diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_273.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_273.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_273.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +I guess that's what I want to convey to FI in this post: The next recession does not match your expectations on your Excel.xls spreadsheet. I remember that I had conservative growth rates as my projections and thought that I was set. Technically, my growth rates flushed out in the end. What I wasn't prepared for is seeing my losses in the short term. + +It's easy when we are projecting the market over time but, as cocky as you think you are, you are mental mess when you lose half of your assets. You are probably telling yourself that you have a big, badass plan to "buy more" in the next down turn. Let me tell you, if it's anything like the last one you will probably be cowering in the corner. + +You'll probably cancel your automatic investments that you were once confident would lead you into wealth - cash will be king by the way. You'll probably rationalize your auto investment cancellation by being smart because you need to build a cash hoard - you figure you'll be fired. + +Your FI plan is also going to be attacked in the court of public opinion. I was skeptical of CNBC and the like leading into 2008 but I found myself still watching it during the meltdown - the credit markets seized up entirely. Prestigious investment firms shuttered their doors. No one knew who the next huge company to fold would be - you probably will have friends at those firms and you'll probably think you are being a good friend by monitoring their situation, too. + +And then there is the non-media stuff that just ruins you. For me, this is when the news camera showed up on my block. One of my neighbors that I kind of knew (walked a small dog everyday, said hello to, seemed well put together), slammed a bullet into his temple. Turns out he was a commodities trader who was at the losing end of his bets. Left his family behind as he caught the bullet in the head. + +I'm not saying the next "correction" will be the same as the "recession." It will probably be much more mild. My final point is the old adage, "Man plans, God laughs." + +Lets plan our little FI butts off but just be ready for the rapture... +A year ago I was living across the state from my family renting a room from a 50+ guy I found on Craigslist sleeping on an air mattress I bought after trying and failing to get rid of a bed bug infestation multiple times. + +My rent was getting up at 5:30am M-F to drive him 20 minutes to work and then another 15 minutes to a Starbucks where I waited 2 hours to go to my job at a pizzeria. + +There was another roommate who died of a drug overdose while I was there (fun fact, I did cocaine with him for the first time). The older guy was an alcoholic who would drink multiple fifths of whiskey a week. He lost his license and had a "girlfriend" who just used him for money and took advantage of his loneliness since his wife died. + +My car broke down multiple times and I had to fix and then replace an engine putting me in 4k of credit card debt. I donated plasma as much as I could, so much so I almost got a permanent scar... + +Bottom line is, it was the low point of my life. I voluntarily broke ties from friends and family because I had been dishonest about college and the immense guilt of fucking up my life caused me to literally run away from everything. + +After living like that for nearly a year I started to mend my relationships. My parents and family are far better than I deserve. My sister helped me get a job at her company where after a raise I'm making $15.62 an hour, way more than I've made previously. My parents helped me to get a reliable car, only asking I pay back half at 0% interest for as little as $100 a month. They bought a manufactured home for me to live in and plan to put it in my name if I prove responsibility. I never asked for any of this...it baffles me how much they care to be honest after how distant I was. + +I now work a 9-5 job (well 10-7) Monday through Friday with almost a month of PTO and extremely cheap health, dental and vision. My lot rent is only $410 a month and utilities are $150 at most and that's in the dead of winter. All of my debt is paid off and I have nearly $2k in savings already. My life went from utter hell to stable and I really don't deserve it all. + +I think I just wanted to make this post to get this off my chest. I'm thankful to my past experiences since it instilled a strong sense of frugality and desire for financial stability. I never would have gotten here alone and God knows how long it would have taken to have a life even remotely similar if I tried to do it all on my own, it probably never would have happened. + +I really do feel for and empathize with people in poverty, of course some make shitty mistakes in life like I did but once you fall into a cycle it's so goddamn hard to crawl out. I hope I don't fuck my life up again somehow and am able give back in some way to others in the future.... +As the title suggests, I have about 15k and I don’t know where to put it. + +Since it’s a good chunk of my savings, I’d prefer low volatility. I’m really just sick of it sitting idle earning very little interest in a bank account. +I am on a five-week bender between jobs right now and I am about one week in. I did budget for a normal month, so I live my normal life, just without the job. + +At first I was a bit anxious. While I have hobbies and activities that I like, I wasnt sure how I would feel about not beeing productive. Today I had an epiphany. My car broke down ony my way to get some ice cream. But instead of worrying about bills, lost time and transportation...I wasn't angry for even one second. I called a tow truck and sat at the side of the road. They warned me it would take over an hour and I honestly didnt care one bit. It was nice outside so I just watched the cars and people passing by, without any hurry or even checking my phone. + +Usually I would have brought the car to the shop - no time to do it myself (although I know what's wrong.) Today I told the truck to bringt it home and rode the bike to the parts store to get a specialized tool. I rode back home and the tool broke on the first try, some faulty manufacturing. With the sun soon setting, I felt the anger coming but then I remembered - I can just do it tomorrow morning, no need to fix it tonight. So I calmly rode back to the store, exchanged the faulty tool for a new one and cycled home. Totally relaxed, nice spring day, not worried one bit. + +All the shops were open when I needed it. I could avoid all the hassle of people rushing stores after 5 p.m. + +If you would have told me I would be relaxed about a broken car on a weekday two years ago...If that's what FI is about then I can't wait. +Hey Everyone, + +I thought I would share my story since I enjoy hearing how other people are doing on their path to FIRE. I have laid it out effectively in terms of school years since I still think in those terms. I only discovered FIRE in the last three years so I also don’t know my net worth for most years but have included estimates that are likely close. + +**College and background** + +I grew up in a low income household and felt very poor. Ended up at a highly selective liberal arts school. Their financial aid was pretty great at first but fell off a bit. I remember paying only $4,000 for my first year. This jumped to about $10,000 per year for the next three years. Not bad for the experience though. I had only saved a few thousand for college and I wasn’t excited about the prospect of debt, so I worked during school. 25-30 hours a week generally. On top of a very difficult course load (40-60 hours a week on coursework) I ended up feeling very tired and stressed. Looking back I regret working so much. I didn’t even make that much money really. + +I studied Physics. A friend of mine tried to get me to take Economics, but it never fit my schedule. I tried to take a Computer Science course, but I couldn’t take it due to demand. I regret both of these things. + +**Year 1 (June 2012):** + +**Salary $52,000 Cash $12,000 Debt $17,000 NW $-5,000** + +While I had always wanted to get a Doctorate, I became disillusioned with the post graduate school job market and decided to enter industry instead. I started working at a small manufacturing company as a Physicist/Manufacturing Engineer. It turns out there are not a lot of options to pursue as a physicist. I didn’t know what I was doing but at least there wasn’t too much pressure on me. Moved to a MCOL area. + +Paid off my debts in several months thanks to dirt cheap living expenses (<$1000/month). This was thanks to $400/month rent due to sharing a house with four other people in a not great part of town. I didn’t really track my net worth. I just deposited money in my checking account and tried not to spend too much. I think I put around 8% in my 401k. Looking back, I should have maxed it. + +**Year 2:** + +**Salary $57,000 NW $20,000?** + +Not much to report here. Just worked. Started graduate school part time in Mechanical Engineering. I felt a lack of options with only a Physics degree and felt I would have more options with an MSME. Probably a great choice especially since my work paid for it. I also initially enjoyed classes. + +**Year 3:** + +**Salary $63,000 NW $50,000?** + +I bought the house that I was renting. I probably overpaid for it, but I rented out rooms so it more than paid the mortgage. I guess I was house hacking. It really was about doing something with the money that was just accumulating in my savings account. Investing was scary to me. I borrowed $25,000 from my mother to help me cover the deposit and avoid PMI. I agreed to pay her back over the next 2.5 years. + +I also got engaged this year. More on this later. I continued taking classes. + +**Year 4:** + +**Salary $70,000 NW $100,000?** + +I got married! My wife was an artist so didn’t bring in very much money but also was debt free. We kept two renters, but they no longer covered the mortgage. Between a decrease in rent, paying for healthcare for my wife (an extra $400/month), and paying back my mother, things felt very tight. I kept contributing to my 401k though. This brought a fair amount of stress to the relationship. **I highly recommend talking about earning expectations before marriage.** We talked about everything else, but somehow this didn’t come up. I think in part because I was doing fine on my own and didn’t connect the loss of rental income plus increased expenses with marriage. What we did that helped was to budget. This was absolutely critical. + +**Year 5:** + +**Salary $77,000 NW $140,000?** + +This was a big year in many ways. Finished graduate school. Woo! Unfortunately part way through graduate school I realized I didn’t want to be an engineer. I enjoyed the business side of work and should have gotten an MBA. + +My wife applied to graduate school as we decided she needed to have a more steady career. We paid off the loan to my mother. The payment was the size of a mortgage, so it felt like we finally had some breathing room. + +Perhaps most importantly, this was the year that I discovered FIRE. This was good because I really started disliking my job at some point this year. **Started maxing my 401k.** + +**Year 6:** + +**Salary $87,000 NW $175,000?** + +I got promoted at work and started managing a team of engineers. I again liked my job though it was more stressful. I also applied to MBA programs. Missed out on top tiers schools (screwing up my Wharton interview is a very sad memory) but got an offer for full tuition at a mid-tier. Thanks to the promotion I decided to do part time grad school again since the company would pay for it. This was painful but probably a good choice. + +Started ROTH IRAs for myself and my wife. My wife started graduate school. She worked part time as well. Between part-time work and scholarships, most if not all of the cost was covered. + +**Year 7:** + +**Salary: $95,000 NW $250,000** + +Started grad school. Sold my house and moved to a small 1 BR apartment in a nice part of the city we live in. It was nice to get money out of the house and be able to invest it. I didn’t make a ton from the house sale but it lowered stress. Home ownership, especially for an older home, requires a lot of work. + +Started tracking balances every 2 weeks. Felt like this was a good balance of knowing what is happening without getting obsessed. + +**Year 8:** + +**Salary: $123,000 NW $325,000** + +I finished grad school part 2. Wife finished graduate school. I negotiated for a much higher salary at work. Started disliking work again though. Unfortunately covid happened so my wife was furloughed and went to doing gig work. She definitely made some money but it isn’t included in salary here. Started to finally not feel poor as well. That may be silly that it took so long but growing poor leaves marks that take a long time to fade. Something about hitting a significant income level and living in a nicer spot made a big difference. + +**Year 8.5 (Present)** + +**Salary: $130,000 NW $400,000** + +I accepted a job offer in a HCOL/VHCOL city. I will be making less when accounting for cost of living differences, but I think I will enjoy it more and have more growth options (edit: its a technical marketing role). My wife also just started work (another \~$60,000/year). The last time I checked finances we just crossed $400,000, which felt like a big milestone. Hitting six figures in a taxable account just happened as well and this was very exciting. + +**My recommendations**: + +1. Use a budget. I have had a high savings rate thanks to budgeting. +2. Max out your 401k early (unless it is a terrible fund or something). It will hurt but you can get used to it. +3. Talk about earnings/career expectations before marriage. Create a budget together before getting married. +4. Invest in yourself. Doing part time grad school twice was a good career choice even though it was very difficult. My company paid for it both times. +5. Home ownership can be a great vehicle for wealth building. I found it stressful and detracted from work. Investing in myself and my career will likely end up being a better choice for me. YMMV. + +Thanks for reading and for all of the encouragement that this community provides! + +Edit: I got a question about NW allocation: + +\- Savings: $50K (about to buy a car and move so have been hoarding cash for the last few months) + +\- 401K: $185K + +\- Roth IRA: $60K + +\- Brokerage: $105K + +Further edit: target number is $1.25 million. Probably another 12-15 years of work. + + +Last edit: A fair number of comments about whether or not I was poor growing up. I grew up in a single-parent family as the youngest of four children. We were below the poverty line until I was at least 12 when a second sibling moved out. I was on free school lunches until it was just me and then I was on reduced school lunches. My mother was a saver who had a full-time job and always took part time gig work as well. So once she was able to save due to her kids moving out, she did. That is why she was able to loan me money at that point (20+ years from when my dad left her). I am sure that plenty of people have worse situations than mine, but I assure you, we were indeed poor when I was young. +I mean, it's hardly a rumor. Capitalist society's have a boom and then bust every ten years or so, its really just whether this will be the worst since the great depression as many scholars are predicting, and whether that damages crypto. We stay linked, or if money floods into a different market to avoid the crisis +Good morning, here's my watch list: + +Gap Ups: AAPL, ETSY, FFHL, FSLY, INO, NVDA, OSTK, RPRX, SHLL, SHOP, SPOT, TBIO, WMT, ZI + +Gap Downs: AAL + +&#x200B; + +Market gapping up again. No surprise there, what used to be a rare occurance now happens every other day. Most gap ups very overbought. If a stock is very overbought, I will only long it on a pullback or after a good consolidation, I will not chase gap ups in this market, especially on a gap. This doesn't mean that stocks that are gapping won't move up because in a runaway market they can, just not something I am interested in. Good luck out there +Hey guys, + +I hope you are doing fine. I want to share with you the dashboard I have created during these last weeks and present you all the functionalities that you could use to enhance your trading strategies. + +# - Trending Stocks Pages + +In the pages *Trending Stocks* Reddit, Twitter, Google Trends you have a list of the stocks that have been disccused the most in each of the social network. For Reddit, you'll be also able to select a specific thread and time granularity to check the stocks that have been discussed the most in these specific subreddit. You will be able to see the Current Trending Score and Previous one, to see if a recent hype is building up around a stock. Same for Twitter & Google + +# - Top Movers + +This page allow you to check the stocks that had the biggest jump in the trending lists specified above. The objective is to help you catch the trending stocks before they become too mainstream and spot them as soon they have an increasing weight in the discussions. + +# - Reddit Trending Index + +This index has been built to show you what kind of performance would you except yourself to have if you had to blindly buy the 10 most discussed stocks in Reddit. In Less than a month the performance is already **+ 122% .** + +You can check out all that at [https://unbiastock.com](https://unbiastock.com/) + +Your comments and improvement ideas are more than welcome +***Important edit*** I am very sorry apes. In my rush to get this posted I made a crucial mistake in my date calculation. My thesis is based off of u/dentisttft great work with T+35 (this is calendar days, not trading days). Please see his DD linked underneath this edit. +So, I have made a big boo boo and stated that the date to watch is 19th July, which is T+21 and incorrect. The date should be Thursday 22nd July. + +A big thanks for U/expensive_SCOLLI2 making a comment questioning this. Apes should always question each other’s theories. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o155a6/t35_is_the_one_true_cycle_evidence_to_back_my/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + +This is not financial advice. I am a celery. + +Wow, what a time to be an ape. It really feels like the end game now and we are approaching some very interesting dates. + +Lots of speculation about an NFT announcement on 14th July, Bastille Day, anticipation on the 500k $0.5 OTM puts expiring on 16th July and the latest FTD cycle set to begin around 14th July and continuing to cause the SHF’s trouble over the next couple of week’s trading. + +This is great. Like most of you apes I am really looking forward to these dates. If something happens then super, if not, I don’t care. I just HODL. + +Well, I have another date for you that seems to have gone under the radar... + +Monday 19th July + +What is special about this date? + +21 trading days before 17th June was 14th May. On this day, there were 4.6 million FTD’s through ETF’s, a very significant amount of FTD’s. I anticipated a lot of action on 17th June when these FTD’s needed to be delivered. I wasn’t disappointed... + +Open: 224.00 + +High: 233.66 + +Low: 221.48 + +Close: 223.59 + +A huge ass Doji candle. We started the day very strongly with big green dildos. And the price stayed above 230 for most of the first half of trading. You could see this spike was coming from the SHF’s having to deliver on their previous shenanigans from 21 trading days before. However, I witnessed some serious price manipulation during the whole day’s trading. Every time that GME approached 233 it got a rejection. It pinged off of 233 countless times in a way that could only be price suppression. + +After a few hours of bouncing between 230 and 233, the price then declined all the way down the day’s low of 221.48, before adjusting back to close almost where we opened. + +What was significant on this day was the activity around shares to borrow on i-borrow. +Very typical behaviour around this time would be for a few hundred thousand shares to be taken of the board at open and then most, if not all, returned with in a couple of hours in to trading. +However, on 17th June, i-borrow opened that day with 1,100,000 shares available to borrow. 800,000 were taken and to this day they have not been returned to replenish back up to the 1,100,000 available. +I have to stress...800,000 is a huge amount to use to suppress the price. This is not typical. + +It is my belief that there was a huge operation to manage the price during the delivery of the FTD’s and by using 800,000 shares to suppress the price the SHF’s have created themselves a bigger problem that they need to deal with on 19th July. This falls during a period where we already expect parabolic activity due to the already known T+21 cycle and anticipated announcements from GameStop. + +My tits are jacked! 🚀🚀🚀 + +Tl;dr - 19th July is set to be a day with big upward buy pressure due to SHF’s having to unravel their can kick of 17th June (21 trading days prior). 800,000 shares were borrowed from i-borrow on this day, a very significant amount, which helped them to suppress the price and live to fight another day. + +Edit: I have incorrectly stated 14th May to 17th June as T+21. I should have stated this as T+35. +I have lived in the said unit for the last year and a half and am planning on renting it out unfurnished. Would it be bad/weird to use the photos that were part of the listing when advertising my unit? There is no damage or changes to the layout since I bought it. +So I finally got my renters assistance check from LA county for $2000 after 6 months of jumping through hoops. Check was in my name. Wife deposited it into out joint account with her mobile up. Today I check the account (Chase btw) and it's negative $2000 and they state my account will be closed frozen and closed within 10 days. Spoke to the bank and they said it was flagged as fraudulent deposit. I'm at a total loss at what to do. The program is the ERAS program in LA and they have no number you can call for help. +Morning/Evening everyone! + +It's been a pretty insane four months AMA wise - we've had some epic guests such as Ronan Ryan, Paul Conn to Robbie Ferguson. + +Been an absolute dream hosting all our guests and I along with the mod team hope we've represented the community well. I also hope we've given you the bang for the buck that pre-organised AMAs provide over original text based ones with in-depth answers and providing much more coverage of questions. + +We're wrapping this quarter up with Dennis from Better Markets - so stay tuned for that in early April. + +------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Onto the main reason of this post. Would love to hear who you'd want on for an AMA! No guarantee we'll get them on, but you can be damn sure we'll try our best. + +Second question is, you'd have noticed Reddit Talk being a feature many subreddit's are currently using (similar to twitter spaces). Do you want us to try and host these? If so, what type of content would you want to see hosted via this channel? + +Shoot the shit below. + +Cheers everyone 🍻 +Can they do that? Basically they said he could get his tips paid out in cash, by direct deposit, or by card. + +But he has set up the direct deposit several times, with HR, and they keep blowing him off that his “next check” will have the tips included on direct deposit. + +So far he has not been paid any tips in 3 weeks because he has not set up the card, because he doesn’t want it. + +He’s going to demand all of his past 3 weeks tips be direct deposited when he goes to work tomorrow, but he’s worried they’ll refuse, can they do that? + +US, Maryland. +Facebook Inc. said it plans to buy back $9 billion more of its shares, in a bid to boost confidence in the company after a recent stock slump. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-07/facebook-plans-to-repurchase-9-billion-more-of-its-shares?srnd=markets-vp +A new tax law is being proposed in the US which will require cryptocurrency investors to pay taxes on the profits from their investments even before they sell their coins. + + +If this ridiculous law is passed, it will: + + +1. Force you to sell your crypto when you're in profit, which would keep further price increase in check. Thus reducing the opportunity to make further gains. + + +2. Make everyone a ninja, doing everything to conceal their crypto wealth. + + +3. Probably discourage people from investing in crypto in the first place. + + + +My hope is that they also make provision to pay us for unrealized losses on our crypto assets. At least this will encourage me to gamble more on shitcoins without fear. + + +Congrats boys, we have graduated from China FUD to tax and regulation FUD. Let's see where this leads. + +EDIT: News source: https://beincrypto.com/treasury-secretary-tax-unrealized-crypto-gains/ +I’m just wondering if [Michael C. Bodson, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation](https://www.dtcc.com/about/leadership/board/michael-bodson) has any personal aircraft, and what they might be up to lately. Probably just taking some family vacations, I’m sure. +* **1.9MM index funds (80\% VTSAX // 20\% VTIAX) in Taxable account-** I'd allocate some to bonds, but this is all in a taxable account and bond funds are tax inefficient. +* **700k Cash (Ally Savings)** \- Just sold my paid off house for a more location independent lifestyle. + +My job earns me $250k+, but I don't think this income lasts forever (probably the next 5-6 years if I keep grinding). I'm a commercial director (I make TV ads). It's about 6-7 months of work per year, so I have lots of time "off". I could theoretically fill this with the job of a real estate investor. + +I've read books about Multifamily and understand enough to know the returns can be phenomenal, but that's if you make this into a full time job (at least while you're acquiring and then a part time job if you set up property managers). Problem is, I'm pretty lazy and I like to be creative. I know I could excel at REI, but I feel like I could do the same if I became a Dentist/Lawyer/Engineer/Etc. I wouldn't want either of those jobs. No offense to those who are it's just not me! + +I like to make stuff. I want to explore standup comedy. I want to travel and live in a different place every few years. So, it seems like a no brainer that I should avoid REI. BUT, I am scared of not owning tangible assets if the world goes to shit. What would you do? Any real estate investors in here that can attest to creating a passive empire they can leave behind while they travel for years? + +***TLDR: I want to grow my money and live a comfortable life, but not setup a complex empire to beat out index returns. Any REIs with success stories of truly passive income and how much better are your returns than the 9\% average returns of the markets?*** +I am sorry for you guys that was early in your commitment to Computershare, and feel lost that we have still not locked the float. You might feel that you are alone and the rest of us are afraid and hesistant to DRS our shares. + +&#x200B; + +Fear not fellow ape, a storm is coming. + +&#x200B; + +People are starting to wake up to the fact that every broker, every bank, every media is against you. You understood this early and understood the only way to save YOUR shares from the black hole they created is to DRS the shares to YOUR name. When MOASS is coming all the brokers and banks will go bankrupt. We have told you to DRS your shares because it is the only way to ensure you will be paid. + +&#x200B; + +I am situated in Europe and I am terrified that when MOASS hit and I know our corrupt brokers who have denied us transfers to Comptutershare will go bankrupt. They only insure every retail account to 500 000$. Without getting my shares into Computershare I risk being left out of the MOASS. I know there is rule in place to protect my shares and this is not how it supposed to be played out, but this is an unique situation that has never happened before. They have fucked me over at every opportunity so far, why would they not do it again. + + +Europeans knows this. Americans you are not alone. We are coming. We have bought shares for over 400$ at "gift a share" to get a Computershare account. We have paid transfer fees of over 200$. We know how important it is getting our shares registered to our own names. It is the only way to make sure I will be in control and not left with only 500 000$. + + +The wave of european shares have just started. Computershare registration and the work getting them registered has not stopped. A storm is coming +Let's say you make $100,000 a year and contribute your standard 6000 limit every January 1. But what happens if, say, in July of the same year you get a new position that pays $250,000 -- that is, it makes you ineligible for a roth contributions but you already made a contribution in the calendar year? (You've presumably already made stock purchases and could potentiality have lost on those as well.) Thank you. +Let's say you make $100,000 a year and contribute your standard 6000 limit every January 1. But what happens if, say, in July of the same year you get a new position that pays $250,000 -- that is, it makes you ineligible for a roth contributions but you already made a contribution in the calendar year? (You've presumably already made stock purchases and could potentiality have lost on those as well.) Thank you. +I previously posted a much more complicated thought process that has the same conclusion, but it really just boils down to this: + +&#x200B; + +It doesn't matter how much you might believe you're selling on the way down from peak MOASS. *Don't sell all your shares during the squeeze.* It is better to not sell some of them and then look back knowing your were definitely selling on the way down from the real peak, rather than to tap out too early and not have any shares in hand for the real peak. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Not only does this help the MOASS by not playing your hand too early, but it will also be healthy for us all to be HODLing some shares of GME when the dust settles. + +&#x200B; + +I like the stock. Buy and HODL. I am not a financial advisor. I am not your financial advisor. This is not financial advice. +Do you remember when there was HI5 and Facebook had just launched? And nobody was really joining FB? Look at HI5 and Facebook now. The first one is dead, the second one took its place. That’s the thing we are most reluctant to - EVOLUTION. The world never stops spinning and nor does the crypto market. + +So, what’s that got to do with MONEY you ask? + +It’s simple. EVOLUTION and MONEY go hand in hand. If it is your goal to search through a mountain of RPs and PnDs to find a stable project that would give you money, you need to evolve just like the real world. + +So, here’s a project that you can take a look at and decide if evolution is for you: + +$MEMES - THE platform built on top of a blockchain which will have the common features of social networks embedded with an NFT marketplace, allowing content creators to sell it in limited editions. + +Right now, it is 23 days old and at a good buying point. After the app will be launched in May, you will probably regret not getting on it faster and you will remember this article... + + +🔥**IMPORTANT** 🔥 +Tomorrow we are having an AMA session on Twitch [https://www.twitch.tv/memestoken](https://www.twitch.tv/memestoken) at 5 PM UTC. +During this sessions our main developer is going **PUBLIC.** Don't miss it! + + +Contract: 0x40B165Fd5dDc75ad0bDDc9ADd0adAbff5431a975 + +Website: [https://memestoken.com/](https://memestoken.com/) + +Price chart: [https://dex.guru/token/0x40b165fd5ddc75ad0bddc9add0adabff5431a975-bsc](https://dex.guru/token/0x40b165fd5ddc75ad0bddc9add0adabff5431a975-bsc) + + +If you wish to know more about out token’s profitability and our community, feel free to join +TG [https://t.me/MemesTokenOfficial](https://t.me/MemesTokenOfficial) +Discord [https://discord.gg/rQQWY3auAG](https://discord.gg/rQQWY3auAG) +Twitter [https://twitter.com/MemestokenO](https://twitter.com/MemestokenO) +Reddit [https://www.reddit.com/r/MemestokenOfficial/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemestokenOfficial/) +First of all the usual: + +I bring you PAWS token. Check it out and DYOR. + +&#x200B; + +4% Redistribution + +🐶 4% Liquidity Pool + +🔑 Presale: 75B PAWS / per BNB + +🗝 PancakeSwap: PAWS + +💰Softcap : 50 BNB + +💰Hardcap : 500 BNB + +&#x200B; + +📅 Presale Date : April 23, 4:00AM UTC + +&#x200B; + +🐶 Website: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com) + +&#x200B; + +🐶Audit: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Audit\_04\_12\_SWILSON-FF.pdf](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Audit_04_12_SWILSON-FF.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +🐶 Whitepaper: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Whitepaper\_content\_SWILSON-FF.pdf](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Whitepaper_content_SWILSON-FF.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +🐶 Instagram: [www.Instagram.com/pawsteamofficial](https://www.Instagram.com/pawsteamofficial) + +&#x200B; + +🐶 Twitter: [https://mobile.twitter.com/pawsofficial1](https://mobile.twitter.com/pawsofficial1) + +&#x200B; + +🐶Telegram: + +[https://t.me/PawsOfficial](https://t.me/PawsOfficial) + +&#x200B; + +🐶: + +[https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1401&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1401&chain=BSC) + +Now some analysis: + +PROS: + +1. Clearly very professional - they registered a business, have a 30+ whitepaper that is full of useful information. +2. Is one of the many pet charities project but with an actual ecosystem in the works, not only manual donations. +3. Not really possible to scam/rug since they doxed themselves with the business registration. +4. The presale is still live! All these shitcoins come here to shill after the presale so you buy their bags, now's the chance to be early. + +CONS: + +1. No working product yet, might take a while to create the app/wallets etc. + +Good luck out there +So I’ve been on twitter and I’m surprised at the amount of crypto hate, like genuinely surprised at the amount of people who just ignore, or disregard the tech completely. Even if they’re relatively intelligent people. + +Can someone help me understand where this originated? Was it a news article or is it just media in general? It’s so diametrically opposing tho because on the one hand someone will complain about control of government then just say “crypto is imaginary money” clearly just belittling the idea without clearly understanding that the fucking dollar they use at the grocery store is the same thing, except it’s not limited in quantity and this is worth nothing because Uncle Sam can just take a bong rip of the money printer whenever he likes. + +Why? +Hi +I have opened up a trading 212 ISA for this year and have bought a few shares within it under £3000. I want to be able to buy into some tracker funds too . Do I have to buy within Trading 212 or can I pick another provider to make up the remaining allowance for the year ? +Thank you +A few years back I had some inheritance and it was recommended I invest into the Woodford Income focus fund with a H&L stocks and shares ISA. + +That went well for about 5 months, then we all know what happened. Long story short, I wasn’t savvy enough at the time/wasn’t really focussed on it. It dropped to -50% of my original investment. + +The fund was then closed, re-structured and re-positioned under the name ‘LF ASI Income Focus’. + +At the time writing, my original investment has climbed back up to -35%. (About a year as it was reopened in Feb 2020). + +I’ve got a better portfolio now, a much better understanding of ideas for investing in my future etc. + +The question remains however, should withdraw from the fund and reinvest in a better performing fund or a (safer) tracker. Or just stick with it to hopefully one day break even? + +Thanks, +R + +Edit: + +Seems the general consensus is- don’t be emotional about it. It’s a psychological thing, reinvest if I think I’ll do better elsewhere. + +Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond. I genuinely really appreciate your views. It’s been weighing on my mind for a long time and this has given me the onus to shift it come dividend day (31st). +Preliminary estimates for the six months to 29 November 2020 indicate: + +- Sales of c. £185 million (2019: £148 million) +- Profit before tax of not less than £90 million (2019: £59 million) +- Declared a dividend of 60 pence per share + +Expect to announce our half-yearly report for the six months to 29 November 2020 on 12 January 2021 + + +https://investor.games-workshop.com/2020/12/07/half-year-trading-update-and-dividend/ +Use this thread to share your portfolio, purchases, sales, ideas, concerns, and anything else! + +This thread is also for asking questions about which is the best broker for you, which broker offers \[feature\] and other basic questions about platforms and their functionality. +Currently at about 13 P/E I am thinking that BP and RDSB are good buys that will give a nice dividend when things settle down. + +I am interested in your views. I don't think Tesla currently at 134 P/E is the magic solution to the worlds energy problems. + +Perhaps the future is some kind of hybrid car but oil and gas are here to stay until they run out for good, possibly in >100 years. I also predict a social backlash on low carbon and that people will get sick of subsidizing when energy prices are sky high and the alternates struggle to maintain supply. + +Your views will interest me. +I'm hoping that this won't get taken down under rule 4 of the sub, since it's not ultra short term (been holding since 1st UK lockdown), nor #YOLO (I'm living by 'only invest it if you can afford to lose it') + +Just wondering what you guys think of CINE stock? And thought / advice on when / if I should hold / sell / buy more? + +The guys over on r/CanaryWharfBets are getting quite excited, in the current climate, but there are only 1k members... + +Anyway, head over there for the memes, rocket and popcorn emoji and 'to the moon' comments that would surely be frowned upon here +Hi +I have opened up a trading 212 ISA for this year and have bought a few shares within it under £3000. I want to be able to buy into some tracker funds too . Do I have to buy within Trading 212 or can I pick another provider to make up the remaining allowance for the year ? +Thank you +Do people here invest in small cap value stocks either in U.K. US or globally. + +If you do how do you take your exposure to them either through mutual funds etfs or individual stock picks + +Anyone know how you go about doing this and where you do this? + +What’s your experience been like for investing in small cap value stocks? +Today, Just Eat announced that it is entering the UK Grocery Partnership with Asda: [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/just-eat-to-launch-grocery-partnership-with-asda-in-uk-271639734880](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/just-eat-to-launch-grocery-partnership-with-asda-in-uk-271639734880) + +The shares prices for the delivery companies have been absolutely massacred YTD: + +* ROO -28% YTD\* DELIVEROO) +* JET - 55% YTD\* (JUST EAT TAKEAWAY) +* DHER - 34% YTD (Delivery Hero) + +\* I am a holder of these two shares and most recent addition was in Deliveroo at 208p. + +My theory longer term is that Supermarkets will eventually outsource their whole online delivery options to the likes of these companies and Uber Eats. + +Just-Eat Takeaway had a large well known value investor (Baupost) initiate a position in the stock earlier this quarter and Cat Rock Capital (an Activist) investor has upped his stake ([Bloomberg](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-16/cat-rock-capital-said-to-boost-stake-size-in-just-eat-takeway)) . Neither of these actions has helped its share price, in fact quite the opposite! + +Speaking more generically, in UK / Europe currently, and in large parts of other countries people are working from home and / or staying at home for holidays. + +With all this in mind, what else could be behind the severe weakness of these shares? I have some thoughts: + +\-> Impact of hike in US rate rises on high growth (zero profit!) company valuations + +\-> Generally a more apathetic share market and investor base for UK / European stocks vs the US where there is significantly more volume mainly due to options activity + +Interested to know hear other people's views on this topic. + +Thanks +Use this thread to share your portfolio, purchases, sales, ideas, concerns, and anything else! + +This thread is also for asking questions about which is the best broker for you, which broker offers \[feature\] and other basic questions about platforms and their functionality. +WSJ: + +> Tesla Inc. late Friday acknowledged its semiautonomous system Autopilot was engaged by the driver in the seconds before a fatal crash last week, raising more questions about the safety of self-driving technology on public roads. + +> Federal investigators this week began examining the March 23 crash of a Model X sport-utility vehicle that was traveling south on Highway 101, near Mountain View, Calif., before it struck a barrier, then was hit by two other vehicles and caught fire. The driver of the Model X was killed. + +> Tesla said its vehicle logs show the driver’s hands weren’t detected on the wheel for six seconds before the collision, and he took no action despite having five seconds and about 500 feet of unobstructed view of a concrete highway divider. + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/tesla-says-autopilot-was-engaged-in-fatal-crash-under-investigation-in-california-1522462409 +Buy GameStop on IEX or on straight to market brokers every post should be this and every body should do this. Don’t ask me what the shit is you want to be a millionaire or billionaire look it up your self. Don’t be so incredibly lazy. If you refuse to fight the war rather than just buy your one share and say your doing something stfu. + +Buy on IEX or on a direct to market broker. Buy on t+21 and 35 days. You either wanna win or you want to complain about manipulation. Buy gme on iex or direct to market broker. That needs to be every single post till this is over. Like this if you want but you should repost and flood the timeline with iex or direct to market. Only way to stop the super manipulation. +I’m just getting started on my journey. Put an offer in and we’ll see how it goes. + +Curious to how others people’s responses to these questions: + +1. What’s your net income from your rentals? + +2. How much cash did you start with? + +3. How long have you been in the game? + +4. Do you work a full time job? If so, how many hours a week do you spend on real estate investing? + +5. If yes on 4, How much do you earn from your FT job? +I’m looking for any advice on what stocks to buy for long term investments. I have 10k invested currently. In a year I’ve seen around $1,500 in growth on my account. Not sure if that’s a good amount but I take it as a win since a savings account barely gives any interest. My investments include AIV, TSLA, PFE, VOO, OMP, MAIN, AAPL, IRCP, ARC, SCHD, and another like 12 stocks. Sometimes I wonder if I may be invested in too many things is that possible? Not everything I invest in is for dividends of course. Any suggestions or if any of you like to invest in any that I listed I’d love to hear your advice. I’m mostly trying to grow my money for retirement so I do not have to depend on anything else for that. I have only touched half of my savings to invest and have the other half put away as I still feel like I have a lot to learn. +Edit: my dividends automatically reinvest themselves +This completed class is from 2009. All the lectures are uploaded on youtube. + +http://economistsview.typepad.com/economics470/fall-2009/ + + +Seeing how much has changed in a year, you might want to take things slowly and follow his current class that just recently began. He talks a bit about current developments in the news for the first few minutes of each lecture to help you relate to the material more easily and keep you interested. One lecture up so far. + + + http://economistsview.typepad.com/economics470/ + + +You can find the textbook on the internet if you know where to look. *cough* *cough* + + +Like i always think in terms of the my account not in terms of markets. +I always respect my sl and never hold losses ever, and all that stuff, but sometimes i just don't enter a perfect trade to preserve my capital? +How do I overcome that? +Edit: +I DO ALL of that but still want to make good percentage that's what im focusing on and it's not helping +Everything I write will be MY OPINION as per the flair. None of what I write is financial advice and therefore shouldn't be taken as such. + +A lot of fuckery has occurred with quite a few different brokers which have lead to people being unable to buy, sell, or even access their app. + +Once the MOASS begins, the amount of traffic and attention will be UNPRECEDENTED and I'm 100% certain that many brokers WILL NOT be able to keep up with such demand no matter how "prepared" they claim they will be. + +The increased traffic may make the buying and selling process significantly LONGER than expected. More likely than not, a lot of ORDERS WILL BE BOUNCED BACK and will require apes to put in multiple orders before it goes through. + +It is also VERY POSSIBLE that TRADE SETTLEMENTS will be DELAYED. Imagine this scenario: + +Ape thinks he can accurately time a high AND low point in the market so ape SELLS his GME shares. -> Ape was correct and the share price drops 60% by end of trading day! -> Ape thinks "now I just need to buy my shares back and I make even more tendies!". -> Ape attempts to buy back shares at "discount" price -> "insufficient funds". -> Ape scratches head and gets very anxious -> Share price rises immensely and Ape is only able to buy in 2 days later -> Ape has half the shares ape started with and Tendies are effectively HALVED (your profits would likely get quartered or worse considering how volatile the stock will be during the MOASS) + +If YOU, an ORDINARY APE using ordinary means of buying stocks, attempts to DAY TRADE, there is no guarantee you can: +1. Time the peak and the dip +2. Get your order processed in time +3. BUY WITHOUT THE STOCK BEING RESTRICTED AGAIN + +I implore ALL APES to adopt the mindset that ONCE YOU SELL, THAT IS THE END. GG. + + + +TA:DR; YOU WILL NOT be able to time the market high and low. YOU likely WILL NOT be able to get your orders processed in a timely manner. You may face RESTRICTED BUYING AGAIN which means bye bye tendies once you sell. + + + +This is not financial advice, I'm merely a smooth brained ape whose eaten far too many red crayons. +Apologies for formatting, I'm on mobile. +We live in British Columbia and approximately 4 years ago, my sister-in-law was denied financing on a new vehicle. She asked my wife if she would co-sign on the loan and she agreed. After a check from the finance office, they got the green light and everything was finished. + +Now just this week, my wife and I have decided that we want to look into purchasing a new home. My wife calls our mortgage broker to talk about our finances and she was asked about a $40000 loan that's affecting our owe/own ratio. My wife told the broker that she was only a co-signer on it and the broker said that it looked like there was more to it. After sister-in-law does some digging, she discovers that the only part of this loan that has to do with her his the payment comes out of her account. My wife is the principal loan holder, there is no co-signer on the loan and all the payments the sister-in-law is making is going towards my wife's credit. + +On the upside, she hasn't missed a payment yet so my wife's credit is great. Her sister has been paying for her car for 4 years and her credit is still in the tank. Now we can't buy a house at the moment and I don't know if it's because the dealership fudged the paperwork to make the sale, ( A buddy worked for said dealership and told me they were crooked as fuck.) Or my wife, her sister and her husband all happened to miss a giant chunk of information while signing papers. I wasn't there when it happened so I can't make any real assumptions. + +Edit: I was going to let my wife proof read this before I posted it, but she feel asleep before I was finished. Now that she has seen it, she has told me that her sister had a previous loan and a different car that got added to the top of the new load and that is how it became $40000. Very sorry for the confusion this may have caused. + +Edit 2: For others that have asked, my wife is not on the insurance or registration for the vehicle. +So why does the market care about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine? +Will people stop tanking gas, will people stop going to the super market or gym, will people stop using tech or cancel their subscriptions like Disney or Spotify? +Does anyone have advice on having a custom home built? There's an architect in my city who offers a one-stop-shop, his team will design, build & furnish your house. They're a great award winning team & I intend to have them build my primary residence one day. + +I'm mostly curious how this process works, pitfalls to look out for, what fee structure is typical for these projects (what happens if over/under budget), etc. + +How does pricing of a custom built home work in comparison to the overall real estate market? I.e. if I buy land in a boom vs a recession, and ask a builder to build me a home, would they charge more in a boom? + +Based on that, do you get the best value when you buy land in a boom and then build on that land for the highest amount of forced appreciation? I.e. is a scenario like this realistic: + +Recession: Land $75k, Home Build: $500k, After built value: $800k ($225,000 forced appreciation). + +Boom: Land $150k, Home Build: $500k, After built value: $1.2m ($550,000 forced appreciation). +As explained in the title, me and my fiancé looking to buy a house for around £300k. I am a first time buyer but my fiancé was on the family mortgage but she is taking her name off the family mortgage. So does that mean we can avoid the 3% stamp duty or would we need to pay it. Its around £5000 stamp duty for someone who is not a first time buyer so deffo looking for ways around it. +Hi everyone. My partner and I have almost completed on a house. We expect to complete by the end of the month at the latest. We want to get new furniture and other stuff for it and want to get this on a credit card. I currently have a Virgin credit card with a limit of £6800 and haven’t used any of the balance. The 0% interest period ended about two years ago. + +What’s the best way of going about getting a new card? I think these are my options: + +1. Should I spend whatever I need to on the virgin one and then see if I can transfer the balance to a 0%? + +2. Close down the virgin card and then apply for a new card with 0% interest rate for around 24 months. + +3. Spend a negligible amount of money on the virgin card before we move in (like £5 or something) and then transfer that balance to a new 0% card and then start getting new stuff for the house on the new card. + +Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks. +I don't mean the company or the results they talked about, but rather the information they present and how they present it. + +&#x200B; + +I was reading Swatch's annual report yesterday and I started to get a headache and couldn't believe how dismissive they were of bad performance. + +&#x200B; + +After bashing my head against that wall for a while I start reading Adidas's, and they show their strategy, performance outlook and anything you could wish for so clearly. They even added a 10 year summary. And I know quite a few companies do this. but they not only covered the usual income statement, but also Margins, ROE, and a lot more. A tear almost rolled down my eye + +&#x200B; + +Links for reference: + +Swatch - [https://www.swatchgroup.com/sites/default/files/media-files/annual-report21\_en\_complete.pdf](https://www.swatchgroup.com/sites/default/files/media-files/annual-report21_en_complete.pdf) + +Adidas - [https://www.adidas-group.com/media/filer\_public/ad/a3/ada3f4a0-4751-484d-b053-f2b2b78b2e30/ar21\_en.pdf](https://www.adidas-group.com/media/filer_public/ad/a3/ada3f4a0-4751-484d-b053-f2b2b78b2e30/ar21_en.pdf) +For the past year, I've wanted to create a small group to bring together a diverse group of people who consider themselves apprentices of value investing. The aim of the group would be up to the people who are interested, but I have several ideas: + +1) A monthly book that we not only read, but dissect chapter by chapter for understanding. This could be done in a shared Google Sheet for past reference. Having cliff note versions of books such as Margin of Safety (Klarman), Security Analysis/Intelligent Investor (Graham), Fisher, the Buffett Letters, etc. has the potential to be an incredible piece of IP. It would also allow for questions to be asked regarding difficult-to-understand topics that could serve as jump-off points for further conversation. + +2) A safe place to practice systematic due diligence and idea generation that can be critiqued by peers. While I love Reddit, I often wish for more depth in discourse in a community where the people come to know one another, if only by screen name. Furthermore, it would be a nice way to limit the people we see on multiple investing subreddits who are assumed to be pumping stocks. Guy Spier and Mohnish Pabrai often talk of how much enrichment they have gotten in life by investing their time in each other and fellow value investors. + +3) I don't know about yall, but the lack of friends/family in my daily life who are interested in this subject is basically zero. Ever read a cool piece of research and are excited to discuss it with someone only to realize nobody really cares at all? Same. + +&#x200B; + +If you find yourself interested, please feel free to reach out to me; I am willing to organize this and take ideas as to what this group could possibly be. I want this group to be inclusive but recognize that to keep the content high-yield, there will have to be some sort of inclusion criteria. Again, open to suggestions on this. Cheers. +I want to highlight a cool volunteer opportunity that I think fits very well with the FIRE community. + + + +I just started working with an agency as a Volunteer Income Tax Assistant (VITA) with a local refugee agency. The program trains you on tax screening so you can provide free tax prep services to people in need. You don't need to have any prior tax experience, they train you on everything. + + + +With the recent influx of refugees from Afghanistan, there will be many families in need to assistance this tax season and VITA programs offer an impactful way for people in this community to use their skills and their passion to give back. + + + +I'm not advocating for a particular program, but if you google VITA in your local area I bet you'll find some programs. A lot of them are even fully virtual. Seems like a great way to help out whether you're FIRE'd or not. + + +Cheers! +Anyone got any advice? I've never lived alone before so don't know much about financial stuff. How much would one person need a month and year to survive? + +My parents won't be financially contributing. +Hi everyone, + +This is my first post here to get some feedback since I am not sure what I have done is really working or it is just randomness. I experimented a bit with the idea of using image classification to guess the market and results were interesting. In the end it is a CNN model that looks into trade charts to find out if there are similarities between buy and sell candle positions over a time of 5 years of hourly data. Basically same kind of deep learning model which distinguishes cat and dog images. Instead of the cats and dogs, I fed buy and sell charts into it. Model accuracy was around 0.67 which is above 0.50 which theoretically means it should be profitable. On the live market, It made a profit of %5.3 while BTC market lost %3 percent value. + +If you want to have the code and the explanation behind have a look at the medium post: [https://towardsdatascience.com/making-a-i-that-looks-into-trade-charts](https://towardsdatascience.com/making-a-i-that-looks-into-trade-charts-62e7d51edcba) GitHub is also included. Feedbacks are appreciated! +Long time lurker, first post. For many here the key to achieve FIRE is to save 25X (or 33X) expenses, so a (lifetime) cut in annual expenses is worth a lot. Obviously life choices like 'never eat out', 'never travel', 'eat cheap food' will help to cut expenses, but at some personal cost. What are some ways you've found to cut expenses with minimal sacrifice to quality of life?? For me: + +(1) I replaced all light-bulbs in my apartment with LEDs, which cost me < $100 and saves about $15/month + +(2) I renegotiate my cable bill every 2 years, saves me a similar amount. + +From a FIRE perspective, $15/month x 2 = $360/year, which cuts required FIRE number by $9K at 4&#37; withdrawal. +I feel as if his negative remarks about how high crypto prices are played a part in the market being down. Him doing that sent the pump and dumpers to cash in while he waits for it to level off so he can buy crypto a much lower rate. +**EDIT 1:** The title of this post should, in fact, start as follows: **”Both CBOE and NASDAQ filings state…”** (see EDIT 2 below) + +Thanks to the link shared by u/Dismal-Jellyfish, there is an interesting bit of info/data shared by the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) that I picked up on. They have made a filing to the SEC regarding a reduction in the ORF - Options Regulation Fee. This is a fee to *“to assist in offsetting exchange costs relating to the supervision and regulation of the options market (e.g., routine surveillance, investigations, and policy, rule-making, interpretive and enforcement activities).”* + +The filing can be found here: +C2 (Release No. 34-92596; File No. SR-C2-2021-012; August 6, 2021) https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/cboe/2021/34-92597.pdf + +Pages 3 and 4 explain why the CBOE has made this filing, which in fact decreases the ORF cost for each options contract: + +*Based on the Exchange’s most recent semi-annual review, the Exchange is proposing to reduce the amount of ORF that will be collected by the Exchange from $0.0004 per contract side to $0.0003 per contract side. The proposed decrease is based on the Exchange’s estimated projections for its regulatory costs, which have decreased, balanced with recent options volumes, which has increased. For example, total options contract volume in March 2021 was approximately 34% higher than the total options contract volume in March 2020 and the total options contract volume in June 2021 was approximately 25% higher than the total options contract volume in June 2020.* **In fact, March 2021 was the highest, and June 2021 was the second highest, options volume month in the history of U.S. equity options industry.** + +Note that the CBOE are bound by SEC regulations to adjust the ORF, in line with options volumes. So even if they did not necessarily want to make this change, they have no option but to adjust the fees and provide a justification. In doing so, they have somewhat revealed the hand of what is happening overall i.e. historically high volumes of options being traded in these last few months. + +Why is this significant? Because it has been conjectured by many Apes that much of the fuckery we have been seeing for hiding FTD obligations is through options trading. This filing seems to indicate there has been a huge increase in volumes *from precisely the timing that line up with this mechanism being used.* + +Of course that could be coincidental, but I think we have learned enough this year that there are not many coincidences in this whole saga… And as u/Wallstreet_Owes_Me pointed out in this post - which really should have had more attention - the CBOE appears to be one of Shitadel’s main partners for manipulating the share price through dark pools as well: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox93kt/citadels_connection_with_cboe_global_markets_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +**TL;DR**: The CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) has made a filing with the SEC announcing a reduction in mandatory fees for options contracts. This is not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because they are forced to do so in order to abide with SEC regulatory costing requirements for exchange providers. The reason is that options volumes in the last 3-4 months are at historical all-time highs, and they have documented this fact within the filing. It has been conjectured that options fuckery is the central method by which Shitadel and others are circumventing their FTD requirements for shorted shares. This huge increase in options volumes, in a timeline that fits with that conjecture, seems to be very much pointing to the hypothesis being accurate. + +**EDIT 2:** In fact, it appears Nasdaq has made a similar change to their options fees as well! They have described the reason for the change in fees on the Nasdaq Options Market (NOM) being due to options volumes being *“at abnormally and unexpectedly high levels”* and it’s scale as an *“historical anomaly”*: +https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasdaq/2021/34-92600.pdf + +**EDIT 3:** From some of the questions and comments, I can see some of you Apes have not fully grasped the implications of what these statements from the options exchanges are pretty much comfirming. The DD is not about the costs of buying options premiums being affected for retail buyers (note: a foolish trading strategy anyway for GME...) but really showing that some of the theories about options being used to hide short positions are a distinct possibility e.g.: + +u/Criand posting here about Buy-Writes: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oc4f79/well_there_it_is_more_mathevidence_pointing_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +And the same writer here about OTM PUTs: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/on9dtz/otm_puts_are_the_passed_puck_of_short_positions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share + +The huge increases in options volumes are all but confirming these hypotheses are correct IMO. +\*Edits for grammar/spelling/formatting and thank you for the awards, but what would help more? Whether you copy/paste everything, share the link, or simply educate brother and sister apes on the topic, please share this information (I don't even care about credit). Hopefully the SEC can pull away from watching videos of some dude banging his step-sister to at least take a look. + +# Happy Father's Day Apes! + +So u/AnnihilationGod dropped Christmas presents off early last night in the form of [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o3e9kg/annihilationgod_presents_the_big_short_data/) just as I was in the middle of an interesting find. 12+ hours later, after I got as much data as I could, I started looking for patterns to see what shook out. I'll be goddamned if Kenny and friends didn't deliver. + +One thing that has been eating at us in our jungle here, is that we know no one is selling, yet on SSR days it doesn't seem to matter cos they short it on the uptick, downtick, sidetick, and anything in between, right? So we all knew it was being manipulated, but no one knew HOW or WHY. I don't even have the full data set (no darkpool data) and nothing with ETF's yet, but I'm about to take apes to school on ANOTHER instance of "Nothing to see here." If you need any of the work, data, whatever let me know. If there is something I'm missing or is wrong, please DM me and I'll correct it. + +So apes, pull up a chair, peel a banana, and get comfy. + +Kenny, hedgies, broker/dealers, and ESPECIALLY our regulatory bodies that say "iT's hArD tO pRoVe MaNiPuLaTiOn Is GoInG oN," this may get a little weird. + +&#x200B; + +[Wall Street, this is gonna get.. a little awkward](https://i.redd.it/efi2njh6zh671.gif) + +# TL:DR: Abuse of the short sale exemption rule allows SHF's to get around the SSR. SEC says nothing wrong here. 🤷‍♂️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 + +# Short Sale Rule + +I'm not gonna talk about the legitimacy or not of short selling, because regardless it's been... problematic at best. The [Securities and Exchange Act of 1934](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/seact1934.asp) was created, in part, due to the predatory practices of the financial industry setting up The Great Depression. This act established the short sale rule, which was adopted by the SEC, and it restricted short sales to be priced above the most recent trade price. This is also known as the "uptick rule." After that, all of the major players on Wall Street said "we promise not to do it again" and we've had no problems since. 😂😂😂 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Yeah, right.. ](https://preview.redd.it/8b0dm984dj671.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cdb6f9a504ac71bc85ff4822bcbde8b7f048016) + +&#x200B; + +# Status Quo + +&#x200B; + +As the years went on, it didn't matter if it was uptick, downtick, or sideways, shorts just kept right on shorting. How do we know that they kept doing it? Because in 2005, we got [Reg SHO](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regsho.asp). Incredibly, the "myth" of naked shorts, yeah, was not happening so much, that they needed a way to ensure that the shares could be "located." It goes something like this: + +**Me: Hey Mike, can you find a share of GME that I can borrow?** + +**Mike: Yeah, I think so.** + +**Me: Cool** + +**\*sells share that I just "borrowed."** + +&#x200B; + +That's pretty much it... 🤷‍♂️ They don't have to actually find it at that time, just be able to *reasonably locate* said share. Better still, with the way share lending is just free wheeled behind closed doors, multiple people can call Mike up there, and even though he only has the one share somewhere, he says he thinks he can find it to all of them. Now all of them turn around and sell the same share. + +&#x200B; + +[No MM needed! ](https://preview.redd.it/q5ajpkq36n671.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=4086ea98879ab9012b4d36cd0d8d40c3ba2c1c39) + +&#x200B; + +# Welcome to the shit show. + +&#x200B; + +We won't mention that any FTD pre-Reg SHO were forgiven through grandfathering, 😒 but real quick, the other part of the amendment states; + +**"The "close-out" standard represents the increased amount of delivery requirements imposed upon securities that have many extended delivery failures at a clearing agency."** + +Huh, I think GME would like a word, but that's another time. + +&#x200B; + +Almost there, I promise! + +&#x200B; + +[SEC Office Circa 2007](https://preview.redd.it/cs44u4hg5i671.jpg?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b79b3f89f78ace1564f52a585354429a11d385d) + +&#x200B; + +In 2007, while the dumpster of the world economy was just starting to really get warm, the commission had an idea. The SEC, in it's incredible wisdom (pre-Pornhub), concluded that removing short-selling constraints would have no "deleterious impact on market quality or liquidity." As long as you can "locate" the share, you had a free pass to short no matter the price action. Well, we know how the next few years went.... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Thank you, Mr. Baum](https://preview.redd.it/x642aoa23k671.png?width=2556&format=png&auto=webp&s=5721ea9a0cfbce15f044267d44dfde15521d2e2f) + +&#x200B; + +This takes us to 2010, and realizing the absolute stupidity of giving shorters free reign, the commission said "our bad" and amended Reg SHO to include the alternative uptick rule. This is the rule we know and love today that kicks in when a stock's price has dropped 10% below the previous day's close. When that happens the security is placed on the Short Sale Restriction List (SSR), and short sales are only allowed on the uptick for (usually) the remainder of the day and until close of the following trading day. + +&#x200B; + +[Tripping the SSR 06\/03\/21](https://preview.redd.it/yen0bqjggi671.png?width=1085&format=png&auto=webp&s=d304cbce0f02c14a33bf84e5a463c7605a61609f) + +Now, the commission couldn't just let a rule be a rule to actually protect investors, they decided it would be wise to include an exception. Because, of course they did. 😑 Let's take a look at it because at this point, I'm not sure what the fuck the SEC is even for. + +[https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortexempt.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/shortexempt.asp) + +[Whoever is lending \(broker-dealers\) the shares marks them short exempt if they \\"believe\\" it qualifies](https://preview.redd.it/b8av8160ji671.png?width=694&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c9c8305b7c820d4d1941ca255bf49d599f3b505) + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/07y32lzaji671.jpg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cfb76c2ac49e74e8938f0189112aacb9d5d8848 + +So, wait, even though there is a SSR, if the lender (broker-dealer) decides it qualifies, they mark it short exempt and then off it goes? Yep. "Yeah, but it even says it's a rare exception and can be audited at any time, and it's closely monitored" so that should keep them in line, right? You caught the last line there, huh? About all orders marked SSE will be closely checked by self-regulatory organizations and the SEC? Be a shame if a layman with partial data and in less than 24 hours could see a problem.... + +# Let's look at a couple random boomer stocks from [stockgrid.io](https://stockgrid.io) because I've already driven myself crazy with our stock. + +&#x200B; + +[Facebook](https://preview.redd.it/wbq5bxreki671.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=84eb672bb6edc589721b4911fa2700126f1c12b2) + +&#x200B; + +[GM](https://preview.redd.it/8ypciicoki671.png?width=1822&format=png&auto=webp&s=cff5a404cc75fac5c3338716f0a2086d175c98f3) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +For the most part, looking at just two stocks that are "stable," it doesn't seem too crazy. Some of the volume there is insane with less than 100,000 short sales marked exempt. + +&#x200B; + +# Ready to see our baby? 😁 + +&#x200B; + +[BEHOLD!](https://preview.redd.it/gwtfwikuli671.png?width=1821&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0918517d44bc8269406347fb51a16966dd523df) + +# Well, shit.. That's a lot of exemptions. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Not done ;\) ](https://preview.redd.it/hznybjjcmi671.jpg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01c372b70c55fb9a670c04a5f86219ed96adf6d) + +&#x200B; + +Now I got to thinking. With all those exceptions, surely they aren't that stupid... + +# Narrator: They were, in fact, that stupid. + +&#x200B; + +I started digging through all the data for volume, short volume, and short sale exempt shares. Then I pulled the list of days that the SSR trigger has been on for GME (I actually have going back to 2015, but in 2019, GME tripped the SSR all of 5 times for the year. 2020 is where things started to heat up beginning in January. RC buying 9m shares last year dropped a major kink in the bankruptcy lotto plan and hedge fucks have been struggling since. Let's hit it. + +&#x200B; + +[That's a lot!](https://preview.redd.it/15q379h6oi671.png?width=1437&format=png&auto=webp&s=03a1e92c274ac34f3727663c7d11ef52d9ccd618) + +&#x200B; + +[This isn't even all of them. There are 3m more that I didn't add in on SSR dates](https://preview.redd.it/1703k4w0qi671.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e4e6a9c1420a2d6f998bd90d73103591aa59e48) + +Keep in mind, this is missing dark pool data which in some of the cases make up half of the volume. Nor have I even started cracking into ETFs.... Like, seriously? Are they short exempt because it's on the SSR or some shit? Now, you're skeptical on how they are able to manipulate the price, right? I got you. 😊 + +&#x200B; + +[Enhance!](https://preview.redd.it/wxqv4136ri671.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d91ba892897d9f0cb7adb220f1aa4e3efa662d8) + +Some of our LARGEST drops are on days when there are an AWFUL lot of exceptions to the short sale rule. This is where I'm at now and I don't even need to go further, but guaranteed the longer this goes on, the more I'm going to dig. + +&#x200B; + +Now, in less than 24 hours, on half or a little more of the data, there is pretty damning evidence of manipulation, no? How the fuck are we sitting here six months later, still? + +# Bonus: + +In my search I found short sale exemption codes. What kind of exceptions are allowed? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/kl5oj93ayj671.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=182c6510138a06c01be4a1a16f4bb39472cd26f7 + +&#x200B; + +[Sauce](https://btobits.com/fixopaedia/fixdic50-sp2-ep/tag_1688_ShortSaleExemptionReason_.html) + +All of them are bullshit, but odd lots... Like the weird order numbers that we see? 🤔 + +&#x200B; + +[Screen from today, 6\/21\/21](https://preview.redd.it/8ue9zholkn671.png?width=454&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebfbdea81ecb76936cb839ad19ae0bc8a2125595) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Fuck you, Wall Street](https://i.redd.it/fcvs90uyri671.gif) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# Buy, Hold, and Hedgies R Fuk +If you look, you can see that our domain was registered a month ago. That's right, we were here before the Elon Tweet. And we plan on being here long after, unlike some others.. \*cough cough\* ahem. + +&#x200B; + +BabyShark was brought together by a team of friends who have been shitcoining for months. We've been through it all together - The pumps, the real deals, the dumps. We came together to create BabyShark. And began pouring our heart and souls into it. + +&#x200B; + +Through our determination and efforts we will tear through the BSC space. Uniting people from all over for a good cause, and making a difference where it counts. We have an upcoming partnership with the gili shark conservation [https://www.gilisharkconservation.com/](https://www.gilisharkconservation.com/) , which will be finalized upon our first donation to them next week. + +&#x200B; + +Our charity fund innovates a unique feature that forks directly into BNB, so there will never be any selling pressure on $SHARK in order to donate. The good things will just keep flowing. + +Join us at 9PM EST in telegram for our official AMA! We are happy to answer any and all questions about our project. + +&#x200B; + +Soon every week will be SHARK week ;) + +Website: [https://www.babysharktoken.com/](https://www.babysharktoken.com/) + +&#x200B; + +TG: [https://t.me/BabySharkToken](https://t.me/BabySharkToken) + +&#x200B; + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/BabySharkToken](https://twitter.com/BabySharkToken) + +&#x200B; + +Contract: 0xcc9b175E4b88a22543C44F1cC65B73f63b0D4EfE + +&#x200B; + +We hope to hear from you! +Early in the days of this forum, people thought 2000 would turn out to be one of the worst times to retire. So, at the end of each year I like to look at their performance. I was bored today, so I did a mid-year update. + +It looks at the results of different withdrawal rates under 2 scenarios, 100% inceated in SP500, and a 60/40 split SP500/10-YR-Treasuries. It adjusts for inflation, assumes dividends/interest are reinvested, and uses a fixed withdrawal rate (like with the 4% SWR rule). + +&#x200B; + +[Chart](https://imgur.com/a/PnWokdn): For 2000, and the years just before and after, shows how much of their portfolio would remain on Sept 1, 2022 for various withdrawal rates. + +[Graph](https://imgur.com/a/lePTkRP): For people who retired January 1, 2000, it shows how their portfolio value would change over time for various withdrawal rates. + +&#x200B; + +**Edit**: since commenters are discussing the impact of when you are most likely to retire (during a peak or a pull-back), I wanted to like Big ERN's good article on that: [https://earlyretirementnow.com/2017/12/13/the-ultimate-guide-to-safe-withdrawal-rates-part-22-endogenous-retirement-timing/](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2017/12/13/the-ultimate-guide-to-safe-withdrawal-rates-part-22-endogenous-retirement-timing/) + +&#x200B; + +**Source** + +ERN's data that I used: [https://earlyretirementnow.com/2018/08/29/google-sheet-updates-swr-series-part-28/](https://earlyretirementnow.com/2018/08/29/google-sheet-updates-swr-series-part-28/) . You can use this to look at different asset allocations and to adjust other assumptions. If you don't want to work with the raw data directly, he has some tools in the spreadsheet that will do the analysis for you when you adjust assumptions. + +Here is the extra sheet I added to ERN's workbook, in case you want to play around with it: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JcSRDrGv9YxQmR8E8dAmLELRgtqiCFtw8lcdSRUyAVc/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JcSRDrGv9YxQmR8E8dAmLELRgtqiCFtw8lcdSRUyAVc/edit?usp=sharing) +Everyone in the sub knew that Hood would fail. Hood is a Griffin Project. + +Remember the testimony? + +[Gabe](https://preview.redd.it/050nl3rbguk81.png?width=656&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd9c70d9555e3f5a1f7155436502787fd35b936e) + +[Kenny boy Mayo Man... ](https://preview.redd.it/58fjkl8gguk81.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ca0dd3efb80a16b52c9205b8563d7077c8dda0d) + +[When I was a boy in Bulgaria... ](https://preview.redd.it/no7h2rukguk81.png?width=642&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b2cbd68f881ea7a843402a5404194225c01a35c) + +**TL:DR: Some rumors Ken wants to sell Citadel thru IPO. This means he sells Citadel in the form of IPO and issues shares to investors... Ken makes $20bn and walks away... His co has a valuation of $22BN (which is fake and fraudulent) - This IPO can not happen...** + +The SUB Was clued in and called it... see the screen grab from Reuters below... + +[Superstonk Apes knew HOOD was fraudulent... ](https://preview.redd.it/2c2lqc1rguk81.png?width=1298&format=png&auto=webp&s=411b97700689e5d87ee1a3c868e6fad9aa6413d8) + +**But nobody listens to apes...** + +And Robin Hood Stock tanked and is about to go out of business... + +[HOOD All time Chart... ](https://preview.redd.it/k5jjhx72huk81.png?width=1886&format=png&auto=webp&s=e47bc1c3d305da5e15630ef79e003e90cc6fbcf5) + +People paid $70 for this and it trades around $12... This is a Ken Griffin Project.... + +**Reuters Pumped the Hood IPO...** + +[https:\/\/www.reuters.com\/business\/finance\/robinhood-aims-up-35-bln-valuation-us-ipo-2021-07-19\/](https://preview.redd.it/ynm4klrdhuk81.png?width=1358&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff92bb85c2e7d973dc0e415a88f09533de2504d4) + +Side note: **Ryan Cohen and GME are hyperfocussed on customer service...** + +Its a Ken Griffin Project... + +Robin Hood lost about $20bn in market cap in Less than a year - and all the investors who bought and hold got burned - Why did the SEC let this company public? + +It turns out - the SEC doesn't have to say if an IPO is good or bad - just that the information is correct - Well... its documented this time... If Citadel is allowed to go public without closing their shorts and liabilities - its one of the biggest public fraud(s) to ever take place. + +**Melvin - is a Ken Griffin Project...** Hows Melvin doing? + +[Ken took money back, Gabe lost $6bn last year... ](https://preview.redd.it/6w1wnpr3iuk81.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ac2253589672be2707f38737bf6115e761c3f8a) + +[Gabe went Long Only here... ](https://preview.redd.it/n2ity5gbiuk81.png?width=2052&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7030a9c38d3add8324e796a632b0daea8a0635) + +Because his investors that still have little trust in him said "no more shorts" - Now Gabe and those investor's are trapped in his new long only fund... trapped with Ken and Vlad... + +**And Gabe lost $6bn last year -** + +https://preview.redd.it/35y2yeriiuk81.png?width=1310&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1f77d40c8d532f33799ccb18a85e6ef6ad268d9 + +HOOD and Gabe lost $26BN - Citadel has not even closed their shorts - the mess these three have caused is next level and needs to stop. You think this guy can sell $65bn worth of fake shares then piss off? Whats the world come to? + +**tl:dr: Citadel is in no shape to come public. If they let Ken dump Citadel to the public, so he can run away with $20billion. this will be the biggest RICO crime yet. In no way. is it in any interest for anyone - for Citadel Securities to come public.** + +It does tie in nicely to another post i did 1 month ago - + +**How Robinhood became the sacrificial lamb that has given Citadel their last ounce of air... MOASS begins when HOOD hits $0 or files for bankruptcy...** + +[**https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/se92fj/how\_robinhood\_became\_the\_sacrificial\_lamb\_that/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/se92fj/how_robinhood_became_the_sacrificial_lamb_that/) + +Fuckery everywhere... + + +Mortgage demand, which has suffered four straight months of declines, fell last week to the lowest level since 1997, as interest rates continued to rise. + +Homebuyers' demand for mortgages dropped 4% for the week and was 38% lower than the same week one year ago, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Applications to refinance a home loan fell 7% compared with the previous week, in seasonally adjusted terms. Demand was 86% lower than the same week one year ago. + +The number of borrowers who can benefit from refinancing is at a record low. Interest rates were so low during the first two years of [the Covid pandemic](https://www.cnbc.com/coronavirus/) that the vast majority of borrowers with higher rates already refinanced. + +The average contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming loan balances ($647,200 or less) increased to 6.94% from 6.81%, with points decreasing to 0.95 from 0.97 (including the origination fee) for loans with a 20% down payment. That is the highest rate since 2002 on the MBA's index. + +"The speed and level to which rates have climbed this year have greatly reduced refinance activity and exacerbated existing affordability challenges in the purchase market," Joel Kan, an MBA economist, said in a release Wednesday. "Residential housing activity ranging from new housing starts to home sales have been on downward trends coinciding with the rise in rates." + +As potential homebuyers struggle to afford a house, given higher interest rates and still high home prices, more are now turning to adjustable-rate loans, which offer lower rates. The ARM share last week rose to 12.8% of all applications, which was the highest share since March 2008. + +Mortgage rates moved even higher this week, with another reading from Mortgage News Daily putting the 30-year fixed at 7.15% on Tuesday. + +Higher rates and falling buyer demand caused [homebuilder sentiment](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/18/homebuilder-sentiment-drops-to-half-of-what-it-was-six-months-ago.html) to drop again on the National Association of Home Builders index. Builder sentiment, now well into the negative range, is half of what it was just six months ago. +So I ended up getting a second job to ''save'' but the paychecks were mesley ($100/week). Basically I spent the check back at work because I figured with my work discounts I was ''saving''. + +After seeing that my shopping category was $700+ on Mint I got scared (in a course of one month!). I reevaluated my life and said ''this check will go directly into a savings account.'' + +Seven weeks later, I was surprised it's $700. My biggest problem was that I had short term thinking. ''Oh, this is only $100, that means I can splurge on dinner! Or a shirt!". NOPE! This was a horrible idea. + +I grew up poor so I didn't realize I had this ''use it or lose it'' mentality. Saving for me was almost pointless. But I didn't realize I would get a high from seeing an account grow. + +I previously ignored a lot of advice here, but decided to take the plunge and listen for a bit. It's working great so far! +Make sure to join our Discord, we have a dedicated channel for this hearing where members can discuss it. [https://discord.gg/wallstreetbetsnew](https://discord.gg/wallstreetbetsnew) +This is a big situation. Could really effect prop firms and others that use these platforms as well. Makes me wonder, when are other platforms going to be available? This situation should really spark some interest in developing new platforms if it hadn’t started already. The trading business has changed drastically with technology. From the floors to computers, and to many, from computers to phones. Personally for me, I use my laptop for charting and my phone for executions and trade management. What do you guys think will happen? Let’s discuss this and hear what others think will happen or what’s to come out of this. +I just recently got into this subreddit to browse and pretty sure this post will get roasted but here goes. + +I started learning forex using babypips around November 2019. Didn’t really take it seriously until I bought a few courses when COVID hit in March and really grinded and studied every day. + +On this subreddit, I see a lot of advice to not pay for a course because “you can learn it for free” or you can “YouTube” it. And while that may be true, there’s SO much information online, and a lot of it isn’t good. As a newbie or even long time trader, you can get overwhelmed with BS and the endless amount of indicators and strategies. To each their own, but I believe you’re gonna pay the markets your tuition for learning somehow: either through a mentor/course or just losing all your $$$ to the markets. I did babypips, and while that info was useful, I would say it’s definitely NOT enough to become profitable. + +In these past 6 months, I’ve lost and earned a lot. I can proudly say I consistently made 10k+ each month from July-Sept and it’s only going up from here. (I didn’t start with a 10k account either.) Im definitely in the green overall, passed and verified on an FTMO account, and been making around 3k+ each day these past few days (thank you volatility!). + +Psychology is the hardest to overcome, but it’s doable. To all the newbies and traders struggling out there, it’s possible to become consistently profitable, don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise. and F the people who don’t believe in you. But to be fair, you have to have a passion for trading and put in the work. You can’t go into this just for the money. I love analyzing the charts and trading now. It’s changed my life. + +If anyone has any questions, feel free to hit me up. +1. Never trade against the trend if you're not an experience trader + +2. Before you even open a buy or sell, know where you should set your Stop Loss and Take Profit + +3. If you are going to take a trade, make sure to always trade with the trend. If your H1 chart is on an uptrend and your H4 chart is on a downtrend, get out of that trade. Wait for both the H1 chart and H4 chart to be in the same direction trend. + +4. Use smaller time frame to evaluate your entry. When your H1 chart and H4 chart are both trending in the same direction, THEN go to your M5 or M15 chart for your entry. + +5. Trade or test on pairs that dont have a huge spread, stick to the main pairs like EURUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, etc bigger pairs are generally "easier" to trade, in a sense + +6. If youve had a set of consecutive losses, take a break. Trading with emotion generally results in more losses. +Evening all, have any of you experienced imposter syndrome with your trading, and how did you get past it? I have a MFF accelerated account and i have levelled it up a few times over the past month, so my strategy is working for me. However, I’ve hit a wall where I’m convinced I have no clue what I’m doing and it’s all been a fluke. +Any tips? +I've been on the FIRE path for several years, and I am approaching the FInish line. Along the way, I have collected a mountain of information about personal finances as well as a lot of lifestyle advice that affects personal finances. And now I want to pay it forward. + +My SO works as a teacher at a local high school, and we are both very integrated into the school and its community. We are both involved in multiple extracurricular clubs and activities. It's a large school and almost all of the students come from underprivileged backgrounds and live in empoverished neighborhoods. + +In a [recent upheaval of the famous marshmallow test](https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2018/06/marshmallow-test/561779/), new data suggests that a person's capacity to delay gratification is largely shaped by the person's social and economic background. And accordingly, my SO and I often hear students saying and doing things that suggest total financial illiteracy. + +I'm not an expert in finance or anything like that. But I do believe that my path to FI has made me financially literate and has been an exercise in delayed gratification. + +I feel like I have something to offer these students that they aren't getting elsewhere. I'm considering starting a financial independence club. Has this been done before? Any ideas about how to go about it? +What’s up y’all! This kangaroo market the last month has made me step back and really reconsider my approach to investing, and I found myself frequenting this sub more and more. While it may not have as much of the thrill as buying options, contrary to what my brain sometimes tries to make me believe I’m not here for a thrill, I’m here to make money. + +NIO has been a stock I’ve watched (and played) for a long time, and at these price levels I just couldn’t take it anymore. Bought 300 shares and will be selling weekly CC’s. The IV is high enough to make some good returns while also watching the company grow and I almost feel weirdly relieved to settle down a bit and move and away from so much option purchasing - did anyone else feel that way? + +I don’t know, I guess I’m just stoked to be doing something that won’t have me checking futures when I wake up in the middle of the night wondering if my contracts will hit, and it feels really nice. Just wanted to share ✌🏻 + +Side note: if you have any other good company, mid-high IV tickers that you’ve been making good returns selling CC’s on, feel free to drop them below. Hope y’all are having a good day! +Quote from this video - "IT IS LIKE THE EMPORER HAS NO CLOTHES" + +https://reddit.com/link/xhobte/video/kn0z0ibnlno91/player + +[no clothes?👀](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m4c0p4/citadel_has_no_clothes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +https://preview.redd.it/9pq9o16fqno91.png?width=1731&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a2757093d22d1c8dfdb1d8afabda0ae09173b13 + +[https://youtu.be/Vy1IHXCYLCI](https://youtu.be/Vy1IHXCYLCI) \- link if you want to watch the whole thing +I come from a rural working-class family in a red state. I'm the black sheep, moved to a blue city and work in tech. My mother passed away in 2018 and my father has been living alone since. I have two brothers who are not super involved with my father or financially savvy. + +After my mother passed away, my father told one of my brothers that he had $80k in a 401k and $325k in cash (also a paid off, quite run-down house). + +I was able to verify the 401k when I was helping him last summer (he'd been having trouble logging in to the account and needed my help to get past the 2FA). The cash, I don't know. He's secretive and very cheap (and kind of an asshole). He brags about keeping his home at 60 degrees in the winter so he can avoid buying a 'second' $600 tank of heating oil in the winter. + +Last summer when I was visiting, I talked about my 401k and my retirement plans. I was kind of excited and showed him how much money I've made in the stock market in the last 7 years. This might have been a mistake. It's the only hobby of mine that he's ever showed any interest in, though, so I explained a bunch of stuff to him. + +I have been out of touch for a few months because work has been crazy, and I just talked to him last week. He was really proud to tell me that he went to a retail TD Ameritrade storefront and handed most of the cash in his savings account over to some dude to invest for him. The guy bragged that "you don't ever have to pay me a penny", which says to me that he's not a fiduciary. + +My dad thinks he's following the 'buy when the market is down' advice, but I think we could be in for a pretty long ride. If we go into a recession, stocks could continue to fall. + +He's not mentally stable enough to admit that he will die someday. His father lived to 94 and he won't hear any talk of "you don't have enough time for this anymore, Dad". + +I think something could happen to his health or his house and he might need that money. I feel like this is a kind of elder abuse, but he signed up for it. + +Does anyone here have any experience with a TD Ameritrade storefront or something like this? I am worried about the tax implications of all of this as well. I've kept all my investing to tax-advantaged retirement accounts so I have no idea where to even start. +TLDR: The price is wrong bitch, and nobody is selling! + +Hello my fellow apes! + +For many months now, I have lurked and commented on this sub (after having made the two great ape migrations to find my way here) and I have enjoyed the fruits (bananas of course) of many a good ape's DD. + +Finally, I think I may have something of value to add, so here we go. + +I don't know about you, but every time I have needed an extra dose of that sweet sweet confirmation bias - there is one metric I always turn too - and that is OBV. + +So what is OBV - put simply - its straight forward maf. On days when the closing price increases over the prior day, the total volume for the day is added to the running OBV total. On days when the closing price decreases from the prior day the total volume for the day is subtracted from the running OBV total. + +That is it - its quite simply addition and subtraction! + +That is probably why my smooth brain gravitates to it, for even I just a simple minded ape, can understand addition and subtraction - and there is one great constant about maf - it doesn't lie! + +So what does OBV mean? Well its used as an indicator of stock price momentum - here is a more in depth definition for you more wrinkly brained apes; + +[On-Balance Volume (OBV) Definition (investopedia.com)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/onbalancevolume.asp) + +Specific to my favorite stock, for me at least, I have been using it to gauge how much buying and selling volumes underlie the price movements we see each day. In other words, are these price movements the result of real trading (at least real lit exchange trading) or are there other, perhaps more sinister forces involved in what we see. + +In evaluating OBV, as with any technical indicator, you need to consider the timeframe you are looking at - as the mantra goes - when in doubt, zoom out. So I have used the six month OBV as my primary timeframe when looking at what is going on with it. + +With the first full six months of the year now behind us, I decided to take a deeper look at OBV and what it may tell me about what has happened this year. + +Soooo, I downloaded daily closing price data and daily six month OBV data from January 4th (the first trading day of the year) to June 30th. Next, I calculated the percentage of day over day closing price change - and the percentage of day over day OBV change. + +My thought was to see how these percentages correlated - and the results were interesting....... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/a0f2zqrcmn971.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e8438a2693d970a8d147ab671b973a70da8f1dd + +Wow, look at that - squiggly lines! + +So what you see here along the X axis are dates - what you see along the Y axis are %'s of movement. So the blue line is the % of day over day closing price change, and the orange line is day over day % of OBV change. + +So here comes a dose of that sweet confirmation bias! Take a look at how price and OBV correlate in the first part of January - the lines are literally on top of each other (yeah, cause they like it like that). BUT what happens during that last week of January, our favorite sweethearts definitely decide to part ways! + +Its clear that starting with the January run-up (starting on Jan 22nd, with the week of Jan 25th being the mini squeeze), the price action movement and OBV movement completely disconnect from one another. Hmmmmm, wonder why that could be, maybe someone started kicking the GME naked short can down the road HARD?!?!?! + +So what has been happening ever since late January, as you can see, with each major price movement (up or down) OBV does not remotely track the price action. The price line looks like my heart rate watching the daily ticker - and the OBV line looks like the EKG of Kenny's soul - flat lined. + +BUT, what is even more interesting to me is the disconnection we see when the price is making major *downward* moves - say from February 1st to the 4th - or March 24th - or June 10th - OBV just sits there like a stubborn Ape who refuses to get off their banana pile! + +So what does this mean? It means there is NOT significant selling volume correlated to these price dumps. The price action is manipulated, its fake, its artificial - THE PRICE IS WRONG BITCH! + +And what else do we know - NO ONE IS SELLING THIS THING! + +Here are a couple more tasty OBV nuggets - lets assume we started 2021 with a running OBV balance of zero. So taking the Jan 4th trading data to calculate an opening 2021 OBV value, and since the closing price decreased from the last trading day of 2020, and the January 4th trading volume was 10,022,400 - you would get an opening 2021 OBV of; + +January 4th 2021 OBV = (10,022,400) + +So what has the subsequent 2021 price movements and volume done to that opening OBV you ask? Are you ready...... + +June 30th 2021 OBV = 1,190,056,208! + +Thats right, 2021's daily closing price increases have generated 1,200,078,608 more trading VOLUME (not shares, but share volume) than daily closing price decreases! + +Uhhhh, I am no wrinkled brain but that seems like the buying is *real* \- and the selling is as *fake as Nickleback*. + +In fact, from January 4th to January 29th - 2021 OBV increased by 948,844,008 on a 1,784% increase in price during the period. + +And from February 1st to February 26th - 2021 OBV *increased* *again* by 28,375,204 on a 68% *decrease* in price during the period! Whaaaaaa.......yep, that's right......2021 OBV went UP while the price went DOWN in February. + +Maf ain't supposed to work like that............but there it is! + +One last shot of OBV confirmation bias - since March 10th (the day that will live in HF fuckery infamy) the 2021 OBV has stayed between 1,240,057,308 and 1,082,830,208 - or within 12.7% of the 2021 OBV on March 10th. + +Just think of all the price movements since March 10th - and again 2021 OBV has just sat there like a stubborn ape! + +They can throw all the smoke and mirrors at the price they want, and they can spend all their money manipulating the price - but at the end of the day - they must obey their OBV master....... + +All shorts must cover! + +This is not financial advice - I am but a smooth brained crayon consuming cross eyed ape who doesn't know anything about maf or stocks. + +EDIT 1: Thanks everyone for the comments and awards - I *definitely appreciate* the comments. In looking them over, there seems to be a couple themes to several of them that I wanted to share some thoughts on. + +The first theme - is "January throws everything off so maybe do not use that data". Yep, I get it, the trading volume during the January sneeze was INSANE. To me though, I do not see value in excluding it from this analysis. That seems akin to someone trying to sell a car that was rear ended by a dump truck by only posting pictures of the front end in the sales ad - then telling a potential buyer - see the front end is fine. Yeah, but the back end is a train wreck and that is an important data point to have - so again - to me I do not see the value in excluding the data from what has been one of the most central components of the stonk's 2021 story. + +I also did include February 2021 OBV data that I found interesting that excludes any impact of the January run up volumes. The same for the March 10th to June 30th timeframe 2021 OBV data. + +The second theme - is "analysis is bad because the stock is manipulated". Again, yep, totally agree and get it that it is heavily manipulated. I do HIGHLY encourage all apes to have their eyes as wide open as possible when looking any DD over and this post is no exception. However, I don't fall into the "all GME TA is bad because its manipulated" camp - I have found A LOT of value and LEARNED a lot from various TA DD posts this year. But yes, the stock is heavily manipulated and the common TA indicators do not contemplate manipulation in their design. + +So is the manipulation skewing this analysis as compared to if it were not manipulated - yep - but shedding a little more light on that manipulation was kinda the point of the analysis. Also, there have been a number of great DD discussions about how SHF's that participate in PFOF have routed buy orders through dark pools but kept the sell orders flowing through the lit exchanges - so in one way - the ongoing manipulation has skewed this analysis by undercutting the buy volumes which results in greater weighting to the sell order volume in the analysis. Absent that dynamic perhaps the OBV would reflect lop-sided buying volume even more than it already does. + +Again, really appreciate everyone's time in looking this over - and your comments. I have gained a lot by reading all the great DD this sub has generated and my sole purpose with this post was to share some data that I had not seen presented that I found pretty interesting - hope you have as well. +**Use this** [**r/place template link**](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) **so we can work as efficiently as possible**: [https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) + +&#x200B; + +[PLEASE NOTE THE CIRCLE AT THE TOP LEFT](https://preview.redd.it/1obxq0wpzcr81.png?width=569&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3d677641ce22147b55bab460a9bb5f2addea799) + + How to use the Github program + +T[he site](https://halfdane.github.io/rplace/) will show you coordinates, and you can place the tile based on the coordinates here. + +When you hover over a pixel, it gives you the x and y axis - IF YOU CLICK THE TILE, IT WILL BRING YOU TO THE CORRECT TILE!!!! + +Then pick the correct color and place it :) + +[ when you click on the tile in Github it will bring you to the same tile on r\/place ](https://preview.redd.it/8tblhgbuzcr81.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d86023b2ab781daef1b48f1df15958336df9aad) + +&#x200B; + +[ Click on \\"place a tile\\", choose the correct color and confirm. Rinse an repeat every 5 minutes ](https://preview.redd.it/2zsef50xzcr81.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=a545f9ff55cc37b77f9e0bffa556280b698e85cc) + +# + +# If you're on desktop, shoutout to u/[DeadDevotion](https://www.reddit.com/user/DeadDevotion/) for [this awesome walkthrough on how to install and use our Place overlay!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tuiahg/easy_visual_guide_on_how_to_install_and_use_our/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +To anyone helping to place pixels, a HUGE THANK YOU!!! You've been doing an amazing job! 💜 Let's keep this thing going! It ends on April 4Let's talk about alliances! + +This works better when you make alliances with other teams. + +Why? + +Other groups will attack and it’s good to have people on our side to defend our design, and we can do the same for our allies. + +Allies will not attack. Allies make other allies and suddenly even more people have our backs. If you see one of our allies getting rekt, help them out!!! + +We made design changes to incorporate allies and remove things we are wasting time and pixels on. + +For example, OSU - what is OSU? A super popular rhythm game.. they are gamers coordinating on discord and twitch. They are the perfect allies, they are strong in numbers, dedicated, and they are not expansionists. All they want is their circle. + +We are fighting an unnecessary battle, wasting time and pixels, by trying to take over the top left corner (coordinated gamers UNITE!), so we incorporated their outer circle into our new design. + +We made an alliance with Germany, they will not creep into our area, and we added a small heart to our left border to represent our united front. They are working on a portal OUTSIDE our border, so LEAVE it alone! That will protect us on the left side even more. + +The sweet birb from [r/PictureGame](https://new.reddit.com/r/PictureGame/) keeps getting its one pixel beak chopped off, so we’re going to add that to the right border. They messaged us that they will defend our right border. + +On day 1 we tried to make an alliance with [r/placetrees](https://new.reddit.com/r/placetrees/), they are a group placing trees to spread awareness about our climate crisis, and yesterday we redesigned our piece to free up that bottom space. Since we were already building too far to the right anyways, we were just going to add the logos to the right. + +Well, nobody followed the post and the trees got wiped out (by our NFT logos, yikes), so we kept the space to the right and redesigned our piece again, this time including a couple of trees. + +A lot of people think NFTs are bad for the environment, VERY FEW people know about Layer 2 technology and how that is gas-free and carbon neutral. + +We have the same goal, we’re fighting the same battle, may as well do it together! + +We have also agreed to leave Star Wars alone (obviously), Scotland, Portugal, and blue corner. + +The other thing updated to stop wasting our time and pixels, was remove [NFT.Gamestop.com](https://nft.gamestop.com/) and instead make our **Gamestop** logo bigger. We fought the good Gamestop.cum fight😅 but pixels were just being wasted on that all day long. + +We made more space in between BUY HOLD DRS. + +We added a pirate flag🏴‍☠️We added RC. + +ETH team added rainbow and design connecting Loopring and IMX logos. + +&#x200B; + +**UPDATE on alliances** \- We have more allies, if you see them getting rekt please help them, and they'll do the same - welcome EPITA! Shoutout to Loopring and IMX, our allies from the start. + +update to Friendly: Spain, Hungary, placeNL, Star Wars, Chelsea, Omori Lattice, LoveLive, Turtles, FuckCars, PlaceDE (shoutout to u/aaaasgard u/ChrisDaDerp u/Siegli for helping us make alliances and friends, I'm sure there's way more and thank you too!) + +we have a rogue green dildo team out there and we have worked with various groups to integrate the dildo once it's there. Check it out, it's really amazing (Spain has a very nice bulge now)... on that note DO NOT EXTEND THE GREEN DILDO BEYOND THE MOON! We have an agreement with the Dutch for the line to end at the moon, because 🚀🚀🚀 + +[GO HERE](https://discord.com/invite/hgJmtEeJ) \-- JOIN THE DISCORD TO COORDINATE BETTER!! +I’m a hs senior trying to decide where to go to college. So here’s my situation. My parents have saved up around 43000 for me. The school I want to go to is private and out of state and costs around 28k a year. To be honest, I don’t know what I want to do. I know community college would be smarter financially, but are student loans really debilitating? Thanks for helping a naive kid out +I worked out I could make a grand total of £175/yr by moving money from Virgin money/Chase to the best easy-access/fixed savers out at the moment. Frankly, I can't be asked, but at the same time, I feel that I should to contribute to competition between the banks! + +Is anyone else doing this? I mean clearly, it would only help if a lot of people were doing it. +I had a lot of fun building this algo, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out! It's probably my most complex trading algorithm yet, and I'm happy to share it with this community because you reacted so nicely to my other projects! + +Here's quick overview of what the bot does: + +1. Pulls and analyzes the last headline from the top 100 crypto news sites +2. Provide an overview on the most mentioned coin across all the headlines +3. Analyse the sentiment of each headline and categorises the output by coin +4. Places a Buy order if the compound sentiment is positive and the a coin is mentioned in multiple headlines +5. It works with any cryptocurrency available on Binance + +Here are some considerations that I am planning address in the future: + +1. I accidentally used Feedspospot's top 100 Bitcoin feeds, so the sources are a bit biased right now +2. During my testing the compound sentiment wasn't high enough and wouldn't place a lot of trades +3. It can probably make use of multiprocessing to increase performance + +Anyway, here is the GitHub repo for the source code: [https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/Binance-News-Sentiment-Bot](https://github.com/CyberPunkMetalHead/Binance-News-Sentiment-Bot) + +And if you want a step by step guide, I wrote one too: + +[https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/04/17/how-to-code-a-binance-crypto-trading-bot-that-trades-based-on-daily-news-sentiment/](https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/04/17/how-to-code-a-binance-crypto-trading-bot-that-trades-based-on-daily-news-sentiment/) + +If you like the project and want to improve on it, feel free to send a pull Request on GitHub. Any ideas on how to further improve the recipe are also welcome! + +&#x200B; + +**UPDATE: For anyone wanting to see how the bot output looks like, I took a short screen capture:** [**https://youtu.be/MKGFDgP1hy8**](https://youtu.be/MKGFDgP1hy8) + +&#x200B; +30 days have gone by since I was given a 90-day notice that I would be laid off. + +&#x200B; + +I've received an offer and plan to leave. Should I give 2-week notice? + +&#x200B; + +There is a curveball to this too, I was considering giving my 2-week notice when the Director asked me to apply to an engineering position. It sounds like he is firing everyone in the department but wants to keep me. + +&#x200B; + +They need someone at nights for my position, I was thinking if I gave a 1-week notice it might put more pressure on my employer to possibly make me a better offer? Whether or not I accept said offer, it could even help raise the competing offer. + +&#x200B; + +What does everyone think? Should I give 2-week notice? