diff --git "a/reddit_finance_43_250k_41.txt" "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_41.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/reddit_finance_43_250k_41.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +&#x200B; + +|Ticker Symbol|Total Return (DRIP)|Avg. Annual Return|10k Investment Growth| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|VDY|58.73%|20.46%|$15,873.31| +|VFV|52.83%|18.63%|$15,281.47| +|XEQT|35.46%|13.01%|$13,547.10| + +&#x200B; + +Although this is a short period of time and the past results have largely been propped up by our financial sector/energy sector having great returns recently. VDY has beat out XEQT and VFV, obviously if you backtrack further VFV outperforms both of these ETFs over a long period of time. In fact if you go back to VDY's inception date, VFV would have almost doubled the returns over a 10 year period compared to VDY. On the other hand, since its inception VDY has out-performed TSX 60 index ETFs such as XIU. Results from Nov 9th 2012 to Feb 7th 2022: + +&#x200B; + +|Tickey Symbol|Total Return (DRIP)|Avg Annual Return|10k Investment Growth| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|VDY|170%|11.35%|$27,038.37| +|VFV|370.71%|18.23%|$47,084.78| +|XIU|140.55%|9.95%|$24,051.44| + +Past returns obviously do not equal future returns, but this post is to show you that dividend investing is a viable and great strategy for long-term growth. Many investors will say not to focus on dividend investing as your returns will be better in low-cost index funds, and in some cases they are right and others they are wrong. + +In fact, if you invested 10k into VDY on it's inception date you would have bought 408 shares, as of February 7th 2022 you would hold 583 shares just off dividend reinvestment alone if you just left your 10k investment alone and started a DRIP. If you go back one year from Jan 2021 to Jan 2022 and add up all the dividend payments you would have received $1,072.72 in dividend payments alone, which would be equal to a 10.7% return on your initial 10k investment in just dividend payouts. + +\*Note this information is a bit skewed as I used 583 shares. On January 1st 2021 you would hold 558 shares from your initial investment of 10k with dividends reinvested. 558 shares would equal a 10.2% return on your initial investment in annual dividend payout\* + +Just remember that there is no "best" investment strategy just the one that works for you, dividends are not pointless, and dividend investing is a great long-term strategy for compounding growth. Disclaimer I keep roughly 60-70% of my portfolio in dividend stocks/ETFs and have outperformed the S&P 500 since I started investing. The main point of this post is to not discourage new investors that want to pursue dividend investing. Tons of posts on both this subreddit and Personal Finance Canada as soon as people mention dividends other Redditors will say focus on all-in-one ETFs, dividends are pointless. + +Dividend investing has a beautiful compounding snowball effect that grows exponentially over 20-30 years. The patient investor will be rewarded by this, and have a large sum of passive income that could cover their yearly costs and allow them to retire financially free down the road. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + + + +Robinhood has proved time and time again that they are nothing but weaselly little corporate shills who are to busy sucking off hedge fund managers so they can sell our information and make a quick buck off us I'll include multiple reasons why you should take all your money out of Robinhood and put it in other reputable brokerages like interactive brokers and Charles Schwab . + +1. Free Trades Are Now Commonplace + +Robinhood is no longer the only show in town. Since its arrival, several major brokers have followed suit and now also offer free trades. Today, you can get free trades with Webull, M1, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, E\*TRADE, Interactive Brokers, and many more. It means you need to question whether some of Robinhood's other major shortcomings are still acceptable. In practice, they are probably not. + +2. Major Downtime Problems + +When a broker is inaccessible on some of the most volatile days of the last 50 years you may get some small outages . But Robinhood has consistently had major outage that led people to lose millions of dollars . Not once. Not twice. Not three times but over five times. + +Worse still, all the outages occurred in the space of one week in early March during the most unpredictable days of the COVID19 crisis. It cost people millions of dollars in positions they could not close. And Robinhood's response? A "goodwill" payment of $75. It is now facing multiple lawsuits over the issue. + +Users can no longer maintain any reasonable faith in the service being available when they need it most. That alone is enough reason to switch broker. + +3. Delayed Stock Quotes + +If you read Robinhood's FAQs or independent reviews of the service, you will see that the app has real-time quotes. + +That's only half true. Yes, your orders will always be completed at the real-time price, but the charts and data you see on screen are often delayed. This will prevent you from getting in and out of trades in the most efficient manner. + +4. Terrible Crypto Product + +I understand the appeal of being able to do your stock trading and crypto trading in the same place. On paper, that's something that Robinhood offers; it launched its crypto trading service in 2018. + +But the crypto platform has some shocking drawbacks. The drawbacks are so severe that we'd strongly urge all users to look elsewhere for your crypto needs. + +* Coin withdrawals are not available. If you own Bitcoin, you cannot transfer it out of Robinhood to your own private wallet. +* Robinhood does not supply you with access to your wallet or your wallet address. +* You do not hold the private keys for your crypto assets. An oft-repeated (and accurate) piece of advice in the crypto world is that if you don't have the private keys, you do not own the coins. + +5. Payment for Order Flow, Selling Your Data and Poor Execution + +Given the free trades, how does Robinhood make money? Sure, there's Robinhood Gold, but the signup rate is nowhere near enough to warrant the $8 billion company valuation. + +The answer is via a practice called payment for order flow. It means that instead of searching for the best price for a given stock, Robinhood is instead selling your data to high-frequency trading (HFT) firms for massive profit. The HTF firms add the data to their algorithms to better understand the flow of retail money. It is they who are Robinhood's real customers. + +In reality, the no-fee movement may end up being described as a no-explicit-fee movement, as the payment for order flow revenues have grown at many of these firms. Not to rehash the whole argument, but investors trading at firms with higher PFOF are paying a hidden fee in terms of poorer execution on their trades. + +This means that they may pay a higher price when buying or get a lower price when selling than they would with another broker less focused on PFOF as a revenue generator. For regular investors making only a few trades a year, PFOF-related slippage may not be a huge burden, but it is a bigger issue for more active investors and traders. + +6.Robinhood Gold is a Scam + +Robinhood Gold is a subscription service that introduces a few extra features for $5 per month. + +* Margin investing. +* Access to professional research such as Morningstar reports. +* Level II market data. +* Larger instant deposits (rather than waiting for money to clear). + +Sounds reasonable. But here's the catch---any broker worth its salt will make all that stuff available for free on its respective platform. It really isn't worth $5 per month. Robinhood Gold just feels like a way to eke more cash out of inexperienced investors who think that by subscribing they will become better traders. + +7. Poor Customer Service + +Robinhood's customer support is notoriously bad. Users complain of waiting weeks for an answer in the app's Help section, lengthy queues to speak to someone on the phone, no responses to emails, and a general lack of urgency in responding to important issues. + +In ordinary circumstances, poor customer service might be forgivable in a free app. However, when large sums of money are involved, clients deserve better. Given the company's value, we're sure they could hire a few extra reps easily enough. + +TLDR: FUCK ROBINHOOD BUY GME ELSEWHERE 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +Sources: + +[https://www.investopedia.com/robinhood-pays-settlement-but-gamification-remains-a-concern-5093195](https://www.investopedia.com/robinhood-pays-settlement-but-gamification-remains-a-concern-5093195) + +[https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/shouldnt-invest-robinhood-app/](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/shouldnt-invest-robinhood-app/) + +[https://katusaresearch.com/robinhood-trading-exposed-steal-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-ultra-rich/](https://katusaresearch.com/robinhood-trading-exposed-steal-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-ultra-rich/) +I am a wealth adviser and thought I would share some of the best tips I have for high income earners to consider in their financial planning. + +Please note this is all just general information, not targeted at anyone specific. + +Please do your own research and get good financial advice if your are unsure. + +&#x200B; + +**Goal Setting** + +Get together with your partner, and start setting goals. Make them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound). This gives you a platform to start working on your finances in line with clear objectives. It also empowers you to save and be disciplines, rather than pissing in the wind per say. + +Some common goals are: financial independence (What is that for you), bigger home, have kids, fund education, retire early, buy toys, travel big, work less, pay off debt, be tax effective, protect and support your family. + +&#x200B; + +**Cashflow Management** + +Understand your inflow versus outflow, what do you have for surplus and that's what you will be working with. Moneysmart have a good budgeting tool if you are looking for a place to start: [https://moneysmart.gov.au/budgeting/budget-planner](https://moneysmart.gov.au/budgeting/budget-planner) + +There is a high correlation between your savings rate and wealth, not so much income and wealth, most people with big incomes spend big, and that doesn't work out well in the long run. + +Australians usually have a fixed saving each month, where as the Japanese have a fixed spending each month, so Australians typically have lifestyle creep when they earn more, whereas the Japanese have savings creep when they earn more. + +&#x200B; + +**Invest** + +You all need an investment strategy that is appropriate to your goals, timeframes, risk tolerances and required returns. It doesn't have to be complex, it just needs to enable you to make investment decisions regularly with confidence. + +Super products and ETF's make this quite easy to implement these days, providing access to instant diversification and the ability to easily adjust your level of investment risk. + +Not investing is missing out on the wonder that is compound interest, the best time to start was yesterday, this link is great for understanding the power of compounding: [https://intl.assets.vgdynamic.info/intl/australia/documents/resources/10k\_simulations\_2021.pdf](https://intl.assets.vgdynamic.info/intl/australia/documents/resources/10k_simulations_2021.