diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_248.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_248.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_248.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ + +I am looking for more out-of-the-box ideas than the standard stuff. +I am looking for sources that analyze the trade war. I understand that there is a compromise between in-depth analysis and fresh events' news; a balanced approach would be great. Thanks. +Basically title. I just finished reading the book, and I learned a lot from it. But I'm not sure where to go from there. Do I branch out into more complex and focused topics, or stay reading more "basic" books? Any reply is appreciated. Thanks! +Hello, I’m a rising freshman and I am interested in getting more acquainted with economics. What is a good place to start and what books should I consider? +Considering the contribution from [various sectors](https://statisticstimes.com/economy/country/india-gdp-sectorwise.php) to India's GDP, the contribution by agricultural sector is lowest (only 20.19 %) among all three sectors. How come India can be called an agriculture-based economy then/ + +I, on my own, could only think of in terms of employment percentage. Agriculture offers 42.6 % employment, the highest among all three sectors. Could it be reason that India is called so? +This is a common point I hear made when discussing out-of-control housing costs. That housing issues aren’t so much about regulations and supply/demand, but rather that the majority housing that is being developed favors the wealthy over middle/low income people. What is the validity of this argument? +In FY 2018 the federal deficit was 3.9% of GDP. +For FY 2019, the latest budget estimates a deficit that’s 4.7% GDP. + +So the question is, how high can we go? + +The US has the highest health expenditures per capita in the world and apparently subpar health outcomes. So, what exactly explains this higher spending? Is it that: + +1. Americans consume more procedures/medication/medical services per capita +2. Americans pay higher prices per procedure, and if so +3. From a purely accounting perspective, where does that extra money go? How much of it is greater profits for hospitals versus higher salaries for doctors versus higher costs for supplies, etc? + +In other words, P_us * Q_us > P_world * Q_world. Is this because P_us > P_world or Q_us > Q_world (it can be both), and who gets the revenue from the higher price (if it exists)? + +I'm not asking about the deep structural reasons for these differences (market power, wealth effects, Baumol's cost disease, occupational licensing, adverse selection yadda yadda) so much as just where the difference in spending is coming from and where it ends up. + +Thanks! +I am a finance student in my last year of college. I need to choose between one of those classes to get my minor in Economics. Which one would you think adds more value to a degree? +[Here](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughCommieSpam/comments/nh3y0r/what_kind_of_logic_is_this/gyy51kt?context=100) is the comment with the link. + +It showed that between 1950 to 1980, GDP per capita in Russia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Azerbaijan grew at a comparable rate as Finland and Ireland - and much faster than Indonesia. + +Is it really communism that caused such a meteoric rise in GDP per capita in Russia, Romania, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Azerbaijan? Or was it something else? +My SO and I make a combined a $105,000 a year. We live in a moderate col area and have a ten year old son. + +Income: $105k total household +After tax and health insurance income: $6200 monthly + +Debt: +- $38k student loans +- $5000 car loan @ 9% interest (car worth $2k) +- $6500 balance on Chase Slate card +- $3800 balance on Chase Freedom card +- $2000 balance on Capital One Card +- $1500 balance on Capital One Card +- $500 balancebon Credit One Card +- $2400 balance on Discover It card +- $800 balance on PayPal credit account +- $5000 balance on Amex Blue card - is closed and in collections +- $2000 balance on Amex PRG card - is closed and in collections +- $2000 balance on Citi Card - is closed and in collections ++ Multiple items on collection (medical bills, etc) + +Expenses (monthly): +- Rent $1500 +- Electric $80 average +- Insurance $290 (two cars) +- Car payment $200 +- Phone $230 (3 lines) +- Gas $100-125 +- Groceries $400 +- Eating out $200 +- min payment on all cards $450 +- Student loan payment $300 +- Cable and internet $80 (looking to cancel soon) +Total fixed expenses: $4000 (rounded up) +- Miscellaneous expenses such as clothing, gifts, entertainment, costs associated with raising a child, take up the rest of our expenses. We don't save anything. + + +Our credit is crap (low 500s). + +We'll never be able to pay off this debt. The more I think about it, the more hopeless I feel. We used the credit cards to get us through some tough times while I was in between jobs and we have been struggling to catch up. We have no money saved up and are barely paying the minimum on each card. Short of filling bankruptcy, what can I do now to start tackling this debt? + +My job is steady and I will get an average of 7-9% raise each year plus a 2-4% bonus annually. My SO's income is steady but with smaller raises each year (2-3%). How will we ever make enough to clear all this debt? + +Edit: added monthly expenses and after tax income + + + + + +NEW EDITS: +Misc Monthly Expenses: +- Clothing $100-$150 average +- Household Items (detergent, cleaning supplies, toilet paper) $50-60 +- Hygiene Products - $25 +- Entertainment - $100-400 (varies and it depends on what events we have coming up) +- Gifts - we budget $40ish a month. We have a large extended family +- Housecleaning service - $80 (I will cancel this) +- Child recreation activities - $100 +Total Misc: $795 on average + +I understand the comments about not knowing where the misc budget goes. I still don't know where the rest of the money goes. + +More background: We live in a nicer part of town in a good school district which is important to us. We could save $200 on rent but we'd be pulling our child out of the school district and going to a worse school. We have a great deal on our rent at $1500 because most rentals in our area for a two bedroom are in the $1700-1900 range. I work in the tech sector as a consultant. I'm confident my income will increase once I transition out of consulting. My salary can increase by $25-30k in a few years when I change companies. One reason why we fell into credit card debt is that we were spending with the notion that we'd have more income down the road. Working in consulting there is definitely a pressure to portray a certain "image". I fully understand this is an irresponsible way of living hence why I am on Reddit putting all my business out there and asking for advice. + +Here are some replies to common questions asked below: +- We don't live extravagantly by any means. No designer items, electronics, fancy jewelry or handbags in our home. +- $290 car insurance. We have a speeding ticket that will fall off in a few months and will save us an additional $30 a month. I've called for quotes as recently as three weeks ago and this was still the best quote we got while maintaining the same level of coverage +- SO's car is paid off. We are paying $200 a month for my car only. +- Child does have a cell phone. I am considering turning off the data and have it wifi enabled only. We are still on a monthly payment plan for the phone so not sure how that will work +- I am with Sprint currently. We've been with them for 5+ years. I will call this week to re-negotiate service and look to downgrade our plan +- Truthfully we probably spend more than $400 on groceries and $200 on eating out each month. That's what I have budgeted but we do exceed that. It is likely closer to $500 on groceries and $400 eating out. + +Plan of Action: +- Sign up for Ynab. I have seen a lot of people post about this in this forum and it seems to help them. I will play around with it tonight +- Will start by tackling the smaller debt first ($500 card, $800 card and so forth). That's a gread idea and it never dawned on me to do that before. I was focused on bringing down the balance on the larger cards because the numbers gave me anxiety +- Speak with SO to curb our spending. I am the spender in the relationship so SO will be more than happy that I'm getting serious about paying down our debt. +- Re-evaluate our expenses and misc spending categories and cut back as much as we possibly can. Understand it will take time to change behavior and not promising an overnight change. + +Overall I am overwhelmed by the responses to this thread. I posted this at 3am last night when I couldn't sleep because I was stressing about our debt. I didn't expect to get so many replies. Thanks to all the helpful advice from everyone and even the harsh, but much needed, comments. Love this sub Reddit and looking forward to updating everyone soon once I get the ball rolling. + + + +Asia still dominates in crypto-trading by volume, accounting for the vast majority of money flowing in and out. Guess what is coming up in 3 weeks? + +**Lunar New Year**. Lots of money is flowing back to fiat to buy presents and plane/train tickets. + +People spend a TON of money on travel and presents during Lunar New Year. This is their Christmas. This is also the largest mass migration of people on the planet, occurring over two weeks. Projections are for $100 billion USD in spending. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ywang/2017/01/26/worlds-largest-human-migration-begins-chinese-new-year-2017/#3a6d5502999a] + +Remember that the crypto market is antithetical to the stock market. Stocks boom when business is booming during the holidays. Crypto investors are retail investors, not Wall Street investors. Retail investors sell during holidays, thus the crypto market falls. + +This selloff has happened exactly 3 weeks before Lunar New Year each of the last 4 years. + +Evidence: https://i.imgur.com/xKFssKT.jpg [credit: u/Secruoser] + +So, everybody chill out for a week, the bulls will be back by February. You can't fault these Chinese and Korean bros for taking major gains to buy some cool shit for their families. Hell, if you want to, buy up their cheap coins in the meantime. +I currently have $75k in VTSAX and because of my low cost of living, I can allocate about $4k every month to purchasing more index funds (VTSAX, VGT, etc.). VTSAX performs an [average of 10%/year](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VTSAX/performance?p=VTSAX). Using a compound interest calculator, I will have [$1,157,288](https://i.imgur.com/Q6G2rFG.png) in 12 years assuming I invest monthly. The numbers don't lie. Is there something I am missing? +I'm getting really tired of seeing the same shitty websites create "news" stories about things that are completely subjective or are a rehash of news that happened days/weeks ago. + +Is anyone else tired of the same thing? + +EDIT: I just went through the first 3 pages of /r/cc and found 2 legitimate news links. 1 was a medium blog post from a well known crypto giving a update on development, 1 was a link to an article that linked an SEC report regarding cryptos. The latter could have just been directly linked instead. I'm firmly of the opinion now that *most* if not all of the news links should be removed. + **Hi everyone!** + +I've been wanting to invest for a couple of years now, but always felt a bit anxious and put it off for later. I'm finally comfortable enough to start, however, I feel like I need some advice from more experienced people like you guys :) + +TL;DR: Should I DCA (overall and now in recession)? What ETFs (specific indexes and accumulating vs distributing)? What broker? + +**Background:** + +* I'm a 20yo, based in Poland, Europe +* I have a "stable" job (can't be certain in the current worlds situation, but I have the luxury of working in IT and having pretty demandable skills, so I can consider it pretty stable) +* Currently sitting on around 120K PLN in checking account (\~25k €/ 27k $) +* Income of around 10k PLN per month (\~2.2k €/ 2.3k $) +* I'm pretty frugal and due to my current lifestyle (still living with my parents), have 0 fixed expenses and little to none variable expenses, saving rate averages 80-90% +* I'm not 100% sure whether I won't need this money in the short/mid-term future, but I don't think I'll want to buy a house/car (or other big expenses) in the next 10-15 years + +**Goals:** + +* Take advantage of my current situation (pretty high income in my country at young age) to accelerate growth of my net worth and make my money work for me +* I've read a lot about FIRE and I'm considering it, however I'm still very young and uncertain about my future AND love my job overall, I still like the idea of being independent of work income though +* Have a fairly simple investing plan, buy & hold, probably just use dollar cost averaging, so that I don't have to spend much time observing the market + +**Questions:** + +* How much should I keep as an emergency fund considering the fact that I barely have any living expenses and the current pandemic + recession situation? +* Overall I planned to invest 10k PLN a month using the accumulated funds and my income. Should I adjust this simple strategy to take more advantage of stock prices during this recession? For example, invest another X amount each time a market drops a certain %? I'm aware that it might take a couple of years for the market to recover from the recession, but a possibility to acquire stocks with prices from 5 years ago might not happen soon after this. +* Since I plan to buy & hold and possibly live off of it, I'm interested in companies paying out dividends to maximize the compounding effect. From what I understand with my limited knowledge and little time to track the news, I should invest in an index fund rather than individual companies? What ETFs would you recommend? Should I just track the global economy? +* \[EU Question\] Considering the dividends, are there any advantages of accumulating ETFs over distributing ETFs? I think both are taxes with capital gain tax (18%) while the accumulating ETF tax would be postponed until the sale of shares. Which is better for the investment stage and withdrawal stage of the portfolio? +* \[EU Question\] What broker should I use? I've investigated the following ones: + +1. Trading212 - Seems perfect with zero fees, intuitive user interface, however, does not seem well established, lacks the possibility of asset transfer and from what I understand only 20k € is insured, this limit would be reached in less than a year. I already opened an account with around 100$ to test their platform and overall I'm satisfied with it. +2. Interactive Brokers - The fees should be 3$+/month (since I'm under 26), well established and insured up to 250k $ (?), does it justify the fees which most likely will eat up all of the income? Also, the user interface seems really unintuitive. +3. Schwabs International - No fees, well established and insured, however, requires a deposit of 25k+ $ and I think as a European I can only trade individual US stocks there and not the ETFs? + +Thank you guys for reading the whole thing and leaving your feedback! :) +Hi everyone, I'm currently considering quitting my job in tech, I've just lost interest in my role and it's starting to negatively affect my mental health. Despite having a Master's degree in a STEM related discipline, I feel as though I want to try something completely different. + +My question is what kinds of jobs have decent salary potential without requiring a degree related to the job? I'm not looking for a huge salary, something around €40-50k would be fine by me. + +I've been considering trying to get into software, but without a computer science degree or any experience, that's pretty much impossible (and I have a mortgage so I can't afford to take a few months between jobs to do programming courses etc.). + +I'd be more than happy with an office based job, but don't know what type of job I could get without relevant qualifications. I'd really appreciate some advice. +The crisis we find ourselves in has forced quite a few countries to drop interest rates in order to cope. So now might be a good time to capitalize on that to potentially buy a home. + +What other potential opportunities exist now or may come about if we continue on this path of self-isolation? Mostly curious what sectors are affected which will compensate somehow. +Hi everyone, I'm currently considering quitting my job in tech, I've just lost interest in my role and it's starting to negatively affect my mental health. Despite having a Master's degree in a STEM related discipline, I feel as though I want to try something completely different. + +My question is what kinds of jobs have decent salary potential without requiring a degree related to the job? I'm not looking for a huge salary, something around €40-50k would be fine by me. + +I've been considering trying to get into software, but without a computer science degree or any experience, that's pretty much impossible (and I have a mortgage so I can't afford to take a few months between jobs to do programming courses etc.). + +I'd be more than happy with an office based job, but don't know what type of job I could get without relevant qualifications. I'd really appreciate some advice. +So as we know the CDO's that caused the market crash of 2008 were backed by worthless Mortgages loans,This time we have CLO's backed by Treasury Bonds, so I decided to look up the behaviour of this bond. + +Not financial advisor just an ape with internet, and somehow more journalistic integrity then the media. + +So lets dive in, + +[as you can see in the RSI we entered the overbought area. 19-04-2021](https://preview.redd.it/5wp5d8s973u61.png?width=1709&format=png&auto=webp&s=c254cb70bc2e070d2a6f1fda0ba490c72dad17f8) + +Lets go a couple of years back in the past, till the last time this happened. + +&#x200B; + +[This day is also know as Black Monday, 19-10-1987 the worst day in stock market history.](https://preview.redd.it/2clmyhsj73u61.png?width=1706&format=png&auto=webp&s=55c50a2b6719a87416f8d8d9d008a183057f998d) + +so 33,5 years ago to the date...What does this mean? I dont have a fucking clue, I am not that smart.What I can tell you that it is a disturbing pattern, that other smarter apes may disect further. + +EDIT: I get a lot of flak in the comments, that I cannot compare those moments together, But guess what I missed an event. it did also happened in \`94 which is now known as the: + +*The great bond massacre.* + +*" But 1994? Let's look at what happened.* + +*In February 1994, the Federal Reserve's key interest rate (the Federal Funds rate) was sitting at 3.0%. This was extremely low by historic standards. It had been sitting at that level for 17 months, and the last time anyone had seen rates go up was six years previously.* + +*That in itself is a pretty useful reminder that, while our current situation is unprecedented in terms of scale, it's not the first time that interest rates have been left sitting at historic lows for a long period of time.* + +*Meanwhile, as the Fortune article noted at the time, "wages were going nowhere, and companies dared not raise prices". However, at the same time, the US economy was perking up and had been growing for nearly three years. So the Fed thought it was about time for interest rates to start rising, to head off any threat of inflation.* + +*In February 1994, the Fed raised interest rates to 3.25%. It raised them again in March and April, to 3.75%; and then by 0.5% in May and August (so we're at 4.75% now). Then, in November 1994, the Fed actually raised rates by 0.75% in one go. Even before the financial crisis, that would have been a punchy move. So by the year-end the Fed Funds rate stood at 5.5%.* + +*Bond investors hadn't expected the Fed to move as quickly as it did. There was a global bond panic, and yields shot up (which means that prices fell). The chart below shows what happened to yields on 30-year US Treasuries, for example. (If you can't make out the details, yields spiked from below 6% to above 8% a massive move for that market).* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8e0ncy0as3u61.jpg?width=1690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d693d919ce4558bd6e159a3f5f3b4189722e3da6 + +*Bear in mind that a huge chunk of this move occurred within the first couple of rate hikes. The 30-year bond is more sensitive to short-term rate changes, but to quote again from the Fortune article of the day Gilbert de Botton of Global Asset Management in London, said "You had a snowballing liquidation completely out of proportion to the fundamentals".* + +## The year the bond market had a little Minsky moment + +*There's a good argument to be made that the 1994 bond crash was one of the key events that turned the then Fed chairman Alan Greenspan into Wall Street's best pal the man who would never take the market by surprise again, and thus created even more epic levels of moral hazard than already existed.* + +*But in fact at least according to a paper by the Bank for International Settlements (the BIS, the "central banks' central bank") written in December 1995 the real problem wasn't Fed policy (and given that the economy was just fine after this, that seems a reasonable conclusion).* + +*It was "the internal dynamics of the bond market". In short, bond investors had simply become too complacent.* + +*Bond market volatility was extremely low. Bond investors were betting on interest rates either remaining stable or falling further, and using leverage to do so. When you employ leverage borrowed money you magnify your gains and losses, and vastly increase your chances of being wiped out.* + +*The more complacent people get and the more overvalued a market becomes, the more leverage they tend to use. This is why Hyman Minksy's model of financial markets is the most sensible mental model to use to think about these things. When prices are high and expectations are complacent, it's all too tempting to juice up your returns with borrowed money. Hence "stability breeds instability".* + +*In case you're wondering what happened to stocks they had a bit of a scare when the Fed started raising rates, and fell by about 10% early in the year. But they hit the bottom for the year in April 1994 and really just spent most of the year meandering a bit higher. It was by no means a remarkable year one way or the other for stocks, and things perked up sharply in 1995.* + +*Markets survived, and ultimately calmed down. But a lot of people got burned and a fair few scalps were claimed. As Jonathan Davis pointed out in an FT article on the topic a few years ago, the famed hedge fund investor Stanley Druckenmiller lost $650m in just two days.* + +*Probably best known is that in December 1994, Orange County in California went bust due to its own leveraged bets on interest rates. For a very long time, it was America's biggest-ever municipal bankruptcy (indeed, it was only in July this year that the county made its final repayment on a $1bn bankruptcy bond that it had issued in order to repay some of its debts to public agencies).* + +## Good news and bad news + +*The good news is that Paul Schmelzing, who wrote a very good piece on this topic for the Bank of England earlier this year, reckons that 1994 is not something we're likely to see repeated. That's mainly because the Fed is highly, highly unlikely to raise rates at the sort of pace we saw in 1994.* + +*The bad news is that he reckons a repeat of the second half of the 1960s which was worse is much more likely. Next week, we'll take a look at that particular "crash" (it was more of a slow-motion disaster, but I certainly think it's a period that should be of great interest to us right now).* + +Taken from article : [https://moneyweek.com/473408/heres-what-happened-the-last-time-the-bond-market-crashed](https://moneyweek.com/473408/heres-what-happened-the-last-time-the-bond-market-crashed) + +An apette u/G_KG with more brains did an amazing and scary write up of what I stumbled over during my monday morning coffee: [~~https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mtxrfy/crayonbrained\_manifesto\_banks\_are\_unloading\_their/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/mtxrfy/crayonbrained_manifesto_banks_are_unloading_their/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) + +Nothing to see here just got deleted of WSB -> new link : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtxtib/crayonbrained\_manifesto\_banks\_are\_unloading\_their/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtxtib/crayonbrained_manifesto_banks_are_unloading_their/) + +**TADR; it looks like the last time the vault of banana's was this overbought all the bananas went brown the week after.** + +Edit1: Changed the date on 2nd picture from 19-10-2021 to 19-10-1987 because I am a dumb ape +Edit2: Added \`94 +Edit3: Provided link to article that speaks of the great bond massacre +EDIT4: added a TADR +EDIT5: added the actual DD by u/G_KG as a link +EDIT6: Article of u/G_KG got deleted from WSB, made a copy on superstonk updated link + +&#x200B; +My wife and I finally just hit the 100k net worth mark! She is 25 and I just turned 24. We share all income and I manage the money. Not sure if anyone cares but I enjoy reading stories of people's success on this sub. + +&#x200B; + +I grew up saving all my money and was very frugal. I saved money since I was 7 years old in hopes that I would use it to buy a car when I was age 16. Throughout my life I practice delayed gratification with all purchases and rarely buy something that is not of use. I always look out for sales and don't try to satisfy myself with dumb purchases. I am seen by all my friends as cheap and frugal, which I don't mind considering I don't have much financial stress. I have never in my life had an expense I haven't been able to comfortably afford. My parents taught me the value of money early on. I have always purchased my own phone, cell service, car, repairs, insurance, school. etc. since I was a kid. My parents are great people and I don't regret them not buying me cars or helping with gas money. They could have easily helped at times, but I wouldn't have learned the same lessons. + +&#x200B; + +Throughout highschool I worked all summer long full time and other part time jobs during the school year. During college I got good grades and stayed home. Scholorships paid for every dime and I was able to work 2-3 jobs at a time during college. My wife went away and school was paid due to her parent's benefits from work. The day before my 22nd birthday I moved out of my parents house with my fiance, now wife, and we both started new careers in a new town. I made 40k a year with no benefits or time off and she made 30k with no benefits or time off. We got married 2 months after moving out and luckily did not have to pay much at all for our wedding, thanks to our parents. After the wedding we had approximately 15k-20k to our names. My wife now makes 40k a year with bad benefits and time off. I got a new job exactly 1 year ago, 1.25 years after moving out, and started making 65k a year. After 6 months I got bumped up to 78k and now I am at 83k. This does not include overtime, which I make approximately 10k from. I have great benefits and time off with my job. I am set to make 105k guaranteed in 3 years. The job has a pension, which I contribute and count towards my net worth considering I am not vested yet. After 30 years I can recieve 75% of my top pay. After the 105k guarantee I am set for 2.5% incrament raised yearly. + +&#x200B; + +Currently we are saving for a down payment on a house worth 250-275k. My wife is going back to school which will be an extra expense over the course of approximately 4 years. During this time it will be harder to save due to her needing to take a less active position and work an hourly job. It will help when she finishes school and can get a higher paid position with good retirement and benefits. In 6 months my job will be very much secure, and that is when we will purchase a house. + +&#x200B; + +Within 2.5 years our combined net worth has gone from 10k to 100k. I have been using YNAB during this time which is awesome for me. I track every penny we spend and can save for certain categories. This allows me to spend money on things I want, which I hate spending money, without having the regret. + +**Assets** + +Cash in high yield savings/checkings: 65K + +Roth IRA 1: 13.5K + +Roth IRA 2: 6K + +Pension: 6.7K + +457b: 1K + +2018 sedan: 14K + +2007 sedan: 2K + +**Liability** + +Car Loan: -2.3K + +**Net Worth** + +105.9K +I work for a company that did $275 million in sales last year. I got a pack of 12 socks. The CEO got gifted a Porsche. + +What’s some of the ridiculous shit you got this year or any year? + +Some of you got a decent one so feel free to post those as well. +Beyond Meat on Wednesday reported a widening loss in its third quarter as U.S. demand for its meat substitutes shrank and higher costs ate into its profits. + +The company also disappointed investors with its fourth-quarter outlook, indicating that sales aren’t expected to snap back immediately. Shares of the company tumbled 18% in extended trading. + +Here’s what the company reported compared with what Wall Street was expecting, based on a survey of analysts by Refinitiv: + +Loss per share: 87 cents vs. 39 cents expected + +Revenue: $106.4 million vs. $109.2 million expected + +Beyond reported fiscal third-quarter net loss of $54.8 million, or 87 cents per share, wider than a net loss of $19.3 million, or 31 cents per share, a year earlier. Analysts surveyed by Refinitiv expected a loss of 39 cents per share. + +The company said it faced higher transportation and warehousing costs and increased its inventory write-offs, which hurt its profits. About $9 million was written off due to water damage at one of its plants, which mostly affected packaging. + +Net sales rose 12.7% to $106.4 million, missing expectations of $109.2 million. Compared with the second quarter, its revenue fell, bucking typical seasonal trends for the company’s products. Customers usually buy more Beyond Burgers during the summer to grill. + +The company reported strong growth outside the United States, with international grocery and restaurant divisions each seeing sales more than double during the quarter. + +However, U.S. revenue fell 13.9% compared with a year ago, mostly due to weaker grocery demand. CEO Ethan Brown told analysts that grocery sales didn’t help make up for shrinking food service orders, unlike in 2020. + +The company also said softer demand and operational challenges, like severe weather, hurt its domestic sales. Brown said new competitors in the market are putting pressure on its market share, but data doesn’t reveal that the lower demand is due to other companies stealing its customers. New products, like its meatless chicken, slightly offset U.S. sales declines. + +In October, the company warned investors that it would be reporting weaker sales than it had previously predicted, citing a wide range of factors, including the delta variant and distribution problems. + +And the company’s forecast doesn’t indicate a sunnier fourth quarter. Beyond is predicting net sales of $85 million to $110 million for those three months. Wall Street was expecting revenue of $131.6 million during the quarter. + +Beyond said it’s expecting some of the operational challenges from the third quarter to drag down its fourth-quarter results as well. It also cited restaurants’ labor challenges and hesitant ordering behavior due to uncertainty tied to the pandemic as other factors embedded in the outlook. The company noted that the period contains 5 fewer shipping days than a year prior. + +“Near-term market and operating conditions notwithstanding, we remain committed to our long-term strategy,” Brown said in a statement. + +He told analysts he is feeling optimistic about 2022. He hinted at new product launches coming next year, saying that some of those items could reach price parity with meat. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/10/beyond-meat-bynd-q3-2021-earnings.html +On the suggestion of the tacomaster, share here your favourite stock at the moment + +Edit: to make it more fun, I will put 5k into the highest voted post (that isn’t DLC) + +Edit 2: and this, tacomaster, is why we can’t have nice things… + +Edit 3: current leaders are +Z1P +VML +LKE +EXR and GRR not far behind + +*fuck off with your bboz, that is not a stock you gay bear 🐻 +Hear Ye hear Ye 🔔 🔔 + + +Mods are taking a break from tradition and calling on the good(?) people of r/ASX_Bets to pass judgement on the case of our AWOL eater of hair, u/Jamesr43. + + +Case Summary: + +One month ago, riding high on the prospect of tendies from a pending announcement, u/Jamesr43 boldly promised they would [shave and eat body hair if BYE didn’t hit 40c](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ior2qe/if_byron_energy_asxbye_doesnt_reach_40_cents/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + + +That time has come and now, has past. + + +Current Info: + +Mods have attempted to contact user several times over the weekend and have received no response. +Closer investigation revealed that in fact, user has gone ‘radio silence’ across the Sub and the whole Reddit universe. + + +Verdict: + +We are throwing it out for a mob rule conclusion to this case, highest vote count shall be the fate of u/Jamesr43 + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/j8ylsr) + +Hello Reddit Greetings, I’m a 19 year old that needs a vehicle and want to have a long term of building my credit and I thought financing a cheap car would be the solution. It’s a 2015 Jeep renegade that’s on sale for 12,500. I love this car and it’ll be my first car if I was to finance it. Having a car will open up so many doors and opportunities for me to have new jobs and make more money. I understand I’m young and this is risky but the rich takes risk the poor will never take! I don’t have anybody in my family to give me money to put down on the car so I’ve been building my credit for a past year to ask for a loan the same amount of the car and pay it off then deal with the monthly payments with my credit union. Please I need your guys opinions and advice! +I have a house for rent and I don't want to be going every time someone wants to look at the house. I have seen that some rental house listings mention that people can simply go to the house with a code. How does this work exactly? Like how would I avoid theft (e.g. of appliances) if I simply allow people to enter the house without being there? +A good friend of mine owns two houses and is thinking of moving into a third. To do so he's thinking he has to sell one of the existing ones. One he lives in, one is rented. I told him try and hold on to both if you can but he's leaning towards selling one. So I told him let me know, I'd buy it. Then he comes back and says what if we go 50/50 on the property? We each own half. Immediately raises a few questions... Such as how to deal with deeds and mortgage, if we open a joint owned co then additional complications around commercial lenders and taxes. Has anyone done this? Any obvious pros/cons? Not obvious ones? Thanks! + The **Semiconductor Sector** has generated more than just solid gains so far this year, chip shortage has helped accelerate sales of semiconductors, sending the stock prices of companies that design and sell chips skyrocketing. +In the last couple of weeks, I thought about adding a Semiconductor company to my portfolio, I decided to focus on AMD, NVIDIA, and INTEL, but because it might be a long post I decided to post in parts, the next post will be bot AMD so stay tuned. + +**If you think there is a company in this sector more worthwhile looking into, I'd be happy to hear some suggestions.** + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: youtube - cha cha video](https://preview.redd.it/avit8vg2dgr71.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a7f6bd2f815eaffa877381a845b1f0061e66ccb) + +# Nvidia ~ $NVDA + +>"Nvidia is a platform story. We think there are many tentacles of future growth opportunity for Nvidia inclusive of the data center momentum that they are seeing today" - Wells Fargo analyst + +Nvidia is a big winner of many of the big tech events of the past year, including the global chip shortage, cryptocurrency volatility, and mining, the relentless fight by PC gamers to find RTX 30 series graphics cards in stock, and rising demand across segments-from work-from-home laptops to data centers. During it all, NVDA stock has continued its relentless climb, adding over 60% to its value so far in 2021. + +# Q2 Earnings + +Almost all the company's business segments registered eye-popping growth in the 2nd quarter of fiscal 2022. The company reported a record Q2 revenue of $6.51 billion. This was up 68% year-over-year, which handily beat forecasts. Gaming revenue — all those RTX 30 series graphics cards — hit $3.06 billion, up 85% YoY. Datacenter revenue also set a record at $2.37 billion. Adjusted earnings of $1.04 per share (compared to 55 cents a year ago) also beat estimates. + +# Crypto Market dependence + +When of the negative points in NVDA Q2 earnings is that CMP sales came in well under the company’s estimates. CMP is a graphics card that was designed specifically for the cryptocurrency market. When the price of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin fall, crypto mining rigs power down. Miners stop buying GPUs. + +For Nvidia, this was felt in Q2. The company had projected it would sell **$400 million** worth of CMPs in the quarter. Instead, it sold just **$266 million.** + +# Future Growth In the Gaming Segment + +NVIDIA's 80%-plus market share of gaming graphics cards will be a big tailwind for the company. Its video gaming revenue more than doubled last quarter to $2.76 billion. Jon Peddie Research estimates that the market for discrete gaming GPUs could jump from $23.6 billion last year to more than $54 billion by 2025. NVIDIA's dominant market share means that it could win big from the additional revenue opportunity. + +# Arm Deal + +Nvidia is in the process of acquiring ARM Holdings from SoftBank for approximately $40 billion, which would be a game-changer in its data center segment. The acquisition is currently held up in the approval process, but Nvidia told investors on their recent earnings call that the deal should get done. Denial is certainly a risk for Nvidia's stock price, so it's something to be aware of. recently Chinese and British regulators have had serious concerns about the acquisition and could block it. + +# Advanced Micro Devices ~ $AMD + +AMD has been making a comeback for years with a fast-improving lineup of chips addressing the laptop and PC markets, as well as hardware for data centers and the cloud computing services built on them. AMD is on track to record 50% revenue growth in 2021. The company's market share gains in the client and server CPU (central processing unit) markets, as well as the growing demand for graphics cards, have helped it to raise the guidance. + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: wccftech](https://preview.redd.it/faswa7u5dgr71.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=99fdf6382da174aa1c34fff4ffb72dab7abaa7f2) + +# Q2 Earnings And Growth + +On July 27, AMD recorded 99% YOY revenue growth, to $3.85 billion, operating income of $831m (380% change YOY), and Net income of $710m - 352% YOY growth. The company consistently winning market share from Intel. Video game platform "Steam" reports that AMD's share of the client CPU market has now exceeded 30%, a massive improvement from three years ago when it held just over 16% of the market. + +[ AMD website - q2 Financial results](https://preview.redd.it/jjeh28b8dgr71.png?width=1041&format=png&auto=webp&s=1194ec52ebd44ff97c9ae9686ff69f63d4787d4b) + +# Video Games Potential Growth + +Video game consoles have been in hot demand since last year, Sony could end 2021 with sales of 17.9 million PS5 consoles, up from last year's 4.5 million units. The PS5's sales momentum could remain strong with Sony expected to ship over 33 million units in 2022, 50 million units in 2023, and 67 million units in 2024. Meanwhile, sales of Microsoft's Xbox Series X are expected to jump from an estimated 3.3 million units in 2020 to 12 million units in 2021, and 37 million units in 2024. + +**AMD** supplies semi-custom chips to both Sony and Microsoft for their latest consoles. Nvidia, on the other hand, supplies chips for **Nintendo**'s Switch consoles. The Japanese video gaming company estimates that it could sell 25.5 million units of the Switch in the current fiscal year that ends in March 2022. + +# Xilinx Acquisition + +AMD's $35 billion merger with Xilinx is expected to be completed by the end of this year.the merger will allow AMD to expand the chips it offers the customers and it will take on Intel. The merger could make AMD one of the biggest tech companies and could expand its market share significantly. + +# Intel ~ $INTC + +Intel’s stock has underperformed the market in recent years, It’s struggled with R&D, manufacturing, and management issues. the stock gained 15% in the past 3 years while the PHLX Semiconductor Index's gain of approximately 130%. + +Intel fell behind **TSMC** in the race to create smaller and more advanced chips. and lost market share to **AMD** in PC and data center CPU markets. + +[ IMAGE SOURCE: INTEL](https://preview.redd.it/sxqjttladgr71.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b541cb7bc838e7c7ddb580196ebc1e085bedce22) + +# New CEO = New Future? + +Intel’s new CEO, Pat Gelsinger, set his eyes on reclaiming the process lead by 2025. Gelsinger plans to achieve that goal by spending tens of billions of dollars on new foundries, upgrading the company's plants, expanding its third-party foundry services to pull orders away from TSMC, and attracting government subsidies in the U.S. and Europe to resolve the ongoing chip shortage and eliminate the industry's production bottlenecks in Asia. + +If Intel achieves all those goals, its growth could accelerate over the next few years and make it a compelling long-term investment again. + +# GPUs War + +Intel generates most of its revenue from PC and data center CPUs and abandoned the high-end GPU market amid fierce competition from **Nvidia** and **AMD**, but it's now trying to bundle its new GPUs with its CPUs. Intel could challenge Nvidia and AMD in the laptop market with its DG1 mobile GPUs, pursue the desktop market with its DG2 GPUs, and enter the data center GPU market with its top-tier Ponte Vecchio GPUs. + +# Financial Comparisons + +[Market Size](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Market%20Cap?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. INTC: $217.009B +2. NVDA : $511.284B +3. AMD : $121.722B + +[ when NVDA surpassed Intel's size this year - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/9eho4lgddgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=edf57bcdd0bb2180a81cf108ed7e915083c40e14) + + [Gross Profit](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Gross%20Profit?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- After Q2 + +1. INTC: $11.21B +2. NVDA : $4.21B +3. AMD : $1.83B + +[ Intel is still the most profit from the 3 - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/o22mslredgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1af2393607bca2cf54c50dec08a431b9a1072917) + + [Return On Equity](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Return%20On%20Equity?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- After Q2 + +1. NVDA : 11.23% +2. AMD : 10.05% +3. INTC : 5.94% + +[ ROE Comparison - jika.io](https://preview.redd.it/rke5xokgdgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=731149f0f5ffd48f43fd507caef9ceb7f3d2b710) + + [Gross Profit Margin](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Gross%20Profit%20Margin?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. NVDA: 64.78% +2. INTC : 57.07% +3. AMD : 47.53% + +[ Gross Profit Margin - JIKA.IO](https://preview.redd.it/pvsephuidgr71.png?width=1640&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a3338bce9df16268b6d4d0daa7664bca647c6c6) + + [Net Profit Margin](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Net%20Profit%20Margin?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) + +1. NVDA : 36.48% +2. INTC : 25.78% +3. AMD : 18.44% + +[ Net Profit Margin - JIKA.IO](https://preview.redd.it/s7kcpl7ldgr71.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=83614a344ab55c1d8686da128e837c21c3dd1e3c) + +# My Conclusion + +In my opinion, Intel is pretty much out of the race, even if the new CEO will shake things up, Intel will take a long time until climbing back up. + +I think that the better choice is between the fast-growing semiconductor stocks, **NVIDIA** or **AMD**. Given that AMD's growth pace was better than NVIDIA's in Q1 and Q2 and is likely to keep up that momentum for the remainder of the year, it looks like the better option right now. AMD also looks like a better buy for those looking for a growth stock at a reasonable valuation. + +&#x200B; + +>***Personal note:*** *Feel free to diagree and express your opinion about the post.* + +**Sources:** +[Jika.io](https://www.jika.io/dashboard/tools/multiples/AMD:NVDA:INTC/advanced%20micro%20devices:intel:nvidia/Revenue?ref=nvdastonkssubreddit) \- Companies comparisons +[Motleyfool.com](https://motleyfool.com/) \- stocks news +[nasdaq.com](https://nasdaq.com/) \- news and information +[amd.com](https://amd.com/) \- investor relations +[investor.nvidia.com](https://investor.nvidia.com/) \- investor relations +I want to touch on something and I'd like to hear how you guys feel about it. +I think a major reason for the work-based culture is people having a need to do something meaningful in their life and to feel fulfilled. The catch is - I also feel like people are on some sense 'tricked' into thinking they have to dedicate their life to a meaningful career, which leaves a lot of people feeling lost or as if something is wrong with them in case they can't achieve it or don't even want to. + +This kind of resonates to me with the idea of FIRE. It seems very appealing and its definitely something I am gravitating towards since discovering this idea. I don't want to always be busy, and I like having a lot of free time even just to be lazy. + +Despite that, sometimes there is a creeping feeling of "am I just taking the easy way out" or "will I regret not pursuing a long and meaningful career". + +I think this comes from me battling with identifying which parts of my goals are really mine and which I adopted due to expectations. I realized what a lot of people consider normal life is not stuff I actually want, and I'm trying to find what I genuinely want to do in life. + +For context ill point out that I'm in a super early stage in my career, started 2 years ago in FAANG and about to finish my degree this year. Thinking of semi-FIRE after a couple of years and see if I can switch to a more chill part time or freelance work (altho this seems very hard to pull off). +As title states, I have a washer which is not working and the company who is supposed to fix it, sent someone to look, and now wants to give me money, instead of paying for the repairs. I dont think this is fair. Over the phone I asked what my options were, and they did not mention anything other than taking the (imo) small payout of $390. I feel like they dont olny owe me a washer, they owe me a working one under warranty till June 2020. What are my options? Please help. I have a feeling that is have a choice here and they are not being fully transparent with me. + +Edit : I'm am away from home and do not have paperwork where I am, I knownthisnwpuld answer so many questions. +Washer is frigidaire, 4.5 cu feet capacity I believe, sold to me by a very large company that sells these types of things in the USA. Do not want to give out their name for witchhunt rules possibly being triggered. +I am slowly reading through everyone's responses and cannot thank all of you enough for submitting your input. Thank you all. +I just started with crypto a month back and I just realized that my screen time for the past week was 13 hours on an average. Crypto market is just soo freaking addictive. I cant just put my phone down for more than 15 mins straight. And the fact that this market is open 24x7 365 certainly doesn't help either. I am simply loving it. Anyone else went through this stage when they started or should I be concerned about this? +*Edit 1: I typed this post up for* [*r/GME*](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/) *originally, however, in light of recent events I think posting it here might be a better choice. “The Great Migration” that just occurred is our chance to fix everything we didn’t like about the last sub and make* [*r/SuperStonk*](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperStonk/) *our long time home. One of the main problems I had personally with our last sub was the echo chamber mentality we began to allow. I am completely for downvoting FUD, it has no place in our community. However, just because something isn’t overtly pro-GME doesn’t mean it’s FUD. Read it, digest it, and use it to further analyze this ever changing situation. I’m excited for our future here. Therefore, I’m going to try to lead by example with this post.... let’s see how everyone responds.* + +&#x200B; + +I first want to preface this with a couple of disclaimers so when I see comments about the exact things I’m about to disclaim, I’ll know for certain who did or did not read. (And I’m sure the disclaimer alone is longer than many apes care to read, TLDR at the bottom for you beautiful, simple beings 🥰) + +&#x200B; + +* I’m an idiot. I would use another word that I’m sure would describe my mental capacity much better but I think you apes get the gist. Generally speaking, I don’t post long thought out DD because “brain no werk gud” so... be gentle. +* I’m a very patriotic individual (actually actively deployed to Afghanistan as a part of the US Army as I write this). I love the US and am prepared to die for it. That being said, it’s important to identify faults in our own country and work to fix them. In no way am I trying to say that the US is even close to as authoritarian as China (“where the fuck is this guy going with this...”), however I use China as a comparable example because it assists in describing a potential non-MOASS endgame. +* I’m balls deep in GME and fully believe in the MOASS. Remember all those posts saying “don’t invest any more than you can afford to lose”? Yeah, I kinda treated those the same way I treated girlfriends advising me to use a condom: “I would butttttttttttttt..... it feels so much better to just do what I want so fuck that.” I want the MOASS just as much as everyone else; however, I want to propose a potential scenario that could occur. Plz don’t hate fook me mods +* I feel like this is as much of an anti-DD that can be done considering all numerical indicators from the past couple months point to an inevitable MOASS (so no I won’t change the flair 🤨). + +&#x200B; + +Holding for months on months and through all sorts of volatility has forged diamond balls on many of us - so much so that my wife has permanent bruises all over her body from them (don’t worry I told the cops her boyfriend hit her 👍🏻). So if you have made it this far I am so proud of you already. And I don’t mean for what I just talked about, I mean if you’ve read this far. You’re already in the 1%, it’s just the 1% of apes that can a) read, and b) maintain an attention span long enough to get this far. + +Now onto the info that’s gonna get me downvoted to oblivion and banned from the sub (hopefully not 🙃): + +&#x200B; + +# CRUSHING AN ANT + +I remember around this past Thanksgiving reading an [article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/georgecalhoun/2020/11/08/why-china-stepped-on-the-ant-group-part-1-a-bubble-looming/amp/) from Forbes discussing the regulation of a Chinese Company named The Ant Group. The Ant Group was founded by Jack Ma - China’s second richest man (was the richest up until March 02, 2021 when Zhong surpassed Ma). The article I referred to earlier does an excellent job explaining what exactly The Ant Group is for those who have never heard of it. Essentially, it is a high-tech Chinese company that has grown bigger and faster than any other company in history. Naturally, the media has adorned it with superlatives: + +* [The World's Largest Money Market Fund](https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-an-alibaba-spinoff-created-the-worlds-largest-money-market-fund-1505295000) +* [The World's Largest Mobile and Online Financial Payments Company](https://www.businessinsider.com/alipay-overtakes-paypal-as-the-largest-mobile-payments-platform-in-the-world-2014-2) +* [More Payment Transactions Processed than Mastercard and Visa](https://wsj.com/articles/inside-ant-the-company-behind-the-worlds-biggest-ipo-11603798576?cx_testId=3&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;cx_testVariant=cx_2&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;cx_artPos=1#cxrecs_s) +* [The World’s Most Highly Valued Financial Technology Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant_Group) +* [More Valuable Than Any Other Bank](https://www.ft.com/content/3d2f174d-aa73-44fc-8c90-45c2a554e97b) (or would have been…) + +As you can probably see by now, the Ant Group is a big fucking deal. Even though I would die for GameStop and Daddy Cohen, it would be irresponsible to say that Gamestop is as important economically and politically as the Ant Group is (at least for now 😉). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/d55ibwdzefr61.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c26e01b424e24720871d5030ae9a8300fc387abb + +&#x200B; + +Well in November 2020, Ma was ready to take his impressive company public through an IPO on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges (which was also a very political statement that you can read up on the previously mentioned article too if you care to). Investors from all over the world were foaming at the mouth at the potential to invest in such an important company (same way we are during those tasty GME dips). So much so that Ant shares had already rose more than 50% in the grey market - which is basically an OTC mechanism that let’s investors bid on new shares prior to the IPO to help gauge investor demand for a particular company. It’s $34.5 billion IPO would have given the company an evaluation of almost $315 billion; AKA bigger than JP Morgan and 4x bigger than Goldman Sachs. The offering was oversubscribed 870 times, meaning retail wanted to buy 870 times the total number of shares being offered (so about the same ratio of borrowed GME shares 🙃). That’s $2.8 trillion worth of orders just from retail investors in mainland China. Not bad for the initial public offering of a company; but what the fuck do I know? I’ve lost three crayons in several of my own orifices since I started typing this (don’t worry, none of the ones I lost were red or green ones. Phew!). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/sgquptqzefr61.png?width=1049&format=png&auto=webp&s=14955e8909ae646dcfb93bd369a7244848f535a4 + +&#x200B; + +So I’m sure at this point you’re probably wondering what the hell this has to do with GameStop. My response is, I’m slow (in many ways).... I already told you that. But more importantly, I wanted to set the stage for what happened and how this relates to all you cuties. + +&#x200B; + +With no warning and just days from the IPO launch, financial regulators from the Shanghai Stock Exchange called a meeting with Ma and Ant’s other top executives. In that meeting, they revealed that they were pulling the plug on what would have been the most anticipated IPO to date. Shortly thereafter, the Ant Group chose to halt its IPO on the Hong Kong Exchange as well. But why would the Chinese government do this? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/t2wredovefr61.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=647089c7d01bb14740e6c9b9809acacbd7430f1b + +&#x200B; + +Well this answer is not as clear cut as the story of the Ant Group’s success is. Several theories as to why exactly Chinese regulators pulled the plug have surfaced. Some claim is was based on a distasteful interview Jack Ma gave a short time earlier that painted the government in an unsavory light. Others claimed it was to protect the state-run banks that were forced to pay Ant a cut of their profits in order to extend credit to individuals that the banks would otherwise not be able to serve. While the real reasoning is likely an amalgamation of the two previous explanations and more, the state media claimed the reason was to “protect investors from the prudent risk such a large offering created.” I guess making a dick ton of money off a solid investment is something that should be regulated by the gove.... WAIT WHAT? + +Now I know many of you are probably thinking, “OP you’re comparing apples to oranges. How does an IPO relate to the current situation with GME? ~~God, you’re so stupid. Your parents probably never loved you and your wife’s boyfriend has such a bigger d...~~” While you might be right about some of those things, I think you are wrong about the comparison because what this boils down to is this: + +# Despite immense interest from investors across the entire world, the government stepped in and halted a highly profitable investment opportunity in the name of protecting retail investors from their own “stupidity” or “inability to understand the greater consequences.” + +I bring this up to counter many of the comments I’ve seen stating *“oh the government would never step in,” “everyone would lose trust in the US Stock Market,” “too many investors from across the world are invested in this for the US government to act.”* Respectfully speaking, that’s bullshit. While the US and Chinese governments are very different in many ways, claiming to “protect retail investors” as a guise to make politicians and despicable people like Ken Griffin richer is something they both can find common ground on. + +Whether this fuckery comes in the form of a price ceiling or something much worse, I don’t know. What I am certain of is the fuckery is not over my fellow apes. We have not won YET, but comments like those listed above do nothing more than reinforce the echo chamber mentality that’s been propagated recently. + +Think back to some of the most famous god-tier DD you’ve read on this sub and our former home (shoutout [r/GME](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/) (thanks for burning the house down [u/plumdragon](https://www.reddit.com/u/plumdragon/))). DD that relates the Housing Market Crisis of 2008 to what we are seeing now. How would it look for the government if the “once in a lifetime recession” that happened 13 years ago was nothing more than a foreshadowing of what’s to come because they continued to let the “free market” be molested by the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE THAT CAUSED THE SUB-PRIME MORTGAGE DEBACLE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! It would be political suicide! And more importantly, this would result in much more of a loss of credibility than capping the price of a single stock. I mean honestly, think about the repercussions of letting this happen twice in less than two decades... + +The fact that we don’t see counter DD containing clear technical analysis like we do in posts that promote the MOASS, doesn’t mean the HFs are shit out of luck. No part of this GME saga has followed the rules so why do we all of a sudden expect the market to perform as it should? Even though I too enjoy the dopamine hits and half chubs amazing DD like “The Everything Short” causes, we can’t get comfortable. Where did all the posts of apes bugging their Congressman and Senators go? Where did all the posts of apes filing complaints with the SEC go? Where did all the posts of Ken Griffin’s leaked horse porn video go? Actually I think that last one was a dream... regardless, you get the point. In no way am I trying to organize anyone to do anything that could result in the manipulation of the stock market. Instead, **I urge you to let the DD motivate you to act, not just turn your phone off in confidence of the inevitable.** + +**TL;DR** \- Me dumb, like USA, and HODL much GME + +Governments have no problem “protecting retail investors” from their own “stupidity” or “inability to understand the greater consequences.” China did it with the Ant Group IPO despite thousands of international investors’ interests. Regardless of what some have claimed, government intervention is not such an outlandish possibility. The US government fucked up in 2008 and are undoubtedly hoping to prevent anything like that happening again in the near future. The backlash from capping the price of a single stock would be much less than if the government allowed the same criminals, who fucked over so many people in 2008, to do the same, just much worse in 2021. + +If you personally feel obligated to do so, contact your senators and the SEC and make sure they know where you stand on this. Personally, I don’t support government intervention on this particular matter. HFs need to be held accountable for their actions and making Shitadel the example is the perfect way to do it. + +Don’t get comfortable with thinking the MOASS is inevitable. Actively fight for it in whatever ways you see fit; otherwise, this event won’t be anything more than a meaningless anomaly. + +Obligatory: 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + My wife and I are in a position to pay off the mortgage. We're both happy to (although we realise it's not necessarily optimal financially). What actually happens when the balance gets to 0? Will the bank get in contact? Should I make contract first? Anything else I should think of? +I have a close relationship with my parents, and a father who was very helpful in forming my fiscal responsibility habits, largely informed by his own life story of growing up extremely poor. I'm also very fortunate in that with part time work, augmented by scholarships and my parents covering room/board, I was able to start my career debt free. With his guidance, I've also been maxing out contributions and such since my first job bagging groceries. + +\~15 years of work and aggressive saving later, I reached my soft FI target in my mid-30's (at 30x yearly expenses and relocating to far lower COL area than currently). In broaching the idea of letting off the accelerator a bit, taking some time to relax and pursue hobbies, "RE doesn't mean I'm taking a knee in the 3rd quarter", etc., it went...poorly. He's an old school guy, strongly believes in your FT work being an important part of who you are, and that "the best investment is a steady paycheck". + +The thing is, the premise of his pushback wasn't entirely unfounded. It was almost eerie, the extent to which he cited former colleagues of his that had planned the same, yet faced some demise or another. Makes me wonder when FIRE was popularized, actually.. "You remember \[name\]? He said the same things. '*When I hit $4M I'm done. I can live off of 3% in dividends, expect long-term 5% returns, and not even touch my principal savings.*' You know what happened to him, mmmfalafel? Brain cancer. Wasn't able to go back to work after he'd stopped, either." + +Ignoring that his case studies all involved surprise terminal illness (there were a few), his basic message of caution has validity. Of course these things are all factored into the modeling of what SWR entails, factoring in insurance coverage, ability to absorb unforeseen expenses, etc. but was nonetheless a tough response to field... A grown ass man obviously doesn't need permission to RE, but I guess I was hoping for a bit more mutual excitement that I'd achieved FI. + +Anyone else face similar struggles in these discussions with their family? +Interest rates on savings in the UK are currently poor. Using a Marcus savings account, I currently receive 0.7% per annum. A quick Google search shows that dramatically higher interest rates on savings are available in other countries. Argentina tops the list with a crazy 37.64%. + +Some of these countries clearly have unstable currencies, governments and potentially issues with corruption. There is presumably a reason the interest rates are so high: they are desperate for cash, and the worry is that any savings deposited might be seized by the government in question. + +But there could be a compromise. Perhaps it is possible to find a country with a relatively stable government that pays an attractive interest rate? + +This assumes that non-residents are legally allowed to open savings account in that overseas territory. I also recognise that withholding taxes may be paid on amounts repatriated to the UK, and this will reduce the benefit of the interest paid somewhat. + +I’m wondering whether anyone has any experience of opening an overseas saving account to take advantage of interest rates. If so, I’d obviously be interested to hear where you have opened an account. Have you experienced good returns? Do the practicalities of opening and monitoring the account, paying taxes etc outweigh the benefits? +Posting in fatFIRE because I think this community will have a fair number of people who explored similar options and this is a path that may be available to some to fatFIRE. + +Situation: I've got a good chunk of stock in a private startup that's doing very well. As nothing is guaranteed in life, I'd like to liquidate \~10% of it to avoid loosing all of its value in a downside scenario. This would be a life-changing increase in my liquid net worth and would leave plenty on the table to continue to motivate me to make the company a success. + +Problem: Executive leadership is very principled and is not allowing secondary sales. The company has fairly standard startup legal terms around the company's right of first refusal and what not. + +Research: I've done a lot of looking around on the internet on this topic. I'm aware of the variety of services that will facilitate secondary sales. But, true secondaries will need to go through executive leadership and are thus a non-starter. I've found non-recourse loans and pre-paid variable forward contracts may be options for me getting liquidity without company involvement. But, there's very little for details out there on these. For good explanations, see [here](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucebrumberg/2021/09/20/financing-stock-option-exercises-in-private-companies-insights-from-a-top-financial-advisor/?sh=28d5d8502446) and [here](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/faculty-research/publications/stock-option-financing-pre-ipo-companies). Within fatFIRE, I've found somewhat relevant information [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/lmb26v/nonrecourse_loan_to_early_exercise_my_options/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/lks52c/28m_in_equity_let_the_anxiety_begin/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/p2eiob/financing_options_for_isos_secfi/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/meq91p/financing_stock_option_exercise/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/q67vat/does_anyone_have_experience_purchasing_securities/), among others. + +**Request: Is there anyone out there that has had a similar experience and is willing to talk about it?** + +For completeness and to help others with similar questions, here's a list of companies I've found that could potentially facilitate pre-IPO liquidity (I've not yet contacted any of them and I'm not affiliated with any of them): + +Forge [https://forgeglobal.com/](https://forgeglobal.com/) + +ESO Fund [https://www.esofund.com/](https://www.esofund.com/) + +Liquid Stock [https://liquidstock.com/](https://liquidstock.com/) + +Quid [https://www.getquid.com/](https://www.getquid.com/) + +SecFi [https://www.secfi.com/](https://www.secfi.com/) + +Section Partners [https://www.sectionpartners.com/](https://www.sectionpartners.com/) + +ECP [https://www.employeecapitalpartners.com/](https://www.employeecapitalpartners.com/) + +EquityBee [https://equitybee.com/](https://equitybee.com/) + +Microventures [https://microventures.com/](https://microventures.com/) + +EquityZen [https://equityzen.com/](https://equityzen.com/) + +Vested [https://vested.co/](https://vested.co/) + +White Horse Liquidity [https://whitehorseliquidity.com/](https://whitehorseliquidity.com/) + +137 Ventures [https://137ventures.com/](https://137ventures.com/) +The most effective FUD is setting peoples' expectations and having the market consistently fail to deliver. The most effective FUD comes from within. + +Most apes ignore obvious shills. Most apes upvote and get excited about "liftoff tomorrow, squeeze starts today, etc." + +Don't set your fellow apes up for failure. Stress and anxiety are the distance between expectation and reality. Ignore posts with specific dates. Stop upvoting them. + +GME is fucking killing it. GME will moon, but we don't know when. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀💎👐 +the recent surge of new users on this sub has led to a huge number of bagholders crying. let’s be honest, it’s noticeably becoming difficult to find good tickers on this sub as of lately. looks like most of you guys got burned by stocks that you ended up chasing. and now y’all are posting “bagholding stocks” or news that will hopefully get your stock pumped again. like cmon, let’s get this sub back to the energy it used to have with new tickers every other day and more DD. none of us want to see the same stocks over and over again only to see it keep going down. we’re here to make money, not donate. +EDIT 2: Expected a few comments, not hundreds! I’ll leave the original post below, and up top here, post my general response to the comments. + +1) My first step is to wipe that collections debt, hopefully negotiating it lower. + +2) A surprisingly smart and exciting suggestion is to travel cheaply for the next three months in a place like SE Asia. I’m considering places I know in Mexico, or Argentina as well. This allows me a few months to put off the car and rent question, and possibly get my credit score back up a notch. + +3) Some suggestions to find a new job. The job I have *already is* my “new job”, in a career I’m excited to be in, with lots of opportunities for growth and promotion. + +4) I qualify for unemployment during this offseason, so that brings in helpful income. I also have skills that can make money online. + +5) Loud and clear: HELL NO on a $20k car. To those who say I should go carless, “move closer to work”, or take public transit, these just aren’t options for the rural mountainous area I live in. Most recommend a $5k car, which will be feasible in my area, but I’m still considering something up to $10k with a bit less wear and age. I’m trying to find the balance between peace of mind with my finances and peace of mind with my vehicle. + +6) I’ll have plenty of options to rent and roommate in my area. Not too worried about this one. + +Thanks to everyone who input their advice, even the rude ones. If there’s something specific you think I should know feel free to dm me. Unless it’s about an “investment opportunity”. + + +#ORIGINAL POST + +Due to a series of unfortunate events I have no car and no home. Currently staying with a friend. + +I do have a secure job that pays $60k gross and health insurance. However that job is seasonal - after my last paycheck in December I only have this $20k to hold me over until I start up again in mid March. + +Using calculators online I’ve calculated: + +I should spend no more than $1300 on rent, preferably less than $900. This is doable in my area. + +I should spend no more than $20k on a car, with a max $500 on a monthly car payment. Anticipating a 16% interest rate, and a $5k down payment, this is also doable. (Edit: This part is clearly a big hang up. These numbers were from the research I did today. I’m thankful for the advice against it but can’t respond to every comment about it. To answer FAQ, yes, I absolutely need a good car. My job and area needs it. On top of that, my personal hobbies and passions revolve around a good off-road worthy vehicle, so there’s the personal life-satisfaction element involved. No, I don’t need these things, was just hoping to try and plan ahead for that.) + +My credit score is 588 - far worse than I realized. I thought it was improving, it was 620 last summer. An old store card got forgotten and went to collections. It’s about $2000 to wipe that debt. I don’t know if paying it right now would improve my credit score enough to improve my chances at renting a place - either way, I have the income stubs to prove my ability to pay. + +Here’s my rough breakdown of how I could use the $20k I have + +1) $5000 for down payment on a car + +2) $5000 set aside for rent for January thru March + +3) $2000 for collections + +4) $3000 for transitioning costs like applications, moving + +5) $5000 for living costs like groceries, gas, and phone + +How does this sound? What am I missing? + +Edit: Additional note: during this offseason I qualify for unemployment, which most people in my job do. +I used to live on r/superstonk, like legitimately checking it every 30 minutes for updates. I’ve been a Knight of the New, a January veteran, and full smooth brain from the start. + +I haven’t checked this sub in probably a month at this point and I’m sure there are thousands like me. However, I still buy and hodl every paycheck. At this point I’m an xx,xxx hodler. + +The economy is falling apart and like a phoenix, GameStop will rise from the ashes. + +Just wanted to check-in and let all you more frequent visitors know I’m still with ya 💎 +Hello Everyone, + +I rarely ever post and when I do it is to feed my purple ring or celebrate old hype videos. Now to get this out of the way first, obviously people will call me a shill and drama stirrer after this post so I suggest looking at my account history before you start spewing bullshit. I've migrated multiple subs with this community and I'm proud to be where I am. Also, because mods have been removing posts for allegedly breaking rule 1: EVERYONE I have tagged in this post has given me their permission to do so and there is not a HINT of harassment towards them anywhere here. So don't give me that bullshit when removing this post or banning me. Now let's begin. + +You may have seen two posts of u/Gentaro asking for more transparency in the sub regarding the silent removal of multiple moderators. If not, here you go: [Post 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/y46kt0/transparency_in_the_sub/) and [Post 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yau97d/transparency_in_the_sub_v2/) . + +In short: 4 mods have been removed (including u/jsmar18 and u/DeadDevotion ) without a peep to the community and u/Gentaro made a post asking why that is and what happened. He was being very considerate and friendly, even asking where the community can help to improve things. Seriously, check his first post. **(remember this)** Now what really stands out is that none of the current mods decided to make a statement regarding that post and even more worrying is the fact that actual OG mods ( for example u/jsmar18 ) are among the removed mods. This guy worked his ass off to support this community and make it grow and prosper. Him leaving is a really big move and he wouldn't do so without good reason. + +Now, when there was no response Gentaro made a second post asking for input from the removed mods since the mod team decided to ignore him. Let me say this again, he ASKED for their input. He didn't force anyone, he didn't bully anyone, he ASKED and INVITED them to say something. **(remember this too)** One of them, u/DeadDevotion decided to share some insight in the comments. However, due to current worries of her own privacy and potentially being doxxed, she has not gone into a lot of detail. People have been asking her for the "full story", which she currently can not provide due to said reasons. + +However, I was very concerned and reached out to one of the ex-mods and they did share with me in private that behind the scenes a lot of toxic behavior and powerplay led to the loss of the initial values of the mod team, even forcing some members to leave because of the emotional toll and stress. **Something to think about.** Anyway, this post got a lot more attention and the comment section got spicy. + +**Spicy enough for someone to take their alt account, manually approve it because of lacking karma, and use it to attack Gentaro and DeadDevotion in the comments. Yes, that's right.** **A Superstonk mod manually approved this account which had no history and only 273 karma to stir shit up in the comments. Ask yourself why and who would want this. The comments were removed after they were called out.** H**owever,** [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/65fekMK). + +As you can see on that screenshot, another angry ape even did some analysis on the identity of this account and dug up some info. + +As you can see, this person was trying to spin a narrative about the post being made in bad faith and how Gentaro and DeadDevotion apparently knew each other, claiming Gentaro got the "mod news" from her. Now whether that is true or not is not even that relevant, because it changes nothing and is just a made-up argument to distract from the issue. However, the fact that someone needed to quickly get their alt account involved to discredit Gentaros post **is relevant.** So I ask, what the fuck was that? What are you trying to hide here? + +Now, it gets even better. This happens, they discuss, comments get removed after a bit and what do we hear? **Another mod is gone.** In this case, Goldie. At this point things are just getting ridiculous. Gentaro made a post about that, which got removed. [Here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/yc7mb3/psa_ugoldielips_is_not_on_the_moderator_list/). + +**Oh and one more thing, shortly after Gentaro was banned. That's right, he edited it in his 2nd post as well. Reason being "don't tag any redditors to harass them". Yeah, sure...** + +Does **ANYONE** care to explain this clusterfuck that is happening in the mod team right now? Don't we as the community deserve some more transparency than this? And instead of leaving an open discussion, there's been active efforts against it and even banning certain voices. I hate to be that guy but we deserve better and this is sick. + +Waiting for a proper response. Or ban me, make use of your powerplay if you like. + +Oh yeah, still DRS tho. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: + +First of all I thank you for the wide response, also a ton of supportive voices as well. I've received multiple DMs of people talking about the same issues but failing to bring it to people's attention because they always get shit on as soon as they mention anything negative about mods. Guys please, this is a sign that there are issues that are being suppressed and I'm not the only one noticing. The whole "negative news is always FUD and drama" mantra is incredibly stupid and short sighted. That's how eco chambers are made, let's not become one. + +Also, **there's been multiple new bans of people** speaking up and referencing my post. Not a good look on you mods. Will mention them with their names when I get confirmation that they don't mind because otherwise, I'll get a ban for "tagging people to harass them". What a joke. Also, the mod comment below my post doesn't address a single thing I've written and instead deflects to some made-up arguments I didn't even mention in my post. In Germany we call this a "Strohmann-Argument". [Here, look it up.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man) + +Edit 2: + +I've got confirmation from one of the banned people, u/Retardnoobstonk . He made [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ydiqlg/mods_are_censoring_discussion_on_transparency_im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and shortly after it got removed because it was "irrelevant to GME". Yeah sure, let's ignore the Gamestop sub issues because it's not about the stock. How incredibly short-sighted. And the reason for his perma-ban is an accusation for "threatening" ([Source](https://imgur.com/a/Mn4MHVT)) a mod in the comments because he said "irl karma will come for you". [Source](https://imgur.com/a/MQSoPch). Boy is that a threat, he really must be plotting something with that karma guy huh. +It’s no secret quant funds use a large spectrum of data as input to their trading algorithms. Satellite data, social sentiment, cargo ship tracking... + +What “alternative”, non traditional data is on your wish list? +#WSJ Wall St Journal just asked to interview me and I told them to no thanks -- shoddy journalism should not be rewarded and the gain of publicity is not worth feeding the monster of lazy editors and writers who get facts wrong. + +Until they give some assurances that they will be remotely attempting to be accurate everyone but the worst publicity hound should do the same. + +https://www.facebook.com/bruce.fenton.page/posts/10152091168788001 + +http://imgur.com/KCcj1LO + + +Update: reporter me sent a very nice note....I won't get into details as it wasn't public but he has convinced me he's a decent guy, WSJ issues were not his fault, and our association PR Head convinced me I was overly harsh.....we've agreed to start fresh ....I told him I'll do an interview on whatever they want anytime or give names of other Bitcoin Association members who might want to --- obviously we will watch carefully with anyone for accuracy +I'm in a tricky spot. My current salary is around $225k/year. This puts me well over the median salary for a first-year Harvard University MBA graduate ($160k/year). I know there are [people who make way more than that](http://fortune.com/2014/01/28/the-highest-and-lowest-paid-mbas/), but statistically speaking I will likely be closer to the median. Or I would just go back to my current job, which would be a waste of two-years of school, two-years of not getting paid, and an outrageous amount of tuition. + +Unfortunately I can't find any statistics about how much graduates are making 5, 10, and even 20 years down the line. + +Lastly, I am considering an Executive MBA program, and even that is basically for the networking opportunities. + +If you have an MBA, what's it been like for you? Has it been helpful in the long-run? + +Thank you! + +Edit: This has been really great, thank you all for the content!! + +I'm thinking I'll hold off for now and do more research. Paramount are the following: + +* Do a eMBA only if my company pays for it + +* Do an MBA at a really good school + +* Make sure that I have a career-path in mind, and get buy-in from managers at my current company + +* And, I may not need it after all. Definitely need to do a lot of research before I make any decisions. +Tell your story, where did you begin? Roughly how much money did you start with? What kind of support for you have? How much financial cushion did you have? + +Looking for ideas 👌 +Quick background: I'm 28 years old, single, currently live at home, $50k (and growing) ready to go toward a real estate investment, no debt, $90k+ income, looking to get into a multi-family real estate to kick off my real estate journey in North NJ. + +My goal would be to house hack. I am open to buying something and continuing living at home and working on quickly getting property number two. I haven't looked into single families much, but I would be open to a flip. I'm worried about not being able to secure financing for renovations to get the property turned around quickly. + +I've been looking to enter the real estate game with a multi-family in North NJ. I'm mainly looking at 3 and 4 family homes for the additional revenue. 2 families can be tough with the high asking prices and property taxes, but there are some out there (more below). Another reason is the numbers don't look as great as the 3 and 4 families, at least in my inexperienced eyes. + +**My analysis** + +\*\*These calculations do not factor in utilities or appreciation - obviously numbers will change + +I would appreciate a critique of these spreadsheets and what additional things I should take into account or may need to change. + +[Here's the quick and dirty spreadsheet for a 2 minute calculation when I get a listing e-mailed.](https://imgur.com/i8bIIAh) + +Two properties I looked into this week. I saw the duplex in person this morning. + +[3 unit - $575k](https://imgur.com/8tIanah) \- assumes current rent rate without garages and collecting full rent in year 3 + +The first property was a 3 unit. The owners accepted a conventional loan offer within 3-4 days and I couldn't even schedule a showing. Problem with this property is that it's located 1 block away from a chemical spill, EPA cleanup site. Selling agent wasn't aware of this. The town says it's all taken care of, but who knows what kind of problems can be lurking or develop in the future (health, trying to sell the property, etc.) The numbers looked fantastic. The building was apparently making $3,750 from the two main units and also had a studio apartment. There was a two car garage (dilapidated) that could pull additional income if fixed. The two units could easily generate $4k+ and if everything was renovated and in working order, I could see it pulling in $5.5-$6k a month. + +[2 unit - $285k](https://imgur.com/HfkxvSL) \- assume moving out in year two and collecting full rent + +The second property was a 2 unit foreclosure that went on the market about 6 days ago. Offers were due today and they already had multiple offers in, so there was no room for bidding lower. I approximated $285k for the price. I saw it in person this morning and it was in much worse condition than the pictures showed. I think $75k in work was on the low side and it could easily turn into a $100k+ project. I don't have an additional $100k for reno, I don't know if this property would qualify for FHA, and after all was said and done, I doubt it would fetch over $375-400k in that neighborhood. I don't know if dumping all that money into it would be worth it in the long run. + +Do these numbers make sense? The returns seems above average. Maybe they are that good and that's why these things are disappearing within a few days of going on the market. + +**Here's my problem and where I need help developing my strategy.** + +I feel like I have analysis paralysis. I'm looking at too many numbers and don't know wtf to do. What do you guys look at when determining if an investment property is worth it? + +Going apartment rates here for a decent unit can be anywhere from $1.5-2.2k. If I house hack, I obviously don't want to be paying much if anything toward my mortgage. Do I want to be paying a certain percentage of the going market rate? I've come across properties that might cost me less than $100 a month which seems like a no brainer. What if I'm paying only $1000 to live there? Less than the market and I'm building equity. + +Do I want to look strictly at cash flow? Does the 1% rule apply in NJ? I've noticed properties here that can potentially meet this rule of thumb usually require a lot of work. What's a good cash flow in NJ? Should I be looking for something more turnkey that's maybe only flowing $500 a month? + +Do I look at CoC return? A lot of these properties are offering 12%+ cash on cash return. With equity and appreciation, I might be look at 20-30%+. + +I guess I need to figure out how to make sense of the numbers in my market and then I'll know how to proceed. Am I being too greedy and looking for astronomical returns for my first property? + +Any NJ investors here that could offer me some market specific advice? +Back in July 2020 the IOHK team deployed the *Shelley* update and set d, the parameter that governs what percentage of transactions are processed by the genesis nodes, to 1.00. Every five days since then ADA has seen an increase of 2% (additively) in community block production. + +ADA is currently 98% decentralized and is on course to reach 100% decentralization on March 31st. This means that the 1800 already existing community pools will be responsible for creating **all** new blocks. Congrats to ADA and the holders for trying to keep crypto true to its purpose. + + +You can read more on this here: + https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2021/03/04/not-long-till-d-0-day/ + + +e: Seeing all the newcomer questions in the comments, just want to point out that this is almost 100% NOT gonna have any imapct on the price of the coin in the short term. +Just thinking that with the Bloomberg article, people who aren't familiar with the sub might try to check us out. If it's private, they won't see shit and get pissed off. Gives a good opportunity for a little bit of trolling. Bloomberg gets people's curiosity up, we crush it, and they get mad at Bloomberg. + +But it also serves another purpose. Bloomberg is trying to insinuate we are "manipulating" stocks inadvertently...though we doing nothing more than Jim Butt Cramer. But there could very well be a large number of people who use this sub for stock advice that aren't subbed or even signed into reddit. + +We're getting a lot of attention lately, and when that happens people want to control what's happening. This article is gonna be a lot more attention. But if there's nothing to show, interest will die off quick and we can open it back up. Just an autistic thought. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-18/billionaire-salinas-has-10-of-liquid-portfolio-in-bitcoin](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-18/billionaire-salinas-has-10-of-liquid-portfolio-in-bitcoin) + +Bitcoin has one of its wealthiest backers yet. + +[Ricardo Salinas Pliego](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/id/14012146), Mexico’s third-richest person, said in a Twitter post Tuesday he’s invested a chunk of his liquid assets in the world’s biggest cryptocurrency. + +“Many people ask me if I have bitcoins,” said Salinas, who has a $11.8 billion fortune through his stakes in retail, banking and broadcast businesses, according to the [Bloomberg Billionaires Index](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/). “YES. I have 10% of my liquid portfolio invested it.” + +Bitcoin is nearing record highs after more than doubling this year, partly driven by fears that major central bank easing and fiscal stimulus will debase currencies. The digital asset [advanced](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-17/bitcoin-tops-17-000-for-first-time-since-december-2017) for a third session Wednesday, outperforming most of its rivals to break above $18,000. Its performance has attracted some big Wall Street money managers including Fidelity Investments, which launched a Bitcoin fund over the summer, and macro investor [Paul Tudor Jones](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/id/1704916). + +In a series of tweets Tuesday, hedge fund founder [Ray Dalio](https://www.bloomberg.com/billionaires/id/1801626) questioned the cryptocurrency’s utility as a storehold of wealth, but [added](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-17/ray-dalio-says-he-might-be-missing-something-about-bitcoin): “I might be missing something about Bitcoin, so I’d love to be corrected.” + +Other wealthy Bitcoin backers include Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, the twins who are [now](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-11-06/winklevoss-twins-ride-bitcoin-surge-to-become-billionaires-again) worth about $1 billion each from the cryptocurrency’s surge, according to Bloomberg’s wealth index. + +Bitcoin’s gains have helped make up for Salinas’s business interests. Shares in his biggest listed asset -- conglomerate [Grupo Elektra SAB](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/ELEKTRA%2A:MM) \-- have slumped more than 10% this year, while those in the local [television network](https://www.bloomberg.com/quote/AZTECACP:MM) he and his family control have dropped almost 60%. + +A spokesman for Salinas didn’t immediately reply to an email and phone call seeking comment. + +Salinas, 65, who contracted Covid-19 last month, [said](https://twitter.com/RicardoBSalinas/status/1328895703486255104) in a later tweet he first invested in Bitcoin four years ago, adding he holds the balance of his liquid portfolio in precious metals miners. Salinas and his family have earned more than $500 million through dividends from their listed holdings in the past two decades, according to the Bloomberg’s wealth index. + +Salinas has also used Twitter to comment on the pandemic. He previously called for Mexico’s health officials to stop imposing “[authoritarian](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-15/mexican-billionaire-says-health-officials-are-wrecking-economy)” policies to contain the spread of virus and took to the site again to reveal his own diagnosis. + +“Take care of yourselves and do not be afraid,” he [said](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-15/mexican-billionaire-with-covid-says-we-ll-all-get-it-eventually) last month. “We’ll all have to get it, and we will be fine.” +[The Use of Knowledge in Society](http://www.aeaweb.org/aer/top20/35.4.519-530.pdf) + +> The author addresses the fundamental question of the nature of the economic +system and, in particular, its role in dealing with resource allocation when a fundamental knowledge base is distributed in small bits among a large population. +The knowledge needed includes consumer valuations, production relations, and +resource availabilities. In particular, general scientific principles, where expert +opinion might be best, are only a small part of the knowledge base. The author +argues for the importance of a price system in achieving coordination and effciency in resource use without implying an impossible aggregation of information +in a central place. +If you have a book about economics add it to the list. If you have time please include an amazon link and/or a general description of the book(s). + +Upvote quality books. + +[Here are some from a previous list](http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics/comments/eops0/reconomics_what_are_your_favorite_books_about/) +Had our offer (included a s66W) accepted yesterday 5:30pm. Got the wheels in motion for everything -- called the mortgage broker, had the deposit ready to go, finances approved, paid an additional urgent processing fee to the conveyancer to complete all paper work asap. + +At 1pm today, contacted the agent to update that we were ready to sign at 3pm and send 66W. Agent said ok. At 1:30, agent contacts me saying the vendors already accepted a higher offer AND the contracts have been exchanged with the other buyer. Gazumped in 20hrs. Agent didn't tell us anything about other purchaser, failed to inform us or provide us any opportunity to submit another offer. See [this](https://www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au/housing-and-property/buying-and-selling-property/buying-a-property/gazumping) explanation of gazumping if you don't know it. + +Could we have done anything different? Disappointed in the process, disappointed in the agent, wasted time and money on conveyancer, etc. This conduct should be unlawful imho. + +**Edit**: + +1. this was in **NSW**. +2. Property was meant to go to auction. Agent advised us the vendor is accepting offers prior to auction, and received 9 offers total (ours was highest, until the gazumpting...). +3. The purchaser who had 'gazumpted' us had already submitted an offer that was lower than ours (hence why our offer was accepted). +My banker is sadly in a coma (not Covid related) and I need some legit advice on what steps to take next. His secretary, understandably, is not wanting to refer clients elsewhere right now. She is also not comfortable giving advice so I thought I'd ask here... + +I have an $800k salary for 2020 with a $200k bonus (from 2019). My 2020 bonus will be announced in February of 2021 along with any raises. The raise immediately goes into effect but the bonuses pay out in June. + +I max out all of my retirement/401k/etc. contributions annually and currently have six-months salary saved up for emergencies. + +**Here are some details on my loans:** + +\-Law School Loans: $55k remaining at 3.5% at $387/month + +\-Mortgage: $472k remaining at 4% for 15-years at $3446/month (portfolio loan with taxes/insurance for 40-acres) + +\-2017 Volvo: $37k remaining at 3% at $1250/month + +\-Tractor: $35k remaining at 4% at $900/month + +**I have the following revolving lines of credit:** + +\-Neiman Marcus $15k (no balance) + +\-Nordstrom $20k (no balance) + +\-Citi Costco $50k (paid in full each month averages 2-3k) + +\-Line of Credit through bank $112k (no balance) + +**I have paid off the following in full so far in 2020**: + +\-Note loan (listed as mortgage on my credit report) for $90,001 + +\-2016 Volvo: at 5k + +\-Bad boy lawn mower (DIY lawn care) for $12k + +\-Partnership buy-in at: 90K + + **Here is what I need to know:** + +1) Given the state of things I want to be wise about how I need to proceed. My house is nice but we recently discovered that it needs updating. Should I pay cash? Should I take out a loan? Use my line of credit? I'm looking at around 150-200k in repairs/renovations. I paid $88k for the house itself and the majority of my mortgage is for the land. + + \- Septic bid is at 15k + +\- Foundation repair is at 40K + +\- In-ground propane tank at 5k + +\- Windows/doors at 50k + +\- New stucco at 40k + +\- New roof at 25-30k + +\- Rebuilding entry/walkways 10k + +2) In addition to those upgrades, I need to have my driveway repaired, additional fencing installed, a workshop for the farm equipment, and a barn for the animals. The bids are coming in at around $250k total. + +3) My concern is that I've heard that banks are not loaning out on home equity right now. I don't want to spend all of my cash despite knowing it will increase the property value (and overall function). + +4) I have some rather large purchases that I need to make in order to keep my farm operational: new tractor/implements (65k), trailer to pull tractor to repair shop as needed (15k), horse trailer (40K), truck capable of pulling those trailers (65-70k). Paying delivery fees or commercial haulers adds up fast. I would rather own these things myself but dont know when would financially be a good time to buy. + +5) My overall goal is to get the existing property/projects done so I can save/plan for a bigger nicer house for myself and my family. I have a nice spot on a hill that I'd like to build on. However, I don't know financially what I need to do in order to make that dream a reality. I know architects are expensive and I'll likely need to put a substantial amount of cash down. Any ideas on what I should be doing? This is all over my head. +18F, married, currently in school to be an x ray tech and will graduate in 2022 into a job making 40k a year. 9k in checking account, 1k in a Roth IRA and 11k in an ally bank high yield savings account. Planning on buying a car within the year but will pay cash and keep it around 3k or 4k and planning on buying a house in the next 5 years. No student debt. + +How much would be a reasonable amount to keep in my checking account? Should I just have enough for a month's expenses or keep everything I need for the big purchases this year? + +Also should I put more into my roth? + +Thanks everyone, I love this sub! +Anyone else riding this thing like there's no tomorrow? + +Bought shares at IPO, $9.69 (nice) basis. Sold one covered call then been selling all kinds of puts ever since and just bought a LEAP call today. IV has been high ever since it started moving, we had an epic IV crush overnight due to earnings, but IVR is still pretty tasty. Currently short the Dec18 13P, will sell another one or a 14P ASAP if we get a red day in this century. +Before the obligatory /r/ShitAmericansSay, I'm British and live in the UK. Now that's out the way let's begin. + +* the USD is a super strong world reserve currency. +* Most of the major tech companies in the world are American. +* US companies are global rather than regional which allows for massive growth. +* Startup culture in the US is highly encouraged and handsomely rewarded. +* The US is at the forefront of current and future industries (Space, AI, Pharma, FinTech, Robotics, Energy and more). + +Of course there are very brief periods where the US market becomes over invested and there's a small period of time where other countries outperform the US but in the **long run** the US always wins. They have been winning the investing war since the 1900's and I don't expect it to change any time soon. In fact I expect it to get much much stronger. + +Compare it to the UK for example where most tech companies remain private because we have dinosaur regulations that make it undesirable to go public. Seed money is hard to come by because investors prefer to invest in property over innovation. Any tech that we do actually create that's worth anything gets bought up by US companies. Combine this with a weak AF GBP / EUR currency and it makes investing in the US a no brainer. + +I know a lot of people will disagree with this post but I'm open to different opinions on why people believe the US won't continue on their current path of pure technological dominance. + +Just compare the charts of the US to the charts of the UK for example, it's astonishing how much the US indexes have grown compared to the UK. + +tl;dr The US is an innovation behemoth with boundless talent while the rest of world is being left behind in the dust. Sure there are specific individual companies scattered about the world which do something specific better than the US but from an index investing point of view, no country beats the US and no country ever will. The US is a powerhouse of ambition, dedication, talent and money. +Can anyone invest in over-the-counter stocks? I have seen various value investors in Twitter and elsewhere talk about the research they have done in regard to some micro-cap stocks, many of which I believe are over the counter. + +When I try to research these stocks I often can't seem to be able to look into them or buy them through my brokerage (I have Fidelity). Many of these stocks have funky names such as ([axl.mo](https://axl.mo), I made this name up). Do you need a brokerage such as Interactive Brokers? + +What are some key things to look into for micro-caps/over-the-counter stocks from a value investing perspective? + +I have been investing for a few years but am a complete newbie when it comes to micro-caps and over-the-counter stocks. +They seem to have steady revenue growth and earnings growth. They are paying down debt consistently(minus some debt incursion during 2020 covid shutdown). They've just started buying back shares, reducing outstanding shares for the first time last quarter. They seem to have slightly cut revenue and EPS guidance over the next few quarters but still profitable. They are currently trading at a 3.5 P/E. Whats the hidden traps in this company outside of the usual fact that investors hate brick and mortar retail? I haven't done too much research into them yet but wanted to open some discussion about them since I couldn't find any on here. +Can anyone invest in over-the-counter stocks? I have seen various value investors in Twitter and elsewhere talk about the research they have done in regard to some micro-cap stocks, many of which I believe are over the counter. + +When I try to research these stocks I often can't seem to be able to look into them or buy them through my brokerage (I have Fidelity). Many of these stocks have funky names such as ([axl.mo](https://axl.mo), I made this name up). Do you need a brokerage such as Interactive Brokers? + +What are some key things to look into for micro-caps/over-the-counter stocks from a value investing perspective? + +I have been investing for a few years but am a complete newbie when it comes to micro-caps and over-the-counter stocks. +Hi fellow investors have you seen this, and why do think he is selling ? + +[https://www.ft.com/content/bc7816bb-fbff-4b68-89f5-b186ad2e7ee8](https://www.ft.com/content/bc7816bb-fbff-4b68-89f5-b186ad2e7ee8) +Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else / what you guys think. + +I stopped thinking about the latest share price dictating the “value of my portfolio” because this isn’t necessarily true. Current price does not always equal the value. Instead I look at the latest price being what people are willing to buy or sell for right now. + +So one company in my portfolio I think wow people are buying shares at a very expensive price right now. + +Another I think, wow people are selling their shares for so little right now. + +Anyone else think like this? +Hey guys, I've always had this question ever since adopting the value investing mindset: how does passive investing make sense? We define passive investing as DCAing into a low cost cap-weighted index fund such as SPY and VOO. This is considered to be the magic formula these days, and everyone recommends it (including Buffet). However, if you look at it from a value investing standpoint, it doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me. For argument's sake we'll look at SP 500. A lot of companies in the SP 500 are over-priced, such as Tesla (and even GME was in the SP 500 at some point I think). I would never invest in such over-priced companies, so why would I invest in SP 500? Is it simply due to the simplicity, diversification and the emotion independence? Another interesting perspective is the SP 500 is sort of a buy high sell low scheme. Companies enter the SP 500 when its valuation is high and leaves once it's beaten down - again makes no sense from a value perspective. + +Then on the other hand, passive investing is proven to work and even fund managers have a hard time beating the market... + +I'm seeing a lot of contradictions here, can anyone shed some light? +So MSFT has shown strong growth in EPS without NRI for the last few years and a reverse DCF would imply the market is pricing it as if it will fail to do so in the future. I think this like BRK.B trading under $300. I intend to buy, but what to hear the contrary arguments. Who disagrees and why? +Honest company is one of the companies that had terrible share price performance. Since its IPO back in May 2021, the share price is down almost 75%. + +Jeremy from Financial Education covered it in a couple of his videos and I decided to take a dive deep at it myself. There's one topic that I'd like to mention before I start with the analysis and valuation. + +As humans, we should be able to respectfully disagree and that is okay. There are plenty of negative and hateful comments and that doesn't add value to anyone. When valuing companies, everybody makes assumptions about the future regardless of the approach that is used. Nobody knows what the future brings and we're all going to be wrong with our assumptions. The goal is to be less wrong than the market. + +As always, the video is available for those who prefer to watch: [https://youtu.be/60gp9HK3E94](https://youtu.be/60gp9HK3E94) + +**What is Honest company?