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Another reason I ask is because 2 guys on my team have already left with what seemed to be 1-week notice. + + +EDIT: Thanks everyone for the advice, I will submit 2 week notice and if they want to counter offer it's in their court. +Pokemon GO was launched in the U.S. last week and shot to the No. 1 free app in the iTunes store. It was also launched in Australia and New Zealand, and is expected to be rolled out in Japan soon. +A close friend is a financial planner and does quite well for himself. I chat with him often about my plan, approach, investments, etc but have never paid him a dime. He's a few years older than me and said he just opened a variable universal life (VUL) policy to use as part of retirement planning. He broke down all the #s, very up front about how front loaded the fees are, and explained how you'd be able to access the money tax free way down the line (20+ years). He recommended one for my situation as well, for the following reasons. I max out 401k/roth ira, don't have access to a mega backdoor, and put 200k+/year into taxable accounts so the 12k/year that the VUL contributions would be wouldn't be a large chunk of my current savings. + +He was very open saying he *does not* recommend this to most people, but since I'm young (29), don't have any other tax efficient investments, high household income (500k), and already solid start (~900k in 401k/ira, taxable accts, 2 rental properties) that it could be a good option for me. + +Now, everything I read online says avoid life insurance as an investment - but he's adamant that that's sound advice for the 99.9% but for the right person it does make sense. I'm confused why he'd open one himself and be recommending it to me (unless he really gets a huge commission for these) if it was really bad advice but I wanted the thoughts of some others + +Thank you! +Unsurprisingly it looks like the government is looking for ways to dip into peoples personal pension pots. It's not really clear to me what's being proposed but I don't like the sound of it. + +https://www.ft.com/content/a8cad0f1-fd85-40ed-aa19-e71728f10825 + +Full text below as it's behind a paywall: + +Treasury-driven review of UK workplace pension charge cap hopes to boost investment in areas such as private equity +Ministers are seeking to increase investment in long-term infrastructure projects such as wind farms + +Ministers are looking to relax rules shielding tens of millions of UK retirement savers from high charges as they step up efforts to funnel pension fund cash into the government’s “levelling up” agenda. + +Officials are working on proposals to dilute the 0.75 per cent ceiling on annual management fees, which was put in place in 2016 to protect workers auto-enrolled into workplace pensions from having their savings eroded by high charges. + +Chancellor Rishi Sunak is looking at ways to tap billions of pounds of pension fund cash to invest in long-term projects, including infrastructure schemes, renewable energy projects and innovative tech firms, to help deliver on UK prime minister Boris Johnson’s pledge to spread economic growth across the UK. + +Many of these assets are held in funds managed by private equity and venture capital firms, however, which commonly levy performance fees linked to certain thresholds on annual returns. Defined contribution (DC) pension managers have traditionally shied away from investing in PE and VC funds, largely because of concerns that these fees would breach the 0.75 per cent charge cap. + +Policy initiatives to deliver on the “levelling up” agenda will be a big theme of Sunak’s Budget on October 27. The proposals to dilute the charge cap, which would be subject to consultation, represent a stepping-up of Treasury-led efforts to encourage DC pension funds to invest more widely in assets. + +The review comes just six months after the Department for Work and Pensions rejected calls for performance fees to be partially or completely excluded from the cap following a consultation. At the time, it said the inclusion of those fees in the cap protected members from high fees that did not improve value for money. + +Sunak and Therese Coffey, work and pensions secretary, now argue the proposed reforms would allow pension savers to access funds offering better returns by investing in longer-term assets, government insiders said. + +However, those briefed on the plans said performance fees would not be removed from the charge cap in their entirety; the consultation would “seek a balance” that encouraged investment in illiquid assets — such as infrastructure or innovative tech firms — with the potential for greater return. + +But one former regulator expressed concern that the charge cap could be loosened. + +“The cap was introduced on strong evidence that savers needed protection from some undoubtedly egregious charging structures,” said Andrew Warwick-Thompson, a professional trustee and former executive director for regulatory policy at The Pensions Regulator. “Careful thought needs to be given to any proposal which undermines the consumer protection principle that lies behind the cap.” + +The government has attempted to address concerns of pension fund managers about performance fees, which can be high and volatile, by allowing trustees to smooth them to reduce the risk of the charges breaching the cap in any one year, a measure that came into force at the start of October. + +Last month a working group, headed by the Treasury, Bank of England and Financial Conduct Authority, recommended the government further review the charge cap to help stimulate material investment by schemes in illiquid assets. + +Michael Moore, director-general of the British Venture Capital Association, the industry lobby group, supported changes to the charge cap. “We recognise the important role of the charge cap and believe appropriate changes can be made so that UK pension savers can benefit from the strong long-term returns generated by UK venture capital and private equity.” + +The BVCA said it backed a full exclusion of performance fees from the charge cap where it was supported by strong performance over the long term. Under typical performance fee structures, a fixed annual management fee is paid, regardless of return, in addition to a performance-related element. + +The government declined to comment. +If someone said to you: "Life is totally meaningless. We live. We die. So what's the point?" what would your answer be? + +I'm on the verge of fatFIRE. My net worth is 5m+, \~16% of which is my paid-off house. I'm an early 50sF, living in a small 1930s cottage in the woods, near the beach, within commuting distance of a VHCOL area. One child, in college. Money made through a combination of inheritance, income at a FAANG, and index-fund investing. When I do FIRE, I expect my burn rate to be about 120k-150k. My expensive hobbies are travel and home improvements. + +And here's my own answer to the question: You’re right. Life is meaningless. + +“Meaning” is not something that is handed to us as we passively receive it from above or from something outside ourselves. Each of us gets to create it for ourselves. Life is a creative process in which we are constantly making and remaking goals, experiences, thoughts, and feelings that can add up to something, but doesn't need to add up to anything. + +We're here, which in itself if pretty fucking amazing. Most of the universe is nothingness. We’re not nothing, so that's something to celebrate. + +Since you happen to be a not-nothing, a something, a someone who can do things, you might as well do something nice for somebody or something who’s (amazingly) also a someone or a something with you here at the same time and place. + +Learn. Teach. Create something funny or beautiful or sad. Make someone laugh. Take great care of a dog or a cat. Hold someone as they cry. Allow someone else to help you. Raise a child. Plant flowers. Make yourself useful in some way. + +Find your own way, or work on it collaboratively with a partner or friend. It’s pretty freeing to realize that you get to figure it out for yourself. + +As people who've achieved or are striving for fatFIRE, you are already quite familiar with the concept of making yourselves useful. The trouble is that the path to fatFIRE often involves a lot of discipline. Once we reach it, the need for discipline is gone and we can feel lost. + +By remembering that life is meaningless unless we create the meaning for ourselves, we can begin to get a grip on what to do and how to live interesting lives--even while not tied down to a job. + +What would be your fatFIRE answer to the question: "Life is totally meaningless. We live. We die. So what's the point?" +My wife and I are a two-physician household, halfway to $10M fatFIRE goal. Both of us are W-2 wage earners, unfortunately. We both do backdoor Roth IRA contributions, as we exceed the usual Roth limits. I make $50-100K annual consulting income as well. + +I wanted to ask the fatFIRE group, whom I consider to be quite intelligent and super-critical (not in a bad way, just being truthful), about a strategy we have been using recently. Better to get beat up by this group than an auditor. + +Each January my wife and I contribute to traditional IRA with after tax dollars, and then immediately roll over to our Roth's (typical backdoor Roth, nothing new to see here). This leaves us with a zero balance in our traditional IRA accounts. + +In March when we do our taxes, our accountant calculates my SEP-IRA contribution from my consulting income, which usually comes out to be $15-25K, depending on how the year went. I then contribute this as pre-tax dollars to my SEP-IRA account. Then, once the funds clear, I roll the entire balance over to my Roth account. My accountant then adds this amount to my earned income for the following year, so that I pay taxes on the funds, as they are becoming Roth money. This rollover zeroes out the SEP IRA account. In the end, both of our traditional IRA accounts and my SEP IRA account have zero balances whenever the Roth backdoor conversions are done. I checked to make sure that multiple Roth rollovers are permitted per year (two in this case). + +My accountant had never heard of this strategy and further said that he checked with his firm to ensure it was legal and did not violate any pro rata rules. + +Has anyone here in fatFIRE ever heard of this double back door Roth contribution strategy? I can find no mention of it elsewhere, but I admit my search was not exhaustive. + +This is my first fatFIRE post, so feel free to suggest formatting edits too. + +Thank you! +(opposite to the WFH post from yesterday). + +Interested in hearing peoples experience from being forced back to the office from having WFH, either on a part time or permanent basis. Did you look forward to it? Fear it? Fight it? + +WFH post from yesterday: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/tf1afq/permanent\_wfh\_people\_how\_are\_you\_coping/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/tf1afq/permanent_wfh_people_how_are_you_coping/) +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[Daily Discussions](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22&sort=hot) | [DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22&sort=hot) | [Discussion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22&sort=hot) | [Question](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22&sort=hot) | [Education & Data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22&sort=hot) | [News & Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22&sort=hot) | [MEGA Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22&sort=hot) | [Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&sort=hot) | [HODL](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) | [Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22&sort=hot) | [Fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&sort=hot) | [Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22&sort=hot) | [Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22&sort=hot) | [Art & Writing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22&sort=hot) | [Stonky Pets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22&sort=hot) | [SuperstonkBot](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22&sort=hot) | [AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=hot) | | [Moderator](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22&sort=hot) | [Red Seal of Stonkiness](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&sort=hot) + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Hello everyone! + +I just wanted to spread a healthy message and send positive energy to you all. + +If you're like me, and get paid this weekend. This is a reminder that, once you have your money and pay what you need to. + +Try and not think so much about it! + +It's something I've been trying to do, and I feel like I've been a lot happier. + +Once a bill is paid, you bought groceries, or your budget is planned, ect...... try to get your mind to not think about money. + +Good or bad thoughts, we tend to get stuck on thinking about money a lot more than we should. + + +So, just a reminder that mental health matters too. So take care of yours! :) +I've had this bookmarked for a long time as my go to reference for the next time the market drops dramatically, for inspiration to not make short term selling decisions and stick to long term goals no matter how bad it gets, or what the market might throw at us. + +Now's that time, maybe you'll find it useful too? + +https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25126 + +For context this was posted at the tail end of 2008 when it must have seemed like there was truly no end in sight. It's interesting to see even the most rational and sensible investors starting to question themselves, the sense of fear is palpable. + +We get a lot of revisionist 2008 experts but what I like about this discussion in particular is how it's unadulterated by the benefit of hindsight. +My wife and I have lived in our home for 4.5 years and plan to move closer to family and work. The house was a rental before we bought it and moved into it. We're considering (well, I am - she might need some convincing) turning it back into a rental home because I think the numbers would probably work out. We're going to live with my parents for a while until we find another place for ourselves. + +Owning rental properties is very appealing to me but we don't currently own any. I would like to eventually own several. So, what are things we need to consider (taxes, rehab, tenants, etc.) before deciding whether to sell or keep our current home as an income property? Thanks. +I have the same question for those people claiming to be successful real estate investors while also publishing multiple books on it. Why chase revenue from books if you already made your fortune? There are reasons to do it but you can just as easily release books for free or near-free. +**\*\*BACKGROUND\*\*** + +**\*\*Introduction\*\***: This post is the final monthly update in an early\-retirement series. I will be posting twice yearly: once around June 6 \(retirement anniversary\) and once around January 1 \(end of year finances\). As these posts have become increasingly popular based on the number of views and comments, and as my desire to spend nearly an entire day on reddit has significantly waned, my responses might be limited. Please check comments and posts from previous posts to find answers to potential questions. I genuinely appreciate all of the positive comments, even though I no longer take the time to say so individually. + +**\*\*Model\*\***: I wish to maintain a portfolio that began in June 2017 at $1,025,772. My max goal withdrawal rate is 3&#37; of each year’s starting balance, provided that the portfolio remains above $1M. Should the portfolio drop below $1M, I will lock back into a maximum $2500 per month \($30k per year\) guardrail withdrawal until the market recovers. I realize that this is not the holy Trinity method, but consider these three factors that give us flexibility: a 3&#37; withdrawal rate is below the 100&#37; historically safe mark of 3.2&#37; for fifty\-year portfolio survival, the extended bull market peaked us nearly 20&#37; above the original target amount \(meaning that $30k annually is actually 2.5&#37; instead of 3&#37; if restarting from the peak\); and our actual withdrawal rate was averaging less than 2&#37; of the original portfolio balance \(due to earning additional income\) when we received an unexpected $30k windfall \(meaning that our current withdrawal rate is actually negative\). The budgeted withdrawal amount is $2773 per month for 2018. In 2017, it was $2564 \($2618 adjusted for inflation\). + +**\*\*Career\*\***: I am a former retail pharmacist who hated his profession for the following reasons: unacceptable amounts of stress, lack of civility from the general public, capitalism gone amok, fundamental disagreement with the overuse of pharmacotherapy as an answer for underlying health issues, and a severe opiate crisis that few have yet to appreciate. I attended college for eight years to earn a bachelors \(1997\-2001\) and a doctorate \(2001\-2005\) before joining the workforce for nearly twelve years \(2005\-2017, entirely with CVS\). $150k in education costs were covered by academic scholarships \($25k\), employment during college \($20k\), prior savings from high school employment \($5k\), revenue from an eBay business while in college \($10k\), and massive help from my parents \($90k\). My salary plus compensation went from $115k in 2005 to $150k in 2017. My savings rate was about 70&#37;. + +**\*\*Finances\*\***: I retired at the age of 38 on June 6, 2017, the day before the twentieth anniversary of my high school graduation. I am married with no kids and generated over 95&#37; of the family income while employed. We live in LCOL rural TN. Our asset allocation goal is approximately 60&#37; VTSAX \(total US stock market\) / 20&#37; VFWAX \(total INTL stock market\) / 20&#37; VWLUX \(US municipal bonds\). We also hold roughly $400k in house, land, and belongings not included in the portfolio. My spending model places no dependence upon supplemental income \(future employment?\), social security \($10k/yr?\), inheritance \($500k?\), house equity \(no heirs?\), universal health care \(probable?\), or universal basic income \(possible?\). The final balance will be left to charities and worthy causes. + +**\*\*FINAL MONTHLY UPDATE\*\*** + +**\*\*Spending\*\***: Living expenses for the month came to $1999. This is $774 under the 2018 monthly targeted amount of $2773. Our spending is 27.9&#37; under budget for the month, 8.1&#37; over for the year, and 14.9&#37; over since retirement. We generated $1039 of income this month from my wife wanting to work and some of my old book royalties. Our investment withdrawal was $960 this month, thus our pro\-rated, annually\-adjusted withdrawal rate is 1.04&#37; for the month, \-5.16&#37; for the year, and \-0.76&#37; since retirement. Without the additional income stream, our pro\-rated, annually\-adjusted withdrawal rate would have been 2.16&#37; for the month, 3.24&#37; for the year, and 3.45&#37; since retirement. + +**\*\*Investments\*\***: The portfolio went from $1,130,151 to $1,147,124 \(a 1.50&#37; increase for the month\), which went down to a new total of \(drum\-roll\) $1,146,164 after cashing the checks and paying the bills. This is a 11.73&#37; increase from the original starting balance of $1,025,772. Since retirement, capital income from the investment portfolio has produced the equivalent of a full\-time employee generating $53.14/hr of labor income. To sustain the original portfolio balance, $17.59/hr is the pace needed for COL based on spending rate; $\-4.75/hr is the pace needed for COL based on withdrawal rate. Dividends included, VTSAX \(61&#37; AA\) went up 2.72&#37; this month \(2.45&#37; up for 2018\); VFWAX \(20&#37; AA\) went down 1.18&#37; \(1.39&#37; down for 2018\); VWLUX \(19&#37; AA\) went up 1.17&#37; \(down 0.52&#37; for 2018\). + +**\*\*Reflections\*\***: This was our lowest spending month thus far. No significant purchases or expenses to speak of. The market recouped some of its losses from its February jitters. I had considered increasing my international exposure but am currently glad that I refrained. + +**\*\*Experiences\*\***: I won the very non\-prestigious Strolling Jim Marathon on May 5 by twenty\-three minutes. I pre\-paid for this one as a backup before I won the state championship in April. I didn’t want to show up. I didn’t even plan on finishing the entire course to be honest, but I made a deal with myself to just treat it like a moderate effort training run. I was nowhere near 100&#37;, but I broke the course record by ten minutes. I watched many more movies \(about forty, mostly silent\). I got lucky and bowled consecutive 170s on my first day back in eighteen months. I baked for the first time in my life \(gingerbread cookies\). I read a few books. I kayaked for the first time this year. I have averaged 63 minutes per day of physical activity over the past six weeks \(running/swimming/cycling/weighlifting\) with at least thirty minutes every single day. Running in the heat sucks. + +**\*\*Upcoming\*\***: My time at the museum has run its course. I no longer find it stimulating. I plan to spend time volunteering as a running coach in some local clubs and as a pacer in some local races. I’d like to maintain my current lifestyle of more reading, kayaking, bowling, running, cycling, swimming, and watching classic films. I will try my best to do whatever the fuck I want. + +**\*\*YEAR ONE\*\*** + +**\*\*Portfolio\*\***: Again, the portfolio went from $1,025,772 to $1,146,164 \(an 11.73&#37; increase\) after expenses. Living expenses for the year came to $36,582. This is $4768 \(14.9&#37;\) over the first year targeted amount of $31,814. We generated $46,452 of income from my wife wanting to work, my old book royalties, an unexpected tax refund, and an unexpected inheritance. Our investment withdrawal was \-$9870 this year \(a $9870 deposit\), thus our withdrawal rate was –0.76&#37;. Without the additional income stream, our withdrawal rate would have been 3.45&#37;. Without the tax refund, inheritance, small splurge as a direct result of the inheritance, and the delayed construction of the cabin \(a measure that I consider the best indicator going forward\), our withdrawal rate would have been 2.1&#37; \(3.5&#37; with no supplemental income under this same scenario. In short, I have finally arrived at the conclusion that our COL creates an effective withdrawal rate of 2&#37;, but it would be 3.5&#37; without additional income. + +**\*\*Accomplishments\*\***: I consider these the highlights of my first year away from work: broke three hours in a marathon, broke three hours in a marathon for a second time \(including a course record and state championship victory\), won a second marathon by setting another course record, set a personal record in the half marathon, set a personal record in the 1500m swim, built a cabin, saw a total solar eclipse, took a two week driving vacation, read the three longest books of my life, got around to watching every movie we own, got around to playing every video game we own, got around to listening to every album we own, wrote in my daily journal every single day without exception, tackled all of my CE requirements, became a volunteer tour guide and paleontologist assistant at the natural history museum, created an astronomy timeline exhibit for the museum, made plans to become a volunteer running coach, watched Game of Thrones, re\-watched Parks and Recreation, painted for the first time, played a round of golf for the first time, grilled out for the first time, held a drunken scumbag at gunpoint for the first time, kayaked for the first time, went metal detecting for the first time, mastered the Rubik’s cube, mapped our property in detail, planted trees, fixed the driveway, made a creek in our woods, picked up a lot of litter, finished Final Fantasy XV, made monthly reddit posts on FI, and completed a 100\-point gratuity list. + +**\*\*Greater Amount\*\***: What have I done more of since leaving work? Running \(about 1500 miles\), swimming \(now twice weekly\), weightlifting \(now twice weekly\), volunteering \(almost weekly\), hiking \(several treks\), watching movies, solving puzzles, visiting my parents, spending time with my wife, housework, yardwork, cooking, video gaming, reading, studying astronomy, studying paleontology, napping, and doing whatever the fuck I want. + +**\*\*Same Amount\*\***: What have I done about the same amount of since leaving work? Cycling \(kept focus on running\), bowling \(to favor a running injury\), visiting friends \(who are no less busy\), listening to SACDs \(distracted by internet\), and watching television \(trying to avoid too much\). + +**\*\*Little Progress\*\***: What have I failed to do much of since leaving work? Learning to play an instrument \(lack of talent\), target shooting \(lack of interest\), improving my Spanish and Japanese \(got lazy\), being able to bench press my body weight \(tough hill to climb\), helping fight the opiate epidemic \(burned out\), going to yard sales \(lost interest\), reducing internet time \(too much political interest\), writing a sci\-fi novel \(still in planning stages\), deconverting religious adherents \(taking a break\), stargazing \(often monotonous\), cleaning up our woods \(needs it\), studying cartography \(due to astronomy/paleontology\), painting \(only twice\), kayaking \(only twice\), metal detecting \(only twice\), and camping \(only once\). + +**\*\*The Future\*\***: This is the final monthly update. See you around Jan 1. You will be okay without me. +https://www.cbsnews.com/news/health-care-administrative-costs-largest-area-of-waste-in-healthcare-spending/ + + +Waste in the U.S. health care system ranges from $760 billion to $935 billion per year, or more than total annual federal defense spending, according to a new study. + +Administrative activities account for the largest source of needless spending, followed by inflated and opaque pricing. + +"The prices of health care don't reflect what would happen in a competitive market," one expert says. +I took a variable home loan with NAB about two years ago at 2.69%. + +With the recent RBA rate increase, I had a look at my account and saw that the interest now is now 2.94%. + +I sent an email to my contact at the bank with which I took the home loan initially. I asked what's up, noting that the rate they advertise on the website is 2.44%. They said well that's a rate for new customers only, but we'll reduce yours to 2.59%. + +The outcome? Just like that, my interest went down from 2.69% to 2.59%. Immediately after a rate hike. That was easy enough. + +fyi +Basically title. + +There's a lot of marketing material available out there on "why SIP" and dollar cost averaging, but the thing that I'm curious about is why would somebody bother with an STP over transferring money from the most liquid source of them all, the humble bank account using an SIP? + +I tried searching for "benefits of STP" on both this sub and in the sub's wiki but couldn't find anything so thought I should post a thread for others who might try to use the search features of Reddit to answer this question. + +As I understand it, a common strategy was to put money into an ultra-short term debt fund as a lumpsum and then do an STP to the equity fund but as a famous incident from last year has shown us, a UST has comparatively much higher liquidity risk than a liquid fund and was that to kick in, it would hurt your long term investment goals altogether and not just a part of the portfolio since a long term debt investment (was liquidity risk to kick in and your funds were to get locked for over a year) was never part of the plan. + +So if the only "safe" option for an STP is from a liquid fund to something else but liquid funds for the foreseeable future have same ROI (\~3%) as a bank account, why would one not always SIP instead of STP? Are there any other advantages of STP? +Any idea, if private companies are better then PSUs for health insurance? Also, what is your opinion regarding group insurance policies offered by banks like PNB for their customers (PNB-Oriental Royal Mediclaim insurance) ? + +Quick google search suggests that Incurred claim ratio (ICR) for PSUs is \~100% whereas for top private players it is around 50 - 70 %. It means that PSUs are bleeding money? Claim settlement ratio (CSR) for major private players is \~80 to 90%. Not sure about CSR of PSUs. + +My perception is that claim process will be smooth with private companies. I think hospital coverage will be descent for both in metro cities. +Saw a lot of people concerned about YES Bank on here so thought I'd post something I knew a bit about. + +Last week a news article came out about YES Bank taking over the project of Radius Developers & Sumer Group on SV Road in Santa Cruz, Mumbai cuz the developer had defaulted on a loan of 450Cr. + +Let me tell you, that's just the tip of the iceberg. Radius is relatively a new developer in Mumbai. Born out of the Wadhwa Group they started operations around 2015. Instead of quietly and conservatively building up a portfolio of projects the owner (Sanjay Chhabria, who'd worked at Wadhwa for more than a decade and had a lot of industry contacts), recklessly signed up JVs on lot of projects which his balance sheet could in no way support. + +The major issue is this, in some projects, the financial model on which the project was taken up is only flawed. Basically Radius is never gonna turn a profit on some of the projects they've taken up. Yet somehow banks have compromised on their underwriting standards and lent him more than Rs. 10,000Cr simply cuz he had a relationship with many of them since his Wadhwa days. And yes, he's very close to Rana Kapoor of YES Bank. + +From what I've heard, the company operates like a VC funded tech startup (which obv can never work in real estate development) with ridiculous number of people on payroll, high salaries and other reckless spending and have nothing to show for it and MAINLY, dependency on refinancing debt which is nigh on impossible in this market where prices haven't appreciated and there's a liquidity squeeze. + +They've only delivered a single project yet which is of a relatively smaller size. Most of the projects that they launched don't have a lot of construction progress. There are rumors of Sanjay Chhabria siphoning off bank funds meant for construction into his shell companies and personal accounts a la HDIL. + +All the projects are loaded up with a tonne of debt. HDFC has lent 600Cr to them on the BKC project where there's still decent construction progress. But also on their Chembur SRA project which has had huge issues of approach roads being blocked by a masjid which led to massive delays etc etc. They started construction on a big project in Mazgaon but somehow ran out of funds just after excavation. + +So I'd keep an eye on the banks with a lot of exposure to this developer (YES Bank is gonna see a lot more pain imo) as all this dirt hasn't come out yet mainly cuz the banks aren't reporting it or the payments haven't come due. +Hello dear investor! +I'm really glad you stopped by to check out why xxxNifty could be the next boom in Everything adult, including but not limited to NFTs & Adult Content. + +xxxNifty is a registered business, utilizing Blockchain technology with it’s utility token, in several facets of their business. Some key points about xxxNifty include : + +Launch of Alpha release of Pleasurely.com, xxxNifty's Adult Social Platform. (OnlyFans Competitor) + +- The World’s Largest Adult NFT Platform, to date. Their Utility Token $NSFW is used for purchases in the marketplace. + +- Merch.xxxnifty.com is the xxxNifty Merch store! + +- Nsfwpay.com making buying $NSFW a breeze via flooz trade! + +-2 Top 10 Exchanges on the way! + + +If this isn't enough, On Pleasurely.com, interacting with creators will be as easy as the push of a +button! Tip with $NSFW. Interact in live streams with $NSFW. Messaging and unlocking posts +and other content With $NSFW! And lastly, Interacting & Unlocking creator’s social feeds with +$NSFW! Once launched, the team will be looking into furthering and expanding the platform as +well! + +Just sold an OnlyFan xxxNifty Amouranth OnlyPunks NFT for over $125,000 using $NSFW on their adult NFT marketplace. + +Monday Stormy Daniels OnlyPunks NFT Auction! + +✔️700 Adult NFTs on their Marketplace. +✔️100+ creators on the platform to date (no matter of gender anymore!) Adding more daily +✔️600+ NFT sales. Over 200 1of1's +✔️8 partnerships w/Agencies +✔️8 Brand Ambassadors +✔️Deflationary Tokenomics benefit holders +✔️Daily NFT sales +✔️$27 million MC, 2 working platforms utilizing the utility of their native [NSFW] token +✔️XXXNIFTY is a registered business, meaning devs and team are all doxxed +✔️TechRate Audit approved + +The number of holders, content creators, and partners is growing day by day. Check it out for yourself as well, be a member of an industry changing project, and join an amazing community! + +TOKENOMICS + +Total Supply 69,696,969,420 + +2% LP Pool Growth +2% Holder Reflections +2% Burned +4% Marketing & Dev wallet + +Over 40% Of Supply Burned +Liquidity Locked +Liquidity is locked for 12 Months on Pancakeswap +========================================================== + +🌐Website: + +SFW with: https://nsfwpay.com +NSFW: https://xxxnifty.com + +========================================================== + +📱Telegram: + +https://t.me/xxxnifty_official +https://t.me/xxxNiftyAnnouncements + +========================================================== + +🟦Twitter: + +https://twitter.com/XxxNifty + +========================================================== + +📃Contract : + +0x9daaa05946e486add2c81e0d32d936866b8449d9 + +========================================================== +🔒Liquidity is locked for 12 months +I wrote this piece last night but didn't post it because I didn't want to jack tits and be utterly wrong but after seeing this morning's pre market I feel confident to publish this. I wanted to explain my thoughts on this cycle run and why I'm bullish for the next two weeks. + +To start off, I've been seeing a lot of confusion regarding negative beta recently. I remember we were told GME was a hedge against a market crash, and looking at the charts it is clear that this theory has not been invalidated yet. + +This is GME against QQQ the last 5 trading days + +https://preview.redd.it/pnf1c55x4zd81.png?width=1555&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bb0979f83136b3a363616417ea53936fa0e1b6d + +Today: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/q8krdkrh5zd81.png?width=1546&format=png&auto=webp&s=efad70529f0a36d6fa27368ced2b0a6d975bcd13 + +It is clear that GME is holding well against the market selloff specially since the recent bullish cyclical price period began. My theory is that the negative beta calculation we see is highly influenced by these cycles. (it's when it really matters). Looking at the chart one can see that GME's price action has been following this cyclical pattern: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7pj2j4826zd81.png?width=1577&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a77b06af2b76183ef5cfcbbe83fe87bb7a3cec0 + +I believe we entered a bullish reversal cycle on January 24th and that GME's price action since this period began confirms the imminent bullish reversal and the cyclical theory itself. + +To begin with technicals, the chart itself is forming a reverse head and shoulders bullish reversal trend right at the beginning of this cycle: + +https://preview.redd.it/osduqwbd8zd81.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=30fa91f9c60ffd1ebf803c9cf45c28ef6faea36a + +Moving on to the options chain we can see that the recent drastic movements in price has been translating to explosive option IV% increases and tremendous swings which indicate an impending move + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z41r10h29zd81.png?width=1533&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d73dc12a62a1b5fa1bc191ce266d60bfaeb6b77 + +This is how these movements have affected the price JAN28 100C AND FEB4 100C calls in relation to the underlying: + +[80&#37; swings in a matter of minutes](https://preview.redd.it/pdp2df3i9zd81.png?width=1713&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2851d0f66445fe8bc3dfc7c72fb80c1006e49df) + +IV rising due to these intraday swings: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e6qyyn2s9zd81.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7632cec34d375fa15d6857c87b59dd6bf2eb7f5 + +The options chain itself is primed for an upwards move: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n147ku7tazd81.png?width=1343&format=png&auto=webp&s=446fb6b9b8c1e813dc653e2377e99fdb78a68862 + +Overall I believe we did enter the bullish cyclical action period for GME and we can expect upwards price movement even though we are in the midst of a market correction/crash. Negative beta has been apparent since we entered the cycle and the options chain along with today's premarket price indicates the move is coming very soon. + +https://preview.redd.it/oq416vuoe1e81.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=084c7f366246cda63bc7070ecb90e05e770c2049 + +I think it's fair to say to "buckle up" because there will be some violent swings coming. It is a common occurrence to see violent swings to shake off paperhands during a bullish reversal price action cycle. Expect swings and hodl. + +\----------------------------------------------------- + +Edit: + +[EOD Chart Update](https://preview.redd.it/eb8721kyq4e81.png?width=1581&format=png&auto=webp&s=6bb72d36775197c19aa0680997adaa2645a39cbc) + +&#x200B; +My daughter is about 1.5 years old. My grandmother just informed me that she is going to write a check in my daughter's name for $10,000 this year and every subsequent year until she dies (my grandma is 87 years old). Where should I put this money? +The 30B number in the title is wrong. It was 30B wiped from market cap not liquidated as far as we know. + +Over the last week and especially on Friday many companies: $BIDU, $IQ, $TME, $VIAC, $VIPS, $YY and many others faced lots of selling pressure from what is now being rumored to be forced liquidation of at least one highly leveraged hedge fund- Archegos Capital. Seems that they were trying to raise cash quickly last Friday to cover losses on highly leveraged trades and got margin called yesterday by GS forcing them to sell billions. Some estimates I've heard are over 10B sold across the board. + +Major $VIAC Trade Blocks (One transaction at over $1.8 Billion): + +https://preview.redd.it/4w3myqz2flp61.png?width=2964&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7c4c5d28dee2f8b7c4996df0602ce2cb3a621c2 + +Major $IQ Trade Blocks: + +https://preview.redd.it/nv4buwj7flp61.png?width=2942&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7cc6c86be4cd7e3033d7881f904accc58a9ed88 + +Major $VIPS Trade Blocks: + +https://preview.redd.it/zj0k945cflp61.png?width=2930&format=png&auto=webp&s=040b453effd12b13a2c5587a950130f5cac767c5 + +Major $TME Trade Blocks (467 million trade volume on Friday, multiple $100M+ trade blocks): + +https://preview.redd.it/sl2x0jhjflp61.png?width=2936&format=png&auto=webp&s=59f3147f33f37a8d0788804a6bbc1b418abe30b6 + +Edit: Major $DISCA Trade Blocks: + +https://preview.redd.it/91qmu9wmmlp61.png?width=2932&format=png&auto=webp&s=f27134916951a5b8b11d825d59a4debdcb9cffea + +IMO these companies are heavily over sold and could present great buying opportunities. + +Not Financial Advice + +&#x200B; + +Edit2 Links credit u/emosg: + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-tiger-cub-archegos-liquidation-015109185.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-tiger-cub-archegos-liquidation-015109185.html) + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-27/goldman-sold-10-5-billion-of-stocks-in-block-trade-spree](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-03-27/goldman-sold-10-5-billion-of-stocks-in-block-trade-spree) + +Take this one with a grain of salt: + +[https://q.futunn.com/hk/feed/105956710943076?lang\_code=1&fbclid=IwAR0hN7v2L1WDmuE146A50u79P7pJ1qFOw0jVbKsE0odqwrP1yIGIe9lKOfc](https://q.futunn.com/hk/feed/105956710943076?lang_code=1&fbclid=IwAR0hN7v2L1WDmuE146A50u79P7pJ1qFOw0jVbKsE0odqwrP1yIGIe9lKOfc) + +Edit3: Bloomberg Posted saying that GS liquidated 10.5 Billion. Archegos Capital supposedly had 8B under management and Snow Lake capital (link above) had over 3B AUM then they could have also been liquidated. +The point of his post is to show that, despite the high price of bitcoin, you can invest without buying a full bitcoin. + +Much like a dollar is divided into 100 cents, one bitcoin is divided into 100 million Satoshis. That means you can technically buy 0.00000001 bitcoin if you wanted to. **The value of one satoshi at the time of posting is $0.00048878**. Still sounds cheap to me. + +Finally, as a closing remark, a reminder to please not buy bitcoin on Robinhood, Paypal, or eToro. They do not allow you to keep your bitcoin, by moving it off their platform. Buy from an exchange where fees are lowest, and then move it to a non-custodial wallet, where you get a seed phrase and private key. + +My personal favourite is Exodus. + +Happy investing. +Hi everyone, +I have been on the hunt for a good spreadsheet, free or not, that could allow me to +1) Get a first idea of how good or not an investment opportunity is +2) Track portfolio performance + +Tried doing one on my own, but I'm really struggling to connect it to online sources to have dynamic market info inside. + +Thanks for your help! +Edit: Thanks everyone for your advice and words of encouragement. I didn't expect to get so many responses, I really appreciate all your help! + +We just bought a house last week and feeling stressed by the change in living expenses. I'm hoping for some affirmation that we will be alright. Here's our info: + +We are a family of 4 (two adults and two toddlers who are both 2.5 years old). We have a net income of 108,000 per year. After contributing to retirement accounts, and also taxes and health insurance - we take home about 6k per month. We have about 30k in a savings/checking accounts and 60k in retirement accounts. + +We have no debt, but we do pay 1600 per month for childcare, 80 dollars per month in car insurance, 100 for phones, 80 for Internet. Our childcare cost will go down to 1300 per month starting in September and in 1.5 years it will drop down to only 800 per month. + +We have been renting an apartment for 1,300 per month for the past 5 years, but just bought a house. Our mortgage payments including homeowners insurance, mortgage insurance, property taxes, etc is 2,077 dollars per month. + +Our mortgage payment is about 1/3 of our take home money, but I'm still feeling really stressed since it is such a large increase from the rent we were paying. + +Our rationale in buying the house was that the apartment was way too small for the kids, and if we rented a house in our area, it would have been about 500 more per month than our mortgage. Also, as rent keeps going up, I think the cost of renting our apartment within 5 years will be 2k per month, so the house is a good long term plan. + +Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Even if we ended up losing all our income, we would be alright for a few years (not that we are forseeing that happening but it helps for my peace of mind). +And I’ve gotta say it’s insanely fucking cool to see all the shirts with crypto.com on them, every beer deeper I get it’s as new as when I first saw it and I’m honestly loving it! All FUD aside if you told anyone 3 years ago that we’d be seeing this level of crypto sponsorship in the public space most people would’ve called you a dreamer, so this is super cool to see. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +There are all time highs **during** a global pandemic. + +The FED performing *liquidity testing theater* using financial data from october of last year...who the *fuck* fell for that? [Not other countries](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oyg0dg/the_worlds_largest_pension_fund_located_in_japan/), that's for sure! + +How about the same FED admitting to [new all time highs of institutional leverage?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojldzg/confirmation_bias_most_measures_of_hedge_fund/) + +Backroom dealing at the FED, 5 security card swipes before you can sit behind a trading algo at Citadel (*nevermind not even being able to mention their* ***name*** *on TV if you've worked anywhere NEAR the industry)*, and **"disclaimers"** about the possibility of inaccurate information on every SEC and SRO filing doc suggests to someone that manipulation would be protected by a layer of *plausible deniability*............**if that someone is a fuckin retard.** + +Not the good type of retard, either. + +I guess that's the worst part about bullshit financial media articles on the cusp of a financial meltdown...**the court of public opinion** tends to throw the manipulators to the wolves - *as well as their plausible deniability.* + +I don't care that Credit Suisse is HQ'd in Switzerland - neither does any other retail investor. CS wasn't the only Archegos patsy - and US politicians only have themselves to blame for turning banks/prime brokers into GSIBs. Now, they and their rich financial sector buddies are holding the bag. + +These assholes have built an existence around funnelling money out of the financial system under the [guise of **"capital formation"**](https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/2012-spch120312laahtm) and using data and algorithms meant to [trick people out of their money.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KOT0_I4Fvw) Megalomanics like Ken Griffin are abusing recent college grads with relatively cheap labor & insane hours so he can hire half of the financial world to put them all under NDAs and send extreme threats of litigation to the rest. + +That is why I hold. Now, **we know the playbook.** + +I've got big presents saved up for GME on market correction day/week/month. + +**tldr:** Time is about up for you dumb motherfuckers at the top of politics and finance to take a break from your removed-from-reality dinner parties where you drink champagne and compare notes on plastic surgeons while normal people try to avoid homelessness - that is unless you're too fucking ugly for those parties, *Jim Chanos.* +Like the title says, I love me some food. I have a lot of issues with it, but being raised poor (and neglected) we often only had cereal and week-old donuts to live on. If we were given "real food" it was McDonald's or pizza. Luckily we lived in California so I ate a lot of found/grown produce as a child. As a teenager I started stealing from grocery stores even though we lived like middle class. + +Now I'm in my thirties and have tried to work through a lot of my issues (I never steal, I save money) but the one thing I consistently can't resist spending money on is food. I never really shop for anything else, but I don't mind spending an hour in the grocery store everyday perusing the isles and finding goodies. Then on the way home I will stop for fast food or something. I always have a ton of food in the fridge, and even though I shop frugally it is adding up. I have $100 in my account and I just ordered some online groceries from Homechef. + +I can see other peoples problems and help them but I just don't know how to fix my brain. Btw my sisters do the same thing. And when I was homeless/broke I used to steal high end cheeses so often my sister called me the Dairy Theif. I would never steal now but Jesus Christ someone help me! +June 28: [Get as many Didi shares as you can after the Chinese ride-hailing giant goes public, Jim Cramer says](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/28/jim-cramer-on-didi-ipo-get-as-many-shares-as-you-can.html) + + +July 6: [Why Jim Cramer Says Investors Should Stay Away From Didi](https://www.thestreet.com/jim-cramer/jim-cramer-didi-china-scrutiny-tech) + +Honestly, avoid taking this guy seriously. +So I grew up in a typical middle-class family in North Germany. Since my birth, my parents started saving money every month and whenever I got some money for free (birthdays and stuff) I saved it on some bank-account. + +So by the time I finished my apprenticeship (last summer), I saved about 20.000€. That being said, I have never been the guy that cared too much about money. When I wanted to buy something, I usually just did. I didn't order a small drink because it was cheaper and I had no problem with buying a new 700€ phone once per year (I wasn't wasteful tho, whenever I could save some money I did). + +So about a year ago I met my financial advisor and he is like the nicest guy I have ever met and I really trusted him (I am not sure if I am able to do so anymore atm). When I started earning real money (I work as a software developer, so my salary isn't too bad) he helped me with my finances and told me to invest the money I already had into some gold from a company, that basically sells gold and buys it back a few years later for a guaranteed price so you make some profit. The company was only a few years old but altogether people bought gold worth 60 million euros from said company. I invested 15.000€ for two years and 3.000€ + 100€ per month for 10 years. My mother also invested 10.000€, but she just cares for my money right now. + +Well, turns out the company didn't own gold worth 60 million and it was mostly metal or stuff. They now went into insolvency and told me I can't do anything right now but wait for a few month to years to maybe get a small part of my money back. + +So right now I am sitting in my room and for the first time in my life, I am truly afraid. I don't depend on the money right now (I still have about 4.500€ on my bank account) but still I am afraid to leave the house, cause I have to spend money. + +I just want to lock myself in for a few weeks, with no idea what to do. Any advice, help, tip or whatever will be greatly appreciated. +Hey + +I've been looking at buying another used car and was having a discussion with my flatmates about how much debt the average car has on it so thought I'd see if anyone on this subreddit knows or works in that industry so knows where to look to find out? + + +I asked around the office and even most used car purchasers seem to be funding it through debt (not talking about pre tax novated lease as a way of freeing up cash to invest at a higher rate of return, only pure post tax debt financing) +Ill admit I've been very negative on this sub throughout the year spending most of my time complaining about house prices or taking posts from other users (especially from property bulls) too seriously and personally during any discussion about house prices. I was even strongly considering making a post about discussing how people felt about house prices rising or how people felt about their financial future BUT its almost the end of the year and even thought I still feel very strongly about these topics they can wait for another time after everyone gets over their New Years hangover. Lets end this year on a more positive note because its been a massive shit fight. + + +First off I was offered a full time position as a registered nurse with NSW Health. So career wise I've 'levelled up' and no longer the bed pushing errand boy or glorified arse wiper and finally moved from low income earner to mid tier earner. + + +Secondly I've hit a net worth (excluding super) of $63 000 (13k in cash and 50k in shares). Yes I know its a spec of mist in the vast raging ocean when compared to the sub's average net worth but for me its significant because this is my new all time high and its not bad for a uni student studying full time and working casual on the side though I am sure there are other uni kids who finished uni with much higher net worths. I could have saved more if it weren't for my overseas holidays in the past years but I digress Ill celebrate this minor victory. + + +So what now ? Despite my constant whinging I have very good financial habits (hence why I'm here) and don't see myself being caught up by lifestyle inflation so that net worth is only going to keep growing. So plan is to keep accumulating and at the same time continually gain more experience in my profession. From there hopefully I will either get into a position (in the future) where I will be considered a high income earner (upper management maybe ?) and afford property in Sydney (assuming I don't have a partner earning as much as I am and doing this on my own), maybe use my portfolio as a deposit when it hits a mil or close to a mil (decades later) or just move out of Sydney altogether since health jobs are more mobile. Who knows where life will take me ? + + +Anyway I hope it didn't sound like a humble brag or a flex (I'm sure 63K is a laughable amount here anyway) and if it did I apologise for that. I hope everyone has a happy new year and achieve all your finical goals next year. Take care, stay safe out there and have a good one. +And we didn't lose any sleep over it. The layoff came as a shock to both of us as her company seemed to be doing fine financially and there haven't been any previous layoffs there over the past year. Luckily, because we've been working towards FI, the only real impact is that our savings rate is going to drop from 50% to around 25% until she finds work again. I make enough to cover all of our monthly bills and debt obligations, and we don't carry any CC debt, so we shouldn't even have to dip into our emergency fund. Therefore, no immediate change in lifestyle for us. + +We are not FI yet and won't be for many years (I posted last month about how we finally just hit a NW of $0), but even if we never RE, I think the freedom from financial stress is the real reward of following the FI mindset. Not so many people are lucky enough (or good enough at saving) that they could lose 30% of their household earnings overnight and be OK. + +So in short, thank you to this great community for reminding us daily why living below your means is so important! +I'm currently addicted to smoking weed (Im not here to debate the addictiveness of weed) +Unemployed and socially retarded, or just a bit of ass-burgers. +Terrible spending habbits and feelings of grandiosity. + +I fully beleive that money amplifies a persons character, and all I know is I am characteristically unworth of an inherentance, especially from a relative I met once when I was a kid. +First and foremost I know that it wont take me long to spend every cent on weed, drugs alcohol and clubbing. +The numbers my family is putting forth are just under a million dollars per neice/nephew. Which is more money than I ever planned on beung responsoble for, infact I always feared being rich because I knew how stupidly I spent money. + +I need some solid advice to help me from allowing myself to inevidably overdose and end up homeless and twice and neurotic as I am now, within a year. Therapy to deal with my character flaws would probably help. Other than that I still want to get a job to earn my bread and not depend on it since it wont last forever. +The only thing I'm good at is art, part of me is fully aware a career in art will absolutely never yeild funds to buy a house formyself, do I buy a house and save the rest, maybe see a therapist or go to rehab? Or do I go straight to rehab and put the money somehwere where I cant touch it untill im better? + +(Edit: thank you all for your comments and wisdom. I will seek more guidance from an attourney or financial advisor to set up a trust while also exploring paths of recovery for weed addiction. +Also; when it comes around to it, I'll come back to this subreddit and add a part 2 if I can remember. It's the least I can do for all the advice y'all have shared with me) +We are now feeling the affects of a full fledged bear market where it seems like there is no bottom to this carnage. + +I feel bad for the guys who are taking on major losses, I can't imagine how you must feel right now. I feel bad enough having lost what I have lost since the ATHs of January. But despite my losses I am still up significantly on my initial investment which is mainly ETH. It's hard to accept seeing the majority of my gains wiped away but in retrospect I am still largely on the winning end of my investment. Early this year I thought I would see my portfolio grow to a personal goal of mine and I was naive to think that this bubble would not pop like it has. + +Crypto is a completely different beast compared to traditional assets and so as a fairly new person into the space and this being my first bubble experience I didn't think it would perform like traditional assets would, and I thought this new revolutionary world changing technology had the ability to grow for a decade before any major interruptions. That's where I was wrong, and when the market peaked I was too optimistic about the future to think that the bubble could have burst that quickly. Perhaps that was a newb mistake, or perhaps I got caught up in the spirit of the market and the euphoric state was just too hard to see beyond. + +So what happens now? + +I think what happens now is the need for opportunistic buyers to enter the market again causing a change in sentiment. In a way we are seeing the polar opposite affects that we felt when it peaked. Now it's all doom and gloom and hard to see beyond that. The market is not going to die. ETH is not going to die. The market will return to a 'normal' state and over time it will reproduce the gains it had early in 2018. BTC will be here, ETH will be here, and plenty of other projects that were able to weather the storm and develop quality products will be here. It's a great time for the opportunists to start picking winners again. The falling out of many projects will be determined over this next stage of growth. Quality will prevail. + +Looking forward to when we see stabilization (return to mean) this market will likely see it's next growth phase begin to gear up sooner than later. Simply due to the fact there is rapid growth still happening in the industry. Real use cases will begin to emerge over the coming months and years and that combined with adoption and scaling we will undoubtedly see an upswing that will dwarf this latest bull run. I think ATHs are coming in 2019 and euphoric dreamy bubble prices will happen again in 2020/2021. $10,000-$20,000 per ETH might be reasonable to consider. + +I'm no veteran or even a professional but I have spent the better part of the last 2.5 years fully immersed in this space learning as much as I can about the technology and have also spent a lot of time learning about different projects and observing their communities. ETH is a true winner and simply based on the community, development, first mover advantage, and the potential for how smart contracts can change the world I still think ETH is the safest long-term crypto bet in the market right now. Overtime the Ethereum network will bring the most blockchain innovation to the world which will be unmatched by any other projects. + +I'm a hodler, and a true believer and I love the technology and I love the idea of it changing the world so I'll be hodling and I won't be looking back. To my fellow hodler's... The darkest hour is just before the dawn. + +TLDR: We are suffering and the market is overly pessimistic right now. ATH in 2019. New bubble prices 2020/2021. ETH is the best crypto investment going. +$ZM recently went from $1.60 ask to $80 per contract. For every 160 dollars, you got 8000 back; [or in short, 5246%](https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1300834093425291265). + +Why? Recent earnings on Monday showed that the revenue quadrupled from last year, with the stock itself [surging nearly 400%](https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/zoom-stock-has-surged-nearly-400-is-it-time-to-buy-hold-or-run-away-161839582.html). + +Just today, it’s up 40%, with no sign of stopping and no idea when it’ll reverse. + +What are your thoughts on it? +The more and more I'm learning about the big players in the overall finance industry, more and more concerned I'm getting. + +- Has any of the successful people remained perfectly clean throughout their career? All these people like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala or Rajiv Khanna etc. it's hard to believe they never had any insider information or they never turned a blind eye towards something "wrong" somewhere. I hope I'm able to articulate this well. I come from a very simple family and it just scares me to jump into ~~a mudpool~~ unknown waters. + +- What if the I find that I have invested in a company that is not completely ethical in terms of professional practice? + +- Should I stick to my services sector? Where you earn by working more and bit smart but stay "poor" compared to real rich people? + +Doubts creep up. I know this sub is full of people who are professionals in finance and know how it is on the inside. I know it's too early to give up but any advice will be appreciated... + +Edit: Wording +Let me begin by congratulating all RIL investors as the stock has seen excellent appreciation in recent months. It is a giant cap, so I believe there would be a lot of RIL investors in this sub. How had you convinced yourself to buy this stock? Are you still bullish and ready to hold? What are the reasons for your decision? +I feel like I'm missing some important info on this. Let's say I have multiple rentals and gross over 150K but they're all losing money each year. That's a really shitty situation to be in. I have to suck it up and try harder? + +What if I have RE pro status and am allowed to deduct losses from RE even on non RE income? +Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but it doesn’t make any economic sense to me how in some markets you can buy a home for 100k then rent it out for like $1,000 a month. Doesn’t it just make far more sense to buy in these markets? +Hi guys, I’m considerably new to investing and I’m here to ask some questions about how to build a portfolio consisting of mostly ETF's to meet a short-term goal of a 10% return over 2 years. + +I’m 18 y/o and from Denmark. I made my first investments about 1-2 months ago and I´m a big fan of the investment podcast, where I’m currently about 40 episodes in. + +I plan on further pursuing investing after school and my grandfather have therefore offered me 8000$, to invest for him over the next 2 years, starting mid-January. If I manage to beat the return my grandfather is currently getting from his bank (about 5% yearly), there is a good chance he will give me a lot more money to invest in the future, when I have more knowledge on investing. +I know 2 years is a very short time, and with price fluctuations or maybe a crash, it can be hard to make the goal of preferably 10%+ return in 2 years. I am therefore looking to build a diversified portfolio using different ETF's in mostly stocks (maybe vanguard s&p 500 and vanguard small cap) and maybe a couple of blue chip companies (maybe apple, verizon, procter & gamble) + +My questions: Is my approach to safely invest 8000$ for a 10% return in 2 years somewhat right or is there some changes I should make to my approach or things I may have overlooked? + +Also sorry for the bad English + +Edit: +Losing the money probably wont damage our relationship but it will reduce my chances of getting af larger sum of money to invest with later. +My grandfarther is getting around 5% yearly from the bank investing for him, sorry for the confusion. +Probably 7/10 losses for me on average stem from the fact I am too impatient and not willing to wait for the perfect opportunity to place a trade from the fear that I may miss out on extra money. + +Missed out on so many amazing setups by refusing to wait that extra 5-30 minutes or so. +I've been doing a lot of research on CC's and listening to some podcasts, reading posts etc. and the idea I'm getting is that you always want to roll your CC when it goes ITM or is approaching it. I even heard someone say "if you're CC is ITM, *don't panic*." I don't understand why your CC ending up ITM is a bad thing in the slightest. Doesn't this just mean as it stands, at expiration you will make 100% maximum profit from your CC? Isn't this the ideal scenario? I let my CC expire ITM, it gets exercised, I sell my shares and collect the premium and reinvest into a new CC. Why do I want to roll it, possibly multiple times, just to avoid assignment? + +If the underlying price goes well above my CC, say I had a 15C and the stock is at 17 and I haven't been assigned yet, then yes I understand why I would want to roll it out to 20, but I would only do that once the stock has already gotten significantly ITM, not just approaching it. I would just rather in almost every scenario let my call be exercised, collect max profit and move on to the next play. +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +I’m watching a video explains the Wheel Strategy and I have a question about calculating the cost basis. + +In the video he uses this example: + +Strike price: $25 + +Sells CSP for a gain of $500 + +He gets assigned so that’s $2500 for the shares at a price of $25 + +But because he got $500 in premium he says he technically payed $2000 for the shares at a price of $20 + +He then sells a CC at a $21 strike + +My question is, will my brokerage show my average price of $20 or $25? Or is it up to me to calculate what my cost basis per share is when considering the premium I received? OR am I just completely confused lol +Hi all. Hope your trading has been going on well. + +&#x200B; + +The image shows the SPY AUG 19 2022 expiry call contract on the left side on Tastytrade platform. The blue horizontal dash line is the 1 standard deviation line marked by the platform. But when I click on the call at the 1 standard deviation, the delta it's only 7.35. Shouldn't 1SD option have 16 delta? Anyone got any idea? + +https://preview.redd.it/ktkbmhtgka491.png?width=2039&format=png&auto=webp&s=c434c3bfba4cae659f4eb47c4cc345bb793ba8b4 +I don't want to hear "money doesn't buy happiness." There's only so much I can do to earn money (and I am), but I'll be broke for the next few months while I'm grinding to pay bills and move into a place. I sound impatient, but I've been putting off hobbies for a while and I'm tired of it. How can I find a fun hobby without being able to afford it? I want to be productive in my spare time, but I can't afford a guitar, weightlifting, cooking, and other hobbies that I really want to do. Please help a broke girl out; I just wanna express myself and be creative while I wait for my work to pay off. + +basically I owe around 30k left on my car loan and the value of my car is around 55-60k. Would it be smart to sell my car, take the cash difference, and buy a whole bitcoin and a shitty car? + +I love my Tesla and have had it for about 2 years, but I’m not completely attached to it. + +I actually drive quite a bit right now and know I would instantly miss the Tesla, but I’m thinking it may be smarter for my future to own an entire bitcoin. + +I also think it should be noted I only work part time right now, due to studying, but mainly just work enough to pay for my car and bills, and don’t have much money to save at the end of each month. + +Thoughts? +A good form of money doesn’t need corporate branding. It doesn’t need a social contract of what it should be used for baked in. It’s just good money. + +I’m happy they’ll begin accepting Bitcoin soon, but the last thing we should be celebrating is Bezos trying to create his own monetary supply. You’d just be swapping one corrupt master of money for another. + +Crypto is a tool to free the common human from the would-be-oppressor oligarchs. Don’t forget that please. +For years I have been hearing that Jehova's witnesses have some sort of loophole that exempt them from paying taxes. Is this true? If so where is the tax direction or ruling? +https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/29/boeing-ceo-works-to-regain-public-trust-following-737-max-crashes.html + +Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg offers a personal apology to family members of victims of two 737 Max crashes. + +Boeing 737 Max planes are grounded worldwide after the two crashes since October killed a total of 346 people. + +Boeing’s CEO says demand for the planes will warrant higher production longer term. +I'm trying to imagine an algotrading workflow. + +In my mind, it might go something like this: + +1. Identify a signal / strategy (e.g., SMA, MFI) +2. Backtest the strategy across one or more stocks +3. Assuming the backtest was favorable, setup an algorithm that will either A) Automatically make buy/sell trades using the signal, or B) Send push notifications when the signal thresholds are crossed (allowing a human to make the final call) + +What does your workflow look like? + +If you are using a workflow like this, how many stocks do you run one of your strategies against? + +What is your process like for re-evaluating stocks / strategies at future points? + + +September was a good month for me. My total income was over $1,924. My dividend income was $1518 and option income was $406. The 19 companies paid me in September: + +ATD-B $9.10 + +AVGO $32.50 + +BEP $116.04 + +BIPC $1.98 + +BIP $69.62 + +BPY $193.82 + +CNR $57.50 + +ENB $614.79 + +FTS $73.06 + +JNJ $31.31 + +LYB $60.90 + +MAIN $37.93 + +MCD $25.00 + +TSE:MFC $74.48 + +MMM $29.40 + +MSFT $30.60 + +O $21.48 + +PEP $31.70 + +V$ 12.00 + +Total Dividend was $1518. The dividend increased 426 % from last September 2019. + +Most of the increases were come the new additional shares added early in 2020. + +What do you think? How was your September's dividend income? +**[Exxon Mobil Corporation Snapshot:](https://imgur.com/xz2Xcr7)** + +**Introduction:** *Dividend DD with a slight twist* + +Exxon Mobil Corporation + +Ticker: **XOM** + +Energy | Oil & Gas Integrated | USA + +P/E: **10.29** + +Price: **94.08** + +Buffett Purchasing Range: **$118.41 - $130.25** + +Morningstar Economic Moat: **Narrow** + +Dividend Yield: **3.74%** + +12 Year Dividend Growth Rate: **2.59%** + +Consecutive Years of Dividend Payments: **111** + +Shareholder Yield: **5.39%** + +Amount of capital dedicated to share buybacks and dividends in the trailing twelve months: **$21,114,000,000** + +______ + +On September 9th Exxon Mobil will pay $0.88 per share. Exxon Mobil has shared its success with its shareholders for more than 100 years and has increased its annual dividend payment to shareholders for 39 consecutive years. + +On April 29th, Exxon Mobil announced the increase of their share-buyback program to the tune of $30 billion. This new contribution amount is three times more than the previous buyback program. + +**About:** + +Exxon Mobil Corporation explores for and produces crude oil and natural gas in the United States and internationally. It operates through Upstream, Downstream, and Chemical segments. The company is also involved in the manufacture, trade, transport, and sale of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products, petrochemicals, and other specialty products; manufactures and sells petrochemicals, including olefins, polyolefins, aromatics, and various other petrochemicals; and captures and stores carbon, hydrogen, and biofuels. + +As of December 31, 2021, it had approximately 20,528 net operated wells with proved reserves. +______ + +**The Buffett purchase range** + +This general rule of thumb is rooted from an answer Warren Buffett gave when asked about valuing potential investments. Specifically, Buffett stated: + +> “Geico would be valued differently than Gen RE and other insurance businesses because it’s rational to assume a large underwriting profit and significant growth. You cannot say that about many insurance businesses. I would love to buy a new bunch of operating businesses with similar competitive positions to the ones we own now at **nine to ten times pretax earnings**.” + +Although Buffett's answer was in reference to insurance companies, Berkshire has a consistent record of purchasing high quality companies within this range (AAPL, WFC, KO, BNI, etc.). Don't fight the Oracle. + +**Shareholder Yield** + +After reviewing Epoch Investment Partners’ William Priest in his 2005 paper entitled, “The Case for Shareholder Yield as a Dominant Driver of Future Equity Returns” I thought it would be interesting to expand my own investment thesis to find corporations that have more of a symbiotic relationship with it's shareholders. The shareholders yield presented is different than the original calculation used in the 2005 report. The original calculation includes dividends, share buybacks, and debt reduction as direct compensation back to shareholders. However, I have omitted the debt reduction. My logic in doing so is that debt reduction is not as tangible of a return of capital to shareholders as buybacks or dividends are. + +In the spirit of full transparency here is the full excerpt from the original paper on the addition to debt reduction. + +> "Debt reduction also creates shareholder value, but the means by which this is achieved is slightly more subtle. To understand why paying down debt results in shareholder yield, it is helpful to consider the famous finance paper by Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller. These two Nobel laureates proved that a firm’s value is independent of how it is financed, provided that one ignores the tax effect of debt interest. If Modigliani and Miller are correct, then using free cash flow to repay debt results in a wealth transfer from the debtor to the shareholder. Since the value of the firm remains the same, shareholder wealth is increased as debt is reduced." + +I may revisit this variable in the future. + +The 10 year projection simply shows the growth and compounding effect that high quality dividends and share buybacks have over a period of time. The caveat that needs to be acknowledged, is that share buybacks do not always have a constant capital appreciation effect. The macro environment, public perception of the company, and general business execution can all reduce the capital appreciation effects buybacks will have. + +**Thanks for coming to my TedTalk** + +**Previous DD** + +[Lowe's Companies, Inc. (LOW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/wut7v9/lowes_companies_inc_low_company_snapshot/) + +[The Home Depot, Inc. (HD)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/wu08jb/the_home_depot_inc_hd_company_snapshot/) + +[JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/wt87ev/jpmorgan_chase_co_jpm_company_snapshot/) + +[Bank of America (BAC)](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/wss721/thoughts_on_bank_of_america/) +I want to start with $100/month to go into my portfolio. My goal is to reach $200/month from dividends. What would be good stocks to invest in? And should I do it on Robinhood? Or another brokerage app? I’m fairly new to it, so any help is appreciated. +Hi! + +I'm moving in with my fiancé and we're getting married soon. I haven't lived in the US before so this is all new to me. I'm gonna need a bit of assistance when it comes to picking / choosing banks, phone-providers, and general stuff which can be tricky to figure out due to the amount of bloat-information these companies provide. + +(We will live in Boston, MA) + +I'm a person who prioritises paying less for less. + +Topics I think I need help with: + +**Bank account?-** Which bank?- Type of account?- Joint bank accounts?- Credit card? (I always pay my credit card bils on time, so the interest on debts shouldn't be taken into account here)- What to do with money I want to save? I currently invest in stocks/bonds in my current country. They have a good system when it comes to taxing on your savings, which is pretty fair. Is there a good investment-plattform you can recommend? + +**Phone-service-provider?**\- Which one? I have a phone already, but I'm gonna need an American phone-number- Family plan? Can me and my fiancé get a family plan to save money together? + +**Taxes**\- Should we tax combined or separately? I will be making more than her, and our combined salary won't be above 200k per year. + +**Other**\- Anything else I should think about? I'm assuming healthcare is provided through work and I'll ask my future employer about family plans +BB Liquidating Inc. formerly known as BlockBuster Video. They have been bankrupt for a entire decade. + +ticker: BLIAQ (do not buy) + +&#x200B; + +The last time the company has done or said anything was in this 8-k in Januaray 2012 [https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=8330907&guid=6sQKUq3bRv5hz3h](https://www.otcmarkets.com/filing/html?id=8330907&guid=6sQKUq3bRv5hz3h) + +&#x200B; + +How do you think this all ends? I kinda paranoid that the only way to stop the maddness is for the federal reserve to raise rates a little bit. What do you think? +Hi guys. + +Firstly just to say - I imagine many are now struggling financially due to COVID-19 so apologies if this post comes across in the wrong way. + +Is anyone changing their outlook on their work/life balance since this pandemic hit? I'm seriously contemplating going part-time once this is over (assuming it is eventually over). More time off to relax, catch up with those important people in my life, maintain a healthy body and mind etc etc. + +I'm lucky in that I have a flexible job so I can adjust my hours quite easily. If I went down to 20 hours a week I would take home around £1500 a month after tax, NI, student loans, pension and transport costs. While it may mean fewer holidays etc I'm thinking it could be worth it. + +Are any of you thinking about changing your lifestyle too or have any of you done this already? + +Thoughts? + +Thanks +I raised my hand and respectfully told that bitch to stick to grading papers. I proudly announced to the class that my fellow autists in r/wallstreetbets told me that I could double my student loans by sitting on SPY puts over the weekend. And that’s exactly what I did. Can’t wait to strut into class on Monday with my cock in my hand, and tendies in my pockets. Imagine getting a Master’s degree to get fucking toasted by some autist who learned what options were last week LOL. +The recent news shows EU leaders expressing the desire to become independent from Russian oil imports the next years. I was expecting that this will make ETFs like L&G Clean Energy to explode, but it doesn't seem so. Why is that? + +Furthermore, would you say it would be a good idea to invest or it is this sector already priced in? + + +So my grandfather was a very wealthy man with an own business back in the days, and he left his children and grandchildren (me) an heritage of each ~ 50 000€. + +I turned 19 a few months ago , so I could have this money transfered to my bank account theoretically. (It's stored on an extra account from my mother right now) + +The problem is, I'm **really** bad at managing my money, I have ADHD and so on I spend a lot of money very impulsive on unnecessary things like fast-food or a new phone. Though, I'm working with my therapist on this particular issue. + +But that's another story. So basically, I could do whatever I want with that money. You can imagine, I'm pretty overwhelmed of deciding what would be the right thing. + +A little bit about me first: + +* I'm one year ahead of my graduation (the german "Abitur") and recently I'm not doing that well in school unfortuantely +* I have a few ideas what I want to do after school, probably working as a lawyer or a detective +* As said before, I tend to spend a lot of money thoughtless, which already has brought me some financial issues +* I'm living with my parents, so I don't have any additional expenditures yet + +What I was thinking about, is investing **some** of the money somewhere. ("Let the money work for you") + +But I have little to no experience in doing so. + +Also, I definetly want to travel the world before I get to work. But I feel a bit spoiled just traveling the world with money I didn't earn by myself. + +So my question now is, how can I know what's the best? How do I handle this amount of money? Do you have any very important advices/recommendations for me? + +Thank's a lot! +Hello, +Interested in doing my masters in Germany or Belgium next year and was wonderring how do I file taxes whlist selling adult content through Only Fans and kik/omegle? + +I make about 2000euros/month steadily. Am I considered a small business? Anyone in the same situation? +Hi, + +I have started investing in REIT focused on the European region. I see that yield (dividend) is okay and in long-term (hopefully) fund price may rise. The advantage I get is a low capital entry, DCA, no headache from the management of the real estate, risk aversion. + +Question: how do you compare buying real estate to REIT? let's say you have 500k EUR in savings for investment, why not buy REIT instead of buy a house and lease it? +Hey fellas, + + +Quite new to the game, therefore I have a bunch of questions. +Planning to get into the market and from some research already done, DEGIRO sounds like a solid option. + +This is...If I were to operate with an account on my home country(EU). However, living in German due to tax declaration and so...I'm not so sure about it anymore. +This might be quite a stupid question but, I MUST create a degiro account in Germany since I do pay my taxes here, right? The whole website and app being available only in German, which I am still far to dominate, are also quite frustrating. + + +I am already aware of the 25%tax on capital gains (801€ free of tax). Would this be the only taxes applied? The tax on capital gains on my home country are slighty higher(28%). + + +Taking into account that the NYSE market is the most appealing to me, what else should I take into account? + + +Any other suggestion or alternatives to DEGIRO, specialy due to the fact of being on German ground? + + +Danke! +Hi. + +I'm a structural engineer and I work for a major Portuguese company that builds all around the world. + +I started around 2 years ago and I have managed to save a great part of my income, but I find it really hard to get major savings. I currently have around 20 000€, some of it invested but the majority is only sitting at the bank. + +I have a master's degree in structural engineering and I'm thinking of going abroad to work because the annual salary in Portugal is too low and the taxes are too high. I earn around 19 000€ annually before taxes, 13 500€ annually after taxes and , although the cost of living is low, the expenses just to get to work are around 3 000€ annually. + +I was wondering what are the prospects for a structural engineer abroad. How much a structural engineer with my experience can earn? Which countries are the best to go to? + +Thanks. +Hi, I am 25, an expat working in Germany and want to invest in a global ETF as a beginner. +My goal is to create a saving plan and invest in an ETF each month for over 10+ years. +I consider the following options: + +* Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS (Acc) +* iShares Core MSCI World UCITS (Acc) 80% or 90% + iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS (Acc) 20% or 10% + + +Which one would you prefer? Any other recommendations? +Should I start with distributing ETF rather than accumulating? AFAIK it won't make a significant difference in the long term. +Cheers, +Hello everyone. I am a 18 yo Dutch national, and I am pretty new to investing. I receny installed Degiro to. start investing my savings in etf’s. And I have been researching what etf’s I would like to invest in long term. +Any notes, advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. + +This is my current idea for a portfolio. + +- Xtrackers MSCI World Information Tech UCITS etf (25%) + +- Xtrackers MSCI World Momentum UCITS etf (25%) + +- Etflab Stoxx Europe Strong Growth 20 (25%) + +- Ishares Prop Euro (12,5%) +- Ishares prop Asia (12,5%) +CryptoAi is seeking a Quantitative developer + +The main role is taking strategies from our traders and running them in our backtester. +(We currently have a backlog of pre written strategies in python to get started with) + + +Some info on our fund and the team: + +Our fund is currently constructing a diverse set portfolios utilising both discretionary trading strategies to automated quantitative strategies, trading across a broad range of cryptocurrency markets. The fund currently has $250,000 of funding with an additional $2million to be given after completion / running criteria are met. + +Our fund focuses in three main areas: +Quantitative strategies on bitcoin +Altcoin and crypto asset investing +Higher timeframe altcoin trading (Daily to weekly) + +Phase 1 one of the fund is completed which includes exchange middleware/database and zipline integration. +Our current system design: https://gyazo.com/a1024ddcb5f88757ddf753fa4ae365e3 + + +Current Stack + +* Exchange/Market REST API - Flask/MongoDB/Heroku + +* Quantitative Strategy Development - Python [Zipline/Numpy/Pandas/Scipy] + +* Asset Management Applications- Flask/Django/JavaScript + +* Project management - Slack/github + + +Our team is composed of 6 active members and 2 advisers, we have degrees ranging in CS, engineering, finance and physics, our team has expertise in: + +* Quantitative strategy design + +* Hedge fund backends + +* Backtesting + +* Discretionary trading + +* Statistical models + + +Some of the funding is dedicated to paying bonuses and bounties to it’s members for completion of tasks and overall milestones of the fund. For example each developer received $3,000 for the completion of phase one. In addition to this each team member receives a share in the fund. + + +For more information please contact us, please include your timezone / availability and your credentials / CV + + +Regards, + +Dave - Co-founder / director + +Dave@cryptoai.com + +http://www.cryptoai.io/ + +https://github.com/crypto-ai + + +I've gone through multiple articles on IPO share allotment process for NII category. All articles seems to say that the allotment is on a proportional basis if the issue is oversubscribed. For example, here's an excerpt from Kotak Securities' website: + +>The allotment of shares to HNIs/NIIs is on a proportionate basis, i.e., if one applies for 10,000 shares and the issue is oversubscribed 10 times, they would be allotted 1,000 shares (10,000/10). +This means they are always allotted shares, regardless of whether the issue is oversubscribed or not. + +Source: https://www.kotaksecurities.com/ksweb/ipo/4-different-types-ipo-investors + +This is what every website seems to claim. + +However, this is not how it worked for me. + +I applied for 240 shares at a price of 900 (which was the upper limit) in the Clean Science and Technology IPO. + +The issue was oversubscribed only 206.43 times in the NII category. + +Source: https://www.chittorgarh.com/ipo_subscription/clean-science-and-technology-ipo/1123/ + +240 / 206.43 = 1.16 + +So I should have been alloted atleast 1 share. However I received an allotment of 0 shares. + +Can someone here help me understand how and why this happened? +Ive put an offer on a 6 unit mixed use property in the metro NYC area. + +$1m purchase with 25% down. +4% @ 30 year commercial note. +Total cash outlay approx $250,000 + +Assuming $6000/yr in maintenance and 4% vacancy. + +After all expenses, I will cash flow about $2400/month. + +I can take the full $2400 cash flow and pay down the mortgage principal. This will shorten the mortgage from 30 years to 16 years. + +Assuming its paid off in 16 years, excluding any appreciation, my initial $250k becomes around $1M after 16 years. + +This is about 9-10% compounded interest over 16 years. + +After 16 years once its fully paid off, it will generate about $70,000 year in net profit. + +Is this a home run? Or is there better returns elsewhere?? +I currently have 0 doors, but i am trying to get my foot into cash flow rental real estate investing. + +At my full time job I am a chemist, so my head is programed to think that numbers will predict what is going to be before it actually happens. Because of that, I have produced a very in-depth excel sheet that calculates what I need in a property to get my target cash-on-cash ROI of 10%. + +Everytime I put a bid on a property that would meet the requirements to be cash-flowing, I get outbid. Anytime I pass on a property that I think will lose money, it sells for at least asking (with like 4 offers). These aren't just single family homes... I'm talking duplexes/triplexes with long-term tenets that aren't on month-to-month leases. + +I'm a little bit conservative with my numbers, but am I missing something? How are these "investors" okay with losing money every month?... Are they assuming appreciation will cover their monthly loses? Are they just bad at investing in good deals? Or am I not seeing the good deal? + +Any input from investors with more experience would be appreciated. I'm tired of going over asking on properties that work with the numbers and still losing bidding wars. +I'm trying carefully to word this, I have no close friends. neither does my wife. this bothers us quite a bit. + +We both grew up in poorer families, we have now surpassed most of them in terms of wealth. it has now become clear to us, that the income level has change how we talk with them, as most are still poor. + +&#x200B; + +my questions which i hope doesn't get downvoted to hell. Do richer people in your opinions ( I am looking for a group answer here) generally form better bonds? or is it the opposite and the lust for cash means more then friendship for most. + +&#x200B; + +so at the end of the day i guess the question is, have you made better friends the richer you gotten or has it been the opposite or just the same +After the powerball mania of last week (that continues), the funny posts in this subreddit about it, and those who can admit like me how it gets in your head even if you don't buy a ticket.. + +This New Yorker article about US state lotteries made me laugh for how numbers and chance can make us all go crazy (and the history of that craziness). Hope others find it a good read this weekend. + +[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/24/what-weve-lost-playing-the-lottery](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/10/24/what-weve-lost-playing-the-lottery) +Considering the “what are you driving” thread was a success (https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/opq0df/what_are_you_driving_what_do_you_wish_you_were/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I figure I would try the same with everyone’s living situation. + +Questions +1) country/region - e.q. United States Northeast +2) Is it a home, apartment, van down by the river? +3) is it your forever home? + The majority of my friends at this point in my life are not interested in finance and investments and would have a hard time connecting with any of them on financial matters. None of them understand the concept of financial independence and retiring early. In fact, all of them are stuck in the rat race with an odd few that have family wealth but also stuck in the race to some extent. Because I lack a place to really discuss my passions and hobbies without feeling like a complete jerk I thought it would be better to share here with like minded people with a similar place in life. + +So, my family and I grew up poor with barely anything to eat and lived in a very poor part of town. My parents saved every penny and were able to buy a home and got us out of a bad place. From them, I learned how to save and be frugal and am deeply grateful for the their traits and attributes that shaped me and the shelter they've given me to grow my myself and to achieve my vision of freedom from the system. + +I started my journey out of high school in sciences as all Asian parents want their kids to become a Doctor. From there I learned of debt.. bad debt. On top of my scholarships I had to take out approximately 10k in student loans. This 10k did not sit well with me and I was constantly stressed that I had this debt under my name and that it would only grow in time. I sat in psychology class in the summer semester and wondered how I was going to ever pay off this debt if I never made it to become a Doctor and ended up in a science career. I made the conscious decision to stop sciences to pursue a field that handled money and finances. I went right into my first choice; which was accounting. + +I use to think that I would have to work for the rest of my life for an hourly wage to save for a retirement fund that would dwindle away. My mindset changed when I worked for an Accounting firm from where I saw how every client was living their life through business and and investing their monies. I thought to myself "why am I stuck in this hourly wage grind doing this for people when I can be doing it myself? what do they know that I don't?". + +All I could think of was getting out of public practice accounting as that wasn't my passion and start running a successful business. As soon as I received my license and absorbed all the accounting knowledge I could I switched gears. My friend offered me an opportunity to start a business that I had completely no knowledge of and boy was that a bad idea. I crashed and burned and wasted 2 years of my time and hardly earned money. I got lucky that I broke even and got out. + +I was back to square one.. depressed and out of luck and beat down by the competitive world of corporate and the crash and burn world of business ownership - both equally grueling and unforgiving. Though freshly graduated and recently given a reality check, at I least I had no debt as it was all paid off from working full time while schooling full time. + +I've hit rock bottom. I'm still at home in my parents basement and I literally laid in bed wasting away for nearly a year before I could snap myself out of it and get myself back in order first physically then mentally. I've always been an advocate of a healthy life and religiously went the gym but letting myself go for 3 years and by doing so gave me the worst gout and I was closing in on becoming a diabetic. I went back to the gym and convinced myself to move forward and get out of this mental state I put myself in. + +I looped back into Accounting to get myself back on track and worked a couple years and saved every little penny. All my birthday monies I received, donations from my grand mother, selling away my valuables on online. I was able to save up a decent chunk of change. + +I finally took the correct steps after preparing so many wealthy peoples' tax returns to actually invest like them. So, immediately I shifted my monies towards saving for investing into real estate and stocks. + +I bought my first rental property at 27. + +I bought a rental town home at 29. + +I upgraded my job to a dream job that anyone in finance would die for. Not a extremely high paying job by any means but one that is secure and very very flexible with great progression. + +I then sold my town home and refinanced my first rental to buy an even nicer rental triplex at 31. + +Today, at 32, my net worth is hovering just over a million in real estate equity and cash. + +Income from employment, cashflow from properties, principal pay down, annual appreciation and miscellaneous tax work.. I am bringing in around 220-250k a year. + +I've finally made it happen. + +My situation is mild compared to most but I thought I'd share with you all the mental struggles of financial "dependence" and what it does to one mentally. Achieving independence will set you free to do the things you love. + +I can now buy a meal without ever thinking of the cost, buy a friend a gift with no real limits, donate monies to causes I believe in, and most importantly; buy my own time back + +Edit: I decided to leave the post unedited and raw as it was how I was feeling at the time. I’ll try and address all of the items that came off wrong as I was typing this late in the night. + +1. When I mention “all” asian parents want their kids to become doctors is very true culture wise. I wasn’t meaning for it to come off stereotypical as I used “all” for exaggeration purposes. This is a cultural thing and I want you to understand that difference. + +2. The opening remark needs more context. I do not brag to anyone or share my finances with any of my closest friends unless they are interested in learning and they do ask and prod here and there but that’s the extent of it. I fly under the radar for the most part and want to help my friends and point them in the right direction but it’s tough as close friends have a hard time taking advice from close friends. I’m aware of all of their financial situations as they do defer to me for tax advice. Also, we share a lot of other things in common but finance is one that’s never discussed as that’s a hard and uninteresting subject for most. + +3. My parents provided me shelter for the majority of my life and again this is a very cultural thing as we have a close nit family. My parents sacrificed to give me a better start and a future and I would’ve been stupid squandering what they gave me. + +4. When I said that my situation was mild compared to most I meant that my transformational journey was mild as I didn’t have a crazy story where I went from homeless to billionaire. I’m just providing a regular guys joe’s perspective. + +5. I apologize for all of the grammar and spelling mistakes. + +6. “Income” needs to be corrected to “annual net worth increase” + +7. I did not elaborate or detail how difficult it was articling with a firm and schooling full time for years or running a business. Just know it is hard. + +8. I left my science studies in year 2 with 10k in debt after scholarships. +[DTCC Twitter](https://twitter.com/The_DTCC) + +Today I ask: If Lisa Hershey, your Chief Compliance Officer #DTCC, has not made formal complaints about abusive naked shorting #GME $GME, does that not mean that the CCO of the #DTCC tacitly endorses the actions of rogue market makers? Does this not make the #DTCC, and Lisa Hershey personally, complicit? + + #DRSGME + +(actual tweet edited for size) +Scaring people into selling by aggressively dropping the price is the only play they've got. + +And it's simply not working. + +In theory, every short will be a future buyer and whilst we know this isn't always the case thanks to FTDs etc, when you refuse to sell them back the shares they've sold for peanuts there may well be fireworks. + +I don't how long it will take for true price discovery to happen, but I know I'll kick myself if I don't load up on as many shares as I physically can at these ridiculous prices. Sure they could dip it further, but my game plan is to keep buying no matter what the price. + +This is one war they don't get to win. + +Direct registering shares so that they are in your own name and can't be lent out is the kill shot. A lower price just means the float gets locked sooner so I'm choosing to be greedy and not fearful. + +Afterall, why would a fake price scare me when I've no intention of selling for anything less than generational wealth? + +TLDR: Buy. DRS. Hodl. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +🩳 🏴‍☠️ 💀 + +I'm normally much more verbose, but there is beauty in the simplicity here. Shorts Arrrrr Fucked. + +Today is Wednesday, February 23rd, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$120.44 / 106,19 €** *(volume: 1105)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $120.14 / 105,93 € *(volume: 805)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $120.01 / 105,81 € *(volume: 777)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $120.25 / 106,03 € *(volume: 773)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $120.28 / 106,05 € *(volume: 705)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $120.40 / 106,15 € *(volume: 705)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $120.11 / 105,90 € *(volume: 697)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $120.37 / 106,12 € *(volume: 642)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $120.37 / 106,12 € *(volume: 642)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $120.71 / 106,42 € *(volume: 576)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $120.61 / 106,34 € *(volume: 458)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $119.87 / 105,69 € *(volume: 246)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 241)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 235)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 235)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $119.43 / 105,30 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $119.42 / 105,29 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $119.46 / 105,32 € *(volume: 210)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $119.43 / 105,30 € *(volume: 205)* +- ⬜ 25 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 195)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 164)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $119.46 / 105,33 € *(volume: 159)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $119.40 / 105,28 € *(volume: 123)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $119.37 / 105,25 € *(volume: 121)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $119.36 / 105,24 € *(volume: 101)* +- 🟥 US close price: $118.06 / 104,09 € *($118.55 / 104,52 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1342. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +For those who don't care for reading the techincal details, you can jump down to **TL;DR Starting Point** at the bottom. + +DISCLAIMER: I only started looking into this stuff a few hours ago, so a lot of this is just speculations from reading specification documents with a background in software development. If anyone here knows more about any of this please let me know and I'll make updates as needed. Also, I am not a financial advisor so be sure to do your own research before making any decisions and none of this is financial advise. + +\-------------------------------------------------------- + +UPDATE: It looks like we should be able to use Yahoo Finance as well for "delayed price" since it is now working again for BRK-A. Interestingly, it is showing that information as coming from NYSE which further strengthens my confidence that we shouldn't have the same types of issues with GME during the MOASS. + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +\-------------------------------------------------------- + +Happy Cinco de Mayo my fellow apes! + +This morning like many of you I was reading the [morning post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5cryg/ama_day_wednesday_superstonk_daily_dd_05052021/) from r/Superstonk's mod team, but I got a bit concerned when I came across the news about BRK-A breaking NASDAQ due to its price going over their upper bound of $429,496.7295. As a software developer that number stood out to me because it looked exactly like the upper bound of unsigned 32-bit integers, **4294967295**, but offsetting the decimal place 4 digits over. + +After some further reading others mentioned that this is may not be a concern for us since this issue affects NASDAQ but GME is instead traded over the NYSE. However, after reading that I didn't like "hoping" that NYSE was in a better place than NASDAQ for us since last I checked the floor has been far above $420K for quite a few months now. So, let's do some digging! + +First off, I wanted to figure out what NASDAQ and NYSE were using for their trading protocols since that is where all the live ticker action for stocks will be coming from. A brief look at [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_electronic_trading_protocols) tells us that NASDAQ are using protocols called [OUCH](http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/technicalsupport/specifications/TradingProducts/OUCH4.2.pdf) and [ITCH](http://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/technicalsupport/specifications/dataproducts/NQTVITCHspecification.pdf), and NYSE are using one called [Pillar](https://www.nyse.com/pillar). + +My initial findings from Pillar we are bit discouraging, looking at a [document](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse/Pillar_Differences.pdf) that compares it to Arca (what looks to be the predecessor of Pillar?) on the first page it tells us: Current: Max Price supported for order entry is $99,999.99. + +Pillar: Max Price supported for order entry is based on the binary u32 limitation in XDP for price: Price scale for individual securities is published in the XDP Symbol Index Mapping Message. + +* Max price for securities with a price scale of 6 is $4,294.67296. +* Max price for securities with a price scale of 4 is $429,467.296. +* Any price above these maximums will be rejected. + +Which is just a long and roundabout way of saying it has the same limitations as NASDAQ where it the largest price it can handle is $429K, but it says this limitation is only for "XDP". I found that "XDP" stands for "Exchange Data Publisher" and gets explained further in [another document](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/data/NYSE_Global_Index_Feed_Client_Specification_v1.10.pdf) for Pillar's "XDP Client specification". On page 14 it states that they only use 32 bits of data (i.e. 4 bytes) to send over price data and on page 22 explains that it uses the following formula to read the price: + +Price = Numerator / (10\^PriceScaleCode) + +For those who are not mathematically inclined, this is just a fancy way of saying "instead of storing 27.56 we store 2756 and tell you to move the decimal point over 2 digits to the left" where the price scale / scale code is that number that tells you where to put the decimal point. + +While this seems to be painting nothing but bad news so far, I was still optimistic and kept plowing further ahead to see if the specification for Pillar as a whole (not just the XDP client specification) looked any better. Looking at the homepage for their website that I linked above, it looks like Pillar has two underlying versions of its protocols: Binary and FIX. + +Starting with the Binary version, the [latest specification](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/NYSE_Pillar_Gateway_Binary_Protocol_Specification.pdf) on page 8 outlines that the price data type they use is an "Unsigned Little Endian 64 Bit with Price Scale of 8", which is fancy talk for saying the theoretical max price is: **$184,467,440,737.09551615**. + +This is certainly an improvement from $429K and tells us that at least in some part of the NYSE they have the capacity to handle prices greater than $429K. Before I dig any deeper into that line of thinking I also wanted to check the FIX version of the protocol. + +A brief search tell us that "FIX" does not mean it is "fixing" anything but is rather an acronym for [Financial Information eXchange](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_Information_eXchange), which is not something specific to NYSE but rather is a specification used by the greater market as a whole. Pulling some snippets from the that wikipedia article, "According to the FIX Trading Community, FIX has become the de facto messaging standard for pre-trade and trade communication in the global equity markets," and, "FIX is widely used by both the buy side (institutions) as well as the sell side (brokers/dealers) of the financial markets". So it is very possible this is the version of the protocol that you would see with your broker when you try to make buy/sell stocks. + +With that out of the way, looking at the [specifications document](https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/NYSE_Pillar_Gateway_FIX_Protocol_Specification.pdf) on page 21 it tells us that the price field they send has a range of values between $0.000001 and **$999,999,999.999999** and is utilized by: + +* NYSE +* NYSE American EQ +* NYSE National +* NYSE Arca EQ +* NYSE Chicago + +Which is definitely greater than $429K but may crush the hopes of any dreams some of you may have for the price reaching over $1 billion per share (well, the price can get to that point but Pillar cannot handle orders for those price points). + +# TL;DR Starting Point + +Bringing this all together, it looks like NYSE's Pillar specification (both the binary and FIX versions) can handle prices over $429K currently. The caveats is that the XDP data from Pillar that is used for real-time data can only support up to $429K, but the specification used by the brokerages for buying and selling (which look to be the FIX version) can handle right up to $1 billion per share. So even if real-time data for GME is lost for watching stock tickers you can still go to your broker's site and look at what the bid/ask price is for the stock on their trading page (e.g. right now you can do this for BRK/A on Fidelity to see their price even though real-time data is disabled). + +**ELIA**: If GME goes over $429K and stock ticker sites disable real-time data for the stock, you should still see the price from your brokerage on their trading pages and can still sell your shares over $429K. + +EDIT - Slight formatting & grammar fix +Congrats you degenerates, you finally beat The Man and you're swimming in tendies. This was a fun ride and it's probably not over yet, but I'm hopping off the train with over a million dollar gain. + +Here's the fun part - while I never thought I'd make this much on the trade, when I entered it I promised my Maker I'd give 20% of whatever gains I had to charity and folks affected by the pandemic. I thought maybe it would be $10k or maybe $20k - who knows, $50k if shit got wild. + +So far, post taxes it's around $150k. Wow. We researched charities in our area and I found one that focuses on preventing evictions and helping kids in crisis. We called them this week to tell them what we plan to drop by next week and they were shocked. It costs a lot less to keep a family in their current home than to find them a new one, and in a lot of places, the average eviction is over less than a thousand bucks. They estimate this will keep 100 families in their homes - the majority of whom have kids under 5. + +I don't want give up privacy or too many details here and you can ban me for that if you want ( you can see I mentioned this plan in an earlier comment a few weeks ago) , but there are a ton of eyes on this sub and this community right now - let's show the world that we're not the 'dumb money' and we do good when we do well. + +I encourage everyone who made bank on this to make a donation to a local charity as there's a lot of need right now. +I live in the USA. + +I want to invest the only thing putting me off is tax. I don’t know where to start. Do I report when I buy ethereum? Do I report when ethereum goes up? Since I’m doing this long term do I have to report my gains/losses every single time? I’m only 18 years old so this is all new to me. I have never filed for taxes. + +My other problem is I’ve saved up a few thousands that I’ve had from birthdays/gifts/family what if I buy ethereum and then start getting questioned how I got this? Like I’ve been saving this up for 18 years... Also my dad occasionally gives me money and whenever I don’t use it like $20 - $50 id like to buy ethereum with it, do I have to report that my dad gave me that money? And I also plan on putting anything I don’t use from my job towards ethereum. Idk the whole IRS scares the shit out of me, I don’t want to go to jail for a few years for not knowing I had to file an extra form to IRS. + +No it is not even close to $20K but if I keep buying as time goes by what if it reaches $20K or ethereum just goes up so high that my ethereum is now worth over $20K. I’d go see a lawyer but I feel like that money I waste for that could be used for more ethereum. And yes i know not to buy anything I can’t afford to lose. Thanks in advanced for any help. +I am 19, living in South Yorkshire with parents and putting away £1600 a month from my full time job, will jump to £1750 within 3 months. 