exploited by whales even with evidence staring at you in the face then there's no helping you. they will continue to buy from panic sellers who don't grasp the value of what they're holding and bots that will interpret large sells as trend reversals. here is the chart in the 1min showing the selling of 5.4k eth which dropped the price down ~$4. http://imgur.com/3VVESR4 + +he bought himself a little more time but there will be another run tomorrow. we are in the bull pennant again. many of those who are selling right now hoping to buy back cheaper will learn a valuable lesson. +First off, I want to start off by saying that there are those of you out there who don't believe in Technical Analysis (TA) at all and start associating it with voodoo or astrology without doing in-depth research. I don't blame you - I shared the same school of thought 6 months ago until I started learning the basic fundamental principles of TA and was surprised by how well it worked when I applied it to my crypto investments. I'm not here to brag about how many times I've multiplied my investments, but I've seen first-hand how well it works vs trading based on my gut feeling or emotions. + +So why has TA worked so well for me and other day/swing traders? It all comes down to simple human psychology and herd mentality. It's nothing more than a self-fulfilling prophecy. + +It's no secret that day traders provide the most liquidity to most capital markets. So how do professional day traders get a leg up on your average Joe investor? Do they rely solely on fundamentals or gut feelings? Obviously not. The majority of successful professional day traders all apply the same fundamental rules of TA such as the ones shown [here](http://samuraitradingacademy.com/7-best-price-action-patterns/) using standardized charts. + +**When does TA stop working?** *It stops working when...* + +1. a whale (such as a large institutional investor) comes in and decides to place a huge buy or sell order which will obviously swing markets wildly. Another example would be an ICO who is trying to unload massive amounts of cryptos they've just raised all at once which would undoubtedly drive prices down. + +2. day traders are no longer contributing the to majority of the trading volume. + +3. major news comes out that will affect the price of a crypto-currency or a crypto-asset. + +**Why does TA work so much better for crypto markets versus the typical stock markets like the NYSE or NASDAQ?** +The majority of crypto traders are comprised of small-time individual investors who do not swing markets like large institutional investors do in stock markets. Institutional investors do NOT believe in TA and are solely investing based on fundamentals. Once large institutional investors start flooding the crypto markets on a grand scale, TA will become less and less reliable. In addition, the stock market is a way more complex system since the majority of trades do not happen on **capital markets**, but on **derivatives markets** instead. The derivatives markets are orders of magnitude larger than capital markets. + +&nbsp; + +*On an unrelated note:* Do you ever wonder why the stock markets keep going up even though fundamentals don't seem to support it? It's because central banks print money out of thin air to prop-up the stock markets as indicated by [this](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4064824-central-banks-massive-incursion-buying-stocks) article. [Here](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/08/15/business/financial-markets/bojs-unstoppable-rise-shareholder-no-1-japan/) is another example. + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +**TL;DR** version below. + + +* **Premise 1**: Day traders provide the majority of crypto-market's liquidity. + +* **Premise 2**: Majority of professional day traders use TA because they believe it gives them an advantage over your average investor who relies solely on fundamentals. + +* **Premise 3**: Casual day traders want to do what the pros do, so they start applying TA as well. + +* **Premise 4**: Everyone who applies TA use the same basic principles of TA using standardized charts. + +* **Conclusion**: Since traders provide the majority of the market's liquidity and they're mostly applying the same TA principles, they all expect the same price movement to happen and it starts to swing markets and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy due to herd mentality. + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +**Uber TL;DR**: It works because most traders think it works and they're all applying the same rules. +There is nothing investment firms love more than money and the biggest problem at the moment which is turning hedge funds away from getting in on Ether is that it has to be mined, hedge funds ain't got the time or the drive for that kind of labour. + +However when Proof of Stake comes into play I think this could all change. They can dump $100million into Ether, become a validator and compound their returns. I find it impossible to think within the next 3 - 5 years the financial sector won't be getting involved, it just seems too unrealistic to me. + +Not trying to hype up anyone just sharing my thoughts. I think proof of stake will create less volatility as well which is good for them too. +Hello everyone and welcome to your [second official Moon Week](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/o7spnx/proposal_moon_week/)! + +Moon Week began yesterday with the snapshot post by the admins, [which can be found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oy4cjh/new_moons_distribution_round_16_proposal/). Check it out to see how many moons you'll be getting next Wednesday at the end of Moon Week. + +This Moon Week sticky will remain pinned to the top of the subreddit until next Wednesday to give exposure to our governance polls for this month. Please review the polls below in their entirety, participate in discussions, and vote! [You get a 5% moon bonus for voting](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/m7ehzz/proposal_5_bonus_moons_for_anyone_who_votes_on/)! + +* [Staggered Daily Discussion Post Times](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oybteq/governance_poll_staggered_daily_discussions/) +* [Remove the 2x comment karma bonus for comments in the Daily. Comments outside the daily retain the 2x bonus](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oylpp9/reduce_the_karma_value_by_50_for_the_daily/) +* [25% increase in moons for text submissions](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oynbtt/proposal_for_governance_increase_karma_by_25_for/) +* [Exclude user from MOON distribution due to content theft and spam](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/p07v03/emergency_proposal_exclude_user_from_moon/) (**PASSED**) +* [No moons for removed posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oy8aks/disqualify_removed_content_from_moon_rewards/) (**PASSED**) +* [Algorithmic limit for number of coin posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oy7mva/algorithmic_limit_for_number_of_coin_posts/) (**PASSED**) + +**Please note, you can't change your vote after it has been cast so be sure to do sufficient reading and consideration first** + +[Harassment of other users is strictly forbidden](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/oylpp9/reduce_the_karma_value_by_50_for_the_daily/h7tooab/). Please keep all discussions about the polls and ideas, not the author. + +Please note that all governance polls need to be posted as a pre-proposal in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta for community feedback and mod approval. You can do this at any time during the month and if you wait until just before the next moon week it is unlikely we will be able to approve it in time. + +For more information about moons, please [see our wiki page here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/moons_wiki). It is an ongoing effort to document what Moons are and how they work. If there is anything that isn't included or sufficiently clear, please ask so we can answer you and improve the wiki page +I am a 41 -year-old quadriplegic and I received some money for damages. I started the portfolio with Merrill Lynch in October of 2005 and since then it has appreciated approximately 5.21% a year since then. The rate of return of the S&P 500 since October 2005 is 8.46%. I have a balance of 65% stock and 35% bonds which is invested in a mix of mutual funds, bonds funds, and ETF's. I'm wondering if I'm just better off putting it all into the S&P 500. I'm nervous to manage my money so I was thinking about index funds, but I just don't know if it's worth paying Merrill Lynch 1%. I plan to withdrawal approximately $10,000 the year for the foreseeable future. Should I continue with Merrill Lynch? Many thanks in advance. +I hope they will now understand that they lost this game and start covering. If not, they will be wiped out from the earth. Kenny, I know it hurts to lose against dumb money, but please understand, new age is coming, information flow, no more hidden secrets, none of your crimes will remain secret, apes see everything, apes have the same strategy from the beginning, hold and buy. You see our moves, we do not see yours, still you are fukd. We are ready for better life, for ordinary people, for some pleasure. HOLD, BUY A DIP, BUY THE RIP, we dont care about current price, we know price is wrong.Hedgies u r FUKD!!! There is no defence against HOLD&BUY! 💎🙌💎🙌🚀🚀🚀 +Hi guys, economic student ape here. I have been lurking for a long time but wanted to share the single wrinkle in my brain of economic reasoning of why I became an ape. Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. + +It all comes down to the simple theory of expected utility. Here is an example. Say you flip a coin. You get 10 dollars if you guess right, but it costs you 3 dollars to play. The odds of the coin landing on the side you chose is 50/50. Therefore, the expected utility or value of playing the game is ½ x $10 = $5. Because $5 > $3, you should play the game, as buying a chance to play the game is cheaper than the expected value of the game. Simple concept right. + +The same logic can be applied to GameStop. At this point, I want to say I am a Euro ape and am too lazy to convert all the prices to USD, so all the prices here will be in Euros. Shares are trading at €138 currently. Here are a few scenarios: + +If the price floor is €1k, then the odds could be as low as 15% of the MOASS happening and the expected utility of buying GME would still be €150. €150 > €138 (it is rational to buy the stock). + +If the price floor is €1M, then the odds could be as low as 0.015% of the MOASS happening and the expected utility of buying GME would still be €150. €150 > €138 (it is rational to buy the stock). + +If the price floor is €10M, then the odds could be as low as 0.0015% of the MOASS happening and the expected utility of buying GME would still be €150. €150 > €138 (it is rational to buy the stock). + +You get the point. + +In all of these scenarios, the expected utility is higher than the share price of GME. In other words, if you believe that for any of the above scenarios either the price floor or the probability of the MOASS happening are larger than stated, then you would be a rational consumer when purchasing the stonk. + +The difficulty here is predicting the probability of the MOASS and its value. + +As a bonus. The value of the of the German lottery: Spiel 6 aus 49 is €5M. The odds of winning are 1:140M. So, the expected value is 0.04 rounded up to the nearest cent. The cost of one ticket is €2. Should you play this game? Economics says no. Why should you pay €2, when the expected pay is 4 cents? Yet, buying a lottery ticket is completely normal. If you buy one, no one will judge you. In fact, millions of people buy lottery tickets regularly. + +And the kicker is, a lottery ticket turns into a worthless piece of paper after you play and lose. If, and I say if, GME never goes into rocket mode, then a GME stock purchase is far from worthless. It is still a piece of equity that has a bright outlook given the publicity of- and positive internal changes at GameStop. + +For example, imagine the price drops back down to €40 (which in my opinion is highly unlikely). Then going back to the middle scenario with a price floor of €1M, the probability of the MOASS would have to be equal to 0.00009% for the expected value to equal the price of the stock. + +In short, don’t listen to anyone that says that your purchase is irrational. Apes may be whack in their own special ways, but apes are making rational purchases. + +Finals words. I like the stock and will continue to buy the ~~peaks~~ dips (jk, I'm already all-in) and HODL with my diamond hands. + +Edit: Changed $ to €. +Hi guys, I'm wondering if any of you have a list of saved links or comments from this subreddit that you have found particularly insightful/ eye-opening, and if you'd be comfortable with sharing them. Going to 'top of all time' here doesn't really work, since that's mostly all just news-based things, and doesn't show the insight typically found in the comments sections. + +I'd like to start things off with this one: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/71akva/market_timing_beats_time_in_the_market_at_least/ +After spurning Charter's multiple offers. Looks to be first reporter by David Faber. + +@davidfaber: Comcast to buy Time Warner Cable in all stock deal worth $159 per $TWC share- sources. Deal set for tomorrow morning. Ratio is 2.875 $CMCSA. +**TL;DR** based on a survey of posts beginning September 27, the average ape has 156 shares in ComputerShare. If we assume that 25% of the posts represent multiple accounts (e.g., ape purchases first and transfers second, and now has two account #s), the average share count is 125. Out of the 765 observations in this survey, 41 are video verified (with refreshing). The average share count for video verified posts is 618. Survey details/assumptions at the bottom. + +This is a continuation of the following survey where I found the average share count to be 132 shares (9/27-9/29), but did not adjust for multiple accounts: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py4ehb/average\_ape\_has\_132\_shares\_in\_computershare\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/py4ehb/average_ape_has_132_shares_in_computershare_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +FYI, I’m the guy that helped track the Brazilian puts, submitted questions to Bloomberg, and one of many that filed an SEC complaint: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxv148/brazilian\_puts\_bloomberg\_says\_they\_were\_a\_bug\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxv148/brazilian_puts_bloomberg_says_they_were_a_bug_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p026hj/sec\_whistleblower\_complaint\_filed\_illegal\_options/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p026hj/sec_whistleblower_complaint_filed_illegal_options/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box, but I am tenacious. I believe DRS is the way, so I’m very interested in the number of CS accounts and average share count per account. I think there’s been a concerted effort to demoralize the CS migration, including misleading average share count estimates. I’ve seen posts with estimates as low as 30-60, which I believe is way too low. + +The only ape I’ve followed regularly for the average share count is u/jonpro03 who is doing a mostly automated sampling. His latest average is 111 shares for each unique portfolio. Check out his posts. The ape is wicked wrinkly. + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q30kjl/brief\_update\_on\_the\_drs\_screenshot\_numbers/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q30kjl/brief_update_on_the_drs_screenshot_numbers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +My sampling has been 100% manual. I know u/jonpro03 does a substantial amount of manual auditing, so I’m not sure why our averages are not closer. + +Here is my sampling distribution: + +[September 27 to October 7](https://preview.redd.it/zedy0f9xd2s71.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=54d45d3785dfcb3e65f5d3ce4357715ed4734fb5) + +[September 27 to October 7](https://preview.redd.it/va1t0kvyd2s71.png?width=193&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf281ad7a4bb096b3b81eead33183ef7595f20fc) + +If we compare the frequency to the 9/27-9/29 survey, we find a somewhat similar distribution: + +[September 27 to September 29](https://preview.redd.it/opcxsec0e2s71.png?width=193&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c45cd63d18bfb1d2b93ac5309245729c4ab56b2) + +The only significant difference between the two time periods is the 1-10 and 11-25 bins, where a greater percentage of apes are represented in the 11-25 bin today and less in the 1-10 bin. This makes sense to me as it is easier to jump from the 1-10 bin to the 11-25 bin than jumping from other bins, on all else equal (on average). What this data indicates to me overall is that apes are continuing to direct register in a similar pattern and apes are adding to ComputerShare. + +I’m unable to post the full data like I did last time (186 versus 765 observations), at least not in a meaningful way, but here are my calculations: + +[September 27 to October 7](https://preview.redd.it/u5ps0wv3e2s71.png?width=276&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ed923dbe40a432db3c99388bc886eda28f4b8f9) + +The raw average is 156 shares per posts. If we assume that 25% of the posts include apes with two accounts (but only post the cumulative amount), the average drops to 125 shares. It has been noted that some apes have multiple accounts. Anecdotal evidence suggests two scenarios for this: 1) ape purchases within CS first and then transfers, or 2) a second batch of transferred shares is jointly owned. Based on casual observation, this is probably in the range of 5-15%; however, it's been noted that an ape may have 3 accounts in some cases. I assume 25% to be conservative. + +**Survey Design/Assumptions:** + +1) Survey was conducted 9/27-10/7 by scrolling through SuperStonk and collecting reported holdings in ComputerShare + +2) To avoid duplicates, the search was conducted under specific flairs and sorted by new + +3) If ape doesn’t give an exact number but says XX, I put in 10 (conservative) + +4) If ape doesn’t give exact number but says XXX, I put in 100 (conservative) + +5) If only a dollar value is given, the dollar amount is divided by the current share price to equal # shares, e.g., GME $5,851 with current stock price $180 = 32.5 or 32 shares + +&#x200B; + +Apes don’t fight apes. Constructive criticism welcome. + + +**TL;DR** based on a survey of posts beginning September 27, the average ape has 156 shares in ComputerShare. If we assume that 25% of the posts represent multiple accounts (e.g., ape purchases first and transfers second, and now has two account #s), the average share count is 125. Out of the 765 observations in this survey, 41 are video verified (with refreshing). The average share count for video verified posts is 618. +Hello, my broker somehow allowed me to sell to close Jan. 2023 500$ TSLA puts I had for about 2 weeks now for an insane profit. The order shows as "filled". + +My question is will they revert it? Volume for the whole day on those puts is 2. The money even though not settled has been added to my account and my trade is showing on yahoo finance. + +EDIT: I don't think that I was clear, I didn't sell 500$ puts. I just closed my position which was 500$ puts for Jan. 2023. Bought for 18$ and seemed to have sold for 205.95$ + +Final update: Called my broker and was able to buy to open a 500$ put a minute before close for 205.65$. Made 30$. Would've been on the hook for 25k if this wasn't done before settlement. Thanks everyone! +Hello, I am wondering if you investors write covered called on dividend stocks you own. + +I am 13 and have \~$2,500 on my brokerage (maybe I'll get more because I got As this quarter!) and am looking to buy BAC, VZ, MSFT, INTU, MCD, and DRIP all the dividends into BAC to try to get 100 shares so I can start selling covered calls for an extra thousand or so anually on top of dividends + share appreciation. + +There is the possibility of assignment, but you can write the strike really far out so the odds are the option expires worthless. The premium would be low, but you would sell at that price anyway plus it's free money to hold a stock you already want to hold. + +And if the the option expires in the money, you sold at a nice profit and you take the premium as well, making it easy to buy back shares and repeat.. It's unlikely more boring dividend stocks would shoot pass the strike price and would make rebuying shares that much trouble anyway. + +What are your thoughts? + I know that when you reinvest dividends, your taking the cash and using it to buy more shares. So my question is, for example, (and apologies if it sounds stupid) if I have 30 shares of coca cola and I chose to reinvest the dividends, then does it go to 31 shares? +Just seeing that US Treasury iBonds are currently paying 7.2% annualized and with new inflation numbers it’s expected to rise to around 10%. + +It seems like now is a great time to buy those instead of dividend stocks/ETFs since inflation and rising interest rates means more income from iBonds and less growth from any aristocrat/ETF. + +Is anyone adding iBonds into their investing strategy? + I know that when you reinvest dividends, your taking the cash and using it to buy more shares. So my question is, for example, (and apologies if it sounds stupid) if I have 30 shares of coca cola and I chose to reinvest the dividends, then does it go to 31 shares? +What is the downside to focusing primarily on high dividend stocks with little capital growth potential vs low dividend high growth stocks? + +My strategy right now is to increase my dividend income now. Not 10-20 years from now and so am focusing on high dividend stocks in stable companies. +I’m personally curious about ETF’s more but don’t want to restrict conversation in-case others would benefit from seeing individual equities discussed here. + +And I know (ex-US) hasn’t been super glamorous lately, but that’s part of the fun and why I’m asking. +Do y’all reinvest your dividends back into the same stock you received dividends from or back into a more high dividend etf (example schd)? + +Any benefits of doing one over other? + Hi all, I have been saving for a while ,and decided to take my first investment decision. I'm relatively new to stock trading, and I am currently looking for interesting investment ideas. + +I think that the optimal investment for me is to create an actual cashflow with fat dividends + +How would you use this money ($100k) for the next 5 years ? + +This is a really interesting concept from SoFi, and definitely worth a read. It’s an ETF to track SoFi’s Sustainable Dividend Index that pays weekly dividends, and I wanted to see this community’s thoughts on it. + +https://www.etf.com/sections/daily-etf-watch/equity-etf-offers-weekly-dividend-payout +very new to dividend stocks have been told about Main street capital (MAIN) as a good investment has anyone invested into them or know if if it’s a good investment +Do y’all reinvest your dividends back into the same stock you received dividends from or back into a more high dividend etf (example schd)? + +Any benefits of doing one over other? +I used to have 6.4 shares of tesla and I sold 3 shares when it was at $850, so now I have 3.4 left. My profit for it is $1,084. Total market value is $2,256. Should I take the $2,256 and put it into 2-4 dividend stocks, or just keep the money in tesla? What’re your opinions! +I try to make it short and dont want to discuss STAG in generall as investment. I just noticed, that their payout ratio seems to be off. + +STAG reported for last quarter an income of 0.53$ FFO per share. (Nine Months of 1.55$) Still they are paying out only 0.1208$ per share monthly or 0.3624$ per quarter. + +This results in an payout ratio of 68.4%. As you probably all know, REITs have to payout 90% to shareholders. + +Does this mean, STAG is about to raise their dividend by 30%, or am i missing something? +Have been digging through Seeking Alpha and their latest quarterly reports (though i am surely no expert here), but dont seem to identify the catch here. + +Happy for more insights from someone who knows more than i do. + +Thanks already everyone and enjoy your sunday. +I bought 7 shares of FFIC @ $14.58 ($102.06). +I bought 7 shares of FFIC @ $14.50 ($101.50). +The total cost basis was $203.56 for 14 shares. + +The stock price has risen to $16.08. This brings my market value to $225.12. +I am deciding to sell, for a net profit of $21.56 (+10.59%), while collecting a $2.94 dividend, which technically makes this a +12% return. $24.59 total profit. + +I plan on taking $20 to Worthy Bonds, which is where I'm saving money for tuition, which will guarantee me a 5% return. +With the remaining $204.50, I will most likely hold it until the next market dip and buy into T, KO, STAG, or STOR. Some long-term holding. Or, possibly, try to capture another dividend. + +The reason I share this is to ask... Should I try to do this again? I feel like in the current recovering market, playing this strategy on financials or energy stocks could be worth it. Potentially any other sector as well, these are just the two sectors I'm looking at currently. +I currently am slowly looking to invest into possibly some dividend stocks and keep hearing about ETFs and have no clue anything about taxes on them. I hear that SCHD and JEPI and more are good, but want to learn more before investing +Friendly autistic WSB physician here. + +Nice job on recognizing the virus was a major problem early on. + +When market crashed, people on r/all saying WSB is on suicide watch. I responded that this subreddit was been saying this was going to be bad for a long time. + +Today, it was declared a pandemic by the WHO. I have physician colleagues who still don’t recognize the problem. + +This is only nice thing I’ll be saying. + +Dates and strikes: +GILD 4/24 75 calls Incase their medicine works. +BAC 3/20 24.5 puts +Spy 3/16 put debit spreads 281/273 + +Edit: Boeing got destroyed today. I’m expecting a dead cat bounce. Down 15% in a morning. Got some bull spreads for a week out but I’m going to sell tomm either way probably + +Addendum: Boeing may have been bad move if they get hit harder because of trumps ban on Europe +I feel pressured because some people who are the same age as me are doing well with their investments already. I don’t know where to start because when I ask them they always feel like they are speaking a foreign language . It appears to me that asking for investing advice is like walking through a jungle. + +Browsing the internet for answers doesn’t help tbh. There are tons of websites, videos, and articles but most of them give me more questions than answers. I’m not even sure if those are reliable. I spent a lot of time reading and watching and now it’s just all information overload. + +Hoping you could share what helped you and how you did it . +[Source](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-why-larry-summers-wants-10-million-people-to-lose-their-job-11655800397) [Source 2](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-20/summers-says-us-needs-5-jobless-rate-for-five-years-to-ease-cpi#xj4y7vzkg) + +https://preview.redd.it/24vapn6zty691.png?width=1197&format=png&auto=webp&s=4962b7ae47c5a5153aec166d5eac84de4841d37c + +>Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers says there needs to be a surge in unemployment to curb inflation, which Federal Reserve policymakers say doesn’t need to happen for price growth to cool off. +> +>[According to Bloomberg News](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-20/summers-says-us-needs-5-jobless-rate-for-five-years-to-ease-cpi#xj4y7vzkg), Summers said in a speech on Monday from London there needs to be a lasting period of an unemployment rise to contain inflation — **either, a one year spike to 10%, two years of 7.5% unemployment, or five years of 6% unemployment.** +> +>**Put a different way, Summers is calling for the unemployed rolls to swell to roughly 16 million from just under 6 million in May.** +> +>The p**resident spoke with Summers on Monday**, though he said a U.S. recession can be avoided. + +Also: + +>In May, the unemployment rate was 3.6%. What Summers is basically saying is **he wants the unemployment rate to rise to a level that would knock a full percentage point off inflation. The core PCE price index was 4.9% year-over-year in April.** +> +>Current Federal Reserve officials don’t accept that there needs to be such a stark trade-off. The Fed’s forecasts call for the unemployment rate to rise to 4.1% next year in a way that would cool core inflation to 2.3%. Christopher Waller, a Fed governor, said the trade-off was less between inflation and unemployment, than between inflation and job openings. +This has taken a long time to feel. But I want all of you to get rich. + +BTC purist? *Get those gains, poppa hodler!* + +ETHhead? *May all your decentralized tech change the world.* + +Oh, you're into ADA? *To the moon.* + +DOT? ATOM? *MOONMOON.* + +VET, FET, VRA. *MOON MOON MOON!* + +DeFi cloud storage? *MOON for all those coins.* + +NFTs? *Fuck it, I hope the artists you support* ***AND*** *you make incredible profits.* + +I used to want some projects to fail because I got burned by them. But at this point, I just want us to all make gains. + +We're humans, many of us are probably looking for financial freedom or financial security through investments. Many of us are probably making longshots with a dream of one day being able to better our lives or our families. + +**We're just people.** + +Hell, you hold DOGE? I hope that even you make great gains. + +You hold some hyper-deflationary hype coin like SAFEMOON? I hope you 3x your initial. + +I WANT YOU ALL TO SUCCEED IN YOUR FINANCIAL GOALS. + +I understand warning others about the age-old traps. We need the old heads to give us the sage advice when it's warranted. + +But from now on, I'm committed to not laugh at or cheer on our brothers' and sisters' losses. We're just people. + +Missed gains will still hurt, tanked investments will still devastate. But let's let the prices do the emotional harm, not us. + +In the Shakespearean words of the contemporary poet DJ Drama: w*e in this bitch together.* +1. Bitcoin price rises for weeks, and the fear and greed index shows extreme greed (lots of buying pressure and buying on margin). Expectations of positive news may increase F&G. + +2. Bitcoin whale dumps ~2k bitcoins on a big exchange, and the price plummets. They still get a pretty good price for their bitcoins - as they were selling at the top and on the way down. But this eats up the buy wall and prices plummet. + +3. This fast dip liquidates a ton of longs (aka positions bought on margin, bitcoin bought with borrowed money), which means forced bitcoin sales, which further drops the price. Which liquidates more longs - a domino effect. + +4. The temporary bottom is reached very quickly as all those longs are shaken out. Sell pressure drops to zero, and attentive folks with money on exchanges buy the dip in a hurry, resulting in a dead cat bounce. Price recovers about halfway from where it had been before the flash crash. + +5. All those buys slowly wane, as everyone with money available has bought the dip. More buys trickle in as people move money to exchanges to take advantage of the dip but that just keeps the price fairly stable for a while (we are here right now). + +6. The dip shakes confidence and some weaker hands sell because they are afraid that the bull run is over. Whales may encourage this by dumping some more big chunks of BTC. Price continues to decline, recover a bit, and decline some more over the next week or so. + +7. Whale who sold starts buying back the bitcoin they sold (around ~$50k average this time) for a steep discount (likely low $40k's this time). They do this slowly though, not all at once, so they can keep getting it at the discount price. Meaning the price stays relatively stable but generally rises a little. + +8. Sell pressure wanes almost completely, normal buying pattern returns to the bull market norm, and prices recover. + +9. A month, month and a half go by and the bitcoin price is ~20% above the price it was at step 1. + +10. Go back to step 1. + +It's likely that the whale didn't even sell their own bitcoin to begin with, but borrowed it (shorted bitcoin, tanking the market with the bitcoin they shorted). +edit: Things have turned a little sour in the meeting. + +The follow up press conference didn't sound that bullish. While the minutes indicated that there is no increased rates from what's already planned, JPow had some hawkish undertones in his answers. Nothing sounded too dovish. + +And he is even now saying there could be increases. + +We are back to neutral...maybe even bearish. + +But there is a lot of fog in JPow's answers. And he said a lot of the decisions will come in the next meeting in March with more details on numbers. + +Stock crash potentially back on the table. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +&#x200B; + +~~As you might have already guessed with stocks shooting up, and cryptos spking, we didn't get the doom and gloom news today, we got some moderately bullish news.~~ + +~~Keep in mind, inflation is still very high, so it's not all rosy either.~~ + +~~So long term, there are still major economic issues looming.~~ + +~~It's also not super bullish for liquidity, or artificially propping up stocks with lowered rates.~~ + +~~But it's a fine balance, and probably a best case scenario.~~ + +&#x200B; + +~~In the minutes they mention unemployment has dropped, and the economic outlook is improving, according to the Fed.~~ + +~~So maybe no stock market crash...for this week.~~ + +~~Meaning maybe no Bitcoin crash below $30K this week either.~~ + +~~In fact, the spike in Bitcoin could potentially create a short squeeze, and we could see prices above $40K this week.~~ + +&#x200B; + +~~But we are not quiet out of the woods yet:~~ + +~~We still have the press meeting....so don't pull out the party hats yet.~~ + +~~We still need to hear how dovish or hawkish JPow might sound, and we haven't heard about timelines.~~ +This applies to anyone who is looking for information on a strategy they want to know more about. + +PLEASE beware of any video on youtube saying "make x amount of dollars in x amount of time!!" + +While these videos usually have some good information, they also typically omit important details and do not properly address risk. I'm not saying to avoid them entirely, but to go in with a critical mind. + +I personally love getting educated via the options industry council (OIC) as their content is much more objective in my opinion. + +Please feel free to share your favorite educational source! +Please utilize this sticky thread for all general **Bitcoin** discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you! + +If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow. + +[Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!](https://discord.gg/qE3rWBRNqh) + +Please check the [previous discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/m3znv3/daily_discussion_march_13_2021/) for unanswered questions. +HOW is it possible that I've gone over 50% loss on over 90% of my trades this year. I honestly think I'm being watched like I'm on the Truman Show and my life is a big joke. It's insane. None of my trades are options. These are common shares. I've lost a fortune on mega cap stocks, micro cap, energy plays, financial, tech, discretionary, Buffet plays, value, meme stocks, short squeeze plays, momentum, earnings, technical plays, shorting SPY and QQQ, contrarian, etc. Even followed a lot of trade ideas traders and they've all been losers. I'm not kidding. I've lost over $1000 every single day this entire month.... consecutively.. no green days. My entire portfolio right now is down ON AVERAGE 30%. Some positions down 75%. My best position is AMZN and that's down 25%. Again, these are not options. These are shares. It's ridiculous. I am the anti-market. 10 years of savings gone in a month. I'm on the verge of suicide again, but if anyone wants to get rich I am the ultimate indicator. Seriously, I will post my trades. At least someone else can get rich. I believe I'm cursed but it would make me happy to make others bank. There's no indicator in the world that can beat my 90% track record. +If I source my products locally within Australia, and my suppliers already charge me GST whenever I purchase an item that they'd ship to my customers when they place order, do I also have to collect GST from my customer, and pay ATO? + +In my head, this would sound like double taxing, and makes no sense. But then as a business of such model, what am I liable for to ATO in terms of GST? +I've come into $50k through inheritance, and i have total $60k in savings. So, I'm a fair way away from getting enough money to buy property in Sydney, but it is a goal of mine. I have a 50K HECS debt that obviously keeps getting bigger. I earn 89K so I believe I am taxed at 6%. Is it smarter to use the 50K inheritance to pay off the HECS debt, or should I save it for a deposit? +For context I thought of getting into IT by studying in a Bachelor of IT when I went to college a couple years back but dropped out. I wanted to get into something to do with gaming, first it was concept art but I haven't worked on art in years, then it was designing 3d characters, haven't done that too. But a good IT job isn't bad of an idea either. I have a Diploma of Information Technology though. I've also been using computers for all my life primarily for gaming. Since dropping out of college I have been working factory jobs. What is the best route to take to get into an IT job that's not depressing but pays good also. I just also don't want to commit to studying anything for years to get a certain job. So time also matters in acquiring a future IT job. + +Cheers. +Are interest rates the only magic bullet? You would think in due course only those well off would be able to enjoy a meal out at a restaurant etc? I don’t think the interest rate has done much right now and there isn’t really any pain given people’s saving buffers +We recently bought our first home (yay!) It was a new construction so I moved all the utilities into our name as of our closing date. I received our first electric bill and noticed it was pretty low but just assumed it was a partial month billing from when it was put into our name and out of the builder's name. Our first full month bill arrived and again it was for a minimum amount, I looked closely at it and it said there was no Kwh usage being billed, we have obviously been using plenty of electricity! I called the electric company and told them I didn't think my service address was correct on my account, there is another meter a little away from the house which was previously used for a camper or something and that is the meter they are showing associated with our account. I emailed them both meter numbers and the one that is right next to the house they said they don't have in their system?? They were the ones who put the meter there and supplying the electricity! They said they were going to look into it but I haven't heard anything else. I just received another bill with no usage charged, just the minimum due. Am I going to receive a massive bill at some point?? Should I contact them again? I feel like I've done my due diligence but I know I'm not going to get away with not paying for electricity forever lol +Good Friday evening to all of you here on r/StockMarket. I hope everyone on this sub made out pretty nicely in the market this past week, and is ready for the new trading week ahead. + +Here is everything you need to know to get you ready for the trading week beginning September 7th, 2020. + +# **The stock market shakeout is likely not over yet, even with Friday’s comeback - [(Source)](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/04/the-stock-market-shakeout-is-likely-not-over-yet-even-with-fridays-comeback.html)** +***** +> The tech wreck is probably not over, despite Friday’s market comeback. +***** +> Analysts expect the shakeout in stocks to continue after the long Labor Day weekend, especially in technology names and the Nasdaq, areas of the market that notched the sharpest gains. +***** +> After August’s 7% gain in the S&P 500, stocks started September strong, and then just as quickly rolled over. The Nasdaq lost 5% Thursday and was down sharply Friday but pared losses to decline 1.5%. The S&P 500 was down about 2.3% for the week, even after a 3.5% loss Thursday. +***** +> “I think this is a good wake-up call and a reminder that there are risks out there,” said Leo Grohowski, chief investment officer at BNY Mellon Wealth Management. “In August, we did take a little bit off the table.” +***** +> Analysts expect the week ahead to be busy, with holidays ending and more market pros back at their desks. There is some economic data, most importantly Friday’s consumer price index. The reading on consumer inflation is expected to show little change in core inflation with forecasts for a gain of just 0.2% in August, or 1.6% year over year. +***** +> # Froth blowing off +> The stock sell-off came as market pros were becoming increasingly wary of froth in the market, particularly in tech and momentum names. On Friday, it was revealed that SoftBank was behind billions in large options bets on individual tech stocks, like Amazon, Microsoft, Apple and Tesla. News reports said the trades were made over the past month, and SoftBank had been building unusually large positions in call options, or those that bet the prices of underlying stocks would rise. +***** +> One analyst said the fact that SoftBank was “gunning the market” makes him worry that there is more selling to come in Nasdaq names. As SoftBank bought call options, the sellers had to buy stocks, conceivably driving up prices in a trading feedback loop. +***** +> “It’s just a trip to the casino,” said Peter Boockvar, chief investment officer at Bleakley Advisory Group. “If they’re supposed to be an investment company taking a long-term horizon, then trying to juice your short-term return through options, you’ve turned into a hedge fund.” +***** +> JPMorgan strategists said they expect the market to recover gradually, but there are still presidential election uncertainties looming in the next couple of months. +***** +> “The significant reduction in previously extreme long positions in Nasdaq by momentum traders should allow the equity market to recover over the coming weeks, as happened after the June 11th correction,” noted JPMorgan analysts. “But a repeat of the strong gains seen during July and August is less likely over the next two months.” +***** +> Grohowski said there could be more selling in the tech and internet companies, or those that were viewed did well as workers stayed home and the economy was shutdown. “It’s not the start of a big lasting correction, but a forewarning the next couple of weeks and months are going to be choppy. I think it’s going to be a sideways kind of market,” Grohowski said. He added the market could be choppy in the week ahead. +***** +> “We’re a little more cautious, not to mention the market is trading at 23 times our earnings estimates for 2021,” said Grohowski. He said the fact there is about $4.5 trillion in money market funds is a bullish signm since that money could find its way into the stock market. +***** +> Julian Emanuel, head of equities and derivatives strategy at BTIG, said the S&P 500 could dip to its 200-day moving average, or 3,092, before rebounding, which would be about a 15% move in total. +***** +> “I don’t think the sell-off is over. Nasdaq is up 83%s since March 23, the S&P is up 63%,” said Emanuel. +***** + +# **This past week saw the following moves in the S&P:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL S&P TREE MAP FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/34qCxpv.png))** + +# **Major Indices for this past week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR INDICES FOR THE PAST WEEK!](https://i.imgur.com/1u5feMS.png))** + +# **Major Futures Markets as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR FUTURES INDICES AS OF FRIDAY!](https://i.imgur.com/WfvTGox.png))** + +# **Economic Calendar for the Week Ahead:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL ECONOMIC CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK AHEAD!](https://i.postimg.cc/sDw87zF7/econcal1.png))** + +# **Percentage Changes for the Major Indices, WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/bUFp72p.png))** + +# **S&P Sectors for the Past Week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/cgvDyfD.png))** + +# **Major Indices Pullback/Correction Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/SJ4plDu.png)** + +# **Major Indices Rally Levels as of Friday's close:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/g1WP8F6.png))** + +# **Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.postimg.cc/GtFbRTWy/er1.png))** + +# **Here are the upcoming IPO's for this week:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i.imgur.com/NcrK823.png))** + +# **Friday's Stock Analyst Upgrades & Downgrades:** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART LINK #1!](https://i.imgur.com/NkAezup.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART LINK #2!](https://i.imgur.com/D3X10mF.png))** + +***** + +> # Small Caps Best Day After Labor Day + +> In the last 21 years, only Russell 2000 has registered an average gain of 0.16% on the Tuesday after the long Labor Day weekend. DJIA, S&P 500 and NASDAQ have struggled with negative average performance. NASDAQ and Russell 2000 have been up five of the last eight years, but DJIA, S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000 all have fallen for the last three years on Tuesday. On Wednesday the market’s performance has been varied. DJIA has performed the best, up 76.2% of the time with an average gain of 0.25%. S&P 500 is worst, up only 42.9% of the time with an average gain of 0.13%. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1422a049f2b0dbca39b1543c5cff0a42/172c7870552d9912-60/s500x750/ff92c03e01c3e886a523a64381a9c44745538da2.jpg))** + +***** + +> # Big August: Bullish or Bearish? + +> Big August 2020 logged the 4th biggest August percent gain for the S&P 500 since 1949 and the 6th biggest since 1930. But, is this bullish or bearish for the market in the coming months? Hopefully the table below provides some perspective by comparing the previous Top 20 S&P 500 Augusts since 1949 to July, September, Q4 and the succeeding “Best Six Months” November-April. + +> Subsequent Septembers were down 15 of 20 years for an average loss of -1.0% (median loss of -0.7%). Q4 is positive with gains in 13 of the 20 years for an average gain of 1.0% (median gain of 3.0%). The following Best Six Months are more bullish, up 16 of the 20 years with an average gain of 7.6% (median gain of 8.5%). + +> Looking at just the 7 years that were preceded by big Julys shows some improvement for September but Q4s are worse, containing the largest Q4 losses. Back-to-back big Julys and big Augusts were followed by improved Best Six Months results, up in all 7 instances with a higher average and median gain and the top gain. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7bd7299f2e7714adc709577da928964e/bd54fb998db4a9e1-46/s1280x1920/3363ff03bfc2dead6e88b387771b6bbad2aafece.jpg))** + +***** + +> # Analyzing the Jobs Report + +> The jobs market remains strong, as the August nonfarm payrolls came in at a solid 1.37 million jobs created, right in line with expectations. This was the fourth consecutive month of gains, up 10.6 million over this time frame. In March and April more than 22 million jobs were lost, so we still aren’t quite to half of the jobs recovered though. + +> This was the second consecutive month there was a very weak ADP private payrolls number ahead of the monthly jobs report, adding to the worries, but the actual nonfarm payroll number was once again quite solid. Don’t forget, just yesterday we saw initial jobless claims come in at 881,000, the lowest number since the week ending March 14, another improving employment number. + +> The big surprise in today’s report though was the unemployment rate fell to 8.4%, from 10.2% last month and an expected 9.8%. This was the lowest unemployment rate since 4.4% in March. + +> “This was an impressive report and once again showed the economy remained quite resilient,” explained LPL Financial Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. “But 8% unemployment is 8% unemployment, so let’s not get too excited, but we’ll still take this improving trend in the employment picture.” + +> As shown in the LPL Chart of the Day, even though more than 10 million jobs have been created in the past four months, the sad truth is we are still quite a long way from recovering all the jobs lost due to the pandemic. In fact, looking at previous cycles, it has taken years for all of the lost jobs to come back and this time doesn’t appear any different. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i1.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Blog-9.4.20.png?ssl=1))** + +> One thing to consider is could this solid number make it harder for Washington to agree on the next stimulus plan? We are watching this closely, but with the two sides still close to a trillion dollars apart, today’s report will likely do little to help the two sides come to a quick resolution. + +> Last, don’t forget that stocks gained more than 60% in less than six months, so some weakness would be perfectly normal. In fact, looking at the two previous strongest starts to a bull market ever (’82 and ’09) both saw some weakness right around now. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i1.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Blog-9.4.20-2.png?ssl=1))** + +***** + +> # 3 Charts To Watch If You Are Bullish + +> The S&P 500 Index just closed the door on its best August since 1986, making new all-time highs along the way, while also closing up five months in a row. + +> First things first, make no mistake about it; this is a new bull market. That of course doesn’t mean it will last years like previous bull markets, but a nearly 57% gain in 5 months is what we’d classify as a bull market. + +> Here are all the bull markets going back to the Great Depression and where this one ranks. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i0.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/9.2.20-blog-chart-1.png?ssl=1))** + +> Now let’s dig into the 5 month win streak. It is quite rare for stocks to gain from April through August, as the summer months tend to be somewhat tricky. Yet, we found there were six other years that saw these 5 months all close higher and the rest of the year was higher five times, with some solid returns in there. In fact, the only year that was lower the rest of the year was 2018, mainly due to the Fed policy mistake in December 2018. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i1.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/9.2.20-blog-chart-2.png?ssl=1))** + +> “What might surprise many investors is 5 month win streaks are actually incredibly bullish going forward,” explained LPL Financial Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. “In fact, a year after a 5 month win streak has seen the S&P 500 higher 25 of the past 26 times.” + +> As shown in the LPL Chart of the Day, the S&P 500 Index gained more than 35% during this 5 month win streak, the most ever. Yet, the future gains after 5 month win streaks is very impressive, higher 25 out of 26 times a year later. An object in motion tends to stay in motion and this sure seems to be the case here. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i0.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/9.2.20-blog-chart-3.png?ssl=1))** + +***** + +> # Historic August Opens Door To Worst Month Of The Year + +> What a month August has been so far, with the S&P 500 Index up more than 7%, for the best August since 1984. Not to be outdone, this is the first time in history August saw two separate 6-day (or more) win streaks. Last, with one day to go, the S&P 500 has gained 16 days so far this month, for the most since 16 in April 2019. Meanwhile, it is the most up days for any August since 2003. + +> “Well, 2020 has laughed at many of these things, but be aware September is indeed the worst month of the year on average,” explained LPL Financial Chief Market Strategist Ryan Detrick. “But what caught our attention was both September and October have a negative return during election years, with October the worst month of the year. Could investors get election jitters again in 2020?” + +> As show in the LPL Chart of the Day, September tends to be a weak month. In fact, it is the weakest month on average since 1950. Additionally, the last two times August was up more than 5% were 1986 and 2000; the S&P 500 fell 8.5% and 5.4% in September those years. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i1.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/8.31.20-Blog-Chart-1.png?ssl=1))** + +> Breaking things down by just an election year shows that August actually tends to be strong. That obviously played out this year, but now will the weakness we usually see in September and October play out? + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i0.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/8.31.20-Blog-Chart-2.png?ssl=1))** + +> Finally, after today, the S&P 500 will be up 5 consecutive months. Looking at the other years that saw a similar summer rallies, there tended to be more strength the final 4 months of the year, with only the Federal Reserve policy mistake of December 2018 blemishing this impressive track record. + +> ###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](https://i1.wp.com/lplresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/8.31.20-Blog-Chaert-3.png?ssl=1))** + +> Yes, this record equity run is extremely stretched, but we would continue to use any pullbacks as an opportunity to add to longer-term core equity holdings, as the economy continues to come back quicker than most expected. + +***** + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: Stock Market Analysis Video for Week Ending September 4th, 2020** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET POSTED!) + +# **STOCK MARKET VIDEO: ShadowTrader Video Weekly 9.6.20** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR THE YOUTUBE VIDEO!]())** +(VIDEO NOT YET POSTED!) + +***** + +Here are the most notable companies (tickers) reporting earnings in this upcoming trading week ahead- + +***** + +> * **$PTON** +> * **$WORK** +> * **$LULU** +> * **$CHWY** +> * **$KR** +> * **$ZS** +> * **$COUP** +> * **$LOVE** +> * **$AEO** +> * **$HQY** +> * **$GFN** +> * **$GME** +> * **$ORCL** +> * **$PLAY** +> * **$RH** +> * **$HDS** +> * **$UXIN** +> * **$MCFT** +> * **$FCEL** +> * **$CASY** +> * **$MEIP** +> * **$NAV** +> * **$REVG** +> * **$NSSC** +> * **$ABM** +> * **$SCWX** +> * **$PHR** +> * **$ALOT** +> * **$CVGW** +> * **$DSGX** +> * **$ZUMZ** +> * **$GIII** +> * **$AVAV** +> * **$BIOX** +> * **$BIGC** +> * **$LAKE** +> * **$LTRX** +> * **$BBCP** +> * **$VRNT** +> * **$FARM** + +***** + +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S MOST NOTABLE EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.postimg.cc/GtFbRTWy/er1.png))** +###### **([CLICK HERE FOR NEXT WEEK'S HIGHEST VOLATILITY EARNINGS RELEASES!](https://i.postimg.cc/2yRCg7KY/ervol1.png))** + +***** + +Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus estimates courtesy of Earnings Whispers: + +***** + +> # ***Monday 9.7.20 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE. U.S. MARKETS CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY.) + +> # ***Monday 9.7.20 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR MONDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE. U.S. MARKETS CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE OF LABOR DAY.) + +***** + +> # ***Tuesday 9.8.20 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/U3gzGVc.png)) + +> # ***Tuesday 9.8.20 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR TUESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/KToPkBD.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Wednesday 9.9.20 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/0aK2q13.png)) + +> # ***Wednesday 9.9.20 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR WEDNESDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/Ku04emu.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Thursday 9.10.20 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE.) + +> # ***Thursday 9.10.20 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR THURSDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!](https://i.imgur.com/T5g4xA6.png)) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 9.11.20 Before Market Open:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S PRE-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE.) + +***** + +> # ***Friday 9.11.20 After Market Close:*** +> ###### ([CLICK HERE FOR FRIDAY'S AFTER-MARKET EARNINGS TIME & ESTIMATES!]()) +(NONE.) + +***** + +> # Peloton Interactive $80.63 +**Peloton Interactive (PTON)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Thursday, September 10, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.10 per share on revenue of $566.53 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.13 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 84% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for revenue of $500.00 million to $520.00 million. Short interest has decreased by 62.5% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 78.8% from its open following the earnings release to be 92.6% above its 200 day moving average of $41.86. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. The stock has averaged a 11.6% move on earnings in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=PTON&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Slack Technologies, Inc. $29.07 +**Slack Technologies, Inc. (WORK)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:10 PM ET on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.03 per share on revenue of $208.33 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.01) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 75% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for a loss of $0.04 to $0.03 per share on revenue of $206.00 million to $209.00 million. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 96.94% with revenue increasing by 43.70%. Short interest has increased by 93.1% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted lower by 8.5% from its open following the earnings release to be 6.8% above its 200 day moving average of $27.22. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. The stock has averaged a 7.8% move on earnings in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=WORK&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # lululemon athletica inc. $361.41 +**lululemon athletica inc. (LULU)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.56 per share on revenue of $832.92 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.60 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 67% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 41.67% with revenue decreasing by 5.71%. Short interest has decreased by 16.0% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 19.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 38.7% above its 200 day moving average of $260.62. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 11.0% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 6.3% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=LULU&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Chewy, Inc. $61.18 +**Chewy, Inc. (CHWY)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:10 PM ET on Thursday, September 10, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.15 per share on revenue of $1.64 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.14) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 81% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 28.57% with revenue increasing by 42.17%. Short interest has decreased by 5.4% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 20.1% from its open following the earnings release to be 57.3% above its 200 day moving average of $38.89. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. The stock has averaged a 5.3% move on earnings in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=CHWY&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Kroger Co. $35.47 +**Kroger Co. (KR)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:30 AM ET on Friday, September 11, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.50 per share on revenue of $29.66 billion and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.56 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 77% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for year-over-year earnings growth of 13.64% with revenue increasing by 5.30%. Short interest has increased by 8.3% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 9.7% from its open following the earnings release to be 13.1% above its 200 day moving average of $31.36. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Monday, August 24, 2020 there was some notable buying of 2,648 contracts of the $33.00 put expiring on Friday, September 18, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 7.5% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.4% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=KR&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Zscaler, Inc. $134.34 +**Zscaler, Inc. (ZS)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.03 per share on revenue of $118.41 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.05 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 77% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of $0.02 to $0.03 per share on revenue of $117.00 million to $119.00 million. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 57.14% with revenue increasing by 37.51%. Short interest has decreased by 23.9% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 54.3% from its open following the earnings release to be 68.5% above its 200 day moving average of $79.71. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Thursday, August 20, 2020 there was some notable buying of 1,017 contracts of the $115.00 put expiring on Friday, November 20, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 17.9% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 16.4% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=ZS&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Coupa Software $285.81 +**Coupa Software (COUP)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:05 PM ET on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.08 per share on revenue of $118.84 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.14 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 67% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of $0.06 to $0.08 per share on revenue of $118.00 million to $119.00 million. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 11.11% with revenue increasing by 24.91%. Short interest has decreased by 12.9% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 34.2% from its open following the earnings release to be 41.3% above its 200 day moving average of $202.31. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. On Monday, August 17, 2020 there was some notable buying of 538 contracts of the $270.00 put expiring on Friday, September 18, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 18.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 8.2% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=COUP&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # Lovesac Company $29.44 +**Lovesac Company (LOVE)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 7:00 AM ET on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.55 per share on revenue of $52.58 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.46) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 60% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 77.42% with revenue increasing by 9.21%. Short interest has decreased by 29.1% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 41.0% from its open following the earnings release to be 74.7% above its 200 day moving average of $16.85. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. The stock has averaged a 20.9% move on earnings in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=LOVE&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. $12.86 +**American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. (AEO)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 8:00 AM ET on Wednesday, September 9, 2020. The consensus estimate is for a loss of $0.14 per share on revenue of $833.66 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is ($0.11) per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 39% expecting an earnings beat. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 135.90% with revenue decreasing by 19.91%. Short interest has increased by 45.8% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 13.8% from its open following the earnings release to be 11.4% above its 200 day moving average of $11.54. Overall earnings estimates have been revised higher since the company's last earnings release. On Friday, August 21, 2020 there was some notable buying of 5,605 contracts of the $11.00 call expiring on Friday, October 16, 2020. Option traders are pricing in a 13.8% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 6.9% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=AEO&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +> # HealthEquity, Inc. $58.47 +**HealthEquity, Inc. (HQY)** is confirmed to report earnings at approximately 4:00 PM ET on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. The consensus earnings estimate is $0.27 per share on revenue of $171.32 million and the Earnings Whisper ® number is $0.31 per share. Investor sentiment going into the company's earnings release has 62% expecting an earnings beat The company's guidance was for earnings of $0.23 to $0.30 per share on revenue of $168.00 million to $173.00 million. Consensus estimates are for earnings to decline year-over-year by 40.00% with revenue increasing by 97.78%. Short interest has decreased by 3.6% since the company's last earnings release while the stock has drifted higher by 2.7% from its open following the earnings release to be 3.5% below its 200 day moving average of $60.62. Overall earnings estimates have been revised lower since the company's last earnings release. Option traders are pricing in a 9.9% move on earnings and the stock has averaged a 4.0% move in recent quarters. + +> #([CLICK HERE FOR THE CHART!](http://elite.finviz.com/chart.ashx?t=HQY&ty=c&ta=st_c,sch_200p,sma_50,sma_200,sma_20,sma_100,bb_20_2,rsi_b_14,macd_b_12_26_9,stofu_b_14_3_3&p=d&s=l)) + +***** + +# DISCUSS! + +What are you all watching for in this upcoming holiday-shortened trading week? + +***** + +I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and a great trading week ahead r/StockMarket. +Hey guys I know I don't post much but I've been here for a long time watching and participating in trading Ethereum over the past year and one thing for sure I've learnt which I feel the need to share is that whenever you see people on reddit creating multiple threads of sell now and buy back in later or that ETH is going to hit 50USD from a 400USD drop yada yada, that's when you know that those are the individuals who are definitely interested in buying the Ether you're about to sell. They might tell you that they're waiting for a solid 100USD Ether before they press the big button, but most often than not, nobody does that. Instead, people buy in batches as the prices drop. + +Another thing I would like to share is that from my own experience as a noob trader, never start selling your stash when Ethereum has already dropped more than 50% in value since the ATH. Simply because the risk of it not dropping much further and the sudden rebounce is really high. You might be lucky once or twice catching a lower price, however the last time I tried that, the price minute drop wasn't worth the sleepless nights and risk of losing even more because with cryptocurrency in general and especially with ETH, once the market goes up, it will most likely overshoot your current selling price of 200USD in a blink of an eye and you would have cause yourself losses for that greed for what...30% risk profit(means it would have to drop another 30% from 200USD)? I mean....30% price jump upwards at this price point is something very regularly seen with Ethereum. + +Lastly just a very cautious warning to those out there who just opened shorts at this price...what i've learnt is to also never open shorts when ETH is already oversold. There are as many short hunters there as there were long hunters. Remember the GDAX/Polo/Kraken stop hunters? If it could be done by shorting, the same can be done by hunting for shorters in this current market scenario. + +TLDR; if you've already missed the ATH sell-off point, don't panic and sell now at 50% of its price just to "follow the trend" when it's oversold. Just wait for the next ATH which will be much higher than 400USD. You'll thank yourself later rather than giving a 50% discount to people waiting to scam you off your coins. + +P/S : Remember remember, Ether is very valuable and will be even more so in time. Nobody wants to own less Ether as time goes by, everyone is just trying their best to hoard more at the end of the day I mean, keeping Ether beats leaving your cash in any banks and earning some measly Term deposit interest rate any day. +http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/etherpoker-raising-stakes-ethereum-1551331 + +Benefical real world use. To gamblers at least. + +"...To use the EtherPoker platform right now players would have to have ether, the native currency of Ethereum..." + +"...The interesting thing about EtherPoker's peer-to-peer platform is that the cards and money are never touched by a centralised website. This means no third party can peek at their cards or mishandle their money..." + + +"...Though most poker sites try to provide a safe and honest service, there have been issues in the past. Full Tilt, for instance, was operating on a large fractional reserve of player deposits which people didn't know about until it went bankrupt. Absolute Poker had issues with a rogue employee cheating by looking at the cards of people he was playing against..." +Edit: Fucked up the title, correct title: Why MKR is still a good BUY at $700 million market cap. + +Recently I am reading more and more critique about MKR valuation and a lot of negativity regarding the rate hike. I do not understand how a lot of people think that MKR is overbought? I think it is one of the more fair priced Tokens and even one of the best buys right now next to ETH. + +If using something like a simmple DCF Model to gain some perspective about the valuation of MKR I still think it might be a pretty good buy even right now and that is for a couple of reasons: + +1: Just assume MKR, under MCD, facilitates the creation of 2 Billlion DAI, and the average APR is 1%, then there would be 20 Million Dollar worth of MKR be burned every year. That is 3% of the marketcap right now. However the market for asset backed loans only in the US has a volume of a [whopping $800 Billion](https://www.forbes.com/sites/mayrarodriguezvalladares/2018/11/05/clo-issuance-is-far-surpassing-other-types-of-asset-backed-securities/#4c0c95431384). + +Worldwide volume exceeds 1 Trillion USD significantly. How much could MKR capture under MCD, wehn it is possible to collaterlaize real estate, stocks, bonds, etc.? Maker can capture a lot of this market, because you get a very "pure" and fair - market driven - interest rate without a lot of friction. Centralized loan facilitators have a lot of expenses, which you as a borrower have to pay for. But even if Maker only captures just 10 Billion of the global market, with an average APR of 1% this would mean 100 Million MKR will be burned every year. + +2) The rate hike for CDPs was due to lack for demand of DAI, which negatively impacted its peg to 1$ for 1 DAI. However the [stabelcoin market is growing rapidly](https://www.forbes.com/sites/geraldfenech/2018/12/07/the-rise-of-the-stable-coins-will-they-be-the-next-to-endure-regulatory-scrutiny-from-the-sec/#179f4bcb1601) and with applications like xDAI and the Burner Wallet DAI is right now the #1 DECENTRALIZED stablecoin by a large margin. Right now there is no demand for DAI other than to buy other Tokens with it. This will change: + +Maker actively pushes for development [in the DAI ecosystem](https://medium.com/makerdao/announcing-the-makerdao-core-community-development-initiative-d388bfba88e3), which will create useful applications for DAI and therefore increase demand, which should lead to an interest rate decrease. Longterm I think the interest rate will be 0.5%-1.5% on average, but this is just speculation on my part (basically there is no risk with a 24/7 settlement system, when there is enough liquidity, so the CDP interest rate should converge to the risk-free rate of the global economy). + +Edit: right as I posted Dharma announced [DAI support for their lending protoco](https://dharma.io/)l, one more use case. + +2) MKR right now has the lowest trading volume [of all Top 30 Coins](https://coinmarketcap.com/): 1.4 Million USD in the last 24 hours with a marketcap of \~700 Million USD(!). I think a lot of people are still unaware of Maker and limited market exposure and thin order books increase difficulty for bigger players to enter a position. But this will change in the future, market access will improve as MKR gets listed on bigger exchanges. + +3) People often criticize that a competitor can just copy the contracts and set the Interes Rate lower. Yeah good luck with that. First try to build the same network effect that Maker has right now (!), gain the trust of users that you did not fuck anything up. Then your whole system crashes because your copied DAI will not hold its peg to 1$ because you try to undercut the Maker interest rate for a CDP. + +4) Risk factors: + +* Maker fails to deliver on MCD or has a bug in the contracts which leads to loss of potentially 100's of million of dollars. +* A competitor captures more users than Maker and has a better product (tbh I don't see any) +* Regulatory problems (I do not see this as a problem, because a couple countries making Maker illegal do not affect the value proposition of MKR. One could even argue that access to a MKR CDP could be a competitive advantage as companies can get loans cheaper because of less friction in the loan creation process compared to a centralized lender.) + +&#x200B; + +For those reasons, Maker imo is still a great buy right now, especially compared to a lot of other coins in the Top 30 right now. I would love to hear more critique points reagrding Maker that I am not aware of. + +&#x200B; + +Full disclosure: I own \~1 MKR + +&#x200B; +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +These deeps were shocking as I did not have any Internet service this weekend. I had heard of Ethereum but had no spare money to invest at its origin. I am now in at $350 & even with the drops, I decided to Double Down today at $271. I am new to Ethereum, and I am reading more about it each day. This is my first crypto that I am investing in & the more I learn the more excited I am for its future. Patience is our best bet right now. I now have $1500 invested and I can not wait to see it grow in the future. +$6k by end of the year seems possible. The bull run has just started and ETH is at $4.7k by now. Every cent from this point is a new ATH. + +Where do you see Ethereum at end of the year? +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, Ethereum Classic, and minor questions. +- Important content should be posted as a separate thread. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Several years ago this sub, along with countless hours of research and education, helped me learn how to budget and become more confident with my finances. As a very frugal and goal oriented person, saving up for both an amazing ring and wedding was a huge accomplishment for my wife and I, and we could not be happier with our lives the past few years. Now, with a baby on the way, and both of us entering our late twenties, we, especially myself, are lacking a sense of direction. + +We currently are renting in an area we absolutely love (though it's quite expensive, WA State), and will be here for about 3 more years until our landlords (family friends) return from out of state to remodel our place for their own growing family. I also have a job I love, I legitimately enjoy going to work and I'm bringing in about 50k annually pre tax. My wife works from home practically full time and brings in about 55k pre tax. She's fine with her job, doesn't love it, doesn't hate it. + +We have some nice things...nice tv, gaming consoles, a barista machine, a crazy but loveable young dog, a home gym, and lots of quality kitchen items (we both LOVE food) sounds great right? Then why am I feeling so unsure about the future? As I said, both of us are super goal oriented, and I think due to so many variables in the future, we just feel lost on what to save for and in what order. + +We'd like a truck as we are both interested in camping, and it would be much safer than our outdated current vehicles. However we also need to save for a house. But with the market the way it is, should we just continue to rent? Also how much per month should we allocate for the baby? How much vehicle can we afford? With the truck market the way it is, should we just get another sedan, or forgo getting a new vehicle at all? My wife's parents are both recently retired and would likely help with a lot of the child expenses and potentially help a little with a house down payment as well. My parents on the other hand do not have hardly anything saved for retirement, is that going to play a factor in the future of our finances? + +**I guess I'm just looking for any sort of advice about a general plan to have with a baby on the way, or any tips or success stories on how to correctly navigate so many financial variables.** + +Here are some numbers: + +Savings account - 10k + +Roth IRA - 8k + +Emergency fund - 8k + +Stocks/ETFS - 23.5k + +Crypto - 2.5k + +Student loan debt remaining (not currently paying) - 20k + +Both have credit scores between 700-800 + +**TL;DR: How much should we budget for a baby? Can we afford a truck? Should we be more aggressive in saving for a house in 3 years? Is my asset allocation too risky/not risky enough? Should we just pay off the student loans even if there's a small chance they get at least partially erased?** +I want to marry my gf this coming year i have a stable job and want to know if anyone out there has done this. We live in California and she is a full time student +I'm looking at take the leap into homeownership soon. I have a massive amount saved up via stocks($25k and growing) I've got over the years but I know I need to get my ducks in a row before I can really be approved for a loan. + +&#x200B; + +Right now I make about $40k a year. I got close to that saved up. My credit score is around 650. + +I have a car loan. $14k remaining (with the credit union I wanna to apply at) + +I have a credit card(6000/15,000)( also with same credit union) + +A second credit card(800/1500) (with a different bank but is my oldest credit card(12yrs they've never given me an increase) + +I had a credit card via Chase but they close my account saying they couldn't verify my citizenship and it trashed my credit years ago but hasn't fallen off yet. It dropped my score into the 400s from the 700s and spiked all of my interest rates over 20% My debit spiralled a but cause they happed as I lost job. I paid down all my cards. Three of them (the chase and Two store cards) closed on me cause while I was paying everything off I forgot to use the store cards and they closed. I feel like applying at a credit union and having hefty downpayment may help. + +I feel like I'm close to ready but still missing a small thing or two that could really help me out. + +Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated as I would like to stop renting and start owning my home. +Opened an IRA with Schwab at 23. No real financial literacy but I’ve been interested in REITs. I see now that in an IRA you have so much more options, like bonds, mutual funds, options, and stocks. None of which I know how to trade, but I thought it would be a decent idea to find out what I’d be missing out on by limiting myself to just one or two things. Looking to start off small and gradually fund it over time due to me only having one source of income, which is my job. No financial responsibilities at the moment as I’m currently living with my mother and pretty much saving up every penny to work on getting myself mobile by buying a used vehicle and using it to get my license, so I’m looking to maybe throw in $100 bi-weekly until I can afford to fund the account a little more. Any and all perspectives are welcome and appreciated as my goal is knowledge, not necessarily a set answer. +To the point: I cannot get a home loan on my own because my debt to income ratio is too high. + +I owe $45,000 in school loans all together (3 separate loans) and I have about $12,000 saved. And if it matters I have a 401k with about $7,000 in it and just started another 401k from my current job. Which I have been at for 2+ years. (Part time gig- I have a child so working more hours isn’t really doable right now) + +My question is; do I put like $10,000 on one loan and hope and pray that makes a difference? I still don’t think I would qualify for a home loan and EVEN if I did I have no more money saved to put a down payment. + +What’s your advice financial planning guru’s? Thank you! +After 401k and emergency funds, do you still invest your additional savings into the market? + +I always hear time in the market beats timing the market, but I’ve been through a few bubbles and crashes. I prefer to not have every dollar in the market and also have the ability to invest if there was a crash. + +Thoughts on other possible investments or just keep it cash? +(24M) I’m a computer engineering student living with my dad paying rent in Austin,TX. My only source of income is DoorDash ($200-$400/wk) inbetween the process of landing a correlating internship/job. I’m putting the little money I have left after expenses towards trading and investing to make enough to afford my own place (fully leased) in 6 months. I understand in my current situation and housing market it’ll be nearly impossible to achieve. + +Any advice on saving money and finding other sources of income to achieve my goal? +Hello, + + +I have heard that if you make 6 figures + the traditional 401K is the best option over the roth even if you are young (I am 28 Male). Is that really true? If I am making $100K a year for example. Can someone tell me why it's better to lower my current taxes vs having potentially 40+ years of untaxed growth with a roth? I live in a state with no income tax if that matters and am looking to max out either a roth 401K or a traditional 401K. I also have a Roth IRA that I contribute to as well. + + +Thanks! +My mother has recently received quite a bit of money from my father passing away. The bank is pushing her to put it all in a "money market". My mother nor I know anything about it. Can you lose money? Any risk? Thank you guys so much. +Hey all, I’m scheduled to take the Series 65 in a few weeks. I’ve been studying around 3-4 hours a day for the past month and plan to continue that until the test (of course taking R&R when necessary). I’m using Kaplan study material. I’ve taken 5 mock/simulated exams scoring from 67-76%. I was feeling quite confident since my scores were improving. But then I took my first Practice exam (doesn’t give rationale on the answers and is suppose to be even more similar to the real exam than the mock...) and scored a 57% 😩 I’m completely discouraged now. I felt like the questions on the practice exam were much more complex than those on the simulated exams. Any words of encouragement from experienced Series 65 testers? + +UPDATE: my test was cancelled and will be rescheduled for after 4/16 🙌🏼 small victories during these trying times +**TLDR:** I'm in my 20s and I've decided to largely forgo retirement savings for the next few years in anticipation of wedding, housing costs. Am I being reasonable? + +&#x200B; + +Using a throwaway for obvious reasons. Basically, in the next 3 years my girlfriend and I will likely get married and buy a house together. I'm 27 years old, making $105k / year in a high cost of living area. My only debt is about $24k in a private student loan at 4% interest, for a graduate program I finished about a year ago. I currently rent and pay $950/month. I have $35k in investments across 401ks and IRAs. + +As for my 401k, my employer matches 4%, so I've recently reduced my contribution to exactly 4% so I can take advantage of the match but no more. + +I'm trying to save $20k for an engagement ring, $20k for the wedding itself, $30k for a down payment (future wife will contribute equally), and \~$20k to pay off my remaining loans prior to the wedding (just so we'll both be debt free). These costs are flexible but I prefer to plan for the extremes. I get paid biweekly and have about $1200 each paycheck to put into high yield savings, which has me on track to have saved that amount plus a sizable emergency fund by age 30. + +I'm a bit uneasy contributing so little to retirement, but it is for a very limited amount of time while I prepare for these high, one-time expenses. In 3 years, I'll be able to max out my 401k for the rest of my career. + +Is this reasonable, or am I an idiot? +Hey everyone! + +As the title suggests, I’m considering financing a new Honda HRV Sport ($23,640 to build). My husband and I literally just paid off the entirety of our student loans, so the idea of adding on more debt just seems stupid to me, but my 2006 car is running on fumes and really needs to be put down. + +I’ve looked into used options, and it looks like I can get a relatively new one (2017+) with minimal miles for about $16k or so, but I don’t know if it’s worth losing out on the Honda warranty, and it doesn’t seem like those vehicles have Apple CarPlay, which I really want (don’t need it though obviously). Not only that, but new cars have better finance rates as far as I know, so that’s something to consider. + +I could always save and buy it in cash, but I don’t know if that’s even the best route if I can get <1% financing terms and use that savings to invest. + +In terms of finances, our household income is $200,000 (more like 220k depending on my OT/call), expenses are about $2k/month, and we have no debt, so I knows we can definitely afford it, but I’ve never purchased a car over $5k and have heard time and time again that buying new is just stupid, so I want some outside perspective. Finance a new or used car or wait and buy it outright in cash? + +Thanks for your help! +Hi everyone. I'm new to stock, and I'm thinking of putting money into Fidelity Roth IRA. What should I invest in? I want to have a little risk since I'm still only 23yrs old, but not too risky. I watch videos on YT, and they said to invest in "30% Domestic Equity, 15% International Equity, 10% Emerging Market Equity, 15% U.S. Treasuries, 15% Tips, 15% Real Estate". But I dont know what those terms mean, and should I follow that advice? I'm thinking of putting money into FZROX and FZILX (I'm assuming those are domestic and international equity, respectively). Also, the stock market is going down. Should I buy now or should I wait? If I should wait, when should I wait until? A week before Christmas? Thanks so much ~ +I'm starting graduate school and therefore no longer eligible for Pell Grants or subsidized loans. I was lucky enough to graduate undergrad with only about $5 k in loans. I have \~11K in CC debt and am eligible to take 20K in student loans (unsubsidized). My tuition is covered because I'm using the GI Bill which also comes with a living stipend. Should I take a portion of the student loan afforded to me to completely pay off my CC debt? Some other option? + +CC APR is about 12% and the student loans would be around 5% I believe. Thanks for any input. +Hey all, + +With the current moratorium on evictions, what can landlords actually do if tenants are unable/don't pay rent? What power do they have? + +In my particular scenario, my rent ends in a few months at this apartment complex regardless. I am moving out in three days for an internship, and will be completely vacating the unit permanently. I have paid the past two months rent out of savings, and simply don't think I'll be able to continue with no income and no unemployment benefits coming to me. That all being said, eviction is of no consequence to me because I'll be moved out anyways and they can't file one due to the current legislation put into place. + +But what \*can\* they do? Send it to collections? Report to credit bureaus? I've seen mixed results in my personal research on the subject. + +I do plan to reach out to the landlord and discuss options with them, but I've heard they've taking a pretty hard stance due to the nature of this being a college-oriented apartment and a larger company. If I reach out to them and we can't come to an agreeable compromise, how deep of a hole am I digging if I don't pay rent because I'm financially unable? + +Edit: I am in NC if that helps. +I live in an expensive area in California. I’ll likely need $140k to compete at all for a $700k home which is so far below what’s available on the market I could cry. + +We save all we can but think of it as our down payment fund. When I read that by 35, I should have twice my income saved, do people generally think of the worth of their house as part of that calculation? + +If we save enough to actually put in a winning offer, it will wipe us out completely. Since I spent my 20s just getting out of the hole of student loans, it seems completely unfeasible to save that much cash, especially if we’re putting so much into a home. + +Edit: I think it’s very typical for people to put most if not all of their savings into a down payment. Are others truly waiting until their 65 and saving $900k before putting down $150k? The older I get, the more money I’ll need to save for retirement and housing costs could potentially continue to climb. Should people blow all their money on rent forever so as not to be savings poor for a short period? Mortgages are cheaper than rent here. The down payment is the hurdle. +Saw this on /r/hockey. + +Many of us think "If I only made more money . . .", but if you don't manage it well, it doesn't matter how much you make. + +"Johnson has earned more than $18 million during his nine-year NHL career, not including the $5 million he will be paid this season by the Blue Jackets. . . Almost all of the money is gone" + +[Link to news story](http://bluejacketsxtra.dispatch.com/content/stories/2014/11/20/blind-sided.html) + + + + +Hello all, + +About 4 months ago I got a sizeable boost in salary (50k to 80k). I'm noticing lately that I've been spending more and struggling to resist temptation more than I used to. I was wondering if you guys had any advise or things that you do to keep yourself on track and not spend? + +I've already done a few things. For example, I increased my 401k contribution from 10% to 15%. I would max it out, but I'm also saving for a down payment on a house. + +If it matters, I'm 24, M, single, and live in a relatively LCOL area in the Midwest. + +Thanks in advance! +It's been quite interesting to follow these two coins, as they were both started by Ethereum founders, and both seek to solve problems those founders had with ETH 1.0. + +Polkadot has been rolling out new features and recently Acala has won a parachain slot. Its price has been inching closer and closer to $40 though I suspect it there will be quite a selloff at that point. + +Meanwhile, ADA has been holding steady at around $1.20 for the entire month of March. A re-accumulation phase, perhaps? They are promising smart contracts soon, however. + +Disclaimer: I don't think Crypto is a zero-sum game. There's room for every coin to be a winner. I also don't think either of these coins are Ethereum killers, that's just shill talk. It's just an exciting time to watch both DOT and ADA try to position themselves while ETH 2.0 is not too far off. +I've recently discovered selling cash coverd PUTs and have been doing it since March and am up about 30 percent from my original 10K investment. I would like to see how these strategies played out for people over the course of a year? +I’m looking at selling call credit spreads a couple weeks out, expecting significant IV crush over the next couple days. Even if it gets a second wind here in the short term I’m comfortable that in a couple weeks we’ll be firmly below $100 and IV will be approaching a normal high range (100% instead of 600%). Don’t want to take any bullish position at this point so the classic CSP and CC are out. +Trading on TD Canada's platform, and I'm not seeing a single bid/ask spread on ANY options today market wide. + +That being said, I had an order fill so there's options trading going on, and I can see last price/spread on yahoo. + +This seems like a pretty big problem. I'm currently on hold with them waiting to figure out what's going on, but there's zero pricing updates and I have no idea if things are pushing up/down on my limit prices, or putting me into a position where I might get margin called. + +Given that the wait time for their phone service is extensive, I'm assuming it's at very least a brokerage problem, but was wondering if anyone else on a different brokerage was affected, which would point to a much larger issue (exchange data feeds). + +**Update: as of 11:12am it appears that the issue was fixed on TD. Not sure about other brokers but if it was a data stream issue like I'd suspect odds are it's also fixed.** +Hey all just wanted to ask some advice and share my story a bit. (Scroll to bottom for TLDR) + +So when TSLA went onto the market my dad, through some kind of genius/luck, took my $1500 that I had saved up in birthday money/parents had put away for me over the years and bought me shares of TSLA. + +To this day, he has held every single share that he bought for me, and I have also held every share since turning 18 and gaining control over my shares. + +My dad isn’t crazy rich so I have never grew up around this amount of money and it is surreal to know that I have this much under my thumb. + +Now remember, this was within the first months of TSLA being brought to market so I obviously have a VERY low entry point. In addition, the stock split also treated my shares quite nicely as one can tell. + +I have been researching options for a while and was typical WSB degen until I inevitably lost the money I put up. + +I then began researching selling calls/outs and have amassed some knowledge on theta gang strategies. + +However, I am honestly lost at what to do with these shares. Is it worth selling calls/puts? Should I sell some offend start selling cals on other stocks? Basically, I just wanted to ask the community what would they do if they were in my situation? + +TLDR; College sophmore with 200 shares of TSLA asking WWYD if you were in my position and wanted to maximize Theta gang gains? +I've recently discovered selling cash coverd PUTs and have been doing it since March and am up about 30 percent from my original 10K investment. I would like to see how these strategies played out for people over the course of a year? +Hey all just wanted to ask some advice and share my story a bit. (Scroll to bottom for TLDR) + +So when TSLA went onto the market my dad, through some kind of genius/luck, took my $1500 that I had saved up in birthday money/parents had put away for me over the years and bought me shares of TSLA. + +To this day, he has held every single share that he bought for me, and I have also held every share since turning 18 and gaining control over my shares. + +My dad isn’t crazy rich so I have never grew up around this amount of money and it is surreal to know that I have this much under my thumb. + +Now remember, this was within the first months of TSLA being brought to market so I obviously have a VERY low entry point. In addition, the stock split also treated my shares quite nicely as one can tell. + +I have been researching options for a while and was typical WSB degen until I inevitably lost the money I put up. + +I then began researching selling calls/outs and have amassed some knowledge on theta gang strategies. + +However, I am honestly lost at what to do with these shares. Is it worth selling calls/puts? Should I sell some offend start selling cals on other stocks? Basically, I just wanted to ask the community what would they do if they were in my situation? + +TLDR; College sophmore with 200 shares of TSLA asking WWYD if you were in my position and wanted to maximize Theta gang gains? +pretty new to thetagang + + +I had QS stock at 42(had about 400 shares) , I have been selling 1/19/2024 30$ Puts and using the premium to avg down my shares, currently at 575 shares @ 34 + +I am pretty confident in the stock, and am planning to hold for at the very least 3.5 years +I sold 7/2 $14c last week and the underlying has taken off. Should I be concerned the shares will be assigned before expiration? I really don't want to pay this insane premium to keep my underlying. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Just curious, I think I ran into this somewhere, but of course I cannot find it. + +I have been targeting 30 delta for my CSP writes, but on a SPY write I did at EOD today, I instead targeted 1% return. SPY closed about $451. + +A 30 delta May 20 strike was at $436, premium \~$6.76 (1.5%) + +A $423 May 20 strike premium was \~$4.62 (1.02%) + +I went with the $423 strike. Only because I still am gun shy about CSPs on SPY. + +But I am wondering if anyone does it that way...instead of looking at delta, you are more looking at hitting a target percent on the premium. + +Obviously where the 1% is in relation to the 30 delta depends on a number of factors. Pretty much everything I write on if I targeted 1%, it would allow me to write 1 to many strikes lower than a 30 delta. I assume as IV drops, the reverse could happen as well. + +I understand I am giving up premium for more buffer, and I would probably be willing to do that. + +Thanks. +So I'm trying to find stocks to sell covered calls on. Something I can hold on to for a long long time and just roll some covered calls. Was going to do this on AVPT but them WSB got a hold of it.... + +F was just at 7 not too long ago. Little worried it's going to return + +T makes me unhappy on a personal level. + +Premiums on GOLD are garbage. + +Can I get a few folks to humble brag at me? +I have a feeling I'm not alone and in the past few weeks. Some of us who are already stacked and up a lot already are still kicking ourselves in the ass all this time for not acting on the gut instinct to buy more when you could have afforded. You instinctively feel that the last few weeks of gains are small in comparison to the long term hodl picture. + +All my expenses for the month are paid and I'm sitting on some extra cash I was going to use for my standard of living for the next month, time to sacrafice that luxury before it's too late to bank on my future. + +Never stop stacking until you feel it's going to actually benefit your future. +Hi again. You may remember my [post from last year](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/5lh5r0/two_teachers_in_high_col_area_32m_33f_closing_in/) that summed up the FI journey that my husband and I have been on as two teachers in a HCOL area. Like many, we’ve had a bang-up year and I wanted to take the time to reflect and also offer some strategies we’ve employed this in 2017. + +But first, let’s do the numbers: + +Household Income for 2017: **$154k** ($87k me, $67k husband) + +Household Expenses: **$49k** + + +NW on 12/31/2016: **$463k** + +NW on 12/31/2017: **$702k** ([...holy crap.](https://imgur.com/MqLPTSK)) + + +Now right off the bat, **$67k** of that came from the cashout that we did of my husband’s pension. More on that below. **$73k** came from contributions to retirement and taxable accounts ($18k my 403(b), $18k husband’s 403(b), $18k husband’s 457, $11k to IRAs, $4k from my employer 403(b) contributions, and another $4k extra into our taxable account). The remaining **~$99k** is all in gains. We’re largely invested in VTSAX or similar funds. + +Several major events/decisions happened that altered the course of 2017 for us: + +* Two days after last year’s post, Jim Collins announced the FI Chautauqua in the UK in August. The Ecuador Chautauquas are usually in October, so this was finally an opportunity that we could take advantage of as teachers. We had the cash on hand, so we decided to quickly pull the trigger and register. +* By April, we knew that my husband’s job had become completely untenable. He decided that he would not be returning for the following school year. We didn’t know what would be next, but we had time to figure it out. +* We did our usual traveling during the summer, which got boosted since the Chautauqua was added after we already had two other trips planned. We spent a week in Chicago, and then 2 weeks in Northern California doing San Francisco, Napa, Tahoe, Kings Canyon, and Yosemite (we hiked Half Dome!). Then the Chautauqua was an amazing time in London and other parts of the UK, with a stop in Madrid on the way home. All of this was funded through either travel hacking ($4.5k in value) or extra side gigs that we took on in the winter/spring ($7k, most of which went to the Chautauqua). This is not included in the annual expenses above. +* The Chautauqua was flat out amazing, and it couldn’t have come at a better time for us. We’re in the “boring” middle part of our FI journey, and the new twist of husband’s job uncertainty had us primed for new perspectives and conversations. We were lucky enough to have 1-on-1 conversations with Jim Collins (takeaway: further nuts-and-bolts optimization), the Mad Fientist (takeaway: how can you start living aspects of your “FI Life” NOW, instead of waiting to hit the number?), and Vicki Robin (takeaway: husband needs time to reevaluate his career? Now’s a great time to have a kid and make good use of time off! lol.). Those conversations really got us thinking, but the most valuable part of the week was the conversations and relationships we built with the other attendees. Being able to openly and socially talk about FI with other people IN PERSON is very very liberating. We made some amazing friends and even went back to visit for a weekend in London earlier this December. +* In the middle of Chautauqua, husband got contacted about two different part time teaching positions. They were both very small (1 and 1.5 days per week, respectively), but it wound up that the schedules were compatible and he was offered both. So he’s been working part time since the beginning of the school year, and his advanced status on the experience/education scale means that he’s still making ~$40k for just 2.5 days/week. He’s no longer eligible for the state pension program, so we cash that out and now contribute almost his entire salary to the 403(b) and 457 that he’s still eligible for. He also started doing a lot of local volunteering with the leftover time in his week. +* Husband’s scaled-back work schedule also came in handy this fall as I got knocked completely out of commission by the first trimester… of my pregnancy :). We’re due in May, and have a lot to still decide about next school year. I will plan to go back full-time in the fall, but we’re not sure whether husband will continue to teach part time and we put our little tax deduction in daycare, or if we want him to step back entirely and stay at home full time. TBD, and we have time to decide! Without a doubt, the best gift that our FI work has given us is flexibility, freedom, and choices as we make decisions about our baby. Money is of course a consideration, but we feel amazingly privileged to have as many options as we do. + +**Additional thoughts...