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +Top investing tips + +* Growth focused investments are best for high income earners, you can make better use of the capital gains tax discount and have the ability to better plan your tax outcomes by selling units in lower income years (i.e. Retirement, gap years etc). +* Dollar cost averaging is great, it is really a set and forget type approach that leaves markets to do the heavy lifting. +* In my experience those who try to time the market by switching to cash and back to stocks when they think conditions have improved often have horrible investing outcomes. +* Invest for the long term and avoid speculating. +* The market can remain irrational for far longer than you can remain solvent. Avoid investing in controlled economies (China/Russia) + +&#x200B; + +**Super** + +We have a generous super system, the tax advantages are significant, and everyone should consider boosting their contributions in one form or another. Its important to note, once you contribute to super, getting the money back out before retirement after age 60 is next to impossible, so be warned. + +This is not exhaustive, but some of the more effective strategies to implement. + +Super rules are complex and not all strategies will be appropriate or effective for your situation. + +&#x200B; + +* Concessional Contributions (also known as salary sacrifice) - most of us have a $27.5K limit each year, and our employees contribute 10% of gross salary (usually). + * So bridge the gap, you get a nice tax deduction for doing so, if on the top marginal tax rate (47%) the super contribution tax rate is 15% so an instant 32% arbitrage or $320 for every $1k you additionally contribute. + * Catch up concessional contributions can be really effective too, check you mygov > ATO portal for information on these, you must have a super balance under $500K at 1 july to be able to use them. +* Non concessional contributions (also known as personal contributions) - you are better investing for the long term in super than personally, assuming you wont access the funds until after age 65. + * We each have a $100kpa limit on making additional contribution into super. + * You don't get a tax deduction for these ones, but also no tax is taken on the contribution to your fund as you have already paid income tax on the funds. +* Spouse contribution - if you have a spouse on a low income, you can get up to a $540 tax deduction for making a $3k non concessional contribution to their super fund. + * Spouse must have taxable income below $40K and satisfy a few other criteria. + +&#x200B; + +**Protection** + +Having a protection plan sure helps me and my partner sleep at night, knowing if one of us gets injured or sick we are going to be ok financially and it wont derail our life plans. + +Especially so as we use debt to accelerate our growth of wealth and have ongoing obligations associated with that. + +Some cover you should consider include: + +* Death and Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) cover - this should at least cover your debts for most people. + * Usually effective to hold this cover in superannuation as your fund will get a tax deduction for your premiums, and any payment is made to a low tax environment and you would have access to your super (death and TPD are conditions of release from super). +* Trauma cover - arguably could be forgone since we have a great public health system, but can provides peace of mind if you cop a nasty cancer diagnosis allowing you to get the best care available. +* Income protection - You can protect up to about 70% of your gross income including super guarantee contributions. + * This cover replaces income if you are sick or injured and under care of a doctor. Not for self inflicted injuries! + * It is also tax deductible so usually a good idea to hold this cover in your personal name. + +&#x200B; + +**Debt/Gearing/Leverage** + +Borrowing can be really tax effective for investing. Any interest expenses related to loans you have taken out for investing to produce income are usually tax deductible. + +This is where the negative gearing can come into play, and you get a higher tax deduction than your investments are producing income. The idea is that you have a good amount of growth on these investments and there is a net financial benefit to you through lower tax and growth of wealth. + +Borrowing allows you to harness the power of compounding earlier than if you were to earn and save the money, being a high income earner you can usually borrow more than the average aussie as you can afford to repay the debt. + +Inflation does a bit of the repayment work for you, but long term stock market returns are around 10%, and long term interest rates around 4%, with inflation at 2-3%. + +A strategy for those with most of their money tied up in the family home is debt recycling, you can watch this video to learn a bit more on that here: [**https://youtu.be/CiMx\_oDISBM**](https://youtu.be/CiMx_oDISBM) + +&#x200B; + +**Get Organised** + +My favourite apps for being more organised: + +1. lastpass / dashlane - password mangers that make your life so much easier! +2. Google drive / Microsoft Onedrive - cloud storage system, access documents from anywhere +3. Sharesight - income and capital gains tax reporting on my investments (lose the spreadsheets) + +&#x200B; + +Hope this helps a few people out with where to start on their financial planning. + +Again this is just a very high level information, not advice specific to anyone in particular, get advice if you are unsure. + +Happy to take DM's if you want some more pointed guidance, but likely to just refer you to get professional advice. + +Sling me some upvotes if you found it useful :) + +Edit: cant edit the miss spelling in the title lol +[I retired at 52 with a $3 million net worth — here are 10 things that surprised me about early retirement](http://uk.businessinsider.com/early-retiree-shares-10-things-that-surprised-him-after-he-quit-his-job-2017-4?r=US&IR=T) + +I guess it's what many here already know... but a good read nevertheless. + Presale was done in 4 minutes. 200BNB hardcap + + +How the lottery works: Last 7 buyers split the lottery pot. Minimum lottery after presale will be 20BNB. + + +A countdown is running, once it's over, the last 7 buyers win a jackpot. It’s paid instantly in BNB, avoiding the price dump dynamic after lottery is paid on other tokens. + + +The lottery fee on each transaction is 2% (+3% additional fee if lottery countdown is less than 10 minutes) + + +The tokenomics are also nice: + + +\- 3% Liquidity pool fee + + +\- 5% redistribution to holders. You can see your balance increase just by holding + + +\- 50% supply burned. 0xdead gets reflection so more burn. + + +To participate in the lottery you just need to buy 10,000 tokens, if you're good in timing you'd get in the last 7 buyers. + + +As the lottery prize gets higher, we can expect a ton of price action as well as reflection. So holders are also getting rewarded just by holding the token. + + +The countdown + lottery prize and website:point\_right: [https://www.luckinutoken.com/](https://www.luckinutoken.com/) + + +Currently 45bnb in the lottery! It's growing fast. + + +Contract: [https://bscscan.com/address/0xB2f7e860E302b18819970ceA41BcFc7349834e81#code](https://bscscan.com/address/0xB2f7e860E302b18819970ceA41BcFc7349834e81#code) + + +Buy on pancake: + [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB2f7e860E302b18819970ceA41BcFc7349834e81](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB2f7e860E302b18819970ceA41BcFc7349834e81) + + +Twitter: [https://twitter.com/luckinutoken](https://twitter.com/luckinutoken) + + +Liquidity locked: [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=2698&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/defipresale?saleID=2698&chain=BSC) + + +dev wallet locked: [https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0xA3F1f7D23D1fFb0143991a5e50bE4cd1B0dc5cD7&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0xA3F1f7D23D1fFb0143991a5e50bE4cd1B0dc5cD7&type=tokenlock&chain=BSC) + + +Ownership renounced: [https://bscscan.com/tx/0x1ced850a671d204de031e452b7739e963487cd711ab99814ba24ba96ccbf9ea3#eventlog](https://bscscan.com/tx/0x1ced850a671d204de031e452b7739e963487cd711ab99814ba24ba96ccbf9ea3#eventlog) + + +Telegram: https://t.me/luckinu +It is obvious that Asmongold has formed preconceived opinions about Crypto, NFTs and all digital assets. It shows that we need to expand our efforts to educate about what GameStop is attempting to do along with their partners. + +**Loopring**: The goal of Loopring is to make secure digital payments and fix the fraud riddled stock market by creating decentralized exchanges. This will be THE technology to fix the problem with counterfeit stocks by creating tokenized securities. They are going to replace fake digital stocks with non-fungible stocks. This will allow actual ownership in actual companies. + +**ImmutableX**: Like Loopring, they are working to create ownership for things that you currently cannot actually own. You spend money on digital downloaded games, in game items… etc. ImmutableX’s goal is to give you the ability to sell and trade things that you already spend your money on. If you have bought a digital game, you don’t own it. ImmutableX’s goal gives you rights to the game you buy so that you can sell it, if you want along with other game assets. + +To be a **Twitch** streamer and have no understanding of this is stupid. + +EDIT: I want to elaborate on this a bit more. I watched Asmongold for an hour or two absolutely go and destroy things one after the other. He had more than 100,000 people clicking where he wanted every 5 minutes. A lot of people are saying *'Who is this?'* or *'Why should we care?'* the very reason is that these are the type of people that we need to understand, educate and help spread GameStop's plan because as gamers it benefits **them**. + +If this person, as a World of Warcraft gamer, knew what ImmutableX could unlock for him (as an example) it may change his mind. Imagine all the hours spent playing that game, the thousands spent supporting something they like. If they were able to say at the end of the day they actually owned the in-game items they worked for and could sell them? They might see things differently. Imagine what someone with 2 million followers and 100,000+ people dedicated enough to click pixels for them could do if they understood Direct Share Registration? If they could understand and see the corruption that GameStop is up against? It could be a whole new wave of support. + +It does not need to be Asmongold in particular, but gamers in general. They need to learn about what is going on and what is happening with GameStop. We need to better increase the education about GameStop and their partners. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +My gen is more open about this stuff. And recently my gf and I were out to dinner and this subject came up. The other couple started professing their salaries and I deflected for as long as I could, never gave it up. Currently over 250k/yr in mid 20’s and none of my friends make anywhere close. + +To the fat fire mentors and baby fat fire lurkers like me, what are your experiences good/bad telling people your nw irl? + +EDIT: I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and DM’s. Especially the ones that had some personal stories to share. I hope this was helpful to more than just me. Appreciate all of you! + +EDIT EDIT: going back to baby fat fire lurking now…thanks again! +**This is not my writing, I found another Ape (/u/DukeMaximum) on another sub, and wanted to share here** + +----- + +Melvin was one of Ken Griffin's pet projects, a hedge fund he spun off of Citadel to take on far more risk than Citadel itself could justify to investors. Melvin had, at peak, about $8.7 billion of capital assets, $2 billion of which was Citadel money. Now, with Melvin closing, they can shift losses off of their books onto Melvin, and write those off, while still withdrawing their $2 billion (or, the billion that's left. They shifted half of that out months ago.) This keeps Citadel looking healthy, at least on paper, prevents margin calls, and ensures that investors don't panic and start withdrawing money (remember that, last year, Citadel limited how much investors could withdraw per year. Citadel is very concerned right now about investors demanding their money, because they're having liquidity issues.) + +If this sounds familiar, it's probably because it's similar to what Enron did back in the 90's, shifting losses to subsidiary companies to keep them off their own books. + +Citadel is also threatening to move out of Chicago due to high crime rates. This is bullshit. In order to boost his public image before the shit hits the fan, Griffin invested $25 million to the University of Chicago for a new crime lab to offer "policing and public safety training." (This is along with a few other charitable contributions Griffin has started making recently, in a transparent effort to look like a civic-minded guy right before the news comes out what a dickhead he is.) + +But Chicago has had high crime rates for decades. Why is Citadel at a breaking point now? Griffin has been working in Chicago since 1989. Why does he want to leave now, after more than thirty years? + +Because, by shifting out of Chicago, Citadel can lay people off, sell expensive assets, and get out of expensive downtown Chicago leases. It lets them cut costs and free up liquidity. It's the perfect cover for a company struggling to remain profitable or, at least appear profitable to investors and avoid margin calls, while they're actually hemorrhaging cash. + +The TL;DR is that we're winning. Tendies are imminent, apes. + +Source: Trust me, bro. I'd love to get checked by apes with more brain-wrinkles. Please, tell me if I'm wrong. + +This is not financial advice. I am not a financial advisor. I am a meat popsicle. +In amongst a sea of Lego memes I'm noticing the only DD posts are all hyping up this week as the beginning of the MOASS. Whilst I'm hyped af for all these yummy dates as well, I will remain zen and hold as I have done for 6 months. A lot of these posts explaining we're going to the moon this week don't really carry much information at all and with them being so hard to find in amongst so many Lego memes it's almost as if we're experiencing a pretty intense shill attack... I'll trust in Satori for now but the closer we get to the MOASS the more diluted this sub seems to become. If we hit $350 soon we might very well trigger a few margin calls but you're still not selling! Trust In The Stock (TITS) and just know we're going much much higher than $350... +We are still significantly higher than we were 5 days ago. My portfolio still DOUBLED compared to LAST MONTH. I haven’t seen these kinds of gains in years.. If you, for some reason, experience this so called dip as an actual dip, or something negative at all.. Then chances are that you invested too much, tried to time the market too much, wanted to become rich quick or a combination of the above and you’ll have a chance of ending up pretty depressed once it goes south like it did in 2017-2018.. Read about the Dunning kruger effect, risk management, diversification, ladder buying/selling and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) and consider your money lost once you have put it in. “But but but, what is the reason we are going down today?” “Because people are selling after these amazing gains which they haven’t seen in the past 3 years to cash out some profits and enjoying these by buying material things that make their daily life more convenient, fun or whatever the reason is you and I spend money on stuff other than crypto and basic necessities.” + +I hope this post gets on the frontpage here cause all these “dip” posts give me (and probably a lot of others) flashbacks to 2017-2018, you know, when we were nearing a real top followed by a real bear market aka the real dip aka the discount DCA market. +Currently I have everything with Hdfc and the people in my branch won't stop pestering me about buying investment or loan products. Everything they try to push is dosgshit and I'm not interested, but they won't shut up. These are not random sales folks, these are branch managers and people like that. I'm very tired of this. Are there any recommendations on banks where they will let you be? + +Obviously I have a bit more than what average folks have in their account so I'm being targeted. +**As I am sure everyone saw, last Friday the Fed’s O/N Reverse Repo figure hit a** [**record $1 Trillion**](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTTLD)**, shattering all previous records. In my first ever DD in May (**[**here**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nk1s2a/connecting_the_dots_citadels_treasury_market/)**) I hypothesized that the reason for the sharp increase in RRPs was due to Citadel and other SHFs shorting the Treasury Market** (from Atobitt’s The Everything Short)- my idea was that they were likely hitting FTDs on their shorts (since they may have shorted more bonds than exist) and needed to locate Treasuries to kick the can on the FTDs. Thus, the SHFs were using banks as intermediaries in order to get these treasuries on their books on the day they needed a locate. + +**It looks like I was wrong. Their shorts may have been contributing tangentially to the issue, but are not the driving reason for this record scramble for collateral.** The amount and diversity of participants is evidence that this is a systemic issue for Money Market Funds/Banks/Broker-Dealers- not just a few large SHFs needing Treasury collateral. **The real issue is worse. Much worse. There are signs that the entire banking system is straining under the weight of the massive liquidity injections from the Fed.** + +**Let’s take a trip-** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ym0yjv5j9cf71.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861edcff728a52d6c8782db0aa42bb70aeec5b7c + +&#x200B; + +# RRPs + +[Reverse Repos](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reverserepurchaseagreement.asp) are extremely similar to short term cash loans. The Financial Institution (most often a [Money Market Fund (read here if you don't know what MMFs are)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/money-marketfund.asp) takes $1M of cash, and gives it as a loan to a counterparty, who coughs up $1M of Treasuries as collateral to the MMF. Then the MMF gives the Treasury back to the counterparty at the maturity date of the RRP contract (in this case, the maturity is only one day) in exchange for the payback in full of the original loan. (These have been covered at length in other DDs, [read this if you’re still confused](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reverserepurchaseagreement.asp)) + +(Money Market Funds are massive- they manage nearly $5 Trillion dollars as of the end of 2020) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wylpbj0w9cf71.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=65749897e7b271ef9c328648788e6ed135cfe56e + +**The end result from a RRP is that the MMF is able to use its cash in order to secure Treasuries, and the counterparty gets a loan they can use to cover a short term obligation.** The terms Repo and Reverse Repo are interchangeable, they just mean opposite sides of the Repo trade. + +(Another way of thinking of it is the entity **borrowing** the cash (loan) and giving collateral can be called a “Repo Party”, the entity **lending** cash and receiving collateral can be called the “Reverse Repo Party”. Sorry if these terms are confusing) + +Credit to u/leisure_rules for [this great explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/os3cn6/daily_reverse_repo_update_0726_891203b/h6m9do7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/bviglo50acf71.png?width=1404&format=png&auto=webp&s=93c4042b33df71e507a994d3c6bc7402a5468423 + +**As many have pointed out, this massive figure is concerning because it is a symptom of a serious issue in the market.** MMFs typically operate by taking cash and lending into the “money markets”, aka short term (cash-like) loans, such as AAA+ corporate debt, T-bills, or overnight bank loans. Some MMFs are “government MMFs”, meaning they have to put the majority of their funds into government securities with short durations ([SPAXX for example, as pointed out by u/Criand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oteezg/daily_reverse_repo_update_0728_965189b/h6uro7d?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) + +The MMFs are the largest investors at the RRP Facility- accounting for more than 80% of total volume. Since the govt MMFs have to invest the vast majority (99.5%) of their funds into T-bills (another name for short duration treasuries), they are scrambling to park as much money as possible into the RRP facility to maintain their legally required ratio of T-bills to cash. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/e8uds0m1acf71.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f53182e9ff91225ee65b8bde50e806b62f1fc72 + +Typically, these MMFs trade Repos with primary dealers (basically these are banks that are allowed to directly buy Treasuries from the Federal Government- [primary dealers are also explained in Part 3.5 of my Dollar Endgame Series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oh0m2s/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)) as these researchers explain- + +“**MMFs conduct the great majority of their repo investments with securities dealers, and primary dealers in particular.