200 of that is a help to buy with £5k in it and the rest straight to savings about 3k in there. (rough figures). My GF of 10 months has had to leave her parents house and is living with relatives saving estimated 800 a month but cannot stay there forever (6 months will be pushing it). + +We plan in 4-5 months to be moved out and renting somewhere for 3-6 months (up to 600pm) to make sure we are able to function as adults and take the step into running our own home together as it is a big jump as a not only individually but as a couple. After that we would be speaking with a mortgage broker to try and get a mortgage in principal and then move on to buying a house, likely still not married by this point. + +However my parents have been pushing against this step massively saying my age is an issue and that I should be staying at home saving for a deposit. They and my other family say renting and owning a home will be more expensive than I can ever imagine and that me and my girlfriend will fall out and stress and argue over each other because of this, hence why we want to rent together beforehand and see how we do. However we are unable to spend extended periods of time together due to parents rules and beliefs, hence why we see renting as a good option despite the "dead money" aspect of it. + +Please feel free to poke holes in any of this and make suggestions from your outsiders perspective. + +Is renting somewhere for just 3-6 months feasible? Are contracts only a year long for renting? +Is it possible to get a mortgage essentially as girlfriend and boyfriend? + +Some of this could also be relationship advice material I guess. + +It goes without saying I love this woman dearly and want to spend my life with her and am fully confident I want to take these next steps together, but pressure from family and queries I have are putting me in a stressful mental situation. +Bank of England has explained what happened last 27th Sep, when it was forced to intervene the gilt market (indirectly bailing out all the pension funds...) + +So that quick, ah? Current 30 YR Gilt is yielding at 4.3%, if it goes back again to 5% byebye UK Economy and wellcome again to the Great Financial Crisis 2.0 + +What are your bets then? UK has no alternative now. If inflation keeps rising, which will as per the latest sentiment released this morning, the BoE can't rise interest rates agressively bcuz it will break down the whole UK economy...but if the BoE does nothing... it will break down equally the whole economy. + +[30YR Chart](https://snipboard.io/nN2q8J.jpg) + +:-) Fucked up! +Title says it. I've been asking them to remove their names from my savings since I've turned 18, as the only money in there is what I've earned from work. They refuse to give consent, and have since been adding/taking money to manipulate me. My plan is to continue with uni and get an apartment, but I need that money to do so. Is my best bet to withdraw as much as I can and let them have the rest? Any advice is much appreciated. + +Edit: Thank you for the advice. I was under the impression that they also had to agree to closing the account if their names were on it. + +Edit 2: This got way bigger than I expected. For those wondering in the comments, the reason I don't leave now and sever the relationship is because I have a much younger sibling that I don't want to leave or leave alone with my parents. Also, they aren't the ones paying for my education, I am, which is what makes them fiddling with my money a problem. + +I took a break from the investing world for a little while, just wanted to stop. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things and I find the Yahoo Finance page is so much worse! It used to be pretty good at summarizing market news for the day so that I might get a general sense of what was driving the market. Now, I'm lost in a sea of sponsored content, lifestyle news (wtf?), and ridiculous load times. My god, what did they do? + +EDIT: a random dude by the name of random_dude shared an aggregator he put together in case you want to try it out: http://hotgrog.com/business/. Hope this is ok to share RD, let me know if not. + +EDIT: lots of great suggestions, thank you. The Yahoo Finance Canada site appears to be maintaining its old flavor. I've also setup a Feedly account, trying that out for a bit (linked a bunch of financial news sites). Msn money, market watch, and finviz are very good alternatives. +I know crypto trades to its own drum but I like to look at the number of transactions as an easy proxy for the fundamental health of the network. + +It’s a little worrying that the number of transactions on ethereum and all the other cryptos has stagnated and started to drop in some cases. + +https://etherscan.io/ + +Is this because a lot of the transactions involve moving money from one crypto to another and that’s taken a hit with the prices coming off or is it just due to less adoption? Anyone else find this concerning ? +Hello all + +As you can see I have come into a lot of money. Some earned income and some unearned. I was wondering what stocks I should invest in to really maximize my monthly dividend returns + + +I have very little experience with stocks. I bought about 300k shares of Siriusxm back when it was about .05 a share. All because I bought a new car with the lifetime Sirius subscription back in the day when they offered it + + +Thank you for your advice in advance + +Edit: only debt I have is my mortgage which is under 800 a month +No credit card, or car payment debt +I currently own STAG , O , NHI, T , SPHD, and ETRN. +I’m thinking about selling ETRN once I get the dividend I was looking into the company more and I see lots of debt and questionable management. +What does everyone think? Do I need more stocks? I’m 22 so I’m okay with being a little risky. +I just found out yahoo finance doesnt incorporate dividends into your total gain or keep track of them in any sort of way. Is there any good free website that does such a task? I am a Canadian btw, so ideally a website that allows many Canadian stocks from the TSE. Thank you! +I’ve been collecting consistent premiums on all of my growth stocks, making me wonder why I ever bothered to buy a dividend stock just for the sake of the dividend. In my view, the covered call equalizes the income potential from each camp, allowing you to choose the best investment purely from a value perspective. On the tax and minimum share point, these are ancillary I am not saying these are identical strategies. On the predictability point, you can’t be sure dividend payers won’t reduce or eliminate their dividend, and I would argue you can be more sure that there will be an option market for your growth investment. My goal of this post is to expand the horizons of those who never considered this strategy because there are fantastic growth companies you can benefit from while producing income. The more alternatives the merrier. +Does the bigger time frame matter more than the lower ones? I don't know if i'm wrong but on eurusd at the moment I took a buy on the 1hr and it reverse on the 15 min but on the 4hr it still looks like a up trend i don't get it + +https://preview.redd.it/bnhnotrkppm51.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dc4c7d878641dda4ac4ab6806a7f5904ea1ce2b + +https://preview.redd.it/dzlqot1lppm51.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=baee6b0f1e50093abab1e49096be598de80282ae + +[It still look like a up trend on the 4hr I think?](https://preview.redd.it/cduomwflppm51.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=868b75298c4b0462b9769b205d71e12c7e90df1c) +[(Via Financial Times)](https://www.ft.com/content/d9e46bb3-6bdd-416e-9ec6-e43b8af5fb30) \-- Bank of England widens gilt purchases and warns of ‘dysfunction’ in markets + +* Move comes a day after a sell-off in UK government bonds pushed up the country’s long-term borrowing costs + +The Bank of England has widened its buying programme to include index-linked gilts in an effort to counter what it warned was “dysfunction” in the market, a day after a sell-off in UK government bonds pushed up the country’s long-term borrowing costs. + +In a statement on Tuesday, the BoE said the additional move would “act as a further backstop to restore orderly market conditions by temporarily absorbing selling of index-linked gilts in excess of market intermediation capacity”. + +“The beginning of this week has seen a further significant repricing of UK government debt, particularly index-linked gilts. Dysfunction in this market, and the prospect of self-reinforcing ‘fire sale’ dynamics, pose a material risk to UK financial stability,” the Bank said. + +The BoE’s latest move follows Monday’s launch of a new short-term funding facility to avoid a “cliff edge” when the central bank’s £65bn emergency bond-buying programme ends this week. + +The Bank also said it was prepared to step up the pace of purchases before its bond-buying programme expires to £10bn per day, but bought just £853mn on Monday. + +The emergency bond-buying programme was put in place after Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s “mini” Budget on September 23 sparked a sell-off in UK government bonds. +Why do people want to buy a house in India as an investment? It doesn’t make sense to me in anyway both financially and mentally. + +Buying a house only make sense if you are living in it. That too it’s debatable to some extent. Thoughts? +Hi All, + +In the Q4 of last year i wrote a small paper on the Australian Housing Market for my Masters. The background of the paper was to provide some insight into an economic market and provide an outlook. I've just recently put this on a website (excuse the name of the website). Given how often this topic is discussed i hope it proves helpful. The data points reference no later than September last year but i think the topics discussed are still relevant. + +I'm not trying to monetize this, just trying to provide some independent insight. Understand that their is a rule around self promotion, I've checked in about this already and am simply linking the below to encourage some discussion and help inform the community. Please excuse the formatting.. I'm doing my Masters in finance not CS haha. + +I have read quite recently on here that that RBA etc are not aware of the consequences of their monetary policy decisions on the housing market and i hope this provides evidence that they are aware. I believe they are between a rock and hard place and that the effects on the housing market are an unintended consequence of their mandate. I've also linked a recent paper they have written on the topic below my article which i didn't include in the original paper. + +My Paper: + +[https://ausfinancenews.com/2020/01/07/australian-house-market-outlook/](https://ausfinancenews.com/2020/01/07/australian-house-market-outlook/) + +Recent RBA Paper: + +[https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/rdp/2020/2020-02.html](https://www.rba.gov.au/publications/rdp/2020/2020-02.html) + +TLDR; my conclusion is that the housing market is over valued but baring an external shock, or a drastic change in market conditions, i.e. credit shock, quick rate hikes etc that the market would continue on. Once a shock does occur the consequences would likely be quite dramatic. Inside of all this, there are things that would protect the market, high offset accounts etc.To be honest though, you should probably try and read the whole paper, it is long but i'd argue you'll get more information out of something like this than 4 current news media articles.. but maybe im biased.. haha +At this point I am sure many of you have heard of the nomad bridge exploit. Unlike previous exploits, this wasnt a flashloan or even carried out by a single group of attackers. After an initial attacker struck, hundreds of separate accounts figured out the trick and copy pasted their way into grabbing stolen funds. The bridge went from having $190,740,000 to $1,000 in a matter of hours. + +https://preview.redd.it/y9iefnch39f91.png?width=2340&format=png&auto=webp&s=7be815f3f62671372a127039c5718a7b478a5da1 + +A perplexing aspect of this vulnerability was that all users had to do to hack bridge funds was copy the original hacker's transaction calldata, replace the original address with a personal one, and the tx would succeed! Easy as CTRL-C, CTRL-V! + +However, not all of the thieves were bad. Some of them exploited the contract so other wouldnt be able to and planned to return the money back to nomad. For example, leadingscientist.eth + +https://preview.redd.it/fgzx6sks39f91.png?width=3557&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee8ebc64a48bde5f8d749c521188a36d6bced5ca + +https://preview.redd.it/g496z1dw39f91.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eb0dbca21bfeb9d92ecd0a7573e6accce5cc867 + +So all in all it was a messed up exploit but there were some nice people who plan to return the money. Faith in humanity restored maybe? + +Credit: [https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1554234268884389888](https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1554234268884389888) +So I just bought 100 OTM calls on some biotech company expiring 8/20, and the Bid - Ask was 0-5 cents. I bought them all for $500. Immediately the mid shot up 60%(to 8 cents). And then now I sold half for 10c each, and i've recouped my entire $500 premium investment. I can take the rest out and walk out with 60% profits on a 4 minute wait on a day trade. + +&#x200B; + +Is this normal? Is this legal? Why is this possible? Am I making a big mistake? wtf is goin on? +Not financial advice, this is barely even maths. + +It’s been 102 days since the Jan 29 spike. If they calculated 100 days to shake off retail investors, we’re barely over that. + +No new info, I just wanted to bring some attention to the 100-day period since they probably used that metric for risk management. + +Buy if you can. Hodlin costs nothing. Voting is your right. +This is not a rant post, I just want to acknowledge the humor. Literally every time I've deposited money into my m1 account, I have had a down week. + +My last deposit I waited from my usual deposit schedule for a down week (last week) thinking that I'll beat the majority of the loss.... lol nope. My first journey in investing was March, 1 month before the big dip. + +Honestly that helps me feel better. I dont have the huge sense of panic I did before. I do have a set threshold which I will withdraw if I hit it, but I dont see things getting that bad. + +Here's to hoping that we are seeing the worst of the dip today! +It seems like wallstreetbets has been invaded thoroughly by shills. 20 new mods in 2 days. Great GME posts are actively being deleted, while shitty obviously fake pump and dump yolo’s are being held. + +But it won’t stop here. Here is what I think happens during the MOASS. Wallstreetbets will be flooded with GME posts, the mods know they should not delete the GME posts right then, because they would betray themselves for being (paid by) shills. I would expect a lot of posts who will say hold, don’t sell, the whole rightful GME morale. +But you know what will happen when GME has reached between $1000-$5000? The subreddit is going to be actively posting their “great” GME gains, and on their screenshots there will be seen that they have sold. GME newbies would obviously think, “well they are selling, it’s better if I sell too right now.” This is a great problem, because selling GME at $5000 dollars is not even close to what it’s potential price could be, which in my opinion is easily hundreds of thousands of dollars, and with brave apes, even millions. +The selling at $5000 is the tactic of the shills, if they notice that GME is squeezing, their only option is to make people sell early. Hence they have infiltrated WSB to post fake portfolios way too early during the MOASS. + +Be careful guys, those shills have dirty tactics, probably some we don’t even know about. Our best option is to stay at r/superstonk. And during the MOASS, listen to the trustworthy people like Hank, Rensole and many more great people on this subreddit. +If a mod reads this, please discuss with each other to set the karma requirements even higher for posting and commenting. And demand accounts to be even older, why? Because shills have actively been creating reddit accounts a few months ago, just to post on reddit during the MOASS. + +TLDR: Wallstreetbets has (likely) been infiltrated by shills. They will probably post fake portfolios, where they will show that they have sold at a price around $1000-$5000, which is way too cheap. This will motivate other people to sell too, while a price between $1000-$5000 is way too low to sell. Just another shill tactic we should be aware of. +I'm wondering if anyone knows what would be Kellogg's motivation for splitting their company into 3 independant companies. Usually it seems companies acquire and merge with other companies and it seems more rare what Kellogg's is doing. + +The Kellogg's CEO claims each division of the company is profitable. So what's the benefit to Kellogg's to split then rather than have three seperately profitable divisions under one roof? + +For instance I couldn't imagine Nike saying they were going to split the company into two independent companies without the Nike name one focusing on shoes, and the other focusing on clothing. + +Also there has been a lot of insider selling of Kellogg's which may suggest the lack of confidence in the split but I suppose it could mean other things as well. + +What exactly am I missing? +We hear about property prices growing all the time, but is anyone actually seeing it with their own eyes? I bought an apartment in the inner west in late 2017. 4 years later The places in my area are still selling at a 10% discount to where they were in 2017. + +Now people are talking about rate rises and just recovering to break even is looking even less likely +I have just got a duplex and listed for rent. I am getting some inquiries about section 8 renters. + +Is there anyone who can share their experience on having a section 8 tenant if you never had one? I have property in NC +Thanks +See title. If I'm selling my house, and assuming I'll get more for it than I bought it for, it makes sense to overpay as much I can afford and as much my mortgage permits, right? + +For example, if I sell the house for, say, 50% more than I bought it for, overpaying means I get a nice ROI on my overpayment because I'll own more of the house? + +In theory I can't see why this isn't a good idea, but I wanted to double check I'm not missing something! +Wanted to ask you fine fellas about not-as-trendy buy opportunities with real short-term catalysts. + +**What's on your watchlist?** + +I'm bullish on $ALTPF and $BBIG. Kinda missed the boat on $PROG haha. + +[$ALTPF](http://apnmetals.com/): Super-undervalued copper play with a huge pipeline of mining projects. Short term, I'm bullish about next earnings' rev numbers and the expansion/improvement of current operations. Long-term, I'm bullish on the first gold drills in the recently-permitted Maria Luisa mine. + +[$BBIG](https://investors.vincoventures.com/)**:** Many things to be bullish about, but I'm particularly focused on the short-term rollout effects of the Adriser tech across the Lomotif platform. Ad revenue is the defacto short-term catalyst here. If they pull it off, we're off to the big leagues. +Finance people always come up with the most obscure measures of risk. Starting from using the beta of a stock to using the VIX index to measure overall risk and sentiment of the market, risk is defined to be something that is somehow quantitative and measurable. + +But as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, investor of all time Warren Buffett says: “risk comes from not knowing what you are investing in”. Why? Because you are much more likely to make quick off handed decisions when you don’t fully understand ur investments. + +When you are comfortable with your portfolio and understand the businesses you are invested in, a downturn shouldn’t scare you. Of course you are free to go and underwrite these investments based on the new information, but most of the time it is probably right to continue buying and average down. + +Hope this helps. - BDover +Hey everyone. I recently began a band 6 (33k) NHS job, this is my first job. I lose under 1/3 to taxes and pension contributions. My pension is about 9.8% so is a significant amount and with recent cost of living crisis I wondered how necessary it is. + +I currently have a couple of health conditions that mean I might not live to 65. I don't plan on having children. But assuming I do live to pension age, with my national insurance contributions, wouldn't I already have a pension. + +Compared to something like a saving the money in a bank account. I won't be able to access money at all until my old age. And realistically would I even use all my pension before I die? Therefore wouldn't there be more value in using money whilst I am still alive. +So I just checked my ISA performance on HL and it looks like HL don't show a price for the fund anymore? Now granted the fund hasn't been performing well since it was started but I didn't expect it to go the Woodford route with platforms halting trade to stem the decline? + +Anyone heard anything official about the fund? +Hi, + +I decided to put some of my portfolio into inflation linked bonds as a protection from inflation. But I'm reconsidering whether this had been a good investment... + +Most of my portfolio is in ETFs and OEICs (I don't actively invest) but I'm a bit worried about Interest rates increases in the next 2 years to fix the inflation issue that is prevalent across the globe. +This means, the stock market will drop. Also, the moment the gov increase IR bond prices will fall too... meaning that both my inflation linked gilts and stocks will be down. + +My question is - is there an investment linked to CPI only that will not be impacted by interest rates increases but will give me protection against inflation? + +My target is to only beat inflation. My portfolio is already heavily weighted when it comes to shares. I invest with Hargreaves Lanadown. + +Thanks +I am currently in the processes of selling or re renting a HMO in Leeds. last Friday i had a viewing at the property and guess what one of these rent to rent type chaps had slipped though my screening process, not that i minded i think we live in the world of the hustle so live and let live. hes only trying to get into property i guess! anyways cutting a long storey when he realised I wasn't interested in teaming up we got talking. it came to shock to me that he had spent 10k on training training course with someone called "samuel leeds" he was telling me he works for 10 ph, and it took him almost 3 years to save up 10 grand! I am a full time investor and everything he was saying to me was the wrong way to look at things he said in a couple of deals he could become "financially free". I explained to him that 10k would have been better to be used on a deposit on a single buy to let. + +&#x200B; + +over the weekend i spent the weekend looking over this so called property expert, in the first few minutes of watching the first it was quite apparent you were going to end up being sent down a sales funnel by the end of the video, it makes me wounder how people can fall for this type of thing, would you ever do business with someone that has to tell you their a millionaire every third sentence, it makes me feel quite sad to see lots of genuine hard working people have fell for his lies and deception, i could have went further and pulled his company files but by the looks of it someone had already done it, and he only had a hand full of properties. i seen Samuel went on the defensive about this but in my opinion i do not think he is hiding any great wealth and is full of hot air. + +have a great day and happy investing :) +Anyone have an opinion on this company? + +I bought some a while back and it's continued on a prolonged and steady upward trajectory, with a fierce dividend. + +Over the last month it's dumped 11% along with the market, and is currently on a PE of x8 (!) and yielding a whopping 16% dividend, which I understand has just been increased. + +Those numbers alone are tempting, but I feel I already have too much. + +Suss numbers for a stock market like today's. What's the big catch? +Synairgen Phase 3 test trials failed and the stock plummeted by over 85% today. Ouch. +I’ve held onto my stock. I have about £500 worth so it’s not been a horrendous blow for me but still not nice by any stretch. +Hoping nobody lost out on too much. +What do you think are the next steps for Synairgen and how they recover from this? +Hi everyone! + +Please let me present to you **StakeMars Protocol ($SMP)** + +This is the next generation of deflationary yield farming token on Binance Smart Chain! + +**What is $SMP?** + +$SMP is basically a BSC DeFi. + +What makes this coin special is that we have a yield farming system where holders can stake their token and earn profit. + +**How $SMP Yield Farming Works?** + +Unlike other yield farming tokens, $SMP has come up with a deflationary yield farming protocol where $SMP holders can stake can get rewarded in BNB! (The rewards will automatically be transferred to BNB by the system) + +And the reason we called it "Next Gen" is that $SMP holders will get rewards from the farming system without losing the token's value and minting new supply (While most of the tokens give reward by minting new supply, hence the token's value depreciates over time) + +**Tokenomics** + +Total Supply: 100,000,000 tokens +Initial Burn: 30,000,000 tokens +Liquidity Lock: 67,000,000 tokens (will be locked in DxSale for 5 years) +Airdrop: 2,000,000 tokens +Team: 1,000,000 tokens + +Every **Transaction has a 10% fees** which are divided into + +1. Liquidity Pool: 4% fee automatically added to LP +2. Staking Rewards: 4% fee distributed to stakers as BNB +3. Burn: 1% fee burned and will be sent to DEAD wallet forever +4. Expenses: 1% fee for marketing and operational expenses + +&#x200B; + +Contract Address- 0x74f4ccdaEdb13b73754cf7Bb8CbABE74E2DD4B70 + +Buy Link- [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x74f4ccdaEdb13b73754cf7Bb8CbABE74E2DD4B70](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x74f4ccdaEdb13b73754cf7Bb8CbABE74E2DD4B70) + +&#x200B; + +**JOIN US** + +Website: [StakeMars.com](https://stakemars.com/) +Telegram: [t.me/StakeMars](https://t.me/StakeMars) +Hey all, + +I’ve worked in the market for a good few years & currently work for a lender. + +Happy to answer any mortgage queries - no question is “stupid” if it’s genuine. It can be confusing and stressful. If I can’t help I will try to point you to resources that can rather than provide misinformation. + +If this isn’t allowed mods, let me know. I couldn’t see that it was against the rules and I’m happy to discuss with you further if required. + +Take care, + +giraffe +Tesla's exclusion from the S&P 500 index on Friday was a surprise to many, given that the mega-cap electric-vehicle manufacturer ticked off all the eligibility requirements. + +Tesla on Tuesday fell 21% from Friday's close as investors digested the S&P 500 exclusion amid a tech-heavy market sell-off. + +But the S&P Dow Jones Indices index committee's decision to exclude Tesla despite its eligibility for inclusion was a "brave" one, DataTrek cofounder Nicholas Colas said in a note on Wednesday. + +The decision by the committee could "only have come from a collective and committed view that Tesla is profoundly overvalued," Colas said. + +Tesla traded at a trailing 12-month price-earnings multiple of 913x on Wednesday, according to data from YCharts.com. The S&P 500 traded at a trailing 12-month price-earnings multiple of 21.7x, according to JPMorgan. + +In addition to a steep valuation, the committee likely thinks Tesla "sits on shakier fundamentals" than its August 31 market capitalization of $465.2 billion may indicate, DataTrek said. + +That might refer to the fact that much of the profit Tesla has recorded over the past few quarters derives from the sale of green EV regulatory credits to other carmakers that don't meet the mandated annual EV production quota, and not from Tesla's main business of building and selling cars and solar panels. + +Tesla will remain eligible for inclusion in the S&P 500 index if it continues to stay profitable in future quarters. + +Instead of Tesla, the committee added Etsy, Teradyne, and Catalent to the S&P 500 index. + +https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-stock-sp500-exclusion-index-overvalued-profoundly-datatrek-committee-why-2020-9 +I've always been a financially inclined guy, and always loved saving/investing/planning, etc. I've been realizing more and more that I kind of feel like we're plateaued. We could easily just continue on as we have been and have a fantastic retirement and all those normal things. We also feel like we are capable of more, and being a Boglehead.. it's very hard to feel like you're accomplishing much (even though you are). + +&#x200B; + +So we're kind of looking for ideas. I've really been thinking we need to meet with a CFP, which is on our outlook as well. I'll give a quick rundown of our financials + +&#x200B; + +**\*\*Income (combined) -\*\*** + +\- 2021 AGI $185k + +**\*\*Debts -\*\*** + +\- Home - $108k 14 years left @ 2.25% (Appraised at $165k) + +\- Minivan - $18k 3 years left @ 2.5% + +**\*\*Savings -\*\*** + +\- HYSA - $35k (emergency & large upcoming expense) + +\- Brokerage - $50k (mostly S&P500) + +\- 401k - $250k (Pre-tax)(max-out every year) + +\- Roth IRA - $95k (both accounts combined/ max both out every year) + +&#x200B; + +So we had saved up to remodel our kitchen which is why we have such a large savings. Well we got to that point and we really weren't inclined to follow through. Then we got word of a future opportunity to buy a large amount of income producing farm-ground from family (roughly 80 acres @ $6k-$10k/acre). So we've kind of held on to this money to see how that situation turns out. + +&#x200B; + +We're now kind of at an impasse. The farm-ground purchase could go either way, and still might be a few years out before its available. We've considered real estate, but our schedules are so hectic, that I'm not sure it's viable for our happiness/marriage quality (we both work shift work). Rentals are promising if they're quality properties that wouldn't need much renovating/maintenance. We're in a small town in Southern IL, so higher rent prices can be a tough sell. + +&#x200B; + +We've kind of held off on paying down our debt because the rates are so dang low, and we feel we have a pretty safe cushion should something happen. + +&#x200B; + +Perhaps I just need to vent, but surely I'm not the only one to have this struggle between wanting to do more investing yet not having a whole lot of time to give. +My finances are a total mess. I’m in my 50s and have ADHD and a general inability to be an adult. + +But I desperately want to fix this. + +I've had a pretty good career lurching about from thing to thing. I stopped everything to care for my mother for several years – she's since died. I'm currently volunteering but I want to start a small business so I need to sort out my mess pronto. I inherited some money (and some shares that I have nfi what to do with), so I can live. However, I haven’t done my tax for … oh, probably 20 years … and I once had an ABN that’s subsequently been cancelled because I never paid tax on that. + +The whole shituation is such a debacle that I hate talking about it with anyone, let alone a professional. I am filled with shame which stops me from tackling it. + +But I'm gonna. I Just need help. My question is, who do I go to? I did go to H&R Block last year, and the woman helped me a bit, but her relentless eye-rolling just made me so ashamed that I didn’t want to go back again. + +I want a lovely, understanding professional who can help me begin to manage my money. I don’t even know what the title of such a professional would be. + +Can anyone recommend where I should start? I’m in Hobart. +Hey apres! I'm happy to report that I've successfully completed my 30 day alcohol rehab and am home and feeling great! + +I was able to check the ticker price a few times a week, but haven't been on the sub or able to read any news. So what did I miss? Give me some of the highlights for the month if June. Any drama, news, best memes, anything! + +It's good to be home and back in with you guys! I missed you all so very much! + +EDIT: I am just blown over with the amount of encouragement, support, and well-wishes from all of you! Thank you to every one of you that stopped by! I am a very proud ape today, and feel so very loved. You guys are the best! +My account recently got limited and asked for like 10 explanations of "sales" which all were cryptocurrency dip buys and high sells (as is normal) all within a period of one week. + +The system flagged my account thinking I was selling items worth $10000 in one week when I hadn't done so in the last 6 years I've held a PayPal account. (US account btw). + +So I knew the developers didn't account for this shit when they released PayPal Crypto so I submitted the stuff for review with my photo ID and wrote "PayPal Crypto" for each crypto transaction BECAUSE WHAT ELSE could I say? + +I called their phone and he said he's expedited the review. I went to sleep, the next day (today) my account is permanently limited due to .... + +"After a review, we've decided to permanently limit your account due to potential risk. You’ll not be able to conduct any further business using PayPal." + +180 days hold on my $462 in my balance. + +No appeals. No explanation. No consideration that their reviewer may be an ignorant 60 year old with no knowledge of PayPal's own crypto service. Whenever I've called their support about PayPal Crypto in the past they had no idea what I was talking about (even after weeks after release). + +Now I haven't called yet because phone support is offline, but I'm writing this thread because many others will be in the same spot as I am. + + +How do we start our journey to get them to understand what the fuck they did. I genuinely 100% know I did nothing wrong and its a misunderstanding because they think I made 50+ buy/sell transactions in a span of 1 week of items, when its just crypto. + +I know how bad PayPal is in resolving these things and I've used them regularly for everything. + +------------ + +***EDIT EDIT EDIT :*** + +I just spent 40 minutes on the phone with a nice lady (Jennifer) on PayPal's phone and went through our transaction history/activity, tons of explanations of crypto terms (since she didn't know PayPal even has crypto) and I basically begged for the account back, but **still no luck because apparently you cannot appeal a final reviewed decision.** + +She genuinely wanted to help me and I believe she understood how crazy this ban was because I didn't sell items to anyone except PayPal (PayPal shows as the buyer and seller when you purchase from 'PayPal Crypto'). She finally understood it was a daytrading like thing and even after that there's no appeal option (she tried) and its final. + +My last try would be to spam twitter, file consumer financial bureau mistakes and make coindesk-like articles to spread information and save others. + +There is no real justice for the innocents in some places in the world. + +------------- +List of articles publishing about this post/story: + +-https://beincrypto.com/paypal-user-gets-permanently-banned-for-day-trading-crypto/ + +-https://cryptopotato.com/this-user-had-his-paypal-account-banned-for-trading-cryptocurrency/ + +-https://paulcrypto.com/2020/11/25/paypal-user-gets-permanently-banned-for-day-trading-crypto/ + +-https://coinmarketcap.com/de/headlines/news/this-user-had-his-paypal-account-banned-for-trading-cryptocurrency/ + +-https://coingenius.news/paypal-reportedly-restricted-a-users-account-for-trading-cryptocurrency-4/ + +-https://cointelegraph.com/news/paypal-suspends-user-for-crypto-trading-using-paypal-s-own-service + +-https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/paypal-bans-user-for-trading-cryptocurrencies/ + +-https://blockchain.news/news/paypal-flags-platform-user-cryptocurrency-trades-risky-freezes-remaining-funds + +-https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/paypal-suspends-user-for-crypto-trading-using-paypals-own-service-2356381 + +-https://medium.com/in-bitcoin-we-trust/the-danger-of-buying-bitcoin-via-paypal-has-already-come-to-light-with-a-first-example-e1ee8eb297c0?sk=1fc2bd444b0daed9f4df46579915a307 + +-------- + +***EDIT EDIT EDIT :*** + +Got an email today that my account has recovered completely. I don't have 'Funds Now' anymore, but beggars can't be choosers. +So im in a situation where one of my family members is going to sell their home and its 1800 sq ft. Upstairs and downstairs with 4 beds 2 bath 1 extra game room upstairs. The house may need remodeling, but also has a storm shelter and shed. I was told they would sell the house to me for 100k, and the value of the home is 150k. The house also qualifies for the usda loan for rural areas since its in a suburb part to a major city. I know I can also qualify for FHA if I wanted to use that instead. Im just stuck in the middle because this would be my first "adult purchase" requiring a loan. Is it worth putting myself in debt ? I just like to hear pros and cons and other opinions about it. +I believe these "X, X, and XXX", or "look at me, I'm a whale who just did DRS, here's how many shares I transferred" posts are a last-ditch FUD campaign. + + +Someone already mentioned the phrase for it last week, but I can't remember the name for it. It's got something to do with feeling less significant. (Edit: It's called the bystander effect) + + +When a normal ape sees a bunch of posts that are "supposesly" making more of a difference than they're able to themselves, it makes them feel less significant, and less likely to act in the same way. + + +For example: When you only have X shares with Fidelity, and some ape posts that he/she just transferred XXX shares to Computershare, it makes you believe that your X shares won't make as much of a difference, therefore discouraging you to act the same way. + + +The point of these FUD posts is to discourage apes, without them even knowing it. + + +Any posts that are saying "LoOK, i jUsT TrAnSfErReD XXX sHaReS" are FUD. + +Don't fall for it. Every ape's shares matter, regardless of how many you own. Don't let these bogus FUD posts make you believe that direct registering your shares is a wasted effort, because it isn't. + +&#x200B; + +And last but not least: these posts also very blatantly break rule #9 (No positions and no gain/loss porn). What makes me even more suspicious is that everyone on this sub was supportive of rule #9 just a few weeks ago. And now, breaking that rule is suddenly encouraged? I call bullsh\*t. + +&#x200B; + +Mods, can you please reconsider allowing these posts? They're FUD. + +Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying that posting about direct registering is bad. I'm saying that including your positions is bad, because it belittles others. +I have been building my 6 month emergency fund for the last year. I’m almost there—with 5 months saved. I also have sinking funds for most of the “expected unexpected” items, but I’ve been struggling a little with using money for truly unexpected things. For example, last year, my son had 20/20 vision. This year he needs glasses. I took money out of my EF to pay for it. Another example: I had some unexpected dental work that I took money from my EF for. But I can’t seem to shake the guilt that I should have prepared better. How do you choose to use your EF? +This sub is becoming polluted. Let’s start to clean it up to keep this a knowledge base and not devolve to utter nonsense. + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/k14hvx) +I'm struggling to find the next stock of which I'd like to own 100 shares (to sell covered calls). Not many companies look attractive to me right now. Which company do you think is worth owning 100 shares and (briefly) why? +I sold JMIA 15p on Monday. The position is up 50% currently. If I close it out for 50%, I can make another play. If I wait, there is a decent chance the puts expire worthless and I make 100%. Are there commonly accepted best practices for closing out positions early? + +I'm inclined to cash out and make an earnings play, but I feel like I'm drifting towards gambling at this point. + +Edit: I closed at $0.30 per contract after buying for $0.80 per contract. Current price is $0.15 so it wasn't perfect timing, but then again who'd have bet on JMIA being up 12% on the day. Took the money and sold CODX 11p 11/20. +I've been exploring analyst ratings as a signal and wanted to see if anyone else here has done the same/wanted to trade notes. + +Here's what I've got so far: + +I grabbed a list of \~8k tickers for the NASDAQ and NYSE and ran them all through yfinance ([https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance](https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance)) to pull the analyst recommendations into a local database. They look like this + +&#x200B; + +[example ratings from yfinance](https://preview.redd.it/z3hwys9n3cw41.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=36b29ed56c04faf15e5c0916fb23250007db88ad) + +Then, I created a table by hand to translate all the various rating words into a "standard scale". This part is certainly subjective and I'm, not too happy with it yet: + +&#x200B; + +[hand-made \\"standardized\\" ratings](https://preview.redd.it/wci2gei14cw41.png?width=263&format=png&auto=webp&s=d0430db6ad18555896731c13d3bcf5e4c89b35fa) + +I noticed that most firms only issue 3 levels of ratings according to this scale (for example, they say buy/sell/hold, but never strong buy/strong sell), so I added a "balanced" rating column that converts their 2,3,4 to 1,3,5 respectively and populated all this with a few queries. + +&#x200B; + +[standard and balanced ratings](https://preview.redd.it/u13g1s3i4cw41.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=42984c079a5778046fa894782311b3df72d20b6e) + +Finally, once I had this data, I created a very simple zipline script where I could specify an analyst, minimum rating, lag time between the rating and when I buy (you can't expect to buy immediately when ratings are issued), how long a rating is "good for" (more on that later) etc. + +I ran all analysts with more than 100 ratings total from 2013-1-1 to 2020-4-17. The script will buy anything with a 5 rating next-day and sell anything that goes lower, while maintaining an even balance between all recommended stocks using this very simple idea: + +order\_target\_percent(symbol, 1.00/count\_to\_buy) + +In this run, if the analyst rates a stock 5 and never re-rates the stock it just holds forever. Here were the top firms from this approach: + +&#x200B; + +[analyst firms strong-buy only returns from 2013 to current sort by Sharpe](https://preview.redd.it/kwa6gy7i6cw41.png?width=1627&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b9274e32d93eb389f0e59a1c7ed73739c1a854c) + +Funny enough Pacific Crest hasn't actually issued a rating since 2017-06-27 and still took first place. Go figure. + +Out of curiosity, I grabbed just Craig Hallum and tried re-running, but instead of holding each strong-buy forever, I would only hold for X days, where X is max\_rating\_age\_days: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/atu8wj917cw41.png?width=1470&format=png&auto=webp&s=2eccc8bec00ae658e8d45f55bfee91739d47eca2 + +So those are some great looking returns/metrics and all that, but I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. Some ideas I'm kicking around: + +\-If you dig into the specific holdings for the best run above with a 60 day hold, the portfolio is often holding <5 symbols at a time, sometimes as little as 1 or 2. This seems... bad. + +\-Run all firms for X days each to try to determine the best hold times or range of best hold times + +\-Get price target data and try holding until we hit a target instead of just X days + +\-Look at rolling Sharpe ratios to see if firms are consistently right vs just lucky once or twice + +\-Run some backtests which buy from multiple firms' recommendations at-once after we identify the "good" ones to build a more balanced portfolio + +\-What's the best way to identify the "good" firms? + +\-What are some good sell signals based on this same approach? + +All thoughts and ideas appreciated. I'm happy to toss my crappy code so far into Github if there's any interest. +**Budget spreadsheets seem to be a dime a dozen, and I know there are a few in the PF wiki, but I wanted to share mine for anyone who might find it helpful.** + +Now that January is almost over, it's a great time to take stock of your expenses for the month and plan for the year ahead. To that end, I've made a relatively simple [budget spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17UaytcELCQzmATE07RzGQqd_LnODmpPatekz8IBtuEQ/edit?usp=sharing) (**the latest version of the spreadsheet is** [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JRmBDSmM5OQjjerDLLvW4y08KLgk2kAAk-XOWOrZzss/edit?usp=sharing)**; details below**). It's designed to be accessible, easy to use, and largely automated. Note that I've left instructions/details as comments to cells. If you are not signed into a Google account, the comments don't appear and you should consult the "Instructions" sheet where the comments have been reproduced. + +**What does this spreadsheet do well?** + +* It's designed to give you a big-picture view of your basic financial situation, including income, expenses, remaining balance, budget, and savings. This is in the "Overview" sheet. It also allows you to track your expenses for each month in the sheets labeled "Jan20," "Feb20," "Mar20," etc. +* There are three charts designed to help you visualize your financial situation if staring at rows of numbers doesn't help. There's a "Monthly Balance & Expenses" chart that shows your balance and expenses for each month. It also shows your budget so you can easily see how often you come in over or under what you expected to spend. There's an "Expenses as a Percentage" chart that compares your current month's spending to the previous month's; as the name implies, it's expressed as a percentage, so a negative percentage means you spent less than the previous month and a positive percentage means you spent more than the previous month. Lastly, there's a simple line chart of your expenses, showing how your expenses have changed over time. The charts might look a little funky now but once you start entering your data, everything *should* be formatted correctly. +* On each month's sheet, there's a little section for setting a simple goal (e.g., "I want to reduce my expenses by 10% this month") and a space for reflecting on your progress (or lack thereof) for that goal. +* This is meant to be pretty customizable while also leaving a lot of it automated and easy to understand (see below for more on the automation). + +**What does this spreadsheet** ***not*** **do well?** + +* This is not designed for tracking individual transactions or for providing a more granular view of your finances. +* I made this spreadsheet with my own experiences in mind, so the spending categories are not detailed or exhaustive, there isn't really anything on investments or stocks, etc. Customize to your heart's content! +* This is also not designed for saving up for certain goals or large expenses, but I've found other apps helpful for this. + +**A few other notes:** + +* Instructions and details about how various parts of the spreadsheet work are written as comments to particular cells. This is why it's important, when copying the template to use, that you check the "Copy comments" box. To see these instructions, just hover over the cell. NOTE: If you are not signed into a Google account, use the "Download" option and refer to the "Instructions" sheet. +* As much as possible, I've tried to automate the spreadsheet so you just have to enter your income, expenses, and budget and the spreadsheet does the rest. **Please pay attention** to which cells might be linked to cells in other sheets, which cells feed into data for the charts, and which cells have to be changed if you, say, duplicate a monthly sheet for a future month. I've alerted users to most of this automation in the comments to cells. +* If you have questions or notice any errors, I'll try to respond and fix them quickly. But for any major feature requests, consider creating them yourself in your own copy of the template. + +I hope some of you benefit from this! I had fun creating it. I've tried and failed to stick with a budgeting spreadsheet (and several popular budgeting apps) in the past, but I have a good feeling about this one! + +**Edit 1:** Thank you for the gold, whoever you are! It's my first one! I'm glad the response has been so positive. + +**Edit 2:** Silver too?? You guys are great! + +**Edit 3:** I'm seeing that some people are having trouble downloading the template. I'm not sure if it's because it's receiving too much traffic or downloads, but I'm also unable to access it when I'm signed out of my account. Anyway, I made an [exact copy](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14hnBDFK0l6SoxZVVu0li-BnZNMyDYOaLV30X6Pkrkg8/edit?usp=sharing) that I can access, and which people should use if the above link doesn't work. + +**Edit 4:** Okay, I'm still able to access the sheet on desktop, but on mobile, I'm getting that weird, lightweight "html view" (if anyone knows why this is happening, please let me know!) where there is no option to download or make a copy to your Google Drive. I recommend either accessing from desktop or using [this link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTU3tQuQe3mWSr4sA9cgy1CSKsiF1ynJyuO6PQwTjtnhn2z2QI67bSTNYnZoY8ee_y8jw7cxYN9Q3M_/pub?output=xlsx) to download as an Excel file. + +# New version! + +**Edit 5:** Version 2.0 is live! The most up-to-date version is [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JRmBDSmM5OQjjerDLLvW4y08KLgk2kAAk-XOWOrZzss/edit?usp=sharing); 1.0 is still linked above if you want it. I've added pivot tables to replace the tables in the monthly sheets; there's now one central place for entering your budget and expenses. I've removed comments and put everything in the instructions sheet. **A note about access:** if you find that you're getting a weird preview/html view of the spreadsheet without the option to download or copy it, first, if you're on mobile, try the link on desktop, or, if you're on desktop, try again in 1-2 days. Still having trouble? Download the Excel file directly [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRndyfo0jHib9Pl0UmmVyUrJG7pJEdVYJU7pCYJWN4solMv2tuNqQv8NVyUYvpKhrwuAr4gmV_rGmVp/pub?output=xlsx), though I have no idea which features will work in Excel vs. Google Sheets. +I making this post because I can’t seem to decide where to start especially with someone with a low amount of capital. + +I have been eyeing Texas, but keep second guessing. Texas seems like the best deal for price and quality (year built) of housing. In Dallas or Austin. Did not look at Houston, seems like high risk of natural disasters. + +I obviously want places like LA, Seattle, New York, but they are way too expensive. I am looking at places for around $100k, 2 Beds, 2 Baths, Built earlier than 1980s, and Condo. Don’t want to take a big loan and lock myself in. I plan to live in the unit and may start off being a host in Airbnb. + +Currently living in New Haven, CT. CT real estate market sucks. + +Looking specifically for locations +I've been reading this forum and learning about real estate investing, there's a lot of good information about cash flowing properties and getting low mortgages, refinancing, etc. + +What are some good resources to learn about real estate investing without borrowing money? I'm in a situation where I can purchase a few properties outright, but havent found good information about what kinds of properties/situations best suit my purpose. + +Is now a good time to do something like that? Since interest rates are high I imagine less people are buying so prices are going down? Im completely new to the real estate thing, trying to wrap my head around it. + +&#x200B; + +thanks. +The Celsius news blocking regular Americans investors is terrible, but not surprising you could sense they were tightening the screws because allowing common folk to earn 7% on stables vs the 0.3% they get in banks is soooo risky. + +Common folk can however invest happily, all their savings into IPOs like Didi... + +[Which is down a whopping 84&#37; from its IPO](https://preview.redd.it/zwuk6drnz4t81.jpg?width=2212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cc8ae8a4fcc3b092caacb0f0efad779a7611ec9) + +The IPO which SEC's anti-poor hitman Gary Gensler approved... + +You see, as long as you lose money, its all fun and games. + +But when the average guys finds a way to make just a little more than what the government allows them to make, they have to be shut down using the entire force of the regulatoooors who want to protect you from earning more than what banks allow you. + +The 7% rate offered by Celsius or Blockfi isnt even inflation beating, in the era of > 8% CPI. But you cant earn that unless you are accredited. +So we haven't seen it from any other media outlets however to me this proves it was not a anomaly but a legit article. Onkadonk from my discord had the interaction. Feel free to join [https://discord.gg/U2F6bN9GPB](https://discord.gg/U2F6bN9GPB) + +&#x200B; + +This was the original article [https://www.risk.net/investing/7853221/jp-morgan-warns-hedge-funds-to-expect-intraday-margin-calls](https://www.risk.net/investing/7853221/jp-morgan-warns-hedge-funds-to-expect-intraday-margin-calls) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1ztr2yjacgb71.png?width=1021&format=png&auto=webp&s=33772c4fdeffba4d89a3a10f4620bcc301129e35 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uy0ir60dcgb71.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=50b5c73386dcb35e3a42fd99251b3e7712259511 +So, I bank with Commonwealth, and today I was mistakenly debited $2000 by a rental company that I have had only 1 transaction with in the past. So first thing I did was call them and ask whats going on, the manager could see that it was an incorrect debit and she has requested a refund, but said it can take more than 10 days ! I have also raised a Commbank unauthorized transaction dispute , but was told this can take from 5 to 45 days to refund! + +My account is now -$2000 the week of Christmas, my pay goes in Thursday but will just be taken by this debt. I don't know what to do please help!!! +Spent my 20s relatively broke. I backpacked a lot and became a master at stretching my money to last as long as possible. And I had a few mental health issues that made it difficult to work full-time so I was always living frugal. + +Fast forward to 30s I've made & saved good money. Exceeded my own savings goals, but can't seem to spoil myself or spend unnecessarily, even when (safely) holidaying... + +How to break free from this mindset and enjoy my money more? +Hi. So I have never owned a car, so I don't know what expenses are connected to it (registration? Maintenance? Gas?), and it doesn't feel like even with googling I will see the whole financial picture to try and make calculations. It's like there's so many inputs to factor in that I'll definitely miss something. + +Basically, there's 2 things that I would use a car for: weekend day trips (to parks etc where transportation is comparatively terrible), and relocation (to take stuff to another country - I move once a year or every 2 years). From what I gather, there's no way the same car can be used for both reasons because it would compromise the cost effectiveness (I would need a bigger car for my once-a-year relocation, but driving it daily would cost me more). Am I right? + +I was thinking I could shave some 500-1000 EUR on relocation expenses this way, and some 0-40 EUR/month for carsharing I use on a rare weekend. + +So is there any reason to assume that buying and owning a car could be justified in my situation, or should I stick to public transportation/carsharing? Thanks +Questions + +1. Should Wirecard retail investors cut loss or hold on to shares hoping for a Volkswagen like recovery in few years? +2. What are the other similar case of accounting fraud situation in the last decade by large companies? +3. What was the outcome for retail investors in those cases? +4. What are the likely outcomes for Wirecard retail investors ? +This has probably been asked before, but I'm quite new to economics/politics, sorry. I've heard and read so much conflicting information about economic systems - "we don't have true capitalism, it's crony capitalism", "communism/socialism has never been implemented". I wanted to hear from you guys what you think the economic systems are in place right now, or were ever in place. Any explanation (about past or present countries) would be very helpful! +So obviously full blown capitalism + dictatorship leads to high speed growth like Singapore and China, however this could never be done in a democracy because at some point wealth inequality would grow so much there would be huge social unrest. Businesses want lax regulation, no labor laws, low taxes. People want strong labor laws, good social schemes (which requires high taxes). + +My question is how can you balance high speed growth and maintain good wealth distribution? + +&#x200B; + +Please don't cite examples of countries like Saudi, Qatar which rely on exporting natural resources. +Hi, I’m a senior high school student, looking for the major that suits her best. Economics has been a huge interest of mine since junior year. As I think of a major now, I’m contemplating Economics as major. I want financial stability in life, and having read that Economics isn’t the major that guarantees me a job after graduation from university, I thought it would be best to get professional opinion on this. + +I want a high-paying job (preferably a high starting salary). I’m thinking of double majoring in Economics and Political Science or Finance, but I remain unsure if that’s the path I want. + +Just please let me know the pros and cons of this major, and if it is true that I wouldn’t find a job. +Hi everyone, +As the title says, I'm wondering in what percent of "richest" (if that makes sense) is the average westerner (let's say western Europe and North America to narrow down). +Thank you in advance. +I’m writing a paper regarding poverty in the developing world and one topic I’ve been trying to find info on is why wages are so low. I’ve seen things having to do with marginal productivity but I don’t want to misrepresent the stance held by economists. +[https://www.recode.net/2018/6/4/17414496/nearly-a-quarter-of-teslas-model-3-reservation-deposits-in-the-u-s-have-supposedly-been-refunded](https://www.recode.net/2018/6/4/17414496/nearly-a-quarter-of-teslas-model-3-reservation-deposits-in-the-u-s-have-supposedly-been-refunded) +This is a bit of a rant and advice for other people on the FI journey. I think it's worth sharing and discussing in this forum because we educate ourselves on investing and index funds, and naturally many of us want to talk about these subjects with others. + +I've had several people in recent years ask me for advice on how to invest. Inevitably, these people are using firms like Edward Jones or even smaller, no-name advisors who are friends of a friend. + +I've reviewed these accounts at their request and found the same things over and over: fees as high as 5%, front-loaded fees, and constant shifting of money from one "opportunity" to another to increase the number of transaction fees. + +And you know what else I've found? Educating these people is an utter waste of time. You can calculate and show them how much money they've paid in fees over the last several years. You can pull up PDFs of the prospectus and fee structures of VTSAX against whatever BS fund they're in. You can show how much of their money is taken before they even make a penny in returns. + +It. does. not. matter. + +Friends and family members, once in the clutches of a "financial advisor," have never changed or taken charge of their own finances, in my experience. These financial product salesmen use every tool at their disposal to keep customers in fear and confusion about how markets work. They make investing seem complicated in order to dissuade your loved ones from making the best choices. + +It is exhausting to combat this. I just got off the phone with a family member who called me for my opinion on "a new product" recommended by their financial advisor. When I recommended against it, they started listing all the reasons why it would be a good idea. It was not a good conversation. + +So please, learn from my example, and don't offer financial advice to loved ones. In the future, I should just have a ready response to politely shut down these types of conversations. + +Has anyone else experienced this, and what would you recommend? +Online retailer will cut Prime membership prices for offer three groups of people receiving government assistance +By Laura Stevens and Sarah Nassauer +June 6, 2017 3:00 a.m. ET +Amazon.com Inc. is dropping its membership price for low-income shoppers, going after a Wal-Mart Stores Inc. stronghold. + +The online retailer giant said Tuesday that it will offer a nearly 20% segment of the U.S. population—people who obtain government assistance with cards typically used for food stamps—a $5.99 monthly Prime membership, less than the $10.99 a month or $99 annual plan for other consumers. +# [Award winning investigative journalist, Lucy Komisar is our guest today at 4:30 pm Eastern with u/Luridess our host!!](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34)[(Link to AMA)](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34) + +[**Here's Lucy's piece on the Gamestop saga after the January run-up**](https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/) + +[**Here's her piece on naked short selling and Dr. T's book**](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/) + +**Both are required reading!\^\^\^\^** + +&#x200B; + +[Investigative Journalist, Lucy Komisar](https://preview.redd.it/cgafgxue94z61.jpg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d0db67d744d428c177991a346bbc57f4d4e6fa) + +# Lucy's miles-long list of accolades includes: + +• editor of the *Mississippi Free Press* from 1962 to 1963, which covered the civil rights movement + +• national Vice-President of the National Organization for Women + +• got the US gov to extend federal contractor and cable TV affirmative action rules to women while in her position mentioned above + +• exposed the practice of Sodexo, a major provider of food to schools and many other instituions, of demanding and getting kickbacks from its suppliers (2006) + +• ["Keys to the Kingdom: How State Regulators Enabled a $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme"](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2009/07/exclusive-florida-banking-agency-helped-stanford-set-up-unregulated-office-to-sell-his-phony-cds/) + +(About Allen Stanford's scams) + +She's also written several books, and has literally hundreds of other awards, recognitions, and accomplishments. + +**THIS WOMAN IS A LEGEND AND YES I AM FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW!!!!** + +Lucy has been covering financial and corporate corruption for decades, mainly through her online paper, [The Komisar Scoop.](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/) + +And the first time I spoke to Dr. T, and I told her how much I respected her not only as an OG ape, but as a badass feminist icon... (lowkey, I hate to even bring up gender here but it can't be dismissed...) she chuckled her warm chuckle and told me who she looks up to, and said "if you want a real icon... you all should talk to Lucy Komisar." That made me feel like I had been blessed by the lips of God... an icon that our icon looks up to? Sign us up! So in the whirlwind of AMAs that our mod team has managed to schedule and put together, (BIG thank you goes to [u/StonkU2](https://www.reddit.com/u/StonkU2/) for coordinating these connections!! 🙏🙏) we have managed to bring you the magnificent Lucy Komisar.💖 + +&#x200B; + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +# [Award winning investigative journalist, Lucy Komisar is our guest today at 4:30 pm Eastern with u/Luridess our host!!](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34)[(Link to AMA)](https://youtu.be/wKXWvEpnN34) + +[**Here's Lucy's piece on the Gamestop saga after the January run-up**](https://prospect.org/power/gamestop-mess-exposes-the-naked-short-selling-scam/) + +[**Here's her piece on naked short selling and Dr. T's book**](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2020/03/how-phantom-shares-on-wall-street-threaten-u-s-companies-and-investors/) + +**Both are required reading!\^\^\^\^** + +&#x200B; + +[Investigative Journalist, Lucy Komisar](https://preview.redd.it/cgafgxue94z61.jpg?width=1542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d0db67d744d428c177991a346bbc57f4d4e6fa) + +# Lucy's miles-long list of accolades includes: + +• editor of the *Mississippi Free Press* from 1962 to 1963, which covered the civil rights movement + +• national Vice-President of the National Organization for Women + +• got the US gov to extend federal contractor and cable TV affirmative action rules to women while in her position mentioned above + +• exposed the practice of Sodexo, a major provider of food to schools and many other instituions, of demanding and getting kickbacks from its suppliers (2006) + +• ["Keys to the Kingdom: How State Regulators Enabled a $7 Billion Ponzi Scheme"](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/2009/07/exclusive-florida-banking-agency-helped-stanford-set-up-unregulated-office-to-sell-his-phony-cds/) + +(About Allen Stanford's scams) + +She's also written several books, and has literally hundreds of other awards, recognitions, and accomplishments. + +**THIS WOMAN IS A LEGEND AND YES I AM FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW!!!!** + +Lucy has been covering financial and corporate corruption for decades, mainly through her online paper, [The Komisar Scoop.](https://www.thekomisarscoop.com/) + +And the first time I spoke to Dr. T, and I told her how much I respected her not only as an OG ape, but as a badass feminist icon... (lowkey, I hate to even bring up gender here but it can't be dismissed...) she chuckled her warm chuckle and told me who she looks up to, and said "if you want a real icon... you all should talk to Lucy Komisar." That made me feel like I had been blessed by the lips of God... an icon that our icon looks up to? Sign us up! So in the whirlwind of AMAs that our mod team has managed to schedule and put together, (BIG thank you goes to [u/StonkU2](https://www.reddit.com/u/StonkU2/) for coordinating these connections!! 🙏🙏) we have managed to bring you the magnificent Lucy Komisar.💖 + +&#x200B; + +🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +The Fourth Industrial Revolution is characterised by the fusion of the digital, biological, and physical worlds, as well as the growing utilisation of new technologies. It is the trend towards automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies and processes which include: + +* Cyber-physical systems (CPS) / Cyber security +* Cloud Computing +* Ai +* Advanced Robotics / automation +* Big-data +* 3D printing +* Quantum computing (hypothetically) +* Robotic process automation (RPA) +* Semi-conductors +* Biotechnology / Healthcare +* IoT manufacturing +* Renewable energy +* Manufacturing / Mining +* Crypto (I have no experience in this besides some small positions in BTC and ETH, feel free to drop any DD and knowledge) + +Of course there's discussions which one are part of the industry 4.0 so I might be missing a few. + +since I believe that we are still at the start of this revolution, I want to invest in promising companies related to those industries. Some companies already have proven themselves, others are still in the 'startup' fase. + +**Hereby a list of the companies from which I think are the best or will be the best in the corresponding sector. What sectors and which must-have companies am I missing?** + +**Note:** some sectors are very broad so they might overlap. + +&#x200B; + +* **Cyber-physical systems (CPS) / Cyber security** + * **CrowdStrike - $CRWD** + * Offers a broad spectrum of solutions with the main goal of cyber-security. Some well-known clients where they have solved hacks are Sony Pictures and the DNC (Democratic National Committee). The company is the market leader in the cloud-based endpoint security segment and is also expanding into 5G network security. + * **Cloudflare - $NET** + * Offers a wide range of network services to companies around the world. Cloudflare's intelligent global network spans more than 200 cities in more than 100 countries. It provides network security and improved network performance and reliability to an increasing proportion of the total Internet used. More than 15% of the internet is used via Cloudflare + * **BlackBerry - $BB** + * They are working on AI powered cybersecurity + * They also work on QNX. QNX is a real-time embedded OS that controls software systems in (modern, especially EV) cars and forms the basis of solutions such as BlackBerry Radar, an IoT based asset tracking system for the transport sector. + * Spark Suites: Spark provides visibility and protection for all endpoints, including personal laptops and smartphones used for work. It uses AI, machine learning, and automation to provide better cyberattack prevention. + * **SUMO LOGIC - $SUMO - DD from** u/FlynnPierce + * SaaS platform focused on data analytics and they will likely be the first to be able to call themselves a cloud-native solution for continuous intelligence. To be fair, they themselves pioneer this concept of “continuous intelligence” where companies can have real-time insight and communication with their data. + * On March 10, 2021 they acquired DFLabs to enhance their cyber security offering, and claim that the SOAR system they inherit from the acquisition is 10x more effective in improving security operations productivity. + * Benefits over competitors: design and ease of use, scalability and oriented quality. + +&#x200B; + +* **Cloud Computing** + * I'll include Amazon and Microsoft since they deserve a spot in this list. But Amazon and Microsoft are already some of the biggest in the world and make all sorts of stuff. It's entirely possible their innovations will be integral to aspects of the 4th Industrial Revolution, but it may also only be a relative drop or glass in the larger bucket that they currently represent. + * **Amazon - $AMZN** + * **Microsoft - $MSFT** + * **Cloudflare - $NET - See DD in previous category** + * **Fastly - $FSLY - Need DD** + * **Digital Ocean - $DOCN - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Ai** + * **Google - $GOOGL - Need DD** + * **C3Ai - $AI - Need DD** + * **Nvidia - NVDA - Need DD** + * **Intel - INTC - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Advanced Robotics / automation** + * **Teradyne - $TER** + * Focusses on industrial automation, semiconductor testing, wireless testing and storage testing. Customers are Samsung, Qualcomm, Intel, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments and IBM. **Some of their business units are:** + * The System Test Group: they build test machines for printed circuit boards and hard drives + * LifePoint: test machines for manufacturers of wireless modules and consumer electronics. + * Universal robots: provides collaborative robots (cobots) that work side by side with production workers. UR-cobots automate tasks such as machine loading, packaging, gluing, painting, polishing and assembling parts + * Mobile Industrial Robots: offers autonomous mobile robots for the management of internal logistics (for loads under 1,500 kg). These robots are currently used in the transportation, healthcare, pharmaceutical, metal and plastics, fashion, technology and food industries. + * AutoGuide Mobile Robots manufactures modular industrial mobile robots (for loads up to 45,000 kg). These high payload robots are used for assembly, material handling, storage and distribution across multiple industries. + * **Cyberdyne - $CYBQY - Need DD** + * **ABB - $ABB - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Big-data** + * **Palantir - $PLTR** + * This is the way + * **SalesForce - $CRM** + * Big data CRM (big data customer relationship management) refers to the practice of integrating big data into a company's CRM processes with the goals of improving customer service, calculating return on investment on various initiatives and predicting clientele behavior. + * Salesforce is the leader in the CRM sector. Recently, Salesforce has acquired the big data firm “Tableau” for $15.3 billion and Slack for $27.7 billion, adding muscle in its fight with some major leaders. Moreover, the integration of Salesforce CRM and Big Data will enable businesses in analyzing customer patterns and preferences. + * **SnowFlake -$SNOW - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **3D Printing** + * **Desktop Metal - $DM** + * Co-founders are MIT alumnus Ric Fulop and 4 other MIT professors. + * They have a new patent called "single pass jetting". It takes most 3D printing machines several times to print one layer, Desktop Metal can do it in one go. This makes them by far the fastest in the entire industry (up to 4x faster) - Speed ​​means lower costs, what DM printers can do in 1 day, takes other printers 3-4x that time. + * They have secured a global distribution network of more than 80 partners in 60 countries offering their Live Parts software as SaaS. Live Parts is an AI software that allows users to automatically generate printable object designs. The program allows users to enter specifications for an object and then create a computer model that can be printed. As a result, they are assured of huge income in addition to their hardware + * Today, Desktop Metal announced that it launched Desktop Health, a line specifically devoted to healthcare-adjacent products. The line encompasses a number of different technologies, including binder jetting, bioprinting and various materials. + * **Nano Dimension - DD is from their website** + * Nano Dimension’s DragonFly System is a one-stop solution for agile hardware development and innovative circuit design across a wide array of industries. It empowers companies to securely control entire development cycles through in-house additive manufacturing of PCBs and non-planar electronics with speed and precision, while reducing R&D costs. With it’s Lights-Out Digital Manufacturing (LDM) printing technology, this is the industry’s only comprehensive manufacturing printing platform for round-the-clock 3D printing of electronic circuitry. + * **Markforged - $AONE - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Quantum Computing** + * **IonQ - $DMYI** + * A quick introduction to QC: a normal computer exists of bytes, so 0 OR 1, a QC has qubits, so possibly 0 AND 1 at the same time. In theory this will improve the computational power of computers in a massive way and therefore QC wil be able to solve different classes of problems + * The qubits that make up QCs are prone to error given the fragile nature of the quantum states. There are 2 quantum states: ion trap (IonQ, Honeywell) and superconducting qubits (IBM, Google). These have about a 0.5% chance of an error during a so-called 2-qubit gate operation ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum\_logic\_gate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_logic_gate)), thus limiting the complexity of the computation you will be able to do. + * So a lot of research is being done to improve these physical error rates, but an improvement of more than 0.01% seems to be difficult. This is where error correction becomes important. People have come up with error correction codes that can tolerate error rates and create a much lower error rate by creating what's called a logical qubit. ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical\_and\_logical\_qubits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_and_logical_qubits)). + * It takes a lot of physical qubits to make 1 single logical qubit. Most researchers believe that with a few hundred to a few thousand very good logic qubits you can solve very impactful problems in the world and thus create significant value. IonQ expects to achieve this in 7 years ([https://ionq.com/posts/december-09-2020-scaling-quantum-computer-roadmap](https://ionq.com/posts/december-09-2020-scaling-quantum-computer-roadmap)) + +&#x200B; + +* **Robotic process automation** + * **Blue Prism - $PRSM - Need DD** + * **UiPath - $UIPTH (IPO later this year)** + +&#x200B; + +* **Semi-Conductors:** + * **ASML Holding - $ASML** \- ASML makes the machines to produce semi-conductors. It's the absolute leader in this sector. It's currently the largest supplier of photolithography systems for the semiconductor industry. + * **Intel - $INTC - Need DD** + * **Advanced Micro Devices - $AMD - Need DD** + * **Nvidia - $NVDA - Need DD** + * **Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg - $TSM - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Biotech / Healthcare** + * **Crispr Therapeutics - $CRSP - Need DD** + * **Beam Therapeutics - $BEAM - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Internet of Things manufacturing** + * **PTC - $PTC - Need DD** + +&#x200B; + +* **Renewable Energy** + +&#x200B; + +* **Construction / Mining** + * **MP Materials (NYSE: MP) - DD from** u/FlynnPierce + * is a rare earth mining and processing company who owns and operates THE ONLY rare earth mine source in the US. This resource provides the essential metallic and magnetic raw materials used in most modern technology from Electric Vehicles to windmills and robotic arms. Yeah. That’s HUGE. There is obviously a massive need for these resources going forward and MP is the only chance the US has of competing with China in this demand. Of course, China operates in a market condition where they can exploit working conditions and the workforce in ways that American companies cannot, and MP claims to engage in their mining activity sustainably. Noting that MP (Mountian Pass) Mine is in California, we can assume they are doing their best to remain in compliance with a green energy future. MP NET INCOME Q4 2019: 1M MP NET INCOME Q4 2020: 24M + +&#x200B; + +* **Crypto** + * **Bitcoin** + * **Etherium** + +&#x200B; + +**EDIT 1: 'm not from the states so I can't buy any of Cathie's ARK ETF's** + +**EDIT 2: Added MP Materials (mining / construction) and SUMO (cyber security) to the list** + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the link or type [\-flair\_text:"💻 Computershare"](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Washington Post is reporting that china has announced their retaliation to Trump's latest tariff increases. Details are pretty sketchy because AFAIK its still pretty new, but article says China is readying increased tariffs on $60b of US imports from June 1. Increases are supposed to range from 25% to 10% depending on product ... (percentage figures sourced from live coverage on the Guardian)... "with the steepest penalties hitting certain beef, live plants, dyed flowers, and a range of fruits and vegetables. The tariffs would range from 5 percent to 25 percent ". + +&#x200B; + +So it seems they are targeting the agricultural sector which is probably par course and what was expected. I imagine the US will be redirecting a good chunk of the tariff revenue to subsidizing affected farmers. Probably not a good time to be invested in agribusiness or to have large positions in soy futures. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/13/trump-warns-china-not-retaliate-tariffs-insists-they-wont-hurt-us-consumers/?utm\_term=.9141c43834bb](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/13/trump-warns-china-not-retaliate-tariffs-insists-they-wont-hurt-us-consumers/?utm_term=.9141c43834bb) +Please forgive me if this is a little off-topic, but I was searching around on Reddit for the appropriate sub on life planning, and was encouraged by the response u/anon-e-muss got in this [thread](https://np.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/1ne10e/when_do_you_stop_how_much_is_enough_why_isnt/ +). I’m in a similar situation, and would be grateful for your thoughts. + +ABOUT ME: + +Age: 44 + +Net worth: Around $1.6M: $700K in after-tax accounts, $700K in pre-tax accounts, $190K equity on a $500K mortgage in Manhattan. + +Status: Single, never married, no children + +Education: BA, MBA from top schools + +I value my health, I’m in excellent shape for my age, and my family tends to be long-lived. I make a little over $100K a year as an individual contributor, never management. But my industry has taken a turn that I don’t like, and since I’m getting older, I find myself with younger peers who don’t share the same values as me. + +I’m frugal by nature, and in the past two decades, the most I’ve spent in a year was $50K (and that included starting a mortgage and paying for graduate school.) Without those expenses, I probably spend around $25K. + +POTENTIAL PATHS + +I could retire, but I’m not sure what I would do with the time. I've traveled plenty. I’d probably still want to work. I'd probably spend more time exercising and resting though. + +A few years ago, I was lucky enough to get a three month sabbatical, so I’ve had the pleasure of an extended adventure. I liked it, but I’m very goal oriented, so it turned out like work. Work that was fun, got me into better shape, with fewer unpleasant co-workers — but still work. + +Ten or 15 years ago, I would have immediately set upon planning more travel, but as my youth recedes and death looms larger, I think more about my legacy and effect on the world. + +A NEW LIFE: + +For many people, that legacy is kids. But my romantic prospects have never been great. I’m attractive and personable but I’m not especially gregarious. + +It has passed my mind to retire early and devote myself to developing a social identity in a cheaper city, with the aim of finding a community, a wife, and having kids. I don’t especially like kids, but don’t hate them either. In all the books I've read, it seems relationships are the most important thing in life. + +But I’m not sure how I would go about that. And I may be too old for kids. And $1M is doable for an early retirement for a single frugal guy, but women and children require more money. + +MOVING UP: + +For legacy, I have also thought about finally putting in the extra effort to vault myself into management, and focus my extra time and energy and desire for impact there. It wouldn’t be for money, but for the chance to develop new skills and create that legacy. But I may not have the personality for it, and I grow less enchanted with the industry I’m in daily. + +A NEW PROFESSION: + +A third path would be to go into a new profession. I’m confident of my academic skills. I have considered medicine to help people and have a positive effect on the world — but I already have an MBA. I know I would struggle with the long nights and wear and tear on my health. My career would also be shorter too, but medicine is something you can practice until you die. + +What’s more, after seven to ten years, I might wind up where I am today, still vaguely dissatisfied. + +If anyone’s been in a similar situation to mine, I would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading. +Original AFR article here: https://www.afr.com/property/residential/what-1m-now-buys-you-in-australia-s-biggest-cities-20210326-p57e8i + +Sydney + +[Randwick 2 bed apartment](https://www.domain.com.au/6-1-ethel-street-randwick-nsw-2031-2016819212) + +[Bondi 2 bed apartment (no parking)](https://www.domain.com.au/10-15-wellington-street-bondi-nsw-2026-2016793612) + +[Fairlight 2 bed apartment (no parking)](https://www.domain.com.au/2-17-bolingbroke-parade-fairlight-nsw-2094-2016843491) + +[Potts Point 1 bed apartment (no parking)](https://www.domain.com.au/3-3-oak-lane-potts-point-nsw-2011-2016836436) + +[Wareemba 2 bed townhouse](https://www.domain.com.au/6-145-147-hampden-road-wareemba-nsw-2046-2016795519) + +[Riverwood 3 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/5-hunter-street-riverwood-nsw-2210-2016824933) + +[Marsden Park 5 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/44-albatross-avenue-marsden-park-nsw-2765-2016882796) + +Melbourne + +[Reservoir 3 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/686-high-street-reservoir-vic-3073-2016836783) + +[Ashwood 3 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/1-6-teck-street-ashwood-vic-3147-2016290894) + +[Caulfield North 3 bed villa](https://www.domain.com.au/1-8-wyuna-road-caulfield-north-vic-3161-2016800380) + +[Doncaster East 3 bed townhouse](https://www.domain.com.au/2-1-greendale-road-doncaster-east-vic-3109-2016824897) + +[St Kilda 2 bed apartment](https://www.domain.com.au/47-64-fitzroy-street-st-kilda-vic-3182-2016805636) + +Brisbane + +[Paddington 3 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/32-charlotte-street-paddington-qld-4064-2016621225) + +[Redcliffe 3 bed apartment](https://www.domain.com.au/704-99-marine-parade-redcliffe-qld-4020-2016563542) + +[Norman Park 4 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/99-thackeray-street-norman-park-qld-4170-2016744230) + +[Wakerley 5 bed house](https://www.domain.com.au/52-red-gum-crescent-wakerley-qld-4154-2016841828) +My current manager reviewed my contract and found out that the previous manager didn't put me on the pay grade that I was entitled to. So I was underpaid $5 per hour for the last 3 years. Can I and should I ask HR for a back pay? + +Edit: I'm in the healthcare industry: pathology. I had a assessment from an Australian qualification recognition body saying that I should be credited for more than 3 years of professional experience, at the start of my employment. +I have a small account of around $250. I placed everything into one trade and set my stop loss and take profits using swing highs and atr. Stop loss ended up around $45 and my take profit was around $70. The trade ended up being profitable but im wondering if this is what I should do if I want to grow my small account? thanks! +Hi there, as it states in the title, I am just starting out, but no matter what I do, I am always on the wrong side of a trade, I have been studying TA for about 2 years on and off, and realised that without putting any skin in the game I won't get a chance to work on my emotional reaction, so I'm now doing trades, but they are tiny, my thinking being that keeping my trades tiny, I get more chances before blowing out my account. and so far that seems like my only option, I basically have about another 300 chances before I'm out. But basically out of the 20 trades I've done to date, only two of them have won and only because I saw green and being sick of seeing red, I closed them taking the $2 profit before it quickly turned into a $10 loss like many of the others. That's really bad odds I'd argue, seems like I'd be better off using a coin to decide to short or long currently. + +Is this typical of starting out, or is that exceptionally bad and I should give up? +Anyone else noticed world markets don't seem to have taken any sort of hit from the Coronavirus outbreak? Even China who has 4 major cities completely sealed off, one of which (Wuhan) is a major producer of steel for China. + +My prediction is that global markets are being propped up so people don't think the issue is as bad as it actually is + +Meanwhile gold is at the highest price it has been since 2013 and what do people buy into when they feel there is something bad soon to happen in society... That's right, gold! + +Any thoughts on the topic are welcomed and appreciated + +Edit: ok the reaction was just delayed, all major indices have taken quite a hit over the weekend and this morning +i'm new to this but i have watched videos for begginers. i still don't know what to do tho, what indicators should i use, how do i create my own strategy that allows me to have progress and make money. i have also searched for other people strategies in YT but i still feel like there is someting that they are not telling me, most of the time its just: "buy here, sell here". + + i really want to start trading but i don't want to rush if i don't feel confident. i feel frustated about this. + +ps: mods please don't delete this +So I’m new to trading with live money and one thing I noticed is that I let my emotions shake me out of a trade . Only to be mad that I was Initially right. And should of stayed in the trade. + +Are there any mental tricks or certain things you do to help control emotions ? +I started investing in the stock market when i was 18, attended a few seminars, i followed what warren buffet said which is just to just invest, not trade. The CEO of the broker also told in a seminar “if you want to make money, invest, if you wanna have fun, trade” + +Im now 21 years old and my financial goal right now is to support myself with trading (bills, travelling, etc). My goal is to have a source of income but still be able to have a free control of my time to go out or travel. Trading maybe can give me this? + +I can invest my time learning and starting capital is not a problem. + +I would like to know if trading would be a fit for me and my financial goal and lifestyle goal. Thank you +Hey you all, so I myself am somewhat new to the concept of trading (just 3years) and was wondering what are the things that new/noob traders need the most? easier to understand indicators? simple BUY or SELL signals? what are those things you think? thanks +Currently underwater on a few positions. Not wanting to dump them because i believe they'll pop off soon but I've been holding them for a while. I feel like it's almost emotional, any advice to cut the cord? +Hi there, as it states in the title, I am just starting out, but no matter what I do, I am always on the wrong side of a trade, I have been studying TA for about 2 years on and off, and realised that without putting any skin in the game I won't get a chance to work on my emotional reaction, so I'm now doing trades, but they are tiny, my thinking being that keeping my trades tiny, I get more chances before blowing out my account. and so far that seems like my only option, I basically have about another 300 chances before I'm out. But basically out of the 20 trades I've done to date, only two of them have won and only because I saw green and being sick of seeing red, I closed them taking the $2 profit before it quickly turned into a $10 loss like many of the others. That's really bad odds I'd argue, seems like I'd be better off using a coin to decide to short or long currently. + +Is this typical of starting out, or is that exceptionally bad and I should give up? +I have a small account of around $250. I placed everything into one trade and set my stop loss and take profits using swing highs and atr. Stop loss ended up around $45 and my take profit was around $70. The trade ended up being profitable but im wondering if this is what I should do if I want to grow my small account? thanks! +Some tips on how to use a betting exchange like Betfair or SportX to make money. Anyone have experience doing it? + +[https://blog.sportx.bet/sports-trading-profitable-sports-betting-strategies/](https://blog.sportx.bet/sports-trading-profitable-sports-betting-strategies/) +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-23/mnuchin-called-top-u-s-bank-executives-about-market-stability](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-23/mnuchin-called-top-u-s-bank-executives-about-market-stability?utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_content=business&utm_source=twitter&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_medium=social) +Not looking for educational answers here guys! I'm just looking for entertaining stories about the destruction of your dreams as you failed miserably despite all the prep (or lack thereof that you did). +Not looking for educational answers here guys! I'm just looking for entertaining stories about the destruction of your dreams as you failed miserably despite all the prep (or lack thereof that you did). +I've been playing with the MSE overpayment calculator, and have worked out that every £4 per month I overpay knocks a month off my mortgage term! + +Just put in any recurring overpayment amount and see how much it reduces the term. Then keep increasing it by £1 until it knocks a month off the term. + +This is quite a new perspective for me, I have been overpaying a bit but it's motivated me to throw a lot more money at this. + +Edit: link to calculator https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/mortgages/mortgage-overpayment-calculator/ +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +As we close out another week, I just want to share how impressed I am at the resilience of this community. This has not been an easy road, and Apes continue to press forward with the same energy that brought us together in the first place. Just a few days ago, Kenneth Griffin showed us the toll that this battle has taken on him, and it isn't pretty. The exuberance of DRSing shares is infectious, and there is nothing that Kenneth, Steven A. Cohen, or anyone else can do to take that from us. + +Nevertheless, they will try. + +We've all been eagerly anticipating the GameStop report, and while nobody can predict what it will contain, there is no shortage of possibilities. Whatever it does contain, when it drops there will be an immediate attempt to manipulate the price of the stock to spin a narrative that it is devastating news for this movement. This is exactly the same kind of fuckery that they engage in when GameStop releases excellent news, but in this case it'll be fuckery to distract from the fuckery that came before. Knowing this, I encourage you to steel yourself against this FUD. Take the opportunity to buy the dip - this may be one of the last dips before the MOASS. + +Today is Friday, October 8th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$172.56 / 149,25 €** *(volume: 586)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $172.52 / 149,21 € *(volume: 586)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $172.55 / 149,24 € *(volume: 584)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $172.55 / 149,24 € *(volume: 581)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $172.55 / 149,24 € *(volume: 581)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $172.58 / 149,26 € *(volume: 581)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $173.73 / 150,26 € *(volume: 577)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $173.65 / 150,19 € *(volume: 577)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $173.40 / 149,97 € *(volume: 577)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $172.35 / 149,06 € *(volume: 531)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $172.62 / 149,30 € *(volume: 425)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $171.84 / 148,62 € *(volume: 152)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $172.24 / 148,98 € *(volume: 122)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $172.22 / 148,95 € *(volume: 122)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $172.26 / 148,99 € *(volume: 114)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $172.26 / 148,99 € *(volume: 106)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $172.20 / 148,94 € *(volume: 105)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $172.29 / 149,01 € *(volume: 85)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $172.19 / 148,93 € *(volume: 83)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $172.19 / 148,93 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $172.17 / 148,91 € *(volume: 41)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $172.20 / 148,94 € *(volume: 24)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $172.16 / 148,90 € *(volume: 24)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $172.22 / 148,95 € *(volume: 24)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $172.16 / 148,90 € *(volume: 19)* +- 🟩 US close price: $172.12 / 148,87 € *($171.51 / 148,34 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1562. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Weeks like this highlight how much the SHFs are still actively manipulating the stock that brings us together. On extremely bullish news of the call for NFT Creators, they drove the price down, only to let it rise again the following day. What purpose does that serve? We love this company, and offering deep discounts on the stock just encourages us to buy more. There isn't currently a tidal wave of FOMO investors for them to scare away, so it doesn't make much sense to me. + +Whatever their reason, there is nothing that is going to shake our Diamantenhänded grip on our shares. Apes continue to buy and DRS. There are many eyes watching the January option expirations, since many options are going to be expiring worthless and represent a huge number of shares. One thing is certain - Apes love this company, and are here until every short is closed. + +The German stock exchanges are closed tomorrow in observance of New Years Day, but I believe the NYSE will open at the usual time. + +Today is Thursday, December 30th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$153.38 / 135,70 €** *(volume: 404)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $153.42 / 135,74 € *(volume: 398)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $153.33 / 135,65 € *(volume: 376)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $152.92 / 135,29 € *(volume: 361)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $153.24 / 135,57 € *(volume: 361)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $153.27 / 135,60 € *(volume: 353)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $153.31 / 135,64 € *(volume: 353)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $153.25 / 135,59 € *(volume: 280)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $153.24 / 135,57 € *(volume: 277)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $153.23 / 135,56 € *(volume: 276)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $153.34 / 135,66 € *(volume: 232)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $153.24 / 135,57 € *(volume: 182)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $153.13 / 135,47 € *(volume: 98)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $153.13 / 135,47 € *(volume: 98)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $153.13 / 135,47 € *(volume: 98)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $153.14 / 135,49 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $153.18 / 135,53 € *(volume: 79)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $153.24 / 135,57 € *(volume: 78)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $153.18 / 135,53 € *(volume: 59)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $153.13 / 135,47 € *(volume: 57)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $153.10 / 135,45 € *(volume: 55)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $153.09 / 135,44 € *(volume: 55)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $153.10 / 135,45 € *(volume: 25)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $153.14 / 135,49 € *(volume: 24)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $153.16 / 135,50 € *(volume: 14)* +- 🟥 US close price: $153.93 / 136,19 € *($153.25 / 135,58 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1303. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Guten Morgen to all of you Great Apes around the world! 👋🦍 + +I am filling in for our good friend u/Parsnip today! It was nice to see some green action, but we still know the price is wrong, bitch! Meanwhile, Gary Gensler flipped CNBC the bird by posting the cut portion of his interview on Twitter! *We will watch your career with great interest* + +Today is Friday, August 6th, and of course you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch low-frequency updates from a single German exchange! + +🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 + +US Premarket is [open!](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME?p=GME&.tsrc=fin-srch) + +* 🟥120 minutes in: $155.03 / 131,10 € +* 🟥115 minutes in: $155.29 / 131,32 € +* 🟩110 minutes in: $155.35 / 131,37 € +* 🟩105 minutes in: $155.33 / 131,35 € +* 🟩100 minutes in: $155.29 / 131,32 € +* 🟩95 minutes in: $155.27 / 131,30 € +* 🟩90 minutes in : $155.09 / 131,15 € +* 🟩85 minutes in: $155.05 / 131,12 € +* 🟥80 minutes in: $154.91 / 131,00 € +* 🟩75 minutes in: $155.11 / 131,17 € +* 🟩70 minutes in: $154.93 / 131,02 € +* 🟩65 minutes in: $154.88 / 130,97 € +* ⬜️60 minutes in: $153.91 / 130,15 € +* ⬜️55 minutes in: $153.91 / 130,15 € +* ⬜️50 minutes in: $153.91 / 130,15 € +* 🟥45 minutes in: $153.91 / 130,15 € +* ⬜️40 minutes in: $153.97 / 130,20 € +* 🟩35 minutes in: $153.97 / 130,20 € +* ⬜️30 minutes in: $153.73 / 130,00 € +* 🟩25 minutes in: $153.73 / 130,00 € +* ⬜️20 minutes in: $153.67 / 129,95 € +* 🟩15 minutes in: $153.67 / 129,95 € +* 🟩10 minutes in: $153.43 / 129,75 € +* ⬜️5 minutes in: $153.37 / 129,70 € +* 🟥 0 minutes in: $153.37 / 129,70 € +* 🌈US close price: $153.44 / 129,76 € *($154.00 / 130,23 € after-hours)* + +FAQ: I am not as fancy as our friend u/Parsnip; I am just checking the price on [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) and converting to USD in Google. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.18229. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! + +Shoutout to our German friend u/DerGurkenraspler, who deleted his account some time ago. He was the originator of this thread months ago. Thank you for lighting the torch; we hope you are doing well friend. ❤️ +I recently capitalized on a windfall that could allow me to pay off my house early, and that's the choice I'm leaning towards. Background: I'm a lower 30's US software engineer in a very LCOL area making about 70-80k/year, and my wife just started making money too, so >100k total. I have been absurdly fortunate at picking assets, namely my house and bitcoin, although my IRA/401k are maxed and doing quite well too. Basically, I mined BTC early (2011-2012) and sold a bit in 2013 for a house down payment. The house needed a bit of work. The area has boomed which has almost doubled the house value as determined from recent nearby sales and some work I put into it. I re-bought into cryptos slowly throughout the last three years, and it's about time to re-balance.. so I sold enough to be able to pay off my house if I end up wanting to. Some numbers: + +Mortgage debt: ($69k @ 2.7%) + +Home value:$180k+-20k + +Retirement accounts: $185k + +Cash: $110k (very recently sodl a bit) + +Cars:Paid off, worth ~$10-15k total + +Crypto: Probably too much still, but I'll stay in very long term, I don't track it with my other investments + +Monthly expenses: $1700/month w/ mortgage +Mortgage: $700/month + +I think I know that investing the cash into the market could provide a better return, but funnily enough I'm not quite convinced to invest in taxable stock market accounts because I think it's ballooning almost as badly as crypto; I'm already fairly heavily invested in both for my own tastes. I also like the idea of paying off the home bank loan because hating banks is one of the reasons I got into crypto in the first place. I'm considering quitting my job soon to work on more fulfilling personal projects full time, and I think not having a mortgage would be a low risk way to balance out my high risk endeavors. My wife wants to continue working and is very supportive of my choices, so we don't have a huge need for liquidity. In fact, we were recently considering putting some of our expanding emergency fund into CDs at lower rates than the mortgage, but again, not fond of banks. I feel a bit overworked/underpaid/unfulfilled in my current position, and since my personal projects are much more interesting to me I think it's time for an unpaid sabbatical (I've been working 7 years, which seems to be standard in the industry). Tell me all of the reasons why paying off the mortgage is the wrong/right decision and some alternatives. I think I'm mostly conflicted because Dave Ramsey recommends paying off a house early, but I know it's possible to make more elsewhere if I continue to get fortunate with allocations. + +For chart people: [net worth](https://imgur.com/krg2ElL) + +An older neighbor-friend approached me today and asked if I was interested in buying her home and renting it to her. She has a bunch of small issues in the home that needs repaired, and I think she sees this as a way to resolve all this. We already occasionally help her with issues. I could see this becoming a hassle if she needed a lot of things. +She has family out of state, no husband or kids. +How should I approach this? She has a home that could be worth $550k if it was in great shape. I don’t know what it’s worth at this point since it’s not updated. +I am just getting started with real estate and I'm trying to develop my strategies. I'm trying to decide how much cash to keep in reserve for unexpected expenses or vacancies. Any advice is appreciated. +>It’s been a dismal week for Cathie Wood’s flagship fund, Ark Innovation, that’s left nearly all of her holdings in bear market. +> +>Wood’s main exchange-traded fund, which trades under ticker ARKK, fell 12.6% this week, for its worst week since February. Ark Innovation dropped 5.5% on Friday. + +She also said "her strategies are set to quadruple over the next five years, after their underperformance this year." + +Do you buy into that? Or you taking Anti Ark path? +I️ work in sales for a large technology company and I️ had the best year of my life last year, specifically the month of November I️ sold just over my goal for the year from a large account I️ have been working with for 5 years that I️ finally got to go. I️ was due for the largest paycheck of my life in January, than they pushed it back to February, than March, than April, and finally this month they decided I️ exceeded my goal by to much and cut my commission in half. I️ can’t find anywhere in my hire paperwork that this is allowed, anyone have any insight into how I️ can fight this? I️ spoke with my boss and my old boss who is my bosses boss now both of which I️ have a good relationship with. They both said that this shouldn’t happen and are speaking with accounting. Other than talking to my boss is there anything I️ can do? + +EDIT: first off thank you all for your time and advice. It has been extremely helpful in formulating a plan to move forward. I have been saving all communication with my boss as well as reaching out to coworkers that also had big years to see what happened to them. In addition to this, I️ have been going back and forth with my bosses all morning and they seem confident that I️ will get paid. I️ asked for a time frame and they are saying this month. + +EDIT 2: Just got off a call with my boss, his boss, and the head of accounting. The head of accounting claims it was a mistake that they now have safe guards in place to ensure that it will not happen again and that I will be issued the rest of my paycheck today. As an apology my boss decided to half my goal for the year. I️ really couldn’t be happier with the outcome given the circumstances. Thank you all for the advice, despite my story ending well I️ would HIGLY encourage anyone in a similar circumstance to document every interaction and go over your comp plan with a fine tooth comb. +I'm curious to hear the thoughts on prenups from the FIRE crowd. Divorce seems like a significant threat to your assets/FIRE plans so I would assume some of you have at least pondered the idea. Do any of you have a prenup? Did your SO object to the idea? If you are single, do you plan to get a prenup? +So in short I had a discussion with my manager/managers manager on Friday about the possibility of me working for the company but living in another country. + +They told me they would be fine for me to do that however I would need to transition from being a FTE of the company and instead become a contractor and I would simply invoice them for my salary each month. + +What I am unsure of is the logistics of what I need to do this. Will I need to setup a company in my own name and use that to invoice them? If I register a company in the UK but live abroad will I still have to pay my taxes in the UK? As I would of course need to pay tax in my new resident country. + +I would appreciate any information you have for me. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Hey everyone. I have a question. So I was asked to come in and help out at my work (after I put in my 40hrs of the week.) I was messaged by my manager that if I were to come in and help, I would get $$/hr on top of my overtime pay, as well as a $100 gift card to incentivize helping. I learned that gift card, and the others in the future if I choose to accept, would be taxed. I’m wondering if it’s in my best interest to accept the gift card incentives? + +Edit: I appreciate the responses everyone. Final thought is I will take the gift cards, but to give myself better peace of mind, saving them until after doing my taxes. Thank you! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Alright retards, I've seen a big influx of new members here throwing away money on investments they know next to nothing about. This is meant to be a basic introduction to options prices. I am not a financial professional and this should not be misconstrued as investment advice. + +This will probably be long so **TL;DR:** Stop throwing away your money and learn about what you're buying. If you don't want to read [mike and his whiteboard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmQ20J_3K7Q&list=PLPVve34yolHY43YaBegHMzN9WjrTnQfFr&ab_channel=tastytrade) is a good resource (I am not affiliated in any way). + +Initially wrote this at the end but I think it's better at the beginning: +**Practical Applications, General Advice** +- +General pointers for the newbies. Most of the option trading shown on WSB is OTM naked calls or puts with expiration < 3 weeks (*FDs*). **These are like lotto tickets and are not considered responsible investments by anyone, including us. They are retarded and we know it. You should know it too before buying.** Theta is usually insane and probability you make money is slim. On the flip side, selling these options is sometimes considered ok but is often **referred to as picking up pennies in front of a steamroller** due to the low return for high risk. If you want to preserve your hard earned money, make responsible plays. With options that usually means **~3 months minimum expiration, and strikes somewhat close to the money, if not in the money.