** + +Many people in last year’s post were flabbergasted at the salaries that my husband and I pull in as teachers. To paraphrase many of the points that I made in the comments: YES, I realize that these are not “normal” teacher salaries. However, this is **not on accident**, and we worked diligently to find positions over the last 12 years of our careers that paid well and have given us good job satisfaction. It’s an incredibly hard balance to strike, and I’m happy to discuss more if other teachers have questions. Between the two of us, we’ve taught in 12 districts/schools in four states (public, parochial, and independent schools), ranging from ages K-college. For both of us, leveraging graduate and post-graduate education has been huge (there are cheap ways to do this!). My first year out of college, I was paid $40k, the following year in a Catholic school, it was $26k. There’s no way that we could have made the FI strides that we have without increasing our incomes, so that’s what we did. + +One fun juxtaposition from this year, from two of my husband’s friends. Friend #1 lives far away, and from what my husband has shared with him about FI, he is convinced that we’re “depriving” ourselves. This friend pays for 2-3 artisan coffees each day and carries a ton of CC and student debt. Friend #2 also knows about FI (but not our NW), lives locally and told us that he refers to us as his “rich friends” because of the city we live in, how we travel, and the fact that we have season tickets to the Celtics and Red Sox. Funny how different people pick and choose what to “see” in the FI lifestyle :) + +**TL;DR:** holy crap 2017 markets/teaching is hard/don’t put off “living” for when you’re FI/find your FI community/I got knocked up/looking forward to 2018! + + +They released it. DTCC fucked it up. Now they are on a 90 day clock. Why isn’t anyone talking about this? This has been the plan since the split was announced I thought. + +You got t+90 from splivi to get your shit DRSd and I suggest you move your lazy ass quick fast and in a hurry before you are homeless in the upcoming mUh GrEaT rEsEt + +I’m also fucking tired of waking up for work + + +Edit: nobody is talking about because I’m an idiot. Thanks u/BuildBackRicher +CZ has been up basically 24 hours per day for the last few days giving constant updates and blowing out FUDers on Twitter while being inundated by leaches insisting they be compensated in BNB for their losses. How he handled this really solidified my trust in Binance. +The title says it all, are you still adding? Why or why not? If not, what other tech names are you buying? + + +Just curious how you guys feel about Microsoft +As a avid follower and supporter of both crypto and musk, I don't think the Doge fans quite realise that he's taking them and all crypto for a sarcastic ride. + +If you've followed Elon's thoughts on crypto you'll know he's long been a cynic.. even at a time when he was applying his cunning satire to make out he was a doge fan. + +Recently many could have been mistaken for thinking Elon has had a change in heart towards crypto.. I was the same. + +However his consistent shilling of Doge is making it clear that it's just Elon's warped sense of Twitter humour at play and by pumping doge in tweets he's just taking the piss out of doge and crypto at the same time. + +In someways he's correct.. when the world's richest man can pump a meme coin in to the top ten largest cap coins by simply tweeting.. it is slightly embarrassing. + +A lot of innocents are going to get burned when the doge gets an injection of reality putting it down. + +When that happens.. not one f**k by Mr Musk.. who doesn't hodl any crypto let alone doge.. will be given. + +As much as I admire the guy.. he is taking the piss out of crypto here. + +**Edit: +13hrs after posting it transpires Tesla has invested $1.5 billion in bitcoin. +Also since this post Elon has continued to shill doge.** + +**Filing wording (note no mention of doge)** + + +*"Thereafter, we invested an aggregate $1.50 billion in bitcoin under this policy. Moreover, we expect to begin accepting bitcoin as a form of payment for our products in the near future, subject to applicable laws and initially on a limited basis, which we may or may not liquidate upon receipt."* + +**Latest Doge Tweets** + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1358319935978496001?s=20 + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1358542364948668418?s=20 + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1358558894813892608?s=20 + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1358300669178826752?s=20 + +https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1358300198041133056?s=20 + +Cynics will say.. ahh you were wrong he does support crypto. + +Supporters will say.. still no mention of Tesla buying or supporting doge.. so he's still taking the piss/ trolling. + +Doge (the world's first anti-alt meme crypto) is now up to number 9 by market cap and only 0.5b away from Litecoin (crypto's oldest most prolific altcoin..) which for many old coiners will most likely be seen as a somewhat of a travesty including Dogecoins original creator. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/lfaomo/my_joke_cryptocurrency_hit_2_billion_and/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +Don't get me wrong the original dogecoin era was a laugh and good fun however.... +For me this like a 50 year old Dad thats just discovered the internet, trying to be all cool sharing memes from 2013.. all a little cringey TBH.. but hey every dog deserves its day in the sun just hope the owners have their sunscreen on to avoid getting burned ;) + +Side note: Interestingly Elon switched his crypto tweets from pumping doge to pumping BTC back to pumping doge around the time it looks like they've bought bitcoin.. it will be interesting to see if this could be classed as 2021 crypto style market manipulation in any way.. Elon may have been worried about it so hence the #bitcoin being removed from his bio and a switch back to doge to be safe not so long ago. Eco warriors will point out the irony of Tesla now own $1.5b of a energy intensive PoW crypto. + +Anyways deffo not boring in cryptoland and the saga continues 😂 +Many investors nail down "dividend investing" to a % number. In my opinion the current dividend yield isn't even half the story of what dividend investing is about. And also I believe dividend investing is a very bad term. You're not investing in a dividend, you're investing in a company that happens to distribute some of it's profits to shareholders in cash which is called a dividend. Depending on the circumstances these realized gains are taxed, but by having realized the gains you've taken out some risk from the investment without having to reduce your stake in the company. Even if a company goes bankrupt you can have a positive ROI if you've collected enough dividends along the way. + +Personally, I don't invest in companies which don't pay a dividend. This is because companies that pay a dividend know their damn purpose. If a company is committed to paying a dividend and has been doing so over a long period of time that has an effect on the management. Guess which company will use profits in a more responsible fashion for investing in the company, the one thats just throwing any profits they get into potential growth or the ones that only have 50% of profits available for investment? The dividend has a discilipining effect on the company. Some companies have hard commitments to increase their dividend every year. Often they already have a pretty high payout ratio. This commitment forces them to look for new growth opportunities and to be as efficient as possible with their expenses. Some companies don't manage to increase their profits for years yet their keep their dividend sustainable by finding ways to cut costs. + +Some dividend yields are distracting, on both ends of the spectrum. MSFT for example has been an incredible dividend grower. A dividend yield of currently 0.86% may seem low now but they've been growing the dividend at such a rapid pace that the yield will increase significantly over time if they continue to do so. When I bought MSFT in 2016 the dividend yield was slightly above 2%. Now my dividend yield based on what I paid for MSFT is 3.73%. The reason the MSFT dividend yield is so low now is because the market has priced in more future growth. This goes both directions. The reason some dividend yields are so high is because the market has priced in future decline. Which is bad news for the sustainability of a dividend. XOM and T may be examples of yields that aren't sustainable like GE and KHC turned out not to be sustainable. If these companies will have to cut their 6 to 7% dividend that I don't know, but the risk of that happening is certainly higher than with a company like MSFT that is only distributing a fraction of it's profits as a dividend. Even if a company pays just a small dividend I'd take that over nothing or too much because they can grow that dividend over time and if you hold long enough the yield based on what you paid can get into ridiculous areas. + +**The dividend is what keeps things real** and I don't only see it as a way of realizing profits but also as a filter to filter out bullshit companies. Sure that way some opportunities are missed but yet my dividend paying only company portfolio has outperformed the S&P 500 over the last 5 years by quite a bit and some companies have increased their dividend significantly since I bought them (MSFT, BLK, PG, SAP, UL, JNJ heck even O managed reasonable dividend growth despite covid and an already high dividend yield). + +By holding these high quality dividend companies I have an ever increasing cashflow into my portfolio without having to sell shares and I can use that cashflow to enter new investments which then again start contributing to my dividend cashflow. I don't have to put a single thought to selling as long as I believe these companies are paying their dividend in sustainable fashion. This means I also don't have to care about market valuation as long as decreasing valuation isn't because of reasons seriously threatening the business of my companies. + +I believe this way of investing is not only more mentally endurable but also more successful in the long run compared to trading around hyper growth stocks. I realize many don't have that much money to invest and the dividends they initially get may seem laughable, but I guarantee 99+% of people that enter the stock market with a get rich quick mentally will sooner or later get beaten down badly. +I've started to use Jigsaw trading and also Journalytix to track my trades. Today i closed out 13 trades. Five were winners, 7 were losers, 1 was a scratch (which I'm counting as an unprofitable trade). That's a 38.5% win rate and yet I made $862.50 profit. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/b010o2bamlk31.png?width=1456&format=png&auto=webp&s=b47c60e16dde4d4ef6a3e1a0a79bc113d2dcbbe7 + +I have had people argue with me vehemently on this sub when I tell them my whole "strategy" is to simply let my winning trades run longer than my losers and that, at BEST, you've got a 50% chance of success on any one trade once you enter it (betting that the price either goes up or down). + +I've been lambasted for telling a few stories about Prop trading firms I've met with who have told me when people come in the door touting a win percentage, they don't even take the time to hear them out (because it doesn't matter). I've been told I'm crazy for saying you can lose most of your trades and still be profitable. + +I've also been told if my strategy is "correct" I'm supposed to be the richest person in the world so it doesn't make sense. + +But when it comes down to it, this is all profitable trading is about -- cutting your losses early and letting your profits run. + +Of course nobody can help you with the mental aspect of this. The mental aspect that causes you to hold out "hope" that your losing trades will turn around and the mental aspect that causes you to lock in profits early because you're worried about the trade turning against you (thus virtually ensuring your losers will run twice as long as your winners). + +That mental aspect is something you have to defeat yourself. + +But when it comes down to the pure mechanics of profitable trading -- it really is just that basic. +Been doing this well over a month now and I made over 100k from 40k start and lost it all in no time at all. + +New momentum for 2022 is don’t do the same shit I did but do it in moderation so I’m looking for a smaller gains vs big ones because the loss is massive when taking high risk on high risk stocks in large purchases. + +Start low and average up or down if necessary. Yea I’ll miss out on large gains but I’ll also miss out on large losses. + +After such massive losses I was put in my place and it humbled me big time. + +I don’t pump and dump and I don’t participate in pump and dumps because if I want to get hurt I can injure my self in other ways. + +I went through the discouraging moments that nearly had me deciding to give up but I can’t give up so I decided be smarter and learn from those mistakes. + +Not every halt is a go but some are very volatile and worth entering. I found my self successfully trading the same stock multiple times a day and got greedy at the end only to lose it all back and sometimes lose more then I started with. + +Let’s see how much I learned in 2021 and how I can make things different in 2022. +It will happen no matter what whether it’s the market conditions or something else. + +But how do you deal with it? + +Do you just take time off and come back after a few days? + +Reduce size? + +I would like to hear your suggestions and opinions +Hey my dewds. + +&#x200B; + +I was doing a write up recently that may seem trivial but looking back at the last 10+ years of trading it really hit me hard. + +It was really the difference between when I was doing really well - in trading and outside of trading and when I was doing really poorly in both. + +I found some pretty basic stuff but it could resonate with other traders: + +**"Exciting Trading"** + +* Taking on positions that make you feel uncomfortable. You feel elated when they win and devastated when they lose. A clear sign you are trading too large. +* You are at the edge of your seat: You literally are bracing for every tick of the market, watching it go up and down. This is it you are about to become a millionaire! Oh boy. +* You can't sleep because you are worried about the position. Truly exciting stuff.... I really don't miss those nights. +* Your mood swings from Mr.Generous to Mr. Kick the cat off a balcony. +* You bought this sucker because it was going up. And you were right. It keeps going up, you sir are the smartest man alive. Congrats, oh wait... it's going down. It must be the market's fault, it will come back. + +I think the media and the "guru" wannabe types perpetuate the above. Also, it's why most people get into trading day 1 + +**What Does Professional Trading Look Like** + +* You have a specific **set of rules** that determine when you buy a stock, when  you sell a stock and at what point you will enter or exit the trade. Example of a trading process [here.](https://blog.redpilltrades.com/building-a-winning-trading-strategy/) +* You write this down in your grey and [**boring ass spreadsheet**](https://blog.redpilltrades.com/how-a-trading-journal-changed-my-trading-and-life/) the evening before the market opens. At this point you are the least excited you've ever been. Coffee from the workday has worn off, the kids are crying and it will be okay if you let it go one day. +* You understand your **position size** and how much risk you are taking in every position. +* You know that this is a **probability game** and that you have literally no influence in a game of **random outcomes.** +* You acknowledge that all you can do is **follow your rules**. Follow your trading plan and **execute your strategy.** +* Your diary is full of **trading stats** that you review regularly to understand how you are trading, where you need to improve and how best to express your edge. +* When your strategy is working you don't fucking YOLO trade your life savings into one trade and get your "Hail Mary" pay day. +* You consistently win more than you lose in more or less regular time intervals. +* Your trading diary is honest and if someone audited your account they would find the same numbers. +* You now have a statistically higher probability of being wealthy in a shorter time-frame but acknowledge that nothing is certain hence your constant psychological self-development enabling you to change as required. + +I know it's trivial but I've coached far too many people who are hooked on the dopamine response reaction and swing for the fences. + +One simple shift I made that was life changing was playing with a trading journal and changing position size. Realizing I couldn't outperform probability distributions forever and it will eventually catch you out if not understood. + +Maybe TLDR for most but hopefully a good message nevertheless. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Honestly in disbelief someone gave me a little award thingy!! Thanks so much! Also, to the people pointing out I have a blog... okay? I literally don't want any money from you - in fact, that is the exact mentality of someone who will lose in the market, open your mind ;) +Hi everyone! + +I'm looking for some serious help into how I can open and operate a hedge fund or an investment fund. We want to do things like various forms of investing capital, managing money and possibly offer financial instruments. Basically I want to figure out the best way to structure the company to give us (my partners and I) flexibility to invest in all sorts of assets with our capital. + +For example, We would like to offer people 1 year 8% or 10% notes, and use the money they give me to invest in things such as tangible real estate, possibly ETFs or securities etc. + +I know its not a simple task, but any pointers on where to start or what steps to take would be great. I need to figure out what I need to become a small fund/company. I want to know what type of licensing and what I would need access to, so that we could do this. + +For some background, I have degrees in Econ, Finance and Accounting including masters and MBA. I do various forms of investing including managing and investing in real estate. My business partners and friends have a loose informal group where we share ideas for investments and track our progress. We have a track record and have investors interested in our investments and ideas. At this point we want to pool our capital, go legit and start a company/fund and possibly branch out to help people earn money like us. My partners have varied backgrounds including wall street, finance, real estate, and owners of small businesses. + +Reason for my question is that after doing some research, its hard to come by a comprehensive guide to actually get the ball rolling. + +Thanks! Appreciate the help! +Hi all, + +Both wife and I are coming into well paying new grad jobs, and although things are fine, we are spending wayyy too much money on things we shouldn't be. Just because amazon purchases of $50-100, starbucks all the time, always spending money doing "things" on the weekend when there are plenty of alternatives that don't require money. We both have ADD/ADHD and are finding it extremely difficult to be mindful of this issue. I take the lead on finances in the household and I'm really struggling here. + +Does anyone have any advice to offer? I really don't know what to do beyond try harder to record transactions, follow our "rules", and maybe set up auto reminders to ourselves? We keep saying we are going to do better and we never do? Anyone have any wisdom to share... + +***Edit 1: Thank You!*** *Wow. Yall are awesome. I will absolutely try to write back to as many of you as I can when possible. Thank you all so much for your time, encouragement, and suggestions. I truly appreciate it so much. All of these comments will be extremely valuable to my wife and I to say the least. They give us hope! Maybe I'll make a list with the best ideas for all of our use due to the visibility this is getting. Thanks again everyone!* + +***Edit 2: Regarding ADD & Financial Discipline.*** *Just to be clear, I have tried many things to get my habitual and mindless spending under control and yet I fail every time. I don't want to make excuses, but, it's a fact of life at random times my extremely debilitating ADHD & GAD will end any discipline and willpower I have. What does this mean? At times, I can't even muster up the strength to pay a bill I know is due, keep up with personal hygiene, or do anything not "easy enough" in the moment, yet, somehow professionally, I'm still a successful (enough) IT Project Manager. That's why only very select habits/methods work for me across different areas of life. I usually find most effective: complete routine changes (think cash vs debit), simple enough to manage preplanned habits (think 30 mins or less 1 specific day of week), or visual cues (to trigger mindfulness). Please don't make excuses for me, but please try to be understanding as well.* +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +The argument I am reading from the anti-forkers is that a fork will destroy the future of Ethereum. That being said keep in mind that many of the pro-forkers have large stakes in ETH. If they believed ETH would lose future long term value because of a fork it wouldn't be in anyones interest to propose it. Uncertainty is the worst thing for any market. Having over 10% of ETH in the hands of one person (thief) is a level of uncertainty that will stick around for a long time. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +--- +Thread guidelines: + +1. Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +2. All sub rules apply here so please be familiar with them. + +--- +To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://www.reddit-stream.com/r/ethtrader/comments/d1o79a/daily_general_discussion_september_9_2019/?). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +--- +Enjoy! +Cardano +Lisk +Waves +EOS +etc, etc. + +Which is closest to actually releasing a blockchain that can surpass Ethereum on multiple fronts (txs, etc.)? What are the expected release dates for the ones not live yet? What are their weaknesses? +I have come across numerous different people on both Reddit and Youtube who are operating under the belief that Basic Attention Tokens will not be tradable and/or will expire if unused for a certain period of time. This is not true. + +At the ICO, 10% of the total supply of BAT will be put to into a new user pool. Whenever someone downloads the Brave browser, they will be given a small handful of tokens from this pool so that they can test out the features of the Brave browser without having to buy any tokens upfront. These tokens will not be tradable on exchanges and are returned to the new user pool if they are not used. + +Tokens sold to investors at the ICO, however, are 100% tradable and will not expire. You can sell them, hodl them, coddle them, put them on a Ledger and bury them under a birdbath in the garden, whatever. They are yours to do with as you wish and will never disappear from your account as long as you leave them there. +If banks like J.P. Morgan are already testing the platform on a private blockchain with partner banks, why wouldn’t they just continue to do this in the future? + +Mastercard was reported to be testing their own private blockchain as well. + +The technology is certainly appreciated, but if the big players change their infrastructure and continue along with business as usual, people will continue to use visa and mastercard and traditional banks. + +The masses don’t give a shit about decentralization. Think they will? Look at what’s happened recently in the U.S. Every day we lose more of our rights while morons are elected into office. The general public is robbed every day and doesn’t give a shit. + +Governments will probably issue their own cryptocurrency utilizing the benefits of the tech as well. + +Where does that leave ETH investors? What the hell is the value of what we’re holding right now? What service or utilization will it actually provide when the traditional institutions make their own private chains? If this is just speculation off of buzz, we’re just bullshitting. + +Or am I wrong? I want to be and perhaps I misunderstand a lot. Inform me. +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Welcome to the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is intended as a welcome place for discussion of all non-Ethereum related crypto. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I've been going down this rabbit hole for a while recently and, as we are all aware, there is a lot of material on this. However, I think there is an important point that these posts and videos etc. are missing. + +**Namely, that after paying off a mortgage, a substantial housing cost is eliminated from your monthly budget.** + +Much of what I have read/viewed on this subject compares the ~25 years during which a buyer is paying down the mortgage to when a renter was renting (opportunity costs, maintenance, insurance, taxes etc.). However, in the *next* 25 years, the buyer isn't paying the mortgage, but the renter is still renting. + +In my mind, the buyer now has additional money each month that can be put toward investments, etc. Am I missing something? Is there an article or video that compares housing costs over a lifetime? +Exactly as in title. Got early assignment on a GRMN put spread -- no big deal, it happens. I went into RH to sell the shares when it looked like an intraday local peak, sold those, which took me out of brief margin call due to the assignment, and then the price dropped as I'd expected. + +I went to sell the long puts that I was still holding from my spread and RH says:"You can't place this order because you had a recent assignment on GRMN puts. Please contact support for help." I called, emailed, and lost my mind as the stock retraced back up. No response. After a couple of hours, one of their brokers went in and sold my long puts (which were NOT on margin) while the price was at an intraday high again. + +My spread had max loss of about $300. When all this happened, I should have actually profited about $600. Due to RH preventing me from trading my long puts that I owned *free of margin* and were not being held against any short position or margined instruments, I took an $1000 loss, mostly due to time decay and price movement while waiting for them to respond. They even sold my (again) **non-margined** puts well below the mid price. + +Fuck RH. I get that they won't allow you to sell the puts while you're still holding the assigned shares on margin, but it's bullshit that they will allow you to sell the shares and then prevent you from getting out of time-decaying long options positions. + +BTW -- I have a real broker, I just use RH for spreads that involve a lot of contracts and don't depend much on fill quality to close. Their policy on assignment makes little sense. How can they demand I satisfy a margin call, allow me to sell overnight assignment to do that, and then lock me from completely closing decaying -theta options position?! +A few months ago, I had a sudden urge to get more passports through investment (don't ask why, I don't have an answer myself). I have a US citizenship and no easy way to get additional passports through ancestry. Additionally, my taxes will be roughly the same as the US taxes citizens on worldwide income. Therefore, I think my conclusion is that there's no point other than a few minor benefits: + +* Visa-free travel to China or Russia depending on which passport you have (but I have 10 year visa so this isn't that big of a hassle anyways) +* Easier to trade crypto (probably not relevant to most people here) +* Easier to open foreign bank accounts and have a backup plan in 2nd locale (I imagine only really paranoid redditors believe the US banking system will collapse) + +I did see a few comments here about people owning multiple passports NOT through ancestry. What is the main reason you did it, and which passports do you own? +I recently discovered a condo for sale in a so called condo hotel ([wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condo_hotel)). + +It's an interesting investment proposition, but I'm not sure how to judge it's economically sound. You can only spend a third of the year occupying it, and the other two thirds plus gets rented out as a hotel room. Then, revenue is split between the hotel and the owner. + +Has anyone looked into or purchased a condo in a condo hotel? What sort of questions should I be asking the realtor? (In my case, this condo is right next to my office and will help partially alleviate an hour+ commute as well, so I will be able to use it as more than an investment property sometimes) +My current umbrella insurance policy is with GEICO, but they max out at $10M of coverage. Does anyone have recommendations for where to get higher policies, and for anyone who has one have you had a positive experience when needing to use it? + +In case helpful, I live in NYC, and don't have anything crazy going on that would make me fall into a higher risk profile (e.g., no home business, nor boat, etc.), just enjoy having the coverage and the peace of mind it provides, especially when premiums don't break the bank. + +Thanks! +Having had the Sunday Scaries myself yesterday, this is an interesting Monday read: + +[https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/01/james-suzman-work/617266/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/01/james-suzman-work/617266/) + +It concludes "those who cannot stop planning for the future are doomed to labor for a life they will never fully live." Sort of perfectly describes the tension we feel on our way to freedom. Thoughts from the gallery? +I haven’t seen a general post about this so sorry if it’s a been asked before, but what was your favorite luxury upgrade(s) upon hitting fatFIRE? + +Something you had been dreaming of once you hit fatFIRE. Why was it important to you? +http://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-travel-ban-hits-tech-152128712.html;_ylc=X1MDMTE5Nzc4NDE4NQRfZXgDMQRfeXJpZANka2xsc3ZoYzh1bm5rBGcDZFhWcFpEeHVjejR4WXpjeVlXVmtOUzB5WVRCbUxUTTVaREF0WVRKaU9DMWxNVGRsT1RjeVkyTmlaVEE4Wm1sbGJHUStYbVJxYVE9PQRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBG9yaWdfbGFuZwNlbgRvcmlnX3JlZ2lvbgNVUwRwb3MDMARyZWdpb24DVVMEc3ltYm9sA15ESkk-?.tsrc=applewf +Hi everyone. This is certainly more of a psychological issue than a standard finance question, so apologies if this is the wrong sub to be asking in. I think essentially I'm looking for someone to talk me into a terrible financial decision (or warn me right off making it!). + +Disclaimer: I realise this is an extremely nice problem to have, and that I'm very lucky and privileged to be in this position. + +I'm 24. I went straight from school to uni, and uni into work, so have never really had chance to do an extended period of travelling. I now have a real desire to change this, before life gets all serious with relationships, kids, mortgages etc. Obviously this will have to wait until the world reopens some more, but when it does I think I'd like to go travelling for around a year. Mostly in South East Asia and South America, but also with some time in the likes of New Zealand. I estimate I'd need a budget of \~£20k. + +Currently I earn \~£50k and, thanks to living in a very small room in a houseshare, am able to save around £1700pm. In January 2022 this is set to rise to around £75k. So if I was to maintain the same standard of living, I could be saving \~£2500pm, or £30kpa. More realistically, if I didn't go travelling, I'd probably look to buy a house and so I'd be saving a lot less once bills/insurance/mortgage interest etc were needing to be paid, but I would have a house to live in and some equity. + +Still, if I were to go travelling for a year then it would cost me £20k to do, and the £30k I could have saved had I not, so £50k. Given a relatively standard growth assumption of 4%pa, if I invested that it could be \~£133k in 25 years (even more if I used the RPI +3% rate of my very-likely-to-be-paid-off student loan). And then obviously a bit more once you factor in the one year of career progression/raises lost. + +That's a lot of money!! How the hell do I convince myself then that it's a reasonable thing to do? That's money that could be used to retire early, or help pay for parents care in years to come. I grew up in a very working class town - my parents don't own their home, I could help change that. My sister is disabled and will likely need a lot of care as she gets older, it could go towards that. It just seems like this would be a hugely selfish decision, and maybe that's because it is! And I know that nobody ever says they regret travelling, or wish they'd spent more time working when they're on their deathbed, but people definitely get older and wish they had £133k or something! + +I work in finance so I guess I'm sort of trained to think along these lines. And I'm very grateful that, through a combination of being naturally good at maths and having some luck in job interviews etc, I'm in a position to have this "problem". Right now though I wish I didn't think like this at all, could just go "fuck it" and not think about the consequences, and just go off and have an amazing year. + +Any thoughts much appreciated, on either side. +I'm 30 and it's time I go long on an index. I hear good things about Vanguard, and VOO seems to be a pretty good choice to go with. But there's talk of a recession, and fear that this thing is going down the toilet this year.. it's down by a lot and it has very low volume in comparison to SPY. To me it seems great to get in on when it's this low.. +Another MSFT post, i know. + +Comparing MSFT's growth rate, P/S and P/E to Google's and Facebooks, I can't help but notice both Google and Facebook have significantly higher sales growth and lower P/E's and P/S's. + +MSFT has a strong position in cloud, desktop/laptop OS and business/educational software, but in terms of long-term growth with growing markets like tablets, AI, and advertising, is MSFT a player in those or other new growth markets? + +Both Google and Facebook are building products to high-growth markets like Android/AI/Instagram/WhatsAPP, and I was wondering if MSFT was in any similar high-growth markets. + +Feel free to share your thoughts. +So my place of employment is paying me for 7.5 hours per 8 hour shift as a part time employee. I get 2x 15 min breaks and a 30 min lunch break. + +They tried to sell me this as 'we are paying you 7.5h so you can still take your two 15m breaks as well as your lunch break.' + +From my understanding they should be paying me 8h and I would still get 3 paid breaks? + +Are they screwing me/how should I bring it up and get it fixed if they are? + +Any help much appreciated! +I’m trying to save money and god, the AA is expensive. My car insurance (with Hastings direct) actually has breakdown - road side assistance as part of my policy. So should I cancel with the AA? + +Or is car insurance breakdown cover not very good? + +EDIT: Phoned to cancel the AA membership, they offered me £17 a month, or £171 a year which is £14.25 a month. Considering accepting it. + +EDIT 2: Thank you everyone for commenting! I have cancelled with the AA and signed up with a group called “Emergency Assist” £41 for the year. +Hi - I hope this is the right sub to ask this question. I wanted to get the general advice on how to get started on buying a house. If this isnt the right sub, can anyone please point me to the right one? + + +Background : I am relatively new in UK (came in March 2020) and wife (working as RN in NHS) has been here from March 2016 on Tier 2 visa. She is planning to apply for ILR in coming March and we are hoping that she would get it this year. We have a combined income of around £75,000 pre-tax. I have around £25,000 in savings (stocks in US which I saved when I was working in US). I am working in IT (currently wfh, office in London) and lives on border of Surrey and Hampshire. + + +We are currently renting and thinking of start looking to buy a house. Our initial plans were to look for it next year as we were expecting our daughter earlier this year, but we lost her to stillbirth three weeks ago.  + + +I understand that we shouldn't be taking any big financial decisions at this moment, but I want to kick off our actions slowly and have something to engage our minds. We are looking for a 3bhk house in commuting distance from London (waterloo), within the range of 300k or 325k max. + + +Since I am new here, I am still not understanding certain buying aspects, so here are my questions. + + +1. How should I start looking for a house? Should I get a pre-approved mortgage first and start looking into houses? + + +2. How do I secure a pre-approved mortgage? Should I approach the bank or should I only go through Mortgage brokers? + + +4. If I have to approach a bank, are there any suggestions for lenders? If Mortgage brokers, is it the same? + + +5. What are the chances of us securing a loan in general? We both are non-UK citizens and I do not think I have a credit history yet (I have couple of direct debits under my name as well as car loan) and she has a good credit score the last time we checked. + + +6. I understand it varies, but wanted to know how much we can secure in terms of loan? + + +7. I read about LISA, but haven't started one yet. Is it too late and is it really beneficial? + + +8. If I pass through all the above points, while shopping for a house, should I avoid new builds? In these UK subs, I generally see an dislike for new builds in UK subs, which is why I asked. + + +9. This question might sound silly, but when I just look for houses, they have a price tag like 305k. Is that the price they are offering the house for or should I be giving an offer above 305k? I am not really good with bargaining, so want to know if it is involves going forth and back on the prices.. + + +If anyone has read through this completely, thank you.. Really appreciate it and sorry for the long wall of text. +Edit: PLEASE DO NOT BLINDLY INVEST. DO YOUR OWN DD. THIS IS FOR DISCUSSION. If nothing happens tomorrow I'll wait for the PR, but it will be before April 15th! AGAIN THIS IS STILL A FUCKING GAMBLE EVEN WITH THE RIGHT DD. + +Edit2: Shes beautiful :( + + +PROOF + +https://imgur.com/a/48byFow + + +Reasons. + +1. Their drug Accumune is coming out VERY soon. PR is expected tomorrow. + +2. They hired a lady who turned a penny stock from 0.50 to 2.50. I stalked her on Linked in, and this lady is a god send. Very intelligent, and knows her PR. + +3. More evidence here. https://twitter.com/StanleyBarsch/status/1247544434545381376 + +Tomorrow I either lose a lot, or gain more, or nothing changes with the price, but hopefully something in the next 2 weeks. +Let’s be honest. In February when crypto was reaching all time highs we **all** said to ourselves *”I wish I could’ve just bought in lower!”* + +Well, when crypto fell nearly **50%** from all time highs, did you seize the opportunity? If not, are you buying now that an uptrend is potentially confirmed? + +I’m curious to hear everyone’s strategy and decision making behind it! + +Cheers, +I know a lot of people say you should never buy a house unless you have 20%, but then I see tons of other people who go out and buy a house with 5%. I’m in a situation where I will potentially buy a house in 8 months when my apartment lease is up. With my income I should be able to pay down the mortgage fairly quickly to get rid of the pesky PMI. I’m just tired of renting and don’t want to have to sign another 12-15 month lease. +I have a hunch the answer is no, as most of the institutional investors are/were still ~6 months off jumping in, but surely when the bubble pops it will have an effect. + +Anyone else considering liquifying their assets? +Hi all, + +As the title suggests my SO (25) and I (26) have been gifted £25k to use as a deposit on our first home. This will likely be the total deposit as we’re looking around the £250k mark so intend to put down the 10% with a 90% mortgage. Given we’re now ready to purchase a house I’m wondering how we could make the most of this money. + +I’ve been looking at LISAs, however I understand the annual cap is £4K per person per year, and we wouldn’t be able to make use of any bonus within the next 12 months (and we’d prefer to start paying off any mortgage as soon as possible rather than renting for the next 12 months whilst we wait for a £2k joint bonus!). + +Similarly for a Help to Buy ISA, which we’d only be able to contribute 8 months’ worth before the scheme closes in December, we’re not sure if our joint contributions (£1200 per person in first month + £200 per person May - December = £7000, of which £1400 bonus) would be as worthwhile as moving in in the next 6 months and paying off our mortgage as soon as possible. + +Apologies in advance if I’ve misunderstood any of the details of the above schemes - would be really interested to see what you think we could do in terms of making this £25k go as far as possible before we buy our first house together. + +Thanks! +I’m in a position to buy a car for cash, pay off completely. + +Is there any reason why it is not the best option to do that? + +Maybe: better discount if you take finance but can pay off quickly with no penalty. +[Here is a link to the previous post from yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/9p1gyd/cooperative_bank_have_accidentally_passed_my/) + +&nbsp; + +I had a call with one of the financial service managers this morning who told me that it's the Co-Operative's right to hand over career development loans to a third party for any reason. "Even when my account isn't in arrears?" I asked. Yes, he said. He did however claim that this would not affect my credit score in any way. The debt is being handed over to Wescot, and he claims because they're a government run agency my credit will not be affected. I asked for this to be provided to me in writing. He also offered me £50 as compensation for the inconvenience. I said I needed to think about everything, but that I really wasn't happy and wanted to escalate my complaint higher. He said beyond the complaints team I'd have to go to the Ombudsman, and that he'd provide info on this in writing too. + +&nbsp; + +Thirty minutes later I received a call in which the man retracted the offer of £50. He claimed to have spoken to their financial complaints team again and that they were willing to admit it was their error. Again, he said this couldn't be reversed, but is now offering £150 in compensation for the error. He claims I will make my remaining payments to Westscot and that'll be the end of it, and that my credit score won't be affected. I said, once again, that I needed to think about it, but still wanted all of the literature I requested before. + +&nbsp; + +What should I do? Is what he says about my credit score legit? And if he is right - that my credit won't be affected - should I just take the £150 and finish off my loan? + + +So, my CGC stocks are 67% down. Cronos Group is at an all-time low as well. + +Was the Initial stock appreciation just because of demand from hype, or do you think it will reach/cross their 52 weeks high ever again? + +Update: Here is a summary of over 75 comments on this post (in no priority order) - +1. Stock Overvalued - Many believe the hype has made this stock overvalued, and it may recover post election or federal legalization but it may never read the previous heights. +2. Hold - Others believe that federal legalization will bring some short term impact and time will bring some long term impact. Keep the stocks for 10 years and the climate change don't kill the world first. +3. Invest in ETFs E.g. MJ:NYSE - Invest in ETFs because even though individual stock me have issues, the industry overall will flourish. +4. Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Don't be Charlie and never invest in these loss-making over-hyped companies because the prices will always be higher than the intrinsic value. (Similar to point 1, but I loved the Charlie reference) +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I would normally don my tinfoil hat for a post like this, but the timing of the two occurrences seems too conspicuous for chance. First, disclosures: I own no cryptocurrency and don't plan to invest, but enjoy watching the space. + +As we all know, Verge recently sought to raise funds for a mysterious "joint venture" with an unknown partner. Without providing any form of proof, Verge leadership claimed that they needed to raise around $3 million dollars before the partner could be revealed. (This alone makes no sense.) To everyone's surprise, that goal was met. Then Verge balked, insisting it couldn't *actually* reveal the partnership until April 16th. In the meantime, the public is left with little or no information. + +Flash forward to today, and we find Verge's creator posting about needing to withdraw to fiat on Coinbase because "taxes are due." + +Coincidence? +I have a clear vision now. + +Basically with time most of the people that hold bitcoin will start being able to use bitcoin to buy things. + +This means people won't exchange it for fiat and so bitcoin will stay in the market slowly being the first thing used to pay. + +This is so fucking huge + + +Edit: Thanks for awards!! +Most entry level IT jobs, you just need customer service experience and/or a certification. That's it. It's a desk job and a lot are remote now. It's really easy to move up in IT (not necessarily at the company you are at, but in general) + +Depending if you're in a major city or not the pay can range from $15-25 /hr for entry level positions. + +Entry level jobs includes: + +- Help Desk (aka Service Desk) + +- Desktop Support + +- Tech Support (I highly recommend not looking for positions that label as tech support, but it could get your foot in the door.) + +These positions are answering phone for (typically) the company you work for, and troubleshooting the end users issue. You mainly deal with boomers and gen x'ers who are "just terrible with technology". So please keep that in mind. From someone who came from Sales/F&B/Retail, I promise you it's like baking a cake compared to any of those industries. + +Now you don't need a certification to get your foot in the door. I didn't have it, but you'll get a better paying job, and find a job quicker. The certification you're looking for is CompTIA A+ and it only costs around $400. There is a bunch of free training on YouTube for the cert. + +I didn't go to college and had a 1.3 GPA in high school (granted I was a gifted and talented burnout, aced tests but never did homework kind of little shit) + +If you live in a small town, there is not a lot of work for IT, so please keep that in mind. You might be able to find something 100% remote, but with things opening back up (unfortunately wat too early) IT is starting to go back into the office. + +I also want to point out it's not a "I got my cert, and got my job instantly". IT is in major need of entry level positions. It's still like finding any other job, and funding entry level jobs are still tough. I cannot recommend enough looking for "Contract to Hire" places. It will get your foot in the door. I'd recommend Robert Half or TekSystems (some people have had bad experiences with these companies, I personally did not). These are NOT like the shitty contract to hire "warehouse position" companies (ie: Manpower), and they do offer benefits before you are hired on FT by the company. + +There are 5 major paths to go after Help Desk: + +- IT Security. Probably the best paying, but extremely boring + +- Development ("Programming" or "Coding"). Probably the other highest paying + +- Networking + +- System Administration (this is what I do. I make just under $100k in a major city. I'm at the higher end of pay from experience) + +- Management (to get anywhere with management, you unfortunately need a degree of any kind for people to take you seriously. It's ridiculous IMO) + +r/ITCareerQuestions is a great resource +A relative asked me to ride out of state with her so she wouldn’t have to go alone. Initially, it was to be an overnight trip but then she asked about staying another night. I said ok. We never discussed money but I thought I would pay for a tank of gas as a gesture of goodwill. She is not hurting for money. Plus, she had children and grandchildren who help her her. I have no one. + +I basically paid for 2 of the three meals (including her drinks and her 3 desserts) we had and for a tank of gas. + +However, when we got back, I got the impression that she expected more. I gave her all the cash I had for the gas (I couldn’t get cash back at the 2 stores I went to to get more cash). The gas was only $4 more than what I gave her. + +I know I should have discussed with her before going what the expectations were but when the situation has been reversed, I haven’t expected the person going with me to contribute anything because they were doing me a favor. + +Should I have done more? +I support the BIP101. + +Why? + +Well I believe that decentralization should be and remain the primary factor of the bitcoin protocol. Maybe I am under the illusion that Gavin fights the good fight for us. +My dad is 72. He retired from a low-paying job two years ago. Despite making poverty wages his entire life, he has managed to save, and his employer-held 401K is worth about 100K. His income is now very low, only about 12K in social security payments a year. He lives very, very cheaply and somehow makes this work. + +He has no idea what to do with the money. He met a guy at a coffee shop who claimed to be a financial advisor. I looked him up on BrokerCheck and he is a legit broker. + +The financial advisor is telling my dad he should convert his 401(k) into a Roth IRA and take a required minimum distribution. He told my dad that a Roth IRA will not lose money over time, but that a 401(k) will. The financial advisor is pressing my dad to convert the account (which I assume will cause a tax event) and name beneficiaries. + +Is any of this true? Or legit? + +My dad has a phone call with this guy tomorrow morning which I will try to be on. I have sent the broker an email asking him to confirm that he is a fiduciary and asking for a clear explanation of how he makes money, i.e., fee or commissions. + +My dad is not a sophisticated investor in any way, and this money is literally his life savings after a lifetime of poverty. He is also of limited literacy, so of course I am extremely protective of him and his money. + +I know I need to consult a proper financial advisor. However, I wanted to ask the hive-mind for feedback. + +Edit: I LOVE THIS SUB. Thank you for helping me identify the right questions to ask in this scenario - starting with, how much are the 401(k) fees and are they much higher or lower than a brokerage account? I know I have some of his paperwork in my files so I will start digging in and seeing what hard numbers I can find. Thank you all for your advice and input! + +Edit 2: I spoke directly the financial advisor and several of the items above ended up being incorrect due to a game of telephone with my dad. + +\-My dad's work 401(k) is with Fidelity. + +\-Advisor states that both he and the advisor he works for are fiduciaries. (I will ask him to put this in writing.) + +\-Advisor does not have any complaints against him on CheckBroker. + +\-The advisor notes that my dad is way overexposed to risk as his current 401K portfolio is 75% stocks. He also has many international holdings which according to the advisor have taken a battering during the Russia/Ukraine crisis. + +\-Advisor recommends he take his RMD now and that Fidelity withhold 15% for taxes. + +\-Advisor recommends he rolls over the majority of the balance of the 401(K) into a regular IRA, NOT a Roth IRA. The money remains tax-deferred. + +\-Advisor is open to whatever the family decides to invest the money in, however, advisor recommends he purchase a "low risk annuity" so that he does not "outlive his money." Advisor notes that he can show him many options. I think this is what my dad meant by "guaranteed not to lose money." + +\-Advisor gets paid commission by the annuity company. + +Knowing all this - should my dad just roll over the 401(k) into an IRA with Fidelity? Maybe even keep it in the 401K and just re-balance it? + +\-Edit 3: I am uncomfortable with how fast this is all moving. I am going to tell my dad to take his RMD but leave his balance where it is until I can do more research. + +\-Edit 4: Turns out that a couple of days ago, the advisor three-way called Fidelity with my dad had them initiate the rollover process, the kind where they send you a check for your entire account balance made out to an institution and then you go deposit the check with that institution. Since the balance went to zero, the 401(K) account is now closed and cannot be reopened. We called Fidelity and they can stop payment on the check and re-issue it to a different institution, but they can't do that until they know the name of the institution. The check is safely in my dad's possession and I have told him NOT to give it to this guy until we do a lot more research. We took a meeting with Fidelity this morning and we will take another meeting with a different company next week. +I have a particular customer that makes no secret of the fact that he can't put cash in the bank because he would then have to explain where the money has come from. I don't ask him where the money comes from - he's just another customer paying my business for products to me and the less I know, the better. I don't take cash though so he has to pay by card or bank transfer like anyone else. + +He pays by credit card, and he says that by paying by credit card, he can avoid questions on the source of the money because he simply takes the card statement into branch and pays off the balance using the slip on the statement. The money never goes through his account - it goes straight to the card. Sometimes he pays, sometimes its his wife with her card, sometimes it his mom on her card. He says whichever card he uses, he settles the statement in branch as described. Each payment he makes to my business is about £8k, every couple of months. + +My question - when paying off a statement balance of £8k in cash in branch, why isn't he subject to the same scrutiny as someone depositing £8k of cash into an account? Do AML regs not apply in the same way to those transactions? How are the bank not picking up on this? + **Unemployment rate stays at 3.6% in June** + +https://preview.redd.it/yp1cgv71ada91.jpg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9609ab040ffbabf662044b846eff1fd7de90b806 + + **The numbers:** The U.S. created a robust 372,000 new jobs in June, confounding predictions of a big slowdown in hiring and signaling the economy has some zip left despite growing talk of recession. + +Economists polled by The Wall Street Journal had forecast 250,000 new jobs. + +The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.6%, the government said Friday, just a a tick above the pre-pandemic low. + +The strong gains in employment this year are unlikely to last, however. + +For one thing, the biggest shortage of labor in decades is unlikely to ease soon, making it hard for companies that still want to hire to do so. + +The Federal Reserve is also sharply raising U.S. interest rates to try to reverse the worst outbreak of inflation in 40 years. Higher rates tend to slow the economy by making it more costly to buy a home or car or to take out a business loan. + +The central bank wants to reduce the boiling-over labor market to a simmer. The labor crunch has boosted worker pay by the largest amount since the 1980s and helped families cope with rising prices, but it would be harder for the Fed to bring down inflation if rapid wage gains persist. + +Hourly pay rose a solid 0.3% in June to $32.08, but wage growth is slowing. The increase in pay over the past year slipped again to 5.1% from 5.3% in the prior month and 5.6% in the early spring. + +In a potentially bad omen, the size of the labor force fell for the second time in three months. The labor force tends to stagnate when hiring slows or jobs become harder to find. + +The share of the working-age population 16 or older who either have jobs or are looking for one slipped to 62.2% from 62.3%, leaving it well below the pre-pandemic peak. + +**Big picture:** A smorgasbord of recent reports suggest the economy is slowing. It’s even possible the economy could shrink for the second quarter in a row — the typical definition of a recession. + +Yet while many economists believe a recession is increasingly likely in the next year, they also say the U.S. is in OK shape for now. + +Consumers are spending enough money to keep the wheels of the economy turning and businesses are still hiring and investing. Gasoline prices have also fallen recently and could give Americans temporary relief. + +**Key details:** The increase in hiring in June was broad based. + +Professional employment rose by 74,000 to lead the way. Some tech companies are holding the line on new hires, but other white-collar firms are still adding jobs. + +Bars, restaurants, hotels and other companies in the hospitality business created 67,000 new jobs, reflecting pentup demand among consumers to go out again as the pandemic loses its grip on the routines of daily life. + +Employment also rose by 57,000 in health care, 36,000 in warehousing and transportation and 29,000 in manufacturing. + +The private sector has now recovered all 21 million jobs it lost in the first two months of the pandemic. Employment rose to 129.8 million in June from 129.6 million in February 2020. + +The only decline in jobs took place in government, and it was a small one at that. + +**Looking ahead:** “June’s strong job growth, especially in the teeth of high inflation, shows that the expansion remains on solid ground,” said corporate economist Robert Frick of Navy Federal Credit Union. + +“Today’s report will only embolden the Fed to hike rates by another 75 basis points later this month, which is why we expect the economy to stall and come close to recession at the turn of the year,” said senior economist Sal Guatieri at BMO Capital Markets. + +**Market reaction: The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, 0.21% and S&P 500 SPX, 0.24% fell slightly in Friday trades. Stocks lost ground after the better-than-expected jobs report on the view that it will force the Fed to aggressively raise interest rates.** + +Source: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/coming-up-u-s-jobs-report-for-june-11657282206](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/coming-up-u-s-jobs-report-for-june-11657282206) +The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is a German research institute and they are trying to pay me a small sum for a German translation they're doing of my article '[Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The Politics of the Bitcoin Blockchain](http://suitpossum.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/techno-leviathan-bitcoin-politics.html)'. Today I get an email from the fraud department of my bank, saying I have to call them. So, I call them and they inform me that they have blacklisted the transaction because it looks like I'm trading bitcoins with someone called Rosa. + +I say 'I'm a writer who wrote an article on Bitcoin'. Sorry, they say, you'll have to call back again tomorrow to speak to someone more senior. I ask them why they would stop a private transaction between me and someone else, even if I was trading Bitcoin with someone called Rosa, and they say 'we don't allow transactions related to Bitcoin' + +I don't know what the moral of this story is, but watch out if you're a journalist getting payments for articles with Bitcoin in the title +**TLDR**; A super conservative estimate we should be well over 250% SI total and our SI grew by at least 13% last month + +&#x200B; + +I have gone through on every exchange and extracted their daily volume reports and compiled it, including dark pool. I wasn't able to get reports for any of the NASDAQ exchanges, the MIAX Pearl, LTSE, MEMX, or IEX. Despite that I was able to verify 80% of all the daily volume and find which shares in that volume were short. + +I then averaged their daily short to long ratio and every exchange averaged, for the month, a ratio between 50% and 75% short (more shorts than longs) except the NYSE Darkpool which had a 43% ratio. Conservatively, based on that information, we can assume all the other exchanges are at least 30% short on their average volume. + +If I had access to NASDAQ daily info, I would be able to verify another \~15% or so of the daily volume, with another \~5% in the IEX. If anyone has access to that data, please DM me. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iu55ztpgvm871.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=776fc02e0b1e8c75b55c38c4694a5ede9be180e1 + +Total shorts is a total count of all short positions confirmed by the exchanges I could access + +Total Volume is the reported daily volume by Bloomberg + +Minimum Shorts is the difference between Total Volume and Total Shorts. This number is the absolute minimum. It assumes that every long trade was a closing of a short position. + +Volume Seen expresses the amount of volume I audited against the total volume. A Volume Seen of 79% means I was able to verify the short ratio on 79% of all the trades that day. + +Unseen Vol is the number of trades in a day I could not verify if they were short or long. + +30% Short is an estimation if the Unseen Vol was 30% short, what the total number of shorts would be in that day. + +Spec Shorts is related to speculative number of short positions they created or closed on a given day. + +Finally, Running is a running total for the month. + +&#x200B; + +I wanted to get this out there for other people to view and consider. I find three interesting take-aways + +1. While 30% is an overly conservative estimation on the unseen volume, it still shows an increasing SI. If the number is 50% (still conservative) the monthly SI becomes +40%, or 23M shares. If it's 75%, the SI becomes +74% or 42.74M shares. +2. Minimum Shorts, Spec Shorts, and the numbers I just talked about for 50% and 75% on the unseen volume, all of those calculations assume that every long trade closes a short. That will not be the case, making the real SI even higher. +3. It's also of important note, June has been a very low volume month, and therefore low number of shorts generated. The months before June would of created MANY more short positions. Just for fun, if you measured the total volume of this month to the growth of the SI (13%), you'd get 1% growth per 14M volume. Extrapolate that back to March and you get +82% SI. If Junes SI growth was 40% (more realistic), it would be +254% SI growth from March. +You've probably heard of this already. Goldman Sachs are launching a new bank in the UK today which gives 1.5% AER. It's called Marcus. + +Here is the [Money Saving Expert article](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2018/09/new-online-bank-makes-its-marcus-with-top-savings-rate/) +This marks the first time Palantir’s Gotham software is being integrated with the Army’s latest mission command software application, called the Command Post Computing Environment (CPCE), making Palantir a key partner in accelerating the Army’s modernization... + +More: +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/palantir-enters-mission-command-space-213700719.html + +To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀 + + +Talk about your plays today or things you are on the lookout for. This is where you belong if your comment includes a ticker. + +*keep it civil please* +I was tipped my first moon a couple of months ago and it felt awesome! So yesterday I figured I would tip out moons to people that didn't have any. Two things became apparent #1 about half the people commenting did not know what a moon even was #2 a lot of the people commenting did not know they had to unlock their vault. If you just comment "what are moons" a bot will give you a link to a detailed description of what a moon is and how to set up your vault (which is an eth wallet). I will actually comment below and spawn the bot for those who want to learn about moons/vault. A few people activated their vault just to discover they already had some moons. I hope this helps a few people. +So I've been thinking about how to write this, since it is a bit of a conflicting thought. However, now we can see the cracks and SHF desperation appearing, they have to change tactic for us to not literally form an infinity pool (the ultimate endgame). So how about they feed us just enough info to work out that the float is guaranteed duplicated multiple times? If they get us to believe it's astronomical in multiples, then we might begin to think selling one or two won't hurt the momentum. + +I know this will be met with claims of shill, but they are running very low on techniques (nothing has worked for them so far) to basically have us hand them a life-line, cause at this point the path is set. There's no way out for the SHF unless Apes paperhand as many lowball offerings as are required by the amount of synthetics. +I created a throwaway for this, but am a regular contributor on this sub. I've been a part of the FI community for awhile now. + +I've gone through somewhat of an ideological shift over the last 6-8 months, and wanted to voice what I'm going through to see if anyone else in this community can relate. + +I am currently in a very high-paying job that I can't stand (it's a very toxic environment). I've been able to save about 70% of my income since starting the job towards the end of 2013 and I've exceeded all of my net worth targets so far. Before starting this job, I'd always been financially minded but I made typical dumb mistakes (living the single 20-something american dream), in addition to being relatively underpaid for what I could have been making. So my net worth, while strong, was not supercharged by any means. + +Ever since starting my current job and putting my savings on the fast track, I've been thrilled to watch my growth through the months. It gives me a sense of comfort, probably to the point of being unhealthy. It's almost become a crutch. "Well, I hate my job, but only X more years if I keep saving at this rate! Then I can quit!" + +Quit...and then....what? This is what I've been asking myself lately. I know the canned responses to this question. Some variation of doing what you love to do, but simply don't have time to do because of your present situation. But, the more I think about it, the more I believe that you can't just kick those things down the road. You can't work hard at a job you aren't passionate about and put life on hold for some future mecca of early retirement. I believe there will be a harsh reality check at that time if you don't put in the work now to follow your passions. + +And this brings me back to the ideological shift I mentioned at the top of this post. I think anyone who is part of the FI community is obviously very smart and driven, and wants to live life by their rules. But I think it's common to disregard or discount the present in pursuit of this, and that using some dollar amount or target date way off in the future is an excuse not to deal with those challenging aspects now. + +What if you could find work that completely fulfills you, and that you love doing? What if you could create and contribute to the world in your own unique way? What if you could get paid to do this? + +Sure, you might not be rich. You might not get paid a ton, at least, at first. But I believe if you do it well and you offer something truly valuable, you can probably get paid even more than you are now. Expectations about your own earning potential could be shattered. + +There are people all over the world doing this as we speak. They have refused to live by someone else's rules and are living by their own rules NOW. They aren't deferring living by their own rules to some future date. + +And the kicker is, if you put in the work now to find and do work you love, money doesn't really matter anyways. If you are fulfilled, you could do this work indefinitely without some end date in mind. + +I believe that we all owe it to ourselves to question these things now, to be on a path of self discovery now, to be doing work we love now, instead of taking the mentality that our current jobs are awful but we just need to stick it out for a few years. I think that mentality is compromising too much of your own worth and your own talents. We all have it within us to do something that we love right now. + +So given this, I'm currently pursuing a freelance career or starting my own lifestyle business. I just can't reconcile being stuck in a career I don't really like at all for the next 5+ years, no matter how well it pays. + +TLDR: What is the point of FI if you aren't following your passions and finding work you love? Deferring this pursuit until some target date or dollar amount will lead to a rude awakening, IMO. We all love contributing to the world. We are nothing if we aren't doing something to contribute. The problem is that currently, most of us are stuck contributing to someone else's cause that we don't really care all that much about. But doing that with some escape date in mind won't fulfill us any more. It won't fulfill us on the day we quit. We will simply be left wondering what to do next. Instead, what if we found a way to contribute RIGHT NOW in a way that fulfills us and can support us? This completely changes the notion of FIRE for me. +My mother (64 y/o) recently suffered a major brain bleed, and is expected to be in the ICU for at least a few weeks, with a total of 1-2 months in the hospital. She had brain surgery, and she may recover, or she may die. She has insurance (retired teacher), and my father planned to continue working for a few more years. He's somewhat financially literate, but is the type of person to just pay a bill and accept responsibility for things that he sometimes shouldn't. He's extremely agreeable, and often does anything he's asked, even if it costs him financially. He's never been a scam victim or anything, he's just a very selfless person with no stomach for negotiation. He's also in a state of semi-shock. I work in contracts and finance, and am extremely aggressive about protecting our families assets. Her insurance company (Signa) has a history of extremely shady behavior. From what we've seen, they deny 100% of claims, and only cover after your resubmit. They also have a history of repeatedly denying her routine claims, requiring intervention from teachers union policy administrators, threat of lawsuit, and manual overrides to get claims for office visits and prescriptions approved. Our relationship with them is hostile at best. + +I'm trying to assess: +1) what type of financial liability are we looking at? + +2) what steps should we take now to protect our families assets? + +3) is there any risk of the insurance company or hospital taking advantage of my dads kind and agreeable nature? + +4) what should we do when bills start coming in? + +5) how can I get a firm understanding of my mothers health insurance coverage? + +6) any tips for dealing with Signa? + +Thanks for your help /pf/ + +EDIT: Thank you all for your kind words and advice. I think the advice in thread is a good start towards making sense of things. +As we all have seen by now, there are news reports saying that our community is doing things that it is not, or the HF's are making outrageous claims. I am making this post to sort the 'truth' from 'HF fiction'. Also, don't forget that I am just some monkey with a keyboard so none of this is financial advice. + +**Real Stuff:** + +\- The short squeeze has not yet happened + +\- We are STILL HOLDING + +\- Our stocks of choice are still GME, AMC, BB, and NOK + +\- We own a massive portion of the floating market share, which is stiff-arming the HFs because they desperately need our shares to cover their shorts, they are paying tens of millions in interest on their shorts per DAY to avoid the billions of losses that come from closing their short positions + +**Made Up Hocus Pocus:** + +\- There is NO potential for a silver squeeze (This is pushed by Citadel as they own a LOT of silver, but long, not short and they need funds to fight on GME) Buying silver would only hand Citadel and Melvin money to fight us on GME. ([https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9gv98/citadel\_is\_the\_5th\_largest\_owner\_of\_slv\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l9gv98/citadel_is_the_5th_largest_owner_of_slv_its/)) + +\- Citadel and Melvin have most certainly NOT covered their shorts. They claimed that they had right after we saw barely any market movement and when they cover their shorts, we'll know because the market will jump with all the buy pressure (Also, why would they put the effort in to try and shift our focus to silver, or to try and convince us that they already covered, or continue driving the price down with short ladders, or the trade limitations on Thursday and Friday? If they had already covered they wouldn't care at all what happens because they would be out of their positions.) + +\- We have NOT lost interest in any of the aforementioned stocks (GME, AMC, BB, and NOK). We have diamond hands, not paper hands 💎✋ 💎✋ + +Edit: TL;DR 🤲🏼💎🚀 🤲🏼💎🚀🤲🏼💎🚀🤲🏼💎🚀🤲🏼💎🚀🤲🏼💎🚀 +My partner has been approached by a family member regards investing in an Industrial Development in QLD. + +Basically a group has purchased some land and planning to build some industrial units. If I'm reading it right they are depending on 60% off the plan sales to make it all work. + +Forecast for investors is a 37% ROI (19% annualised) after 2 years. + +My concerns are no guarantees, no tax minimisation (unless we borrow money to invest) and taxed on lump sum at end of term. + +Any thoughts or feedback on this form of investing? + +Any questions I should be asking? + +\[EDIT\] Family member is investing. Not part of the group doing the development. +BoA put of a statement criticizing proof of reserves saying it has many shortcomings. I'm not even saying PoR is perfect, but it is a hell of a lot better than nothing, and we also are pushing toward proof of liabilities which Kraken, Gate io and Coinbase have already published proof of reserves with liabilities. + +This is meanwhile funds is the bank require absolutely NO reserves. I'm not kidding. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/02dk75jrwc2a1.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f3e5d1a509b3219aa728e9bbadc73d2fd2d79c + +So basically, (American) banks can print infinite amounts of money with no repercussions, with other countries only partially limited to their lending by their own reserve ratios. As a matter of fact, since COVID, authorities have been actively encouraging bank lending particularly in the US. They cooled their statements on that now that we see the effects on inflation and how terrible easy money was. Imagine if there was doubt in the market and a run of any of these banks. It would be 2008 all over again and probably worse. + +I understand the statement by BoA to be out of fear. If CEXes can prove through math and not any weak flimsy word-of-mouth promises that all funds are backed and there is no debt through higher amounts of liability what would stop people from using crypto, besides only being able to understand it. All the financial freedom with limited responsibility as they could mostly trust CEXes to handle all the security and ease-of-use features. + +All that would be left is to fix Defi hacks. But trustless but trustworthy(through math) Cefi would more than fill in until then and it sounds like a nightmare for banks. Crypto is growing and banks are feeling the pinch. + +[https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/11/18/bank-of-america-says-crypto-exchanges-proof-of-reserves-have-too-many-shortcomings/](https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/11/18/bank-of-america-says-crypto-exchanges-proof-of-reserves-have-too-many-shortcomings/) + +EDIT: I am speaking for American banks. Some have argued out that banks don't print money like tokens. First of all, I never equated printed crypto tokens to printed bank fiat money. I was not comparing insurance. I only spoke about the topic of reserves. And banks do effectively 'print' money at the behest of the Central Bank(Federal Reserve) based on the reserve ratio which is currently 0. Further, .you cannot accept that Central Banks print money without accepting that commercial banks also again print money because the money that Central Banks print only reaches into the private sector economy *through* commercial banks based on choosing. In essence, commercial banks are part of the whole Central Bank(Federal Reserve) system of printing money. Printed money only gets into individual and business' hands *though* Central Banks the process of which banks almost completely control. This also partially depends on if you view 'printed money' as money created from a fractional reserve system which I'd very such agree that money coming from basically thin air is printed money. +It's been over 3 months of learning, testing and coding since I first started this project, and I am really excited to share this latest update with you. + +**But first, just a bit of context on the project:** + +My inital idea was to create a crypto trading bot in Python, that constantly checks if a new listing is added on Binance, essentially by checking the total number of coins at any given time. I tried out different variations on this, end even increased the speed to buy within 0.1 seconds on a new coin being listed. + +The initial idea that I had, was to create a crypt trading bot in Python that looks at the Binance Announcement page, and places buy orders on new listings the moment they become available. The reason behind that is that a lot of new listings spike up a lot in the initial moments of the listing. + +I later realised that this spike originates outside of the Binance exchange, not at the time that Binance lists the coin, but rather, the moment they announce that they will list the coin. + +Here's an example of it: + +[CHESS](https://preview.redd.it/9ik2kayg8lz71.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6b493dbbd78abd278d78f759fdd18d9e06303cf) + +https://preview.redd.it/crcghe2i8lz71.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=f247188850af13d5ae6373fa622e4ec9d1236077 + +Right so with the strategy all nailed down, it took about another month of testing and optimisation before the bot would do anything interesting. But here we are, 3 months later with a functional trading bot that seems to be making decent gains on new listings (though it can be improved). + +&#x200B; + +**The results (so far):** + +So bear in mind that this only includes the latest iteration of the bot, before this update the bot was not profitable. + +[10&#37; on MOVR listing](https://preview.redd.it/41zi3c3u8lz71.png?width=1312&format=png&auto=webp&s=a74750722a8d210eb124159cd1fb879fc329f39a) + +&#x200B; + +[25&#37; on ENS listing](https://preview.redd.it/t07pst819lz71.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d5ec2f8188c2a5ef8bbeb4de21175df7bd26fa2) + +It's still super early to tell whether the bot will be consistently profitable, but it's looking rather promising so far. The tool comes with a test mode so you can test it out without throwing real money at it. + +I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed to the codebase on GitHub, these profits would have not been possible without your amazing contributions. + +&#x200B; + +**If you want to find out more about how it all works, and how the tool became profitable:** [https://youtu.be/4gul6AqAoEo](https://youtu.be/4gul6AqAoEo) + +I also made a guide, so you can use this if you want to install and run this bot yourself. It comes with a test mode, so you don't have to throw real money at it: + +[https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/10/17/a-binance-and-gate-io-crypto-trading-bot-for-new-coin-announcements/](https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/10/17/a-binance-and-gate-io-crypto-trading-bot-for-new-coin-announcements/) + +Edit: +Source code available here https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/gateio-crypto-trading-bot-binance-announcements-new-coins +Disclaimer, like I said in my previous posts, I'm looking to load up on more shares at around $160-$150 mark (if it goes there). + +The way things are lining up, it looks like a negative report is considered to be all but a given. Take a look at the options [order flow sentiment](https://optionsentiment.live/gme): + +https://preview.redd.it/wilmt1o38uo61.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a53cba568468f206735b987816192a70935d907 + +https://preview.redd.it/m0gs9m5d8uo61.png?width=419&format=png&auto=webp&s=de92b3229585a0490397eeb99e0e587d2f5a46ea + +When you factor in the HUGE premiums call options cost for this week and the crazy implied volatility, those call options are gonna struggle hard regardless. Add in some tanking of the stock for good measure and the amount of fleecing being done here could make most Scottish farmers look on in awe. + +Forget Floyd Mayweather vs. Conor McGregor, this right here is the bet of the decade. + +May the odds be forever in your favor! +I see a lot of posts talking about how something like Paypal is worth 500b, therefore if RequestNetwork takes that business, then REQ coin will have a market cap of 500b and be worth like $10 each + +This, unfortunately, is wrong. You cannot compare company value to cryptocurrency market cap, because of what cryptocurrency is and what it represents. + +**Stocks:** + +- Represents ownership of a company. + +* If you own 1 stock and there are 1m stocks, then you own 1/1m of that company + +- Grants holders voting rights + +* Allows shareholders them to make decisions about the board of directors + +- Grants shareholders dividends, ie a portion of a company’s net profit + +- Backed up by the value of the company + +* The value on their balance sheet. The difference between balance sheet and share price x number of shares is called book to market value + +- Public shares represent an “exit”, a start-up is doing well and the owners want to cash out so they go “public” allowing anyone to own their company + +- Companies have a legal obligation to create value for the shareholders + +- Shares have no limit to the number that can be created by the company, but company is obligated to act in the best interest of its shareholders + +- Public companies are required to share their financial statements + +- Public stock markets hold a lot more money, and are what’s called more “Efficient”, the share price includes public information very well + + +**Cryptocurrency** + +- Value is determined by speculation of adoption + +* If the cryptocurrency will be used widely in the future, value will increase + +- Grants no voting rights, ownership, or dividends + +- Unrelated to financial wellbeing of company + +- Not backed up by anything except speculation of adoption + +- An ICO is done by private companies as a method of initial financing, along with seed financing + +- Companies that issue cryptocurrency have no obligation to provide wealth for people who own crypto. They are allowed to do whatever they want with the value of a crypto + +- Crypto sometimes is limited in the number of coins that can be created, the number is sometimes lowered + +- Crypto does not have to share financial statements + +- Crypto markets are very inefficient + + +So there is a LOT more systemic risk in cryptocurrency. Everything is fairly new, but eventually some of these companies will go bankrupt. When that happens, eventually the currency will fall to zero. They are all start-ups, and most start-ups fail. There are obviously a lot more differences between the two, like how stock is considered part of owners equity while crypto is likely just a sold asset. + +Think of Verge for example. They have no obligation to tell you what the company is doing, and you have no ability to change its leadership. They created tokens, went ICO, got rich, continued to sell coins, then are able to collapse the company and split the profits among its legal SHAREHOLDERS. + +Those investors are much more important than people who buy crypto, because they own the company, and take the actual profits from the company. If it collapses they can sell off the company’s assets and leave. Crypto holders just kind of get screwed. + +Be careful, and don’t invest everything you own. + +I just received a pretty thick "invitation" to sign up for a Visa Black Card. I've never heard of it before but it seems aimed at frequent travelers (which I'm not) and the wealthy (which I'm not but I may have a good credit score). + +Right now I have Visa through my bank with 1% cash back. I pay it off every month and am pretty happy with it but I was wondering if anyone here has ever heard of the Visa Black Card and what you all think the best credit card deals are. + +Any advice appreciated. +RC the activist investor + + +On 8/13, RC invests in GameStop for the first time. This is right when the peak for Overstock squeeze had happened. It would go up some more, but he saw that the digital dividend was a successful maneuver to force short sellers to close their postitions. Yes, the court case has been reopened. It is not widely viewed to be successful. + +After RC invests on 8/13-8/28, he starts having conversations with the board. You can find all of the filings at the SEC here [RC ventures filings](https://sec.report/CIK/0001822844). + +8/28 - RC Ventures filed an Acquisition statement with the SEC. As part of the filing, RC Ventures included the following statement. + +“the Reporting Persons may in the future take such actions with respect to their respective investments in the Issuer as they deem appropriate including, without limitation, making proposals concerning changes to the capitalization, ownership structure, Board composition or operations and strategy of the Issuer (including by independently exploring plans or proposals advocated by others, or variations thereon)” + +Apes speak: here’s my money. Better do some smart shit to make my money grow. If you won’t, I’ll look into strategies myself. + + +9/21 - RC ventures made another filing (third at this point). They included the following section + +“Item 4. Purpose of Transaction. +Item 4 of the Schedule 13D is hereby amended by adding the following: During September 2020, the Reporting Persons have had conversations and communications with senior management and several members of the Board of Directors of the Issuer concerning the Reporting Person’s views of the Company. During these conversations, the Reporting Persons expressed their willingness to become more involved in the Company under certain circumstances that the Reporting Persons believe are likely to produce the best results for all shareholders.” + +Ape speak: Um, hey guys. I’m here now. I have some really cool ideas and I’d like to be involved in turning around the company. + +9/9 and 10/12 - Two once in a decade announcements are made that caused another increase in stock price. More shares have to be printed to cover the new interest in the stock. +The PS5 presale, and Microsoft partnership raise the prices cause prices of the stock to jump. This does cause a significant jump in FTD’s similar to the previous company report spikes. The main difference is that now it’s not centered around an annual report, it’s on just news. The SHF have had to ramp up their FTD game to match the rising interest in the stock. + +11/16 - RC sent a letter to the board begging them to act on the company’s behalf. +RC ventures also files an amended 13d with the following statement + +“Item 4 of the Schedule 13D is hereby amended by adding the following: On November 16, 2020, the Reporting Persons sent a letter to the Board of Directors of the Issuer (the “Board Letter”) expressing their views of the performance of the Issuer and urging the Issuer to conduct a strategic review of the business and to share those findings with stockholders. The foregoing description is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Board Letter, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.2 and is incorporated herein by reference.” + +Ape speak: Listen guys. You see what I see because I’m telling you what I see. This is blatant manipulation and you have a duty to do something about it. + +12/12 - There is an FTD Bomb again. Over 1 million FTD’s have to be created in 2 days This is a quarterly options date so the options were cheap at some point. They had stuffed a lot of synthetic share residue into the options chains for the quarterly options due to their usually very low price. + +12/21 - RC Ventures files another amended 13d with the SEC and include item 4 again + +“The Reporting Persons have engaged, and intend to continue to engage, in discussions with the Issuer’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) regarding means to drive stockholder value, including through changes to the composition of the Board and other corporate governance enhancements. While the Reporting Persons desire to come to an amicable resolution with the Issuer, the Reporting Persons will not hesitate to take any actions that they believe are necessary to protect the best interests of all stockholders.” + +Ape speak: You’ve had 3 chances to do something and you haven’t. According to my filings I’ve invested $70m of my own money into this company and you guys are letting the SHF’s steal it from me. If you don’t step up, I will step in. + +1/11/21- RC is named to the board. He’s officially part of the team and will go on to lead it as the chairman of the board. *viola*. The board is now working towards the goals that RC presented in his previous letter. + +But wait. What were those conversations he was having with the board? *Light Speculation start* He most likely was sharing his data from his DD, and ideas on how to capitalize on it, considering how the tone got more aggressive. He was aware of how Overstock handled it, and he may be able to build on it. If he wasn’t talking about this stuff, then what could the conversations be about with someone who has $78Million invested. *Light Speculation end*. +This is important so you do not get ripped off!! + +Within 2 months of the MOASS there will be deep deep discounts as SHF managers need to sell their personal property. You'll be able to pick it up for pennies on the dollar if you wait a little bit! + +Further, that lambo is likely to get a discount too. Art? You betcha. Any rich person thing will be discounted!! + +Take every damn thing from them for the lowest price :) + +Buy, hold, vote + +Live, laugh, love +Hello apes! + +Yesterday I was scrolling through the Reddit's front page and I saw this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y4i63d/comment/iseczgt/?context=3) about an open source Bloomberg Terminal alike. I immediately downloaded it and now I sit in front of the software looking at it being completely clueless. + +What are the capabilites of this software? How can a beginner use it to take advantage of the market? + +Thank you in advance. +For instance, I sent an email to the generic “info” email address for $AWSL yesterday and received a response back from their investor relations team only a few hours later providing me with a response. I was surprised and responded back with another, more specific question, concerning revenue streams and similarly got a great response back this morning. + +I think this is an overlooked part of doing DD on these smaller companies. The benefit of smaller companies is the fact they are not bogged down with tons of calls, emails, or requests from institutional investors, hedge funds, etc. (i.e., the big dogs); they can get back to the retail investor. Responding to questions through their investor relations team should be one of the main boxes a small company checks because it provides confidence that the company is doing the little things and keeping the shareholders in mind. +Howdy. I am curious to see what the investment strategies are used by people who earn high income and who save a lot. I'm talking about 2000/month or more. + +If you can mention how much your monthly savings is and also mention the various ways you invest this income, that would be great info to someone like me. I appreciate your sharing the numbers and percentages, thanks. +Oh boy, here it goes + +GME squeeze in its early stages was a fantastic event, plenty of people that were already on WSB entered positions at 5-10-20-40 dollars and rode to the top, exiting and realizing gains. It was a great event that became pretty popular, and unfortunately attracted 8 million other user, who knew fuck all about investing and just wanted to make a quick buck by sticking it to the hedgies. Problem with them was that they came in and acted like they were the next Warren Buffet, and anyone who disagreed with them was a dumb shill or didn’t understand the movement™️ + +Stock kept dropping further, going all the way down to $40 dollars, before other 8 million users realized that they were too late for an initial squeeze, and decided that the MOASS is yet to come. + +What was initially a calculated plan in a company that was trading as it was already bankrupt became a platform of firing the “establishment” and sticking it to the “hedgies” + +Conspiracy theories started spreading, goalposts were being moved, and anyone that disagreed was downvotes into oblivion. There were days when every single post on WSB was about GME. + +That’s fine, no harm in that, if it wasn’t for the mob mentality of literally calling anyone a shill. I was trying to make posts urging new traders to take profits, that trading is a 1 vs 1, not a team game, but my posts were either deleted or I was heavily downvoted. + +I started learning about trading on WSB, browsing the sub in 2017. Back then I knew absolutely nothing about options, or trading. This sub was actually a great resource for learning from extremely smart people. +I know there is a stigma that everyone on WSB is retarded, however, back then it was actually smart people with six or seven digit portfolios just goofing around and making risky but **calculated** bets. +Nowadays, it’s really just a competition in who is dumber and who can write the shittiest DD, than say not a financial advice at the end, and if someone challenges them, they’ll just say “ sir this is Wendy’s”, “I’m just a retard”, or “I eat crayons”. + +Thankfully over the past few months the amount of kids who thought they were some trading gurus for buying a tech stock in March 2020 decreased dramatically, apes moved to another sub that is now ripe with conspiracy theories and constant moving of goalposts. + +I just want to highlight one thing, people are tired of apes flooding this sub, this sub was never meant to be a GME circle jerk. But don’t take it from me, take it from ZJZ, a mod who has been with WSB for many years and kept it a sane place. Even he is tired of apes coming here and shilling a brick and mortar store that continues bleeding cash. + +https://i.imgur.com/oWnUhfT.jpg + +I want to be clear, not a single DD written by apes in the past 6 months has been correct, not one has materialized, and not one date they called led to MOASS. Frankly this sub needs more discussion and DD. You might say, dope, so write DD, be the change you want to see, and trust me I do to. + +However, many times DD gets downvotes or you get called for being a shill for a stock that has any sort of cult following, be it WISH, AMC, GME, or any other popular stock. +As someone that trades just for some side cash, I’ve never felt pressured to have to trade or make money, but I recently realized that for full time traders, there might be an emotional barrier of having to put money on the table. + +Has this ever affected your trading, and if it has, how were you able to overcome it? +I am in a group, let's call it Group A where the main guy trades breakouts of premarket highs and lows, and also breakouts of new intraday levels. I am baffled at how profitable this guy is because he sometimes waits for a large move up or down to those levels before entering, and the risk reward seems extremely skewed because of that. In another group I'm in (Group B), a lot of times they call the premarket lows and highs bounces and reject levels while Group A trades breakout of those levels. As you can imagine, I get confused when one says to trade calls while another says to trade puts at a premarket high. + +The thing that blows my mind with this guy in Group A is his stop losses are HUGE but he ends up in a winning trade unless he's completely wrong. For example TSLA 283.6 on 9/28 here. He took calls at this level (first arrow) expecting a breakout but it reversed instead. But he held through that huge drawdown and about an hour later, sure enough it broke out and he took profit (second arrow). As you can see, the risk/reward was terrible and a lot of his trades are like this but he has at most 2 red days a month with his strategy. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5dpgbnfr92s91.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5a19230a3cb8cc01b92618583ebbece79ada15b + +I guess my main question is, what signs should we look for to best guess if a level is good to breakout or reject? Obviously no one will know for sure but I would think there's some indication that helps us determine the higher probability of what will happen. I took this trade with him and stopped out at a decent sized loss. And this has happened a lot when I took trades with him because of his tolerance to the drawdowns. +here’s a tip that i started to do a few months back and all i can say is i wished i had started this earlier. + +i’ve been reading this sub for a bit now and i’ve seen threads where people say they trade 5-20 times a day. i, personally, am baffled because i almost never take more than 2-3 per day; if at all. + +so here’s what i have to say. you do not need to make numerous amounts of trades to be successful in day trading. you could do 3 trades a week and be profitable. i mean sure, if you see a golden opportunity more than 3 times a day then that shouldn’t hold you back from entering. but more times than not, there aren’t actually more than 3 “golden” opportunities. i aim to make one or two SOLID trades so then i’m done. instead of doing 10 trades that i think are solid which some are and some are not. + +hope this helped some of you. and if you’re successful doing lots of trades a day, please don’t think i’m trying to make you change. if it’s working for you, keep doing it. this is for those who have trouble staying profitable doing so many said trades and or those who are anxious of doing so many after having one solid trade. + +-sin +Trying to understand the numbers coming out and the US economy. The [job numbers](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-live-updates-june-3-2022-111552199.html) that just came out today indicate a growing healthy economy. According to the report 390k jobs were added, above the 318k expected and unemployment stayed stable at 3.6%. + +But then when you look at [layoffs](https://layoffs.fyi) and the hiring freezes, you have tens of thousands of employees getting laid off. May 2022 you had almost 17k employees laid off, which really isn’t far from the height of the pandemic in April 2020 where 27k employees were laid off. Just 2 days into June alone you already have 1.2k layoffs with about 750 in USA. And this morning Elon Musk announced Tesla may soon be laying off 1k employees as well. How are the job numbers still strong with this many layoffs and hiring freezes? +Source: https://www.lumenauts.com/blog/transcript-of-stellar-s-meetup-with-gopax-and-mobius + +TL;DR: + +* Stellar to support private transfers. + +* Stellar hired a team in NY to develop the frontend for the SDEX (Stellar Decentralised Exchange). + +* 14 Banks involved in Stellar/IBMs interbank transfer pilot. + +* Stellar talking to a few central banks about the possibility of issuing central-bank-backed digital currencies on the Stellar blockchain. + +* 20 Projects launching tokens on the Stellar blockchain in the first half of this year. + +* 2 Korean remittance partners and a Korean anchor coming! + +* More remittance company partnerships around the world are coming. +I saw this option available within my brokerage account, and I wasn't sure what it was. I was hoping that someone could provide some detail into what type of information these subscriptions provide, and how useful they are in making informed trading decisions. + +&#x200B; + +I am not sure how much they cost, however I am considering one if I can determine if the benefit justifies the cost. If anyone has any direct experience with these subscriptions, hearing your experiences would be great. +Hi! +Long story short, just got a new job and I have $5000 CAD ($4000 USD) left every month after all my expenses. + +I travel for work, so I'm constantly abroad. A different country every few months. +I would like to invest in real estate, but I think traveling would make that a bit hard if not impossible. + +I would love some ideas on how I could invest my money. + +Thank you! +I have never bought shares nor have I invested in anything before. I don't know what sort of questions I should be asking him and I don't know how to assess the financial projections he made. I would appreciate any advice you have or if you could direct me to some reading material on the subject that would be great. + +The brewery is an S-corp with 1500 total shares. Shares cost $100 and the paperwork says he expects after 2 years it will be paid back plus change. +Just thought I would make a quick post for all those people who, like me, kinda found the snowball method of paying down debt to be... frankly, below you. I know that sounds bad, but hear me out for a minute. + +When I started reading here and getting my financial house in order, I knew I'd go with the avalanche method. It makes the most logical sense, right? You save more money on interest, so it's the "smartest" choice, and I don't need that false sense of accomplishment that those other people need, anyway. It appealed to me in a clear cut, logical way, and I rejected the psychological benefits of the snowball method as something only weak people needed (yes, I am aware what a judgmental jerk I was and have since checked myself before I wrecked myself). + +After a couple months of the avalanche method I felt... deflated. I wasn't seeing any progress, I was getting discouraged, and my discipline was waning. + +In short, I was arrogant. I thought I was above needing that psychological boost. Moreover, I was afraid to consider I might need it because I perceived it as being weak. And if I'm really honest, that hard-headed stubbornness and straight up denial is part of the reason I ended up with the debt in the first place. + +After switching to the snowball method I am much happier and feel more accomplished. It's not bullshit, like I thought. I'm making real progress and have managed to keep my discipline and motivation levels much steadier than I was before. It works, and I am one of those people who needs the psychological boost. It doesn't make me or anyone else weak-- it makes us human. + +Anyway, I know there are might be people reading this who might be weighing their options and may identify with some of my thought processes in my journey to figuring my shit out. So to those people I will say: don't let arrogance and fear get in your way like it almost did for me. Don't automatically discount the snowball method. It's recommended for good reason! + +Edit to add: thank you everyone for your thoughts and suggestions on this post. I really enjoy being a part of this community and appreciate all the help and motivation you've given me in getting myself back of track. +**These are my views and my opinion on StrikeX and TradeStrike Ltd. These views do not reflect on an official TradeStrike Team standpoint** + +Before I start, here’s a link to my previous [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/re1ib7/strikex_dd_strx_ama_4_breakdown/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +**News** + +TradeStrike Lite V1.5 has been launched. + +Fiat on-Ramp & Swaps are available to use on TradeStrike Lite V1.5. + +Share and Earn feature will be on V1.5 ! + + +**Fiat on-Ramp & Swaps** + +With TradeStrike Lite V1.5 you will be able to buy Smart Chain BNB direct from the [DEX](https://app.strikex.com/) using Apple Pay, Google Pay and MasterCard. This is very exciting and efficient as it saves the steps of buying BNB from other platforms and swapping it to Smart Chain then sending to wallets. It completely cuts that out. This feature is very useful and will be used excessively. + +**Share & Earn** + +Announced via [StrikeX’s Twitter](https://twitter.com/strikexofficial/status/1476266941413306373?s=21) StrikeX has partnered with Flooz.trade. You will be able to Share & Earn on TradeStrike Life V1.5. So this feature consists of using a personal referral link. + +You are able to use this feature easily, first you click the ‘Share and Earn’ function and you will be given a personal referral link. From here you will then share your link with whoever you want and spread the word of StrikeX. When people click on your referral link they will be sent to a page where they will be able to swap & buy. This page will feature the socials of StrikeX as well as the website. + +Should the person armed with your link buy some STRX then **YOU** get paid 0.1% of their initial purchase in BNB. This BNB will be sent straight to your wallet. That’s not even the best part, **EVERY** purchase of STRX this person then makes in the future, you will continue to get paid from this. + +Here is my [Referral Link](http://www.flooz.trade/wallet/0xd6fdde76b8c1c45b33790cc8751d5b88984c44ec/?refId=LFgeH1&chainId=56&fromToken=bnb) if you want to support me then feel free to use that ! + +Read more on the [Medium](https://tradestrike.medium.com/dex-update-share-earn-d63cabe48a3f) + +**Harvesting** + +You must create a zendesk ticket to claim your unharvested coins. The team will review these but please be mindful that it will take some time as the team are very busy. The reason as to why you had to unstake your coins on V1 is because with the updated DEX there is a new DEX contract. + +With Restaking your coins on V1.5 it is as simple as pressing unstake on V1 and staking on V1.5. Both of the DEX’s are live for now to allow people to transfer over. + + +**Conclusion** + +In my honest opinion these features will be absolutely brilliant. With the Fiat on-Ramp feature this will be amazing as it’s very efficient and useful. Say goodbye to the old way and embrace the new and improved way. + +With the Share & Earn feature, I cannot tell you how excited I am for this. The active shillers will ultimately be getting paid to shill. It is also very attractive to influencers as they have a massive reach and could earn a fair bit of passive income off each transaction. This in turn gives StrikeX more exposure and holders. It’s a lovely cycle that will just continue to snowball. + +I cannot wait for the future with StrikeX. Happy New Year. Here’s to Health, Wealth and Prosperity ⚡️🍻 + + +**What is the website ?