** Nondealer counterparties include insurance companies, educational institutions, government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs), and the Federal Reserve. Some MMF repos are centrally cleared and novated to the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC).” + +“**Access to MMFs in the repo market facilitates a range of dealer’s financing and market making strategies, indirectly connecting MMFs to a broader set of activity in the financial system.** As of December 31, 2020, MMFs held $877 billion of repo investments, or 82% of the total, with securities dealers. Of that amount, $642 billion repo investments were with primary dealers. Historically, primary dealers have been by far the largest MMF repo counterparties.” ([Source- SEC Money Market and Repo Research Paper](https://www.sec.gov/files/mmfs-and-the-repo-market-021721.pdf)\- also where I get these charts). + +As stated above, **MMFs are Repo counterparties** for dealers/banks/corporations. **Thus, the MMFs are lending cash to the dealers, and receiving T-bills as collateral (occasionally other types of collateral). Remember, a Repo from the counterparty’s (MMFs) point of view is basically a Reverse Repo since they take the opposite side of the Repo trade.** MMFs always want to LEND cash in order to get T-bills and debt securities, or just buy them outright. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/n30gqp94acf71.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=55145106ebb5edcea9787e3ae079cef3a217bb20 + +All these transactions occur in the “[Money Markets](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/moneymarket.asp)”- the opaque, hidden and secretive world of plumbing that runs throughout the entire financial system. Reporting here is very spotty- large parts of the markets are lightly regulated, and very few people actually know what is going on in them. This is concerning since large parts of the financial system rely on these markets- for example large corporations such as General Electric, PG&E, and even McDonalds use this markets to roll their short term debt, ensuring that they can borrow enough cash to pay bills each month. + +**Because this world is so unknown and opaque to most in the financial world, this market has been coined the “shadow banking system”.** This is because entities in the system, such as MMFs, **ACT** as banks (*ie depositors put money in, MMFs loan cash to corps/banks for collateral (Reverse Repos). Some retail clients of MMFs can even write checks from their MMF account, just like a checking account!*) but they are **NOT REGULATED** like banks- thus, **MMFs (along with other institutions) are called “shadow banks”**. + +They fall under much lighter regulation standards as “collateralized debt funds”. Post-2008, there was an effort to more tightly regulate these funds as banks/bank substitutes, but the bill failed (See: [The Payoff- Why Wall St Always Wins](https://www.amazon.com/Payoff-Wall-Street-Always-Wins/dp/1935212966)). + +In the midst of the 2008 Financial Crisis, Zoltan Pozsar, a Senior Analyst who was hired to work at the New York Fed, started diving deep into the Shadow Banking System. Obsessed with understanding it, he worked day and night for weeks, building a map of how it works, which NO ONE had ever done before. Here it is pictured below, from his seminal paper “[The Rise and Fall of the Shadow Banking System](https://www.economy.com/sbs)” + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/m49ugz6dacf71.png?width=929&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b9cab66b56ea5b678a4daaeca409abfd3c9f422 + +As you can see, this system is INCREDIBLY complex. The map pictured above is just the executive summary map. The real map is very big (4ft by 3ft or so). I saw the real map in an online research paper years ago, but now it appears [that the link to it is broken on the NY Fed’s website](https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/economists/adrian/1306adri_map.pdf) ([same issue with a FT article](https://www.ft.com/content/9023cd92-fee7-315c-b896-928bb23bbb85)). Weird. + +If anyone finds it, please let me know. ([Extra Credit Reading- Shadow Banking: The Money View by Pozsar](https://www.financialresearch.gov/working-papers/files/OFRwp2014-04_Pozsar_ShadowBankingTheMoneyView.pdf)) + +This system is huge- trillions pass through it every day, and it directly touches most major banks, insurance corporations, broker-dealers, MMFs, and even some pension/hedge funds. Pozsar is one of a few experts who have a deep understanding of how this system works (along with Jeff Snider and Steven Van Metre) + +[Pozsar predicted a month ago that RRPs would rise above $1T, and eventually climb to $1.3T or more. ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-05/zoltan-pozsar-sees-a-1-trillion-problem-for-money-markets-ahead)Looks like he was right. + +I’m not going to dive deep into the Shadow Banking system- **as I have nowhere near the knowledge that the aforementioned experts have**, and it would take FAR too long for one DD. If you would like to know more I suggest you read the above resources (or check out George Gammon’s interviews with [Jeff Snider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_sc-H5QYSo&t=5s) or [Steven Van Metre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEl_a37D158)). My focus is more macro-economics + financial history. + +OK, Back to Reverse Repos- what’s going on? + +# Three Driving Reasons for RRP Blowup: + +&#x200B; + +# 1. Loss of Faith in Primary Dealers/Repo Counterparties- Bank Credit Contraction beginning. CDS Rising. + +&#x200B; + +# 2. Collateral Supply Shortage- Caused by the Treasury drawing down the TGA (Treasury General Account) and hitting the Debt Ceiling (Treasury not issuing more bills/bonds). SLR exemption expired. + +&#x200B; + +# 3. Massive Treasury Demand- Spawned by “flight to quality” from FIs, Fed continues to pump $120B a month into the banking system. The Fed is EATING the Treasury Market. + +&#x200B; + +# Let’s cover these one by one. + +&#x200B; + +# Loss of Faith in Primary Dealers + +Typically, the MMFs can use the [primary dealers](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primarydealer.asp) to source a large portion of their treasury demand. They would only occasionally use the Fed RRP window when their demand exceeded the market supply- this is because the Primary Dealers will usually pay a decent interest rate (like 1-3%) for the RRP, while the Fed’s RRP was pinned at 0.00% for years (until this July, which we will get into later). + +So why are the MMFs and other FI’s with cash to spare using the Fed’s RRP facility at near-zero interest rates when they could potentially make much more in RRP to banks? **They’re noticing something happening in the banking system.** + +**The entire banking system has begun entering a credit contraction.** Despite the trillions injected by the Fed, major commercial banks are afraid to make loans, and have been letting older loans mature without lending more- You can see this for yourself [here](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TOTCI). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xo70glafacf71.png?width=2334&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a72b010984abb8a50d172c5fe743a09ba9faad0 + +This is typical of a [credit cycle](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/credit-cycle.asp#:~:text=A%20credit%20cycle%20describes%20the%20phases%20of%20access%20to%20credit%20by%20borrowers.&text=During%20the%20contraction%20period%20of,loans%2C%20and%20other%20personal%20loans.), ([explained in depth in Part 3 of my Dollar Endgame Series](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ogzoco/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)). In a recession, companies that are overleveraged start to go under, banks get worried about credit risk again and slow down/stop lending. What is weird about this contraction is that it is occurring in the midst of the greatest fiscal and monetary stimulus ever- the Fed is printing billions and shoving it into the banking system. The economy is supposed to be growing again and lockdowns are being lifted. + +**Further, notice that the credit contraction is more severe (steeper) than either 2001 or 2008. Banks are pulling back commercial and industrial loans more rapidly than in either previous recession.** + +Zooming in, we can see an initial spike in loans from banks due to Fed Stimulus in March 2020, then a steady downward contraction in bank credit even into July 2021- despite the $120B being plowed into the system every month, and a reopening from the lockdowns of 2020. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/y0bgv2pgacf71.png?width=2334&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a9c43851e88fa73825f62440b4ade573a0e4b05 + +Several important events have occurred in the past few months, notably [the closing down of personal lines of credit by Wells Fargo](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/08/wells-fargo-is-shutting-down-all-personal-line-of-credit-accounts-.html), and JP Morgan deciding to [hoard cash (ie, not lend) because it believes that “inflation is here to stay”.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/14/jamie-dimon-jpmorgan-is-hoarding-cash-because-very-good-chance-inflation-here-to-stay.html) These are just more signs of the widening credit contraction. Why? + +In periods of high inflation, the value of debt gets wiped out. This is great for borrowers (consumers) but horrible for banks, since they rely on the interest and principal payments to retain their purchasing power so that they can buy other investments or make new loans. **Inflation (in the real economy) is almost always horrible for banks/credit lenders.** + +Thus, the big banks are starting to decide not to lend (for consumer loans) for fear of their investments being wiped out. This could be due to fear of counterparties defaulting, or fear of inflation continuing to soar. Banks are many things, but they aren’t stupid. (**also, hint, inflation is MUCH higher than even the Fed reports- likely real inflation is around 12-14% right now.** I can make a post on this later). The great ape [u/Dismal-Jellyfish](https://www.reddit.com/user/Dismal-Jellyfish/) has been making amazing posts on inflation- I suggest you go check them out. + +**If inflation keeps climbing higher and is not transitory, the banks will be faced with the prospect of losing hundreds of billions of dollars in their commercial loan portfolios as inflation eats away the value of the debt (that they OWN).