diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_46.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_46.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_46.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) +Couple year lurker, sparse commenter, and first time poster, but I thought I’d try and give back to the community that helped me out when I was first getting started in the form of my real estate journey and what little I’ve learned so far. I am by no means an expert at real estate investing and I am relatively new to the game, so take everything to come with a grain of salt. + +First, just to touch on my background (which will intentionally be left very vague for privacy reasons), grew up middle / middle-lower class, suburbs, two amazing working full-time parents with high school level education. High school was never my cup of tea and college options were limited, so I decided to join the military. Fast forward to an honorable discharge and using the Post 9/11 GI Bill to graduate from a no-name college. I networked my ass off to get in investment banking at a bulge bracket bank that paid >$100k in a VHCOL area. Left to get a higher paying job around \~$250k shortly after. At the time when I decided to get into real estate investing, I was making \~$300k pre-tax and had \~$350k in a personal trading account, another $150k in my 401k with zero debt. I have never been focused on absolutely maximizing my income or savings rate. I enjoy living nicely, travelling nicely, and eating nicely. YOLO. + +Investing in my immediate area typically requires a metric shit ton of capital (or very creative thinking/networking) or competing against those who have it, so I headed a couple hours outside in order to get my feet wet. In the beginning I was not sure what type of real estate investing strategy I wanted, but chose the below criteria at first: + +1. Invest in properties that were cash flow positive from day one +2. Investment would have to achieve at least 20% ROIC after all expenses and PITI. I don’t include home price appreciation, as I believe that’s not guaranteed and more speculation than anything and principal paydown is just icing on the cake for me +3. Turn-key properties are preferred, but don’t mind a bit of deferred maintenance if it’ll achieve a good purchase price (and subsequently a better return) + +With my criteria in-place, I built up a rolodex of individuals I would need if I were to be successful at managing properties hours away from me (realtor, attorney, inspectors, handyman, lenders, etc.). And then I hit the ground running. + +Since I was still working full time and had a pretty busy schedule I knew I wanted my first property to be turn-key, so I chose a SFH that was recently flipped, but selling for a good price since the property had been on the market for a while and the seller was also over-levered due to multiple projects and needed liquidity. The property was in a Class B neighborhood with strong rental demand. Home price appreciation had been mixed in this area. I knew that the home would rent quickly to students of the multiple colleges nearby or some of the commercial properties that were also close (and those were exactly the people who ended up applying). I actually got a pretty good turnout of applicants and settled on a first year resident at the local hospital. Regarding background checks, as long as they weren’t ex-convicts and made 3x rent, I wasn’t that picky (I 100% no longer think this way due to Property 2). Below are the numbers (rounded dollars to avoid specifics): + +**Property 1:** Listed $150k / Paid $140k (appraised for the same value) / 20% down, 3.125% 30-year fixed, no points / Monthly Rent: $1,600 / Monthly Cash Flow (after PITI): $700 / Est. Year 1 ROIC: 22% (doesn’t include principal paydown) + +After realizing my risk tolerance could be a bit higher, I went for a Class C triplex in a Class C neighborhood. The property was around 100 years old and looks like it has been neglected for the past 25. However, the bones were solid and I told myself I will renovate the units one-by-one when the tenants turnover (all are still in-place and paying rent; however, never on time). Below are the numbers: + +**Property 2:** Listed $165k / Paid $150k (appraised for $165k) / 20% down, 2.75% 30-year fixed, no points) / Monthly Rent $2,525 / Monthly Cash Flow (after PITI): \~$1,000 / Est. Year 1 ROIC 35-40% (doesn’t include principal paydown; range given depending on maintenance) + +After figuring out how this whole real estate game worked, I decided to take a little more risk and buy a pricey triplex near me and live in one unit while renting out the other two. This was a turn-key triplex and I decided to utilize my VA loan for maximum leverage, no PMI and low rate. + +**Property 3:** Listed $900k / Paid $775k (appraised for $725k mid-COVID) / $50k cash out of pocket to cover the difference, $725k loan 100% LTV, 2.75% 30-year fixed, 1 point lender credit to me) / 2-unit Monthly Rent $5,200 / 2-unit Monthly Cash Flow (after PITI): \~$600 + +Property 4 was where I decided to change my investment strategy and try my luck with finding vacant value-add properties. The house had the same layout and size (3 bd, 1 ba, 1,700 sq ft) as Property 1. The bathroom needed a full gut renovation, as well as the kitchen, carpet in bedrooms, LVP in common spaces, new paint, and the outside trim needed to be scraped and re-painted. Below are the numbers: + +**Property 4:** Listed $145k / Paid $110k (appraised for $115k) / Initially 20% down ($4,500 after refinance), 4.50% 30-year fixed, no points) / Renovation Budget: $7.5k - $10k / Market Comps $155k / Monthly Rent $1,600 / Monthly Cash Flow (after PITI): \~$500 / Est. Year 1 ROIC 125%+ (doesn’t include principal paydown) + +My experience has been interesting so far. I've learned a lot, but still have much more to learn. I believe going forward I will look more towards value-add properties, given the returns. Below are a few points I have learned along the way. + +Disclaimer: Real estate investing will vary by individual investor and there is no “one size fits all” approach, so do not take these as gospel or 100% tailored to your specific situation. + +1. **Wait for good tenants!** Real estate investing can be scary when you know bills are coming due and you have an empty unit. It can seem like it’s taking forever and you’ll want to sign the first person that has a pulse and a paycheck. Resist this temptation! Good tenants are worth their weight in gold. Someone who leaves you alone and takes care of the property when you’re self-managing is the closest you will get to truly having “passive income”. +2. **Don’t quit your day job.** Because I used traditional financing, it was important to maintain my W-2 income. Real estate was new and interesting to me, so it quickly started gathering a lot of my attention, but it’s important not to forget where the majority of your bacon comes from. Especially since that money is what made real estate investing possible (for me) in the first place. +3. **Be creative and aggressive with financing.** It seems like the largest barrier to entry for a lot of people on this sub is getting capital to start. If that is the case, I would strongly suggest searching any comment made by u/GringoGrande (I hope I did this right) or search “Seller Financing” or “Owner financing” in the forums. You will find a treasure-trove of knowledge and information. If you decide to use traditional lender financing, call local lenders in the area and pit them against each other. When one lender beats the other, go back to that lender and ask them to beat the other rate given. +4. **Just Do It…. Yourself (at least in the beginning).** I personally think there is tremendous value in knowing a little bit of everything, even if you’re not a master in anything. Having a base knowledge of searching for houses, securing financing, negotiating deals, closing, placing tenants, structuring leases, etc. is all best learned by doing, making mistakes, and then correcting those mistakes next time around. And that can only happen if you get involved, learn and (for some things) self-manage. Learn how much repairs cost by doing them yourself (YouTube has a video for practically everything), or shadow a professional if it something like electrical or plumbing and you don’t want to risk messing it up. This will help prevent you from being taken for a ride by contractors / professionals later on down the road. +5. **Out of state properties.** Take what I say with a grain of salt, because I have never invested out of state and I have heard plenty of success stories of people who have. However, if you’re new to real estate, I would strongly suggest investing in your own backyard. At most, I’m currently 2 hours away from my properties and even that feels too far sometimes. The only way I became comfortable with the distance is because I have a list of people I can depend on if there is an emergency and I need someone ASAP. I couldn’t (and don’t want to) imagine being in the situation where I’m a plane ride away and an issue arises with the tenant/property and the management company is non-responsive or combative. +6. **Paddle your own canoe.** After the military I was half a decade older than my average co-worker and when you’re in a competitive field like finance, it could really take a toll on your self esteem seeing kids making half a million at the same age you were graduating college. You have to accept that there are going to be people who are more successful than you. At school, at work, at real estate and at life. Everyone’s story is different and it doesn’t mean they’re any better off in the grand scheme of things. Do not get caught up in some rat race and take on more risk or leverage than you are comfortable with or that you can financially handle. Go at your own pace. Paddle your own canoe. Competition is good, but you’ll be better off if you save it for sports. +Dear fellow GME apes, + +It is with great sadness that I have to bring to Superstonk the sad news of the unexpected passing of a well-known fellow ape, champion of the infinity pool DD, u/BluPrince. + +I'd usually not like to crosspost subreddits, but please kindly refer to the following post for more information. + +r/ infinitypool/comments/v118hh/rip\_bluprince/ + +Please be respectful. Thank you. + +\~ + +* Edit: here's the original infinity pool DD from 1 year ago: Superstonk/comments/mpvx9n/the\_infinity\_pool\_naming\_a\_theoretical\_posit\_for/ +* Please remember the acts of kindness demonstrated by u/ BluPrince as well: + +Acts of Kindness, food donations, and gift cards: + +"Infinity Pool Day: Honoring GREAT Retail Employees with GameStop Retail Employee Appreciation Time" "Each location received a package of purple ring cookies and a handwritten Thank You card. Visited nine locations." + +Link: Superstonk/comments/u39ct9/infinity\_pool\_day\_honoring\_great\_retail\_employees/ + +More acts of kindness, food donation: + +"Taking care of the retail employees at one of my local branches who have to work on the holiday. Hope they like the pie as much as I like the stock." + +Link: Superstonk/comments/r2bd0t/taking\_care\_of\_the\_retail\_employees\_at\_one\_of\_my/ + +Donation of toys for needy children, from the Superstonk GMERRY X'mas 2021 campaign: + +"Reposted w info obscured - LAST DAY TO DONATE!!!" + +Link: Superstonk/comments/rdht5e/reposted\_w\_info\_obscured\_last\_day\_to\_donate/ + +\~ + +Edit 2: u/BluPrince's brother [u/pogowhat](https://www.reddit.com/user/pogowhat) said he would like to share with us some handsome photos of the great ape himself: [https://imgur.com/gallery/t9mFYt2](https://imgur.com/gallery/t9mFYt2) + +Edit 3: from u/pogowhat's post - those who would like to donate on his behalf, here’s the go fund me that their family put together for his daughter. [https://gofund.me/05625056](https://gofund.me/05625056) . + +Thousands of accounts who’s comments and post history don’t show a stake in GME commenting “I’m leaving my GME positions tomorrow!” + +This could not be a more poorly coordinated and executed smear campaign. + +He could have just not come to an agreement with their leadership on future direction so decided to exit. + +He could have done it to give him some cash to increase his position in the company *he actually cares about*. + +He could have exited the position *because* it’s going to run up in the coming weeks and he doesn’t want to be pinned for manipulation. + +There’s plenty of reasons he could have had to exit the position. + +But boy oh boy are all the hedge fund interns, bots, and paid actors going nuts right now pushing selling GME to “get back at Ryan Cohen!!! Teach him a lesson!” + +Even exclusive 🍿 holders are claiming they’re selling their non-existent GME positions. It’s hilarious. + +Anyway, just keep DRSing. +Why? + +1. Because I invested in strong companies with strong cash flows and balance sheets. +2. Most of my holdings pay a healthy dividend. +3. If the market goes down and stays down, my DRIP yield during that time will skyrocket. +4. If it goes down and bounces back quickly, I am happy having my capital preserved and even appreciating. + +The only downside is that some investments will perform better than mine during a bull market. But that's the trade off. Greater reward comes with greater risk. It all depends on your goals. + +Me personally I think everyone could benefit from having some dividend investments in their portfolio. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +I've been working with this employer for about 2 years now. I make minimum wage ($13/HR) and work Mon-Fri. I am only 2 hours short of working full time a week at 38 hours and my employer seems intent on keeping it that way. I was informed in the middle of last year that we would no longer receive vacation time but instead receive an end of year bonus if we "qualified" for it. This job offers no health insurance or any other kind of benefit. My hours on site vary widely so I have no time to apply for school to further my education. + +My question, and I ask out of ignorance and desperation, is whether I should quit and what possible options I may have. I currently don't have a degree but I am more than willing to take classes to at least receive an associates in ANYTHING. My only qualifications are as a nursing aide in which I have 10 years experience. I have no passions and only want to make enough to live comfortably while given the option to take a week or two off a year to lay in bed and vegatate. Any advice? + +Edit: Just wanted to make a quick edit thanking everyone for their words of advice, whether critical or otherwise. I know my post did not seem like it made a lot of sense at times and the math didn't add up (in the comments I mention that my hours fluctuate and that I only began receiving $13/hr in July). I'm sorry for that. I take all of the advice you've given me very seriously and I'll make the necessary changes in my life. Thank you again +There's been a flood of articles in mainstream media (eg. [FT](https://www.ft.com/content/d46e8623-09af-4a1f-b7e5-207616388b0f?shareType=nongift), [The Guardian] (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/feb/01/redditors-set-their-sights-on-silver-after-gamestop-frenzy)) spreading the same falsehood, alleging that Redditors are behind the spike in silver prices. This is clearly false, as wsbers are all trying to diamond hand GME. Why would anyone want to divert funds to something completely different now? A glance through WSB confirms this - barely anyone's talking about silver there and the threads that talk about it are all posted from suspiciously new accounts. Coincidence? I think not. + +You can draw your own conclusions about what's happening there (my train of thought: since silver's spike isn't actually coming from Reddit, who's behind it? Who's motivated to spread falsehoods about Reddit and drag us down as a whole, and is capable of doing it through the media?" + +Answer: the very angry shorts on Wall St who lost billions. Or, if you want to put on a tinfoil hat, possibly even the establishment, as they probably now see wsb/Reddit as a destabilising factor that needs to be discredited and discounted publicly so we have less clout going forward.) + +My concern is that the infiltration of that once-wonderful sub called wsb by bad actors could start to take hold of this sub as well (if it hasn't already begun) - especially if we continue to grow at the rate we've seen of late. Growth is nice if it's organic and real. But if it's not? Would we be able to handle large numbers of bots/inauthentic accounts if it comes to that? + +This is one of the last few subs left that actually has high quality discussions. Would be a shame to lose this. I hope the mods can consider taking us private **for a few weeks** to avoid the unnecessary publicity. Please upvote if you agree so more can see this. +Check out how COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of my money life. + +[https://bellawanana.com/what-has-covid-done-to-my-wallet/](https://bellawanana.com/what-has-covid-done-to-my-wallet/) +There is zero reason to fret about the price manipulation we’re seeing. I expect it to get more blatant and worse as the shfs get closer to their ultimate demise. + +But who cares? All that matters is locking up shares in CS. If they want to manipulate the price lower and give me more shares fine with me. + +At this point, while I am still very angry about the crime and collusion, I’m completely emotionless when it comes to the act of buying and holding GME. I’m a fucking cyborg. My order executes on CS every Monday and settles on Wednesday, at which point I put in a new buy order for the coming Monday. I’ll do it forever. I’ll never stop. +Apes! + +We know you all know, but in case you need the reminder and help, here's the link to today's earnings broadcast. + +[https://investor.gamestop.com/](https://investor.gamestop.com/) + +Biggest need met right at the top. If that's all you came for, we're hyped to listen along with you. Some big things are brewing, and this is going to be a very, very exciting day. + +&#x200B; + +HOWEVER! + +We do have a small ask if possible. + +Please, when given the choice between the webcast and YouTube streams, choose the official GameStop YouTube stream. + +# UPDATE! Countdown has begun here! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjBnO\_rs\_E&ab\_channel=GameStop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjBnO_rs_E&ab_channel=GameStop) + +The benefits of this are twofold. + +As pointed out by u/badasstrader this morning (thank you again), this has a chance to trip YouTube's algorithm and draw additional traffic. This potentially means immediate live attention from outside the community. That's a good thing. + +The fact that that viewership numbers may also be publicly available to us during that process is also going to provide us with a valuable look into how many people are paying attention. + +&#x200B; + +Some quick notes in advanced: + +Will there be bots that inflate the numbers? Probably! + +Will there be viewers who don't hold shares? Yes! + +Will every ape be able to watch? No! + +Is it almost impossible to rely on that data for any sort of reasonable extrapolation into true community size and number of shareholders? Yes! + +Will seeing a number still feel hype as fuck? Absolutely. + +&#x200B; + +For those looking for a specific way to spread the news, here's some text with a hashtag I personally created for just this moment. + +Listen to GameStop's Q2 Earnings Report on the GameStop YouTube Channel live at 5 pm EST. #LTGSQ2EROTGSYTCLAFPMEST + +Spread the word, and see you there! + +&#x200B; + +# Update: Rather than drop this and sticky a different post (as honestly THIS is the most important thing happening today) we're going to throw a comment here. + +# We've seen a lot of sudden chatter about some moves between corporate bodies due to some rumors being circulated. Our policy is going to be as follows. Until we hear something directly from GameStop or a member of their board? These things will continue to just be rumors. Please treat them as such, as we will be modding with that mentality. + +Edit: I'll update with the official YouTube link when it's up. Edit 2: Fixed my HashTag Edit 3: Spelling +Hi, 22F here. Graduating from college in a few weeks. + +I have not touched the 529 college savings account that my grandparent set up with me as the beneficiary. I got scholarships to cover everything, and ignored the money. Now, my grandparent wants to transfer *ownership* of the account to me. + +But, I plan on attending graduate school. I don't want the 529 to show up in my assets or negatively affect future taxes or incur penalties for me or impact my current 21-22 year FAFSA. + +What will this transfer of ownership do? +My workplace is looking for recommendations from staff on how to improve recognition and engagement/development of employees. + +Some of the things I've come across so far which sounded good: + +* Replacing performance reviews with career development plans +* Super contribution matching +* Charity matching +* Health program with a yearly wellbeing day and check-ups +* Loyalty leave with 1 extra day per year worked +* Flexible hours & working from home (we actually already have this but in pracice it depends on manager, so would be good to have it in writing/pushed by the executives) + +What are some of your favourite things you've come across that were more memorable than pizza every second Friday? + +Edit: Yes obviously a pay rise would be ideal but we can't ask for more than what we already do at yearly reviews. You're not being clever by saying pay, you're being redundant. + +Edit: Having gone through a lot of the responses it seems like more leave (of various types: parental, loyalty, wellbeing, volunteering, study, flexible hours etc) is the most popular perk; followed by shares/super and career development. +My parents own their own business and make about $100,000 per year. They have less than $100,000 in savings (which I think is just in cash), and are about to turn 60. Luckily they almost have their house paid off, but they spend money constantly with no plan for how they will provide for themselves when they can no longer work. They just bought a new $60,000 car (financed) and are constantly shopping and eating out. That is, they quite literally spend every dollar they make and then some. + +They know my husband and I are frugal and have the means to take care of them. They regularly “joke” and say they don’t need to save for retirement because we’ll “put them on the payroll.” + +I’ve told them, quite directly, that that will not happen and I have no plan to provide for them financially. My problem is, they’re still my parents, and I don’t want them to starve (so I get pretty stressed by it). They will likely only get the bare minimum social security retirement (a lot of their spending is deductible) so I am quite concerned starving is a possibility. + +Has anyone else dealt with a similar situation? I would like to help them help themselves but my mom is particularly emotional and has a hard time accepting reality. Any advice greatly appreciated! + +Oh, and I’m the only child. +I'm 34 (M) in med school, married, 3 kids. Wife works but we have ~$0 saved and no retirement. I'll be 38 once in residency hourly making ~65k, I plan on maxing out roth then and my pay will increase when I'm around 42. Aside from maxing out 401k and roths, what can I possibly do to catch up on retirement? Where do you put your money and how do you invest at that point? +Warren Buffett made a bet that over long periods it's neigh impossible to beat the market returns. His own firm averages at 20% CAGR + +The top stock broker of my country released a statistic that less than 1% of traders make more than bank deposits. + +This makes me scared. I began theta strategy 2 months ago and have generated 15% more than the market. +Even in the worst case scenario my yearly return is projected at 40% above market irrespective of its direction. But it can't possibly be this good? Am I about to face severe losses in future that'll average me out to below an index fund returns? What's the loophole I'm missing +I know most economists would support higher income/consumption taxes rather than capital gains/wealth, but my prax tells me that billionaire consumption/income is tiny compared to their total net worth. + +So how can we tax billionaires at a rate that actually affects them the same amount as poorer/middle class people rather than just being a rounding error to them? +I was curious what disposal method fidelity was using for my transactions so I asked the robot assistant if fidelity uses first in first out method for shares, which means the first shares of a stock you owned are the ones that it sells, which doesn't necessarily end up with you paying the lowest amount of taxes which is, to me, about the only thing someone would care about with this sort of deal. + +So what I did was switched to a new algorithm they have, called tax sensitive, which figures out what share or shares you would have to sell in order to have the lowest hit on your taxes owed. I'm not a big trader but I do rebalance my asset allocation a few times a year. + +It's under accounts and trade, update accounts and features, and the cost basis option on the left will guide you to all the choices you have. + +EDIT: IF on PC its under account features, brokerage and trading, then cost basis. +What, if any, places teach about theories of economics that you would say are novel and revolutionary? Also are there any recent groundbreaking theories? + +I want to get into learning about economics and finances but I'd like to know if there are any novel ideas and theories being thrown around. Also are there any specific general programs that teach these? I have a beginners knowledge concerning economics in general, but I'd like to know if there are any divergent paths to take concerning education. +I'm reading an article on US national debt increasing and how trump added 2 trillion onto the existing 22 trillion. What exactly is the US going to do about it and what happens if it keeps increasing. It seems that it's just going up and nothing's going to be done about it +Pardon my ignorance on the subject, but I'm not able to understand how does compounding work with Mutual Funds. This might be a simple doubt for some of you, but I'm pretty new to stock market and trying to understand the fundamentals. + +I understand how compounding works in general and with stocks. +We invest some amount in stocks, lets say ₹ 100. If we get 10% profit in the 1st year, the profit is invested back in the stock and the next year the profit/loss will be calculated on ₹ 110. + +I get confused when it comes to Mutual Funds because we buy the MF at a certain NAV and sell it after few (or many) years at a certain NAV. +How does one apply the the effect of compounding on NAV ? Does the NAV compound with year ? +Does the Mutual Fund AMC invest back the profit into the stock, just as one would do with stock ? +Simple answer: [Dr. Lisa Su (how she turns around AMD)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHT5MRky9SA) + +When you invest in a company, it's not just the product that's important for the company, but its people and leadership as well. Because ultimately, a corporation is just an organization run by bunch of people, which Elon Musk emphasized this point. A company's leader who has a clear vision for the company will bring its people together and its competitive products to market for the future. You look at the leaders between Intel's and AMD's. One got a Ph.D in electrical engineering and has a firm grasp of where the industry is heading toward, whereas the other person who was previously a CFO just looks at spreadsheets and uses any means to appease the shareholders. How likely would a business major know anything what the semiconductor industry will look like in five years? + +Intel has been dominating 90% of the PC market for many years. The company becomes complacent and so do its shareholders' base as the stockholders enjoy their annual dividend payouts. You do that in a highly competitive semiconductor industry, your company will lose value and eventually get abandoned. You have to be constantly innovating to stay ahead, especially in the technology sector because that's just the nature of the industry. This isn't like consumer staples where the market remains static for a long time. A technology company's moat is easily broken if the company doesn't plan out its roll map & product lines for the next five years. A lot investors could tell this became quite apparent at the last Intel's earning report. + +This also separates the difference between value investing & growth investing. Value investors look at financial statements of a company to judge how it appears now, whereas growth investors look at a company and make financial projections where the company can potentially go toward for the next several years. Growth stocks will never appear cheap at any current time, because if they do, then by definition they already stop growing. If you're a value investor by heart, I advise stay away from investing into tech stocks if you don't have a firm grasp about their respective, ever-changing industries, because most of them will never make sense to you. + +There will be a time to revisit Intel. In my opinion, Intel needs a better leader who has an expertise in the field. Hitherto, AMD will continue to take market shares away from Intel to grow its revenues & earnings, because its leader already planned this out from the last few years. She knew her competitor would have a tougher time catching up in manufacturing the technology. AMD stock is going much higher for the next 2-5 years. + +Disclosure: AMD shareholders since $8.00 +Not trolling, looking for an honest discussion as I own a LOT of ETF's. It is a CNBC article however I am not going to link to it and have my post taken down by some stupid bot by accident. + +Everything I have read is the best long term approach to investing is low cost index funds. The easiest way I do that is with ETF's. + +My own (limited) argument against his statement is that, this is the new norm for lots of people. I am not sure how he is judging his metrics, but I think there is going to be more volume in ETF's overall compared to 20 years ago when ETF's weren't even a thing. + +Also, I believe that people give a survivorship bias to someone who was correct in the past not only in investing but all aspects of society. Think of how many spam articles are on websites that say "Man who predicted this says the next big thing is this" + +He spotted trouble years, made a crazy bet (at the time) and came out on top. However that does not necessarily mean he is right this time, nor should his opinion somehow be elevated among the field. + +What are you thoughts? +So I called computer share a few weeks ago to find out if they had received my securities from my broker. I was told that they had not and to contact the dtcc to ask if the problem was on their end, I was even given the number above to do so. I spoke to a really nice lady who told me that she can’t talk to me about my securities because they are not in my name. She then said that if there is a problem with my securities being transferred my broker would have to call the dtcc because they are in my brokers name (street name) not mine. I told her that it’s amazing how corrupted the system has become and even she agreed with me on that, she works there and agreed with that statement. Anyone pushing for anything but for you to put your securities in your own name is trying to distract you. + +YOU ARE AT THE MERCY OF THE FRAUDULENT MARKET UNTIL YOU HAVE YOUR SECURITIES IN YOUR NAME. + +DRS ALL YOUR SHIT AND WAIT, THATS IT, IGNORE ALL THE OTHER NOISE. +I'd be interested to hear what people in their 20's and early 30's position on their pensions is. + +I'm 28 and currently have 35k in my pension. I have just upped my contributions from 5% to 15% and my employer also contributes 6.5%. It is salary sacrifice (I earn mid 50's). + +Some of my family members (parents, aunts etc) are still working full time and don't expect to retire until state pension age because they never saved a lot for retirement and have small pots so will mainly be relying on state pension and know that their retirement will be far from the "dream retirement" they would have liked. + +All I know is that I do not want to be merely surviving in retirement and would like to have a comfortable retirement with holidays etc. + +I keep going online and plugging figures into pension estimate calculators and the different calculators come out with wildly different figures. + +Should I prioritise pension contributions over ISA/investment savings? I have a house, with a mortgage and around 10k in savings. Car on finance, sofa on interest free for 2 years, but no other debt. +# If you lose your job or have your hours cut + +Read __*[Be prepared if you're resigning or quitting, have been fired, or are being laid off](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/leaving_job)*__ from the PF wiki. + +In particular, if you were laid off or fired, [apply for unemployment](https://www.thebalance.com/how-to-file-for-unemployment-benefits-online-2064123) as soon as you can assuming [you were not fired for misconduct (i.e., terminated for cause)](https://www.thebalance.com/can-i-collect-unemployment-if-i-am-fired-2064150). The entire process can take weeks so do this as soon as possible. + +# [Please also see our Coronavirus Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/fhrfqo/coronavirus_megathread_resources_discussion_and) + +# Location-specific information + +If you're outside of the US, please see our **[country index](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/country_index)** and check for a megathread or resources on a country-specific subreddit (if available). + +This list of resources and links is originally based on [this submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/comments/fkttsv/a_full_exhaustive_list_of_american_unemployment/) from /u/bigdamncat and [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/fhrfqo/coronavirus_megathread_resources_discussion_and/fkfh4va/) from /u/ryuukhang and we're making updates as more information becomes available. + +Location | Links +-|- +Federal | [U.S. Department of Labor Announces New Guidance on Unemployment Insurance Flexibilities during COVID-19 Outbreak &#124; U.S. Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/releases/eta/eta20200312-0) +Alabama | [Alabama Department of Labor - COVID-19 Resources](https://www.labor.alabama.gov/covid19resources.aspx) +Alaska | [COVID-19 links](https://labor.alaska.gov/COVID-19.htm), [Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for State of Alaska Employees](http://doa.alaska.gov/dop/directorsOffice/covid19/) +Arizona | [COVID-19 &#40;Coronavirus&#41; Information &#124; Arizona Department of Economic Security](https://des.az.gov/services/coronavirus), [Unemployment - Employer &#124; Arizona Department of Economic Security](https://des.az.gov/services/employment/unemployment-employer) +Arkansas | [Arkansas to help people get unemployment during covid-19 pandemic &#124; thv11.com](https://www.thv11.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/arkansas-to-make-it-easier-to-apply-for-unemployment/91-7bc702a3-5c43-4f20-9bb1-be55633f252a) +California | [Coronavirus 2019 &#40;COVID-19&#41;](https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm), [How to File for Unemployment in California During the Coronavirus Pandemic &#124; KQED News](https://www.kqed.org/news/11806938/how-to-file-for-unemployment-in-california-during-the-coronavirus-pandemic) +Colorado | [Colorado workers affected by COVID-19 closures eligible for assistance](https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/coronavirus/colorado-workers-affected-by-covid-19-closures-eligible-for-assistance) +Connecticut | [File for Unemployment Benefits - Connecticut](http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-online/index.htm), [Unemployment Due to Coronavirus](http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-online/unemployedduetocoronavirus.pdf) +Delaware | [The Delaware Department of Labor Expands Unemployment Benefits to Workers Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic - State of Delaware News](https://news.delaware.gov/2020/03/17/the-delaware-department-of-labor-expands-unemployment-benefits-to-workers-affected-by-the-covid-19-pandemic/) +Florida | [Governor: Florida workers need immediate economic relief](https://www.wctv.tv/content/news/Governor--Florida-workers-need-immediate-economic-relief-568874841.html) +Georgia | [NEW Information for filing for unemployment, mandatory filing by employers for partial claims, and reemployment services &#124; Georgia Department of Labor](https://dol.georgia.gov/blog/new-information-filing-unemployment-partial-claims-and-reemployment-services) +Hawaii | [Department of Labor and Industrial Relations &#124; News](https://labor.hawaii.gov/blog/category/news/) +Idaho | [Idaho Department of Labor](https://labor.idaho.gov/dnn) +Illinois | [COVID-19 and Unemployment Benefits - IDES](https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/Pages/COVID-19-and-Unemployment-Benefits.aspx), [News and Announcements - Details View](https://www2.illinois.gov/ides/SitePages/NewsArticleDisplay.aspx?NewsID=490) +Indiana | [DWD: DWD's COVID-19 Information](https://www.in.gov/dwd/19.htm) +Iowa | [Updates and Resources about COVID-19 &#124; iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov - www](https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/updates-and-resources-about-covid-19) +Kansas | [Unemployment Insurance and COVID-19 FAQs - Benefits - Kansas Department of Labor](https://www.getkansasbenefits.gov/NewsAndUpdates.aspx?NewsID=77) +Kentucky | [Unemployment waiting period waived in KY as COVID-19 affects jobs](https://www.wlky.com/article/unemployment-waiting-period-to-be-waived-in-kentucky-covid19-coronavirus/31665692) +Louisiana | [COVID-19 Information - Louisiana Workforce Commission](http://www.laworks.net/PublicRelations/COVID_19_Information.asp) +Maine | [MDOL: Information about COVID-19](https://www.maine.gov/labor/covid19/) +Maryland | [Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 and Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance Benefits Administration - Division of Unemployment Insurance](https://www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/uicovidfaqs.shtml) +Massachusetts | [Information on Unemployment and Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; &#124; Mass.gov](https://www.mass.gov/resource/information-on-unemployment-and-coronavirus-covid-19) +Michigan | [Coronavirus - Governor Whitmer Expands Unemployment Benefits for Michigan Workers](https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163-521770--,00.html) +Minnesota | [COVID-19 and unemployment / &#124; Applicants - Unemployment Insurance Minnesota](https://www.uimn.org/applicants/needtoknow/news-updates/covid-19.jsp) +Mississippi | [MDES - Novel Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; Response](https://mdes.ms.gov/news/2020/03/13/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-response/) +Missouri | [Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41; Information &#124; Missouri Labor](https://labor.mo.gov/coronavirus) +Montana | [COVID-19](http://www.dli.mt.gov/employer-covid-19-faq) +Nebraska | [Gov. Ricketts Issues Executive Order to Loosen Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements &#124; Office of Governor Pete Ricketts](https://governor.nebraska.gov/press/gov-ricketts-issues-executive-order-loosen-unemployment-insurance-eligibility-requirements) +Nevada | [UInv - The Nevada Unemployment Insurance Claim Filing System](http://ui.nv.gov/css.html) +New Hampshire: | [Welcome &#124; New Hampshire Employment Security](https://www.nhes.nh.gov/) +New Jersey | [Department of Labor and Workforce Development &#124; NJDOL Benefits and the Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41;: What Employees Should Know](https://www.nj.gov/labor/worker-protections/earnedsick/covid.shtml), [Department of Labor and Workforce Development &#124; NJDOL Benefits and the Coronavirus &#40;COVID-19&#41;: What Employees Should Know](https://www.nj.gov/labor/worker-protections/earnedsick/covid.shtml) +New Mexico | [New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions > Unemployment > Information for Workers & Businesses Affected by COVID-19](https://www.dws.state.nm.us/COVID-19-Info) +New York | [Unemployment Insurance - New York State Department of Labor](https://labor.ny.gov/unemploymentassistance.shtm) +North Carolina | [DES: Apply for Unemployment](https://des.nc.gov/apply-unemployment) +North Dakota | [Dealing with COVID-19 &#124; Job Service North Dakota](https://www.jobsnd.com/news/dealing-covid-19) +Ohio | [Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits &#124; Office of Unemployment Insurance Operations &#124; Ohio Department of Job and Family Services](http://jfs.ohio.gov/ouio/CoronavirusAndUI.stm) +Oklahoma | [Oklahoma Employment Security Commission - Claimants](https://www.ok.gov/oesc/Claimants/) +Oregon | [State of Oregon: Employment Department - COVID-19 Related Business Layoffs, Closures, and Unemployment Insurance Benefits](https://www.oregon.gov/employ/Pages/COVID-19.aspx) +Pennsylvania | [COVID19](https://www.uc.pa.gov/Pages/covid19.aspx) +Rhode Island | [COVID-19 Workplace Fact Sheet](http://www.dlt.state.ri.us/pdfs/COVID-19%20Workplace%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf) +South Carolina | [COVID-19 Resource Hub](https://dew.sc.gov/covid-hub) +South Dakota | [COVID-19 Reemployment Assistance Eligibility](https://dlr.sd.gov/ra/covid_19_ra_eligibility.aspx) +Tennessee | [Information about Tennessee Unemployment Insurance benefits and Coronavirus](https://www.tn.gov/workforce/general-resources/news/2020/3/11/information-about-tn-ui-benefits-and-coronavirus.html) +Texas | [Coronavirus](https://www.tdi.texas.gov/wc/information/coronavirus.html) +Utah | [COVID&#45;19](https://jobs.utah.gov/covid19/), [Unemployment Insurance Benefits &#40;UI&#41;](https://jobs.utah.gov/ui/home) +Vermont | [COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions &#124; Department of Labor](https://labor.vermont.gov/covid19/covid-19-frequently-asked-questions) +Virginia | [FAQ from Workers Regarding COVID-19](https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/Frequently-Asked-Questions-from-Workers-Regarding-COVID-19.pdf) +Washington | [ESDWAGOV - For workers and businesses affected by COVID-19 &#40;coronavirus&#41;](https://esd.wa.gov/newsroom/covid-19) +West Virginia | [WorkForce West Virginia - Unemployment](https://workforcewv.org/unemployment) +Wisconsin | [Unemployment COVID-19 Public Information](https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/covid19/public/ui.htm) +Wyoming | [Unemployment Insurance](http://www.wyomingworkforce.org/workers/ui/) + +Edit: + +# US Territory Information + +The following links are for US territories that are not states: the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Please note that at this time, we could not find information specifically related to COVID-19 for these areas, so we have linked their general pages for the offices that handle unemployment compensation. We encourage any readers in these areas to reach out to those offices and/or apply for benefits even absent specific guidance related to COVID-19. If anyone finds specific pandemic-related information from these territories, please send a message to the moderation team so we can update the links. + +Location | Links +-|- +D.C.|[Department of Employment Services](https://does.dc.gov/) +Guam|Guam does not have local unemployment benefits. [Guam Homeland Security](https://ghs.guam.gov/) maintains updates about COVID-19. +Northern Marina Islands|NMI do not appear to have information about unemployment benefits, but the [U.S. State Department has links to NMI Agencies, including Social Services](https://www.usa.gov/state-government/northern-mariana-islands) +Puerto Rico|[Departamento del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos](https://www.trabajo.pr.gov/) +U.S. Virgin Islands|[VIDOL Unemployment Insurance](https://www.vidol.gov/unemployment-insurance/) +Muslim clerics just declared that owning bitcoin was compatible with Islam. +A saudi just opened (correction: Kuwaiti Is just opening) another $100 million dollar bitcoin fund as a result. +The new flood of money coming in will dwarf all previous inflows. + +Edit: source http://archive.fo/kkV6m + +Kuwaiti supposedly opeing new fund https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQA-iX6ITOCRPvsZjeRyjlg +Keep this in mind, the data we have is always imperfect, but here are the numbers: + + +Issued: 75,950,781 + +Institutional Unknown: - 13,716,541 + +Mutual Funds: - 7,957,066 + +ETFs: - 6,690,476 + +Insider: - 12,612,303 + +Float Total: 34,974,395 + + +DRS as of 01/29/22: 8,900,000 + + +8,900,000 / 34,974,395 = 25.4471% + + +We getting there bois. Slow and steady. Brick by brick +Greetings fellow autists. + +I’ve been meaning to give back to this community from which I’ve benefitted a lot since its founding, and decided to do a write-up on the modern EV Battery and Grid Storage sectors. I also wanted to do one for Magnis Energy Technology’s projects (MNS) and where it strategically fits in this high growth but very complex sector, so I combined the two DDs into what you have here. + +While I do hold MNS stocks, and **I WILL address the current Murdoch media/Twitter/HC campaign against MNS**, this post will first and foremost be to help understand the global EV Battery sector and related sub-industries/downstream markets. + +Then using this as a framework, I’ll share my own DD on MNS, their projects/holdings, and whether it is a good or risky investment choice within the sector & in the current ASX/media climate. Anything I couldn't fit in 40k characters will go into a FAQ comment. + +But *tl;dr* for those just wanting a quick answer, I am holding firm, with a **SP target of \~$2.15 by June 2022** depending on MANY factors. + +[Table of Contents](https://preview.redd.it/e2cxd8hdtn281.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=0531b6e9eaaecac5596795e218a660bc8ba7b55e) + +# 1 - Lithium Ion Batteries 101 + +Batteries are a way of storing electrical energy that can be collected at any point in time, then discharged for consumption at any other point in time, and due to its relative technological maturity and long lifespan, **the overwhelming majority of passenger electric vehicles (PEVs) made in commercial quantities today use Lithium-ion Batteries as their energy solution**. + +## 1.1 How does a lithium-ion battery work? + +A modern Lithium-ion Battery (or LiB), co-invented in the 1970s by Nobel Laureates **Professor M. Stanley Whittingham**, John Goodenough, and Akira Yoshino, is made up of 5 key aspects: the **Cathode**, **Anode**, **Electrolyte**, **Separator** and a **Cell form factor**. The way these batteries discharges or recharges electrical energy is by transferring electrically charged atoms (the **ions**) between the cathode material and the anode material through the electrolyte medium. The lithium part of LiBs sits in the anode. + +See diagram below for high level illustration. + +[Key components of a Lithium-ion Battery](https://preview.redd.it/l76ldfgpen281.jpg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa849cf89cf44e8b88948093a3a85f7f07c44b52) + +## 1.2 What exactly is inside your LiBs (Battery Cell Chemistry)? + +There are a large number of materials and chemical mixtures that can theoretically serve as the cathode or anode of a LiB, below are an example of several *classes* of cell chemistries. + +* **NMC/NCM**: Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt battery. the most common type of EV battery pre-2020 due to many L-ion battery makers already familiar with it. +* **NCA**: Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum Oxide. Used by Tesla’s performance range models, due to good energy density and faster charging/discharge capability. +* **LFP**: Lithium-Iron-Phosphate. Cobalt and nickel free which makes it more ethical and cheaper to make. It is however much less energy dense. + +[Most common cell chemistry types in deployed EVs. ](https://preview.redd.it/3qvnpmjten281.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe9c375002935da3a600039c174c0c0055c0de09) + +**T**he numbers in these cell chemistry codes refer to the ratio of metals. Mini example below. Mixing up the balance also affects the properties of the battery. Images source: [CNBC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFL8iQ3p3cI) + +[Simplified breakdown of NMC 811 chemistry](https://preview.redd.it/k38wuqlzen281.png?width=1826&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fbeb3ec449b0ffa2e77ef2bc64f713d7162bea9) + +Here are all the practical considerations when designing a battery cell chemistry, which affect their suitability and commercial viability for end consumer applications: + +* **Energy Density**: this measures how much energy can be stored and discharged per unit of weight (or kW/kg). Batteries need to carry their own weight in a mobility solution, similar to the curse of rocket fuel. +* **Material Availability**: how abundant are each metal/mineral that is required in various cell chemistry? +* **Cost**: materials + mine location + manufacturing process needs + scalability of process affects profit margins of a particular cell chemistry design. +* **Charging speed**: How quickly can the cell recharge from near zero to 80/90/95%? This affects the end user experience and usability of battery for various application classes. +* **Usable Lifespan**: How many charge cycles is the cell able to endure before degradation? More details [here](https://www.geotab.com/au/blog/ev-battery-health/). +* **Stability/Safety**: different cell chemistries and manufacturing processes may lead to more volatile batteries in certain environments. More info [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3GDdZkN6fg) +* **ESG**: Environment, Social and Corporate Governance. Cobalt mining is a huge human rights issue. + +Due to the different end user applications possible, **there is no one-size-fits-all cell chemistry choice**, which we will discuss the most popular ones when we deep dive the EV Battery sector. + +However, it isn’t hyperbole to say that **advances in the cell chemistry of LiBs will make or break other electrified sectors**, which is why both Tesla and VW felt it worthy to create their respective 'Battery Day' in recent times to highlight their EV battery vision and strategies. Also the US Congress’s recently passed Infrastructure Bill allocates over $10 billion for the R&D and development of domestic EV Battery technologies and supply chain. (More learning [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6T9xIeZTds)) + +## 1.3 Where are LiB cells most used? + +The overwhelming majority usage of LiBs are Passenger EVs and Consumer electronics (phones). This is true globally but even more so in USA due to relatively lower adoption in other vehicle classes. However it is projected that with the recent policy changes by the Biden administration, **stationary/grid energy storage and electrification of the government fleet will increase demand and adoption of LiBs in those subsectors**. [Info Source](https://bnef.turtl.co/story/evo2019/?utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=BNEF&utm_source=Email&utm_content=wirmay21&mpam=21051&bbgsum=DM-EM-05-19-M21051) + +[Source: Bloomberg NEF 2019 Outlook](https://preview.redd.it/4ti2dy7kgn281.png?width=829&format=png&auto=webp&s=663286e1c0324bde137b72838752fc73c02f4aa2) + +It is worth noting that this particular survey shown above oversimplifies 'Passenger EVs' which in Section 2.2 we will deconstruct and do some localisation analysis. + +## 1.4 What about Stationary (grid) Storage? Is LiBs used for that too? + +LiB cell chemistry for grid storage batteries is more diverse than EVs due to no requirement to be energy dense and slightly relaxed safety standards to serve grid stabilisation needs. You can scale a storage solution with much more land space than in a scooter, car or truck. This means many cobalt-free chemistries are actually possible and more cost-effective than NMC/NCA-based ones. [More info.](https://cen.acs.org/materials/energy-storage/Lowering-cost-grid-storage-batteries/98/i36) + +There are also alternative types of energy storage technology outside of LiBs that provides various advantages (and also drawbacks) in grid storage that add to the market competition. Most are in their infancy or have shown limited potential, however good to keep an eye on + +**Alternative A - Flow Batteries:** not designed to store energy for weeks on end. Good for utility and grid stabilisation applications. + +* **Pros compared to LiBs** + * **longer lifespans**: very low degradation rate + * **safely**: operates in extreme temperatures, little to no fire hazard. Chemistries are far less toxic to humans if exposed accidentally. + * **highly scalable**: just add more electrolyte to a larger tank! +* **Cons compared to LiBs** + * **higher capital cost**: about 40% higher than LiB at the MWh scale. + * **lower discharge rate**: not suitable for sub-second electrodynamics required in EVs. +* **A few notable companies/projects in this space (and what stage are they at)** + * **Primus Power** (pilot programs): since 2009. Flow battery design, Zinc-Bromine chemistry. \~1-10MWh delivered across US and Asia + * **ESS** (commercial): US-based, iron flow batteries. \~50-200 MWh delivered with 2GWh of further orders part of a SoftBank deal. + * **Jena Batteries** (pilot programs): developing metal-free batteries. \~1-10 MWh delivered. + * **Invinity Energy Systems RedT** + * **AMBRI** (research): MIT Spin-off. Scaling issues. sub-MWh systems being developed. +* More info on flow batteries [here](https://www.powermag.com/flow-batteries-energy-storage-option-for-a-variety-of-uses/) + +**Alternative B - Gravity-based system:** for grid stabilisation, pumped Hydro and analogous architectures that involves energy transfer using kinetic-electric conversion are also popular with governments. The idea is to use up excess grid electricity generated by pumping hydro from a lower reservoir to an upper reservoir, then release the energy when letting water flow back in the opposite direction passing through a generator. + +* **Pros**: + * Very cost effective from a material per wattage-hour. + * Can leverage existing dams (lower capital cost) +* **Cons:** + * Unsuitable for small scale applications. + * Efficacy impacted by weather and geological events. +* More info [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoTVtB-cSps) + +## 2 - The LiB Sector in 2022-30 + +The world is decarbonising due to climate change. Two areas most actionable are clean energy transportation and grid stabilisation, both requiring LiBs to achieve 2030 goals. + +The demand for EV Batteries is easily outpacing Grid Storage so we will focus on that, and as both demand and supply ramps up exponentially, an appreciation of whether demand outpaces supply will help identify if we expect shortage of saturation which might influence investing in EV battery makers. + +## 2.1 - Who makes the most LiBs for EV application in 2021? + +Currently, China dominates the global LiB manufacturing market representing more than 40% of factory ownership (mostly CATL), but **over 70% in terms of factory output by geolocation** (cell suppliers LG Chem, SK Innovation and Panasonic all have large plants in China). + +Diagram below shows the largest cell suppliers' production stats as of early 2021. + +[Global EV Battery output is less than 200GWh, but the world needs 500GWh by 2025](https://preview.redd.it/bzxe2kpein281.png?width=2007&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cc29ef7d00ec9f1ff4831feff50e4feb7a90dcf) + +CATL only began making EV batteries at scale in 2016, and as can be seen above, they were able to grow exponentially once the first factory was set up. Other EV battery plants are experiencing the same amount of exponential growth in production capacity, but **less than 15 EV Battery makers in the world are currently provably producing gigawatt scale**. + +[Balance of supply and demand for LiBs \(in GWh\) for various scenarios](https://preview.redd.it/yt97vh6nln281.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=751e99e68f61ed6cf227ed57cf809bf7bdd0abb8) + +Diagram above summarises my extrapolation of the big picture of how demand targets based on pre-Glasgow pact compares to the electrification rate requires to hit net zero based on their climate models, and supply of LiBs based on current and future production targets by the top 10 makers will either under or overshoot depending on which way the world progresses and **also whether China continues to allow for export of LiBs from domestically produced supply**. + +There are scenarios where current players will dominate and provide all the batteries we ever need, but scenarios where a massive global LiB shortage will worsen due to over-dependence on Chinese factories in a late scramble to decarbonise roads in Americas and Europe. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.2 - Who consumes the most LiB batteries? + +Now on the demand side, the ‘passenger vehicle’ class in US, Europe and Australia is generally talking about sedans, SUVs, pickup trucks. Cars with hoods and doors. + +In South and South East Asia however, the next largest markets for EV, a much more divers e-mobility market exists and is often under-estimated in terms of market size. For example, India, the **fuel cost competitiveness of 2 & 3-wheelers are already beating their petrol counterparts** ([source](https://cleantechnica.com/2018/10/31/indias-1-5-million-electric-vehicles-why-youve-never-heard-of-them/)). Examples of 2 & 3-wheeler class mobility vehicles include e-scooters, motorbikes, and auto-rickshaws. + +&#x200B; + +[Source: Bloomberg NEF](https://preview.redd.it/ksgrh29wmn281.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=def1330b1c79bac17916af040af31181862b6f1c) + +The Indian EV market is expected to be worth $2b USD in 2023 by the Indian Government ([source](https://www.investindia.gov.in/sector/automobile/electric-mobility)), and **will grow to $3-5 Billion in LiB sales** in 2025 when factoring in the expect increase in sales and the average battery capacity/range performance of these electrified vehicle classes. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.3 - What about China? + +As mentioned earlier, China is not only the leader in EV Batteries, but also EVs themselves and have the largest electrification rate on passenger vehicles due to many low-cost short range cars that are [very popular](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56178802). They, along with India, are also front runners in electrifying the 2 and 3-wheeler mobility class (though 3-wheelers are a comparatively much smaller market). The wattage demands of these are definitely less than PEVs but they are most likely to be electrified quicker due to lower barriers to entry for makers to electrify compared to 4-wheelers. + +[See sources for specific data points](https://preview.redd.it/jyp2itdvon281.png?width=699&format=png&auto=webp&s=7aad01fa339aeb7e51995e3a0d3956004ee28081) + +While the wattage also has a lot of mobility discussions to be had but due to their increasingly protective approach to their own EV market, I won’t discuss further but worth a look at these sources [\[1\]](https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/market-report/global-electric-three-wheeler-market/75177/) [\[2\]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/318023/two-wheeler-sales-in-india/) [\[3\]](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/china-electric-two-wheeler-markets-report-2021-2025-sales-demand-impacted-by-personal-commuting-logistics-and-deliveries-and-shared-mobility-application-301368386.html) [\[4\]](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/china-s-auto-sales-rebound-may-be-short-lived-59140784) [\[5\]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/281170/china-commercial-vehicle-sales-by-model/) [\[6\]](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-56178802) + +The diplomacy between China and US is also a massive concern due to their increased competition for green dominance since Biden came into office. + +China can currently decide to ban export of LiBs they make, leaving US carmakers in the dust with very limited options. This is why in the recently passed US Infrastructure bill, it **outlines a** **PRIORITY Grant of $3 Billion USD** **for advanced battery manufacturers that use a US-centric supply chain** ([link to the Congress Bill](https://www.congress.gov/117/bills/hr3684/BILLS-117hr3684eas.pdf), see **Pages 1412-1418). There is also an additional $3 Billion for Cell chemistry and recycling innovation.** + +This highlights very active worries from the White House that they cannot simply depend on China's LiB output towards their own electrification strategy in case certain diplomatic matters such as Taiwan, South China Sea or Uyghur persecution flares up again. US intends to support local battery makers at all costs to ensure they have their own supply of batteries as they electrify transportation. + +&#x200B; + +## 2.4 - Which cell chemistries are most common, and trending up? + +Below is a summary of all major EV makers' promised or already delivered cobalt-free batteries in their upcoming PEV models. (Note: IM3NY’s date of reaching 1 GWh production rate is based on their own COO’s stated expectations). It's hard to get specific data about when a particular model line switched so I mostly worked with announced or released details on the general goals of the carmaker. + +[China was omitted due to unverifiable data on EV cell chemistry in the mainland](https://preview.redd.it/00cpys0nrn281.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d0999b0fec98c7f54bb9302d337ca9101c4ef4f) + +Sources: [\[1\]](https://arstechnica.com/cars/2021/10/tesla-made-1-6-billion-in-q3-is-switching-to-lfp-batteries-globally/) [\[2\]](https://pushevs.com/2020/04/23/possible-upgrades-with-ncm-712-battery-cells-from-lg-chem/) [\[3\]](https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/metals/031721-volkswagens-plan-on-lfp-use-shifts-hydroxide-dominance-narrative-in-ev-sector) [\[4\]](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/28/renault-inks-gigafactory-deals-with-chinese-and-french-firms-.html) [\[5\]](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/ford-details-ev-strategy-ford-plan-includes-li-ion-lfp-solid-state-batteries-162005.html) [\[6\]](https://media.gm.com/media/us/en/gm/home.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2020/mar/0304-ev.html) + +Currently most major passenger EV makers are still on their journey towards transitioning to cobalt-free batteries, and LFP is the most commonly announced cell chemistry choice for current or planned models. However, some non-Tesla makers like VW, GM, Ford and Toyota are not limiting themselves to LFP and have simply announced **ambition dates for using cobalt-free LiBs and are not there yet**. + +Either ways from an investing standpoint, all EV makers need LiBs. When there's a gold rush, make and sell the shovels. + +&#x200B; + +## 3 - Now onto Magnis: a promising EV Battery player with enemies + +For the rest of this post I will focus only on the opportunities and valuation of MNS based on the current state of its projects/holdings, risks posed based on its past and ongoing challenges with regulators/media coverage, as well as the state of the EV and Grid storage battery sector as discussed above. + +Two other important links for further info: + +* [MNS 2021 AGM Corporate Presentation](https://wcsecure.weblink.com.au/pdf/MNS/02455326.pdf) +* [MNS Info site managed by another long term investor not on Reddit.](https://asx-mns.com/) + +## 3.1 - A brief history + +Magnis is, at its core, a holding company that owns & enables projects in the renewable energy and tech space. We will discuss each of these entities in some detail. + +[Overview of Magnis vertical as of Nov 2021 \(Source: AGM\)](https://preview.redd.it/jy7jdr99sn281.png?width=1227&format=png&auto=webp&s=b649e7cdbb9292db4ac331fe5e6f01428fea3467) + +Previously named Uranex, the company was first interested in Uranium mining, but pivoted to graphite (Nachu project) due to lack of offtake interest in the 2010s to develop it further. Then in order to get in early on the EV supercycle, Frank prioritised US LiB cell manufacturing over Aus. + +Due to this rapid evolution, a lot of board and staffing changes were needed to make the transition possiblel things were messy. + +The diagram below summarises this shuffle of board & staff based on my deep dive. The barbell lines denote the period each of these director was engaged, and the colour indicates their ‘focus’ area (my interpretation). (Source: many MNS ANNS). + +[Exact employment start dates are not always available\/estimated due to ASX reporting requirements only needed for board director appointments\/resignations.](https://preview.redd.it/n2l16sqzsn281.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b8fbae0810bca264c0fe3a55998cffdae4318f6) + +I’ve also drawn some boundary boxes around periods that I consider the ‘eras’ of Magnis in terms of their priority as a company. This is my own interpretation of the situation as an outsider not what the company itself has stated. + +Clearly there was a massive shuffle in the past 18 months, with only 3 Magnis directors that have remained onboard since its 2016 days: Frank Poullas, Peter Tsegas, and Prof Stan Whittingham. Names of ex-director/staffers I've highlighted in red are individuals that have known links to senior staff members in News Corp. More on this later. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.2 Imperium3 New York (or IM3NY) + +**IM3NY** is an American consortium that is currently building out an US EV Battery supply chain, with access to unique **cobalt-free LiBs that** **outperforms current LFP batteries in density and charging times**. + +**So what is the vision and USP of IM3NY?** + +* they aim to produce one of the greenest and highest performing LiBs in USA at GWh scale for the EV and Grid Storage markets. The first factory location will be the [Huron Campus, Endicott, NY](https://www.magnis.com.au/significant-news/new-york-lithium-ion-gigafactory-to-be-in-huron-campus-the-birthplace-of-ibm). This campus can support up to 5 GWh of production capacity which is in the works. +* they have exclusive US license to C4V's innovative and world leading cell chemistry for North America EV production. More about these cells in the C4V post. +* **already fully funded for 1.8GWh production** + +IM3NY has a well credentialed leadership team on the project: + +* **Dr Shailesh Upreti**: Chairman. Also the President, battery exprt and largest shareholder from C4V. +* **Chaitanya Sharma**: CEO. Former senior engineer with Tesla at Nevada Gigafactory. +* **Mike Driscoll**: CFO. Deep experience in manufacturing. +* **Bill Shannon**: COO. Deep experience at battery plants of Energizer, Panasonic, Duracell. +* **Paul Stratton**: SVP Marketing and Sales. Experience with senior development roles in Duracell and Gillette. + +Below is the manufacturing process that will be used to make the IM3 LiBs. + +[It is worth noting that due to the formation and aging steps of the first at scale batch requiring extra time, there may be a couple of months in news lag between factory line completion, battery cells 'produced' vs 'delivered'.](https://preview.redd.it/2hllkk86xn281.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=36b5a8d74cfbf5633cb652d552ed13fd4665eacf) + +**Customers** + +Total minimum offtake value as of 2021-10-15 is $655 million USD [based on this ASX query](https://hotcopper.com.au/threads/ann-response-to-asx-query-letter.6332666/) + +Below are the known customers so far (some with minimum amounts in binding offtake): + +* **Sukh Energy (India)**: $243 million over 5 years +* **Omega Seiki Mobility (India)**: $160 million over 5 years +* **US Department of Defence**: details undisclosed +* **NYSERDA**: details undisclosed +* **\~30 more customers** going through qualification. Major EV makers in play + +&#x200B; + +**Factory Progress** + +https://preview.redd.it/qji4r5w7xn281.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2a30f7339c1290590e99dc93ddff73c6a73606d + +**Upcoming milestones** + +* **Semi-automated production** *expected Q4 2021* +* **US Listing or Private Capital for 10GWh scale growth** *expected Q1 2022*. This is not Magnis being listed on OTCQX, but rather IM3NY itself. +* **Fully automated production at scale (1 GWh capacity)** *expected within 2022* + +&#x200B; + +**Why IM3NY is a great choice by Magnis over other upcoming EV-related projects?** + +* **US-centric LiB maker**. Zero dependency on China along the manufacturing supply chain +* **Technically sound and appropriately experienced leadership**. +* **Strong Government relationships**. NY Electric bus program, Defence contracts and a reputable director (Mona Dijani) with experience working with/for Department of Energy. Access to US Infra Bill subsidy for IM3 likely. +* **Quality ESG program**. +* **Strong focus on battery and manufacturing safety**. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.3 C4V + +Charge CCCV LLC. (C4V for short) is a cell chemistry company founded by Shailesh Upreti and Robert Dobbs. That have been developing and patenting next generation LiBs (including solid states) with certifications for over a decade. Shailesh is personally mentored by Prof. Whittingham. **Magnis has a 10% stake in C4V***.* + +**C4V Battery Cells' USP**: + +* 3 generations of advanced battery cells in various stages of piloting and commercialisation. +* Patented Cell Designs have already been provably adapted for entry-level and short range EVs, stationary (grid) storage, and military applications. +* **BMLMP cell chemistry**, which means ***No cobalt or nickel*** needed. +* **Developed one of the world's first working prototype of a commercial Solid State Battery.** +* **Long cell life and charge retention**: >95% charge retention at over 2000 cycles tested. +* **Extra Fast Charging capability**: over **85% recharging at 6 minutes** and 1 hour discharge maintained over 1000 cycles. This is rare amongst currently produced LiBs. +* **Price competitive**: BMLMP will be 10-15% due to no cobalt/nickel. Comparable to LFP batteries that Tesla and VW are moving towards +* Their closest competitors technically is Quantumscape. + +[C4V cell chemistry comparison to peers](https://preview.redd.it/yh6b8ml9xn281.png?width=997&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf60cc80ae4489d944f16795884fb675219b3b2) + +&#x200B; + +**C4V Team (key staff)**: + +* **Dr Sheilesh Upreti (CEO, also Chairman at IM3NY)**: over 20 years of experience in developing and commercialising LiB cell technology. Authored 100 well-cited articles in journals, 25+ US/International granted patents. +* **Darryl Wood (CFO)** : ex HSBC and UBS for 20 years. +* **Kuldeep Gupta (VP Strategic Partnerships)**: >10 years working in energy sector. +* **Grace M. Pezzuti (Project Coordinator)**: IBM for 17 years +* **Tingting Zhang (Senior Battery Engineer)**: PhD in Materials Science and Engineering. 8+ years in Prof Whittingham's team. +* **Also Chaitanya Sharma (Board Advisor)**: while his focus is IM3NY as CEO, he works closely with C4V. + +**Collaborations**: + +C4V has many partnerships and collaborations for their cell chemistry and design. Below are just a few known ones: + +* **US**: [ABTC](https://www.greencarcongress.com/2021/11/2021109-usabc.html), [SIEMENS](https://www.chargecccv.com/updates/detail/2), +* UK: [MARTAC](https://www.manmonthly.com.au/uncategorised/new-lithium-batteries-deployed-uk/) +* **India**: [Epsilon Advanced Materials](http://www.uniindia.com/epsilon-advanced-materials-signs-mou-with-c4v-to-strengthen-india-s-domestic-supply-chain/business-economy/news/2564125.html), [Omega Seiki Mobility](https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/c4v-bags-contract-from-omega-seiki-mobility-to-supply-nextgen-lithiumion-batteries/2160117) + +&#x200B; + +## 3.4 Nachu Graphite Project + +Magnis fully owns a world class shovel ready graphite deposit in Nachu, Tanzania. It houses 240ktpa of jumbo flakes with a 15 year ROM, total 174 MT @ an estimated 5.4% Graphitic Carbon reported in accordance with the 2012 Australasian code for reporting exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves (JORC). + +https://preview.redd.it/zrix61bbxn281.png?width=685&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0fe18009c9c41f84b0bb5e3501a2ec60a6fda69 + +Relocations of local inhabitants are almost complete including construction of alternative accommodation. A binding contract with MCC has been signed for construction of the mine. A Bankable Feasibility Study conducted in 2016 with **NPV 10% of $1.69b with Internal Rate of return (IRR) of 98%**. This remains unchanged since 2016. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.5 IM3 Townsville + +Magnis Energy Technologies **owns 33.3% of iM3TVL** (or IM3TSV), a consortium with itself, C4V and Boston Energy and Innovation. It has the sole licence for C4V technology in Australia. + +The gigafactory has passed a financial decision to proceed to the next level, and is expecting construction to commence in 2022. According to a **completed feasibility study**, **3 stages for the 18 GWh are recommended** at 6 GWh each\*\*. NPV is AUD 2.55b with IRR 21%. + +**IM3TVL is not expected to progress till mid-2023 or later**. + +&#x200B; + +## 3.6 The Australian articles, HotCopper Wars & the ASIC raid; how to apply critical thinking to analyse the situation + +The biggest risk factor in most traders and investor’s minds is the news articles published in the past 2 months that seems to be unearthing a lot of dodgy history within Magnis and its chairman during the great re-shuffle period as well as criticising more recent updates. + +M**y conclusion is that most of the allegations/negative rumours are unfounded** or at least not as simple as ‘Frank bad, Magnis dodgy’, and **those throwing the dirt have ulterior motives or deep connections with former Magnis board members**. I'm sure what most people want to understand is why I'm still on the side of Magnis despite all this negativity. + +I will cover my direct counter-investigations to all the claims in these articles in my FAQ comment (post word limit etc.). here I'll just provide my methodology to critically thinking and truth finding about these allegations. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the motive of all parties in the ring** + +There are several groups in this whole fiasco: + +* **Magnis and Frank.** +* **The Australian journalists.** Their primary goal is to write articles and subscribers for News Corp. +* **Ex-directors who provided The Australian with insider info.** We don't know who talked about what but it's clear they had to be former insiders during the period of the alleged conducts. Similarly the ASIC raid would've been only known to the party that raised a concern/complaint. +* **Shareholders commenting on social media (Twitter and HotCopper).** Their goal is simple; protect their investment from being downramped unfairly. This includes me. +* **HotCopper and The Market Herald:** TMH's founder Jag Sanger has a bad history with Frank; has both motive and opportunity to manipulate discourse on HC through moderation. I was collateral damage, permanently suspended for posting DDs like this one (no TOU breach). +* **Investors considering to buy in.** anonymous voices stirring on social media to downramp the stock even if they believe Magnis is innocent of the allegations. Cheaper buy-in then when the dust settles it re-rates to fair value again. Profit! + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the relationship of those talking and those silent** + +One of the biggest theories amongst LT holders who know Magnis quite well is that ex-directors with sway do not want Magnis to succeed and are pulling strings to keep sentiment on the company down. + +If you refer back to the timeline diagram of board members, note that several ex-directors have been highlighted in red. These are individuals that, with a bit of digging, you will identify as having close links to or even friendships with members of Murdoch media. James Dack for example has been [given nice life story articles](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/former-real-estate-giant-james-dack-takes-role-with-magnis-energy/news-story/ce3ab16d921efd6ed19798ba5d8f34dd) by Daily Telegraph staffer Annette Sharp. She also reported on his departure. + +These relationships is evidently mostly hidden and the causality unprovable, but given that ex-directors who leave unceremoniously are often not happy with their former employer, it's worth considering some bias in the reporting choices of the outlets with friendships to them. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the timing of the publications and ASIC raid versus the timing of the reported activity** + +Some of this information that has been provided to The Australian was about activities back as far as 2018 (such as the photo of Peter Tsegas with allegedly. Why only disclose it when the SP begins to rocket? + +Also the ASIC raids happened months before the news articles began to surface, around the same time short selling picked up. The latter might just be a coincidence since short sellers always target rockets on the ASX, but the former could be a case of ASIC having already investigated/raided and didn't conclude wrongdoing, so whoever raised the original complaint decided to take the media route to still do some damage. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider what Magnis/ASIC/AFP can even disclose when countering allegations** + +ASIC and AFP [are NOT allowed to disclose the outcome of an investigation](https://asic.gov.au/media/4267241/public-interest-disclosures-policy-and-procedures-published-24-may-2017.pdf), only the fact that they are indeed investigating a company or individual through an RFI. This means if Magnis and Frank are 100% innocent the most we get from them is silence. However The Australian can now endlessly use the zinger "ASIC investigated Magnis chair". + +Similarly MNS may be under NDAs to stay quiet on certain matters; unable to defend themselves in some instances even if innocent. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider what is absolutely real and externally verified** + +Always look for alternative news sources and data when trying to determine if the claims about Sukh Energy being broke or Mona Dijani NOT being connected to Department of Energy. + +The Australian doesn't provide primary sources which puts the onus on us to do so. I'll share my sources in the FAQ section for at least some of the allegations. + +&#x200B; + +**Consider the worst case scenario and its impact on MNS** + +As IM3NY is fully funded now with a long line of customers. The only role Magnis really plays is be a majority shareholder. As long as that stake isn't fraudulent (which it clearly isn't given Prof Whittingham is a long term NED & Magnis is clearly marked as a IM3 and C4V partner on both their websites and recent slide presentations. + +Thus worst case, Frank/Peter is guilty of something and ASIC suspends them from directorship, after a bit of calming down, MNS would then be re-rated to its US-based project value and less enemies. + +&#x200B; + +## 4 - So…Bullish? Bearish? Scam? The American CATL? + +Setting aside the concerns with more attack articles from News Corp, and lets operate under the assumption that what Magnis is holding in IM3NY and C4V is legitimate, what is MNS worth and where do I think the SP will be? + +To do this I consider 3 aspects: Financials, Project/Sector Risks and Valuation methodologies. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.1 MNS Financials + +MNS has over $70m in cash and over $100m in Assets + Equities, which is enough to fully fund the IM3NY battery plant buildout to fully-automated cell production at 1.8GWh and to keep their own lights on for years. This is an excellent position to be in. + +However the cash came from an expensive CR process that included a number of shares and options issued, and a ST debt that needs to be repaid in 4 years with an interest rate above 10% p.a. + +[Image Source: simplywall.st](https://preview.redd.it/2lzzmo4dxn281.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=76ec9a36ccb733d8dd1ab126fd2b759dbc3a76a2) + +In addition to the 40c and 50c options yet to be exercised, there are a number of tranches for performance rights (free shares for certain directors) being issued at the $1b, $1.5b, $2b and $2.5b market capitalisation milestones. In the big picture not a big deal but worth being aware of. + +[Dilutionary factor given all classes of shares converted to ordinary](https://preview.redd.it/iw89v4jfxn281.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=8974c9291e73f69c01653faea939927d95ec3615) + +Also of note is that Frank himself holds 13m shares. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.2 Risks + +As always it's important to understand the circumstances and scenarios that could cause a setback in the company's growth/success/valuation. We've already discussed the local media and Magnis risk. What about the projects/holding entities themselves? + +**Key risks for IM3NY:** + +* **Delays in reaching autonomous production**. Barring another COVID-level interruption, any delays from their own timeline would not instil confidence in the capabilities of the leadership to running an actual business (as opposed to great R&D) +* **Major EV makers favouring vertical integration.** +* **Major EV battery producers also rapidly ramping up production capacity to meet global demand**. +* **Overexposure to American politics**. Not that we have it better here. +* **Financial model (profit margin) not yet complete**. IRR is typically 20-25% for LiB makers. +* **On-site Accident or other incidents**. +* **Battery Defects requiring recall**. + +&#x200B; + +**Key risks for C4V:** + +* **Lack of short term interest towards a new battery chemistry.** This is important to consider as front runner EV makers such as Tesla and VW as they have announced in big events their pivot towards LFP in the short term. HOWEVER with our Indian offtakers there's no issue of lack of sales; just maybe not the sexist market right now in the eyes of western investors. + +**Key risks for Nachu Graphite Mine:** I'll put my discussions in the FAQ comment for this + +**Key risks for IM3TSV**: **It** **doesn't happen**. That's okay as I do not think they will come into play till 2023 or beyond. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.3 Valuation, Price Targets based on everything above + +This is absolutely speculation, but is needed if you want to know when you should exit. I’ll break down what I consider when arriving at my valuations (plural because I have multiple approaches): + +**Base Assumptions (bull case)**: + +* Factory will be completed on time and **reaches a 1GWh annual production rate by EOY 2022**. +* All options exercised and performance right tranches issued (share dilution realisation) +* **Magnis stake diluted to 50.1%** due to IM3NY public listing/SPAC Q1 2022. +* C4V’s BMLMP cells continues to demonstrate competitiveness to LFP cells currently used. +* IM3NY goes public in Nasdaq or NYSE by Q2 2022 +* **USD to AUD conversion rate of $0.7 to $1** (for AUD SP) +* **SP Target is for June 2022.** + +**Influences**: + +* Biden's climate agenda (Infrastructure Bill passage), +* Glasgow summit/pact +* Indian connections and US-China trade tensions. + +**MC Approach** + +1. **Most optimistic** (Magnis' version, CATL and Quantumscape as peers): \~$6b or \~$5.60 SP +2. **Most conservative** ($1b/GWh and 25% of C4V IP value discount): \~$1.5b or \~$1.35 SP +3. **‘Realistic’ target** ($2b/GWh + 50% C4V IP discount): \~$3b or #2.7 + +**US-style unicorn mixture model approach for IM3NY** + +1. 1-3 years of forward growth priced in (1.8 GWh vs 5 GWh) +2. PE Ratio of 20:1, 30:1 or 50:1 (we know average EV Battery plants' IRR is about 20%) +3. US Infrastructure Bill subsidy of $150m, $250m or $500m received (improves IRR for first 5 years; accelerates expansions) +4. EV Battery price of $100 vs $120/kWh (affects financial model too) +5. Add static $250M AUD valuation for C4V +6. **Most optimistic (take the right parameters)**: \~$4.95B or $4.50 SP +7. **Most conservative (take the left parameters)**: \~$0.81B or $0.75 SP +8. **‘Average’ target (take the middle)**: \~$1.85B or $1.65 SP + +[Summary of the min-max-med SP predictions for MNS using valuation simulators. Geometric mean is IMO most likely Bull Case](https://preview.redd.it/s0v3hbd9io281.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=43dce2b52eb3623df0681c0f64c47d0471bddbd1) + +**Additional factors that could add a premium to valuation I did NOT incorporate to my model**: + +* US-centric supply chain (if China or other SEA reduces EV battery exports IM3NY wins hard) +* C4V’s Gen 2 and 3 Solid State batteries (no data to say if they compete well with other SSB plays but could be another game-changer in later part of this decade) +* Nachu or IM3TVL projects are omitted from valuation model. + +&#x200B; + +## 4.4 The Bottom Line + +I hope I have been able to be as balanced and un-pumpy about MNS here. My conclusion is obviously that it's a buy and hold beyond the current storm, at least to mid-2022, if not longer. There is risk and if those big ones materialise of course it would mean SP targets won't get reached. What I've provided is really still fairly high level. DYOR as always as this isn't financial advice. + +At the very least I hope the LiB sector info and approach to research/analysis is useful to y'all and even if you don't choose to invest in MNS that's 100% fine. + +MNS just one play in a large and diverse marketplace. But I think being a Magnis holder through the current situation is an excellent training in mental resilience, research skills, critical thinking and decision making under uncertainty. Just for these things, it's worth the play till I find something truly better. +Who the hell would pay $300 a month HOA fee to live in a $250k house? Yet apparently they do, right? I know these areas personally, they are nothing special at all. +OK so here's my situation. My wife and I bought a new construction home in August 2020. We split the mortgage payment and I payed the rest of the utilities. Cool. Well, my wife passed unexpectantly this past May. We both had life insurance policies, but not enough to pay off the house or anything like that. I did manage to pay off all of my credit cards and my vehicle, with about 50K left in the bank. + +The mortgage payment is about 2/3 of my take home pay. After utilities I'm left with about $500 every month. I have been given the opportunity to begin night shift at my job, which would increase my take home pay about $500 a month. + +I really love my house, my neighborhood and my neighbors. My cul de sac is pretty tight. Would it be in my best interest to sell out and find a better situation, or live on a tighter budget and stick it out? + +Mortgage is $2038. The balance of the loan is $305,000. IR is 4.375%. I make about $60,000 a year as a state government employee. + +Edited. Numbers added. +If I become a millionaire before next Friday, I will eat a pack of Crayola crayons on livestream. I mean every word of this post. If I don't, ban me and report me for sexual harassment. Character limits are a bitch when all I want to do is get rich and eat wax sticks. Anyways, hope everyone has a good day. Everyone comment the tastiest colors. + +edit: at minimum, a 12 pack. After that, 1 crayon for every million I make, 64 pack if it hits 1m a share. + +edit 2: I will post the poop. A shitpost, if you will. + +Last edit: new post is up. Double or nothin' +So this is the first year that I was able to max out my Roth IRA and currently have a mix of SWTSX, VGT and SCHD. + +I don't know if I can handle seeing my retirement funds in Red so regularly. + +I keep thinking if I had kept this amount in a regular savings account, there wouldn't be any gains but I would still have what I put in. + +Is there any alternative for Roth IRA that can guarantee even a small amount of growth without the stress of market fluctuations? Thanks! +So you're all in the loop, **Mods** have had a chat and decided we will reach out to Next Investors and offer them an **AMA** (ask me anything) slot on the Sub. + +If we receive a response we shall let you all know. + +&#x200B; + +" *Hi, I am a Moderator on the Sub-Reddit forum* r/ASX_Bets. *We currently have a member base of over 76 thousand users who are involved in the Stock Market, specifically the XJO.* + +*Recently, you sent out a communication to your subscribers mentioning 'negative attention' your company has been receiving on various forums, including Reddit. Our sub-reddit has a particular reputation and Next Investors posts do generate a reasonable volume of traffic. One of our members wrote an incredibly in-depth series on your company some time ago and many of our members follow your movements and post opinions or results on our forum.* + +*It's not unreasonable to say that the services Next Investors offer and the manner with which you choose to operate have drawn the attention and in some cases, the Ire of our user base.* + +*We are reaching out to you and enquiring as to whether a member of your company would be open to an AMA (Ask Me Anything) post on our sub-reddit. It's an open forum style post, where a representative of Next Investors remains online for an agreed duration and answers any questions our members pose. Obviously, you are constrained by what information you are able to give on a public forum and we appreciate that, however many other companies have taken us up on this offer and have provided feedback that the experience has been a positive one.* + +*We will moderate the post according to the rules of our sub regarding abuse or harassment.* + +*If you wish to contact the Moderators or discuss this further then please do.* + +*To reach us, you are able to send us an email or log onto reddit, find our sub* r/ASX_Bets *and clink on the link in the side-bar that says ''message the Mods''. If you choose to contact us, we will keep the personal information of the user confidential (as per the Reddit rules) and the username the Next Investors Representative takes will be public and will be identified appropriately on the Sub.* + +*Contacting us on Reddit is the better option for communication if you wish to take us up on our offer.* + +*In the interests of disclosure and transparency, we will be advertising to our members that we are reaching out to you and offering the option for an AMA. It's an open invitation, you are absolutely not compelled to take us up on it at all, its simply an offer for you to have your view on our Forum.* + +*Thanks* + +*username-taken82* " + +&#x200B; + +We wait with bated breath............ + +&#x200B; + +(In reality though, all the AMA's are but a stepping stone to the ultimate prize. + +an AMA with the great Bearded Sage, Tom ''the titan'' Piotrowski) + One of the main signs of a bubble, in my humble opinion, could be when you see unqualified people making stock recommendations to the masses (appending those recommendations, of course, with the statement: “This is not an investment advice”!). + +For example, a YouTuber claims to be a non-expert, calls his channel something to the effect of "Investing University"! + +When the channels, blogs, vlogs, and accounts of those unqualified people **disappear**, then we could be at the point of maximum pessimism (a.k.a. the market bottom). What do you think? +I am trying to start a thread where advice can be shared for those who have $5,000 or less available for investing. Please feel free to contribute anytime with relevant information. +Huge hit today- market is giving us bigger gifts as the days go by. Aside from the fact that they are an insanely good business fundamentally (intrinsic value $300-$375, even according to conservative sell side targets), they are China’s baby but listen- + +If they wanted to hit them hard they could’ve when they only fined them $2 billion which is only below 5% of their annual revenues... HAHA... so if they really wanted to get them, why didn’t they do it then??? This shows us Alibaba isn’t really at risk.... +I haven't told hardly anyone this because it kills me to think about. I had started day trading paper stocks. I was reading day trading books by reputable day traders, watching live YouTube traders and actually was doing pretty good. In 1 year, I had turned the original 10,000 paper money I started with into 140,000. It was like I couldn't lose. For every red day, I had 3 green days. I was doing everything by the book and it was really working. + + So, not having any money, I took out a personal loan for 5k. Put 2k in the bank and 3k into my day trading platform. I was so confident in myself that i laughed when the loan guy told me 5 years at 23%. I told him I'd pay it off in full within 6 months. + + Now in day trading they teach you to look for a catalyst. A reason why a stock will go up. They also teach you to set a stop loss at no more than 5% so you don't lose everything if it drops. Well I started day trading for real and was doing only ok. I would make 250 dollars then lose 150 dollars. Lose 300 then make 200. I was about 50/50 red days and green days. My 3k was down to about 2,800 after a week. Then it happened. I read a stock twit at 5am about a small company that just had their product approved to sell on Amazon. I looked it up and it was true. I told myself I would buy 2k worth. When I looked up the price, it was only .88 a share! + + The bell rings and I buy like 2,200 shares. It instantly goes up about 6 percent and I'm getting excited. Then, literally as I'm setting my stop loss (not even 2 minutes into the session) it drops. Alot. Below where my stop was gonna be set. I'm down 100 so I'm like we'll shit. I go to set another stop but it falls so fast that I can't set it in time. I'm down 200 then 300 then 400 and I'm freaking out. I finally set a stop and it sells immediately for a 400 dollar loss. This was the first 5 minutes of the session. Over the next 20 minutes it dropped to .40 a share. I thought well at least I got out before it went that low. Upset and confused about why it would fall so low on positive news, I Ieft to work. I had about a 35 min drive and decided about 10 mins into it to check on that stock. It was 2.50 a share! The app for the particular platform at the time was only for checking stocks, I could not perform any buy/sell action from the app and I was driving to work. I checked again 10 mins later, it was at 4.50 a share! I got to the supply house about 20 mins later and checked while I was waiting on parts. 7.00 a share. I couldn't stop watching it all day so when the market closed and it was at 12.35 a share I literally felt sick. The next day it fell a bit early but then ended at 17 dollars! + + Over the next two weeks it had massive swings but hit a high of 34 dollars a share. Now I don't know if I would have held it to that point but I beat myself up for months thinking I lost 400 dollars when I could have made 60k. It completely killed my spirit. I started sucking at my trades. It only took a few months and another almost 2k in losses for me to lose all motivation and pull out my 600 bucks I had left and put it in a different stock trading account, close my day trading account and completely lose all confidence in my ability to day trade. + + They say 84% of day traders claim a loss at the end of the year. I guess I was part of that statistic. I went from being on cloud 9 with my paper account for a year, just slaying the market to being completely shut down in just a few months. Every time someone brings up "yo man, you still doing the day trading thing" I just lie and tell them no I don't have enough time to dedicate to it anymore. But really I think of the perfect trade that I knew would go up, that I sold for a loss and, unable to do anything, I watched it go up 3,500% and it still makes me physically queasy. This was 4 years ago. I am what they call in the business an emotional trader. Just thinking of day trading for real money now actually gives me anxiety. Thanks for reading my story. 100% true btw. Nothing in this is made up or exaggerated. Real prices, real time frames. I just can't remember the ticker. + + It ended up falling to about 3 or 4 dollars a share over the next year, and yes I watched it for the next year but 2k into 26k in one day would have been great. 2k into 35k the next day would have been better. Turning it into 60k would have been life changing for me at that time but I think what hurts the most is that I found that obscure twit. I did the research. I truly believed it would go up, I knew it would go up. Then I panic sold my perfect trade that was truly perfect. Thats worse than losing the money. + + +EDIT: ok so I found the stock ticker!!!..I was able to log into my tc2000 account from my browser and look at my trade history. it was OBLN. I had trouble finding a chart for it for some reason but I did find one. The prices are totally different than what they were that day. They must have had some splits or reverse splits or something. + + I also got a couple details wrong. I didn't buy 2,000 shares. That was actually a different stock. I yolo'd my whole 3,000 dollars and bought 3,448 shares at .87 each on May 23, 2019. Another detail I got wrong, It wasn't almost 4 years ago it was almost 3 years ago. I sold 2 minutes later at .57 a share. It wasn't a 400 dollar loss, it was a 600 dollar loss. According to the only chart I could find that recognized the ticker symbol, on May 23, 2019 it opened at 20.40, hit a high of 28.20, a low of 18.90 and closed at 20.40 a share, exactly the same as the open. Totally different than what my trade history says. There are some other weird things about this stock besides having trouble finding a chart. On tc2000 it is now listed as OBLN.OLD Also, my trade history is wonky and not correct. I bought all those shares, watched it drop and sold them. Then watched the price skyrocket for the rest of the day. According to Tc2000, I bought 3,448 shares at .87 which is correct but then it says I sold them all 2 minutes later for .84. This is not correct. It also shows me buying 4,000 shares the next day at .57, then selling 3,000 21 minutes later for .55 then selling the other 1,000 17 minutes after that for .57. None of that happened. I never traded it a second day. I bought at .87 then sold a few minutes later at either .55 or .57. It was one transaction on one day. Tc2000 was always a little funky and I grew to not like it all. I'm sure since the chart and my numbers do not match there will still be people saying I'm lying or this is fake or whatever. If those people would like, I can send them screen shots of my buy at .87 on the same day that the chart says it was 20.40. I wish it matched but I currently have both up on my computer and I can send them. I don't understand it either. But I found the ticker!!! Yea! +Hi, + +I recently joined this community, and i just started learning about all the stocks stuff, and i am really undecided if i should buy or not, because it seems pretty risky but i also don’t wanna miss this opportunity. + +Is there any youtube video which explains the squish or however u call that? + +how are the chances of losing or gettin rich +I recently got the opportunity to work on an oil and gas rig and if everything goes to plan in the next week I should have the job. It is a 2 week on 2 week off job so I can't really go to uni, nor do I want to. I want to go to film school but I'm not sure I can since I will be flying out to a rig for 2 weeks at a time. For now I am putting that on hold but still doing some little projects on my time off. My question is; what should I do with the money since I am so young, don't plan on going to uni, and live at home? + +Edit: Big thank you to everyone who commented. I'm grateful to have so many experienced people guide me. I am going to finish reading though every comment. Thanks again. +So I called computer share a few weeks ago to find out if they had received my securities from my broker. I was told that they had not and to contact the dtcc to ask if the problem was on their end, I was even given the number above to do so. I spoke to a really nice lady who told me that she can’t talk to me about my securities because they are not in my name. She then said that if there is a problem with my securities being transferred my broker would have to call the dtcc because they are in my brokers name (street name) not mine. I told her that it’s amazing how corrupted the system has become and even she agreed with me on that, she works there and agreed with that statement. Anyone pushing for anything but for you to put your securities in your own name is trying to distract you. + +YOU ARE AT THE MERCY OF THE FRAUDULENT MARKET UNTIL YOU HAVE YOUR SECURITIES IN YOUR NAME. + +DRS ALL YOUR SHIT AND WAIT, THATS IT, IGNORE ALL THE OTHER NOISE. +Edit: The amount of responses, advice, and well wishes I received has been amazing and overwhelming. I have so much information to study now and I cant say how thankful I am! I tried to respond to everyone to at least say thank you, but im sure I missed some comments, so THANK YOU. You all have been so helpful! + + +Im a 35 year old that has worked in customer service my entire working career. The most ive ever made was $20/hr ($39k annually). I just received a job offer at $33/hr ($68k annually) This almost doubles the most money ive ever earned, and im scared that im going to spend frivolously because ive never had "Spending money" before. Ive always lived paycheck to paycheck with no savings or anything. + +Im in a position where I have very little debt. I have a car payment ($6k, $268/mo) and a couple hospital bills in collection, totaling roughly $1000 . With this income, those collections can be paid off almost immediately. I live a very low cost lifestyle due to my previous income, and i would like to be able to maintain this low cost lifestyle, at least until i get a bit saved up. Thats where im lost. I have no idea how to properly invest my extra money. Ive never had extra money before so ive never had a reason to learn any of this. + +My current monthly income is around $2000 and have nothing left over after paying bills and buying food.My new income will be roughly $5,200 before taxes. I have no idea how much tax will be taken out as ive never been in this tax bracket before. Im assuming my net pay will be at least $4000 monthly. + +What should i do? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I dont want to mess up a great opportunity to grow my wealth. +https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2021/02/01/fidelity-to-launch-magellan-etf-3-more-active-funds-this-week/ + +The new ETFs are Fidelity Growth Opportunities ETF (FGRO), Fidelity Magellan ETF (FMAG), Fidelity Real Estate Investment ETF (FPRO) and Fidelity Small-Mid Cap Opportunities ETF (FSMO).  + +Anyone have any thoughts? There's not that much information on it but it popped up on my feed and thought I would share it. +Warning: The following post is **speculation** on how a swap is being used against GME. + +**TL;DR: I am attempting to explain how popcorn is being used as a SWAP with GME. More specifically, popcorn is possibly being used as collateral for a short position of GME held by a third party who actually owns the short positions, and the hedgies are profiting/losing daily based on the performance of the swap. Why is this important? Understanding the process provides us a way to gauge how much we are winning the war against GME shorters through TA. In addition, and completely unrelated to GME apes, this has DIRE implications for popcorn holders.** + +In the past, there have been a few great DD posts that talked about swaps, popcorn, and Berkshire. Here is one of the first DD that got me asking questions, [THE POPCORN / BUFFETT HEDGE: A Weapon of Financial Mass Destruction](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uhs0x1/the_popcorn_buffett_hedge_a_weapon_of_financial/) by u/Digitlnoize + +Also the recent swap post on Twitter by ShillWhisperer: [https://twitter.com/ShillWhisperer/status/1530623185229586432](https://twitter.com/ShillWhisperer/status/1530623185229586432) + +It sounded good, but I wanted to know exactly HOW the swap worked and how popcorn was being used. So I started digging. + +# What exactly is a swap, and how is it being used against GME? + +There are actually [several kinds of swaps, per Investopia](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/052915/different-types-swaps.asp), and they all work slightly differently and serve different purposes. + +**Credit Default Swap**: The ones made famous from the 2008 crash involving the housing market/bonds made famous from the Big Short movie are 'Credit Default Swaps.' These act as buying insurance on an asset that you don't own. Every month you pay a fee, and if that asset blows up, you get paid even though you didn't own the underlying. + +**Commodity Swap**: The ones that veggie growers and other physical goods traders use to hedge against volatility and uncertainty are 'Commodity Swaps.' I think this is what a lot of apes may think how popcorn is being used, as a "hedge" against GME, that if GME goes up, hedgie losses are offset by the gains of popcorn because they have swapped losses/profits between the two with another party. I personally don't believe this is what is being used against GME. + +**Total Return Swap**: **Lastly, the one that makes the most sense to me and if there is a swap in my opinion it can only really be this swap, is the Total Return Swap (TRS).