** Consider the implications of IV in your trades, and make sure you understand the mechanics of the options before opening spreads. + +------------- + +Options Basics + +An option is a contract that gives you the option to buy (**call**) or sell (**put**) 100 shares of a stock at a certain price (the **strike price**) at or before a certain date (the **expiration date**). Options are priced **per share**, so a call with a listed price of $1 will cost you $100 total for 1 contract ($1 x 100 shares). For American style options (what most of you are trading) you can exercise at any time before the strike price, while European options (which are sold for major indices on American markets) can only be exercised on the expiration date. That doesn't matter too much for our purposes but I'll get into that later (EDIT: I never elaborated. This is really only important for [box spreads](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/boxspread.asp#:~:text=A%20box%20spread%20is%20an,strike%20prices%20and%20expiration%20dates.). They aren't allowed on RH and have their [own history here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zW86yXg7RM&ab_channel=MHFIN). Don't bother with them). + +Options have both intrinsic and extrinsic value. **Intrinsic value** is what that option would be worth at expiration. For example, if you have a $60 call in gamestop, and gamestop stock is at $65, your intrinsic value is $65-$60 = $5 (the difference your strike price vs what price you can sell it on the open market). An option will only have intrinsic value if it is **in the money (ITM)**, which means price is above strike for calls and below strike for puts. **Extrinsic value** is the time value of the option, and will vary based on the **implied volatility (IV)** of the option. The definition of implied volatility is complicated and tends towards circular logic if you apply it practically, but generally it can be thought of as how much options traders expect the underlying to move. If the stock moves a lot, IV goes up. If there's a big event, like an earnings report, IV goes up. If that earnings report passes, or the stock stabilizes, IV goes down. IV varies greatly depending from one stock to another and can change drastically depending on numerous circumstances, but as a generalization anything < 30% IV could be considered low and anything > 100% IV could be considered high. **Out of the money** options (price below strike for calls and above strike for puts), have value that is entirely extrinsic- for that reason they tend to have larger percent moves than ITM options. + + +Greeks + +The greeks can be an intimidating topic but are extremely important if you want to trade spreads (more on this later) and I would argue anyone buying options should have a basic understanding of the greeks. This will be geared towards average/wsb investors, I'm not going to get into the other greeks here because they usually aren't as important for our purposes. + +**Delta**: How much the option price will move relative to moves in the the share price. Positive for calls and negative for puts. It ranges 0-1, delta of 1 is equivalent to holding 100 shares, delta 0.5 is equivalent of holding 50 shares. Simple enough. This will increase as you are in the money and decrease if you are out of the money. An at the money option will typically have 0.5 delta, a far ITM option will have delta close to 1. + +**Theta**: How much time value the option will lose per day. This is >0 (technically <0 if you are short, more on this later). A theta of 0.1 means the value of the option will lose $0.10/share/day, or $10/day. Theta increases as the expiration date becomes closer, so an option expiring this week will lose more money/day than one expiring next month (given same strike). For options of the same expirations, it will typically highest at the money and decreases as you move further ITM or OTM. [EDIT: Corrected] + +**Gamma**: Rate of change of delta. This represents how much delta will change as the stock price moves. This is highest for near the money options and lowest for far ITM or far OTM options. + +**Vega**: Change in option price relative to on change in IV. High vega means the price moves a lot with changes in IV. This will increase with the amount of time left on the contract (more time = higher vega) and is typically highest at the money strikes and lowest for far ITM or OTM strikes. + +Buying/Selling Options + +Just like stocks you can buy or sell individual contracts. You can also create positions that combine both long and short options, these are known as spreads. Individual contracts are fairly easy to understand and trade, though they typically come with higher risk and higher reward than their spread counterparts. + +**Long vs Short:** You can buy or sell options. Buyers can sell or exercise their contracts to close the position. Buyers need the stock price to move for their position to profit. Shorts can buy to close or wait for the option to expire. They will profit if the price stays the same (from theta) or moves in their favor. Increases in IV will help longs and hurt shorts, decreases in IV will hurt longs and help shorts. + +**Calls:** Bulls buy calls. Their maximum loss is the initial cost of the call, their max profit is uncapped. They lose theta. Bears can sell calls (**naked calls**), their maximum loss is unlimited and their max profit is the initial price of the call. They gain theta. + +**Puts:** Bears buy puts. Their max loss is the initial price of their put, their max profit is the strike price (stock can't go lower than zero), they lose theta. Bulls can sell puts (**naked puts**), their maximum loss is the strike price of the contract (stock price can't go below zero) minus the initial cost of the contract, their max profit is the initial price of the put. + +**Spreads:** Combination of a buy and a sell. These come in all different forms and allow all sorts of strategies that are impossible with shares or naked positions. In general there are **credit spreads** which is when you sell the spread and receive money up front, and **debit spreads**, which you buy the spread pay up front. When constructing spreads it's useful to know that the resulting greeks will be the sum of the greeks from all the contracts in the spread. So if you buy a call with delta 0.5 and sell a call with delta 0.25, your overall delta is 0.5-0.25=0.25. I'm only going to cover a few here because I'm getting tired but just know there are a ton of options trading strategies out there. + +**Vertical Spread:** Buy and sell different strikes at the same expiration. For example, if I'm bullish on GME I can buy $60 calls and sell $65 calls for 1/29 (debit spread). The cost of the $60 call is offset by the $65, but the profit is capped at $5 per contract. Theta is lower (and can be negative) although delta and gamma are also lower. It's important to note that when the position is ITM, the overall spread price will be less than the intrinsic value of the spread due to the extrinsic value of the short leg (until you're insanely far ITM). For example, that $60-65 vertical spread will be worth <$5 even if GME is $75. The price of the spread will approach its intrinsic value as the remaining time on the contract approaches 0. I can also sell a vertical spread (credit spread), I will receive the difference in value of the two contracts and will need cash collateral to cover the difference between the strikes. For example, I can sell a $65 put and buy a $60 put. Since the $65 put is worth more I receive a credit (lets say $200), then I also need to put up $300 in additional collateral. If GME goes above $65 I can wait for the contract to expire useless or buy it back for cheaper than I sold it. If it goes below $65 my loses are offset by the $200 credit. If it goes below $60 my losses are capped at $300 by my long put (I buy shares at 65, sell at 60) and initial credit received. + +**Iron condor:** Combination of two OTM vertical spreads, typically of the same width. Most people trade these short, the nice thing about that is your collateral can be shared between the call and put side, because there is no way for both sides to be ITM at the same time. If you're short you make money if stock price stays the same or if volatility goes down (basically the same thing). + +**Horizontal spreads:** Buy and sell the same strike at different expirations. AKA calendar spreads. Most useful for betting on changes in volatility. A long calendar spread (sell close expiration buy long) will be long volatility, a short calendar spread (buy close expiration sell long) is short volatility. You can also use this strategy for earnings plays, when you know the short dated options will lose more volatility than long dated options. These are most valuable near the money and will lose value as they go farther ITM or OTM. For this reason some traders will incorporate both OTM puts and calls into these positions. Calls are delta neutral at the money, slightly delta positive OTM, and slightly delta negative ITM (reverse for puts). + + +That's all I have the energy for. Feel free to ask questions. Good luck out there. + +Positions: GME shares 🚀🚀🚀 + +EDIT: fixed a couple mistakes and added rockets. + +EDIT: [Another post in case you're interested in learning more.](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/k2a2j8/options_explained_a_quick_beginners_guide/) +EDIT: Fixed differences in theta at same expiration. Clarified call/put vs naked call/put. +Hello, one thing I am not clear about. Everyone here talks about SWR. + +You can get to 3-4% dividend income pretty easily - either through bond or equity ETFs or some combination of that. + +So if that’s the case, you are never tapping the principal. In addition, unless the companies your ETF is invested in cut their dividends or don’t make coupons your income won’t fluctuate with market. + +So if you have $5 mn in Schwab Power Dividends fund, it will always generate the same $ income because it is based on the sharecount not on the worth. So if the market gets hammered, and your ETF values goes down 30%, you are still getting the income and not selling shares. + +What am I missing? You essentially never have to tap the principal on paper. (Obviously thing never work out perfectly like this) + +Thanks for any clarification +Not sure if this belongs here but it is important for everyone to know. When you use smile.amazon, a portion of the proceeds goes to a charity of your choice. It’s a a small amount but with the billions being spent it will definitely make a difference. +Credit: [https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1516129830873583617](https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1516129830873583617) + +Here is a list of some influencer price for a shill tweet/retweet or a package deal. Imagine having to pay Lindsey Lohan $25k for a shill tweet for your shitcoin lmao. Most of the people on here do undisclosed tweets, so they don't say ##ad on their tweets which i think is a crime. + +https://preview.redd.it/eg6img547gu81.png?width=1282&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7e2f231bdf21fcf266409fc56d7c84cefb18de5 + +https://preview.redd.it/12xzy6o88gu81.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dc72aec2af297fd436d70b61e68cdd50def9ff5 + +https://preview.redd.it/3jy4z2rd8gu81.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3ba3bb16b7e2690c944401fff3ec6cbbfa6fec8 + +How shit of a human do you have to be to retweet rugpulls for only $10-$20 by the way. Utterly embarrassing. If you guys ever see any tweets promoting a shitcoin from these accounts, please know that they are being paid to push that shit to you and you will probably lose your investments! +Are there are programs or methodologies you would implement / take advantage of if you knew your household income was going to more than double in a year's time? + +Context: + +I'm a software engineer in Boston making $80k base. With benefits and bonus - $105k. + +My wife is currently a 4th year dental student who will be graduating in May 2020. Once she graduates, I'm expecting her to make about the average for the area which I've heard can be anywhere from $120k - $200k, conservatively planning for the lower end. + +I'm also optimistically expecting, but not banking on, receiving a promotion by the end of 2020 to push me to ~$150k. Suffice to say, I'm bullish on both of our career prospects and would like to take advantage of our incredibly fortunate position. + +An example of something I've been looking into: Boston offers down payment assistance and reduced-income condo purchases to those who fall within certain income brackets, which for the moment, I believe we barely do, but will obviously not in a year or so. + +I've already done the safe moves by maxing my 401k, HSA, both our Roth IRAs, as well as contributing the tax-beneficial max into a 529. + +Is there anything lawyers, other medical professionals, etc do when they know their hard-earned checks are about to start coming in? + +Whether it's high-leverage investments, programs that only exist for earners in certain brackets, etc. + +I realize this is relatively vague, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for / if there's anything there, but I figure it's worth exploring and might be of benefit to other future FatFIRE-ers. + +Thanks everyone. Love this community. +Seems to be a lot of threads/ people agreeing how ridiculous the property market is, but then in the same threads everyone seems to be buying or in the market to buy. Seems like massive FOMO? +Hi everyone, + +I have noticed that's there so much negativity and fear about the CCP wrt Alibaba on this subreddit which I think is extremely unlikely and very unreasonable. + +I appreciate that some have extremely entrenched positions and would thumbs-down me, but here are the reasons why I think Alibaba is safe stock to buy: + +***(1)*** Why would President Xi - who has overseen the greatest transformation his nation has ever experienced - suddenly cut the international investment pool that made that wealth and transformation possible. He has been elevated to the level of Mao in the party. See this amazing BBC article: [China's ruling Communist Party has voted to enshrine Xi Jinping's name and ideology in its constitution, elevating him to the level of founder Mao Zedong](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-41730948). President Xi is the embodiment of China's destiny. China intends to become the major international player of the world. President Xi is the modern China: communism with Chinese characteristics. Why on earth would he cut off international investment and relegate China back to penury. Anyone who reads anything about China can see just how ambitious and determined they are to be elevated. + +***(2)*** The Chinese anti-trust arm of the state has levied a $3B fine. If they levied a fine, then that suggests they looked at the company, thought about it, and made the decision as to how they would deal with Alibaba/Jack Ma. Why would they go back and reopen the file and add extra fluff? If they were going to make any additional pronouncement or proclamation they would have then. The CCP is perfectly aware of the Cayman Islands arrangement - and have not said a word against it. It suggests they don't object to international investment - they object to CEOs who get ahead of themselves. The fine was a trivial slap on the wrist. The state reminded Jack Ma of his place. I wish the US antitrust state was much tougher with American IT/Tech companies. The EU has been fining Google and Facebook much larger sums - and without much pain being felt by shareholders. Companies like Alibaba don't need the 3B cash to operate their enterprise. That's why they were fined that sum. It was to make a point. Case closed, and they moved onto other tech companies in turn. + +***(3)*** Why would President Xi jeopardise the thousands of employees who have jobs at BABA (and other Chinese Tech firms), and all the other industries and people who depend & rely on those tech jobs - when there is no obvious replacement by the central committee for those people. China has a huge population and there would need to be a replacement for IT services for the citizens and they would need to provide jobs and industries. Well, communism and state engineering didn't work and the CCP is perfectly aware that the centralised organisation of the means of production leads to starvation. Unless the state will intercede in all tech industries (as interntional investment would disappear), then China goes back to being hungry. + +***(4)*** Alibaba is crown jewel of China. It's a source of national pride. Jack Ma is a Chinese man who achieved something incredible. Why would the Chinese state destory its own hero story. How many countries have trillion-dollar market cap companies? President Xi will have signed the death sentence for the CCP. +The last few months have seen significant insider selling in Costco, and not much buying. This has caused the stock price to retract. However according to a DCF, Costco is undervalued right now. + +So this brings me to my question - is anyone interested in Costco? This is a sure long-term winner. What are people’s thoughts, is this insider selling a warning sign for you or just some greedy execs looking for some cash? +I know the most common complaints are about liquidity. + +The way I see it purchasing a small company selling OTC is a lot like buying a stake in a private business that you don’t trade in and out of but hold for ten or more years (when you find a strong one) . + +It just seems like there’s such a strong stigma around OTC in general + +Yes, 95% of the companies are worthless. It’s like turning over rocks looking for gold. I may be weird but I find it fun. + +Here’s an example of one I found. They sell patented drug and explosive detection and identification solutions worldwide to law enforcement, governments, and airports. + +The founder was in Israel’s special police + +They also have a consumer product that lets anyone test and identify any pill or substance (like for parents with kids) + +It’s only a $5 million dollar company in terms of market cap but here is how they’ve done since 2014: + +382% revenue growth + + +3,273% increase in cash + + +Grow margins increased from 24.8% to 60.7% (245% increase) + + +Operating margins increased 45,500% + + +Return on Equity of 103% + + +Operating margins of 22.7% + + +Pretax margin of 22.3% + + +Pretax income grew 155% + + + +I’m still digging into the company but it’s a pretty amazing business that’s excelling in a “boring” industry that’s just been hiding among OTC companies. +I have read most of the mainstream books (Lynch, Fisher, Graham, Klarman). I am looking for a recommendation on investment-related books that you really like and think that many people here might have not read. Particularly, the book that is quite uncorrelated with the mainstream giving you a new perspective on investment. + +My recent favorite in the past year is "Capitalism Without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy", +Hi, I was wondering if I'm getting the stuff correctly... How much cash does Stellantis have? And how much debt does it have? And how are those accounted for the parent vs the financial branch? + +Stock looks incredibly also considering they both have the top2 most sold cars in the US (Dodge Ram) and EU (Peugeot 208). + +What am I missing (apart from the recession coming)? +A few months after graduating college and settling down into a stable job I purchased a new 2018 Subaru Crosstrek for 28k in March 2018. I do not really regret buying this car since it is very solid and I was planning on owning this car until it dies. It has been perfect for any snowboarding/hiking/kayaking trip I have taken so far. I also have been aggressive with my car payments and only have 14k left on the loan. However, the market for selling used cars seems to be very good right now. I heard that people have been able to sell their cars over the KBB value. Out of curiosity I checked my car's Kelly Blue Book and Carvana value, and the KBB's instant cash offer was 20,900 and Carvana's offer was 21,900. Owning a newer car has been great, but if I could sell my car for \~22-23k and buy something used for 8-10k I would essentially not have any car payments. I really do not see any downsides with downgrading my car if it means I wouldn't have any car payments, but I wanted to get your guy's thoughts before I jump to any conclusions. + +Edit: I would also like to add that I still have 50k left in student loans to pay off so any extra money I am saving is going towards that. +I talk to my friends and they tell me they throw X amount into crypto to hold and I wish I could do the same. I've started having $5 taken out of each check and thrown into my crypto wallet. It's not much but it's better than not investing! + +Trust me it adds up, I get paid 2x a month and if you've seen the infamous 'I put 1k into crypto in 2018' post then know that $120 over the course of a year can easily become a solid chunk of change throughout the years. + +Anyone else have strategies that they do in order to invest small amounts into crypto when you're broke? +For some of you, this bear market has been rough. Although the S&P dropped almost 25% near the lows, the VIX never climbed above 40. A lot of you know that one of the main reasons premium sellers make money is the fact that volatility is overstated more often than not. Did this hold true for 2022? + +&#x200B; + +[VIX Overstatement Since the Beginning of 2022](https://preview.redd.it/zik3tucht2n91.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=870e0dafa04d36c987770269812a41f544314453) + +Here's the data. Everyday, we took the closing VIX price and compared it to the actual volatility over the next 21 trading days. On average, we should expect implied volatility to be overstated 68% of the time. The VIX is a market index representing the market's expectations for volatility over the coming 30 days. However, so far in 2022, the 30 day volatility has been overstated only 61% of the time. So far in 2022, the best time to sell options in the S&P was when the VIX was greater than 30. What about longer dated options? + +(We used data from January 3, 2022 until August 12, 2022. There have yet to be 21 trading days since August 15, 2022.) + + +[VIX3M Overstatement Since the Beginning of 2022](https://preview.redd.it/d64bkutpu2n91.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f839d1e57821ab8d0742b14cec5b1274344ecd5) + +Here's the data. Everyday, we took the closing VIX price and compared it to the actual volatility over the next 63 trading days. The VIX3M is a market index representing the market's expectations for volatility over the coming 90 days. This year, the VIX3M has not closed a single day below 20. Compare this chart with the previous chart. Notice how the percent of occurrences where volatility was overstated is much higher and the worst spread between IV and HV is lower. Once again, you can see that the VIX3M was overstating volatility by quite a large margin when it was over 30. + +(We used data from January 3, 2022 until June 14, 2022. There have yet to be 63 trading days since June 15, 2022. The data from "SPY VIX Overstatement Since 2022" would look much worse if we ended it on June 14 as well.) + +Now let's look at data since the beginning of 2020, right before the massive COVID crash. + +&#x200B; + +[VIX Overstatement Since the Beginning of 2020](https://preview.redd.it/wesqy9p6x2n91.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=703200d7daf0b2e8a2fdb5446a0b8deefeae2eab) + +This chart looks a lot better than the 2022 chart. The latter half of 2020 and 2021 was an amazing time to sell options. Percent of occurrences where volatility was overstated was much higher, and the average spread between IV and HV was higher as well. Note that the worst time to sell options was when the VIX was under 15. The VIX was under 15 right before the COVID crash which skewed the results. Now let's compare this data with the VIX3M. + +(We used data from January 2, 2020 until August 12, 2022. There have yet to be 21 trading days since August 15, 2022.) + +&#x200B; + +[VIX3M Overstatement Since the Beginning of 2020](https://preview.redd.it/bn0htnb5y2n91.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b3218c4c88de3cf40dc704ea50738576bdf1c97) + +This chart also looks better than the 2022 chart. Compared to the "SPY VIX Overstatement Since 2020" chart, the percent of occurrences where volatility was overstated is greater and the average spread between IV and HV for all VIX levels greater than 20 is higher. Once again, you can see that selling options when the VIX3M was low was not great. + +(We used data from January 2, 2020 until June 14, 2022. There have yet to be 63 trading days since June 15, 2022. The data from "SPY VIX Overstatement Since 2020" would look a bit worse if we ended it on June 14 as well.) + +&#x200B; + +According to Tastytrade research, implied volatility is overstated to a higher degree for longer dated options. Then why shouldn't we just sell 90 DTE options? The average profit per day is lower for longer DTE options. + +[Comparison of Shorter and Longer DTE SPY Strangles](https://preview.redd.it/jglp4lvwz2n91.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0201e55156168f5e978aeb23c7e1bcda3ce03fc8) + +What are some lessons we can learn? + +1. Use less buying power when the VIX is lower. Use more buying power when the VIX is higher. +2. For cautious premium sellers, extending DTE may be a good option. + +&#x200B; + +I hope you guys enjoy this information. Let me know if you have any questions. +Welcome back to my weekly $100k Wheel Portfolio updates! I'm posting an update video every Friday on my YouTube channel, and we're now on Episode 11! I didn't want to break any community guidelines by linking my channel, but you can find it in my Reddit bio, or by searching "Money Crow" on YouTube. + +I also plan to continue posting this type of update every Monday on r/thetagang. + +I began making trades on September 21st 2020, 73 days ago as of market close 12/3/2020: + +Cash used as Collateral + Cash Balance = + +$107,170 + +Net Liquid Value if I bought back all open contracts = + +$104,658 + +I made 6 trades since Ep.10, and I'm excited to share the progress! + +Screenshots, spreadsheet, and individual updates with a ton of information that I like tracking: + +Ep.11: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/EsbyBLQ + +Ep.10: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/iDtBzHV + +Ep.9: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/7ceJqxn + +Ep.8: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/MChXNRX + +Ep.7: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/7tasiEu + +Ep.6: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/arX40UF + +Ep.5: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/BGs4lqE + +Ep.4: + +https://imgur.com/gallery/nxidYcK + +Ep.3: + +http://imgur.com/a/9lI7T4R + +Ep.2: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/liQPVZ9 + +Ep.1: + +http://imgur.com/gallery/PP9lNH2 + + +As always, I appreciate any comments, questions, and suggestions. Thanks! + + +Here is the spreadsheet template that I use, in case any of you would like to make a copy of it and use it for yourselves. On the 2nd sheet, it also includes a calculator to help you reach annualized target rates. If you encounter any problems, please comment and I will try my best to assist. Also open to suggestions. +https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ynGzkCEKH_YXemoHDkaqeBrWUIDHz8reN6O4mt5JMgc/edit?ts=5f7b9661#gid=0 +Wish I knew about this sooner. Less than 1/10th of the capital requirements of my usual CSP’s and 10% return on capital per trade. + +Any tips for a noob? Currently selling spreads on QQQ a few times a week. +TL;DR: If you're going to sell Calls on Meme stocks that have recently mooned, writing calls In-The-Money or At-The-Money balances risk with reward better than selling OTM calls. Use short-expiring Calls to capture maximum Theta...and if you're going to buy calls, buy LEAPS (this is *not* a Theta Gang play). + +Today, I examine a variety of Call Options on AMC, all at the $14 strike Price. This price was selected based being closest to the Money at Market Close (I realize it is lower now). I attempt to illustrate how holding shorter-dated calls result in collecting more money, faster, and briefly examine the risks associated with the strategy. + +I copied the Table below from my brokerage. I inserted new Rows, highlighted in Yellow. "Mid" was computed using the the Average of the Bid/Ask, DTE uses the date indicated minus today's date, and Theta, as we all know and love, equals Mid divided by DTE (Dollars per Day). + +[Theta Is Very High when DTE is Very Low](https://preview.redd.it/s3rr61lasye61.png?width=835&format=png&auto=webp&s=874df72ca5fa7886d548a358c81f2bb5694cb12b) + +At first glance, Selling those 17 September 2021 looks like the most lucrative play, because you're going to re-capture nearly 50% of your purchase price, immediately. But, recognize that it's going to take you 228 days to capture that profit. The *Rate* at which Theta Decays is complex and fundamentally driven by the Option Price (which is driven by Events, IV, a whole host of factors). + +When I first joined Theta Gang, I always had the Question "Why does Theta Gang Sell 45 DTE option, and roll them at 21 DTE?" The answer is explained by the below Graph: + +[Theta Ramps up exponentially the closer you are to Expiration](https://preview.redd.it/2bsxnbkstye61.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=00c9d05cdb2e4de5f38434a3a70297f0140ca075) + +As you can see in the above graph, the "slope" of the line shown doesn't really begin to ramp up until approximately the 42 DTE mark. As you get within 1-2 weeks of expiration, you might benefit significantly from Theta burning off (other issues do arise, relating to Gamma, which is too complex to get in to here). The people betting on massive swings in a short period of time are paying you handsomely. The other side of this Theta Decay Graph should be self-explanatory as well: If you're going to buy options, do yourself a favor and go LONG! Thank you for reading, and I hope this helped someone. + +Positions: Long 1000 sh AMC, writing $11C Covered Calls against it weekly. +Is it logical to say that seeing as retail is a small part of the total FX volume the “non random” data must be based on the price action of larger institutions. + +Who are the people that create non random patterns and what are their motives based on? + +Or are retail traders part of the reason for “patterns “ +When the market closes I like to focus on improving my knowledge about the theory behind trading and finance. I happen to be studying accounting, so I'm catching two birds with one stone since most of this helps with my exams. I usually read some books (I've gone through Naked Forex, and I'm currently reading Trading in the Zone) or watch some movies (Just watched Margin Call, really cool). + +In Margin Call, there is a scene in which an engineer talks about a bridge he once built. This bridge, over the span of two decades, saved drivers a total amount of 1.500 years thanks to the shortcut he provided. He used to work in a trading firm, and the way I interpreted the scene was that he felt useless, as his work in finance didn't really leave a mark on the world compared to his days as an engineer. + +And so a question popped in my mind: are we useful? + +I mean, of course, I'm no trader. I'm a kid playing on a demo account who has no clue about what he is doing. + +However, should I, one day, become a trader, would I be useful to society? Do traders fulfill a social role? Would the world be worse, if traders didn't exist? + +I know our main function is to provide liquidity to businesses and hedge funds. But, that's only if you are losing. If getting better at your profession means you become less and less useful to society, then that can't be what I'm asking. + +Are we the economic police? Are we those who collectively tank the value of a currency, should that country go to war? Are we a deterrent for war? + +Or are we pointless, and selfish? +I've been watching/listening/reading content from NNF and wanted to hear some people's opinions about it. + +The creator rightly acknowledges that it is a somewhat controversial approach to forex trading. I'm not a huge fan of his teaching style -- he's kind of obnoxious, sort of like a reformed troll, but hey I've got an open mind and if his stuff works, then it works. His philosophy centers around ditching the "dirty dozen" indicators (stuff like traditional stochastic, RSI, MAs) for an elusive system that centers around zero line crosses, line crosses, entry/exit indicators, etc, and using daily charts instead of anything shorter term, forgetting about fundamental analysis and price action. The idea is to trade like no one else. Sounds good to me. + +Understandably, he says he will never reveal his system, and readers/ viewers have to go out and search for and test these hybrid indicators that trounce his dirty dozen. Now, all of the content he produces drops clues that he expects his audience to pick up on. + +But here's the thing: while I have learned from his content and agree with lots of the things he preaches, part of me can't help but feel that this is a quest for the holy grail. And as traders, we believe that this doesn't exist. The guy says, like many other forex teachers/mentors do, that the number of views/reads his stuff gets is a testament to the success of his methodology. He says, "I'm good at this", dont worry. + + Like I said, I have an open mind and his content does strike a chord within me -- but I am naturally a bit skeptical. Has anyone here mastered/ dove into his trading philosophy and sought out the type of indicators he suggests? What are everyone's thoughts on NoNonsense Forex? +Trying to understand the cons of having to pay LMI on a home loan vs raising a 20% deposit. + +Happy to corrected of my reasoning is off the mark. + +Here goes + +If i were to raise 20% deposit on an 800k home loan, would need to raise about $160k. + +If however I were to only raise 10% deposit and got approval, might end up paying something like say $20k LMI on an $80k deposit. + +If i can get get a home loan at $80k deposit costing me $20k over the lifetime of the mortgage, Is there really much benefit to avoiding LMI? +https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/property/us-buildtorenter-greystar-swoops-on-south-melbourne-site/news-story/ + + US build-to-rent specialist Greystar has swooped on a major site in Melbourne that can accommodate more than 700 units, with the acquisition signalling the sector will keep firing even as developers struggle to sell apartments. + +Build-to-rent is being promoted as a means of keeping the development industry ticking over while apartments are hit by the coronavirus crisis and also as a longer-term way of housing a generation of renters. + +Big institutions, including GIC, which is backing Grocon’s Home brand, and the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which is backing Mirvac’s Australian Build-to-Rent Club, are moving to get a foothold. +In the latest play, Greystar has picked up a South Melbourne site from Singaporean developer Chip Eng Seng for $65m. + +The vendor had held it for four years and planned three towers comprising more than 700 residential units. + +But construction works have not yet commenced, and the property at 15-55 and 85 Gladstone Street was sold to Greystar with vacant possession. + +The Singaporean company said it would redeploy its capital to pursue opportunities that could generate better returns, taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on real estate in Melbourne. + +Chip Eng Seng said it had been steadily increasing its portfolio in Australia, including the acquisition in 2018 of a Pirie Street property in Adelaide for redevelopment into a Hyatt Regency Hotel. + +Greystar earlier this year bought two office buildings in the inner Melbourne suburb of South Yarra for redevelopment into projects aimed at institutionalising rental housing supply. + +The firm sees the Australian rental housing market as notable for its lack of purpose-built, professionally managed products, as renter demand has primarily been met by private owners of build-to-sell units. + +Greystar and rival North American groups including private equity firm Blackstone, specialist Sentinel Real Estate Corporation and diversified Oxford Properties Group have moved into the nascent Australian market. + +Sentinel is involved with three projects in Perth and Oxford Properties has projects in Sydney and Melbourne, giving it a build-to-rent pipeline in Australia of about 1000 units. Blackstone is backing a project in the Melbourne suburb of Caulfield. +They are partly capitalising on the retreat in offshore buyer demand and financing challenges for apartment developers who are now under pressure to sell stock. + +Greystar plans to develop office space and more than 500 rental units at the South Yarra properties and is likely to follow suit in South Melbourne. +Chris Key, managing director for Greystar in Australia, has emphasised that the new entrants want to bring better service and amenity to renting as well as providing longer tenure. + +“Institutional rental housing can help to solve this issue and provide the housing security that people need. We are committed to the opportunity to establish a new institutional asset class in this country, by creating purpose-built, professionally managed rental housing and providing better housing outcomes overall,” he said. + +Local players are also betting on the sector. +Real estate fund manager Qualitas and high-profile developer Tim Gurner this month unveiled a partnership to enter the multi-family housing sector and launch of capital raising for a dedicated fund. +The vehicle has an initial pipeline of three seed projects with total value of over $1bn in prime inner Melbourne locations, with building kicking off early next year. + +An analysis of the sector by real estate firm JLL shows that at a city level, Melbourne has had the strongest growth of build to rent units, accounting for 68 per cent of the pipeline with Sydney is at 21 per cent. JLL expects 7,000 units to be completed by 2024. + +JLL director of alternative investments, David Hill said the availability of scalable sites in Melbourne contributed to the weight of the development pipeline but he also pointed to the influence of tax schemes. + +“Sydney remains highly competitive for sites. However, we expect the pipeline to build in response to the tax measures announced by the NSW government which will make BTR development and investment within the state more viable,” he said. +I've seen a lot of T+21, T+35, S&P trends, etc being propped up this weekend. + +I've also seen a lot of comments reminder users that crashes historically happen on Mondays. + +To me it sounds like a lot of build up for maybe nothing. + +Don't be disappointed if GME doesn't moon on Monday. If you still believe in the original reasons you bought, no reason to change. The votes haven't been counted. The transition hasn't been completed. +SO comes back with a whole gallon of it. We don't drink it with the exception of little in one cup of coffee (for me) each day. + +Half of it will go bad at that rate. It's 2% milk. What can I make with it?? Thanks. + +Edit: You all rock on here. Great suggestions! +"Most coin prices these days are determined by pure speculation, but Ethereum is different. +Let's face it, nobody is buying bitcoin, ether, ripple or any other coin for actual use. Traders simply want the coin value to go up, and that's fine. +But this is where the real advantage of Ethereum is. The general non trader public can easily be introduced to ether with a few popular dapps. +Apps that use ETH as currency will force people to trade their USD to ETH in masses - this does not happen with bitcoin or any other coin for that matter. +All it take is one super popular program/game/app/solution running on ethereum, and Ether will MOON like nothing we've seen before. +Traders pure in the initial cash, but this is peanuts compared to revenues of real life popular applications. World of Warcraft alone makes over 8 Billion dollar a year. Imagine what it will to ETH price if the next world of Warcraft will run on ethereum? +I personally have high hopes for Cryptocelebrities. It's super early to say if they'll be successful, but if they really get a few top celebrities to validate the contracts and tweet about their ""crypto charity contributions"", I can see how this thing can become very big very fast. +2018 will be the year of crypto games and dapps and this only means one thing - ETH going to the moon! " +I can't really share this with anyone I know in real life. Through lurking and reading this subreddit, I did what I could previously only fantasize about. I put the final chunk of $10,000 into my savings account and I am graduating college next month! + +&nbsp; + +Edit: Originally I was on the fence about posting here because from my real life experiences nobody seemed to care about my milestone, I severely underestimated how much support there is within this subreddit and community. Thank you everyone for the kind words, advice going forward and encouragement! + +I'm not talking about buying it on an exchange and forgetting about it, everyone could do that. What I'm talking about is actually using crypto. + +&#x200B; + +Things like setting up your own wallet, sending crypto from one address to another, securing seed phrases, understanding Gas fees, those are the very bare minimum of actually using crypto (not even talking about using L2s, staking, actually using De-Fi, NFTs, etc.) + +&#x200B; + +We take those for granted, but do you think the average Joe, who is too busy with his job and family have the time and energy to actually try and understand it? Do you think your grandma who doesn't even know how to turn on her Wi-Fi could know about it? Even us young adults are sometimes too lazy to study it. They probably won't bother and just use a normal bank. They would just go to a bank and proceed with their lives. + +&#x200B; + +Crypto is about decentralization, but we may need to embrace more centralization if we want more adoption now. I hate it, but I think we'll need it. I think, Real adoption is when companies have seamlessly integrated crypto into their services. When users don't even know they're using crypto, they just do. + +&#x200B; + +Like how reddit implements RCPs! We just open a vault to get it. Points are also really easy to send. Example only: Just tap my name and type 5 moons, hit send. It is so easy! Until companies make it \*THAT\* easy, we're nowhere near mainstream adoption. That's why I think we're still early. + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: Crypto is still too complicated for the general public. We need companies to integrate it in their services. +https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/29/investing/nyse-direct-listings-spotify-slack/index.html + +New York(CNN Business) America's stock market is shrinking. The number of public companies has been cut roughly in half over the past two decades, mostly by choice. + +Some don't want to deal with the pressure and reporting requirements. Others are avoiding the hassle and expense of an IPO. And a lucky few just don't need the money. + +Now, the New York Stock Exchange is trying to lure more companies back to the public market, even if it involves taking a less traveled route. +Hey fatFIRE, I'm a 31 year old in a VHCOL city working in tech. Just hit 530k recently and noticed some subtle psychological changes. I'm worried less about my salary increases and realizing slowly that I'm developing a solid nest egg. I feel more generous and less concerned about multi-thousand dollar losses (though a multi-tens-of-thousands would freak me out). Should I still try to keep my belt tight and focus on investing or can I relax a bit? +I'm 17, a student and making roughly 350 (nzd) after tax each week (700 fortnightly). All the money I've saved from working has been invested or gone towards my gym membership. Basically, I'm very tempted to purchase a car in the near future, it would probably take around 6-7 months of no spending (except for gym & s&p dca) to save up for the car I want. The only thing is that I don't really need a car, it would only take me to school & work which I currently bike to. The main issue I have with purchasing a car is the extra expense of insurance & gas, and the fact that it would reduce the amount I invest. Would it financially be a bad decision to buy a car (keep in mind I have little expenses) as it would significantly reduce the amount I invest for the next 6 months, and maybe instead I should put away a little each week to go towards a car that I could buy in 12-18 months? +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sprint-corp-m-a-t-mobile-us-amazon-co/amazon-seen-spreading-its-tentacles-to-5g-with-t-mobile-interest-idUSKCN1T12IN + +The ambition signaled that Amazon is looking to dive deeper into the wireless industry, strengthen its cloud services and ultimately take advantage of the next-generation 5G networks that are expected to transform major facets of technology, according to analysts. +Most of us have heard about the stories of your fortune being cut in half, the gruesome effects of a bear market, and the panic. The last few years have shown us the beauty of financial independence; now, we might be confronted with one of these tests of our nerves. + +This is just a friendly reminder: + +It seems that the time has come, where the market is (and might for a while) be taking a hit. The surrounding conditions (COVID-19) aren't really pretty, but keep in mind this is what we "read and studied" about, discussed, and ultimately "trained" for. Let the markets do their thing, stick to your plan, follow the rules your country has for the "surrounding conditions," and whatever you do, **do not panic. This is the roller-coaster ride we all agreed to join to have a happier life. Small-time changes in our surroundings shall not influence our long-time goal.** + +I hope this helps. +It just strange to me that many CEOs and millionaires are so worried about our financial investment when it comes to GME. + +&#x200B; + +Some of these CEOs are the reason that my groceries bills went up by 11%+ even though the inflation has cooled down a bit and no more shipping /freight costs are back to the similar price before covid. + +&#x200B; + +We are just investing on GME. A single stock. A single company that barely has any debts and roughly $billon cash flow. Like why? Why shouldn't people invest on a healthy company like GME? + +Why are you (ceos) so worried about our poor people's investments? + +Why? +All from mistakes. Check my work! + +1. Never buy right at open. There always seems to be a dip in the first hour. +2. Don’t panic sell a stock you really believe in. +3. Unless you have a good reason to- don’t check your phone every 30 seconds. Say no to anxiety. +4. Don’t invest more than you’re willing to lose. +5. Don’t chase the newest stock or DD on Reddit. You’re usually too late and you just never know. Do your hw and invest with conviction. + +Add your wisdom!! It’s been fun...and really stressful :) +I'm 30 years old with a wife and child. I have 60k that I'm holding onto being weary of the impact the current economic situation may have on the market overall. Should I max out the Roth IRAs and 401k now or hoard money and wait a moment? For context I have a 40k emergency fund and live off of 60k/year. 400k net worth including the 100k previously mentioned. My wife does not work as she is doing an amazing job raising our daughter. Also I work part-time in a skill position so wouldn't expect to be laid off as the company I work for is doing really well and hiring. Let me know if any other details would be pertinent. Thanks! +**Preamble:** Jim Cramer is definitely a controversial figure. While argument can be made on whether he is on the side of retail investors or not, what I really wanted to know was how his stock picks are performing. Surprisingly, there were no trackers for the performance of Cramer’s pick in his program (his program is Mad Money, for those who are not familiar). + +**Where the data is from:** [here](https://madmoney.thestreet.com/screener/index.cfm). All the 19,201 stock picks made by Cramer are listed here. His stock picks are updated here daily. While Cramer mentions a lot of stocks in his program, I only considered the stocks that Cramer specifically recommended that you should buy or sell. (I have ignored the stocks where Cramer says he likes/dislikes the stock since I felt that it’s a vague statement and cannot be considered as a buy/sell recommendation). + +**Analysis:** There were 725 buy/sell recommendations made by Cramer in 2021. Out of this, 651 were Buy and 74 were Sell. For both sets, I calculated the stock price change across four periods. + +a. One Day + +b. One Week + +c. One Month + +d. Price Change till date + +I also checked what percentage of Cramer’s calls were right across different time periods. + +**Results:** + +https://preview.redd.it/uur6fwi5ayt61.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f8ee2bafe16ef745dd3289826c503317135a40 + +Cramer made a total of 651 buy recommendations over the course of the past 4 months. If you had invested in every single stock, he recommended and then pulled out the next day, the returns were a staggering 555%. He was also right on 58.9% of the calls he made (Benchmark being 50% since anyone can pick a random stock and the probability of the stock going up is 50%). The weekly performance returns are also a respectable 42% but he was barely touching 50% in the percentage of right picks. One month from his recommendations, the stock return is an abysmal -223% and he was wrong more than he was right on his calls. The returns till date are also phenomenal with 446% return and Cramer being right a whopping 63.6% in his stock picks. + +https://preview.redd.it/dcoh4td7ayt61.png?width=607&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fb00595845533eba0e9dfc4769f0e1ac98a301f + +Cramer’s sell recommendations performed better than his buy recommendations across different time periods. This stat is particularly commendable since we were in a predominantly bull market across the last 4 months. 57.5% of the stocks he recommended as a sell dropped in price the next day with a cumulative return of -118.9%. This trend is observed across the time period with returns for the sell recommendations being negative. The only statistic that is working against Cramer’s sell recommendation is the percentage of right picks till date being only 42%. But still the cumulative return for all the stocks was -206%. Please note that Cramer made only 74 sell recommendations against a whopping 651 buy recommendations during the same period of time. + +**Limitations of the analysis** + +The above analysis is far from perfect and has multiple limitations. First, Cramer has made a total of 19K recommendations in his program. I have only analyzed his 2021 recommendations. The site which provides the data is extremely limited in terms of how we can access the data. Also, currently the data is pulled from street.com which was earlier owned by Cramer. They update the data everyday after the show, but I could not verify if they go back and change the calls down the line (very unlikely with it being a large business). Also, for the return calculations, I have only used the closing price of the stock across the time periods. The returns can theoretically be higher if you consider the intra-day highs and lows. + +**Conclusion** + +No matter how we feel about Cramer, the one-day returns on both his buy and sell recommendations have been phenomenal. I started the analysis thinking that the returns would be mediocre at best as there were no trackers actively tracking the returns from his calls. But the data points otherwise. It seems that there is a lot of scope for short term plays based on Cramer’s recommendation. Let me know what you think! + +Google Sheet link containing all the recommendations and analysis: [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ah4JvEMIlGopn-zOjNwB8iWCUO4r-W5FV19oX_tM9oQ/edit?usp=sharing) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and in no way related to Cramer or the Mad Money show.* +Been seeing a lot of NFT dividend hype pick back up lately and I’m excited to see it. One of, if not, the main reason GameStop is in the position is because of such a fiercely loyal shareholder group. We literally saved the company with RC leading the plan of attack, and to not give us the biggest thank you for doing so, a dividend, would really surprise me. + +All the possibilities floating around are all great: plots of land in the metaverse, some coins per share, royalty ownership of the marketplace, etc. + +Aside from the dividend though, I am just so excited for this marketplace launch, it’s going to be fucking awesome. + +Edit: also worth revisiting RC’s last year 13d filing, tweeted from DFV [“he’ll also take additional actions to protect shareholders if necessary](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1341062386388758529?s=20) +Thanks u/human_ad5404 +It's my first week of letting my algo run, and I have been worried about leaving it work, especially overnight. I had some bugs that cropped up on the first couple days of trading, but I believe they're fixed now, and were bugs that never would've showed up outside of realtime trading. Should I take the risk, and let my program trade overnight and hope for the best? Will this fear always sit in the back of my head? + +I'm not trading with a huge amount of money, but I hate losing money when it's to something that shouldn't have happened. In the event that my program shuts down, I'm left with an open position that has to be manually closed, hence the air of caution. +April 8 (Reuters) - Chipmaker Nvidia Corp (NVDA.O) said on Friday it would seek shareholders' approval to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock to 8 billion from 4 billion. + +Again this is not a stock split this is a dilution of shares. Any insight from my fellow redditors would be great. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +In keeping with my monthly tradition, I thought it was time to do another DD. For those of you that were following, my last pick CI1 is up 100%+ [from when I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/krj0eg/dd_time_credit_intelligence_ci1/). Bit of a #humblebrag up top, but also useful I guess if you want to decide whether I’ve got any idea what I’m talking about or not. + +**Ticker:** AER + +**Current SP:** 0.125 + +**Market Cap:** 7.4 million + +**What do they do?** + +Aeeris (AER) is a risk-management company specifically focused on severe weather, who provide access to their Early Warning Network (EWN) to companies and/or individuals who subscribe to their service. My understanding of the system is that they use geospatial data-aggregation to provide a location-specific warning system for company assets, which of course is useful as part of any company’s risk-mitigation strategy. Particularly for companies who have physical assets in highly bushfire/cyclone/flood-prone areas, this can be a godsend as it essentially sorts through all the noise to tell their subscribers if anything *they own* is at risk of one of those events. + +From what I’ve read, the EWN appears to be stable, reliable and repeatable at-scale. AER’s focus has moved more from a research/development phase to a sales phase - some of these activities have been impacted by COVID-19 (see below), but to me it sounds like they have a pipeline of interested customers, all of whom represent a real opportunity for revenue growth (as basically each new customer “straps in” to the existing platform, with minimal need for variations). + +Their system has been operating continuously since early 2007 and they went public in 2015. Their market cap is tiny (\~$7 Million) with no significant share price movement over the past year – they dipped to a low of around 0.075 at the end of March 2020 (seems to be the standard dip most companies had around then) and has steadily climbed back to its current price, which is where it was around 1 year ago. In other words, this hasn’t rocketed (yet). + +**Why AER?** + +Since going public, speaking honestly, fuck all seems to have gone on in terms of share price movement (in fact, it’s now at 50% of the listing price of $0.25). However, massively important is that AER became profitable for the first time at the end of 2020, which to me represents a great opportunity. I believe they are under-valued by the market and this opportunity has mostly been missed up until now. I won’t conject why it hasn’t happened in the past, but there are a few signs here that AER has turned a corner and is headed for a bright future. At current MC I think it’s a bargain. + +**Financials:** + +Financial figures aren’t massive but show there’s a solid company here underneath. + + + +[yes i went to the trouble of creating an excel table, what of it](https://preview.redd.it/scpffwsosyi61.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=c168465de9da130ff57782da601217dacb1b4694) + +\*Note that this doesn’t include roughly $430k of stimulus support ($194k COVID Support and $237k R & D tax incentive) received in the period July – Dec 2020. To that end I’ve added that figure to the revenue generated in 2019 to see if that was the sole reason for the massive increase in profits, which is the reasoning for the second (adjusted) profit line. In short, it is a large part of the profit increase from 2019 à 2020, but there is still healthy growth if we take that into account (41.92%). + +Current Price to Earnings ratio is around 19x compared with market average of 22x (good). + +Short term assets ($1.49M) exceed liabilities ($562k) so nothing curly around the corner. In fact, the company has been debt-free for a number of years. + +**Environmental/COVID Impacts** + +All comms out of the company appear to indicate that they had extreme interest in their product at the beginning of 2020 (mainly due to the massive bushfire season we had back then) but that COVID meant that many of these opportunities went to waste. However, recently (what with opening back up and all) many of these potential customers are being realised, and I suspect we will continue to see growth in revenue as a result. As stated up the top, the product itself will continue to be iterated (through R & D) but is also like many other Software as a Service (SaaS) companies; additional users barely add to operational costs, meaning that a significant portion of the revenue generated from new customers goes into profits. In other words, more customers, more $$$, more 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +Outside of this factor, climate change and the associated extreme weather events that occur as a result will only drive interest (and hopefully, sales) in Aeeris’s offering. As businesses (and Government) look at ways to mitigate risks to their employees and property in this environment, it can only be a good thing for AER. + +**The chart:** + +It looks like this: + +[more lines than scarface's table](https://preview.redd.it/ftsmxzjusyi61.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=29d96e2a347b4327d9e57523f0f1e67e3e0bc41f) + +Now, I’m not the strongest chartist but it looks like there’s some interest in the stock lately (today with the highest volume all year). We could well be headed back to the previous high (pre-COVID) of around 0.16 or so. Importantly, the financials described above were only released December 2020 and that’s really the reason for my recommendation – I don’t believe the market has significantly reacted to the news of profitability yet. + +The Board/insiders own roughly 40% of the company, which is not too bad, and recently the CEO bought shares on market at a price of 0.13. Good signs. + +**Potential downsides:** + +The two big ones I can see are: + +\- This stock is fucking **illiquid,** meaning it is almost impossible to buy. It is hard to get in at a good price, but if you do, you’re set. Of course, if there’s a disastrous event (bad announcement etc.) the illiquidity will make it hard to get out too. + +\- Profits recently are largely impacted by a single subsidy payout, which is not guaranteed in perpetuity (though as you can see above are not the sole reason for profitability). + +**TL:DR**: Recently profitable weather risk-management company with impending 🚀 due to increased demand for services (bushfires/climate change). Get amongst it? +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Didn't really have the urge to write this until I read about the success of /u/suomynona827 and a lot of the negativity that was on that thread, so I figured I'd tell my story as well. + +First off: + +* I don't track my income / spending as well as I could. + +* I lived with my parents for a couple of years. + +* I don't pay for my own healthcare yet. + +* I have taken probably a total of 1 year off work since I got into the workforce (probably averaged 10 months of working per year). + +* I keep my monthly bills pretty low. + +All I have really done so far is max out my Roth IRA each year since I was 18, I figure as long as I do that I can retire at 65 and my roth will be worth around $2m which will give me a safe withdraw of about $80k per year. My only additional long term goal will be to see how much I can lower the age I can afford to retire / get into fatfire. + +According to Mint as of this morning: + +* Checking account: $14.1k + +* Savings account: $25.1k + +* Roth IRA: $45k + +* 401k rolled into IRA: $5.4k + +* Total: $89.6k + +Couple of other things: + +* Crypto: Approximately $10k + +* 2 Cars: Approximately $20k + +Estimated NW: $119k + +I went to community college right out of high-school and have a useless associates degree. I was about $10k in debt and got into car sales. + +Income: + + +* First year $40k. + +* Second year $50k. + +* Third Year $50k. + +* Fourth Year $55k. + +* Fifth year $65k. + + +I mentioned that I have taken around 1 year off work over the last 5 years. The car business sucks, I'm an introvert, 1 week of vacation here and there is not close to enough. I've switched jobs twice, and left / came to one place, etc. I will take a few months off in between to go on a vacation, get healthy again, mentally reset, and enjoy not working 50+ hours a week. + +While I've been in the car business I have realized it is very monetarily rewarding, it isn't mentally stimulating enough or rewarding in any other way for me. I've begun to explore other industries and decided I want to learn how credit bureaus work and hope to help people who are credit challenged begin to improve their credit and overall financial wellbeing. + + +Feel free to ask any questions about my journey or the car business in general or criticize me, I'm off today and just watching movies all day recharging my batteries. +I started playing oil stocks about 4 months ago buying the stock and selling CC's. Picked oil because it was stable at the time, had a good dividend, and I thought it could do OK in a bear market. I was making about 2% a month on the strategy, not sexy but into today's market not bad. Over the last few days the IV on these stocks, used to be around 20 is now in the 50 range. Selling short term CC's are making making 5 to 6% a month. I understand down side risk but don't think oil will see a black swan event, maybe just a slow decline if at all. I loaded up on CVX and XOM the last two days and sold 3/11 and 3/18 calls. Dont see allot of downside but would appreciate feedback. +Tough times ahead for the housing market if all lenders match this type of overlay. + +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-jp-morgan-mortgages-credit-exclusive-idUSKCN21T0VU + +> From Tuesday, customers applying for a new mortgage will need a credit score of at least 700, and will be required to make a down payment equal to 20% of the home’s value. + + +I just started my second job in my field. I have a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning. I previously worked at a non-profit and enjoyed it for the most part. I left that role to move closer to my girlfriend, who still lives an hour and a half away from me (though she used to live a 4 hour flight from me). + +I currently work for a city doing policy planning, and there are definitely some positives. It’s a nice office downtown and there are some people I really connect with. I walk to work. At the same time, there are lots of days where I feel like I don’t have a ton to do and it’s really hard to book meetings with my supervisor, get feedback, and get more things added to my plate. Anyway I’m realizing that this is kind of the norm in offices. The work I do is important but I won’t see it realized for years. The only route for me to aspire to is management, and I really have no interest in that. The other thing is all of my coworkers have recently bought houses, have had kids, and that’s all they want to talk about. Some of them see the office as a place to show up, and then leave from as soon as the clock hits 4:30. I think it’s important to be surrounded by people that are different than you but I have no desire to have kids, buy a house, or kid married, and I don’t think I will in the future. My girlfriend is in the same boat. I find that aspect of the culture annoying. For example, a colleague corrected me in a condescending way when I referred to her husband as her partner yesterday. I was under the impression that was the most polite way to refer to someone when you aren’t sure. Anyway. + +In my previous role, I worked with lots of people who were super enthusiastic and the days would go by quickly. We would eat lunch together. I shared an office with one other person so I didn’t feel like people were watching over me. Now I can overhear everyone at all times and vice versa. I’m realizing that this is much more the norm than my previous role, and this is what I’ll be looking forward to for the next 40 years. + +I’ve always been a lot more interested in graphic design, art, and that sort of thing. I paint on the side, do music, and take photos. I’m considering becoming a landscape architect, architect, or graphic designer. There are a few options and so I wanted to get your feedback. + +My current financial situation is 70k saved in liquid assets. No debts or monthly payments. Renting in a medium cost of living area. + +**Option 1 - Save away for Traditional FI/RE** + +Plug away in this sort of career for the next while, try to save as much as I can and hopefully retire early. I might be able to transition more to an urban design role if I do a certificate part time. Maybe start a business as a consultant when I get more experience on my belt and set my own hours. I could try to find work that is part-time or aligns more with my lifestyle though it’s seeming unlikely. + +**Option 2 - Career Change - No FI/RE** + +Stick it out for a year, save more money, earn my professional designation, and then go back to school for landscape architecture or architecture. I work with a few people who do this sort of thing, and their work seems more interesting. I’m worried that some of the same problems would rear their heads with this though (too much of a corporate culture, sitting at a desk all day, etc.) I also would achieve FI/RE at a much later time. Going back to school would eat up my savings and earning potential. + +**Option 3 - BaristaFIRE** + +Try to work as a freelance graphic designer. Study on my own time, build up a better portfolio, find clients. Stick with my role until I learn the ropes. Set my own hours and that sort of thing. Maybe pick up some longer-term positions if I feel the need to. I’ve known graphic designers and have been to some of their offices over the years and it seems like the office culture for that kind of work aligns much more with me. I used to do fiddle around with InDesign in my own role fairly often and this is when I was happiest. + +**Option 4 - alternative BaristaFIRE** + +Try to find work outside. Look at working in a National Park. I did that one summer and loved it. My degree is relevant to some of the positions there. The only problem is that most great parks are super far from my family, and I’ve already been far from them for most of my 20s and feel guilty. I probably won’t achieve FI for a super long time but I would enjoy my life more. I would pick up temporary or part-time gigs here and there. + +Any thoughts? I know this is all cliche, but I feel like now is the time to try to this stuff. I’ve been in school or working my entire life, and I’ve managed to save up a lot. I don’t have kids or other commitments, and I don’t plan to, so I don’t feel it necessary to put on the golden handcuffs. + +**TL;DR** having a quarter life (one third life?) crisis and I want to go the baristaFIRE route or at least switch it up +Its been almost 2 years and haven't found one yet. Ive been waiting and reading/studying for 5 years. Im super ready with everything set and just feeling frustrated. How long did it take you to find a place ? +Hi all! I'm not sure if this should go in r/finance, r/stocks, or r/investing, but this seems like as good a sub as any! + +I'm curious what's up with the pre-market system. It's basically exactly like the normal market, except you can only use limit orders (at least with my broker). What's the point, and why is volume so much lower during pre-market? Wouldn't traders utilize the entire pre and post market hours to maximize opportunity? + +Big earnings jumps often happen in post or pre-markets, so why not just either close trading entirely outside of normal hours, or open it up fully, maybe even make it 24/7. Do you think 24/7 hours will ever happen with the global internet economy we have today? + +Edit: also curious about if these trades happen on the real NYSE and NASDAQ exchanges, or some kind of secondary markets + +Thanks! +Hello, + +BlowFish has officially launched **Millionaire Makers**. A smart contract-based lottery on Binance Smart Chain. https://blowfishlottery.app/ + +# What's Millionaire Makers? 💸💸💸 + +BlowFish's Millionaire Makers is a lottery running on BLOWF tokens. Using our website, players can submit BLOWF tokens in a 3 day running period. At the end of the period, the smart contract randomly decides a winner and pays out 95% of the pool. As a deflationary BlowFish project, 5% of the pool is burned. A new lottery pool is then started. The [smart contract](https://bscscan.com/address/0x0b70744d4ed75a8cbfa7971f450aefe47684e7ee) handles all of this logic. The lottery terms are fully transparent. + +This DApp integrates with BogTools' RNG Oracle to obtain verifiably random numbers. We're excited to be the first official users of BogRNG. + +Feel free to play! At a low cost per player, we can make 1 person rich every few days :) + +# What's BlowFish? 🌊🐡🌊🐡🌊 + +BlowFish (BLOWF) is a fun, memey utility token. Our purpose is to be a **platform for entertaining DApps** that encourage deflation. BlowFish is now just over 2 weeks old, sitting at a ~$700k marketcap. + +Our community is hugely supportive and rapidly growing. In the past couple weeks, we've had 4 developers offer to help build DApps and an awesome designer create our mascot. Check out our website below to see future project ideas. + +For the meme potential for BlowFish, just look at what the community created: https://youtu.be/KRDG_Vl1bC8 + +We have ambitious plans to grow the BlowFish platform. We think we have a unique take on the meme token trend. + +# Links + +BlowFish website: https://www.blowfish.one/ + +BlowFish MillionaireMakers: https://blowfishlottery.app/ + +PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xA55BB91dE33B4abdf3aC64913D98A55ad84Dc3A8 + +Price charts: https://dex.guru/token/0xA55BB91dE33B4abdf3aC64913D98A55ad84Dc3A8-bsc + +https://charts.bogged.finance/?token=0xA55BB91dE33B4abdf3aC64913D98A55ad84Dc3A8 + +Telegram: https://t.me/blowfishtokengroup + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/blowfishtoken +Hi, so I am completely lost and feel broken. Not suicidal but just feel like crying. + +My situation + +In 2018 I met a girl, we started dating and in early 2019 she got pregnant. She was struggling financially, and although I had my own debts, a loan and car finance. + +As the father of her child I tried to step up and help out, I ended up entering into an IVA to try and keep everything afloat. + +Towards the end of 2019, before my child was born, I trusted the girl with my bank card, she took out £1,000's of pounds over a couple weeks. I missed payments on both my IVA and car finance. Our Son was born and we split up, the child was initially taken into care due to my now ex. I gave up my job to fight and won custody. + +During this period I kept up with my IVA but feel further behind on my Car finance. Then lockdown happened and quite frankly I forgot about the debts. I continued paying my IVA, but heard nothing further about the car, + +In September this year, I got a new job, and contacted the car finance straight away to try and sort out an arrangement however they have already begun legal action. I made an offer to pay as much of the debt as I am able, however they want to repossess the car unless I find almost £9K + +I do not have this money available. If I lose the car I will not be able to make any payments and I need this money to be able to care for my son. Frankly, I am at the end of my rope and have nowhere left to turn. + +Please can someone help me... Any advice is welcome, it's been mentioned they can take me to court if I don't return the car, if I do return the car, I will still have debt and I won't have any income to pay it. I have no family or friends that can help me out. What do I do? +Maybe it's just me, but I feel like people that don't understand what's going on with $GME are automatically inclined to disregard our discussions because it is considered a "meme". Let's be very clear, GameStop as a company and a market investment is NOT a meme! While it happens to have been heavily discussed on a meme-rich social network, and it is very easy to make memes related to the stock, it is very far from being one at its core. + +GameStop has been around since 1984 which is longer than I have even been alive. It has endured numerous economic recessions, and seen it's way through many generations of gamers where the general populace would often call video games a "fad" or "dying market". The company has been successful as a brick and mortar institution for decades and expanded to a global presence. Granted the company has been far from perfect, and certainly still has a good deal of changes to make, but it has a loyal base ready to fight for its success. Looking to the future, its current leadership is poised to put the company in a dominant position of e-commerce, e-sports, and a reimagined brick and mortar presence that supplements its online retail operation instead of carrying it. This company has the potential to be a major market player to rival Amazon, eBay and possibly even WalMart. The sooner people start to understand that this isn't a fucking joke, the sooner they'll realize that corruption on Wall Street nearly deleted one of the future corporate giants that will reshape an entire industry. They will see that no business is safe from this threat until policies are rewritten to close loopholes and firmly punish fraudulent and predatory trading practices. A meme implies something is intended to be humorous and to be shared light heartedly. I'm not fucking laughing. I'm angry. I'm going to park my ass on these shares and hold until RC and team have the power to bring their dreams to fruition and then I will take the fraudsters for every dollar they have. This is war, and when the war is over I will join the ranks of $GME holders to defend the company from future threats and share in the spoils of victory. + +TLDR; if you want to call something a "meme stock" then go play with Doge. GameStop isn't funny. It's fucking serious. + + +Edit: thank you so much for the awards apes. This was just a rant, your awards are too much. +**TL:DR Had perfectly functioning 100% verified Coinbase account with thousands of dollars transferred and spent on coins. Transferred 16,000USD. Went to buy Coin during a dip and Verification was mysteriously revoked with no notification or warning. SSN verification will not accept any form of my information after 100+ attempts. Account completely gridlocked - cannot buy/sell crypto or withdraw funds back into origin bank account in any dollar amount. Called customer service several times and they offer no phone support and no solution other than emails saying they cannot help me but a "specialist" is on the case and it is a "priority 10". After 1 month I requested to close my Coinbase account only to be told that my account cannot be closed until all money is Withdrawn. WTF Coinbase** + +**Updates:** + +**+I have seen a lot of suggestions that I am attempting to withdraw too much money. The dollar value is completely irrelevant. I have tried anywhere from $1 to $16,000 and it's the same result.** + +**+Other people are calling me stupid for Wiring money. The $16,000 was not one giant wire transfer. It was a combination of ACH transfers and one wire. This happened over a two week time period where I was not buying any coin. My verification just as easily could have been mysteriously revoked before any of the money was even sent to my Coinbase account. They still knowingly took the money and are now too incompetent to remedy the verification issue. I fail to see how people can tell me I did something wrong in this scenario. Should no new money come into Cyrpto?** + +**+Many people are also speculating I did something illegal. I don't have to justify myself to interwebz people but there has been nothing but long term hold and investments. if I was stupid enough to perform illicit activity with my coinbase account or other wallets... Would I really be posting about it here?** + + +Original Post: + +I would like to start out by saying I really wish I did not have to do this, however given the circumstances I am exhausting all my options. I apologize for the length but I need to get this out there as it maybe will help others make informed decisions about which exchanges to use. + + I setup and fully verified a Coinbase account towards the later half of 2017. I was able to make successful ACH transfers into my USD Wallet and subsequently purchase thousands of dollars of crypto. I also had zero issues with credit card purchases. Other than not being able to get verified on GDAX so far so good. +Fast forward to early January 2018. I decided to convert more Fiat into Crypto so I did a combination of wire and ACH transfer to what amounted to $16,000 USD. I waited for my respective coin to hit my re-buy point and went to make a large purchase only to be greeted by an error telling me that I needed to verify my SSN. This is very strange considering I had been fully verified with no issues purchasing before. Okay no problem - I enter my information which includes basics such as full name, address, SSN, occupation, etc. For whatever reason this fails along with several other attempts with varying aspects of information. After several failed attempts it locks me out for 24 hours. Over the next few days I rinse and repeat the process of varying my information and getting locked out for 24 hours. + +After around 100 failed attempts it was evident to me that no combination of my information would work. On Jan. 17 I decided to call the 800 number and speak directly to customer service. The lady I spoke with was friendly and seemed to understand as I walked her through the issue. After I had convinced her I had exhausted every possible combination of my information she recommended that I get referred to a "specialist" who would be able to immediately correct this issue. She said that in order to escalate the case number she would need to send me an email explaining common solutions for failed ID quiz (we already covered on the phone) as a formality and I would only need to reply back saying that I have already attempted the common solutions. Once I replied back she would be able to forward to a "specialist" and escalate to a "priority 10". Naturally I replied to the email immediately asking for this to be addressed. Here is the response I received: + +*"Hi there, +I’m sorry to hear that you are still having difficulty verifying your ID through the quiz. As I mentioned we use a third party to facilitate the quiz, and sometimes they just don’t have enough or up-to-date information. +If you’ve tried several times and still can’t successfully complete the quiz, unfortunately there may just not be enough information to verify you at this time. +You are welcome to continue trying to take the quiz as often as you’d like (there is a limit to the number of times you can try per day), as it is possible that the information may update and you could pass. You may also want to try entering different variations of your address, as that is one of the most common causes of not passing the quiz. +In some cases, this verification may be required to continue purchasing through Coinbase. However, in many cases it is not required, and you should still be able to purchase digital currency up to your daily limit with an unverified account as well as use many of Coinbase’s features for buying, selling and transferring digital currency. +In the future we may be able to implement a different method for verifying identity, but at this time we cannot manually verify your ID. +Again I’m sorry for the difficulty with the quiz. Thank you for using Coinbase."* + + +WTF??? This is completely opposite of what the lady on the phone told me. Did she just tell me this to get me off the phone and now they send me an email saying "we can't help you"? What do you mean you can't help me... you have $16,000 of my money. I immediately call back and speak to another operator asking what the deal was. She reassured me that the case was going to a "specialist" and would be a "priority 10" and sends me an email saying she is working with a specialist to address it properly. Obviously I am very perturbed at this point, however I let cooler heads prevail and try a few more days of entering my information. Of course this lead to zero success. + +I wait until Jan 24th and call back into the the 800 number to speak with an agent. After I politely explained the situation to the phone agent lo and behold they refer me to a "specialist" as the phone agent is unable to do anything other than verify I have a case open and it's a "priority 10". Before I let them hang up the phone on me and send me another email saying it's being looked at I ask if there is a way for the agent to look at the que and give me an estimate of when this will be resolved. Naturally there is no que or case# tracking system according to the agent. I also ask if I can have a number to speak with a specialist direct -- "No you cannot speak with them". What about email directly to a specialist? - "No you cannot do that either". Can you call the specialist and speak with them? "No we cannot do that". Can you call the specialist and conference me in with them? "No we cannot do that either". Okay so we are back to the wait for a specialist routine. The agent doubly reassures me that it will be resolved as fast as it possibly can because it is a "priority 10" so I reluctantly hang up the phone as it appears there is no other option. + +My mentality at this point was to call back in every day so I call back in on the 25th and essentially have a mirror image of the conversation from the 24th. At this point I realize this is going nowhere so I decide I will transfer my money back into my bank account and move to another exchange. I log into coinbase to make the transfer and WTF?!?! I can't transfer my money back into my account it came from without verifying my SSN and other information. Surely this is a joke that I have to have my SSN verified to move my own money back into the exact account it came from. At this point my mentality has moved beyond FOMO coin mania and into territory of - they have a decent amount of my money and I don't know if I will be able to get it back. + +It took every ounce of strength but I decided to take a zen-like approach and give it some more time. Absolutely zero correspondence or change in status on my Coinbase account over the next 2 weeks. On Feb 9 I made the decision to call in and make one last attempt and if the results are the same I would close my account live over the phone. The agent I spoke with gave me the same pitch of already being escalated to a "specialist" and there was nothing he could do further. I really went to town and explored all options so fun facts I learned from that conversation: 1) The agent and specialist do not communicate directly 2) Apparently there is no governing authority over either of these entity's that bridges to two 3) you cannot speak with anyone above the agent, not even a supervisor? 4) You can't communicate with a specialist - but we already knew that one. 5) Specialists "DO EXIST" 6) the phone agent cannot view if your case has been looked at or give you an estimate of when it will be completed. 7) A phone agent will "put you on hold" to pretend like they are speaking with someone (not a specialist) in order to appease you into believing they are doing something constructive towards a resolution. + + Clearly this is not getting resolved and the whole phone agent schtick is a lost cause. I immedately requested that my account be terminated and my money returned to me. I was greeted with the following "Sir, you cannot close your account until you transfer all of your money out of your coinbase account" Let that sink in for a moment. I cannot buy crypto, sell crypto, or transfer any USD until my SSN is verified. My SSN and information cannot be verified through the normal Coinbase verification and there is no manual way to do it nor will they provide any live customer support to work towards a resolution. I cannot close my account until all my money is transferred and there are no alternative ways to transfer money out of a Coinbase account. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F!@#$. + +Coinbase literally has my $16,000 USD held hostage as there is no solution other than "wait for a specialist who may or may not be a real thing other than what we tell you to get you off the phone". I had a fully verified and functioning account - this is not an error on my end or me being pissy because I couldn't buy coin at the right time. They knowingly took $16,000 USD and then removed my verification status, have provided zero evidence of a solution, and then deny me when I make a move to close my account. I would have to believe that there are legal boundaries being crossed by denying me to close my account. I can look past the FOMO and the untold loss potential on having this amount of capital gridlocked but I cannot forgive them not even allowing me to close my account. I could even possibly make amends with this entire situation if I felt that I was receiving customer support that built trust they were actually looking for a resolution and not just telling me whatever to get me off the phone. Who knows what's really going on behind the scenes. + +My biggest problem with all of this - Coinbase certainly had ZERO issue taking the USD incoming but when it comes to the reverse its a big FU. + +Has anyone had a similar experience? Recommendations? I have thought about contacting a lawyer and seeing what my options are. I also contemplated going to appropriate US authoritative bodies but I really would prefer to not bring negative attention to crypto. + +Mint no longer reliably tracks the spending on my most used CC, my Paypal mastercard. This severely hobbles Mint's usefulness to me. Tech support has "fixed" it but the fix never takes. + +Has anybody used Yahoo's [My Money](https://money.yahoo.com/my-money/)? Does it adequately track transactions? (Yes, I know I'm giving Yahoo a shitton of data.) + +If you use Personal Capital, how bad is the investment cold calling? + +YNAB is not a contender. I don't do a traditional budget. I track spending. + +GNUCash or a spreadsheet are not contenders. (a) I track spending (b) The point is to not have to do all the tedious hand-editing. I want something automated. + +If you have a 3rd alternative that is web-based? Suggest it! (I don't want special software or an app on my phone.) + +ETA: I have, for now, fixed the problem by deleting paypal from mint and replacing it with the paypal credit card and crypto option. But I am still going to explore the options you suggested. +The recent run on property prices really has me worried. + +Sure COVID has seen demand shift more towards standalone houses in outer suburban areas. + +At the same time our income growth is stagnant - the current upward price trend seems predominantly fuelled by FOMO and record low interest rates. + +People are taking out bigger than ever mortgages based on recent offers of 2-4 year Fixed Rate loans at 1.99% etc. + +Problem with this is that this 1.99% rate is only temporary and is only funded by the RBA as part of the COVID response measures. The RBA is eventually going to stop this, most likely within 2-4 years. Banks will withdraw these sub 2% loans from the market as it will no longer make sense for them to do. + +In addition to recent inflationary pressures being faced - there is a high chance that the cash rate may be increased as well in a similar timing. + +If these scenarios play out this way - a lot of people that have taken out milllion dollar mortgages will see their repayment increase significantly. I don't believe a lot of people can afford 20-40% increase in repayment costs to a $1m loan??? + +Am I delusional? Or are my worries justified? +I am technically FI if I run the numbers, but I’ve been having a hard time imagining actually pulling the trigger as you can see from my other posts. + +But today, I had a little breakthrough. My wife had to work so I was home alone with the kids and busy playing games with them, serving meals, and popping next-door to clean up a rental property in progress. It was a very simple and non-glamorous, +semi-to low-productive day, but it was so slow placed and screen free. I just felt so human. + +I’m now heading out for a jog in the afternoon sun now that this nasty cold snap has lifted. I’m starting to feel like I actually want more days like today. What is this feeling? +Hey, throwaway, but I hit my fat fire today. $2.5M. Pretty excited about this. It includes all retirement accounts, investment accounts along with receivables for my business minus all my debts. I did not include personal possessions. + +As to what we are going to change....well nothing. My best case scenario model had us hitting this number next fall. Plus I just started a business and it is going well, and my wife's just got a huge raise. We are heading to New Orleans for mardi gras and Vietnam for a month. Life is going great, we see no reason to stop working right this minute. We also are in process of remodeling our house to create an income generating property. + +So I think our plan will be to stop in July 2019, which has been our plan for the last 8 years. + +eta: 44M, married no children. Started on this journey in 2009, got really serious in 2011. + +2nd eta: I am really impressed that my projections from 2011 held up, and were so close to what actually transpired. +Does anyone noticed the increase of these posts by every bull run ? &nbsp; + +Before the DAO these posts were aggressive. Now these posts are more subtle : &nbsp; + +*questions about the dips &nbsp; + +*low price prediction posts &nbsp; + +*posts about bubbles &nbsp; + +*posts about how other blockchains are a serious competition of Ethereum blockchain. &nbsp; + +*Confusing Memmes &nbsp; + +*..etc &nbsp; + + +I know, this sounds like a conspiracy, but i noticed these things . i could be wrong though. &nbsp; + +Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/14/business/retirement-social-security-recession.html + +Essentially, many of those issues are addressed head on in this community: proper research, long term planning, and managing expenses ensures we don't end up in that predicament. These factors opens up the doors to fi/re for essentially all income levels. +My grandma won't be here much longer. My aunt told me she has been trying to get my grandma's credit card debt paid down, because she and my dad will inherit the debt with my grandma's house. We are in Louisiana. I have read on this sub how untrue that is, but I also know LA is very different from the rest of the US on so many levels, legal issues being one of them. So, is this true for LA residents? Would my family really inherit credit card debt when my grandma passed away? + +Edit: Thank y'all so much for the information! I truly appreciate your time here. I knew I could count on y'all! +Mine are pretty much one and the same, I had been buying blue chip stocks for a few years and after watching apple rise and fall over a dollar a day some days i thought huh, i feel like i could make more money off this buying and selling a few shares rather than just holding + + +So i started buying a few more shares in my td ameritrade cash account whenever it hit a 2 day low, and selling when they hit a 1% gain. If it went red, i just held because it’s apple and I was pretty confident it’d be back up. After doing this a few weeks, apple shot up ~10$ and i missed the majority of that since i was jumping in and out, so my strategy ended up being less profitable than just buying and holding :) + +That’s around when i found this sub and realized people can do this for a living besides being wall street brokers, so here i am a few months later still learning and working on a strategy! + +How about you guys? What initially drew you to daytrading, and how’d you start? +Unlike other blockchain games that are currently released, Guild of Guardians will focus on creating a really enjoyable gameplay first and the earning aspect will be the cherry on top. This is crucial for building a sustainable model. The game is not yet released but from my experience, the best thing you can do is get in as early as possible. If I’ve caught your attention, continue reading below! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/26a66w0p95j81.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac4c3b523392fd7285cf039b5ab515d08fc690e + +**What is Guild of Guardians?** + +Guild of Guardians is undoubtedly one of the biggest projects in GameFi with more than 500,000 community members across social media platforms & a pre-registration list. If you’re familiar with the NFT gaming space, you have most likely heard of GoG. It will be a free-to-play mobile fantasy RPG game heavily focused on action and guild mechanics. Built on the dominant Ethereum network with ImmutableX as the layer 2 scaling solution. This promises instant and most importantly gas FREE transactions. + +The goal will be to build a strategic team with your guildmates and venture into dungeons to complete challenges where strategy will be as important as skill. The team composition, synergies and play styles matter as well as timing and fast reflexes to dodge. Using the newly acquired experience and items players will be able to progressively enter harder dungeons and earn better NFTs. Not only that but guild raids, PVP, land gameplay, Esports and etc. I believe at this point you already know why Guild of Guardians has such a massive following, but there is more. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9n082wbe95j81.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=627ab18af75119a3ff64deafc94b52bec450c0ee + +**Guilds** + +As you can probably guess by the name, Guild of Guardians will heavily focus on the guild component. If you want to potentially earn money, be competitive and enjoy the game to the fullest you definitely have to join a guild! To create a guild you will be required to hold a guild token. They are of different rarities and prices of course. The guild tokens sale quickly sold out so the only way to get one right now is on the secondary market. Now would be the perfect time to buy an Adventurers/Warriors Guild (Which is the cheapest and smallest one) because of the current market conditions. The bigger guild tokens (Legends and Mythic) haven’t seen much of a drop and are holding their price but they are for serious investors (Apes). They start from $100,000 for Legendary and 2,6 million for Mythic ones. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4dhus82g95j81.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=50909276b853afd8ea9d1811aeee4f2239204d54 + +**How can you earn** + +There will be multiple ways for you to earn. The first and probably most used one will be guild crafting. For your guild to craft, you will need to play together and loot the necessary materials. Planning and diversity in your heroes is important here because some materials will only drop for heroes of certain factions. Guild crafting will be the only way to create new NFT items in the game so you would want to find a guild as soon as possible. + +The second way to earn, which will be really pleasing to free-to-play fans, is by merging heroes. Players will be able to earn common heroes (non-NFT) which can then be merged into Rare ones (NFT) and then play them to start earning more. You can even work your way up to owning a Legendary hero with merging. The cheapest founder Legendary hero as of today is $720. + +Apart from that, there will be daily token rewards that can be earned by progressing milestones, completing daily quests and etc. Leaderboard prizes, NFT drops from Guild Raids and Guild wars are also in the planning. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/iurhkr6h95j81.png?width=1096&format=png&auto=webp&s=14655946401ae6e95901f73054dd3d3203e19be1 + +**When can I play?** + +According to the updated roadmap released by the team, the pre-alpha demo will be released in the first half of 2022, although the team has stated they are on track for the first quarter of 2022. The Testnet alpha will be launched in the second half of 2022, release on main-net is planned for the first half of 2023 and the full polished game is set to be released during the second half of 2023. Yes, it is a long wait but in the GameFi world the earlier you join the better. There will be more events, contests and hopefully sales before the release and prices will only go up the closer we get to release. + +I am looking forward to seeing where this project takes blockchain gaming and am sure it will be one of the first to start disrupting the current gaming industry. I tried covering most of the key points but please let me know if I missed something. Will be answering all questions in the comments + + +(Due to Superstonk's rules, I cannot post the Discord link here. If you are interested in learning more, you will be able to find the Discord server on their website!) +Disclaimer: I'm just some guy, not a financial advisor, not part of an ape conspiracy, not secretly planning on ruining the global financial system, I just like the stock. + +&#x200B; + +I've been chilling in this sub since the migration and the previous GoodMorningEveryone sub since the migration there but was fortunate enough to get in right as RemoveBuyButton-gate hit so I've been working on averaging down since the initial $380 odd buy in on the first hedgie dip sale event so my smooth brain may not cut the usual jib for a DD but here we go (I'll post it as speculation so it doesn't get smashed): + +&#x200B; + +One thing people tell me I'm good at is putting random things together to create a feasible narrative and just now (after my customary 3 home brew consumption) things have started coming together. + +&#x200B; + +Let's start with some facts that have been recently inserted into our brains. + +1. Old Yellen tells everyone there's going to be a billionaires tax on unrecognised gains. + +2. "Papa Elon" has a Twitter poll whether or not to sell shares for "billionaire tax purposes" + +3. The beautiful and inspirational RC tells us he's holding or hodling (fun fact: both are good) + +4. The OG Short-Troll MJBurry broadcasts to the world that "Papa Elon" actually doesn't need "cash money" because he borrows against his moneyprinter-go-brr TSLA share holdings + +5. The amazing apes on this sub do their researchy thing and realise that yes, actually, Mr Tesla doesn't need cash because there are means to get cash from shares without selling them... EVER. + +&#x200B; + +6. THIS IS WHERE IT COMES TOGETHER.... My brain says: wait a sec, isn't there an ♾pool for that? + +&#x200B; + +ELI5: The recent chain of events says the most beneficial action for each and every holder of GME is (not) surprisingly to NEVER SELL. + +All those who hold and continue to hodl when it rockets past the imaginable stratosphere (Been away for the past few months, what did I miss) and the price reaches unfathomable infinity can just borrow any cash they need against a single share until the system is "fixed" + +TLDR: There's actually no reason to sell. Just borrow against your single infinity share (not financial advice) + +Obligatory rockets and reminder to DRS your precious babies for the future. + +🚀🚀🚀🍻🍻🍻🚀🚀🚀🟣🟣🟣 Love you apes. +Just something I was randomly thinking about, makes sense to me so I thought I'd ask the reddit "experts" to punch holes in my ideas. + +There is obviously an issue with various companies moving their "headquarters" out of the country to avoid taxes. Knocking what they have to pay from and 35% down to 20% or less. I can understand this, from a corporate perspective, why wouldn't you do so if it's legal? + +I forget what show it was, but I was watching some arbitrary commenter bitch and moan about how American corporations are revoking their citizenships to do this. Well hold on now, it's an entity, not a person, there is no citizenship. + +This all got me thinking, why not just eliminate corporate taxes all together? I pretty much feel lied to anyway as tax costs to corporations just get passed on to their employees and customers anyway, much like sales tax. A corporation isn't a person, so why not just eliminate the fictitious middle man? + +My theory is that this would eliminate a corporations tax benefits for being outside the country, encourage them to keep jobs here, and raise salaries to compensate for the tax changes. + +It seems to that the general sentiment with people is that if a company ever makes any money, well that's bad, God forbid companies ever make money. Well, these companies are where our jobs and pay come from, so if we make it impossible for them to make any money, their just gonna leave. So all the complaining has accomplished nothing but make it harder on everyone, the company doesn't care, it doesn't really exist. + +TL;DR: Let's eliminate corporate taxes all together. + +Initiate flaming. +>"The fact that the tweet of an ice cream cone can move markets will be the subject of academic study for years. It represents a dynamic where **certain stocks are now almost exclusively owned by retail and passive funds**." + +\-Kenneth Griffin, [*Financial Times* interview, March 28, 2021](https://www.ft.com/content/6c613f92-cf35-4b2e-b2b0-2ac0a6afb1fb) + +&#x200B; + +Greetings, fellow GMEnthusiasts! This post is based in [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmxa4f/how_the_short_squeeze_buyback_works_prepare/gtubcqj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I made a couple of days ago, which a number of you suggested I turn into a standalone post. So here it is. But before I begin, I want to be explicit: + +**I AM NOT ENCOURAGING OR ADVISING ANYONE TO DO ANYTHING** + +If you are a GME shareholder, and you believe that the MOASS is a real possibility, you probably want to think long and hard about what you're going to do when it happens. It would be nice if we knew exactly how everything was going to play out, but clearly we're working with incomplete information and a lot of unknowns. Many wrinkle brain DD authors here have provided a lot of great ideas and arguments to help fill these gaps where we can, but even the most wrinkled agree that at the end of the day, there are no guarantees that this will happen or that will happen; only varying levels of confidence in a variety of relevant propositions/outcomes. Please don't let this worry you, as this holds true for any investment you'll ever make in anything. GME may be exceptional in many other respects, but in this, it is like every other investment: there is risk involved. + +Now, the most prudent among you are probably considering a variety of different possible MOASS outcomes, what your personal strategy should be relative to these outcomes, and what evidence you might use to commit to some particular course of action. It is in this spirit that I offer the following thoughts. + +A few plausible propositions: + +1. The height of the squeeze's peak is directly affected by how much of the true float (as opposed to true float+synthetic/short-sold shares) is held by retail apes. +2. If diamond handed apes individually hold shares which together number equal to or greater than the total number of shares in the true float, and MOASS forces all shorts to cover, then \*any other\* shares can be sold to a forced buyer and the seller may name their price, as shorts will \*have\* to buy those shares in order to cover. +3. GME is likely \*extremely\* heavily shorted, possibly multiple times the true float. (I won't speculate on the exact amount, but others have looked into this at length) +4. Apes who get lots and lots of tendies from MOASS will be very likely to reinvest in GME if the price comes down from MOASS levels - they will buy the dip, and with so many tendies I expect many to buy even larger positions than they do pre-MOASS. Much larger. +5. Even after seeing the havoc wreaked on short Hedge Funds during the MOASS, some self-styled geniuses are going to try and short GME on the backside of the MOASS. + +As u/BinBender (among others) has [rightly pointed out](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mmo9kw/from_fake_shares_to_millionaires_common/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), even if every short has to cover during the MOASS, not every share held by shareholders must be bought; only enough so that the number of shares in shareholder hands is reduced to the real float. ***OH CRAP DOES THIS MEAN I'M GOING TO BE LEFT HOLDING THE BAG?!?*** + +Relax. Eat a crayon. + +Let's talk about a hypothetical MOASS, and sort out the fate of the various shares in the "practical float" (true float+shares to be covered). This will involve some oversimplification, but bear with me. + +The first shares to go will be paper-handers' shares - some of these orders may already be on the books. Shareholders, especially those who don't hang around here, will see profits bigger than they ever imagined to see and will rush to lock in their profits. See ya, wouldn't want to be ya. They exit the rocket first. + +Price moons, forced buy orders eat up all the asks in the book until we reach a variety of ever more life-changing share prices, at which some diamond handers release some shares (one at a time, if they know what's good for them). We might imagine apes doing all they can to sell their entire positions for maximum possible profits....but, if the diamond handed among us all sell all of our shares, the number of bagholders, probably retail, is increased. Worse still, these bagholders will all be **THE MOST DIAMOND HANDED APES OF THE BUNCH**, having held their shares through selloffs at every level - remember, the price goes up *because* people sell one or more shares at ever increasing prices. + +But some shares simply will not be sold at all during the MOASS. + +# The Infinity Pool + +[No, not that kind of infinity pool. But it looks nice.](https://preview.redd.it/2carsymg0ws61.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d687873afa2c90ec7b4a0a8b3aefabee76fe73b2) + +Wait, what? Why would someone \*not\* sell their shares for 6, 7, 8 figure prices, should they occur? Well, some shares simply won't be able to be sold. Some shareholders, statistically speaking, will die or become otherwise incapacitated between now and whenever MOASS is, and their shares probably won't get sold. Other shares might be held by corporations or trusts with specific rules or by-laws that restrict sales or purchases of securities in various ways. Some will be in ETFs that won't rebalance for months. And some might be held by truly ascended apes who voluntarily hold them through the MOASS, refusing to sell those shares at any price. Maybe they plan to pass those shares on to their children like family heirlooms. Maybe they're kept as a memento of the MOASS. Maybe they realize that they can reach their initial price target for 100% of their shares by only selling a fraction of them and just demanding a higher price. Maybe they do it because they believe it helps reduce retail bagholding. Maybe they just like the stock, and don't know what an exit strategy is. + +For the sake of convenience, I like to refer to the subset of shares that have this property as **the Infinity Pool**. It's useful to have a term to refer to these shares, because the number of shares in this subset determines whether or not there will be retail bagholders and if so, how many. If the infinity pool is full, i.e. equal to or greater than the true float, then every retail shareholder wins, as every share outside the pool must be covered, at any price. + +# GETTING MORE SPECULATIVE: + +What if the pool isn't full? Well, as above, there will be bagholders - people who held shares they wanted to sell at some price but didn't get the chance. But before you start clutching your pearls, worrying that *that might be you* remember this: these shares are held by ultra diamond hands, who can keep on holding. And given 4 and 5 above, apes will buy the post MOASS dip, and new shorts will enter the ring. What those shorts probably didn't realize is the rebuying pressure from apes will quickly eat up any liquidity in GME, and will happily hold onto many of those shares either A. forever (in which case they are added to the Infinity Pool), or B. until the price gets back up to where it was when covering ended previously. Price is driven up again, shorts get margin called (again), maybe some new FTD timers expire, and bingo - more forced buying and another check on whether or not the infinity pool is full. Some shares (outside the infinity pool), again, will be sold at fantastical prices, and if the pool is full, "bagholders" not only get out, they get out at what is now the "true" peak, higher levels than were achieved in the first round of covering. If the pool still isn't full, well, those shares that were sold for great profits by apes on round two can be repurchased on sale on the dip. Rinse and repeat. + +&#x200B; + +[How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, Old Man?!?](https://preview.redd.it/r0rsp6cp0ws61.jpg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a463a25901e85c95793d798181ecd455497ec30b) + +And with each round of ape-enrichment, it seems plausible that more total shares held by apes will enter the infinity pool, either implicitly by apes simply feeling even less pressure to sell as they already have life-changing tendies, or explicitly by apes actively deciding to commit some fraction of their shares to the **ULTIMATE DIAMOND HAND CONSIGNMENT TECHNIQUE**. + +I'm not talking about daytrading here, I'm talking about selling a share for 6-7-8 digit share prices and reinvesting at 3-4 digit share prices. This is basically exactly what DFV did in January-February. He took a few million of his investment to cash (slick of him to sell the options but hold the shares), and when the price was back down to \~$40, he bought the damn dip, big time. Now instead of locking up 50,000 shares, he's locked up 100,000. + +What if the infinity pool *is* full? What if retail holds enough shares that even after selling those they want to sell, they still (individually and not in concert) have a diamond handed grip on so many shares that the shorts **cannot cover the shares that they borrowed**? Does the price keep increasing, blasting the moon rocket past the lightspeed barrier and into another dimension? Does it just hover at the peak? Do we see yo-yo action from market makers creating synthetic longs for liquidity, only to have these time out, needing to be replaced with legitimately purchased shares which they can't get either, because the pool is full? I honestly don't know, but it's fun to speculate about. + +In any case, I'd like to reiterate that I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything. You all will make your own plans, and I'll make mine. I just thought these considerations might be helpful when strategizing about what you each will do with your own shares in a variety of hypothetical scenarios. You might not have even considered holding a portion of your shares forever, or what effects that might have on total outcomes; I'm merely bringing that possibility to your attention. Also, I'm here to remind you not to forget that MOASS is not disconnected from the rest of $GME's future and past price action; it's always a dynamic situation. In any case, as always: you do you. + +# iSn'T ThIs MaRkEt mAnIpUlAtIoN?!? yOu'Re PoOlInG sHaReS!!! yOu'Re TaLkInG aBoUt CoRnErInG tHe MaRkEt!!! + +It isn't, and I'm not. Remember, the Infinity Pool is just a snazzy way to refer to a subset of shares that just don't get sold for a variety of reasons; it's not an actual jointly-held pool of shares controlled by an individual or unified group. As far as cornering the market, that would require coordinated action by a group toward a specific goal. What I'm talking about is the organic development of a low liquidity environment for $GME, of which there is a limited supply and worldwide demand, in a situation where those who like the stock suddenly find themselves in a position to buy more of it than they might have ever dreamed possible before. You might even call it a dynamic where a certain stonk is now almost exclusively owned by retail and passive funds. + +Of course, this may have been considered already by apes who have come before me... + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[Bet he's got a few shares in the pool...](https://preview.redd.it/9ycfzuo71ws61.jpg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4040b0a88be21027a5a6f60d8bfe7c25c625b17) +What is "Corporate Debt?" + +Corporations often have varying types of debt, including corporate debt. Corporate debt involves **the issuance of bonds to investors to generate capital, often for projects**. + +Think McDonalds, IBM, United Health... almost every single company has debt, some ballooning. **(Side note GME has almost none)** + +[https:\/\/www.rbcwealthmanagement.com\/en-us\/insights\/is-the-us-corporate-debt-mountain-something-to-worry-about#:\~:text=Add&#37;20it&#37;20all&#37;20up&#37;20and,according&#37;20to&#37;20Federal&#37;20Reserve&#37;20data.](https://preview.redd.it/0o32wammy2m81.png?width=1392&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5e35630232f2b18d138bb3a6e57f5a76697b6a3) + +https://preview.redd.it/umbtscixy2m81.