** + +Honest is a company that formulates, designs, and sells clean products with a focus on sustainability and thoughtful design. + +They're reporting three different segments and each one has a different purpose: + +1. Diaper and wipes - Although the products are self-explanatory, this is the segment that is used as a customer acquisition tool. It might sound strange, but here's my rationale. When most people go out to buy shoes or clothes, most of us have some sort of a relationship built with certain brands (as well as opinions about brands that are not as good). For a new start-up shoe company to grab our attention, is a difficult task. However, new parents do not have built a relationship with diaper-related brands, so Honest has an almost equal chance to grab the attention of all other brands in this segment. This segment accounts for 63% of all revenue (historical growth was 16% in 2020 and 7% in 2021). +2. Skin and personal care - This is the second segment and the success of the company depends on it. It depends on the new products that are introduced, the acceptance by the customers, and the shelf space that they get in the stores. This segment accounted for 32% of all revenue (historical growth was 36% in 2020 and 28% in 2021). +3. Household & Wellness - The last segment is not their core business, it is related mainly to the sale of sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizers, and disinfecting spray. As expected, the sales increased significantly during 2020 and declined in 2021. Currently, this segment represents only 5% of the total revenue and is expected to further decline. + +**The margins** + +Their gross margin is around 35%, which is acceptable for a company in this industry. + +Roughly 50% of the sales come through their digital channel, which is not surprising due to the nature of these products. Buying diapers is a relatively simple activity and it doesn't require any examination prior to purchase. + +However, the 35% margin is not sufficient to cover their SG&A, Marketing, and R&D expenditures, yet. Its operating margin is -12%, which is not surprising for a young and growing company. + +&#x200B; + +**Financial position** + +The company has a relatively simple balance sheet and one that's small in size. There are two main points to be noted: + +1. The cash position as of December 31st is roughly $100m, which is sufficient to sustain losses for the next 3-4 years. +2. The company has no debt apart from capital leases of around $40m. + +&#x200B; + +**What's next?** + +The analysts are forecasting 0% revenue growth in 2022, mainly due to the expected decreased sales of sanitizing products, which is offset by an increase in revenue in their two main segments. That doesn't mean the company is no longer growing. As for 2023, the expected growth is around 10%. + +&#x200B; + +**Valuation - key assumptions** + +As the valuation is based on certain assumptions, here are mine: + +**Revenue growth -** 0% next year, followed by 8% up until year 5, then decrease to the risk-free rate of 2.41%. + +**Operating margin** \- negative 8% for next year, improving slowly over time, up to 18% in 8 years from now (close to industry average) + +**Discount rate** \- 11% (Based on WACC) + +**Outcome** \- The company's fair value is $519m ($5.67/share) - slightly undervalued based on my assumptions. + +&#x200B; + +**What if my assumptions are wrong?** + +Based on my assumption, the company's revenue will grow by 70% in 10 years. However, I could be wrong. + +So here are a couple of different scenarios related to the revenue and operating margin 10 years from now. + +&#x200B; + +|Revenue / Op. margin|16%|18%|20%| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|50% ($478m)|$4.5|$5.2|$5.8| +|70% ($543m)|$5.0|$5.7|$6.4| +|200% ($956m)|$7.7|$8.9|$10.1| +|300% ($1.3b)|$9.8|$11.3|$12.8| + +Jeremy's assumptions are somewhere between the last two rows, however, he is very optimistic also about the margin (expects a net margin of almost 17%, that's close to a 22% operating margin). In that case, the fair value is close to $12/share today. + +Does that mean that he's wrong? Of course not, his assumptions about the future of Honest are different than mine and that's okay. We can disagree respectfully. + +I hope you enjoyed the post, feel free to add your take on the company and provide feedback. +Would you say that putting 100% of my money in BRK.B would be a safe place to put my savings and retirement? + +I was thinking that I'm not so good at valuing individual stocks, and don't want to deal with dividends on taxes (primarily because I'm a digital nomad and can be subject to the tax laws of other countries), and that just putting it all into BRK.B would be the best way to go for me. + +What is the worst thing that can happen if I simply let it all ride on BRK.B and treat it like a savings account? + +Update as of Jan 21, 2022, I'm currently all in on BRK.B, because I don't see any other stable options that do not pay a dividend. People keep suggesting the S&P 500, but it pays a dividend and so it's not something I can touch. +This is an established company selling at a 6.26 PE, 15.5 P FCF. Their revenue has been consistent over the last years. It has not been a stellar performance and the car market is extremely competitive and capital intensive business, but they improved the margins recently. I feel that some car companies have been ignored over the EV hype and Honda is one of them. + +Above all, their current price is 28.47$/share and their tangible book value per share is 44.42$. You are basically paying 64 cents for 1$. I feel that this is a Ben Graham bargain. + +Am I missing something? +I have 126 shares of Jepi getting me ~60$ a month. + +I could: +1. Get another share of Jepi every month, snowballing this. (The idea of getting a share a month sounds tempting.) +2. Take the div and put it into something else. I’m thinking a Vanguard etf (Voo/vti) or some utility stocks/etfs. +3. Just take the divs out of the market for some spending cash.(This is my least favorable of the options.) + +More context, I’m in my 20’s and don’t plan on retiring for another 30-40 years. +I’ve been on this sub for a decent amount of time and appreciate the conversations and advice I’ve seen on here. So, any discussions or advice is appreciated. + +Thank you all! +They also declared a .52 quarterly dividend, ex-div 1/7/2022, payable 2/1/2022. + +What happens to Discovery stock after merger? +(AT&T) and Discovery, Inc. ... AT&T shareholders will receive stock representing 71% of the new company, and Discovery shareholders will own 29% of the new company. AT&T expects to significantly reduce its debt as a result of the transaction.Nov 5, 2021. + +Warner Bros. Discovery to Trade as “WBD” on Nasdaq as Filing Discloses New Merger Details +The company shared the information in a regulatory filing Thursday afternoon. + +BY +GEORG SZALAI, ALEX WEPRIN +NOVEMBER 18, 2021 3:20PM + +There were other hiccups, including negotiations with the Newhouse family over compensation for giving up preferred shares, discussions around Zaslav’s new contract and whether AT&T would be willing to agree to not take higher offers for WarnerMedia from other parties, but ultimately the deal was sealed early in the morning of May 17, at AT&T’s Dallas headquarters + +The filing also detailed that the merged entity’s planned stock symbol will be “WBD” and that the stock will trade on the Nasdaq + +NEWS +“Taxes Destroy Value”: Why AT&T Is Using a Reverse Morris Trust in the WarnerMedia-Discovery Deal +As AT&T plans to spin off WarnerMedia to then merge it with Discovery, it's turning to a deal structure that's been used just a handful of times in the media industry. + +The fact that famously tax-averse media mogul John Malone, Discovery’s largest shareholder, has used the structure in the past is a tip-off to its key benefit, says Moody’s analyst Neil Begley. “It’s all about making it tax-free to the seller and shareholders,” he explains. “It’s as plain as that.” + +I’m trying to get a better understanding of energy/ commodities and energy companies. Between Exxon and Chevron, which one would you choose to invest in? + +Also, what are the major differences between these two companies? Based on my research, they seem extremely similar. I’m not too familiar with anything oil/ gas wise. I’ve been trying to find a easy to understand short summary of what they do. + +What are these two companies doing to change their business model to better prepare for the decline in use of fossil fuels for energy. I don’t think oil/ gas/ coal are going anywhere anytime soon tbh but long term like 10+ years I think we will be way less reliant on them as main energy sources. + +If you have any other energy company recommendations, I would be happy to learn about those as well. + +Thank you! +EDIT: I have 6 derogatory marks on my credit report (most of them from an operation I had when I didn't have insurance - they're in collections and according to my report, were opened in very early 2017 - I called the collection agency and I explained my situation and they said if I pay in full and set up payments, they will remove it from my report - if I settle, it stays and says "paid in full" - I took the removed from report option). My oldest account is from 2014, so I think I'm just going to ether dispute that one or let it fall off. + +I have two lines of credit on my report. A credit card from 2007 which I was extremely delinquent on (but I paid off in 2009) and my student loan, which I've missed 8 payments on out of 33. I am attempting to call them to lower payments and I made myself promise to stay on time with my payments. + +Lastly, I can't open a regular credit card at the moment because my credit SUCKS, so it appears my only option is a secured credit card. My bank offers a secure credit card IF I fail the regular credit card application process. I know a hard inquiry hurts your score, but to me it seems worth it for a minor reduction in score to get a new line of credit. The only thing I can think of is maybe get a contracted phone since they report to the credit agencies (AT&T) and try to stay on time with them. I don't have the means to get financed for a car because, well, my credit sucks, so unless I have a huge down payment I'm screwed there too. + +I just want to know if this is even possible. My options right now are staying current with a loan and getting a secured credit card. I do have some debt I could pay off that was opened early 2017, but I don't know how much paying it will help my score. + +I see how to improve score in the Wiki but I don't see much about the relative success and possibility of bringing up a really low score. + +Am I screwed for life? + + +There’s been a lot of back and forth regarding the Evergrande default fiasco and where it currently stands. I’d like to make a brief post to clear some things up. + + +What has happened: + +In September and October multiple interest payments were missed by Evergrande only to be paid off in the “11th hour” when a deal was struck to offer alternate payments. The details of this deal were/are still unknown. + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-evergrande-makes-overdue-interest-payment-on-dollar-bonds-state-media-says-11634869419 + + +A German company by the name of DMSA (https://www.dmsa-agentur.de/) purchased $ bonds from Evergrande to provide transparency as to the validity of these payments. + + +What’s happening: + +On 11/10 Evergrande met the limit of their grace period to make payments on these dollar bonds, and thus was no longer protected from litigious reproach. + + +DMSA, who is claiming they have not received payment, moved forward with default proceedings stating not only that they did not get paid, but they expect Evergrande to be insolvent within days of the proceedings. See press release for details : https://www.dmsa-agentur.de/download/20211110_DMSA_EVG_PM_en.pdf + + +After this news Bloomberg along with other Finance News Agencies reported the contrary, that these payments were intact made. + +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-10/evergrande-said-to-pay-delayed-interest-on-at-least-two-bonds + + + +Where we are now: + +https://www.linkedin.com/posts/dr-marco-metzler-403341163_evergrande-has-officially-defaulted-german-activity-6864475010753404928-Gqak + +The managing founder of DMSA has reached out via LinkedIn claiming Bloomberg is lying, and is / has been mis reporting the potentially invalid claims that payments have been made. + +I e-mailed DMSA to follow up and received the following response. + +“Hello Redacted, +please follow the latest news from Dr Marco Metzler on linkedin. There is no more information right now. +Best regards +Inga + +Von meinem iPhone gesendet” + + +So as of right now, the creditor who has stated and sought legal reproach from Evergrande has stuck to their guns and is continuing to say Evergrande has defaulted. + + +Personal opinion: + +Lots of high level bullshittery is happening and Bloomberg may be complicit in a financial cover up if they are intentionally misrepresenting the facts. + + +TL:DR: Evergrande HAS defaulted, until DMSA/ the courts say otherwise. + + +UPDATE: + +Although Evergrande has officially defaulted, let it be said that DMSA was misrepresenting their position. The reason they were not paid was because they did not fall within the coupon date, no one responded to his request. Now he’s gone full crackpot sellout. Be careful out there. + + + +Disclaimer + +I do not provide personal investment advice and I am not a qualified licensed investment advisor. I am an amateur investor. + +All information found here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts, commentaries, suggestions, or stock picks, expressed or implied herein, are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only and should not be construed as personal investment advice. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies. + +I will not and cannot be held liable for any actions you take as a result of anything you read here. + +Conduct your own due diligence, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. Any investments, trades, speculations, or decisions made on the basis of any information found on this site, expressed or implied herein, are committed at your own risk, financial or otherwise. +I noticed that my phone bill was $20 higher this month. I logged into my mobile provider account and saw a third phone listed on my account. My phone and my wife's phone were still there, but a third phone, iPhone XR, was added in mid-December. It was listed as an upgrade, and that I owe $799 in $20 monthly installments to pay it off. I contacted my mobile provider, and they informed me that it was purchased in a far away state that I've never visited. They said the authorization was done at the store using my driver's licence. The information about my license sounds correct. However, they can see that the phone has never been activated/utilized as connected to my account. The billing address on my account was changed to a place in a third state I lived long ago (2012) that matches what is on the license. The license itself is still in my possession and is valid, but this is not my proper billing address. I am not sure how this information could have gotten out. Is it possible a duplicate was made/found? + +The mobile provider has initiated a fraud form, and said it will take 7-10 days. What else should I be doing right now to see what other theft may be happening, and how can I best protect myself going forward? Is this a common scam? Thank you. + +Edit - I viewed my credit report and I did not see anything else strange. + +Edit2 - Thank you so much to everyone who responded. I'll definitely be taking a lot of the advice. Also, I'll follow-up when I hear back from my provider. + +Edit 3 - My provider refunded the money and removed the phone from my account. Was ~3 day process. + +&#x200B; +My coke dealers are all doing bad; back on rent, asking me for adderall, and even my weed man is hurting. How are your drug dealers doing? (I promise I’m not FBI) +It is simple, it is ILLEGAL 👀 activity and they can't SPEAK 🤐 about it most likely because INVESTIGATION is ONGOING, and if they did speak about it, it would hurt the INVESTIGATION . It is HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED financial CRIME, and they need to have SOLID EVIDENCE before they bring people into questioning, also questioning would be behind closed doors and we only will find out about the details after they can PROVE it, there's alot of people bashing GG after he's been with us just for 3 weeks, investigation takes time, but anyways that's just my opinion and we should stop discussing this matter because it's causing FUD, Hodl my fellow APES and APETTES , and remember DFV is holding with us! 💎 👐 + +Edit: also they can see that we are stressed about the conversation so they can easily use it against us to spread further FUD + +Edit 2: there's a lot people saying that naked shorting is legal and stuff, what I mean about the investigation that there's more to it than naked shorting, the whole thing is so complex it's not easy to untangle all the mess, I am more than confident that they working on it, there's a big reason we having these meetings, conferences, sec rules setting in place ect, imo they only showing us that they doing what they can without making USA financial system look not credible to the rest of the world, remember these hearings are online and they will be there untill Internet Exist, 🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit 3: thank you for awards apes, I convert them into gme shares 🚀🚀🚀🚀💎👐 + +Edit 4: some of us mentioning that the whole system is corrupt, let me say this + + I always think deeply about that there's two sides of a coin, with no exception, you see we constructed these financial institutions as a result of our collective Co operation, we are working on it for hundreds of years (thousands of years) , and because these systems are so highly complex there's always will be parasites 👾, so as there's always be apes 🦧, co existing with parasites 👾, it's ying and yang ☯️, one cannot exist without the other 🤔 we strive by facing challenges and eventually we own them, whatever the outcome, otherwise we would be already extinct 🤯, + +Edit 5: OK this is getting alot of up votes ⬆️, thank you so much for reading 🙏 , I'm just saying my thoughts 💭 here because I can see a lot of people are angry in this sub, so am I 😡 , but especially in the markets I'm learning to track my emotions, fear, anger, greed etc.. When I notice these emotions I try to make sense of it and no matter what, stay focused. after all this fckery I know one thing for sure, because of retail investors few businesses are saved, we already won by not letting them bankrupt GME, even if squeeze won't happen ( I think will squeeze ) value of GME will be 600 $ at minimum in the future, and what I'm trying to say by getting angry and emotional we not changing the outcome, remember why we are invested in this great company, Power to the players! +Hello AusFinance, long time lurker first time poster. I (F34) have built a successful career for myself in a creative field, which was my dream job since I was a child. When I say success, I mean that I am working at the top level of my field, and there is no room to grow. I can of course diversify my income streams and get into things like teaching, but that would be quite a different skillset to what I actually do. + + +For all of this, I make between 50k in a bad year to 80k in a good year (pre tax, no super). When I picked this career, I was young and didn’t really understand the financial implications of my choice. Now at 34, I am not sure if I’ve made a bad choice, and whether it is too late to turn things around. + + +I live a very simple life with minimal expenses with my partner (who also works in the same low paying field as me), and am happy for now; I rent an apartment that I can easily afford, I don’t own a car, and don’t really spend big on anything. So while I don’t make much, I’m financially comfortable right now. It has taken a lot of time and effort for me to get here; I was struggling until I was about 29, the last few years I’ve worked so, so hard to save up a bunch, and gotten my career to the place it is at now. + + +With all of that said, I wonder though if what I’m currently doing is sustainable, or realistic going forward. I hung out with some friends over the weekend, and they all have kids and houses and all the "regular" 30-something things. I want kids one day (soon), and I just can’t imagine how I’d be able to achieve that financially. One of my friends was talking about enrolling her kid in private school, and another mentioned buying a larger house. I know comparison is the thief of joy, but I just feel so behind. All of these things like starting a family, buying a house, didn’t matter to me when I chose this career, but I am afraid that despite being comfortable and liking my lifestyle right now, I might struggle in the future with kids in the picture. + + +Since there is no room for direct growth within my current career, I’ve thought about finding a more stable job. But I don’t know what career I could possibly switch to at this point. I have been a freelancer my entire adult life, and I don’t have any other skills, and have never worked in any sort of office or regular job setting, except some retail jobs in uni. If I wanted to increase my earnings, what would I even do? + + +I’m sorry this is a bit ramble-y. But I guess I am asking if anyone else has been in a similar position, and if so, how did things turn out? Do you regret pursuing a dream job with low pay? Also taking suggestions for career options for people who have to start over with no experience in their 30s. +I currently own a unit in a 12 unit condo building in Chicago and the news came out today that they are building this [CASINO](https://blockclubchicago.org/2022/05/05/chicago-casino-will-be-ballys-in-river-west-at-former-tribune-publishing-plant-lightfoot-announces/) about a block away from me. Like, I can literally see this space from my window. + +While it's not just a casino and will offer additional amenities, riverfront access and improved infrastructure (hopefully). Honestly, the current site is a huge eye sore, waste of space but I'm concerned about the impact the casino will have on my property value and overall quality of life. + +Not sure if any type of similar scenarios have played out like this before but if you were in my shoes what would you do? + +Try to sell right away? + +Hold to see if the value will increase? + +Hold to make a short term rental or long term rental? HOA currently allows both + +Carry on and not care? + +Appreciate any input here- TIA! +Question for everyone. I have a 4 unit, and rents are $650, $650, $625, $525. The $625 is month to month (will increase soon).. the $650 just signed after previous rent of $600 (prior seller.. I took over 7 months ago) didn’t raise their rents since 2020. + +The question - The tenant who pays $525 has been a renter since 2016, and hasn’t had increase since. He’s a good tenant, and could stay long term (been there already 6 years). He’s too low right now. I want to get him to $650 to be same as everyone else and standardize things (market rent is $675-700). I am just not sure if going from $525 to $650 is aggressive. + +The issue is I have to bridge 6 years of no rent payments fast, as expenses are rising costs of utilities, property maintenance, etc. + +I was thinking I take him to $600 and increase again next year… that way I’m meeting half way w hopes of having him stay (no turnover) + +Or just take him to $650, and if he moves he moves. Not ideal, but also not ideal to not make $ on investments. + +Thoughts? +Bigger Pockets has a tool that allows you to plug in some numbers and it spits out cash on cash return, roi, etc. Has anyone made an excel spreadsheet similar to this? +I started investing in real estate about 18months ago. My score was excellent when I started but I’ve had 5 inquiries since then (bought 3 properties and opened 2 credit cards). + +As expected, my score dipped a little with every inquiry and even more once the new loan accounts hit my report. It typically takes 4-5months to get back up. The bank told me that the credit report is good for 4months and I can avoid multiple inquiries if I apply for another loan within that timeframe but I’ve had legitimate reasons for not being able to buy properties back to back (e.g. high competition and unexpected setbacks) + +Right now, my score is back up from the last purchase (not as high as 18months ago but still high 700s) but my rating on inquiries reads “fair”. I’m not too concerned about this as long as the bank would still give me a loan at a decent rate. + +Does anyone have any experience with this? Will the number of inquiries hurt my chances and/or rates? +There’s something encoded on the back of this NFT GameStop created! https://nft.gamestop.com/token/0x0c589fcd20f99a4a1fe031f50079cfc630015184/0x8a1967f5f93da038ad570a5244879031d010b8efa5c95eadcdf7df0f8cfbd25c +Son spends all his money on gaming and Warhammer and fully admits he knows he would spend it recklessly if he had his hands on it. Amount would be approx £14,000. He has another children’s account which his grandparents have been putting into of approx £4,500; he doesn’t have access to at the moment. I suggested driving lessons and a car with the smaller account but he doesn’t seem interested in that. I admit I am not keen on him having a spending spree with my hard earned contributions. What have other parents done with their child’s Trust fund? +I lost 200 k today on $CCIV, No I am not okay, I feel sick to my stomach and no I can’t just wait it out they were March calls for $40 they were ITM when I bought them. I am genuinely gonna get sick, with the news coming in after hours screwed me up because I couldn’t do anything. I am genuinely feeling suicidal now. I didn’t expect a -30% drop and I have never seen anything like it. + +I can’t sleep or think, if I sell my calls at open tomorrow I will be down 200k+ if not more with the IV crush, I am not in my right mind so need some outside input what is the best play here? Roll them? Can’t lie ending my life over this seems easier right now. + +Ever since the post market has closed I haven’t been able to even get up and move just reading on my computer and I can’t stop because I feel so sick. + +**Edit 1: Thank you everyone for your kind words that remind me that I will get through this loss, I know this has set me back majorly but it’s not all over yet and I will Prosper again with more opportunities in the future. As of now I will just wait till the storm passes.** +Good morning everyone, I'm a fellow european investor (22) and I recently invested my first few money in ETFs, using DEGIRO. + +I have a quite solid basic understanding of how ETFs work and how they can be very profitable on the long term (that's what I'm currently aiming for) and since I also started working a couple months ago, I already have savings plan to invest as much as possible. + +However, I have quite a few doubts about my next moves. The fact is that, as I already said, I only have a basic understanding of ETFs and the market and that makes me kind of fear what's going on in the world at the moment. It looks like everything is really unstable politically and therefore economically (see hong kong, brexit, usa-china tensions and basically everything Trump does). + +To sum up, on one hand I'm very eager to save money and invest them buying more ETF shares, on the other hand I'm a bit afraid about the direction the world is heading towards (also taking into account the whole climate crysis thing). Therefore I am wondering, is all this present chaos just meaningless to the long term and I can keep investing and holding, or is it actually a bad moment and I should stand by and see how things turn? + +I realize that what I'm asking may be very subjective but I'd be glad to hear all of your opinions, also to learn much more about the market and the world actuality itself. + +Thanks for your replies and have a great day! + +P.S. sorry for not perfect english but i'm pretty sure I explained myself decently :) +29 years old currently living in VHCOL California + +\- 600K investment portfolio (mostly index funds) + +\- 20K crypto + +\- 600k investment property + +\- 240K 401k/IRA + +\- 150K Cash + +\- 0 debt + +Working in tech in SF currently making 220K/year in base (+280k/year in paper RSUs = \~500K/year). + +Looking to buy a house within the near 1-2 years and have no idea whats a number that I am comfortable with 20% down. I do plan on working for at least the next 10 years. +Telegram: https://t.me/STJUDEBSC + +Website: https://judebsc.info/ + +Jude Twitter: https://twitter.com/bscjude + +I am Wesley Nguyen +27 Years of age and currently live in Maryland US. +I am married with two young children and have two dogs. +I currently serve as a US Army Soldier. I have been serving in the United States Army for over 7 years. My I have many hobbies and interest. My favorites hobbies at the moment are building computers, playing basketball and hanging out with my family. + +1. Why did you start BSC JUDE? + +I have been trading crypto for many years now. I have invested into many projects. All of the projects I have found never really had any purpose. I wanted to make a token with a purpose. One of my mentors at my current organization devotes his personnel time to give back to others. He has inspired me to do the same. Sometimes it is hard to donate ones time and effort to help others if nothing is given in return. JUDE BSC is an avenue for people who want to help donate but also receive a token of appreciation in return. As our community grows the ones who have invested will see their JUDE tokens grow in value. + +2. What token did you fork your contract from? + +The contract from JUDE was purchased through a website that develops smart contracts for payment. I purchased the contract via coin tool. + +3. Why was there a mint function in the contract and are you gonna make more token? + +The mint function was in the smart contract when I purchased it. I never planned to produce more tokens. I have renounced ownership of the contract. This means the mint function can not be used by anyone. No new JUDE tokens can be added to the circulating supply. + +4. What is the total supply? + +The max starting Supply was: 100,000,000,000,000 +The total supply as of now is : 90,713,124,328,801 +Burned Tokens : 9,286,875,671,199 + +5. Was there a presale? + +No, It was a fair launch on pancake swap + +6. How did people find out about JUDE on launch day? + +Most of JUDE early investors were in one of the same projects that I invested in. The Devs abandoned the project and scammed the members. I told members of that community that I was launching a token of my own. They put their trust in me and invested on launch day. + +7. Are LP tokens locked? + +Yes, LP 74 percent of all LP tokens are locked in dxsale for six months. I will continue to lock more LP tokens as they accumulate in the donation/LP wallet. I will continue to extend the lock timer as the project grows. + +https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=1&add=0xe5B6a1bbA73E07eBe6044e2aD6d00E1E6f40740d&type=lplock&chain=BSC + +https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0xe5B6a1bbA73E07eBe6044e2aD6d00E1E6f40740d&type=lplock&chain=BSC + +8. How do the donations get to St Jude? + +Donations as of now are handled by myself. On every transaction 4% of the total coins in the transaction go to the donation wallet. I have to slowly sell those coins back to the exchange to produce money for LP and Donations. Half will go to donations and half will go to LP. Once I have BNB for the donations I have to send it to a trust wallet convert the Smart chain BNB to BNB, send that BNB to binance, convert BNB to Bitcoin. Send that Bitcoin too Coinbase. Sell the Bitcoin for USD. Deposit to a bank and then make the donation via debit card on our fundraiser page. Our team will develop a better way to make donations. This is how I have been doing it as of now. This is the donation/LP wallet address +0xe5B6a1bbA73E07eBe6044e2aD6d00E1E6f40740d + +9. What are your plans for marketing? + +I have already paid for many marketing promotions. I have used my own funds for this. We have several tiktok promotions, shill post in telegram groups, pricebot ads and one current youtube video. I am in talks with other YouTube influencers to make more. + +I know travel is big in the FI community, and I completely understand the appeal. Personally though I'm more than satisfied with one two week international trip every 12-16 months (if it wasn't for my gf it would probably be more like every 16-24 months). + + +On the other hand, I'm obsessive about my hobbies and love spending money on nice things. I like fashion and buying nice clothes (I avoid paying full retail). I like nice furniture. I like home automation. Fancy mechanical keyboards, etc. I'm not into cars or anything like that, so my hobbies aren't egregiously expensive, and I don't buy shit for the sake of it, but I do like having nice things. Because my hobbies aren't horribly expensive, I can generally afford the top of the line. + + +I think a balance is important of course, we habituate to nice things a lot faster than we forget fond memories of good experiences, but I find myself getting more happiness from things than from travel in general. + + +So I guess my question is this: if we have a finite amount of $$ to split between luxuries in FI (travel, things), I think I'd find myself allocating a larger portion of that to stuff than the average person here. Where does everyone else fall on that continuum? +I think animations really help explain some of the more complicated tax stuff involved in early-retirement strategies and US retirement accounts. I made this one to explain the Backdoor Roth contribution, how it allows you to bypass IRA income limits, and how the pro rata rule works. + +# The Video: [Backdoor Roth and Pro Rata Rule Explained](https://streamable.com/61bep) + +The video is hosted on streamable, so there's no self promotion, branding, or monetization on my part. Just want to share the content. + +[Previous animated diagram on the Roth Conversion Ladder](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/azltaq/animated_diagram_explaining_the_roth_conversion/) + +^(All of this only applies to the U.S. System!) +One of my clients is Enrique Abeyta -- super cool and interesting guy. He has been in the hedge fund business for over 25 years, but also owns *Revolver* and *Inked* magazines -- so kind of a heavy metal head. I was reading through one of this client newsletters today because I'm doing a project for him, and this REALLY stuck out. I thought I would share it with you guys as I thought it was an amazing psychological trick. + + + +>I spend a lot of time thinking about human behavior and psychology and how these relate to investing. +> +>One of the most influential things I ever learned about psychology came from a book I read about Japan while studying as an undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. +> +>Growing up as a teenager in the late 1980s, Japan was the place to be. The country’s economy was booming, and people were buying up every piece of real estate they could. +> +>Japan even began to seep into U.S. pop culture… For instance, legendary comic book writer and film director Frank Miller incorporated many elements of Japanese culture in his *Daredevil* comic book series. +> +>As a 17-year-old, I became enamored with everything related to Japan – from ninjas to comics to sushi and everything in between. +> +>Naturally, this played a significant role in my choice for my college majors… So in addition to majoring in finance at the Wharton School of Business, I decided to double-major in Japanese. +> +>The Japanese major required the most credits of any major at Penn. In addition to the language classes, it immersed us in the country’s culture and literature. +> +>Of everything we read, the work that resonated with me the most with me was Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s classic book from the late 1600s, titled *Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai*. +> +>The book is somewhat controversial because it was considered to be one of the underpinnings of the fascist regime of Japanese army general Hideki Tojo and Japanese imperialism. +> +>Tsunetomo wrote the book during a period when traditional samurai culture was being suppressed. Critics argued that the book represented a nostalgic view of samurai culture, rather than a realistic one. Despite the controversy, it’s still a fascinating read that distills the psychology of intensely violent periods in human history and how we as humans deal with the psychological stress of conflict. +> +>The most important concept from *Hagakure* is the idea of “living though one was already dead.” In short, this meant that being an effective warrior required a mindset where you believed you were already dead – and therefore, you wouldn’t fear death. +> +>This allowed samurai warriors to act freely and rationally during combat, which improved their mental clarity and reduced their chances of dying. +> +>This is an incredibly powerful idea, and one that you can use to become a much better investor. Let me explain… +> +>As you go to buy a stock, you decide how much of your portfolio to put into it, based on a number of factors (liquidity, earnings growth, potential catalysts, etc.). +> +>But as I’ve written before, as investors, we buy *stocks*, not *companies*. Stocks have far more volatility than their underlying businesses do. In other words, while the value of the business may not fluctuate a lot, the stock can. +> +>It stands to reason that if the stock you buy goes lower – assuming there’s no real change in the business’ fundamentals – you should make it a larger position. (This is the reasoning behind the principle of “buy low, sell high.”) +> +>“What the heck do samurais have to do with all of this?” you might be wondering. +> +>If you go into buying a stock with the mindset that you’ve already lost money on it – in other words, that you’re living as though you’re already dead – then if it actually falls, it won’t feel nearly as bad. +> +> **By accepting the possibility of failure and thinking like a samurai, you’ll be in the position to make better investment decisions.** +They’ve been able to get bailouts before in 2008 and during the early years of the pandemic. So with news of the Omicron variant they’re hoping that enough people assume that that will be the result of a massive crash and not Wall Street’s greed and corruption so that they can get bailouts and continue doing what they’ve always been doing. + +But enough is honestly enough. + +If that crash comes to be, we’ll have had 4 total economic disasters in just two decades as a result of Wall Street’s greed and corruption; all the while they get bailed out on the money they’ve already stole enough or from the 99%. + +And now that we’ve mostly adapted to the pandemic by now, if they try to give the excuse that a single virus took down the entire economy and not the fact that they propped up the economy off debt and lies that all came crashing down once they were tested, they need to be held accountable for their actions. +My neighbor is getting evicted in 6 days by the county for years worth of fines for violations. The bill is $7,000. He has offered to sign the house over to me if I pay the 7k and let him live there until he dies. He is 74 and in terrible health. The home needs a roof badly and other various repairs but would make a good rental. The land is worth approx 65k if there was no structure on it. Is this a good investment opportunity? Could family contest this after he passes and take away the home and I lose any money I did for repairs or upkeep? +I’m not pessimist, but I’ve been following the dark shit in this world for longer than I would like to admit. I am also going to say I am completely biased and 100% rooting for GME is bust out and for this community to accomplish its goal. + +That being said, what makes everyone so confidant “this time is different”? There isn’t anything as guarded as international finance. The type of upheaval that gme would trigger will disrupt or shut down the market potentially. Who here honestly thinks from historical precedent there won’t just be some SEC swoop in/bail out like there *literally has been every other time* something threatens to destabilize the economy? I’m not trying to hate, I legitimately am curious as to what people here think will happen? If the government is willing to bail out the car companies, airline industry, enron, Freddie may/Fannie Mac…like..why is everyone convinced this is different? +[U.S. Retailers Plan to Stop Paying Rent to Offset Virus](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-24/u-s-retailers-plan-to-stop-paying-rent-to-offset-virus-closures) + +&#x200B; + +With stores closed, retailers can't pay rent. On top of that, retail employs a massive amount of people, many of them renters themselves. If these workers are not getting paid, I imagine they can't pay their rent either. However, Real Estate fixed expenses are not going away (mortgages, taxes, maintenance, depreciation, etc..) + +Curious to see what are the thoughts of the Real Estate FIRE on the current situation specially the ones who used leverage to buy properties and generate cash flow. +The shareholder meeting is approaching. +As many of you know, in the past days there was the crypto meeting in Miami… lots of legit stuff, but we’ve all seen some idiots which get more media attention than the reasonable investors… +So apes, please!!! Please!!! If you are lucky enough to take part in the shareholder meeting of our beloved gme, behave! Be fucking have!! We need good media attention and certainly not people running on stage, screaming to the moon and shit!! +I’m sure a lot of you have already read this in the comments I posted last night. I will post it in its own topic. A lot of people in the Dodge message board have reported to me numerous problems throughout the last couple hours. Within the last half hour people have been receiving messages that they are restricting these buying and selling of Doge “ at the moment” + + +If Shitadel is m connected to Robinhood acting as a clearinghouse… Who knows what the future could bring even if that’s not the scenario, this could be the catalyst that will initiate the margin call. + +Posted last night roughly at 10:30 PM +“ I think they’ve been golden frogged. +Since 10 o’clock Robin Hood has not allowed my fiancé to sell her doge with a constant error message and an eventual pending that has not moved. Here’s my theory I’m guessing another “liquidity” problem. + +I think they’ve been golden frogged! An unexpected rush of margin deposits with same day selling is clearing them out. Think of it like this because they Automatically subscribe you into there instant deposit system that gives you X amount until deposited but is taken out of the bank a few business days following. + +I learned citadel is it’s own clearinghouse and I suspect citadel is the majority clearing House of Robinhood. That means if they have used up all of their liquid assets during a flood of instant deposit, they will not have any liquid cash available until all flood of today’s deposit process. That processing time usually takes 3 to 4 days when it comes to Robin Hood. That could leave both Robin Hood and Cedardale naked handed tomorrow without any access to play the game. + +At the same time it’s also forcing them to pull more illegal Fuckery just like the January 28 GameStop incident. The golden frog!” + + +Here is my topic explaining the “golden frog” + +https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mqn7px/i_think_i_finally_correctly_decrypted_the_frog/?utm_source=share&amp;utm_medium=ios_app&amp;utm_name=iossmf + + +Here is a topic I created in the Doge forum right after the market opened. I asked people to comment if they are having any problems buying or selling Doge on Robinhood: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/ms4f6p/i_need_a_new_trading_app/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Much as expected, Monday delivered a massive sell-off around the world, though I still can't figure out who is selling GME these days. Certainly not Apes, who have continued to directly register shares with ComputerShare, putting more and more pressure on all of the shorts and market makers who rely on those shares being at the DTCC to keep their shenanigans going. In any case, the troubles in China's real-estate sector have clearly started to impact other markets, and the Evergrande situation is obviously far from over. The next few days may bring continued discounts on the stock we like, especially given the great news of a 500-person customer care center opening soon. GameStop is clearly on a great path for growth, and Apes with Diamantenhände are going to be right there with them. + +Today is Tuesday, September 21st, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$192.92 / 164,74 €** *(volume: 731)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $192.87 / 164,69 € *(volume: 706)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $192.95 / 164,76 € *(volume: 676)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $192.95 / 164,76 € *(volume: 676)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $192.91 / 164,72 € *(volume: 665)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $192.69 / 164,54 € *(volume: 650)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $191.90 / 163,86 € *(volume: 612)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $191.81 / 163,79 € *(volume: 608)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $191.26 / 163,31 € *(volume: 607)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $191.15 / 163,22 € *(volume: 604)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $192.12 / 164,05 € *(volume: 588)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $191.17 / 163,24 € *(volume: 586)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $193.39 / 165,14 € *(volume: 492)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $193.39 / 165,14 € *(volume: 492)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $193.35 / 165,10 € *(volume: 472)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $193.33 / 165,09 € *(volume: 451)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $193.39 / 165,14 € *(volume: 446)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $193.52 / 165,25 € *(volume: 406)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $193.38 / 165,12 € *(volume: 325)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $193.07 / 164,86 € *(volume: 294)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $193.38 / 165,12 € *(volume: 294)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $193.33 / 165,09 € *(volume: 290)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $192.92 / 164,74 € *(volume: 232)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $192.85 / 164,68 € *(volume: 192)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $193.22 / 164,99 € *(volume: 65)* +- 🟥 US close price: $192.20 / 164,12 € *($192.80 / 164,63 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1711. I wrote and maintain a C# application that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +[The EU isn't fooling around](http://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-apple-taxavoidance-idUSKCN114211) and some other companies are being targeted as well: + +>Online retailer Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O) and hamburger group McDonald's Corp (MCD.N) face similar probes over taxes in Luxembourg, while coffee chain Starbucks Corp (SBUX.O) has been ordered to pay up to 30 million euros ($33 million) to the Dutch state. +Hi there, please be sure to read through this post before being judgmental or responding. I will try my best to give all the information I can. + +Basically, Right when Covid hit I was Pregnant with my second child. From December of 2019-May of 2020 I could not work due to pregnancy complications. I then had horrible complications that landed me in and out of the hospital afterwards. + +I also have back problems (scoliosis) and well as diagnosed OCD and Bipolar 2. I've never recieve any type of disability or unemployment. I went back to work briefly this past holiday season but hours were low and I could barely afford to save anything with childcare. + +Two of my bank accounts have been closed for being past due and I have multiple financial accounts in collections, mostly medical. + +I'd really like to start improving my financial situation. I job hunt every day and am hoping to find something soon. + +In the mean time, does anyone know of any relief programs I can sign up for or basically anything that might aid me in my journey to healing my financial situation? Do I call my banks? Do I call the debt collectors back even though I can't pay anything right now? Am I just screwed until I get a job? + +For those wondering how I have been surviving, I stay at home with my two kids while my boyfriend (their dad) has been working and recieving unemployment. Obviously one income is not enough for me to work on paying off my debts. We live at my mom's and she gives us a great deal on rent in exchange for claiming me on taxes. She's claimed me in 2020 so I'm not sure what kind of relief I can qualify for. + +Thank you in advance for all responses. +**Childhood** + +My little brother (14) and I (22) grew up in a severely impoverished home with an absentee father and a mother addicted to methamphetamine. Among other things, the combination of evictions, soda-only diet, and no running water were catastrophic for our dental health. + +While we did not have regular cleanings, our mother would take us to the dentist when the pain in our teeth grew excruciating. At this point, the teeth in question would be abscessed and require root canals and crowns to save them. I am not sure about other states, but in Arkansas medicaid compensates very little and therefore only the worst dentist in town would accept it. I remember several encounters where I was inadequately numbed; the dentists would hear me scream from pain and tell me to shutup. + +None of the teeth that really required crowns were crowned; instead they were given massive amalgam fillings. When I graduated from highschool, every molar was more silver than white; and my front teeth were all root canaled and bonded. + +**After College** + +After graduating with a BS in Computer Science from the University of Arknasas, I found a job as a Software Developer ($40,000) . I saved up $10,000 as an emergency fund, payed down $7,000 of my $20,000 in student loans, and got my mouth in a stable position. After a year, I left for another position that paid more ($65,000). After three months of consistent 10 hour days there, I quit and relocated to New York City for a startup job ($120,000). Even with the relocation bonus, the combination of first month's rent ($2,600), broker's fee ($2,600), and security deposit ($2,600) blew out my savings. After seven months I have brought it back up to $6,000 and was going to concentrate on paying down my remaining loans after getting that back up to $10,000. + +**Inheriting Custody of Little Brother** + +My life was going smoothly when I received a call that my mother had been forcibly confined to rehab by the court. I had to scramble to fly my brother out and get temporary guardianship before he was sent to foster care. When he greeted me at the airport, my heart fell. The condition of his teeth was evident when he spoke. My brother's teeth were far worse than mine had been: top front teeth heavily chipped and rotted, and bottom front teeth ground-down stubs. I have him brushing and flossing every day, but he needed to see a dentist. + +**Taking Brother to the Dentist** + +I took him to the dentist for his first cleaning/checkup in years. Watching him flinch and wince from a routine cleaning was so pitiful it broke my heart. After the checkup, the dentist took me aside and confirmed what I already knew. His eight front teeth were all abscessed. They all need root canals ($1,200 each) and crowns ($800 each). Moreover, there was so little remaining tooth structure that they need posts screwed in to support the crowns ($500 each). $20,000 worth of work. I have him on my work dental plan, but it maxes out at $1,000. + +**Treatment Options** + +I immediately did something that I had never done before -- reached out to our remaining family for money. No luck. His medicaid and ArKids 1st insurance have a six-month waiting list for approval and only a few dentist accept it (all with horrible reviews). I considered dental tourism, but $6,000 will not cover two round-trip flights, hotels, and work. + +**Is my only option to take on $20,000 in additional debt?** + +**TL;DR:** My mother was incarcerated and I've gained custody of a 14-year-old who needs $20,000 of dental work. + +**Update:** +Here are his dental X-Rays that were taken six days ago: http://imgur.com/AdbeiIi +Let's say the loan is for $20,000. Monthly payments would be $480 for a total of 4 years. The APR is 6.99% + +The outstanding debt is a $10K car loan (APR 4.75%) and $6000 of medical debt. Monthly payments towards this debt total $650. They cannot be lowered. + +Paying off the debt as is would take 36 months. Paying off the loan would take one year longer. + +Any help would be appreciated. +I am not in need of generating income. My salary is enough for my expenses and some. Is there any benefit in your meeting in dividend stocks now? I can invest in high growth stocks now and then move to dividend stocks later in life. +Example/ OXLC pays $0.14 monthly dividend. With 7,142.8 shares (@$3.02/share currently) I could pull in $1000 a month. If they can hold on for less than 2 years it would pay for itself. Why would I not do that and why is it that all the youtubers/ guides/ posts I've found want to spend a millions dollars to get $1000 a month. +Joined this sub a few weeks ago because I’m interested the dividend strategy. I’ve mostly invested in growth stocks and ETFs throughout the years but I’ve been reading about dividends lately. + +Growth stocks more specifically tech has treated me well but I like the idea of getting monthly/quarterly dividends. More specifically I was thinking about putting a chunk into dividend stocks and letting my dividends reinvest until retirement. Then in retirement the goal would to be to have an extra $1000 or so in passive income a month not touch my basis until I have to. + +What are some goals /strategies / reasons why you all do invest in dividend stocks? + +Thanks in advance! +I had a baby last month sept 28th. I have been trying to return two work for 2 weeks now with nothing but the run around from them. We have no savings at all, no calateral, and now no income. My spouse was supposed to work but at the beginning of the month we found we need new control arms on car and new breaks ( his job is lyft) . So now we need 1490 for rent Nov 1st 1500 to fix car. We also need $369 to make car payment that was due Oct 1st. Our apartment will be filing for evection on the 15th. We won't have Nov car payment, we also won't have $296 car insurance payment for the 3rd so it will get canceled on the 15th. Our car most likely will get repoed. + +I applied to 200 jobs with no response back at all. We won't have pur phone payment either so I won't be able to hear soon from any company. I have no idea what to do at this point. Can't get a loan woth 300 credit score and spouse having no credit history. + +We have no one in the state we live in and no family can help us with money. I have no idea whatbto do at this pint since I also have a 22 month old. We applied for rent assistance from the state they said it will be 1 mo before they even look at the application. +So I'm learning Trading and Technical Analysis for a few months now and I've got a psychological problem, I hope you guys can give me an advice. + +There are so many discussions, what works and what not, so I'm just lost and I don't know what is useful to learn and what is straight up bullshit. + +For example, Fib Retracements. I still can't figure out WHETHER it works, and if it works, WHY. Another examples are different styles in finding S/R levels, different indicators, etc. + +(in addition to this, people often say "it just works" as an answer to the question "why does it work?". I don't think it's a reasonable answer if you don't really know if it works in the first place.) + +You always find people, who are NOT dumb and who have experience in the financial markets, who say that TA doesn't work. +I'm sure that TA is not completely shit, but I'm still wandering in the dark, WHAT of all this isn't. +One trader makes this, but the other one says it doesn't work. Then they do the same thing, but have COMPLETE different kinds of doing that, such that it leads to different results completely, for example in finding S/R levels... + +It's just a mess. + +Everytime I learn something there is ALWAYS an argument why it is useless and that the one who proactively teaches it, is a scam. + +It seems like ALL THIS is a very big brew of different ideas that are not connected at all thrown in one pot, mixed, and given in small portions to people, and everyone just chooses whatever he wants to choose out of it. + +So what should I do to find out what to learn that is real and that can give an real edge? + +PS: +1. When I say "TA works", I always mean producing a winning expected value in the long run, NOT that it's a magic formula for 100% accuracy. +2. The same when I say "prediction". I just mean having a probability that the price will go in either direction. +3. I know, in TA nothing really works on itself. We always look at many tools, and if they line up (confluence), we take the trade. But putting random lines together that have no predictive power at all, would never give a more accurate prediction than when they were on their own. So we still have to know that what we are using is not horseshit. + +Edit: +Thank you for all your great answers! I appreciate it! +I hope it helps other lost people like me, too! +Hello, I’m a long way away from retirement, but I just wanted to get a head start on planning. + +Let’s say I’m ready to cash out on my long term investments and going to retire. Traditional knowledge says to take out 4% a year until you die, but something doesn’t seem right about that to me. I want to be in a position where I’m basically living off of interest and maintaining my equity. I guess my question would be better phrased as, “what’s the best interest bearing investments that don’t lose equity?”. Most stocks that have high dividends are losing a lot of equity so that’s why I’ve looked at real estate. What do y’all suggest? + +PS, I want at least a 7% or more return on interest. I know that if I wanted 5% or less I could just get a bond, but I want a better return + + +I am thinking of leaving my long term partner, we’re not married but do have a contract on our living situation. 2,5 years ago we bought our first joint house together, for 300k. We had to pay an additional 10k in taxes and admin cost, and spent 5-10k in renovations. We currently have a mortgage of 145k, and paid off 10k of the original sum. + +The remainder of the cost for the house were paid with my savings and profit from previous house I owned. Hence I own roughly 75% share and he owns 25% share. If we separate I have first rights to buy him out, and then he does (he would not be able to though), and if neither of us want it, we sell. + +The minimum I need to buy it for is the current market value, as assessed by an independent party/realtor. Given listings in the last few months, my estimate is that it would be 350-380k, as prices have been increasing loads. If I buy him out, it would likely cost me between 50-70k for the house alone, and he’s said repeatedly he’d try and bleed me dry on buying other household items / furniture that we bought together, so it will be a large sum altogether. I would be able to finance this through raising the mortgage. + +The risk I see is on the current housing market. Many media are warning that there will be a housing market crash, despite the continued growth in prices and shortage on the market due to the current situation, but there is no telling how much the impact would be on the house or when. The least risky option would be to sell, but then obviously I would still need to buy a house in the same market and the admin and tax would be much higher than if I bought his share.. + +Looking for some perspectives on what options I have an what redditors would do in my situation? +29 yo, pregnant with twins and have a toddler, have to quit my job since we can not afford 3 in daycare. I have $9k in 401k. I don't know when I can go back to work, most likely in 5 years when they are old enough for school. My husband makes just enough for us to live paycheck to paycheck. Should I cash out my 401k and use the 6 grand for living expenses since I do not plan on returning to work for some time? Or do I leave it in the account until I return to work? +I find using physical cash helps me spend less over all but I do want to keep money in my checking account for online purchases/Uber’s/etc. + + +I’m wonder what % of my money would you guys recommend I keep in cash. + + +Im also interested in how much cash you all personally carry on you on an average day. + + +Thanks! + + +We recently were lucky enough to receive a decent-sized block of cash (\~$750k). My wife and I have always worked to be very conservative with our money, and I know we are very fortunate where we are right now. Hoping to hear any ideas from the smart folks out here on a couple of ideas I have for this block of cash. Very high level of our situation: + +Married, two kids (9 & 6). Living situation: appx 540k mortgage (no PMI), 4.60% interest rate. Monthly payment: \~$3700/month. Kids’ college funds are well-established (over 100k each). We max out our 401k contributions each year, and save about 12% extra for additional retirement savings. No credit card debt. Our cars will be paid off/purchased in 2-6 months. + +I have always wanted to own rental properties that I can use for passive income and investment. With the $750k block of cash, I can purchase 2 (maybe 3) smaller rental properties. I believe the economy will be taking a downturn this year, and my thoughts are that I would wait until real estate prices fall in that environment, and buy on a dip in the real estate market (rather than now, which is somewhat overheated in our market). + +Alternatively, I was thinking that I might pay off our mortgage entirely (it is always shocking when you look at the total amount you pay on a 30 year mortgage), and eliminate the cost of our mortgage, and begin saving the $2800/month we pay towards our mortgage. (About $900/month would still have to be paid/saved towards insurance & taxes.) This would save us over $460,000 over the life of our loan. Another idea I had was to partially pay down the mortgage principal to the point in the amortization schedule where most of my payments would be going towards principal, rather than interest (I don’t know if this is even something I can do), and then use the remainder of the money for an investment property. + +Any thoughts? +In 2020 the company I work for gave me a 401k. They match my input of 5% of my paycheck. + As of today I have earned 1% of my deposit including employer contribution. The account was set with default settings as I did not adjust anything. It is set to 90% stocks, 10% bonds. + +This earnings percentage seems terrible to me. Am I looking at this wrong? + +What are typical ROI's for this set-up? + +What can I do to better my ROI? + +I called the company which I have the 401k with and they were not very helpful and said they would refer to their team and email the answers to my questions. I'm very curious if others have experienced anything similar or if any professionals have any advice. + +Thank you for taking the time to read this. +I've just received my first payslip from my company. I'm on a lot more money but the deductions seem huge! + +Basic Pay: 5000.00 + +Income Tax: 1083.66 + +National Insurance: 418.26 + +Pension: 250.00 + +Student Loan: 278.00 + +Total Deductions: 2029.92 + +Net Pay: 2970.08 + +That seems like awful lot of tax. Is this all seeming correct? My tax code is showing as 563L, because I have had previous jobs this year. +Can anyone provide a link to an excel based calculator that can be used to calculate retirement corpus (lump sum needed at the time of retirement, assuming retirement is happening right now)? + +I am looking for a calculator that is very thorough and comprehensive such that it takes into account almost all possible scenarios. + +I live in Bangladesh so I will have to change the inflation rate. The National Savings Certificate from the government pays 11% with 10-15% tax and the maximum cap is 45 lakh. THe stock market is wildly volatile and cannot be trusted to keep investments safe. + +Also, the health insurance market here is very week. I looked around and there really is no health insurance. There does exist a few but they have caps, pay for only certain diseases, pay only half the amount of hospitalization etc. Healthcare costs here are high, with one day in ICU at a decent hospital costing 1 lakh taka per day. The biggest plan I could find only covers only half the amount with a total cap of 5 lakh. Thats basically useless, because it would mean dishing out 50,000 per day. So the healthcare costs which is unpredictable has to be taken into account. But please dont suggest a humongous corpus amount and instead suggest a realistic one. +We got asked a lot of questions on the new 5% TCS on foreign remittances so we created a post with some FAQs. Hope this helps clarify some of your questions. + +Full post here: [https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/tax-on-foreign-remittances-let-the-buyer-beware](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/tax-on-foreign-remittances-let-the-buyer-beware) + +&#x200B; + +Starting 1 October 2020, TCS at 5% will be collected by AD Banks on remittances under the [Liberalized Remittance Scheme](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/liberalized-remittance-scheme) (LRS). + +**A little background on the LRS scheme:** + +LRS is a scheme introduced by the RBI as a step towards simplification and liberalization of foreign exchange facilities available to Resident Individual and also for other persons resident in India (for certain transactions) subject to limits and conditions as specified in FEMA. + +Currently the bank allows remittance of all permissible Current/ Capital account transactions upto **USD 2,50,000/-** per FY (April- March) per Resident Individual without RBI permission. + +## Why the extra tax? + +Revenue secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey explaining the rationale had said, “we have data that shows many persons who transferred funds abroad under this scheme did not file income tax returns. Normally people remitting big amounts should be in the income tax bracket and paying income taxes. Therefore, we have to have this move. And, contrary to misinterpretation in a certain section of the media, 5% TCS on foreign remittance is not an additional or new tax. It is like TDS which you can adjust against your total income tax liability.” + +## So how does this work? + +|Particulars|Rate of TCS| +|:-|:-| +|Remittance upto INR 7,00,000|No TCS| +|Remittance exceeding INR 7,00,000|5%| +|Remittance exceeding INR 7,00,000 for education loan|0.5%| + +Note that this amount can be adjusted against your final tax liability while filing your ITR. + +## Frequently Asked Questions + + +**I make periodic payments for purchase of stock options/ RSUs with my US company. Does this apply to me?** + +Yes. The remittances being made by you were under the LRS scheme. Your Bank will collect an additional 5% on the value of the remittance. Note that this amount can be adjusted against your final tax liability while filing your ITR. + +Eventually, we might see some clarification issued on this - since Company's tend to already deduct TDS on this amount. Seems like a double whammy at this point of time. + +&#x200B; + +**I invest in US Stocks through Vested/ IndWealth/ ICICIDirect or similar platforms. What do i need to do?** + +The remittances being made by you were under the LRS scheme. Your Bank will collect an additional 5% on the value of the remittance. Account for this as well while making a decision to invest overseas. + +Note that this amount can be adjusted against your final tax liability while filing your ITR. + +We wrote a detailed article on [how tax works on US Stocks](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/investing-in-us-stocks). That might also help. + +&#x200B; + +**What's with this TCS on "Overseas tour program package"?** + +"Overseas tour programme package" means any tour package which offers visit to a country or countries or territory or territories outside India and includes expenses for travel or hotel stay or boarding or lodging or any other expenditure of similar nature. + +Let us simplify: + +* ***If you purchase tickets, hotel accommodation, etc directly through Indian entities*** No TCS on this +* ***If you purchase tickets, hotel accommodation, etc directly by remitting money abroad*** Bank will collect TCS at 5% (assuming amount exceeds INR 7,00,000) +* ***If you purchase a foreign tour package*** The tour company will collect TCS at 5% (irrespective of amount remitted) + +&#x200B; + +**How does this impact NRIs? Can I still remit money from my NRO/ NRE account?** + +This has zero impact on NRIs. NRE accounts are freely repatriable and do not fall under the LRS scheme. + +For remittances from NRO accounts, there's a separate USD 1 million scheme and you can follow the process for [repatriation of funds](https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/repatriation-of-funds). + +&#x200B; + +**I am an NRI but my family sends my money from India from their resident accounts. Any impact here?** + +Yes. In this case, 5% TCS will apply on remittances exceeding INR 7 lakh. + +&#x200B; + +**What if I make 10 remittances of INR 6,50,000 each? Will TCS still be attracted?** + +The limit of INR 7,00,000 is per year, You'll cross the limit in your second remittance and banks will start collecting TCS. + +&#x200B; + +**What if I remit only INR 7,50,000 in a year. How much TCS will be collected?** + +TCS will be collected on amounts exceeding INR 7,00,000. In this case, TCS will be 5% of INR 50,000 i.e. INR 2,500. + +&#x200B; + +**Why do I pay the Government tax on my tax paid money? I don't want to pay an additional 5%.** + +Remember that this is TCS. You can claim credit for this while filing your ITR. It's not an additional tax. If you have no liability at the end of the year, you can claim a refund of this TCS. +If we are buying SGBs from secondary market, how long it has to be held inorder to encash it, or what will be the maturity period for the SGBs bought from the secondary market. Is it based on our purchase date from the secondary market or according to the primary purchase? + +If it's the latter, then isn't it better to go for SGB purchase from secondary market rather than primary, so that we can encash it earlier rather than waiting 8 years to get the tax benefits? +The geriatric had last posted 4 months back , expecting yields to touch 6.90 on the 10 year GSEC in 12 months . + +There is still 8 months to go but I thought of giving my super duper boring update that maybe no one will read + +For the technically oriented the yield curve is here + +http://www.worldgovernmentbonds.com/country/india/ + +We have ended today with the 10 year GSEC at 6.73. + +What one must realise and what really scares the bejesus out of me is that there has been literally no rate action to cause it. The fed has just “tawked” , there is no hike as of yet . + +The other disturbing thing on the radar . Almost all of the western world including Japan are showing positive 10 year yields + +With 8 months to go here is what my fantasy says + +1. I am expecting Indian 10 year GSEC to head to 7.50 by September . + +2. I see 24 year yields also moving to 8.50 ranges + + +From a more personal finance angle now would be a good time to sell equity sell debt and pay off loans . + +But then this is just my fantasy . Don’t construe it as financial advise +So, I have been noticing for quite sometime now that Franklin Templeton is by far one of the most recommended AMCs on various investment focused websites like freefincal, advisorkhoj etc. However, the performance of Franklin Templeton relative to its peers hasn't be so great over the past few years. The Franklin India Prima Fund and Franklin India Smaller Companies Fund have under performed their peers by a decent margin. + +So my doubt is, despite FT's performance not being top notch per se, why do so many people recommend the AMC and its various schemes? Is it something to do with their methodology or what is it? +An interesting tidbit shared on the /r/IndiaInvestments [discord server](https://indiainvestments.wiki/discord) by A007, that claims can no longer contested post 8 years of the policy. I did some sleuthing and here is the actual [IRDAI circular](https://www.irdai.gov.in/ADMINCMS/cms/whatsNew_Layout.aspx?page=PageNo4157&flag=1) + +The relevant bits + +> After completion of eight continuous years under the policy no look back to be applied. This period of eight years is called as moratorium period. The moratorium would be applicable for the sums insured of the first policy and subsequently completion of 8 continuous years would be applicable from date of enhancement of sums insured only on the enhanced limits. After the expiry of Moratorium Period no health insurance claim shall be contestable except for proven fraud and permanent exclusions specified in the policy contract. The policies would however be subject to all limits, sub limits, co-payments, deductibles as per the policy contract. + +Would make things interesting like how there is a similar clause for Term Insurance ([relevant post on the Wiki about the same](https://www.indiainvestments.wiki/faqs/insurance/extra-premium-term-cover)) +Let say i am interested in investing in small cap stocks. But i don't want to select any mf for that. I just want 2 or 3 small caps in my portfolio. So what if i scan through all small cap mfs and pick 2 or 3 out of them. + +Sounds stupid but don't you think it is still better than just picking random small cap stock ? Because let say if a big mf house like hdfc is having 3-4% weightage in a particular small cap stock then it must be at least not utter crap. + +Let me know what you guys think. + +Again i know i can just opt for a particular small cap mf and do lump sum or sip. But that's not the point here. + +Any valid criticism or opinion is welcomed. +Article: https://www.livemint.com/Money/rTkzp1j8bF5UES4wZz9VyJ/The-dangers-of-high-mutual-fund-inflows.html + +Not to instigate any fearmongering, but aren't the stats pretty clear? As an investor are you preferring other asset classes over MFs ? +Just some stats, maybe it will be interested to someone [link](https://www.domain.com.au/sale/?ptype=house&price=50000-100000&excludeunderoffer=1&landsize=200-any&startloc=-6.298076926984458%2C107.40425291262311&endloc=-47.44609222937145%2C161.2812060376231&displaymap=1) (I put 50k as a minimum to filter out garbage). + +I'm interested because I'm looking for extremely cheap "The Cabin in the Woods" kind of house to escape from the City from time to time. It seems that the amount of advertised houses - in the range 50-100k became higher during last couple of months. + +*Nasty Domain puts some ads - houses with higher price or "ask the agent" - in the search list, especially at the beginning of the list, scroll it down, first or second page of search results.* + +https://preview.redd.it/rwel4crfoq651.png?width=1074&format=png&auto=webp&s=30d0d15b56c1524cc6d1f1ab6af8858291e3732b +Hey all. I’d like to share how I landed a better job last week. + +I have a college degree and am under 30. I work in a school as a classroom aid. Good job, lower pay but since public school staff’s salaries are published in the paper I see that I am making more than several of my colleagues so I try not to be negative about that. It has ok benefits but is only a nine month position (school year only). I have worked four other side jobs in the last four years to make ends meet with my husband. + +Three years ago I applied for a job at the college in town. Didn’t get it. +A little while later I applied for another job at the college. I got an interview! Didn’t get the job. +A little while later I applied for another job there. Didn’t get it. +Three applications at the same place all not resulting in a job? The application intake person in HR must think I’m insane. + +A year ago, I decided to apply for a benefits specialist job with Social Services. I have a good friend who worked a similar job in Colorado. I sent her my application for review. She emailed back with, “I understand why your resume looks the way it does but you need to change some things if you want to stand out. You will not get an interview if you submit this but I know you can totally do this job.” + +I spent the next week with her revamping everything. We talked on the phone most nights or texted and emailed all day long. She sent my stuff to one of her co workers who offered even more insight. I was shocked at the small things I was doing that make me look like not a good candidate. + +I applied. I didn’t get the job. + +I kept my resume obviously and started listening to podcasts about job hunting. I can’t really list what I listened to but I opened the pod cast app on my phone and searched “Job hunting” and “career” or “career change.” If it had good ratings I listened while I walked the dog or did the dishes. I took mental notes of common themes and ideas. + +A few weeks ago another job opened at the college in town. With my new found information and resume, I applied. I got a phone interview. Then I got an inperson interview. Then I got the job!!!! An increase in pay and a huge benefit package and 12 month employment!!! I might be able to quit my side hustles! Plus even if I don’t love this job, this university is known to hire internally for many positions and after a year of employment I qualify for free tuition and could take classes toward a masters. + +The biggest changes I made to how I apply for jobs is as follows: +1) because I graduated more than five years ago and have a degree not directly relating to the job, my education is at the bottom of my resume instead of the top. Skills and descriptions of my strengths are at the top. +2) I removed my address. It’s too easy to be judged for where you live, especially if you live on a poorer end of town which I do. +3) I was honest with my supervisor at the public school about applying. I tired to catch him in person but that was hard so I sent him the job description in a text and said “hey can we meet in person and discuss this opportunity.” Also he is an alum of this college and I realized it would look worse to NOT have him as a reference. This was scary and something i wouldn’t do normally. Who wants to admit to their supervisor they are looking for another job? He ended up being really awesome and encouraging. I am convinced this was a huge boost to my application and likely a reason I wasn’t hired for those other jobs. If you have a good supervisor they will be understanding. And if they get salty about you applying elsewhere they likely aren’t a good supervisor. +4) I usually just try to “be nice” and answer what I think the interviewers want to hear. Instead, I sold my self and was honest in the interviews. I didn’t talk too much (a downfall I realized after listening to several podcasts on how to interview). + +There are likely other things but I hope whoever takes the time to read this is encouraged that I, after FOUR applications, landed a better job. +Guten Tag to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +The German Markets are closed today, so I will not be updating the post as usual. The US markets *will* be open, so in two hours you'll start seeing premarket data. Until then, please join other Apes to relish this global community. + +Today is Friday, December 31st, and you know what that means! Happy New Year! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + +- 🟩 US close price: $155.33 *($154.25 after-hours)* + +*** +Looking back to 14th June of last year DFV posted this tweet: [https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404468676493971458](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404468676493971458) + +&#x200B; + +An odd conversation naming several companies without any real connection: Jetblue Airlines, Carnival Cruises, Gamestop and Apple. + +&#x200B; + +What do these companies have in common? + +BCG consultants. + +I took a small peek at each and this is what I could easily find. + +Jetblue: + +[Jetblue connection to BCG](https://preview.redd.it/pimuxhiyiip81.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=744b10c62326893640f72002c0b885cc014d6f52) + +Carnival: Looking at Carnival I did find several "insiders". I found this "gentleman" which has a quite the reputation. Before joining Carnival he spent 10 years at BCG and 3 years at Enron. + +&#x200B; + +[Carnival connection to BCG](https://preview.redd.it/9afi87psjip81.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b0ee8460c152d6862c3ec4bf5172799d9f0d654) + +Here is a more recent hiree to Carnival coming from BCG. +This just shows that BCG has continued their operations within Carnival appointing Marguerite Fitzgerald to lead their Austrailian department starting Jan 1st 2022. + +[Another BCG Carnival connection](https://preview.redd.it/vfwgktornip81.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=770416bd9f3d72d7eade59920da26e3f5e39797a) + +Gamestop: Jim Bell, who was let go with a $30m severance pack as soon RC came on board. +(Ironically same amount BCG is seeking from Gamestop) + + +Im yet to find any tangible leads to Apple yet but wanted to put this out incase anyone else can find a solid lead. +Let alone the bad actors I probably missed. + +Going by occams razor, as DFV is from and was working within finance in Boston, it wouldn't be odd if he had heard of them and their practices. +Here is the investor quarterly report for 201Q2. They beat expectations. + +https://tesla-cdn.thron.com/delivery/public/document/tesla/915a0dab-11c4-4d81-9526-52995afb67ee/S1dbei4/WEB/TSLA-Q2-2021-Update + +If you want to continue the discussion in this thread, I suggest sorting by new. + +Posted below on Saturday. + +This sub has been very quiet about discussing Tesla lately it seems. Just getting a status update on what everyone thinks may happen this quarter and in the future. + +Just to throw some possibilities around, here are some discussion points. + +What do you expect this quarter? Will it be enough to push Tesla back above $700? + +Will having Bitcoin on the balance sheet have an effect on their quarter? It's dropped some but not that much. It will be slightly negative this quarter, but could bounce back again if Bitcoin runs again. + +How do you think the stock will react if Tesla rolls out Full self driving that can drive people to work? The new subscription model is out, so FSDAAS is now an option, how does that effect their revenue next quarter and long term? How soon do you think FSD rolls out to wide release? It's already looking very impressive, but still needs some fine tuning. Will it be v10 or v11 that is capable? Is the processor enough to handle level 4 driving? What will be needed for level 5 FSD? + +How soon will the Austin and Berlin plants open up to production? Are they duplicating problem solving of the 4680 Model Y line between Texas and Germany? Who is farther along? Is Berlin almost ready to go and just delayed by permit processes? Will the new factories be covered in solar panels? + +What is the going forward plans for letting other auto manufacturers use the Tesla charging network? Elon just mentioned Tesla will allow other EV's to use their network. Will all new chargers be pass through with 300kwh charging? That will be needed for the cybertruck. How big will their charging network need to grow, and how will that effect their revenue? Will they charge more for other manufacturers? How do they set that up? I assume it will be a Tesla adapter you buy that connects to your phone app. + +Will Tesla start manufacturing the semi soon? Do they have enough 4680 cells? Which location will be producing 4680 cells next, and is the final process completed? + +What is the status on the updated cybertruck, and when will it be updated to show any other features? The 8 ton press has not arrived in Texas yet for the cybertruck castings. How far along are the designs for production? + +What grid scale battery projects are they working on now? + +What is delaying the S right now? It's hit pause on deliveries at the moment. Was the plaid fire a cause for concern on the battery? Will the steering yoke affect sales that much? + +Any further updates on the Model 2 and what's the plan for release on a $25k Tesla? How soon will it be debuted and when will it be released? + +What's the plans for AI day? Elon said this month, but will we get an update? How far along is DoJo? Will it speed up training for machine learning? Will it allow for processing far bigger datasets for self-driving? Where is it going to be located? Will Tesla release FSD before DoJo is online? + +How is the chip shortage affecting production? It seems like most Tesla vehicles are sold out through the entire quarter already at all sites. + +What is the options market like for Tesla right now? + +What else do you expect from Tesla and where do you see them later this decade? Can other manufacturers keep up with their battery innovation? The bolt is being recalled for major issues, the Taycan was recalled for firmware updates, Volkswagen is having major software issues, Rivian and Lucid are delayed on deliveries. Will competitors overtake Tesla in EV production this decade? + +Made a couple edits to the post adding a couple other points and fixed grammar and spelling. + +For a base starting point for Monday, here was the electrek article covering the production numbers and previous quarter numbers comparison. + +https://electrek-co.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/electrek.co/2021/07/26/tesla-tsla-q2-2021-earnings-preview-expectations/amp/ +Saw on the front page of Reddit that someone had their PSN account hacked and was charged $400 something for it. That is awful, I truly sympathize. I had a similar problem with Paypal. + +Paypal opened the doors for scam artists and knows full well what the problem is, yet refuse to close the loop hole. The scam is called the Paypal Chargeback Scam. It is performed by someone purchasing something from you, you ship the item, they receive it and immediately call their Bank/Credit Service and report Identity Theft. + +Their Bank will call Paypal and have your account withdrawn the cost of the item. In my case, someone purchased a set of Audeze LCD3 headphones from me that cost $1,414.00 + +The person received them. 21 days later, he filed an Identity Theft claim with his Bank and Paypal "automatically" refunded $1,414.00 out of my account. He got to keep the headphone and also got a full refund. I, however was forced to either Pay almost 1.5 thousand dollars back to Paypal because at the time of his claim, I had a 0 balance. So, I was put into negative -$1,414. Paypal took this out of my account without permission, without notification and did not let me contest it. It was automatic. As soon as his bank called Paypal, they deducted $1,414 out of my account and never notified me of any of it. + +I filed a police report. The person claiming Identity Theft did not file a police report. I did some investigating and found the same user who have done the same charge back scam on others. I proved it with Paypal. Paypal said they don't care. Either I pay back the full amount, or they ban my account. + +I filed a BBB report. I get a near immediate response in a few hours and after a few days of exchanges, they reduce the fee by half. They still want me to pay $700+ to them for this. I said no. + +Anyone can do this scam without repercussions. Paypal does not investigate your claim of Identity Theft and does not require you to provide a police report. + +This is how business works today. The Banks, credit services and Paypal are supposed to protect you from these types of things, but when they happen you are shoved out the door. You actually have to pay them for being a victim. Pretty awful stuff. I had years and years of positive feedback, not one negative feedback against me for years of being a Paypal user. This scammer was a brand new Paypal user and was fully trusted over me, he also removed his personal information, delinked his bank account and his contact information near instantly after he received his full refund that I had no choice in the matter of. Paypal still sided with him instead of me despite all of that. + +**Edit: Wow guys, the reddit community is amazing. Thank you all for the support, you guys rock! I was told that the thread is temporarily locked. It is a rule on the sub reddit I posted on that if a thread there reaches the front page, it will get cool off time for a bit to make sure comments aren't spammed. Hopefully, this is actually the case** + +**Paypal responded to this and waived my negative balance. Huge thank you to the community for supporting this even though it was locked. You guys saved me a lot of money, I can't thank you enough.** +Let's dive right into it, I will keep it as brief as possible. + +*My intention is simple:* **I want you to think critically of everything posted on here to sharpen your mind so you can get jacked to the tits when it is appropriate.** + +**Apes are stronger together. I am not doing this to discredit anyone on here. I am really grateful for any DD posted, whether they are right or wrong. If anyone feels offended, please get back to me and I will try to clear it up. I am not saying that I have a better explanation, I am just pointing out flaws to make us think again and come up with something better.** + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/60o54tokrix61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b44b62aa61ef89a2914913bbba9205d3b0a40fd + +&#x200B; + +**Number 1: Negative 1m Volume Yesterday** + +\- [CITADEL, MARGIN CALL, 1M MISSING SHARES & THE TRADING HALT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5yl8r/citadel_margin_call_1m_missing_shares_the_trading/) + +\- [OMFG it looks like all of Shitadel's volume was temporary deleted from the NYSE!!!🚀🚀🚀 This shit is unprecedented. 🚀🚀🚀](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5vqnr/omfg_it_looks_like_all_of_shitadels_volume_was/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/00udu5zaqix61.png?width=743&format=png&auto=webp&s=7080f3197d6d355f65125bc9a164f7a2494dbeb1 + +While there is already some counter-DD provided up there, I would like to quote Dave Lauer ( u/dlauer ) here. I do not say that this counter-DD is completely false, though it is really upping the expectations of a few apes. It is speculation and should be taken with a big spoon of salt. + +*''I'm still trying to figure out what happened, I've asked our data vendor to look into it. Here's what we see on the data feeds from yesterday for GME:* + +*2,114,814 total shares:* + +*Pre-market: 38,688* +*RTH: 1,947,120* +*AH: 129,006* + +*Again, my theory would be that there was a large volume print that was a mistake, and which was later corrected with a correction message. If it was a retail system that had an issue, it could have affected a set of stocks that system was trading, which is why a bunch of "meme" stocks were impacted. Like I've said, this kind of thing actually happens with some regularity. Market data systems regularly have problems - you'll often see an errant price print or volume print that is later corrected. I'll follow-up once I hear from the data vendor.''* + +**This states that errors like these are not completely unnatural and happen. So without any assumptions, that is what the CTA stated here as well:** [**https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110000353886**](https://www.ctaplan.com/alerts#110000353886) + +\---- + +**Number 2:** [**DTCC and Citadel intimately connected to a firm called Price Waterhouse Coopers which profited 322M from Lehman's collapse.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5yxpd/dtcc_and_citadel_intimately_connected_to_a_firm/) + +&#x200B; + +[Big Four](https://preview.redd.it/5mnjocw3qix61.jpg?width=991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3a5fd00d16000f1c462fef9eea4b3325cfedaf5) + +I am going to wrap this one up very quickly. If you are working for a major bank, hedge fund or market maker, you most likely worked for one of the big 4 audit firms before. It is literally the best thing to have on your CV. You are not connected to any other firm that has the same accountant as you either, are you? + +**PwC, Ernst & Young, Deloitte and KPMG combined make up over 60% of the yearly turnover of auditors. There is literally no firm in the financial sector that isn't audited by them** (check on the proxy statement who is doing it for GME). + +\---- + +**Number 3: Supressing Buy-Pressure through Dark Pools - Routing Buys through dark pools and sales through open market** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/cd4or3ygqix61.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4604d50bc67309bf21c422650379fc9509824b4b + +Hate to brake it to you. Dark pools are being used to manipulate, but they are not being used the way we thought. Even on Dark pool the price has to be within the NBBO. The DD on that is not right. Same with the suppression of the price. + +Since you are all visual and like to see/listen to stuff. Seriously watch the AMA with u/dlauer + +[**Link to the Video**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYct0XX0uTU) + +About Dark Pool NBBO -> from 54:30 onwards. It is about 5 minutes long. + +\---- + +**Number 4:** [**Citadel has just been margin called - Linear-Margin-Call-DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n27l05/i_may_have_just_figured_out_the_margin_call/) **and** [**I don't to tout the horn without knowing anything, but, i think "they" got margin called today.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5trot/i_dont_to_tout_the_horn_without_knowing_anything/) + +I strongly disagree with this DD since it is pure speculation to a degree that caused a major misconception among apes. Just check the daily thread and see hundreds of comments asking questions why citadel can still short when they have been margin called. + +I am a numbers guy and I like the approach the author of the DD has. But it is not that easy. The market is not that easy. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/z5vgggk5oix61.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec5b247ea86f487144ac4c0f8974dbf8ad162b3c + +So why do I disagree with the DD and assumption made? + +1. We are basically having two points of data and from there on we make the assumption that a margin call threshold is linear (or close to it). You cannot make such a statement in a changing, intransparent and connected market. We do not even know whether the first two points are even close to being accurate - hell I am going so far that I strongly believe not even citadel knows at which price a margin call would exactly happen. Because the banks / financial institutions decide themselves. +2. Every HF that is short on GME has its own threshold +3. The author's assumption would only be anywhere close to accurate when from datapoint 1 and datapoint 2 NO player in the market has done anything at all. No trades, no movement of the stock for literally months. But stocks did move up and down. There were pump and dumps. Weird activity on the options chain. Unnatural price explosions on crypto. Raising capital done by hedge funds and institutions. And business as usual for those HFs as well by buying and selling assets. + +So going by that, it is pure speculation. We do not know whether a threshold for a margin call has moved up, down or is spinning sideways. We do not know and will not know until it happens. + +Oh while I am at it, let me slide over into the next misconception: + +\---- + +**Number 5: Margin call = Moon** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wnd7a0emqix61.jpg?width=2063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b0d7103c0c81b7e027b98a4156ecf5441a70155 + +No. A margin call is nothing unusual. Almost anyone who has traded on margin has had one before. Because the margin call itself is not the issue. Problems arise when you can't satisfy it. But you have time to do so as a HF, and even more time as a MM. **So you will NOT know if citadel has been margin called until they fail to satisfy said call.** + +\--- + +**Number 6: O**[**MG!!! WTF? Did SHITADEL Register Something in the CAYMAN ISLAND 3MAY21**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4sbhz/omg_wtf_did_shitadel_register_something_in_the/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nvlg2eb3rix61.jpg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66628e13d52cde117e16d3b45f7451076b9bd2a7 + +So, do you think this is something unusual? No. Name one bank, one large hedge fund or one financial institution that doesn't have a subsidiary, fund or bank account over there. Just one. + +To make it short (pun intended): EVERYONE has connections to the cayman island. Unfortunately it is legal for those institutions. + +Do I like that? No. + +Is the timing weird? Maybe. but maybe not. Look at all these companies continuing with business as usual. New funds there, new SPACs here. + +Unfortunately, this is nothing special. + +\--- + +**Number 7: Negative beta go BRRRRR** + +I still see these comments daily. No picture for you here, I am sorry. + +To make it short: The beta only reflects past performance and DOES NOT indicate future performance, especially on a highly manipulated stock. + +\--- + +**Number 8: -** [**Sell off from Bezos and other CEOs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5sfq1/someone_knows_something_jeff_bezos_also/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/g4ve8rd6tix61.jpg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fc9f6ea30810b2f6b836118d43da8b3235bc42 + +[This is from the post.](https://preview.redd.it/p0f131ocsix61.jpg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34fec5573805e0bb9497849567384ef57402b481) + +Again, when you see posts like these, always compare them to the past to see whether they are unnatural. Sorry to brake it to you, bit this is nothing special. Mr. Bezos sells stock regularly to fund other ventures (especially his space company). Same goes with other CEOs that sold that I checked, e.g. Zuckerberg. + +&#x200B; + +[Sorry.](https://preview.redd.it/owdkeqw2tix61.png?width=2766&format=png&auto=webp&s=3720b30ca5c62df127fa08f7b702e454d9cf0b4d) + +\---- + +**Number 9:** [**BofA's hedge fund clients are selling equities at the fastest rate since 2008**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n617d8/bofas_hedge_fund_clients_are_selling_equities_at/) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gvsu2h4ktix61.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=11a699720102677fc8e03fbca9c40dabfe05d463 + +While in theory the sell off is huge and I agree that this has a reason, the numbers are not comparable. The market has grown at a rapid rate and is MUCH bigger than in 2008, hell even in 2020. Just check all major indexes and compare them to 2008. With a bigger market and more money involved, net flow of sales will be much bigger. Hence these numbers don't bring provide any value. + +\---- + +**Again, I do not want to discredit or discourage anyone from posting DD. I just want to make sure this does not end in an echo chamber. Everyone needs to do their own DD and question everything so we stay excellent and sharp.** + +**I want to make one thing clear. I am balls-deep in GME. I do believe in the MOASS. I do believe that we will see a market crash.** + +Maybe I will do these more often in the hope of apes being more thoughtful of info on here. + +If mods feel like this is DD or any other flair, feel free to change it. + +**OH AND MODS, while I got you here. May I have the flair ''Diamantenhände 💎👐''?** + +K thank you. :-) + +Since I do know you like pictures of buildings with lights on, here is one for you. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gj1oox90vix61.jpg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e8cf63d1fbae00569e59f948f125816f7dd10d +#Your daily dose of Crypto - Aug 23 + +1. The total market cap has risen 2.8% in the last 24 hours and stood at $2.23 trillion. +2. BTC blasts past $50k for the first time since May, amidst increasing adoptions and bullish momentum. Whereas, ETH has risen 2.8% in the last 24 hours and is testing resistance at $3.4k. +3. Alts such as ADA, AUDIO, DASH, RUNE, AMP, TEL, XMR saw a double digit rise in price in the last 24 hours. +4. PayPal has launched crypto services in UK. Users can now buy, sell and hold BTC, ETH, BCH and LTC. [link](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/bitcoin-paypal-uk-price-buy-crypto-b1907031.html) +5. Binance Singapore has hired a former chief regulator of Singapore exchange, Richard Teng, to lead its regional operations. [link](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-23/crypto-bourse-binance-confirms-ex-sgx-executive-as-singapore-ceo) +6. Centre Consortium has announced that stable coin USDC will revert to be backed by cash and short-term US treasuries. [link](https://www.centre.io/blog/usdc-reserves-composition) +7. Iran has announced to revert the ban on legal crypto mining from Sept 22. Earlier in May, Iran had banned mining due to increasing pressure on its power grid. [link](https://financialtribune.com/articles/business-and-markets/109873/authorized-cryptominers-to-resume-operation-in-autumn) +8. American rapper Tyga has announced to launch an OnlyFans competitor Myystar, in which creators will have the ability to sell their content as NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. [link](https://allhiphop.com/news/tyga-deletes-onlyfans-account-set-to-launch-myystar-platform/) +9. VISA has purchased a [CryptoPunks NFT](https://www.larvalabs.com/cryptopunks/details/7610) for 49.5 ETH. It quoted to add this to its collection of historic commerce artefacts. [link](https://usa.visa.com/visa-everywhere/blog/bdp/2021/08/18/nfts-mark-a-1629328216374.html) + +Edit: ADA made a new ATH of $2.95 +No I’m not talking about a strategy. I’m talking about a mindset. I recently read about how imagine you’re day trading options, in my case 0dte SPX. You can make $100-$1000 or more in a matter of minutes on a good set up and yet sometimes we still don’t take profits. + +You just made more in a few minutes than what many/most people make in a whole DAY or even a whole WEEK grinding 8-10 hours at work. $100/$15 is 6.6 hours of work. Median US income was 70k in 2021. That’s $34 an hour. At $100, you made about 3 hours of work in just minutes. Now imagine if you made $1000. + +It’s basically like someone giving you a stack of Benjamin’s in a few minutes and you turning it down. + +That concept hit me hard. I’ve gotten into trades where I’m up like $600 in about 4 minutes or $2000 in about 15 minutes and yet I couldn’t take profit and lost it all. Like I basically just threw away someone’s entire week or month’s of salary ($15/hr x 160 hrs/ month = $2400) that was given to me in under 20 minutes. +Speculation and possible FUD post. Please share your thoughts. + +Let’s say a bad acting large institution wants to de-peg tether. How could they do it? I think we all probably correctly assume Tether doesn’t have enough dollars or cash equivalents backing it. + +Big institution could buy or borrow 10 billion USDT. Sell it. Cause panic selling that turns into a death spiral? Is this possible? + +Let’s say the big institution successfully causes the panic selling. Then BTC falls to from $30k to $10k. Big institution buys 10 billion dollars of BTC (1 million BTC). Then they pump BTC to $100k. Now big institution has a 100 billion dollar BTC portfolio. 10 billion was flushed down the toilet. Another 10 billion invested. They made 80 billion in profit. (If they could even sell 1 million BTC) + +The charts for UST (Terra Luna’s stable coin) and USDT (Tether) are looking eerily similar. + +UST (Terra Luna former stable coin) 7 day market cap (initial drop \~ 22% in 6 hours) + +https://preview.redd.it/jf63cdhu1oz81.