** In this swap, one party Hedgie A, can take on a short or long position on an asset without ever shorting or holding the underlying. They go to Bank A (or possibly Broker, or maybe a Family Fund?) to do the actual shorting, but Hedgie A pays them a daily fee (low risk) to receive all the benefits or losses of the position. So if there is a profit in the position, Hedgie A receives a paycheck from the entity holding the position, which would be Bank A. If there is a loss on the position, Hedgie A then writes a check to Bank A. In order to hold this long/short position, Hedgie A must provide collateral, and that is where popcorn comes in. + +**Why would they use a total return swap to short instead of just directly shorting?** + +As I understand it, the advantage of a TRS that they can get leverage, and also keep the shorts hidden, because swaps are unreported (a private contract between parties). + +Also, be aware that the Total Return Swap is what Bill Hwang used to hide his long positions. [Here is a great video on YouTube explaining the entire process and how Hwang did it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfPtabPipaQ) + +Now, I can't confirm 100% that this is what hedgies are doing to short GameStop, but I have a few other data points to back up this suspicion. + +## Summary of what I think is happening + +1. Hedgie A wants to short GME, but wants leverage, and to hide the short position. Decides to use a TRS. +2. Hedgie A calls up Bank A, to get Bank A to hold a short position on GME +3. Hedgie A pays a daily/monthly fee to Bank A to keep the position open +4. Bank A pays Hedgie A daily/monthly **profit** if the short position is net positive +5. Hedgie A pays Bank A a daily/monthy **loss** if the short position is net negative +6. Hedgie A must post collateral to Bank A to keep the short position open +7. The collateral that Hedgie A uses is popcorn (and/or additional assets) + +# Hedgies Loading the Ammo + +In order for the TRS to work, whatever collateral hedgies are using must have value. They must be long on this collateral. As such, there must have been an accumulation period, and they must pump this collateral afterwards. + +Let's look at popcorn: + +Well, well, well, what have we here. Popcorn did a 480% increase from May 21 to June 2 + +https://preview.redd.it/zf855jltw5491.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=b95291f1ccd77fe78b785310a0008c540cf187eb + +And then as for GME: + +https://preview.redd.it/frgx5upuw5491.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d4aecd85c087fa83927cd52ede1ce9442459e63 + +GME had a whopping...62% gain from May 21 to June 2? + +Note that at this time, June 2, 2021 (the highest candle of popcorn), popcorn overtook GME's marketcap for the first time: $31bn to $20bn. It was after this point that GME seemed to have been under hedgie control for a good part of the next year. + +Another odd thing I noticed was that popcorn always had massive amounts of volume compared to GME. They ALWAYS had a larger daily moneyflow, of share price x traded shares. It always seemed to me that GME had more apes buying than popcorn did. Just look at the difference in activities in the subs, and userbase. Why, then, did popcorn have such large volumes every day? And then it occurred to me to look at another data point. + +Here is popcorn's institutional ownership over 2021 to present via Marketbeat.com + +https://preview.redd.it/a9x1c4gww5491.png?width=1942&format=png&auto=webp&s=695167a66e0c82810d8245b3277928f7687f396c + +This image explains all of the oddities surrounding popcorn. Why there was so much buying despite lack of retail interest (comparatively to GME), and how the price jumped so significantly while GME barely popped (comparatively). + +My hypothesis is that, while not every institution is short GME and has to pump popcorn for collateral, it's highly possible that Kenny & Friends prepped some popcorn-flavored kool-aid and passed it around to their friends. Gave them tips, and got them to help bag-hold under the guise of profiting off the next big meme squeeze. This helps the short position hedgies maintain collateral, and thus maintain or increase their short positions on GME in the swap. + +Last year, I had run into a Yahoo article that commented on Ken and Citadel's LONG position on popcorn via public holdings. I can't link it, because it has the popcorn name in url and I get removed by automod. But it notes that: + +*When looking at the institutional investors followed by Insider Monkey, Citadel Investment Group, managed by Ken Griffin, holds the most valuable position in POPCORN Entertainment Holdings Inc (NYSE:POPCORN).* + +I posted this article on the popcorn sub asking why they hate Kenny G when their main man is actually net long on popcorn. I got swiftly banned. + +By the way, here is GME's institutional ownership over 2021 to present + +https://preview.redd.it/xyhxoxgxw5491.png?width=1942&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ea899946f49f3874788f7dc712075956b4dd0bf + +So far, we have proof that institutions have been quite long and bullish on popcorn (and are actually quite bearish on GME). The TA shows that there was a large period of accumulation, and after marketcaps flipped, GME seemed quite suppressed. These actions, while not directly proving, do show popcorn possibly being used as collateral for GME's shorts in a Total Return Swap. But don't worry, the redemption arc is coming, and you're gonna like how the story seems like it wants to end. + +# TA on popcorn and GME predicting the tides of the war? + +If we look at the chart of popcorn, although it goes up with GME goes up and down when GME goes down, we can see several things. + +https://preview.redd.it/ln26wlxyw5491.png?width=2696&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f1b516894a01b29b107ae642f559cf2b903053 + +1. Popcorn is actually making lower lows +2. It has fallen out of its bullish dorito chip +3. It is spiraling towards the bottom of a descending channel. + +What this means, is that more folks are selling than buying popcorn. + +Let's compare to GME's chart + +https://preview.redd.it/x92to7wzw5491.png?width=2696&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b4f48bf6028aaf2aba85c13930d9f8f84d11f5b + +Over the long term, we can see + +1. GME is actually making higher lows +2. It has risen BACK into its bullish dorito chip +3. It is propelling towards the resistance (high/ceiling) of a similar descending channel + +This is showing that over long term, GME wants to go to Uranus. + +**So what does this have to do with swaps?** If you look at the two images, you can see that the most recent dates, GME had a higher low while popcorn had a lower low. And more importantly, that's exactly around the time when GME had the spasmic 4-halt day. Remember, popcorn didn't have any halts that day. If I were to guess what happened, popcorn's price went so low that a small hedgie became undercollateralized, received a margin call, couldn't meet margin, and suffered force liquidation. + +**Let's zoom in to around that point, May 12 - June 6, shall we?** + +https://preview.redd.it/x8lqddu0x5491.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=50df79c9d4edb9baf10f34d1f5eb4d6d0d0f005d + +As we can see, what happened from the lows of May 12, 2022 to the present is EXACTLY what happened with the long term price action of Jan-June 2021. GME has an intensive, halt-inducing breakout sneeze. Popcorn follows. They both stabilize. And then popcorn has its own mini-pump. And this has happened TWICE the past month. Just like other posts have mentioned, we seem to be able to see recursive patterns in the algos, from larger time frames down to the smaller time frames, until they start to unwind. I can only hypothesize that these price actions reflect somebody holding popcorn as collateral is becoming undercollateralized, and is then having to scrounge for liquidity to pump up their collateral some time afterwards. + +# So what does this mean for GME and popcorn? + +As the hedgies who are long on popcorn and DON'T have a short position on GME, they will trade away their position over time to avoid losses. As this happens, the popcorn longs that ARE holding short positions (via the total return swap) will be forced to pump more and more liquidity into their popcorn longs to stop from being margin-called. But, there will come a day when the kool-aid drunk friends become sober, and their algos start to trade against the descending valuation. When this day comes, Hedgie A's liquidity will receive diminishing returns, and his precious collateral will be moving against him. + +**And then there will be a day when Hedgie A can no longer meet margin. What happens when someone fails to meet margin? Their collateral gets force liquidated. And what do we think their main collateral is?** I dunno, maybe hotdogs or something. + +We can already see GME is winning the battle. We're starting to make higher highs and higher lows, and popcorn is making lower highs and lower lows. GME has overtaken the marketcap lead considerably. If anything, this tells me swaps could be blowing up soon, unless they post additional collateral. + +Again, this is all SPECULATION. I have no hard evidence, only circumstantial evidence based on institutional holdings matched with TA volumes and price action during specific time frames. If anyone can point out flaws in my data points or lines of thinking, please feel free. I am a very smooth brained ape when it comes to financial matters, and all I know how to do is eat crayons and draw lines with them. Thank you for reading. + +This is not financial advice. + +\*Edit: Added Tweet DD reference by ShillWhisperer. +\*Edit2: Fixed images. +\*Edit3: Fixed a date, May 12, 2002 to May 12, 2022. +\*Edit4 (June 8, 2022): Well, well, well! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v80wj3/popcorn\_swaps\_caught\_red\_handed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v80wj3/popcorn_swaps_caught_red_handed/) +I’m a new landlord and I haven’t been paid the rent for 2.5 months. When I contact my tenants about it I’m always told “oh next week we’ll pay” then next week comes and I get no reply. + + +I’ve been advised to not say anything to my tenants again and just send 7 day notice as the statewide moratorium has ended. I’m curious as to how others have and are handing a smilier situation? +Throwaway account. + +I'm in my early 40s, NW between $6.5-7M. I safely cleared my FIRE target ($5M) a while ago. My job (Big Tech) has become tedious and bureaucratic. I feel burnt out, bored, and frustrated. + +I'm sitting on about $2M of RSUs that will vest in the next two years (due primarily to stock appreciation), and then I will have a bit of a cliff. + +Do I stick around and phone it in for the next two years? RE now? Look for a different job? + +10 or 15 years ago, I would never have imagined feeling this way. At that point, this was a passion career, and $2M was an unbelievable amount of money. +I am listening to it for the first time in a while because I thought it sucked the last time I listened so I quit. I’m currently listening to the Jocko Willink episode from a few weeks ago and the hosts just won’t stfu. I want to hear jocko, not 15 minutes of what your life was like as a cop. +This is now the longest US economic expansion in history + +* **The U.S. is officially in its longest expansion, breaking the record of 120 months of economic growth from March 1991 to March 2001, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.** +* **Starting in June of 2009, this record-setting run saw GDP growing cumulatively by 25%, far slower than previous expansions.** +* **While the unemployment rate has dropped to 3.6% in May, the lowest since 1969, job growth has been relatively slower than during other postwar recoveries.** +* [**https://cnb.cx/2KVvAz2**](https://cnb.cx/2KVvAz2) +Lets say it everyone: "Money makes money!" + +Today, worlds *"objectively best"* media cooperation CNBC, made another *great* article, about 2 kids making $160K from mining Crypto, and as a miner myself I want to quote some things from their article. + +Our heroes, two kids named Ishaan Thakur, (14) and his sister Aanya, (9). They started mining with 3 dollars a day, which is what I get with my 2060 ($349), but then their operations grow majestically, how majestically you say? **$64K per month!** + +Let me tell you, there is no fuckin way in the planet earth that you can get these numbers without a mining farm. Let's continue! + +***“We have configured our computers to constantly scan for the most profitable coin and switch to that coin automatically,”*** If i need to translate it to English, Ishaan is either a super genius coder that can make a super complex AI. Or, they simply use NiceHash, which is what i use and does all this stuff automatically. + +***“Even though we are now making a lot of money, we are just as proud now as we were when we only made $3 per day, since our main prize is not the money,”*** I dont get why they act like its their achievement, its just that they poured a fortune to their rigs but, "How much?" + +Now you remember when I said, "What they don't say". Now that's kind of a lie cause just when I thought the article ended, there is a sweet spot that explains how they make that much money. + +See, their father Manish Raj, did something that I laughed the shit out of myself once I read. He took a loan for his kids to Mine Cryptocurrency. Yes, you heard me right, he took a LOAN, for his kids to mine Crypto! Honestly, my father of the year award goes for the Manish! + +Anyway, how much processor does little Ishaan has? Well, hope you're ready cause shit is about to get real! + +14-year-old Ishaan has: + +**100 NVIDIA RTX 3090!** + +and + +**50 NVIDIA RTX 3070 TI!** + +There is a huge chip shortage going on right now so no fuckin way he got these cards by the retailer prices, but let's say Manish is a close friend of Nvidia's CEO, which I must say, you probably need to be to give that much money to your kids. He still would need to spend, AT LEAST $150.000 on GPUs with $1500 per card! + +And you know what's funny? RTX 3090 isn't even a good GPU for mining. of course, its hash rate is an incredible 108 which is a lot, But, it's not very efficient in Hash/$ perspective, as it needs 291 days to pay its price, while GTX 1060 only needs 159. + +&#x200B; + +For the full article:[https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/10/kid-siblings-earned-160k-mining-cryptocurrency-like-bitcoin-ether.html?&qsearchterm=mining](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/10/kid-siblings-earned-160k-mining-cryptocurrency-like-bitcoin-ether.html?&qsearchterm=mining) +***Apes. Apettes. Hear me out on this one...*** + +GME does not need exposure from Joe "bro science" Rogan or anyone else in MSM. (More potential for market manipulation accusations in my opinion.) + +Look at our top players DFV and Dr. Burry... They let the DD speak for itself. + +I've been laying low since January and I'll be damned if the male version of Gwenyth Paltrow is gonna fuck it up for me or anyone else. + +Just buy and HODL. Please and thank you. + +*EDIT: Thank you to whoever gave me the All-Seeing Award!* +How do you determine when a coin/token is undervalued? + +This space is so new and we are all learning from each other. Any ideas or suggestion helps. + +Thanks. +Magically all debt in the world is erased, national debt, student loan debt, credit card debt, etc. Zero, zilch, it’s all gone, everything starts again from zero. How would that affect the economy on a global, national, local scale? Short term and long term effects? +Happy Wednesday Everyone! + +I don't know about you, but today's drop to $177 and subsequent rebound has me **jacked more than ever!** Why, you may ask? Read on... + +# Preface + +Some of you may have seen my post last week referencing Rocky Outcrop's custom Directional Movement Index (DMI) indicator and how it was showing we are due for a **HUGE** uptick in volatility after these past four weeks of sideways trading. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out here for more background: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obteg7/gme\_the\_powder\_keg\_ready\_to\_explode/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obteg7/gme_the_powder_keg_ready_to_explode/) + +Guess what? The DMI indicator switched off today which means we are officially ramping up in volatility for the near future. ***This has lined up perfectly with numerous other TA indicators that show we may have officially hit our bottom at $177 and are turning around on higher volume*** + +If you don't like TA or think it is invalid, I respect that. Despite GME's heavy manipulation it has worked well for me and others to show the most likely outcome as to where prices may be heading. + +My previous TA conducted on June 28 was based on what I saw at the time. The indicators were there, but none were screaming out at me. This time **EVERYTHING** is screaming at me. Now is the time. + +We all want the same thing. BRRRRRRRR + +***As usual, I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice!*** + +I'll try to keep this short. Here we go! + +# TLDR; + +* DMI indicator is showing we are now entering a period of high volatility. This means larger price swings up and down for the next few weeks. ***Say goodbye to trading sideways!*** +* RSI is showing we hit Oversold levels today at **$177** +* The most common Fib Retracement level (0.618) from the March Low and June High prices was hit today at **$177** (/u/possibly6 \- this might interest you) +* We bounced off of the 200 Period Moving Average (4 Hour Chart) today at, you guessed it, **$177** +* We bounced off of our current channel's support at, yes, **$177** + +Multiple signs are all pointing to the same thing: $177 was indeed the bottom of this long drawn-out descending channel we've been in since June 10th. ***Time will tell if this is holds to be true, but everything is screaming the same message. Onwards and upwards*** + +# DMI + +Check my previous post for more background on Rocky Outcrop's DMI and how it is an incredible indicator that shows explosions in volatility before they actually occur. + +The indicator started flashing on June 29th and flashed off today July 7th. + +https://preview.redd.it/vohwycfxmu971.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=3732a22cf8334961bea232d1b10d5e8e3948d185 + +* After a DMI signal flashes on and off, the positive price action (DI+, yellow line above) and negative price action (DI-, pink line above) fight it out to become the dominant momentum. ***Positive or negative momentum is confirmed after DI+ or DI- rise above the value of 38*** +* Currently DI- is winning the fight which is normally a bearish sign; however, notice today's DI- rejection it had at 38 on the dot. This is indicated by the blue hashed line at the end of my arrows. This same scenario happened back in May before our huge run-up where DI- was rejected at 38, DI+ took over, and we blew up to $350 +* If DI- manages to stay below 38 and DI+ picks up momentum, this would indicate another huge run-up with volatility in the very near future +* We will need a few more days to see how the DI+ and DI- action plays out. In any case, get ready for increased volume and volatility! + +*Huh... the DI- began reverting right around the time the price hit $177. Must be a coincidence right...?* + +# RSI + +The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an indicator showing when prices may be overbought, oversold, or neutral. + +https://preview.redd.it/2eybhogwsu971.png?width=1060&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad797d21dcadccea12e68540d5fce7afc2530a82 + +* RSI officially entered oversold territory during today's price drop to $177 before it bounced back to the oversold boundary. This is indicated by the red hashed line above +* Previously the RSI hit this zone in March, April, and May where we then saw large price reversals afterwards + +*Strange... the RSI hit the Oversold zone right around when the price hit $177. Must be another coincidence.* + +# Fib Retracement + +Fib retracements are based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence which can be found all throughout nature. This is present even here in the stock market! Human buying/selling behavior tends to revolve around key Fibonacci levels. It works, and it works **very well.** + +https://preview.redd.it/b6evhk49gw971.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=f268ba97103ead1cc09a5b89b440fd9440f7420a + +Once a retracement begins and a top has been confirmed, we can draw a Fib Retracement from the previous extreme low to the extreme high. This will give us Fib Retracement Levels. If prices fall below the **0.236 level**, they tend to continue dropping to the **0.618 level** ***in most cases***\*.\* + +* Previous Extreme Low: $117 (March 25th) +* Previous Extreme High: $343 (June 8th) +* 0.236 Level: $267. Notice we fell through this pretty hard on June 10 +* **0.618 Level: $176/$177. Notice we hit this level today almost EXACTLY and bounced violently back to the upside.** +* This would seem to indicate that the current downwards retracement could officially be complete +* There is a small possibility that we continue dropping down to the 0.786 Fib Level of $147 before we begin our retracement upwards; however, given all other factors outlined in this post I see this as highly unlikely at this time + +*Weird... $176/$177 happens to also be the 0.618 Fib level from our previous High and Low? These coincidences just keep piling up...* + +# 200 Period Moving Average + +The 200 Period Moving Average has been **very well respected** on the 4 Hour GME chart. Any time GME touches or comes anywhere close to this line, it has had huge run-ups. + +https://preview.redd.it/stmdkjxs0v971.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b08c721a67ad0e477da6849b38287c827d2d712 + +*Wow how odd?!? The 200 Period Moving Average today was at.... yes, you guessed it: $177* + +# Channel Support + +Since June 11th we have been trading in a descending channel with upper resistance and lower support levels (see the white lines below) + +https://preview.redd.it/gdpc0wqz7v971.png?width=1129&format=png&auto=webp&s=6aec79d2bcc258b6e51bf4dfd5feab9ff9d2d703 + +GME has tested these levels multiple times over the past month as you can see on both the upper and lower end. + +*Guess where the channel's lower support level is for today? Yep, $177* + +# Conclusion + +* Today's drop to $177 when measured on numerous different indicators is showing signs of a big reversal +* If this reversal turns out to be true, it should be enough to carry us out of the current channel and then back upwards to the upper $200's before continuing onwards +* Volume and volatility are beginning to pick back up. This is what we need for another move to the upside +* ***Reminder: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice! :-)*** +Long story short: my mother is a raging alcoholic and after CPS and law enforcement being involved (and the father being out of the picture), I'm now the guardian of my younger sister. + +I have no idea what to do. + +I work full-time in a food service job making $10 per hour not including tips, which brings it to around $11-$14 per hour depending on the day. + +I bring home between $1,700 and $2,000 per month. (Depending on tips) + +I just signed a lease for a 2br apartment at $900 per month. It is literally the cheapest option I could find that was in a safe area and not too far of a commute to work (around 11 miles). + +My current expenses are: $160 for a personal loan, $40 for cell phone, $180 for car insurance, $80 credit card. Per month. + +I honestly don't know what to do. Her child support is coming to me now, so that gives me an extra $400 per month. + +She doesn't have health insurance and hasn't been in school for almost a year now. Since I am her guardian can I add him to my own health insurance as a dependent? + +I figured posting here would be most helpful because as a college student I have no idea how to budget for a child. Tuition isn't an issue because it's fully covered by grants. + +How do I plan this? What are my options? I don't even know where to start... + +EDIT: Also there are no other adults to help. I am the oldest sibling and my father is also out of the picture. No aunts/uncles/etc. My grandma lives on the other side of the country but is sending a little bit of money to help but nothing else more than that.. +# Customer service sucks. + +It's not real. It's a game. It's a mix of Salesman, Public Relations and Hostage Negotiation. +Customer service is the punching bag for a organization. + +If a person is answering the phone for matters they do not control, they are customer service, ***be kind.*** + +People are relatable, humane, kind and malleable. Be heard, be passionate and be a friend. + +[Imagine doing whatever job you do and getting a call from a stranger. They're not mad, they're just calling for desperate help, understanding and clarity. What would you do? What would you WANT to do?](https://preview.redd.it/fbaymbu8ubm71.jpg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5b53fcc7f6b06b49a9dc5bd12cc18317e27947) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ndldxa7gvbm71.png?width=122&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee2beba6bc146bbc1cfc8510027797b8389b1827 + +# Here's what I do. + + +I take important topics discussed on Superstonk and I make sure I have an accurate understanding of the facts. I do not call the SEC every time something is upvoted. I wait days, week or months to call and have a responsible chat. Then I call the SEC with utter curiosity. + +# When I call; a real, friendly person answers the phone and I introduce myself, + +**IDAT:** "Good afternoon, person. My name is I\_DO\_ANIMAL\_THINGS. I'm calling to speak with Mr. Gensler please." + +**SEC:** Gary is in a meeting + +![img](t4h821xbwbm71 "(He's always in a meeting, but one day, one day I'll hear that sweet Honeydew voice Gary) +") + +# So they take a message: + +**IDAT:** "Gary this is, I\_DO\_ANIMAL\_THINGS, I've been looking into quite a few stocks that are traded on the OTC market and I'm concerned about the legality and transparency. I'm one of the retail traders you talk about on TV and I watch you, a lot. I'm concerned with what I'm seeing while I'm not hearing very much from your department. I respect what you do and I expect the SEC to produce timely results. My number is, (cost of 1 GME) please give me a call at your convince. Thank you" + +\-0R- + +**IDAT:** "Gary, this is I\_DO\_ANIMAL\_THINGS. If I called the fire department and they didn't show up for 2 years I would be livid. I expect the SEC to at least respond to reports of manipulation and criminal activity in our markets. Please call me, or have someone from your office call me and tell me what is being done, if anything about reports of market manipulation. Thank you" + +## Chairman and Commissioners + +* [Chair Gary Gensler ](https://www.sec.gov/biography/gary-gensler) 202-551-2100 [Chair@sec.gov](mailto:Chair@sec.gov) +* [Allison Herren Lee ](https://www.sec.gov/biography/allison-herren-lee)(202) 551-2800 [CommissionerLee@sec.gov](mailto:ChairmanOffice@sec.gov) +* [Hester M. Peirce](https://www.sec.gov/biography/commissioner-hester-m-peirce) (202) 551-5080 [CommissionerPeirce@sec.gov](mailto:CommissionerPeirce@sec.gov) +* [Elad L. Roisman](https://www.sec.gov/biography/commissioner-elad-l-roisman) (202) 551-2700 [CommissionerRoisman@sec.gov](mailto:CommissionerRoisman@sec.gov) +* [Caroline A. Crenshaw](https://www.sec.gov/biography/caroline-crenshaw)  (202) 551-5070 [CommissionerCrenshaw@sec.gov](mailto:CommissionerCrenshaw@sec.gov) + +&#x200B; + +There are real people. Some of them might even read their emails while they poop like a human. Be kind but be clear. You're here, you're watching and you're waiting. + +We all need to be more comfortable with being uncomfortable. +Pick up the phone and talk to a person that knows Gary. Be kind and let them know you are real. You have a family, you have a life, you're watching them, you're involved and they are responsible to you. + +The SEC has my support. +*An entire company of Marines had my support but I would beat their ass if they didn't do their job.* + +You are more powerful than you know. Speak softly but carry a big stick. +I have no family close by anyway, don't really have any close friends so I've been having a hard time thinking of reasons to stay. Here where I live it's a constant struggle with a low wage job and a high cost of living, so I've been considering selling everything I own, then taking my life savings and just starting over in Mexico or Tijuana. The only thing stopping me is, idk if it's hard for foreigners to make money. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +[Here is the article.](https://wgntv.com/news/naperville-man-takes-his-own-life-after-seeing-730k-negative-balance-on-investment-app/) + +I tried posting this on the Robinhood sub but someone else already posted it and was removed by the sub's mods. I wonder why. + +I've also experienced quite a handful of bugs using Robinhood, or at least when I still used the app. Just off the top of my head I can remember a countless amount of UI bugs that prevented me from selling or buying a stock during early market hours. + +There were also bugs that delayed real prices of a stock by several minutes, sometimes up to half an hour forcing me to use other sources with more accurate price information like Google Finance or TD to submit properly priced orders. + +Another frustrating bug I remember is the instant deposit almost never working in a timely fashion. It was always late by several days. + +The final straw when I outright transferred all my money and deleted the app was about 3 years ago when Robinhood's services were down for an ENTIRE HOUR while I was daytrading $BABA a couple days after an earnings beat. I lost about $600 in that hour, but it could have been much, much worse. + +The bug this young investor experienced is not something rare or uncommon with Robinhood. More people need to understand this company has a long history of corrupt support, terrible servers and networks, and countless UI bugs. Given this tragic news, don't make the same mistake. Use a different brokerage. +I am 23 I have been investing with a risk heavy tolerance since October 2020 up through to late February I found it easy to make gains investing and swing trading everything including pennies and during the big nasdaq correction in late February the flow of those “easy” gains understandably stopped. At this time I saw my realized gains slowing down and account value deflating so I moved a good amount of my portfolio (at least 5-10%) into SCHD. My investment thesis came from after reading about benefits to dividend investing and income as well as I was looking at how SCHD could diversify my growth heavy portfolio. Welp this thing is up nearly 20% since I bought in which I feel like is unheard of gains for a dividend fund. This thing has started a night and day outperformance of the s&p like it’s Peter lynch at Magellan or sum. technicals are showing it is hella overbought currently. What do redditors such as yourself feel like you do with a fund like this? Could you ever see yourself wanting to sell? Even if You wouldn’t mind realizing some gains and buying back in couple dollars lower? I really like the idea of just letting this sit there throughout the years and having the assets appreciate in value as well as the dividends appreciate as income payments. I really like the idea of just becoming an old person one day and having my stack of SCHD and maybe only first start to sell any of it then when I am old and towards the end of my life after it’s provided me dividend income all these years and need money for bills grandkids or whateva +I want to invest in tech because it’s booming right now but Let’s say Tesla is no longer growing because it’s overvalued. Will my etf dump Tesla and buy a stock that’s currently rising instead? Or will my etf continue to be dragged down by underperforming stocks? +Hey y'all. I just wanted to give an update on my first and favorite cryptocurrency. Moonpirate is really rocketing now and this is just the beginning. I'm so glad I got in early and I'm planning on buying a lot more! + +They are now sitting well over 65,000 holders and I think people are finally starting to realise that MOONPIRATE ARE A SERIOUS PROJECT. + +Will try and keep this post concise and to the point. Some of their deliverables so far have included: + +☠️PirateSwap launched (investors can purchase MoonPirate directly on their website) + +☠️Pirate Wallet Tracker launched (view how much your holdings are worth and how much you have gained by simply holding) + +☠️Get Nok Distillery (California, US) Service Agreement Signed, Sealed and Delivered and MoonPirate Dark Rum (with a hint of coconut – as voted by investors) is 3 to 5 months away + +☠️Catchment Brewing Co (Brisbane, Australia) – MoonPirate Tropical IPA 4 weeks away. Launch Party will be held at venue for those who can make it + +:☠️Updated Roadmap incoming including the expansion of the MoonPirate ecosystem (including $RUM native token which is going to be pretty crazy) + +☠️Governance Platform incoming (your MoonPirate holdings will dictate your voting potential) + +☠️Now on CoinGecko and CMC incoming!!! Add this to Blockfolio, Stocktwits & Delta + +☠️Weekly Live Video AMA’s (including founder, community manager and communications manager) + +On top of that, they have NFT’s, charity donations (Pirate Party kids cancer charity), billboards including Times Square New York, weekly Pirate Chronicles (medium articles) and more. + +Be sure to check out EVERYTHING on the website, which is being updated on a daily basis. + +Remember this is 100% rugproof (LP Tokens 100% burnt, ownership renounced, 2 x audits) + +Website: [https://www.moonpirate.finance/](https://www.moonpirate.finance/) + +TG: [https://t.me/MoonPirate](https://t.me/MoonPirate) +So I’m sure you’ve all noticed the rapid increase in short interest, shares borrowed, and cost to borrow recently.  There will probably be a bunch of FTDs soon too. + +Why? + +The obvious answer is that SHFs are shorting the hell out of the stock.  But it’s wrong.  In the past they shorted the hell out of it without increasing these metrics.  And our stock’s price movement doesn’t really feel like it’s being shorted to hell right now, not anymore than it usually is.  A more likely answer is that one of the retail brokerages is exiting its swap positions with a short hedge fund. + +What do I mean? + +Remember back during the sneeze when short interest was way above 100% and FTDs were all the rage?  But hedge funds needed to convince the public that they had “closed” so they needed to fix the short interest and FTD data.  Swaps were the secret to that. + +How does a swap hide short interest? + +Short interest reporting accounts for a firm’s net position.  It doesn’t account for positive or negative balances within a firm’s internal accounts.  Suppose that Shitadel short sells 75,000,000 shares of GME to apes with Fidelity accounts.  That causes Fidelity to have a net +75m shares and Shitadel to have a net -75m shares.  This gets reported as a short interest of 75 million shares. + +Suppose that instead of Shitadel, it’s Fidelity that is shorting the stock.  Fidelity sells 75,000,000 shares to apes with Fidelity accounts.  That causes Fidelity to have (75,000,000 - 75,000,000) net 0 shares.  This gets reported as a short interest of 0 shares. + +But this isn’t really Fidelity’s game so why would they take open this huge short position?  The answer is that Shitadel is paying them for an equity return swap position that gives Shitadel equivalent exposure to being short the 75m shares.  Fidelity’s side of the swap makes them equivalently long to 75m shares, which isn’t their game either, so they short shares to their own customers to hedge the long position so that they’re effectively neutral.  This is how the short interest disappeared after the sneeze. + +What else does a swap do? + +These swaps do a few other cool things for the short hedge funds, beyond just hiding short interest.  Let’s talk about stock borrowing and delivery. + +Stock delivery occurs at the NSCC when a broker sells a stock to another broker.  They net up all their transactions, realize that Smellvin Capital owes 69,000,000 shares to Vanguard, and that creates a delivery obligation.  Smellvin doesn’t actual have 69,000,000 shares to deliver so they need to borrow 69,000,000 shares to deliver.  Well, turns out they can’t do that either.  That’s how you end up with Smellvin not being able to deliver those shares, resulting in a failure to deliver (FTD). + +But what if Vanguard short sold stocks to its own customers.  There’s no stock to deliver to another broker at the NSCC, it’s just an accounting thing in their own books.  So no delivery occurs.  And because no delivery occurs, no fail to deliver happens.  This is how the FTDs disappeared after the sneeze. + +Likewise because Vanguard doesn’t have to deliver to itself, there’s no need to borrow the stock to make delivery.  So the number of borrowed shares plunges. + +Another “benefit” of this is that there’s a lot of rules about which customer-owned shares a broker can lend out.  You can only lend out shares in margin accounts, and then only up to 140% of the value of the amount of margin being used.  A margin account might have no margin actually being used, in which case the broker is not supposed to lend out the shares because they are considered fully-paid, like a cash account.  This really limits the ability of a broker to lend shares to shorts when apes are conscientiously keeping their accounts off margin because they think their broker will actually have their shares. + +It’s different if the broker is shorting to its own customers.  Again, there’s no need to lend, or borrow, or deliver.  +1 offsets -1 and the brokers net position is 0.  So even if you’re in a cash account, they don’t actually need to have a share for you if it offsets their own negative position. + +How can a broker not have my shares? + +SEA 240.15c3-3 covers when a broker is required to hold a share for you.  It’s about 200 pages long.  About 5 of those pages are “you need to own the stocks your customers think you own”.  The other 195 pages all start with “unless”. + +The most important sections of this law for us are (d) and (n).  In (d) the SEA requires that a broker possess the security for a fully-paid customer (that means they can’t use margin as an excuse to not possess it) who has held the stock for at least 30 calendar days.  There’s a bunch of “unless” clauses surrounding that which give the broker room to wiggle out of that responsibility. + +If you’re curious (d) is why the shares borrowed is always higher than the short interest.  Shares borrowed = short interest (firm to firm shorting) + internal firm shorting to its own customers where the firm has needed to obtain custody of a share to meet the requirements of (d).  The broker doesn’t buy the stock to meet (d), that would change their position.  They just borrow the stock to meet the custody requirement. + +Like I said the requirements of (d) are surrounded by “unless” clauses.  My favorite is (n) which allows endless time extensions at the discretion of industry self-regulators for things like “the market isn’t liquid enough for us to obtain custody of these shares but we’re doing our very best, pinky promise!” + +So what exactly does this mean? + +This shows how swaps can be used to hide short interest, FTDs, and allow the creation of CFDs in a market where we think we’re being promised real shares.  This is how the massive short position against GME was hidden after the sneeze. + +So what about the rising short interest, borrowed shares, and cost to borrow? + +The most likely reason these metrics are increasing is because one of the retail brokers is closing its swap agreements with a short hedge fund.  Because the broker no longer has a long exposure from the swap, they buy to close their short position against their own clients.  This causes the broker to become net long.  At the same time because the swap is being closed the hedge fund loses its short exposure it was getting from the swap.  In order to maintain its overall short position the hedge fund is selling (short) shares to the broker.  This causes the hedge fund to become net short. + +Because the hedge fund is becoming net short in actual shares, this gets reported as short interest.  Likewise they need to borrow shares for settlement on T+2 resulting in an increase in shares borrowed and cost to borrow.  Depending on the extent of how much of the short position is being moved from shorts hidden by swaps to an exposed short position, this may end up causing an increase in FTDs. + +DRS may also be having an effect here, as every share that gets DRSed is a share that brokers lose the ability to turn into a CFD. + +TL;DR: The increase in short interest, stock borrowing, and cost to borrow is most likely primarily a result of a retail broker closing swap positions with a hedge fund, forcing exposure of a previously hidden short position. +I recently took my 9 year old son and his friend to a local amusement park. (His mom is a single mom and works 60+ hours a week so we try to help them when we can). As typical of amusement parks, you could pay $3 or $4 for a bottle of water but they also had water fountains that were free. We were taking a break and observed a large family one by one refilling their water bottles at the water fountain. My son's friend said "maybe they don't have enough money to buy water" and my son said "maybe they have lots of money and want to keep it that way." + +Fixed typo. +A little over a year ago last month, redditors on r/personalfinance were upset that the sub had no accessible financial advice. One such redditor suggested a separate, more relatable sub for those who feel excluded when others talk about things like retirement and investing. Hence r/povertyfinance was born. I understand your frustrations, think of r/povertyfinance as stage one in your financial sub journey. You'll upgrade as you go. +Don't pay the lazy tax. + +Go cancel that subscription that you cbf cancelling, go return that item you know you aren't using, and go get a replacement for that item that is still broken and still under warranty. + +**Case in point:** I left REST super in 2020 after having my account balance decimated with insurance fees since I joined because of my employer in 2017. I was opted into default insurance at the time (prior to the new legislation preventing this situation for people under 25 with an account balance less than $6000) and it absolutely decimated my small account balance because of my irregular shifts. I really didn't know better at the time nor did I understand what was happening. + +I since moved on from REST to another fund, but I got back into contact with them two weeks ago and explained the situation to them and asked them to refund all of the insurance fees paid to me. They agreed and reopened a new REST account with $490 in refunds that I rolled back out to my current fund. It was so simple but it only took around five minutes of work and will likely result in multiples of that amount by the time I retire. + +Go do something you will thank yourself for later. +I know this post blurs the line between fire and fatfire, but I relate to you guys more. + +We are mid 30s with about 3mm. Combined income 900k. No kids. Plan to have one kid, and in next couple of years. + +Obviously every year we keep working is a massive step toward true fatfire at our income levels. But we are both burnt out, depressed, and not looking forward to the standard American lifestyle (even while fired). + +We are both immigrants so internationally minded and both have a desire to become world citizens again. Neither of us have expensive tastes. We both have had lifelong fantasies of wanderlust and travel, and both have taken sabbaticals to test it out and have loved it. + +We are seriously considering becoming world travelers and home schooling our kids as we travel the world. We would have flexibility, if it doesn't work out we could do international schools or even settle in one place for several years (or for life if we choose). + +I figure we can work remotely and downgrade from 900k to 100k combined doing easier less stressful shit. 3mm x 3% rule = 90k passive. Plus 100k salary gets us to nearly 200k which is more than enough for living in most countries we would be interested in and living well. + +I am dual US/EU citizen and she is US citizen. My EU citizenship gives us flexibility as well I believe. Can help with EU Healthcare and even then, I hear expat insurance is nothing close to the insanity of self funded private US Healthcare plans. + +If it all fails, then we can move back to the US with 3mm+ in our pockets and take on more relaxed professions. Not like we will be destitute. We fully accept that our "career paths" will be severely slowed. This doesn't feel like an insanely stupid risk though. + +Are we crazy? Has anyone here done it? Or something similar? Things to consider? +I think (most) people would agree that TSLA is largely overvalued right now and has been for some time. But unlike typical bubble examples, TSLA's price has never really burst like a lot of people expected, and continues to look strong. I'm curious, are there other stocks that were historically similar to this (ie., orders of magnitude overvalued for years), and did they ultimately grow into their valuation over time, or did they eventually see a bubble burst? Would appreciate specific examples if you have any, thanks! +BTI, MO, PM are 3 tobacco firms that I currently track. I find them all to be extreme value plays ( cheap on metric base and are all companies that get consistent cash flow year after year ). What are your thoughts on the matter +Sharing because I had *no idea* this was a thing. I'm in the US. + +I take Prozac (Fluoxetine) daily for depression & anxiety and my copay is usually \~$50. This time it increased to \~$75. Instead of filling it, the pharmacist asked if there's a specific reason I take tablets (pressed pill) instead of capsules (gel cap with powder inside). I said "no." + +He says, "oh -- give me 5 minutes to rerun your prescription as capsules instead. It will probably be way cheaper." + +5 minutes later, "yup, your copay is now $1.50. Talk to your doctor and get your prescription permanently changed to capsules instead of tablets." + +I did this. I now pay **98% less** for the exact same medication, just in a different form. I didn't switch from branded to generic or anything, literally all that changed is the form. + +Check with your doctors and pharmacists. And maybe get second opinions -- my doctor either didn't know about this difference, or didn't care to tell me. +Though I am yet to hit my fatFIRE goals, I am well on the way and have been very fortunate to get to a significantly better financial position than most people my age - I am in my mid-20s for some context. +For various unrelated reasons which I won't go into here, I have ended up with very few friends and have never been in a relationship. It's something I never really prioritized but I'd like to change both things now. + +However, I feel like my financial position and work add an element of complexity to the picture. On multiple occasions, I have felt people being interested in me because of my money, not because of who I am. It's not always easy to tell though I am sure. + +I'd prefer to not have to limit my social circles to other well-off people only. +With this in mind, how do you know for sure that someone who wants to be with you genuinely likes you for who you are and not for your wallet/power/resources? Is there anything I should watch out for? +Any thoughts on this would be really appreciated. + +Edit: I should add that unfortunately in my country anyone’s tax return is available online by just looking up their name. My salary also shows up by Googling my name in my company’s public records. So hiding it is not really an option. More so I’d like to find out the tell tale signs of someone faking their interest in you because you have something they want. +Sonoro Gold (Tickers: TSXV: SGO & OTC: SMOFF) (a Mexican explorer but rapidly developing their asset and on track for heap leach mining by end of 2021) continues to hit strong grades, widths, and expanding resource. Share price rerate will occur as Sonoro will transition from Explorer to Producer this year. Currently a $15mm market cap (share price is just 19c), resource estimate and Metallurgical test results are out next quarter, PEA thereafter, and production by Q4, I believe this could be north of 75c.. + +Today's news: + +[https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/11/2191475/0/en/Sonoro-Demonstrates-200-Meter-Long-High-Grade-Gold-Zone-at-Buena-Suerte.html](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/11/2191475/0/en/Sonoro-Demonstrates-200-Meter-Long-High-Grade-Gold-Zone-at-Buena-Suerte.html) + +# A Quick Overview: + +The key focus of the current phase drilling is upgrading the resource classification at the four main zones to be included in the updated 43-101 resource which, together with the metallurgical studies, will be the basis of the Preliminary Economic Assessment of SGO’s conceptual Heap Leach Mining Operation. The results show we remain on track regarding our goal of developing a major bulk-tonnage, oxide gold resource together with the Cerro Caliche’s development’s first phase: the conceptual 20,000 tonnes per day heap leach mining operation which is to be addressed in the upcoming PEA. + +**Part of this program consisted of drilling at the Japoneses to define its 500-meter-long west side where the just published results increase the potential that SGO may combine the Japoneses and Buena Suerte pits into a single open pit.** At the same time the project’s overall potential size continues to increase as drilling has identified a 200-meter-long high-grade gold zone at the northern extension of Buena Suerte, while drilling also expanded the size of the mineralized gold zones at Veta de Oro, El Rincon and Bellotoso zones. + +I understand this may be foreign for anyone reading who doesn't understand the project. To learn more on the Cerro Caliche Project, check this webpage. All of these results will signficatly increase the positivity of the PEA when released next quarter. + +[https://sonorogold.com/projects/cerro-caliche/](https://sonorogold.com/projects/cerro-caliche/) +Moass is inevitable. All you have to do is buy, DRS, hodl. That's it. + +How much simpler could it be? I been in GME before this sub existed, when we were on the 3 letter sub and before that when we were on the wellstreet sub. The one thing I know is every week or 2 theres some new drama / fud or something. + +Recently it was the CS limit order ordeal. This is 10000% psychological warfare. The stock has been manipulated down so many times on big news days. Ask yourself why? You know retail isnt selling, you know insiders are buying. You see the buy/sell on fidelity daily for over a year is always like 90/10 or higher. + +So stock split comes. What do I expect? I, an OG ape, expect a decent dip and news about GME being down crazy % post split. Does it bother me one bit? Not at all, I know its a mind game. They trying to break our spirits. I see a lot of you are easily affected by these games they play. That's their goal. Instill that doubt in you which will grow to fear. Break the sub. Make people argue. + +It literally does not matter if the stock goes to $1 tomorrow. That would only help us lock the float very quickly. Just be zen. We can hodl longer than they can pay to kick the can. +Too many times on some silly rallies that happen for no known reason apes tend to slack off and start celebrating too early. + +I don't care what the charts look like, what the halts look like, what someone said on the news. + +I don't care if you bought through robingthehood or fudelity, if you routed it through the dark pools or IEX. + +Do you know why? Because they're all the same, and nothing makes a difference until you DRS. + +Your $10k purchase doesn't mean anything unless you're locking those shares away by DRS. + +Your wife's bf's money doesn't do anything if the shares are still being lent out. + +DRS your shares. That's all that matters until proven otherwise. + +I'd rather upvote DRS posts with 1 share than your 100 share purchase that is still being lent out. "Oh but I'll DRS later." Like I said: until you *actually do*, it does not matter. + +Show me your purple circles. + +DRS YOUR SHARES + + +*Edit 1: + +I'd like to clarify my opinion on buying and not DRSing: at the end of the day, you can do whatever you want with your money. Do I think you'll be holding a bag when CEX decided to say "fuck you" and sell ~~your~~ their shares (since you don't actually own them)? I absolutely think it's a possibility. Are your shares being lent out by your broker, essentially delaying MOASS? Most likely, and if you think they're not, you're too naive for your own good. + +Why would you want to risk that? Is it possible nothing happens with your shares in your brokerage accounts? Absolutely. In fact, I am HOPING that nothing happens. But I'm done/have been done waiting for catalysts. Instead, I've decided that *I* want to be the catalyst, so I'm DRSing everything I have. + +Hence why I bought 50 more and I'll be posting my updated purple circle as soon as I can. + +*Edit 2: + +If you have a purple ring that you want to show off but can't due to Karma, visit the GMEOrphans sub. No ape left behind! +First of all, I'm 100% sure the price is wrong and it will climb back as it always does. But I really want to address this question to some DRS maximalists. + +I’m about to start the DRS process tomorrow as it is said to be the way to fight hedgies and market manipulation. However, I was expected this cycle to look a bit different from the previous one. What didn’t work? What are indicators that DRS works? + +Please, smart and non-emotional answerers only + +&#x200B; + +=== EDIT === + +Funny how this simple question got downvoted. Instead of having a real discussion and encouraging people to ask questions that may help some people understand why to DRS, it will just get buried. Very dumb behavior + +=== Edit 2 === + +Wow there are some amazing answers down there! Love the spirit, apes! +Hello + +I applied for a LIC tech term through LIC online portal 2 months back by paying premium around Rs50,000/-. + +Its been 2 months since I paid money and still they are processing the proposal. + +I m really tired of following up with them. + +Is there anyway to complain on them to IRDAI? + +My money is kept idle for 2 months and also my age band was changed + +It is such a pathetic organization that there is no grievance redressal and no one to handle such issues. + +they still keep asking the data and taking ages to underwrite..... + +I m not interested anymore to take policy from them, Is there any way to get my money back fully? +This is my personal/fun investing account. I have a Roth that's fully invested in ARK and qqq. + I'm split 50/50 with non diverse etfs and individual stocks in my fun account and wanting to invest in emerging sectors. Right now I'm invested in +POTX, DRIV, SUBZ, UFO, CLOU & ICLN. +Any other emerging sectors ETFs I should look into? + +Also Blockchain is the future - though I'd rather get the actual crypto than invest through the stock market on this. +**TL;DR: GME is a safe haven asset with strong fundamentals and a demand that will only be increasing post-split. The economic factors associated with GME will inevitably beget MOASS, and ultimately pave the way for a potential GME price per share in the millions.** + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Recommended Prerequisite DD: + +1. [SHFs Can & Will Get Margin Called](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vrwfjt/shfs_can_will_get_margin_called/) +2. [Burning Cash](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0zrni/burning_cash/) + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Economic Principles of GameStop + +§1: Supply & Demand Analysis + +§2: Stock Split (In the Form of a Dividend) + +§3: GameStop's Fundamentals + +§4: GME as a Store of Value + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +**§1: Supply & Demand Analysis** + +The supply and demand factors of GameStop can be demonstrated with a few simplistic models. + +We all know the basic market dynamics that shape prices in a microeconomic setting, but in the [case](https://imgur.com/a/Zcjn2k6) of GameStop, we're constricted by heavy SHF manipulation. + +We can consider this constraint imposed by SHFs as a price ceiling. + +Now, generally, when we have a price ceiling, we'd be facing a circumstance as illustrated by the following graph: + +[Price equilibrium is denoted by P\^E & price ceiling is denoted by P\^C.](https://preview.redd.it/463k8h748cc91.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6a4b0b6404bb862a7543c4b78f2ed1f4107b515) + +In essence, the price is not being allowed to move any higher; this is comparable to GME being forced below critical margin levels. However, unlike the general model, there is no shortage of shares. There *is* a shortage of real shares, but not synthetics. SHFs can combine covered calls and married puts to create a synthetic share ([see Fidelity's webinar presentation on synthetics for further details](https://www.fidelity.com/bin-public/060_www_fidelity_com/documents/SyntheticOption_Webinar.pdf)). This is why registering your GME shares makes matters more costly and difficult for SHFs in the long run. And in the event all shares get accounted for (the free float gets locked), MOASS would ignite, as there would no longer be room for fake shares to exist when every GME share has been publicly and visibly recorded. Although, the MOASS would most likely take place well before then. + +We can obtain further confirmation of price suppression (and a SHF imposed price ceiling), by analyzing DRS rates. + +Computershare accounts have only been increasing since nearly an entire year. + +[Courtesy of Ape \\"8ate8\\"](https://preview.redd.it/reuyhg5d8cc91.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ca21dd986a302c41fde1f1f88a37af8c4dd9e2) + +Same with DRS'ed shares. These are the number of registered shares since the past month. + +[computershared.net](https://preview.redd.it/dyrkrslj8cc91.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=714a23e0a046ba2735191b3c5e5234975dcadd7f) + +Since September 2021, Apes have registered over 16 million GME shares, yet instead of the price steadily increasing along with DRS rates increasing, it has steadily been going down in the long-term (this is because of SHF price suppression and because their critical margin levels have continued to slowly decrease over time). The current GME price movement is inconsistent with a stock that is actively being directly registered, and especially when registration rates are increasing per quarter (as confirmed by GameStop's most [recent 10Q](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/5df55006-ebe2-478e-8058-d88a7b5b3d88)). As such, it can be said with a high degree of confidence that there is heavy price suppression from SHFs, which is algorithmically constraining GME from reaching legitimate price discovery. + +Synthetics, IOUs, dark pool manipulation, short ladder attacks, spoofing, FTDs, and a variety of other means of manipulation are used to prevent the price from surpassing the SHF imposed price ceiling (aka critical margin levels). + +When the time comes for SHFs to close all their short positions, whether it be due to DRS, failed margin calls, etc., or a SHF is being liquidated and the DTCC computers kick in to close all short positions, the shares will need to be bought at whatever price. + +In this case, we're dealing with a perfectly inelastic demand and relatively inelastic supply. The supply is relatively inelastic, as it's being obstinately held (as well as directly registered). + +The following graph illustrates this circumstance: + +[Perfectly inelastic demand meets relatively inelastic supply](https://preview.redd.it/y8he6fso8cc91.png?width=1118&format=png&auto=webp&s=11dcb0d4a9defbb7a91948bd594b6452cb249fd2) + +As you can see, no matter how high the price goes, the demand stays the same, because the shares *must* be bought, regardless of the price. The price ceiling would not only be lifted, but the one's that imposed the price ceiling (SHFs) would be forced to buy back every share at whatever the price, in order to close their short positions \[DTCC would take over closing the positions upon default of a clearing member\]. This scenario is a nightmare for SHFs, though an inevitability, as their price suppression on GME is unsustainable in the long-term. + +Now, let's take a look at an example of a situation where there was relatively inelastic demand and supply. Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that had originally started as a fraction of a penny grew to a currency worth a solid 5 figures. Bitcoin was not heavily shorted by SHFs, unlike GME. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange didn't even introduce derivative trading on Bitcoin up until it had already hit 5 figures. + +It has an inelastic supply cap at 21 million, millions of which haven't been mined or had been lost. + +FOMO was the sole driver that increased Bitcoin's value by 100,000,000%+. + +In the case of GameStop, not only will FOMO start playing a more visible role once the synthetics get closed, but because SHFs need to close ALL their short positions, this will pose a situation much more destructive than Bitcoin's 100,000,000%+ increase. Bitcoin's increase came from relatively inelastic demand. There were many buying and holding the coin, but it was their choice. In the case of GME, SHFs MUST buy the shares. As such, demand will be *perfectly* inelastic. They have no choice but to buy the shares, because they need to close all their positions. Considering this, as well as the fact that there's at least [200% outstanding GME shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qxljfb/the_numbers_are_in_mountains_of_gme_synthetic/) (something Bitcoin never had, as it was built on blockchain), in addition to the fact that there's countless Apes refusing to sell their shares no matter what, and comparing the GME MOASS to Bitcoin's 100,000,000%+ increase may ultimately be understating the yield of the MOASS. + +The supply of available GME shares for SHFs to close their short positions will be logarithmic. FOMO alone would take GME to the 4-5 figure range (this is confirmed by the SEC Report \[which stated the 100x Jan 2021 run was from FOMO\] as well as IBKR Chair Peterffy last year). When short positions start getting closed, the paper hands' shares will be the easiest for SHFs to obtain, but as SHFs keep buying the shares, the last 50+ or so million will be almost impossible. After all the paper hands are gone, SHFs will be still need to buy ALL the shares, and the final tens of millions will need to be bought from pure-blood diamond handed Apes. If you'd like to get a sample of who are the pure-blood diamond handed Apes, take a look at whose registering their shares. Diamond Handed Apes aren't going through the process of registering their shares for Mickey Mouse numbers. They demand phone number prices. This is why the more time goes on, the higher DRS numbers increase, and the more explosive MOASS will be. + +Diamond Handed Apes are what will take the price of GME from $100,000 straight to the millions during MOASS. After all the paper hands are gone, SHFs will be left with diamond handed Apes, and since they must close ALL their short positions, they have no choice but to purchase shares from diamond handed Apes at whatever the price. And if diamond handed Apes refuse to sell until the price surpasses their accepted floor (for instance, the floor on [gmefloor.com](https://gmefloor.com)), then the DTCC must obtain shares at these prices in order to close out the short positions. + +A GME price in the millions is more than possible, due to the [geometric mean as well as synthetic shares.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/t3zp4h/we_are_unstoppable/) + +**§2: Stock Split (In the Form of a Dividend)** + +[According to GameStop's 8K on July 6, 2022](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638022000100/gme-20220706.htm), GameStop announced a 4:1 stock split in the form of a dividend. The 3 additional shares will be distributed "after the close of trading on July 21, 2022". + +I originally discussed in my [Checkmate DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/txnwhu/checkmate/) how I consider the stock split (in the form of a dividend) to be a catalyst for MOASS. Regardless of what happens, RC's decision to implement a stock split dividend is a very powerful move, and will greatly benefit Apes post-split. + +Firstly, I argued how the stock split dividend would be a catalyst based on the following logic: + +Premise 1: Synthetic shares were created. + +Premise 2: The stock split dividend will need to be given to ALL shares, real or synthetic. + +Premise 3: There exists only enough dividends for the real shares, not synthetics. + +Conclusion: Upon distribution of the stock split (in the form of the dividend) fake shares will be revealed (as there's not enough dividends to satisfy the synthetics). Therefore, someone, whether a broker or SHF, is going to be in big trouble. + +Furthermore, there's a limit to how many synthetics SHFs can create. If SHFs were capable of creating unlimited synthetics, GME would've been cellar boxed years ago. That, and they could've prevented the 100x GME rally leading to January 2021 altogether without needing to shut off the buy button (I also shouldn't have to remind you that removing the buy button created an insane amount of public backlash and chaos, and if unlimited synthetics could've been printed, all that could've been avoided to begin with). Hence, SHFs are not able to create unlimited synthetics. There's a limit to how many synthetics they can create. What that limit is, I don't entirely know. But there *must* be a limit. + +This would make a stock split dividend devastating to them. For example, say they can only create a maximum of 1 million synthetics a week, and now when the stock split (in the form of a dividend) gets announced, they need to come up with hundreds of millions of shares before it gets implemented. It's been about 4 months since it got announced, and now it's about to get implemented. Did they get enough time to come up with enough synthetics? I personally don't think so, but if somehow the stock split dividend does not become a catalyst and nothing happens when implemented, I will assume one of 3 things happened (or a combination of the 3): + +* Brokers gave IOUs instead of the dividends. +* SHFs used some sort of legal loophole around it that I wasn't aware of. +* SHFs came up with a fraction of the necessary synthetics to substitute the dividends and got help from brokers (and other loopholes) to take care of the rest. + +Here's the thing, though...if a broker does replace a dividend with an IOU, they are virtually guaranteeing themselves bankruptcy, so unless they were already anticipating going bankrupt, this would literally be a self-destructive decision. Maybe Robinhood would do it because they were already expecting to go bankrupt during MOASS, but I find it hard to believe that the brokers managing trillions would do it. But if they are found to having done just that, then take that as a sign that the MOASS will be much more nuclear than even I anticipated. + +As I explained in my [Checkmate DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/txnwhu/checkmate/), even if the stock split dividend isn't a catalyst for MOASS, it *will* subsequently increase demand for GME shares significantly: + +§1 of my Checkmate DD: "Let’s say that, hypothetically, there was some hidden loophole they took advantage of and were somehow able to evade sparking MOASS from the stock split. In that case, as we’d continue to patiently wait for MOASS, we’d find DRS rates to increase post-split. This is primarily because the stock split will increase demand in GME, and as such, increase demand for registered shares. + +The ticker price is a matter of perception. Retail investors are generally more inclined to purchase whole shares rather than fractional shares. Hence, registered shares would also increase post-split, especially the ones under “book”, as you can’t “book” a fractional. + +Simply put, not only will demand increase for GME shares post-split, but also the rate of registered shares. + +Example: You have $200, but the price of GME is $150. You can only purchase 1 share. 75% of your potential purchasing power has been utilized. A 7:1 split is introduced, bringing the price to approx. $21.43 per share. You can purchase 9 shares instead for approx. $192.87. Over 96% of your potential purchasing power has been utilized instead." + +Here’s a graph to better illustrate: + +https://preview.redd.it/mzmohaiu8cc91.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4904b2afac3169cacfe6ac9537a78009ca58442 + +Furthermore, as the current price gets divided by 4, so does the critical margin level. I'd consider $190 a solid level where SHFs could get margin called. Although the real level is lower, I prefer conservative estimates to be sure. And at $250 I'm virtually certain they'd get margin called. + +Well, at a price of $140, post-split price would be $35, and critical margin levels would be at $48. And I'd put absolutely guaranteed margin call levels at $63. With such low prices, the demand for shares will be significantly stronger, and as such, much harder for SHFs to contain below critical margin levels. Fun times ahead! + +**§3: GameStop's Fundamentals** + +To ascertain GameStop's future fundamental performance, I'll be utilizing the Cobb-Douglas production function. The Cobb-Douglas production function is used to represent the technological relationship between inputs and outputs. It's commonly used in the manufacturing industry, but has also been applied to a variety of companies. In the case for GameStop, this quantitative model can work by substituting the correct inputs. For instance, higher capital should yield higher output/productivity, and with that comes higher profit margins. The ratio of capital to productivity is not one-to-one, as we must take into account diminishing marginal returns, which the Cobb-Douglas production function does an excellent job at taking into account. + +The following slides are my analysis: + +https://preview.redd.it/xnehq0my8cc91.png?width=1359&format=png&auto=webp&s=26caeed3b4016a38a56daeb377c932d3d8ed502d + +https://preview.redd.it/h9fcjnyz8cc91.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7b266db114c1b9f1b6e1768b55d5c0f350c6ce9 + +https://preview.redd.it/g9ywm0319cc91.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccf45586883cc1a7f5bbc9fad62643b82c90d5d8 + +Research conducted by the [Harvard Business Review](https://hbr.org/2017/03/great-companies-obsess-over-productivity-not-efficiency) determined the best companies were 40% more productive than the rest, and their profit margins were, on average, 40% higher than industry peers. Simply put, productivity increases are comparable to profit margins increases. + +As for labor rates, I went off [Macrotrends](https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/GME/gamestop/number-of-employees#:~:text=GameStop%20total%20number%20of%20employees,a%2012.5%25%20decline%20from%202019). Due note: even if labor rates were to decrease, it might not equate to less productivity, as the extra capital that comes from specific labor reductions could be used instead towards larger, more focused projects that could generate even more profit margins. It's not a straightforward evaluation. + +By no means am I expecting the production function to precisely pinpoint the exact productivity increase from GameStop (there is no quantitative model complex enough to take every single variable into account). However, consider this as a general model projecting a significant increase in productivity as time goes on. + +What the production function does not take into account is the NFT Marketplace, which will be playing a significant role in GameStop's fundamentals and profit margin increases going forward. + +I did point out the potential of the NFT Marketplace in §6 of my [2022: Year of the MOASS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uf8pm6/2022_year_of_the_moass_8_reasons_why_soon/) DD, and will be reiterating it here. + +"The NFT Market was valued at $40 billion in 2021, [per Chainalysis Inc. report](https://content.techgig.com/technology-unplugged/nft-market-touched-40-billion-in-2021-new-estimate-shows/articleshow/88773041.cms). + +Considering GameStop’s market cap is valued at $10 billion, there’s a lot of potential revenue GameStop can tap into by entering this market. Not only that, but as time goes on and crypto/NFTs become more globalized, the NFT Market can easily exponentially increase in valuation, similarly to how Bitcoin did when it started getting adopted by institutions internationally as a store of value. + +OpenSea, currently the world’s largest NFT Marketplace, is valued over $13 billion, [according to Sephton at “CoinMarketCap Alexandria”](https://coinmarketcap.com/alexandria/article/opensea-now-has-a-valuation-of-13-3-billion). + +Yet, the OpenSea NFT Marketplace is incommensurable to the soon to be GME NFT Marketplace, due to a variety of reasons: + +1. OpenSea has extremely high gas fees, which deter business/revenue through their services and creates dead weight loss. +2. Weak security protocols. They have tons of vulnerabilities in their code that make them susceptible to attacks/thefts. Many examples in the past of OpenSea users suing the Marketplace for letting their NFTS get stolen by cyber thieves due to their “security vulnerabilities”. +3. GameStop gets nearly 1,000x more organic traffic via search engines than OpenSea does. + +GME succeeds where OpenSea fails, by utilizing its partnerships with Loopring & Immutable X to eliminate high gas fees as well as reinforce security, using Ethereum’s security rather than Polygon’s (etc.). GameStop’s NFT Marketplace will not only supersede, but augment the NFT Market as the dominant NFT Marketplace. + +That being said, GME’s market cap is already $10 billion. Say they get in the NFT Market in the summer and hit a valuation just half that of OpenSea this year. GME would end up with a high enough valuation putting itself past a $200 price. Maintaining a GME price past $200 would obliterate critical margin levels at this point, initiating MOASS. + +In case you haven’t noticed, something very big is gearing up this year, and I don’t think RC bought extremely OTM BBBY calls this year just for the fun of it." + +GameStop has already launched its Beta Stage of its NFT marketplace as of July 11, and so far it has already exceeded expectations: + +https://preview.redd.it/hx60lre39cc91.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d93120ceca3fc3cc49758342b396acc116552f6 + +\[[Link to tweet](https://twitter.com/GMEshortsqueeze/status/1546704254718681088?s=20&t=3TqmD-dZPxqn4x5MhxwQgw)\]. + +Due note that this is all with the marketplace simply in Beta Stage (or in this case, Phase 0): + +https://preview.redd.it/yure9mt59cc91.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=e369b339ca1e34ceb3cbad97c39475629b75b4e2 + +This marketplace is most certainly a game changer for GameStop, and so it's not surprising that the opposition is feeling threatened and will try to control growth in the GameStop NFT marketplace. + +In addition to negative MSM campaigns against the GameStop NFT marketplace, you can see that SHF owned companies, like the Motley Fool, have already dominated SEO for NFT Marketplace search results. + +For instance, if you search up "top nft marketplaces", the first thing that'll come up is the Motley Fool suggesting marketplaces. + +https://preview.redd.it/61293oh79cc91.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=b75d3254376e4f5bd0625282dfb9f9e0bec4f397 + +It's not surprising they'll be trying to control where prospective NFT marketplace customers go when they want to shop for NFTs. And due to their conflict of interests, they'd most likely use their SEO to try to sway people away from the GameStop NFT marketplace. + +Take this as a sign, however, that they genuinely find the GameStop NFT marketplace threatening, and with good reason, as the marketplace has the best chance of dominating the NFT Market and producing exceptional returns, which would undermine the extremely negative MSM sentiment against GME. + +Moreover, in addition to the GameStop NFT marketplace still being in Beta Stage, the potentially insanely large partnerships with blue chip companies have yet to be revealed: + +https://preview.redd.it/7rtn0ck99cc91.png?width=777&format=png&auto=webp&s=77bc30f22c69e31de71c9795a3fe26f47f0372bb + +**§4:GME as a Store of Value** + +To better understand why GME is an excellent store of value, let's start with the quantity theory of money, which demonstrates the relationships between prices and monetary policy. + +Quantity theory of money: MV = PY , where + +M = money supply + +V = velocity of money + +P = price level + +Y = aggregate output (aka real GDP) + +We can rearrange the formula to isolate P & get: P= (MV)/Y, which shows us that (in theory) if GDP falls, the price level should increase (inflation). This doesn't always work in practice, however, as we've seen historically with recessions in the U.S being concurrent with deflationary periods. This is because there's a variety of variables at play. In theory, inflation should happen during a recession, as when output drops, so does supply, and if demand stays the same, should trigger price increases/inflation. Though, a lot of the times consumption decreases during recessions, which ultimately negates that premise. + +In the case of 2022, however, as GDP drops, inflation is also rising, and it's only going to be getting worse, because in this instance, consumption doesn't actually decrease, but increases. We never saw the full effects quantitative easing had on the economy, because a lot of that stimulus money was invested in the market; hence, it never found its way in circulation with the money supply. But as the GDP drops and the stock market tanks, retail investors that didn't invest in the basket stocks, but instead invested in index funds, etc., will pull out that money from the market and most likely end up using it after storing the money for so long. According to a [survey with a 1,500 sample size conducted by Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2021/06/27/46-of-people-invested-their-stimulus-checks-in-the-stock-market/?sh=47e3cc4272f0), 46% of stimulus check recipients invested at least some of their stimulus checks. And, according to [The Economist](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/05/26/stimulus-cheques-have-buoyed-americas-stockmarket), 10-15% of stimulus money was immediately invested in the stock market upon receiving it. Also, a [significant amount](https://www.commondreams.org/views/2020/04/06/wall-street-wins-again-bailouts-time-coronavirus) of the $9 trillion stimulus injection went to bailing out Wall Street. So, as these overleveraged institutions deleverage, and as the recession continues, the stock market drops, and retail investors continue selling their index funds, most of that money will pour into the current circulating money supply and massively contribute to the ongoing inflation rate increase. + +This is the current inflation rate \[[source](https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/inflation/current-inflation-rates/#:~:text=The%20last%20column%2C%20%E2%80%9CAve%2C,year's%20actual%20rate%20of%20inflation)\]: + +https://preview.redd.it/rxqro7gb9cc91.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=3736eaf46685cf92ff3dced0e7e54fa859269c34 + +Due note that the current inflation rates are measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Policymakers at the Federal Reserve monitor inflation and use it when determining monetary policy, even though the CPI is inaccurate and most likely being understated. For example, the CPI doesn't take into account consumer spending shifts from assumed rates in the market basket, which they most likely have shifted (as per my previous explanation on investor stimulus checks and the GDP). + +Regardless, even if we go by CPI, at this rate it's detrimental to the value of the dollar. The deterioration of the USD that the Fed has failed to mitigate is only becoming a nightmare on a macroeconomic level. + +https://i.redd.it/bpa2qler9cc91.gif + +What has been the Fed's response? Rate hikes. + +The theory of liquidity preference demonstrates the relationship between supply and demand for real money balances, as well as the interest rates. The quantity of money demanded is dependent on the interest rate. + +[isoquant demonstrating change in money demanded depending on interest rate.](https://preview.redd.it/z4rthged9cc91.png?width=397&format=png&auto=webp&s=69fb1ffd8973f255856cb87d365e386572f01e03) + +Ergo, Fed's open market operations raise interest rates ⇒ quantity of money demanded drops ⇒ inflation becomes less unstable (in theory). Nevertheless, considering the extent of quantitative easing from the Fed in the past years, as well as the current state of the market, extreme measures would have to be taken to lower the high inflation rates. The current rate hikes have not been enough. + +Where does GameStop come into play? + +Unlike the dollar, GME has a cap of about 76 million outstanding shares (about 304 million when adjusted post-split). And considering the fact that GameStop has virtually no debt and a solid $1 billion cash on hand, I see no probability of dilution in the future. + +The Fed printing trillions of dollars is currency dilution, similar to share dilution. + +Hence, if the USD is being actively diluted but GME won't be in the foreseeable future, GME is a safeguard against USD inflation. Yes, there are synthetic GME shares floating around, but they *must* be bought back—for this reason, GME is not only a safe haven asset against inflation, but a generational wealth creating machine, due to the inevitable MOASS upon the closing of synthetics (& ultimately all short positions). + +Another significant reason as to why GME is a safe haven asset is because it's a hedge against a market crash. When overleveraged firms start getting liquidated and the market tanks, a variety of outcomes can take place, but they all lead to the benefit of GME, as opposed to the rest of the market. + +For one, in the event of a market crash, GME would likely first drop in tandem with the market, only to finally take off in the opposite direction once shorts start closing their positions, due to failed margin calls. + +In the event that GME were to drop in tandem with the market crash, but there were somehow no failed margin calls for SHFs (unlikely), GME couldn't drop as hard as the market, lest SHFs let GME enter critical float lock levels. + +The graph below from my DD "[SHFs Can & Will Get Margin Called](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vrwfjt/shfs_can_will_get_margin_called/)", illustrates both critical levels that SHFs need to avoid GME from entering: + +https://preview.redd.it/m41mrz5i9cc91.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=07a6082d45024e569f6b467ac258b69c1a884851 + +Whether it be the spike in credit default swaps or unprecedented records of margin debt to be the initiating factor in this market crash, the market would have a long way to go before bottoming out. And although the market can create unprecedented troughs, GME can't. There's a hard limit to how much GME can drop. If GME drops to critical float lock levels, the float would get locked within a few months maximum (if not a few weeks). And this is assuming GameStop & RC don't instantly lock the float themselves (or at least expedite it), as a GME price in critical float lock levels would technically be low enough for them to finish the float lock. It would be a catalyst for MOASS either way. + +Regardless of what happens, GME is the biggest safe haven asset during a market crash. The crypto market will crash along with the stock market, as hedge funds have been and are [still](https://www.wsj.com/articles/mainstream-hedge-funds-pour-billions-of-dollars-into-crypto-11646808223) heavily invested in Bitcoin/altcoins. The primary reason the major cryptocurrencies generally move in tandem is because institutions trade them in an etf basket, similar with "meme stocks", but I digress. + +Crypto will not be safe during a market crash, neither will real estate, or commodities. + +GME is not only shielded from inflation, but also a market crash. Regardless of how the stock market crash plays out, every outcome leads to GME being on top, and MOASS inevitably initiating. + +Apes can rest comfortably knowing they are shielded from adverse macroeconomic events. Others, however, may not realize GME is an ark in a sea of red until it's too late. + +https://i.redd.it/w1k24prk9cc91.gif + +\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Additional Citations: + +Hassani, Ashkan. *Applications of Cobb-Douglas Production Function in Construction Time-Cost Analysis*. University of Nebraska, Dec. 2012, [https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=constructiondiss](https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=constructiondiss). + +Mankiw NG. [Macroeconomics, 7th Edition](https://jollygreengeneral.typepad.com/files/n.-gregory-mankiw-macroeconomics-7th-edition-2009.pdf). Worth Publishers; 2010. + +“SEC Filing: Gamestop Corp..” *SEC Filing | Gamestop Corp*., SEC, 30 Apr. 2022, [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/19781/html](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/19781/html) + +“SEC Filing: Gamestop Corp..” *SEC Filing | Gamestop Corp*., SEC, 1 May. 2021, [https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/c48c7a03-2683-407c-95d0-](https://news.gamestop.com/static-files/c48c7a03-2683-407c-95d0-83584d1a2b70) + +“SEC Filing: Gamestop Corp..” *SEC Filing | Gamestop Corp*., SEC, 2 May. 2020, [https://news.gamestop.com/node/17986/html](https://news.gamestop.com/node/17986/html). +My girlfriend is pressuring me to try to get a place but she doesnt understand that the current systems requires me to make 3× the rent as income, unfortunately for a low cost house in my area the average is about $900 at minimum and that would require $2700 a month minimum to even try to get the place. + +I am 22, and dont want to spend all of my time working, sleeping, and taking care of business as I would have no time for myself with a 40 hour work week. + +Also given the common pay rates and likely hours I would have to work 3 jobs to get a garenteed 40 hours a week and still make just under as the average pay rate is $12-$15 an hour for most jobs that are avalable or claim to be hiring (actually getting hired is another issue as most places say they are hiring until I put the aplication in and I am tired of that shit, but thats another issue) + +Any advice. + +Some info + +22 year old white male + +Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA + +Has no official work history within the last 4 years + +Has no official titles, certifications, or degrees beyond highschool diploma + +No driver's license + +Technically Homless + +No criminal record + +"Awful" official mental health record + +No phycal medical issues on record + +Physically fit + +Supposedly good looking + +Good social skills + +Very few to zero limitations or morals + +No social or business network + +Alot of high skills and expeinces + +And ask anything else you might think is useful to know +I am single, never married, but I’m seeing friends start to divorce, when 10 years ago they seemed perfectly committed. And it’s dirty. +I am nowhere near getting married although I guess I’d like to one day. +That being said, how are my rentals protected in a divorce? My first is in my own name, my current second house is as well that will eventually become a rental as well. + +How does everyone protect their properties? +Now that I just got started in my /r/realestateinvesting journey, I'd love to hear some stories about people who really made it in the game. For example: + + +* With how many units did you start and how many years ago? How old were you? What was your financing like? +* After that first purchase, how did you increase your portfolio? How did your financing change? +* Where are those units? Where are you located? Own out of state? +* From your first purchase until now, how has your passive income changed? What about overall net worth? +* Any words of wisdom? + +And anything else you may feel it's relevant! I always love those "this is my journey AMA" posts, and I save them so I can refer back to them later. It's good to try and learn from other's journeys. +Bringing **millions** of new agents into the market, disrupting the whole industry with commission-free trading, an intuitive UI that any ape like us can use, becoming the #1 downloaded app across most app stores... + +Without Robinhood, this whole thing probably wouldn't have happened and WSB would likely be stuck at 100k subscribers like it was 3-4 years ago. Because lets face it, a hugee percent of WSB use(d) Robintard because we're too low-functioning to use brokerages that use >4 syllable phrases like "money market fund" or "moving average" + +Something like this happening right before going public was **GOLDEN** for them. All they had to do was not be a corrupt sellout bitch, keep their huge influx of new users happy, and they would've been set to come out of this a more respectable, even larger brokerage, as well as a high-value public company. + +Instead they decided to expose the raw underbelly of their shitty business model and go exactly against their entire mission statement. Even if capital/margin requirements was the reason for the restrictions (it was definitely a factor but protip: it wasn't the full story), it doesn't change anything about the end result. Who the fuck wants to use a BROKErage who can't guarantee functionality during historical black swan events that usually result in the largest transfer of money? And then, **even if** they can't maintain capital requirements to execute trades, they could have handled it better. Just fucking pull the money from somewhere. Take out a huge loan from somebody ASAP. You can always get instant money if you don't give a fuck about interest rates, which they shouldn't because it's short-term and like I said, it would've been **HUGE** for the future of the company. Another one, they could have restricted both buying &amp;amp; selling of the trending tickers, or just go down altogether (RH users are very familiar with the app being down and losing full functionality, why is this time any different?). Yeah it would've sucked but at least it would've fucking stayed consistent with their mission statement of fair, democratic trading for all. I fuckin work at Wendy's and I can still imagine several better alternatives than the BS "difficult solution" they did. + +And speaking of their mission statement, it's complete BS. It's just a sugarcoated way of saying "lol we allow poor people to trade and have pretty colors". They clearly don't give a shit about DeMoCrAtIzInG tRaDiNg FoR aLl. Because if they did, their business model wouldn't have been a Wall Street megacorp keeping the lights on by frontrunning user trade data. + +And yeah another reason why "volatiilty" and "trade volume" excuses are BS is because they **increased** restrictions on Friday when both volume and volatility **decreased** lmfao. Screw this POS jokerage. + +Edit: And the lawsuits up the ass. They just finished a $65m SEC settlement **LAST MONTH**, think their rainy day fund is big enough to handle something like this immediately after? Lmao gl + + +Edit: Tbh this fuckery was such a double win for Citadel because they get to force RH to manipulate the market while also signing their death note, which for Citadel means less retail investors.... + + +#FUCK YOU ROBINTARD. YOU CAN'T STOP US FROM LIKING THE STOCK🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +According to NBER, there have been about 10 recessions since 1950 ([Source](https://www.nber.org/cycles.html)). + +As a millennial who only remembers the one in 2008-2009, I have to wonder, have past recessions since 1950s usually been that painful? From what I have been reading and hearing, it seems that, while recessions are certainly not good, it's usually not that painful to everyday Americans, unless they work in the sector that got hit the hardest. So my first question is, is the above statement more or less accurate? And my second question is, what made the most recent one so hard on everyday folks in America? Thanks in advance! +Hey folks, + +I want to share some basic screener presets to help you find stocks. I use FinViz, but the filters I’ve listed below could be applied to any screener platform/software with a little tweaking and/or interpretation. + +I’ve tried TradingView, ChartMill, TrendSpider, I even demo’d Trade Ideas, but I always come back to FinViz. I love everything about the site. It looks “old” compared to some of the others, but it’s intuitive to *actual* day-to-day use. There are interactive charts available, but no kitschy HTML5 animated nonsense taking up 1/4 of the screen, etc. Just clean data to review each morning. They do not have an app, though. That turns some people off, but I don’t think your mobile device should be doing the heavy lifting anyhow. At least in my old opinion. ;) + +I use the All filter in the Screener to show all available parameters at once — https://i.imgur.com/FGXa576.png + +You may need to change some of these values otherwise you will get the same results over and over. Market cap or share price, for example. Review each line and determine its context. Don’t limit yourself. + +Here are my 5 basic presets that I review regularly — + +--- + +**Daily Stocks in Play** + +Pre market gap up or down 2% + +Pre-market trades of 50,000 or more shares + +Avg daily volume of 500,000 shares + +Avg True Range of at least .50 cents + +Fundamental catalyst such as earnings or event within 24 hours + +No short interest higher than 25% + +---- + +**Buy and Hold Value Plays** + +Mkt cap > 50mm + +EPS growth next 5 years > 10% + +ROE > 15% + +PEG > 1 + +Current Ratio > 1.5 + +Price above SMA20 + +*Beta > 1.5 + +---- + +**Short Squeeze** + +Float Short: Over 15% + +Average Volume: Over 100k + +Price: Over $2 + +Institutional Ownership: Under 50% + +*Filter by news within 24 hours* + +--- + +**Undervalued Dividend Growth** + +Dividend yield stocks greater than 0% + +Market Capitalization of over $10bn + +Input P/E ratio less than 20x + +EPS growth next year of greater than 5% + +Input EPS growth next 5 years of greater than 5% + +PEG < 1 + +Use a payout ratio of less than 50%. + +*Sort by P/E* + +---- + +**Institutional Interest** + +Current Price greater than Price from 1 Week Ago + +Price from 1 Week Ago greater than Price from 2 Weeks Ago + +Price from 2 Week Ago greater than Price from 3 Weeks Ago + +Weekly Volume greater than Weekly Volume from 1 Week Ago + +Weekly Volume from 1 Wk Ago greater than Weekly Volume from 2 Wks Ago + +Weekly Volume from 2 Wks Ago greater than Weekly Volume from 3 Wks Ago + +Price greater than or equal to $5 + +Average 20-day Volume greater than or equal to 100,000 shares + +---------- + +I’ll admit that FinViz is not the best tool for determining institutional interest. You may need to piece a few things together to get the big picture, but you’ll figure it out. + +What are some of your favorite screener presets? Let's get a list going. Be sure to include the context in which you'd use the screener -- daily plays, swing trades, etc. + +Cheers +Title purposely provocative... + +So I see a lot of senior people where I work that are well into their 50s and 60s that are still grinding away. These are people who are quite accomplished that have been directors, VPs and SVPs for decades and even if they did the bare minimum investing will probably have net worths in high single digit $Ms if not multiples of double digits. + +Why kill yourself like this when you know you are slowly wasting your last bit of "youth"? Surely they know their net worths and know they can take it easy? + +I am closing in on the big 4-0. Barely getting to striking distance of the very low levels of fatFIRE and already getting the itch to not have to grind this out any further than I have to. + +I am curious to hear your perspectives, especially if it's first hand, on why more people don't walk away in their prime while they still have some semblance of youth. Is it the desire to have more? Build a legacy? Seriously enjoy corporate politics? Love the work? +On July 14th, an OTC traded biologics company announced that they would be issuing a **NFT DIVIDEND** for every 100 shares of their stock held. **THAT'S RIGHT, ANOTHER CO LAUNCHED A NFT DIVIDEND RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES. PRECEDENT SET**: + +Latest details: +https://stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2021/08/09/ev-biologics-nft-dividend-information + + +Original announcement: +https://www.biospace.com/article/releases/ev-biologics-announces-nft-dividend/ + + +As a reminder, this announcement was within a day or two of the expected creation/go-live, whatever it's officially called, of the GameStop NFT on the E ther network. You've all read plenty on the blockchain basics and how it works but this is the first I'm ever hearing of the NFT concept being used exactly as predicted in the stock market. + + +Even though GME's token has been delayed, I'm dumbfounded that I haven't seen a single post about this until today. It's no longer a pipe dream crayon sniffers...this sht is real! **I'm JACKED...TO THE TITS!** 🤯🔥 + + + +**Credit to u/lightcoffeeman for first finding this** + +**Edit** +u/awesomeusernam3 found another OTC company that announced their NFT Dividend at the end of July. I can't seem to find their investor relations page so just this release for now. These guys are doing 2:1. + +https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/07/29/2271385/0/en/Black-Dragon-Resource-Companies-Inc-NFT-s-Dividend-Record-Date-and-Payout-Date-established.html +The title is half joking, half truth. + +Looking down the top 100, it may seem like you can just buy anything to 10x your investment, but this is a bull year, and that's survivorship bias in the coin rankings. (You're not seeing the 50 that fell out of the top 100.) + +Usually when you're feeling fomo around a growing project, you're already too late for x10 gains. If you're following hype pumps, you need to recognize when you're early and when you're late. That's not easy. + +The better strategy is to dollar-cost-average into sturdy, longterm projects. Even a coin that "only" does x2 every year or two can be one of the best investments of your entire life—if it lasts. + +Speaking of which, if I had DCA'd into IOTA all bear market instead of just buying during the pump, I'd be up almost x4 by now... +I know this must be obvious to this subreddit but I've met too many people who somehow think you can "lose money" by jumping up a tax bracket. Generated using table from [https://www.ato.gov.au/rates/individual-income-tax-rates/](https://www.ato.gov.au/rates/individual-income-tax-rates/) for FY21/22. Does not include 2% Medicare levy. Feel free to downvote if you think this is too dumb for this subreddit. + +https://preview.redd.it/27ry0apxkvb71.jpg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3848d512f6b9be1562143935c79d97b848eb95ff + +Edit1: for u/quantumdeterminism, ask and you shall receive... + +https://preview.redd.it/eie27gfykvb71.jpg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4de452abc6b037dcf8020496adc9512b4fc03c + +and extended to $500,000... + +https://preview.redd.it/gzo2dwpzkvb71.jpg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4242e624871fe13569a42f2028b8a466053b3cd + +Edit2: MLS and CCS are notable caveats that break continuity and may mean you do in fact "lose money". And there may of course be good reasons such as minimising CGT to spread income out over multiple years. + +Edit3: While I possibly could be pursuaded that MLS and CCS are important considerations (though probably not unless you sit right on the boundary), I don't accept paying more HECS as "losing money". You are paying down debt. Yeah it may not be great for your cash flow, but you have to pay that money back at some point. Once HECS is paid off, you will have earned more by being paid in higher tax bracket so this is really a moot point. +With $100,000 investments performed on the same date. Dividends *not* reinvested. Math below. + +#Phillip Morris + +4,045 shares at a cost of $24.72 per share on a $100,000 investment. + +Stock split, 4 for 1. 10/10/1989. You now have 16,180 shares. + +Stock split 3 for 1. 4/10/1997. You now have 48,450 shares. + +MO pays out $50.29 dividends per share for a total of **$2,436,550.50** + +MO current price $48.85. A total of **$2,366,782.50** worth of MO stock. + +03/28/2008, Altria (renamed in 2003) Spins off Philip Morris International. You receive 48,450 shares of PM stock + +PM pays out $36.61 a share in dividends for a total of **$1,773,754.50** + +PM current price $83.46. A total of **$4,043,637** + +3/30/2007, Altria spins off Kraft foods. You receive 33,528 shares of KRFT. + +KRFT pays out $5.80 per share in dividends for a total of **$194,462.40** + +Kraft Foods Group merged with Heinz. Your 33,528 shares now trade under ticker KHC. + +KHC pays out $14.28 per share in dividends for a total of **$478,779.84** + +KHC current price 47.63. A total of **$1,596,938.64** of KHC stock. + +10/1/2012 Kraft Spins off Mondelez. You now own 100,584 shares of MDLZ + +MDLZ pays out $4.65 in dividends for a total of **$467,715.60** + +MDLZ current price is $47.76 for a total of **$4,803,891.84** + +Total return on investment? ***$18,162,512.82*** + +------ + +#AAPL + +$100,000 would buy a split-adjusted 74,626 shares. At 170.5 current price $12,723,733 with total of $1,066,405.54 in dividends = ***$13,790,138.54*** +Swaggy's IV Report - Stocks Under 50 BUCKS with HIGH Implied Volatility + +Ticker | Market Cap | Stock Price | IV (%) | Next Earnings Date +:--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: +MARA - Marathon Patent Group Inc|523M|$8.30|219%|N/A +RIOT - Riot Blockchain Inc|725M|$10.86|209%|N/A +AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Class A|303M|$2.78|192%|N/A +DGLY - Digital Ally Inc.|70.9M|$2.65|148%|N/A +LAZR - Luminar Technologies Inc - Class A|991M|$24.89|145%|N/A +FUBO - fuboTV Inc|2.01B|$29.55|139%|N/A +BLNK - Blink Charging Co|1.02B|$31.41|138%|N/A +SBE - Switchback Energy Acquisition Corp - Class A|1.1B|$35.53|133%|N/A +ACB - Aurora Cannabis Inc|1.39B|$9.88|131%|N/A +SRNE - Sorrento Therapeutics Inc|1.85B|$7.07|131%|N/A +CODX - Co-Diagnostics Inc|302M|$10.73|126%|N/A +JMIA - Jumia Technologies Ag - ADR|0|$39.73|125%|N/A +TLRY - Tilray Inc - Class 2|1.25B|$9.34|121%|N/A +NKLA - Nikola Corporation|6.53B|$16.95|121%|N/A +GME - Gamestop Corporation - Class A|966M|$13.79|119%|N/A +RIG - Transocean Ltd|1.49B|$2.43|117%|N/A +APHA - Aphria Inc|2.4B|$8.06|114%|N/A +NIO - NIO Inc - ADR|46B|$44.48|113%|N/A +CRSR - Corsair Gaming Inc|3.44B|$37.09|111%|N/A +HYLN - Hyliion Holdings Corporation - Class A|2.58B|$16.74|110%|N/A +WKHS - Workhorse Group Inc|2.56B|$21.30|108%|N/A +PLTR - Palantir Technologies Inc - Class A|38.1B|$25.98|105%|N/A +APXT - Apex Technology Acquisition Corp - Class A|508M|$14.00|103%|N/A +XPEV - XPeng Inc - ADR|0|$47.28|99%|N/A +GRWG - GrowGeneration Corp|1.43B|$38.67|95%|N/A +SPCE - Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc - Class A|6.07B|$25.98|94%|N/A +PLUG - Plug Power Inc|11.8B|$28.41|94%|N/A +BBBY - Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc.|2.5B|$19.80|90%|N/A +CNK - Cinemark Holdings Inc|1.89B|$16.02|89%|N/A +HOME - At Home Group Inc|1.04B|$16.03|86%|N/A +UPWK - Upwork Inc|4.55B|$37.45|84%|N/A +APPS - Digital Turbine Inc|4.32B|$48.73|82%|N/A +CRON - Cronos Group Inc|2.89B|$8.13|82%|N/A +COTY - Coty Inc - Class A|5.22B|$6.86|81%|N/A +CCL - Carnival Corp. (Paired Stock)|24B|$21.75|79%|N/A +AAL - American Airlines Group Inc|10.2B|$16.84|77%|N/A +NCLH - Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd|5.47B|$25.43|76%|N/A +LL - Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc|924M|$32.15|72%|N/A +SAVE - Spirit Airlines Inc|2.56B|$26.30|71%|N/A +M - Macy`s Inc|3.19B|$10.33|71%|N/A +PRPL - Purple Innovation Inc - Class A|1.71B|$27.94|71%|N/A +OXY - Occidental Petroleum Corp.|18.1B|$19.39|70%|N/A +X - United States Steel Corp.|4.05B|$18.45|70%|N/A +CGC - Canopy Growth Corporation|9.82B|$26.48|67%|N/A +IQ - iQIYI Inc - ADR|13.2B|$18.34|65%|N/A +RKT - Rocket Companies Inc Class A|2.58B|$22.55|62%|N/A +UAL - United Airlines Holdings Inc|13.5B|$46.02|61%|N/A +NOK - Nokia Corp - ADR|2.62B|$4.00|58%|N/A +GLUU - Glu Mobile Inc|1.65B|$9.61|56%|N/A +HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|352M|$20.21|56%|N/A +BIG - Big Lots Inc|1.72B|$46.38|56%|N/A +CLDR - Cloudera Inc|3.97B|$12.73|56%|N/A +PSTH - Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd - Class A|5B|$24.98|55%|N/A +DAL - Delta Air Lines, Inc.|26.2B|$41.10|54%|N/A +HAL - Halliburton Co.|17.8B|$20.28|54%|N/A +LYFT - Lyft Inc Cls A|15.4B|$49.91|54%|N/A +LB - L Brands Inc|10.8B|$38.63|53%|N/A +DISH - Dish Network Corp - Class A|16.6B|$31.20|53%|N/A +GPS - Gap, Inc.