** This will squeeze margins on them drastically, maybe even forcing a few into bankruptcy, and where they can, they will drastically raise interest rates (which a system this over indebted cannot support) just to survive. + +More ominously, the [Credit Default Swap](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/creditdefaultswap.asp) Rates (Yes, THOSE things from 2008) on the major investment banks are rising. (Notice how they also spiked earlier in the chart, during the last week of January when RH prevented buying of GME.) + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/j66sbbaoacf71.jpg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf31a66216bbda8905a90031e8bf9c499e46966 + +&#x200B; + +The market views the banks’ credit risks as rising- likely the reason why bank ETFs like KBE are down >10% in the last two months. Credit Suisse’s credit risk is rising the fastest of all of them ([elaborated on in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox7p7a/wut_doing_credit_suisse/)). + +**Another interesting fact reported by Jeff Snider (mentioned by George Gammon**[ **in this interview**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1yyGieCC1w&t=876s) **at 6:20) is that T-bills received from the Fed’s RRP facility CANNOT be rehypothecated. All other collateral in the shadow banking system (aka collateral provided by primary dealers, banks, or others) can be rehypothecated 1-30x (or more, no one knows the exact multiplier), but T-bills from the Fed are specially marked to prevent rehypothecation.** + +Therefore, by using the Fed as their counterparty, MMFs get T-bills that aren’t (and cannot be) rehypothecated by anyone, and are thus MUCH safer. Further, they have basically no counterparty risk, because if the Fed runs out of money, it can just print more. + +**Why in the world would the MMFs use the banks as counterparties for RRPs when the collateral is rehypothecated and the counterparties could (potentially) default, when the Fed’s RRP facility is an option? It makes sense why they chose the Fed’s RRP facility.** + +# Collateral Supply Shortage + +The second thing driving the RRP figures into the trillions is the tightening of new supply of treasuries. This is because of a couple of reasons. + +\- First, the Treasury is drawing down the TGA (Treasury General Account) instead of issuing T-bill/bonds. The [Treasury General Account](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/treasury-general-account.asp) is the general checking account of the U.S. Government, which the Department of the Treasury uses and from which the U.S. government makes all of its official payments. The [Federal Reserve Bank of New York](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/federal-reserve-bank-of-new-york.asp) holds the Treasury General Account. + +It’s basically where the Treasury stores cash raised from issuing bonds, so that this cash can be disbursed to fund government programs (like Social Security, or the Dept. of Defense), along with making payments on the over [$28.5 Trillion National Debt](https://www.usdebtclock.org/). Typically, the TGA sits between $200-$400B, giving the government a small cash hoard in the case that it can’t issue bonds for a time. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/axiaxr2sacf71.png?width=1930&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ac0de03c8e8ccf443350484a8336903affe458 + +Treasury Secretary Mnuchin built this massive war chest during Covid because the government was able to borrow basically unimpeded, but Congress was unable to pass the second stimulus package until December 2020. At the peak, the TGA reached $1.8 Trillion, and hovered around $1.6 Trillion for months after. In February 2021, Yellen stated that she wanted to spend the money in this account rather than issuing new bonds, and that’s [exactly what the Treasury started doing.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-treasury-liquidity-explainer/explainer-u-s-treasurys-cash-drawdown-and-why-markets-care-idUSKBN2AM26A) + +So, since the beginning of this year, there has been less Treasury bond issuance than there otherwise would be, since Yellen can just pay for govt programs through the cash in the TGA rather than issuing new bonds. **Supply of Treasuries has thus been reduced since the beginning of the year.** + +**-The second reason for the collateral shortage is that the Fed now cannot issue any more bonds.** Just last week, as I am sure everyone saw, Congress adjourned for vacation without[ raising the debt ceiling. ](https://thehill.com/policy/finance/565745-missed-debt-ceiling-deadline-kicks-off-high-stakes-fight)This is crucial since it means that now, the Treasury legally cannot issue any more debt. Since the United States is running large budget deficits, it does not have the funds to pay for government programs and interest payments on the massive Federal debt- it typically borrows more (issuing new bonds) in order to pay off older bonds that are maturing (Like paying off your credit cards by getting a personal line of credit- genius right?). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/waw1gh23bcf71.png?width=1678&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa65553239feea9d5e6f30e5cff54a9fe4d8e63 + +Now, with[ the debt ceiling left at around $28.5 trillion](https://www.wsj.com/articles/debt-ceiling-deadline-11627913756) (basically exactly where the current debt level is) the Treasury has no room to issue additional bonds. **New supply of T-bills and T-bonds is completely cut off.** [Yellen will now have to take extraordinary measures to avoid defaulting.](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/02/treasury-to-invoke-extraordinary-measures-as-debt-ceiling-returns.html) This is why I am not surprised that the RRP figures posted by u/pctracer keep showing \~[$900B figures](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ox83b4/daily_reverse_repo_update_0803_909442b/). **The figures will likely keep climbing as the collateral shortage gets worse.** + +# SLR + +\-Third, due to the SLR rule exemption expiring in late March 2021, banks need to hold billions of $ more in Treasuries on their balance sheets to remain within legal SLR limits. + +What is the SLR? Glad you asked. Let’s use the explanation I gave in my first DD as a guide: + +*"The* [*SLR (Supplementary Leverage Ratio)*](https://www.risk.net/definition/supplementary-leverage-ratio-slr) *is the U.S. version of BASEL-III capital adequacy norm and a Tier-1 leverage ratio; it varies from 3-5% common equity capital U.S. banks must maintain relative to their total leverage exposure. This is like a backstop to risk-weighted capital requirements”* + +Tier-1 Capital means the highest quality bank capital, i.e. bank reserves, shareholder equity, AAA+ bonds (in some cases) and **Treasuries**. + +Pulling from my DD again: \*"On April 1, 2020, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed) released an interim final rule (IFR) that allowed bank holding companies to exclude U.S. Treasuries and deposits held at Federal Reserve Banks from the calculation of their Supplementary Leverage Ratio (SLR) \*through March 31, 2021....\*\****This change resulted in a $55 billion reduction of capital requirements for the largest banks.*** *The stated rationale for this change was to allow banks to “expand their balance sheets as appropriate to serve as financial intermediaries and serve their customers.”* + +So, U.S. banks were allowed to temporarily exclude holdings of UST and cash kept in reserve at the Fed from their assets when calculating the ratio. Basically, this meant that the treasuries they owned could now be lent out to hedgies to short in the market for the duration of the Covid-19 crisis. **The banks were allowed to go down to a 0% reserve ratio, meaning they could have a portfolio of 100% liabilities backed by NO assets, (theoretically, though this didn’t happen in practice- banks were just able to leverage themselves up even further).** [Here’s a quick explainer on how SLR is calculated.](https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/84939/what-is-the-supplementary-leverage-ratio-and-why-is-it-important) + +[But, this SLR exemption (which lasted for a year) ](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/19/the-fed-will-not-extend-a-pandemic-crisis-rule-that-had-allowed-banks-to-relax-capital-levels.html)expired on March 31st, 2021- now they HAVE to have a higher amount of reserves at the Fed (reserves are like a bank account that cannot be withdrawn), **a large section of which are in the form of treasuries. They MUST maintain a minimum amount of Tier-1 Capital at the Fed.** + +**Since these bank reserve accounts cannot be withdrawn, the treasuries that sit there are locked in the system- they can potentially move between accounts at the Fed, but they can’t leave.** + +The Fed can use its own Treasuries for Reverse Repos, but not Banks’ Treasuries, since these need to be kept on hand to maintain the SLR. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mchtpc07bcf71.png?width=1480&format=png&auto=webp&s=70514931163ab4067156aa8f5a5837c099d94bef + +**In fact, it’s interesting to note that the SLR rule being reinstated coincides almost perfectly with the beginning of the meteoric rise in RRPs.** [Check out the graph here.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RRPONTSYD) + +Once SLR was re-implemented, the banks pulled back all the treasuries they loaned out in the Repo market, in order to put these treasuries in their bank reserves so they could be compliant with the SLR. + +The SLR rule was heavily fought by the big banks, but the Fed passed it anyway. It’s likely that even Powell knew that exempting the banks from the SLR forever would be a [bridge too far](https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/a+bridge+too+far#:~:text=An%20act%20or%20plan%20whose,Netherlands%20during%20World%20War%20II.), and create horrific risks for the banking system. + +# Massive Treasury Demand + +Lastly, the Fed is driving massive Treasury demand through its Open Market Operations. It is plowing $120B of liquidity into the markets every single month, $80B of which go into directly buying Treasuries (the rest in MBS). + +Why? Well, bond prices and interest rates are inversely correlated. So, by pushing up the price (buying up massive amounts) of Treasury bonds, the Fed insures that the interest rate on them stays low. **This is necessary given how overleveraged the system (and the Federal Govt) is; if interest rates climb too much, this could cause 2008 all over again (massive defaults and deleveraging as no one can pay the high interest rates).** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/yfcvjkndbcf71.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=67a3c634b5b4b08f008e69be31788db34fed6292 + +They say they will slow down “taper” bond purchases, but it looks like the pace of the buying is accelerating, not slowing down. So far, the Fed has purchased literally trillions of dollars of Treasuries in order to prop up the market and ensure the Federal Govt has enough money to pay interest and fund government programs (which it can’t do now that the debt ceiling is in place. + +**In fact, the Feds’ actions here are so aggressive that they are literally EATING the Treasury market. So far, they own about 30% of the ENTIRE Treasury bond market- and rising!** + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/l6p7d2uibcf71.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=18858997ae6f03403c85a555e9a857f50cec76ac + +Thus, they are sucking billions of dollars of Treasuries out of the system EVERY DAY, ensuring that T-bill rates stay near-zero and as a byproduct taking all the pristine collateral out of the system. **Now, they are having to re-inject that collateral back into the system through the RRP facility to make sure that the Money Market Funds don’t blow up.