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50005d4c18b89328f2f5172e3b077878e11d737 + +USDT (Tether) 7 day market cap (9% drop in a little over 3 days). Looks like multiple large sells may be staggered here. Institutional de-risking or the start of something nefarious? + +https://preview.redd.it/4eouopxw1oz81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8efd2e33ca0cd623fafff8d4605868616098d5d + +It doesn’t appear USDT has ever had more than \~ 3% dip in market cap. We are currently triple (9%) that drop. + +https://preview.redd.it/fq4ce92z1oz81.jpg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924ef56992e0735b0a2492ce155ebd08dbe7d7a3 + +The price of USDT is also looking shakier than it has in the last year. You can see it still hasn't quite recovered to its normal level. + +1 year Tether price + +https://preview.redd.it/m6j7a9n12oz81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24db42d680cac49b7cfe7a87e5838c6f4161a533 + +30 day Tether price + +https://preview.redd.it/pkrq41r22oz81.jpg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23032aeb2846693e0ce982c6f3685d9f63277af2 + +Is this cause for real concern or just a blip? Is the same thing that happened to UST happening slowly to USDT? + +I’m just a regular moron so please poke holes in this because I can’t get it out of my head. + +Also if you haven’t seen this yet, watch it - Coffeezilla’s video \[Exposing Tether - Bitcoin's Biggest Secret\]([https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-whuXHSL1Pg&feature=youtu.be](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-whuXHSL1Pg&feature=youtu.be)) +The time is approaching when there would be no liquidity, no volume, no self-proclaimed art geniuses willing to buy anything anymore. + +It requires almost zero efforts to actually create an NFT and sell it to the general public. Worst yet, you can google a image and make it your own NFT. So how can you protect your nft? +[https://youtu.be/YmBFNqLiFvg](https://youtu.be/YmBFNqLiFvg) + +Even this could've been fine had these NFTs sold for a few dollars, but the bigger NFT projects with 1000's of the similar art designs are selling individual NFTs for as much as 3/4 SOL. $600 for a picture of a turtle and -to hit the final nail in the coffin- you're not the only one with such a photo, there are 9999 more such photos who've paid the same price for it. Imagine what would happen when all of these folks will try to sell their 'unique' pieces to the public at once. + +Most of these NFT projects don't even have a working game where these NFTs could be used. It literally serves no purpose at all. They've just sold a dream in the manner of a roadmap. Yet they are selling like hot cakes. + +This is worst than margin trading, at least there you are trading with something which ideally should've some real value. Here you are just playing with fire. +Curious to hear people's thoughts on this. We see article after article saying that most Americans don't have $500 to cover an emergency, yet we also see articles about how 1 Million isn't enough to retire, 2 Million isn't enough to retire. Does that mean like 70% of the population is screwed and is either going to be destitute or working til their 90? + +I tend to visit a lot of personal finance and investing subs which obviously skews to people who save and invest, what's the state of the "Average American" + +Also, how can nobody have money for a $500 emergency yet everyone is preaching 1 Million won't be enough to retire? + +This is anecdotal but most of my peers aren't contributing to their 401k's even with a company match, aren't investing or saving much. Curious to hear how this is all goign to shake out years from now? +Wall Street analyst is bullish on the stock of the Coinbase exchange ahead of its public debut. + +Gil Luria of DA Davidson has given COIN its first "buy" rating, building on the growing momentum behind the company. + +The analyst writes that the cryptocurrency industry is going to have its own "Amazon moment" with the upcoming direct listing of Coinbase: + +&#x200B; + +>We see the upcoming Coinbase direct listing as the 'Amazon moment' for crypto—the milestone point in time when the world of crypto and the traditional financial system become truly intertwined and crypto moves from a large curiosity to becoming the future path for much of the financial system. + +Luria has taken note of the exchange's regulatory compliance as well as its superb security measures: + +&#x200B; + +>Coinbase has been able to manage both government regulators as well as highly motivated hackers, while providing consumers with the experience they expect from a large financial institution. + +&#x200B; + +[https://u.today/wall-street-analyst-gives-coinbase-stock-its-first-rating-ahead-of-public-debut](https://u.today/wall-street-analyst-gives-coinbase-stock-its-first-rating-ahead-of-public-debut) + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Update after a weekish: Her work has gone fairly silent. She has some good people on her side but the VP just has too much juice. He is going to bulldoze everyone. In all likelihood the parent organization is going to dissolve the smaller company she is in and absorb it, despite significant legal hurdles. She is looking at a maximum of 9 months of employment there. Sometimes you gamble and win big. Sometimes you just have to walk away. But, she sold 2 houses yesterday and both of those are 90% likely to lead to another listing each. Those 4 sales cover almost a year of our living expenses. Not exactly the amazing "told off my boss and suddenly I AM the boss" FU stories everyone wants to hear. But we will be perfectly fine. + +original post: + +We’ve been in track for a few years with a pretty good starting place of no consumer debt. +We both started real estate side jobs and bought rentals etc. she makes the best salary but between side hustle money and my salary we don’t strictly need her job anymore and we can still continue to save. + +There is some turmoil at her work and a VP a few levels up but not directly in her line has been meddling in her department and she decided she had to freedom to call his shit like she saw it. This has really gotten the attention of other VPs and the board. It could go very well or very bad. Either she is a badass who is going to climb or she is on her way out. Either way she is happy. + +If she was still a basic paycheck person she would have kept her head down and dealt with the downhill slope of garbage headed her way. + +Exciting times in our house. + +Edit to head off questions: +I make 50k salary +She makes 75k salary +I flip houses and make about 75k annually +She is a real estate agent and makes 150k at that + +We are in a LCOL area. Combined net worth of maybe 300k. + + +Edit 2: +We have significant real estate holdings not included in ‘net worth’ because the contracts are structured such that it is hard to value or are illiquid. ‘Net worth’ should be ‘investment accounts’. + +I also have a defined benefit pension fully vested and our cash flow would let us coast to being able to draw that. + +If I have a house I’m flipping and I have a purchase price of 100k and 20k in repairs but I think it will sell for 160 in a month I just don’t count that in NW because it doesn’t fit the FI reddit model. is that 120 or 160? I’ll roll that money into another flip and in theory it could evaporate with a bad deal. + +Edit 3: + +Let me restate the financial position. +50k salary +75k salary +150k agent income +75k flip income +300k in brokerage accounts +I have a pension plan coming that will pay 3k a month forever at age 55. +Our rental income stream is roughly 3k a month but rising quickly as we focus our income on new acquisitions and paying down debt. Thus the small stock portfolio. +Real estate portfolio equity is 500-1mil, depending on how you value it. Not all of it is straight forward- And there is a lot of churn. I don’t like to include this in my NW because of how it is structured. Some of the value is based on low cap rates and that equity doesn’t feel real to me. + +Our base monthly costs are $3000, give or take. So technically we could quit our jobs tomorrow and live off of 3k a month, but that is a little lean for us and we have youngish kids so I feel the need to double the ‘passive’ income because I recognize tastes change, kids have needs and I want to leave an estate. + + +Edit 4: she reported back tonight. VP threatened to basically dissolve and absorb her division. He sent an email out stating that he was going to do that ‘immediately’. The board recognized there were massive regulatory/legal hurdles to this and VP was being insane. He had to walk it back ala Trump. She talked to her board contact who basically said ‘good job standing up for yourself. Nobody is going to touch you any time soon.’ + +She has a job for at least another year, but honestly we hope he keeps meddling and they offer to buy her contract out. Her board is made up of very HNWI and I suspect one or more may try to poach her for their businesses as her contract winds down. + +Hopefully this also sparks some scrutiny of crazy VP who has being doing some shady- but not illegal- stuff. + +Bonus: she is sitting on the couch next to me listing a house for sale. We both recognize that leaving her job to be an agent isn’t retired by any stretch. But is it a gamble and we have the money to gamble without much fear. +Pretty obvious what it is now, "Cloud Computing". Companies have to "move to the cloud". Some companies don't even have directors of IT on staff, they just hire a consulting firm to move them to the "cloud" but they don't know what it is. + +Let's say 5 years ago + +* Everything was hosted locally or with an IT provider. Citrix for example was popular +* The number of apps in iOS app store and Play store have tripled - mobile is king +* Businesses slowly started to look at technology as a need and not as a luxury + +Now + +* SaaS is king, hosting data in Azure, AWS or Google's data centers is popular +* Citrix/VMware is still used but in a different capacity +* You need a mobile app to pair with your website / company to be looked at seriously +* eCommerce has been changed dramatically with Square & competitors + +So what's next? + +* Edge networking? +* A boom in security spending? +* Machine learning? +* Blockchain? +* VR & AR? +* Internet of Things? +* Smart kitchens? +* 3D Printing? + +We all know deep down, whatever the infrastructure is now, and whatever is popular now won't be in 2023. I'd love to hear what you guys think. Obviously my list isn't what you have to pick from. It's just some things that I think could potentially take off. +This guy launches a new scam coin every few days, he uses the same website template, and scams thousands of people, +if you look at the contract holders there always a transaction or few with a huge amount of coins done directly without purchase, then the scammer shills the coin and start dumping on all the buyers ... + +don't believe me, check the website also, same template +https://feast.finance/ +https://www.febtoken.com/ +https://pigtoken.finance/ + +these are the one i found, not sure how many more scam coins he launched, PS the dude is now promoting Feast on this same subreddit. +UPDATE: I ended up taking the money to a competing bank.(yes, another bank that's one of the top 5 biggest banks in the US) Their branch didn't even ask me to open an account. I simply told them exactly what I had and asked them if they could give me new bills. I was prepared to open a new account if they asked... but to my surprise, the teller examined the old money and gave me new bills in the same amounts. I was impressed..... maybe I will switch my banking need to them in the next couple of weeks. :) + +where can I deposit almost $1400 in old $100/$50/$20 US currencies from 1970s/1980s? + +I found them in my 1985 old passport. Can't really remember why I left them in there, but back then, I did travel to Europe a couple times every year. + +My bank(BoA) refuses to accept them. While the bills were all nice and clean, they said that they couldn't accept such old bills....??? I don't have any other accounts at other local banks.. :( +So my background is I grew up poor and never really got to enjoy things. I did get things like Christmas presents and Holidays but the presents were like a single piece of clothing and holidays were a week in Spain in Sept / Oct because it was cheap. I also didn’t get a new School uniform every year like my mates. And I would have holes in my shoes quite often. I never had a takeaway as a child apart from McDonald’s or Pizza Hut for my birthday. Uni was ironically far worse, my shoes constantly had holes in them, I had to work through my masters because the grant wasn’t enough to pay my rent and for a lot of it I barely ate. + +Anyway, I spent years pulling myself out of this and went to Uni / got a good job etc and now myself and my partner own our own home. We spent 2 and a half years saving about 20k to move out by living very restricted and now we’re in a years worth of debt to pay off the new stuff we have (carpet / sofas / bed etc) which is nice but once this is over we then have another 18 months or so of heavy saving to pay for our wedding (because obviously no help from family etc). I feel only then will I finally start having my own savings, just for having them without the pot being emptied after a big purchase, but even then we need to start an emergency fund, then a maternity fund etc and then kids? It’s never ending and it’s never really for fun. + +I just feel like in all this I’m getting things I need but rarely things I actually want. I haven’t owned a games console as an adult but despite our reasonably good salaries, it’s simply not in the budget. I haven’t bought clothes for myself since before lockdown, and even then it was a bargain and could go a couple of years between buying clothes for myself. I never really treat myself to anything except an occasional takeaway which even then feels like I’m stepping over the line and wasting money. + +I really thought it would be different. I thought in my young and poor mind that it will be worth it in the end because I will be able to have all the latest stuff I want, nice branded clothing etc but it’s just simply not the case. I am starting to think unless I become a Dr or a Judge then I will never have enough cash to just enjoy my life comfortably without worrying about it. + +Sorry for the rant. +Hi all, + +I have been doing some digging on my program, and have found that it is much more efficient to just trade between the first 2 hours of the market opening, rather than all day. + +By this I mean the following, when trading just the first few hours, my program averages 0.328% profit per trade. + +When trading all day, it averages 0.10% profit per trade. + +It seems breakouts (going both up and down) are much stronger the first few hours. + +I was wondering if you all had similar results, that trading the first few hours is more efficient than trading all day? I would much rather buy more shares in the first few hours of trading, rather than spreading my shares more thin over the entire day, also resulting in less profit. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +After over a week of steady upward momentum, there was obvious pushback yesterday. +Fortunately, they weren't even able to get it back to where it closed last Friday, despite a large number of shares becoming available to short. +However they manipulate the price, there is *nothing* that they can do to shake us. +We know the value of what we HODL, and our Diamantenhände can HODL however long it takes to reach that value. + +With each set of conversation screenshots shared, it is becoming more apparent that the DTCC is the source of the improperly executed split by dividend. +The brokerages received faulty information +Though it directly conflicts with GameStop's instructions, the DTCC instructed brokers to implement a forward stock split. + +They must have done it for a reason. +They seem to want to explain it by saying that GameStop filled out the wrong form, or something along those lines. +However, they have not provided evidence of such, and both GameStop and ComputerShare have confirmed that they fulfilled their role in implementing a stock dividend. +Did the DTCC reject the dividend shares? +I doubt it. +They orchestrated this debacle, knowing that the alternative would be devastating to the corrupt system that they have constructed through the years. +It would lead to an event in which retail investors would profit at the cost of predatory hedge funds. +Sustained pressure is the surest way to ensure that they do not get away with this. + +DRS is the best way to apply that pressure. +Thank you to everyone who continues this incredible DRS momentum. +We cannot stop until the SHFs fall. + +I will be traveling next week and do not know if I'll be able to reliably post. +While many days I should be able, I will try to arrange coverage for days when I will not. +Thank you for understanding! + +Today is Wednesday, August 10th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$39.51 / 38,61 €** *(volume: 7320)* +- ⬜ 115 minutes in: $39.51 / 38,61 € *(volume: 7320)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $39.51 / 38,61 € *(volume: 7300)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,71 € *(volume: 7173)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,71 € *(volume: 7173)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,70 € *(volume: 7169)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,71 € *(volume: 7124)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,70 € *(volume: 6706)* +- 🟥 80 minutes in: $39.61 / 38,70 € *(volume: 6700)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $39.62 / 38,71 € *(volume: 6487)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $39.78 / 38,87 € *(volume: 4607)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $39.96 / 39,05 € *(volume: 3364)* +- ⬜ 60 minutes in: $39.90 / 38,99 € *(volume: 3032)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $39.90 / 38,99 € *(volume: 2861)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $40.00 / 39,09 € *(volume: 2803)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $40.00 / 39,09 € *(volume: 2599)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $40.00 / 39,08 € *(volume: 2596)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $39.98 / 39,06 € *(volume: 1322)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $39.95 / 39,04 € *(volume: 1237)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $39.94 / 39,03 € *(volume: 1160)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $39.95 / 39,04 € *(volume: 919)* +- 🟥 15 minutes in: $39.95 / 39,03 € *(volume: 869)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $40.14 / 39,22 € *(volume: 546)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $40.14 / 39,22 € *(volume: 436)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $39.90 / 38,99 € *(volume: 435)* +- 🟥 US close price: $40.37 / 39,45 € *($40.01 / 39,10 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0234. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +I have to be honest, I didn’t expect to make another post so soon, but I have been flooded with messages and comments in the past few days, so I deemed it necessary (oh and also for the people crowning me things like the ‘uranium messiah’, ‘uranium guru’ and ‘that one uranium guy’, I am flattered, so thank you). Since my last post I have gotten a lot of questions regarding investing in uranium, the thesis, nuclear power, geopolitical changes and what the bear case for uranium is. So, I have decided to make a post highlighting the 10 most commonly asked questions so that more people can read my general answers to those and be informed about them. Here they are:  + +  + +Q: Isn’t nuclear power being phased out around the world?  + +  +A: No it isn’t, the US now has bipartisan support for it, Canada is looking at SMR technology, the UK intends to build small modular reactors, France has pushed back the phasing out of their nuclear power fleet from 2025 to 2035, several Eastern European countries are planning new reactors, China and the Middle-East are heavily pushing the construction of new power plants and there are many other examples of nuclear power being favored once more.  + +  + +Q: What companies should I invest in within the uranium sector:  + +  +A: Check my post history and the subsequent comments, especially from my last post, to get an idea of specific stock picks. I don’t want to violate any subreddit guidelines by posting them here. What I can post however, is that everyone should check out the URNM etf and their holdings to get started.  + +  + +Q: Uranium has been trending downwards for almost a decade, who should it change now?  + + +A: COVID-19 has really blown this market wide open and probably made sure this bull market started earlier by a margin of at least 1 or perhaps even 2 years. This rally was built on historic seasonality, bipartisan support from the US government and their strategic reserve bill, geopolitical backing of nuclear power, the closing of Cigar Lake (one of the world’s largest uranium mines) and the covering of uranium investing by some of the more mainstream investment outlets.  + +  + +Q: Did I miss the run already?  + +  +A: No, we are nowhere close to reaching the end of this run and we probably still have years left before we see anything resembling a top. There are 6 phases to this investment and we are only just now barely starting to see the end of phase 1. Remember, the spot price of uranium needs to go to approximately $67.10 a pound to incentivize enough new production to have even a shout of fixing the supply deficit, although common consensus within the sector is that we need even more than that and that the spot price can reach inflation adjusted new all-time highs (~170 dollars a pound)  + +  + +Q: Won’t solar, wind and hydro remove the need for nuclear power and thus uranium?  + +  +A: No it won’t, see the first question, it is the best and safest form of baseload green power generation we have. But for the sake of argument, let’s say we only finish the reactors currently under construction and shut all further planning of new reactors. What will happens? Guess what, the supply deficit is still significant and the thesis will still play out. There is roughly a 57 million pound supply deficit and the spot market is getting thin with both Cameco and Kazatomprom (the world’s 2 largest producers) buying on the spot market. This can’t hold out for much longer, regardless of whether or not nuclear power plants keep being constructed.  + +  + +Q: If the price shoots up, can’t people just find alternatives to uranium?  + +  +A: No, for two key reasons. Firstly, as discussed above, we need nuclear power and we are starting to favor it more and more, which means we need a lot of uranium to meet demand. It is also impossible to change the fuel source in these nuclear reactors, you can’t just fill a plant up with natural gas or oil and hope it will do something. Secondly, unlike gas plants and coal plants, uranium is only a small portion of the total operational cost of these reactors. While with gas and coal it can be up to 80-85% of total costs, with uranium it is closer to 5-10%. This means that price can double and double again from here, without having an enormous impact on the total cost structure. Demand is relatively inelastic.  + +  + +Q: When prices go up, can’t Kazakhstan or some other state owned entity not just flood the market with uranium and bring the price back down?  + +  +A: They can’t and they won’t (Kazatomprom has tended to favor quality over quantity since 2017). First of all, it can take up to 2 years for uranium to go from the ground all the way through the enrichment process and be ready to be used as fuel. This means that even if it was possible and these companies start pumping out massive amounts of uranium, it would take up to 2 years for it to even be used as fuel. This is why security of supply needs to be met years in advance, so that a reactor does not sit there without a fuel source. In terms of the fuel cycle, we are already well into 2023. In terms of the development of new uranium sources to reach the market, we might be in 2030 already. A decade is tomorrow in uranium.  + +  + +Q: But isn’t there hundreds of millions of pounds of uranium on earth?  + +  +A: Yes there is, but no one is going to mine that at these prices. It takes many years to fully permit and construct a uranium mine in most countries. There might be plenty of supply out there, but there certainly isn’t a way to reach it easily without significant price incentive. Figures of 130 dollars or more per pound of uranium have been quoted as being needed to get to all these different sources of uranium.  + +  + +Q: What are some catalysts to look out for in 2021?  + +  +A: There are several. Biden’s implementation of the ‘green new deal’, reactors finishing construction and being activated (needing around 3x as much uranium to start with to build a fuel core), the closure of two uranium mines (Ranger and Cominak, a combined ~7 million pounds a year, gone), long term contract negotiations, spot price increasing to meet the  increase in enrichment prices of the past few years, institutional money getting into the sector and last but not least more news on the development and possible implementation of small modular reactor technology. All these catalyst make 2021 a year to look forward to for uranium.  + +  + +Q: When should I sell my shares?  + +  +A: I can’t tell you that, tops are nearly impossible to call in any sector. However, to get an idea of how a uranium bull market can unfold, here is an article covering the entirety of the previous bull market which ended in 2007. Read it, take some notes, read it again and craft an exit strategy for yourself. This is not a lifetime hold, don’t fall in love with these stocks, there will be a time to sell.  + +https://thetideoffortune.com/would-you-have-made-a-fortune-in-uranium-part-1/  + + +Oh and an extra point regarding whether or not you should buy into the sector after the recent price run up: +If you have not yet established a position in the market, I would advise to do so and scale in over time and extra on weakness. It is a volatile market and a pullback will come, the question is if that it today or next week after another 20% run up. + +  + +So there we have it, 10 questions about the sector and the thesis. I have tried my best to provide short and easy to understand answers and I hope it helps all of you. Make sure to always do your own due diligence and asses your own risk tolerances, so that you are not shaken out by the volatility of this sector. Best of luck with your investments.  +I see posts about keeping “good debt” (ex:mortgage) and invest the extra $ instead of paying it off, but does that advice depend on your interest rate? + +I have a 2.24% 15 year mortgage. I can pay it off in 10 years if I keep paying $1500/month. Should I do that or invest the extra few hundred in SCHD instead? + +SCHD’s current dividend yield stands at 2.9… but they have expenses too. I don’t understand all the math. And then there’s the whole dividend component to consider as well…. It SEEMS SCHD or another low cost ETF sounds like the better long term option than going crazy paying off my mortgage… what would you do? Can y’all help me out? + +Edit- I do invest $400/month in dividend stocks already but could do $700 if I quit paying extra toward my mortgage. +My family and I currently live in Washington state in a military town(we are not military) We are relocating out of state and currently have our house listed at the estimate price of $620,000. We owe $385,000 with a 2.3% interest rate. + +But we are quickly realizing that the fish aren’t biting like they were 2 months ago. + +We are leaving in August. + +I have always wanted to get into real estate investing but have always been too nervous. + +Should I keep the house on the market and hope for the best as we start our journey across the country or hold onto it and rent it out? Any information/tips/advice would be greatly appreciate. +Hello, I hope this is the right thread to post this on, if not, please let me know! + +After 8 long months of searching, I finally got a home offer accepted and I have home inspections, pest inspections, and the appraisal lined up. I already anticipate some repairs that need to be made but am not sure how to prioritize needs and what to focus on. I think I know what to do, but this is all based on common sense and basic research. + +If you have been in my position before: first time home buyer; bought a duplex; limited cash after the purchase is finished (<$20k)...what would you have done differently? What do you think I should think of that isn't typical to consider? + +Here's my current game plan: + +1. See how the reports come back and negotiate with seller if need be. Close on the property, it will be delivered vacant. +2. Prioritize pest, plumbing, and foundational repairs (I already anticipate I need to replace all the doors; windows; blinds; flooring; paint; replace the vanities in the bathrooms (3); and replace the interior stairs of one side; there is also yard work and fence replacement which I won't prioritize?) +3. Repair 2nd half of rental first to rent out asap. Ideally find a renter quickly +4. Upgrade 1st half of rental +5. Replace fence +6. Re-pave / fix the driveway and yard work in general +7. In the future (6months-2years), once I have a renter established, I'll look into refinancing my mortgage for a better rate / lower costs + +In my planning, I have looked up the cost of items (on Home Depot/Lowe's) but it's too soon for me to get quotes from professionals or general contractors - I want to wait until inspections come up. + +What else can I think about; anticipate; or just leverage to make sure I'm doing this as right as possible? + +BTW: I looked up market rent for what I could get for the 2nd half of the rental, it likely won't cover all of my costs (i.e. mortgage + escrow) but it will likely cover my mortgage at least. Market rent for a 1bed/1bath is about $1200-1500 and my mortgage + escrow will be about $1800-1900/monthly. + +The rental will be 1bed/1bath w/ garage & private driveway; Private laundry (top loading washer/dryer). +**TL;DR - The halt was a genuine (and legally required) tactic used by the exchange to comply with the SEC's LULD (Limit up, Limit Down) rules. The halt IS NOT what we should be focusing on, rather how the price action changed so significantly that it caused it.** + + +I apologise for any formatting issues, I am writing this on my phone! Also, appreciate u/Dlauer correcting any misinformation! I hope to add photos very soon! + + + +#What was the halt? Was it legal? + +*On May 31, 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved, on a pilot basis, a National Market System Plan, known as the Limit Up/Limit Down (“LULD”) Plan, to address extraordinary market volatility. The Plan was approved as a permanent rule on April 11, 2019.* + + +*The Plan is designed to prevent trades in NMS Stocks from occurring outside specified price bands, which are set at a percentage level above and below the average reference price of a security over the preceding five-minute period.* + + + *The percentage level is determined by a security’s designation as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 security. Tier 1 comprises all securities in the S&P 500, the Russell 1000 and select Exchange Traded Products (ETPs). Tier 2 comprises all other NMS securities, except for rights and warrants, which are specifically excluded from coverage. The Plan applies during regular trading hours of 9:30 am ET - 4:00 pm ET.* + + +Well what is all that nonsense eh? Basically, to stop crazy wild price swings of ridiculously abnormal trade prices. If we want MOASS, we're gonna have to climb there. The trades have to be executed, within a certain percentage of each other. + +Imo, the exchange was legally doing what it was required to do. + +________________________________________________________ + +#Definition of a LULD + + +*The price bands, consisting of a Lower and Upper Price Band for each NMS Stock, are calculated by the two SIPs – CTA and Nasdaq UTP. The SIPs calculate upper and lower price bands by applying a formula to a Reference Price, which is the arithmetic mean price of Eligible Reported Transactions over the prior five minute period. (The first Reference Price of the day is either the primary market’s opening price or the primary market’s previous day’s closing price/last sale when opening on a quote. If no eligible trades have occurred in the prior five minutes, the previous Reference Price remains in effect. The Reference Price is updated after 30 seconds only if a new Reference price would be least 1% away from the current Reference Price.* + +*The Price Bands are calculated by multiplying the current Reference Price by the applicable Percentage Parameter and then adding or subtracting that value from the Reference Price and rounded to the nearest penny.* + +*Price Band = (Reference Price)+/- ((Reference Price)x (Percentage Parameter))* + + +**Illustration: Assume that “XYZ” is a Tier 1 security and has a previous closing price of $25. As such, its percentage parameter would fall within the first bucket (Greater than $3.00) of Table 1 above. Security XYZ would therefore have upper and lower price bands that are 5% greater ($26.25) and lower ($23.75) than that of the previous closing price, respectively.** + +________________________________________________________ + + +#How we halted + +When the National Best Bid (Offer) is below (above) the Lower (Upper) Price Band, the SIPs disseminate the National Best Bid (Offer) with an indicator identifying it as unexecutable. + +Trading immediately enters a Limit State if the National Best Offer (Bid) equals but does not cross the Lower (Upper) Price Band. When a Limit State occurs, the SIPs indicate the National Best Bid (Offer) as a Limit State Quotation. + +Trading exits a Limit State if, within 15 seconds of entering the Limit State, all Limit State Quotations are executed or canceled in their entirety. If the market does not exit a Limit State within 15 seconds, the primary listing exchange declares a five-minute Trading Pause. + + +________________________________________________________ + +#Conclusion? + +We started to go fucking parabolic. There were trades THAT WERE BEING EXECUTED so far outside of the NBBO, that the exchange was legally required to halt and resume trading at the last (legal) price. + +The crime isn't the halt. Its how the fuck trades were being executed outside of the NBBO. + + +________________________________________________________ + +#extra sauce + +So you know today how we kinda started to crash around 25 mins before market close? + +*Price Bands are doubled during last 25 minutes of the regular trading day for all Tier 1 Securities and for Tier 2 Securities below $3.00.* + + +They rely so fucking heavily on this price band to flash crash. The acceptable limits are raised to 10% in the last 25 minutes and you can clearly see that helped them. +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-05-23/traders-are-shorting-the-s-p-500-at-a-rate-unseen-since-2015 + +Investors haven’t been this keen to short the U.S. stock market since the Federal Reserve started raising interest rates. + +Short interest as a percentage of shares outstanding on the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, or SPY, climbed as high as 7% this week, according to data from IHS Markit Ltd. That’s the highest share since 2015, when the benchmark gauge for American equities slipped into a correction as Fed officials began boosting rates from near zero. +Hey everyone. Using a throwaway account as my friends know my real account and I'm not ready to share this yet. My wife had been battling cancer on and off for the past 6 years but it finally took her 2 months ago. We never really talked about her passing and arrangements or anything like that because her passing was a little unexpected. We thought she still had a few more months. I got a letter in the mail from Lincoln Finacial about 3 weeks ago asking for beneficiary information and her death certificate. I didn't know anything about a life insurance policy so I figured she must've had a basic plan through work. I called them first just to make sure it was legit and then sent them my info thinking it would be nice to get at least some money from all of this. About a week later I'm trying to buy groceries and my card kept getting declined, i get into my bank account to see what's up and see 233,000 had been added to my savings. I held it together as best as I could and called and got my card fixed and quickly went to my car to cry. This all happened on valentines day so I guess it was my wife's last big valentines day present to me. I did not expect this amount of money at all and I have no idea what to do with it. I called her employer later and found out she had taken out an optional life insurance plan rather than the basic and never mentioned it to anyone in her family. I feel like it would be best to invest it and not just let it sit in my bank but I don't know where to start. I have almost no debt and I rent a house from my parents so I don't have a mortgage. I'm just kind of beside myself right now. My parents use Edward Jones but I've heard not great things about them. Where should I start looking? + + +Edit: wow I didn't think this would get as big after going to bed. Thankyou everyone for your input. I feel more confident in what I might try. I'm just gonna sit on this for now and make sure everything else in my life is squared away because this is stressing me out more than I realized. Thanks again everyone. +I wanted to share as I think this is big for making this incredible wealth building strategy more simplified. + +Using the mega backdoor Roth method was cumbersome previously. You had to really know what you are doing and then make periodic phone calls to to a conversion. But I learned Fidelity has now worked it out so that after-tax contributions will be automatically scraped every month and put into a Roth IRA. This vastly simplifies this incredible wealth-building strategy. It essentially eliminates Roth income limits and opens up the ability to save more like $30k per year vs. the $3k per year in a normal Roth. I imagine other 401k providers will follow soon (or have already). If they can manage to auto-invest the monthly contributions into pre-selected funds, that would fully close the circle. + +So what is the strategy? If your plan allows, you can make after-tax contributions to your 401k and roll them into a Roth IRA. After-tax contributions do not normally make sense to do by themselves, but it makes great sense if you then routinely roll your after-tax contributions into a Roth IRA through an "in-service distribution". The in-service distribution should only be for after-tax contributions only to avoid unintended tax consequences. And this should be done routinely to avoid any major gains built up on the after-tax contributions which would also have tax consequences. Once in the Roth, you are golden, free from taxes for life. + +There is no income limit to this strategy vs. a regular Roth and you can contribute much more. To determine what you can contribute, you need to take the $56k annual 401k contribution limit and subtract any before-tax contributions and any matches. For instance, if you do the max $19k before-tax contributions and then get $6k in matches, you can then make as much as $31k in after-tax contributions per year and convert that to a Roth. + +Check with your 401k company if this is a doable strategy for you under your plan before embarking on it. + +After-thoughts: + +I think the standard advice may need to be altered then. It has often been max your 401k match, then max a Roth IRA and then do more before-tax 401k. I think it should shift to max your 401k match and then pump as much as you can into the Roth IRA via the mega backdoor approach, then max a regular Roth, then back to 401k (if you happen to be swimming in gobs of cash!). + +For the disciplined investor, the mega backdoor Roth can also help you tuck away one-time upsides like an inheritance. Say you inherit $60k and want to invest it long term. Over the course of two years, you can max out your after-tax/Roth contributions to your 401k (say $30k per year extra). You can make up for the shortfall in income this causes by replenishing the contributions with the $60k inherited. Over the course of two years, the $60k is drawn down to zero and you now have $60k in a Roth that will grow tax free forever. And the plus with a Roth is, if you really need some cash later, any principle you have contributed can be withdrawn later without tax consequences. (Provided the account is open at least 5 years, I recall. And you really shouldn't do this unless absolutely necessary). +I'm fairly recently chubby/fat (in $CAD, ~$7.5M liquid NW, $1M home, no mortgage, relatively modest income ~$150k) and have lurked here for a while. In my 40s. + +Anyway, I've been getting more nervous lately about the amount of froth in the markets and the signs of a bubble. Now I know Jeremy Grantham has always been a bear, but a lot of this article makes sense to me: + +https://www.gmo.com/americas/research-library/let-the-wild-rumpus-begin/ + +Whether we're headed for a super crash or not, the market does go in cycles. + +About 90% of our NW is invested in the markets via a reputable advisor (fees ~0.5%). Ironically, I chose this firm after interviewing several because their thesis is around focusing on blue chips vs growth stocks, so they'll underperform wild bull markets (like in the last couple of years) but outperform during lesser times (they've been around for many decades). I also chose an advisor because I wanted to have a buffer between myself and my funds, so I took emotions out of it and didn't do something rash or drastic. I guess I'm coming into the first real test of that. + +I know that with our investment horizon, we'll be fine either way, but I still can't help but think whether I should be just trusting the advisor to plan for what's coming, or being more actively involved. Rationally, I know that I don't know more about the markets than the advisor. However, I also sometimes think that the advisor is incentivized to keep our money invested at all times, rather than taking a step back when it might be warranted. However, taking a step back = timing the market. Anyway, I go in these circles in my head and is stresses me out. + +For those who have a lot of $ in the markets, are you staying the course, making any adjustments? Also, how have you learned to deal with these emotional aspects over time? +I am testing a strategy in which every trade has a stop loss of twice the current spread. This results in a large number of small losses, and a few big wins. Does anyone else use a strategy like this? +So the reason I am asking this is, I got caught up in this whole GME hype train in the past few months, and I was already interested in day trading specifically a few months before this because it "looked" easy (not easy money, but I was not deterred by the 90% fail spiel) after looking at some youtube videos of some of the more reputable traders (Rayner teo, Humbled Trader, etc). + +I day traded ES futures with a paper account for 1 to 2 weeks using NinjaTrader recently and lost 1000$ fake money in just a couple of days quicker than i could say "WTF", and I quickly learned that without proper strategies this is literally just gambling. Started thinking nah this was just me being terrible and not having a plan, people say emotion and not having a strategy are the number one reasons 95% of traders lose money so what if I could eliminate those. I need a strategy, but how am I going to test it? I googled strategy testers and so that's how I learned about the world of algo trading. + +Long story short signed up for Quant Connect, which seems to be one of the best things for this out there (though their API is not the best imo). Spent the better part of 6 to 8 hours today reading the API, looking up strategies, and finally making one run (more or less correctly**). + +The strategy I "copied" is an infamous 80%+ "winrate" strategy by one of the "youtube gurus" I listed above. I was disappointed but not surprised, that after I coded it down and backtested it, it produced anywhere between a -8% and -20% return on investment after a 5 year period. + +All this time I was in full doubt that day trading is a scam. I was fully on board with the idea, that the people who post warnings in stock-related subs about day-trading being basically a scam, are completely wrong, and there is definitely a "secret" out there that makes this work. + +Now after this test, it's not like I'm convinced one way or the other, but I'm much more open to the idea that maybe this really is just a giant joke. + +So we finally arrive to the question: Are there people on here who are using tools like Quant Connect or similar algorithmic trading platforms, and are specifically using them for day-trading (or at most swing trading in a few-day timeframes), who are making large % returns on investment? Is this even fucking possible using technical analysis indicators like MACD, RSI, stuff like that? + +I'm talking really large like... 50-100% ROI in a 2 month period lets say. The youtube dipshits sure make numbers like that seem possible, hell they even make numbers like that look easy. They claim stuff like 2% per DAY. + +But I want to know, from you guys, is this stuff even possible or is daytrading really just a big scam that people take a long time to figure out? + +**footnote: its entirely possible that I didn't actually code the strategy 100% correctly, I will continue backtesting it tomorrow +I’m 28 years old. I have a house in the Midwest. Not married. According to personal capital, as of today, my net worth is $77k. I also have about $41k saved up which includes liquid cash, 401k, and stocks in my brokerage account. + +I’m not able to save as much right now because I own a house so most of my money goes to mortgage payments. But at least I’m gaining a lot of equity. The houses in my area has gained like almost 9%over the last year + +I make about $63,000 right now but I’d like to be making six figures over the next 2-3 years so I’m learning new skills related to data science and machine learning. +Make a copy of the blank spreadsheet for yourself (File > Make a Copy. Please don't request edit access; I won't grant it): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UKBknHUvup\_U\_Q\_4FWiKGROYiVYq0KVsTA7itl9zDBE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UKBknHUvup_U_Q_4FWiKGROYiVYq0KVsTA7itl9zDBE/edit?usp=sharing) + +See how it looks filled out up to October 2020 with phony data: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bjr\_BW2BxaEtl13UY5JWigftGDWyY\_iUXgHTlBUOEYw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bjr_BW2BxaEtl13UY5JWigftGDWyY_iUXgHTlBUOEYw/edit?usp=sharing) + +&#x200B; + +I figured I'd share my personal calculator. Influence for this calculator comes from several Redditors here (trying to find their posts now so I can properly credit, if anyone recognized any tables from the SWR sheet as being a previous post here lmk) as well as the creator of the financialindependencesheet. + +It may help to follow along with this explanation by looking at the filled-in spreadsheet as well as your own blank spreadsheet. **White/blue column = manually input. Gray/green column = don't touch**, it performs automatic calculations for you. + +There are essentially 3 tiers of use for this spreadsheet: budgeting, budgeting + net worth, and budgeting + net worth + FIRE. + +**Just Budgeting:** + +What to fill in: If you just want to budget, then the only tabs you need to use are "Out" and "Monthly Budget" as well as the left third of the "Dashboard." You start with the Monthly Budget sheet. The only column meant to be manually input is the Budget column. Input your monthly budget. Then, go into the "Out" sheet and track your spending as you normally would. If you would like to add a note explaining the purchase you made that day, you can do so with the notes or comments feature of Google Sheets. You can see that in the "Out" columns of Gifts, Fees, and Misc, I've included notes where there is a value. The 2nd row of "Out" and "Monthly Budget" will show you a mini graph (sparkline) of your total spending. The 3rd row of "Out" and "Monthly Budget" will show you that category's spending for the current month. + +Adding or removing a budget item: unless you're familiar with Google Sheets, I would encourage you to not delete nor add columns, since this breaks some of my graphs and aggregated tables. What you can do is rename a column in the "Out" sheet to something applicable to you, if one of the categories you see is not applicable. I've set the Dashboard and Monthly Budget sheets to automatically change the column headings when you change a budget item in the Out sheet. This will not work if you rename a column anywhere except for Out. + +Viewing the Dashboard: For budgeting, the only thing you should edit in the Dashboard is the month and year you'd like to view. The day \*has\* to be 1. If you want a yearly view of 2020 and a monthly view of October, type 10/1/2020 into cell B5 and scroll down to see the pie charts and tables update. + +&#x200B; + +**Budgeting + Net Worth**: + +All of the info above is still applicable. Now we introduce the "In" and "Net Worth" sheets, as well as the middle third of the Dashboard. + +"In": This is the first place you want to go for the rest of the sheet to work. In the white/blue columns, input information from your paychecks. If you don't have traditional 401k contributions/HSA contributions, feel free to leave those blank or replace the titles with any other pre-tax items you have such as health insurance premiums. If you have more than 2 pre-tax paycheck deductions, you can add columns between Pre-Tax HSA and Pre-Tax 401k. For the Net Income column, my recommendation is to put whatever your income for that month would have been if you had no pre-tax deductions/contributions, because I calculate savings rate as contributions/savings/debt repayment divided by net income, and if your net income is 19.5k lower due to 401k contributions you might artificially increase your SR number. SR is really whatever you want it to be, though. Up to you. + +"Net Worth": I've hidden row 4. If you've ever made contributions to your retirement accounts, open row 4 and put the total contributions since before 1/1/2020 in columns I through M. Then hide row 4. From then on, when you make contributions, put them in the proper month of columns I through M. Your current account balances go in columns D through G. If columns D through G don't reflect your investments, you can rename them. Input your account balances at the end of the month in columns B through G. Enter your debt in column H (it has to be negative, if you have any). Enter your contributions and payments for the proper month in columns I through N. The last thing you need to manually do in this sheet is scroll to the right and fill in the Savings Rate Goal for that month as a percentage. The rest updates automatically. + +"Dashboard": Once you've done all that for the month, check out the dashboard. You don't need to manually do anything for the Net Worth part. + +&#x200B; + +**Budgeting + Net Worth + FIRE:** + +This is where the fun begins. All spreadsheet tabs are now applicable, everything above is still applicable. The new additions are "SWR" and the final third of the Dashboard. If you've completed all the steps above, you're pretty much done save for a few manual inputs. + +"Dashboard": First, in the Dashboard, update your Withdrawal Rate, Age, and the Return Rate - return rate is just the amount after inflation that you believe the total stock market will, on average, return. By default, I've set this value to 7% as the average return of the market is 10% before inflation. Scroll down your Dashboard to see more FIRE metrics such as % until FIRE and the total net worth amount you would need to cover your average yearly expenses (boring note about this formula: >!the average spend calculations take your spending from "Out", average them not including zeroes, and mutliplies by 12. This means that if you had unusually high spending in a category (in my example, I had 1 monthly expense of over $600 for medical), it will take $600 \* 12 = an average of $7200 per year. Because of this, the NW number you need to cover all expenses may be inflated. Consider it a "worst-case scenario" table and don't put too much stock in the "Needed" number for unusually high expenses.!<) + +"SWR": The first table shows annual withdrawals based on your current Net Worth and selected withdrawal rate (Dashboard), if it were to be left alone, until a certain age (Y axis) and at a certain average total stock market return (X axis). There is 1 manual input for this chart: F1. If you want to view what your annual withdrawals could be at a certain age and at a certain stock return rate, type "\[Age\] @ \[Return Rate\]%" and the cell underneath will automatically pull the number. In the next table, you see the % you are under you've reached CoastFI for your LeanFIRE, FIRE, and FatFIRE numbers at a certain age (Y axis). There are 2 potential manual inputs here: cells H2 and J2. Currently, H2 is your LeanFIRE number and I've just calculated it as 2/3 of your FIRE number. The FatFIRE number is just 1.5x bigger than your FIRE number. You can change them manually if you want. Finally, the table next to that shows the monthly amount you would need to contribute to your Net Worth to reach your numbers at a certain age. Additional manual inputs for the table include your overall portfolio stock allocation, bond allocation, and the rate at which you expect bonds to increase in value. + +&#x200B; + +**Extras**: + +I've also thrown in an amortization schedule (designed for a 30-year mortgage but adjustable to fit your needs, be it a car loan or student loan etc). At the top you can input your loan's terms. On the right half of the spreadsheet, you can see what happens to the loan if you pay extra that month. At the very end of the spreadsheet is a free math section. Just a blank sheet in case you want to do random calculations. + +&#x200B; + +Critiques and questions are welcome! + +P.s. a common critique is that the Out page is inconvenient to update. Here's my recommendation, and what I did for my personal sheet. Create a google form. Put all of your categories into it as a multiple choice question. Short answer question for amount. Save the google form as a bookmark. Use that google form whenever you have an expense, and set the "Out" tab to automatically pull data from the form answer database using sumifs formulas (if date from google form = date in "out," if category in google form = category in "out," then sum) formulas. +Interested if anyone on here has actually sold contracts as a strategy for any considerable length of time (thinking a decade or two). This board basically just seems to be an overzealous 18-30 demographic, mostly new to the game, bragging about short term gains. I'm much more interested in those of you who have actually survived in the markets for long periods, experienced many different market environments/conditions, and have come out on top/successful. I'd love to hear the stories of some of these people, if they're on here, and if you have actually been able to consistently outpace the growth of the market over the long term. Stories of bear markets and relations of realistic return expectations for both myself and the other young people here would be most welcome. Thanks. +Who would have thought that we need such a thread so quickly again, but here we are. Keep your thoughts about squeeze #2 in this thread if possible. + +This is not an open invitation to turn this thread into WSB #2. Be thoughtful about your actions and continue to make this a great community. + +Here is a link to the last overflow thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/l79l0g/thetagang_overflow_thread_for_gme_amc_robinhood/ + +Here is the link to the earnings thread, that got replaced by this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/lo7ngl/earnings_for_the_week_of_feb_22_2021/ +Good Morning! + +Overslept bigly, due to a minor cold. + +I'm up skip the bullshit and right to the goods. + +Make sure to check out [MOASS the Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/) + +Video on my current theory ... [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +I just want to address the growing FUD right up front: + +* **The theory remains intact.** +* Not only are we still within the T+2 window for them to settle their exposure. We have already seen massive price action expected within this window. +* Is it over? Not necessarily, I currently do not feel like sufficient volume has traded to satisfy their exposure today. +* If they are internalizing the losses, it is to drive retail out of their options and minimize their necessary hedge. +* By retail selling off contracts this minimizes the amount of hedging they need to do while running the price. +* We can already see them covering exposure on other ETF basket stocks to a greater degree such as DDS, M, JWN...etc. +* They will also have to cover their exposure on GME. +* If you bought into weeklies and lost money this is on you. I have **constantly discouraged** the buying of short term contracts, they present a great deal of risk. If you made money on weeklies in the last two days you did well. If you held hoping for the moon, you were greedy, and the money lost was your own fault. For the people that bought far dated contracts their profits are still up and will continue to rise as the rest of this cycle plays out. + +\- gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/5nmry2atwe181.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b4f1406eb79eace0220c17a413c89c6c5fa5170 + +&#x200B; + +Edit 7 2:27 + +Consolidation leading to another bottom a little higher could be a bounce, remember they have till market open tomorrow to place orders for T+2 exposure window + +https://preview.redd.it/ad8xf9boce181.png?width=1622&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cac4d183e05c2fb4e7b51622994b1e105b9763a + +Edit 6 1:54 + +Pivot! Not gonna lie that was a scary ride but 🙏💎🙏 + +https://preview.redd.it/d9p5k66n6e181.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2d834b5c649e15fc8cc33c94b3d9eb5d1e690de + +Edit 5 12:06 + +200k shares borrowed from Fidelity, they are continuing to drive the price down, I don't see put OI picking up significantly. But they are definitely shaking the calls out right now. I still have not seen sufficient volume to indicate covering. + +https://preview.redd.it/l2492dwhnd181.png?width=1629&format=png&auto=webp&s=339c2ee06effa8d847e43c6edb841c3ed153d820 + +Edit 4 11:11 + +Double bottom on with this leg a little high than the previous, could be the beginning of an uptrend. + +https://preview.redd.it/668le4qkdd181.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=27908a23dc40f013364dbef1dd2b84a7a9855ea5 + +Edit 3 10:32 + +This dip still is shorting and some profit taking, I don not see ITM puts coming in and call volume remains high. I expected we could stay around this level till midday. We have a reversal but it's weakening currently. + +https://preview.redd.it/5h0trqku6d181.png?width=1623&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e3a3327424845e3c69ed2af83d4ccef633e2520 + +Edit 2 10:03 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR 70k + +Fidelity 2.4m + +Edit 1 + +Small dip at open looks like we might be bouncing on VWAP now. 80k shares borrowed from IBKR let's get ready to run! + +https://preview.redd.it/dwgo5xlkyc181.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=745e12f9db4b3457644dcac64d7fa805c3e24f50 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +Good Morning! + +Overslept bigly, due to a minor cold. + +I'm up skip the bullshit and right to the goods. + +Make sure to check out [MOASS the Trilogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/) + +Video on my current theory ... [talk with Houston Wade here explaining my current theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mntHdNqltkw) + +For more information on my futures theory please check out the [clips on my YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial/playlists). + +Join us in the Daily Livestream [https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/c/PickleFinancial) + +Or listen along with our live audio feed on [Discord](https://discord.gg/HbqnUVsSrH) + +(save these links in case reddit goes down) + +Historical Resistance/Support: + +116.5, 125.5, 132.5, 141, 145, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 157 (ATM offering), 158.5, 162.5, 163, 165.5, 172.5, 174, 176.5, 180, 182.5, 184, 187.5, **190**, 192.5, 195, 196.5, 197.5, 200, 209, 211.5, 214.5, 218, 225.20 (ATM offering) 227.5, 232.5, 235, 242.5, 250, 255, 262.5, 275, 280, 285, 300, 302.50, 310, 317.50, 325, 332.5, 340, 350, 400, 483, moon base... + +# After Market + +I just want to address the growing FUD right up front: + +* **The theory remains intact.** +* Not only are we still within the T+2 window for them to settle their exposure. We have already seen massive price action expected within this window. +* Is it over? Not necessarily, I currently do not feel like sufficient volume has traded to satisfy their exposure today. +* If they are internalizing the losses, it is to drive retail out of their options and minimize their necessary hedge. +* By retail selling off contracts this minimizes the amount of hedging they need to do while running the price. +* We can already see them covering exposure on other ETF basket stocks to a greater degree such as DDS, M, JWN...etc. +* They will also have to cover their exposure on GME. +* If you bought into weeklies and lost money this is on you. I have **constantly discouraged** the buying of short term contracts, they present a great deal of risk. If you made money on weeklies in the last two days you did well. If you held hoping for the moon, you were greedy, and the money lost was your own fault. For the people that bought far dated contracts their profits are still up and will continue to rise as the rest of this cycle plays out. + +\- gherkinit + +https://preview.redd.it/5nmry2atwe181.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b4f1406eb79eace0220c17a413c89c6c5fa5170 + +&#x200B; + +Edit 7 2:27 + +Consolidation leading to another bottom a little higher could be a bounce, remember they have till market open tomorrow to place orders for T+2 exposure window + +https://preview.redd.it/ad8xf9boce181.png?width=1622&format=png&auto=webp&s=5cac4d183e05c2fb4e7b51622994b1e105b9763a + +Edit 6 1:54 + +Pivot! Not gonna lie that was a scary ride but 🙏💎🙏 + +https://preview.redd.it/d9p5k66n6e181.png?width=1609&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2d834b5c649e15fc8cc33c94b3d9eb5d1e690de + +Edit 5 12:06 + +200k shares borrowed from Fidelity, they are continuing to drive the price down, I don't see put OI picking up significantly. But they are definitely shaking the calls out right now. I still have not seen sufficient volume to indicate covering. + +https://preview.redd.it/l2492dwhnd181.png?width=1629&format=png&auto=webp&s=339c2ee06effa8d847e43c6edb841c3ed153d820 + +Edit 4 11:11 + +Double bottom on with this leg a little high than the previous, could be the beginning of an uptrend. + +https://preview.redd.it/668le4qkdd181.png?width=1614&format=png&auto=webp&s=27908a23dc40f013364dbef1dd2b84a7a9855ea5 + +Edit 3 10:32 + +This dip still is shorting and some profit taking, I don not see ITM puts coming in and call volume remains high. I expected we could stay around this level till midday. We have a reversal but it's weakening currently. + +https://preview.redd.it/5h0trqku6d181.png?width=1623&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e3a3327424845e3c69ed2af83d4ccef633e2520 + +Edit 2 10:03 + +Shares to Borrow: + +IBKR 70k + +Fidelity 2.4m + +Edit 1 + +Small dip at open looks like we might be bouncing on VWAP now. 80k shares borrowed from IBKR let's get ready to run! + +https://preview.redd.it/dwgo5xlkyc181.png?width=1611&format=png&auto=webp&s=745e12f9db4b3457644dcac64d7fa805c3e24f50 + +**Disclaimer** + +*\* Although my profession is day trading, I in no way endorse day-trading of GME not only does it present significant risk, it can delay the squeeze. If you are one of the people that use this information to day trade this stock, I hope you sell at resistance then it turns around and gaps up to $500.* 😁 + +*\*Options present a great deal of risk to the experienced and inexperienced investors alike, please understand the risk and mechanics of options before considering them as a way to leverage your position.* + +*\*My YouTube channel is "monetized" if that is something you are uncomfortable with, I understand, while I wouldn't say I profit greatly from the views, I do suggest you use ad-block when viewing it if you feel so compelled.* *My intention is simply benefit this community. For those that find value in and want to reward my work, I thank you. For those that do not I encourage you to enjoy the content. As always this information is intended to be free to everyone.* + +\**This is not Financial advice. The ideas and opinions expressed here are for educational and entertainment purposes only.* + +*\* No position is worth your life and debt can always be repaid. Please if you need help reach out this community is here for you. Also the NSPL Phone: 800-273-8255 Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish.* [*Learn more*](https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) +New coin FEH is being shilled on here so I bought in and doubled within the hour. Then people started arguing it’s a scam because they’ve coded to remove all liquidity after 7 days in plain English. This is the worst form of rug. + +This is their code: + +function removeLiquidity( + +address tokenA, + +address tokenB, + +uint liquidity, + +uint amountAMin, + +uint amountBMin, + +address to, + +uint deadline + +) + + +So they have 7 days to pump and then rug everyone. As soon as people started calling this out in the telegram they blocked us and FEH tanked. It’s since rebounded because other poor fools bought into it. Please upvote and spread the word. +The following is meant to give an idea of how cryptocurrencies work, getting into detail without requiring any math or programming skills to understand. If you have a good understanding of fiat currencies, then feel free to skip the first section of this post. + +In 2016, the GDP of the United States was $18.57 trillion. GDP is just the value of everything produced in a year. So the savvy investor with an extra $19 trillion lying around could have used it to buy everything made in the US in 2016, including services like cleaning. +This is a little simplified, but essentially true. GDP is the total value of all of the cars, movies, bread, haircuts, buildings, military spending, advertising, and fidget spinners, all sold at market prices. The total wealth of the US in 2016 was estimated to be about $88.1 trillion. + +You don't really care. But now that you have those numbers for context, humor me and take an educated guess at something. How many dollars exist in the world? Go ahead, take a guess. + +If you said $18.57 trillion, you'd be wrong. According to the Federal Reserve, there is about $1.56 trillion worth of US currency in circulation. + +It turns out that number, $1.56 trillion is a little misleading. Nothing is ever simple, is it? For starters, a lot of money is electronic: it is not, and never was represented by physical bills or coins. Who creates this money? The Federal Reserve. Sort of. I told you it's never simple, didn't I? + +The Federal Reserve of the United States is in charge of issuing money. Dollar bills are actually known as "Federal Reserve notes." The Federal Reserve can, with the click of a button, create more dollar bills. However, what is surprising to most people, especially many crypo enthusiasts, is that dollars are also created by banks. Think about it this way. Let's say the Fed prints a shiny new $100 bill. It goes into circulation, and Cindy the Airline Pilot gets ahold of it. Cindy is a spendthrift, so she decides to squirrel it away and deposit it in her bank account at Goliath National Bank. Does GNB put that $100 in a vault? No. They put $10 in a vault and loan the other $90 to Fred the mechanic, who wants to buy a house. Fred buys his house, and that $90 goes to Samir the landlord. At the end of the week, Samir deposits his $90 into his savings account at Goliath National Bank. + +Okay, if you followed that, you'll realize there is a problem. Cindy has $100 in her account at GNB. Samir has $90 in his. $90 has been created, out of thin air. Banks give out loans all the time, and the result is that a lot of the 'money' that exists in the economy, well, doesn’t exist. It's just a couple numbers on a balance sheet at some bank. That money can, and does, disappear sometimes. This is one of the things that happens during a recession. There is literally less money. In the long run however, all of that money is based on the original $100 issued by the Federal Reserve. This means that the Fed ultimately does control the amount of US Dollars in circulation. + +Makes you start wondering: What is money actually worth? + +The value of money, like any other tradeable commodity, is determined by supply and demand. The supply of dollars changes a lot over time, and is fundamentally driven by the Federal Reserve. That's the supply side. What about demand? Well, demand is determined by how much people want dollars. Not money, everyone wants money. Dollars. How much people want dollars depends on how much there is to buy with them. + +For instance, imagine President Xi of China wants a Tesla Model S. He has to buy it in US currency, so he first "buys" dollars and then uses those to buy the Tesla. This increases the demand for, and thus the value of the dollar. So generally, if the economy grows and more products are offered in the US market, the value of the dollar goes up. The value of the dollar increasing is known as deflation. If the Fed prints a whole bunch more dollars, they are devalued, which is known as inflation. + +**Begin reading here if you don't need a brush-up on your Economics 101.** + +I invite you now to consider a different way that money could work. + +Imagine that Samantha the accountant has decided to buy some cigars from Cuba. She finds that they won't accept US dollars. For business reasons she decides that she cannot buy any Cuban currency. How is she to get ahold of the cigars? She thinks about it a little bit, and comes up with a creative way to pay for the order. + +She contacts the cigar manufacturer and makes a deal. She will do 5 hours of tax work in exchange for some cigars. To keep herself accountable, (no pun intended), she creates a new website, www.SamIOUs.com. On that website, she posts the following: "Hey everyone. I am a registered CPA. I owe CubanCigar Inc. 5 hours of tax work." Now she is accountable. There is a public record that CubanCigar Inc. has a voucher for some accounting work. + +Well, the next day, CubanCigar Inc. goes to buy some office supplies from its paper supplier in the US, Dunder Mifflin. After examining their bank account, they realize that they are almost out of US dollars, and Dunder Mifflin won’t accept Pesos. They could go through the hassle of changing their money. Happily for them, however, they don't need to use US dollars. They have something else to trade: Samantha's accounting work. CC Inc. contacts Dunder Mifflin and offers to trade some accounting for the next reams of paper. + +To hold themselves accountable, they go to www.SamIOUs.com and make the following comment: "We, CubanCigar Inc., are transferring our accounting IOUs to Dunder Mifflin." +Now, anyone who looks at the website can see that Dunder Mifflin holds the IOUS. + +This is the basic idea of a blockchain. Like www.SamIOUs.com, a blockchain is a public ledger that records transactions. Also like Samantha's website, anyone can look at the blockchain and find out how many "IOU's" any specific person has. However, as always, things aren't quite that simple. + +There’s a problem. A hacker finds the website and sees a very very easy way to steal the IOU’s and to get his taxes done for free. He signs up for a new account under the name “Dunder Mifflin Paper Company” and writes a message to the page: “We, Dunder Mifflin, hereby transfer our IOUs to ELeET_HaXor@hackhub.net”. +At this point, Samantha’s website no longer works. The public messages don’t keep anyone accountable if they can be forged. + +The next time Samantha wants to buy cigars, she comes up with a better solution. She renames her website www.safepublicledger.com. She preregisters 100 usernames. They are all generic. User1, User2, User3, etc. Anyone can go onto the website and claim one of these names. Once they do, they are given a password, and the username is no longer available. + +Samantha contacts CubanCigars Inc. and tells them to claim the username “User33”. Once they do, she posts that she owes User33 5 IOUs for an hour of work each. To prove that they really are User33, all CubanCigars Inc needs to do is use the password that was generated for them when the claimed the account. + +Now, we’re starting to get a little closer to a system that can replace the current method of making payments. But the system still isn’t secure, and ELeET_HaXor isn’t done yet. Seeing Sam’s new system, he goes ahead and registers for all 100 accounts. That way, no one can use them at all. Samantha is too clever, however. She writes a program on her website that will allow 100 million million million accounts to be created. Next time, she can tell CubanCigars Inc. to claim the account “User52446722224590.” No problem. + +ELeET_HaXor has one more trick up his sleeve. He realizes that if he hacks into Samantha’s computer, he can change the website and control all of the posts, and make it look like all of the IOU’s were transferred to him. + +Samantha, foiled again, decides to try one last time. This time, she comes up with a very clever solution. She creates a new website, www.distributedpublicledger.com. + +She sends out a mass email to everyone she knows: “Hi! I have this really cool website, but it keeps getting hacked. If you know anything about cybersecurity, I will trade you 1 Accounting IOU if you put a copy of my website on your computer and keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get hacked.” + +10 friends respond. Now it’s 10 against 1. The hacker can’t hack the ALL of the websites, and the friends all have a vested interest in protecting the ledger, because if the websites disappear, there is no record of the tax work they are receiving as payment. These ‘friends’ are what you might have heard referred to as “miners.” + +In reality, the mechanism for security is a bit more mathy. I’ll try to explain it without using any math. Skip the next couple paragraphs if you don’t want to get too in depth. A better analogy for blockchain would be the following: In addition to asking her friends to make a copy of her website, Samantha adds a program that makes it really hard to post. In fact, in order to post, one must mindlessly press enter 10,000 times. CubanCigars Inc. is frustrated because they don’t want to take the time to do this. It’s too frustrating. So Samantha writes a program that allows her friends all to work together. She asks her 10 friends to press enter on behalf of CubanCigars. In return, she’ll give them some IOUs as well. With 10 of them working, it doesn’t take too long. + +Meanwhile, ELeET_HaXor is trying to write a fake post on behalf of CubanCigars. However, he finds that by the time he has hit enter 1000 times, the IOUs in the CubanCigars account have already been transferred. In order for hackers to break the network, there would need to be more of them then there were miners (the friends). + +And that’s it. That’s what’s known as a proof of work blockchain. The term blockchain comes from the fact that the ‘posts’ which record the transactions are grouped together into big blocks that the miners work on all at once. These blocks can be strung together like a chain to make an entire transaction history. Ethereum and Bitcoin are both examples of this type of blockchain, although there are many variations, including some that don’t use miners or blocks at all! + +“Now hold on. In your example, it’s Samantha doing taxes that gives value to the IOUs. I’ve heard that bitcoin doesn’t have any inherent value at all!” + +Remember what we said at the beginning of this post. A currency’s value is determined by its supply and demand. Demand comes from usefulness. Sam’s IOUs were useful because they could be traded for Samantha’s time. US dollars are useful because they can be traded for just about everything. So while you might not be able to pay your accountant with bitcoin today, there are more and more places that are starting to accept cryptocurrencies as payment. Think about it, if your friend offered to buy your old laptop for $500 worth of bitcoin, would you do it? Yes! Because you know that the bitcoin is tradeable for $500. Cryptocurrencies have value because people acknowledge their use. Additionally, Ethereum, which operates as more than just a cryptocurrency, will have potential uses in various applications (like online voting, gambling, or contract-keeping, to name a few). + +Cryptocurrencies have an additional advantage over most currencies. They are scarce. Samantha, as the creator of her IOUs, decided at the beginning how many total she was willing to give out. Similarly, it has been determined that there will only ever be about 21 million bitcoin, and while there is not a fixed supply of Ethereum, its inflation is predictable and will tend towards 0 over time. + +In short, cryptocurrencies are a way to circumvent currencies tied to any country or organization. They are scarce, secure,(often) deflationary, act like a transferable commodity, and require no bank or third party organization to transfer or touch your money. +If you're in on these groups, be careful. + +https://cryptostreet.co/the-us-senate-hearing-cryptocurrencies-had-positive-negative-voices/ + +Regarding Pump and Dumps and Market Manipulators + +While the market does not have the necessary tools to prevent pump and dump schemes, the Senate showed its concern on this matter too. The chairman Jay Clayton was asked to present his strategy towards stopping pump and dump schemes. + +Jay Clayton stated that these type of schemes are very hard to stop in the digitalized market. But the **SEC has created a special task force that collaborates with the FBI in order to control it.** + +The pump and dump schemes are usually conducted on social platforms like Telegram and could have a great impact on the price of a currency. The investors who are not aware of such events have a lot to lose because of it. +I made a [post earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sk8e4v/last_time_this_happened_was_jan_2021_gme/hvmlqdm/?context=3) to help a DD writer get more visibility about Utilization and DRS having a Massive impact against Shorting Hedge Funds (SHFs) ability to continue their shenanigans on $GME. + +But soon after u/ScreechPower asked what happened to the author? As if they disappeared.. + +&#x200B; + +[They switched out the author.. what kind of sorcery is this?](https://preview.redd.it/zerhx244mwf81.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=465f2ddbc100ee31b3f854f66baa4142c0813cf1) + +Here's a link to the due diligence post about Utilization which was ORIGINALLY created by u/Cataclysmic98: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sk0ygr/gme\_share\_loaning\_utilization\_is\_an\_important/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sk0ygr/gme_share_loaning_utilization_is_an_important/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +The new author is some shill that they planted (who has the power to change post authors?), perhaps to **boost up the Shill account's karma** so it can spread more FUD against the community. I wish I had backed up the post or screenshotted it (which I typically do, but I won't make this mistake again). + +**Shills will claim** u/Cataclysmic98 **wasn't the author, but I know she is, and MANY of you have seen it because apes always verify author credibility. Please comment below if you saw her name before they planted the new author. I have reached out to OP but she does not want the spotlight in fear of retaliation.** + +u/Cataclysmic98 has been CAUSING a ruckus by providing quality posts, seriously go LOOK at her post history (like this one with [Charles Gradante w/ 50,000+ UPVOTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/rww52i/wall_street_veteran_charles_gradante_calls_out/)). Heads up: you may need to refresh twice for the REAL posts to load. After finding out, I clicked on her post history but it was pulling up old, low vote-count posts until a second refresh fixed it. Make Streisand effect work apes. Give her a follow to get the latest scoop. + +Either the mods are complicit and/or Reddit is involved, either way, UTILIZATION shows we are approaching 90% meaning SHFs are running out of shares for shorting and DRS is the key to unlocking MOASS: YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM. + +&#x200B; + +[Utilization approaching 90&#37; and the last time it was up this high was in Jan 2021 for the sneeze](https://preview.redd.it/homjw3mgpwf81.png?width=975&format=png&auto=webp&s=8cb1515e574d123a0d79fba9209ebaf8bf0e94a6) + +# What does Utilization mean? + +The utilization rate is the number of shares borrowed divided by the number of shares that institutional investors are willing to lend. A higher rate indicates that more of the supply of shares in the securities lending market is being borrowed. A higher utilization rate also increases the likelihood that short sellers could face a buy-in if investors recall their loaned shares. + +In January 2021, Gamestop utilization hit 100% which meant there were ZERO shares left to short. + +Here's a tweet from Michael Burry when utilization hit 100% (has occurred a few times in $GME history and always caused a RUN-UP) and he tried to recall his shares back from the brokers: + +&#x200B; + +[Michael Burry tweet trying to recall his lent-out Gamestop shares when utilization peaked](https://preview.redd.it/tmpi4rplxwf81.png?width=744&format=png&auto=webp&s=f005380f18406b496463538ea8af50ce33649313) + +At the current rate, DRS is permanently removing shares from DTCC at an accelerated pace which does not allow brokers to continue rehypothecation with synthetic fake shares. So SHFs have resorted to shorting entire ETFs like $XRT and playing a dangerous game by purchasing weekly Put walls, but it won't last. The next Gamestop Quarterly report will reveal how much closer we are to locking up the entire float with DRS. + +# TLDR; The Mother of All Short Squeezes is coming and it will be glorious. This time will be different from January 2021 because DRS is removing shares from the float, away from the DTCC/ending synthetics, and is squeezing SHFs with increasingly high borrow rates. Also, DOJ is moving in on shortys with FBI issuing subpoenas. + +&#x200B; + +[get rekt](https://preview.redd.it/oopv4ogp0xf81.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1a918a56cd19613490105e7edafd481783a553f) + +Tick tock motherfucker. No cell, no sell. + +BUY, HODL, DRS, EXERCISE OPTIONS ITM, & LOCK THE FLOAT. + +💎🙌🚀 +SEC RESIGNATIONS + +Chief of Enforcement resigned yesterday. +Two other Chiefs of Enforcement have resigned since January. +Chief of the Office of the Whistleblower resigned 3 weeks ago. +Chief of Economic and Risk Analysis resigned in January. +Chief of Staff resigned in January. +Chief of Investment Management resigned in January. +Chief Accountant resigned in January. +Chief of Corporation Finance resigned in March. +The SEC has had 4 different chairmen in the last 4 months. + +Ape no connect dots. But something’s going on. + + + + +Reposting from WSB cuz it got removed there for no reason early this morning 🤔 +So this week my email and youtube recommendations are full of "THE BIGGEST CRASH IN THE HISTORY", "THE GUY WHO PREDICTED THE 2008 CRASH IS WARNING YOU", and here on Reddit every day there is a post about an incoming crash, also the fear and greed index is the fear territory, +so following the advice of the old man " Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." +but on the other hand, the market is reaching a new ATH, so my question for the people who lived the previous crashes, was it fear the dominant emotion is driving the market? or everyone was partying and greedy and suddenly the sky fall on them? + +This is a pretty straightforward question so I’ll try not to create too much of a word salad in order to reach minimum post length, I’m just curious if you all have noticed any way that the skills or attitudes you’ve gained through learning to trade have seeped into other parts of your life. + +Are you more disciplined? Less? Do you spend every waking hour seeing candlesticks in everything you do? + +Or is trading just an isolated part of you that you ignore the moment you step away from your computer/phone +I'm a freelance UX/UI product designer in the US. I've worked for lots of large, well-known, innovative tech companies over the past 10 years. I'm moving to Australia with my wife (Aussie) for family and personal reasons, but I've found the Aussie job market (especially tech) to be quite sub-par compared to the US companies I work with. After a couple months of interviews with recruiters, agencies, and startups it seems clear I'm going to take at least a 50% pay cut. Anyone had experience taking a massive pay cut midway through their career? +First off, before I begin... Verge is a shitcoin. + +What problem does it solve better than any of the top 10, what is it's purpose, and why is it worth what it is worth? + +If you can't answer these questions honestly, then it is in fact... a shitcoin. + +Now, besides all that, the coin was literally hacked last week, and the price of it was actually still going up... in a fucking bear market. Now come on, even if you jerk off to this coin, and spread its greatness all around the interwebs, even you have to admit that it's a bit fucking suspicious right? + +Then, the sole developer, living in his moms basement, allegedly, with a bit too much hair on his neck, allegedly, has the ball to tell his community, that he will release news on the "biggest partnership in cryptocurrency history" if... you give him millions of dollars.... to pay his taxes... allegedly. + +And then he goes ahead, and changes the big announcement date to the 17th of April, which so happens to be the exact day all United States taxes are due... coincidence? + +I mean I wish I was making this shit up people, but are people really this fucking dumb, or is the developer actually being trolled himself, and these so called investors are actually just 4Channers waiting to pump and dump this thing like nothing ever seen before? + +That's the only explanation I could come up with, that or the whole thing is being manipulated by team McAfee, hence the original push... what say you guys? +Recently discovered that with your library card you can access your State Library and through this you are able to access a TON of resources like Factiva (you'd pay $230 a month for this database), Business Source Premium (thousands of dollars a year) and a STACK of digital mags for FREE. + +Hope this helps. +Can someone please explain to me how this company is still alive and in business with a valuation of about 4.4 Billion dollars??? + +&#x200B; + +what the serious fakkkkkkk +Maybe happy isn’t the right word. Content? Okay? Idk. But I’m ok because I know I tried my best, I did. I didn’t do anything irresponsible with my money. I paid what I needed to. I didn’t splurge. I kept my food budget $20/week. I lost weight for choosing water for dinner sometimes. + +My lease expired the 20th of June. My landlord emailed me today saying I need to be out by my birthday (July 6). I’m not mad at them. They’ve been patient. They’re been understanding. It’s not personal, it’s business. + +I have unemployment coming in so I plan to pay as much as I can and then put the rest towards a car and live out of it. Or go to a shelter. + +I have no family. No friends. But I’m okay. I’m content. I really did try my best. I’m going to try to still have a nice birthday. To still keep a smile on my face. I attempted Suicide countless times and they all failed so I give up and decide to find a purpose. + +You’re more than welcome to give advice. But a prayer is appreciated even more. Just keep me in your thoughts. Thank you. +I'm not ready to buy at the moment but I also don't want my money sitting in a low yield savings account. At the moment I'm not quite sure whether I'd prefer to pay cash on a 4plex or below or use the money for down-payment on something multi-family. Any suggestions on best places to hold this money? +A few hundred thousand people in the GTA at least just heard that message. + +Here's hoping they flip the right side of the coin and dive into ETH! + +I can't believe they suggested DASH... isn't it illegal to give out investment advice over the radio anyways? +Good morning everyone, happy Tuesday. + +*This list is geared towards day trading. With the small cap stocks especially, I am typically in and out very quickly, only occasionally longer than 5 minutes, usually faster scalps.* I am also constantly watching the candlestick charts and observing price action and volume, and you should be doing the same if you want to trade these stocks. Always have a plan when you enter a trade (for profit taking and for taking a loss), and use proper risk management. + +**Main Watchlist** + +* Gapping UP: CRSP, KSU, FSR, MVIS, TLRY +* Gapping DOWN: SPCE, MARA, FUTU, ABT, SNDX, MO, CLNE, UAL, AAL + +**Momentum Watchlist** + +1. YVR (+16%): Up after announcing its first Red Carpet NFT, and the introduction of its NFT platform. Seeing good volume and price action at the moment, I'll be watching to see if the momentum continues. Premarket high of 3.25. +2. XXII (+9%): Up on reports of Biden administration considering recommending a cut in nicotine levels in cigarettes. Seeing good price action in premarket, but I'd want to see volume pick up a bit more. Premarket high of 3.95. +3. LCTX (+6%): Up after announcing worldwide license agreement with Immunomic Therapeutics. Seeing decent price action in premarket, but I'll want to see volume pick up more. +4. RKDA (+7%): Up after receiving Health Canada Approval for GoodHemp varieties. Seeing decent price action in premarket, but I'll want to see volume pick up as well. Premarket high of 2.82. +5. OBLN (+7%): Couldn't find a relevant catalyst. Showing some weakness in price action at the moment, I'll want to see it get back above the 2.82 level before I consider trading it. +6. GIFI (+6%): Up after selling shipyard division assets. Seeing almost no volume or price action in premarket, but the daily chart intrigues me so I'll be keeping an eye on this one. Possible bounce off a couple different Moving Averages. I'll want to see some upwards momentum with meaningful volume before I consider trading it. + +**Market Outlook** + +Stocks are looking to open a bit lower once again, after we saw a pullback in the market yesterday. Lots of stocks gapping down, so I may be a bit more patient than usual and wait for things to develop a bit more, to see what the day looks like. SPY is trading a bit below 414, and there could be some choppiness today. Bitcoin is currently trading at around 55,900. Bitcoin-related stocks are down a bit in premarket, but they'll be worth following with Bitcoin prices. Marijuana stocks are trading higher in premarket trading on the beloved 4/20, and it will be worth keeping an eye on them. Tech stocks continue to pull back this morning, and it will be worth monitoring them, especially the big names. Gold is trading in the red, while silver and crude oil are in the green at the moment. We could see some more choppiness in the market today, just remember to stay disciplined and keep your emotions in check. + +Remember to use proper risk management, make sure you size appropriately for your account, and have a plan for every trade you enter (both for taking profits and cutting losses). Happy trading everyone :) +With demand for semiconductors continuing to outstrip supply, TSMC again plans increase prices on mainstream chips, marking what would the single steepest increase in their pricing to date. + +This is likely to improve TSMC's margins, and clients like AAPL and AMD will have to live with smaller margins or pass the price increase onto consumers. + +https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Tech/Semiconductors/TSMC-hikes-chip-prices-up-to-20-amid-supply-shortage +Hello everyone, im 20 years old and want to get into dividend investing for various reasons. I have $500 to invest right at this moment and will have more after that. How would you invest $500 to start off dividend investing? Go Etf’s or individual? TIA for any help😄 +My wife and I recently got an EOB for our daughter's eye surgery stating we're responsible for $95k. Needless to say that night was a rough one. + +&#x200B; + +Quick but necessary backstory: Both my wife and I teach full time. Our daughter was born near the end of the semester. She took time off but I kept working. We both didn't add her to our respective insurances within the allowable time frame. We called HR within 60 days after remembering but each employer has a 30 day window so we were screwed. Fuck. So I bought an Anthem plan on the Marketplace with a relatively low premium and an $8700 deductible thinking that she'll have that for a few months of her usual well visits/shots/etc. until our open enrollment period and we can add her to our employers' plans.....A few weeks later we learn that she had congenital cataracts in both eyes (I had it too when I was born). This was a punch to the gut, for me especially. I immediately saw her entire future because I knew what was ahead of her, I've lived it. And us as parents because I know what my parents went through, mostly. Things got super real super fast because the local eye doctor referred us right the hell away to Stanford with probably the top surgeon in the country if not the world. We had a teleconference with him and within two weeks from her diagnosis she had her lenses removed. We now put in and take out contacts in her eyes each morning and evening. She's 4 months old. + +&#x200B; + +A few days ago we got the EOB from the insurance saying that Stanford's Lucille Packard Children's hospital is out of network......*no one said anything the entire time*. Yeah I suppose it was ultimately our responsibility to make sure that Stanford was actually in network, but things were happening fast. When the only pediatric ophthalmologist in your region says he's referring your child to one of the top hospital complexes in the ***world***, you don't think "hang on let me check if they're in my network?" And if they weren't, we would have had to turn down the surgery and go....somewhere else? The surgery needed to be done ASAP since she was already almost 3 months old at the time, so the sooner her cataracts could be removed the sooner her nerves would begin to develop allowing her to have sight for the rest of her life instead of going blind. Mine was taken out at 2 and 4 ***weeks*** old. No one, at any point in time, said anything about them not being in network. Not the local doctor's office, no one at Stanford when we were there, not Anthem. Anyways, $110k total charges and after the 8700 deductible +/- other stuff, we're responsible for about $95k. + +&#x200B; + +It was the perfect fucking order of events. Literally two weeks late with HR and it's costing us nearly $100k. That's fucked up imho. + +&#x200B; + +Current liquid assets: + +* $27k in savings acct +* I can sell my pickup for at least $35k in this market. We have an older car I could still drive. +* I have $16k in my old 403b. The 403b is a supplemental retirement acct for me since I have a pension with my employer. +* We have about $56k in apple stock. The stock was to be our down payment on a house within 5 years, plus it's just going to grow in the market. +* About $8k in other stock + +And so, I humbly ask the community your thoughts on what the fuck we should do. We rent our house from my wife's parents FFS. I sincerely thank you in advance. + + +Edit: Thank you again everyone for your comments and information. I’ve read them all. Some good advice in here. And I know the EOB isn’t a bill hehe but it’s still a bit jarring seeing it nonetheless. + +Edit 2: Nvm got some to read through! + + +Edit 3: Wow the outpouring of messages and responses, including links to specific government programs, has been incredible. I had no idea it’d get this kind of attention. Thank you! I feel a lot better about it now. I have some strategy for our next steps now. +I'm asking the learned economists here. I'm an engineer, therefore I don't know any economic theory at all. + +I mean, the planet is finite... but I always see everyone fearing stagnation so much, let alone contraction. We have been enjoying the growth for ages, and I suppose that we find it normal because it always was like that, but it will eventually come to an end (it doesn't matter if it's 50 or 150 or 250 years, exponential growth has limits). + +Despite the nice National Geographic documentaries, nature manages to maintain a balance in a very harsh way. Animals always have more offspring than can survive, and some of them die (brutally, I'd say)... will we reach that? + +So, is it me or everyone knows that an economy has to grow to be "normal"? I haven't seen this explained anywhere... + +I’m interested to know what categories of ‘team’ members people of this sub consider ‘must haves’ AND how they would rank them on level of utility to maintaining or growing wealth. I searched for this and didn’t find anything directly relevant. No one can become wealthy in isolation, so I’m curious how this sub views ‘people’ assets. + +For example + +1. Accountant +2. Financial Advisor +3. Attorney on retainer +4. Insurance broker +5. Personal financial analyst/wealth manager +6. Property manager +7. Personal assistant + +Thoughts? +For those software engineers who have fatfired or are about to fatfire, what has set you apart from the cs grads just scraping by on 80k? Pure skill, luck, company choice, entrepreneurship, geographic decisions, personal choices? +Looking at helping to create an AB living trust for some older relatives and was curious what others thought of them. + +Whats your opinion them in general as a way to avoid probate & estate tax? + +If you've created one, did you come across anything noteworthy or surprising in the process? + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) |[📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🗣 Discussion / Question](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%97%A3+Discussion+%2F+Question%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +**No CS/DRS Mode** + +[New Reddit Filter](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) | [Old Reddit/Mobile Filter](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the links above or type `-flair_text:"💻 Computershare"` into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I realize most of the discussion here is relating to american companies and stocks, and also not really macro related. With that said, I've been following along to things relating to this Chinese company for a little while and wanted to share since I haven't seen any discussion on it despite how much of a global impact there could be here. With a 200 billion dollar market cap and stakes in other major companies like the struggling Deutsche Bank, **if** it were to go under, it would be a pretty big shock to the world. Now, I'm not going to tell anybody to try timing the market off this, but I feel there should at least be some discussion around this. + +**Who is HNA Group?** + +They're a Chinese conglomerate that has risen from being a small airline, to one of China's largest conglomerates with stakes in assets almost everywhere in the world. They have (before selling some assets recently) the largest stake in Deutche Bank, which was at one point worth just short of 10 billion, and is now valued at 8.8 billion. They also own 25% of Hilton worldwide. + +>The aviation-to-financial services conglomerate has faced a cash crunch since the end of last year, after signing deals worth more than $50 billion over a two-year period, including leading stakes in Hilton Worldwide Holdings (HLT.N) and Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE). + + +Basically, they're failing to make payments to their creditors, their shares in all their subsidiaries have been frozen in China for over a month, and they are selling off assets in a fire-sale manner so that they can attempt to stay solvent. Things have gotten so bad that they were trying to pull money from... their employees of all things... (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/01/business/dealbook/hna-china-employees.html) + + +Furthermore, they seem to have a very shady organizational structure, in which they have been pumping money into a New York Charity that was started by someone related to their company (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/26/business/hna-group-billion-donation-new-york-charity.html). + +There is a lot of reading that can be done on them, but here are a few more links. + +* https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hna-group-creditors/chinas-hna-targets-16-billion-in-asset-sales-in-first-half-bloomberg-idUSKBN1FK0WC + +* http://www.businessinsider.com/r-update-1-chinas-hna-pushes-back-against-liquidity-concerns-wont-sell-assets-blindly-2017-12 + +The major caveat here of course, is that sometimes China is different, especially if a company has any political ties to the communist party. In this instance, even if they were in a scenario where they would go under in a democratic country, the communist government of china may save them for the sake of stability. + +On the other hand, Jinping has been trying to crack down on a lot of the issues here such as capital flight, and extensive credit creation, and has been said to be of the mind to let companies fail so they do not just take on debt incessantly with the mindset that they government will bail them out regardless of what happens. + + +This subreddit, and frankly reddit, and the people who come on reddit, are too anti-libertarian, too anti-cypher punk, too anti-convoy, and too pro-KYC, you make mental gymnastics that cannot be sustained coherently with crypto, it endangers the industry and the intended point of the technology, such government powers will absolutely be used on you in the future by your political opponents, only a fool would get rid of due process and allow this type of financial surveillance, but of course 20 year old progressives are predictably fools. + +Punk 6529 made a post on twitter that got 20,000 upvotes about why the precedent Trudeau is setting is completely dangerous and unsustainable, and he did it without being bias towards the truckers. I deeply underestimated how progressive crypto reddit is. The core developers, core exchange CEO, and entire fintwitter and crypto twitter are drastically more conservative and libertarian than this, and virtually all of the infrastructure they have built is to attempt to slow down the government, any government for that matter from behaving the way in which Trudeau is now doing, + +&#x200B; + +yet here I see 600 comments on a thread with 1200 upvotes by someone going "Hey maybe Banks having this power is a bad idea" -- 600 comments defending KYC, defending CeFi, defending Pfizer, defending Ciphertrace & Chainanalysis & Elliptic, and defending Banks engaging in this behavior, and your willingness to trust the administrative state to not backdoor your crypto without due process, despite you literally defending the abrogation of due process. It makes me sick to my stomach. + +&#x200B; + +The intention of crypto was Monero, and specifically the separation of state and money, not to recreate Web 2 on chain, with thought crimes and Black Mirror surveillance like China, on chain, not for your stupid pumpanomics, not for your willingness to comply with these insanely censorious regulations that merely recreate the entire SWIFT system and US Sanctions Regime onchain, which they by the way use to do extremely imperialist, racist things on the regular. You people are utter fools. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Can someone get a petition going to change Phoslock's ticker from **PET** to **RIP**? + +$153m MC about to dissolve like tears ~~in the rain~~ in a Chinese lake that *definitely exists.* + +https://preview.redd.it/jfqvjtn8l7q51.png?width=1026&format=png&auto=webp&s=098c9f5caf85473755aa611d8d3dbfdb961607f1 +Nothing makes sense. Nobody has any explanation. Everyone is guessing. Everyone is pretending to know wth they're talking about. P/E this P/E that pffftt yeah right. Buffet this Buffet that get outa here with that bs. + +When are we going to stop lying to ourselves and admit we're gambling on some level or another? Obviously if you just boomer-style it into VOO, Apple, Microsoft or any of those large cap companies then you'll be fine but that doesn't mean you know shyt either. +As we all know we are a decade into an economic expansion. For those more “experienced” members of Fatfire, can you elaborate on your experience in recessions, and perhaps give some insight what you would have done differently? +I, as many, was thinking the FTX mess is going to be used as the perfect scapegoat for the crash and to introduce their so desired crypyo markets' *regulations* and/or the planned CBDC... It could all still happen simultaneously but I forgot about this little detail: + + +[Schwab, Citadel Securities, Fidelity, Other Wall Street Firms Start Crypto Exchange EDX Markets](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/09/13/charles-schwab-citadel-fidelity-and-others-start-crypto-exchange-edx-markets/) + + +[Wall Street-Backed Crypto Exchange EDX Markets is set for November debut](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-13/citadel-securities-backed-crypto-exchange-is-poised-for-kickoff?leadSource=uverify%20wall) (paywall) + + +Sounds a bit convenient for Kenny and friends, doesn't it?? +Hi, + +I've been offered a job in Oxford. I was looking at places to live and I would probably pay close to 700ppm for living (bills, rent, etc) not including food etc. And I'd spend near 60ppm on petrol. + +However, my parents live in Woking Surrey and the commute is about 1h10mins. I would pay 0 rent and be able to save a bit, but I'm hesitant with that commute. It sounds fine and doable, but what is a commute like that actually like? +I'm 28 with ok savings and I'm happy paying rent at 700ppm, but also that is a lot to be saving instead. I mostly don't mind my current commutes of 30 to 40 mins but how much worse is 70 mins. + +What advice would you have for me? + +Edit: petrol would be about 200ppm, I've got a bike that does 110mpg and is what I typically commute on, and this is 5 days a week. However even if I had a car at 50mpg, its under 400ppm. +First of all, fuck Jerome Powell. The dude is a criminal and should be in prison. + +The only way to combat inflation is by adjusting the monetary policy. Nothing else is going to work. He can raise interest rates by 2.5% but it's not going to do anything until he starts raising rates AGGRESSIVELY and fast. The worst part about this is that he's so far behind the curve that anything he does now will take at least a year to see any effect. + +So how did it get this way? I think it got this way by allowing the market to become this overvalued. It's my opinion that we may never see company valuations this high ever again. They printed TRILLIONS of dollars to prop up the stock market and boosts earnings. We had record number IPOs in 2021 in which CEOs walked away with billions of retail's money. + +Inflation started after they refused to let the stock market crash in 2020 from COVID. It should've crashed then and you can clearly look at S&P500 and determine where they began printing trillions of dollars. So what happened during this time? The risks of the markets were basically at all time lows. Shorts were taking on massive massive risks and then GME happened. + +Everyone in GME got a glimpse of what will happen when Jerome Powell starts to combat inflation from 2021's EVERYTHING SNEEZE. It wasn't a GME sneeze. There were hundreds of stocks that ballooned during the same time because of the systemic risk. These motherfuckers printed trillions of dollars and the goddamn idiots on wallstreet shorted the fuck out of the market. **They cannot combat inflation without crashing the US stock market**. If the US stock market crashes, hedgies are beyond fucked. They can't do anything. People are asking how the FED is allowing inflation to get this bad and it's because if they do anything about it, the US financial system implodes on itself. + +Jerome had every reason to start taking inflation more serious when he was guaranteed his seat back in December 2021 but he didn't. It tells me he can't. It tells me the US government cannot do anything about this inflation without us winning. Now they're trying to push the blame onto the Russia and Ukraine conflict. I mean sure, that conflict would and does have an impact on prices but it's not the reason inflation is 8%(fake number). + +They're really stuck. People are going to start getting hurt very soon and once this Russia/Ukraine conflict is over, what're they going to point to? They can't come out and say, "Oh, we can't combat inflation because a buncha goons on wallstreet put the whole world's economy at risk by being greedy motherfuckers" while pointing the finger at retailers holding GME. I see no way for them to blame meme stock holders. + +I know a lot of yall only focus on GME stuff but the US is in very bad shape. Inflation won't go down without the market crashing and the US economy entering a recession. I'm confident all of the higher ups in the US know the meme stock risk. If they're talking about it in congressional meetings then they're most certainly talking about it behind closed doors. + +Edit: yes I meant 0.25% +ADA holders can be really weird. I want to reiterate that not all of them are like this, but the Venn diagram of ADA fans and neck beards, who start discussions about the age of consent in japan, looks like the Mastercard logo. Those guys are also extremely idealistic and are often more interested in a perfect theoretical platonic ideal of a blockchain than the real thing. +They do not care about the price, they do not care about the speed of Cardano. As long as Charles Hoskinson makes videos, they will buy ADA every week and stake all of it forever. And lets face it, Charles will never stop making videos. +Don't get me wrong, Cardano can become a formidable blockchain for sure, but I also think that ADA will stay in the top 10 even if it literally stops working for years, as long as Charles makes videos about how everything is proceeding according to plan. That's the reason why I have some Cardano in my Portfolio and maybe you should too. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Let me explain. I am the most unlucky person in crypto. I get paid fortnightly and every time I wait for my paycheck, the price surges to ATH. This has happened 4 times now. Last night the price surged to about $730 and when I got paid this morning I bought some and guess what happened? Yep within 15 minutes the price dipped all the way down to $660. Either gdax is a scam or I time the dips perfectly. + +Ps: if you need a dip.. message me, I'll just buy more ethereum. +I'm 23 and earn £1700 (take home after tax and pension). I want to live in a flat by myself; I really truly do not fancy living in a shared house again. I want to save up for a deposit, yeah, but I think if I have to live with either another house of party girls or footie lads I'll go insane. It's not because they're bad people but more 'cause I'm a boring square. I'm gonna be moving to Stockport for work. I'm currently in Sheffield living with in a shared house with my best friend. + +I grew up dirt poor. My mum worked at Tesco and took home about £10k a year to raise me and my little sister. There's therefore a part of me that's wailing at all times, being like, "*No... you* ***must*** *save... as much as you can...