** + +[StrikeX Website](https://strikex.com/) + +**How do I buy ?** + +[Trust Wallet](https://youtu.be/OX9C6-t7e-Q) +[TradeStrike Lite] (Coming Soon !) + +**What is the StrikeX address ?** + +0xd6fdde76b8c1c45b33790cc8751d5b88984c44ec + +**What is StrikeX listed on ?** + +* [CoinMarketCap](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/strikecoin/) +* [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/strike-x) + +**StrikeX is listed and available to trade on** +* [Probit](https://support.probit.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408406718105-ProBit-Global-Lists-StrikeX-STRX-) +* [BitMart](https://www.bitmart.com/trade/en?layout=basic&symbol=STRX_USDT) + +**Where can I contact them ?**  + +* You can contact them via their [website] (https://strikex.com/) +* You can contact them via Twitter:  +* [StrikeXOfficial](https://twitter.com/strikexofficial?s=21) +* [CEO Joe Jowett](https://uk.linkedin.com/in/joejowett) +* [CCO Kishan Vadgama](https://uk.linkedin.com/in/kishanvdgma) +* [CTO Rob Clark](https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robclark99) +* [CSO Jason Butler](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonbutler1/) +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +&#x200B; + +[Kopheus- Hello Superstonk](https://reddit.com/link/yhia92/video/fxt0k4i4vyw91/player) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[D.O.B Trailer](https://reddit.com/link/yhia92/video/zfc1448sdyw91/player) + +&#x200B; + +>*"DOC, a biomedical cybernetic engineer specializing in MCR+P (memory core rehabilitation and preservation), uses Blockchain Technology to communicate with echoes of a distant past. The ArchivΞ. Using genetic chain data found within NFTs, DOC and his followers are able to produce doses containing vital information of the old Natural World. These doses may not only bring hope back to "humanity", but hope for The Wake as a whole."* +> +>*Cybernetic bio-modification has become an epidemic within the Wake, fracturing humanity into social classes and cultural groups. Complete order and acute efficiency has become the ambition of those who hold power. The need for revival of earth and its inhabitants...is dire.* +> +>DOC will depend on you to help rebuild what was lost. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +***Personal Background*** + +We originated out of the photography and cinematography scene based out of the Northwoods. Quite literally…in the middle of the wild woods. Because of our location, we’ve grown a deep zeal for creation and the natural world. I mean, just go touch some grass and tell me it still doesn't get ya at least a tad bit giddy like the kids we once were…or are. + +DOSE is, simply put, a community (The ArchivΞ) driven chronicle project. However, it is so...much...more under the hood. + +The story and world we are creating will be the framework for future DOSE NFT projects, Metaverse content and GameStop ecosystem, and ultimately into a UE5 powered mini-series…and who knows what direction the community might point us in. These are but a foundation of the grand vision. + +We are focused on binding together a community, administering doses of the natural world as a reminder of its incentive, and leaving an impact in web3 and beyond. + +As one of the founders say: + +>**“Our project is like a coloring book. We have the framework but they get to color in the pictures.”** + +&#x200B; + +[Expected launch timeframes will be released soon](https://preview.redd.it/78opmnqgwyw91.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bd5b005325773215c6f2715e23a6d95cd498b37) + +&#x200B; + +***How did your project come to be? Where did you draw the inspiration from?*** + +Once we picked up on what Gamestop was about to do, it blew our eyelids open to not only the possibilities but the opportunities within what was happening. We just had to be a part of it so we eagerly applied. That, my friend, was how it initially came to be.  + +As to what inspired the actual project? + +Our world is growing more and more technologically driven, which is extremely exciting. The best time to be alive is now. HOWEVER. Our love for the natural world has turned into a desire to preserve it's essence and bring it with us into the next gen world of web3. + +The natural world is still very much loaded with all sorts of mind boggling wonders that will bring you to your knees in awe if you give it the chance.  + +&#x200B; + +***How did you find out about the Gamestop marketplace and what made you apply?*** + +What can we say, the DD foretold of these events!  We’re actually April ‘21 apes (84 years) and have been holding, now, DRSing ever since, so really we knew about the marketplace as soon as SS did. What made us apply was the obvious groundbreaking ordeal that the Company was undertaking. It's our conviction that this is truly once in a lifetime. How could we say no?   + +&#x200B; + +***How much experience did you have with NFTs going into this project? (If none) What are some things you know now that you wish you knew when you started?*** + +DOSE is our first major NFT project…hip hip hooray!  + +An aspect that we didn’t know going into the project initially was how big this world of web3 really is. I mean, we knew that the sky was the limit, but geez! After laying some of the foundational building blocks of this project, our eager minds went WILD with the possibilities of where it could lead. We honestly had to hone it back and trust the process.  + +Originality. The space is full of some stellar creators/projects, which can lead you into a mindset that you have to try and imitate them, but there's only one DOSE. It's easy to follow trends, but it’s far better to pave your own path. + +&#x200B; + +***What is your favorite NFT in your collection (current or future)? Why?*** + +We’ve got to say, our Vanguard NFTs have got us giddy excited. We may have  jumped the gun by releasing these ones right off the bat, because there are so many perks that we have planned for them. We are just so excited to have the community of our Vanguard help guide the direction we go.  + +A sneak peak: each specific Vanguard NFT will have direct decision making ties to specific storytelling designs of the graphic novel = mini-series and certain directions of the entire Dose project and its collections. Again, but a taste of our ambition. + +&#x200B; + +***Your project is quite mysterious, showcasing a world building game via NFTs, can you speak more about it?*** + +Love this question. As we said at the start, we have been in the photography and cinematography scene for some time, and that is where our skill set is at right now. We have a dream to take “The Wake” into a game but do not have those skills yet. We are first going to focus on the community driven story that bleeds into the Metaverse and aspects of the gaming industry, and then look to take it from there.  + +This is also at the heart of our desire for community creativity. The Members of the ArchivΞ will bring in their own unique skill sets and we are here to give their creativity and drive a canvas. + +&#x200B; + +***Mints #1 - #6 seem to be confirmed with their description referencing mints #11 - #16. What more can we expect from this collection?*** + +What we can say is that the collection(s) are planned to span multiple mediums within the web3 world and that there will be multiple collections that will continue to flow through the lens of an entire story over time. + +As the collections, story, and marketplace evolve, more and more project wide perks will be developed and released. + +&#x200B; + +***Can we expect DOSE of \[xxxxx\] collections coming up? How does it all tie together?***  + +You can absolutely expect more DOSE of \[xxxxx\] collections. 100%. The tie in? Te he he…you'll have to wait and see! + +(You have no idea how hard it is to stay hushed) + +&#x200B; + +***Besides the doses, there’s Depository Elements. Is there any perks and utility planned for holders of these?*** + +We wanted to give people the option to help support our project and dip their toes in at a lower cost. There is no promise of additional utilities/perks planned for the Elements. However, this will not be the the last time you see them in our project. + +\*The Depository Elements is a showcase of an opportunity for the Members of the ArchivΞ. + +&#x200B; + +***Where do you see NFTs/web3 as a whole going in the future?*** + +Oof, this is the beginning of a new world. Seriously. You are witnessing a new dawn.  + +&#x200B; + +***Any future projects planned for the Gamestop marketplace?*** + +Although we do have future projects planned, we feel strongly about dedicating our energy into the DOSE project exclusively for now. Primarily because of the gravity of our goals and our hunger to see it done right. We crave high quality over large quantities. Call us old fashioned.  + +&#x200B; + +***Last one, besides yours, any other Gamestop Creator  project you are looking forward to seeing?*** + +The GameStop project has grabbed our attention. I mean, the amount of speculation and potential has got us stoked! Apart from that, we can genuinely say that we are beyond eager to see the future unfold before our eyes through most of these fantastic projects from some incredible creators. + +What we’ve talked about is only the beginning, there is so much more to come. Trust the process. Hype every day. Tomorrow 👀 + +Creative **Power to the Collectors** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +>[D.O.B Collection](https://nft.gamestop.com/collection/DOSEofBEASTS) \- Vanguard NFTs +> +>[Twitter](https://twitter.com/_DOSE_NFT_) \- Will be announcing the launch of our discord, keep those notifications on +After years of modest salary and under-saving for retirement due to obligations, I’m finally earning really good money and have no one depending on me. + +I’m 55 and my goal is to retire with $1M in retirement savings at 65. How do I get there? Can I? Here’s where I’m at now: + +Salary: $145K (very recent) + +New biweekly take home (26 paychks/year) $3000. +401K: $275k. +IRA: $32k. +HSA: $2k (new offering by employer). +Brokerage: $24k. +Cash: $13k. +Mortgage, tax, ins: $1400/month. +Mortgage: $150k @3.75%. +Car: $6k @ 3.99%; $317/mo. +Utilities/maint: $300. +Gas: $120/mo. +HOA: $208/mo. +Food: $250-$300/mo. +Out of pocket medical/dental: $50/mo. + +This year I will max out the 401k ($24.5k) and HSA ($4450 - not going to use it to pay current med bills). No pension. Employer 401k match is 35% of the first 6% of salary up to $18k. + +How much do I need to save per month or per check outside the 401k and HSA to get to $1M by 2028? Best way to do that? Thank you!! And thanks for reading to here. + +Edit: my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed and did the math. I’m going to pour over the comments and calculations this weekend. Bottom line - I see that, if everything holds, $1M by 65 is doable for me. Honestly thought I’d have to work to 70. +Good day fellow investors. What are your opinions on these 2 companies ? JNJ has a lower payout ratio but a lower yield as well. While abbv has a higher yield but a much higher payout ratio. However JNJ is also more overvalue as than abbv at the moment. What do you think ? Are there any other good companies that stay on par with these two ? Thanks a lot for the input! +Hi, I have a serious doubt regarding tobacco companies' revenue per employee. Maybe someone who knows these stocks could help me. + +Just look at their number of employees and revenues: + +Altria : 6.000 ($26B revenue) + +British American Tobacco: 55.000 ($35B revenue) + +Philip Morris: 70.000 ($32B revenue) + +Similar revenue, but how the hell does Altria achieve that with 10 times less employees? What am I missing? + +Altria has a revenue per employee of more than $4M, while their competitors is $636k and $457k. + +Please help me understand, have a good day :) +Hi, I have a serious doubt regarding tobacco companies' revenue per employee. Maybe someone who knows these stocks could help me. + +Just look at their number of employees and revenues: + +Altria : 6.000 ($26B revenue) + +British American Tobacco: 55.000 ($35B revenue) + +Philip Morris: 70.000 ($32B revenue) + +Similar revenue, but how the hell does Altria achieve that with 10 times less employees? What am I missing? + +Altria has a revenue per employee of more than $4M, while their competitors is $636k and $457k. + +Please help me understand, have a good day :) +Curious what you all think of SMG. Just increased dividend and also reported a special dividend of $5/share near the end of the month. + +* last 52 weeks stock is up 46.20% +* dividend increased over last 10 years +* currently trading under the average analysis PT of $167 +* dividend yield of 1.58% with PO ratio of \~40% + +Also has potential for continued growth within marijuana sector in future. Seems like nice growth with steady dividend increase - thoughts? +I hold mostly Canadian banks (TD and RBC) + +I been eyeing citigroup for for fun for 5-6 months. And now at 4.6% div rate, 5.5 PE ratio it's starting to look attractive despite all the problems the company is facing. + +These days it is trading near the Covid lows. The payout ratio on the higher dividend is much lower than my Canadian banks. + +Can this company right the ship and come out ahead or am I better off buying more Canadian banks that I perceive to be high quality holdings. +So I dont make much.. like at all. I was thinking about trickling money into a savings account but got to thinking. If I invest into growth dividend stocks wouldn't I have a higher profit over time doing so rather than the tiny interest I'd get from a savings account? I'm looking for the biggest bang for my buck since I dont make much of a buck lol +Not asking for financial advice just want to hear opinions. I'm new to the financial world and slowly learning more by the day. +I bought my first share of XOM in 2017, when I believed not the end for oil companies, as they taught me in school. I've had a few more buys since then to DCA, dividends were good and I was ok holding the company. + +But this year I started noticing my portfolio has too many stocks. I've been investing in dividend stocks since 2017 and have never sold a single company by choice. But now I am thinking I should try to do more with the portfolio. I should try to sell companies at the high phase of their cycle replace them with other companies. + +Energy sector is like that now, I don't believe we will have these high prices long term and wanna try it with the first trade in the portfolio. Wanna put money where my mouth is. I either can come back to XOM later for cheaper, or it will be a valuable lesson for me :) + +Want to hear your thoughts on this. These are my XOM transactions (note one broker expired my sell order, but I plan to sell remaining shares as well): + +[XOM transactions](https://preview.redd.it/k43cruxdl0k91.png?width=2282&format=png&auto=webp&s=963157d1a0d56d5581d99ec3029319d0653bb15e) +*edit2: Fixed broken links.* + +*edit1: Formatting. Proof for successful predictions now better visible.* + +Hi to all the apes out there, + +I do data stuff for a living and since I basically spend my work hours staring at green and red GME dildos since January I thought: + +*"Why not try to predict GME movement for today?"* + +So I did. And it worked, I predicted the general movement of the last two weeks including last weeks crazy price action pretty accurately. That is why I am accused of witchcraft in the German Sub where I published my forecasts ;) + +Don´t believe me? Neither would I. But I will deliver proof. + +*Before I start: I am a data scientist, but not financial expert or advisor. Don´t base investments on anything you see here, a model can always fail. If you really want, I can be your wifes boyfriend, though.* + +That is how it looks: + +&#x200B; + +[GME price vs. my forecast](https://preview.redd.it/3ce2pe9p6b271.png?width=913&format=png&auto=webp&s=562b5bccbd0ed527e0f87aebab74f61eccd747fa) + +&#x200B; + +Want proof? Alright, the forecasts where announced in the German *Unter* [r/spielstopp](https://www.reddit.com/r/spielstopp/) in the following posts or comments (model was improved over time, old descriptions are not up to date): + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +|Date|Forecast|Link / Proof| +|:-|:-|:-| +|2020-05-17|5 to 7.5%|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/ne9vhn/neues_kursmodell_zur_vorhersage_f%C3%BCr_euch_zum/)| +|2020-05-18|\-6 to -9%|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/nf4mgo/kursmodell_20_und_offenlegung_von_daten_und_modell/)| +|2020-05-19|\-5 to -8%|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/nfz5x7/ich_habe_euch_entt%C3%A4uscht_gebt_mir_noch_ne_chance/)| +|2020-05-20|0 to 2.5% (Model 1)|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/ngoyj4/t%C3%A4glicher_spielstopp_sammelfaden_20052021/gysw3ug?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)| +|2020-05-21|2.5 to 5% (Model 2)|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/nhihrz/t%C3%A4glicher_spielstopp_sammelfaden_21052021/gyx9xad?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)| +|2020-05-24 to 2020-05-28 (whole week because I was on vacation)|Longterm forecast (NOT up to date)|[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Spielstopp/comments/ngyrai/langfristige_kursvorhersage_von_spielstopp/)| + +&#x200B; + +*Alright, what did I do? (You can skip this part if you like)* + +I developed a relatively simple linear regression model and optimized it with a little Monte-Carlo-Simulation to improve the forecast. R² is 0.62, overfitting was hopefully countered by stepwise reduction of variables. + +I am sure there are smart apes out there who could improve the model by adding non-linear regression terms, time series analysis and so on, but I had no time for that yet ;) If I chose to share my model, I would be happy to assist with improvements. + +***Why should I care? I am just an ape who buy and holds? (DONT skip this part!)*** + +I will tell you why! Because I can proof some DDs floating around here right.**And, most importantly, the fact that GME price movements especially in this week were predictable, shows that we are still in the "Hedgie manipulated area", no covering of shorts or crazy staff has yet happened!** + +What variables did I include in my model (bold ones are of greater significance)? + +1. **Volume und Price movements of afterhours previous day and first hour of the premarket (prediction for the day is therefore available at 5am EST or 10am my time ;))** +2. **FTD cycle.** Hell yeah, this one IS important, we saw that last week. Hank and all the other´s theories seem to be right +3. Day of week (NOT that important, also no special movements on fridays (options) or tuesday (option hedging) to be seen) +4. SPY movement (previous day) +5. Price movement of 10Y US treasuries +6. Price movement B...Coin (previous day) +7. Price movement of a certain Cinema (previous day). Not that important as a predictor but of course still correlated to GME! +8. Change in max pain price (not that important either) +9. Did RC tweet (previous day)? For the lulz, also not that important +10. **RSI (Relative strength index) at the end of previous day** +11. **3 month, 4 week, 2 week and 1 week beta. VERY relevant and, to be clear, betas are POSITIVE most of the time** +12. **SI settlement dates as described in** [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nc1lny/ive_estimated_the_current_si_based_on_the_si/) **DD are extremely relevant** + +**(So why did the price go up this week? in simple terms: FTD+21 plus SI settlement dates plus a little FOMO)** + +You can find more explanation at my github: [https://github.com/rocketapes123/GMEmodel](https://github.com/rocketapes123/GMEmodel) or in a little pastebin: [https://controlc.com/9e895bdb](https://controlc.com/9e895bdb) + +I set the project to private temporarily, though. Why? Read on. + +***Ok, now to the most important question? Should I publish the model and / or forecasts? To be clear, I don´t want to farm karma, I am not going to monetize, stream, ask for funding or similar bullshit. I just want to share my findings.*** + +Whats stops me from doing it? What are my doubts? + +1. Hedgies can read this, too. My model shows that DD here is on spot. (Counter argument: They not it anyways) +2. A model is a model. It can be wrong, there can be new factors, fuckery or FOMO it can not predict. If people rely on it too much, a wrong prediction could spread doubt. +3. Danger of "self-fulfilling prophecy": If I, lets say, predict that price is going to drop 5% tomorrow, some people may sell their shares and accelerate a decline + +**What do you say? Mods and wrinkly apes, I need your input:** + +[u/rensole](https://www.reddit.com/u/rensole/)\*\*,\*\* [u/redchessqueen99](https://www.reddit.com/u/redchessqueen99/)\*\*,\*\* [u/dlauer](https://www.reddit.com/u/dlauer/)\*\*,\*\* [u/atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/atobitt/) +One bad quarter for Meta and half the reddit investing community suddenly thinks they are smarter than Mark Zuckerberg. + +I am not going to waste time wading into the litany of bear case scenarios that everyone has brilliantly laid out now that the stock has already lost like 40% from ATH. (*Congrats on the post-mortem brilliance. You guys are real fucking geniuses by the way.*) + +In regards to the bear case, let’s suffice it to say that yeah, Facebook and ol Zuck could have a bad year or two. + +But if you were ever going to stop yoloing dailies for a few days and actually take a long term position in your life, you’d be an absolute smooth brain not to try to scoop up some meta for your retirement. + +Instead of puking bullshit about forward P/E, Daily Active Users, revenue per users, time spent in app, and some subjective opinion about whether or not we are going to live with screens on our faces, let’s just talk about Mark. + +My position is pretty simple. **Mark Zuckerberg is a once in a generation CEO and you are simply misinformed if you do not see it**. + +Sure he may not come across as the most charismatic Chad out there, and he may not have funny tweets. Perhaps is sense of fashion is shitty. Maybe he does need a better hair cut. And he should probably get some more media training before he testifies in front of congress again. + +But the man is a fucking super genius and has a proven track record of being ridiculously competent. + +He is literally **on a trajectory to be the most successful human being in the history of American capitalism**. + +He isn’t even middle aged, and he has already achieved as much as - or MORE than - every other billionaire out there. + +Let’s take a moment and compare the ages of some major achievers to Mr. Zuckerberg. + +&#x200B; + +* **Elon Musk** \- Age 50 - Sold PayPal at 30, started SpaceX at age 31 became CEO of Tesla at age 37 +* **Jeff Bezos** \- Age 58 - Founded Amazon.com at age 30 +* **Warren Buffett** \- Age 91 - Publicly listed Berkshire Hathaway at age 32 +* **Sundar Pichai** \- Age 49 - Hired as CEO of Google at age 42 +* **Tim Cook** \- Age 61 - Became CEO of Apple at age 50 +* **Steve Jobs** \- Deceased - Invented the iPod at age 46, iPhones at age 52 +* **Bill Gates** \- Age 66 - Released Windows 95 and took the PC world by storm at age 41. +* **Jen-Hsun Huang** \- Age 58 - Co-founded Nvidia at age 30 +* **Lisa Su** \- Age 52 - Became AMD CEO at age 44. +* **Mark Cuban** \- Age 63 - Sold broadcast.com and became a billionaire at age 40 +* **JK Rowling** \- Age 56 - Published Harry Potter at 32 +* **Oprah Winfrey** \- Age 68 - Started Oprah Winfrey show at age 32 +* **Jamie Dimon** \- Age 65 - Became CEO of JPMorgan Chase at age 52 + +As you can see, pretty much all of these people didn’t even start their path to major success until their 30’s or later. + +And I did not just cherry pick old CEO’s and famous people. This is the story for pretty much everyone who is ultra successful. I mean, look at the dinosaurs who have climbed their way up DC to run America. + +I digress. + +# Mark Zuckerberg - Age 37 - Founded Facebook at age 20. 1 billion users by age 26. Launched Meta at age 37. + +Newsflash fuckwads. Zuckerberg is young enough to be friends with Justin Bieber. + +In terms of age, Mark Zuckerberg surpassed the business success of all those other leaders at an age when they were all still going to college parties and trying to get laid. + +Today, Zuckerberg is arguably one of the most important people on Earth, his company influences politics and global affairs to an extent that would have given Julius Caesar a 3-day hardon. + +Facebook is so big and powerful than American legislators are literally - and rightfully - afraid of it’s influence on your mind. + +And this was NOT an accident. I don’t care that the idea for his website came from those Winklefucks. Using the internet to have people interact and post photos with people was NOT a unique concept at the time. There were ENDLESS website and communities trying do this very same thing in the early 2000s. I remember, because unlike all you TikTokin zoomers, I was alive and there: + +* MSN +* MySpace +* Nexopia +* Friendster +* Hi5 +* Second Life +* Photobucket +* Forums +* Chatrooms +* AND MILLIONS OF SHITTY SEGMENTED ONLINE COMMUNITIES MADE IN HTML + +But guess what? At the ripe old age of 23, Mark Zuckerberg saw the trend and built Facebook out from basically nothing. *His* website is the one that took over the world, *not* all those others that were trying and had limitless access to capital via the dot com bubble. + +He essentially pioneered social media, which is now the dominant cultural medium in our world. + +He did it once, and there's a reasonably good chance he can do it again. + +And all these little children in the world have spent the formative years of their childhood LIVING on screens. They will flock to a metaverse when it is developed. + +If you look at a comparison in career between Zuck and Musk, **Zuck is pretty much at the life stage where Musk was when he was rich from PayPal and thinking about Tesla and SpaceX**. The difference is that Zuck is 1000 times richers than Musk was, and Zuck can communicate with 2/3 of the planet's pockets with the flick of his thumb. + +All those problems you have identified with AR/VR and iOS privacy and shit? I am sure he will figure it out. He is smarter than all of us, and he's still going to running marathons when Tim Cook and Sundar Pichai are admitted to a seniors housing facility. + +I am fucking LONG on Mark Zuckerberg, because his career is literally just getting started. + +\-- + +*Positions: \~220 shares at 237.10. Not a bag holder yet.* +'Soon, iPhone users will be able to hold FaceTime video calls with Android and Windows users for the first time. They will also be able to use a new feature called SharePlay, which lets you hold a FaceTime call and watch a streaming movie, listen to music, or share your screen with your contacts. IMessage is getting a boost as well, with new features that make it easier to share web links, photos, Apple Music tracks and Apple News articles with your contacts. + +In short, Apple is laying the groundwork for a suite of social features designed to let you do a lot of what you would normally do on Instagram and Facebook, only with more emphasis on privacy. Think of it as a watered-down social network without all the bloat and annoying stuff you find in other apps. + +It’s the kind of stuff that will drive Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg absolutely crazy.' + +- + +The new features will launch this fall as part of Apple’s iOS 15 update for iPhones. + +Full article and source: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/08/apple-ios-15-new-social-features-will-compete-more-with-facebook.html + +I was watching podcast where this question came up so i thought id ask it here. In the podcast they said how the dream has changed and how it also depends on where you live and the culture you come from. + +For me i think this is right on. The american dream at least for millenials and gen Zers has now become be financially independent and travel. Where because of social media now people feel they can relate to social media stars and see all the fun they are having. Back then you couldnt really relate to anybody rich because you couldnt see their “struggle” and working a 9-5 and buying a nice house was the ceiling for most people. Now i feel like people see it as being one viral pic or video away from being rich. + +In terms of culture i also think its different. My parents come from a 3rd world hispanic country and they still have the old idea to: +Get a degree (especially a master’s) +And buy a house (any house is a good house). + +But i do feel alot of my parents feelings are more about bragging rights + +What do you guys think the American dream is now? +Background: + +I (25F) am born and raised in one of the most expensive cities in the country, Los Angeles, CA. I come from a street smart but financially illiterate family and as a unit, we’re all pretty much living paycheck to paycheck with bad credit, no savings and all the other poverty fixings. I’ve got no adults in my immediate life who are financially sound so it’s up to me to educate myself and build the framework of generational wealth for my family. + +Here lately, I’ve had two strokes of pretty good luck: + +1. I just got hired at a reputable local real estate company, my first venture into the field with absolutely no experience. I’m very excited to learn the ins n outs of the industry as I’ve always been drawn to real estate, architecture, DIY projects etc. + +2. I’m set to receive a settlement check this month worth around ~75-60k, give or take taxes from a lawsuit I was involved in. + +I’ve got some overdue bills to pay off, need to clean up my credit, set up an emergency fund and secure a car (~15-20k). + +I’d also like to take my family on vacation and rent a small apartment to myself but those can both wait as the most important thing to me at this time is securing an investment property (duplex,triplex,ADU) so I can start generating consistent income and create a real estate portfolio. + +I know credit is key in just about anything, so I want to start with that. Assuming it takes a while to build up my credit before I can buy property, I want to figure out other ways to invest and grow the money in the meantime (stocks, crypto, bonds,etc) + +What are some of the wise ways I can utilize this money to start my real estate journey in an extremely expensive market? 60k liquid is not a lot in LA but I feel it’s enough to get started. + +The ultimate goal is financial freedom and to one day live abroad while my properties continue to make money. + + +Hello +I purchased a 3 family 2 years ago. Inherited a family with that purchase. their unit is 1st floor, 4 bd 1 ba near boston $1800/m. I got them up to $1950 last year. This year I can rent that same unit for $2800 (i did with my other unit). + +I'm thinking of increasing rent to $2400. But should I? They are perfect tenants, never bother me (probably because their rent is so low). Is going from $1950 - $2400 to much of an increase at once? 2 bedrooms in my town are going for $2400. + +I'm not a rookie landlord, but definitely far from experienced. Is it worth the loss in monthly income to keep these guys? + +$2400/m increase +Pros - I get more money - $5400/yr +Cons - they move + +they move +pros - i get $10,200 more a year + +cons - roll the dice with future tenants + +WWYD? +I live in southern California and I'm seeing alot of condos and multifamily staying on the market for longer than they used to. There are also alot of price deductions. Is the next recession here yet??? +When I look at Dallas TX(2k/year insurance) or St Louis MO(1.6k/year insurance) the home insurance rates are killing all the cash flow. The only place I can find atleast $200/mo cash flow is Cleveland OH. Anyone else having this issue? Its always either home insurance or property tax that kills the cash flow. Maybe I should just choose Cleveland OH for my rental property. + + +Hello +I purchased a 3 family 2 years ago. Inherited a family with that purchase. their unit is 1st floor, 4 bd 1 ba near boston $1800/m. I got them up to $1950 last year. This year I can rent that same unit for $2800 (i did with my other unit). + +I'm thinking of increasing rent to $2400. But should I? They are perfect tenants, never bother me (probably because their rent is so low). Is going from $1950 - $2400 to much of an increase at once? 2 bedrooms in my town are going for $2400. + +I'm not a rookie landlord, but definitely far from experienced. Is it worth the loss in monthly income to keep these guys? + +$2400/m increase +Pros - I get more money - $5400/yr +Cons - they move + +they move +pros - i get $10,200 more a year + +cons - roll the dice with future tenants + +WWYD? +My husband is a huge Bigger Pockets fan. He wants to cash out one of our 401k plans to invest with one of these companies. The 401k has approximately $140k and after penalties and taxes, we lose about $56k. He wants to invest with someone who will guarantee a 7% return rate. I’ll be honest that I don’t know much about these types of investors. He’s hoping to get knowledge and network by doing this so he can eventually purchase a small multi-family property. I’m scared to death about this. + +Questions: Is it ever a good idea to cash out a 401k (he’s 44) to invest in real estate? Is there a better way to network and make those connections that will help him learn about all of this? +I have bumped into this [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4hm5l1/telling_craig_wright_deflected_question_about/) from /u/token_dave that seems the most likely explanation of the behavior of Craig Wright. + +TL;DR: Craig Wright is escaping Australian Tax Office which granted him a $54 Million R&D subsidy based on debunked forged documents. + +Australian Tax Authority needs to get involved immediately to stop this farcical nonsense ... + +I took the time to reformulate it, and point to links adding evidences to the case, so you can see for yourself if it is a conspiracy or the simplest explanation. + + +Craig Wright is the founder of [DeMorgan Ltd.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Steven_Wright) which received [54 millions dollar](http://www.grantcentral.com.au/big-numbers-involved-in-rd-tax-incentive/) as R&D subsidy for expenditure on the [C01N supercomputer](http://www.zdnet.com/article/sgi-denies-links-with-alleged-bitcoin-founder-craig-wright/) (bought from SGI via a child company of DeMorgan Ltd. named [Cloudcroft](https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/supercomputer-firm-denies-links-with-speculated-satoshi-craig-wright/)) and a software called [Hotwire](https://www.nikcub.com/posts/craig-wright-is-not-satoshi-nakamoto/) bought from another company Craig founded. (please check the [interesting conversation between /u/GoTuckYourbelt and /u/bitledger about the nature of the subsidy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4htw3t/how_to_steal_54_millions_of_dollar_from_the/d2sb1ax), with [the raw transcript interview of ATO](https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2644013/20140226-Meeting-Minutes-Redacted.txt) provided by /u/marcus_of_augustus and [the explanation of the cash he received and how](https://www.nikcub.com/posts/craig-wright-is-not-satoshi-nakamoto/#ato) of /u/nikcub) + + +1. SGI [publicly denied](http://www.zdnet.com/article/sgi-denies-links-with-alleged-bitcoin-founder-craig-wright/) the transaction, Craig used forged a document to [rank 17th in the top500 computer list](http://www.top500.org/system/178468), and claimed to [make experiences about Bitcoin Scalability](http://uk.businessinsider.com/craig-steven-wright-alleged-bitcoin-founders-theory-on-tulip-mania-bubble-2015-12), +2. Hotwire is claimed to be paid in Bitcoin, the transaction id was never revealed, + + +Then the australian police [raided his house](http://www.coindesk.com/police-raid-home-of-alleged-bitcoin-creator-craig-wright/) for tax fraud. + + +Craig Wright claims his supercomputer [Tulip is located in Iceland](http://uk.businessinsider.com/craig-steven-wright-alleged-bitcoin-founders-theory-on-tulip-mania-bubble-2015-12) outside Australian jurisdiction, allegedly for electricity being cheaper. + + +Craig Wright is now trying to prove to the tax authority that his expenses were done through [his holding that inherited satoshi’s bitcoin](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2644014-Tulip-Trust-Redacted.html). As you can read in the document, Craig Wright is authorized to ask for loan backed by satoshi's coins from the holding for developing bitcoin’s value, and he is claiming that this money is what is being used for paying the expenses which would justify his 54 millions subsidy. + + +Now Craig Wright is using the 54 million of dollars he received to prove he, or his brother, is satoshi instead of just proving ownership of his bitcoin holding which served the fake expenses. He started by making sure some respected authority in the bitcoin industry will vouch for him. Then tried to reach media coverage as proof that he is satoshi. + + +Craig is currently using his 54 million subsidy to find way to make the tax authority to believe his story. +Maybe he already reached his goal, with 54 million dollars, he can easily corrupt the tax officer, the tax officer who can now cover his ass by pointing out that some “bitcoin experts” testified him being satoshi. (plausible deniability) + + +Until now: + +1. There is no proof of him having a supercomputer, nor having worked for Bitcoin (as his claim of [testing 340 GB blocks](http://www.economist.com/news/briefings/21698061-craig-steven-wright-claims-be-satoshi-nakamoto-bitcoin)) +2. No cryptographic proof that he holds the bitcoin supposedly in the trust, +3. lots of bitcoin and security experts agree pointed out various proof deceptions about his posts ([forbes](http://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2016/05/02/craig-wright-satoshi-nakamoto-doubt/#5c61f34f708f ), [economist](http://www.economist.com/news/briefings/21698066-onus-on-craig-wright-provide-better-evidence-satoshi-nakamoto), [inverse](https://www.inverse.com/article/15142-meet-the-bitcoin-experts-who-don-t-believe-craig-wright-is-satoshi-nakamoto), [the Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/may/03/craig-wright-bitcoin-founder-claim-labelled-scam-satoshi-nakamoto)) + + +Craig Wright has currently a wealth of 54 millions and using it to replace cryptographic proof by validation of bitcoin experts. + + +He tries to replace the proof of owning Bitcoin (which is hard to fake), with a simpler proof of convincing (and paying) a tax officer of being satoshi. + + +I would now ask to Australian tax authorities to be very careful about officers investigating his case as 54 millions is enough to bribe basically anybody to close their eyes. Especially if recent coverage provide plausible deniability to a corrupted officer. + + +I would also be highly suspicious about any manipulation on reddit trying to push the doubt over whether is brother is satoshi, which might be part of his plan. + + +Sources: + +http://uk.businessinsider.com/craig-steven-wright-alleged-bitcoin-founders-theory-on-tulip-mania-bubble-2015-12 + +http://www.coindesk.com/police-raid-home-of-alleged-bitcoin-creator-craig-wright/ + +http://www.zdnet.com/article/sgi-denies-links-with-alleged-bitcoin-founder-craig-wright/ + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4hm5l1/telling_craig_wright_deflected_question_about/ + +http://www.grantcentral.com.au/big-numbers-involved-in-rd-tax-incentive/ + +https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Steven_Wright + +Interview with ATO: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/2644013/20140226-Meeting-Minutes-Redacted.txt (courtesy /u/marcus_of_augustus) +**Final Edit Monday 5pm est:** [Official Nasdaq short interest info](https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/Trader.aspx?id=ShortInterest) **shows short interest decreasing. This was all a misinformation scam. Everybody getting played.** + +* &#x200B; + +You're a genius for making 10,000% on 20c for NEGG. Congrats, happy for you. Jealous af. + +Now, to the others: **don't fucking buy in after it spikes 500% in a week**. 1) You'll lose on stocks when it sells off. 2) You'll lose on calls even if it goes your way because they're way too expensive. 3) You'll probably even lose on puts when IV crushes. + +Obviously - **OBVIOUSLY** \- this was organized by some funds who were bag holders and found some willing buyers at 30x it's normal price (spoiler: \&gt;! you !\&lt;) after squeezing out the shorts for several days til it hit market cap req for WSB. Solid move, super impressive. + +For you apes - don't bag hold for whoever owns this stock - which by the way nobody even knows because there aren't even records. Sketchy AF. + +&#x200B; + +[who knows who's running this shit](https://preview.redd.it/icaajbraoua71.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1bedc7c26a0bb1d11f722c72dea20de20a5f566) + +Let's be clear: there's no reason for this company to be worth enough to even belong on this sub. This stock is now worth **$22 billion.** That's the same price as **Deutche Bank**, **Toyota, Delta,** and a bunch of other companies that earn a lot more than **$5.74million per year** reselling computer parts (news this morning is they'll assemble it for you, wow) + +Here's a box for the reading impaired. + +**This is NEGG.** + +&#x200B; + +[NEGG's shit 'earnings'](https://preview.redd.it/60h5x9ldoua71.png?width=1436&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e84a41916bb29e56143aa89cce2996c98517e0f) + +**This is Deutche Bank**. Do you see the difference? 1 has an 'M' and 1 has a 'B' under income. + +&#x200B; + +[DB's earnings](https://preview.redd.it/yezrvlahoua71.png?width=1412&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d3b286fefc84b6e0be7f9638a7f47bb1c2492c) + +Don't 👏 buy 👏 worthless 👏 paper. Cheers + +\- + +Edit2: no, $60 is not a catch. no, $40 is not a catch. a catch is you paying me to have this junk in my portfolio + +Edit3: gets better, dude in comments says 2 people own this company: Zhitao He and Fred Chang. Apparently they literally say right in the filing that these two have full control to dilute whenever they want + +Edit4: to be fair, I was contacted and told that correct quarterly income is appx. $7.5mil, not $5.5mil (tho I don't see a difference personally) and that NEGG was eligible for wsb before the last couple of days +So I've recently started investing in MFs via Kuvera and haven't had an issue with order placement until now. + +On Friday at 10:15 AM I put 10k in this fund called "Tata Digital India Growth Direct" and made the payment via UPI so as per their policy it is suposed to get placed on the same day itself. However it is still shown under pending orders. + +I'm unable to get to their customer service so I thought this sub would be able to help me out here with what I should do. + + + + +UPDATE: It got added today and is now showing in my portfolio. Failed attempt at timing the market but eh atleast it's here now. Thanks for all the help guys! +Folks who have researched/invested in the P2P Lending scene in India, I have the following questions on my mind: + +&#x200B; + +1. What's your view about P2P as an investment instrument? Do you see P2P becoming a popular investment avenue in future? +2. How trustworthy are the default rates shown by these lending platforms? +3. Are there any safeguards for capital protection? +4. Who are the typical borrowers on such platforms? What is the legitimacy of the background checks on these borrowers? +5. What is the range of returns? +6. From your experience, Could you recommend a few platforms to start investing through? + +Please feel free to share any other valuable info that you might have on this topic +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +DSP Quant has recently started using derivatives as a part of their mutual fund strategy and I know Parag Parikh Flexi Cap fund also uses derivatives sometimes. Is there any data on other mutual funds doing the same and being successful. I need to check if there are parallels to this. +What are your views on the Edelweiss Greater China Equity Off-shore Fund? + +It has generally underperformed until the last couple of years and appears to me it's going to go back to that. + +I am also concerned since during the second Covid wave Asian markets seem to be doing worse than Western markets. +So, every friday, we're going to pick up one financial product and you guys are going to talk about what product you are using and why. + + +Remember, just because a certain product comes across as an ideal fit for one person, doesn't mean it's ideal for you. So, when you mention the product of a particular brand, pls specify in detail the reason behind it. + + +This week, we're starting off with Savings Bank accounts. + + +Go ahead and mention the details of which bank's savings account you use and why it's ideal for you and if you'd recommend it. +Folks who have researched/invested in the P2P Lending scene in India, I have the following questions on my mind: + +&#x200B; + +1. What's your view about P2P as an investment instrument? Do you see P2P becoming a popular investment avenue in future? +2. How trustworthy are the default rates shown by these lending platforms? +3. Are there any safeguards for capital protection? +4. Who are the typical borrowers on such platforms? What is the legitimacy of the background checks on these borrowers? +5. What is the range of returns? +6. From your experience, Could you recommend a few platforms to start investing through? + +Please feel free to share any other valuable info that you might have on this topic +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/hqBNg4u) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +We encourage all our visitors to ask those investing related questions they were always too afraid to ask. This thread will be moderated, to ensure it remains free of harassment and other undesirable behavior. + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +If you are looking for which brokerage to use, which fund house is more capable and trustworthy, which investing platform to use, which insurance company is reliable etc., you may want to read the reviews for [banking and financial services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), [mutual funds and asset management services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), [brokerage products and services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), and [insurance products and services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new). Generally speaking, there is no best company, or fund, or bank. Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product or service. You, may then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is "I have 10,000 rupees, what do I do?" or anything similar. There is no single answer to this question, but we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to give some sort of answer + +* How old are you? +* Are you employed/making income? +* How much? What are your objectives with this money? +* What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?) +* What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors?) +* Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Expensive partner? +* What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +* Any big debts? +* Any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered financial rep before making any financial decisions! + +Previous Threads [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=%22bi-weekly%20advice%20thread%22&restrict_sr=1&t=all&sort=new) +Hello, + +I googled around much and I think I have understood it fine but I wanted to know if my understanding of this scheme is correct. + +For a loan of 30L over 20 years at 9% interest, referring numbers calculated from emi calculator dot net. you may use the same to see repayment schedule. I'm not allowed to put in links here it seems. + +If I opt for a loan of 30L under MaxGain and I put 30L (that I already have separately) in excess account, my interest liability be 0%. + +About clearing the loan, it says that the loan will get cleared as per the schedule only. As in, just because it's 0% interest liability, whole 26,992/- won't clear the principal. Instead it will only clear principal of 4,492/- and the interest component of EMI which is 22,500/- will get added to my excess account. Hence, after first EMI payment, my loan liability would be (30,00,000-4492 = 29,95,508) and my excess account balance will be 30,22,500 + +So now, can I immediately withdraw 26,992/- from my excess account? (I will use it elsewhere/do SIP/whatever). When I withdraw this amount, my excess balance would reduce to (30,22,500-26,992=29,95,508) which is equal to my loan outstanding. So still 0% interest for the next month. + +What will this gain? + +\- don't have to put all the 30L in house at once. What if I need it for emergency? + +\- 0% interest on entire home loan over the period of 20 years + +\- 26,992 SIP in index fund with moderate 12% return for 20 years will be 2,69,69,001 (with 64,78,080 as investment) (without inflation adjustment) + +\- house would have appreciated at whatever rate. save rent while living in there. + +It'd be great if you could point out any flaws in the numbers or something that I have missed. Overall seems like a good plan to me to invest some lumpsum amount. + +Thank you. +https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/washsalerule.asp + +I have made some short term gains in equities this year and I was thinking of reducing those tax liabilities by selling a shares of one company by taking a loss (short term capital loss). + +I like the company and would like to buy back the shares again as soon as possible. + +Is there an equivalent of the wash sale rule in India? Or is there some informal "cooling off" period that is advisable so as to not catch unnecessary attention of the tax authorities? +https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17953750 + +>One of the few times Bettridge's Law of Headlines doesn't apply. "Survive" is an extreme word here, but I do see a big issue w/ index funds. Perhaps an unpopular opinion - but I believe index funds will be the next major bubble that cripples the financial system. + +>It's one massive way to persist the same inequality status quo. You know what made Bezos so rich in spite of a company that doesn't make much accounting sense? When everyone is betting on his success by blindly investing in index funds. + +>Bet on the winners (because they're in the S&P 500 or some total market fund), even if they aren't performing that well by their accounting metrics. Everyone will be so invested in propping up the largest companies (or at least the US/China economic moneymakers) that when a few big players seem to be doing something egregious, it will be a tsunami of sells as opposed to a small wave. + +>When everyone is playing and no one knows how to play (because why do I care what the market does? I just let the index fund manage for me), it just reminds me of the advice "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is". The current narrative is: you don't need to know how to invest (neither does your investment fund manager). Just bet on everything, and we'll all win. And by we, we mean the fat cats who are taking in that investment money you're giving us. You'll make a meager return, but we'll make oh so much more. + +---- +of course there's an immediate reply-comment that argues against this points. +Interesting discussion thread, I felt . +You can discuss something like these, ITT: + +- Which fund houses are you currently investing with? Why did you invest in the funds? +- Reviews on the funds offered by the fund house? +- Provide your opinion on the investment services offered by the fund house. Do you avail their instant redemption features of the liquid funds? Do you use a "smart" SIP offering? +- How easy it is to navigate & use their app / websites? +- Does the fund house provide periodic communication regarding the markets, fund performance and strategy? +- What PMS scheme / AIFs are you currently invested in, if any? Why did you choose it? +- What does the PMS / AIF fee structure look like? +- Does the PMS manager provide periodic communications regarding portfolio selection and performance? + +--- + +You can ask for general review of a particular product or service that you are researching - _"What is the investing style of fund X? Is it recommended for long-term retirement needs?"_, but **avoid asking for personal advice**. + +The discussion is for consumption by a broader audience, not just specific to you. + +For advice regarding your personal situation (like "I have 25L saved up currently for retirement purposes in 30 years. What fund / PMS / AIF should I choose?"), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended It's stickied at the top of the subreddit. + +Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the discussions only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +[Link to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +Over the past quarter, we have seen multiple airlines report drop in profits due to a combined effect of high ATF end price, and rupee depreciation. CAPA published that even in a healthy competitive market, with growing pax demand, the industry might see 3x losses if status quo persists. + +In such sector headwinds, airlines continue to hold prices aggressively ( although we've seen relatively less sales this past quarter) yet we have seen no growth in airlines tickets. In the end, the consumer benefits but the business suffers. + +What would you do if you were running an airline in this country today? + +A. Increase prices and let competitors follow your lead or risk losing market share + +B. Ask the government for interim relief in ATF taxation + +C. Survive by trying to cap losses and sustain the macro trends. + +[CAPA Commentary](https://www.bloombergquint.com/global-economics/2018/09/03/domestic-airlines-may-post-higher-losses-at-1-65-1-90bn-capa#gs.PPbYOnw) +I had a property which I purchased in 2005 at 5,67,000 now selling it due to financial problem at 26 lac. + +How much I need to reinvest to save some tax? I know there are some factor like inflation and cost spent on construction but don't know how exactly to calculate. + +Any help would be highly appreciated +I think Technical analysis do not work, but traders are making money only because of position sizing, jumping on & off trend, cutting loses quickly and letting gains outplay the losses. + +All these only increase the probability of winning but Technical analysis do not work and by learning techincal analysis you dont automatically know the future. + +I feel so stupid after reading technical analysis on zerodha and tried to implement in real time, it doesn't work most of the time. + +Or am I missing something? +https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/paradigm-shifts-ray-dalio/?published=t + +* US centric but global application. +* Defines Paradigms +* Shows Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts of Last 100 years +* Coming Paradigm Shift +These funds are absolutely getting crushed. It seems they have gone and invested in the worst companies.. + + +FRANKLIN INDIA SHORT TERM INCOME fund is on course to erode over 2 years worth of gains.. + + +FT UST woes has been well documented on this sub. + + +Again the same names - Anil Dirubhai Ambani group ADA, Essel etc.. + +The FT fund house keeps recklessly parking investors money into anil dirubhai ambani group, essel etc. +What a joke... + +> Franklin MF NAVs dip on markdown of ADA group and Essel Infra debt securities +In the case of ADA group, earlier on February 24, the NCDs were valued based on a cumulative haircut of 72.99%. On March 9, the fund house has marked down the security by 95% of Face Value (FV) on a cumulative basis. + +> In a note to investors, the fund house said: “Global stock markets have fallen sharply over the past few days as investors continue to worry about the broader economic effects of coronavirus outbreak. Data coming from various countries are pointing at the intensification of the outbreak….Further, longer than expected time to monetize assets has increased dependency on listed share collateral for recovery. Due to all these factors and due to continued stress in the issuer groups, we have further marked down NCDs of Essel Infraprojects Ltd, Reliance Big Pvt. Ltd and Reliance Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering Pvt. Ltd to reflect the same at fair value + + + +https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/mf/mf-news/franklin-mf-navs-dip-on-markdown-of-ada-group-and-essel-infra-debt-securities/articleshow/74581129.cms +Hello, + +I know this has probably been discussed here, and ive explored all 3 apps. Upwardly has been a bit dissapointing as they seem to not know of the documents required for NRI, ive been trying to start an MF SIP since Oct last year and they keep asking for different bank mandates + +For someone looking for MF investments, which of these apps would you recommend? +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +Every day, the main indices (Sensex 30 and Nifty 50) have been growing around 0.5%-1% with very rare price corrections. + +What exactly is driving investors to buy in the Indian stock market like this? After all, many companies are facing stiffer competition from their rivals, there are price wars ongoing, and there is also debt sitting on a lot of publicly traded companies and banks' heads, especially several that are partly owned by the government. + +Did the index-moving companies announce great results for the Oct-Dec quarter? I mean, sure, GST has helped increase efficiency in the corporate sector, but then the market has been growing even much before that. +Ask your investing related queries here! + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +Alternatively, you could [join our Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) and seek answers to your queries + +If you're looking for reviews on any of these following, follow the links: + +- [which bank or brokerage to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which fund house is more capable and trustworthy](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +- [which investing platform to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), +- [which insurance company is reliable](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) + +Generally speaking, there is no best stock, or fund, or bank, or brokerage, or investment platform. + +Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but use those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product, fund, or service. + +You can then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is _I got 10k INR, what do I do to get most returns out of it?_, or anything similar; there is no single answer to this question. But we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to provide some sort of answer: + +- How old are you? +- Are you employed/making income? +- How much? What are your objectives with this money? +- Do you have any loan, or big expense coming up? +- What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know it's 100% safe?) +- What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors? Have you invested in equity before?) +- Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Partner pushing you to spend more? +- What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +- Any big debts? +- Any other relevant financial information about you, that will be useful to give you an informed response. + +Beware that these answers are just opinions of fellow Redditors and should only be used as a starting point for your research. This is **NOT** financial advice, in legal sense of the term. + +You should strongly consider consulting a registered fee-only financial advisor before making any financial decisions. Ideally, such advisors should be registered with SEBI, and have a registration number. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1). +The common advise is to invest in growth plans over dividend for multiple reasons. Main one being growth option offers compounding. However, when I test that with past 5 years of prices, it barely makes a difference. Can someone explain how exactly compounding works with index MFs? + +&#x200B; + +**also, what is the difference between UTI Index fund -Growth plan and Dividend reinvestment plan - both seem to offer the compounding advantage , going by the name.** + +&#x200B; + +Example of calculating returns on 10k invested 5 years ago: + +NAV of UTI index fund (growth) on Feb 2016: 47 + +NAV of UTI index fund (dividend payout) on Feb 2016: 24 + + +So units purchased would be: + +for growth : 10k/47 = 212.7 + +for dividend: 10k/24 = 416.7 + +And after 5 years: + +NAV of UTI Growth index funds on Feb 2021: 90 +NAV of UTI dividend index funds on Feb 2021: 45 + + +Profit from growth case: 9146 (212.7x43) + +Profit from dividend case: 8750 (416.7x21) + +**That's hardly a 4% difference. Was I wrong in expecting a larger difference between the two?** +In context of a recent piece by Moneylife: https://twitter.com/Moneylifers/status/1097345028291145728?s=09 + +From what I know the AMC is highly respected for its investment practices. I've read good reviews about their debt funds in this sub, but lately I'm reading a lot about their shady practices of investing in worthless commercial papers. + +What are your thoughts on their changing investment practices? +I've came to the conclusion that I know far too little about the economy, finances, the stock market and banking. Yet, I feel like it's essential for a half decent, educated person to have at least an average understanding of all these aspects. + +I will appreciate it greatly if anyone could refer me to online sites, videos or (preferrably) books that could introduce me to economy, finances, stock market and banking. Thank you in advance. +[https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/03/business/musk-tesla-pickup-price/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/06/03/business/musk-tesla-pickup-price/index.html) + + +>Tesla's soon-to-be-unveiled pickup truck will have a starting price of less than $50,000, it will be a better truck than a Ford F-150 and it will outperform a Porsche 911, according to CEO Elon Musk + +&#x200B; + +>That price would undercut the trucks that [electric truck maker Rivian](http://www.cnn.com/2019/04/24/investing/ford-rivian/index.html) plans to offer next year. The starting price of those trucks is expected to be just under $70,000. Ford is investing $500 million in Rivian and [Amazon led a group of investors](http://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/business/rivian-amazon/index.html) putting $700 million into the Michigan-based company. + +&#x200B; + +>"This will be a better truck than an F-150 in terms of truck-like functionality," Musk said, "and be a better sports car than a standard 911. That's the aspiration." +Hello, guys and gals. + +Today I got my letter from virginia saying that I'm denied unemployment benefits. It says "No record of covered employment in base period. + +It doesn't make any sense to me because all of last year I was in the US army (Texas) I have my LES to prove it. I got separated because of a hip fracture, back issue and etc. I just exhausted most of my emergency fund from getting a place and a car (2000 Honda civic). I'm down to eating rice and chicken for the next month couple of weeks. + +VA benefits doesn't hit until about 90 days from now. Guys I'm getting desperate I have no idea what to do. + +[https://imgur.com/awrlgzV](https://imgur.com/awrlgzV) + +[https://imgur.com/PKOtOat](https://imgur.com/PKOtOat) +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Let's say you hit 900k net worth at age 38. 250k of the 900k is in retirement accounts, the rest invested in non-retirement accounts. +You don't want to live in the US anymore. You just want to live in Asia, where you can live very nicely for around 20-25k a year. On the side you will have some small businesses like a cafe or bar that maybe will generate 10-15k a year, but there is no guarantee it will generate anything as you've never run a cafe or bar before. +Is 900k enough to retire for good? + +EDIT: let me clarify that I prefer to live in developing countries, not in HK, Singapore, Japan or other expensive places. I have a pretty basic life so I don't need a super huge apartment or tons of expensive electronics or clothes. That doesn't do anything for me. I enjoy eating nice food but not overpriced restaurants and I enjoy drinking now and then but not at really super nice expensive bars. I am fine living in places like Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. + +EDIT 2: I guess I should mention how I made this. I was a lawyer in the US and I had my own law firm for the last few years. I also run my firm basically working remotely and so I've traveled extensively around the world, particularly in Asia. So this is not some far fetched "I wanna get out of US" thing. I've spent more time abroad last 7-8 years than in the US so I know I want to do this. +I just want to say that I never expected, and I'm sure a lot of people never expected to see bitcoin shoot up so fast and so high, but to everyone who brought at 5k, and even at 6k, congratulations on the gains! I'm sure bitcoin's price will keep on growing as well as adoption increases and eventually should test a new ATH! (and alts will moon again soon too). Cheers crypto community :) +If this sub is hyping a ticker up and you see it constantly on this page RUN and don't think about going in when its hyped up. This sub is cursed its the low key posts that do well. +I recently bought a new car for cash, nothing luxurious or special, I just need a run around for work so splashed around £10k savings on a pretty new Vauxhall. Before buying, I was considering a PCP arrangement but decided against it since you never end up owning the car unless the make a huge balloon payment at the end of the contract, or you just swap to another vehicle and continue paying monthly payments and still never have anything to show for it at the end. It’s just feels like throwing money into a bottomless pit. + +I am wondering why people think PCP is the way to go if you are paying for something you never actually own, but still incur all the risks of owning the vehicle. I suppose it does keep monthly payments lower and you get a nice car to drive round in. +But, am I missing something, do I just not understand it? +Is there any other valid reason why PCP is better than HP, or taking a loan and buying outright, or just using savings and buying outright? +This is huge. Ethereum just closed the day burning more Ethereum than mined. Just so you know, Ethereum is now one of the few deflationary currencies on the planet. + + If this keeps going on, Ethereum will be an even stronger asset than it is currently. It just shows the plans the team had for Ethereum is now paying off. + +Once Ethereum 2.0 is complete god knows how far this can take us. Just the London Upgrade itself spurred a new bull run. Keep your Ethereum safe. Remember: we are still early! + +People are already expecting 10k Ethereum this year alone. Ethereum turning deflationary is extremely bullish for the price. Especially in the long term. +I’m having some trouble understanding the withdrawal rates. Let’s say, hypothetically, you retire with $2M and start drawing ~$80k per year. That amount is much more than you really need and inflation is minimal anyway, so you don’t adjust it for inflation the way the Trinity studies normally have it. + +Three years later, even after withdrawals, you have $2.5M because the economy is doing great. Can you just mentally reset your clock, convert $500k to cash, and pretend you’re now starting to retire with $2M again? Or is that a really bad idea? + +Trying to see where I can be more liberal with my money instead of stringently following the usual withdrawal rules. For example, I really want to buy an RV. +I'm looking to revamp my personal finance curriculum. I have switched positions from a state-mandated curriculum to a private school/flexible curriculum and so can make adjustments as needed... and would LOVE additional input. + +What do you think is the most valuable piece of personal finance information for 16-18 year old students to know? + +(Side note: The majority of my students are not planning on requiring student loans...lucky them..) + +edit: WOW. I love hearing these responses and am thrilled to find validation in some of the lessons I already teach and great ideas on how to make them better. For those who were wondering - I found that only four states in the US are required to teach personal finance and mine just happens to be one of them; I had no idea. It should be everywhere, so many of my students say this is the most useful class they take in HS. + +Again, thank you so much. I'll be spending many plan periods sifting through this data! :) +All those account transfers from Robinhood.... Cant help but wonder if Fidelity knows the float is owned a few times over by retail. + +They are probably sitting on a royal flush and want to raise the pot without scaring off the bears. I bet they are grinning hard over there. + +Just waiting for the House of Cards to fall now. Might feel cute and buy more shares who knows. +Hi, I'm not sure what, if any, options I have as I've already agreed to the new product. +We (joint application) went into Halifax to see a mortgage advisor as we were at the end of our initial 2 year fixed deal. He meets us, all smiley and takes us into an office and says that he needs to record the meeting (voice recording). There was a lot of odd fake small talk (seriously as soon he started speaking I was not at ease, he even high-fived my partner for something menial - I, the cynic, found him too nice and too weird). Anyway, once we were into it, he went over our current status: 2 years in, jobs the same, on Help to Buy etc etc. He then asked how much we want to pay each month. I thought this strange, but said about the same and on the same 'capital + interest' basis. He gave us the breakdown for a further 2 year fixed deal and said that this would be ideal for us. +Now I said to him, how about a 3 year fixed deal. His facade dropped and he looked at me and said why do you want to do that. I panicked, taken aback by this shift in his mood. I remember I had a legitimate reason but I couldn't remember under this new intensity so I said, I'm not sure, more stability. He then says "That wouldn't be in your best interest so I'm not going to do that for you." +Is he right? Can he straight up refuse to give us a breakdown for something that I specifically asked him for? I'm sure you need more information to make a call but there's nothing out of the ordinary with our lives and income etc. I later remembered that the 3 year fixed was to take us to the end of the 5 year help to buy period, where we would probably be looking to remortgage for a bit more to cover the equity loan that we won't have completely saved up for yet. +Anyway, we signed up for the new product, his manner completely changed as he seemed to sense that I might want to do something other than what he was requesting. Didn't like it, didn't feel independent. No idea what his motivation was. Help please! +We've had our mortgage application with Natwest refused after the valuation identified 10% of the walls were single skin ( no more info given). Its a grade 2 listed cottage dating back to the 1700s, and seemingly this is fairly common. Mortgage broker is going to research which providers are more accommodating of this but didn't sound hopeful. 90% loan to deposit ratio, first time buyers. Any advice? Anyone else been in a similar situation recently? +I have tried contacting everyone I can find with any ties to Poloniex, each time I was met with no reply. $15,000 might not be a lot for some people but for me it's the difference in being able to pay my bills. I have waited over 25 days with no reply to my ticket. Please help me by upvoting this so Poloniex will be forced to fix this for me. Thank you so much for all your help. Ticket #228146. + +p.s. no need to put any investing advice + +UPDATE: I just tried to login to my account and it let me login now but now I am stuck at the profile section and it won't let me go anywhere else. Not sure if it's intentional or my account is really messed up now. + +Tomorrow is thanksgiving day my dear fellow investors/traders which means all US stocks will be closed for the day. Its going to be definitely a boring day seeing no activity in our trading platform but lets enjoy this Thursday!. Taking the day off and going for a walk certainly helps. + +Ps: The US stock market will close at 13:00 on Friday (18:00 GMT). +Today Microsoft had pretty decent earnings. It was as expected, and yet it dropped 5% post market. This is officially the end of the bull market in my opinion. The music has stopped and the markets will tumble another 20% from here igniting our rocket. Be ready to walk on the moon and touch the sun, you have earned it! + +Edit: it has made a complete reverse and is now up. I still think the initial reaction is very telling and doesn’t change my $py puts. +**Non of this is advice. You are responsible for your own actions and their consequences. This post is for educational purposes only.** + +**! IMPORTANT !** initiating any type of transfer (DRS, ACAT, DTC, etc.) will temporarily freeze your account until all of the shares are settled at the receiving broker. You will not have access to trading during this time, even if there is an active position in your account. Access to funds and trading may resume when the transfer is complete. + +If you decide that you would like to DRS your shares that are held in your Revolut trading account, you are able to do so! Bear in mind, that Revolut uses third-party broker to manage their customers investment accounts. + +https://www.revolut.com/help/wealth/stocks/trading-and-brexit/my-investments-are-held-with-a-third-party-broker-in-the-drivewealth-llc-does-brexit + +As you can see in the link above, this third-party broker is DriveWealth and it is necessary to contact their support to DRS your shares. + +Send an email to "support@drivewealth.com" with filled in "DriveWealth Outgoing DRS Transfer Form". + +~~http://pages.drivewealth.com/rs/124-INJ-520/images/Outgoing%20DRS%20Transfer%20Form%20V5.pdf~~ + +**! EDIT ! 14th June, 2022 ... there is a new transfer form, please use the PDF below + read "Update 5" to understand the changes.** + +https://docs.drivewealth.com/hubfs/Outgoing%20DRS%20Transfer%20Form%20working2.pdf + +In order to find your Revolut account number, go to stocks -> your GME shares -> transactions -> click on the latest transaction -> download pdf ... in the middle of the page ... a bit on the right, above the date you will see your stocks Revolut account number + +> DW Account Number: REVO-XXX-XXXXXXXXXX + +Below I have provided some information that are required by the transfer form. + +> Company Name: GameStop + +> Ticker: GME + +> CUSIP: 36467W109 + +> Number of Shares: -> how many shares you want to DRS <- + +> Receiving Firm Name: Computershare Trust Company, N.A. + +> Receiving Firm DTC Number: 7807 + +> Receiving Firms Address: + +> P.O. Box 505005 + +> Louisville, KY 40233-5005 + +> SSN or Tax # (US): -> if you do not have ... leave empty <- + +The rest are your personal data like name, surname, address etc. Everything can be filled in electronically ... you do not have to print it and sign it. In the field "Account Holders Signature" just repeat your "name + surname". + +In the link below you can find an example of fully filled in DRS transfer form + +https://imgur.com/a/Z5SAv1T + +After you receive information from DriveWealth that your DRS was submitted, it takes around a week (5-7 days) for Computershare to receive it. This is the moment, when CS is going to send you the confirmation document with your CS account number. With this information you are going to be able to create an online account on CS website. To validate the online account, CS will send you a second letter with verification code. If you live in Europe, it takes around 7 weeks for the post to arrive from USA. + +If you want to speed up the process, call CS to confirm they have received your shares and ask them to send the documents with UPS. You can do that anytime. It costs 45 USD and the delivery takes about 5-7 days. If you want to speed up the whole process with CS, you will have to pay 45 USD twice (first time for the document with account number and the second time for the document with verification code for the CS online account). The 45 USD fee is the cost of the UPS express delivery. **! EDIT ! 19th March, 2022 ... currently Computershare gives more options, please read ALL "Updates" below this post.** + +You can call CS using their dedicated **GME shareholder services toll free number +1 800 522 6645. Skype gives you the ability to call them for free.** + +To confirm the telephone number, visit the website below and under "Contact information for a specific company" type "GameStop". + +https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry + +After your account is set and fully activated, remember to update your W8-BEN and banking information (unless receiving a bank cheque is what you want). It takes 10 days for banking information to be updated. + +> For your security, changing or implementing electronic banking instructions will limit your ability to receive your sales proceeds electronically for 10 days. + +Good luck! 🚀 + +### UPDATE 1: + +Feedback from DriveWealth: if you do not have the SSN, fill in the SSN field with 999-99-9999. + +### UPDATE 2: + +Currently, Computershare can send the first letter with account number from one of their UK offices free of charge. Additionally, the verification code can be sent via email. It costs 30 USD. See "Update 3" for more details. + +### UPDATE 3: + +Feedback from /u/Iron_Monkey + +> I think this is the main Revolut DRS guide used on here, so might be worthwhile updating the main post to say that you can now call the international ComputerShare GME number (+800 3823 3823) free of charge from mobile/landline and ask them to send the account number letter from one of their UK offices free of charge. They can also take payment for the $30 email fee and pass it on to the US ComputerShare team. + +> You might have to bounce about a few agents regarding the $30 email because I've heard mixed responses online but mine definitely offered it this morning without any mention from me when I was calling in regards to the first letter. + +### UPDATE 4: + +Alternative method to get the PDF statement with Revolut account number, credit to /u/gleavoo + +> stocks -> three dots -> statements -> select a month -> get statement + +### UPDATE 5: + +Feedback from /u/HBB360 + +> Hi, maybe irrelevant on this old thread but in my chat with DriveWealth's customer support I was linked to this version of the DRS form. It actually has a specific field for the CS account number for people wishing to transfer to an existing account and mentions putting in 9s in the SSN field. + +~~http://pages.drivewealth.com/rs/124-INJ-520/images/Outgoing%20DRS%20Transfer%20Form%20working2.pdf~~ + +https://docs.drivewealth.com/hubfs/Outgoing%20DRS%20Transfer%20Form%20working2.pdf + + +My parents are two Salvadoran immigrants who have worked cleaning houses with my dad delivering pizzas. They made a combined income of 22k a year and live in Los Angeles but because of the pandemic and my mom fracturing her leg that amount has been cut in half. My parents pay 800 dollars in rent, but my dad got into a car accident that completely totaled his car and now my parents have lost their only source of income. They have not accumulated any savings and are not citizens yet. They will be citizens in about 3 years so they cannot get social security. I make 56k a year 43 after taxes but I am in no position to help my parents. I live in a studio apartment and have a girlfriend and have my own bills to pay for and I'm afraid that me taking this burden would be at the cost of not only my relationship with my partner but also prevent me being from being able to be financially independent. I'm contributing 200 dollars a month on them but it's still not enough to help them. I have no siblings or family in this country. + +I really need help on what to do. I feel like I'm losing my mind because of this issue. My parents aren't eating and they've lost 50 lbs in the last 3 months because of this issue. My dad is diabetic and can't see from one eye and my mom can't walk. I'm literally bawling my eyes now writing this because I feel like I'm slowly losing my mind seeing them die and I'm too selfish to help them, but I'm honestly scared because I don't make enough money to help and I need help. Please give me advice on what to do + +EDIT: Guys. Thank you for looking and helping me with this. I appreciate everybody's tips. It makes me feel not alone in thanksgiving. I appreciate it. + +EDIT 2: Thank you everybody! Even the comments criticizing me for even asking this question. I just need help and advice and everybody has and continues to give me that. I appreciate the help! +I am considering a new financial advisor and told them that I have a stock that has significantly appreciated and need ways to deal with the appreciation in the context of taxation. The advisor suggested using option ladders to create income that can offset the cost of the taxation. Is anyone using this? People I know strongly advise me to stay away from options because you can lose your pants on them. But the advisor assures me that there are "safe" ways to do this. +I am a long time reddit lurker but I need some advice from this community. I live in a VHCOL area; married and have 3 kids. Oldest being in middle school. I recently joined a leadership position in a FAANG company and wife is a software engineer in a non FAANG company. We are both in our late 30s. Here are our income: + +Myself: + +Salary + bonus: 400K/year + +RSU: 900K/year + +Wife: + +Salary + bonus: 185K/year + +RSU: 30K/year + +Total savings so far: + +Vanguard index funds (70% VTSAX, 30% VTIAX): 850K + +Backdoor Roth IRA: 70K + +401K: 800K + +529: 130K + +Miscellaneous cash: 200K + +I put in 54K into 401K/year (this includes company match and after tax contributions). Wife puts in 24K/year. + +The question I have is: What do I do with the ~225K of RSU vesting every quarter? Part of me believes in the company and thinks it will keep going up over time. Part of me wants to sell it right away and shove it in Vanguard. I don’t have any real estate investment so that’s on my mind as well but the area I live in is just crazy. + +The mortgage left on the house is 1.1M. My monthly payment is 5.5K. Interest rate is 3.5%. Is it worth paying it off? + +Sorry about this unstructured rant but I would appreciate your help in figuring out the right investment strategy so that I can fatFIRE with ~10M NW in 15 years. + +Thanks. +After reading many articles and situations on how individual accounts got hacked - Phone Carriers(Especially! T-Mobile) are at fault for allowing SIM Card Swamps. The fact these phone carriers never caught on to these hackers is unbelievable. Two authentication is used by so many companies, not just Coinbase. If your own phone carrier allows a hackers to take over your phone with 5 min call and gain access to any account - The Phone Carrier is at fault. + +We just recently found out hackers had access to over 101 Million users data at T-Mobile Database. We have no idea how long they have had access to the database. For all we know, they have been using this information to gain access to our personal identification(SSN, Address, Photo ID). + + +You can pray for all the customer service you can imagine but if you can't get to the source of the problem(Phone Carriers) to handle there flawed system, then improving customer service won't mean anything. Source of the problem is phone carriers are handing over and allowing access to your phone. It's not just your coinbase accounts, it's your gmail, company email where your hold private cooperate information. Some how you all you can say this is just a coinbase problem with customer service? wake up, these hackers just don't solely have access to your Coinbase account, they have access to everything! + +Part that pisses me off is that these articles try to present bitcoin, eth and all crypto as unsafe asset to hold. Cryptocurrency have only showed how flawed cooperate America software security is. There is a huge lawsuit that needs to be settled to all customers of T-Mobile, Sprint and Verizon when it comes to our Data. +Maybe I'll get a lot of negative comments, but that's ok. + +I just feel a bit lost sometimes when I look through the posts and comments on here and other crypto subreddits. + +Satoshi wanted to give a big middle finger to the existing financial system...not be absorbed by it. + +Genesis block: + +" + +**The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks** + +*Satoshi Nakamoto* + +" + +The bailouts ruined countless lives, both short and long term, ranging from hardworking everyday people's retirement funds to investors to everyone inbetween. + +The banks robbed us blind. + +But now we have people excited about ETFs. People crave the old ways instead of embarking wholeheartedly to the new. + +Some people beg for regulations when they see shitcoins and other unfortunate circumstances. + +Are you kidding me? Give this **centralized** power to the same thieves that use their power to steal from the masses? Hard pass. + +Yes it sucks when people get burned, but hey sometimes that's how you learn. + +You want full and total control over your money, you need to take full and total responsibility over your choices. Hard fact. + +Everyone regurgitating talking points about how exciting it is institutional finance is getting involved with crypto and how they'll better manage it is just feeding into the corrupt system. Please wake up and smell the roses before it's too late. + +Maybe I'm alone here, I don't know. + +But if this sounds cool to you [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypherpunk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cypherpunk) then join me down the rabbit hole. + +Thank you and have a nice day. +Hi there! + +Nicolas from ∆ Delta here again. Long story short: we were pleasantly surprised today when we noticed **we are nominated for a Webby award in the 'Best Mobile UI' category!** 😇 + +Without wanting to sound arrogant, we're really proud to represent the cryptocurrency community in these worldwide awards and we believe it shows that this market is growing up with more & more (digital) products achieving a level of quality that is needed to be able to get more people taking note of what's happening in this space. + +If you're a Delta user & loving what we do, we'd super appreciate it if you could **vote for us via http://wbby.co/mob-ui ! :)** Would also be amazing if non Delta users that just want to give a crypto product a little push, back us in this! 🙏🏼 + +We also have a Tweet that could use some traction if you want to help that way: https://twitter.com/get_delta/status/981484104624607232 + +Last but not least, we'd like to thank every Delta user and especially the Reddit community, who have been super nice to us & gave incredible feedback. We're still taking it to heart and we'll be back this month with releases for both mobile, tablet & desktop. 👀 + +Thanks! + +The Delta Team + +∆ +Starting yesterday, airline stocks have been tanking-- especially today-- under the claim via multiple news sites that Boeing's CEO, David Calhoun, said an airline would "most likely" go bankrupt in September-- based on an [interview from Tuesday's Today Show](https://www.today.com/video/boeing-ceo-it-could-take-3-to-5-years-for-airline-industry-to-return-from-apocalyptic-state-83326533868?mod=article_inline). + +This is totally misinformation, that has been unfortunately spread by NBC. + +What actually happened is that interviewer Savannah Guthrie, gave a long supposition, and asked Calhoun to agree with it: + +>GUTHRIE: The money that the government used to bailout the airlines runs out in September, so they are going to have to start laying off people. Do you expect that the airlines to be able to survive this? Do you think there might be a major U.S. carrier that just has to go out of business? +> +>CALHOUN: **Well, I don't want to get too predictive on that subject**, but yes, most likely. You know, something will have to happen when September comes around... + +She put words into his mouth, and asked two different questions at the same time-- the first being an obvious yes, the second should have been a "no." He may have already been primed to answer, as indicated by his stumbling response, then merely blurted out, "but yes, most likely." + +Before the full interview was released, [NBC News PR edited the segment in a post on Twitter](https://twitter.com/NBCNewsPR/status/1259970858447253505) -- making Calhoun reply, "Yes, most, likely" only to the last part, and leaving out the rest of what he said! + +It's a case of unethical editing -- which was then propagated by other sources. + +[*USA Today* picked it up](https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2020/05/11/boeing-ceo-predicts-major-airline-go-out-business-coronavirus-pandemic/3113292001/?mod=article_inline), sourcing the NBC News PR Twitter edited version. + +Based on the *USA Today* story, [Marketwatch repeated the claim](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/a-major-us-airline-most-likely-will-go-bankrupt-boeing-ceo-says-in-interview-2020-05-12) + +Reuters, usually a trustworthy source, [further spread the misquote](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-boeing-airlines/boeing-ceo-sees-passenger-levels-under-25-in-september-pain-for-airlines-nbc-interview-idUSKBN22N31M) which ended up getting reprinted in multiple places. + +A writer at *Forbes* then amped the claim, saying Calhoun "[responded quickly and strongly, “Yes, most likely.”](https://www.forbes.com/sites/willhorton1/2020/05/12/boeing-ceo-expects-airline-bankruptcy--what-did-he-really-mean-about-coronavirus-impacts/#6c79022d344a) + +*Barron's* [similarly spread the news](https://www.barrons.com/articles/boeing-calhoun-airlines-bankruptcy-credit-default-swaps-51589294871): "Boeing Predicts an Airline Bankruptcy." + +Boeing had to put out a statement about Calhoun's quote, via spokesman Gordon Johndroe: “He was speaking to the general uncertainty in the sector, not about any one particular airline.” But it was too late -- the damage was already being done to all the industry components. + +What was Calhoun thinking, showing up on the TODAY show for an interview, as a new CEO? There was no benefit to his company. The pulled quote has now cost billions of dollars in lost market cap for all the major airlines, which means they have less financial resources to buy from Boeing. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +I know anything other than VTSAX and chill isn't very popular here, but I've seen a few posts in this community that piqued my interest: + +- [The Case for NTSX and Chill instead of VTSAX and Rest for FIRE](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/o9proo/the_case_for_ntsx_and_chill_instead_of_vtsax_and/) +- [An Efficient Leveraged Portfolio vs An Inefficient Unlevered Portfolio](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/rxmjek/an_efficient_leveraged_portfolio_vs_an/) +- [Using leverage to produce more reliable income and portfolio survival?](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/8vki8d/using_leverage_to_produce_more_reliable_income/) + +And then some posts by Early Retirement Now, which is where I'm running into questions: + +- [How to Beat the Stock Market](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2020/12/09/how-to-beat-the-stock-market/) +- [Lower risk through leverage](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2016/07/20/lower-risk-through-leverage/) + +# Investment goals + +I have a fairly high risk tolerance and I have gone through the 2008 recession with a sizeable (to me) portfolio (was a teen with most of my savings invested). + +My current allocation is a 70/30 split between US and international equities, and I'm comfortable with that level of risk. I plan to do a bond tent on the run-up to ER, probably closer to 80/20 than 60/40 stock/bond split, where the intent is to mitigate sequence of returns risk. + +I'm hoping for at _least_ 7% expected returns over the next 10 years since that's what I'm using in projections. I _think_ my current portfolio is around that level (I get >7% for 2005-2015 for a "near worst-case scenario", I'll run more simulations), if we assume the bears are wrong right about lower than historical returns going forward, but I'm still working out how to properly analyze it. + +I want to retain the 70/30 US/international split with lower risk without sacrificing expected return. + +# Financial Terms + +- risk_free_return - some fixed value, usually tied to 3-month treasuries; will use rf_r in formulas +- expected return - `rf_r + beta * (avg_return - rf_r)` +- expected risk - `standard deviation / mean price` - should this be bucketed by some period? e.g. calculate risk per month/year and then find the mean over the time period, otherwise the std deviation just grows each year + +# Proposed portfolio + +I'm basing my proposal roughly off NTSX, NTSI, and NTSE, but I want to be able to vary my leverage. I could achieve that with additional leverage outside of those funds, and I may still do that, but I want to make sure I understand the process. + +Proposal: + +1. keep VTI/VXUS with no leverage, selling 10% of the position +2. buy US treasury futures, keeping some amount in cash to cover daily transactions +- roll over contracts quarterly to prevent expiry of the futures; this is a good time to rebalance VTI/VXUS + +I'm specifically not buying a bond fund just yet, but I'll ramp that up separately w/o leverage a few years before I go into retirement. + +# Questions + +These are mostly general questions about futures as I've never traded them before, though I have read up a bit on how they work. + +- how much should I have in cash relative to future contracts? +- ERN mentions contracts being $100k face value as a con. Is that just because of the risk of forgetting to roll over the contract? Or is it mostly because you'd need at least $80k in equities for his target portfolio? +- how do coupon interest payments work? Are they distributed every six months the same way, or are they treated differently since I don't actually own them until the futures contract expires? If they're distributed like normal, do they follow the normal futures taxation policy (60/40 LTCG/STCG rate), or do they follow regular treasury taxation rules? +- Is a treasury futures contract in the range if $100, or am I misunderstanding something about the way the contract works? I understand the face value is $100k and that I'll need cash available for daily fluctuations. +- could I get most of the way there (except expense ratio) by buying NTSX/NTSI/NTSE and putting some extra treasury futures on margin? + +I'm not going to pull the trigger until I feel very comfortable with the approach, so please recommend any additional reading to help me really get a handle on what's going on with these strategies. I understand index funds, so I'll stay put until I'm ready to add in leverage. There's a good chance I'll just go with NTSX/NTSI/NTSE once I'm ready, but I just want to make sure I feel comfortable with this type of leverage first. + +Thank you in advance! +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I'm a big fan of [Derek Sivers](https://sivers.org/). He's a successful entrepreneur (and financially independent), yes, but he's also a thoughtful writer who shares what he learns in life. [The latest post at his blog](https://sivers.org/d1) outlines various bits of his philosophy, such as "how to be useful to others", "how to get rich", "how to like people", and so on. + +The bit that's relevant to us, I think, is where he outlines "how to stop being rich and happy". (Or, you might say "how to make yourself miserable".) Here's what Sivers writes (verbatim): + +====================== + +**How to Stop Being Rich and Happy** + + +1. Prioritize lifestyle design. You've made it, so it's all about you, now. Make your dreams come true. Shape your surroundings to please your every desire. Make your immediate gratification the most important thing. + +2. Chase that comparison moment. You have the old thing. You want the new thing. Yes! Do it! Be happy for a week. Ignore the fact that the happiness only comes from the moment of comparison between the old and new. Once you’ve had your new thing for a week, and it becomes the new norm, seek happiness from another new thing. + +3. Buy, not rent. Why rent a house, castle, boat, or car, when you can buy? It’s not about the thing, it’s about identity. This shows who you are now. + +4. Internalize your new status. You worked hard to get here. Celebrate. Relax. Admit you are in a different class of people now, with different needs. Understand there is no going back. + +5. Be a connoisseur. Learn what others say is the finest. Insist on only the finest. You will now be unhappy with anything but the finest. + +6. Get to know your possessions. Now that you own the best, it’s time to focus on what you’ve got. Learn all about the features of your new possessions. Spend more time getting your surround sound and heated floor just right. Work out the solar panel charging of your Tesla car. This is important. + +7. Acclimate to comfort. Eliminate every discomfort from your life. Blame others when the world seems hard, and is not living up to your standards. + +====================== + +I feel bad just cutting-and-pasting this excerpt here, but I think it's valuable stuff. If you like this, you should support Sivers by subscribing to his mailing list (it's a low-volume, high-value list) and/or [browsing his site](https://sivers.org/). (By the way, the other sections of the article are just as thoughtful.) + +I think there's a *lot* in this list that FI/RE folks can learn from. For instance, I know many folks on this path who are into lifestyle design. They want their lives to be perfect. Like Sivers, I think this is often a fool's errand. There's nothing wrong with trying to construct a life you love, but it can be taken too far. + +Or there are plenty of people who, when they achieve FI, adopt an attitude of superiority. That's dangerous too, both for yourself and the people around you. + +For me, I have a tendency to succumb to #5 (be a connoisseur). I like good shit -- good whisky, high-quality travel gear, nice electronics, etc. If I don't police myself, I can become a high-class consumer, even though I know it's stupid to do so. When I first sold Get Rich Slowly, for instance, I allowed myself to spend a *lot* of money to buy some Stickley furniture. Sure, it looks great, but was it really worth so much money? Hell no! Now whenever I'm tempted to act like a "connoisseur", I remind myself of that furniture... + +What do you guys think of Sivers' list? **What traps and pitfalls do people face once they begin to achieve financial success?** What are some things that *you* have done that actually hindered your happiness instead of helping it? +Bitcoin is currently on sale for less than $10,000 USD. This sale may last only a few hours today, and it may be your last chance to buy Bitcoin for under $10k! + +Edit: it appears that this sale is now over. + + +*I apologize for adding another "Ghash, nooooooo!" post, yet network centralization demands priority attention to prevent it from affecting the positive contributions of others.* + +**Summary** + +As a community, let's make this the last time we all hear about the 51% attack. + +**How?** + +The community can encourage the use of P2Pools *(pools of bitcoin miners that cannot be controlled by the pool operator).* + + +**Attention all Miners** + +You guys are literally the backbone of our system. Without your hashing power the community couldn't send transactions! + +Nonetheless, we need your help once again, yet this requires effort on your part unfortunately. *(The community can still do it's part to help!)* + +***Miners! Become a fighting soldier in the war against centralization by joining P2Pools and leaving GHash*** + +[Here is a list of P2Pools](http://p2pool.hostv.pl/), yet below are the pools most often recommended by the community. + +* [P2Pool.in](http://p2pool.in/) +* [BlisterPool](http://blisterpool.com/) *(this pool even has a [neat donate button](http://blisterpool.com/p2pdonate), allowing the community to tip the pool based on hashing power contributed!)* + +**Attention all Developers & everyday Bitcoiners** + +Currently tools are being developed to allow bitcoiners to contribute to the P2Pool cause without buying machines. By using tools like BlisterPool's [donate button](http://blisterpool.com/p2pdonate) it makes it easy for bitcoiners to tip miners actively contributing towards securing the network in a decentralized way. + +***Let's build and use more tools to tip P2Pools, and give these pools a little financial push to get the ball rolling*** + +*Here are some resources to help understand the situation a bit better, please still look around ask ask questions* + +* [Bitcoin Wiki](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/P2Pool) +* [FAQ](http://p2pool.in/#faq) +* [BitcoinTalk page](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=18313) +* [Download & Get Started](http://p2pool.in/#download) + +**tl;dr?** + +* Are you a miner? Mine [here](http://blisterpool.com/) +* Are you a bitcoiner? Donate [here](http://blisterpool.com/p2pdonate) *(your funds will be sent towards miners actively contributing to p2pools!)* + +> ***Update:*** *I've just learned that regular people can help ensure the security of the network by running nodes. I don't want to lead the discussion on this though as I'm not well informed enough to lead that, yet please look around and ask questions.