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=87f575ebbec47d0e2691ffa992ab7e3a221e204d + +So Corporations have 11 trillion in debt, and about 3.82 trillion in cash holdings. A debt/cash ratio about 3:1. + +Corporations would not be able to pay off the debt today, without selling assets. + +[US Corporate profits were $2.24 T](https://preview.redd.it/5njrxqeez2m81.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=b647d76667c3a77388d993b7ba0717e529b97e47) + +Those numbers are not terrible. $11 in credit card debt. Has $3.80 in cash, and makes about $2.40 a year. With careful planning and budgeting you could overcome this in ten years or more. + +1 problem... there are out liers throwing off the numbers. + +[https:\/\/www.investors.com\/etfs-and-funds\/sectors\/sp500-companies-stockpile-1-trillion-cash-investors-want-it\/](https://preview.redd.it/r3lsa43wz2m81.png?width=1636&format=png&auto=webp&s=4175d408a4b67880139ea06088ff36a34da7a5f0) + +[Investors.com](https://Investors.com) put out FUD today... (they are trying to make tech attractive and take confused retail money) talking about how "13 Companies have $1 trillion"... well... if you remove that out... then you have more like $2.80 trillion in cash - for $11 trillion in debt. Also... + +There are some companies with way too much debt. Its kind of like how Ken is just way too short. Some of these companies are disasters waiting to happen. + +[https:\/\/www.statista.com\/statistics\/1235574\/most-indebted-companies\/#:\~:text=AT&#37;26T&#37;2C&#37;20a&#37;20telecommunications&#37;20company&#37;20based,over&#37;20147&#37;20billion&#37;20U.S.&#37;20dollars.](https://preview.redd.it/frnlmiqm03m81.png?width=1618&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1fd245e3e50a054df5b2ac88cd2cd2086de8259) + +AT&T (well call it "T") has $147 billion in debt. Wowowowowwo.... thats so much money... + +&#x200B; + +[https:\/\/finance.yahoo.com\/quote\/t\/financials?ltr=1](https://preview.redd.it/j209gvf133m81.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cffbd999972c864933f8a51dcade3554b6b3f38) + +T revenue for last 12 months was $168BN. Thats an impressive number. None-the-less the reported Net Income is about $20Million. Which is like 7%. + +And why is T stock so popular? Because it pays a 8.71% dividend. + +https://preview.redd.it/0rwzug2z33m81.png?width=925&format=png&auto=webp&s=dff5b7ab5dfcf12caedf7148e240a1a14d67de02 + +So T has $147bn in debt, made $20bn last year, which is like 7% margins, and pays a 8.71% dividend in this environment. + +With fixed income, you want to look at bps over treasuries. + +[Not putting CNBC Source here - sorry not sorry.](https://preview.redd.it/z1bd0brt43m81.png?width=675&format=png&auto=webp&s=868dd2ecc6862768df1a8a9a8a7b6e177fabacd7) + +The ten year yields 1.794%. And at T you get 8.71% or get this... 690 bps over treasuries. + +[Treasuries are your risk free rate of return.](https://preview.redd.it/xjhacv6553m81.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9f7c5c813fdc4840a15d2880335410a23673733) + +**So why is T paying 6.9% more than treasuries? The truth... its dog shit wrapped in cat piss...** + +If T was not paying such an attractive dividend... people would dump the stock and it would be a disaster. + +[Motley Fool FUD kings pumping T 3 days ago... ](https://preview.redd.it/n4epb1or53m81.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=d79b116db8ef2a0d128aaaa3e68f55514f83a78d) + +T was famous for its dividend. It paid 5% for years and it seems like such a legit company. Even if people are broke they will still pay their phone bill. You can't do anything with out it. But this company just has way too much debt. + +[https:\/\/www.fiercewireless.com\/operators\/at-t-decides-now-s-not-a-good-time-for-share-buybacks](https://preview.redd.it/0g2uitj663m81.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2a5305dd88e56a96f0497db243eb96b9042dd54) + +In 2020 T spent $4Billion on stock in 1 quarter. + +**Companies were issuing cheap debt... buying back their stock... and paying excessive dividends to make the shares seem more attractive than they really are.** + +[Corporations spent $850Billion on their own stonk in 2021....](https://preview.redd.it/7he2dgmi63m81.png?width=613&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c31c22897442392b104a571e6bdf666530cb8f7) + +WTF??? seriously??? + +**CEO... issues bonds... buys stock... stock goes higher... ceo gets big bonus...** + +**CEO... issues bonds... gets money... pays a fatty dividend...** + +So why now? + +As ive talked about in other DD and posts.... everything is going to change when the FED raises rates. It's the end of a 40 year debt super cycle. + +[https:\/\/am.jpmorgan.com\/content\/dam\/jpm-am-aem\/global\/en\/insights\/market-insights\/guide-to-the-markets\/mi-guide-to-the-markets-us.pdf](https://preview.redd.it/uicbjdj473m81.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cef310d1ccee668e4547fb5efd2a366c818158a) + +Interest rates went down for more than 40 years... Now we have crazy inflation... the FED has to raise rates and all that fixed income is going to get whacked... + +https://preview.redd.it/4e4jcfep73m81.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de416bda34dad297d2c12bcad12224da82dd181 + +**Refinancing is off the table...** + +**For years rates went down... so if AT&T had a $1 billion bond tranche due next month, they could go to their buddies at Morgan Stanley and Goldman, Issue new bonds at a lower rate... and pay off the existing debt...** + +Investment bankers made 6-7pct on some of these deals for years - + +Investopedia talks about the issues of having too much debt... + +[https:\/\/www.investopedia.com\/articles\/basics\/06\/capitalstructure.asp](https://preview.redd.it/rj6rvkv3a3m81.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1f8f9ac52b52dc3d4d13d5685b57f989bb7944c) + +And Although T is not as bad as Evergrande China... T has $550bn in assets, and total liabilities of $367bn. + +The Gravy Train has run out... They wont be able to refinance like they have been... Once rates start to go up they wont be able to issue new debt. If they default on their debt - they will go bankrupt... + +**If the bonds go to $0 then the stock does as-well.** + +After doing this research I don't think T will last more than 5 years. + +**TLDR: Companies have been issuing debt to buy back stock and pay dividends. Once rates start to rise and refinancing is off the table... there is going to be an armageddon of defaults in the corporate debt space.** + +Part 1 - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s7ndpb/the_big_liquidity_issues_in_the_fixed_income/ +Hi. My wife and I own around 17 doors and we have a management company that I hired a couple of years ago when I had a traveling job and was single. I now work locally and my wife is an immigrant and can’t work. She says she’s ready to manage our properties, and the extra cash would be nice since my employment is uncertain right now. So we were thinking of getting rid of the property management company. + +My concerns are these: + +-they could be more equipped to collect rent in these times, especially if there’s a change in management the tenants see as a potential for taking advantage. +-I don’t want to contribute to the overall situation of chaos (basically laying people off) when I don’t necessarily have to. + +Thoughts? +Read in the news that Blackstone is raising funds to invest in real estate during downturn. Individual investors can invest with a minimum of $2500. Wondering if anyone invested? +In the recent past, many homes were listed at close to market or slightly below. This often caused a frenzy of multiple offers way above ask. + +Now, I'm seeing a pattern of homes listed a bit above market at the start and then dropping after sitting for a week. The property immediately goes under contract in a few days. I'm thinking this might be a new strategy for creating interest and urgency. Looks like it works. +I just would like to point out that dlauer and Dr. T. had been very quiet and almost unsure about the potential of MOASS until late. Tweets from both over the last two days are pointing to some sort of squeeze. dlauer doesn't say MOASS but was very direct in saying GME shorts are drowning. And Dr. T. isn't saying GME but is quiet literally talking about an unprecedented squeeze event. It's clear by the language she is using. BUCKLE THE FUCK UP!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +**TLDR: Amazon and friends like DE Shaw, Bain, BCG, and Citadel are rerunning their strategy they used to bankrupt and consolidate Blockbuster into Amazon/AWS with Netflix in real time.** + +Its the classic case of big bank take little bank. Company A is slightly larger than Company B, Company A uses every trick in the book to hinder Company B and acquire them. Now Company A is **twice as large** and can move up the food chain taking on bigger fish to consolidate and centralize. + +&#x200B; + +**Small Fish: BlockBuster** + +**Bigger Fish: Netflix** + +**End Game: Taking both of them sequentially to try to host all streaming content onto Amazon, on boarding masses onto Amazon Prime because they view us as having no choice but to follow our brand loyalty to the ends of the world. (LOL).** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/11ca5xy7qiv81.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=da11c75e9a7e3f384b86e67646e34f9618b851b6 + +This would create massive users in Amazon Prime, at least thats what they think on paper. + +They see us as a data point, essentially that is all AWS is.. a massive data driven computing company. + +They expect us to be loyal to our shows and our brands and to follow them wherever they go. + +They see us using shows as an extension of our personality, the part of our personality we wish to show others. + +What we like to eat, what we like to watch, what we like to listen to.. is all an extension of us.. and they think us wanting to show others our "personality" so so much would force us to use Amazon to stay hip and keep up this materialistic facade. + +https://preview.redd.it/zm9pn3tiriv81.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=73b3b3cf8f5e4e759b4788499112cd428bc125a1 + +&#x200B; + +**Part I: The Players and the Game:** + +For background I will use an awesome DD from a while ago from an OG wrinkle, I'm trying to set the stage before getting into the mechanics, so please bear with me it is worth the read. + +"Amazon has been using Ken Griffin to naked short infiltrated companies in order for Amazon to steal market share from current and future competitors. [It's possible that Bain Capital got involved in this scheme through Toys R Us](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np33hr/amazon_bain_capital_and_citadel_bust_out_the/). + +There it is. The most literal and succinct version. + +Crazy theory, right? Let's examine some facts: + +1. Amazon announced in a [press release on **February 2nd, 2021**](https://ir.aboutamazon.com/news-release/news-release-details/2021/Amazon.com-Announces-Fourth-Quarter-Results/) that Jeff Bezos would retire to executive chairman of Amazon's board [to much surprise.](https://www.wmagazine.com/story/jeff-bezos-amazon-ceo-retirement) *(that date stand out?)* +2. [Ken's a fan](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/14/ken-griffin-says-hes-less-likely-to-move-citadel-to-nyc-after-amazons-heartbreaking-exit.html) & [frequent investor](https://cheaperthanguru.com/portfolio/ken-griffin/AMZN/transactions) in Amazon +3. DE Shaw, a quant hedge fund where [Jeff Bezos became the youngest vice president](https://www.biography.com/business-figure/jeff-bezos), says about Citadel "[We cross paths with them all the time. They are huge.](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b15134ls4fblx7/boy-wonder)" as far back as 2001 - way before its widespread success + +What would we see if Citadel has followed this playbook? We would see OTC stocks of dead companies squeeze at the same time an idiosyncratic risk would emerge in a basket of algorithmically shorted securities. + +Would you look at that? Sears and Blockbuster, both bankrupt companies listed on OTC markets and former Amazon competitors, [squeezed at the same time as GME in January 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pg8fp1/portfolio_swaps_blockbustersears_sneeze_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). + +How is Amazon connected to Blockbuster, you might ask? I had the same question. + +Surprisingly *(but not really)*, I forgot about Amazon's biggest business. **Amazon Web Services.** + +I bet you can guess who was providing web hosting for Netflix around 2010, when Blockbuster went under? + +[Yep. Amazon](https://2pml.com/2020/02/10/netflix/). + +Think about that. That's from *2010*. Citadel Securities (the market maker) was founded in 2001. *When did they start doing this?* + +There's *a lot* more to dig into about this. A comment thread on Criand's latest post describes some [*interesting terms* of Credit Suisse's CMBS programs.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pfkg12/interesting_how_each_run_started_exactly_15/hb52u0g?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +If that's related to CMBS troubles here in the states, Simon Property Group is no doubt involved which [Amazon has been working with to buy up old malls last year](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/amazon-snapping-disused-shopping-malls-turning-them-fulfillment-centers-n1262914)\- though it's been buying up mall property since 2016. + +The implications of something like this are **extreme."** + +Props u/AvidTreesFan you were ahead of your time. + +&#x200B; + +[How did Amazon, Citadel, Bain, and Consultants bankrupt Blockbuster?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np33hr/amazon_bain_capital_and_citadel_bust_out_the) + +**Simply put:** + +Amazon (The Leader) + +Citadel (The Dealer) + +Bain Capital (The Butcher) + +Washington Post and Motley Fool (The Liars) + +Credit to u/jumpster81 you had an amazing write up and it must've been a hell of a rabbit hole. + +&#x200B; + +[Also not only did they stop with Blockbuster but they moved onto acquire Movie Gallery a few years later.](https://www.jonesday.com/en/insights/2008/02/the-year-in-bankruptcy-2007) + +Iterations upon iterations of big bank taking little bank. + +So we've established a lot of players here, but i bet you didn't know that **BCG** was instrumental in Ken Griffin's origin story of becoming a full blown financial terrorist. + +https://preview.redd.it/5a173vrwmiv81.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=04225ffd2077736b19b178a8d8947bdc6a3e8a9d + +Looks like external factors influencing stock image also peaked his interest in the start of his investment career. Now imagine if you controlled the board via ownership, controlled the company operations via bad actor consultants, and controlled the media outlet of projection via being just an all around cuck and throwing money.. recipe for a self-fulfilling prophecy of short to bankrupt, where he profits, his long AMZN profits, his risk is lowered from centralizing assets, and his long Amazon positions profit from acquisition of all assets slapping "Amazon Essentials" on them and calling it a day. + +https://preview.redd.it/8jdmf1uymiv81.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=b07e19388a336d8ecb27862afd80edb67a0ed92b + +Also convertible bonds are notoriously taken advantage of for short sellers. + +https://preview.redd.it/d9jrakl0niv81.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=62bbd644ac30c5af338a128975392bbcc6189449 + +The majority of these companies that get infested from the inside issue convertible bonds which is another arm for bankruptcy. The only one that comes to mind that escaped this convertible bond death spiral is Macy's. Some fucking how they had enough grassroots movement to escape the event horizon. Props. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**Part II: Netflix is Blockbuster 2.0** + +[Not only is BCG involved in Netflix's Content & Strategy Analysis but they have also been involved in Netflix's portfolio management of diverse businesses and multiple products.](https://embapro.com/frontpage/bcgcoanalysis/7718-netflix) + +**BCG:** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e6dankg2niv81.png?width=170&format=png&auto=webp&s=909854125a9b5d524c885fbcf4ac732ca064577c + +**Bain Capital:** + +https://preview.redd.it/m4t410u3niv81.png?width=674&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ba078b3224914ed53e8ab2948203c3f0987212f + +Lets see the experience huh? + +https://preview.redd.it/e9o7wcw5niv81.png?width=420&format=png&auto=webp&s=767498d85cedf47e2e95255d4bb23be12507f659 + +Interesting, both of these people are in charge of content strategy.. and both have affiliations with BCG and Bain. **THE SAME COMPANIES THAT BANKRUPT BLOCKBUSTER.** + +This is just speculation so please do not harass these people until we dig deeper, if we are right we have bigger fish to fry than the pawn. + +Netflix is Amazon's biggest competitor for streaming, [Netflix also uses AWS for their computational data management.](https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/netflix-case-study) + +Amazon knows everything about Netflix, everything. They have weaponized their data branch to help their efforts. Their data branch gets paid regardless from Netflix, but they want USERS. They need users because their marketplace is not built for scalability and will not survive in a web3 atmosphere and they know it. + +**How did they get their foot in the door to be able to control Netflix you may ask?** + +**Bankroll baby!** + +[Ken Griffin is one of the largest individual investors of Netflix owns almost 1.6B](https://cheaperthanguru.com/portfolio/ken-griffin/nflx/transactions) + +Take massive stake + +Infiltrate Company + +Use Consultants to drive down profits + +Short sell the fuck out of it off the books + +&#x200B; + +A few things Amazon has done internally that is seriously hurting their business model: + +1. They issues seasons at a time while their competitors issue an episode a week. Less eyes less hype, a flash in the pot while shows on HBO and Paramount have lasting effects. +2. [Netflix continuously uses insane amounts of capital into Netflix essentials that do not stand a chance of generating profits.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/netflix-invest-173-billion-content-2020-analyst-estimates-1270435) +3. [Netflix is even stopping users from sharing passwords and will track your data to make sure you aren't abusing it.](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/23/how-netflixs-password-sharing-crackdown-is-likely-to-work.html) +4. [Netflix is even going to start issuing commercials. Not only are your overpaying for shitty content, having your data tracked, but now you're even subject to having to sit through commercials even though you are paying a subscription.](https://popculture.com/streaming/news/netflix-officially-adding-commercials) +5. Even in the not so distant past, BCG recommended Netflix's "cash cow" was renting DVDs in 2013!!! Pulled from BCG Growth Matrix in 2013, when online streaming was the norm and no one even used DVDs: + +https://preview.redd.it/oj9rywy9niv81.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=70bdc348dc9b8b0ffcc5232242e110e823fbd547 + +https://preview.redd.it/x01tj1ubniv81.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cc9db30569b3e4ed8e24803ff4f43f103c45037 + +Netflix is Blockbuster 2.0 change my mind. +i'm sure we have all heard the analogy that day trading is like casino gambling and that your time and money is better spent "betting it on red". i get the cynicism of day trading, but this is one of the worst excuses i've ever heard. poker and blackjack aside, when you walk into a casino the odds are predetermined and are already against you. usually the house edge is around 1% meaning that out of 100 games, you'll win 49 and lose 51. statistically meaning you will lose all your money in the long run. when you enter the stock market, without knowing a single thing about investing, you already have better odds than the casino. the base level of investing (shares) the stock can either go up or down, therefore meaning you can only buy or short a stock, meaning that you have a 50% chance of making money. so already your odds are better than a casino which invalidates the analogy as a whole. + +NOT SAYING DAY TRADING ISN'T A FORM OF GAMBLING. day trading and pretty much everything in life is a "calculated gamble" and ultimately a self fulfilling prophecy. when you drive from point A to point B, you are taking a risk that you know how mechanically how to drive the vehicle and that you understand all the laws regarding driving (stopping at a red light etc) but you also have to hope that everyone else driving on the road also knows how to drive and knows the laws. that everyone will stop at a red light. same thing as trading. + +but continuing as for why day trading and investing as a whole is worth your time is you can create that "house edge" for yourself through systems. find a strategy that you have conviction in and make it work. we are all different, therefore, every strategy will need to be defined by you and your way of thinking (obviously). + +more importantly, the reason for you to not do something shouldn't be "another person told you not to do it". if you want to become a day trader or just an etf buy and hold, THEN DO IT. don't let these people come and tell you what you should do with your time and money, yet you guys do. + +&#x200B; + +keep your head up and live your life the way you want to, not the way others want you to. +So my roommates eat out for pretty much every meal, I've been trying to convince them to start making their own food so they can save money and eat healthier but they always make excuses like they don't have the time or the skill. Well it finally hit me, when I am making myself food I could easily make theirs as well, I'd just need to make bigger portions. But this wouldn't be fair to me if I made their food for them with nothing beneficial in return. So I was able to get them to agree to pay for all the groceries and in return I'd make meals for all of us. We are 2 months into it and so far its working great. Less food is being wasted now and we can buy in bulk now. They get to eat healthier food for less money and I get all the food I would have had to pay and prepare for in the first place for free now. Win Win! + +This likely won't work for most of you but figured I share for those who may be in a similar situation where something like this might work. +Why stop at just video games? GME should be the phoenix rising out of Toys R Us ashes. There's already so much beautiful irony in what caused Toys R Us to fail is what caused GME to flourish. Hedgies took down Toys R Us, but Toys R Us 2.0 took down the hedgies. + +I rather give GME my business than Amazon on any day. There's so much room for potential expansion. + +For Geoffrey the Giraffe. +TL;DR thanks to the awesome community that put up with my feverish shit comment the other night and gave me advice. This is a great community and I'm glad to be part of it :) + +So first of all I would like to apologize to anyone who was upset (for whatever reason) over my very off topic comment the other night. I will admit that in hindsight there were certainly better places I could have asked about having too high of a fever. However, this sub is one I feel at home at and I knew that my half gibberish comment would be interpreted by someone knowledgeable that was lurking and I would have a response in minutes. I was also very very feverish and could hardly type full sentences and there was no way I could have managed to read through enough stuff on google to know what to do. I knew I'd get a straight forward answer here and that's exactly what I got. + +I want to thank /u/byron111, /u/hodlor, and /u/jtnichol for caring and giving me advice. I especially want to thank /u/jtnichol for following up with me so much and showing such legitimate concern. It really helped me feel like a real part of this community. As far as my fever and sickness I was able to get a friend to come over and help me to get proper Tylenol and monitor my fever (checking temp every 30mins to 1 hour). Not too long after my post it dropped back to 102.5 and with constant hydrating and Tylenol we got it in the low 101's and decided I could wait til morning to see a doctor (ER visits are too damn expensive). I slept most of the day Monday, and ended up not going in to the doctor at all, but I have had a very low grade fever all day today and have still been quite achy and weak feeling. If it persists through tomorrow I will definitely be going in to the doctor. + +Thankfully I asked on here when I did because I was drifting in and out of concessions and wouldn't have texted my friend if I hadn't gotten /u/byron111's message when I did. If I had just passed out without asking anyone for help or getting medication to help with the fever it probably would have kept rising and there's no telling what would have happened. Thank you everyone in here for being such a great community! I can't wait to be back at 100% so I can be involved in the daily conversations and such again! +Last month same time, ETH was somewhere around $2500. + +A lot of us were practically checking the charts every few mins just to see its progress. + +Oh how happy I would've been if someone would've told me that exactly a month from now we'll be nearing $3k. + +But today, when its actually happening, its the complete opposite of what me or anyone of us would've thought. + +Oh how the turn tables. + + +(When in doubt, zoom out. 🔍) +In the last few weeks I've been aggressively switching banks to get the switching bonuses. I've managed to get about £500 in total from a combination of First Direct, Halifax, Nationwide, and Lloyds. It's a little work, but it pays off. + +The regularly-updated MoneySavingExpert page on the current switching offers is [here](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/banking/compare-best-bank-accounts/#switch). I was lucky to get the Halifax offer before that shut down, and the Lloyds offer opened up while I was doing this. I did First Direct rather than HSBC (you can't do both) because I wanted to also access the First Direct regular saver, and I haven't done Virgin Money because that pays out in "points" rather than cash. + +For me, the key to doing this easily is to realise that *you don't need to switch your main account, or even an account you actually use for anything*. My main bank is with NatWest and I created two free Select Accounts to start with. I loaded £15 into each one to ensure that no fees took me into negative territory and to cover the direct debits (see below). One I switched to First Direct, the other has switched NatWest -> Halifax -> Nationwide -> Lloyds before switching back into my main bank. + +Switching is really, almost worryingly, easy. All you need is the sort code and account number of the old account, and the associated debit card number. This latter stipulation means that you need to wait until your debit card is physically delivered to you before initialing a new switch, which slows down the process. I found that Nationwide and Lloyds paid their bonuses within 24 hours of the criteria being met, while First Direct and Halifax were slower. All payouts were within the time estimates [given by MoneySavingExpert](https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/banking/compare-best-bank-accounts/#switch). + +Specifics: + +* For First Direct I paid in £1000, which is needed to get the bonus. + * First Direct were also the only bank I needed to \*call\* (about 20 minutes) rather than arrange the switch online. +* Nationwide require two direct debits. For this I set up two £1 direct debits at [https://www.onepounddd.com/](https://www.onepounddd.com/) on my NatWest Select account and waited till after they had been paid once before initiating the switching. I had got the Nationwide bonus before a second month of this came around, so I cancelled these. + * I did the trick MoneySavingExpert recommended to get £125 rather than £100. To be honest, this just added admin and slowed things down - I'm not sure it was particularly worth it for £25. +* For Lloyds I didn't bother trying to avoid the first month's fee (£3) with a pay-in, but I may I have avoided it by switching out in short order. + +I've checked my Experian credit score and it hasn't been affected by all of this. I requested no overdraft for any of these accounts. + +If you haven't done this already it's easier than you think - I'd recommend! +Today, I hit my number, today is "SomeDay". + +I'm still happily employed, and fulfilled, but today marks the day that for the first time, I've hit my number. I don't really know how I feel about it all, as the market is fully decoupled from the economy, and there has never been a more uncertain time in my lifetime -- but here we are. + +It's been 20 years of often working 50+ hours, working on growing my career, playing defense with the personal finances and then offence with the investments. I'll try to write up my path for some future Milestone Monday, but for today, it's just a stake in the ground. + +You may all tell me to fuck off now. + +Edit: I'm 44 years old, single-income, two kids. The number is 1.8MM CAD. + +Edit2: That's 1.8MM NW, as if I sold some stock to pay off my house tomorrow, not including any home equity gimicks in there. RE will be in four years. +Currently working as admin for a relatively large company, on $26hr FT. Can step up and do different roles but so far I’m happy where I am. Amazing team and quite easy role. Never bring work issues home with me. + +Been offered an APS 3 role starting salary $63ish K a year. Location close to home. I know it’s 15.4% super. Are there any other benefits that I should know about? +Obviously job security is also a huge thing. Feel like I’m torn - easy role, great team or new job with more money, and not sure about team? 😔 +I am a teacher full time, and after trying different things, I found that my the most lucrative side gig involved my most marketable skill: teaching. I started doing extra teaching as a side gig in 2013. + +Here is a table showing the growth of my side gig income as a % of my total income. + + +|Year|2013|2014|2015|2016|2017|2018|2019|2020| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|% of total|4%|10%|21%|34%|43%|52%|45%|45%| + +My side gig income has enabled me to accelerate my path to FIRE. I have always maxed out my IRA, but because of this side gig, in 2015 I maxed out my 403b contributions for the first time, and since 2016, I have maxed out my 403b, 457b, Roth IRA and my three kids' Coverdell College Savings accounts every year. + +So those of you with side gigs, what is your side gig and how does your side gig fit into your FIRE plans? + + +What % of your income is your side gig? How have you seen that % change over the past few years? +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/popular-trading-platforms-td-ameritrade-robinhood-others-face-outages-as-tesla-and-apple-stocks-split-2020-08-31?siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo + +Users of a number of popular trading platforms on Monday complained of downed systems, slowness and an inability to trade, coming as two of the two most prominent stocks were trading on a split-adjusted basis for the first time. TD Ameritrade told MarketWatch that the issue has since been resolved but noted that clients had "experienced high levels of slowness on the TD Ameritrade web platforms and the TD Ameritrade mobile app." +The current market seems to be largely driven not by organic buying and selling, but by exchange driven manipulation of the spot market to exploit the current dynamics of leverage trading. We just saw it again now as they liquidated 3K longs but you [can see this pattern of clear manipulation over and over in the last few weeks ](https://i.imgur.com/LpgnksQ.png). + +We have seen several forces set an incentive for exchanges to do this: + +* Consistently declining volume - this leads to lower total fee revenue for exchanges, and an incentive to manipulate the price in order to earn revenue through liquidations rather than trading fees. + +* Move towards more leveraged positions - both leveraged shorts and leveraged longs are [at or near record levels.](https://i.imgur.com/ljSohM5.png) Shorts especially have gone from 8K outstanding in January to 33K right now, a whole tripling in outstanding positions. + +* Move away from the spot market and towards derivatives - Anybody who has been checking [the combined orderbook](https://data.bitcoinity.org/markets/books/USD) over the last few months has seen Bitmex completely take over the market, while GDAX, Bitfinex, Gemini and others see consistent declines. I've noticed myself an increased interest across the Internet on how derivatives work and anecdotely I have seen more people move away from the HODL meme and towards trading taking high margin bets with a portion of their stack. + +Some exchanges like Gemini have reacted to all of this by increasing their trading fees by 400%. Meanwhile Bitfinex specifically seems to be using its hefty weight to manipulate the price in order to capitalize on the record number of people using margin to bet. + +Both longs and shorts are bets on the price moving up or down and they have a "liquidation price" at which they get liquidated by the exchange, essentially the exchange gets the entire stack they bet with and extracts a high market fee multiplied by the leverage. Since the exchanges know the characteristics of the outstanding shorts/longs, and since volume is low after these pumps or dumps leading to sideways drift, they can essentially engineer movements in price that create income in terms of liquidations. When there are lots of overleveraged shorts, an exchange can pump the price with bots briefly and collect the short position. Same with longs but in reverse, a quick burst of selling pressure. + +You can see this in the most recent pumps too on Bitfinex, where 1K buy orders appear out of nowhere after long sideways movement only to be followed by either sideway movement or slow bleed on pathetic volume: + +https://i.imgur.com/3YaWVBI.png + +https://i.imgur.com/pvpcd7Z.png + +Take a look at the most recent pump up to 7K, it instantanously liquidated about 700 short positions: + +https://i.imgur.com/3sCLEB8.png + +Now this last dump was a laddered 12.5K sell order on Bitfinex that liquidated around 3K long contracts + +https://i.imgur.com/znYyUT8.png + +Bitfinex tends to be where the big money traders move (their minimum deposit is 10K) so even if each long position was only 0.5 BTC on average they exchange would make a ton of money. If you look at the BitmexRekt twitter feed that shows a running list of Bitmex liquidations with humorous commetary, [you will see many >$1 million dollar positions being liquidated during these moves.](https://i.imgur.com/fbeJxOT.png) + +This is what all the "Bart" formations we have seen stem from. Its not George Soros pumping Bitcoin for shits and giggles, nor is it the nebolous "whales". They have no incentive to try and pull off PnDs now that it only leads to either sideways movement or decline after the pump. A PnD only works if the delta between the top of the pump end point and dump initiation point is positive, while now it seems to be followed by sideways movement. Those who do want to bet on further upward movements seem to be doing it off the spot market, using margin with futures and perpetuity swaps on Bitmex. This makes the low volume spot market ripe for manipulation, exchanges like Bitfinex and Bitmex have every incentive right now to manipulate the price. + +Looking back it seems almost inevitable that this would have happened, that traders would try to replicate the gains they saw by buying and selling on the spot market a few months ago by using increased leverage and derivatives. In December and January there were days where your holdings would increase by at least 20% no matter what you bought. Once you experience those 20% daily gains you don't want to go back to a market where it slowly bleeds down a few percent every week, so people jumped in on high leverage short positions to multiply their profit on those single percent moves down. + +For the small time investor there really isn't much you can do to stop this. This is what being part of an unregulated market means, it means that things like wash trading and long/short liquidation hunting is allowed. + +All you can really do if you're a trader is look at the current ratio of longs vs shorts on Bitfinex and be aware that once short contracts become too high its possible that an exchange may pump the price to profit on it, while if the longs become too dominant we may see a dump. + +Edit: Bitfinex, not Bitfenix. + +May seem obvious to most of you, but I just dodged a bullet. + +I was recently offered a position at a new company. The initial offer looked great. The base salary was 85k, nearly $18,000 more per year with all the usual benefits. The 401K was lack luster, but it wasn't a deal killer. I had read on Glassdoor that the insurance costs were higher than most. Before accepting the offer, I requested to see the costs associated with their medical/dental/vision insurance. As it turns out, the insurance was over double what I'm currently paying. The insurance premiums worked out to $1570/mo. Between that and the difference in the 401k match, I would have been losing money. + +If I hadn't read about the insurance premiums, I would not have thought to ask to see the price. I definitely dodged a bullet. +[Background] As a previous bartender, I was trained and taught that Jalisco, Mexico (where hurricane Patricia is scheduled to make landfall this evening) is the only province in which Blue Agave plants are grown. Blue agave is the key ingredient in Tequila. + +[Question] If this mighty hurricane is going to devastate the region, and their for its agriculture, would the prices of Tequila not be spiking here in the next few years. A key note might be that the Blue Agave plant takes approx. 5-8 years to mature enough to be harvested and distilled for Tequila making purposes. + +[About Me] I am currently a university student studying finance and working in a basic role in a financial institution, and my interests are geared towards investments. After hearing so much news, I have just been curious about what kind of impacts such a large natural disaster might make on our financial markets. + +If you ask me, the destruction of such a vital crop to the entire market of Tequila (I live in Texas and Tequila is HUGE) should make some really intense ripples. Thank you for any replies, and please remember this is only speculation from a rookie ;) if you object, please explain where my logic is flawed, or what financial principles of which I may be ignorant. + +EDIT: This was a very interesting discussion, thank you to everyone who contributed!! + +EDIT:Bloomberg seems to have published an article addressing the issue just a few hours after this post-- thank you /u/_xoned for bringing it to this thread! LINK-> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-23/dangerous-hurricane-patricia-threatens-mexican-ports-resorts +[Background] As a previous bartender, I was trained and taught that Jalisco, Mexico (where hurricane Patricia is scheduled to make landfall this evening) is the only province in which Blue Agave plants are grown. Blue agave is the key ingredient in Tequila. + +[Question] If this mighty hurricane is going to devastate the region, and their for its agriculture, would the prices of Tequila not be spiking here in the next few years. A key note might be that the Blue Agave plant takes approx. 5-8 years to mature enough to be harvested and distilled for Tequila making purposes. + +[About Me] I am currently a university student studying finance and working in a basic role in a financial institution, and my interests are geared towards investments. After hearing so much news, I have just been curious about what kind of impacts such a large natural disaster might make on our financial markets. + +If you ask me, the destruction of such a vital crop to the entire market of Tequila (I live in Texas and Tequila is HUGE) should make some really intense ripples. Thank you for any replies, and please remember this is only speculation from a rookie ;) if you object, please explain where my logic is flawed, or what financial principles of which I may be ignorant. + +EDIT: This was a very interesting discussion, thank you to everyone who contributed!! + +EDIT:Bloomberg seems to have published an article addressing the issue just a few hours after this post-- thank you /u/_xoned for bringing it to this thread! LINK-> http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-10-23/dangerous-hurricane-patricia-threatens-mexican-ports-resorts +Anyone else have a strange feeling that this is like late June and July. A day where it dropped a lot, came back (like we are right now) and then a day or two later it really hit. +Also Bitcoin is looking like a double top right now and if that goes, so do we. +This all just feels eery right now. +What do you guys think? +I'm all ready to throw in the max $6000 on the 1st, but given the runaway train that is the market at the moment, it almost doesn't feel safe. + +Are you guys throwing it all in day one, dollar cost averaging it over a few months, or just waiting for a meaningful correction first? Just trying to get some other opinions on this. +Long story short, I bought 100 shares of Enghouse Systems Ltd (ENG.TO) back in late 2020 at $61/share in my TFSA. A year and change later, the stock price is now sitting at $45.45 with average to poor performance compared to it’s peers. + +It does pay $0.16/share in dividends every quarter. + +I have no need to sell, and ENG represents less than 7% of my portfolio (allocated as part of the 10% I put aside for risky picks). + +My question to you kind strangers is: at what point do you cut your losses and sell out? + +If you believe in a company do you ever re-buy at lower prices and ride it out for the long-term? + +Thank you for sharing your ideas, practices, and opinions. +My dad is 72 and has never invested before. I recently found out he has a fairly large amount of money in his chequing account which doesn't make sense to keep there especially with the rising inflation we're seeing lately. He is okay with investing some of that money now and has given me the autonomy to decide where it goes. I'd like to take a portion of that money and set it aside as an emergency fund. The remaining money is money he won't need for at least 5 - 10 years. + +&#x200B; + +The remaining balance would either go into a low-cost all-in-one ETF such as XBAL/VBAL, XCNS/VCNS, or a Robo Advisor. He banks with BMO so if we were to go the Robo Advisor route, we'd be going with BMO's SmartFolio. BMO also recently introduced no commission ETFs and the all-in-one ETFs I'm thinking of are eligible for that. He took the Vanguard Investor Questionnaire and his results determined a 40 Equity/60 Bonds split would be good for him due to his age and investment time horizon. + +&#x200B; + +I'm leaning towards doing a lump sum investment into an all-in-one ETF, but the Robo Advisor sounds pretty good as well due to the simplicity, though the fees are much higher (almost x3 higher). He is on a fixed monthly income which consists of CPP, OAS, and GIS. He will not be making an monthly contributions. + +&#x200B; + +Just wanted to get your thoughts and see if this approach is a good idea or if anyone else has been in a similar situation. Thanks! +Title says it. According to Citi, one of their traders caused a transaction error which they discovered soon after. It caused Scandinavian indices to plummet as much as 8% in a matter of minutes. Such errors are called fat-finger errors; a typo. Flash crashes like these make me wonder how much money banks trade with on a daily basis. + +Source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/may/03/citigroup-trader-error-flash-crash-markets-falls +Ok fuckers, it’s been one week, and suddenly a fuck ton of y’all went from “oH I’m gonna HoLd till I diE” to “haha I sold, if you hold you’re actually retarded”. Guys, the market always goes up and down, this only fucking works if we all JUST FUCKING HOLD. A FUCK TON OF YALL SEE some stupid fucking bot and believe it. Grow some balls, and hold GME and AMC 🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎🤲🤲🤲 + +Disclaimer: this isn’t financial advice, I’m just fucking tired of seeing all these paper handed bitches. +So yea I actually liked BB as a play and I sold CSP for Jan 22 at $20 strike DEEEP ITM but the premiums on them were just too juicy at $11.35 each. When I bought them BB was at $11 a share so that was expecting a big move + +Now share price has obv jumped Bc of WSB hype train but my puts are still priced at pretty much my break even Bc of high IV levels. Delta be damned. Just shows the volatility issues when doing CSP with meme stocks. I need it to calm down because even if it runs higher, I still am not going to make my profit quickly. + +The stock has pretty much doubled in a couple weeks but my position remains unchanged. +It’s honestly starting to get really annoying. I almost only sell covered calls with a 90-95% chance to profit and so many have gone in the money I am genuinely feeling like theta gang is just a place for missed opportunity. I’ve definitely missed out on more potential gains selling covered calls and lost more closing PMCCs than I’ve ever made from premium by what is starting to become a staggering amount. +Edit: Doing it. Next week i'm going to attack the coin Einsteinium on their main net, no testnet because that's not very cool (the specific coin may change to a bigger one), Oct 13, 3:00 CDT, 4:00 EDT 1:00 PST + +Event:[https://www.twitch.tv/events/NyJSsF3hQkGHdnsKA2f4JQ](https://www.twitch.tv/events/NyJSsF3hQkGHdnsKA2f4JQ) + +Channel: [https://www.twitch.tv/geocold/](https://www.twitch.tv/geocold/) + +If anyone wants a twitter based reminder of when it's happening, i'll tweet out an hour before I go live and when I go live. + +[https://twitter.com/geocold51](https://twitter.com/geocold51) + +Update:I've compiled a few coins and I'm setting up pooled mining right now. I'll briefly go over how I did all this on stream but I'm doing it beforehand because it takes a long time to compile coin (like a half hour) and it takes hours for the wallets to sync. + +Thank you to everyone who has donated. I have like $800 total now so we can attack a few coins. Thank you to everyone who has donated. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I think I’ll do it in like a week against a small coin like Einsteinium or the like. I might also set it up so if you donate a dollar to the stream you can send me some text that I’ll throw into my forked chains overriding transaction and give that money to the EFF (and pay for the minimal cost of renting hashing power). Stay tuned. + +I'm considering doing a live stream of all the setup and execution of doing a 51% attack against against the bitcoin testnet so that people can see how it works in real life, not in theory. I'd also discuss how the attack works and every concept encountered along the way. I'd also talk about the security implications and how some coins go about preventing such attacks, the pros and cons of such tactics, etc. + +Edit: Could also just attack a small cap coin. That would let me get into some interesting game theory from an attackers perspective about what coins they want to attack, what exchanges, in what order, and what would deter them. Which is equally interesting. One thing people don't often mention is the importance of the depth of a given coins trading books because with many coins there is so little liquidity that an attacker could only sell a few thousand dollars worth of the coin before crashing its price and making subsequent cycles of the attack hard. + +Second edit: I realize I mistitled this and just said "the testnet" I was originally referring to the bitcoin testnet. +My bill is going up from 27 pounds to 44 pounds in October: https://i.imgur.com/jyOuGMw.png + +I'm guessing people here are familiar with this story: my promotional offer ends and I'm trying to figure out the best route from here. + +Is it wise to switch providers to cash in on a new offer? Is there a way to stay with Virgin without going up in price? Am I good to wait until October is approaching or must I act now? +[Link to graph](https://imgur.com/a/ug9OIr5) + +[Here's the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/fwnrpt/mod_approvedrfi_contest_guess_what_the_sp500_will/) to the original post. I thought it would be fun to see the distribution of the guesses of the S&P close on 12/31 that this sub posted 8 months ago. Fully aware we still have a week+ before the contest closes, but the results YTD speak for themselves. I see this as a reminder of why no one knows where the market will be in a day, month, or year; and instead you should just be ***in*** the market. +This is most likely going to end up with us having to get a lawyer, but we're trying to do as much research as we can before we hit that point. + +We purchased our home in 2010. It was foreclosed by the builder. The neighborhood was a PVC farm, only 8 houses out of a planned 120 built. We got it for a song. + +One of the requirements we had was not wanting to be in a neighborhood with a HOA. Most of the properties our realtor found for us were outside the boundaries of a neighborhood for this reason, but this one seemed to be an exception. + +So we bought it, and for six quiet years had nothing but trees around us. + +In 2016, we were notified that the HOA was reforming. I contacted our realtor and asked if we should have any concerns, and she recommended going through our mortgage documents to see if there was anything along the lines of "bound by covenant in there." We couldn't find it, nor in the deed of the house, or any of the other paperwork. So our realtor said we were probably fine, but could opt-in if we wanted to. We declined. + +Today, just now, a woman from the HOA came around to inform us that we were in arrears to the tune of $600, as was almost everyone else in the neighborhood. The management company that supposedly handles the HOA had done a terrible job sending out invoices, so a lot of the homeowners here are getting a nasty surprise today. I insisted we weren't part of it - had never opted in and it wasn't anywhere in our mortgage paperwork. + +She explained that the new construction company had *bought out all the old covenants* on record with the county offices, and our names were included in that. (Which is news to us that the county had that on file to begin with, since it's not anywhere on the mortgage or deed, as I said.) + +The threat: That they will put a lien on the house unless we pay the arrears. We've already paid the mortgage off, though, and have no intention of moving, but we'd really not have to deal with untangling that if we can at all avoid it. + +Any suggestions for other resources for us to investigate? We can pay $600, but at this point it's not about the money, it's about feeling like we are being scammed. + +**UPDATE:** We have contacted the county and confirmed that 1. Title (warranty deed since we're in Georgia) does not list any restrictions, PUDs, easements, etc. 2. Reestablished covenant for the neighborhood includes lots A-G, **but does not include lots in the H section.** + +**2nd Update:** Lady who came around actually handed us the paperwork for the house across the street, now that we looked at it more closely. (facepalm) And according to plat, *their* lot actually may be included. So.... we're going to have to find out what house she is in, and explain the situation, and she's going to have to give our neighbors the bad news. +[re-posting after removing some personal identity info] + +I am tech person in the bay area at ~3M NW, starting to make $1-1.5M per year through my job. I have no other side business, no property (renting still), and most of my investments are in a mix of stocks, 401K, RSUs, etc. + +Over the last few years, I've been paying a large tax bill (as expected) and generally have had little to no ways to save on them. In 2021, I sold some RSU which further grew my tax bill a ton, only for 2022 be a down year leading me to utilize margin line/PAL to stomach the tax bill. + +I'm interested in ways I can reduce some of my tax bill. I assume if I had invested in a house then I'd save some tax via mortgage, etc, but I also am generally hesitant in investing in real-estate as part of my FIRE strategy coz RE is less liquid and requires more maintenance, etc. + +I assume there are strategies to manage the tax bill for my situation and goals. Are there resources fatFires would suggest I check out? Should i be connecting with CPA/wealth management professional for advice? +Hi everyone! I know not all of us live within access to international markets and Trader Joe’s but in my experience they have an abundance of spices for wayyy cheap compared to most grocery stores. I especially like Trader Joe’s smoked paprika haha + +Just fyi in case you passed up on that recipe that called for cinnamon sticks or star anise etc etc because they were too pricey! I especially recommend East European or Persian markets :) +Wait u/pianojosh, don’t delete this yet! At least read the whole wall of text before you send another one of my posts to the great beyond. + +I am in the middle of my annual re-read of NNT’s books, so I am already sensitive about people obsessed with predicting the future to 2 decimal places. But lately I have noticed more bad advice and shitty comments than I can handle, so I am going to rant about a couple things. + +I love u/billbengen for giving us the idea of a rigorous data-driven assessment of whether people might have “enough” in retirement through his initial work on Safe Withdrawal Rates. Before Bill, there was chaos and shitty advice from people who did not usually have retirees’ best interests in mind. He gave an excellent objective way of showing people the reality of their financial situation. + +But Bill created a monster in a small corner of the internet: some people in r/FI have now misinterpreted Bill’s general rule of thumb as one of the laws of the universe. (I am pretty sure he frowns on these fanatic disciples as well). + +The whole point of assessing whether you have enough for retirement is to avoid the risk of “blowing up” your portfolio. Bill’s genius was showing people that if you look at the past, there is a portfolio value and composition where, all else being equal (literally everything, which I will cover later), you could spend a consistent amount each year and would not have run out of money despite all the crazy shit that happened in the 20th century. He laid it all out in detail. It is beautiful. + +The future is uncertain though. There will never be another 1930’s depression, or 1970’s stagflation crisis (the periods that kill most SWR scenarios). Instead, they will be replaced with some new and frightening (though possibly similar) “Black Swan” that nobody is predicting right now. Look closely at the data used to calculate safe withdrawal rates, and you will see that the risks to your future retirement are ever-present and lurk just beneath the surface of the placid declarations that “your retirement is 100% safe at a 3.2% SWR.” More on this in a minute. + +(Also, shout-out to all the heroes running retirement simulator websites – check the sidebar – that let people see the actual data underlying SWR calculations. You are doing God’s work.) + +The fact that no SWR value incorporates the “sequence of expenditures” risk is also annoying. People obsess over withdrawal rates because there are oodles of data available for market returns. I would argue that an equally big risk with even less certainty is size and profile of future expenditures. No, you do not often see the wild swings in expenditures that you do in market returns (usually), but for most people approaching big lifestyle changes, there is definitely going to be some change and there are way fewer data points available on the volatility of your particular future spending needs. Most people will unexpected need to replace a car, or fix a roof, or pay a medical bill, or help an aging parent, or something like that. It probably won't happen on schedule and might happen at the bottom of a bear market. Many borderline SWRs will die if something happens at an inopportune time in the business cycle. It is challenging to usefully model in a slick tool though (maybe a Monte Carlo sim with user-dictated probability and value ranges for various events? Nevermind). + +So, why I am getting all worked up about this trivial crisis of the SWRs. Well, mostly because it appears to be making some people miserable. It can’t say for sure, but I have a gut feel that part of the reason is the artificial specificity of the whole concept of the Safe Withdrawal Rate. + +* People working extra years in a job they hate to get from a 4% SWR to a 3% in order to have some extra sense of security that could be achieved with less misery by looking at other options. +* People who obsessively get to that specific number, retire, then look around and realize, “oh shit, I am miserable.” But now they have even less social interaction than they did in their jobs they hated, they don’t have a partner because they couldn’t find someone equally obsessive, and they definitely don’t have any leaching dependents or money-wasting hobbies. So they go to a therapist to figure out what the hell happened. +* People that are so obsessed with the ultimate, adamantium, end-of-universe-proof withdrawal rate that they bitterly leap on the latest LeanFI risk taker to insist not only are they a terribly reckless human being, but they are guaranteed to be miserable in life. Or worse, that they are a dirty little liar and are secretly still working somehow! + +I have this hunch that these people would be happier in life if they looked more closely at what an SWR actually proposes to be. What does a SWR success rate represent? The probability that a portfolio of a given size and composition would go to zero assuming (in descending order of importance and increasing level of control), + +1. The future securities markets will exactly follow one of the combination of sequences that we saw in the 20th century; +2. The individual resides in - and only invest in - the United States (or maybe Canada or Australia); +3. The individual’s expenditures will not vary from a target spend except for historic inflation over that period; and +4. They will not live one day longer than the retirement period they plan for. + +Each of those assumptions includes a component of insanity. Will the next 30, 40 or 50 years be an exact replica of some similar duration time sequence in the last 130 years? No, otherwise we have a guaranteed way to get rich by timing the market. Does everyone reside in and invest in the United States? No, build a wall! Will someone’s spending only vary with inflation in retirement? Seems pretty improbable, but maybe. Will someone die exactly on schedule at the end of the period when they run out of money? Well, I guess you could make that happen, but it sounds unpleasant. + +I love the way SWRs are used by most of the Financial Independence community to encourage people to visualize and build financial resilience with super-practical and well supported advice to reassure people looking to one day get out of the daily grind or at least free them from money stress a bit. + +I hate how it turns some people into unpleasant trolls that encourage obsessive focus on a single number as though that is the only path to happiness and nirvana. Humans are resilient and literally every human life is different. Just chill and be happy for risk takers so long as they are making an informed choice. + +I hate how it gets people in their mid-20s depressed about how they will take 30 years to reach their “early retirement number” (“AnD wHaT aBoUt HeAlTh InSuRaNcE??? iT’s HoPeLeSs!!!”). No matter how many years it takes to get to “retirement,” you will enjoy your life more from a position of financial stability built up intentionally in a boring manner than if you borrowed money for every purchase in life with no savings, and became dependent on every dollar, of every paycheck, every month in order to avoid ruin. And for the record: retiring at 55 isn’t so bad. And if you hate your job, you need to fix that sooner rather than later. + +I hate how people who almost certainly have plenty of money will regardless keep working for another year because of some bullshit CAPE ratio and how that means that some idiot at some bank decided that the next 30 years will have lower expected investment returns. If you are tired of your job, quit (sorry, retire). Instead, spend that year coming up with a game plan for something potentially economically useful that you could do to fill the gap in response to an economic disaster. But for the love of Zeus, please don’t keep working because of how some asshole’s forecast impacts the decimal places in your over-modelled withdrawal rate. Just a reminder: retirees DO NOT CARE ABOUT AVERAGE RETURNS! They care about sequence of returns, and all economic forecasters are terrible at projecting anything as useful as that. Don’t rely on them. Come up with a contingency plan instead. + +Life is extremely uncertain and ruled by crazy events that will impact your retirement game plan in a way that literally cannot be predicted to even the nearest percentage point (let alone tenth or hundredth of a percentage point). Use SWRs to objectively look at how bad things might get, consider realistic and adaptable contingency plans based on the relative risk of your number, and then enjoy life. But don’t be a slave to your SWR. + +Ok u/pianojosh (or I guess u/Hold_onto_yer_butts), you can delete this now if you hate it. Yes, I know, everything I said above is basically laid out in the FAQ. But apparently not everyone reads that, and it is making me sad. So I am helping get the message out, right? And if you, dear readers, think the mods should delete this post, please downvote immediately and tell me why (so that I can adapt and learn before the post disappears). Then I will wander back to lurking in r/fijerk. + +<3 + +TC +The filing came out yesterday. + +369 (nice) pages long. I read almost everything and summarized it in this video. **Watch the video before reading the below. You will not have context.** + +[https://youtu.be/L4eWbGc1cMM](https://youtu.be/L4eWbGc1cMM) \- PRO TIP: Use the YouTube video speed changer if it is reading too slow for you. Or more likely, too fast. + +The filing - [https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-010.pdf](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/legal/rule-filings/2021/NSCC/SR-NSCC-2021-010.pdf) + +In short, these are not market regulations. This is more a "new service" that the DTC/NSCC is trying to offer institutions. The things mentioned in this filing make me believe like they are trying to set up a standard operating procedure for the possible event of a MOASS. Specifically, they are trying to "Safeguard" institutions and other public investors (us) not to suffer on the event in which multiple hedge funds need to liquidate as their losses become unbearable and they need to cover their shorts by selling their entire portfolio. + +Remember Archegos? They lost $20 billion in 2 days and their bet wasn't even GME or the other stock related. + +*"*[*As Bloomberg reported*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-04-08/how-bill-hwang-of-archegos-capital-lost-20-billion-in-two-days)*, Hwang’s portfolio grew to USD100 billion. This would equate to 5x leverage in a cash portfolio. Under US regulations, PBs are allowed to extend credit on a cash portfolio up to 6.6x; i.e. a 15 per cent portfolio margin requirement."* + +*"On March 26, 2021, banks offering* [*prime brokerage*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_brokerage) *services to Archegos started to liquidate billions of dollars' worth of various* [*stocks*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stock) *after it had failed to meet a margin call. The stocks were reportedly tied to the total return swaps held by Archegos. This sale was reported to be the cause of a 27% plunge in share price of* [*ViacomCBS*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ViacomCBS) *and a similar fall in the price of* [*Discovery, Inc.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery,_Inc.)[*\[6\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-jcwsj-6)[*\[8\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-:0-8)*"* + +Just to add, Bill was begged to sell his position in Viacom as it began to decrease in value suddenly, but refused to listen probably due to his superiority complex. Sounds oddly like the same sentiment that shorts who refuse to cover have, eh? + +"*On March 29, the share price of Credit Suisse was down by 14%, while Nomura Holdings shares declined by 16%.* [*\[5\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-sfdt-5) *A press release from Credit Suisse said that "the loss resulting from this exit ... could be highly significant and material to our first quarter results."*[*\[16\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-cs-16) *According to* [*The Wall Street Journal*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wall_Street_Journal)*, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley were able to limit their losses relating to Archegos by acting more quickly than Credit Suisse and Nomura Holdings.*[*\[8\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-:0-8) *Other banks, such as* [*Deutsche Bank*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Bank)*, were able to close their substantial positions quickly and avoid any losses.*[*\[17\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-17)[*\[18\]*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management#cite_note-18)*"* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aj1j9jxr30d71.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=f56422651119a55f622b6bcecea9d7df1d91fa25 + +Even with such a horror story, hedge funds remain ultra leveraged. The DTCC/NSCC probably used Archegos as a case study and saw how these banks pretty much tried fucking each other over to firesell their positions before the others did - which is exactly what this new DTCC/NSCC service is trying to prevent. Implosions of hedge funds like this cause obvious rippling effects across the financial system. + +Last number I saw for Melvin was that they were still at a \~47% loss YTD. That $3 billion dollar injection from Jenny and Stacie is HALF of the capital left in Melvin (12B > 9B > 12B > 6B). + +Now imagine 20 Archegos sized hedge funds imploding all at the same time due to various margin calls. + +That isn't even unreasonable to think. [hf-implode.com](https://hf-implode.com) looks like an old website that someone made to track every hedge fund that imploded back in 2007 and 2008. "We counted 117 major funds at 71 outfits "imploded\*" from the 2007 crash" + +117! No wonder that shit took forever to recover from, everything was literally fucked. I think institutions are getting nervous and want to make sure they get their fucking money if anything goes down. + +&#x200B; + +Alright that is it. I will be making a follow up video that includes some more details like I mentioned above and some other comments on the filing itself, so make sure you subscribe to my StonkTube. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I’m on the downhill slide on my landlord journey and was talking to my realtor friend who suggested doing seller financing on some of my paid off rentals. +These are single family near Cincinnati and currently worth 150-250k. All currently rented with average rent $1200. +So does anyone still do the 1% rule or is that old news due to inflated RE? What is acceptable interest rate and down payment if I agree to carry a note? +Any and all input is appreciated. +Just excited that I met a little goal. + +I’m earning $115k, SR 16% and my 401k just hit $50k. + +I’ve got about $400k in home equity and could really afford to save more but I think I’ve got decent balance right now. + +That is all! + +Edit : + +Hey, since this one is getting more attention than I thought it would and to give some more detail : + +I am 37 and live in a HCOL area. + +I make $115k and my wife makes $75k. We have one child. I work in aerospace manufacturing. + +We have a house and a condo with combined equity at this point of about $400k. +This equity came from selling our first house, putting all equity ($125k) into the new house plus some savings. + +Condo was purchased with 20% cash down and we carry a mortgage but values around here have been going up at a staggering clip (PNW). + +My SR is 16% - 10% 401K and 6% discount stock. +I get a 3% match from my company on the 401K and 15% off market pricing on company stock. + +Company is a Fortune 500 manufacturer and is well diversified as far as what industries they serve. +Should my contribution to my discount stock be higher? Probably. + +My SR could be higher but I am comfortable, we are able to do what we want when we want and I don't feel that I'm being irresponsible at my current SR. + +I'm a victim of lifestyle creep for sure so I've been making a conscious effort to reign that in. + +Let me know if you have any more questions - I'll try to answer everyone and thank you for the feedback! + +Wayne Duggan, I’m calling you out for being a jack wagon. In your article titled “how GameStop investors can make their lives easier,” You explain that many people think short sellers are rigging the market, then you tell them that they shouldn’t bet against hedge funds because they’ll lose, then you say turn around plans don’t work and point to Sears and blockbuster, two examples of companies shorted out of existence, and then you claim hedge funds and financial journalists don’t have a symbiotic relationship. Fuck off you manipulative piece of human scum. +I'm thinking of a simple strategy to arb Bitcoin + +The strategy is to be connected to a few exchanges where I have deposited Bitcoin and trade in opposite directions when the bid in one exchange is in-cross with the ask of another. + +For example, I have the following prices: + +* Exchange A: bid 30000, ask 30010 +* Exchange B: bid 30015, ask 30020 + +So I'd buy at 30010 in Exchange A and sell in Exchange B at 30015 for a profit of 5 minus fees. + +To cancel out most of the exposure to Bitcoin itself, I'll buy a Put. + +The risks I identify here are: + +1. Only one of the legs trades +2. I don't make enough money to pay for the theta I lose on the put +3. I spend too much money on fees. This can be largely minimized if I only trade when the profit is large enough to cover the fees (which will make me trade less, but who wants to trade at a loss anyway?) +4. This strategy is quite capital intensive: i'd need Bitcoin in both exchanges. I won't need Bitcoin in the exchange where I buy the puts because they are cash settled, so even if I want to assign the other side, I won't need to actually sell them Bitcoin. + +This seems too simple to work, so do let me know where it falls short. +Did getting good at programming as a Quant open any other programming doors for you? + +I haven't built a profitable bot but I've gotten pretty good at programming. I've gotten to the point where I can solve a complex problem by mindlessly coming up with a guess and tweaking it. The promise of getting rich with a bot really motivated me to learn and build a lot of things. It's as if I learned Mandarin or learned to become a master painter. I'm at a pretty high level I didn't think I would reach, if I can toot my own horn. + +Anyways, I'm thinking these software skills might be valuable, and beating the market might be too hard. What area of programming can you take bot building skills too? I know 'Data Science' is trendy, but I'm not really sure how neural nets are useful outside of making charts that seem to "confirm" your bias, though it seems new and interesting. Maybe there is new hardware or neural network architectures on the horizon that can give the individual mortals new powers. + +Is there anything adjacent to algo-trading you can take new found data processing and bot building skills to? +I was brushing my teeth and this thought popped in my head. I popped open Reddit and someone in the other GME sub asked the same question. I haven’t seen it asked here yet and I’m way too smooth to understand the underlying details of dead public companies coming back to life. + +Anyone know what would happen if these zombies come back and their stocks start eating hedge funds? + +I’m assuming some type of catastrophic event for hedge funds that still hold these short positions but would appreciate some real knowledge. + +Edit: Woah - thank you everyone for your input! There are a lot of great comments and some very knowledgeable apes in here spitting facts from the legal side and speculative side. Whatever happens I’m excited to see where this whole thing goes! +Everyone always goes on about having an edge and how you gotta find what works for you yet I see folks in here getting shit on for their charts if they've got a couple EMA's trend lines and a fib on there because it gets a little cluttered. My point here being do what works for you and if you're giving grief take a look at yourself, is it because your simplistic minimalist charts you swear by aren't as profitable as you'd like or is it because you can't fathom how somebody made that type of method work where you can't even differentiate what's happening on the chart. Find your edge and good luck trading but also respect others' methods too +I can easily manage to max out my HSA so I’m thinking about going for that. Maxing out my 401k however is more difficult, but potentially doable. Is there a particular advantage to maxing out either of these first? I’m tempted to just do the HSA and get it out of the way and then maybe see about upping my 401k contribution. FWIW, I see both accounts as long term retirement vehicles. +Do you think now is still a good time to buy a new house or investment property? The interest rates recently went up 2% in the last 3 weeks going as high as 7.125% and I’m seeing forecasts of 8.25% as a top. This hasn’t been priced into the market yet. I’m guessing a 10% real estate market correction thoughts? +Do you think now is still a good time to buy a new house or investment property? The interest rates recently went up 2% in the last 3 weeks going as high as 7.125% and I’m seeing forecasts of 8.25% as a top. This hasn’t been priced into the market yet. I’m guessing a 10% real estate market correction thoughts? +Hi everyone - I started a Vanguard IRA in 2021 while making $135k, received a raise in Nov 2021 to $145k. I didn’t know about the income cap to be able to contribute to a Roth IRA. I have $3k in there now. + +What is the tax implication? How can I fix it before I get any sort of penalty? My partner earns under the cap and we don’t file jointly yet, should I transfer it to him? + +For context: This is an IRA I opened for our son who was born last year. I have a 401k through my employer but I eventually want to start a joint Roth, my partner earns $110k, any tips on that would be helpful as well! + +Thanks in advance! +Thought this was a very interesting discussion on a (beautiful) photo posted by a reddit member who mentions that he has retired. One redditor comments: + +>I need to retire. + +Followed by another comment that will sound familiar to any of you on this subreddit: + +>If you can save half your income, you'll have enough to retire in about 17 years. + +Cue a TON of responses by other redditors generally misunderstanding or rejecting concepts that are pretty innate to any of the people who visit this sub regularly. I don't wish to shit on other redditors, but I do find it fascinating how far removed the concept is from the mindset of most other people - especially given the frequency with which we get a topic along the lines of "What if suddenly everyone starts pursuing FI?" on this subreddit. I would say the probability of that happening is exceedingly low. + +http://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/84r88n/i_retired_35_years_ago_and_moved_to_the_mountains/dvrpk7p/ +So lately work has been a bigger source of stress for me than normal. There are a lot of reasons for it, some of which may have been self inflicted. \[ I have never been good at office politics. \] + +I don't have a 6 figure job, but I have invested small amounts for a long period of time and made the most of the windfalls that have come my way. + +I decided to take a vacation and during that time I did some math. + +My current NW is at about 1.5Mil. + +My expenses averaged out for the last five years have been about 24k a year. \[I killed the mortgage a while back and that helped a ton!\] + +My highest expense year was last year at 38k but I did a lot of work on the house and had some unusual and hopefully one time medical bills. + +I have no debt. + +So between my savings and my investments it looks like I should be able to support myself for the foreseeable future! + +When my vacation was over I went back and spoke to my manager and let them know I was going to retire early! + +They were a bit surprised but no hard feeling and I have turned in my resignation! + +&#x200B; + +I am officially FIRE! + +\[edit for spelling correction\] +I decided to take on the age old question of how many naked shorts of GME are in circulation. This is a sticky question since there is no 'true' way to do the calculation without wild speculation, but I took a crack at it anyways and think my numbers may not be too far off! + +&#x200B; + +As with all my posts, I will detail my thought process so I can be fact checked and disproven if I am full of BS. + +&#x200B; + +Let's begin. + +&#x200B; + +In order to calculate the number of shares for GME, I need to have a benchmark to compare against. There is one true benchmark (in my opinion) that we often use and is very hated around here... popcorn. + +&#x200B; + +I promise you that my inclusion of this stock is worth it and it sheds a lot of light on GME. + +&#x200B; + +A few weeks ago, I performed the math on their sub for how many shares exist and I found something very interesting... + +(*Yes I make posts in both subs. Pointing it out again isn't necessary, unless you want to high five each other for the burns.)* + +https://preview.redd.it/vdrken9cz1v91.png?width=1063&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d52debe560844eb782a3d0db3020596caca7fe9 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/13surqrdz1v91.png?width=1294&format=png&auto=webp&s=798aac4bc100c4ba373e57ae7891400cf8f60bab + +I used 2/8/2017 as the start date for naked shorting and started applying naked short % vs. volume factors to the curve and settled around 7.5% of all trades being naked. In Jan 2021, I calculated the number of naked shorts to be approximately 400 million (the exact same number that the float was diluted by during the Jan sneeze!!). I then made the assumption that all 400 million of those shares were purchased from the naked positions, and the price in my dilution curve nearly exactly matched the price of the stock (see chart above)... weird. + +Based on this, I continued to plot the dilution curve out until present day: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w62m7g8yz1v91.png?width=1185&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9d34405da13e15195bdaa2fadab17007cf056b + +I noticed that around November 2021, naked short selling increased from 7.5% to approximately 50%. I then calculated the number of shares currently in circulation and the number of naked shares is approximately 5 billion (the exact number of authorized APEs) + +&#x200B; + +So what does this have to do with GME??? + +&#x200B; + +Well... Since I believe that I know pretty closely how many popcorn shares exist and I assume the same dilution factors for both stocks, I can hopefully come to a close estimate on how many GME shares exist. + +&#x200B; + +Here is a plot for both stocks over the past year (right when the naked shorting increased from 7.5% to 50%) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z0bd9myg02v91.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=b01074f8d8e4aa8067073c7793cb1afd713614f3 + +I normalized both prices to 1 so it is easier to see the differences. As you can see, GME is dropping at a much slower rate and starts to diverge right as the APEs are introduced. + +The common theory is that DRS is causing this shift, but I am going to argue that GME is simply MORE DILUTED than popcorn and thus 50% of the volume being naked short has a much weaker effect than it does on the other stock. + +&#x200B; + +For popcorn, I calculated approximately 4.45 x the shares outstanding in circulation as of 11/21/2021. Since GME has a much weaker downslope, the percentage of shares outstanding must be greater than 4.45x assuming both stocks are held at 50% naked short volume. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/f6d523ya12v91.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=de7d9132f9f1fde8c1224351ca0d6673e04fdee9 + +At 7x the float as of 10/31/2021, GME nearly perfectly aligns. That would put the current number of shares in circulation at: 3.6 BILLION. That is 11.8x the shares outstanding currently in circulation. + +That gives GME a 'true' market cap of approximately 89 Billion USD. + +&#x200B; + +Data was pulled from: + +[https://finance.yahoo.com/](https://finance.yahoo.com/) + +and google searches for shares outstanding + +&#x200B; + +Please critique my method, or just leave a comment. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: fixed a typo + +&#x200B; + +TL;DRS - There are potentially 3.6 Billion GME shares currently in circulation. +New to investor here looking to increase my knowledge in these ETFs. I read that many people look to make long term investments in these ETFs as they like to invest passively and grow. But upon further research I found that these ETFs have quite a bit of risk. + +What makes these ETFs medium risk or high risk aquisitions? And what are factors that set the difference in buy price when both are so similar to each other? + +I like the idea of investing passively and slowly growing my portfolio over time. Would these help me to do that or are there safer ETFs to invest in that cover more of the canadian market and some US? + +Thanks for help and responses :) + +Edit: I love all the comments received here, they are extremely helpful and will value them as I continue my future investments. +I just started investing a couple days ago. For my first stock, I bought about $200,000 Beyond Meat shares at $140 each and just sold them for around $157 each two days later and made a decent sum of money for my first trade. + +How often do shares like this come around where they fluctuate alot? +Original post here: https://redd.it/67j8pu +TL;DR: about 45k in credit card debt, $1565 mortgage payment ($145k left owed on $165k mortgage), not making nearly enough to pay for all that (and more) and mandatory expenses. +Just wanted to come back here and give a follow up and say thank you! I called the loan officer I had for my refi in 2012 thanks to /u/formerguest . It didn't make sense to do a refi since it was FHA (I can elaborate more if anyone wants), but he got me thinking and told me I could sell my house and still do another FHA. I thought you could only do FHA once, but if I remember correctly from him, you can do it multiple times as long as your old ones stay out of default. + +In the last 6 weeks, we cleaned and threw away a bunch of stuff to make the house look nice, had a garage sale, sold more stuff on eBay and Craigslist, and put our house on the market. We accepted an offer in less than a week for the house and as long as everything goes well, we'll close in a few weeks! We sold it for about $20k more than we bought it for and had some equity, so we'll have enough to pay down some debt and free up over (at least) $900 of monthly payments we currently have. I have some amazing family that has been really helpful with the garage sale, cleaning, etc. You know who you are, thank you so damn much. + +The next part was to find a new place to live, and the current housing market here is insane. Long story short: when any decent house in my price range hits the market, the seller usually accepts an offer within 48 hours, above asking price. We even went $15k over on a house list price 36 hours after listing and offered to pay closing costs but still got beat by some other family doing a conventional loan who apparently offered less but threw in a sappy letter about why their family should get it. So we tried the letter thing on our next offer and we finally got on this week! Our new mortgage will be about $1000/mo and we got in the most ideal school district for us. The inspection is this week, hope it goes well! + +We will be using YNAB and sticking to our budget hardcore, and we had to tell our nanny we can't afford her for next year, as much as she was awesome and the kids loved her. Moving is and will be a bitch, but I'm glad you guys helped me get real and do the tough things! I sold my xbox and games and an old sound system (which was really hard since I have hoarding tendencies), and have been doing Lyft. My wife and I are also seeing our counselor to make sure we don't repeat this stuff and get into debt again, thanks to advice from /u/cpa_brah . I'm probably forgetting some stuff, but that's the gist. I just wanted to write all this and post again to say thank you, and let you know this place really helps! + +I will also put a comment below to mention some thank yous to the specific users who really helped me put things into perspective and get things back on track. + +TL; DR: I took some advice from this sub and made a plan with my excellent loan officer to sell our house, downsize, and follow a budget with YNAB. Thank you /r/personalfinance! + +Edit: reformatting + +Edit 2: I should also add I got a slight raise at work, and my wife got a raise and picked up some extra workload so she'll be making an extra $500 or so per month as well. +Hi everyone, I first started investing last year in trading 212 I have a decent amount of S&P 500 shares however a few months ago I decided to switch to Vanguard for this. My question is should I sell my shares on trading 212 and rebuy them on vanguard? If I sell now I will be in profit on them. Or should I just leave them where they are? +So to cut a long story short, I have 3 nephews/nieces that I currently save money for. Every Christmas/Birthday, I set aside money for each of them and pay it into my own personal premium bond account. + +My brothers/sisters are not the best with their money and are in a fair amount of debt. I would like my nieces and nephews to have a savings account for when they are 18, to help buy their first car/house etc. + +I see there are JISAs, savings accounts etc, but most of them need the parents to open it up. I really want to keep my siblings away from any control of my nieces/nephews money as possible. I love my siblings very much, but I simply don’t trust them at all when it comes to money or their kids money. + +I would prefer the money to be theirs in their name, rather than sitting in my own accounts and waiting for me to gift them when they turn 18. + +TL:DR Are there any ways in the UK I could effectively set up a savings account for them without their parents being involved or have access to the money? +Hi fellow investors, + +I am fairly new to the investment world and I just wanted some advice from anyone who has a bit more experience than someone like myself. + +I have some investments in the fundsmith equity T class acc ISA fund and I also hold individual shares which include easyJet,IAG and Avacta group plc. + +I am able to save about £2k a month with the aim of buying a property within the next year.I have been doing some research on investment opportunities for the upcoming year using 50% of my monthly savings and I am considering the following options. + +&#x200B; + +1) Open a LISA as well as stocks and shares ISA account to take advantage of 25% government bonus. + +2) invest in some of Ballie Gifford equity funds, in particular the American and Pacific B Acc funds. + +3) invest in Etfs which I need to look into more depth. + +&#x200B; + +I appreciate your comments and advices in advance. +Hi fellow investors, + +I am fairly new to the investment world and I just wanted some advice from anyone who has a bit more experience than someone like myself. + +I have some investments in the fundsmith equity T class acc ISA fund and I also hold individual shares which include easyJet,IAG and Avacta group plc. + +I am able to save about £2k a month with the aim of buying a property within the next year.I have been doing some research on investment opportunities for the upcoming year using 50% of my monthly savings and I am considering the following options. + +&#x200B; + +1) Open a LISA as well as stocks and shares ISA account to take advantage of 25% government bonus. + +2) invest in some of Ballie Gifford equity funds, in particular the American and Pacific B Acc funds. + +3) invest in Etfs which I need to look into more depth. + +&#x200B; + +I appreciate your comments and advices in advance. +I've been following the Brexit news closely. Signs aren't looking good for an agreement by tomorrow night. If a no deal Brexit is agreed upon or more time to negotiate is needed, how are you playing UK stocks on Monday? +Hi fellow investors, + +I am fairly new to the investment world and I just wanted some advice from anyone who has a bit more experience than someone like myself. + +I have some investments in the fundsmith equity T class acc ISA fund and I also hold individual shares which include easyJet,IAG and Avacta group plc. + +I am able to save about £2k a month with the aim of buying a property within the next year.I have been doing some research on investment opportunities for the upcoming year using 50% of my monthly savings and I am considering the following options. + +&#x200B; + +1) Open a LISA as well as stocks and shares ISA account to take advantage of 25% government bonus. + +2) invest in some of Ballie Gifford equity funds, in particular the American and Pacific B Acc funds. + +3) invest in Etfs which I need to look into more depth. + +&#x200B; + +I appreciate your comments and advices in advance. +Do you guys think they might be a good buy long-term, their stock has taken a beating and they have lost money closing down stores but once this lockdown is over I think their sausage rolls/food will be in demand +I always see posts about what people try and save on so let's see the opposite. + +For me, there's two main things: + +1: anything that goes between me and the ground (bed, shoes, office chair, tires, etc) + +2: food. I couldn't imagine living off lentils or even the same meal for anything more than 3 days. +Hi all, + +It is my first time posting here and thank you everyone for the great insight into your FIRE's journeys! I am currently evaluating if I should pursue a new job. At the moment I have a very easy job which I am at around \~90 thousands, but due to COVID will be now 4 days a week for \~70K. + +The job is very easy, and gives me lots of flexibility. I have seen other jobs which can probably raise my salary to 100k, but I am inclined to take maybe this year to do some things I wanted and probably learn a few more skills. I am aware there is a big difference between 70k and 100k, but I am not sure if I might regret either: 1) Not pursuing a better income, or 2) The flexibility and peace of mind of an easy job. + +Has any of you sacrificed your salary for convenience or vice versa? I'll be happy to hear any stories! +I'm taking a Machine Learning class for first time and learning about the importance of generality and the dangers of overfitting. I'm still new to algotrading (intra day trading cryptos on [Binance.US](https://Binance.US) at the moment), and haven't found a method that works well for every 24 hour period (today for example is a bad day lol). It has times where it does exceptionally well, then eats losses for a bit. Trying to filter out these losses usually results in worse performance as it leads to missing even more good opportunities. I'm learning first hand how many parameters due more harm than good, and trying to see what really helps my algo adapt for multiple time periods and what restricts it to overfitting + +While HODL just about any crypto has been a fantastic strategy 99% of the time, but I think a lot of us feel this is the end of the bull run and want to keep our duration in the market to a minimum. + +Looking at the 24 hour candle chart for BTC for the last year and notice that on any significant red 24hour candle (\~5% loss or more), if you just bought at close, there is almost always a 1% gain wick the following day, so you should only have to wait at most 24hours before getting out. Even the freak crash in Spring 2020 followed this pattern. You can just immediately place a limit sell at 1% your buy price to make sure your order is executed when the rogue wick occurs . + +I'll have to backtest this strategy, and I know this could hypothetically lead to 100% losses since their is no fixed bail value (perhaps I can get a method of calculating bail % depending on market conditions). There is also the concern that the positive wick the following day did not have enough volume to completely exit your position depending on how much you are trying to sell. + +Regardless, it sorta blew my mind how something so simple could be extremely profitable and substantially reduce time in market and risk. I'm sure this will not out perform the market either, but given the volatility of Crypto I would strongly prefer something that provides consistent gains year round. Has anyone else tried seemingly simple techniques with success in exiting their position within a reasonable time? + +\*\*Edit: More I'm thinking about this the more I think this might be a dumb question, since this sorta gets into the debate on whether an Algo that doesn't have a bail other than wait time (or hodls until sell price is reached) is actually a legitimate Algo. Nevertheless, I'd def be interested in hearing the pros/cons of very generalized strategies +Every position, short, long, put, call or what ever else there may be should be public data. We should all be able to see exactly who holds what. + +I will die on this hill, and I expect I will die asides a fellow ape or two. + +One could argue that positions should be devoid of personal information, but we should at least have easy access to all this information. It should not be hidden behind a paywall like a Bloomberg terminal that costs more a year than a full time worker at minimum wage makes. It should be free. + +We dont want a free™ market, we want a free market. + +If your positions are bad if people know about them, maybe you should rethink your way of conducting business. +Old Lady Ape here, + +I have been talking alot about [Direct Registering shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/p0lmzw/how_to_direct_register_shares_for_infinite/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), it's [pros and cons](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o76au8/direct_registering_shares_what_it_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and have tried to bring you factual and well sourced information about why having shares registered in your own name is such a [powerful option](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6o2ok/could_direct_registering_shares_create_a_nuclear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I've talked about how they are protected more than a cash account because there are many [loopholes to the "custody" requirement](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oumz7g/cash_account_shenanigans_allowed_by_the_dtcc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for brokers so they are allowed to credit accounts with shares that have yet to be (and may never be) delivered. + +But in many ways I think I have missed the most basic information about what makes direct registering shares so powerful, and that is its **transfer agent** super powers. + +# Let's start with a picture: + +&#x200B; + +[The Fraudket](https://preview.redd.it/e6ux230o90l71.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=49d9e2fdf535750a3f7520b3ea35ac26e5b20444) + +Does that clear everything up? 👀 + +First let's take a look at the circles. Those are the brokers. Don't they look all cute and innocent over there in the non-foolery area? Well, they may not be commiting the murder but they know where all the bodies are buried and they aren't saying a word. + +&#x200B; + +[street name](https://preview.redd.it/tgjkh3nxa0l71.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ada9acc9c35d77bd6b7f32c201a813b7ff2b4b5) + +Brokers hold securities for their apes in their street name. The shares are registered to DtCC but entitled to the broker's accounts and since the DTC uses the Fast system to transfer shares, they are subdivided there by "street name" + +[The buck stops at your broker.... remember that](https://preview.redd.it/5xjv1jn2b0l71.jpg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b78e7146c1231789a4b1c6559fb6dc6336cc3d) + +Apes are listed on the books of their broker and entitled to their shares. You are a beneficial owner of your broker's entitled shares. If apes have a problem they take it up with the broker, not the DTC and not GME. This includes voting rights. + +&#x200B; + +[The money always makes it through!](https://preview.redd.it/akcmvrrwb0l71.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=9442920e3dfa384646f54c8599f8a08e7af9c2c9) + +When a trade is made. Apes are in the green triangle on the right (the buyer, apes no sell) The ape money goes around the outside of the diagram. You see they don't mess around with the money. Your money is gone that day! + +&#x200B; + +[The shares go in but they don't come out -- RAID](https://preview.redd.it/klzfni65c0l71.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3edb9c7f8bb694b0d15acc7fd9a7939b00dea00) + +The seller (red) is on the left. Their "entitled" share is sent from their broker into the fraudket of ~~crime~~ Tom foolery through the securities account of a participant who also has their "entitled" shares debited as it travels to the NSCC settlement centers. (CNS, ex-clearing, OW ect...) The NSCC then credits an "entitled" share out of the fraudket and through to the Ape's broker. (It SHOULD eventually, make it through the NSCC up to the DTC where the broker to broker transfer of shares can occur, but if it gets stuck in the OW, or a FTD cycle... who knows how long that will take.) At this point the trade has never reached the top of the fraudket, there still is no change to the Securityholder list and there won't be. + +&#x200B; + +[page break](https://preview.redd.it/4bq4v6jre0l71.jpg?width=742&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f126a69f65f3b7f18e26736a24042183ac7e0c1) + +&#x200B; + +[No Change](https://preview.redd.it/2zsgb9zwe0l71.jpg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb179e7430153462ecc502f5e32282ce07a88971) + +# So, what's different about Computershare ♾🏊‍♀️? + +Computershare is GME's transfer agent. The Issuer (GME) communicates directly with the transfer agent. The transfer agent deals with the master securityholder file and the FAST system. + +&#x200B; + +[It's FAST it just feels S.L.O.W.](https://preview.redd.it/58jckgxpf0l71.jpg?width=364&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bfa8549c6318a9e5c9a97831d0d75278766fd9) + +The FAST system is the accounting controls for issued shares registered to DTCC and its participants. Computershare has direct access to this system and can credit and debit the number of issued shares available to the DTCC. + +Let's look at the picture again: + +GME is the issuer and Computershare is the transfer agent. + +&#x200B; + +[That cash money... it still makes it through](https://preview.redd.it/ltw626o2g0l71.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=726bc26ebae935731d517e5c7aca90636eeec71a) + +Buying is a little different. The transfer agent initiates the buy through their broker using the apes money that goes around as usual or, straight through the DTC, to whoever sells the share. + +&#x200B; + +[I didn't redraw the fraudket, but you remember where it was, right?](https://preview.redd.it/9rj0dgcpg0l71.png?width=709&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe671b9ca84b705464cc39afb98a58b5801dd67f) + +The seller sends the share in to be bought but the sold share cannot come from an entitlement account, it must come from a DTC participant account .. when it reaches a participant account the order is sucked up to the top of the fraudket to the FAST system that debits the participants account automatically... Unless... the share is a marked short or their is some other restriction on the share. + +&#x200B; + +[No shorts allowed, naked or otherwise](https://preview.redd.it/gym1w599i0l71.jpg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f59aa23760fe2da537abde2882c3fb4b056e88fc) + +&#x200B; + +The Transfer agent makes sure to check because... + +[number of shares registered should match the number of shares issued... how odd 🤔](https://preview.redd.it/j3jmt8xmi0l71.jpg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3f17541ba8b6e6a1aa265aa849ec8c661b044d) + +&#x200B; + +And they better check because this rule comes with actual consequences + +&#x200B; + +[Did someone say buy in?](https://preview.redd.it/ay24w5igi0l71.jpg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6abd31887532a2d8e9b72b3a94e415b6e1c3d21) + +Anyways.... I talk too much... + +&#x200B; + +[Well most of them ... at least](https://preview.redd.it/8t6koky9n0l71.png?width=926&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5e12283130923a01d93f2bb7dfba5669bbc87f5) + +I hope this helps you visualize the differences in the processes of a transfer agent buying and a broker buying. A similar process occurs with the transfer of securities from a broker except it skips the market altogether and goes straight to the FAST system pull. + +**TLDR: When you hodl shares in a brokerage, they "entitle" shares to your account but Computershare, as GME's transfer agent, pulls shares directly from the DTC account, skipping the Tom Foolery (or is it Foolery Tom?) completely... but with pictures. Just look at the pictures.** + +I just like the stonk! + +Ape no fight Ape, please be gentle, 🤗💎👐♾🚀 + +Also, thank you to all you apes looking out for each other and keeping all these facts straight. This is confusing business and I love seeing you Apes help Apes😍 + +>**FUD Patrol:** +> +>I am not suggesting that anyone do anything, I am only providing publicly available information for informed decision making. This is nothing but **Buy and Hodl but in my own name instead of the DTCCs name.** **This is not urgent!** Take your time and think it through. +> +>Also, recently there have been a lot of impassioned apes posting about Computershare. I am happy the message is getting out there but there were some apes concerned about the "sudden" influx. I think it seemed "sudden" because it takes a while to register shares and there has only been enough apes registered, recently, to finally make it through to the general ape conciousness. I will admit that this influx made me go back over my research again with a fine toothed comb, and I had others looking at it too, to see if there was anything I missed, but the truth is, all around, this is a very safe method for **forever♾holding shares**. **Not the best for selling**, although you can sell through them or transfer back to a broker to sell. If you have specific concerns, please feel free to discuss them with me in the comments (I am afraid of direct messaging👀) + +&#x200B; + +Sources: + +Thank you to u/bobsmith808 for wrinkly research and u/BluPrince for finding my initial source for this information. And to the pink lady in the wild sub who has done a lot of research on this topic too! Great sticky post over there, if you are interested. + +and u/half-dane for "fraudket" + +Transfer agent SEC doc (chart source) + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2015/34-76743.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/2015/34-76743.pdf) + +Transfer agent computershare doc (easier read) + +[https://www.computershare.com/us/Documents/TA\_Overview\_WhitePaper.pdf](https://www.computershare.com/us/Documents/TA_Overview_WhitePaper.pdf) + +rules for transfer agents (not for the faint of heart, but have at it!) + +[https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mrtransfer.shtml](https://www.sec.gov/divisions/marketreg/mrtransfer.shtml) +First of all... not a part of the fundamentals, but I love that "REAU" is a portmanteau of the word "Real" (the fiat currency used in Brazil), and the Portuguese onomatopoeia for dogs barking ("au") :-) + +Anyway. Vira-lata Finance was launched a little less than two weeks ago, and had a crazy run up to over $0.10/milion a few days ago as it gained attention and momentum in Brazil. Their intention is to replace the Central Bank in Brazil, which honestly seems like it's bound to happen with the rise of cryptocurrency across the world. On top of that, the idea is that the community donates some of their profits to animal shelters in need, to help their beloved stray dogs (aka "vira lata"). There have already been a few donations made, and shoutouts by the animal shelters that were assisted by this beautiful group of people. + +The figurehead, the caramel stray, is a national icon to them, and apparently memes are a huge part of Brazilian culture. I highly suggest reading about Brazil's political and economic history and coming to your own conclusion about this.. but I believe they actually \*need\* something like this, and Vira-lata seems to be making it happen. Many of the Brazilians you meet through this will be happy to divulge some details about what a disaster it is down there, and why cryptocurrency is the answer. REAU has already reached over 27,000 wallet addresses since listing less than two weeks ago, and many of them are Brazilian people who are entirely new to cryptocurrency. They've been spreading the word like crazy down there, with celebrity shoutouts, billboards, a strong social media campaign, etc., and it doesn't look like they're slowing down at all. + +That said, the Brazilian telegram channel has been an absolute trainwreck, with disinformation, FUD, people shilling SAFEMOON and copy cat projects (one was called MIAU even), people threatening to sue the devs because they lost 50% of their money (screenshots of which are now stickers and soon to be NFTs lol), etc...It's essentially an echo chamber full of people who have never invested in anything, let alone cryptocurrency. I find it beautiful, but also sad because there are a lot of sharks out there taking advantage of and profiting off of their inexperience. For example: Some of the top wallets who got in early sold a large amount near the top a few days ago, and it caused a giant panic sell-off, and now it's sitting at \~$0.027/million at the time of this posting. + +The silver lining here is in the beauty of the contract. Every time someone transacts REAU there is a 5% fee, split between the liquidity pool, the burn wallet, and the holders. People trading REAU is decreasing volatility while increasing people's REAU balances, and I'm just waiting for the critical mass of demand vs dwindling supply as the marketing team continues doing excellent work, the holders continue teaching their fellow Hues about cryptocurrency and finance, and people begin to average in and hold, instead of yeeting their food money at this and thinking they can cash out for 2x the money in a few days. I legitimately believe the end game of this is for REAU to be essentially a stable coin and valid alternative to fiat currency there. + +It's been pretty wild, because a lot of the big sell orders before the FUD were being devoured by hundreds of tiny $3-$10 orders, punctuated by some dolphin and whale orders. I've never seen anything like it in crypto, and it's pretty exciting to watch unfold. Many of the members in the English telegram channel (aka GigaChad chat... ask someone about the gif lol) have been there since the beginning and have faith in the project, and many of the top wallet addresses haven't sold anything and some are even continuing to buy the dips. Even if you don't want to invest, I think it's worth following because it's so damn interesting. + +They already listed on a Brazilian CEX, and literally broke the website because of the amount of traffic they received. + +As they teach each other the ways of finances and crypto, the coin is growing stronger. There are strong messages about not investing more than you can lose, and I've noticed a lot of the smaller wallets are beginning to leave some BNB on the side rather than spending it all in one go. Go Brazil! + +Warning: Do be cautious if you decide to enter. This has been swinging like crazy! I recommend DCAing into it if you decide you're interested, because where we stand now it doesn't have enough momentum anymore to counter the FUD and whale manipulation. I've been comfortably holding through the chaos and watching my account balance grow a considerable amount, because I believe in the project and see a strong future for it. + +&#x200B; + +[Website](https://viralata.finance) + +[Roadmap](https://imgur.com/gallery/YDTrmGH) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/viralatafinance_eng) + +[Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/viralatafinance/) + +[English Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/viralatafinance_en/) + +[(English Instagram)](https://www.instagram.com/viralatafinance_en/) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/viralatafinance) + +Contract address: 0x4c79b8c9cb0bd62b047880603a9decf36de28344 + +&#x200B; + +In the media: + +* Vira-lata Finance ($REAU) appreciated more than 56,000% in less than a week. ([https://moneyinvest.com.br/vira-lata-finance-reau-valorizou-mais-de-56-000/](https://moneyinvest.com.br/vira-lata-finance-reau-valorizou-mais-de-56-000/)) +* Cointelegraph: Vira-lata Finance pump in recovery and gains billboard in Brazil. ([https://cointelegraph.com.br/news/vira-lata-finance-the-brazilian-dogecoin-pump-in-recovery-and-gains-billboard-in-goiania](https://cointelegraph.com.br/news/vira-lata-finance-the-brazilian-dogecoin-pump-in-recovery-and-gains-billboard-in-goiania)) +* CNN Brasil: Brazilian cane, caramel pooch becomes a symbol of national cryptocurrency. ([https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/business/2021/03/29/icone-brasileiro-vira-lata-caramelo-vira-simbolo-de-criptomoeda-nacional](https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/business/2021/03/29/icone-brasileiro-vira-lata-caramelo-vira-simbolo-de-criptomoeda-nacional)) +* BeinCrypto: Pix-accepting exchange will list REAU, cryptocurrency of the caramel pooch that has already valued 56,305%. ([https://beincrypto.com.br/exchange-que-aceita-pix-vai-listar-reau-criptomoeda-do-vira-lata-caramelo-que-ja-valorizou-56-305/](https://beincrypto.com.br/exchange-que-aceita-pix-vai-listar-reau-criptomoeda-do-vira-lata-caramelo-que-ja-valorizou-56-305/)) + +&#x200B; + +Current market cap: $12.7 million + +I am thoroughly convicted that this can go to $300m+ market cap, even over the course of this year. +When visiting the localbitcoins forum: [https://localbitcoins.com/forums/](https://localbitcoins.com/forums/) + +&#x200B; + +Users are prompted to log into their account, as if they have been logged out. This only seems to happen if you are already logged in. This is is a PHISHING SITE and 2FA codes are being used to empty customer accounts. Withdrawals have since been suspended by LocalBitcoins. + +Edit: official update from localbitcoins: https://www.reddit.com/r/localbitcoins/comments/ak1u8m/localbitcoins_report_on_the_security/?utm_source=reddit-android + +TL;DR: security vulnerability found through forum software. Forum disabled. Withdrawals re-enabled. Safe to log in. +Pretty much everything seems to be selling and fast here, rents are going up etc. + +I bought a triplex for 312k 2 years later i refinanced now evaluated at 400k. + +I see home near by and they are asking ridiculous prices and still selling, seems like people are willing to pay over what they should. + +My fear is as baby boomers die available properties increase as they are sold off by inserting family to pay capital gains which can be up to 50%. + +Theirs properties next to mine asking 550k while having more repairs to be done and making less rent. + +My property is pretty much turn key now, In the past year I've only had 2 calls from tenants. + +If I was able to make 200k profit I would have a nice downpayment for something better, or just keep it and let it continue to make more money. +[**GameStop Wallet Support**](https://support.blockchain.gamestop.