|7.61B|$20.25|52%|N/A +MGM - MGM Resorts International|15.3B|$31.05|51%|N/A +TEVA - Teva- Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - ADR|11.3B|$10.37|50%|N/A +FEYE - FireEye Inc|3.3B|$14.50|49%|N/A +PBR - Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras - ADR|23.7B|$11.28|48%|N/A +UAA - Under Armour Inc - Class A|7.42B|$17.45|47%|N/A +DBX - Dropbox Inc - Class A|7.43B|$23.52|47%|N/A +ZNGA - Zynga Inc - Class A|10.3B|$9.51|43%|N/A +VALE - Vale S.A. - ADR|89.6B|$16.95|43%|N/A +ICLN - BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - BTC iShares Global Clean |3.47B|$25.08|43%|N/A +GE - General Electric Co.|95.7B|$10.91|43%|N/A +LUV - Southwest Airlines Co|27B|$45.73|43%|N/A +PCG - PG&E Corp.|23.9B|$12.08|42%|N/A +WFC - Wells Fargo & Co.|123B|$29.75|42%|N/A +ALLY - Ally Financial Inc|12.8B|$34.37|42%|N/A +BP - BP plc - ADR|73.7B|$21.88|40%|N/A +F - Ford Motor Co.|35.3B|$9.05|40%|N/A +WBA - Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc|34.9B|$40.44|40%|N/A +ARKF - ARK ETF Trust - ARK Fintech Innovation ETF|1.39B|$49.45|39%|N/A +XOM - Exxon Mobil Corp.|185B|$43.73|38%|N/A +GM - General Motors Company|59.3B|$41.52|38%|N/A +PFE - Pfizer Inc.|210B|$37.91|37%|N/A +GOLD - Barrick Gold Corp.|41B|$23.07|37%|N/A +DB - Deutsche Bank AG|22.6B|$10.95|37%|N/A +WMB - Williams Cos Inc|26.4B|$21.77|35%|N/A +FOXA - Fox Corporation - Class A|16.9B|$28.46|35%|N/A +HSBC - HSBC Holdings plc - ADR|109B|$26.69|32%|N/A +HPQ - HP Inc|30.9B|$24.11|32%|N/A +BAC - Bank Of America Corp.|248B|$28.74|31%|N/A +FIT - Fitbit Inc - Class A|1.76B|$7.20|30%|N/A +BK - Bank Of New York Mellon Corp|35.9B|$40.55|28%|N/A +T - AT&T, Inc.|216B|$30.30|25%|N/A +KR - Kroger Co.|24B|$31.00|25%|N/A +MO - Altria Group Inc.|80B|$43.12|23%|N/A +WORK - Slack Technologies Inc - Class A|20.8B|$42.58|22%|N/A +CSCO - Cisco Systems, Inc.|189B|$44.78|22%|N/A +Hi all, I’m 30 Yr old, me and my wife have just paid off our mortgage. Some feeling! + +I make 32k salary, my wife makes 26k. We have spent the last few years really minimising our outgoings. Paying off any existing debt, keeping any outgoings to be as low as possible. This involved paying off all our debts getting rid of the car finance and getting something under 2k which we own, stopped the ridiculous yearly phone contract changes and moved over to a cheap sim only deal. Basically crunched down as much as we could on “wants” and focused on how we could make our “needs” as cheap as possible but still be happy. + +After looking at the flowchart, I am unsure exactly which stage we should be at as our mortgage is paid, we have no debt & have built up our 12 month emergency fund. + +I am looking for advice on what the best move for us financially going forward would be. How can we make our money work smarter, not harder and take advantage of the position we are in, at the age we are at? + +EDIT : A lot more comments than I expected, thanks guys. Just to clear up, mortgage was 156k, we put 50k down. Paid off as much as we could most months. Had much higher paying jobs until 2 years ago, we decided to take lesser paying jobs with less stress. +Hey guys, + +Got about 15k to invest and id like to park it into a long-term ETF. I already hold ARKF, ARKG and PBW (about 50-100 shares of each) as well as AMZN, AAPL, MSFT and 10% of my portfolio in travel rebound + +I'm looking to round out my portfolio with a solid long-term ETF, but I see so many with so much overlap (ie. VTI, QQQ, VXUS, VOO) and im not sure what to go with. Any help would be appreciated +Howard Marks, co-founder of Oaktree Capital Management, the world's largest distressed securities investor, explains his future vision of value investing. + +It suggests that investors move away from easily discernible traditional valuation metrics (Graham's method) and focus on studying qualitative aspects, long-term prospects, the economic moat of companies and their competitive advantages. + +In summary: that a company is technological, its main assets are intangible, has high growth rates and good long-term prospects does not mean that they do not start from their intrinsic value. And just because a company is trading below book value doesn't mean it's cheap. + +&#x200B; + +>[Memos from Howard Marks](https://www.oaktreecapital.com/insights/howard-marks-memos) + +&#x200B; +SEC Filing for Northen Star and Apex merger link: [S-4 (sec.gov)](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/0001834518/000119312521109685/d121216ds4.htm) + +Addendum— these lawsuits are mentioned in an upcoming merger- lawsuits related to the debacle fall out from GME in January - the reason I think it’s a positive thing is the merging brokerage must disclose and they state an increase of awareness of market manipulation and this makes them more liable and also more apt to regard Sec laws. +Also it provides more info to help us know the bigger picture. I think this is all GOOD- there will be more eyes and more regulation. I personally am not changing my broker. Just personal opinion and absolutely not financial advice. I’m a silly ape who doesn’t know anything. + +\*Note I only had time to start perusing it-- I think this document is a great filing that can help gather more info. Just putting it out there for all the other ape nerds like myself that like to research-- I appreciate you all as all of us that play by the rules need to see the bigger picture to stop allowing the bigger parties to make their own rules. + +&#x200B; + +Part of merger goes into detail about APEX lawsuits and "conspiracy"-- + +" Plaintiffs allege that Apex, along with over 30 other brokerages, trading firms and/or clearing firms, including Morgan Stanley, E\*Trade, Interactive Brokers, Charles Schwab, Robinhood, Barclays, Citadel and DTCC engaged in a coordinated conspiracy in violation of anti-trust laws to prevent retail customers from operating and trading freely in a conspiracy to allow certain of the other defendants, primarily hedge funds, to stop losing money on short sale positions in GameStop, AMC and certain other securities. " + +Engaging in unfair competition + +" Apex Pro, ETC Processing Technologies LLC and ETC Global Holdings, Inc. (collectively, the “*ETC Defendants*”) are defendants in the matter captioned as InteliClear, LLC v ETC Global Holdings, Inc., et al., filed in the United States District Court for the Central District of California (the “*District Court*”) in 2018. The plaintiff in this matter alleges that the ETC Defendants misappropriated trade secrets under the Defend Trade Secrets Act and California Uniform Trade Secrets Act, breached a contract with plaintiff and engaged in unfair competition. " + +Please disregard my spelling errors in title- my +iPad wasn’t the ideal typing platform and I’m horrified I cannot edit it. *ashamed ape* + +\*cheers my beautiful apes\* +Tesla founder Elon Musk is offering to buy Twitter for $54.20 per share in cash, Bloomberg reported Thursday. + +Twitter shares are up 12% in premarket trading. + +"Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it," Musk said in an amended 13-D filing. + +Link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-04-14/elon-musk-launches-43-billion-hostile-takeover-of-twitter +So, I have 300k USD sitting on my German PayPal. It's money I have earned over the years as a freelancer. Why are the money still there you would ask? Well, because: + +1. The money/financing matters stress me out so I preferred to procrastinate and thus did nothing with those money. +2. I was hoping to find a good time when the conversion rate USD-to-EUR was favorable and transfer the PayPal dollars to my German EUR bank account. (Stupid beginner strategy?) + +Some info about me: + +* I am a freelancer in Germany getting paid with dollars to my PayPal +* Never made contributions to any public or pension funds (I am 35). +* Not owning any real-estate. +* I am non-EU citizen staying with a German residence permit. +* I am not 100% sure I will stay in Germany in the future + +Please note that I completely understand I have been loosing money due to inflation and missed investment opportunities. So, what happened, happened. Also, I wanted to say that I am so happy I found this group. I have been eyeing r/personalfinance but their \[American\] vocabulary (e.g., 401, credit score, etc.) sounded completely alien to me. + +So, what do I do? + +**Edit 1**: I am looking at options that are easy to implement, safe, and stress-free tax-wise. I am not interested in maximizing profits with riskier methods. + +Edit 2: I don't understand why many in the comments assume no tax has been paid on that money. It's PayPal money. That doesn't make it untaxable. Also, I am not asking how do I transfer my money from PayPal to my bank account. I have done that many times to pay the tax. I am asking about investing options. +Hi all! I have been working on an R package that uses machine learning time-series forecasting methods to help with stock picking. I just built in the backtesting functionality and tested out 57,298 out of sample forecasts. + +# Approach + +To test our forecast methods, I evaluated 57,298 out of sample predictions for 300 companies from the current S and P 500. I used the exact same parameters that I have been using to produce my newsletters. This historical equity price data that I used for these tests spans from 1998 to February. + +For our predictions to be useful at face value, we need the stocks that I have been talking about in the risers section to go up more than the average stock, and the stocks that I have been talking about in the fallers section to go down more than the average stock over the same period. + +For the purposes of this analysis, we defined “risers” as any stock that was projected to increase by > 15% in the two week forecast period. “losers” were defined as any stock that was projected to decrease by >15% in the two week forecast period. + +# Results + +In the ideal situation, we would like our projected returns to correlate well with actual return so that we could put stock in the actual numbers associated with forecasts. That uhhh doesn’t seem to have occurred. See below + +https://preview.redd.it/x4tv0bl94ml61.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8cd116da3b12a647131eab1e07354c9173ccd14 + +The colors refer to the different groups that I have been showing you in my posts. As you can see - there doesn’t seem to be any relationship between forecasted return and actual return. So what groups have we been looking at? How do the “risers” differ from the “losers”? Are these groups any different from just picking a stock at random? I tried to answer some of these questions in the table below. + +https://preview.redd.it/eeo40m9c4ml61.png?width=922&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf3d82cd08d44cf31377adbc331cfb58a5c8c758 + +As you can see - there are some key differences between the three groups that traders might be interested in. The first is volatility. The standard deviation of return for the middle / average group of stocks was significantly lower than for the “gainers” and “losers” groups. Volatile stocks are obviously where the money is in the short-term, so its nice to be able to pick out stocks that are likely to move. + +Surprisingly, the “losers” group actually outperformed the average stock by more than a factor of 3 and outperformed the “gainers” group by almost as much. Nearly 60% of the 858 stocks in the “losers” group ended up with a higher stock price 2 weeks later - compared to 54% in the gainers group and 55% in the middle group. + +# What if we used a 10% cutoff for risers and gainers instead of 15? + +https://preview.redd.it/xtnd539f4ml61.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6fd77b11ceef237dc8addd385480e39473ee8fa + +Looks like the same story! the “losers” category performed the best, and both of the categories that I have been highlighting in my posts outperformed the “middle” category. + +# Where do we go from here? + +I welcome feedback but here is my current plan: + +1. I am going to keep developing and keep testing to try and build a model that can actually forecast returns with some reliability. +2. I will no longer report projected returns when I share these securities. Considering what I know now it seems irresponsible to share these specific numbers that I know to be uncorrelated to actual returns. +3. I will scrap the risers and fallers sections and lump the securities projected to move most (agnostic to direction) into a “volatility index” for you to peruse through and try to find stocks that you believe in. +4. I will still share the charts as I think it helps with the process of trying to parse out which of these volatile stocks will be winners vs. losers. + +edit: package is up! [https://github.com/DavisWeaver/stonkr\_public](https://github.com/DavisWeaver/stonkr_public/tree/main/R) + + +The LunaDoge token ($LOGE) takes the deflationary tokenomics of Safemoon and fuses it with the novelty of Dogecoin. LunaDoge operates just like SafeMoon, Shiba Inu, Elongate, and Moonrat with regards to a quadrillion dollar token supply and deflationary nature. + +LunaDoge is a fork of MoonRat and SafeMoon. Both projects have been audited by CertiK, assuring users that there is no backdoor in the code for the team to scam its investors. $LOGE is currently in it’s infancy and is only available on PancakeSwap🥞. + +Why does this token have Moon potential??? + +✅Hold and Earn + +· Every transaction incurs a 10% fee · 5% distributed to hodlers (LOGE will automatically get added to your wallet) · 5% permanently added to liquidty creating a steady rising floor Anti-Whale measures · Transactions greater than 0.5% of supply rejected to prevent Whale manipulation + +✅Liquidity Locked + +· Team tokens (24% of total supply) locked using third party provider DXSALE · Team tokens RE-LOCKED as of May 5th · 15% for 6 months, 5% for 3 months; 4.7% for 14 days which will be re-locked again · 1% burn every 2 weeks to a dead address which will create an ever decreasing supply of LOGE + +✅100% Community Driven + +· LunaDoge is fully transparent · Whitepaper · All team and LP tokens have been locked · Every trade automatically contributes to generating liquidity + +✅Bi-weekly Token Burn + +· Every second week the team will burn 1% of total $LOGE supply from their own tokens · This coincides with team token re-locks + +✅Marketing and Branding + +· They have a growing community on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram (links at the bottom) · This is a key element in the success of any product · The graphic design team has developed an appealing logo · Community contests such as a meme competition (running until May.8th) · They've partnered with multiple influencers to build brand awareness + +✅What’s in the Pipeline? + +· Coinmarketcap listing (pending) · Coingecko Listing (pending) · External audit · Website updates · LunaDoge Mars Program · Cross-chain integration · Token farming · Partnership rollout · Community growth + +This team has continued to demonstrate their commitment to the LONGEVITY of this project and have continually increased my investment confidence through their actions! Its holders are put first and that seems to be a rarity given the recent landscape of startup projects. + +Do your own DD and let me know what you think! Hopefully we’ll take a ride to the moon together 🚀 + +[https://lunadoge.finance/](https://lunadoge.finance/) +Trevor Milton, founder of Nikola Corp., has been charged with three counts of fraud by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Manhattan in connection with their investigation into the embattled electric vehicle start-up. + +Federal prosecutors accused Milton, who resigned as chairman in September, of making deceptive and false claims regarding "nearly all aspects of the business," according to a grand jury indictment unsealed Thursday. +Long story short, we have been looking for a house since 2019. The first down tick in prices has finally come along in our area. We’re debt free and able to borrow a good amount more than we intend to use. + +Quickly I found a beautiful house that I loved last week, and my husband was onboard since I’m the home renovator and financier of the fam. We went on vacation the day after putting in our offer and our realtor had us jumping on everything and it was honestly exciting. + +Yesterday I returned home, rushed to put down earnest money, and decided to visit the neighborhood again. + +The rose colored glasses came off. I realized the neighborhood was old and quiet, nothing like the fantastic one we’re in now (we want to move because we are now a family of 3 sharing 800 sf with two pets.) + +I decided to check what houses in that neighborhood had been selling for, and they were like 80-100k below our offer- within the last year. + +I want to call my realtor before the earnest check is cashed. We have the inspection Monday but I hardly slept stressing about it. + +I’m deleting my realty apps. Going the old fashioned way and getting a good realtor, holding out for something that checks all our boxes even if it takes a couple years. + +Anyway, any advice on breaking this to my realtor? + +Edit: found out I do have a right to cancel ammendum so that’s good? + +Update: thanks for all your suggestions. I ended up calling my Realtor and telling her our predicament. On top of the price point concerns, we found out our financial situation will be more uncomfortable and interest is over 6% even with perfect credit. We got a quote for citizens insurance at 5k annually🤮… anyway she said I could pull out today and get my whole deposit back. Didn’t even try to pressure me to move on with it, said home buying is super pricey rn. + +I deleted my real estate apps and learned my lesson. Thank you for your help!! +Procter & Gamble (PG) is the [winner](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/r7dru5/battle_royale_final_round_who_do_you_think_will/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of our Battle Royale. Thank you everyone for participating! Moving forward we will do smaller, more concentrated battles such as the top REIT, ETF, high yield asset, etc. Please let me know if there is something you'd like to see for the battles. I will make a post before each one to get everyone's recommendations for which tickers should be included in the battle. + +Here is some info on our winner PG: + +Current Share Price: $149.88 +Dividend Yield: 2.38% +Dividend Frequency: Paid Quarterly (Jan, April, July, Oct) + +**Background** +[Procter & Gamble](https://us.pg.com/) was founded in 1837 and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. PG is in the Consumer Staples sector and operates in [five segments:](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PG/profile?p=PG) Beauty; Grooming; Health Care; Fabric & Home Care; and Baby, Feminine & Family Care. PG owns over [50 major brands](https://us.pg.com/brands/) including Pampers, Luvs, Bounce, Downy, Gain, Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Tampax, Always, Gillette, Herbal Essences, Old Spice, Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Swiffer, Crest, Oral B, and Vicks. PG has over 100,000 employees worldwide and operates in North and Latin America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, Greater China, India, the Middle East, and Africa. + +**Financials** +Revenue: $77.14 Billion +Net Income: $13.87 Billion +Profit Margin: 18.33% +Total Cash: $10.37 Billion +Total Debt: $32.55 Billion +See [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PG/key-statistics?p=PG) for more key statistics on PG + +**Performance & Dividend** +PG has had an average annual return of [9.36%](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2001&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=true&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=PG&allocation1_1=100) over the last 20 years with dividends reinvested. An investor that purchased shares in 2001 would have had an initial dividend yield of 1.88% and yield on cost would have grown to 15.06% in 2021. PG is on the Dividend Kings list and has increased their dividend for [64 years](https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/PG/dividend/) consecutively. The current payout ratio is 63.62% and the past three year dividend growth rate is 13.87%. +Hi all, + +This at the moment is a theory i'm plugging into my current working prediction model that successfully predicts the dates that GME moves significantly more than normal. + +The next 2 weeks are a test for this theory. Please continue reading before you dismiss this. + +I was looking for anomalous option data that i could analyze and try to fit in my current "T+ mover days predictions" model and i found a lot more than i thought i would hence why i'm writing this. + +**TLDR:** Basically what i'm saying is, maybe i've found how the entire GME cycle works exactly but i'll need to wait 2 weeks to compare what truly happens vs what my theory predicts. If the results match, then yes i've figured it out. + +At Mods, if you don't think the flair is appropriate, feel free to change it, otherwise i'm leaving this as DD because it is DD. If you look below, i'm sure you'll agree that the effort and research put into this and my previous work that relates to it is considered Due Diligence. This work is as theoretical as the MOASS itself, so let's not kid ourselves with what is DD and what isn't. + +Moving on. + +# 0. Test Success Conditions + +**Test Period & Conditions to be met** + +* Significant movement this week +* Significant movement next week + +I know these sound vague as fuck, but trust me they're not if you continue reading this DD. + +&#x200B; + +# 1. Intro + +I've been gathering GME's option data for the past 2 months now and analyzing it in whatever ways i can think of. Last night whilst in bed i thought it would be a good idea to check what the deal is with 0 day to expiry options. + +These are options that are typically purchased on a Friday (hence why they are called 0 DTE / Days to expiry). Because 0 DTEs are typically super cheap due to their expiry, i thought i'd look into them for "fuckery" and generally just anomalies because i suspected that if a SHF/MM wanted to do something cheap, they'd use these. + +Out of 2 months worth of data there was only 1 single point in time that looked out of place and this is what triggered this writeup. + +If you've read my random postings so far you'll know i already have what i believe is a working model on predicting on which days GME will move. (Not to be confused with which way GME will move). + +I've integrated my new 0DTE findings into my existing prediction model as they fit almost perfectly and by doing so, my prediction model suddenly looks/feels a lot more accurate as if i just added a big missing piece of the puzzle to it. It's by no means complete, but a i think it's a lot closer to completion. + +&#x200B; + +# 2. 0 DTE / 0 Days to Expiry Anal-ysis + +&#x200B; + +**May 5 - June 25** + +[List of all 0DTE option trades since May 5.](https://preview.redd.it/i46qnakb1z771.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=53a9522e9c2784e00c704c8264bfd82137ca5cae) + +Whilst looking at this chart containing all option 0DTE data from May 5 - June 25, i noticed what you've already probably noticed, a spike in the premium paid for $300 strike puts. + +**Someone, on a Friday, bought $300 strike Puts (In the Money / ITM) for \~$29 million dollers.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +According to this chart, the date this was done was **May 21** + +https://preview.redd.it/3cpzp46m3z771.png?width=1656&format=png&auto=webp&s=59f3e94754af0f49d8b799635948cbbaa0334d8f + +&#x200B; + +Here is what all 0 DTE May 21 option trades look like & the specific trade isolated. You can see it was done \~25 minutes into the trading session. + +https://preview.redd.it/1p4epznh3z771.png?width=1657&format=png&auto=webp&s=15357875b6d1ce8218d440bf3e9a9a18c4d21a40 + +&#x200B; + +**Why would someone make this trade? For a quick buck? I believe not.** + +I'm going to assume this isn't a yolo. I'm going to assume someone wanted/needed GME shares no matter what. Try and assume this person's mindset. + +* It's Friday, +* He's just bought IN THE MONEY $300 strike puts +* He spent $29 MILLION on them. +* He bought them 25 minutes into Friday's trading session +* These expire at the END OF THE DAY. + +Why would you do this trade? I can only think of one reason. To exercise these contracts and take the underlying shares for "Reasons". Incidentally, the amount of shares in this exercise is **200620** shares. + +Now let's move on and take a look at what effect this exercise of these 200k worth of GME shares might possible have on GME's Price. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# .3 0DTE $300 Put Exercise Effect + +Here's the chart starting from May 21 and using T+21 and T+35 as well as the T+2 settlement period to try and chart the effect of this trade. + +https://preview.redd.it/a8uq7gic3z771.png?width=2444&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2e353cdea9e10288f992403e5b17f3d4841ca9a + +Welp, that was disappointing. You don't really see much (except them doing what they usually do at T+31 - T+34). [u/dentisttft](https://www.reddit.com/u/dentisttft) [u/criand](https://www.reddit.com/u/criand) u/keijikage You guys should already know about this. + +That didn't prove very fruitful. Nothing to see here. **So now what?** + +&#x200B; + +Well, what other cases do we know of 0DTE option exercises? + +Well, that's right. **DEEP FUCKING VALUE** + +***^((Not exactly the same scenario, but close enough to be worth a look into and that's what i did)******)*** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# .4 DFV's 0DTE Exercise + +DFV exercised on the 16'th of April as far as i'm aware. + +Here's what his T+21 - T+35 cycle would look like if we included the T+2 settlement period in there. + +https://preview.redd.it/dcs03dlq5z771.png?width=2450&format=png&auto=webp&s=afac85449f882bdc8144929cf641b36b0457c4e5 + +Looks nice and normal right? Yeah ok, let me show you what happened after in the next screenshot. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Mind Blown** + +Look at the T+21-T+35 version that uses the T+2 settlement as a start. + +https://preview.redd.it/z78dx6i56z771.png?width=1964&format=png&auto=webp&s=c81909fb8aedda3886b8902d0ad23e76da580bec + +This blew my mind. I tried checking the only other known case of exercising a large amount of 0DTE options (even though again it's not EXACTLY the same case) and i found this nice coincidence. + +Real coincidence? I don't know, but this is the kind of shit that jacks my tits. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# .5 How to test the validity of this theory? + +Many ways. + +1. Spend several millions on 0DTE options and exercise them, see what happens at around T+35. +2. Wait and see what happens for the 0DTE $300 put $29 mil 200 620 shares exercise from May 21? + +And all we need to do is wait and see what happens this week, right? **WRONG** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# .6 GME 5 Mil Share Offering + +As the May 21 runup started, GME decided to do a 5 Million At The Market (price) ($262 ish) offering. This offering sale duration lasted around \~2 weeks. + +During those 2 weeks, we saw 3 LARGE downward and upward spikes. I'm going to again assume these are the effect of the offering. + +Pre-read DD if you want to learn the method or see the proof etc: + +* [Part 1: Intra-Week Max Pain & the next FTD cycle bleedout days](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nxbonw/part_1_intraweek_max_pain_the_next_ftd_cycle/) +* [Part 2: Intra-Week Max Pain & the next FTD cycle bleedout days](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nzkwkf/part_2_intraweek_max_pain_the_next_ftd_cycle/) +* [Part 3: Intra-Week Max Pain & the next FTD cycle bleedout days](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nznccu/part_3_intraweek_max_pain_the_next_ftd_cycle/) +* [T+21 and T+35 - Actual working theory that predicts days where GME will move more than normal.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6brgy/t21_and_t35_actual_working_theory_that_predicts/) + +&#x200B; + +So, stitching my own already working theory for successfully predicting GME mover days in this, this is the result i get. + +**Basic** + +https://preview.redd.it/fuxhqjjh8z771.png?width=2434&format=png&auto=webp&s=453305da26f621cc8cbe67509dc3cc705bfe5480 + +&#x200B; + +**Granular** + +https://preview.redd.it/lcbe5s8h8z771.png?width=2444&format=png&auto=webp&s=1328656d5ace514b51bcf1bb9d4715bbb3bf9b15 + +What i understand from the above based on my method of predicting mover days is that: + +* There's a lot of random T+21's and T+35's ending/coinciding exactly in THIS week. +* The May 21 Cycle $29 mil puts exercise T+35 cycle end is this week. +* Next week is the week where a lot of T+21's coincide and where the T+35 for the GME offering's START ends. + +&#x200B; + +So what does all this crap that i'm spouting even mean? I'll go in more depth in the next section. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# 7. In Depth GME Offering Start & T+35 + +So, NEXT week will mark around 31-35 days from when the GME 5 mil share offering started. In my mind this means that we're going to see the **INITIAL** effects of the offering then. + +In the subsequent week AFTER the next one we should see the more juicy effects of the GME 5 mil offering as that's where the GME offering ramped up and GME was able to sell most of their shares from the offering. + +How can i tell? I am assuming so from the chart movement when we dipped from $340 to $190. This is similar to what happened in the last offering of GME so i believe it's a safe assumption. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/30ybr8a2cz771.png?width=2441&format=png&auto=webp&s=33ced552888f1bdb94a7e446d7c0ca0a765c7ccf + +If you map all the T+21 and T+35 clusters that coincide in this week and the next week (as well as the Friday ones cause fuck T+0 settlement right?), they look like this. + +Of all the cycles above, the absolute latest T+35 cycle they must settle their trades for this week is June 29. If for whatever reason they don't settle their trades (they sometimes do this intentionally), the trade gets locked in and gets auto settled the next day for them by FINRA. + +I am personally assuming **June 29 or June 30'th** as big mover dates as a result from combining this new data & my already existing method of predicting GME mover dates. + +I cannot talk about price direction because (in my opinion) this is purely up to the discretion of the MM/SHF or other person that is in control of this cycle. All i can tell is the approximate date that a big move will occur. + +&#x200B; + +Please mind you that i've already called 8 previous dates in a row correctly and have been posting about my predictions for a while in my previous DD. + +**Previous Successful Predictions** + +* [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/px4fxw6s-GME-T-35-Cycle-Update/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/px4fxw6s-GME-T-35-Cycle-Update/) +* [https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/ATA3MRUc-GME-Next-FTD-Reset-or-Bleed-Dates/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/ATA3MRUc-GME-Next-FTD-Reset-or-Bleed-Dates/) + +These were posted a long long time ago and predicted all future dates. The second one is still in progress but please keep in mind it doesn't fully have the latest data i just found today plugged in, but should still be mostly accurate. + +So yeah, here's the latest clean posting for this map. It doesn't have the smaller intra-cycle cycles mapped, but it's enough to get the general idea. + +[https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/px4fxw6s-GME-T-35-Cycle-Update/](https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GME/px4fxw6s-GME-T-35-Cycle-Update/) + +&#x200B; + +[Get munched already. If you or someone you paperhand because of a date, you deserve your fate. \\"oH nO NoThInG hApPeNeD oN a DaTe, BeTtEr SeLl EvEryThInG\\", don't give me this shit. This is the dumbest most irrational fear i've seen people have...](https://preview.redd.it/bvd1buqyez771.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02f4691beb7268e5b870c221bb56dead4983b4b) + +EDIT: As always, buy hodl etc. Let's see what happens over the next 2 weeks and whether i'm right or just a clown. + +u/buttfarm69 ur mum's a nice lady. +I work for a company that has 2 locations. I would received 1 paycheque with all my hours combined into one. + +One week I worked 50 hours & thought my OT pay was gonna be nice and juicy. When I got my cheque it was surprisingly lower than expected. I looked at my stub and noticed I was 7 hours short. + +I asked my manager and she said finance made a mistake & would add 7 hours to my nezt paycheque. I asked to confirm those 7 hours would be 1.5x pay. + +Her answer was no. I didnt qualify for OT cuz I was split amongst 2 locations. Apparently this was a policy they’ve had with every employee who worked 2 locations. + +Then my uncle informed me that what they said was illegal as I had 1 pay stub. If both locations were paying me separately then I technically wouldn’t be in OT. So I presented this information and when I told them they were breaking the law, they folded and paid me my OT. My coworkers who never spoke up were shocked as they missed years worth of OT. + +Moral of the story: always check your paystubs & don’t be scared to ask questions. The finance department didn’t make a mistake, they were trying to avoid paying what I earned. + +Then on the paid me 2 separate cheque’s for the different locations. & I happily refused OT every time I was asked. +We actually were POSITIVE 500k QoQ, but I knew this would happen. Always think critically. Always think of what your opponent might try to do. Art of War shit. + +DRS breaks and ends their game. Happy Holiday Apes, stay zen. +For the past year I have been reading about the "bubble" of ETFs (e.g. https://www.google.ie/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/08/18/business/passive-etfs-stocks-gold-bonds/index.html). Many have compared it to the 2000 and 2008 bubbles but I don't see how they could be related: + +- The dot-com bubble was about overvalued tech companies, we are in a similar period but I don't see how this could impact the ETFs more than the stocks themselves. + +- The CFD bubble was jumpstarted by the people not able to pay for their mortgages. I really don't see anything similar happening to the ETFs market. + +My question is about the risk of ETFs vs Stocks. What is the inherent risk of the ETF itself? Let's say SPY, CSPX etc. I'm not talking about the risk that comes from the loss in value of the underlying index. I'm talking about the risk of the fund management themselves. + +Is there any additional risk that must be considered when buying ETFs over stocks? Is there any way in which an ETF could fail (by a lot) in replicating their underlying portfolio? In particular I'm interested in physical replication ETFs. +Ok, I have to vent and this seemed like a good place to do so. I recently attended an event at a church where they were giving away new and used coats, boots, and other warm winter gear. Everything was donated. I have actually donated to this program several years in a row when I was doing well. I got there early and while waiting in line I overheard a couple talking. The girl was going over what brands to look for because the local used clothing store only buys certain brands. Once inside, I noticed there were 5 brand new winter coats. The couple each took one along with some others they had found. I tried on a medium one and it didn’t fit so I put it back. Immediately the girl came and took it. By this time she had her arms full and so did her boyfriend. I asked her if she found a large coat and she said yes but needed it for her large family. I ended up leaving with nothing as did many others. Those two pretty much cleared the place out. They left with 2 garbage bags and headed straight for the store where you sell clothes. I wasn’t following them, I had to catch a bus across from the store. I just cannot believe how selfish and greedy some people can be. They let people freeze so that they could get money. Who knows what they needed the money for, but with the way things are around here, I would guess drugs. I really feel sorry for the people who waited out in the cold with me only to leave without a coat. With the amount that couple took, we all could have had warm winter coats. The moral of the story; only take what you need. Other people are in need too, +Hello guys, I am new to investing and I'd really like to start investing as I can save very large portion of my salary. This year I'm going to focus on building up my emergency fund, but the next year, once I have emergency fund, It would be wise to start investing. + +Basically, I've read 'If You Can' as well as most of the 'Bogleheads Guide To Investing'. Idea is pretty simple, invest in a low cost index fund, invest regularly, stay the course... However, once I started reading this sub for EU specific advice, I realized there is a ton of stuff that isn't problematic in the US, but here it will cost you a lot and also cause problems. + +So I'm just going to write as much questions as I can, but the main question here is, what does the process of investing from Europe and especially shitty countries (in my case Serbia, Balkan) look like (step-by step). + +Here are the questions that have formed by reading this sub: + +1) These books mention that brokers are not good. They charge fees when you are buying and selling. They suggest investing directly to Vanguard, Fidelity, Schwab etc. However it seems that in EU brokers are imperative? What gives? + +2) People here say that you sometimes get charged commission for every single ETF you buy (4 ETFs for example)? I don't get that, isn't it possible to just buy 1 ETF and invest in it, as opposed to buying multiple? For example you buy VTI once, and then you invest in that buy buying more stocks from it? Do you get charged by brokers every single time you buy more stocks from that ETF? + +3) Why is it important for ETF \*not\* to be US domiciled? What does that even mean? + +4) What is the deal with taxes? Do you pay more if you buy US ETFs as opposed to EU ETFs? Are those related to dividends or something else? + +5) It seems that people here prefer not to buy US ETFs, but rather other EU based ETFs? Why? + +6) People always mention to look up site called justETF, what is that used for? + +7) Which concrete stock ETFs and bond ETFs would you recommend if you want to set it and forget it? + +8) Anything else that we need to be careful about when investing from Europe? + +I hope that somebody will try to answer this, because I think it will be of great help for new investors, so then they can pass that knowledge to others? + +Thanks in advanace! +Everyone has a system and I understand one shoe does not fit all. It would be interesting to know what system/edge everyone here uses for day trading. + +I like to use the 50/100 EMA on a 2m or 3m chart along with ADX to have an idea of the trend and strength. A single big candle crossing both with volume is usually my signal to buy/sell. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Lots of good info here. Thanks! +[https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/berkshire-hathaway-posts-huge-quarterly-loss-operating-results-improve-2022-08-06/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/berkshire-hathaway-posts-huge-quarterly-loss-operating-results-improve-2022-08-06/) + + Aug 6 (Reuters) - The slide in U.S. stock prices punished Berkshire Hathaway Inc's [**(BRKa.N)**](https://www.reuters.com/companies/BRKa.N) bottom line in the second quarter as the company run by billionaire Warren Buffett posted a $43.8 billion loss, though operating results improved with better results from insurance and the BNSF railroad. + +Berkshire said on Saturday that its net loss was equivalent to $29,754 per Class A share. It posted a net profit of $28.1 billion, or $18,488 per Class A share, a year earlier. + +Quarterly operating profit rose 39% to $9.28 billion, or about $6,326 per Class A share, from $6.69 billion, or $4,424 per Class A share, a year earlier. + +Berkshire also repurchased $1 billion of its own stock in the quarter, and has repurchased $4.2 billion this year. It ended June with $105.4 billion of cash and equivalents. + +Investors closely watch Berkshire because of Buffett's reputation, and because results from its dozens of operating units in the insurance, railroad manufacturing, energy and retail sectors often mirror broader economic trends. +$HEXO $OGI $VFF $CRON $TLRY $THCX $ACB $CGC $APHA + +***These securities are currently undervalued according to recent oversold trends combined with recent steady growth*** + +Recent reports speculated that cannabis will be a major key in the future debt crisis and fast tracking legalization is now on the table. + +The cannabis sector fell an average of 15% to 30% loss Thursday while only recouping an average of 5% gain on Friday. This leaves 10% to 25% minimal returns early this week. + +Good luck to all and good Fortune! +This is coming from someone who works out 2-3 times (Edit: not super intense workouts) a day 6 days a week. + +I some how pinched a nerve in my back and I haven't been able to walk for just 1 day, had to crawl to the bathroom. It's very humbling and you don't realize things until you can't do it. + +All the FIRE goals are kind of meaningless if you aren't in decent physical condition. Not just work out ,but properly make sure you eat right, sleep right, stretching etc. As a bonus that'll also decrease you healthcare costs. Don't neglect those in your goal for FI or after you reach FI +Just watched the China hustle, I’m a bit surprised that Chinese companies held by hedge funds, pension funds etc don’t produce reliable financial reports and there is no proper way to access them. +I’ve bought in to Alibaba at $142. And think of it as a long term investment. Watching the documentary I feel a bit uncomfortable in adding to my position. +Have any of you China investors watched the documentary? How do y’all feel? +Personally I want to load up alibaba at These depressed price levels. But feel unsure after watching the documentary. The reasons are many not being transparent, ethical issues etc. +I understand not all Chinese companies fall in to the category spoken about in the documentary. +According to the IMF ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_government\_spending\_as\_percentage\_of\_GDP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_government_spending_as_percentage_of_GDP)), + +&#x200B; + +||% of spending|% of revenue| +|:-|:-|:-| +|**capitalist**||| +|USA| 46.179 | 30.337 | +|France| 62.4| 52.51| +|Netherlands| 46.89| 41.32| +|Canada| 52.45| 41.79| +|Australia| 44.98| 35.03| +|**socialist**||| +|China| 36.98 |25.59| +|Venezuela|10.93| 5.89| +|Vietnam| 21.59| 16.17| + +How does this make sense? Shouldn't most or all of the economic activity be by the government in these countries? + +Does % of GDP by the government somehow not measure the degree of government involvement in the economy? + +I'm confused. +With coronavirus and the associated economic slump being in the news, we've gotten a lot of questions regarding the crisis. You are still welcome to submit questions in separate threads. However, we want to consolidate some of these posts, because a lot of these questions are asked repeatedly. You might find some of these links useful, instead of posting and waiting for an answer. + +You are welcome to ask questions in the comments below, as well as highlight threads with good answers or unanswered questions. + +Economics doesn't have all the answers. A lot of the impact from this will come down to how long the outbreak lasts. Questions about the duration and spread of the outbreak are probably better for /r/askscience. Also, please direct investing questions to /r/personalfinance. We don't give investing advice here. + +The [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/asia/china-coronavirus-contain.html?referringSource=articleShare&fbclid=IwAR0UOz7YBpdFBb5VzcH8CRPtO4ZQ5XvUWG8RYjSs70j1O4XXw4ML1Llq1q0 ) has a interactive on factors that explain the spread and might give some insight into how long this might last. + +[Map tracking confirmed covid-19 cases](http://nssac.bii.virginia.edu/covid-19/dashboard/) + +The National Bureau of Economic Research is making all Covid-19 related working papers free. So check those out as well. They detail possible effects of the crisis, and [why action is so necessary](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26882.pdf) + +Most of these threads come from /r/AskEconomics questions with good answers. There are a few others sources sprinkled in. + +Feel free to peruse, and remember to [**WASH YOUR HANDS, SOCIAL DISTANCE, AND DON'T TOUCH YOUR FACE!**](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html) + +**Social Distancing** + +Is the "cure" of social distancing worse than the disease? NO, not according to the [vast majority of leading economists](http://www.igmchicago.org/surveys/policy-for-the-covid-19-crisis/) + +A paper on how pandemics depress the economy and that [public health interventions do not](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3561560) + +[How has social distancing impacted household consumption?](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26949.pdf) + +**Macroeconomy** + +The OECD [estimates](http://www.oecd.org/economic-outlook/) that the Coronavirus outbreak is likely to have a large impact. + +[Brookings](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/03/06/what-are-the-possible-economic-effects-of-covid-19-on-the-world-economy-warwick-mckibbins-scenarios/) has a good page on this. + +[How is household consumption changing?](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26949.pdf) + +[How a supply shock can lead to a demand shock](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26918.pdf) + +[Greg Mankiw](http://gregmankiw.blogspot.com/2020/03/thoughts-on-pandemic.html) on what the federal government should do for the economy. + +[How likely is a recession from the pandemic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fgddm5/regarding_black_monday/) + +[Will this cause a recession of hyperinflation?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/flrtub/will_the_coronavirus_send_us_into_a_recession_or/) + +[How should we think about a downturn in a AS-AD framework where there's a negative shock to both aggregate supply and demand?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fetnyf/if_economic_supply_shock_and_economic_demand/) + +[What impact will a downturn have on young people?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/feneae/what_will_a_coronavirusinduced_global_recession/) + +[How bad will this likely be economically?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fgjugy/covid19_will_inevitably_have_an_adverse_effect_on/) + +[Why doesn't the economy have a pause button?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fmpaad/why_cant_the_us_economy_just_have_a_big_pause/) + +[What was the macroeconomic impact of the 1918 flu pandemic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fttn3k/why_did_the_economic_fallout_from_the_19181919/) + +[Broader history of the long-run economic impact of pandemics](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26934) + +**Recent Fed Stimulus** + +[A great Twitter thread on what the Fed is doing with business and municipal loans](https://twitter.com/vtg2/status/1248630242803056640) + +[What did the Fed do when they announced "liquidity injections"? Is it a giveaway to banks? Why not spend that on healthcare instead?](https://www.reddit.com/r/badeconomics/comments/ffy7a0/the_single_family_homes_sticky_09_march_2020/fkefegy/) + +[Intuitively, what is the Fed doing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fie70s/analogy_of_fed_intervention_for_individuals/) + +[More on Repo purchases](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fhpejn/the_fed_just_pumped_15_trillion_into_the/) + +[Where does the money for Repo Purchases comes from?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fi0nqc/where_does_the_feds_15_trillion_stimulus_come_from/) + +[Why would the Fed cut rates to increase liquidity?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/ffrpk2/how_are_fed_rates_related_to_liquidity/) + + + +**Inflation, Prices for Individual Goods, and Price Controls** + +[Will supply shocks lead to inflation](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fi86l7/coronavirus_and_inflation_concerns/) + +[Why haven't businesses raised prices for certain in-demand products, like hand sanitizer?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/ffguxw/why_hasnt_walgreens_doubled_its_price_for_hand/) + +[Should we use price controls?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fik9ms/are_price_control_good_in_a_crisis_like_the/) + +[What is behind the oil price drop, and is it bad for the global economy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/ffs28x/why_is_it_bad_that_oil_prices_are_dropping/) + + +**Stock Market** + +[What are the direct implications of the stock market declining in recent weeks?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fg2nb8/can_someone_explain_the_implications_from/) + +[What happens to the money I invest in a stock when it goes down?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fjpg73/when_the_stock_market_crashes_what_actually/) + +[Why open the stock market if it's just gonna crash?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fmc8ro/why_does_the_us_stock_market_keep_reopening_if_a/) + + +**Healthcare** + +[What are some advantages of different universal healthcare systems?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fhogxt/why_are_healthcare_costs_higher_per_capita_in_the/) + +**Fiscal Stimulus** + +[What good is stimulus if people are stuck at home?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fmiapr/how_is_a_stimulus_supposed_to_stimulate_economic/) + +[How would the proposed stimulus help small businesses?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/firdev/can_someone_explain_how_the_recent_bill_that_was/) + +[Would sending everyone $1000 help?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fjvxga/romney_proposes_giving_every_american_adult_1000/) + +[Why bailout the airlines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/fldp0q/airline_bailouts_doesnt_capitalism_have_a_system/) + +[What could we learn from sending people checks?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskEconomics/comments/flv0bi/what_economic_experiments_do_you_hope_to_see_come/) +The harsh truth is, the Fed is tightening its monetary policies and they're going to be raising interest rates very soon. The inflation rate is now too much to ignore as the people realize that their buying power is deteriorating faster and faster with little being done about it. As money is harder to get with the Fed reducing its balance sheet, there will be less money to invest into Crypto and the market. + +# The Crash Has Already Started + +When the Fed announced it was going to be raising interest rates, I warned about a market crash in a post I made just 10 days ago. Unfortunately, the crash I was talking about has already started as the stock market has started going down very intensely. + +[Nasdaq Index Falling](https://preview.redd.it/c1prsr60x0d81.png?width=843&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b0b9fcffc58081d9477139f54bf4334b97e94c3) + +The pace at which the stock market is going down can very likely cause a situation like we've seen in 2008. This is going to cause panic and sell offs among people. We can already see people cashing out their stock market gains due to recent price action. + +# Surging Inflation and Market Crash + +If we see the history, every time there was high inflation, the Fed artificially triggered a market crash by aggressively increasing interest rates. + +[Inflation and Interest rate correlation](https://preview.redd.it/wd2srkb9x0d81.png?width=982&format=png&auto=webp&s=628ff4587a8298793996352607cec9b84c928f16) + +This rise in interest rate and the planned decrease of the Fed's balance sheet is going to have a severe impact on the market as people start borrowing less, spending less and investments into all assets start to dwindle. + +# Biden Approval Rating + +[Approval Ratings Fall Sharply Due To Inflation Concerns](https://preview.redd.it/tbvvccadx0d81.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=e10b55e73781fccb335a8fb7f7203a709023a84b) + +With more and more inflation, people are losing trust in the Government and the approval rating is going down. The main reason behind this huge fall in approval rating is inflation, and the government needs to tackle inflation if they want to keep their approval rating from falling even lower as the public takes notice of their bills. The approval rating is a sign that the government needs to tackle inflation if it wants to keep public support. + +# The Sell-off and the Opportunity + +With the market crash ahead being very likely, people are taking their money out faster and faster. The Fed is no longer giving them free money very soon. The amount of people that are buying assets very low considering the current situation, and it is likely going to start going down as the interest rates are yet to be increased, which is when we will see the peak effects of the upcoming crash. + +However, when crashes are at their peak, they leave most assets EXTREMELY undervalued. These are the times when you want to dump money into things like Crypto, which can rise extremely fast during a bullish market. + +# Crypto's Correspondence With the Stock Market + +The Cryptocurrency market is strongly correlated with the stock market, especially after more and more institutions have started to invest in Crypto. The Crypto market WILL react if there is a downtrend in the general economy. That is basically the reason we saw another dip in Crypto's prices today. + +**TLDR**: The Fed will be tightening its monetary policies due to inflation and the stock market has started to crash. With the stock market starting to go down, we're already seeing the Crypto market react today, and unfortunately if the general market continues to dip, so will Crypto. +By Pavel Alpeyev + + +Masayoshi Son is finally disclosing the damage from SoftBank Group Corp.’s bets on WeWork and Uber Technologies Inc. +The Japanese investment powerhouse on Wednesday reported its first quarterly operating loss in 14 years -- about $6.5 billion --after writing down the value of a string of marquee investments. It swallowed a charge of 497.7 billion yen ($4.6 billion) for WeWork, whose spectacular implosion turned the once high-flying shared-office startup into a Silicon Valley punchline. + + +The losses call into question the billionaire founder Son’s deal-making approach just as he’s trying to raise an even larger successor to his $100 billion Vision Fund. The investment vehicle had been a driver of profit growth at SoftBank, contributing over $14 billion in mostly paper gains over the past two years. The shrinking valuation of Uber and WeWork, once among the brightest stars in the SoftBank constellation, also raises the prospects of more writedowns in the Vision Fund’s portfolio with its high exposure to businesses that prioritize growth over profitability. +“Son’s handling of WeWork raises some fundamental questions about his investment strategy that need to be addressed,” Jefferies Group senior analyst Atul Goyal said ahead of the earnings release. “There will be more failed investments in the future, how does he plan to handle them?” + + +The operating loss was 704.4 billion yen in the three months ended Sept. 30, the Tokyo-based company said in a statement. That easily surpassed the 230.8 billion yen average of analysts’ projections, and compared with a 705.7 billion yen profit a year earlier. Its signature Vision Fund -- the world’s single largest pool of startup investments -- reported a 970.3 billion yen loss in the quarter. + + +SoftBank reported 537.9 billion yen of unrealized losses in a plethora of investments from Uber to WeWork. Analysts had predicted a charge to be in excess of $5 billion and as much as $7 billion. The co-working startup was valued at $7.8 billion at the end of September -- a precipitous fall from about $47 billion in January. + + +Late last month, WeWork secured a $9.5 billion rescue package from SoftBank, a deal that handed 80% of the company to the Japanese conglomerate. That’s on top of the more than $10 billion SoftBank and its Vision Fund have already invested into the co-working giant. SoftBank has said it didn’t get a majority of voting rights, meaning its troubled investee will be treated as an associate, not a subsidiary -- potentially keeping its balance sheet free of some $22 billion of debt and $47 billion in looming lease-payment obligations. + + +The deal includes $5 billion in new financing and an acceleration of a $1.5 billion existing commitment. SoftBank will also offer to buy as much as $3 billion from existing shareholders. WeWork’s founder Adam Neumann left the company’s board as part of the package, replaced by SoftBank executive and newly appointed Executive Chairman Marcelo Claure. +We've all aped tons of deflationary token forks that pop up on a daily basis. The same thing happens, a 10x pump, then dumps and never recovers. I found this gem luckily before presale and manage to get in, i've been bullish since I found it. + +Source: [Litepaper](https://moonboys.finance/whitepapers/ver-1.pdf) + +**The Mission** + +From the moon, it’s easy to see the big picture. Those who have had the privilege of standing on its surface tell us that looking at our planet is as inspiring as it is humbling. The image of Earth from space is a stark reminder that we are all in this together, and that it is only by working with each other that we can build a bright future for generations to come. + +MoonBoys shares this viewpoint. As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity and versatility, it’s evolving into a tool which allows us to approach traditional problems from a new perspective. Using this token as our vantage point, MoonBoys is enacting innovative yet realistic options which will allow us to improve as many lives as possible. While there are several charity tokens based on specific humanitarian issues, MoonBoys is focused on the bigger picture. + +We have a vision of a world where technology becomes the great equalizer, the means to granting prosperity for all. By looking at issues which affect the mind and the body, the young and the old, we are discovering a means to start a movement of altruism and radical empathy. We invite our investors to join us on our journey to building this new reality + +&#x200B; + +**Donations and Charities** + +We have incredible respect for the organizations and institutions who dedicate themselves to helping others. That’s why we are ready to open a community wallet, which can receive contributions from investors and team members alike, and solidify a donation schedule. Authenticity is one of our founding principles, so you can rest assured that charitable donations will always be accurately recorded, publicly posted, and easily accessible for further review. + +**Marketing with Purpose** + +Marketing with Purpose The MoonBoys team is sparing no expense to give a strong start. The initial days following a token’s release can set the stage for the rest of the project, and our marketing team is more than ready for the challenges of launching a new cryptocurrency. + +● Word of mouth / organic growth + +● Partnerships with prominent members of the cryptocommunity + +● Forging relationships with significant leaders in our fields of interest + +MoonBoys is also aware that you have to spend money to make money. Our robust marketing budget allows us to access truly professional content without delay, including but not limited to: + +● Connecting with and contracting serious influencers and famous actors/actresses + +● Videos and commercials with professional cinematography + +● Product placement and advertising with high-profile brands + +● High-quality visual content + +**Moonboys & NFT's** + +MoonBoys has exciting plans for NFTs. + +Short term goals: + +● Mint an extremely exclusive, original MoonBoy NFT card with only 4 copies + +○ 2 produced and sold on the ERC20 network + +○ 2 produced and sold on the BSC network + +Long term goals: + +● Creating a physical MoonBoys coin and minting an NFT of the video footage when we launch it into literal space + +● Developing a game which utilizes our NFTs as a main gameplay mechanic + +**Tokenomics** + +● 1,000,000,000,000,000 total supply + +● 25% burned before launch + +● 30% distributed in presale + +● 25% added for initial PancakeSwap liquidity + +● 20% held in the Dev wallet for “milestone burns" (Dev wallet will be on a multisig with a trusted 3rd party). + +● 10% Tax on each transaction + +● 6% redistributed proportionately to each holder as our “thank you” for being an investor + +● 4% locked as liquidity to alleviate the potential for serious liquidity issues in the future + +**My thoughts** + +The team are experienced, open and honest and they are all ready to push this project to insane heights. Presale was filled (300BNB hardcap) in 37 seconds and the TG has nearly doubled in size since then. DYOR. + +Live on PCS at 6PM UTC 14th April! + +[Telegram](https://t.me/MoonBoysOfficial) + +[Website](https://moonboys.finance) + +Update: + +Incredible growth in 12 hours, nearing 1k members, thats a 5x since presale finished! +A recent [study by Opportunity Insights](https://opportunityinsights.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Oi_Secondstimulus_analysis.pdf), found that when the last round of $600 stimulus cheques were mailed out in January, households earning less than $46,000 boosted their spending by around 7.9%, whereas those earning more than $78,000 squirreled it away, spending just 0.2% more. If this pattern holds for + +*Mr. Biden’s stimulus, just $15bn of the $200bn sent to better-off Americans will be injected into the economy, rather than into savings accounts.* + +Source: [The Economist](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/02/26/joe-bidens-19trn-stimulus-package-is-one-of-the-most-popular-bills-in-decades?utm_campaign=the-economist-today&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_source=salesforce-marketing-cloud&utm_term=2021-02-26&utm_content=article-link-4&etear=nl_today_4) + +**Why was it chosen to help individuals with fairly high incomes instead of increasing aid for the poorest?** +I just wanted to pass on something simple I’ve done to save electricity. + +My shower has an “eco” setting. Pressing it means the energy usage is halved because the shower goes from using two heating elements to one. I still get the same temperature (admittedly by turning it up more), just not as much water. But it’s completely fine for a shower (just a bit rubbish compared to what my shower is like on its regular setting). + +I track my energy usage weekly now and this has reduced my weekly kWh by 20% (that’s me and my partner having daily showers), + +I know it’s ridiculous even having to do this in the first place and even more so, sharing it. But wanted to pass on in the event it could help someone - especially in bigger households. +Hey all, I'm particularly new to stock investing and I'm currently in the learning and understanding phase. I've read and heard so much advise that one should buy good companies at low valuations. One of the most common metrics for that is the PE ratio. Most of the advise I've heard regarding value investing is to buy companies with low PE ratios. Even in the fundamental analysis series on Zerodha varsity its recommended to buy companies with PE<20. +But as I'm researching more and more, I've found very few companies which have low PE values. Be it the consumer durables sector or the FMCG sector, most large cap and midcap companies have extremely high PE ratios. I use these sectors as an example because that is what I understand and have done maximum research on. +So I want to ask are those days where good companies have such low PE values have gone away? or is there some lack of research on my part? Or maybe these particular sectors have high PE's in general and I should look in other sectors? Please feel free to point out mistakes in my opinion and recommend me how to proceed further as I'm really confused +I am hoping people here take the time to read about Jack Macdonald - a man that lived frugally his whole life but invested in the stock market and left $188M to charitable organizations when he died in 2013. He was a lawyer living in Seattle, no one aside from a few close family members were aware of his wealth. He was fascinated by the stock market and thought of himself as shepherding over his wealth that would eventually go back to benefit the rest of society. + +Here are a few stories you can read about him: + +[https://www.joshuakennon.com/add-jack-macdonald-list-secret-millionaires-just-died-left-188-million-built-investing-stocks-charity/](https://www.joshuakennon.com/add-jack-macdonald-list-secret-millionaires-just-died-left-188-million-built-investing-stocks-charity/) + +[https://who13.com/news/secret-millionaire-seattle-man-lived-frugally/](https://who13.com/news/secret-millionaire-seattle-man-lived-frugally/) + +I hope we all can take away something from this story - it is not about flashing your wealth. His story obviously is on an extreme, but everyone can take something away from the way he lived his life and looked at investing. + +For those that have made large gains this year, remember to give back to those that are less fortunate. Or, just keep investing that until you have $188M when you die - and then give that to charity to benefit others. +This is a genuine question, I never understood the need for emergency fund that big. Can someone explain? I only hold a 1 month emergency fund. From my point of view, emergency fund should only be big enough to give me time to withdraw from S&S ISA if shit was to hit the fan or until I can get a new job if I somehow lost my job tomorrow. Given the current inflation, keeping that much cash, even in savings account is just steadily losing money, no? I know wiki says you shouldn't keep emergency funds in unpredictable ways but index funds are safe enough (your fund may go up an down a bit but not a great deal) + +What am I missing? +I bought a townhome in 2009 that I now use as a rental property. Last summer when I was visiting the home I noticed the floor in the kitchen had sunk a couple inches. I'd heard previously from my neighbors that they'd had the same problem. + +When I bought the home, the builder had given a 2/10 warranty which covered the any defects in the foundation for 10 years. I decided to pay the $200 to submit a claim and have them inspect, fully expecting they'd find some reason to deny my claim, but they didn't. + +Today I have a check in hand for $38,000 and a bid from a contractor to make the repairs. If I hadn't thought to check my warranty or if I'd waited even 6 months my warranty would have expired and I would be paying that out of my own pocket. + +Don't forget to check to see if your repairs are warrantied. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/pweknxznb8171.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=46062698236d9e03945e61290c4aaebfdbaa873b + +Good Morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole and this is your daily news. + +Does anyone smell that? + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/imbcjk6qb8171.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=50aa8b19aad14004e5cb9e29fbe47802b64d6660 + +# Shoutout to u/pinkcatsonacid + +So the AMA yesterday had some technical difficulties, which in and of themselves suck to have. But I have to say I'm extremely proud of how my fellow mod handled the situation, as far as I know Pink had not done an AMA before but if you told me she did I would have believed you. + +She handled it with grace and once Lucy couldn't reconnect she acted fast and well, stepping up and going on with the show like a true champ. + +Seriously, kudo's for your work Pink 👏👏👏 + +A further write-up of the AMA can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nke7sp/post_ama_dd_lucy_komisar_ama_powerpoint_and/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/idys9hptf8171.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f0683dbe9be4a67e8fc07748e94652f62cd7568 + +# RC Tweet + +Steve floats to the top? + +[https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1397047791889879041?s=20](https://twitter.com/ryancohen/status/1397047791889879041?s=20) + +I know this is from "American Dad" and the kids name is Steve, he seems to be floating up. + +Can be a shitpost or can be a message that has something to do with the float. + +What's funny to know about this scene is (from memory) steve was a terrible swimmer and had Claus stuck in his swimming shorts to do the work, so could also be a reference to someone working behind the scenes? + +Again could be a lot could be nothing. + +**Addendum:** u/ChemicalFist found out something interesting, there is an investing term called "underwater" + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/underwater.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/underwater.asp) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/biqdvptvp8171.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=59baff6bff93cf6fcb8fd99d3478c420d92339fd + +hmmmmmm interesting! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hvc3s9pqd8171.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc86e43cefd12b1484611ca50990145994b1ceff + +# When in doubt, zoom out + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uaskll7le8171.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6c4c5f09fe93f8437b4be60075ab2651a282d7c + +It's been on a two week rise, even if the "daily" profit was gone by a flash, look at the chart it's still ok. + +Slow and steady my friends, slow and steady. + +We've been saying this for a long long time, the Moass is like Gandalf, it will come when it is meant to, just hodl, chill out and see what happens. + +This was never meant for a quick buck, or whatever, re-view Deepfuckingvalue's videos where he talks about diamond handing, look at Mark Cuban's ama on wsb. + +This was never going to be easy or fast, so sit your monkey ass back, share a banana with a friend and have some laughs. Because we are still waiting on the annual shareholders meeting. + +If after the shareholders meeting they see that there is an extremely high amount over votinging they won't take action that exact day, they'll go through their legal channels and it may be a few weeks before we hear about it (trust me they want/need to do everything above board) this is because they can file lawsuits against the bad actors and get "damages" paid. + +But that's all speculation, all I'm trying to say is learn to be zen, it will come when it comes. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/buzmqhrdg8171.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d58dc32b49e594027ab7b207dbb35e26ecbbbf44 + +# Crypto SUUUUUUUUUBS + +Ok guys real talk here for a sec, we have had some cryptobro's along our side for quite some time now, people actively posted on my thread yesterday saying they were here from jan/feb ish but never posted, so this is awesome to have more people aware of all of this. + +The one thing that isn't cool however, is going on THEIR subs and saying they should get into GME/AMC/ANYTHING + +Imagine how you would react if someone came in here trying to push Bitcoin/Etherium/Dogecoin ? You'd get upset right? so please understand that if they want to post about GME they'll come here, but we should in no way brigade their subs + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5x888rwph8171.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=503c253a8e7816ea1f387fc2ec3534da27915089 + +# Italian bank collapses on exposure to Greensill and GFG + +[https://www.ft.com/content/c02a6e97-5505-4d4a-933f-a0e934ca6eda](https://www.ft.com/content/c02a6e97-5505-4d4a-933f-a0e934ca6eda) + +there is a thread about it right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nk3ddb/italian_bank_collapses_on_exposure_to_greensill/gzamro3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Be sure to give it a read ;) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/glflhpk5i8171.jpg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8d315254e1a3173bfa5dcb29da3ab1ff533a94 + +# Sen Elizabeth Waren: wants to bar congress from trading individual stocks + +[https://www.businessinsider.com/elizabeth-warren-ban-congress-trading-stocks-investing-tom-malinowski-nhofe-2021-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/elizabeth-warren-ban-congress-trading-stocks-investing-tom-malinowski-nhofe-2021-5?international=true&r=US&IR=T) + +&#x200B; + +TL:DR Congress abuses their knowledge of stocks (like with the covid crash) and profits and outperforms the market, if this moves forward they wont be able to do that anymore. + +Nice to see some people actually making waves. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3nuz7qmwi8171.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e36636a3e11ab200b8301cc8d0fb4ad1d8908f9c + +# Bitcoin wallet ? + +According to [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nkde38/bitcoin_address_activity_appear_to_mirror_gme/) post, there seems to be a bitcoin wallet moving at against GME, now I'm not wrinkle brained enough to understand this, but I hope I can bring this to the attention of smarter apes here who could be willing to help and research this OP, and maybe find some more stuff out. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n13zn4k4k8171.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cd0bea93696315fadb950b5682064f8b2be2a12 + +# Gamestop New Filing + +[https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18896/html](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/18896/html) + +Gamestop just released their "Form SD" or "Special Disclosure" on **Conflict Minerals Disclosure and Report.**Be sure to give it a read and a once over + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/hq54qcmej8171.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=125db23967823382afaafcf3f2545fd8c3da921e + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +Remember one of the only ways to counter the Cointelpro we have seen is by being overly nice, so treat all the other apes as if you're dating and you wanna get to first base. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1gslsm4hj8171.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfdfaa1e23aebb523c314887ced099b533bef9fa + +Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day we will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid](https://twitter.com/PinkCatsOnAcid) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +&#x200B; + +And yes this is not being posted through Automod, Automod does not let me edit my posts after they have been posted (I'm currently looking into it if it's at all possible to do, because if new news comes out during the day it is important to add in here, then I want to add it in, instead of making 30 posts a day).If someone smart could perhaps help me with the automod posting and editing of posting please let me know in a comment! +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +First of all. Sorry if this is unpopular, but I needed to say it somewhere and the original r/wsb is just not the place. Since all of this GME started, wsb started to not feel the same at all. It's not what it used to be and now I am sad and concerned about it. + + For me, the peak was when it was around 1.8 million people in it, was just amazing, a incredible mix of actually good DD, video memes of really good quality, gains porn, lose porn and a lot of discussion for many companies (not just like 2 or 1 how it is going now) now is just low quality posts (90% fucking photos or ss of some stupid shit without actual value for the community) literally just looking for karma. + +Someone said in a comment: "wsb used to be smart people acting like retards, now is just full of actual retards" and I agree 100% with it. Do you even remember TSLA, PLTR, ARKK, NIO etc? No. WSB is now just A LOT of people that really don't understand what wsb was about, is obvious that this was going to happen when more than 7 million arrive in like 2 weeks, the older ones (us) are just now a minority in our own sub. + +This is absolutely not cool, I feel like we are actually losing something really beautiful, and that is the old (1 month ago) WSB. What do you guys think? Do you feel the same in any sort of way? And most importantly... Should we do something about it? + + +PLEASE DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO THETAGANG + +Thanks for reading +Here to say my last words.. I just wanted to thank you all for being apart of my journey, both bulls and bears ❤️ My road stops here, I’ll be leaving this planet in peace, I will no longer feel this greed pain inside of me. You don’t have to remind me of how regarded I am to yolo these calls, but that’s because I already have nothing to lose. Ma and pop in heaven, please forgive me for not being able to continue on 🙏 Don’t worry, nobody will come looking for my helpless body, I have nobody. Last but not least, I hope everyone becomes successful in this life time, don’t give up and keep chasing your dreams. I’m done for now, death is waiting for me, thank you. Signing off life. ❤️ +I've seen a few questions asking if investors should sell their stocks and move them into Treasury Bonds or a Money Market Account. The answer is NO. + +Markets will always go up in the long term. Dips, corrections and crashes are unavoidable, unpredictable and won't hurt you in the long run. Just hold onto your investments and wait it out. + +The only way you can lose money when the market is down is if you sell. If you hold (or buy if you have cash to invest) you will make money in the long run. + +Edit: You all got me! I wrote this post to stop people from selling so that my own portfolio wouldn't lose value. As you all know the best way to manipulate the global equity market is to write a post on Reddit. +Every Redditor reading this will be highly dependent on the internet for their banking and investments. Over time, they will end up with at least a handful of important accounts whose passwords need to be strong and unique. The chances of them forgetting these passwords after a few days will add one more mental block that leads to procrastination for making new investments or keeping track—‘I don’t remember the password today and I am too busy to go through the password recovery process. I will check some other day.’ + +During the coronavirus lockdown, I had enough time to research and experiment to begin using a password manager. Over a few days I slowly started trusting it enough to update all my banking passwords and less important accounts. I learnt the difference between passphrase and passwords. Now I remember only three passphrases—the rest of my nearly 150 online accounts from 10+ years of internet usage are stored in the password manager with freshly created password which contain random characters for each. + +How did this help? I didn’t realise at the start of the password manager usage, but within a few days I had the motivation to recheck my SBI Rewardz points which were lying unused over a few years—because I had forgotten the password to it! Over the next few months, I regularly logged back in to use up those points for my family’s mobile top-ups. + +That’s already a few rupees saved. + +Now, as I began my investment journey with the help it the ELI5 series of this forum, the many processes of KYC, new account creations, mandate setups, etc. all needed me to input my banking passwords multiple times. Without the password manager, this would again have been a tedious process. + +I leave it up to you to figure out a safe and reliable service for creating and saving your passwords. I use the free version of Bitwarden (the paid version is also cheap and a good way to support the developer). But please do make a decision on it soon as it’s one of the not-so-obvious steps for an efficient netizen. +It is so easy to think about winning and losing in forex. Sadly the convention is that winning equals success; that’s because we are all here to make money. But after a 4 month roller coaster ride of live forex trading, I have learnt that the outcome of a trade is not the focus. Success should be measured by one’s ability to stick to there trading plan and be consistent regardless of whether they are losing or winning in the short term. Consistency comes with a guaranteed win rate for the long term. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Winning is merely a byproduct. I reached my max daily loss of 4% today and I can say that I succeeded. Heck, I’m only breakeven for the week, can’t complain. That’s all from me. Hope y’all have a great weekend ahead 🙌🏻 +The following is taken from this post: https://redd.it/q8pu47 + +All credit goes to u/StonkCobain + +Hello Fellow Apes, + +October 13, 2021 Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change to Amend Its Rules to Add New Rule 7.13 + +Link: + +https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse/rule-filings/sec-approvals/2021/%28SR-NYSE-2021-60%29%2034-93309.pdf + +Lets go directly to this part: + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/0skj6qo7kmt71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4d3369cf9915df61ad1c7387ba836f8c0ef66a4 + +Who is the Chair of the Board of the Exchange? + +Jeffrey Sprecher + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/g1slksq8kmt71.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fc33cdba608acc233edf1d29eec0a3c4e4a3ba6 + +And who is he married to? + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/7tb8dwm9kmt71.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1ecb69c75d0eb7e1af3457ef04e5e2df31bd624 + +Kelly Loeffler + +https://preview.redd.it/f0ycqjbgkmt71.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=83d91830a303646b76b7f22550f997bb8f278298 + +​ + +Okay! + +​ + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/v683nyijkmt71.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=14f931dd9d44140aa6ea3305d69cecd628e5707f + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/flxtfd8nkmt71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9a278e25f95250633d3a4e771cdedc2022bc06 + +From Kenny’s wiki + +https://preview.redd.it/9td3wqhokmt71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=a61617ee9a6c01c83ad57803dbf60bbf3a3bb6d7 + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/qx9l71kzsmt71.png?width=651&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3d0c43921f7d4e06d8a40c44908206bea9b8bc5 + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/zo1od1frkmt71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4fec4d6affaf3e0241c210b7755fd0836bd56e8 + +You cannot make this up folks: + +Last, but not the least + +Who donated to her? Check out number 27 + +https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/contributors?cid=N00046125&cycle=2020&recs=100&type=I + +​ + +https://preview.redd.it/q4gkfmetkmt71.png?width=254&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5ea6aa824be892c4a18ef2764c7a270abd5a229 +$Stopelon started off like any other meme token. + +Before we migrated contracts from F...Elon, we were only a way for people to take their aggression out. The community grew like wildfire and eventually we decided to change the name for marketability and branding reasons. The developers relaunched the contract in a hurry however, because there also was a liquidity problem. + +Unlike the majority of tokens, the developers used their developer and marketing wallets to relaunch the contract, reinstate the price, and manually send everyone the correct amount of Stopelon. Since then, the movement has evolved and grown to the point where people from all over the world come together to rally against market manipulation. People of all races, cultures, and reasoning united against the few taking advantage of the many. + +NFT + +Our first monthly NFT is scheduled for release to Stopelon holders, tomorrow. It will be a Nikola Tesla Coin that is beautifully modeled! The NFTs are now minted! Distribution starts today! We're awarding NFT's in a tiered system, based on token held: + +NFT Holder Reward Tiers + +Top 10: Diamond tier NFT engraved + +Top 100: Gold tier NFT + +Top 1000: Silver tier NFT + +Top 10000: Bronze tier NFT + +Top 100,000: Stone tier NFT + +This is huge for holders, motivates new holders to buy more in order not to miss out! + +As part of our commitment to our original F\_\_\_Elon community, we have a special NFT behind delivered to all 900 original holders! + +Listing Updates + +We are listed on BitMart!!! Tokenomics are supported in the form of airdrops at the end of each month! + +Finally! Wen CMC? We have an answer! We are listed on CoinMarketCap, Coingecko, CoinStats, and Coinbase now! + +Telegram AMA + +The devs hosted yet another great talk in our daily AMA series, on Telegram. Chat participants, devs & the core team chatted & answered questions about our future with exchanges and more! These are recorded and uploaded to our Google Drive, links posted in our telegram. + +Press and Media: + +We are in contacts with many authors to release articles using our recent press releases. Most notably, we are looking forward to getting an update done by the author that wrote our first Yahoo article and already have had an exclusive done on Bazinga. Our press team is doing great and i expect us to have a steady flow of new articles as our press releases go out. + +Tokenomics + +0.1% max buy/sell of total supply + +10% tax total (to holders and LP) + +40% initial burn (48% burned now! ) + +5% dev marketing wallet 5% community wallet + +$8M+ Marketcap + +23,250+ Holders + +✅ Liquidity Locked + +✅ Verified contract 0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d + +Links: + +🌐 Website: https://www.StopElon.space + +🗣Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stopelon_BSC + +📱English Telegram @StopElon_BSC + +📈Chart: https://charts.bogged.finance/?token= 0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d + +🥞 Buy (v2, slippage 12%, 0,1% max): +https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd83cec69ed9d8044597a793445c86a5e763b0e3d + I’ve been using PE for a while but just recently started using PEG ratios instead. I also always look for sales growth as well as ROA and ROC. But that’s pretty much it. I’m open to constructive criticism 😄 +To me, it's still interesting that Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway takes them all together as a group, rather than concentrating on one or two of them. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/buffett-s-berkshire-boosts-stakes-in-japan-s-five-biggest-trading-houses/ar-AA14lhfv](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/buffett-s-berkshire-boosts-stakes-in-japan-s-five-biggest-trading-houses/ar-AA14lhfv) + +&#x200B; + +TOKYO (Reuters) -Berkshire Hathaway Inc, run by billionaire Warren Buffett, has raised its stakes in each of Japan's five biggest trading houses by at least 1 percentage point to more than 6%, regulatory filings showed on Monday, sending shares higher. + +&#x200B; + +The move is line with Berkshire's statement in 2020 that its investments in the Japanese trading houses were for the long term and the stakes could rise to 9.9%. + +&#x200B; + +Berkshire's stakes have increased to 6.59% from 5.04% in Mitsubishi Corp, to 6.62% from 5.03% in Mitsui & Co Ltd, to 6.21% from 5.02% in Itochu Corp, to 6.75% from 5.06% in Marubeni Corp and to 6.57% from 5.04% in Sumitomo Corp. + +&#x200B; + +The news boosted shares of the five trading houses, led by Mitsubishi and Marubeni, which were up more than 2% in morning trade, while the benchmark Nikkei index was nearly flat. + +&#x200B; + +Japanese regulatory rules require disclosure within five business days when an investor who owns more than 5% of a listed company raises or cuts a stake by 1 percentage point. + +&#x200B; + +Berkshire's increased investments in the trading houses come as it this month bought more than $4.1 billion of stock in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, a rare significant foray into the technology sector by the conglomerate. + +&#x200B; + +(Reporting by Makiko Yamazaki; Editing by Jamie Freed) +First warning was, 'you might remember me from such DD as'... ( u/Bobsmith808 pulled this playing people on options ) 2nd was it's going to be a bloodbath so stay away... When hasn't it been a bloodbath? It's been a bloodbath for hedgies for a year and half now. We are immune to sudden price drops, FUD, and trust me bros. I've been on here enough to know an organic post vs a pushed post. + +Edit: Well shit this post got popular quick too. Now I'm the asshole. All I'm saying is take everything with a grain of salt. Put on your critical thinking hats. If u/thabat is telling the truth I apologize profusely, and will buy the shit out of that dip. + +Edit Edit: In regards to the post saying I'm trying to drive dd writers out of town, this couldn't be further from the truth. I've been here since the Jan sneeze and I have seen multiple DD writers push youtube channels, Fud, or try to get jackasses like Mark Cahodes to come onto Superstonk using the "Im a DD writer so trust me on this" angle. At this point I'm skeptical of anything without evidence regardless if you write DD or not. u/thabat's post got over 4k upvotes, and over 40 awards early in the morning very quickly which I found suspicious. Then of course it happens to my post to which I apologize to u/thabat. Again, I'm not trying to drive anyone out, especially not DD writers. Thank you u/thabat for writing up DD, that shit aint even remotely easy, and again I apologize for casting serious doubt on anyone who doesn't deserve it. I've just learned to be skeptical, maybe to a fault. +I've been saving a lot over lockdown and moved home to save even more the past 10 months - I'm desperate to move back to London and thought this might be a great time to invest in a property. As much as I'd love a house, it's so expensive in London and most require a lot of work, so I was thinking of long lease flats. Ideally I'd want to keep this property forever as an investment (let me know how viable that is and if most people sell when moving). + +However I'm 27 and wondering is it worth me buying a property on my own while I'm single, and losing my first buyer status or should I wait for my impending future where things can change drastically. Should I just go back to renting and enjoy London as before? It's hard reading so much about property ownership because everyone has such different experiences, especially with flats. Any advice would be welcome +Post all BRN related posts, memes, news and commentary here until 11:59PM Eastern Time. + +All other posts will be deleted. + +Yes, ban stuff will be tamped down after this. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-29/real-estate-investors-grow-desperate-to-spend-250-billion-hoard](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-29/real-estate-investors-grow-desperate-to-spend-250-billion-hoard) +It bugs me when people say warren buffets idea of investing which is hold long term and put in sp500 and that you can't beat the 10% returns of the sp500. People don't realize that he is referring to people with HUGE CAPITAL. When you are working with 50k it's different than trading 50 million. I can very well make 15% in a month with 50k but would differently not be able to replicate that with a 50 million account. He even said it himself + +"i*f I was running $1 million today, or $10 million for that matter, I’d be fully invested. Anyone who says that size does not hurt investment performance is selling. The highest rates of return I’ve ever achieved were in the 1950s. I killed the Dow. You ought to see the numbers. But I was investing peanuts then. It’s a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million.* *No, I know I could. I* ***guarantee*** *that.”* + +Then when I tell people I make 10% on 50k a month I get the stupid comments + +"iF yoU MAke 10% a mOntH YoU wOulD be A BiiLlIonaire iN just 4 YeArS" + +But it just doesn't work that way. + +The magic of Buffett’s strategy is its ability to scale. When Buffett makes 20%, he can do it on $150 thousand or $150 million or $150 billion. *This is not true for ordinary traders! And Defiantly not me.* + +*My end goal is to reach a number in which when get there I would be fully retired because although day trading is definitely more free and rewarding than working a standard job at the end of day you are still working. Once I reach my end goal through real estate and yes Long term investing with sp500 I would be better off getting my 5- 10% annually on my main account than my day trading account 50k and making 7-10k a month until then I will day trade as its the most rewarding way I can make money and currently defiantly more the sp500 can make.* +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM). +I feel like I got duped into a auto loan by a dealership five years ago and now I’m free($18,500 when you add it all up, even with the extended warranty added). I officially own my car. I almost don’t regret it as it has come in handy several times in the moving across the country a few different times for various seasonal work but man has it been a struggle some months. Even if it were my last $300, it went to my car. I’ve had to borrow money for my payments twice and have always felt eternally grateful for those individuals that helped me out. I am overwhelmed with this new freedom and it’s only been a couple days since I put that last payment in the mail. I want to share this with the world but really the first person I told was my dad who put his name up for the co-sign. He’s pretty happy too. Suggestions for what I could do with the extra money? It’s been so long since I haven’t had to worry about the 13th of every month that I’m sure I’ll recover from that anxiety, but not sure if it will be for a couple months. +I know I know, the dip is tempting. You looked at your bank account and think: Hey, a couple of grand wouldn't be that bad, it's going back up. + +Yes, it's going back up, but not in the short term tho. If you need money for bills, food and accommodation, please stop yourself from doing stupid shit. If you have a DCA schedule, be disciplined and stick with it. If you want to catch falling knives, do it only with your disposable. + +I'm saying this because I was once blindly buying and even cashed out my emergency funds. I even have to borrow money from my girlfriend to just survive. Now I've learnt my lessons: DCA or buy the dips only with your disposable money. + +You don't have to be like me, and I don't want you to. Stay sane and stay safe, it's going to be fine. +Let's be real, a lot of people here think bitcoin's energy consumption is not a problem, or it's just green people envious that they didn't make money. + +The top rated post now is a post saying that banks consumed 520% more energy than bitcoin, even though the top comments are saying it's a bad argument, there still a lot of people who think the article is right, if you go on Twitter bitcoin maxis are always saying people are dumb because they don't get it how bitcoin is more efficient. Banks processed 200 billions of transactions last year against what, 200 million bitcoin transactions? You don't have to be a genius at math to see that there's no way bitcoin would win if it had the same amount of users and transactions. + +I'm not even getting into the argument that there are millions of people working for banks who likely would be working elsewhere and generating co2 emissions nevertheless. Those people work on different areas that you like it or not, are "features" bitcoin doesn't have, banks transaction output is not necessary related with their co2 emission because they do a lot more than sending money from A to B, you can't say the same about bitcoin, transactions = big energy output. + +"but defi is the future, we don't need banks". You may be right, but if you look at sites like nexo/celsius, they are still companies with employees, they are competing with banks providing lendings, customer supoort, cards and insurance, not bitcoin. And they are doing fine. + +"the media attacks crypto even though most a lot of coins aren't using PoW or will move to something else in the near future". Hmmm, so you are saying there are better solutions out there and still its better to not talk about bitcoin's energy waste? Sorry, but this is just delusional. + +Crypto is at its core pushing technology forward and breaking paradigms, and with more adoption it also comes spotlight. If you look into the crypto space in 5 years and see that most coins and decentralized platforms are using something different than pure PoW, and bitcoin is still using PoW and consuming 10x energy from what it does now, you should think that's there's the possibility governments could act against mining, this year you saw hash rate drop with government-instituted blackouts in China, it wouldn't take much for countries to criminalize PoW mining if bitcoin is the only coin doing that and pretending nothing is happening while shouting "I'm the king". + +TL;DR: bitcoin's PoW is a cow infinitely farting, there shouldn't be negationism in this space about it as everyone else is inserting corks inside their cows butholes. +I’m 56 & well into my investment journey. A thought occurred to me for young people to consider, and I figured I’d make my first post: + +Am I correct to advise young people to not over think retirement saving? If a 401K is available, at least invest up to the % a company will match. + +If not, find a Roth IRA and invest post-tax money as much as you can reasonably afford. + +I think getting in the game/habit of saving is super important, and young people may be paralyzed due to fear and/or too many choices. They may also get poor advice from family. + +Thoughts? +JUST HOLD. TODAY WAS NOTHING. GME WAS AT 180 3 WEEKS AGO. If you WORKED your WHOLE LIFE will you be able to accumulate even a million? No? MAYBE?? So just hold on to your shares. Even if it takes MONTHS. 10M IS THE FLOOR +Buy and hold. This is not an easy game. It is not something simple. IT TAKES REAL BALLS AND PATIENCE FOR ANYONE TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE. THIS IS NOT A GET RICH quick SCHEME. +After active studying and trading for over a year, I’ve had huge wins & huge losses. This emotional rollercoaster was too much for me, and now that it’s actually cost me money I’m done. + +Looks like it’s back to etf & chill for me. +Throwaway account. + +My parents wired 335k to scammers on Tuesday thinking it was going to the title company. They discovered today (now two days later) at closing that their money is gone. A complaint with the FBI has been filed. They have also spoken with Fidelity and their bank. + +I'm not sure what advice to give them at this point. Do they lawyer up? What are the chances of them getting any of this money back? + +Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks! + +Edit: Parents called Wells Fargo and still couldn't get a lot of info. HOWEVER it does sound like some sum of money is frozen with the bank, so we are hoping for good news. They are also meeting with a lawyer tomorrow to possibly go after the title company. + +Edit/Update #2, for those of you asking exactly how this happened: My parents had been emailing back and forth with the relator about wiring the money. They then received an email from what they thought was the title company with instructions for the wire transfer. The scammers got to my parents before they even talked to the title company. It seems to me that the relator's email was probably compromised. The title company is not at fault. The money was wired from Fidelity to a Wells Fargo, likely in South Carolina as that was what was on the wiring instructions (we are located in Texas). Neither Fidelity nor Wells Fargo are answering questions. They called the FBI, but they just said to fill out a form (which my parents already did). They also filed a police report. +Hi everyone. I wanted to just give a quick statement before I wind down for the night. u/WardenElite has stepped down as moderator and provided [this resignation post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndg6oi/i_will_be_stepping_down_from_being_a_mod/). + +I received a lot of messages, saw a [very critical post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nddod9/exposing_warden_here_he_is_calling_superstonk/), and urgent insistence from several in my chats to remove Warden and resisted because we don't succumb to mob rule or witch hunts. The mods have a process and we take it seriously when we remove permissions or remove mods overall. This is to make sure the mods feel secure in their positions and take pride in their roles. + +I immediately opened dialogue with Warden and asked him to explain himself. He gave some basic reasoning, but as more evidence and screenshots came to light, I began to realize this was not something he could explain away. I told him that I think it'd be best if he resigned, but I will make a decision TONIGHT either way and he had to write his goodbye asap. + +I then opened a poll (we have a system) for the mods to review this evidence and decide what to do. I removed Warden's permissions while we held that vote; so all he could do is view mod log and see our mod chat. Many of you saw him on the mod list but know he was sitting there powerless while we reviewed everything. + +We asked many questions, and IMO he made minimal effort to defend his actions, explain himself, and made no efforts to prepare us or discuss with us before he made that post. As a result, we developed a serious loss of confidence. + +Warden also was busy, and unable to be in mod chat very often. He would not often hold discussions with us. His mod log was underwhelming, as well. We as mods were already a little peeved that he wasn't more involved, so when this happened, and we received minor explanation, the mood turned sour and many of us were very upset, and some of us [denounced him for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ndg93z/dispelling_denouncing_wardens_fud_market_limit/). + +Ultimately, Warden posted his resignation letter and removed himself as mod. I think he may have felt we should part ways, and I do as well. + +Superstonk is not a place for streamers to prioritize profits, or for mods to sit in discords insulting their members. Our motto is APE FIRST, MOD SECOND. And "mod first" or "selfish" actions are not part of the Superstonk Moderator methodology. It is literally in our code of ethics and expectations for mods. Warden knew this as it was discussed from the beginning. + +As many of you know, Superstonk was born in mod drama, so we are treading lightly when we handle it. I personally was jumped by a mod team and stripped of permissions, so I know how overwhelming it can be. I also quit my role and came here, and had a vision of free speech, fairness, and honesty. I have done my best to give this ideology to the other mods and we use it as a bonding agent so that we stay strong but also individual. You can all see the results of that. + +While it can be tempting to lose your temper and do things that are rash, we prioritize a simple series of ideas: to share information, to learn, to communicate, and to build a community. We communicate and work together daily. Mods who don't seem focused on those goals, seem to stand out rather easily. Our mod team embodies the values of this and Warden's departure will allow us to focus more on these values and overall I think r/Superstonk will benefit. + +I want to give u/WardenElite thanks for following us to Superstonk and being a mod while we built this grand community of super apes. I truly think we are one of the best subreddits on reddit, and I will always do right by the ape community; if not, I will do everything in my power to remedy it. I want to be fair to the community, but also the mods themselves. I don't like to act too rashly, nor with too strong a delay. I try to make good decisions, and I listen to you all. + +Warden is not banned. I have no current plans to ban him. He can still post. However, the rules will be enforced just like with the rest of the community. Thank you everyone. + +Red +I am 24 living alone in San Francisco working for a tech startup since 2017, which has just been acquired by a much larger company. + +A lot of my compensation has been in stock options given to me when I joined years ago. When we became acquired they suddenly had value and I executed the options now worth \~5.2mm. + +What do I do now? + +I grew up very poor and as such my family has no experience with this amount of money. ( They are all living in much better conditions and are happy). I have absolutely no idea how to handle it or invest it. I'd really like to be able to buy a home in San Francisco, and this is surely enough, but I'm sure there is a better use of it. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: + +First off, thanks for the sound advice, everyone is pretty much recommending the same things. ie. Get a good CPA, take some small amount of "fun" money, and invest the rest. + +Along with that, I also plan on funding the rest of my sibling's college ( I had already been doing this, but this will make it easier ) and paying off my parent's house. I have a very small family, so it's easy to help them all (just the 4 of us) + +I just wanted to add that this is pre-tax, so I do need to pay the taxes on the 5.2 which will leave me with \~2.6 (TBD after I meet with a CPA) and that's still loads. + +I also do plan on continuing to work for this company as the pay is great and I was granted 500k in RSUs in the new company, vesting over 4yrs. + +Overall I feel pretty happy and comfortable, I just need to be extra cautious about not becoming another post-lotto bankruptcy. +Hi there - keen ape here, and I also happen to be a Great Ape Behaviour expert. Over the years I’ve conducted behavioural research in Western Zoos and in Africa both in the wild and in primate sanctuaries. Apologies that this is slightly off topic here compared to usual DD but there’s a potential problem I foresee happening after the MOASS that would absolutely break my heart, so I hope the mods allow me to share a bit of my knowledge to stop it happening. + +We’ve already seen this year the Superstonk community wholeheartedly take on the ‘ape’ mantle, with incredible gestures such as the money raised through ape adoptions for the Diane Fossey foundation and other organisations. This was a really good thing, and if you want to help apes after the MOASS, I would strongly encourage such behaviour. + +What I would strongly discourage though is for anyone to take this a step further and buy a pet monkey or (perhaps even worse) a pet ape, something which sadly is still possible in many parts of the world through both legal and illegal avenues. + +This is for a few reasons. Firstly, the illegal pet trade of primates is decimating wild populations across Africa, Asia, and South America. Most primates sold as pets are taken from the wild as babies when they are still easy to transport and not aggressive. Any adults found at the same time are killed and butchered to be sold as bushmeat. Many infant primates that are ripped from their families and smuggled across borders like this don’t survive, and those that do are often psychologically traumatised. Those sanctuaries I said I worked at in Africa - they specialised in rehabilitating great apes rescued in such circumstances. Each would need substantial care and treatment to recover, and though they are now in far better hands, many will never be able to be reintroduced to the wild again due to habituation around humans. A lot of the apes I observed showed behaviours suggestive of mental disorders in humans ranging from depression to PTSD, and these were the lucky ones. + +Leaving that aside, primates do not make for good pets, despite what you might see on YouTube and Instagram. They are animals with very complex social needs that you as a human cannot possibly fulfil alone. Unlike dogs or cats they are not domesticated, and will revert to aggression to solve issues as they would with their troop. There are many recorded instances of this occurring, sometimes (in the case of chimpanzees especially) fatally. I love chimpanzees - they are my favourite animal in the whole world. But I am under no illusion that they can be dangerous, aggressive, and violent when they think it necessary, and that includes if they think they can move up the dominance hierarchy by beating your ass. Many smaller primates that are sold have their teeth and claws removed to get round the aggression issue. This is extremely cruel and painful, renders them unable to eat properly, kills a good portion of those that have the procedure, and ultimately just maims an innocent animal for someone’s vanity. + +Furthermore a primate is not suited to life as a pet. They most often live in very large social groups, in vast territories offering a wide array of specialised dietary and life needs. Even a MOASS mansion can’t offer that, and the life they live would be much poorer and more sad as a result. + +To finish - I love this community and I love how much we love apes. I have also been continually amazed at the levels of altruism and kindness shown on this subreddit. I know no good person would buy a pet primate if they had all the facts in front of them, but most people are unaware of why it is such a problem. So please do share this with anyone who might be interested, and help spread the word. This is the way! +What’s up apes. I’ve been a part of this community for a long while and I’ve seen it do some amazing things. GMErry Christmas is a good example. I’m so sorry to exploit the community as this has nothing to do with GME. + +I have a baby ape in my family that needs a liver in the next couple of days. I’m breaking a cardinal rule by sharing this because it takes away my anonymity - but I figured it’s worth it if y’all can help me find a liver donor. + +I’m just asking if people could watch this TikTok and interact with the video to blow it up I’d be forever grateful. Thank you! +[TikTok video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8btvjnD/) + +*a good ape brought up possible data crumbs with shortened links. If you don’t wish to click on it - please search TikTok for user @for_audrey - it’s the only video. + +I accept the ban if that’s what mods decide. + +Edit: 😭thank you all so much for your support and responses. I’ve been asked to include matching criteria so here it is + +Female ages 18-45 + +110lbs or under (50kg) + +Blood type A or O + +Not pregnant or haven’t been pregnant for 12 months + +**generally** it’s a 3 month full recovery for the donor as this is a partial liver donation. The liver is capable of growing back the part that is taken. + +Thank you so much! + +Here’s the [link to the hospital with information ](https://froedtert.com/liver-donor) if you are willing and interested to take the screening survey. + +One more edit: want to be clear it’s my extended family, not my direct baby as I don’t want to mislead anyone. But she’s family. Really appreciate everyone here. You’re making this easier and giving me hope when there wasn’t much just an hour ago. 🙏 + +Some of you have been asking for a tweet to share - here’s my tiny Twitter - https://twitter.com/for_audrey_grey/status/1461170059607523328?s=21 + +Also, HUGE shout out to those that have commented or DMd me that they fit the criteria and filled out the hospital’s form 😭 heroes, all of you. And all of you that have really boosted this up. + +Thank you so much to everyone who has commented, upvoted, shares here, on TikTok, in texts, etc. I am so appreciative. This community always comes through. + +Oh, and of course, DRS + +Probably final edit tonight as I’m falling asleep. Apes, I am truly overwhelmed by all of your support. It’s been amazing feeling the love from all of you. I think we might have a shot here at finding Audrey a good match, so I thank each and every one of you for your interactions on this post, the Twitter post, the TikTok video, all of it. + +I’ve had so many of you reach out and let me know you’re going to fill out the form. It’s incredibly humbling how generous you all are with your time, your platforms, etc. This community is truly one of a kind and seeing the love here, I have little doubt that our hard earned tendies will be in the right hands post MOASS. + +I’ll keep updating as I have them tomorrow and in the coming days. Again, I really appreciate all your interaction. I nailed my head on one of my kids beds so I need to take a break now from all the comments and dms so I can get some sleep. + +Have a good night everyone, and I’ll see you tomorrow for the MOASS and I’ll be back to continue commenting and chatting with you lovely apes. + +**Update 11/18/2021 10:25am EST** +We have a few people that meet the criteria and I’m guessing the hospital will be reaching out today to explain the next steps if they are interested. HUGE SHOUTOUT to all of you. This is incredible. + +That being said, if you are still interested, please go ahead and continue to fill out the form. Oftentimes people need to back out when they hear that it’s two weeks in the hospital and potentially three months off work. + +Also, testing will need to be done in Wisconsin. + +A lot of people ask about the weight limit. We really need someone as close to 100lbs as possible (problem with me saying 110 is folks at 120 may overwhelm the staff 😅 y’all are amazing! + +Thank you so much! I am doing my best to balance kids, work and responding to everyone so I’m sorry If I haven’t gotten back to you yet! Thanks everyone! + +MOASS tomorrow!? + +Update 11/19 3:30pm EST + +Not much to report! I really appreciate everyone still interacting with the tweet and TikTok. Not are still getting traction and a few people have reached out about wanting to fill out the form. + +I think we are in for a few days or maybe even a week or quiet now as the hospital chats with those that have volunteered to be checked as a match. Thank you to everyone! + +Green day today, let’s go! + +Update 11/19 7:30pm EST + +Audrey is in the hospital and she’s not doing to well. Send her some energy, apes 🙏 + +Update 11/22 4:30pm EST + +Y'all are amazing. We've heard from at least three folks have made past the secondary screening by the hospital and they are headed to Milwaukee for imaging. Audrey is having a rough time in the hospital but she still has moments of positivity and happiness :) + +MOASS tomorrow! + +Update 11/26 10:30am EST still no news of consequence but Audrey is hanging in there for now! Happy thanksgiving, Apes! + +Update 11/30 8:30pm EST https://www.wbay.com/2021/11/30/neenah-baby-immediate-need-lifesaving-liver-transplant/ + +EDIT: 12/9/2021 4pm EST + +WE DID IT! AUDREY IS IN SURGERY AND IT SOUNDS LIKE BOTH SHE AND THE DONOR ARE DOING WELL!! + +12/22/2021 9am EST - Both Audrey and the donor are doing well! Audrey’s body was rejecting the liver but they sound like they are treating it and have it under control! Things are looking great all around! +Please head on over to r/amcstock and witness a true level of delirium. + +Context: the whole group of AMC buyers have been convinced that by the stock finishing above $8 (it finished at $8.01) that they’ve automatically initiated a short squeeze that will “get the stock to around $1000”. Their logic? They think that because 111,000 calls expired in the money today, that Monday there has to be 11,100,000 shares purchased. I tried telling them that that’s not how it works at all but they won’t listen. + +These guys are celebrating like they just won the lottery when their stock lost 3% for the day. Nothing makes sense anymore 😂 +Also why does the US have to pay interest and debt if the US government has no money in tax money but have to ask to federal reserves to print money and have to pay the interest and debt on it. +&#x200B; + +**HIBS Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Beta Bear 3X ETF Shares (symbol HIBS)** + +Hey guys I am New here to Reddit. I wanted to see what you guys thought about some research I have done and if you see flaws or ways to improve it. I am not a financial advisor, please do your own research and due diligence. I am just posting my research to show others what I have been up to and see what the community thinks. + +|||| +|:-|:-|:-| +|||| + +**This is about HIBS a 3x BEAR ETF tied to the S&P500** + +HIBS has an INVERSE relationship to the S&P500. So as the S&P goes DOWN, HIBS should go up. Since it is a 3x instrument, it should increase more percentage wise than the S&P 500 declines . + +First, I will show why I believe the market is OVERVALUED. Then, secondly, present how you could potentially gain from this by purchasing HIBS. + +**HIBS is an ETF with a very limited number of shares.** If things like that interest you? + +The Correlation between Stocks Index and Their P/E10 +From an article [https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/2021/02/02/is-the-stock-market-cheap](https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/2021/02/02/is-the-stock-market-cheap) + +PE10 is considered to be a more consistent benchmark then just PE. The regular PE can vary widely especially if there are earnings declines in a particular QTR or YEAR. THE PE10 is based on real monthly averages divided by the 10 year average of the real earnings. By using an average over several years one or two aberrational earning periods will be less likely to spike or crater the PE number +The P/E10 of the **S&P 500 historic average** for the life of the index (1880-2021) i**s 17.1**. + +After dropping to 13.3 in March 2009, the ratio rebounded to a high of 23.5 in February of 2011 and then hovered in the 20-to-21 range. It began rising again in late 2013, reaching 33.3 in 2018 and the **PE10 for the S&P500 is currently at 34.6.** + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/uyxhzlpbo1i61.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=609853e05efbe379f193aaa43cda172680f3b9d5 + +CHART 1 (1870-2021) + +This chart (**CHART 1**) shows 2 things. +The first on top is the S&P500 compared to its Regression line. + +(A regression line in what the movement of the stock would look like over time if it went perfectly straight and did not deviate go UP and DOWN.) + +Right now the **S&P500 is trading above the regression line by 155%.** That means it is over 150% above it'sa average level. Historically this level is just about on par with the levels the index was above prior to the 1929 Crash and the 2000s Tech Bubble. + +The second part shows the Historic Price Earning Ratios and its amount above the regression line. AS you can see the current Price above earning is at 34.6. the stock are trading almost 35 time more than the companies earn. This is the **second highest number in this history**. It is greater then the P/E10 prior to the **1929 CRASH which was 32.6** it is second only to the Tech Bubble where it reached 44.2 + +The chart also includes a regression trendline through the P/E10 ratio for the edification of anyone who believes the price-earnings ratio has naturally tended higher over time as markets evolve. The latest ratio is 68% above trend, up from 65% above last month. This means the PE10 is 68% Above it's normal (average) level. again just about at the same levels as it was prior to 2 major downturns. Now history is no guarantee of future events, but it is something very much worth observing closely. + +**Deviation from the Mean** + +Here is a pair of charts illustrating the historic P/E 10 ratio from its mean (average) and geometric mean with callouts for peaks and troughs along with the latest values + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/jnjhnuqco1i61.jpg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf273ddcfc69bc37cbaa88609756a63b8976a10 + +CHART 2 (1880-2021) + +As you can see from **CHART 2,** the current PE10 is 102% above the Average PE10 +**This again is greater than the PE10 prior to the 1929 CRASH and second again to ONLY to the Tech Bubble of 2000**. + +More information From [http://www.currentmarketvaluation.com/models/price-earnings.php](http://www.currentmarketvaluation.com/models/price-earnings.php) + +Some consider using older data to be not as relevant because of the changing world. Because of this some consider using only more modern information (Data after1950) +Here is the chart from 1950 to 2021 where the S&P500 PE10 mean has increased from 17 to 19.6 + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/qic9htndo1i61.png?width=1780&format=png&auto=webp&s=20c283319755c158540511d56eb827a2d25a81e9 + +CHART 3 (1950-2021) + +Again, you can see in **CHART 3** that the PE10 is at its second highest level 81% above the mean. This level has not been seen since the Tech Bubble of 2000 level of 132 above the mean. The current S&P500 PE10 Level (81% above the mean) indicates that the **market is Strongly Overvalued.** + +**MARGIN DEBT** + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/rqnuxweeo1i61.jpg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c369adb92b8c195d97041cf9cc7766e1a997e15 + +Chart 4 + +One more factor involved in the Overvaluation of the market is the MARGIN DEBT. + +As **Chart 4** shows the current **Margin Debt is close to** **$800 Billion Dollars. Right now Margin Debt is that highest it has ever been.** It is **HIGHER** then before the Tech Bubble (2000), **Higher** then before the 2008 crash, and **Higher** then before the 2020 COVID Crash. + +Now debt in itself is not necessarily a bad thing. That is until you can't pay it or are forced to pay it before you are ready. As the market declines investors are looking to make gains when there are less and less opportunity to do that due to the high valuations of the stocks. So what some investors do is take more chances with margin to try to improve their nominal gains to greater ones. Again, this is fine and a legitimate way to increase returns. However, there is a greater risk involved. + +The concern arises when the market starts to go down. Margin investors who bought at the top and see their values diminish will have to start selling to cover their losses. When this occurs some investors usually sell more solid investments which causes those to potentially decline. If this continues more Margin Investors could get called and it can snowball. + +**With Margin DEBT at Record Levels this is a potential for disaster.** + +**Well that is unless you happen to OWN a Bear Fund** + +**like HIBS (with it's LIMITED Number of shares )** + +**HIBS Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Beta Bear 3X ETF Shares (HIBS)** + +Okay, so what do we do with this Information and How can we potentially profit from it? +There are several ways to play a down market go to cash but you wont make any gains that way. To make money some investors Short Stock or buy PUT options. However, as we all know those 2 alternatives are wrought with High Risk and could lead to Big losses. + +A better alternative is **HIBS** Direxion Daily S&P 500 High Beta Bear 3X ETF Shares +This is an ETF that in theory will track the S&P500 and will increase in value as the S&P500 Declines. HIBS has an inverse relationship with the S&P500 Index. HIBS is also designed to increase 3 times as much as the S&P500 decreases +Here is a chart showing how it performed this past January when the S&P500 dipped 4.57% + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/utlg1b5fo1i61.jpg?width=1115&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae28a5ae3dbe37320e47c5b32952718f4a13ab7 + +TABLE 1 (4.57% Decline) + +**Table 1** shows that when THE S&P500 went from 3870.9 on 1/26/2021 down to 3694.12 on 1/29/2021 a decrease in value of only 4.57% + +**HIBS** increased in value from $23.81 per share to $32.68 a $8.87 increase for a **37.26% Gain** + +From this information, we can then extrapolate the potential returns in **HIBS** based on a larger and larger drop in the S&P. A 5% drop in the S&P is 9.4% larger then the 4.57% Drop in January. So we will assume a 9.4% greater rise in HIBS to $9.71 (instead of 8.87) added the 9.71 to the $23.81 purchase price brings HIBS to $33.52 (as can be seen in TABLE 2 Below) + +So your initial $1000 investment (42 shares when it was 23.81 per share) could now be worth $1407.89 for a **40.8% GAIN.** + +I know what you are saying if it is supposed to react 3 Times why are you having it only increase proportionally. I am showing what is possible even using conservative projections. + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/xm9bg9vfo1i61.jpg?width=1107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842de98259f4d8414da32a38c22ff4ed75506e39 + +TABLE 2 (5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Scenarios) + +As **TABLE 2** shows a 10% Drop in the S&P could bring about a $19.42 point gain in **HIBS** to $43.23 + +The $1000.0 investment (42 Shares) could be worth $1815.78 or a **81.6% Potential Return** + +15% Drop in the S&P500 could result in **HIBS** price of 52.94 a $29.14 Gain for **122.4% Potential Return** + +20% Drop in the S&P500 could result in **HIBS** price of 62.66 a $38.85 Gain for **163.2% Potential Return** + +25% Drop in the S&P500 could result in **HIBS** price of 72.37 a $48.56 Gain for **203.9% Potential Return** + +📷 + +https://preview.redd.it/zsspcomgo1i61.jpg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c6f4ffc03cd745dc3bab5b0fba708322e281265 + +TABLE 3 (Results for 5% to 45% S&P500 Decline) + +**TABLE 3** Shows the various potential RETURNS to **HIBS** for various DROPS in the S&P 500 + +from 5% up to a 45% Drop + +A 45% drop in the S&P500 which could result in **HIBS** price of $111.22 a $87.41 projected Gain for **367.9% Potential Return.** + +Now results will most likely vary from these projections, but it just shows you the potential of this possible investment as a way to gain from a potential dip in the Market. + +**HIBS (SMALL AMOUNT of SHARES OUTSTANDING - SMALL FLOAT!)** + +There is one more major factor involved with **HIBS** and a major reason as to why I prefer it to other Bear ETFs, It’s the number of shares and FLOAT or LACK THEREOF! + +Because the fund recently Reversed Split 1 for 20. **There are only about 1.5 million shares of this ETF.** That is a very low number. So if things start to hit the fan (so to speak.) volatility could be large. Since there is not a large supply of this fund when demand increases this fund could jump more than others. Especially if people aren’t really looking to sell while the markets are dipping. + +**So HIBS could potentially increase more or decrease more because of its lack of Shares.** + +Please remember these are just my thoughts and opinions. I am not a financial advisor. You should not make financial decisions based off my research and my potential returns. Always make your own financial decisions based off your own research and consult your financial advisor before doing any investing. + +Presently I have 2,000 shares of **HIBS** at an average price of $23.86 + +Thank you for your time. Your opinions are welcomed. +My wife has been wanting a new car that’s fairly expensive, and said maybe we should “save” for it. We have a pretty high income and plenty of money we can just decide to buy it today if we wanted. There is really no point to save for it, but it seems a bit wrong to just do it because we want to. How do you “save” for purchases like this when you don’t need to? +Currently not as fat as I’d like and not ready to retire just yet. I’m about 4 years away. $450k salary between wife and I, about $1m in cash plus investments etc. + +Part of how we got here was by staying in a small house with low monthly payment and paying a few hundred dollars a month extra on a low interest rate. + +Due to COVID, we’re both now working from home and now we’re no longer tied to our current location. + +Our plan was to move in the next year or so. Inflation and potential interest rate hikes have me a little concerned with how to approach the purchase. + +My prior plan was to put down a healthy deposit and finance the rest, leaving the bulk of the money in the market. Not sure how to think through it now. +My portfolio has wiped out all gains from 2021 and is now in red. Essentially wiping out everything. I don’t want to sell and take the loss but also don’t see the end of this tunnel. How do you deal with this? +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/26/sofi-to-give-amateur-investors-early-access-to-ipos-in-break-from-wall-street-tradition-.html + +Online finance start-up SoFi is lowering the barrier for amateur investors to buy shares of companies as they go public. + +These IPO shares have historically been set aside for Wall Street's institutional investors or high-net worth individuals. Retail traders don't have a way to buy into newly listed companies until those shares begin actually trading on the exchange. By that time, the price has often gapped higher. + +"Main Street will have access to investing in a way they wouldn't have before," SoFi CEO Anthony Noto said in a phone interview. "It gives more differentiation, and more access so people can build diversified portfolios." + +SoFi itself will be an underwriter in these deals, meaning it works with companies to determine a share price, buys securities from the issuer then sells them back to certain investors. It's common for brokerage firms to get a portion of IPO shares in that process. But they don't typically offer them to the everyday investor. + +Noto worked on more than 50 IPOs, including Twitter's debut, in his former role as partner and head of the technology media and telecom group at Goldman Sachs. Firms like Goldman generate revenue from Wall Street funds, which often choose to get in on an IPO "based on the access they get to that unique product," he said. + +"Individual investors don't generate those types of revenues, therefore they don't get access to the unique product," Noto said. "The cost of serving retail, if they did decide to do that, would be too high." + +SoFi clients who have at least $3,000 in account value will be able enter the amount of shares they want as a "reservation." The app will alert them when it's time to confirm an order. +Been a lurker for years, posting for the first time today. Before we get started, I just want to thank everyone here for the wealth of knowledge available week after week. Using a throwaway for anonymity, I work/live on the internet (YouTuber) and would like to keep my finances private. Happy to verify with mods as needed. + +Late 20's, fortunate enough to be a content creator on YouTube my entire professional life. Working 70+ hour weeks means hoarding cash and no time to spend it. Here's my current snapshot: + +**NET WORTH: $8,700,000** + +* Investments (CPC): $5,000,000 +* Cash: $2,100,000 +* Home/vehicles/etc: $1,100,000 +* 4x rental properties: $500,000 + +**ANNUAL INCOME: $1,500,000** + +* Varies between $1,000,000 and $2,000,000, see that continuing for at least few years +* Annual spend: $100,000 +* Currently DCA'ing $75k/month into the market + +I signed up for Chase Private Client in the early 2010's when I first started finding success. I already banked with Chase and passing money off to an advisor made it much easier to focus on my craft. Fast forward a few years, thanks to /r/fatFIRE, I'm aware of just how badly I'm being killed in fees (1.25%+). I'm also well aware I need to deploy the cash, but after such a volatile year, it's intimidating to make any big moves. + +Looking for thoughts/suggestions: + +* Is it time to cut CPC? (I assume the answer here is yes) +* Should I look into a fiduciary (one near me with 0.6% fee)? A robo-advisor? Or is it truly as simple as dumping everything into a three fund portfolio at Vanguard? +* With the current heat of the market, would you still lump sum it all at once? Or DCA? +* Should I throw it all in a Robinhood account and trade weekly options? +* Any other insight is very much appreciated! +Everytime I try and reserach a coin I'm just berated by fan boys in echo chambers. I wanna hear it all, some of these people are delusional. This was inspired after watching the tron live stream. Give it to me straight, what coin do you hate the most and why? Please let the hate out. +Hi. Just like a PSA. I have friends who recently became landlords and despite my advising them strongly they needed to run background and credit checks, they didn't. Guess how that turned out. I used to work as a property manager and the reality is most folks who turned up, couldn't get approved. I learned quickly not to judge a book by its cover. Lots of lovely, polite people with horrific rental history, credit or criminal past. Let the big complexes who are desperate for tenants be the ones who deal with the bad credit, terrible tenant history, criminal history folks. There are many people out there just hunting for a private landlord who doesn't check and as soon as they're in, they won't ever pay again. My friends looked into their history after the fact, yeah, this is their M.O. exactly. They'll never see a dime meanwhile they're paying the mortgage and water and now for the eviction which will take months. + +Check. Every time. No exceptions. + +ITT: People acting like locking your doors amounts to theft. + +Thanks for the graphic, long death threats. FO. + +Also, lots of people PMing me about having bad credit themselves. Look LOADS of landlords rent to folks with less than perfect credit / criminal history / landlord history / income. Honestly I suspect most do. The ones I've worked for DEFINITELY do. The folks that almost no one will rent to are the ones who force an eviction immediately after moving in, never intended to pay once they got tenants rights and trash the house on the way out and do this REPEATEDLY. I promise they're out there. Tons of folks do this shit. I get we have a housing crisis but its just insane to think we solve this by having every person who has property to rent play craps with their kids college fund or their retirement savings. + +Also, I get it losers. The proletariat is going to rape my eye holes while I watch my family bleed out. You don't need to keep messaging me that. I've already gotten the message. I suspect you're the same assholes out there trashing houses, destroying people's nest egg / retirement funds / kids college funds / lives. + +If y'all don't want to fear the front page, upvote this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ideasfortheadmins/comments/dm2e8u/ability\_to\_turn\_off\_inbox\_for\_a\_time\_or\_until\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ideasfortheadmins/comments/dm2e8u/ability_to_turn_off_inbox_for_a_time_or_until_i/) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1438008812569464836 + +>CHINA TELLS BANKS EVERGRANDE WON'T PAY INTEREST DUE SEPT. 20 + +https://twitter.com/Fxhedgers/status/1438016209765605377 + +>FITCH WIRE: FITCH DOWNGRADED CHINA EVERGRANDE GROUP TO 'CC' FROM 'CCC+' ON 7 SEPT, INDICATING THAT WE VIEW A DEFAULT OF SOME KIND AS PROBABLE + +More context: + +https://www.reuters.com/business/fitch-says-possible-china-evergrande-default-may-have-broader-effects-2021-09-15/ + +>Rating agency Fitch said that numerous sectors could be exposed to heightened credit risk if China's No.2 property developer Evergrande Group (3333.HK) were to default, although the overall impact on the banking sector would be manageable. + +>Evergrande is scrambling to raise funds to pay its many lenders and suppliers, as it teeters between a messy meltdown with far-reaching impacts, a managed collapse or the less likely prospect of a bailout by Beijing. read more + +>Regulators have warned of broader risks to the country's financial system if the company's $305 billion of liabilities aren't contained. + +>"We believe a default would reinforce credit polarisation among homebuilders and could result in headwinds for some smaller banks," Fitch said in a note late on Tuesday. + +>Fitch downgraded China Evergrande Group to "CC" from "CCC+" on Sep. 7, indicating that it viewed a default of some kind as probable. + +>On Tuesday, Evergrande said it has engaged advisers to examine its financial options and warned of cross-default risks amid plunging property sales and lack of progress in asset disposals. read more + +>Fitch said 572 billion yuan ($88.8 billion) of Evergrande's borrowings were held by banks and other financial institutions, but banks may also have indirect exposure to the developer's suppliers, who are owed 667 billion yuan for goods and services. + +>"Smaller banks with higher exposure to Evergrande or to other vulnerable developers could face significant increases in non-performing loans (NPLs), depending on how any credit event involving Evergrande develops," Fitch said. + +>But the agency added a recent People’s Bank of China sensitivity test showed the average capital adequacy ratio of the 4,000 banks in the country would only drop modestly if the NPL ratio for property-development loans were to rise by 15 basis points. + +>Evergrande's Hong Kong-listed stock slipped as much as another 5% to HK$2.82 on Wednesday morning, a fresh low since Jan 2014. + +>Its property management unit (6666.HK) and EV unit (0708.HK), however, bounced as much as 10.4% and 9.3%, respectively. + +>In the debt market, Evergrande's Shanghai traded July 2022 bond fell 5.6% to 28.3 yuan, while its dollar bond due March 2022 dropped 20% to 27.502 cents, yielding more than 500%. + +>Fitch also said the risk of significant pressure on house prices in the event of a default would be low, and it expected the government would act to protect households’ interests to ensure home deliveries. + +>On Wednesday, roughly 40 protesters stood near the entrance at Evergrande headquarters in Shenzhen, prevented from going inside by dozens of security personnel. + +>This followed chaotic scenes at the headquarters two days earlier, as disgruntled investors crowded its lobby to demand repayment of loans and financial products. + +>Some videos circulating on Chinese social media also showed what were described as Evergrande-related protests elsewhere in China. +I’m a 21 year old high school graduate with no college degree (dropped out to support a child), a minimum wage part time job (making $300 a week), paying $250 insurance on a car that breaks down every other week, technically homeless (not on the streets but don’t have a stable roof over my head- kicked out my home), paying money to rent rooms, parents ruined my credit so I can’t take out loans or a credit card, medical history disqualifies me from serving in the military, a hand tattoo I got when I was 17 ruins my chances of obtaining any white collar job... + +My life seems to have no hope and it scares me. It scares me that living paycheck to paycheck could be my reality. Being homeless is literally one paycheck away. If I go to school for a trade or some sort of degree, it may require a loan that I can’t take out. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be able to find the time to attend because I need to work to afford my insurance, baby expenses, and my rent for rooms. I’m literally scared. What can I do to make extra money when I have no experience really? How can I change my life around? I don’t spend money on drugs or alcohol, I don’t smoke, I don’t go out or even waste money on clothing for myself just so I could save money and I still barely have enough to afford a coat. + +Help? + + +EDIT: Post blew up over night. Starting the new year with this much support, all the stories and advice, and ending up on the front page for a few hours, it has to be a good sign. + +Just want to clarify some things that keep getting mentioned. + +1) I don’t LIVE with my brother. Whenever his girlfriend is in the mood, I have a place to stay, I have to pay my portion of “rent” which is EXTREMELY unaffordable and sets me back big time, but in the extreme winter conditions we’re facing in New England, it’s the only way to survive. + +2) My truck is a 2003 Ford Explorer. Ran pretty good till this winter. First the door wouldn’t shut, then the battery died, now it’ll stop running mid-drive and say low oil pressure, lost my heating 2 days ago, and now it’s smoking from the grill. I know nothing about cars, have no friends, and can’t afford a mechanic so I’m just driving it till it breaks down completely. $250 insurance isn’t worth it though. + +3) The infamous Nintendo Switch. I often feel lonely and end up wishing I had friends or someone to hang with. The closest thing I have to that is whoever I talk to on the internet. I thought being a part of a community would help, and gaming is pretty big with the kids my age, so I bought a Nintendo switch to play with people and have something to talk about (also thought the idea of playing Skyrim while in my car was amazing!). My car ended up getting a lot worse though and I immediately had to sell the system for much less than what I spent. Biggest regret so far was wasting that damn money on the system just to feel a part of something. Entertainment isn’t as important as I thought. + +4) The military. I tried joining the Navy because no other branches would accept me because of my tattoos (that I got much younger and not recently. Wouldn’t waste money on them now and I actually regret them). Unfortunately, with a kid, in order to enlist active duty I had to marry my daughter’s mom or give her full custody and have been on child support for at least 6 months. Both of those options WEREN’T options. So I tried the reserves. Went to MEPS but immediately got sent back home because of Marfans related lung collapses I had when I was younger. They didn’t think I could serve because they were afraid I’d have another lung collapse while on deployment and be pretty useless. So that’s a no go. + +Anyways, thank you everyone for sharing all the stories, pieces of advice, and offering friendships. Happy New Years to all and I pray 2018 treats us all well. +This has been a labor of love, here is the IEX AMA you've all been asking for! + +Ronan was certainly one of the most fun guests to host, he's entertaining as hell and tells great stories - so I encourage everyone to watch. There are also juicy tidbits throughout which I'm sure the community will latch onto and dissect, as we do. + +Youtube Link: [https://youtu.be/0fI4YPde-g8](https://youtu.be/0fI4YPde-g8) + +Initial Request Post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rxzes9/ama\_iex\_question\_request\_thread/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rxzes9/ama_iex_question_request_thread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Hope everyone enjoys it. + +~~I'll be posting the transcript relatively soon in two separate posts (due to the length being more than 40k characters) for those who want to read it.~~ + +Transcript Part 1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ss5wyf/iex\_ama\_transcript\_part\_1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ss5wyf/iex_ama_transcript_part_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Transcript Part 2: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ss5xer/iex\_ama\_transcript\_part\_2/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ss5xer/iex_ama_transcript_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +Separate to the above, please refer to the AMA request post for **Former SEC Branch Chief Lisa Bragança** here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sp7j02/ama\_question\_request\_post\_former\_sec\_branch\_chief/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sp7j02/ama_question_request_post_former_sec_branch_chief/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) +I'm not sure what is the right thing to do to help my community. + +Edit: I'm financially secure and everyone in my house is low risk of getting very sick from coronavirus. +Wanted to share my experience since it was so helpful to read everyone else's advice on this topic. I have around an $11M taxable account with Fidelity that does no trading and just holds S&P ETF's. + +I emailed my advisor and told him I was planning to transfer the assets to an IBKR pro account because I needed a margin loan to buy a house, and just wanted to see if Fidelity might want to offer a competitive rate. A few days later a guy from brokerage called me, asked a few question about the size of the loan and duration. He called me back 2 days later and offered a rate of 1.125% for all tiers that will move as their base rate fluctuates. + +Overall it was pretty simple process. I would have never thought to even try this if it wasn't for all the other posts sharing their experience, so thanks for that! +My husband and I are in our 50s and have never owned a home. For various reasons, we never felt the time was right with income/debt/savings. Now we are finally debt-free, have great credit, and while we don’t have a ton of savings, we do have enough to put about 5% down on something in this area. I would like to have a home where our kids can live if they need to while still young adults getting on their feet; we could then sell and downsize after they are settled on their own. My husband feels renting til we die makes more sense because we don’t pay for major repairs and we are too old to build enough equity in a house to make up for it. I know this may all be too vague to answer but any insight would be appreciated. + +Edit to add: the $20,000 in our savings account is not all we have. We do have $150,000 in our 401K (which is added to each year) plus the federal FERS retirement plan which will give us $48,000 per year after retirement. +Hi! I just moved to the US and started my lease in an apartment. My roommate is an international student too and started her ease in July, and I started mine in August. + +Of course since I didn't live in the apt in July, she agreed that she'd fully pay for the electric & gas of July. + +However, we have issues about the bills for August because her bf, who is also from another country, couldn't find a job and decided to stay during August which I agreed to because I figured he had nowhere else to go after graduation. + +But,,, I suddenly thought that it'd be unfair for me to pay half of the electric and gas bills of August since it was 3 people using the electrics and gas. So I asked my roommate to discuss with her bf if each of us could pay 1/3 of the bills. And she asked me if we can pay half instead cuz except for showering, she and he would always cook, clean, wash clothes together to save up energy and didn't turn on heat or AC much. + +I still think it's unfair that I pay half instead of 1/3, but I don't wanna face any conflicts with my roommate and her bf cuz they seem such nice people and have offered a lot of help with cooking, putting furniture together, etc when I just moved in... what should we do? +I used to enjoy coming to this sub every so often to learn more about how others are investing, saving, making more money, etc. But now it’s just constantly bombarded by pathetic whining. The comment sections of these posts are just so toxic as well, littered with salty or depressive comments. +I’m Black and from the hood. Me and everyone I know has been stuck in perpetual poverty our whole lives. I articulate myself, and I suppose I’m fairly clever. But as far as knowledge on how to make money work for me, healthy work patterns, wealth building habits, and financial literacy I have none. + +Many people born in my situation never put effort into anything. I’ve been reading books, trying to save money, seeking mentors/apprenticeships/resources since I was 13 (I’m 23 now). + +I’m at a loss. I’m traumatized, so it’s hard for me to trust. I don’t have transportation, or a house. I have ONE living family member who has Schizophrenia. I haven’t been homeless, but I’ve been staying in a friends laundry room for 2 months. There’s always a factor that comes up in my life that prevents security. + +What do you do to build ANY type of consistency for yourself when you: + +1.) Don’t have a car or license +2.) Don’t have a house +3.) Don’t have financial literacy +4.) Don’t have a degree +5.)Don’t have a computer (I have a phone). +6.) Are Black with one face tattoo +7.) Have aspergers Syndrom (I also have aspergers, though I am high functioning) +8.) I do have multiple visual arts skills (graphic design, painting, embroidery, screen printing, composing murals, but I don’t have a income stream to fund any pursuits that take money to operate). +9.) I don’t have any felonies luckily. The face tattoo is from a time when I had to do dirt for survival at 16 years old, and I haven’t been in the streets for over 7 years. + +Any advice is good. I wish I was anyone else daily. I’ve been asking this same question for months. In the mean time I’ve been doing odd jobs to save money, but cost of living vs money I’m making doesn’t add up. When I say I’m smart, and a good addition to a team I mean it. But corona is impacting my legitimacy. I have the type of mind where, I’m great at making other businesses better. +Highly recommend taking a look at these links. I may write something more detailed in the future but I don’t have time unfortunately right now so this was the best I could do. I wonder how many bank headquarters were built with massive tax exemptions like this. The other thing on my mind is what the quality of these bonds are. + +To quote Wall Street Journal + +“Liberty Bonds are tax-exempt private-activity securities authorized by Congress in 2002 to jump-start redevelopment of lower Manhattan. Most private-activity bonds have to meet stringent Internal Revenue Service tests to qualify for tax-exemption, but Liberty Bonds have carte blanche.” + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB112783196927053276 + + + +These bonds were used specifically for the area labeled the “Liberty Zone” affected by the 9/11 attacks. They were supposed to spur development in the area after the clearing of damaged surrounding buildings. + +https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-04-72.pdf + +Instead Goldman got a big chunk of it for their new corporate offices. + +“More singular still, state and local governments decided to give the firm another big subsidy by letting it use $1.65 billion in tax-exempt Liberty Bonds, intended to stimulate economic development after 9/11, to cover part of the building’s $2.1-billion cost. Last month, Goldman announced that it had made a profit of nearly three and a half billion dollars in the first quarter of this year—enough to have paid for the entire building, in cash, in a couple of months, without any help from taxpayers.” + +https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2010/05/17/shadow-building + +My statement of them getting the largest share of the bonds was from this government report + +“To date the largest allocation of Liberty Bonds was for $1.65 +billion issued for Goldman Sachs to remain downtown, where the company +has been located for 136 years” + +https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CPRT-109HPRT20452/html/CPRT-109HPRT20452.htm + + + +A government report looking back at the program I found interesting as well.. + +“. For example, the actual usage of the benefits before authority expires, such as in the case of the New York Liberty Bonds, is uncertain. Also the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is not tracking actual use of the Liberty Zone benefits and, consequently, little data will be available on the value of the tax benefits to the Liberty Zone. Further, even if IRS were to collect data, it would at best only be able to make an estimate, not a verifiable measure of the tax benefits. “ +https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-04-72.pdf +Pg 84 + +Here is what looks like the official document for this deal where these “Liberty Bonds” are classified as Series 2005 Bonds which were also classified as “Original Series 2005 Bonds” . This document appears to be about a second set of bonds they secured valued at over 19 million dollars. +https://esd.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2016_NYLDC_OfficialStatement.pdf + +Original article about people choosing to not go into the headquarters. + +https://fortune.com/2022/03/11/goldman-sachs-return-to-work-employees-david-solomon/ +Hi, **u\\bosshax** here, + +Buckle up...! + +Back in October, 2021 there was a leak showing a new Pokemon Trading Card Game launching on IMX. + +This was **before** anyone made the IMX + GameStop connection. + +You can see the early rumor here: + +[https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=beJgqPjdtHg&t=136s](https://preview.redd.it/1k6gfgs408391.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd89da023854e46c2241787bb48b50ba5c33f047) + +This below image is a screenshot of the Immutable X Test Net - you can see the Pokemon Trading Card Game NFTs here (just placeholders). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/x87a3le708391.png?width=1053&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0424102a6a075d48b68dc4afa81d660e892b88f + +Naturally people on Twitter got pretty excited: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3ndaihz708391.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcf20c8a669b30b347034077d0f4d6427c0068ae + +Then this happened: + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/investor.gamestop.com\/news-releases\/news-release-details\/gamestop-formspartnership-immutable-x](https://preview.redd.it/5pul88t808391.png?width=1202&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a66e79b90983e9f570a2ed45b1d8fba09ddb945) + +In Robbies first AMA with Superstonk he reveals he's been in conversations with GameStop about this '**gaming**' project since **day one** and actively working for the better part of half of last year. + +Transcript from AMA Video: + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UKQQ3KCiKbI](https://preview.redd.it/58ai5gab08391.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=24b3376af47aedc0f5c2fabe387b1e9e5483df62) + +Byron, Community Manager at Loopring, was very involved with the GameStop / Loopring integration and had this to share on March 23rd, 2022. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/en36aiqc08391.png?width=823&format=png&auto=webp&s=60d1055db77607fff264413f0ab7c09c31970a74 + +So if by March 23rd IMX hadn't even begun ANY integration work with GameStop... But they had long since announced the IMX x GameStop Partnership... then **what** have they been working on?!? + +Well, Robbie actually tells us: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/71ejptbd08391.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=23c2f008c1126db2f5d0de613f7c2da3b5ddc8df + +And IMX's whole role is to bring **CONTENT** to GameStop: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wssdja5e08391.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=33511a21368a0232256f0d931a6d0c3acecc36bc + +So IMX have been working behind the scenes with secondary partners building content for... quite... some time. + +Pokemon (Nintendo) is probably one of the most famous game brand names- and already a big partner with GameStop. + +https://preview.redd.it/i67ieegf08391.png?width=1091&format=png&auto=webp&s=4695c31a80f7ad9475275390df95879fb198842f + +GameStop already sells their physical trading cards: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iaubbuig08391.png?width=1479&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5edd4a77f157ea544d51ad03f8404f39e481bc4 + +Pokemon NFTs are kind of the **holy grail use case for gaming**\- a very easy to understand collectible AND useful (game with it) asset. Pokemon Go is a massive game that has brought in over $5B in revenue. Imagine Pokemon Go with NFTs... Incredible potential But there are two big missing pieces... A marketplace... and a wallet. + +The Pokemon Trading Card game is in Beta Now, here's a sneak peak: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w7jjwxhw99391.png?width=1136&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b0591e3cdee2507cc8eeda795535d83724228e7 + +They just opened the beta to Mexico... + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/PokemonTCG\/status\/1529935622802227220?s=20&t=9oSqip7-I4aKboARab3rZA](https://preview.redd.it/ufpzl58i08391.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=00b77f7349ed702fe42b183befaab43e74bbbb8c) + +&#x200B; + +Pokemon Trading Card game already has a relationship with GameStop + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/twitter.com\/PokemonTCG\/status\/1529911968936644614?s=20&t=D6R5J1t1nIqaOvL97U2jxw](https://preview.redd.it/d1ghpohl08391.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1cc499ea2bb290bd1f0e356edd4f5712f7fd694) + +Pokemon was licensed and brought to America by this guy, Alfred Kahn: + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.inc.com\/magazine\/202111\/scott-eden\/al-kahn-pokemon-yu-gi-oh-cabbagepatch-kids.html](https://preview.redd.it/39ad1xjn08391.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b5afee2707608dbb212fb78a4a1899d6d1fe021) + +In 2018 Kahns business partner, David Yu (who managed the New Zealand business), **started an NFT company VeVe:** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/rn4nb0po08391.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=32a3830aa57dca578f1e9166ed72cf1dbfcdcf08 + +&#x200B; + +In April 2021 guess who launched a partnership with **VeVe** and all these license assets? **Immutable x.** + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/www.immutable.com\/blog\/veve-immutable-x-partnership-announcement](https://preview.redd.it/11vkysup08391.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d3ab3dbd5dfa671065b1481852f1525ab97a3a1) + +**Veve brings premium licensed NFT digital collectibles to mass market**\- they have all the leading licenses like: **Pokemon, Yugioh, DC Comics, Star Wars, NFL, Marvel, etc.** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6hukr2tr08391.png?width=1249&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee6eb92c03cbe07a81978e4f6198b0a5ce0fdb4a + +So GameStop, via IMX, gets access to all this GREAT license content via VeVe. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cx3oj6ds08391.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b9ed977592f46aa3412ca62e1880001147b3cdf + +[On February 3rd Pokémon Trading Card Game announced they will be a Pokémon Go expansion THIS SUMMER.](https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/pgo-tcg/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ipm36y8t08391.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=40e0e5b3516c8d6e3b6109ed175997b0c6c177d2 + +**Immutable really trying to spoon feed us with this one:** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ooezoktt08391.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d20ddb16e5c416fdb0839d28c9dd15d475068f5 + +# TLDR + +**Pokemon** is one of the most famous gaming franchises in history. + +[**Pokemon Go**](https://sensortower.com/blog/pokemon-go-five-billion-revenue) had **$5B** in revenue from digital items as of 2021. + +**VeVe** is the digital license media company that owns the licenses for Pokemon, Yugioh, Marvel, DC, NFL and others. + +**Immutable X** has a partnership with **VeVe** established in April 2021. + +**Immutable X** announced a partnership with **GameStop** as of February 2022, but Robbie cited they had been closely working since the beginnings of the project, however it wasn't on the marketplace integration side- they have been working with Game Studios to broker deals on game content (just like Pokemon). + +**Pokemon Trading Card Live** is the new game that is going to replace ALL [the existing Pokemon trading card games.](https://support.pokemon.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406895467668-Pok%) It is currently in beta. It should launch this summer. + +[Pokemon Trading Card Live has an expansion pack launching this summer on **Pokemon Go.** This was announced on February 3rd, 2022.](https://pokemongolive.com/en/post/pgo-tcg/) (Oddly the same day as GameStop x Immutable X) Pokemon Go requires Location Services. GameStop wallet requires Location Services. + +NFTs require a marketplace and a user wallet. + +**Veve** have the license content. + +**IMX** have the **NFT minting/trading/oder book** and *collect the trading fees.* + +**GameStop** has the **wallet** and coming **NFT Marketplace.** + +**Get hyped... you're going to be able to catch Pokemon with you GameStop wallet.** + +If you like my DD you can follow me on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/EndOfTheWake](https://twitter.com/EndOfTheWake). Nothing is monetized. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/ge-to-freeze-pensions-for-about-20000-employees-stock-surges-2019-10-07 + +I see a lot of posts here about pensions vs 401ks, or people who say "I'm not worried because I've got a great pension plan", or something to that effect. + +Well, this is a stark reminder that pensions are not bulletproof. Yes, ALL investing is some form of gambling, but with 401ks and IRAs it's at least YOUR money, which you control and can withdraw as needed. I am *not* saying that pensions are inherently bad and that no one should ever use one. They are a great cushion to your other assets. But please, please, please: do not SKIP other forms of investing because you think you're going to be set for life in retirement thanks to a company pension plan. +Good news story! My wife (F35) and I (M35) got together when we were 21. She caught pregnant very quickly (within 3 months) so we decided I would work and she’d stay at home and take care of the baby. I was on £17k a year and we struggled, financially! +But I had options. Credit cards, loans and store cards/accounts! +Fast forward to the end of 2016. We have 2 more children and my wife still isn’t working. I get a promotion and now on £21k a year. The financial state couldn’t be worse. Just over £35k in debt, across the board. + +I put my big boy pants on and did some consolidation! +I took out, what I consider to be, a mega loan. £35,000 over 84 months at 6.5%, with a promise to my self I would clear it by 2023! + +I’ve since been promoted again and I’m very happy to announce, through a year of continual overpayments, the last of my loan has JUST been paid off! I am so happy it’s unreal. + +Now to start saving what I was overpaying. Here’s to the future. + +Side note. To all who are in debt, there’s always ways around your debt without taking the way out. +Please view the UKPF flowchart, and speak to people, if you’re struggling with debt. It’s a heavy burden to carry on your own. +Just posting in solidarity with my fellow clowns (too poor for official loss porn over at WSB)! + +Usually I’m super conservative with my money, but decided to YOLO for once after buying into the hype. Bought on Monday at market open, straight downhill since and no end in sight. Probably just going to hold long term and see where it goes - not really worth selling at this point*** + +Context: I’m a student living at home, and still have *60k in cash, 10k in ETFs and 10k+ guaranteed income this year. This is money I can throw down the drain without changing my lifestyle or future plans at all. So, just to reinforce the oft-said advice: don’t gamble money you can’t afford to lose! + +THE UPSIDES +- Reconsidering my life choices! If I just yoloed away more than half a year’s worth of income at my part time job, do I really need to make myself miserable just to feel adequate? +- Got me to open a US account - I never would’ve bothered otherwise +- Motivated me to transfer more money into stocks for (responsible) investing instead of just letting it rot away in a HISA (or really a LISA at this point, because HISAs don’t exist currently apart from westpac, which I’ve already maxed out, and BOQ, where the 10k max isn’t worth the hassle). This is something I’d been procrastinating on for months. +- Proving to myself that I am level-headed enough to handle fluctuations/the loss in general +- Lesson learnt that FOMO is bad, and internet trends are fleeting +- Learned a bit about options and all that funky stock market shit +- My friends’ reactions were pretty funny (“you spent NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS on fucking gme and you’re here agonising over paying 95c more for postage?????”) + +THE DOWNSIDES +- feels bad man, stonks do not go brrr +- staring at the numbers for my daily self esteem boost is now off the table for a while :( +- I’m being bombarded by etoro ads on all platforms + +Edit: forgot I had 15k sitting in SW, updated accordingly + +***Edit 2: to everyone talking about sunk cost fallacy - personally, I know I’d feel worse if I sold now, took the 1.5k, then watched it go up later, as opposed to holding and seeing it literally go to zero. I never viewed this as an investment. It was a “fuck it” gamble from the start, so I’m going along with whatever makes me happier rather than the supposedly correct thing to do. + +Edit 3: so I held until the spike and ended up selling at 301... +An MP has been in the news today saying the following: + +The Labour MP told The Telegraph: "30 years ago, things were built to last, I had a dishwasher I gave to my sister that was 30 years old. Why is it that dishwashers that are built today break after 10 years? They are designed to break down because this creates profit for the companies." + + +My priors tell me that there is a trade-off between price and durability and consumers are choosing to go for cheaper options that aren't as durable aware of this trade-off. Is there any evidence that planned obsolescence is a strategy commonplace among firms. I would have thought that if a producer is known for being unreliable then people would switch to a producer that offers a more durable product but perhaps at a slightly higher price. +Let’s say I’m in the market for a $2M home. Where I live, each broker splits a 5% commission, or 2.5% each. Therefore the I could potentially earn/save $50k on this transaction. + +In my state it costs less than $1000 with 40 hours of classes and a passed exam to become a real estate agent. + +Let’s also assume that I am reasonably real estate competent. I currently own some other properties, know the local area well enough, and can do comps myself. So I don’t get as much value from hiring an agent as a first time buyer for example. + +Assuming I had the time and energy to get the license, why wouldn’t I do it? I would love for you fine folks to poke holes in this idea. Thanks! +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I can understand that it could deteriorate the market with bad products, but can you not just regulate that as well? + +For example, Have a percentage profit based on the cost to produce the product and have modifiers for the quality/safety of said product. And since stores havent produced the product, they can only earn profit on the cost to transport the product, store the product, etc. And since they degrade over time theyre checked again at the point of sale for the nutrient modifiers. + +Food for example. Say it cost 1 dollar to produce a banana and the base pricing limit is 100%, then it gets tested for nutrients and found that it has higher/lower nutrients than the set standard so it gets a 1% increase/decrease of profits for each mg of nutrients(thats capable of being absorbed by the human body). Or something along those lines. + +And then for shipping theres something similar for the drop in quality, shipping cost, etc. [I dont know a whole lot for shipping, but I dont see why you couldnt adapt a sinilar approach so they can turn a profit as well] + +And because we already have models for quality testing for virtually every product on the market, we should in theory be able to do this with everything. + +On top of all this you could give government incentives for basic necessities and such. Obviously this would need to be ironed out, but I dont see why this couldnt work. + +TL;DR: I dont really know much about economics, so I came up with a scenario for people who know what theyre talking about to poke holes in so I can understand better. +**ONE YEAR AGO** + +Was selling cash covered puts in a crazy bull run, on almost any stock I was following that took a big hit, expecting it to turn around and collect that sweet premium. AND IT WAS WORKING GREAT (FUBO, SQ, DKNG, were just some of the names), and here was my journal entry on 2/10/2021, exactly one year ago... + +https://preview.redd.it/bjlrfwcf41h81.png?width=1604&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc69bbc549d339bf2720fcfd1886ba7840e32a26 + +**TODAY** + +Well, that part about "not going to hold up for much longer" was accurate to the fucking day! Because 2/10/2021 was the exact day that my portfolio peaked. + +Turns out I didn't have any idea about what protection to buy and holding with VXX hedges does not work. (VXX calls only work in rapid crashes). + +And now here I am today. Shoulda Woulda Coulda got out that day, but fuck me, I got greedy and made a series of mistakes where I just kept doing what got me to that peak instead of understanding it wasn't working anymore, and that the market had changed. Tough lesson, time will tell if I heed it and turn this back around. + +https://preview.redd.it/j8iv2ry351h81.png?width=1882&format=png&auto=webp&s=38de9cea45e2151c4ac6d48c156d4f126364f840 + +NOTE: I post this to thetagang because I was selling options, and I just like this community better than most others. Hope it's on topic enough to not get deleted. +This is the best sub I have ever found about the stock market. Everyone presents good DD with rational points (not like " PLTR go up up🚀) and they are not too riskaphobic like r/stockmarket and everyone is so nice +Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP) reported their highest quarter of sales in the company's history. + +Seadoos, boats and ATVs showing strength and orders for ski-doos strong for the winter season. + +The reality is that the demand for these fun outdoor machines is strong even in a tougher economy. + +https://preview.redd.it/q5xe64fzeun91.png?width=1270&format=png&auto=webp&s=166a669b627f60462d1165aef598bb4d6e426dff +A lot of people, especially in this subreddit, try to rationalize the extreme rise in house prices over the last decade and over the last 2 years specifically. They cite seemingly valid reasons such as lack of high density zoning, permit restrictions, low building in the past decade after the 08 bust due to developers' wariness to overdevelop, NIMBY's, etc. However, this extreme rise in house prices is happening EVERYWHERE in the first world, not just the USA. I cannot believe that the above reasons are universal worldwide, as countries must have different zoning and construction laws. So what is the true reason of the rise in house prices we are seeing? It must be something else than the above. + +My suspicion is: Is it as simple as low interest rates + the oversupply of money created by the FED (inflation)? +There’s this guy I work with, he earns £45000+ which is way above the average UK salary, works four on four off , gets 35 working days holiday per year (Americans don’t know this feel) (which means he works about 4.5 months of the year). + +He is in his early 40’s, is a supervisor, lives 3 miles from work and ASKS ME, a part time early 20’s making next to nothing for motivation to start work everyday. + +Some people really have no perspective on life. + +One day I’m going to snap and say how about you lose your job, can’t pay your mortgage, can’t feed your family, become homeless. HOWS THAT FOR MOTIVATION you imbecile. + l am salaried on 24 K and my tax code is 1257L + +My first payslip came to £1521 with the rest of the deductions being NI £156, Income tax £162 and Pension £142 as well as PG for £15. + +Looking at the deductions is it worth removing the pension? as the cost of living is increasing now and I'll eventually struggle. With the money going in is enough to sustain me for the time being. I'm looking into moving into a bigger flat soon ass I currently pay £450 for a studio flat. + +I appreciate the advice +I have been a crypto investor since 2017 but only took it serious over the last year. Up until last July I have always been a McDonald's manager. I was the fix it manager sent into problem stores to change how they operate to make profit targets. I made garbage wages, was treated like garbage, and I felt like garbage. + +In 2014 I went back to school to study an engineering technology diploma and then last year went back again to take an advanced diploma in Ocean Technology. I got my dream job making better money. With my first few paychecks I put $100 into Ethereum. I continued until October until I had invested $1500 (Canadian) and I sat on it until now. + +As of tonight between investing in gamestop and my cryptocurrency investments I have enough for a large down-payment on a house and enough for lawyers fees and moving fees. We have placed an offer in on a great house and we close the deal on May 4th. + +I want to thank the cryptocurrency community for keeping me strong when I felt like I was about to lose it all and for also reminding me that taking profits is okay. I believe in Ethereum and cryptocurrency as a whole and I have no doubt I could make more money. But, I have met my goal and it is time for me to take profits. + +**Edit 1 - Thank you everyone for the kind words! I am blown away by the community that exists on this subreddit. This is not the end of my crypto days, it is just a stepping stone. +Zillow’s unexpected announcement this week that it’s putting a temporary stop to its home-buying activities raised many analysts’ eyebrows. And some argue that more concerning trends could be on the way. The service, Zillow Offers, is what’s known as an “iBuyer” — it purchases and sells homes directly to consumers, typically renovating them in between. + +Following a report from Bloomberg, Zillow Z, +1.85% ZG, +3.98% confirmed that its Zillow Offers division would not be signing any additional new contracts to purchase homes through the end of 2021. In explaining the move, Zillow said the company was facing a backlog of renovations and dealing with operational-capacity issues. + +**Labor and material shortages-** + +“We’re operating within a labor- and supply-constrained economy — inside a competitive real estate market, especially in the construction, renovation and closing spaces,” Jeremy Wacksman, Zillow’s chief operating officer, said in the announcement. She added that the pause would enable the company “to focus on sellers already under contract” and the company’s existing inventory of homes. Other iBuyers have not followed suit, as of now. In fact, it’s just the opposite — most of Zillow’s competitors re-emphasized their expansion plans in response to the announcement. + +[https://www.marketwatch.com/story/zillow-pauses-home-buying-raising-red-flags-about-the-real-estate-market-11634678311?mod=mw\_latestnews](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/zillow-pauses-home-buying-raising-red-flags-about-the-real-estate-market-11634678311?mod=mw_latestnews) +I'm 30/M and a teacher (I can hear the jokes already). I live in an average, mid-sized city in the Midwest, come from a middle-class family. I've never been rich or anything, but I've definitely never struggled either + +I'm 65K deep in student loans, and all I've got to show in my savings account is 2 grand. I feel like I look around and see everyone else getting married, buying a house, going on awesome vacations, etc, and I'm over here like "lmao I'll never be able to buy a house" + +We've all seen news stories and heard about how millennials have no money, need to work multiple jobs, etc. And yet I don't get that impression from a lot of my peers at all. Yes, I have friends who graduated college, couldn't find an actual career and are now working part-time gigs, but I feel like I know more who are doing just fine + +Money is the only thing I get self-conscious about, because it seems like everyone else has more than me and is doing well for themselves. And yes, I'm still improving myself in terms of budgeting and spending, I still feel like I'll never be able to do some of the things others are doing + +Anyone else like this? +Below is a handy check-list for valuing investing the old-school Warren Buffett way. I thought you might find it useful. + +All the stats are derived from Buffett's advice over the years through shareholder letters and other sources. In my opinion, it is nearly impossible for a company to tick all of these boxes in the current market, but they are useful guidelines. + +Anything else you guys would add to the list? What other metrics / checks do you use? + +* Debt/Equity < 0.5 +* Current Ratio > 1.5 && < 2.5 +* Price/Book < 1.5 +* ROE > 8% consistent/increasing over last 10 yrs +* ROA > 6% +* Stable Book Value growth +* Stable EPS growth +* Stable Dividend growth +* Moat +* Interest coverage ratio (Income from operations/Interest expense) > 5X operating income +* Inventory turnover ratio (Cost of Revenue/Inventory) > 4 +* Free-cash-flow-to-revenue ({Operating cash flow + property, plant & equipment} / Revenue) > 5% +* P/E Ratio < 15 +* S&P rating > BB +* Reasonable Margin of safety (DCF intrinsic value/current price) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; +Queue the Total Recall memes...this is big. + +&#x200B; + +[I can taste it! - BlackRock](https://preview.redd.it/o2fr6088gys61.jpg?width=311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9de127791b428513d39afd5e7f1b9f85b5e852a) + +Let's dig in. So lots of talk in the DD's recently on how this whole situation may have been a big trap that Black Rock set for the Hedge Funds and Citadel. Simple logic really, story goes like this: + +* Black Rock is an historically a long-positioned asset manager. +* 2015-2019 Black Rock sees Hedge Funds short brick and mortar retail to bankruptcy...."*hmmm what can we do about this? this is damaging our assets? Is this an opportunity for us?*" spoiler alert: yes! +* 2020 COVID 19 hits, Citadel and HF's go into a feeding frenzy with shorts. +* Black Rock...."*let's try something....loan the hell out of our shares to these bastards*". BR proceeds to suck up millions of shares at a bargain - and keeps loaning them out, like giving line to a fish that you already hooked. +* Black Rock: "*the HF's are playing right into our hands! Wouldn't it be a shame if a millennial became the Chairman and CEO of a company that is historically loved by millennials?*" I wouldn't even be surprised if BR was doing some demographics analysis on US REDDITORS, especially WSB in fall 2020, to see what the mood on RC was back in 2020. They discovered we grew up buying games at GME. They discovered we hate hedge funds just as much as them. They discovered RC would be the perfect thing to turn around their *beloved* GME asset. +* HF Shorts double down, except they add to their firepower not only the lent-out shares from long positions, but also borrowing shares from Brokers will dumb retail on margin (cough cough RH cough cough). Of course, Vlad and RH are Citadel's puppets. Probably didn't even realize they were being used by Citadel. +* Citadel uses PFOF from select retail investors to simulate/model (on a probability basis) the behavior of ALL retail. Even 10 or 20% of retail PFOF data would be enough for them to simulate and extrapolate this data to ALL retail. They know your hand, they keep pumping it down. +* Retail and Reddit smell something is up and jump on the stock (although we didn't quite understand the full picture yet) +* BlackRock: "*oh shit...retail turned this play from a savvy asset management move to a powderkeg - retail is vacuuming up all the short sold shares, uh oh we didn't plan to do this..*.*this could get ugly..*.we *created a monster...*" + +That brings us to today. Fundamentally, what was Black Rock's play here? Why would they loan out shares for a small borrow fee, so that the price of their own assets could be driven into the ground? Obviously Black Rock was burned on a couple brick and mortar bankruptcies pre-COVID. Obviously they would be looking for a way to stick it to the shorters, and they found it. + +**So how do you combat a short seller?** I wrote a piece on the fundamental market transactions that you can perform with an asset (like a share) in a market. Read up on it here: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpjunr/market\_fundamentals\_of\_short\_selling\_why\_it\_is/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpjunr/market_fundamentals_of_short_selling_why_it_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +TLDR; I conclude that SHORT SELLING has **no known inverse market transaction**. BUYING is the natural inverse to SELLING. CALLS are the natural inverse to PUTS (for the derivatives market - see link above). So what is the inverse to SHORT SELLING? Long selling? Short Buying? ....never heard of those terms, I don't think so. + +Then it hit me and I think my brain gained a wrinkle..... + +# RECALLING LENT-OUT SHARES IS THE INVERSE MARKET TRANSACTION TO SHORT-SELLLING!!!! + +This is why I think BlackRock will recall their shares. Additional considerations below but first, let me summarize *why a share recall is the market inverse of short selling*: + +* Selling short means you **borrow** a share from a share owner for a fee (borrow rate). You then sell that share on the market. Thus, the shorter effectively has two IOU's, 1) to deliver the share back to the lender, and 2) to deliver a share to the person they sold it to. +* This creates a **~~synthetic~~** **induced supply** of shares. The lender thinks they own a share (they do) and the person who bought the share from the short seller thinks they own a share (they do) - BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE SHARE. +* Thus, the market responds to the additional share supply pressure by dropping the price. Simple law of supply and demand. +* if every market transaction has a yin and yang, what is the ying to short seller's yang? Well, if short selling creates a *~~synthetic~~* *induced supply* of the underlying asset, you need a transaction that creates a S~~YNTHETIC~~ INDUCED DEMAND. What is that transaction? TOTAL RECALL. Let me explain: +* ~~When you recall a share, you create synthetic induced demand because it forces the short seller to find a share and cover. If one share one lent and re-lent many many times, recalling that share reverses (literal UNO reverse card) all those short sell transactions that flooded the market with synthetic supply. The recall forces those transactions to be covered.~~ **~~So recalling ONE share forces a synthetic demand to hit the market to close every short position represented by that share.~~** *~~The natural inverse of the short sell.~~* ~~See my post linked above for a more detailed discussion.~~ **EDIT** this comment may require additional analysis by others to confirm. I’m open to feedback on this piece. Regardless if it collapses a single synthetic supply, or multiple, still needs more analysis, as rightly pointed out by u/Galbert123. Nonetheless I think the following still holds, as a recall could be a possible catalyst for the MOASS. **DO NOT SET A DATE.** + +**WHAT THIS MEANS and MY PREDICTIONS (not financial advice)** + +* NOBODY should give BlackRock a hard time for this fundamental market transaction: share recall. This is 100% the short sellers fault. Recalling a lent out share is a fundamental right of a shareholder (**Edit - subject to the terms of the contractual agreement between lender and borrower, but c'mon there is always a termination clause).** +* Black Rock always planned to recall this month. All the cryptic tweets point to this. +* Reddit smelled what was going on and jumped on this. HF's doubled down. Turned this smart investment play by Black Rock into a market-threatening powderkeg. +* Upon realizing the powderkeg this play turned into, Black Rock told the DTC to get their ducks in a row and prepare for the nuke to drop. DTC said ok and instituted new rules. Black Rock keeps the borrow rate low and price in check while the ramparts are shored up. (remember, they are long on many other positions and down want this nuke to blow up in their face). +* Black Rock increases their cash reserves waiting to pounce on the inevitable market dip while they cannibalize Citadel and the HF's corpses. +* The HF's are in such a hole that either the share recall will trigger the MOASS, or margin-called hedgies trigger it (when high borrow rates hit). Either way it is a massive chain of collateral dominos that are about to fall and will crush the HF's and Citadel. +* Is Black Rock our friend? Well, they might be right now. But should we be worried when the MOASS turns them into one of the most powerful financial entities on the planet? Ya maybe we should be a bit worried. They are no angel either. +* Black Rock wants to trigger it by doing the share recall. Waiting for borrow fees to rise and panic-margin calling to set this thing off is NOT how they want to play it. They want to know when and exactly how this will play out, and they want to be in full control to capitalize on the fallout. There is too much risk in just letting this go on too long. + +**TLDR;** share recall is the fundamental inverse market transaction to a short-sell. Black Rock laid a trap and is about to unload on the shortsellers. Get ready for a big correction. + +Not financial advice this is all opinion and hypothetical. + +\*Edit - changed flair to opinion as rightly pointed out by many. This is not intended to set a date. Squeeze could be triggered multiple ways, this is just a narrative that attempts to connect the dots. +We actually were POSITIVE 500k QoQ, but I knew this would happen. Always think critically. Always think of what your opponent might try to do. Art of War shit. + +DRS breaks and ends their game. Happy Holiday Apes, stay zen. +I get super depressed reading other financial subreddits because those people usually always have money. I have a lot of debt, mostly student loans, and am currently unemployed. Reading about side gigs and how to get stuff for cheap at the store makes me feel more in control of my situation than reading posts asking how best to save on a 75k income...so, thank you. +It’s quite a coincidence that GG created a Twitter account and threw out terms like lit exchanges , GameStop and PFOF 6-8 weeks before the SEC publishes a report about GS. I have always thought the SEC is complicit. I think he did all of that to try to manipulate people into thinking he was looking out for retail so when they post the report retail sells thinking well I guess we were wrong. I think it’s the mother of all FUD before the MOASS . Interesting how it’s all happening so shortly before futures needs to be settled. Expect a massive dip if SEC says nothing to see here. We have DFV and RC and we have watched the bullshit for months now. Never forget the buy button or March 10. Everyone is lying to us. I for one will buy the dip and hold as I think it’s a coordinated last gasp before squeeze. They are desperate. Don’t take your fucking boot off their throat. +A collection of files from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that is largely composed of so-called "suspicious activity reports" covering $2 trillion in transactions from 1999 to 2017 shows that major banks, such as **JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank**, and **Bank of New York Mellon** knowingly move money for **drug cartels**, the **Taliban** and other **organized crime enterprises**. + +While at least some of these transactions are caught and documented in internal audits, which may then even be reported to the authorities, neither the banks nor the authorities are making much of an effort to put an end to these. The authors of the article suggest that the banks just want to keep the business while officials fear cracking down on the banks as it might set negative precedents that would require them to take legal action against dozens of banks, causing enormous economic damage and political fallout. + +While this shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone, it's interesting to see how this system emerged over the past two decades. I also wasn't aware that the authorities were complicit in it to this extent. I suspect that this leak won't have much of an impact, though - neither on the banks, nor on the market. I will definitely keep an eye on some of the big finance symbols on Monday, though. + +Sources: + +[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks) + +[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54226107](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54226107) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinCEN\_Files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinCEN_Files) + +[https://media.icij.org/uploads/2020/09/download\_data\_fincen\_files.zip](https://media.icij.org/uploads/2020/09/download_data_fincen_files.zip) +So.. I’ve built a small application that just plots out the data that companies are required to file with the SEC (10k/q) over the past 10 years. + +Peter Lynch says you should invest in companies you believe in and know well, and Buffet says those that exhibit solid balance sheets and consistent earnings. + +Over the past 10 years, Intel’s assets, sales, free cash flow, eps, have all gone up and to the right. They don’t carry a lot of debt. They are investing like crazy into their business. + +Seems like even more of a no brainer than it was two months ago, when it was already a no brainer. Short term there’s probably gonna be more downside because Mr. Market’s a sad boi, but like shit. I’m having a real tough time not buying more. Tomorrow I might just do it. + +Edit: mis-represented lynch and buffet +I was talking to a family friend today and we started talking about gme. He had made hundreds of thousands off of the COVID crash. When we started talking about gme he said that he had shorts on gme at 2 cents. I tried to convince him that gme isn’t able to get that low and how it’s over shorted. He then tried to explain he heard on the news that gme is over and people will sell in January for capital gains tax. People really have no idea what’s going on and refuse to learn what’s going on. Has anyone else had an experience like this? +Over the last few years I've been grinding really hard, I'm in my early 30's. We're up to a projected 4m this year, we've got a team of around 20 and are scaling quite hard. I expect we will reach 50k+ per day revenue this Q4. I should be able effectively retire and install a CEO within the next year. + +I'm remote, travelling the world and having some awesome experiences while building a 7 figure brand. + +But I'm feeling dissatisfied with my day to day life. Being behind alone behind a screen for 10+ hours per day is really challenging. My brain is currently all business too, so I really struggle to connect with people who also aren't entrepreneurs. + +I'm not entirely sure what to do, as it's literally what I dreamed of and worked so hard to achieve, but I literally feel no happier, than when I was broke. I kind of feel shortchanged even. + +Well, I guess now I need to get over the next few sprints then shift focus to building connections, community, relationships and find a partner. + +Any advice from anyone who's reached financial their goals and felt a bit empty when they got there would be very welcome. +Hi! + +I have one year left finishing up my econ major and was wondering what kinds of jobs there are for econ undergrads who really do not want to go into finance. I was considering getting an MBA in the UK (I am currently stateside) but they require 3 years of work experience. So I was wondering what job possibilities there are besides finance and consulting. +Hello, + +I'm interested in what ways you think we can make the global economy capable of weathering "shut downs" due to potential viral outbreaks. If we assume something like this will happen again, what kinds of mechanisms would you put in place to minimise as much economic damage as possible? + +Edit: I'm not sure what's happening, it says there are comments but I can't read them. Thanks to everyone who commented anyway. +Hello, + +I'm interested in what ways you think we can make the global economy capable of weathering "shut downs" due to potential viral outbreaks. If we assume something like this will happen again, what kinds of mechanisms would you put in place to minimise as much economic damage as possible? + +Edit: I'm not sure what's happening, it says there are comments but I can't read them. Thanks to everyone who commented anyway. +I thought I would mix it up a notch. There's a lot of meme-stock-love on here, and plenty of "sell the high IV stuff, whatever it is", and hey at the end of the day if you make money, who cares! I don't usually see too many people crossing value-investing and premium selling, which is my personal niche. So here we go. My goal is to spark some conversation and maybe some thought about being a little more selective in companies to Wheel. I trade a variety of strategies besides the Wheel but I think it deserves some discussion now. I will go through a few companies I researched and more importantly my thought process and notes on them for what makes them a good underlying in my opinion. + +**Why Does this matter?** Well, because everyone says "I have no problem taking assignment and holding the stock" until MemeCoinTech, Inc drops 50% in a week and suddenly even the covered calls below your cost basis are only worth $0.05. Don't think it can happen to you? Ask SPRT-gang, TMC-gang, PLTR-gang how they're doing. PLTR I actually do believe in long term which is kinda funny. Anyway here's the deal, we are in a time of high inflation, we are nearing record mania in the market, we are hearing a variety of market-boosting and market-dropping news frequently, and the overall chop and vol in the market is high. During these times, and especially if a correction happens next, companies that are actually valuable and well-established/well-run will handle the crisis better, and rebound faster than companies that are shit and don't actually make money. + +**THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE** for crying out loud. I could be mistaken on all of this, I could have bad numbers, I could just be flat out wrong. Don't blindly listen to anyone on reddit. + +**Companies I personally like in the sub $50 range (some even sub $20)** + +**HBI - Hanesbrands, Inc. ($17.55)** + +HBI makes clothes. T shirts, underwear, socks, the staples. Things people always need and will always buy. Considerations: + +\++ Price Performance: it's up 31% in the past year, but is still down about 30% from it's high for the year. Room to move back up, chart looks good if you like charts. + +\++ Earnings: HBI beats earnings estimates nearly every single time. The last time it didn't was right when the pandemic hit and everyone was locked down. + +&#x200B; + +[money.](https://preview.redd.it/ta6tm81pr3581.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=acea42450daa84be71a8f7cc50fa274cedd0a0f6) + +\+ Levered Free Cash Flow sits at about $400M, and has been above $500M as far back as 2015 + +\+ P/B is at a historically low level for HBI of 4.4. + +\++ Dividend yield is 4.4%. High enough to be juicy, not so high that I worry about it. + +\++ Brand Coverage. Heard of Hanes? Of course you have. They also own all of these brand names: Champion, Maidenform, JMS/Just My Size, Bali, Polo Ralph Lauren, Playtex, DKNY, Alternative, Gear for Sports, Hanes Beefy-T, Bonds, DIM, Sheridan, Bras N Things, Nur Die/Nur Der, Lovable, Wonderbra, Berlei, Abanderado, Shock Absorber, Zorba, Explorer, Sol y Oro, and Bellinda + +\++ Founded in 1901 - they've been around over 100 years and still going strong. Nobody is "disrupting the shirt space" in such a way that HBI is going under, in my opinion. + +\- - Earnings this year has been negative. This could be a temporary situation related to supply chain woes or indicative of something more systemic. + +\- - $3.7B of long term debt, which has been increasing in the past few years. I don't love it, but their cash position is plenty to cover their obligations + +Trading at $17.55, I can sell the 40DTE 36 delta put and get $50 on a buying power reduction of $296. That's an outstanding return any way you slice it. + +**WU - Western Union ($18.11)** + +Boomer stock right? Yeah I don't care, they did $4.8B of revenue last year and their profit margin is steady back for a decade at about 40%. Read on. + +\++ Price performance: It's down off the high of about $25.80 this year, rebounding off the bottom in November. Zooming out to 5 or 10 year charts it's in the vicinity of what I'd call "support" if you believe in that. + +\++ Earnings: Similar to HBI, WU just makes money. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aj6hpi2hv3581.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=023fbbb18cee050a78bb81ac0f25660179286189 + +\++ Levered Free Cash Flow: $841M for 2020, steady as a damn rock from $866M in 2019, and UP from 2018 and 2017. + +\- - P/B is an outrageous 134x for the last year. I hate that. + +\++ Dividend yield of 4.4% + +\- - $3.3B of total debt. That's a lot of money. More than their current cash position, which isn't great. + +I can sell the 26 delta, 40DTE put for $37 on just $250 in buying power. + +**BEN - Franklin Resources, Inc ($34.05)** + +BEN is an asset management company, pure and simple. They handle money, they invest money, they MAKE money. BEN is on the list of Dividend Aristocrats and has increased its dividend every year for 41 years, if that means anything to you (it should). + +\++ Price performance: the 1-year chart is essentially a straight line going up. Zooming out shows more chop but BEN is up on both the 5 year and 10 year charts. + +\++ Earnings: Yes. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/62vjv7y8y3581.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=929af7e7767ff9a0e6e7f6c57741cd942f9b53d2 + +\++ Revenue and Margin: BEN made $3.5B profit on $8.4B of revenue this year. That's glorious. + +\+++ Levered Free Cash Flow is $1.1B, with a B. UP from last year because Big Rona can't stop this money printer. + +\+++ P/B - 1.5X. DAMN. While we're on the subject of the ratios, BEN trades at 9.7X earnings, which is the lowest P/E in a decade or so. + +\++ Dividend Yield: 3.8%. All day. + +\++ Money: they have $4.3B in cash and cash equivalents. $24.1B in total assets but their cash position alone would be enough to pay off their total debt of $3.9B. + +I can sell the 33 delta 40 DTE put and get $90 or so on $526 in buying power. + +So there you have a few options I'm looking at, and a sense of the kinds of things I look at for them. I have a paid subscription to Finbox which I like as a tool for researching. Not everything comes down to IV and IV rank, and I think it's worth adding a tool to your toolbox which is being able to quickly get a sense of "is this company any good" before deciding you want to insure it via selling puts. Treat it like a business my friends. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/20/lowes-low-earnings-q1-2020.html + +Here’s what Lowe’s reported for the quarter ending May 1 compared with what Wall Street was expecting, based on a survey of analysts by Refinitiv: + +Earnings per share: $1.77, adjusted vs. $1.32 expected +Revenue: $19.68 billion vs. $18.32 billion expected +Same-store sales: up 11.2% vs. 3.3% expected +This post is just a primer for the day when DFV eventually sells and this sub loses their collective minds and go out for blood. The guy has made multiple people millionaires and all these people posting their donations sold before he ever did. + + + +I have seen many times how vicious reddit can be with these sorts of things and everyone needs to prepare themselves mentally for the day he rides off into the sunset. Just be cool when it happens. + + +Edit 8: Important **NEW TOOL**---> [Coinbase created a page that automatically generates an email to send to your senator to vote YES on the Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment and NO on the Warner-Portman amendment](https://p2a.co/y19AJ6V) + +Link is legit---> https://twitter.com/brian_armstrong/status/1423746002360619015 + +Edit 9: [**Watch debate LIVE later today**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LxB21OP1-E) + +> **🔴 LIVE | Senate Infrastructure Bill Vote | Debates Crypto Amendments | Support Lummis-Wyden-Toomey** + +We need to organize and unite around this serious issue. We need to act TODAY. Yes, calling your Senator works if it's in enough large numbers. Forget everything else today and let's act as ONE against this atrocity that could kill Crypto (at least in the US). + +If you live in the United States, CALL AND WRITE your Senator TODAY regarding this regulation which is being used as a weapon against Cryptocurrencies. + +https://thecryptobasic.com/2021/08/06/out-of-the-blue-white-house-came-in-to-support-crypto-tax-proposal-changes-that-are-not-friendly-to-the-crypto-world-senator-cynthia-lummis-calls-crypto-community-we-need-you/ + +Please call: + +> **Call your Senators right now at 517-200-9518 and tell them to support this amendment!** +> +> &#x200B; +> +> We'll connect you to their offices and guide you through the process. +> +> &#x200B; +> +> When a staff member answers, tell them: +> +> &#x200B; +> +> “Hi, I’m calling to ask that you support Senator Wyden, Toomey, and Lummis's amendment to the cryptocurrency provision of the infrastructure bill (H.R. 3684) . This amendment will ensure that the provision does not dramatically expand financial surveillance, harm innovation, or undermine human rights. Policies that impact basic freedom and the future of the Internet should be debated carefully and should never be attached to must-pass bills. Thank you.” + + +https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/oxylqf/update_last_week_news_broke_that_hidden_within_an/ + +Also you can [use this link](https://gyazo.com/2ed1e022258560cf5381104e144c5667) below to do it easily: + +https://www.fightforthefuture.org/actions/stop-the-senate-from-sneaking-through-total-surveillance-of-the-crypto-economy/ + +Edit: Another very [fast and easy](https://gyazo.com/47f15703326299a353fe706f292a0297) way to do it here: + +https://resist.bot/petitions/plwpcn/ + +Edit 2: Watch this excellent rant by Charles Hoskinson: [Warner-Portman-Sinema v Toomey-Wyden-Lummis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEF8dwF36qY) + +Edit 3: Thanks u/crypto_grandma + +> **For those that think it won't make any difference**, I saw [this comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/oxylqf/update_last_week_news_broke_that_hidden_within_an/h7rew9m?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) in the pinned post on this issue in r/Bitcoin that hopefully will encourage people to see they can make a difference: +> +> >I interned for an organization that works on calling/emailing congressmen and senators on acts that we need to pass. +> +> > I never knew how this actually DOES make a difference. +> +> >You don't even need to say the paragraph, you can say some simplified short sentence like "I support this amendment to this act". An intern answering your call will add a tally to "support this amendment to this act" to the call report that is sent to the congressional leader and their staffers. It is an email containing numbers of how many people called about what. We can really work together to make this staggering. +> +> >True, there may be some senators that are being disgustingly lobbied out of their decisions. But there are also those who are genuinely interested/confused on cryptocurrency and this shows them the general public consensus to support. +> +> >You can literally call/email every week on repeat, it goes on a fresh new report each week. Please help in making this work. + +Edit 4: **Late, but I just saw this [+excellent](https://i.redd.it/9g2x5ocdbtf71.jpg) [+explanation](https://i.redd.it/mexj1pcdbtf71.jpg)** + +Source---> https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ozgw7w/please_read_and_call_your_senators_and_share/ + +Edit 5: Another [great way](https://gyazo.com/e6f4708f1f8acfadc41b610eba75b288) to contact your Senators: + +https://www.cop.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm + +Edit 6: Adding Senator Lummis [amazing speech defending Crypto on the Senate floor.](https://youtu.be/H8HS92IveEY?t=230) + +Edit 7: Keep the [pressure!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thMAmHBEB38) They are bringing out the big guns---> + +> **Jeff Stein of the Washington Post wrote that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has personally lobbied against the earlier amendment, even going so far as to contact Wyden directly**. + +https://www.theblockcrypto.com/amp/post/113774/dueling-amendments-on-crypto-tax-reporting-become-key-battleground-over-senate-infrastructure-bill +I'm a 29 yo single woman living in the bay area, CA. My company recently IPO'd, and the stock options are worth over $1.5 million right now. I'm waiting for it to turn to LTCG before selling, but I don't know what to do with it once I sell my stocks. This is all of my net worth, so I definitely want to take it out of this one single stock asap and invest it somewhere. + +Honestly, I'm scared about what to do with the money. I definitely want to buy a house sometime in the future when I find a partner/husband, and it doesn't seem like a good idea to invest all of my money in a house right now. + +I have a regular 401k, roth IRA. The rest of the money is in US stocks and some in international/alternative. How do I invest the money in the stock market to minimize regret? Are there any common mistakes that people in my situation make that I should be wary of? What were some of the things that you wish you knew in a situation like this? +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nikola-electric-truck-prototypes-were-powered-by-hidden-wall-sockets-towed-into-position-and-rolled-down-hills-prosecutors-say-11627572394 + +Excerpts from the article: + +>Prosecutors said that, in fact, the prototypes that had been unveiled didn’t function and were Frankenstein monsters cobbled together from parts from other vehicles. At public events, the vehicles were allegedly towed into position and were powered by plugs leading from hidden wall sockets. + +Immediately followed by: + +> In one instance, in which the vehicle was filmed for a promotional film, tape was used to keep the doors of a truck prototype from opening, prosecutors said. + +The fraud has been so cartoonishly blatant yet the company *still* has a $4.7B valuation. + +If Enron existed today it would have its dedicated subreddit with diehard followers and it would still have a $10B valuation all the way to the end. At least Enron was a real, legitimately profitably company for most of its history, that's much more than what you can say about Nikola. +I want to start to learn about trading and to begin to trade. Where do I begin? Are there any materials that go into the basics at a beginner level? +(English is not my first language) +I'm in crypto since the birth of BTC. About 2 to 3 years ago, when Ethereum was traded at 1 USD (yes) I moved all my BTC to ETH and didn't look back. From then to now, I've watched my small investment grow to millions in almost no time. I didn't sell a cent, I didn't even move my Eth at all, even after watching it go from 1400 back to 80 usd again. Why? Let me show you one thing. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/ethereum/ + +This thing. Take a look at this. At any time of the day, at any day of the week. Compare it to https://www.reddit.com/r/bitcoin, or https://www.reddit.com/r/btc, or any other subreddit in the world. Tell me any other subreddit that looks like that. While other subreddits spend most of their time and resources on random political discussions, Ethereum keeps silently building the new world economy, and you can watch that, live, on that subreddit. + +Have you seen DAI? The fact a fully decentralised stable coin and margin market survived the most extreme crypto winter in history is almost a miracle. You may not remember but that was one of Crypto's biggest flaws and now we have the solution for it. On Ethereum. And it just works. + +Have you seen StarkWare? It is easily the most advanced real cryptography company in the world, they're building snarks/starks which are essentially the philosopher's stone of crypto, they subsume and generalize almost every other cryptographic primitive as a single fundamental primitive, and guess where it is being built? Ethereum. + +Have you stopped to think how much of the top 100 currencies are [Ethereum tokens](https://coinmarketcap.com/tokens/)? + +I could go on and on, but the point I'm trying to make is something everyone silently knows. Bitcoiners know it, Bitcoin Cash enthusiasts know it, alternative coin enthusiasts know it. The entire field feels like a shill playground right now, all the loud kids trying to pump their favorite coin, while the "serious adults" work. While progress on every other coin has pretty much stagnated, an entire decentralised economy is being built on Ethereum, right now. What has Bitcoin accomplished in the last 3 years? And what Ethereum has? The most exciting new tech they have is LN, but they forget that there is no point in having an ultra-fast decentralised currency if all services built around it are centralised. And that's exact how things work today: for every centralised Bitcoin service or app, there is a decentralised Ethereum smart contract. Now, take a breath and think honestly: if Satoshi was alive right now, what project would he be proud about? + +The only thing that could put doubt on my mind that Ethereum will soon take the first place is if we had another smart-contract project capable of competing with it. And what we got? EOS, fully centralised. Cardano, a beautiful project, but still vaporwar'ish; even if it delivers innovation, it has 2-3 years of dapp-development / network effect to catch up, which will probably not happen, since Ethereum can easily adopt any of its innovations anyway. Rootstock failed to deliver. What else? Nothing. Despite many attempts, it is clear nobody managed to put a competition to Ethereum. + +As soon as Ethereum starts showing clear signs of strength, it isn't stopping. It almost passed Bitcoin once, and it is clearly a matter of time until it does. I have no doubt of that. That's why I didn't touch a single coin I hold: as long as Ethereum is still behind BTC, I know there is room to growth. Surely, if it passes Bitcoin tomorrow, it'll still be far from its ATH. But that's my personal benchmark. As soon as news start noticing about "what is this Ethereum thing that everyone is talking about", then I know it is time to sell some of my stake. Some, of course, because, after that, the fight will then be Ethereum vs USD / EUR. And I know who is winning that too... +A fucking library. + +You people have archived a libraries worth of information dedicated to this stock and the events that have occurred and are continuing to occur of course. + +But a God damn library, you guys are like scholastics for GME, and all I can say was that when I saw this shit I was immediately impressed 😂 + +https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg + +I’m so fascinated that this exist. I kept scrolling through and it felt like it would never end. 