* + +> *Lesser Update: whoah, cool to be mentioned on [coindesk](http://www.coindesk.com/bitfury-pulls-power-ghash-community-uproar/)* +I’ve been trading for a decade now, and to be honest I was highly skeptical of advice coming from this sub when I joined. The first 3 stocks I saw in here, since joining, though, have been legit gainers. You’ve got my attention, for sure. I almost pulled the trigger on MVIS, today, and actually regret that I didn’t. That’s ok, though. + +Kudos to the folks doing serious DD and identifying potential opportunities for the group. +My parents were smart and were able to buy a vacation home when the market crashed in the 90s. They recently sold this second home and want to do a 1031 exchange. By purchasing a replacement property within 45 days they are able to defer capital gains taxes. However they are of retirement age and wish to retire soon. + +Their plan is to have me co-sign on the mortgage and take over the payments after they make the down payment. I'm fairly young and my significant other and I also want to purchase our first home. He makes decent money, as do I, but not nearly enough to buy more than a starter home in California. + +With the background information out of the way, here's the problem. My parents have micromanaged me my entire life. I'm the only daughter of two and have been basically been told what to do my whole life. I only recently moved out to live with my significant other. It's been nice and peaceful. However they want to procure the real estate agent, they want to convert the home into a partial rental. Essentially converting the downstairs into a separate entrance. When I informed them I did not feel secure living with strangers they dismissed my concerns. To try and compromise I asked what about an ADU. They said no. I asked them could I choose the agent or the tenants they said no. I'm aware this is a great opportunity for me but I'm also hesitant as I don't want to pay mortgage just to be a live in landlord/employee for my parents. I've lived very frugal and have a fair amount of money saved up over the years in hopes of buying my own home with my significant other. My question is... if I do this with my parents are my savings up for grabs? Will I have to disclose the amount I have in my accounts to them to secure the mortgage? Does this put myself at risk of securing my own mortgage if things become too much for me with them? I'm scared I'll lose everything I've worked for to just make them happy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. + +Edit: + +Sorry all for being away. I just told my parents thank you so much for the opportunity...but firmly no. I presented all the facts I've learned here and on YouTube. I informed them that it would be a detriment to me financially. They tried to gaslight me and make me feel guilty for turning down their "gift". So I ended the conversation with, I look up to them and want to build my own wealth. They had nothing further to say. I'm still rattled but I feel like I made the right choice. Thank you all to who helped me get through this difficult decision. +My husband and I are in about 20K debt (credit card balances). I am paying the minimum for the credit cards. We have approximately 16K in Savings. Our reoccurring expenses are roughly 3k (-/+) per month not including grocery or other expenses. Our mortgage alone is 1800. Our income each month is 6k. +My questions are... Should I use some of our savings to pay off our 20k debt? Or How should I go about this? + +We are wanting to finish our space above the garage to a living space with a bedroom. We got quoted 99k for about an 800 sqft which includes changing the structures and adding dormers. + + +We just don't want to be drowning in so much debt because we still want to be able to afford life. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for your input. +So I have a 401k through my employer. I pay $60 each paycheck into this account, and currently my annualized rate of return is 14.51%. My cumulative rate of return is 50.14%. + +My question for those more knowledgable than myself about this type of thing; is this percentage low, normal, or high? Does anyone have suggestions where I can improve my account? +Pretty much covered in the title. Rent on a 2bdr apartment is about 2k/mo, so we want to start paying our own mortgage instead of someone else's. We have a car loan and credit card debt. He told us to pay the minimum on those and focus on building savings for a good down payment. + +We have about 5k in savings now and about 10k in debt. I woke up this morning paranoid that the advisor has instructions from the bank to maximize how much we pay in interest. Is it paranoia or a legitimate concern? + +Edit: Income is about 80k a year. +If I only have 100$ on hand, whats a good way to invest it in order to get more out if it, without it being held up somewhere- meaning I can still have access to this money in case of emergencies and am able to withdraw without penalty/fees? +I have a few hundred sitting in my emergency funds, but I want to know if there’s anything I can do with it while Im not using it? +My wife and I just bought our first house. We’re pretty excited, but I’m afraid we got ourselves in too deep. + +When we started looking at houses back in December, we had a pretty good idea of what we could afford. However by the time we found something and closed, our interest rate went from in the high 2% range to 4.875%. I didn’t realize how much interest rate affected a mortgage payment until we talked to a friend in the area who bought a house for $40k more than us, but pays like $300/month less because he was locked in at 2.5%. I also had no idea what an escrow account was until we closed, and that added a lot onto my monthly payments. + +Now I’m not sure if I can afford to maintain what I have. I make ~$60k/yr and the house closed for $323k. With mortgage, interest, taxes, and insurance my monthly payment is just shy of $2100. I also have a car payment of about $400/month, and make regular retirement investments of ~$200/month. Then there’s all the other expenses for living as well (utilities, car insurance, internet, etc). Our goal is to pay for all essential expenses with my income alone, so my wife isn’t too bound to any particular job, but it’s looking like +I won’t have much money to spare. My wife is starting a job soon, so we’re not screwed, but was buying a house based on my income alone a bad idea? +So during this Dip in the Market I managed to liquidate my stonks and ETF to put it in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the answer and the only asset I can trust to hold it for decades. Other than corporations. + +What do you think should I do? Should I try to time the market if let‘s say the market turns really risky and euphoric by 2023 or shall I hodl and nevermind? + +I love the diamondhand and never sell movement, but I also don‘t wanna live like a wageslave just to stack sats until I die lol. + +Btw I live in Europe so studying cost are basically almost zero. +Here's the skinny: I'm 22. I went to college for a couple years, learned a lot but did not complete a degree and do not plan on returning. I have a stable job with a good company that I would love to work for long-term, there is lots of room for growth, raises, and promotions. But, currently, I am entry level and making less than 30k/yr. I live in suburbs of Seattle BTW. + +I have about 20k in liquid cash, a paid off car, and health insurance on my parents plan until 26. + +I live with my parents rent-free. Is there an age where I can't say that i'm "living at home to save money" anymore? My parents don't mind, I love being around my family and in the comfort of my home, and moving out would be lonely (none of my friends are looking for roommates right now). + +There are also some personal things I want to take care of before I move out that cost money, like drop some weight, get lasik surgery, basically have my life a little more in order. + +So, what do you guys think? Am I good for another year or two to stash cash and get all my personal things taken care of so I can be 100% prepared to move out? +What is your largest position? I am curious to see how diversified people with more money are and how much they are willing to put in 1 stock. + +I am specifically referring to people with more money because at smaller dollar amounts, people are willing to make riskier bets because they can make it back with a normal job more easily. +I've had a bit to drink and a realization came upon me. + +&#x200B; + +We are the nightmare of hedge funds, corrupt leaders, and the bought media. What makes us stronger, more powerful than anything they've ever cross before? The answer is simple: + +&#x200B; + +We are DECENTRALIZED. + +&#x200B; + +We are *literally* the personification of the ideals we stand behind. Much like a beautiful blockchain, Superstonk is a self-sustaining, self-educated group of individuals that come from a huge variety of backgrounds and experiences. From the humble chimps that can afford only one DRS'd share, to the mighty whales whose giant DRS bot posts leave the rest of us in awe, and to those silent individuals who lurk in the shadows absorbing everything they see on this subreddit, we all have one thing in common: we know that the only thing of value in this world is knowledge, truth, family/friends, and each other. + +&#x200B; + +I love you all. This subreddit alone has given me hope in humanity over the past 1.5+ years. To hear that so many people would do so many great things once they achieved great wealth has deeply warmed my heart. You all have given me consistent excitement everything hour of every trading day. Thank you. + +&#x200B; + +Now, after the recent turn of events in the financial world, my hope has turned into fire. To see all the beautiful, insightful DD of this subreddit come true has blown my mind. Day after day, news article after news article, the our fate is coming to fruition. Has it dawned on you yet? To all of us that been waiting for now YEARS for our day, I feel as though our patience will soon be rewarded. We earned it. + +&#x200B; + +And to those who wish our demise, the rest of this post is a message to you: + +&#x200B; + +No matter how much you despise us and disrespect us, no matter how much effort you exert and money you throw to silence us and divide us, your fate in unavoidable. We will have our day. And I guarantee that on that day, no matter how hard you try and no matter how hard you squirm and fight, + +&#x200B; + +YOU WILL SAY OUR NAME. +You bought bitcoin at $50,000? LUCKY they shout. Before our pride gets to us and our ego makes our head so big it can't get through the door, this is a repeat of what happened before. + +The people who bought Amazon in 2000. + +How about the crazy woman who put $5,000 into netflix in the beginning? + +How about that friend who has half his IRA in Tesla? + +That guy who took his sales commissions and kept buying real estate in 2014,2015,2016,2017? + +That family friend who bought gold in the early 70s (no joke my dad's friend did this-he sold and even borrowed to buy as much gold as possible in the early 70s). + +Most of society doesn't want to invest. We could state that most cannot invest due to wages. FAIR point. However, I know tons of people who could invest-they have the disposable income. They don't want to. I repeat -they do NOT want to. They don't want to learn. They want to just roll with it. Maybe they put some money into what their advisor recommends. And why does he recommend it? His boss told him it's a good investment. + +If you are buying bitcoin, unless you are trying to be a quick trader (hint: most traders lose money), you have done something different. Bitcoin is not close to on the radar for most people. You have accepted volatility in exchange for a long term vision. Best of luck! +Given the number of posts I see from entrepreneurs here I thought folks would be interested to know that one of the changes in the build back better act is a substantial reduction in the tax benefits of Qualified Small Business Stock - reducing the exclusion from 100% of eligible gains up to 10M to 50% of gains. + +It impacts a relatively small number of people to there isn’t a lot of talk about it. + +This site has more information and makes it easy to write your senators if you’d like to advocate for changing this before it becomes law. + +https://www.qsbsexpert.com/measuring-the-proposed-1202-qsbs-amendment-bbba-build-back-better-is-it-more-than-a-50-reduction/ +I'm new to the group and have been finding some of the advance strategies extremely helpful in my own journey. I'm 35, married with about $2m net worth with my wife and I combed income around $350k a year. I wanted to know if you guys had some advanced strategies for college savings for nieces and nephews outside of 529 plans. + +We do plan on potentially having one or two kids in the next year, if at all, but I also recognize that my siblings (4) are not as financially secure as I am. Two are teachers, one does HVAC, the other works for the city in the court system. I'm the one that 'got out' and left the city I grew up in and moved away for a successful career in banking (not a finance guy though). I try to help out my family as much as possible, but they don't like to discuss finances in general and don't like advice when making big decisions (it is frustrating when I see things like bad car loans with high interest rates because they just "didn't know" they could get better rates elsewhere). I have two nieces and one nephew where I highly doubt the three sets of parents are able to sock away much, if at all, for future college expenses. + +Other than contributing few hundred each paycheck that doesn't have a material impact on me, should I do anything other than aiming to max out the 529's that won't impact my FatFire goal by 40? +Mid 40s, \~$17M NW, no debt, but feel very illiquid. Although this is my current situation, I’d rather describe how it would be if I went fatFIRE right now. I think about it in four classes: + +Non-retirement: + +$4.0M in index funds + +$2.1M in PE (quarterly distributions) - ILLIQUID + +$1.4M in don’t go to competitor account - ILLIQUID + +$1.2M in need to hold onto this to keep that $2.1M above invested - ILLIQUID + +$Checking and savings + +Retirement: + +$4.9M Roth IRA in index funds + +$1.0M TIRA in index funds + +Real Estate: + +$1.3M Main residence + +$570K secondary residence + +Stuff: + +$400K in possessions…cool cars and shit + +I’m very happy with NW, but have concerns with liquidity and how “safe” I feel with what I consider illiquid and pulling the fatFIRE trigger now. Back to the four classes: + +$4M is FIRE game, no issue there. $2.1M in PE can remain invested for a decade or so as long as I keep the $1.2M “right to invest” held by the PE company, and it should grow moderately well during that time. The $2.1M PE quarterly distributions should be more than enough to live comfortably on during the time it is invested, but there is no guarantee…when is there…it’s PE? The $1.4M no compete is paid out in full after a few years after leaving if you don’t go to a competitor (it should grow very nicely during this time but will be taxed heavily on payout, still should be worth well over $2M after tax). That being said, if something were to go horribly wrong, all this PE money could disappear. Most likely won’t happen…but thoughts like this keep me up at night. The $2.1M and $1.2M (and it’s moderate growth) would be paid out all at once in about a decade when I’d no longer be eligible to invest. + +I don’t really know how to treat the Roth. I don’t want to touch it until 59.5 to avoid any penalty. The penalty is 10% and technically it is totally liquid, so maybe I shouldn’t sweat it that much? That being said, I’d try to ride the train I mentioned above as long as possible until I need to hit the non-taxable funds. I view the TIRA as a retirement buffer, use it in lower tax years and let it ride in higher tax years. + +If I pulled the trigger today, I’d have \~$4M invested in equity and \~$6M invested in equity retirement accounts. That seems too low to be fatFIRE, especially if I want to spend \~$250K a year (after tax). If you take into account the PE earnings/income (which has a very long track record of production) and how it would take me pretty close to 59.5…it is obvious I could. + +Looking into ideas how should I view this situation. I don’t plan on pulling the trigger in the next year, but in the next 2-3 years, very real. I’m most concerned about having “real” money invested in “normal” equity compared to my “monopoly” money in PE that has been making me a hell of a lot more for many years. Do I continue to assume my monopoly money will continue to do what it has done for so long? Do I need more liquidity before saying adios? Do I need to quit being a whiny person with more than I need but wants more of a safety cushion? + +Lots of words, ask if you need clarification. +I am a 31/M, married, no kids with roughly $900k in net worth. I have only discovered fatfire recently but it fits my personal beliefs well. I am looking to retire by 45-50 with $7m in investable assets. I hope this post is appropriate for here. + +I work in the asset management industry. Last year, management decided to restructure our job titles to benefit the longer standing people at the firm. However, I was essentially demoted (no changes to pay though). + +It was communicated to me that nothing would change and it was purely cosmetic. However, I started getting responsibilities stripped (marketing, interviewing applicants, etc) without any communication. Management just stopped inviting me for these events. + +Further, our investment process changed to less flat and more hierarchical. I started to be micromanaged increasingly more. There has become a lot more bureacracy. During this whole time, management told me to just keep doing what I was doing. Area for improvement was communication skills, which is said to everyone here. No quantitative metrics are used so lots of subjectivity by management. + +Unsurprisingly, I was not happy but have also contributed the most research over the past year. Now, I have just been promoted back to my original title. I still can't see how I can ever trust management again. + +I currently make $230k all-in and have been interviewing for another position. I do not work in a major asset management hub so opportunities are scarce. Due to family, I am unwilling to move. + +Edit: Wife makes $180k. I am expecting comp to conservatively top out around $300k by 40. + +The new position would be a step down in title and pay. I would expect $180-$200k all-in. It would also cut my commute by 20 min each way (currently 70-80min each way). The promotion schedule at new place is unclear. + +Is it worth making the change to the new job? This is not my first job change so I am wary of grass is greener mentality. Any suggestions on how to evaluate culture at potential new firm? +Excuse me if I sound dumb, but I’m brand new to this. Recently, my wife and I opened up a Vanguard Roth IRA account, we decide rather than “playing the market”, we’ll just use our money and invest into their target retirement 2055 fund investors shares. What are your thoughts on our actions? Please keep in mind, we have very limited knowledge when it comes to investing +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I FIREd three years ago and sharing my experience and thoughts anonymously. + +I was elated to retire in my mid-50s and felt myself lucky to do so. However, I enjoyed my job and found my work fulfilling. I did not like my bosses at a couple jobs but I left those jobs fairly quickly. The bad bosses micromanaged and were deceitful. The majority of my bosses were honest and trusted me to manage tasks and other employees after their clear explanations of goals and expectations. My last boss before I retired was among the better ones I've had. + +Anyway, due to several decades of contributions to 401Ks and IRAs and employer matches and mostly investing in index funds as well as making good decisions in real estate purchases I retired about 3 years ago. For the most part I am happy but I made the mistake of not planning for what I should do to find fulfilling in retirement. It is nice to have the freedom to basically do whatever I want and whenever I want to but I miss that now I am not contributing to improving the world as a member of the current economy. Living off income from stock investments is not improving the world IMHO. I can imagine that that last statement will offend some people. However, my jobs were all in technology and retirement is kind of boring compared to that. My advice is don't focus entirely on finances also plan on what you will find fulfilling in retirement. +There has been some debate between 15-year vs 30-year mortgages in yesterday’s [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/3mtod1/peter_dunn_aka_pete_the_planner_ama_you_may_know/) and daily discussion [threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/3mtiyb/daily_fi_discussion_thread_september_29_2015/cvi5xll), which prompted me to dig a little deeper, and I found that most discussions on this topic neglect to account for the effects of inflation. Specifically, discounting the price of future payments due to inflation, because your mortgage payments are spread out over 15 or 30 years, and you’re paying with cheaper dollars every successive year. + +Assume you have a $400,000 mortgage, rates are 3% for a 15-year mortgage and 4% for a 30-year mortgage, and inflation is 2%: + + With a 15-year mortgage, your total money paid after 30-years is $497,219. + With a 30-year mortgage, your total money paid after 30-years is $687,478. + +That looks like a huge difference, you’re paying $190,259 extra dollars over the course of the mortgage. But let’s adjust these numbers for inflation: + + With a 15-year mortgage, your total money paid after 30-years (in today’s dollars) is $429,817. + With a 30-year mortgage, your total money paid after 30-years (in today’s dollars) is $517,924. + +Now the difference is reduced to $88,107 (in today’s dollars). + +So then the next question becomes, can you make more than that by taking the difference in your monthly payments and investing the difference? But there are a few more things to consider, like the tax savings from the mortgage interest deduction vs the tax cost from your investment returns. The math starts to get a bit complicated but playing with numbers in this [calculator](http://michaelbluejay.com/house/15vs30.html) gives the following results: + + House price: $500,000 + Down payment: 20% + Mortgage rate: 3% (15-year), 4% (30-year) + Return on investments: 6% + Tax on investments: 15% + Marginal tax rate: 25% + Amount of non-housing tax deductions: $0 + IRS Standard Deduction: $6,300 + Mortgage limit for interest deduction: $1,000,000 + Inflation: 2% + +Without accounting for inflation, the 30-year mortgage is better by $81,237. Once you factor in inflation, the 30-year mortgage is better by $164,863. The higher your return on investment and the higher the inflation rate, the more the 30-year ends up ahead. **Even if you reduce the return on investment from 6% to 3%, the 30-year mortgage still comes out ahead.** Trying different numbers, it’s difficult to see the 15-year beat the 30-year unless you reduce inflation close to zero. + +Of course, I’m just discussing the financial side here, there might be other reasons you’d want to pay off the mortgage sooner, like peace of mind from not having debt. Although personally I’d have more peace of mind knowing I made the financially optimal decision, regardless of whether that includes having debt or not. There are also other reasons you might prefer the longer mortgage, like flexibility and cash flow. + +Finally, since this is /r/financialindependence/ where people are already focused on optimizing their finances, traditional arguments about how “if you don’t pay off the mortgage you’ll just end up spending the money instead” don’t really apply. I think most people here can be “trusted” to invest the difference, since they’re aggressively saving and investing most of their income already. + +I’m just surprised that most discussions I’ve seen on 15-year vs 30-year mortgages don’t discuss the effects of inflation at all. Am I missing something here? Discuss. + +**Edit:** I suppose I should mention a few other assumptions: 1) That you've put down 20% and aren't paying PMI. Otherwise you'll need to factor in the cost of that into the calculations. 2) That you aren't planning to move in < 10 years. Otherwise you might consider renting or a non-fixed rate mortgage. Either way, you'll have to do the math to figure out what's best. + +Also, since so many people have asked: this calculator assumes that with the 15-year mortgage, once you've paid off the mortgage you're taking the same monthly payment and investing it instead. + +**Edit 2:** A few people have argued that inflation is not relevant because it applies equally to both scenarios. This is not correct, because its effects on the mortgage payments are occurring over two different time spans (15 years vs 30 years). The 30-year mortgage allows more time for inflation to eat away at the real cost of the mortgage. You can see this using the [calculator](http://michaelbluejay.com/house/15vs30.html) I linked earlier, using the tool at the top of the page. Vary the inflation rate between 0-10% and see how the real cost of the mortgage changes. +I have been given an extremely generous opportunity where someone offered to give me 5 shares of any stock I choose (I assume within monetary reason, but they didn't state a cap.) I am extremely interested in Google specifically due to it's integration and the fact that WAYMO is a part of that umbrella as well. I believe WAYMO and self-driving tech to be an absolute in the near-future. Amazon was the other choice I was considering. I realize Amazon is slightly higher cap right now, but I intend on sitting on these for a while. I have no current portfolio, and only have a few bonds to my name as far as investments go. +https://alternative.me/crypto/ + +We know what the numbers mean. It's 60! 9 more and everyone would say nice. + +It's been 19 weeks or 133 days or 4.43 months since we got this bullish. + +Let's hope this momentum stays on course and not reverse course just when things are getting good. + +The field is clear of FUD in my opinion if the war continues to trend to how it is. + +If the world goes right for just a few days, we will be above 50k by Friday. + +I think it's safe to proclaim that this is your last chance to buy below 50k lol. +Cardano, and its native coin ADA, is one of the most solid blockchain platform projects currently. The team has shown repeatedly that they can deliver on their promises and the project is famous for being backed by peer-reviewed research. Exciting news are coming for this project so be sure to check their website [https://cardano.org](https://cardano.org) and their roadmap [https://roadmap.cardano.org/en/](https://roadmap.cardano.org/en/). + +This post will be a step-by-step guide to staking your ADA. There are various ways to proceed but we will be using the **Yoroi chrome extension**. Additionally, although not required, it is **highly recommended to use a hardware wallet**. Any of the following will do: + +* Ledger Nano S +* Ledger Nano X +* Trezor model T + +This guide will cover the following: + +1. Set up the Yoroi google chrome extension +2. Connect or create your ADA wallet +3. Send ADA to your wallet +4. Choose a stake pool and delegate your ADA +5. Staking rewards + +# 1) Set up the Yoroi google chrome extension + +First of all, we need to install the Yoroi Chrome extension. Navigate to the official wallet page [https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/](https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/) and download the extension. + +&#x200B; + +[Download the Yoroi Google Chrome extension](https://preview.redd.it/qg5evijpl9w61.png?width=1267&format=png&auto=webp&s=50c7f1f64edf61e9aab53ccffc52422579f4c1b5) + +Once dowloaded, you will need to click 'Add to Chrome' and 'Add extension' to enable the extension in Chrome. + +It will then appear in the top-right corner of your Chrome browser (click the little puzzle piece icon) and you may want to pin it to keep it visible. + +&#x200B; + +[Shortcut to the Yoroi extension](https://preview.redd.it/8ecdgxntl9w61.png?width=326&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b77ff98d2e77b7999d034346da8ef4deb134b03) + +Now you can launch the Yoroi extension and, as this is the first time, we will need to go through a few setup steps: + +* Choose language +* Agree to the terms and conditions +* Choose 'Simple' level of complexity +* Skip 'Cardano payments URL' and confirm (you can always set it up later if needed) + +That's it, the extension is ready to use and your home page should now look like this. + +&#x200B; + +[Yoroi wallet home screen](https://preview.redd.it/rsutop7vl9w61.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=66e90e3c773afef5225494bd1c808165ff5617ca) + +# 2) Connect or create your ADA wallet + +The safest option at this point is to use a hardware wallet. If you do not have one yet, you can always create a local wallet to start with (and and transfer your coins to your hardware wallet when you do buy one). + +# 2.a) Connect to a hardware wallet + +I will use the Trezor model T to illustrate but the Ledger Nano works similarly + +* One the home screen menu, select 'connect to a hardware wallet', +* Select 'Cardano' +* Select your hardware wallet type: either Ledger or Trezor +* Choose Shelley-era wallet, as we want to be able to stake +* Your hardware wallet needs to have already been initialised, press 'Next' + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2gn4kmrwl9w61.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c79fe239e5b7691504cb808998406fdf900b070 + +* Now, make sure your hardware wallet is connected to the computer and unlocked, press 'Connect' + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fqtxyesxl9w61.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=3021abf0a96c419a95c29bdcd2575a2f7d477f96 + +* A new page pops up to ask you to transfer your public key to the wallet. This is expected as the public key allows you to receive money to your wallet. Note that the private keys never leave your hardware wallet. Now click, 'Export' + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/a7bg4hvyl9w61.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=af7e7cd73343e4e803797abd151a2f85d74f6423 + +* Then, the wallet name, retrieved from your hardware wallet, will appear. Click 'Save' to complete this step and reach the Yoroi dashboard. + +# 2.b) Create a local wallet + +This section is only if you do not own a hardware wallet and want to use a software wallet instead. If you own a hardware wallet and have completed step 2.a, you can skip this section and proceed to step 3. + +* On the home screen menu, select 'create wallet', +* Select 'Cardano' +* Choose 'Create wallet' +* Enter a wallet name and a strong password, then 'Create personal wallet' + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lk699320m9w61.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=58fd77bf09890ddc655590c92ec9f1cf840b4626 + +* The next step will give you your 15 words seed phrase. Make sure to write it down (on paper, no electronic support) and to keep (several copies) safe and labelled. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3cwl5x21m9w61.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=091cc3fb943d0775033ca00fd20ef9388660b67f + +* Once you have written it down, you will be asked to enter it to check you have it correctly. +* Now you can confirm, your wallet is created and you are taken to the Yoroi dashboard. + +# 3) Send ADA to your wallet + +Welcome to your Yoroi dashboard. + +&#x200B; + +[Yoroi dashboard](https://preview.redd.it/szzqx7d2m9w61.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd301b23c37296518447beeee0df735e33d55833) + +In order to transfer ADA to your wallet, simply go to the 'Receive' tab in order to copy your address. You can then use this address to transfer the ADA you will have bought in your favourite exchange. Note that ADA transaction fees are rather low at roughly 0.17 ADA. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zgghlhj3m9w61.png?width=1238&format=png&auto=webp&s=7f71d4a58885bcbbb9c0c8008d0635a84baf13ee + +# 4) Choose a stake pool and delegate your ADA + +From your dashboard, we now move on to the 'Delegation' tab. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/fthbb2r6m9w61.png?width=1231&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d326a09dd1e5653bf5dfe98f9e4a9656ea6d21e + +Here, we need to choose a staking pool from the list. If you do not know yet which pool to use, the best thing to do is to navigate to [https://pooltool.io/](https://pooltool.io/) in order to find a staking pool that you like, more on that later. + +Once you have chosen a pool from the list, simply click 'Delegate' and confirm. You will also have to confirm the delegation with your Trezor/Ledger if you are using a hardware wallet. That's it, you're all set and you should see the total ADA delegated onto your dashboard. A few things to note: + +* you can only delegate to a single pool +* but you can cancel the delegation or switch pool at any time, there is no lock-up period +* there is a 2 ADA staking fee registration that you need to pay the first time you start staking, so you do not need to pay it again in the future if you switch pool or add ADA to your wallet +* any ADA sent to your wallet will automatically be staked in the pool you have chosen +* similarly, the rewards are automatically added to your wallet and thus the interest is compounded. + +Now the remaining question is how to choose a stake pool. The first thing to keep in mind is that there is no risk associated with staking ADA and the worst that can happen is that you do not receive any reward. First of all, we need to consider the following + +* **Epoch**: the staking rewards are computed for each epoch, which lasts 5 days. +* **Fees**: each pool will charge a fixed fee (typically 340 ADA per epoch) and a variable fee (aka pool margin). The fees will not be taken from your wallet and you can only earn ADA by staking. The fees are charged to the total amount earned by the stake pool during the epoch and then, the remaining is distributed among the participants of the pool proportionally to their contribution to the stake pool. In the example below, there will be 9,000 ADA left to be distributed to the members of the pool: + +&#x200B; + +|Total pool reward (example)|10,340 ADA| +|:-|:-| +|Fixed fee (340 ADA)|\-340 ADA| +|Left after fixed fee|10,000 ADA| +|Variable fee (e.g. 10%)|\-1,000 ADA| +|Left after all fees|**9,000 ADA**| + +&#x200B; + +* **Saturation**: in order to discourage centralisation, the concept of saturation decreases the amount of reward to too large pools. Currently, the saturation level is 64M ADA. This means that you should not stake your ADA to pools where the staked amount is more than 64M ADA. + +Now, let's go to [https://pooltool.io/](https://pooltool.io/) to select our pool. + +&#x200B; + +[A few stake pools on pooltool.io](https://preview.redd.it/wnv8xzahm9w61.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=14ad9703b6d6f0bcc42ef5967b236ac97e91d8b6) + +The important fields are the following: + +* **Pool ID:** you can copy this address to paste in your Yoroi delegation tool once you have selected the right pool +* **Epoch Fee:** these are the fixed fees and should be 340 +* **Variable Fee:** you want to avoid too large fees but it is also worth paying a bit more to join a pool that you trust. Be aware that some pools are effectively closed and thus charge a 100% fee. Note also that some pool will have a very low, even zero, fee to help them grow but it might be increased in the future. +* **Declared pledge:** the amount pledged by the pool operator at the time of creation of the pool, not massively important for the pool selection. +* **Epoch ROS:** the expected annualised return in the current epoch, this will typically be around 5%. +* **Live stake:** the total amount staked in the pool, it is important that this remains under the saturation threshold of 64M. +* **Lifetime ROS:** the historical return of the pool, this shows you past performance of the pool. + +There is also an official calculator to compute your expected rewards depending on the various parameters: [https://cardano.org/calculator/?calculator=delegator](https://cardano.org/calculator/?calculator=delegator) . + +# 5) Staking rewards + +The staking rewards are paid with a three epochs delay. This means that you do not receive any reward for the first 15-20 days but you keep receiving rewards for 15-20 days if you cancel your delegation. + +The rewards are paid at the end of every epoch (for the amount you delegated three epochs prior), hence every 5 days. The typical APY will be around 5% but the rewards are spread over 365/5 = 73 payments. Consequently, the average rewards per epoch is approximately + +&#x200B; + +[Average reward per epoch](https://preview.redd.it/1v9htknkm9w61.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=be842927c1319a7cca337d7908ac1a986c300ebd) + +For example, this is **approximately 0.68 ADA per epoch per 1,000 ADA delegated**. + +&#x200B; + +[Average reward per epoch for 1,000 staked ADA](https://preview.redd.it/73y0pu5mm9w61.png?width=214&format=png&auto=webp&s=42a245321926fc974676355c7b984f5bef041667) + +I hope you will find this guide helpful. + +# Links + +Cardano website [https://cardano.org](https://cardano.org/) and the roadmap [https://roadmap.cardano.org/en/](https://roadmap.cardano.org/en/). + +Yoroi wallet [https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/](https://yoroi-wallet.com/#/) + +PoolTool [https://pooltool.io/](https://pooltool.io/) + +Calculator: [https://cardano.org/calculator/?calculator=delegator](https://cardano.org/calculator/?calculator=delegator) + +&#x200B; + +# Edit + +Adding a small edit to discuss a common question in the comments: many people are asking how this compares with staking directly on Binance. The decision is up to you, I will simply list a few pros and cons. + +Pros of staking on Binance: + +* Binance allows you to stake directly on the exchange which is certainly easier to set up than the above. +* Moreover, Binance claims to be able to provide a better return than the 5% you get when staking through Yoroi. + +Cons of staking on Binance: + +* "Not your keys, not your coins": the coins are held by Binance rather than safely in your hardware wallet. Therefore, you are at risk of losing them: Binance servers could go down, be hacked, ... +* Staking in smaller pools helps with the decentralisation of the network. Staking in the large Binance pools is against the spirit of the project. +* Another minor point, Binance proposes locked staking so you do not always have access to your coins contrary to the above staking method where there is no lock-up period. + +&#x200B; +How did your exit go, or how do you envision it? Mine didn't happen anything like I'd planned. + +I wanted to bail on my 36th birthday but learned about an impending reorganization and that I’d probably be given a directed transfer from the east coast to our LA office. Sure enough, our regional president called me to deliver the news: move or accept a severance package. + +Which was cool, but besides the package if I held on about three more months another round of my options in our ESOP program would mature, so I negotiated a trial period of the LA job [edit: working remotely]. The three months went by. It wasn’t my dream gig; not by a long shot. + +So picture it: the trial period is over. It’s decision day. I’m in the middle of a long drive and my cell phone's in the passenger's seat. My prospective boss is waiting to hear from me. This is the moment I’ve been working towards for thirteen years. + +And I’m *terrified.* I'm about to wad up my entire career and toss it over my shoulder. + +So I place the call. We have the sorry-I’m-looking-at-other-options-oh-we-hate-to-lose-you-blah-blar-blar formulaic bullshit conversation, and that's it. + +The next day I showed up at the office at eight AM, told our regional president about my decision, shook hands with several people, some of whom I knew I'd never see again, signed some severance paperwork, and packed my personal stuff into the proverbial cardboard box. Rode the train home in a daze. Had lunch and a few beers and took a nap. I forget what came next. +as i mentioned i had one in my 401K. + +he then proceeded to tell me, that at 30, i should be 100% in equities and that modern portfolio theory is just that - theory. + +thoughts? +https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/11/nyregion/nyc-economy-chain-stores.html + +For years, Bryant Park Grill & Cafe in Midtown Manhattan has been one of the country’s top-grossing restaurants, the star property in Ark Restaurants’ portfolio of 20 restaurants across the United States. + +But what propelled it to the top has vanished. + +The tourists are gone, the office towers surrounding it are largely empty and the restaurant’s 1,000-seat dining room is closed. Instead, dinner is cooked and served on its patio, and the scaled-down restaurant brings in about $12,000 a day — an 85 percent plunge in revenue, its chief executive said. + +Five months into the pandemic, the drastic turn of events at businesses like Bryant Park Grill & Cafe that are part of national chains shows how the economic damage in New York has in many cases been far worse than elsewhere in the country. + +In the heart of Manhattan, national chains including J.C. Penney, Kate Spade, Subway and Le Pain Quotidien have shuttered branches for good. Many other large brands, like Victoria’s Secret and the Gap, have kept their high-profile locations closed in Manhattan, while reopening in other states. + +Michael Weinstein, the chief executive of Ark Restaurants, who owns Bryant Park Grill & Cafe and 19 other restaurants, said he will never open another restaurant in New York. + +Of Ark Restaurants’ five Manhattan restaurants, only two have reopened, while its properties in Florida — where the virus is far worse — have expanded outdoor seating with tents and tables into their parking lots, serving almost as many guests as they had indoors. + +“There’s no reason to do business in New York,” Mr. Weinstein said. “I can do the same volume in Florida in the same square feet as I would have in New York, with my expenses being much less. The idea was that branding and locations were important, but the expense of being in this city has overtaken the marketing group that says you have to be there.” + +Even as the city has contained the virus and slowly reopens, there are ominous signs that some national brands are starting to abandon New York. The city is home to many flagship stores, chains and high-profile restaurants that tolerated astronomical rents and other costs because of New York’s global cachet and the reliable onslaught of tourists and commuters. + +But New York today looks nothing like it did just a few months ago. + +In Manhattan’s major retail corridors, from SoHo to Fifth Avenue to Madison Avenue, once packed sidewalks are now nearly empty. A fraction of the usual army of office workers goes into work every day, and many wealthy residents have left the city for second homes. + +Many stores are still closed, some permanently, while those that are open have very little foot traffic. + +For four months, the Victoria’s Secret flagship store at Herald Square in Manhattan has been closed and not paying its $937,000 monthly rent. “It will be years before retail has even a chance of returning to New York City in its pre-Covid form,” the retailer’s parent company recently told its landlord in a legal document. + +“In the prime real estate areas, all the stores rely on having half international tourists and half local tourists or those from the local neighborhoods,” said Thiago Hueb, a founder of a jewelry company who had decided to close his flagship store on Madison Avenue before the pandemic struck because of high rents. + +Now brokers are calling him trying to lure him back to the block, but Mr. Hueb, whose jewelry is sold in 80 department stores nationwide, is not interested. + +“The avenue is no longer what it used to be,” he said. +Used to work at an institutional investment management firm that managed $5b to invest in VC, PE and other private market alternatives (not hedge funds). Had guys like Mark Suster and Steve Case (founder of AOL) show me their pitches, met with a handful of billionaires. Also looked at infrastructure investments and looked at deals like buying 30% stakes in international airports. + +EDIT: hey guys this is OP's sister, sorry that he does not know how to format his comments. he had to leave but asked me to say that he'll be back later to answer more questions. I don't know anything about investing so this is all I'm going to say. +I grew up without a father and my mom had recently passed away due to cancer and left me with approx. $70k in savings.. I know it's a lot of money but I decided hell, if I'm really gonna turn my life around and pay for my last 2 years of college I need a lot more than that.. + +I've decided to buy some YOLO puts today and hope for the best.. If this doesn't work out I'll just commit suicide or sth, idk.. Not that I have any family / relatives anyway so what gives.. Wish me luck! Diamond hands baby + +https://preview.redd.it/9rt5fdidoan41.jpg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b15df6dbc308d336aca27e7bb86303b4538c7a9 +Sad to See Pro and Anti DRS fear based lies being passed along as fact by GME supporters doing their best impressions of the same people they claim to despise. Knowingly spreading lies to achieve an end that justifies those means, costs more than your credibility. + +Just Buy and Hold, however you're able. +Wondering if Reddit has any advice for someone who feels like they’re being gentrified out of the city they grew up in. + +I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, North Bay to be exact. My parents grew up here, their parents grew up here. My mom and dad bought their house for 250k in the 90s. It’s now worth around 1.1 million. + +I’m 25, still live with my parents. My girlfriend and I are trying to move out and start the next chapter of our lives. Between the 2 of us we make about 160k pre taxes. Our total monthly expenses once we move out (not including mortgage or other home owning costs) will be roughly 2500 total. + +Being a homeowner is something I’ve always wanted, and assumed it would work for me like it did for my parents, but as I got older I’m realizing how difficult it’s going to be. + +I will not be able to find a house for under 600k, in the city I grew up or any surrounding areas. And even if I do all the rich tech people are moving out of Silicon Valley and San Francisco into more urban areas because of COVID and they realize they can all work from home, and they are more than willing to pay over asking, something I can’t do. + +We’re considering buying a condo and living in it, even then the cheapest condos are roughly 300k. Renting a home would be around 2800/month. + +I know people will tell me, and have told me, that I should just move. But I want to live near my family, my parents will be great resources for my future, and I have a very steady job I’m not looking to abandon. + +I don’t know a ton about real estate or investing or home ownership, but I’m trying to educate myself as much as much as possible. When I type in my information to a “How expensive of a home can you afford” calculator, it says roughly 250,000. + +Between my girlfriend and I we have ~100k in the bank. The only reason we’ve been able to save is because we’ve been living at home. + +Can my income support the COL here? + +EDIT: Want to clarify, my girlfriend and I will be getting married before we buy a house. We may even just go to the courthouse soon and have the celebration after COVID. We’ve been together for 9 years. We will likely live with our parents for another 6 months or so, then rent an apartment. Try to save as much money as possible. + +Current Expenses living at parents house, partner and I combined: + +Auto payments: 588 + +Auto Insurance: 300 + +Gas: 200 + +Student Loans: 160 + +Groceries/Eating out: 750 + +Phones: 130 + +Other: 200 + +Total: $2000-$2300 +I’m a stay at home mom and realized I have a rare blood type. I can make an extra ~$800 per month by donating blood plasma. I’m thinking to put this money into a 401k and let it grow (unless anyone has any better ideas). Which 401k would be right for me, considering I’m not going through an employer? How do I set this up? + Simple as that... + +Main stream media starting to mention a Lehman style event, Hype on hype. Weekend madness, Stock starts to run, and eventually a rug pulled with last ammunition from failing shiesty ass hedgefunds in a last ditch effort. until i see phone numbers and many of those hedgekunts/bankers/politicians are in prison jumpers, i'm not selling a single one of my shares. cause i as an individual investor am completely over the amount that people "in charge" have fucked up the entire system. Its time for their GAME to STOP. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I went through the survey results this sub completed recently and after going through the numbers approximately 1/3 of us do not plan on having kids while the other third plans or already has kids and the last third is still undecided. + +Statistically this community has a much larger percentage of people deciding not to have kids. Some studies state depending on country average is 10% - 20%. + +Quite recently my partner and I decided it is best for us not to have children although this might change in the future a big part of it was the freedom to do what we want and being able to FIRE almost 25 years earlier. + +So I want to ask those 33% of us, why have you also decided not to have children? +I went through the survey results this sub completed recently and after going through the numbers approximately 1/3 of us do not plan on having kids while the other third plans or already has kids and the last third is still undecided. + +Statistically this community has a much larger percentage of people deciding not to have kids. Some studies state depending on country average is 10% - 20%. + +Quite recently my partner and I decided it is best for us not to have children although this might change in the future a big part of it was the freedom to do what we want and being able to FIRE almost 25 years earlier. + +So I want to ask those 33% of us, why have you also decided not to have children? +Weird thinking about it because a majority of Teslas valuation is based on the monetization of future autonomous driving. But it is one of the few companies pursuing it that are still required to have a human behind the wheel/Lvl 2 aka significantly behind the curve. Musk himself for years has been touting the full release of FSD in yearly intervals, yet has barely walked the walk in its commercialization. + +All the while, companies that have been ridiculed are actually making first-hand progress with little fanfare. Some examples: + +\-GM owns a majority stake in Cruise which has currently operational autonomous taxis + +\-Argo AI owned by Ford and VW just released operational driverless taxis in Miami and Austin + +\-Old Google chiming in with Waymo which also is operational + +I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell and personally attacked by cultists, but the reality is striking and starting to poke its head. +The host talks about success and failure stories. Don’t try to re-create the stories, but rather take away the principles and make your own side hustle project a success. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night wherever you are! + +r/financialindependence is now a sub with more than 1.5 million subscribers! We are excited to have such a large, vibrant community. 29 days ago, we extended a call for additional moderators to assist us in keeping this community a civil and informative place. + +I want to thank every single person who applied, and we were impressed by the quantity and quality of applications we received. + +We would like to welcome our five new moderators: u/Rarvyn, u/zphr, u/Billthecatt, u/detrimental12, and u/Pentagon_Unpadded. + + Going forward as a moderation team, we commit to soliciting user feedback and working to make this a pleasant community for everyone. + +To wrap up, thank you all for creating such an amazing community. FIRE continues to be a subject of national interest. Your knowledge and wisdom have helped countless others work towards and achieve financial indepdence. + +Thank you to all of you who've answered daily questions, reported content that violated community rules, provided advice, posted funny stories in the daily to keep others motivated, or shared your success stories. + +We're biased, but we think this is a very special corner of the internet and we appreciate everything you all do. + +Thank you, + +The moderation team +BBBY is going higher and is going to turn everything around. This last earnings report was horrendous BUT there are some interesting clues in the earnings call we will get to later. + +Lets start with Ryan's letter to Bed Bath: + +[https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/bbbletter030622.pdf](https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/documents/bbbletter030622.pdf) + +Some highlights here. The letter starts out setting the table that management has been garbage with giving returns to shareholders and throws a TON of shade on the CEO. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ai3z1jnsret81.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d23fbe9f6f5bf65c759131362056f5dc8d3d494 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gzxqayz2set81.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cdf5d0bba31a4e45b1fccbbd88b7eaf1cc62719 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/98h42lq9set81.png?width=1117&format=png&auto=webp&s=11bb2cdaa340fc7cf616d16044bddc99cec360b3 + +TLDR the CEO is only destroying the company. Returns are down in the market and sales are down while other retailers are doing the numbers they were doing before the pandemic, thus making the pandemic not an excuse for not executing. He goes on to point out the lack of insider ownership: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j6lihbftset81.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=58aad3fa98775c6101c41ee1bd010720c3946f5f + +Now for the juicy stuff: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k1krk194tet81.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=38d57db1e13adb77c6a763b14cf73c5c65c372f1 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z9p6dreptet81.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ed4464118c709092810edc675a9f694f106cd42 + +The long of the short here is the market is valuing BBBY so low because the company IS going that direction right now. No insiders are buying, the company has little cash and cannot deploy cash to buy backs and invest in its infrastructure and continue to grow its brands all at the same time. THEY NEED CASH. So how do they get the cash? They sell BABY + +How much cash can they raise with BABY though? Here is Ryan's thoughts: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/my4juvjguet81.png?width=1127&format=png&auto=webp&s=949c948e64156e84906d0e71df23b046a4a6f08c + +Here is what Ryan is saying BABY is worth. Shout out to shark tank for always spamming 5x multiples at everyone when they say their biz is worth 5 million bucks on 20k sales. Going off this logic, if BABY doing sales by 2023 of 1.5 billion then applying the multiple means it could sell for 7.5 Billion. + +You might think this is crazy, why would anyone pay 5x for a business's sales? Well they do it now. MSFT bought ATVI for 68.7 Billion when the 2021 revenues were only 8.8 Billion. That would be a multiple of 7.8. Berkshire Hathaway just bought Alleghany Corp for 11.6 Billion with sales of about 1 Billion and that would be a 11x multiple. There are other examples but just know 5x is cheap for a big well known name with an established infrastructure and customer base like Bed Bath and Beyond. + +To tie this all together, here is the current value of the company. The great news is that you don't need to bother looking up the share count on unreliable websites and estimates from yahoo finance that differ from market watch that are different from etrade. Here it is from the company itself on their earnings call today: + + +https://preview.redd.it/j5gsso9gxet81.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=b77e23c714fe7e76eff63027a8485940c90685a4 + +So we KNOW there are only 80 million shares out there. 80 million \* 17.76 (todays close) = 1.420.8 Billion. Funny how the total equals 1.420 just saying when 04/20 is a week away haha. + +BUT if we valued BBBY just on BABY alone, the company would be worth 7.5 billion/80 million shares = 93.75. I have seen a TON of speculation as to why Ryan bought calls that exercise as high as $80/share. Well this gets interesting but its quite clear that if Ryan is right about value and they find a buyer, the share price here is going to over 90 which puts all these calls in the money: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/az9azeclyet81.png?width=1507&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9564a036cd937bee734e5d6ff34685583e5f826 + +I did the math so your smooth brain does not have to. The total amount of options he purchased were 16,701 option contracts with a cost average of 1,785,257. NOTE these expire in Jan of 2023. Ryan does not give a dam about the actual value of these contracts at all. These contracts exist for exercise purposes only and are not going to be sold. + +Ryan has 9.4 million shares right now in BBBY and this represents 9.8% of the outstanding shares according to the letter written back on March 6th. Links under the pictures: + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/s.wsj.net\/public\/resources\/documents\/bbbletter030622.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/2pbqvoukzet81.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=1aa1560c779e328354dc4b356ff3624c2b462e2b) + +On pure coincidence this is a very similar level to the GME letter that was sent back in Nov of 2020: + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.sec.gov\/Archives\/edgar\/data\/1326380\/000101359420000821\/rc13da3-111620.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/ad4xi7drzet81.png?width=978&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb71fefb6d69d081d8c6d0228e31a23389a685e3) + +As we all know Ryan actually increased his share count recently and back in Dec 15th of 2020 after he already made the 9% stake in GME. + +Now for proof BBBY is listening to Cohen. This part of the letter calls for BBBY to stop commenting on certain things: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e8hd2loj1ft81.png?width=1071&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdaf7bb18332a662e8f10a9b9df4fee44d28a318 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/a5r6thnr1ft81.png?width=1061&format=png&auto=webp&s=55c2876aff197782f6752258d10e938d960df6da + +Its obvious that Cohen does not want BBBY to give anything away ever again. Here is the proof from the transcript of this earnings call today: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sdysz0v22ft81.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=b592965a3350d1192864cdc2f19dc0c63bfffb6a + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ah93hky62ft81.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=f976fc2ce708d58167a29090b9ece7567435c024 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yimz24bb2ft81.png?width=1035&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc38ce5c70285fef6839fdc7456b5003c7c41e3 + +So its quite obvious that the board and the CEO are 1000% on board with Cohen here on the plans for the future. This being the case, then there is an extremely strong possibility that BABY gets sold and for a very hefty premium at that around 7.5 billion or higher. + +If Ryan is Ryan here, he will be buying even more BBBY in the future. Considering the spacing of a purchase in August of GME and then a purchase in Dec even after GME moved up over 100% from what he bought it at, this could mean Ryan will buy BBBY even if it moves to the upside here probably in the next 3-4 months. But I would not even be shocked if he made the purchase even sooner than this. + +What moves stocks? NEWS. If you have been in this game for more than 1 day, you know NEWS is everything. NEWS will move your stock up 20% or down 20%. The market dgaf about anything except for NEWS. Theres an entire NEWS channel dedicated to the stock market, tickers are over tv programs that have nothing to do with stocks. Pure news will drive everything. + +When the market gets wind there might be a negotiation for BABY or a component of BBBY, this will move the stock, and its going to move hard. The market will have to acknowledge BBBY has an asset generating sales at 1.5 billion with a forward multiple of at least 5x. This company being worth 1.4 Billion is an absolute Joke. Their total liquidity from the earnings call IS their market cap!! + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.fool.com\/earnings\/call-transcripts\/2022\/04\/13\/bed-bath-beyond-bbby-q4-2021-earnings-call-transcr\/](https://preview.redd.it/z6sm4o2x3ft81.png?width=1027&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34d2eb2cb3fd64a5b21a3977e70adcdd3445aa0) + +There are endless good news cycles ahead. Insider buying, share re purchase program, Ryan buying even more, BABY being sold. Even when the stock gets over 90, Ryan can literally just exercise his options and gain another 1.7 million shares giving him even more ownership. + +For what it is worth, here is the major ownership levels if you care to dig further into who owns what: + + +[https:\/\/whalewisdom.com\/stock\/bbby](https://preview.redd.it/awy620gq4ft81.png?width=1899&format=png&auto=webp&s=da7aae952087cd321dc584b251b9a9b5882baa91) + +Feel free to correct me about anything you find wrong here. Too exhausted to go into Twitter but lets just end it with this : + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/zr25y25p5ft81.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d53bba036825cc8bd47afc04af4e252e886da59 + +Icahn was shorted by Ackman, held and even bought up to 25% of herbalife. Buffet holds forever. This name change is a clear message for everyone to get out of the way and get on board. +*Edit: I'm getting a lot of pushback and rude assumptions about my financial background irt this post and I don't really get it. I was personally shocked by the ketchup post, not because I've never been hungry or that I'm frugal as a fucking hobby--but because a can of tomato paste costs 33 cents and I don't think that telling people to eat ketchup packets and hot water is good or useful advice no matter how poor you are.* + +*As I said in another thread:* +*"Poverty is a wide range — there are people out there who can’t afford to buy groceries every week. But there are also people who are underemployed and have more time than money. There are folks in this sub who struggle with not eating out every day and there are folks who are looking for ways to stretch the money they do have to feed their families. I’m simply providing a few tips that have helped me in my adult life and asking for others’ advice and recipes as well."* + +*A thread for people struggling to put together even a few bucks for a week of groceries would be fucking awesome and helpful as well and I fully support one that also keeps in mind the calories necessary for human life. This thread may not be that for everyone, but the idea/my intention was more to introduce some concepts and examples of shit that has been helpful to me to save money and budget my food costs better.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Please, somebody tell me that ketchup soup post was a troll. Anyone. Please. + +I've been wanting to make a post about this recently, both due to the news about EBT being taken away from over 700,000 Americans and because food is just something I think about a lot. + +I'm thinking of writing some sort of more complete guide or zine later on, as frugal eating/grocery shopping is something I'm very interested in. I'm going to start with this post and maybe keep adding to it later, and I invite everyone to share ideas they have as well. These conversations can sometimes be hard to have on Reddit because we all have such different grocery stores, even in the same parts of the US. Hopefully my experiences with prices aren't too different from your's, but again, please share what regional tips you have as well!! + +Also I should note.... I'm vegetarian and eat mostly vegan at home. My meal-plan below won't work for everyone, I know! But it's good to keep in mind that plant-based proteins and veggie-centric meals tend to be cheaper overall than meat-based diets. + +\+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_++\_+\_\_+\_++\_+\_\_+\_ + +The first thing to do is **start building a well-stocked kitchen**. Once you have certain staples in the house, you will be less tempted to eat out or buy ready-made/microwave meals that tend to be much more expensive overall. You do not need to go out and spend $100 right away, but every time you grocery shop, you should check sale prices and the reduced rack for items like: + +\-BIG bags of rice. Minute-rice and individual rice meals are way more expensive and limiting, so avoid them! + +\-Bouillon cubes or Better Than Bouillon (jury is out in my house about which is cheaper, but both are better than buying a carton of liquid stock.) + +\-Cans of beans or dried beans, depending on your preference. If you live near Stop and Shop, their brand of canned beans often go on sale for 2/$1. Some stores have them as low as $.69 regularly (I think Aldi sometimes has them at that price.) Stock up when you can. Chickpeas are awesome on their own as well for en easy protein filled snack or side. + +\-Some main spices -- salt, pepper, cumin, chili powder, adobo, and cinnamon are all stuff I use the most. Prices for spices vary the most widely of any item I've tried to track, so I'd say just go along with unit prices and don't get too hung up on going to a lot of different stores. + +\-Basic rolled oats. Not instant oats, not oatmeal packets -- just oats. Try to find them under $2/lb if you can. + +\-Vegetable oil (the bigger is usually the cheaper!) + +\-Butter + +&#x200B; + +**Additional good things to have:** + +\-Cans of tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, tomato paste + +\-Nuts. (cheapest I've found are at Trader Joes; almonds, cashews, and walnuts are all around $6.99/lb.) + +\-Raisins or dried cranberries; things you might like in your oatmeal. + +\-Pasta. I think smaller pasta shapes like penne are better than spaghetti because they are easier to measure. Aim to pay no more than $1.10/lb. + +\-Peanut butter and jelly. I always make sure the peanut butter doesn't (for some weird reason) have added sugar. I'm going for high nutrition, and the sugar doesn't do anything for me flavor-wise anyway. I try to buy jelly that has real fruit and no high fructose corn syrup. The difference in price is worth it to me bc my body doesn't do well with a lot of sugar. + +&#x200B; + +**The cheapest and most versatile vegetables and fruits to buy fresh when possible:** + +\-Potatoes! + +\-Carrots + +\-Onions + +\-Bananas + +\-Apples + +\-Squashes (I'm in the northeast so when I try to eat seasonally it tends to be a lotttt of this in the winter) + +\-Broccoli + +&#x200B; + +**Vegetables: frozen or canned?** + +\-I highly prefer frozen for almost everything. I see sales regularly for 16oz of mixed veggies, broccoli, or spinach for $1 or $1.10. Stock up when you see deals like these, because having some frozen veggies on hand to add to your rice and beans, fried rice, or whatever makes a big difference. + +&#x200B; + +**Figure out your weekly needs:** + +Always shop with a list. Aside from staples listed above, what are perishables or regularly needed items in your house? In my house, we buy the following every single week: + +almond milk $1.69 Aldi + +bread $2.50 Market Basket or Aldi + +tortillas $1.69 at Aldi I think or english muffins if on sale + +eggs: $3-4 from a local farm + +I usually also budget in for some fresh veggies (maybe a head of kale or some sweet potatoes) depending on what we already have in the house ($5-10). I also like to get an additional protein, like tofu ($1 at Market Basket, or often found cheapest at Asian markets ime) or Boca something if it's on sale (I generally try not to pay more than $3.69 for 4 boca chik patties or a bag of the "meat" crumbles). + +**For a family of 2 adults with a well stocked kitchen, my partner and I spend less than $25/week on groceries. My partner eats out more than I do; I'll get a fancy coffee and a bagel once every two weeks and we probably go out for food together once every 2-3 weeks. He will buy himself lunch or buy deli meats and other stuff because he's not vegetarian/doesn't love to cook/isn't as concerned with being obsessively frugal as I am lollll.** + +\+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_\_+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_\_+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_+\_\_+\_+ + +Now, my go-to CHEAP MEAL PLAN: + +**Breakfast**: + +(copy and pasting some stuff from another thread bc OP said it was helpful and also I'm lazy) + +My breakfast thing lately has been **oatmeal or overnight oats**. It’s very cheap and filling if you can source cheap oats (I found some at $1.50/lb) + +Simplest recipe: + +1/3 C oats Some raisins Cinnamon Brown sugar + +You can also add nuts if you have them. When you add hot water, the oats and raisins will expand so don’t worry if it doesn’t seem like a lot at first. + +\*\*\*If you ever see a stupid large bag of apples on the reduced rack, you can make apple butter quickly and cheaply just by cooking them down in a crock pot with some cinnamon. I don't even put sugar in mine, but you can! I love putting this in my oatmeal. It adds some great vitamins and flavor to something that could get a little monotonous otherwise. + +Bananas are probably the cheapest fruit. If you can get a few bananas for the week I’d definitely recommend it. Check to see if they have any reduced fruit. If there are older bananas and you happen to have flour/other baking stuff, you can make some pretty great pancakes with them without even having to buy eggs. I used to make a big batch of mini pancakes and freeze them to eat throughout the week. + +I would really advise against buying cereal as it’s not as filling or nutritious, and then you also have to buy milk. At the same time, if cereal is something that will keep you from buying a breakfast sandwich at a cafe each day, or if you like drinking milk and will always buy it anyway, definitely go for it!! + +**Lunch/Dinner** + +\-Rice and beans w/ frozen veggies + +\-Potatoes or some other starchy food (delicata squash, sweet potato, even carrots work great) + a protein (black beans, kidney beans, chick peas) + some leafy green vegetable (kale, frozen spinach, collards, etc). + +\-Pasta: I like to make my own sauce using a fresh onion, garlic, and cans of tomato stuff I got on the reduced rack or on sale (crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes "with Italian spices"). You can freeze whatever you don't use for later. You can add chickpeas or boca crumbles and frozen spinach to make this meal even more complete. + +You can also make pasta with just butter if you're in a pinch, but I recommend thinking of ways to add some kind of leafy green or protein if you can! I love pasta with butter, broccoli, and chickpeas. + +\>>Another option is pasta salad. You can make a lot of great cold salads using orzo or cous cous, and it's easy to incorporate a variety of veggies and proteins to make the meal more complete. + +\-Soups: The possibilities are really endless with soups, and you can stretch them out for your lunches for a whole week. Here are some of my favorites: + +\>>Cream of broccoli (big bag of potatoes+frozen broccoli+veg stock+veg oil = a TON of soup for like $5) + +\>>3 Bean Chili --- I regularly make chili with JUST cans of stuff I got on the reduced rack. Sometimes I add in some Boca "meat" crumbles. Onions, garlic, and spices are important of course. But what's cheaper than a few cans of beans and crushed tomatoes? + +\>>Potato (and/or squash, sweet potato, or some kind of small pasta/pastina), chickpea (or lentils, or cannelini beans), and spinach (or chard, or kale) soup with veg stock + +&#x200B; + +OK I think I've talked your ears off long enough. **Please share your recipes** and tips!! +SET focuses on renewable energy. The goal of this new token is to make renewable energy present in the world. The community hopes that the rise in the crypto market will lead to a targeted development in the area of donations for renewable energies and later to establish its own fundraising platform on which it will be possible to effectively use this currency for donations to improve the environment. + + *Our vision is a future with sustainable, equitable and resilient transportation, buildings and communities, transforming markets to clean energy requires wide-ranging program leadership layered with initiatives that advance individual behaviors. Raised funds will go to the development of sustainable energies on low-income communities. SET* [🌱](https://emojipedia.org/seedling/) + +I hope for the best success and an upward path for the community. It's nice to hear about projects that are working for important parts of this world. + + +Who is interested in such a project I recommend to join the community directly. The community has Discord, Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Instagram and other socials. + +Good away to all of you in the crypto world 😊 +What are your top 5 alt coins (excluding bitcoin) and why if you want. Mine in no real particular order: + +1) Dogecoin - The community is like an army of people working towards it's future, like none other than bitcoin. + +2) Mintcoin - I really like the POS and gaining interest minting while you're doing nothing and it's popularity is growing. + +3) Vertcoin - The devs are working hard at making it a quality coin. Have seen some nice improvements over time. + +4) DarkCoin - I love how darksend is being implemented and could see it being used by a lot of people that want to stay anonymous. + +5) Ultracoin - Not totally sold on this but it's growing on me and others. Really fast and also has POS. + +What are yours? +I just saw this hit Kucoin this morning, and it looks like a really interesting project. Distributed machine learning, with mining rewards via deploying and running Docker containers. + +Apparently it's the second ICO off the NEO blockchain - I'm guessing that means there will be some hype around it? + +What do you guys think? +As the title says, I'm down by 30%(total invested is around 1000$) overall and I finally managed to get some cash(100$) to buy something during this dip. + +My question is should I re-invest on the coins that I already hold to reduce the avg buy price or should I invest in the coins that I'm currently not holding/interested in? + +What I thought of doing is buying newer coins that I don't own for eg. FTM and ONE. But on the other hand I feel like I need to buy few of the coins I already hold to reduce the avg price. + +The main players in my portfolio are ADA(avg buy price : 1.95$) SOL(160$) and COTI(0.5$) + +Note : I won't take your inputs as a financial advice. +Say you had invested ETH & BTC same time during the ATHs, and now you're down 50%-60% on both equally, and have about the same MKT value on both. + +If you're looking into holding for long long term, with a goal of getting the highest ROI. + +**If you want to continue DCA right now, which one would you invest in more? ETH or BTC?** + +(other than 50/50, which one more?) + + +Only those 2, and not in Altcoins. +Would love to see some thoughts on whether you think this pump is a temporary relief rally, or whether the tide has turned. + +Personally I think this is a relief rally, with perhaps some market manipulation going on, don’t think we’ve seen the bottom yet. +The fall is coming! + +Personally I don't think Bitcoin will fall more than 6400, but it might. Some of the altcoins had fallen more than others and some look more appealing than others. Last time the altcoins fall I grabbed some nanos at 1.5. + +What should we buy this time? + +XLM - With the hope that it will be listed to coinbase? + +NPXS - Because we regretted not buying last time it was this low? + +Dogecoin - because the community is the greatest of all of them? + +Kin - because since January it never was this low? + +OMG - because " **Phase 1 of plasma cash almost complete"**? + +&#x200B; + +Or? What do you suggest? +I recently got offered a 55k job in Athens, GA but there is no rental options in the town at all. + +One option was 1600 for a 2 br townhome that I can walk to work from, but my family is telling me I don't really need 2 br townhome, and 1600 is way too expensive and I should be looking at something 1200. + +But a lot of the ones that are cheap high crime areas where the reviews mentioned roaches, bats, mold, people braking into peoples cars ets. + +Another option was in a 1 br apartment in those 2 story buildings that kinda looks like an old motel for 950. But, one unit has a window unit instead of central ac, and no washer/dryer so I would have to go to a laundromat. This unit is around 5 to 6 minutes from work. + +Another option was a 1 br apartment around 15 minutes from work for 1350. But, with the long drive and and it being almost as high as the townhome would it be better to take the L and pay the 1600 to be closer? +My wife's small investment firm is requesting access to my retirement and investment accounts for quarterly financial compliance. Basically making sure that I'm not involved in any trading activities that would raise red flags. As far as I know, this is pretty common in the financial industry to need immediate family members' financial statements. + +I currently provide PDF statements on a quarterly basis, but now they are requesting my username/password to be used in their quarterly reporting. They use the Charles Schwab aggregation tool to do so. Am I required to give this information out? Or am I able to just keep providing hard copies? Seem's like a request to make their system more efficient, but I don't want to increase my risk for their convenience. + +edit: **UPDATE:** I do not have to provide my credentials after all since it's only a retirement 401k in a lifeplan fund (nothing complex). In the future when we have more investments I'll be sure to pick a brokerage that has tiered access accounts for feeds and read-only access. +Update from Dow Jones Newswire. I can not link since it is from Fidelity Active Trader Pro. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/akhvy25gbzr61.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a968443790fcbe1e7444a09d309258e8291d4fa +Please use this thread to discuss how amazingly cheap you are. How do you keep your costs low? How do become frugal without taking it to the extremes of frupidity? What costs have you realized could be cut from your life without pain? Use this weekly post to discuss Frugality in general. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are more relaxed here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I’ve posted 2 comments on separate occasions where OP has let’s say over $10k and wants their money to earn interest over time, while also being liquid if they ever need it. + +I suggested that they look into stablecoins, as the value is not going to be volatile, and using the stablecoins to stake on an exchange platform. Speaking as a New Yorker, I think the only platforms I can get this from an exchange are Coinbase and Gemini. Coinbase offers 4% for USDC and Gemini 8.05% GUSD. + +I mentioned how I have used Gemini the past 6 months, getting interest compounded daily and just recently had a smooth transaction withdrawing my money from staking and coming in my bank account in what takes no longer than 2 weeks. I informed OP he should do his own research as it doesn’t come without risk, as the money is not FDIC insured so of course he should not be putting ALL his money in an account like this if he is not comfortable. + +Every time I am met with downvotes and people spreading misinformation about cryptocurrency in general. It just pisses me off how people can be so misinformed so confidently and stifling discussions. Have do you have the ignorance to boast that a .05% ‘high savings’ bank is the best offer in the market? + +Clearly, they need to adjust however they get their information as the times are changing. I’ll keep enjoying my stablecoins gains. :) + +TLDR - r/personalfinance hates crypto, as does 99% of all subs on Reddit + +Edit: I violated the rules on r/personalfinance and I shouldn’t be shilling people on volatile suggestions when there are risk free options. I appreciate the discussion in the comments as we only get to learn when we discuss. +This quote is from his 1994 lecture. It's available on YouTube if you search "Peter Lynch 1994 Lecture". I can't post the link here since this sub doesn't seem to allow YouTube links. The sentence in the title is at around 15:50 in the video posted by GiraffeValue. + +The video is quite long and the image quality isn't good due to the age, but I think lots of his advice are timeless and would be helpful for investors seasoned and new. I highly recommend going through the whole lecture since it's very informative and quite funny. + +**His words leading up to this quote:** + +First they tried to predict the stock market. This is a total waste of time. No one can predict the stock market. Then they tried to predict interest rate. If anybody can predict interest rate right 3 times in a row, they would be a billionaire, and there ain't lots of billionaire on the planet. No one can predict the economy. In 1982 we have 20% prime rate with double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment. I don't remember anybody telling me in 1981 about it. I read and study a lot and I don't remember anybody telling me we're gonna have the worst recession since depression. What I'm trying to tell you is that it would be very useful to know what the stock market are gonna do. It'd be terrific to know the Dow Jones' average a year from now would be X, that we're gonna have a full-scale recession and the interest rate gonna be 12%. That's useful stuff. You'd never know it though. You just don't get to learn it. + +**Philip Fisher, another very successful investor and the author of some great investing books also held similar belief:** + +Postponing an attractive purchase because of fear of what the general market might do will, over the years, prove very costly. This is because the investor is ignoring a powerful influence about which he has positive knowledge through fear about a less powerful force about which, in the present state of human knowledge, he and everyone else is largely guessing. (Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, Ch.6) + +**My 2 cents:** + +We've been seeing lots of posts saying "Don't fight the feds." or "The economy's gonna be a lot worse." recently. These people could be right this time, but if they have the ability to consistently predict the market, they would be making millions and enjoying their life, not posting on reddit. Even the Feds themselves failed to predict the economy considering how many time they revised their plan for the past year. The best course of action would be keeping DCA into index funds if you're a boglehead and keep buying stocks of companies you believed in at reasonable valuation if you're a stock picker. + +**For stock pickers, Philip Fisher also wrote about his criteria of a resilient business:** + +1. The product or service provided by the company is recognized by the customer as being very important for the proper conduct of their activities. +2. Inferior or malfunctioning product/ service would cause serious problems for the customer. +3. No competitor is serving more than a minor segment of the market so that the dominant company is nearly synonymous in the public mind with the source of the supply. +4. The cost of the product is only a quite small part of the customer's total cost of operations so that moderate price reductions yield only very small savings in relation to the risk of taking a chance on an unknown supplier. +5. It has many small customers rather than a few large ones and it's customers are sufficiently specialized in different nature so that it's unlikely for a competitor to reach many of them with a single advertising media. + +(Conservative Investors Sleep Well, Ch.3) + +**My 2 cents:** + +While it's hard to find a company fitting all of these criteria and it requires quite a bit of knowledge of certain industry or company to apply, these rules should be quite useful provided you want to leverage the knowledge obtained from your work or hobby on your investments. + +This post is primarily quoting words of great investing minds of the past since I don't have much to add that is valuable. I just hope the wisdom of them might prove helpful to investors trying to navigate through the current market conditions. +Does anybody else find being poor absolutely exhausting? + +Back again for another rant... + +I feel like I can't go one day without thinking about being poor. I am constantly planning and budgeting and thinking of ways to make money. + +When I'm not working I'm calling places to attempt to get extensions on my bills. I'm doing surveys and scanning receipts several times a week for pocket change. + +I'm just tired. Physically and mentally, I'm tired. I couldn't imagine what a small hand-up could do for me. Like if I could just get ahead for a little bit I would be fine... + +I'm sure others feel the same. + +(Yes this is a repost. The last time I posted it it got a lot of attention. There were great comments on that post, including some extremely helpful and comforting ones. I reposted this in hopes that others who have not yet seen it would see it and benefit from it. If reposting is against the rules I will gladly delete. If you have already seen it and don't want to see it again, move on.) +Property Type/Location: Duplex in Missouri + +Couple weeks ago I posted about a Section 8 tenant I inherited upon property purchase that was being non-renewed on their expired lease. About a week before her eviction hearing a fire was started in the bathroom that had to be put out by the fire department and her unit is officially uninhabitable. + +&#x200B; + +So we got the fire report and the Fire Department claims the fire started in the exhaust fan but unofficially I was told that it was incredibly unusual and that there was candle wax in the bathroom which could mean someone held a candle light to the wiring to start the fire, but I guess would be tough to prove? No charges were brought against the resident however they did have to move out and their Renter's Insurance put them in a hotel. + +&#x200B; + +Resident is currently fighting my eviction and has a trial set for early January. Restoration company has begun the process of gutting the unit and that will take some time however ... while they were there today some "unknown persons" came and poured super glue into the Lockbox and in the number dials of the lockbox too. I figure the tenant sent someone to do this but I don't know if she's just being more combative or if there's a purpose to trying to stop the flow of work. + +&#x200B; + +My Property Manager says there isn't anything I can do other than what I'm already doing and that I'll likely win my eviction trial and she'll never be able to get back inside the unit. I've inherited a few shitheads over the years but none this bad. Usually people are afraid to cross these boundaries but not this person. She seems intent on just "getting back at me" and I am a bit worried she'll do something to fuck up the restoration process somehow. +I want expand my investment portfolio from 1 out-of-state rental unit and get more into real estate. My brother and I are also looking to pool our money together and buy one property to that each has residential units in San Diego, CA. I was going to get a 2/3/4-plex so I can get a better financing as that is considered "residential" and for home office/tax purposes. However, after researching, commercial real estate investing seems to have more growth potential if you can increase the Net Operating Income (NOI) by doing something the current owner isn't doing, where from what I gather, residential properties aren't impacted by the NOI as much. + +So my questions are: with the current state of the economy and being in San Diego would you recommend finding a residential investment property 4-plex and each of us living in one of them or buy a bigger building, go commercial, us live in 2 of them, and rent out the rest. Can you use one of the commercial units as your primary residence and take advantage of the tax benefits? + +Would love to hear your experiences living in your rental properties. Do you think there will be deals on apartment complexes with the state of the economy towards the end of the year? +Doing fine since all of the colleges pretended that students would go to class on campus, and your students already signed a year lease with you? + +In my state however, almost every major university has now moved to “online only.” + +Where do you see the near future for these college rentals... the ones where you can rent a 4 bedroom house for $500/bedroom ($2000 total) to students , but it might only rent for $1400 to a normal family? + +Do you foresee some buying opportunities near colleges since their will be less of a tenant pool? +I've recently started building a 2 storey apartment building with 10 studio units. It is my first time doing this business with aim of getting financial freedom, for life. + +Any tips? +In NYC, a 1 bedroom in anywhere within a 15 min commute of Fidi is roughly \~$2500, while the mortgage + HOA + taxes on a 2 bedroom come out to about to a usually little less than \~$5000 a month. (2x roughly) + +In Chicago, seems like the loop or south loop a 1 bedroom rents for around $1700 and a 2 bedroom + taxes + HOA is like $2000 (like a nice part in a high rise where you can go jogging next to museum campus or walk to work in <15 mins). This means you could effectively in Chicago buy a 2 bedroom, rent out a room to a buddy and be living on "free rent". (1.2x roughly) + +Are investors modeling no population growth or price appreciation in Chicago? Is there a supply glut and alot of vacancies and rent prices are just artificially high? Are NYC real estate investors just crazy right now? I did some back of the envelope numbers and San Francisco is even worse than NYC right now. + +&#x200B; +I'm quite new to all this but I want to get started with a few pre-foreclosure properties I've found on Zillow. I understand that it's not recommended to start with those, but I'm happy to take the time to learn and do the gruntwork. I'd love to hear how you pros think about this one and how you'd act on it. + +Zillow Foreclosure Estimate: \~$800k +Zestimate of the two houses right next door that look exactly identical from Google Streetview: \~$1M +Type: Multiple Occupancy \~2500 sqft +Year built: Early 00's +Foreclosure type: Judicial +Home in default (past due), Notice of Lis Pendens since late 2018 +Neighborhood: Up and coming neighborhood near large city (hence the high price) + +On paper this one looks fantastic. However, I don't know much about the foreclosure process. So here are my questions: + +1. How come it's able to be in default for almost a year? Does this mean that the Zillow information is out of date? +2. What are the next steps if I do decide to pursue this? I can see the Foreclosure Attorney on Zillow, do I contact them? +3. What else should I be considering? + +I probably sound very ignorant, but I am keen to learn from you pros! Cheers. +Hope someone can help with a tricky situation I'm in. + +I bought a property with my brother back in 2005 so we both on the loan. Because of the market crash, instead of selling, we decided to rent it out. I claim my share of the rental income on my tax return, but the mortgage is on both names. When I apply for another loan, how I fully offset the mortgage payment, when I'm only claiming half of the rental income on my taxes? The loan company is fully counting the whole amount of the monthly mortgage payment even though I'm only responsible for my share. Please help. +I have a duplex rental on the other side of the US, and one side needs some work, so I plan on flying out there to work on it. If I also pay for a friend to come and help me, can I deduct the cost for both me and my friend? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks +Georgia + +Agent sent seller’s closing attorney the executed contract for a vacant piece of commercial land. 3 weeks later (10 days before closing date) attorney office say they only do residential and to find another attorney. + +Buyer, who wired $15,000 earnest money to CA, was already trying to back out of the deal and most certainly will if this attorney won’t close it. we will have trouble finding another buyer. + +What to do here, any suggestions? +I’m requesting quotes for a number of services and getting what seems like crazy quotes to me. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten some of this work done or even haven’t yet but I’m shocked by some of these. + +I have a 2200 sqft house split into a duplex in an average neighborhood in a midsize Midwest city. + +Window cleaning - $975 +Pest control to treat carpenter ants - $300-350 +New gutters - $6,200 +New roof - $19k. Quote 14 months ago from same company was $9k + +I get there is a labor shortage and some materials challenges but these are all 2-3x what I was expecting. + +Do I have unrealistic expectations? Anyone else seeing this too? +If someone is genuinely interested in Bitcoin, don't go all libertarian-anti-bank-the-fed-is-robbing-us-fiat-kills-babies on them. They might not share your ideology. Instead, focus on the things we can all agree are good. Things like low transaction fees, circumventing credit card companies and putting more money into mom-and-pop online store owners hands. I usually like to say this, "If a mom and pop store does $10,000 in credit card sales in a month, $300-$800 (Or whatever your local currency is) goes into visa/mastercard's hands, i don't know about you but an extra $800 a month in my pocket sounds good. There's a big advantage to online merchants accepting bitcoin." + + +This makes Bitcoin seem like a more philanthropic payment option, because lets face it, Bitcoin *is* philanthropic. + + +I'm a libertarian, and i'm all about the anti-fed stuff, but I know when to pump the brakes. I love talking about inflation and all of those topics, but I usually don't mention that unless they mention it first. +Credit to u/shroomz11 for original list. I have just made some minor updates to bring it current. + +So let me get this straight, + +* Warren Buffet, the king of hodl, sold a lot of his positions, particularly banks, and 100% of JP Morgan. [https://youtu.be/ZJekc8t0aFo](https://youtu.be/ZJekc8t0aFo) +* Steve Cohen sold his penthouse, interesting timing, after trying to sell it for 8 years. He took a 74% price cut. Must have really needed that money. +* Citadel is executing buy orders through Dark Pools, and selling on the open market, to artificially drive down the price. +* Better Markets filed a legal brief against Citadel to stop them “from rigging the markets to protect their predatory behaviour.” +* GameStop searching for a new CEO. +* (Possible) share recall/dividend/split at some point. +* Big Banks released earnings information on April 15, reporting great earnings but followed that by selling historic amounts of bonds! If you're doing so great, why do you need to sell record levels of bonds? +* Gary Gensler was sworn in as SEC Chairman on a SATURDAY, that's only ever happened TWO other times in history. +* Citadel and Banks are working nights and weekends in a frenzy. +* GME proxy statement coming within the next few weeks. +* DFV exercised his calls and BOUGHT 50k more shares at the 155ish level. He's ALL IN. +* We have evidence that shills are getting paid to post about other stocks. +* FUD has turned from "forget GME, it's over" to "when it squeezes, sell at 5k". Damage control mode has been activated. +* Volume is BONE DRY. +* 15c3-3 +* Rule 801 and 005 could be passed at any moment. +* The shorts have still NOT covered their shorts. + +Yeah, nothing to see here, move along. +All credit goes to our fellow trader ~~Rachitj~~ Deadnsyde + +[$BNGO (BioNano Genomics Inc)](https://www.etoro.com/pt-pt/markets/bngo) Bionano Genomics - Analysis. Highlights of Research and why I am so bullish in this disruptive technology. + +1. Vanguard group purchased over 5.5 million shares in September giving me confidence that they see the same potential that I do. Reports of other institutions buying like JP Morgan. +2. 7 days ago a study was published by the Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium highlighting the ways BNGO is better than PACB (PACB is currently #1 in ARG Genomic Revolution ETF) +3. The day after that study came out, one of Ark's leading genomic analysts reached out to BNGO's Ceo on twitter (If ark invests in this stock it will bring more confidence to retail investors) +4. In regards to "Genome-wide Structural Variation Detection in Genetic Disease and Cancer" they claim to have a technology that no one else can do or "come even close" to. +5. Big catalysts and reasons why I am investing now and not later. + 1. With this 7 day old study showing ways BNGO is more efficient than PACB, a lot of people will now be curious on what they will be presenting on Jan 11 - 15 at the "Next-Generation Cytogenomics Symposium" .symposium will be attended by renowned genomics experts. I believe this will be a success because the study from the Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium already showed great strengths BNGO has over PACB (ARKG #1 spot). + 2. FDA approval - I think the study showing the efficiency of the BNGO product gives me confidence they will get approval eventually and if not soon, it will lead to financial support for them to stay afloat until they can get FDA approval. + 3. With Ark Invest already showing interest and Cathie Wood saying she believes the next FAANG stocks are in genomics, I think if they invest in BNGO this stock could possibly perform similar to what PACB did (at one point in 2020 it had 10x'd) + +The positive study published 7 days ago was a pivotal moment for this company so I am invested and expecting good things moving forward. + +According to "Human Genome Structural Variation Consortium", BNGO's tech is way ahead of it's peer and we are waiting for a breakout. + +When [$NIO (Nio Inc.)](https://www.etoro.com/pt-pt/markets/nio) was around 2 dollars a share, People thought it's a scam and the company will not make it. Today it's close to 50. According to Cathie woods of Ark invest, Genomics will outperform Tesla in 2021 This is only the beginning, 11th of January this will explode. [bionanogenomics.com/news/events/](https://bionanogenomics.com/news/events/) Yesterday's volume was over 800 million, Tells the whole story. + +What happens when people will stop shorting it!??? + +Facts indicate this company will help in research and cure of genetic disorders, Cancer and leukemia. At the same time a solid investment for the coming years. I bought another 10k shares yesterday, + +good luck and Happy New Year to all! + +Edit: format +Like noted above, I work in the finance function for a major US retailer and am a BTC supporter and owner. A few of us at work have been talking to folks at our organization about what impact accepting BTC could have to our company and how we'd implement such a change. One big issue that keeps coming up is processing merchandise returns. + +For example, let's say you buy 1BTC worth of merchandise (think major appliance or something durable, like a refrigerator) when the spot price of BTC is $1000, then our company comes out to install it and all of the sudden it doesn't fit in your kitchen or you as the consumer decide to return it, but today the price of BTC is $900, or $1100. (In the event it's $1100, the customer may return the product for no other reason than they want to get their BTC back because it's worth 10% more, there's a moral hazard there, especially with special orders that take time to process. We'd have no way to prove this was the customer's motivation, the customer is always right.) + +If we use BitPay, we get the cash value instantly (which is great, but when they come to return the merchandise, we won't have BTC in an account to give back to a customer so we'll have to purchase BTC at the market rate, which creates additional risk for us. Additional risk is not something that most companies really want to incur at the moment. + +So Reddit, we're asking, how can we process returns of merchandise in a way that meets customer needs without creating additional risk for our organization. Without this solution, we'd have to hold off on accepting until the market price stabilizes for some time, which could be a long time, or never (as it's deflationary by nature). This is our biggest hurdle to adoption. + +Side note, our security folks love the idea of not having to keep customer payment information for PCI compliance, etc, when processing BTC, so that's an advantage. Think about Target (one of our competitors) and the CC issues recently. These issues are significantly reduced in a BTC world. + +Edit: So far most everyone is suggesting we just process returns in $US, which is fine, except that really proves that BTC is not a currency, but a payment method. Either way, that's not a solution, because our bosses will just say to let people get cash for their BTC on exchanges and use that at our stores. + +2nd Edit: We have many international operations and have currency hedges to protect us from fluxuations in exchange rates. If this were an option for BTC, we'd be closer to adoption. + +3rd Edit: /u/ccyff has suggested giving the costumer an option to purchase BTC price protection which locked the BTC returning price and the price protection cost should be kept in BTC. This seems like a legit option that would allow the customer to protect themselves from $ fluxuations and us as the retailer to be protected against people using us as a de-facto exchange. Seems like a legit idea for discussion. + +Final edit: A lot of people think this is a troll post. Alas, it is not, but I have no way to prove that without breaking the confidentiality of my organization. My responses were meant to incite discussion to see if there were any real solutions to our questions and concerns, some of the responses were great, some entertaining, and others, not so much. Anyway, it was appreciated, and we'll monitor the responses over the next few days while we prep our presentation for our superiors. +Is it OK to take a loan to invest in Bitcoins ? + + +Please give moderate / calculated replies , I guess it is a calculated risk that I am taking ,might pay off - might not + + +But do not straightaway deny the idea + +I think of taking a loan of 3 lacs , I already have my 1 lakh 15 thousand somewhere that I would be getting back in 2-3 months + +Have always had a problem though , just can't refuse any one if he asked for money and would feel very shy to ask it back. Have around 50 k that I am yet to receive back from my friends [that money was supposed to go into bitcoins , would have been 4X by now if I hadn't given it to my friends ] {I guess I will get 90% of this money back but no idea when} + + +I make around 25k to 30k a month and my monthly expense is not more than 12k + + + +We encourage all our visitors to ask those investing related questions they were always too afraid to ask. This thread will be moderated, to ensure it remains free of harassment and other undesirable behavior. + +The members of /r/IndiaInvestments are here to answer and educate! + +If you are looking for which brokerage to use, which fund house is more capable and trustworthy, which investing platform to use, which insurance company is reliable etc., you may want to read the reviews for [banking and financial services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), [mutual funds and asset management services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), [brokerage products and services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20Brokerage%20products%20and%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new), and [insurance products and services](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20%22Reviews%20of%20Insurance%20products%20and%20services%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new). Generally speaking, there is no best company, or fund, or bank. Answers are always subjective to your personal needs, but those threads a starting point for you to look at what other Redditors have to say about a company, product or service. You, may then ask a more specific question about what product or service to buy, once you are able to frame your personal situation. + +**NOTE** If your question is "I have 10,000 rupees, what do I do?" or anything similar. There is no single answer to this question, but we will also need A LOT MORE information if we are to give some sort of answer + +* How old are you? +* Are you employed/making income? +* How much? What are your objectives with this money? +* What is your risk tolerance? (Do you mind risking it at blackjack or do you need to know its 100% safe?) +* What are you current holdings? (Do you already have exposure to specific funds and sectors?) +* Any other assets? House paid off? Cars? Expensive partner? +* What is your time horizon? Do you need this money next month? Next 20yrs? +* Any big debts? +* Any other relevant financial information will be useful to give you a proper answer. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. You should strongly consider seeing a registered financial rep before making any financial decisions! + +Previous Threads [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search/?q=advice%20thread%20personal%20situation&restrict_sr=1) +As per the company website, Smallcase invests in a bucket and theme-based strategy. What is risk associate with it? like portfolio rebalancing + +[Smallcase Disclosures](https://www.smallcase.com/meta/disclosures) + +Following are some online reviews + +[quora review](https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-reviews-about-the-Zerodha-smallcase?share=1) + +[moneypremier](https://moneypremier.net/smallcase-review/) +I know this sub has a strong views on considering real estate as investments, but there do exists diamonds in the rough. + +What are few such areas/projects that could be good investments in 10-15 years? +I am 30 currently make $80K a year doing healthcare IT in a Midwestern city. I have advanced as far as I can within this company without entering management, which really wouldn't suit me. I get along with my boss and coworkers well enough -- I don't dread going to work. The work itself is not very satisfying and is mostly just supporting stuff we already put in place years ago. My wife and I are also only so-so about staying in our current city and are considering relocating. + +I have found out I can work within my IT niche as an IT consultant making much, much more. The job I'm considering right now pays $180K ($90/hour) in NYC. It would be an all expenses paid Monday thru Thursday traveling gig with a 6+ month contract. The role is ongoing IT support, so it could potentially go for years. + +We have a 45K mortgage (not much equity) and 85K in student loans. I figure between selling the house in a move and the increased salary we could be debt free within a year. Do you guys think this is worth the risk? I'll feel like a jackass if I leave a relatively cushy $80K job and wind up regretting it. +Quick personal story: Huge fan of FI, /r/simpleliving, etc. + +In 2015, we made $X. This year, thanks to industry and economic changes, I'm estimating we'll make 25% of $X. + +For most people, a ~75% income drop would be killer. For us, the 25% of $X is still more than we typically spend. + +So, this affords us the opportunity to re-tool the business and re-focus our efforts on new endeavors. + +Had we allowed our spending to expand in concert with our expanding income, we would be in panic mode. But, we didn't and so we live to fight another day. +Quick personal story: Huge fan of FI, /r/simpleliving, etc. + +In 2015, we made $X. This year, thanks to industry and economic changes, I'm estimating we'll make 25% of $X. + +For most people, a ~75% income drop would be killer. For us, the 25% of $X is still more than we typically spend. + +So, this affords us the opportunity to re-tool the business and re-focus our efforts on new endeavors. + +Had we allowed our spending to expand in concert with our expanding income, we would be in panic mode. But, we didn't and so we live to fight another day. +I went to the burger joint this weekend at a McDonalds near me (2nd nicest city in America not to flex on you) and I observed a few things + +1) On a Friday afternoon at 2:30 pm, the parking lot was only 1/8 full + +2) There was no valet at the parking lot. I had to leave my car by the big menu and microphone. Seemed like some cars were just as frustrated as they started honking. + +3) There was no one taking tickets to get into the playground area. Anyone could have gotten for free. + +4) The restaurant had a grand total of 22 people in it. Only 2 of which looked homeless. + +5) The Big Mac and Fries were $6 together. It’s so much cheaper to kill the cow and cook the burger yourself. + +This is a doomed business unless something drastically changes. People are cooking burgers for cheaper. Big Mac numbers are way down maybe i don’t really know. + +I will be surprised if McDonalds is still around by 2022. + +Apes be careful with this one. + + +Post this is in reference to is here: reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ond48t/observations_of_an_amc_theater/ +What's up retards, I have spent the past 2 WEEKS finding the best stock play to make YOU RICH, and it looks like CRSR is ready to go to the MOON! + +NO MORE will your wife’s boyfriend bully you for your micro-penis! After CRSR you will be rich enough to get penis-enlargement surgery and FINALLY have a dong BIGGER than his!!! + +Now before you retards go gamble all your life savings on the chance to get penis-enlargement surgery, let me explain why CRSR will go TO THE MOOON + +&#x200B; + +**First, the Fundamentals:** + +Now bare with me, I know you retards don’t like fundamentals… So I will make it as short and colorful as possible! + +Fundamentally, this company is one of the MOST undervalued companies I have EVER seen + +https://preview.redd.it/mznix9b2uhk71.png?width=1380&format=png&auto=webp&s=c29960c932cbd9af0f993eaaf0b124f918960fac + +CRSR has grown at 24.3% Y/Y despite chip shortages, re-openings, supply-chain shocks, commodity inflation, and last year being especially good for them cause of lockdowns + +They also own Elgato which specializes in studio equipment for streamers, and Origin PC which builds custom pc’s + +These two additional companies have been growing rapidly and allow CRSR to capture the whole gaming peripheral market + +Despite being a well run, profitable company in a growing industry, they are priced at HALF the S&P 500's P/E! + +https://preview.redd.it/izz273f4uhk71.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=efe189f52a2c6e4b7afd394465e64fb915cc0320 + +Additionally the float is only around 88M... so unlike some plays on here, WSB could LITERALLY buy the ENTIRE FLOAT + +I could go on for SO much longer about why CRSR is a Deep F\*cking Value play... But since you retards have an attention-span worse than a goldfish, I will move on... + +&#x200B; + +**Option Chains:** + +Corsair has an insanely bullish options market which is primed for a Gamma Squeeze + +https://preview.redd.it/3778p8t6uhk71.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c9838491bb87c9d27bdacb7759ff9fe87f37ae5 + +If CRSR gets above $35.00 by 9/17, up to 2,037,800 shares will need to be purchased! This is even before WSB has gotten their greasy hands on it. I’m sure by 9/17 the open interest will be MUCH higher + +Having so many options sold just OTM is PERFECT for a gamma squeeze + +Additionally due to delta hedging, the more IV on options and options that go ITM, the more stocks MM's will need to buy to hedge against the options that they sold + +Having so many options contracts sold on a smaller market cap stock is perfect for a gamma squeeze. IV will go through the roof once WSB buys in causing MM's to hedge creating a feedback loop + +CRSR options are SUPER cheap which gives a good entry point for WSB retards, and makes it much easier to increase the open interest + +&#x200B; + +**Short sellers:** + +Over the past month, short sellers have been getting TOO greedy and have been adding a shit ton of positions around 26$. This means shorts will be underwater if the stock price increases AT ALL + +CRSR has a short interest of around 24% which, albeit still large, would not be a huge issue on its own... but because most of these short positions were opened at the literal bottom, those short sellers will be much more likely to close their positions and/or be margin called + +For the past few weeks, around 40% of the volume has been sold short + +https://preview.redd.it/e9foib1cuhk71.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd43fab041475611218d946812efb0dc47a2d786 + +At the same time as shorts have been adding positions, large institutional investors have been buying in HEAVILY + +https://preview.redd.it/a7284jjduhk71.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=22a94571d7c932f4439a5587301cbcfca8fc41ff + +This high of a short interest combined with strong financials, a bullish options market, and large institutional investors being on our side means shorts are absolutely fucked and this stock is going TO THE MOON + +&#x200B; + +**How to Profit:** + +I recommend buying a mix of 9/17 ITM/OTM calls, leaps, and shares + +Buy 9/17 calls if you believe this has a chance to squeeze + +Buy leaps/shares if you believe in the underlying company + +&#x200B; + +**Positions:** + +10 $27.5 C 9/17, 13 $30 C 9/17, 50 $32.5 C 9/17, 20 $35 C 9/17, 106 shares, 2 $25 2/18/22 C + +&#x200B; + +**TLDR:** + +https://preview.redd.it/u1dcgm1iuhk71.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=15cd932f87fe52287b37262ec396341363afc910 +On 4/13/2020, + +I bought 4 HTHT Sept 18 2020 25 Put for around $1,000. + +Each of put contract was about $250. + +At that time, HTHT was trading at $28.24... + +TODAY, the total market value of these 4 HTHT put options is now around $500... + +basically losing $500 value... + +TODAY, HTHT ended at $28.68... + +Can someone explain why my 4 put options lost a combined $500? + +especially between 2 day span from 4/13 to 4/15 the HTHT stock price move from $28.24 to $28.68? + +You are telling me a 44 cent increase in stock price will bring down my put option value by $500 (50%)? +&#x200B; + +## What is a Put Credit Spread? + +A Put Credit Spread (which we will refer to as a “PCS”) is a Options Spread that utilizes both long and short puts to minimize risk, and earn credit. + +When you open a PCS, you are writing/buying 2 different contracts: + +* You are **Selling a Put**, and receiving Premium for it +* You are using part of the Put’s premium to **buy a Put** under the Strike + +&#x200B; + +[Profit Graph for a Put Credit Spread](https://preview.redd.it/gq308ekuszg51.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b32551248411b2d5c3500e4529a6826eb508a1a) + +When you open a PCS, you must hold cash as **collateral**. This can be calculated by the following equation: + +*(Short Put Strike Price — Long Put Strike Price) x 100 = Collateral* + +Since buying the Put costs less than the premium received from selling the Put, you end up with a net **Credit** to your account. + +Now that I have explained the basics, lets clear any of your confusions with a simple example. + +## Put Credit Spread Example: + +>SPY is trading at 335 today + +Now lets say that I am confident that SPY will stay above 330 for 1 month. + +I only have $100 to spend on this PCS, so I have to pick strike prices that are $1 apart. For this example, I will: + +* Sell a 30 DTE $330 Put on SPY for $6 in Premium ($600) +* Buy a 30 DTE $329 Put on SPY for $5.50 in Premium ($550) + +**Now that we have opened our PCS, lets break down our returns.** + +Our net credit that we recieved is 600–550 → $50Our collateral needed was (330–329) x 100 → $100Our % Gains on Collateral are 50% + +**Now lets look at all the possible outcomes on Expiration.** + +* SPY expires above $330: We walk away with a $50 profit. +* SPY expires at $329.50: We break even, because our $50 loss on our spread is offset by our $50 in premium that we receive. +* SPY expires between $329.50 — $329: We start to lose money, which can be calculated by *(($330 — Expiration Price) x 100) — Premium ($50)* +* SPY expires below $329: We reach our max loss, which can be calculated by the equation: *Collateral — Premium* + +>*Great job, we just ran through a realistic example on what a Put Credit Spread would look like!* + +Now let’s look through some tips to maximize your profits, and finding that perfect balance between risk and returns. + +## Tip #1 → Choose a Stock that you are Bullish on + +When you open a PCS, you are betting that your stock of choice will trade above a certain price. + +Because of this, it is important to only open Put Credit Spreads on stocks that you are bullish on. + +Do not choose a stock solely because of its high premiums, as they are high for a reason; that stock will be much more volatile than others. + +## Tip #2 → Follow a Concrete Exit Plan + +When a PCS turns out to be too risky, or is near worthless, it may be better to try and close the position. + +You should have a very clear exit plan that you will stick to no matter what, as PCS’s can reverse and tank very easily. + +A very popular “Theta Gang” strategy is to close any positions once they reach 50% profits, and never close at expiration. + +## Tip #3 → Diversify Your Strategy + +If you have a medium-large size account, then you will have enough cash in collateral to open up numerous PCS’s. + +In this case, do not put all your cash on one stock, as if it reports bad news, your entire account could be wiped out. + +Instead, choose your favorite stocks from each sector, or use ETF’s to lower your individual risk of a stock crashing. + +## Tip #4 → Dont Play for Pennies + +Although there are many options strategies that utilize small gains over long periods of time, Put Credit Spreads are not one of them. + +If you sell PCS’s for pennies or low premiums, then one bad trade will lose months worth of gains. + +Although it may seem more risky, upping your strike price on a bullish stock can contribute to higher returns. + +## Tip #5 → Don’t Make Your Spread too Wide + +When you open up your PCS to wider strikes, you are required to hold more cash as collateral, because your max loss is greatly increased. + +If you want to play it safer, it may be beneficial to open up PCS’s at different strikes, rather than keeping your PCS wide. + +*I hope that you found this article beneficial, and can utilize Put Credit Spreads in your next options strategy. Remember that this is educational, and does not constitute any financial advise. Thanks for reading!* + +# [Full Article Can be Found Here](https://medium.com/@ProjectTheta/put-credit-spreads-explained-for-beginners-abf93e48be48) + +EDIT: I was asked to put this into the article, as an explainer for some confusion: + +Break even, max profit, and max loss values ONLY APPLY AT EXPIRATION. You can only gain the full premium, or reach your max loss potential if you hold your contracts till expiration. Many people prefer to close out of contracts in a specified amount of time, like 1 month, or 30dte. + +Max profit comes with max risk and max holding time, so please, CLOSE YOUR POSITIONS BEFORE EXPIRATION. To learn more about this, you can see this article: Risk to reward ratios change: a reason for early exit (Redtexture). +For the record I've been off RH since February, but couple buddies of mine are mad and throwing a fit about RH freezing DOGE trading AGAIN. + +*EDIT 2: Even better, as u/Mobridge80 points out, it was in fact ALL of their crypto trading services that went down. All 7 coins prevented from trading. I'm really not even surprised.* + +I honestly find it humorous that after their many statements that they're "working on it" like clockwork it goes down again when DOGE shoots up. + +Back when DOGE launched from 0.01 to 0.09 in Feb trading froze and I submitted multiple tickets because it tanked over 40% by the time I could trade again making me miss out big on profits. They basically told me to F off and its not their problem. + +Learned my lesson. Left RH and never looked back. + +RIP to any DOGE traders on RH right now. + +Gotta love it + +*EDIT: I really think most newbies, myself included months ago, need to personally be on the receiving end of RH's horse-cockery to truly get the memo. I had heard all the problems but sat in ignorant bliss till it happened to me.* + +*Great thread from u/the_far_yard for alternatives to RH!* + https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/mtqi5v/looking_for_an_exchange_that_sell_the_coins_that/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share +As title says, I currently have ~$100k sitting in a 0.3% interest savings account which is paining me due to obvious lack of growth. My wife and I are debt free other than a 15-year mortgage ($2,500/mo) and are already maxing out our 401(k)s and IRAs. + +I want to get this money into the market, but I'm scared with how long we've been in the bull market and would hate to dump it in and then immediately face a downturn and lose a lot of money. However, the longer I wait, the more gains I could possibly be missing. + +I assume my best bet is to enter it in chunks to spread my risk, but how much over how long, I have no idea. Any suggestions? + +edit: Wow! I appreciate all the responses. A bit more information about us... We live in Ohio making roughly $160k combined annually. $300k 15-year mortgage @ $2,500/mo. The reason we have so much money in cash is because we were going to save it for a home down payment, but ended up using the VA Home Loan upon returning from a deployment for no money down. Not actually as risk averse as it may have sounded in my initial post. Currently both of us are maxing retirement accounts in Target Date Funds. I'm not including our already saved up emergency fund in the amount to invest, so I'd dump it all in the market. + +I think I will end up breaking it into four chunks and DCA into some semi-aggressive funds. Anything is better than 0.3% + +Thanks, all! + Sup. Today I wanted to show you the shinning light that is Charles Schwab and why the good old boy is going to have a red hot few years. + +1. Sellable Story + +Look you may not like it but an important part of having a stock rise a good amount comes from how much attention it is going to get from potential buyers, and the more democratized the market gets the more important this is. Most fucking people aren't scraping through the bottom of the barrel to find random stocks. They're listening to the news, reading forums, and seeing what company everybody is talking about and then choosing to buy it. This means that the more you have that stock talked about the more potential buyers you have - Don't believe me it's literally just the logical extension of the Cramer Effect. + +So what Schwab's sellable story - The flood of retail investors. In case you live under an actual rock, retail investors just like you are popping up like crazy, and since everybody has got those sweet sweet stimulus checks and have only been saving for months due to the lockdown, they all got money burning a hole in their pocket. Not to mention everybody is bored so what do you do that gets the blood pumping when the most movement you get is when you walk from your bed to your desk each day? You grip it and rip it on stocks. Don't believe it look at Schwabs January 2021 Activity Report: + +[https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw\_jan2021\_press\_release.pdf](https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw_jan2021_press_release.pdf) + +They added over a million new accounts in January. That's an insane number. Now I know what your thinking, but they added 14 Million in October and 1.2 Million in May! Yes that's because they acquired TD Ameritrade and USAA's investment arm in those months, this is an organic million which is bonkers. They added on a whole USAA in a month organically. + +2) Financial Outlook + +If you want to see how they have been doing here is their past financials: + +[https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw\_q4\_2020\_earnings\_release.pdf](https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw_q4_2020_earnings_release.pdf) + +I'm not explaining it all get over it, but basically they've been growing like an Australian fire. + +What I want to look at is how these financials will look like in a year, and to do that you have to understand one of the major ways that Schwab make its money. When you open an investment account you dump all your little coins in and you buy stock right. Well the thing is even though you put in all these coins most people don't use them all - in fact on average they leave 12% in cash in the account. Schwab then takes this 12% and invests and keeps the profit, this sort of capital acquiring strategy has been making people rich for years. This does mean there is risk if their investments go badly, in fact this is why they lost some growth in revenue in 2020, its not because they didn't grow as a company, it's because the "safe" investments that a firm would take with this sort of stuff got wrecked all over and stayed pretty bad during covid, now its pulling back up though. + +So what does this mean - well basically the more people you have with brokerages account the more money you can invest thats why this flood of investors is huge. Further this isnt some temporary jump in investors retail investors have been flooding the market for years and they arent leaving, because people so rarely close their investment account unless you really try to get rid of them (cough cough robinhood). This mean that they have a flood of customers that are going to stay for a long time. This is good because the older you get the more money you put into your account (on average), and according to Schwabs Winter report 53% of their clients are households with a head of house hold less than 41 and they're typically rich. This means that over time this bump will keep paying out big. + +[https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw\_2021\_winter\_business\_update\_020221.pdf](https://content.schwab.com/web/retail/public/about-schwab/schw_2021_winter_business_update_020221.pdf) + +All of this combined and the bullish technicals mean only one thing - a huge earnings. Now I could go on but I've gotten kinda bored writing this but if this is well responded to I'll give a full analysis including the financials and the technicals. + +Positions: 500 shares at 54 +Today Joe Biden signed into effect an executive order directing federal agencies to coordinate their efforts at drafting crypto regulations. This is a first of its kinds executive order, and its going to take a while for these separate government agencies to draft their regulations. + +You're probably already sick of reading by now so lets get into the meat of the EO (executive order). + +Preface: + +1. **this EO will not outline specific positions that Biden wants, such as directing the SEC to take harsher penalties on rugging. He doesn't want to seem pro or against crypto even though this EO is pretty pro crypto.** +2. **One part of this EO is that it will direct the US Treasury department to create a report on the "future of money" including how the current financial system may not be right for some current consumer needs.** +3. **THE EXECUTIVE ORDER FOCUSES ON GROWING THE DIGIAL ASSET SECTOR SAFELY FOR CONSUMERS** +4. **This executive order doesn't create any laws or regulations. It simply forces government agencies who has been ignoring crypto to stop ignoring crypto.** + +**The EO is regarded as a "whole government" effort to regulate crypto and it focuses on 6 main goals:** + +1. **Consumer protection**: This is the chief goal of the EO and part will go to understanding the technology as well as the volatile micro and macro-economics of the crypto industry. A better understanding on the governments end will help the government better understand where the current popular financial system is failing some consumers. My opinion on this is that the government will plan on helping government agencies aid businesses in crypto adoption as an effort to lessen the massive volatility in crypto that has rekt so many people. +2. **financial stability**: this plays into the consumer protection part of the Executive Order. The president wants the financial sector to be less volatile. quoting the price pre-covid (10,300), November 2021 (70,000) and currently (38,000). Using this as a benchmark he wants government agencies to educate more people including themselves on why this volatility happens and how to help prevent this kind of instability through encouraged adoption. +3. **illicit uses**: I mean its a bunch of boomers. Did you expect them not to be scared of criminals using crypto LMAO. I'm sure they're going to enact some laws that crack down on criminals using crypto which will then never be used, because they inherently cant. The EO also states that the DOJ and FBI each have their own crypto investigation units that need more funding. "The insufficiency of international implementation of anti-money laundering networks and frameworks with digital assets is the greatest vulnerability of these ecosystems the criminals are currently exploiting." I mean c'mon this senior advisor to the president is basically saying that crypto's worst problem is money laundering? that's bullish AF. +4. **promoting responsible innovation**: senior advisors have said that crypto is creating thousands of jobs in a brand new industry. Innovation is a pivotal role in the American economy and the government does not want to be left behind when it comes to innovation. +5. **financial inclusion**: This exact thing has not really been defined but I can define it, because I want to. I'm assuming this aspect is related to the "future of money" publication by the Treasury as well as the future plans to evaluate the necessity of a "digital dollar" issued by the central banks. This will undoubtedly increase financial inclusion and level the playing field because some consumers are either scared or confused by crypto and less likely to adopt. +6. **U.S. Leadership**: This is more of an all encompassing part of the EO that is basically saying "we need all government agencies leadership to get on the bandwagon or we as a country will fail at the innovation we have whored ourselves out for since the reconstruction era." The senior advisor was quoted saying, "We remain committed to working with allies in the broader digital asset community to shape the future of digital assets systems in a manner thats' inclusive, consistent with our Democratic values, and safeguard the integrity of the global financial system." + +TL;DR: Biden signed a bullish ass executive order that begs every government agencies to stop ignoring crypto and create legislation/regulations that will protect the consumer, level the volatility, and create a level playing field for the average consumer. Citing the need for innovation as well as adoption. Digital dollar issuance is mentioned as well as a "future of Money" report by the US Treasury that will surely outline how other government agencies should look at crypto regulation standards. + +edit: thanks to u/ZER0SE7ENONETH if anyone wants to read the full version [here](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/) is a link he provided in the comments +Great experience overall — however 🚨🚨unpopular opinion alert🚨🚨 I will be contacting Customer Care and voicing my concern for how hard I was being pushed to opt-in to the warranty coverage. I had to politely decline multiple times, as I trust Sony to make a quality product and I believe the manufacturer warranty is sufficient. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I recently posted asking when people started investing in taxable accounts, and a few people mentioned that they invest their emergency funds. This is something I've thought about doing, but haven't actually started because I have so many questions. I'm not looking to discuss the merits of investing and emergency fund, but am instead looking to hear from those who actually do invest their emergency funds. So, here are my questions: + +1. What is your asset allocation and what funds are you investing in to create this portfolio? +2. Once you hit your emergency fund amount goal will you do any kind of annual rebalancing to maintain your asset allocation? +3. How much cash reserves do you keep on hand and how do these relate to your emergency fund? +4. What will you consider to be an emergency important enough to pull from this account? Since it is taxable, I think you will be covering the cost of the emergency + your tax bracket, so I'm wondering what to you is important enough to be willing to pay a for example 15% premium on it. +5. Are you doing this yourself through Vanguard, CS, Fidelity etc, or using the Betterment ef portfolio? +Let me tell you the basic points of the hearing today if you didn't have a chance to see it. + +1. DFV likes the stock and continues to like the stock at this price point. + +2. Vlad is a beta cuck. + +3. The answer to "if a stock has almost no buyers and a lot of sellers, will it go up or down" is "thank you for your excellent question, uhmmm robinhood aims to democratize finance..." + +4. There were 0 hardball questions, only a couple of hardball statements which never got a response. + +5. 99% of the congresspeople did almost no due diligence on the matter they were gathered for. + +6. The 1% of congresspeople that did, only barely scratched the surface of the iceberg. + +7. More than 50% of the talk during this hearing had absolutely nothing to do with the shenanigans of the GME play. + +8. Apparently, selling the order flow of your customers to hedge funds is fine and shouldn't be regulated further. + +9. Apparently, there's no such thing as naked shorting. + +10. Apparently, the market worked as expected during this whole catastrophe and there's nothing wrong with it. + +TL:DR a bunch of incompetent boomers trying to act competent while circlejerking for 4 hours. +[Link Here](http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-15/goldman-asked-over-1000-consumers-about-the-apple-watch-and-it-s-good-news-for-apple) + +Highlights: + +* Over 1000 responders polled + +* 17% of all responders are either "very likely" (5%) or "somewhat likely" (12%) to purchase an Apple Watch this year + +* 36% of all responders who are current iPhone users are either "very likely" (11%) or "somewhat likely" (25%) to purchase an Apple Watch this year + +Remember: There are [nearly 500 million iPhone users worldwide](http://www.businessinsider.com/r-nearly-40-percent-of-iphone-owners-interested-in-apple-watch-poll-2015-3). This Apple Watch could be a much bigger hit than most analysts are expecting. Thoughts? + +Edit: formatting +[Link Here](http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-15/goldman-asked-over-1000-consumers-about-the-apple-watch-and-it-s-good-news-for-apple) + +Highlights: + +* Over 1000 responders polled + +* 17% of all responders are either "very likely" (5%) or "somewhat likely" (12%) to purchase an Apple Watch this year + +* 36% of all responders who are current iPhone users are either "very likely" (11%) or "somewhat likely" (25%) to purchase an Apple Watch this year + +Remember: There are [nearly 500 million iPhone users worldwide](http://www.businessinsider.com/r-nearly-40-percent-of-iphone-owners-interested-in-apple-watch-poll-2015-3). This Apple Watch could be a much bigger hit than most analysts are expecting. Thoughts? + +Edit: formatting +Got a few more today to lower my average. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uyyou5mr2mo61.png?width=1187&format=png&auto=webp&s=e60fe291298700ee9700035d2a699f7b5625621a +With the current economic climate, I'm feeling less risk adverse to change jobs and different opportunities and having more value in job security. How is everyone else feeling? +The company has yet to declare its fourth quarter and full year financial results, but the announcement makes it clear that Alibaba surpassed the $482.1B figure reported by Wal-Mart for its fiscal year ended Jan. 31. +So I'm a low earner and I've been building up my emergency fund, and technically I can survive comfortably for 6 months on it, but it works out as just under 2 months take home (I have super low living costs when not travelling to work) so in my head I'm considering it a 3 months emergency fund to meet in the middle. + +I want to know how other people treat their emergency fund, do you save your costs to live reasonably and comfortably OR do you save the equivalent of take home for x number of months. + +Ideally I want to have 3 x full monthly take home as a 6 month emergency fund but I'm worried I'm aiming too low? Should I try to have 6 x month take home as the, 6 month emergency fund? How does everyone approach this? + +Thanks for your help! +Hi Everyone. + +We put 165,000 as an offer in on a property but the survey has come back and valued it at 155,000. Now the mortgage advisor said that the minimum valuation of the house had to either be 155,000 or 156,000(I can't remember and now I'm kicking myself) to allow us to execute on the given product. + +&#x200B; + +Given this information, what are my options? + +&#x200B; + +Thanks all. + +Edit: Thanks for all the responses everyone, they've been very helpful. We can afford to pony up the extra 10k but I think we will explore all options available before sinking the extra cash. +I thought to get a 35 year term mortgage as a single person. The goal was to overpay and complete payments in 10 years. I guess I went with 35 years as that lessened monthly repayment cost. + +Curious to know what others think? My goal is to overpay from the go and be mortgage free as soon as possible. + +Thanks 🙏 +My girlfriend has been paying a little over £100 a month to SSE, without fail, since we moved in to our flat. At the ens of May she was told that we owed £800-and-something pound for the last 8 month or so period. + +So that'd be like £200 a month for a tiny 2 bedroom flat. + +The issue is they had us at £0 credit for months until they suddenly decided we actually owe them a small fortune in May and have done for a while. This is after we already got them to revise our bill late last year for a separate screw up and they said we no longer owed them any money. + +So, like, the heck do we do? + +EDIT: After being on the phone for God knows how long the bill just went up even further. What. + +EDIT 2: Sorry for the infrequent replies everyone I've taken over talking to the nice lady on the phone as the gf was getting very upset. I'm reading every one of your posts (sometimes more than once). + +UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/nvx786/800_owed_to_sse_apparently/h1954tz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 +Hi all, so, as the title says myself and my SO will be 50 next year and we’re looking at possibly moving house. + +Our current property is worth £250-£275,000 and we are mortgage free. We have about £100k in savings that we could use towards a new property that is £550,000. + +Our joint income is somewhere in the region of £125,000. We’d be looking to keep the team as short as possible. + +Are we foolish to be thinking about moving and taking out a mortgage at our age? We still want to have a life alongside the mortgage repayments. + +What would your suggestions be?? TIA +I am blessed to have a “well paying” job, and come from a good background and university. I earn much above the national average - around the 6 figure mark and am 30m, but when I drive around London or even the affluent outskirts I always think to myself how do people afford these houses? Is everyone a successful business owner? How do people have money to buy these house which are over 1m? + +Would be great the hear from anyone lucky enough to be in this bracket that can afford these houses, and what they do for a living. A part of me is starting to think working a safe corporate job (apart from a handful of industries), is not the path many of the very wealthy people take in this country to become super wealthy.... +im 24 and am currently unemployed. + +My chance of employment at this time, and for the foresee\-able future is poor because of mental health. + +I am in debt of 6600 + +5000 remains to sainsbury's at 12&#37; over 5 years + +1500 overdraft charging 5&#37; + +100 to tesco mobile + +i have a terrible credit score + +i live in rent free accomadation + +what are the cons for going bankrupt. + +thanks for reading +I thought I’d drop a note to share my experience. Most people on here probably are probably pretty familiar with Martin Lewis and his site. However one of this main tips was around car insurance renewal dates. Don’t wait for your renewal, there is a sweet spot which is 21 - 26 days before your car insurance runs out where you will get the best deals when you shop around. + +I’ve got my daily and a weekend car on a multi-car policy, been with admiral for about 5 years as even when shopping around they’ve always been the cheapest however that was waiting until I got my renewal. + +Admirals renewal (after the usual call to haggle down from £1400) was £1150 for both but I’ve managed to get both insured (and my Mrs as a driver on both) for £810 which I is best part of £300 saving! +Happy days. + +Same process saved my £50 on the home insurance too. + +I’m sure most on here will know this tip but I’m sure there are some who don’t. + + +https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2019/12/car-insurance-optimum-time-to-buy/ +I am blessed to have a “well paying” job, and come from a good background and university. I earn much above the national average - around the 6 figure mark and am 30m, but when I drive around London or even the affluent outskirts I always think to myself how do people afford these houses? Is everyone a successful business owner? How do people have money to buy these house which are over 1m? + +Would be great the hear from anyone lucky enough to be in this bracket that can afford these houses, and what they do for a living. A part of me is starting to think working a safe corporate job (apart from a handful of industries), is not the path many of the very wealthy people take in this country to become super wealthy.... +Sup yall. Saw some calls from people requesting more information from someone with industry experience about exit strategies in /u/conniverist 's post, and I thought I'd elaborate a bit, and offer a fresh way to look at things. + +First and foremost, as I always encourage.....goosfrabah. Relax. I know it's stressful to think about trying to pin down where the peak will be, or how long you'll have to act before the fall, etc, but you really don't have to worry. As others have pointed out, timing the peak is in fact impossible, but you're much more likely to maximize your returns by selling at 20-30% down from the peak on the back end than you are trying to guesstimate. And it's equally true that setting a hard-and-fast target you'll sell at hurts every other ape, and potentially leaves a ton of money on the table. + +But that's assuming the squeeze plays out like any other. I've said elsewhere that I am somewhat of the same mind as /u/rensole as far as how much fuckery is afoot. I do not know exactly what number the powers that be have set (although 1m/share is absolutely doable), but they surely have one in mind beyond which the damage becomes systemic and truly does threaten the entire market, the dollar, etc. And around that point, I could see the gov/SEC stepping in. However, in this eventuality, doing something absurd like saying "sorry guys I know you're right, but we're only gonna give you a few G's for each of these bad boys" (as I've seen laughably suggested elsewhere by shills) will never happen. They may have to turn off the faucet, but if they make such a decision with the eyes of the world on them, the fallout would be just as bad as letting it ride to a billion a share. + +If they halt this, their only option will be paying out every share at the price they halt it at. And in that case, missing the peak is impossible for anyone that holds. A temporary trading halt is a possibility, but solves nothing for anyone involved. Trading for ALL parties would halt, not just retail. And the source of the stock itself, Gamestop, has complied with all regulations, so there is no precedent for a halt that doesn't go away, nor for them to fuck with peoples' positions during said halt. Anyone telling you otherwise is mistaken. + +Another way to look at it, courtesy of my pops (a Wall St. legend to some, and is currently holding 2000 shares), you should look at this the exact same way as you do your entire portfolio when you know a correction/crash is coming, but can't be sure when: you hold and pay attention. Even when you can see the writing on the wall, it can take months or even years for the hammer to drop, and that's all time that could be spent accumulating interest. Then when the crash comes, you know you're in it, and you sell on the way down (and much earlier than the general populace that doesn't know it's coming). + + +TLDR: The crash/fall only hurts if you don't know it's coming. There is no rush to get out. Barring government/SEC intervention, nothing will stop this, and even in that case, you'll get paid anyways. Every new bond issuance, every Archegos/CS/Nomura that gets bled, every DTCC rule change are all things that wouldn't be happening if there was any other way out. Citadel may not give a shit about public opinion, but the government(s) sure do. Hold for yourselves and your fellow apes. 🙌💎🚀❤ +So my farm is actually doing good, but I need more money. Just wanted to encourage all of you to keep working faithfully and to be patient. Haven't sold a single share since even before the sneeze, and I will not sell until I get my new phone number. + +&#x200B; + +Here's my old post- [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r02jjo/im\_quitting\_my\_job\_this\_week\_and\_i\_dont\_feel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r02jjo/im_quitting_my_job_this_week_and_i_dont_feel/) + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +. + +Go RC! GO GME! +Hello Everyone, +I have been hodling since early 2017 and been through the ups and downs. + +Since a lot of people are asking if they should sell in the daily discussion I thought it's best to adress the elephant in the room + +These swings are normal and necessary. Just expand your graph to 7, 14 days or a month. It dipped from 40 to 30 and went back up to 58. Lots of people said this is the dump and it's going back to 20. + +Paypal is in BTC, Tesla and Mastercard started. More and more players will adopt bitcoin. Just imagine if Amazon is gonna dip their feet in there. + +However, if you have money in there you can't lose its up to you. But there is no need to panic. + +Breath, expand the graph, your up. So chill and hodl +So ever since May, just after ETH was pumping hard and I dropped 2k into it, then I got scared when the May crash hit, waited till June, cashed out (lost $700) then watched it hit ATH a couple months later. + +I've been thirsting for a crash ever since. + +Your not going to get rich with a coin like ETH or BTC that's going to continue to just rise. You gotta hope, pray, wish for a crash to buy into. If I followed this rule in May I would have 3-4x my money today. + +I LITERALLY DREAM OF THIS, CRAVE IT! + +I was jumping for joy last night as my whole portfolio was taking a shit and I just kept dropping more money till it started to go back up. I felt like a kid at the candy store. + +Be happy folks! +Yeah, I'm talking to [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/cfadpo/so_you_wanna_trade_spreads/) with your fancy post with the gold and way too many words. + +Did you know that teaching redditors what a spread is is actually of *negative* value to them? + +Wanna know why? + +Understanding what a basic credit/debit spread is is *fucking easy*. The algebra involved is literally middle school level. There are 12 year olds that can draw out the P/L graphs of the strategies we're talking about without breaking a sweat. + +"But OP, plenty of people on /r/wsb are morons, at least I'm helping them!" + +No dumbass, you're not. Because understanding the basic mathematics behind a spread is the easy part of trading one. The hard part is *everything else*. Ya know, picking a ticker, developing an investment thesis, risk management, knowing when to take your profits/cut your losses...all that shit? + +If somebody's too stupid to go to fucking Wikipedia and learn what a credit spread is, then they're *definitely* too stupid to make any money using them. So the only thing that you might be achieving is taking idiots who should be keeping their money literally anywhere else and getting them to lose it on $TSLA 410/420C or something. + +Plus you post here, so you're probably stupid, so you're probably gonna [get shit wrong](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/cfadpo/so_you_wanna_trade_spreads/euaarq6/) anyway. Which means the morons would probably have been better served learning this shit literally anywhere else, or, again, not learning this shit at all and keeping their money under their mattress. + +Wanna make some content that's actually useful? + +How about you explain how to read a balance sheet? Or an earnings report? Or if you're a TA freak, a chart? If you're swing trading, how do you pick a ticker? How do you determine when to exit a trade? How do you do risk management? + +Hell, even if you're determined to YOLO 100% of your account into OTM calls on some shit weed stock, you could at least explain what factors you're on the lookout for when you make that play. + +I don't do that shit because I don't know how to do that shit because I don't know how the fucking market works. But at least I know I don't know that, so I'm not out here losing all my money because I just learned what a credit spread was and clicked the first stock on my watchlist to open the first one that Robinhood suggested me. + +**Edit** to clarify my point: +These types of posts are like teaching somebody the relative hand ranks in Texas Hold'em and acting like you've prepared them for a professional poker career. + +If they learned anything from your lesson, they're clearly unqualified to put any significant amount of money onto a poker table - certainly not if they're expecting to keep any of it. + +It's fine to not understand what a spread is. Nobody is born knowing this shit. But if you're the kind of person who is *just learning* what a spread is, you should be *very very very* far away from /r/wallstreetbets, lest the temptation to join the party lose you all of your fucking money. +My husband passed away last month, I’m still devastated but life goes on and I need to figure out what best financially for my children and I. + +He was the breadwinner, we agreed I would stop working until our second child is 3 (he’s 20 months olds now) but even when I was working I was making $40k a year when he did make 3 times that amount so I’m quite worried about it. I found out he had a life insurance through his employer, it will obviously be helpful. + +I do think I should pay off our mortgage with that money and then it would allow me to take some time before having to find a job as well. I’m the only beneficiary of that life insurance for some reason but I think it’s fair to give a part to our children. + +As it is right now, we also have enough in our emergency funds for at least 9 months of expenses, ideally I would like to keep it untouched but if needed it is there. + +I have some questions: + +1. What will happen to his TSP? He has $160k on it, will I have to roll over to a IRA or something? (Keep in mind I’m not originally from the US and I don’t know how all that work honestly) + +2. I have been told our kids can get his social security money or something? How does it work? + +3. Should I pay our mortgage or keep the money and use it every month as an “income “? If it makes any sense. I won’t afford our mortgage on a $40k salary though. + +4. He invested some money. How can I have access to it? + +5. I got the stimulus check for the 4 of us after he passed away, will I have to pay back his part? + +I understand my post can seem odd but he was taking care of our finances and I never questioned anything. +Hi all, I'm from London, I'm 26 and have always lived at home with my parents in Zone 4, apart from uni in another town. I'm looking to move out in the next few weeks and wanted some input on how realistic I'm being... + +I've just started a new job which pays me 27k a year, after tax my take home is 22k, which is £1838 a month. +The places I'm looking at in North London cost around £750pcm with around £100 on bills (shared houses). +This leaves me with £988 a month +My phone, insurance and family Spotify account come out to £67.24 +This leaves £920. +I have £200 that goes into an ISA monthly and I'd like to keep saving the additional £200 I save at the moment +This leaves £520 for food, socialising and travel. I'd like to contribute £150 a month to my family's rent and would maybe sacrifice my additional £200 saving for this. + +I work from home (permanently) for four days a week and would go into the city for my master's one day a week, on the weekend I would also go out to see friends and/or my parents. I would look for a cheap gym membership, although the things I love doing are cycling, swimming and climbing so maybe wouldn't need a gym membership. I'd also like to learn to drive but I'll see how everything else goes first. + +Do you think this is reasonable to expect to do? Do you have any tips to make this work? + +(I know staying at home would be cheaper but I'm struggling to maintain good relationships with my parents as we live in the council flat I grew up in and with everyone working from home, living and working in my room 24/7 is starting to take a strain on me with no other space I can work in.) +Hi all, + +With the news of recent boom in house prices, brexit tariffs and with the amount of quantitative easing going on to prop the economy up, is life in the U.K. only going to get more expensive? + +The house boom is the killer for everyone, as prices increase and real wages don’t more and more % of peoples salary’s will be going to just surviving. +This community especially has now got me hooked for success, I feel armed and prepared and inspired to do well. I’m 18 with financial literacy that I believe will take me to great places. I have in my mind discovered many great opportunities and no matter the circumstances how to become well off or secure. I feel much better going into the future and much more secure knowing what I know. The money I have accumulated and more prominently saved and diversified has already given me this platform of great wealth in my eyes. I am already viewed differently by others and also I see that I am so much more giving and supportive. I also love the fact that I am no longer worried - yes I am young and the real challenges of life will all happen now but even 4 years following my current plans would put me in a better financial position then most people in the world??? Thank you for all the contributions and help from people and I cannot wait to become ever more integrated into the community!!! +Hey guys, + +I just realised that [Blockzero](http://Blockzerolabs.io) has probably never been mentioned here before, so here goes. + +Blockzero makes cool and innovative crypto projects and then here's the best bit; it hands out ALL of the tokens to the Blockzero community. + +It launched its first project - [flashstake](http://flashstake.io) - in January. The next - [AquaFi](https://twitter.com/ErikVoorhees/status/1350137736116785155) - is due later this quarter. You can earn AquaFi tokens now by simply holding XIO in your wallet, and you can earn more by providing Xio/Eth liquidity on uniswap. + +In addition to the token drops, there is a generous liquidity rewards scheme - info [here](https://blockzerolabs.io/xlp/) + +They plan to launch 4 tokens per year. To me it's an absolute no brainer to hold xio in the uniswap pool to earn max tokens plus the Liquidity rewards. + +Thank me later. + +Key stats and links: + +Market cap: £4.6m + +[blockzerolabs.io](http://blockzerolabs.io) + +[CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/blockzero-labs) +Feeling a lot of sweet sweet schadenfreude knowing how ridiculous their task is. The mental acrobatics it is going to require to distort buying and holding stocks of companies people like into dangerous market manipulation is going to be insane. Good luck losers. + +Edit: + +A user in the comments mentioned that they get absolutely no joy from knowing this because it’s just so fucked up and scary that these villains are out there. That is a great point! I don’t mean to say that we are to feel joy from this situation and nothing but joy. I too feel despair, frustration, and anger. I also recognize that I can’t wave a magic wand and rid the world of financial villains in some quick, clean fashion. It’s going to be a struggle. It’s going to be a war. For my own sanity, I choose to celebrate small victories and I consider the frustration of my enemies a small victory. That’s all I meant by the post. + +Edit 2: + +In an odd twist, some willfully ignorant or malicious bloke decided to report me as at risk for self harm or suicide triggering that Reddit message checking to see if I’m okay or need help. I’m really glad such a system exists, but it was misused on me in this case. I feel weirdly obligated now to put it out there that I’m fine and have solid mental health right now. Absolutely no desire to harm or kill myself! I’ve never felt suicidal in the past, and I certainly don’t feel that way now. Happy as a clam. + +Edit 3: + +why tf do we consider clams happy? I mean I hope they are lol but why is that a phrase? + +Edit 4: + +Asked and [answered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o2wrle/does_it_bring_anyone_else_incredible_joy_to_know/h2a0cos/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)! Thank you so much for the life changing lesson on clam phraseology. +Here are my personal thoughts.. + +I think we should have a team of dedicated mods. Votings by the members here would be nice. And to avoid void/spam votes by random people, everyone should only be able to vote once with their user, we could create a filter e.g. at least 3-5 useful posts for a valid count.. + +Second thing that would be nice is to control flairs? Not sure if you guys understand what I mean but I've seen a few "Seasoned Traders" posting/asking random simple things that can be searched easily on Google. + + +I think the only mod I know that helps outs/posts is spicy_pasta. Before that Nate helped out A LOT, and since he is busy a new mod team would be nice.. Because I haven't seen a single post by other mods ever since I joined this subreddit, that's pretty insane to me. Is there a way to strip their mod status and create a new team? + +The weekly chart sharing, "How did you do thread", weekly news threads are pretty nice to me. Beginner Information is very good as well.. All contributed by members here, helps new traders filter out A LOT of crap on the internet. + +The spam posts/blog charts etc by random people are pretty fucking annoying to be honest. + +Just my opinions though. + +What other ideas do you guys have? Let's discuss them. + +EDIT: I have an idea that allows me to post consistently but will think about it, but I think you guys will enjoy it a lot. +I'm laying it down. Any and all future threads until well into the new year that are FA vs TA or some similar nonsense will be ruthlessly deleted by me. We let you have your say, all of you, because this is a timeless argument that seems to be a core value of retail/spot Forex and always erupts into a schoolyard squabble, but it needs to be squashed quickly or it drags the whole sub down. + +I will refer all of you to [***THE N00B BEGINNER'S INFO FAQ***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/wiki/index) where it says + +> **Should I trade using fundamental analysis (FA) or technical analysis (TA)?** + +> **This is a long standing argument in these forums and elsewhere. I’ll settle it here - you should have an understanding of both. Yes there are traders who blindly ignore one or the other but a truly well rounded trader should understand and implement both into the analysis. The market is driven in the longer term through FA. But TA is necessary to give traders a place to enter and exit trades from a psychological risk/reward standpoint.** + +Yes, that is right, kiddies. You should have an understanding of both. That's nate (u/1357anon) talking. Look, we get it, trust us, between Nate, Spicy, Rich, and Myself is probably 20+ years of market trading and watching so fuck right off, we get it. We know that there are pure TA traders who are rolling in cocaine and gold plated bitches, and that there are pure FA traders who routinely get that 1000 pip move then fly off to Amsterdam or Dubai or Phuket to snort fat rails off a hooker's ass, but in the real world *you gotta know both of them*. + +So stop it, have a merry Christmas, good luck, be careful this week, and good hunting. +Okay, so I’ve heard multiple variations of this message, however they all seem to boil down to the fact that most people who try out trading fail. Now although I do accept this as fact, I’m having troubles grasping why this is true. Allow me to elaborate. + +I’m going to preface this by saying that I am a beginner when it comes to forex trading and that this is simply my thought process with regards to this question. + +So say somebody knows absolutely nothing about trading and decides to hop into the market. If they place a random trade (buy or sell) with an equally sized TP and SL, in theory they should have ~ 50% odds of coming out of the trade profitable no? (I’d assume slightly lower odds due to pair spreads and commissions). + +With this in mind. Wouldn’t something as simple as trend following or basic support and resistance based trading be enough to give you a small edge in the market? Just enough to cover the cost of spreads and commissions and still have a slight edge? + +Something that comes to mind when thinking about this is card counters in casinos. With perfect card counting, their odds of winning are only between 51% and 53.5%, just a slight edge, yet this is more than enough to make card counters profitable. + +Please forgive my ignorance, but I could really use some help in determining where my logic goes wrong. Obviously with the statistics I’m hearing about failed traders my logic must be flawed somewhere. +We all learn more from doing things wrong than right, and quite frankly I enjoy reading up on bad trading experiences. Any major mistakes or bad experiences anyone wants to share? Blowing up accounts, not following your rules the one time, taking a really bad trade on a whim? etc. +you can easily lose more than half a million... + +http://www.myfxbook.com/members/kretellasia/kretella-asias-fund-managed-by/1779592 + +http://imgur.com/a/Hcnvs +Do any of you trade for a living and have trading as your primary source of income? If so, can you state how much you trade with, how long you have been trading for and what your typical day is like? Right now, I make $3,000-$4,000 a month trading stocks and have recently began to experiment with trading currencies. The stocks I trade are very volatile and I don't think they will be around for a long time, whereas the ForeX market is much more established. I have thought about what it would be like to quit my job and trade for a living, but I'm not sure if I would even enjoy trading full-time as I think I would get lonely and proably bored with the proess after a while. just curious to hear what other's experiences are +I have a strategy I am working on, and while I am happy with it, it could still do with some improvement. I think my exits need a little work. I usually set a hard TP and I am fine with it, but am trying to work out how to let them ride when they really get going but it seems once I delete my TP all logic goes out the door and emotion comes into play. Does anyone have any good resources they can share to me specifically about exit strategies? +I hear a lot of people saying that they only trade 6-10 trades per week max and they are highly profitable. I need help before I blow another account. I've hit somewhat of a wall and I can't seem to get back any success. I started off pretty good, now I am taking massive losses. I took 23 trades today and lost 16 of them and now my account is in a huge hole. I know that I overtrade. Most of my trades get stopped out, so I try and readjust and enter a better position. I notice also that my trades will easily run up a $60-$150 loss in what seems like seconds sometimes, but on the flip side I struggle to get them over $40$-$50 on the win side, and most times the win period is so brief I can't figure out if I should close it or not...but when it's losing I can get up, go make a sandwich and come back and it's still -$67 🤷‍♀️ what gives? I need some help on what kind of things I should be looking for so I can make some better trades +Why does price react to these major levels so obviously? + +Because everyone is looking at the same level? + +Who is this "everyone"? + +I heard that stochastics worked super well in the past, now it doesn't. + +How about fibs? Did it work well in the past for those of you who have traded for a long time, will it become like stochastics? +Hi, i wan't to ask, what is better? For FTMO i am limited to daily loss / max loss, and on my real account i am not limited with this. What is better? FTMO 10,000 usd or my broker account 400 usd? + +in a short term, funded vs non-funded. +As we all know there is a psychological curve when trading that everyone goes through in the beginning. Whether it be under capitalization, looking at the wrong things (i.e. dollar amount instead of percentage earned), wanting to be at your 5 year goal in 6 months, etc etc. There is a plethora of them that we all deal with. + +Could you share your experiences in the beginning of your trading journey and when you had that Ah Hah! moment on the psychology. What you still struggle with. When you realized you'd turned a corner. + +I'm currently struggling with wanting larger returns by over leveraging. Because NOW!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! When I know that letting the compounding effect work while managing risk is much smarter and long term will result in better results. I haven't met a trader yet who started out without the instant gratification itch. I continue to battle the desire of seeing where I'd like to be in 5 years but trying to get there in 6 months. + +I know that trading in any form is not a get rich quick scheme and should never be viewed that way. However, my nature is to see the prize and want to get there NOW!!! Which is a double edge sword. Patience is something I struggle with and I'm aware of this. I just wanted to get other's personal experiences on their journeys. + +Thanks! +As we all know there is a psychological curve when trading that everyone goes through in the beginning. Whether it be under capitalization, looking at the wrong things (i.e. dollar amount instead of percentage earned), wanting to be at your 5 year goal in 6 months, etc etc. There is a plethora of them that we all deal with. + +Could you share your experiences in the beginning of your trading journey and when you had that Ah Hah! moment on the psychology. What you still struggle with. When you realized you'd turned a corner. + +I'm currently struggling with wanting larger returns by over leveraging. Because NOW!!! I WANT IT NOW!!! When I know that letting the compounding effect work while managing risk is much smarter and long term will result in better results. I haven't met a trader yet who started out without the instant gratification itch. I continue to battle the desire of seeing where I'd like to be in 5 years but trying to get there in 6 months. + +I know that trading in any form is not a get rich quick scheme and should never be viewed that way. However, my nature is to see the prize and want to get there NOW!!! Which is a double edge sword. Patience is something I struggle with and I'm aware of this. I just wanted to get other's personal experiences on their journeys. + +Thanks! +Have a look at what's coming ahead this week + +[Economic calendar](https://www.forexfactory.com/calendar.php) + +Potential significant movements for AUD, JPY, CAD and USD (Particularly) + +I am thinking about buying in some USD if it does come down a bit. These series of events might bring it up to a high level. + +What do you think ? +Let's say I have a 50:1, or even 33:1 account, if I place a 1.00 buy or sell, with no SL or TP, can't one theoretically just ride the up and down wave until they're in the profit, then check out? + +&#x200B; + +Note: I'm talking about accounts in the hundreds of thousands as a theoretical point. +For the last month I've been reading everything I can about forex. I've went through a ton of the links in the begginers FAQ, I've been through the babypips school, I've tried a lot of different systems, and even though I've been looking at graphs for something like 8~10hours a day I keep losing money(on demo account), and I have no idea about what I'm doing wrong and how can I improve. Is there anything I can do/anywhere I can go to try and fix this? + +EDIT: I want to say thanks for everyone that came here to help me, it helped me a lot. +I am relatively new to currency trading, having gotten my start around September of last year. I was introduced through a very basic (and cheap, $-wise...I regret nothing) course which taught the very basics, and offered a simple strategy. The finality of Forex, through the eyes of this course, was to make a couple hundred dollars on the side every month, say, to take care of the car bills, put a little more into savings, that sort of thing. + +As I'm sure has happened to many before me, I was quickly hooked on the prospect of becoming a millionaire right from my desk chair. Against all recommendations, I quickly deposited $250 into an account and proceeded to lose it over the course of 3 weeks. I have no qualms about this loss, it taught me a whole lot about the nature of the beast very early on. +I started to look online for advice, videos, books I could read… anything that would help. I read a bit into Al Brooks as recommended on this sub, and got quite a bit frustrated; aside from being extremely droll reading, which I can handle if I can see some substance, he kept referring to "your edge". Now, this is not the first time I had heard this phrase. My frustration stemmed from the fact that every time I came upon it, everyone spoke about perfecting it, testing it, tuning it, etc… but no one ever commented on how the hell you go about finding or making your own strategy. Listen to the professional traders on video interviews, and they recommend working with a mentor. Again, no one tells you how the hell you go about finding one of these! Or how one day they had a breakthrough and everything just “clicked”… what does that even mean? + +I started going through the ICT videos, which actually gave me a lot of hope & motivation, as the concepts seemed pretty solid. Reading up online, I found a couple of threads bashing this guy, calling him complete and utter BS (apparently he publicly blew out an account), and once again I find myself in a rut. + +Is there really nowhere to turn to for advice? + +Is every successful trader out there (the ones you hear/read about) really just a sham?? It seems like it’s only a matter of time before they are all ousted as such. + +I want to clarify that I am not looking to become a millionaire through Forex, that “dream” is long gone for me. There are many other aspects to the profession (if you will) that appeal to me, as I’m sure they would appeal to many other people. I’m at the point now where I constantly question whether it’s even possible, whether any of it is real or if it’s just a money (and time) pit. + +I am willing to put in the work, I WANT to put in the work. I guess I just don’t know –where- to put it? I’m not looking for handouts in any manner, maybe more like some direction. + +I am a relatively young guy, almost out of college. I appreciate and welcome any critique you may have, at this point, any feedback is good feedback. + +Obligatory “sorry for the wall of text” + +Hey all, + +My trading strategy used daily and weekly chart analysis, which means that my trades are usually longer term (0-2 weeks). Based on what I’ve studied, I think that it’s a good idea to stay out of news events that can whipsaw the market. However, looking at forex calendars, there always seems to be at least one high impact news event every single day. + +This means that if I’m holding a trade for a week or so, there’s bound to be some high level news event on that currency, forcing me to close a trade early even though the “high impact” news event doesn’t really affect the market that much (like FOMC meetings). So, I’ve decided to make a list of the news events that nearly always cause market swings or trend reversals. The only ones I have at the moment are the US NFP interest rate announcements, and speeches. Is there anything else you all recommend to for sure avoid? +I'm a follower of GBP/USD, I've seen great feedback from members of this community and would like to see what your thoughts are on the two moves this Pair can make(we're approaching a pivot). + +My Bias: Short on GBP/USD Pivot: 1.120 + +Shorts- I believe this pair could reverse to the downside with a retest of the 1.120 resistance level, if it holds and breaks to the downside through the 1.1175... and holds below it + +Longs- It's very possible that it could continue upwards the 1.120 level and aim for the long-term short's liquidity near 1.130 level + +My final thoughts: + +It could go either way, I do have small concern for the current bullish uptrend as it has been adequate time for the big players to sell at a desired higher price. There is liquidity at/below 1.10250 lows, ***currently my only GBP/USD setup in mind is:*** + +* Price holds at 1.120 resistance +* Look for a break and retest of the 1.1175 support +* If price holds at the retest of the 1.11750 support +* Enter short position keeping an eye on how price reacts to the 1.11425 support/resistance zone. +* A continuation to the lows of 1.10250 is the destination in my mind for my setup but there are many key levels it seem along that road. + +What are your thoughts? Apologies ahead of time if my forex lingo' is sub par 😅 + +https://preview.redd.it/kq0xn2736ar91.png?width=1814&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6337431593e7dd2972e11c22c554f5bce8048ee +Suppose if I have a daily target in forex let’s say 2% +Now I traded and market condition are good and I am able to easily achieve my target + +So professional traders here stop immediately after achieving daily target ? +Or they will continue to trade if market condition is very good +Hello I am new to forex trading, I recently opened an account and deposited $200 dollars (money I'm willing to lose to learn). I am already down $25 for doing stupid shit and lacking confidence in my trades and having poor risk management. I am trying to learn and apply TA while also reading up on FA. I entered two trades were I was very confident on the direction the market was headed. However, once I started seeing those red numbers I quickly lost confidence and got out when I was in the green. Once I saw the potential profit I missed I went with bigger lots and stuck to my position and got to where I am now. You could say it became some sort of the Martingale strategy (very bad strategy ik). + +Getting onto my main point, why are people always saying "find a strategy that suits you" or something along those lines. I believe it's very helpful to share strategies especially to newer traders because it helps them set some rules for themselves at least and go in blind. I did a lot of research, reading, demo accounts and YouTube but I still feel like I'm missing something, as if what I did was all for naught and it made me lose confidence in myself. And all those youtubers feel like they're doing it in order to sell a course or something even though some might actually be helping. + +My final take, its good to share your strategy in order for people to have a starting point and then they might change or improve on that strategy and go solo then. What do guys think? +Currently trading most Forex pairs. I want to focus on 5 or 6 markets but i want to be able to trade each of them at anytime so i was wondering if someone can list me 5 or 6 un-correlated markets i can follow. + +Currently trading most Forex pairs. I want to focus on 5 or 6 markets but i want to be able to trade each of them at anytime so i was wondering if someone can list me 5 or 6 un-correlated markets i can follow. +Rather than using a very specific strategy that has been tested multiple times through historic data.. is it possible to be profitable by just making trading decisions using the multitude of price action techniques and patterns? Assuming I’m smart and disciplined enough. How many of you trade that way? I hope that question makes sense, let me know if you need more clarification. +Looking at this [thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/Forex/comments/2s6htg/interested_in_forex_trading_is_it_still_possible/) posted earlier, a few people mentioned that studying is one of the key things needed to succeed at trading forex. What are some good resources where one can study? +Hey guys, I was wondering if u guys use a pc setup, laptop, or use ur mobile for trading and charting. + +I have used laptop, but I feel it's kinda difficult to be on the laptop waiting for your trades to line up, like wise, if I'm using mobile for charting and then put a alert and wait for trades to line up, mostly I tend to skip it, since even after price reaching my area of interest, I may not be able to keep the phone on and miss trades. + +I FEEL that if one has a work station. A pc setup. Creating a working atmosphere, trading could be simpler. + +It's like you would have a ZONE for trading, as being in the zone is most important to be a good trader, atleast I believe so. + +What are you guys opinions??? +What do you guys think of the Synchronous trading that is offered by Teletrade (and other platforms)? Synchronous trading allows you to link a real account to a master trader and the transactions he does, are also done automatically in your account. + +I like the idea of having a small team of experts with successful histories to make the trading decisions for me and me paying them a percentage (15-30%) of net profits. + +Some time ago I did some research about ZuluTrade, but I didn't invest any money because I read some scary experiences from other investors. Teletrade (and maybe some other platforms) apply a similar model but it seems more professional and serious. +What do you think? is Synchronous trading high risk? + +Apparently this is possible, and i definitely want to do this. Does anyone do this or know of how to do this? Is it the same as trading stock options? + +EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVWsaEM4L8g +After all the nonsense I've been reading about gherkinit on this sub the last couple of weeks I've decided to make a stand. + +Screw all the assholes out here spreading FUD. OG apes who have been here since the start please raise your voices as it's getting ridiculous. + +How many good DD writers have been chewed up and spit out on this sub and have decided the backlash and ridicule isn't worth their time. + +I say no fucking more. Critical thinking apes, gherk has been posting daily for months on end and no one was anything other than grateful. He releases a moass DD and offers up an explanation for all the price action we've seen based on market mechanics and observable facts, and all of a sudden he's being roasted on here because people want to give him financial advice. + +Only 2 reasons for the bullshit: + +1. People got burned playing weeklies on the back of his expected price movements... Against his advice I should add + +2. He's completely right about everything and there's a new FUD campaign been launched against him to try and get him to quit writing DD/ stop streaming. + +Watch/don't watch it's up to you. Read his DD or don't it's up to you. + +But shut the fuck up about it and leave those of us who appreciate what he does to get on with it. + +We know there are bad actors in this sub payed to create division, this is another fucking example and I'm sick of letting them win. + +Thanks for all you do gherk. I'm one ape who looks forward to your daily analysis and watches along when I can. I've learnt a tonne + + +Edit... Should prob have stated this was in response to a post called done with gherk that made it to the top of hot yesterday that was just bashing him and spreading FUD for no reason. Annoyed me that shills are spreading bs and running around with their pitchforks trying to cause division. Buy, hold, drs if you can +UPDATE: THank you to everyone for your advice, this got far more attention than I thought so I really do appreciate it. I’m the end I sent the money back and offered to go to the local Barclays branch with her as there isn’t one near her. + +Unbelievably, they refused to give her any money despite having ID and proof of address and the letter they sent confirming there had been fraudulent activity on her card. The reason? Because she didn’t have the Barclays app on her phone, which just seems wild to me. (She doesn’t have a smartphone) + +They confirmed the best course of action was to transfer some money to family or w friend, given in the only person who still speaks to me it was me, but I persuaded her to only withdraw 250 rather than 500 and got the handover recorded on my dashcam, as well as the messages plus the withdrawal receipt. + + so it appears that on this occasion all was legit, and Barclays just have very poor processes for when someone’s cash withdrawal get locked. + +Thanks again everyone. + + +ORIGINAL: + +So for reasons I won’t really get into here, I don’t get along with my mum, we speak a couple times a year and that’s it. She just called me saying she needs a favour and is on her way to my house. + +Apparently last week her card got cloned and although all the money has been returned she doesn’t currently have a card and needs to do some shopping. + +She has asked if she sends me £500 for food, petrol and some other things, can I withdraw it and hand it to her. She acknowledges this is probably too much but she doesn’t want to run out before it’s fixed. + +Now, I don’t really know whether to believe her story or not because she’s normally full of BS. That aside, she’s about to rock up at my house and has already sent me the money. + +Is there any conceivable risk to me that you wonderful people can think of? Any well known scams etc. The money has definitely come from her account although I don’t know the source of it beyond that. + +Thanks in advance all for your help! +So I thought I'd do something a little different today and post my watchlist going into open. + +Today I am watching into open: + +**1) JWN (Nordstrom)** \- Gapping lower after earnings. Watching for a breakdown through the 22.08 daily level for a short. Or a long if it breaks above the 25.92 daily level. + +**2) GPS (GAP)** \- Gapping lower after earnings. Watching for a breakdown through the 18.30 daily level for a short. Or a long if it rallies through the 20.20 yesterday post-market high level. + +**3) ADSK (AutoDesk)** \- Gapping lower after earnings. Watching for a breakdown through the 257.32 daily level for a short. Or a long if it breaks out above the 271.09 daily level. + +That is what I'm watching into the open. I also watch my momentum scanners for anything that is moving with volume after open. + +Have a great day and stay green! + +PS: Let me know if you want more of this, or if it is a waste of my time. :) + +**After Open Update:** I went short ADSK on the back test of the 257.32 daily level after the breakthrough. Covered in pieces down through 250. Quick $1,200 winner to start the morning :) You can check out the trade review post I made about it here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/r19apk/112421\_trade\_review\_adsk\_short\_this\_morning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daytrading/comments/r19apk/112421_trade_review_adsk_short_this_morning/) GPS had a large liquidity pool around 18.00 and couldn't break it at open, and JWN just never moved much. +I'm sure I wasn't the only one who got the news from Vanguard today about their new "socially conscious" equity ETFs: Vanguard ESG U.S. Stock (ESGV) & Vanguard ESG International Stock (VSGX). + +They both track the same indices as their VTI and VXUS counterparts, except they filter out companies in certain categories. [You can read the news article here.](https://investornews.vanguard/two-new-vanguard-etfs-for-socially-conscious-investors/?cmpgn=EM:RIG:CF:Talula:TalEmail:Email:0918:0101:FNA:ETF:0323) I like the idea of socially conscious investing, but don't have the chops to selectively do so on my own. These new ETFs seem like a potentially great vehicle for accomplishing this while still tracking a broad market index. They're slightly more expensive than their VTI/VXUS counterparts but are still fairly cheap. The fact that these ETFs are divested from the fossil fuel industry is very attractive to me. + + What are everyone's thoughts on this? +Up until the GME saga began, retail investors have always been the weakest link when it comes to the markets. +Ken Griffin has openly stated that Citadel’s trading algorithms are based on human behaviour, and the “madness of crowds”. Their entire business model is based on exploiting the most basic of human emotions, fear, panic and greed. In fact, the vast majority of economic sciences are based on these traits. + +The markets are essentially made up of 2 opposing factions, institutions and retail. Institutions always know, to an extent, what other institutions are doing. In fact, there are many smaller hedge funds that base their entire business model on copying the bigger funds, piggybacking on their success. +This is why institutions publicly announce a position, to encourage other players to join in and strengthen their position. And for decades, this has all been at the expense of retail investors. + +Retail has always been scattered and fragmented, where it’s every man for himself and nobody really knows what anyone else is doing. +Well that’s all changed now. + +Gary Gensler said himself in the congressional hearing that he sees the online communication and sharing of ideas amongst retail investors as a good thing. +There seems to be a lot of fear that by banding together to share opinions and ideas we are somehow colluding to manipulate the market. That’s not the case at all here, we are merely doing what institutions do, and its now a level playing field. + +What Superstonk are currently doing will more than likely interrupt the entire science of economics, as the crowd is no longer mad. +We are calculated, focused, and behave in a way that is unexploitable. Our population is still growing by thousands every week, we are getting bigger and stronger. + +By continuing to buy, hold and DRS, we guarantee that the squeeze will be the most significant economic event the world will ever witness, and you should all be extremely proud to be a part of this. + +Not only are you all about to become extremely wealthy, you are also sending a message that you won’t allow retail to be exploited ever again. +And the way to make that message heard loud and clear, is by ensuring the MOASS apex peak reaches astronomical levels. + + +Hold strong and see you all on the moon 🚀🚀 +# Foreword + +u/Smogz_ has brought up an interesting point on where to keep your money post-MOASS. While many people plan to reinvest, the question still remains on how to properly store your liquid assets. Do you just keep it in the bank? How should you approach keeping your money? In this post, I will try my best to give insights and considerations on how to store your money. During my research process, I learned that there are tiers to banking, and you, my friend, will most likely be in the upper tier. I will also elaborate on this in the post. Much appreciation for Smogz\_ for brining this to light, for me at least. This post will not be as dense as my previous post. + +# Disclaimer + +I am not a lawyer or financial advisor. This is **NOT** my area of expertise. I work as a health care provider. This post is just a compilation and explanation of my research on the subject matter. I would encourage everyone to question the information below and correct me or offer new insights if possible. + +# How to Read This Post + +In this post, I will be going over 1) high-net-worth individuals, 2) accredited investors, 3) banks for high-net-worth individuals, 4) a brief explanation of asset management vs wealth management, 5) offshore banks. + +I also cite my sources. If a sentence ends in a parenthesis with a number, I am paraphrasing information from said source. If there are quotations in that sentence which ends in parenthesis, I am directly quoting said source. + +I am also expecting you have an understanding of fiduciary financial advisors, certified financial planners, certified public accountants, will writing, tax attorneys, and estate attorneys. If you need a refresher or understanding of these concepts, refer to my previous post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mutuhv/postmoass\_an\_indepth\_examination\_of\_financial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mutuhv/postmoass_an_indepth_examination_of_financial/) + +# Your Identity Post-MOASS + +After the MOASS your life will be changed. Your perception to the general public may be different as well. You're no longer just an ape. You're a rich ape. You can now enter those high-end stores and afford over priced clothing, brand name watches, and what ever brand-name accessories you want. Unless you're like me and prefer the simple jeans and anime t-shirt. But I'm still single, so maybe go a different route. But I digress. You're perception to the banks will be different as well. You'll be considered a **high-net-worth individual** (**HNWI**). As a HNWI, you may be offered fancy services such as "an invitation-only \[credit\] card with such perks as 24-hour concierge service, unlimited spending and luxury hotel upgrades" (2). Depending on where you bank, you may get you're own personal banker as well - someone who exclusively handles your account and can even pay your monthly bills if you want (7). + +The definition of a HNWI varies bank by bank but the general consensus someone with at least $1 million in cash/liquid assets or a net worth of $1.5 million dollars (2). Liquid assets include checking account, savings account, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Investments such as real estate or land do not typically count as part of these assets when determining your worth (although you are priceless as an ape) (2). There are even upper echelons of the rich. To be a **very-high-net-worth individual**, you're assets need to amount to $5 million. The highest tier is an **ultra-high-net-worth individual** with assets amounting to $30 million. (2) + +Being rich will unlock other perks as well. You will meet some of the criteria to become an accredited investor. + +# Accredited Investor + +What is an accredited investor? Accredited investors are regulated and defined by the SEC as someone who meets at least ONE of the following requirements: (15) + +* Have certain professional certifications or designations or other credentials or their status as a private fund’s “knowledgeable employee.” +* Have a net worth exceeding *$1 million* individually or combined with a spouse or spousal equivalent (excluding value of primary residence). +* Have earned income exceeding *$200,000* (*$300,000* if combined with a spouse or its equivalent) during each of the last two calendar years. The individual must also demonstrate credibility he or she will at least maintain these income thresholds during the current year. + +If my interpretation is correct, you must register with the SEC to become an accredited investor (fact check needed). Being an accredited investors gives you access to securities not available to the public. Such securities include: hedge funds (but why would you?), venture capital funds, private equity deals, equity crowdfunding, angel investing, private placements (15). For those who don't know what angel investing is, it's when you, as someone with a large amounts of money, invest in a business start up in exchange for some ownership or convertible debt. You're the whale that helps start up some business at the ground floor, with potential for part ownership. + +Before a company can accept your money as an accredited investor, the company needs to register/report your investment to the SEC (15). To vet that you're actually an accredited investor, the company may ask for financial statements, credit reports to confirm net worth, tax returns, W-2, professional certifications/ credentials such as a Series7, Series 65, or Series 82 license (15). So if you want to continue ~~gambling~~ investing, you now have access to the high-rollers table. + +# Banking + +So with your new found identity as a high-net-worth individual and potential accredited investor, what happens when it comes to banking? You may be banking at some of the same banks the general public uses, but you have access to its private sector. Rather, it's a **private bank**. Private banks are a specialized exclusive sector to a bank, typically reserved for high-net-worth individuals (7). These private banks are the ones that will offer you perks such as the personal banker/relationship manager (same concept). These private banks often have a minimum requirement in their account. This amount will vary depending on the private bank. \*One thing I was unable to find is if these private banks have a higher insurance on your deposit.\* That is a piece of information I would like to know but am unable to find. At the end of this section, I will list some examples of private banks and their requirements. + +These private banks may also offer services to assist in asset management and wealth management. + +# Asset Management vs. (Private) Wealth Management + +**Asset managers** help manage your assets, including investments in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and your portfolio overall (4). It would seem that your fiduciary financial advisor, preferably with CFP, CFA, ChFC, or RIA certifications, would assist you in asset management. + +**Wealth management** takes a broader approach and helps manages your finances in general. Wealth managers would help plan for taxes, education, legacy/estate, insurance, charity donations, and retirement (4). The roles that seem to fit wealth management would be a fiduciary with CFP certifications or a CPA. + +However, being a high-net-worth individual would mean you would have private wealth management - the rich version of wealth management. Of note, there is only one professional certification specific to private wealth management: the **certified private wealth advisor** (**CPWA**). These people are prepped to manage people with <$5 million net worth (3). When choosing a fiduciary financial advisor, you want to know what kind of clients they typically serve or what their experience entails. Well, the CPWA certification can at least ensure you that they are experienced with high-net-worth individuals. CPWA may use a different portfolio investment strategy for HNWI compared to regular investors (2). The positions that the HNWI may differ compared to the general public. In 2019, the average ultra-high-new-worth individuals had a portfolio distributed as follows: (1) + +* Property (as an investment): 27% +* Equities: 23% +* Bonds/Fixed Income: 17% +* Cash/Currencies: 11% +* Private Equity: 8% +* Collectibles: 5% +* Gold/Precious Metals 3% +* Crytocurrencies: 1% + +CPWA may offer the aforementioned services in wealth management in addition to advice with regards to social security benefits planning, investment advice, philanthropic planning, and risk management (3). Of note, financial advisors registered with the SEC have to report annually how many HNWI clients they have (2). + +**To summarize**, as a new found high-net-worth individual, you potentially qualify for private banking. Private banks would require to have large deposits in their bank. They may also offer you perks such as no limit credit cards and personal bankers. They may also offer services to aid in asset management and wealth management, which *may or may not* be comprised of financial advisors, certified financial planners, certified private wealth advisors, tax attorneys, estate attorneys, or certified public accountants. I would still recommend you vet each role individually to see if they are the right fit for you. + +List of private banks with their requirements, in no particular order: (5) + +* Bank of America Private Bank ( ≥ $3 million) +* Citigold Private Client +* Union Bank Private Advantage ( ≥ $250,000 in checkings, savings, investment, or retirement account) +* HSBC Premier Checking ( ≥ $100,000) +* Morgan Stanley Active Assets Account ( ≥ $5 million) +* UBS Resource Management Account +* BB&T Wealth Vantage Checking +* PNC Performance Select +* BNY Client Access ( ≥ $2 million) +* Chase Private Client ( ≥ $250,000) + +List of Wealth Management firms in no particular order: (21) + +* UBS Wealth Management +* Credit Suisse +* Morgan Stanley Wealth Management +* Bank of America Global Wealth & Investment Management +* J.P. Morgan Private Bank +* Goldman Sachs +* Charles Schwab +* Citi Private Bank +* BNP Paribas Wealth Management +* Julius Baer + +# Offshore Banks + +Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing illegal about banking in other countries, otherwise known as offshore banking. It's not reserved for HNWI either. Depending on the bank, it can be easily accessible to the general public. The only thing illegal is when you try evade taxes. Pay your fucking taxes. You don't have to like it but do things legit. Money amounting to over $10,000 in foreign accounts must file an IRS FBAR report (8). + +There may be some potential benefits to offshore banking as well. Offshore banking can help protect against native currency inflation, political fluctuation potentially causing market crashes, lower tax rates, higher interest rates, increased privacy, and protection of assets (13,16). + +Banks in the United States take your money and loan it out to people who need loans. They may give you minimal interest while charging loaners higher interest for borrowing that money. Banks make money based off of the interest that loaners pay back. Banks could potentially make faulty investments. If a bank goes under, you're typically FDIC insured for up to a maximum of $250,000. Banks in other countries, depending on the country, may not engage in these practices; it may be less likely that bank in a stable foreign country goes under. On the same token, the amount of money insured may be much less or non-existent (16). + +Privacy laws for offshore banks, depending on the country, may also help with privacy and protection of assets. Should a law suit be brought against you, whether as a individual, business owner, or job related, your finances and assets can be examined or potentially even frozen. Be it divorce, a false claim against you, or some sort of malpractice, having an offshore bank account can supposedly remain unscrutinized by the courts (13). So as long as that offshore bank DOES NOT have branches in the US, they cannot be pressed to divulge information about your account (13). I DO NOT know the accuracy of these claims as I am NOT a law professional. These claims need to be fact checked and hopefully a lawyer or someone more knowledgeable can vet these claims. Until then, take CAUTION with this paragraph. + +Apparently banks in the Cayman Islands are known as a tax havens while banks in Switzerland are known for their privacy (13). I will list some foreign banks below. They are mainly banks in the Cayman Islands and banks in Switzerland. There are other locations for offshore banks, such as Germany, Belize, and Singapore. I won't list them all because that'll take up so much room. I trust you can do a Google search yourself. If enough people request for me to list them, then I will edit the post and do so. Until then, I will list what I have collected. + +List of banks in the Cayman Islands, in no particular order: (17) + +* Cayman National Bank +* Alexandria Bancorp Ltd +* Alhambra Bank & Trust Ltd +* Trident Trust Company (Cayman) Ltd +* Cainvest Bank and Trust Ltd +* Fidelity Bank (Cayman) Ltd +* Merrill Lynch Bank and Trust Company (Cayman) Ltd +* Queensgate Bank and Trust Company Ltd +* Sackville Bank and Trust Company Ltd +* VBT Bank & Trust Ltd + +List of banks in Switzerland, in no particular order: (19,20) + +* Union Bank of Switzerland +* Credit Suisse, Swiss Raiffeisen +* Zurcih Cantonal Bank +* Julius Baer +* Banque Cantonale de Geneve +* Vontobel +* Migros Bank AG, Bank J. Safra Sarasin +* European Financial Group International +* Pictet Group +* Lombard Odier +* Union Bancaire Privee + +List of Banks in Singapore: See reference 18 + +# Additional Information: Insured Cash Sweep & Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service + +Some banks participate in insured cash sweep (ICS) and/or Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service (CDARS). These services help to insure money amounts over $250,000. ICS is a network of multiple banks. You can open a savings account or demand deposit account with ICS. What they do is distribute your money in amounts no greater than $250,000 across their network. So if you invest $1 million, the money may be spread out over four different banks, all within the ICS network. That way, your money can be FDIC insured across those banks. You will primarily still work with the one bank that you created the account with. ICS limits you to 6 withdrawals per month. CDARS works the same way but the account is a CD instead of a savings account. (9,10,12) + +I am not sure if private banks use ICS or CDARS. I am also not sure if HNWI use these services on their own. I couldn't find any information about the clients that engage in these services. With that said, I just wanted to put this information out there. Use it however you want.. + +# Afterword + +So there you have it. Post-MOASS you're hopefully a HNWI, VHNWI, or UHNWI. You have access to private banks to help you keep your money. You've created a team of fiduciary financial investor, tax attorney, CPA, and estate attorney. You spread your money across various equities, land, real-estate, commodities, etc. The rest of your money will be sitting in a private bank or offshore bank, at your disposal. Find the team that works for you. Find the private bank that works for you. Find that offshore bank that works for you. + +You may be a high-net-worth individual of any tier, but you're still an ape. Don't hoard all that money. Give back to the community. Help others in need. Make some waiter's or waitress' day by giving them a 420% tip to make their day. Remember your roots and don't become corrupted by money. Be humble. Show humility. One Love (in ole school 90's tone). + +Also, I'll list some references to check out post-MOASS if you need references. I will include this post in the reference. Post-MOASS considerations: + +* **Post-MOASS: Examining Your New Status with Consideration on Banking and Storing Assets** by u/Soluna7827 +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0ksdb/postmoass\_examining\_your\_new\_status\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0ksdb/postmoass_examining_your_new_status_with/) +* **Post-MOASS: An In-Depth Examination of Financial Advisors, Tax Attorneys, Certified Public Accountants, & Wills** by u/Soluna7827 +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mutuhv/postmoass\_an\_indepth\_examination\_of\_financial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mutuhv/postmoass_an_indepth_examination_of_financial/) +* **Attorneys and You: A Guide to the Newly Rich** by u/dodecaphonicism +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzt5sm/attorneys\_and\_you\_a\_guide\_to\_the\_newly\_rich/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzt5sm/attorneys_and_you_a_guide_to_the_newly_rich/) + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: Posted link to this post in case it's reposted somewhere else. +Edit 2: Grammar and fixing some links. Also thanks for the awards! May many tendies come your way. +Edit 3: Reddit not saving some of my formatting -\_- I like to stay consistent with formatting. Kinda annoying haha. +Edit 4: Fuckin hell. Fix one thing and it reverts the fixing from the previous edits. I think it should good now. I guess I have to fix all formatting every time I make an edit >,> + +&#x200B; + +Sources (for this post): + +1. Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individual (UHNWI) + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/ultra-high-net-worth-individuals-uhnwi.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/ultra-high-net-worth-individuals-uhnwi.asp) + +[https://www.knightfrank.com/wealthreport/global-wealth/2020-03-03-the-top-risks-to-wealth-in-2020](https://www.knightfrank.com/wealthreport/global-wealth/2020-03-03-the-top-risks-to-wealth-in-2020) + +&#x200B; + +2) What Constitutes a High-Net-Worth Individual? + +[https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/what-constitutes-a-high-net-worth-individual](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/what-constitutes-a-high-net-worth-individual) + +&#x200B; + +3) What is Private Wealth Management? + +[https://smartasset.com/retirement/what-is-private-wealth-management](https://smartasset.com/retirement/what-is-private-wealth-management) + +&#x200B; + +4) Asset Management vs Wealth Management + +[https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/asset-management-vs-wealth-management](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/asset-management-vs-wealth-management) + +&#x200B; + +5) 10 Checking Accounts the Ultra Rich Use + +[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/managing-wealth/050716/10-checking-accounts-ultra-rich-use.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/managing-wealth/050716/10-checking-accounts-ultra-rich-use.asp) + +&#x200B; + +6) How Billionaire Investors are Protecting Their Wealth + +[https://sprott.com/investment-strategies/physical-bullion-trusts/how-billionaire-investors-are-protecting-their-wealth/#](https://sprott.com/investment-strategies/physical-bullion-trusts/how-billionaire-investors-are-protecting-their-wealth/#) + +&#x200B; + +7) What is a Private Bank? + +[https://www.moneytaskforce.com/banking/what-is-a-private-bank/](https://www.moneytaskforce.com/banking/what-is-a-private-bank/) + +&#x200B; + +8) Offshore Banking Isn't Illegal, But Hiding It Is + +[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/managing-wealth/042916/offshore-banking-isnt-illegal-hiding-it.asp#:\~:text=There's%20nothing%20illegal%20about%20establishing,the%20IRS%20or%20face%20fines](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/managing-wealth/042916/offshore-banking-isnt-illegal-hiding-it.asp#:~:text=There's%20nothing%20illegal%20about%20establishing,the%20IRS%20or%20face%20fines). + +&#x200B; + +9) How CDARS Works + +[https://www.cdars.com/home/how-cdars-works](https://www.cdars.com/home/how-cdars-works) + +&#x200B; + +10) Insured Cash Sweep + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insured\_Cash\_Sweep#:\~:text=The%20CDARS%20service%20allocates%20deposits,to%20money%20market%20deposit%20accounts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insured_Cash_Sweep#:~:text=The%20CDARS%20service%20allocates%20deposits,to%20money%20market%20deposit%20accounts). + +&#x200B; + +11) Opening an Offshore Bank Account + +[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/11/opening-an-offshore-bank-account.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/11/opening-an-offshore-bank-account.asp) + +&#x200B; + +12) How ICS and CDARS Woork + +[https://www.icsandcdars.com/how-it-works](https://www.icsandcdars.com/how-it-works) + +&#x200B; + +13) 6 Best Countries to Open an Offshore Bank Account + +[https://www.offshorecompany.com/banking/best/](https://www.offshorecompany.com/banking/best/) + +&#x200B; + +14) How to Become an Accredited Investor + +[https://smartasset.com/investing/how-to-become-an-accredited-investor](https://smartasset.com/investing/how-to-become-an-accredited-investor) + +&#x200B; + +15) What is an Angel Investor? + +[https://smartasset.com/investing/what-is-an-angel-investor](https://smartasset.com/investing/what-is-an-angel-investor) + +&#x200B; + +16) Benefits of Offshore Banking + +[https://globalbanks.com/benefits-of-offshore-banking/](https://globalbanks.com/benefits-of-offshore-banking/) + +&#x200B; + +17) Top Banks in the Cayman Islands + +[https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/top-banks-in-the-cayman-islands/](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/top-banks-in-the-cayman-islands/) + +&#x200B; + +18) Banks in Singapore + +[https://sgbanks.com/banks](https://sgbanks.com/banks) + +&#x200B; + +19) Overview of Banks in Switzerland + +[https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/banks-in-switzerland/](https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/companies/banks-in-switzerland/) + +&#x200B; + +20) List of Banks in Switzerland + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_banks\_in\_Switzerland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_banks_in_Switzerland) + +&#x200B; + +21) The Biggest and Best Wealth Management Firms + +[https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/061314/best-best-wealth-management-firms.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/061314/best-best-wealth-management-firms.asp) +I am sure you guys read the news of Equifax hacking back in 2017 and the recent conclusion to the lawsuit. + +"**Equifax Settlement in Data Breach Will Cost at Least $650 Million"** + +If you got some spare time, check if you are eligible and file some form for free money. I attach the link, but if you think I am trying to hack you, feel free to google your own link. + +Eligibility: [https://www.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/](https://www.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/) + +Claim: [https://secure.