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412111751955-Getting-Started) + +# 🟣 [Computershare Megathread](https://redd.it/vp01of) + +>Wondering what DRS is? Want to know how and why people are Direct Registering their shares? Here you'll find our guide and additional resources, as well as a welcoming community answering questions in the comments! + +# 🏴‍☠️ [NFT Marketplace & Wallet Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vluysg/gamestop_nft_marketplace_wallet_megathread/) + +>Why is GameStop getting into NFTs? *WTF* even is an NFT? How do I set up a GameStop Wallet? How do I get a cool/custom wallet address? All these questions and more are answered here! + +# 🙋 ​[What's GME & should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) + +# 📚 Library of Due Diligence [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +>A collection of over 200 of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade– then this is for you + +**Read** [**the Rules & Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **||** [**MOASS FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) **|| Join our** [**Discord**](https://discord.gg/Superstonk) + +Low karma? Want to feed DRSbot? [Post on r/GMEOrphans](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) + +How to [Filter by Flair & Search](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v0oxp2/how_to_filter_by_flair_search_for_posts_on/) on Superstonk + +Tag u/Superstonk-Flairy for help with user flairs, find [custom emoji options here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/) +Friday is the day I plan on breaking the news to my boss that I'm quitting! +[clarification: I want my final day of work to be June 1st, so I'm giving 4+ weeks notice] + +I've been with the same company for over 20 years, currently in a software architecture role but most of my time was as a developer. I'm in a very comfortable FI position monetarily and my soon-to-be spouse wants to continue to work, so I have an additional safety cushion. + +I've been planning this for the past 3-4 years but it's amazing that the day is finally about to approach! I must admit that I feel a mixture of excitement, nervousness and guilt. + +I'm not sure what my boss is going to say when I tell him the news but I have a strong feeling he's going to try to talk me out of it by offering different project opportunities or maybe be offering more compensation. Fortunately none of those things matter to me now. What I want is something he can't offer...freedom over my time! + +Just wanted to share this (my first post!) with the group to keep myself accountable for sticking with my decision on Friday - and to hear how others handled their "final day" discussions with their boss. +I'm ready for the sea of downvotes because at this point IDAF so just ear me out. Go to the sub and sort by hot right now. Almost ALL you see is this nonsense about Twitter, airplane adds, "leaked" documents, and garbage memes. + +First of all, Citadel isn't having a "meltdown" on Twitter. Citadel employs some of the worlds most expensive and experienced PR and legal teams in the world. Everything they do and post is calculated and purposeful. + +None of you find it weird that they decide to break their Twitter silence so magnificently right as we got them by the balls with DRS? Yea, that's on purpose. They are trying to distract you from the only thing that actually ends this. DRS. Stop letting it work. + +There are other people saying this same thing in posts/comments and they are getting relentlessly downvoted. There are people saying: wE cAn FoCuS oN tWo ThInGs At OnCe!! No, clearly you can't. Their lies on Twitter won't matter when MOASS happens so who cares what they say now. Speak with your actions and let the results bring the truth to light. + +Buy, HODL, DRS. End this shit once and for all. Bring on the hate shills, I'm ready. +You can discuss something like these, ITT: + +- Which fund houses are you currently investing with? Why did you invest in the funds? +- Reviews on the funds offered by the fund house? +- Provide your opinion on the investment services offered by the fund house. Do you avail their instant redemption features of the liquid funds? Do you use a "smart" SIP offering? +- How easy it is to navigate & use their app / websites? +- Does the fund house provide periodic communication regarding the markets, fund performance and strategy? +- What PMS scheme / AIFs are you currently invested in, if any? Why did you choose it? +- What does the PMS / AIF fee structure look like? +- Does the PMS manager provide periodic communications regarding portfolio selection and performance? + +--- + +You can ask for general review of a particular product or service that you are researching - _"What is the investing style of fund X? Is it recommended for long-term retirement needs?"_, but **avoid asking for personal advice**. + +The discussion is for consumption by a broader audience, not just specific to you. + +For advice regarding your personal situation (like "I have 25L saved up currently for retirement purposes in 30 years. What fund / PMS / AIF should I choose?"), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended It's stickied at the top of the subreddit. + +Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the discussions only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +[Link to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20mutual%20funds%20and%20asset%20management%20services&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +Hey Reddit, + +I am a investor like you and I have built a market research tool for the investors. Here you can see all the past annual results, quarterly results, income statements, balance sheets of all the public companies in India. + +⚡ View annual and quarterly results + +📊 View graphs by just one click + +🔍 UI designed for investors + +🤑 Free + +🚫 No Ads + +Here's a link to the website 👉 https://inclist.co + +I wanted to build this thing for a long time because earlier I used to manually enter the data from annual reports to excel sheets and then analysed the companies. But it was very time consuming and difficult to maintain excel sheets of different companies. + +So for past few months, I have spent all my time automating the whole process. And I am sharing it with you for completely free. + +I have designed a UI, which makes it as easy as possible to read financial statements. 📄 + +You can also generate graphs 📈 for different parameters like EPS, net profit etc. + +inclist.co + +I started day trading crypto 2 months ago and I am just learning. Today I made consistent gains of throughout the day which increased my small portfolio by 15%. Then I became greedy and wanted super quick gains fast. I started scalping a newly listed with 1859% gains few pump and dump shit coins. I made a few profits and as soon as the dump started to happen, I waited for it to come back up, but never came back up. Then, I sold at a loss but since the coin was still making some very volatile movements, I thought this would be a great time to get back the money I lost. Big mistake. Ended up losing more after 10 more trades. Then suddenly I saw another coin pumping 50%, I joined the ride, made 6% gains on the first trade and then tried to scalp again and had to finally cut my losses at 40% of my total amount. +TLDR : Had a great day initially of making 10 hours of trades and gaining 15% and then let my emotions and greed take over and lost 40%. +Live in NYC. Business is a single-member LLC Internet business with no employees. Net profit annually is $400k. I have not elected to do the S-corp election "pay yourself $100k in salary / $300k in dividends to avoid self employment tax" thing that everyone says to do. + +Everything I read online says this is "worth it", starting at $50k in net profit, but then whenever I run the numbers, it's usually \~$5k in savings, for a mountain of additional paperwork and complexity. + +Am I missing something? Everything I read seems to forget: + +* Going from 0 employees to 1 employee has a cost - setting up a payroll system etc. +* The fact that I'm in New York City likely adds additional weird considerations, taxes, liabilities, insurance etc. +* TCJA QBI deductions are 20% of profit until 2025 - **this is huge!** s corp salary doesn't get this +* SEP IRA contributions are 25% of profit up to $61k + +Am I an idiot, or does every S-Corp vs LLC tax calculator out there seem to miss out on the big picture here of the overall cost of making this switch? + +I have run this by multiple CPAs, and they typically do the same thing - they run this basic calculation, tell me to do the S-corp, but then they forget about QBI and paperwork costs and say "oh". + +Have you done the S-corp election switch? Are you happy you did it, or do you regret it? What is your TOTAL savings, inclusive of software, operational, mental and opportunity costs? + +Please call me out on my BS if I have something wrong here. I'm desperately trying to find the right answer because [every time I read an article like this](https://gusto.com/blog/taxes/s-corp-tax-savings-calculator), I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. + + +Segwit will activate shortly for Bitcoin. Why fork when a tested and universally accepted technology hasn't had a chance to prove its efficacy? + +8X hasn't proven that a Bitcoin user can buy a cup of coffee any easier. If fact I would say it's more difficult since fewer merchants accept it. + +Both Segwit 2X and 8X are attempted coups by large miners using FUD and twisted propaganda. They claim miners should control Bitcoin They claim that core devs and Blockstream control bitcoin even though everything the core devs proposed is open for review and debate. + +Autoworkers used to strike to get there control over automakers. This steered those companies into bankruptcy and to diversify into global labor pools. Air traffic controllers tried to shut down air travel to get what they wanted and were all fired and replaced. Extortion and forks don't work when rooted in self interest. + +Notify your exchange or hardware provider that signed the agreement and let them know that you don't support Segwit 2X and won't support any company that does. You hold the power in your financial strength. + + + +From a Bloomberg article; America’s Retailers Are Closing Stores Faster Than Ever + +Store closings are set to out pace 2008. Clothing is especially impacted. Payless Shoes and Rue21 both going belly up this week. + + +The bad news continues for retailers besides home depot and lowes. Do the economy a solid and go shop this weekend? + +https://bloom.bg/2nKGoQa +Presumably if you hit your FI number in the last year, and even if you overshot your FI number by a few percent, due to stock market downturn by now you're no longer hitting your FI number anymore (say $2 million networth you hit in July which is your FI number, you're probably dipped slightly below $2 million networth now. Even if you were being conservative and hit 2.1/2.2 mill, you're probably now on the borderline due to the downturn). + +Assuming you were ready to retire early since you had hit your FI number, but that is now no longer true, are you changing your plans somehow? One more year? Or just using your bond tent etc? +What lifestyle changes have you made in the pursuit of FIRE? Which ones were the most effective at helping you reach your goals? + +&#x200B; + +For our family, the best thing that we have done is take up biking everywhere. It is great in so many ways. Get exercise. Get fresh air and sun shine. Save money on gas. Save on wear and tear on the car. No paid parking. Never stuck in traffic. +So while many people my age are just finishing off paying their student loans, I've worked religiously for the past 10 years to set myself up for the future. No one knows about this by me and my parents, not even my girlfriend knows, but we've been together for 4 years now and I'm going to propose soon so she'll get filled in eventually. But here is my personal experience with attaining FIRE and how targeting it from an early age helped immensely. + +In high school I had a math teacher that didn't teach because he needed money, but rather because he loved doing it. He had a bunch of rental properties and was flithy rich, yet working as a algebra teacher, just because that's what he wanted to do. He became my mentor and he helped me make sure I didn't fall into the typical pitfalls of everyone else. + +For the first 2 years of my college career, I went to community college. Since I went to school in a rather well-off public school, there was just an assumption that everyone would go to a private or expensive public school, but I didn't. I got most of my core classes done in 1.5 years for approx. $12,000. I worked Mondays and Wednesday and some weekends and went to class the other days. By the time I was ready to move onto to a "real" school, I had saved up nearly $25,000 working and living at home. I'm still thankful for my parents for helping me at that early stages because if not for them, I would have had to take on debt. + +I went to a moderately expensive private college ($40,000 a year), but I had scholarships and financial aid that dropped to nearly $6,000 not counting housing. I found roomed with 3 other guys in small house and paid just $150 in rent while the other guys paid $300. Made up for the difference by doing chores around the house which I liked to because I like to keep my living area clean. + +Started an internship between my junior and senior year of college and invested what I saved and earned that summer and did rather well for myself, Graduated with a 3.5 GPA, a decent job offer in my low cost of living area, and nearly $40,000 in the bank. + +My first job had a take home pay of $52,000. These were my expenses for the first 3 years when I had that job. + +Rent: $750/month +Food: $250/month +Entertainment: $100/month (went to the bars only once a week) +Gym: $80/month (cheaper options were available, but I splurged) +Clothes: $100/month (outlet stores, kept changing sizes) +Misc. $200-$300 (minor stuff here and there) + +I always spent right around $1,100-$1,200 every single month on my CC. I only have 1 CC and I paid it off in full every month. I got paid just over 4,000 as my pay, so nearly 50% was going straight to my savings. + +I got laid off in 2008, but I wasn't worried at all. I had a cushion that could keep me going for YEARS, but then I ran into an old buddy of mine that was in the construction business. He had the expertise and I had the capital and the contacts, so we started buying houses. + + +Since I lived in a low-COL area in the midwest, our housing market did not tank as badly as out on the coasts but we still had foreclosures or REOs. We started small and the very first house we bought was a 2-bedroom/2-bathroom house for $13,500. It was worth almost $65,000 pre-market crash but it needed work. We spent $10,000 in materials and the two of us spent 2 weeks (10+ hours a day minus Sunday) fixing it up and remodeling it into a 4-bedroom/2-bathroom house. + +Total cost was just under $24,000. We rented it out to college students for $800. We were extremely selective because we didn't want degenerates ruining our masterpiece, so it took a while but we found a set of quiet sorority girls that didn't throw parties and it kept getting handed down in their family from each generation for 6+ years and still ongoing. + +Once we started renting that house, the same year we picked up: + +House A for $17,500 + $3,000 in renovations = $20,500 + +House B for $10,000 + $10,000 in renovations = $20,000 + +Duplex A for $22,000 + $17,500 in renovations = $39,500 + +All together I put in approx. $95,000 and Brad put in $45,000. We always kept cash on hand in case we could find a property cheaply that we could fix up. Our main goal was to find houses with a lot of sq. footage that we could remodel or add bedrooms too in order to rent it to big groups of students. It helped that many of these houses had unfinished basements where we could always add in pair of non-conforming bedrooms, as students were fine with it since rent would be way cheaper with 2 extra friends living there. Most houses went from 2-4 bedrooms to 5 to 6 bedrooms. + + +While we did have to scrape by in the beginning, since I was running off my emergency fund, and Brad's family was living off his wife's wages, we did whatever was necessary to get the houses up and running and ready to rent. We became more lax in our tenants and that did cost us later on in house damages but the security deposits usually covered all the damage. + +Through 2009-2011, we added a whopping 16 homes to our portfolio. Most homes were bought for under $20,000 and fixed up for another $7,500-$10k. We modernized them with fake wood floors and always were on the scour for deals for stainless steel appliances since most of the college kids we rented to went to our alma mater and were rather spoiled. They wanted a rich suburban house feel in a lower-income area. Word of mouth spread and, we had more students look to seek houses from us then we had. + + +I will admit that starting in 2009, our rapid expansion needed more workmen so we did get outside help. We found guys from our fraternity that were willing to work hard in the summers and we couldn't have gone through so many homes so quickly without them. + +Ben, our first help is now employed full time with us through our LLC. He manages the homes, set up a website so students can pay online, request repairs, as well as show off our homes to potential tenants. + +By the April 2013, we had a total of 27 houses (23 singles and 2 duplexes). Total cost was ~$930,000 over the 5 years we purchased them. We never had a mortgage and we flipped a few houses along the way to pay for properties we wanted to keep to rent out. Those 27 houses were worth approx. $2.5 million, bringing in monthly revenue of $29,000. + +Bradley passed away in a motorcycle accident. His wife and kids still have a share in our endeavor and they will be taken care off as long as I'm alive. + +While many think FI/RE can be achieved only through working behind a cubicle or starting some crazy internet company or inheriting a nest egg and living off of it, it's clear to me that the universe works in crazy ways. I never thought I would know how to use a jackhammer or a radial saw but I learned and I put in the blood, sweat, and tears. I went to bed some nights in the beginning crying because I had no idea what would happen if our only house burnt down and we had to wait for insurance and rebuild. + +My message to you all is the follwing: + +The world is a crazy place, and the we're all on a journey for freedom. It doesn't matter how you get there, as long as the goal/destination is in your mind. Sometimes you'll run into old friends and they'll become like family. Don't worry about money. Be happy with what you have and what you do and if you work hard, things will work out in the end. + +My lifestyle has not changed much since those days from my first job. I don't pay rent anymore, and my credit card bill each month is a bit higher, around $2,000/month. I still wear the same brands of clothes, still live in a small home (although a bit out west, where it is more suburban, and still have the same old hobbies (insert shameless plug for /r/modeltrains). + +I will say this. Once you do attain FIRE, all those countless nights of stress or deciding not to spend money on that new car or anything like that becomes irrelevant. When Ford released their F150 Raptor, I wanted it more than anything. I even went to the dealership and test drove the first model they had. I almost was about to take a loan and pay nearly $650/month to finance the truck, but I walked away. It was one of the hardest things to do. + + + + +Current Financial Situation + +We now have 3 employees, not counting myself. Ben is still with us as manager. We added Antonio as our full-time handyman. We also added Samantha at the beginning of the year as our office secretary, since Ben is getting too busy to take office calls. Our portfolio count is up to 71 total properties with the average cost being nearly $40,000. Not only have home prices been rising, so our cost to acquire properties has gone up, so has our assets value to nearly $6.7 million, als our income to nearly $128,000/month. After my salary expenses, repair expenses (averaging about $10,500), taxes, and Brad's share, my monthly take home is around $58,000, but I've been feeding the money back into it to be able to buy more homes. + +The LLC is owned 85-15 now. We purchased our first commercial building about 3 years ago in a barely developed area of town out West for a minute amount of money, it wasn't generating a profit as it only had 20% occupancy during that time, but it was enough to cover all costs. As people have moved West, multiple neighborhood have popped up and drove up the value of our complex 8 fold and while the rents we can now charge are 3.5x to 4x what our current commercial tenants pay. I've decided to move on to commercial real estate and apartment complexes rather than single-family homes. Brad's wife doesn't see the potential and asked me to buy her out, so I will. Once I do, I plan on liquidating some of the older homes as they are getting to be nearly 7-8 years old and around the 10 year mark is where they get the big $$$ issues. + +So while I could very well, just sit on my butt and not worry about a thing in the world and just let it coast, I got too bored not working. We can only travel so much, since we have a long life ahead, I don't want to run out of things to do so quickly. I'm not doing it for the money, but I'm working to build a legacy. Kids are in my future, and I want them to have something to look up to in life, not as a handout but how to make sure it can keep growing. It's been a great adventure with ups and downs, but with Brad no longer here, I have no one else to really talk to. That's kinda why I've been typing away for the past hour. It's been 2 whole years brother, I still miss you everyday and I miss talking to you. This whole idea was yours and if it weren't for you, I'd have no idea where I would be. + +So guys, be mindful. Who knows, who your Brad might be... He wasn't just someone I worked with or my business partner. He was my brother and I miss him. We talked about getting a pair of matching Raptors, his would be white and mine black and taking them our to Nevada and going on an excursion, but we kept putting off and now it's too late. I think I'm going to go buy one in his favorite color tomorrow and take it out there. I know he'll be looking down with that idiotic grin he got on his face everytime we talked about it. + +Sorry for the rant, but I have no one else to talk to about this. It's 2AM and I've been drinking away since midnight. If anyone on here has questions or wants pointers, I would love to help and pass on not just my knowledge, but what Brad taught me. +Europoor here bored in the morning until pre-market opens. + +ONCE again props to u/criand ! He brought me the idea and then I found his comments to even expand my idea with all of his wrinkles. + +TLDR: T+21 theory might hold when shorts decided not to deliver cause of 005 in place? Furthermore this would cause a forced delivery by T+4 or T+6. Popcorn stock getting on threshold list could be an indicator for GME. DANG! Edited criands thoughts about this! Probs go to him! + +I was sliding through my Reddit feed when I noticed some interesting posts. + +One was about popcorn stock entering threshold list on the NYSE. This seems to be the case when FTDs pile up too heavily on multiple consecutive days. Might this be a sign for GME aswell? Will we enter the threshold list aswell very soon? Maybe. Only time will show. + +Then I read a comment of u/criand in which he explained that FTDs coming from short-marked shorts have to be satisfied within T+4 days. When I recall it correctly the T+21 day was on Thursday (last week) which brings this Wednesday as the T+4 for possible FTDs out of our T+21 cycle (30th June.. hm.. doomsday triggered by forced deliveries from T+21 and T+4?!) + + +Master mind u\criand also said that this time period for long-marked FTDs is T+6 what would be Friday this week. + +Then I thought: +Why now? Why did our T+21 Theory pop just now? +Maybe a rule which came into effect over the last weeks changed something (005 is that you?!) and shorts decided not to deliver on T+21?! + +I don’t exactly know what is happening and if I got it all right. As I said I am bored and waiting for pre-market to open. But I wanted to post some of my thoughts and maybe someone can pick them up and develop them further?! + +Please correct me if I am wrong. I will Edit my sources if this thing gains traction. Since I am on my phone, this would be a major pain lol. + +Not financial advice. + +Edit: Damn! I was searching for Criands comments to put them here and what I found was even better than the initial comment I saw of him!! + +Check it out: +https://postimg.cc/pyWCxVM3 + +https://postimg.cc/cr6cgDHm + +https://postimg.cc/jCMXjVs2 + +https://postimg.cc/3d6Fgg0H +So I’ve been trading for about two years now and only recently started back testing strategies in February. After some backtests, I discovered that many strategies that are recommended to beginner traders don’t actually work. For example, I backtested the ORB and bull flag setups and found that they each have a win rate of roughly 40% and 50% on a 1:1 reward ratio. Factoring in other variables, these strategies don’t work well. + +So far I’ve found three trading setups that are high probability: exhaustion fills on gaps, parabolic shorts, and overall market reversals between 9:30 and 11am, which I’ve been using to trade FNGU. + +Does anyone else know of any other high probability setups? Not looking to copy strategies, just backtest and apply strategies that actually work. +https://thehill.com/news/house/3256370-house-approves-bill-legalizing-marijuana/amp/ + +Just a few minutes ago, the bill passed the house 220-204 with 3 republicans joining all but 2 democrats + +The measure now goes to the Senate, where Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is working with fellow Democrats to introduce a marijuana legalization bill as soon as this spring. + +But it’s not clear a bill to broadly legalize marijuana could clear the necessary 60 votes to advance in the Senate +I’m not here to brag and I know this is a ‘problem’ that many will wish to have.. + +But big gains come with big anxiety! I’ve been grinding since 2018 but this month everything went bananas - I caught some big pumps, principally NU and ANKR just today. + +Made big money or at least big for me (more than $100k). I come from nothing and crypto change my life! + +But how do you stay level headed and grounded when you made your yearly salary in 1 trade in 1 night? + +My initial investment is out since awhile ago and I always take profits and then if I invest back I invest a bit less… Trying to make sure the gains won’t go back into the market! + +I have a bot trading stable coins so that gives some cash flow to live out of it. Other tips and tricks? What would you do moving forward? +Therapist ape here. I've seen a post or 2 like this this morning and if you are feeling any of the above regarding GME then take a break from GME. Stop checking the ticker every few minutes. Stop coming to /r/Superstonk multiple times a day. Stop talking about GME with friends for a week. + +This is emotionally exhausting stuff we are experiencing and learning about. Discovering that there is a cabal of greedy and powerful people who have their thumb on you and are working every day to take even more of what little you have invokes a lot of feelings. Seeing a stock you love rocket up and plummet down and rocket back up invokes a lot of feelings. Posting your honest opinion and getting heckled by shills invokes a lot of feelings. This short squeeze IS WORK. And when you are emotionally tired from work you don't quit you TAKE A BREAK. Recharge your batteries. Allow good news to develop. Allow the seeds we are planting to grow. Allow yourself to integrate all of the new experiences and new information you are taking in. + +Trust your fellow apes to hold the line. + +When you return from your break the memes will be funnier. The shills will be more obvious and less effective. You will have more space for more DD wrinkles in your smooth brain. And most importantly you will be better able to remove your emotional investment from your financial investment and allow your investment thesis to play out without stress. + +As always - Buy, Hold, and Buckle up 🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +### +So I have 600 shares of cineplex with an average price of 10.12 per share, I was leaning toward holding it for a bit longer but with the recent news of the deal with Cineworld falling apart I’m thinking the company won’t last and maybe I should be happy with my 900 dollar profit and get out now. + +My main question is, considering cineplex is basically the biggest chain in Canada, if they do declare bankruptcy what happens to the employees and the actual physical business? Surely Canada will need theatres right? Does bankruptcy just mean the stock gets wiped out but the physical business resumes as normal? + +Thanks for your time. +There are probably 3-5 posts per day from users who do not know how to use the search feature asking "What stocks are going to rocket in 2021" -or- "What stocks should I invest in?" + +Holy shit people, use the damn search feature on Reddit. + +These posts are mostly useless. For one it's a huge circle jerk of individuals pumping their own stock holdings. Two, you shouldn't willingly take advices from random individuals on the internet. Lastly, use the god damn search feature. Multiple posts like this degrade the subreddit to some degree. + +Edit: Wow, this blew up. So I just want to clarify something. I don't mind those type of posts if it were less frequent. It's the people that constantly post and ask the same shit every single day that gets to me. Yes, I can just ignore them but... my OCD man. + +/End Rant +Hi, + +I am aware there is already a lot of information out there, reviewing these challenger banks although usually are paid promotions or short term users. + +So far I have preferred Revolut out of the three and have been using it for years. +Main reasons are: +mostly free services +good and fast money transfer services +great platform +accurate expense tracking and +debit/credit messages + +Lately I have seen Starling and Monzo as the preferred option for several people in my network and readers/subscribers, so wanted to ask is there any reason to consider the alternatives? +What do you think? +Any comments are welcome, +Best +FV +It's Not uncommon for the actual short interest to be **50% to 150%** higher than what is reported \~ Wes Christian + + +I just wanted to point out this line from the AMA because if this expert who has investigated these cases of over shorting and Dave Lauer point this out as a non-surprising fact, imagine how bad it must be when you report an over 100% short interest in a stock. + + +There has already been numerous good points in the AMA and I highly advise everyone to watch this AMA, but I just wanted to throw some extra attention on this +I'd encourage everyone to go. Now, let me make a few comments about what I wish I would've known or done. + + +1. Print the list and research before. The county workers move quicker than you could imagine and call properties by IDs, parcel #s, and court #s. No addresses mentioned. + + +2. Keep your composure as some funny stuff happens, but you can't laugh. Guys will bid $1 over, get lost and the auctioneer has to correct a bid. "Sir, you just bid $134,801, you can't do it again." It's funny to think people are making clerical errors with a large sum of money. + + +3. Bring a pen and paper. Internet and phone can't keep up. + + +4. Write down the companies name who bid. Research them. Some are smaller than they appear and may be good connection points to learn. + + +All in all, I realized that I'm still a few years away from feeling comfortable bidding on a house there for my area. There were 6-7 large companies and 6-7 smaller company/people. + + +I do have a few questions though if anyone can help: + +1. There was one guy bidding for all of the plaintiffs (mortgage companies). The auctioneer always asked, "can I waive reading" and he said "yes". Some of the bids, he would bid, "$100 and a max bid of $105,000" and then no one would bid and he'd get it for $100. And others he'd bid "$100" and not include his maximum and an auction would entail. Why did he throw out his maximum and was then allowed to win the auction for $100? + + +2. After the bid, the LLC name they would list a trustee and then a # and a date. What's that all about? + + +3. To anyone who goes consistently, ever seen a robbery outside? That's a lot of money orders and cash in a room. +I’m very happy with all of you who are buying this delicious deep, increasing positions and DRS more and more, I belive whe are close, very very close. + +But like me, I know that there are thousands, if not millions of X holders who cannot increase their positions. + +So I would like to sincerely ask all of you my whale friends to try to hold for us. + +I know that maybe I can't be a millionaire being an X holder, and that's the advantage: I don't need much to change my life and that of my family for the better. + +Regardless of how many shares you have I will hold for you, if you can do it for me. + +Being poor is no shame, it's a condition. I'm not ashamed of who I am, I work hard to support my home, and at 43 I wish I could slow down a bit. + +I belive DRS is the only way, if you dont DRSed your shares DO IT (not a financial advise). + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thanks a lot for the answers and awards! Feeling safe here!! +Good Day Everyone. + +Recently I started renovating my house and the budget seems to be getting a little over by 5 L. + +I have credit card with 6.5L limit and would like your opinion on getting funds from my credit card to my bank account. + +1. I know many banks offer facility of Balance Transfer in their credit card. However I am not sure such transfer will offer interest free period or will be akin to cash withdrawal with interest starting immediately. +2. Another way is by transferring funds from credit card to any wallet like Paytm and thence to the bank account. However will it also have issues like Point 1 ? +3. Could Fund transferring by 'Rent' option be used ? +4. Will such transfer affect my Cibil score negatively ? + +I will get enough funds in a few weeks to repay the credit card bill so I don't want to take a personal loan and end up paying a high interest rate and months of EMIs. +It's that time of the month. Some of us just received cash from salary or business income. What are you planning to invest in? What did you sell, and why? If you are continuing to hold onto existing investments, what are they and why do you hold them? Are you avoiding anything? Again, why? + +The discussion is not just for individual stocks of companies, but also for mutual funds and other investments. Feel free to share your investment rationale. This thread does not exist not only for disseminating knowledge on investment decisions (the why?). Others are free to assess your rationale. + +Be aware that these answers are just opinions of Redditors and should be used as a starting point for your research. None of this is investment advice or a stock recommendation. Kindly do your due diligence and/or consider seeing a registered investment advisor before making any financial decisions! + +Previous [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=monthly+discussion+thread+&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) + +PS: Be friendly. Be civil. + +- Which bank do you recommend for savings account or fixed deposits? +- How's your experience with wealth management services? + For example, you can discuss your experience with Citigold / CitiPriority, Kotak Privy League, DB WealthPro, Axis Burgundy, ICICI Bank Wealth Management etc. + +- What bank offers the best forex rates? + +- Discuss the quality of the bank's mobile apps and the services they offer. + +- How are the lending practices at your bank? Did your home loan / car loan / education loan get approved on time + + Were you required to purchase additional products (like insurance) to avail a loan? + +--- + +You can also ask for a general review of a particular product or services that you have been researching: + +> Is bank X good? Is it recommended for basic services no-frills accounts? + +but please avoid asking for personal advice. + +The discussion is meant for consumption by a broader audience. + +For advice regarding your personal situation (like _My family is pressurising me to take a home loan, what would you suggest?_), the bi-weekly advice thread is recommended. + +Personal advice queries and comments will be removed to ensure that older threads provide sufficient historical reviews on products and services. + +Reviews posted here can be relied upon by newcomers to evaluate customer experience. Please confine the thread only to reviews or requests for reviews of products and services. + +[Links to previous threads](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaInvestments/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Reviews%22%20Reviews%20of%20banking%20services%20and%20products&restrict_sr=1&sort=new) +As the title says, what is the disadvantage, if any, in using a fund like vanguards NJ Long-term tax-exempt fund (VNJTX) (I happen to live in NJ) or the like? +Historical returns are about the same as a normal bond fund, but are tax exempt both at federal and state level. +Seems like an obvious winner for cash like holdings over normal bonds, but I rarely see it talked about. +Am I missing something that makes a fund like this no a no go? +On 12/20, XRT disclosed increasing its holdings of GME to 50,277 shares, up from [last quarter's 40,835 shares](https://imgur.com/qBSpKin.png). OG apes may remember that earlier this year, XRT cut its holdings of GME after the price stabilized in the hundreds, and now it appears they're reversing course. In light of all the other issues and XRT just so happening to go on the threshold list last week, this seems like yet another data point in favor of things happening behind the scenes. + +Not every website is updated with the 12/20 disclosure yet, you can go [here](https://www.ssga.com/us/en/individual/etfs/funds/spdr-sp-retail-etf-xrt) and scroll down to "download all holdings" for the full list updated daily. + +Edit: [Source of previous quarter's numbers](https://www.ssga.com/us/en/individual/etfs/resources/doc-viewer#xrt&first-quarter-holdings) + +Edit 2: the weighting % in the title is wrong, several websites were mixing fresh and stale data I believe. As of 12/21, the fund held 49,711 shares, down over 500 from the previous day, so changes are actively being made. +I keep seeing new Robinhood offers like 4% back on uninvested cash and now a 1% match IRA... is this stuff too good to be true or should I feel comfortable putting my money into either or both? Not super versed in this world, I see that they're properly insured etc, just want to make sure there's no chance of me losing all my money if Robinhood goes under or something +Hi all, + +I just received my water and power bill and it was nearly $2000. I don’t understand how this happened. I’ve never had a bill even a fraction of this much, and the DPW confirmed that this address has never had such a bill. + +This bill is split pretty evenly between electric and water, both being almost $1000 each. + +Period is 6/7/22 - 8/18/22 + +The only thing I can think of is maybe the construction the landlord is doing out back on another unit. I’ve seen them use our hose and plug in their tools to our outside outlets. Could they be using a bunch of water to mix cement and stuff? + +We haven’t changed our lifestyles but the bill is like nothing we’ve ever seen. + +Any thoughts? Thanks + +— + +Added: + +4153 kWh + +78 HCF + +— + +More added info: + +They said they were apparently splitting off the apartment out back onto a separate meter. They also dug up the backyard to access all the pipes underground during construction. Maybe they did something there? + +They replaced our hot water heater out back at one point. + +— + +Had the Mrs. check the electricity meter. It does indeed show what they say. I’ll check the water meter when I get home. + +— + +Looks like the landlord set the sprinklers to turn on every night in the wee hours of the morning. Could that be it? 58,000 gallons… in sprinkling a small lawn? + +Either way, I’m definitely changing that. Lawn doesn’t need to be watered that much. +First let's get something right. + +El Salvador is not down 15 million on Bitcoin investment. That's fake news. El Salvador will more than make up for it from mining. + +El Salvador is also not "investing" in Bitcoin. El Salvador is looking to leverage it's rich natural geothermal energy resources to transition to a Bitcoin economy. + +Bitcoin city will be a circular economy where locally everything will be priced in sats. So you can shove your US dollars. + +The only people who care about dollar price going up and down are people still treating Bitcoin as an investment. You're buying with the intention of selling at a higher price. + +Some of us have no plan to ever sell bitcoin. We have already moved on to a superior monetary system where no central authority can print money for free out of thin air which other people are forced to work for and pay taxes. Everybody must prove they worked for money. +Hi. My name is Ariana Tobin and I'm a journalist at the nonprofit accountability outlet ProPublica ([propublica.org](https://propublica.org)). We would love your help with a new investigation into a pattern we think is hurting lower income people. + +Did you expect to receive a big tax refund, but then didn’t get it because you were audited by the IRS? [Here's what the letter might look like](https://www.propublica.org/getinvolved/irs-audit-earned-income-tax-credit-refund-help). The biggest tax credit is called the Earned Income Tax Credit. It’s mainly for people who work and have kids to take care of. It’s aimed at people who earn under $40,000 a year. + +The IRS audits a lot of people who claim this credit. When that happens, the IRS blocks the refund. Some people may actually end up owing tax instead of getting a refund. We particularly would love to hear from you – we don’t think you’re alone, and we're trying to find as many people as we can to shed some light on who gets hurt. + +Happy to answer any questions about what we do and why we're looking into this. I'm [ariana.tobin@propublica.org](mailto:ariana.tobin@propublica.org) and my colleague [Paul Kiel](https://www.propublica.org/people/paul-kiel) is [paul.kiel@propublica.org](mailto:paul.kiel@propublica.org). We'd both also love any ideas on getting the word out! +Currently trucking is 3 times more expensive than rail because of human drivers, but once autonomous trucking comes along, I can only imagine that railway becomes more and more obsolete, especially if they aren’t investing in high speed rail, am I missing something? +I am not a US resident anymore but have decent money going to come soon. + +I want to make sure no one including me cannot touch principal and allowed 4% yearly withdrawal. + +What's the best way to have this setup? + +Edit: + +I want a simple setup where everything remain in Vanguard 500 fund for lifetime. There is no management involved. I am looking to minimise yearly costs. + +Schwab and Vanguard both have trust setup that cost 0.5% to 0.55% yearly wondering if that's total cost or I am missing anything. + +What promise I have that once I setup trust they will not be increasing the yearly fees etc. + + I also want to add I consider myself high risk taker who might blow away the entire amount if I am managing it that's why the irrevocable nature. It more valuable as safety net than anything else. +Bro idk why you guys think raising it slowly and dropping it hard and then lowering it slowly over time and bringing it up a tiny bit and then dropping it again is going to work on us LMAO + +We play video games. We spent our whole lives trying to understand the patterns of bosses so we can finish them. + +I spent DAYS trying to beat certain bosses and then when their pattern became clear, it was a breeze. + +Your pattern became clear a long time ago. + +You are pathetic. Honestly. I'm not trying to psyche you out. I'm being completely transparent. We see right through this. And why am I typing this? Because I'm a bit underwhelmed. I'm feeling disappointed. I wanted the fun of watching it dip to $5. But you can barely manage a $100 dip with ALL your might. + +This is sad. +I plan to invest at least minimum of €100 per month (converted from another currency) into ETFs, so I'd like to ask you which online broker would you recommend to use in my situation? I don't want to use any broker that doesn't have a desktop version of their service. I'm not super into doing any money related transactions on my phone, let alone investing through my phone. + +I was looking around and here on reddit and found these to be the best on the market as of right now, for people from Europe that is: + +##- Degiro + +This one seems to be suggested the most for its "low fees" and overall experience. I already have an account there, but they offer only limited number of free ETFs. If I wanted to for example invest into IE00BKM4GZ66 (EMIM), I'd have to pay ~~\~€12~~ €2.03 in fees for transaction of 4 stocks worth ~€104. Investing for the whole year would mean that I'd pay more than ~~\~€144~~ ~€24.36 in transaction fees this year alone that could've been invested instead. [Am I doing something wrong or is this really how much you pay? - check the comments for more info, my calculations were off :-)](https://old.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/f8r1su/which_broker_with_desktop_version_would_you/fioqlbh/) + +What I also don't like about Degiro is that there isn't an option to invest into fractional shares. That means I pretty much can't invest into any popular Vanguard ETFs, because they are simply too expensive (per 1 share) for me. With fractional investing, this is not an issue. + +##- Trading212 + +This one seems to be suggested in UK subs related to finance and seems to be the best so far what concerns "0" fees and comissions, but this thread talking about how they are making money then is giving me some concerns, especially since I want to do long term investments only: + +https://old.reddit.com/r/UKInvesting/comments/f68l25/freetrade_vs_trading_212_fact_check/fi3f0qe/ + +Also some useful info about foreign exchange fees: + +https://old.reddit.com/r/UKInvesting/comments/f68l25/freetrade_vs_trading_212_fact_check/fi3mv3k/ + +## - TD Ameritrade (added 25.02.2020) + +Looks like another good option for ETFs. They are considered "Best overall for beginners" according to stockbrokers: + +https://www.stockbrokers.com/guides/beginner-investors + +Anyone in here has any experience with this platform? + +## This one is not available in EU (yet?), only in US and India: + +~~##- Interactive Brokers - IBKR LITE~~ + +~~IB gets a lot of positive feedback (at least on reddit), but I haven't found any recent reviews or threads about this service. The last threads I found on reddit mentioned that this service is available only to people from US, but that doesn't seem to be true anymore?~~ + +~~https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=45196~~ +~~"IBKR Lite is the hassle free way to trade in the US and other eligible countries."~~ + +~~https://www.interactivebrokers.com/lib/cstools/faq/#/content/faq%3A%2F%2FpageId%3D76129237~~ + +~~Does any of you in here use IBKR LITE? Would you recommend it?~~ + + +Thx in advance, fellow money makers! And good luck with your investments! +I'm a dual citizen of US and Ireland, currently working remotely in the US as an independent contractor for a US-based company. My husband just got a job in Germany, so we're moving, but it seems like taxes will be problematic for me if I establish residence in Germany. + +I plan to keep working for the same company (as an independent contractor working full time for a single client) after I move. As I understand it, Germany would consider me a misclassified contractor since more than 80% of my income comes from one client. + +I'm thinking my best option is to live part time in Germany but spend at least 183 days in another EU country and establish tax residency there. + +Would that work? Are there any solutions that I'm missing? Are there other EU countries that would also consider me a misclassified contractor? What countries might be good choices, taking into account cost of living, tax rates, and level of bureaucracy? +I'm an university student and I have a little money that I currently don't use for anything. Is it worth investing $1000 or less? If yes, how and where? + +Edit: Some more info about my situation: + +My monthly income is greater than my monthly expenses. My income consist of renting out a room, student loan with basically 0% interest and a little money from scholarship. I already have an emergency fund I feel safe with. I'd like to do something with the extra I get every month. Would it be a good idea to invest in eg. Mintos loans? I am also looking into index funds, is it possible/worthwile to get in with small amounts? + +Edit: university, not college. English is not my native language as you can see:D +I created an account on interactive brokers, but cannot seem to invest on SPX , it seems blocked to non-american users. +How can i do this? Any other broker suggestions? Can i invest if i do it in usd? +Thanks in advance +Hello everyone, +I am working in Prague, czech republic. I am looking for ways to get suggestions on how to invest in funds, etf or stocks . apart from fee based agents and brokers who charge 3-4% what options do i have? +I have RB invest with Raiffisen bank +My first aim is retirement plan. +Second is 4 years for a probable downpayment for a property. +I have emergency fund. Since i am the only earning member, i have around 10k czk (400 euros) a month to invest. +Any leads or help is appreciated! + +Edit and update: +Finally managed to open account with Trading212 only. +They have some FX fees. Minimal 0.37 for 250 cZk for etf. Working on comparing others options 😊 +Not because it provides stability (10% bonds doesn't provide much cushion at all) but because there's an option to sell your bonds to buy equities if we go into a recession. + +I guess it's equivalent to holding 10% of your portfolio in cash as a "dry powder" but it's still nice to know that you have everything invested. + +I have decided to set 10% of my portfolio in bonds and sell them to go 100% into equities if there's a 20% SPY drop from the ATH. If not, I will just keep it this way forever. + +It puts me more at ease knowing that I can take advantage of the next "dip" if it happens. +I'm looking for a good, modern, book about investing. I'm already decently knowledgeable about the "ideas" of investing(ETF, margins, short sell, CDs, Mutual Fund). My dad used to trade and taught me a bit. But, I don't have "real world" knowledge... I've never purchased a stock. Looking for a good, complex book... not looking for a "investing 101" book necessarily... looking for something that will help increase my knowledge a lot, and get into some intricacies. + +&#x200B; + +Considering the markets have changed so much in the last few decades, I'd prefer something written relatively recently. +Normally I enjoy heaping shit on hotcopperites, but I truly feel sorry for this rekt cunt and all the others who are likely hodling them bhags for a while (FYI, Feb was the ATH). + +Also, we need an 'F to pay respects' flair or something + +https://preview.redd.it/1v9j6kf1vw581.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=09cb02727602e945edd0c1170ef8ae082523db2a +We all know basic spreads, condors, ect. Does anyone here trade more complicated strategies that most people aren’t aware of? If so please share the strategy and your experience with it. +This has been a very successful wheel trade for me so far. Been recycling for tons of premium for weeks on end. Started with CSPs and then it’s just been CCs and short strangles since. High IV allows me to select farther strikes and still get my desired APY % but even with the nearer strikes, assignment seems to be a crap shoot. I like this one quite a bit. + +Out of curiosity, is this more of a vega play than theta? And anyone else playing this ticker/similar? +Hi, Like the title says, I sold a small Call Credit spread (141-142) expiring now on the 22nd + +And I know in ordinary stocksplit nothing changes, but the wording/phrasing regarding this stocksplit as dividend got me slightly confused. + +Is there any sort of dividend risk I'm not familiar with that could bite me in the ass incase the short call gets exercised right before end of day trading tommorow? +If at expiration date the stock price is still below the strike price of my CCP. Does it just happen automatically at expire, or can it be assigned before the expire date? And who triggers this assignment? I know sometimes the goal is not to get assigned but I am just curious. +During last week I have seen couple of posts where people wanted to invest in 0.0001$ penny stocks. This screenshot is from [barchart.com](https://barchart.com) Im using their FREE premium account and was able to screen those. there are more stocks, prices from $0.0001 and going up. + +DISCLAIMER: Im just providing the list of the stocks which is super cheap but you have to do the research about the company and decide if its valid company or scam. DO YOUR OWN DD ( as pro traders saying, im beginner ) and invest after. Im NOT financial advisor, Im a broke NOOB student. + +P.S if you find good companies let us know too. + +https://preview.redd.it/zhb7mmkessh61.png?width=1157&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b2d92db801792925aa832fc3a4a04eda61ab5a0 +[**Read the full article here**](https://www.ft.com/content/e870dd10-223c-411e-9e72-53c3b8e609b6) + +>Evergrande has warned it risks defaulting on its debt if it fails to raise cash, as China’s most heavily indebted property developer battles to stave off an unfolding liquidity crisis. The unusually stark wording from the company came in an interim earnings statement on Tuesday that confirmed a profit warning issued last week and outlined a series of measures to shore up its finances that include selling properties. +> +>“The group has risks of defaults on borrowings and cases of litigation outside of its normal course of business,” Evergrande said, adding that it would pursue further asset sales, control costs and seek to attract new investors. The warning comes as Evergrande experiences the worst upheaval in its history, with a stream of recent problems raising questions over its access to financing, forcing it to sell assets and earning it an unusual public rebuke from the government over its debt risks.... + +For those not aware, Evergrande is the largest real estate developer in the world. And it's arguably the largest real estate developer in the largest real estate bubble in the world. + +I'm sharing this because ***if*** this were to default, it could be a trigger for some much larger market turmoil. Evergrande represents potential systemic risk both in China as well as the global financial markets. IE, this defaulting ***could*** be a bit of a Lehman-esque type moment. + +With that out of the way, I want to be very clear - **\*\*this is NOT likely to default\*\*** since the strong likelihood is that it will get a bailout due to the system wide risk attached to it for China. Edit: and also just to add, China controls a lot of levers in their economy that you would not see in western free markets. This can potentially prevent things from spiraling in a negative manner. + +With that being said, history has a lot of examples of policy mistakes, or attempts to control asset bubbles that simply end up popping the bubble. I stated this a few months ago, but the current attempt from Chinese policymakers to control debt and reduce economic risk is a tightrope walk, and there are legitimate risks of overtightening. With that said, China has a LOT of control over all the levers in their financial system, so if any country would be able to stop a cascade, it's likely China. + +The result is that this is more likely to be a bottom for Chinese markets assuming it gets a bailout. But there is a small tail chance that the complete opposite happens and things really fall apart. Since that chance is larger than normal (but still not large) and the magnitude of effects are enormous if it were to occur, it's something that's worth at least being aware of. + +**Note:** Please at least try to refrain from making this into an ideological or political debate about China. Given, sometimes these things merge into the financial realm of discussion, but at least try to take a neutral view of this. +I really appreciate the potential of BTC, but the short-sightedness of some of the members of our sub really scares me. We are up HUNDREDS of % for the year, and yet the TOP post here is a SUICIDE LINE over the night losses. Suffice to say that this seems extremely unhealthy. + +I want to propose a couple of discussions points: + +* The "to da moon" stuff is really childish and unnecessary, and the fact that "to the moon guy" has so many upvotes only shows the extent to which some members are in it for short-term profit. +* Given the effect that bubble-bursts have on people, perhaps *some* regulation is good? For most investment instruments in the US you have to either have a license or go through a broker, which should theoretically stop you from putting your RENT/TUITION money into volatile investments. As a bitcoin supporter, it breaks my heart to think that it might cause people significant financial hardship. +* We need to be better as a community at letting people know what bitcoin **really** is. The fact that most people are drawn into it for the money is largely due to the fact that prices make easy news headlines. We all know that the media is terrible at covering bitcoin, and so we should mount an effort to truly educate people about the protocol's potential. There was talk of funding a superbowl AD about bitcoin some time ago. To me, that is the potential beauty of this stuff: it allows disparate people to get behind a new way or organizing wealth/transfer practices. Think about it: it should appeal to right-wing libertarians AND lefties for its potential to bypass the current economy. +* This isn't to say there aren't serious, well-known issues with the protocol right now: conf. time, blockchain size, etc. The whole focusing on price thing just dilutes our ability as a community to talk about these and the future of bitcoin in general. + + +**TL;DR** Fiat price is one of the least interesting aspects of bitcoin. If we educate newcomers better, they will be in it for the long haul and hopefully understand that bubbles come an go. + +What do you use to stay up to date on the news and follow stock/index prices? Id like to find one that I can save particular stocks while getting and overall view of the market. Tnx! +I've been trying to make up my mind between VFV and XEQT. From what I understand VFV is riskier since its only S&P 500 while XEQT is safe and diverse. Would I be right to assume that VFV is better for those ready for some risk while XEQT is better for safe long term investing? +Hey everyone and happy new year + +I'm 20 years old and I'm looking to get started investing and saving more seriously. So far I have $6K in a TFSA that I opened a couple weeks ago, but I haven't invested any of it yet. This is money that I won't need for the next five years, possibly longer. + + +From my research and what I was told at my bank, mutual funds are a solid option for my position. Another option I've looked into is investing in individual stocks, but given my inexperience I'm leaning more towards mutual funds. I'd also like to keep adding to my investment with every paycheck, can I do this with a mutual fund? + +As I've said, I'm really new to the investing world. I'm open to any suggestions and information! +I just bought $375 worth of BTC on Coinbase. The fee was over 3%. I was just looking at buying a smaller amount and the fee was over 5%. This doesn't make sense as a currency or investment. +More payment transactions per day than any other decentralized cryptocurrency: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPReEWQWAAALENm.jpg:large + +One can complete 1 million unique transactions for under $1. + +Massive developer driven ecosystem (stackoverflow, github etc.) & subreddit activity. + +$45 Billion highly liquid market cap. + +Where's the disconnect here? + +Paging u/spez +Every time there is a correction you guys go crazy. Just sit back and relax and don't get too influenced by the fresh meat in here. This correction is normal and well anticipated, come on. You all know it well and are just spreading false panic. I'll be buying your ether anyway +More payment transactions per day than any other decentralized cryptocurrency: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DPReEWQWAAALENm.jpg:large + +One can complete 1 million unique transactions for under $1. + +Massive developer driven ecosystem (stackoverflow, github etc.) & subreddit activity. + +$45 Billion highly liquid market cap. + +Where's the disconnect here? + +Paging u/spez +Every slightly bullish price prediction post has some sort of negative disagreeing reply as it’s top level comment. + +“Oh your magic ball told you that?” +“That log line won’t hold because 20 years down the road it’ll set an unrealistically high price” +“Your TA needs more triangles!!!” + +On top of this, every sentence in this subreddit needs to be toned down with “this is just my prediction and it could be wrong but...” otherwise people will rip the person to shreds for trying to predict the price. Obviously no one knows what the price is gonna be 3-5 years out and obviously the price won’t follow all TA predictions on the dot. Chill out +I've been on the FIRE path for about a year now. Over time I've gotten more and more curious if there are any others out there like me (millennial aged Black-American) who are also walking the FIRE path, so I thought I'd ping the community and see who responds. If you're in the Orlando, FL area please let me know, I'd love to meet and talk. + +EDIT #2: + +Thank you everyone for all the great responses! I'm thrilled to see that there are more of us out there than I thought. I'm getting around to responding to all of you (either in thread or DM), though the given the number that's going to take a bit LOL + +EDIT #1: + +So it looks like I have to stress that the point of this thread is NOT to trigger a discussion on privilege or racism, though I suppose that was inevitable given the current climate. For this thread, what's being asked is what's being asked. +[https://minance.com](https://minance.com) + +&#x200B; + +They offer the following investment categories: Arbor, Bloom, Global Equities, MFs, and Private Assets. I have no idea what even half of these mean, but I am doing my research currently. At the moment I am far from having Rs. 5L to invest, but this site's claim of making the investment strategies of the ultra rich accessible to individuals got me interested. + +&#x200B; + +Can anyone on this sub share the cons of investing through such a site? +I have asked this question on the advice thread but got no good response. Hence creating a thread. + +I have seen read bad reviews of some tax firms for itr filling services on this subreddit. But no one has posted their experience with GalacticAdvisor services, even though they are very active and helpful in this group. + +Anyone can share their experience with GalacticAdvisor for ITR filing? (especially when you have income through foreign equities). Are their services very expensive? Do they communicate well. Did they meet the timelines they committed to. Did they help you save tax.... etc. + +I ask this qn because i want to take their services and am looking for some feedback. +https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZrJimOXkAAoXyv.jpg + +Why should tax payers pay for loan interest amount accumulated by borrowers? This is his total waste of taxpayers money +Today I am going to write about what I feel is the single biggest mistake a mutual fund investor can make . Again this is a feeling , I am in no way qualified to advise . + +The biggest mistake is investing in a mutual fund NFO via a distributor , not a direct plan . + +Now let me set out my argument . Let’s take for example the recently concluded NFO for ICICI Flexicap which set records for collection . + +From what I understand , the formula for expenses for direct investors is simple + +Expenses in regular plan - commission paid to distributor. + +In my understanding investors who invested direct are going to end up with an expense of 0.20 % and those who invested via a distributor will have an expense of 1.60 % . + +Yes the difference is going to 1.40 % per year for whatever time they are invested in . + +So essentially a regular investor gives up 1.40% returns per year x number of years invested for a fund with no track record subscribed to at peak valuations . + +If I had fallen into this trap I would be redeeming the next day and going direct . + +Given the sheer number of NFO’s being planned I can only see that the business of shafting the poor retail investor has taken a bold new dimension . + +I mean why pay 7 times more expenses for a fund with no track record at peak valuations . + +In my limited and flawed understanding no fancy interface or bank or distributor is worth paying 7 x more that too for a product with no track record of returns . +https://www.livemint.com/market/ipo/pepperfry-expects-to-join-unicorn-club-soon-to-launch-ipo-after-booking-profit-11622477426633.html + +With the Zomato IPO being in the news lately, I was wondering if there is any money to made in these IPOs. After all, India has the third largest number of unicorns in the world. So we should be seeing more such IPOs in the future. What would the seasoned investers here say? +I am pretty sure I know the answer to this one but am wanting someone else to confirm so a family member can read it from someone else. + +&#x200B; + +Family member A gets a lot in benefits, DLA, her husband carers, including some means tested benefits, the job lot due to her health. + +She has reached the age where her pensions have started writing to her regarding cashing in amounts. + +&#x200B; + +Family Member B has recently bought a house and is renovating it but its slow progress. + +&#x200B; + +To speed it up Family Member A has suggested cashing in her pensions and gifting it to Family Member B. + +I pointed out that she should really not do this as the lump sum being in her account for 1 second would count as her having that amount and take her well over the amount to qualify for any means tested benefit. + +She suggested it going straight into Family member B's bank account. I said the pension company would never do this and if they did family member B would be taxed to hell. + +&#x200B; + +I've had this conversation 10+ times with family member A and it does not get through. Can anyone else confirm that I am correct (or even if I am wrong) just so I can show family member A as she thinks I am wrong. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 13:40: + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for the responses guys pretty much confirming what I assumed. I have shown A these posts and I think she gets it now. Family Member A for reference is not yet state pension age but is above 55. + +&#x200B; + +Its a pity seeing her mental and physical health declining, hence the genuine need for DLA. The thing is she used to be very knowledgeable on subjects like this having spent most of her career in a Council Tax recovery department (The ones who chase council tax debts from attachment of earnings stage to taking it to magistrates courts stage). This is just another sign of her declining capacity. + +&#x200B; + +Again thank you guys. +Just reading a thread on buying a house on this forum, and it took me back to a memory of a German person saying we are obsessed with mortgages in this country. I can't help but wonder, is this the case? In fact, I have heard this a few times. I'm 30, have about 30k in the bank and yes, 30 appears to be my lucky number clearly :D. I live in a small city where you can buy a reasonable 2/3 bed for 170k+. However, even being able to afford a home myself here, or a flat - it doesn't really appeal to me. That's for a variety of reasons which include not being sure I'm going to be here for even 2-5 years, and having no idea if I even want to be here at all, because I look at life as being something more than just the standard 9-5 way of life, But there's also the sense of being trapped by a 25-30 year debt, hanging over my head. Is it actually necessary? + +I guess I'm keen to query the latter point, that sense of entrapment. I know little about how mortgages actually work, but I would imagine that you would have to live in a place for a fair number of years before being able to even sell it and gain equity, less associated costs (or am I wrong?). What intrigues me is that so many young people are a) so narrow in how they see their life, that they can't see past the standard get a house/partners/kids/job/dog. Anywhere I have ever worked here in the UK, every workplace is always talking about buying a place of some sort and I just don't really understand it. It's as if I'm weird for not wanting to lock myself down to 1 place for the rest of my life. To me it just seems like an entrapment in some form. It's also a pressure on you to know that unless for other cash reserves, a person on something like 20k essentially can't stop with their work with this 25 year debt hanging over their head. Is that really healthy/necessary? + +Am I looking at this the wrong way? Granted, I don't have all the full information but and unless I'm mistaken, I believe that in Europe they are not so fussed about this in quite the way that we are. Of course, in the case of say a married couple who want to settle down and have children, yes it makes sense to some degree. But otherwise, I just feel like young people put themselves under undue pressure to get on the property ladder - all for what really? So many young women I meet today, they can't look beyond getting a man, a dog and settling into their mortgage, and aspiring to little else beyond that. It's like that is their staple of identity. I just sometimes query if I'm crazy or what? +So, with the mass buying going on lately supermarkets are facing a shortage of staff; my wife works for a big German supermarket chain, and they just had 3 people in today from agency with no experience to help with the extra work needed. Their distribution centre is doing the same, as they don't have enough people to prepare pallets to be sent in stores. + +I'm not saying that it's like that everywhere, but if you're in the market for any job, and you're not afraid of some phisical work, it might be worth to check with your local work agencies. But as always, YMMV. +A lot of retail traders have mixed opinions about analyst recommendations. Some say that they arent predictive of future stock performance, some say the numbers are completely useless, yet every once in awhile they seem to be very predictive. Some retail also say that analysts will upgrade to a buy recommendation because they want to leave a position and want to leave with positive retail volume. + +I'm assuming there are very practical methods to figure out which one of these cases are true. Has anyone come to any sort of conclusion on this subreddit? +I am a student at a non-target university majoring in Finance and Business Analytics (hopefully) with a minor in Economics. I've been tying to take classes that could get me working in, or around equities trading (hence the analytics major) as I'm really interested and passionate about the field. + +I've been extended an offer by RBC to interview as a Quant/Algo Trading intern, but I have to complete a technical exam on HackerRank by the end of this week. + +The hiring manager said the exam is based on coding (any language), logic and statistics. There are less than 10 questions and the exam is 90 minutes. + +As a caveat, I only began programming this year in R, so my coding skills might not exactly be "strong" but I'm looking forward to giving this my best shot. I was able to complete the "FizzBuzz" sample exercise for the exam without much trouble. + +I was wondering if any you here with experience could point me to some good basics to study/prep for coding, logic and statistics in quant trading before I take the exam? +I want just to vent a bit my experience in these 2 days. +I bought eth a pair of month ago as a long term investment, so the dip of yesterday didn't scare me at all, but at the same time a felt really sad. Why? Because I could have increase my ETH stack of 40% in few hours (Ye now I realise that's easy when you see at the past). +So i put all my eth on exchange and, with no logic at all, I saied I will wait the first sign of resistence and sell it to buy back in lower (that happened at around 130€ after the 110€ dip). + +The worse part isn't that the price didn't go lower, but that I could jump back in at minor losses, from 2-3% to 8% without much effort in the first 12 hours. But i didn't want to, because I felt stupid to trade at loss, so after a stressful day of costantly watching the charts I put my order at the price of my sell and went to sleep. + +This morning I wake up and the price was up to 20%. I didn't want to pass another stressfull day and regret it in case it would grow even more, so i buy it back and lost 20% of my stack in less than 1 day. + +If I listened to all those PSA in this sub about not trading if it's not your job, I would have more eth and avoid 2 shitty days. + +Despite all of this there is a part of me that would like to keep trading untill I recover the loss but I can already imagine what the result would be... +Since people with stable jobs were slim pickins back then, and investors were buyng houses 50% off (they had the margins for lower rent), did u have to lower rent to compete? +Hello, my grandparents are selling rental property 8bd 4bth 3acres lot they have been renting out to students for 23 years now. It super close to a university and they collect rent at the beginning of the semester so no month to month with security deposit. They are old and my grandpa just had surgery on his shoulder so he cant maintain repairs in it anymore and my grandmas eyes are getting worse. They have documents/copies of checks that shows that they have occupied the rental to full or almost full for all 23 years except the year of covid. + +The home was appraised for 320k but they are willing to give it to me for 250k below the market. + +I live 9 hours drive away from them, 2 hour plane ride away. I can get a property manager that can help me. + +If i were to get a loan the loan would be $1600-$1800 a month and they rent out the house to 8 students for $600 a month so basically $4800 a month full capacity. + +I really would like to get started on real estate investing and i think this is a great opportunity. The only problem is im scared that there is something im not thinking about so im seeking advice on what to look for and what to do and make sure. I have been to the house and its in great condition and its been in the family since my great great grandpa built it in early-mid 1900s. Also the name of the street is our family’s last name. + +Just need some help and advice on what to look out for and what I should be wary about before jumping the gun. + +I have enough saving to pay for the mortgage just incase we don’t get students for this winter. And getting a mortgage loan is no problem for me i have the money saved up to do down payment. + +Thank you +So frustrating. We listed our investment property for rent a couple months ago and immediately there were fake listings on facebook. They use our photos and create their own listing on facebook marketplace at a low price to get lots of calls. Then they take a deposit and disappear. They even did fake "showings" while I wasnt there. Presumably they have a legitimate realtor friend who is in on the scam who left the door unlocked for them. We had to call the cops one time because they came at night and vandalized the ring doorbell camera. I, my wife and both our realtors have reported these fake accounts many many times. It does nothing, or it disappears and comes back the next day. There's no way to leave a public comment on the listing. We've had a tenant in the house for a month now and the "customers" are still showing up and harassing our tenant! Some of them claim they left a "deposit" already and that this is their house now. One time they even walked around the back yard. Unbelievable. Anyone else gone through this?? +I save 33% ($300) of my income a week. No debt. 10K savings. 29 y/o nurse. + +Since I bought my car and my savings dropped I've been obsessing over my finances to an unhealthy level. I feel guilty if I have a day to myself and don't pick up extra shifts. I can't even spend $5 on myself without worrying about my savings dropping. + +I grew up poor and my parents were always stressed about money. I'm a kiwi living in Aus and worked through the pandemic while studying nursing as I had no access to StudyLink/CentreLink. I think I'm still in survival mode. Obviously I don't want to see a psychologist as that would stress me the hell out paying an $80 out of pocket fee! + +Does anyone have any advice about letting this go? I know logically that I'm saving enough but I feel anxious anytime stuff comes up that I need to pay for. It's exhausting. +So yesterday there was a misleading screenshot of GameStop’s latest tweet at market close. + +“Tomorrow is in your hands. Revisit” + +Everyone goes ape-shit, the post rises, and we look like fucking cultists. + +The whole tweet is “Tomorrow is in your hands. Revisit the genre-defying experience, now expanded and remastered for the PlayStation®5 console in Death Stranding Director's Cut.” + +GameStop is not going to tell us when the MOASS will happen, they probably don’t even know either. Looking like a bunch of cultists is not going to help our cause - I’d actually consider it FUD when you’re possibly misleading baby-apes. Let’s stop with the far-reaching speculation. Buy, hodl, and post quality content. + +This is not financial advice. + +Note: I hope this ages poorly +I have a lot of important financial decisions to make this year. My father was all accountant and he really helped me with a lot of this stuff, he died this past year unexpectedly and it’s a shame to say I never learned enough to do this on my own. I feel anxious about it and think I should hire a financial advisor, I’m worried about a couple things: 1 is cost, im self employed and just had my first child, money isn’t tight but it isn’t loose either. The other is quality: how does one find a quality person when there are so many options? If anyone has any experience hiring or working as an advisor I’d appreciate the advice! Much Thanks! +As the title says. I am broke, my partner and I have a combined income of less than 4k a month. Neither of us were able to attend college. We barely make enough money right now to put food on the table. We are on the brink of homelessness. I am a 1099 Contract Worker, and as winter starts to set it, work can get scarce, my fiancé makes around 1200/mo before taxes, but was laid off from her previous job 2 weeks ago, so she took the only job that could start her that day. I drive for work most days and usually drive up to an hour one way, which means I’m filling up my gas tank twice a week, That’s a $300 dollar expense just to make money, our rent is $700/mo. Amongst other things like basic utilities, groceries, etc. We usually only have around $50 combined after paying our rent at the end of the month, we have been without water for over a week, and our electricity will be shut off soon if we can’t make the 400 dollar payment this month, and to top it off my student loans start back up soon. What can I do to turn my life around? I’ll do anything at this point. I get being broke is part of the 20’s experience, but this is just insane. I’m generally very financially responsible and other than the very occasional discretional spending, almost all of our combined income goes to bills. + +Here’s a monthly breakdown + +Rent: $700 + +Utilities: ~$550 + +Car PMT: ~$190 + +Car Insurance: $132 + +Groceries: $100 + +CC Payment: $55 + +Auto Repair Loan: $122 + +Gas for 2 vehicles: $520 + +My average monthly income is just over 2.2k and hers is just shy of 1k. +I had heard of donor advised funds before. And I knew there were tremendous tax benefits to donating appreciated stock to a charity. What I hadn't realized that these are tools available to regular investors and they taste great together. + +Every year, I donate several thousand dollars in cash to a variety of charities for a variety of reasons. Also almost every year, I sell well appreciated stock (hint 1998 $SAM, 2012 $FB) and pay taxes. Well, this year I stumbled on Fidelity Charitable, which is a donor advised fund. It's actually a charity itself, to which anyone can donate money. Nearly, or perhaps all, of their donations are made to donor-advised funds. Then people (like me) recommend grants to various charities. This all makes it sound hard. I'll simplify. + +**I transfer $5000 in $FB (that I bought for $1000) to my Fidelity Charitable account. That's a $5000 deduction I can take this year. And no capital gains taxes at all.** Then, the assets remain in the account until I direct Fidelity to send a check to a 501(c)3 charity, which could be days or years later. + +If instead I had sold stock then donated the money, I would owe taxes on $4000 of gains (about $1K). So my recommendation is for anyone that has appreciated stock they want to sell and charities to which they regularly contribute, open a Fidelity Charitable account (donor advised fund). Minimum opening contribution is $5000, after that I think any amount is OK. Because of the ability to donate appreciated assets and the charitable deduction, each 100 dollars I donate only costs me 50 dollars out of my pocket, making it easier to be more generous. + +Still time to make a big contribution for 2019 and get the tax benefit in a few short months. And avoid capital gains taxes at the same time. Wish I learned about this 5 years ago. FYI there are other funds that do the same, Fidelity happens to have a low minimum contribution and is where I keep my money already. +One of the problems with setting a fatFIRE goal too early is that one has no real concept of their future expenses/ desired lifestyle requirements because as family size and net worth changes, new requirements, desires and options open up that one may not even have contemplated before. I am not discouraging setting a fatFIRE goal early and adjusting over time (I did this with my compensation and feel it helped me to use realistic medium term 3-5 year targets and revise as I got more information about my personal situation and the world), but am wondering for folks targeting fatFIRE that started early with a goal in their 20’s or low 30’s and have been at it 5+ years, 10+ years — what is the time variance and $ variance between your first and current fatFIRE target (and what are the main drivers of the $ delta)? + +PS I started fire goal setting in my early 30’s and after 5 years have already increased my target by $2M because... +1) compensation increases made it more impactful (as % of NW) to plan to stay in the workforce a bit longer and my job is currently at a tolerable stress level +2) because of increase in family size and #1, I expanded my primary residence and increased the carrying cost (maintenance, taxes etc.). Even though I planned on kid #2, I didn’t plan on this move but space started feeling tight +3) I added more travel/ more exotic “luxury” travel to my fire goal after a couple of great experiences and the desire to provide these experiences to my family when I am RE, kids are older and can appreciate more, etc. + +Not yet included, but could potentially at this point see even one final $ leg up for a personal toy fund (classic cars, modest speed boat, etc.) depending on job situation/ motivation at that point. +I don't know where to post this, but. Keeping this as short as possible I got an inheritance from my parents in which I really didn't like because of their abusive and narcissistic actions when I was in my childhood, anyway the fortune amassed to 10-20 Mil. I have depression being honest, in all honesty I couldn't care less about the money but it would be so irresponsible of me to just let it waste away from inflation and or taxes. Due to my "depression" I don't have any motivation to do anything. Are there people who I can take the money to, let them invest, but it's only they do good if the investment does good? + +Other context but trying to keep anonymous, I have a 2015 Dodge Charger, 13k in savings, an apartment and a GF who's becoming a nurse. Age is around 20-28 + +I did some research (not really) and found things like a CPA for taxes, a Private stockbroker for investments, and maybe a financial advisor. Any help -thanks + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Seriously, thank you all for your answers. +I know it’s unbelievable in todays world but my company matches absolutely nothing to my 401k. My husbands company has a pension and a 401k match. I just want something for myself for “just in case”. +Should I even invest in it or should I just open my own Roth IRA. I make about $55k/year and currently put 10% in the 401k so +I figure if I did go the roth route I would max it out annually. I’m 39 and know I’ll be working until social security kicks in, whenever that is. +TLDR: Etoro has about 1.2 million TOTAL funded shareholder accounts. His calculation is based off of 1.2 million Etoro shareholders that own GME. + +# New Estimate: + +This is the post I'm referencing: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np4wwu/etoro\_got\_their\_15\_of\_all\_gme\_holder\_straight/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/np4wwu/etoro_got_their_15_of_all_gme_holder_straight/) + +Etoro has 1.2 million funded accounts (page 5) [https://marketing.etorostatic.com/cache1/pdf/eToro-Investor-Presentation.pdf](https://marketing.etorostatic.com/cache1/pdf/eToro-Investor-Presentation.pdf) + +6.71% of Etoro shareholders own GME. source is screenshot from OPs post: [https://preview.redd.it/ksbd4yfkwg271.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=de99df2f930e57711e0c04e685a08364ddd19bb3](https://preview.redd.it/ksbd4yfkwg271.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=de99df2f930e57711e0c04e685a08364ddd19bb3) + +6.71% of 1.2 million is 80,520 Etoro funded accounts that hold GME. + + According to this email.....[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmos5k/what\_the\_actual\_fuck\_did\_etoro\_just\_say/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nmos5k/what_the_actual_fuck_did_etoro_just_say/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) .... Etoro represents 1.5% of all GME shareholders + +So if 80,520 GME shareholders represent 1.5% of all GME shareholders, **the new estimate is 5,368,000 total GME shareholders (80,520/1.5%). Much lower than 89 Million.** + +Think about it, 6.71% of 20 million is 1,342,000 million accounts. Right there that should tell you the data is wrong if over 100% of Etoro accounts would have to own GME for his math to work. + +Again this is just an estimate so take it with a grain of salt. Its also important to note that we are making this estimate off of only 1.5% of the data, so there is PLENTY of room for error here. Feel free to check my math and let me know if I went wrong somewhere, but my main goal here was to stop the spread of misinformation. +Some of the greatest advice I ever received as a young adult was as follows: +> Whenever you decide to not do something, instead of saying, "I don't have time to..." say, "I am not making it a priority to..." + +So something like "I don't have time to cook dinner" becomes "I am not making it a priority to cook dinner." + +The main purpose of this serves to show you what you value in terms of importance in your life, but I also find it is a helpful reminder that you are in control of your life. If you woke up and wanted to go to the Grand Canyon tomorrow, you could do so. There are a lot of priorities/excuses you could use to not do it (I have kids, I have to go to work, etc) but none of those can actually stop you from waking up and making your way towards the Grand Canyon. Maybe you have enough money and you can fly, maybe you can only drive, maybe you have to walk or hitchhike. Obviously there are some restrictions like being in prison or not having a passport or whatever, but you get the idea. You have the power to control your life. You choose to go to your job, you choose to eat what you eat, you choose to save your money. I believe a majority of the people in /r/fi grasp this concept as the whole purpose of financial independence is taking control of our finances to push up retirement/freedom by multiple years or even decades. That being said, lately I have noticed a lot of animosity towards the success of others backed up by poor excuses that I usually only see from /r/pf members or in the yahoo finance comment sections. + +* *He only is successful because his parents let him live at home for 2 years until he found a job* + +* *If I could have had scholarships and a part-time job I could have done that too* + +* *Not everyone can just magically start a side-hustle making 100K/yr* + +* *Where does the 50K he starts with come from? I'm betting his parents gave it to him. Another typical spoon-fed 2X year old who doesn't understand real life* + +The list goes on and frankly it's a little disappointing to see in this sub because I think we're better than that. The entire point of /r/fi is recognizing that we CAN make a difference in our lives. We study IRAs, 401Ks, backdoor loopholes, tax advantaged accounts, investment strategies, etc so that we can beat the system. We work harder than our coworkers studying these things and I bet if any of them came to you and called you lucky to have money saved you would be offended because you simply took advantage of your situation and you made sacrifices along the way that they never will know about. You built your own path to financial success while they spent all their money on a new Audi S8 and a huge house they can barely afford. + +At the age of 12 years old I found a business game online where the winners at the end of each week could win cash prizes. I had always loved the idea of making money so I sat down and studied the game and worked harder than anyone else in the game and after a couple of years I made a couple of grand that I used to buy myself an XBOX 360 and some other fun toys. + +When I was 15 I was playing a Facebook game called "Warbook" and was able to work my way into the top 100 players or so where my kingdom was making exponentially more gold than a majority of players. I recognized the opportunity and sent an email off the the game maker to see if he would allow me to sell gold. He didn't care and I made over 2 grand in 2 weeks before everyone else in the game caught on and flooded the market to where I just didn't care to proceed. + +As a junior in high school I Googled "Top 10 paying jobs" and chose to study Computer science out of that. + +After college I was working my IT job and decided I wanted to earn more so I looked into potential side hustle opportunities. I researched/attempted flipping items on Ebay, re-selling wholesale/repackaged items on Amazon, building mobile apps, website creation jobs, etc. Eventually after failing to get multiple side hustles off the ground (a lot of times due to lack of interest after much research or effort), I found something I liked in streaming video games on Twitch. I found enjoyment and saw potential and so I sat down and began working hard on building an environment/layout/stream that viewers would enjoy. It took a little bit to really get off the ground but I've been able to find success and it's a profitable side-hustle for me now. + +As some of you may know from my [Build the life you want, then save for it](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/58j8pc/build_the_life_you_want_then_save_for_it/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=financialindependence) post, I made many sacrifices along the way to make my Twitch stream successful and those drove me to learn about creating a successful life outside of financial success too. + +Regardless, now that I have found some Twitch success do you know what I hear every day from other people trying to make streaming work? + +* *You just got lucky to get into streaming 2 years ago. Nobody unknown can make it big anymore* + +* *I just don't have time to stream like you do* + +* *You probably just knew some big streamers and got their viewers to come to your channel. I wish I had connections* + +The list goes on. And yet every day I see new streamers starting up who work hard and grow their streams into something bigger. Just like every day I look around this sub and see people posting who have taken control of their lives and the opportunities they were presented and made the most of them. Some of them were able to figure it out easier than others, some of them started with a boost, some of them failed less than others, but none of them quit because they saw someone else succeed. None of them said, "He was just lucky, I could never be that successful." Instead of comparing paths they looked at their own situation and figured out what they could do. + +It's like looking at Madonna and being upset that she is successful because she has an amazing voice. "Well if I was born with that voice I'd be successful. She doesn't even know how lucky she got." Her path to success is not the only path and it's not your path either. Do you think Bill Gates would have never amounted to anything if his parents didn't send him to private school? Do you think Elon Musk would ever settle for a 9-5 job at an accounting firm? I like to think not. I imagine they are people who were going to find a path to success no matter what situation they were put in. They didn't let any excuses get in the way and they made their own priorities. Just like the members of /r/fi don't accept the notion that you have to work until you're 65 or can only save 5-10% of your income max. + +Maybe you can't start a consulting gig making 100K/yr. Maybe your parents didn't let you live with them while you were looking for a job. Maybe you don't have the voice of an angel. So what? Try streaming on Twitch. Try reselling items from Goodwill. Try something brand new! Gary Dahl sold pet rocks to become a millionaire in a year. Rather than finding jealousy from this, find motivation. Let's celebrate those around us and create a positive environment where we can support our goals and realities. Life isn't always fair and we don't all start at the same place, but if you are sitting somewhere reading this right now you probably have started ahead of a lot of people in this world and should be grateful for that. Don't throw that away because you're too busy making excuses or worrying about your neighbors. You control your life, you choose your actions every day, and you build your own path to success. +My MiL just bought a generator for her house in South Florida. Her neighborhood HOA told her that because they have had some problems with other contractors accidentally destroying landscaping, she needs to write a check for $4,000 that they will hold until they determine there was no damage to neighborhood property by her contractors. Obviously she is using an insured company. + +How does she get around this? Do I just go with her and yell at them? Is this legal? + +I should mention there are no cameras who monitors who is doing the damage so it could be anyone coming in and out of the neighborhood including tons of construction companies. Also, HOAs are garbage. +I recently moved to Australia from the US. When I opened a bank account I asked to get a credit card set up, but all their options were really bad! I thought it was just my bank of choice, but then looked online and it seems like credit cards here don't have as many advantages/rewards as in the US. I'm really curious why! + +For example: In the US I had two credit cards: + +* Neither had an annual fee. That wasn't something I'd sought out, the cards my bank offered to me just didn't have annual fees. +* Both had great rewards. One card gave me 3.5% cash back on grocery purchases and 1.75% cash back on everything else. The other card gave me 2 points for every dollar spent, which could be redeemed for travel purchases at a rate of 100 points = $1. +* They also both had bonus cash back/points if you spent a certain amount of money within the first 90 days of opening the account. + +From what I've seen in Aus, the closest thing are credit cards that give you points with a particular airline, which is pretty limiting. The cards I've seen also all have annual fees (sometimes waived for the first X months, but still). + +Is there some big difference between the Aus/US banking systems that explains why credit cards are so different? + +And before anyone else gets to it: yes I am a whingey seppo and I should go back to the US if I liked the credit card rewards so much, I know, I know. +Been testing out instant payments. $10 goes through to my account first time fine. Next $5000 is held 24 hours as "first-time payment to new account". + +Okay. Wait a few more days. Try another $10. Held again. Try $10,000. Held again. + +Spoke to Commbank - "we hold first-time payments to new accounts for security reasons". Point out that it's not the first time. The customer service person doesn't know what to say. Fumbles around until comes up with "sometimes we do extra security checks". + +Extra security checks on $10? Uh... yes. + +I've had just one payment (the very first test payment of $10) go through instantly. Every other payment is held overnight. + +I'm at the point of escalating it to a complaint with Commbank and then to the Ombudsman. + +I asked about payment limits too - no, there are no payment limits that would cause this. Can't get a straight answer out of them. + +Anyone else managing instant payments from Commbank to another bank no problems? + +I kinda feel like they're deliberately holding payments for 24 hours, defeating the whole purpose of Osko instant. + +Nothing on my account that is a security issue either. + + + +Edit: called up again. Commbank have a secret policy, not written anywhere online or in any PDS that they will hold for 24 hours any payments made within the first five days to a new account. So they hold first payment 24 hours. Make a payment two days later to same account and it's held also. They say after five days it's then instant. + +Queried why they don't use their security token system to verify payments - no answer. Just their policy. + +So you want to pay someone on Gumtree instantly? Nope. Want to send your friend money instantly? Nope. + +Went through it in depth with them. The rep even acknowledged that this appeared to be the opposite of the whole point of Osko instant payments. + +So complaint lodged and I'll lodge one with ombudsman too. Commbank has already been dragged over the coals for delaying Osko and now they're using these secret policies that do not appear anywhere to delay payments. Additionally, they're not using their existing security token system to ensure instant payments. + +Pretty shit Commbank. +Everyone loves a good Monday dip for the chips! I bought more today. The pressure makes sense. They are burning capital through buying more shorts and interest. So in turn, they have to push the price of the stock down to prevent getting margin called. It used to be 350 they were fighting so hard against. Then SLR reverted. So they needed more liquidity to continue to play. Now it’s maybe around 200 last week and maybe 180 this week? Who really knows anymore. Take the aggressive action as good news. I think we will see more sales before this thing gets popped off. I always hold a little capital for another 200 shares or more. Never can be too sure but I love tickets for the 🌚. Buy the dip, they are losing daily. It costs nothing to HODL! Love you 🦍! +This is a situation where holding is best right? I'm still fresh when it comes to the stock market but everything is way down today and wanted to know if I should be selling or holding. +As per my understanding, Cairn sued Indian government for “breach of the guarantee of fair and equitable treatment” which was against the India-UK bilateral treaty and that the breach caused a loss. Why is it that they are now going after the government and what solid reasons do they have that the judgement is in their favor? Why is Air India being targeted when their must be even bigger Indian government owned companies that operate in other countries? Surely Air India assets overseas are not in the billions? + +Devas Multimedia has now too attempted to seize Air India assets abroad. Why is that these contracts or whatever the deals or payments were not fulfilled by Indian government? What even were the circumstances that led to this? Also the arbitration award seem quite large +Should one invest Rs. 50,000 ever year for additional tax deduction of 80CCD1(B)? I see it, even if one gets 1.5% less return than equity funds, one will be better off if he is 30% slab. + +- Rs. 50,000 invested monthly becomes Rs. 11.4 Crore in a period of 30 years at 10% p.a. +- Rs. 34,400 invested monthly becomes Rs. 10.87 Crore in a period of 30 years at 11.5% p.a. + +Used [clear tax calculator](https://cleartax.in/save/sip-calculator#result) for it. + +This post has a lot of assumptions: +- Why should one choose only 1.5% as difference. +- The asset allocation chosen will make changes here. +- The effect of rate difference will reduce as we reduce the time period. I used 30 years as it applies to me. + +Note: Liquidity is not a concern. Govt interference can be an issue but let us avoid that discussion here. +As the title suggests, my employer has not paid my work place pension since August. The pension is paid as a lump sum to the provider which is then distributed to all employees so this is affecting everyone. The pension provider has emailed me each month to say that the pension was not paid which I have forwarded to my manager to sort. What are my options here? Forwarding doesn’t seem to be working. +As the markets dropped yesterday, we watched $MBUD set ATHs. 2200 new hodlers in 24 hours, a new peak market cap of over 5 million dollars, a charity wallet that has grown to HALF A MILLION dollars, and a steady price hold at the previous day's ATH during non peak hours. If you want to "buy the dip" you better do it now, because market cap has doubled every day. + +The dev team in tg is very open and answer questions, and have a great roadmap laid out. The first round of marketing is coming out starting today/the rest of the weekend, and the charity donation video will be recorded next weekend. + + +✨ What is $MBUD !? + + +$MBUD is a new charity token with deflationary tokenomics rewarding HODLers. 5% of every transaction gets deducted as a fee; 2% is redistributed to holders, 2% goes to a charity wallet while the remaining 1% get sent to a burn address, removing the tokens from the supply forever. Holders of the $MBUD token will be able to vote on their favorite charity of choice, the charity wallet as of now is sitting at over $500k, in over 48H! + + +🔥 VIDEO OF THE CHARITY VISIT RELEASES NEXT WEEKEND! 🔥 + +​ + +Our roadmap for the next month is following: + +🌎 Token launch - DONE ✅ + +📱 Website launch - DONE ✅ + +❤️ Community building - IN PROGRESS 👍 + +🦎 CoinGecko listing - APPLIED ⚡️ + +📈 CMC listing - APPLIED ⚡️ + +​ + +Liquidity has been locked for one year! Dev tokens have been vested for 3 months, making a rug COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE! + +​ + +How to Buy? + +Contract Address: https://bscscan.com/token/0xbe8183612f145986a41ad8e8fcfefed1c2f9deba + +Chart: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xbe8183612f145986a41ad8e8fcfefed1c2f9deba + +Buy on PancakeSwap: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xbe8183612f145986a41ad8e8fcfefed1c2f9deba + +​ + +​ + +🔍 Token Details: + +​ + +Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 + +Presale Price: 4,250,000 $MBUD per BNB + +Listing Price: 4,600,000 $MBUD per BNB + +Liquidity Locked: 100% for 1 Year + +Dev Tokens: 50,000,000 (locked for 3 months) + +Marketing Tokens: 25,000,000 + +​ + +Website: https://moonbud.space + +Telegram: t.me/moonbudofficial +So I dun goofed and made too many moves to count. + +I bought bitcoin on one exchange, made some profit, traded for ether, sold part of ether for bitcoin to transfer to another exchange to buy another altcoin. Sold that altcoin back to bitcoin to buy another altcoin. + +Sent ether to metamask, bought some altcoin on etherdelta. Sent token back to etherdelta, etc, etc... + +I've been trying to avoid converting to fiat, but not sure if that's going to be good enough to avoid a taxable event. + +So at this point, I have no clue what I'm going to do. I guess my main questions are + +Can I treat my trades as like-for-like in 2017? What about for 2018 with the new regulations? +Is a transfer between exchanges considered a taxable event? +Can i apply LIFO or do I have to do FIFO basis reporting? +Does anyone have any accountant recommendations? +r/EthShowerthoughts + +Frankly, it would make a lot of sense. + +Right now, ethernet cables send information in an "inter" fashion I.E. between two physical data locations. + +Looking at the etymology, we could compare it to National vs. International, so within a country (national) or between countries (inter). + +Now we are introducing a third layer: Ethernational + +Ethernational communication is DECENTRALIZED communication between countries. When international policy occurs, it's between two. But when ethernational policy is made, neither country has ownership of the policy because of its decentralized nature. + +Naturally, the Internet is a series of tubes between two computers, thus Inter. However, when we move to a decentralized network of websites that do not exist in a single place we are not communicating computer to server, so the Inter prefix cannot be applied. + +When this occurs, the word Internet will no longer have meaning. + +We must rename the Internet to the Ethernet in order to remain consonant with the demands of the English language. +Central banks and Basel III have more or less removed price discovery from the credit markets, meaning risk does not have an accurate pricing mechanism in interest rates anymore. And now passive investing has removed price discovery from the equity markets. The simple theses and the models that get people into sectors, factors, indexes, or ETFs and mutual funds mimicking those strategies -- these do not require the security-level analysis that is required for true price discovery. + +[Full Article ](https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2019-09-04/michael-burry-explains-why-index-funds-are-like-subprime-cdos#click=https://t.co/RpGYgowI5N) +Our money is pretty automated - I have it all set up so it goes where it needs to when it needs to, but the times we need something outside the norm our current banks make it so difficult. + + +Their apps crash, the transfer doesn’t show as going through initially, it takes days to reach the other account and then duplicates a few times. + + +Ideally we’d be able to keep most things within the one bank but separated - big savings, smaller savings, utilities, spending, direct debits and transfers etc, and hopefully they’d have Osko or other fast payments. + + +If you’re very happy with your bank and their app, I’d love to hear about it. +NASDAQ has been dropping these past few weeks and performance doesn’t seem to be improving. I imagine it’s the fear of inflation and tech stocks are dependent on lending. + + +Is this a buying opportunity, in your view? +Remember Nano? That coin that really shot up from, like, $0.15 in November 2017 to $33 two months later? It even was in the top 20 for a bit. Well, I suppose many people on here must have bought close to ATH back then, because they always REALLY wanted it to go there again and talked about their love for it a lot + +Unfortunately it never did. It was hit HARD by the bear market of 2018ff., even went below $0.4. While it did quite well in the bullrun of 2021, it was one of those coins that stayed way below their 2017-2018 ATHs, it got close to $15. Other than most other formerly huge coins that didn't reach a new ATH this bull run - stuff like XRP, BCH, EOS, NEO, DASH... - which don't get a lot of love on here, Nano stayed a sub favorite, I don't think any other coin outside the top 100 (except Moons) is mentioned this often. + +Speaking of the top 100: you can see how much this sub loves Nano, if you read [this post](https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/og5u6m/its_official_nano_is_no_longer_among_the_top_100/) from last July, when it left the top 100 - OP was at a "loss for words", how could a coin that was "perfect: Instant. Feeless. Green" not be much higher? Many people agreed, the post has over 5k upvotes. I would argue the post was a bit dramatic - Nano hat only re-entered the top 100 3 months earlier after spending a few weeks below that - but you see how much love there is for the coin. + +Today, it left the top 200 for the first time since its big explosion in late 2017, as I am writing this it's 202 on Coingecko, -91% since ATH, the downtrend has been pretty consistent the past few months. + +What do you think about Nano? Do you still believe in it, do you think it will break its ATH ever again? Do you think it's a dead coin that will just continue to go down? Other coins have been declared dead for less but hey, it's crypto, anything can happen +Am I the only one who thinks the world has gone insane? + +The hottest stocks out there are ones with price to earnings ratios of 100+ (or some multiple thereof). + +Their only business model is to grow their stock valuation and to put everyone else out of business. + +The "real economy" is approaching 25% unemployment and the first drop in real GDP in decades. + +CEO's say "nothing to see here, move along, wait until 2021 and maybe earnings will be better". + +But people keep buying stocks. Anyone who tries to make money shorting will be drowned out by everyone else's FOMO. + +It's like the Fed pointed a gun to our heads and said "buy tulips, or else." + +This is not a market anymore. +Good Morning Everyone! + +With the FED minutes out of the way but still mildly inconclusive the market can begin to stabilize a bit after the last few days of uncertainty. It's likely that the rate increase of .25% has been priced in and the possibility for no rate increase at all will be a bullish signal. + +Moderately low ETF FTDs for today as well as MM FTDs + +ETF + +https://preview.redd.it/zypsvcrqcei81.png?width=341&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ca2f7eb8212ce399548ad8775e7ccda3e7a11f8 + +MM + +https://preview.redd.it/xmpwm61vcei81.png?width=2120&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a62aaf440e73b0ed9684267456480e39bf43a56 + +So if we see any significant upside movement it will be due to continued delta hedging of yesterdays slight increase, and or pre-hedging of this Friday's OPEX expiration. + +This hedging the run up in advance can dilute the volatility of the T+2 gamma exposure event next week. A similar tactic was applied moving into Nov. 19th last year. + +With some bullish sentiment returning to the market, it could support our climb up. + +GME trend technicals are looking good + +[ADX & DMI+\/- on the 1D](https://preview.redd.it/uxabcj8pbei81.png?width=1574&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0a4a273157bd2a5bed88f70a11a825354b834c0) + +[Still trading slightly above our current support we could see another test of 130 today. The call OI from 130-135 really dies off and there is not much to support a move beyond that. If we fail to maintain support \(more likely due to low expected volume\) or the market turns downward I expect we will drift back towards max pain at 125 or our low support at 120. ](https://preview.redd.it/uby7a8ifeei81.png?width=1733&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad8ee7e416db12910f357c47c83d9a4cd50cf33a) + +**DIX Pics** + +[Dark pool volume still elevated ](https://preview.redd.it/zv8u7qlbfei81.png?width=2506&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb3b3c1fee97d9edfa7852be15ba5e1c006dd4f) + +[IV holding steady no significant increase yesterday these low volume slow climbs tend to stabilize volatility which is beneficial for those holding variance swaps](https://preview.redd.it/huk6dyngfei81.png?width=2509&format=png&auto=webp&s=2abbfb3d03853caa30c10b5056b1fc211b2a7dc3) + +[GEX still climbing](https://preview.redd.it/ukcev9tifei81.png?width=2475&format=png&auto=webp&s=c82e9f197f2fe69a2cc8be11281868aceb545928) + +&#x200B; + +[Thanks to u\/Brave-Vacation6792](https://preview.redd.it/9x1zmdf9iei81.png?width=1225&format=png&auto=webp&s=b61fee9f810be596e3486525f86d74afefa9e065) + +**You are welcome to check** [my profile](https://www.reddit.com/user/gherkinit) **for links to my previous DD, and YouTube Livestream & Clips** + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +46, 92, 98, 100, 104.50, 116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, 190, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After-hours + +We fell a little below our expected range today toward close, large number of ITM 1DTE puts bought towards the end of the day. But still did well given the overall decline in the S&P. Tomorrow is the options expiration day for this Quarterly cycle. We may begin to see a significant amount of hedging occur, if we do not I expect next week to yield some decent gains as Quarterly ETF and Index options gamma exposure is settled. Thanks for tuning in, see you tomorrow. + +\- Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/ueze99asjgi81.