** [**Powell knows this and it’s why he promised to keep the RRP facility open to all participants.**](https://alhambrapartners.com/2021/07/14/powell-admits-rrp-and-collateral-scarcity-still-unaware-of-what-it-means/) + +In fact, they have already started to get worried about this- they raised the % on RRP from 0.00% to 0.05% in mid-July, marking the first time in more than a year that the Fed has raised this rate. This may seem trivial- such a small amount doesn't matter, right? + +WRONG. **They did this to prevent a collapse of Money Market Funds.** Currently the 1 month T-bills are [trading around 4.5 basis points](https://www.wsj.com/market-data/quotes/bond/BX/TMUBMUSD01M) (basis points are 1/100th of a percent), or 0.045%- **extremely** **close to 0%.** + +This matters because MMFs have what is called a Net Asset Value of 1.00 (ie $1 asset for every $1 liability)- this means that **they aren’t supposed to lose money**. People who put money in expect them to act like a bank account, and when the NAV goes below 1.00 ([called breaking the buck](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/breaking-the-buck.asp#:~:text=Breaking%20the%20buck%20occurs%20when,operating%20expenses%20or%20investment%20losses.&text=When%20breaking%20the%20buck%20occurs,t%20bode%20well%20for%20investors.)), this means that the fund has started to lose money. Very quickly, people panic and start pulling their money out. Soon, a system-wide “run on the Money markets” begins with millions of depositors clamouring to get their money out. + +This actually started happening in 2008- [several money market funds broke the buck, a run on the funds ensued,](https://www.thebalance.com/reserve-primary-fund-3305671) and the companies that relied on the MMFs for short term funding (like Ford or McDonalds) suddenly found themselves strapped of cash- they couldn’t make their payroll. + +**Failure of the MMFs would be catastrophic to the banking system. With T-bill rates near 0%, a spike in demand could easily push the T-bills into the negative interest rate territory**\- **which means that MMFs would be making a nominal loss in their portfolio, thus breaking the buck. The Fed simply CANNOT allow this to happen, as this could quickly start a second 2008 financial crisis. Thus they raised the RRP rate to 0.05% to prevent any potential losses the MMFs might have had.** + +**The MMFs don’t want to buy T-bills outright (the original way they got them on their books) because the T-bills could enter negative interest rate category, or the Treasury could default on the payments. By using the Fed’s RRP Facility, they can essentially own the T-bill for a day, make the same amount as buying it outright, and be certain that their collateral is not rehypothecated. They can repeat this process every day to give the appearance that they own the T-bills and make some guaranteed interest. THIS is why they are rushing to the Fed EVERY DAY.** + +How does all this play out? No one knows exactly. What we can see clearly here is that the entire money market is being violently pulled around by the Fed and Treasury, who are trying to prevent bigger issues (i.e., a Debt Default) from occurring. + +**TL;DR: The Treasury and the Fed are creating massive collateral shortages in the shadow banking system which is driving Money Market Funds to use the Fed’s RRP Facility in record numbers. The huge liquidity injections from the Fed are putting enormous weight on the system and sucking collateral out, so MMFs are using RRP to get the T-bill collateral back on their books. Risks to the primary dealers are rising. New collateral (Treasury bond) supply is all but cut off for the foreseeable future.** + +&#x200B; + +# BUY, HODL, BUCKLE UP!! + +Nothing on this Post constitutes investment advice, performance data or any recommendation that any security, portfolio of securities, investment product, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. + +Here is an [anonymised link to a Google Docs version of this post](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_ibWK8wxjWlTOz8_zUJCaFCdW_22kcn2Cm18W9zid0g/edit?usp=sharing). I know y’all apes like PDF more so feel free to make this into a PDF and share it. (This is a dummy account, not linked to my personal email, I am not THAT stupid) + +**Side Note: A LOT of you have been asking me for updates on Part 4 of my Series “**[**Hyperinflation is Coming- The Dollar Endgame**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/)**” I just made the outline for Part 4 and will begin working on it, but this will take some time as I am extremely busy with work and trips this month. I promise you it is coming! I am running my arguments by former econ professors and colleagues of mine in finance to make sure my points are rock solid- this takes time unfortunately so it will be at least a few weeks until I can get this out.** +He literally thinks he can turn 10 thousand into 10 lakh within 5 years with Day Trading and when I asked him about what he thinks are his chances of making it, he said he has about 15 - 20 percent chance of making it happen? + +I tried to dissuade him but he won’t listen and since I don’t know anything about day trading he doesn’t take me seriously at all. + +Dude has already lost more than 6k rupees with zero gain in sports betting even though I tried my best to stop him but he just won’t listen. + +Now he thinks he would make 10k with sports betting by starting with 100 rupees and from there on he would start his day trading journey and convert 10k into 10 lakh. + +I have a strong feeling that he wouldn’t make 10k with sports betting and would most likely end up borrowing 10k from his family, friends or girlfriend to get started with day trading. + +What do you think of his expectations and what are his actual chances of making it happen? + +Also what’s the worst that could happen to him if he goes down this route since he’s excessively greedy and doesn’t even think logically anymore in my opinion? +fun fact -- ENRON -- yes, that enron, lost 70% of its value in 1 year, from Sept 2000 to Sept 2001. All while Enron was engaging in massive and unprecedented fraud. + +While META lost 74% of its value in 13 months, from Sept 2021 to October 2022. + +So Meta managed to destroy value FASTER than a company who was built on fraud and lies + +This tidbit isn't specific to /r/thetagang. Thetagang is just my favorite sub +&#x200B; + +What's up fellas at Theta Gang. I made called [FD Ranker](https://www.swaggystocks.com/dashboard/stocklabs/fd-ranker) that logs the average IV of popular tickers. The tool is inclusive of almost 1,000 tickers now. + +**What is this tool good for** + +I often use the theta gang wheel strategy by selling cash secured puts close to at-the-money and I like to see where I can get some bang for my buck. A quick scan of the list will tell me what IV is looking like for certain stocks and when earnings is coming up and whether or not I want to do a weekly theta YOLO for earnings. You can sort by IV, stock price, or Earnings and filter by ticker. + +Here's some of the top tickers from this weekend. Instead of making a full list of tickers ranked by IV, I'll share some of the more common tickers mentioned. + +\***Smaller Accounts:** I made [this list earlier in the week](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/ks3tqo/iv_report_high_iv_tickers_with_share_price_under/) that highlights cheaper stocks. + +# High IV Tickers List + +\*Some of the market cap data is off, so always double check before entering any plays! + +&#x200B; + +|Ticker|Market Cap|Stock Price|IV (%)| +|:-|:-|:-|:-| +|MARA - Marathon Patent Group Inc|1.68B|$25.74|245%| +|RIOT - Riot Blockchain Inc|1.8B|$25.87|220%| +|AMC - AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Class A|352M|$2.15|166%| +|QS - QuantumScape Corp - Class A|11.8B|$56.65|166%| +|FUBO - fuboTV Inc|1.85B|$26.95|165%| +|DGLY - Digital Ally Inc.|70.8M|$2.65|142%| +|BLNK - Blink Charging Co|1.58B|$43.75|142%| +|LAZR - Luminar Technologies Inc - Class A|7.21B|$32.56|138%| +|TLRY - Tilray Inc - Class 2|1.51B|$11.28|128%| +|SBE - Switchback Energy Acquisition Corp - Class A|1.33B|$41.94|125%| +|ACB - Aurora Cannabis Inc|1.42B|$9.96|124%| +|ARCT - Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc|1.71B|$70.06|124%| +|PLUG - Plug Power Inc|22.3B|$53.61|124%| +|GSX - Gsx Techedu Inc - ADR|0|$48.14|122%| +|SRNE - Sorrento Therapeutics Inc|1.96B|$7.43|119%| +|GME - Gamestop Corporation - Class A|1.23B|$17.68|118%| +|LMND - Lemonade Inc|9.1B|$158.40|114%| +|JMIA - Jumia Technologies Ag - ADR|0|$37.33|113%| +|NIO - NIO Inc - ADR|60.7B|$58.89|112%| +|HYLN - Hyliion Holdings Corporation - Class A|2.66B|$17.30|110%| +|APHA - Aphria Inc|2.56B|$8.55|106%| +|WKHS - Workhorse Group Inc|3.08B|$25.77|105%| +|CODX - Co-Diagnostics Inc|312M|$11.07|105%| +|APXT - Apex Technology Acquisition Corp - Class A|523M|$14.49|101%| +|CRSR - Corsair Gaming Inc|3.52B|$38.24|100%| +|OSTK - Overstock.com Inc|2.29B|$53.69|99%| +|RIG - Transocean Ltd|1.71B|$2.75|99%| +|NKLA - Nikola Corporation|6.81B|$17.71|98%| +|LL - Lumber Liquidators Holdings Inc|916M|$31.70|96%| +|APPS - Digital Turbine Inc|4.62B|$51.65|94%| +|XPEV - XPeng Inc - ADR|0|$45.52|94%| +|PLTR - Palantir Technologies Inc - Class A|37.1B|$25.07|91%| +|AI - C3.ai Inc - Class A|0|$142.54|89%| +|SPCE - Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc - Class A|5.91B|$25.05|88%| +|GRWG - GrowGeneration Corp|1.67B|$45.34|88%| +|TSLA - Tesla Inc|835B|$875.71|88%| +|COTY - Coty Inc - Class A|5.22B|$6.80|87%| +|CGC - Canopy Growth Corporation|11.2B|$30.21|87%| +|CRON - Cronos Group Inc|3.22B|$9.03|86%| +|PSTH - Pershing Square Tontine Holdings Ltd - Class A|5.86B|$29.95|85%| +|RKT - Rocket Companies Inc Class A|2.3B|$19.98|85%| +|CRSP - CRISPR Therapeutics AG|13.8B|$196.85|84%| +|MRNA - Moderna Inc|44.6B|$113.05|83%| +|PINS - Pinterest Inc - Class A|44.4B|$71.67|82%| +|X - United States Steel Corp.|4.91B|$22.26|80%| +|CNK - Cinemark Holdings Inc|2.06B|$17.52|80%| +|HOME - At Home Group Inc|1.24B|$19.24|77%| +|PENN - Penn National Gaming, Inc.|14.6B|$93.53|77%| +|SNOW - Snowflake Inc - Class A|15.2B|$298.83|77%| +|FVRR - Fiverr International Ltd|7.41B|$229.72|76%| +|ENPH - Enphase Energy Inc|26.2B|$206.16|75%| +|DASH - DoorDash Inc - Class A|0|$155.80|75%| +|FSLY - Fastly Inc - Class A|9.03B|$88.10|74%| +|NET - Cloudflare Inc - Class A|24.3B|$78.71|73%| +|FEYE - FireEye Inc|5.17B|$22.71|72%| +|CCL - Carnival Corp. (Paired Stock)|22.6B|$20.41|72%| +|PTON - Peloton Interactive Inc - Class A|40.6B|$158.73|72%| +|SNAP - Snap Inc - Class A|65.1B|$52.66|71%| +|GLUU - Glu Mobile Inc|1.55B|$8.98|71%| +|SEDG - Solaredge Technologies Inc|18.2B|$353.94|70%| +|U - Unity Software Inc|39.6B|$146.85|70%| +|UPWK - Upwork Inc|4.64B|$37.88|69%| +|FROG - JFrog Ltd|5.71B|$62.32|69%| +|ABNB - Airbnb Inc - Class A|90.2B|$148.03|69%| +|ICLN - BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - BTC iShares Global Clean|5.61B|$33.06|69%| +|PRPL - Purple Innovation Inc - Class A|2.09B|$34.27|68%| +|DDOG - Datadog Inc - Class A|20.8B|$99.91|68%| +|TAN - Invesco Capital Management LLC - Invesco Solar ETF|4.23B|$118.38|67%| +|NCLH - Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd|5.25B|$24.31|67%| +|M - Macy\`s Inc|3.81B|$12.33|66%| +|SAVE - Spirit Airlines Inc|2.39B|$24.53|66%| +|BBBY - Bed, Bath & Beyond Inc.