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/en/claim](https://secure.equifaxbreachsettlement.com/en/claim) + +If you don't want their free 3-year credit monitoring, which is trash. You can opt for the $125 as long as you got credit monitoring in the last 6 month already, which I got and my bank also monitors my credit for free. + +Then, I filed that I spend 9 hours checking my credit score and bank statement, and my subscription of credit monitoring for extra tendies. If everything works out, I can get like $500 for filling some paperwork in 30 minutes. If you did lose money from fraud and identity thief, you can get a lot more. +Hey guys + +I've built a web app that helps self-employed folks and freelancers struggling financially in the wake of coronavirus. It provides a personal plan on what to do, signposting people to appropriate financial support based on their individual situation. + +I focused on the self-employed as it's generally a more complex situation than PAYE and many feel unsupported by government. + +It would be great to get feedback to see if it makes sense to people. It's not perfect and fresh eyes would be appreciated to tell me what to improve. + +So please [give it a try](https://lifetise.com/coronavirus-money-help/freelancers-and-self-employed/coronavirus-self-employed-app/) and let me know what you think. + +Really appreciate your help. + +\*(Quick reminder - I'm the fella who built the apps to help people plan how to [buy a home](https://lifetise.com/homefinder) \+ how to [afford childcare](https://lifetise.com/childminder) in the UK, that got [loads of great feedback from UKPF](https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/bs0gox/a_massive_thank_you_to_everyone_in_ukpf_who_gave/) because you're all really amazing) +I don't want to try and set a date, or make a guess. MOASS is always imminent. The hedgies have been successful so far in ducking, dodging, weaving, lying, criming and whatever else was required to get to one more day. But you and I both know that they are always one bad step away from ignition and all we have to do is wait. + +I'm going to speak about something else. I'm going to speak to the recent round of FUD that tells us 'We're not going to get paid. The government will force a settlement.' + +It's not going to happen. There will be no settlement. Here's why. + +1) If the government was going to force a settlement, it hurts them at the worst possible time. Why would any sane individual invest in American markets if when a squeeze happened the government stepped in to protect hedge funds? And do you think the American government wants to destroy confidence in their markets when we are about to hit an absolutely brutal recession? + +No. No they do not. They want to be able to point to us and go 'Look! Look at these guys! They invested smart in an American company and it has paid them handsomely!' + +THEY NEED US TO GET PAID TO RESTORE CONFIDENCE AND HELP JUMPSTART THE ECONOMY. + +2) Speaking of getting paid... + +When we get paid, if we want to touch any of those sweet, sweet tendies and convert them to Lambos or supermodels or more bananas... we are going to have to pay taxes. And if we are all the sudden recipient of Trillions of dollars... well the government is going to want their cut. + +Just look at it this way. + +If you are a government in a recession, do you want to give Trillions of dollars to a group that is going to have to pay taxes on all of it? Or do you want to use that money to bail out hedge funds and banks that are just going to sock that money away in the Caiman's so that it does nothing but generate interest for billionaires and zero tax revenue? + +I think you know which way they are going to lean. + +3) They want these hedge funds to fail. These hedge funds have been the worst financial disaster to hit America \*EVER\*. They have deliberately crashed dozens of huge billion dollar companies all to make profit that can't be taxed because they never ever close their positions. If MOASS happens, those positions ARE going to close and that means even more taxable revenue will be available. + +'But Spugnacious,' You cry out, 'They will all be bankrupt so those closed positions will be worthless taxwise!' + +To which I say, you are right. Once we have eaten the hedge funds lunch all those zombie stocks are going to result in zero income for the government. If there was only some way to claw back the profits that those hedge funds squirrelled away. + +If there was only some agency that could look into that... + +4) The DOJ is involved. + +That's right, the Department of Justice. These guys are not going to fuck around. They can see what has been occurring and they are quietly building cases to take these assholes down and put them in jail. And they are perfectly comfortable following a completely ridiculous paper trail concocted by hedge funds to hide money from authorities. + +Do you guys remember how we used to track Kenny's plane? And how he would fly everywhere? And how Citadel was in Chicago but Susquehanna was in New York? Do you remember that? Do you know that when you commit crimes across state lines it generates a RICO case? You know, the cases that they use to take down violent gangs like the Mafia or drug gangs? Do you know that if you commit financial crimes across state lines it's regarded in the exact same way as it would be if it was a drug or extortion or any other crime. + +Kenny, Jeff.... all you other hedgie fucks.... if you think trading is a tough game wait until you try prison. + +5) This will be an opportunity to either fix the SEC or close it down and expand the DOJ's mandate. + +Any way you look at it, the SEC is complicit in all this. If the only penalty for a crime is to pay a fine, and the size of the fine is far, far, far, farrrrr smaller than the amount of profit you made from said crime... then that is not a fine. That is the cost of doing business. + +This has to stop. Financial crimes have to be held to the same account as any other crime. Either the SEC has to be given proper authority to regulate this industry and hold it accountable or they need to be shut down and these powers need to be given to an agency that will actually do the job required. + +&#x200B; + +\*\*SO... TO SUMMARIZE...\*\*\*\* + +MOASS is imminent. + +The government can pay us the money we are due and enjoy a massive tax windfall, help pivot out of a recession, restore confidence in our markets, use this as an opportunity to either strengthen the SEC or hand off regulation to a capable agency and imprison a bunch of financial terrorists while seizing vast amounts of stolen wealth.... making them look like heroes. + +... or they can screw us. + +Kinda seems like an easy call, right? +For years I've talked about Bitcoin to some friends. Some are in Mensa, some are quantitative analysts, some are just personal investors. They laughed at me when I said it was a bargain at $3. + +Now they still laugh at me, but it's a nervous laugh. They told me last night that they heard about Bitcoin again and that they were warned that the government will not insure it. They also told me the government would not go after fraudsters in Bitcoin. You know what? I need different friends. +First time posting so I hope I'm doing this correctly. I was hired at an advertising company (small business) as a "consultant" with no prior experience or training. I was told on the first day that I was now a 1099 employee (no choice) for the company, working as an independent contractor (all new to me). It became obvious that I was not working as an IC, but rather an employee who was labeled as an IC. Fast forward a few weeks, here's where I made my mistake- bringing to attention that I was in fact operating as an employee, not an IC. + +At first, both owner and his wife stated that it would be no issue to switch me over to W2 (yeah right) and they would call the accountant and get things switched over. The owner told me directly that he knew I would be considered a W2 employee under IRS guidelines, he was providing training to me for the job he hired me for, assigning work, hours, etc. He tried to guilt trip me into believing that he had my best interest at heart and that he was "teaching me a skill that I could later develop new contacts/new work" for my new 1099 business that I never wanted to start (I'm also a full time student). + +Monday morning rolls around, I receive quite a few texts from the owner asking me to answer questions pertaining to the W2. I responded that I would prefer to look over the documents before answering the questions. He told me that was completely understandable and told me to come in Wednesday. By Tuesday night, I was told that he could not meet Wednesday anymore, but he would be in touch. Wednesday night I receive a text "thanking me for all my consulting work" and they would reach out to me in the future if they need me. Next day, I get a certified letter in the mail containing my last check and letter with the same message as above. + +Doing some research on this sub and the IRS site, I have now completed a SS-8 form to mail off tomorrow. Do I have any other options regarding the matter? Thanks in advance for reading and all the help! +I read an article a few years back that said quality of life doesn't increase appreciably once someone makes over $75k. I'm sure that's risen with inflation, if it is even true in the first place. I grew up poor, and I've told my spouse that I don't want to have kids unless our household income is over $100k (though that number has crept up to 110-115 with inflation). Am I being ridiculous? I just want my future kids to live a comfortable life. + +Not sure how to flair so I gave it a guess. +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +It took a while, lots of nerves and patience and some new wrinkles but I finished my mission of gathering 4 Xes with DRSed shares. My inner Monk can now rest in peace for a while. + +Money will be tight until the end of year, but I'm looking forward to HODLing and HOLDing with my fellow apes until MOASS cometh. 💜 + +https://preview.redd.it/ry655qcoimr91.png?width=2382&format=png&auto=webp&s=3856e52fa4c99e65ab75609fabd3430207b0dd45 +Whenever someone talks about depositing or saving money, most people instantly think about banks for some reason. IMO they are the worst way to save money, not only do they offer interest rates that are terrible and lower than the inflation rate, they're also terrible privacy wise. + +Crypto is much much better. I'm getting double digit interest rates, huge annual return due to Crypto's value rising PLUS a hedge against inflation. Moreover, there's no privacy concern and the utility is the same or even more than banks considering Crypto is being accepted more and more as a payment method with better discounts than bank credit cards. Who else does the same? +If you read this, there is a [\>50% chance that you joined in 2021, and a \~75% chance](https://subredditstats.com/r/CryptoCurrency) that you were not around during the last time everything crashed. Yet I see many posts claiming that everything will be different now, that you invest your life savings. Most of you won't know, since you weren't there. It was the same back then. You also had projects continuously pumping where everyone knew that they were shit (BITCOONEEEEEEECT!). Until it suddenly didn't pump. The crash does not happen when everyone expects it to, since everyone would sell before this. A crash will always come unexpected for the majority of holders. Know when you have won and when to take profits. + +"These violent delights have violent ends" +S3 Partners recently issued a short squeeze score card assessing the squeeze potential of stocks according to a number of criteria an then assigning a score between 1 - 10. + +The score is not based on the subjective review of an analyst (we know what those are worth...) but an algorithm which considers the following objective metrics: + +- short sale liquidity +- trading liquidity +- financing liquidity +-market-to-market profit and losses + +A stock is considered to have short squeeze potential if the following criteria are met: + +* large amount of dollars at risk on the short side (high short interest) check ✅ + +* large proportion of a security’s tradable float shorted (high S3 SI % Float) check ✅ + +* scarcity of stock loan supply (high stock borrow fees) questionable ✳️ we know that a number of institutions have recently stopped to allow shorting of GME and other risky stocks or raised the barrier but we also know that the borrowing fees are still ridiculously low + +* limited daily trading volume (high days to cover) check ✅ + +Result: Not surprisingly the 2 stocks at the top scoring a 10/10 are GME and the movie stock (just mentioning the second one for completeness , we all know that GME is the real game) + 💪💎💎🚀🚀⚡️⚡️ + + +Here is the link to the corresponding Forbes article : https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckjones/2021/06/07/amc-and-gamestop-are-still-set-up-for-a-short-squeeze/ + +PS: I know S3 are not on our side based on their relationship with Shitadel but if we take that criteria we can’t share any data anymore because we know actually no one is on our side. +And since this is not based on someone’s opinion rather than objective criteria and the result corresponds with our DD I don’t have an issue if they want to agree with us. I equally don’t give a damn if they don’t. + +PSPS: Don’t know where the fck the background pic of the movie popcorn came from and can’t delete or change it , anyone knows how to do that ? 🙄 +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. + +We've a house with around 230k in mortgage, selling it now we'd have around 100k in profits (after tax). + +Selling it, moving to a rented place and putting it all to BTC to hodl on to for at least 5 yrs should be a game-winning move for the whole family. + +Question is, how would you make your partner agree to it, given that they know very little about bitcoin? How would you deal with the price anxiety? +My wife and I make good money - combined income well above $500k annually - and we like to travel. We’re going to Italy with some friends this summer - and bringing along our two young kids. + +Are there any suggestions for how we can pay to make the transit / airports / plane rides less stressful? + +Open to anything. We’re not bringing a nanny though as that’s not our vibe, and it would not go well with our friends as we’ll be staying at a villa, but not a mansion by any means. +What business books have you read that have seriously accelerated your journey to FIRE? + +For me, two of the classics (7 habits and HTWFAIP) made incredible positive impacts on my road to FIRE. I've also found "The 1 Thing", "The 80/20 Principle" and "Survival of the Savvy" to be very helpful. + +Any other recommendations? +Throwaway because of details + +**Question:** What should I do with $300k cash? + +40, Married, Kid, small business partner + +Combined annual salary: $300k (not including business profit) + +NW: $2.7M ($1M Index Funds (401k), $600k equity in primary residence, $800k equity in company, $300k Cash) + +Debt: $300k primary residence (2.75&#37;, 13 years remaining), $400k business loan (3.75&#37;, 6 years remaining) + +**Background:** + +Business is very stable and growing, no problem paying loan and returning equity every year. I reinvest all of the gains back into the company right now. Cyclical business, so an economic downturn would affect profitability. + +Wife and I both like our jobs and will continue to work for at least a few more years (probably 3 for her and 10\+ for me) + +Cash was earmarked for a giant emergency fund for business, or if my wife stopping working, buying a 2nd property, major renovation to existing house, or jumping on a start up opportunity with a few buddies. + +We’ve had it sitting in a savings account for at least 2 years now. The most likely thing we’ll spend it on is a 2nd property, but I am hesitant to pull the trigger because we’re not positive where we want the second home and I would like to wait until the market cools. + +**Current plan:** + +$200k in 1 to 1.5 year CD ladders, probably $50k in primary bank to keep it easy and $150k in fidelity brokered CDs. I realize that in the current rising interest rate environment, I shouldn’t lock in that long but think 1 year is fine. + +$100k emergency fund/downpayment on 2nd hou**se** + +**What do you think:** + +Additional information that may or may not matter \- My wife and I both grew up poor and are very frugal by nature. We (I) admittedly struggle to spend money, so that could be part of the issue with having so much cash on hand. Other than vacation experiences, we don’t spend. My vehicle is a 2003 and has 200k miles, my last vehicle had 220k\+ before I sold it to a highschool kid. I kinda feel like we need to relax a little and spend some money. +I wrote a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kosp9a/what_are_some_fatfire_ways_you_avoid_getting/ghupfbd/?context=3 +) the other day giving my guidelines on investing in VC funds having raised seed, series A, and series B at a startup with a couple of other co-founders. + +I became preoccupied trying to find some more insights into the returns of Venture Capital as an Asset Class. + +It's incredibly hard to find specific data on venture capital returns as funds don't openly publish this information. The best information I've found is AngelList's December 2019 paper that discuss the returns of 684 **non-negative** investments here: + +https://angel.co/pdf/growth.pdf + +# Paper TL;DR +The TL;DR of the paper is venture capital is really two asset classes: Seed, Series A, and Series B is one asset class, then late stage Series C+ is a slower growth oriented asset class. + +The summary statistics of the **winning investments** (keep in mind they don't at all talk about the losing investments which is BS): + +> ||IRR| Multiple| Effective Duration +> :--|:--|:--|:-- +>Minimum| +0%| 1.0x| 0.4 +>Median| +21%| 1.7x| 3.0 +>Mean| +35%| 2.7x| 3.1 +>Maximum| +520%| 115x| 6.4 +>IRR are in percentages per year (i.e., "p.a"). Effective durations are in years. + +Later on, AngelList makes this statement: + +>This seems to be the case in venture capital as currently constituted; roughly half of the venture investments that we studied lose money. + +The paper's suggestion is to treat seed rounds as lottery tickets, and Series A and Series B rounds may provide desirable effects to one's portfolio. Later stage investments are lower returns mostly due to companies staying private longer and longer. + +# Efficient Frontier Math of a VC Fund + +At this point I'd like to adjust the Median and Mean IRR for losing money, then plot an efficient frontier graph to a 100% stocks portfolio. Quite frankly, I'm not sure how to make that adjustment. Not every investment that loses money goes to $0 after all, but definitely a much higher percentage in venture capital. There can be exits of "acqui-hires" and certainly there is value built up in a team. I'm disappointed AngelList didn't cover this area but this paper is certainly a marketing piece for their platform and NOT investment advice. I'm also disappointed that AngelList while talked about volatility but they didn't give any standard deviation metrics. + +So I'll take a wild ass guess and halve the Median and Mean IRRs to adjust for the losing investments. Then for standard deviation of venture capital you'll find papers all over with a wide variety of guesses - highest I've read was 100% (lol), lowest was 21% (lol), one that made a strong case it closely mirrors US. Small-cap Growth Stocks, which makes logical sense as that's the closest public asset class one can get to. + +So I'll use portfolio visualizer to make a efficient frontier from Jan 1972-Dec 2020 of 100% US stock market to US Small-cap Growth Stocks. [Results](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/efficient-frontier?s=y&type=1&mode=1&startYear=1972&endYear=2020&robustOptimization=false&groupConstraints=false&geometric=false&minimumVarianceFrontier=false&fromOrigin=false&asset1=TotalStockMarket&allocation1_1=50&minWeight1=0&maxWeight1=100&asset2=SmallCapGrowth&allocation2_1=50&minWeight2=0&maxWeight2=100) + +So over the time period 100% US Total Stock market has a 12.0% expected return, 15.65% standard deviation, and Small Cap Growth is 13.01% expected return, and 21.31% standard deviation. The Tangency Portfolio is 100% US Total Stock market according to PV, lol. Sharpe ratio of 0.47. + +So now accounting for losses, we possibly have VC as an asset class of median of 10.5%, mean of 17.5%, and let's estimate a standard deviation of 30%. We know a median of 10.5% wouldn't be interesting to graph as the tangency portfolio will still be US Total Stock Market. So, let's say you use your connections and get into one of the hit firms as a LP as the paper quoted: + +>The heart of the venture business is being able to separate signal from noise, rolling up your sleeves and working with the entrepreneur to build something successful. Is there any coincidence that Yahoo, Google, YouTube and so many of these “hits” have come from a handful of firms? Certainly timing and luck play a huge part in our business, but minimizing it to a seat at a roulette table is a shame. + +So what does the efficient frontier look like with US Total Stock Market and pretending you lucked into the better VC firms and have 17.5% average annual expected return, but with a standard deviation of 30% since it's private Series A/B investments? + +# Pretty Pictures: VTSAX / Venture Capital Efficient Frontier Graph + +https://i.imgur.com/rq7pfOl.png + +Pretty much linear under these generous assumptions. So it seems like the tangency portfolio of Venture Capital to 100% stocks is according to your risk tolerance and liquidity lockup tolerance. Unfortunately though, there is no tangency portfolio - an optimal allocation of venture capital does not exist with these assumptions I've made. Thus, it appears you're not being rewarded for the extra risk you're taking, and fortunately, not being penalized for it either. Just on this initial pass - it appears that the capital markets are efficient and have arbitraged the risk premiums away. + +If you add on bonds to it then the tangency portfolio contains 0% of venture capital. + +# Why I'm avoiding VC Funds + +Now, this is why I'm avoiding investing in VC firms and instead invest in Hedgefundie's UPRO/TMF portfolio. If you plot SPY/TLT at 55%/45% it's [the tangency portfolio of SPY and TLT.](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/efficient-frontier?s=y&type=1&mode=2&startYear=2010&endYear=2020&robustOptimization=false&groupConstraints=false&geometric=false&minimumVarianceFrontier=false&fromOrigin=false&symbol1=SPY&allocation1_1=55&minWeight1=0&maxWeight1=100&symbol2=TLT&allocation2_1=45&minWeight2=0&maxWeight2=100) You have an expected return of 12.28%, standard deviation of 7.16% and a Sharpe ratio of 1.64, which clearly beats 100% VTSAX. I used to be in 100% stocks. I'd rather have that portfolio as it's the same expected return, but a lot less volatility and drawdown risk. It's such a much better Sharpe ratio too - it's 3x less risky. + +Meaning - if I'm okay with sleeping at night with the same risk and drawdown risk of 100% stocks, I can lever it 3x (using UPRO and TMF). 3x is about the max leverage, take the 1.50 Sharpe divided by say 0.50 of 100% stocks and you get 3x. If 100% stocks is too much, you can leverage it 2x instead of course, and unleveraged is phenomenal still. Unlike with Venture Capital funds, I am being rewarded with the extra risk I'm taking by leveraging up this portfolio. + +[Efficient Frontier of UPRO and TMF](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/efficient-frontier?s=y&type=1&mode=2&startYear=2010&endYear=2020&robustOptimization=false&groupConstraints=false&geometric=false&minimumVarianceFrontier=false&fromOrigin=false&symbol1=UPRO&allocation1_1=55&minWeight1=0&maxWeight1=100&symbol2=TMF&allocation2_1=45&minWeight2=0&maxWeight2=100) + +Expected return of 35% and a 22% standard deviation. (Note: Hedgefundie modeled UPRO/TMF from 1986-onwards and the expected return varies between 18% on the low end, with 35% on the high end, with about the same 22% standard deviation had UPRO/TMF been around historically past then.) + +Finally, Sharpe ratios are really old school, and they penalize both gains, and losses equally. I really wish people will start using Sortino ratios instead. Sortino ratios penalize losses but not gains, and 55% UPRO/55% TMF (55% SPY/45% TLT) both have a 3.0 Sortino ratio. (Like Sharpe ratios, Sortino ratios doesn't change with leverage.) + +# Final TL;DR + +Playing [Hedgefundies](https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=272007) >>> VC with your risk capital. + +Choose your own desired allocation of 100% stocks to Venture Capital. You're not being awarded extra for the risk you're taking, nor are you being penalized for the risk. It appears the capital markets have arbitraged the risk premium out of Venture Capital. Keep in mind most funds have a 10 year lockup, so I'd keep it at most to a modest allocation. +Mid-40’s couple with young children living in the Bay Area. Net worth is $9M (excluding our business) and annual gross income is $3M, but take home after taxes is only about $1.4M because some of the income stays in the business which is growing. + +I’ve rented my whole life because it’s always seemed the better financial decision. However, one downside to renting is that the really nice homes aren’t usually available to rent (or rarely come on the market) and lately we’ve been thinking about buying so that we can live in a nicer home. + +We currently rent a reasonably nice home at $6k/month. A home that would be better enough (better location, better design, bigger, views) to be worth buying, in the area we want, would be $4.5M+. I think our rental is a good value and I don’t find it worth the effort to buy a home that is not appreciably better than our current rental. I also don’t like spending time doing house maintenance and appreciate how renting frees me from it. + +When I run the calculations based on our income, we should be able to afford a $4.5M home. However, some part of me balks at spending so much on a home. Our rental costs $72k/year and the interest/tax/maintenance on a $4.5M is I estimate about $200k/year. + +One thing we’ve also thought about is that with our current rental, we don’t stress about our business suffering a downturn because our living expenses while renting are very reasonable. Taking on a large mortgage would probably change that. + +Should we continue renting or buy a nicer home? +My wife and I just had another nice liquidity event and I’m finding myself wanting to (yet again) adjust my fatFIRE and SWR targets after hitting previous goals. + +I’d love to hear from the group: what is/was your LNW target number and SWR rate goal? If you’re already RE, how’s it going? +I'm trying to make sense of the markets which is definitely a futile endeavor, they seem to defy logic recently. But for those who are expecting a big downturn, what signals should we be watching for? If the market is just a big house of cards right now, what event or events might trigger the collapse? +So the saga continues! If you want to know what this is all about, why it's so fucked up, and how this possibly (even probably, at this point) relates to $GME, please check out my post from yesterday: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9y4ke/more\_super\_hot\_cheat\_code\_action/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n9y4ke/more_super_hot_cheat_code_action/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +First let me preface by saying this is not financial advice, and purchasing OTM options are generally a terrible, terrible investment. For anyone thinking there is "free money" here, there is not. This is about false carry values, and how this phenomenon has the potential to make an insolvent account look solvent. There is no real value to these puts, which is the problem I'm trying to highlight. + +**Now a short recap of the action ...** + +For several weeks now I have been seeing wildly incorrect carry values on deep out of the money $BKNG Puts. The carry values should reflect the midpoint between the bid/ask. Options contract prices are multiplied by 100 since they cover 100 shares. So an option with a bid/ask of $.40/$.80 should have a carry value of $60. + +The problem with incorrect carry values on options is an account could look solvent when it is, in fact, very much insolvent, necessitating a margin call. Citadel and other major players in the GME saga happen to carry a bunch of these Puts ($BKNG specifically, and many others generally). You can see the details here for yourself ([https://whalewisdom.com/stock/pcln](https://whalewisdom.com/stock/pcln)). You'll find Citadel's holdings on page 13. Whether or not Citadel still carries a bunch of $BKNG Puts, and whether or not those Puts are affected by this "glitch," I do not know. One thing I do know is everyone needs to be aware of this, and this "glitch" needs to get fixed ASAP. + +Now on to today's $BKGN Put carry value super-duper, free money cheat code fuckery ... below is a screengrab of my portfolio, and below that are screen grabs of the bid/ask of each Put at the time I made the screengrab of my portfolio. + +[As you can see by the bid\/ask info below, the carry value of only one of these options is correct \(the May 21, '21 $1560P\) ... the others are massively inflated.](https://preview.redd.it/8lhguq90jpy61.png?width=2148&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72b370d895d07196ed2449d775e417d223a6d71) + +https://preview.redd.it/8tefcm41jpy61.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c3bf1802d04849db927830185e3ff1b7ae04e97 + +https://preview.redd.it/efrd8wg1jpy61.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=b630b72f27197e806efcad552e3e0002238eb3b9 + +[Even though the carry value of this option is correct, there is no way this is worth $165 or should be carried on the books as such ... this too could be abused by bad actors.](https://preview.redd.it/38aodfv1jpy61.png?width=964&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f3c9d596997ac2d565d0f0dc30965d04da7fed7) + +For you wrinkle-brained apes, I don't need to explain why this is so fucked up and how badly this could/can be abused. + +For you smooth-brained apes, this could (I don't know that it is, but it could) be used by the bad guys to avoid a margin call and delay our long-awaited trip to the moon (and beyond). + +Edit #1: What is also weird is the timestamps ... I took the three bid/ask images above at roughly the same time (around 11:10 AM ET) ... only the last of the three was showing an accurate timestamp. + +I just revisted these, and the price is now correct for the May 14, '21 $1400P, but the May 21, '21 $1430P is still giving off this: + +https://preview.redd.it/acamwbqcxpy61.png?width=2144&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dde93c3701347734c2ec7dcd3ccd750a18f6b02 + +https://preview.redd.it/yeu1317expy61.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc06958bf00ed5c68635064f0bd652e25afb2e2 + +~~I hate to say this, but I am curious if this same carry value would show in a broker other than Etrade (which I'm on). It would cost someone $20 to test this out. And yeah, it's going to be a wasted $20 in all likelihood ... very, very doubtful $BKNG will be getting under $1430 by end of next week.~~ I regret including this ... not only does the value jump around too unpredictably, but I think this is giving people the wrong impression that I am somehow saying there is money to be made here. There is not (so far as I know). + +Edit #2: For what it's worth, someone else found some funny business with these same puts in a different broker app: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbi0ff/corroborating\_the\_super\_duper\_free\_money\_cheat/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbi0ff/corroborating_the_super_duper_free_money_cheat/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +I'm interested to know because most of the people I know tragically lost their nerve and sold at exactly the wrong time. + +Is fear stronger than greed when it comes to the behavior of investors? +I bought more this AM. To average a little under .94 + +Hold $1.50, $2, $5, $10? + +I’m just surprised there is not a mega thread foe BNGO on here, hence the purpose of this post. + +I bought bc hot sector (genetics+healthcare+testing), result rumors, and institutional investment rumors. + +I think it could be the next solo/uavs, maybe even workhorse. + +What you think? no spam shit... post positions if ya want, and if you are going to hype a stock (that is not BNGO) , at least make it entertaining or an intelligent effort. + + +Obligatory 🚀 + +Update 12/30 12:50EST: this seems to be working out well. $5 or bust? $10 or bust? 🚀 +The HODL mentality is great, the way the community has embraced it, and explained it to others has likely saved many inexperienced investors from selling at a loss when things have seemed rough. + +We need to remember though that at the end of the day bitcoin is a currency, and if we ever want it to reach its full potential, we need to treat it as such. + +Bitcoin is meant to be spent as much as it's meant to be saved. I urge you to download a wallet on your smart phone and treat it as your checking account for spending bitcoin. Think of your paper wallet or hardware wallet as your savings account. + +It may be hard to do. You'll fret over potentially paying what amounts to $10,000 in the future for a pizza. If we want bitcoin to succeed, it needs to be widely adopted, and as early adopters, its our obligation to help spread it. + +If you budget $300 a month for spending money, put $50 in a software wallet on your phone. When you go to the bar, restaurant, craft fair, farmers market, ask if they accept bitcoin. If they don't you'll at least plant the idea in their mind. If they do, I promise your first transaction will feel amazing (and so will the following ones too). +I just noticed that Mt Gox is saying that they: +"had to relocate MtGox to our previous office building in Shibuya (details can be found here https://support.mtgox.com/home)" + +That office address is: +MtGox Co.,Ltd. +Cerulean Tower 15F +26­1 Sakuragaoka­cho +150­8512 Shibuya Tokyo +Japan + + +However, Cerulean Tower floor 15 is not a general office. It belongs to a company called "The Executive Centre", which is a business that offers virtual offices. + +From: +http://www.executivecentre.com/virtual_offices/faq + +A virtual office provides your business with the corporate image and business infrastructure of a multinational company without the cost. Your business will get a prestigious business address and a designated local phone number with a receptionist answering your calls in your company name. Professionally trained secretarial staff will manage your correspondence, and can provide additional administrative and support services as you need them. + + +If you go to the Executive Centre link above, and click on the Virtual Offices link above, then click on Locations, you will see under Tokyo they have the Shibuya Cerulean Tower, which when clicked on, reveals that they have floor 15 - the new Mt Gox address. + +http://www.executivecentre.com/location/shibuya_cerulean_tower + +Level 15, Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 150-8512 + + + +So I'm just curious how Mt Gox plans to "relocate" into what is essentially a phoneline. + +I’ve been saving for FIRE, and that means sitting on a fairly large (and growing larger) nest egg. My parents were fairly wealthy, and I always grew up with the understanding that you didn’t talk about your finances beyond a very small, very trusted circle. Recently my wife (who comes from a different background) shared our net worth # with her sister. It wasn’t a big deal (it’s family after all), but I was a little taken aback. We talked about it, and I had trouble articulating why one should keep it private. + +I feel like I sometimes read horror stories on this subreddit about what happens when you talk too much, but I can’t really bring any to mind. Can someone explain where you draw the line when it comes to sharing info about the state of your finances and why? +Cmon guys, step up your game... + +$10M was weeks ago. The floor is now $35M! + +Why, you ask? Well, since the floor last week was $25M (see my previous [Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mxrdui/floor_is_25m/)) and Kenny Boi made us wait yet another week, the floor now has risen to $35 MILLION USD. + +&#x200B; + +Say it with me! THE FLOOR IS 35 MILLION USD! + +Level up and forget that 10 Million USD shit. The game goes on. If nothing happens next week, guess what. The floor rises another $10M. Week by week. Until the Moass starts. + +And you guys know why GME is worth so much? Because these greedy HF Motherfuckers deserve it. Did you know that after 2008 the anual suicides increased by 8000!!!! people? + +EIGHT FUCKING THOUSAND. + +Because of greedy Hedge Fucks people killed themselfes, lost their homes, their jobs, everything. And why? Just so Kenny G. and his friends could buy himself a new luxurious aprtment, a new yacht or a new private jet. + +Now is payback time. + +Now we are greedy. + +Now greedy Hedge Fucks will lose their job, their homes and their nice yacht and jets. + +WE owe that to the victims of the 2008 crises. + +THIS is our ONLY chance to have a big impact on the future. + +So be GREEDY my fellow apes. Don´t sell for a laughable amount of $10M / share, so that X and XX share Holders have Worldchanging money too. + +And REMEMBER: SELL ON THE WAY DOWN!!! Not on the way up, thats what FLOOR means. + +&#x200B; + +So i beg you Kenny Boi, since my personal goal is to not sell before $50M USD, let us wait longer. +Okay, so yes I've made over $600 in my time. Got my first electronic check in like, August... I want it to be clear that this is like my first "job", I've never worked before and tbh I don't have a clue on how to work taxes. I haven't gotten a special forum in the mail by Google yet. + +&#x200B; + +I just don't know how to go about paying taxes for this. I just upload videos, it gets ad revenue, then I get paid through electronic check and that's pretty much it. +Please limit discussions about the Fed rate hike to this post. + +The FOMC statement on the 75 bips rate change can be found here - [Federal Reserve Board - Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220921a.htm) + +Implementation notes can be found here - [Federal Reserve Board - Implementation Note issued September 21, 2022](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220921a1.htm) + +The live press release at 2:30pm ET can be found here - [Federal Reserve Board - News & Events](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents.htm) +A couple months ago I started a Robinhood account after some suggestions on this sub. Put a small amount of money in the account and started doing research on individual stocks. So far after 2.5 months in I am up 12% mostly due to being able get in and out of stocks without having to think about fees. Not day trading by any means but buying and selling within a couple days to a couple weeks. + +My question is, if I can do this (a very inexperienced stock trader) where's the catch? Is there anything I need to worry about going forward (unforeseen fees, taxes, missing out on potential financial return elsewhere, etc)? + +Any advice from those more experienced in this area is appreciated! + +Sidenote: I still have a Vanguard IRA and ETFs for a more stable investment route, this has just been more of a small exploration into the stock market. +This is a great piece that provides a much more realistic framework for thinking about future returns and current valuations than the standard metrics like Shiller CAPE. + +http://www.philosophicaleconomics.com/2013/12/the-single-greatest-predictor-of-future-stock-market-returns/ + +Hopefully this graphic will convince people that the article is worth a look: [Correlation between standard metrics and future returns](http://i2.wp.com/www.philosophicaleconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/r2avginv2.jpg) +If you ignore IRA, 401k and Roth IRA, how common would you say it is for an average American to buy stocks in their own name? I asked in a none investing sub and got the answers “not common at all”, so I thought I’d ask this demographic too. + +Edit: Turns out the answer is [14%](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/ei2sdj/is_it_common_for_average_janes_and_joes_in_the_us/fcn2bbu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +Edit 2: It now turns out 14% is [not the case](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/ei2sdj/is_it_common_for_average_janes_and_joes_in_the_us/fcnc4aq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), that’s just the amount of American who have a brokerage account. Most (?) use them for ETFs and mural funds hence don’t fall into the answer to my question. +So I bought puts last Friday for 4/17 dates (so they have only been active one week). My losses right now are -60% with today having a small gain. Are these done for ? Can I possibly get back to break even ? Or should I sell the loss and buy new puts ? May be an obvious question but I’m still trying to learn. +I don't know about the rest of you but these past couple of weeks, I've just felt like I've been chasing cars, meaning the market isn't moving in the directions my TA is trying to predict. + +I know there are a TON of external factors at play here (China, Stimulus, Fed, etc...) but it feels like these past couple of weeks have been especially unpredictable / irrational in comparison to the last few months. + +I'm not complaining or anything but just seeing what you all are going through and what you've done to get a better handle on things in this moment. +My wife and I have been trying for a kid and she is currently under my Cigna PPO plan. We live in OC, CA. Around the 10:30PM this last Saturday, my wife, who was 10 weeks pregnant, started to have a miscarriage and the pain for her was unbearable. So like any loving husband who hates seeing their significant other in that much pain, I took her in to the nearest emergency room. It was sort of an intense situation and I didn't have time to check whether we ended with an out of network doctor for the visit but 16 hours later, a couple IV bags, bloodwork, and a ultra sound later, we're out of the hospital. At this point, its starting to set in that we might be getting a large bill because I couldn't locate the doctor on the paper work in our Cigna PPO network. I think the idea of "networks" is really fucked up but that's beside the point. + +What are my options at this point? Will they allow a payment plan with a low interest rate? + +I already feel like this is going to be a shitload of debt that we won't be able to dig ourselves out of. + +EDIT: Thanks for all of the support. It is much appreciated. My wife is doing fine health-wise but will need time to heal emotionally. + +EDIT2: Thanks for all of the tips/information regarding insurance. I will start talking to my insurance provider (which is through my employer) and see what they come back with. More than likely it sounds like I will be fighting this down to an acceptable payment plan but we'll see. I'm not financially destitute or anything of the sort but I just recently paid off my car note and it wiped out a decent chunk of my savings so my emergency funds are on the lower side. + + +EDIT3: Wow this post blew up. Wasn't expecting this much support. Again, thank you! It is much appreciated. +As the title says predict the best performing stock of 2021 and by the end of 2021 I will give away a Reddit award 🥇 to the person who correctly predicts the best performing stock of 2021. + +The award will given by end of next year. And if there is no correct prediction the award will be given to the person who’s stock comes closest to the highest return. + +P.S - You can only pick 1 stock. +Some background, I'm 22, I have 57k at the bank and make 1100 a week working a shit job 50 hours a week. I plan to hold long term. How good, in your best judgment of risk/reward does buying 100 shares of qqq and selling strategic calls every 2 days at very low delta, but never under bought price. I Understand a could be eventually collecting pennies in front of a steam roller, but whats the odd, qqq at 259 isn't that awful, seems like a low price(or does it?) +So I have been wheeling for a little less than a year and it’s been going okay so far. The biggest comfort I find with this strategy is that you end up owning the underlying, so it’s not a complete write off/loss should the stock price spikes/tanks. + +I am hoping to graduate to Credit spreads and am not able to get beyond the mental wall of taking a loss when the stock goes past both strikes. While the return on capital is high, buying power usage is low and probability of profit is good, but the single fact that I would be booking a loss when the market crashes or the stock nose dives/spikes is kinda unsettling. + +Is there a different way to think about this to get past this mental block? +I've started wheeling since January. I decided to spin the strategy and instead of just selling CSPs, I decided to also buy some stocks and sell CCs. + +Now, after 3 months, I made around 10k in options premiums, but my underlying are down 12k. + +That's very disappointing as I put quite some effort in looking at the stocks. I am overexposed on growth stocks and since February they've been bleeding like crazy. + +I am losing some of the motivation that I had when I begun...:( +When selling covered calls, the closer your strike price to the current price the more premium you will make, but the farther out you go the less premium until it becomes useless. + +But during a bull market run, you are bound to hit your strike price and have your shares called away at some point, just from unexpected rises and volatility, even if you sell at an extra 1 or 2 strike prices away and are careful. + +There doesn't seem to be much options or science behind it when deciding what strike price to sell at, more like 1-3 strikes out if stock is not moving much, and up to 10 strikes away if volatile. + +At that point I understand you can buy the stocks again hopefully at the same price they got called away and continue. + +On the other hand, an advantage of having a low cost basis is that even if the stock crashes 10+ percent, you can still sell covered calls without being forced to sell them below your cost basis. + +I've researched this topic, and still wondering how the more experienced approach this problem or if you try to find some balance. + +Thanks. + +Edit: Thank you all for sharing your ideas, I appreciate it so much, so much to consider. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I've been a long time buy and hold investor. In the past year I started buying options as hedges, but more recently I discovered selling puts, the wheel and theta gang. I have been really enjoying it. This trading style suit my personality well. + +I particularly enjoy watching my put options expire. I get immense satisfaction reading "expired" in the trade log. The same feeling I get from executing any well organized plans. + +Question to the theta gang: does this feeling diminish in the long run? Does it eventually become routine like? +Hello. I would like to know if anyone uses a specific software (other then your trading platform) to manage and keep score of your options trades. Sorry to bother you. Right now I’m using a google sheet. Thank you for your time. +I am honestly in the learning phase of trading options. As part of the process I recently sold a cheap stocks CSP w/ a 10 DTE. + +I have seen posts and videos that seem to encourage people to capture their profits at 50%. BUT i think this is in reference to when you are the BUYER as opposed to the SELLER. + +It seems to me that as a seller theta decay is working in my favor by reducing the value of the shares over time - which is what I want as a seller. +Should I capture my profits at 50% level ASAP when selling an option(CSP/CC) or is it best to wait for theta decay to keep decaying it? +How often or do you ever play both sides of the wheel on a stock? I just had a CC exercised on SNAP but leaving me with 50 shares. I’m thinking of buying another 50 shares and writing another CC. But looking at SNAP I also think this is a good spot to sell a CSP because it looks like it is going higher to me. When a stock is in a sweet spot like SNAP right now both sides seem like they would work. Do any of you do this often? +I have been investigating Credit Spreads recently and am starting to really like the looks of the strategy, but given the high max loss on each trade, especially when compared to the max gain I feel like the most important thing for employing this strategy has to be making sure you are never in a position where all of your positions can go bad at the same time. Here are the things I have been thinking about doing to manage risk on my credit spreads: + +1. Make many smaller trades, both across time and across underlyings, I am currently trading mostly SPY, but have been looking into things like GLD and USO as ways to get exposure to things that are at least somewhat less correlated to the stock market as a whole, and then if I make these trades every day/every few days I can adjust the positions automatically to the movements of the markets + +2. Have a plan for exiting trades, I am not sure exactly what the right numbers are yet, I need to get more experience with how the prices of spreads change over time, but I am currently thinking I will exit when up >50% of the max gain, and when down 3x the max gain. But those are just rough guidelines, certain trades will have different behavior depending on distance from the money, so I'll probably need to come up with a more dynamic system for this. + +3. I want to find underlyings that are correlated with the market generally, but I currently have reason to believe are going in the opposite direction, this may be hard to do, but my thinking is that if most of my plays are going to react the same way to a market crash, that can put me in a position for big losses. Even if I am selling spreads against SPY and something I think is negatively correlated with SPY (lets say GLD?). If I am selling PUT spreads against SPY and CALL spreads against GLD, assuming I am right and they are negatively correlated, this doesnt actually give me that much diversification, because if there is a crash and GLD were to go up both trades are losing. So the idea is to find some stock that is temporarily going opposite to the market. Let's say AMD just had a bad earnings call or whatever and is trending down, but the market is doing reasonably well, we could sell PUT spreads against SPY and CALL spreads against AMD, if we are right about both directions we win both bets, if something unexpected happens and the whole market tanks, since AMD and SPY are highly correlated we would expect both to tank, but only one of the trades would actually be losing, because we were betting on opposite directions for those correlated underlyings + +4. If I do end up with a lot of exposure to things correlated with the market and things start to go south, I was looking into the idea of buying PUTs against SPY as a hedge, but since you have to pay premiums for those PUTs there is a reasonable chance that the price stays below your PUT credit spreads and above the break even on the PUTs you bought doubling your losses, so that doesnt seem great. Sure it works well if everything actually goes way down, but idk if it is the best way to hedge. So what I was thinking is I could buy an inverse SPY ETF, if the SPY recovers I take a bit of a loss and my spreads are back to even/profit, and if we continue down then the inverse ETF cushions the losses/maybe makes some gains. I am not super confident on this one, maybe I am just avoiding the PUT idea because I don't like buying premium, but at the end of the day maybe it is a very similar play? + +Anyways, that's what I have been thinking about, anyone else have any good ideas for how to protect against big drawndowns when trading credit spreads and things go against you? It really seems like if you can find good ways to protect against big losses credit spreads can be a very strong strategy. + +One idea I have seen that I am a bit skeptical of is the idea of "rolling" your trades, I feel like "rolling" is just a way to make you feel better about your losing trades and can trick you into doubling down on a loss. If you have to close a trade and reopen a new one, I don't really see why you should base the strikes of the new trade on the previous losing trade. It seems to me like you should just accept the loss, fall back on your plan and decide what the best trade you can make in the current state of the world is. If it ends up being that you decide that making the same trade you had before but further out in time is the right trade, sure that's fine, but it seems like bad practice to use your previous losing trades as a framework for deciding what trade to make next. +I know i could google it and get an answer from some investment "professional" but honestly I'd rather learn here. Is there a post or somewhere where you guys lay out the basics? + +Is 5k enough to get started in theta gangness? + +Is it best the thetagang during earnings seasons and go back to my normal routine inbetween earnings runs? + +With 5k, which stock prices are the "goldylocks" zone? I assume with a lower balance you need lower cost stocks, and with a higher balance you want stocks with high meme value (tsla, amzn, baba, etc.) + +5k would mean stocks in the $35-$45 range right? because I will want to buy 100 shares to cover things? +I'm curious what you all have found to be the sweet spot when selling puts or calls, using the wheel strategy? Specifically, I'm asking about time (aka months out), but I think we could include %OTM as well. + +In my view, it's a trade-off. If you go too short out, you are taking a large risk for not a lot of premium. However, you would be able to do this more often, which may add to your overall returns. + +If you go too far out, your premium will be larger, but the long holding period will drive down your annual return rate. + +For reference, here are a series of CSCO 35 puts for the next several months. Current price: 37.82. I used "Bid" as the price. + +Oct: $0.33 (.0150/day) + +Nov: $1.17 (.0202/day) + +Dec: $1.45 (.0169/day) + +Jan: $1.76 (.0154/day) + +Mar: $2.33 (.0132/day) + +It seems like there is a sweet spot that someone has done analysis on. Is it too simple just to calculate the premium per day and call that the sweet spot? + +Thanks in advance for your thoughts. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Pardon my newbiness into this. Take into example $RIOT. I sold $44 puts expiring tomorrow but the stock price plummeted (from $51 to $43) so I rolled it to next week at a strike price of $42 and still received credit for doing so. + +If the price keeps plummeting, let's say nonstop to $10 before it bounces back, won't I keep making profit by rolling into next week and receiving credit? Would there be a time where this won't happen and you're forced to take assignment or buy back your put? +Hi Everyone! + +I've been doing the theta gang strategy since October 2020. I wanted to share my results, my strategy, and ask for feedback. I would love to learn from those more experienced as to how I can improve and continue cultivating my trading skills. + +**SUMMARY** + +* Total Positions Opened: 252 +* Positions closed at a LOSS: 16 (6.3%) +* Positions closed at BREAKEVEN: 5 (2.0%) +* Positions closed for a WIN: 231 (91.7%) +* Average percentage of premium collected: 43% + +On the surface, I think the numbers look pretty good and I'm happy with my primary strategy! They've been providing me with small, steady gains. I shared the guidelines in a previous post and have been tweaking it as I go. + +However, although my win rate is over 90%, my account value has only increased by a much smaller percentage. That is because the underlying stocks I took assignment on are down quite a bit below my purchase price. + +**STOCKS ASSIGNED** + +* UVXY - Assigned 11/20/21 @ $18 strike +* UWMC - Assigned 2/29/21 @ $12.50 strike +* NGA - Assigned 3/19/21 @ $30 strike +* EDIT - Assigned 3/19/21 @ $55 strike + +On 3/15/21, when UVXY was down to $7.60, I also bought another 100 shares to bring down my average; however, that was a mistake. UVXY is now under $5/share. Yikes! Initially, I didn't think it would be a bad idea to hang onto UVXY even though it was down because I keep waiting for a potential correction and increase in uncertainty in the market. I thought that would drive the price back up. It's possible that it could recover in the future; however, I don't like tying up my capital for such a long (unknown) amount of time. + +I am selling covered calls on my other stocks; however, the premium is pretty meager compared to the unrealized loss of the underlying. + +**LESSONS LEARNED** + +At expiry, if the underlying is 10% below the strike price, go ahead and take the loss and free up my capital. That's what I did with one my options on the 16th. I am happy with the decision because not only did it free up my capital for new trades, it also reduced my mental load which allowed me to look forward and think more clearly. Seeing the unrealized losses on the stocks listed above every day are pretty disheartening. ='( + +I have a pretty long watch list and after trading so many different stocks, I'm going to narrow my focus and trim down my portfolio, so I can focus on the ones that have provided me with the best returns. + +Besides that, I'll continue following my strategy of selling cash secured puts around 0.20 delta and closing for profit around 50%. + +**FEEDBACK** + +Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about my strategy! Is there anything you'd do differently? How do you handle underlying stocks whose values have considerably dropped? +Given the current price of NVDA..was thinking of starting a position here and selling calls. Average down if it continues down from here..3 to 5 year outlook..what does everyone think of this? +I own 100 shares of Spy and I make the same amount of money selling covered calls in just one week vs the quarterly dividend. Are covered calls really that good? There must be a catch. They pay way more than dividends. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I’ve been selling TSLA covered calls the past two months as it’s been stuck in the 575-630 channel and have made pretty good premiums in the process. Obviously TSLA gapped up hard the past two days and now my covered call (exp 7/9/2021 640) is deep ITM. Hoping for a pull back before exp so I can close (for less of a loss) or roll, but you never know with TSLA. My cost basis is low with TSLA, but would like to hold on to my shares. I know that selling CC’s on a stock like TSLA is inherently risky and I accepted that risk. Any advice would be appreciated! +So I'm considering getting into the wheel options strategy by starting off with my first CSP on SAVE. I'm slightly bullish on SAVE over the long term and I expect slow but steady growth, but that's not what I''m here to talk about. + +I'm interested in hearing your horror stories of CSPs and the wheel gone wrong. I think hearing the worst possible scenarios can help me better judge what kind of stocks I want to invest in and what my real risks are employing this strategy. My biggest concern is selling a CSP and the stock dropping significantly on some unexpected news. + +What is realistically the worst that could happen and how would you measure that risk? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep bragging to a minimum; remember every dollar you make is a dollar someone else lost. +I've been bothered by this, and I'm curious how y'all go about it. When selling a put, you need some form of "collateral": + +1. Cash secured puts, tie up your cash immediately for duration of contract + +2. Margin, pay interest for access to margin that is used, but also requires additional collateral to be eligible for the margin. + +I like cash secured puts, and intend to keep stock if assigned, but I'm annoyed by having to just keep my cash... sitting there, doing nothing, through the contract. I don't want to invest it in other companies, but I would want to make interest on it, like CDs or $SGOV kinda thing. + +from what I can tell, the only way to do that is with margin, and then I'd just be paying margin interest to put it into bonds/CDs, which is pretty stupid sounding to me. + +I'm not trying to leverage the way margin is intended, I just want my cash to generate interest until it's eventually assigned/contract expires. I don't think this is possible from what I can tell, though. What do y'all do when selling puts? +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +Hi everyone. I've been selling options for a few months now, still beginner. I mostly do credit spreads. +I've both made money, and been crushed by high IV meme stocks. The reason for meme stocks is because I was drawn to their high premiums, but this feels more like gambling. But if I go with much less volatile stocks, their premiums are low and uses a lot of margin for very low % max profit. With a position that has very high % of probability, the premium is probably pennies. + + +My questions are: + +1. How do you decide if the premium is worth the risk? +2. Do you aim for a certain % max profit (% of width of strikes) for credit spreads? +3. How do you go about finding the "right" stock to make thetagang plays on? + +&#x200B; + +I know these are a lot of questions, but an answer to any one of them will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! +So this is a theoretical question and definitely not a theta play, bus as I obviously miss something, I wanted to ask the community: + +What happens if I sell e.g. the SPY 700P Dec 20' 24? + +I cash about 28k $ premium and the margin impact is 0.00 (IB). The margin remains 0 for far closer ITM puts, so SPY falling to 200 would in itself not even be a problem. + +Of course, there is early assignment risk and the margin requirement could change with VIX exploding anytime, but is there any other risk? SPY cannot go to zero. I would, of course, not even consider doing this on a single stock, but with an index ETF? The idea would be to roll this put as soon as the next long-dated options are available (of course this would take years to melt to a 0$ obligation), but it's a interest free loan for considerable low risk... +What am I missing? +Hey everyone, + +I was just wondering what you guys see for weekly ROI. I’ve only been selling weekly options for a month but have averaged just over my goal of 2% a week. It doesn’t seem to unrealistic but after extrapolating it over roughly six years I would make around one million dollars (before taxes of course) and that seems kind of nutty. Is 2% a week too much to ask for? Also what weekly returns do you guys get? +I've started wheeling since January. I decided to spin the strategy and instead of just selling CSPs, I decided to also buy some stocks and sell CCs. + +Now, after 3 months, I made around 10k in options premiums, but my underlying are down 12k. + +That's very disappointing as I put quite some effort in looking at the stocks. I am overexposed on growth stocks and since February they've been bleeding like crazy. + +I am losing some of the motivation that I had when I begun...:( +This is not a troll post at all, or anything of that sort. + +I am genuinely curious to know how those who have sold puts on NKLA are doing currently, how are the trades looking, is your original plan working out? Any other details you want to share. + +I do understand there’s a couple of fellows on here who are legitimate NKLA bulls and sold a lot of options accordingly, so that’s perfectly fine. I am more interested in hearing from the remaining majority who sold puts on NKLA purely for the premiums. +I want to chat about the wheel and the DTE. + +Tastytrade/OptionAlpha, etc don't do the wheel. They sell options and hope to bleed the theta to buy back the contract at lower price. Monthlies makes more sense for this strategy since there is more time to manage. + +But shouldn't we run the wheel on weeklies? + +* Gamma risk is moot since you're taking assignment +* Higher premium +* Quicker to turn around and start selling CC +* Arguably better in these crazy markets + +What do you think? +Say i sell a SPAC CSP at floor price $10 for 1% 30DTE. If the SPAC drops below floor price and I get assigned, I can redeem my shares at the floor price $10 and keep the Put premium after 30 days? What is the process to redeem SPAC shares at floor price? +The subreddit is called theta gang, it's dedicated to using theta to make money, BUT any theta idea you thought out, any strategy at all involving theta, 100% of the comments are "dude are you dumb, this environment is impossible to sell puts etc etc" ok fine, if thats the case, if it's truly impossible and any wheelstrategy or theta related strategy is just "100%, don't do it" than everyone just fucking unsub and gtfo. +I am getting tired of being glued to my screen. I want to have a portfolio where I look at my positions only once a day, or even skip a few days. I am thinking that selling premium on indices is probably best for that. Anyone just sell indices? What's your experience? Any other "less" effort strategy? +just like the title: days where the spx and vix are both up, in today's case pretty significantly, are major warning signs for me in the past. next couple days gonna be rough. get your short calls in. +I am more bullish on ETH than any other cryptocurrency. It's my main DCA, I stopped buying Bitcoin to buy more ETH. I believe The Flippening will happen in the next 3-5 years. + +But I think that 20 trillion dollars market cap is bullshit. Forget ETH, I would be more than happy if the whole crypto market cap was that much by 2030. +The only way this could happen is if the US dollar loses massive value and I don't think it's possible for that to happen to a degree like in Venezuela, Argentina or even Turkey. + +I love my Hopium as much as the next guy but be sure not to overdose on that fucker. To see ETH at $180k we would need for the Money printer to go brrrrr from now till 2030 non stop. Don't even want to think about the prices of goods and services. +EDIT: Yes fraud is a tough subject and will be a hard problem to solve with crypto however we can't simultaneously say wide Bitcoin adoption is 5-10+ years away without expecting to have 5-10+ years of development that needs to be done to solve some of these things. + +As someone who works for a bank in a customer-facing retail setting I'm one of the first people they come to when they have banking issues they need help with, or complaints with our policies. + + +These issues/complaints include any and all of the following: + + +- Credit/debit card fraud in which their card is being used without their permission. + +- Card fraud in which their card/personal details where stolen either through phishing or a similar scam. + +- Cards being locked due to "suspicious transactions"(which might not even be suspicious in many cases which just frustrates people) + +- Checks being put on hold for anywhere between 1-6 business days, or even up to 10 for big checks. + +- Accounts being partially frozen or even closed due to potential +fraud activity. + +- Payment apps like Zelle either not letting people link their accounts, or blocking payments due to lack of similar payment activity or whatever they deem "suspicious activity" + +- Customer cannot easily transfer funds from their old bank to ours because the other bank has no local branches + +- Customers wanting large withdrawals, but don't we don't have enough cash on hand to give it all to one customer + +- National coin shortage causing frustration for business customers + +- Wire transfer fees/processing time + +- Maintenance fees + +- Overdraft fees + +- Bank check/money order fees + +- Non-customer fees + +- Non-customer ATM fees + +- "Non-transactional account" transfer fees + +- Pending transactions taking days to post + +- Real companies making charges on people's cards when they haven't even been there in months + +- People complaining the ATM doesn't work after they just stuffed dozens of shitty dirty bills and water stained checks in it + +- A couple deposited all their money via bank check from their old bank and it was put on hold for over a week leaving them with no money. + +- Woman wanted to wire $100 to her family but was turned away because Intl wires cost $50 off the top and may or may not have fees on the receiving bank as well. + +- Guy couldn't access his money from his old bank across the country which required him to physically be there to initiate a wire. + +- Guy lost a fairly large bank check in the parking lot a few plazas over and took weeks to get in contact with him to put a stop on it. + +- Checks/cards not showing up in the mail, wasting people's time to have to come in and reorder and put stops on the lost items. + +- Old people who literally pay money to buy checks only to drive to the bank, stand in line, and write themselves a check for $100 cash and ask for a balance - only to repeat this every other day. + +---------- +The fact that these problems and inconveniences even exist is a problem in itself. Bitcoin fixes all of these because they are completely irrelevant on a Bitcoin system. In economics 101 they teach you that the definition of an efficient market is one where **all information is transmitted perfectly, completely, instantly, and for no cost**. Bitcoin dramatically increases efficiency in banking and will inevitably become the standard medium of storing money/value. + +**Food for thought:** Customers will often ask for their pay checks to deposited as cash. If we can tell the check is legit or if we're familiar with the person(kyc) we'll deposit it as cash even though the check is from another institution, meaning in reality the receiving bank isn't getting anything besides a piece of paper and a promise that the account on the check is good for the funds. Verifying those funds takes a business day or more, but meanwhile the funds get poofed into the persons account at the click of a button. Also as many of you know, since March 2020, deposit institutions are now required to keep 0% of their total deposit accounts in cash reserves. Zero percent! + +So that's why when I hear someone say that Bitcoin isn't "backed" by anything, my question is what the hell is a dollar backed by besides dirty green rectangles with some old guy's signature? +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +I've been trading for 3 years now and am finally consistently in the green pretty much ever day, making what I consider a really good income, more than I've ever made before considering I'm in college. I never really thought I would get to this point so I'm really wondering what I should do with my growing trading account? + +How much do you keep in your account to grow it, how much do you pay yourself, how much do you invest long term, etc. stuff like that. My account just hit the 25k mark. +Hello all, + +I have been trading for about 20 months and the last 8 has been full time trading. I have made enough and I have been disciplined enough to believe I can continue trading full time moving forward. + +My question here is: what do you put for your job on LinkedIn? What job title and bullet points do you add? + +I know it might be silly to keep a LinkedIn, but I want to keep in professional contact with some of my network and I basically just kept my old job in there for now. + +Any examples or help would be greatly appreciated!!! +So, at the top of the sub is now a speculation-tagged post with the Title "The Last DD: Fractional Share" and this post is basically claiming that if you have a fractional share in your CS account (which anyone who buys through CS does) and you eventually decide to sell your shares, those shares go back into the DTCC. As proof of this, the ape shows a screenshot that shows that shares they put up for sale go from "Class Common A" to "Direct stock." The logic behind the conclusion is based on the premises that + +1. If you have a fractional in plan holding, all book shares will be transitioned from Class A Common Stock to Direct stock (but not if there are no Fractionals) when you sell +2. Class A Common Stock are book shares and Direct Stock are plan shares +3. Plan shares/Directstock are sold through Computershare's broker +4. Computershare's broker will put your shares back into the DTCC/streetname when you sell book shares +5. Selling book shares without a fractional in plan will route them differently, so that the shares are only sold to peers outside of DTCC + +All of these premises have to be true, in order for the ape's conclusion to be correct and I didn't see evidence for all of these premises to be true yet. + +The ape then goes on to argue that you should be selling your fractional shares if you don't want your DRSed shares to go back into the DTCC when selling. In the comments I saw several other apes commenting that they have decided to sell their fractional shares or have already done so and this is where--as an ape who has been here since Jan 21--I want to caution you. Over 84 years, I have seen lots of DD urging you to do something that was later debunked. + +If what this ape says is true, there is no rush for you to act. You are not planning to sell anytime soon. Even if MOASS starts tomorrow, it will be months before the price reaches its peak IF it ever does reach a peak. You are safe. Your shares are safe. Wait for more DD. Wait for Dr. T's take on this claim. Wait for Computershare's confirmation that this is how selling works. Wait to see if selling without Fractionals is actually different. + +Furthermore, if the ape is correct, why would you sell your fractional now for $5 when you could wait to sell it for $25,000,000 a day or two before getting ready to sell a real share? Why would you SELL the fractional instead of BUYING more Fractionals to get a full share you can move into book? + +The worst case scenario if you decide to wait is... Well nothing happens if you wait, so just wait for more DD. + +The worst case scenario if you decide to sell that fractional share is that 200k apes decide to sell their Fractionals every single time they get their pay check and that adds up. Suddenly, you're providing liquidity to Hedgefunds when they were dieing of thirst. + +TL;DR: Don't listen to people trying to urge you to do anything right now especially if what they're urging you to do is to sell. BUY. DRS. HOLD for more info. +🌎 SPIRIT BOMB 🌎 – by the community for the community, a Paradise BSC Token. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +100 HARD CAP FILLED IN 3 SECONDS + +Dxsale Presale Link - [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=4129&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=4129&chain=BSC) + +&#x200B; + +Contract Address - 0xf365b53449f208D6c4D4E7acB9665D216B500e4E + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +An ideal environment that promises a safe and rewarding experience for all individuals that will help and hold the Spirit Bomb grow bigger and stronger that no scam tokens can ever withstand. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +On Planet Namek, Goku had to rely on the help of all living beings to gather enough force to generate a spirit bomb he believed was large enough to decimate Frieza all while taking a beating from him. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +While we are all taking constant beatings from the market conditions in the cryptocurrency world, we can all lend our energy to come together to help Goku generate a positive spirit bomb that will be distributed between our community. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +👉 Join and support our community + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://www.spiritbombtoken.com/](https://www.spiritbombtoken.com/) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: [https://t.me/SpiritBombBSC](https://t.me/SpiritBombBSC) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +MISSION STATEMENT + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The creation of the Spirit Bomb Token was inspired by a community that stands together to combat projects that were only created to take their money away. That is why, with the help of a Spirit Bomb, we want to create a safer environment where investors and supporters can lend their hopes and energy; and rally behind a project where it is safe and rewarding for everyone. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +🌌 THE ENERGY CORE + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Community-focused: The Spirit Bomb can only become stronger with the help of its community. The more people that will support the growth and hold the energy of this project, the stronger and more effective it becomes. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Rewards system: “The longer you hold, the more energy coins you get.” The Spirit Bomb will greatly reward holders that believe in the project. And for each Milestone that the Spirit Bomb achieves, all existing holders will be given bursts of energy coins automatically. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Giveaways and competitions: To fuel the fire of keeping the Spirit Bomb big and strong, we will hold competitions with prizes and giveaways in the form of energy coins (or even NFT’s) that can be used in various rewarding ways. Airdrops and Giftcoins will also be sent to holders that’ll stand out above the rest. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +THE BOMBENOMICS + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +We have built a sustainable contract that allows us, through our tokenomics, to generate an income for marketing, reflections, continuous giveaways and competitions which we are yet to announce. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Total Supply + +&#x200B; + +1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Tokens for Private Sale: + +&#x200B; + +165,000,000,000 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Tokens for Public Presale: + +&#x200B; + +300,000,000,000 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Wallets: + +&#x200B; + +Dev Wallet: 10,000,000,000 (1%) + +&#x200B; + +Marketing: 50,000,000,000 (5%) + +&#x200B; + +Airdrops/giveaways: 50,000,000,000 (5%) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Rest will be burnt after launch + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +⏲ LAUNCH AND PRE-SALE INFORMATION + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Price for Private Sale, Public Presale & Listing: + +&#x200B; + +1 BNB = 3,000,000,000 $SB + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Official launch for Spirit Bomb is Monday, the 21st of June 2021. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +AskMeAnything: 9:30am EST + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Pre-Sale: 10am EST + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Launch: 12:00pm EST + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Our end goal is to build a massive community that can restore faith in the BSC space and not feel like they're never certain on any coin. The more people we have behind us, the more we can do to help the BSC space. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +WELCOME TO SPIRIT BOMB! ♥️ +Rage Comics were the greatest meme of all time. When they started on 4chan and began spreading to every corner of the internet, they gave us a new avenue for self-expression. An outlet for our anger, our frustration, our sadness. But also for our joy, our passion, our creativity. A way to cope and share the burden with the community. A way to celebrate and tell the world that not everything is shit, even if you felt that way, deep down. + +They were easy to make, easy to share. Simply a meme for the rest of us. And that's why the stories we shared through them resonated with so many people. It was your fellow person on the internet, feeling dreadful or happy and when reading their comics you could relate. Raw emotion. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. Joy. Passion. No fake Instagram Story. No oh-so-clever Twitter Thread. No bullshit dance on TikTok. + +No matter who you were, where you were, old, young, Rage Comics were for everyone. + +2008 was a different time. An easier time maybe. And the world around us has changed. We want to bring back the feelings Rage Comics gave us, this time in crypto. + +Introducing FUU: a new coin with an old, but great idea. + +We want to establish FUU as a gesture of appreciation. A tip for great memes. A heads up to someone you resonate with. A way to help someone cope with a shitty situation. A way to celebrate something great happening. Something to give back to your fellow person on the internet and to the community. Simply a coin for the rest of us. + +**What is Ragetoken?** + +The contract: 0x82B085f724B9A822320c84233291b62C13DD0712 + +Ragetoken \[$FUU\] is a smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Ragetoken (v2) launched on May 25th, 2021 with a total of 2,000,000,000 tokens minted. The max supply of 10,000,000,000 tokens will be reached after a time period of 180 days as new tokens will be minted for presales, airdrops and contests. + +Every token holder of Ragetoken (v1) received the same amount of Ragetoken (v2) as we launched the updated version. Ragetoken (v2) has a 3% liquidity tax on each transaction, which will be automatically provided to the Pancakeswap liquidity pool. The liquidity tokens will be locked to ensure the maximum of security. This liquidity tax can be lowered or even put to zero if enough liquidity is provided by third parties in later stages. + +**Dev Wallets** + +There are 6 developer wallets, with 50,000,000 (0.5%) tokens each at start, with the allowance to mint another 200,000,000 (2%) tokens over a time period of 180 days. This way we can ensure that none of us will pull the rug, even if one wanted to. + +**Discord/Reddit Bot** + +We are working on a Discord and Reddit bot which will allow users to tip/gamble/play with their FUU. Stay tuned. + +**You are VERY early** + +$FUU currently has a marketcap of around $70k on pancakeswap. Just imagine. Never forget that meme magic is real. + +If you don’t wanna buy on pancakeswap, you can join our telegram or discord for airdrops and presales. + +[Website](https://ragetoken.com/) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/ragetoken) + +[Discord](https://discord.gg/VxEgw7G5g7) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/RageTokenTalk) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/ragetoken/) +I've been doing a deep dive into Doki and Azuki over the last several weeks, and I'm ready to put this forward as my #1 gem pick of the Spring. I'm going to break this post down into four parts: + +1. a short intro for why you should jump into NFTs if you haven't already +2. a quick overview of what Doki is +3. a deep-dive into how we should value the token // my price targets +4. all the reasons why the rocket ship is about to blast off whether you hop on or not + +# NFTs + +A quick google search will tell you all about what NFTs are and why people are excited about them. I'm here to tell you why you should throw your money into them even before you do that (but definitely take the time to do that, there's a lot of really exciting stuff going on) + +* The NFT sector of the crypto markets is growing fast, but it's still small. Really small. Trading volume on NFT platforms was only **$12 million** in December 2020, and last month it hit almost [$350 million](https://decrypt.co/59968/nft-mania-february-trading-volume-just-topped-all-2020). For comparison, monthly trading volume for the entire crypto market (spot & derivatives) is north of [$5 trillion](https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2021/02/cryptocurrency-trading-volumes-nearly-doubled-to-new-highs-last-month-report/). That means the NFT sector, while growing fast, still make up well under 1% of total volume. We've got a long way to go. +* NBA Topshots did over $100 million in volume in its first 48 hours - how long do you think it will take for other major brands to pile in and start advertising NFTs to the masses? NFTs are going to bring the retail mania of this cycle. +* The total market cap of NFT projects is only $9.5 billion, according to [CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/nft). That means, again, they make up under 1% of the market. Also compare the average 7-day performance of projects on that page vs. the top 100. +* [Twitter mentions](https://app.brandmentions.com/h/p/26431/%23NFTs) and [Google search trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=NFTs) for NFTs are skyrocketing. + +So there you have it. The best time to get into the NFT sector was three weeks ago; the second best time is now. + +# DOKI + +So what is Doki, and why is it special? At its core, it's a **community-owned, gamified NFT marketplace**. To understand it, you have to first know what a Gachapon machine is: + +Gachapon are physical vending machines that distribute collectible toys. They're huge in Japan (heh). Here's an [overview](https://japan.stripes.com/travel/not-just-toy-anymore-scoop-japanese-gacha-machines). Note that the article (published recently) claims gacha sales make up about 3% of the toy industry in Japan, bringing in nearly $3 billion annually. + +Doki Doki is the first decentralized Gachapon machine, built to distribute collectible NFTs. Users insert tokens to play (either ETH or their native game token, AZUKI) and spin the machine to get an NFT. Each machine contains a series from an artist/collaboration, with pieces of varying rarity. And that right there is one of the biggest selling points for both artists and investors - there's an aspect of chance each time you spin the game, so customers will play again and again to get the piece they want, or for a chance at a rare version. This is one of the reasons the industry has grown so much in Japan. + +# Why should I buy it? + +In my opinion, Doki is criminally undervalued. It's sitting at a market cap of $11 million **fully diluted.** The tokens are completely distributed (minus the 1% team allocation) so there are no private sale investors to dump on you down the road, no inflationary mechanics to dilute your equity. Similar NFT marketplace projects have market caps from $50 million into the hundreds of millions, and their tokenomics aren't as attractive as Doki's. Some numbers: + +* At the low end, let's look at GameSwap, an NFT marketplace project that doesn't have a working product yet (not even a prototype, actually). If Doki were to reach their marketcap, each DOKI would be worth **$623** +* For the high end, let's not even go too high. Let's look at NFTx, which has quickly grown to a $217 million market cap (there are 5 NFT projects over $1 billion already). If Doki was to reach their market cap, that would mean a price tag of **$4,393 per DOKI** + +But that's only half the story. It's the tokenomics of Doki that have me so excited. I like to invest in tokens that have clearly defined **cash flow**. And Doki's is extremely appealing: **15% of all revenue from games go directly to DOKI holders**. On top of that, staking DOKI is one of the only ways to generate the native game token AZUKI, meaning you get two sources of revenue from the token. Some projections: + +* If Doki were to capture just 5% of the NFT sector's current volume, that would result in a cash flow of: **$1.74 daily, $52.20 monthly** or **$624 annually per DOKI** +* If Doki did sales volume equivalent of just 10% of the physical Gachapon industry (just in Japan), that would generate an annual return of **$900 per DOKI** +* Month-over-month growth for the NFT sector is currently in the high triple digit percentages, so even conservative estimates for 2021 (assuming even just a 1% market share) puts up some really crazy numbers. + +Now the fun part: with traditional stocks, you calculate the value of dividend stocks using a model called the **Dividend Discount Model**. The formula is: + +>Value = EDPS / (CCE - DGR) + +Where EDPS is the expected annual dividend per share, CCE is the cost of capital equity (what kind of safe return you can expect elsewhere), and DGR is the dividend growth rate (how much should the dividend increase based on current earnings projections). Now, these variables don't all translate well to crypto, but just for fun - if we use the current price, the $624 annual dividend (based on 5% of current monthly NFT market volume), a 10% cost of capital equity, and a 5% dividend growth rate, we get **$7663** **per DOKI**. + +Sound pretty nutty? Think again. That's not even a 50x from current value, meaning it wouldn't even be in the top 10 of NFT projects *at current valuations*, in a sector of the market that's growing hundreds of percentages month-over-month. + +TLDR: $10,000 DOKI is FUD. + +# Ok, but why should I buy it now? + +Besides the fact that NFTs are blowing up and every project is mooning left and right, there are some specific catalysts that are going to propel Doki's price in the short-term. + +* [Doki is launching on Matic](https://medium.com/@dokidoki.finance/dokidoki-x-matic-gacha-on-l2-f795d6c0ea52) sometime in the next couple weeks. In fact, all of the contracts have been successfully ported already; the team is finishing up on the UI, so it could drop any day now. +* With the Matic launch comes a new website and a host of new gacha machines, with new artists and collaborations. Pranksy, one of the biggest names in the NFT space, is already confirmed. +* L2 launch will also bring a new marketing push. The team has been building out their sales force both in Japan and abroad, to bring new artists, brands and collaborators to the platform. +* The team has been teasing a whole new NFT-based project called ChainBinders. We don't know anything about it yet, but it will be part of Doki (no separate token), and it's been described as something "totally new that the NFT space hasn't seen before" +* There are rumors of a partnership with a *very* well-known Japanese brand, also due to be announced with L2 launch. These are just rumors for now, but word is it's a name most people know, even outside of Japan. + +Footnote: + +>Should I buy DOKI or AZUKI? + +They're both good buys right now, but I would personally go heavy on Doki, maybe 70/30 or even 80/20. Azuki will see a spike in demand with all of the newly launched machines, but Doki has superior fundamentals for the long run. Whereas Azuki is inflationary (to a cap of 40 million), Doki's supply is capped at 50,000. But more importantly, Doki holders get the cash flows mentioned above, whereas for Azuki, the only driver of long-term value is the eventual deflation from token burn (but you have to get through the inflationary period first) + +Relevant Links: + +[https://dokidoki.finance/](https://dokidoki.finance/) + +[https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/doki-doki-finance](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/doki-doki-finance) +ALRT is revolutionizing diabetes in animal health and nobody knows yet, but before I get into the DD, let me say that ALRT is not a pink sheet pump and dump, they trade on OTC.QB, fully SEC reporting, 109,000,000 float, trading around .05, no dilution, the company is fully funded by the CEO himself. The O/S is 542M (all restricted shares/options from insiders) which gives them a market cap just shy of $25 million. + +Here is my summary of DD and research but they have an investors presentation on their website and also their last few press releases explain a lot. ALRT is a data management company specializing in diabetes, have a FDA cleared platform and the only FDA cleared insulin dose adjustment feature, along with a patented predictive A1c and some other features. + +But they have not had any large scale success until now, they announced an animal health division in June and that they are releasing the worlds first and only CGM for diabetic pets that will be sold directly to veterinarians. Shortly after in August they announced they are in final negotiations with two global pharmaceutical companies in the animal health sector, and will partner with one by selling them a stake in their pet CGM. They also created a new website, released some market research, and just yesterday announced signing a MOU with Infinovo who manufactures CGMs yesterday. + +ALRT says (and I verified via google) there are over 4,000,000 diabetic pets in the world, and on average veterinarians will need to use the pet CGM 3 times a year to keep the pets healthy. That equates to selling 12,000,000 units a year, so even at a $10-$20 profit (very conservative) that would be $120,000,000 to $240,000,000 a year in profit (not sales, profit). + +Here is the key to all of this, as ALRT mentions in their PRs, veterinarians are beyond desperate for a better way to treat diabetes. Long story short, right now the pet is dropped off at vet for 12 hours and they vet and their staff has to draw blood every 2 hours to make a glucose graph so they can either increase, decrease, or keep the insulin the same. The pets fight like crazy because of the needle and the pressure of drawing blood out, and so it takes 2-3 people to do and the results are crap because of the stress changes their sugar levels. + +I have an old college friend who is a Vet so I called him about this, he said a pet CGM is genius and confirmed that every vet will use it no question. But he keyed in on three things, 1. the current method of drawing blood and testing is not only a huge pain but it doesn't make him money because he has to stop what he is doing every 2 hours and spend 15 minutes doing it instead of seeing clients. 2. its not just about being easy or profitable, medically speaking the blood draw method doesn't work well and you dont get real life readings from when the pet is at home. A pet CGM would give you that. 3. He said selling directly to vets is a really smart move because vets buy all of their items every two weeks from either 1 of 4 distributors or directly from the manufacture. + +So the pharmaceutical company they are partnering with will already have direct access to every vet clinic, they just have to tell them they are now selling the pet cgm on their bi-weekly call and vets will buy it. There are no marketing or advertising fees because its not sold to consumers. + +The top 4 animal health pharmaceutical companies are: + +1. Zoetis with $6.7 billion in revenue last year +2. Boehringer Ingelheim with $5 billion in revenue last year +3. Merck (Animal Health division) with $4.7 billion last year +4. Elanco with $3.3 billion last year + +My vet friend said he thinks the partner will be one of these top 3 because Zoetis sells the meters for the old way of drawing blood, and BI and Merck have animal only insulins they sell. + +In conclusion, nobody has ever heard of ALRT so there has not been any surges in volume or buying yet even with these blockbuster PRs. Its a true hidden gem with a low float and no dilution that could have hundreds of millions in earnings starting in 6 months when they commercialize the pet CGM. Not to mention they said in the last PR vet testing will finish in Feb and they are showing the data to the pharma partner (who is buying a stake in the pet CGM not just selling it) so I Would expect to see that news drop in March or maybe early April. +[If this is your situation and/or mindset, no wonder so many people find personal finance to be discouraging.](http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?id=4048) + + +I saw this [article](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/envoy-network-secures-2-5-150000519.html) from Yahoo Finance and I'm curious about how NFTs will affect the music, entertainment, and art industry, particularly how they will enable more independent musicians to make a living from their talent. + +Despite the move to a streaming system, NFTs have the potential to streamline royalties distribution, IP asset trading, and, ideally, assist to redress the balance for indie and underrated artists who are now being shortchanged. + +For visual arts, it has long been the most popular form of expression in NFTs, but that is changing, and this might be exciting news and an excellent illustration of what is possible. They can be utilized in a variety of various situations and are really beneficial. Consider collection card games, in which the ownership of a card is confirmed by the ownership of NFTs or venue access tickets. + +Our current sense of ownership is built on tangible objects that you can produce one, two, or ten thousand of. Someone purchases the item, then takes it home and stows it away in their personal space. + +As a result, NFTs can't be about limiting the number of individuals who can enjoy a piece of art. + +In the past, ownership of digital assets for personal consumption hasn't worked which is why piracy has become a problem and streaming services have exploded in popularity. + +This is something that artists might do right away on their sites. Streaming providers should display this information alongside album art, credits, and about me's, just as they do with album art, credits, and their about me's. + +What are your thoughts on this so far? What are the drawbacks and benefits of this application? Are there other ways may musicians use NFT technology to increase the profitability of their music? +Hello my fellow apes, + +I come to you in hopes to find others in situations like myself for motivational purposes. I’ve been holding GME since the sneeze and have been doing my best to continue to keep my shares. Honestly though, I could really use this Moass soon. My credit cards are maxed out, I have debt aside from that, and on top of that all of the monthly bills don’t help. I work in a factory running brake press and today it was 120 degrees inside. For 10 hours I felt like absolute death and felt as though I’d faint. Getting a new job would be ideal, but my issue is I can’t even afford to go inbetween work because of the delay of the new paycheck from the employer. With prices continuing to skyrocket and my check remaining the same, I don’t really know what to do anymore. I haven’t had any money to spend on myself or my wife and daughter for months. We live paycheck to paycheck to put it nicely at this point. No matter what I’d never sell my GameStop shares, but I really hope that the time of phone numbers for stock numbers comes soon. I love you all and thank you for continuing to help motivate me to be a better ape every day. Sorry if anybody took this as fud, I’m just so tired of feeling alone. +Bitcoin seems to be good to me, it gives me 9% more profit from my sales, but will there be enough volume to put up there? + +And, if I wanted to, how can I pass this value to my customers so that they buy more because of this incentive/cheap rate? + +Edit: Seems like some people are taking 9% incorrectly. It's an increase in **profit**, not save per sale. +The title pretty much says it all... +The basic idea is that I'm going to start investing in the near future and was following the flowchart to try to get off to the best start possible. I have no debt to pay off and I don't see any time where I would incur any, besides a mortgage. Therefore the next point is building an emergency fund. At first this seemed like a sensible thing to do and so that's exactly what I've done and have amassed a sum of money I'm confident I could live off of for 3-6 months, even if my current expenditure doubled - this doesn't leave me much to invest though. However, given my age and the fact that I'm still in education - with no job, and I still live with my parents, is it strictly necessary for me to have an emergency fund? I live very cheaply, almost free and am naturally frugal but with no job, my finances are quite limited to money I receive as gifts/find on the street etc and was wondering if the money was best allocated to investments rather than in a savings account barely earning 1%. Obviously as I grow older, I will have to start paying my own way - where an emergency fund would be needed but I'm not so sure at the moment. +Then again, I might be completely off the mark and should just leave the money where it is because its good practice for later life...? + +Go look up the top 100 Bitcoin addresses. None of them are selling. We're talking accounts worth billions of dollars. They aren't worried so why are you? +I just got a notification from Robinhood that they will be rolling out their IRA plan which comes with a 1% match without requiring an employer. This made me think, how will Robinhood make money from this if they are matching it 1%? +I bought a significant amount of bitcoin (to me) on coinbase a few weeks ago. Decided to move it into my ledger wallet. I copied the receive address from the wallet to Coinbase and clicked send. + +10 minutes goes by it doesn't arrive in the wallet. 30 minutes go by. That's weird. It's never taken that long before. Hour, two hours. I'm starting to feel physically sick at this point. What do I do? I was worried that I had had malware redirect the funds even though I had double checked the address. + +I went on Ledgers website and looked at their FAQ. + +"Why aren't my coins showing up in my Ledger wallet?" + +* Your coins may not show up if you haven't updated your ledger software. + +I updated the software and they were immediately there. Whew. Save yourselves this stress / panic. Update your wallet software. +I’m a 24 year old Doctor with minimal savings. + +I have the opportunity to work a year or two in Australia for a bump in pay. Obviously the main reason for going would be a change of scenery, new experiences and living in the sun. + +On the other hand, I’ve been offered a gig at a poorly staffed, shithole hospital in one of the UKs least desirable locations. The upshot of this is that there’s silly money involved (6 figures plus) with incentives to reduce tax amount. I could probably do this for a year or two, and when I’m ready to go back into training I’ll probably go back to making half this amount for a few years. + +The question I have for the forum is: would you rather take the year abroad in a tropical paradise coming back with no savings, or do a year or two grafting in a shithole making silly money. + +The huge payout from this job in the UK could set me up for life if used correctly, but at the same rate time maybe the life experience of living abroad could help me too +Not sure if this is the best place to post. My friend works for pizza express and if a customer does a runner or short pays there bill. It's the waiters responsibility to pay the bill. He only gets 7 pound something an hour. He told me that there been times when he walks away barely even from his shift and once or twice one of the other waiters has had to pay off their entire days wage. Is this common practice with restaurants? To myself it just sounds illegal. +I see posts like this all the time on other social media platforms about canceling student loan debt, where someone borrowed $10k, paid the balance due on time every billing period, has paid off $12k and still owes $13k + +I understand you pay interest on the loan but how does it add up like it does? +I recently started at a new company and am a bit antsy about getting laid off. First in, first out. I picked up my old tutoring job again on the weekends to bank extra cash. It'll add up to $600 a month - the hours are long, but my anxiety is much lower. The tutoring will dry up probably when the recession hits, so I'm trying to fit in a lot now. Thinking about getting another job, if possible, on Sunday just doing landscaping or working at a garden centre. I like that kind of work anyway, so might as well get paid. Also thinking about getting another roommate. If the recession really hits in January, I'll have an extra $1800 saved with just the tutoring job and it'll be about $4200 if I pick up work on Sunday. Not much, but at least it's something. + +Also thinking about selling the TV now (we don't really use it) and an old phone I have lying around. I figure, better to do it now before the market is flooded. + +What is everybody else doing to prepare? +This is purely for discussion, opinions etc. I'm not currently looking for any concrete advice, just curious. + +Currently I'm pretty comfortable work-wise and financially. My partner and I both work, don't make a crazy amount, but get to enjoy ourselves, save into pensions and ISAs, and spend a bit on ourselves or the house as/when needed. + +We both want kids, and that will be the next step at some point in the coming years so my question is, just how different is it with kids? Are they really as expensive as everything seems to suggest? + +I'm just interested in any experiences, thoughts etc. We live in Northern Ireland btw, so cost of living is (I think?) slightly lower here. + +Anyway, thanks in advance for any discussion! +For a few months now, been going to some of the places I frequent (cafes, restaurants, barbershops, etc.) and constantly ask if they accept Bitcoin. Some say "no," others "would like to." + +Got a haircut one day. Ask my barber if he'd accept bitcoin as a tip. Excited, he said yes. Said he only had a Gemini account, but no wallet. Blank canvas to work with here. Showed him how to use a Bitcoin wallet (BlueWallet), and tipped him using Lightning. His mind blown. He had no idea you could actually use Bitcoin. Went to the counter to pay, heard my barber say to the other barbers in the shop, "yo, I just got my first Bitcoin tip!" They all start chatting about it and he shared what he knew and the wallet he used. They keep chatting away. At the register, I asked (for the 3rd time in 3 months), "do you accept Bitcoin." The gal at the register says, "We might have too." + +Later that night, went to dinner with the misses at our favorite restaurant. We know the owner. Asked him (again), if he accepts Bitcoin. Says he wants to. Shows me his Coinbase account. I introduce him to Breez Wallet (he's a small shop) and get him set up. Dinner paid via Lightning. + +A couple months have gone by; fast forward to today. Checking the local news and see an article listing several dozen small stores (the barbershop and restaurant I frequent included) that are now starting to accept Bitcoin, and a few more dozen looking into it. + +Been working with the local chamber of commerce and economic development board on how to educate more business owners onto Bitcoin for some time, but by far, the simplest way to share Bitcoin and see growth in the area was to just keep asking, "do you accept Bitcoin?" + +Anywho, thought I'd share. + +🍺 + +&#x200B; + +*Edit: Really appreciate the engagement here. Been a long time lurker, and this is really kind of a first for me to share my experiences with you all. Lots of very interesting topics and points being brought up. Has the almonds activated for sure.