*". I somehow managed to save 3k while at uni and currently have 10k in savings (£4k in a LISA, £4k in premium bonds, £2k at hand for an emergency fund). This is more about a call to reality than validation, ha. + +Is a rent of about £600 a month for a one-bed flat *actually* reasonable? I'm going to be catching the train to work when things open up again, so that's about £150 a month on my commute, and then there's bills and internet and insurance (£150?) and council tax (£85) and food (£100 a month) which comes to about £1.1k, which leaves me £600 for saving and living costs—never mind toiletries/clothes/etc. Can I make this work or should I go live in a shared house again? +Hey everyone, + +For a bit of background I’m 20 going into my third year of university studying engineering in the UK and I know I want to invest for the longer term (10-15 years). My current income consists of my government student loan and two part time jobs. + +I’m thinking of investing in a low risk growth fund through HSBC is this a good idea or does anyone have any recommendations? Or should I wait until I’ve finished university altogether and have a full time income? + +Any advice is very much appreciated, hope you all stay safe! + +Edit: Since it’ll be more effective to invest in a index fund after university where I’ll have more disposable income, I’ve found it insightful to set up an emergency fund and pay £250-£350 a month into it :) Thank you so much for all the advice! +To all the shills, + +The MOASS? It's going to happen. It is inevitable. Stop going against the grain and get on the right side. The winning side. + +The fact that you were hired in the first place should have been the confirmation that the MOASS was going to happen... But here we are anyways. + +What you were paid to do (shill on social media) is illegal and the hedge funds can be fined by the SEC with a large chunk of the fines awarded to you. Go for it. Or don't... Whatever. These guys wouldn't ever protect you anyways if there were any ties leading back to them. Might as well get what you can. + +See you on the moon. +My wife and I (+2 kids under 2 years old) are reviewing and updating the budget for 2023 and as you do, you assign a number for groceries. We've been doing $600 per month and plan on increasing it to $700 per month. Is this a reasonable amount? or is it too much? or too little? How much do you budget for groceries? + +Edit: eating out would be considered a separate budget for us (200 per month) +Some **important notes** about analysis +1. Analysis was done from **1st of January** of each corresponding year till **31st of December** of the same year + +2. **KSM**, **AMP**, **SHIBA** *ICO* price was not found, therefore the *ICO* price was used from the earliest historical data from ***CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko*** + +3. ***n/a*** means that a coin was **not released** that year + +4. If a coin was released, for example, in **July 1st 2018**, then the analysis of that year was done from *the date of ICO till 31st of December of the same year* + +5. Coins were sorted from the most ***ROI*** from the *ICO* date till **30th of October 2021** +6. Bitcoin didn't have ICO, ICO in the table for BTC means the first day you could have bought it, which was $1 for 1309 BTC, same with XRP, Uniswap, Monero, they had no ICO + +https://imgur.com/a/AKG8M1e + +Key takeaways + +1. **Bitcoin** has the most ***ROI*** from *ICO* date, but compared to other coins, gives less **ROI** each year, still a solid investment +2. **Ethereum** gives better returns than **Bitcoin**, but is worse in ***Bear Market*** +3. **Shiba Inu** has pumped only this year. In **2020** it **lost value significantly**, which means maybe after this bull run, it won't give any ROI anymore. Still hard to analyze with only 1 year of history +4. **Axie Infinity, Solana, Kusama, Polkadot, Helium, Aave, Avalanche, Pancakeswap, Uniswap, Sushiswap, Injective Protocol, Arweave** all were *ICOed* in 2020, and in a span of ***1,5 years*** they gave insane returns, if they continue with the same pace, you can ***10x*** your money in the future +5. ~~**AMP** *ICOed* in 2020 and is ***the only coin*** in this table that gave ***consistent negative returns***~~ +6. Our beloved **Algorand** have a negative ***ROI*** from the *ICO*, but if you were buying the dip, you should be good +7. **Litecoin** is like a little brother of Bitcoin that doesn't get any toys. It gives consistent positive ROI but compared to others, it is really little return +8. **Technically almost every coin has pumped at least 500% this year** + +EDIT1: NANO price was 0 at ICO in 2015, this means the return is infinite. But there was a cap for how much you could have gotten, in the evening I’ll fix it, we would count it as it was ICOED at 0.001 + +EDIT2: Nano ROI was fixed + +EDIT3: AMP ROI was fixed + +EDIT4: Looks like i got into news, lol + +https://finbold.com/bitcoin-remains-the-king-of-roi-despite-hyped-meme-coins-study-shows/ +[https://www.wsj.com/articles/pay-taxes-with-bitcoin-ohio-says-sure-1543161720?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1](https://www.wsj.com/articles/pay-taxes-with-bitcoin-ohio-says-sure-1543161720?mod=searchresults&page=1&pos=1) + +&#x200B; + +This is huge! + +&#x200B; + +Ohio appears set to become the first state to accept bitcoin for tax bills, a show of support for a technology that has garnered lots of hype but failed to gain traction as a form of payment. + +Beginning this week, Ohio businesses will be able to go to the website OhioCrypto.com and register to pay everything from cigarette sales taxes to employee withholding taxes with bitcoin. Eventually, the initiative will expand to individual filers. + +The idea to accept the digital currency for taxes came from state Treasurer Josh Mandel, who has held the office since 2011 and started taking an interest in bitcoin several years ago. Mr. Mandel, 41 years old, views the new program both as a convenience for filers and an opportunity for “planting a flag” for Ohio in the currency’s adoption. + +“I do see \[bitcoin\] as a legitimate form of currency,” Mr. Mandel said, adding that he hopes other states will follow suit. + +Bitcoin was intended as a currency that didn’t require government backing or support when it was [introduced 10 years ago](https://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-turns-10-still-not-all-grown-up-1540987201?mod=article_inline). Although it has had success as a tradable asset, it [hasn’t gained broad acceptance](https://www.wsj.com/articles/bitcoin-plunges-below-6-000-hits-new-lows-for-the-year-1542247659?mod=article_inline) as a form of payment and has been dogged by concerns that it is [used to pay for criminal enterprises](https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-dirty-money-disappears-into-the-black-hole-of-cryptocurrency-1538149743?mod=article_inline). + +Ohio’s move wouldn’t give bitcoin legal status, but it would be a kind of tacit approval bitcoin has so far lacked. Tax offices accepting bitcoin “does help send a message that bitcoin’s a technology that can be used by anybody—by bad guys but also by the government,” said Jerry Brito, the director of Washington, D.C.-based research firm Coin Center. + +Arizona, Georgia and Illinois have considered bitcoin for taxes, but bills addressing the issue have stalled in their state legislatures. Mr. Mandel, who is an elected official, said he can direct his office to accept bitcoin without approval from the legislature or governor. + +Ohio filers will technically send their tax payments to an Atlanta-based payments processor called BitPay, which will then convert the bitcoin to dollars for the state treasurer’s office. + +It isn’t clear how many businesses will take advantage of the service, though Mr. Mandel said he has heard from companies asking for it. + +Other states are starting to see bitcoin and its underlying technology, blockchain, as a way to attract talent and capital. Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead this year signed legislation to loosen the state’s regulatory environment and make it attractive for blockchain-based businesses to register and operate there. New York developed regulations for cryptocurrency businesses called the BitLicense. [Delaware two years ago began a program](https://www.wsj.com/articles/delaware-considers-using-blockchain-technology-1462145802?mod=article_inline) to use blockchain technology within its corporate registry services, though the initiative lost steam after Gov. Jack Markell, who championed it, left office. + +Ohio’s Mr. Mandel is confident that won’t happen after his term ends in January. “I’m confident that this cryptocurrency initiative will continue,” he said. +Source for the claim: https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/7jg265/1000000_bitcoin_cash_wallets_have_now_been/dr6qf17/ + +Go here to report: https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_phish/ + +Roger Ver's site: www.bitcoin.com + +As pointed out by /u/codedaway below, you can also report /r/btc to reddit for violating reddit's self promotion rules. + +Edit: as was pointed out by some, phishing might not be matching exactly. Wiki defines phishing as "Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details (and money), often for malicious reasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.". I think that the last part is the most important aspect. Roger Ver and thus Bitcoin.com seems to try to disguise - with their app and what Roger Ver wrote in the linked comment - bitcoin cash as a trustworthy entity (bitcoin). In my books this is close enough to be counted as phishing. The means might be different but the intent is the same. Please decide for yourself. + +In the end this is only a report - so google and reddit have to decide whether they are legit or not. +I am a 22 year old kid working on getting his career off the ground. For about 2 years now I've had hopes of real estate investing being the way that I achieve financial upper classmen status after I gain a sizable salary from my day job. + +But now, in 2021 with everything that happened because of covid and the housing affordability crisis, it seems as though my dreams have been crushed and that this will be a rich man's game from now on. But a lot of financial guru's don't seem to be too panicked about the future of real estate investing. + +Why is that? Will there ever be a good time for someone in the lower middle class - middle middle class to invest in real estate again? Will prices ever return to a somewhat normal state? Are there other ways that I don't know about that can make it still very possible for someone not very wealthy to achieve wealth through real estate even now? +Hey everyone + +So I work for the government and we have this thing called flex leave. Basically, when you work extra (beyond 7.5 hours a day), the extra time you work is counted as leave you can take at a later date. According to my organisation’s enterprise agreement, an employee can accumulate 37.5 hours of flex leave before they must take a break and spend some. + +Thus far I have 33 hours of flex leave. I also have three weeks of annual leave. HR keeps on contacting me/my manager to ask me to spend some of my leave, saying that I need to prioritise my mental health and work life balance. When I told them my mental health was fine and that I enjoyed the work, they still insisted my leave balance was too high and they want me to get my flex below 25 hours and only have a max of 2 weeks annual leave accumulated. + +What should I do? I have already pointed out the enterprise agreement but HR won’t let up +Well hasn’t been long since i started reading up alot on this sub . Got my first dividend paid today $32.71 (Voo) . Not so bad looks like i will be focusing more on roth ira next . Kudos to you all for providing some good info . + +Can’t wait to report back end of this year unless the market goes south . + +Thanks +I used to live on r/superstonk, like legitimately checking it every 30 minutes for updates. I’ve been a Knight of the New, a January veteran, and full smooth brain from the start. + +I haven’t checked this sub in probably a month at this point and I’m sure there are thousands like me. However, I still buy and hodl every paycheck. At this point I’m an xx,xxx hodler. + +The economy is falling apart and like a phoenix, GameStop will rise from the ashes. + +Just wanted to check-in and let all you more frequent visitors know I’m still with ya 💎 +[Repost from /r/stocks] + +**TL;DR: Oil Inventories Steeply Falling, especially Crude and Distallates such as Diesel and Jet Fuel** + +Before proceeding with this post, please directly [read the original source](https://www.commoditycontext.com/p/how-low-can-oil-inventory-go?s=r) for the full context for the graphs, which I will also reproduce here for convenience. The author is Rory Johnston and I highly recommend following his [Substack](https://www.commoditycontext.com/) and [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rory_johnston) for some industry insights. + +Here is the [full album of graphs.](https://imgur.com/a/gYhGUBq) + +[Graph 1](https://i.imgur.com/Nh6d4oO.png) shows how inventories deviate from their average. Decomposing them into crude and refined show the main problem is in the crude sector. + +[Graph 2](https://i.imgur.com/6cREYZW.png) breaks down the drawdowns into segments. You can see crude and distillates are big drivers (diesel, jet fuel, and gas oil), while gasoline is mostly fine. [Graph 3](https://i.imgur.com/CZ9DOZf.png) separates into different graphs the inventories. Notice how gasoline is actually on the uptrend. Both Graph 1 and Graph 2 show just how steep the drawdowns are, which is why today's oil supply crisis is so noticeable. + +The last part of Johnston's post is on a peculiar trend in S. Arabia: [Graph 4](https://i.imgur.com/6qdyFAE.png) shows that even during Covid's trough in oil demand and ever since, oil inventories have been on a steady decline. The Saudis have decided to not hold onto as much inventory, and this is different from the inventory drawdowns elsewhere in the world. + +This was an extremely brief summary of the article, and I suggest directly reading his article, not my highlights. + +What's the takeaway? It's not too late to get into some parts of the oil market, especially those most severely affected by the drawdowns currently. These graphs suggest that the retail gasoline market is already starting to cool down, but clearly the crude/distillate markets have little relief in sight. + +Edit: More graphs! This one shows an index for capturing the spread between unrefined and refined oil and gas products. [Graph 5](https://i.imgur.com/RuHzP0G.png). This next graph, [Graph 6](https://i.imgur.com/48gVzCD.png) shows the US breakdown of inventories. Notice again the importance of distillates and the deviation outside of 5 year ranges. The second plot is a bit more confusing, but it's plotting the current year, last year, (all 52 weeks), and the 5 year average. I'm not sure the exact definition of the 5 year range. +Tldr; she’s getting her funny up I’m getting my money up + +So I’m at work right now and I get a phone call. Usually it’s pretty urgent if she calls while I’m at work so I figured it was important. Clearly it wasn’t as she was telling me there’s a sale on engagement rings like I give a fuck. Apparently the sale lasts only till today oops. I let it slip that I put all of the money I had for a ring into bed bath and beyond. She started talking shit about bed bath and beyond like yo who the fuck. She’s moving out later today 🙂 Anyways man we gotta pump this shit up to fill the woman sized hole in my heart. I find this both hilarious but also sad. + +BBBY to the moon 🙂 +When this place was first created, and everyone mentioned moving over from r/personalfinance, someone mentioned how frustrating it was to see someone asking how to save more money on their $100k annual salary when their problem is they have $3.75 in their bank account until Friday and want to know how to feed their family for the next week. + +Should we put together an r/personalfinance cookbook or recipe book of cheap meals we can link in the wiki? Meals for under $5? A quick search on reddit doesn't show any budget meal subs, so maybe create a sub under this one? r/povertyfinancemeals ? Is this something people would be interested in? + +ETA: sorry for the typo in the title, can a mod edit? +Hi all, + +How are you preparing financially for when Brexit happens? (From a savings, investments, family, self-employed, job future etc point of view?) + +Are you creating a large savings fund as a back-up? If you think your job might be at risk, how are you preparing? + +If you see it as an investment opportunity, what are your plans? etc +I’ve seen multiple inspirational posts from financial influencers regarding compound interest; “invest £200/week for 3 years and you’ll never have to invest again” + +Investment is ~£28.8k and compounding at 8% they’re saying you’ll have ~1.8M in 30 years. + +I can’t do the calculations to make this work. £28.8k compounded by 8% yearly for 30 years makes ~300k. + +I’ve seen this in one form or another so many times, which is making me think there’s some truth to it. + +I’m 28yo with about £28k in my pension and I’d like to self manage and put it all in an index and leave for 30 years + +Editing to add: I only follow two finance “influencers” who aren’t selling/promoting anything. These additional post I’ve seen are always new ada / related as I’m following the two mentioned. + +Also adding: I believe I remembered the posts wrong and they are “invest for 3 years 18-21 and then your initial investment will be £1.5m+ at retirement (50years later)” +📢CALLING ALL ANIMAL LOVERS📢 + +💖Paws token provides charity for animals.💖 + +We all love animals and so does the Paws community. + +**PAWS’ Primary goal is to help streamline the donations towards animal shelters, conservation, and charities through a centralized platform that guarantees the authenticity of the organizations.** + +**Making the whole donate process more transparent, easier, and present you with credible choices.** + +🐶4% Redistribution + +🐶 4% Liquidity Pool + +🐶 Website: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com) ([https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/)) + +🐶Audit: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Audit\_04\_12\_SWILSON-FF.pdf](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Audit_04_12_SWILSON-FF.pdf) + +🐶 Whitepaper: [https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Whitepaper\_content\_SWILSON-FF.pdf](https://animaladoptionadvocacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Whitepaper_content_SWILSON-FF.pdf) + +🐶 Instagram: [www.Instagram.com/pawsteamofficial](https://www.Instagram.com/pawsteamofficial) + +🐶 Twitter: [https://mobile.twitter.com/pawsofficial1](https://mobile.twitter.com/pawsofficial1) + +🐶Telegram:[https://t.me/PawsOfficial](https://t.me/PawsOfficial) + +🐶DxSale:[https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1401&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=1401&chain=BSC) + +PROJECT IS A LEGAL ENTITY, IS ON THE TENNESSE GOV SITE: + +Check here: [https://tnbear.tn.gov/Ecommerce/FilingDetail.aspx?CN=178110195244216159112163215215012228160206107168](https://tnbear.tn.gov/Ecommerce/FilingDetail.aspx?CN=178110195244216159112163215215012228160206107168) + +Join the telegram for much more info which is pinned. + +Good news everyone. We decided to do our very first, one of many, donations. The longer we stay in the game, the more charities we will be donating to, and hopefully, having a direct partnership with. To learn more about our friends, the mango troops, please open the PDF in telegram pinned. +There's a lot of hype about how high-speed rail is the way of the future, and will save the planet, and all that hubbub. I don't see how it's anything other than a fad. Trains are much heavier than planes so they require more energy (which mostly comes from coal plants), they're at most 1/5 as fast, and there is nothing to suggest they will be cheaper (once you look at eminent domain costs, infrastructure, and compare tickets). So what gives? + +I found a Ryan Air ticket (before fees) from London to Warsaw for 3.50 Euros; London to Valencia 35.00. A roundtrip ticket on JetBlue from NYC to Chicago was for $105. One-way AmTrak from NYC to Cleveland, OH is $74.00 and 11 hrs 42 min at fastest. For actual high-speed rail, a One-way 163 mi (1 hr 41 min) trip from Paris to Dijon on the TGV will go for $55 to $83 dollars. ... Hah, with good traffic, a fast car, and no cops you can drive that fast. +This might seem like a stupid question but I’m really trying to get my act together. Quit a job I hated recently and got into university, also working part time whilst studying. + +I will be getting a substantial student loan which will be payed in large lump sums 3 times per year. + +I tend to be extremely impulsive with buying things, often things I don’t really need. I know the simple answer is “*just don’t buy it*” but that hasn’t seemed to work in the past. When I have been able to save I tend to hit the £1,000 mark and manage to justify spending the savings and I’m back to square 1. + +I’m still young and living at home so much outgoings are extremely low. + +I’m going to attempt to follow the flow chart to put me on the right course. Any help is appreciated. +Hello r/investing, I recently opened a Vanguard account and have about 60K transferred to this account. I was hoping to get some fund recommendations in Vanguard. I looked at the options but I was a little overwhelmed. + +I already have 401K account that I have planned towards retirement. I also have a betterment General Investing account for 2 years but the return aren't great (~2%). + +So, I'm looking for short term investing options with Vanguard. Any advice is appreciated. + +Thanks! +Last night, Citadel worked through the night. Their phone traffic started ~1 hour before crypto crashed (no comment on that yet, just noting timing). They kept going, phone traffic increased enough that people drove to verify indeed lights were on. + +[This started the discussion, their phone traffic showed them at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt4j8w/shitadel_hq_oddly_busy_right_now_on_a_weekend/) middle of the night Saturday. + + +[Then traffic kept increasing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt85ej/google_says_there_is_more_activity_at_citadel_hq/) + +When the phones were posted increasing, [a guy decided to drive](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt85ej/google_says_there_is_more_activity_at_citadel_hq/guy5001?utm_source=share&context=3) to drone record it... [look at citadels building at 4 AM all lit up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt8m63/mission_chimpossible/) this morning + +TLDR; [OP above record this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ct5OjZdehZU) and one more. Lights on at the top, phones busy on Google so... + + +They got caught, [they removed their hours so you can't see when they are working (which is measured by phone traffic)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt9ycy/shitadel_got_caught_working_late_now_open_for_24/) + + +Then *a second person* [went to verify it, lights on indeed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt9jno/420am_at_shitadel_headquarters/) + +A [hotel near also verified it was lit up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt91xx/the_entire_citadel_building_is_glowing_at_430_am/) + +Later [confirmation Kenny boy worked til almost sun up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtddmi/confirmed_32_floor_is_ken_griffins_shitadel_lower/) at a minimum if that post was fresh. + +&nbsp; + +Oh if you are curious, [JPMorgan was a busy boy too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mt6rx7/citadel_working_late_spinoff_jp_morgan_has_a_red/) + +Let's not [leave out, BofA having a rough night also.](https://i.gyazo.com/95a15c236e76fa6a225cea50017d4d01.png) + +&nbsp; + +***Edit:*** and now [London stock exchange is heating up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtfxp0/it_seems_pretty_odd_the_london_stock_exchange_is/) + +&nbsp; + + +***Edit 2:*** [Amsterdam exchange heating up](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mthnma/in_response_to_the_london_financial_district_tube/) *(during lockdown on a Sunday)* + +As well [as Dubai exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtj6yv/dubai_financial_centre_train_station_busier_than/) + +&nbsp; + +***Edit 3:*** And [Spain decided they like working weekends now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mthpsk/also_happening_near_the_madrid_spain_stock/) + +And [Hamburg, Germany has decided to put down the beers and go work on Sunday](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mthxd1/update_hamburg_de_finance_district_unusual_high/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[Toronto exchange too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtf0ip/transit_station_in_toronto_business_district_is/) (*during lockdown*) + +[Goldman Sachs *possibly* joining the fiesta](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtj24h/brookfield_place_a_ferry_terminal_near_goldman/) + +&nbsp; + +EDIT 4: [Amsterdam bank execs working the weekend away too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtkv4u/abn_amro_headquarters_in_amsterdam_top_floor/) + +And [JPMorgan Copenhagen, Denmark](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtk4sp/busier_than_usual_also_in_copenhagen_denmark_in/) + +Well... [Toronto is heating up fast](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtkibf/busy_in_toronto_bay_st_canadian_wall_st/) for a lockdown. + +&nbsp; + +***Edit 5:*** It appears [Deutsche Bank has entered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtlpj6/deutsche_bank_hq_train_station_reporting/) the ring. + +And [Citadel London appears to be available for a call with Chicago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtkvl9/moorgate_and_liverpool_street_tube_station_both/) + +[Danske Bank has joined](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtlzu9/also_in_dk_more_than_usual_at_metro_station_at/) + +[Frankfurt's main banking district is having one hell of a Sunday night covid party too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtlnhy/also_at_frankfurt_germanys_main_banking_district/) + +[Citadel Chicago is still there, so how's the London team doing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtljcf/there_are_more_people_there_now_then_the_busiest/) uhhh... want to comment on [the paper shredder situation? Citadel?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtlhf4/has_any_checked_if_there_are_paper_shredders_in/) + +&nbsp; + + +***EDIT 6:*** There's a livestream for [the clearing house building Citadel uses in the Netherlands, it's lit up like Christmas](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtmo0w/live_feed_of_the_zuidas_location_of_abn_amro_one/).... *on a Sunday night during the pandemic* + +And [London still going strong into the night](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtm6ir/canary_wharf_station_in_london_busier_than_any/) + + [*Brazil has entered the chat*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtmoil/brazilian_bankers_working_hard_on_a_sunday_night/) + +OK... let's see [if the top 10 hedge funds are paying attention...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtmwaq/after_seeing_all_that_activity_data_i_found_a/) + +&nbsp; + + +***Edit7:*** [Citadel Toronto and the TSX are heating up for the evening, on a cozy Sunday covid full lockdown evening. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtnqq4/high_activity_at_citadel_toronto_toronto_stock/) and *turned off their phones,* says the comments. + +[Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt still there chugging away at 1AM](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mto98k/deutsche_bank_in_frankfurt_seems_busy_as_well/) + +[Citadel, JPMorgan, BofA are ready for more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mto52j/looks_like_our_boys_are_busy_again_tonight/) + +There's also [reports of the Paris financial district going after 1AM and *there's a curfew there*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mto1lh/unusual_traffic_in_some_metro_stations_near/) + + +&nbsp; + +***Edit 8:*** [Credit Suisse in Zurich going past midnight too](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtoa1o/credit_suisse_in_zurich/) + +[*HI Citadel interns*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mto8db/google_trends_has_a_handy_little_tool_superstonk/) it's not too late to get out. + +[London stock exchange is red hot now](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtoau6/london_stock_exchange_currently_has_a_huge_spike/) + +[Lights are on at Deutsche Bank](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtp3mu/deutsche_bank_investigation_of_high_activity/) *at 1AM* + + +&nbsp; + + +***Edit 9:*** [Mexico city banks sure like coffee before bed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtpnn8/coffee_shops_busier_than_usual_near_big_banks_in/) + +[London going strong at 2AM](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtpm9o/londons_financial_hub_is_looking_busy_tonight/) + +[No signs of BofA tower slowing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtpsa7/boa_tower_is_hella_busy_what_can_they_be_up_to_so/) + +[Actual traffic at Bank of England at 2AM?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtpvif/2am_traffic_is_busy_around_the_boe_but_nowhere/) + +[Shoutout to Citadel Boston in the house](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtpyo8/boston_mass_checking_in_state_street_station/) + +&nbsp; + + +***Edit 10:*** [Frankfurt at almost 4AM](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtgr19/a_breakdown_of_citadels_overnight_activity/gv1amxl?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) (Deutsche Bank + UBS) + +The [entire London banking district is throwing a 3AM block party it appears](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtqreu/canary_wharf_london_financial_district_lit_up/) + +[Citadel going strong](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtqyyl/looks_like_theyre_busy_tonight_too/) + +[Uhhhh the Federal Reserve Bank is ordering coffee? And planning a long night?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtqyhk/this_time_the_federal_fucking_reserve_bank_subway/) + +[JPMorgan Chase now in on it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtrcuu/jp_morgan_chase_busy_at_10pm_est/) + +[A few lights are on up in Toronto banks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtrngl/recon_team_6ix_toronto/) + +[A wide shot of Toronto financial district](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtrr44/toronto_financial_district_lit_up_like_a/) + +&nbsp; + +***E11:*** [BofA Houston is awake at 9PM](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtsko2/houston_financial_district_boa/) + +[London financial district, tonight 4AM vs a week ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtsjbv/canary_wharf_this_morning_at_430_am_second_image/) + +[Citadel is still up and at it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtsr31/why/) + +Ok so.. [the lawyers that represented the Federal Reserve Bank in 2008 are awake at midnight](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtszx0/leading_law_firm_in_financial_services_regulation/)... *that's fine right?* +This is incredibly super shady and is going to make me think twice when using [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) app platform again. Right now, 12:10 pm PST time I'm trying to withdraw ETH and BTC. + +On [L2Fees.info](https://L2Fees.info) it has it ETH listed as 0.36 USD. Even on their own CDC defi app the meter is at all time low of 12. + +However when I tried to withdraw, the fee was 0.004 for ETH which is 4.30 USD. I thought it was a mistake so I went to coinbase and tried withdrawing and it was 0.000252 ETH, so 0.27 USD. The price difference here is literally 15x difference WTF? + +Ok tried bitcoin instead. On [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) it wants to charge me 0.0006 that translate into 11.59 USD. On coinbase its 0.00000388 , 0.075 cents USD. WTF WTF. Even on a busy weekday coinbase was about .25 cents and these fuckers wants to charge 11.59 ? + +Here is as summary + +ETH + +|estimated on [L2Fees.info](https://L2Fees.info)|0.36 USD| +|:-|:-| +|crypto.com|4.30 USD| +|coinbase|0.27 USD| + +&#x200B; + +Bitcoin + +|crypto.com|11.59 USD| +|:-|:-| +|coinbase|0.075 USD| + +&#x200B; + +I think this is very concerning. Maybe they are just trying to price gouge however I'm wondering if they are purposely making it unattractive to withdraw for some nefarious reason - what they worry about? + +This is very mess up and people should really consider this point when trying crypto.com. + +TLDR: + +[crypto.com](https://crypto.com) app is charging 15x and 154x more in withdrawal fees ( eth, BTC respectively ) then coinbase or other projected price from public sites. We are talking about 7 cents compared to 11.59 dollars here so its not a trivial rounding error. + +\- sorry for the spelling/grammar I'm so mad right now I can't even type correctly. + +&#x200B; + +edit: 5:50 pm , PST with that said, BTC average is about 7 cents USD and ETH is < 0.25 USD even on a defi wallet - this is amazing. +https://www.ethnews.com/etherindex-to-refile-ethereum-based-etf-with-securities-and-exchange-commission + +All the more reason for ETH to run up in price. METROPOLIS + SEC??? +My python and ML knowledge is very basic, I'm just doing this for fun. + +I wrote a simple sequential model that takes the last 168 hours of bitcoin prices (1 price for each hour) and some technical indicators derived from that data (168 hour sma, 168 hour ema, macd, macd distance from signal line, median price; all these indicators are normalized as percent change from current price) as input. It gives one output: predicted price in 24 hours as a percent change. + +When I train this, there is very little improvement. I have messed around with hidden layer size and quantity, but it makes little difference. It's being trained on data going back to 2015. + +I assume that there simply isn't enough data to obtain any insight into something as erratic as this with such a broad model. Is this to be expected, or am I doing something wrong? +I recently got into algo trading and now know how to pull pricing data from Alpaca and Polygon. I'm storing the historical data in a local database and am ready to do some testing. + +Alpaca returns the VWAP in their response so I thought I'd start there. But I can't seem to come up with a profitable strategy using that alone. + +I'm not necessarily looking for the perfect algo or strategy, just a simple starting point and perhaps a historical example that I can apply it to and actually see a back test return a decent profit over a fixed time period. Basically I need a meaningful Hello, World style example, ideally catered to intra day trading with minute or hourly granularity. A lot of the examples I see are operating on daily close prices, which isn't ideal for me. + +Anyways, do you have any suggestions for a good starting point, and additionally a symbol / time frame to test it on? Or could you point me to a resource / blog post / etc that you think would provide a good example? I've gone through a couple of tutorials now, only to get to the end and only see very slim profits. +Background: Used to own a business with a partner. Started the business on a handshake and never did any formal contract together. Fast forward to the end of that relationship and I walked away with nothing. Fast forward from there to find through some VERY savvy bookkeeping and less than scrupulous ethics, I have accrued a $120,000 debt to the Canada Revenue Agency. + +Thanks to some kind guidance from Reddit and a local trustee, I got that fine reduced to $28,000. + +Then the marriage hit the rocks. Been separated almost three years. JUST sold the house a couple weeks ago. + +By selling the house, and settling my divorce, I can settle my debt, my marriage and end my wage garnishment. + +I’ll have almost no assets, but no debt either. + +I plan on rebuilding my credit which is horrible, but I’m actually pretty happy to start life over at zero. + +Thoughts on my next step? + +EDIT: Thank you for all the love. This post wasn’t intended as a “pat me on the back” post, but rather an inspiration to let you all know that the worst shit luck and awful situations can always be turned around. + +Face the things you fear. Admit they will suck, but face them anyways. + +The time it takes to fix past mistakes may seem insurmountable. But time moves forward wether you take action or not. Before you know it.... shit is behind you. + +Never. Ever. Give up. Please..... if it feels too much..... never ever stop trying. +Just a weird experience and I wanted to see if anyone had any insight. + +We are out of state investors. Partner and I used a contractor to fix up one unit in our first quad and while we didn't love his work, decided to use him again on a duplex we were taking down to the studs for a remodel. He started the job in February and things seemed to be progressing well until June or so. All of a sudden it seemed like the update videos didn't change much. He mentioned on a few phone calls that there were lots of delays with COVID and some of his guys weren't working. He was also having trouble getting inspections done, again supposedly because of COVID. + +3 months later with little to no progress I started leaning on him a bit to get explain. He again blamed COVID delays but also said he couldn't find a reliable plumber to coordinate with the plumbing inspector. At that point I started mentioning that if he can't get it done to just let me know so I can find another contractor. + +He supposedly found someone to finish that plumbing up and then I asked him for a new schedule/budget to finish our the project. He promised he'd get it to me a few times and then dissapeared. No answer to texts or calls (I was doing one call daily followed by text instead of voicemail. 10 days go by and I let him know today that I'm looking for a new contractor and just wanted to confirm the code for the lockbox. He responded immediately with the code and said he'd have his guys come pick up their tools. + +I asked if he wanted to talk about what happened. He said "it doesn't matter" and "I don't want to argue and damage our relationship" (that one's a mystery to me since I'm not sure how the relationship isn't damaged at this point). + +I asked if all the work I paid for was done... And he's responded "I don't make any money until the end of the job. I have more into the job than I've collected at this point." And added her likely wouldn't have made anything money on the job. + +So is that what happened? Did he do the math and decide it wasn't worth continuing at the quote he gave me? It's not as though I haven't paid for overages on other jobs. I feel like that's just par for the course when working with contractors. + +Has this ever happened to anyone? + +Edit: to be clear, I was paying him for materials and labor as he needed it, so assuming he did all the work I paid him for I may not be out anything but time. +I haven't had time in the new year to get the AotW up and running, so here's a quick placeholder: the recent theme issue of the Journal of Applied Economics. + +**Abstract**: + +> Causal evidence on microcredit impacts informs theory, practice, and debates about its effectiveness as a development tool. The six randomized evaluations in this volume use a variety of sampling, data collection, experimental design, and econometric strategies to identify causal effects of expanded access to microcredit on borrowers and/or communities. These methods are deployed across an impressive range of locations—six countries on four continents, urban and rural areas—borrower characteristics, loan characteristics, and lender characteristics. Summarizing and interpreting results across studies, we note a consistent pattern of modestly positive, but not transformative, effects. We also discuss directions for future research. (JEL D14, G21, I38, O15, O16, P34, P36) + + +You can find the introductory article [here](http://karlan.yale.edu/p/AEJ%20Intro%20-%20Sept%206%20-%20tables%20and%20figs.pdf). The Center for Global Development has a nice summary [here](http://www.cgdev.org/blog/final-word-microcredit). + +*** + +Here are the other papers: + +[Angelucci, M., Karlan, D., & Zinman, J. (2015). "Microcredit impacts: Evidence from a randomized microcredit program placement experiment by Compartamos Banco," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](http://www.dartmouth.edu/~jzinman/Papers/CompartamosImpact_Dec16_2013.pdf) + +[Augsburg, B., De Haas, R., Harmgart, H., & Meghir, C. (2012). "Microfinance at the margin: Experimental evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](http://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/91517/1/726239658.pdf) + +[Attanasio, O., Augsburg, B., De Haas, R., Fitzsimons, E., & Harmgart, H. (2014). "Group lending or individual lending? Evidence from a randomised field experiment in Mongolia," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](http://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/93060/1/779360893.pdf) + +[Banerjee, A. V., Duflo, E., Glennerster, R., & Kinnan, C. (2013). "The miracle of microfinance? Evidence from a randomized evaluation," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/79070/BanerjeeDuflo13-09.pdf?sequence=1) + +[Crépon, B., Devoto, F., Duflo, E., & Pariente, W. (2014). "Estimating the impact of microcredit on those who take it up: Evidence from a randomized experiment in Morocco," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](http://sites.uclouvain.be/econ/DP/IRES/2014012.pdf) + +[Tarozzi, A., Desai, J., & Johnson, K. (2013). "On the impact of microcredit: Evidence from a randomized intervention in rural Ethiopia," American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol 7(1).](https://repositori.upf.edu/bitstream/handle/10230/21806/1407.pdf?sequence=1) + +*** + +Normal AotW service will resume shortly. Based on the feedback we got on the subreddit survey, we're considering extending the matter to be discussed in these thread from "a paper" to "a particular area of economics." This is a bit of a test case. +So a few weeks ago I purchase the GameStop fancy button up rocket shirt. I wore it at Coachella. It’s dope, I love it. It fits well and comfy. My only complaint is that I wish it had a frocket (front pocket). I digress. + +Anyways, I wore that shirt over the weekend and on two separate occasions over Saturday and Sunday. This evenings, I had the employees of an ice cream shop and grocery store, respectively, comment on my shirt and asked If was a shareholder. I live in a big ass metropolitan city and to see how many apes live within the jungle made me so happy. + +That is all. To the moon 🚀 + +Buy Hold DRS Vote + +All People Equal +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, I cannot begin to express how proud of this community I am. The focus on what is at the core of this movement is refreshing. Early on, conspiracy theories and forum sliding were rampant, often diluting the visibility of key DD and the core fundamentals. Over the weekend we saw a very suspicious event turn into a day of FUD, but just as quickly, Apes refocused on what is most important at this moment in time. + +GME has started rolling out their plan publicly, announcing a huge partnership with Immutable X with plenty of hints at more to come. Many of us expect a further announcement of a partnership with Loopring, but even so - it is great to hear public announcements after a long drought of press releases. The difficulty of keeping such an announcement so tightly under wraps is incredibly - the fact that Ryan Cohen and Matt Furlong command such loyalty from their teams that nothing is leaking shows that the team truly believes in what they're working on. The quality of that team being what it is makes me *incredibly* bullish on what GameStop is planning. + +Nevertheless, the Shorts continue to short, because at this point they are impossibly deep in the hole on their bad investment and it's the only way they can delay their demise. When they collapse, they certainly aren't going to be able to afford to buy back every share they are short, but for some reason their Prime Brokers are willing to let them stack up even deeper short positions. Fortunately, Apes are continuing to buy the dips and DRS our shares, and HODL with Diamantenhände. Against such a force, the SHFs have no hope. + +Today is Monday, February 7th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟩 120 minutes in: **$103.18 / 90,00 €** *(volume: 3259)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $103.14 / 89,97 € *(volume: 3255)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 3227)* +- ⬜ 105 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2995)* +- 🟩 100 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2993)* +- 🟥 95 minutes in: $103.14 / 89,97 € *(volume: 2987)* +- ⬜ 90 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2875)* +- ⬜ 85 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2773)* +- ⬜ 80 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2764)* +- ⬜ 75 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2756)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $103.18 / 90,00 € *(volume: 2718)* +- 🟥 65 minutes in: $103.37 / 90,16 € *(volume: 2470)* +- 🟩 60 minutes in: $103.43 / 90,22 € *(volume: 2310)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $103.34 / 90,14 € *(volume: 2197)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $103.36 / 90,16 € *(volume: 2077)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $103.46 / 90,25 € *(volume: 2034)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $103.49 / 90,27 € *(volume: 2013)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $103.43 / 90,22 € *(volume: 1992)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $103.16 / 89,99 € *(volume: 1824)* +- 🟥 25 minutes in: $103.13 / 89,96 € *(volume: 1742)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $103.55 / 90,33 € *(volume: 1495)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $104.14 / 90,84 € *(volume: 811)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $104.00 / 90,72 € *(volume: 711)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $103.96 / 90,69 € *(volume: 711)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $103.89 / 90,62 € *(volume: 80)* +- 🟩 US close price: $102.34 / 89,27 € *($101.48 / 88,52 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1464. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +**Copied and pasted from an email this afternoon...** + +ℹ️ **These fees will only apply to a small number of people, and based on the way you’ve been using Monzo over the last year, they aren’t likely to affect you.** + +This doesn’t necessarily mean we’re your only bank, but it does mean you’re likely to use Monzo enough to depend on us for some of your core banking needs. We believe this because you’re doing at least one of these things: + +1️⃣ Paying at least £500 in total into a Monzo account every 35 days, with at least one active Direct Debit on the same account in the same period, or + +2️⃣ Getting a Department for Work and Pensions or Department for Communities' payment (things like Universal Credit or a state pension) in the last 35 days, or + +3️⃣ Getting your student loan paid into a Monzo account every 8 months, or + +4️⃣ Sharing a Monzo Joint Account with someone who does one of the above. + +[**Monzo Plus**](https://email.monzoemail.com/c/eJyVUF1vmzAU_TXwgoKMPxLzwAMtTValyaYsE8tekHFuiRvAyJjQ5tcXsrVjj5Nsyb7n3HPPPVJUjVBF7bA7A1I1CmqbHXUl1FBKolJdwJfa786u_MuEAS6ztstfQNqRloKDFwa8SpxVXXi21548ibqA1rPa053xngFa9xgFIpc8nGpdhFHCKn0bd69ra3TpqggjjFCIAhRSHjA_8DkjcfiQLDGPacwwdyiqdH3VNy-Dxco9RRQhIgnK5wFgyRgPAvIcCi5DznBACbgmMjoHY_2j7gpRloPIZMMyOlnbtA6JHbwcTt_3_m3GKD_81XCbsmtHlCwvYHQmdX1xSNIlrEm3h59yTfJ02xi9eaDfKhprHD4lb3GyWNfrZrl6lb92aTrfyy_X13O16vJ1MTuqx-vhwB9xRe82P04zXnz9vmEv-3BVnHnb3-_2-e5pGtj_xz5p_nhm6jgKLDimBE0Jg_dRPatFBSNjM-4_Jdi35gZsoW9LsBbMPyhUTSksfPa7NhqDmv2eNOOUsjn6U3wH2VTSFA) customers will also get these bigger allowances because the fact they're paying for a Monzo account suggests we're an important part of their financial life + +**Here’s what’s changing:** + +🏧 **You’ll keep free cash withdrawals in the UK and European Economic Area (EEA).** Other customers will have a fee-free ATM allowance of £250 every 30 days in the UK and EEA, with a 3% fee after. Allowances outside the EEA aren’t changing for anyone, staying at £200 every 30 days, with a 3% fee after. + +💳 **You’ll be able to get two free replacement Monzo cards in the UK per account per year.** We’ll always give you a replacement for free in the UK if your card is stolen, frauded or expires. You’ll also get two free cards for any other reason, and after that you’ll pay a £5 fee. Other customers will always pay £5 in the UK, and won’t get two free ones. + +✈️ **We charge £30 for replacement cards abroad for all customers.** This is already part of our terms, but we wanted to call it out again so you’re fully aware. The £30 charge applies in all cases, including fraud or expiry. + +&#x200B; + +**Blog post for more information:** [https://monzo.com/blog/withdrawal-and-card-delivery-fees](https://monzo.com/blog/withdrawal-and-card-delivery-fees) +Full disclaimer, I am not a car person. I have no emotional attachment to my current car, or cars in general. I know this is the exception to the norm, especially when it comes to others around my age group, the late 20s. + +Here are a few subjective reasons I feel that financing a car, new or used, is one of the worst financial decisions a person can make. + +----- + + +**Cars are a depreciating asset.** + +And I use the term "asset" very lightly. In reality, a car should ultimately be called a liability - it costs a large amount of money to maintain each year, whilst depreciating in value - a liability is something which costs you money. + +How many people do you know that have a purchased a new car and resold within a year at the same price, or higher, than they bought it for? Zero, zilch, none. + +The truth is that as soon as you sign the paperwork at the car dealer and drive out of the showroom, you instantly lose 15% of its value. After 5 years? You're looking at a 55%+ loss. There's no need to argue on the specifics here - sure each car is different; high-end cars might hold a better resale vale, speciality cars maybe you lose 10% instantly, not 15. The point is that ultimately you are buying a depreciating asset - a new car will depreciate immediately - and further depreciate every single year you continue to own it. + +* Cars depreciate in value, rapidly. + +* Cars should be considered an asset. + +* A car should be called a liability, because that is what it is. + +------ + + +**Buying a car in general, yet alone using financing, is not an investment.** + +Buying a car is not an "investment". I get that a car is often a necessity/used for work purposes etc., but calling it an investment is wrong. Paying interest for something that is *losing* value means that you're getting hit and losing money from two sides - first, repaying the ridiculous high interest rates that car financing comes with and second, losing on the depreciation of the car over time. + +* As your car ages, it loses its value rapidly. It will never increase in value. Therefore, + +* A car is not an investment. + +------ + + +**High interest rates.** + +Ask yourself, why are interest rates on car loans so high? It's because lenders know what they are doing - they are lending to you on something that is *depreciating* in value - therefore it is much higher risk than other forms of loans. You might end up paying $50,000 total for a $30,000 car! When it's time to sell, that same car is now worth $10,000, so guess what, you lose again! Car loans are high risk for lenders, and you will pay for it with higher interest rates. + +* Car loans have higher than average interest rates. + +* You lose money twice - first by paying interest and second by the drop in resale value. + +------ + +**Opportunity cost.** + +Opportunity cost in economics is the loss of other alternatives when one alternative is chosen. For example, you can make 3% interest saving money in a bank, the *opportunity cost* of making that decision is that the sharemarket returned 8% that year - essentially the opportunity cost of deciding to leave your money in a bank rather than invest - was a 5% loss on your money that year. + +The opportunity cost in spending $10,000 on a good quality, small second hand car means you can't use that money to invest, for example, or perhaps take that overseas holiday you've been eyeing. + +There is an opportunity cost in everything we decided to choose in life. Your $10,000 used car helps you get to work to earn an income, if you didn't have the car your opportunity cost might mean you have no job, or a lower paying job. So in this case you've made the right choice. + +Now let's relate this to a brand new car, with a car loan in 2018. You buy a $30,000 car and over 7 years you pay back your loan, with interest, costing a total of $50,000. The year is now 2025 and your car is now worth $10,000, if you're lucky. That loss of $40,000 is your opportunity cost of making that decision. Say you had $10,000 in cash 7 years ago and you bought a cheaper used car outright. Over the next 7 years you managed to save $40,000 that otherwise would have been spent servicing the loan. That $40,000 investment at an average of 8% return per year, for 7 years, equals a total gain of somewhere around $15,000-$23,000 (depending on a variety of factors of course and gradual stock purchase over time). So the year is again 2025, your car is now worth $2,000 and you have cash in your pocket of $55,000-$63,000. That's up to $65,000 in assets (!) as opposed to your one car asset worth a measly $10,000. + +* $65,000 is more than $10,000. + +* There is an opportunity cost in every decision, financial or otherwise, that we make. + +* Buying a new car, with a loan, is always a terrible opportunity cost. + +----- + +**Used cars are just as good.** + +I get it, people have an emotional attachment to cars. They buy on emotion. It's not limited to cars, we live in a materialistic society. It's just a shame that cars are one of the more expensive material objects that we buy based on an emotion. + +If you buy a used car, with your own cash, you are already better off financially than anyone else that has bought a new car. I'm not saying it's necessary to buy used cars your entire life - if you've saved up your own hard-earned money and have bought some actual assets, go for it! Buy a car if it makes you happy! Hell, it's your money. + +What I am trying to say is that purchasing a used car with your own money is the best financial decision you can make when it comes to buying a car, it's the best opportunity cost outcome assuming you need a car in the first place. Buying a new car is not a wise financial decision and buying a new car with financing is the worst financial decision you will possibly ever make. + +* Save your own money and buy a used car when you can afford it. + +* Buying a new car is not a wise financial decision. + +* Buying a new car with financing is the worst possible financial decision. + +Hey everyone; + +I'll keep this succinct. + +I'm a British graduate who's been living and working in Latvia for the past 2 years in a nice little tech marketing job. I take home exactly 1000 euro's a month, (gross is something like 1430). + +This may sound like a terrible wage considering how much I'd earn back in the UK, but it's actually not that bad when you consider the cost of renting here. I pay 200 a month + utilities to share a lovely apartment with my GF in the center of the capital. + +Now, this is good and all, and I've kind of convinced myself that I couldn't afford to live a similar lifestyle with a similar job back in the UK. But lately, I'm reconsidering this. + +I would earn approximately 3 times more for the same job in a major UK city, but of course, the cost of living would be higher. But what else am I forgetting about? + +Of course, higher real wages allow for investments on the side and purchasing power abroad. But is there a really strong argument for why it's better to earn more and pay more for rent/utilities etc, rather than examining the ratio of: real wage/cost of living? + +Btw, it's not all rosy over here, 6 euros for a tub of Ben & Jerry's is considered a steal. (Groceries in Latvia is very expensive compared to say; UK Lidl) + +Anyway, just wanted some opinions on the pro's & con's of each situation. Thanks! + +EDIT: I should add that I am indeed British, not Latvian :) Gf is Latvian. +Hey what does everyone think about making a weekly group for everyone to share their portoflio if they want to? So we can group all of the screenshots of Stock Events in one place. Right now thats like all I'm seeing and it would be cool to leave room for more helpful and informative posts. +Hopefully an easy one here. I went out to each for lunch on Monday (12/9). Yesterday when I was reconciling all my accounts I noticed that the posted charge on my credit card statement was $3.15 higher than what it should be. Lunch was $21.85, I tipped the server $5, but the charge on my statement is $30. Not cool, server guy. + +I already called the restaurant and they said they would go through the receipts to check. I plan on calling them on Monday if they don't get in touch with me before that (the restaurant is in a heavy tourist area, I know they're slammed on weekends and anything to do with their bank probably won't happen on a weekend anyway). How long should I give them to fix it before I just dispute the charge on my credit card? + +-edited to be more specific about the extra amount charged since it was causing confusion in the comments. + +2nd edit: I really appreciate all the restaurant staff/managers offering up alternate theories as to how this could have happened and still be an accident. If someone else's tip was added to my bill, this would make sense. It's a bar/burger/sandwich place, so I can see someone having a bill of $10-$12 and tipping $3.15 and then that getting put on my bill by accident (in addition to my tip). When I talk to the restaurant on Monday or Tuesday I might ask if they can just spot me a free drink or something, that way the staff doesn't lose the $3 (somehow I don't think the other customer, if there is one, is going to call in and ask for $3 to be added to his bill) but I come out basically even, and the restaurant itself is only out a beer. +What’s everyone’s favourite saying about personal finance? + +I think mine is “money talks, wealth whispers”. + +I find it a useful reminder that the goal is a comfortable life of abundance. This is particularly useful when I get that urge to keep up with the Jones and buy, for instance, a flashy car that I don’t have the skills to drive!!! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +You know what today is. *Earnings* day. It comes but once a quarter, but usually is a lightning-rod for high volatility. It is one of the few times each year when GameStop directly addresses investors, and I am confident that each and every word in their earnings release is going to be carefully parsed to glean information about what is to come. Of course, the Short Hedge Funds *love* to attack the price aggressively immediately following earnings releases, in an effort to sell a fictional narrative that investors have lost confidence in GameStop as a company and are selling. + +We *know* that isn't true - Apes are HODLing like never before, and all that earns the SHFs is a larger short position. They don't have any other plays to make. The MOASS is inevitable, but until that day comes the SHFs will continue to manipulate and try to somehow get out from their impossible situation. It won't work. Apes with Diamantenhände are here to ensure that. + +Today is Wednesday, September 8th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###��� Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$200.49 / 169,05 €** *(volume: 1393)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $200.52 / 169,07 € *(volume: 1383)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $200.72 / 169,24 € *(volume: 1367)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $201.52 / 169,91 € *(volume: 763)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $200.70 / 169,23 € *(volume: 742)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $201.35 / 169,78 € *(volume: 730)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $201.16 / 169,61 € *(volume: 719)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $201.15 / 169,60 € *(volume: 676)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $201.23 / 169,68 € *(volume: 528)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $201.06 / 169,53 € *(volume: 505)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $200.39 / 168,96 € *(volume: 365)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $200.58 / 169,12 € *(volume: 284)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $199.57 / 168,28 € *(volume: 251)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $199.59 / 168,29 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $199.62 / 168,31 € *(volume: 190)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $199.66 / 168,35 € *(volume: 148)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $199.66 / 168,35 € *(volume: 135)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $199.71 / 168,39 € *(volume: 135)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $199.74 / 168,41 € *(volume: 121)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $199.74 / 168,41 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $199.69 / 168,38 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $199.63 / 168,32 € *(volume: 88)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $199.60 / 168,30 € *(volume: 85)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $199.62 / 168,31 € *(volume: 69)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $199.63 / 168,32 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 US close price: $199.00 / 167,79 € *($199.39 / 168,12 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.186. I wrote and maintain a C# application that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +We track our net worth in Personal Capital and noticed the values of our single family residential real estate investments really spiked to close out 2021, so once a few purchases from 2021 hit the LTCG 1 year mark we put them up for sale and sold before the financing market crumbled. + +I would say those were the best moves even after agent commissions and expected personal income taxes. + +Our worst move was me getting cute with our brokerage account and day trading TQQQ on leverage… probably took $100-150k losses on that activity alone before my wife talked me out of it. + +My call for 2023: I don’t think the equity market has much to fall from here. On a money supply adjusted basis S&P valuations are fair, and several industries will continue to perform well despite everyone calling for high probability of deep recession. I think the Fed will stop hiking rates which should give everyone a breather. +I just wanted to share my story for the readers of personal finance. I know sometimes it can be tough making sound choices while your peers happily stretch, so I hope my story reassures you. Original post was removed, Reposting and editing to address Rule 6 \- hope I did this right. + +TL;DR living below our means is saving our sanity right now due to unexpected medical diagnosis. + +For 18 years, I lived in a small, 1 bed condo in a popular neighborhood in the Pacific Northwest. I got married, so rather then renting it out \(it was 60 plus years old with a list of repairs to the building piling up\), we decided to sell. + +The big decision was to buy and stay in the city, which was seeing housing prices for a modest home run up to 800k or move somewhere cheaper and commute. + +It was a hard choice, but we did not want to be saddled with a high monthly mortgage and property taxes, so we left my beloved city and moved south to a town on the train line. Commute would be 40 minutes by train, but we found a great house on a third of an acre that we could work on. It sold for less than my 700 sq foot condo was sold for despite being three times as large. + +But it was hard. I missed walking to work. We missed our friends. I started doubting the wisdom of our judgement. + +Until my wife was diagnosed with cancer. + +It's been a hard few months and the medical bills are starting to roll in. She has insurance, but had we maxed out our living budget on a house in Seattle, I don't know if we could handle the stress of a potential job loss down the road. As it stands now, the monthly mortgage is the least of our concerns and we had enough saved due to our lower cost of living that we were able to pay for embryo banking prior to starting her treatments without taking on additional loans. Stretching would have meant deciding on another loan just for the chance of having children in the future. If and when she has to leave her job, we can get by on a single salary. + +It is still an incredibly stressful situation, but one that is made just a little less so due to giving ourselves some breathing room. +My kid needs $7000+ in dental work. And needs to see a private paediatrician who charges $500+ per appointment. And she needs to eat gluten free, which is crazy expensive. Ok, I’ll start doing food deliveries while looking for a part time job. Oh great, now my car is making weird noises despite just spending $1000 on the fucking thing 2 months ago. Oh and now I have a suspicious lump that’s going to need looking at and knowing my luck is probably cancer. For fucks sake. +I know. I just Googled it a while ago. Same as the trading stocks, I need to be 18. Or, a parent or guardian can make one for me on my behalf. I kinda know the basics. Trade in pairs, $100 is good enough to start, and some other stuff. But my question is, in the mean time, what can I do to learn more about trading forex? There's this app called "Trading Game" (The one with some dude with eye glasses who kinda looks like Donald Trump" and "Forex Game" (The one with the college-hat-thing on the upper right). Will those do to help me? What else can I do? Any recommended videos? +So I’m a young guy (19 next week) and Iv recently been approached by three or four “signal community” instagram accounts claiming they can help me make at least 50-100 US dollars a day on trades for a 500 dollar investment. Those of you who have been in this a while, is this realistic? The account Im looking at in specific is tradelikebecksfx. Thanks for any feedback. +We retail traders for sure can't move the market, big banks are there to manipulate every single up and down and keep us hooked in the game (let the dumb money win once a while). What are your thoughts on this? +Hey everyone, + +My cousin asked me to help him with the basics of trading, what is margin, DD etc. I'm not giving him any strategies, but aiming to lead him in the right direction with basic understanding of terms/trading and give him location of free learning materials to dive deeper. + +So if anyone has a important topic which would have helped in early stages of trading please comment below. + +Also think of a good trading practices daily/weekly review focusing on trades, trade journal and following his own trading plan when he makes up his own. +Just wondering how successful traders find their edge for there strategy practically. + +&#x200B; + +Do you just observe something while watching the markets that just clicks turns out to be an edge? + +Do you semi randomly back test anything you can think of? + +Do you get your ideas from other people? + +&#x200B; + +I have been at this for a couple years and have found an edge and a decent strategy that i am constantly working on. I would say i found my edge from a combination of all three of the above. My problem is I want to be more focused and purposeful and productive with my time. I feel like i have adhd most of the time jumping from books, to r/forex to back testing, learning and trying to develop strategies but i feel as is i am floundering around more than I should. + +&#x200B; + +I just want my time to be better spent. I won't to know what to do and do it. Any advice? +So I just found out all the above when the bank people came yesterday to take a evaluation of the house for the auction if the payment is not made. I do not know what to do, my mum is just praying, my dad left before the bank people came and has not come back home ever since yesterday. +I asked my mom what they were doing to get the money( about $168,800) to pay all this back and she said they are looking for buyers to sell off some of the land they have and use that money to pay the bank. +First off my mum's name is not on the house title so my dad put it as collateral without my mum knowing(she was against the idea but he went behind her back and she just found out 4 months ago). Now he has just left her to deal with all this mess(talking to the bank people etc) +I don't know, I am shocked, sad and the whole carefree attitude of my dad is making me hate him even more. Any advice would be really helpful. +Yeah I said it. This sub goes on about billion/s of shares floating around. Yet, we don’t even have a 1/3 of the float Directly registered. It’s our fault MOASS hasn’t happened and no one else at this point. We have a huge surplus of the tools to launch this GD rocket to the edge of the universe and we’re slow walking to the finish line. + +Seriously, why isn’t everyone 100% DRS’d at this point? Doesn’t everyone want to quit their job? Stop waking up to alarms? Be financially free? Help those who need help? And do anything else you can think of? + +If you haven’t DRS’d 100% of your shares. Why?!!!? Are you afraid of computer share because selling is different than your asshole broker? You have to pay a fee to sell? You don’t understand computershare? Are You truly are smooth brained??????? The math checks out on what happens when we lock the float. + +Everyone knows the MOASS will eventually happen. But fuck waiting on this shit to happen organically. DRS 100% of your shares and stop holding us back. We’ve been waiting over a year for this thing to take off and I’m/we’re ready for it to end. + +Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. +A few weeks ago I asked here what parts of Atlanta look good from the investment POV. Spent a bit more time on Google and BP, I came up with this map - https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer?mid=1hlZMVRFbRDtRqke02b1LXBP-qRuvX8Vk&hl=en_US (open from laptop to see a legend). + +Curious if there’s something else I’m missing? Any feedback is appreciated! + +If it all looks cool for savvy investors, then it’s my small giveback to the community 😅 + +UPD: Thanks y'all! This is some great feedback right there. I'll update the map today-tomorrow with some areas that people mentioned! +A few weeks ago I asked here what parts of Atlanta look good from the investment POV. Spent a bit more time on Google and BP, I came up with this map - https://www.google.com/mymaps/viewer?mid=1hlZMVRFbRDtRqke02b1LXBP-qRuvX8Vk&hl=en_US (open from laptop to see a legend). + +Curious if there’s something else I’m missing? Any feedback is appreciated! + +If it all looks cool for savvy investors, then it’s my small giveback to the community 😅 + +UPD: Thanks y'all! This is some great feedback right there. I'll update the map today-tomorrow with some areas that people mentioned! +I was unable to purchase any properties the last 6 months because my numbers didn’t add up. I was a little bummed, because I had the financing ready to go, but nothing made sense or it’d be a stretch. + +Well, I’m officially under contract on my perfect niche. 3/1. All tile. No large trees. $115k will rent for $1,100. + +It’s not my best deal, but will definitely be an easy cash flowing property and about 1.5 miles from my house for easier management. +I am 34 and married. Combined we make $140k. We have a 1 year old entering daycare and another kid on the way. Daycare is $1000+ per kid, if you are unaware. + +We currently take $100/week out of our paycheck to invest in stocks. Realistically, we won’t increase this for at least 5 years, with daycare costing what it does. It’s possible we will have to reduce it. + +I have approximately $28k across about a dozen stocks at the moment. All pay at least a 3% dividend and IMO have limited downside in the long term. Dividends pay me about $1375 per year at this point. + +My thought process is, these dividend payments will keep money flowing into my brokerage account and allow me to keep reinforcing my existing positions and opening new ones without having to sell off any positions. It’s nice knowing that even if I have to reduce contributions to the brokerage account from our paychecks, I will still be generating some money to invest further with. + +Thoughts on this? +I've noticed that a lot of people hear the word "bond" and recoil. But a bond is just a loan, backwards. + +When a bank issues you a loan, you borrow money from them. Later, if everything goes well, you pay them back. Also, you have to pay them some interest - Because it was nice of them to let you borrow their money, and they weren't sure you would pay it back. + +When a bank issues a "bond," you pay them money to buy it. And then later, you can cash it in for more money. + +Conceptually, the bank is just borrowing money from you. They take money from you, and then later, they give you the money back, plus some more money. + +The word "Bond" literally is just a loan, where you are the lender, and they are the borrower. + +Final note - I've said banks here, but governments and private businesses also issue bonds. It's just what large bodies say when they want to borrow money. +I wanted to share because I can’t really talk about this with my co-workers, and I feel like there are few stories from people on here who aren’t tech/business employees. My story is a bit different. + +I work doing manual labor on a boat, I am part of the deck crew meaning I help with cleaning, safety and navigation. This is a job that does not require a degree and pays really well ($3800/mo + bonuses) considering I have zero life expenses. January was an especially good month for me as I cleared well over $20,000. I have the option to save 100% of my pay if I want to since rent, food, internet, etc… is all part of my employment- all while I travel to some of the most pristine places on earth. + +Basically, I opened a Roth IRA when I was 16, and started investing heavily 5 years ago. I do the standard VOO, VTI, BND investments in my brokerage fund, nothing exotic or exciting there. I have no credit card debt, student loans, mortgage or car payments- just pure cash and stocks/ETFs. In fact I don't own anything more than what I can fit in 2 duffle bags. I used to work in high finance right after university but 3 years ago I quit the corporate grind to do my current work after I started feeling like I was on a treadmill. It is staggering how quickly you can make progress when you no longer have any required life expenses. + +Long term, I think I should be able to hit my goal of $900,000 by my 35th birthday, as my salary is set to grow quickly, at which point I’ll become “work optional”. I like what I do though and there is always the potential to take temp work to move vessels around the world if the destination/pay interests me. + +I just wanted to point out that there are potentially many other career avenues out there if you are willing to learn a trade versus the standard advice to learn programming. Glad I could share, and maybe this will inspire someone out the to think about jobs a little more outside the box! +I’m over it. My finances are a complete mess. I made some mistakes but waiting 7 years or 10 years for everything to be fixed isn’t worth living anymore. My car needed 800$ worth of repairs done. I’m behind on the car payment, my car insurance is due on the 1st along with rent. I have 200$ to my name. I just started a new job and I won’t be getting paid until 2-3 weeks later. Im sick of living like this. I don’t even have money to even go out to eat at least twice a month. Tired of being broke, having no friends, and struggling. Please stop recommending the suicide hotline. They don’t do anything to help the situation. No school( thanks Fafsa for fucking people over, can’t go to school until I’m 24). + +Im sorry to rant and I know It feels like I’m whining but im tired. Money dosent come and go. The money never came in my family. +I can see how it would be easier to start a company if you had enough to live on saved up. Is this anyone's plan? RE in your 30s or 40s and use the security and maybe some of the capital to start a company? +If your entire business model is pocketing investors' money and showing them fake numbers on a screen - why wouldn't you multiply the fake numbers by 4? Why bother looking for shares? Most people will never transfer brokers. + +You know exactly what they will do when they can't DRS anymore: + +*they will delete all GME shares from brokerage accounts* (maybe even reimburse you with what you originally paid for them). + +They will say there was a technical mistake and they shouldn't have sold them to you. + +The only way to avoid this is by MOVING THEM OUTSIDE OF YOUR BROKER INTO COMPUTERSHARE. +# Here's what makes option selling profitable (in detail) and how to increase your returns selling them. + +This is a long post, it helps you understand options a bit better and make some profitable decisions in the future! + +I try to make theta and options easier to understand by relating it to real estate and moving one step at a time. + +If you have questions, leave a comment, I'll try to respond to everyone. + +Let's dive into the world of Theta and options trading!! + +# #1: Theta is a feature of an option. Plain and simple. + +Imagine showing someone a house and saying to them *"It's 3 bedrooms, 2 washrooms, good neighbourhood, and the rent is $2,000/mo".* + +Each thing you listed in that sentence is a feature of the house. You wouldn't say that the house is good or bad because bedroom, or because rent, etc. It's the over all view with all things considered. + +Similarly, theta, gamma, vega, delta, etc... these are just features of an option. Inherently, they are not good or bad. they just tell you about the option you are looking at. + +# #2: Think of theta as rent. + +If options were a house, theta would be the rent. Think about it like this. *Someone pays rent to get access to the house.* + +In the options space: *someone pays theta for access to other features of the option.* + +Can you guess what they are paying for access to? + +# #3: One man's theta is another man's gamma. + +If you guessed gamma, you are correct! T*raders pay theta to get access to gamma.* + +The easy way to think about gamma is that it's your sensitivity to big moves. If a stock moves like crazy, the option buyer makes some bank, right? So why on earth would ANYONE sell options? + +# #4: The amount of theta is directly correlated with the "gamma risk". + +Going back to our house example, if you wanted to buy a big penthouse in downtown New York, the rent is probably pretty high. It's because you get access to some awesome shit if you pay it! It wouldn't make sense for the rent to be $500/mo. No one would rent it out! *The rent is correlated with the house you get exposure to*. + +In the options space, if a stock has a lot of "gamma risk", AKA the risk of big move, the theta on the option is higher too! This is because if it were not proportionately higher, no one would be a seller, and there would be no market. + +**Now heres the key.** If gamma and theta were perfectly even, and markets were totally efficient, the expected value would be 0 (you wouldn't make money being a buyer or seller). In this world, who wouldn't want break even exposure to big moves?? It's basically a free hedge! + +SO.... there's this little thing called **variance risk premium**\*\*.\*\* + +# #5 Option sellers get a small premium for being on the short side of convexity. + +The variance risk premium is a small edge for the option seller that they get for holding the risk of big moves. + +Because of this, on average, selling options is profitable. In the long run, you will have a lot of small winners and the occasional big loser. This is what we call a "short vol" strategy. + +You can see the risk premium on a lot of stocks. An easy way to see it is to plot the Implied volatility for 30 day options over the realized volatility for 30 day period. You should see that on average the *implied move* (what the options SAY will happen), is a bit higher than what actually does. THIS IS THE PREMIUM! + +and then you will see periods where the big gamma move happens, and the RV goes higher than the IV. THIS IS WHY THE PREMIUM EXISTS! + +**Example**: + +[Green Line = IV. Blue line = RV. this is on SPY. You can see how most of the time, IV \> RV, Sometimes the RV Shoots up though. That is the risk we take when selling \(why we get paid a premium\)](https://preview.redd.it/9ktklg38raq71.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb85e3f21b0789904e9e3b6a5884ac1ffd79fba0) + +&#x200B; + +Green Line = IV. Blue line = RV. this is on SPY. You can see how most of the time, IV > RV, Sometimes the RV Shoots up though. That is the risk we take when selling (why we get paid a premium) + +But here's the thing.. how much can we really expect to make here? + +In the long run, about 11% per year. boo. + +*I want more. You want more. Fuck 11% / year. So how do we do it?* + +# #6 Buy Cheap Things, Sell Expensive Things. + +Let's go back to our house example, 1 more time. Imagine we are evaluating a property in New York City. All of a sudden, a HUGE amount of demand comes into the market. There is a shortage of houses for all the renters, so the rent keeps increasing. You look at your property.. 2 beds, nice view.. fair rent is probably $4,000 /mo. But you look at the market and people are offering $6,000/mo for your property!! + +In this case, by renting out your property, you are making an *Inflated premium*, or a rent premium higher than what you should be making given the asset you are giving someone access to. + +In options, we can find stocks where the Theta is HIGHER than it should be, given the gamma we give someone exposure to! + +Think about some of these meme stocks as example. So many buyers, so few sellers (who wants that risk, right?). + +Well... this is perhaps opportunity! + +If we can come into the market and put a fair value on the "gamma", we can find times where we can be *overcompensated with theta.* + +There is a simple formula for understanding this. + +IF IMPLIED VOLATILITY IS HIGHER THAN WHAT YOU THINK REALIZED VOLATILITY WILL BE: SELL! + +Even more simply put: if option more expensive than how much stock move, sell! + +The hard part is learning to price volatility / options (I'll cover the basics in another post if this one does well). + +# #7 Here's an example of how I analyze/price gamma and theta. + +Imagine we divided the IV by the RV, we would be able to see *how much* higher or lower the IV is compared to the RV. + +example: if IV/RV = 1.5, then the price of the option is 1.5x higher than the value the buyer is actually getting (easy way to think about it). + +By plotting the IV/RV Ratio historically, we can see how much of a premium their typically is, and how bad it gets when the gamma move is big! + +**Example**: + +[typically the iv\/rv ratio for 30 dte options is positive on SPY. but we do have periods of pain where it goes lower and that erases a lot of gains.](https://preview.redd.it/37bkr2k6raq71.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=546f54ba35cffb38cf298ce1789ae4975ba67ccc) + +typically the iv/rv ratio for 30 dte options is positive on SPY. but we do have periods of pain where it goes lower and that erases a lot of gains. + +# CONCLUSION: + +Theta is not free money. It's a characteristic of an option. Understanding it is important, but really, it's our ability to price risk that makes us money as traders. The better we get at pricing risk, the truly "juicier" premiums we can find. + +If this post is well received by the community, I'll gladly do a follow up. + +Happy trading everyone! +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, if you haven't watched the Senate testimony by Nomi Prins, you are missing out on something incredible. She breaks it down in such a clear and direct manner, it is impossible not to learn something from her. Meanwhile, it seems that awareness of this movement is growing steadily, reaching some new Apes who have taken the time to read and understand the DD, and stand up against the shills and FUD for what they believe in. Many of us started in this movement for the purpose of making money, but have long-since transitioned our focus to include systemic change. It is refreshing to see that we have so much momentum in helping the world to see the corruption of the financial system, and that the MOASS may lead to serious reform. + +Meanwhile, today's date is often anticipated for its inherent meme potential, which of course means that today is the day. It's really happening. The thing that we've all been looking forward to - that thing is happening today, because of the date on the calendar. I cannot wait - this is going to be such a great day. Ryan Cohen only occasionally lets such dates pass uncelebrated, so if nothing else we can at least count on a tweet, right? Right? + +Today is Wednesday, April 20th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$151.69 / 140,41 €** *(volume: 728)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $151.76 / 140,48 € *(volume: 705)* +- 🟩 110 minutes in: $151.55 / 140,28 € *(volume: 705)* +- 🟥 105 minutes in: $151.46 / 140,20 € *(volume: 598)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $151.48 / 140,22 € *(volume: 495)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $151.57 / 140,31 € *(volume: 494)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $151.47 / 140,22 € *(volume: 494)* +- 🟩 85 minutes in: $151.68 / 140,41 € *(volume: 494)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $151.52 / 140,26 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟥 75 minutes in: $151.32 / 140,07 € *(volume: 366)* +- 🟩 70 minutes in: $151.54 / 140,27 € *(volume: 337)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $151.36 / 140,11 € *(volume: 296)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $151.33 / 140,08 € *(volume: 208)* +- ⬜ 55 minutes in: $151.35 / 140,10 € *(volume: 198)* +- 🟩 50 minutes in: $151.35 / 140,10 € *(volume: 198)* +- 🟥 45 minutes in: $151.34 / 140,09 € *(volume: 137)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $151.34 / 140,09 € *(volume: 132)* +- 🟩 35 minutes in: $151.32 / 140,07 € *(volume: 74)* +- 🟩 30 minutes in: $151.29 / 140,05 € *(volume: 65)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $151.28 / 140,03 € *(volume: 34)* +- 🟥 20 minutes in: $151.27 / 140,03 € *(volume: 34)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $151.29 / 140,05 € *(volume: 34)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $151.15 / 139,92 € *(volume: 29)* +- 🟩 5 minutes in: $151.19 / 139,95 € *(volume: 17)* +- 🟥 0 minutes in: $150.97 / 139,75 € *(volume: 17)* +- 🟩 US close price: $152.47 / 141,14 € *($151.35 / 140,10 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0803. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Guys let me start by saying I BELIEVE in Bitcoin and *believe* truly that it will succeed. I will not tell you it will crash or not to invest or anything like that. + +That aside guys... we need to take a step back here for a second. I have been around in this subreddit for about 4 years now and it's only recently that I have seen it turn into as much of an echochamber as it is now. That is **not** good for us. Every dissenting opinion (even if completely based in reality) is downvoted. Meanwhile absolute pseudoscience is upvoted. + +People in this subreddit used to believe that one day Bitcoin will become less volatile and see mainstream use as a TRUE currency. Now I have people telling me the ETF failing was a good thing because we want *more* volatility for Bitcoin and that "When there is volatility there is a HUGE opportunity to make money on EVERY TRADE." That is *crazy* + +This mentality is BAD for Bitcoin. If we want to see the moon and mainstream use we need to remember why we're here. We believe in the Bitcoin/Blockchain technology and we want it to take off and see mainstream use. For that to happen volatility needs to reduce significantly. The average Joe running a bakery doesn't want his loaf of bread to be worth $3 in the morning, $6 in the afternoon and $1 by nightfall. He just wants to sell his bread and know he can pay his rent and he will continue to do that in regular fiat until Bitcoin matures and becomes stable. + +I see people here saying they have their ENTIRE saving in Bitcoin... This scares the shit out of me. Although we believe in BTC we have to accept that there is a chance it will fail and fall to obscurity. What makes Bitcoin have value over an altcoin? The Bitcoin network, the fact that people use it and that people believe in its value. If I made Alt Facebook tomorrow would you use it? No. because nobody else does and none of your friends are on it. This is the network effect. I think this effect is on Bitcoin's side I think Bitcoin will succeed but Jesus Christ guys can we at least acknowledge the fact that ther's a *chance* it won't? Can we acknowledge that it *could* fall to obscurity, never reach mainstream adoption and just fizzle out? Can we accept that a new better technology could replace it? + +So please /r/Bitcoin. take a step back. Keep your enthusiasm, keep believing and hodling but please pleaseeee lets stop with the extreme opinions, rejection of economics and the echo-chambering. + +#### TLDR: Stop down-voting people who disagree an echo-chamber is bad for Bitcoin. Stop making up Pseudoscience and PLEASE stop putting *all* of your savings in Bitcoin. + + +**EDIT:** Hey guys, [this](http://imgur.com/7ePSmAM) is what my inbox looked like this morning but I read every single response to this thread. I really appreciate the discussion going on +I have noticed an influx of bad, unthought out, and just plain wrong advice on this subreddit. It is funny to me how upset everyone got that their financial advisors might not be a fiduciary, and yet WRONG advice is up voted to the 100th degree on some threads by people who have no idea what they are talking about. + +When I mean wrong, I mean things that the IRS simply DOESN'T allow that are touted as a bonafide fact. + +For some reason this is true especially when it comes to 401ks and IRAs. I've also seen people throw out ridiculous blanket statements for complex financial situations. Like a son's older mom that had inherited money was told to throw it into a 100% stock index fund, and that was UPVOTED to the top without knowing anything about her situation. + +I work in the retirements world, and I genuinely think it should be illegal to give any advice or even facts without knowing what you are talking about. It is certainly illegal in my world. These are people's financial lives and money and for some reason it is okay to just spout off something that you heard about once and have done no research on. + +At least do your own research. [Here](https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-sponsor/types-of-retirement-plans-1) is a good place to start. For your 401k, look at your summary plan description. Every 401k is completely different as far as what it allows and what it doesn't allow, but there are general IRS guidelines that umbrella all of them. + +And keep in mind, if most of you are investing in larger firms that you trust, there are people you can call that know their shit and you can ask them questions instead of asking people on a random subreddit. Yes, they might try and sell you something, or get you to someone that will, but you can say NO and they will still answer your questions, because that is their job. + +This subreddit has been an absolute blessing to me as far as keeping me on track with my savings goals. But some of the investment advice, tax advice, questions about withdrawals have been absolutely terrifying to me. And it's a group of people that have no business giving advice all upvoting each other so that people think these things are fact. + +EDIT: I in no way meant to suggest that paying to talk to someone was in anyway better. The FIRST thing should be for you to be educated on a subject for yourself. That is what this subreddit is all about, educating yourself so that you don't have to pay someone else. The problem is, there are tons of people here that have not educated themselves, and then spout off wrong information as fact. + +Also a disclaimer: I do work in the financial services world, so I suppose I have a different perspective There are people that need (good) financial planners, they are paying a price because they have not, or are not willing, to do the research themselves. In that case, it might be better to hand someone else the reigns as opposed to picking 100% biotech stock based on returns, or selling at the first sign of a market downturn. There are people that simply don't have the emotional tolerance or are overwhelmed to the point of not wanting to even think about their plan. I understand that that is NOT the audience I am speaking to in this subreddit. It is hard for this subreddit to understand there are people like that out there, but look at all of the stats on retirement preparedness--you are the absoluteminorities. Again, the whole point of this subreddit is to educate yourself so that you DONT need to pay someone, but that education should be FACTUAL +I've seen a lot interesting conversation across a lot of different threads, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what we need to do to recover from COVID-19, as well as grow the economy. Or sustain the economy or whatever your goal is for the economy. + +Any and all ideas welcome, I'm interested to see what you think. + +Also, what are you personally doing at this time to a) come out better off and/or b) mitigate any negative impacts? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: omitted words + [https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/property/home-affordability-the-best-in-20-years-hia/news-story/f8a7d720e244a0c643b3bb3763ccbc2f](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/property/home-affordability-the-best-in-20-years-hia/news-story/f8a7d720e244a0c643b3bb3763ccbc2f) +I have multiple bank accounts for various purposes, and the total value is now over £85K. These bank accounts are all with the same provider. + +Do I need to worry about this (£85K is the compensation limit for one provider) or realistically is it fairly safe to keep it in one place? + +Let's assume the provider is a big name like HSBC, Santander, NatWest, Barclays. + +Edit: I have decided to at the very least have an account with another provider mainly to avoid any risk of being frozen out of access to my money. Spreading across two providers is a secondary benefit. + +Thanks for all the answers, super helpful as always. +Whether the change happened in the name of frugality or a desire for better quality, what are your favourite affordable luxuries? + +Here are some of mine: + +- I (female) was tired of more frequent trips to the salon after I cut my hair short. So I bought a cheap hair care set on Amazon and learned to trim my hair using YouTube. Now that I've got the hang of it, my hair is always precisely how I like it. +- I started buying green coffee beans in bulk and roasting at home. I can geek out on coffee and it costs me less than Folgers! +- When I first became obsessed with optimizing my gear (and gear weight) for outdoor pursuits, I started making my own. I get a high-quality product with premium materials tailored precisely to my needs. As a bonus, I've also gained the skills to fix my gear when it breaks and tailor clothes. +Hey Everyone, + +I started a newsletter (The Average Joe) to educate consumers about investing in a fun and conversational tone. I explain the impacts of financial news, cover financial trends, teach, and financial concepts. The newsletter is sent out weekly on Thursday at 10am. I’m on a mission to make investing simple and accessible to everyone. + +Those interested can subscribe here: [https://readthejoe.com/](https://readthejoe.com/) + +Personal background: I left a job in finance back in 2019 to pursue a year of entrepreneurship. The Average Joe is a combination of my passion for investing and entrepreneurship. You can read more about the team’s background in our about us page. +You hear a lot of people talking about the possible delisting of Chinese shares by the sec. Alibaba for example is also listed in Europe (FRA, XET), I myself am someone who lives in the Euro area of Europe. If I would just transfer to Europe and they would delist from the US by the sec, will they also delist from Europe? Because otherwise, I would just transfer to Europe. + +Edit: This is for saving on possible costs and handle if they were to delist and I need to let my broker transfer my shares to HK. +Greetings everyone, + +Can’t sleep even after a couple of sleeping pills. Today I got caught up in TSLA action and averaged my position until there were no more money left for me to do so. + +I made a decision to hold this position overnight. Although, I doubt there is any chance for me to get out of this without being wounded. + +Am completely devastated by the price action and by being such a fool. My life savings are being destroyed right in front of my eyes in a matter of hours. + +Please be very cautious and don’t break your own rules. You don’t want to experience such unnecessary soul crushing event irl. + +Edit: +Guys, I can't express how heart-warming it is to read all those uplifting comments from you. I'm beyond grateful for this. You really put a seed of hope in my soul that I can and will recover from this and it might not take as many years as I fear. + +Update: +As of now I'm going to hold my position till lunch time and see how everything goes, because my puts already almost worthless and I don't care that much about leftovers... At least I can hold it till the end of the day. +If there is any solution you would like to give it would be much appreciated. I could buy long-term calls for example with leftovers or do something else. Please feel free to brainstorm and share your ideas. + +For those of you who cares for the images... I can share my loss after my position is closed. + +P.S. +My broker (IB) triggered PDT rule. If I'm not mistaken the only action I can take right now is to close my position. If so, think I won't be able to buy calls. If someone knows something about this, please share. Thanks! + +Update2: +Since I couldn’t sleep previous night I passed out today. +My position was closed at 12:05pm (5 min candle). Unfortunately this Put went down rather much from it’s previous high (11:25am). It’s high was 3.8 at that time. But when price of the stock went down again Put price didn’t grow much and I’ve been able to close my position only for 2.23 and 2.28. My average price was 5.47. +Hi Everyone, + +I know there are a lot of different ways to get to FI but from blogs, podcasts and here, one theme that always seems to blow my mind is when people talk about their savings rate? How do some people have a savings rate of 50% or more? To me that seems damn near impossible to hit. From my calculations, in my best month I’ve only been able to hit around 30% but most months I’m in the 10-15% range. How do people calculate their savings rate? Is it based off gross or net income? Is their savings mostly automated so it comes out of their paychecks/bank accounts immediately? Or do people just have a crazy high income where they can save 50% or more and still have a life? + +For me to hit the 50% mark, depending on whether it’s calculated off of gross or net I would have to save an additional $1,100-1,800 more a month. I make $56,000. I have roommates and live in a relatively low cost of living city. I know I probably spend too much on going out/eating out each month and would also save more if I didn’t pay for my GF so often (not an argument worth having every time I go out). + +How do you guys do it? Any suggestions, ideas, or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated. + +Thanks + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +So what do you want to know? + +I'm 47 years old and live and work in Amherst, Massachusetts with my wife, two kids and assorted pets. + +I was born in Melbourne, Australia as "Gavin Bell" but moved to the US when I was five years old. I grew up in Seattle Washington, Anchorage Alaska and the Santa Ynez Valley, California. + +After graduating from Princeton University (Computer Science), I worked at Silicon Graphics Computer Systems for eight years, creating 3D graphics software (Open Inventor and VRML). + +My wife and I moved to Madison, Wisconsin after she got her PhD from Stanford. There I [wrote a book](http://www.amazon.com/The-Annotated-VRML-Reference-Manual/dp/0201419742) and co-founded a startup that failed. We moved to Amherst in 1998, where I worked on an [Internet Walkie-Talkie](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Wilco_(software)), [online games for blind and sighted people](http://allinplay.com/), tools for [Prosper](https://www.prosper.com/) lenders, a web site content management system for [Gravity Switch](http://www.gravityswitch.com/), and part of the back-end for a [search engine for computer science research literature](http://rexa.info/about). + +Phew. That long list makes me feel old. + +I first heard about Bitcoin in a May, 2010 [InfoWorld article,](http://www.infoworld.com/article/2627013/open-source-software/open-source-innovation-on-the-cutting-edge.html?page=3) and started working on Bitcoin-related projects soon after. I'm proud of my contributions: + +* I gave away over 10,000 bitcoins through the Bitcoin Faucet +* I created the first alt-coin, the Bitcoin Testnet +* I've [added 62,000 and removed 76,000 lines of code](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/graphs/contributors) from Bitcoin Core (I like to simplify) +* I've written nine [BIPS](https://github.com/bitcoin/bips), including multi-signature transaction support and the Payment Protocol + +You can read about what I've been working on recently at the [Foundation blog](https://bitcoinfoundation.org/category/chief-scientist/). + +I try not to let Bitcoin completely take over my life; I spend about eleven evenings a year as an elected member of [Amherst Town Meeting](http://www.amherstma.gov/tm). And I still have some time to ride my bicycle or unicycle, use my skeptical skills to debunk the crazy things friends post on Facebook, and read a little science fiction. + +You can get an idea of topics I find interesting and how I think at [my blog](http://gavinthink.blogspot.com/). + +So: AMA! + +--- +Thanks everybody for all the kind words! I'm going to stop now, but I'll check in tomorrow and if there are burning questions that get eleven or more points that I haven't already answered I'll try to jump in and answer them. + +Hello friends, here’s a bit more information about my parents situation: + +-They lost everything during the 2008 recession. Combination of bad luck and poor financial decisions led to where they are at now. As I mentioned above, no 401k or savings. + +-They filed for bankruptcy a couple years ago, and after completion of their payments in several months, they will be debt free. + +-Mom has a good job making low $60k/year, Dad has struggled finding a good job. He’s been making minimum wage barely making ends meet for the last couple years. + +-They are both good people and as the eldest son I’ve managed to help out financially as much as I’ve been able to up to this point, but I’m out of ideas. I want to be able to show them both (mainly my father since he’s in a “worse” spot right now) a good path that will allow them to retire, eventually. Any advice, tips, words of wisdom or guidance would be much appreciated. Not a religious man but I’ll also accept prayers at this point as well. + +Thanks guys. + +**Edit: I cannot believe the incredible support, positive thoughts, and fantastic advice so many ~~strangers~~ new friends have offered in the last 24 hours. I’m literally in shock reading some of these responses - how some of you have opened up and shared part of your personal lives with me, as it relates to my family’s situation. Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. I’ll make sure to reply to all comments this weekend.