😂 + +Some of you may be like “Have you been living under a rock?” But I genuinely did not know that you guys had a Vaticans worth of literature on this stock that had been archived. + +Power to the players, but sheesh, talk about a real deep dive. +My brother purchased a new Corolla from the Toyota dealership last weekend. He was getting a good financing deal at about 1.7% but was told that if he can put more money down, he can qualify for their promotional 0% APR. He managed to scrounge up the extra needed for 0%, signed everything, and got to go home with 0%. Today, he gets a call saying they made a “mistake” and that he should be getting 0.9%. My brother wasn't able to give me a detailed explanation of their mistake but glad he at least informed me, as he was about to drive 50 miles to correct a mistake **they** made, which is not fair to him. + +I don’t trust dealerships. I hate everything about them and things like this confirm why I don’t trust them. I am going to suggest to my brother to have them send their request to change the contract in writing. Specifically, have them highlight areas in the contract where they believe they made the mistake and a full explanation of the numbers as to how it was a mistake. Also, have them highlight the areas in the contract that give them the right to cancel such an agreement. + +My question to r/personalfinance is: How often do dealership make these “mistakes”? What should be the best course of action? Is my suggested action above best? My brother is young and goodhearted, so I worry about a potentially predatory dealership exploiting him. Thank you all in advanced. + + +**UPDATE:** My brother shared the contract with me (FYI, this is in CA). There’s a line that states *“After this contract is signed, the seller may not change the financing or payment terms unless you agree in writing to the change”.* That line had me ready to tell my brother to have them pound sand. However, there’s a “Seller’s Right to Cancel” clause, which stipulates that seller agrees to deliver the vehicle once the contract is signed but *“…agree that if the Seller is unable to assign the contract to any one of the financial institutions [in this case, Toyota Financial Services]…Seller may cancel the contract.”* An astute commenter (forgive me for not remembering) linked me to Toyota’s deals website, where I learned that the specific Corolla [hatchback] he got cannot qualify for 0%. Rather, it is for only 0.9%. Reading other parts of his contract and from other online forums around this issue, telling them to kick rocks was no longer the best course of action. A great suggestion by many here that worked best for our situation is that they reduce the amount financed by the amount of the 0.9% APR so that the final cost of the loan is exactly what it was with 0% (in our case, $400 off). Also, requesting some form of accommodation or compensation for commuting over 70 miles round-trip to correct their error. Prepared, I joined my brother on a call to the finance department. Finance guy confirmed what I expected, by saying that the Corolla cannot qualify for 0% by TFS, only 0.9%. It was their mistake that they had let it get that far. He also confirmed the “Seller’s Right to Cancel” clause, saying what I said above. After venting to him how absurd it is that no one on their end questioned the 0% deal and how, if the shoe was on the other foot, they would laugh at us if my brother made a mistake, we asked him what he is going to do to remedy our situation. Surprised, he knocked the price down by $500, a 100 dollars more than what I was hoping. Although he couldn’t send the papers for our signature, my brother was okay heading over there if they fill up his gas tank, which they agreed. In the end, my brother got what he wanted in paying for the car. + +All turned out okay but my distrust with dealerships will continue. The stupid ritual of having them step away from the desk so they can run it by their manager is a ridiculous negotiation act, not to mention the unscrupulous actions some dealerships do to exploit the buyer. Their approach of having the consumer think only about the monthly cost, never the overall price only serves to benefit them. I could go on, but I’ll end this post by saying that dealerships are a scam where the middle man benefits at the expense of the consumer. IMO, they should be outlawed. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hi everyone, + +Everything Apple has been doing lately has me thinking it's likely to fall soon due to their upcoming security changes. I'm have a relatively small position 10 shares at 127.96. So I won't be making a huge profit but I do think Apple might be a buy in the future when its cheap again. I like Apple products but their security update is seriously having many people globally hesitant to the stance the brand is taking. Is it time to take profits? Thoughts? + +&#x200B; + +edit: Based on all the comments I decided to hold and will buy more during the next dip as I have no real need for the cash. For those mentioning taxes here in Canada my AAPL stocks are in a TFSA (Tax free savings account) which means gains and withdrawal are non taxable. + +edit 2: Some think I'm trading apple but truth is I bought last august pre spilt and then again this year in January +Not an unpopular opinion, I understand most of apes in this sub are aware of this. Just wanted to get the millionth reminder on screens that all uncertainty can go out the window at 1k+ + +It's a hold until your floor once that happens! And this price is moving ever closer! +Had a blockage in a drain pipe. It was so bad snaking didn't work and got an estimate of $2,500 to dig and replace. got a few more estimates that were around the same range $2k-$3k. +I asked the original plumber, the one who attempted to snake it, how far down the line the blockage was. Then I proceeded to spend the evening digging it out myself. Had a plumber replace the line for $250 a grand total of $2.25k savings in exchange for 3 hours of digging. + +Edit: call 811 before you dig. +Hi Value Investors, + +I read book called 'Financial Shenanigans, How To Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud In Financial Reports' and I wanted to share something I thought was interesting that CEO's and corporate managers can use to manipulate earnings and receive a better compensation than they should. + +For members who haven't heard of it, accounts receivable days is a metric used by analysts to detect the average time a customer takes to pay back a business for products and services purchased. In other words, it's simply used to measure how long it takes for businesses to receive payment on an invoice after a sale was made. As you already know, any sale that is made to a customer but the customer still hasn't paid for the product or service, then it still counts as revenue on the income statement and gets added to accounts receivable on the balance sheet. + +Now, comparing accounts receivable days (A/R days) between different companies isn't really viable since different companies offer different payment terms. For example, one retailer can offer payment plans allowing the buyer to pay off the product in instalments over 30-days and another retailer can offer a buyer to pay off the product in 60-days. In this scenario, we should expect that the first company have lower A/R days than the second company. So I don't really compare A/R days with other businesses, even in the same industry. + +When I'm looking through the financial statements, I compare A/R days of the company over the past 5-10 years and see if there is a 'jump' or a 'boost' in A/R in a given year. Then go over the proxy statements and find out if the executive officers were compensated on revenue growth, or 'top line' and/or 'net income' growth. Since Net Income Growth isn't the actual cash that is left over. If they are compensated on revenue growth or net income growth and there is a unprecedented surge in A/R days in the same year, you can expect that management artificially boosted their revenue by lowering their credit standards to customers, customers that are more likely to not pay back the company, just to increase their sales to boost their compensation package, leaving shareholders in the company to bear the cost. Not only would the sales be fake but we will have to dilute our ownership position and reduce our equity position in the company. + +To calculate A/R Days: Accounts Receivable Days = (Accounts Receivable/Total Revenue)\*365. The answer will be the average amounts of days a customer pays back the company. + +Compare this with previous years and see if you notice anything unusual. Just a tip. Let me know what you all think! + +I have a video about it which you can see on my profile. +hey wsb i'm going to invest my life savings in starbucks gift cards cause i think the dollar is going to go down, i plan to sell them in a couple years and make an absolute killing + +what are the tax implications of doing this?? + +what kind of investment vehicle are starbucks gift cards anyway? my polyamorous girlfriend says that they're most similar to bearer bonds, which makes sense; does that tie their value to starbucks' capitalization? +Remember the first couple of times the „news“ called GME holders idiots, rioters, dangers, gamblers, lunatics on all of that? I remember being angry in the beginning. + +Well, now they gave that feeling to GG by cutting up his words and misrepresenting/altering his message. I think they are throwing every poker chip they have at this problem, right now. Even CNBCs and other MSM losing most of its viewership and trust mid-term is preferable for Ken and his friends to losing this bet. + +Let that sink in. That is the magnitude of what is happening. They are willing to permanently lose their best tool of control over the unwashed masses for this. They just pissed on the SEC chiefs shoes in public and he posted those 2 missing minutes HIMSELF, in his own Twitter soon after. + +I can’t argue with anyone saying that there is little hope for the SEC actually stepping up and doing it’s job to stop Shitadel and friends, but I hope they will. Now that Gary Gensler actually makes public appearances I think we’ve entered a new phase. He openly states that they are looking at the market structure very closely. Wait who is the Market Maker for almost half of all retail volume? Get fuk Ken. + +TLDR: I have hope that Gary Gensler might actually be pissed about the massive corruption is happening, which he himself just felt at the hands of CNBC. The old story he must’ve believed of “the finance industry will regulate itself” is completely dead now and the winds of change are blowing. HODL to the moon 🚀🚀🙌🏻💎 +I used to enjoy coming to this sub every so often to learn more about how others are investing, saving, making more money, etc. But now it’s just constantly bombarded by pathetic whining. The comment sections of these posts are just so toxic as well, littered with salty or depressive comments. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/82h51z6j9ce91.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=00078aeead48e2577d6a47e72eca3950800919d6 + +GameStop now has several crypto and NFT related products launched: [nft.gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com) and [wallet.gamestop.com](https://wallet.gamestop.com). + +Just like Overstock, a NFT dividend is a truly scary weapon against naked shorting, there is a clear 1:1 connection between shares and the NFT, no excess NFTs are available. + +A splivvy in theory should force shorts to cover as well, but a NFTivvy has the benefits of blockchain transparency. It will be easier to see crime, fraud and corruption. + +In my opinion, RC has always known this and has taken steps to make this all possible. + +&#x200B; + +[From ComputerShare](https://preview.redd.it/mpnsry229ce91.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=b64e757503d727f38a66176c54b7b175fc981eed) + +A company which can make crypto wallets themselves to give to shareholders seems in a perfect position to distribute a NFTivvy. + +&#x200B; + +[GS can activate the wallet for the shareholder](https://preview.redd.it/3my1khp89ce91.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bac07ead154dd8bbb3aaa2962ba707b3de71592) + +&#x200B; + +[🤔](https://preview.redd.it/gezchler8ce91.png?width=1253&format=png&auto=webp&s=b31939149508f2b37c8e067c6e1a659eab42875d) + +You're a blind fool if you still think GameStop won't distribute a NFT Dividend to its shareholders. + +# The NFTivvy is coming! +From the article: + +> Weekly unemployment claims ticked up last week, picking up slightly after reaching the lowest level since November during the prior week. + +> The Department of Labor released its weekly report on new jobless claims on Thursday at 8:30 a.m. ET. Here were the main metrics included in the report, compared to consensus data compiled by Bloomberg: + +> * Initial jobless claims, week ended February 27: 745,000 vs. 750,000 expected and a revised 736,000 during the prior week + +> * Continuing claims, week ended February 20: 4.295 million vs. 4.300 million expected and 4.419 million during the prior week + +> Initial jobless claims edged up only slightly after sinking far more than expected during the week ended February 20, though at least some of that drop appeared to have stemmed from data collection issues due to the extreme winter weather blanketing the country mid-month. Still, the stabilization below 750,000 suggested some underlying improvements in unemployment trends. + +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/weekly-jobless-claims-week-ended-february-27-183810049.html +It looks like the first medical cannabis company to launch on the FTSE is coming in mid-February. Whilst there are some CBD firms already, this would offer something a bit different. + +Likely not something I’ll be investing in, and not advice for what to go for, just putting it up for anybody who’s interested, but previously had to look at the US/Canada for exposure to the cannabis market. + +https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jan/29/vaporiser-maker-to-be-first-medical-cannabis-firm-listed-in-london +I bought a townhome in 2009 that I now use as a rental property. Last summer when I was visiting the home I noticed the floor in the kitchen had sunk a couple inches. I'd heard previously from my neighbors that they'd had the same problem. + +When I bought the home, the builder had given a 2/10 warranty which covered the any defects in the foundation for 10 years. I decided to pay the $200 to submit a claim and have them inspect, fully expecting they'd find some reason to deny my claim, but they didn't. + +Today I have a check in hand for $38,000 and a bid from a contractor to make the repairs. If I hadn't thought to check my warranty or if I'd waited even 6 months my warranty would have expired and I would be paying that out of my own pocket. + +Don't forget to check to see if your repairs are warrantied. +People are always saying how they won't invest in JEPI. "28 months isn't long enough." "We haven't seen how JEPI does in a bear market." + +Well, son, we're in a bear market right now. How's JEPI doing? + +The S&P 500 is down 22% year-to-date. JEPI's only down 18%. + +In my humble opinion, I think it's time for JEPI-bashers to STFU. But what do you think? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I posted this on our sub-reddit, but I want to re-post it to this sub too - because it applies in every way to Superstonk. Everything I say below is meant for this community too, because I wouldn't have found the support that I have without you. Some people on this sub have pointed out that I've been more publicly aggressive over the past couple of months and have wondered if it has to do with the support of the community - unequivocally the answer is yes. I am energized and excited, and here is how I'm feeling right now: + +&#x200B; + +I want to take a minute and thank everyone on this sub-reddit, and everyone who has supported us in general. This year has really been an amazing one. I could never have possibly imagined coming into 2021 that this is where it would end. The last couple of years have been hard ones, and the last couple of decades have been hard for many as well. The current power structures are incredibly corrupt, and the level of inequality is simply disgusting. + +I am an eternal (some would say naive) optimist. I still believe in taking on corruption and inequality, and I still believe that grassroots efforts can effect that change. I've been fighting for more fair, transparent, liquid, efficient markets for 10 years now. And I have continued that fight despite setbacks of all kinds. To have the support of all of you, and to be entering 2022 fighting this fight WITH you is one of the most exciting developments of my career. + +I can't thank you enough. + +2022 is shaping up to be a pivotal year in market structure. We will see some of the biggest incumbents challenged in many ways, which will hopefully include the elimination of PFOF and off-exchange trading without material price improvement. These firms make billions of dollars a year, and the executives in charge make HUGE bonuses. It will not be easy or quick to take on these powerful firms, especially when they claim to represent retail. + +I hope we can completely change that narrative. I hope we can enable and empower RETAIL to represent RETAIL. And I hope that our team at The Terminal can help to organize and strengthen those efforts. I've never been as optimistic at the possibility of changing the system as I am TODAY! + +I believe in leveling the playing field - getting retail investors access to the same high quality data and tools that the professionals have. + +I believe in truly democratizing information, data and access - not turning retail into a product to be sold to high-speed speculators. + +I believe that you can align incentives so that everyone wins, while taking on the biggest and most powerful incumbents on Wall St. + +I believe we can change the system when we work together, point out corruption, and build a movement so big, it cannot be ignored! + +I believe that business-as-usual in financial regulation needs to END. + +Corporate concentration of power needs to END. + +Incumbents charging undue rents and stifling competition needs to END. + +I'm FIRED UP right now, and ready to take on the system. I'm FIRED UP because of all of you! You've done this, you've organized, you've decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and I'm thrilled to be in the fight with you. + +Thank you. +Around 10-11 years ago, when BTC was still a novelty, i mined it with my pc (those where the days) for a few weeks. Used to have around 12 of em if i recall correctly. Total value at that time was under ten dollar. I lost interest and did not go to the effort to cash out. Don't recall where the PC went, thought it long lost. When the crypto hype really started kicking of around two years ago, i used to joke to friends how i unwittingly threw away a lot of money. + +Until last week... when we found a few pc's from that era on my grandma's attic. It is very likely that my pc from back then is one of em. I need to get some legacy hardware (IDE adapters and such) to check the harddrives, so i am not sure yet and wondering if it is worth the effort. Of course... if this BTC is still on that pc or otherwiser recoverable via clues ON that pc... it would be more than worth it to go to great lenghts to recover it. + +Problem is, i do not know where to start. I have no idea what software i used for mining, if i used a wallet online or one on the pc... or maybe left it with the pool. Anyone willing to give me some tips on where to start? Most likely i left em in the pool... does that mean it is lost after these years? +My portfolio is red since ATH. I know it was a mistake to buy during ATH but I'm in it for long term. I don't care if I'm still in red or green. Regardless of my situation, ETH is doing GREAT! +#Just a reminder, invitations will expire 15 minutes after they are sent. Please accept them ASAP. + +If you miss your invite, you will eventually be reinvited, but it may take some time. + +You can increase your chances of being invited sooner by being active on r/wallstreetbets and remaining subscribed. + +--- + +#UPDATE, APR 2ND - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 3RD - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 4TH - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 5TH - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 6TH - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 7TH - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +#UPDATE, APR 8TH - MODS ARE STILL BEING ADDED + +--- + +Make sure you comment and upvote because... + +If we reach 5,000 comments, everyone gets some mod privileges. + +At 7:04PM we reached #1 on r/all!! Everyone gets full permissions!! HAVOK IS ON THE WAY + +Stretch goal: + +#80,000 COMMENTS + +Thread will be locked at 23:59 PM Apr. 2nd, so make sure to comment before then! + +# THE MODDENING 2019 + +**EDIT** + +You have 15 minutes to accept the invitation or it will be rescinded, as there can be a maximum of 25 pending invites at any one time. + +**EDIT 2** + +We have hit the rate limit! https://i.imgur.com/b2gBgcL.png + +The moderator invites will resume in 1 hour! + +Again, **everyone who comments below will be modded eventually** + +**EDIT 3** + +Currently #400 on r/all... + +#UPVOTE IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE WORLD BURN + +**EDIT 4** + +\#250 now... the modpocalypse is nigh... + +If we hit #1 on r/all, we continue adding moderators as fast as we can (considering the ratelimit). + +Once everyone has been added as a moderator, we will shut down the subreddit and give everyone full permissions. The subreddit will then open to the public on the following business day at 9:00am + +**EDIT 5** + +5,000 comments! -- All mods will be given mail privileges, use it wisely! + +**EDIT 6** + +Fun fact, reddit tab notifications only go up to 9K + +https://i.imgur.com/b9TRGx6.png + +https://imgur.com/a/EquFIsP + + +**EDIT 7** + +(updated) + +moderator reports: + +Bacchus_IRL: OP is the kind of faggot to secretly just have vanguard funds and no options + +user reports: + +104: This is spam + +66: MMMFFFPPHHHMMMMM THESE CRAYONS ARE DELICIOUS + +39: It's involuntary pornography and i appear in it + +35: Fake, Fabricated, Phony, Con, Fraudulent. + +32: <no reason> + +27: Political Bullshit + +19: No Bullshitting + +18: It's a transaction for prohibited goods or services + +16: It's sexual or suggestive content involving minors + +9: It's rude, vulgar or offensive + +8: Glorifying Losses + +8: Bad Robinhood Screenshot + +5: It's targeted harassment at someone else + +5: Generic meme detected + +5: It's involuntary pornography and i do not appear in it + +5: It's targeted harassment at me + +3: Spam + +3: It's personal and confidential information + +3: Personal and confidential information + +3: Don't Glorify Losses + +**EDIT 8** + +This thread was made in conjunction with, and is endorsed by, r/teenagers +twitter just deleted 25,000 tweets that had #kengriffenlied + +wtf is going on an why would they do that . its doesn't seen fair that when we try to bring something to light every single platform that has the power to shuts us down. its things like this that temper my resolve. + +but seriously why would twitter do that, does kenny have pull there or is it just the execs at twitter stopping what they think is just a spammy hashtag? I've never seen them pull a hashtag before although im not a big twitter user it seems weird. has anyone ever seen them do something like this before? +We got our money back after two days! [http://imgur.com/gallery/lPjXhQt](http://imgur.com/gallery/lPjXhQt) + +If you are looking for information on what to do if your bank declines fraud purchases or your bank refuses to return your money, please read this so you can see what steps we had to take to get something done. + +I just wanted to post an update to anyone who followed along on my post last Thursday about the issue we were having with Bank of America declining some very obvious fraud charges and giving us the runaround for 180 days. For those not familiar with the situation, you can read up on it in detail here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ac96zf/180\_days\_later\_bank\_of\_america\_is\_refusing\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ac96zf/180_days_later_bank_of_america_is_refusing_to/) + +TLDR: July 15. Fruad on our debit card in Texas while we were in Illinois. 180+ days later, bank lies to my wife after repeated phone calls. I ask for help on reddit. It goes viral. You guys give big help. + +After posting on Thursday, I took the advice of several Redditors and took the several steps on Friday. Here is the timeline of events leading up to this being closed out. + +* **8:00am Friday:** Called Jonathan Stickland, my local Texas House Representative and left a message explaining the situation +* **11:00am Friday:** Submitted a complaint to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB - [https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/](https://www.consumerfinance.gov/complaint/)) +* **12:00pm Friday:** My wife called me and told me Jonathan Stickland's assistant had called her to gather more information and said she would be making some calls to see what they could do for us. +* **4:00pm Friday:** Wife called me to let me know that someone from Bank of America's "Regulatory Complaints Department" had called her in regards to the CFPB complaint filed earlier in the day. He called at 10 minutes before his office closed and my wife didn't get the message until after. We planned to call Monday morning. +* **9:00am Saturday:** Wife wakes me up and says the money is back in the account as a "Misc Credit" +* **9:00am Today:** I call CFPB. They say the complaint is still open with the bank and they usually respond within 15 days. +* **9:00am Today:** I call the number left by BofA's Regulatory Complaints Department. Leave a voicemail. Wife calls him from work and leaves a voice mail +* **1:00pm Today:** We get a notification from Bank of America that the dispute is closed. We're done. We will wait until the notice comes in the mail before we shut our accounts and move. + +I hope that anyone else in our situation now or in the future can use this to get some fast results too. + +Thanks to everyone who commented with advice, their own stories, and kind words to keep me motivated throughout the process. +How do you know when you have developed a real skill in this game versus just riding a rising tide? + +Market is up, premiums are good. Throw a dart, sell a .2 delta put, close at 50% and keep positions small seem like it is really working now but is it working because I know what I am doing or working because I'm in the right place at the right time. + +I have out paced the market but what does that mean. Will I only know if I have skill when we enter a bear market and I'm still making gains? How do you know you have skill versus just being lucky? +Hey all! College junior here pursuing a double major in economics and political science, wrapping up the economics side of my two majors. Lately, I've become increasingly discouraged and frustrated with my progress in the higher-level economics courses I'm taking as I just can't make sense of the concepts without having them drawn out in front of me step by step. Intro and intermediate economics were a breeze when I had resources like Khan Academy where I can see every graph drawn out and explained, but I no longer have those resources to fall back on when learning about more specific courses like industrial/corporate or environmental economics. To make it worse, I'm learning remotely and I can't pay attention at all when the class is just our professor talking over slides with all of these equations and variables laid out on the screen. I've been spending hours on individual homework questions, getting super excited when the concepts click and everything seems to fall into place, and then having to start from square one when I try to apply the concept to another problem. + +&#x200B; + +I have a passion for economics and harnessing data to help others, but the pandemic has really made me realize how much my cognitive learning style clashes with the field. Do any visual learners have tips on how they learned economics, and maybe even tips that help them apply economics to their fields now? Or am I in the wrong major and is it only going to get harder from now? Any help, advice, and anecdotes are appreciated! +This is not about whether inequality is a problem or should be fixed. + +I am simply wondering about the mechanism. As far as I can tell, free markets and economic growth tend to coincide with or lead to massive wealth inequality. Why does that happen? + +I understand some people work harder, are smarter and also luckier than others. But shouldn't this balance itself out to a degree? As in, "regression to the mean" - even a successful man will likely eventually make worse or unluckier decisions and thus lose some wealth. Or: a successful business model will lead to a saturated market and competitors, thus eventually losing its edge. Or: a massive corporation eventually becomes stagnated and new, fresh competitors pull ahead. + +And yet, free markets seem to result in many, many billionaires, massive corporations, families that are rich for generations. What is the economic mechanism here? +What are your plays for the next week? +What you buying and selling? +What were your best plays? + +Remember this is a community to learn. + +**Downvotes are discouraged** + + +**Sort by New to find the best daily play** + +Add 🚀🚀🚀 if you serious +Hello, I'm a former conspiracy theorist and largely spend time trying refute science denial and conspiracies in general. + +One thing I used to hear a lot (and watch videos on) back in my conspiracy days was the whole "money is debt" / "fractional reserve banking" and "they print money out of thin air" talking points. This sometimes veered into more far fetched stuff about "The Central Banks controls the government" and "The Globalists" (The Jews) + +The problem is, I'm not an economist or really know much about economics outside the bare minimum. I'm assuming most of this is nonsense, or if there is truth to it, it's maybe not the hot economic take people think it is. + +Can anyone recommend links that explain why this is wrong? Or if it is right, does it actually mean anything in the real world? + +Thanks for anyone who can explain this +This is an excerpt from the following article: [https://www.peakprosperity.com/next-comes-the-turbulent-twenties/](https://www.peakprosperity.com/next-comes-the-turbulent-twenties/) + +He also claims this means the markets are due for a 50% correction. Can anyone tell me if this is accurate? Also any idea as to whether the rest of the claims are generally accurate or not would be nice. It all seems very cromulent to me but I don't know enough to know if I'm being misinformed or not. +During 16th -19th century when Mercantilism dominated, a state wants to minimize imports and maximize exports. If all countries were Mercantilist, there would be nobody to buy these exports. How did this work? +Project is fully renounced and there are no developer wallets = NO RUG TO PULL +Yeet reached a 3 million market cap in 2 hours, 7.8+ million 17 hours later. +Yeet’s trajectory is extremely reminiscent of Bonfire so far + + +Be honest, most of these things aren't built to last that long, but that doesn't mean you can't 10x, 30x or even 70x with these babies on the regular. We’ve all seen several memecoins this week go 10-30x, and those aren't even the best ones. All you really need is a solid group, a great smart-contract, and big hype - we can bring this to the table, and give you plenty of opportunities to multiply your investment several times over. +I won't promise you to plant a tree for every buy order or to clean up the entire ocean - these things are meant to be fucking YEETED. This is our mission. + +*'So why even yeet?'* +Unlike other tokens in this space, Yeet doesn’t heavily penalize you for trading it or holding, instead the token has cleverly been optimized to yeet. +DYOR: This token cannot be rugged or controlled in any way by the team or anyone else once launched - we don’t even have a wallet, literally all of it goes to the presale supply and the locked LP, dev has to buy-in like everyone else. Sniff the code, do whatever you have to do, and you’ll see that we’re in it for the yeet. + +[TOKEN SPECS] +👉1,000,000,000,000,000 Starting Supply 🔥50% Pre-burn +🕳6% per Transaction = 💧4% Back to LP + 🌽 2% Reflection to holders (4% LP so we won’t dry up when we're mooning, moderate reflection to yeet even harder) + + +Proof of fully Renounced Ownership: +https://bscscan.com/tx/0x5eeef8ebc2a336f4770f0b069cf40699885e837b7ce90720c8cd495ba464e9ec + +Whitepaper: https://pdfhost.io/v/VlJMvYYUj_YeetToken_Whitepaper.pdf + +Join us! We are a decentralized community. Each one of our socials were created and owned by non-devs, aka the community. The original creators of Yeet only control the Telegram. + + +Socials: +Telegram (3300+): https://t.me/YeetTokenOfficial +https://www.reddit.com/r/YeetTokenOfficial/ +https://discord.gg/jfBBRCgr +https://twitter.com/yeettoken_hq +https://www.instagram.com/yeettoken/ + +Website: https://YeetToken.com +PancakeSwap: [Buy on PancakeSwap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x7060d3f1cc70a07f4768560b9d9b692ac29244de) + +YeetToken was born 36 hours ago - it’s still very, very early. +I saved up for this bitch for almost 3 years and placed the order this morning. I was happy for about 10 minutes and then it consumed me. I kept thinking back to the days where I could barely afford food, was drowning in debt, and couldn’t put more than a couple of bucks worth of gas in my car. It took me years to crawl out of that hole and the nightmare of having to live that way again had me physically shaking. + +I just called them up and cancelled a few minutes ago and have never felt so good about myself. Thank you to all those who post on here about your situations, it kept me in check today and hope someday it will do the same for you. + +EDIT: Some folks were wondering about the model. So here it is: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Jackson/USA-Signature-Misha-Mansoor-Juggernaut-HT6-Electric-Guitar-Daphne-Blue-1500000208344.gc?rNtt=Jackson%20usa%20misha&index=2 +So i have seen numerous post last 2 days about coins that clearly are not ETHEREUM, since they are useless shitcoins. + +1.Doge nascar shitpost +2.Doge Elon musk shitpost +3. Safemoon Eth bridge post (debatable since its a bit related to Eth) + +These posts are unrelated to the main purpose of this Sub which is Ethereum, and they have no place here. +I will much rather see some Eth hopium meme than read about how Melon Mans twitter influence on Doge is dying. + +I believe action should be taken, correct me if im wrong. +Im open to discuss as to why you might disagree but i dont see why these shitcoins should appear on our Sub. + +It would be different if we talked about projects with legit usecases related to ETH, for example layer 2 solutions or oracles etc. +But Safemoon and Doge... come on folks +Hello Everybody, + +As many of you know we have been doing a lot of research into the FTDs, ETF shares creation, and swaps that support these quarterly moves. + +After the failure of price action to be realized through. Most of December and January, I will cover what went wrong and what went right later in this DD. Move forward and apply the failures in expectations to future outlooks. + +There is a lot of hype built around this week, with expectations high I wanted to ensure to the best of my ability that not only did market mechanics point to an improvement in price this coming week but that volume, trend, stochastic and price analysis indicated it as well. + +In an effort to be as absolutely certain as the data available would allow. + +# What is OPEX? + +OPEX is a bit of a misnomer, it is technically the Options Expiration (OPEX) of ETF and Index options. These actually occur every month but the quarterly options dates are the ones that effect GameStop primarily as the majority of institutional options interest in ETF and Indices is quarterly. + +These occur per the [CBOE Calendar](https://cdn.cboe.com/resources/options/Cboe2021OPTIONSCalendar.pdf) on the 3rd Friday of every month. + +We however are only concerned with the quarterly expirations, which occur in + +Feb/May/Aug/Nov + +So why do these events which have very little to do with GME have such a great effect? + +Well due to share creation in ETFs and lack of interest in borrowing real shares of GME in order to deflate the overnight borrow rate. The vast majority of shares sold are synthetically created by Authorized participants. + +As creation/redemption builds in GME containing ETFs large numbers of puts are sold to mark long (Reg T) the net short allocation due from the AP. + +It is then likely swaps are used by the fund themselves to offset the debit from creation. + +So if XRT is -250,000 shares of GME and they have forwards or an (agreement to buy those shares at a future time based on the current "spot" price (market) ) Then their position is considered neutral. + +Let me show you visually. + +[Yeah I know It's super fucked up, the SEC has been aware of this since 2011...](https://preview.redd.it/0vpzst3fn5j81.png?width=2038&format=png&auto=webp&s=944bd0070e3d5a91bcb738dae2801e29caa51a29) + +>(WARNING: The things contained in this document are upsetting, to say the least) +> +>The whole thing is a solid read but pg.19-26 are the juiciest. +> +>SEC [File Number S7-16-15](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-16-15/s71615-60.pdf) +> +>**If you ever wondered why doesn't pickle DRS, this document is a primary reason.** + +*\* Edit 1:* + +*Since a lot of the people in the comments are asking me to clarify why this documentlowers my confidence in DRS. Also, because I see a lot of misinformation surrounding it and want to be 100% clear to avoid confusion.* + +* *The share creation process in ETFs and the ability of Authorized Participants to do this essentially as long as GME is held in ETFs* ***without facilitating a locate of real shares***\*. It is unlikely that anything short of 100% share registration could force a squeeze or stop shorting on GME. As long GME volume remains low it is likely this abusive system will continue to be used. The benefit being that we have large unstable price increases every quarter.\* +* *As long as shares are held in ETFs by institutions even with 100% registration this system could continue.* ***To be transparent on this point most ETFs do not allow this abuse, it really seems that XRT and a few smaller ETFs are the primary source of corruption.*** +* *It tells me that multiple institutions including the SEC and DTCC are aware of the problem and likely already aware that the float of GME is fully owned, and have yet to take any action.* ***It presents systemic risk***\*...meaning if the process were to be stopped or accounted for it could very well bring down the structure of the entire market.\* +* *Some people in the comments addressed T+5 (it's actually not 6, but since settlement is delayed till the following morning T+6 is used for ease of understanding). I show clearly above how they sell short puts on the ETF to mark long the FTDs which adds 35 calendars to the settlement time (Reg T) then cash settle the FTDs with the ETF. Effectively never returning the synthetic position at least not in the form of stock. The obligations then go on to cycle through CNS until such a time as they are cleared. ETFs have an effectively unlimited free-float, are highly liquid, and thus it is easy to clear FTDs in them.* +* *GME ownership has no effect on ETF FTDs or ETF settlement, while this process effects the "fair valuation" of GME there is no way to effect and obligation due to a different asset. This process is criminal, as it defrauds the investors of the ETF and also the investors of the underlying assets.* +* *Essentially ETFs create unlimited liquidity* +* ***I do however agree with Dr. Trimbath, that DRS empowers the individual shareholder and can protect the stock from the effects of abusive short-selling.*** *Unfortunately this process is abusive selling and not short-selling. The difference being short-selling requires a borrow.* +* *I think that Ryan Cohen is already doing the one foolproof thing to stop abusive short-selling and that is building a company that isn't worth shorting "brick by brick" and I'm excited to see what it becomes.* +* *In the meantime this winding and unwinding of these ETF positions will continue every quarter until there is evidence that they are no longer doing it via reported FTDs and ETF fund flow.* + +https://preview.redd.it/lt6m9thal8j81.png?width=666&format=png&auto=webp&s=7896e131055f11f3ce6b1394a84dd3924dc45c1a + +So after all that when those forwards are closed and the put oi drops the forward contract counterparty goes and buys some GameStop. + +This occurs within T+2 of these OPEX dates along with any gamma exposure from options exercising. + +The more creation used in the previous quarter ---> the more GameStop gets purchased. + +***\*remember creation is not a short sale, it is a share sold, it is synthetic. A short sale requires a borrow, no share borrow agreement is used in these transactions.*** + +&#x200B; + +>I want to take a moment and thank, wholeheartedly, u/turdfurg23 and u/zinko83, without them this information would not have been possible to obtain and disseminate. Their tireless efforts in uncovering information behind these ETFs and complex derivates are a true testament to what this community can achieve. They also have many more DDs on the topics set forth, that are frankly, all worth reading at least once. + +# Wycoff Accumulation + +Some information on this can be found here [Richard D. Wyckoff](https://www.wyckoffanalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Wyckoff-Method-Wyckoff-Analytics-English.pdf), this price analysis methodology has held up for almost a century due to the market psychology that supports it. It is an invaluable tool for tracking the intentions of large or "smart" money investors. + +*\*I should note here It is* ***not*** *traditional Technical Analysis while it fathered many of the trend and volume analysis styles that followed it.* + +Currently GameStop is displaying classic signs of accumulation. This is significant both in the near and long term as valuation on GME is reassessed by large market participants. + +[It looks we are rising on a textbook Wyckoff spring formation it's indicating a spring into a breakout. usually followed by a markup period moving from phase C to phase D](https://preview.redd.it/8kvvfscj54j81.png?width=2457&format=png&auto=webp&s=05ee8ee95b1365c5659c8baf16f7192ac9c4ac4a) + +It should be noted there is a bear case for this as well while less fun to hear it's best to temper expectations. It is possible enough interest has not accumulated on GME during this period and there are more low tests in store. I didn't want to ignore this especially with uncertainty in the global political landscape. + +https://preview.redd.it/w7c0k1rp75j81.png?width=2463&format=png&auto=webp&s=e495094fbc3b388b27fe1cdbe1ee73b5f4314aca + +**I however do not have high confidence in the bear case here, I will now explain why.** + +&#x200B; + +[Confirmation of price\/volume correlation with a move to phase D, ADX \(trend strength indicator\) and DMI +\/- \(directional movement indicator\) showing a consolidation it a trend reversal after the current \\"shakeout period\\" ends.](https://preview.redd.it/7sa97shh74j81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea536a7d6a2a4479494f9730ddd23dc1448ddb3) + +[Volume decline during the \\"shakeout period\\"](https://preview.redd.it/8iz83dnm84j81.png?width=1547&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fe73bcb84ef12d45b3af5feef80d9246ac63fbd) + +https://preview.redd.it/qs4ll37x54j81.png?width=953&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dc59ec00502b5fbb8f35c68ff1e31b72f9a2ab9 + +another examples of accumulation movements on GME although this took longer to play out + +[This was the period between 2019 and 2020 when Burry, Cohen and DFV bought in. We all know what came after... ](https://preview.redd.it/pfpr5doxm4j81.png?width=2460&format=png&auto=webp&s=9081e570408824f8f55f751fed69f7c92fa51785) + +>**While I don't think what I'm seeing here is gonna kickstart another run like January.** +> +>**A lot of the same pieces are in place. High FTD exposure from ETFs, what looks like institutional buying, and the incoming OPEX cycle. GME's bull case looks very strong. For the near and long-term, as this looks like move into a period of improvement.** + +# MACD + +I wanted to look at MACD in another way besides the sweeping up and down volume signals. As liquidity dries up I feel that they are less telling than the signal trend so I shaded this so people could see the double divergence in GME's downtrends. This divergence is then mirrored in the uptrends indicating that two primary mechanisms are used to short and then those two mechanisms are covered. + +*\*These being ETF share creation and bona-fide market making.* + +[I highlighted the signal trend here in an effort to look beyond the volume indicators and focus on the repeating pattern In the daily MACD. That second low peak has marked the beginning of every one of GameStop's previous runs.](https://preview.redd.it/76fg4w62z4j81.png?width=2225&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cb15e7a8940e3079e5ad3c68aba12117ee7d877) + +# NVI + +Negative volume index, I wanted to give people an idea of just how much shorting we have experienced over the last couple months since Nov 3rd (the last time we were above the mean EMA). + +Also take a look at volume trend since last march as a little extra confirmation of of illiquidity . Our deviation is the lowest it has been since last December. They can't keep this shit up forever. :) + +[This is literally the best time to buy GME since December of 2020](https://preview.redd.it/o37i40u425j81.png?width=2459&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7919ce96f1d183d5d45fec7828bbb6ece2bd629) + +# Price Predictions + +So with this Information and the last update I had from yelyah2 showing a gamma maximum of around 140 and some indication of it increasing due to large volumes of OTM calls. I would say a conservative range for this OPEX movement would be between 150 and 180. I have based this prediction on the following factors. + +1. Gamma Maximum tends to follow price upwards as more OTM calls are purchased (FOMO) it can drive up but when call buying dwindles there is no more delta to hedge. The rate of change in the underlying slows and price destabilizes. We have yet to hold above our Gamma MAX on any previous run. (see below) +2. Our previous OPEX runs have been fairly range bound with the exception of last February. While I must admit the exposure they have built in the last two months is far greater than anything since last Feb. The strength of OPEX runs had decreased over the remainder of last year. Due to a decrease in long call sentiment and thus weakened ETF exposure. T**here is mathematical evidence that the primary driver of GME price action are options both up and down** [Evidence of Concept](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/snzn04/it_takes_money_to_buy_whisky_distilling_gmes/) and that Delta hedging makes up most if not all of our volume. Till it can be debunked, I am convinced that they do **in fact hedge options**. +3. Our volume trends do not support a move much greater than 180 the strongest buy pressure on GME historically is at 158.50 and 180.00 going back to January of last year. Any price points above that have been met with decreasing buy volume (due to surpassing gamma max) and the price becoming too high to continue FOMO. Simply put Quarterly OPEX alone is not enough to sustain continued price improvement past a certain range. This is one of the reasons our run in November was so weak, since the floor was so high when the run started it was only supported by the clearing of obligations and delta hedging. As soon as the obligations cleared... rug pull. + +[Gamma MAX on previous runs \(figure 1\)](https://preview.redd.it/v1x7cpwj95j81.png?width=1323&format=png&auto=webp&s=64ebf5495996917e7f7d2bab2932308c0b82fb1c) + +[Historical range of OPEX movement \(figure 2\)](https://preview.redd.it/t0zkqsbma5j81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=4576a0b3588c016ed5a2f8f88588bffdfd4ab1a8) + +[Historic volume trend matched with confidence in price improvement. \(figure 3\)](https://preview.redd.it/5bkw1fc865j81.png?width=2456&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b2de249038fadaa9710f6a692bc24ec45220e16) + +[Price improvement confidence scale for Feb. 18 -25 OPEX. While this indicates a fairly low range it is possible for FOMO to come in and drive the price even higher but since that is not something that can be predicted or counted on this scenario has the best probability in my mind.](https://preview.redd.it/rnwkmh7je5j81.png?width=2447&format=png&auto=webp&s=3afc6720c24601f8696b73720011dd70a4ba3e51) + +# Past Prediction Failures + +While I feel many of my predictions have been spot on and they only will increase in accuracy as I narrow down the mechanics of GME price realization. There have been plenty of things I have gotten wrong or did not realize were a factor and thus had not explored. + +First let me toot my horn before I focus on the negative. + +Some stuff that I 've gotten right... + +1. The August run and it's price range. +2. The November run and it's price range (but the volume and velocity were wrong) +3. The runs this last quarter on Dec 17th - 22nd, Jan. 26th, and Feb. 8th (price expectations were not realized) + +All of these, months in advance , the biggest disappointments came in the realization of price action. stonks only go up right? + +No, the market is dynamic. Things change everyday and no prediction is immune to shifts in macro-economic trends. This is why I update on the status of my theory every day to preempt these shifts and changes, as necessary, in real-time. + +[As for the expected run I wrote about these OPEX cycles in August and November of last year.](https://preview.redd.it/1wop6zgib8j81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=e97bb068647336150f4b4bb1f98b660b32b33e17) + +**So why did December and January fail to drive expected results? or why do you suck Pickle-man?** + +In short **XRT**, and some other ETFs that were placed on the threshold list on the futures expiration date. + +This action was **beneficial** to the the people generating GME FTDs and I would suspect it was done intentionally, although there is no proof the motive is obvious. + +RegSho Threshold while forcing settlement offsets when that settlement is due. So instead of all the ETF FTDs being due the same day it staggers them. This allows them to clear FTDs through CNS without overloading the "pipeline"(generating price action). Essentially taking GME exposure and diluting it across multiple assets. + +https://preview.redd.it/upitmvpce8j81.png?width=1306&format=png&auto=webp&s=3de4acaf63ac0f0b7a3f999870b0baee82660dac + +The effects of this offsetting can be seen in our volume profile from Nov -Jan when for all intents and purposes our daily volume should remain very low (DRS and less liquidity **≠** more volume) but to settle FTDs volume must be generated. Yet our volume over the last cycle is up... + +[This should not be the case](https://preview.redd.it/jgqcfc1if8j81.png?width=2454&format=png&auto=webp&s=af47603890ac27b2f27d16786a167d198f43be47) + +They actually began using XRT in late October. Finally burning it out on Jan 6th when the threshold process began. + +Or so we thought. + +While a threshold security cannot be shorted without a pre-borrow agreement. ETFs have no float so pre-borrowing is easy and creation/redemption can continue on the ETF regardless of it's RegSHO status. It does make it more difficult though and means more oversight of their actions. + +Essentially they shorted the entirety of the Nov-Jan cycle through ETF share creation and bona-fide market making. + +It was only after the RegSHO inclusion that we see GME share borrow utilization go up. You can see some evidence of this above in the negative volume index in the first section. Also here in GME short utilization after thresholding began on Jan.7th. + +[GME short borrow rate, utilization, and exchange reported SI shooting up after XRT begins the threshold process.](https://preview.redd.it/ra8igl4mq8j81.png?width=1606&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2337a2af85c1c12150232e3a9657bf1994675ee) + +There is additional evidence in entropy analysis on GME and it's related ETFs, but that's another DD. + +# Conclusions: + +All this synthetic creation will come due and someone will be on the hook for it whether it be the ETFs, APs, or counterparties on the swap, settlement will be demanded from at-risk counterparties. + +I'm bullish as fuck on the potential for these next few weeks to create massive price improvement on GME, but one step at a time. I have laid out my conservative estimate for this OPEX cycle and we will wait and see what the futures rollover period brings after that. + +&#x200B; + +**Now on to the part that I feel I need to discuss, in an attempt to heal the divide in this community and to defend my position here.** + +# Am I a shill? + +Well you're gonna hear a lot of things about me + +1. **That I buy puts** : I do occasionally to protect my investment when I expect GME to go down. It's accurate, I buy OTM puts to protect my long position if I think the price of the stock is gonna drop. It's not a bet against the company it's a bet against the person who wrote the contract I purchased. If the price goes down I have more money to buy the dip. Simple as that. +2. **That I'm self-promoting and monetized**: I have been pretty transparent with my YT earnings on stream they are minimal. Some people do choose to donate it's true. But, there has never been a paywall to ask me questions or access my content. I see no reason YT should collect all the ad-revenue. If I do this for 8 hours a day there is no reason for me to not collect the ad-revenue from my work, I do not ask for donations and never have if people want to contribute I have left the option open. **If I wanted to advertise on reddit** I could pay for Reddit's advertising service and advertise my stream through reddit, on the subreddits of my choosing for a nominal fee per click, I do not. +3. **The idea I'm pushing options to sell my own covered calls**: This one is just makes no sense... the OCC creates liquidity for options trades. Guaranteeing a buyer and seller for every trade. This liquidity is provided by MMs that market the markets for each asset (Wolverine for GME). So I do not need to generate buyers of my covered calls as a matter of fact I haven't sold a covered call (for more than a couple hours) since March of 2021. +4. **I said "most" Superstonk users were idiots**: True, I said these five words, there is a 4 second video proving it, out of context, but accurate nonetheless. It was in response to someone describing the people that consistently bandwagon and attack me and my posts everyday in order to spin a narrative that I am profiteering on the back of apes. **I could have risen above it, I did not.** + +**I have stood now for months in the face of personal attacks on my character, credibility, intelligence, and appearance. Because I chose to discuss the value of options contracts to the retail investor and their ability to generate a short squeeze scenario. The fact that I need to defend myself against these baseless claims speaks volumes about what this sub has become.** + +**If their hope is that I will back down, I will not.** + +**This behavior goes against the very essence of this subreddit and should be addressed.** + +[It's literally Rule #1](https://preview.redd.it/sv5ymxims8j81.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f2a004580424d2c7408d6584ad085d115fb91dd) + +But I have not lost faith, + +I think the **vast silent majority** appreciate the knowledge and information and whether they agree or not, walk away more informed about the stock we all love. + +**We can disagree, we can refute claims with evidence or proof to the contrary. We can discuss but we should never attack. The claims levied against me and other DD writers have been just that, attacks.** + +**When we fight amongst ourselves nobody walks away a winner.** + +I personally have, posted copious amounts of DD and Daily updates **every** trading for the last 10, almost 11 months now. I have given my perspective on GME and it's price movements. I have reached out in good faith and collaborated with others that were attempting to do the same. I have published all this information here on reddit, I have never withheld information behind a paywall or forced people to watch my stream. + +Everything you can learn from me about GME **can be found here, for free**. + +I have made predictions, have they always been right, **absolutely not**. The stock market is a chaotic system a prediction on an outcome can change the nature of that outcome. + +But every wrong estimate moves us closer to the ones that are correct and lifts the curtain on the actions of SHFs. Price predictions are always a toss up but the underlying mechanics that drive GME price movement are testable and backed by data. + +&#x200B; + +>Columbia University emeritus professor of philosophy Philip Kitcher, a good scientific theory has three characteristics. First, it has unity, which means it consists of a limited number of problem-solving strategies that can be applied to a wide range of scientific circumstances. Second, a good scientific theory leads to new questions and new areas of research. This means that a theory doesn't need to explain everything in order to be useful. And finally, a good theory is formed from a number of hypotheses that can be tested independently from the theory itself. + +&#x200B; + +I write this in defense of myself and others who do not wish to step forward, or cannot. + +To attack the people who have dedicated countless hours of their lives to bring information to the community is completely despicable, whether you agree with the information, or not. Many of these people have sacrificed countless hours of their lives. Losing time with family and loved ones. To bring things to light that never would have been know to have a contingent of people allowed on this sub to openly insult, intimidate, and harass them. + +I don't think I need to name them, they are made obvious by their comments and posts. + +Those seeking to divide us are not apes. + +I also wanted to share my own clip, and maybe this will give a better idea of my views on this whole situation and motivations. + +[This video is not monetized and I did my best to clear any donation information from the edit, if the mods want, I will remove it. But I think it gives some insight into my perspective and may help with the divisiveness so rampant here.](https://reddit.com/link/sy36q8/video/xfl1uitgh8j81/player) + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +Sooner rather than later I'd love to be on my own as I've just turned 32. Here are a few of my current issues: + +&#x200B; + +1. Debt mentioned above. Student Debt and CC Debt over the years. Over usage, my own fault. Student Debt has only been paid via interest, haven't made a dent. CC Debt I was able to collaborate into one big monthly fee via my bank ($320+/month). Working out great. +2. Mother does not work, but she does collect $1000 in Social Security every month. She's very healthy for her age luckily. I could have moved out on my own years ago, but we don't live in the best area and I would not be able to have the thoughts of her living situation in the back of my head all of the time. +3. She's adamant on moving out of state (Sedona, AZ specifically). We live in PA atm. I'd like to support both of us so she wouldn't have to worry about anything. Easier said than done obviously. +4. After Taxes, I make only around $32k/year ($21/hr, $2400/month) + +Monthly Expenses + +* $900 - Rent/Water/Electricity +* $320-500- Debt Payment(s) - CC +* $150-200 - Food (Tough one to calculate here and there per week) +* $100 - Internet +* $120 - Phone (Both bills) +* $70 - Sling, Spotify (Probably a bit too much, but it's mainly for my Mom) + +Can't think about anything more on the top of my head. I usually have $2-300 left over every month for emergencies. + +Just looking to see if anyone else has been in this type of situation before. Made a lot of mistakes since leaving college and I've been feeling stuck for quite some time and just looking for some light at the end of the tunnel. I appreciate any input and hope all of you are staying safe <3 + +EDIT 7:04 EST: I was not even close to expecting such a great group of people giving their insight on all of this. I am forever thankful for each and every one of your comments, and know that I've read every single one of them. I'm going to do my best to move forward with all of your advice and I hope to be posting an update thread in one year's time. + +EDIT 2 7:47am EST: Another 200 comments WTF. I don't get it, I don't understand it just THANK YOU for the support/help. I've already changed my phone plan for next month and have downloaded the budgeting software to keep everything in check. + +This thread will slowly fade, but every one of your comments will never. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. + +<3 +We lost quite a bit in our stock portfolio and now just barely above ChubbyFIRE 😅 (6.5M as of today). We have a big chunk in “high tech pandemic stocks” since my spouse and I work in those companies. + +My 2-3 more years plan now is more becoming 5-7 years. +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/15/japan-surpasses-china-as-largest-foreign-holder-of-us-treasurys.html + +Japan surpassed China as the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasurys in June. + +Japan has $1.12 trillion Treasury securities, and China, $1.11 trillion. +For those of you so eager to buy back in, it would be good to get educated on what a bear market actually is. It's not just a term for stocks going down or a particularly deep dip to buy. + +Bear markets act a certain way, last a certain amount of time and certainly don't magically reset back into the last bull market we had. There will be a new bull market (at some point) but it likely will be very different from the nature of the one that is now dead and buried that we all loved so much from 2009 - 2020. Expect different market leadership, different return patterns and certainly a different duration. + +The good news is that typically the sharper the drop into bear market territory, the quicker the recovery is. + +This is a decent primer from AP: [https://apnews.com/de346fd365b1e91cc0c204f68bed700d](https://apnews.com/de346fd365b1e91cc0c204f68bed700d) +My wife and I are working toward being fatFIRE, but there’s one thing that plays on my mind a lot as I think about the wealth we’re creating. + +How not to let our wealth make our children spoiled and lazy. + +For context, we have 3 young kiddos and will probably have one more. I was born into a middle class family, my dad was a doctor, my mother owned her own business, we lived in a 4 bed house in a desirable suburb, they bought their first Mercedes when I was 5. Besides having pretty nice cars (which were never brand new and owned for at least 7 years before being replaced), my parents were actually very frugal. They spent money on things that were needed, but never bought designer clothes or lavish vacations etc. + +As our family gains more and more financial wealth, I’m finding myself terrified of letting my kids become spoiled, having lots of money but never understanding the value of it. + +In some ways I’m haunted by an anecdote a friend of mine once shared with me. In his youth he spent time working on yachts as a way of travelling the world. He said he could always tell which guests had made money and which guests had inherited it - the inheritors always slept in late while those who made money themselves were early risers (the only person he remembers bucking this trend was actually Bill Gates’ son). + +So, all this to say, those who are ahead of us, both in wealth and family age, what did you do to make sure your kids didn’t accidentally become spoiled? + +EDIT: + +A lot of you aren’t too happy with me for describing my upbringing as middle-class. Here’s something I wrote to provide more context + +“I was actually brought up in the U.K., so our terminology is a little bit different to the US. + +In the U.K. one is born into the Upper class, but can only work their way up to being upper-middle class, no matter how wealthy you are. + +Our new Prime Minister who has a net worth about 2x of King Charles is upper middle class, whereas KCIII is upper class simply because he was born into royalty. + +Among friends, I refer to my upbringing as “middle-middle class.” + +I should also point out that being a doctor, though still a desirable career, pays significantly less in the U.K. than it does in the US. + +I should also clarify that the business my mother owned was a small shop, nothing fancy. + +I hope that helps!” +So it's been 1 month since MOAMC opened The S&P 500 Index Fund. The Index is up 9.4% in last 1 month however the Fund is only up 4.2%. Isn't this an abnormal tracking error? What am I missing? + +**Edit: Apparently I was missing a lot. The difference is much lesser and even the same was on account of the rupee appreciation. Please refer u/pratikoswal 's comment below.(https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/gvwsm2/motilal_sp_500_index_fund_1_month_on/fstxwo3/)** +As the title says now that we are under 50k people are waiting to buy under 40k. People always panic to buy when market is at extreme fear while the **extreme fear** is what we wished for when market was pumping like crazy. + + +Every 40-50% correction people panic to buy thinking what if it’s a bear market then I can buy way lower than that. These are the people who always ask for the **Dip Dip** but never bought the dip. When it's actually arrived. If you are here for long term every correction is a huge opportunity we were asking for when market was extreme greed. I don’t know if it’s a bear market or not but I know it’s a good opportunity to buy low. +Aside from an emergency fund, if you have 30K in savings and a 20k student loan (example), why not pay off all 20k and keep a 10k emergency fund (example). + +Sorry if I sound ignorant, I have never had to take a loan. Maybe in the future I'll need to, so I'd like to learn now. +Greeting Theta Gang boys and girls, + +I hope you're well and not bankrupt after last week. I'm just now recovering mentally myself. I saw a few WSB converts and some newbies asking for tips, so here you go. V2 of my Options guide. I hope it helps. + +&#x200B; + +I spent a huge amount of time learning about options and tried to distill my knowledge down into a helpful guide. This should especially be useful for newbies and growing options traders. + +While I feel I’m a successful trader, I'm not a guru and my advice is not meant to be gospel, but this will hopefully be a good starting point, teach you a lot, and make you a better trader. I plan to keep typing up more info from my notebook, expanding this guide, and posting it every couple months. + +Any feedback or additions are appreciated + +*Per requests, I added details of good and bad trades I made. Some painful lessons learned are now included. I also tried to organize this better as it got longer.* + +**Here's what I tell options beginners:** + +I would strongly recommend buying a beginner's options book and read it cover to cover. That helped me a lot. + +I like this beginner book:[ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GWSXX8U/ref=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_apa\_OxNDFb2GK9YW7](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GWSXX8U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_OxNDFb2GK9YW7) + +**Helpful websites:** + +* Tasty Trade (TT) and Ally Invest have helpful articles and videos. + * [https://www.tastytrade.com/tt](https://www.tastytrade.com/tt) + * [https://www.youtube.com/c/tastytrade1/featured](https://www.youtube.com/c/tastytrade1/featured) +* Ally training: + * What is options trading? [ https://www.ally.com/do-it-right/investing/trading-options-for-beginners/?CP=EM2012111](https://www.ally.com/do-it-right/investing/trading-options-for-beginners/?CP=EM2012111) + * Top 10 options mistakes:[ https://www.ally.com/do-it-right/investing/top-10-option-trading-mistakes/?CP=EM2012111](https://www.ally.com/do-it-right/investing/top-10-option-trading-mistakes/?CP=EM2012111) +* 3 common option mistakes:[ https://us.etrade.com/knowledge/library/options/common-mistakes-options-traders-make](https://us.etrade.com/knowledge/library/options/common-mistakes-options-traders-make) +* Common options strategies:[ https://www.optionsbro.com/basic-options-strategies/](https://www.optionsbro.com/basic-options-strategies/) +* Investopedia has tons of great investing info for stocks and options:[ https://www.investopedia.com/](https://www.investopedia.com/) +* Kamikaze Cash Theta Gang Videos:[ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOweupE79XXiBaeH\_xBpkUcYUsrAaKQen](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOweupE79XXiBaeH_xBpkUcYUsrAaKQen) +* 20 rules of professional traders: [https://www.investopedia.com/articles/active-trading/022715/20-rules-followed-professional-traders.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/active-trading/022715/20-rules-followed-professional-traders.asp) + +**Don't trade until you understand:** + +* You can lose your entire contract value when buying. +* You can lose a lot of money when selling "naked", theoretically unlimited. +* How option expiration works. +* Theta (decay) and how it works. This is imperative since it's attrition when buying and a payout when selling. [ https://www.optionseducation.org/advancedconcepts/theta](https://www.optionseducation.org/advancedconcepts/theta) +* DTE: Days till expiration/expiry +* Options positions with respect to price: + * ITM: In the money; strike is below stock value. Signif + * ATM: At the money; strike is just at or above the stock value, often very highly traded. Can be very effective with moderate - long term expiry. + * NTM: Near the money; strike is above the stock value, but fairly close. Slightly unofficial term. + * OTM: Out of the money; price is at least a few strikes from the current stock price. I would say 10-30% over stock price. + * Very OTM: Not a real definition, this is essentially a lottery ticket. Cheap, but almost certain to expire worthless unless there is explosive movement. +* Understand delta in general and how delta changes with ITM and OTM options. +* Understand all the greeks at a high level, as you get better understand them well. The greeks: [https://www.optionsplaybook.com/options-introduction/option-greeks/](https://www.optionsplaybook.com/options-introduction/option-greeks/) +* IV, IV crush, and how IV affects pricing. In general, you want to sell when IV is high and buy when the IV is low. Increasing IV is good for held calls/puts. IV drop or crush is generally good for sellers. +* Selling options can be quite beneficial. Once you have a good general understanding, lookup r/thetagang . Kamikaze Cash has good youtube videos on most theta strategies (linked above). I personally believe selling options (especially cash secured) is much safer and can consistently make you profits. Θ Gang 4 life. +* FOMO and how to avoid chasing a dangerous trend. DO NOT CHASE FROM FOMO! +* What intrinsic and extrinsic value are. Know how they are affected by being exercised/assigned and how theta affects them. +* Understand that some of WSB recommendations are straight up high-risk gambling and factor in the information accordingly. Be careful with Meme stocks and the survivorship bias on YOLO plays. However, I love the sub and think it’s hilarious. It has a lot of valuable information / DD if you are comfortable with the “colorful” language. It’s also great if you like rocket ship emojis. + +**Basics / Mechanics** + +* Understand the 4 "main" option types. Buying or selling a call and buying or selling a put. Spreads and more complex multi-legged option strategies are based off these in some way (see below) +* You can sell calls with 100 shares of stock or if you own an underlying longer term option; see LEAPS and PMCCs later. Selling calls naked is incredibly risky and often requires Level 4 (very advanced) permissions and usually a lot of capital. I will literally never sell calls naked since I don't want to ruin my life and end up living in a dumpster eating saltine crackers. +* Puts can be sold/written cash covered (cash secured), which means you have the cash in your account to buy 100 shares. Your broker will put this money on hold until the trade is closed. Puts can be sold "naked" using Margin and Level 3 (with most brokers). Your broker will hold a percentage of cost of 100 shares (often 30-40%, 100% on meme stocks) allowing you to sell more puts. This increases your available capital/power as well as increasing risk. + +**General Tips and Ideas:** + +* Don't EVER leave (short) spreads open on expiration day, close them. (more details below) +* Start off trading very small. Slowly build up over weeks / months. You need to get accustomed to a fifty dollar swing a day, then a few hundred, then a few thousand. You need to ensure you don't get emotional (see below). I started trading options with 5k, then 25k, 50k, and later over 100k. I added my own funds over time and used my gains to build my account. Don’t go all in immediately, that’s dangerous and unwise. +* Especially as you build up the amount of money you have invested, keep it diversified among several stocks. + * Don't go all in on one thing, ever. Be able to take a hit from one stock and not mortally wound your portfolio. + * A company may be doing great, then there's a major product issue out of nowhere. If you are overexposed in one stock this can really hurt you. + * I had to roll options I sold that were about to expire completely worthless because FDX's CEO changed and the stock took a hard dip. +* Don't trade emotionally. If you realize you are emotionally trading for vengeance, you should probably exit the trade and cool off for several days with that stock. Same if you get caught up in a wave of hysteria. +* Have a plan for every trade, ideally with entries / exits that are specific values, ranges, or a set condition. This helps remove emotions. This is super important for strong movements and high volatility (see later). +* Use an options profit calculator from your broker or an online one before entering a "new" trade, especially a complex multi legged trade:[ https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com](https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/)/ +* “Rolling” an option: + Closing your existing option and opening a similar one at different strike and/or expiration. + * Rolling a call “Up” would be selling a call you own and buying a cheaper call at a higher strike. + * Rolling a put “Down and out” closes your original one and buying or selling one at a lower strike at a longer expiry. + * Better broker interfaces have a literal “Roll” button. I know E-trade does. You can manually do it by selecting relevant contract legs. +* If you have a losing trade, re-evaluate it. If your initial assumption is definitely incorrect, close it. Don't stay in losing trades forever and lose the entire value of the option over stubbornness. If you re-evaluate and you think your assumption was right, hold, potentially consider adding another cheaper option (or buy another call / put). Rolling out sold options can help here. +* Don't try to day trade, especially with options. It's statistically unlikely to be profitable. Day-trading with options introduces extra liquidity risks and is dangerous, especially with spreads. +* Try not to over-trade, you'll likely mis-time the market over time. When I get emotional I over trade, then lose additional money on wash sales. If you scale your entries into positions it should help alleviate your desire to exit positions when they turn badly against you. Whenever I buy calls I do it at larger increments after W almost made me loss my hair; luckily it eventually came back. +* NEVER enter a position on a stock you have no idea about, especially when you read about it online or heard about it from some rando. +* At market open options contracts are often volatile and inflated. Buying during this time can be more expensive. Options are usually cheaper mid-day, I read somewhere 2-3PM is cheapest. I’ve had success around 12-1PM EST after prices settle. +* Try wheeling on cheaper stocks once you get all fundamentals down. +* When selling puts if you are very bullish consider "doubling down"; note this is higher risk. Use the credit from your put sale to buy shares or a cheap call. This can be roughly inversed with puts, except I wouldn't ever recommend shorting shares. +* Learn from your mistakes. You can’t go back in time and beating yourself up (to a point) is useless. Make a physical &/or mental note of it so you don’t do it again. If you don’t learn from it, then beat yourself up so you won’t do it again. +* If you have friends that like to trade, I find it helpful to discuss strategies and planned plays. I talk openly with my close friends about my current holdings and planned trades, it helps keep me accountable. If I get a wide-eyed look, I might be doing something excessively risky or stupid. I’ve over-leveraged myself in calls twice and I knew I shouldn’t have done it both times. When I tell my friends what I did and I’m embarrassed, it exemplifies the face that I shouldn’t have done it in the first place. You will also get ideas for new strategies or plays from them. It’s good to stay versatile and use multiple strategies when appropriate. + Beware of group think/echo chambers. +* I recommend NEVER telling someone what to buy/sell and when. I’ll tell people MY plays or what I like and why, but I will not encourage them to emulate what I do. Depending on the audience, I’ll tell them my exact positions along with my exit and entrance strategy. With closer friends I’ll offer my thoughts on their trades (if asked). If my friend is doing something really risky (one of my friends does some scary stuff) I may ask them if they want my advice, and provide it, especially if they overlooked a risk/event. I will not encourage someone to execute/enter a trade since it has a high potential for hurt feelings or animosity all around. +* Don’t fall in love with a stock. + Just because something made you money before and you have high confidence in it doesn’t mean it will keep performing. I joke that FDX betrayed me when it started dipping and losing me money. I was over-confident of its bounce-back and sold too many puts too quickly. I’m in several losing trades because of it. However, I will keep good stocks in my roster/tracking list or try different strategies or re-enter trades when they change their behavior. +* As you start to both buy and sell options and get more experience in general, you'll start seeing the two sides to every trade. You will likely start adjusting your strategies or trying new trades out because of this. Things will likely click one day. Most/all the greeks and options concepts will become almost second nature. For me this was when I could build an Iron Condor from scratch, which was a watershed moment involving a good understanding of many strategies. +* Understand Liquidity and volume. + * Trading in low volume, low open interest contracts results in wide bid/ask spreads and difficulty having your contracts filled. Look at all the data for a contract, not just the strike and price. + * Monthly Expiration dates typically have better liquidity. + * Multi-legged trades (Common examples are 2-legged vertical spreads or 4-legged iron condors) have more difficulty being filled, especially on bad brokers like Robin Hood. Having very liquid options for all legs is extremely helpful in obtaining timely and well-priced fills, which maximize your potential profits. +* Time in market vs timing the market: + * It is extremely difficult to time the market perfectly. If you wait for the perfect opportunity forever, history has proven you will miss out on gains. Keeping all your money out of the market has proven to be ineffective. Now if there is something serious happening with a stock/the market (like say a new pandemic), don’t go all in. I recommend entering incrementally at dips. If the stock has huge upside potential it may never go down, so it might make sense to partially enter at the current price. + * IMIO selling puts is a great strategy to get into a stock you like, or at least make money off it. I think buying stock in lots of 100 is usually for suckers. Selling an ATM or ITM put (assuming the math works out) on a stock you were going to buy and hold is ALMOST free money. + * I recommend keeping some cash available regardless. If you have a very large account or expect a downturn, hedging with indexes like QQQ, SPY, or VIX or calls/puts may be wise. +* Every trade can't be a winner. You will take some losses, you must get used to it. I don’t like having a realized loss of 1K or more on any trade. However, this will happen, especially with larger accounts. + * As long as you win more often and beat the S&P that year I consider it okay. I’m kind of aggressive, so I consider 20%+ annually good. 30%+ annually is great. 40%+ and I’m dancing. After trading options I am almost baffled by my old belief that 5% annual returns (mostly from dividend ETFs) was “good”. That’s nothing to me now since I’m willing to take risks. +Note: While lots of people danced in 2020, realize that’s an insane Bull Run year and is atypical. + * Adhere to your own risk tolerance and never over-extend yourself, especially with margin use. Don’t make huge gambles leaving you uncomfortable. Only gamble with money you are willing to lose. + * My personal strategy is to make safer gains for the year and then enter slightly riskier strategies using those gains. I can be slightly-moderately more aggressive and compound my gains. For me I often sell puts to make money, then when I see a big opportunity I’ll sell a put and buy an OTM or moderately ITM call. +* Understand it’s not safe to try and get rich overnight. However, once you hit big “steps” things may start to snowball. You can enter more positions and take more risks if you choose to. + * For me this when I hit 50k, then 100k. I was able to balance low and moderate risk positions to more significantly grow my account. I’ll even do a high risk thing now and again because my gains can absorb it (assuming I have them). + * I can’t wait to get to 250K, then 500K. I know it’ll take quite a long time, but I am confident I’ll eventually be able to have 500K and (hopefully) 1M in my non-401k trading account with gains and additions from my job. I can only imagine how “dangerous” I will be with that kind of capital. +* If you missed "the next big thing" like AAPL, TSLA, or the time machine I’m building in my basement. Don't get upset, learn from it. Adapt and become a better trader for next time. + * Figure out why a company was so promising, before they mooned. Determine how you would have traded differently in hindsight. Apply those lessons to the next company you believe has long term growth prospects. + * For me that's putting in 1-2.5k towards shares and/or buying LEAPS on it. Depending on my bullishness I may buy “cheap”, fairly far OTM calls. The far OTM options are sort of lottery tickets. If I'm right the (relatively) low cost will have explosive profits; if I'm wrong, they didn't cost that much so it's a calculated loss I’m willing to accept. For more serious bets I’ll buy ITM LEAPS to run PMCCs on. I also like to buy 1-2K in my 401k for very long-term plays. +* The stock market hates uncertainty, it seems to crave the status quo. A shakeup can potential tank a stock, even if it's nothing. With shares you can wait it out, but this can be problematic for options. If you see volatile/uncertain times ahead (politics, disease, manufacturing, earnings, etc.), you might want to reduce your overall portfolio risks or hedge. + +**Profit Retention / Loss Mitigation** + +* If selling options, it is a viable strategy to close early after a large gain with many DTE left until expiry. See TT videos / strategies on this. +* Don't hold options through earnings unless you literally want to gamble. I like playing on earnings run ups, but that can be risky. +* If you hold options through earnings, IV crush will happen immediately afterwards, devaluing the option. However, if the option is profitable enough, IV crush won’t matter, which will still make money for a call buyer. A sold put sufficiently far OTM will benefit from IV crush, even if the stock dips after slightly bad or lukewarm earnings. +* Don't throw good money after bad. Don't gamble on a recovery if your assumption appears to be wrong or the market is flat out tanking. If you are wrong and still believe in the company, wait twice as long as your original plan (wait for your 2nd entry point vs 1st) before adding to your position. +* Consider using stop losses to lock-in profits on rides up or sometimes use them to prevent losses. Note, stops can be easily triggered in volatile options. Now when I'm up a lot on calls (especially around earnings or large momentum run-ups) I always set stop losses. I have been burned too many times. + In December 2020 I didn't set a SL on several thousand dollars of FDX calls I was already up on and I "lost" \~$5K of unrealized gains. If you're up big, don't get too greedy. +* A possible strategy if a stock is on a tear and you have multiple options open: +Close some positions (I prefer to do this incrementally if the stock has momentum), but leave 1+ open in case the stock goes into outer space/the floor. Next, set a stop loss with a little buffer below its current movement / range so it doesn't get hit unless the stock falls hard. Finally, watch the stock closely and if it keeps rising, keep moving the stop loss up in little bits incrementally. This will let you keep more profits on a hot streak, but give some protection and secure more gains. It will also help eliminate FOMO if a stock exceeds your expectations. +* Have rules when to roll out, down & out, or up & out. I like TT’s roll at break even or at 1x loss and to always roll for a credit (or for me a very minor cost). Obviously these rules need some monitoring. Know your stocks, the news, and technicals so you don’t jump the gun. + * If you roll early for a credit and you’re right, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll just need to hold longer, which will obviously tie up capital. Sometimes it’s better to tie up some money (especially if you aren’t paying interest) than eating a huge loss. + * Rolling too late can be worse though. I currently have a very underwater FDX put I sold that is over 2x loss, rolling it does almost nothing unless you want to pay a debit or extend it extremely far out. +* On huge options gains, **I strongly you recommend taking profits by rolling up/down** or incrementally sell your contracts at several different prices (this is why having multiple contracts is nice). + * Rolling up involves selling your initial call, then using a fraction of your proceeds to buy a cheaper, further OTM call with the same expiry; puts are inverse this. When rolling up I like to ensure the new option’s cost is 15-40% of my realized gains. I’ll buy a more or less expensive new optoin based on my convication to the stock and predicted movements. You can also roll up and out to get a further expiry and strike. + * This is monumentally important if you are playing with incredibly high rising stocks or during a short squeeze. + * Sad story time: +I completely screwed up when I forgot to roll up, twice, during the GME gamma/short squeeze. I didn’t take my own advice; I didn’t have a real exit or transition plan and I got emotional. It all happened so fast and I was at work; the insanity of the run up and subsequent gamma squeeze caught me off guard. I should’ve clocked out and thought through the situation for 15-30 minutes to form an impromptu plan, then executed trade(s). My moderate risk tolerance coupled with my desire to take profits took over. When the stock partially cratered after a run up, I sold to retain gains. In the heat of the moment I thought the squeeze was squoze and it was going to plummet into the ground and I wasn’t being rational. + * On 1x 4K call I would’ve made an additional 15-25K if I rolled up to a cheaper contract with some of my profits. + * I know I missed out on significantly more with a 2nd call I had. Depending when I rolled it, it would likely have been an additional 25-50k in profits. + * I talked about learning from your mistakes above. **This mistake is branded into my brain due to the massive gains I missed out on** **by not rolling up****.** I’m furious with myself as I write this 1 week after the GME gamma squeeze, I’m a planner and I didn’t plan. If anything I own is significantly up ever again, I’m rolling up (or at least setting a stop loss). If necessary, I’ll roll up a trade multiple times to keep extracting profits. + * Learn from my mistake so you don’t miss out on gains too. I strongly recommend rolling up when you are up big on a call / roll down when you are up big on a put. This enables you to take profits, stay in the game, and keep extracting more gains. +* If you trade a lot of options, talk to your broker about a discount. I was getting the standard $.50/contract with E-Trade, but I traded over 300 contracts a quarter and was able to get the fee reduced by over $.10 by just asking. I am now doing more spreads and condors, so once my volume gets very high, I’ll ask again. +* If you have a broker that isn’t great and you want to switch, leverage your current trading fees to the new broker. Tell them you’ll move over $### thousand if they beat your current options trading fee per contract. + +**Trade Planning & Position Management Tips** + +* As you gain experience, start monitoring what kind of Delta, OTM, DTE, etc. you are most profitable with. Use it in your future trades. You'll often see the tasty trade 30-45DTE .3 Delta strategy for selling. +* Before entering a trade, look at rough technicals like resistances and supports to consider your relevant strikes as well as entry/exit points. Look at upcoming earnings & dividend dates as well as stock/market news. +* Consider staggering strikes and expirations for safety and diversity; it’s nice to avoid assignment on 3 puts at once because you used the same strike for all 3. +* Incrementally enter positions on large rises/falls. One of my favor strategies is to buy dips after over reactions. By doing this slowly in large price "steps" it helps combat FOMO and helps you avoid getting slaughtered. + * This will also help you avoid "chasing a falling knife". It also ties into having a plan. + * I set alerts at several predetermined prices and I REALLY try not to enter new trades unless I hit my preset points. It makes me less emotional and usually more effective. +* Don't buy far expiration options with poor liquidity for shorter term plays. I bought 1x GME 1-year+ LEAPS call before the 2021 short squeeze. That was stupid, I should've bought 2-3x 60-120 day calls to have better liquidity. I also paper-handed it and missed out on my lambo. +* If selling options, consider rolling (for a credit) to avoid assignment when it makes sense / meets your plan. Rolling closer to expiration can be a valid strategy to get theta on your side. On the flip side, if the stock moons or plummets it could've been better to roll before it got crazy deep ITM. See rolling “rules” above. +* Covered Calls: + * If a stock has a large movement range, I think it can be worthwhile to wait to open a CC after the last one is closed/expires. I have been more successful waiting for another opportunity vs. opening one immediately on the Monday after the second the last one expires. + * Consider selling covered calls at all time highs/peaks. If you sell a CC and the stock dips significantly, and you think it’s temporary, you can buy to close your CC for a quick profit, then reopen it later. + * If you own Meme stocks, selling covered calls runs the risk of missing out on large gains. On these stocks I typically only sell them further OTM than I normally would or not at all. If I do sell CC on a Meme stock I try to ensure I have 25-100 other shares that won’t be called away. + +**-Advanced Beginner-** + +**Spreads** + +* Spreads (with 2 legs) are neat because they manipulate how delta and theta act. It caps your gains and losses, but you can profit with less stock movement. Try several spreads on a P/L calculator to see for yourself. +* Spreads usually require margin trading. +* Spreads allow you to define max losses (assuming you close before expiration day) and use less capital. + * Experienced traders will open many spreads at identical/similar strikes to heavily profit off movement. Spreads can make you/lose you a lot of money if you are right. + * For example. I could make a $200 premium off a $500 risk trade, max loss would be $300. This is much more effective capital utilization than a naked or cash secured put, however it does not have the same downside protection or “wheel” potential as a sold put. Higher risk, higher reward. +* Vertical Debit spreads: I think of these like mini calls/puts. I personally don’t use them unless calls are outrageously expensive or the break even is absurdly high, but there’s nothing wrong with them. A call debit spread will lower your breakeven and overall cost vs just a call. You can do clever things like making a positive theta call spread if you’re creative. I like doing this since I hate losing money to theta. +* Vertical Credit spreads: + * Very good theta strategy to define downside/upside risks. + * A put credit spread is bullish and allows you to bet on upward movement with less capital and defined losses. + * A call credit spread is a bearish strategy that allows you to bet on downward movement. These are very cool since they allow you to sell calls without selling naked calls, which can ruin you financially. I see selling these as better than buying puts since it’s so much easier to be profitable; to be redundant, Θ rocks. + * [https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/reducing-risk-with-credit-spread-options-strategy-0](https://www.schwab.com/resource-center/insights/content/reducing-risk-with-credit-spread-options-strategy-0) +* **I repeat this on purpose: Don't EVER leave short spreads open on expiration day, close them. If you don't close, they better be VERY far from the strike on a non-volatile stock. In after hours a stock can jump/dip below your strike and be exercised without the other leg to protect you. This can lead to massive, life ruining losses. This is not an exaggeration, google this and be scared. It happened to a fair number of people with TSLA.** +Video explanation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtVFj9nRRDo&t=315s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtVFj9nRRDo&t=315s) +* Short Straddle: + +**Trading Mechanics, Taxes, Market Manipulation** + +* Learn about wash sale rules. They suck and are very easy to activate with options. This will eliminate your ability to write off losses. Over trading can easily cause wash sales. +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/washsalerule.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/washsalerule.asp) +* Short attacks: + * Learn to recognize these sketchy attacks by hedges/firms. They manipulate the market, it’s been documented countless times. A common one is rapid short selling, which pushes the price down. + * Short Ladder attacks: + * [https://www.google.com/amp/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/instablog/11442671-gerald-klein/3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack](https://www.google.com/amp/s/seekingalpha.com/amp/instablog/11442671-gerald-klein/3096735-anatomy-of-a-short-attack) + * Some people say short ladder attacks don't exist. I've seen some very strange stock nosedives off low volume, so I tend to think they do. + * If you plan well enough and the market doesn’t give up on the stock you may be able to use it as a great opportunity to buy the dip. +* Cramer explains how he intentionally manipulated the market when he ran a hedge fund years ago. Multiple links to the video are below since this video gets pulled often, Cramer / The street never wanted this to go public. + * Reuters article: [https://www.reuters.com/article/cramer-interview-idUKN2036292620070320](https://www.reuters.com/article/cramer-interview-idUKN2036292620070320) + * httpss://youtu.be/r07Gg92YjOI + * [https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4](https://youtu.be/VMuEis3byY4) + * [https://youtu.be/JEzsfPmh894](https://youtu.be/JEzsfPmh894) + * [https://youtu.be/QFfjX8dW-QQ](https://youtu.be/QFfjX8dW-QQ) + * Due to this video I don’t fully trust Cramer. His show can give you stock ideas to buy (or inverse), but you never know where his true loyalties lie. +* Plan for taxes if you are up big. You may need to over withhold or contribute to taxes quarterly depending on your situation. [https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc306](https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc306) + +**-Intermediate / Advanced Strategies (work in progress)-** + +*You’ll notice many of these strategies inverse one another.* + +**Options Strategy Finder** + +This website is great for learning about new strategies, you’ll see many links to it below. + +[https://www.theoptionsguide.com/option-trading-strategies.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/option-trading-strategies.aspx) + +**Short Strangle / Straddle** + +* Both of these strategies profit from little price movement. I recommend using a P/L calculator to determine BE, profit, etc. +* A straddle sells (or buys) two options at the same expiry and strike. +* A strangle sells (or buys) two options at same expiry with different strikes. +* Both these strategies involved selling a Call and a Put for a credit. Straddle uses ATM legs, strangle uses OTM legs. +* Limited max profits and unlimited risk. Due to the unlimited risk, I am not a fan. However, many people like these a lot. +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-strangle.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-strangle.aspx) +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-straddle.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-straddle.aspx) + +**Iron Condor and Iron Butterflies** + +* These strategies profit from neutral or mostly neutral stock movement. They receive a credit to open and benefit from theta decay. If your stock is range bound, these may be a good choice. +* These are both 4 "legged" trades, so you will have 4 trading fees to enter or exit the trade. A lower cost or zero cost broker shines here. However, “bad” free brokers will give you poor fills, which may not be worth the discount. +* Condors and butterflies have "wings" which are your purchased puts and calls. The wider the wing the higher the max profit/risk. The condor body can be riskier and skinny with a narrow high profit range or wider for a much greater chance of success with lower payout. +* An iron condor is built by combining a put credit spread and a call credit spread with the same expiry. +* An iron condor can be thought of as a modified short strangle with limited risk, and therefore a bit less profit. I prefer defined limited risk. +* The butterfly is similar except instead of a plateau it has a sharp peak. My personal mental note is that a condor looks more like a strangle with wings, while a butterfly looks like a straddle with wings. +* Pay attention to earnings dates when you open these, I have forgotten to check before and it led to bad trades. +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/iron-condor.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/iron-condor.aspx) +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/iron-butterfly.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/iron-butterfly.aspx) + +**Long Condor (Debit Call Condor)** + +* The debit version of an Iron Condor. You expect the price to stay inside your defined range. This strategy profits from neutral or mostly neutral stock movement. I’ve never tried this, Iron Condors make more sense to me. +* Limited risk / limited reward. +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/condor.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/condor.aspx) + +**Short Condor (Credit Call Condor)** + +* Inverse of an Iron Condor. You expect the price to go OUTSIDE your defined range. These are useful when you expect significant price movement. Credit to open. +* Limited risk / limited reward. +* Can be harder to set up. I want to try these, haven’t yet. +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-condor.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/short-condor.aspx) + +**Reverse Iron Condor** + +* Inverse of an Iron Condor. You expect the price to go OUTSIDE your defined range. These are useful when you expect significant price movement. Debit to open. +* Limited risk / limited reward. +* [https://www.theoptionsguide.com/reverse-iron-condor.aspx](https://www.theoptionsguide.com/reverse-iron-condor.aspx) + +**LEAPs** + +* LEAP Options are options that are long term with many DTE, often over a year until expiration. LEAP calls are great for long term growth plays (downtrends with LEAP puts) or simply when you really like a company and can't afford 100 shares. LEAPs (or any "longer term" option) enables you to sell a PMCC or PMCP (below) + +**PMCC / PMCP** + +* PMCC or PMCP are poor man's covered call (or poor man's covered puts). They are diagonal options often used with purchased LEAPs. You sell a shorter DTE call/put with a further OTM strike than your purchased call/put. For PMCC/PMCPs it is often recommended to recoup your extrinsic value as soon as possible, some recommend with your first call CC or put sale, to ensure you are positive if the option is assigned early. These have a lot of moving parts and strategies. If you buy a barely ITM call/put and sell a nearby strike call/put you run the risk of the purchased option getting "blown by" on large stock movement and ending up with a very negative losing trade. Keeping your purchased LEAP deeper ITM should protect you. Check your initial PMCC using an options calculation to make sure you don't screw up. +* I'm currently tinkering with these myself. So far I like .7-.9 delta call LEAPS with 30-45 DTE calls on my CC. The goal is to hold the LEAP long term, potentially until expiration, and constantly sell calls/puts on it that expire worthless. Typically the call/put is rolled up and out or down and out if it's going to be assigned, unless you don't want your LEAP anymore. +* Some people look at these many sold CC or puts as profits, I look at them as lowering my cost basis until it's zero (or even negative). I have a page in my notebook I write each CC on my NIO LEAP (I Meme stock sometimes). I find it satisfying to slowly see the cost of the original option disappear. When I originally wrote this I had \~2 years left on it and it's 9-10% paid for; that doesn't even count the actual gains the LEAP has. +* TT states this is considered an IV play, which I partially agree with. You want to buy these during low IV times since an IV drop will hurt your LEAP value. I look at them more as a way to sell calls/puts on a high IV company with a lot of price movement and potential upside/downside. + +**Advanced Orders** + +* Guide to several order types: [https://us.etrade.com/knowledge/events/webinars/order-types-from-basic-to-advanced-07162019](https://us.etrade.com/knowledge/events/webinars/order-types-from-basic-to-advanced-07162019) +* One Triggers Other (OTO): + * Good brokers will allow you to set these up, some will require a desktop to do it. This lets you link one action to another. In programming think of it like an if-then. You’ll tie a buy/sell to another buy/sell + * Setting trailing stops on options is very chaotic since their price movement can be drastic due to volatility. I prefer to set my trailing stop to a stock. + * What I like to do is set a trailing stop on a stock (or just link it to a stock price drop) and have it sell 1 share I own. Then it immediately executes a market order to sell my call. I’ve had good luck doing this with incredibly volatile plays were stop losses aren’t effective. I’ll often have an order saved and ready saved for when a strong run up starts. When my price alerts start blowing up my phone, I’ll immediately hit execute to turn it on. + +&#x200B; + +Disclaimer: + +I’m not a financial adviser, I'm actually an engineer. I’m not telling you to invest in a specific stock/option or even use a specific strategy. I’ve outlined and more extensively elaborated on what I personally like. You should test several strategies and find what works best for you. + +I'm just a guy who trades (mainly options) part-time for financial gain and fun. I don't claim to be some investing savant. +I did analyse and value 3M and if I have to summarize everything into one sentence, it would be the following: 3M is a fairly-priced resilient dividend company and it can serve as a good example that the market is not always rational. + +For those that would like to watch a video, here's the link: [https://youtu.be/oNAP9VxnklU](https://youtu.be/oNAP9VxnklU) + +For those that would like to read, below is my analysis: + +**Introduction of a boring company** + +3M is a mature company that grew revenue by 2.8% annually in the last 5 years with a stable operating margin of around 21%. On top of that, its CAPEX is almost equal to depreciation + amortization. This basically means it is reinvestment just enough to keep doing what it has been doing and we can expect similar performance in the coming years. However, just because it's a boring company, doesn't mean it is a bad one nor a bad investment today. + +&#x200B; + +**What about Covid?