* +As of today, Polygon announced that they have partnered with Draft Kings, worth 20 billion dollars, is a digital sports entertainment and gaming company. They aim to, “accelerate the adoption of NFTs and Web3. DraftKings will leverage its expertise in digital sports to introduce a whole new audience to NFTs.” + +DraftKings marketplace is built on Polygon itself, and is a digital collectibles platform for mainstream accessibility that enables NFT airdrops as well as secondary transactions. + +ALSO + +The new Coinbase NFT Marketplace will more than likely be using Polygon as its platform : + +1. Coinbase wants to use Polygon for scaling their functionalities + +2. Mentioned that they want to use Polygon as the first scaling solution for Deposits and Withdrawls + +3. Polygon is funded by Coinbase ventures since its inception + +4. The lead Coinbase wallet developer Pete J Kim, is on the Polygon advisory board + +MATIC is going to be exploding here soon, and with all these new projects that the Polygon team are coming out with, I can’t see why people wouldn’t invest in MATIC right now. + +[Coinbase to Use Polygons ETH Scaling Solutions](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/09/01/coinbase-to-use-polygons-ethereum-scaling-solution-to-reduce-prices-settlement-times/?outputType=amp&amp;__twitter_impression=true) + +[Polygon + DraftKings Agreement](https://blog.polygon.technology/polygon-and-draftkings-forms-a-strategic-agreement/) +Hello guys, I am in the process of moving to a new flat as we’re struggling with space atm. So I looked around both on Rightmove and Zoopla and found a really nice flat advertised through Leaders. It goes like this, “No deposit option available” I was intrigued and picked up the phone to ask further. the guy on the phone went, yeah it’s a great scheme that replaces deposit! In fact we encourage our tenants to sign up to save themselves from misery. You know how landlords don’t want to pay you back the deposit etc. So these are the rules. +1. You pay up to £50-60 on top of your rent every month for the duration of your tenancy. So if you stayed for two years that’s £1200-£1440. +2. However, you don’t get a penny back in return at checkout. With a traditional deposit scheme after any reasonable deduction you get your money back. +3. here’s the worst thing, the money you pay don’t even cover any wear and tear to the property! You need to pay for it at checkout. So if you had any damages, paint scratches, you pay on top of the existing monthly fee you have paid. Traditional schemes deduct it off your deposit. +4. Now, you might wonder well if you damage it you pay for it? You’re wrong. In the traditional scheme you’re protected from being overcharged as it goes through a deposit protection schemes. With this scheme, landlord can charge as it pleases him! Unless you take him to court by paying hefty legal charges. You don’t pay? You get a high court judgment against you and that puts you in financial ruins. + +Here’s the thing, one might say, as long as you understood what you signing up to.. well I am afraid the agent was lying. He made it sound like the next big thing after Steve jobs apple iPhones. manipulative, pushy and quite frankly desperate. When I further drilled he had the audacity to say the landlord prefers tenants who signs up to their scheme!! Day light robbery this is!! Be careful guys, if you need further details inboxme. +The agent in question is leaders!! +As per the title when my daughter was born her mom had coverage from Grandma. However the coverage did not immediately cover the baby so the hospital bill my newborn 11k for things like "nursery bed hold" and other amenities. Since this all technically has been billed to my daughter does it go away after 7 years? I mean she has no income and I think it's insane they billed the baby for being born. Am I responsible to pay these expenses? + + +*Edit For Clarification +Wow this got bigger than I thought it would. So I'll clarify some more details. My daughter is 4 so i'm far from any window to apply for insurance to cover the costs. We actually received the bill months after she was born, somewhere after 4-5 month after we'd made sure to pay off all the medical expense for my wife. Kind shell shocked us and did not know where to begin The most we were able to determine was that since it had been to long to have any insurance cover for her, that we would have to try and pay cash at a discounted rate. I came to PF now because its been one of those things on the back of my mind as they have never called in regards to collecting and has not shown on mine or my wife's credit report. +***WARNING***[:](https://www.tradinganalysisresources.com/2020/05/free-references-and-resources.html) ***It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.*** + +NOTE: Getting harassed by the mods of r/pennystocks just like I’ve been harassed in every other sub for trying to help folks out. https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/ka8om1/aout_to_report_earnings_for_the_second_time_next/ +This is the last time I will post anything here. If you like the threads and information I post than I suggest you take note of them while you still can. So tired of helping people to be met with resistance from mods!!! I don’t get anything for doing this but friendship and satisfaction. I’m either going to create my own sub or close out everything altogether. + +# Your Pre Market Brief for Thursday December 10th 2020 + +You can subscribe to the daily 4:00 AM Pre Market Brief on [**The Twitter Link Here**](https://twitter.com/TradingAnalysi2) . Alerts in the tweets will direct you to the daily 4:00 AM Pre Market Brief in this sub. + +**Other Useful Resources:** [**The Ultimate Quick Resource For the Amateur Trader.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/hcja2q/the_ultimate_quick_resource_for_the_amateur_trader/) + +*Published* ***3:10 AM*** *EST / Updated as of* ***3:10*** ***AM*** *EST* + +\----------------------------------------------- + +***Stock Futures:*** + +* [Pre-Market Trading](https://money.cnn.com/data/premarket/) +* [Asian Stock Futures](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/asian-stock-futures-drop-u-230728918.html) Drop After U.S. Tech Slide: Markets Wrap + +**Wednesday** ***12/09/2020 News and Markets Recap:*** + +* [AN AWESOME MARKET RECAP](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditTickers/comments/ka113l/here_is_a_market_recap_for_today_wednesday/) FROM u/psychotrader00 ( r/RedditTickers ) +* [Pre Market Brief for 12/09/2020](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/k9ockw/your_pre_market_brief_for_12092020/) + +***Thursday*** ***December 10th 2020*** [***Economic Calendar***](https://tradingeconomics.com/calendar) (All times are Eastern) + +**(JOBLESS CLAIMS DUE TODAY!!!)** + +* **01:30 PM** [**Core Inflation Rate YoY**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/core-inflation-rate) NOV +* **01:30 PM** [**Inflation Rate YoY**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi) NOV +* **01:30 PM** [**Inflation Rate MoM**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-rate-mom) NOV +* **01:30 PM** [**Core Inflation Rate MoM**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/core-consumer-prices) NOV +* **01:30 PM** [**Jobless Claims 4-Week Average**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/jobless-claims-4-week-average) 05/DEC +* **01:30 PM** [**Initial Jobless Claims**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/jobless-claims) 05/DEC +* **01:30 PM** [**Continuing Jobless Claims**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/continuing-jobless-claims) 28/NOV +* **03:30 PM** [**EIA Natural Gas Stocks Change**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/natural-gas-stocks-change) 04/DEC +* **07:00 PM** [**Monthly Budget Statement**](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/government-budget-value) NOV + +***Overnight News Heading into Thursday December 10th 2020*** + +***(News Yet to be Traded 8:00 PM - 4:00 AM EST)*** + +*^(It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.)* + +* [OBSV](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142718/0/en/ObsEva-Announces-Additional-Phase-3-PRIMROSE-1-and-2-Study-Results-Confirming-Sustained-Efficacy-and-Continued-Safety-of-linzagolix-in-the-Treatment-of-Uterine-Fibroids.html) ($2.09) ObsEva Announces Additional Phase 3 PRIMROSE 1 and 2 Study Results Confirming Sustained Efficacy and Continued Safety of linzagolix in the Treatment of Uterine Fibroids +* [DZSI](http://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142756/0/en/Grain-Connect-Teams-with-DZS-to-Expand-Gigabit-Speed-Fiber-Network-Throughout-U-K.html) Grain Connect Teams with DZS to Expand Gigabit-Speed Fiber Network Throughout U.K. +* [MASI](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006059/en/New-Study-Associates-Masimo-SpHb%C2%AE-Noninvasive-and-Continuous-Hemoglobin-Monitoring-as-Part-of-Pediatric-Patient-Blood-Management-with-Reduced-ICU-Stays-and-Postoperative-Transfusion) New Study Associates Masimo SpHb®, Noninvasive and Continuous Hemoglobin Monitoring, as Part of Pediatric Patient Blood Management, with Reduced ICU Stays and Postoperative Transfusion +* [LH](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006036/en/LabCorp-Receives-FDA-Authorization-to-Make-At-Home-COVID-19-Collection-Kits-Available-Through-Retail) LabCorp Receives FDA Authorization to Make At-Home COVID-19 Collection Kits Available Through Retail +* [PM](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201210005322/en/%C2%A0Philip-Morris-International-Recognized-Among-World%E2%80%99s-Top-Sustainable-Businesses-with-%E2%80%9CTriple-A%E2%80%9D-Score-from-CDP) Philip Morris International Recognized Among World’s Top Sustainable Businesses with “Triple A” Score from CDP +* [PDFS](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142757/0/en/Advantest-Debuts-Two-New-Advantest-Cloud-Solutions-to-Boost-Production-Efficiencies-for-New-IC-Designs.html) Advantest Debuts Two New Advantest Cloud Solutions to Boost Production Efficiencies for New IC Designs +* [AMZN](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201210005232/en/AWS-and-Arm-Demonstrate-Production-Scale-Electronic-Design-Automation-in-the-Cloud) AWS and Arm Demonstrate Production-Scale Electronic Design Automation in the Cloud +* [FB](https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/1326801.htm) Mark Zuckerberg continues to sell Tens of Millions of $$ Worth of Stock. +* [RCKT](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006084/en/Rocket-Pharmaceuticals-Prices-Upsized-Public-Offering-of-Common-Stock) Rocket Pharmaceuticals Prices Upsized Public Offering of Common Stock +* [CMCL](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142734/0/en/Caledonia-acquires-option-over-exploration-prospect-in-Zimbabwe.html) Caledonia acquires option over exploration prospect in Zimbabwe +* [LRPO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142702/0/en/Open-Lending-Corporation-Announces-Pricing-of-Upsized-Secondary-Offering.html) Open Lending Announces Pricing of Upsized Secondary Offering +* [LPRO](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1806201/000119312520314126/d82393ds1mef.htm) Form S-1MEF (registration adding securities to prior form s-1 registration \[rule 462(b)\]) filed with the SEC +* [KOS](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005752/en/Kosmos-Energy-Completes-Farm-Down-of-Exploration-Assets-to-Shell) Kosmos Energy Completes Farm Down of Exploration Assets to Shell +* [SQNS](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006069/en/Sequans-Monarch-Module-Supported-by-Orange-LTE-M-Connectivity-Now-Available) Sequans' Monarch Module Supported by Orange LTE-M Connectivity Now Available +* [TWNK](https://www.benzinga.com/analyst-ratings/analyst-color/20/12/18727184/twinkies-maker-hostess-likely-to-be-a-strong-outperformer-in-2021-jpmorgan-says) Twinkies Maker Hostess Likely To Be A 'Strong Outperformer' In 2021, JPMorgan Says +* [BIIB](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142709/0/en/Biogen-Files-New-Drug-Application-for-Aducanumab-in-Japan.html) Biogen files new drug application for aducanumab in Japan +* [JKS](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/jinkosolar-schedules-2020-annual-general-meeting-to-be-held-on-december-29-2020-301180900.html) JinkoSolar Announces Update to 2020 Annual General Meeting Agenda +* [AAPL](https://www.benzinga.com/news/20/12/18726576/apple-working-on-self-driving-vehicle-similar-to-tesla-with-tsmc-report) Apple Working On Self-Driving Vehicle Similar To Tesla With TSMC: Report +* [CLRO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142748/0/en/ClearOne-Appoints-Chromasound-as-Distributor-in-Hungary.html) ClearOne Appoints Chromasound as Distributor in Hungary +* [CLRO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142733/0/en/ClearOne-Expands-Middle-East-Distribution-with-New-Redington-Partnership.html) ClearOne Expands Middle East Distribution with New Redington Partnership +* [TOT](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006103/en/Mexico-Total-Closes-Its-Participation-in-the-Energ%C3%ADa-Costa-Azul-LNG-Export-Project) Mexico: Total Closes Its Participation in the Energía Costa Azul LNG Export Project +* [M](https://www.reuters.com/article/ds-smith-results/ds-smith-posts-54-drop-in-h1-profit-resumes-dividend-payout-idUSL4N2IQ1PY) DS Smith posts 54% drop in H1 profit, resumes dividend payout +* [WKEY](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142717/0/en/WISeKey-Appoints-Two-New-Members-to-its-Advisory-Committee.html) WISeKey Appoints Two New Members to its Advisory Committee +* [ALXO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142708/0/en/ALX-Oncology-Announces-Pricing-of-Upsized-Public-Offering-of-Common-Stock.html) ALX Oncology prices upsized stock offering at $76 +* [SPG](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sp-global-platts-to-assess-prices-for-asia-recycled-hdpe-film-pellets-301190102.html)I S&amp;amp;P Global Platts to Assess Prices for Asia Recycled HDPE Film Pellets +* [MCO](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201210005325/en/Standard-Insurance-Limited-Becomes-Latest-African-Firm-to-Select-Moody%E2%80%99s-Analytics-IFRS-17-Solution) Standard Insurance Limited Becomes Latest African Firm to Select Moody’s Analytics IFRS 17 Solution +* [WHR](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-whirlpool-corporation-research-uncovers-shift-in-life-at-home-during-2020-expert-predicts-changes-are-here-to-stay-301190033.html) New Whirlpool Corporation research uncovers shift in life at home during 2020; expert predicts changes are here to stay +* [SVMK](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142754/0/en/Former-Oracle-Executive-Joins-SurveyMonkey-To-Grow-Customer-Experience-Business-in-EMEA.html) Former Oracle Executive Joins SurveyMonkey To Grow Customer Experience Business in EMEA +* [HSBC](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006083/en/HSBC-Holdings-plc-Announces-a-Proposed-Offering-of-Additional-Tier-1-Securities-to-Finance-the-Redemption-of-Its-US-Dollar-Preference-Shares) Holdings Announces a Proposed Offering of Additional Tier 1 Securities to Finance the Redemption of Its US Dollar Preference Shares +* [ONCT](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142714/0/en/Oncternal-Therapeutics-Increases-Previously-Announced-Bought-Deal-to-75-0-Million.html) Oncternal Therapeutics Increases Previously Announced Bought Deal to $75.0 Million +* [XBIO](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/xenetic-biosciences-inc-announces-6-055000896.html) Xenetic Biosciences, Inc. Announces $6.0 Million Registered Direct Offering Priced At-The-Market under Nasdaq Rules +* [AMZN GOOGL](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-12-10/google-amazon-fined-163-million-by-french-data-watchdog) Google, Amazon Fined $163 Million by French Data Watchdog + +***End of Day and After Hours News Heading into Thursday December 10th 2020*** + +***(News Traded 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST)*** + +*^(It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the below before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.)* + +* [MITO](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/stealth-biotherapeutics-announces-elamipretide-clinical-data-to-be-presented-at-the-13th-international-conference-on-cachexia-sarcopenia-and-wasting-diseases-301189822.html) ($1.34) Stealth BioTherapeutics Announces Elamipretide Clinical Data to be Presented at the 13th International Conference on Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Wasting Diseases +* [PHGE](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005890/en/BiomX-Announces-Preclinical-Results-of-Analysis-of-Patient-Samples-and-Engineering-of-Phage-for-Therapeutic-Applications-in-Colorectal-Cancer) ($5.98) BiomX Announces Preclinical Results of Analysis of Patient Samples and Engineering of Phage for Therapeutic Applications in Colorectal Cancer +* [ENZ](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142605/0/en/Enzo-Biochem-Reports-First-Quarter-Fiscal-2021-Financial-Results-and-Provides-Business-Update.html) ($2.49) Enzo Biochem Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2021 Financial Results and Provides Business Update +* [PBYI](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005097/en/Puma-Biotechnology-Presents-Final-Overall-Survival-Analysis-from-the-Phase-III-ExteNET-Trial-at-the-2020-SABCS) ($10.56) Puma Biotechnology Presents Final Overall Survival Analysis from the Phase III ExteNET Trial at the 2020 SABCS +* [IMMP](https://www.globenewswire.com/fr/news-release/2020/12/09/2142674/0/en/Immutep-s-Chinese-Partner-EOC-Pharma-to-Start-Phase-II-Metastatic-Breast-Cancer-Study.html) Immutep +72% after breast cancer trial shows promising survival data +* [LMT](https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Contracts/Contract/Article/2441580/?source=content_type%3Areact%7Cfirst_level_url%3Anews%7Csection%3Amain_content%7Cbutton%3Abody_link) Lockheed Martin's Sikorsky Aircraft secures \~[$507M](https://stocktwits.com/symbol/507M) Army contract modification +* [TZAC](https://sec.report/Document/0001393825-20-000141/) $8,300,300.00 of shares sold by Hudson Bay Capital Management Lp (10% Owner), reported in a new form 4 filed with the SEC +* [RARE](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142621/0/en/Ultragenyx-Announces-Orphan-Drug-Designation-for-UX701-for-the-Treatment-of-Wilson-Disease.html) Ultragenyx Announces Orphan Drug Designation for UX701 for the Treatment of Wilson Disease +* [SNDR](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006025/en/Schneider-Bulk-Express-Intermodal-Service-Expands-to-Canada) Schneider Bulk Express Intermodal Service Expands to Canada +* [SALM](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006021/en/Salem-Media-Group-Inc.-Appoints-David-Cruz-as-Vice-President-of-Salem-Si) ($1.11) Salem Media Group Appoints David Cruz as Vice President of Salem Si +* [GE](https://www.wsj.com/articles/ge-to-pay-200-million-to-settle-sec-accounting-probe-11607553764) GE to Pay $200 Million to Settle SEC Accounting Probe +* [APAM](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142646/0/en/Artisan-Partners-Asset-Management-Inc-Reports-November-2020-Assets-Under-Management.html) Artisan Partners AUM grows 12% during November +* [TOL](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142665/0/en/Toll-Brothers-Announces-Cash-Dividend.html) Toll Brothers Announces Cash Dividend +* [IMMP](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142664/0/en/Immutep-Reports-Statistically-Significant-Survival-Benefit-for-Key-Patient-Groups-in-the-Ongoing-Phase-IIb-AIPAC-Study-in-Metastatic-Breast-Cancer.html) ($2.16) Immutep Reports Statistically Significant Survival Benefit for Key Patient Groups in the Ongoing Phase IIb AIPAC Study in Metastatic Breast Cancer +* [TCON](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1394319/000156459020056580/tcon-8k_20201207.htm) Form 8-K: Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement. On December 9, 2020, TRACON Pharmaceuticals entered into a Capital on DemandTM Sales Agreement with JonesTrading Institutional Services purs.. +* [SNPS](https://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/883241.htm) reported 6 new insider trades (ALL SELLS) to the SEC +* [TEN](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1024725/000119312520313906/d69759d8k.htm) Form 8-K: DEPARTURE OF DIRECTORS OR CERTAIN OFFICERS; ELECTION OF DIRECTORS; APPOINTMENT OF CERTAIN OFFICERS; COMPENSATORY ARRANGEMENTS OF CERTAIN OFFICERS. On December 7, 2020, the Compensation .. +* [PBYI](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005093/en/Puma-Biotechnology-Presents-Updated-Results-from-the-Phase-II-SUMMIT-Trial-of-Neratinib-for-HER2-Mutant-HR-Positive-Metastatic-Breast-Cancer-at-SABCS-2020) Puma Biotechnology Presents Updated Results from the Phase II SUMMIT Trial of Neratinib for HER2-Mutant, HR-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer at SABCS 2020 +* [DEN](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/945764/000094576420000227/den-20201208.htm) Form 8-K: – Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.On December 8, 2020, Alan Rhoades, Vi.. +* [FPRX](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006002/en/Five-Prime-to-Present-Phase-2-FIGHT-Trial-Results-of-Bemarituzumab-at-American-Society-of-Clinical-Oncology-ASCO-Gastrointestinal-GI-Cancers-Virtual-Annual-Symposium) Five Prime to Present Phase 2 FIGHT Trial Results of Bemarituzumab at American Society of Clinical Oncology Gastrointestinal Cancers Virtual Annual Symposium +* [SITE](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005940/en/Alpine-Materials-Joins-SiteOne-Landscape-Supply) Alpine Materials Joins SiteOne Landscape Supply +* [GTHX](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142656/0/en/G1-Therapeutics-Presents-Final-Phase-2-Clinical-Data-on-Trilaciclib-in-Combination-with-Chemotherapy-in-Metastatic-Triple-Negative-Breast-Cancer-Demonstrating-Significant-Improveme.html) G1 Therapeutics Presents Final Phase 2 Clinical Data on Trilaciclib in Combination with Chemotherapy in Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Demonstrating Significant Improvement in Overall .. +* [AGI](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142657/0/en/Alamos-Gold-Provides-2021-Production-and-Operating-Guidance.html) Alamos Gold Provides 2021 Production and Operating Guidance +* [GEF](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/greif-reports-fourth-quarter-and-fiscal-2020-results-301189892.html) Greif Reports Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2020 Results +* [CSU](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142641/0/en/Capital-Senior-Living-Corporation-Announces-1-for-15-Reverse-Stock-Split.html) ($1.16) Capital Senior Living announces 1-for-15 reverse stock split +* [BEN](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200109005838/en/Franklin-Resources-Inc.-Announces-Month-End-Assets-Under-Management) Franklin Templeton AUM grows 5.4% during November +* [AFG](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005997/en/American-Financial-Group-Inc.-Declares-Special-Dividend) American Financial Group Declares Special Dividend +* [CAL](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005891/en/Caleres-Declares-Regular-Quarterly-Dividend) Caleres Declares Regular Quarterly Dividend +* [BXS](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bancorpsouth-announces-2021-share-repurchase-program-301189805.html) BancorpSouth announces 2021 share repurchase program +* **EXC BEP** Exelon to sell solar business to Brookfield Renewable in $810M deal +* [GMED](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142644/0/en/Globus-Medical-Trauma-Division-Awarded-Purchasing-Agreement-with-Premier-Inc.html) Globus Medical Trauma division awarded purchasing agreement with Premier +* [UBER](https://www.freightwaves.com/news/uber-package-delivery-unit-expands-in-us) Uber package delivery unit expands in US +* [HSC](http://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142633/0/en/Harsco-Chief-Financial-Officer-Peter-F-Minan-to-Retire-in-April-2021.html) Harco finance chief to retire +* [KEQU](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/kewaunee-scientific-reports-results-for-second-quarter-of-fiscal-year-2021-301189882.html) Kewaunee Scientific Reports Results for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 +* [ZTS](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005975/en/Zoetis-Declares-First-Quarter-2021-Dividend-Board-Approves-25-Payment-Increase) Zoetis Declares First Quarter 2021 Dividend; Board Approves 25% Payment Increase +* [SO](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/georgia-power-receives-first-nuclear-fuel-shipment-for-vogtle-unit-3-301189862.html) Georgia Power receives first nuclear fuel shipment for Vogtle Unit 3 +* [WPC](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/w-p-carey-inc-increases-quarterly-dividend-to-1-046-per-share-301189809.html) W. P. Carey Increases Quarterly Dividend to $1.046 per Share +* [INVH](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005873/en/Invitation-Homes-Announces-3.5-Billion-Unsecured-Credit-Facility-to-Replace-Existing-Facility-and-Refinance-Secured-Debt-Demonstrates-Commitment-to-ESG-with-Sustainability-Linked-Pricing) Invitation Homes Announces $3.5 Billion Unsecured Credit Facility to Replace Existing Facility and Refinance Secured Debt; Demonstrates Commitment to ESG with Sustainability-Linked Pricing +* [CARR](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/carrier-board-of-directors-increases-quarterly-dividend-301189880.html) Carrier Board of Directors Increases Quarterly Dividend +* [HUBG](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hub-groups-95m-acquisition-path-212036675.html) Hub Group's $95M Acquisition Is Path To Being A Last-mile Market Leader +* [AMRK](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142612/0/en/A-Mark-Precious-Metals-Acquires-Minority-Interest-in-Sunshine-Minting.html) A-Mark acquires minority interest in Sunshine Minting +* [RH](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rh-reports-record-third-quarter-210500800.html) tops earnings expectations, says luxury transition has arrived +* [ASAN](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005976/en/Asana-Announces-Record-Third-Quarter-Revenues) Asana pops 12% after first public earnings report tops estimates, provides strong forecasts +* [AGX](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005987/en/Argan-Inc.-Reports-Third-Quarter-Results) Argan EPS beats by $0.28, beats on revenue +* [DNOW](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005822/en/NOW-Inc.-Announces-Fourth-Quarter-and-Full-Year-2020-Earnings-Conference-Call) NOW Announces Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2020 Earnings Conference Call +* [PRMW](https://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&amp;amp;CIK=0000884713&amp;amp;type=&amp;amp;dateb=&amp;amp;owner=include&amp;amp;count=40&amp;amp;search_text=) ($15.84) reported 6 new insider trades to the SEC (ALL SOLD) +* [ANGI](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142611/0/en/ANGI-Homeservices-Announces-Chief-Financial-Officer-Transition.html) ANGI Homeservices CFO resigning at year-end +* [VRNT](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005895/en/Verint-Announces-Q3-FY2021-Results) Verint Systems EPS beats by $0.23, beats on revenue +* [CMTL](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005981/en/Comtech-Telecommunications-Corp.-Announces-Results-for-Its-Fiscal-2021-First-Quarter-and-Updates-Its-Financial-Targets-for-Fiscal-2021) Comtech Telecommunications EPS misses by $1.19, beats on revenue +* [NCNO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142618/0/en/nCino-Reports-Third-Quarter-Fiscal-2021-Financial-Results.html) nCino EPS beats by $0.06, beats on revenue +* [OXM](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142614/0/en/Oxford-Owner-of-Tommy-Bahama-Lilly-Pulitzer-and-Southern-Tide-Reports-Third-Quarter-Fiscal-2020-Results.html) Oxford Industries EPS beats by $0.66, beats on revenue +* [PSNL](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005963/en/Personalis-Announces-Delivery-of-the-100000th-Genome-to-the-U.S.-Department-of-Veterans-Affairs-Million-Veteran-Program) Personalis Announces Delivery of the 100,000th Genome to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program +* [NFE](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-fortress-energy-gibbstown-lng-idUSKBN28J2V6) New Fortress Energy wins OK for Delaware River LNG project +* [SONO](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005732/en/Sonos-Announces-Retirement-of-Two-Board-Members) Sonos Announces Retirement of Two Board Members +* [MESA](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142609/0/en/Mesa-Air-Group-Reports-Fourth-Quarter-and-Full-Year-Fiscal-2020-Profit-December-9-2020.html) Mesa Air EPS beats by $0.42, beats on revenue +* [INSI](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006041/en/Insight-Select-Income-Fund-Declares-Quarterly-Dividend-and-Capital-Gains-Distribution) Insight Select Income Fund Declares Quarterly Dividend and Capital Gains Distribution +* [ALGT](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/allegiant-reports-november-2020-traffic-301189942.html) Allegiant Reports November 2020 Traffic +* [T SNE](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-at-t-divestiture/att-to-sell-crunchyroll-unit-to-sonys-funimation-in-1-18-billion-deal-idUSKBN28J3B7) AT&amp;amp;T selling Crunchyroll anime streaming service to Sony for $1.175B cash +* [VSTA](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/10/2142696/0/en/Vasta-acquires-Meritt-the-leading-digital-assessment-platform-in-Brazil.html) Vasta acquires Meritt, the leading digital assessment platform in Brazil +* [RCUS](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209005773/en/Arcus-Biosciences-Expands-Strategic-Relationship-with-WuXi-Biologics-to-Develop-a-Best-in-Class-anti-CD39-Antibody-for-the-Treatment-of-Cancer) Arcus Biosciences Expands Strategic Relationship with WuXi Biologics to Develop a Best-in-Class anti-CD39 Antibody for the Treatment of Cancer +* [PYPL](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/paxos-becomes-latest-crypto-firm-223206080.html) PayPal Cryptocurrency Partner Paxos Seeks To Become US-Regulated Bank + +***Possible Dip Buying Opportunities in the near future (Other suggestions appreciated):*** + +[Suggested Dip Trading Strategy](https://www.tradinganalysisresources.com/2020/08/the-safe-consistent-short-term-trading.html) + +* **AOUT**: Posturing before earnings [On the 15th](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/ka8om1/aout_to_report_earnings_for_the_second_time_next/?utm_source=share&amp;amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;amp;utm_name=iossmf) +* **PFSW**: Dipping as a result of low volume trading weeks after earnings, nearing support. Bear last earnings and raised guidance (May dip lower so buy in slow). +* **TOL**: Poor guidance and headwinds in the real estate market (Reliable company though) +* **LEN**: Dipping as a result of TOLL's guidance. Posturing for earnings on the 16th +* **SPWH**: Dropping as analysts expect a decrease in revenue earned next year. +* **ITB**: Real estate expected to cool off in the winter before popping again in the Spring +* **LMT**: Typical post dividend dip +* **CRM**: Dipping because investors assess they paid too much for the Slack purchase +* **KMX**: Been trading sideways for nearly 6 months. Earnings on 12/22 + +***Offering News:*** + +* [PXLW](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1040161/000119312520313911/d63501d8k.htm) Form 8-K: On December 9, 2020, Pixelworks announced that it has commenced an underwritten public offering of its common stock. A copy of the press release is attached hereto as Exhibit 99.1 and +* [CDMO](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142650/0/en/Avid-Bioservices-Announces-Proposed-Public-Offering-of-Common-Stock.html) Avid Bioservices Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock +* [CVLY](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142649/0/en/Codorus-Valley-Bancorp-Inc-Completes-31-0-Million-Subordinated-Debt-Offering.html) Codorus Valley Bancorp, Inc. Completes $31.0 Million Subordinated Debt Offering +* [AQB](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142604/0/en/AquaBounty-Technologies-Inc-Announces-Proposed-Public-Offering-of-Common-Stock.html) AquaBounty Technologies proposes public offering +* [NNDM](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142624/0/en/NANO-DIMENSION-CLOSES-180-MILLION-REGISTERED-DIRECT-OFFERING.html) announced it has closed the previously announced registered direct offering of 30,000,000 of the Company’s American Depositary Shares (“ADSs”) at a price of $6.00 per ADS +* [LEAF](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142620/0/en/Leaf-Group-Announces-Proposed-Public-Offering-of-Common-Stock.html) Leaf Group Announces Proposed Public Offering of Common Stock +* [O](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/realty-income-prices-725-million-of-dual-tranche-senior-unsecured-notes-301189925.html) Realty Income Prices $725 Million Of Dual-Tranche Senior Unsecured Notes +* [ONCT](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/09/2142684/0/en/Oncternal-Therapeutics-Announces-40-0-Million-Bought-Deal-Offering.html) Oncternal Therapeutics Announces $40.0 Million Bought Deal Offering +* [ICHR](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20201209006055/en/Ichor-Announces-Pricing-of-Upsized-Public-Offering-of-4000000-Ordinary-Shares) Ichor Announces Pricing of Upsized Public Offering of 4,000,000 Ordinary Shares + +***Upcoming Earnings:*** + +* [Earnings Calendar](https://finance.yahoo.com/calendar/earnings/) +* [Earnings Calendar II](https://tradingeconomics.com/earnings) + +\----------------------------------------------- + +**Other Useful Resources:** [**The Ultimate Quick Resource For the Amateur Trader.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pennystocks/comments/hcja2q/the_ultimate_quick_resource_for_the_amateur_trader/) + +Subscribe to This Brief and the daily 4:00 AM Pre Market Brief on [**The Twitter Link Here**](https://twitter.com/TradingAnalysi2) . Alerts in the tweets will direct you to the daily brief in this sub + +***WARNING: It is up to you to judge the accuracy and veracity of the above before trading. I take no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in this thread.*** +Hypothetically speaking, I think the price of the stock is going down and I have $500-$1,000 to test this hypothesis. What would the main differences be as far as floor and ceiling/worst case best case scenario for my $1,000 as well as technicals (I.e. differences in earnings potential, time decay) and how do you feel about the trade in general — an assessment of the stock, if you will. Thanks in advance for any and all feedback, criticism and guidance! +So I used [https://redditsearch.io/?term=&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=cryptocurrency&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1388552400&end=1420002000&size=100](https://redditsearch.io/?term=&dataviz=false&aggs=false&subreddits=cryptocurrency&searchtype=posts&search=true&start=1388552400&end=1420002000&size=100) + +It isn't good, but it is the best search tool I can find since reddit doesn't let me short through oldest first. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +The oldest post I can find is something in **2013** asking for good alt coins, but it got the same reply as what someone today would be asking that. + +**2014** there was a ton of post on giveaway, a few asking for help in making a crypto coin (one I found looked like a rug pull or just a coin that got some hyped and died), some post about mining, some post about how there will be how and why alt coins will overtake BTC. + +What I found interesting with that last bit is they were talking about the transaction speeds of BTC and things like that. The focus was still on using it as a currency. + +The one I found interesting is [https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/2a1y8f/the\_death\_of\_dogecoin/](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/2a1y8f/the_death_of_dogecoin/) + +https://preview.redd.it/auk515f8kwv81.png?width=1100&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bf6c8dc9938a610fd61fd22740a5d43ab232507 + +Basically, people 8 years ago was facing the same problems as we are today in the SEC is highly unclear and how people weren't sure what to invest in because the USA dragged it's feet when dealing with crypto. + +&#x200B; + +**2015** it seems like most were asking if a coin is dead, they were talking about how hard it is to invest thanks due to banks, and other things + +For that year I found this to be interesting [https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/3gtg5g/whats\_the\_most\_interesting\_altcoin\_youve\_ever/](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/3gtg5g/whats_the_most_interesting_altcoin_youve_ever/) + +They asked what is the most interesting alt coin. Most of them I never heard of and they died a long time ago. But this is an interesting comment. + +https://preview.redd.it/tny0c7gclwv81.png?width=1081&format=png&auto=webp&s=55e6682cc4d93c851e138057a4d406115510106c + +https://preview.redd.it/7hma0mqelwv81.png?width=1146&format=png&auto=webp&s=f144f2959647cadfb1662ca8943a9724c74ee343 + +Something to note is we get some FUD 2014 and 2015 against Doge. Even comments saying + +https://preview.redd.it/hoi1k9x4mwv81.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce713a9b19ccb102b60fc2653886843ddb158280 + +Even ETH is looked as a scam. But note this is people like today trying to figure out the good from bad in the tech. + +https://preview.redd.it/zgy2frjimwv81.png?width=1117&format=png&auto=webp&s=e23b91ea40d4771111797713d7c1f7714b492fc1 + +**2016** has more people looking for alt coins, best coins to mine, how to get into mining, exchanges, and stuff like that. + +Basically, this is the year when people started wanting to do something with their coins or do something like mining to get coins. + +Looking at some recommendation coins shows what we see now where people don't know what they are talking about + +https://preview.redd.it/qz7gtmjinwv81.png?width=1153&format=png&auto=webp&s=31aa8705adbb4ec24d9665424b9de8b605841233 + +https://preview.redd.it/346z4xhlnwv81.png?width=1137&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b2e36d78f86fd4eea0d22fb08be688d38308c4a + +In that same post people were seriously recommending things like Truck Coin. There was some that gave good advice, like what you see today + +https://preview.redd.it/s1q56satnwv81.png?width=1072&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9735a59f350b564a7324bdbeb3b7ad206c4f593 + +There is almost no word about Doge but there is a number of post about ETH. It looks like ETH is taken serious at this point. Same with Litecoin. + +&#x200B; + +**2017** there was post about what coin will 10x in 2018, more ETH post, Doge, memes started to come up, people freaking out about dips, and so on. + +https://preview.redd.it/ldo8vrnqowv81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0b9f8d50b6bce66d72002e3e548fea4162c5ffa + +I found that cute. that is like a 10am for me. I wonder what they would be like with the losses we have now. + +There is Coinbase fud because Coinbase added a coin they didn't like. And again people were talking about how the SEC isn't being clear with their regulations. + +&#x200B; + +Most of the post were like a 2021 where the price went everywhere. + +&#x200B; + +**2018** Robinhood launches it's crypto trading app, Bitconnect, and virtually nothing else showed up on the search. IDK I guess it was a dead year. The daily went from 14k to 2k comments. + +&#x200B; + +**2019** this looks like another dead year since the daily was getting 3k comments, there was some fud on how BTC uses more electricity than most small countries (while overlooking BTC is worldwide and comparing it is stupid). There was some push for NANO. Some post about ETH, the Binance block against USA people, and that is about it. + +&#x200B; + +**2020** another dead year. The daily was getting 1k comments some months. There was XRP FUD, hacks, the XRP SEC thing, and that is about it. + +&#x200B; + +**2021** the daily kicks back up with some days getting 35k comments. Anyone who was there would tell you it was price, meme, lambo, questions for those coming in, and so on. +We've recently added several new resources to our wiki: + +* [Student loans](https://ukpersonal.finance/student-loans/): when should you overpay? +* [Tax efficiency for high earners](https://ukpersonal.finance/tax-efficiency-for-high-earners/) +* [Scams](https://ukpersonal.finance/scams/): from fraudulent investment schemes to phishing emails, what to look out for and how to keep yourself safe + +Lots of our other pages have had minor updates over the last couple of months. If you haven't browsed our wiki before, our most popular pages are: + +* [Budgeting](https://ukpersonal.finance/budgeting/) 🧮 +* [Investing](https://ukpersonal.finance/investing-101/) 📈 +* [Index Funds](https://ukpersonal.finance/index-funds/) 🌍 +* [Pensions](https://ukpersonal.finance/pensions/) 👴 +* [Emergency Fund](https://ukpersonal.finance/emergency-fund/) 🆘 +* And of course... ➡️ THE FLOWCHART ⤵️ https://ukpersonal.finance/flowchart/ + +We really hope you find these pages useful. Any feedback, suggestions and additions are very welcome - what would you like to see us add next? + +Wiki organising happens on [the UKPF discord](https://discord.gg/kaetMg8), so feel free to join us there too :) +Trying to stick to my trading plan, however, this recently occurred to me and I'm wondering what the best course of action is: I have 20K shares in a cheap foreign stock that I won't name because this isn't about the stock, it's about the strategy. It dropped by 80% overnight. In the days since, it's more or less stayed even. I had no opp to drop at my 40% loss mark as per my plan. + +What's the best strategy here: Hold and let it fester to see if it returns? Or dump it at an 80% loss? +Hey everyone! Just because I'm bored at work and I know how much you all love data, I figured I'd throw some stats out there about my side hustle. It basically has three components + +1. My How-to / Personal Finance Tips Youtube Channel +2. My gaming vlogging youtube channel +3. Flipping on Ebay + +I'm on track to earn ~$1,500 or so in 2017. Mentally I kind of compartmentalize it like my /r/churning efforts, and together they probably increase my savings rate by 5% or so, which is nothing to scoff at (can mean FIRE over a year earlier than doing neither). it's fun and rewarding, and has the potential for significant growth if I put a bit of work in. + +**How-to Youtube Channel** +[Here's my monthly AdSense revenue from the How-to / Personal Finance Tips Youtube Channel](https://i.imgur.com/ysbukVQ.png). I am currently getting about 16,000 views per month, 42,000 minutes watched each month. Less than 600 subscribers. I believe because of the subject matter (credit cards, car repair, etc) I probably get above average ad rates. My success started off with a how-to video for a minor DIY car repair that is now the #1 video search result on Youtube *or* Google whenever this specific issue is searched (it's a common issue for a popular car model). My other successful videos include + +* Replacing speakers in a specific car model +* How to put together a specific model of motorized sit / stand desk +* How the credit card billing cycle and grace period work +* How credit card interest works + +Additionally, each of my "DIY" videos have amazon associates links (referral links) in the video description. Basically in order to do the projects I'm showing, you need specific parts. I actually make more money of these referral purchases than ads on the DIY videos themselves. [Here's my monthly revenue from Amazon referrals](http://i.imgur.com/ZZAgXWF.png) + +**Gaming / Vlogging Youtube Channel** +[Here's my monthly AdSense revenue from the gaming vlogging channel.](https://i.imgur.com/R2a4yji.png) Last fall I got lucky with a tutorial video for a game that is currently sitting at 56,000 views. I have about 1,200 subscribers. As you can see I made over $70 in one month, but I'm currently averaging around $8 a month. I've started streaming gameplay on this channel, we'll see how that turns out. + +**Ebay Flipping** +This has literally only been one item, a gaming PC a friend bought but decided he didn't want, and didn't want to bother with selling / shipping himself. I sold the PC and peripherals seperately. + +[Financial Summary](http://i.imgur.com/XdTAVlb.png) + +Net profit: $182 + +I fucked up a bit here ($51 to ship the monitor...), but my major takeaway is that ebay "final value" fees really fuck you, almost halving your margin. And they are insidious because they aren't charged immediately when the sale is made, you are given an invoice a month later to pay the fees. I don't think I'm going to make this a normal side hustle, scaling seems much more difficult than the Youtube gigs which I am already having success with. + + +**Notes and comments** + +* I haven't seen any impact from the Youtube "apocalypse" drama early this summer frequently discussed in the youtube community. +* It's crazy how much of a slowly rolling snowball this Youtube business is. Building up a backlog of videos that earn a few bucks here and there doesn't seem like much when you publish each one, but each one becomes one of hundreds of little "workers" for you over time. And ongoing success of your channel increases the search ranking of even your older videos. +* Even if I don't publish another video for an entire year, I can expect to earn over $500 completely passively. With continued publication I bet I can grow even further +* shoutout to /r/newtubers for lots of good advice and encouragement. +* I report all my income as Schedule C self employment income on my personal tax return. +* Please don't ask for links to my youtube channels, it's against the subreddit rules. +* I fully expect to devote even more time to this Youtube Hobby (or other similar video production hobbies) once I retire. It's not only a money making side-hustle, but a fun hobby and passion project. + +Feel free to bug me with any questions your are curious about! +So I made a rookie mistake today and tried to write a covered call, totally normal right. Well I was rushed and didn’t pay enough attention(big no no) and sold 10 calls over my 100 shares. I am using thinkorswim with level three options. I did not realize that I even had the ability to write naked calls, and when I looked at the p/l for the day I was up ten bucks on a one cent move in the premium. + I will buy back nine of the calls tomorrow morning, fingers crossed I don’t blow myself up over night(highly unlikely but not unheard of). + Just a friendly reminder to pay attention to what you are doing, and don’t be dumb like me. Will update tomorrow with how bad it is. + +*update* bought 9 of the calls back this morning for a $20 gain. Once again, careful trading out there everyone. +I have received two letters from National Enterprise Systems for two loans I had signed up for through Navient over 10 years ago, one for $42k and the other for $46k. I know that I owe them money for the college education I pissed away. I am able to pay this debt, but it would wipe out all of the savings I have been able to accrue since last year. I am not currently employed, so a payment option is unlikely. I have about $20k saved up after selling a bunch of stuff and stimulus checks. Has anyone been able to successfully negotiate a lower settlement? I'm pinched for time because I have until the end of the month to send them a payment to settle according to their letter. + +I've been researching most of the night and I've heard some real horror stories from people who paid the settlement and then got a letter stating that I owe more. I am contacting a debt lawyer today to see if they have any advice, but I'm not even sure what questions I should be asking or if I should just pay it and figure out how to generate income until things get better for me. They have never sent me a letter like this before. On one hand, blowing out almost the entirety of my debt in one fell swoop would be worth clearing out my bank account. On the other hand, it would leave me with a small emergency fund until I could find better employment. Ideally if it was $10k or less I would pay it no questions asked but I'm afraid to wait and see. + +Current situation: + +Navient: -$88k + +Fed AES: -$5k (no interest until October) + +Savings: $20k + +Income: $800/month (cash) + +Loans: 120 days late as of May 2015, TransUnion credit report estimates they will be removed 10/21 (should I believe this? What does it mean for me?) + +Edit: I have an appointment with a debt lawyer on tuesday, settlement is due Wednesday, cutting it close :] + +Edit 2: + +**CONCLUSION** + +If you're like me, you have probably spent hours scouring this subreddit trying to find answers, but people never update their posts after they reach a solution. I sat down with a debt attorney and they warned me of the tax implications for having so much debt written off, they told me to talk to a CPA, my CPA said that I will owe the IRS over $11,000 next year, but by that time I will be prepared. I called NES and told them I could pay 5k and they countered with just over 7k. I wired them the money after I got an updated settlement offer from them via email. Always get communication in writing before sending money to anyone. They were willing to work with me once I was willing to pay. The lawyer warned me that the SoL doesn't really matter because they will keep the account open (unclear to me how) and the SoL wouldn't start until October. So they would have still been able to come after me for the debt. The lawyer also mentioned that any sort of forgiveness program would not have applied to me anyway. +It took a couple of days to get through and some of it was pretty dry. +But there were some really good nuggets in there. + +”The average stock doesn’t go up over long periods of time. The average stock will eventually go down 100% +Indexes work because they weed those out and replace them” + +“Shorting stocks is actually mathematically in your favor and that’s one of the secrets i have, that you have to search deeply for” +His sample portfolio was 40% long 40% short 20% cash he believes in being cash heavy. + +How often should you trade stocks? +“If you own a stock for 10 dollars and you think it’s worth 20 you want it to happen as fast as possible because of opportunity cost” +I would rather make 20% in two weeks then 100% in 2 years” +As long as you have other opportunities” + +“If you think everything is overvalued or under valued +You kind of suck and your process is not correct +8/10 stocks should be fairly valued” + +“I studied pharma that helped me invest in biotech stocks that’s more important then 13f filings and listening to cnbc” +The information I got from working in pharma +Made the 13f filings look like useless garbage in comparison” + + +“The CEO is one of the most important factors, do you trust him to make big profits 10 years from now?” + +“Where boys Become men +Most analysts don’t understand this, +Apples +100 billion ev and +33 billion in profit +Is 33% on your money +It’s a calculation warren uses” +( this was years ago ) + +“Investing 1% in something that could 10x is good risk management” + + +“You have to look at all stocks +Imagine going to a restaurant and only eating one dish out of 800 dishes +And saying this is the best dish for sure! +You have to try the other dishes to get perspective and to maybe find something even better” + +“ USA has more fairly valued companies in general, International stocks +Are either super undervalued or overvalued. +That’s what you want so you can buy undervalued and short overvalued” + +“I feel bad for people who look at p/e +If Tesla is worth 50 billion +And has 1 million in net profit it doesn’t mean it has 50 k p/e and should be avoided” + +“I like companies who make people think with a different part of there brain. +Like Apple and Tesla. +They don’t care about price they just have to have it. +Usually great marketing, great design and a great product. +With a great design comes a big price” + +“ very few people short sell +It could be good a lot of the time +In 2000-2012 you wouldn’t make a penny if you were long. +Markets go down often” + +“You want to be as diversified as you can” + +“Don’t invest if you don’t have a good idea. +Hedge funds are forced too invest” + + +“Leverage if you have confidence in the Investment +I made 50 million in the last 2 years with options and derivatives. +But it is very risky so you have to be really sure” + + +“Have a margin of safety” + + + +“Discount rate is gold +It’s theoretical +Basically you guess what growth they will have looking at the history of the company and you guess how long the company will stay alive. +How much cash will it bring in, in its whole lifetime. +So Apple for example might bring in 300 billion a year in profit times 20 years. +Giving it a value of 6 trillion. + + + +But it’s all theoretical +It might live for 30 years +It might get a worse profit growth +It might shrink by 15% per year instead of 2% +You don’t know” +You give them a discount rate based on how risky the investment is how diversified they are and how easy it is to eat there lunch. +This could take years as an investor to calculate correctly” + + + + +Books he recommended +- Margin of safety +- common stocks and uncommon profits +- everything from warren buffet and Charlie munger + +Freemaboi +http://microcapclub.com/2015/05/i-passed-on-berkshire-hathaway-at-97-per-share + +A former money manager shares his lessons learned from "watching extremely successful investors make and lose money. And from losing my own money." + +Some choice nuggets: + +* "The approach that’s worked best in my experience is investing in high return on capital, low debt, growing companies that have the ability to reinvest earnings in the business and generate high returns on those reinvested earnings" + +* "The approach that almost always results in disaster – investing in cyclical stocks based on P/E ratios. Cyclical stocks are cheapest when, industry-wide, companies are losing money or have very low earnings, and most risky when they have low P/E and high price-to-book ratios" + +* "There are successful short and long term investors, but rarely are there successful investors who do both. A long-term investor must be a patient person. A short term trader who thrives on, perhaps needs, constant activity is likely to be an impatient person." + +* "My skill evolved out of the realization that I could have avoided 90 percent of my disasters by spending a couple of hours with a company’s quarterly balance sheets and income statements." + +* "Investing can be looked at as an emotional competition – your emotions and ability to control them versus the emotions of those you buy or sell securities from and to. A primary function of investment strategy is to counteract emotional impulses and thus survive (and take advantage of) adverse market developments. Investment performance is mostly determined by patience, risk management, a willingness to study, and what you do when things go differently than you anticipated. Those factors are personality driven." + + +Evergrande: + +Anyone notice how silent MSM is regarding Evergrande... Nothing to see here... + +There are few articles and many seem to be translated with typos or in foreign language. Also, keep scrolling through Google if you wish to find anything. 1st page...? Yeah, just Old news.... it's "over". + +March 27th, 2022: "Evergrande is bleeding more widely across the market, and may make it prohibitively expensive for companies in the sector to either raise new debt or refinance existing borrowings." + https://www.afr.com/world/asia/evergrande-crisis-locks-chinese-developers-out-of-global-debt-market-20220327-p5a8cc + +China's Economy: + + +"The People's Bank of China lowered the reserve requirement ratio for most banks by 25 basis points and for smaller banks by 50 basis points, according to a statement published Friday." + + +"Stringent measures to contain the Covid outbreak [currently taking place in China] have disrupted production, strained supply chains and curbed consumer spending, prompting several economists to downgrade their growth forecasts for the year to well below the [Chinese] government’s target of around 5.5 per cent." + +https://wap.business-standard.com/article/international/china-s-central-bank-gives-lenders-cash-boost-to-spur-growth-122041600044_1.html + + + +Moody Says Russia may default... Who is Moody? + +04/15/2022: (19 hours ago from this post time) "Russia’s economy is on track for its worst recession since the years after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, with soaring inflation and capital flight." + +https://news7h.com/moodys-says-russia-may-default/ + + + +Largest economies of the world by GDP + +https://researchfdi.com/world-gdp-largest-economy/ + + +1. USA +2. CHINA +11. RUSSIA number 11 largest world economy per GDP + +Edit: I don't know why this shows up as 3... it is number eleven when I go to edit it... + + +I am assuming everyone suspects that the US economy is either + +1. Headed for ression +2. In a recession (under reported inflation) +3. About to see a major stock bubble (largest bull run in economic history. +4. Headed for a possible major depression. +5. There is a massive problem with over leveraged entities. + + +OR - You think we are headed for another rally/nothing wrong. Guess then this post is irrelevant. + + +What happens if these three countries go into financial crisis? + +I don't know... too smoothie here, but trouble for the world economy I suspect... Liquidity crisis? What happens when large institutions lack Liquidity? + +TLDR: Liquidity crisis as a result of three major world economies going belly up. Buckle Up. +I've been thinking about it more and I think I understand more the reasoning this is important. The board knew there were more outstanding shares than available. The board even knew the split was going to be handled as just multiplying all shares by 4. They knew this because this is how it has always been handled. However issuing as a dividend and not a split takes the onus off them for any future fuckery. + +When/if shit hits the fan they have covered their asses being responsible for any over issuing of shares. They can simply state, we issued as a dividend 230 million shares as determined by this filing and as proven by this paperwork. We hold no liability for the extra 1 billion shares that were fraudulently distributed, as we are not a broker. + +If it was offered as just a split, there's a lot more plausible deniability for whom is to blame on the side of the dtcc ect. + +TLDRS; the board never expected price action (moass) from the dividend, as they knew it would be processed the way it did. The board issued it in the way they did to be not complicit or liable when the question arises "who is responsible for these extra shares" when/if everyone has to liquidate. +https://www.benzinga.com/trading-ideas/long-ideas/21/02/19525644/should-amazon-or-netflix-try-to-acquire-amc-in-2021 + +If this isn’t allowed, please delete. Would it be a good idea to invest before this happens(if it does)? Or would AMC stock forfeit? I’m new to this and can’t find answers. Someone please educate me! +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-economy-debt/past-due-student-loans-credit-card-debt-could-weigh-on-u-s-growth-idUSKCN1V31HA + +> While total student loan balances decreased slightly, from $1.49 trillion to $1.48 trillion in the quarter, the share of those loans being left unpaid for several months increased. + +> Payments on some 9.9% of student loan balances started being at least 90 days late during the three months that ended in June, compared with 9.4% in the January-March period. + +> A comparable measure shows credit card users, too, are falling behind. Payments on about 5.2% of those balances were 90 days overdue in the latest quarter, up from 5.0% in the first quarter. The figure has been on the rise since 2017. Similar delinquency rates declined for auto loans, home equity lines of credit, mortgages and other debt categories. + +> But fears the U.S.-China trade war and other issues could cloud that economic picture led the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates for the first time since 2008 late last month. That could ease pressures for some borrowers and cause consumers to load up on more debt to make purchases, a short-term stimulus for the economy. + +> “We may see more consumers making a large purchase they had been putting off because it seems relatively more affordable,” said Dieter Scherer, a financial planner at Adaptive Wealth Solutions LLC. +beginning 2023 I have a goal to pay off most of my debt of $18,000 and be debt free within 18 months. I have like 7 major credit cards (with 2 of them having a balance of $3,000 each) and like $7,000 worth of installment loans that when combined both credit cards and installment loans add up to like $18, 663.00 + +My goal is to pay off in like 12 months the 2 major credit cards to balance them to $0 and close one of them. I'm worried about the interest being accrued because that is how credit card companies get you. By doing simple math, I calculated that dividing 3,000 by 12 I get $250 and /2 = $125 which is what I began already paying every 2 weeks each of of the credit cards I have maxed $3,000 each. + +After 12 months I plan to have paid off some 65% of my debts and another 6 months after that I should be near 90% and with a little bit of help from income taxes I may be able to finish paying them all off within that time frame. + +First of all, I'm so happy. Don't need to go through any type of credit counseling or file for any bankruptcy court. + +After I'm done paying all my credit cards and installment loans I plan to limit myself to just purchase things on a needed basis, nota wanted basis. I'm still on an iPhone 13 Pro and still plan to have it for the next 2 years or even more time; no Apple Watches, no expensive laptops, iPads or any unnecessary electronics or impulse buying on amazon or other websites. Sounds silly, but it is so easy to click a purchase button nowadays that many banks offer these pay-over-time services like Affirm and Klarna. + +Well, wish me luck and I hope to post an update here some time around this time again 1 year from now. + +Fidelity announced this morning (2022-04-26) that they will be the first major retirement plan to allow investors to put bitcoin in their 401k plans. + +> Fidelity Offers Bitcoin as 401(k) Investment Option + +> Will become first provider to allow cryptocurrency in 401(k) accounts + +> By MARK KOLAKOWSKI Published April 26, 2022 + +> Fidelity Investments has become the first retirement plan provider to allow cryptocurrencies in the 401(k) accounts that it services, starting with Bitcoin (BTC). This investment option will become available by mid-2022 to 23,000 employers that use Fidelity to administer their retirement accounts. Since Fidelity has $11.3 trillion in assets under administration (AUA), making it the largest retirement plan provider in the U.S., this move represents a major milestone in the mainstreaming of crypto.1 +> +> Dave Gray, head of workplace retirement offerings and platforms at Fidelity stated: "There is growing interest from plan sponsors for vehicles that enable them to provide their employees access to digital assets in defined contribution plans, and in turn from individuals with an appetite to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their long-term investment strategies." Business software provider MicroStrategy Incorporated (MSTR) reportedly will be the first employer to offer Bitcoin as an investment option in its employee retirement plans.1 +> +> KEY TAKEAWAYS +> Fidelity will offer Bitcoin as an investment option in 401(k) plans starting sometime in mid-2022. +> How much plan participants can put into Bitcoin will be determined by their employers, but a maximum of 20% is likely. +> This is likely to give a major boost to the mainstreaming of cryptocurrency. +> However, the U.S. Department of Labor has "serious concerns" about crypto in retirement plans, due to the high risks. +> Fidelity Account Details +> Initial reports indicate that investors in the Bitcoin-eligible retirement plans administered by Fidelity will be able to allocate up to 20% of their accounts to this investment option, although this figure may change. Moreover, the cap on Bitcoin investments will be determined by the employer.23 +> +> Fees for Bitcoin-eligible accounts reportedly are planned to range between 0.75% and 0.90% of assets, with the exact amount to depend on the amount invested and the employer. Additional fees, particularly per-trade fees, reportedly also will be charged.23 +> +> Mainstreaming Crypto +> Fidelity's move would allow first-time crypto investors to obtain Bitcoin without having to make a separate account on a crypto exchange. This is likely to become a major boost to acceptance of crypto as an investment alternative. In the subset of retirement plans represented by 401(k) plans, Fidelity held an estimated $2.4 trillion of assets as of 2020, making it the third-largest provider in this segment.2 +> +> In November 2021, Fidelity launched the first regulated offering in Canada that offered Bitcoin custody and trading services for institutional investors. Fidelity next launched two publicly traded bitcoin funds in December 2021 on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). In 2022, Fidelity has launched similar products in Switzerland and Germany.2 +> +> 'Serious Concerns' From Department of Labor +> In March 2022, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) warned that cryptocurrencies were speculative and volatile investments with inflated valuation. The DOL expressed "serious concerns" about providers offering cryptocurrencies in retirement plans. The DOL also stressed that providers must offer adequate information to potential investors about the risks involved in cryptocurrency investing, including the volatile prices and the evolving regulatory environment.2 +> +> +> Role of Microstrategy +> As noted above, business analytics software provider MicroStrategy reportedly has signed on to become the first employer offering Bitcoin in its 401(k) plans administered by Fidelity. That company holds billions of dollars in Bitcoin, and its founder Michael Saylor is a staunch supporter of cryptocurrency through numerous tweets on the subject.2 +EDIT: IDDQD + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dkbjxdm30um81.png?width=707&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d64e0c7f1247f255f5ae39e52b6697a9593e64f + +Hi r/Superstonk!!, I have been a long-time lurking ape, who writes shit comments, and now I am here to offer an educational methodology on how to DRS YOUR IRA SHARES. I hope this post saves you months on the IRA DRS journey by setting you up for the financial freedom, as well as adding a wrinkle or two, and providing a means to not be reliant on the Ponzi artists who decide what is best for you and your retirement funds. A special thanks to @ u/HOLDstrongtoPLUTO for the MeMe contribution, post contributions, and a lot of therapy over this process! + +***To be clear although I have verified with my custodian both old and new, and Computershare that this process will DRS my shares while maintaining IRA tax status, I have not received a purple ring so far.*** + +[ \(will post upon receipt\)](https://preview.redd.it/4e677825eum81.png?width=378&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd5520d9b6de47833ea3592ddbeb17f7e61111ff) + +So, let me jump into my method, which is very simple for individual investors to complete… by using a **self-directed IRA (Roth, Traditional, SEP, Simple)**. This is not your typical “retail marketed, self-directed brokerage IRA” through the major broker-dealers. This is through a custodian that allows for real assets to be held, they are not a broker and will not touch my stonks. These types of IRAs empower their account holders to hold 1) investments in real estate, 2) hard assets, 3) private company holdings, and 4) other lucrative, but historically, restricted investments not afforded from Wall Street brokerage houses. As I’m sharing my experience, I’d like to bring your attention to the third type, private company holdings, specifically, a single member LLC. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5f8u3vg51um81.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b8b9fec8af2c3fe334d523118a1b675273432d2 + +The asset held by my self-directed IRA is just an LLC.. **let that sink in for a second, because it’s a critical component to understand about this process**. This LLC has a bank account, and **contributions to the bank account must be from LLC business/asset sales, or CONTRIBUTIONS/ROLLOVERS VIA the Custodian or my Self-Directed IRA**. SIDENOTE: *In my excitement after forming the LLC, I wanted to start the Computershare account and buy a share with personal funds, but.. I realized that would have been a mistake because it’s important to route the money through the custodian, and LLC bank account.* **Patience is a virtue, don’t cut corners because of MOASS FOMO, it’s been over a year!** + +These types of LLCs are commonly called “Check-book IRA LLCs”. Now, there are very strict laws pertaining to money motion on this type of LLC, if it is solely owned by a retirement account (Bonus banana: these “Check-book IRA LLCs” can have multiple owners for those married/teamed apes). Once the 1) LLC (“Check-book IRA LLC”) is formed under the IRA and 2) a bank account is set up owned by the LLC, the LLC can directly buy shares at the beloved Computershare for the benefit of the LLC and in turn, the Self-Directed IRA! For me personally, I contribute cash through the Custodian, via [**Madison Trust**](https://signup.madisontrust.com/forms/Account_Setup?Reference=Josowitz,%20Michael&ReferralSource=Mark%20Lalich). I am sure there are others as well, but they work for me. + +# Most importantly my shares locked in those broker dealers IRAs can be “directly registered” using a letter of authorization/instruction (LOA) naming the LLC as the new owner! They will treat this as a distribution and report it as so, however this can be remedied by my CPA & Custodian later since the IRS views this as a LIKE to LIKE transfer. It is imperative to inform the custodian of the new IRA of the transfer date and total value of the distribution so they can ensure proper books! + +See, broker dealers will not help, provide info, or assist in removing retirement shares from “street name”, which is why a letter of authorization/instruction was necessary. **They legally must comply and follow these LOA instructions.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/lp4o10u80um81.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=447c70c0f521099426e4e8441275dcd91855496a + +I doubt this is the only method; it is not the cheapest either.. I spent about $2000 for set-up and annually it is $95/quarter for the custodian and ongoing LLC expenses of course will come. However, I personally find it to be the best method to take ownership of my shares and remove them from the DTCC and is the most risk-averse option I have found to date, since all other options leave my shares in brokerage control. I do not want to trust anyone but the transfer agent with these shares after the past year… + +I have included a step-by-step with a link to where I got started, feel free to use, or not, feel free to recommend your friends and family, they do have a referral option! **Half of any referrals I receive will be split between my DRS shares(25%) & Charitable Org DRS shares(75%) at CS (Wil absolutely provide proof).** This link will directly connect you with who I worked with on this entire process @[ **Madison Trust**](https://signup.madisontrust.com/forms/Account_Setup?Reference=Josowitz,%20Michael&ReferralSource=Mark%20Lalich). He was very helpful and again helped crack this code after hours of discussions and back and forth. LES GO! + +**The first step is to set up your Self-Directed IRA at Madison Trust, the link below will get you started:** + +[**Madison Trust**](https://signup.madisontrust.com/forms/Account_Setup?Reference=Josowitz,%20Michael&ReferralSource=Mark%20Lalich) **sign up!** + +&#x200B; + +[Should see something like this to get started](https://preview.redd.it/ltsjse9a0um81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4fda550871af7a4a8611e71edc63cc205aa8dda) + +The process is about a 5–10-minute application, $595, and requires an e-signature. Boom!!.. the self-directed is set up!! The cost consists of 1) the opening minimum $500 account balance and 2) first quarter custodian fee. Next you will need an asset for the self-directed IRA, this asset is an LLC. Legal limitations exist on assets which can be held via the LLC (make sure to check your states laws, and this is where companies like Madison Trust have expertise in guiding to the correct legally-complaint solutions), however they are generally assets/collectibles with opaque valuations to minimize fraud. So, the LLC buying a picture your kid painted for $ 1MM would not work, other collectibles as well do not meet the requirements, however real estate, private companies, securities all make the cut. + +**Madison Trust, the custodian,** will recommend their partner, **Broad Financial, for the LLC set-up, this costs $1500.** (It is important to note, you may be able to use other companies to set up the LLC, I just have not tried anyone else personally). You name the LLC (and I’m sure there will be some good ones apes come up with lol e.g. Hed’R’Fuk’d LLC) and they take it from there. I found it important to pay to have the LLC set up because this is not a normal LLC, and very specific articles and operating agreements need to be written. My turnaround from Madison Trust account open to LLC documents complete and ready to go was less than a week but if the masses flood as I expect it to, this processing time may slow that down a bit. These “custodians” are not Fidelity, Chuck, etc., they are smaller companies so be patient as they are facilitating the way. They let me know they were ready for the flood, and “challenge accepted”. + +[Make it Happen!](https://preview.redd.it/qkukcss53um81.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a5dd7e2fdaa93b0bd1fbe31c4080dae7650a228) + +Broad financial partners with Solera National Bank, was a very easy process, also a friendly admin team to set up the bank account for the LLC. This is very quick 1-day turnaround, however, **DO NOT JUST DEPOSIT MONEY INTO THIS BANK ACCOUNT!!!! It is very important to utilize the custodian (Madison Trust) you choose to make money movements**. Once you find your bank you can buy shares directly.. While this is not the fastest Venmo of your life or the simplest process it keeps everything legal and in order, very important and worth the wait time. This process is synonymous with that of systems like Computershare’s and can often be archaic, **but we all have learned that expeditious pace has a VERY REAL cost.** + +The next step is quite simple but it’s critical to pay attention to details of completing the Letter of Authorization/Instruction you send to the current custodian raking in profits by fucking you out of your shares. While every custodian may be different on what they want, the general flow is 1) What you want, 2) from where, 3) how much, 4) to who, 5) **SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS HOW TO DRS YOUR SHARES WITH YOUR SPECIFIC BROKERAGE** (Each brokerage has slightly differing protocols). + +The letter of authorization will force the broker-dealer to take the shares out of ‘street name’ and directly register them at Computershare in the name of your LLC. You must provide the details per their instructions. All broker-dealers have 1) Asset Transfer Services and 2) Retirement Services departments who are the best sources of information to help understand and process your Direct Registration LOA Instructions, because they are the two departments processing this Letter of Instruction. **I MADE THE MISTAKE OF TRYING TO OPEN AN ORGANIZATION ACCOUNT AT THE BROKER-DEALER, AND AFTER TWO WEEKS THEY INFORMED ME THAT THEY AND MOST OTHER BROKER DEALERS DON’T DO THIS FOR LLC’s owned by IRAs. THIS WAS THE MOMENT OF CLARITY FOR ME THAT THE LOA WAS THE SILVER BULLET TO DRS IRA SHARES.** At the same time, you will need to submit an asset transfer form to Madison Trust or your self-directed IRA custodian to maintain compliance with record keeping. This asset transfer form simply notifies the custodian of the transfer date, asset type, total value, and the source of the additional LLC value when reporting it. Here is an example: [LOA Example](https://www.veritasacademy.net/editoruploads/files/Give/Stock%20Transfer%20Template.pdf). My Broker took a couple of days to bounce it around, but persistence in the end is key, and eventually was told the reluctant okay. + +One interesting piece of this entire experience was towards the end of this journey, when my custodian, one of the big three oddly, asked me to move my assets, claiming my investment style was not **“in line with their business model”** and I would be better served elsewhere… Very timely… + +Congratulations, you made it!!.. I appreciate your time reading through this process! [**Madison Trust**](https://signup.madisontrust.com/forms/Account_Setup?Reference=Josowitz,%20Michael&ReferralSource=Mark%20Lalich), I encourage you to pay it forward, and apes/apettes, tell your friends if you want! It was a hell of a lesson in the financial sector, quite the journey, and I am now on the way to an XXXX DRS for my Roth account without paying any penalties or losing tax status. + +**Q:** + +[???](https://preview.redd.it/pthidi6x4um81.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cd240766adec14c2278ab8b089a1bb1ef18d397) + +&#x200B; + +[A: Tax Deferred and\/or Tax Free Tendies of COURSE!!!](https://preview.redd.it/qxov0sxh4um81.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=a619efa988369688d13105530b2a5268594028ea) + +&#x200B; + +**TL;DR - ELI5 – HOW TO DIRECT REGISTER DRS IRA SHARES (THIS COSTS ABOUT \~$2200 to setup, varies by state)** + +**1) Open a self-directed IRA capable of holding an LLC,** [**Madison Trust**](https://signup.madisontrust.com/forms/Account_Setup?Reference=Josowitz,%20Michael&ReferralSource=Mark%20Lalich) **for reference they charge $595.** + +**2) Open the LLC for the IRA w/link provided by your custodian, I used BROAD FINANCIAL as mine and it cost $1500.** + +**3) About a week later the LLC should be established, and ready for you to receive/sign official onboarding package with the rules of the road, and all necessary information for DRS.** + +**4) DRS your shares into Computershare using a Letter of Authorization (LOA) sent to your current broker-dealer naming the LLC as the new owner. The** r/Superstonk **DRS guide will fill any holes you have about the Computershare site.** + +**5) Inform adviser/rep at the custodian throughout the process.** \[I personally used an Asset Transfer Form to my custodian with date stock was transferred/purchased, total amount, asset type.\] + +&#x200B; + +[THIS IS THE WAY!](https://preview.redd.it/fop36snc0um81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb31d14280f93a788c80234662144720fe2d2575) + +**Again, the BD will see it as a distribution, but this is a like-to-like transfer to your new custodian, and your CPA will process it as so. Ensure your CPA is educated with this for obvious reasons.** + +*PS: This is not financial advice, it is simply an account of my experience DRSing my retirement shares.* + +**Hope you enjoyed & I always prefer to use the:** + +B- uy & directly register @ Computershare + +**F- uck the Haterz, & les go** + +**G- ame$tonk…** +**HAPPY SA(PE)TURDAY! NURSE MIMI HERE FOR YOUR DAILY RUNDOWN!** + +**Who else kept checking the stock to see the premarket like this squinkle brain?** + +[Nurse Mimi every weekend looking at pre market thinking why no move?](https://preview.redd.it/0lh8g3em6hw61.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=37508b83314ba840277b37e44898726b90f2c5f0) + +\--------------------------------------- + +**---------------------------------------** + +**Contents:** + +**Section 1- DD/Stocks/Analysis** + +**Section 2 - HF's/Banks/DTCC** + +**Section 3 - Motivation** + +**---------------------------------------** + +\--------------------------------------- + +&#x200B; + +**---------------------------------------** + +**Section 1 - DD/Stocks/Analysis** + +**---------------------------------------** + +[**u/Bye\_Triangle**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bye_Triangle/) **Posts:** + +[ u\/Bye\_Triangle, u\/Luridess, u\/Leaglese & u\/Cuttingwater\_ ](https://preview.redd.it/302fe6n55hw61.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=122c578e9b9fec201a90b26c6888111ee1814c6b) + +**AMA Transcript and summary with supporting materials, part one and two in the links below!** + +[🚨📺 STONKY NEWS \~SPECIAL REPORT 📺🚨 Dr. Susanne Trimbath AMA Transcription and summary, with supporting materials (and memes) : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vubv/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/) + +[🚨📺 STONKY NEWS \~SPECIAL REPORT 📺🚨 Dr. Susanne Trimbath AMA Transcription and summary, with supporting materials (and memes) PART:2 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vvcy/stonky_news_special_report_dr_susanne_trimbath/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/sillyorganism**](https://www.reddit.com/user/sillyorganism/) **posts:** + +"On yesterday’s AMA Dr. Trimbath suggested we reach out to local regulators through NASAA.org. + +What is NASAA? + +The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) represents state and provincial securities regulators in the United States, Canada and Mexico. + +EMAIL TEMPLATE + +I drafted a brief template you can use in an email or phone call to your local regulator. Feel free to adjust or ignore at your own will." + +**EMAIL TEMPLATE BELOW! APES LETS DO OUR BIT FOR EACH OTHER AND DR.T!** + +**ELIA: In linky clicky, there is already template for apes who can't read or write, you change a few things and sent to NASAA so they can help ape.** + +[ 🚨 PLEASE READ AND TAKE ACTION! 👊Dr T suggested contacting local regulators through NASAA.org. It takes two minutes and can make a huge difference! EMAIL TEMPLATE INSIDE 🚨 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1rgr2/please_read_and_take_action_dr_t_suggested/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/Iothryps**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Iothryps/) **posts:** + +"I highly recommend you follow Dr. T's advice and go to [www.nasaa.org](http://www.nasaa.org/) and use their links/contact info to get ahold of your state commission. The more they are informed about this and the more pressure we apply, the better the chances of something actually changing on the regulators side of things. + +Call your State Securities Commission and bring all of this shit up to them. They can do more specific things than the SEC and can even pressure the SEC to make actual changes." + +**ELIA: NO BE LAZY APE! Ape help ape!** + +[Your State Securities Commission : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1fqdk/your_state_securities_commission/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/Saiyon\_**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Saiyon_/) **posts:** + +https://preview.redd.it/11a2e3f58hw61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=fac40a35bdc2a8098e8434cd6e968e88d8fd31c8 + +u/Criand **comments:** + +If a bunch of FTDs were hidden in April 16 options (very likely were through deep ITM call purchases and married puts), then we are coming up on those being delivered next week. :) + +0% treasury bonds issuing May 4 with maturity June 1 + +Possibility of 002 in effect next week + +Lots of TA, yours included, pointing to us hitting an apex very soon. + +Stars are aligning! + +**ELIA: HODL!** + +[Lowest Volume of the Year✔️ MacD Crossed Signal✔️ RSI Trending Upward✔️Stochastics Approaching Overbought✔️ OBV Completely Uncorrelated✔️ Apes Hodling✔️Tits Jacked✔️ : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1kuht/lowest_volume_of_the_year_macd_crossed_signal_rsi/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/jsmar18**](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsmar18/) **Posts:** + +" **1.** You're gonna read the comic below, a MINIMUM of 2 times, if I see any questions relating to how locked markets work I'm gonna YEET you so far you'll hit the ground harder than GMEs price did in late January (I'll forgive you if you have questions about hide and slide though) + +**2.** *Hidden Orders*, this is the specific order type that the comic below describes - let's make sure we drive the point home on its abusive power + +**3.** *Add Liquidity Only Orders,* not mentioned in the comic below, and is affected by both[ crossed](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/crossedmarket.asp) and locked markets - this is more relevant to the $180 walls we are seeing + +&#x200B; + +[Read twice](https://preview.redd.it/s67ly62r8hw61.png?width=637&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ecf3887c7c30bcb860a9d71f749c5669135fdde) + +[NYSE order types - This is a chart from one of my older posts that delves into NYSE order type data. Handily enough they provide data on hidden orders. Yep, the order that is described in the comic above! ](https://preview.redd.it/yj51i4zx8hw61.png?width=688&format=png&auto=webp&s=47adc7f50a87f9c0a91daf1230f42e3a917e34e2) + +HFTs fuck with GME, causing the $180 price wall as we know. Keen AF for Dave to help provide further context into the issue. ALO orders can be used against HFTs, so if you can, use them (knowing they can get rejected easily due to the B/A moving, so you may have to try multiple times). + +Again, shoutout to [u/SmithEchoes](https://www.reddit.com/u/SmithEchoes/) on collaboration regarding posts delving into order types." + +**ELIA: Quick banana trading bad. Ape no like. Ape no happy about this. HODL.** + +[How HFTs are Creating the $180 Sell Wall | Questions for Dave Lauer : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1w89c/how_hfts_are_creating_the_180_sell_wall_questions/) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/broccaaa**](https://www.reddit.com/user/broccaaa/) **Posts:** + +" Short positions were shifted from GME to related ETFs after the Jan mini-squeeze. XRT and IWM were the ETFs of choice in Feb, in march dozens of ETFs have been used. As reported SI decreased in GME the ETF IWM had simultaneous increases in reported SI. Total value of reported SI (GME + ETFs) remains as high as ever at 27+ billion dollars owed. Hiding FTDs and SI in ETFs must be massive ball ache and does nothing to solve the short problem. + +[ Total FTDs for GME and selected ETFs in 2021 with GME close price overlaid. ](https://preview.redd.it/4xwae63lahw61.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c8128d5002af203976c8a72925ff6af62932b71) + +&#x200B; + +[ Reported SI as number of shares sold short for GME and selected ETFs. ](https://preview.redd.it/nqpaly7rahw61.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cda61a319fe9bdb9bb0ea70eb85d57ce038c4fc) + +With the new early April data we see even more short interest for IWM then in March. + +&#x200B; + +[ Total value of reported SI for GME and selected ETFs. ](https://preview.redd.it/g9p4ka0vahw61.png?width=4500&format=png&auto=webp&s=483428e73bbed75f81af1387f23de23f14064534) + +With new early April data the total value of outstanding SI for GME and all ETFs is now greater than 30 billion dollars. + +This data appears to show a shift of short positions from GME to related ETFs after the Jan mini-squeeze. XRT and IWM were used the most in Feb before the apes caught on. Did the shorts then switch to 20+ other ETFs to hide their fuckery again? This is definitely possible as the ETF FTDs seen in March were much larger than typical values in 2020. + +As well as FTDs being shifted we see evidence of SI being shifted from GME to ETFs. The main ETF used here appears to be IWM. Total remains as high as ever at 27+ billion dollars owed. + +The short fuckery being done with ETFs as well as [what we've seen using options trades](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvdgf5/the_naked_shorting_scam_in_numbers_ai_detection/) paints a clear picture of manipulation on the short side. All of these efforts reek of desperation from the shorts as their only hope of escape is making apes scared or bored. But I ain't going anywhere. *I like the stonk*." + +**ELIA: Snakey HF's hide their bananas in banana baskets, but wrinkle apes find it all and know what snakey HF's have done. Ape buy and hodl.** + +[(9) The naked shorting scam using ETFs: mass shifting of FTDs from GME to 20+ ETFs & 27+ billion dollars still owed in remaining SI : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1vgbb/the_naked_shorting_scam_using_etfs_mass_shifting/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/kmaet11**](https://www.reddit.com/user/kmaet11/) **Posts:** + +[A little dates but still relevant. If you can, ONLY trade through this fair exchange!](https://preview.redd.it/b0fxo0a79hw61.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=197c8f82fcb187a4aed2eecab8351b27693d1bfe) + +**ELIA: IEX is good and fair exchange, route orders here if possible!** + +[Guess who wrote THIS article... 🧐🤔 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n26kmi/guess_who_wrote_this_article/) + +**---------------------------------------** + +**Section 2 - HF's/Banks/DTCC** + +**---------------------------------------** + +[**u/CHill1309**](https://www.reddit.com/user/CHill1309/) **posts:** + +&#x200B; + +[Gary Gensler, FINRA and DTCC to testify to congress!](https://preview.redd.it/unyj9s9o5hw61.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebcd9e6c199f78515d6af2ef8355b5e4253016d5) + +**ELIA: Congress meeting with snakes and useless SEC, ape will see if Gary Gensler good.** + +[Todays email from Better Markets, another overdight meeting regarding GME to include Gary Gensler, DTCC and FINRA. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n2104o/todays_email_from_better_markets_another/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/SqueezeMyStonk**](https://www.reddit.com/user/SqueezeMyStonk/) + +" I'm seeing a sudden spike in posts trying to push for the SEC to intervene. This is pretty sus to me. First of all, flooding the sub with a unified talking point is the playbook that shills use as part of their propaganda strategy. We've seen it before from topics ranging from pump and dumps with silver and other stocks, to when they try to foment divisiveness based on popular users, to stupid shit like trying to scare us with taxes. + +Secondly, this push to try to force the SEC's hand, through hashtagging or whatever, has the same tone of urgency that shills also employ. It reminds me of the "must act now" posts to bombard the SEC with comments regarding proposed rule changes that only acted to delay the review of those rules. + +I've done research on historical short squeezes, runs on the market and market crashes. In the overwhelming amount of cases, short squeezes and runs on the market, even to the extent that the market crashed, were allowed to play out without government or regulatory intervention. " + +**ELIA: NO ask SEC to intervene, they help snakes not apes.** + +[My biggest concern is that the SEC WILL intervene during the MOASS. I want the squeeze to be allowed to be resolved by the free market and not by any government or regulatory intervention. : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1s6zn/my_biggest_concern_is_that_the_sec_will_intervene/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/CounterProductivism**](https://www.reddit.com/user/CounterProductivism/) **Posts:** + +"Hello fellow Apes! + +I am making this post as it appears no Apes caught this recent lengthy piece from SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce. This is a very lengthy piece, and I cannot fully navigate all of it myself, but I did see a bit that stuck out to me in particular. [Here is the link](https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/werewolves-of-change) for the full read if you'd like to give it a go, and the piece I'm putting beneath this is from the very end of the page. + +'Preventing family offices from losing their fortunes is not in the category of problems that the SEC needs to step in to solve. I am much more interested in expanding access to our capital markets so that less well-heeled families can build their fortunes. Similarly, the mere fact that trading desks at some financial institutions lost a lot of money should not cause us a great deal of concern as long as their activity was consistent with our rules. The very nature of trading in the financial markets means that trading desks occasionally will lose money.' " + +**ELIA: SEC make statement saying richo's and bears wont be saved if they fuk themselves. \*Ape cheer\*** + +[(9) Something Apes Missed - Read This : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n2ax63/something_apes_missed_read_this/) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/CommanderKeyes**](https://www.reddit.com/user/CommanderKeyes/) **Posts:** + +**A Huge compilation of all DD you may have missed!** + +[(9) Daily DDs/News/Discussions Compilation - April 30, 2021 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1q34e/daily_ddsnewsdiscussions_compilation_april_30_2021/) + +**---------------------------------------** + +**Section 3 - Motivation** + +**---------------------------------------** + +[u/Multiblouis](https://www.reddit.com/user/Multiblouis/) Posts: + +[When DD writers don't write a TLDR](https://preview.redd.it/c08n9v6jbhw61.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a802f2d61e967046364171e38ff08f9408dd28) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/fthaller3604**](https://www.reddit.com/user/fthaller3604/) **Posts:** + +[We love you all, fractional share or 100 million shares. We are family.](https://preview.redd.it/z1ynct5nbhw61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc3198d783a6949c9fe57f1558919be5f42f3b15) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/NHNE**](https://www.reddit.com/user/NHNE/) **Posts:** + +[When you know you're quitting your job but the boss doesn't.](https://preview.redd.it/fkjw4r8ybhw61.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e2cb40e3d7d64b720782e6d68e55846a0dd06db) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/Ugonefinishthat**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Ugonefinishthat/) **Posts:** + +[Real wolf = Nah. Leo = Our guy!](https://preview.redd.it/icq0i6m2chw61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=957d72b16ee9890df6b112758d76df82d557ac81) + +\--------------------------------------- + +[**u/Crazy-Ad-7869**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Crazy-Ad-7869/) **Posts:** + +[WE NEED MEMES.](https://preview.redd.it/l5iummgfchw61.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8fb240344904467f6268a1290d40451945009f0) + +\--------------------------------------- + +Yesterdays news: + +[MORNING NEWS - The Daily Banana from Medi-ape Mimi. 👨‍🚀 30/04/21 : Superstonk (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n1r6ja/morning_news_the_daily_banana_from_mediape_mimi/) + +\--------------------------------------- + +**ELIA of all my ELIA's: Buy and HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODLLLLL!!!!** + +\--------------------------------------- + +**Thank you for reading.** + +**Lots of love,** + +**Nurse Mimi** + +🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 +A friend of mine was just notified that this Friday will be his last day. A severance package wasn't offered. + +He is a single dad that pays child support along with a mortgage and other living expenses. He has six months of living expenses saved up. + +&#x200B; + +This is what I told him to do so far. Is there anything else? + +&#x200B; + +* Update his resume and start applying to new jobs. +* Reach out to his network to see if there are any opportunities that may be a good fit. +* Try to eliminate any unnecessary expenses. +* Decide on whether to get CORBA or ACA health insurance coverage. +Hey all. + +My fiancé and I are about to tie the knot in about 3 months, and I'm taking another look at our personal finances. I myself have no debt, and about $75K in a Roth IRA, so I'm in a solid state, but am not actively saving, as I'm paying my way through a masters' degree (that's about 1.5 years from being done.) + +My fiancée on the other hand is nearing completion of her doctorate in microbiology, and is carrying about $130K in student loans, which is pretty extreme. When she graduates, she's hoping to go into collegiate education, or science outreach, looking at between a $60K-$80K a year job, provided she can find one. + +Together, we make about $60K a year, maybe a touch more, and once the wedding is done, we'll be saving about $1K a month, if we don't change anything. I'm pushing for a proper job in my field (IT) that pays about what I'm worth, but at the moment, doing temp work. The trouble is, since we're stuck in our current location until I'm done with school, if my fiancée can't find a job, or I can't find something with better pay here, I feel like we're in a potentially dire situation. + +Does anyone have any advice on a good approach to tackling this debt? + +*Edit:* To those who are thinking of posting a "Don't marry her ZOMG debt poison!" please don't bother, that's not an option on the table. +Yes, this is a great coin and it is a top technology, and maybe ETH will be number one but those damn fees.. + +I say this from the perspective of the average user. + +How to explain to a newcomer who wants to buy, say, an ERC-20 token that he has to pay hundreds of dollars to perform ordinary transactions. + +And then the newcomer needs to be explained that a fee that can cost him hundreds of dollars can be lost forever if the transaction fails. + +Cryptocurrencies should make our finances easier, not harder. And I'm sorry to say this, but I think that with ETH 2.0, the fees will also be incredibly expensive. + +In the real world, people aren’t used to paying that much for everyday transactions. + +How do you even start researching and trading ETH if you are from some country where salary is less than the fee that we need to pay? + +The vision of the crypto future should be cheap, nobody wants to pay a few hundred to enjoy that freedom. +First off, welcome to Wendys! Where our advice isn’t financial, and our burgers are stuffed with crayons! + +I’ve been watching people recently scream *100K IS NOT A MEME* into the void over and over again, so I decided to break out of my lurker shell for those of us wondering if 100k is actually a meme, aren’t sure where to set the sell limit, and are afraid they are going to miss the train to tendie town. If you’ve been wrinkling your forehead thinking about this hoping a wrinkle will transfer to your brain, this is the post for you. + +I’ve pulled some numbers from the Volkswagen squeeze to hopefully give some comfort to those apes who (like me) wandered around completely lost about where to set their sell *(gasp)* limits. I know GME isn’t Volkswagen, but if somebody can find me a closer comparison, that would be great! + +Onwards, [here]( https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/chart/VOW.DE#eyJpbnRlcnZhbCI6ImRheSIsInBlcmlvZGljaXR5IjoxLCJjYW5kbGVXaWR0aCI6MjMuNjczNDY5Mzg3NzU1MSwidm9sdW1lVW5kZXJsYXkiOnRydWUsImFkaiI6dHJ1ZSwiY3Jvc3NoYWlyIjp0cnVlLCJjaGFydFR5cGUiOiJsaW5lIiwiZXh0ZW5kZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJtYXJrZXRTZXNzaW9ucyI6e30sImFnZ3JlZ2F0aW9uVHlwZSI6Im9obGMiLCJjaGFydFNjYWxlIjoibGluZWFyIiwicGFuZWxzIjp7ImNoYXJ0Ijp7InBlcmNlbnQiOjEsImRpc3BsYXkiOiJWT1cuREUiLCJjaGFydE5hbWUiOiJjaGFydCIsImluZGV4IjowLCJ5QXhpcyI6eyJuYW1lIjoiY2hhcnQiLCJwb3NpdGlvbiI6bnVsbH0sInlheGlzTEhTIjpbXSwieWF4aXNSSFMiOlsiY2hhcnQiLCJ2b2wgdW5kciJdfX0sImxpbmVXaWR0aCI6Miwic3RyaXBlZEJhY2tncm91bmQiOnRydWUsImV2ZW50cyI6dHJ1ZSwiY29sb3IiOiIjMDA4MWYyIiwic3RyaXBlZEJhY2tncm91ZCI6dHJ1ZSwicmFuZ2UiOnsiZHRMZWZ0IjoiMjAwOC0wOS0xNlQwMzowMDowMC4wMDBaIiwiZHRSaWdodCI6IjIwMDgtMTEtMjJUMDM6NTk6MDAuMDAwWiIsInBlcmlvZGljaXR5Ijp7ImludGVydmFsIjoiZGF5IiwicGVyaW9kIjoxfSwicGFkZGluZyI6MH0sImV2ZW50TWFwIjp7ImNvcnBvcmF0ZSI6eyJkaXZzIjp0cnVlLCJzcGxpdHMiOnRydWV9LCJzaWdEZXYiOnt9fSwiY3VzdG9tUmFuZ2UiOnsic3RhcnQiOjEyMjE1MzQwMDAwMDAsImVuZCI6MTIyNzI0MDAwMDAwMH0sInN5bWJvbHMiOlt7InN5bWJvbCI6IlZPVy5ERSIsInN5bWJvbE9iamVjdCI6eyJzeW1ib2wiOiJWT1cuREUiLCJxdW90ZVR5cGUiOiJFUVVJVFkiLCJleGNoYW5nZVRpbWVab25lIjoiRXVyb3BlL0JlcmxpbiJ9LCJwZXJpb2RpY2l0eSI6MSwiaW50ZXJ2YWwiOiJkYXkifV0sInN0dWRpZXMiOnsidm9sIHVuZHIiOnsidHlwZSI6InZvbCB1bmRyIiwiaW5wdXRzIjp7ImlkIjoidm9sIHVuZHIiLCJkaXNwbGF5Ijoidm9sIHVuZHIifSwib3V0cHV0cyI6eyJVcCBWb2x1bWUiOiIjMDBiMDYxIiwiRG93biBWb2x1bWUiOiIjRkYzMzNBIn0sInBhbmVsIjoiY2hhcnQiLCJwYXJhbWV0ZXJzIjp7IndpZHRoRmFjdG9yIjowLjQ1LCJjaGFydE5hbWUiOiJjaGFydCIsInBhbmVsTmFtZSI6ImNoYXJ0In19fX0-) is the chart of the squeeze, I’ve even set the date range for you. Go take a look. *EVERYBODY!* + +I’ve pulled numbers from the chart, I know they don’t line up with the values from 2008 (stock split maybe?) but they are accurate when used relative to one another. + +Here we go. + +October 2nd: $263 + +October 3rd: $277 + +October 6th: $292 + +October 7th: $287 + +October 8th: $294 + +October 9th: $296 + +October 10th: $342 + +October 13th: $353 + +October 14th: $352 + +October 15th: $390 + +October 16th: $398 (High $428, Low $382) --> **NOT THE SQUEEZE** + +October 17th: $358 + +October 20th: $277 + +October 21st: $242 + +October 22nd: $243 + +October 23rd: $229 + +October 24th: $210 + +October 27th: $520 (High $635, Low $324) --> **SQUEEZE** + +October 28th: $500 (High $500, Low $471) --> **SQUEEZE** + +October 29th: $517 (High $607, Low $491) --> **SQUEEZE** + +October 30th: $500 (High $590, Low $485) --> **SQUEEZE** + +October 31st: $499 (High $548, Low $472) --> **SQUEEZE** + +The stock then trades around $400 for almost another 2 weeks before starting to make its way back down towards pre-squeeze levels. + +*BEFORE THE SQUEEZE*, the price ramps up to a peak on October 16th of $428, before crashing down over the next 6 days back to a low of $210.85 on October 24th, at which point the squeeze squozes. Once squozen, it squozes for **5 DAYS**. If the price rises and crashes fast, it *wasn’t* the squeeze. + +*Please!* Put away your fears that you are going to miss the squeeze. If we get to the true squeeze, you’ll have time to take a nap and still not miss it. Even if you went on vacation for a week perfectly around the Volkswagen squeeze, you’d still have almost 2 weeks to sell at ~80% of the squeeze average. + +Is 100k a meme? I have no idea - but it *doesn’t matter*. The BEST way for us to get the HIGHEST price is to completely delete your sell limits, and wait for the squeeze to squoze. That way we all get the best price, and we don’t risk scrubbing the launch before take off. In addition, the HFs can see your sell limits, and will use whatever information they can against us. Just delete them. + +Absolute worst case scenario is that you’re in a coma for the squeeze, and Papa Cohen drives you all the way to tendie town. + +Now, (looks around) where is that lurker shell I crawled out of. + +**TLDR**: The train to tendie town doesn’t just fly by and force you to jump off a moving train. The train **STOPS** at tendie town for a vacation. The best way to get the highest price is to delete your sell limits and wait for the squeeze to squoze. + +*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Do whatever you want.