** +I have been lurking and occasionally commenting on this subreddit since around 2014 while I was still in college. I began the principles of FIRE around 2012 but have always been a frugal person in general. I was unable to start saving money until I graduated college in 2016 and got my first real job. The posts I have enjoyed most on this subreddit are the ones where seemingly normal people (no crypto/crazy inheritances/meme stocks) go over their finances. Also I would like to preface that I was extremely lucky in different ways which are highlighted below. I am in no means attempting to brag on this post, but I hope that someone can relate or find some type of inspiration to keep on chugging along! + + +**Background** + + +I was born in a relatively good-sized MCOL city in the southeast US. My parents divorced when I was small but continue to have a good relationship even to this day. I was raised in a solid middle class family and have not had many of the disadvantages that so many people have faced. + +Went to a state school within an hour of where I grew up. I believe tuition at this time was around $8k a year and with some minor scholarships I ended up paying about $5k a year out of pocket. I lived in an off-campus student apartment complex and rent ranged from $300-$500 a month with three roommates during my four years there (2012-2016). During school I worked two part time jobs (both retail) to cover my living expenses and tuition. During the summer I worked as many as 6 part time jobs, averaging 80-90 hours a week, in order to offset my expenses during the year. The most I ever made in college was $10/hr and averaged about $16k a year. + +I was commuting the hour or so every day for classes and work for the last two years. I was spending so much time working and going to class that I felt like I was going through the motions with no real plan of what I wanted to do with my life after I graduated. The semester before I was expected to graduate I was working night shift at a gym and struck a conversation up with a couple guys after they noticed me studying biochem at the front desk. We talked several times when they came in and they eventually asked I wanted to apply for position at the company they were working at. I ended up interviewing with them the day after I graduated and started two weeks later. This small bit of being in the right place at the right time has helped me tremendously and would say this is the most defining push to FI that I have had. + +My grandfather passed away while I was in college and left each grandkid about $10k which I used to pay off a $5k loan and used the rest to help buy a $10k car that I still drive to this day. We were extremely close and his will had asked that I take over his home. Due to some issues with other family members the home ended up going to my mother. I still rent the house from her to this day at a pretty heavily discounted rate. However, I treat it as my own and have put a lot of money, sweat, and tears into this place over the years. In addition to the $500 rent each month I also average about $300 a month in various home improvement projects and take care of most all maintenance. I expect to eventually inherit this home but even then $800 is still a steal for this area (could probably rent for $1200). + + +**Career** + + +I graduated May 2016 with around a $25k net worth (around $10k inheritance and the rest savings from jobs). I began working at a company the same month in an entry level position making $46500 a year. I won't bore anyone with too much detail on the company but it was a Clinical Research Organization; these companies are contracted by drug manufacturers to oversee research trials and help with the FDA approval process. + +* 2016: entry level position making $46500 with a raise mid year to $52650 +* 2017: same position with 2.7% COLA +* 2018: new position in department I wanted to be in with 4.7% raise ($55k) +* 2019: new position to a traveling role ($70k) +* 2020: switched companies with same role ($85k) +* 2021: the market for my position really took off in 2020/2021 and companies can still not keep employees (resulting in significant salary increases). I received a promotion in early 2021 (same role - senior title) to $91k, a COLA half way through the year to $92.5k, and a market adjustment to $111k a few months later. + + +**Net Worth** + + +During the first few years of my career I incessantly read this sub-reddit and kept my expenses extremely low while increasing my budget/retirement contributions with each raise. I began maxing my 401k within the first year and continued contributing to my ROTH every year; maxing that in random years but consistently since 2018. + +I have been keeping a spreadsheet detailing expenses, net worth, and future projections since 2016. I am unsure how to provide a table in reddit, but I did want to provide my net worth throughout the years + +* 2016: $30k +* 2017: $67k +* 2018: $80k +* 2019: $134k +* 2020: $195k +* 2021: expected $275k + +Expenses have also increased from around $15k in 2016 to about $45k a year now. I met my significant other in 2018 and we got married earlier this year. We do a fair amount of traveling (domestic and international) and will continue to do so. Kids are on the table but we do not have a set retirement plan yet so we are just working on maxing our retirement accounts (my 401k, my IRA, her IRA) and seeing where that takes us. + +Current assets are as follows: + +* 401k: $144k +* ROTH IRA: $55k +* Brokerage: $15k +* Crypto: $12k +* Cash: $21k +* HSA: $2k +* SO 401k: $9k +* SO ROTH IRA: $3k +* Total: $261k + + +**Take Away** + + +I wanted to reiterate that I have been extremely lucky with my career and housing situation and know this is not repeatable by most. However, I hope that those starting off their FIRE journey can pick at least one thing up from my post. Everyone's financial timeline is different, but saving as much as you can as early as you can will allow you to compound. Continue to pay your future self first by setting up automatic withdrawals (401k, brokerage, IRA). I am by no means the best to give out financial advice but there are thousands of great people in this subreddit that have provided great advice - use it! +For tonight's DD, I want to talk about October 13, 2021 and the days surrounding it, as well as what happened since. On or around this day was the day that broke the meme basket and sent 2022 into a heavy downwards spiral for most of the meme stocks, but surprisingly enough, not GME + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ajmbxb5b5hs91.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=983ea5a62f85a1221600c20870c3f02553318961 + +Pretty normal enough, right? This doesn't have any significance whatsoever... right? + +Wrong. + +&#x200B; + +Up until 10/13/2021, if you asked me at 9:31est each morning what direction and magnitude GME would move for the day, I would be able to accurately tell you 90% of the time. + +&#x200B; + +I am not a visionary and do not have access to any of the information you don't have, but there is a silly thing in the stock market that appears to be in these types of 'swap baskets' that I will call an anchor. This anchor is a stock with very low liquidity, which can be easily manipulated in Pre-market and throughout the day to give tells on what the other similar stocks will do for that given day. + +&#x200B; + +Let me show you an example of our anchor... + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/8fh3ggxj6hs91.png?width=1239&format=png&auto=webp&s=d137342ae344c86fa59d98861a58e4a64a46e182 + +This stock is extremely illiquid and has been a part of the 'meme' basket since the beginning, even though there is almost 0 trading on it. Up until the Jan 2021 sneeze, I would have been able to estimate the closing price each in the morning relatively confidently. The overall correlation in price between these two stocks from 2015 through Jan 2021 was .947. This is incredibly high correlation and has been going on for years. Know what the correlation factor is from the sneeze through today??? .947. + +&#x200B; + +This doesn't let me know the closing price at 9:31am though... + +&#x200B; + +The method on how I could do this is by looking at the difference between open and close from the previous day. If the stock opens at a higher price than it closed the previous day, the closing price would be less than the opening price. If the opening price is lower than the previous close, the price would close higher than open. This also kept a similar magnitude of movement. If the price was something like +10% at open, you would know that it would be a blood red day for the meme basket. + +&#x200B; + +Let me show you an example of the day vs night trends for this stock. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/w2x0910v7hs91.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=4737708c65ca9729b5fb8969241e8ee9ba54c0f9 + +As you can see, the nighttime and daytime movements for this stock very closely mirror each other. The two prices have a correlation of -.7 (strong negative correlation) + +&#x200B; + +Here is the day/night trends since the sneeze: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/u5h84yejahs91.png?width=1285&format=png&auto=webp&s=2721a2edee118d45bf5f109236a0de299bbec915 + +As you can see, the jan 2021 sneeze broke the trend for this stock + +&#x200B; + +Next chart: + +https://preview.redd.it/u2qrq5elbhs91.png?width=1291&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e78880b965ce4eafdadc441edc67f18239e7f67 + +Here is the price of this stock vs the towel stock. As you can see, something weird happens around that timeframe. There is an insane volume spike of roughly 3x the entire 4.2 million share float, and towel stock makes a very strange dip straddling that insane volume spike. + +&#x200B; + +Let's see what happens to the other meme stock in the basket? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/9h1nqra1chs91.png?width=1341&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbc44520815ad89e1acce58604551c617ec712d6 + +Last night, I did the math on what a dilution trendline would look for this stock if the dilution was done in the form of naked shorts. You can check my post history to look at that if you want... but I basically said that in Jan 2021, the 400 million share offering completely closed all naked shorts in the system, then the stock was steadily diluted at a rate of 7.5% until october/november of last year. After that point, BAM! 30%-50% of every single share traded is a naked short to the tune of 5 billion naked shorts in less than a year. This inversion happens exactly when the headphone and towel stock make their extremely weird spike and valley. + +&#x200B; + +Now what happened to GME? + +https://preview.redd.it/b9fe6aiedhs91.png?width=1099&format=png&auto=webp&s=510f9f4cf262eec8197b6a50b80607ec5d193f0a + +The wedge broke. + +We have since been looking at "critical margin lines" and other technical data, but it looks like the towel and headphone stock incident broke whatever trends that were going on and caused the entire basket to start falling within days. I believe the reason GME is falling less is because DRS is propping the hell out of the price, while all dark pool shares are being diluted to a tune of 30%-50% total volume just like the other stocks. + +&#x200B; + +My question to the sub is: wtf happened here?? Do we have some fundamental event that would cause this? + +I do have one more interesting point to leave off with: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/7f75be5aehs91.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=efbf7d6c0f39a7ea144e750e208ebf51a8b1a71e + +&#x200B; + +Starting somewhere in Late May 2022, headphones stock RESTORED the inverted night/day relationship! I have recently been tracking the relationship and it seems to be fully restored. Better yet, the two stocks still track each other to a correlation of >.90! + +&#x200B; + +The price spike in June only happened with GME and that was the same date that the inversion link with headphones was restored. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/vmw11kn9ghs91.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=45226d980c81fdbbe6ec4cfa306578fd1974e554 + +I tracked the price this week on towel stock and it went 5 for 5 on guessing the closing price of itself and GME. Obviously the sample size was not large enough to be significant, but it is definitely something I will continue to track. + +&#x200B; + +As always, please tear apart my theory and let me know your thoughts. + +&#x200B; + +TL;DRS - Headphone stock appears to be an anchor for GME and can potentially be used to predict future price movements. + +Edit: I really want to know what the overnight futures contracts look like among all the basket stocks. When futures for one stock go wild, the entire basket responds as well. If this stock is linked to the collective futures contracts, it is likely a leading indicator. + +Edit 2: I do not believe this stock controls gme. Since it has no options, we can get a window into the overnight futures movements since it shares the same basket with gme. + +Edit 3: Eratic_Knight247 solved this RC tweet +https://imgur.com/a/MKEfFgd +Hello, obviously I am newcomer. I know the Ethereum ride is not over yet, but I feel like I miss the train everytime. How to be on time for once? What do you think has potential and why? +For me, it was the lust of 500% IV on the Support.com and Greenidge merge. I sold a bull put spread (buy OTM put then sell a closer to ATM put) and an iron condor. + +The short leg ended so far in the money I had to deposit funds to close the trade... +I’ve always heard that never buy at market open. As a seller, does it matter at market open, noon or right before market close? It might be random but I thought I’d get your guys opinion on this and what do you guys usually do. +I used to think that margin was mainly dangerous because you could quickly blow up your account with crazy trades. I thought I was too conservative for all of that, but now I've learned the hard lesson -- overusing margin can be a slow creep and is often dangerous not because it will blow up your account over night, but because losses can push you to make decisions you would never make if you weren't leveraged. + +I've been selling options for a while, but -- like a lot of people here I imagine -- the last couple months haven't been great. The extended downturn didn't bother me at first and I even used some of my margin to "buy the dip," but as the dip kept dipping and my free cash dwindled, eventually my account has started brushing up on margin call territory. + +Now, even though I've stuck to mostly solid principles, avoided too many meme stocks, diversified my account, and generally only wheeled with companies that I like for the longterm, I now find myself in a shitty situation. I like all the stocks I own, I've been getting decent premium, and I'm confident everything will eventually bounce back. Account value is down, sure, but otherwise things are pretty much going to plan and I normally would have no intention of selling anything except more calls. + +Buuutt... + +Like a frog in that boiling water, I've slowly but surely over-leveraged myself over the course of a few months without even really realizing it. I am now forced to make terrible decisions to ease that margin and so I have to do the dumbest thing possible -- sell stocks I like at a lousy price and make those paper losses real. + +So don't be like me. Margin can be great to boost profits when used judiciously, but whatever you think a healthy cushion is, maybe double or triple that number and don't break your own rules "just this once." Because even though riding up on the edge of your purchasing power can work well enough in a bull market, in a long downturn like we have now, it will come back to haunt you. + +So, this isn't wall street bets. My account hasn't blown up in 2 hours from buying calls on Tesla. I'll be alright. But, it is still the same old story, if somewhat less dramatic -- that creeping margin greed got me. +What’s up everyone, +I’m a second year student at a little known tech school in software engineering, looking to go into the field of algorithmic trading, quantitative finance, research, etc. I’ve been a pretty avid reader of this sub for a few months, and seeing all of the dual CS/Math majors here from target schools makes me wonder. + +As a software engineering major from a non-target school (good GPA, several data-scraping/statistics side projects in python on resume) do I have a shot at any sort of position in this field? I know I’m not going to land a rockstar position at two sigma or the like, but are there options? I’m about average at maths, and would call working with pandas / python in general my specialty. + +For those of us who would otherwise be suited for an ‘average’ software dev job at a non-competitive company, are there options in this field? Any job related to programming and markets would be the coolest thing in the world to me. + +Thanks to anyone who takes time out of their day to respond! +Guys, + +I develop new open-source swing and position trading bot based on unofficial Robinhood API. Currently implemented features include: + +* Fully-automated technical-analysis-based trading approach +* "Paper" trading mode, just suggesting what's to buy, sell, hold and which -stops should be +* Risk management based portfolio allocation +* Configurable (trailing) profit stops automatic allocation +* Earnings announcements impacts +* Market breadth analysis +* User defined strategies +* Fundamental analysis +* Last year backtest + +https://github.com/yura505/robinbot + +I'm looking for contributors and anyone who interesting in it. My goal is create high profitable swing trading bot which can outperform market with reasonable risks. + +Ready for comments, issues and wishes :) +Long story short, signed a job with a start date in about 5 weeks. + +Current work place counter offered after they said they wouldn't and offered more than expected + +Am I essentially locked into this new role now? + +Thanks again +I bought a single family home many years ago as a primary residence, with an associated mortgage loan. I lived in the house for a while and then had to move out so I converted the property to a rental property. I've been renting it ever since. + +I never made any changes to my mortgage -- so I still have the same mortgage I did when I bought the house. + +I am now thinking of putting the house in an LLC. However, the bank that has the mortgage says I cannot move the house/mortgage to an LLC, nor do they do mortgage loans for investment properties. + +I was going to look into finding a mortgage lender that will give me a mortgage for a house in an LLC. But as I was talking to some folks, I am being told I might not have to. Something about most banks not lending to an LLC and doing a quit claim to change the owner from me to the LLC? + +I'm just wondering what I need to or should do... +Let’s see how the current environment looks like. + +&#x200B; + +Here are **some uncertainties** that govern investors’ reactions over the past 50 days: + +* Nobody knows how long will the pandemic last. Obviously, the longer the worse and there is no indication of slowing down. +* Nobody knows if people who get sick will have immunity over the next potential virus wave. +* Nobody knows how the transition period back to normal economic activity will be achieved and how long it will take. +* Nobody can estimate the real economic damage to the backbone of the economy → SMEs +* Nobody can estimate the second derivative of the sell-off effects, i.e. what will happen with the fallen angels and lack of liquidity. + +&#x200B; + +**A few facts about the virus:** + +* Death rate varies between 0.5% – 7%, depending on population age, ICU coverage and extent of population testing. +* Most of the patients do not present symptoms for many days, which makes the virus extremely effective in spreading. +* No vaccine is expected before the next 12–16 months. + +&#x200B; + +**Now, a few economic facts and hard data:** + +* Almost 50% of US corporate debt is BBB rated now and with most of the world’s population being under lock-down, it is no rocket science that big part of them will fall below investment grade. +* Almost 3.3M Americans filed for jobless claims last week. This is 5x the previous record of 1982. +* The Fed’s balance sheet just exceeded $5 trillion for the first time. +* Markets are deep into bear market territories. + +&#x200B; + +**The Covid-19 effect:** + +Now, it is important to clarify that Coronavirus will not disappear overnight. It will be a long and gradual process lasting 3–6 months. I am afraid the worse is yet to come for markets across the world. The detrimental effects in the real economy are becoming more obvious day by day and translated into spikes in unemployment, mortgage payment delays, lack of liquidity and financing for SMEs, cuts in Capex and supplies, and lastly corporate and personal defaults. This is a self-feeding loop probably leading to what economists describe as secular stagnation. + +The Central Banks were not ready to face such a crisis. Rates were extremely low already and their balance sheets were already loaded with a lot of public and corporate debt. Another stimulus plan may be the only solution now, but it is not sustainable in the long run. + +My opinion is that markets will remain into bearish territory for many months after the “end of Covid-19”. + +&#x200B; + +**What can ordinary investors do to prepare?** + +1. **You cannot time the market**. You never could and definitely cannot start now. So, instead of guessing whether stock markets are going to rise or fall further after Covid-19, adopt a longer horizon. Get some exposure in the stock market but do it for the long run. There is no point to pick the best mutual fund, as most of them underperform the markets. Go for a cheap ETF. Robinhood or Vanguard will probably do for most jurisdictions. +2. **Normal diversifiers** like corporate bonds are always necessary for an all-weather portfolio. However, keep in mind that in every liquidity crunch most of the risky assets move together and move downwards. +3. **Safe havens**, like government bonds (US, Germany, UK) still have their place in your portfolio. +4. **Look for market-neutral alternatives**. This can be alternative types of exposure, investment styles, methods, etc. Look for market-neutral assets and funds. At the toughest periods, the market-neutral investments will keep your portfolio beating. It is true that market-neutral exposure is not the easiest thing to achieve as an ordinary investor, but there are a few apps that try to achieve that. I find Daedalus Investment Platform interesting, but I am sure there will be others as well for jurisdictions not covered. +5. **Keep some cash**. Not only as a safe haven but to also exploit opportunities when you identify them. + +&#x200B; + +**Summary**: These are hard times for the markets and events that are unprecedented for our generation. It is and will be tough, but the best we can do is be prepared both for the virus (social distancing & healthy routine) and for our long-run financial plan. +Before cosplaying as Michael Bury, or going all in on shorts, check the latest economic data. It's not the sure-fire doomsday scenario it was 2 months ago. + +# The herd. + +When it comes to investing, be careful of following the herd. + +Last year, the herd thought Bitcoin was heading to the moon and could hit $100K. And that's when the herd was overbuying. + +Things aren't looking good. But is the data really showing only doomsday? I'll explore that in details. + +Not every correction is a recession. Not every bear market is long term (see the 2013 mini bear market of 5 months for Bitcoin). + +&#x200B; + +# Inflation: + +This is the big one. Inflation is still high, but it's showing signs of slowing down, and potentially having peaked already. If it starts going down, will it still be able to fuel further market fears? + +Both CPI and PCE rates have slowed down. + +\-CPI slowed from 8.5% in March down to 8.2% in April. + +\-PCE has slowed from 6.6% in March down to 6.2% in April. + +Obviously real inflation is higher, but these are important for later when we talk about Fed rates. + +But what about food and gas still being so expensive? It still costs me so much, how can it have peaked? That brings up the next two points. + +&#x200B; + +# Supply chain: + +Probably one of the biggest wrench getting in the way of economic growth in the last 2 years. + +Luckily, the supply chain is beginning to reopen, and the bottleneck is getting unclogged. But it has been an uneven recovery. + +While you see a lot of items back on the shelves, and shipment taking less time, you have other items like baby formula vanishing from the shelves. + +The big one everyone is waiting for is for China to join in that de-clogging. They're still behind due to their more recent lockdowns. + +In the US this year: + +47% drop in ship congestion (those ships anchored waiting outside a port). + +12% increase in containers in the main ports (LA, New Jersey, New York, Long beach). + +In Europe, they experienced a setback with the war in Ukraine. With some ports getting increases in delays by several hours, sometimes up to two days. + +In terms of sea shipping worldwide, the bottleneck is still high thanks to China and Russia, but we are starting to also see signs that it has peaked: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/6t9zd84c4n291.png?width=990&format=png&auto=webp&s=54d4e555c3b0f72dcde6e85bafb82c87ccc0ee31 + +Things are still not looking great and are uneven, but it looks like in many countries we are starting to see things turn around. + +Overall, the world waiting time for all cargo ships has dropped. Going from 17 million container waiting days down to 6 million. + +&#x200B; + +# Oil: the domino effect that could put the breaks on a recession. + +Oil prices has everyone worried. + +It has also been a big contributors for rising CPI numbers, and the perceived inflation. + +It has also been a problem for supply chains, along with businesses. And has put strain on many companies in the stock market. + +So it's been in the middle of almost all of our problems. + +Here's some good news. + +One of the main reason it's so high, is because OPEC hasn't increased the output to keep up with the big emerging demand from the post covid crisis, nor make up for the strain from the war in Ukraine. + +The purposely held back output to let price rises, to makeup for all the money they lost when oil prices tanked in 2020. + +OPEC is actually due to increase the output in July, per their internal agreement, by 400K barrels per day. So relief will begin this summer. + +The G7 meeting has asked them to increase it by even more. So we'll have to see how big the relief will be. + +If oil price output increases significantly, it could bring the price down more significantly, helping everything from inflation to supply chains and businesses. + +And it could create a domino effect that could help ignite a potential recovery. + +&#x200B; + +# Fed rates: + +Rates don't have much uncertainty left. Feds have already laid out the roadmap. We know how high they want to go. And unless inflation starts to spiral out of control again, it looks like they are targeting 2-2.5% rates. So only going back to pre-covid rates. + +These are still economic stimulation level of rates. They're not high rates. + +Now that we got a good idea on how fast they'll go with the point basis, there's not much left that hasn't been priced in already. + +The only question is the Fed balance sheet unloading. That's a little harder to predict the effect. But there won't be a selling off, they'll just let bonds expire. + +Also, keep in mind that legislation has changed a little, with the ability for banks to get their liquidity. So it won't be quiet the same as it was in the past. + +&#x200B; + +# War in Ukraine: + +I can't really say too much about this. There's no clear metrics to talk about here. + +This could end next month, or it could end in 5 years. + +One thing we do know, is Putin wasn't able to roll over Ukraine, and move on to the next conquest. + +In terms of market uncertainty, it has fizzled out a little bit, and is nowhere near at the level of fear as the early days of the war. + +&#x200B; + +# US GDP: + +This is the one place where we can still see an alarming case for a recession. + +The GDP has decreased by 1.5%. + +That's as bad as it can get. + +But a big part of that decrease was actually caused by the trade deficit, rather than a decrease in spending. Consumer spending actually increased by 2.7%. Inflation adjusted, it still increased by 0.7%. + +Also, supply chain issues, and slower inventory accumulation fueled that decrease. The effect of high inflation also didn't help. + +But if those problems have already reached their peak, ports are now getting unclogged, and with the trade deficit already going back down, we can have better expectations for much better GDP numbers next quarter. + +&#x200B; + +# Can we still have a recession? + +Yes. + +Both in crypto and other markets. + +While things may look like they have reached their peak, and there are some improvements already, you never know when there could be set backs. + +So I'm definitely not trying to be Nostradamus here. I'm just saying a recession is not 100% in the cards. In fact, it may be starting to diminish in probabilities. + +This is definitely not your 2008 recession. We still have low unemployment, a strong housing market, trade deficit dropping 15.9%, growing consumer spending, and we don't have foreclosures popping up everywhere. + +Bankruptcies filling have also been dropping in the US: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/2ue7dlkj4n291.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcbc5af846604e4b395b270d7aacdf7f80cdba1b + +What's important is to understand the cause of all this, to understand if we are heading straight into a recession. + +&#x200B; + +# The cause. + +Where did it all go wrong, and how did we get here in both crypto and other markets? + +Long story short: liquidity supply crunch. + +Both crypto and stocks have been getting extra fuel with the extra liquidity being printed into the market. + +Both went a little too high too fast, and got a little overbought. + +It was natural that we'd get a correction once the Fed turned off that printer. + +So this isn't exactly a crash where you have foreclosures popping up all over neighborhoods, bankruptcies, and financial institutions collapsing, like in 2008. + +This is more the market correcting to adjust back to normal pre-covid liquidity. + +In fact, for crypto, it may not even be like 2018, and be more like 2013. + +Where we got a mini bear market for 5 months in the middle of a bull cycle: + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/flk4i3235n291.jpg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d96d3ac5785cd6cd0b9443eb4d6abd73270e1a0 + +# tl;dr: + +All the same macos that were supporting the theory that we were heading into a long recession, are now showing signs of either peaking, slowing down, or even turning around. + +And if a couple of key macros like GDP, supply chain, or oil have a significant turnaround, it could create a domino effect that could fuel a recovery. Or at the very least erase a lot of the fuel behind the recession. + +And all 3 are showing data that they are likely to turn around in the coming months. + +This doesn't mean it will necessarily happen, or that we won't have a long recession. There's still a strong possibility. Just not as strong as many people think, and definitely not close to 100%. And the likelihood has begun to decrease. +So my dad paid $800 for a real estate workshop over the weekend and he's asking me if he should give them the $50,000 they're asking for in exchange for information on how to make money off of tax liens and deeds as well as how to "flip homes", etc... + +It seems too good to be true to me but he seems convinced. Does anyone have any experience with "REW advanced training" ? They have different packages ranging from $35,000-$50,000 offering real estate search software and services like that. + +Anything would help. The last workshop is tomorrow and I don't want him making a poor decision. He's been unemployed for a while so he's desperate. + +Edit: Thank you to the fellow Redditor who sent me that scam review link. My 50 y/o old man is utterly grateful considering he was going to actually do it. + +Edit #2: I appreciate the responses, thank you. However does anyone know what my dad can do for work? He doesn't have a college degree but has 20+ years experience in healthcare management. He's way overqualified for everything he applies to... +I was just starting high school during the last major correction and I wasn't making my own investments as I am today. Just curious to hear how the market sentiment was prior to the housing bubble popping from traders who were as actively trading around that time. +I‘m posting this as an American living my fourth year in Germany, so I‘m hoping for some EU perspective. Having only recently finished my masters here, I‘m one year into working full time here in the architecture profession. My take home is €2230/mo, manage to save €1400/mo or so, and have €10.5k in my savings account right now. Nothing else - no stocks, retirement, nada. + +As a last resort I can (and have done before) move back in with my parents in the US and earn more with no rent, but given the state of things there I‘m intent on pushing a future in Germany... but given my lack of familiarity with personal finance here, what are the options for a late bloomer like me? + +To note: a few health issues (i.e. dental, physical therapy) have cropped up in the last years, which highlighted the need to focus on building a nest egg or emergency fund (as well as cringe at US medical bills), so I guess I‘m aiming for building stability and capital. + +In terms of visa: I can work in my studied profession, as well as freelance. I‘m eligible for permanent residence in a year. Any feedback appreciated! +Hey All! + +I'm a 27 years old university student from Hungary, my current income is about 300 EUR/month, and it will be like this for at least 2 more years, so I can invest maybe 90 EUR/month. Is it possible to increase my monthly income to 1500-1700 EUR or even more? +I am fortunate enough to get my living costs paid by my parents, but I want to stand on my own feet, and help Them instead. + +I am an absolute beginner in investing, zero knowledge. My question is where should I start? + +I'm willing to learn everything from the basics but I don't know what to trust(books, YouTube videos, applications?) What are my possibilities in Europe? +Thank You in advance! +I've noticed Ph.D. students' salaries (not very negotiable since they are usually government-funded) in Germany tend to be considerably higher than in Austria and I began to wonder how difficult it may be to live for three years of a Ph.D. programme in Vienna given the gross salaries are around 2000–2600€ (paid 14 times a year along the usual Austrian scheme). + +Let's be less optimistic here and assume I have a gross salary of 2200€ so a net budget around 1600€ a month – how manageable is that? Quite obviously the most painful part of the expenses will be the rent. I tried using online cost of living calculators but I got results in an absurdly broad range (800–1800€). However, median was about 1500€ so it makes me a bit worried (but just a bit because I honestly don't trust most of these calculations). +18 months of downward price pressure has not been fun. + +Say what you want that "price is not important" + +I disagree. As an emerging tech a relatively stable or increasing price is super important to attract potential users. For example, all of the new users who signed up for the Circle $5 worth of free bitcoin a month ago now have a balance of $3.80 (assuming it wasn't spent). Their first impression could very well have turned them off permanently. + +Sure, they'll be ups and downs, everyone expects volatility, but a year and a half now of sell pressure with very little upswings. + +Shit's bringing me down. Here's to hoping these well funded start-ups can come up with some innovative ideas. +The quote is captured by CNBC [here](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/06/14/bitcoin-and-ethereum-are-not-securities-but-some-cryptocurrencies-may-be-sec-official-says.html). One of the key points he makes is "If there is a centralized third party, along with purchasers with an expectation of a return, than [sic] it is likely a security, Hinman said." The key here of course being that Ether is decentralized. + +It is high time that the SEC clarified their stance publicly. Dancing around the issue was just frustrating everyone. + +No clarification was given for XRP, which is the subject of multiple lawsuits alleging that it is a security. +I want to preface this -- I'm high and tired from work. I'm also former marine crayon-eating ape, so I'm dumb as rocks. This is my first real post on the sub that actually contributes anything valuable. Please do your own research to confirm. + +TLDR: The financial system is a leech on our economy and society. + +EDIT: fixing punctuations and typos. + +I saw the post about Michael C Bodson, so I decided to snoop around. + +&#x200B; + +[Mike Bodson, President and CEO of DTCC](https://preview.redd.it/l715qaqlew671.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=c542109fc03704210244463fa77391668f0adfa7) + +Michael Bodson is President and CEO of DTCC. Crypto posed a threat to clearinghouses like the DTCC, so the DTCC invested into Digital Asset Holdings. It's a financial company that builds products based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). The idea was that Wall Street would co-opt blockchain technology and strip crypto of its decentralize nature. ([https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1505pph2t0x7g/the-2017-tech-40-michael-bodson](https://www.institutionalinvestor.com/article/b1505pph2t0x7g/the-2017-tech-40-michael-bodson)) + +Now let's take a look into Digital Asset Holdings. + +Guess who is on its Board of Directors? Michael Bodson. How do you use the DTCC to invest into a company where you sit on its board? I guess there's no conflict of interest here, so lets move along. Another interesting fact is that the CEO of Digital Asset Holdings, Yuval Rooz, is a former Shitadel employee. After his tenure at Shitadel, he went to DRW Trading Group as a Senior Algorithmic Trader. + +[CEO of Digital Asset Holdings](https://preview.redd.it/2dvdku6saw671.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=739780e6bfecc76524a07767da587aba2a651a53) + +I mentioned that Digital Asset Holdings was co-founded; so now, let's take a look at the other guy. + +[Don Wilson, Co-founder of Digital Asset Holding, and CEO of DRW Trading Group](https://preview.redd.it/tm8xtihqcw671.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=339061d3d6989e09f522808e0865cc7dd5f7dd16) + +This dude, Don Wilson, co-founded Digital Asset Holdings... and he's CEO of DRW Trading Group. Okay, so Yuval Rooz worked for him, then went on to start a company with him, as CEO of that company? These guys sure love helping each other out with their business ventures. I wish I had friends like that. + +So let's take a deeper dive into Donny. + +in 2018, Don Wilson was cleared in a manipulation case. + +>A US financial regulator has been defeated in its pursuit of Don Wilson, one of the world’s leading derivatives traders, in a stinging ruling by a judge who derided the agency for bringing a misbegotten market-manipulation case. Judge Richard Sullivan in New York dismissed all charges against Mr Wilson and his Chicago-based trading group DRW in the long-awaited ruling, two years after he heard the case. +> +>([https://www.ft.com/content/8416eb88-f70f-11e8-af46-2022a0b02a6c](https://www.ft.com/content/8416eb88-f70f-11e8-af46-2022a0b02a6c)) + +Okay, he got away but we all know he's a crook. Going back further, Don made huge campaign contributions to former Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel. An article from 2015 criticizes the former mayor and his "Hedge Fund Flash Boys." + +&#x200B; + +[Rahm Emanuel, former mayor of Chicago 2011-2019, and former US Congressman 2003-2009](https://preview.redd.it/1dg5mjstow671.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcfa9cadbcb1e2d7df96f074953ded47c5f6e682) + +&#x200B; + +>Many of Rahm’s top contributors are heads of “high-frequency trading” funds—a murky and controversial trading strategy that is currently the subject of several class-action lawsuits. +> +>Two of the largest high-frequency trading funds in Chicago—Ken Griffin’s Citadel LLC and Donald Wilson’s DRW Trading Group— have poured over a million dollars into Rahm’s campaign. +> +>... +> +>Griffin is also reported to be a close friend of Rahm’s. +> +>Griffin — who is literally the wealthiest man in Chicago — spends much of his obscene fortune bankrolling far-right Republicans across the nation. When he isn’t stuffing cash into Republican campaign coffers, Griffin indulges in excesses on a par with the trust kings of the Gilded Age, snapping up a network of luxury homes, including a reported $135 million spread in Palm Beach, Florida and a $13.3 million penthouse at the Waldorf-Astoria in Manhattan. +> +>... +> +>Rahm’s influence in Washington must have helped: DRW and similar firms were not subjected to these regulations. +> +>And this was a good thing, because the very next year DRW Securities LLC was fined $20,000 by the Chicago Board of Options Exchange for failing to maintain capital reserves at the level of a paltry quarter of a million dollars. +> +>DRW Trading Group was also investigated by the CFTC for using high-speed trades to manipulate a reference rate that was used to calculate the value of a bet $350 million bet made by DRW. The investigation is on-going. +> +>([https://hedgeclippers.org/rahm-emanuel/#\_ftn2](https://hedgeclippers.org/rahm-emanuel/#_ftn2)) + +Looks like Kenny and Donny both like influencing politics, so they can keep getting richer. + +These assholes all know each other and love giving each other reach-arounds. They casted a larger net over our financial system and political system, and they are bleeding us dry. + +I think it's obvious how much these criminals control our government. The wealth disparity is growing larger by the day. These crooks are stopping our political system from working and holding our country back from progress. + +I honestly do believe they made our politicians spread misinformation during the pandemic, to keep us in lockdown longer, so they could keep on shorting companies. Hurting people and businesses, just so they can make a profit. I really hope they are all held accountable at the end of all of this. I know most of them will get away, but wishful thinking. + +Apes strong together. + +My favorite ape is an orangutan, so here you go: + +https://preview.redd.it/gd6aarhhtw671.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd03b2877a11834f929ca037965012fdb7ab8e93 +ANZ and CBA have both increased their forecast peak cash rates by 25bps: + +[ANZ](https://twitter.com/DavidPlank12/status/1585107262791524352): + +> ANZ now sees the RBA cash rate peaking at 3.85%, versus 3.6% previously, as inflation also peaks at a higher level. Expected to remain at that level for an extended period as core inflation prices persistent. + +[CBA](https://www.commbankresearch.com.au/apex/researcharticleviewv2?id=a0N4y00000lpNhn): + +> we now incorporate our risk scenario into our base case for the RBA Board meeting in December. That is, we now anticipate a further 25bp rate hike at the December Board meeting, which would take the cash rate to 3.10% on our forecast profile (we expect that to be the terminal rate). + +Bit of disagreement between the two! + +Both are well short of the 4.2% terminal rate priced by the interbank futures market - though I think that should be read as an upper bound due to the market very likely having a rate premium to compensate for risk on the longer-dated contracts. +How does Westpac get away with restricting access to it's HISA to under 30's, particularly in light of the new Target Market Determination regulations? + +AFAIK financial institutions have significant regulatory obligations around charging insurance premiums or HL interest rates based on age and must provide evidence that age is a relevant rating factor. + +I don't see how it can be justified for a savings account rate. +I get tired of this. I live with my gf. We have a dual income household. Both of us make decent money but nothing major. We have been priced out of the housing market. We do not have the means right now to bring a kid into this world. Just the birth itself at the hospitals comes with insane costs. We are saving for our future right now and to enjoy life ourselves to travel and experience new things. A kid would completely drain those savings and completely cut off the social life we have. + +This is not selfish. Quit telling us such. Her sister says she wants us to have kid(s) so she can spoil them. Parents want us to have kids so they can have grandkids. That thinking is selfish. You want people who are not ready for kids to have kids for your own enjoyment. And no, I don't care if I am one of the last male grandkids in my family and our surname might die with me. Who cares. + +There is a reason why the younger generations are having kids at a much lower rate than older generations. Have you checked the rent prices/cost of living in general vs salary. + +Not to mention all the added stress and time consumption a kid brings. +Back in 1996-ish, I was a senior in college taking a marketing class. Discovered the internet. Asked my teacher “who owns the internet?” He said “no one, but AOL and Microsoft seem to be the most involved. My parents had put away some bonds for me, so I used that money to buy 100 shares of both companies (I believe they were $10 or under). + +Made about $60,000. Sold stock and bought a house a block from the beach in Southern California for $500,000 in 2000. Sold that two years later for $600,000. Everyone celebrate. + +Got married, continued to buy houses and make money. Got divorced in 2006, lost about 50% of equity in the crash. + +That first beach house is now worth $2+ million. And I don’t even want to do the math on profit if I had kept the stocks. + +Moral: keep stocks and real estate for 25 years and spend all extra money on marriage therapy! + +*Edit: for all of you blaming “the wife” for the loss, you should know I was the wife. Surprise, it’s a girl. +I wanted to know how S&P determines these ratings and why is India so close to getting a 'junk' rating while Spain which needs a $125 billion bailout still has a BBB+ rating. + +Just curious, what is everyone’s annual dividend goal? And how long have you been working on this goal? I started passively investing this past year and just hit alittle over $500 last year. Please include: (value of portfolio and how long you’ve been investing for) + +Someone already said this but only a few commented on it so I thought I should start the conversation again! +Hi! + +So I recently invested into Qualcomm. Not because of their dividends, but because of growth. I'm not a dividend investor, so I really don't know if this subreddit is the right place, but you know a lot about dividends. + +I don't have much money since I'm only 13, but I've bought 10 shares of QCOM. When they pay dividends, I'm going to get $6,8, but what do I even do with it? People always say reinvest, but my broker doesn't allow fractional shares, and I can't buy a whole share of QCOM or basically any other stock with $6,8, so I was wondering if I should just take the money out of my brokerage account and go buy some ice cream for me and my little sister lol? I could also just wait and gain a bit of money every quarter until I had enough to buy a share of something. +My husband and I live well below our means we own our small but lovely home outright, drive paid for secondhand car and we are basically pretty minimalist so we save a lot. I work from home for myself now and my husband is on course for early retirement. + +We made the choice to be quiet about our financial situation because he especially has had family take advantage of him in the past. We aren't mean and do help family members out but we perfer to keep our money situation private. + +Because we are minimlist, don't have a fancy car quite a few people around us think we are much poorer and then patronise us and talk down to us about how great they are doing and how we need to work harder even a relative I know is up to her eyes in debt is like this all because we don't drive a flash car or live drapped in designer goods. + +As my mother would say these people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. + +Anyway do you have wealth but live a fairly minimalist lifestyle and if so do people just assume you are poor? + + +Throw away account. + +Family : 48m, 43f , two middle school kids. Annual expense : 130k House mortgage: 32k/year Health insurance if I take it by myself: 25k 350k in 529s for kids. Bay Area Total expense if I were to retire :187k/year + +**Money generating Assets:** 2.5m in 401k. 3.1m in fidelity . 10k/year rental cash flow from a 900k property. **Total is 5.6m and 10k/year**. + +At 4% , I’ll get 234k/year. + +Networth : 2.5m 401k , 3.1m fidelity , 900k, 2m equity in house. Total is 8.5m networth . + +Am I a done or do I have to still keep going? Am I cutting too close with two young kids. Both of us are in tech with combined family income of 700k/year. + +**Summary: 187k/year expense. Income after retirement: 234k/year at 4%** . **post tax income 200K/ year**. **8.5m networth**. + +Wife is uncomfortable pulling the plug. I am ok except i am worried about biden taxes which might reduce my post tax income.. She earns 200k per year and wants to continue atleast another 4 years. I want to retire because I have family history of age related health problems so don’t want to regret losing my healthy years wasting away in a cubicle. +Just wanted to give my appreciation to this subreddit, because without it, I wouldn't have an emergency fund. And if I didn't have an emergency fund, this month would have been so much more stressful than it needed to be. + +So at the start of last month, I bit the bullet and ordered some new bedroom furniture and new doors throughout the house (haven't had doors on any of the rooms besides the bathrooms since moving in a year ago). These weren't an issue as these were planned expenses that I'd been saving towards, but ultimately left my current account emptier than usual! + +What I didn't forsee happening after shelling out for the above was having 4 separate incidents all happen within the space of a couple of weeks, totalling ~£2,300 to rectify. Without the emergency fund, this would have left me -£1200 in the red until payday at the end of the month, and even then, I'd only have had £200 to last me the whole of next month after bills were paid, which would quickly have disappeared on just food and petrol costs alone. + +Instead, I opened up my premium bonds account which I'd managed to build to 4 months expenses and withdrew £2,000 to my current account. And that alone has made the last few nights sleep possible. The goal was (and still is) 6 months, but it's just going to take me a little bit longer to get there now! + +Thank you UKPF! +This is an update of [my previous post, “$100k the boring way”]( https://old.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/6tuhr2/100k_the_boring_way). I’ll try to recap the highlights in this post but read this for all the details. + +**Summary** + +Reached $250k (now $300k) net worth from a starting point less than -$100k in about 6 years mostly through consistent saving. Net worth chart with annotations included below. All salary numbers are gross. + +**Quick Recap** + +My wife and I are both 30 and live in the Pacific Northwest. We met when we were 24 and I estimate at the time that we had a combined net worth of close to -$120k. I’m an engineer (EE) and my wife is a public school employee. + +On our journey to $100k net worth we: + +* Both got graduate degrees. +* Found new jobs and moved from Midwest to PNW to be closer to family. +* Progressed our careers and salaries: $67k to $99k for me and $54k to $67k for my wife. +* Got pregnant. + +**Updates** + +2017: Had the baby in the fall, didn’t sleep much. + +2018: Wife went back to work after using up all her sick leave and going unpaid for 2 months. I saved up a ton of PTO but only ended up taking a week at birth and then random days here and there as needed. Daughter is in full time daycare except for summers when my wife is off work. + +In the spring our landlord surprised us by letting us know she needed her house back. We had about 4 months remaining in our lease to find a new place and there was a lot of stress about buying into a seller’s market. After looking at rental numbers, it seemed like buying was the better option if we could find the right place. We lugged our 5-month old baby around to lots of showings, lost out on the first house we offered on, then got the next one. There could be a whole other post on all the drama and details of that process but in general we were happy with how it all turned out, even though we were “nudged” into buying a little sooner that we had planned on. + +I got a 5% merit raise to $106k. After taking the unpaid leave my wife’s salary came in at $64k. We paid down about $25k in student loans this year, $10k of which was a lump sum on Jan 1st to finish mine before we knew we would be buying a house. Opened a 403(b) for my wife and started contributing a small amount to that. Gave a “loan” to a family member that we know will never be paid back. + +2019: Got another 5% merit raise plus COLA increase to bring current salary to $116k. My job started paying standby pay for on-call support, so I’ll probably gross an additional $3k for being part of that rotation. Wife’s school district went through a major strike and contract renegotiation, as many in the PNW did, and now makes $80k. We may break $200k gross this year combined. After pausing Roth contributions for baby/house preparations, we’ve resumed contributing a small amount monthly. Daughter’s daycare costs have declined a little as she’s gotten older; $1140/mo as an infant to $1010/mo now. + +**Chart** + +[Here is our financial journey summed up in one diagonal line]( https://imgur.com/a/I6erHLD). I marked the inflection points as best I could. Chart is from Personal Capital website. + +1. 7/2/15 began tracking net worth. +2. 3/29/16 crossed $0! We are worthless! +3. 5/24/17 crossed $100k net worth. +4. 8/9/17 bought a car. +5. 12/19/17 – 5/6/18 accounts messed up (including retroactively) during the house buying/closing process. +6. 8/10/18 crossed $200k net worth. +7. 6/11/19 crossed $300k net worth. + +**Current Finances** + +* $30k e-fund, $6k in an HSA. +* $204k of investments, mostly lazy index 3-fund portfolio. +* $100k equity in our home +* -$36k of student loans remaining, to be paid off in 2020 hopefully. +* Current savings rate is about 45%. We were at roughly 55% before baby and house. +* Monthly expenses have gone up but don’t impact our long term budget, so our FIRE goal is still $1.5M. + +**Thoughts** + +###### Salary +In my original post, I was concerned about slowing salary growth. My job had just changed to a more rigid merit-based system of raises and promotions, and I do suffer from imposter syndrome from time to time, so I wasn’t confident on how I was viewed by my peers and management. It turns out that money is a good motivator for me (surprise surprise) and I found myself working at a new level of intensity to actually earn those maximum raises. I’m a lot busier during the workday now but still leave on time every day and have gained a lot of confidence in my skills and place in the organization, so that’s been nice. That being said, I max out of my current band 1.5 years from now so I’ll be working hard for a promotion to Engineer IV before that happens. + +###### Net Worth and Housing +Lots of debate around here on housing and net worth so just going to throw it out there that yes I include housing in my net worth, no it doesn’t mean much. My plan for FIRE involves having a paid off house, but beyond that all my FIRE-related goals and milestones are simply dependent on my investments. Tracking net worth is something I like to do and is basically an arbitrary milestone I like to look forward to. Currently averaging 195 days for every $50k of net worth (starting from $0). This is increasingly dependent on what the market does but it’s fun to see how compounding has impacted this as each $50k happens a bit sooner than the last. + +Being a homeowner has been a nice life change so far but not without its challenges. It was primarily a lifestyle, not financial, choice and I love coming home to it every day and raising our daughter there. Didn’t have many issues at all until just in the last month we got a leak in our water service line which will be anywhere from $500 to $5k depending on where exactly it is. You win some you lose some. My next goal in this arena is to figure out if refinancing down to a 20-year mortgage is right for us and pull the trigger on that if so. + +###### Kids and SR +Dropping the HSA turned out great for us. Yes, we lost the great tax advantages but it greatly reduced our stress surrounding doctor’s visits and medical bills (again partially a lifestyle choice). It only cost us $400 to have our daughter off of a $30k bill. + +Savings rate has definitely gone down but we anticipated and planned for that. I don’t know that I would call it lifestyle inflation per se, just that we have always built our budget around our priorities and our priorities changed when we decided to start a family. We buy used and get lots of hand me downs, and besides the daycare cost our spending has been way lower than I would’ve expected. What I didn’t see coming was how much more willing I am now to pay for convenience and quality. We have a house cleaner now that comes once a month (blaming this mostly on the recent threads here about how it changed people’s life to get a cleaner). It is definitely nice to get the deep cleans that we just didn’t have the time or energy for anymore. Wife upgraded her phone (from a 6s, so reasonable in my opinion) after we had friends always getting better pictures of our daughter than we could. In terms of quality, when it comes to my daughter I’m way more likely to get something nice for her versus buying for myself when I typically get the minimum acceptable quality. That’s probably just a normal parenting tendency and again this is a reflection of how the things that matter to me have changed. + +###### Student Loans +Got a lot of questions on this last time. We are doing a unique program called Teacher Loan Forgiveness that is different from PSLF that most people have heard of. Basically if you work in a specific field in education AND your school meets low income criteria, you can get up to $18k forgiven after 5 years. No tax on the amount forgiven. Next school year will be my wife’s 5th so we are looking forward to everything hopefully going smoothly when we apply. We’ve been paying just a little over the minimum required for my wife’s loans waiting for this and paying off mine aggressively. Will try and knock out the remaining as soon as this forgiveness processes next summer. + +**The End** + +Well once again this ended up being longer than I anticipated. I don’t know if this is still interesting to people or not but I guess my point is that you can achieve your goals the “boring” way, so if not, then I’ve succeeded? Beyond the monetary gain, the best benefit of working hard to save consistently (and essentially automatically) has been the ability to focus as much time and energy as possible on our little family. The financial peace of mind is extremely valuable to us as we navigate the wonderful and scary world of parenting. + +Near-term goals include finally paying off student loans and the refinancing I mentioned before, figuring out the optimal way to save for college, updating our will and similar legal documentation, maybe having another kid, and re-prioritizing our budget and FIRE goals to give my wife the opportunity to work part-time. During this we’ll just keep saving as much as possible until the next major milestone. See you all at $500k! Thanks for reading! +Is there a concern of "overdoing it" on that account (i.e. having a balance higher than anticipated future medical expenses)? If so, what's the remedy -- is it simply a taxable withdraw if you no longer have medical expenses to offset it? + +I realize the "not enough medical expenses" scenario is unlikely, but am still wondering how it plays out. +https://www.philadelphiafed.org/-/media/frbp/assets/surveys-and-data/benchmark-revisions/early-benchmark-2022-q2-report.pdf + +FED has revised their Q2 2022 job numbers. + +Seems like this should be major news but I haven’t heard a peep about it. Considering one of the main arguments against recession has been the strong labor market shouldn’t this cause a rethink of that entire position? Also, how could they have possibly gotten the numbers this catastrophically wrong? +After advice, + +Me and my partner recently acquired a mortgage. The house was bought for 207,000. However the bank undervalued at 195000. This meant they had to lend us 95 percent instead +Of 90. + +Because of the high borrowing amount which ended up being 187,000 total over a 35 year term. the best interest rate they could give was 4%. Leaving us with a monthly mortgage of 815£. It’s a two year fixed rate. + +My question is should I be overpaying my monthly payments as much as I can? Or wait until the two year fixed rate is to try get a better deal with someone else but this would incur fees i presume ? I read somewhere online even if I over pay by 200 a month this could drop my term by almost ten years ! + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? 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We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +Keep it friendly and civil; this is not WSB and automod will censor your posts at will for unsavory and unfriendly remarks. Try to keep shit posting and bragging to a minimum. +In the past year I took heavy losses with options. I didn’t learn my lesson and now I’m at the point where I have to force change. + +I’m asking for advice - if I had 18k what are the best and safest approaches to theta gang? Where should I start? +For anyone who lived through the crash of 08, what are some ways to ensure that my investments don't pull me under? Also what are some tips on having purchasing power from a bank while in a recession? +I'm working on building some functionality to a client's real estate site, and I want to pull some extensive real estate data. It seems like I have to go through each municipality and request it or pay an enormous fee to get it. + +Any recommendations? +Pretty much did it feel like babysitting for the bank? Does your management and repair costs eat up your cash flows? + +Sometimes I question all the money I will put in down payments could have been used for leisure. Ex 5 x 50k I could have travelled the world + +I'm looking at it like having 5 properties all Bringing in 3k to 5k a year cash flow. + +Year's later did your cash flows increase or stay around the same as when you bought it? Ex rents increase but so does your costs so in the end do you make more later? + + +I'm asking those who have multiple properties +# K2FLY Limited + +**Due Diligence** + +Let me start by saying, lately my portfolio has been filled with Metal exploration stocks such as **PUR & MTC**, Gas & oil exploration companies **EXR & IVZ**, Uranium **92E** and Hydrogen **PRL**. In a nutshell companies that have no revenue, no product (yet) and no way of continuing without raising capital and diluting shares. This is all well and good and it’s part of the Small Cap game, we know the rules and we choose to play. But what I have not invested in lately is Tech.. It’s been out of favour and other than **DW8** we haven’t seen a tech stock have a run for a while. So I started thinking are we due for a rise in the tech sector, if so where would I want to put my money. + + + +[ASX: K2F chart](https://preview.redd.it/frmezgesnsr71.png?width=898&format=png&auto=webp&s=40067b77ff4802c86df0b9b05f636d355f10ff65) + +I looked at bio tech and to be honest I’m sick of every bio tech company promising some kind of Covid-19 product that never makes it off the research lab floor. There’s everyones favourite AI company **BRN** which lately has been nothing more than a stock code that when googled leads you to that shady dark place Mufasa said never to go near.. Hot Crapper. Anyway this leads us to the METS sector.. No not baseball. (METS) stands for Mining equipment, Technology and Services, which unbeknown to me makes a fuck load of money, like $90 billion a year kind of fuck load. + +# I want 100% gains + +I should also be clear that when investing in the small cap market I am investing for returns of 100% minimum. That’s the goal and sure while that doesn’t mean every stock I’ve invested in has doubled, if you’re only looking for a 10% return you’re money is better off somewhere safer like **CBA** or **QAN** or any other boomer stock for that matter. + +In September I invested in **MTC** with a $10,000 parcel at 29c and sold on the way up at 51c, 66c with my final parcel leaving my account at 79.5c on Monday this week for a total gain of $11,000 in profit. This is the kind of trade I’m looking for in the small cap market. If you’re investing in any small cap then you are taking a huge risk (like lose 90% of your investment risk) if that company doesn’t also stand to at least make you a possible gain of %100 then I’d politely fuck it off and buy something better. + +# Enter K2F + +So how did I get here.. Well mining/exploration is great and you can make (or lose) a fortune, but I have too much of it in my portfolio and I’m sick of getting sodomised by companies like PUR. BUT what if you could combine the mining sector with some fucking tech.. Yeah so you know all that data management and all of those legislative hoops that company directors are required to jump through when they’re not busy driving their lambo’s? Well there is a lot of management and software systems required to run a successful mine and stay compliant and k2F pretty much does them all. + +Since 2016 K2F have signed deals with every major Australian mining company you can think of, with their latest contract of $3.4M from Rio Tinto. This leads us into the fundamentals.. + +# Financials + +On June 30 2017 K2F yearly revenue was $626,000.. In the following three years revenue has increased by %1000 with last financial year clocking in at $6.9 million revenue an 18% increase from the previous year. Expenses have been consistently around $8M annually for the past three years with a jump to $9.8M in 2020/2021 leaving last years books ($2.9M) in the red. Once we see the financials for this quarter that include the string of recent contracts we should see K2F becoming net profit positive in the next few months. With zero debt and $7M cash on hand and equity of $11M it’s lining up quite nicely. + +**Revenue LFY:** $6.9M + +**Expenses LFY:** $9.9M + +**Net Profit:** *($2.9M)* + +**Cash in bank:** $6.9M + +**Assets:** $13.26M + +**Total liabilities:** $10.0M + +**= Total Equity:** $11.9M + +&#x200B; + +# Market Cap + +This is my favourite part of this company. Most players in this sector with contracts under their belt with all the major players have a market cap in the realm of $400 million to the big fish with market caps of $5.5 billion. At $32c K2F has a market cap of $44M. Why is it not trading much higher? Like at least double that. Well there’s a few possibilities and we need to look deeper to find out if the current market valuation of this company is accurate or has it simply been flying under the radar. + +&#x200B; + +1. Investors don’t like to see a negative bottom line, this may be keeping some people on the fence still and if we see a quarterly report that shows they are on track for a net profit this financial year we could quickly see the share price rise. +2. A good indicator of whether or not a company is a good value opportunity is to look at who has been buying on market and at what price. Over the last two months Tribeca Investments Partners (the Australian arm of JP Morgan and UBS) have purchased over 2 million shares on market at an average price of 27c, now holding an 8.9% stake in the company. This tells me that someone smarter than me thinks it’s under valued and with companies like AVEVA in the UK turning over $800 million in revenue from this sector last year I’m going to agree with them. + + + +[On-market buying Aug \/ Sep 2021](https://preview.redd.it/yz92ry4mosr71.png?width=802&format=png&auto=webp&s=53254f13af8ba590a661e5e5412fe6eb5e0ec4d6) + +# Contracts + +Without going to in-depth as to what specific products these contracts are for I will just outline the companies and the total $$ amounts. Total contract value now sits at $13 million with an annual recurring revenue of $4.1 million This includes multiple products with Rio Tinto, FMG, Newcrest, Glencore and others. + +&#x200B; + +[Major contracts ](https://preview.redd.it/s1w52tyzosr71.png?width=2322&format=png&auto=webp&s=d98e5b623e9fd6c2c5ef1bd64f4bad045c4ccb93) + +# + +# SOI + +Total diluted shares on offer is 138 million with company insiders holding 30% and top 20 shareholders taking up 51% of the SOI. Low supply like this means with substantial interest and continued significant announcements K2F could easily run up quickly and be a 100% gain very quickly like MTC was last month. It’s hard to say when that will happen but I intend to be onboard that train when it leaves the station. + +&#x200B; + +[Sexy Buy \/ Sell depth](https://preview.redd.it/giaub4hsosr71.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e5432a738b04a0dbcccbbf0c04c23645f75496b) + +# Dumb fuck conclusion + +**K2F** is mining software that helps big companies manage all their shit and make them more efficient. Unlike DW8 it might actually make money. + +All the rockets, Ciao 🚀 +As mentioned previously, I'll be picking a random ASX stock that I've (personally, yes I'm aware it may have been posted here at some point in history) never seen discussed on this sub - and that I do NOT hold - for us to discuss per week. + +This is for us all to have a look at what it does, some of their financials, and in the end discuss whether or not we'd buy into it. Think of it as a sort of "group DD" in which we pool our 5 collective braincells together and evaluate the chosen company. + +The main purpose being to add some more variety in tickers to all the standard meme stocks we see pumped day in and day out, and hopefully discover some hidden gems - or at least, less stinky forms of dogshit. + +The only other criteria is that the share price has to be under $2. + +So, without further smug explanations: + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Random ASX Stonk of the Week - Week 6: + +**Company name:** Quantum Health Group + +**Ticker:** QTM + +**Industry:** Healthcare + +**Headquarters:** Sydney + +**Market cap:** $67m + +**Current share price:** $0.06 + +**P/E ratio:** 12 + +**1-year Performance:** \+100% + +**What they do, smoothbrain version:** provide machines to shoot you with radiation & determine how unhealthy you are. They're also into pumping hot water and shit, for some reason. + +**What they say they do, wanky version:** "An ASX listed, leading healthcare company operating throughout Australasia specialising in the distribution of state of the art medical imaging and patient treatment equipment and services." 🍆👋 + +**What they do, actual version:** Quantum is a weird one, in that they've pivoted hard from what their original core businesses was - the provision of residential & commercial solar-powered heat pumps - to their new main focus on the distribution of medical equipment. + +It's one of the stranger about-faces I've seen, with the legacy of their "environmental division" still visible - [https://www.quantumenergy.com.au/](https://www.quantumenergy.com.au/) \- but increasingly de-emphasised in all their company reporting, mission statements, and general revenue (even though their legacy energy website pisses all over their healthcare one). It was a drag on revenue financially for a while, but has now taken a back seat to their healthcare division in general. + +In the present day, the bulk of their income comes from the distribution of medical devices that cover a range of purposes - everything from digital x-ray systems, to acne treatment, to CT scanners and more. This happens via a number of notable partnerships they have with non-shitty companies like Samsung, Phillips and a bunch of lesser-known medical-specific businesses that randoms like us would have never heard of. + +A lot of it also stems from their service division - a mix of software and support for the devices and their upkeep - which brings in annual/contracted revenue that's ongoing and consistently growing. This also gives them a toe dipped into the "med-tech" side of things, with a cloud-based app & web software for support and servicing. + +Their core market is Austral-Asia; while they're Aussie (Sydney-based), a major chunk of their revenue comes from countries like South Korea and Thailand, and a handful of other SEA countries to which they're continually expanding. + +They employ over 180 people, the bulk of which are service staff, and their current CEO John Walstab has been in management of the company for over 18 years. + +**What looks good:** + + +* Made a couple of recent acquisitions that brought in enough revenue to offset their Covid-related losses, resulting in increased profits during what would have otherwise been a big down period + +* They earned enough revenue to NOT qualify for JobKeeper, so their financials/gains are relatively "pure" compared to those of a lot of the other noisy companies during the last year + +* The company is HEAVILY insider-owned; CEO Johnny boy himself owns a hefty 45% while the rest of the insiders make up around 85% of ownership. That's pretty insane, with the public only having access to around 14% of available shares - you'd thus think its entirely in their best interests to pump up growth as much as possible. + +* They were able to reduce debt even during said Covid period; not by a majorly significant amount, but still a good sign. + +* Despite being around for a while, they're not just resting on their laurels; they continue to make acquisitions to expand to new regions, with Vietnam & the Philippines being added in the last 2 years, with access to higher profit margins in these regions. Both of these should start reflecting more profits in their upcoming reports. + +* When they've had regular, non-Covid and non-acquisition-focused operational years, they've demonstrated an ability to bring in pretty big jumps in revenue. This could mean their next report - or next-next report - lead to a share price hike as the market catches on. + +* While their environmental division has typically been a notable loss-maker, it actually saw some mild growth over the last half to make it less of a shitty anchor on the business. + +* Medical imaging is a "never-goes-out-of-fashion" industry; it's always necessary + +* They don't pay a dividend: while some would say this is a negative, as we've said before, companies of this size should be putting that cash into growth if they ever want to get anywhere significant, not paying pissant dividends to keep boomers happy. + + +**What doesn't look good:** + + +* Revenue / EBITA growth has been pretty erratic over the past couple of years; while some of this is due to money being used for acquisitions, their last notable "rocket" year was 2018. + +* NPAT growth of 7% is not going to get anybody here's panties particularly wet; Rocket Potential Rating (RPR) is hard to gauge + +* A chunk of their expenses were previously "travel and entertainment" related, aka wasting money on lunches and business trips, which Work from Home may have only cut down on temporarily. + +* They still have a fairly large amount of short-term debt for a company of their size, despite recent deductions. + +* Lack of shares on issue means it can be illiquid, and experiences pretty low trading volume. Not one for the day traders. + +* Their current website for their "flagship" healthcare division is pure ass, and they should be embarrassed. + +* They spelt "visibility" wrong in their annual report. + +**Overall rating (strong buy/buy/hold/avoid):** while fundamentally this is a "good" company, it's a bit hard to get a decent grasp on what a 'regular' year of revenue for them is going to look like given all the noise over the past couple of years due to both acquisitions and Covid. It seems in good health and on the right path, and given the massive investment by insiders you'd think they'd be doing everything in their power to make themselves bank. + +The lack of liquidity could be a positive or a negative depending on what you're trying to achieve; I don't see any obvious reason for the share price of this company to go down, and it's vastly outperformed its sector over the past year. However owning it in a period when it drops, and looking to trade QTM may just lead to a situation where a handful of bagholder are passing shares back and forth amongst one another. + +There's no real reason why it shouldn't be re-rated to \~10c or so in the near future given its fundamentals; however we've said similar things on here about solid companies like AVA which have reached a peak and then sputtered around that price, so if you're the impatient type you may want to AVOID and look elsewhere. + +**MarketIndex page:** [https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/qtm](https://www.marketindex.com.au/asx/qtm) + +**Website:** [https://qhealthcare.com.au/](https://qhealthcare.com.au/) (lol) + +Feel free to add more DD/comments below. + +**Would you buy this stonk? Why or why not? Feel free to vote in the poll.** + +Link to previous Stonks of the Week: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/comments/mec9nc/random\_stonk\_of\_the\_week\_reckon\_rkn/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/mec9nc/random_stonk_of_the_week_reckon_rkn/) +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/comments/m91bon/random\_stonk\_of\_the\_week\_xrf\_scientific\_xrf/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m91bon/random_stonk_of_the_week_xrf_scientific_xrf/) +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/comments/m3tllz/random\_stonk\_of\_the\_week\_gale\_pacific\_gap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/m3tllz/random_stonk_of_the_week_gale_pacific_gap/) +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/comments/lyojgx/random\_stonk\_of\_the\_week\_mcgrath\_mea/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lyojgx/random_stonk_of_the_week_mcgrath_mea/) +[https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX\_Bets/comments/ltbpmi/random\_stonk\_of\_the\_week\_empired\_epd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/ltbpmi/random_stonk_of_the_week_empired_epd/) + +[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/mjkoqf) +* China isnt seeing consumers rushing back. No V Shaped return. They don't have the money or want to go dine out because they don't want the Rona. Cinemas are closed again etc etc +* It's going to be 12 Months before any sort of tourism is going to open up again MINIMUM. Is Italy willing to after getting cases to zero going to just YOLO and open up to new travel again? fuck no! +* China is fucking locked down now. Want to go in? you gotta do [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P88TVa3q0Q&feature=emb_logo) +* Recessions across all major economies is inevitable! yet some boomer thinks its a good time to buy or the retards at investing fucking averaging in. OK +* This aint over by May for any of the europeans/Australians/Canadians and EASILY not for the Americans. Flattening the curve is great, but then you start opening up again and YOLO your back where we are now +* Brazil/india fucked. You think Trump is a moron, imagine having Bolsonaro as your leader. RIP BRAZIL +* Im not even trying to think of the wave of consumer defaults which are going to happen. + +Fully normal is a long way away mofos +The entire cryptocurrency market has fallen significantly over the last day. + +### News Articles + +* https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bitcoin-tumbles-below-40-000-after-china-issues-crypto-warning-11621411944 +* https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/19/investing/bitcoin-price-drop-china-crypto-intl-hnk/index.html +* https://www.theblockcrypto.com/linked/105317/bearish-crypto-market-bitcoin-ether +* https://www.forbes.com/sites/billybambrough/2021/05/19/crypto-price-crash-bitcoin-drops-under-40000-as-ethereum-binances-bnb-cardano-and-dogecoin-collapse/ +* https://cointelegraph.com/news/350b-lost-in-crypto-bloodbath-as-bitcoin-and-co-sink-15-30 +* https://au.finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-price-19-may-dogecoin-ethereum-elon-musk-cryptocurrency-080343749.html +* https://www.ft.com/content/c4c29bb3-c8ee-454c-a2dd-eac9f644007f +* https://www.theguardian.com/business/live/2021/may/19/uk-inflation-rises-april-energy-fuel-clothing-bitcoin-ftse-stock-markets-business-live +* https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-19/bitcoin-erases-all-gains-since-elon-musk-s-initial-big-embrace +* https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-plunge-40k-liquidations + +### Helpful Reminders + +* The cryptocurrency market is volatile +* Never invest more than you can afford to lose +* Be prepared for exchange and service downtimes during times of heightened traffic and trading activity +* There are [resources available](https://www.mentalhealthfirstaid.org/mental-health-resources/) if you need help +* This subreddit is intended for discussion of cryptocurrency news +If the recipient of a U.S. stimulus payment in April invested the check into Bitcoin, the check would now be worth $6,495. + +Since April, in merely nine months, the price of Bitcoin has rallied 441%, posting one of its strongest rallies in recent history. + +[https://cryptoslate.com/the-1200-u-s-stimulus-payment-invested-in-bitcoin-in-april-is-now-worth-6495/](https://cryptoslate.com/the-1200-u-s-stimulus-payment-invested-in-bitcoin-in-april-is-now-worth-6495/) +I always get the answer "socialism", but I'd like more details. Socialism has a lot of different definitions and interpretations. + +What is the government doing wrong? Why is the inflation rate so abnormally high? Are the taxes too high? Are lands, goods, etc. being taken and redistributed? Are they producing the wrong things? + +What exactly is the reason for Venezuela's failure? +>The United States Securities and Exchange Commission reportedly discovered a situation where $80 million dollars (100 billion won) of the company’s funds every month were sent to different wallets for the operating expense. This reportedly happened a few months before the collapse of Terra. This particular activity, according to the reports, is what raised money laundering suspicions about Do Kwon. + +If the allegations are true then it seems like Terra the shitshow created by Do Kwon is an ending rabbit hole. Now it's getting more clear why he ignored all the warnings about the potential loopholes, he was himself exploiting them. How low this disgusting excuse for an human being can go is yet to be discovered. + +[Source](https://news.coincu.com/97159-do-kwon-pocket-80-million-dollars-a-month/) +Years ago my brother, who is addicted to the stock market and spend hundreds of hours picking stocks, gave me in late December a list of about 30 stocks he had bought. He bet me each year that he could beat both the S&P 500 and 99% of non-niche mutual funds. I told him maybe he could get lucky one year but he could not beat the market and the best stock pickers who work for the top mutual funds year after year. But I was wrong, his 30 stocks did beat the total stock market, S&P 500 and pretty much every mutual fund I could find. (The only mutual funds that beat his annual stock picks were niche funds specializing in a certain industry or unique approach that was not mainstream funds most retail investors would even consider.) + +Years, one, two, three, four and five have come and gone and he continues to beat the best mutual funds and total stock market index each year. (He gives me his list of stocks around Christmas and the contest goes from January 2nd to December 31st each year.) + +Maybe he has been just lucky, SO FAR! I can't believe he is going to continue to beat the total stock market each year in the future and the best managed mutual funds. But who knows? + +Here is his stock portfolio for the contest for 2019: (Yes, there are a few dogs in the list but he says they will turn later this year. (CAGR for this year for this portfolio is 27.39% vs 18.47% for the SP500 from January 2nd to June 30th 2019): + +**ADS, ALXN, AME, ANSS, ARCC, BKNG, CHKP, CPRT, CTSH, DORM, IRET, LII, LOGM, MFGP, MAIN, MFGP, NNN, O, OIL, OSIS, PAYC, PKI, RMD, STAG, STE, TDC, TRMB, TPR, VAR, WTR** + +So my question is this: **Can an individual investor pick a portfolio of stocks that year after year that beats the Total Stock Market and 99% of the best mutual funds?** Can you? +What does tomorrow mean in terms of options expiration? + +* **69.8%** of all **PUTS** 🐻 expire tomorrow (this is all puts across all expirations) +* **55.4%** of all **CALLS** 🐂 expire tomorrow (this is all calls across all expirations) +* The next date with a meaningful amount of calls/puts expiring is 2/18/22 + * **17.1%** (55,583) of all **call** options expire + * **2.9%** (14,064) of all **put** options expire + * This is a **3.95 : 1** ratio of calls to puts + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +What does this imply? +**The pressure is going to be on in the opposite direction starting soon.** + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +How can you help? +**Add to this analysis**. I'm sure a lot of people understand options way better than I do and I would be very interested to hear what others have to think about the situation moving forward. + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +Here is additional info about: +the [puts and calls expiring](https://imgur.com/a/lbbL3LV) + +&nbsp; +&nbsp; +Data source: Yahoo! Finance +So I've been getting my business and personal taxes done the last few years by my father in law who works for H&R Block as a preparer. This has gone fine the last several years. + +This year, however, H&R's system has repeatedly sent me someone else's tax return for my review and signature. He has the same name as me and was born on the same date, but obviously has a different SSN, address in another state, different income, preparer, etc. I can see all of his personally identifiable information, his 6-year-old daughter's name, SSNs and address, his workplace, etc. I also have his bank account and routing numbers. I could easily steal this guy's identity if I was so inclined. Obviously I'm not, but it's a major concern. + +H&R also sent me a messed up business tax return that is right in all respects except my address is incorrect. + +I'm quite concerned that if I have this guy's name, address, SSN, bank account info, income, etc., that someone else might have all the same information about me. I have no way to verify this, but it is a major concern. + +Apparently H&R's tech support has been working on this issue for over a month, and they still sent me the same guy's return again. + +I don't really know what I'm hoping to glean by posting this, but I guess I'm looking for some other perspectives and some ideas on my recourse here. This whole thing is very concerning and I'm wondering what my options might be. + +------- + +EDIT: Thank you all for your insights and suggestions. I believe a credit freeze and monitoring/fraud protection (paid for by H&R Block, of course) are in order. I may also contact the IRS and state/federal regulators who deal with data breaches like this. +I'm asking in Fatfire because this crowd is likely in the same situation of high enough income and/or net worth that our future college students are probably not going to get any aid. + +Do you plan to cover the entire amount or is there any possibility of aid? How do you figure out how much you need? + +The calculator at [https://vanguard.wealthmsi.com/csp.php#](https://vanguard.wealthmsi.com/csp.php#) suggests a private school like Duke will cost $750k in 18 years, and a state school like NCSU will cost $200k. + +Do the high earners/NW among you plan to cover the entire bill of a state school? Of a private school? Most calculators default to only covering half, figuring they'll get scholarships + aid for the rest, but how likely is that? + +&#x200B; + +Edit: For some reason my main question/point didn't get across. I'm not asking whether a fatfire should force their kids to take out loans so much as whether a fatfire should assume no aid for their kids, and whether they should plan to fund a 529 that covers a state school, falling short of private, or a private school, and it's overfunded. Also trying to figure out figures to use in the calculation for school price inflation and 529 return rate. +I guess this is a bit of a contextual question but I've begun to really take an interest in dividend stocks. And I'm wondering - for those that have been at it for a while - at what point did you start to have your quarterly reinvestments really start to just self-perpetuate in a way where you didn't even feel like you needed to actively contribute out of pocket anymore? To the point where your equity is high enough that you were basically reinvesting large amounts each month/quarter automatically, without even needing to do much, and compounding your gains (and subsequent dividend payouts) substantially? + +Because I want to get an idea of how long it might take to reach that point. One of my biggest dividend stock holdings right now is in the real estate stock RWT. I have 65 shares and my last dividend payout was $10, which almost bought me an entire share. I can only imagine what it must feel like to have a reinvestment of $100 or $1000 and to then have that continue adding to your next dividend payout. Does it eventually just accelerate to the point where you don't even need to invest much out of pocket anymore because your dividends are doing all the work? If so, for example if I wanted $1k in total reinvestment or dividend payouts each month, is there sort of a general minimum investment amount or does it just depend on which stocks you choose? +My husband’s busy working and making money for me to trade with 🤪and doesn’t really understand options so I have to tell someone! I’ve been doing my DD- lots of reading and watching and flash cards( I know- dorky but it works on my ADHD Brain). Found a stock that I’m not sure why there’s no hype on because long term it’s gonna be amazing. WTI... anyway, I decided to play around with some small money just to get some good practice in. Bought a 3/19 call option with a strike of $3 for $60 last week. Sold today for $165 and put my gains back into shares. Probably could have waited longer, but I bought a few more last week, so I just wanted to see if I knew what I was doing. Just small gains but still felt good. I’m not ready for puts yet. Someone here made this YouTube playlist for options that was really helpful for me [Options ](https://youtu.be/4HMm6mBvGKE) + +EDIT: thank you for all the amazing advice and obviously I worded this wrong I closed a long option. I’m an idiot[pic of ticker](https://imgur.com/a/DNUySzT) +I think I'm becoming obsessed. On the bus on my way to work, first thing I do is check my etf, and stock values, and pre market. Then sometime during lunch break I log in again. Then after market closes I log in again! + +I've been doing this for 5 years now... Only time I stop checking is when market is red... + + +Does anyone else do this? + + +Also, I habitually multiply my investment by 0.03 to give me hypothetical fire amount. Again I do this constantly... + +For example, todays market is a solid green all around and I've checked 6 times already + +I just recently filed my 2021 taxes. I had investments from 2020 and then sold them in 2021 assuming I could take the long term capital gain and pay no tax due to my low income. + +Unfortunately I am a young college student and a law called the “kiddie tax” exists which taxes a dependent child’s unearned income over $2,200 at the parent rate. + +I owed over $4,000 when I filed. I got taxed about 30% on my capital gain. +Anyone want to share their worst PF-related stories so we can all learn from them? For instance - a colleague of mine, who has made a series of terrible investments, and then in an attempt to recover used credit to make even more terrible investments... in the end he wound up about 60k in the red, and years later is still paying it off. +Technical analysis shows only *how* the currency pair is moving instead of *why* it is doing so. For pretty much everything, to understand it a person needs to understand why it moves, not how it moves, so then why so many people are putting so much weight or even exclusively doing technical analysis without paying attention to fundamental analysis? +My cousin has been telling me non-stop about this forex robot that trades for him. + +I have remained skeptic and today he showed me his earnings, up to 5k USD from 3k so now I'm really curious how this is happening and if this kind of earnings is sustainable. + +Is this for real or some sort of scam / ponzi? +Can someone explain why going long on this currency pair isn’t free money right now? They are predicting it to his £1:$1.50 USD by June. That’s a long way to rise. And with the U.K. being one of the most successful countries with its vaccine rollouts, and with the US’s multi-trillion dollar stimulus incoming, this seems like a no-brainer trade. +Hello guys, + +I have a margin account. In the last days due to a bet on a naked call, the margin requierment is growing like crazy. And instead of having 25k buying power, now I end up with negative available funds. + +I start to find how much I am leverage and what are the risk, except IB to liquidate my position if i can not provide more liquidity. + +https://preview.redd.it/0243g6wmjnj71.png?width=790&format=png&auto=webp&s=a749af6cbae5b5321d760d68f9a9cf5890109c85 + +&#x200B; + +Last Edit : Last Friday i was assigned; 4 contracts at 75$. Price 79$ - My unrealised P&L -1600$. Meanwhile price is down below 75. I bought to close! Leason learn: Margin required is not fix it at the opening of the contract. It can fluctuate - a lot! Naked calls --- can became ugly, very ogly ( at some moment i was -4000$) . I was lucky + +Thanks a lot for all your comments and information!! + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/nvqi06gzf2p71.png?width=786&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc1010fb5544a5838fd8776eeeb17427502647aa +Was sent this way by r/personalfinance. Throwaway for anonymity reasons. + +TLDR: I'm 39 years old, married, with 2 middle school age kids. About to have $15MM in cash and want to invest it and live off the interest until I die. What should I do? + +Full story: After graduating from college (2002), I went to work at the company my father founded in the 80s. In 2014, my father informed me he was retiring and gave me the option to purchase the company using a seller promissory note. I bought the company from him and have been making my monthly payments to him since then. + +After taking over, I've increased sales, bought out competitors, improved efficiency and have tripled EBITDA. Personally, I've paid off my personal home mortgage and put all my savings and dividends into a Vanguard Target Index Fund and two 529 plans for my kids' college. + +Earlier this month, I received an offer from a PE firm that would allow me to pay off what's left of my father's note and all the other debt owed. After paying everyone and capital gains taxes, I would net about $15MM. Even though I'm young to retire, I've decided to sell and live off the interest generated by that lump sum. Assuming a 4% interest and 50% fed+state income tax rate on the interest income, I would net $300K/year, more than enough to support a very comfortable lifestyle for me and my family. + +So my questions: + +1. What am I failing to consider in this entire plan? Where are my blind spots? +2. What fixed income options should I be researching? I'm thinking AAA bonds or tax free munis. Are there other options that can give me what I'm looking for? +So I’m recently 14-15mm nw, and I find it really hard justifying buying things that I might like. For instance I’ve always wanted a Rolex but I find it hard to pull the trigger to spend 20k on a watch. Same thing with a car. I have an old vw and I think about buying a new car. Like something 150k and I constantly pander about it. I did buy a nice house for a little over a million dollars and like 100k in furniture but I really saw the house as an investment. + +What’s nuts is I was always reckless with money. Now I find myself really analyzing how I spend. + +Any others go through this? +Either there are way more non Americans in this sub who are glued to their phones or these are fucking bots or click farms. I don’t buy that all of you have insomnia like I do. This is really strange. I wonder if that’s why my post made it to the top of the sub earlier because I thought the online count was real hahaha. + +Edit: + +For reference r/soccer has 10,000 online right now. That sub is way bigger and probably super diverse geographically. It makes no sense that the sub has this many people online right now. +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-06/energy-trade-risks-collapsing-over-margin-calls-of-1-5-trillion?srnd=premium](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-06/energy-trade-risks-collapsing-over-margin-calls-of-1-5-trillion?srnd=premium) + +**Excerpt from from the article...** + +*“Liquidity support is going to be needed,” Helge Haugane, Equinor’s senior vice president for gas and power, said in an interview. The issue is focused on* ***derivatives trading****, while the physical market is functioning, he said, adding that the energy company’s estimate for $1.5 trillion to prop up so-called paper trading is “****conservative.****”* + +[*Read more: Europe’s Lehman Warning on Energy Prompts Flurry of Cash Help*](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-06/europe-s-lehman-warning-on-energy-prompts-flurry-of-cash-help) + +*Many companies are finding it increasingly difficult to manage* ***margin calls,*** *an exchange requirement for extra collateral to guarantee trading positions when prices rise. That’s forcing utilities to secure multi-billion euro credit lines, while rising interest rates add to costs.* +It’s because the logistic is a nightmare right now. + +I import things from China. There are thousands of companies like mine. We are the one that sells shit to ur the distributors, the distributors sells to stores. We are also the one directly sells on Amazon and other e-commerce website. + +Pre COVID, a 40ft high cube costs me only $4000 from China to Long Beach. Currently it costs me god damn $20000, and that doesn’t include land transport. If I want to sent a container of goods to Ohio, the total cost on shipping alone is like $40000, excluding import duties. Back in the day shipping make up abt 30% of my cost, it makes up 60-70% now. Pre COVID a container of nice double layer fleece lining hoodies cost me 60k includes shipping. It costs me 100k this year. + +There are 110 some container ships stuck outside of Long Beach. You probably have no idea how many that is..ima use the nice fleece lining hoodies as example again. Each 40ft high cube carry’s 6000 this hoodie (so 20ft carry abt 3000). Each ship carry 20000 TEU (20ft equivalent units). there are also some 2 million TEU still in the port waiting to be hauled.. + +Let’s do the math + +3000*20000=60 million hoodies +110*20000=2.2million containers on ship stuck outside still. +2.2million+2million=4.2 millions on containers total. +4200000*60000000=252000000000000 + +US population is 333000000 +That’s 756 thousand hoodies for each person just stuck there waiting to be distributed! + +Let’s say my number is off by 50%, it’s still 378 thousands hoodies just stuck there! + +We can’t unload at Houston or New York cuz it will cost us even more… + +The problem Is not the demand, it’s supply. + +It’s not that there are too many monies were printed, who cares if we print more money, we can print unlimited useless pieces of paper and buy real goods from China ( export our Inflation)! + +So, if u see on the news that the supply chain has been fixed, or the port of Long Beach has been cleared, or you know inflation is about to stapled.. until that , whatever the fed say is bs. + +Side note Biden should declare national emergency and have nat guard come in and help haul these stucked goods. + + +Edit----- +Guys, sorry I did this math before I went to sleep on my phone. + +My math is wrong. + +It should be + +3000*(110*20000+2000000) + +=3000*4200000 + +=12600000000 hoodies + +12600000000/333000000=38.18 hoodies per person. + +My math is wrong but the fact still stands. Thank you Shmeepsheep for catching my mistake. +Hi, I (33M) have an opportunity to move from the UK to the USA with my work and am looking for some quite general advice on how to deal with the various systems in the USA. + +I've done some preliminary investigations already and have a general idea from my own research, but would be good to get some opinions etc. + +I would be moving to Boston and have been offered a salary of around $110k, which as far as I can tell should leave me reasonably comfortable in that city - I'm quite happy to live with other people at least in the first instance in order to meet people etc. + +Some of the questions I'm particularly interested in answering are: + +\- Is it possible to manage your own taxes without a financial advisor? The tax system I am used to here in the UK is via Pay As You Earn, but I am reasonably clued up about my own finances and keep a spreadsheet of expected outgoings including tax, national insurance contributions, pension etc. + +\- Where on earth do I start when considering healthcare? My company will provide me with some coverage that I still need to find out more about, but generally speaking what is a "sensible" approach to healthcare across the board? + +\- Similarly for pension plans - what makes the most sense? Here in the UK company pensions are now "opt-out" by law, and it doesn't look like my company will set me up automatically with a scheme - is this a red-flag or just the norm in the US? Some advice about how to approach pensions would be great. I have a pension fund here that my company will stop paying into upon my move, and it seems the most sensible for me to keep this located in the UK as it's unclear how long I'll end up in the US. + +\- Credit/debt: as far as I understand credit cards are far more "the norm" in North America, but I personally prefer to keep my debts down, though I know this affects my credit score which can be a big deal. I budget my finances quite closely here in the UK so I guess what I can do is just execute the same budgeting on a credit account and pay off in full each month? + +&#x200B; + +Any advice for any of the above would be appreciated, or if there's a good guide somewhere aimed at relocating to the US and understanding how things function! + +Thanks. +There's a steady stream of news around increasing Chinese interest in Australian wine, and anecdotally I've seen it myself at cellar doors. In addition, China has reduced tariffs on Australian wine imports to 0% as of January 1st 2019, where EU and US still have high import duty to China. + +What are the thoughts on exposing oneself to this market? To be honest, even if it were a good idea I'm not really sure how. Though I'm fairly confident just buying blue chip Australian wine to auction at a later date isn't a good strategy. +Mainly referring to hospitality venues. + +Does everyone think venue owners should just reflect additional weekend costs on their standard menu pricing, or do people prefer their “weekday discount”? + Throwaway account because.... I dunno, stigma? + + +&#x200B; + +Am I crazy, or is anyone else's time and money getting swallowed up by over-the-top celebrations (birthdays, weddings, stag and hen do's)? I've hit a breaking point this week where I've realised I cant afford Xmas presents or anything other than basic food until Xmas because of my commitments to celebrating other people's milestones. + +It's not just me - I've got friends that have had a miserable summer, getting into debt because they're trekking from wedding to wedding. I've got friends that have had multiple expensive events for one milestone (birthday drinks, birthday dinner, birthday party, all for one person), or birthday weekends in other countries. And last year I was basically shuttling back and forth between here and Prague for stag dos. It becomes... joyless. + + +I'm now cancelling stuff I enjoy just so I can afford it all. Fuck knows how I'm meant to save for a deposit. Half of this stuff I don't even fucking enjoy, but I can't say no to my best mate's wedding, can I? + +But as soon as that invite drops through my letterbox, I know I'm down a grand. Stag do flights? £150. Hotel? £150 Food 'n booze? £200. Train to the wedding? £120 Hotel in the middle of fucking nowhere? £120. Suit? £80. Wedding gift? £50 Drinks? £50. Better than a night in the pub? No. + + +It's not like my friends can afford it either, and they're not even the type that are particularly materialistic or showy. I feel like there's this invisible force obligating everyone to very thoroughly celebrate a milestone, even if it becomes a chore. It's also fundamentally unsustainable – there aren't enough weekends in the year for us all to have a trip to Barcelona for our birthday. + + +&#x200B; + +So what's going on? Social media? Creeping expectations? Americanised holiday events? +Am I just a miserable git, or has this shit got out of hand? +Interest rates have been historically low in 2020, even negative in some countries. They have also been low in general throughout the 2010s. + +What does this mean for the economy? Is the economy just been overall in a poor shape in the last 12 years, since low interest rates are meant to stimulate the economy back to vibrancy? + +[This](https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/interest-rate) graph and [this](https://countryeconomy.com/key-rates/usa) shows that the interest rates have been historically very low the entire decade, [yet the economy](https://www.statista.com/statistics/188165/annual-gdp-growth-of-the-united-states-since-1990/) doesn't seem to be doing any better. +This is crypto. We moon, we crash, we panic, we regret, we buy tops, we sell dips, we swim in cash, we swim in tears. + +Our market is hyperactive, hypervolatile, hyperprofitable and hyperdangerous. + +We are always moving at lightspeed, we lose entire country economy-size marketcaps in hours. + +You will make mistakes. You will miss runs. You will miss dips. You'll lose faith or maybe have a bit too much faith. + +Whether you've been here for long or short, you're here. We're a group. That's all that matters. +Sit back, pour a fine glass of whiskey and enjoy the show! +This project has all the ingredients required to be extremely successful. + +-> TEAM ✓: +The CEO is the creator of JavaScript (yes.. f****** JavaScript) as well as co-founder of Firefox and Mozilla. They brought on board a lot of people with proven track record. I personally invest on people before anything else, and this has made it a no brainer. + +-> PARTNERSHIPS ✓: +This is probably the most underestimated part about this update. This release is focus on user growth and getting as much publishers as possible to join Brave. + +There will be some large publishers joining BAT ... And announcements are going to be made... I don't think I need to explain what good news does to a cryptocurrency project...? + +-> INCREDIBLY WELL FUNDED ✓: +Here's the list: Founders Fund, Foundation Capital, Propel Venture Partners, Pantera Capital, DCG, Danhua Capital, and Huiyin Blockchain Venture  + +Those firms have a lot of interests in increasing BAT market cap and they have very deep pockets. I won't be surprised if all of the sudden, the price just moon extremely high in a very short period of time. + +-> PRIVACY ✓: +The buzz word in cryptocurrency right now. + +The Anonize algorithm is built in a way that the user privacy is respected while publishers will be able to Target effectively their users. + +-> MASS ADOPTION✓: +Ask anyone around you what they would do if they were getting paid to browse. + +Once you are there, ask your mother if she'd like to be paid to Facebook. Then, buy a truck load of BAT. + +------- + +There are many other factors why this company is undervalued and I'd like to have your opinions on the matter. What is your main reason to invest in BAT? + + +it's growing.. + +* EDIT** since I posted someone just bought [kittie #1](https://www.cryptokitties.co/kitty/1) for [250 ETH](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xf365be10a326b894cc13ddd3edf55a2db6ec517e1af83741df61fb9b09b37118) + + +* It just passed etherdelta and is now [#1 user of gas](https://ethgasstation.info/gasguzzlers.php) +* look at [historic cryptokittie sales](http://kittysales.herokuapp.com/) + +* r/CryptoKitties/ has doubled the # of subscribers in 24 hours + +* It's accessible on so many levels. My 9 and 10 year old kids set up their own metamask and are trading/breeding cute $1 kittens on the ethereum blockchain while the whales are [spending 50ETH](http://kittysales.herokuapp.com/) on [Founder cryptkittie #2](https://www.cryptokitties.co/kitty/2) + +* we've all spent a lot more on shitter ideas than this. +A few weeks ago, I made a few attempts ([1](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/dhr5kp/an_attempt_at_the_fire_flow_chart/), [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/djd168/fire_flow_chart_second_revision/)) on making a new flow chart that is more aligned with this community. I learned a lot of valuable insights and also learned a few disturbing misinformed concepts that are floating out there. Hopefully, the amalgamation of information that I sent to them directly, through comments, or on the flow chart in Version 3.1 helps clarify some of those concepts. + +I'll be the first to admit that Version 3.1 is not the absolute perfect FIRE flowchart, but it is a, hopefully decent, start. My dream goal is to have it final enough to have it published in the FAQ, but I'll leave it to the community and moderators to discuss whether it is worthy to be placed in the FAQ. + +Feel free to review [Version 3.1](https://i.imgur.com/o18MmOP.jpg). The one item that I agreed from previous comments, but haven't had the time to tackle, is to organize it into sections with appropriate labels and colours. In future versions, this may be implemented. I'd be open to seeing what appropriate sections would be best. + +I also have it in my project roadmap to include appropriate references in the different colour-coded sections. For example, adding in the IRS Publications 502 in the HSA area/section to discuss what is considered a qualified medical/dental expense. I've debated whether I would link to popular FIRE websites but ultimately decided against that. I'd be open to hear for cases for and against this. +Hi all. I've noticed a bit of repetition in the past month of similar questions being asked about what they should do with 'X' amount of money and the answers are generally the same. +For the sake of decluttering the thread and keeping quality front of mind, please have a read of past posts to see if they are applicable to your question as you can probably pull the learnings from there. +Hope that this request is fair and makes sense. Cheers. +EDIT: UP 4.2% now. 4.7% now! WE RICH AGAIN BOYS! + +Dead cat bounce - or will it continue as the fools who sold yesterday rush to buy in on Friday when it's up another 5%? + +The good old sell low, buy high strategy. + +I'm calling it now - 2019 will be another good year as the economy continues to chug along and the fed pauses raising rates. +For software developers over 40 years old, how do you balance family life, and a day job with algotrading development? It's so fascinating, you don't want to come out of it, but at the perils of losing your day job. Sometimes it seems as a long shot into the abyss. I wonder how many of us have an incredible strategy, but are afraid to commit. It's easier to hold onto something solid such as your day job than to risk losing it and putting your family in harms way. +https://www.marketwatch.com/story/marco-rubio-rolling-out-his-own-plan-to-limit-stock-buybacks-2019-02-12 + +Plan seems to be to tax stock buybacks the same way dividends are taxed. +**tl;dr: There is no substance behind "SWDA, EMIM, 88/12." It doesn't offer a good return for the risk taken and is rife with currency risk.