** + +Looking into the revenue, it dropped less than 2% in 2019, which shows how resilient it is to events like the pandemic. + +&#x200B; + +**So what makes it interesting?**It has been paying dividends for over 100 years and has 64 years with a consecutive dividend increase. With the current market price of $150.51, the dividend yield is close to 4%. The 2017 annual dividend was $4.7 and increased to $5.92 in 2021. + +On top of that, they're buying back shares. How much? Well, the outstanding shares decreased from 613m in 2017 to 571m. + +Combining the dividend payouts + the share buybacks is very close to the net income. It is quite clear that everything that they make is being distributed back to the shareholders. + +Yes, this makes the company more boring, but it depends on your risk appetite and investment philosophy. This could be a perfect fit for someone with a defensive dividend portfolio. + +&#x200B; + +**3M's poor buyback timing** + +I've mentioned that they've been buying back shares, but if we take a look at the timing, it's not great: + +2017: $2.1b + +2018: $4.9b + +2019: $1.4b + +2020: $0.4b + +2021: $2.2b + +&#x200B; + +If we take a look at the share price in the last 5 years, it is clear that it dropped around May 2019. Strangely, they were buying back fewer shares during those periods. Of course, nobody can expect when the dip happens, so I don't blame them for the buybacks in the years prior, however, when the dip was there (and still is), they could buy back more shares at a lower price. One of the reasons could be Covid-19, but I am sure that the management could assess the impact within a few quarters. + +&#x200B; + +**How much is the company worth?** + +I used two different approaches to value the company. + +**Model #1 - Dividend growth model** + +This is fairly simple to calculate as it takes only a few numbers, the dividend in the next year, the discount rate, and the dividend growth in perpetuity. Based on this approach, the price should be around $141/share (current share price $150.51). + +**Model #2 - Discounted cash flow** + +This one takes requires a few more assumptions that you can find below: + +Revenue growth - 3% in the next year (as per analysts' estimates) and 2% for the years after that + +Operating margin - 21% (same as in the past 5 years) + +Discount rate - 7.22% (Based on WACC) + +Value - $138/share + +Of course, I used conservative assumptions and if they perform better, the fair value would increase. + +However, it's worth noting that with both models, the fair value is not that far from the current share price. + +&#x200B; + +**What did I mean when I mentioned the market is irrational?** + +The market gives a premium to companies with long periods of dividend payments and 3M definitely fits in this category. So, we have a mature company that is growing at a very low pace, maintaining profitability, and using all of its cash to pay dividends and buy back shares. On top of that, it proved resilient to events such as Covid. All of this points out to a company that has low risk and one should expect low volatility. + +Yet, the price went from $192, 5 years ago, to $250 and now is down to $150. This volatility is not justified by the company's fundamentals as nothing significant happened. + +&#x200B; + +**Would 3M beat the market?** + +In my personal opinion, 3M could beat the market in the short term. However, it is not the type of company that could deliver 15% returns year over year in the next decade. The low-risk companies should deliver lower returns, but that's not always bad. As mentioned above, this could be a great fit for someone who's into dividend investing and is happy with a guaranteed 4% yield/year that grows over time. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: **What is the main risk? - Lawsuits** + +It operates in a few industries that are very prone to lawsuits and the company's section related to this topic is always a long one. The main question around this is: Would this bankrupt the company or impact its ability to pay dividends? + +&#x200B; + +I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. I'm trying to improve not only my skills in analysis and valuation but also the way I structure the story as a Reddit post. + +Feel free to challenge every single word that I've written as it will only add value to me and to the rest who read this post. +I tried zillow, apartments.com, turbotenant, rentdirect. NONE were user friendly enough to collect rent from tenants. NONE. Not a single one allowed me to set up a rent payment or sent back a security deposit. I'm gonna have to resort to venmo (?!?!?) or zelle (augh.) How unprofessional. I've been at this for a week trying shitty impossible platform after shitty impossible platform. + +I literally have an engineering degree from MIT and work as a data analyst for a tech company and I was able to use NONE of those options. NONE. Not a single one. + +I don't want to collect "cheques" cause I travel all the time and also because it's not 1975. + +Aught this sucks. /rantover. +**Edit/bottom line up front:** 1% of AUM is a fairly standard fee, and although it doesn’t preclude shady activity it isn’t indicative of it either. + +**Original Post**: +My parents are approaching retirement (within 5-10 years for both of them). While home for Christmas, my dad offered to take me along to meet with their financial advisor/planner so that I can have a better understanding of their estate in case something happens to them. He mentioned that he charges them 1% of their total retirement to manage their money. I did double check to verify that he charges 1% of the TOTAL money, and not 1% of the growth, and it’s of the total. I‘m not sure what his exact credentials/licensing is, and neither do my parents. I know that they like him personally because he‘s nice, used to be a preacher, and seems to care about what they want to do with their money and what their personal goals are, but to me this feels predatory. 1% of the total fund being managed seems to be, at best, a complete rip off. + + +Is this normal and I‘m just overreacting, or am I correct that this seems shady? If it is, do you guys have any recommendations for how I approach my parents regarding this? I obviously don‘t want to imply that they‘re dumb, or make them feel defensive about their choices, I just want them to have good financial/retirement practices. + + +**edit**: Thank you everyone for the advice. + +It seems like this is a pretty a standard fee. Maybe a bit expensive, but not shady. I’m going to go along with them and get a better feel for how they handle their estate (which is what the invitation was originally for), and as long as he’s not clearly scamming them or mismanaging their money I won’t push them into something they aren’t comfortable doing. + +To address some things people have brought up: I don’t want to or intend to manage my parents money for them, and I’m definitely not going to take charge and dump their retirement into a low cost index fund. I was unfamiliar with how financial advisor fees typically work, and my gut instinct was that this was not normal and my parents might be in trouble. Clearly I was wrong, and I appreciate everyone’s input into the situation. +people need to chill and calm down we aren't even close to what the goal is... + +All you people bragging to your bosses and co workers need to calm yourselves and act mature because we aren't even fucking close. + +I'm not bragging about shit, I'm not gloating or trying to be a dick to those who had 0 belief in this prophecy. + +Instead I'm still recruiting, because we still need numbers in this fight 😤😤, the more apes the merrier because this fight ain't even close to over not even 1% of where we plan to be... NOT EVEN .01% OF THE WAY THERE! + +That's right folks we got a long way to go and by the estimations I have been reading that $10 million floor we got? We are only .0025% of the way there... + +That's gunna require a lot of people, and they still have magnitudes of wealth to be gained of this once in a lifetime transfer of the economy from upper to lower class... + +So please be kind to those and still try to recruit them because the price still has AT LEAST 4,000,000% of the way to go! + +This is my first post ever on this subreddit and I feel like it needed to be said, we are in a time of strategy and we need to all play it right. + +Stay strong, and BUY, HODL, VOTE! 🦍🦍🦍 +I remember a few months ago everyone was hyping up crypto mining stocks like DMGI, BITF, HIVE, HUT and people seemed really bullish on them. + +Now there seems to be relatively more silence. + +Are they still good stocks to invest in even though they've been red for past few months now? +This is bullshit. I’m disgusted and I’m honestly on the verge of having a mental fucking breakdown. Robinhood has once again halted trading. But this time it’s halted on all stocks. This fine Monday morning I wake up to find that all orders aren’t going to be filled till tomorrow morning. My dad’s wife’s girlfriend is a powerful lawyer in Boca Raton and I’m seriously considering retaining her services and filing a class action lawsuit against these citadel dick munchers. This has happened to me too many times. I’m low key spiraling into madness. Donate to me on onlyfans if you want to contribute towards the legal fees. She’s giving me a pretty kickass discount, but she estimates it’s still going to cost $150k. This happens to be the amount I lost on gme, but this is not relevant to the conversation here. It’s time to rise up and take down robinhood once and for all. + +Also, yeah my stepmom has a girlfriend. It’s 2021 you bigots. +Once Shasper launches, all holders will have to determine if they want to run a validator to stake or not. There are obviously some risks involved with staking your ETH (lockout time, code risk, slashing if offline, etc) so there is an incentive structure built in to reward those who stake by paying them in ETH. The interest paid on staked ETH goes down as more total ETH is staked on the network. + +So, EthTrader, I'm curious what the MINIMUM amount of interest you'd have to be paid on your staked ETH is before you no longer have interest in staking. Here is the current sliding scale according to the spec: [https://twitter.com/econoar/status/1042192112890998784](https://twitter.com/econoar/status/1042192112890998784) + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/9ozt5p) +i grew up in poverty and i am still broke, still under educated and under skilled. going to crummy public k-12 schools turned my brain into shit and i am still recovering from all that trauma. + +i am still weak, still under-educated. there doesn't seem to be any happy ending for me anytime soon. +It all started in 2017 when my wife and I began renting out the extra rooms in our 4 bedroom house that we purchased for 180k. We rented the 3 extra bedrooms for 700 each, used it to pay the mortgage and saved the money we would have paid towards the mortgage. We did a bunch of side hustles and managed to save 30k that year which we then used to convert the garage of the house into a studio apartment. We rented that apartment out for 1400 a month. By 2019 the house had appreciated significantly as its located in a rapidly gentrifying area in Atlanta. We did a cash out refi and pulled out 100k. We then used that money to build an ADU in the back yard. It's a 2bdrm 2 bath unit. Which we listed on Airbnb. So we essentially turned what was a single family house into a 3 unit property. + +Later that year we purchased our second house hack which was a side by side duplex. We airbnb'd one side and lived in the other. While we were living there we realized the insane difference between what we were making from our long term tenants bs airbnb so we decided to list the entire 3 unit property on airbnb and the cash flow literally tripled. +We rode out most of the pandemic in the side by side duplex saved our money, did a cash out refinance on both the 3unit and the duplex, pulled out a total of 250k and used it to purchase our 3rd house hack which is a large single family home which we converted into a duplex by separatating the 2nd story into a one bedroom apartment. +We moved out of the side by side duplex and put both sides on airbnb. +We now live on the bottom floor of the 3rd house hack and rent the top floor to travel nurses which covers our mortgage completely. +We used the remaining refi money to purchase our first non house hack property which is a compound like property with 2 separate 3bed 2 bath houses. +Once the last property is up and running on airbnb we will be cashflowing 17-20k a month. +In roughly 5 years we were able to go from being almost flat broke to generating 20 thousand a month in cashflow in addition to our w2 income. +House hacking is a powerful tool for those who don't have the capital to put 20% down on investment properties. +Don't ever think that you can't figure out a way to make real estate investing work for your particular situation. +After seeing a few posts about LTE:V I wanted to look deeper at some aspects of the company as I've been looking for a new penny stock recently. Most of the posts seemed to be positive but not detailed enough for my purposes. I purposely set out to try and find any reason I could to not buy this stock. Why would I do anything else if I'm risking my own money? If I desperately look for something wrong with the company but cant find it its either a decent buy if other fundamentals line up, or all my sources are lying to me. I looked at every page google gave me for the first 2 pages across multiple search phrases. Their site, the reddit DD, their annual reports, forward looking statements, linkedin, worker profiles and work histories, etc. I don't intend to lay out a bunch of well formatted numbers for you since you can easily find that on a single finance site or other posted DD and their comments. It's what I feel is missing from some DD. The numbers can make sense but that doesnt always tell you if a company will do well. If you bought into this company without reading all the nonsense I had to for like 6 hours then you have a gambling addiction. If you bought based on any reddit single DD post, you're crazy(for any stock not just this one). If this buy made up more than a few % of your portfolio, please sell it and buy a few different ETF and leave it for 30 years until you retire. Sorry in advance for making you read so much but its for your own good. Dont listen to me, listen to yourself. Also dont listen to me since I bought gme at 319. If you believe in the stock then do whatever you want. NOBODY is Nostradamus except Nostradamus. And he was wrong all the fucking time. Don't believe any one person because they are right once or more times. If you want to actually make money and not lose it, do your own research. But whatever its the stock market, 50% luck 50% skill 50% bs. I made money by making good picks and also gambling things like SLGG volatility. Rant over. Read on. + +I'm partly reacting to this post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadapennystocks/comments/lyp7dx/ltev\_buying\_opportunity\_at\_near\_private\_financing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canadapennystocks/comments/lyp7dx/ltev_buying_opportunity_at_near_private_financing/) but that's mostly just a starting point for me to talk about it. + +Just to be clear, its not my intention to attack the post or any other post or say its wrong. I just wanted more info for my own research and typing it up helps me and potentially others evaluate the stock. Even if you read through this and find that I'm 100% wrong on everything then at the very least you can have some conviction in the stock then. Hopefully then even if I'm wrong on some or all points you can get some value from this. I think every post has some value as they all provide their own points and sentiments that add to the overall picture. + +Originally I only had a short counter argument in to post in that thread as a comment but now I feel I've spent so much time on it and it's become big enough that it should probably be its own post so as not to derail the other thread. + +I eat crayons but my gut feeling is that I'm skeptical of this. Not that anything said by others is untrue but when I looked at it the pros aren't exactly sky high reasons to invest. If I wanted to invest for that long I might as well just invest in CN and be pretty sure I'll see good gains. It's risky and you could 4x but I'd rather get my tendies from a sure bet like CN. And I'm not that against risk. I scalped SLGG for +3k this week. And that stock was volatile AF, could have easily plummeted at the wrong time. But I felt more confident in that play than this one. + +My favo**u**rite colo**u**r is red. + +I swear I see different numbers for insider buys everywhere but there's something at least. + +Why did the president stop buying in 2020? Why does he buy 5k at a time every few days for a while then stop? Does this guy get paid every 2 days?? Covid? It looks weird but my guess was he needed to get his ownership to a certain level based on a board requirement or recommendation. Still though, he can't afford 5 out of his 30k for some more stock? Ownership is kinda low but its a small company plus he might use his options at some point who knows. Some people have sold but there are legit reasons to sell other than not believing in the company. The lawyer sold so maybe not a big deal. + +There's plenty of data available that shows CEOs with high $$ invested in the company perform better. He doesn't really own that much $$ wise. I've seen people saying insiders are buying more but I keep seeing different numbers so its hard to say. + +No major institutional ownership. One with a small stake barely counts. + +Its a v stock/otc. You win some, you lose some. + +None of the DD i've seen has much more than a few points and a selection of numbers. I wanted to see all the numbers. Like reading every line of the annual report numbers. I'm that guy that attends audit presentations because I have nothing better to do. + +They offered stock recently which helps their capital and potential growth but devalues the shares. + +Can you really compare these quarters fairly with covid? Q1 Revenue was up but covid man. If a third wave comes I don't expect them to bankrupt but I do expect their revenues to be lower and the low earth orbit rocket to be delayed in launching. + +They do have an acquisition of AMEC coming up soon. I would say their plans are to expand their deployment abilities with this. Less reliance on other companies or contractors and maybe a move to long term reduce costs. + +Their office does look real at least. I presume thats the president hard at work. Maybe 10-20 sized not counting workers that would typically be out of the office or in other locations. If you add the other locations I havent looked at plus out of office or contractors it seems to match their linkedin size. There's 28 people publicly stating they work there, but of course not everyone is on there so it probably matches the stated 51-200 size. I'm at least not worried the company doesn't exist or has a fake address to farmland or something. + +The president supposedly has 30 years of experience but his other ventures should be looked at to see if they were successful. Some other members have similar experience despite not working at this company very long. + +I've seen people saying the CEO will be gone soon but wasn't able to confirm this. Supposedly due to the AMEC deal. If true, I think this is a good thing. Just speculation but you cant help but wonder if he was planning his exit a while ago. He hasn't even been there that long. A new CEO could easily jump start the company if he or she is good enough but it will still have a near term impact of potentially slowing growth. + +It's tough to tell from a look at their financials if they are going to be okay. Covid happened so its likely skewed. They seem to be improving their cash flow over time but seem focused on growth over profitability. The revenues are up over time though. They have some debt but not a ton of cash either. They seem to think they have sufficient cash flow for the future. I'd think if they were going to collapse then they would have in the last 20 years. They have enough to keep going for a while though and they clearly state they want growth so I guess it's ok considering that. + +Their website looks like a typical business website and doesn't look low quality or shady. It has all the information you'd expect from a legit business. + +This stock has been mentioned here before on reddit a few times. Reports of sales and some minor surface DD. New contracts, cancelled contracts. There's been a mix of good and bad news over the past years but I didn't see many big things recently. Some small things so they might still be relevant but I wonder how concerned people are with fibre deployment during the covid recovery. If you want this to grow then what you want to see right now is sales. + +Reddit is not DD. Go look at everything yourself like I did after I saw all the positive posts and not much negative sentiment other than a few comments. I don't even have 100% of the info I wanted and my own opinion might change if I missed something or got something wrong myself. + +I've seen a price target of 1.30 + +I do have the forward statements for some guidance and recent history highlights. Most of it makes sense and is reasonable. I think the CEO is overpaid but the CFO is fairly paid. + +I have confidence they can grow the company but I wouldn't say I have total confidence in the management. If I'm buying into a penny stock I'm looking to 10-25x with confidence not 4x with less confidence and the same risk. + +There's a few sales posted on their statements but if you read the whole statement you get a better picture of their expected potential. They state themselves its not going to be easy going forward. They are based in BC and I don't see much expansion plans beyond that area other than the one Alberta plan. + +Don't forget about Daddy Elon and Starlink. Not saying we dont want or need fiber and for all we know having more people connected could drive more fiber connectivity. + +I'm just an above average ape. I'd buy in at .25 but would feel like I paid too much. .15 was a steal. But it's also a long term play. You can probably 4-6x but expect to spend several years invested. It's probably not going to rocket like some may hope it will just because the economy will start to recover soon. And I think there are some factors that make it less likely to go up as quickly as other plays will in the coming months or years. If you really wanted this to multiX then you should have bought in at .15. If anyone here is relying on fibre deployment in canada coming quickly and having them capitalize on that youre just fucking crazy. Daddy Elon had to come save our internet and he's in a much better position. The CRTC is a widely known and commonly accepted joke. The feds announced broadband funding but that will take forever and they can't take the whole pie as such a small company. Still, I guess its something positive. + +tl;dr I think the ceo sucks, they dont make money, there's some potential for gains over the long term, if you bought in now you probably won't lose your money, there's enough red flags for me to rather just pick something else to buy into, its your money. I don't think investing in a growth stock like this is a good idea right now. WHERE ARE THE SALES!? I know people have said some are coming and they very well might be but I didn't see much. All I can tell you is what I've seen. If people know about what all the sales are and how it adds up to more than last year or quarter then I'm eager to know since I couldn't find much. What I've seen looks like recovery and plans for future growth. But I don't see it happening right away. I came away from this less skeptical than when I initially went it. There's potential but there's also some shady shit. Be careful. I don't consider this as anywhere near a complete DD. This is like 1/4 of what I would do. But I felt like stopping here because I wasn't feeling it. If you still want to invest, I encourage you to dive deeper first. Too many unanswered questions. But that's the market I guess. I aint buying this. 0 @ 0. + +Thanks for listening. I welcome constructive criticism to help me improve or better inform me of anything I've gotten wrong. But its also 6am and I've been doing this all night so be nice. + +I don't have a complete list of sources but here's a sample: + +[https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00036922](https://www.sedar.com/DisplayCompanyDocuments.do?lang=EN&issuerNo=00036922) + +[https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/lite-access-technologies-reports-q1-2021-financial-results-801415887.html](https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/lite-access-technologies-reports-q1-2021-financial-results-801415887.html) + +[https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2021/02/minister-monsef-to-announce-high-speed-internet-projects-in-southern-british-columbia.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2021/02/minister-monsef-to-announce-high-speed-internet-projects-in-southern-british-columbia.html) + +[https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-approval-of-first-universal-broadband-fund-project.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/innovation-science-economic-development/news/2020/12/government-of-canada-announces-approval-of-first-universal-broadband-fund-project.html) + +[https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/internet.htm](https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/internet/internet.htm) + +[https://www.canadabulls.com/SignalPage.aspx?lang=en&Ticker=LTE.V](https://www.canadabulls.com/SignalPage.aspx?lang=en&Ticker=LTE.V) + +[https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/CVE/LTE/insider-trades/](https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/CVE/LTE/insider-trades/) + +[https://ca.investing.com/equities/lite-access-technologies-inc-technical](https://ca.investing.com/equities/lite-access-technologies-inc-technical) + +[https://simplywall.st/stocks/ca/tech/tsxv-lte/lite-access-technologies-shares](https://simplywall.st/stocks/ca/tech/tsxv-lte/lite-access-technologies-shares) + +[https://www.canadianinsider.com/company-insider-filings?ticker=LTE](https://www.canadianinsider.com/company-insider-filings?ticker=LTE) +' Facing thousands of lawsuits alleging that its talc caused cancer, J&J insists on the safety and purity of its iconic product. But internal documents examined by Reuters show that the company's powder was sometimes tainted with carcinogenic asbestos and that J&J kept that information from regulators and the public. ' + +&#x200B; + +Investing wise this is really bad. Investing aside, this is really really bad: + +[https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/johnsonandjohnson-cancer/) + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Down 10%. +I'm excited to announce that our next AMA will be with Computershare! + +This AMA will be slightly different from previous ones as we're talking with a company rather than an individual. As such, it'll be recorded offline and posted on our [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-mn_GXx-MZeL8KiNx-_IA) instead of being a live stream. We'll also post along with it a text version for those who want to read rather than listen. + +--- + +**This post is the request thread for questions.** It'll be open for questions until ***22nd October at 7:00pm EST***. + + +--- + +We're grateful that Computershare are working with us to get an AMA out for the community, however they have rules to abide to: + +**There will be no questions about specific companies they act as the transfer agent for.** + +Questions relating to the DTCC, DRS itself are fine of course. Please refer to their FAQ [here](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) for a comprehensive list of questions and answers already. Please have a scroll through to make sure what question/s you are asking are not already answered on there. Or if you want to just hear them say it, feel free to request and point that out 😅 + +We'll aim to release the AMA Video and accompanying text post **late next week**. +I know a lot of the right wingers out there are going "hurr-durr Joe Biden" but what's the real cause? + +My dad said "if Joe Biden is the cause of inflation, why is it happening all over the world? It's a supply chain issue due to covid and the russia-ukraine conflict". + +So what's the reason? What's really behind this inflation? +Tesla's current market cap is over a trillion USD. Let's put that in perspective, shall we? That's significantly higher than all these car makers combined: + +**Car makers** + +* Volkswagen +* Toyota +* Audi (part of VW) +* BMW +* Mercedes +* Škoda (VW) +* Seat (VW) +* Peugeot (Stellantis) +* Citroen (Stellantis) +* Renault +* Opel (Stellantis) +* Alfa Romeo (Stellantis) +* Fiat (Stellantis) +* Jaguar (Tata) +* Mini Cooper (BMW) +* Land Rover / Range Rover (Tata) +* Cadillac (GM) +* Chevrolet (GM) +* Chrysler (Stellantis) +* Dodge (Stellantis) +* GMC (GM) +* RAM (Stellantis) +* Jeep (Stellantis) +* Buick (GM) +* Tata +* Daihatsu (Toyota) +* Lexus (Toyota) +* Nissan +* Datsun (Nissan) +* Infiniti (Nissan) +* Dacia (Renault) +* Lada (Renault) +* Lancia (Stellantis) +* Vauxhall (Stellantis) +* Smart (Mercedes) +* DS Automobiles (Stellantis) +* Abarth (Stellantis) + +**Makers of sports and luxury cars** + +* Porsche (VW) +* Bentley (VW) +* Lamborghini (VW) +* Bugatti (VW) +* Maybach (Mercedes) +* Maserati (Stellantis) +* Alpine (Renault) +* Rolls Royce (BMW) + +**Makers of commercial trucks** + +* Scania (VW) +* Man (VW) +* Navistar (VW) +* Caminhões e Ônibus (VW) +* Freightliner (Mercedes) +* Western Star (Mercedes) +* Mercedes Daimler Trucks & Buses +* Fuso (Mercedes) +* Hino (Toyota) +* Tata Trucks + +**Motorbike makers** + +* Ducati (VW) +* BMW +* Tata Motors + +&#x200B; + +**Market caps (in billions of USD, in today's currency exchange rate):** + +* VW Group 104,73 (96,49 EUR) +* Stellantis 45,6 (42 EUR) +* Nissan 18,16 (2320 JPY) +* Renault 7,34 (6,76 EUR) +* GM 60,95 +* BMW 56,33 (51,9 EUR) +* Tata 20,72 (1580 INR) +* Daimler 83,94 (77,34 EUR) +* SinoTruck 3,27 (25,63 HKD) +* Toyota 288,41 (36850 JPY) +* **Total = 689.45** + +&#x200B; + +Keep in mind that many seemingly unknown brands are large elsewhere in the world, far from your geographical location. For example, Hino is nowhere to be seen in Europe or USA, but Hino is larger than Scania or Freightliner which are dominant in Europe and USA respectively. Lada and Dacia are massive in and around Russia, but virtually unknown elsewhere. And so on. + +And yes, there are other measures than market cap, but the point remains the same. And let's not forget that Cathie Wood (ARK) has a +50% (1500 USD/stock) as a bear case scenario for Tesla. You can't make this stuff up 😅 + +I've heard and looked into claims that "Tesla is so much more than a car maker", "they are not a car maker", "Tesla will dominate the market" etc. Just wait until reality check says hello to this valuation... + +Edit: it is also noteworthy that car reviews nowadays frequently prefer other electric cars to Tesla. I've seen multiple reviews which prefer Ioniq5 (a significantly cheaper car) to Tesla Model Y. There are many other examples. Tesla hasn't really had any direct competition in the past. Real competition is just starting to show up now and the competition is clearly competent. + +Here is what I think will happen: + +* Microsoft stock was very hyped around 2000. It reached 58 USD in Dec of 1999 and crashed soon after. It took 17 years to recover. That's in nominal terms, so recovery was even longer. +* Another good example is Ericsson, one of world's leading makers of telecom equipment. It still is -90% since it's highest point during the hype. +* There are plenty of other examples both old (Radio Corporation of America) and new. Tesla will be next. 💸 +I wrote this because I haven’t seen similar stories that weren’t from someone looking to sell you on the secrets to getting rich. I’ve been meaning to put this down on paper for a while and sharing it with the community seemed like a good idea. I’ll be as specific as I can without giving away too much personal detail. This was all done entirely out of state utilizing real estate agents, property managers, and home inspectors. I’ve visited the properties exactly one time and that was only to meet with my bank to prove I was a real person. I am investor, I am not a contractor or a real estate agent or a home inspector. Why would I waste my time and risk missing something in areas I am no an expert? I hire the expert and proceed with their counsel. + +**May 2016** + +I bought my first property for $165,000 with a 25% down payment, a fourplex in a shithole part of a major city that cashflowed $1,000/month on paper. The building and units were updated but it turns out that if the rest of the neighborhood is bad, you’re going to have a hard time finding tenants. When you have the nicest building in the middle of a war zone, the people who want to rent your unit get scared away by the neighborhood. When the people from the neighborhood want to rent your unit, they can’t afford it. I literally had a tenant move in then abandon the unit/lease after 4 days because of a drive by shooting. There were lots of issues with drugs, bad tenants, evictions, and the list goes on. Lots of lessons learned from my first property. I finally sold this property December 2018 for $185,000 and am happy I basically broke even. My cashflow during the entirety of my ownership was a grand total of $2,056. + +**July 2016** + +Bought first duplex for $70,000 with a 25% down payment. This duplex was in a secondary market of the previous major city and is where the rest of my current portfolio is. This duplex scared the hell out of me because the repair list was 3 pages long after I got my inspection report. I wanted out so I made a demand that EVERYTHING must be repaired or I walked. Well, the owner was equally desperate to sell it so they fixed everything and spent about $15,000. I purchased this one unwillingly and it has turned into my best purchase by far. The property is now worth about $120,000 and my cash on cash ROI is about 35% per year. + +**December 2016** + +First SFH and first BRRRR. This was new territory for me so I was exceptionally nervous. This property was a foreclosure that I bought cash for $21,500 and put an additional $15,000 into. The appraisal came back at $45,000 so my total all in was a whopping $469! I was hooked on the BRRR and committed to preferencing this method over the down payment method, when possible. + +**March 2017** + +2nd BRRRR $24,264 purchase price, $4,955 rehab. Appraisal came in at $49,000 which means I got paid $990 to buy this place. +3rd BRRRR $38,741 purchase with $26,737 rehab. I unfortunately had an undiscovered termite problem and had to replace ¾ of the floor joists, replace all the flooring, fix the slope around the house to prevent flooding. Appraised at $65,000 so I was left with $13,478 out of pocket. A hiccup but not deterred. + +**July 2017** + +4th BRRRR $39,469 purchase, $825 rehab. Appraised at $57,000 so I got paid $5,305 to purchase. +5th BRRRR $20,485 purchase, $12,659 rehab. Appraised at $35,500 so I was $4,744 out of pocket. +6th BRRRR $26,336 purchase, $17,901 rehab. Appraised at $55,000 so only $237 out of pocket. + +**October 2017** + +7th BRRRR $39,117 purchase, $21,398 rehab. Appraised at $80,000 so $515.30 out of pocket. +8th BRRRR $34,0000 purchase, $0 rehab. Appraised at $36,000 so $5,200 out of pocket. A total dud of a BRRRR. + +**January 2018** + +Package deal 2 SFH that were on adjoining lots,$100,000 with 25% down payment on these. Total doors at this point (still had the 4plex) is 13. +9th BRRRR $49,463 purchase, $2,674 rehab. Appraised at $54,000 so $8,937 out of pocket. + +**February 2018** + +10th BRRRR $36,047 purchase, $1,366 rehab. Appraised at $46,000 so $613 out of pocket. + +18 total doors at this point, I took a break for personal reasons and did not buy anything for 2 years. I did sell 2 properties during this time, the 4plex which was basically a wash. I sold the dud BRRRR that I had purchased in October 2017 and made an IRRR of 88%. + +**February 2020** + +11th BRRRR $23,955 purchase, $5,032 rehab. Appraised at $53,000 so I got paid $10,763 to buy this. It was a great feeling to take 2 years off and this is the outcome of this first deal! + +**March 2020** + +12th BRRRR Purchase $28,296, $24,963 rehab. I was going to rent this one out but it had gone up too much in value to ignore. I was $53,259 into it and sold it for $90,000. I did a 1031 Exchange and picked up 3 more SFH, 2 with a 25% down payment and buying the 3rd in cash. Because of COVID delays, this one took about 6 months to buy, rehab, and sell. + +**April 2020** + +SFH purchase of $45,000 with 25% down payment. + +SFH purchase of $43,5000 with 25% down payment and $6,800 in rehab. + +SFH purchase of $50,000 with 25% down payment. + + +**May 2020** + +SFH purchase of $42,000 with 25% down payment and $6,500 in rehab. I could probably refinance this one at some point, it is worth about $80,000 today. + +**June 2020** + +Purchased duplex for $74,000 with 25% down payment. + +**July 2020** + +SFH purchase of $50,000 with 25% down payment. + +**August 2020** + +Purchased duplex for $87,500 with 25% down payment. Arguably overpaid for this, was hard to get rented at a price that made it profitable. Sold in April 2022 with an IRR of 21.6% + +**October 2020** + +SFH Purchase with proceeds from 1031 exchange. $65,000 purchase with 25% down payment + +SFH Purchase with proceeds from 1031 exchange. $57,000 purchase with 25% down payment + +13th BRRRR with proceeds from 1031 exchange. Purchase of $50,000, ended up being a dud and appraised at exactly $50,000 so my out of pocket was about $19,000 after minor rehab. + + +**November 2020** + +SFH purchase of $55,000 with 25% down payment, $3,935 rehab. + +**December 2020** + +14th BRRRR purchase $40,000 with $2,1117 rehab. Appraised at $50,000 so $4,617 out of pocket. + +**January 2021** + +SFH purchase with seller financing. Purchase price of $70,000 with $5,000 out of pocket. + +**April 2021** + +Purchased 6 unit for $315,000 with 25% down payment in adjacent town about 40 minutes away. This proved to be a mistake, I kept the same property management company from the original town and they just did not have the manpower or resources in the new town to properly manage this. Ended up selling April 2022 with an IRR of 40%. + +**August 2021** + +15th BRRRR purchase $47,127 with $43,979 rehab. Appraised at $101,000 so $13,999 out of pocket. + +**October 2021** + +Purchase Duplex for $105,000 with 25% down payment. + +Duplex purchase for $76,000, I talked the seller into giving me $10,000 credit at closing so my down payment was only $8,000, rehab of $13,275. This one didn’t work out and I ended up selling it July 2022 with an IRR of 168%. + +SFH Purchase for $50,000 with 25% down payment. + +Purchase 4plex for $212,000 with 25% down payment and $5,550 rehab. + + +My average rent across all units is about $700/month and I cashflow about $150/door. My total out of pocket is $134,000 thanks to all the BRRRs and occasional refinances along the way. + + My ROI per year is: + +2016 11% + +2017 15% + +2018 43% + +2019 41% + +2020 35% + +2021 30% + +2022 88% (so far) + + + +**Financing** + +How the f@#k did I make this happen? I took a LOT of risk and very highly leveraged myself. I took out about $70,000 in personal loans through SOFI, cash out refinanced my primary residence 4x and took out a total of $274,000, also did a HELOC on my primary residence for additional $50,000, and pumped every cent of profit I made back into the portfolio, plus whatever I was saving from my day job. I used this money as down payments on some houses but mostly as BRRR cash money to scoop things up quickly. At this point, I am 100% deleveraged. Every HELOC, personal loan, and cash out refinance has been paid back. Looking back, it was incredibly risky and I’m not sure if I have the same appetite for that level of exposure. + +**Banking** + +The real key to success here is finding a bank that will allow you to BRRRR without harassing you. I cold called (starting with the smallest banks first) every bank in the state I was investing in until I found a small regional bank that would work with me. The bank I went with allowed me to buy houses cash and refinance them immediately with no seasoning period. They used “portfolio loans” which means all their loans were held by them in house, they don’t sell any of the mortgages or loans you take out. Because of this, they set the rules and bend them when necessary. + +**Property Management** + +100%, I would be dead in the water without my excellent property managers. I have been through 4 total and if it wasn’t for my trust in them, I would not have been successful. Finding a good one is like bottling lightning and I intend to use these guys until I sell the entire portfolio off, if I ever do. I do not have any advice to finding a good PM, I’ve had great experiences with PMs that had negative reviews and awful experiences that had great reviews. At some point you just have to trust them and give it a shot. + +**Out of state investing** + +Some advice I have for any out of state investors, know your limitations. Do not try to manage a property that is 2,000 miles away, it does not work at scale. Hire experts, trust your experts, build relationships with those experts. It can be done, I am investing in the Midwest from a Coastal state. + +**Moving forward** + +I am at 35 doors currently, having sold the 6 unit and 2 duplexes this year. I want the portfolio to kind of stabilize for now and see how the next couple years go with it hopefully on cruise control. With the exception of 3 of the properties I refinanced to get cash out, all of the loans will mature in about 2038 when I retire from my day job. I plan on retiring into a mortgage free portfolio and living FAT. + + +**TLDR**; 0-45 doors in 5 years, sold 10 doors this year and now down to 35 doors. +I am planning to buy health insurance cover for my parents (senior citizens). However, I have read and heard a lot about how insurance companies promise 100% coverage while buying the policy, but cheap out when people trying to claim it. I am aware of policies that explicitly mention sub-limits to some procedures in their policy wording, but I'm worried whether I will be denied claims even if I buy a policy that claims no such sub-limits ( coz India, right ?). So I wanted to learn : + +- How has the experience of claiming insurance has been for others ? + +- Do insurance providers hold on to their promises? I know insurance providers are regulated but I have no trust on Indian regulators. + +- Which insurance companies provide a good user experience? + +- What are the truths about Indian health insurance that I should be aware of? I want to have realistic expectations from my health policy. + +- Is it worth it ? Instead of paying hefty premium should I instead focus on building a emeegency corpus in a bank deposit. + +Additional question: +- How has the experience been through aggregator websites like Policy Bazaar, Insurance Dekho ? + +UPDATE: Thanks everyone for the replies! They were all super helpful. From what I can understand, for parents the safest option is to have a decent insurance and have an emergency corpus as well as the insurance cannot be relied on completely. +Hello ALL, + +So I am 24yo, a team leader, and just moved to another shop (same company). My new boss is always telling me how I should spend money, how I need a car to have a better life quality, to give the right message to my team, how cycling to work isnt good for me. I´m realy getting tired of hearing him tbh, how would you deal with it? Should I just give him a hint I have a larger than normal stack for my age and I´m preparing to retire? +Realy apreaciate any insight. thanks +BBBY is up 9.62% today during market hours and up another 82.93% After Hours + +Why? + +Because BBBY announced a $1 Billion three year Share Repurchase program which will burn Shorts + +Update: BBBY has announced by end of 2021 (within Nov and Dec 2021) it is going to buy back $400 million worth of shares + +thanks to DarthBooom (https://old.reddit.com/user/DarthBooooom) for this -> https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/bbby/key-statistics/ + +BBBY has 96 million float, with 26 million shorted + +$400 million at $20 works out to 20 million shares that will be bought back + +$400 million at new After Hours price of $30 works out to 13.33 million shares that will be bought back + +************************************************************************************* + +BBBY is one of the heavily shorted stocks alongside GME + +There are rumors that Swaps and Bundles and ETFs that include two or more of + +BBBY, GME, FinlandPhone, Blueberry, etc + +are all shorted together + +****************************************************************************************************** + +So the $1 Billion share repurchase bomb from BBBY + +is burning shorts + +and causing prices of All Super Momentum Stocks (GME, BBBY) to go up + +******************************************************************************************************* + +BBBY is up to 30.40 - That's 81.49% in After Hours + +GME is up 12.15% to 225 + +Thank you BBBY!!! + +***************************** + +References: + +1) BBBY PR announcing it is launching a new digital marketplace for Home & Baby categories -> https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bed-bath--beyond-inc-announces-bold-moves-to-redefine-business-model-301414522.html + +2) BBBY at Yahoo Finance - $1 Billion Share Repurchase -> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bed-bath-beyond-inc-advances-201900511.html + +3) Kroger and BBBY partnership -> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kroger-bed-bath-beyond-inc-201500361.html + + +BBBY, really coming out all guns blazing + + +**************************************** + +Edit 1: $400 million by end of 2021. $600 million out of $1 Billion has already been bought back. I'm investigating and will update + +In any case, $400 million in share buybacks by end of 2021 (2 months) is pretty darn good + +BBBY Financials - https://old.reddit.com/user/DarthBooooom + + + +*************************************** + +BONUS + +Now is the time for GME to announce NFT Platform and its plans + +SHFs are doing to be in disarray for next few weeks + +Announcing now might be the Killer Blow we need to start off MOASS +Is it legal for the owner to discriminate on who gets a passcode for the gate and who has to pay the toll beyond the standard of who already lives in the community? + +There've been some complaints that they've revoked passcodes for certain residents who've been made to pay the toll again for entry. There's been claims of discrimination. +It takes 3 to 4 god damn business days. In 2020 where we can send a fucking car into space, why the fuck does it take 4 business days to deposit some money? Is this like that with brokers in the states too? Jesus fucking christ. +I'm 35, I'm salaried at $54,000 and I have 11K in my Roth IRA contributing 6% every paycheck with my employer matching that amount. I get a 2.5% raise every year. I have a 7 year old daughter who I claim as a dependent but claim no dependents throughout the year to increase my tax return. + +I got started saving for retirement later in life after a failed marriage and being saddled with about 25K in credit card debt and another 3K in miscellaneous debt after my divorce. + +My friends say it's a decent start but I feel like just contributing the 6% every paycheck isnt really cutting it. I feel like by the time I'm retirement age there wont be all that much there to supplement my income. + +How should I be better saving for retirement? + +EDIT: I should as also mention I paid off all my debts, I'm completely debt free at the moment. I own my car, paid off outstanding credit card debt and miscellaneous debt and have a credit score of 802 at the moment. +I've worked in hospitality since I was 17, doing cafe work to high-end functions, management etc in all different cities. + +I've always been employed full-time because I prefer the stability even though the pay is significantly less. + +Reading everyone's incomes has definitely made me feel more poor than what I am.. + +My last job before I went on Maternity Leave was for $20.41 an hour. I requested a pay rise due to my role was worth more than what I was being paid - and it was declined. + +I have saved enough to live without income for another 4 months (I have already had no income for 3 months after paid maternity leave has run out) + +However I need to re evaluate what to do with my life, as I simply cannot contribute within my relationship as much as I would like with such a low income. + +I don't entirely know the point of my post... but it has been weighing on my mind a lot.. and I feel stuck. + +I have tried studying, however, I simply do not have the brains. + +Unfortunately hospitality will be the road for me.. is there a way of making more money apart from stocks and investments etc? + + +*** Thank you all so much for all your suggestions, kind words and wisdom. I am truly blown away with the support and suggestions I have received. I have spent a good chunk of the afternoon weighing up my options and have started the processes of changing jobs. You're all absolute legends 🙏**** + +UPDATE - + +I have fixed up my resume and have landed two interviews already. Both for DSW work, which is something I have always wanted to do. + +Your comments have given me the push and encouragement I didnt realise that I needed, while building up my confidence. + +I could never thank you all enough. + +Sorry I haven't replied to all of you , however I see you and appreciate the help. + +Thank you all 💜 +Hey all. We know PPFAS Flexi Cap has re-opened. But I feel its crucial to discuss how the fund will effect existing users, and new investors when they try to invest / redeem units. From various notices used by PPFAS, here are some key notes - + +[https://amc.ppfas.com/downloads/addendum/2022/withdrawal-of-temporary-suspension-for-acceptance-of-transactions-in-parag-parikh-flexi-cap-fund.pdf?10032022](https://amc.ppfas.com/downloads/addendum/2022/withdrawal-of-temporary-suspension-for-acceptance-of-transactions-in-parag-parikh-flexi-cap-fund.pdf?10032022) : + +>Further, the inflows received from the effective date will be deployed in the Domestic securities asper the Asset Allocation of the Scheme and would not amount to any Fundamental Attribute Change in the scheme. + +[https://amc.ppfas.com/downloads/2022/re-opening-of-our-flagship-scheme.pdf?10032022](https://amc.ppfas.com/downloads/2022/re-opening-of-our-flagship-scheme.pdf?10032022) : + +>At this time there is no change in the overseas investment limit. Because of this, fresh net inflows will have to be invested in India. Given this situation, it is expected that over time, the weightage of foreign stocks in Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund will come down. + +They mention there's *not going to be any fundamental attribute change* in the scheme, but also mention the *over time the weight-age of foreign stocks is going to come down*. + +Information here might be simple to read but there are important conclusions to this. To explain what this all means, I tried to simplify the maths behind how this MF is going to act going ahead. This is based on my understanding of the scheme and any mistakes are welcomed to be corrected. + +**The maths involved:** + +Suppose before re-opening, they had 1000 units of the MF units shared among various investors, out of which I personally owned 100 units. + +Among the 100 units that I own, 30% were used to hold foreign shares. So, I owned 30 equivalent units of foreign shares. Now - + +1. *When a new investor comes*: +PPFAS are only going to buy indian stocks using his money. Total foreign equivalent units were 30% of 1000 = 300 units. The new guy comes to buy 100 more units at the current NAV. His money is utilized to buy indian stocks, but the total foreign units will be shared with him in proportion to the no. of units he has bought. Total new units are 100+1000 = 1100. So, he receives 300 \* (100/1100) = 27.27 units of foreign stock units, while rest 72.73 are indian stock units he receives.While, for me, my 30 pre-existing units of foreign exposure are going to reduce now to 30 \* (1000/1100) = 27.27 units, since earlier it was distributed to 1000, now its distributed to 1100. So from my perspective, I sold foreign shares of 30-27.27 = 2.73 units and bought indian shares using that money. **Thus, each time a new investor chimes in, I am going to sell my foreign shares to buy indian shares.** +2. *When existing investor redeems units*: +Its going to be the reverse of above calculation. **Thus, each time an existing user redeems units, I am going to sell my indian shares to buy foreign shares**. + +Now all of these are not going to bring any portfolio re-balancing / turnover from PPFAS perspective. The details are all soft information, like what ratio of foreign stocks each investor is holding. This is why they mentioned no fundamental attribute change in the scheme will occur. Thus, the expense ratio won't increase. And since over time, they expect more investors to come-in, rather than investors moving out, they mention that the weight-age of foreign stocks is going to reduce going forward. + +There can be corner cases, which I don't want to discuss, otherwise post might get longer. Like, what if at sudden a lot of redemptions occur and no. of total units reduce from that time of the re-opening of the fund (i.e units become less than 1000 in example above). This has very less probability to occur. But interestingly in that case, the second point above, won't hold true anymore. It would start behaving like the old PPFAS Flexi cap fund. + +Now, as an existing investor, how does it make you feel, given any new investors are going to increase your indian exposure, and redemptions are going to increase your foreign portfolio exposure? Its a little un-easy for me and for portfolios that focus on proper % allocation into various asset classes. + +Your views? +Hey everyone, my wife and I recently made it to millionaire status and I still feel like we don't have any money. Quick breakdown: + + + +* **Investments (retirement) $140k** +* **Cash in bank $32k** +* **House debt rental ($46k)** +* **House debt primary ($226k)** +* **Current rental value $340k** +* **Current primary value $760k** +* **Car value $18k** +* **Net worth $1018k** + +**We still live so frugally and because most of our net worth is in real estate we feel like we don't have any money. Any ideas or tips on what you would do if you were in my situation? We are both 27 by the way.** +I know everyone is excited about all the attention and likes having politicians sucking up to us. Claiming that they're going to go after any collusion. It's all bullshit. Its bullshit from the left and its bullshit from the right. They just want to tear into this issue because it's the classic underdog story and Americans love an underdog story more than anything. + +Right now WSB is like Rocky and every politician out there wants to line up to be in a selfie with Rocky. They're just using us for exposure especially to a crowd that they see as untapped. + +Please dont let this place turn into a constant circle jerk of politics. Basically all of reddit is just political propaganda 24/7. This was the last good place on the internet. The LAST. It was the last actually funny place too. Once in awhile it even had incredible ideas. + + It's about to be co-opted by politics activists online claiming they care about "this issue". Then they're going to stick around and sometimes subtly and most of the time forcefully turn it into another propaganda machine. +It just makes me sick because I already know its over. I dont want it to be but this place is going to be filled with propaganda and nothing else almost 100% after GME is over. I'll miss you guys and all the great times and sarcasm. This place was the funniest place on the internet. + +If you feel how I feel do your best to keep people from pushing agendas. Agendas from either side but let's be frank this is reddit. We all know where this crap is heading. + +My positions are 80k in PLTR options mostly expiring next year/2023 and 40k PLTR stock. + +Edit: Obviously none of this was financial advice anyway but seriously NONE of this is financial advice I'm just a retard on the internet and if you listen to me for it maybe you're also retarded + +Edit 2: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +In a state government job, and we all just got a raise. For many in my department, that crossed them into a higher federal bracket. So naturally I heard people agonizing over how it is a "fake raise" + +I had to explain how it is still a raise. And explain that you aren't taxed 22% on all 40k, you are taxed at 10% for the first 10k, and then 22% for the next 20k, making an over all tax rate of ~13%. + +I also had to explain that all the 401k and pension withholdings also go up with that raise. + +So I wanted to take a moment to remind you all that a raise is still a raise in compensation regardless of if you cross in to a new tax bracket. I'm sure there might be exceptions, but not for the average person. +My fiancé and I are currently saving up for a down payment on a house. We both work 50-60 hours a week; after taxes I make around 20,000 and he makes around 35,000. Rent is 1050 a month and utilities are around 200/300. That’s not including our own personal payments (my car payment, his, etc). We split the costs nearly even, he covers utilities and I cover grocery shopping. + +Currently we have just over 11,000 saved out of our 30,000 goal. So almost halfway there! I’m hoping to be able to find another full time job with benefits that pays more than 12/hr. But I was wondering in what ways can we better budget to save? I know it’s a fairly broad question but I’d just really appreciate some advice. I try to budget as is but could use a few additional pointers. Thank you. + +EDIT: Just wanted to put in some additional information for clarification, and thanks to all who have replied. I appreciate it! + +My fiance does not have a degree but is considering getting his CDL. He works for a major delivery service, but it's tearing his body apart. He is about $8,000 in medical debt. I have a bachelor's in English and have no debt. + +I got mixed up, my fiance does not make monthly car payments as he was gifted a car that was already paid off. I actually inherited my car and pay $120 a month. +This week's casual valuation is Meta (formerly known as Facebook), a company that's down almost 50% over the last 5 years and over 75% since its all-time high back in September 2021. + +As always, this post is not financial/investment advice, it is purely for educational/entertainment purposes. It is divided into a few segments: + +1. What is Meta? +2. How to value Meta? +3. Historical financial performance and assumptions about the future +4. Valuation +5. Is Reality Labs that bad? +6. The different scenarios + +**What is Meta?** + +Meta doesn't really need any introduction, everyone knows their main products (Facebook/Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp), but what caused the decline in recent years is the change of their vision from these apps (that are known as "Family of Apps") to the metaverse idea (known as "Reality Labs"). + +**How to value Meta?** + +Since one of the goals of this post is to value Meta, the question is, how to value these two operating segments? + +The "Family of Apps" is the cash-generating machine, and there's a decade of financial data available to understand how it has performed when it comes to revenue and operating margin. + +However, the second part is what brings the uncertainty in here. Regardless of the model used to value the "Reality Labs", the inputs/variables are too uncertain to create anything that's reasonable. + +For that reason, I decided to take a different approach. I'll value the mature segment, the "Family of Apps" and compare that with the current market cap to understand what the market thinks of the metaverse and how much it prices it at. + +&#x200B; + +So, let's get started! + +**Historical financial performance & assumptions about the future** + +Over the last 5 years, the "Family of Apps" grew revenue over 100% to over $115b for the last twelve months (ending September 2022). The operating margin of over 40% has been nothing but impressive. + +Looking at the analysts' forecasts, they're expecting the revenue to grow around 5% during 2023 and over 10% during 2024. I find these numbers a bit optimistic taking into account the environment in which the company operates today with the economic uncertainty. As a business that makes money from advertising, it is difficult to expect that the advertising budgets of the companies will not be cut during this period. + +However, looking 10 years ahead, I can also not imagine that this segment isn't generating more cash than it is today. So, in my assumptions, I'm using a growth rate of 3%, which leads to 34% revenue growth 10 years from now, which I don't think is too high. + +When it comes to the margins, I'm using the 40% operating margin. Of course, the operating margin of Meta today won't match with the 40% margin as the reality labs segment is a money-losing segment with lots of R&D being poured in. + +Using a discount rate of 11.5% today (decreasing to 10.6% over time), the intrinsic value of "Family of Apps" is around **$417b**. + +**Valuation** + +Now, what's on the balance sheet (cash/debt) together with the outstanding equity options is worth -$1b, which brings the value of Meta to **$416b** if all they had was the cash-generating machine "Family of Apps". + +But there's one more thing to consider. Having two classes of shares gives Mark Zuckerberg the majority voting rights (close to 60%), hence, a discount for lack of control should be applied. + +If the discount is 15%, then the intrinsic value decreases to **$354b**. + +The current market cap is $240b, so basically, the market believes the metaverse is going to destroy over $100b of value over time and doesn't believe Zuckerberg's big idea. + +Is something going to change, is he going to change the path? I'll share a tweet from Professor Damodaran: + +"If you invest in a company with dual-class shares, be a realist about what you can and cannot change. Investing in Facebook & complaining that Zuckerberg won't listen to you is like marrying a Kardashian & whining about your privacy being invaded." + +**So, what can be done?** + +Well, the significant share price decline provides an answer that the option always available to the shareholders is to sell their Meta shares, and many of them did exercise this option. + +**Is Reality labs that bad?** + +This is a question that will be answered a decade from now. + +Mark Zuckerberg has said that this segment would contribute a lot to the company's profits in the 2030s. That's a decade from now. Until then, it will consume a significant portion of the cash generated by the "Family of Apps". + +So, the company has been reclassified from a cash-generating machine to a company that pours lots of money into something that might work in the next decade. This uncertainty combined with the power of Zuckerberg to steer the company pushed the price down significantly. + +Since 2019, **over $36b** have been invested in this new segment. + +**The Michael Burry tweet** + +The great big short investor has been right on many occasions, and wrong on probably just as many. + +One of his tweets was, "Seems Meta has a New Coke problem.". As always, soon after the tweet was posted, it was deleted. + +I wasn't familiar with this, but after some research, I stumbled upon an article that helped me understand what this means. + +Back in April 23rd, 1985, the Chairman and CEO of Coca-Cola stepped before the press introducing a new formula, which was "smoother, rounder, yet bolder - a more harmonious flavour". Turns out, this new formula tasted more like Pepsi. + +What followed was 5,000 angry phone calls per day within weeks, increasing to over 8,000 by June the same year. + +This means Michael Burry believes that Meta's new vision/strategy is not the best way forward. If it ain't broken, don't fix it. + +Could he be wrong? Absolutely! + +There's no certainty when it comes to the value of Reality Labs. The question is, is the "Reality Labs" fairly priced today at negative $100b or not. + +**The different scenarios** + +What if Michael Burry is right? - If he is right, the question is how long it would take before Mark Zuckerberg pulls the plug. Is the "Reality Labs" going to destroy $100b or maybe even more? If the company raises funds to pour even more into the metaverse and turns out to be a failure, Meta could go down significantly even from this low point. + +What if Mark Zuckerberg is right? - If he's right and Reality Labs is contributing a significant portion of the profits a decade from now, that means Meta is undervalued today. + +As for me, I have 1 share in Meta, just to be entertained by what's coming next. +Just a funny story that I experienced you guys may enjoy: + +So while scrolling through Facebook this past weekend, I came across a post in a group called "One Sentence Start Ups" It was some random group I probably joined in Highschool that I never used but this post showed up on my timeline and it said "There should be a law where no one should be allowed to own more than one home since some people cannot even afford one". I laughed for a few seconds and decided I should respond "People who are financially responsible and decide to spend their money on an investment rather than waste them on luxury goods should not be punished or restricted." + +Que the onslaught. + +"You hate poor people!" + +"I bet you didn't pay for your own college!" (I did) + +"Well I bet you didn't pay for your own car" (I did again) + +"\*\*\*\* landlords" + +"Buying 2 houses is like going back for a second plate of food before someone has their first" + +"You're a privileged piece of \*\*\*\*" + +"You're such a tool" + +This all happened in about a 5 minute window and boom, I'm kicked from the group. I never said anything offensive or personal, just my single statement above. Best part is that everyone who insulted me about my position looked exactly what you think they'd look like, without going into specifics. It blows my mind people like this actually exist in the world, that think investing and financial management are evil. Anyone else deal with this before? +What are some of your most important lessons? When did it really started to work? Lately I'm just trying to make more trades and sell one contract at a time, build into a position rather than going all in at once. I'm dreaming about the day when I can quit my day job and just do this. Thx, cheers +Today's research will be based on insider buying activity. I've been collecting the financial data from sources like Nasdaq for the last 1-2 months, and then aggregated it for all public US companies. As a result, we found the top 5 tickers where the insiders have been trading the most actively. + +I published a [similar post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/nk6md0/ive_analyzed_the_insider_activity_of_all_us/) about half a year ago, and since then all the shares of the mentioned companies have significantly grown. This may act as a basis for serious consideration of this metric for the investment process! + +Let's think about it from the logical perspective - the people inside the company know far more than any analysts, any kind of trader, and any investor, because they're right at the coalface on what's going on - they can see what there will be in the future, if their pipeline is full of work, if the new contracts are about to be signed, etc. They don't always get it right, of course, but you can easily use this data metric in conjunction with your investment strategy - you can get an extra weight to the trade if the insiders are actively buying before you bought. I think that the more deals you see from the group of insiders - the stronger the signal. + +Below you can find the top 5 companies: + +**1. Liberty Media Corporation (**[**$LSXMA**](https://contora.ai/ticker/LSXMA)**)** \- the company is engaged in providing a subscription-based satellite radio service. It transmits music, sports, entertainment, comedy, talk, news, traffic and weather channels, as well as infotainment services. + +https://preview.redd.it/coso48f0u7081.png?width=1189&format=png&auto=webp&s=ed846ba4f8a48372602f7989bb89ad1b2e52e9e3 + +**2. Agile Therapeutics (**[**$AGRX**](https://contora.ai/ticker/AGRX)**)** \- is a women's healthcare company to fulfill the unmet health needs of women. Its product candidates are designed to provide women with contraceptive options. + +https://preview.redd.it/5bwswch3u7081.png?width=1193&format=png&auto=webp&s=466117157ab0045a3e70d4b8d4294b7a50b7d95e + +**3. Sirius XM (**[**$SIRI**](https://contora.ai/ticker/SIRI)**)** \- the holding is now composed of two businesses: SiriusXM and Pandora. SiriusXM transmits music, talk shows, sports, and news via its two satellite radio networks, primarily to consumers in vehicles who pay a subscription fee. Pandora is a streaming music platform that offers an ad-supported radio option and a paid on-demand service. + +https://preview.redd.it/kwwo5bg6u7081.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=9257e826e6ab6c5a30718efbea10c974b143f6f6 + +**4. Augmedics Inc. (**[**$AUGX**](https://contora.ai/ticker/AUGX)**)** \- the company provides remote medical documentation solutions and live clinical support services in the United States. + +https://preview.redd.it/uz15dwl8u7081.png?width=1188&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfa46659d719dea6b0d91456a7d69b44724db1b2 + +**5. Loandepot Inc. (**[**$LDI**](https://contora.ai/ticker/LDI)**)** \- the Company provides nonbank consumer lending solutions for individuals in the United States. + +https://preview.redd.it/9rlpb4mau7081.png?width=1190&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e5a430903fbbfd56ed43dec95496d2be799ad8b + +&#x200B; + +As you can see from this top, there are companies of different sizes and in different segments, both giants and smaller ones. In my opinion, it is more useful to take into account such metric as insider buying activity when you consider investing in some small tickers. If the senior employees in small companies buy most of their stock - it's an important market indicator. + +**Proof of Concept:** + +Just take a look at [$AGRX](https://contora.ai/ticker/agrx) \- the insiders are abruptly buying with a market cap of only $0.1B. The price of their shares has been decreasing over the past year, however, we can see the peak of insider buying activity in 2019: + +https://preview.redd.it/i4zoffrhu7081.png?width=1307&format=png&auto=webp&s=099d49351cebf3091b77b684d9288af460010793 + +And after that, their shares have been growing in price for several months: + +https://preview.redd.it/u2eo4r8ju7081.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ac5ecafed816b432cbf8a938f38b5babb169d9e + +Let's keep an eye on it, perhaps we'll have a similar situation with a current peak! + +What are your thoughts about it? + +P.S btw, you can always check the actual top [here](https://contora.ai/top_companies?industry=all&growth=insider%20trading%20buy&over=last%20month) by this and other metrics. + + +**Massive WINDY UPDATE** + +Hey everyone! What is going on? Yesterday we spoke about some of the updates that WindSwap was releasing but today we have a little more clarity. It turns out the event will be held at Sunday 8PM UTC (this is when the DEX updates will go live) in a little over 35 hours. + +WindSwap has met huge milestones over the last month- + +Coin Market Cap ✔ + +CoinGecko ✔ + +Advanced Charting ✔ + +Working DEX Platform ✔ + +Staking is now available ✔ + +Upgrade Of Website + Telegram Bot ✔ + +🔥 + Limit Orders Coming Soon.. 🔥 + +And more on the way soon... + +As you can see from the dex.guru or poocoin chart, it is looking BULLISH. We arrived at 9K Telegram members today, and the market cap is still less than 10m. + +**Why should I invest?** + +I did some research about DEX tokens, and you can fundamentally divide them into two categories. Those who do deliver and those who don't. So far, the WindSwap team has delivered on every promise they made. Therefore, I believe wholeheartedly and logically that the market cap is absurdly undervalued: 10M for a working DEX market cap. To sum it up: + +* Low Market Cap - Currently just $7M +* Rug Proof - 80% of Tokens are using for liquidity on Pancake Swap (99% Liquidity Locked on Unicrypt) +* High Organic Growth +* Holders are rapidly growing + +**What Makes WindSwap Unique** + +Windswap offers a comprehensive set of tools to assist our users to have a smooth experience when they transact tokens online. WindSwap already provides a live and fully functional exchange platform which can connect to popular wallets like Meta Mask, Trust Wallet among others and comes pre-loaded with a list of tokens that can be exchanged. + +WindSwap allows you to trade nearly every BEP-20 token on the BSC network. We are now creating interactive real time charts, smart limit orders, due diligence (‘rug checking’) tools, and a cross-chain bridge capability to convert TRX or ETH network tokens to the BSC. + +**Why only WindSwap and not others?** + +The WindSwap team has offered us some things they wanted to implement. They are highly active in the telegram group. Here is a list of things they are working on as we speak: + +* Slippage slider **(Already in**) +* Cross-chain swappin +* UI Improvements **(This Sunday)** +* Charting tools (**Already in**) +* Automatic Slippage +* Limit Orders **(Within Next 2 Weeks)** +* Due Diligence / Rug Checker + +**In a Nutshell:** + +A fresh competitor on the DEX market with highly engaging and secure features, with a token that rewards early adopters through the aggressive early-on, cycled burn pattern. By the time the burn cycles are completed, (50%)+ of the features will be there for you by the end of MAY. They are not aiming for a quick buck. Instead, they aim for a good product that will be active in the market for years to come. + +**Links** + +Contract: 0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +Tokenomics Explained: [https://windswap.finance/branding/What-is-WindSwap.mp4](https://windswap.finance/branding/What-is-WindSwap.mp4) + +Bscscan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://bscscan.com/token/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +Buy here: [https://app.windswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://app.windswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +Chart: [https://app.windswap.finance/#/chart](https://app.windswap.finance/#/chart) + +Liquidity Locked: [https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/8guFEsrJ](https://discord.gg/8guFEsrJ) + +Litepaper: [https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf](https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/windswapmembers](https://t.me/windswapmembers) + +Site: [https://windswap.finance/](https://windswap.finance/) + +Coingecko: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/windswap](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/windswap) + +Coin Market Cap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/windswap/](https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/windswap/) + +DEX: [https://app.windswap.finance/](https://app.windswap.finance/) + + +**Massive WINDY UPDATE** + +Hey everyone! What is going on? Yesterday we spoke about some of the updates that WindSwap was releasing but today we have a little more clarity. It turns out the event will be held at Sunday 8PM UTC (this is when the DEX updates will go live) in a little over 35 hours. + +WindSwap has met huge milestones over the last month- + +Coin Market Cap ✔ + +CoinGecko ✔ + +Advanced Charting ✔ + +Working DEX Platform ✔ + +Staking is now available ✔ + +Upgrade Of Website + Telegram Bot ✔ + +🔥 + Limit Orders Coming Soon.. 🔥 + +And more on the way soon... + +As you can see from the dex.guru or poocoin chart, it is looking BULLISH. We arrived at 9K Telegram members today, and the market cap is still less than 10m. + +**Why should I invest?** + +I did some research about DEX tokens, and you can fundamentally divide them into two categories. Those who do deliver and those who don't. So far, the WindSwap team has delivered on every promise they made. Therefore, I believe wholeheartedly and logically that the market cap is absurdly undervalued: 10M for a working DEX market cap. To sum it up: + +* Low Market Cap - Currently just $7M +* Rug Proof - 80% of Tokens are using for liquidity on Pancake Swap (99% Liquidity Locked on Unicrypt) +* High Organic Growth +* Holders are rapidly growing + +**What Makes WindSwap Unique** + +Windswap offers a comprehensive set of tools to assist our users to have a smooth experience when they transact tokens online. WindSwap already provides a live and fully functional exchange platform which can connect to popular wallets like Meta Mask, Trust Wallet among others and comes pre-loaded with a list of tokens that can be exchanged. + +WindSwap allows you to trade nearly every BEP-20 token on the BSC network. We are now creating interactive real time charts, smart limit orders, due diligence (‘rug checking’) tools, and a cross-chain bridge capability to convert TRX or ETH network tokens to the BSC. + +**Why only WindSwap and not others?** + +The WindSwap team has offered us some things they wanted to implement. They are highly active in the telegram group. Here is a list of things they are working on as we speak: + +* Slippage slider **(Already in**) +* Cross-chain swappin +* UI Improvements **(This Sunday)** +* Charting tools (**Already in**) +* Automatic Slippage +* Limit Orders **(Within Next 2 Weeks)** +* Due Diligence / Rug Checker + +**In a Nutshell:** + +A fresh competitor on the DEX market with highly engaging and secure features, with a token that rewards early adopters through the aggressive early-on, cycled burn pattern. By the time the burn cycles are completed, (50%)+ of the features will be there for you by the end of MAY. They are not aiming for a quick buck. Instead, they aim for a good product that will be active in the market for years to come. + +**Links** + +Contract: 0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2 + +Tokenomics Explained: [https://windswap.finance/branding/What-is-WindSwap.mp4](https://windswap.finance/branding/What-is-WindSwap.mp4) + +Bscscan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://bscscan.com/token/0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +Buy here: [https://app.windswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2](https://app.windswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xd1587ee50e0333f0c4adcf261379a61b1486c5d2) + +Chart: [https://app.windswap.finance/#/chart](https://app.windswap.finance/#/chart) + +Liquidity Locked: [https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6](https://unicrypt.network/amm/pancake/pair/0xb6EC86562E0cd125b4a1586036b6f13D47Fd09B6) + +Discord: [https://discord.gg/8guFEsrJ](https://discord.gg/8guFEsrJ) + +Litepaper: [https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf](https://windswap.finance/whitepaper/litepaper.pdf) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/windswapmembers](https://t.me/windswapmembers) + +Site: [https://windswap.finance/](https://windswap.finance/) + +Coingecko: [https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/windswap](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/windswap) + +Coin Market Cap: [https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/windswap/](https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/windswap/) + +DEX: [https://app.windswap.finance/](https://app.windswap.finance/) +Some of as have been around to see some truly next lvl shit. This current price action doesn't even effect my pulse anymore. I expect this to straight down to 80 in 10 min, or jump up to 250. Those are the kinds of movements that might be worthy of a post. Please save us the "wut doin" posts at single digit % changes. + +&#x200B; + +I'm not the only one that feels this way am I? +Better to be lucky than smart... + +Some people who thought they were investing in **Zoom Communications** (the *real* one) were actually buying **Zoom Technologies,** a tiny company with no affiliation to the Zoom we all know, by accident. Those [mistakes pumped the share price](https://www.chartr.co/newsletters/woops-wrong-zoom) of the wrong **Zoom** up by **1800%** at one point. +Okay CMS, let’s sit down and chat for a moment. How many of you have gotten rugged here? I know I have. Four times. Why are you still here, scrolling through the hot posts? Because you believe you can find a low-cap market gem? They are few and far between. Thankfully, i have emerged from the bamboo forest to share with you my experience with PinkPanda. + +&#x200B; + +For my part, I found PinkPanda after getting rugged. I was messaged by a dev of PinkPanda, who had also been rugged by the same coin. I was skeptical, naturally, but decided to see what the project was all about. I was immediately drawn in by the transparency of the team. They were active and constantly giving updates. Before launch the founder was doxxed and now holds regular informal AMA’s in the telegram chat. I came to trust this team fully. + +&#x200B; + +Not only did the team earn my trust, but the project as well. I was impressed when the roadmap was revealed. It was not a generic roadmap, or a roadmap built completely on marketing and hype. Of course marketing is a big part, but this isn’t a meme coin being pumped by social media influencers. This is a real investment with a real use case. And the team continues to quickly deliver on roadmap goals. The mobile app and an update have already been released, less than 3 weeks since launch. The leveraged DEX that is coming to the mobile app later on is going to be an absolutely game changer in the BSC world. + +&#x200B; + +Beyond having a convincing use case and well-devised plan for success, this coin also donates to cancer charities. It is a personal cause for a lot of us, and one that further inspires me to write posts like this to get the word out. It is just a fantastic project for so many reasons. + +&#x200B; + +As I’ve mentioned, many have stories similar to mine. Look through the comments on this post and I’m sure you’ll see a lot of them! The PinkPanda community is an incredible group of people… err… I mean pandas. I can say from experience that there is none other like it. This team is building something special and I feel so lucky be along for the ride. + +&#x200B; + +I’ll post some other info about the token below. If you have any questions please jump in the telegram with us. You’ll find plenty of pandas eager to help out! + +&#x200B; + +Tokenomics + +&#x200B; + +\-1 quadrillion total supply + +&#x200B; + +Breakdown: + +&#x200B; + +\-50% burned (500T) + +&#x200B; + +\-20% presale (200T) + +&#x200B; + +\-20% initial liquidity (200T) + +&#x200B; + +\-5% charity and community airdrop wallet (50T) + +&#x200B; + +\-5% dev and marketing (50T) + +&#x200B; + +Taxes: + +&#x200B; + +\-5% of each transaction auto-locked in liquidity on Pancakeswap + +&#x200B; + +\-5% of each transaction automatically redistributed to PinkPanda holders + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Telegram: https:// t.me/PinkPandaDefi + +&#x200B; + +Twitter:@PinkPandaDefi + +&#x200B; + +Website: https:// pinkpanda.finance + +&#x200B; + +Reddit: r/PinkPanda + +&#x200B; + +Contract: 0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 + +&#x200B; + +Chart: https:// poocoin.app/tokens/0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 + +&#x200B; + +Apps: On IOS and Android, search for “PinkPanda Defi” +https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1232259 + +Misleading title, but very influential legislation since we know auto manufacturers like to have their fleet meet regulations of all jurisdictions in the states. We also know California means business when they put into law their 'clean' bills. This implies virtually no new road vehicle in the states will consume diesel or petrol come 2045 (likely to happen much before). + +Carney was only trying to warn his fellow Canadians when he told us our natural resources could become stranded assets, hopefully we find a way to be beneficiaries in the changes in energy use. +I've discussed this possibility with a few very close friends of mine, and I'm wondering if such a setup is feasible, and would like to discuss what could be the potential downfalls of such a system? I'd also love to hear some similar stories that any of you may have heard of that could help us on this journey, or even convince us to not do it at all (I'm not married to this idea, and would much rather poke as many holes in it before all of us even think of committing) + + +Some potential issues that come to mind are - + + +1. Disputes : This one's a biggie; the 10 of us are really tight - and the last thing we'd want is something like money to come between us. We're all pretty understanding individuals, but with money, I guess you never know what could come up. +2. The inability of one or more individuals to be able to pay their share because of unforeseen professional or personal problems. +3. The logistics of one person most likely being geographically closer to the home and inevitably being given an unfair amount of maintenance responsibility as compared to all the other members. + + +Do let me know if this is a rather childish idea or actually has the potential of working. Thank you all for your inputs in advance. +I'm a 30-year old male who has been living with my 34-year old girlfriend for the past almost 5 years. We do not have any children, but she has one, a daughter, from her previous relationship. A lot of the time, her daughter is at my girlfriends parents house. She sleeps there a bunch and everything. + +The first couple years or so that I was with my girlfriend, things were pretty good. Not great, but nothing insane. Over the past couple of years, we started arguing a lot. At first they were typical fights that most couples probably have. But after awhile they started escalating, and happening over the absolute most ridiculous things. + +I have never in my life been violent with a woman. I've never even been in a fight with a guy. But as our fights started getting worse, my girlfriend started pushing and hitting me in the chest. She eventually took a swing at my face. It got worse and worse, to the point where she would start throwing things (plates, plants, video game controllers, eating utensils, full cans of soda or whatever, anything she could find). + +She became so violent that I started to fear for my safety. I've lived with her, with that fear, for probably about the last year or so. + +Due to a combination of a lot of things (I initially lost my job because of covid, then I had a health scare) I haven't worked in awhile, so she has been bringing home the income. I've basically had to rely on her to get by. + +Today when she went to work, I packed a duffel bag with some very bare necessities, some clothes, and I left and took a bus into the city. + +She's probably just finding out now. She also knows all of my online screen names and all of that stuff, which is why I'm doing this anonymously. + +I have, to be blunt, nothing. I have no money, no food, nowhere to go (my whole family, parents, grandparents, are dead, and I'm an only child), and I don't know where I'm going. I've been sitting on a park bench for hours, trying to figure out what I'm going to do. + +For anybody who has ever been in the position of being homeless, with no support, no sustenance, no whatever or anything, what did you do??? Where do I go??? What are some tips for living in poverty??? + +I know that's a lot to read but if anybody has been in this position I could use some words of wisdom right now + +*EDIT* - I'm grateful to you guys and girls for all of the info, phone numbers, well wishes, etc. I'm not really sure what I should do right now. I have doubts creeping in that I did the right thing; even if my girlfriend wanted to kill me, won't being on the street put me at risk of being killed, also??? Genuine question. So I'm not really sure what to do. Also have to take into account the fact that I legitimately have, like, nothing, and nobody. Having a hard time finding a DV shelter that will help me. + +*2nd EDIT* - Again, I appreciate the support and info and advice people have given me. It means a ton to me. I'm sorry I can't reply to everybody. I'm reading everything though. + +*3rd EDIT, the next day* - I was able to figure out a place to sleep last night. I may have a place for one more night; after that, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Perhaps not surprisingly, I've talked to two different domestic violence resources. One said that they are primarily focused on women, and directed me to a regular shelter. Said maybe they could help. The second one gave me a few more numbers and things that they said I should try calling. + +I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Which is worse/more dangerous?? Doing what I'm doing, or turning around and going back to my girlfriend?? Genuine question. My mind is so scrambled and I can't even think straight. +So let's talk about the SEC and enforcement or lack thereof this year. The Director of Enforcement hand picked by Gary Gensler when he took over was a lawyer named Alex Oh. After only 4 DAYS ON THE JOB she abruptly resigned and left the SEC. She cited complications from her past...but the unsubstantiated rumor was that someone big on Wall St had something on her and was leaning on her. + +It's important to point out here that the job of Director of Enforcement has been a cancer to investors. It has been a longstanding tradition that every 4 years the position would be awarded to a popular Wall Street defense lawyer. (Gary Gensler's first choice Alex Oh, had spent over 20 years as a Wall Street defense attorney.....so...yeah.) These are the people who make millions of dollars in a practice DEFENDING the very scum who have been manipulating our beloved stock, getting them out of trouble and evading justice/perpetuating our fucked up broken financial system. + +As a result, these entrenched attorney-client relationships create MASSIVE conflicts of interest, but have always been ignored and result in sweetheart deals, insignificant fines and slaps on the wrist for the real bad guys on Wall Street. That ends now. + +For the first time, a SEC Director has appointed a real reputable badass prosecutor actually suited to do the job without any conflicts of interest. + +In only 5 days, the Attorney General of NJ, Gurbir Grewal (just resigned 5 days ago to accept this position) takes over as Director of the Enforcement Division at the SEC. As the AG he was a badass and tough on crime. Prior to that he was the Chief of the Economic Crimes Unit at the U.S. Attorney's office. While in this role he concentrated on fighting white collar crime. This isn't a guy who has been defending scumbags. He has been prosecuting them. + +Grewal is a first generation American and was born and bred in New Jersey. His hard working parents immigrated from India and Grewal is a Sikh. He proudly wears a turban of the Sikh's faith called a dastār. This symbolizes his devotion and commitment to his God and his honor/integrity. This isn't a man who can be bought. I typically am a pretty cynical, possibly even paranoid guy when it comes to Wall Street and the Government, but I am truly cautiously optimistic that we will see real change soon. + +TL/DR: New Director of Enforcement Gurbir Grewal takes over in 5 days. Hedgies r fukt.This Sikh fucks. + +^(Disclaimer: No wrongdoing by Alex Oh is being alleged in this post. I am impugning her chosen specialization and the previous conduct of those performing such a function as no concrete proof of wrongdoing is known to me personally as of the time of the posting.) +Too often, someone will say that Warren buys and never sells. Most recently, it was said by a respected Bloomberg journalist Erik +Schatzker in his interview with Chamath below. (Link below) Not to pile on this journalist, I hear it on a weekly basis from CNBC to Timbuktu. Anyone know why that is? + +['All Things Chamath': Palihapitiya Outlines His Vision](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-02-12/-all-things-chamath-palihapitiya-outlines-his-vision-video) + + +Examples of Warren selling stocks: + +Warren sells GS: +[Warren Buffett traded Goldman Sachs for gold in Berkshire Hathaway’s newly revealed portfolio](https://fortune.com/2020/08/14/warren-buffett-goldman-sachs-gold-berkshire-hathaway-portfolio-occidental-stock-wells-fargo-jp-morgan-kroger/) + +Warren sells airlines: +[Warren Buffett says Berkshire sold all its airline stocks because of the coronavirus](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/02/warren-buffett-says-berkshire-sold-its-entire-position-in-airlines-because-of-the-coronavirus.html) + +Warrens sells IBM: +[Warren Buffett buys a drugmaker and dumps IBM](https://money.cnn.com/2018/02/14/news/companies/warren-buffett-teva-ibm-apple/index.html) + +EDIT: + +Thanks to everyone who commented. A user just shared this link where Buffet himself is heard talking about the issue via the following quote “We don’t hold stocks forever”: + +[Buffett: We don’t hold stocks forever](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2017/02/27/buffett-we-dont-hold-stocks-forever.html) +Is this just how value investing is or do I just stink? I find companies that I think are great ideas and reasonable valuations, yet they just keep falling and falling and falling. I know Buffett and Munger say if you liked it at $50, you should love it at $25. But goodness, I feel like I’m always averaging down. Is this just how being a value investor is when you first open positions? They go red? + +Largest positions: +BABA +CPNG +HUIZ +ATVI +LMT +MRK + +It’s like the shit that is underpriced keeps going further down, but tech stocks just keep going up to PEs of 60-1000. This make no sense to me. How long does it take for fundamentals to play out? +I am pretty new to investing. I was reading an article in which the treasury secretary has suggested that if the debt ceiling is not raised before October 18th the US economy could tank. How big of an issue could this be? +Right now I make a good salary for my position. I’ve been at my current company for 5.5 years, so although I’m comfortable here and I’m paid well, I wouldn’t mind leaving for an even better offer. + +Is it rude to basically say to these recruiters reaching out, if you can offer me more than X then I’d be interested. Or do we have to keep pretending that money isn’t one of the biggest factors in life these decisions? +When the stock market crashed in 2000, it took 12 years for the S&P index to recover all its losses for a **net gain of 0%**. + +However, the cash dividends from one's running balance in the S&P index **grew by 80.5%** (not by 0%) from 1999 to 2012, growing at an annualized rate of 5.04%. See [S&P gains & dividends table from 1940-2020](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1ee44e88749a778947e5165f2d48d107). + +Why weren't cash dividends adversely affected by the stock market crash and the ensuing drawn out economic recession? + +IMPLICATIONS: [Can a retiree who draws dividends to cover 120% of living expenses **keep stock/bond allocations at 90/10 for life** (instead of 50/50) to let the stock assets (including future dividends) double in value every 7-9 years from $2M to $4M, $8M, $16M in another 21 years?](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/nq3kuh/comment/h08y440?context=3) +If you're hoping boredom is your winning strategy, you are completely fucked. At this point I don't even care about MOASS, I've been poor long enough and am comfortable with it. I just hope this never ends because this has been incredibly entertaining to watch play out. + +0 chance you can make this "boring" enough for us to get us to sell shit. +Hi, I’m an American who just moved to France a few days ago for a year. I just saw that the Euro and USD are now about equal. Is there anything I can do to make the most of that? As of right now, I don’t have a European bank account. My bank assesses an international transaction fee of 3% to the converted US dollar amount at ATMs. In general, I will be paid in cash for the part-time work I’m doing here. If I run out of cash from my employer, I would pay with my credit card which doesn’t charge international fees. + +Anyway, is there anything I can/should do right now to take advantage of the more favorable exchange rate? + +Also, I hope I don’t sound insensitive to any Europeans this is affecting. I am 23 and don’t have much money, but I am really excited to be here to learn my 4th European language, and I want to do what I can to budget well and travel around to enjoy your beautiful continent :) + +Not thinking about trading since I have very minimal investment experience. I’m just wondering if it’s smart for me to make bigger purchases as soon as possible, like a computer or yearly gym pass, for example. Or other small-scale budget considerations. +How long did it take you to go from 1 property to 2 properties ect? +Include how many units. +Beginner investor here (1 property) +Im sure it varies, but curious how long it takes between properties! + +EDIT: Thank you for all the responses! Super motivating stuff +See original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/dxj7cg/just\_hit\_1000month\_in\_dividend\_income/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/dxj7cg/just_hit_1000month_in_dividend_income/) + +In September 2015, I made $58.65 in dividends. + +In September 2016, I made $208.26 + +In September 2017, I made $561.74 + +In September 2018, I made $1176.54 + +In September 2019, I made $1541.01 + +In September 2020, I expect to make about $1900 + +Total portfolio value as of right now: $613,741 + +Over the next year I expect total dividend earnings of $16,440/year, or: + +$1370/month, or + +$45.04/day, or + +$1.88/hour, or + +1 penny every 19.18 seconds! + +Portfolio yield: 2.68%, yield on cost: 3.62% + +I survived the virus crash, and I'm still saving over 50% of my salary. The crash wasn't great for my dividend stocks -- some big dividend payers took a dip, like CVS and T. My REITs got absolutely destroyed by the virus. I sold some of my weaker REITs for a loss, and put more money into stronger ones like O and STOR. Though, a lot of my capital losses in dividend stocks and REITs was made up by tech stock gains. Tech is about 25% of my current portfolio (low or no dividends). + +I'm still sticking with the dividend growth path. My next milestone is $1500/month in dividends earnings! How is your portfolio going? :) +Anyone that uses a private chef care to share how it's working out for you? Full time or part time employed? Do they work out a meal plan for you and also do all the purchasing? How much are you willing to spend for this luxury and what would you change if there's a few issues? +I live in an unincorporated area in the nw Chicago suburbs and the vacant land next to me went for sale. + +My home is currently on a lot close to an acre, white the average home in the area is on a 10k sq foot lot. Buying the land next to me would double the size of the land my house is on, about 2 acres. + +From an investment perspective, do homeowners see an ROI on the add'l land when combining with their current lot? Very few homes in the neighborhood are on lots that big, and it's an in-demand area. + +Thanks for the feedback. +No one of us knows what XYZ is going to do tomorrow or next week or next year. And it also doesn’t matter at all, because as longer as there are no facts in the present it’s a bad decision to open a trade. + +Don’t just sell resistance, because it’s resistance. We will never know if it breaks or not till it happens. Wait for new lower lower and lower highs and enter the market. + +Don’t just buy support. Wait for the market to make higher lows and higher highs. + +We can’t rely our money on gut feelings and guessing. + +So please stop asking what XYZ is doing next, because we don’t not either. We’re waiting till we see a clear confirmation in the present moment to enter the market. And if you’re not confident enough about your analysis you shouldn’t trade at all, but master the skill first. +On the night of November 1st/early morning of November 2nd, someone made 8 separate withdrawals of $600 each(Total $4800) at ATM machines in Tarrytown, White Plains, and lower Manhattan from my dad's account and then phone transferred another $5000 from his savings account to his checking account. Then the thief made three purchases at Target with a debit card, charging $1000, $2000, and $2000 respectively. The total amount that was taken out of my father's account was $9,800. + +When he checked his email on November 4th, my father immediately called Bank of America and notified them of the fraud and filed two claims (one for the saving and one for the checking accounts). + +After waiting several business days for the result of the investigation, my father called BofA to check on the status of the claim and was told the claims could not be paid because they did not see any errors on their part with their system! They reopened the claim but then closed it again several days later. +I don't understand how the bank can deny responsibility. My dad has never told anyone the pin number for his debit card(not even members of his own family). When you put money in a bank, it is suppose to be safe and now he feels violated because not only was this money stolen from him, but now they are trying to say that they are not at fault. + +He was informed by a BofA associate that someone had called in requesting a new debit card on Oct. 27, 2016, but he did not make a call to BofA on that date. I don't understand why the bank would allow this unusual activity to go through, or how they could let a thief phone transfer his money between his savings and checking accounts! Also, how can the bank authorize a new debit card to be mailed and what exactly is required for this request to be granted? He did not make the call to request a new debit card! Where are the security checks in place for any of this? +My father filed a police report and the detectives assured him at that time that the bank would return the cash. They said that as long as the fraud is reported within 60 days, the bank has an obligation to return the funds. + +The last time he spoke with a BofA manager in a local branch, they actually reassured him that he would be getting his money back and that the process just takes time. + +But this is the letter that my father received from BofA today: + +We’ve completed our investigation of your above referenced claim and based on our findings, we’re unable to honor the claim +because the transfer was made to an account that you own and the funds were made available to you for personal use, used to +pay an obligation owed by you, or both. As a result, we’re respectfully denying your claim. +What you need to know +• We based our decision on our records and the information you provided when you contacted us about your account.If you +have additional information pertaining to the transaction(s), please contact us at the toll-free number listed below. +• You may request copies of the documents used in our investigation and we’ll mail the information to you for your records. +• We now consider this claim closed. +We’re here to help +Please call us toll-free at 1.800.317.6345, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET, if you have +any questions. +Fraud and Claims + + +At this point, what should he be doing? Contacting the local news? Getting a lawyer and suing BofA? I asked him to mail a certified letter with return receipt to BofA so that there is a paper trail of all of this. + +According to the FTC, he should be fully covered. +https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/…/0213-lost-or-stolen-credit-a… + + +Edit: Thank you all for your replies and comments. I will do research into what federal agencies to file complaint at and I will keep everyone updated on any additional details. In the meantime, I will try to answer some of the questions that were posed: + +1) The thief called BofA and requested a new atm/debit card on October 27th and it was mailed to my parent's home address. I believe that whoever called BofA to request the card also stole it from the mail. My mom's account at BofA was not compromised but my parents were very upset and did not want to take any chances, so they requested replacement cards for both their accounts (their accounts are not linked) after the incident. +BOfA mailed my dad's debit/atm card and pin on separate days as requested, but my mom's new debit/atm card and pin still arrived in the mail on the same day. I am guessing that this is how the thief was able to get ahold of the card/pin. + +2) A lot of people are asking why the withdrawal limit was so high. My dad received a letter in the mail a few days after the fraud occurred letting them know that their withdrawal limit was increased to $2400. Apparently, the thief called in and requested to increase the daily limit. They then made 4x$600 withdrawals right before midnight on November 1st, and 4x$600 withdrawals in the early morning of November 2nd. By the time my dad got the notice that his withdrawal limit had been increased, his money was already long gone. + +3) I have no idea why the thief had to do a phone transfer to move the remaining 5k from the savings account to the checking account. I would think that you could do a transfer right at the ATM. I think there should be a recording of all of these various phone transactions and BofA frankly does not care to look into them. They also don't care to look at the videos from the ATMs. + +Edit#2: Update +Great news! Bank of America has returned the money to my dad's bank account. He received an email to log into his BofA account to check some new messages. After he logged in, he saw that his funds had been returned and the messages stated that his subsequent follow up claims had been approved. + +The next step is to find out from BofA and exactly what information the perpetrator had that allowed them to request a new debit card from BofA to be mailed to my dad's address. I saw a lot of comments that asked why my dad didn't file a police report, but he did! I realize that the first post was a huge block of text, but I did mention that he filed a police report. It's just buried in that text. A lot of people also mentioned that it might be someone close to him such a a family member, but this is pretty much impossible. My mom and dad immigrated to the US over 30 years ago, so we actually don't have any other family members here, as the rest of the extended family is overseas. I'm their only child and I live on the west coast while they still live in NY. I also doubt that they fell into bad company because they are some of the most straight laced boring people you'll ever meet, lol. They don't drink, gamble, smoke, etc. In any case, the next step is definitely to figure out how this happened in the first place. Hopefully BofA will be able to provide us more information in that regards. +Anyone else learnt a new skill which they didn’t consider learning pre-COVID? + +Edit: since this post got some visibility, I’d like to share this 3-way mirror which has been a life-changer for me. + +https://www.jmldirect.com/back-view-mirror + +Disclaimer: i have no intention to promote or advertise said product. Just sharing something that I bought which makes self-cutting process extremely easy. +I hope this is the right sub! I moved into a new rental house on February 7th. The landlord said that he keeps the water bill in his name and provides up bills to pay him, he then pays the water company. We gave him a $300 water deposit ahead of moving in (in addition to our security deposit). Yesterday, February 26, we come home from work to find a note from the utility and our water shut off. We call the landlord immediately and he is super apologetic and gets us buckets of tap water to use to flush the toilet. My husband, myself, and my infant daughter got ready and off to work/daycare with no running water. Landlord called the utility and they said it will be back on within 24 hours meaning I don't know if there will be running water when I get home or not. My landlord has not offered or brought up a discount AT ALL! Only apologizing over and over again. Is it fair for me to push for a month's free water? I know it was only one day but I had dirty dished, I couldn't cook dinner, couldn't shower or bathe my child for work. Even washing my hands was a pain in the ass. + + +TL;DR: Water got shut off for a day (maybe 2 days) because landlord didn't pay bill. What kind of discount/reimbursement should I request? + + +EDIT/UPDATE: Thank you everyone for the feedback! My take away is that, yes, a month's free water is way too much to ask (darn!). My intention is to ask for the days without water removed from the rent bill. I pay $2300 in rent so accounting for 28 days in the month, that would $82 for each day (or I could calculate 30 days). I want to add- I am on great terms with my landlord and will always strive to be a good tenant. Even though I am upset (because I had a sink full of dishes and a washer full of baby clothes, and I can now smell myself at my desk due to no shower, I'm a pumping mom so my pump stuff smelled like sour milk this morning and I had to wash it in the office sink), I wouldn't express this to him that way - always professional & kind. We plan to live in this home for 3-5 years so I don't want to negatively impact that in any way. + +2ND EDIT: I should add that $82 or $164 (will find out when I get home tonight) will be at least equal to or greater than one month water bill, ha! +Is anyone here old enough to remember how market sentiment was surrounding the Big 5 banks during the 1989-1996 burst of the Canadian Property Bubble? I can see on historical charts that the stock prices went down about 15-20% on average in 1990 and then returned in 1991 to about what they were in 1989. They then treaded water until 1996 when they surpassed their previous highs. What were people saying about the banks at the time and the housing market in general? + + +You can stop reading here if you just want to answer the question but I will provide backstory on why I am asking: + + +I know that the crash of Canadian housing has been predicted a million times in the last 20 years, but it occurred to me recently to at least be aware of the possibility it could crash as interest rates rise in the coming months. + + +A relative of mine owned an attached house in Hamilton which is 700 square feet, the house opens into a small living room which can fit only small couches in it with no table space and a small galley kitchen on the bottom floor. It then has an extremely steep staircase that leads up to a one bedroom that can only fit a bed, a spare room which is even smaller and a small bathroom with only a shower. This house is located on a one-way road in an area with street walking prostitutes and somehow has a stray cat and rat problem at the same time. There is no driveway and the backyard is just a stone patio. It is not a safe neighbourhood or anywhere where you would want to raise a family. + + +My relative bought this house in 2017 for $139,000 and it just sold for just under $500,000 in the summer. + + +I calculated the expenses and market rate of renting that house and estimate that at 5% down the renter would be out of pocket around $550 a month without any maintenance budgeted for. 20% would be better but still out about $200 a month not budgeting maintenance. + + +I have looked at the cause of the 1989 crash and I can see some parallels to today. In the 1980s inflation was so high that people were buying to preserve the value of their dollar and were certain it would continue and their mortgage would grow to be a smaller and smaller percentage of their household budget due to wage inflation. This inevitably was counteracted with interest rate raises that brought inflation down and people found that they had drastically overpaid and could not handle the increase in interest payments. + + +Today people are buying at higher and higher rates because they feel that housing prices are going to continue to soar for years to come and the price growth of the house will outpace the extreme price that they pay today. People are becoming less and less concerned about being cash flow positive and many people are overextending themselves on loans to buy properties which will be sensitive to rate increases. Today we also appear to have an inflation issue. + + +One more interesting thing: the government increased immigration from 190k people per year to 250k people per year from 1989-1993 but the property prices continued to decline. In 1997, Hong Kong was handed over to China and a ton of money left Hong Kong to foreign property markets (notably Vancouver) which seems to have ended the downtrend at least in BC. +# ([Hey everyone, this is the SECOND half of the Finale, you can find the first half here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z8wus9/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)) + +# + +# The Dollar Endgame + +**True monetary collapses are hard to grasp for many in the West who have not experienced extreme inflation. The ever increasing money printing seems strange, alien even. Why must money supply grow exponentially? Why did the Reichsbank continue printing even as hyperinflation took hold in Germany?