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=428363eaa7b5a1fc24e5a899af6834dcdc4894c2 + +[Fellow to the lower trend support from this morning but we are setup nicely for a bounce.](https://preview.redd.it/okurddiukgi81.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=24c3217cc01a547b6400e9b91a213a9705b3dc30) + +Edit 4 2:31 + +Finding a soft landing on this support at 123.4, 50k shares borrowed a little while ago precipitating the tail end of this drop. Buy pressure mounting looks like we could move up into close if demand picks up. + +https://preview.redd.it/3evamxiw3gi81.png?width=1579&format=png&auto=webp&s=16f2db231b6d46e25b6a3e9ae2fd8cdea6abec44 + +Edit 3 2:03 + +Dropped back down to max pain we could see a bit lower, If you look at Nov. 18th we are tracking almost exactly which could mean big up tomorrow if the pre-hedge their exposure. + +https://preview.redd.it/jqe61aatyfi81.png?width=1573&format=png&auto=webp&s=10f724cfc189c47ab2665d3b96423ef39d7ef9f2 + +Edit 2 12:08 + +Intraday trend is weakening. Looks like we are gonna head back down to the 126-127 range, this looks like an attempt to siphon off some of the IV that was building earlier. + +https://preview.redd.it/g31b5p9befi81.png?width=1593&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ecf87d625da1d91a452268da48b9fc37c4f2ff1 + +Edit 1 11:15 + +Very low volume slow climb, continuing to inverse the overall market outperforming once again, and moving into our 3rd test of the 130 resistance today. If we can break 130 there is still a bit of a dead zone up to 135. The positive trend is however staying strong. + +https://preview.redd.it/hzu2txyt4fi81.png?width=1588&format=png&auto=webp&s=b66340e652cc523201b3aaf59833a52e308c1d23 + +# Pre-Market Analysis + +Low volume and basically flat for much of pre-market today. + +Volume: 7.48k + +Max Pain: $125 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR - 100,000 @ 1.8% (drop of .8% in the rate here) + +Fidelity - 2,306 @ 1.5% + +[GME Pre-market on the 1m](https://preview.redd.it/s4pv71hngei81.png?width=1589&format=png&auto=webp&s=84a7ea8f356d71cd1a58eee510841dbbd3069418) + +TTM Squeeze + +[looking very similar to the May run up right now](https://preview.redd.it/33iw6c34hei81.png?width=2453&format=png&auto=webp&s=02d8d748dcac3e27ca48ef85b81c950ea4dca436) + +[Little weaker signal but only a couple points off](https://preview.redd.it/vx9vbk8qhei81.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2c63cfa67375b59a9c91046418cc9b353428b3f) + +CV\_VWAP + +https://preview.redd.it/o82uu73ghei81.png?width=2455&format=png&auto=webp&s=92fd5a67b7e4c5a348c2a5e93ce918c9c9a34c91 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* +Hey guys I am 27m and I have about 1 year left to buy my home and I am getting serious about wealth building and want to go and invest in real estate but I am the kind of perish that needs things broken down to a T to understand the business and concept. I want to be a multimillionaire in 15 years. I live in south west Missouri. +Ok so houses are mostly going for $50-$100 over asking in my city. My wife and I have great credit and are sitting on a small mortgage so we're looking to sell and free up some investment capital. We're in southern Ontario. + +My wife has experience with interior design and I am able to do repairs and medium renovations. We did really well with our current house and would like to repeat the process. We are also interested in keeping rental properties. + +Notes: +- Our house is in an area that any further upgrades will have very little effect on the overall value. + +- The appraisal value is about $100 less than what the house will sell for, so a refinance won't get us that much. + +- New builds are almost cheaper than resales + + +I have a question about our options, any help is appreciated. + +1. Sell this house, rent something until the market settles down and buy another house in the city for around $400. Put 5% down and use the rest to put down on a cash positive multi-unit. + +2. Sell this house, buy a new build outside the city for $450. Put 5% down and use the rest to put down on a cash positive multi-unit. Sell the new build in 3ish years and repeat. + +I've been told that a 6+ unit building that has tenants qualifies for its own mortgage or something like that? Is that a thing in Canada? We should have enough for a 30-40% downpayment, but there's no way we'd qualify for the debt load on a building like that. Unless that's the point... We'll have enough for a large down payment on whatever we want, I just don't know how to carry the debt load of a cash positive property. Maybe that's not a thing. Sorry for my ignorance, any help is greatly appreciated. +Last year, several gaming studios announced plans to roll-out NFTs on their platforms, and the backlash was swift. Gamers threatened to cancel their Discord membership, Square Enix got criticized for introducing NFTs in *Kingdom Hearts*, Ubisoft got panned for a similar NFT program last month... + +At first, I was aghast. Why would gamers reject so violently a new technology? I am not a gamer myself, so it was troubling. + +But I read about it, and I came to this conclusion : gamers are not against to NFTs, they are against microtransactions cash-grabs. And to them, non-fungible tokens are nothing more than another way for studios to make more money. But this will change. + +From what I read, the gaming industry has been plagued by microtransactions for quite some time now. You pay $60 for a game, and yet, you need to fork out more money to buy clothes, armor, weapons, etc., for your character. That pisses off players, and rightly so. So when big studios such as Square Enix or Ubisoft announced plans to offer NFTs, those same gamers are pissed off : they only see this technology as another form of microtransactions. + +(There are also energy consumption concerns, but as most NFTs are build on Ethereum, those concerns will evaporate in six months when it switch to proof-of-stake.) + +**That's why I think that, in the long-term, NFTs will find a way into the gaming industry.** When/if big studios find ways to make it enticing for players, the revolution will begin. The tech will mature, the fears will fade away, and our ecosystem will benefit from this. +This has been the toughest day since I got into Ethereum over two years ago. From a technical aspect it would be nice for some of the foundation members to come on and explain how ETH will ultimately differentiate itself. + +To just sit there and be quiet about it - is poor in my opinion. +I bought them in the dip around $6.20 and now they’re at $7.30. I also work in pizza pizza ( as a cook 👨‍🍳 ) and I think they are doing okay in this time. I wanna know your thoughts about them. +I know one of the biggest complaints about moons is that they have no real world use other than Governance and tipping. + +In an effort to help MOONs gain some popularity I decided to start accepting MOONs at my business, luckily I'm self employed so I didn't really have to ask anybody for permission. + +The most difficult thing has been trying to help people set up their wallets and teaching them about crypto and how to transfer them over to me, it's kind of become part of the business at this point. + +I encourage any of you to start accepting moons if it's possible at your work place or if your offering anything on craigslist. + +took a picture of the signs I put up. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9kd1dwozk8o91.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=b716b25d7f148d9949bf03b838a96a02c5a0a563 +These last couple weeks watching the users here drop countless NFTs for free is amazing. Seeing how they've evolved in just that short amount of time with JUST THE WALLET being released is insane. Community members stepping up and creating tutorials for how to mint and publish games. + + +The marketplace isn't even out yet and people are already gaming with NFTs on GameStop's platform. This community is building it and they will come. It's inspiring. It reminds me yet again why we're going to win. + + +Good luck Kenny boy, we're coming for that mayo 🔥 +Edit: not actually tmrw haha, next rippy + +1. We're forming a double bottom which means we're going towards the end of this algo cycle (new one could begin after ofc) + + +2. DRS numbers are insane. Still not 100% but all time low volume going into this rip is bullish AF + +3A. GameStop execs and board members are smart, they are near ready to release a full marketplace. They MIGHT be waiting for the upcoming rippy and releasing the marketplace at the end of the double bottom. + +Algo trading will force us to rip and MSM will be forced to write articles "GME is up XX% on the release of the marketplace" + +3B. NFT divvy is on the table + +4. If 3 is true, FOMO will synergize with the cycle to push us even higher + +5. If 3+4 are true, the price might get too high for the shorts. + +5A. You guys remember the trust me bro few weeks ago where someone posted that Susquehanna had an insane margin call in the billions? If we reach the price above that margin price, they'll be in deep trouble. + +5B. Bullish DD done by u/whatcanimaketoday showed that Luk Securities is most likely in default with OCC and recently the DTCC filed a cease to act against Luk Securities. Luk is most likely in trouble due to bad GME bets (again see u/whatcanimaketoday DD). And SEC allowed OCC to access pensions for extra liquidity. Walls are closing in + +6. Splivident, given it was handled correctly (big IF), should start causing damage soon + +7. Given hedge funds and banks will drain pensions to save themselves, Mayo Boy probably expects to live through MOASS. he'll use these connections to pass the bag and somehow survive with a bailout. And after go into politics post market crash so he can reshape laws for his benefit and blame retail for having too much power + +*Written under assumption of buy, hold, DRS only +Bitcoin and Circle just solved my remittance problem. + +I live in Belarus, people. The "Last dictatorship in europe" accoridng to Connaleeza Rice. + +I receive my salary here, in a local bank account tied to a debit card in USD. One of my big problems is transferring my salary back to my US account with minimal fees so that I can make payments on student loans and such. + + +With Circle, I can now send any amount of money to my coinbase account to be withdrawn to my local bank account with neglible transaction fees. I just sent myself $20 from Belarus to America in about two seconds...I'm really freaking out. This is a game changer, folks. I don't care if Bitcoin's value drops to $.10, it's now the only way I'm going to be transferring money. + +DO YOU PEOPLE REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS? I'm literally jittery right now. Western Union is dead. + + +Edit: And so is paypal. + +Edit: + +* I used a Belarusian debit card to add the money. +* I only tested 20 USD so far, will do more on next payday. +* Thanks for Godling (twice), +* Огромное спасибо /u/Psiloshibe за бит-чаевые! + + + +Hi people. I just got paid my annual bonus, and I'm looking to put 70% of it into ETH, 20% of it into alts and 10% of it into a vacation to Croatia. I'd like to keep it to not more than 3 or 4, mainly because I don't want to give myself 10 new charts to obsessively check. + + +I've already decided on Antshares mainly because it looks like the chinese ETH, and because apparently they already have a handle on sharding. The others I'm looking at are Ripple and XEM. + + +Some "nice to have" (but not required) features that I'm looking for are: + + +1) Announced partnerships with major companies/corporations + +2) Are more than 1 year old (possible exception of IOTA) + + +I am fine to invest in coins/tokens that run on bitcoin's blockchain or, but also want to be aware of any new blockchains. So far the only I have found that fit that description are Antshares, Ripple, XEM and IOTA. Any others I'm missing? + + +I'm also interested to hear anyone's thoughts on Factom and PIVX. Any any other suggestions as well, but please say why. If it's an article you read or something, links appreciated. Also, if anyone sees someone talking something up but disagrees, don't be lazy--comment your thoughts! Finally, if you feel comfortable, post your holding percentages. + +Thanks for your help ethtrader! Hopefully we can all learn something. +Asia still dominates in crypto-trading by volume, accounting for the vast majority of money flowing in and out. Guess what is coming up in 3 weeks? **Lunar New Year**. Lots of money is flowing back to fiat to buy presents and plane/train tickets. + +People spend a TON of money on travel and presents during Lunar New Year. This is their Christmas. This is also the largest mass migration of people on the planet, occurring over two weeks. Projections are for $100 billion USD in spending. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ywang/2017/01/26/worlds-largest-human-migration-begins-chinese-new-year-2017/#3a6d5502999a] + +Remember that the crypto market is antithetical to the stock market. Stocks boom when business is booming during the holidays. Crypto investors are retail investors, not Wall Street investors. Retail investors sell during holidays, thus the crypto market falls. + +This selloff has happened exactly 3 weeks before Lunar New Year each of the last 4 years. + +Evidence: https://i.imgur.com/xKFssKT.jpg [credit: u/Secruoser] + +So, everybody chill out for a week, the bulls will be back by February. You can't fault these Chinese and Korean bros for taking major gains to buy some cool shit for their families. Hell, if you want to, buy up their cheap coins in the meantime. +Figured I'd retaliate in the way that might actually help my investment. Had some shares sitting in a brokerage account and didn't have any money to buy the dip so I DRS'ed 300 shares, which is most of what I've accumulated over the past few months. + +I can be pretty spiteful, and stubborn, and I've been playing video games for 20 years and I don't like to lose. +Rather than an x/y axis of time/price, imagine that you are in a time machine that can travel into the future to see what things will be like when we gain more adoption and then go back in time to buy up all the juicy coins at discounts. I can't believe the amount of FUD and discouragement I see in this sub. Is it caused by mostly noobs? Do you not actually believe in the technology you're investing in? If not, please sell and get out. You're not an early adopter and you don't need to be here. If you are an early adopter and not some noob looking for a lambo, then you're obviously here for a reason. Remember what brought you here to begin with and start stacking those coins like it's the Summer of 2017! +Vechain Rebranding. What does this entail? Why is this beneficial? + +VeChain Thor will mean that VeChain is going to migrate from a token on the Ethereum network, to its own blockchain mainnet. It will adopt a two-coin economy (similar to NEO and Gas), with the primary token being VET and the token used to power transactions being known as Thor. + +For investors, this has two big benefits. Firstly, it will allow VeChain to distance itself from the volatility of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the cryptocurrency market, because it will have its own enterprise network. Secondly, all VET tokens (redeemed 1-1 with the current VEN tokens) will generate Thor tokens every day. These Thor tokens will be tradeable on exchanges and could be a passive income for long-term investors + +For those more interested in Ven for investing purposes, I'll probably post a technical analysis that takes into account upcoming releases for a good buy in price on this facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/116014865776792/ +here is a list of all the parameters you can use. + +https://spreadsheetsolving.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/googlefinance.pdf + +here is how to use them: +https://drive.googleblog.com/2010/08/tips-tricks-googlefinance-in-google.html + + + + +Throw away for anonymity… + +My parents are in the midst of selling their business in the healthcare space, which will net around $8m. + +**Current Net Worth (them):** \~$5m mostly liquid/retirement accounts, with real estate around $1.5m. Zero debt. Mostly distributed across various Vanguard funds + +**Scenario:** They are in their mid-60s (Me: mid 30s, independently on FIRE path by 50), and very conservative with no real planned changes in lifestyle post close. I have helped facilitate the deal, and found the banker, tax guys, and lawyer on their behalf. They have always been very open about money and have often looked to me b/c I’m the “finance guy”. + +NW after sale puts them very close to $15m and this is a level where I believe serious family planning needs to take place. Looking for advice on protection, growth, trusts, and other professionals that should be brought in. I do not want to see $10m+ sitting in CDs or Money Market accounts. + +Been reading this sub for about a year but wanted to see if there was anyone else out there that has gone through something similar. Thanks! +- 38, RE'd, ~$16M NW (breakdown below) + +Asset|Value +-|- +Public Stocks|$2.8M ( +Private Equity|$9M (most tied into the ad agency that I started and was acquired) +Cash|$641k +Property|$3.6M in equity, total value is about $6M (primary house + condo + rental mentioned here) + + +- Bought a property in San Diego in a popular neighborhood (North Park for anyone familiar) in early 2019 for just under $800k cash and put about $200k in renovations putting total cost at **$1M** + +- It was 2 units with with a 3/2 and a 2/1. It was then converted to be three 2/1's. It's two lots on one parcel + +- The three units are AirBNB'd and get $7k-$16k/month net (gross is 8k-24k). Property management takes 14% and they're great so I've never lifted a finger doing anything. Long term rental I figure I'd get +$8-9k total which may be required with law changes + +- Current multi-family comps are around $1.4M-$1.7M + +- The CoC return on rent at the $1M price I got it for is quite good, however if I can get $1.7M+ it doesn't look nearly as good..and I wouldn't have paid for it for the return. **Is this the proper way to think about it?** + +- Having extra cash on hand is nice, though I don't necessarily have a need for it and I'd likely just DCA into the S&P. I also have a PAL for my primary residence and having cash cushion there is nice. + +- San Diego is definitely a hot market and there is room for further appreciation in my view (certainly no guarantee) but with interest rising it's also likely to slow down. + +- Main pro of keeping it is having a diversified portfolio and having an income stream over the next few decades + +- Any advice would be appreciated! +Im newer to investing and was wondering what the downside to investing in canadian bank stocks like scotiabank etc. + +I know unlike the US our banks cant really go bankrupt as they arnt privately owned and such things along those lines. + +Are bank stocks always a safe investment? +Why stop at just video games? GME should be the phoenix rising out of Toys R Us ashes. There's already so much beautiful irony in what caused Toys R Us to fail is what caused GME to flourish. Hedgies took down Toys R Us, but Toys R Us 2.0 took down the hedgies. + +I rather give GME my business than Amazon on any day. There's so much room for potential expansion. + +For Geoffrey the Giraffe. +Hello UKPF, + +Im looking into ways to make a bit more money on the side. I'm quite tech savvy and was just looking to see what sort of side hussles you have and how much you make from it? + +Thank ya +See [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DMrgu1lZ9GUgwIq6P5XBy6Q9tRkTZOUZjwjVExT71rw/edit#gid=0) + +I would love to get this group’s advice on setting up a real estate debt snowball for my portfolio. I’m at the point where I don’t want to purchase any additional properties, but I’m still a couple of years away from retirement so my W2 income can cover our bills. Fortunately, my real estate portfolio is throwing off some fairly nice cash flow ($7k-$8k/month). I could put it in the stock market, but I really don’t want to increase my stock exposure right now. So I thought about a debt snowball, but not sure how to set the right prioritization criteria. The fundamental trade-off is duration vs interest rate. I have a few loans with long-term durations (20-yr to 30-yr terms), but many with short-term durations (5 years). The rates are actually pretty good ranging from 3.5% to 5.5%. It seems crazy to pay off 3.5% money though. I also have a line of credit that cuts across several properties. It could make sense to pay that off because the payment will decrease, but again that is 4.168% money. + +All the properties I want to keep long term and are performing well. Properties #1-#3 and #27 are my appreciation plays which means it is only break even cash flow. The rest of the properties cash flow quite nicely. I could pay off those properties, but each one of them have 20-yr fixed rate loans. + +I’m also a little concerned that when I retire in a couple of years, it may be difficult to refi the 5-yr loans. My income would be around $150k/year and I should have $3m in liquid assets. + +I did calculate a faux “cash-on-cash” return calculation in the spreadsheet. This basically takes the annual mortgage payment and divides by the mortgage balance. The thinking is if I deploy $x funds to payoff the loan balance I get $y amount in additional “cash flow”. + +Anyway, any advice would be appreciated. Thx +I’ve yet to do my taxes. 2018 was a wonky financial year for me, so it will be a tad harder to see how the new tax laws impacted me compared to previous years. Still, I’m curious to see how everyone else fared. Would be great if you could give a little insight into your financial background for context. +I have a 8 year old daughter and I want to teach her finance. She may inherit a lot (or not!). Right now, + +* all she has is a piggy bank and saves all her money in that. All she does is save. +* she knows the difference between "needs" and "wants". She is a satisfied kid and all she wants are her books (for now!). +* if she ever wants to skip classes, we remind her that it costs money and hence we need to be responsible about attendance +* we never pay her for anything like other families do (for ex: good grades, doing chores etc etc) - its assumed that you don't get paid to contribute to daily life + +I never learnt about finances and am learning about it now, very late in life. I dont want her to not learn how to GROW money. How do I systematically teach her? Do you folks use board games (recommendations), simple videos etc? Anything at all. +Just a heads. Anyone who has purchased a subscription of any kind of "The Motley Fool" may want to ensure that auto renewal is turned off. I discovered today while looking at my bank statement that those Fools auto renewed my subscription to "Stock Advisor Canada" to the tune of $222.88 without even sending an email reminding me that my account was about to expire and that I would have my subscription automatically renewed. So now I'm dealing with getting my money back. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-11-02/rivian-ready-to-go-public-valued-at-53-billion-video + +Offering up 135 million shares at $57 to $62 each under the ticker RIVN. The company is seeking a $60 billion valuation. Rivian’s market cap is already roughly equal to Honda Motor Corp LOL. + +The Rivian IPO is scheduled to price on Tuesday, nov 9 and trade the next day. A stock to keep an eye on, for sure. Many tout this as a unicorn. +We just went over this last week! + +u/Donnie-Azoff is very upset about the very things I discussed last week: + +>As each month passes this community seems to become increasingly juvenile and ignorant with a "safe space" lemming/herd mentality. "Only buy indexes" or "you can never beat the market" or "TSLA/AMZN will continuously appreciate into perpetuity" seem to dominate most of the conversation. + +Yeah, we JUST had that EXACT conversation!!! + +Your post is deleted for two reasons: + +1) People start bitching that shitposting levels are too high and this place sucks because of it. YOU are the one causing the problem, not helping make it better, so that leads me to: + +2) Congrats, you are our newest mod, now get to work and make r/investing great again!!! :D + +EDIT: locking down, stop upvoting this and lets get on with it! lol + +In each of the previous parabolic run-ups, crypto gave up about 75% of market capitalization before entering a consolidation phase. A correction after the most recent run-up would give us a market cap of about $200 billion. + +Dips during wild fluctuations might be tempting ... but the best times to buy are when the market is quite boring ie when there's little price action eg the first or third quarters of 2017. + +Wait for the consolidation phase. Accumulate when prices are moving sideways. +Hello Reddit, + +I'll start by saying that i'm a complete ignorant on financial matters, but i'd like to hear an opinion regarding my situation: + +* 27 years old +* Going to move from Italy to Spain in 3 months with my GF to live there permanently, i hope +* No kids planned, i hope +* No plan for a house at the moment + +So...as I am quite good with budgets and savings, I've managed to put aside some cash in my account. I have around 20'000€ that i'd like to **preserve** (not invest) for 10-20 years: + +The thing is, i'm kind of scared of EU' situation...I don't trust banks, nor companies, nor the € or any other FIAT currency for that matter. +So what's a good way to secure my savings from a possible *(as ignorant as i might be, this is what i perceive)* EU downfall? What's a good way to keep my spending power in case of a crisis and € devaluation? + +I'm skeptical about storing 20'000€ in BitCoins, so i'd like to buy Gold/Silver and have it delivered to me once i move to Spain. + +Pros of Gold/Silver + +* Physical goods in my hands + +* 20'000€ would be around 20 1oz gold coins...it's not an impracticale weight to move/hide + +* kinda stable currency + + + + +Cons of Gold/Silver + +* I don't know if i'll need to pay taxes for owning gold/silver or fill any other documents beside my income papers + +* I'm scared of confiscation in case i inform authorities and the time of crisis hits us. + +* Theft from burglars + + +Which ideas or advices could you give me? Do you have any personal stories in which your gold stack helped you in dire situations? + +Sorry for my english, not my 1st lang. + +**TL;DR Which precautions should i get in order to guard my savings from a € crisis similiar to Venezuela' situation nowadays?** + +Thanks +Hi there! +Right now i have developed my personal plan into investing which consists of IWY - tech heavy etf and BND as bonds counterpart with the ratio of 90/10 as i am young enough 25 m. But this is the not so risky part and it is 90% of my portfolio, i have chosen to try something more risky with the other 10% and decided to try selling options on small caps, i've been doing this for half a year already and in different market conditions it gives different results but i dont see the danger in it. The worst that could happen is that the stock i chose to sell option for will go down, but then i just continue selling options at a little bit lower prices and it still does a great job of making something around 2-5% a month of that 10% of base allocation, which is great addition to the growth of portfolio, then allocated by base rules. + +The question here is how this can go wrong? I feel like i dont see the whole picture with the options i am selling. The key word here is that i am only selling, never buy back, doing that once a month despite of the results. + +Hope to hear any feedback, and be glad to discuss this topic! +Hello. I am a EU citizen and will be travelling to Japan soon. I was wondering if someone has an experience with different banks and their fees and if Revolut or N26 is a good option to go with. Thanks! +[This section](https://i.imgur.com/juO8arh.png) of the Premium Tax Credit (1095-A form) section directs you to add the totals of all 1095-A forms together for lines 33A, 33B, and 33C. However, if you read the [instructions](https://i.imgur.com/hUH73kz.png) for Form 8962, it explicitly says you are NOT supposed to add the amounts together for column B. The column B totals should be the same on all your 1095-A forms, and you should only enter that amount, not add them together. + +When filling out my tax return on CreditKarma, my estimated refund jumped from $5000 to $10,000 after filling out the Premium Tax Credit section. I decided something must be wrong so I took the time to redo everything on TurboTax. TurboTax told me that I actually need to repay about $600 of tax credit. I figured out that the issue has something to do with Form 8962, and noticed Line 11 Column B was massively different from last year so I read the instructions. After entering the correct number, CreditKarma and TurboTax gave me similar results. + +**Edit: they are aware of the issue and according to /u/CreditKarma, it will be [fixed next week.](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/ew5m0n/creditkarma_tax_instructions_are_incorrect_for/fg2446l)** +I work in hospitality as a casual, my employer pays us $23/hr, no payslips. When I brought up that I'd like to get proper penalties for evening work, Saturdays or public holidays, I was told they cannot afford it. So I did some calculations over the weekend and found out I am owed over $3000 since I started working for them last September. I am kind of hesitant asking for that money, as I hate confrontation of any kind, and they otherwise treat me nice-ish... What would be my chances of getting that money, if employer refuses to pay me and I made a complaint through FairWork? +🦊WHAT DOES THE $FOX SAY?! 🦊 + + +➡️ TOKEN CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb + + +➡️ BUY HERE: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb + + +FOX FINANCE ($FOX) sends rewards to Holders and Liquidity Providers instantly with every transaction 🦊 + + +**CHART/PRICE:** https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xfad8e46123d7b4e77496491769c167ff894d2acb + + +**SITE:** https://foxfinance.io + + +**TWITTER:** https://twitter.com/foxfinancebsc/ + + +**ROADMAP:** https://twitter.com/foxfinancebsc/status/1372130754680004612?s=21 + +**PROOF OF LOCKED LIQUIDITY:** https://bscscan.com/tx/0xe3c457cc5923e179bdd9d229973e371de77a528687620a4e71df2e67e72f9476 + + +**FAQ:** + + +Q - I'm trying to buy but it keeps failing? + + +* Increase slippage in the settings menu (may need 15-20%). + + +* Use an even, round number of Fox Finance tokens. Don't buy 5,235,754; buy 5,000,000. +Have you guys held all this time ? care to share any story? + +&#x200B; + +I saw many posts of people who've become millionaires in 2017; have you guys managed to hedge the price decline? How have you done ? +ok, the concept is simple enough for every dollar you risk you have to profit 3, but the thing is it doesn't make sense to my trading style, I tend to wait for the opportunity and make around 1% on a 10 mins trade, so if my profit is 1% the max thing I can lose is 0.33% right? but the thing is that you can never buy at the lowest price so your trade might make sense but it's not completed yet, and this way you are not giving the trade time to breath and complete to the final destination as I predicted. the way I can see risk management if I make 3% and risk 1% which is really hard if am day trading, so I just don't see how the concept can work for my style, or maybe I can risk 1:1 ?? the way this might work is when a strategy is maybe 70% of the time profitable, could this work? can someone please help me execute risk management correctly? +Nikola announced this morning that it has partnered with the sun to make it hydrogen powered by the year 2040. Reports say that after this partnership was formed, Trevor Milton found out seconds later that the sun was already hydrogen powered and immediately filed a lawsuit with the sun for infringing on his design patent. +Flashstake.io has launched, where you can stake FLASH for instant, upfront interest in the token of your choice eg. Ethereum. + +Strong tokenomics: you have to use the flash token for staking. If someone stakes for a year those flash tokens are locked up for a year. The result could be limited supply and price surge. 30% of supply is already locked up staking, as per their [stats page](https://stats.flashstake.io/) + +Tokens were released last night and price is inevitably wrecked due to early sellers. If you like the sound of it, now would be the time to buy. Market cap is only £840,000 so I guess this is a proper moonshot. EASY 10x, likely 20x and possibly a 30-50x + +I have already staked most of my FLASH for 150 days to earn LINK and ETH + +Flash was made by [blockzero labs](https://blockzerolabs.io/), and the coding has been [audited](https://github.com/solidified-platform/audits/blob/master/Audit%20Report%20-%20Flash%20Protocol%20%5B04.12.2020%5D.pdf) by solidified, who audited projects such as Loopring and Argent. + +EASTER EGG: If you double click the logo in the dApp, it goes to a retro theme + +[website](http://flashstake.io) + +[CoinGecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/flash-stake) + +A cool [YouTube](https://youtu.be/NnW7pMG1SPY) explainer someone made + +Founder's Twitter [account](https://mobile.twitter.com/zacharydash) +I'm struggling for time lately, but at the urging of some great SuperStonk users like u/whatt_shee_said and others, I'm reposting my comment from yesterday. Originally on u/hatter01 excellent post ([The Borrowed Shares we saw from Ortex are Real. \[...\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yor0gy/the_borrowed_shares_we_saw_from_ortex_are_real/)) analyzing the specific phrasing used by Ortex. + +u/Responsible_Ad_7210 asked: + +> So...I like this info. But if in fact it is real, how was Ortex just able to completely remove the data as if it never existed. That seems like some crazy shit?! + +So I forced together an overview from my research. Forgive my candor, [the reply was written in my downtime between tasks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yor0gy/comment/ivge4ar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +>The shares Ortex showed were the result of Synthetic Prime Brokerage borrows that were briefly uncovered from their balance sheet netting. The borrows disappeared again after new Prime Brokers acquired the accounts, and were able to hide the borrows once again. +> +>Prime brokerages extend credit to traders, making fees by lending them securities or money to invest with. Traditionally this means transferring (hypothetically) 100k shares of GME to a short. The prime broker would then have to hedge the loan by (very roughly speaking) holding another 100k shares to protect against the short losing everything. +> +>Critically, the loan of 100k shares would show on the reported balance sheets of the prime broker (loan) and the short (borrow), impacting the leverage requirements of both. These requirements were increased after 2008, greatly limiting the amount of leverage that Prime Brokers and Shorts could carry on their balance sheets. As you might expect, instead of reducing their leverage to the regulatory limits, they simply found a way to get it off their reported balance sheets. +> +>The answer was Synthetic Prime Brokerages. In this relationship, the Prime Broker creates an account, puts 100k shares of GME inside, and gives the Short Borrower access to trade the account. Like the traditional relationship, the Prime Broker gets paid fees for the loan, and the Short Borrower gets paid on successfully shorting the stock. HOWEVER, the Prime Broker technically never lends the shares to the Short Borrower - the Short is trading the Prime Broker's shares, keeping the profits, and paying a fee for the access. +> +>This means that there is no 100k GME loan on the balance sheets to be reported for the Prime Broker, or borrow for the Short, because the transaction is taking place entirely on the balance sheets of the Prime Broker. At that point, the Prime Broker can conceal any balance sheet reporting of the position by simply hedging the market impact short & long to the extent that it nets to zero. That is to say, how Credit Suisse could owe an entire floats worth of GME, but hide it from balance sheet reporting by purchasing enough far OTM calls AND puts to supposedly net out when GME either goes broke or to the Moon. +> +>Fuck this is too long already... So the Prime Brokers evil shit got screwed because the Borrowers blew up and couldn't close when they went under. This leaves the Prime Broker holding the bag on the account, which has sold short a mountain of GME. On top of that, whatever far OTM puts & calls they're holding to net out the market exposure (& hide from balance sheets), are inherently off - because the metrics for assessing the appropriate hedge to actually reach zero exposure have been corrupted by their very own hidden exposure... not to mention the hidden exposure from all the other Prime Brokers pulling the same bullshit. +> +>Oh God damnit, it's still going. I need a job. Writing DD doesn't pay. Researching financial bullshit doesn't feed my dog. +> +>The fucking loans popped up on Ortex because the struggling Prime Broker was forced to transfer the positions to another Prime Broker. It (hypothetically) started as a loan from Credit Suisse to Credit Suisse (itself, the synthetic position that when netted doesn't appear on a balance sheet). Then Credit Suisse fucked up and needs to move these accounts to another Prime Broker. Doing so revealed the borrows on the Ortex data. New Prime Brokers acquired these accounts and closed the borrows seen on Ortex with synthetic prime positions they can once again conceal. + +Some quick Sources: + +[The Trade News](https://www.thetradenews.com/archegos-collapse-caused-by-synthetic-prime-brokerage-and-risk-management-failings-says-esma/) + +[Hide from balance sheet reporting](https://preview.redd.it/pnyfpmxkrqy91.png?width=795&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdb8be40249498349bcba5e98d1ea8e60f26a3f3) + +[Hedge Fund Law Report](https://www.hflawreport.com/2540016/what-is-synthetic-prime-brokerage-and-how-can-hedge-fund-managers-use-it-to-obtain-leverage-.thtml) + +[Synthetic Prime Broker Relationship](https://preview.redd.it/zkkzdpiasqy91.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=e73ccdbb24a603b0c9ba94fca0f9cb2638021fc3) + +[HedgeWeek](https://www.hedgeweek.com/2005/09/08/equity-swaps-alternative-trading-equities) + +[Benefits of the Synthetic Prime Broker relationship](https://preview.redd.it/e1bexjfdtqy91.png?width=687&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dc9f87b690746ef106cb9c3de97fd775e430bac) + +Continued + +[Shorts here](https://preview.redd.it/xmlmhxtqtqy91.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=be2c94defabf28a3d14bb569c5c89f8abf5286ff) + +[Risk .net](https://archive.ph/wp0uU) (archive link) + +[\\"WE TECHNICALLY DON'T HAVE A POSITION ANYMORE\\"](https://preview.redd.it/14ffd3wruqy91.png?width=726&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2e27d64931069cb9430cc76caf3de210caf6547) + +This last source reveals why you can't find the GME short on the balance sheets of Hedge Funds or the Prime Brokers. "WE TECHNICALLY DON'T HAVE A POSITION ANYMORE," per Jon Cossey, Head of Equity Finance at JP Morgan. Almost as good as Ashley Wilson, head of equity finance at Barclays, "leading to lower balance sheet usage, versus cash prime brokerage which records a gross balance sheet use of client longs and shorts." Straight from the mouths of top Wall Street executives. They aren't confessing, they're bragging. + +For those with concerns, want more DD, or appreciate the work - + +>Have a degree in professional writing, done a couple hundred hours of research and sourcing on a thorough DD for financial luddites that provides a more complete picture of the situation GME is caught in. Unemployed though, so time for passion projects (or full responses like above) is sparse. +> +>The money comments are just my internal frustration with spending so much time learning Wall Street's bullshit instead of making cool NFT's or something, but I very much appreciate your supportive sentiment. Definitely reminds me it's important to soldier on with the work. +> +>Here's a reward from where I'm currently at: Market Makers (like Citadel) who depend on high frequency trading have also become increasingly dependent on synthetic prime brokerage services to access/provide liquidity in the underlying because conducting it through the prime brokers books insulates the market maker profits from the fees on all those individual trades. + +Happy to answer questions when I get a chance. +https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/corporate-debt-nears-a-record-10-trillion-and-borrowing-binge-poses-new-risks/2019/11/29/1f86ba3e-114b-11ea-bf62-eadd5d11f559_story.html#click=https://t.co/6rw2JmZtm5 + +No wonder corporate debt has gone up, with low interest rates it’s a no brainer. +There was DEFINITELY a decimal there. + +It was a really cold day and I had just gotten home so I thought I'd order some food rather than make it. It was one of those places where you had to give the credit/debit card beforehand instead of them bringing a handheld machine. + +I apologized to the delivery driver that I didn't have any change for a tip so he said you can write a tip on the receipt and they will just charge your card again...so I thought why not. I wrote 3.00 (I think) and signed it and gave it back to him...I didn't think of it much but I just realized I was charged $300 + 30 for the food. + +Even if I had made a mistake...who the fuck would tip 1000%!? Is there any way I can get this money back? I am not too sure and thought maybe someone here can help me out. I used a debit visa card not a credit card if that makes any difference. + +Guess I should write it here so more people can see it: + +Update: I went to the place restaurant today and explained to the owner that I am a broke college student and I have a hard time tipping 3 bucks so I definitely wouldn't have tipped $300. He told me that his granddaughter just recently started working at the restaurant and most likely made a mistake. It would have been caught in a few days when they tallied everything up or immediately if he had been there had I written $300 on the receipt. I still wanted to wanted to know if I had written $300 without the decimal but he didn't know where the receipt was but he said he'll scan a copy when he finds it. + +He gave me $300 cash and a free meal coupon for two. I found it a bit odd and don't know why he gave me cash instead of refunding it back on my card but I didn't bother much as I was just glad to get my money back...300 is about what I spend on everything outside of rent every month. + +I think I learned my lesson. Next time, I'll just keep change to tip or just write 3 instead of writing 3.00 and sign next to it and then write down the total just in case like some people suggested. + +I am just glad that I checked my card in time because I needed to transfer money. I never check my financial info online because I always have a rough estimate of my expenses so I wouldn't have known about this until I got a statement sometime next week. + +Thanks for the help PF. +I'm in a unique situation, and looking for advice to see if anyone on here has done the same or has any advice. I'm 27 years old, I have a remote business, NW of \~$3,000,000, making \~$1mill / year. I fully expect to hit $5mill-7mill net worth by the time I'm 30. + +I was born on west-coast with all my family here, while my partner was born on the east-coast and all of her family is back there. We have been together for 3 years and want to start a family, however she is feeling homesick and wants to move and raise kids back east, while I want to stay out west and raise kids here. We are struggling to find a compromise, especially when factoring in kids in a few years. + +I suggested we could purchase a home in both locations, and rotate 6 months between cities. However with kids in school, that makes it extremely difficult. The only solution that I can find at the moment is home-schooling our kids and rotating locations, putting them in sports in both cities and laying down foundation for proper socializing as they are growing up. + +Does anyone have experience in living in 2 locations while raising kids? I would love some advice or suggestions. +What is everyone's take on a recession coming and fast? + +Historically there are some excellent indicators that almost always precede recessions. + +A few of them are the title of this thread. Additionals are that the dollar is rising (global recession, money is flowing into the US like a giant sinkhole because the rest of the world is imploding, too) and worse, Gold is rising. + +Gold is near a top and won't come down. The reason this is bad is because rates are higher, so the "real rate yield" should be lower - assuming inflation is staying the same or decreasing. + +For Gold to be going up means someone feels the pressure of inflation. Negative real rates are increasing, not decreasing, in spite of the rising rates. + +What happens when the FEDs have to take the 3-months and spike it by 25%? God forbid 50%? Which I think we will find out this next week that the FEDs intend to do a first rate hike of 0.50% and 4+ hikes. Conservative estimates have crept from 3 to 4 (CNBC), with middle estimates at 4-5 (El-Erian) and high estimates of 7 rate hikes (JPM). + +I forget who said 8 hikes, I think it was Peetry from Interactive Brokers who basically spelled out that the Balance Sheet of the FEDs is a total disaster. + +EDIT - for the losers who just say "here we go again". + +2018, 20% market correction, $600 Billion dollars per year required to be reduced from Balance Sheet. FED had to stop the program early to avoid recession near middle of 2019. + +Today - to get Balance Sheet under control today. FED targets ***$1 TRILLION PER YEAR*** reduced from balance sheet. +I’m not exactly sure whether this vent belongs best in r/investing r/wallstreetbets r/options, etc + +Experienced highly active options traders will advise to use other platforms. But what about the rest of us lurkers that don’t fit in this category, appreciate long term investing with the core of our portfolio while allocate a portion for hedging, speculation, and learning options and aren’t ready to completely take all our assets out of Vanguard? I appreciate Vanguards low fees and leading ETF and index funds but their UI is horrendous and for options it is the worst in class. I’m currently learning and studying options but all my active options trades are limited to my TD account as I can’t stand dealing with Vanguard for this purpose. + +You can’t even place an options trade off a mobile phone. They say they are working on an upgrade (try downloading their Voyager mobile app) and that’s horrible too. +The Fed is focused on getting inflation down. To measure inflation it looks at [CPI and PCE](https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/comparing-two-measures-of-core-inflation-20190802.htm). Between these two measures, the [Fed looks most at PCE](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/29/inflation-figure-that-the-fed-follows-closely-hits-highest-level-since-january-1982.html): " Fed officials generally focus on core inflation, but have turned their attention recently to the headline numbers as well, as food and fuel prices have soared in 2022. " + +CPI on the other hand, has shelter as a very large component. Due to both heightened pandemic & WFH demand and low inventory, housing surged in 2020-21 and [has been contributing to inflation](https://www.fanniemae.com/research-and-insights/publications/housing-insights-housing-poised-become-strong-driver-inflation): "pressure is building within the largest component of the index – shelter – and it could replace current surging components as the major driver of measured inflation over the coming quarters." + +Even if the Fed ignores CPI and wants to look at core PCE, [housing is still a decent chunk there](https://www.dallasfed.org/research/economics/2021/0824): Rent and owners’ equivalent rent (OER)—the amount of rent equivalent to the cost of ownership—are among the most important components of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the personal consumption expenditures (PCE) price index (*Chart 1*). *This measures 12.9% in the linked chart.* + +The Fed's primary tool is interest rates, acting to reduce demand and lower prices. This is already working as [we are in a housing recession](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/18/home-sales-fell-nearly-6percent-in-july-as-housing-market-slides-into-a-recession.html) (calm down its not an 08 crash). Now we get to the crux of the problem. + +Housing remains "[savagely unhealthy](https://www.housingwire.com/articles/the-savagely-unhealthy-housing-market-is-now-a-nightmare/)" due to inventory below 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 levels. Because housing is cooling, [builders have slowed or even stopped construction of additional inventory](https://www.kcra.com/article/real-estate-market-cools-home-building-stalls/40657531). Even if the Fed can kill demand, their effects are muted if supply remains constrained. + +**TLDR:** The Fed needs inflation to come down -> part of inflation is housing -> housing can't come down with the Fed's action alone because there is not enough supply -> inflation remains elevated for a long time + +I would love to hear your thoughts and see what I am missing here? Where are the blind spots? I don't see how the Fed doesn't revise its inflation target & strip housing out of it, or commit political suicide by causing mass unemployment to cause foreclosures. + +***Edit 1:*** *Thanks to the gracious data provided by other users, FRED data shows there is no inventory shortage vs what the NAR shows. Rookie mistake for only using one source. Hypothesis is that the run up in housing was interest rate and demand driven. As M2 declines so too has stocks and housing.* + +***Edit 2:*** *not all housing markets are created equal. Many posters note that where they live prices are still up and inventory tight, others note things are correcting hard. Comparisons of Detroit to San Diego, or Bend to Baton Rogue will only be true up to a point. People moving during covid could have created some dislocations in this regard.* +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Welcome back everyone! In case you missed it yesterday, the US markets were closed, but that didn't keep the German markets down! With a bit over 10k volume we saw an over 2 € increase in price. As we count down the last few hours before US premarket reopens, let's take a moment to appreciate the worldwide community that has formed around this stock. + +While I don't often make bold predictions of the MOASS, I can't help but be infected by the optimism surrounding the next several weeks. The institutional shorts are certainly behaving as though they are backed into a corner, orchestrating massive price attacks, planting articles, provoking outrage, and begging for investors to help them weather the coming storm. Meanwhile, many of us continue to buy the dips, DRS our shares, and spread the word about the GME situation. When their short positions start to unravel, it is going to be a magnificent moment, but it is also going to change *everything* around here. I, for one, am doing my best to appreciate each moment we have until then. Thank you for sharing these moments with me. + +Today is Tuesday, January 18th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$117.71 / 103,22 €** *(volume: 2030)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $117.54 / 103,07 € *(volume: 1817)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $117.42 / 102,97 € *(volume: 1812)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $117.34 / 102,90 € *(volume: 1774)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $117.32 / 102,89 € *(volume: 1749)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $117.25 / 102,83 € *(volume: 1748)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $117.28 / 102,85 € *(volume: 1737)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $116.87 / 102,49 € *(volume: 1727)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $118.02 / 103,50 € *(volume: 1170)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $118.02 / 103,50 € *(volume: 1170)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $118.08 / 103,55 € *(volume: 852)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $118.32 / 103,76 € *(volume: 850)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $117.79 / 103,30 € *(volume: 526)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $117.76 / 103,28 € *(volume: 490)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $117.76 / 103,28 € *(volume: 490)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $117.81 / 103,31 € *(volume: 479)* +- ⬜ 40 minutes in: $117.85 / 103,35 € *(volume: 476)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $117.85 / 103,35 € *(volume: 457)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $117.82 / 103,33 € *(volume: 447)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $117.81 / 103,31 € *(volume: 447)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $117.82 / 103,33 € *(volume: 404)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $117.76 / 103,28 € *(volume: 401)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $117.54 / 103,07 € *(volume: 262)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $117.76 / 103,28 € *(volume: 259)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $118.53 / 103,95 € *(volume: 135)* +- 🟥 US close price: $116.65 / 102,30 € *($119.08 / 104,43 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1403. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +TLDR: IMO Citadel Europe lost $1bn on paper in under 2 years. And that's before we get their 2021 results. + +I've continued trawling through the operations and thought the following might provide some info that others could work from. I also feel that it has probably not has as much visibility as the US, so maybe something hiding out there... + +1. CITADEL SECURITIES (EUROPE) LIMITED - **05462867** \- is due to file their annual accounts that cover 2021 within the next ten working days (probably within the next 5 based on previous filings). So keep 👀 peeled. +2. On their 2020 reporting (released September 2021) - they had this lovely update + +https://preview.redd.it/fyxx9syh01o91.png?width=1384&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a088665309c712b5bb3e1ea3d0df07101fe9f3a + +This is on the 34th page. + +Going into 2021 Citadel Europe was carrying a $431m (all figures in '000) loss on equity contracts. This is a paper **loss of $1bn** over 2 years (Jan '19 to Dec '21). Although they have a positive position on securities, this has only increased by $70m in the same period. + +Take into account that these figures are using 'fair market valuation' at the time - so let's hope things didn't get worse for them... + +There isn't really too much before this that seems to explain this position. Everything looks quite balanced and rosy. + +3) + +But then this appears on page 40 + +https://preview.redd.it/hq0rrh9k11o91.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f1957c012334998325f5395d536f56258e0ada9 + +The explanation for this table is: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/dhsa93he21o91.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=497e62ce1ae7ed221fe3e6ce7f4ff362123fab26 + +Compare it to Jan '19 - 2 years earlier + +https://preview.redd.it/kfvfj0ig21o91.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4934616e8e889e28c7d6648837ebf0ef840fa50 + +And Dec '19 - 1 year earlier + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/3b1u6ozk21o91.png?width=670&format=png&auto=webp&s=08110c1ff9e099735a432604eb77c906fd8b91eb + +My bad maths shows that they have $1.6 BILLION of derivative positions operating at a loss. They started to bet big and losing. Now these more or less are 'offset' out: + +https://preview.redd.it/farofpih71o91.png?width=1308&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f103aad7e74e81b0da34d4e67327483c9206365 + +But this really doesn't tell the whole story IMO. + +4) Offsetting derivatives is not a straight a-b = c. They are impacted by volatility, risk and liquidity. Basically with every drop in Citadel's credit rating, or volatility increase on the derivatives they hold in the portfolio being netted against, or reduction in cash which means they fail to meet a single payment needed under a master netting agreement the tight rope they are on is pulled tighter and tighter until - + +\*boom\*, suddenly the tight-rope snaps and positions are forced to be liquidated below fair value and suddenly the 'amounts offset' mean jack-all but the losses that they are tracking crystallise. + +&#x200B; + +5) Just adding this one in for fun as I think everyone knows how ridiculous this is: + +https://preview.redd.it/46lf7im6c1o91.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f431d2d0d3121b607d3ee8965596c0fe503a7e9 + +$826m at Dec '20 value... let's hope there was no rebound in stocks they were shorting.... + +(All data lifted from latest annual report available at: [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/05462867/filing-history](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/05462867/filing-history) +Working as a community nurse currently. I absolutely love my job and my hours. I get paid per patient I see and not hourly. It works out that I make ~$36 an hour on an average day. I usually start at 9-10 and finish by 1-2. I love the work as well. I can't take a second job however as I am always on-call until 5 with a small chance of getting a new admission. I barely work weekends and never work nights. + + + +Been thinking about transferring to a medsurg unit in the hospital. The pay would be considerably more (15-20k a year if I could find a full-time position.. fairly big if). My schedule would likely be 3 days on 4 days off, 4 days on 3 days off consisting of 12 hour shifts. I'd likely have to work weekends and nights. The job itself is very "meh" to me. Stuck in the same 4 walls all day long, not getting to see and treat many of the amazing things I currently do. I'd see my girlfriend and friends considerably less and have much less time for my hobbies. + + + +I'm not hurting for money right now whatsoever (6 months worth of expenses tucked away, only spending 20% of my income on rent, but I do plan on going back to school for my Bachelor's so a bit of extra cash to throw into savings couldn't hurt. What would you do? +I’ve been anxious to start stacking dollars for years but was held back by $150k of student loans. I finally paid them off and got my salary up to $130k. Then 2020 happened. I lost all my childcare resources (thanks COVID) and I left my husband. I was still feeling positive overall because I had total control over my life especially in the financial sense. What has gotten worse is my job. It’s only gotten busier during the pandemic and I hate it. I wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety. Anyway, I only have $30k (cash) saved and will get another $30-40k from the home equity. Has anyone been in a situation where they could save a lot but it would cost them their mental health? I don’t know what to do as I feel like changing jobs would severely slow down my FI plans. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +This week is anticipated my many to possibly be a turning point in how people view the way the markets are structured, and how the large institutions rig it against retail traders and vulnerable companies to increase their own profits. Many of us are eagerly anticipating the advocacy campaign that u/dlauer has mentioned, as well as the Jon Stewart piece and upcoming documentary. I may have originally started HODLing GME for the MOASS reason, but over time I've come to greatly appreciate the strength of GameStop as a company and also hope that HODLing helps lead to structural change and real repercussions against the criminals who have abused the system so severely. Our Diamantenhände are stronger than ever, and prepared to see this through. + +Meanwhile, the Russian economy continues to crater, possibly leading a tidal wave of impacts across the world economy as large holders of Russian bonds are suddenly forced to recognize the value of those bonds as zero. Several weeks ago we watched as Kenneth Griffin's plane flew to Finland, very near the Russian border, with some speculation that there was a physical handoff of digital assets for safe storage... in Russia. What a mess this could turn out to be if Kenneth Griffin's emergency plan is now locked away in a country under heavy sanctions, where accessing such stored assets would violate the sanctions. + +Today is Monday, February 28th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$117.02 / 104,34 €** *(volume: 1314)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $117.01 / 104,32 € *(volume: 1304)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $117.08 / 104,39 € *(volume: 1303)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $117.07 / 104,38 € *(volume: 1262)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $117.11 / 104,41 € *(volume: 1261)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $117.14 / 104,44 € *(volume: 1261)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $117.31 / 104,59 € *(volume: 1245)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $117.42 / 104,69 € *(volume: 1076)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $117.50 / 104,76 € *(volume: 1057)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $117.19 / 104,49 € *(volume: 1051)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $117.46 / 104,72 € *(volume: 1030)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $117.43 / 104,70 € *(volume: 1004)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $117.42 / 104,69 € *(volume: 1004)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $117.32 / 104,60 € *(volume: 981)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $117.49 / 104,75 € *(volume: 978)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $117.43 / 104,70 € *(volume: 972)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $117.36 / 104,64 € *(volume: 888)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $117.19 / 104,49 € *(volume: 878)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $117.11 / 104,41 € *(volume: 876)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $117.24 / 104,53 € *(volume: 820)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $117.07 / 104,38 € *(volume: 700)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $117.02 / 104,34 € *(volume: 578)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $117.15 / 104,45 € *(volume: 574)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $117.25 / 104,54 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $116.95 / 104,28 € *(volume: 295)* +- 🟥 US close price: $118.58 / 105,72 € *($118.20 / 105,39 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1216. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I’m a longterm investor. I hold high allocations to VTI and QQQ in my taxable and Roth. I’m late but finally going to add Arkk and QQQj to both portfolios with 5-10% allocation each. Should I just buy Arkk or all the etfs? What do people think of QQQJ? +Hi, I am beginner in investing and starting to learn a little on factor investing. It's a little confusing as l'm first reading about it. + +I really want to build a solid ETF portfolio (that has potential in beating the market) but don't know what that looks like. I keep hearing factor investing is the +way to go. + +The confusing part for me is what would an example ETF portfolio look like using factor investing? Example ETF portfolio ideas? + +I keep reading that small caps do well, as well as value stocks within a factor investing strategy. +This is my own personal investment account I contribute to monthly and not my retirement: + +VTI - 50%; VXUS - 10%; AVUV - 10%; QQQM - 10%; TQQQ - 10%; Stocks - 10% (NVDA, MSFT, CIGI, TSM) +So I'm currently roughly 80%-20% between ARKK and ARKF. I got into the market this year without really knowing anything and I've done well so far but now I've done my research and I'm looking to diversify my holdings. This is what I'm thinking for 2021: + +50% Fidelity High Quality ETF + +25% ARKK + +25% ARKF + +I want to move forward with a factor strategy because I'd like to continue to outperform the market rather than simply get what the market gives me. The fidelity ETF obviously gives the high quality factor and the ark funds give me the size factor. These are the two factors I can really get behind. I just can't intellectually commit to momentum or value. +I’m still new to the investing game, but I was browsing YouTube and noticing that a lot of people have investments in VOO (an ETF that tracks the S&P 500). I currently have some shares of SWPPX (an index fund that tracks S&P 500) and was wondering if there were advantages to having VOO over SWPPX. + +For example, I know VOO pays dividends (which I can use to reinvest). + +Do index funds, such as SWPPX, provide dividends as well? + +If I was choosing between the two and one pays a dividend, while the other doesn’t, and they both track the same index... it seems like I should move my stuff into VOO. Thoughts? +As title says, why just VTI/VOO/VT when I can buy all 3 or more? Say I have a few hundred thousand to invest. Why not 200k in VTI and the remaining 100k buy a a few k each into other various Schwab or Vanguard etfs? Few thousand into emerging markets, some into bonds, some in dividends etc +I have ~20% in Internet Services & Infrastructure and ~ 10% in Consumer Electronics according to etfbreakdown. I want to invest in a fund (5% allocation) that isn’t tech heavy and was thinking a Consumers Staples ETF. + +My current allocation in both my ROTH IRA and Brokerage is: +70% Total US Stock Market +20% S&P 500 +10% International ex US + +Is it possible to have a fund that doesn’t have tech involved? +I’ve been a long time lurker of this sub and have learnt a lot, whilst also learning to distinguish where poster scenarios can skew expectations. + +First and foremost. Congrats to all the people out there who hit the big time, through salary, inheritance or investment. + +My gripe consists of the cream of the crops in which “21yr old on 150k has $x - what should I do” being the new normal. I’d hate for this to come across to every “normal” person who reads this in the sub as benchmark for what’s occurring in reality. + +I’d love to see some realistic posts. Some actual clever ideas and some genuine discussion on how someone on 55k, 75k, 120k+ deals with with their own situation. + +So please do share in your situation, what do you do and why do you do it. +Coinbase CEO here. We take our fair share of flak on /r/bitcoin so in some ways it was a normal day. But I was also pretty surprised at what I saw happen today and wanted to share it since it is important that we keep the /r/bitcoin community free of voting manipulation. + +Today we made an [announcement](https://blog.coinbase.com/2015/04/07/introducing-bitcoin-hackathon-v2/) on our blog saying that we're giving away $20k of bitcoin to people building bitcoin apps (a hackathon), along with some other stuff (Boost.VC investment to the winner, guest judges, etc). Not an earth shattering announcement by any means, but overall a positive thing for the bitcoin community that will generate some cool new apps and developer interest. + +Yet you probably never heard about it. + +The first post on /r/bitcoin which went live linked to our blog post. +http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/31s4gz/introducing_the_bitcoin_hackathon_v2/ + +Combined up and down votes came to a total of 0, along with a nice "Fuck off Coinbase" message. + +Some media decided to write about the hackathon, and thinking the above situation was sort of strange, I went ahead and posted a link to one of the articles: +http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/31son1/adam_draper_fred_wilson_and_gavin_andresen_to/ + +Same thing happend: 2 upvotes and and a nice "fuck off Coinbase" message by the same throw away account. + +This is especially surprising if you consider that last year when we ran the exact same Hackathaon, it got 289 upvotes. http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1xu0ot/coinbase_launches_bithack_an_online_bitcoin/ + +Seems pretty obvious it would get upvotes. You don't even have to use the Coinbase API at all - you can literally build any cool app that uses bitcoin in any way and we will give you free money. The outrage! + +I've been trying to think about how this happened. My only theories are: + +**1. Reddit voting ring detection is busted and is downvoting us incorrectly** + +There are a bunch of Coinbase employees in one office behind a single IP, and some of them might have upvoted it (although we discourage this in case it triggers voting ring detection). I can't imagine more than a few Coinbase employees upvoted it, if any, before it got downvoted though, so I'd be a little surprised if this was the case. + +**2. There are bots or trolls actively down voting Coinbase stuff** + +This seems plausible given the throw away account chiming in on both posts. But they would need (I assume) more than a troll or two to actively down it into oblivion. + +**3. There is some other explanation I haven't considered** + +I have noticed that a lot of our posts that make it to /r/bitcoin have very binary outcomes - either they sail to the front page and get upvoted to the moon, or some trolls snag the first few votes, and it never sees the light of day. + +Anyway, if there is some other theory I would love to hear it - it would really suck if people were figuring out ways to manipulate reddit's voting for any purpose. Even if you don't like Coinbase, hopefully we can all get behind preventing voting rings (and giving money to bitcoin developers). + +So...what the gosh darn heck is going on? + +-- + +**Edit:** troll justice, now that this is on the front page please [register for our hackathon](https://developers.coinbase.com/bithack/register) which is giving $70k in total prizes to people building new bitcoin apps all over the world. Fred Wilson, Chris Dixon, Gavin Andresen, and Adam Draper will be guest judges. This coincides with the launch of our new [developer site](https://developers.coinbase.com). Thank you! +#[SOURCE](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/01/trump-says-us-will-impose-10percent-tariffs-on-300-billion-of-chinese-goods-starting-september-1.html) + +> President Donald Trump said Thursday the U.S. is putting an additional 10% tariff on the remaining $300 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods, effective September 1. + +Whelp, here we go again for umpteenth time! :P + +Dow wiping clear all of its +300 pt gain from earlier in the session and then some on this headline. + +Is anyone really surprised? This seems to be a monthly thing now. A little surprising to see the market reacting as much as it is. +What it do smooth brains, wrinkle brains, golden retrievers, apes, interns, and children. + +u/rimmy789 here. + +&#x200B; + +I have been seeing an influx of posts concerning hodling, floors, and sell strategies. While all of these things are great, it is important to understand the psychology behind the feelings that you may have when the MOASS begins. I say that because the funds, media, and outside influences are fully aware of these psychological phenomena and will be deploying aggressive measures against apes looking to hodl and sell. + +&#x200B; + +The only defense to this is an understanding of what the feelings that apes are experiencing are, how they can be used against you, and why it is happening. + +&#x200B; + +# So first. + +&#x200B; + +\[Insert Kevin O’Leary Meme Here\] + +&#x200B; + +A story. + +&#x200B; + +# Imagine this: + +&#x200B; + +“Two members of a gang of bank robbers, Dave and Henry, have been arrested and are being interrogated in separate rooms. The authorities have no other witnesses, and can only prove the case against them if they can convince at least one of the robbers to betray his accomplice and testify to the crime. Each bank robber is faced with the choice to cooperate with his accomplice and remain silent or to defect from the gang and testify for the prosecution. If they both co-operate and remain silent, then the authorities will only be able to convict them on a lesser charge of loitering, which will mean one year in jail each (1 year for Dave + 1 year for Henry = 2 years total jail time). If one testifies and the other does not, then the one who testifies will go free and the other will get three years (0 years for the one who defects + 3 for the one convicted = 3 years total). However, if both testify against the other, each will get two years in jail for being partly responsible for the robbery (2 years for Dave + 2 years for Henry = 4 years total jail time) (Prisoner’s Dilemma Definition, 2021).” + +&#x200B; + +This is one variation of a paradoxical thought experiment called “The Prisoner’s Dilemma.” In these types of situations, each individual stands to achieve a better outcome by making decisions that will better their individual outcomes by screwing over the whole. This thought experiment, as well as all of its implications, all fall under the umbrella of something called + +&#x200B; + +# Game Theory + +&#x200B; + +Move over, MatPat. There’s a new theory in town. + +&#x200B; + +“Game theory is a theoretical framework for conceiving social situations among competing players (Hayes, 2021).” A game is defined as “any interaction between multiple people in which a person’s payoff is affected by the decisions made by others Dilemma (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019).” + +So yes. A game of spades fits this criterion, but so too does the economy and, with it, stock trading. In terms of GME, apes tend to think that the competitors are other apes. I’ve seen this all the time in the hodling posts that have been started. While the sentiment is great, the entire idea of “get out while the getting is good” thrives on the idea that other apes are trapped in the prisoner’s dilemma along with the individual retail investor. + +&#x200B; + +# This is a Lie + +&#x200B; + +Let’s take a moment and re-examine the Prisoner’s Dilemma in terms of GME’s specific details. + +&#x200B; + +Two hedgies, Ken and Melvin, have been caught over shorting a stock and are being interrogated in separate rooms. The authorities have several thousand witnesses, solid DD, and a paper trail of evidence. The only way that the hedgies can escape this case is by tricking the authorities into handing them the keys to their own cell. They can do this by convincing the authorities that they’ve got the wrong guys, that they’ve already been arrested for this crime, or that the other officer interrogating the other fund will run off with the reward money. + +&#x200B; + +*Well shoot* u/rimmy789 *, when you put it that way, what’s all the fuss about?* + +&#x200B; + +# Hedgies Have Reframed The Competitors Of This Game + +&#x200B; + +With every “I’m Hodling post”, the less mentally fortified among us fear that not everyone shares that same sentiment. The very idea that it needs to be said illuminates the fact that not every ape understands that the competition is between apes vs. apes. + +&#x200B; + +# This Is A Game Of Apes Vs. Their Own Iron Will (Read : Stubbornness) + +# + +The new DTCC rules, SEC Chair, and probable SI interest, as well as the assertions made in [I think I figured out what DFV knows...](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mtgnaf/i_think_i_figured_out_what_dfv_knows_and_its/) and it’s pretty simple, tell us that something at the very best is fishy and at the very worst is downright illegal and will crash the market. In either case, apes are not competing against other apes. They never were. However, the conventional workings of the market would have you believe so as that’s how it always works. + +&#x200B; + +# This Is All A Game But Not It Is Not A Competition + +&#x200B; + +Currently, hedgies have apes in a game of good cop bad cop. One is always suggesting that apes are selfish and will sell immediately upon hitting their floor. The other encourages the retail trader to hold in a sense of moral obligation, but this still plants FUD in the brain of the trader. Both have an objective of tricking well-intentioned diamond hands to sell under the guise that their brethren will sell them out. [That sell order for 200,000k](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtslmx/please_do_not_fall_for_hedge_fund_tricks_if_there/), in what I believe is an attempt at framing DFV as a seller is a great example of this. + +&#x200B; + +# This Is Not True. + +&#x200B; + +By playing on the apes’ innate sense of self-preservation, they have created a game that never existed to begin with. + +&#x200B; + +What this doesn’t change is the end of this saga. All shorts must cover and the only one that really stands to lose is them. The only thing that they can do now is try to lessen the blow. They couldn’t win using their market-based tactics, so the only thing that they can throw at the apes now are the psychological tricks they’ve got up their sleeves. + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# An Ape’s Escape + +&#x200B; + +There is a singular hope for the apes as they lace up their rocket boots. It is the idea that apes understand that the competition was never between themselves. Apes have already conquered the mountain that they had to fight for. Now, they just need to not kick each other off the rocket for fear that others will do the same. + +&#x200B; + +Make no mistake, + +&#x200B; + +# There Is No Floor Unless Apes Create One + +&#x200B; + +It’s as simple as that. If everyone hodls, the price goes up. The only thing in the ape’s way is its own fear, and even that is manufactured. + +&#x200B; + +*Fly high, you beautiful idiots.* + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +# My Sources + +Trust, But Verify + +&#x200B; + +Game Theory: The Science of Decision-Making. (2016, September 29). \[Video\]. YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHS-htjGgSY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHS-htjGgSY) + +Hayes, A. (2021, February 7). How Game Theory Works. Investopedia. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gametheory.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gametheory.asp) + +Prisoner’s Dilemma Definition. (2021, January 1). Investopedia. [https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/prisoners-dilemma.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/prisoners-dilemma.asp) + +Prisoner’s Dilemma (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). (2019, April 2). Stanford Psychology. [https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/prisoner-dilemma/](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/prisoner-dilemma/) + +The Problem With Game Theory – The Philosophy of Billions. (2019, March 14). \[Video\]. YouTube. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNQE7fTMWM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNQE7fTMWM) +I bank with chase and with a local credit union. + +Chase charges me $12/month for checking and the credit union doesn’t. + +Edit: I’m aware that I can maintain a $1500 or $500 in monthly direct deposits but those aren’t options for me right now. thanks! + +Is there any reason not to put all my money in the credit union and use that as my only bank? + +Edit: Thanks all! I’ve just opened a savings and checking account with discover and will be closing my chase account shortly! +I feel lost. + +Me and my father got into an argument. We started yelling, he pushed me, I pushed back. I defended myself enough to get him off of me, ran downstairs and locked my door. Packed enough shit to get by for a few days. + +I have no food, water, or shelter. I have a job but I don't get paid until next Friday. I'm not sure how I'm going to get to and from work though. I have $250 readily available in my bank account, but that's it. + +Do I open a credit card? What on earth do I do? + +I ship out for the navy on January 30th. + +I just need help +1. why is volatility expressed as standard deviation of some average? i would express it simply as the average move of price during some period (either average true range, or average rate of change) +2. what is sharpe ratio how do you perceive it? they say it is the ratio of return compared to risk, but i generally perceive it as ratio of how much volatility is able the strategy utilize for return. +Hello 👋 fellow crypto investors I just talked with this random guy who requested a PM + +At first, I thought I would block them because I barely ever get PMs on Reddit + +But I figured I would figure out what they wanted they messaged me and chatted me up seeming like they were interested in getting to know me or befriend me + +It suddenly dawned on me, I saw a YouTube video of something like this where this guy was talking to someone on Reddit they said they would host them to come visit there area + +Long story short they spent their own money to come out they ended up getting mugged by the person + +As I was talking to this person, I ended getting similar messages from them + +They wanted to host me I asked them what they meant by that? They said to show you around the area + +I have screens shots of the conversation that I will share + +But if anyone speaks to this person or gets a PM from them don’t get tricked into going to meet them + +This world is sketchy enough as it is and I really don’t want to see anyone here on the news + +Please stay safe, and avoid these people + +Edit: here is a link to my community thread I’ve put up a post there of of the screenshots of the conversation if anyone is interested https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoAndStockNews/ +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xya25adl12k61.png?width=2801&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd38d15d50baf3f67144c20916bbffc469632009 + +Hello again my fellow apes🦍! + +BOILERPLATE: I still know nothing, I can't do math good. PLEASE don't listen to me! Obligatory 🚀 + +WARNING: BY THE END OF THIS POST YOU MAY EXPERIENCE SYMPTOMS SUCH AS EUPHORIA OR PREMATURE 🚀 SYNDROME. THESE ARE SIDE EFFECTS OF 'CONFIRMATION BIAS'. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR TO LEARN MORE. + +[Yesterday I put together this analysis and everyone really liked it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/lsn7ke/finra_data_now_shows_over_58_million_gme_stocks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), so I have updated to include today’s data and some new data sources (availability and fees for shorts). Enjoy this *light* weekend reading 😉 + +\------------ + +**Part 1: FINRA** + +I put together the FINRA daily short data for the last week and you can see an increase in short volume over the last 6 days! [http://regsho.FINRA.org/regsho-Index.html](http://regsho.finra.org/regsho-Index.html) (@CultureCrypto sent me this link that had the data in a much more friendly fashion [https://www.FINRA.org/FINRA-data/short-sale-volume-daily](https://www.finra.org/finra-data/short-sale-volume-daily)) + +(Note: if you want to find this raw data, use the link above and you will need to go into each day's file (updated at 6pm daily) and search for GME, then copy the raw numbers. the top of the document will show you what each number corresponds to - this is not a user-friendly document) + +There was an additional **22 million** in short volume today, on top of the **33m yesterday and 12m Wednesday**. While this is a decrease in absolute shorts from yesterday, volume also decreased proportionally so it is still identical short volume to total volume ratio. + +The short volume as % of total daily volume, as published by FINRA, is at **57**% which is the same levels that we saw on Jan 27-29 when there was a concerted effort to bring down the share price. + +**CAVEATS:** + +* This data does not include NYSE, which is why total volume for today is 38M but actual total vol is 90 million. Thanks to u/tri_fire_engineer for bringing this up. He has posted the full data for yesterday down in the comments and it actually showed that **once NYSE data was included, Short Volume % went up from 56.8% to 57.6%. I think this shows that while the FINRA data is just a sample, its large enough to be considered representative of the full marke**t +* **daily data does NOT equate to % of total shares that are shorted,** as the same share could be shorted multiple time and there are other thing that lenders do which could be considered 'shorting' but is not what we would usually define. The best data is the monthly FINRA data but that only comes out once a month and that doesn't sound very fun. + +Here are my data tables, again all taken from the FINRA daily data. + +**Assumptions used:** + +GME Float Stock: 54,490,000 (this is more pessimistic than some reports of only 45M) + +GME Total Shares: 69,750,000 + +https://preview.redd.it/2lpie1wm12k61.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=450f545a8b2e00b3876d9efc406fba5032fa8a74 + +https://preview.redd.it/3jkeam6o12k61.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=a31ac92005edf92bc4ff3180840c376322d3f571 + +The FINRA site also now lists GME short % of float at **60.35%** ( [http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/MarketData/EquityOptions/detail.jsp?query=14%3A0P000002CH&sdkVersion=2.58.0](http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/MarketData/EquityOptions/detail.jsp?query=14%3A0P000002CH&sdkVersion=2.58.0) ) Thanks to u/wrek for sending this! + +https://preview.redd.it/jvvu6wat12k61.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=75eb1ee3899e6bead49611fd2fb68ad380ba4030 + +\---------- + +**Part 2: Borrowing Shares** + +Two other things to note are the decrease in available shorted shares and the increase in fees associated with shorting GME. + +The data available through iborrowdesk.com ([https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME](https://iborrowdesk.com/report/GME) ). For those wondering about the site, check out the about page; the site uses text files from Interactive Broker’s FTP site ([https://iborrowdesk.com/about](https://iborrowdesk.com/about) ). + +Note: This data does not take into account all available shorts since it is just looking at Interactive Broker, but is a good gauge for how easy it is to get shorts and how much they cost. + +https://preview.redd.it/roplc5ly12k61.png?width=1198&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6a592938458cf6436e64ef2655b0bf193bfc6e9 + +Here we can see that the number of shares available for short selling has gone from **2 million (at 1.1% borrow rate) to only 450,000 at 9% borrow rate**! The last time there were less than 500,000 shares available to borrow and interest rates above 5% (as seen through this site) was on **Jan 27** when we saw some huge intraday price swings. + +\---------- + +**Part 3: ETFs** + +This data of course doesn't take into account the shorted shares in ETFs that have high stakes in GME. For example, 'EX AR TEE' is currently 175% shorted (16.1m shares on 9.2m) and GME as 9% of its portfolio. + +[https://www.etfchannel.com/symbol/xrt/](https://www.etfchannel.com/symbol/xrt/) + +Doing some quick math of \~$73M of GME at $117 = 620k shares of GME x 185% short position = \~1.1m GME shares shorted. + +https://preview.redd.it/449mbia022k61.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=945faea5d149afac977bcc480592b3bdbf4d5274 + +[https://www.etfchannel.com/article/202102/xrt-gme-mgni-ostk-large-outflows-detected-at-etf-xrt-gme-mgni-ostk-XRT02192021.htm/](https://www.etfchannel.com/article/202102/xrt-gme-mgni-ostk-large-outflows-detected-at-etf-xrt-gme-mgni-ostk-XRT02192021.htm/) + +They have even published an article singling out this ETF because there is a huge outflow of shares being dissolved (ie shorted). + +>“…we have detected an approximate $85.8 million dollar outflow -- that's a 12.0% decrease week over week (from 9,200,000 to 8,100,000).” + +If these numbers are true, then it is shorted closer to 199%! (16.1m shorts / 8.1m shares). + +NOTE: you cannot squeeze an ETF as it is just a collection of shares, the fund can increase and decrease the total number of shares it owns as the size of the fund grows / shrinks. this is why the article above was talking about an outflow of money from the ETF + +\---------- + +**TLDR:** + +THEY ARE DOING EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO STOP THIS ROCKET JUST LIKE LAST TIME, BUT **💎🙌** 💎 will prevail!!! + +**Stake:** shares in GME **🚀** **🚀** **🚀** + +**PS:** you guys! I’m truly honored by how popular you’ve made my posts! You are the best online anonymous friends an 🦍 could ever want! I’ll continue to post updates on this data next week :) + +\---------- + +Shoutouts to [u/RicFlairsCape](https://www.reddit.com/u/RicFlairsCape/) [u/Rrrrandle](https://www.reddit.com/u/Rrrrandle/) [u/CultureCrypto](https://www.reddit.com/u/CultureCrypto/) for some good suggestions on the last post, which I have incorporated. + +\---------- + +For those interested, here is some more info from FINRA about this data: + +"The Daily Short Sale Volume Files provide aggregated volume by security for all short sale trades executed and reported to a TRF, the ADF, or the ORF during normal market hours for public dissemination purposes (i.e., media-reported trades). There are individual files for the volume associated with trades reported to each TRF (FINRA/Nasdaq Chicago, FINRA/Nasdaq Carteret, FINRA/NYSE), the ADF, and the ORF. There is also a file entitled "Consolidated TRF/ADF Daily Short Sale Volume Files," which combines the volume for trades in exchange-listed securities reported to the TRFs and the ADF." + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xw8lu1l122k61.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=644af631e8387d60cb475e33e67fcd1c66018b8d +For the better part of 2 years now I've been lurking about and taking the subreddit's lessons towards making small improvements to my (and my wife's) financial discipline and situation. We've made some real small-time progress and I'm very proud of us, but we've constantly struggled to grow our savings account before something wipes it out. We've yo-yo'ed between 1-2 months emergency funds during this process constantly, while making some progress on debts. So overall, forward motion! + +Flash forward to today. Due to the sad reality of Covid-19 America, I'm furloughed and her hours have been cut in half. I've been drawing unemployment since my furlough began (first time ever in my life) and she just got her first unemployment deposits today. Due to the CARES act, we're making significantly more income in this situation than we were while working. As a result, we've been banking a lot of extra cash (for us). + +Today we surpassed the largest amount we've ever saved up before (previously held by the amount we'd saved for our wedding) and we are now sitting on close to 6 months worth of Emergency funds! And for the current bill period we're already completely solvent and expecting additional payments this week! 0.o + +It feels very strange. Wife feels guilty. I'm not without a bit of guilt, but I'm also not one to look a gift horse in the mouth when it is setting my family up to come out of this pandemic stronger than ever before. We are grateful everyday to be healthy and able to stay solvent(+) during these times. I won't wish for more, but I will be grateful for what I can. I'm not pleased as punch about what brought us here, but I'm going to celebrate this silver lining all the same. Life gave us some lemonade. + +To try and pay it forward, we've been extending some of our good fortune to friends/family who haven't been as lucky (some still holding for their first checks over 8 weeks!). We know a lot of folks out there are struggling for various reasons to pay bills, stay sane, and keep food in the house. It isn't much, but we can take care to make sure our neighbors pay rent/bills and get to eat. And we still get to make incredible progress towards a stronger financial situation. + +Who knows what the future holds? We're still in the early stages of financial growth, but I've learned a lot spending time in this sub. We're careful not to touch our 401k's and the like, even though we don't contribute as much as we would like (yet). + +Our plan is to hit the 6 month dollar mark and then aggressively pay down debts. Depending on how long this situation goes on, we may even be able to start investigating whether we should/will purchase our first home! + +I couldn't have done it without the motivation this sub has given me. I don't know if I'll ever achieve financial independence or get to retire early, but I feel more optimistic than I probably should be allowed to (given a pandemic) that we've got a chance! + +Thank you. +Ever since I joined this plce, there was one thing this sub agreed on — "buy high, sell low." Under every second post, hugely upvoted and usually followed by "this is the way" or "one of us". + +It didn't make much sense to me at first, but neither did blockchain. So what do I know, I'm no expert trader. I started small. + +When the price was sufficiently high, I bought some and waited for the price to go down. I sold. After quick math, I noticed I was at a loss — must have been fees. + +I decided to try with a larger amount and there just happened to be ADA ATH. I bought. Then crash. I sold. + +I did exactly like you said and I'm somehow losing money? Wtf, reddit??? I don't know, I'll try a couple more times, but that's it! + +Is "buy high, sell low" even a real strategy? Has it worked for anyone? +And don't tell me I should have gone with the "DCA" joke! +Have cheap rent but have wanted to move for a while. + +I have enough saved to buy a house out of town. + +What are the chances we actually see a market correction? + +There's an older but well built house for sale that would cost ~400k to build yourself, ~600k to have built new on land that would go for 200k now (~100k 2019) for sale for 550k. + +Does anyone think we will see houses sell for substantially less than they cost to build? +So I'm sure things like this have been answered before but wasn't sure what the current recommendation for someone in my situation is. + +&#x200B; + +I just turned 21 and just started working full-time so I'm interested in investing in my future as I know the one thing I have on my side is time. I've watched a video about compound interest on how to earn money long term. That's something I'd be interested in doing, not too interested in risky and time consuming stocks - just something I can contribute to while saving LONG term with low risk. + +&#x200B; + +In this video he's in the US so he recommends the S&P 500 - what's our equivalent, or can we invest in this too? The example used was contributing $1000 a month for 22 years would get you $1 million. Maybe I won't be able to always contribute that much, but either way that's a great return and something I think I should start doing early right? + +&#x200B; + +Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I have not much idea about this stuff. Thanks +[List of countries by external debt](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_external_debt) + +How is it possible that EVERYONE owes so much money? Whose money is it? The cynic in me wants to say "oh China's just lending everyone money" but I've read that they've got their own problems too, many of which are masked by their lack of transparency. + +Seems like every country on the news is in some form of "crisis". If no one can pay off their debts, how is this ever resolved? Maybe this belongs in /r/conspiracy +>Losers have votes, too. That is what democracy means — and rightly so. If they feel sufficiently cheated and humiliated, they will vote for Donald Trump, a candidate for the Republican party’s presidential nomination in the US, Marine Le Pen of the National Front in France or Nigel Farage of the UK Independence party. +There are those, particularly the native working class, who are seduced by the siren song of politicians who combine the nativism of the hard right, the statism of the hard left and the authoritarianism of both. + +>Above all, they reject the elites that dominate the economic and cultural lives of their countries: those assembled last week in Davos for the World Economic Forum. The potential consequences are frightening. Elites need to work out intelligent responses. It might already be too late to do so. + +>The projects of the rightwing elite have long been low marginal tax rates, liberal immigration, globalisation, curbs on costly “entitlement programmes”, deregulated labour markets and maximisation of shareholder value. The projects of the leftwing elite have been liberal immigration (again), multiculturalism, secularism, diversity, choice on abortion, and racial and gender equality. Libertarians embrace the causes of the elites of both sides; that is why they are a tiny minority. + +>In the process, elites have become detached from domestic loyalties and concerns, forming instead a global super-elite. It is not hard to see why ordinary people, notably native-born men, are alienated. They are losers, at least relatively; they do not share equally in the gains. They feel used and abused. After the financial crisis and slow recovery in standards of living, they see elites as incompetent and predatory. The surprise is not that many are angry but that so many are not. + +>Branko Milanovic, formerly of the World Bank, has shown that only two parts of the global income distribution enjoyed virtually no gains in real incomes between 1988 and 2008: the poorest five percentiles and those between the 75th and the 90th percentile. The latter includes the bulk of the population of high-income countries. + +>Mr Trump is protectionist on trade and hostile on immigration. These positions appeal to his supporters because they understand they have one valuable asset: their citizenship. They do not want to share this with countless outsiders. The same is true for supporters of Ms le Pen or or Mr Farage. + +>Nativist populists must not win. We know that story: it ends very badly. In the case of the US, the outcome would have grave global significance. America was the founder and remains guarantor of our global liberal order. The world desperately needs well-informed US leadership. Mr Trump cannot provide this. The results could be catastrophic. + +>Western countries are democracies. These states still provide the legal and institutional underpinnings of the global economic order. If western elites despise the concerns of the many, the latter will withdraw their consent for the elite’s projects. In the US, elites of the right, having sown the wind, are reaping the whirlwind. But this has happened only because elites of the left have lost the allegiance of swaths of the native middle classes. + +>Not least, democracy means government by all citizens. If rights of abode, still more of citizenship, are not protected, this dangerous resentment will grow. Indeed, it already has in too many places. + +http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/135385ca-c399-11e5-808f-8231cd71622e.html + +The Author has been described as the Anglosphere's most influential finance journalist. + +He is friend with several billionaires and all the world's central bankers. He is a permanent member of the Bilderberg Group +LIBERO FINANCIAL FREEDOM 🗽 is hidden 💎 + +&#x200B; + +🗽Website: [https://libero.financial/](https://libero.financial/) + +&#x200B; + +🗽Twitter: [https://twitter.com/LiberoFinancial](https://twitter.com/LiberoFinancial) + +&#x200B; + +🗽Telegram group: + +[https://t.me/liberoofficialgroup](https://t.me/liberoofficialgroup) + +&#x200B; + +🗽Telegram channel: + +[https://t.me/liberoofficialchannel](https://t.me/liberoofficialchannel) + +&#x200B; + +Some information about that project + +&#x200B; + +The Best Auto Staking + Defi 3.0 Multichain Farming Protocol + +&#x200B; + +Highest Fixed APY - 158,893.59% + +Automatic Staking and Compounding in Your Wallet! + +Get Rewards Every 30 Minutes / 48 Times Daily! + +Defi 3.0 Multichain Farming to support price floor. + +Rug-Proof: No minter code, Audited by THOREUM & RugFeeCoins + +&#x200B; + +Libero Finance is transforming DeFi with the Libero Autostaking Protocol (LAP) that delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, compounding rewards every 30 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet fast with fixed interest of 2.02% per day or 158,893.59% a year without you having to do anything. + +Libero = Financial Freedom + +&#x200B; + +Libero rewards holders with 2.02% daily interest, auto-compounding every 30 minutes, making 158,893.59% APY. + +Simply hold $LIBERO and watch your 1,000 $LIBERO become 1,588,935.90 $LIBERO in a year. Backed by our innovative Treasury algorithm using automatic buyback & burn to support the price. + +The protocol will use Defi 3.0 Multichain Farming to increase the Treasury exponentially at a rate of \~50% a year or more to better support LIBERO price floor. +I suppose to clarify my question I am referring to the change in culture of investing in individual companies, to investing in a broad market ETF. I somehow feel that the ETF isn't really explained properly to people, they think they own the whole market, as a proxy for the economy, and that it's a relatively guaranteed safe investment. + +I'm just wondering if the risk of holding individual shares has been overly emphasised and the risks of ETFs have been understated, in the interest of not confusing people with stock market "jargon" :) +I have been searching reddit looking for recent posts about BAE Systems. Overall they look great (inc. P/E ratio) and have taken quite a dip today. + +What are your opinions, and is anyone currently buying? +(There is rule 'no beginner question', but I reasearched alot and downloaded all the apps. But many don't have option to try. Compared etoro, freetrade, trading212 and IG. But couldn't find answer when I did research. HL is expensive. +I used Reddit search bar to see if such Qs are answered before, but couldn't find the answer.) + +I am in late teens and have £1000 to trade in US stocks. I did research on stocks (and aware of all the risks involved). I don't want to 'invest' long term but execute trades 3-4 times a month. I don't want to buy index, but to trade individual stocks) + +What is best trading platform with no trade fees and low exchange fee? + +Is there any way to keep dollars in account without converting after every single trade? (Which would increase exchange costs) I am okay if there are upfront costs for such thing. I want to increase amount I invest after trying £1000. + +Just to be clear I am British national, have never visited or been resident of USA +Hello, I would love to hear what everyone’s preferred platforms are for investing? And what are some of your preferred features if it’s not too much trouble. +Hi all, + +this video from Dominic Frisby has some interesting charts comparing UK house prices against GBP and gold since 1950s. I found it quite interesting to demonstrate the loss of purchasing power of GBP over time. + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-40GCyITLc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-40GCyITLc) + +the volatility between 1985-1995 and the huge bubble prior to 2008 are pretty clear in the gold/house chart. +CONSUMER PRICE INDEX - JUNE 2022 + +The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 1.3 percent in June on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 1.0 percent in May, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 9.1 percent before seasonal adjustment. + +The increase was broad-based, with the indexes for gasoline, shelter, and food being the largest contributors. The energy index rose 7.5 percent over the month and contributed nearly half of the all items increase, with the gasoline index rising 11.2 percent and the other major component indexes also rising. The food index rose 1.0 percent in June, as did the food at home index. + +The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.7 percent in June, after increasing 0.6 percent in the preceding two months. While almost all major component indexes increased over the month, the largest contributors were the indexes for shelter, used cars and trucks, medical care, motor vehicle insurance, and new vehicles. The indexes for motor vehicle repair, apparel, household furnishings and operations, and recreation also increased in June. Among the few major component indexes to decline in June were lodging away from home and airline fares. + +**The all items index increased 9.1 percent for the 12 months ending June, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending November 1981.** The all items less food and energy index rose 5.9 percent over the last 12 months. The energy index rose 41.6 percent over the last year, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending April 1980. The food index increased 10.4 percent for the 12-months ending June, the largest 12-month increase since the period ending February 1981. + +[(link to full government cpi report)](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cpi.nr0.htm) + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +link to other articles.. + +[(Inflation rose 9.1% in June, even more than expected, as price pressures intensify)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/13/inflation-rose-9point1percent-in-june-even-more-than-expected-as-price-pressures-intensify.html) + +[(Dow dips 100 points, stocks gyrate after hot inflation report)](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/12/stock-market-futures-open-to-close-news.html) + +[(U.S. inflation rises 9.1% in June, a worse-than-expected increase as prices continue to climb)](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/us-inflation-june-2022-consumer-price-index-rcna37897) + +[(U.S. inflation quickens to 9.1%, amping up U.S. Fed pressure)](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/u-s-inflation-quickens-to-9-1-amping-up-u-s-fed-pressure-1.1791297) + +[(United States Inflation Rate)](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi) + +[Fed Could Weigh Historic 100 Basis-Point Hike After Inflation Scorcher](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/fed-could-weigh-historic-100-basis-point-hike-after-inflation-scorcher-1.1791397) + +&#x200B; + +and now for something completely different... + +[(fun compilation of Jerome Powell quotes on inflation)](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/vy22sy/usa_consumer_price_index_for_june_2022_yearonyear/ifzjxs6/?context=3) thank you [akvarista11](https://www.reddit.com/user/akvarista11/) +A further explanation was needed from my previous post regarding the free fall. + +[Weeeee](https://imgur.com/a/AWwvOXE) + + +[The third largest fiat currency is on free fall.