** + +Long(ish) time lurker, occasional poster, financial professional here. + +Reading through a bunch of posts here, I noticed a recurring theme when people ask questions about which ETFs to select and how to allocate between these selections. + +In retail finance and financial psychology, we talk a lot about the term "herding." In short, herding is the act of following others without asking where we're going or why we decided to go down this path. + +On this subreddit, we see herding manifest itself when it comes to asset selection and allocation. + +More often then not, someone will recommend investing in: + +- SWDA - iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF - tracking 23 developed markets and, + +- EMIM - iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF - tracking various emerging markets + +There's sometimes a variation in the ETF, but the general idea is that these two ETFs/indexes provide cheap access to global diversification. + +Second, and more disturbingly, it's then advised to allocate your investment money in: + + - 88% SWDA and; + + - 12% EMIM. + + +As someone with many years of experience in finance, I was skeptical of this recommendation. There are a few reasons why. + +First, financial advisors use various factors such as risk tolerance and personal goals to determine allocation amounts. If 88/12 (or even 90/10, but that's just splitting hairs) was the "best" allocation for everyone regardless of their situation, then why don't all financial advisers recommend by default? + +Second, these ETFs use the USD as their base currency. For people **NOT** needing their money in dollars when they withdraw, it seemed like an odd choice. After all, there is currency risk involved which adds planning complications. Assuming that everything will "be alright" when it's time to cash out means that not only should the market be up but also that the USD is stronger than the EUR when you bought in (assuming you want EUR). + +So with that in mind, I fired up some proprietary software I have access to (financial analysis tools connected to a historical market feed) and set out for a deeper look. + +Here's what I found. + +# The Test + +When planning an investment allocation, it's important to find the most optimal allocation given a risk level and the corresponding returns. To do, I: + +- Gathered the historical daily close prices for SWDA and EMIM + +- Took the earliest date that both were trading (09-06-2014) + +- Grabbed the correlations between the returns, since proper diversification means avoiding too tight of correlations (in other words, if the two securities are too tightly positively correlated, then they move together, in effect negating diversification. Likewise, if they are too tightly negatively correlated, then they cancel each other out, which is also bad for a portfolio). + +- Found the daily percentage change in closing prices + +- calculated their standard deviations, which gave us a good gauge of volatility + +- Used those numbers to run a Monte Carlo simulation of 50,000 different allocations + + +- Did the same with the USDEUR FX rate over the same time frame (since I assumed that most people on this sub have EUR and when they buy a USD-denominated ETF, then they take the other side of that FX pair), looking for correlation and translating the returns back into EUR. + +The test then gave me the following information: + +- All of the possible returns, allocations, and their volatility + +- The Efficient Frontier of the best allocations for a given risk level, as measured with volatility. + +- The Sharpe Ratio for each allocation, which shows how much reward an investor gets for a given level of risk undertaken. For reference, anything above 1.0 means that the investor gets rewarded compared to the risk, and anything under that means that he or she is taking too much risk for the reward. + + +# The results + +## SWDA and EMIM alone + +I first ran the simulation with the two ETFs, disregarding the noise generated by the FX rate. + +What I found was concerning. + +First, these two ETFs are near-perfectly correlated! + +| |SWDA |EMIM | +|-------|----------|-------------| +| SWDA | 1.000000 | 0.931738 | +| EMIM | 0.931738 | 1.000000 | + + +While they do let investors target multiple parts of the world in two securities, since their inception, they have not provided any palpable diversification benefit. While correlations do constantly change, the evidence here suggests that, since inception, this two-ETF portfolio might be less-potent than people on this sub are lead to believe. + +Second, my model found that EMIM offered **no** benefit to the investor. SWDA carries almost all of the gains, while EMIM only adds costs. + +The best returns portfolio came out as: + +|Returns |Volatility |Sharpe Ratio |SWDA weight |EMIM weight| +|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|-----------| +|13.58% |15.2% |0.893913 |1.0 |0.0 | + +While an investor would get 13.58% annual returns, it all came from SWDA, which has a standard deviation of 15.2%. + +None of the 50,000 allocations had a Sharpe Ratio of just 0.898906 (a wee nudge above the best returns). + +I then checked the 88/12 portfolio which came out with: + +|Returns | Volatility | Sharpe Ratio | +|--------|------------|--------------| +|12.93% | 15.00% | 0.862358 | + + +**In other words, this allocation sucks.** Adding in EMIM only increases costs while decreasing returns. If that wasn't enough, investors aren't rewarded for their risk since the Sharpe Ratio never breaks 1.00. Further, it doesn't fall on the efficient frontier, meaning that there are better returns available for the corresponding level of risk. + +## Accounting for currency + +Second, I threw in the historical close of the USDEUR to add the impact of currency volatility and prices. + +While the currency did not impact volatility, it did lower returns, which showed up in the lower Sharpe Ratio. The highest return portfolio I had a maximum return of 11.19% but with the same standard deviation of 15.02%. In either case, my tools recommended ignoring EMIM all together. + + +|Returns |Volatility |Sharpe Ratio |SWDA weight |EMIM weight| +|---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|-----------| +| 11.88% |15.2% |0.782747 |1.0 |0.0 | + + +So in the end currency exposure had a **negative** impact on a euro-investor. + + + +**NOW,** I hear you saying *"but Mr. PizzaJerk, I've read that currency doesn't have an impact on investors! The guys who build and sell the funds we use say so!"* + +Well, amigo, that's not quite right. The big fund companies and brokers are right: currency *doesn't* generally have an impact on a fund's performance in the sense of correlation. + +| |SWDA |EMIM |USDEUR | +|------|-----------|-------------|---------------| +|SWDA |1.000000 |0.931738 |0.166770 | +|EMIM |0.931738 |1.000000 |-0.065424 | +|USDEUR|0.166770 |-0.065424 |1.000000 | + +As you can see here, the correlation between the two funds and the currency pair is 0.10. A correlation of 0 means that there is no price relationship between the two assets. However, that **does not** mean that currency does not impact a portfolio or an investor, negatively or otherwise. + +Now, I think this FX topic is worth exploring a bit more, and maybe when I have the time, I'll go a bit more in-depth on it. Keep in mind though, that, just like the stock market, it's impossible to predict and time the FX ones. Currency can impact you profoundly; just ask anyone in Europe who bought into the SP500 in 2002 who wanted to cash out in 2010. + +# So what should an investor do? + +For one, stop taking investing advice blindly on the internet. Please talk to a professional (check your local market regulator's website for a list of investment advisers in your jurisdiction) to find the best products/strategy for your profile. Herding is amusing at its best and dangerous at its worst. Investors should definitely not follow the leader when making life-impacting decisions. + +Second, if you want to go it alone, do better research. Hedged and Synthetic ETFs are your friend, and remember, being geographically spread out isn't a catch-all for adequate diversification. + +Finally, if you are holding these two ETFs in this allocation, don't panic. Find a few other ETFs that interest you and dig a bit deeper. If you can get the historical returns, put them into a spreadsheet and run a correlation analysis. At the minimum, you'll see how related they are. The results can be surprising. From there, find a way to limit your exposure to these two funds by purchasing more the new ones. Time will usually help balance that out. + + +I hope you all found this informative. Good luck. + +(edited for formatting) +Erste Group Bank AG started to offer employee stock which you cant touch for 5 years and you get free additional % stock depending on your initial investment: +Up to 1000€ (100%) +Up to 3000€ (50%) +Up to 5000€ (30%) +Up to 7000€ (20%) + +What do you think about this offer? Is it good idea to invest max 7000€? I basically get free 3000€ in additional stock plus the potetional growth in 5 years and dividends. +Hey Theta Gang, + +Since the market is closed today, I was looking for some sort of overall portfolio guidelines and came across this interesting set of "commandments" from TastyTrade. + +You can find the post of 20 Commandments (19 if you don't count the self-promo for TT content) here: http://tastytradenetwork.squarespace.com/tt/blog/-tastytrade-trading-commandments + +I think these commandments are some really good guidelines for successful trading and here are a few of my favorites in no particular order: + +* Trade only in liquid products - tight bid/ask spreads and good volume + +* Overall portfolio probability of success should be between 65-75% + +* Target theta decay of 0.1-0.2% of net liquidity per day. This will vary depending on the IV environment. + +* Ensure your portfolio has the proper Beta weighted delta for your market assumptions (bullish, bearish, neutral) + +* Size your positions appropriately. You will see a lot of varying values here depending on your portfolio size, even from different people on Tasty Trade. Smaller accounts 1-2% buying power per trade. If you are $100k+ then shoot for under 1%. + +* Trade often and with consistent sizing. Be consistent with position sizing. Having 10 positions at 1% buying power and then a 10% position could destroy the favorable probability of profit we are shooting for if that large position goes poorly. Scale your contracts to match the sizing goals. + +* Use volatility to identify opportunities. Shoot for IV ranks above 50 to increase the chances of making money due to volatility falling in addition to theta decay. + +* Use leverage responsibly to increase returns. Position sizing helps greatly here. + +* Markets are random and cyclical, so technical analysis, fundamental analysis and tape reading are a crap shoot, and probably no better than 50-50 in the long run. + +What are some other guidelines or commandments that you trade by? + +**DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with TastyTrade. I just thought this would be a useful tool for discussion. I know Options Alpha has similar trading checklists/guides, as do other sites.** +(RESOLVED) + +Hello, I was assigned -600 shares of SPY from short itm calls expiring tomorrow on iron condors. I have been trying to close the positions for the last couple of days to no avail. I still have the long calls but I’m not exactly sure how to use them to close my position. Will td do this automatically? I’m short roughly 220k on a 2.5k account. My balance is up about 600$ which I’m assuming is a temporary thing because when I buy the stock back at the call strikes it will be for a loss. Any help would be much appreciated. + +EDIT: I've submitted an order to exercise my long calls... I'm assuming this will happen at market open and will leave me at max loss correct? Although i suppose i could collect from the put legs? + +UPDATE: +The long calls have exercised and my position is flat... I am left with a couple of otm put spreads that I will close + +[spy positions w/ exercise orders](https://imgur.com/a/68rXdYn) +**Calling the great options brains!** + In preparation for next week, I scanned the earnings calendar and I picked 11 stocks based on market cap and options volume. +Then, I created this sheet where I analysed the previous earnings move of the stocks as well as the expected move from MarketChameleon. +I, then, adjusted the expected move to reflect the worst-case scenarios. +After that, I looked at the delta of each lower and higher strike of the expected move range and came up with suggested Iron Condors for some (5 of them). The rest are either too low in profit or wide bid/ask spread. +**Please note the following:** +1. The expected move will change in value as the trading week begins. (The sheet has formulas and will update itself). +2. The delta is based on the last close price. I will have to update that manually as the market opens. + +3. I intend on buying ICs (For credit of course) 1-2 hours before the earnings announcements and close the trade at the IV crush. For example, if the earnings are on Tuesday BMO, I will open the trade on Monday (1-2 hours before market close). If the earnings are on Tuesday AMC, I will open the trade on the same day (1-2 hours before market close). +4. My approach in these ICs is to play it as safe as possible. As a consequence, both max profit and loss are relatively small. 5. Feel free to create an editable copy of this sheet. + + +The reason why I'm sharing this sheet is that I value your feedback. **I am by no means encouraging anyone to use these suggested trades** as some values will change as the market opens. + + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SwuLwerRVl9XtTN4mMVp2niNLqVW-HgJv6aKN7xcOhg/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SwuLwerRVl9XtTN4mMVp2niNLqVW-HgJv6aKN7xcOhg/edit?usp=sharing) +**Calling the great options brains!** + In preparation for next week, I scanned the earnings calendar and I picked 11 stocks based on market cap and options volume. +Then, I created this sheet where I analysed the previous earnings move of the stocks as well as the expected move from MarketChameleon. +I, then, adjusted the expected move to reflect the worst-case scenarios. +After that, I looked at the delta of each lower and higher strike of the expected move range and came up with suggested Iron Condors for some (5 of them). The rest are either too low in profit or wide bid/ask spread. +**Please note the following:** +1. The expected move will change in value as the trading week begins. (The sheet has formulas and will update itself). +2. The delta is based on the last close price. I will have to update that manually as the market opens. + +3. I intend on buying ICs (For credit of course) 1-2 hours before the earnings announcements and close the trade at the IV crush. For example, if the earnings are on Tuesday BMO, I will open the trade on Monday (1-2 hours before market close). If the earnings are on Tuesday AMC, I will open the trade on the same day (1-2 hours before market close). +4. My approach in these ICs is to play it as safe as possible. As a consequence, both max profit and loss are relatively small. 5. Feel free to create an editable copy of this sheet. + + +The reason why I'm sharing this sheet is that I value your feedback. **I am by no means encouraging anyone to use these suggested trades** as some values will change as the market opens. + + +[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SwuLwerRVl9XtTN4mMVp2niNLqVW-HgJv6aKN7xcOhg/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SwuLwerRVl9XtTN4mMVp2niNLqVW-HgJv6aKN7xcOhg/edit?usp=sharing) +Why is there always some highly upvoted person in the comments, bashing dividends, saying go growth, when the topic was like, rate my dividend profile, or I have 15,000 and want to spend it on dividends. + +I get the growth stocks can be useful, at certain stages of a dividend investment career, but the upvoted answer by the dividend user base in most threads isn’t pertaining to dividends. + +Why?? +What’s the best way to find a private driver who is reasonably comfortable with kids? Our approach in the past has been to hire nannies for this task but on average, they don’t appear to be quite so good at driving safely vs the typical childcare roles. + +As the kids are getting older, I think I’d want better at driving, less good at childcare for optimal safety, so I’d love to hear your experiences. I’m also curious what a reasonable wage would be (do drivers have to be W2 or 1099?). + +Edit: SF Bay Area for wage estimates +What started as a ragtag of mutant internet people rolling the dice on SPY has evolved into the single greatest and most powerful financial think tank to ever exist. The hedgefunds have their fancy degrees, but we are legion. WSB is essentially evolving into the Wikipedia of Investing. Somebody cooks up a play. Someone else finds more info. Another guy points out where we're wrong. After a bit of this what forms is sometimes a lazer sharp thesis that is open-source and free for all to view and participate in. You heard Chamath he said our DD is as good or better than the hedgefunds. He even said he learned about gamma and delta hedging FROM US while poking around the sub. We are getting smarter every day and soon wallstreet and the media will be sucking our HUGE collective Dong + +TLDR; We are strong. No one can tell us were wrong. Stonks are a battlefield. +My dad and I don’t talk anymore since he kicked me out about a month ago (I loved abroad for most of October and November). I lived at school until June and then got a full time job and lived with him for about 4 months. + +He didn’t help me at all at school and I paid for everything myself. I just want to make sure that if I file as a dependent and go through the whole process that I’m not technically a dependent. + +Anything I should know before filing? From what I read in previous threads I need to file by mail. Is that still the case? + +Thank you! + +EDIT: I really appreciate everyone who took time out of their day to give me advice. A lot of people gave food and different insight I’m going to sift through and make sure I 100% can’t be a dependent according to the IRS guidelines,. Then I’m going to file by mail as soon as it opens and follow the procedures such as amendment and proof of my living expenses. + +Again, thank you all for the advice it’s extremely helpful as this can get really confusing. + +Some questions answered for anyone coming in late or checking back: + +1. All school expenses were paid by loan taken out by me or my money. +2. Not on his insurance. +3. Not concerned with “burning bridges”. +4. I did reach out to try and get it sorted to save us both issues. He basically just tried to convince me that I’m wrong and it has already been filed so there’s nothing I can do about it which I found from all the replies, that is not true. +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +Apes, this is a *very* special moment in the GME saga. The FUD machine is getting turned higher daily, the methods that the SHFs are using to attempt to scare us off are becoming more desperate, and Apes are stronger than ever. We've crossed 100k accounts HODLing GME at ComputerShare, and the average number of shares within each account continues to climb daily. + +I am so impressed with how this movement has grown and evolved over the past year, and to stand in your company. I recall the lead up to January on the original subreddit, the massive wave of FOMO in late January, and the ridiculous loss porn in February. I migrated with many of you to the GME sub, and navigated the tricky growth as a community as we developed our understanding of the forces at play and ways to fight back. + +We battled against huge price attacks and subreddit drama, all the while developing the Diamantenhände that we HODL with today. It was never easy, but with DRS we have all the tools we need to fight back. + +This community has sustained many of us through it all. Thank you for showing up, sharing your thoughts, and standing among other Apes. We are a global band of Apes united in this movement, and there is *nothing* that will disband us. + +Today is Wednesday, December 15th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$148.36 / 131,19 €** *(volume: 700)* +- 🟩 115 minutes in: $148.46 / 131,28 € *(volume: 656)* +- ⬜ 110 minutes in: $148.37 / 131,20 € *(volume: 654)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $148.37 / 131,20 € *(volume: 650)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $148.35 / 131,18 € *(volume: 614)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $148.39 / 131,21 € *(volume: 611)* +- 🟥 90 minutes in: $148.29 / 131,12 € *(volume: 585)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $148.40 / 131,22 € *(volume: 558)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,24 € *(volume: 415)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $148.35 / 131,18 € *(volume: 306)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $148.26 / 131,10 € *(volume: 273)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $148.42 / 131,24 € *(volume: 236)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $148.28 / 131,11 € *(volume: 220)* +- 🟩 55 minutes in: $148.36 / 131,19 € *(volume: 174)* +- ⬜ 50 minutes in: $148.30 / 131,14 € *(volume: 173)* +- 🟩 45 minutes in: $148.30 / 131,14 € *(volume: 154)* +- 🟩 40 minutes in: $148.26 / 131,10 € *(volume: 138)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $148.09 / 130,95 € *(volume: 127)* +- 🟥 30 minutes in: $148.12 / 130,98 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $148.28 / 131,11 € *(volume: 82)* +- ⬜ 20 minutes in: $148.12 / 130,98 € *(volume: 64)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $148.12 / 130,98 € *(volume: 61)* +- 🟩 10 minutes in: $148.06 / 130,93 € *(volume: 60)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $148.05 / 130,91 € *(volume: 56)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $148.13 / 130,99 € *(volume: 56)* +- 🟩 US close price: $147.69 / 130,60 € *($147.70 / 130,60 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.1309. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +*I'm not sure if this already has been posted here, but I just came across this post from [A. Antonopoulos' Patreon page](https://www.patreon.com/aantonop/posts) (it's a public entry posted on 16th of December. The readability and formatting is better there btw):* + +*Edit: direct link to the post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/emotional-15912702* + +---------------- + + + + +On December 6th, my life changed trajectory... again. I went to sleep on a wave of positive messages and support from the bitcoin community, in response to a letter I had posted on Patreon titled “In defense of optimism” that had leaked to Reddit. +I had spent the day reading messages of support pouring in on Twitter, Patreon, and email, literally thousands of them. It was a life-affirming experience. Like everyone else on social media, the messages I receive are not always kind and supportive. Often the critical messages and trolls are far louder than the supporters. Our brains don't evaluate praise and criticism in equal measure - it's easy to believe the criticism and see the praise as undeserved. That’s why each little message of support makes a difference, each one helps me ignore the critics and see the impact of my work. In addition to all of the written messages, people were signing up to support me on Patreon and some were even sending bitcoin to my donation address. By the time I went to sleep, I was filled with gratitude, humbled by the overwhelmingly positive, viral response of the community. + +Here’s what happened next... + +I wake up on December 7th, the notifications list on my phone was too long to scroll. Hundreds more messages of support had come in while I was asleep. + +Then my phone rings and I recognize the number of a dear friend. "Strange," I think. I’m not expecting a call. "Don't open your laptop yet," she says. "You got some big bitcoin donations overnight. Are you sitting down?" I sit down. I open my laptop, I look at the balance in my 1andreas bitcoin donation address. + +Surprise, gratitude, fear, shock, joy, elation, anxiety. My emotions achieved a level of volatility that mirrored that of the bitcoin exchange rate. Good thing I was sitting down. + +You're probably thinking that between the supportive messages and the large donations, I’d have been celebrating without a care in the world. But I'm a security professional who works in bitcoin. Could I come up with a doomsday scenario to taint this experience? Hold my beer. + +I'm in a taxi on the way to the airport. I’m cycling through emotions again, a bit faster now. + +Joy, Terror, Tears, Gratitude, Fear, Elation, Dread, Cold Sweat. It's a good thing I'm sitting down. I can't feel my fingers. + +Anxiety + +Wouldn't it be ironic if I get hacked and this massive donation is stolen the same day it was given? *Shudder*. That was a real possibility. Funds were sent to a vanity address, posted on my website, which was mainly used to support my habit of giving small amounts of bitcoin to strangers at meetups and conferences. Before December 6th, the address typically received small gifts each month and I emptied it every now and then in a spree of small donations. + +Gratitude + +I still can’t believe how many people have responded. I had no idea how many people could identify with the feelings expressed “In defense of optimism” and would want to show their support. I’m grateful to be a part of this community. + +Fear + +This vanity address is secured with a single private key which was stored on my phone in a “hot” wallet, so that I can give away bitcoin at meetups. The address has maximum public visibility and no Segwit (segregated witness) support. My security model just tipped over and I'm freaking out. + +Happiness + +I’m so happy! This is incredible, unimaginable. My fingers are numb, in a good way. Is this really happening?!? + +Cold Sweats + +I have to move the funds out. Now. Right now. But I only have this key on a wallet that doesn't handle RBF (replace-by-fee), CPFP (child-pays-for-parent), and it's not a Segwit address. I'm traveling; I’m about to get on two long flights and the mempool is slammed with transactions. Of all the days! + +Joy + +I’m crying. Tears of joy. This is something most people never get to experience in the most meaningful of careers, a loud acknowledgement from an entire community and financial security. I’m thinking about my family members and close friends who are struggling and overjoyed at the opportunity I now have to help them. + +Terror + +Then it dawns on me: a perfect nightmare scenario. What if this is considered "income" in the US and I have to pay taxes at a 39.6% rate? Those taxes would be evaluated on the USD value of the donation at the time it was made, at an all-time-high price of bitcoin. If bitcoin's bubble bursts by 50% today, I will owe more taxes than the donation is worth. I will be bankrupt but will owe the IRS and those debts can't be discharged in bankruptcy. I'm going to be in debt for a decade! + +Elation + +I can HODL! I don’t have to keep selling to pay bills. Patreon has grown too, so I should be able to cover my expenses and build the business with their support. I can really HODL! + +[Alarm buzzes on my phone] + +“Boarding on Gate D15”. Pack everything back up, run to the gate. Find my seat. Unpack all my electronics. Re-establish connections. No Wifi yet. 3G if I hold my phone just so against the window. We're taking off. No Wifi at all on this flight. 4 hours, offline, me and my thoughts. What is the opposite of a state of mindfulness? Head spinning. + +Fear + +What if the price crashes. Should I sell some? + +Silliness + +I'm buying a lambo (I laugh out loud at the thought of that. No, I'd never waste money on something so silly). + +Dread + +What if the donations had zero fees and will never confirm? What if this was all a cruel joke? + +Joy + +My dad will be so proud! + +[Landed] + +Turn on smartphone. Too many notifications. Turn on VPN, Tor. Sync wallet. Too slow. Too slow. + +Run to the lounge. Get on Wifi. Fire up VPN, Tor. Start electrum. Import keys. Child-pays-for-parent the stuck transactions, Replace-by-fee new transactions. Careful coin selection. Send to cold storage (so glad I keep an unused cold storage address handy). Overpay fees more than ever before. 2000 satoshi per byte? Fuck yeah. This is the highest priority transaction of my life. 8 agonizing minutes. 1st block. Confirmations ripple down my screen. Exhaling... I hadn't noticed I was holding my breath. + +“Boarding gate C51”. Pack everything, run to the gate. Board the plane. Unpack everything. This flight has Wifi. Bet it doesn't work. Yup, it doesn't work. 6.5 hour flight. I'll just read a book. I've read the same paragraph 8 times and don't know what it says. I'll sleep. Nope. Ok fine, I'll fret - seems I'm good at that and nothing else right now. + +[Landed] + +That was the longest flight ever. Boot up, 4G, VPN, Tor. Sync.... slow, too slow. + +ANOTHER GIANT DONATION. WTF! Is this really happening? Is my wallet counting the balance incorrectly? This isn't possible. WTF IS GOING ON? + +Joy, Terror, Tears, Gratitude, Fear, Elation, Dread. I’m cycling faster now. + +I just emptied my wallet into cold storage and now it's carrying a ridiculous amount again. Boot up, VPN, Tor, Electrum, CPFP, RBF, cold sweat, 1 confirmation. Phew. + +I realize that I just conducted the 4 biggest transactions of my life. I'm shaking. Hope I didn't screw anything up. + +Finally I get to my hotel. “Long day” doesn’t even begin to describe it. I am grateful, giddy, jetlagged and exhausted, so sleep should come easy, right? Not happening. Two hours of tossing and turning while my mind is racing. In the end I just pass out from exhaustion. I wake up in a state of anxiety. + +I open my inbox. I have a dozen interview requests from newspapers, TV, radio. They don’t want to talk about bitcoin. They want to talk about “my story.” It’s never been about “my story” and I’m not about to change that. Denied, denied, denied. That’s it. I’m going offline for a few days. I need time to process everything that has happened over the past couple of days and strategize about what to do next. + +There are no words to adequately convey my appreciation, my gratitude. + +These are life-changing gifts, but I don’t intend to change my life. I’m highly suspicious and careful about “lifestyle inflation”: I resist any urges to increase my spending as my income increases because as a self-employed entrepreneur I know my income can decrease significantly at any moment. + +First, the practical side: For legal and tax reasons the gifts should remain mostly untouched for at least three years. This is a new situation and no one knows for sure how the authorities will characterize it. I wanted to HODL anyway, so that’s fine with me. + +Second, and the much more important side, I love what I do. I’m obviously not going to “retire” or slow down. Receiving your messages and support has energized me and I’m excited to do more, much more. + +The number of people supporting me on Patreon has grown significantly and with that support I’ll actually be able to do a lot more. And there are many things I want to do: a new website with more materials, in as many formats and languages as possible; more books; an epic tour; and that’s just the beginning! I also plan to grow my team, which serves two goals: I can get help for the things that need to be done, but I can also bring more people success and security with a steady paycheck. + +While I’m excited about all of these new projects, I want you to know that the ultimate goal remains the same: to educate as many people as possible about this transformational technology and remain an independent voice, working directly for the community. + +A week has passed. The one feeling that keeps returning, among the barrage of feelings, is gratitude. After taking time to process and calm down, the fear and stress is gone and all that is left is gratitude. I am so thankful for all the messages of support. I am so touched to hear stories of how my work has affected others in a positive way. I am thankful for all the donors who rallied behind me to help me in my advocacy and education. + +#THANKYOUBITCOINCOMMUNITY + +Thank you for being so generous, so kind, so supportive; I’ll never forget this experience. Now, back to work! +When you’re trying to build your rental empire what else do you do when you’re in between properties? From 1-2 then 2 to 3 and so on. Just keep saving money for down payments? Do you invest in anything else? What’s your strategy? +Hi beautiful folks of knowledge - + +I have been reading a lot about HELOCs. The fundamental workings of it seem very simple. It’s a fairly flexible, low cost way of tapping into equity on a home. However, the payment mechanics still seem ambiguous. + + +Based on my research, there’s typically a draw down period where you only pay interest (typically 10 years) and then a repayment period where you pay interest + principal (typically 15 years). + + +Questions - +Is the interest rate adjustable during the draw down? +Is it possible to pay back the principal before the draw down period ends? +In a hypothetical situation where I open a HELOC for $100k and use it all on day 1 for a down payment on another home, do I really only pay the interest of that $100k for the next 10 years? Could I start paying back the principal earlier during the draw down period and not wait for the repayment period? +Is interest during the draw down simple daily average balance and interest during the repayment period amortized? + + +Thanks in advance for any insight! + +This isn't legal or financial advice. I'm just a dumbass with some life experience to share. + +**First, buy some goddamn personal umbrella insurance.** It's cheap af, like I pay $400 a year for mine. And it's easy af to buy. What is umbrella insurance? It's something poor people will never have to worry about, so be glad it's in your life now. **It protects you from lawsuits by parasites by adding million(s) of dollars in personal liability coverage above and beyond the policy limits of your auto, renters or homeowners insurance.** + +Your shitty auto/renter/homeowners policies have limits of a couple hundred thousand bucks max. If you hit somebody's car, if someone slips and falls in your house, if someone accuses you of sexual assault, odds are there they will want to sue you. Any plaintiff's attorney worth half a fuck that they hire is going to do their research on you and when they do their DD and find out you have tons of assets now, they are going to come after way more than what they wanted thinking you were just some broke nobody. Umbrella insurance protects you from the unlikely but ever present threat of bankruptcy through lawsuits now that you are rich target. I've seen way too many idiot doctors and successful small business owners lose their life's work through negligence lawsuits and not having umbrella policies in place that would have stopped it. + +Which brings me to my second request of you. Don't make yourself an obvious target. **Keep your goddamn mouth shut about your tendies and tell no one the particulars. Don't even fucking hint at it.** Don't tell dad to make him proud, don't tell strangers to impress them and feel good, don't tell some girl to get her to fuck you. I don't care if you shower the people you love with gifts, it's none of my business. If they ask, just say you had a good year trading and leave it at that. + +Neither of my parents know about my trading profits, nor that I'm a millionaire. None of my friends know. I'll go to my grave not telling a soul. Because I see how people treat the people I know IRL who do flaunt it and I'm disgusted how some people (not all) no longer view you as a person, just something to exploit. + +**Why tf should you listen to me? Maybe you shouldn't. I was wrong af about GME.** I posted how I thought it was trash from $10 to $30 and while I thought u/DeepFuckingValue deserved props for eating shit all year and holding strong, I thought the rest of you were FOMO sheep chasing it in the $20s. Mea culpa. I'm glad I was wrong. I've never seen so many rattled old white men before in my life before this week and it's great. I'm genuinely happy for you guys that hit it big and hope the squeeze isn't over. Please consider what I've said. Thanks. +This isn't legal or financial advice. I'm just a dumbass with some life experience to share. + +**First, buy some goddamn personal umbrella insurance.** It's cheap af, like I pay $400 a year for mine. And it's easy af to buy. What is umbrella insurance? It's something poor people will never have to worry about, so be glad it's in your life now. **It protects you from lawsuits by parasites by adding million(s) of dollars in personal liability coverage above and beyond the policy limits of your auto, renters or homeowners insurance.** + +Your shitty auto/renter/homeowners policies have limits of a couple hundred thousand bucks max. If you hit somebody's car, if someone slips and falls in your house, if someone accuses you of sexual assault, odds are there they will want to sue you. Any plaintiff's attorney worth half a fuck that they hire is going to do their research on you and when they do their DD and find out you have tons of assets now, they are going to come after way more than what they wanted thinking you were just some broke nobody. Umbrella insurance protects you from the unlikely but ever present threat of bankruptcy through lawsuits now that you are rich target. I've seen way too many idiot doctors and successful small business owners lose their life's work through negligence lawsuits and not having umbrella policies in place that would have stopped it. + +Which brings me to my second request of you. Don't make yourself an obvious target. **Keep your goddamn mouth shut about your tendies and tell no one the particulars. Don't even fucking hint at it.** Don't tell dad to make him proud, don't tell strangers to impress them and feel good, don't tell some girl to get her to fuck you. I don't care if you shower the people you love with gifts, it's none of my business. If they ask, just say you had a good year trading and leave it at that. + +Neither of my parents know about my trading profits, nor that I'm a millionaire. None of my friends know. I'll go to my grave not telling a soul. Because I see how people treat the people I know IRL who do flaunt it and I'm disgusted how some people (not all) no longer view you as a person, just something to exploit. + +**Why tf should you listen to me? Maybe you shouldn't. I was wrong af about GME.** I posted how I thought it was trash from $10 to $30 and while I thought u/DeepFuckingValue deserved props for eating shit all year and holding strong, I thought the rest of you were FOMO sheep chasing it in the $20s. Mea culpa. I'm glad I was wrong. I've never seen so many rattled old white men before in my life before this week and it's great. I'm genuinely happy for you guys that hit it big and hope the squeeze isn't over. Please consider what I've said. Thanks. +I checked on credit karma last night and I noticed a credit card was opened in my name with an outstanding balance of $17,542. + +I called the number listed on credit karma and they asked the regular questions: full name, birthday, last four digits of social. The lady then said she couldn't confirm my account and asked me for my full social. I got sussed out and googled the number before I gave it to her and found out it was a scam number that was calling people trying to gain financial information (I didn't give them my full social). + +I feel like I'm kind of fucked. I gave them a lot of personal information and $17k is a lot of money. I'm in the process of disputing this claim with the three main credit bureaus and placing a freeze on my credit with the three of them. + + Is there more I should be doing? I feel a bit lost. Nothing like this has ever happened to me but I'm a bit worried. If anyone could provide some guidance I would greatly appreciate it. +He posted the following on LinkedIn, see link below... + +Ten years ago this month, the world’s financial system nearly ground to a halt. It was a dramatic and pivotal time, which has had lasting effects on many people’s lives. But it was also something that has happened many times in history and will happen many times in the future. As you know, I believe that everything happens over and over again and that by looking at those things happening many times, one can see the patterns and understand the cause-effect relationships to develop principles for dealing with them. Prior to 2008, I had studied these relationships for debt crises with my colleagues at Bridgewater, and because we understood these relationships, we were able to navigate the crisis well when many others struggled. + +Today I am sharing our understanding of how debt crises work and how to navigate them well in a new book called “A Template for Understanding Big Debt Crises.” I am making it available for free because I am now at a stage of life where what’s most important to me is to pass along the principles that have helped me. My hope is that sharing this template will reduce the chances of big debt crises happening and help them be better managed in the future. + +LinkedIn post about the book: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/understanding-big-debt-crises-ray-dalio/ + +Link for free PDF: https://www.principles.com/big-debt-crises/ + + +What have you done involving your Bitcoin that you regret the most? + +Did you panic sell? Did you get rekt in trading? Send to wrong address? Lose your keys? + +I tried trading once 2 years ago, fucked up, and learnt my lesson, never again! + + +Curious to hear your stories! We all atleast have one😅 +I remember about a year ago how many people were debating it on [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/comments/ke9vze/reading_about_the_dotcom_bubbleit_seems_exactly/gg1cdj9/?context=3) and people blasted and downvoting anyone that stated it was a bubble. Saying it is different now - yes, causes are different + +* Interest rates +* Different economy +* Technology revolution in the business segment (work from home) +* Stimulus +* Retail investors + +BUT STILL A BUBBLE with a crash / correction. + +&#x200B; + +I learned my lesson during the Dotcom bubble. I thought I was a "F"-ing genius with QCOM and few others from 1998-2000 and all the Y2K hoopla. In mid-late Jan, there was like a 10% drop - "I am a f-ing genius, rushed in to buy the dip"; by mid March-April, lost $300K and got out it. + +It taught me a valuable lesson, **max out retirement accounts** with low cost mutual funds and **save 15% cash of yearly income** for emergencies, after that than **purchase blue chips names and reinvest dividends**. + +Then and only then develop a \~10 stock speculative portfolio that you did a lot of DD. For me, more than 10 are difficult to keep current. + +It also taught me to have a **strategy** on both the **upside run** and to manage **downside risk** (if any drops by \~15% I am out but will watch). On the upside, I take profits at 25% and if its 50%, I sell 1/2 - 1/3 and let the remainder ride and not really tracking it. (Today those stocks include FB, BABA, CC, AMD, and LLY.) + +So when the crash happen in 2008, I was well positioned and rode it out. Retiring early and been enjoying the good life. + +Today, I have a speculative portfolio to keep my mind active. I will ride this crash out and look for opportunities for my speculative portfolio. + +Good Luck. + +PS: I purchased my house right before the bubble at a fair price. I am worried today that many people are getting over-extended by purchasing an over-priced home that they really cannot afford because they really want home-ownership. +I've just read a post or r/GME called "The everything short", which states that we are heading towards a 2008 financial crisis like scenario. I'm not quite sure how much I understood of what he tried to explain and warn us about, but it sounds crazy. I couldn't find any fact check on the post, and I want to be sure that it isn't a crazy theory. +http://thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/05/11/fiscal-impact-of-whites-blacks-and-hispanics/ + +TL;DR: In the USA, whites contribute money through taxes while blacks and Hispanics generate a net loss through the use of various social programs. + +I find this puzzling because it seems that if this was true, it'd be something that we'd hear a lot more about. Hence, I suspect that there might be some sort of "catch" or that the figures are misleading, but I'm not informed enough to find it. + +Your thoughts are appreciated. + +Specifically this. http://www.epi.org/publication/u-s-trade-policy-time-to-start-over/ + +"U.S. trade policies have clearly turned out to be bad politics. But they are bad politics because they are bad economics." + +"The first step is to declare a freeze on all trade negotiations—bilateral as well as multilateral—until we have such strategies in place." + + +If inflation is caused by increasing the money supply, but paying off debt destroys the money as soon as it is printed, then wouldn’t it follow that governments could print money to pay off their debt without increasing the money supply and hence causing inflation? + +ie the ~$41,000 debt per capita for Canadians could be paid by printing ~$41,000 per person, and since this doesn’t increase the money in circulation, it wouldn’t cause any inflation? + +What if the government did something like build great roads and houses all funded with debt, and then printed money to pay off this debt? Wouldn’t that basically be “free” as the resources are being created without increasing money supply and therefore without causing inflation? + +Why don’t governments do this more often? Why do we here that printing money causes inflation? Haven’t economies (ie Venezuela) been ruined by printing money in this manner? + +Doesn’t it increase the money supply in terms of new capital assets, wages in the pockets of workers to build the capital assets etc? Or am I Missing something? + +Where did I go wrong here? Did I go wrong here? +So the daily mail are reporting that interest payments for our £2.4tn debt will be £19.4bn. + +So my question is who are we paying interest to? Isn't it the BOE? Which is technically us? Or am I wrong? +We already came close to Bitcoins market cap twice. +More and more projects going live for ethereum, development is going very strong. +What do you think, will the next bull run bring us over bitcoins market cap ? +https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/17/jpmorgan-agrees-to-125-million-fine-for-letting-employees-use-whatsapp-to-evade-regulators.html + +JPMorgan Chase is paying a $125 million fine to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges that its Wall Street division allowed employees to use WhatsApp and other platforms to circumvent federal record-keeping laws. The SEC said Friday in a statement that JPMorgan Securities admitted to “widespread” record-keeping failures in recent years. The bank’s employees used personal smartphones and email accounts, as well as messaging services including Meta-owned WhatsApp, to conduct securities business matters from at least January 2018 through November 2020, the regulator said. SEC officials who spoke to reporters Thursday evening said JPMorgan’s failure to preserve those off-line conversations violated federal securities law and left the regulator blind to exchanges between the bank and its clients. + +Federal law requires financial firms keep and retain meticulous records of electronic messages between brokers and clients so that regulators can make sure those firms aren’t skirting anti-fraud or antitrust laws. Regulators in New York and London have ratcheted up enforcement of record-keeping rules in recent years as traders migrated to encrypted messaging platforms including WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram. While phone conversations and messages on official company devices and software platforms are preserved, it’s much harder for bank compliance departments to surveil communications on third-party apps. The method picked up in popularity after two of the industry’s biggest trading scandals of the past decade (involving manipulation of Libor and foreign exchange markets) hinged on incriminating messages preserved in chatrooms, resulting in multi-billion dollar fines for banks. + +Traders at JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank and other firms have been dismissed or placed on leave for infractions tied to the practice. But the SEC order reveals how pervasive it was. At JPMorgan, the practice of going offline to communicate was firm-wide, and even the managers and senior personnel responsible for compliance used their personal devices to communicate sensitive business matters, the SEC said. The investigation at JPMorgan is ongoing and the SEC has launched similar probes at firms across the financial universe. JPMorgan ordered its traders, bankers and financial advisors to preserve work-related messages on personal devices earlier this year, Bloomberg reported in June. + +Officials declined to offer details on the current status of the JPMorgan examination or those at other banks. “As technology changes, it’s even more important that registrants ensure that their communications are appropriately recorded and are not conducted outside of official channels in order to avoid market oversight,” SEC Chair Gary Gensler said in a press release. In stressing the importance of diligent recordkeeping, Gensler recalled the foreign exchange scandal of 2013, when traders at several of the globe’s largest banks used a private chat room to conspire to fix currency rates to maximize profits. Five of the globe’s largest banks, including JPMorgan, ultimately agreed to pay more than $5 billion in combined penalties and plead guilty to resolve the investigation. “Books-and-records obligations help the SEC conduct its important examinations and enforcement work,” Gensler added. “They build trust in our system.” While SEC officials said the $125 million penalty is its largest recordkeeping fine to date, the bigger threat to JPMorgan may be reputational. By going after JPMorgan, the world’s biggest Wall Street firm by total revenue, the SEC has put the industry on notice. +This is a piece to do a quick overview of decentralised exchanges and a quick comparison for newcomers and old timers alike. + +As you may already know, the first generation decentralised exchanges are + +* **expensive to trade** +* **slow** +* **limited to assets within one blockchain** +* **spot only** + +It's also prone to errors and fat fingers. These include the old idex, etherdelta, and uniswap. These were unsurmountable obstacles at that time, as such, centralised exchanges flourished. + +However, I believe it's finally time for decentralised exchanges to shine. In Jan 2021 alone, [aggregate volumes hit 55.8B usd](https://www.coindesk.com/decentralized-exchange-january-2021-volumes-record). This was unthinkable just a year ago. Decentralised exchanges are finally able to solve all of these issues by + +1. Settling trades in Layer-2 (L2) - greatly lowering fees and increasing speed +2. Being multi-chain - greatly increasing the amount of pairs you can trade +3. Introducing derivatives - allowing you to YOLO and leverage your life savings + +This brings it to parity (somewhat) with centralised exchanges. I regard these 3 to be essential functions. + +This article will give a quick introduction to some of these projects and compare them. + +&#x200B; + +[Comparison of DEXes](https://preview.redd.it/yld62j8krmk61.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e2503d69310e3f242307dc7f52813d124fa702c) + +**Group 1: Dexes that only have 1 out of the 3 essential functions** + +This includes MCDEX, Futureswap, DerivaDex, Kwenta, dFuture, DeversiFi, Zkswap and so on. These are Dexes that have tried to solve some of the issues but lack other essential functions + +**Group 2: Dexes that have 2 out of the 3 essential functions** + +These are very promising projects which have achieved a lot in this space like Synthetix, dYdX, Perp, Loopring, Waves, IDEX and have a strong team. However, at this point in time, they need one more essential function. + +**Group 3: Dexes that have 3 out of the 3 essential functions** + +Now this is what I'm talking about. Let's explore each of them briefly below. You can search them up to read more. + +**1. Serum** + +Serum is built on Solana which has extremely fast block times (400ms) and very low transaction costs. It is able to interpolate between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Currently it's live and users are able to swap tokens with margin trading coming soon. Raydium has also launched as one of the first few tokens on SOL and users are able to get it there. + +The SRM token is a governance token and 80% of the DEX fees goes to SRM buy and burns. SRM can also be staked to give SRM holders 50% discount on trading. + +Serum's backers include FTX, Alameda Research, Multicoin Capital, 3commas and more. + +Website: [https://projectserum.com/](https://projectserum.com/) + +2. Injective Protocol + +Injective is a layer-2 decentralised sidechain relayer network that is core tendermint-based. It's fully permissionless, allowing anyone to trade anything. It will offer It is able to communicate with other blockchains with Cosmos. It has formed several partnerships with Elrond, AVAx, Marlin Protocol, Ocean Protocol, HuobiECOchain and Covalent. + +The INJ token is also a goverance token that users can also stake to earn rewards. Details are not out yet. + +Currently, it's on testnet, with mainnet planned for Q1 2021. + +Injective is backed by Binance Labs, Pantera, Hashed, QCP Capital, 3commas and more. + +Website: [https://injectiveprotocol.com/](https://injectiveprotocol.com/) + +3. Demex + +Demex is also a core tendermint-based L2-Dex that will be able to offer multichain support between NEO, ETH, BSC and ZIL tokens. The tendermint-based consensus algorithm is able to reach 10,000 tps and it will be launching the world's first decentralised futures with 150x leverage. + +The SWTH token is an essential part of the ecosystem and holders are able to participate in governance, stake to receive rewards. Stakers also receive all of the fees from the exchange, or can use it to mint CDPS for stablecoins(coming soon). + +Demex is backed by Neo Global Capital, Neo Eco Fund, Zilliqa, Defiance Capital, Three Arrows Capital, Digital Assets Capital Management, DeFi Capital and MXC Exchange. + +Website: [https://dem.exchange/](https://dem.exchange/) + +As you can see, these are the three top decentralised exchanges that will rock 2021. Each of them are different and focus on different markets with different audiences. + +What are your picks? Share them below. + +Disclaimer: All projects are great projects. I probably hold a bit of everything in here. This is not financial advice. Also all information is to the best of my knowledge. +# The Future: + +If you want to see where this sub is heading. Simply look at the rest of Reddit. + +Moons haven't fundamentally changed anything. They have the same effect as karma points, maybe just more amplified and a little more greed-driven with the monetary incentive added. But the farming is not new, and it's all the same mechanism. + +If you look around Reddit, it's not always quality content that gets the most votes and visibility. It's popularity. And there's always the same handful of topics that keep getting the most votes, along with whatever meme and fad is going on at the time. + +That's the future of Moons. It's not gonna be so much a reward for quality but popularity. + +The more new people we have, the more it's gonna skew towards popularity. But don't worry, you'll still get upvotes for quality. And there will be people like me handing you awards, and downvoting populist garbage to try to even things out. + +# The karma: + +There's a common misconception that karma = upvotes. That's not the case. We know karma is not 1:1 with votes, we just don't know the numbers. It's done with an algorithm. Reddit favors upvotes over downvotes. So downvotes don't weigh as much. Voting manipulation is also clamped down in your karma. Unbalanced users who heavily downvote, or heavily upvote, may have their votes weigh less. + +And the more votes a post gets, the less those votes weigh. So 100 upvotes may get you close to 100 karma. But 20,000 upvotes may only get you under 6,000 karma: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/5bislo6au5e71.png?width=2750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c946e33d4e5234351cc29821542fc127ca68efc + +# The Downvotes: + +Because moon distribution is based on karma and not upvotes, a lot of those nasty downvote bots and mass downvoters don't actually get counted. So we are pretty safe from downvotes, even if we can't see it. + +You may see your posts get a lot of 0 and -1, but your karma may actually be well into the positives. Ever noticed distributions like the last one, where the downvoting was really heavy handed, yet got a lot more karma than expected? You can thank the Reddit algorithm for that. + +Mass downvoters weigh very little on your karma. And it works too with voting manipulation of people upvoting their own posts, or small groups of people upvoting each other. + +That's why it's not a good idea to replace the karma system for Moons, for a system that only counts upvotes, as some proposals have tried to do. Because then there's no algorithm anymore to stop voting manipulation. + +*edit: while downvotes are probably not affecting karma as much as many people think, they are stil an issue for post visibility. That's why it's a good idea to check NEW for good quality posts, and help those with awards. Awards don't count towards Moons, but help with visibility.* + +# Who are the downvoters: + +In this part I don't have a lot of facts. I'm gonna get more into speculation, so take it with a pinch of salt. + +If you're wondering where the downvoting comes from, it's probably not bots. People who were here last November will probably know what bots downvoting looks like. Every single comment in the daily is in the negatives, with half of them being -5 or more. It's possible that bots may have been more discrete now. But why use a bot just to downvote in small quantities. + +The downvoting probably comes in big part from brigading. There's a lot of maximalist subs that hates this sub. Many are aware of our moons and think they can downvote them away. Safemoon has a serious grudge against us, because we keep mentioning they are a scam. And they frequently talk about us. And there have been posts on there for brigading this sub. Others like Shiba army hates us for the same reason. The increase in downvote seem to have also coincided with the drop of Doge. + +Another source of downvoters comes from people from our sub. And for the Daily Discussion, it seems to come from a group who use mostly just the main page. Some of them have expressed a degree of contempt for the Daily. Even trying to push proposals targeting people in the Daily. Their aim is to reduce the karma earned there, so they can get a bigger share of the distribution with their posts. There is an easy way to moon farm on there by just copy and pasting links every day. And the karma earned by the big activity in the Daily gets in the way of that. + +# Moon Farming + +Moon participation is not the same thing as moon farming. The term moon farming is now being used for anyone who is just participating a lot. When moon farming was originally designating people who use more subversive methods, like plagiarized content, even reposting other users popular posts, fake sob stories, or heavily commenting and posting links. And anything like easy moon farming techniques, like complaining about downvotes and claiming they are upvoting every posts. + +Moon farming is not gonna go away. It's part of the sub now. So it's something we'll have to accept. + +Votes aren't gonna be enough to stop them, since they are subversive about it, and will even post popular topics. There is a the 1K post limit, and the 15K karma limit that keep them from having too big of an effect on the distribution. There is probably still a need to limit number of comments, and also stop counting karma for deleted posts. It's too easy for them to repost popular links, memes, etc, that will get a lot of upvotes, and get deleted much later. But they keep the karma, and keep on spamming that stuff. + +I think in the future some degree of moon farming will be accepted. It's more of the moon farming that goes too far that will need to be dealt with. +*First and foremost I am not a financial advisor nor is this financial advice.* + +*I just like the stock.* + +&#x200B; + +First off I'd like to start by saying this is my first DD. I'm pretty smooth-brained but I have gained some wrinkles since January. I've been in jacked/zen mode for months now. Recently I made a stupid meme and Benzinga shouted me out and SuperStonk and also never called Gamestop a memestock. So my tits have been **through the roof!** And I honestly didn't think anything would happen to unjack them. + +&#x200B; + +[until in this fucking guy walked...ole ready for prom but don't worry I'll follow all the rules lookin' ass.](https://preview.redd.it/jtlsn1a4omm71.png?width=135&format=png&auto=webp&s=edc7af57e1e2942569d5956e7414f8f1397e8f3d) + +So he disses GameStop. And disses it hard and vehemently. Even the anchor was like damn dawg chill your goin' kinda hard right now. But no this guy just keeps going. Going as far as to call the conference call shameful! And has the audacity to act like his reasoning is because retail deserves better (all while he's probably managing a huge short position on GME, (not verified just speculatory at this point)) + +Also his 10$ price evaluation. 10 dollars my ass maybe that's the price they need to get it too to be able to cover and not go insolvent.....but anyways I decided to look him up and went down some rabbit trails. I must say when I found what I found I immediately drove home and opened reddit to start the dd and saw that u/thabat had already posted one and I read the title and was like no fucking way!!! So I read his first and its absolutely excellent. Half of it I read with my jaw literally hanging. But after finishing his dd which is here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/plas24/the\_loop\_capital\_magic\_johnson\_credit\_suisse\_and/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/plas24/the_loop_capital_magic_johnson_credit_suisse_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) there were still a few more things I felt I needed to touch on and if I didn't I'd feel guilty for not sharing what I found. + +So down the paths of rabbits we go... + +&#x200B; + +I google Anthony Chukumba and click on his linked in profile. See that he's a Managing Director/Senior Research Analyst at **Loop Capital Markets.** + +[We all know you don't go to Harvard for the superior education but the superior connections. Which is fine. No qualms with that.](https://preview.redd.it/uavursiylsm71.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=c71e9dc5fbfb959d63a64ad89e99d90f5fb54029) + +Okay. Next. + +[I see that he used to work for Merrill Lynch for 6 years. I immediately think back to u\/criand The Bigger Short but think nah I guess he quit Merrill long before the market crash so maybe nothing to see here. ](https://preview.redd.it/su9ylxycmsm71.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=f321143af2f73cf903ff0de45a8cb00aa81d9c79) + +Next. + +&#x200B; + +I google Loop Capital Ownership (cause I'm thinking I bet this is just another name for Shitadel. Which it is but that's not where this trail took me.) + +I clicked on the first link [About Us | Loop Capital](https://www.loopcapital.com/about-us) and I scrolled to the very bottom and saw this interesting piece. + + "Loop Capital® is a registered trademark of Loop Capital Holdings, LLC.  Securities and investment banking services are offered through Loop Capital Markets LLC.  Loop Capital Markets LLC is a registered broker-dealer and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).  **Swap-related services are offered through Loop Capital Strategies, LLC.**  Loop Capital Strategies is an Introducing Broker registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and **member of the National Futures Association (NFA).**" + +&#x200B; + +Swap related services. How vague. Oh well might not be anything might be exactly what I think it is. (Which is that they are responsible for the Equity Total Return Swaps that u/criand was talking about.) + +But I'm too smooth brained and don't fully grasp what that means...so I ignore that and click avove where is says 'Check the background of this firm on FINRA's Broker Check. + + [BrokerCheck - Find a broker, investment or financial advisor (finra.org)](https://brokercheck.finra.org/) + +then I click where it says firm and type in Loop Capital + +&#x200B; + +[lookie there there's JLC Infrastructure just like in u\/thabat dd. But I hadn't read his dd yet and didn't know. So instead I click More Details on LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS LLC](https://preview.redd.it/5bmix3gsymm71.png?width=1296&format=png&auto=webp&s=39ef2431cdf515344101f31f8a188240be3b57e3) + +&#x200B; + +[I thought Chicago...hmmm ](https://preview.redd.it/1k7qqrgtzmm71.png?width=1066&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7c13ec17c05e985710171d85a5d9b761ff35ccc) + +&#x200B; + +[I clicked Detailed Report at the bottom ](https://preview.redd.it/so7wgnb20nm71.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=7618818b8ad6636daf937d728a8d50cf03f0a6b9) + + [firm\_43098.pdf (finra.org)](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_43098.pdf) + +I wish I was able to copy and paste or even web capture certain parts but I can't so instead I will focus on certain pages of this document. + +Page 3 + +[Notice that Loop Capital LLC is the Direct Owner and percentage of Ownership is 75&#37; or more.](https://preview.redd.it/s8jxj0z52nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb85b81e2bb5bc98ca02a9415c11c190c197a119) + +Page 4 + +[Notice here how as a \*Direct Owner\* Reynolds, James Jr. has less than 5&#37; Ownership.](https://preview.redd.it/m42wksen2nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=546bb76fc87bdfab8472c6b0f5130725109a0b5d) + +Page 5 + +[Buttttt....as an \*Indirect Owner\* he has 75&#37; or more Ownership. \(I'd wager more when you add in his less than 5&#37; as an Indirect Owner.\)](https://preview.redd.it/ahf3etob3nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=dccc90d35813ca2a4939a7b38cc7ed5983b07416) + +Page 7 + +[\\"A broker-dealer and government securities broker or dealer: Yes\\" Remember that. Also \\"This firm has ceased activity as a government securities broker or dealer: No\\" ](https://preview.redd.it/v5139kdw3nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=794066c86a4bc108aaf46c9381a0c81c0b55cbf0) + +Page 9 + +[This firm currently conducts 13 types of {crime}.](https://preview.redd.it/f8wx3x1s4nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a71cf132adcb43d0815faf6da0c468a2f36be44) + +Page 10 + +[PERSHING LLC remember that name cause it will be important soon enough. Also, remember they entered into a Fully Disclosed Clearing Arrangement with Loop Capital Markets LLC.](https://preview.redd.it/rlcdl81u5nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=2416985569322d96bcb189fb6a1f51afcc1e228d) + +Page 11 Okay I'm gonna spend a little more time on this page b/c it seems these businesses that have \****Arrangements\**** with Loop Capital Markets LLC are probably in charge of hiding all Loop Capitals dirty work. I may dig deeper into each company soon enough and update this because it does have my curiosity. + +https://preview.redd.it/q5txopi27nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd9cd4554deccbf40acc12a94cb2c2c93ae0edb6 + +**R4 Services** "STORES CERTAIN HARD COPY BOOKS AND RECORDS OFF-SITE AT R4 SERVICES." I looked into R4 very very briefly and noticed they offer destruction services as well. Interesting...wonder if they've destroyed important shit for LOOP CAPITAL A.K.A. Shitadel. + +**Iron Mountain** "STORES CERTAIN BACK-UP ELECTRONIC RECORDS WITH IRON MOUNTAIN." Pretty explanatory the service they provide. Briefly checked them out and they are very proud of their shredding services as well. Okay cool. + +**Global Relay Communications INC.** "FOR THE RETENTION OF ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS." Alright so nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Sounds nice. Sounds like the dream team to have really if your up to nefarious business. But who am I and what do I know. + +&#x200B; + +Next... + +Page 11 Continued + +[Here we see PERSHING LLC again listed twice. ](https://preview.redd.it/jn3qor669nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca4520b536a418fe3f2034922d303a7fa4baeaf1) + +Page 12 + +[and once more. I don't know why PERSHING LLC is listed 3 times cause it all looks the same to me. ](https://preview.redd.it/132dbpb89nm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc60bbb95b6b7ad0d8f9f04c9fac934b0b58e3d2) + +Except for these sentences. + +**This firm does have accounts, funds or securities maintained by a third party.** + +**This firm does have customer accounts, funds, or securities maintained by a third party.** + +**This firm does not have individuals who control its management or policies through agreement.** + +**This firm does not have individuals who wholly or partly finance the firm's business.** + +&#x200B; + +I don't know why PERSHING LLC couldn't have just been posted once with all these sentences paired with it. Instead its posted 3 times with the first 2 sentences posted with the first 2. And the last 2 sentences posted with the last one. Same address so maybe its 3 separate branches in the same building? + +Anyways moving forward. + +&#x200B; + +Page 13 + +[okay I see LOOP CAPITAL PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS, LLC is under common control with this firm. ](https://preview.redd.it/xb2r8oheysm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=dff299623280e0a8d80d6a12309bb2fccbe99fe3) + +Also the Description: **LOOP CAPITAL PRINCIPAL INVESTMENTS, LLC AND LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS LLC ARE AFFILIATED ENTITIES AND ARE UNDER COMMON CONTROL. BOTH ENTITIES ARE OWNED AND CONTROLLED BY LOOP CAPITAL, LLC.** + +&#x200B; + +Page 13-14 + +[Then we see JLC INFRASTRUCTURE is under common control with the firm.](https://preview.redd.it/t2shfo8iysm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=c24c011bd62b5f6915e8840e8b842bbb86d5e9a8) + +Also the Description: **MJE-LOOP CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC (DBA JLC INFRASTRUCTURE0 AND LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS LLC ARE UNDER COMMON CONTROL. THE CHAIRMAN AND CEO OF LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS LLC IS A MANAGING PARTNER OF MJE-LOOP CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC.** + +also **This firm is not directly or indirectly, controlled by the following: Bank holding company, National Bank, State Member Bank of the Federal Reserve System, State non-member bank, Savings bank or association, Credit Union, or Foreign Bank.** + +The vagary in that is so comical to me *not directly or indirectly* *controlled* by the following. Then lists every single type of bank you can list. + +&#x200B; + +**"THE CHAIRMAN AND CEO OF LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS LLC IS A MANAGING PARTNER OF MJE-LOOP CAPITAL PARTNERS, LLC."** + +&#x200B; + + [Jim Reynolds, Loop Capital Markets LLC: Profile and Biography - Bloomberg Markets](https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/1651007) + +[So this is the guy who is a Managing Partner with Magic Johnson. Ole \\"Jim\\"](https://preview.redd.it/regn9h4f6tm71.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=57bf664f8856503d407ba950f032adece95b7776) + +He is also a Board Member of Avant Credit Corp and Buildon Inc. Could be something there so I wanted to mention that. + +He also used to be the Director of Merrill Lynch & Co Inc. + +Hmmm....Pattern here? Are our enemies the same enemies of Old who were never taken down before and now it's up the the Gamers and ne'er-do-well's whose parents said games will take you nowhere? + +&#x200B; + +Now the last 15 pages of the LOOP CAPITAL document are the 7 disclosures (financial crimes) LOOP CAPITAL has engaged in. Going into the financial crimes was something I really wanted to do in this DD but it would be 20 more pages of screenshots and I don't think Ill be able to fit it all in this post. So if people wanna see it maybe Ill make a separate post just listing and going over their known financial crimes. + +&#x200B; + +But for the sake of this already being long I finish reading the document and mull over the crimes and how tiny the fines were and how every single one was settled the same day of the allegation etc. Then I go back to the Loop Capital home page and go back to the bottom of the page. [https://www.loopcapital.com/about-us](https://www.loopcapital.com/about-us) + +&#x200B; + +"Loop Capital® is a registered trademark of Loop Capital Holdings, LLC.  Securities and investment banking services are offered through Loop Capital Markets LLC.  Loop Capital Markets LLC is a registered broker-dealer and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) and the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC).  **Swap-related services are offered through Loop Capital Strategies, LLC.**  Loop Capital Strategies is an Introducing Broker registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and **member of the National Futures Association (NFA).**" + +I remembered earlier when I hovered over the letters (FINRA) it lit up. So I click. + +&#x200B; + + [A vibrant market is at its best when it works for everyone. | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/#/) + +I scroll to the very bottom and click About FINRA + + [About FINRA | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/about) + +I click Governance. B/C I wanna see what kinda assholes they got running the place. + + [Governance | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/about/governance) + +Then I scroll down a little bit and see Board Of Governors. Of course I click. + + [FINRA Board of Governors | FINRA.org](https://www.finra.org/about/governance/finra-board-governors) + +I scroll down and guess what catches my eye. + +&#x200B; + +[This fuckin guy. James T, Crowley. Also I see Vanguard but I don't click.](https://preview.redd.it/fylq2s7lgmm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f2f40e82a61c6cf3b7fdabd8f5a9cbd66da030c) + +[He's the CEO of....PERSHING ADVISOR SOLUTIONS LLC!](https://preview.redd.it/unsjhim4hmm71.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=d523eaa508b245d74f0d143ebdb3ec5eb8e8ebf0) + +Which is an affiliate of **PERSHING LLC** which we saw earlier is in an Arrangement with **LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS** which is **Shitadel**! So Shitadel pretty much has direct influence to a Board Governor of **FINRA**. + +Proof PERSHING ADVISOR SOLUTIONS are affiliated with PERSHING LLC and not just a similar name. + + [Our Businesses - Pershing - BNY Mellon | Pershing](https://www.pershing.com/about/our-businesses) + +&#x200B; + +scroll halfway in the page and read the fine print or read below. + + + +(BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. + +\*[Financial Stability Board](https://www.fsb.org/2019/11/2019-list-of-global-systemically-important-banks-g-sibs/) + +Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC, is a subsidiary of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation (BNY Mellon). **Pershing Advisor Solutions LLC, member FINRA, SIPC, and BNY Mellon, N.A., member FDIC, are affiliates of Pershing LLC.** Advisor Solutions refers to the brokerage services business of Pershing Advisor Solutions and the bank custody solutions business of BNY Mellon, N.A. Pershing businesses **also include affiliates Lockwood Advisors, Inc**., an investment adviser registered in the United States under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and **Albridge Solutions, Inc.** + +Pershing Limited is an affiliate of Pershing LLC. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, no. 124415. Pershing Securities International Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Pershing (Channel Islands) Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.) + +&#x200B; + +Now this could all mean nothing. And if it does Ill change the flair from DD to Shitpost gladly. But if there's a chance that somewhere in this rabbit trail and connections there is some kind of Gem/Diamond in the rough that another more wrinkled brain than I finds that's crucial, it'll have been worth to help the cause. If not...well fuck me I guess lol + +&#x200B; + +Last thing before I go and this has nothing to do with the post above but tonight while I was waiting tables I waited on a guy mid 40's with a wife and 2 kids. And at the end of the meal I just had a gut feeling and when he was paying the tab I asked if he follows the stock market and he said kinda but not really. I said well if you do GameStop is the way. Then he said what did it go up recently or something? So then I explained how the hedge funds attacked it post earnings but it came right back. Told him about the Hedge funds goal of knocking a stock to less than a dollar so they can delist it and leave the position open with no risk of buying and how they don't have to pay taxes on their unrealized gains and it gives them more margin liquidity to use elsewhere. And that that's what they were trying to do with GameStop and that they're screwed now and never closed their shorts. Then he says, I actually bought a good bit when it was 4 dollars. I was like whattt how did you know? He said I just did it cause Michael Burry did. I was like thats crazy but yea Burry sold at 60 bucks. He said I sold at 98...but then it kept going up so I bought back in at 300. Said he has 1xxx shares still at 300$ and that he hasn't really thought about it much since. I was like damn bro your diamond handing through all the fuckery and don't even know it! That's wild. Then another table walked up to me trying to pay their tab so I told him keep holding and wished him well. + +So then I got to thinking I wonder how many other people out there have been holding and haven't even been following the saga? How many shares are actually out there...... + +Hedgies r fuk. +tl;dr: Regsho will moonshot us in t+13 due to forced buying of all undelivered shares if we hold. + +We've already won, the apes just need to stand strong exactly as they did with gme. BBBY is on RegSho list, for any new regards without wrinkles, this means the hedgecucks are fucked. + +All you need to do is hold. + +Why is Regsho so massive? Well first of all, it clears the market makers of all obligations to deliver FTD'S in the regular t+2 timeframe. Wait... that sounds bad? No regard listen the fuck up. + +MM's NOW have t+13 from the date of RegSho to deliver ALL FTD'S, otherwise on the 13th date forced buying of EVERY FUCKING UNDELIVERED SHARE begins. + +Do you honestly think when you went into your broker and bought shares that it had any affect on price action? Absolutely fucking not. + +Susfuckquehanna and Citadel are HOPING that you paper hand your god damn shares before that 13th date so they never actually have to buy and deliver on the open market (BBBY went regsho on the 16th so t+13 is SEPTEMBER 2ND.) + +If you do not sell forced buying will occur on all those shares that never actually got delivered, and this fucker will moonshot to kingdom come. + +How can you help? + +1. Buy more fucking shares. Don't stop. Every dip buy more and hold. +2. Buy ITM or JUST OTM options for September-January to gamma squeeze these cunts. + +Let's fucking get this bag. + +Edit: What happened with GME is we saw a cyclical event happen after RegSho. Forced buying drove MASSIVE amounts of price action, which incited massive amount of fomo, which drove more FTD's to be forced delivered, more FOMO, etc. You get the picture. + +This cyclical market mechanic is what was going to send GME to the thousands, but we all know what happened after the buy button turned off. Demand was artifically gone, and the obligation to deliver shares was DECIMATED as apes sold and cash settled their options. + +Once again, LETS GET THIS BAG. + +Last edit: For regards who need proof of T+13 - "In addition, Rule 203(b)(3) of Regulation SHO requires that participants of a registered clearing agency must immediately purchase shares to close out fails to deliver in “threshold securities” if the fails to deliver persist for 13 consecutive settlement days." + +Last last edit: For every one shill negative comment on this post, there is 100 positive comments. I fucking love this community and I truly have not seen this level of POSITIVE FUCKING SENTIMENT around a single stock since GME squeezed. This is it. + +How high will it go? Who the fuck knows but I’m aiming at $80 at the very LEAST, and you already know Ryan Cohen is too with those big dick Jan 80 calls. Trust the process, buy your fucking SHARES (and some options) and get rich. + +Final Edit: And the shills are out in full force. No way to predict that RC would do us like that. + +I’ll still be seeing how the next few weeks play out. +Hi, I need to know if I'm crazy or just anything right now. I feel trapped and don't know what to do. I'm 20, and pregnant with my first kid. My bf, 19 and I have been living together for a year now. We've been renting a bedroom so far while looking for an apartment. We live in central/northern? california lol for reference a 1 bedroom goes for 1000 here and minimum wage is 14$ an hour. Well anyway hes excited about the baby and so am I. We finally applied to an apartment and they turned us down. This is the first we actually applied to. Then we got news that we have to leave before the 1st of February. Right now he is in panic mode and his mom keeps wanting to send him to Las Vegas because of the "better opportunities" and cheaper living. The reason I apposed this is because I think its crazy leaving my job and him aswell to try and see if things workout there. I'm already 2 1/2 months pregnant. I dont think we need to be taking risks. Also neither of us know what we're doing. I think staying near family is better for raising a kid we have no idea how were raising. Not only that but staying here my family would help with furniture and taking care of the baby but if we leave we dont have support from anyone. Hes so set on it that if I choose not to go he is going without me. His mom won't let it go either. He also wants to live in different households while we find out what we're doing because he's not comfortable staying with either of my parents and his mom doesn't want me at her apartment. Any advice? ANYTHING? Am I crazy here? Also feel free to ask any questions. +Edit: It feels like my bf talks more about all of this with his mom then with me. This is our design to make, our baby, our lives that are being effected and instead of talking. He keeps calling his mom and speaking to her for hours. I can barely get 30 minutes on this topic. In fact we were talking and then he went to call his mom for backup and thats when our conversation ended. +EDIT2: So I spoke about everything with my bf, decided to order food and have a small date and talk about things calmly, nothings decided but hes not going to give up on staying but if all else fails hes still going to go. He'll try it out for a month or 2. Before then hes going to go back and forth from his moms house and mine. Doesnt feel to comfortable around my family but my family is able to help out more with transportation since his is usually working around the times he needs help. This will be until he gets his license and we have a van my mom gave me to get around. +[https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/us-retail-sales-may-2020.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/us-retail-sales-may-2020.html) + +Retail sales shattered already-lofty expectations for May as consumers freed from the coronavirus-induced lockdowns began shopping again. + +The 17.7% headline gain including food sales easily topped the previous record from October 2001 and beat the 8% estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones. + +Retail sales powered 16.8% higher from April, more than double the estimate of 8% from Dow Jones and reversing a 16.4% plunge from a month ago. + +Edit: Dow futures up nearly 900 points +Edit to add: thanks for taking the time to reply. I've been reading every post and it's given me a lot to think about. + +Hi, some quick facts about me. I'm 32 and I would consider myself FI at this point. I have $500k split between 401k and an Etrade account. I own my modest house and car, no debts. Let's just say I never worry about money. Right now, my plan is to keep working until I amass $800k then quit, and do something PART-time like Uber or work at the library to cover my modest expenses so I never have to touch my $800k until I eventually stop working completely...probably in my mid 40s. + +I work as a financial analyst and I make $85k a year. All I do at work is sit in a cubicle and churn out analysis and reports. Yet I wake up everyday and dread going because it feels like I'm wasting time that could be spent living life, instead of sitting in a cubicle. I get about $250 a day after tax. + +I feel soooooo incredibly guilty for feeling like this. I feel guilty for my FIRE plans too. My parents just retired this year at 70. My parents are immigrants from Bosnia (came here 30 years ago, I was 2 yrs old) and neither one has EVER made more than $17k a year. My mom did custodial work in a hospital and had to handle people's shit, piss, puke, blood for $50 a day. My dad did custodial work at office buildings and also put up with a lot of disgusting manual labor for less than $50 a day. For 30 fucking years. No matter how cold it was, no matter what kind of mood they were in, no matter if their parents died in Bosnia and they were grieving hard, they went to work every day. I *never* heard them complain. + +I guess the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is just realizing how much of an entitled piece of shit I'm being by "hating" my job when my parents went through all that. I feel even worse wanting to quit this $85k job in a few years. + +I'm afraid to mention a single word of my plans to my parents because I am so ashamed and guilty. +Hi r/IndiaInvestments . I didn't found any relevant FAQs in sidebar so asking this here. + +My father passed away this April due to Covid-19. My mother was nominee in his demat account. Now, all of the shares owned by him has been transferred to my mother's demat account. My question is more around how to transfer the mutual funds ? + +Currently he has holdings in 4 mutual funds, out of those 2 are ELSS funds. Now as per my google search, we cannot redeem/transfer them until the holding period is complete. + +1. Do we need to keep the demat account active only for those 2 ELSS funds. Is there any way to transfer them similar to how we can transfer shares using Client Master ? +2. I got the message that other 2 funds (that are non-ELSS) have been debited from my father's demat account, but they are not credited in my mother's demat account. When I reached out to father's broker, they didn't replied properly and vaguely mentioned that your new broker should take care of it. My mother's broker mentioned that they can't do anything about it. Can anyone explain how to transfer or redeem those mutual funds ? + +Thanks. +I need some serious HELP with one of the investments my father did on my name some years back, and it's being paid annually. +Name - HDFC Life ClassicAssure Plus +Premium Frequency - Annually +Start Date - 2016 +Policy Tenure -10 years +**Premium Amount - almost 50K** +**SUM ASSURED it's showing - almost ₹2.4 Lakhs** + +**Amount paid around - 3 lakhs** +also says something like CLASSICASSURE DEATH BENEFIT - 2.4 Lakhs + +Now this policy is been done on my name and I'm in my twenties. I had no idea about this till this month, I'm terrible at understanding the policies of insurance terms. Can someone please guide me with this? +As per [this](https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/ipo/happiest-minds-technologies-ipo-10-key-things-that-you-should-know-5799111.html) article, they have been growing revenue at 20% cagr since 2018. They are mostly into digital services and so look like a good prospect in the post pandemic world. Would like to know what this sub thinks about them. +Hello, hope y'all doing good. 2 years ago I started trading and I just reached a level where I can see a constant 1k profit almost everyday , as you all know this came after so much screentime and sacrifices and too much pain to be honest lmao +Anyways during my starting days I used to encourage my friends to "join me" in trading journey so we could speed up the learning process and I was kinda lonely (before I discovered discord friends) . Alot just ignored it and play it off like "oh it's gambling, " " oh this and that". The usual + +However , recently after quitting my job ,alot of people figured I'm doing well, after I went on vacation and Everything +So now. I'm getting bombarded by people asking what do I do , do u still trade? And some would straight up ask yo can you teach me how to trade , and the usual crap +Some wanted the strategies straight up lmao. I tried teaching 1 of them and it failed horrendously and I just realized I can't possibly replace the screentime he needs with any teaching. + +So now I'm in position where when I reject teaching friends stuff ,I look like an asshole and someone who found the holy grail and doesn't wanna show it, but in reality I just don't see alot of them making it and being completely honest, I'm still salty on how rejected and denied I felt when I suggested we should learn it early on and they chose to party and smoke up. So now I'm in a position where people know I trade (stupid fucking mistake my part) they want the easy way out, if I don't provide it ,I'm an asshole. And If I try to help. ALLL OUR CONVOS turn into stocks and futures, which is just as tiring tbh coz its just me lecturing them whenever that topic comes up + + +Soo internet friends. If you were in that situation before what did you do, how do you handle it now +Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍 + +You know what today is. *Earnings* day. It comes but once a quarter, but usually is a lightning-rod for high volatility. It is one of the few times each year when GameStop directly addresses investors, and I am confident that each and every word in their earnings release is going to be carefully parsed to glean information about what is to come. Of course, the Short Hedge Funds *love* to attack the price aggressively immediately following earnings releases, in an effort to sell a fictional narrative that investors have lost confidence in GameStop as a company and are selling. + +We *know* that isn't true - Apes are HODLing like never before, and all that earns the SHFs is a larger short position. They don't have any other plays to make. The MOASS is inevitable, but until that day comes the SHFs will continue to manipulate and try to somehow get out from their impossible situation. It won't work. Apes with Diamantenhände are here to ensure that. + +Today is Wednesday, September 8th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets! + +###🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀 +*** + + +- 🟥 120 minutes in: **$200.49 / 169,05 €** *(volume: 1393)* +- 🟥 115 minutes in: $200.52 / 169,07 € *(volume: 1383)* +- 🟥 110 minutes in: $200.72 / 169,24 € *(volume: 1367)* +- 🟩 105 minutes in: $201.52 / 169,91 € *(volume: 763)* +- 🟥 100 minutes in: $200.70 / 169,23 € *(volume: 742)* +- 🟩 95 minutes in: $201.35 / 169,78 € *(volume: 730)* +- 🟩 90 minutes in: $201.16 / 169,61 € *(volume: 719)* +- 🟥 85 minutes in: $201.15 / 169,60 € *(volume: 676)* +- 🟩 80 minutes in: $201.23 / 169,68 € *(volume: 528)* +- 🟩 75 minutes in: $201.06 / 169,53 € *(volume: 505)* +- 🟥 70 minutes in: $200.39 / 168,96 € *(volume: 365)* +- 🟩 65 minutes in: $200.58 / 169,12 € *(volume: 284)* +- 🟥 60 minutes in: $199.57 / 168,28 € *(volume: 251)* +- 🟥 55 minutes in: $199.59 / 168,29 € *(volume: 248)* +- 🟥 50 minutes in: $199.62 / 168,31 € *(volume: 190)* +- ⬜ 45 minutes in: $199.66 / 168,35 € *(volume: 148)* +- 🟥 40 minutes in: $199.66 / 168,35 € *(volume: 135)* +- 🟥 35 minutes in: $199.71 / 168,39 € *(volume: 135)* +- ⬜ 30 minutes in: $199.74 / 168,41 € *(volume: 121)* +- 🟩 25 minutes in: $199.74 / 168,41 € *(volume: 118)* +- 🟩 20 minutes in: $199.69 / 168,38 € *(volume: 109)* +- 🟩 15 minutes in: $199.63 / 168,32 € *(volume: 88)* +- 🟥 10 minutes in: $199.60 / 168,30 € *(volume: 85)* +- 🟥 5 minutes in: $199.62 / 168,31 € *(volume: 69)* +- 🟩 0 minutes in: $199.63 / 168,32 € *(volume: 39)* +- 🟥 US close price: $199.00 / 167,79 € *($199.39 / 168,12 € after-hours)* + + +*** +FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.186. I wrote and maintain a C# application that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check [Lang & Schwarz](https://www.ls-tc.de/de/aktie/gamestop-aktie) or [TradeGate](https://www.tradegate.de/orderbuch.php?isin=US36467W1099) + +Diamantenhände isn't just a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME! +Just thinking that with the Bloomberg article, people who aren't familiar with the sub might try to check us out. If it's private, they won't see shit and get pissed off. Gives a good opportunity for a little bit of trolling. Bloomberg gets people's curiosity up, we crush it, and they get mad at Bloomberg. + +But it also serves another purpose. Bloomberg is trying to insinuate we are "manipulating" stocks inadvertently...though we doing nothing more than Jim Butt Cramer. But there could very well be a large number of people who use this sub for stock advice that aren't subbed or even signed into reddit. + +We're getting a lot of attention lately, and when that happens people want to control what's happening. This article is gonna be a lot more attention. But if there's nothing to show, interest will die off quick and we can open it back up. Just an autistic thought. +# Causes of Sneezing + +As we know from studying history, 'the other sub' on Reddit - as well as less-substantial virality coming from Youtube and Twitter - was responsible for the viral following of Keith Gill's investment into GameStop Corp Stock ($GME). Keith invested into raw shares *and* options. Yet, it was the virality of what followed, and how that virality led to an increase in frequency and magnitude of follow-on investments into the same stock by others, that caused 'the sneeze' of January 2021. + +By understanding what caused this sneeze, we can obtain a better understanding of why subreddits today, and moderators alike, are outright banning any and all discussions about GameStop Corp stock at this time - unless it is bearish discussion. What type of specific investment are they trying to prevent you from making? One phrase we like to say around these parts are: *Ask Yourself Why.* So. Why are these discussion mediums (even twitter) becoming so controlled? Why exactly is this control so important for *the bad guys* to try to prevent the real squeeze, aka MOASS? And why would once-popular mediums and subs *that actually contributed to* the sneeze now become a bearish-against-meme-stock wasteland? Read below and you'll understand everything. You'll even learn the theoretical cheat code - the password for how to actually 'induce' MOASS. + +# Going to the Doctor's Office + +To figure out why we sneeze, we go to the doctor's office and figure out what is causing it. Let's reverse engineer the sneeze. It is the understanding of options phenomena which is why other subs and mediums have actually become financially \[and perhaps even criminally\] compromised. + +Although the SEC withheld droves of data from its [GameStop report](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf) dated October 14th, 2021, they revealed a few truths that I can point out here upfront. Let's just jump right into it: + +&#x200B; + +[SEC GameStop report page 40 - The Dollar Value of Options Input](https://preview.redd.it/uv4t0dm5ctd91.png?width=1243&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c924301d0e5ff2bc2d91a6a9f6ac543c997087e) + +[SEC GameStop report page 40 - \\"ThEoReTiCaLlY\\" Raw Stock Purchased to Hegde Written Calls](https://preview.redd.it/69yb12xj7td91.png?width=1263&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fa8d29542c7aadead6bf2c5cc6fca4b76fb9b67) + +&#x200B; + +[SEC GameStop report page 41 - Evidence of Direct Dollar Volume over Time via Calls](https://preview.redd.it/075haaza7td91.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e57501e201d32f323c2bd6b5f07110460f853c9) + +&#x200B; + +[SEC GameStop report page 42](https://preview.redd.it/p5hc8pmi7td91.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=380e4174d52367f521629ee8f69b2d09b90d881e) + +&#x200B; + +[SEC GameStop report page 42](https://preview.redd.it/yag4p7aj7td91.png?width=1208&format=png&auto=webp&s=61c5c789a5cec95c95811352b5430a96c7cfd3e4) + +# + +# The Risk Free Bank + +Sideways trading benefits options writers. But also, short-sellers can remain a neutral or growing balance sheet using their long calls position as offset with shares sold not yet purchased. Citadel as a market maker can peg the price, and as a hedge fund, they can benefit from the above risk-free trading model by forcing sideways trading. + +'Risk' usually involves four categories: + +1. Investing in the bank +2. Withdrawing from the bank to buy a security +3. Borrowing to short a security +4. Hedging with Options and/or one of the many multi-options strategies + +&#x200B; + +# Citadel's Partial Differential Equation for Options + +As we know, Citadel lists assets and liabilities, like all firms do, on its year-end financials. Yet, they do reveal on their 2021 financials that their liabilities are "*shares sold, not yet purchased.*" This, to me, was the giveaway that they are employing a risk-free, Black Scholes, trading model to exploit retail investors using price pegging via order routing exploitations via varying lit and dark volumes to keep prices where they need them, and when they need them. They can modify their risk-free coefficients on the fly, in accordance with their trading team of over one hundred seasoned trading professionals, and with the help of their analysts, psychologists. They are also prone to margin collateral requirements, and their internal requirements based on their current liquidity (which is dropping due to other stocks market wide, long positions, failing in 2022). This has put pressure on them, as it has everybody. + +We can focus on what Citadel is doing with meme stocks, and specifically GameStop: + +GameStop's value 'S' (which is precisely what we are interested in) at any given time 't' depends upon the price of its underlying asset, therefore 'St'. + +Let us pick the **call option** as the prototype example of a financial derivative and express its value as + + 'C' which is a function of (St, t) + +The quantity Δ (delta) being a mathematical derivative can be viewed as the sensitivity of the call option to small changes in the underlying asset; going back to high-school calculus: + +∂C/∂S is the slope of surface of the plot of C(S,t) (the call option volume) in the asset-space - if the slope is big it suggests that a small change in S can have a big impact on the price of the call. Continuing with the calculus motivation, we can also think of the second derivative ∂2C/∂S2, and the time derivative as measure of sensitivity too. In the financial literature these derivatives are assigned their own greek letter, collecting them together here we have: + + Δ = ∂C/∂S (delta or 'price velocity') + Γ=∂2C/(∂S2) (gamma or 'price acceleration') + Θ=∂C/∂t (theta or 'change in call option price over time') + +These are the so-called ‘greeks’ of option pricing. They play an important role in MOASS. These 'greeks' are usually more informative when we have a portfolio 'Π' of call options and assets of the raw underlying which cancel the option in risk (such as a raw borrow and subsequent short sale of the stock). + +Therefore, we can combine the stock value over time 'St' and the call option C(St) in such a way that it is ***free of any risk***. Here’s the step: + +We can build a mini-portfolio to replicate Citadel Securities' model: 'Π' consisting of a long position in the call option and a short position in the GameStop. Specifically, it is equivalent to holding the call and **short selling** a quantity Δt units of St. This means that at any time t the value of the portfolio is: + + Πt = Ct − ΔtSt + +we always ensure the the number of units Δt involved in the short side always matches the partial derivative ∂C/∂S + + Δt = ∂C/∂S + +If their portfolio is balanced so that Δ=0, then it is almost immune to small changes in the underlying asset price; in such a case the portfolio is said to be *delta-neutral*. + +The *gamma* measure tells us how sensitive the portfolio is to its Δ. If the gamma is high, this suggests that the portfolio is very sensitive to the delta and, unfortunately for the portfolio manager, indicates that it needs to be rebalanced more often. Ideally, the portfolio manager who is concerned about risk, should try to ensure that the portfolio is both *delta-neutral* ( Δ=0 ) AND *gamma-neutral* (Γ=0); in normal applications they want delta and gamma to be kept small. + +***This just leaves the sensitivity to time***. As time marches on and we approach the expiry date T of the option, it loses value (it is a decreasing function of time) and the Θ will be negative. So, to prevent Citadel from being able to exploit the risk-free condition of "Pegged GameStop" price (also known as trading sideways), the only way is to tap against their equation directly in the shortest amount of time (*since they only benefit from both increased time and sideways trading*). How to do this directly? Don't ever buy out-of-the-money anything. No out-of-the-money call options. But, safe in-the-money call options is good with intent to exercise and directly register with computershare. + +This directly causes MOASS, because it does the important things very quickly: it does not feed their residual income to increase their short, upon exercising it directly steals their share allotment that they are using to write calls, it depletes their reserve capital immediately, and the exercise-to-DRS (removal from the supply) is done in even shares (not odd lots) which impacts price, the exercise-to-DRS impacts bulks of shares and has a reflexive and accelerative effect, forced acute demand to always be above supply and thereby prevent sideways trading. *Therefore, this method hits them in all areas directly and acutely - so much so that they'd do just about anything to get you banned, cancelled, and perhaps even banished from society just for mentioning.* + +# GameStop Price Velocity (Options Delta) + +Delta = Change in the option price for every $1 change in underlying stock price. + +In-the-money call options delta *will move toward 1 at expiration*. + +Delta may be more sensitive to time until expiration and volatility the further in the money or out of the money the option is. Delta is also used to measure exposure to the stock. For example, if a long call is showing a delta of .30, the trader might think of the position as if he were long 30 shares. + +Yet another application of delta is that it can provide a probability estimate of the likelihood that the option will be in the money by expiration. If your long call is showing a delta of .70, some traders may think of this as having approximately a 70% probability of being in the money. This can be used as a risk management tool. + +&#x200B; + +# The Doctor now tells you: "So, you clearly like the stock, there's nothing you can do about it, so here's the prescription for MOASS": + +Delta .50 (pronounced 50 delta) means the option is at the money. This implies 50% mathematical probability of expiring in the money. The SEC brought this up in the report because 50 delta options did reach nine times normal 2020 levels. This was quite literally the last thing the SEC focused on prior to writing the conclusion. The SEC was effectively admitting, as I am herein, that both investment into and exercise of '50 delta' and above options were causally responsible for the January 2021 sneeze. + +The cheat code, however, is that higher delta options (such as delta 70) meaning safer and deeper in-the-money to increase likelihood of expiry in the money, means that call writers have an extremely high likelihood to force transfer droves of shares, in even numbers, to long-term investors. Their options strategies, as combined with their short sales, are what Citadel is relying on for the balanced books. + +GameStop longs have the cheat code staring right in front of them, specifically #2, #3 and #5 below, and here it is: + +&#x200B; + +# The "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start" to MOASS: + +&#x200B; + +1. Avoid, at all costs, out-of-the-money options, as this only feeds their routine, allows them to grow the size of their residual income where they then park into more short sales +2. If you are an options investor, then **buy 'Delta 50' or above GameStop call options ONLY** (meaning either deep in-the-money, slightly in-the-money, and/or at-the-money call options). +3. **Exercise these 'Delta 50 and above' in-the-money call options specifically to directly steal Citadel's long GameStop shares sum. This sum can go away. They deploy it to write&sell calls; it's the reason they're inclined to maliciously-peg GameStop's price in accordance with their Black Scholes risk-free model of exploitation. Invest in call options that would only safely expire in the money. Minimize any selling of those call options. Instead, try to employ capital to exercise those in-the-money-only call options. Hedge Funds are indeed willing to take a hit or two to buy your call options that you prematurely close in order to ensure that they don't get exercised.