** + +**What is not understood well are the hidden feedback loops that dwell under the surface of the economy.** + +**The Dragon of Inflation, once awoken, is near impossible to tame.** + +It all begins with a country walking itself into a situation of severe fiscal mismanagement- this could be the Roman Empire of the early 300s, or the German Empire in 1916, or America in the 1980s- 2020s. + +The State, fighting a war, promoting a welfare state, or combating an economic downturn, loads itself with debt burdens too heavy for it to bear. + +This might even create temporary illusions of wealth and prosperity. The immediate results are not felt. **But the trap is laid.** + +Over the next few years and even decades, the debt continues to grow. The government programs and spending set up during an emergency are almost impossible to shut down. Politicians are distracted with the issues of the day, and concerns about a borrowing binge take the backseat. + +The debt loads begin to reach a critical mass, almost always just as a political upheaval unfolds. [Murphy’s Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murphy%27s_law) comes into effect. + +**Next comes a crisis.** + +This could be Visigoth tribesmen attacking the border posts in the North, making incursions into Roman lands. Or it could be the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, kicking off a chain of events causing the onset of World War 1. + +**Or it could be a global pandemic, shutting down 30% of GDP overnight.** + +Politicians respond as they always had- mass government mobilization, both in the real and financial sense, to address the issue. Promising that their solutions will remedy the problem, a push begins for massive government spending to “solve” economic woes. + +They go to fundraise debt to finance the Treasury. But this time is different. + +Very few, if any, investors bid. Now they are faced with a difficult question- how to make up for the deficit between the Treasury’s income and its massive projected expenditure. Who’s going to buy the bonds? + +**With few or no legitimate buyers for their debt, they turn to their only other option- the printing press.** Whatever the manner, new money is created and enters the supply. + +**This time is different. Due to the flood of new liquidity entering the system, widespread inflation occurs. Confounded, the politicians blame everyone and everything BUT the printing as the cause.** + +**Bonds begin to sell off, which causes interest rates to rise. With rates suppressed so low for so long, trillions of dollars of leverage has built up in the system.** + +**No one wants to hold fixed income instruments yielding 1% when inflation is soaring above 8%. It's a guaranteed losing trade. As more and more investors run for the exits in the bond markets, liquidity dries up and volatility spikes.** + +**The MOVE index, a measure of bond market volatility, begins climbing to levels not seen since the 2008 Financial Crisis.** + +&#x200B; + +[MOVE Index](https://preview.redd.it/o2t18l16c43a1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f12cdcd45139e260510db29559e6d4985930a8a) + +**Sovereign bond market liquidity begins to evaporate. Weak links in the system, overleveraged several times on government debt,** [**such as the UK’s pension funds**](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-10-13/uk-pension-funds-selling-stokes-fear-across-global-bond-markets)**, begin to implode.** + +**The banks and Treasury itself will not survive true deflation- in the US, Yellen is already getting so antsy that she**[ **just asked major banks if Treasury should buy back their bonds to “ensure liquidity**](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-treasury-asks-major-banks-if-it-should-buy-back-us-government-bonds-2022-10-14/)**”!** + +As yields rise, government borrowing costs spike and their ability to roll their debt becomes extremely impaired. Overleveraged speculators in housing, equity and bond markets begin to liquidate positions and a full blown deleveraging event emerges. + +True deflation in a macro environment as indebted as ours would mean rates soaring well above 15-20%, and a collapse in money market funds, equities, bonds, and worst of all, a certain Treasury default as federal tax receipts decline and deficits rise. + +A run on the banks would ensue. Without the Fed printing, the major banks, ([which have a 0% capital reserve requirement since 3/15/20](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm)), would quickly be drained. Insolvency is not the issue here- liquidity is; and without cash reserves a freezing of the interbank credit and repo markets would quickly ensue. + +**For those who don’t think this is possible, Tim Geitner, NY Fed President during the 2008 Crisis, stated that in the aftermath of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, we were “**[**We were a few days away from the ATMs not working**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY_U)**” (start video at 46:07).** + +As inflation rips higher, the $24T Treasury market, and the $15.5T Corporate bond markets selloff hard. Soon they enter freefall as forced liquidations wipe leverage out of the system. Similar to 2008, credit markets begin to freeze up. Thousands of “zombie corporations”, firms held together only with razor thin margins and huge amounts of near zero yielding debt, begin to default. [One study by a Deutsche analyst](https://web.archive.org/web/20221020163208/https://fortune.com/2022/10/01/zombie-companies-debt-reckoning-interest-rates-soar-david-trainer/) puts the figure at 25% of companies in the S&P 500. + +**The Central Banks respond to the crisis as they always have- coming to the rescue with the money printer, like the** [**Bank of England did when they restarted QE**](https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/news/2022/september/bank-of-england-announces-gilt-market-operation)**, or how the** [**Bank of Japan began “emergency bond buying operations”.**](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/bank-japan-conduct-emergency-bond-buying-yen-teeters-near-150-2022-10-20/) + +**But this time is massive. They have to print more than ever before as the ENTIRE DEBT BASED FINANCIAL SYSTEM UNWINDS.** + +**QE Infinity begins. Trillions of Treasuries, MBS, Corporate bonds, and Bond ETFs are bought up. The only manner in which to prevent the bubble from imploding is by overwhelming the system with freshly printed cash. Everything is no-limit bid.** + +**The tsunami of new money floods into the system and a face ripping rally begins in every major asset class. This is the beginning of the melt-up phase.** + +**The Federal Reserve, within a few months, goes from owning 30% of the Treasury market, to 70% or more. The Bank of Japan is already at 70% ownership of certain JGB issuances, and some** [**bonds haven’t traded for a record number of days in an active market!**](https://www.wsj.com/articles/japan-bond-market-sets-record-for-nothing-happening-11665576046) + +**The Central Banks EAT the bond market. The “Lender of Last Resort” becomes “The Lender of Only Resort”.** + +**Another step towards hyperinflation. The Dragon crawls out of his lair.** + +&#x200B; + +[QE Process](https://preview.redd.it/453lthmhc43a1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=88cd7e3a4f30e35fd8ebfeac2f3ff2a889a76dfc) + +**Now the majority or even entirety of the new bond issuances from the Treasury are bought with printed money. Money supply must increase in tandem with federal deficits, fueling further inflation as more new money floods into the system.** + +**The Fed’s liquidity hose is now directly plugged into the veins of the real economy. The heroin of free money now flows in ever increasing amounts towards Main Street.** + +The same face-ripping rise seen in equities in 2020 and 2021 is now mirrored in the markets for goods and services. + +Prices for Food, gas, housing, computers, cars, healthcare, travel, and more explode higher. This sets off several feedback loops- the first of which is the wage-price spiral. As the prices of everything rise, real disposable income falls. + +Massive strikes and turnover ensues. Workers refuse to labor for wages that are not keeping up with their expenses. After much consternation, firms are forced to raise wages or see large scale work stoppages. + +&#x200B; + +[Wage-Price Spiral](https://preview.redd.it/leoj6nikc43a1.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=0845efe71276c1d0c2df4b99c2d031e157b91d6c) + +**These higher wages now mean the firm has higher costs, and thus must charge higher prices for goods. This repeats ad infinitum.** + +**The next feedback loop is monetary velocity- the number of times one dollar is spent to buy goods and services per unit of time. If the velocity of money is increasing, then more transactions are occurring between individuals in an economy.** + +The faster the dollar turns over, the more items it can bid for- and thus the more prices rise. Money velocity increasing is a key feature of a currency beginning to inflate away. In nations experiencing hyperinflation like Venezuela, where [money velocity was purported to be over 7,000 annually](https://www.jstor.org/stable/3839075)\- or more than 20 times a DAY. + +**As prices rise steadily, people begin to increase their inflation expectations, which leads to them going out and preemptively buying before the goods become even more expensive. This leads to hoarding and shortages as select items get bought out quickly, and whatever is left is marked up even more. ANOTHER feedback loop.** + +**Inflation now soars to 25%.** Treasury deficits increase further as the government is forced to spend more to hire and retain workers, and government subsidies are demanded by every corner of the populace as a way to alleviate the price pressures. + +**The government budget increases. Any hope of worker’s pensions or banks buying the new debt is dashed as the interest rates remain well below the rate of inflation, and real wages continue to fall. They thus must borrow more as the entire system unwinds.** + +**The Hyperinflationary Feedback loop kicks in, with exponentially increasing borrowing from the Treasury matched by new money supply as the Printer whirrs away.** + +**The Dragon begins his fiery assault.** + +&#x200B; + +[Hyperinflationary Feedback Loop](https://preview.redd.it/z1sxrt2pc43a1.jpg?width=591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064934130ee18df4b3ba0d3257b6858a662e4250) + +**As the dollar devalues, other central banks continue printing furiously. This phenomenon of being trapped in a debt spiral is not unique to the United States- virtually every major economy is drowning under excessive credit loads, as the average G7 debt load is 135% of GDP.** + +As the central banks print at different speeds, massive dislocations begin to occur in currency markets. Nations who print faster and with greater debt monetization fall faster than others, but all fiats fall together in unison in real terms. + +Global trade becomes extremely difficult. Trade invoices, which usually can take several weeks or even months to settle as the item is shipped across the world, go haywire as currencies move 20% or more against each other in short timeframes. Hedging becomes extremely difficult, as vol premiums rise and illiquidity is widespread. + +Amidst the chaos, a group of nations comes together to decide to use a new monetary media- this could be the [Special Drawing Right (SDR), a neutral global reserve currency created by the IMF](https://www.imf.org/en/About/Factsheets/Sheets/2016/08/01/14/51/Special-Drawing-Right-SDR). + +It could be a new commodity based money, similar to the old US Dollar pegged to Gold. + +Or it could be a peer-to-peer decentralized cryptocurrency with a hard supply limit and secure payment channels. + +**Whatever the case- it doesn't really matter. The dollar will begin to lose dominance as the World Reserve Currency as the new one arises.** + +**As the old system begins to die, ironically the dollar soars higher on foreign exchange- as there is a $20T global short position on the USD, in the form of leveraged loans, sovereign debt, corporate bonds, and interbank repo agreements.** + +All this dollar debt creates dollar DEMAND, and if the US is not printing fast enough or importing enough to push dollars out to satisfy demand, banks and institutions will rush to the Forex market to dump their local currency in exchange for dollars. + +This drives DXY up even higher, and then forces more firms to dump local currency to cover dollar debt as the debt becomes more expensive, in a vicious feedback loop. This is called the [Dollar Milkshake Theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDr3lRZ01Zo&t=1s&ab_channel=RealVisionFinance), posited by Brent Johnson of Santiago Capital. + +The global Eurodollar Market IS leverage- and as all leverage works, it must be fed with new dollars or risk bankrupting those who owe the debt. The fundamental issue is that this time, it is not banks, hedge funds, or even insurance giants- this is entire countries like Argentina, Vietnam, and Indonesia. + +&#x200B; + +[The Dollar Milkshake](https://preview.redd.it/nuopkwz7d43a1.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=09b16676b1e867fc4e93a5ac1086f15b084803da) + +If the Fed does not print to satisfy the demand needed for this Eurodollar market, the Dollar Milkshake will suck almost all global liquidity and capital into the United States, which is a net importer and has largely lost it’s manufacturing base- meanwhile dozens of developing countries and manufacturing firms will go bankrupt and be liquidated, causing a collapse in global supply chains not seen since the Second World War. + +**This would force inflation to rip above 50% as supply of goods collapses.** + +**Worse yet, what will the Fed do? ALL their choices now make the situation worse.** + +&#x200B; + +[The Fed's Triple Dilemma](https://preview.redd.it/da7rh8fbd43a1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=de03f31d69bbe9603316bbd1c96e526ffba67b6d) + +Many pundits will retort- “Even if we have to print the entire unfunded liability of the US, $160T, that’s 8 times current M2 Money Supply. So we’d see 700% inflation over two years and then it would be over!” + +This is a grave misunderstanding of the problem; as the Fed expands money supply and finances Treasury spending, inflation rips higher, forcing the AMOUNT THE TREASURY BORROWS, AND THUS THE AMOUNT THE FED PRINTS in the next fiscal quarter to INCREASE. Thus a 100% increase in money supply can cause a 150% increase in inflation, and on again, and again, ad infinitum. + +M2 Money Supply increased 41% since March 5th, 2020 and we saw an 18% realized increase in inflation (not CPI, which is manipulated) and a 58% increase in SPY (at the top). This was with the majority of printed money really going into the financial markets, and only stimulus checks and transfer payments flowing into the real economy. + +Now Federal Deficits are increasing, and in the next easing cycle, the Fed will be buying the majority of Treasury bonds. + +The next $10T they print, therefore, could cause additional inflation requiring another $15T of printing. This could cause another $25T in money printing; this cycle continues forever, like Weimar Germany discovered. + +**The $200T or so they need to print can easily multiply into the quadrillions by the time we get there.** + +**The Inflation Dragon consumes all in his path.** + +[Federal Net Outlays are currently around 30% of GDP](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FYONGDA188S). Of course, the government has tax receipts that it could use to pay for services, but as prices roar higher, the real value of government tax revenue falls. At the end of the Weimar hyperinflation, tax receipts represented less than 1% of all government spending. + +**This means that without Treasury spending, literally a third of all economic output would cease.** + +The holders of dollar debt begin dumping them en masse for assets with real world utility and value- even simple things such as food and gas. + +People will be forced to ask themselves- what matters more; the amount of Apple shares they hold or their ability to buy food next month? **The option will be clear- and as they sell, massive flows of money will move out of the financial economy and into the real.** + +**This begins the final cascade of money into the marketplace which causes the prices of everything to soar higher. The demand for money grows even larger as prices spike, which causes more Treasury spending, which must be financed by new borrowing, which is printed by the Fed. The final doom loop begins, and money supply explodes exponentially.** + +&#x200B; + +[German Hyperinflation](https://preview.redd.it/gscuurtgd43a1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f7fda8cf87b55613aa635e3c36888d8fa239101) + +Monetary velocity rips higher and eventually pushes inflation into the thousands of percent. Goods begin being re-priced by the day, and then by the hour, as the value of the currency becomes meaningless. + +A new money, most likely a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin, gains widespread adoption- becoming the preferred method and eventually the default payment mechanism. The State continues attempting to force the citizens to use their currency- but by now all trust in the money has broken down. The only thing that works is force, but even the police, military and legal system by now have completely lost confidence. + +**The Simulacrum breaks down as the masses begin to realize that the entire financial system, and the very currency that underpins it is a lie- an illusion, propped up via complex derivatives, unsustainable debt loads, and easy money financed by the Central Banks.** + +**Similar to Weimar Germany, confidence in the currency finally collapses as the public awakens to a long forgotten truth-** + +**There is no supply cap on fiat currency.** + +**Conclusion:** + +&#x200B; + +[QE Infinity](https://preview.redd.it/qbqc1gckd43a1.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38aab6d905d02efc2341b873a414f360843491d) + +&#x200B; + +When asked in 1982 what was the one word that could be used to define the Dollar, Fed Chairman Paul Volcker responded with one word- + +“Confidence.” + +All fiat money systems, unmoored from the tethers of hard money, are now adrift in a sea of illusion, of make-believe. The only fundamental props to support it are the trust and network effects of the participants. + +These are powerful forces, no doubt- and have made it so no fiat currency dies without severe pain inflicted on the masses, most of which are uneducated about the true nature of economics and money. + +But the Ships of State have wandered into a maelstrom from which there is no return. Currently, [total worldwide debt stands at a gargantuan $300 Trillion, equivalent to 356% of global GDP.](https://carnegieendowment.org/chinafinancialmarkets/86397#:~:text=Global%20debt%2C%20according%20to%20a,356%20percent%20of%20global%20GDP.) + +This means that even at low interest rates, interest expense will be higher than GDP- we can never grow our way out of this trap, as many economists hope. + +**Fiat systems demand ever increasing debt, and ever increasing money printing, until the illusion breaks and the flood of liquidity is finally released into the real economy. Financial and Real economies merge in one final crescendo that dooms the currency to die, as all fiats must.** + +**Day by day, hour by hour, the interest accrues.** + +**The Debt grows larger.** + +**And the Dollar Endgame Approaches.** + +&#x200B; + +\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +*Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. From reading my Post I cannot assess anything about your personal circumstances, your finances, or your goals and objectives, all of which are unique to you, so any opinions or information contained on this Post are just that – an opinion or information. Please consult a financial professional if you seek advice.* + +\*If you would like to learn more, check out my recommended reading list [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nSw9odLoExaq0oEBqIHrCK1Xj5KfyjBkGQZ93LTh34g/edit?usp=sharing). This is a dummy google account, so feel free to share with friends- none of my personal information is attached. You can also check out a Google docs version of my[ Endgame Series here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing). + +\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +I cleared this message with the mods; + +IF YOU WOULD LIKE to support me, you can do so my checking out the e-book version of the Dollar Endgame on my twitter profile: [https://twitter.com/peruvian\_bull/status/1597279560839868417](https://twitter.com/peruvian_bull/status/1597279560839868417) + +The paperback version is a work in progress. It's coming. + +THERE IS NO PRESSURE TO DO SO. THIS IS NOT A MONEY GRAB- the entire series is FREE! The reddit posts start HERE: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation\_is\_coming\_the\_dollar\_endgame\_part/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/) + +and there is a Google Doc version of the ENTIRE SERIES here: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1552Gu7F2cJV5Bgw93ZGgCONXeenPdjKBbhbUs6shg6s/edit?usp=sharing) + +Thank you ALL, and POWER TO THE PLAYERS. GME FOREVER + +\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ + +# You can follow my Twitter at [Peruvian Bull](https://twitter.com/peruvian_bull). This is my only account, and I will not ask for financial or personal information. All others are scammers/impersonators. +For some reason there is news only of the moratorium and not the merger. It is a good move for the long term actually. + +&#x200B; + +* Withdrawals capped at 25,000 +* Moratorium for 1 month - till Dec 16 +* Bank had losses for 3 years +* It has been under PCA since Sep 2019 +* An administrator appointed +* Shareholders had voted out all the Directors a few months ago +* DBS would bring in 2000cr+ to recapitalize the bank + * DBS is one of the largest banks in Singapore + +Some sources: + +[https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/under-moratorium-rbi-says-lvb-to-merge-with-dbs-6128361.html](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/under-moratorium-rbi-says-lvb-to-merge-with-dbs-6128361.html) + +[https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/lvb-brought-under-moratorium-until-16-dec-withdrawal-capped-at-rs-25-000-per-borrower-11605619769547.html](https://www.livemint.com/companies/news/lvb-brought-under-moratorium-until-16-dec-withdrawal-capped-at-rs-25-000-per-borrower-11605619769547.html) +Source: "Financial Wellbeing and General Life Satisfaction in Australia" + +Definition: "Financial literacy is the ability to understand and make sound financial decisions." + +Some key takeaways: +- "Only 26.3% of respondents answered all five financial literacy questions correctly" +- "Women, on average, had lower levels of financial literacy (only 53.77%) compared to men (70.19%)." +- "Women indicated that they are better able to meet their debt obligations, which suggests that, despite their lower level of financial skills, women seemed to be better skilled at managing their finances" +- "Younger adults, for example, those aged 18–24-years and 25–34 years, had the lowest level of financial literacy." + +Questions I am wondering: +- Why are most Australian's financially illiterate? +- What should be done to improve Australia's financial literacy? +- Why are women more financially illiterate? But does it even matter if they are the better financial managers? +- How do we help the young be better with money? + + +🚀🚀 Happycoin is not just a coin, it is a project with a purpose: To become a global supporter of mental health through donation, partnership, awareness and more. Many of the team have had their own experiences with mental health, so this is a personal mission. + +It’s a brand new project, but each day they are passing important milestones. + +Yesterday, **they had their first live AMA,** \- link to the VOD is here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/997277469](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/997277469) + +And now, **the whitepaper is LIVE.** You can view it by heading over to www.thehappycoin.co - go give it a read! + +Later today, **they will be making our first donation live on stream!** Stay tuned as they reveal the charity that’s being donated to!! + +**A $HAPPY recap:** + +Approaching 20,000 holders! 🚀 + +Passed $20m market cap on Day 2! 😲 + +Earn $Happy just by holding! **💰** + +With 5% of all transactions reflected to $HAPPY owners, the **charity wallet** that the developers have set aside from the initial liquidity pool is designed to be the top holder and continue expanding as the token sees exponential activity. + +With the charity wallet, the team will decide on a **new mental health organization to donate to every Friday,** ensuring that we share the love and keep our ears to the ground and to our community on where $HAPPY could best be spread 😊😊😊 + + +🚀🚀 This weekend is going to be BIG - It’s not too late to pick up some $HAPPY 🚀🚀, support a great cause and invest in a mission with huge potential. + + +LINKS: + +👉 [Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +👉 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/the_happy_coin) + +👉 [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/the_happy_coin/) + +👉 [Telegram](https://t.me/happy_coinTG) +👉 [Discord](http://www.discord.gg/happycoin) + +👉 [Pancakeswap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb0b924c4a31b7d4581a7f78f57cee1e65736be1d) +👉 [Chart](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) + + +🚀🚀 Happycoin is not just a coin, it is a project with a purpose: To become a global supporter of mental health through donation, partnership, awareness and more. Many of the team have had their own experiences with mental health, so this is a personal mission. + +It’s a brand new project, but each day they are passing important milestones. + +Yesterday, **they had their first live AMA,** \- link to the VOD is here: [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/997277469](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/997277469) + +And now, **the whitepaper is LIVE.** You can view it by heading over to www.thehappycoin.co - go give it a read! + +Later today, **they will be making our first donation live on stream!** Stay tuned as they reveal the charity that’s being donated to!! + +**A $HAPPY recap:** + +Approaching 20,000 holders! 🚀 + +Passed $20m market cap on Day 2! 😲 + +Earn $Happy just by holding! **💰** + +With 5% of all transactions reflected to $HAPPY owners, the **charity wallet** that the developers have set aside from the initial liquidity pool is designed to be the top holder and continue expanding as the token sees exponential activity. + +With the charity wallet, the team will decide on a **new mental health organization to donate to every Friday,** ensuring that we share the love and keep our ears to the ground and to our community on where $HAPPY could best be spread 😊😊😊 + + +🚀🚀 This weekend is going to be BIG - It’s not too late to pick up some $HAPPY 🚀🚀, support a great cause and invest in a mission with huge potential. + + +LINKS: + +👉 [Website](https://www.thehappycoin.co/) + +👉 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/the_happy_coin) + +👉 [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/the_happy_coin/) + +👉 [Telegram](https://t.me/happy_coinTG) +👉 [Discord](http://www.discord.gg/happycoin) + +👉 [Pancakeswap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xb0b924c4a31b7d4581a7f78f57cee1e65736be1d) +👉 [Chart](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D) +*Edit: Just to be clear, I am all for interviews like this ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rytn2f/hats_off_to_rod_alzmann_cofounder_of_gmeddcom_for/ ) where interviewee (u/Uberkikz11) A) takes the interview of their own volition, B) is a serious wrinkle with a documented track record of industry success, extreme industry credibility/integrity, and can undoubtedly go toe-to-toe with **anyone** in the MSM, and can masterfully handle anything they dish out with absolute class.* + + +== == == == == == == == == == + + +Had a few thoughts I want to share after reading this post tonight: *(https://i.redd.it/7cuxsxxhnga81.png -- https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rymhiu/the_smartest_move_this_subreddit_ever_made_was/)*: + +- All due respect to u/buttfarm69’s thought on this topic of MSM requests for interviews, but we absolutely should follow RC’s example all the way through MOASS: **Judge us by our actions, not our words.** (haha, bananas in the butt, sure, but you all know what I mean by our actions: BUY, DRS, HODL, DD, etc) + +- RC gave us the mother of all blueprints, and it is driving the obviously desperate MSM fucking batshit insane bc they have absolutely nothing to work with. It is so bad, the WSJ fucking LIED just so other MSM outlets could run with it as though it was legit, and the millions of normie investors never suspected a thing. + +- That is THE the way. There is no amount of *active, content-offering trolling* from apes, that could EVER be more effective than **passive, contentless, no-consent, no-endorsement, SILENT trolling** via making the dip shit MSM DO THEIR OWN FUCKING JOBS and report ONLY the facts: (https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rz3v8n/touchy_arent_we/ 👈 like that 👀) + +- It’s like a fucking high profile hunger strike + a vow of silence: The longer this goes on, the more deafening the silence will become...and the volume is already at fucking 11. + +#BY SAYING JACK SHIT FOR A WHOLE YEAR NOW, RC, GAMESTOP, AND ALL GAMESTOP INVESTORS HAVE FORCED THE DESPERATE MSM INTO A CORNER WHERE THEIR ONLY FUCKING OPTION IS TO MAKE. SHIT. UP. + +#WHY? BC THEY NEED SOMETHING, ANYTHING TO CRITICIZE AS THOUGH IT CAME FROM GAMESTOP. + +#AND WHEN GME DOES TAKE OFF, THEY’LL CLAIM THEY ALREADY TALKED ABOUT THE REASON FOR YESTERDAY’S AH SPIKE BEING NFT/CRYPTO NEWS FROM GAMESTOP, AND THEREFORE, IT MUST BE RETAIL AL-QAEDA EXTREMISTS THAT ARE TO BLAME FOR CRASHING THE MARKETS. + +#LET THAT SINK IN. + + + +🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +*EDIT:* + +*Don’t miss this incredibly important post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/* + +🟣🟣🟣🟣 + +🟣 +Hey everyone, + +I live in Spain and have managed to save €12K over the last two years. Right now, it’s sitting in my current account but I want to start investing. + +Thing is, I’ve no idea which platform to use. + +Any advice? + +I currently have a few hundred invested in individual stocks with Revolut (was just messing around). +**'The Jolly Roger is the traditional English name for the flags flown to identify a pirate ship about to attack'** + +Apple pushing Jon Stewart content on GameStop + illegal market actions against citadel prior to their release news + +citadel logo + ftx logo fit together like two... "FTX.US hires former Citadel Securities exec to 'massively scale' its crypto exchange- May 2021" + +bbby confirmation of illegal shorting a test to conclude GameStop is in the same basket + bring eyes to the volume spikes to drop price illegally + +melvin still losing billions & citadel taking their billions back, both underwater + +crypto scam pumps every week to short/long & grab liquidity, fast billion pumps if you track this data + +nickel pumping to $100k to show what can come for Gamestop + +Ken Griffin buys constitution around the same time planes were flying around citadel scandal banners, spun the media PR with constitution purchase. metaphorical for his buying of congress & everyone who turns a blind eye to blatant corruption via money from these funds + +GameStop staying lowkey with announcements but plans earnings on st Patricks day & Ryan Cohen's dads birthday + +Ryan cohen tweets about 'pirates,' pirates have been known for taking back what is theirs or taking over the enemy ship or Ryan cohen hinting at **'i am the captain now'** + +ryan cohen tweeting 'shorts' then tests his hypothesis on bbby with a big position that does make the dark pools go crazy to stabilize the price after the stock pumps... + +mainstream media still slandering cohen while other NETWORKS are backing him up \*\*cough cough\*\* APPLE+ + +apple joining the opposition pushing anti ken griffin/payment for order flow Bernie Madoff ponzinomics - bullish on Apple's world take over, including their checkmate attack on Facebook destroying ad revenue with their tracking removal in iPhones. + +apple has insane power over gaming, user base, development & data limited to them only. + +Twitter still censors the $GME $Gamestop tags, no way the tweet numbers are as low as advertised. NEW CEO brought in after jack was forced by hedge funds to step down. all part of the media control to limit what the public sees. remember, Twitter is the fastest form of media travel for social content in the world right now. therefore most dangerous to SHF. + +DRS numbers are at all-time high & apes are buying every single dip & moving to computer share = insane pressure on lack of real shares for scrambling organizations to find + +every day & every dip, fidelity buy to sell ratio is insanely bullish on buy-side + +all dips show strong support + have bounced in following days back into green territory + +DRS screenshots still flowing in massive numbers, x to xxxx holders are DRS + +david lauer still holding & still vocal in every regard to the corruption of wall street + mentioned DRS on his twitter spaces with thousands (respect) + +cohen calling out BBBY for not taking him seriously while BBBY is under SHF hostage take over to bankrupt the company into the well-known cellar box \*\*cough cough\*\* sears cellar box still moves + +DOJ investigating the corruption, Goldman Sachs Gary Gensler still playing it safe... blames congress for the current conditions "hands are tied" or most likely in a hostage-like situation due to his past... + +Gamestop + Imuttable moving funds around, IMX raised with a 2.5bn evaluation... 4x smaller than gamestop market cap while gamestop has entire world knowing its name (IP brand value alone of gamestop most likely worth billions) + +Zkrollups are layer 2 tech & big brain for gaming + eth + loopring + +Loopring continues to build the future of XXXXXXXXXXXX... + +DOJ ANNOUNCES SHORT-SELLING PROBE. + +Dark pools being pushed as corruption, mainstream 'corporate owned' media GameStop fud has slowed down since the DOJ probe announcement... nonetheless, still propaganda. + +Hedge funds worry about blind checkmates while Cohen is 10 steps ahead with his moves. + +Ken Griffin looks like he's aged 25 years off the booze in 2 years & possibly facing prison time once this comes to an end. + +**100% Utilization Day 20 - probably nothing** + +OIL pushing towards an all-time high a barrel. $6 gas at the pump in California, the entire country going up by the day. + +Robinhood still sucks ass & down only, only alive until GameStop moons. can see them tied together with movements until sneeze, RH is a safe haven support for leaching PFOF $$ into citadel hands until it cant. shitadel needs they need the money & probably a portapotty cuz the shorts be stinking. + +More outrage from the public about politicians' insider trading. + +Plunge protection team doing what they do. plunging shorts shit. + +Vix continues to increase higher & have random breakouts followed by balance dips to keep it from exploding. + +Major tech stocks continue to be sold off. + +META / Facebook DOWN BAD. lizardman loses $30bn in one trading day.. guhhhhh + +Some 'tech stocks' down 50-85% from ATH. + +Whistleblowers coming forth to SEC. + +XRT on the Securities threshold list. + +FTD data is disgusting. guhhhhhh + +ken griffin's jet tracker still going crazy. is ken holding Russian oligarch money????? + +Evergrande bankrupt 20 times & still not dead. domino that hasn't fallen but will. + +Russia's market cliffed itself. their Stock market is still closed. + +Used cars selling for the price of new cars. + +fidelity exposed for lending out shares, apes move to DRS. lendable shares drop in following weeks by big numbers. + +SEC caught red-handed using the same FTD data, WUT DOING GOLDMAN GARY, guhhh Gary, get it together before the DOJ comes for sec... or maybe that's exactly what we need. SEC low budget yet fines hedge funds 1mm after the clear 100s/mm. SEC is a mall cop, what that mfer gonna do? nothing. + +Jon Stewart + Apple TV drop infographic of the year exposing the Ponzi scheme of payment for order flow so everyone with 0 IQ to 180 IQ can understand. retard proofed graphic. includes call out for Citadel + Ken Griffin + Bernie Madoff + +Elon musk calls out shorting on his twitter. + +Ex Banker Tobin Mulshine says in a video they could click buttons and naked short in seconds. + +Vlad hasn't stepped down which is great as Robinhood continues to get ransacked by pirates. + +**Dr. Trimbath questioned: "What are your thoughts on Citadel's financial statement released today? $65b of securities sold but not yet purchased?" Answer: "They were allowed to take your money and give you nothing."** + +**RICO RICO RICO RICO ????? KEN GRIFFIN can you feel the walls closing in?** + +**The internet continues to be the greatest detective of public information to factually release information that counters everything the agenda is pushing against us. If the shorts closed, the pressure wouldn't be building every single day. Read this brain dump a few times.** + +happy tuesday, DRS or you won't have a gf or wife when we go to Valhalla. no dates. the DD is real. + +edit: adhd brain release in full effect. enjoy. as an nft creator whose artist life has been changed due to NFTS, i 100% support the future of NFTs across many different markets. + +**POWER TO THE PLAYERS. POWER TO THE CREATORS. POWER TO THE BUILDERS. POWER TO THE INNOVATORS. POWER TO THE PEOPLE.** + +**edit 2: PINATA confirms GameStop partnerships for NFT marketplace** + +Edit 3: I’ll fucking dance once the criminals are in a cell. No cell no sell! +edit 4: never expected this to pop off & be viewed over 400k times, with that said, all my shares are have been DRS but do not wish to showcase the doc on my public Reddit. mods can contact for proof if desired. XXX +Thanks to old posts on Redditt - I am posting Finviz screeners that other investors are using. +If you have feedback, corrections or want to share your favorites, please post below. + +&#x200B; + +1. **Shorted stocks -** [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=cap\_smallover,geo\_usa,sh\_avgvol\_o500,sh\_curvol\_o500,sh\_opt\_optionshort,sh\_price\_o3,sh\_relvol\_o1,sh\_short\_high&o=-shortinterestshare](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=cap_smallover,geo_usa,sh_avgvol_o500,sh_curvol_o500,sh_opt_optionshort,sh_price_o3,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_high&o=-shortinterestshare) +2. **Short squeeze** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=sh\_avgvol\_o100,sh\_instown\_u50,sh\_price\_o2,sh\_short\_o15&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=sh_avgvol_o100,sh_instown_u50,sh_price_o2,sh_short_o15&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare) +3. **Weekly** **Earnings gap up** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=earningsdate\_tomorrowafter,sh\_avgvol\_o400,sh\_curvol\_o50,sh\_short\_u25,ta\_averagetruerange\_o0.5,ta\_gap\_u2&ft=4&o=-perfytd](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=earningsdate_tomorrowafter,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_curvol_o50,sh_short_u25,ta_averagetruerange_o0.5,ta_gap_u2&ft=4&o=-perfytd) +4. **Bankruptcy squeeze candidates** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=fa\_pb\_low,sh\_short\_o30&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=fa_pb_low,sh_short_o30&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare) +5. **Potential uptrend from weekly lows** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh\_avgvol\_o400,ta\_pattern\_channelup,ta\_perf\_1wdown&ft=4&o=perf1w](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh_avgvol_o400,ta_pattern_channelup,ta_perf_1wdown&ft=4&o=perf1w) +6. **Bounce at moving average** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh\_avgvol\_o400,sh\_curvol\_o2000,sh\_relvol\_o1,ta\_sma20\_pa,ta\_sma50\_pb&ft=4&o=-perf1w](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh_avgvol_o400,sh_curvol_o2000,sh_relvol_o1,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma50_pb&ft=4&o=-perf1w) +7. **Oversold reversal** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=sh\_price\_o5,sh\_relvol\_o2,ta\_change\_u,ta\_rsi\_os30&ft=4&o=price](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=sh_price_o5,sh_relvol_o2,ta_change_u,ta_rsi_os30&ft=4&o=price) +8. **Oversold with upcoming earnings** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap\_smallover,earningsdate\_thismonth,fa\_epsqoq\_o15,fa\_grossmargin\_o20,sh\_avgvol\_o750,sh\_curvol\_o1000,ta\_perf\_52w10o,ta\_rsi\_nob50&ft=4&o=perfytd](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap_smallover,earningsdate_thismonth,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_grossmargin_o20,sh_avgvol_o750,sh_curvol_o1000,ta_perf_52w10o,ta_rsi_nob50&ft=4&o=perfytd) +9. **New highs -** [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=an\_recom\_buy,sh\_price\_u7,ta\_change\_u,ta\_highlow20d\_nh,ta\_highlow50d\_nh,ta\_highlow52w\_nh,ta\_perf\_dup&ft=4&o=-perf1w](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=an_recom_buy,sh_price_u7,ta_change_u,ta_highlow20d_nh,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_highlow52w_nh,ta_perf_dup&ft=4&o=-perf1w) +10. **Breaking out** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa\_debteq\_u1,fa\_roe\_o20,sh\_avgvol\_o100,ta\_highlow50d\_nh,ta\_sma20\_pa,ta\_sma200\_pa,ta\_sma50\_pa&ft=4&o=-perf1w](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_debteq_u1,fa_roe_o20,sh_avgvol_o100,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_pa,ta_sma50_pa&ft=4&o=-perf1w) +11. **SMA crossover** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa\_pe\_profitable,sh\_avgvol\_o400,sh\_relvol\_o1,sh\_short\_low,ta\_beta\_o1,ta\_sma50\_cross20b&ft=4](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_pe_profitable,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_low,ta_beta_o1,ta_sma50_cross20b&ft=4) +12. **High Earnings growth** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa\_epsqoq\_o25,fa\_epsyoy\_o25,fa\_epsyoy1\_o25,fa\_salesqoq\_o25,sh\_avgvol\_o400,ta\_rsi\_nos50,ta\_sma200\_pa&ft=4&o=-perfytd](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_epsqoq_o25,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o25,fa_salesqoq_o25,sh_avgvol_o400,ta_rsi_nos50,ta_sma200_pa&ft=4&o=-perfytd) +13. **High Sales growth -** [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa\_debteq\_u0.5,fa\_roe\_o15,fa\_sales5years\_o20,fa\_salesqoq\_o20,sh\_avgvol\_o200,sh\_instown\_o60,sh\_price\_o5,sh\_short\_u5&ft=4](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa_debteq_u0.5,fa_roe_o15,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_avgvol_o200,sh_instown_o60,sh_price_o5,sh_short_u5&ft=4) +14. **High relative volume** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=fa\_curratio\_o1,fa\_epsqoq\_o15,fa\_quickratio\_o1,fa\_salesqoq\_o15,sh\_avgvol\_o400,sh\_price\_o5,sh\_relvol\_o1.5,ta\_sma20\_pa,ta\_sma200\_sb50,ta\_sma50\_sa200&ft=4&o=instown](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=fa_curratio_o1,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_quickratio_o1,fa_salesqoq_o15,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_price_o5,sh_relvol_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_sb50,ta_sma50_sa200&ft=4&o=instown) +15. **Consistent growth on a bullish trend** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa\_eps5years\_pos,fa\_epsqoq\_o20,fa\_epsyoy\_o25,fa\_epsyoy1\_o15,fa\_estltgrowth\_pos,fa\_roe\_o15,sh\_instown\_o10,sh\_price\_o15,ta\_highlow52w\_a90h,ta\_rsi\_nos50&ft=4&o=-perfytd](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_eps5years_pos,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o15,fa_estltgrowth_pos,fa_roe_o15,sh_instown_o10,sh_price_o15,ta_highlow52w_a90h,ta_rsi_nos50&ft=4&o=-perfytd) +16. **Buy and Hold value** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap\_microover,fa\_curratio\_o1.5,fa\_estltgrowth\_o10,fa\_peg\_o1,fa\_roe\_o15,ta\_beta\_o1.5,ta\_sma20\_pa&ft=4&o=-forwardpe](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap_microover,fa_curratio_o1.5,fa_estltgrowth_o10,fa_peg_o1,fa_roe_o15,ta_beta_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa&ft=4&o=-forwardpe) +17. **Undervalued dividend growth** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=cap\_largeover,fa\_div\_pos,fa\_epsyoy1\_o5,fa\_estltgrowth\_o5,fa\_payoutratio\_u50,fa\_pe\_u20,fa\_peg\_low&ft=4&o=-pe](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=cap_largeover,fa_div_pos,fa_epsyoy1_o5,fa_estltgrowth_o5,fa_payoutratio_u50,fa_pe_u20,fa_peg_low&ft=4&o=-pe) +18. **Low PE value** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap\_smallunder,fa\_pb\_low,fa\_pe\_low,fa\_peg\_low,fa\_roa\_pos,fa\_roe\_pos,sh\_price\_o5&ft=4&o=-perfytd](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap_smallunder,fa_pb_low,fa_pe_low,fa_peg_low,fa_roa_pos,fa_roe_pos,sh_price_o5&ft=4&o=-perfytd) +19. **CANSLIM** \- [https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa\_eps5years\_o20,fa\_epsqoq\_o20,fa\_epsyoy\_o20,fa\_sales5years\_o20,fa\_salesqoq\_o20,sh\_curvol\_o200&ft=4](https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa_eps5years_o20,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o20,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_curvol_o200&ft=4) + +Hope everyone finds it as useful as I did. +Ive had the same tenants in my property for the last four years at the same rate. They have not missed a single month in that time frame. My rents are probably 150/200$ cheaper than most comps in the area for a 2bedroom unit. My issue obviously over the last 4 years my taxes have increase and who doesnt wanna get more rent if the market calls for it. + +Is it worth causing an issue with a good renter over 100$? Or do i owe it to myself to better my business and move forward with a reasonable +Increase. Whats the best way to handle this situation? + +Edit 1 : (current rent is 1000$) +Edit 2: Location is Rhode Island +I read today that if China where to sell US debt, treasury bills (1.3 Trillion dollars +/-) I believe to other countries then that would cause an event similar to 2008 financial crisis, or worse. If US debt was sold, wouldn’t we just owe the buyers of the debt the debt payments? + +What would actually happen, if China offloaded US debt? + +Thanks +Just posting in solidarity with my fellow clowns (too poor for official loss porn over at WSB)! + +Usually I’m super conservative with my money, but decided to YOLO for once after buying into the hype. Bought on Monday at market open, straight downhill since and no end in sight. Probably just going to hold long term and see where it goes - not really worth selling at this point*** + +Context: I’m a student living at home, and still have *60k in cash, 10k in ETFs and 10k+ guaranteed income this year. This is money I can throw down the drain without changing my lifestyle or future plans at all. So, just to reinforce the oft-said advice: don’t gamble money you can’t afford to lose! + +THE UPSIDES +- Reconsidering my life choices! If I just yoloed away more than half a year’s worth of income at my part time job, do I really need to make myself miserable just to feel adequate? +- Got me to open a US account - I never would’ve bothered otherwise +- Motivated me to transfer more money into stocks for (responsible) investing instead of just letting it rot away in a HISA (or really a LISA at this point, because HISAs don’t exist currently apart from westpac, which I’ve already maxed out, and BOQ, where the 10k max isn’t worth the hassle). This is something I’d been procrastinating on for months. +- Proving to myself that I am level-headed enough to handle fluctuations/the loss in general +- Lesson learnt that FOMO is bad, and internet trends are fleeting +- Learned a bit about options and all that funky stock market shit +- My friends’ reactions were pretty funny (“you spent NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS on fucking gme and you’re here agonising over paying 95c more for postage?????”) + +THE DOWNSIDES +- feels bad man, stonks do not go brrr +- staring at the numbers for my daily self esteem boost is now off the table for a while :( +- I’m being bombarded by etoro ads on all platforms + +Edit: forgot I had 15k sitting in SW, updated accordingly + +***Edit 2: to everyone talking about sunk cost fallacy - personally, I know I’d feel worse if I sold now, took the 1.5k, then watched it go up later, as opposed to holding and seeing it literally go to zero. I never viewed this as an investment. It was a “fuck it” gamble from the start, so I’m going along with whatever makes me happier rather than the supposedly correct thing to do. + +Edit 3: so I held until the spike and ended up selling at 301... +Based on current reports, the deal between Churchill and Lucid involves a $2B investment @ $12B valuation. This works out to CCIV's market cap representing just 16.7% of Lucid's total value. + +By that math, the current stock price of about $61 represents a market cap of $94B! They haven't shipped a single car, and they're worth more than NIO. In fact, they're worth **more than two Ford Motor Companies**. + +If you've got money in CCIV, take it and run while you still can. +April 18th has passed, so the posts have died down a bit, but let this post serve as a reference for the future. + +Got a tax question? Talk to a tax professional. + +Seriously. + +Everyone's tax situation is different. What works for one person may not work for another. Tax is an area where law and accounting interact. It does not fully belong to either. + +How do I know all this? I'm a tax professional who has been in the business over a decade and done 10s of thousands of tax returns, and save clients about 30 million a year in tax overall. No, I don't want your business. The vast majority of you are giant pains in the ass (but in a lovable way). It's OK, I understand. I was once an engineer myself. But I've reformed. + +Now, there are different roles in the tax world, and I will walk you through some of them to help you make more educated decisions. + +**Tax preparer** \- this is the person who is actually filling out the forms. Tax preparation is a *relatively* low value skill. It's sophisticated data entry. It does need to be done correctly and accurately though. + +**Tax attorney** \- this is a lawyer who specializes in tax matters. It could be lawsuits/audits against the IRS. It could be crafting tax policy. It could be dealing with local zoning boards for businesses. It could be creating trusts. Tax attorneys are involved in lots of things at a high level and fees are going to be correspondingly high. Average Joe is probably never going to interact with a tax attorney in his life. fatFIRE John might though, depending on what sorts of things he is involved in. + +**Tax planner** \- this is actually what most of the posts are asking about. How do I pay less in tax? That's a tax planner's bread and butter. A tax planner's job is to look at your current situation as well as your future plans and come up with a combination of strategies to lower your overall tax burden. There is a good deal of specialization in tax planning as there are carve-outs in tax legislation for all different kinds of things. Random example, restaurants have a tax credit for actually paying their tipped staff's FICA contributions. That doesn't apply to anything else, but if you own a restaurant you're going to want to know about it. So if you are a restaurant owner, make sure you talk to a tax planner who understands the restaurant industry. Fees tend be on the higher end of middling here (mid 4-figs to mid 5-figs in most cases). But any tax plan should pay for itself many times over and that savings should be demonstrable. + +*These categories are not mutually exclusive*. A tax attorney might also prepare taxes. But when you are trying to figure out who to talk to, keep these roles in mind. + +Some FAQs: + +Q: **how do I find one of these people?** \- most important question + +A: Like any professional service, referrals is the best way. More specifically, **referrals from people in your type of situation**. The needs of a someone making 500k W-2 and investing in vanguard funds is completely different from the needs of someone running a business making 500k in total owner compensation. + +If you can't get referrals, probably your next best bet is to find some candidates on LinkedIn and talk to each. Everybody has their own style of communication and methods. You need to be on the same page as your tax pro when it comes to how you communicate, how often, what the expectations are, and so on. + +Note: this might be next-best, but it's a significant step down from good referrals. + +Third best, check with industry groups like NATP and NSTP. They'll have indexes of members in good standing. + +Q: so-and-so is a CPA and said such-and-such (OK, that wasn't actually a question) + +A: See above roles in the tax world. CPA (certified public accounting) actually has little to do with tax. But over the years there has been a lot of conflation of terms because 1, people not in the business don't know what they are talking about, and 2, a lot of CPAs also do tax work. What role is this person fulfilling? If they are just doing tax prep then they probably are not aware of tax planning opportunities. They also aren't going to be representing you in tax court. Make sure you know what kind of professional you are talking to. + +Q: I'm a highly paid SWE, what can I do to save on tax? - most common question + +A: Again, talk to a tax planner. But recognize that you are the milk cow that supports the farm here. A highly paid employee is in the worst tax position. Still, given your skillset it is often worth the tax hit to make the income that you do. + +Especially since Trump's 2018 tax reform (TCJA) the *vast* majority of tax planning opportunities has gone over the business side. Sure, you can still do a DAF or max out your qualified plans, but generally you are going to be nibbling around the edges of your overall tax liability. If you become a highly paid employee and get involved in some kind of business, your options expand. + +Q: How much should I expect to pay for tax work? + +A: Depends on what you are doing. Some firms charge by the form, some charge by the hour, some charge flat rates, some pick a number out of the air depending on what they are feeling they can get from you. For fatFIRE types, you're probably going to be spending in the 1-5k range in most cases for the actual prep. More if it includes other services like bookkeeping, planning work (much more), etc. + +Q: What about this one specific question I have about my taxes? + +A: It depends. It depends on how everything else in your tax life interacts with that one thing. That's why you need to talk to a tax professional who can get the whole picture. + +OK, I feel better. + +Looking into moving my investments from Vanguard Lifestrategy 100 due to the over reliance on UK equities. + +The common advice is to use the vanguard global all-cap fund. I am slightly apprehensive as this gives even more weight to the US stock market. + +Going off my university studies (international relations) over the medium and long term the US will not be the global power it has been the last 70 years and there is a pivot to Asia. + +The west economic growth is going to struggle whilst China and Asia is only going to continue as they begin to reach western living standards. + +My question to you is why should I NOT be putting my money into equities from emerging countries considering the points above. I am new to investing so it may be I misunderstand how the stock market works. + +Having 55% of my investment in US stocks seems like way over reliant on the US doing well economically. If, or more likely, when the US enters another financial crisis and/or recession then my investments would surely drop dramatically. I am worried about this due to the issues of the US has as a country (financial deregulation, trump, etc). Surely diversifying across more of Asia makes more sense as they may avoid a US crisis? + +All just questions and I am wanting to learn more. + +If anyone does agree with my position. Then how would you diversify using Vanguard or other etfs? +The President of El Salvador has announced that he will make #Bitcoin legal tender in his country. El Salvador will be the first country to hold bitcoin in its reserves. +For anyone living under a rock, Mt Gox was the first large bitcoin exchange and robbed thousands of people of millions of dollars before going insolvent. + +Another fun cozy fact: Mt Gox had over 1.5B USD in stolen BTC remaining since dissolving. Settled for 400mm USD with disgruntled investors. As an aside, Mark Karpeles, former owner of Gox, ends up reportedly collecting over 800mm USD from defrauding customers. + +For more info: + +https://twitter.com/dfiebsy/status/971500131303542784 + +Fast forward to today and, well, that settlement was distributed out from December to end of February and the trading activity was unraveled fantastically by Matt Odell on Twitter here: + +https://twitter.com/matt_odell/status/971374555603324928 + +The best eye candy in all of this is this chart documenting the liquidated settlement BTC in correspondence with nearly every pullback experienced within the time frame of their tranches of sell offs from start to finish: + +https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DXs4OekXcAYyg5b.jpg:large + +It's a hard pressed argument to deny this at least had a hand in the 2018 correction. Who better to cause it than Gox? + +It baffles me how the brilliant Thomas Peterffy goes on CNBC and explains exactly what happened to the market during the Game Stop roller coaster last month, yet CNBC remains clueless. It was painful to see the journalists barely understanding anything that came out of this guy’s mouth. + +I highly recommend the commentary below to anyone who wants a simple 3 minute summary of what happened last month. + +[Interactive Brokers’ Thomas Peterffy on GameStop ](https://www.cnbc.com/video/2021/02/17/interactive-brokers-thomas-peterffy-on-gamestop-hearing.html?__source=iosappshare%7Ccom.apple.UIKit.activity.CopyToPasteboard) + +EDIT: +Sharing a second interview he did with Bloomberg: +[Peterffy: Markets Were 'Frighteningly Close' to Collapse Amid GameStop Turmoil ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-02-18/peterffy-markets-came-close-to-breaking-amid-gamestop-turmoil-video) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Find the latest Altcoin Discussion thread in [this search listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=author%3Aautomoderator+title%3Aaltcoin&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=all). + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! +Some of as have been around to see some truly next lvl shit. This current price action doesn't even effect my pulse anymore. I expect this to straight down to 80 in 10 min, or jump up to 250. Those are the kinds of movements that might be worthy of a post. Please save us the "wut doin" posts at single digit % changes. + +&#x200B; + +I'm not the only one that feels this way am I? +Some of as have been around to see some truly next lvl shit. This current price action doesn't even effect my pulse anymore. I expect this to straight down to 80 in 10 min, or jump up to 250. Those are the kinds of movements that might be worthy of a post. Please save us the "wut doin" posts at single digit % changes. + +&#x200B; + +I'm not the only one that feels this way am I? +"In March [$ABNB](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24ABNB&src=cashtag_click) was cut to $18 billion by investors. Eight months later, Airbnb is a $100 billion company on IPO day. That works out to growth of about $10 billion a month, for a travel company, during a global pandemic. Enjoy your stay. It is the rare IPO with history of profits." + +$ABNB worth more than Bookings $BKNG ($87B company) +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Hi Apes, + +I found an irregularity to the news regarding the loss of Melvin. + +Now it is important that you use your own head. I'm just pointing out what I noticed. + +I would also like that you correct me at any time if I'm wrong. This is the most important part of this whole sub! + +&#x200B; + +This is all mere speculation and please again point out ANY flaws you can find! + +I assume that the news were planted. + +A really good write up on why was already posted by u/JustBeingPuny in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mo038k/04102021_the_fud_news_on_melvin_stop_believing/) post. + +I want to add, that something on the upvotes is really off. + +Notice how both posts have a lot more upvotes than the rest? + +&#x200B; + +[43.1k hmm thats strange....](https://preview.redd.it/rdjpvsjt3es61.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9d8a10263aafb200c700a1a4a934fdbe48ef77b) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Same Message 24.0k upvotes](https://preview.redd.it/fai6cq934es61.png?width=705&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc4046cf8a9ccb9ea32d9d21c9c41e3fd0200763) + +Okay just compare this to our beloved news of u/rensole. + +&#x200B; + +[Around 10k upvotes on each](https://preview.redd.it/ah8cpdde4es61.png?width=1002&format=png&auto=webp&s=213be3e8e76501ced83e62eb8bc5a905541e62d5) + +Now let's take a look at u/atobitt + +&#x200B; + +[Around 20k Upvotes](https://preview.redd.it/zzedr7y25es61.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=c83c4e0acbd975306d9175d301ab7321c2bf6d9b) + +Notice here how the Everything short has 31k. However this was posted on GME and it was an important write up. + +&#x200B; + +Now let's take a look at u/WardenElite + +&#x200B; + +[Around 6 to 10k upvotes](https://preview.redd.it/wva57rbo6es61.png?width=1597&format=png&auto=webp&s=33a9c7082d42d7f61369ff6dbe6437bf1671ae6f) + +Now I am not calling out the users who posted the screenshots as shills because they might as well could have been just celebrating apes. + +However letting posts of reposts of some dumb internet article rise that fast is quite critical. There were no fact checks and there were no sources. Just those screenshots. I even saw some more of them. So please think about this with your cortex and not your amygdala! + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +My opinion: + +I think it was planted and the hedgefunds might have found our Achilles heel of us. + +Celebrating and pushing *'seemingly good'* news on our beloved ape sub. Getting a lot of upvotes fast! + +Now this can be used in two things. + +Either pushing a narrative on us that is not the truth which will hurt us in the long run as they already did in the past. + +Or testing a way on how to diverge us from our lovely tendies. + +Now how exactly could this happen. Even when we do not do dates, there is seemingly a lot of hype for next week. This seems to me like they are trying a fake squeeze. I haven't followed up the exact margin calls but hopefully a more wrinkly brain could give them to me maybe? I can add them here as soon as possible. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +Closing words: + +Apes we need to grow wrinkles fast! Think if something is wrong. Always think what kind of narrative they could pinpoint on us! + +Again correct me if I am mistaken!!! + +Apes cheers together! + +EDIT: I'm an ape I can't spell or write! (Spelling and Grammar) + +EDIT2: Stop giving me awards I just looked at upvotes nothing special. Give it to the real heros! + +EDIT3: Some apes have pointed out that news like that short and simple are just easier to digest, so rising up more easily. This might as well be the case just wanted to point it out! + +EDIT4: Alot of arguments against a fake squeeze is that institutions would be margin called along the way. This might be true. Can some wrinkle also write a DD about this? + +EDIT5: I want to express my Achilles heel argument a little more. *puts on tinfoil hat* If they can push such things and we dance to it then we are still their puppets. Then they can say Oh look they danced to it see this needs to be shut down. And the article that reddit says more to go is the best example of it. Simply some here commented that. And then suddenly we are being generalised into those few of us. If this was successful once it can be done again. + +EDIT6: Even the one who posted the Screenshot commented here and found it quite strange!!! +https://twitter.com/jmwind/status/1250816681024331777 + +Goes along with what WIX said the other day about their belief that their platform would fare well in an economic crisis (WIX letter to investors on 4/13: https://5414c2cd-af59-4a47-a3e3-ef0b620af461.filesusr.com/ugd/9a25f2_677ae7b43b894ed5b95158302dda63c0.pdf) and they were already seeing evidence of that with the traffic/engagement they were seeing. + +Said in this thread two days ago: https://old.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/g1ebgm/shopify/ + +That if Wix was seeing increasing engagement that Shopify would likely also be. If Shopify is seeing this level of traffic, imagine what Amazon is seeing. If people aren't in stores, they're apparently still very much online. Stock already way off the lows of March, but in any case an interesting note that they are seeing that level of traffic now on a daily basis. E-commerce benefiting during this and likely to get a long-term boost. +With budgets being squeezed we looked at possibly giving up our local butcher for our monthly/2 monthly shop and instead using the supermarket to save money. + +We use the butcher since the quality is many times better, they’re friendly, and deliver for free whenever we order. I can’t stand cheap meat full of gristle and nearly gave it up completely until we found our local butcher during the lockdowns. + +After doing some sleuthing on Reddit, many people believe the butcher is at least twice the cost of the supermarket, which I couldn’t quite believe since how do they even survive? I decided to compare our latest order of raw meats to that of the most popular supermarket to see the difference in pricing against an equivalent product and the cheapest that I could see. You may be able to find cheaper in store, shopping around, or reaching into the depths of the frozen food aisle. + +Now, I’m hardly Martin Lewis and so this isn’t scientific in the slightest, just working out from the website as if I was going to place an order for delivery. Issues immediately arose in the pack sizes, particularly with bacon, which you can see below. + +**Diced Beef Shin - 1.5KG - £12.12** + +* Cheapest: £11.25 +* [Frozen Casserole beef 500g £3.75 (£7.50 KG)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/260067183) + +* Equivalent: £15 +* [Finest Diced Beef 400g £5 (£12.50kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/285104502) + +*Tesco don’t sell beef shin, so I’ve used their standard diced beef.* + + + +**Diced Lamb - 1.5KG - £23.30** + +* Cheapest: £17.50 +* [Diced Lamb Shoulder 300g - £3.50 (11.67kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/304410983) + +* Equivalent: £22.50 +* [Diced Lamb Leg 300g - £4.50 (£15kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/282524801) + + + +**4 Lamb Shanks - 2.2KG - £23.80** + +* Cheapest: £20.70 +* [Acre Lane 2 Lamb Shanks in Mint Gravy 800g - £6.90 (£8.63kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/304799925) + +* Equivalent: £24 +* [Tesco 2X Lamb Shanks In Red Wine Gravy 780G £8 (£10.26/kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/299803088) + +*Here you would end up with more shanks (ready to warm through as opposed to cooking from raw), but less weight on each.* + + + +**16 Thick Pork Sausages - 1.3KG - £10.77** + +* Cheapest: £2.40 +* [Woodside Farms 8 Pork Sausages 454G - £0.80 (1.77kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/309169206) + +* Equivalent: £8 +* [Tesco Finest 10 Pork Sausages 667G - £4 (£6kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/280010485) + +*Contentious one; I wouldn’t eat an 80p pack of sausages if you paid me. The Finest pack nets you an extra 4 sausages, but then ordering from the butcher also netted me 8 extra sausages as a thank-you gift.* + + + +**20 Smoked Streaky Bacon Rashers - 600G - £6** + +* Cheapest: £4 +* [Tesco Smoked Streaky Bacon 300G - £2 (£6.67kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/281037392) + + +* Equivalent: £8.25 +* [Tesco Finest* Smoked Dry Cure Streaky Bacon 240G - £2.75 (£11.46kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/261992145) + +*Another contentious one, since you’d technically have to buy 3 packs of the Finest bacon due to weight, as I felt missing 120g from 2 packs wasn’t a fair comparison. Either way, I’d say cut this down the middle and agree that the butcher and supermarket are roughly the same price for good bacon.* + + + +**6 Chicken Breasts - 1.3KG - £11.13** + + +* Cheapest: £5.45 +* [Willow Farm Chicken Breast Portions 900G -1.2Kg - £5.45 (£5.20kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/304797305) + +* Equivalent: £14 +* [Tesco Room To Roam British Chicken Breast 650g - £7 (£10.77kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/250536058) + +*The chickens from the butchers are grain fed but I felt it unfair to compare to the organic Tesco product, so I’ve gone down the middle with their “Room To Roam” chicken.* + + + + +**Beef Brisket - 1KG - £10.75** + +* Only one on offer: £9 +* [Fresh Beef Brisket Slow- Roast £9 (£9kg)](https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/257904508) + +*Considerable difference in size on these; butcher’s brisket is at least twice the size for the same weight, so we cut it in half and get two roasts from it.* + + + +**Totals:** + +* Butcher order: £97.87 +* Equivalent Tesco order: £100.75 +* Cheapest Tesco order: £70.30 + + + +That’s my findings. The totals for Tesco can decrease or increase depending on pack size, whether you want frozen cheap meats, in-store offers etc, and your local butcher’s price will obviously vary, but I think that it’s a decent ball-park figure to go by. + + +Also consider the savings in plastic packaging, and additional costs of freezer bags or greaseproof paper to divide up sausages and bacon if you’re freezing your order. + +*edit: as some point out, there are cheaper supermarkets such as Aldi and Lidl. I don’t shop there aside from the odd snack, and their prices aren’t online. If you wish to get the info from instore (prices, pack size, quantity, quality, etc) then I’m more than happy to add on here.* +A collection of files from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network that is largely composed of so-called "suspicious activity reports" covering $2 trillion in transactions from 1999 to 2017 shows that major banks, such as **JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Deutsche Bank**, and **Bank of New York Mellon** knowingly move money for **drug cartels**, the **Taliban** and other **organized crime enterprises**. + +While at least some of these transactions are caught and documented in internal audits, which may then even be reported to the authorities, neither the banks nor the authorities are making much of an effort to put an end to these. The authors of the article suggest that the banks just want to keep the business while officials fear cracking down on the banks as it might set negative precedents that would require them to take legal action against dozens of banks, causing enormous economic damage and political fallout. + +While this shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone, it's interesting to see how this system emerged over the past two decades. I also wasn't aware that the authorities were complicit in it to this extent. I suspect that this leak won't have much of an impact, though - neither on the banks, nor on the market. I will definitely keep an eye on some of the big finance symbols on Monday, though. + +Sources: + +[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jasonleopold/fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks) + +[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54226107](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-54226107) + +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinCEN\_Files](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FinCEN_Files) + +[https://media.icij.org/uploads/2020/09/download\_data\_fincen\_files.zip](https://media.icij.org/uploads/2020/09/download_data_fincen_files.zip) +Hello Reddit, + +I am being offered a position at a tech company as an independent contractor under 1099 for $90,000/year with no benefits. I am also being offered a position at an architecture firm under W2 for $65,000/year with benefits (PTO, insurance plans, 401K matching, etc). + +I am 24 and single. I am leaning towards the tech position due to how big of a difference the yearly salary is. However, am I overlooking how important benefits are? What makes the most sense financially? + +edit: The 401k match is 100% match up to 3% then 50% match up to 5%. + +As for health insurance, I don’t know how much it would cost yet for the $65,000 position, but for the $90,000 position I will probably pay about $400/mo for health insurance. +We didn’t come this far to break even + +In the famous words of Conor McGregor, +“We didn’t come to take part, we came to take over” + +Everyone and their wife’s boyfriend know that GEE EM EE IS ON THE 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 to the furthest galaxy known to man. +But keep in mind we didn’t come this far with our 💎👐🏼 just to break even. Stay strong on this. Together as a unit, Melvin capital and Citadel can collectively suck our units. And if we play our cards right we can have 15 seconds with their plastic soon to be ex-wives. + +Not investment advice, I’m a simple smooth brain who loves eating his daily dose of crayons and playdoh + +NO AUTIST OR 🦍 LEFT BEHIND!! + +Notes to mods: please stop deleting my post + +Edit: thank you for the awards + +Edit: I really didn’t expect this post to blow up as it did, so just wanted to say thanks to all you 💎👐🏼🦍 +I plan on buying a home in the next year. I will be able to put about $200 a month away. Is it better to put that money into a savings account or a monthly dividen stock like $O? Trying to get the best return possible. +Are there any sticks that you would recommend? +Eating at high end/fancy restaurants is not something that I am familiar with, but have recently dined at 2 nicer places in the last month. Upon payment of the bill, tips were suggested and they had 5%/10%/20%/other. + +Happy to pay for exceptional service etc. but are we moving towards a system where tips are expected? + +Keen to know everyone’s thoughts are and if tipping is becoming more common place. FYI this is in Melbourne. + +EDIT: probably should have mentioned I’ve only been in melb a few years. In any case - the general vibes are: +- Tipping when it is expected is not the norm. +- Tips in the form of cash to the waiter/waitress if they went out of there way, otherwise 0% at the till. +Is UEFA a cartel already? Sports leagues are interesting in general because they are monopolies. How can the proposed Super League be any different then existing structures? +A lot of folk on my Instagram feed have suddenly gotten really pro-USPS, and I got into an argument with one friend about it. He very much didn't buy what I was saying, and realistically I'm only three semesters into my econ degree, so I figured I'd ask here. If life were normal, why should or shouldn't we privatize the postal service? What would be the effects of doing so? And when I say privatize, I would still allow for government subsidies for delivery to rural areas, or media mail, whatever -- but USPS' monopoly would be ended, and they'd be treated no differently than FedEx, UPS, etc, both in terms of regulation, management, subsidies, and taxes. +Now that SCHD has reached a low for the last 12 months (14% YTD), what is the plan? + +Load the truck with more? +Wait for it to drop lower? +How is everyone reacting to the news? +I own 2 single family homes. #1 is paid off and worth about $100k on the open market with $100 per month insurance. #2 i owe roughly $43k and is worth around $125, my payment on this one is $850 per month and $100 per month insurance. #1 rents for $1200 monthly and #2 for $1000. I would like to know, what would be the best way for me to benefit from these properties. Should i sell, keep renting as is? or is there something else i can do without losing too much money. what am i doing wrong or right? +I’m in my 30s and work in a field that will probably not exist in the next 20-30 years or will be drastically different. Hell I’m not even sure I have 10 more years. I’m making good money now (just over $100K) so I’m squirreling as much as I can into savings and retirement accounts. + + +I’m preparing pretty well...my house is almost paid off and I have no other debt. I’m well ahead of where I should be in retirement accounts for my age according to various money articles. The only thing I haven’t figured out is a job I would want to transition to but being financially secure takes out a lot of stress. I’m basically doomsday prepping for my industry. +EVERYONE GET IN HERE + +Z1Ps latest announcement has them partnering with Facey. Their last big partnership was with eBay, in which we saw a yuge jump in share price. +$10 by Chrimbo still on the cards? +This is bullshit. I’m disgusted and I’m honestly on the verge of having a mental fucking breakdown. Robinhood has once again halted trading. But this time it’s halted on all stocks. This fine Monday morning I wake up to find that all orders aren’t going to be filled till tomorrow morning. My dad’s wife’s girlfriend is a powerful lawyer in Boca Raton and I’m seriously considering retaining her services and filing a class action lawsuit against these citadel dick munchers. This has happened to me too many times. I’m low key spiraling into madness. Donate to me on onlyfans if you want to contribute towards the legal fees. She’s giving me a pretty kickass discount, but she estimates it’s still going to cost $150k. This happens to be the amount I lost on gme, but this is not relevant to the conversation here. It’s time to rise up and take down robinhood once and for all. + +Also, yeah my stepmom has a girlfriend. It’s 2021 you bigots. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +I mean like when it's been a couple days since your last full meal. I've tried to find a pop up food bank and the next one isn't until the end of this week. I've tried to go to a couple churches and no luck. + +At what point is it unethical to take food without paying? + +Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks. +Just wanted to vent really... + +Been discussing remuneration for a new role, temporary contract. Starts out at, say, 100 bucks for the year. Great. + +Oh wait that’s 100 bucks *including super*. Not so great but okay. + +Oh actually the role is only 9 months so the pay is 75 bucks including super. Not great but fair. + +Actually that 75 bucks is the annualized rate, you’ll get 56.25 for the nine months. Getting pretty shit now... + +And now we’ve decided that it’s actually a twelve month job after all but total budget is only 56.25 so that’s now the offer for the full twelve months. Including super. Take it or leave it. + + +Fuuuuuuuck. +Periodically a well publicized trade on wallstreetbets will generate a new or renewed interest in options trading. We welcome constructive and civil conversation here from both experienced and novice traders alike. There are lot of knowledgeable folks here that love to discuss theory and strategy. + +A useful collection of information on many subjects can also be found in the wiki and at the top of the weekly safe haven thread. The weekly thread works best when we have a chorus of voices pitching in to help guide newcomers, so please visit there and participate if you aren't already. + +**Current week's thread:** + +https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/l4eemi/options_questions_safe_haven_thread_jan_2531_2021 + + +For the newcomers who are joining us due to the recent activity in GME, its important to know that derivatives are not magic money printing products; rather they are one tool of many meant to provide flexibility and liquidity in the market. As such, they have uses in a variety of strategies and can seem overwhelming and complex at first blush. It will take you some time and effort to become comfortable with them, so please give yourself some slack and don't dive in head first because of fear of missing out (FOMO). + +You'll see a lot of traders here talk about how GME can only go up from here, how it's not a pump and dump, the mechanics of gamma squeezes, and how this is unlike anything that's happened before. Many of us see these same discussions play out every few months for the "next big thing", and most of the time what goes up does eventually come down (see NKLA, TLRY, RKT, QS, etc.). + +While we can't and wouldn't discourage you from joining the fray, you should at a minimum give serious consideration to position sizing, max loss, and how much you are truly comfortable losing. Please don't mortgage your house to put on your first, second, or even 10,000th option trade. These resources will help you assess your risk. You can find these and more in the weekly thread. + + **Trade planning, risk reduction and trade size** +• [Exit-first trade planning, and a risk-reduction checklist (Redtexture)](https://www.reddit.com/r/options/comments/9at2fu/noob_thread_aug_26_sept_1/e4ywq0u/) +• [Trade Checklists and Guides (Option Alpha)](https://optionalpha.com/members/guides-checklists) +• [Planning for trades to fail. (John Carter) (at 90 seconds)](https://youtu.be/N5_OkdvPmUI?t=90) +I started this journey because I wanted to have wealth, just so I can gain custody of my son. But that dream was struck down day after day. I stayed committed for years, gaining all types of knowledge, the sleepless nights, and the severe depression that came along with it. Also endured being broke(even a homeless man was making more money than me.) + +I kept my faith, but in the end other traders were making more money than me because of meme stocks. I stayed patient as long as I could. But today I started searching for jobs, and I’m calling it quits. I’m going to pull out what little money I have left and buy myself some dress shirts and pants to help me slightly a bit more in the jobs field. +>“A right to counsel furthers racial, economic, and social justice while helping to address the extreme imbalance of power between landlords and tenants,” + +Per the article the State will be hiring 58 attorneys + additional contract attorneys to fight evictions. At a cost of $11.4 million just in the first year + +For everyone else - Seven other states are currently considering similar measures.  + +[https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/washington-becomes-first-state-to-guarantee-lawyers-for-low-income-tenants-during-evictions/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/homeless/washington-becomes-first-state-to-guarantee-lawyers-for-low-income-tenants-during-evictions/) +[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-moderna/moderna-says-its-vaccine-is-94-5-effective-in-preventing-covid-19-idUSKBN27W1E6?il=0](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-vaccines-moderna/moderna-says-its-vaccine-is-94-5-effective-in-preventing-covid-19-idUSKBN27W1E6?il=0) + +One of the good outcomes of Moderna's vaccine is that it can be stored in a Household or medical refrigerator for up to 30 days. This should be able to smoothen the logistics of distributing the vaccine. + +What are yourr moves for today? MRNA is already up by 15% in the pre-market +2 or 3 weeks ago someone posted either here or r/investing after looking through 7000 companies and found GNUS, a penny stock of a company that makes children's cartoons. I would just like to thank him for getting me in at $0.35 and follow his every move. + +Edit: this stock is fucked +We live in really nice suburb with 9/10 and 10/10 public schools. Basically, people move to our area for the school. We never thought of going to private school before. + +Our son goes to a private school (50K tuition + donation) at the moment because: + +1. When he was in transitional kindergarten (before Covid), we put him in private school because of the hours (public school ended way too early). + +2. Then Covid struck, with the debacle of online learning and public school lack of resources, we decided to stay put at the private school. + +My son is happy and well adjusted. He loves to go to school everyday. His EQ is amazing and we are not sure if he’s naturally gifted like that or it’s actually the school. However, the tuition keeps increasing every year and we pay more than college tuition for first grader. + +My original thought was the the private school gives him connection to the well connected family in town. However, with flexible tuition, I have noticed that the school has no standards of acceptance and we found that we constantly got hit for donation to subsidize the tuition for others. + +We are not fat fat as most here. + +Income this year is 900k, net worth:7M (give and take). + +Our income will not go up, we are in tech, mid 40s, and we don’t go on managerial track. More likely, our income will go back to 500-600k or remains the same after the stock calms down in the next few years. + +We want to move our son to public school but we are afraid that we make mistake as he’s thriving at the moment. 50-60k is going to be tough for the next 15 years but we can afford it (assuming we continue working). + +Anyone has done something similar and what’s the outcome? +I can’t believe it. This has always been my fantasy. I have watched countless videos of people winning the jackpot and wished it was me. Tonight it happened. I hit the bonus and spun the wheel. It landed on grand and I was confused. Then people started congratulating me. I saw the numbers rolling and I was in shock. It felt like a dream. I can pay some debts and have savings. +**TLDR: the SEC may have exposed themselves to lawsuits from Gamestop or its investors by publishing a biased youtube video that denigrates specific securities** + +Gloves off apes. + +For much of this saga, the SEC has failed in their mandate to protect investors, despite the huge volume of evidence of market manipulation and structural market problems that has been available to them. (Consider Gary Gensler declaring that 95% of retail orders not going to lit exchanges and thus having no impact whatsoever on price discovery, then doing absolutely nothing to remedy that situation.) + +However, they have now gone further. The SEC has now clearly shown that they stand with SHFs and will gladly **actively help them** by sharing their talking points, this time using your tax dollars to fund misinformation which harms your investment. + +(For anyone that hasn't seen it yet, I'm referring to this video that the SEC just published on their official youtube channel, in which they mock meme stock investors [https://youtu.be/av3k\_lcGm9g](https://youtu.be/av3k_lcGm9g) ) + +In doing this they may have broken laws and/or the regulations that govern them. + +In particular, here is a definition of defamation: + +"*Any* *intentional* *false* *communication,* *either* *written* *or* *spoken,* *that* *harms* *a* *person's* *reputation;* *decreases* *the* *respect,* *regard,* *or* *confidence* *in* *which* *a* *person* *is* *held;* *or* *induces* *disparaging,* *hostile,* *or* *disagreeable* *opinions* *or* *feelings* *against* *a* *person." (*[*https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/market-manipulation*](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/market-manipulation)*)* + +And here is the SEC definition of market manipulation: + +"*Market manipulation is when someone artificially affects the supply or demand for a security (for example, causing stock prices to rise or to fall dramatically).* + +*Market manipulation may involve techniques including:* + +* *Spreading false or misleading information about a company;* +* *Engaging in a series of transactions to make a security appear more actively traded; and* +* *Rigging quotes, prices, or trades to make it look like there is more or less demand for a security than is the case." (*[***https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/defamation***](https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/defamation)***)*** + +Personally I have always objected to the use of the term "meme stock" to describe $GME, as it carries the implication that the company does not represent a solid, serious investment . The term has the potential to sway the opinion of the general public about particular securities - traditional investors are often risk averse, and would be far less likely to invest in a stock that is described as a "meme" than one described as a value investment play in a stock that is heavily shorted and engaging in a rapid turnaround, driven by a highly capable new management team. This is why the term was pushed by Kenny's MSM mouth-pieces early on. I think $GME shareholders should have strongly pushed back on the use of this term any time it was used. + +To me, the use of the term "meme stock" by the SEC in their 14 October 2021 report (and various media apperances by Gary Gensler) was already highly unacceptable. They are a public body and should not endorse or demean specific investments. + +I like to point out the absurdity of this by making a comparison. Imagine if you heard the MSM defining a new term that inherently contains ridicule for the company and its shareholders, for *any other* investment type. For example, imagine if they coined the term "smog stocks" or "pollution stocks" for oil and gas companies. Do you think this would be considered acceptable for use in public media? And do you think you would ever hear the chairman of the SEC use the term in media appearances, or in official SEC reports? Personally, I highly doubt it. But this is precisely what happens with $GME, constantly. + +They have now gone a step further, and published a video on their official youtube channel which openly mocks "meme stock" investors, complete with an insulting portrayal of the "meme stock" investor ("you can do research, hur durr?", getting hit by a fucking pie no less.....) + +Again, imagine if they made such a parody video about oil and gas stocks - maybe with a cartoonishly evil monopoly man counting his stacks of money while oil is spraying everywhere from a pipe leak, catching alight, black smoke billowing....something like that...? The outrage and lawsuits that would surely follow... + +Some matters that might warrant further discussion: + +* Would the appropriate case be defamation, market manipulation, breach of the regulations that govern the conduct of the SEC, or something else? +* Should Gamestop take this legal action? They certainly have the cash on hand to hire a top team of lawyers. If this was the best route, the shareholder base would need to apply some pressure for the management team to take this course of action (maybe there would even be a way to ask them about this during the annual general meeting?) +* Should shareholders take this legal action themselves? There would probably be some people that would be interested in contributing to a fund to take legal advice about this +* Although spreading such misinformation very likely causes damages to Gamestop and shareholders (by way of negatively impacting the share price of $GME, which affects Gamestop's ability to raise capital and the value of shareholders' investments), this might be hard to conclusively prove or quantify. However, a court order for the SEC to remove the youtube video and publish a statement retracting their use of the term "meme stock" would be a very worthy goal too + +*Disclaimer: this post is not financial or legal advice, nor am I a financial or legal adviser* + +**EDIT:** just thought I'd add my thoughts on one comment that was made by a few apes when I posted this in another sub, which was essentially "but they do not specifically mention Gamestop in the video". That is true, but the SEC have previously defined the term "meme stock", in their official report of 14 October 2021, about the sneeze: + +*"GameStop Corp (“GameStop” or “GME”) and multiple other stocks experienced a dramatic increase in their share price in January 2021 as bullish sentiments of individual investors filled social media. As the companies’ share prices skyrocketed to new highs, increased attention followed, and their shares became known as “meme stocks.” Then, as the end of January approached, several retail broker-dealers temporarily prohibited certain activity in some of these stocks and options. This report of the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) primarily examines the January 2021 trading activity in GME, the most famous of meme stocks against the backdrop of contemporaneous trading activity in other meme stocks. Because the media attention surrounding the meme stock episode raised several questions about market structure, this report will begin with an overview of U.S. equity and options market structure and explain how individual investors’ orders are typically handled."* + +It is very clear that the SEC include GME when they use the term "meme stock", and I think most casual observers of this issue would also think of GME when they hear the term. +I had 2 apartments, one vacant and one occupied. I listed both at market value just to see. The vacant one had 13 inquiry, I did individual showings with a mask/gloves. I checked their credit, looked at paystubs, and signed the lease. + +The occupied one was harder. I could not to showings but every person that inquired understood. One said the video was just was they were looking for and they came to the property to tour the outside and come inside the hallway. They signed the lease but I put a clause stating that if they didn’t like the apartment during the walkthrough they could cancel the lease. + +This is in Chicago, C maybe B class. +**Discord Link**: https://discord.gg/hqBNg4u + +[About 3 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/comments/le1buv/welcome_to_the_subreddit_and_new_changes/), we came to you with a magnanimous vision of re-organizing our knowledge base. + +This community stepped up in a big way, and pushed forward with this mission in mind. Thanks to all those individuals, who jumped in and moved mountains. + +In this post, we've some updates on how our wiki has been shaping up, and how we've been doing on our tooling / bots / automation etc. + +--- + +In summary: + +- We've moved from our older github page hosted static website, [to our own domain](https://www.indiainvestments.wiki/). + + This updated link is already present on the sidebar, and our Reddit wiki. + +- We've made decent progress in adding in-depth entries with high quality articles. + + Since it's open-source, and free from business interests, we've been able to praise and call-out for-profit businesses where we've found it necessary. + + +- We now have [detailed guidelines](https://www.indiainvestments.wiki/contributors) on how to get started - how anyone can start contributing step-by-step; while also not compromising on other commitments they've to live up to. + +--- + +Having a decent wiki with lot of text and articles, is not enough. + +Those need to be index-able, and available on-demand. + +So that right in the middle of a conversation, one can easily have relevant content inserted as and when applicable. + +This brings us to our biggest investment on tooling front till date: + +## A Discord Bot to Search the Entire Wiki + +Today, we're announcing launch of India Investments bot, that lets one search through our wiki, as and when they want. + +[This video](https://youtu.be/aGFfAYaZfy4) should help you understand how it works. + +[Detailed manual for how to use the bot](https://indiainvestments.gitbook.io/content/discord/search-wiki-discord) is also available on our wiki. + +You need to join our Discord to be able to use this bot. + +---- + +## Tech Update Details + +_This section is only for you, if you understand technical jargons, and interested in bot development_ + +This bot is hosted on [Deno Deploy](https://deno.com/deploy), a new beta platform that lets you run cloud functions on a custom Deno run time. + +Bot uses [Discord's new slash command features](https://blog.discord.com/slash-commands-are-here-8db0a385d9e6), which was published only 2 months ago. + +It delegates Discord API calls to [GitBook's beta search API](https://developer.gitbook.com/), built on top of Algolia Search. + +Let's just say, working with three pieces of bleeding edge technologies, were not easy. Missing documentation, unpredictable behavior, lot of hit-and-trial, no stackoverflow threads - we've all been there. + +We're damn proud of our team, working through the challenges, and finally making it functional for 5000+ members on our Discord. + +Shout-out to Deno team, Discord dev relations team, and GitBook team as well; for helping us out whenever we've reached out to them. + +[Source code of bot is available on our GitHub, under MIT license](https://github.com/indiainvestments/slash_commands). + +We spend **zero** in hosting costs as of now, and we intend to keep it that way as long as feasible. + +--- + +## What's next? + +- On the wiki front, we'd continue to make more progress as we add cards in our [Trello Board](https://trello.com/b/NPlSa3C7/journey-board). + + This bot is only as powerful as the underlying content from our wiki. This means adding more quality content, as required, would improve both the bot and the wiki. + +- On the tooling & automation front, we've some exciting ideas! + + Now that we've a team with hands-on experience in building and managing bots, we want to _run before we have to walk_. + + Our first task would be to _commoditize computation_, and integrate lot of _calculators_ (SIP, Lumpsum, Goal Planning, Backtesting etc.) directly into our Discord. + + [Sample user stories](https://hackmd.io/@indiainvestments/rJphfMWDu) for a decent SIP Calculator. + + Ideally, we would also want to take up building web-based widgets to complement each such calculator, and our tech-stack choices allow high code re-use, which reduces effort we'd have to put. + +## How Can You Help? + +[Just reach out](https://discord.gg/hqBNg4u). Decisions are made by those who show up. + +You would never know what you're truly capable of, until you choose to step up. +Partner and I started live a small Midwest town with population of < 60,000 people. 