* + +<Insert rocket ship emoji> + +Position: >0, <69.75M @ >$0, < $483 +Why are retail traders giving out so much detailed personal information so freely? Why are retail traders linking social media accounts to reddit accounts? + +Is it karma/clout chasing? Is it apes falling into a tar pit? + +We all know bots are scanning and collecting data from our posts. Don't be so easily fooled, apes. + +It is in your own best interest as a shareholder to remain anonymous. Use proxy voting to your advantage and VOTE to be heard! + +You wouldn't give your data to Facebook, or RobbingHood...why give your data to the hedge funds? + +Life, prosperity, health. + +Edit: bots and shills use the campaign and continue to bolster it. They are using confirmation bias and a sense of "community" against you, apes! The best thing you can do as a shareholder is VOTE! You are protected by the proxy! + +Edit2: Want to be heard in a safe way? Vote and be patient for the results. That is all you need to do. + +Edit3: spamming Twitter with the hashtag won't do anything to help progress or defend retail traders. Please think critically about other social media movements that have been confirmed to be used by propagandist parties. If you think the SEC, or other powers that be, are going to change their ways because of some Twitter spam you are unironically thinking like an ape. +Would you take that option above? Close to stores and other stuff as well. Car payment could be coming in 1-2 years. No traffic commute, could walk. I get $3000 per month after taxes. + +Current situation is 27% with rent and phone included, but 76 mile round trip commute, 2.1 possibly up to 3 hours per day commuting. +The market today is deja-vu to 2017. Everybody and their mothers pumping 30 different shitcoins to the moon. Scamcoins left and right. + +Graphics cards impossible to obtain + +People defending coins like a cult, calling anybody who even questions “HODL”-ing a shill. + +Businesses starting to advertise they accept crypto to get on the hype train. + +High profile criminal cases involving Bitcoin. + +Looming tax changes and pending new government regulations. China making big threats (this was one of biggest catalysts to the bear market in 2k18) + +Crypto “celebs” and mega millionaires battling on Twitter. + +Everything happening now happened then. + +The only difference now is there’s quite a lot more institutional money tied up in it. And that money is typically a lot more averse to risk. + +Once your dad starts asking about it, it’s the beginning of the end. When your grandad starts asking about it, then it’s already too late. + +The market grew quickly on speculative buyers looking to make fast cash. The market will shrink even faster. + +Strap in for a long one everyone. I bought back in ETH in 2018 when it was $130. We’re not even close to the bottom right now ... don’t try to time it, wait until it goes sideways +Hey everyone! + +A few days ago I posted a video talking about why I love bitcoin! Here's the original thread: + +http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2b6335/heres_why_i_love_bitcoin/ + +In the thread, I was asked if I could do a topless version, so I put up an address and a goal that if reached meant I would shoot it! + +We reached the goal pretty much instantly! :P + +So here it is! + +http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=95714897 + +I hope you guys like it! ;) + +XO-Saffron + +P.S. For some reason Pornhub has been limiting last few videos to 240p, so here's the link to download the 1080p version! :) + +https://www.dropbox.com/s/dpzu1ey1bu8gh6o/215.mp4 +**(TW: This DD has dates. Do not get your hopes up, as this filing may not be the catalyst we are hoping it will be. I could also be incredibly wrong.)** + +## UPDATED POST +Turns out my understanding of a few things were incorrect. Thank you to /u/NotYourGram for providing a bit of information my way which forced me to do a bit further research on the matter. As it is: SR-NSCC-2021-801 is only an advance notice. All 8XX proposals are merely advance notices. SR-NSCC-2021-002 is the actual notice of proposal. + +I went back and reviewed previous year's advanced notices from the NSCC to SEC. I found the following pattern: +Advance Notices have a comment period + 15 days until they are published. +Regular Notices have a comment period + 21 days until they are published. + +The regular notice was submitted about 7 days after the advance notice and obviously supersedes the 801 advance notice. We don't need to worry about 801 anymore, 002 is what we should be calling it now. + +Unless the SEC explicitly states in writing that they **do not object** and the NSCC can implement the rules sooner, then we should expect the SR-NSCC-2021-002 to be enacted 60 days after the filing date, which was March 5, 2021. The NSCC says it would be enacted within 10 days once it is approved. That means we can realistically expect SR-NSCC-2021-002 to be enacted between May 4, 2021 and May 14, 2021. + +Hopefully something happens that allows it to happen sooner. I would not expect any theoretical long whales, nor the SEC, NSCC, DTCC to allow GME to squeeze before this is enacted. + + + +## ORIGINAL POST: + +~~I am reviewing NSCC-2021-801, the filing that requires daily liquidity deposits and allows the DTCC to liquidate those deposits / margin call a member at any time if they screw up. I have found that the SEC has a version on their website that differs slightly from the version posted on the DTCC's website.~~ + +~~SEC version: https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nscc-an/2021/34-91347.pdf~~ + +~~DTCC version: https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-801.pdf~~ + +~~It appears the document was filed on March 5, 2021 with the SEC. The NSCC posted theirs for public viewing on March 8, 2021 and the SEC published their version, for public comment on March 18, 2021. According to the document, they have 60 days as long as the SEC does not extend the deadline by an additional 60 days.~~ + +~~March 5 (not 8) + 60 days is Tuesday, May 4, 2021.~~ + +~~However, there is a specific clause in the contract that would allow the NSCC to implement the rules sooner than May 4, 2021 **if** the SEC provides in writing an explicit statement that they do not object and would allow the rules to be implemented sooner. We do not know if the SEC has provided this explicit statement of non-objection.~~ + +~~BUT, there is a discrepancy in the filings between the NSCC and SEC's publication.~~ + +~~The NSCC originally requested **21 days** from the end of the public comment period, which ended on April 8, 2021, for the document to be entered into the Federal Register.~~ + +~~April 8, 2021 + 21 days = April 29, 2021.~~ + +~~The SEC however, changed that timeframe **down** to only 15 days from the end of public comment.~~ + +~~April 8, 2021 + 15 days = Friday, April 23, 2021.~~ + +~~Why is this date important? (Plz no dates).~~ + +~~Because according to the document, that is the date the document **will be** published in the Federal Register.~~ + +~~>All submissions should refer to File Number SR-NSCC-2021-801 and should be submitted on or before [insert date 15 days from publication in the Federal Register].~~ + +~~As long as the SEC did not extend the date by an additional 60 days, we could see the NSCC-2021-801 enacted one week from Friday on April 23, 2021. What does this mean? I don't know,~~ I am a dumb ape. This is not financial advice. I would guess that **this week** is going to be another max pain week, but next week? 🐒🍌💎🤚🚀 +Hi, I'm a reporter at the nonprofit investigative news outlet ProPublica. We just published a story on Arise Virtual Solutions, a work-from-home customer service outsourcer, and I want to make sure our findings get in front of anyone considering working with this company or one like it: [https://www.propublica.org/article/meet-the-customer-service-reps-for-disney-and-airbnb-who-have-to-pay-to-talk-to-you](https://www.propublica.org/article/meet-the-customer-service-reps-for-disney-and-airbnb-who-have-to-pay-to-talk-to-you) + +We found that the pandemic has created a boom in the secretive industry of work-at-home customer service, which helps large corporations shed costs at the expense of workers. Agents for companies like Airbnb, Disney, and Comcast are forced to pay for the privilege of taking your calls. The almost entirely female workforce faces sexual harassment from callers and operates under rigid corporate control but gets none of the benefits of legal employment. Arise has faced, and lost, legal challenges alleging that its arrangements with agents violate federal labor law and cheat workers of what they are rightfully owed. + +We're still collecting stories from call center workers – at Arise and elsewhere – if this rings any bells. + +P.S. I checked with the moderators before posting! +It shall be interesting to see how the market react to this and whether it will just shrug it off. + +The price has dropped a little in after hours, but is still up 2% at time of posting. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/01/tesla-to-sell-up-to-5-billion-in-stock-amid-rally.html +Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions on the basics of personal finance/investing topics are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against memes/spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness/politics still apply! + +Have a look at the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/wiki/faq) for this subreddit before posting to see if your question is frequently asked. + +Since this post does tend to get busy, consider sorting the comments by "new" (instead of "best" or "top") to see the newest posts. +This is an update from [two years ago when I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/7sp5te/accidentally_hit_a_major_milestone/) that I "Accidentally hit a major milestone" when my investments binked over $2M without my noticing. I had [reasonably popular comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/7sp5te/accidentally_hit_a_major_milestone/dt6qe3n/?context=3) describing my path towards FI and plans for the future and an early retirement. + +If you had asked me a few weeks ago, that $2.2M had grown to over $2.6M (despite 529 withdrawals for college) and my RE goal was in sight! Today, I'm at $1.8M and dropping. Holy shit, that's a $800k+ loss in a month! Admittedly, I feel punched in the stomach. + +One of the things I learned running a business is: "The things you need to do when times are bad are the things you need to do ALL THE TIME!" + +If I had to do it all over again, still without a crystal ball, I think I'd only have changed a couple things: + +1. Today, I only have 6 months expenses in cash. Now, if I need more emergency money, I'll have to sell sell at a loss. I'm still working part-time, so unlikely this will be an issue, but the lesson learned is that when I do fully retire, I think I need to keep a minimum of 12 months expenses in cash. +2. I should have dabbled less in individual stocks. Even though I'm about 75% in index funds, I can't help myself. One in particular has tanked way more than the market in the past week and will take years to recover. I can't bother to sell now because it's dropped so much and it would be better to wait until I need a tax loss. I don't know why this stresses me more than the hit to my index funds, but it does. If I were only in Indexes, I wouldn't have this stress. + +I am staying the course! Hang in there, FIRE! I appreciate all the calming posts. I'll share more details in comments if there is any interest on specific updates since my post two years ago. + +I wonder what my next post will say in two years time? See y'all in 2022! +And it was... fun! I've always heard horror stories of fee based advisers and I would wager the majority of this sub leans away from using them. I had never intended to speak to one but when I was on the phone with fidelity trying to roll over old 401k's, I bit. I was rolling them over because my last company screwed up my term date resulting in me temporarily losing my vesting from the last 4 years of contributions ($30k+!) and I'm not dealing with that again. So while I'm at it, I'm rolling over 3 different old 401k's into my new company's 401k. + +Anyway, while I was on the phone, I was asking for a similar fund to what I had in Old company #1's 401k to keep a similar fund which had $40k in it. We got on the topic of types of funds in New company's offerings and he asked me "when are you planning to retire? 67?" As someone who has been tracking my progress for years down to the gnat's ass, I reflexively laughed and said no, 45. He very reasonably asked "uhhhh how are you planning on doing that on $40k, in 9 years?" I explained I had other accounts we hadn't gotten to yet and laid out the basics that we all know and love... save a ton, relatively low expenses, blah blah blah. + +He agreed that I was in pretty good shape. Still, he asked if I was interested in talking to one of their retirement planners. Now this is something I've never really had interest in doing but I was curious of what people who did this for a profession would think of my plan and after I asked 3 or 4 times if it was reeeeeally free (it is), I figured why not? I have to say, I'm glad I did. I went in with my spreadsheets, SS payout estimations, draw down strategy and an open mind. We went through the exercise of plugging it all in fidelity's online retirement planner. I didn't know the tool existed beyond those shitty website advertisements that don't let you replace less than 70% of your income. Honestly, I have to imagine most people here would actually like it (for the most part) because you can go really deep with it. + +What's funny is after putting majority of my stuff in, they give you a score. I scored a 74, or "fair" despite having a very solid savings rate and being in the dos comma club (lol?) so obviously they are selling fear to some degree. I believe their standard withdrawal rate is set to 3% and the market essentially stays flat for the rest of eternity. But the guy I spoke with was very realistic and admitted fidelity's tool is super super conservative so ignore the score and after he adjusted my market outlook, the score went up to 100 (I don't know what the max score is, I think to score higher you have to be growing well beyond your withdrawal rate). For my purposes, and I would imagine the purpose of the majority of individuals who frequent this sub, it was actually a worth while exercise. In reality, it's probably very similar to what you'd get using cFireSim but if you're a fan of having a second opinion, this seems like a great tool to try. + +In the end, I had a chance to validate my thoughts with a real person and had some good conversation around some very specific situations with my wife doing some low income freelance work and how to best try to shelter that type of income. I also got to get an outsider's perspective of my plan and enjoyed the conversation that came from it. I wasn't being sold anything, I learned about a MM fund that acts as a checking account and has a 2.38% return ($100k min) that I may look into, and I left feeling all the more confident about my plan. I'm guessing fidelity isn't the only company to offer this type of service so its worth seeing if whoever your company is offers something similar and get some additional peace of mind and maybe learn something you haven't picked up browsing this sub. I'll probably make it an annual thing, or maybe every couple of years. + +TL;DR - went to FA, assumed it was BS, actually thought it was worth while and would recommend to others. +Every time the word Brave or BAT came up, the post form a couple days gets mentioned. + +Although the whole thing has been addressed and debunked, the issues still linger around. + +This is the original post: + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nxce6t/brave\_browser\_scam\_a\_fake\_privacy\_browser\_sharing/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/nxce6t/brave_browser_scam_a_fake_privacy_browser_sharing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +The answers from the Team: + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/brave\_browser/comments/nw7et2/i\_just\_read\_a\_post\_on\_rprivacytoolsio\_and\_wtf/h18fxec/](https://np.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/nw7et2/i_just_read_a_post_on_rprivacytoolsio_and_wtf/h18fxec/) + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/nvz9tl/brave\_is\_not\_private/h1gie0q/](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/nvz9tl/brave_is_not_private/h1gie0q/) + +[https://np.reddit.com/r/brave\_browser/comments/nw7et2/i\_just\_read\_a\_post\_on\_rprivacytoolsio\_and\_wtf/h1fer1i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/brave_browser/comments/nw7et2/i_just_read_a_post_on_rprivacytoolsio_and_wtf/h1fer1i/) + +&#x200B; + +Please help spread those comments, as the negative posts usually linger longer then the truth! +**What Does ChainLink Do?** + +In a nutshell, ChainLink aims to solve the connectivity problem, a key limiting factor for smart contract usability, and whilst it's an ERC-20 token it will not be limited to just the Ethereum blockchain. + +What makes $LINK so special? Well, it's the first **decentralized** oracle network; allowing anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments and any other API capabilities. Anyone who has a data feed, useful off-chain service such as local payments, or any other API, can now provide them directly to smart contracts in exchange for LINK tokens. + +**Partnerships** + +I will keep this brief, as you can see a full list of current and potential partnerships on https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/7mob78/list_of_chainlinks_partnershipsprojects_using/ + +But the main ones to look at are + +- Zeppelin OS +- Town Crier +- Request Network +- SWIFT (we know SmartContract, the company behind ChainLink, are working with SWIFT on improving the efficiency of their bond payments, but nothing official regarding LINK & SWIFT yet). + +**The Pros** + +ChainLink has steadily been gaining traction ever since its downfall after the 4chan/reddit SIBOS hypetrain crash (post September). It's remained around the 90-100 rank mark and has yet to really "moon". + +- One of the strongest and most technical whitepapers out in the space atm (https://link.smartcontract.com/whitepaper) +- Team has been working on this for 3 years and initial testnet is due to be released in Q1 +- Zero competition and first mover advantage even if there was (other oracles are currently centralized) +- Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then (https://etherscan.io/token/0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca) +- Team is actively hiring more developers and a head of marketing +- Only on one major exchange, so price likely to increase when listed on further exchanges + +**The Cons** + +- Team is focused on development rather than shilling (take TRON for example) so lack of news/tweets to get normies on board (can be taken as a pro as you're still considered early) +- The 4chan meme token +- GitHub is private whilst the team work on moving from RoR to GO for Q1 Intitial Testnet release. +- Not all team members listed on the website + +**So what makes ChainLink valuable?** + +The LINK token is used by smart contract owners to pay chainlink nodes for getting data from them and the more LINKs an oracle node has, the more reputable it is. So oracle node providers are incentivized to hold as much LINKs in their chainlink nodes to appear more reputable to the chainlink network, gaining more usage and profit + +(Taken from a comment on https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7nwis4/why_i_believe_chainlink_link_is_the_most/) + +Most importantly, LINK can (and will be) used for data request penalty payments to ensure that node operators provide the requested data. Penalty payments are LINK tokens that are required to be held in escrow by the smart contract. They are paid to the smart contract creator in the event any of the node operators do not meet the required data requests as stated in the smart contract. This provides an incentive for smart contract creators to trust node operators, knowing that they have a form of financial insurance (the penalty payment) in the event a node (or nodes) submit bad data. + +For information that will trigger high value smart contracts, smart contract owners will want to require a proportionate amount of link to be held in escrow as penalty payments by the node operators. When link is tied up for penalty payments, it is released over the life of the contract. For example, let’s say party A wants an API snapshot sent every day for 30 days. If the penalty payment for the contract is 300 LINK (per node operator), then each node operator will have 10 LINK released to them at the end of each day – receiving the full 300 LINK at the end of the 30 days if they successfully performed the data request the smart contract asked for. Now imagine the smart contract creator wanted 10 node operators. That means 3000 LINK is taken off the market immediately, and 100 of that 3000 is released each day from the smart contract to the individual node operators (10 each per operator, assuming they provided the requested data). A cycle will be created where more and more smart contracts will make requests and node operators will be limited only by the availability of their LINK tokens to be used for penalty payments. + +Add it all together and you have a singular payment method for a desired network (the most secure external data oracle), lots of supply constantly locked up to have enough link for signaling purposes (the reputation boost for a node operator), financial insurance for smart contract creators (penalty payments) for increasingly valuable triggering data in a wide variety of smart contracts, and a network poised for growth as more adapters are built and more API’s become available so that dapps can thrive on any blockchain network. Yes LINk is an ERC20 token, but it is blockchain agnostic and the adapter network can continue to grow. + +**LINK can also be staked!** + +LINK staking is another big thing that will do wonders for Chainlink's valuation. Turns out Chainlink oracles can be made into pools, similar to mining pools on bitcoin and ethereum where multiple people come and put their LINKs together to run a more secure oracle node and distribute the profits fairly between each other. This will be huge as it will effectively allow you to stake your LINK tokens and earn more of them passively without doing anything. One such pool in development is LinkPool (http://www.linkpool.io/). + +**Where do i buy and store LINK?** + +You can currently buy LINK at the following exchanges; + +- Binance +- Coss +- EtherDelta +- IDEX +- GATE +- Okex + +As an ERC-20 token, you can store LINK on your ledger or MEW wallets. + +Here is a well written guide on how to purchase LINK https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/comments/7gglfv/how_to_buy_link_chainlink_token/ + +**Sources of Info For Own Research** + +- The Whitepaper (https://link.smartcontract.com/whitepaper) +- Their Website which will soon be redesigned (https://www.smartcontract.com/link) +- ChainLINK FAQ (https://clfaq.smartcontract.com/) +- Technical Community Manager blog (https://medium.com/@cl_thodges) +- https://www.reddit.com/r/LINKTrader/ + +P.S CEO Sergey Nazarov speaks at Bitcoin super conference next month too https://www.bitcoinsuperconference.com/speaker/sergey-nazarov/ as well as speaking at SXSW in march alongside Tom Gonser who is the founder and former chief strategy officer of DocuSign. + +https://chainlinknodes.com/smartcontract-ceo-sergey-nazarov-speak-sxsw/ + +**Sorry, All sounds great but i only invest based on TA** + +Good news, if LINK breaks 7k sats we're in for a moon too! + +Edit: updated TA + +https://uk.tradingview.com/x/GEBhGcKz/ + +**Added from comments** + +Don't forget that AXA Insurance and Sony Corp did a test smart contract on their platform last week: https://create.smartcontract.com/#/contracts/fa4703cb68e3c152a9f47bafd57fe1fa + +AXA Insurance has announced that they will be implementing blockchain: https://group.axa.com/en/newsroom/news/axa-goes-blockchain-with-fizzy + +Facebook Director of Engineering joins ChainLink: https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/facebook-director-engineering-joins-chainlink-advisory-board/ + +Zuckerberg says he will be studying crypto make Facebook better: https://www.coindesk.com/zuckerberg-to-study-cryptocurrency-in-quest-to-decentralize-facebook/ +I am a college student who recently decided to try my hand in the stock market. I was having fun just moving shares around and making small amounts of money. Then a few weeks ago I decided to try options. I bought an apple call that went up a couple hundred bucks. I was amazed at how easy it was to make money with options. Then I decided to put a bunch of money into Delta Airlines calls expiring in January and February. Initially they went up, and I was making more money than ever before. But then they started to go down. As I'm writing this, my weekly chart is down almost 20%. This is all the money I had in my saving account. I'm not sure when I will crack, but at this rate it will be sometime soon. I'm still holding, but I can't focus on school or anything else because all I can think about is how much money I'm losing. + +My question is, how do you guys deal with waking up in the morning and seeing huge losses? How do you keep going? + +Edit: Thanks for all the great advice guys! So many responses! For now my plan is to keep holding because my [fortune cookie ](http://imgur.com/uV6mzeO)from lunch told me to, and I still have a few months till the calls expire. +Just for context read this article and had some questions about DAFs + +I always wondered why people hoarded money in DAFs and never gave their money to charities. Is there some secondary benefit Im missing in why some people do this? The most I can come up with is that the people can inflate their net worth while reaping an immediate tax benefit. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-10-03/rich-use-tax-loophole-to-get-deductions-now-for-donating-later?utm\_source=pocket\_mylist](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-10-03/rich-use-tax-loophole-to-get-deductions-now-for-donating-later?utm_source=pocket_mylist) +I am an early career physician in a shift work specialty currently making 300-400k a year. + +Given the shift work nature of my job, I have a large amount of time off and the ability to scale back work if needed. Current living expenses are low and I am saving a lot. + +I am looking for projects or ideas to focus on to grow my income outside of my medical practice. I have started with a small passive real estate investment, but I am looking for other inspiration/ideas and not afraid to learn something new/work hard. I have a pretty high tolerance for risk. I am 30 y/o with a net work of 200k. +Here are the main facts pertaining to my situation: + +\-Retirement contributions of $120k per year +\- Little to no W2 income +\-High probability of retiring in country which does NOT recognize 401k/Roth gains+withdrawals as tax-free +\-Plan to retire by age 45 +\-Income tax bracket will be the same or similar during retirement as it is now + +I explained my situation to a financial advisor and he recommended an Indexed Universal Life policy (IUL). + +My understanding is that an IUL insurance policy is similar to a Roth IRA in that you put after-ax contributions in and then withdraw tax-free during retirement. But it has the advantage of not imposing contribution limits, min/max withdrawal ages, plus the 'withdrawals' are actually loans agains the cash value of the policy, meaning that even if I retire in a country which doesn't recognize the same tax advantages of US retirement accounts I will be fine because no country will make me pay income tax on loans. Additionally the policy has 'downside protection' meaning it won't loose value if the stock market goes negative. + +The disadvantages seem to be lower returns and higher fees, and the risk that the insurer may give me favorable terms to start with but switch them later. + +Do the pros outweigh the cons here? Or I should avoid IUL policies? +They wanted us to get mad , they wanted us to point pitchforks at Icahn, they wanted to get hodlers mad to make a point & maybe have Icahn invest somewhere else. + +They think that just because someone is or was short that hodlers will get mad and raise a great deal... well thats what they were expecting to happen with all of these articles recently but... the opposite happened, this sub just mocked msm like this was no big deal lol and I want to give a praise for not feeding onto there BS +Just used bankrate dot com to find a company that offered 2.115 15-yr mortgage rate with 0 points, and about $4800 in fixed-fee closing costs. Called chase who I currently have mortgage with and they offered a 2.675 rate at 0 points. Got them to “match” the rate at 2.125 with 0 points and $5200 in fixed fee closing costs. + +Edit: Houston, TX 450,000 mortgage, 20% down, 790 credit score. + +Currently have a 3.5% 30 yr loan and refinancing to 2.125% 15 yr loan. From my calcs it saves me $400 a month on interest with a ROI of a little over a year. + +Closing costs are 1500 origination fee charges, 600 appraisal fee, and 2800 in title fees, plus other minor tax fees and recording fee. + +I also chose bankrate to shop rates because I didn’t have to enter in any personal info to get rates. Smartasset does the same thing. +I feel like a chump for investing in my future at the expense of the best years of my life. + +I’ve recently turned 40, which is essentially middle age, and my resentment towards sacrificing the enjoyment of my present life continues to grow. Financially, I would consider myself both fortunate and comfortable. My wife and I are both established in our careers, and combine for a gross income of $250K-ish. We have 3 lovely children, though we’re “old parents” for having them in our mid to late 30’s. + +I’m sure 60 or 70 year old me will be thankful, but I feel like I’m sacrificing the middle third of my life for a future that is not guaranteed. Friends in similar positions are enjoying new(er) and large(r) homes, vehicles, family vacations (pre-COVID), etc., while I’m living in a 1000sqft bungalow built in 1956 and drive vehicles 10-15 years old. My wife and I had to accomplish everything “the hard way” and had little to no financial assistance from our parents. They just didn’t have to ability to help in that capacity. Many of our friends were able to live at home during university, paid very little tuition on their own, received assistance on home down payments, purchased their first home before the housing boom, made a small fortune selling their first home and are now on their second... gah! My wife and I lived on our own and paid our own way through university, bought our home at the housing market peak, and on and on. + +Quite frankly, I’m unhappy with my daily life, and the promise of a comfortable retirement is not compensating for my growing resentment. It’s all because all our income not dedicated towards living expenses (mortgage, utilities, food, childcare, etc.) is being saved an invested. Though we both have retirement plans through work, we have secondary RSP’s through our financial planner. RESP’s are in place for our 3 children. After allowing ourselves a minimal monthly “allowance” everything else is put in to savings. Our net worth (assets vs liabilities) is already over the million dollar mark, our mortgage will be paid off in less than 5 years, vehicles were bought with cash, and we have no other debts. + +And I fucking hate it. It’s a bizarre feeling, because I should feel comfortable and content, but I feel trapped and limited. Most days I couldn’t care less that 80 year old me, if I live that long, will be taken care of because 40 year old me is being “fiscally responsible.” My apologies for the rant, but I really needed a non-spouse outlet to vent. + +EDIT #1: Here is a sampling of my monthly budget: + +Based on 12000/mo take-home (net) income. + +$1800 - childcare + +$1530 - mortgage + +$1105 - utilities, insurance, taxes + +$300 - transportation + +$800 - groceries + +$50 - charity + +$200 - parent allowance ($100 each) + +$6215 - RESP, RSPs, savings + +Both my wife and I also have retirement savings/investments deducted automatically off our paycheques. I did not include this. + +EDIT #2: I’m coming at you from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Heathcare expenses, both now and in my old-age, are of minimal to zero concern. + +EDIT #3: Thank you for the feedback. The constructive criticism, support, and virtual kicks in the ass are all appreciated. I agree that there is a mental/emotional aspect to my frustrations. Mid-life crisis is likely playing a part. I guess what started as a solid plan to create financial responsibility and stability, 15 years ago, now feels unbalanced. I’m not complaining that I have savings for the future, but am increasingly resenting how this fixation on saving, saving, saving, is limiting how I live my present day life. +I've been making a good amount on this bullish October push with SPY calls, and was thinking of rolling a good 3k into some options judging by Friday's last 30 min bullish push upwards of $3. All this FUD of crashing etc etc is scaring whoever the fuck out of this once in a lifetime bullish market that has been going on for the last year and a half. Is it going to "crash" once the FED stops buying assets and begins tapering? Yes. Is that going to happen in the next 3 weeks? Probably not. My bet is December or January. Still waiting to hear our lord and savior JPOW tell me on Wednesday that "Inflation is transitory, fuck your puts." and he's keeping this crazy train running for another month or so. + +My play then, is that I think the SPY will do 1 of 3 things opening into November. + +1. Straight bull rush the first week to 470.20. I don't think this is VERY likely, but it could happen. If anything goes well it should do a steady $2 or so a day climb with decent slow swings and quick buybacks, alongside strong EOD volume pushes. +2. Maybe go up for 1-3 days then do a fake dip out before shooting up. More likely I think. +3. Fib retracement 30%, probably down to 445-455ish before a huge push into the rest of November. This could also be a very likely scenario that might go with number 2. This would suck if you buy the calls on Monday and it drops 10 bucks. Good news is, I think they will hit no matter what. + +It doesn't really matter what options happens as long as you look at Friday's graph(10/29/2021) and ask yourself, "Does this look like it won't hit $470 (10 gain ) in roughly a month?I am almost certain it will. + +That said, I have multiple option plays. The 3 that look the best to me are + +6 $500 ATM 460c Strike:11/19/2021 (Safest option, and 100%ish gain) + +30 $100 OTM 470c Strike:11/19/2021(Decent OTM option, even if it doesn't hit and runs up 5 bucks, you can still take a 150%ish gain) + +Or... + +300-350 $10 OTM 480c Strike:11/19/2021 (Most yolo option with a fair bit of play. This contract is right at the price where the option is going to start going up to 20, 30 bucks every 2ish bucks as the delta gets higher. These options will skyrocket if this thing gets anything over 460, which it is indeed about to do, in my opinion. The loss potential is right where it will start to go down a bit, but the good thing is the initial contract is only worth 10 bucks a piece. This means you might lose 1-5 bucks each contract if it goes down to retrace, but if this goes past 460 anytime in the next 3 weeks you're looking at roughly a 100-1000% gain. Based on my retarded math skills, I think a price increase to $470 will net each contract to be worth roughly what the 470's are right now, which is $100 per contract and a 1000% gain of 3.5k to 35k. Feel free to cash out at 465 and take 15kish if you don't wanna get greedy. I don't even think I have factored in implied Vol.) + +Now you may be saying to yourself this either sounds amazingly retarded, or amazingly retarded, but why? How? When? + +Well, that's my question to you. If I seem wrong in my calculations please let me know, if I am missing something, please let me know. + +&#x200B; + +But do yourself a favor and open the Strike:11/19/2021 calls and look at the open interest for the 460-470's. Don't even need it to hit 480 if it rises quick enough. + +Don't need much DD when the FED is buying everything for another month or so, but I have 2 friends that work at brokerages and I asked them both about the taper. They both said they were talked to about something like that happening but "not yet" as in a month or 2 out still I think. Maybe beginning 2022. + +Pretty sure we're going up as the music continues to play. Worst case scenario, I lose 3.5k. Best case scenario, I make 15-30k ++++++++++++++ + +Edit1: I think I am gonna go with option 3. A true Yolo. I lose 3.5k or gain $1-$35,000. If you truly follow the OI here, I see a bull rush to at least 470 by the end of 3 weeks, followed by a significant pullback to whatever until mid December, late December you see the calls start to stack again starting at the $460 and going into the $480 range. + +Guys, I think this might be the most retarded thing I've ever done, and my Grandma keeps telling me to "be careful" Whatever that means, but my other account is up 5k YTD so I'm still not really worried. + +Edit2: Option 3 theta decay holding x350 contracts. It's a 0.05 theta right now, which is about 5 bucks a day at the current price. Theta is almost non-existant till you get to that last week or the price moves toward 470ish, which at that point you SHOULD be up at least 5-10k anyways so it doesn't matter. + +FYI If you don't know anything about options or the Greeks, please watch this video before you message me with "What should I buy?" type questions, I am not a Financial Advisor. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgisRHEQ2FM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgisRHEQ2FM) + + +Edit3: Last Min change. Running both options through OPC multiple times, I think that the $475 strikes will have a significantly higher chance of hitting, and make you more money if the stock doesn't shoot up as quick as it we want. If the stock is sitting at 470 on Nov. 12th ( One week before xpry) with the 350x0.10 contracts at 480 it will be a profit of 70% ($2100), but if you take 120 of the 475's for the same date and if the stock is stetting at 470 with these calls you'll still be up 212% ($6360) and I will be looking to see, that Friday. +There’s a lot of shitcoins being shilled on this subreddit, and if you been losing your ETH by gambling into projects with bad fundamentals and questionable teams, then this may be the most important post you read all day. + +**Here's why:** + +Last week, I posted about a low-key project called Community Token or COM. COM is the governance token of a community of crypto investors who use a science-based skeptical approach to evaluate of DeFi projects. + +Quite frankly, I’m pretty sick and tired of all the recent hubbub in this subreddit. Too many posts are shilling new scams, rug pulls, or straight low-effort copies of successful projects. If you're also fed up with the abundance of low-quality projects who's sole goals is to steal your hard earned money, then I recommend you check out COM. + +Plus, I’m confident this community-driven project with steady organic growth will hit over $1 in the short term (within a week) and $5 in the long term (4-8 weeks). + +**What is COM?** + +COM Token is a proof-of-trust token designed to bring to light scams, rug-pulls and low-quality projects in the Defi space. It relies on a decentralized community of members to conduct due diligence and research on new projects. Once the projects are vetted as legitimate, the team negotiates deals with the project owners to get airdrops or discounted OTC pricing for COM holders. + +COM started with an anonymous dev (I know, I know) who raised a 160ETH presale. He sold 5% to himself at presale price. Currently no address holds more than 5% of the supply meaning there are no whales except for the liquidity contract and the reserve funds for future community development. + +Soon, new members who joined started grilling the dev and tried to uncover how COM could be a scam from as many angles as possible. The developer answered every question with full transparency with proof from on the public blockchain. + +**Liquidity Locked. No Mint Function. Token Burns. Full Transparency** + +Soon, members realized everything the dev was claiming was 100% true. Liquidity is locked, and there could be no possibility of minting new tokens. And the burn address is the standard 0x00 purge address. Everyone started to realize COM was possibly one of the most legitimate and trustworthy community-based projects. + +Next, members started taking initiative to move the project forward: creating the whitepaper, auditing the smart contracts, creating a mulit-sig wallets for community funds (this means the dev/team can’t dump these tokens), meticulously re-branding the website (which just launched today), and most importantly, creating dozens of criteria and developing methodology for examining new and existing projects. + +**Now here’s why rebranding the website is so important and why I’m writing this post today:** + +See, the old COM website looked like garbage (no offense to the dev who coded it). The old website looked like a website from 1995 and turned off a lot of potential buyers. If you read my previous post on COM, you can see people completely writing off the project because of how the website looks. + +Now that the website has been rebranded and the whitepaper has been hashed out, I expect this the price action to start taking off. If you look at the charts, you can see increased buying activity in the last few days, yet still \~40% off from the all time high, so there will be more room for this to go up. That’s why I’m expecting at least $1 in the short term (1 week, maybe 2 max). + +**And here’s why I think COM will go to $5 in the mid-term:** + +You see, COM’s tokenomics are deflationary in nature, so 1% of every TX gets burned, reducing the total supply. So if you buy and hold, you end up with a greater percentage of the total market cap over time. This deflationary mechanism is what drove BOMB token (which has similar tokenomics) from a few cents to over $15 earlier this year. + +Pull up the COM charts and you’ll see there’s no price manipulation or P&Ds, just nice, steady price appreciation, which hasn’t gone parabolic yet. Few understand the potential here, but those that do will be rewarded lucratively for buying and holding. + +Now you might be thinking I’m arbitrarily making up the price target of $5, but here’s why I think it’s totally reasonable and expected: + +COM is being traded on Uniswap which uses an AMM (automated market making protocol) to determine its price. This means more and more COM gets bought up, the price increase per buy gets bigger and bigger. + +For instance: right now, there’s about \~140K of COM in the Uniswap liquidity pool - about 14% of the total supply. So a 1000 COM buy will move the price about $0.10. But as more people start buying COM and the supply of COM diminishes, a 1000 COM buy will start moving the price by bigger amounts, $0.20, then $0.50 and so on. + +**What's Going To Drive Demand For Com?** + +As COM partners up with more projects, the project will naturally start getting more exposure. Crypto investors will start buying COM to get free airdropped tokens from these partner projects (kind of like TrustSwap). Since COM is a relatively low-supply and deflationary coin, once more and more of the 140K of supply starts getting bought up, the price will go parabolic. + +So if you’re tired of investing in worthless projects, I urge you to check out COM and get some tokens before the price takes off. By the way, their airdrop from partner project systems rewards anyone with holdings over 500 COM so if you just want to put in a small amount, I recommend getting 500 as the minimum amount so you can take advantage of the free airdrops. + +But please, I urge you, **DO NOT BUY JUST BECAUSE OF MY POST.** I urge you to do your own research. That is the ethos of the community token. We try to push forward a science-driven methodology of evaluating projects in this space. I’m not a part of the dev team, I’m simply an enthusiast who enjoys engaging with a like-minded, skeptical, mature community. As I joined and asked the members questions, it became apparent that they value transparency and discussion above all. + +Again, don't take my words at face value. Join the telegram group and ask everything you wish yourself! You are more than welcome. + +**COM Website:** [https://communitytoken.io/](https://communitytoken.io/) + +**TLDR:** + +* Highly likely $COM to $1 within a week and $5 within 4-8 weeks (after partnerships announced) +* COM website was just rebranded so this will attract buyers who were hesitant because the old website looked shitty +* COM Whitepaper releasing soon (it’s been written, just getting designed now) +* Uniswap liquidity locked for a 1 year +* Dev tokens locked: \~16% of COM reserved for marketing and community projects is being transferred to a multi-sig wallet so dev can’t dump (I expect price to jump to $1 once the funds are transferred to this wallet) +* First vetted community project being introduced next week (airdrop or OTC deal coming) +There’s a lot of shitcoins being shilled on this subreddit, and if you been losing your ETH by gambling into projects with bad fundamentals and questionable teams, then this may be the most important post you read all day. + +**Here's why:** + +Last week, I posted about a low-key project called Community Token or COM. COM is the governance token of a community of crypto investors who use a science-based skeptical approach to evaluate of DeFi projects. + +Quite frankly, I’m pretty sick and tired of all the recent hubbub in this subreddit. Too many posts are shilling new scams, rug pulls, or straight low-effort copies of successful projects. If you're also fed up with the abundance of low-quality projects who's sole goals is to steal your hard earned money, then I recommend you check out COM. + +Plus, I’m confident this community-driven project with steady organic growth will hit over $1 in the short term (within a week) and $5 in the long term (4-8 weeks). + +**What is COM?** + +COM Token is a proof-of-trust token designed to bring to light scams, rug-pulls and low-quality projects in the Defi space. It relies on a decentralized community of members to conduct due diligence and research on new projects. Once the projects are vetted as legitimate, the team negotiates deals with the project owners to get airdrops or discounted OTC pricing for COM holders. + +COM started with an anonymous dev (I know, I know) who raised a 160ETH presale. He sold 5% to himself at presale price. Currently no address holds more than 5% of the supply meaning there are no whales except for the liquidity contract and the reserve funds for future community development. + +Soon, new members who joined started grilling the dev and tried to uncover how COM could be a scam from as many angles as possible. The developer answered every question with full transparency with proof from on the public blockchain. + +**Liquidity Locked. No Mint Function. Token Burns. Full Transparency** + +Soon, members realized everything the dev was claiming was 100% true. Liquidity is locked, and there could be no possibility of minting new tokens. And the burn address is the standard 0x00 purge address. Everyone started to realize COM was possibly one of the most legitimate and trustworthy community-based projects. + +Next, members started taking initiative to move the project forward: creating the whitepaper, auditing the smart contracts, creating a mulit-sig wallets for community funds (this means the dev/team can’t dump these tokens), meticulously re-branding the website (which just launched today), and most importantly, creating dozens of criteria and developing methodology for examining new and existing projects. + +**Now here’s why rebranding the website is so important and why I’m writing this post today:** + +See, the old COM website looked like garbage (no offense to the dev who coded it). The old website looked like a website from 1995 and turned off a lot of potential buyers. If you read my previous post on COM, you can see people completely writing off the project because of how the website looks. + +Now that the website has been rebranded and the whitepaper has been hashed out, I expect this the price action to start taking off. If you look at the charts, you can see increased buying activity in the last few days, yet still \~40% off from the all time high, so there will be more room for this to go up. That’s why I’m expecting at least $1 in the short term (1 week, maybe 2 max). + +**And here’s why I think COM will go to $5 in the mid-term:** + +You see, COM’s tokenomics are deflationary in nature, so 1% of every TX gets burned, reducing the total supply. So if you buy and hold, you end up with a greater percentage of the total market cap over time. This deflationary mechanism is what drove BOMB token (which has similar tokenomics) from a few cents to over $15 earlier this year. + +Pull up the COM charts and you’ll see there’s no price manipulation or P&Ds, just nice, steady price appreciation, which hasn’t gone parabolic yet. Few understand the potential here, but those that do will be rewarded lucratively for buying and holding. + +Now you might be thinking I’m arbitrarily making up the price target of $5, but here’s why I think it’s totally reasonable and expected: + +COM is being traded on Uniswap which uses an AMM (automated market making protocol) to determine its price. This means more and more COM gets bought up, the price increase per buy gets bigger and bigger. + +For instance: right now, there’s about \~140K of COM in the Uniswap liquidity pool - about 14% of the total supply. So a 1000 COM buy will move the price about $0.10. But as more people start buying COM and the supply of COM diminishes, a 1000 COM buy will start moving the price by bigger amounts, $0.20, then $0.50 and so on. + +**What's Going To Drive Demand For Com?** + +As COM partners up with more projects, the project will naturally start getting more exposure. Crypto investors will start buying COM to get free airdropped tokens from these partner projects (kind of like TrustSwap). Since COM is a relatively low-supply and deflationary coin, once more and more of the 140K of supply starts getting bought up, the price will go parabolic. + +So if you’re tired of investing in worthless projects, I urge you to check out COM and get some tokens before the price takes off. By the way, their airdrop from partner project systems rewards anyone with holdings over 500 COM so if you just want to put in a small amount, I recommend getting 500 as the minimum amount so you can take advantage of the free airdrops. + +But please, I urge you, **DO NOT BUY JUST BECAUSE OF MY POST.** I urge you to do your own research. That is the ethos of the community token. We try to push forward a science-driven methodology of evaluating projects in this space. I’m not a part of the dev team, I’m simply an enthusiast who enjoys engaging with a like-minded, skeptical, mature community. As I joined and asked the members questions, it became apparent that they value transparency and discussion above all. + +Again, don't take my words at face value. Join the telegram group and ask everything you wish yourself! You are more than welcome. + +**COM Website:** [https://communitytoken.io/](https://communitytoken.io/) + +**TLDR:** + +* Highly likely $COM to $1 within a week and $5 within 4-8 weeks (after partnerships announced) +* COM website was just rebranded so this will attract buyers who were hesitant because the old website looked shitty +* COM Whitepaper releasing soon (it’s been written, just getting designed now) +* Uniswap liquidity locked for a 1 year +* Dev tokens locked: \~16% of COM reserved for marketing and community projects is being transferred to a multi-sig wallet so dev can’t dump (I expect price to jump to $1 once the funds are transferred to this wallet) +* First vetted community project being introduced next week (airdrop or OTC deal coming) +There’s a lot of shitcoins being shilled on this subreddit, and if you been losing your ETH by gambling into projects with bad fundamentals and questionable teams, then this may be the most important post you read all day. + +**Here's why:** + +Last week, I posted about a low-key project called Community Token or COM. COM is the governance token of a community of crypto investors who use a science-based skeptical approach to evaluate of DeFi projects. + +Quite frankly, I’m pretty sick and tired of all the recent hubbub in this subreddit. Too many posts are shilling new scams, rug pulls, or straight low-effort copies of successful projects. If you're also fed up with the abundance of low-quality projects who's sole goals is to steal your hard earned money, then I recommend you check out COM. + +Plus, I’m confident this community-driven project with steady organic growth will hit over $1 in the short term (within a week) and $5 in the long term (4-8 weeks). + +**What is COM?** + +COM Token is a proof-of-trust token designed to bring to light scams, rug-pulls and low-quality projects in the Defi space. It relies on a decentralized community of members to conduct due diligence and research on new projects. Once the projects are vetted as legitimate, the team negotiates deals with the project owners to get airdrops or discounted OTC pricing for COM holders. + +COM started with an anonymous dev (I know, I know) who raised a 160ETH presale. He sold 5% to himself at presale price. Currently no address holds more than 5% of the supply meaning there are no whales except for the liquidity contract and the reserve funds for future community development. + +Soon, new members who joined started grilling the dev and tried to uncover how COM could be a scam from as many angles as possible. The developer answered every question with full transparency with proof from on the public blockchain. + +**Liquidity Locked. No Mint Function. Token Burns. Full Transparency** + +Soon, members realized everything the dev was claiming was 100% true. Liquidity is locked, and there could be no possibility of minting new tokens. And the burn address is the standard 0x00 purge address. Everyone started to realize COM was possibly one of the most legitimate and trustworthy community-based projects. + +Next, members started taking initiative to move the project forward: creating the whitepaper, auditing the smart contracts, creating a mulit-sig wallets for community funds (this means the dev/team can’t dump these tokens), meticulously re-branding the website (which just launched today), and most importantly, creating dozens of criteria and developing methodology for examining new and existing projects. + +**Now here’s why rebranding the website is so important and why I’m writing this post today:** + +See, the old COM website looked like garbage (no offense to the dev who coded it). The old website looked like a website from 1995 and turned off a lot of potential buyers. If you read my previous post on COM, you can see people completely writing off the project because of how the website looks. + +Now that the website has been rebranded and the whitepaper has been hashed out, I expect this the price action to start taking off. If you look at the charts, you can see increased buying activity in the last few days, yet still \~40% off from the all time high, so there will be more room for this to go up. That’s why I’m expecting at least $1 in the short term (1 week, maybe 2 max). + +**And here’s why I think COM will go to $5 in the mid-term:** + +You see, COM’s tokenomics are deflationary in nature, so 1% of every TX gets burned, reducing the total supply. So if you buy and hold, you end up with a greater percentage of the total market cap over time. This deflationary mechanism is what drove BOMB token (which has similar tokenomics) from a few cents to over $15 earlier this year. + +Pull up the COM charts and you’ll see there’s no price manipulation or P&Ds, just nice, steady price appreciation, which hasn’t gone parabolic yet. Few understand the potential here, but those that do will be rewarded lucratively for buying and holding. + +Now you might be thinking I’m arbitrarily making up the price target of $5, but here’s why I think it’s totally reasonable and expected: + +COM is being traded on Uniswap which uses an AMM (automated market making protocol) to determine its price. This means more and more COM gets bought up, the price increase per buy gets bigger and bigger. + +For instance: right now, there’s about \~140K of COM in the Uniswap liquidity pool - about 14% of the total supply. So a 1000 COM buy will move the price about $0.10. But as more people start buying COM and the supply of COM diminishes, a 1000 COM buy will start moving the price by bigger amounts, $0.20, then $0.50 and so on. + +**What's Going To Drive Demand For Com?** + +As COM partners up with more projects, the project will naturally start getting more exposure. Crypto investors will start buying COM to get free airdropped tokens from these partner projects (kind of like TrustSwap). Since COM is a relatively low-supply and deflationary coin, once more and more of the 140K of supply starts getting bought up, the price will go parabolic. + +So if you’re tired of investing in worthless projects, I urge you to check out COM and get some tokens before the price takes off. By the way, their airdrop from partner project systems rewards anyone with holdings over 500 COM so if you just want to put in a small amount, I recommend getting 500 as the minimum amount so you can take advantage of the free airdrops. + +But please, I urge you, **DO NOT BUY JUST BECAUSE OF MY POST.** I urge you to do your own research. That is the ethos of the community token. We try to push forward a science-driven methodology of evaluating projects in this space. I’m not a part of the dev team, I’m simply an enthusiast who enjoys engaging with a like-minded, skeptical, mature community. As I joined and asked the members questions, it became apparent that they value transparency and discussion above all. + +Again, don't take my words at face value. Join the telegram group and ask everything you wish yourself! You are more than welcome. + +**COM Website:** [https://communitytoken.io/](https://communitytoken.io/) + +**TLDR:** + +* Highly likely $COM to $1 within a week and $5 within 4-8 weeks (after partnerships announced) +* COM website was just rebranded so this will attract buyers who were hesitant because the old website looked shitty +* COM Whitepaper releasing soon (it’s been written, just getting designed now) +* Uniswap liquidity locked for a 1 year +* Dev tokens locked: \~16% of COM reserved for marketing and community projects is being transferred to a multi-sig wallet so dev can’t dump (I expect price to jump to $1 once the funds are transferred to this wallet) +* First vetted community project being introduced next week (airdrop or OTC deal coming) +shout out to u/ChristianRauchenwald for the world class DD! + +&#x200B; + +Elliot Wave Theory + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l0vdexj5ohn61.png?width=1833&format=png&auto=webp&s=41320130f91b5347a393774aedaf563a91b461a1 + +Elliot Waves for GME - What that means, further below... + +I know most of you likely never heard the name *Ralph Nelson Elliott* and his surprisingly called "*Elliot Wave Theory*". If you want to change that, I recommend you read the free book [here](https://www.elliottwave.com/Free-Reports/Elliott-Wave-Principle). But since I know that most of you are too busy eating crayons I'm going to summarise it quickly. + +A rare recording of Ralph Nelson Elliot's early days. + +As you can see, our fellow 🦍 Ralph already had a real hunger for tendies as a little kid. That hunger drove him to use his crayons on charts until he discovered in the 1930s that the stock market always moves in recognizable patterns back, so-called "waves".Simplified there are only two types of waves: + +1. Impulse +2. Corrective + +**Impulsive Waves** + +Those are always waves that move the market and consist of five sub-waves because five is the smallest number of waves that can accomplish an overall movement. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7zcxlzn7ohn61.png?width=535&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c7d5d431d351b8011ef4a5b4fa4fb123b4ee064 + +Impulsive Wave on GME Weekly Chart + +**Corrective Waves** + +Although there are a few different corrective patterns we can say in general that they consist of three waves because that's the smallest number needed to achieve a retracement. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bf1arfybohn61.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7503b533893b2ab4b05ddc4ac04df20675939cf + +Corrective Wave on GME Daily Chart + +*There are a few special cases, and obviously overall more to learn about it, otherwise, there would hardly be an entire book about it.* + +Before we now take our colorful crayons and applied that mindblowing knowledge on GME there are a few other things you should understand: + +1. Each wave can and should contain waves in itself. 🤯 I know... Sounds complicated, and often is, but to give you a simple example, in the 1-2-3-4-5 Impulsive wave above, you'd be able - possibly not on the monthly chart but on weekly or lower - to also fit another 1-2-3-4-5 between 2 and 4.This way you can confirm if your patterns are actually valid. +2. Each 1-2-3-4-5 Impulsive wave is followed by a corrective wave. So, after 1-2-3-4-5, we see a corrective pattern like A-B-C. *(There are a few other corrective patterns but the basic A-B-C zig-zag is most common).* + +So you are telling me that fellow 🦍 Ralph knew how to predict the market almost 100 years ago? Sure... + +Elliot Waves are highly accurate and in my opinion a great tool to predict what the market or a specific stock is going to do. + +Unlike most indicators it doesn't lack behind, however, there are still cases where multiple patterns could be applied and only once a few more candles are on the chart will it be clear which of those actually is correct. + +Already during our first 🚀 launch attempt that got canceled by RobinHood and others, I used Elliot Waves to estimate how far that rocket might go. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ktfxk4aeohn61.png?width=1544&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaadea58e519cfb08c76a483298b9d56e83ad4bb + +Screenshot using Elliot Waves on the GME 15 min chart on the 25th of January + +I shared that screenshot initially [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/l4syrd/gme_megathread_part_2/gkqko9z/) and mentioned in a further reply once we reached that range that a drop in the range of $137-$207 will likely follow before our 🚀 finally will launch to more than $4,000 per share. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3iokow4gohn61.png?width=1552&format=png&auto=webp&s=d721faa86a85d269ba2f45abd2ac9194b467f6ec + +What actually happened after that "prediction"? + +As you can see both statements were highly accurate and IMHO only because of buying restrictions did the drop go further than it should have and our 🚀 take-off was canceled. + +If you can follow so far that's great... if not, I really recommend that you use the time while we wait for take-off to read the book about Elliot Waves. + +OK, but how come that $10,000 per share is now just a stop along the way? + +Well, by preventing the launch back then HFs fucked up IMHO and now more people are buying tickets for their trip into space. After all, Elliot Waves are in simple terms nothing else but the manifestation of human behavior on the market. + +However, the beyond average manipulation (preventing buy orders altogether) also makes it harder to say with absolute certainty that the following pattern is accurate, but since they anyway only reflect my opinion I'm still going to share them. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q26p6lmkohn61.png?width=1782&format=png&auto=webp&s=50290f8fe34fb0e2cd1fb6f58c8c06fc81a6b67f + +Using my new crayons on GME hourly chart. + +The way it looks right now we are currently in a corrective wave 2 (see 0-1) that is developing as an A-B-C pattern. Both of those aspects show a correction into the current range, although we haven't reached the predicted range for C in the A-B-C pattern (and maybe won't, but I wouldn't be surprised if the price falls into the range of $131-$161 to confirm both predictions and possibly also close the gap that's still open from the 5th to the 8th of March at $140.50).This would mean that we are likely at the end of wave #2 within a 1-2-3-4-5 Impulse. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vpssstgmohn61.png?width=1854&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a82de9fedbea728b56c48befb504dfbb90ee00b + +🚀 Pre-Launch + +Now, the projection for the following wave 3-4-5 looks like this and already gets us into the range of $10,231 to $13,382 - at which point we'd see a corrective pattern (A-B-C), which IMHO is very likely since a few 📄 🙌 bitches would likely sell their shares at that price and HFs obv. will also try to create a drop at a price point like this to make it appear as if the MOASS is already over. + +However, as mentioned earlier, each wave consists of waves, so the 1-2-3-4-5 Impulse you can see in the image above is actually just wave #3 in the bigger 1-2-3-4-5 Impuls that began during the all-time low of GME. Confirming the highlighted pattern, and also confirming that we are likely going to see a correction/retracement/sell-off at that level. And that Corrective pattern would be wave #4 in the bigger Impulse, and after that, we will see our 🚀 fly. It's hard to say how far right now, but personally I expect to see $130k per share, possibly more. + +Now, as said, all of that is just my opinion and not financial advice. + +**TL;DR IMHO GME will go short-term to around $2,000 at which point we'll see a small retracement and then we'll move to our pre-launch stage at $10,000 per share, followed by a drop to as little as $7,000 per share, followed by the 🚀 take-off to $100,000 or more per share. I learned all of that from a very old ape called Ralph Nelson Elliot that used his crayons in interesting ways.** +Where’s the boundary between gambling and investing? + +I’m sick of people going on TV to tsk-tsk and tut-tut. There seems to be this belief that were it not for GME, the (self-described!) retards throwing a couple bucks at GME would otherwise be making wise, sober investments and socking away pennies for their eventual Florida retirement. + +Bullshit. + +Everyone on this board has a strategy. Every one of us has done research. It may not be the sort of research Charlie Munger does, hallowed be his name, but for a lot of us, it was a fucking GREAT strategy based on smart observation. + +In the meantime, Wall Street will tell you it’s a better idea to plow money into managed funds that take a percentage off the top only to historically underperform the market. + +There’s something here. There’s something to collective intelligence and collective investing. The results may be volatile but they speak for themselves. + +Fighting us is going to be like fighting the tides. + + +Now back over to Karla with the weather. How’s it looking out there, Karla? +School districts are always looking for subs especially now at the start of school year. Most districts have a shortage and will literally hire a warm body if you can pass a background check with fingerprinting. Some require an associate's degree but they might be willing to waive that if the need is high enough. + +The job really varies from sitting and supervising kids while they do their work, to actively playing teacher for the day. + +School district's often have multiple schools, Pre-K Head start programs, and other non-traditional learning programs that will need subs. There is also no non-compete so you could Sub in multiple school districts in your area to keep your schedule full everyday. Pay is usually a day rate rather than an hourly rate. The average from a quick Google is $117 a day. If you accept jobs everyday you can make up to $2K+/month. You can increase that with other opportunities such as after school care, teaching enrichment classes or coaching sports to increase that pay. + +I get notifications to my phone as soon as teachers place a time off request in the app. I also get texted by the administrative assistant at the schools if no one has accepted a job that's open. + + It's very flexible you can put in for time off by blocking yourself in your calendar. You can choose to take jobs or decline them. It's great for parents with kids in school, because of the hours. Also you get out at 3:00 everyday if you don't participate in an after-school program so you have room for a second job or anything else you need to do. You can keep subbing going for income while you job search. + +If you are friendly and somewhat assertive, you can often network with staff to get better assignments. If you think you would enjoy teaching but can't get a master's degree and a teaching certificate right now, subbing is a great way to get in a school and take advantage of any opportunities that open up such as paraprofessional jobs or jobs that need emergency hiring and are willing to waive requirements. It can help you get your foot in the backdoor so to speak. AMA if you have more questions. I'll answer from my experience. + +Edit: Teachers have one of the hardest most thankless jobs with the least compensation and appreciation. Teachers work long hours after they teach a full day, doing grading, reporting, assessments, and so much more. I can say without a doubt that you guys take such a beating and keep doing the best for these kids and you deserve all the praise and compensation and support that schools do not supply. I truly appreciate your sacrifice. HOWEVER subbing has very few of the duties and none of the accountability teachers face. I do the best I can because I care and enjoy it, but have seen others do far less than I do and truly the expectations of the job are low. + +Edit 2: This is not a lucrative job. There are lots of good aspects of this job,mainly the flexibility, the hours, and ease of getting hired and few responsibilities. High pay is not one of them. +I've already seen a whole bunch of posts and comments with wild speculation and rumor about how citadel is packing up shop. Please please please do a little research before hyping up pure speculation and going " MOASS soon!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Citadel toppling!!!!". MOASS may still be happening soon but this instance is not an indicator of it. + +So what is citadel doing and why are they hiring a packing/moving company? They're moving to 425 Park Ave in New York. The deal has been in the works for years where they will occupy nearly half the building. I believe the building has gotten a temporary certificate of occupancy as of Sept 8th. Feel free to check out the wiki for 425 Park ave or their website if you want more info/sources. + +Edit: some want links. Sorry on mobile so I wasn't sure how to add but here ya go. + +[ny post article from 2020](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/03/03/citadel-set-to-move-into-the-lavish-top-floor-of-425-park-ave/amp/) + +[NY Post article from jan 2021](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2021/01/18/park-avenue-1-billion-office-tower-nears-completion/amp/) + +[wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/425_Park_Avenue) + +[425 Park ave's website](https://www.425parkave.com/press/) + +Edit 2: +Just wanted to add another source (wasn't expecting this to take up my entire morning). + +[Arcpaper article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.archpaper.com/2021/09/425-park-avenue-telescopes-skyward-with-diagrid-glass/%3famp=1) + +Looks like the temporary occupancy cert was issued in January. Not sure what the other one that was recently issued is then (perhaps somebody more familiar with commercial development in new york can add) but this article (from about a week ago) mentions how the the first batch of tenants is expected before end of 2021. Given citadel is occupying half the building and given I have to imagine moving from one skyscraper to another takes awhile, I don't think it's unreasonable using the above sources to conclude what we're witnessing in the drone footage is citadel preparing to move to their ny office. + +I certainly could be wrong. Maybe they are closing shop and it's coincidentally lining up with the completion of their new building they signed a very hefty lease for, but I have yet to see any proof of such. +My strategy is based on a few hard learnt principles: + +1. Given the right market conditions, the value of all cryptocurrencies trends towards zero. +2. The biggest obstacle towards success is yourself, your emotions and over-trading, they sabotage you. +3. All information except price is just noise. + +Just to caveat that I don't claim these to be universal or absolute truths. They are just my beliefs and how I base my investment strategy. Also, this is an investment strategy only and does not cover things like research. + +Here is my strategy: + +# Never buy on green days. If the price is in the green DO NOT BUY. + +This is called FOMO. Seeing the market pump and that awful feeling that you are missing out on parabolic price action. Buying in the green is what certain market participants would call "dumb money" or providing exit-liquidity to whales or those whose cost-basis is much much lower than yours. Of course, it's not that simple, but regardless I'm just not interested in buying on green days, even if it may continue to pump - not buying. + +# Use price alerts. DO NOT LOOK AT CHARTS. + +Install an app that provides price alerts that you can configure. Do not look at price charts. There is a common meme of being "[bogged](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV5QlSgq7lg)"; seeing the price drop as soon as you buy, or seeing the price pump as soon as you sell. You cannot detach yourself emotionally if you are watching the minute or hourly price movements. Bitcoin often loses hundreds of dollars in a second and then recovers by several thousands by end of the day, + +# Only buy on double-digit red days (-10% 24hrs). + +I don't follow the "buy the dip" meme. I only start buying once the market crashes or corrects by 10% or more. I use alerts to be notified to this. + +# Do not use stop losses. + +I've been using unregulated exchanges for long enough to have lost all faith and trust in stop losses. Let's just leave it at that. + +# Sell in tapered increments + +Keep 50% of your portfolio in cold storage and 50% on an exchange. Set your sell orders at tapered increments. + +Something like this, or whatever suits you: + +* Sell 10% of coin A at 10% profit +* Sell 25% of coin A at 20% profit +* Sell 30% of coin A at 40% profit +* Sell 25% of coin A at 60% profit +* Sell 10% of coin A at 80% profit + +I keep 50% in cold storage on the basis that it is a long term hold. I forget about these. That's why I only invest in legit projects, because once you buy a token or coin, it's a long term relationship. Even if you sell 100% of your holdings, you may still live for years in regret at missed opportunities. + +# Buy in tapered increments + +As mentioned earlier, I use price alerts. Once I'm alerted of a 10% drop, I will start buying. I usually place half my buy order manually, and the other half on tapered increments of 3-5% drops. The reason for this is that I want to use at least half of my available cash to buy immediately on a 10% drop and the other half distributed in case we are truly in a black swan event and not just a "correction". + +# Re-asses your portfolio & buy/sell orders once a month only + +Now you have your sell and buy orders set up and your price alerts, and you've stopped looking at charts. You have no reason to look at your portfolio unless you're alerted, so do not do that. You can just take one day a month to rebalance your portfolio and adjust your orders based on the current market conditions. + +# Try to keep at least 30% of your portfolio in cash. + +Cash, or stable coins are your leverage in this market. In some ways, your cash is just as important if not more so than your crypto. Being liquid in this market is very important to take advantage of opportunities. Again, do not over-trade, resist the desire to "buy the dip". Hold your cash for REAL opportunities. I recommend instead of DCA'ing every month or pay-day into crypto, DCA into cash/stables instead. So you are ready-to-buy crypto on double-digit red days. Build your investment cash stack. Some exchanges apps also offer decent APYs on stables, so there is a double sided benefit there to stacking and waiting, waiting for blood on the streets. + +# Do not trade based on anything you read on social media. + +When it comes to money, everyone, EVERYONE has an agenda. Whether a bull, a bear, a maximalist or a skeptical no-coiner, do not listen to any of them. I used to follow a range of channels to try and a get a broad and balanced view or crypto but then soon realized that it's impossible. I don't want to get into too much detail but frankly nowadays I am only interested in price. I participate in Reddit only to quell my moon fomo and to try and have some legit discussions or help newbies. + +&#x200B; + +Now there are some obvious things like *don't invest more than you can afford, never sell at a loss and don't use leverage* etc, but frankly I don't look at these things because ultimately people will just do what they want. The whole point of my strategy is to detach myself as much as possible. + +Finally, I'm not really a crypto expert. Although I have been buying Bitcoin since 2014. I've attached a screenshot to support my credentials for my first crypto p2p purchase from my bank. It was for 1 Bitcoin for about 300 pounds. So this strategy is based on many years of experience. I'm not a Johnny come lately giving out advice - who knows, maybe ukbitworks is lurking on reddit :) + +https://preview.redd.it/0xx1mhyngjb71.jpg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d9deb67d116e3c8cb4d72dc53905fb6735435f +I've been sort of unhappy with some recent work I've had done around my house. The carpet installers, for example, did what I'd call a B+ job in terms of quality, and also lightly scratched some wood, and left dust on stuff. + +I have had similar problems with other contractors. Finding the odd scrap of roofing here and there, for example, or appliance not aligned or perfectly levelled. Etc. I try to hire well-reviewed and recommended outfits, and I don't go cheap. + +None of it is the biggest deal, but I'm at the point in life where I'd be happy to pay someone what it takes for them to do a good job. Tell me what amount of money you want to do a *great, A+ job*, or tell me the ways in which you cannot achieve perfection. + +Has anyone had success with this, or are my standards too high? +Throwaway account for reasons. + +I'm 33yo male. Built my company 9y ago in a sector with strong tailwinds. After a few fundraises, I got into a position where I own roundabout 25% of the company and have founder control at an operational level. +Business is "just" breakeven as exchange for stronger growth. Value comes from brand strength and overall market share. + +Company's valuation is somewhere between €220M-€260M. I pay myself an okay salary of half a million euros a year in cash before taxes. No ESOP. My salary covers 100% of my lifestyle, however I spend it all while my assets continue to appreciate. + +I don't think I am very financially literate when it comes down to portfolio management. I'm sitting on €100k in cash, €1M in the stock market and BTC/ETH (was 2M before the crash), €2M in liquid assets, and €1M in non-liquid assets I cannot easily choose to cash out on. Plus of course my 25% of whatever the big boy is worth. + +My issue: I wish to sell shares in my company up to roundabout €10M pre-taxes to level up my train of life and grow my portfolio. Business is heavily reliant on my presence. As a result, shareholders are very hesitant on me selling shares. This creates an awkward situation where, on one hand, I always have to "fight them" in order to sell part of my business which is a miserable position to be in, and on the other hand, I am starting to lose interest on the business because I am not being rewarded according to the value I have been able to generate and continue to generate. + +My question: Are there mechanisms you guys would recommend me to take a look at that would allow me to cash out continuously on my business, while improving the optics of doing so? I am open minded to hear any and all ideas, even if they are only indirectly related to the question. I'm here to learn. + +The alternative is to eventually just sell the whole thing or take the company public (which unfortunately carries similar founder-selling challenges), however this would not be ideal to me because I enjoy the work I do and the strengths of remaining a private enterprise. I just feel like I have earned the right to "level up" my lifestyle + +Thank you very much for helping me out. +I was looking into an investment and stumbled across Prince's estate court case (probate?). The guy died in 2016 and correct me if I'm wrong, but very little has been distributed it seems. One of the heirs sold off 1/6 of their rights early on, but aside from that, the rest seem to be waiting. + +If they were paid off, there's still $100mil left in there plus what ever publishing rights come in the future. + +So....get some good estate plans people or the lawyers / accountants are going to be living off of your estate + +Here's the docs if anyone else wants to do some sleuthing. Older records can't be pulled up so I can't see the old accounting. This is all through Minnesota Courts and is in the public domain. + +First doc is a link to the remainder estate. + +[https://www.mncourts.gov/mncourtsgov/media/High-Profile-Cases/10-PR-16-46/10PR1646\_AnnualAccounting\_6-16-2022.pdf](https://www.mncourts.gov/mncourtsgov/media/High-Profile-Cases/10-PR-16-46/10PR1646_AnnualAccounting_6-16-2022.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +Second link is the court case in it's entirety. + +[https://www.mncourts.gov/inretheestateofprincerogersnelson.aspx](https://www.mncourts.gov/inretheestateofprincerogersnelson.aspx) +Doing some digging after my orginal post [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mx8chw/has\_there\_been\_any\_look\_at\_the\_possible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mx8chw/has_there_been_any_look_at_the_possible/) + +&#x200B; + +First up Nomura: *Nomura flags $2 billion loss, cancels bond issue; shares plummet* + +[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nomura-u-s-idUSKBN2BL00R](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-nomura-u-s-idUSKBN2BL00R) + +[You can see they were mentioned within multiple different leaks.](https://preview.redd.it/rjjr601kv0v61.jpg?width=2272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad99d8577be339d8cd1f8435157e806b19bc8d21) + +Secondly Credit Suisse: *Credit Suisse post $274M loss after Archegos* + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/credit-suisse-post-274m-loss-after-archegos-2021-04-22](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/credit-suisse-post-274m-loss-after-archegos-2021-04-22) (yeah yeah market watch) + +[They had so many mentions that i couldn't even take the time to screenshot it all so i took 3](https://preview.redd.it/jnz36on3x0v61.jpg?width=2241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51340c412d5f063c3d0d0b27be4353a5cfe6d600) + +[2](https://preview.redd.it/z9h1q426x0v61.jpg?width=2216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dd6a2ca1574d0c015718798dd3d5864438e4c7a) + +[3](https://preview.redd.it/c0q8kbfex0v61.jpg?width=2241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63b0dafc495f5fca6e9b81d9240c611063f3388) + +Thirdly, Morgan Stanley: *Morgan Stanley reveals $911 million Archegos loss as profit jumps* + +[https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/morgan-stanley-profit-blows-past-estimates-dealmaking-boom-2021-04-16/](https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/morgan-stanley-profit-blows-past-estimates-dealmaking-boom-2021-04-16/) + +[There were much more but like with credit Suisse I didn't feel like taking more screenshots since you get the point](https://preview.redd.it/7ytjrhaky0v61.jpg?width=2221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40cc45f1e155a02ccac330e0c5ee4851475d5900) + +**Archegos themselves were not mentioned from what I found, which was pretty much 10 minutes of looking up names lol.** + +&#x200B; + +[Additionally, IPM, the hedgefund that shut down recently after losses is mentioned.](https://preview.redd.it/w3tz30try0v61.jpg?width=2236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c413c8ad8b4584dd907e4d0eb4e043092c1817cf) + +[https://www.pionline.com/hedge-funds/systematic-hedge-fund-ipm-shutter-after-lackluster-performance-outflows](https://www.pionline.com/hedge-funds/systematic-hedge-fund-ipm-shutter-after-lackluster-performance-outflows) + +This is all the "research" im doing since im tired now +When I first started working toward FIRE around 2010, it was thought that 2000 would end up being one of the worst years ever to retire, and one of the few years that breaks the 4% rule. So every year I like to track their performance. Here is the update through 2021! + +(For the first time ever, I'm not only looking at people who are 100% stocks. I've also included people with a 60/40 stock/bond asset allocation) + +&#x200B; + +**Charts** + +* [Graph](https://imgur.com/a/YvtUS4O) of percent of portfolio remaining over time for people who retired in 1/1/2000, comparing different withdrawal rates. First graph is 100% S&P 500; second is 60/40 split S&P/ 10-year treasury bonds +* [Table](https://imgur.com/a/0dui9hS) of percent of portfolio remaining for people who retired on Jan 1 of the years around 2000, comparing different withdrawal rates. First chart is 100% S&P 500; second is 60/40 split S&P/ 10-year treasury bonds + +Note: These charts assume dividends/distributions are reinvested, and monthly returns net out monthly inflation (using CPI). I get asked this every year. Yes, it accounts for inflation and dividends! + + +&#x200B; + + +**Results** + +If you retired in 2000 with 100% S&P500 and stuck to a fixed 4% SWR, you were scared out of your mind only 9 years later with 23% of your portfolio remaining. But if you were super irrational and stayed the course, the next decade+ of returns were so good that you still have exactly 23% of your portfolio remaining as of 3 days ago! I thought these guys would have run out of money long ago, but they keep proving me wrong! + +Bonds during this time had a very good performance. So, if you instead had a 60/40 stock/bond split, then you were sweating a little less in 2009 than people who were 100% stocks. While they had 23% of their portfolio left, you had 47% of your portfolio remaining. And if you stayed the course, then you'd still have 75% of your portfolio remaining. Great shape for surviving the standard 30-year retirement window! + +If you were looking for a longer retirement window than 30 years, or if you wanted to preserve a significant portion of your portfolio value, it looks like the year-2000 retiree (who is 100% stocks) would have needed a much lower WR of 2.5-3%.. But there are 2 pieces of good new. First, incorporating just a bit of bonds into your portfolio would have greatly offset the poor performance of stocks, leaving you pretty comfortable with a 3.5-4% SWR. Secondly, retiring just a few years before or after the worst retirement year in generations would mean you've actually seen your portfolio grow! Though, people do disproportionately [retire at the worst possible times](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2017/12/13/the-ultimate-guide-to-safe-withdrawal-rates-part-22-endogenous-retirement-timing/) :( + +Anyone nearing their FIRE goals should read [ERN's SWR series](https://earlyretirementnow.com/safe-withdrawal-rate-series/). I learned a lot from it. And while I don't necessarily agree with all of his conclusions or assumptions, it's the best SWR analysis out there and better than anything I'd be able to put together. + + +&#x200B; + +**Source** + +ERN's data that I used: [https://earlyretirementnow.com/2018/08/29/google-sheet-updates-swr-series-part-28/](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2018/08/29/google-sheet-updates-swr-series-part-28/) . You can use this to look at different asset allocations and to adjust other assumptions. If you don't want to work with the raw data directly, he has some tools in the spreadsheet that will do the analysis for you when you adjust assumptions. + +Here is the extra sheet I added to ERN's workbook, in case you want to play around with it: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JcSRDrGv9YxQmR8E8dAmLELRgtqiCFtw8lcdSRUyAVc/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JcSRDrGv9YxQmR8E8dAmLELRgtqiCFtw8lcdSRUyAVc/edit?usp=sharing) +**TL:DR: Cancer sucks. Caring for your parents and tending to their finances should have a human element. Don't assume that your priorities are their priorities. I miss my dad :(** + +**Introduction:** + +About 22 months ago, my father was diagnosed with cancer. 14 months ago, we discovered it had metastasized. He passed away about 5 months ago at the age of 65. I have been responsible for familial finances in his absence, and visitors to the forum expressed some interest in some of the challenges that have arisen as a byproduct of all this. While this doesn't relate directly to FIRE, I think a lot of us are of the age where we're beginning to look towards the finances of our parents - whether due to ailing health or poor planning - and hopefully this can help someone overcome some of the challenges I faced in this process. + +**Background:** + +My dad was a very successful senior executive at a publicly traded company. He handled 100% of my family's finances, including bill payment, insurance payments, and financial planning. Over the course of the last 5 or 6 years, he and I have been discussing portfolio optimization strategies as he attempted to reduce his exposure to the company he worked for (prudent for anyone who receives equity compensation), but prior to his cancer diagnosis, all of our conversations had focused pretty exclusively on the benefits of passive, ETF investing. + +**Cancer Diagnosis and Planning:** + +As soon as he was initially diagnosed, we immediately shifted the scope of our conversation from portfolio optimization to how to best take care of my mother. My father was a wonderful teacher in so many ways, but one of the single greatest lessons that he taught me was the difference between "capital R" Right and right - meaning, at the end of the day, not everyone sits around for hours everyday thinking about ways to maximize their portfolios returns, and that if I didn't consider the human element, I would never be effective in carrying out my father's wishes to take care of my mom in a responsible fashion. + +There's almost nothing good about cancer, but one thing it does give you is ample time to plan. During my dad's illness, we were able to consolidate the bulk of his liquid net worth into a small number of accounts, check (and double check) life insurance policies and payouts, establish how we wanted to handle the probate process, and, most importantly, put a plan in place for how to handle finances in a way that would keep my mother feeling comfortable and empowered. + +For our situation, we settled on a monthly "salary" that roughly equates to a 1.5% withdrawal rate on my parents' liquid net worth annually. + +One other big component of our planning had to do with a policy that was unknown to me prior to dealing with all this - assets held by one spouse experience something called a "step up in basis" once transferred to the surviving spouse. To give an example, if my parents purchased a house in my father's name for $250,000 in 1980, but it was worth $1,000,000 in 2016, upon his death, the home's cost basis for tax purposes would be stepped up to $1,000,000. For join assets, they receive a partial step-up in basis - in the example above, the basis would be reset at $625,000. This is applicable to investment vehicles as well, and it definitely presents an opportunity to lower an estate's eventual tax burden. + +**Unexpected Challenges:** + +A number of things came up in the aftermath of my father's death (above and beyond what you would expect) that I think are worth mentioning here. + +**First** - expect every service associated with a deceased person to be shutoff. While we anticipated certain things, quite a few took us off-guard. The main credit card used by both my parents had my father listed as the primary cardholder, meaning it was shut down within a week of his death (causing my mom to call me in a crying panic when her payment was denied at the grocery store). Even worse, my dad's Bank of America online account, which contained all the bill payment information he used to pay for housing expenses, was unexpectedly shutdown, with Bank of America refusing to transfer that information to an account we setup on my mother's behalf (despite her status as a joint account holder on the underlying checking account). My advice here would be to take care of as much of this stuff ahead of time as is humanly possible. + +**Second** - be diligent with respect to identify theft. Apparently, there's an subset of the population that uses information contained in obituaries to perform identify theft on the recently deceased. We had an incident with some unexplained charges in the weeks after my father's death that were immediately resolved, but I caution everyone to be extremely diligent when it comes to this. + +**Third** - patience. Given all the planning I was able to do with my father, I had a strong desire to get everything done as quickly as possible. With everything else going on - the probate process, spending time with friends and family, acclimating to a life without her partner, etc. - my mom was not interested in moving quickly. Every time I felt frustration or annoyance, I just remembered the point my dad hammered home time and time again - the "right" thing for my mom wasn't always going to be the "Right" thing objectively. + +**Estate Planning:** + +Someone yesterday mentioned having an interest in the generational component of our plan. Without going into too much detail, there are a few standard things going on that might be of interest to the community here. + +Beginning in 2010 or 2011, my parents took out something referred to as a "Second to Die" Life Insurance policy. The life insurance policy pays out to their children when the second of my parents die, and is funded using the annual gifting exemption of one parent to each child (presently around $14k per person). + +Additionally, as discussed above, my mom's 1.5% withdrawal rate all but guarantees that my parents estate will continue to grow even as we lose my father's W-2 income. As such, we've begun the process of discussing early use of the unified tax exemption - basically, every person is entitled to give up to ~$5.45mm to the next generation prior to paying federal estate taxes. + +While we've entertained some conversations on it and have a long-term plan (it will likely involve outright gifting and the use of an instrument called a "GRAT"), we are being purposefully slow in implementation. The difference in waiting a year has almost no impact financially, but it has a huge impact in solidifying my mother's comfort in the "new normal." + +**Final Thoughts:** + +I've never seen my mother more vulnerable than she is right now, and being able to provide a level of comfort and security through assuming financial responsibilities has been one of the few things to bring me happiness and a sense of accomplishment in the aftermath of my father's death. + +That said, there's a huge burden in holding the trust of my mother. I've had to think about her finances in a fundamentally different way than I think about my own, and while I've instituted basic best practices where appropriate, I've also been VERY careful to make sure that I'm making the best decision for her, and not for a situation where I imagine myself in her situation. + +I'm happy to answer any more questions that people may have, but hopefully this provides some information that is helpful for anyone who is faced with a similar situation. + +Hug your folks every chance you get. They are irreplaceable. +I'm sure you've all heard about this at least once by now, but it really is a one of a kind project. Not only does it solve 2 issues at once(decentralized anonymous storage and ads), but it's being developed by one of the most passionate devs out there. + +Bruno, the main dev, has gone into debt in the past just to continue working on his project, that man cares deeply about PRL and is ready to do everything to make it succeed. With the recent price jump from 1 cent to almost $5 the PRL team has expanded exponentially brining in a lot of talented devs. You can see this in action if you just go on the developer telegram group where Bruno and the other devs are always communicating and working on the development process. It's incredible to see a team so active. The chat is for devs only but just looking at them talk and go through solving problems together makes me even more confident in the project. + +The project is genius and with the testnet coming out this month the price will surge even more, just like it already has. Now is the time to get in early before it goes into the Billion market cap territory. +This is hard to take guys. + +I mean I know the old “only invest what you can afford to lose” line is good at these times but it’s sore when you’re losing money. Not sure how much more of this I can take. + +It will be Years and years before another bull run and we may never see $10k again. I’m considering cutting my losses and just getting away from this Crypto depression. + +Update: Sold all my coins. Bye. I believed in Bitcoin and Babb but Crypto is never coming back. Who is going to invest after seeing what the market can do to people this year. I’m done. Thanks and good bye. +There are reasons to be both optimistic and pessimistic, and that has led to the one constant of recent weeks: There will be volatility. [**https://stockmarketnews.today/2019/01/06/fridays-jobs-report-propelled-stock-indexes-into-positive-territory-is-it-a-sign-the-worst-is-over-or-another-head-fake-in-what-may-soon-turn-into-the-centurys-third-bear-market/**](https://stockmarketnews.today/2019/01/06/fridays-jobs-report-propelled-stock-indexes-into-positive-territory-is-it-a-sign-the-worst-is-over-or-another-head-fake-in-what-may-soon-turn-into-the-centurys-third-bear-market/) +A new Super PAC (Political Action Committee) called the Financial Freedom PAC has been formed with 2 goals in mind: + +- Elect Bitcoin Champions +- Kick out anti-Bitcoin politicians like Elizabeth Warren + +> The Financial Freedom PAC explains that it supports four political candidates including the Ohio Republican Senate candidate, Josh Mandel, the California Democrat House candidate, Aarika Rhodes, the Ohio Democrat House candidate, Matthew Diemer, and Arizona Republican Senate candidate, Blake Masters. + +>**Corporations, unions, associations and individuals can donate** to the Financial Freedom PAC but they cannot donate with U.S. dollars. The organization’s website discloses: **“Fiat donations are currently not working. This is a feature, not a bug. Please donate bitcoin.”** + +Another organization called the Bitcoin Advocacy Project (BAP) has been launched with the explicit aim of "bringing about an orange wave across Washington.” + +>"BAP supported the creation, development, and funding of the Financial Freedom PAC — the first Bitcoin Super PAC that aims to elect Bitcoin champions and vote out anti-Bitcoin politicians like Brad Sherman and Elizabeth Warren” + +>“BAP has pledged $100,000 to get the Financial Freedom PAC off the ground and secured another half-million dollars in verbal commitments since the organization was filed.” + +https://news.bitcoin.com/super-pac-aims-elect-btc-advocates-vote-out-anti-bitcoin-politicians-brad-sherman-elizabeth-warren/ +Classic conundrum: finally got a stable job that’s not bartending or freelancing (yay benefits!), but said job requires 30 minute commute. I buy first car to keep job (bus is not an option out where I work), which costs me $300 a month in insurance + gas. Now car has a repair that’s going to cost me $600-900 I don’t have and I have to save to fix, which means I’m back on that same wheel I thought I had escaped. + +And all my coworker could say was “why did you buy a $2000 car? This problem was inevitable.” Him completely not understanding that I still owe 4 different people money for buying the car bc I couldn’t afford it in the first place. (Not to mention all of my coworkers drive giant shiny SUVs and I have to park my oxidized ‘05 Hyundai with plastic in the window next to them every day) + +I know having health insurance and retirement is worth it, and definitely know finally having a car is freeing in so many ways, but god damn dude. + +I thought I was seeing stars when I was making 43k a year. I thought I was going to be comfortable! But my rent went up $400 too and I might have to move further out from my job and pay more money for gas lol +A post I made here from a throwaway account resulted in my plan for some money I'm receiving, which is to pay off a couple of debts and then save the remainder of this portion as my emergency funds - around 5 months worth ;and I won't be taxed on it). But, as I'm planning to save it and not touch it unless an emergency comes up, I'm wondering if it's best to simply leave it in my savings account or do something else with it. + +I have a 401k, but if I put it in there and DID have an emergency and need it (I'm only 21), I'd be taxed heavily on it. If I bought shares with it that are stable just for the gains, I'd be taxed if I needed it at any point and sold those shares, which would mean I'd be spending money unnecessarily then too. But, as far as I know, my savings account with my bank doesn't have any significant interest rates. Is it best to simply leave it in my current savings account? Or should I see if there's another bank that has a better interest rate to save this in? Is that even a thing? + +Any advice or suggestions is much appreciated. Thank you!! +1. The first reason being, they don't HAVE to cover FTDs on the T+21 day cycle. If you've read the all the DD's regarding this theory, and the fact that we've been able to single this down to a specific date every month, you'd know that the net capital requirements can be fulfilled any day within that T+21 day timeframe. The run-up we saw in the early days of June were, in my opinion, inorganic price movements and likely a result of them attempting to discredit our "confirmed" T+21 FTD cycle theory in order to confuse us and demoralise us. In my smooth-brained opinion, they spread out their buybacks of this cycle's FTDs between 6/1-6/8 because they knew they were going to spend a fuck-ton of their ammo shorting the price down after the shareholder meeting and Gamestop's positive earnings call. Again, in my opinion, this was their hail mary because they knew the rules that would up-end them would be in place and they needed one last hurrah to try and fuck our morale and get us to sell. + +2. The second reason, if they don't cover FTDs they are legally barred (banned, whatever term you want to use) from shorting any longer. They have to satisfy these FTDs or their Market Making abilities are removed and they are no longer allowed to short the stock. If they didn't cover their FTDs at all during the week listed above then this is them throwing in the towel and they will be unable to short the stock into tomorrow and the following week(s). + +Or it could be a third option that I'm unaware of that we will have to wait to try and uncover to figure out what's going on. Time is still on our side, though. + +Buy & hodl. Not financial advice. Only up. + +**EDIT:** - both theories fit into the [Death by 1000 Cuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0mn0y/in_death_by_1000_cuts_shf_just_received_their_999/) theory. We could see margin calls and forced liquidations in the near future and this is their behavior in the interim of the inevitable occurring. Crossing my fingers. + +**EDIT2:** [Juneteenth Federal Holiday - this could also](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o77jm5/i_had_a_thought_it_really_hurt_but_what_if_i_told/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) explain why we didn't see the validation of the T+21 price spike today. +Well obviously that’s a Pink Floyd song right? What’s on the front of Pink Floyd’s most famous album dark side of the MOON ? A prism ! And what’s loopring symbol? The prosecution rests