** +4. Also buy raw shares, as the math shown above shows that you are mitigating your own risk by holding non-derivative positions. +5. **Immediately Directly Register (DRS) both those safely-exercised-in-the-money call options (as shown in #3) and those raw shares held in deceitful brokerages working with the DTCC (as shown in #4)** + +# Edit 1: List of Undisputed Benefits + +**Buying-*****'50 delta and above'*****-call-options-to-exercise-straight-to-DRS** (and/or simply forcing call buyers that keep handing money over to Citadel to stop buying out-of-the-money and instead just buy in-the-money) has the following benefits that raw DRS alone lacks: + +1. Takes raw shares directly from the final-boss market maker's hands upon exercise +2. This thereby directly reduces the amount of calls they can further write&sell, thereby relieving longs of the substantial derivative-based sell pressure +3. 2 day settlement on share exercise - as documented - versus an ugly 35 +4. DRS of these exercised shares is therefore able to happen 16.5 times faster. Possible same-week DRS **final** settlement (more immediate DRS impact on the books where it matters). *'Accelerates DRS'* +5. Causes Reflexive and slope-based impact on the price both directly and indirectly by real and implied volatility measures and derivative-to-stock price coupling +6. Causes actual price-based impact due to delivery occurring across lit exchange on visible charts +7. Causes actual price-based impact due to delivery occurring in 100 shares (even lots) which impact price, and thereby impact the call options prices as well, causing a positive feedback loop +8. Avoiding out-of-the-money calls alone tampers directly with their ability to keep shorting GameStop (as this has been their primary source of residual income and gaining collateral to keep adding more and more to their short position) +9. All of the above pushes against the variable of 'time', which was shown by calculus to be what they are most sensitive to +10. More rapidly reduces share supply and therefore minimizes likelihood of sideways trading, (overcomes their ability to keep the prices pegged where they want it long term) +11. Pushes against their share allotment and therefore diminishes their ability to continue to act as the 'house' + +*Edit 2 : And we still wonder why 'the other sub' with 12+M users is now pinning 'death to GME' repeat-yolo posts (in violation of their own written sub rules) which are trying to get people to buy derivatives in the short direction? Ask Yourself Why* + +# TLDR (Conclusion) + +As SEC alluded to in their GameStop report, 'Delta 50 and above' call options investing was the root cause of the sneeze in January 2021. Delta 50 and above (meaning buying in-the-money and even just-at-the-money call options) was causal to 'the sneeze.' O*ut-of-the-money options should be avoided,* because Citadel exploits order routing to prevent those from exercising, and therefore provides them excess capital to feed their raw short positions. They have literally bought an extra year and a half because of this problem. Options players (those who are addicted to this trading method) should consider only Delta 50 and above, (meaning buying in-the-money and even just-at-the-money options) **with intent to exercise those options to immediately DRS**. This cheat code impacts Citadel's model directly, and acutely, as shown. + +**'Time'** is the variable of choice for SHF. They have utilized every price-pegging technique available to buy 17 extra months, and they have managed to push GameStop's share price down 75% over that span. As the variable of time goes on, there will continue to be the out-of-the-money options \[that fail to expire in the money\] from desperate retail gamblers that unknowingly are pouring retail's capital straight into Citadel's hands, directly feeding their model (they might as well high-five the raw shares paperhanders). Simple removal of the pool of traders who are gambling on out-of-the-money calls was shown to alone be a powerful change. All of that retail capital, instead going to in-the-money calls, with intent to DRS and thereby settle a factor of 16.5 times faster, would have a substantial and immediate impact on GME's share price. + +The cheat code above, if employed in a day, could ignite MOASS tomorrow. This is why other subs have been hijacked by MSM. ***The bad guys know that Delta 50, or any amount of safe in-the-money-only call option investing into GME for that matter with intent to exercise and DRS immediately, is the MOASS cheat code.*** + +Good luck Superstonkers, Apes, anti-corruption fans, raw GameStop fans, and free market enthusiasts. + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If your looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Due%20Diligence%22) | [📚 Possible DD](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A%20Possible%20DD%22) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88%20Technical%20Analysis%22) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94%20Speculation%20%2F%20Opinion%22) | [💻 Computershare](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB%20Computershare%22) | [💡 Education](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1%20Education%22) | [📰 News](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0%20News%22) | [🤡 Meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1%20Meme%22) | [👽 Shitpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD%20Shitpost%22) |[📳Social Media](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social%20Media%22) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%E2%98%81%20Hype%2F%20Fluff%22) + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I [25m] am making $100k (pre tax) living in Orange County, CA. I want to get started with my first property, but most homes are >$800k. Id like to invest in something cheaper (~100k) for my first property as I’m still inexperienced in REI. What do you guys suggest? For those that say “purchase elsewhere” what do you do to learn the market in other places? How do you manage the property remotely? +I scheduled an appointment to see a house this week and they say they are open to seller financing. I am a newbie looking for my first deal and I am nervous as hell mainly because Its my first time ever stepping out to talk about buying a home and also I suck at selling myself. What questions should I ask? Should I make an offer same day? What should I look for? +Hey! Im an interantional student ( from Argentina) , I was privileged enough to get the opportunity to work and get my social security number so I started investing (which is the thing that I always wanted to do). +Right now I'm in college and work 2 hours a day five days a week cleaning the floors of one of my college buildings. I make $7,5 an hour and on average I make aroung $200 to $300 per month. Currently I have $1500 saved up and $300 in the stock market. +My goal is to split the money from my paycheck by doing $100 in savings, $100 in stocks and the rest to enjoy. But my issue is that I dont know what I am saving up for and also dont feel like that is a good ratio. +I know that this is a very small amount of money but it is something that I am proud of and hopefully it keeps growing. So if you guys have any advice or opinion on how to allocate my money please feel free to comment. Thank you guys for the knowledge I've gained from this server. Have a great day and good future gains.😜🚀 +Does anybody here borrow money on margin at a low rate and invest it in a high paying dividend stock to turn a profit every quarter in order to grow faster? I am an aggressive investor but love dividends and have been considering this for some time now. I’d like to hear from someone who successfully does this. +How does the process of making an offer to buy a house work? For instance I make an offer, but someone else makes an offer with better terms or better price for the vendor. What should I expect from the REA? Would they come back to you and try to seek more from me? And how can I tell if they are being honest? +I have published in the Macquarie University outlet, [The Lighthouse](https://lighthouse.mq.edu.au/search?query=prashan) – commenting on the business and economics landscape in 2020, and I have provided commentary to a variety of Australian news outlets, The BBC, as well as several retail magazines. I am also called upon by both industry and government bodies to provide consulting expertise and run seminars, especially during these covidian times. + +I am heavily involved with Macquarie’s Widening Participation Unit – LEAP via [LEAP Roadshows](https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2018/11/29/staff-hit-the-road-to-boost-tertiary-participation-in-far-west-nsw/) and LEAP inROADs. I am also a part of the team that designs, develops and delivers [the University’s award-winning Excel Massive Open Online Courses](https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2018/05/28/award-winning-excel-courses-now-free-for-macquarie-staff/) (MOOCs) on the Coursera platform – reaching more than 300,000 learners globally. + +Both my LEAP and Excel MOOC ventures are to cross-pollinate ideas from economics and ideas from education – to use education as the driver and activator of an agile individual, who in turn become agile entrepreneurs, who then drive an agile economy. + +I received a [Citation for an Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning](https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/prashan-karunaratne) at the 2019 Australian Awards for University Teaching: "For excellence in engaging, equipping and empowering students and lecturers to achieve transformative and equitable outcomes in Economics and Excel – in classrooms, boardrooms and beyond." + +You can find more information about me here: https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2020/05/13/10-questions-with-prashan-karunaratne/ + +LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/prashankarunaratne + +Proof: https://i.redd.it/izupss1xeyl51.jpg +I have published in the Macquarie University outlet, [The Lighthouse](https://lighthouse.mq.edu.au/search?query=prashan) – commenting on the business and economics landscape in 2020, and I have provided commentary to a variety of Australian news outlets, The BBC, as well as several retail magazines. I am also called upon by both industry and government bodies to provide consulting expertise and run seminars, especially during these covidian times. + +I am heavily involved with Macquarie’s Widening Participation Unit – LEAP via [LEAP Roadshows](https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2018/11/29/staff-hit-the-road-to-boost-tertiary-participation-in-far-west-nsw/) and LEAP inROADs. I am also a part of the team that designs, develops and delivers [the University’s award-winning Excel Massive Open Online Courses](https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2018/05/28/award-winning-excel-courses-now-free-for-macquarie-staff/) (MOOCs) on the Coursera platform – reaching more than 300,000 learners globally. + +Both my LEAP and Excel MOOC ventures are to cross-pollinate ideas from economics and ideas from education – to use education as the driver and activator of an agile individual, who in turn become agile entrepreneurs, who then drive an agile economy. + +I received a [Citation for an Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning](https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/prashan-karunaratne) at the 2019 Australian Awards for University Teaching: "For excellence in engaging, equipping and empowering students and lecturers to achieve transformative and equitable outcomes in Economics and Excel – in classrooms, boardrooms and beyond." + +You can find more information about me here: https://www.mq.edu.au/thisweek/2020/05/13/10-questions-with-prashan-karunaratne/ + +LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/prashankarunaratne + +Proof: https://i.redd.it/izupss1xeyl51.jpg +I feel like most of us here already know this but I have been seeing a lot of posts these days asking very specific tax advice. + +I understand ATO website can be confusing and this subreddit is great at pointing people at the right direction. But come on guys. Talk to a professional. +For starters, I realize this can be a tough question to answer because fatFIRE may not have even been on your radar at the time. But for those who have already made it or are close to fatFIRE, where were you at financially in your mid 20s? What would you do differently if you could go back in time? + +For context, I discovered FI out of college, and more recently have started to set my sights on fatFIRE. I’m 26, make around $140k a year, no kids, and have a NW of roughly $200k. SR is around 70%. Reading through this subreddit, you see some insane NWs. My question is really to help put things into context and give me some hope that fatFIRE is actually a possibility :) Thanks all! + + +Title basically says it all but I wanted to show some pictures to go along with it. As you can see through the 2017 and 2018 timelines the Reverse Repos peak at the end of month as demand for collateral skyrockets for debt settlement etc. + + +[Reverse Repo Agreements through 2017 showing EoM peaks.](https://preview.redd.it/fn23csaixs371.png?width=2228&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd3a8b54149cab857c9576834e9ff8ae2eba1dad) + +As we can see in the above charts the peaks follow an interesting pattern. It definitely is explainable (probably by some more wrinkly of our kind in here) and the pattern is predictably comforting. + + +But now, look at what has happened in June 2021: + + +[The reverse repo agreements is sustained past the EoM peak](https://preview.redd.it/5jojr6s3ys371.png?width=2228&format=png&auto=webp&s=69cf8b0a1d2cf14c6cc3974aa1f7996e317652ee) + +Look, I am not going to be drawing any conclusions from this - but there seems to be increased demand for treasuries beyond the end of month obligations (or whatever reason the agreements peak at end of month usually). + + +What will be VERY interesting moving forward is an observation of either increased reverse repo activity OR sustained peak through June. This activity is unprecedented as far as I can tell. + + +This may or may not be related to GME. I really need some smarter apes to sound off below and maybe calm me down? Are we witnessing the great collateral squeeze starting? Who the hell knows really. +The shareholder meeting is approaching. +As many of you know, in the past days there was the crypto meeting in Miami… lots of legit stuff, but we’ve all seen some idiots which get more media attention than the reasonable investors… +So apes, please!!! Please!!! If you are lucky enough to take part in the shareholder meeting of our beloved gme, behave! Be fucking have!! We need good media attention and certainly not people running on stage, screaming to the moon and shit!! +This week FINRA made a huge mistake. Our thesis is about to be proven verifiably true. + +This has the potential to prove most, if not all stocks are grossly over sold and everyone will not fit on the airplane. This could ignite a whole new wave of DRS that will boost the speed at which the float of GME is locked by individual traders Buying, Holding, DRSing, *and Booking,* because they like the stock. + +As more people realize that **the only real share is a DRSed share,** and that brokers only hold IOUs from shorters, there will be a mad run on the brokers to get real DRSed shares. What better ticker to run to than GME that has 25% of the entire company already locked away. Seats are filling up fast get yours quick. On the fence GME holders are going to be more convinced that **DRS IS the only way.** + +FINRA had two options, with the oil preferred share that is going private. Allow the price to go parabolic as brokers force close short positions (which many brokers had stated forced closing was going to start on the 9th and 11th). Or protect the shorters and screw retail. + +If FINRA let it rip the last two days it was supposed to trade Wall Street would be brought to its knees again like it was during the first GME sneeze. Not only that, many shorters would be weakened and some destroyed AND tons of money was going to be placed in the hands of investors directly opposed to Wall Street. Much of that money if not most was going to be poured into similar over shorted tickers (most likely GME), but now shorters would be on ventilators and would not be able to keep their positions open. The dominoes would begin to fall, ticker after ticker going to go exponential. + +If they side with the shorts. The system continues for some more time. But the crime would be too big and too obvious to hide. Lawsuits would fly. **Holders of the oil preferred share did NOT DRS,** because they wanted to sell during the squeeze and turn around and invest in other plays like GME, the stock they really love. Because most were not already on the plane, everyone would now be crammed in. Shorters would rejoice and throw caution to the wind. “We’ll never have to close!” They”ll shout! Ticker after ticker would be shorted into the ground. For the holders of worthless street name preferred shares that couldn’t fit on the plane, a “liability cusip” would be created for a private company that was supposed to have no cusip, because there would be no other place to stuff all the stocks. Investors would be upset, get more vocal. Those on the fence about DRS would now see **DRS IS the only way.** A run on the Brokers would potentially ignite. Street name stock would become worthless, broker after broker would fail. The system would explode and become inoperable. + +Not an easy choice for FINRA, but in the end they sided with crime and protecting the system for one more day. + +There is no way out. They are trapped in the room with us. **DRS HARDER NOW. DRS EVERYTHING!** +Dear fellow apes, + +Did I just eat too many crayons or did I find something fishy? Please help me! + +Oh and please forgive me, I am not native to english just native to crayons, data and tendies. + +So this morning I tried to look for daily short volumes and stumbled upon [FINRA´s data page](https://www.finra.org/finra-data/short-sale-volume-daily). + +Thinking "yummy, data, data" I downloaded all the data I could find about GME und was wondering why the heck there were three volumes for each day: + +&#x200B; + +1. NYSE Volume +2. NASDAQ Chicago Volume +3. NASDAQ Carteret (south of NYC) Volume + +Alright, so I plotted all of them in my old fucking Spreadsheet. Do you see what I saw? + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/utpg6fid4ys61.png?width=952&format=png&auto=webp&s=398c8fd8d9dd620c03a35d167d25cd90d92c6eec + +&#x200B; + +Ok, a whole lot of data, I know. Let´s zoom in to the last days: + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/93gjjmlm4ys61.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=5453e26e4010d5c69ea77e634d15a81a1b13de80 + +WTF?? **Looks like the price decline in the last days seems to correlate with more trades through the NASDAQ Data Center in Carteret, NJ**. (For you mathematicians out there, correlation coefficient is -0.6, so pretty hight). + +So I google what is going on in Carteret and at first only find that they are pissed of by a possible transaction tax. Alright, why again? Further googling and my mind goes Boom! + +[This article nearly fucking my apely brain.](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/time-is-relativity%3A-what-physics-has-to-say-about-market-infrastructure-2020-04-09) + +I try to do a summary but **please, smarter ape brains, you can do a lot better in trying to find out what this all means for GME, Dark Pools and HFT fuckery.** + +It seems like the Data Center in Carteret is heavily involved in + +* High Frequency Trading +* **Uses his short physical distance to the NYSE for a time advantage of some nano seconds to capture incoming orders to manipulate buyings and sellings** + +In the last days, many much smarter apes than me found out about Dark Pools induced price manipulation. + +***Speculation:*** **It might have to do with this data center in Carteret. We need to find out more about it i think. Is Citadel involved?** + +[One slideshow of the Machine Intelligence Research Institute seems to explain how that could work.](https://intelligence.org/files/csrbai/wellman-slides.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/uvhmytl36ys61.png?width=951&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78ff60a7376290a7aa908ce0c1accb5b5a624e2 + +&#x200B; + +**The second interesting fact that I recognized was an enlarged short percentage via the infamous NASDAQ Data Center in Chicago (Hello Kenny, is that you???)** + +**So yes, fuckery seems to go on. I personally hold onto the stock like my wifes boyfriend to her sweet body....** + +&#x200B; + +TL;DA: ***Something fishy going on in NASDAQ Carteret Data Center.*** [Read this fucking article](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/time-is-relativity%3A-what-physics-has-to-say-about-market-infrastructure-2020-04-09)***.*** +I see a lot of people cashing out. That is GREAT! Then people are asking them about the tax they paid. And one guy who made the front page, yet already spent his proffits, said "I don't know, I have to figure that out". + +Please don't skip on taxes. Please do your research. Understand the difference between short term and long term capital gains. Short term gains tax can be VERY high. If you spend all your profit on a house or a car and then are hit with a massive tax bill, you could find yourself in serious financial trouble. + +This is old but still the best and most comprehensive tax info I have found. + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1uccfz/i_am_a_tax_attorney_here_are_my_answers_to_the/ +This is my time to short. When people say “it’s impossible for a 25% drop in Tesla” and people back that guy up it’s clear that people have no idea. + +Tesla went up nearly 1000% in a year. 350% in a few months. A 25% drop is definitely possible. +Hello all, + +I've been wondering something and not been able to find the answer on Google, so thought I'd ask here. + +Currently, the FSCS will cover £85k of holdings with a single bank, but if you are paying £20k into you S&S ISA for 3 or 4 years you'll hit this limit. + +So, do people not worry about the limit and carry on with their ISA, or do you open a second one up and start paying into that one (and leave the original one you had)? + +I'm thinking by the time I retire I'd have so many different ones, and as they grow they'd end up over the £85k limit anyway! +CANNOT EDIT THE TITLE, BUT WILL CAPTURE ALL DAYS HERE IN THIS THREAD + + Note that this is a quick summary, not comprehensive and have personal views. Will keep on updating these as more information becomes available. + +Day 1 : A quick summary - today's presentation focused on businesses (incl. SMEs). + +Liquidity has been provided to small businesses (both loans and equity). Also, govt. will give Indian businesses preference for tenders below 200 cr and will release dues to them. PF contributions have been reduced for smaller businesses. Some of the moneylenders (NBFCs) will also get access to money (through loans). Power companies will get loans. Contractors will get relief as well as real estate players. TDC / TCS has been reduced. Due date of IT returns has been postponed. + +Based on the Q&A, funding of this is not clear, details to be provided later. More presentations will be coming in soon - likely to cover individuals, etc. + +Preliminary views - this certainly helps small businesses from a short term cash flow stress perspective, and they will not close now due to lack of money, while the business is down due to COVID. From the govt tender perspective, there will be boost to local businesses - don't know how much. Also, real estate players will not be in default for project delays due to COVID. Same for complying with IT submissions (good reason for the delay - no audits can happen now). However, if you see how a business works, it makes and sells stuff / services, collects money, has cost to make, pays people and suppliers. Now, some businesses have been doing okay (like PPE making ones). But, if you take a business that makes auto parts, this doesn't help them until Maruti or someone else starts buying their products again. Each sector is different - but there is no demand impetus as yet (or extra money in the hands of people to spend). Banks will benefit as some of their riskier loans will now have some guarantees from the government and losses will be limited due to these guarantees. + +Im short, this is more of lifeline for businesses and gives them time. + +Day 2: + +Quick summary - Migrant labour will get foodgrains for the next 2 months. Migrant labor can stay at lower rents in the government affordable housing complexes. Mudra-shishu loans will get interest relief. Street vendors will get loans (average 10k each). One national ration card. Middle income population will get interest subsidies on buying houses. Afforestation plans to be undertaken (to create jobs). Additional labour brought under ESIC and other protection. Loans to be provided to small farmers. + +Preliminary views - good social measures to provide access to food for the migrant labor across the country. The housing plans for migrant population is vague. The real fiscal measure (that will create jobs and put money in hands of people) is the afforestation plan, albeit small. Monetary measures like additional loans will provide liquidity support to small farmers, etc. but the details are scant - these are usually difficult to disburse. Just like yesterday's measures, a number of these will provide liquidity in the time of need. There could be some impact on the real estate sector due to the loan subsidy on affordable housing loans. Labour reforms could have a longer term impact. + +To conclude, key focus remains on providing liquidity in the time of need. We still need details on the regulation and implementation. Those would be the key aspects. +I get it, I'm guilty myself of just cruising and not upvoting. But now I just upvote any DD that I feel is good.. or any hype I feel is good.. and art. Take a ride on the wild side and sort by rising or new and get the good information up there. + +That's it, that's the post. We know we've won but the message and information still has to be plastered in peoples faces. + +Love you apes. +I sold. I put my life saving of 56k into spirit RCL, CCL, and Sixflags. I cashed out at $120k. I couldn’t take it any more. I bought bitcoin in 2017 and it went 4x and I held. I went from 65k to what is worth 15k now. This feels like 2017 bitcoin. These numbers don’t add up to the value of the stocks I held and am happy with my profit. Even finally showed my wife the portfolio balance. I did put everything into JNJ, AMD, AAPL and MSFT. + +If my travel stocks double next month I will be happy selling at a profit. I wish you all great success in your picks! +Hey guys, + +I've accepted an offer from a company recently with a salary of 70k a year (exc super). I still live with my parents so I have no real expenditures other than eating out and buying fun stuff for myself. + +The general consensus in the family is to just dump as much money as I can in our mortgage offset account (the loan it's against is 2.94%pa variable), but I reckon that's quite easy to beat with some VDHG in the long term. + +Apart from dumping some of my savings into VDHG and Spaceship, what other long term investments do you guys recommend? + +Thanks. +Hi all, + +I recently finished some due diligence on comparing some popular super funds and their options. +So after going through the rabbit-warren of PDSs I have the below table to show for it. + +Thought it may be helpful for some. +I will be switching from REST (was with them as a teenager and never changed). + +&#x200B; + +[Super Comparison Table](https://i.redd.it/uaipbugtxfw11.png) +Hi all, + +I recently finished some due diligence on comparing some popular super funds and their options. +So after going through the rabbit-warren of PDSs I have the below table to show for it. + +Thought it may be helpful for some. +I will be switching from REST (was with them as a teenager and never changed). + +&#x200B; + +[Super Comparison Table](https://i.redd.it/uaipbugtxfw11.png) +YouTubers don’t know jack shit. They are completely speculating and change their outlook every couple of hours. I will continue to Hodl and stay the fuck away from their commentary. Cheers! +Looking back to 14th June of last year DFV posted this tweet: [https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404468676493971458](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1404468676493971458) + +&#x200B; + +An odd conversation naming several companies without any real connection: Jetblue Airlines, Carnival Cruises, Gamestop and Apple. + +&#x200B; + +What do these companies have in common? + +BCG consultants. + +I took a small peek at each and this is what I could easily find. + +Jetblue: + +[Jetblue connection to BCG](https://preview.redd.it/pimuxhiyiip81.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=744b10c62326893640f72002c0b885cc014d6f52) + +Carnival: Looking at Carnival I did find several "insiders". I found this "gentleman" which has a quite the reputation. Before joining Carnival he spent 10 years at BCG and 3 years at Enron. + +&#x200B; + +[Carnival connection to BCG](https://preview.redd.it/9afi87psjip81.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b0ee8460c152d6862c3ec4bf5172799d9f0d654) + +Here is a more recent hiree to Carnival coming from BCG. +This just shows that BCG has continued their operations within Carnival appointing Marguerite Fitzgerald to lead their Austrailian department starting Jan 1st 2022. + +[Another BCG Carnival connection](https://preview.redd.it/vfwgktornip81.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=770416bd9f3d72d7eade59920da26e3f5e39797a) + +Gamestop: Jim Bell, who was let go with a $30m severance pack as soon RC came on board. +(Ironically same amount BCG is seeking from Gamestop) + + +Im yet to find any tangible leads to Apple yet but wanted to put this out incase anyone else can find a solid lead. +Let alone the bad actors I probably missed. + +Going by occams razor, as DFV is from and was working within finance in Boston, it wouldn't be odd if he had heard of them and their practices. +I know just about everyone here has their 6 months rainy day fund. But nobody ever really talks about where they keep it. + +Where do you keep yours to best fight inflation? +Hi guys, wondering your thoughts on my current financial situation. This is all new to me but interested in how everything breaks down, if I’m heavy/light in one area, or if there’s something else I should be targeting with my $. + +Cash savings - $20k + +401k - $2,400 (contributing 30%) + +Fidelity Go 70% growth account - $16,100 +Fidelity Rollover IRA - $11,000 +Fidelity Roth IRA - $9,000 + +Robinhood play money - $13,200 + +Any additional cash I end up with is distributed 60% to Fidelity go account and 40% to Robinhood play money. +I'm 25 working full time at a job I hate. I spend my days bored out of my mind, but I make $15 an hour. I still live with my parents because the cheapest apartments I could get in the area (Chicago suburbs) are $1100 and I can't afford 50% of my income to go to rent. I have an interview at a new company doing something completely unrelated (insurance claims representative, whatever that is). It's a trainee position with a 6+ month long training period, and the start salary is 36k with "opportunities for raises" during the training period. I'm so sick of not knowing what to do with my life. Frankly I don't really care what I do, as long as I don't despise my work and make enough to pay the bills and save a little I'd be happy. But I can't find anything that doesn't require a bachelors degree or 8+ years of experience that pays more than $11 an hour. I've thought about getting into cyber security, but I don't want to go back to school for two years. If I could get it done in half a year or a year I would, but I only have an associates degree. So yeah, sorry for the rant there, but I just don't know if this would have enough of a positive long term career outlook that it'd be worth accepting or if I should keep looking for something else while I try not to blow my brains out at my current job. +I was mainly using Tesco Bank as my current account and I really like their iOS app as it was simple yet allowed me to do everything I needed easily. However, that's closing soon so I need to switch to another account. Since interest rates are low everywhere I guess I should pick one that has a good mobile app/website. I like to see a breakdown of my transactions and make the odd bank transfer. + +I've have accounts with various banks but I don't use them actively for my 'everyday' usage. + +Any suggestions? Would especially be interested from those that have used different banks. +I know this goes against the feeling in your bones that the dips must be bought. I'm begging please for the love of everything don't buy the dip. The economic signs are looking atrocious. + +1. The Fed is still fighting half-century high inflation. Last month saw a slight decline in yearly inflation and this decline was largely due to a decrease in energy/oil prices. Even with this decline I must remind the bulls that prices are **still** **increasing** at over 8% yearly. The core monthly CPI actually **increased** 0.3%. +2. Russia has severely reduced and outright halted gas flows to many European countries, who are seeing a massive increase in their electricity bills to the point of grid overloads, energy rationing and blackouts. In the UK, it is estimated that individuals see an increase in their bills from around 1300 pounds in 2021 to 4200 pounds in 2022. The energy bill is projected to cost twice an individual's monthly salary in 2023(per Trades Union Congress, UK). And Boris Johnson lacks any incentive or will to do anything about the issue, so this will remain unresolved for the moment. Per Bloomberg, Poland faces a 180% energy spike. Germany power prices have almost tripled this year. Per Enerdata, Italy's prices have closed to doubled. And the list goes on. All this mind you, with just a few months to prepare before winter. **ALOT** of European money will exit the markets. +3. We can look at the jobs numbers. 528,000 jobs were added to the economy. and the unemployment rate edged down to 3.5 percent, a historic low for the past half-century. About 170,000 jobs were added according to the household survey. Interestingly, we actually lost about 71,000 full-time workers and added around 380,000 part-time jobs. The amount of **multiple job holders** increased by 92,000. Why would people suddenly need to work multiple jobs? Things are looking rough.I also mentioned we are at a historic low for unemployment. That may sound good, but take a look at the graph below. Every single time unemployment hit historic lows the economy went into a recession. (Recessions are highlighted in grey). + +&#x200B; + +![img](hru66bryawi91 " +") + +4. Consumer Personal Savings is taking and absolute swan dive meaning everyone will be . strapped for cash. The University of Michigan survey expected real income to absolutely . plummet. The amount of credit card debt from May to June has shot up by 60% continuing its . upward trend and increased. And the dollar price is going to the moon so there's less money in . the economy. + +&#x200B; + +[Personal Savings Data](https://preview.redd.it/judrzcuddwi91.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=12ef498eb4c491a8d94f8d6ec1c3b91cf35d46e1) + +[University of Michigan Consumer Survey](https://preview.redd.it/gm9e0h87dwi91.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaf0a3a2f18379587f3955ecc7a23476ef522135) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yu524fdvdwi91.png?width=143&format=png&auto=webp&s=0580d9b106262d2f2c77ab398e39f589f12307f9 + +[USD Price\(Trade-Weighted\)](https://preview.redd.it/t2crfq9gdwi91.png?width=520&format=png&auto=webp&s=df55d5fc6b48059eb29fc901999ed1178067ccfc) + +Folks be careful out there. Many have already lost enough from the many we-know-who collapses. Don't take any risk you don't have to. + +My substack article here:[https://sierre.substack.com/p/do-not-buy-the-dip?sd=pf](https://sierre.substack.com/p/do-not-buy-the-dip?sd=pf) +I’m curious what your thoughts are for Simon Property Group. It’s personally one of my largest holdings that I bought into in July/August. + +I know many people believe “the malls are dead”, but I don’t see that being the case for Simon Property Group. They own premier real estate with a dividend that has been amazing over the past 10-15 years. The only dividend cut that was significant was when Covid hit the US and it wasn’t even necessary on their end. However, it paved the way for them to acquire undervalued companies that will increase their profit margin over the long term. + +I’m personally very high on their growth potential (for the stock price as well as dividend growth) in the next 2-3 years. I would love some healthy discussion with you all on your opinions. All thoughts welcome! + +Thanks in advance and happy stock picking :) + [https://www.marketwatch.com/story/finance-isnt-worth-losing-your-life-over-the-heartbreaking-story-of-a-rookie-trader-who-racked-up-700000-in-debt-2020-06-14](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/finance-isnt-worth-losing-your-life-over-the-heartbreaking-story-of-a-rookie-trader-who-racked-up-700000-in-debt-2020-06-14) + +&#x200B; + +Robinhood declined to share any details of the trading account and how such outsized losses piled up, but did say that the company was aware of the situation. + +“All of us at Robinhood are deeply saddened to hear this terrible news and we reached out to share our condolences with the family,” the spokesperson said. + +“Alex’s” story serves as a reminder that trading stocks can have devastating real-life consequences. This has perhaps never been more true than when it comes to using borrowed cash to leverage positions in a stock market where the Dow Jones Industrial Average [**DJIA,** **+1.90%**](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/DJIA?mod=MW_story_quote) can be down almost 2,000 points one session, then rebound nearly 500 points the next. + +&#x200B; + +Who was this? ControltheNarrative? My condolences to the family. This is such a sad story. +People who are on the fence do not have the same convictions and beliefs that we all have and will paperhand at 2x profits. They will do nothing but hinder the MOASS in the long run. + +I understand that you want your cousin’s uncle’s best friend to be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, but they haven’t been through what we’ve been through. Our apehood goes beyond anything they could ever comprehend, so they can’t have the same convictions we have. + +I love every single one of you retards and I’m glad to be on this journey with you. But please for the love of Harambe, stop trying to recruit people to the cause, it won’t end well when you held for 10,000,000 and they got out at 400. + +Thank you for coming to my ApeTalk. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +EDIT: + +Adding a comment as a lot of people seem to think this is FUD. Just because you don’t agree with a post that is flaired as OPINION does not mean it’s FUD or I’m a shill. + +I’m a XX holder since January, when I bought my first shares for 348, and then I bought more at 256, and then 90, and then 165, and finally just recently bought at 138. I’m in this for the long haul. I wrote this post a little hastily since I’m at work, and maybe didn’t word everything correctly in a way that’s clear and concise. + +Recruiting your family and friends is extremely dangerous. Once you do so, you, and you alone, shoulder the responsibility of their investment. It doesn’t matter that they have free will and invest at their own risk. They will forever associate YOU as the risk. They are taking a chance on YOU, not GME. If you convince your mom to invest and she throws 50k at it, and 2 weeks later ole Kenny G decides to flash crash it, and your mom panic sells for a 40% loss, how are you going to feel? How do you think she feels about anything you ever tell her about ever again? + +BE FUCKING CAREFUL. That is the message I’m trying to get across to you all. Please bring in more buyers and holders, just be careful and be excellent to each other. ❤️ +I was super frustrated with GG at first, but I started noticing how he was answering questions. + +'Thpse are your words not mine' + +'Congress writes the laws, we enforce them' + +'I love our democracy' + +Super canned, generic answers. He was being careful. He even said it: 'I want to be able to do my job.' + +If he said what he might be thinking, there's a good chance there would be more cuts to the SEC to hamstring them even more. + +My tin foil theory has been that he passed most of the investigation off to the DOJ because he knew that he'd never be able to do what needs to be done to prosecute. + +I think this was just him trying to keep his job....for now. +Lots of examples on the internet of couples particularly, who have cashed out, bought a sailboat and then traveled the world on it. A bit dangerous and definitely a life change -- but it's tempting. Average price of a big-enough boat is 50-80k and if you hit 400k you can survive off 4% returns for a few years, and come back to your nest egg (assuming no major recession). So it's like a temporary FIRE, but I think it needs a name. + +Particularly for couples that want to unplug, start a family, or raise kids in a unique way, it's compelling. But I haven't met anyone there FIRE'd that way. + +Thoughts? +Dear Subscriber, + +  + +We would like to bring to your kind notice that, in compliance with the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority's communication dated 25/07/2019, NPS Trust has restarted recovering administrative Charges / expenses @ 0.005% per annum of the AUM on daily accrual basis to meet its expenditure. The same is effective from 01/08/2019. + +  + +Regards, + +Central Recordkeeping Agency (National Pension System) + + + + +👆This is the mail I got today. Even though its negligible I think this charges will be accumulate in long term +I am using Kuvera for my investments. But I found some limitations regarding some of my use cases like top 10 funds with highest first year returns, fund with lowest NAV value and so on. I could see the data being available it's just that they were not shown in UI. So I wrote a bunch of scripts to download the data and formatted them as CSV and SQLite database. I have the code on GitHub and was built with today's data (of course a disclaimer that there might be bugs :). The README contains information to build per day data. + +GitHub : https://github.com/tirkarthi/kuvera-cli + +DB : https://github.com/tirkarthi/kuvera-cli/raw/master/data.db (2.1 MB) + +CSV : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tirkarthi/kuvera-cli/master/data.csv (2MB) + +This lets me do queries like below : + +## Top 10 funds with highest one year return + + sqlite> select name, returns_year_1 from funds order by returns_year_1 desc limit 10; + +name | returns_year_1 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------- +INVESCO INDIA TREASURY ADVANTAGE DISCRETIONARY DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN | 66.6505 +INVESCO INDIA TREASURY ADVANTAGE DISCRETIONARY DIVIDEND REINVEST DIRECT PL | 66.6505 +TATA DIGITAL INDIA REINVETSMENT DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN | 51.2647 +TATA DIGITAL INDIA REINVETSMENT DIVIDEND REINVEST DIRECT PLAN | 51.2647 +TATA DIGITAL INDIA GROWTH DIRECT PLAN | 51.2647 +ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE DIGITAL INDIA GROWTH DIRECT PLAN | 40.8273 +ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE DIGITAL INDIA DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN | 40.8067 +ADITYA BIRLA SUN LIFE DIGITAL INDIA DIVIDEND REINVEST DIRECT PLAN | 40.8067 +EDELWEISS LIQUID WEEKLY DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN | 38.4686 +EDELWEISS LIQUID WEEKLY DIVIDEND REINVEST DIRECT PLAN | 38.4686 + +## Fund with highest expense ratio + + + sqlite> select name, expense_ratio from funds order by expense_ratio desc limit 1; + + +name | expense_ratio +-------------------------------------------- | ------------- +TAURUS TAXSHIELD DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN | 2.47 + +## Fund with highes NAV + + sqlite> select name, nav_nav from funds order by nav_nav desc limit 1; + +name | nav_nav +---------|------- +INDIABULLS GILT WEEKLY DIVIDEND PAYOUT DIRECT PLAN|994.247 + +## Fund with lowest NAV + + sqlite> select name, nav_nav from funds where nav_nav > 1 order by nav_nav asc limit 1; + +name|nav_nav +------|----- +BNP PARIBAS SHORT TERM WEEKLY DIVIDEND REINVEST DIRECT PLAN|10.0 + + +Hi, I'm willing to invest in cinema stocks (PVR/INOX). Today both of them fell because government announced they would remain closed till end of august. Even if they open after august am sure most people won't go to cinema and occupancy rate will be very low. + +Since cinema business was closed in Q1, there would be zero revenue from cinema business and after their quarter results are out I expect them to fall further and I can then buy it in discount. + +Problem am having is **debt**, I know stock won't perform in short term, but hypothetically if cinema remains closed for next 6-12 months there interest would keep piling up there is no revenue from cinema business + interest + even after it opens occupancy rate would be low initially (it would recover eventually) + +As an investor what you think, is it worth the risk? +Hi All, + +I am not sure and confused of how kuvera is recommending mutual funds based on the goals. + +Are they recommending funds through a systematic approach. + +For eg in ELSS fund, their top picks are + +1. L& T tax advantage + +2. Tata India tax saving. + +When compared to + +Mirae tax saving fund, axis long term equity fund of the same category they seem to lag behind. + +Hence I am asking if any one of you could shed some insights on how do you think the recommendation thing works on Kuvera platform and if it is worth considering? +My husband had a property before we met and married, after marriage we bought a house and rented his unit out. This is the first full FY that the unit has been rented and it gutted my tax return. + +Entered everything into my Gov, forgot the unit estimated ~2k return. Added the unit (50% ownership) and it dropped to $180. + +Am I missing something here? I thought everyone hated "boomers" for getting all of these tax breaks on investment properties but it seems to me that I now owe money to the ATO on the income from the unit itself and that's being taken from my return. + +Please be gentle with your replies, I have no financial education and grew up with everyone surrounding me on welfare. I am trying my best! + + + +Edit; for anyone looking for an update, had a meeting with a tax accountant today and everyone who pinpointed my name wasn't on the deed were correct, the IP doesn't belong on my tax return, which means we need to amend last year's DIY return. Husband is pissed since this left him with a tax bill and will amend the title. Also making an appointment with our bank to change over our mortgages. And have a local depreciation person to call next week as well. + +Super grateful for everyone who took the time to offer their knowledge and education, I am better for it and don't feel like we both have our heads in the sand anymore. +First off, I hold more Bitcoin than any other coin. + +&nbsp; + +I've been investing in Bitcoin since early this year and went to my first bitcoin meetup in San Francisco tonight. +https://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Bitcoin-Social/events/245125000/ + +&nbsp; + +The description said, "the only bar in SF that accepts bitcoin at the register!" + +&nbsp; + +I'm thinking, how is this gonna go? Can't go well, right. + +&nbsp; + +I asked the bartender/owner if I can pay with bitcoin and he's like 'yeah, no problem'. + +&nbsp; + +I had ordered two drinks. The bartender hands me an ipad with a bitpay QR code. + +I opened up my Coinbase app that I had moved $100 into today specifically for in person payments. + +&nbsp; + +My drinks came out to $15.50 with tip. + +The Bitpay app requested 0.0012 BTC (Current price is $16,500). When I put that amount into the Coinbase app it said the USD value was $35. I couldn't figure out why it was $35. So I switched the interface to allow me to just enter a USD amount. + +&nbsp; + +I entered $20, cause I was slightly drunk and said, oh well, I'll pay more. +After I hit send I looked at the transaction and it said it was pending for $51. WTF? + +I asked the owner/bartender how this was gonna work since it was going to take 2hours plus. + +&nbsp; + +He was like "2 hours? We can't wait that long, I'll just cancel and you can pay by credit card. Also , I don't want you to pay $51 for this". + +&nbsp; + + +I told him "You can't cancel, it's bitcoin. No backsies". + +&nbsp; + +He was like "Well, Bitpay says it's canceled now". + +&nbsp; + +And I said "Not sure its gonna come back through via Coinbase. I have no idea how this is gonna go." + +The owner was super great and offered to wait or try a whole bunch of things. +I said "This was mostly an experiment, take my card. Thanks for doing the bitcoin community solid.". + +&nbsp; + +At the end of the day I have no idea if I got refunded. +2.5 hours later, Coinbase said the transaction went through. +Turns out the extra $30 was transaction fees for $20 drinks. + +&nbsp; + +Ok, this is not anything new to anyone here. +But it was my first time trying to buy something at a retail store. + +&nbsp; + +The owner was super great. He actually knew a ton about transaction fees, altcoins, bit pay and ease of use for customers. It's not an exaggeration to say he knew more about bitcoin than any other person at the meetup I talked to. (Which is weird, cause he was surprised it was gonna take 2 hours. I thought we all knew that). + +He also said I was the only one to try to pay with bitcoin, which I kinda found sad. (ok, maybe everyone already knew better). + +&nbsp; + +I knew it wasn't going to go well, but wanted to try for myself. + +&nbsp; + +So, that brings me to: LIGHTNING NETWORK. WE NEED IT. LETS GET IT. HOW CAN I HELP. I'M A DEVELOPER, BUT HAVEN'T STARTED LEARNING BLOCKCHAIN CODING. DM AND PUT ME TO WORK LEARNING. I'LL BUILD YOU A THING. + +&nbsp; + +Anyway, go to this bar and talk to Aaron. Super cool and will talk your ear off about bitcoin if he has the time: +https://www.yelp.com/biz/stookeys-club-moderne-san-francisco + +&nbsp; + + +Here is my transaction: +https://live.blockcypher.com/btc/tx/820957a6eac6ca8695dd312d90b84b6bdb5ad1b7ed8d747e3df4dc406ceaaeff/ +Make a copy of the blank spreadsheet for yourself (File > Make a Copy. Please don't request edit access; I won't grant it): [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UKBknHUvup\_U\_Q\_4FWiKGROYiVYq0KVsTA7itl9zDBE/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UKBknHUvup_U_Q_4FWiKGROYiVYq0KVsTA7itl9zDBE/edit?usp=sharing) + +See how it looks filled out up to October 2020 with phony data: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bjr\_BW2BxaEtl13UY5JWigftGDWyY\_iUXgHTlBUOEYw/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bjr_BW2BxaEtl13UY5JWigftGDWyY_iUXgHTlBUOEYw/edit?usp=sharing) + +&#x200B; + +I figured I'd share my personal calculator. Influence for this calculator comes from several Redditors here (trying to find their posts now so I can properly credit, if anyone recognized any tables from the SWR sheet as being a previous post here lmk) as well as the creator of the financialindependencesheet. + +It may help to follow along with this explanation by looking at the filled-in spreadsheet as well as your own blank spreadsheet. **White/blue column = manually input. Gray/green column = don't touch**, it performs automatic calculations for you. + +There are essentially 3 tiers of use for this spreadsheet: budgeting, budgeting + net worth, and budgeting + net worth + FIRE. + +**Just Budgeting:** + +What to fill in: If you just want to budget, then the only tabs you need to use are "Out" and "Monthly Budget" as well as the left third of the "Dashboard." You start with the Monthly Budget sheet. The only column meant to be manually input is the Budget column. Input your monthly budget. Then, go into the "Out" sheet and track your spending as you normally would. If you would like to add a note explaining the purchase you made that day, you can do so with the notes or comments feature of Google Sheets. You can see that in the "Out" columns of Gifts, Fees, and Misc, I've included notes where there is a value. The 2nd row of "Out" and "Monthly Budget" will show you a mini graph (sparkline) of your total spending. The 3rd row of "Out" and "Monthly Budget" will show you that category's spending for the current month. + +Adding or removing a budget item: unless you're familiar with Google Sheets, I would encourage you to not delete nor add columns, since this breaks some of my graphs and aggregated tables. What you can do is rename a column in the "Out" sheet to something applicable to you, if one of the categories you see is not applicable. I've set the Dashboard and Monthly Budget sheets to automatically change the column headings when you change a budget item in the Out sheet. This will not work if you rename a column anywhere except for Out. + +Viewing the Dashboard: For budgeting, the only thing you should edit in the Dashboard is the month and year you'd like to view. The day \*has\* to be 1. If you want a yearly view of 2020 and a monthly view of October, type 10/1/2020 into cell B5 and scroll down to see the pie charts and tables update. + +&#x200B; + +**Budgeting + Net Worth**: + +All of the info above is still applicable. Now we introduce the "In" and "Net Worth" sheets, as well as the middle third of the Dashboard. + +"In": This is the first place you want to go for the rest of the sheet to work. In the white/blue columns, input information from your paychecks. If you don't have traditional 401k contributions/HSA contributions, feel free to leave those blank or replace the titles with any other pre-tax items you have such as health insurance premiums. If you have more than 2 pre-tax paycheck deductions, you can add columns between Pre-Tax HSA and Pre-Tax 401k. For the Net Income column, my recommendation is to put whatever your income for that month would have been if you had no pre-tax deductions/contributions, because I calculate savings rate as contributions/savings/debt repayment divided by net income, and if your net income is 19.5k lower due to 401k contributions you might artificially increase your SR number. SR is really whatever you want it to be, though. Up to you. + +"Net Worth": I've hidden row 4. If you've ever made contributions to your retirement accounts, open row 4 and put the total contributions since before 1/1/2020 in columns I through M. Then hide row 4. From then on, when you make contributions, put them in the proper month of columns I through M. Your current account balances go in columns D through G. If columns D through G don't reflect your investments, you can rename them. Input your account balances at the end of the month in columns B through G. Enter your debt in column H (it has to be negative, if you have any). Enter your contributions and payments for the proper month in columns I through N. The last thing you need to manually do in this sheet is scroll to the right and fill in the Savings Rate Goal for that month as a percentage. The rest updates automatically. + +"Dashboard": Once you've done all that for the month, check out the dashboard. You don't need to manually do anything for the Net Worth part. + +&#x200B; + +**Budgeting + Net Worth + FIRE:** + +This is where the fun begins. All spreadsheet tabs are now applicable, everything above is still applicable. The new additions are "SWR" and the final third of the Dashboard. If you've completed all the steps above, you're pretty much done save for a few manual inputs. + +"Dashboard": First, in the Dashboard, update your Withdrawal Rate, Age, and the Return Rate - return rate is just the amount after inflation that you believe the total stock market will, on average, return. By default, I've set this value to 7% as the average return of the market is 10% before inflation. Scroll down your Dashboard to see more FIRE metrics such as % until FIRE and the total net worth amount you would need to cover your average yearly expenses (boring note about this formula: >!the average spend calculations take your spending from "Out", average them not including zeroes, and mutliplies by 12. This means that if you had unusually high spending in a category (in my example, I had 1 monthly expense of over $600 for medical), it will take $600 \* 12 = an average of $7200 per year. Because of this, the NW number you need to cover all expenses may be inflated. Consider it a "worst-case scenario" table and don't put too much stock in the "Needed" number for unusually high expenses.!<) + +"SWR": The first table shows annual withdrawals based on your current Net Worth and selected withdrawal rate (Dashboard), if it were to be left alone, until a certain age (Y axis) and at a certain average total stock market return (X axis). There is 1 manual input for this chart: F1. If you want to view what your annual withdrawals could be at a certain age and at a certain stock return rate, type "\[Age\] @ \[Return Rate\]%" and the cell underneath will automatically pull the number. In the next table, you see the % you are under you've reached CoastFI for your LeanFIRE, FIRE, and FatFIRE numbers at a certain age (Y axis). There are 2 potential manual inputs here: cells H2 and J2. Currently, H2 is your LeanFIRE number and I've just calculated it as 2/3 of your FIRE number. The FatFIRE number is just 1.5x bigger than your FIRE number. You can change them manually if you want. Finally, the table next to that shows the monthly amount you would need to contribute to your Net Worth to reach your numbers at a certain age. Additional manual inputs for the table include your overall portfolio stock allocation, bond allocation, and the rate at which you expect bonds to increase in value. + +&#x200B; + +**Extras**: + +I've also thrown in an amortization schedule (designed for a 30-year mortgage but adjustable to fit your needs, be it a car loan or student loan etc). At the top you can input your loan's terms. On the right half of the spreadsheet, you can see what happens to the loan if you pay extra that month. At the very end of the spreadsheet is a free math section. Just a blank sheet in case you want to do random calculations. + +&#x200B; + +Critiques and questions are welcome! + +P.s. a common critique is that the Out page is inconvenient to update. Here's my recommendation, and what I did for my personal sheet. Create a google form. Put all of your categories into it as a multiple choice question. Short answer question for amount. Save the google form as a bookmark. Use that google form whenever you have an expense, and set the "Out" tab to automatically pull data from the form answer database using sumifs formulas (if date from google form = date in "out," if category in google form = category in "out," then sum) formulas. +#EDIT WELL THIS ESCALATED FAST https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q72aje/hey_member_that_whole_cellar_boxing_thing_and/ + +#749,000% GAINZ LETS GO! CELLAR BOX GME? STELLAR BOX MMS! ENJOY THE RIDE ASSHOLES! + +It's wild that anti GME subs even exist. If popcorn had not squeezed a second time, then I may be inclined to respect anyone who may say, "GME already squoze, you lost." but the fact that popcorn squeezed TWICE, HARDER AND STILL HASN'T FALLEN should really speak to anyone who even suspects wallstreet corruption. + +Popcorn's chart is beautiful and it's especially beautiful when you scroll before 5/21 and compare it to present day & 5/21 GME. You can actually just look at the GME chart and tell that it is exponentially greater than popcorn. You can actually see both charts being actively cellar box'd and you can see the point where retail noticed on GME. Retail never noticed on popcorn. The two charts show you that popcorn was a by product of GME. Are they both naked shorted well beyond their float? Absolutely. The buy pressure from 9/1/2020 leading up to January on GME is much stronger and likely lead to why GME sneezed so hard the first time but it did not fully squeeze just like popcorn didn't fully squeeze. It's my belief that popcorn will indeed reach a **18,000%** squeeze similar to GME and I'll explain why and I'll explain why GME can squeeze exponentially harder than **18,000%** + +#January + +* Popcorn sneezed 1065% from its all time low (1.91$) to 20.36$ +* **GME sneezed 18,793% from its all time low (2.57$) to 483$** (Remember that %age for later) + +# May + +* Popcorn sneezed 3800% from its all time low (1.91$) to 72.62$ +* GME??? Where GME??? (It's because if GME were to sneeze again it would cause the MOASS) + +#Today + +So popcorn sneezed 3800% and GME sneezed 18,793% and people wonder why popcorn isn't higher? Well it will be. I suspect popcorn will hit a 18,000% sneeze before GME MOASS occurs. Why? + +#GLCO 7/31/01 + +* Squeezed from 0.02¢ to 3.5$ a gain of 17,500% + +What's GLCO? Why do I care about GLCO? GLCO was quite possibly one of the very first cellar box cases in the financial world. In 2005 they issued a 1:350 reverse stock split which means **for every 350 shares you own you now have 1 share** this reduced their share count down to 1,100,000 shares yet the very same day 143,000,000 shares traded hands. The float was traded **130x** in one day. For reference, GME has traded **66x** since January. For further reference, AMZN has a float of 454m and an AVG volume of 3.1m a day. That means, AMZN trades its float once every 146 days on average. + +A reverse stock split should increase a stock's price (think if you had 5 POGs and each one cost 1$ and then you did a 1:5 reverse split well now that 1 POG is worth 5 so the price should now be 5$) but in GLCO's case it fell from 10¢ to under 1¢. That doesn't make any sense. The stock continued to fall all the way down to 0.0001¢ (sound familiar cellar box?) until something amazing happened on 1/31/08. I cannot find the cause of the increased volume, but I suspect it has to do with the 2008 financial crisis and how wallstreet insiders probably knew of it well before it occurred later in September that year. + +#GLCO 1/31/08 + +GLCO squeezed **650,000%** from its cellar of 0.0001¢ to 0.65¢ That sounds like a lot so let me give you an example. If you invested 100$ into this stock at 0.0001¢ you'd receive 1,000,000 shares. When it squeezed **650,000** those 1,000,000 shares would now be worth 650,000$ You turned 100$ into 650,000$ + +It was later discovered that GLCO was naked short sold almost 27x its float by the discovery of 27,000,000 FTDs on a 1,100,000 float. That was *just* the information that got discovered. Who knows how much it was really NSS'd? We do know one thing about GLCO, though. GLCO did not have apes. GLCO didn't have apes who believed in it and had no issue going toe to toe with wallstreeet. Meme stocks have apes. + +#Summary + +So we know that just based on some "oops" FTDs that got leaked, GLCO was NSS'd at least 27x its entire float. We also know that GLCO was effectively cellar boxed in at 0.0001. GLCO continues to make gigantic squeezes during financial crisis. During the COVID19 crash, GLCO squeezed another 4333% from 0.0003 to 0.013. The world will never know exactly how many naked shorts were sold against GLCO but a 650,000% squeeze would assume it was a lot. Knowing the game of cellar boxing gives the player the advantage of knowing that to effectively cellar box a company, it must be naked shorted into oblivion. People see 18,000% gains and think that means something when it comes to a stock actively being cellar boxed. 18,000% is only 2.7% of 650,000%. + +* If GME were to squeeze 650,000% today, the share price would be worth 1,150,677$ a share. + +The reason people say the price doesn't matter is because it doesn't. The naked short sellers cannot close. We're not waiting for them to. We're waiting for a third party intervention. DTCC has allowed cellar boxing for 20years because the consequences of a stock trading at 0.0001¢ squeezing 650,000% are a lot easier to handle than a stock trading at 177$ + +#Closing + +This is why it's wild that anti GME subs even exist. If you point someone to cellar boxing DD, show them countless examples of companies being naked sold short into bankruptcy after having just read the cellar boxing DD then I'm not sure how they could honestly refute that. While popcorn has diluted their float, I think it has effectively killed the MOASS idea there. Remember, GLCO shrank their float and their stock still went down; Popcorn added **more** to the float effectively making the situation better for the naked short sellers. I believe Popcorn will continue to go up, but as Burry has said, there can never be another GME. GME's small float, new leadership, zero debt and apes holding have created the MOASS. When I read /u/thabat 's DD on cellar boxing, it was a the most jaw dropping realization for me, ever. It was essentially the equivalent of casting Sense on your enemy in a Final Fantasy game and being told their weakness. It may possibly turn out to be the most important part in my life. We'll see. +I’m on a placement year currently in another city so this isn’t relevant for a few years time but I’m in the somewhat strange/lucky situation of having my mother rent a flat in central London. Brother is currently in the spare room but he’ll be gone by next year. + +I’ll be on a grad scheme when I finish uni but absolutely love London and would like to live there. Just wondering if it’d be socially terrible / embarrassing to live at home for a few years because my mother wouldn’t charge me rent for using the spare room? I’ve lived away from home plenty before and am doing so currently and would feel perfectly independent etc but it almost feels stupid to live several zones out and pay £800-1000 a month for a room in a hmo when I could just stay rent free in central? Mum would be okay with it but I’m just wondering on your thoughts because I’ve always done the other path and feels like I’d like to save more money. I’m currently in another city for my placement and pretty frustrated with myself when I could have done it in London and saved all the rent money! Like the experience is nice but is it £8k nice? I’ll be 24 when I graduate tho so I don’t know if that’s a bit old…just wondering on your thoughts? + +Edit; I’d contribute towards somethings but she wouldn’t take much from me to making up for some difficult situations I had in my childhood where living situations affected me severely so she said she’d be happy to help me get a deposit together but obviously it couldn’t be in London + +Edit 2: thank you very much for the responses. Really appreciate all the advice. I won’t respond to them all as there are lots but I have read them all and really appreciate all your thoughts. +I want to start selling covered calls, and I was wondering the best way to find stocks with high IV that will provide good premiums/upside. Ideally, weeklies. +I wasn't around this sub during the COVID monster drop since I was mostly an option buyer back in March. Do you guys mind share some experiences during the COVID crash from an option seller perspective? All the CSP sellers, what happened to your position. Did you just keep rolling? Take assignment then watch it tanked again? How did you manage your portfolio back then. Thanks for sharing!! +JEPI has a 10% yield . This is 2-4% better than junk bonds, 7% better than TLT/IEF, 6% better than LQD, yet the chart is much smoother, less downside. Seems almost too good to be true. + +>JEPI is an actively-managed fund which seeks to generate income by investing in US stocks which have low volatility and which appear undervalued, and through investments in equity-linked notes which provide the economic exposure of the US stock market and written (sold) call options. The fund is appropriate for investors seeking long-term income. JEPI is subject to equity market risk, and risk that its security selection process underperforms the broader market. Additionally, the options exposure of the equity-linked notes provides income, but limits the upside potential of the fund relative to the US stock market, and exposes investors to counterparty risk. JEPI may be tax-inefficient, as distributions from the fund may be taxed as income, and dividends from underlying stock holdings are not considered qualified because of the offsetting options positions. + +Source: wealthfronnt + +Since early 2021 it completely crushes AGG and has a better Sharpe than even SPY : + +https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=1985&firstMonth=1&endYear=2022&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=false&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=JEPI&allocation1_1=100&symbol2=SPY&allocation2_2=100&symbol3=AGG&allocation3_3=100 + +This is probably the best ETF I have seen in a long time. It has superior income to fixed-income but without interest rate risk. +I graduated college ten years ago next month so I thought it'd be good to look back and do a deep dive on where I've been vs where I'm at now. Coincidentally, I'm also hitting the $500k net worth milestone. + +For TL;DR here are the numbers first. For anybody that cares, below is my story. + +34 years old, married, in MCL in midwest. Below are my income numbers but our net worth values. + +**Income / Net Worth** + +* 2011: $54,000 / -$18,000 + +* 2012: $64,375 / -$6,000 + +* 2013: $64,375 / $0 + +* 2014: $72,000 / $10,000 + +* 2015: $72,000 / $16,000 + +* 2016: $95,000 / not tracked??? + +* 2017: $95,000 / $57,500 + +* 2018: $110,000 / $183,000 + +* 2019: $115,300 / $272,600 + +* 2020: $128,300 / $304,00 + +* 2021 (to date): $138,900 / $500,000 + + + + +**My Major Takeaways:** + +1. Don't settle or get comfortable in your current role. Be aggressive in proving yourself to be a highly valuable asset. Nobody just hands out money and sometimes we have to take a calculated risk to better the future. + + +2. Start saving earlier. I wish I had started while in high school. I did some great things like paying off student loans ASAP, but I still feel well behind where I want to be. It's especially hard when seeing Crypto and GME millionaires all over Reddit. But I know I'm still doing better than most. + + +3. The snowball effect is very real. Every little addition to the savings adds up, but time is your best friend for savings accumulation. I can't believe how much my net worth has grown over the past year. + +4. Even "zero cost" refinances actually have costs. But when looking out long term, it can still make sense. + + + + +**My Story:** + +I graduated college in 2011 after spending a couple extra years to obtain a BS in mechanical engineering. I worked full time for a few years during college but still apparently pissed away all money that I brought in. However, due to significant scholarships, I graduated with "only" around $12k in student loans. + +I got a "real" job post graduation making $54k salary in fall 2011 then a few months later accepted another offer at a different company for sightly more money. I moved back in with my parents and started aggressively paying off the student loans. I'm not really sure what the drive was to pay them off other than I knew I didn't want to pay significant interest over decades. By the end of 2012, I had paid off all student loans, paid off a way too expensive engagement ring, paid for a nice all inclusive honeymoon, got married, and moved into an apartment with my bride. I realize it was a combination of both good and bad financial decisions but I wasn't quite at the financial intelligence level that I feel I am now. + +After paying off our $6k vehicle, my wife and I saved up $10k and purchased a $165k house in 2013. It wasn't a 20% down payment so we had to pay PMI. Our interest rate was 4.75% and I paid extra each month to build equity and remove the PMI faster. + +During this time, she was making around $25k annually to my slow increase in pay. But... + + +**Job Changes:** + +The company that I worked at wasn't in the best financial health and that definitely impacted my income. At least two distinct years during my tenure nobody received a merit increase at the company. However, I took matters into my own hands and obtained competing offers with other companies. + +Looking back, I was able to do this gambit because I always outperformed my peers-- I always made myself available 24/7 and took on and succeeded in all projects. I literally mean all projects. Even though I was only fresh out of college, I would be managing all Capex projects for the site because I wouldn't wait for someone to be assigned the project. I would just grab the horns and run. This made me the go-to guy and highly liked by both local and corporate leadership. + +The first time I got a competing job offer in 2014, I negotiated a 12% raise and kept the same job at the current company. The second time in 2016 I did even better with a full promotion to a management position with the same company but in a different state and with a 24% raise. My wife and I always considered it a stepping stone because we wanted to eventually move back to be nearer to family. She also became a stay at home mom to our 1 year old as part of this pay increase, which essentially was actually a net zero increase due to her loss of income. + +As part of the move, I signed an agreement to reimburse the company for relocation expenses they paid to move my family (house sale, house purchase, hotel room, etc) if I left the company before two years passed. Our first house sold for about $10k more than we purchased it for. + +In the new state we purchased another house in late 2016, this time for just under $200k with 20% down using the proceeds of the first house plus a small signing bonus. Even though the house cost more, the new interest rate was much lower at 3.1%, which actually lowered the monthly payment. This is also around the time that I really started buckling down to track our finances and start investing for FIRE. I think it started when looking at the finances of the new house. + +In 2018, after about a year and a half in the new role, an opportunity came up at another company back in the city where we were originally from. I accepted the new job at a higher salary and again relocated my family but this time back "home". + +With changing companies after less than 2 years, I owed the first company approximately $12k in remaining relocation expenses. However, I negotiated with the new company to pay an additional $20k bonus to cover these costs. I stated during the negotiations that I didn't yet have the full figure so ballparked it at $20k and that I couldn't accept the position without help repaying the old company. At the same time, I convinced the old company to forgo the reimbursement as I was leaving on good terms and was also hired by them on contract basis to do some minor contract work on the side. + +Before moving back home in 2018, we sold our house for about $20k over what we paid. Between this, and the additional bonus, we purchased a new house in our home city for $265k with $90k down payment. The goal was to stay sub-$200k, but housing was incredibly expensive and we had to make a quick decision as we were living in a hotel. It was a decision that hurt financially, but one that we've been able to absorb nonetheless. Our interest rate was 4.375%. + +In 2019, we had another child and since then my wife has continued to be a stay at home mom. + +At the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, when interest rates took a heavy drop, we refinanced the house down to 3.875% for around $3k in closing costs. Our mortgage company contacted again this year offering a "zero fee" refinance option so in March 2021 we refinanced again. The closing costs were about $2k and our new rate is 3.125%. I know that we could have gotten even lower had we paid points or done a full refinance with a different company, but I think our money is better off elsewhere now. Although our payment length has stayed the same (~28 years left) and our mortgage payment is lower, taxes and insurance have increased which has negated any immediate benefit of the refinance. But we'll still save in the long run over the total paid for house. + +Now I have again proven myself a valuable asset to my current company. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be a negative-but-still-good thing: in less than three years, I have maxed out the pay the company is willing to give me for my current job description. I've convinced my direct manager to change my job description because I have again acquired additional projects and responsibilities in an effort to again be the "go-to" guy. I'm hopeful that I'll be given a promotion within the next couple of months...else I'll have to start looking for another position to continue moving up... + + +**So now 10 years after graduating college:** + +* Single family income + +* Housing and kids have been the only real lifestyle creep + +* Net worth: $500k + +* 2021 savings target: 40% of gross pay (excluding employer contributions) + +Looking like FI around age 50 or so but I would much prefer 40-45. I'm pushing the savings percent as high as comfortably possible. But I'm now hitting a ceiling of maxed out salary and already minimized spend. I need to start heavily looking at a solid side hustle, but finding the time is very hard. + + +Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my story 👍 +EDIT: I am more than glad to pay for all materials already installed or that he is willing to leave behind (flooring and doors), but I am not willing to pay anything else if the chargeback is done. I will chargeball payments and request that he specifically bills me for items already done and labor with a breakdown for each in cost. + +Looking for some help and sorry for the long post. + +Got into a bad situation with our GC. +Long story short, we signed a contract with him back 12/23/21 that outlined the work needed for our duplex with an estimated 4 weeks for completion (flooring, 2 bathroom and kitchen remodels, and door replacements). +We had some delays with an existing tenant and an eviction. +Tenant was evicted 02/18, sheriff was out to witness the removal of items on 02/24 which we told both the GC and Sheriff we will toss (have a dumpster in the yard). GC was fully aware of this and even offered to go to court as a witness. The other side has always been vacant. + +GC said he will come back that same evening to junk it. 3 weeks later, it's still there. +Little work has been done, despite us paying for all materials, only things that have been installed were 2 doors and 22 windows. +Doors haven't even been replaced after tenant has been out for 3 weeks. +Gutters were supposed to be replaced, carport was supposed to be removed. +We were reassured (TWICE) one side would be done by this weekend and that the bathroom was ready, all it needed was paint. Nothing was done other than removal of the vanity. + +We paid with Amex so we have the chargeback option and told this to the GC which he threatened would be a breach of contract and lead to a lawsuit. +We told him we paid him in his terms on a weekly basis and he has nothing to show for it. He said he's bent over backwards for us to work on our budget and he's been nothing but timely, we gave him multiple examples of how what he said would be done is still the same after 2+ weeks. + +Then he backed off stating he wants to prove himself to us and always finishes a job on a good standing etc. +We said we'd give him one last opportunity, contigent on him agreeing to a specific time-line and he has not responded (been almost 2 days). We plan to give him till 5PM today before we initiate chargebacks and only pay for Windows+labor and whatever he wants to leave behind (other doors and flooring are on property). + +Want to ask if he does follow through with a suit, do we have legal standing? We have texts and pictures showing no work. + +I understand he had other jobs which he also confirmed were done and he would dedicate his time to the duplex (which I didn't even require him to do, but was nice of him to offer) and that other things may have come up in his personal life. +It's not just the fact that nothing was done, but that he knowingly continued to LIE about what was supposedly done that upsets me. + +Thoughts? +Hello beautiful Apeys!! + +I have something to share with you that I think could be another missing piece of the puzzle. + +&#x200B; + +[Switches get Glitches](https://preview.redd.it/yezc2av12h291.png?width=949&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1ccf749ca67381b6256c2dfb59be9ec0ac68cbe) + +I stumbled upon this thing called a "Kill Switch". + +It seems to answer a lot of questions and tie up some loose ends on things we haven't been able to explain. + +I'm very surprised that there has not been one DD on this subject this whole time. I checked, and I can't find anything posted about it. So I feel it's my duty to use my weaponized autism to post it to the Ape-kashic records. + +Remember all those times we see volume glitches happening to GME? Big lots showing up in the order book and then they're gone? Entire volume candles being deleted? + +I think this is the reason: + +[https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasdaq/2014/34-71555.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/rules/sro/nasdaq/2014/34-71555.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +>6130. NASDAQ Kill Switch (a) Definition. +> +>The NASDAQ Kill Switch is an optional tool offered at no charge that enables participants to establish a pre-determined level of Net Notional Risk Exposure (“NNRE”), to receive notifications as the value of executed orders approaches the NNRE level, and to have order entry ports disabled and open orders administratively cancelled when the value of executed orders exceeds the NNRE level. +> +>(b) Net Notional Risk Exposure. +> +>Participants may set a NNRE for each MPID individually. Each participant is responsible for establishing and maintaining its NNRE. Participants may adjust NNRE values intra-day. +> +>(c) Notification. +> +>Participants will receive notifications when the total value of executed orders associated with an MPID exceeds 50, 75, 85, 90, and 95 percent of the NNRE value. When the NNRE is exceeded, the notification will include the total number of orders cancelled and remaining open in the System. +> +>(d) Operation. +> +>Unless cancellation is prohibited by Rule 4752, 4753, or 4754, a Kill Switch when triggered shall result in the immediate cancellation of all open orders of any type or duration entered by the participant via the affected MPID, and in the immediate prevention of order entry of any type via the affected MPID. The participant must request reactivation of the MPID before trading will be reauthorized. + +*(Some apes, like myself prior to writing this, might be asking "Wtf is an MPID?"..* + +*Don't worry ape, I got you covered. According to* [*this link*](https://examzone.secure.force.com/articles/term/Market-Participant-Identity-MPID)*,* + +***Term:*** + +*Market Participant Identity (MPID)* + +***Definition:*** + +*What does Market Participant Identity (MPID) mean? This identifier is used by FINRA member firms to report trades,* + +***Ape terms:*** + +*It's just a number that identifies the entity making the trade.)* + +&#x200B; + +Here's a more recent FAQ from NASDAQ: + +[https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/EquityKillSwitch.pdf](https://www.nasdaqtrader.com/content/EquityKillSwitch.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +What this means is that if a broker or a firm places orders that would push them over their risk threshold, BAM kill switch engaged until the next trading day, or they call up NASDAQ and get it raised. + +Basically the kill switch stops orders that would fuck the firm up. And cancels all open orders. + +This would explain why we see volume being deleted. It would also explain why sometimes... just sometimes.. You try to put in an order and it comes back as canceled. And you go and post on SS and say "LOOK AT THIS SCREENSHOT GUYZZZ THEY STOPPED THE BUY BUTTON AGAIN" and then like 10 minutes later you try to do the same trade and it goes through. + +It's the kill switch protecting whoever is filling the order. It's not a glitch, it's a kill switch operating as intended and your broker just had to *reset* the kill switch. + +Some extra info about it according to: + +[https://www.tradersmagazine.com/news/brokers-wary-about-kill-switch-design/](https://www.tradersmagazine.com/news/brokers-wary-about-kill-switch-design/) + +>Under the proposal, according to Lou Pastina, an NYSE Euronext executive vice president who participated in the SEC roundtable, a broker would determine its “Peak Net Notional Volume Threshold” for every symbol for a given day of trading. +> +>This is not average daily volume. Rather, the metric is the sum of the firm’s net long positions and its net short positions. If, for example, a firm bought 1,000 shares of IBM and sold 600 shares of IBM, 1,600 shares would count against the threshold. Its net long position, however, would only be 400 shares. +> +>Under the proposal, if the broker exceeds this net notional threshold, the exchange would be obliged to cut it off. Importantly, it is the broker, and not the exchange, that determines this metric, based on its historical trading records. + +&#x200B; + +As I'm reading this shit, it's becoming more and more clear. It's just so obvious. So many "glitches" are just kill switches. It feels like the picture just got a bit clearer. + +It actually could bring more insight into the question "Why did brokers turn off the buy button but leave the sell button on?" + +Here's a [case study](https://www.henricodolfing.com/2019/06/project-failure-case-study-knight-capital.html) with Knight Capital. + +**TL;DR of the case study:** + +**Knight Capital Group was an American global financial services firm engaging in market making, electronic execution, and institutional sales and trading. In 2012 Knight was the largest trader in U.S. equities with a market share of around 17 percent on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as well as on the Nasdaq Stock Market.** + +**Knight’s Electronic Trading Group (ETG) managed an average daily trading volume of more than 3.3 billion trades, trading over $21 billion … daily. In 2012, a "simple human error" caused Knight's trading software to buy up 150 different stocks at a total cost of around $7 billion in the first hour of trading. This error threatened to bankrupt the company, but they were able to sell off the stocks and avoid total disaster.** + +\------------------------ + +That, and an issue with Goldman Sachs is the reason for the kill switch idea in the first place. + +But something caught my eye from the case study: + +&#x200B; + +>Under stock exchange rules, Knight would have been required to pay for those shares three days later. However, there was no way it could pay, since the trades were unintentional and had no source of funds behind them. The only alternatives were to try to have the trades canceled, or to sell the newly acquired shares the same day. +> +>Knight tried to get the trades canceled. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Mary Schapiro refused to allow this for most of the stocks in question + +&#x200B; + +>Once it was clear that the trades would stand, Knight had no choice but to sell off the stocks it had bought. Just as the morning’s buying rampage had driven up the price of those shares, a massive sale into the market would likely have forced down the price, possibly to a point so low that Knight would not have been able to cover the losses. +> +>Goldman Sachs stepped in to buy Knight’s entire unwanted position at a price that cost Knight $440 million – a staggering blow, but one the firm might be able to absorb. + +&#x200B; + +>A week later, Knight received a $400 million cash infusion from a group of investors + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +Sounds familiar doesn't it? A company had bought more shares than it could afford and was forced to sell and later needed a cash infusion *(Robinhood got a 1B cash infusion)*. But in Robinhood's case, retail "supposedly" owned those shares so they couldn't force a sell. + +And so the only thing Robinhood *(and many other brokers who got fucked due to their own dumbass decisions)* could do was to set the security to sell only. + +So it appears we have two separate situations but pretty much the same outcome. + +What does that imply? That the kill switch protocols treated Retail's buying as an anomaly and a red flag to the system. *(And continues to do so, but now they have a "handle" on it because the entire market is now in collusion to keep the system from collapsing.)* As if Retail's buying was a rogue algorithm buying the same ticker over and over. + +The kill switch got engaged, and they manually set everything to "closing positions only" to get Retail mirror Knight's institutional sell off. + +\-------------- + +Maybe I'm completely off the mark here. Maybe they don't work the way I think they work. + +That's why I want to post all of this with complete transparency that I'm an autistic crayon eating monkey and hopefully someone can school me about these things which are very intriguing and that would make the community better as a whole. + +Really hoping our resident wrinkle brain u/dlauer could chime in on this considering he helped to create them according to [this article](https://www.tradersmagazine.com/departments/brokerage/kill-switches-coming/) + +&#x200B; + +>In the wake of the trading mishaps suffered by KCG Holdings and Goldman Sachs in the past two years, brokerages are beginning to demand “kill switches” and monitoring technology by brokerages, said David Lauer, a former trader at hedge fund Citadel and a consultant to Verdande. Lauer would not divulge the names of the vendor’s prospects, but said the firm has **“active partners” as well as “active proofs of concept in a few production deployments.”** The consultant expects the firm to be ready with a product in the first quarter of next year. + +https://preview.redd.it/q7rpo5b2bh291.png?width=871&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cfa273e104b2afb632003b4d68f2c0def89c493 + +&#x200B; + +In any case, I felt these kill switches should come to light as there literally is nothing on here about them. + +**TL;DR The kill switch is a tool that prevents a broker from placing orders that would push them over their risk threshold. If the broker exceeds their net notional threshold, the exchange would be obliged to cut them off. This would explain why we see volume being deleted and orders being cancelled.** + +&#x200B; + +Edit: I also want to highlight the fact that if Dlauer was creating kill switches for companies to use privately, that means the one offered by NASDAQ as an optional free tool is just one version of a kill switch. + +In other words, the rules we see for the NASDAQ kill switch could be different than what certain companies are actually using. So Robinhood for example could be employing a different version with custom parameters. Every broker could have a different one. I'm not saying NASDAQ is the only one that has a kill switch. + +I'm more so pointing to the fact that these mechanisms exist, something we have not covered until now. Knowing this going forward, certain anomalies could easily be explained and deduced that some form of kill switch has been implemented. + +And the SEC has the authority to let them delete trades, as shown in the Knight case study. + +The only way I as an individual investor can be sure to bypass any sort of kill switch is to DRS. They can't kill or switch a share registered directly in my name. + +&#x200B; + +Edit 2: + +Another nefarious way this could be implemented is that maybe there aren't any shares to buy and the broker places a kill switch limit on just a specific security and then they go dark when certain securities get bought up (cough GME cough) and this way they can say "We didn't halt trading for only GME, it's a system wide shut off". And legally they'd be telling the truth. Just omitting the fact that GME is what triggered the kill switch.. +Hi folks, + +I've just been notified that the house I'm renting has been sold and asked me to vacate ASAP so new owners can move in - settlement apparently is end of this month. + +Lease doesn't end until mid-July and we are in the middle of a god damned pandemic, moving house doesn't feel like something one should do during while attempting to self isolate as much as possible. + +I think I'll be able to push it to stay until the end of the lease, just wondering if there's any rules in NSW I'm not considering, regarding the virus shit, so I can stay longer if possible. +With oil prices rising, how are you guys treating oil stocks? +For instance, Sunoco has an 8.66% dividend. I'm thinking of moving some 401k into a few oil stocks +I love reading about people with established dividend portfolios and what they did to get to that place and how long it took and there future goals, if you care to share do so in the comments I’m sure other people would love the inspiration as well!!! +Hi! I’m 24 yrs old and want to learn more about investing in stocks and also making passive money from dividends. I’ve been mainly into crypto but want to also get into stocks. Rn I make about 2,800 a month w DoorDash/Amazon flex. Currently looking for a job that pays more. But I want to put in at least 500/600 dollars per month into some stocks and dividends stocks to grow my portfolio, also going start some side gigs on YouTube & real estate so the income will change over time. What are some stocks you all have in mine? I am going to research them myself as well before putting any money into them. Thank you! +So far I have been running my business as a sole proprietor. I'm a single person game developer and sign contracts with gaming publishers, app stores, etc. I obviously have the fear that in a legal situation my personal assets can be taken from me. I don't have limited liability. + +Now I hear about registration options in India like One Person Company, Limited Liability Company, Private Limited Company all of which supposedly offer limited limited liability. Basically the company becomes a separate entity and even if I am the sole owner of it, I have to withdraw a "salary". Any property or assets of the company are its own. The company gets its own "profits". Being the 100% owner of it and not having any employees (at the moment at least) I get to keep all of it. + +Somehow this doesn't make sense. How does it become possible to avert personal liability so easily? For example, to me as my one person company, my publisher pays me some money in Q1. Since I am the only owner I buy a house with that money. Next quarter my publisher sues me for not doing my job right and causing them losses. Now I have withdrawn all profits as dividend personally and my company has no money left. So I get to keep my house? + +By this logic, it seems like it is beneficial to all entrepreneurs, freelancers to register themselves as a one person company. +I've spent a large amount of time trying to understand value investing. I've read books like the intelligent investor, researched famous value investors and learned to find intrinsic value via dcf and other teqnuiques. The thing I still struggle with is the assumption that value is at all times relevant. By definition, buying a company below value means the market's pricing is inefficient. If it is inefficient now, how can you be sure that it will ever correct to intrinsic value. If I research a company to death and correctly determine that it's value is higher than market price, where is the guarantee that the market will ever agree with me and price it correctly? Curious to hear what methods are used to try and ensure a value investment ever actually generates profit. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your Weekend threads are too[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people. + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](http://discord.gg/2sQBNuM) + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a 1 day ban. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/ywAGqfUAQE). +Hello guys, I am an amateur investor and I spend my free time from work analysing businesses that I like and which I might add to my portfolio. + +I am a follower of the Buffet/Munger approach to investing which is based on 4 principles: + +1. I can understand the business +2. The company has a growing MOAT +3. The company is run by great management +4. The company can be purchased at the Margin of Safety + +Here is my analysis for a UK company called Games Workshop. I would appreciate any comments and feedback that you could provide. The document is quite big and some time to get done, so I apologise for any spelling and grammar mistakes. + +Here is the link to a [PDF document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S8TcgFtM8mj9wWEszuWhhaDRGeLBFpF9/view?usp=sharing). +The legendary Ben Graham and his teachings in The Intelligent Investor will remain relevant forever. Some of the Key learnings from his book which are still relevant are: + +Chapter 4: **The composition of your portfolio in terms of % of stocks and fixed income should not be decided by age** (contrary to popular formula of %stocks = 100-Age) **but rather by the immediate circumstances of your life.** If your life allows you to take risks, you should have more in stocks and less in fixed income securities. If you have some immediate money requirements or obligations, it would be the opposite. + +Chapter 8: **Don’t let Mr. Market** (the lunatic guy who suffers from mood swings everyday, symbolic of the Market fluctuations everyday) **influence the buying & selling decisions in your portfolio.** Be wise and take charge of your own emotions. Use Mr. Market to your advantage and do business with him only when it serves your interests. i.e. Use market fluctuations as opportunities to buy good stocks at cheap valuations. + +Chapter 14: **For a defensive investor it is always good to diversify. Diversification not only minimizes your odds of being wrong, it also maximizes your chances of being right.** Easiest way to diversify is to buy index funds. + +Chapter 20: **Always try to buy a $10 bill at $5. The central theme of Margin of Safety is to buy stocks at prices far below their intrinsic value or worth.** By refusing to pay too much for an investment, you minimize the chances that your wealth will ever disappear or suddenly be destroyed. + +The above learnings are timeless and will be relevant for as long as humans keep buying & selling stocks. **The fundamental human behavior and the wisdom of buying stocks below their intrinsic worth is never going to change.** +I have a portfolio with 1 slot open that I want to fill with a bit more defensive and value stock. + +I’m on a pendulum between BRK and COST. + +For one thin, I can understand the business of COST and I can kind of understand berkshires, so for that matter point goes towards COST but at the same time Berkshire has a lot of underlying business as well their portfolio so I can kind feel “ok” not understanding the the business on a full spectrum. + + +If you could only buy either one and hold for a very long time, which one would you choose? And why? + +Thanks guys +So many of y'all are seeing 5 - 10% dips and thinking this is the correction many people are talking about or talking about buying these 'undervalued' dips. What you guys fail to realize is made clear when you zoom out on DocuSign. The last year has inflated stocks 50-200% over the last two years. Even with a 45% dip yesterday it's still trading back online with it's post pandemic valuations. + +A stock that rises 200% on hype and nothing else then dips 10% is not all of a sudden a good buy because it's lower than ATH. It's still hyperinflated. Yes in a usual market this would be the case as stocks are mostly (in a growing economy) at ATHs like 80% of the time. But this is only true when stocks are valued close to intrinsic values. We've had a small sell off but not anything close to a dotcom bust and the bubble is still present as ever. When it pops however is still anyone's guess. +Not quite a FatFIRE inquiry, but from my viewership, this thread has some of the best planning/analytical thinking on personal finance on Reddit. + +My father is starting to seriously consider retirement from his long operated family business.(Distribution of consumer goods). + +I (M/late 20’s) personally don’t wanna work in that field, and I’ve started my career working in finance, roughly 2 hours away. Currently, my significantly older sister works in the business with him and helps him run things, however, he has expressed to me that he does not think she could run it alone. + +He does not want me to change careers, and wants me to pursue what I like, so he’s considering selling the business as well as the significant area of land that sits on. The way I see it he has a few options, 1) selling the business and the land, 2) selling the business while retaining the land (leasing it out, maybe Triple Net opportunity here) or 3) trying to modify the business to a way which he feels she could run alone (hire external management/invest in more technology). + +The business has been long operated the same with limited technology investments, so I think there is real room for expanding profitability here. On the other hand it’s biggest segment is in a declining industry (tobacco). The business has significant size (single digit $mm gross profit) and obvious emotional attachment. + +I’d really appreciate hearing some other folks thoughts. When it comes to selling ideas I would really appreciate ideas around long-term value/tax avoidance + +Thanks! +Would like to hear from any parents that have or are doing this. My partner and I want to have a kid soon (both in our 30s, biological clock is ticking.) + +We’ve been house hunting for about 2 years, 7 failed auctions this year. It doesn’t look like we’ll find a house any time soon. We currently own our apartment but it’s only a one bedder. We thought about selling but inner city (Sydney) apartments aren’t doing so well, particularly 1 bed. I would also prefer to keep it as an investment since we bought it for cheap(ish) 10 years ago. + +Kept putting off trying for kids until we secured a house. But should we just bite the bullet and whatever happens happens? How much space does a baby need? + +The one thing we’re conscious of is we’re pre-approved for a loan, so adding a dependent will decrease our borrowing capacity, and we’re already priced out of the area we want to live in with our current borrowing capacity. + +I acknowledge that we’re in a better position than most so not complaining. But just wanted to get others thoughts? We’ll eventually need a bigger place but I’m thinking not for at least another 2 years when kid will need their own room. +Particularly about how "stocks and assets have no intrinsic value; it's totally abstract and a popularity contest". This is wildly incorrect, and dangerous even. + +I'm new to this sub, but I have my degree in economics (which I though wasn't saying much) and it's really shocking how little people to seem to know about what they're doing and why. It's a recipe for disaster. + +I'm not saying the world is coming to an end or anything like that. Those people don't know what they're talking about, either. But be careful out there. This is your hard-earned wealth at stake. Try to make informed decisions, and don't listen to folks just because they got a lot of upvotes or tell you what you want to hear. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. 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I have a 30 year 4.125% loan on it and I have homestead exception on it in Florida. I have decided to convert the home to a short term rental with AirBNB and it is actually getting booked out despite Covid and doing well. + +Do I have to tell my lender (SunTrust in this case) that I turned my primary home to a short term rental? + +Refinancing an investment property seems to be a much bigger hassle than primary home mortgage, and even in the current low interest environment does not seem to be useful. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: Just for clarification: I used this home as my primary home for 2 years, so the initial mortgage was entered into in good faith. As far as refinancing, I only want to refinance if I am forced into it by my current mortgage company. But it seems like everyone here is saying I am good to keep renting out my home without having to tell my current lender? Which actually works best for me. + +&#x200B; + +Edit2: Thanks for the advice about Homeowner insurance. I am extremely obsessive about liability and I already researched homeowner insurance before I rented the home out, and decided to switch my homeowner insurance specifically to a policy that covers short term rentals/ AirBNB for upto 2 million in liability in addition to AirBNB's policy of 1 million. + +&#x200B; + +Edit3: I know the interest rate is high, but has anyone tried to refinance a primary home into an investment property? No one gives any rates below 3.5% for 15 years and 4.125% for 30 years. Moreover, I lose homestead exception the moment I refinance it as an investment property. +Long story short, I came from a very dysfunctional family and only got out of the homeless status 7 years ago. I was never taught about money and lived most of my life being anxious and emotionally/mentally paralyzed about losing my home again.. Life has gotten a lot better but I see that I have a lot of work ahead of me to build a stable, secure life for myself. + +&#x200B; + +* I was able to finish up college but because I chose a very shitty career, I am currently stuck at a low paying job, making $35K a year.. I am working hard to get a better paying job right now. I don't have health insurance and I contribute the least amount possible in retirement, I believe I have around $2500 in there. +* I currently have around $8000 in student loans. It's in default status right now because of covid and I am not sure what's happening so I have saving money instead of making payments. +* I will be relocating to NYC soon because my wife got a job there. She will be making $50K a year. We have to rent and it is estimated to be around $2300 a month. We won't be getting a car to save money. +* I have around $5000 in savings. I want to start a mutual funds but from what I am reading, I am not suppose to start any savings unless I have at least enough cash to last me 6 months without working.. + +I am not the most intelligent person but I am self aware enough to realize how much my life has been ruled by fear. I live a very frugal lifestyle and I have just been holding enough to cash because in the back of my mind, I am always afraid of losing everything. But I know that I need to start investing, I need to get a better job, and I am already late to preparing for retirement.. Being financial illiterate is not an excuse for me to live like this and I want to start taking tangible steps to achieve a peace of mind. + +Any experiences or advices would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading. +I wish I had some better news to tell you guys, but I'm completely convinced Etoro has pulled another tactic to keep users on their platform, while their entire system is rigged. + +First post exposing their possible scam voting website. +: https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nogle3/i_need_urgent_awareness_that_voting_on_etoro/ + +**First point : Etoro did NOT send out an email to every GME holder. after me and my brother found no email in our inboxes, I went to the GME topic on etoro itself. It's a mix of people who claim they got their link, and people asking where the mail is... I had NO mail.