3 children under 10. Partner was born and raised here and all extended family lives in same town. Decent little blue collar city + +Started and sold a business that gave us a NW of 9 figures (liquid). Still own a large chunk of the business and run the company, but we now have PE ownership so I see us leaving the company in a few years. Could fatFIRE today, but just helping guide things until next PE transaction. + +Problem is its so incredibly boring living in a town with nothing to do, especially when you have the resources to live anywhere on earth. There’s no good restaurants, no downtown, no pro sports teams, no concerts, no private schools, no peer groups that we can really associate with. + +I don’t want to yank my kids out of their home town when they are older, but I can’t handle living here being bored out of my mind much longer. I feel like I’m wasting away. + +Already have a beach house and travel a lot. + +Advice? + +EDIT: Partner doesn’t want to move! +Forex trading is pretty popular among retail technical analysts and I think also among retail algotraders, at least compared to professional traders. When I read blogs or books by the professionals who often work for trading firms or even run them, I found it rare to read about Forex. If at all, maybe some statistical pair trading or such, but not the more "hacky" approach I see retailers try to apply. + +What impression do you guys get? I know some here are also working at trading firms, what is your firm's take on Forex? Is it a worthy pursuit or a fool's errand? +Hey everyone, I can’t quiet remember if I posted here before or on another sub but I am aggressively trying to reach FIRE at 45 years old, currently I’m 27F. Anyways I remember asking in the weekly discussion board if I should get a second part time job that does admin work to get that extra income and the overwhelming majority told me not to do it. + +I followed the suggestion of this group that said + +A- Improve upon your marketable skills + +B-Apply to higher paying roles and enjoy your weekends + + +I’m not here to reinvent the wheel and I’ve learned the hard way in many aspects in life. So I did what this amazing group has suggested. + + +I am happy to announce that I have just accepted a full time role and negotiated my ass off using some of the reference guides provided by you wonderful folks! I was able to get myself a 38% raise. From 105k/year to 145k/year. I am crying tears of joy and disbelief. + +I am not a software engineer, I am a bio-engineer but don’t be fooled it’s one of the lower end paying engineering fields and I honestly believed for a long time I was doomed because I live in a very high cost of living area. + +Now get this my current employer is now trying to counter with 50-60 percent raise and is trying to get back to me end of day with an offer. I AM FLOORED, by this. I can’t believe that this entire time that I was passed up for promotions, didn’t get my full bonus amount, worked 14 hour days in three different time zones that I could have been compensated 50% more!!!!!!!! + + +I will say I am grateful that with my one foot out the door they have finally admitted to my excellent work ethic and revealed my true market value. What’s nice is I will never accept anything lower and so moving on from this point forward will only be for higher pay and better benefits, and I am PUMPED. + + +I LOVE THIS SUB, and I LOVE YOU ALL. + + +Update : +Thanks to zacharyRD for finding the link to the negation reference guide + +https://www.kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation/ + +Also thanks for the supportive awards :) +*Updated:* /u/qrpike *responded below to the issues I raised in this post. You can read his* [*detailed response here*](https://www.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/lp03i7/wow_polygon_is_shockingly_bad/goa7lbp/)*. Also worth noting: the issues I outlined are mostly related to Polygon's Reference API. I did not test Polygon's WebSockets service. Many users have given the WebSockets service a good review, while others have reported issues. On the whole, I think Polygon has the potential to be a really great provider if they're able to fix the issues that myself and others have reported.* + +I created a [polygon.io](https://polygon.io) account recently to test out their RESTful API, and I'm shocked at how bad the data is, especially considering how much they charge ($199/month for Developer access) and the hype I've heard. I'm just sharing this for others who might be considering Polygon. + +It seems Polygon's CEO, Quinton Pike /u/qrpike, is active on this board, so maybe he can respond. Below are just a few of the problems I encountered within the first 5 minutes of testing the API: + +**Ticker Details endpoint** [**(documentation)**](https://polygon.io/docs/get_v1_meta_symbols__stocksTicker__company_anchor) + +When I try to query ticker BF.B (Brown-Forman Corp Class B), I get a 404 error response: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/BF.B/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "error":"Not Found" + } + +I've tried the following symbol variants: BF.B, BF-B, BFB, and BF%2EB, and none of them work. I thought maybe it's just a bug with tickers that include a special character, but when I try querying ticker BRK.B (Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Class B), I get a successful response: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/BRK.B/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/brk.b/logo.png", + "listdate":null, + "cik":null, + "bloomberg":null, + "figi":null, + "lei":null, + "sic":null, + "country":null, + "industry":"Insurance", + "sector":"Financial Services", + "marketcap":271329152726, + "employees":377000, + "phone":null, + "ceo":"Warren E. Buffett", + ... + } + +**Tickers endpoint (**[**documentation**](https://polygon.io/docs/get_v2_reference_tickers_anchor)**)** + +When I query the Tickers endpoint, I can see the Brown-Forman stock listed with ticker "BF.B" below. Furthermore, the quote page in Polygon's Stocks UI uses the BF.B ticker too: [https://polygon.io/quote/BF.B](https://polygon.io/quote/BF.B). + + https://api.polygon.io/v2/reference/tickers?sort=ticker&perpage=50&page=76&apiKey= + + [{ + "ticker":"BEWFF", + "name":"BeWhere Hldgs Inc. Ordinary Shares", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"OTC", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BEWFF" + }, + { + "ticker":"BF.A", + "name":"Brown-Forman Corporation Class A", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BF.A" + }, + { + "ticker":"BF.B", + "name":"Brown-Forman Corporation Class B", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"USD", + "active":true, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BF.B" + },{ + "ticker":"BFA", + "name":"Befesa Medio Ambiente", + "market":"STOCKS", + "locale":"US", + "currency":"EUR", + "active":false, + "primaryExch":"NYE", + "updated":"2020-06-23", + "codes":{...}, + "url":"https://api.polygon.io/v2/tickers/BFA" + }, + ... + ] + +But also get this: notice that "url" property included in the response for each stock? None of those URLs work. *None of them.* I get a 404 error page at all those links. + +**Out of date ticker: AAXN vs. AXON** + +On January 26, 2021 (almost one month ago), Axon Enterprise Inc. changed their ticker symbol from AAXN to AXON. Polygon hasn't updated this. The ticker details endpoint for AXON brings up the incorrect stock: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/AXON/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/axon/logo.png", + "listdate":"2015-06-11", + "cik":"1636050", + "industry":"Biotechnology", + "sector":"Healthcare", + "marketcap":234776348, + "employees":45, + "phone":"+44 2033189708", + "ceo":"Pavan Cheruvu", + "url":"http://www.axovant.com", + "description":"Axovant Sciences Ltd is a...", + "exchange":"Nasdaq Global Select", + "name":"Axovant Sciences Ltd.", + "symbol":"AXON", + "active":true + } + +Querying the old symbol (AAXN) brings up the correct stock: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/meta/symbols/AAXN/company?&apiKey=XXXXXXXXXXX + + { + "logo":"https://s3.polygon.io/logos/aaxn/logo.png", + "listdate":"2001-06-07", + "cik":"1069183", + "industry":"Aerospace & Defense", + "sector":"Industrials", + "marketcap":2897880299, + "employees":1095, + "phone":"+1 480 991-0797", + "ceo":"Patrick W. Smith", + "url":"https://www.axon.com", + "description":"Axon Enterprise Inc offers a network of...", + "exchange":"Nasdaq Global Select", + "name":"Axon Enterprise Inc.", + "symbol":"AAXN", + "active":true + } + +But when querying any of the stock quote endpoints, you have to use the new symbol (AXON) to get the correct price for Axon Enterprise Inc.: + + https://api.polygon.io/v1/open-close/AXON/2021-02-19?unadjusted=true&apiKey= + + { + "status": "OK", + "from": "2021-02-19", + "symbol": "AXON", + "open": 176.38, + "high": 180.99, + "low": 175.99, + "close": 177, + "volume": 459822, + "afterHours": 178.07, + "preMarket": 179.0485 + } + +These are just a few of the problems I found within the first 5 minutes of testing the API. I had high hopes for Polygon because their UX and documentation both seem really nice, but this is unusable. +[Link to Draft Red Herring prospectus](https://listing.bseindia.com/download/363156/Zomato%20-%20DRHP%20(April%2027%202021)_20210428025429.pdf) + +Key Stats (INR Millions) + +|Particulars|9M 2021|FY2021\*|FY2020|FY2019| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|**Revenue**||||| +|Services|11,204|14,938|22,908|12,814| +|Goods|1,244|1,658|1,075|148| +|"Platform Services"?|564|752|2,063|162| +|**Total Revenue**|**13,013**|**17,530**|**26,047**|**13,125**| +|||||| +|**Key Expenses**||||| +|Salaries (excl ESOP)|4,397|5,862|7,003|5,007| +|ESOP|1,093|1,457|985|1,000| +|Advertisement|3,069|4,092|13,384|12,359| +|Outsourced Support Cost|3,633|4,844|20,937|13,300| +|Payment Gateway|420|560|737|606| +|||||| +|**Loss before exceptionals**|**(3,561)**|**(4748)**|**(22,635)**|**(22,101)**| +|Exceptionals|(3247)|(3247)|(1220)|11,999| +|||||| +|**Key Cash Flow**||||| +|Sale of MF Units|17,687|23,582|40,127|28,246| +|Purchase of MF\*\*|60,794|81,058|21,478|40,868| +|Issue of Shares|45,808|45,808|3916.1|22,644| +|**Net Cash Flow**|**826**|**1102**|**(495)**|**(1133)**| +|**Cash Balance**|**2,482**|**2,482**|**1672**|**2124**| + +\*The info published is 9 Month FY 2021 (April 20 to December 20) so the FY2021 figure is a simple 4/3 of 9 month figures. + +\*\*Purchases has been shown as positive only to avoid confusion. CFS presents it as a negative (Outflow). + +[Link to LivMint Article](https://www.livemint.com/market/mark-to-market/a-first-peek-at-zomato-s-key-financial-ratios-11619606481343.html) +This is bullshit. I’m disgusted and I’m honestly on the verge of having a mental fucking breakdown. Robinhood has once again halted trading. But this time it’s halted on all stocks. This fine Monday morning I wake up to find that all orders aren’t going to be filled till tomorrow morning. My dad’s wife’s girlfriend is a powerful lawyer in Boca Raton and I’m seriously considering retaining her services and filing a class action lawsuit against these citadel dick munchers. This has happened to me too many times. I’m low key spiraling into madness. Donate to me on onlyfans if you want to contribute towards the legal fees. She’s giving me a pretty kickass discount, but she estimates it’s still going to cost $150k. This happens to be the amount I lost on gme, but this is not relevant to the conversation here. It’s time to rise up and take down robinhood once and for all. + +Also, yeah my stepmom has a girlfriend. It’s 2021 you bigots. +An introduction to the GLITCHYBSC network. + +Glitchy is a new way to earn BNB rewards simply by holding the token in your Binance Smart Chain enabled wallet, without having your investment locked down for any period of time. + +Glitchy is a token based on the Binance Smart Chain, where buyers & sellers get taxed on each transaction, which profits all Glitchy holders. A part of the tax goes toward increasing liquidity, and another part gets reflected to all holders. A percentage of this also goes to the maintenance wallet, which will help grow the project via marketing and development, while another percentage gets sent to the contract BNB balance. The BNB balance gets distributed to all holders weekly! Without locking your investment down for any period! + +⭐️FREE BNB drops EVERY WEEK + +⭐️All you do is invest and HOLD + +⭐️Glitchy DOES NOT LOCK YOUR INVESTMENT unlike other staking projects + +⭐️Claim Anytime through the week! Pot is reset on Mondays + +⭐️Make your money make money + +⭐️AMA coming soon + +⭐️Telegram and Twitter Giveaways! + +💎 SUPPORT AND HOLD 🙏 + +🌎 [CLICK HERE FOR PANCAKE SWAP](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x75dffaf163d67591fdca3907a50655db3a5516ed) + +⭐️ [BSCScan](https://bscscan.com/token/0x75dffAf163D67591fDCa3907a50655dB3a5516Ed) Contract + +0x75dffAf163D67591fDCa3907a50655dB3a5516Ed + +🔧 INVESTORS ARE NOT LOCKED IN FOR ANY PERIOD + +📜 Market listings Applied + +📊 [Chart](https://dex.guru/token/0x75dffaf163d67591fdca3907a50655db3a5516ed-bsc) + +🐦 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/GLITCHYBSC) + +🌎 [Telegram](https://t.me/glitchybsc) + +🌎 [Website](https://glitchy.wtf/) + +🌎 [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/GLITCHYBSC/) + +🌎 [Pancake](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x75dffaf163d67591fdca3907a50655db3a5516ed) + +💎 1% to GLITCHY family members + +🎁 4.5% Liquidity + +🤝‍ Further 2.25% BNB rewards added to claim pot. + +💧 2.25% Marketing and Maintenance Multisig + +🔥 Regular Liquidity Burns + +💰 Purchase it on PancakeSwap V2 + +⚙️ Set Slippage to 11% + +⭐️Become part of an uplifting community + +⭐️Audited contract + +⭐️Marketing development + +&#x200B; + +Glitchy uses the following tokenomic breakdown to power its system and provide the premier BNB reward platform, using a 10% slippage tax on buys and sells: + +&#x200B; + +1% Reflection/Redistribution of Glitchy Tokens to Glitchy Holders + +2.25% Added directly to the BNB Reward Pool + +2.25% Added directly to a multi-sig Maintenance Wallet used for Marketing/Airdrop/Promotions + +4.5% Added directly to BNB PancakeSwap Liquidity + +&#x200B; + +16% of the supply is burned. The burn wallet also accumulates Reflection/Redistribution tokens like any other Glitchy wallet, and those are manually burned to create a constant slow deflation of supply. + +&#x200B; + +Accumulating LP Tokens are manually burned as soon as they accumulate to approximately 10% of the available liquidity. + +&#x200B; + +**WHY GLITCHY?? Because Holders are Rewarded Fairly:** + +&#x200B; + +Other BNB Reward tokens penalize those who forget to claim, are unable to claim, or in the case of small stakeholders, when the gas fee to make the claim transaction outweighs the reward. Most of these tokens require users to claim daily – if these rewards are not claimed, they are typically redistributed to the other holders who in time can lay claim to them. This creates a disproportionate system where only the savvy or whale holders truly benefit. Glitchy’s foundational concept is fairness to all holders, whether crypto veterans or noobs, whales or small fish. + +&#x200B; + +Glitchy does not require users to claim in every cycle. Users BNB claims are distributed in proportion to their percentage of holdings of the total Glitchy supply, and the rewards generated every week belong entirely to the wallet that holds the Glitchy. BNB REWARDS ACCUMULATE IF THEY ARE NOT CLAIMED. For example, if a user were entitled to .5BNB Rewards in Week 1, chose not to claim, then was entitled to 1BNB in Week 2 and chose to claim, the entire reward would be 1.5BNB. + +&#x200B; + +The fundamental difference between Glitchy and other reward tokens on the market now is that Glitchy allows flexibility in the claim function and ensures that claims are never lost or taken by other holders. No other token does rewards like Glitchy. + +&#x200B; + +**No-Lock, No-Stake, No-Penalty:** + +&#x200B; + +Glitchy does not require any external staking or locking of funds in order to generate rewards. Your Glitchy stays exactly where it should – in your wallet, earning all the time. As explained above, BNB Rewards are never penalized (except in the case of a sell, where your percentage of holding decreases and Rewards will decrease accordingly in the following claim cycle). + +&#x200B; + +**Community and Outreach:** + +&#x200B; + +Glitchy has built a strong holder community through Telegram and Twitter. There are dedicated team members in development, marketing, and Telegram customer service. With a global group of holders and team members, Glitchy is able to execute marketing campaigns and answer user questions 24/7. + +&#x200B; + +Upcoming Marketing Campaigns include additional Reddit/Twitter postings and giveaways, crypto-focused YouTube promotions, AMA’s, and a redesign of the dApp with updated UI/UX. + +&#x200B; + +Glitchy is for Everyone. We invite you to join our community and experience True Passive Income for yourself. +I have heard from anarcho capitalists and libertarians that American healthcare would vastly improve if govt. regulations were removed. It would probably become better than most public healthcare systems in different different countries(I mentioned in the title). + +Is it correct? + +There are also claims that it is the govt. that makes monopolies, and there are no natural monopolies without govt. . Is this true too? + +Also, I heard that charities and donations are better than govt. social safety nets, to what extent is this correct? Any data on charity vs govt. welfare programs? +The title gives it away. + +How do you stay up to day with information regarding companies that you are watching? Is there a website that you can “follow/sub” to a certain ticker and you receive information regarding that company??? +Hi Personal Finance! + +I see an awful lot of threads here about people wondering how on earth they'll possibly survive this horrible doomsday recession that is just absolutely going to happen any day now. Here's some tips: + +1) There is not a gigantic country-destroying recession that is coming to ruin your life in the coming weeks. Talking heads have been predicting one ever since the last recession. The current news cycle is little more than fear-mongering (full disclosure: I used to be a journalist). IF the current indicators that people are looking at end up holding true, it's still well over a year before things are "expected" to go south. Plenty of time to shore up those savings accounts, make sure you're budgeting properly (see below), etc. + +2) The last recession was called the Great Recession for a reason - it was a harder-hitting one than those that came before. And since it was largely based on a housing crisis, it felt even worse because people were losing their homes due to ridiculous mortgages that they never should have been offered, or agreed to, in the first place. Which leads me to... + +3) Just be smart. Are you living within your means now? Great! Make sure your emergency fund is in good shape, and continue about your business. If you're overspending, take a look at your budget and see what you can cut out of it. This is something you should be doing regardless of how the markets look. Find a cheaper cell phone plan, ditch that $100 / mo cable bill, subscribe to a slower internet package, go out to eat less often, etc. + +4) "What about my stocks? Should I sell all my stocks?" NO!!! Do. Not. Sell. Your. Stocks. The only exception here is if you really are completely and utterly broke otherwise and absolutely need the money. Look, I invested almost all of my life savings in late September last year. And then watched a LOT of it go away - on paper. But guess what? It's all back already, and then some - because I didn't panic sell. In fact, **the best thing you can do in a recession is buy more stock!** A bad market just means that stocks are on sale. Who doesn't love a discount? Again, I wouldn't advise buying unless you have the budget to do so. + +So there you have it, friends. The world isn't ending. Be smart with your money, use some common sense, and be prepared to make some small sacrifices in the short term *if* a recession hits. + +update 1: thanks for the silver! + +update 2: I was working my first "real" job in 2008, but the pay was so bad that I was not investing much. Then over the next nine year, I didn't invest one single cent out of fear of another big market drop (just left it in savings). I ran the numbers, and if I had been investing in the S&P 500 at my original rate that whole time, I'd stand to be up about $200,000 at retirement. **I potentially lost $200k by not investing out of fear of a market turn.** +I don't know the broker's address, but this is a welcome relief. Hopefully the sell pressure will be significantly reduced. Release the bulls! + +https://etherscan.io/address/0x9937dbb2128b55c44d8af7bf36fd76796a814cf4 +Our net worth is approaching 5M and our two kids are to get exactly half. Before when our net worth was just 300K, I wasn't worried at all but now that it looks like each could get over 2M I'm starting to lose sleep. + +The younger one is a Stem grad and will know what to do with the money however the oldest daughter has a learning disability and might be overwhelmed by the windfall. She struggles to understand and learn but thankfully she's working as a receptionist. + +Is there some sort of Trust we can set up that will give her access to her money without her blowing it all at once or being taken advantage of? Her brother lives in another country and doesn't have the time or inclination to help her. +# 0. Preface + +I am not a financial advisor - and this is not financial advice. + +I was looking this up last night and it made me lose some sleep because everything started to click. + +Seriously I think I got maybe four hours at most. I'm flipping out. I need you guys to be reasonable and put me down if I'm on a nothing burger path. + +I'm throwing these thoughts to the wolves (you guys) to pick at it and get more discussion. + +[Reddit About To Kill My Hype](https://preview.redd.it/tmi76uorgzg71.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=1631634ac0548d1f2ba6479ce3754018cd1159f8) + +# 1. Futures Vs Options + +Both Options and Futures are derivatives. Which you can essentially think of as a side bet of an underlying asset. + +An options contract **does not** require the purchase or sale of the underlying asset. While futures contracts **do** require the purchase or sale of the underlying asset. + +>An **options contract** **gives an investor the right, but not the obligation**, to buy (or sell) shares at a specific price at any time, as long as the contract is in effect. +> +>By contrast, **a** **futures** **contract requires a buyer to purchase shares—and a seller to sell them**—on a specific future date, unless the holder's position is closed before the expiration date. - [Source](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/difference-between-options-and-futures/) + +And you can get futures contracts for Equity Indexes. Or in other words you can get future contracts on "baskets" of stocks. + +>Equity Index Futures are derivatives instruments that give investors exposure to price movements on an underlying Index. Market participants therefore can profit from **the price movements of a basket of equities without trading the individual constituents**. An index futures contract gives investors the ability to buy or sell an underlying listed financial instrument at a fixed price on a future date. - [Source](https://www.jse.co.za/trade/derivitive-market/equity-derivatives/equity-index-futures) + +# 2. "Meme" Stock Basket + +It's without a doubt in my mind that a handful of "meme" stocks are following the same price movements, and they're all in this together. Notably: GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR. + +GME of course being the outlier that has massive, massive short interest. [Where the SI% is most likely hidden because of a swap of the short position through ITM CALLs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/orr9tf/speculative_piecing_together_the_itm_calls_and/). + +Here's all of them plotted: + +[GME, AMC, KOSS, EXPR, BBBY Price Movements](https://preview.redd.it/ckblnn14hzg71.png?width=1924&format=png&auto=webp&s=66b86ffac689405b7df9c705fc6cc18806777cc6) + +I'm getting convinced that these price movements are driven by derivatives around indexes/ETFs that contain the "meme" stocks as a basket because their price movements are so synchronous. + +Thanks to /u/turdfurg23 \- and I'm sure many others who he has worked with - one of the main ETFs containing GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR is **VTI**. The actual weights of GME in VTI is quite low. Extremely low. But, it's an example of a basket that holds these "meme" stocks. + +Again, I'm throwing this all to the wolves to help pick this apart. Because way more eyeballs on this right now is better than just myself looking into it. + +Best guess? Someone \*cough\* is on the wrong side of a futures contract trade for a basket which holds all of GME, AMC, KOSS, BBBY, EXPR, and other "meme" stocks. + +Because... + +# 3. "Meme" Stock Prices Spike Prior To Equity Index Rollover Dates + +When you open up a futures contract, you don't have to go to initial expiration and be forced to buy/sell. You can essentially "extend" the expiration of the position forward. You still maintain the same position, but your position isn't completely closed out. This is done by closing the original contract and then opening a newer contract for the **exact same underlying asset** **at the current market price**. + +This "rolling" of a futures allows you to maintain that same risky position beyond the initial expiration of the contract rather than being forced to close it out by buying/selling the underlying. The "rollover" is typically carried out shortly before expiration of the initial contract. But, by performing this rollover it requires the gain/loss on the original contract to be settled. Essentially a "partial" close-out of the initial contract. + +I saw this chart last night which really caught my attention. It's the Equity Index Futures expiration and rollover dates per **CME Group** (more on them in a little bit). + +I've circled a few rollover dates for the equity index futures. Interesting dates, huh? These are around the time when all of the "meme" stocks surged in price and subsequently GME flash crashed. + +[https:\/\/www.cmegroup.com\/trading\/equity-index\/rolldates.html](https://preview.redd.it/k07tbab6hzg71.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ab686dc3af9ea84440b71744cb9ae1c114d38e9) + +Take another look at the "meme" stock price chart. On there are two dashed green lines marking 3/11/21 and 6/10/21. Huge surges in price occur just before these dates. Afterwards - decay in stock price. + +But this does not mean that the futures **must** be rolled over on those specific dates. + +Actually, they can start to be rolled over **before** these dates within a defined timeframe. The ones circled in the table are basically the "deadline" dates, or the "Last Trading Day" dates. + +>**A futures position must be closed out either before the** **First Notice Day**\*\*, in the case of physically delivered contracts, or before the\*\* **Last Trading Day**, in the case of cash-settled contracts. The contract is usually closed for cash, and the investor simultaneously enters into the same futures contract trade with a later expiry date. - [Source](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/firstnoticeday.asp) + +So, the timeframe where rollouts can start is on of just before the "First Notice Day". Which is defined as follows: + +>A First Notice Day (FND) is the day after which an investor who has purchased a futures contract may be required to take physical delivery of the contract's underlying commodity. The first notice day can vary by contract and will also depends on exchange rules. +> +>**If the first** **business day** **of the** **delivery month** **was Monday, Oct. 1, first notice day would typically fall one to three business days prior, so it could be Wednesday, Sept. 26, Thursday, Sept.27, or Friday, Sept. 28.** **Most investors close out their positions before first notice day because they don't want to own physical commodities.** According to CME Group, only approximately 2.5% of futures contracts actually go to physical delivery. + +From the above, the "First Notice Day" is typically three business days prior to the first business day of the month of settlement. **And in some cases**, rollovers occur one business day prior to that, coming out to be four business days total. + +Which gives us these as possible "rollover" timeframes: + +|Futures Expiration Date|First Notice Day (T-3 from first business day of the expiration month)|Day Before First Notice Day (Some rollovers occur starting here)|Last Trading Day / Roll Date|"Rollover Period" (Timeframe where Equity Indexes are rolled)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|March 19|**February 24**|February 23|March 11|February 23 - March 11| +|June 18|May 26|**May 25**|June 10|May 25 - June 10| +|September 17|August 27|August 26|September 9|August 26 - September 9| + +Damn, look at that. February 24th should ring some bells. Likewise, May 25th. Rollovers initiate and must be completed by the Last Trading Day. + +Thus plotting it out on the chart gives this: + +[Equity Index Rollover Periods And Price Movements](https://preview.redd.it/dzvstm48hzg71.png?width=2206&format=png&auto=webp&s=82cf85c5287c36436b342901284a910cf28e4e47) + +This is potentially driving the price spikes because they close out their original contracts, eating some losses. + +>It is usually carried out shortly before expiration of the initial contract and **requires that the gain or loss on the original contract be settled.** + +Only for them to extend their futures expiration to the next quarterly expiration date by rolling the contracts. + +Meaning that they ate some losses in March by settling the losses, while simultaneously extending to June. Only to arrive at June to eat more losses by settling those losses, and simultaneously extending the futures to September. + +I know that quite a few others have posted about these price movement patterns as well. Please understand that many other amazing apes have noticed these quarterly movements. Credit where credit is due! But I've always scratched my head as to WHY those movements happened. And this... this shit just makes too much sense. + +So. Price run coming between August 26th and September 9th as they start closing based on losses? **Potentially amplified by the expirations of OTM PUTs**? Maybe triggering the MOASS? + +/u/jsross left me this very interesting [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p2nxcn/elliott_waves_and_the_gme_cycle_what_to_expect/h8lplcc/?context=3) which makes me more jacked about the PUTs expiring: + +>So I asked someone that used to be a market maker (supposedly) about **what all purposes those puts could serve**. Here was his response: +> +>"sorry for the delayed response. **These puts can be used to limit capital requirements by decreasing margin**." +> +>So this makes sense, actually with the whole aspect of a hidden short position and the purpose of the puts. I'm wondering if those puts satisfied some of the margin requirements for SLD. If on this SLD cycle we run up, I think our whole thesis is actually proven as much as it can be, because they effectively just lost a buttload of margin with the puts expiring. +> +>So, here is what I'm thinking. As these quarterlies expire, they essentially have less capital for margin, resulting in a buy-in as we have seen before. (I'm not entirely sure how that process works). This would be evident in the run-ups, the cycles, the purpose, etc. Why would they need margin of they closed their short position? + +Sounds like it's possible that the PUTs are used as a hedge to decrease their margin and limit their capital requirements. + +**Oof**. + +If that's true, then each futures rollover period could become more explosive as the OTM PUTs expire. It already appears to be explosive for some stocks in the basket, such as AMC, which ripped upward to $70 on June 2nd. + +Referencing from /u/broccaaa's GME OI chart once again, you can see PUTs dropping off slowly as they expire worthless. They're not opening up more of these, and we can see that because the OI was around 2,000,000 at the end of January only to drop to about 520,000 today. Maybe they are unable to open up more PUTs for this hedging purpose. Who knows. + +[https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/o14ccz\/the\_naked\_shorting\_scam\_in\_numbers\_part\_deux\_up\/](https://preview.redd.it/97uvcpmahzg71.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbbb7b0a9c5b7514043e191bd0c6fc1d0f27db59) + +I shittily drew in the trends following July 16th expirations. As of August 11th, the following is the total OI for CALLs and PUTs. It's still not back to normal, as many PUTs won't expire until January 2022. But, it's almost there: + +|CALL OI|PUT OI|Difference| +|:-|:-|:-| +|219,564|518,759|299,195| + +With all that, I'm going to leave you with something juicy regarding CME Group. + +# 4. CME Group & Citadel + +CME Group is the "Chicago Mercantile Exchange" located in, well, Chicago. Know who else is there? + +[No Caption Needed ](https://preview.redd.it/u3gy3xgchzg71.png?width=292&format=png&auto=webp&s=aef2e35c10d337f47767606661f7558864609e48) + +These guys are a **massive derivatives marketplace**. They're currently the largest options and futures contracts exchange of any futures exchange **in the world**. CME Group is where I got the above table for the "rollover dates" of Equity Index Futures. Odds are that they are being used to trade futures (or maybe even swaps) around the "meme" stock basket. + +I came across this post by u/TheLunarnautics when scrounging around: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Autisticats/comments/ojrh8x/chicago\_mercantile\_exchange\_cme\_group\_and\_citadel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Autisticats/comments/ojrh8x/chicago_mercantile_exchange_cme_group_and_citadel/) + +I don't want to steal the OPs thunder by copy/pasting their stuff. **So seriously, go read it.** But the jist of it is: + +* Citadel has a stake in CME group. About [287,159 shares of CME as of May 21st, 2021](https://fintel.io/so/us/cme/citadel-advisors-llc). +* Citadel and CME Group have a long relationship together, going back to 2008. +* CME Group and Citadel established a clearing house for Swaps that are priced electronically and competitively, by Citadel's systems. +* Citadel has a massive amount of trades going through CME Group just in Credit Default Swaps. They accounted for \~11.5% of total trading of the contracts. + +# Definitely think it's worth looking into CME Group. + +Oh yeah. [Hedgies are fukd](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgap9Ok4Z4k). + +[Buying More I'm Jacked](https://preview.redd.it/dpzf95zdhzg71.png?width=603&format=png&auto=webp&s=0fbc29ea14c0913c448d14d43ac00ae47909f900) +I was talking with a friend earlier and she let slip that she "doesn't believe" in mortgage overpayments because if you decide to remortgage elsewhere the existing provider gets to keep half of the amount overpaid. She was adamant that she was right and wouldn't hear otherwise. +In this stupid world, where stupid people become rich by buying a stupid Coin why the fuck do i have to work hard and study and do things to become rich in order to help my fucking family and all i see around me, is stupid people posting on Twitter Instagram or wherever “doge Coin is so incredible i just made 10k” what the fuck is wrong? + +EDIT I’m not angry about others gains, the main problem here is the fact that a coin with no absolute utility gets in 4th position of the most capitalized coins in the world + +EDIT 2 everyone under this post is writing: “you are just jealous, bla blabla” I don’t care about who is earning with doge, I got my crypto and my earnings too, I made a 700+ in less than 2 months. This is not the point. +Hey all, I wrote [an article](https://rileyflanigan.substack.com/p/australian-housing-culture-is-incompatible) about the impact of Australian housing culture in how interacts with the property market and responds to the realities of rapid urbanisation. + +I'd love some feedback from some of the people in this group I've seen comment on this type of stuff in the past. + +Teaser: +*As a country, Australians have enjoyed decade upon decade of luxurious complacency when it comes to growing our wealth. Rather than explore more-diversified ways of funding retirement, we take on surreal amounts of debt with full confidence that someone in the future will borrow considerably more than we did. On top of paying a mortgage, we pour every spare cent we have into renovating our homes. Like spending a year in London or wearing open-toed footwear; it's just what we do - it doesn't really go deeper than that. We are a nation of renovators. Scott Cam is our Warren Buffet. However, in the context of rapid urbanisation, pouring all of our money into housing creates destructive downstream effects at the macro scale that make our cities worse today and unliveable tomorrow.* +[Following another quarter of losses, CEO George Sherman says he anticipates fiscal Q4 to see positive year-on-year sales growth due to next-gen launch.](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2020-12-08-gamestop-has-closed-462-stores-so-far-this-year-783-since-last-year) +# [AMA Details](https://i.imgur.com/mUzKPwR.png) + +# [Verification on LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bhanuharish_we-are-having-an-ama-session-tomorrow-where-activity-6826840000743772160-5oBn) + +This Saturday evening, join us for chit-chat on all things insurance and entreprenuership, with co-founder of Finshots / Ditto Insurance, Bhanu Gurram; and his team. + +In 2017, still in their second year of MBA at IIM-Ahmedabad, they conceived the idea for [Finshots](https://finshots.in/), a _three-minute daily newsletter_ encompassing everything about business and finance in a language that a layman could easily comprehend. + +Drawing a blueprint of their potential problems and challenges, doing their market research, and experimenting with ideas for Finshots during college, they dreamt of building a source that didn’t headline or sensationalise the news - but helped its readers understand the backdrop of a particular financial headline. + +What started as a pilot amongst four friends found resonance amongst a lot of readers who embraced Finshots and its offerings. Today, Finshots has amassed about 350,000 subscribers, continuing to simplify business and financial news for its readers, whether it’s about the much-talked-about Google’s 30% tax, or Abenomics. + +Then there's [Ditto Insurance](https://joinditto.in/), a product aimed to simplify insurance for the masses. + +This AMA would be focused on all things health & term insurance, and lessons in building products for the masses. + +Kindly post your queries below, if you are unable to make it. We'd field it in front of the guests, during the AMA. + +**NOTE**: AMA is on our subeddit, and not on our [Discord](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) +What are some of the polite ways you guys answer this question without “aww I can’t really say”? Just lie? Say some low number? Had a buddy ask who makes around $5k a month and, the question already being awkward, is even more awkward when they know I make way more and just lie. So what’s the best approach here without giving away anything substantial or coming across like a total douche? +I am a lot in oil so i would like to add some stable stocks to hold long term. I like Unilver, Sketchers, Restaurant Brands International and Intel. I look for dividends and also for long term growth. + +Other stocks i like is Brk B and PVH, and mining stocks - Rio, bhp and vale. + +P.s Started position in O last month. +VIA TWITTER: https://twitter.com/michaeljburry/status/1529115560558006272?s=20&t=9TrGsvOBtpEDMEyWLSe-JA +📷 +[**Cassandra B.C.**](https://twitter.com/michaeljburry) +[@michaeljburry](https://twitter.com/michaeljburry) + + +**¨**As I said about 2008, it is like watching a plane crash. It hurts, it is not fun, and I'm not smilin **¨** + +&#x200B; + +**Damn,** **What do you think what vehicle or vehicles to short the market is he using this time to short ? which you believe put examples and types of market shorts that could be ?** +What is the most important valuation metric you use when researching companies? +PE ratio, growing revenue/profit, low debt levels, share buybacks, return on investments, something else? +Jeff Bezos is the world's richest man. + +The recent surge in Amazon stock has pushed Bezos' fortune to over $90 billion, vaulting him past Bill Gates. + +Although he has been a billionaire for more than 20 years, his wealth has surged in the last two years. +http://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/27/jeff-bezos-is-set-to-become-the-worlds-richest-man.html +E3: After speaking briefly with Robbie, he has decided to move the AMA out, though he has not said to when. I'll update this post again once I have more info on that (I'm hoping in the next couple days). He also wants me to let the community know that he did not intend on "stealing the thunder" from Loopring, but since there are many who feel this way, that is his primary reason for the delay. I'd like to repeat that we are happy to host members of the Loopring team, the GameStop team, the Immutable X team, and any other teams working with our beloved stonk for a better future (presently, IMX is the only one to get back to us). If any of you have any way to reach out to these other groups, please do so. In the meantime, I'll see what can be done from the mod end to try and get some sort of collab AMA in the near future between some or all of the parties mentioned above. Oh, and apologies for the last minute change. It do be like that sometimes, so I appreciate your understanding. And since we have more time to gather questions, I'm unlocking this thread again! 🚀🌙 + +&#x200B; + +E2: Thanks for all the questions! Post is now locked. + +&#x200B; + +So, we normally take several days or weeks to set these up, gather questions, record, transcribe, etc, but Robbie is a gogogo type. He wants to do another AMA with us today. We're talking less than 6hrs from now. That means we need questions ASAP! I know this is short notice and the window for asking questions is even shorter, but I have faith in the apes. Y'all are gonna ask some bomb-ass questions, I just know it. + +&#x200B; + +I'll leave this post unlocked until 3pm EST, at which point I will lock it and start aggregating questions for Robbie. The current plan is to live stream via our YouTube channel at, or around, 5pm EST, subject to Robbie and the mod team's availability (but we'll try super hard to keep it). As always, please be respectful. If anything changes, I'll update this post to reflect it. Thanks in advance for your understanding and participation! + +&#x200B; + +LFG!!!! 🚀🌙 + +&#x200B; + +ETA: I'm seeing several comments that are expressing negativity about this AMA. If anyone knows Byron or whomever else is on the Loopring team, please feel free to reach out to them. We'd be happy to do an AMA with them as well. I may have a Tweeter, but I don't really use it except for the occasional post, so all this back and forth about who said what and why and when and what it means is presently beyond me. All I know is Robbie asked to do an AMA today, and it's my job to try to make it happen as smoothly as possible. The same courtesy will be applied to folks from GameStop, Loopring, or any other partner that wishes to have us host them. +The book is large scale analysis the causes of bankruptcy in American families. The pattern the authors found is that two incomes increases the risk of bankruptcy because the family consumes on a level that requires two incomes to support. However, two incomes means twice the chances of something going wrong like a lay-off, health problem or pregnancy. The authors go into much more detail on the inflation of costs like health care and housing over time as well as changes in consumption patterns like 2+ car families and larger housing. It also debunks myths like spending on luxury food and electronics as being the major cause of bankruptcy. It's all very numbers driven and geeky in a way I think this forum would like. + +I read [The Two Income Trap](https://www.amazon.com/Two-Income-Trap-Elizabeth-Warren/dp/B0076AQQ6E/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1549132882&sr=8-2&keywords=two+income+trap+elizabeth+warren) for the first time 12 years ago when I got married. It scared me sufficiently to always aim to contain family spending to a level of the lower earning partner. This is at least a 50% savings rate by definition so we've pretty much always been at least at that level. Do that for enough years and it stacks up. + +The punch line is the Harvard professor who wrote it (with her daughter) ended up going into politics and is probably running for president this year. It's Sen. Warren of Massachusetts. (Not an endorsement). +Why are dividends seen as so valuable? They are not free money and provide less growth. Usually higher yield means less growth. + +I might be misunderstanding but if I had a $100 share with 5% yield, would that not just turn into a $95 share with a $5 dividend. I still have $100 in the end. +This is the equivalent of selling 5% of a stock with no dividend. + +I understand dividends are great for older investors to use as income, but it confuses me as to why so many people my age, 20's, buy and recommend things like JEPI and QYLD. These etfs may have high dividend yields, but they have very poor growth. These etfs perform very poorly, in the long run, compared to something like VOO or VTI. + +Wouldn't it make more sense for someone in their 20's to go 100% VOO/VTI? + +Is there something to dividends im missing? +**Introduction:** +&nbsp; + +Greetings, fellow ethtraders! Happy New Year! In the next few months, taxpayers across the US will be filing their 2017 tax returns. As an [Enrolled Agent](https://www.irs.gov/tax-professionals/enrolled-agents/enrolled-agent-information) and a ETH/cryptocurrency investor and enthusiast, I wanted to write up a brief guide on how your investments in ETH and other cryptocurrencies are taxed in the US. + +&nbsp; + +--- + +&nbsp; + +**1. Are ETH/cryptocurrency realized gains taxable?** + +Yes. [The IRS treats virtual currency (such as cryptocurrency) as property.](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf) That means if you sell ETH, BTC, or any other cryptocurrency that has appreciated in value, you have realized a capital gain and must pay taxes on this income. If you held the position for one year or less, it is a short-term capital gain which is taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. If you held the position for more than one year, it is a long-term capital gain which is taxed at your long-term capital gains tax rate. In most cases, this is 15%, but could also be 0% or 20% depending on your specific ordinary income tax bracket. + +&nbsp; + +**2. If I sell my ETH for USD on Coinbase but do not transfer the USD from Coinbase to my bank account, am I still taxed?** + +Yes. The only thing that matters is that you sold the ETH, which creates a taxable transaction. Whether you transfer the USD to your bank account or not does not matter. + +&nbsp; + +**3. If I use my ETH to buy OMG or another cryptocurrency, is this a taxable transaction?** + +Most likely yes. See #4 below for a more detailed explanation. If assuming crypto to crypto trades are not able to be like-kind exchanged, then continue on to the next paragraph here. + +This is actually two different transactions. The first transaction is selling your ETH for USD. The second transaction is buying the OMG with your USD. You must manually calculate these amounts. For example, I buy 1 ETH for $600 on Coinbase. Later on, the price of 1 ETH rises to $700. I transfer that 1 ETH to Bittrex and use it to buy 37 OMG. I have to report a capital gain of $100 because of this transaction. My total cost basis for the 37 OMG I purchased is $700. + +&nbsp; + +**4. If I use my ETH to buy OMG or other cryptocurrency, could that be considered a tax-free like-kind exchange?** + +Probably not. The new tax law says that like-kind exchanges only pertain to real estate transactions. [This was done with Section 13303, which replaced “property” with “real property” for all of Section 1031](https://www.congress.gov/115/crpt/hrpt466/CRPT-115hrpt466.pdf) (page 72 near the bottom). My personal interpretation: + +In 2018 and going forward, cryptocurrencies can definitely not be like-kind exchanged. + +In 2017 and before, it is a very gray area. I personally am not taking the position that they can be like-kind exchanged, because if the IRS went after a taxpayer who did this, the IRS would probably win and the taxpayer would owe taxes, interest, and probably penalties on every single little gain made from trading one cryptocurrency for another. + +[Here is a great interpretation of why trading cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency is probably not a like-kind transaction.](http://www.taxabletalk.com/2017/09/05/can-you-use-a-§1031-exchange-to-defer-gain-with-cryptocurrency/) + +In my opinion, the biggest factor is that like-kind exchanges must be reported on [Form 8824](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f8824.pdf) and not just ignored. Therefore, if a taxpayer is claiming like-kind exchanges on crypto to crypto exchanges, he or she would have to fill out a Form 8824 for each individual transaction of crypto to crypto, which would be absolutely cumbersome if there are hundreds or thousands of such trades. + +[Here is another article about like-kind exchanges.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2017/08/15/cryptocurrency-traders-risk-irs-trouble-with-like-kind-exchanges/) + +[Here is the American Institute of CPAs' letter to the IRS, dated June 10, 2016,](https://www.aicpa.org/advocacy/tax/downloadabledocuments/aicpa-comment-letter-on-notice-2014-21-virtual-currency-6-10-16.pdf) asking them to release guidance on whether crypto to crypto can be like-kind exchanged or not. The IRS has not responded to the letter. + +&nbsp; + +**5. How do I calculate the realized capital gain or loss on the sale of my cryptocurrency?** + +The realized gain or loss is your total proceeds from the sale minus what you purchased those positions for (your cost basis). For example, you bought 1 ETH for $300 in June of 2017. In December of 2017, you sold that 1 ETH for $800. Your realized gain would be $800 - $300 = $500. Since you held it for one year or less, the $500 would be a short-term capital gain taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. + +&nbsp; + +**6. Which ETH's cost basis do I use if I have multiple purchases?** + +The cost basis reporting method is up to you. For example, I buy my first ETH at $300, a second ETH at $530, and a third ETH at $400. Later on, I sell one ETH for $800. I can use: + +*FIFO (first in first out)* - cost basis would the first ETH, $300, which would result in a gain of $500. + +*LIFO (last in first out)* - cost basis would be the third ETH, $400, which would result in a gain of $400. + +*Average cost* - cost basis would be the average of the three ETH, $410, which would result in a gain of $390. + +*Specific identification* - I can just choose which coin's cost basis to use. For example, I can choose the second ETH's cost basis, $530, which would result in the lowest capital gains possible of $270. + +&nbsp; + +**7. If I end up with a net capital loss, can I claim this on my tax return?** + +Capital gains and capital losses are netted on your tax return. If the net result of this is a capital loss, you may offset it against ordinary income on your tax return, but only at a maximum of $3,000 per year. The remaining losses are carried forward until you use them up. + +&nbsp; + +**8. What is the tax rate on my capital gains?** + +If long-term, the tax rate is 0%, 15%, or 20%, depending on your ordinary income tax bracket. If short-term, the tax bracket you’ll be in will depend on your total income and deductions. The ordinary income tax brackets are 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6% in 2017 and 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37% in 2018 and going forward. + +[Here are the 2017 and 2018 ordinary income tax brackets.](https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets/) + +[Here are the 2017 and 2018 long-term capital gains tax brackets.](https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates/) + +[Here is a detailed article on how the calculation of long-term capital gains tax work and how you can take advantage of the 0% long-term capital gains rate, if applicable.](https://www.kitces.com/blog/understanding-the-mechanics-of-the-0-long-term-capital-gains-tax-rate-how-to-harvest-capital-gains-for-a-free-step-up-in-basis/) + +&nbsp; + +**9. If I mine ETH or any other cryptocurrency, is this taxable?** + +Yes. [IRS Notice 2014-21 states that mining cryptocurrency is taxable.](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf) For example, if you mined $7,000 worth of ETH in 2017, you must report $7,000 of income on your 2017 tax return. For many taxpayers, this will be reported on your Schedule C, and you will most likely owe self-employment taxes on this income as well. The $7,000 becomes the cost basis in your ETH position. + +&nbsp; + +**10. How do I calculate income for the cryptocurrency I mined?** + +This is the approach I would take. Say I mined 1 ETH on December 31, 2017. I would look up the [daily historical prices for ETH](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/historical-data/) and average the high and low prices for ETH on December 31, 2017, which is ($760.35 + $710.12) / 2 = $735.24. I would report $735.24 of income on my tax return. This would also be the cost basis of the 1 ETH I mined. + +&nbsp; + +**11. Can I deduct mining expenses on my tax return?** + +If you are reporting the income from mining on Schedule C, then you can deduct expenses on Schedule C as well. You can deduct the portion of your electricity costs allocated to mining, and then you depreciate the cost of your mining rig over time (probably over five years). [Section 179](https://www.irs.gov/publications/p946#idm140672412370912) also allows for the full deduction of the cost of certain equipment in year 1, so you could choose to do that if you wanted to instead. + +&nbsp; + +**12. If I receive ETH or other cryptocurrency as a payment for my business, is this taxable?** + +Yes. Similar to mining, your income would be what the value of the coins you received was. This would also be your cost basis in the coins. + +&nbsp; + +**13. If I received Bitcoin Cash as a result of the hard fork on August 1, 2017, is this taxable?** + +Most likely yes. For example, if you owned 1 Bitcoin and received 1 Bitcoin Cash on August 1, 2017 as a result of the hard fork, your income would be the value of 1 Bitcoin Cash on that date. [Bitcoin.tax uses a value of $277.](https://bitcoin.tax/blog/how-to-tax-bitcoin-cash-bch/) This value would also be your cost basis in the position. Any other hard forks would probably be treated similarly. Airdrops may be treated similarly as well, in the IRS' view. + +Here are a couple more good articles about reporting the Bitcoin Cash fork as taxable ordinary income. The second one goes into depth and cites a US Supreme Court decision as precedent: [one](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tysoncross/2017/10/17/yes-the-bitcoin-hard-fork-really-is-taxable-income-heres-what-you-need-to-know/), [two](https://www.bitcointaxsolutions.com/yes-bitcoin-hardford-is-taxable-income-heres-why/) + +&nbsp; + +**14. If I use ETH, BTC, or other cryptocurrency to purchase goods or services, is this a taxable transaction?** + +Yes. It would be treated as selling your cryptocurrency for USD, and then using that USD to purchase those goods or services. This is because the IRS treats cryptocurrency as property and not currency. + +&nbsp; + +**15. Are cryptocurrencies subject to the wash sale rule?** + +Probably not. [Section 1091](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/1091) only applies to stock or securities. Cryptocurrencies are not classified as stocks or securities. Therefore, you could sell your ETH at a loss, repurchase it immediately, and still realize this loss on your tax return, whereas you cannot do the same with a stock. [Please see this link for more information.](https://www.bitcointaxsolutions.com/bitcoin-wash-sales/) + +&nbsp; + +**16. What if I hold cryptocurrency on an exchange based outside of the US?** + +There are two separate foreign account reporting requirements: FBAR and FATCA. + +A FBAR must be filed if you held more than $10,000 on an exchange based outside of the US at any point during the tax year. + +A Form 8938 (FATCA) must be filed if you held more than $75,000 on an exchange based outside of the US at any point during the tax year, or more than $50,000 on the last day of the tax year. + +The penalties are severe for not filing these two forms if you are required to. Please see the second half of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uccfz/i_am_a_tax_attorney_here_are_my_answers_to_the/cegm06s/) for more information on foreign account reporting. + +&nbsp; + +**17. What are the tax implications of gifting cryptocurrency?** + +Small gifts of cryptocurrency do not have a tax implication for the gift giver or for the recipient. The recipient would retain the gift giver's old cost basis, so it could be a good idea for the gift giver to provide records of the original cost basis to the recipient as well (or else the recipient would have to assume a cost basis of $0 if the recipient ever sells the cryptocurrency). + +Large gifts of cryptocurrency could start having gift and estate tax implications on the giver if the value exceeds more than $14,000 (in 2017) or $15,000 (in 2018) per year per recipient. + +[Here's a good article on Investopedia on this issue.](https://www.investopedia.com/university/definitive-bitcoin-tax-guide-dont-let-irs-snow-you/definitive-bitcoin-tax-guide-chapter-2-bitcoin-commerce-taxable-events-c-gifts-and-tips.asp) + +An important exception applies if the gift giver gives cryptocurrency that has a cost basis that is higher than the market value at the time of the gift. [Please see the middle of this post for more information on that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uccfz/i_am_a_tax_attorney_here_are_my_answers_to_the/ceglzi1/) + +&nbsp; + +**18. Where can I learn even more about cryptocurrency taxation?** + +[Unchained Podcast: The Tax Rules That Have Crypto Users Aghast](http://unchainedpodcast.co/the-tax-rules-that-have-crypto-users-aghast) + +[IRS Notice 2014-21](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-14-21.pdf) + +[Great reddit post from tax attorney Tyson Cross from 2014](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uccfz/i_am_a_tax_attorney_here_are_my_answers_to_the/) + +&nbsp; + +**19. Are there any websites that you recommend in helping me with all of this?** + +Yes - I have used [bitcoin.tax](https://bitcoin.tax) and highly recommend it. You can import directly from an exchange to the website using API, and/or export a .csv/excel file from the exchange and import it into the website. The exchanges I successfully imported from were Coinbase, GDAX, Bittrex, and Binance. The result is a .csv or other file that you can import into your tax software. + +I have also heard good things about [cointracking.info](https://cointracking.info/) but have not personally used it myself. + +&nbsp; + +**20. Taxation is theft!** + +I can't help you there. + +&nbsp; + +--- + +&nbsp; + +That is the summary I have for now. There have been a lot of excellent cryptocurrency tax guides on reddit, such as [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uccfz/i_am_a_tax_attorney_here_are_my_answers_to_the/), + [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/litecoin/comments/7j4zri/lets_clear_this_up_taxes_on_crypto/), and [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/73q3kf/clearing_up_misconceptions_about_cryptocurrency/), but I wanted to post my short summary guide on r/ethtrader which hopefully answers some of the questions you all may have about US taxation of ETH and other cryptocurrencies. Please let me know if you have any more questions, and I’d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. Thank you! + +**Regarding edits:** I have made many edits to my post since I originally posted it. Please refresh to see the latest edits to my guide. Thank you. + +&nbsp; + +--- + + +**Disclaimer:** + + + +The information contained within this post is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for obtaining tax, accounting, or financial advice from a professional. + +Any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this post is not intended to be used for the purpose of avoiding penalties under U.S. federal tax law. + +Presentation of the information via the Internet is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an advisor-client relationship. Internet users are advised not to act upon this information without seeking the service of a tax professional. +Hello stock investors. I’ve been investing in the stock market for a while now but never have I seen these types of gains in history. I’ve read countless books on investing and all points to getting the hell out as soon as possible but the past few months have not been the case. I’ve also been checking online forums and there has seem to be a new wave of overly optimistic investors. It seems like the market should’ve crashed for a second time already (1st in March). Can older investors share their thoughts? Or are we simply entering a new age? The way it has been going since March is something that has not been seen before throughout history. They say what comes up, must come down. So when and will we experience the biggest crash in history/ and soon? + +Please keep clean. Thank you. +Hi all, + +Just wanted to share my recent experience as a private health customer. + +I have had private health for over 20 years, have never really needed it, but 20 years ago I was over the threshold where it made sense to avoid paying the levy. + +My problem is - I was only ever over the levy for a few years and have been well under it ever since, I always thought “if I can still afford it, I might as well keep it!” + +I estimate it’s has cost me approx $70,000 to have it since my 20’s. + +Recently I tore my ACL and required surgery. + +It took me approx 3-4 months to even talk to the surgeon. + +Continued working with the injury day after day. + +I have had approx $7500-8000 of out of pocket expenses. + +Going through some paperwork and feel a bit disappointed seeing that the surgery itself cost $4230.00…. + +Guess what my private health pays for? + +$348.30 (a bit over a months worth of what it costs me to have private health). + +They pay 12% of it. However Medicare still pays $1044.90! + +I guess I have the fear of not having private health incase something bad happens. + +But ya know what? Something bad happened and I’m still $7500-8000 out of pocket. + +Hospital fees +Anaesthetist +Pharmacy +Physio + +Had to pay for crutches + +Got my diet info wrong, served wrong food. + +Luckily it’s not with data losing Medibank private, that would have just been perfect. + +Why be insured if you’re out of pocket almost $7500-8000 when you need it the most? What if I didn’t have the money? + +Does anyone here have a good story about having private health? + +Edit - Corporate Hospital Saver Level 3 - Silver Plus with Corporate Classic - $327.45 per month + +Edit - Thank you for all your replies and I feel for you guys who have lost loved ones and had a bad experience with health insurance. I am also very happy to hear that some of you guys have had a great experience with it and feel it’s justified and worth it. + +And to everyone saying “cANt yOu ReAd tHe ConTraCt!?!?!” - yes I can, but to honest, I’m exhausted with work, life and this knee has pushed me over the edge… your comments are appreciated and quite possibly very correct…. but as a human posting on Reddit, you are super unhelpful and I’m very sad that this is your default response. It’s taken me quite few years to shake that crappy default attitude, not sure where it comes from, but I guess it’s just people trying to be edgy and funny? Dunno…. Get a life plz. +lunadoge.finance + +&#x200B; + +Remember my thread here 2 weeks ago? Since then we've done a 10x, and the BEST is yet to come! The TG is growing, holder count growing, marketcap growing. + +&#x200B; + +The LunaDoge token ($LOGE) takes the deflationary tokenomics of Safemoon and fuses it with the novelty of Dogecoin. LunaDoge operates just like SafeMoon, Shiba Inu, Elongate, and Moonrat with regards to a quadrillion dollar token supply and deflationary nature. + +&#x200B; + +LunaDoge is a fork of MoonRat and SafeMoon. Both projects have been audited by CertiK, assuring users that there is no backdoor in the code for the team to scam its investors. $LOGE is currently in it’s infancy and is only available on PancakeSwap🥞. + +&#x200B; + +Why does this token have Moon potential??? + +&#x200B; + +✅Hold and Earn + +&#x200B; + +· Every transaction incurs a 10% fee · 5% distributed to hodlers (LOGE will automatically get added to your wallet) · 5% permanently added to liquidty creating a steady rising floor Anti-Whale measures · Transactions greater than 0.5% of supply rejected to prevent Whale manipulation + +&#x200B; + +✅Liquidity Locked + +&#x200B; + +· Team tokens (24% of total supply) locked using third party provider DXSALE · Team tokens RE-LOCKED as of May 5th · 15% for 6 months, 5% for 3 months; 4.7% for 14 days which will be re-locked again · 1% burn every 2 weeks to a dead address which will create an ever decreasing supply of LOGE + +&#x200B; + +✅100% Community Driven + +&#x200B; + +· LunaDoge is fully transparent · Whitepaper · All team and LP tokens have been locked · Every trade automatically contributes to generating liquidity + +&#x200B; + +✅Bi-weekly Token Burn + +&#x200B; + +· Every second week the team will burn 1% of total $LOGE supply from their own tokens · This coincides with team token re-locks + +&#x200B; + +✅Marketing and Branding + +&#x200B; + +· They have a growing community on Telegram, Twitter, and Instagram (links at the bottom) · This is a key element in the success of any product · The graphic design team has developed an appealing logo · Community contests such as a meme competition (running until May.8th) · They've partnered with multiple influencers to build brand awareness + +&#x200B; + +✅What’s in the Pipeline? + +&#x200B; + +· Coinmarketcap listing (pending) · Coingecko Listing (pending) · External audit · Website updates · LunaDoge Mars Program · Cross-chain integration · Token farming · Partnership rollout · Community growth + +&#x200B; + +This team has continued to demonstrate their commitment to the LONGEVITY of this project and have continually increased my investment confidence through their actions! Its holders are put first and that seems to be a rarity given the recent landscape of startup projects. + +&#x200B; + +Do your own DD and let me know what you think! Hopefully we’ll take a ride to the moon together 🚀 + +&#x200B; + +[https://lunadoge.finance/](https://lunadoge.finance/) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Last ban length: 1,048,576 days + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/2sQBNuM). +Title says it all, no clue what to do, but I do know he has credit card debt that I can’t afford pay. Did some googling and can’t find a decent “this is what you do and how to deal with details when you parent dies” checklist. Not sure if there is a better place to post this?? Anyway, any advice on dealing with the financial aspect of this would be greatly appreciated. + +Edit: thank you all for the good advice and kind words, very helpful and consoling +My parents (68f and 69m) have never been very good with money. My dad is retired and getting social security, but has no other savings, and I found out recently that my mother has almost no retirement savings (maybe a couple thousand in 401k and no IRA) I’ll admit I’m not familiar with how social security works but I know my dad has been collecting for almost 5 years now. + + +I’ve tried to have conversations with them on what their plans are for retirement, but my mom gets easily stressed when talking about finances and my dad is the type that’s too proud to discuss such things with their children. I only know what I know from years of mildly prodding and recently assisting my mother with managing her insurance and 401k online. I have a rough idea of how much they both make, and I honestly have no idea how they’re currently making ends meet. I was always under the impression that they had some kind of plan but now I’m thinking the plan is to have either me or my brother take care of them when they’re no longer able to work. + + +I’m not sure what else is relevant info, but the major issues with their situation are: my brother can’t be trusted with soon to be elderly parents and I’m scared to death of being their soul caretaker and not being able to provide a good quality of life for their golden years. So, I need to sit them down and force this conversation with them, right? I had a thought of hiring them a finical advisor and letting them do all the hard work. However, it’s occurred to me that it’s possible an advisor will look into their situation, give them a solution, but my parents don’t take any of their advice (that’s something my parents have done a lot in the past and present). It’s also possible I might upset my dad and he’ll end up refusing their help. Last possibility is advisor tells them they can’t help them and that would make my mother absolutely distraught. + + +Again, I’m not sure what all is relevant information, but I can explain further if need be. This has been eating away at me and I can’t imagine how my parents must feel. I’d greatly appreciate any advice on how they can save and any resources that may be available to them. Also if anyone has any similar experience with sitting down their parents to get them serious about their retirement- if you’re willing to share your journey it’d help a great deal. + + +TL;DR - My mom and dad have almost no savings. I’m not going to have the means to be their soul caretaker. What can I do to help them? + + +Thank you all in advance. + + +*Edit- fixed some spelling/ grammar mistakes +ok, so firstly, + +all of the papers I found through Google search and Google scholar. Google scholar doesn't actually have every research paper so you need to use both together to find them all. They were all found by using phrases like "predict stock market" or "predict forex" or "predict bitcoin" and terms related to those. + +&#x200B; + +Next, + +I only tested papers written in the past 8 years or so, I think anything older is just going to be heavily Alpha-mined so we can probably just ignore those ones altogether. + +&#x200B; + +Then, + +Anything where it's slightly ambiguous with methodology, I tried every possible permutation to try and capture what the authors may have meant. For example, one paper adds engineered features to the price then says "then we ran the data through our model" - it's not clear if it means the original data or the engineered data, so I tried both ways. This happens more than you'd think! + +&#x200B; + +THEN, + +Anything that didn't work, I tried my own ideas with the data they were using or substituted one of their models with others that I knew of. + +&#x200B; + +Now before we go any further, I should caveat that I was a profitable trader at multiple Tier-1 US banks so I can say with confidence that I made a decent attempt of building whatever the author was trying to get at. + +&#x200B; + +Oh, and one more thing. All of this work took about 7 months in total. + +&#x200B; + +Right, let's jump in. + +&#x200B; + +So with the papers, I found as many as I could, then I read through them and put them in categories and then tested each category at a time because a lot of papers were kinda saying the same things. + +**Here are the categories:** + +* *News Text Mining.* \- This is where they'd use NLP on headlines or the body of news as a signal. +* *Social data - Twitter Sentiment/Google Search/Seeking Alpha*. Again, some were NLP, for google trends they just used the data. +* *Technical Analysis & Machine Learning together*. Most of these would take the price, add TA features, then feed into a ML model. +* *Other machine learning (as in, not using TA)*. Just using the price and some other engineered features. +* *Analyst Recommendations*. Literally just taking the recommendations from banks/brokers and using that as the signal. +* *Fundamental data*. So ratios from the income statement/balance sheet, + +**Results:** + +Literally every single paper was either p-hacked, overfit, or a subsample of favourable data was selected (I guess ultimately they're all the same thing but still) OR a few may have had a smidge of Alpha but as soon as you add transaction costs it all disappears. + +Every author that's been publicly challenged about the results of their paper says it's stopped working due to "Alpha decay" because they made their methodology public. The easiest way to test whether it was truly Alpha decay or just overfitting by the authors is just to reproduce the paper then go further back in time instead of further forwards. For the papers that I could reproduce, all of them failed regardless of whether you go back or forwards. :) + +&#x200B; + +**Now, results from the two most popular categories were:** + +* *Social data.*A lot of research papers were extensions of or based off of a paper by Johan Bollen called "*Twitter mood predicts the stock market*". It literally has 3,955 citations and is complete and utter horse shit; the paper is p-hacking to the extreme. Not only could I not reproduce the results, but given the number of sentiment indicators he uses I regularly found correlations between sentiment and my data based on how I engineered it. None of these correlations held over longer time periods. Every paper that's a derivative of this one or cites it has the same issues. +* *Technical analysis & machine learning.*Every paper would do something along the lines of.. take past price data for some asset (stocks, forex), then add technical analysis indicators as "features". Then either they'd run through a feature-selector that figures out the best features then put the best ones into a model OR they'd dump this data straight into the model and afterwards select the subset of instruments that it "worked" on. None of these would hold if you k-fold test them or test on different subsets of data outside of the ones used in the paper. The results are always based off of selecting favourable subsets of data. + +&#x200B; + +**The most frustrating paper:** + +I have true hate for the authors of this paper: "*A deep learning framework for financial time series using stacked autoencoders and long-short term memory*". Probably the most complex AND vague in terms of methodology and after weeks trying to reproduce their results (and failing) I figured out that they were leaking future data into their training set (this also happens more than you'd think). + +&#x200B; + +**The two positive take-aways that I did find from all of this research are:** + +1. Almost every instrument is mean-reverting on short timelines and trending on longer timelines. This has held true across most of the data that I tested. Putting this information into a strategy would be rather easy and straightforward (although you have no guarantee that it'll continue to work in future). +2. When we were in the depths of the great recession, almost every signal was bearish (seeking alpha contributors, news, google trends). If this holds in the next recession, just using this data alone would give you a strategy that vastly outperforms the index across long time periods. + +Hopefully if anyone is getting into this space this will save you an absolute tonne of time and effort. + +So in conclusion, if you're building trading strategies. Simple is good :) + +&#x200B; + +Also one other thing I'd like to add, even the Godfather of value investing, the late Benjamin Graham (Warren Buffet's mentor) used to test his strategies (even though he'd be trading manually) so literally every investor needs to backtest regardless of if you're day-trading or long-term investing or building trading algorithms. + + +I [try to write a bit on medium](https://towardsdatascience.com/crypto-trading-bots-a-helpful-guide-for-beginners-60decb40e434?source=friends_link&sk=6c68390cbf6ae7f464ad1666d55dba4b) even though I'm not a great writer if you wanted to read more from me and my [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/janny-kul/) for everyone asking about credibility. +Does anyone allocate a % of their income or pool of money going into investments into very high risk high return opportunities? + +To provide some context, after one maxes out 401k, backdoor ROTH IRA, investing money into mutual funds/ETFs/individual stocks, max HSA, money into 529, etc., shouldn't one swing for the fences with a percentage of their money? I've worked in biotech for over a decade now, so I would want it ideally in this space. So it could be investing in private companies in the space or a large tranche into a call/put option around catalysts. + +I've started angel investing, albeit pretty new to it and started with some tech and tech that is loosely health related. + +I am thinking about allocating ~10% annually on potential 20 to 100 baggers. Does anyone else have a plan like this? I have no family so want to take more risks at this stage in life + +edit: for the record, I already have core positions in index funds, some actively managed funds, real estate, BTC, and company stock options/RSUs/ESPP. So for those of you Negative Nancy's saying you can't beat the index, I say "not with that attitude"! :) This is the fatFIRE subreddit guys, and I believe you need to take some asymmetric bets to get the FAT in the FatFire +Looking at BBBY pop off and seeing the effect it has on GME. Makes me so proud of the DD writers of old. Who theorized the ways this would play out way back last century in 2021. To see what’s happening in the markets now. It’s on the backs of great DD that the wilder everything gets, the more zen I feel. Truly the ending has already been written. + +Now we just wait for the rest of the world to slowly peel back the layers and see the markets as the fraudulent entities they really are. Once GME goes off it doesn’t matter what propaganda anyone tries. There is really only going to be one thought in anyone’s minds: “Huh, I guess they were right.” + +Then comes the hard part. Peruvian Bull gave us the hyperinflation DD. The big picture stuff. Anyway, cheers to the DD writers including the OG DDer himself, Roaring Kitty. +My dad (49 years old) and I got into a debate the other day about pensions. He’s a union journeyman, so he will receive his pension once he’s ready to retire, which should be in the next 10 years. + +I work in the corporate world at a commercial insurance brokerage. I’ve always worked in a corporate setting (not state or federal) and have never been offered a pension. My dad was telling me “it’s not possible to retire without a pension, get a job with a pension”, but I was explaining to him that pensions are specific to certain industries or if you’re a state/federal employee, but he wasn’t understanding that. + +Is it possible to retire without pension? I’m 28 so I have plenty of time and I currently have a 401(k) and an IRA. I contribute 6% to each and my employer matches. I’ve been making contributions to my 401k since I was 18 and just recently started contributing to an IRA. + +Edit ; my dad suggested that I leave the insurance industry (a career with high earning potential and great benefits) and get a position at the post office in order to receive a pension. +I could really use Reddit's advice this morning... + +I started a new job at the beginning of September. I was brought on at a base salary of $70K - with promises of commissions. They estimated my annual compensation to be about $105K but said that it had the potential to go up to around $130K. + +At the beginning of November, a man in a similar (but more senior) role turned in his notice. He's a director level, while I'm at a manager level. I was congratulated by my boss for this unexpected promotion and assured that this was a very good move for me and that I'd be making "a lot more money". He even referred to it as life changing. I asked if my job title would be changing and he said no. + +It took him a few weeks to put my comp plan together. Yesterday, he called me in and gave me rave reviews of my performance so far (to be fair, I've mostly been in training) and highlighted some goals for 2020. And then he discussed my exciting new comp plan... + +He's cutting my base salary to $60K (which is supposedly what the director's base salary was). And estimating my total compensation to be $104K. + +He acted absolutely flabbergasted that I wasn't excited about it. I told him it was less than he had estimated my previous role - and he said that he had re-ran the math and I would have never gotten close to that in commissions, he had originally run the math based on outdated data. He said that these commissions are basically guaranteed, as in this role, I'll be getting commission based on overall company performance rather than on just my own work. + +I asked him for a night to think about it - and he told me yes, but that it wouldn't change anything. And if I wasn't happy with that, that we could shake hands and go our separate ways. + +I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions? I can't afford to be jobless, but man - this feels like a bait and switch. + +UPDATE: +I took the director out for drinks. Oh boy. Apparently he's leaving because they cut his commission by 70% - and told him his new annual compensation estimate was exactly what they've told me mine would be. Yikes. I truly appreciate all of the advice and help! It's encouraging when others validate what you're feeling & fearing. + +UPDATE 2: +Just thought I'd give an update, albeit a lousy one. + +I met with my boss - and we had a long conversation. He kept talking in circles, ultimately echoing what he had said the day prior. I asked him if he would split the difference with me since the commission was 'basically guaranteed' (base $85K, cut my commission in half). He said absolutely not. I told him the only way I'd be comfortable with this is if he gave me the title. He said no. Finally, we agreed that I'd stay and take the position - and we'd have a formal meeting in 6 months to re-visit my pay. Again, all I had heard about my performance was that it was exemplary. Absolutely no complaints. + +Friday afternoon, he put a '90 Day Evaluation' on my calendar for late this afternoon. + +&#x200B; + +And today, he fired me. + +&#x200B; + +He said that I just wasn't the right fit and that he'd talked to others in the company 'and that it was unanimous that I didn't belong there. I told him that I was surprised, as I'd had such rave reviews last week. I asked if there were specific examples where I 'wasn't the right fit' so that I could improve professionally. He said, " Yes, but I don't like to do that on the day of. It's too emotional. I'd be happy to have lunch or coffee in a few weeks and go through it all, then." + +&#x200B; + +So, yeah. That's the terrible conclusion on that story. I don't think I'll even be able to qualify for unemployment since I was fired. And my first mortgage payment is due next week. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for all your help. +Do you pay by the hour/ride like an uber? Or is it salary with unlimited use? What does the driver do with your car after dropping you off? Say for example you work half an hour from home, do they drive the car home after and put double the mileage on your car? Do you pay them when they are idling waiting for you if you are delayed or going to a show/restaurant (goes back to the first question)? Does it cause any (even if mild) sense of anxiety knowing someone is waiting for you to finish and leave? Is there any inconvenience having to tell someone when to pick you up, especially if you have a sporadic work schedule and could be delayed by several hours? Or if you have to wait for them because you didn't tell them in time and they are stuck in traffic? +Not that bold of a statement I just made, however, I often see short term dividend advice on here rather than long term, which I have fallen victim to as a younger investor. + +I’m in early 30’s and find myself chasing high yield stocks/ ETF’s too often in an effort to grow my annual dividends. +I have stumbled into some great long term holds from advice on this sub with $abbv, $avgo, $msft, $schd etc. but have also made many mistakes along the way. + +However, I can’t stop thinking that by the time retire in 20-30 years, accumulating as many $Aapl shares now will be the best long term dividend play I can make. + +If a new investor asked me today the best foundational place to park money for a healthy future dividend income, I would simply answer $Aapl and $Schd. + +$Aapl will most likely continue to raise its dividends annually and possibly split 1 or more times (in my lifetime). With the dominance of $Aapl today, why wouldn’t it either continue to grow or slowly transition into a higher dividend paying gem if business levels off down the road? + +I am not saying to go all in on $Aapl but I feel if you have decades ahead until retirement, $Aapl should be viewed more as a long term dividend giant - coupled with ETF’s and others companies you find in your journey. + +*Opinion not Finacial advice +Hi, +I am trying to understand call options as I’m new to this. +I understand that I have 2 choices when buying call options: +1)sell the option and make money on the change in premium before the expiration date. + +2) exercise the option. My question is, if I choose to excercise the option and take the 100 shares do I have to do anything in my brokerage account or will i automatically receive the shares? +How do you get in the frame of mind to know when to buy/sell? Literally as soon as I buy a stock it tanks, and as soon as I sell a stock it shoots up. Genuinely feels like I'm being pranked at this point +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +I own a small business that has been shut down by a state mandate related to covid. + + +I’ve been building my little real estate rental business on the side basically as a way of diversifying my income. + + +I thought I one income stream got rocky, the other could pick up the slack. + + +It’s really throwing me for a loop to have both effected. + + +On the plus side, one thing that I keep thinking is thank God that a global pandemic is causing all of this and not my own mismanagement of the businesses in good times. +here are the penny stocks i own in my portfolio: + +1. **good natured Products Inc. (GDNP.V)** +2. **Mind Medicine (MindMed) Inc. (MMED.NE)** +3. **Empower Clinics Inc. (CBDT.CN)** +4. **VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (VSBY.CN)** +5. **TAAT Lifestyle & Wellness Ltd. (TAAT.CN)** +6. **CloudMD Software & Services Inc. (DOC.V)** +7. **The Very Good Food Company Inc. (VERY.CN)** +8. **FansUnite Entertainment Inc. (FANS.CN)** +9. **Datametrex AI Limited (DM.V)** +10. **ImagineAR Inc. (IP.CN)** + +any recommendations on what penny stock to buy in the future? comment your ticker symbol :) +Unfortunately, posts on this topic are not a rare occurrence here. Teenagers are often kicked out of their home without support, sufficient money, or time to prepare in advance, but there are some resources and options for teenagers in this situation. + +This guide also includes some information for teenagers who are at risk of being kicked out. + +# First, please seek help + +If you need help, there are confidential and nonjudgmental services with trained helpers that you can call or contact online. Sometimes these services get busy. If you can't reach someone right away, please try again until you reach someone. + +In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call the police or the emergency telephone number for your country (e.g., 911 in the United States). + +In addition to the below resources, consider talking to an adult that you trust. There are many options such as: + +- A teacher, sports coach, or staff member at your school +- A school guidance counselor, school nurse, or doctor +- A relative that you trust +- A friend's parent or guardian +- A religious leader +- A neighbor + +## United States + +- Contact the National Runaway Safeline. They provide a valuable resource for runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth. The service is free, confidential, and available 24/7. + + **CALL 1-800-RUNAWAY** + + [**CLICK 1800RUNAWAY.org**](https://www.1800runaway.org/) + + **TEXT 66008** + +- You can also text "HOME" to 741741 in the US to communicate with a [Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.org/) volunteer anytime, about any type of crisis. Every texter is connected with a Crisis Responder, a person trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem-solving. + +- In most of the US, you can also call 211. They will help connect you with resources. + +## United Kingdom + +- Contact [Childline](https://www.childline.org.uk). Childline is a free, private, and confidential service where you can talk about anything. + + **CALL 0800 1111** + + More information is located under [*Moving out / leaving home* on Childline](https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/your-rights/your-rights/). + +- If you're in England, aged 16 to 25, and homeless or at risk, the [Centrepoint Helpline](https://centrepoint.org.uk/) offers advice and support to vulnerable young people. + + **CALL 0808 800 0661 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm)** + +- [Here is some additional information about housing and +homelessness resources for young people in the UK.](https://england.shelter.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/23387/ShelterGuide_KnowYourRights.pdf) + +## Canada + +- Contact the [Kids Help Phone](https://kidshelpphone.ca/). + + **CALL 1-800-668-6868** + +- You can also text "HOME" to 686868 in Canada to communicate with a [Crisis Text Line](https://www.crisistextline.ca/) volunteer anytime, about any type of crisis. Every texter is connected with a Crisis Responder, a person trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem-solving. + +- In most of Canada, you can also call 211. They will help connect you with resources. + +## Australia + +- Contact the [Kids Help Line](http://www.kidshelp.com.au/). + + **CALL 1800 55 1800** + +## Resources for other countries + +Country | Organization | Phone Number +-|-|- +Belgium (Dutch) | [Awel](https://awel.be/) | 102 +Germany | [Nummer gegen Kummer](https://www.nummergegenkummer.de/) | 116 111 +Ireland | [ISPCC](http://www.ispcc.ie/) | 1-800-666-666 +Italy | [Telefono Azzurro Rosa](http://www.azzurrorosa.it/) | Casi urgenti e SMS adolescenti: 337 427363 +Netherlands | [Kindertelefoon](https://www.kindertelefoon.nl/)| 0800-0432 +New Zealand | [Youthline](http://www.youthline.co.nz/) | 0800 376-633 +South Africa | [Childline](http://www.childline.org.za/) | 08000 55555 +**Other Countries** | [Child Helpline International](https://www.childhelplineinternational.org/) | [Find a Child Helpline](https://www.childhelplineinternational.org/child-helplines/child-helpline-network/) + +# Some housing options to consider + +Read through all of these before you settle on which options to try first. If it starts to be too overwhelming or you need help, please reach out to one or more of the resources listed above for advice and support. + +1. **If your home living situation was not abusive** and there is an option to make up with your parent(s) or caregiver, please consider it (even if it means a curfew, chores and hard work, or following rules you don't like). You can use this time to save up more money, find work, finish high school, and generally prepare for living on your own. + + If things are uncomfortable at home and you're allowed to simply spend more time elsewhere, that's often a good option to reduce tension at home. Some ideas: get a cheap gym membership, do your studying at the library, get a part-time job, join an after-school group, or volunteer. + + If you have fundamental disagreements with your family or caregivers and this would be a possible reason for you to be kicked out, it's probably best to delay announcing these until you're on your own and doing well independently. Maybe they are not great people. Maybe you don't believe in the same things. As long as you are safe, it can wait until you are in a better position to be independent. As they say, the best revenge is living a good life. + +2. It's generally illegal for your parent(s) or guardian to actually kick you out. **If your home living situation was not abusive**, one option to consider is contacting the police to get back into your home. + - If you're an underage child (under 18 in most of the United States) and not legally emancipated, it's almost always illegal for parent(s) or a guardian to kick you out. + - Even if you're an adult or legally emancipated, but living at home, it's generally illegal to kick you out without following the relevant laws including sufficient notice. The specifics depend on the circumstances and your location (you may consider posting to /r/legaladvice as well). + + Contacting the police may be unpleasant and you will need to listen to the police officer, but your parent(s) or guardian will also need to listen and allow you back into their home. You shouldn't be carrying anything illegal (drugs, alcohol if you're underage, or illegal weapons) in general regardless, but absolutely do not have any of those items on you if you contact the police. + +3. If you have any relatives that you can reach that would let you stay with them for any period of time, this is one of the best available options if you've been kicked out. Aunt or uncle lives in the next state? Call them and find a way to get there. Any non-abusive relative that you know is probably a better option than heading to a shelter. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, step-siblings, you name it. + +4. Failing that, your next best bet is to contact friends, crash on a couch, and ask anyone you know that might put up with you. Try to consider *any* workable and safe options. For example, your ex's parents liked you and you're on good terms? Call them and ask if you can sleep on their couch for a few days until you figure something out. + +5. While you're living on someone else's dime, in a place that isn't yours, friends, family, shelter, whatever it is, try you best to be on your best behavior. That means: + - Try to avoid drugs and alcohol. If you need help with substance abuse, please reach out to some of the resources linked above. + - Try to respect any rules of the household or establishment and stay out of trouble. + - Keep your space clean and maintain your personal hygiene. + - Try to avoid being a negative presence. + +6. It may be very difficult to find a better option, especially on short notice, but living and sleeping on the street is very dangerous, especially as a teenager. **Contact one of the above help lines and they will help you find a safe place to sleep.** + +# Preparing if you think you might be kicked out or may need to leave soon + +1. Try to avoid accelerating the process and use any time you have to save up money and prepare. Your own safety comes first, though. + +2. Try to make sure you will have a place to stay. If you can sleep on a couch for a month and save up more money before renting a room, do it. You want to save up money as much as reasonably possible. + +3. Try to have your birth certificate, identification, passport, diplomas and anything else you will need. Store important documents at the home of a trusted friend or family member if possible. Note that your parent(s) or guardian aren't obligated to give you their copy of certain documents and you should not put yourself at risk to retrieve these because you can order a copy later ([link for United States](https://www.usa.gov/replace-vital-documents)). + +4. Plan for the worst case even though it might not happen. Your parents may not support you going to school, fill out financial aid paperwork for you, etc. If you can't afford to pay for school on your own, you may need a different plan for continuing your education such as going to community college while working. + +5. If and when you need to spend money for a place to stay, try to spend as little money as possible on rent. That usually means renting a room instead of an apartment, having some roommates, etc. + +# Financial Accounts + +- Joint bank accounts can be emptied by either account holder at any time so if you're old enough to open your own bank account (18 or 19 in the United States), open a new bank account *at a different bank* from the one used by your family. [Local credit unions, online banks, and online credit unions are popular recommendations here. Use a local credit union if you will need to deposit cash.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/banks_and_credit_unions) + +- If you're not old enough to open an account where you live, see if an adult that you trust will help open a joint bank account with you. When you are old enough to open your own account, open one as soon as possible and transfer your money over. + +- Sign up for electronic statements and consider using a different postal address (e.g., the address of a friend or trusted adult) so statements don't get delivered to your home. + +- If you're having trouble finding an bank or credit union that will allow an adult that isn't a parent or guardian to open an account with you, the [Money account](https://www.capitalone.com/bank/checking-accounts/teen-checking-account/) offered by Capital One 360 is one option in the United States. + +- [Check your credit report](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ad5f5h/30day_challenge_1_get_on_top_of_your_credit/) and [freeze your credit](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/identity_theft) (sign up for credit monitoring before freezing your credit). + +# School + +## United States + +If you're still in high school, ask a guidance counselor or principal at your school about continuing your education. The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that mandates the right of students regardless of their housing status. The law provides resources and support including provide transportation, free meals, and other services. + +If you have questions about Federal student aid, and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless read [this guide from the Department of Education](https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/sites/default/files/homeless-youth.pdf). + +# Other resources + +- /r/almosthomeless +- /r/homeless +- [PF Wiki: Advice for high school students and teenagers](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/teachme) + +# Edits + +I've been making edits to this while going through all of the really helpful feedback so far. Here are a few things I'll be adding soon: + +- [Job Corps is a great option in the US for ages 16 to 24 (parent/guardian approval is needed under the age of 18)](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/bgv0wy/what_to_do_if_youve_been_kicked_out_of_your/elnz2vw/). +- [There are many adults that young people can reach out to for help and advice.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/bgv0wy/what_to_do_if_youve_been_kicked_out_of_your/elo8kk1/) +I recently received a $100,000 inheritance and would like to invest for long-term growth. I'm 29 and my time horizon is long (\~30 years). I already own a mix of value stocks, tech, and index funds. + +Given the current market situation, would you invest $120,000 right now or wait several months to see if there is an additional correction? I am strongly considering holding cash or perhaps spreading out my buys over a period, but am unsure what my plan should be. + +**P.S.** I know the correct answer is "It won't matter in 30 years." But let's ignore that for the sake of this post. +Accounting is crucial to be a value investor. As noted here frequently, one cannot rely on metrics like earnings, free cash flow, and variations as a measurement of what truly goes into your pocket as an owner. Maybe they are a starting place, but there are things that can make these metrics deviate from reality. So in order to understand what we own, we must become sufficiently literate in accounting. + +But the problem is that it is hard to start. I have been doing my best to read 10K's and 10Q's for the past year. I have googled the terms that I don't know which are most of them. I try and look on Investopedia to learn the concepts that I don't know. I try to read about things here to see what things I am not looking at that I should be that would manipulate the data to not be the truth. + +Eventually I will get better, but is this the best way forward? How did YOU (accounting expert in this sub) learn this skill? +A few days ago I was trying to understand how a company with $1.4bn in cash and no debt can have a market cap of $1bn. The lack of trust in the management's ability to put the cash to good use and to create value for the shareholders is insane. + +Over $80m invested in R&D and acquiring minor companies, losing money year-over-year with $30-$40m revenue forecasted for 2022. + +The story behind the products seems very good, but the lack of proper execution combined with raising lots of funds and not acquiring any company has shifted the sentiment significantly. + +I had a difficult time valuing the company's business as it could be anywhere from -$200m (if it continues to lose money and there's not enough demand for the printers) up to $300m (If it delivers on the promises). On top of that, there's the $1.4bn in cash. + +Overall, it seems as the market expects the management to not only lose money on the current business model but also to make poor acquisitions in the coming period (or postpone acquiring companies for a long period of time). + +Below is a link to my video where I explain my assumptions and go through the details: + +[https://youtu.be/KjH8RHMSlCU](https://youtu.be/KjH8RHMSlCU) + +At this price, the downside seems fairly limited (but it still exists) and the upside depends on future acquisitions. + +I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts about the company as well as suggestions for other companies to value. +Hey everyone, + +i recently read "The little Book that still beats the market" by Joel Greenblatt. While not taking it too seriously, I tried the screener since I was wondering what stocks would fit the criteria. I also used finviz screener with the parameters described in the book and got some similar stocks. + +As it turns out, roughly 70 % of the stocks on both lists are the stocks I already had on my watchlist or in my portfolio. Now I'm wondering if someone is investing with that strategy or has some experience with it. Looking forward to hear from you guys. +It’s an honest question. I’ve never heard Buffett talk about using EPS or even Free Cash Flow in his analysis. + +He talks about mainly pre-tax income as well as net earnings / net income (and has made a point in his letters that he doesn’t put much weight into cash flow numbers). He’s called them “absurd”. + +In the past when I’ve posted my due diligence / analysis on this sub on companies that have massively grown their pre-tax income they’ll be other investors who comment but only see / point out declining cash flow. + +On a personal level I’ve always ignored cash flows as well as EPS numbers and have focused on pre-tax income, net income, retained earnings, the growth / expansion of operating margins, and the growth of the cash balance on the balance sheet when judging the strength / quality of a business. + +From a valuation standpoint I’ve always looked at pre-tax yield.