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ve2yb1/the_third_largest_fiat_currency_is_on_free_fall/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) + +Some questions were raised and thus I felt the need to further explain how this bear shit wrapped in bull shit wrapped dog shit wrapped in cat shit wrapped is tied to the whole US Dollar and the stock market as a whole and truly GME is a hedge against the whole casino. + +Japan is the third largest economy in the world, they are also carry a Debt to GDP ratio of 256%. Fukkkkkk….that’s some insane leverage. Why? Well with the breakdown of the economic bubble came a decrease in annual revenue. As a result, the amount of national bonds issued increased quickly. Most of the national bonds had a fixed interest rate, so the debt to GDP ratio increased as a consequence of the decrease in nominal GDP growth due to deflation. + +https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_debt_of_Japan + +The 10yr Japan government yield bond was already close to 0 yield but has since then gone up 25 basis points and counting. + +[Japan 10yr Bond](https://imgur.com/a/NYwBuHK) + +The issue with this, is because Japan is so highly leveraged that going up by that many points in a relatively short time and uncontrolled manner could essentially bankrupt the whole country, the higher it goes the more money they have to print. + +Now comes a regurgitating loop of shit, the BoJ (Bank of Japan) is simply going to keep printing money ( sound familiar?) +to buy these bonds to keep the yield from going up. Therefore called yield curve control. + +They can save their country from going bankrupt but in the process they will hyper inflate their currency. Do you now see the issue with their debt to gdp? An on going loop. + +Okay now, so what? What does this have to do with the US? + +As I stated earlier, Japan is the largest US treasury securities, coming in second is China. + +[That’s a lot](https://imgur.com/a/AkEnOPV) + +However , No one atm wants US Treasuries. + +[What treasure?](https://imgur.com/a/9ZKimaF) + +All it takes is for Japan to bankrupt or head for another lost decade and they will dump the US treasuries and implode the whole market and devalue the US dollar much like Terra . Down to 0. + +Jerome Powell knows this which is why now they are pushing this out in order to keep the value of the USD. What a coincidence huh? [US Digital Dollar](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/feds-powell-us-digital-dollar-could-help-maintain-international-primacy-2022-06-17/) + +In essence the dollar is backed by nothing by soon to be worthless US treasury bills. + +Credit default swaps anyone? Someone knows something. [Something’s up](https://imgur.com/a/wZQw98h) + +Essentially if fed reserve doesn’t do anything to keep BoJ afloat then by liquidating their treasury stake, they will drop the whole market and anyone caught short would have no choice but to actually cover. + +Of course we all know SHF have to cover and their walls are closing in. It’s known they haven’t covered GME and damn well estimated to be short more than 200%. At this point anything could serve as a catalyst and only a matter of time. GME is a hedge against the whole market. + +Edit: I feel like I need to explain the portion of the US dollar going to 0. While this part sounds like FUD, it is true that the trajectory is leading to that point by many factors and not just the BoJ problems. There are many strings put together to make the spider web and one falls then the integrity starts to fall apart. I made the following comment. + +That’s the extreme end of the spectrum, The Fed Reserve will do everything to avoid the Dollar from becoming worthless. I’m saying there are many factors that would ignite a fire up SHF ass because the world market is not stable at all and it’s only a matter of time for MOASS. However I should say “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket”. After MOASS it would be wise to invest in different sources of revenue and commodities, land, gold, crypto. However I’m not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. + +A little background to Japans economy. + + +. Japans Economy is not like the US it’s too complicated to explain in just this post. I will try my best to over simplify. In short after ww2 they experience an economic boom so much that they could have been the economic super power but it all came to an end in 1990. They having been in a deflation trajectory for over 20 years. Their gdp has been the same for the past 30years which means no real growth. They are and have been experiencing stagflation. + +The BoJ has to two measures to control the economy, monetary policy and fiscal policy. To stimulate growth they keep interest rates extremely low. But you can’t raise it fast or else it creates a wave of higher payments that the borrowers won’t be able to afford because of the extreme leverage. They’re rates were so low it went negative and it was like the government actually pays others to borrow from them (not really paying them however- that would be silly). It’s meant to stimulate more growth for the economy, however the central bank has created a low interest trap that they put themselves into, deflation is not good for banks that gave out too much money. That means products are cheaper and cheaper and people will only hoard they’re cash into banks knowing that later down the road they can afford more “expensive” products because it costs much less every passing year. Now fiscal policy they have been printing so much money and not making enough money back then any savings dissipates quicker than the drive thru at Wendys. Yes the US has more debt but they are a whole separate issue on itself, the Japan debt in retrospect is twice as bad because of the ongoing monetary and fiscal policies that have been controlling their Yen and growth. + +Japan has to pay interest on their debt (the loan twice their gdp) and because the majority of the debt takes the form of Gov bonds the interest rate is extremely low. Which have a long term growth impact on the economy, they can’t keep borrowing money. Japans Yen was used as trades for other foreign countries because it was so stable and a “safe haven” against other currencies and the bonds were so low. Not anymore, they are stuck and it has to lean on way or another. + +https://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap70c.pdf +I’ve posted 2 comments on separate occasions where OP has let’s say over $10k and wants their money to earn interest over time, while also being liquid if they ever need it. + +I suggested that they look into stablecoins, as the value is not going to be volatile, and using the stablecoins to stake on an exchange platform. Speaking as a New Yorker, I think the only platforms I can get this from an exchange are Coinbase and Gemini. Coinbase offers 4% for USDC and Gemini 8.05% GUSD. + +I mentioned how I have used Gemini the past 6 months, getting interest compounded daily and just recently had a smooth transaction withdrawing my money from staking and coming in my bank account in what takes no longer than 2 weeks. I informed OP he should do his own research as it doesn’t come without risk, as the money is not FDIC insured so of course he should not be putting ALL his money in an account like this if he is not comfortable. + +Every time I am met with downvotes and people spreading misinformation about cryptocurrency in general. It just pisses me off how people can be so misinformed so confidently and stifling discussions. Have do you have the ignorance to boast that a .05% ‘high savings’ bank is the best offer in the market? + +Clearly, they need to adjust however they get their information as the times are changing. I’ll keep enjoying my stablecoins gains. :) + +TLDR - r/personalfinance hates crypto, as does 99% of all subs on Reddit + +Edit: I violated the rules on r/personalfinance and I shouldn’t be shilling people on volatile suggestions when there are risk free options. I appreciate the discussion in the comments as we only get to learn when we discuss. +Anyone here decide to live on the road for a bit? Did you decide on a fatfire van life option like an earth roamer, global expedition vehicle, unimog etc? Something cheaper like a kitted out sprinter? Or even more basic like a truck/suv with a pop up or tear drop? I'm guessing there must be some people here that like camping but upgraded, and curious what your set up is like! + +I'm considering this in the next few years. +Working theory, would love to see holes: + +More and more im becoming convinced that people who assume oil well rebound are flat out wrong. It may not stay this low but looking at some charts it seems that the previous decade was the anomaly not current prices. + +http://inflationdata.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Inflation_Adj_Oil_Prices_Chart-1.jpg + + +http://inflationdata.com/articles/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Inflation-Adjusted-Gasoline-Jan-2016.jpg + + +I think data is USA only and in us dollars. Obviously the value of the dollar plays a role. + + +Demand is up obviously but so is supply. Why should the cost of pulling oil from the ground ever go up? With new technologies things get cheaper. If anything the value of oil will fall with time IFF oil supplies don't become exhausted, as I'm pretty sure is far out + +Rebuttle to "we are running out of oil" argument + + +http://economics.about.com/cs/macroeconomics/a/run_out_of_oil.htm + +Rebuttle to getting oil out of ground is more expensive argument: + +http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-08-20/optimists-were-wrong-to-predict-oil-prices-would-soon-rise-again + +Rebuttle to peak oil argument: + +http://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/pdf/speeches/2015/new-economics-of-oil-spencer-dale.pdf + +I'm seeing a lot of responses relative to geopolitics. This is pretty much an unknown at this point to me. I don't know enough about it. Is it reasonably predicable or more of a wild card? Oil dependant nations will not just collapse, id think they would sell more or borrow. Am I wrong? +I grew up in the ghetto area of my city. My mom was a drug addict, dealer, on Section 8, and food stamps. I had like eight different outfits and only ate breakfast when I made it to school early enough. + +In the years since then I have become what most would consider upper middle class. I have a house that's more than I need, considerable retirement funds, I never go hungry, and I don't stress on the majority of my day to day finances. + +None of this was acquired by my persistence, intelligence, or work ethic. It was all dumb luck. + +Not to say I didn't work hard. Oh boy did I. When I was a young adult I worked several jobs, did day labor on the weekends, and did side work in the rest of my free time. All of that and I was still constantly broke. I took out ridiculous loans to get two associates, a bachelor's, and a Masters. A degree i still don't use. I took free classes amd learned new skills. I "pulled myself up by my bootstraps" and I still had to stretch a $5 pizza out for 3 days. + +But my change in social status was literally all luck. None of the "hard work" I did really mattered. + I got a decent "foot in the door" job because their first choice backed out. I got promoted because key people retired or quit and I was the only one there qualified. I met my partner that had a middle class lifestyle. I bought my first house dirt cheap and sold at the right time. Etc. Etc. + +So don't let other people ever beat you down for not doing as well as they are. Most people want to take credit for their lot in life when a lot of times it has nothing to do with them. Your zip code, parents, and dumb luck matter a whole hell of a lot more than hard work and persistence. + +Yes, all the other stuff can help you here and there, but none of it will matter without a bit of timing and luck on your side. + +I wish you all good luck. +How do you pick yourself up from de-moralising job interviews? Just had one of the most horrible interviews in my career where the recruiter simply looked at my 2 year stints at companies and thought it was short and my salary expectations and made up their mind. + +No thoughts put around the value or skills I could add to the company or situations that meant I was only at certain companies for 2 years. + +So I am feeling a bit down. + +I guess the thing I say to myself is I have made many more positive experiences with other interviews. And if someone is judging you that quickly it is a limitation of the person even if they work for a large company they recruit for. Maybe something was pre-occupying their mind. Or that this is not the right company/time to be applying. + +I guess it's a good reminder of how to treat people with respect, good communication. + +EDIT: The recruiter was an internal recruiter of the multi-billion $ company. + +They had already seen my CV. I was quite looking forward to the interview so to be shot down within 10 minutes as an experienced professional was not something I was expecting. I explained leaving the roles within <2 and also highlighted previously I was at companies for over 5 years too in my short 11 year career. + +It didn't seem to matter, they already had made up their mind based on my previous salary, job stints and derived that I would only be there for short-term and wasn't right for the role. + +In the end I stopped reasoning and thanked them for the call and left it there. +So this week might be the end for now to my trading career. I have TQQQ calls that expire this week and as we saw this afternoon, we dove hard. + +At the moment I’m still holding onto them to salvage what I can but I’ve essentially hit about $400 left in my account. + +To put into context, I’ve been trading for almost a year now starting in September of 2019. I had plenty of success going up and even success on the way down after the covid crash in March. I started out with about 7k in September. My TOS account peaked a little over 90k by April 2020. That’s when I slowly started losing hard + +Fast forward to July and now I’m down to $400 and the past day and weekend I’ve been sick mentally. Like I actually want to feel like throwing up. I want to know how can I cope with these losses mentally. Although my initial principle is money I was willing to lose, the idea of Kinda getting out the game and the fact that I lost 99% of my portfolio is hard to swallow. + +I’m not looking for sympathy because I knew the risk when I started. But I want to know how to mentally reset or ease myself. +I worry that this sub will become a pissing contest where people will ask for help only to be met with "oh you're not *really* as bad off as you think". + +Perhaps just leave it as, if someone thinks they are in a bad enough state to post here rather than /r/personalfinance that's good enough? I figure the voting will take care of this more or less. No reason to allow comments that tell people they are not poor enough for this sub. +Finance people always come up with the most obscure measures of risk. Starting from using the beta of a stock to using the VIX index to measure overall risk and sentiment of the market, risk is defined to be something that is somehow quantitative and measurable. + +But as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, investor of all time Warren Buffett says: “risk comes from not knowing what you are investing in”. Why? Because you are much more likely to make quick off handed decisions when you don’t fully understand ur investments. + +When you are comfortable with your portfolio and understand the businesses you are invested in, a downturn shouldn’t scare you. Of course you are free to go and underwrite these investments based on the new information, but most of the time it is probably right to continue buying and average down. + +Hope this helps. - BDover +These are the key messages from the Bank of Canada's 2022 Financial System Review: + +* Central banks around the world have shifted their focus from providing pandemic-related stimulus to responding to the significant increase in inflation. The lasting effects of the pandemic on supply chains in the context of strong demand for goods and the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine are complicating these efforts. The tightening of monetary policy globally will test the resilience of the financial system and could worsen existing financial vulnerabilities. +* In Canada, elevated levels of household debt and high house prices remain two key interconnected vulnerabilities. Many households have seen an improvement of their net worth and liquid asset holdings over the course of the pandemic. At the same time, the share of highly indebted households has risen. Those with high debt are more vulnerable to a decline in income and will face more financial strain when they renew their mortgages at higher rates. +* House prices rose more than 50%, on average, during the pandemic. Expectations of future price increases and increased investor demand likely contributed to this rise. A moderation of housing markets could reverse these forces and amplify the decline in prices. Significant drops in prices would reduce household wealth and access to credit. +* Publicly traded non-financial businesses are generally in good financial shape and appear well-positioned to handle higher interest rates. Previously, concerns were that the pandemic would cause unsustainably high levels of debt across the non-financial sector. But this has not occurred. The vulnerability associated with the reliance of some businesses on high-yield debt markets has also diminished. +* Fragile liquidity in fixed-income markets is an ongoing structural vulnerability. A sudden spike in demand for liquidity from asset managers could exceed the willingness of banks to supply such liquidity, causing large price movements and a potential freeze in some markets. The recent tightening in financial conditions and increased market volatility have reduced liquidity. +* Cyber threats represent a continued vulnerability given the interconnected nature of the financial system. With the ongoing war in Ukraine, state-sponsored cyber attacks are occurring with greater frequency and sophistication, increasing the risk of a successful attack on a Canadian financial institution or financial market infrastructure. Such an attack could have far-reaching effects on the broader financial system. +* The war in Europe has further complicated the transition to a low-carbon economy. In the short term, concerns around global energy security are likely to delay the transition, while the long-term impact is highly uncertain. Overall, the risk of a quick repricing of assets exposed to climate change has increased. +* Cryptoasset markets continue to evolve and grow rapidly, and price volatility remains high. While they do not yet pose a systemic risk to the Canadian financial system, the lack of a regulatory framework means they operate without many of the safeguards that exist in the traditional financial system. This exposes investors to risks such as large and sudden financial losses due to fraud, price declines or a run on stablecoins. + +Source: [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2022/06/financial-system-review-2022](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2022/06/financial-system-review-2022) + +Webcast can be found here at 11: [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/multimedia/release-of-the-financial-system-review/](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/multimedia/release-of-the-financial-system-review/) +I always have read how it's an inspiring book but after reading a few chapters it sounded terribly uninspiring to me. + +I say this as someone who in my circle is seen as super frugal and I save about 50% of my income on about $55k +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The US has switched to Daylight Savings Time, but Germany is a few weeks behind. As such, the German Markets only open one hour before the US Premarket opens, so Diamantenhände will only cover the first 60 minutes on the German exchanges. + +What a dip! I genuinely thought that the SHFs were done giving us such deep discounts, but for some reason they were forced to suppress the price deeper and deeper last Friday, giving us what may be the final dip before the MOASS. We all know that the Shorts are in a hopeless position, with far more shares short than even exist, so every dollar upward has a multiplier effect against their balance sheets. They can (and do!) spend heavily to drive the price down, if only to make their balance sheets look a little better for a little while. We have seen this time and time again, and to date it hasn't driven Apes off - maybe this time they think something will be different? + +It is hopeless, though. On Thursday, GameStop will release its quarterly results, likely including a new tally of the DRSed share count, and a glimpse at the progress that we've made in putting our names on the entire float. GameStop has completely reversed outlook from the time that the SHFs took out their original short position against it - it is now a growth company, spending well to invest in its own future, establishing great partnerships, and capitalizing on its wonderful investors and enthusiastic customers. There is no chance that their original play to kill the company and never have to close their short position can ever work. However, they didn't see it soon enough - they only saw the price per share climb higher and higher, tempting them to short it even harder and cash in on the inflated price. They are so far gone that no amount of financial crime is unpalatable. + +So here we are, buying the dip, DRSing our shares, and HODLing with Diamantenhände until the day their crimes catch up with them. Is today the day? + +Today is Monday, March 14th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 60 minutes in: **$94.41 / 85,91 €** *(volume: 1674)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $94.39 / 85,89 € *(volume: 1674)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $94.83 / 86,29 € *(volume: 1425)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $95.19 / 86,62 € *(volume: 1306)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $95.20 / 86,62 € *(volume: 1294)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $95.21 / 86,63 € *(volume: 1293)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $95.25 / 86,67 € *(volume: 1127)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $95.34 / 86,75 € *(volume: 1110)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $95.32 / 86,73 € *(volume: 1108)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $95.54 / 86,94 € *(volume: 944)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $95.55 / 86,94 € *(volume: 782)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $95.30 / 86,72 € *(volume: 531)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $94.90 / 86,35 € *(volume: 272)* +- 🟥 US close price: $92.69 / 84,34 € *($93.40 / 84,99 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.099. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I feel this is predominantly a USA sub. I dont’t know if there’s any Canadians in here that could give me some pointers. I’m living in Montreal QC. + +Is there any point for me to follow this sub since the rules and things are vastly different. We don’t have 1031 exchanges etc. + +Edit: +wow I’m so pleased with all these replies and sparking up conversations between one and other. I haven’t gotten to everyone’s comments yet but intend to:) glad there actually are a lot of Canadians showing up after-all! +Good morning everyone, + +I am new to real estate investing and have been wanting to since I was 21, but didn’t have the means. + +I’m 29 now make over 125k a year and have 100k saved up for a down payment on one or multiple properties. I have read Gary Keller’s “Millionaire real estate investor” but also am an avid Dave Ramsey follower. They have almost opposite opinions on how to handle real estate investing. + +With Gary Keller’s book he talks about the Velocity of money and refinancing after a certain point to buy more and more property this sounds great in theory! In any economic downturn like 07/08 I would think 90% of people who are doing this will be going bankrupt. + +Dave Ramsey used this method early in his career became a millionaire before 30 and then went bankrupt because of a poor economy. + +I see the first method as enticing, but highly risky. + +I’ve seen arguments used as well the interest is tax deductible why the hell would I want to pay interest so that I can get a tax reduction that just seems so stupid. + +In conclusion, + +I am tempted to buy 3-4 properties over the next year, but have major concerns about these two conflicting thoughts. I’m thinking I understand both correctly, but am just risk averse subconsciously. + +Would appreciate any thoughts or clarification as well as any advice moving forward. +Hello all, + +&#x200B; + +Just looking for some back ups or other options on options. Story is below: + +&#x200B; + +Tenant had good income and 750 credit score- instantly approved. Started being "annoying" asking for very minor stuff (tissue box holder) early on. She was **VERY** petty and paid on the 5th about 10 PM every month (within grace period etc). + +&#x200B; + +April was when her lease what up and the lock down happened. She **refused to pay April's rent** and I offered several times with her to work out a payment plan etc etc and extend every opportunity even though she had **not lost her job.** She is an educated woman (PHD) and from my gut is just taking advantage of the situation/moratorium. + +&#x200B; + +Just got a phone call today from a neighbor that she moved- out of the blue with no notice(30 days required in the lease). She asked the neighbor to cowardly call on her behalf. + +&#x200B; + +Considering the circumstances- whatever... I'll reach out and have her sign a surrender of the property. My biggest question is what legally do I need to do to protect myself if she refuses to sign/radio silence? + +&#x200B; + +When the courts open back up- can I sue her in civil court for lost rents and damages to the property? Her security deposit will not make up for the damages + lost rent. + +&#x200B; + +Thanks for any advice/insight. +You guys need to stop asking for people's strategies. People work hard and put in hundreds of hours backtesting and and forward testing and tweaking. Why should they just give you their strategy? Put the work in, test things out, and learn. Go on youtube, look up different strategies, test them out, tweak them to your liking. Backtest and test on demo. Doesn't work? Try something else. Too much work? Sounds too time consuming? It is! Thst why these guys dont want to, and shouldn't just give you their hard earned strategy. Put the work in so you can really make something out of the market. + +Edit: to clarify, I dont have an issue with people who choose to discuss or share their strategy. My problem is with the people who come into the comments and begging anyone who leaves a comment to know their strategy. +The U.S. economy falling into recession within the next 12 months is a virtual certainty, according to the latest Bloomberg Economics forecast model released on Monday. + +The dire projection surfaced just weeks before national midterm elections that will determine control of Congress. Just a week ago, President Joe Biden said a recession in the U.S. was unlikely and said any such downturn would be “very slight” if it did occur. + +Bloomberg Economics’ latest statistical projections showed a 100% probability of a recession within the next 12 months as the U.S. economy contends with decades-high inflation, Federal Reserve interest-rate hikes and mounting geopolitical tensions. + +The likelihood of a recession was 65% in the Bloomberg model’s most recent previous update. Generated by economists Anna Wong and Eliza Winger, the model utilizes 13 macroeconomic and financial indicators to assess the odds of a downturn from one month to two years in the future. + +A separate Bloomberg survey of 42 economists predicts the probability of a recession over the next 12 months now stands at 60%, up from 50% a month earlier. + +The Bloomberg Economics model showed a 25% probability of a recession hitting even sooner — within the next 10 months — up from 0% in the previous release. + +Fears of a deep recession have surged in recent months as the Fed hikes interest rates in a bid to cool inflation. Investors believe the Fed risks “overtightening” monetary policy in reaction to higher prices and driving the economy into a sustained downturn. + +Segments of the U.S. economy, such as the housing market, have shown signs of struggle. + +The Fed has implemented supersized three-quarter-point interest-rate hikes at each of its last three meetings, with a fourth major increase expected when monetary-policy makers hold a two-day meeting Nov. 1–2. Despite the rate hikes, inflation ran at a hotter-than-expected 8.2% in September. + +Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and others have downplayed concerns about the economic outlook for months. + +“I don’t think there will be a recession. If it is, it will be a very slight recession. That is, we’ll move down slightly,” Biden said during an interview with CNN last week. + +“Look, it’s possible” he added. “I don’t anticipate it.” + +Yellen has suggested the central bank, which she led in 2014–18, would need both skill and luck to pilot the economy toward something other than a hard landing. + +U.S. GDP has declined for two straight quarters — a rule-of-thumb definition of a recession. But the National Bureau of Economic Research, a key economy tracker, has yet to formally declare one is underway. + +A separate Bloomberg survey of 42 economists puts the probability of a recession over the next 12 months at 60%, up from 50% a month earlier + + +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/100-probability-of-u-s-recession-in-next-12-months-according-to-new-forecast-11666051473?mod=mw_latestnews +Given what's going on in the UK right now, I want to understand more about how the state raises money and spends that money. As far as I understand now, the issue with the Truss government was they cut taxes at the same time as spending an unprecedented amount on keeping energy prices down. The markets responded to this by saying they didn't trust the government to be able to pay back bonds, and so the cost of government borrowing went up. + +So far, so good. What I am struggling to get my head around is the fact that so many commentators and economists have been talking about public finances as if they need to add up exactly. E.g., one might say "good, they've scrapped the planned reduction in the 45p tax rate. But that only saves £2bn. They still have a £60bn fiscal hole they need to fill." The same commentators will often go on to either advocate further u-turns on the tax cuts, or say that the only way to square this is to reduce government spending (either through actual cuts or through not raising spending in line with inflation so a de facto cut). + +Again, I understand this as it stands. The government raises X amount in taxes and has to pay Y amount for its various policies and welfare etc. But, and this is where I get fuzzy, I was under the impression that the whole idea of balancing the books and costing every single policy was not actually how to run an economy as the state. The idea of looking at a national economy like a household budget isn't accurate at all. To take things further, I've read (and understand) snippets of what I think are part of modern monetary theory which say that tax isn't actually linked to government spending and is instead a mechanism to control inflation. I even had a friend say to me the other day that they read a book which talked about how the government can just make money to pay for stuff, and this ability is essentially infinite if you have a fiat currency. + +Basically, I want to know if what the aforementioned commentators are saying about making X and Y add up to equal zero is actually an accurate way of seeing government taxation and spending. Also, I'd like to know whether taxation actually has a direct link to paying for government projects/welfare/investment. Or, is revenue raised by taxation just a way of paying off 'interest' on 'debt' (I undrestand both of those terms don't exactly describe bonds, but are thereabouts). + +The reason I am interested is that I am very wary of how political choices are made to be seen as the only option. Austerity, for instance, was a political choice but made to be seen as necessary because the deficit needed to be reduced. Also, I'm concerned about the market being seen as a neutral arbiter of what is right and wrong. In this instance, I'm glad the markets responded negatively to policies which would have redistributed money from the poor to the rich, but in future there might be a government that wants to implemenet a policy I agree with politically, but which is similarly responded to negatively. Essentially, I don't think markets responded to the Truss government's policies out of altruism, they just didn't think the plan would work/would damage them. + +I hope all of that makes sense. A good TL;DR would be: there seems to be a general idea that if the government is spending X then it needs to make money by either increasing tax to pay for it or cutting elsewhere. But is this actually the case? And, if not, what's the alternative model? +I commonly see complaints regarding "widespread inequality" and about the "gap between the rich and the poor widening" and people address these issues under the implication that this means the poor and the working class are somehow worse off, that the rich get richer at the expense of the poor. But this is false- if the rich get 10x richer and the poor get 2x richer, wealth inequality has increased but the poor are still better off as a result. + + +More to the point, some arguements can be made that wealth inequality is a positive thing. In nations with high economic inequality, parents are more likely to push their children to work hard- this is logical because greater rewards for wealth and a higher ceiling provides an incentive to climb the economic ladder. Nobody is going to work hard only to end up barely richer than they were before. SOURCE https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/posteverything/wp/2019/02/22/feature/how-economic-inequality-gives-rise-to-hyper-parenting/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d1e0edfdc712 +As I understand it, part of the reason Chinese steel is so cheap is because they have nationalized the industry, effectively making enourmous tax cuts to the steel industry there. This is funded by the government so they are taxing other goods in exchange for funneling the money into the steel industry. In what ways is a subsidy bad? I imagine taking money from other industries and directly funneling it into the steel industry would only be negative if the potential profit in other industries were, on average, less than the profit produced from the increase in steel production. How is the potential profit in other industries weighed/measured and compared? +I am thinking of doing a stats major but looking at the course load I think it would be incredibly demanding and its very difficult, my stats courses gpa is like a 2 and heard upper years is brutal. + +&#x200B; + +Meanwhile I find econ much easier. WOuld it be a good idea to major in econ for the job prospects? I know python and r and thinking of working as a analyst + +&#x200B; + +Also will minor in cs and stats/. +https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/oil-us-reserves-head-overseas-gasoline-prices-stay-high-2022-07-05/ + +The article is a bit over my head. Can anyone explain why this is happening? Sounds like it could be counter productive for gas prices. +I can't tell if it's an American thing, or what but everyone thinks they're "middle class." + +So far, in a survey I've conducted, everyone thinks they're middle class. +Bernie Sanders wants to implement a student-loan forgiveness program. While this will mean a huge amount of relief for a large number of people, and could be a big stimulus for our economy, I'm a bit concerned about the side effects. Wouldn't student loan forgiveness drive more people to universities, which are already extremely expensive, and wouldn't that increase in demand increase the cost of college further, creating a growing burden on tax payers, and possibly on students themselves? Are there ways this effect can be mitigated? +https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EuxzWrCWYAAGGXf?format=png&name=900x900 + +https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EuxztG6XAAkdvIG?format=jpg&name=large + +Is this accurate? House prices haven't increased much when you adjust for size and inflation? +Has anyone ever theorised what an economy would look like if tax on earnings was 0 or negligible, and instead tax on goods was much higher with different bands of tax for different categories of goods? + +This way people would be taxed not on their earnings but on their spending habits. + +I'm not saying it's a good idea, I'm just looking for any research on it. +I am from a country where the housing costs is skyrocketing despite its low average wages. Politicians are proposing a plan to increase the tax rate of homeowners with 3 or more properties and raising the interest rate. However, critics (including me) believe that those affected by the new tax rate would simply pass on the additional costs to tenants, why wouldn’t they? Unless there is a way to regulate the rent costs (which would involve the government setting the prices), I don’t see a reason why these plans would help lower the housing costs. + +My questions are: What usually happens when governments impose progressive tax rates on homeowners? What are some feasible ways to prevent them from passing on the burden on tenants, and so far, has any country/policy been successful at lowering (or at least stabilizing) the rise of housing costs? +I am a bit confused about a statement on pg70 of SLP's recursive methods in economic dynamics. They say that if a set A on the extended real line has a supremum equal to infinity, then there exists a sequence in A that converges to infinity. + +Not sure why this is true. Cant find any such theorems in my analysis books and I don't know how to prove this statement. The exact statement written in mathematical terms, and the context are presented in the imgur link [https://imgur.com/a/qY3rsrN](https://imgur.com/a/qY3rsrN). + +I am only given the assumption that the set A is non-empty. + +Apologies in advance if this is a question more appropriate for a math's subreddit. SLP is an econ book, and I was wondering if I am missing any additional context from the book or from dynamic programming as a whole that could help me prove the statement above. +Are there any countries with median income > mean income? Or similarly any countries with negatively skewed (left-tailed) income distributions? + +If not, what would such a country look like? + +Right now the US is positively skewed with most people earning a respectable income with a few people earning super large amounts. I'm guessing a negatively skewed country would then have a few people earning super low amounts, with the bulk of people being super rich? +I’m a 31 year old software engineer and want to learn and understand basic economics. My main aim is to make wise personal financial decisions. But, I also want to understand the basics of world economics. + +I wanted to know if there are any recommended online courses I can do during the weekends? I know of Coursera.org +I do believe their cards information gets leaked very frequently, from what I read and experienced. +I got a $200 card a while ago as a gift which I was planning to use for Christmas gifts... got it, put it in my drawer and I live totally alone, no one saw the card, never used it online. +then I decided to use the gift card and found out my balance is 0$,,, logged into their website and found out someone used it for ApplePay +been trying to reach Customer service for 2 days but they do not pick up. +just a joke of a company do not waste your money and time with them +I heard some people in the tech industry have around 200-400k salary some even after graduating from Uni there earn around 100k+ and I understand in the mining industry grads can earn that much but in the tech and working comfortably in your home is that sustainable or is it just because of the growth and lack of workers we’re having? + +I’m an EE and currently working as a PE was thinking of doing masters in cyber security or an accelerated course will this guarantee me job in tech? +Launched: June 13th, 2021 + +Super token with incredible potential! Launched hours ago! 🚀 + +👻The Ghostface ecosystem is the only BNB rewards token with sustainability and long-term growth. DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS GEM!👻 + +JIGSAW is a revolutionary new token added to the Ghostface ecosystem! The ghost face ecosystem is an ever-growing project with an amazing dev team, and a positive/dedicated community growing by the day! + +🧩5000 BNB Presale sold out in minutes!🧩 + +Jigsaw is completely decentralized and all decisions are made by a community poll. Which gives the developers a better idea of how to move forward with Jigsaw. The Jigsaw developer team has no team tokens. Meaning the team had to participate in the $Jigsaw presale along with other investors. + +🔥Jigsaw tokenomics🔥 + +7% To ecosystem BNB pool (4% to Jigsaw, 3% to Ghostface) + +3% Added to Liquidity Pool + +Ghostface and Jigsaw benefit from each other and there will be other tokens/projects added in the future to this incredible ecosystem! The sky is the limit and this project has an extremely bright future! + +Join our community and experience a dev team that is overwhelmingly responsive, transparent, and has every penny of their investor's funds at the forefront of their mind every single day! 🚀 + +&#x200B; + +[https://ghostface.finance/jigsaw/](https://ghostface.finance/jigsaw/) + +[https://ghostface.finance/](https://ghostface.finance/) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/ghostfacecommunity](https://t.me/ghostfacecommunity) + +Contract address: 0x35e446a313369f2cca5592e62db9edbb23233dd2 +I have a jumbo fixed mortgage at a low rate, under 3%, refinanced a couple years ago. When I refi'ed, I went with a 30-year term. My monthly payment is now half what I'd pay to rent a place like this. (I live in a notoriously expensive US metro area.) + +A friend of mine also refi'ed around the same time and chose a 15-year term. When I asked why, he said "so I could be done with it at a younger age." + +My mortgage was recently sold, and the new servicer is also encouraging early paydowns. + +But paying more principal seems wrong to me. If you can borrow at under 3%, why wouldn't you want to extend that as long as possible? That seemed the case to me in 2020 when it was clear that both interest rates and inflation were about as low as they could be, and it especially seems the case now that rates AND inflation are a multiple of what they were then. + +Aren't you better off extending the term, minimizing payments, and investing the money in something other than your home equity? + +What am I missing? +Hi, am just wondering since the wheel strategy works best if the underlying has lower movement in price, would it be a good idea to use ETFs for the wheel strategy? Am thinking of SPY and QQQ. Anyone with experience and can share the pros and cons? Thank you in advance +https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2019/01/22/the-euro-area-is-back-on-the-brink-of-recession + +> The euro has been an economic fiasco. GDP growth in the euro area has lagged behind that in other advanced economies, and in the European Union as a whole, throughout its life—before the financial crisis, during the global recession and its euro-area encore, and even during the recent #euroboom. Perhaps the area would have done as badly without the single currency. But attempts to estimate euro-zone performance relative to a counterfactual world sans euro suggest not. The past decade has been especially brutal. A list of the world’s worst performers in terms of real GDP per person since 2008 contains places suffering geopolitical meltdowns—plus the euro-area periphery. Greece has been outgrown by Sudan and Ukraine. Cyprus and Italy have been beaten by Brazil and Iran; France and the Netherlands by Britain. + +> ... + +> The price of German support for crisis-addled economies was a revision to the “stability and growth pact”, which is intended to keep budgets in line. The new fiscal compact struck in 2012 requires governments to keep net borrowing to no more than 3% of GDP. Though that may not seem particularly onerous, it also requires them to maintain a structural budget deficit (adjusted to take account of the business cycle) of no more than 1% of GDP if debt is “significantly” below 60% of GDP, and no more than 0.5% of GDP if debt is above that level. Governments with debt above 60% must also take steps to bring it back below that threshold; those approaching it can no doubt expect stern warnings. Countries in egregious violation of these rules are subject to penalties. In Italy, which has public debt of around 130% of GDP, populists were carried into office by frustration with the status quo, but cowed into budget sobriety last year after the EU threatened to impose such penalties. + +> In effect, Europe has denied governments the ability to use their budgets to boost demand. These fiscal shackles would be less worrying if the ECB were better positioned to boost private spending by easing monetary policy. But its effective interest rate is already negative. The slowdown in 2018 came despite the ECB asset purchases continuing, albeit more slowly than in 2016 and 2017. Foreign spending could keep the euro-area economic engine turning over. But it is fickle, as the currency bloc is learning. It was only a matter of time until an ill wind caused the euro area’s sails to slacken, exposing its inability to maintain domestic demand without external help. The shift from boom to gloom was inevitable. + +> It need not be permanent. Europe could loosen its fiscal restraints. Better still, it could make use of its combined fiscal potential by mutualising some debt and creating a euro-area budget big enough to offer meaningful stimulus. These reforms would require a big shift in the balance of power and thinking within Europe. Such shifts have occurred before, in the throes of crisis. But if the past ten years of #eurogloom did not demonstrate the pressing need to maintain an array of demand-boosting tools, it is difficult—and frightening—to contemplate what ultimately will. +Hi all, + +How are you preparing financially for when Brexit happens? (From a savings, investments, family, self-employed, job future etc point of view?) + +Are you creating a large savings fund as a back-up? If you think your job might be at risk, how are you preparing? + +If you see it as an investment opportunity, what are your plans? etc +This one has a shot really nice gain today looks like it has some positive momentum finally. NAKD is still under $1.00 poised for a nice run as it has a lot of buy and hold investors. +I have recently been reading up on why buying a single family home/condo to live in is a bad investment, and i think there are some valid points in these arguments. However, here in Las Vegas the mortgage (plus HOA fees) on a condo in a decent area would likely be at worse equal to the rent of a comparable apartment, and certainly less then the rent on a house. We dont plan on leaving Vegas in the next few years, so am i off-base in thinking that it makes no sense to rent when we can afford to buy a condo? +By July 2023 everything but my house should be paid off. I’m 24 my house should be paid off by the time I’m 30. I currently have a 401k and receive a 4% match after putting 5% in. Once everything is paid off should I max out my 401ks or go Roth IRA. I’m looking for the best place to invest my money for my retirement. +Hi again! + +Original post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinancialPlanning/comments/ciqf3o/first_job_should_i_max_out_my_401k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) + +So I found out that my employers have a vestment period of five years to reach 100% match and I have to work a minimum of two years at least for them to match 20% (Before that they match nothing). + +What should I do? Should I still invest in my 401(k), or seek other forms of savings? +This might seem like a stupid question but I’m really trying to get my act together. Quit a job I hated recently and got into university, also working part time whilst studying. + +I will be getting a substantial student loan which will be payed in large lump sums 3 times per year. + +I tend to be extremely impulsive with buying things, often things I don’t really need. I know the simple answer is “*just don’t buy it*” but that hasn’t seemed to work in the past. When I have been able to save I tend to hit the £1,000 mark and manage to justify spending the savings and I’m back to square 1. + +I’m still young and living at home so much outgoings are extremely low. + +I’m going to attempt to follow the flow chart to put me on the right course. Any help is appreciated. +Seems 3.25% is the lowest you can get. £1500 per month on £300k mortgage for a £500k house. How can ppl afford this and energy bills going up. + +The rate was 2.5% last time I checked. +My wife and I co-own a vacation property on the coast of CA that we use personally and AirBNB when not in use. We've owned for 6 years and now our co-partner wants out. We'd like to buy her out but won't be able to if the property is worth over $X now. + +I've never gone through this. + +**What are tips and tricks to use to stack the cards in our favor? Thanks! 🙌🏼** + +Other Details: + +\- We share a mortgage with her and each own 50% of the house + +\- We don't have a contract in place outlining exit strategies/process + +\- Consider this like an amicable divorce. We get along just fine, and while we want this to be a fair transaction, we also really want to keep the house! + +\- It's an awesome escape for us and one day our rental income should be able to cover the cost, especially if we can re-fi now. + I posted this in some of the comment sections but it was lost in the shuffle. + +It is very important to draw attention to the fact that most (if not all) brokers provide **Excess SIPC insurance** for their brokerage accounts. These excess insurance policies cover well beyond what the SIPC covers, typically into the hundreds of millions of dollars. + +I checked into Fidelity and found the following information: + +Fidelity provides excess SIPC insurance up to $1 billion for securities across all of its brokerage accounts and up to $1.9M, per customer, for cash assets. This is beyond what the SIPC is providing and debunks a lot of the FUD posts about how you're going to lose all of your money in the event of a default. + +You can find the Fidelity information on the page titled **Safeguarding Your Accounts** on the **SIPC Coverage** tab. [https://www.fidelity.com/why-fidelity/safeguarding-your-accounts](https://www.fidelity.com/why-fidelity/safeguarding-your-accounts) + +u/[twitchy\_eyelid](https://www.reddit.com/user/twitchy_eyelid/) also provided information regarding TD Ameritrade, who provides excess SIPC insurance for $149.5 million worth of protection for securities and $2 million of protection for cash. [https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en\_us/resources/pdf/TDA1209.pdf](https://www.tdameritrade.com/retail-en_us/resources/pdf/TDA1209.pdf) + +I would imagine other brokers offer similar insurance, however I only checked Fidelity and TD Ameritrade. + +**Please still DRS your shares**, however don't lose sleep about only having SIPC Coverage on whatever remains in your brokerage account. + +Edit: original post said Fidelity excess insurance covers $1B per account, which was pointed out is incorrect. The $1B excess coverage is across all accounts. + +Edit 2: changed some of the wording around stating excess coverage provides “far beyond” coverage +I've been investing for a few months originally starting with the standard ETFs and then moved on to small-cap mining companies where I have made some good gains. The next step in my path to degeneracy is obviously Options but am also aware it's the stage where a lot of people blow up their portfolio and produce some quality loss porn. What is the best way go get started with Options? I'm with Commsec. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). +y'all haven't figured out the secret sauce yet? +I see autists arguing over technical anal, dartboard strategies, moon charts, all while imagining being on the tendie bandwagon, but you miss the fundamental law of the market! +What is this fundamental law? it's simple: + +buy low sell high! + +you're welcome +Obviously there’s a significant disparity in the two prices, but I believe afterpay is insanely overvalued atm whilst zip is a pretty modest 3.20. Afterpay obviously has the titans share of the market but I prefer zips business model, as a customer being forced into afterpays 8 week schedule surely means more defaults which is reflected in their most recent report. + +Please give your fors and againsts for both businesses and how they compare, and keep in mind I think the whole buy now pay in installments later model is a bunch of bull shit when we are facing a recession but regardless I want ur thoughts. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/EKU2tVBp9u) +Cettire is an early-stage high-growth ecom luxury retailer that was founded in 2017. This is the next 3-5 bagger, think Redbubble. Current market cap of $450m. The beauty is this business holds no stock at all. It is the intermediary for over 160,000 products from over 1,000 brands. + +The luxury goods market is predicted to be around $550-$615 billion by 2025. Covid has only accelerated the shift to online purchases and in particular luxury high-end goods. + +CEO is heavily invested and aligned with shareholder interests owning 65% of the stock on issue. + +**Sales**: + +FY18 -$545k + +FY19 -$5.7m + +FY20 -$22.8m + +f/c21 -$70m + +After IPOing late last year CTT has over $10m+ to spend on marketing and acquiring new customers. This business is growing like wildfire and this is only putting fuel on that fire. + +The recent half-year results indicate that the business is ahead of the prospectus f/c and I anticipate they will do $85-95m for the year. Not to mention they are profitable! (excuse me you mean they actually make money?) + +Now if this re-rates to a 10x rev multiple (which peers are trading at) on a $150-$200m rev run rate this is a $1.5-$2b market cap in the near future. + +This stock has essentially no coverage by brokers and is flying under the radar like a stealth bomber. As soon as it gets a little more coverage and the recent result is digested by more brokers and funds this could spike quickly. + +I also see this as an M&A play for someone to scoop up who is in the industry but that’s for another day. + +A number of fundies didn’t invest in the IPO due to the founder's sell down and the lack of maturity of the business but I’m more than happy to get in before they buy in 6 months. + +TLDR - you son of a bitch, I’m in. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Question is both objective and subjective. Real value and also feeling… + +I have a home bought at $450k with 20% down (90k). I’m 12 payments into it (around 1500 principal+interest), roughly half of each payment is interest. + +Interest rate is 2.5%. + +Home has increased in value $140k in that year. (Not that it matters) + +I can pay the house off and have $$$ left in the bank. Easily. + +Would you… + +A) continue to pay off house and put $$$ into an index fund (even though the market is losing money right now, my Morgan Stanley account has lost 20% since Jan) + +B) pay off house and have monthly payment in pocket, making it easier to retire? + +Edit: I must admit that I get nervous about using a property I already own to leverage additional assets (getting an equity loan on the house). I hate putting all my eggs in one basket. +I am on vacation so don’t blame me haha but I can’t believe we haven’t figured out or even proposed some theories as to who was liquidated Thursday morning. + +Obviously with the war starting over night was the reason- but someone got sold big time into the market. + +I had heard UBS cut Russian bonds to 0 so it maybe was a firm who used UBS as their prime and had lots of margin through Russian bonds. But that is just one idea. + +Usually we would find out the biggest companies who took a dump Thursday morning and then research who owned them. + +Any takers? I will take a look when I am back next week but maybe it could shed some light on what is going to happen this coming week. + +Edit 1- sorry everyone it probably was a margin call not liquidation. Liquidation being what will probably be occurring in the next week or so to various Team Shit Face members. I wrote the post more as a what the f happened Thursday morning and that we hadn’t figured it out yet. With all the other drama I think we were being pulled away from the important matters. Great Bloomberg link below I hadn’t seen that. Anyone saying Thursday morning was normal I believe is incorrect. Everyone enjoy the rest of their Sunday. BUY HOLD DRS🚀 + What up Apes, + +[u/Dan\_Bren](https://www.reddit.com/u/Dan_Bren/) you know the deal. + +[GME Biggest Trades 4-14-2021](https://preview.redd.it/ijmqmhz0s8t61.png?width=1224&format=png&auto=webp&s=78c68ecdecde5e0152121b291eb3ff9fd80f111d) + +Large block purchases out of PHLX at 3:18pm (yeah I can do the conversion). 1160 $1.5 calls for 158.70($15,870 each) = $18,409,200. 500 $12 calls for 148.20 ($14820) = $7,410,000. 500 $25 calls for 135.20 ($13520) = 6,760,000 totaling $32,579,000 all of these calls expiring in two days 4/16/21. + +Could this be the start of the (potential) last wave of DEEP ITM calls as we had previously discussed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mmjy19/some_deep_itm_calls_were_bought_today_the_final/). Another interesting thing to note is that these were very frequently traded in pairs previously and so it had been theorized that these were being bought and sold. The ones bought today were not in pairs and so we can narrow it down to three potential options(HA). If they were bought and sold in the same second the size of the trades could be halved and it could essential be its own "pair." This also only captures the data for large trades and so if they were sold in smaller bunches I wouldn't be able to see it. Lastly they could still be holding them. + +We shall see if there is more of this tomorrow. As always I will keep you posted. + +A far-fetched theory (right?) : I always kind of assumed these calls were being bought but the data set I have doesn't really indicate buy or sell. This is why I have to make some assumptions when it comes to thinking they are often traded in pairs. What if the whole time they were selling them and collecting the premiums. this would go against some of the FTD resetting theories so this is of course just an idea I had but it just caught me off guard as I had never considered it. +Washington Post is reporting that china has announced their retaliation to Trump's latest tariff increases. Details are pretty sketchy because AFAIK its still pretty new, but article says China is readying increased tariffs on $60b of US imports from June 1. Increases are supposed to range from 25% to 10% depending on product ... (percentage figures sourced from live coverage on the Guardian)... "with the steepest penalties hitting certain beef, live plants, dyed flowers, and a range of fruits and vegetables. The tariffs would range from 5 percent to 25 percent ". + +&#x200B; + +So it seems they are targeting the agricultural sector which is probably par course and what was expected. I imagine the US will be redirecting a good chunk of the tariff revenue to subsidizing affected farmers. Probably not a good time to be invested in agribusiness or to have large positions in soy futures. + +&#x200B; + +[https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/13/trump-warns-china-not-retaliate-tariffs-insists-they-wont-hurt-us-consumers/?utm\_term=.9141c43834bb](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/05/13/trump-warns-china-not-retaliate-tariffs-insists-they-wont-hurt-us-consumers/?utm_term=.9141c43834bb) +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-23/mnuchin-called-top-u-s-bank-executives-about-market-stability](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-23/mnuchin-called-top-u-s-bank-executives-about-market-stability?utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_content=business&utm_source=twitter&cmpid=socialflow-twitter-business&utm_medium=social) +Hello all- + +&#x200B; + +Just general observations here. I recently switched from JPM wealth management to Fidelity non management. The main reason being that JPM has turned into much more of a passive investment and costing me about 70k/yr. All stocks have appreciated so much that it wouldn't make much sense to sell and pay taxes. It equally does not make sense to pay a management fee on nothing being done. + +So today I finally had everything moved over in-kind in order to avoid tax consequences from selling. Have about 10% levered on margin debt which went from 0.7% up to 1.05%, but the AUM fee of 0.65% is now $0. + +Manager went out of the way three times to get me to stay - Lowered fee from 65 basis points, to 40, and then finally to 30. If you plan on staying with your wealth manager I would strongly suggest having the uncomfortable 15 minute chat on leaving unless you can get rates lower. THEY WILL GO LOWER! The wealth management industry is heating up in the last year and become hyper competitive, now is your chance to save some money by renegotiating fee, or asking for lower interest on margin loans if you are going the manager approach. + +Lastly, if you are at 10MM+ at fidelity there are some really cool features that you just have to ask for to be setup. They have an agreement with KKR on IPOs and you can allocate some funds to invest before retail hits it. Only thing is you have to hold for 15 days. +As the title says really. House was flea free when I left. 3 and a half weeks later they claim their is an infestation and carpet cleaning and fumigation are required. Is there anything I can do? +I’m down 50% on my lucid stocks that I’m not comfortable holding anymore. I’m thinking to jump into TQQQ but I don’t know if that’s a good idea, any advice would be appreciated. I would rather hold TQQQ than LCID, I feel like it’s a lot safer. Any advice would be appreciated. I can then sell cc to coupe some losses + +Edit: I just found out that tripled leverage has decay, I’ll stick with lucid shares for now. +Am I legally blind or is there a conclusion to all of this? I mean if Tether realized that just like with any other bank, ALL clients will never withdraw 100% of their money, they can print out a bigger ratio and use it to....pump btc...liquidate their positions.....maybe short some futures.....repump btc...? +For a lot of people on here, much of this will be common sense... + +But as a reminder, here are some thoughts I would like to remind people that are in this game together with us. + +*1. Do not listen to anyone. Always be skeptical of opinions, no matter how credible or famous the person or organization making the claim. + +Some of us want to take the easy way by finding someone hyping a coin on the internet. If you are trying to find the next big coin, and are basing your investment based on other people's opinions; you will likely not succeed. You have to go out and seek your own investments based on your own research. If you go on youtube, and seek some dude hyping some coin and invest with no facts in your arsenal, you will likely fail. If you invest in a coin because it is popular at the moment, and jump on the hype wagon you will fail. Hyped coins are already likely at a top. It will correct itself, and you may panic sell. Recently, I bought Omise Go at 2$. When I bought Omise Go at 2$, there were no Youtube videos of big crypto youtubers hyping the coin (yes I looked). Now we know how that worked out, and everyone is making videos and hype about Omise Go. I made nice profit from this investment from my own research.. + +If you sell because of negative speculation, you may likely fail. The only thing you should believe are facts. If China, or another country actually bans bitcoin, that is a fact. If Wallstreet Journal, Glodman Sachs, or Charlie Lee posts an opinion that bitcoin to fiat exchanges will be banned with no proof, that is an opinion. (Claiming to have some super secret source saying XXXX is not proof). If warren buffet or the CEO of Goldman Sachs says bitcoin is a tulip mania and will be worth nothing, that is still an opinion of some old guy that likely does not even have a clue of what smart contracts are. These kinds of claims have been made by famous figures throughout the past, and have so far only been proven wrong. + +*2. Your portfolio value will crash (eventually), but that is okay. When times are good, everyone feels like they are a genius. If your coin tripled in a month, you may feel like you are a genius. But do not forget the fact that what comes up must go down. What goes down, has great potential to eventually come back much stronger. This does not go for all investments, only the ones that have real value. If your investment sucks, then it will only go down. + +*3. (This part is my opinion, take this with a grain of salt. See line 1): Believe it or not, blockchain technology is now a practical and very useful technology at its current state than it ever was in the history of blockchain. Smart contract applications have opened a whole new world of innovation and practicality to our space. These are very exciting times, and many believe our total marketcap is severely undervalued. + +*4. It is possible that regulation will screw cryptocurrencies forever. Just because cryptocurrencies are decentralized, does not mean countries cannot ban it. If countries do ban it, cryptocurrencies will obviously become much more useless. What are most owners of bitcoin to do with illegal bitcoin? If central banks do not like blockchain, they certainly have the power to do severe harm. They do have the power to influence elections, businesses, entire markets, or even buy up our entire marketcap if they so desire. It is scary for us to think about in terms of the harm governments and central banks can pose to our very precious crypto. + +*5. Do not forget the fact that you are playing a game of high risk, high reward. Cryptocurrencies in its current form are VERY volatile. Do not expect to win forever, or lose forever. Some days you will cry, others you will hysterically laugh at your success, dance around your room, or even drive lambos. However, just because your dad or friend claims crypto currencies are too unstable, a Joke or whatever; do not trust their word. You likely have much more knowledge about crypto than them, or even the CEO of Goldman Sachs or whatever. (I may be wrong but that is my opinion). + +Lastly, have fun. I love cryptocurrencies, I am hooked. I am having so much fun trading, hodling, speculating, and engaging with this community. + +Thank you to everyone involved, and bringing me this excitement to engage in this wild game. + +If you have any thoughts or opinions, please do share (even if you did not like this post). + +Thanks! +UK based. Nearly 50. Half of a couple with no kids. (EDIT: I am married, with a husband.) Have just hit £3m in savings between us, not including our house. Roughly half in pensions and half not. No debt, no mortgage. + +The £3m is mostly in tracker funds, with a chunk of bonds, and perhaps a little too much cash (10%). + +Our spending lies somewhere between £50k per year as a pretty comfortable minimum, and £80k per year (or more) with increased travel, a new car occasionally +, or whatever. So even allowing for fees and taxes, we can more than survive on a 2% Safe Withdrawal Rate. And if we edge up to 3% we’re laughing. + +I used to enjoy my work, but not so much these days. So I think I’m ready to take the plunge. But the twin calls of “one more year” and “you need something to retire to” are holding me back. + +My plan is to quit and take six months off. With the aim that it’s an experimental retirement. If I like it - and if the markets don’t crash horribly in the next six months - I’ll extend it. But within the next year I reckon I could get another decent job, if needed. + +Any thoughts or words of encouragement? + +EDIT: thanks for all your comments. They gave me the added courage needed to actually resign today. I did it!!! +This is the biggest drop we’ve seen in months. I’m convinced that this is Shitadel’s last effort to try and shake as many of us as they can. I’m fucking pissed off. The fact that any single security can be manipulated to this level, especially right after good news, is fucking bonkers to me. The SEC is complicit and should be torn apart completely once this is all said and done. No more self regulatory entities. No more fraud. No more manipulation. These horrible men need to be stripped of the power they hold over the world financial system. + +This will not go unpunished. We will prevail and bring justice, because some things are worth fighting for. + +Edit: to those wondering, yes. I gobbled up more shares. AVERAGING DOWN BITCHES!! + +Edit 2: this one dip is not their last effort. It is this continued downward trend and their desperation to draw this out as long as possible. Keep fighting and HODLing no matter what. Winning is inevitable. +He's calling out CEOs Adam Aron at popcorn and E-lawn Mooske at ElectricCAR co for publicly announcing they're selling stock in the company they run. + +Like, he's saying *"I am in no way paper-handing my GMEs unlike you-know-who are with their companies' stock."* + +That's it, no? I mean, my Tees are J-ed with this tweet but what has this all to do with tomorrow? + +I'm wayyyyyy out of the loop on many things so if there is linkage to tomorrow please enlighten under-rock dwellers like myself. + +***EDIT*** \- how could I forget - Burry is also short (or was short) tesslahhh and has been critical of its valuation for some time. + +***EDIT #2*** \ - obviously forgot the loopring angle so that gives it a new perspective +[Name], your score went down - next steps +[Name], there’s something new on your… +[Name], your score went up - nice work + +Except nothing has changed. Get these emails multiple times a week. Score remains a constant, no new searches or accounts (apart from the soft searches credit karma add every time I visit the site) + +Is something seriously wrong or are they just emailing me in an attempt to drive me to take out credit? +I am in the process of programming my own arbitrage betting algo, that searches and bets on safe wins on multiple betting platforms. + +Although arbi betting is perfectly legal and mathematically fail-safe, I am very sceptical about the reliability of online betting platforms, as I'd think that they tend to kick you of their platform after you constantly make profits on a long period of time. + +Can anyone share any experience relating to that or any tips on how to circumvent/prevent a ban on betting platforms? +I see a lot of people in here pursuing the same goal as me (obviously), but a lot of them seem to be setting 10-15 year timeframes, and then missing out on SO’s, kids, social gatherings with friends and family, and generally getting burnt out and miserable, while living like a poor person. Surely it makes far more sense to achieve FIRE with a timeframe of say 20-25 years, so that you can still participate with your friends and family, enjoy pre RE life, and let compounding do some of the heavy work? If you have a huge income, great, but otherwise, surely a fulfilling working life and RE in your early or mid 40’s is preferable to stressed out misery and social exclusion, to retire in your 30’s? Obviously if you didn’t start until later then most of this is a moot point, but for the people that did start early. +Can you explain what's happening right now in the market? I've read that theres a bear season. Is this it? I'm pretty new to investing, just started this year. And I'm not touching anything til it goes back up (selling). Thank you redditors! +I know I'm late to game but I want to start saving for a house and would like to purchase one in roughly 5-6 years at the earliest. I live in Mi and the average cost of either a recently built house or recently remodeled house with modern updates go for around 100k. Right now seeing that number scares me cause of how much it is. Is there any special savings accounts that I should start putting money into or would just my standard savings account work? I come from a family who was never the best at saving money so I dont know much about the best ways to save aside from what I've learned on my own. + + +Edit: To add some more detail my monthly income varies since I'm paid hourly but is anywhere from 2-4 grand a month and my monthly bills (car, boat, atv, rent) total up to about 1000. Not sure of the interest rates. + +Also since everyone is so suprised by how cheap Michigan is my friend just bought a 3 bed 1 bath that had the living room, kitchen, dining room, and 1 bedroom remodeled in the past 4 years with 2 acres of yard and a 2.5 fully insulated heated garage for 85,000 + +Edit 2: I'm at work right now but I promise I'll get back to all the advice everyone has given me. I really appericate all of it +There are many people here who describe losing friends, becoming shut-ins, and not having any fun as they work towards FIRE because everyone else just wants to go out to expensive dinners or clubs all the time. I find this pretty strange. Maybe I have just had quite different life experiences than others. + +Grew up lower-middle class. Paid for my own schooling. I've been 'living cheap' for years before finding out about FIRE. During this time I've had a few different living situations. Maybe we can have a discussion about how to find good people and situations. + +In school: I joined an engineering fraternity. Living in the frat house was not terribly expensive, and I was surrounded by people who were always messing around building electronics projects or lighting things on fire. It was great. Lots to do all the time, not necessary to spend tons of money. + +First place out of school: Shared an apartment with a bunch of people just out of school. Low standards, but we were all friendly and did stuff together. + +Second place: Cheap condo (Bought for $32,000, $0 down. Lol. Gotta love Rockford, IL). Made friends with some of the other condo residents, and people from work. Place was cheap because it was close to downtown and in a more dangerous neighborhood, but I never had any issues and I could go downtown to markets and the river bike path and whatnot. During this time I was being sent overseas for work all the time so I was having my fun traveling. + +Third place: Bought a house. Got a roommate - an engineer about my age from the place I worked. We ended up setting up a little maker lab in the basement. Our computers down there, a 3D printer, electronics kits. It was great! People came over and we did stuff together! + +Moved to Seattle: Holy shit what a cost of living adjustment. Rented a room in a house for a while to figure out how I would manage to live here. Eventually set up my current situation. I live on a small boat now in a trendy Seattle neighborhood, and have two shipping containers in an adjacent industrial yard. (Boat cost $4000, slip rental $430/mo, containers cost $2500 each, yard space rental $150/mo). In the yard, there are all sorts of weirdos with their own containers set up as shops and hangout spaces. Hippies, artists, craftsmen, drunks. There is a working art foundry, wood shops, a glass studio, and a communal compound made of stacked shipping containers where we have shows and parties. + +For me, these were the kind of people I've been waiting to find. Always interesting, super community minded, friendly. Between the marina and the yard, we have cookouts together all the time. Some people bring meat, some bring veggies, some bring alcohol. Its good cheap fun! When we do go to a restaurant, we eat 'family style' at places that aren't family style. We'll buy two appetizers and two dinners for six people and share around. I dunno man, we're shameless I guess. Maybe other people would cringe at this, but whatever. We go to the same places often and know the servers and they like us. + +How did I get into this? I just decided "I want to live on a boat. What do I need to do to make this happen?" That led to me visiting different marinas, meeting people, finding out about Seattle industrial yard culture (lol), buying a boat, getting to know the marina manager well, getting liveaboard permission from the marina, getting space in the yard, buying a container, etc. + +What I would say to take from my experience so far is that there are so many different types of people out there who do not want to spend money at the bars, and you have to look for them. In my opinion, by chasing interests and OFFERING TO HELP. + +Seattle examples: I could have started with an area maker lab, then found Equinox Studios in Georgetown, talked to people there, helped someone out with art/industrial projects and shows like Dead Baby and Georgetown Art Attack/Equinox Open House.. Or starting with Fremont Arts Council and volunteering on a Solstice parade float, then getting involved with Moisture Festival, then making an exhibit for Science Night at Hale's.. Or volunteering at the Center for Wooden Boats, getting to know the full time volunteers, getting to know the volunteers on the other historic boats, hanging out with them watching the sunset over Lake Union from the deck of a 130 year old tugboat. I do all this stuff. None of this costs real money! When I was hanging out with the boat volunteers (who ranged in age from 20's-50's in case you are curious), we walked to a grocery store, bought some cheap food and alcohol, and made dinner together on the boat! That was our night out and it was plenty more fun than a loud expensive bar. + +I'm not a 'cool' guy or an awesome artist or anything. I (very) often feel that I'm not interesting enough to be part of the groups that I'm a part of. But I show up and contribute and am positive. And I have tons of cheap fun! Is this helpful? +TL;DR Repost with different title for visibility! The Fed controls our country and us in every way shape and form, nothing bad in our country has happened by accident. Money is the root of all evil. Check the video if your not a reader...[https://youtu.be/dw4xZKM9T4c](https://youtu.be/dw4xZKM9T4c) + +We all know Thursday was the big "liquidity test". This is the infamous Rule 4(A) that has the highly anticipated change via SR-NSCC-2021-002. Rule 4(A) mandates that in times of increased trading activity around options expiration periods, no later than 5 days before options expiry, the NSCC collects Supplemental Liquidity Deposits to determine the largest liquidity need that exceeds it's resources and develop a list of the 30 or fewer contributors that how the highest liquidity exposure to the NSCC. + +https://preview.redd.it/7fr66dlflvz61.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e64a787621c7ae448aefc87a9ac4ff44c4a636c + +Now in the event that one or more of these companies show signs of liquidity shortage in their deposits, it could result in a request for an additional deposit. Now it is thought that and expected some broker/dealers have been margin called in the midst of this event because everyone is scrounging for money to present today. However, this morning we found out the Federal Reserve had to get involved, as always.... + +https://preview.redd.it/gm18cjwelvz61.png?width=866&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb774fd8ca49df8b7476da4aa7de4b4b7c711979 + +Remember when [u/Atobitt](https://www.reddit.com/u/Atobitt/) blew the lid off of the repo market and all of it's fuckery, revolving around Citadel mostly, but of course the Fed is involved in all of this! As you'll see soon, the Fed is basically involved in everything, or should I say controlling... + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the\_everything\_short/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/) + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZW4s2YPg\_8&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZW4s2YPg_8&t=1s) + +Either way, go check out their website and you'll see that Thursday, of all days, the Fed pumps about $50 Billion more than its typical average into the repo market between 10 more participating counterparties than the average. Average is about $160 billion in Treasuries amongst about 29 Participating Counterparties. I'll admit, it's not a commissioned one-of-a-kind Jerome Powell finger painting made from his own poop that says "Hey were giving these people money to pretend like they aren't a liquidity risk to the NSCC" but it's damn close! + +This action was the finishing touch of my investigation on the Fed, their history, and their present. So go grab some popcorn, some sugary soda, some tendies if you have them and turn your phone on airplane mode. (Don't forget your tinfoil hat!) + +There are billions of intellectual quotes out there and if you know me you know I love to start with a good quote, or three: + +"There is something behind the throne greater than the King himself" - Sir William Pitt + +"The World is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes" - Benjamin Dislaeli + +"The real truth of the matter is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson" - Franklin D Roosevelt + +I think you all prolly get the point by now, but if not let's elaborate. In 1775, the American Revolutionary War started. The American Colonies fought to remove themselves from the monarchy of England. There are several reasons that the war began, but one of the most significant was when King George III outlawed the interest free, independent currency that the American colonies were producing and using for themselves, which forced the colonies to borrow money from the Central Bank of England at interest. This immediately put American Colonies in debt. + +&#x200B; + +[Sound Familiar?](https://preview.redd.it/6f3iritalvz61.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e9ed50bda5e714ffdcac56d710ce463440f1d6d) + +Flash forward to 1783, America has won it's Independence from England! However, it's battle with the Central Bank (CB) concept and the corruption associated with it had just begun. Just in case I am leaving so of you behind, a CB is an institution that manages the [currency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency) and [monetary policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monetary_policy) of a [state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_(polity)) or formal monetary union. Based on historical precedent, a CB has two major forms of power: **Interest Rates** and **Inflation** (Money Supply). + +However, a CB does not simply supply a government's economy with money, **it loans it to them at interest!!!** By increasing and decreases the supply of money the CB regulates the value of the currency they are lending. So, let's make this clear, the Fed **loans** the US money, tells them the amount they must pay back and when, and also at the same time determines that money's worth......how was this ever possibly imagined to be a good idea?! + +But wait there's more... A system like this can only produce one thing in the future, **DEBT!** This isn't that hard to figure out either. Every single dollar produced by a CB is loaned **AT INTEREST** to a nation\*\*,\*\* which means every single dollar produced equals **one dollar plus the percentage of that dollar's debt** that is brought on by the interest it holds. Since, the CB has a monopoly over that nation's currency and they loan each dollar out with an immediate debt attached to it, where the hell does the money to pay off the debt come from? The answer: The CENTRAL BANK! This means that the CB must perpetually increase the money supply to temporary cover the outstanding debt they've created, which is also loaned out at interest creating even more debt! At never ending viscous cycle of DEBT, DEBT and you guessed it MORE DEBT. + +The end result of this system, slavery, because it is impossible to ever get out of the self generated debt. Yes, I know this is a touchy subject but true none the less. The government, our government, is a slave to our CB, the Federal Reserve and thus we are too. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/koa4f989lvz61.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cef36e00e97e159a5d2245a667eaa209aa868a3 + +Our Founding Fathers knew this! They fought a war to get away from it! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ig5rdek8lvz61.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=591db6e333fac788cfe63565beeb9b3bc0e8121a + +By the early 20th Century, America had already implemented and removed a few CB systems that were swindled into action by ruthless banking interests. Following that time period, the dominate families in the Business and Banking world were those of John D Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Paul Warburg, and Baron Rothschild to name a few. All of which are very notable to this day. In the early 1900s, these powerful families came together to push forth legislation for another CB. However, the government and public were very wary of such institutions so they needed to create a need for such a system to affect public opinion to increase their chances of success. JP Morgan, the most influential and respected finance related individual of his time, exploited his position by publishing rumors that the prominent bank in New York was bankrupt, which caused mass hysteria and effected other banks as well. + +Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt is NOT a new tactic! + +The public in masses began rushing to their banks to withdraw their money in fear of losing everything, which forced the banks to call in their loans. This forced a mass sell off of property that resulted in domino effect of bankruptcies and repossessions. A few years later, all the pieces were put together by Fredrik Allen of Life Magazine wrote, "The Morgan interests took advantage of the unsettled conditions during the autumn of 1907 to precipitate the panic, guiding it shrewdly as it progressed so that it would kill off rival banks and consolidate the preeminence of the banks within the Morgan orbit" + +[https://books.google.com/books?id=IE4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA126&lpg=PA126&dq=the+morgan+interests+took+advantage+to+precipitate+the+panic&source=bl&ots=AzbhWb0GD3&sig=ACfU3U2fD0AbTw62nvQEnmUEdgASsESPSw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibzKn6mcfwAhXBGc0KHYrkDiMQ6AEwAnoECAcQAw#v=onepage&q=the%20morgan%20interests%20took%20advantage%20to%20precipitate%20the%20panic&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=IE4EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA126&lpg=PA126&dq=the+morgan+interests+took+advantage+to+precipitate+the+panic&source=bl&ots=AzbhWb0GD3&sig=ACfU3U2fD0AbTw62nvQEnmUEdgASsESPSw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwibzKn6mcfwAhXBGc0KHYrkDiMQ6AEwAnoECAcQAw#v=onepage&q=the%20morgan%20interests%20took%20advantage%20to%20precipitate%20the%20panic&f=false) + +This led to a Congressional investigation led by Senator Nelson Aldrich would had intimate ties to the banking interests and later married into the Rockefeller family. Through this hearing a CB was recommended to avoid such an event from happening again. Shortly after in 1910, a secret meeting was held at a Morgan estate on Jekyll Island where the Federal Reserve Act was written by bankers. Once written, they gave this legislation to Nelson Aldrich to push through Congress. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/03sj82f7lvz61.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c5a908d67c27939e7eae410a960c204ca1bc7a + +In 1913, Woodrow Wilson was elected at the President of the United States, who had previously agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act in exchange for campaign funding from banking interests. Two days before Christmas of that year, when most of Congress was at home with their families, the Federal Reserve Act was voted it and Wilson made it law. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ckoj1iu6lvz61.png?width=191&format=png&auto=webp&s=33a2ce339573e8d5e1739a20f39c8dd2f416da0a + +In 1919, Woodrow Wilson wrote this statement: + +"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit. We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." + +He wasn't the only one to speak up though, Congressman Louis McFadden also chimed in after the passage of the bill. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0qag2y56lvz61.png?width=198&format=png&auto=webp&s=978577fe0310d8fb4f05b3e66548e75d4f038823 + +The public was told that the Fed would serve as an economic stabilizer and that inflation and economic crises were a thing of the past. I don't have to tell you have big of a lie that was. The truth is that now International Bankers had a streamlined machine to expand their personal ambitions. From 1914-1919 the Fed had already DOUBLED the money supply in the US which resulted from extensive loans to small banks for the public. In 1920, the Fed called in a large portion of the outstanding money supply, which caused the smaller banks to call in huge numbers of loans just like 1907. Mass bankruptcy and economic collapse followed. Around 5,400 competitive banks to the Fed collapsed during this which boosted their monopoly even more. + +Congressman Charles Lindbergh, privy to the corruption, offered this quote during the crash, "Under the Federal Reserve Act, panics are scientifically created. The present panic is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical equation." What a clown! + +Little did we know, 1920 was just the prologue. From 1921-1929 the Fed increase the money supply by another 62%. That's 62% of the already doubled money supply of 1914. During the Roaring 20s, a new type of loan was introduced, a Margin Loan. A margin loan allows you to borrow against the value of securities you already own. It's an interest-bearing loan that can be used to gain access to funds for a variety of reasons that cover both investment and non-investment needs. These loans allowed an investor to put down only 10% of a stocks price to gain full control of the share, while the other 90% was on the broker. So you could own $1,000 in stock with only $100 investment. People were making good money on investments, but there was a catch. The MARGIN CALL. At any given time, your loan could be called in and was required to be paid within 24 hours. In August and September of 1929, Rockefeller as well as many other wealthy insiders sneakily exited the market. On October 24th, 1929, the New York Financier's who furnished the margin loans started to call them all in at once. This created a mass sell out because everyone has to cover their margin loans, which triggered massive bank loans and led to the collapse of over 16,000 more banks which enabled aspiring international bankers to not only buy rival banks at discount but also buy large corporations for pennies on the dollar. The greatest robbery in American history. Sadly, as we know in hindsight, it didn't stop there. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/do7wdma5lvz61.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=bba7e0a100e153661a09f69f5a5f4afb97c4c4fc + +Rather than expanding the money supply to help the economy recover from the economic collapse the Fed actually contracted it, which fueled the Great Depression. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5zrq7jo4lvz61.png?width=346&format=png&auto=webp&s=320355601df7a9bda07c7918e3d5ae77bfee48a7 + +A long time opponent of the banking interests that created the Federal Reserve, Congressman Louis McFadden began bringing impeachment proceedings against the federal reserve board saying this of the crash and depression: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/a801m4t3lvz61.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=f14e6bbe002aed7330f18403af8d5b6b146fedc5 + +But before he could push for the impeachment, he was poisoned at a political banquet in Washington and later died after surviving to previous assassination attempts. Now that this was put to rest, they had another agenda. They were being impeded buy something. The Gold Standard! But in order to remove the gold standard they would need to acquire all the gold that remained in the system. In 1933, under the guise of helping the citizens of the US to get out of the Great Depression, the President issued an executive order to for citizens to deliver all gold coin, bullion and certificates to the Fed. If you didn't abide, you received a 10 year prison sentence. This essentially took every single bit of the wealth the American people had left. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0a75cp03lvz61.png?width=297&format=png&auto=webp&s=c43283d6619532d408d032b73daba2b7b3a27180 + +https://preview.redd.it/fxgokcw0lvz61.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=a17f4ecdfafd179af3e763a208142912464432d6 + +[ In 1933 the highlighted phrase was removed from the money in circulation and the Gold Standard was abolished. ](https://preview.redd.it/2ty37a8ykvz61.png?width=818&format=png&auto=webp&s=a948e9f36a6741019b7d5071d68c9ad4c54d4202) + +Now our dollars are backed and limited by nothing and therefore in full control of the Federal Reserve. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6772lkuwkvz61.png?width=327&format=png&auto=webp&s=e2f1228e73b3ee716b0c7d6f0491defa8cf80499 + +So now we are literally back in the grasps of a fraudulent CB of which we fought England to be independent of. A CB that is about as Federal as FedEx. They are a private corporation that makes its own policies and is under virtually no regulation of the US government. As you may not know though, in 1913, another billed passed alongside the Federal Reserve Act, which was just as unconstitutional and fraudulent... Federal Income Tax. This is unconstitutional because it is a direct unportioned tax. A taxes have to be a portion to be legal based on the Constitution. Secondly, the number of States needed to ratify the amendment to allow the income tax was never met and this has even been cited in modern court cases. On average, you work 3-4 months out of the year just to fulfill this illegal tax obligation. Guess where that money goes? To pay the interest on the currency the Fed supplies the government with. Because a CB system only creates one thing.....DEBT! + +What's even more infuriating? Not one penny of this tax goes to a single governmental program, NOT A PENNY!!!! **IT ALL GOES STRAIGHT BACK INTO THE POCKETS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANKERS THAT OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!!!** The entire population of the US pays roughly 25% of their entire career worth of earnings to the owners of the Fed! What's even crazier? There is literally no law or statue in existence that requires you to pay this tax!!!!!!!! Two former IRS Agents openly expressed this in interviews, Joe Turner and Sherry Jackson, both claim they haven't filed a tax return since the day they found out it was all a lie. + +As if it wasn't already bad enough, these are just a few of the tools the Fed has for profit and control. + +What else could they have you might think? **WAR** + +Since 1913, there have been a number of wars, with the three most pronounced being WWI, WWII and Vietnam. Less than a year after its implementation, World War I commenced, centered around England and Germany. The American public wanted nothing to do with the war and Woodrow Wilson declared neutrality. However, behind closed doors, the US administration was looking for any excuse they could to enter it. Wilson's top advisor and mentor Colonel Edward House, a man with intimate connections to the international bankers who wanted in the war. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan cited the proof for such motivations. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/s7jkku6vkvz61.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=a05e071866371c9b819d50ae58b8ae4849047bc1 + +The most lucrative event that could possibly happen for these international bankers is war, because it forces the country to borrow even more money from the Fed. There is a documented conversation between Colonel House and British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey regarding how to get America into the war. In their conversation, Sir Edward as Howard "What will Americans do if Germans sink an ocean liner with American passengers on board?' Howard's response "I believe that a flame of indignation would sweep the US and that by itself would be sufficient to carry us into war. + +[https://www.history.com/news/how-the-sinking-of-lusitania-changed-wwi](https://www.history.com/news/how-the-sinking-of-lusitania-changed-wwi) + +&#x200B; + +[RMS Lusitania](https://preview.redd.it/yv7k4zjtkvz61.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=b92d5f0bac615dcb1f6e270de44b72b603849a3e) + +Sadly, on May 7th, 1915, the RMS Lusitania was intentionally sent into German controlled water where German military vessels were known to be. As expected, German U-boats torpedoed the sink which exploded stored ammo, causing the ship to sink in under 20 minutes and killed around 1,200 innocent US passengers. Proof of this being deliberate comes from the New York Times itself, where the German Embassy actually bought advertisements that warned people if the boarding the Lusitania, they did so at their own risk because such a ship would be liable for destruction. + +https://preview.redd.it/54dpcvu20wz61.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=04142644837f60a824918b67eb1bf36efd688ffb + +As a result, America entered the war. The war cost an estimated 323,000 American lives. I'm telling you all this so you understand what we are up against right now. I even kind of feel uneasy spreading this information, but everyone needs to know. A great enlightenment is needed now more than ever because history is just repeating itself! + +JD Rockefeller personally made over $200 million from WWI, over $2 Trillion in today's equivalent! In total, the war cost America about $30 Billion all of which was borrowed from the Federal Reserve Bank. + +World War II and Vietnam were no different, but I'll spare you all the anger of the corruption for a later date. + +I say all this to prove just how far the Fed will go to make more money, but this may come as some twisted form of relief to GME and AMC holders. Why? Because the Fed wants Citadel and the Stock Market to crash, they want more stimulus checks, but its not all rainbows and cupcakes. We will strike gold because the fed is going to try to milk this for all the bailout money the government can request for these corrupt market participants, but this will be the first time the US citizens also won. What will happen as a result of this is unknown, but I can bet we won't have to wait long to find out. Stay safe out there everyone, seriously, apes together strong. Diamond handing a stock may very well lead to a long overdue American Revolution, We the People will prevail. + +&#x200B; + +Part 2 is coming soon that will bring us from WWII to now. I will warn you though its very disturbing and scary to read. +I am 20 years old and I work a construction lineman job making about 2k a week take home pay. I know it’s a great job for my age and the income is amazing and everything, but, it’s very hard on the body and I can already feel my hips and back going out. (From climbing power poles and moving heavy objects) I’m more interested in the finances and reel estate that construction. My question is do I have time to attend either college or reel estate schools while working 60 hours a week? Mon-Saturday 10 hours a day. + +I have about 25k in the bank for emergency fund. I am married and my wife has 8k in the bank. + +Im going to be debt free in about a month and my wife will have about a 12k car loan that we plan to pay off early next year. +I have a traditional IRA through Vanguard with ~$15K, and my wife has a Roth IRA through Vanguard with ~$15K. We have been depositing the $5,500 max every year. We also have 401ks through our employers that we max out every year. + +We're both working now, and H&R block just told me that my MAGI makes us ineligible to deduct deposits into my traditional IRA. So my questions are: + +1. Should I leave the money in my traditional and open a new ROTH? +1. Should I convert this account into a ROTH? +1. Anything else I should be on the lookout for? + +**Bonus**: H&R Block asked a bunch of questions about my traditional IRA that I don't at all understand--can anyone help me figure out how to answer? + +* Did i recharacterize the amounts originally contributed to my traditional IRA for 2018 so it would be treated as Roth instead? + +*I expect I'll be able to answer this once y'all help me figure out the answer to my original post* + +* Enter your total basis in traditional IRA. + +*I think the answer to this is $0.* + +If this is not allowed I apologize. Please just delete and I will figure out. + +Today I was going through some budgeting sheets for myself and decided to try an app to assist me with it. I started using an app that I had tried before. It was already connected to the appropriate accounts and had my credit score listed. Under the credit score items it listed all my open account, but one of them stood out. In 2015 I went to look at rings with my then girlfriend. Just to look. The associate asked my name and that was it. I found that they started a credit account in my name so I contacted them asking for it to be removed/closed. They did, but a few years later I found out that was a lie. I asked again more aggressively and got the same treatment. Like I said above, the app shows me it is still open. + +Would it be best to remove it even if it is sitting at $0.00? I’ve heard removing account can affect credit scores. + +Does this sound fishy? If so which avenue should I go down to address it. + +Again thank you! +I'll make this as brief as I can, but young folks, don't be me. More than 10 years ago, I came into a large sum from my late grandpa. I was depressed, sad, and mourning. I also never had money of my own, so getting 140k over a 2 year span at 18 was slightly mindblowing. I was cheap, thought nothing of it, and kept driving a beater car. It started slowly. A cool pair of sneakers? Well I do have money now, why not? A brand new iMac? I've got it, why not. The car started to go through problems, and a couple costly repairs later, I started dreaming about nice, brand new, sporty cars. Well, as one would expect, being in college on my own, this was my chance to shine. Mom was the custodian so it was pretty easy to just bug her a little to get access. Boom, $17k spent on a new Civic. + +A year later, well, this car isn't very sporty. How about something that's actually sporty? Another large chunk gone after trading in the year old, nothing wrong with, reliable car. + +This snowballed. New clothes, new computers, new everything. A closet full of sneakers, expensive clothing, food at nice restaurants, gifts for girls, trips, not realizing the damage being done inch by inch. Dollar by dollar. + +Eventually I reached $20k in credit card debt. Had to sell all of that fancy stuff to pay off debt. Underwater on cars. No retirement savings, no more windfall, no more being on top of the mountain. With compounding and dividends, getting to a million would've been a fairly easy process. + +Today, I'm closing in on 30, less than $20k in retirement savings, and still owing $10k on a car. My brokerage account has less than $500 in it, my savings has a meager $500. Living at home, dreams crushed, and trying to get back to what once was. Young folks, heed this warning! It is so hard to get back to solid footing once you dig yourself deep into a ditch. Put your money away, don't touch it, don't try to impress your friends or strangers, think about the consequences. I wish teenage me were a sub to this thread 10 years ago. You have the power to make your life much easier in your 20's and 30's, even if you simply avoid card debt. + +Edit: Wow I didn't expect this post to blow up like this, but I'm glad it's reaching my target audience. It is not a good feeling to mess yourself up but it's a lesson learned and I am glad I have this sub now in my life. Thanks all. +42 -- I'm on track to hit my fatFIRE number ($5m) in 1-2 years to live in an LCOL (my hometown near my parents). + +As I reflect on my next life stage, I start to wonder -- what really changes after someone hits their NW goal. + +I read another post that explains the difference between 10m, 30m, and 100m+ NW. Certainly, life changes when the difference is significant. What's really change if you accumulate (a bit) more NW, say 25%, 50%, or even 100%? + +To be specific, if you add another 50% (for me, another 2.5M), or even 100% (another 5M) to your number, what actually changes? + +I'm contemplating the following (i.e. guessing) when I hit 1.5x of my number: + +* \[Sense of safe\] Keep a bit more cash to increase the feeling of safety -- weathering the storm in the stock market. This could be achieved by, instead of having cash for 2 years of expense, keeping 3 years of cash needed aside in your checking. +* \[Buy some more comfort\] Travel in business class instead of coach one even I feel there's no need -- like short flights (<3 hours). This also includes using an uber black / uber SUV / limousine when I don't really need them most of the time, especially for short trips (in which you may end up waiting longer for the car to arrive). +* Donate and tip more generously than the standard. + +All of the above are my guessings. I know many here must hit 1.5x or 2x sooner or later in their fatFire life, what really changes when you accumulate 25\~50% more? +This is a topic that has already been milked alot but I want to talk about it. + +TSLA's book value is 6B, revenue is currently negative but it's not important bc it's a very small number compared to their cash. + +The fact is that it currently has a market cap of 197B, so if hypothetically their debts disappear they got a book value of 32B, let's add another 20B for their brand so 52B, let's also say that their profit quadruples to 16B instantly, now it's fairly priced or even a bit undervalued if you use discounted cash flow as a method of evaluation. + +But I dont think this is such a realistic view, I think Teslas will be widely used in the future and in years it will become a commonly used car not a rare/luxury one, but it's not an instant thing like in my example. + +But it's possible that in years they quadruple their sales and so their profit, but that kind of advance is more or less already priced in the current price. + +I think if you buy now and hold it for decades (as you should do when you are investing) you will see a profit, but there's not a margin of safety and that cash would be better spent elsewhere where it would have better returns. +Over the course of our lives, as we earn more income, it is likely that we spend some of that to become happier. That said, lifestyle creep is a real thing. I find that being mindful of the cost relative to how much better my life is with it is key. + +What are some lifestyle creeps that are the best bang for your buck? Stuff that would be hard to go back without, but is relatively cheap or incredibly valuable for the price it costs. + +Personal Examples: + +* Netflix - I find using a computer for most of my content will work fine, but if I'm in a discovery/browsing mood Netflix scratches that itch much better. +* Jarred asian toppings - At $2~$3 a jar these make noodles so much better. I'd recommend Chili Bamboo Shoots and Spicy Needle Mushrooms, but these can quickly get out of hand quickly (I have 4 or 5 different toppings at a time now). +* Tofu Jerky - Seriously my asian supermarket has some amazing things. Typical jerky is so expensive, but these are just $2 and there's so much more. They go extremely well with beer, and is just great to munch on while watching a movie. There's so much variety between products in texture, sweetness, and spiciness; I find myself always experimenting, hoping the next one is even better. +* Canned Chiptole Peppers - The smoky flavor is amazing. After discovering it, it quickly became a staple of every pot of chili I make. +Good Morning You Diamond Fisted F\*cks ! + +Well congrats on not being a paper-handed bitch and welcome to another day of smashing the blunt end of your crayon into charts. + +https://preview.redd.it/kuwaf20lhdb71.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=90db2a631b6c3f7f96f7ba53dc91f0fa705bbc68 + +We got absolutely smashed down yesterday arguably some of the most concentrated effort I have ever seen to drive the price of a stock down. + +Now we can bounce... + +If you guys haven't had a chance to [Check out this weeks forward looking TA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oi6c88/jerkin_it_with_gherkinit_forward_looking_ta_for/) + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +*(this post will read from top to bottom)* + +(*feel free to ask me questions below, but if you can google it yourself please use common sense)* + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, **157 (previous ATM offering)**, 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172, 174, 176.5, 179, 180.5, 182, 183.5, 184.5, 186, 187.5, 190.5, 192, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, **225.20 (new ATM offering)** 226, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +A nice bounce from our after hours low of $151 closing the day solidly up $16 dollars even though MSM will only note the -.024%. Thank you all for tuning in. I will see you bright and early tomorrow for more gains. + +\-Gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/t3jwtjhgnfb71.png?width=2072&format=png&auto=webp&s=162b6e6073fcde447cd6abd8d69a79aa21893b0b + +&#x200B; + +[Another $50 million...](https://preview.redd.it/ge3ouldwnfb71.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=da1f5b7f6ef2a5dccd159fa57297e5759e277ccf) + +Edit 8 2:40 + +Broke through resistance. Upgraded rocket for more thrust = bullish + +https://preview.redd.it/627fcrmt8fb71.png?width=1637&format=png&auto=webp&s=65d02057855617753f187eef370b1050d12d73f3 + +Edit 7 2:16 + +Nice trend reversal looking to the test at 162.5 this is a good signal moving towards power hour + +https://preview.redd.it/1vmsekrf4fb71.png?width=1642&format=png&auto=webp&s=250bcdfc211c8b42974e7c0624d2c146dee6908d + +Edit 6 1:20 + +Break up from this intraday descending wedge? + +https://preview.redd.it/8z4gikmgueb71.png?width=1639&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc3e2e579b8b692ee923e60eb30de072c252bbfd + +Edit 5 11:49 + +Head and shoulders fell off expect a drop to \~161. Volume drying up as well. + +https://preview.redd.it/dtej22o3eeb71.png?width=1635&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b48b1437cf42fcbfa59c01956ca46902c214a90 + +Edit 4 11:39 + +Fell down below VWAP on that sloppy head and shoulders but looks like we are bounce back before bottoming out + +https://preview.redd.it/s7mj906iceb71.png?width=1632&format=png&auto=webp&s=b03b4f0adaa3148db7418a1816ad7e29649d0cb6 + +Edit 3 11:13 + +Nice double bottom bounce into an ascending channel hopefully this will see us another test @ $170 + +https://preview.redd.it/o75mcvsy7eb71.png?width=1623&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f01e376e39cb8ad547a52e16d830146857d4daa + +Edit 2 10:28