|2.39B|$18.91|65%| +|UAA - Under Armour Inc - Class A|7.43B|$17.80|65%| +|DKNG - DraftKings Inc - Class A|20.4B|$51.97|65%| +|CVNA - Carvana Co. - Class A|13B|$277.81|64%| +|TEVA - Teva- Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - ADR|11.8B|$10.79|64%| +|W - Wayfair Inc - Class A|18.8B|$257.75|64%| +|OXY - Occidental Petroleum Corp.|18.7B|$20.14|64%| +|HUYA - HUYA Inc - ADR|364M|$21.02|63%| +|ROKU - Roku Inc - Class A|43.5B|$400.20|63%| +|TWTR - Twitter Inc|40.9B|$51.33|63%| +|SFIX - Stitch Fix Inc - Class A|3.49B|$55.43|63%| +|IQ - iQIYI Inc - ADR|14.3B|$19.45|62%| +|AAL - American Airlines Group Inc|9.14B|$15.21|62%| +|CREE - Cree, Inc.|12.6B|$112.90|62%| +|RCL - Royal Caribbean Group|16.4B|$72.88|61%| +|BIDU - Baidu Inc - ADR|83.7B|$238.96|61%| +|CHGG - Chegg Inc|12.4B|$96.03|61%| +|EAT - Brinker International, Inc.|2.77B|$60.79|61%| +|CHWY - Chewy Inc - Class A|38.6B|$96.69|60%| +|ZM - Zoom Video Communications Inc - Class A|100B|$348.86|59%| +|TTD - Trade Desk Inc - Class A|33.4B|$797.05|59%| +|VALE - Vale S.A. - ADR|100B|$18.89|58%| +|TWLO - Twilio Inc Class A|50.5B|$359.08|58%| +|CZR - Caesars Entertainment Inc|13.3B|$78.85|58%| +|UAL - United Airlines Holdings Inc|12.7B|$43.39|58%| +|UBER - Uber Technologies Inc|94B|$53.42|58%| +|ARKG - ARK Investment Management LLC - ARK Genomic Revolution ETF|8.78B|$106.23|58%| +|LYFT - Lyft Inc Cls A|14.7B|$47.62|57%| +|SPOT - Spotify Technology S.A.|63.9B|$351.52|57%| +|YETI - YETI Holdings Inc|6.4B|$73.43|56%| +|CLDR - Cloudera Inc|4.53B|$14.54|56%| +|AMD - Advanced Micro Devices Inc.|114B|$94.42|56%| +|BIG - Big Lots Inc|1.65B|$44.78|56%| +|SHOP - Shopify Inc - Class A|143B|$1190.66|55%| +|MGM - MGM Resorts International|15.5B|$31.27|55%| +|ETSY - Etsy Inc|22.2B|$175.00|55%| +|SE - Sea Ltd - ADR|91.8B|$209.49|55%| +|CRWD - Crowdstrike Holdings Inc - Class A|42.1B|$223.42|55%| +|BYND - Beyond Meat Inc|7.4B|$117.90|54%| +|Z - Zillow Group Inc - Class C|33B|$144.34|54%| +|EXPE - Expedia Group Inc|19.6B|$143.71|54%| +|LB - L Brands Inc|13B|$46.63|53%| +|DISH - Dish Network Corp - Class A|17.5B|$33.12|53%| +|DB - Deutsche Bank AG|24.1B|$11.64|53%| +|HAL - Halliburton Co.|17.8B|$20.16|53%| +|WDC - Western Digital Corp.|15.8B|$51.86|52%| +|DBX - Dropbox Inc - Class A|7.11B|$22.48|52%| +|TDOC - Teladoc Health Inc|33B|$227.25|52%| +|SQ - Square Inc - Class A|103B|$241.22|52%| +|WYNN - Wynn Resorts Ltd.|11.8B|$108.74|51%| +|ZS - Zscaler Inc|26.5B|$196.54|51%| +|ARKK - ARK Investment Management LLC - ARK Innovation ETF|20.5B|$142.65|50%| +|GPS - Gap, Inc.|8.01B|$21.46|50%| + +&#x200B; +Whilst it's been expected for a while, just today it's been confirmed that Deliveroo will list on the LSE, as a result of changes made to the listing rules. + +&#x200B; + +Whilst I haven't been excited about recent IPOs, this (and potentially Darktrace) look like the innovative tech companies that London has clearly been missing. Whether I'll jump in at the start, though, I'm undecided... What are your thoughts, does it seem like a good call? + +&#x200B; + +[https://news.sky.com/story/chancellor-hails-british-tech-success-deliveroo-as-it-confirms-london-ipo-pick-12235393](https://news.sky.com/story/chancellor-hails-british-tech-success-deliveroo-as-it-confirms-london-ipo-pick-12235393) +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/24/tesla-market-cap-blows-past-500-billion.html + +Tesla surpassed a $500 billion market cap on Tuesday morning. + +Tesla’s stock needed to reach or surpass $527.48 per share. + +Tesla became the first $100 billion publicly listed U.S. carmaker in January. + +Congratulation of people keep holding tesla since the march low. This is an amazing year for tesla. 600 billion market cap should be coming. It is not too late to consider buying the stock and put it as a long term hold. + +Thanks for the award. +For me, I remember very clearly the first time the concept was introduced into my head. It was 1995 and I was 16 year old kid down on his luck and wondering where I was going to go with my life. I went to see the movie “Seven” and during that movie there is a moment where the profile of the killer is being described. One of the things they knew of the killer was that he must be “Independently Wealthy”. + +Independently Wealthy. + +For the rest of the movie I couldn’t stop thinking about that term. To have enough money to do… whatever you want all day. To have enough money you didn’t have to work. To have freedom. + +That was a turning point in my thinking and knowing I had a goal to achieve. My decisions since then have been influenced by that idea, with the goal of being “Independently Wealthy”. 23 years later I still remember sitting in that theatre and rolling it over and over in my head for the rest of the show, and really my entire life since then. + +When was your turning point? +In essence, don't be greedy but don't arbitrarily make investment decisions based on Old Mcdonald Had a Farm. + +If all your research and due dilligence tells you a company will see 1200% growth over the next few years, trust the data. Don't say "Well, I really think this company is gonna go to the moon, but I already made 20%, I don't wanna be greedy." Making an arbitrary decision to sell and ignore your data is always a bad idea. + +If this is all your life savings, take your 20% sure, there are always unforeseen risks. But if this is money you can afford to lose, and you've truly put in the work on your DD, don't second guess yourself out of fear. + +Don't be a pig but don't be Ronald Wayne. + +Edit/Correction: Wayne made an additional $1500 from selling his Apple stake, totalling $2300. +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Your markets are run by bots. Now your daily threads are too. + +&#x200B; + +This thread is for plans and thoughts prior to the market open period. + +Maybe use this time to read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) [.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +&#x200B; + +Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. [You have been warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). + +&#x200B; + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH). + I have seen multiple threads this month on this sub regarding fraud calls. Before I begin, does anyone know if it has always been like this, or the number has picked up in the past couple months? + +So my story. I received a call from Gujarat. A woman was on the other side, she knew my name and she knew that I had an education loan with my bank. But I think that is all she knew. +Basically, my bank account was made by my dad when I was 13, and since then it has been linked to his account. An education loan was taken on my account, but the payments are auto deducted from HIS account. Even though the sum is small, he hasn't yet paid it in full because of tax savings. But the caller didn't know that. +First they asked me if I had been making payments towards the loan. I told them that I don't make payments and my dad does, and then it struck me that this was for sure a fraud call. They also said that I paid 23k towards the loan, which is way off the mark. Then they asked if my money is auto deducted, and I told them you are the bank why don't you know, and then they hung up on me. + +Even though I avoided a scam, what is concerning here is that they knew I had an education loan. Has there been a leak that I am not aware about? +Youtube and Google are kind of useless for this, you just end up with people either humble bragging or trying to sell you something. + +What kind of things would it take to eventually get to $2k-$3k per month of passive income? Aside from something like buying a $1 million office block and renting it out? (i'd need a mortgage to cover the deposit, let alone the rest of it :P) +Bought my house late last year, real estate agent just called me and said they've had an enquiry about it and they'd like to see if I'm willing to sell, name a price. + +I own the place outright (~$500k), I quite like it, and it is in a major regional centre where the market is going nuts rn. I don't really want to move but if the price is right.... + +How to play this? Took me completely by suprise. +As title says. How mortgage stressed are you and what strategies do you have in place to tackle further rate rises? Cutting down on cost of living, rent vesting, others? +Long time lurker, first time poster. + +I’m a 27yo making around 600k due to stock appreciation in tech. I max 401k, 6k backdoor roth, 15% salary mega backdoor, max hsa, and put rest into taxable account which holds random etfs from Schawb. I’m currently sitting on around 1.3M “net worth”, according to mint’s summary page which sums up all my retirement accounts, taxable accounts, and checking/saving. + +My question is: how can I go about being smarter with money? Buying random etfs on Schwab can’t be the best way. How do I go about seeking a financial advisor? Do I even make enough to need one? + +Thanks a lot in advance. +I’m a layperson interested in economics. The Labour Theory of Value (LTV) underpins classical liberal economics. Yet it seems almost exclusively espoused by Marxists in contemporary discourse. So that got me thinking. + +My understanding: + +1. LTV claims human labour is necessary, but insufficient to create economic value (e.g. metals are without value until mined, yet mining where there are no minerals yields no value) +2. Surplus value (I.e. difference between exchange value and wage) is profit + +I’m more interested in point 1 for discussion. Specifically the necessity of labour to yield economic value. + +Counter-examples: + +1. Land +2. Raw minerals +3. Ecology + +LTV claims 1 and 2 require labour to be of value. Yet plots of land differ in value based on various properties - size, location, natural resources (point 2). Though I appreciate labour is required to realise this value - so LTV seems at least partially correct in this instance. + +On the other hand, following production to the final product, it still requires human labour (I.e. use) of e.g. screwdriver or hairdryer etc. So is the distinction between land and raw materials, and labour-improved items arbitrary? Surely both require labour (albeit different degrees) to be useful? + +However, ecology (point 3) suffers loss in value (air pollution, despoiling soil quality, reducing biodiversity etc.) due to human intervention (I.e. labour). In this case LTV’s necessary condition is left wanting. + +Can anybody give a balanced critique of my points, please? +I'm all for Fat spending, but I'm also very aware of the cost / quality curve. +[https://commadot.com/the-cost-quality-curve/](https://commadot.com/the-cost-quality-curve/) +First class for me is only incremental to business, which is far superior to coach. I have similar sweet spots for wine, guitars, cars, hotels, watches, and every other luxury good or activity I know. + +I'm not critical of big spend at the top of the curve. I enjoy the top 1% experience as much as the next guy, but I struggle to justify it long term when it seems