** + +I replied to 1 post and got 4 replies of randoms who didnt get their mail. + + + +**Second point : Etoro gives out this link to everyone on their twitter** + +https://etoro.typeform.com/to/sNbx0cIN#username=xxxxx&email=xxxxx + +The original twitter response from etoro team : +https://mobile.twitter.com/etoroteam/status/1398284381714882563 + +See anything special? You can either enter a random username and email address in that link, or just open that link and enter an email address and user in that form. + +I went ahead and voted with my actual account info. + +I received a message with "Thank you for casting your vote for the GME annual meeting. " + +After this, I went ahead and changed to a secondary email address, with a COMPLETELY MADE UP USERNAME. + +guess what... + +email response on that mail address : "Thank you for casting your vote for the GME annual meeting. ". + + +Not only does this confirm that you can enter anyones email address, or username, but it also shows the risk that if someone else entered your userinfo, or someone - let's say downloaded the publicly available facebook leaked list of email addresses, etoro can have received voting on all of those addresses which would fuck with all results. + +Even if Etoro downloaded the "typeform" database and matched with their database, there is no way in telling if it was the actual user who entered this data. + +I bet my left testicle that etoro won't actually send anything to GME that would be counted as user votes.. + +**Third point**: There is NO control number. Not in any mail, not on their website. The website is a cheap form that they can send out where people enter their mail addresses, but I seriously doubt they'll actually match any of the data. They first of all will have to verify if there is an accountname linked to the email address. +Even if the user entered their username wrong, they got the fucking confirmation mail saying "Thank you for casting your vote for the GME annual meeting. "." . + +**this is fucked up** + +Everyone praising etoro for finally allowing people to vote... it created hype that etoro isn't bad at all.. while NONE of them received a mail with voting info yet. +I'm not saying nobody received a mail in the end, but if they did, it was the same unsecure fucked up link. + +Etoro is just trying to save their ass by keeping everyone on their platform. I'm fucking out.. I don't even believe that me "selling" on that platform actually has an impact on GME or the price of gme. + +I'm gonna spend the money I pull out of etoro instantly on GME shares on my other broker. +I don's see this as selling shares anymore.. I see this as getting out of a fucked environment while I can't even be sure if I own shares. I'm sure I fucking don't. + +Getting out of etoro means selling in this case. there is no way of transferring, which is a fucked element of itself.. You don't own your shares on etoro. + +Unrelated but for me this is a big point : + +**On etoro you don't actually fucking hold your own shares** +You actually own the underlying assets... It's like a paper saying that you have like 15 of etoro's shares of gamestop. It's an illegit IOU of an actual IOU of a gamestop share. + +Final point in me raging at etoro : They fucking **PIN** a post from a random nobody investor for WEEKS right below the GME ticker, which is always negative towards gme. it contains some shitty semi-realistic TA saying it won't reach high numbers anymore, and the best thing to do is sell. +ETORO THEMSELVES PIN THIS SHIT AND HAVE BEEN DOING SO SINCE FEBRUARY. +The posts are and have been reported by thousands of angry gme holders, but nothing happens. + + +Draw your own conclusions, call me a shill, call this FUD, but I'm actually going to sell my "shares" on etoro. They halted trading before, just like RH, and I don't trust these fuckers anymore. + +I am holding XX on etoro, and luckily switched to a more reputable broker after their first shitshow. + + + +**Final note** + +Please, if I'm wrong, in any way, I would love to hear it from you and go into open public discussion. I honestly hope I'm wrong. + + +**Edit : so, seems like many call fud on this post.** +I want you to go ahead and read the T&C yourself. A fellow ape came to the same conclusion about share ownership & what they can do with them. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/noiqot/guys_i_found_out_something_shady_with_the_etoro/h01f7ir/ + +About the voting : My point remains that the website for voting is VERY insecure and if you type 1 letter wrong in your username you'll still get a "vote successful" email. They MIGHT verify with their database if there is a matching username/email with the voting entries, but to me it seems like they just pulled this together to make customers stick around for a bit longer. + +Their practices have proven in the past that they can't be trusted, so I'm taking my own conclusions and will actually sell what i have on there to rebuy on another broker. I am absolutely convinced that anyone selling xxxx numbers of shares on etoro won't even fucking move the ticker or wouldn't pop up in level2 order book. Prove me wrong... + +Either way, glad this got some traction and might have helped a few apes to realise the truth about etoro. I hope I'm wrong and they'll give your money, but i'm nearly 100% sure they will fuck shit up for many holders on etoro. +my advice ; please get out & before you do, buy the shares you'll sell on etoro on another platform. You'll increase the value of GME and won't slow down any rocket if I'm not mistaken. again, open for discussion. calling me a shill/fud won't help me change my mind.. if I'm wrong I'll gladly update this edit /post. +This is the official $GME Megathread for r/Superstonk. Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and related topics. + +**Not enough karma?** Here's a [**quick guide**](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +# [announcements](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/announcements) + +* Make sure to check the Announcements regularly. Large updates will be made as posts using the [**Red Seal of Stonkiness**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%99%8C%F0%9F%92%8E%20Red%20Seal%20of%20Stonkiness%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22) or [**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22) flair, but smaller updates will be listed in the Announcements. + +## flair links + +Check out our [**flair system**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrwirc/updated_about_and_menu_flair_directory/), which is easily accessible via the sidebar button widget on desktop or the About menu on mobile. + +|[**Daily Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DAILY%20%F0%9F%93%8A%20Wrinkle%20Brain%20Think%20Tank%22)|[**DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Possible DD**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Possible%20DD%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%94%AC%22)|[**Discussion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Discussion%20%F0%9F%A6%8D%22)|[**Question**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Question%20%E2%9D%93%22)|[**Education/Data**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Education%20%F0%9F%91%A8%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%8F%AB%20%7C%20Data%20%F0%9F%94%A2%22)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|[**News/Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22News%20%F0%9F%93%B0%20%7C%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B1%22)|[**Mega Threads**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22MEGA%20Thread%20%F0%9F%92%8E%22)|[**Fluff**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Fluff%20%E2%98%81%22&)|[**Meme**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Meme%20%F0%9F%A4%A3%22)|[**HODL**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22HODL%20%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22)|[**Opinion**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Opinion%20%F0%9F%91%BD%22)| +|[**Art & Writing**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Art%20%26%20Writing%20%F0%9F%8E%A8%22)|[**Stonky Pets**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Stonky%20Pets%20%F0%9F%90%B1%E2%80%8D%F0%9F%91%A4%22)|[**Shitpost**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Shitpost%20%F0%9F%91%BE%22)|[**Superstonk Bot**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%96%20SuperstonkBot%22)|[**AMAs**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22AMA%20%F0%9F%8F%86%22&restrict_sr=1)|[**Moderator**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%80%20Moderator%20%F0%9F%9A%80%22)| +|[**Social Media**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Social%20Media%20%F0%9F%93%B2%F0%9F%A6%9C%22&restrict_sr=1)|||||| + +# important links + +[**SuperstonkBot is now live for anonymous posting**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mtc3rb/superstonkbot_is_live_whistleblowers_welcome/) (with review) + +**Want to learn more?** [**Check out our extensive Wiki**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) **and** [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +Please review the [**Superstonk Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) before commenting or posting on r/Superstonk. + +*Daily discussion threads are created at 4:00 a.m. EDT* +Here are the facts: +-Age: 58 + +-Salary: 78,500 (does not include child support or alimony) + +-Owe 400,000 on mortgage, 2% interest + +-monthly mortgage pmt 2800. + +-1200 per month rental income (bsmt apt w/o kitchen) to 2 people - all utilities are included + +-Child support/alimony payments of 1300 per month (this will cease in May 2016) + +-bills are 1200 per month, including utilities that I pay alone + +-my two children live with me (21, 24) + +-my credit is borderline fair/good after going through a pre-foreclosure + +-I'm planning to retire in 10 years; I have a pension plan through work + + +I want to live comfortably, whether it is in my current home or somewhere else that is more affordable. I would ideally prefer to keep my house; I've lived here 25 years, rebuilt 15 years ago so everything is new; and it is worth at least 700,000. I want to balance long term and short term comfort to the best of my ability, and am open to suggestions as to how I can pull off keeping my house, if that is a good decision. My number one alternate option is selling the house and buying a townhouse for 400,000. + +I'm already struggling to make ends meet, and it's going to get worse after I lose the child support and alimony. I don't want to sell my house if it's a poor investment decision, but I don't see any way around it. Feel free to ask questions if I've left anything crucial out. What is my best chance at living comfortably? +A few weeks ago I was stopped at a red light when I was hit from behind by a driver that had failed to stop. I was shoved forward into the car ahead of me, causing damage to the front and rear of my vehicle. All the fault was put on the drive behind me. My car was a 2013 Subaru Crosstrek with 95,000 miles. It had additional features including a backup camera and a 2 in. hitch installed and a very good maintenance record. + +My car was determined to be totaled. I am being offered $14,000 for the value of the car. This is not even close to the cost of a replacement vehicle especially with vehicle prices how they are right now in the US. If I accept this offer I will have to put in a couple thousand dollars of my own to buy an equivalent car or buy a car with 150,000+ miles. + +I looked through the Market Valuation Report given by the insurance company and it seems like they are subtracting $1800 in value from each car they compared my vehicle to. When I asked them about the $1800, they said each car is a dealer vehicle and because every dealer puts a new windshield and tires on the car the actual value of the vehicle is $1800 less. That is completely wrong because private and dealer vehicles both appear to sell at the same price. I am assuming if new tires and windshield are put on, the cost for that and profit for the dealer is covered by dealer fees. + +They told me a could challenge the price by showing comparable cars I find through my research. However, they said they had to be dealer vehicles. Obviously, they would just knock $1800 off the value of the car and end up again at $14,000. An additional $1800 would make the difference between me having to put in my own money or not. + +I really liked the car and I don't want to put in my own money or get a downgraded car when the accident was not my fault. Both I and the driver at fault were insured, and I am going through the insurance of the driver at fault. I have tried working with both insurance companies and neither wants to budge. What are my options at this point? Do I have to accept their offer and put in my own money to get a comparable car? +My apologies if this is slightly off topic, but this forum is the only place I know where I will get accurate answers for this. + +I have just received an energy bill for $650 from AGL for one month of energy. We are two people renting an old 1bd terrace in Sydney. Is there anyway this could be accurate? + +A bit about our power: we have an induction stove, fridge, washing machine, dryer and a few electric heaters. My husband runs one electric heater in his office basically constantly (24/7) which keeps the rest of the house warm. Is it possible that it could be accurate, or definitely some energy/appliance issue? + +Edit: it’s actually an oil heater, with a fan function. +Hi all, I'm after some advice and want to understand some implications. My older Sister has asked me to be a Guarantor on her Loan. She has a history of bad credit due to some issues with an ex-partner historically so is unable to get any credit of her own. She wants to use this loan to amalgamate all her debts into one monthly payment and pay it off in the next 5 years. I have a good credit history and I am financially stable. However, if I accept does her credit become part of mine? I.e Does the loan show on my credit file? Does it link our Credit and will her bad credit score bring mine down? I plan to get an large house extension in a few years and will require a large re-mortgage to do this so don't want any additional credit on my file. I also understand that if she doesn't pay it, it comes to me to pay and if I don't we both get a default on our file. It's not something I'm overly comfortable with but want to help my Sister. I have offered multiple times to go through her finances with her and try to build a debt repayment plan rather than this, but she isn't open to the idea and says this is her only option, which I don't agree with but I can't argue it. I've even sent her the flowchart but I don't think she bothered to look at it. Has anyone else had similar experiences and want to share their experience? + +Update: Hi all, thank you all for your input and advise. It has confirmed what I already knew and that is that I shouldn't be doing this as tbere is too much financial risk involved for me. I will be speaking to my sister this weekend and politely declining, I'm hopeful she will understand and not be too upset with me. I have been through the Step Change site this morning to gain and understanding of it and will point her towards this. I'll continue to offer my help and financial guidance if she wants it. +[Link to video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqjxyk4GMts) + +Highlights: + +1. Histiorically the 'currency empires' have been the Dutch guilder, sterling and the US dollar. +2. These currencies belonged to the largest trading countries and in the present times that country is China +3. China's large debt is mostly in Yuan and not something to worry about. +4. Single party government is an advantage over other countries because of stable policies and it functioning like a 'corporation'. +12 year old nephew came over with his mom and sister today. +His birthday is coming quick, so I told him to have his mom buy him some bitcoin to hodl for him. He became very inquisitive and started asking me all kinds of questions. We talked about a maximum of 21 m coins, breaking them down into smaller sizes, and future projections. + +He put the hard sell on his mom to get him100$ but she blew it off. Can’t lie I was hoping she’d fold and buy off of conbase to get me a referral bonus. + +A few minutes later my wife gave the kid 20$ for his birthday. He came to me and asked if he could buy some bitcoin. I locked him in at 10,393.95 with .001924 btc. Kid downloaded Blockfolio and started tracking. I was rolling watching him rage at mom that he could of 5xed his gains. + +I told him that this is locked up until he is 18, but if he gets dumb and wants to cash it out at any point, I’ll gladly give his mom the money and keep Hodling it my own self. + +We are now bitcoin bros. + +Just was a cute interaction. Hope he makes it and so do we! + +Edit: found this kid on the internet, nephew is eating them up. https://youtu.be/2AawrjIxqdM + +Intent wasn’t to get the referral from “conbase”, just gave him options. With Coinbase dealing with their latest scandal I doubt she’d of been able to get verified anyway. +I usually buy outright and get the cheapest sim only deal that meets my needs. I've had my iphone 6 for about 5 years i think and its starting to drive me mad with slowness and general shittiness. I have the money to buy outright, is it the best option generally? My sim only is about 12£ per month +I'm sure we've all seen the studies that show that past a certain income threshold \(I've seen figures from 75\-100k\) that happiness levels off \([https://www.fastcompany.com/40534358/how\-much\-money\-do\-you\-need\-to\-be\-happy\-less\-than\-most\-people\-are\-making](https://www.fastcompany.com/40534358/how-much-money-do-you-need-to-be-happy-less-than-most-people-are-making)\). I'm curious if anyone has been above that level \(150\-250k/year\) and made a jump to true wealth \($5m\+ in assets\) and if their life/happiness level changed. I'm currently making a very good living, but still striving towards more and more. Is it worth focusing this much time and effort or should you simply enjoy what you have? +I'm entering my 30s and living nearly paycheck to paycheck while starting a portfolio with less than a hundred dollars. I can put 50 dollars a month into this from my paycheck with the high probability of more in the future as bonuses/tax returns and raises come in. Ideally I'd like to be retired at 60 as a hard limit, with the option to be semi retired in 20 years. (Lower hours, less stress, time with family) + +I guess my question is, given the low amount of start money and deposits, what would be the best path to making this happen? Retirement for me would mean 2k a month in dividend distributions (which sounds insane to me considering the size of my portfolio that id need). I was rolling around the idea of going 40/60% SCHD/JEPI and these would be in a taxable account in case of emergencies (Being poor and having kids.) With maybe a bit of O when the price is right. + +I don't want to make the mistake of chasing a high yield stock just because I feel like I'm behind, but I am also feeling the pressure of not investing 10+ years ago when I should have. What would you do in my situation? (Not considering any of this as financial advice. I will research any answers given on my own and draw my own conclusions and plans to proceed.) +Hi all, +I'm 56 retired corrections offficer of 22 years.And I need some input on if I should consolidate, continue or adjust this portfolio. I was originally with Prudential and then I rolled over my IRA to be more aggressive with Fidelity. I feel overwhelmed at times and my dry powder is gone. My dividends are reinvested though.Thanks in advance. +For a while I haven't been able any new sectors or companies that I wanted to invest in. Recently, I have decided that I would like some exposure to the healthcare sector. This is because of our aging population, resilience in economic downturns, and more. I have looked at VHT, XHE, IHI, and PSCH. I wanted to have exposure to the whole healthcare sector but it seem like IHI(medical device focus) tends to outperform the other ETFs I have mentioned but it also has a higher expense ratio. I feel like IHI has the most upside and I'm looking at it as at least a 5-10 year hold. Please let me know what you think, thanks. +Hi all, +I'm 56 retired corrections offficer of 22 years.And I need some input on if I should consolidate, continue or adjust this portfolio. I was originally with Prudential and then I rolled over my IRA to be more aggressive with Fidelity. I feel overwhelmed at times and my dry powder is gone. My dividends are reinvested though.Thanks in advance. +More information: + +For the past 6 years I’ve worked seasonal seafood jobs to supplement my income. I love the work, but it doesn’t pay enough to live off of so I live with my mom during my time off (about 3 months). I usually pick up a serving job or something. + +She’s not expected to live much longer. She owns a crappy car and a house that is valued around $200,000. If sold, the money would be split with my uncle who is our only other living relative. No life insurance policy and under $1000 in her bank account. Also has 5 cats that I don’t think I’ll be able to take care of. + +I currently don’t pay rent. I pay for utilities and such, but have never had to budget for the real world. I don’t own a car. I don’t have insurance. I have maybe $700 to my name at the moment. + +Sorry if this post is all over or in the wrong place. I’m not sure what to do with the kind of money I would receive from selling the house and I don’t know what to budget for when people die? Loose ends, etc. I think I’m just super overwhelmed right now. + +***Edit/Update: + +Thank you all so much for genuinely good information and being so kind. I’m for sure going to look into trade schools. To answer some questions: I have my GED, and no debt at all (which is nice.) My mother has aggressive stomach cancer and she lives in Florida. Home is entirely under her name legally and she wants to do the right thing by giving my uncle what he was entitled to when my grandparents passed. + +As to how I have no savings: I’ve been doing work travel programs for years and it’s never allowed me to save money or have my own shit. I’m actually currently in Alaska working at a fish processing plant. Health issues have kept me out of the military and also from hopping on a fishing boat unfortunately. + +Also am a v single lady with no significant other or siblings and few friends who also lead the same work/travel/repeat lifestyle. I’ve done mostly factory and fish work for a while, but I’ve worked all over the US at summer camps, farms, hostels and national parks. Some jobs pay well, but most pay trash and offer room and board instead. + +I want to be honest with you guys, I have no goals or dreams besides live and be not miserable? I fucked off for so long and kind of just stopped thinking about the long term because it hurt my small peanut brain. It’s always just been my mom and I doing our own shit and then hanging out for a couple months before I leave again and it’s been so awesome, but it’s definitely catching up to me now. +**Bullshit jobs** + +I recently read David Graeber's *Bullshit Jobs: A Theory* (2018) and came to the belated realisation that after more than a decade in the workforce, I’ve really only had bullshit jobs. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept, here are some snippets from the book: + +&gt; A bullshit job is a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case. + +&gt; Bullshit jobs often pay quite well and tend to offer excellent working conditions. They’re just pointless. Shit jobs are usually not at all bullshit; they typically involve work that needs to be done and is clearly of benefit to society; it’s just that the workers who do them are paid and treated badly. + +&gt; … we have established three broad categories of jobs: useful jobs (which may or may not be shit jobs), bullshit jobs, and a small but ugly penumbra of jobs such as gangsters, slumlords, top corporate lawyers, or hedge fund CEOs, made up of people who are basically just selfish bastards and don’t really pretend to be anything else. The three-part list is not meant to be comprehensive. + +&gt; Those who work bullshit jobs are often surrounded by honor and prestige; they are respected as professionals, well paid, and treated as high achievers – as the sort of people who can be justly proud of what they do. Yet secretly they are aware that they have achieved nothing; they feel they have done nothing to earn the consumer toys with which they fill their lives; they feel it’s all based on a lie – as, indeed, it is. + +See also Graeber’s [original essay](https://strikemag.org/bullshit-jobs) on the subject. + +It’s not that I’ve ever sought out bullshit jobs. Bullshit just came and found me. Over the years I tried a few different lines of work, even pursued lower paying public sector jobs in the hope of finding something worthwhile. They all turned out to be bullshit, the sort where I was just ticking a box or plagiarising someone else’s work for a report noone would read (“intellectual masturbation”). At this point in my career – if you can even call it that – I’ve pretty much lost all hope that I will ever find a well-paying non-bullshit job. + +Of course I’m not saying that well-paying non-bullshit jobs don’t exist, just that statistically I’m not likely to get one. I suspect my jobs have been consistently bullshit partly because I don’t have any real specialist knowledge and skills (the knowledge to be a doctor, for example) and partly because I’ve naturally gravitated to higher paying jobs (bullshit jobs tend to pay better than shit jobs). I also haven’t been driven enough to get a really high-powered job (Graeber’s third category), the sort where you dispense with the pretense that you’re not a selfish bastard. + +**My bullshit job** + +I’m currently a risk analyst in a global financial institution. My job is ostensibly to produce risk reports for internal and external consumption but because of my employer’s conflicts of interests, I’m discouraged from doing any real analysis. I understand the existence of my job to serve two purposes: (1) to tick a box so that the organisation can say we’ve analysed the risks, and (2) to increase the team’s headcount and thereby boost my bosses’ standing in the organisation. It’s a classic bullshit job. + +The downsides: + +* The organisation is highly hierarchical and I have little control over my work. Anything I write can be changed at any time by managers who have very little knowledge of the subject matter. This is obviously very frustrating and I now deal with it by putting minimal effort into any work. + +* The culture in my team is poisonous. Employees rarely get fired and generally don’t leave (on account of being overpaid) so there’s little chance the culture will improve. I’m sickened by the falseness and the relentless office politics. + +* The job is 90% pointless. I’m a parasite on society and whatever skills I had in my field have atrophied. The perverse reality is that I would actually be more happy in my role if I didn’t have any related skills or knowledge, since then I wouldn’t know right from wrong. + +The upside: + +* By cutting corners, I’ve managed to find carve out at least half of my work week for my own projects, mostly reading books and playing computer games at my desk. Thankfully I have my own office. + +**FIRE** + +My personal circumstance: in my mid-30s and married in Shanghai, China with two small children. We’ve always tried to live frugally, although obviously many people in our city get by on much less. Our basic stats (in USD): + +* Income: $238k p.a. (75% is from my bullshit job) + +* Spending: $46k p.a. + +* Net worth: $1.6m, including $800k equities, $240k cash and fixed income, $1m real estate (no car, no other retirement accounts) and $440k debt (mostly home loan) + +It looks like on paper we’re close to being able to FIRE but there are some important things holding us back: + +* We’re fortunate in being able to keep expenses low living in Shanghai but I don’t imagine that this will continue indefinitely. I’m sure costs will increase as the kids grow up and we do plan to eventually move to a country with HCOL, e.g. UK, US, Australia. + +* I’m very concerned about future long-term returns given the current state of financial markets. + +* We don’t yet have a concrete plan on what we’d do if we were to retire early. + +It occurs to me that my job (and other bullshit jobs) could be a potentially good way to reach FIRE, despite their many downsides. This is especially the case if my assumption is that any other job I’m likely to find will probably be bullshit as well. + +Anyone else currently in or been in a similar position? Would appreciate any thoughts or advice, thanks. + +Edit 1: It’s heartening to hear that many others are in the same boat. And thanks to those who injected some much-needed perspective. For those in low-paying bullshit jobs or low-paying shit jobs, burdened with personal debt, I feel for you. To me, it all underscores the importance of FIRE, both as a journey (since it gives meaning to our daily struggles) and as an end goal (since it frees us from both shit and bullshit). + +I found the following replies especially insightful, as they go to the core of my and others' interest in FIRE: + +u/CannonballUnder26: +&gt; I thought about this some more, and I gotta wonder, would anyone even bother with FIRE if it weren’t for bullshit jobs and neoliberalism? I don’t think many doctors and nurses pursue FIRE beyond just having an emergency fund and a safety net to catch themselves in lieu of a social welfare state. There aren’t many blue collar folks trying to get into RE, unless disability forces them to. I think this goes beyond a cultural difference, and is actually a manifestation of them recognizing their work has value, while ours does not. +These really are fundamentally tied phenomena, in my opinion. Many of us want to quit our soul sucking corporate bullshit jobs and focus on more purposeful work. “RE” isn’t usually about being an idle rich parasite for fifty years. It’s about freedom from bullshit. + +u/dlxw: +&gt; No one wants to stay in the “shit job” layer where the actual work gets done, because true to its name your autonomy goes to shit, and then you start producing shit, and feeling like shit because of it. You try to get yourself out of it, and maybe you do some good work that stands on its own, but the more traction that work gets the more you get invited to the “important” meeting and the more you realize all anyone is doing there is talking in circles spouting bullshit. But you’re comfortable and start getting paid more, and that just turns you into a bullshitter. The sad fact is that 95% of the human effort in that company gets devoted to coming up with bullshit strategies that create busywork for the shit layer, who is busy trying to ignore the bullshit and actually build and fix things. Then if you’re lucky, somewhere in the pipeline someone with a shit job, or a bullshitter who periodically descends into the shit layer to do some real work, is actually turning out good shit :) and that carries the whole company. + +&gt; … When an entire economic model lionizes “letting your money work for you” as a virtuous model of productivity, it stands to reason that the highest paid jobs closest to that faucet will revolve around legitimizing this system, creating the appearance of very difficult important work that is actually just moving some money and labor around between people who have shit jobs. You are an interface, a buffer between the true bastards and the people working shit jobs, creating the justification for extracting labor from the shit layer to hand profit to the bastards. + +&gt; FIRE mentality can certainly become complicit in this (by basing an entire lifestyle around investment income) but I think the critical component is the work you will be free to do when you FIRE and no longer have to worry about the time investment of the bullshit job. I don’t see FIRE as a way to stop working; this world is too wonderful and broken to sit by doing nothing but subsisting on a pile of money. I *want* to work on useful things, which as he notes are often shit jobs, but with autonomy, where I am not just being crushed by bullshitters and only do the parts of the job I think are important. cleaning your neighborhood, caring for others, learning new skills like art, feeding people, raising kids, writing etc is all low paid shit work *when turned into jobs directed by bullshitters*, but i think is the most personally fulfilling thing I could do, and the actual work that would make society a better place. So my hope (we’ll see how it goes) is to FIRE from my bullshit job and spend the time doing the work that actually makes life better. + +Going forward I will probably do what u/LiveFastFiYoung does: +&gt; I spend maybe 15-20 hours a week on actual work, and spend the rest of the time in my workshop or writing. Those things keep me motivated and I dread having to send another pointless email that won't be read. I could likely go find another bullshit tech job that would pay slightly less that would have me working even less, but I guess I will coast until I can finally quit. + +Edit 2: I just heard that David Graeber passed away yesterday, the same day as this post. *Bullshit jobs* was the last book he wrote. A great loss for the world to have lost such an original mind. RIP. +[www.EclipseToken.org](https://www.eclipsetoken.org/) + +Your chance to get in before exchange listing and new dip! + +Let's start by shouting out and giving credit to our FrontEnd Developer for putting in that overtime to deliver a brand new more stunning website then before! You thought our last website was amazing, then take a look at this one. + +Yesterday we announced our first listing with Exchange p2pb2b, a top tier exchange ranked on CoinMarketCap, this should be in full effect and we should be on there exchange within the week. Amazing progress for a project on its sixth day! More exchanges are in the works with negotiations and deals being made, exchanges are actually approaching us! Maybe this is the time to capitalise and get involved before we are globally accessible to the common trader rather than simply on PancakeSwap. + +Our trailer for our charting system is live on the website and if anyone is wondering what this is, it is our first utility announced! A charting system with tools and features to view your tokens under BSC, the tools and features we already have are not currently available to anyone on any other charting platform operating under BSC, also to unlock (be able to use the "premium" features) you must be holding eclipse tokens on our platform and so this would benefit EclipseToken (ECP) holders tremendously. + +This is just the first exchange and first use case announced, key word "FIRST". , We are welcoming new investors and non investors but supporters from everywhere. Join us on the ride as LIKE THE ECLIPSE WE CAN NOT BE AND WONT BE STOPPED! You cant stop mother nature doing what she does best right? Same way you cant stop our devs, marketing team and community! This is our token, a community token and you could be part of that today! + +Information on our company is listed below, be cautious of copies and scams we are not liable as much as we feel bad for people who are misdirected! These are the addresses and you should always cross-examine the details with our website or member of our team. Be sure to join our socials we are the strongest growing community, the most progressive and we welcome everyone, we are in our sixth day and have only just begun. + +Exchange listing announcement! [https://twitter.com/p2pb2b/status/1383074751808167937](https://twitter.com/p2pb2b/status/1383074751808167937) + +WEBSITE > [https://eclipsetoken.org](https://eclipsetoken.org/) + +TELEGRAM > [https://t.me/eclipsetokenofficial](https://t.me/eclipsetokenofficial) + +DISCORD > [https://discord.gg/dx2T9J6G](https://discord.gg/dx2T9J6G) + +POOCOIN APP > [https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f) + +BSCSCAN > [https://bscscan.com/token/0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f](https://bscscan.com/token/0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f) + +ADDRESS TO BUY [0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f](https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x375483cfa7fc18f6b455e005d835a8335fbdbb1f) + +Key facts alongside what is mentioned + +* 2 audits in second and third day. +* Ownership renounced so that this is really community driven and to show our community that their security is at our heart. +* 5600 HOLDERS +* CoinMarketCap in the process with CoinGecko also applied for +* Relentless work rate from every side of our team, DEVS, MARKETING, MODS, COMMUNITY +* Solid plan and follow through ( we are not stopping till number one) + +As always investors - LIKE THE ECLIPSE WE CAN NOT AND WONT BE STOPPED +Many are asking for some sort of regulation to make sure that whales dont spoil their plans of participating in ICOs.. + +its the free market working out guys..and if you want to participate then buy them at the price whales are dumping in exchanges at 2-4x ico price..thats the true market price.. + +Calling the regulators to regulate a decentral project using a decentral currency is stupid..this is like walking into enemy fort to ask for help.. + +Be like a man..face the reality..this is free market + +Ask for technology to solve your undemocratic ico issue..not the state regulators.. +Hope everyone's doing well. I've been super stressed lately. So here it goes: + +I'm a freelance web developer and designer who has been working since I was like 16. I have around 25K USD in savings. Now, I'm from a third world country and always had a dream of studying abroad, being in a good environment, nature and most importantly to make more money. + +Long story short, I've received an LOA from a college in Ottawa Canada for Interactive Media Management Program. Now, quite honestly I don't think there's anything in this program which I don't already know but I think of it as an investment which will help me settle in Canada and possibly allow me to make more money. + +The whole cost of 2 years, we're looking at somewhere around 50k USD. Now, I've half of what's needed, but I'll be allowed to work 20 hours per week and have clients from mostly US which I think would help me make another 10K USD a year. + +Now, I think I'll be able to make it but I'm constantly asking myself if it'll be worth it. At the end of the day what matters to me is the money. There's no assurance that I'll be able to get a good job there. + +Right now, I'm making around 15K USD a year from international clients but it's like I'm stuck at that number since past few years. The main reason I think is my laziness due to the environment I'm in. + +Should I stay here and try to scale my freelance business or should I just put all my savings on the table take the risk and go for it? +So I first want to start by saying up until a week ago I’ve been a really stupid ape. Like absolutely retarded. I have taken all my savings and constantly yakked it at DRS & sadly Yolo options. + +Idk why but I never truly found the DD that gave me that “ah ha” moment. I quite literally gambled over a million dollars of taxable income on $GME out of blind faith. + +But ngl things have gone a little south. Those yolos paid off big in March netting me over a Milly but I didn’t want to believe that it was finished so I held and of course got eaten up by none other than a T+69 day drought of doom. + +Finally after that I really started digging in to what the hell all the DD about 69 was. Aside from some great sex education I came across a very basic thesis. Every 69 days $GME shorts in one way or another are forced to cover. + +And wouldn’t you know it aligned pretty damn smooth. + +Don’t believe me? Look at the chart your self. And obviously it’s important to note when the 69 starts. So why don’t we just go to the most obvious point the day right before the rip. + +Aug 19 - Price hits low range of $38 before the following days running for to $55 + +Then 69 days after the low on Aug 19th 21 you see Oct 27th + +Oct 27th - Price hits low range of $43 before going to mid $50’s again the next week then mid 60’s Nov 22. + +Now here’s where I was confused… 69 days after Oct 27 is Jan 4th. But no run? Why not? Theory must be busted right? Well idk but what I do know is that marked the first day of a new trading year for $gme. So maybe it reset? We see the price plummet from the mid $60’s price or (x4 pre split of $240) all the way down to $19.53 ($78.12) on WHAT DAY? + +You guessed it T+69 on March 14!! Then we bust nuts to right around 50 a share or ($200) two weeks later. + +So maybe they got to skip a cycle? Idk but check it out.. another 69 days after the 3/14 date you get May 22 where we run 30%+ the next week. + +What next folks!?! T+69 of May 22 is JULY 30! Or next active trading day Aug 1. + +My tits are jacked and regardless of any DD I’m buying holding and drsing. But I thought this was lit. + +Also what’s 420 days prior to March 14th 22? Oh yeah the start of the original MOASS. LFG + +Update; I probably should have put “since mid 21” as the 69 didn’t really come in until after. And also as I think of it it’s not T+69 as it’s not trading days it’s just total days. +Middle-high income earners.. what did it boil down to for you to progress your salary? + + +Edit: To save replying to every post thank you all for contributing to this +Bit of a shock with the inflation numbers out of the USA this morning! + +Headline inflation was up 8.6% YoY (exceeding the 8.3% estimate). +Underlying inflation was up 6.0% YoY (exceeding the 5.9% estimate). + +This is the highest YoY inflation the USA has experienced since 1981 and gives a strong indication that calls inflation had peaked in the USA were premature. + +At this point I don't see how the USA avoids triggering a recession as the Fed is forced to rapidly increases interest rates to bring inflation under control. + +This will have serious ramifications for Australia's economy, we are highly reliant on the USA both directly, as our second largest trading partner and indirectly, through China-USA economic interdependence. As a result I don’t really see us avoiding a recession either now. +I always came here for the finance news and discussion, but it seems like there's an increasing amount of posts about financial careers. We have an entire subreddit dedicated to that, /r/financialcareers so should we keep having these posts here or redirect OP's to that subreddit? +Warren Buffet's annual letter to shareholders is now available on Berkshire's website: [https://berkshirehathaway.com/letters/2019ltr.pdf](https://berkshirehathaway.com/letters/2019ltr.pdf) + +Berkshire's 2019 144-page annual report is also posted: [https://berkshirehathaway.com/2019ar/2019ar.pdf](https://berkshirehathaway.com/2019ar/2019ar.pdf) +I am 20 years old and I have been day trading since I turned 18. Turned $240 to $50k in about 4 months during the pandemic. Lost everything due to literally 0 risk management. 2021 was an overall negative year for me losing all my gains from 2020. I have been working on my strategy since the beginning of this year attempting to perfect it. Once I felt I came close to doing so (last month), I put it into place with live trading. For the past 4 weeks I have been profiting an average of 15.07% which is insanely good returns per week. My problem is I’m doing this on an account of $3k. That is roughly $450 per week. At the end of each week I emptied my account back to $3k. Rinse and repeat. However this isn’t enough for me to live and save off. The reason I’m making this post is to get some solid advice on what to do. I make around 1 trade a day, Monday through Thursday. I try and cap out at $500 MAX per trade. Is it too risky to up this to around $700? Do I not have enough implementation of this strategy to up my trade size hoping to improve my weekly profits? Any help is really appreciated. Thank you guys. (FYI I made 1 trade during this month that was not profitable. I lost around -35% from the trade. ) +https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KoPLkkzrMpo + +A video definitely worth watching. Warren Buffett's 5 best investing tips: + +1. Don't buy or sell based on headlines. + +2. Don't try to profit from bubbles. + +3. Put your emotions aside. + +4. Always invest in productive assets. + +5. Always bet on America. + + + + +[This is the official $GME Megathread for r\/Superstonk.](https://preview.redd.it/gzy9yfftoov71.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ce125aa2d7455f994d74a4192f1a04b7d14448c) + +**Please keep ALL conversations contained to Gamestop and directly related topics.** + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Brand new to the sub? Start here! + +***You must read the*** [***Superstonk Rules***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) ***before commenting or posting on*** [***r/Superstonk***](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/)*.* + +https://preview.redd.it/u7nzd0m0pov71.png?width=1651&format=png&auto=webp&s=df5232178c4035ba1c069f9306b30453b42946cd + +The extremely talented and dedicated [u/zedinstead](https://www.reddit.com/u/zedinstead/) has created this beautiful collection of the most important, groundbreaking **D**ue **D**iligence in PDF format that can be easily accessed and shared. If you're looking to familiarize yourself with the GME bull thesis or the underhanded tactics of the short sellers involved in this trade-- then this is for you: + +# [GME.fyi](https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) + +[r/Superstonk](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/) employs strict posting requirements to ensure our community stays moderately free from trolls and other such bad actors. As such you may find you have trouble posting if you haven't fully read and understood our rules. + +**Posts keep getting removed?** [Find out why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules) + +**Not enough** [**karma**](https://www.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-)**?** Here's a [quick guide](https://zapier.com/blog/how-to-get-karma-on-reddit/) on how to get it. + +**Want to learn more?** [Check out our extensive Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/faq) + +**Eager for more even more GameStop info?** [gmedd.com](https://gmedd.com/) is a spectacular resource. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +# Flair Links + +[📚 Due Diligence](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Due+Diligence%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📚 Possible DD](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%9A+Possible+DD%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📈 Technical Analysis](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%88+Technical+Analysis%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🤔 Speculation / Opinion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%94+Speculation+%2F+Opinion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💻 Computershare](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [💡 Education](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%92%A1+Education%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📰 News](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B0+News%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🤡 Meme](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A4%A1+Meme%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [👽 Shitpost](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%91%BD+Shitpost%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📳 Social Media](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%B3Social+Media%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [☁ Hype fluff](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%98%81+Hype%2F+Fluff%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [HODL 💎🙌](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22HODL+%F0%9F%92%8E%F0%9F%99%8C%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) + +You can also find the main flairs in the sidebar on New Reddit and under the "About" page on mobile. + +**Mod Flairs** + +[📣 Community Post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search/?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%A3+Community+Post%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=relevance) | [📆 Daily Discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%86+Daily+Discussion%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🚨 Debunked](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%9A%A8+Debunked%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [📖 Partial Debunk](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%93%96+Partial+Debunk%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on) | [🔔 Inconclusive](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%94%94+Inconclusive%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [⌚ Pending Review](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%E2%8C%9A+Pending+Review%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🏆 AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%8F%86+AMA%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=all) | [🥴 Misleading Title](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=flair%3A%22%F0%9F%A5%B4+Misleading+Title%22) + +To filter out CS/DRS posts, click the link or type [\-flair\_text:"💻 Computershare"](https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/search?q=-flair_text%3A%22%F0%9F%92%BB+Computershare%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) into the search bar. + +\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ + +***What's This Post All About?*** + +The first thing you'll notice is a stickied comment right at the top. We call this the "Front Desk". Every day a moderator will create a new sticky comment that includes links to community announcements, fantastic posts that deserve more attention, and generally the simplest and easiest way to interact with the moderators of this community. The rest of the post is designed for general discussion and content/questions that might not need their own post. + +If you are new please mention that when you comment. There are no stupid questions but "shills" (paid accounts with the intent to disrupt the sub) are real. This community sees a lot of trolls. If you do not distinguish yourself as someone with genuine questions it is likely that members of our community will assume you are just spreading "FUD" (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). I hate that I have to give you this warning but it is just the nature of the beast at this point. + +Please have fun, play nice and be civil. Many of our rules are heavily enforced. Debate is welcome but if it devolves into personal insults please report the comment. *Ape no fight ape!* +I’m a reasonable person. I give people the benefit of the doubt but this situation has became super fishy. + +We transferred 60k USD on the 24th of November and funds are still not showing in our Kraken account. + +Their support team keeps saying the same thing over and over, asking for the same thing, over and over: + +“Hi, Thank you for providing that information. Unfortunately, we are still unable to locate a deposit matching these details. Will you please attach a deposit slip or remittance receipt to assist in locating your funds? Best, Kraken Client Engagement” + +Their website is broken as hell and now they are stealing our money? Did anybody have a similar situation with them? + +UPDATE: + +After I created this post, finally things started to move. I have sent them the documents couple of times and they finally realized that was the case and decided to look properly into it. It seems it was a mistake from our part: + +"Hi, + +My apologies. I can see the information that you have already sent. + +The one concern for me is the bank name and & country. You have written "Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Japan" but it should read "Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)" and if they require the country in this field it could be added as well. + +What I would suggest is to wait a few more days and if the funds do not arrive, they may be returned to you. If we both don't see the funds in a few business days I would suggest recalling the transaction. I'll check back on Wednesday and let you know. If you see the funds returned to you in the meantime please let me know. + +We'll get to the bottom of this one way or another. Thanks for your patience. + +Best, + +Kraken Client Engagement" + +Hopefully the funds will appear somewhere - either in our bank account or in our Kraken account - shortly. + +Will keep you guys posted. + +UPDATE 2: + +My bank just said that bank names won’t matter as swift updates it automatically - and we have provided the correct swift code - so it’s on you, Kraken! + +LATEST UPDATE: THE FUNDS HAVE ARRIVED! + +The problem was NOT Kraken, the problem was with MY BANK. One of their incompetent staff put the numbers we gave them wrong and the money got "lost" in limbo. Our bank finally fixed it and boom, funds in the account. + +Sorry, Kraken, this was NOT your fault, but I hope you do understand we were super concerned and we could never have thought that our bank would f* this up that badly. + +On another note, I can not say THANK YOU enough for all the support and upvotes! You guys f* rock! I certainly am super relieved! + +HAPPY ENDING!!! +So after getting like 15mill (post split) shares drsed every quarter, one quarter it drops to 500k!? + +It doesn't make sense. What's the point? Oh retail is weak? But we drsed over 3 billion? So that can't be it. Retail just ran out of steam? Ok but like, thats too dramatic no? Retail would do it slowly. Make it look coordinated? + +Idk it all just smells of non-retail manipulation given how DRAMATIC the change is. + +Which leaves all of us with one question. Why BOTHER?????????? Ok great, you proved retail is no threat with this right? Except for one big fcking question: Why bother with us at all? Why bother creating such a narrative? To rug us? Except why even bother? Idk, it just doesn't make sense. + +You know what does make sense? 1 billion cash on hand and improving financials baby. Lets gooo! +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#[Look at yourselves, you pass yourselves off as cynical people, but you still have faith in the system](https://youtu.be/xy7_uus1aSo?t=79) + +#TLDR: Compilation of banks who are involved in the gamestop saga, and people/companies connected to it. + +&nbsp; + +I have been putting off quite a lot of things making this, but it's the least I can do compared to how much RC is [working so hard for the company behind the scenes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oqtyp4/i_seriously_wonder_if_what_rc_meant_to/) + +This is not financial advice, not DD, not presenting any of this as fact, just one big ass list. The 40,000 character/post is limiting me, so I'll have to break it up into parts. I started with the banks, so PT 2 is first. Let the sources speak for themselves + +PT 1: Hedge Funds, Market Makers, Brokers, and the DTCC + +PT 2: Banks + +PT 3: Central banks, The Federal Reserve, Ex and current government officials, and BlackRock + +[Some music to get your tits jacked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM) + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +_____________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#[Yo dawg, I heard you like derivatives](https://imgur.com/gallery/8LqE8VQ), but [do you like $189T worth of derivatives?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oyyour/heard_you_like_some_derivatives_but_do_you_like/) + +#The Bigger Short.[1] + + [How 2008 is repeating, at a much greater magnitude, and COVID ignited the fuse. GME is not the reason for the market crash.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much/) GME was the fatal flaw of Wall Street in their infinite money cheat that they did not expect. + +>This is not a **"retail vs. Melvin/Point72/Citadel" issue. This is a "retail vs. Mega Banks" issue. The rich, and I mean all of Wall Street, are trying desperately to shut GameStop down because it has the chance to suck out trillions if not hundreds of trillions from the game they've played for decades.** + +#[The Bigger Short](https://theintercept.com/2021/04/20/wall-street-cmbs-dollar-general-ladder-capital/)[2] + +&nbsp; + +Wall Street's cooked books fueled the financial crisis in 2008. **It's happening again** + +“Overall,” they write, “actual net operating income falls short of underwritten income by 5% or more in 28% of loans.” This was just the average, however: Some originators — including an unusual company called **Ladder Capital as well as the Swiss bank UBS, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley — were significantly worse, “having more than 35% of their loans exhibiting 5% or greater income overstatement.”** The below graph from the paper illustrates just how prevalent this issue is with some of Wall Street’s biggest names: + +#[They're still doing the same shit that caused the 08' Recession](https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/87324/new-mexico-state-investment-council-files-antitrust-lawsuit-on-alleged-rigging-of-cds-market-against-global-banks) + +>New Mexico State Investment Council Files Antitrust Lawsuit on Alleged Rigging of CDS Market Against Global Banks + +>The New Mexico State Investment Council filed a antitrust lawsuit claiming Bank of America Corporation, Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and other top financial institutions rigged the credit default swap market by manipulating a key benchmark. The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico. In the proposed class action other targeted banks include Barclays Plc, BNP Paribas SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, Natwest Group Plc, and three industry groups. + +&nbsp; + +[Pandemic relief supported the biggest banks through the downturn](https://www.minneapolisfed.org/article/2021/pandemic-relief-supported-the-biggest-banks-through-the-downturn) + +>Our analysis shows that federal stimulus helped banks avoid as much as **$300 billion in loan losses.** Put another way, this indirect support from government programs allowed banks to avoid the worst of the economic shock in the first place. **-Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis** + + + + + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +_____________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + + +#[BofA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsioql/the_complete_bank_of_america_gamestop_dd/)([deez NUTZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHFFdy2NSdE)) + + + +On April 16th Bank of America issued a [$15 Billion dollar bond](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/bank-of-america-tops-charts-with-15-billion-bond-deal-the-biggest-ever-from-a-bank-11618606409). Now given they had an extremely strong quarter, why would BofA need the additional collateral? + + +Let's check what Citadel says about its Prime Broker [here](https://preview.redd.it/jo04yu7s3c371.png?width=924&format=png&auto=webp&s=c73e6bf6450d7cf5da415329d838cffc5fb8d463) + +&nbsp; + +BAML (which stands for BANK OF AMERICA MERRIL LYNCH) or now BAC is the prime and clearing broker for **96.69% of all the net derivative assets of Citadel Securities? They are holding the 57.6 Billion Bag on Citadel Poo... 32,386 Billion of it in options, with a ton of those, are going to explode in their face or be worthless.** + +&nbsp; + +BofA deez nuts [terminates coverage of GME](https://imgur.com/5SakjnE) + +&nbsp; + +Bank of America May Offer to Sell Up to [$123B of Debt Securities, Warrants, Purchase Contracts, Preferred Stock, Depositary Shares](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/owgbq2/bank_of_america_may_offer_to_sell_up_to_123b_of/) + +&nbsp; + +[Why big name banks like Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and more were excluded from bonds sales in the EU, and what banks have been doing for YEARS to manipulate the market to fuck everyone else over](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0hey8/why_big_name_banks_like_bank_of_america_jp_morgan/) + +>Basically, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Crédit Agricole, and Credit Suisse all aligned their trading activities in such a way that **they acted as a SINGLE entity**(**Remember that**) to manipulate the bonds market in April 2021 and got caught for it and fined. But remember, these were just the banks that GOT CAUGHT doing this. With the EU recently barring more big banks like JP Morgan & Chase and Citigroup from participating in their bonds sales it looks like they are suspicious of them as well in corroborating in market collusion to a similar degree. + +&nbsp; + +[EU freezes 10 banks out of bond sales over antitrust breaches +Big names involved in past market-rigging scandals barred from lucrative recovery](https://www.ft.com/content/130cf192-8fe0-4edb-a962-2625107eae2f) + +>**Bank of America, Natixis, Nomura, NatWest and UniCredit** have been prevented from taking part because of a commission antitrust ruling last month that they participated in a bond trading cartel during the eurozone debt crisis a decade ago. + +>**Citigroup, JPMorgan and Barclays — in addition to NatWest** — have also been barred following a finding two years ago that they were involved in manipulating currency markets between 2007 and 2013, people familiar with the matter said. **Deutsche Bank and Crédit Agricole** are also excluded because of an April ruling that they were involved in a different bond trading cartel, the people said. All the banks declined to comment. + + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#[Credit Suisse](https://www.wsj.com/articles/inside-credit-suisses-5-5-billion-breakdown-archegos-11623072713)/[Archegos](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/29/the-archegos-blowup-and-its-ripple-effect-across-markets.html) + +>Hwang went to work for Robertson's Tiger Management. Robertson closed his hedge fund in 2000, but handed Hwang about $25 million to launch his own fund, **Tiger Asia Management**, which grew to over $5 billion at its peak. Robertson’s former proteges are known as the **Tiger Cubs**, and Hwang was considered one of the most successful among them. + +>The stunning implosion of Archegos Capital Management, whose speculative bets roiled Wall Street, is now expected to cost Credit Suisse an even 5 billion francs **($5.5 billion), wiping out in one fell swoop five years of profits at its investment banking division.** + + +&nbsp; + + +&nbsp; + + + +[Credit Suisse Sells $3.75 Billion of Debt Amid Archegos Cleanup](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-02/credit-suisse-to-sell-u-s-dollar-bonds-amid-archegos-cleanup) + +>The losses and a subsequent pullback in risk weighed on results, with the **firm’s first-half profit dropping 99%** from a year earlier. The fallout also prompted Moody’s Investors Service to cut the credit rating of the unit housing its investment bank and wealth manager. Credit Suisse’s new chairman said he’s conducting a strategic review that may chart a new course for the lender. + +The offering follows debt sales from **Bank of America Corp., Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. among other Wall Street firms last month.** + + +&nbsp; + + +&nbsp; + + +[Wut Doing Credit Suisse?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/) + + +>"116 In January 2021, an historic rally in GameStop Corp. shares sent the company’s stock price from $19 at the beginning of the year to an intraday high of [**$483 on January 28, a surge of over 2500%.**](https://preview.redd.it/hj1gdegjt5f71.png?width=770&format=png&auto=webp&s=1736beaf00a9922c849eb2b2242af1f670d19331) The rally was thought to be driven in part by enthusiasm generated on internet forums. At the same time, numerous large investors held short positions in GameStop stock, and demand for shares among short investors seeking to exit their positions drove the share price even higher. Among other things, the episode highlighted the danger that concentrated exposure to the **idiosyncratic risks of a particular stock could lead to significant trading losses**." + +&nbsp; + +VIA THE DTCC: “The largest deficiency incurred during the quarter was mainly driven by a **single security exhibiting** [**"idiosyncratic risk.”**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o6i0xn/via_the_dtcc_the_largest_deficiency_incurred/) + in regards to their massive margin breach Q1 (3x the previous record). See PG 6. + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#[JP Morgan Chase](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oauenv/found_out_why_the_lights_are_on_at_jp_morgan_in/)/[BNY Mellon](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/o18t8a/bny_mellon_are_citadels_clearing_bank_for/)/[Morgan Stanley](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n0i5et/notice_of_liquidation_ie_morgan_stanley_and/) + +>EuroApe here looking at Euro stuff. So it looks like JP Morgan have been using their weekends to borrow money, filing several charges as recently as Friday, And from who you ask.... + +>BNY Mellon - the same crazy cats that I previously discovered had Citadel Europe by the balls and all of their assets as collateral. + +>Here is a link to where their registered charges are listed: [JP Morgan Securities PlC - Registered Charges](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/02711006/charges) + +>Example from one of the charges [here](http://imgur.com/gallery/M7AH48y +) + +&nbsp; + +>[NOTICE OF LIQUIDATION OF THE JPMORGAN INTERNATIONAL ADVANTAGE FUND.](https://am.jpmorgan.com/content/dam/jpm-am-aem/americas/us/en/supplemental/news-and-fund-announcements/international-advantage-fund-liquidation.pdf) + +>apparently it's old news. + +>"Supplement dated **January 28, 2021** to the Summary Prospectuses, Prospectuses and Statement of Additional Information dated March 1, 2020, as supplemented" + +&nbsp; + +DTC Membership Update: Effective with the close of business on July 13, 2021 JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, #0902, [will retire the following account: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK/CORPORATE MUNICIPAL DEALER.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ojk8wc/dtc_membership_update_effective_with_the_close_of/) + +&nbsp; + + +[Jamie Dimon](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nljyoi/jamie_dimon_ceo_of_jpmorgan_chase_with_a_smug/) - CEO of JPMorgan Chase - with a smug fucking grin after [being grilled by Elizabeth Warren about their collection of overdraft fees.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDKfCGlCHWQ) Fuck these assholes. + +&nbsp; + +[“So we’ve kind of bifurcated the economy.“](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/18/jamie-dimon-says-weve-split-the-us-economy-leaving-the-poor-behind.html) + +&nbsp; + + +[JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley after hours](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oyu48o/jpmorgan_and_morgan_stanley_after_hours/) + +&nbsp; + +Am I reading this correctly from 04/13/21? [Citadel Europe needs cash, signed with BANK OF NY MELLON for a "line of credit", and agrees to full seizure if "either prior to, or subsequent to a default"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o13686/am_i_reading_this_correctly_from_041321_citadel/) + +Well, considering this happened 2 weeks later lol: [Citadel Securities Luxembourg dissolved 4/30/2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0n955/citadel_securities_luxembourg_dissolved_4302021/) + +>TLDR: The Bank is granting Citadel Europe a larger line of credit. The bank in return has the right to request collateral of any kind and if citadel Europe fails to deliver (aka failed margin call), the bank can sell / close / transfer to their own accounts any position or asset to cover the line of credit without any prior notice. + + +Data Alert! Eight firms were required to submit targeted resolution plans by July 1: [**Bank of America Corporation; The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation; Citigroup Inc.; The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.; Morgan Stanley; State Street Corporation; and Wells Fargo & Company.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/onmxr9/data_alert_eight_firms_were_required_to_submit/) + +&nbsp; + +[The Catastrophic Correlation Between Union Bank, Morgan Stanley, and Archegos Capital.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mvcgf2/the_catastrophic_correlation_between_union_bank/) + +>So today we saw that Union Bank had confirmed to closing over 400 locations. This can be seen through the following [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv6k4z/union_bank_confirms_emergency_closing_of_over_400/) + +>The reason this is very fascinating to observe is because it reveals a much deeper image of their collapsing empire. How does it do that you ask? Well, if you look at the Parent company of **Union Bank** it turns out it is: **MUFG Bank.** + +&nbsp; + +[Dutch criminal authorities ask Morgan Stanley for documents related to tax probe](https://www.reuters.com/business/dutch-criminal-authorities-ask-morgan-stanley-documents-related-tax-probe-2021-08-02/) + +>Morgan Stanley in its quarterly report said the probe followed civil litigation by the Dutch Tax Authority into the bank having taken 124 million euros ($147.21 million)of credits to **reduce its corporate tax liabilities for the [2007 to 2013 tax years.](https://bit.ly/3ih5Igo) + +Could they be illegally reducing their liabilities **RIGHT NOW**? + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +[The big banks just increased their dividends, some doubled them. Come with me and Let’s head back to 08](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oa371g/the_big_banks_just_increased_their_dividends_some/) + +##[JP Morgan (JPM)](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4442972-jp-morgan-growing-dividend-once-again-worth-a-buy) + +During the years prior to the 2008 crisis, JP Morgan (JPM ) offered a dividend yield around 3%. By 2008, as JPM’s share price began to crumble, its yield rose above 4%. By February of 2009, JPM’s yield dropped to just 0.55% when the company cut its dividend for the first time since 1990 from 38 cents to 5 cents per share quarterly. This drastic change came as a surprise to many investors. Although many banks had recently slashed dividends, JPM was still considered one of the most stable investment banks, and was one of the last to cut its payout. + +This dividend reduction came soon after the company received $25 billion in TARP bailout funds. JPM’s CEO Jamie Dimon reported that the cut was unrelated to the bailout, and said that this cut was made to allow JPM to have more financial flexibility. The 87% dividend cut helped the bank save $5 billion annually, which freed up capital to repay bailout funds. + +##[Wells Fargo (WFC)](https://www.fool.com/investing/2021/07/13/wells-fargos-dividend-hike-and-stock-buyback-plan/) + +San Francisco-based Wells Fargo (WFC ) kept up with its peers by offering over a 3% dividend yield in 2006 and 2007. In 2008, WFC’s yield shot up to 4.5% as its share price fell, similar to other banks at the time. + +Just two months after the bank’s purchase of ailing Wachovia in March 2009, the bank cut its dividend 85% from 34 cents to just 5 cents per share, leaving shareholders with a mere 0.70% yield. The cut allowed WFC to save $5 billion a year to help fund its toxic mortgage losses. + +##[Bank of America (BAC)](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210721005800/en/Bank-of-America-Increases-Common-Stock-Dividend-17-Percent) + +Charlotte, NC-based Bank of America (BAC ) traded at around $50 prior to the 2008 crisis, and had a dividend yield that exceeded 5% in 2007 and reached 7% by 2008. The banking giant was historically a great choice for dividend investors, but that all changed in 2009 when the bank was forced to cut its dividend in order to comply with government restrictions after taking TARP bailout funds. + +In 2009, BAC cut its quarterly dividend to just 1 cent per share. This left investors with just a 0.23% dividend yield. Since the dividend cut, BAC has made attempts to raise its dividend, but has failed to gain government approval. + +##Citigroup © + +In 2006, Citigroup (C ) had a dividend yield of about 4% which increased to over 4.5% in 2007. By 2008, the New York City-based bank had a dividend yield of over 7% as its stock price began to fall. In 2008, Citi was bailed out by the U.S. government for the first time and given $25 billion in TARP bailout funds. By February 2009, Citi had received its third government bailout. The government owned one-third of its shares. + +To comply with the government regulations, the bank suspended its dividend entirely from 2009-2010. In March 2011, the company resumed its dividend, offering a yield of just 0.10%, or 1 cent per share. During this time, C also did a reverse stock split of 10 to 1, making its shares worth approximately $44. + +&nbsp; + +[Morgan Stanley doubles its dividend](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/28/morgan-stanley-doubles-its-dividend-as-banks-start-to-raise-payouts-following-fed-stress-tests.html) as most banks raise payouts following Fed stress tests + +&nbsp; + +##[Fed to lift COVID-era restrictions on bank dividends, buybacks after stress tests](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-to-lift-covid-era-restrictions-on-bank-dividends-buybacks-after-stress-tests-202925576.html) + +&nbsp; + +##[ECB Lifts Restrictions on Bank Dividends as Economy Rebounds](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-23/ecb-to-lift-restrictions-on-bank-dividends-as-economy-rebounds) + +&nbsp; + +##[Canadian banks poised for 13% dividend boost when regulator gives the OK](https://financialpost.com/fp-finance/banking/canadian-bank-dividends-13-percent-boost) + +&nbsp; + + +##["Bank dividends peaked between mid-2007 and mid-2008, just months before the financial crisis boiled over with Lehman Brothers Inc’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing in September 2008."](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-banks-dividend-idUSTRE7043OR20110105) + +&nbsp; + + +#[THINK apes, THINK!](https://imgur.com/gallery/RJ4xJ56) + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#Wells Fargo + +Wells Fargo to [liquidate two of its trusts: 'Central Fidelity Capital Trust I' and 'Wachovia Capital Trust II'](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nh5ed7/wells_fargo_to_liquidate_two_of_its_trusts/) + +&nbsp; + +Last week, our favorite clown Jim Cramer said he would [buy Wells Fargo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oghre1/last_week_our_favorite_clown_jim_cramer_said_he/) and buy it aggressively. Today, Wells Fargo is withdrawing personal credit. [Jimbo endorsed Bear Stearns 6 days before their bailout saying they would be totally fine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUkbdjetlY8) + +&nbsp; + +[Wells Fargo tells customers it’s shuttering all personal lines of credit](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/wells-fargo-is-shutting-down-all-personal-line-of-credit-accounts-.html) + +&nbsp; + +#[Buffett no longer sees long-term profitability in bank stocks.](https://financhill.com/blog/investing/why-did-buffett-sell-bank-stocks) + +Buffett sold all or most of nine of its financial holdings, including: + +· **Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC) 85,630,213 shares sold** + +· **U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB) 497,786 shares sold** + +· **Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE:BK) 7,407,604 shares sold** + +· **JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) 35,506,006 shares sold** + +Visa (NYSE:V) 575,000 shares sold + +· Mastercard (NYSE:MA) 370,000 shares sold + +· PNC Financial (NYSE:PNC) 3,847,398 shares sold + +· M&T Bancorp (NYSE:MTB) 845,866 shares sold + +· **Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) 1,920,180 shares sold** + + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#Gold-man (Ball)Sachs + +Goldman Sachs, [June 30 2021, 10:30PM](https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/obceip/goldman_sachs_june_30_2021_1030pm/) + +&nbsp; + +["How much of that shitty deal did you sell to your clients?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whlzFWwVv98) Goldman Sachs Hearing + +&nbsp; + +[Goldman Sachs provides borrowing and lending services to allow institutions to cover their short positions. AKA THEY ARE VOLLEYING THE SAME SHARES BETWEEN EACH OTHER TO RESET FTDS.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oz0l1t/goldman_sachs_provides_borrowing_and_lending/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +&nbsp; + +BREAKING: Goldman Sachs & Co [fail to reconstruct AT LEAST 10% of computerized trade data between December 2nd 2020 and January 29th 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nqmz4u/breaking_goldman_sachs_co_fail_to_reconstruct_at/) + +&nbsp; + + +The shill of all shills. [Rep. James Himes, a **former Goldman Sachs** executive, seems to be much more entrenched in the hedgies and their cronies than people seem to realize](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n6s6w1/the_shill_of_all_shills_rep_james_himes_a_former/). Here's some highlights from a Times article I just found while investigating this cum rag. Will post source link in comments + +&nbsp; + + +Ex Goldman Sachs trader explains in [90 seconds how brokers earn money off of your trades and why you always lose money](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7rqbp/ex_goldman_sachs_trader_explains_in_90_seconds/). Full video [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n7lwea/ex_goldman_sachs_trader_explaining_just_how/) + +&nbsp; + +JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs [selling massive amount of bonds](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrm4ms/jp_morgan_and_goldman_sachs_selling_massive/) + +&nbsp; + +GODS OF THE SUN, part 1.1 - Manipulating the meme stock narrative, RC’s “Sears” tweet, Vulture Funds, Apollo Global Management, who Adam Aron really is, Epstein, [Goldman Sachs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nud0so/gods_of_the_sun_part_11_manipulating_the_meme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf), and the TOTAL ECLIPSE of the SUN. (Wow, eh?) + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +>""After watching [Inside Job](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2IaJwkqgPk&t=4486s), and reading criand's [new post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o0scoy/the_bigger_short_how_2008_is_repeating_at_a_much/), it is clear to me that this collusion between the government and the bankers goes back decades. + +>The call is coming from [INSIDE THE HOUSE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzzvzLsTH0Q)Obama picked **Gary Gensler** to the CFTC, a former **Goldman Sachs exec who had [helped ban the regulation](https://youtu.be/T2IaJwkqgPk?t=5990) of derivatives**."" ------My own comment a couple months ago + +&nbsp; + +I'm going to be honest with you Gary, I don't trust you, and your past doesn't look too good. But [I'll give you the benefit of the doubt](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oxtx4j/cnbc_full_15_minute_interview_with_garry_gensler/) now, do the right thing here. + + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#[Citibank](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mwbp7e/citigroup_is_shitting_in_the_same_pot_as_shitadel/), Barclays + + +[God damn I’ve never seen the banks this lit up before (LONDON)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/npjphj/god_damn_ive_never_seen_the_banks_this_lit_up/). **Barclays, HSBC, Citi Bank, KPMG, JP Morgan and One Canada Square**, the whole district is lit up crazy. Something is deffo going down. Banks fucked up. Marge is callin Kenny, pick up the damn phone! + +&nbsp; + +Citibank announces [sale of Australia, Bahrain, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam operations and other regional assets](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mrxp75/citibank_announces_sale_of_australia_bahrain/) + +&nbsp; + +[Citigroup Borrowing $5.5 Billion in Latest Bank Bond Offering](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mzvcli/citigroup_borrowing_55_billion_in_latest_bank/) + +&nbsp; + +[Barclays Bank cut customer credit card limits...PLEASE UPVOTE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mv6y7b/barclays_bank_cut_customer_credit_card/) + + + + + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#CNBC + +look at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjKbM3kjCWg) CNBC host's reaction to blurting out naked shorts. [uh-oh](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsmjqd/me_running_to_superstonk_after_hearing_mellisa/) + +&nbsp; + +In the middle of CNBC's Techcheck on Netflix's 'too hot to handle' plan of hiring ONE person... they show [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ol2gkq/in_the_middle_of_cnbcs_techcheck_on_netflixs_too/).... why are they so afraid of Gamestop? + +&nbsp; + +Jim Cramer [tells investors to take home run and sell GameStop: 'You've won'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRHlprpFVPc) + +&nbsp; + +[This POS is calling Apes Communists and Marxist for holding GME. 2 terms in which boomers really hate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oz8w0g/this_pos_is_calling_apes_communists_and_marxist/) He also adds that Apes hate "the rich". He failed to mention that holding GME has nothing to do with the rich, but rather Apes hate criminals like himself. + +&nbsp; + +Last week, our favorite clown Jim Cramer said he would [buy Wells Fargo](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oghre1/last_week_our_favorite_clown_jim_cramer_said_he/) and buy it aggressively. Today, Wells Fargo is withdrawing personal credit. + +&nbsp; + +Jim Cramer says [there won't be a crash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VccFFQk_1k). Let's not forget the time he went on public TV and told the world in '08 that Bear Stearns was fine, [6 days before their collapse.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUkbdjetlY8) + +&nbsp; + + +#["Citadel is in great shape](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oyswp2/cramer_on_citadel_in_2008_smh/), because they said so. See, this is how it works. it's the way it's played, and guys like me can't even say anything other than they're in great shape. **You can't talk about Citadel**, because if you say they're not, he will say prove it, and if you say he is in great shape and someone listens to you, then **well thats dangerous too.** So this is a crisis of confidence" -Jim Cramer + + +“If Citadel tells me they’re in great shape, they’re in great shape! If Citadel tells me they want to clap my cheeks, I let em give a standing ovation! If Citadel offers me a soda, I’ll take the Pepsi because they deserve all the coke! Btw do you have any more coke?” + +It’s very clear that you don’t fuck with Disney (hu-ha!). He clearly saying without saying that speaking out against Citadel is not something to be fucked with. Kenny has his was and will ruin you in some way shape or form. He openly admits that saying they are in good shape is dangerous, but that he has no choice. Instead he uses an overplay of his statements to try to get the message across that they aren’t fine. Something that clearly went right over the reporters head as well. You can see his whole demeanor change when he starts to “get real with her”. Cokehead fades away to what seems like a time when he was warned not to ever go against Citadel. This video is actually super intriguing once you dive into the subtext of what is coming out of his mouth. Give it another watch, get off his nuts, and just listen to what he says, watch his body language change, and read into what he’s saying. + +&nbsp; + +As you can see, CNBC, and especially [JIM CRAMER](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nlovio/cramer_why_why_whying_in_higher_quality/) will [lie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIfixbq_u0Q) and [manipulate](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsyccq/jon_stewart_2009/) it's viewers. + +&nbsp; + +CNBC’s [Andrew Sorkin and Ken Griffith](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oygctt/cnbcs_andrew_sorkin_and_ken_griffith_pictured/) pictured looking like pals who have just done 2 lines of coke in the bathroom. + +&nbsp; + +u/dlauer's [Interview on CNBC](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o28tm9/udlauers_interview_on_cnbc_june_17_2021/) June 17, 2021 + +>they really tried to get him sued lmao + +>[It felt that way](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o28tm9/udlauers_interview_on_cnbc_june_17_2021/h25x5fi?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I was a bit stunned, the question was very unprofessional, and just searching for a nasty soundbite to get me sued. + +&nbsp; + +another u/dlauer [interview on CNBC](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oy4u4t/udlauer_interview_on_cnbc/) + +>[Here](https://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/s70704/citadel04132004.pdf +) is the SEC Comment letter that was written by Citadel in 2004 that Dave /u/dlauer is referencing which discusses conflicts of interest for payment for order flow, and internalization without meaningful price discovery, etc. + +"Citadel Advisors Llc ownership in CCZ / Comcast Holdings Corp., ZONES 2.0% Exchangeable Subor Debentures 11/15/2029 + +&nbsp; + +2018-05-14 - Citadel Advisors Llc has filed a 13F-HR/A form disclosing ownership of Comcast Holdings Corp., ZONES 2.0% Exchangeable Subor Debentures 11/15/2029 (US:CCZ) valued at $60,092,000 USD as of 2018-03-31. Citadel Advisors Llc had filed a previous 13F-HR on 2018-02-09 disclosing shares of Comcast Holdings Corp., ZONES 2.0% Exchangeable Subor Debentures 11/15/2029 valued at of $60,608,000 USD. This represents a change in value of -0.85 percent during the quarter." + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +2 things: [DIDI IPO](https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210630005559/en/DiDi-Announces-Pricing-of-Initial-Public-Offering), and [ROBTHEHOOD IPO](https://www.wsj.com/articles/robinhood-stock-falls-with-early-investors-set-to-sell-shares-11628177971). + +&nbsp; + +DIDI IPO: + +>The Company has granted the underwriters an option, exercisable within 30 days from the date of the final prospectus, to purchase up to an aggregate of 47,520,000 additional ADSs at US$14.00 per ADS. + +&nbsp; + +[Didi Chuxing and SentinelOne raised a combined $5.6 billion in their IPOs last week, resulting in hefty fees for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/04/banks-earn-650-million-in-fees-and-stock-gains-from-ipo-flurry.html) ^^cough **PUMP AND DUMP** ^^cough + +&nbsp; + +[A week after](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4445455-didi-stock-performance-since-ipo), on July 12, DiDi announced that regulators had taken down 25 other related mobile apps owned and operated by the company from app stores as well, in what could be termed as a final blow to the gut. This regulatory crackdown took a toll on DIDI ever since the stock debuted, and the **stock is down more than 30% from its IPO price already.** + + + + +>**Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C., Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC are acting as active joint bookrunners and representatives of the underwriters for the offering. BofA Securities, Inc., Barclays Capital Inc., China Renaissance Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, China International Capital Corporation Hong Kong Securities Limited, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Guotai Junan Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. and UBS Securities LLC are acting as joint bookrunners for the offering. BOCI Asia Limited, BOCOM International Securities Limited, CCB International Capital Limited, CLSA Limited, CMB International Capital Limited, Futu Inc., ICBC International Securities Limited, Mizuho Securities USA LLC and Tiger Brokers (NZ) Limited are acting as co-managers of the offering.** + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +Any of those names look familiar to you? Did some digging into **Tiger Brokers**, because of Bill Hwang's [Archegos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archegos_Capital_Management) connection to a group called the Tiger Cubs. Could they be related? Lets find out. + +&nbsp; + + +[Tiger Brokers Board of Directors](https://ir.itiger.com/corporate/board-of-directors) + +>The company’s founder and CEO, Mr. Wu Tianhua, obtained both bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science and technology from Tsinghua University. Before founding Tiger Brokers, Mr. Wu worked at NetEase’s Youdao for eight years, where he was responsible for core search. Tiger Brokers now counts a team of experienced engineers, technicians and financial personnel from Tencent, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Baidu, NetEase, UBS, Interactive Brokers and other world-class companies. + +&nbsp; + +Lei Fang +Director + +Mr. Lei Fang has served as our director since June 2018. Mr. Fang has served as a vice president of Ningxia Rongke since 2016. Before joining us, he worked as regional sales director at **Guosen Securities Co.**, Ltd.’s Beijing Branch from 2007 to 2011, as well as director of business management center and general manager of Majiapu business department from 2012 to 2015. Mr. Lei Fang received his bachelor’s degree in international business from China Institute of Defense Science and Technology. + +&nbsp; + +[US hedge fund Citadel banned from share trading on Shenzhen account](https://www.scmp.com/business/markets/article/1846104/us-hedge-fund-citadel-banned-share-trading-shanghai-account) + +>"We can confirm that while one account managed by **Guosen Futures - Citadel (Shanghai) Trading** - has had its trading on the Shenzhen Exchange suspended, we continue to otherwise operate normally from our offices, and we continue to comply with all local laws and regulations," Citadel said. + +&nbsp; + +Lei Huang +Director + +>Mr. Lei Huang is the Chief Executive Officer of US Tiger Securities, Inc. Prior to joining US Tiger Securities, Mr. Huang was the Chief Executive office of Haitong Securities USA LLC, and also served as Chief Compliance Officer and Operation Manager of CICC US Securities, Inc from 2010 through 2018. Prior to that, Mr. Huang served as a Compliance Officer at Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, and Barclays. Mr. Huang also formerly served as a Regulatory Supervisor at the National Association of Securities Dealers. Mr. Huang holds a Master’s degree in Global Financial Analysis from Bentley University. + +&nbsp; + +[Tiger Brokers Review (2020): Is This Tiger King of Brokerages in Singapore?](https://blog.seedly.sg/tiger-brokers-review/) + +The company was founded back in Jun 2014 and is backed by **Interactive Brokers Group Inc (IBKR)**, Xiaomi Inc, the ZhenFund, and Wall Street investment guru Jim Rogers. + +[Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cu-nt](https://imgur.com/gallery/3PxLAlx) +____________________________________________________ + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + + +I was going to continue looking into [ROBTHEHOOD'S IPO](https://www.wsj.com/articles/robinhood-stock-falls-with-early-investors-set-to-sell-shares-11628177971), but now, I'm tired. I'll leave you with this: + +>Robinhood Stock Drops After News of Early Investors Set to Sell Shares +**The investing platform won’t receive the proceeds from the sales** + +&nbsp; + +Of course not, that would be to obvious! ^^cough **PUMP AND DUMP** ^^cough + +>The filing names more than a dozen shareholders who bought notes that could later be converted to shares ahead of the company’s initial public offering. Among the selling shareholders are **tech private-equity firm Andreessen Horowitz, Iconiq Capital LLC, Greenoaks Capital and Ribbit Capital LP.** + +&nbsp; + +Just looking into [Andreeseen Horowitz](https://a16z.com/about/team/), I found this: + +#Note: Each bullet point is from a different team member. + +- Prior to joining Andreessen Horowitz, Kimberly was a consultant at **McKinsey & Company** advising companies on strategy, go-to-market, and operations. She has also spent time at the World Bank in their finance & markets practice, in tech investment banking at Goldman Sachs, and at a journalism non-profit in Bosnia and Herzegovina. + +- Daren was a Data Scientist at SVB Capital where he developed and managed a proprietary data and analytics platform. Before that, he completed financial training programs at **Morgan Stanley and State Street.** + +- he started her career in consulting at **McKinsey** in San Francisco. + +- Prior to joining a16z, he co-founded Frank, a social lending platform that used behavioral economics to make it easy to lend and borrow money with friends and family. He began his career at **McKinsey** & Co, where he was an engagement manager in the TMT practice. + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +[The firm that built the house of Enron](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2002/mar/24/enron.theobserver) + +>**Enron** is the house that McKinsey rebuilt. The brightest minds at the world’s most prestigious consulting firm helped turn the lumbering old-economy gas distribution dinosaur into a new-economy success story envied by every corporation in America. + +&nbsp; + +##[Goldman is Evil but McKinsey is worse](https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2021/02/goldman-is-evil-but-mckinsey-is-worse.html) + +&nbsp; + +>It is remarkable the way that McKinsey goes from train wreck to train wreck yet manages to depict itself as some sort of Corporate America Zelig: ever on the scene but not doing much of anything in particular. This is despite the fact (for instance) that McKinsey was singularly responsible for the biggest value destroying deal of all time, save maybe Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto, which was the Time Warner acquisition of AOL. McKinsey pitched AOL to the Time Warner board five times and the board had the spine to reject it only four times. + +Guess who used to work at McKinsey? Why it’s your [favorite transportation secretary!](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/12/pete-buttigieg-mckinsey/603421/) + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +#”For fifteen thousand years, fraud and short sighted thinking have never, ever worked. Not once. Eventually you get caught, things go south. When the hell did we forget all that? I thought we were better than this, I really did.” -Mark Baum in ‘The Big Short’. +&nbsp; + +Dear kenny, banks, [wheres our fucking money?](https://youtu.be/ZomwVcGt0LE) Seriously, [just die already](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oupkbn/gamestop_twitter_has_a_message_for_hedge_fcks/). Pull yourself up by those bootstraps. [Maybe you shouldn’t have bought all that avocado toast.](https://youtube.com/shorts/JFQMyxbMkcs?feature=share) + +&nbsp; + +&nbsp; + +[Let the banks hit the floor!!!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04F4xlWSFh0) +Hey guys, + + +* [Most Recent Model v11](https://i.imgur.com/9H28DFj.png) + +* [Bonus Sensitivity: Optimal Rent/House Price Balance](https://i.imgur.com/uzb1I9R.png) + +* [Bonus 70 Year outlook: Total Costs & Equity](https://i.imgur.com/SbafFH5.png) + +**Community Inputs Here** + +* [Property Growth survey](https://www.strawpoll.me/18613984) + +* [Equities Growth survey](https://www.strawpoll.me/18613987) + +* [CPI Growth survey](https://www.strawpoll.me/18613990) + +**Assumptions** + +* I've assumed 3.5% (Property) and 6% (Equities) growth rates and 2% inflation. (these growth rates are taken in perpetuity) + +* Equities are borrowed at a reduced rate after tax deduction @ 32% bracket, 3.5% yield on ETFs is assumed with 80% franking rate. + +* House Prices @ $1m, buying with a 20% deposit, 4% borrowing rate. + +* Rent is $700 pw and we'll be leveraging the equivalent 20% deposit to buy shares. + + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +Saw a lot of interest in the [analysis of life long renting](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/comments/d185ah/the_underlying_maths_does_not_support_lifelong/) post. + +Lots of requests to modify the data and to adjust different aspects/variables. + +I've made a model that I can update quite quickly. + +[Version 1 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/S3Edsbq.png) +Notes: + +* PI Repayments over 30 years with constant rates. + +* Any savings from renting is invested into equities. + +* Model goes indefinitely, but 70 years is used to align with the other post. + + +[Version 2 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/k6Gzryf.png) +Notes: + +* Equity Builder max term is 10 years 70% LVR. - 70% lvr off a 250k deposit is 833k with 72k annual repayments. + +* I've adjusted this to 43% LVR to have year 1 outgoings match the ownership model. + +* Any savings from renting is now put into the repayment for the loan. After the term, any free cash flow is allocated directly to investing (as opposed to repaying a loan) + + +[Version 3 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/0nweo34.png) +Notes: + +* Added Rates/Water/Strata/Insurance. (assumed $3000 @ yr 1 indexed to inflation) + +[Version 4 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/yvlNQKj.png) +Notes: + +* Added a final results column. + +* I think year 30 is really what we're looking at. + + +[Version 5 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/IODrf9m.png) +Notes: + +* Changed rent to $900pw to reflect cost of a $1.2m property. (someone mentioned it below) + +[Version 6 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/2M0gX4q.png) +Notes: + +* Changed house price growth to 6.75% per [CoreLogic 25 year data.](https://www.aussie.com.au/home-loans/property-reports/25years.html) + +* Changed equities growth to 10% + +* Result: its about equal with a $500k bias toward ownership after 30 years. + +[Version 7 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/EJiySJE.png) or [here](https://i.imgur.com/ofMMfTD.png) for milestone years included. +Notes: + +* Someone mentioned why don't we reinvest if cost variance goes in favor of mortgage. Thats been added now, so for the first 11 years, regular deposits are made to the home owner's share holdings. This is compounded over time. Numbers @ 70 years are stupid. Just look at 30 Y. + +[Version 8 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/JSChQeu.png) with milestone years included. +Notes: + +* Unlevered Rentvesting is now included. As expected, it performs worse than Levered Rentvesting. + +[Version 9 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/z2u5CPH.png) with milestone years included. +Notes: + +* Graph to compare position @ 30 years. + +* Rental Insurance added, $600 from year 1, indexed to CPI. + +* Property now grow @ 4% pa + +* Shares now grow @ 7% pa. + +[Version 10 is here.](https://i.imgur.com/ZPn6kw5.png) with milestone years included. +Notes: + +* Graphs removed, not much value. + +* Added sensitivity analysis @ 30 years. + + +Happy to adjust throughout the day. +I just want to make sure everyone, especially newer investors, remembers that it's fine not to get involved in these crazy meme stock rallies. + +You might think that all your fellow beginner investors are in on the action and making thousands a day, while you're just working your 9 to 5 and investing in decent companies like a sucker. That's how FOMO works. + +It's easy to forget that there is always a risk of your money plummeting by 90%. + +There are plenty of us who aren't getting involved. Don't sweat it. FOMO is very dangerous sometimes. +I've recently been reading on Forex (I love reading & learning). I want an honest opinion. My objective isn't getting rich but being well off in life and finally finish paying for my medical degree. If I am disciplined enough and careful, will I be able to break even with Forex? (I'm from Mozambique btw). +Thanks +I'll start. Penny stocks. + +I thought that investing was easy and did not understand the amount of work that you needed to put in to define a good fundamental company. Sure there are easy ones out there like AAPL or MSFT that are so large and make so much money that you could just throw your wad in it and be ok, but most companies are not like that. + +Especially penny stocks, when I started my journey, I thought that all stocks went up (how naive was I) and the cheaper they were to start the better. I didn't look at numbers, read financial documents or heck even look at a chart. Three months and a few thousand later, I quickly educated myself on analyzing a company to learn what a profitable, fundamentally well run business looked like. + +That does not mean I only pick winners, it means my losers are not in last place anymore, they are middle of the pack or better. You can survive a loser like that. Good luck +QYLD-35% +AWP and O - 20% +NUSI-15% +JPI-10% +SNY-10% +ABBV-10% + +If there is any suggestions you would add I would be open to ideas. + +Background information I'm 23 turning 24 in July I am in the military I currently put in 5% of my paycheck into my Roth IRA and the military matches (up to 5%), I'm currently trying to put 1K into stocks a month. My ultimate goal is to be able to earn enough dividends to be able to live off of. +On October 26, 2021, LMT had a big decline for a day and it was announced on this reddit group about that decline. I didn't have LMT on my watchlist, so I would not have known about the big drop without this notice. However, I know that LMT is an awesome holding and the big drops are usually followed by big gains. I bought all I could afford of LMT that day around $331. Over $391 today and still climbing. Add the fat divy that it made and I am enjoying this ride. THIS is the kind of info we should be sharing here (not the "Hey I am 5 months old and I inherited $100k, what High yield stocks should I buy to retire at 12 years old?" posts. + +When a stock drops a significant amount for no real reason and is a usual monster of divy stocks, we should let others know about it so they can do their own DD on it and make a decision if it is a good buy. I can't watch ALL of the stocks that I like constantly(I know I can set up screeners) But I prefer to find these little gold nuggets from like-minded divy investors. Any 3%+ drop on good-paying, value stocks should get some posts on here so others can watch them and make that decision to buy as well. Thanks to whoever made that little LMT announcement back in October. My bank account thanks you (no, you don't get a commission, just a pat on the back and a nice attaboy) +On October 26, 2021, LMT had a big decline for a day and it was announced on this reddit group about that decline. I didn't have LMT on my watchlist, so I would not have known about the big drop without this notice. However, I know that LMT is an awesome holding and the big drops are usually followed by big gains. I bought all I could afford of LMT that day around $331. Over $391 today and still climbing. Add the fat divy that it made and I am enjoying this ride. THIS is the kind of info we should be sharing here (not the "Hey I am 5 months old and I inherited $100k, what High yield stocks should I buy to retire at 12 years old?" posts. + +When a stock drops a significant amount for no real reason and is a usual monster of divy stocks, we should let others know about it so they can do their own DD on it and make a decision if it is a good buy. I can't watch ALL of the stocks that I like constantly(I know I can set up screeners) But I prefer to find these little gold nuggets from like-minded divy investors. Any 3%+ drop on good-paying, value stocks should get some posts on here so others can watch them and make that decision to buy as well. Thanks to whoever made that little LMT announcement back in October. My bank account thanks you (no, you don't get a commission, just a pat on the back and a nice attaboy) +I don’t know what the hell is going on. But I’d like to hear from somebody who actually tried to cash out on one of these Chinese IPOs that ran thousands of percents and hear if they actually got their money. Because there has to be some massive fraud taking place. +I don’t see any posts on WSB about “I made a bajillion percent on this IPO!” +So wth is going on? + +I have a fear that I think is pretty valid. +Some people are about to get royally screwed. +And even if that’s not the case. The Chinese government or something is doing something that is going to screw governments and tax payers financially. Because at the end of the day, somebody’s going to pay that bill and it’s probably going to be the taxpayers in every country who buy in. +(reposting bc Automod instantly deleted it, this is my 3rd time trying lmao idk why it keeps deleting. I'm deleting the article links this time to test. Maybe that's why..) + +Hello beautiful Apes! + +Sooo I heard ppl are saying Kenny moving to NYC. I doubt it because they're about to become insolvent due to their naked shorting bullshit. But hey let's check it out anyway. + +Says he's moving to 425 Park Ave. And was waiting for it to be completed before moving in. + +\-------------------------------------------- + +**"The Citadel founder’s 13,900-square-foot office floor will otherwise be awesome. The 47th floor office — roughly 680 feet in the air — has 38-foot-tall windows overlooking most of the city and Central Park.** + +**His two companies, Citadel Securities and the Citadel hedge fund, have also rented the 46th floor along with 14 others on over half the 670,080-square-foot tower."** + +\-------------------------------------------- + +**"Citadel will occupy 16 floors, including a three-story diagrid floor which contains a mezzanine on the 14th floor (with 20-foot-high ceilings overlooking the 12th floor trading area)."** + +\-------------------------------------------- + +**"The anchor tenant is billion Ken Griffin’s Citadel Enterprises hedge fund, which has leased 331,800 square feet of the 670,000 square-foot tower. Citadel will occupy 16 floors, including a three-story diagrid floor and corresponding mezzanine, as well as the penthouse office floor. "** + +\-------------------------------------------- + +Okay so let's check out 425 Park Ave!! + +As of 6/29/2021 + +[https://www.425parkave.com/media/img/availability/425\_Park-Stack-2021.06.29.pdf](https://www.425parkave.com/media/img/availability/425_Park-Stack-2021.06.29.pdf) + +The top 2 floors are still leased. +