wasteful. Something for the therapist maybe? + +When I'm getting into a new activity, e.g. Paddle boarding. It takes me a while to work out where the sweet spot is, and I'm always interested in trying new things (and now Astrophotography apparently!) + + +So my question for the group. Where's the sweet spot for your Fatfire activity or luxury of choice? +I'm interested in moving my savings account money that is just dying inside my bank account (.55% APY) and splitting it evenly 6 ways into various ETFs. + +I'd be looking at keeping the money invested for a year, maybe a year and a half at most since I would like to use a chuck of it for a down payment on a house in 2022. + +So far I am looking at splitting my funds 6 ways evenly in: VIS, XLF, XHB, XLE, SCHD, and SOXL. I was looking at JETS for a while, but decided against it. + +Wondering if you all think those are good choices for returns within a year or so and are diversified enough. + +Ultimately, my goal is to AT LEAST beat my .55% APY from my savings account, which I don't think will be very hard so I'm not looking for a crazy high return. I mostly want to keep my risk on the low side. My one risky play is the SOXL. + +Thanks in advance! +So it turns out when it comes to "Selling puts on up-trending stocks you'd not mind owning" there are sometimes you might mind owning the stock. Let's have a wider discussion about puts, wheels and dealing with backwards positions. + +&#x200B; + +# Where to put it? + +&#x200B; + +Selling puts into an uptrend feels a lot like free money but not all sold puts are equal. First we'll look at some of the better and worse places to sell puts on an up-trending stock. We'll use CCIV. I think it's a stock quite a few people here might be trading and it's price action correlates closely to other stocks such as PLTR that people might be backwards on. + + + +https://preview.redd.it/77nrhm10lbl61.png?width=1369&format=png&auto=webp&s=585bca355dfe40cfdc5bc37603b1c6dd115f92e5 + +**Purple: Bad puts.** + +**Green: Good puts.** + +&#x200B; + +I'm not just picking out examples here based on the benefit of seeing what happened. All of the bad puts are sold after there being a strong move up. One that had moved above the base of the last consolidation. When this has happened there's always more chance of a correction. The worst possible time to sell puts is after there has been a big push up and then the market keeps going higher and higher but it's doing it slower and slower. + +There are two ways in which you are decreasing your gains and taking up more risk when you sell options after a strong leg and then into a slowing rise. Your chance of a pullback from the current price is much higher and your premiums are lower because IV is dropping based on slowing price action and usually lower IV skew since we're on a move to the bull side. So you get less for the put. Have to go more OTM to not have a strike with a higher chance of trading ITM or you're going to have more puts trading and even expiring ITM. + +&#x200B; + +The good puts are all sold into the falling market. Into the conditions that inevitably always come around after we have a lasting expansion and a break away from the previous support base. When selling these if you're using the same distance in strikes you're going to have less chance of them trading ITM. There are a lot of times in these situations I am willing to sell puts ATM and would be quite happy if they filled. They are like a limit order because I am waiting for a price that I think is a good one. When selling puts into this sort of move you're getting higher premium on the IV. Also by selling puts after there being an expansion of real volatility to the downside and therefore a larger expansion in future IV, you have a lot more to potential for vega (Changes in IV) to work in your favour. Price might range and that's lower IV. It might go up slower than it fell and that's lower IV with a positive skew. + +&#x200B; + +**Stocks have been pulling back since at least the 1700's! You can wait for good entries.** + +&#x200B; + +# When good puts good bad + +&#x200B; + +Now we'll look at the two entries here that would have looked like great spots at the time based on the criteria we've used, but didn't look that great a while after. + +https://preview.redd.it/z2oxyocbobl61.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=f874fb5b1a556f2f141b033378421d3402badc90 + +When you're getting into a trade it's a good idea to work out beforehand places where you'd know you might be in trouble. Usually in a big pullback it comes back to the base it made the last breakout from. That was a price of indecision previously and then a big decision to take the market up was made. Usually the memory of the market kicks in at that level and support is found. But in this case there was an attempt at a rally but it failed. + +https://preview.redd.it/i1q30dpkpbl61.png?width=1345&format=png&auto=webp&s=084de9969fde1baf77f3424f3068fb0ba8bc8c32 + +There are lots of different things you can do when a sold put is in trouble. The thing I like to do is place in orders to short somewhere between 10 - 50 shares of the stock under previous lows (If I have some other things giving me some more bearish sentiment I might short more, but this is what I'd use just for caution to offset maximum loss. A good way to enter shorts if you do not have a lot of experience with that is to place pending orders under major lows. + +https://preview.redd.it/dbesfi2gqbl61.png?width=1361&format=png&auto=webp&s=0869daa66fed5d321b514b0b3b7b2f09a826d3b3 + +If price is breaking out and downtrending this is going to fill your protection orders as that begins to happen. And I'm going to trail my stop losses so when the market makes jumps up I'll be getting out of my shorts at a profit. Then I'll place pending orders to sell under the low again. I'm always setting stop losses when I place pending shorts. They are above the highs of the last big swings up. So as price falls and keeps making new lows I am taking down a bit of my exposure to the put and also closing out some profitable trades which is improving my cost basis (And it's kicking ass relative to what a covered call would be). + +&#x200B; + +If this keeps going down it's usually going to end up looking something like this. + +https://preview.redd.it/b3imjvhwrbl61.png?width=1358&format=png&auto=webp&s=c16b0ccbc0890a3b0fb91c6e192516e5ce729ab6 + +Which is bad news if you're on the wrong side of it and trying to instinctively manage the position. Because all the times you feel good about the trade in real time are here. + +https://preview.redd.it/15ha2kccsbl61.png?width=1355&format=png&auto=webp&s=147d8353ce301b8d0514e8ef292932b9f5ed60ad + +And if you're experienced enough to spot price is trending against you these are places you want to short stock (Getting up to the full 100) which you'll take profit on when there is a break and run away from the previous support base. If you're wheeling, this is where you want be selling your covered calls. These are the only spots where you can sell the covered calls and get some real value to offset your cost basis when the price is doing some kick ya in the nuts falling. Here you can sell your calls just above the last highs of the previous swing. Selling them close to ATM. + +https://preview.redd.it/qy4i18y1tbl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=a78e7a38d725784510d687cec7629088bbb0e0ee + +But if you're not thinking about things in that way, the times you want to sell the covered calls are into the points when price is moving far away from the previous support base. And you're selling them deep OTM. Living life in that $5 land. + +https://preview.redd.it/r3cvz9betbl61.png?width=1357&format=png&auto=webp&s=b478aac60730deda1e00834ad888566aea2130b3 + +&#x200B; + +# Big bounces and reversals + +&#x200B; + +Doing this will work all well and good for a while but at some point there is absolutely surely going to be a move up that is enough to hurt short trades. Even if the stock is on its way to zero there will be a counter-trend rally that will break the previous recent down-trend and make all this "Just place the sell below the low and stop above the high" stuff a lot trickier to implement practically in real time. + +&#x200B; + +This is what a recovery rally and a buyers trapping rally would look like. These are pretty representative of how most moves in stocks will go. + +https://preview.redd.it/kfpeo5kbubl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=eda6ce85932e321c4373a6da1a4fb0e7bdcc173e + +When dealing with a reversal rally the length of the last swing down is going to be the maximum you lose in shorts using the simple methods explained here. Once price goes over there it hits stop losses and never makes new lows to fill the next short orders. One exception to this is a gapping market. Which will always have some undefined risk to it. + +In the second one you're going to get your stop loss hit. Only a bit higher than where your stop loss is price is going to start to turn around and then the crash down to the low is going to be quick. You'll fill new pending orders and have the stop loss in almost the same place as you were stopped out. It'll be frustrating. It's going to happen. Don't let it frustrate you into making bad decisions. + +&#x200B; + +# The price of doing nothing + +&#x200B; + +If a stock you've sold a put on does an entire correction swing this is what it looks like. I've highlighted in the obvious protection taking zones and added lines to show their prices relative to the low. + +https://preview.redd.it/wlbcaw5hwbl61.png?width=1375&format=png&auto=webp&s=111bac79608cdbb4aa375b0cf9552ff06c76cb14 + +https://preview.redd.it/vw7dx871xbl61.png?width=1363&format=png&auto=webp&s=7576d2d974095c7bdc05d3f8fde081ef8efe2f12 + +Stonks always go up! Eventually. Probably. + +Maybe not soon. +Seems like every country is running a deficit relative to their GDP, is there any countries that run a surplus? Or is surplus just something you don't do in capitalism? +For myself being 23 and of course looking a house purchase over the next 2 to 3 years (as is a fairly standard goal), I am told not to invest money that you'll need in the near future, because if a market downturn happens you could very well delay your house downpayment a few years. + +Is there a real reason that so many younger people with this huge purchase looming are investing/risking so much? + +I found myself coming to the realization during this downturn that it is quite important for those of us that are younger or in a house buying situation to only invest a smaller amount that wouldn't be devastating to lose, so I ended up trimming down a large percentage of my portfolio to sit on the sidelines. I.E I had up to 50% of my cash worth in my investing account, and trimmed that to about 25% + +I understand that "Not all young people need to buy a house" but what is your goal otherwise +I just got off the phone with Td Webbroker to clarify a March 23 $158.98 T3 RET Charge for holding non-qualified assets in my TFSA. They said because I sold Gamestop during a period where the government/regulators were restricting trading GME I got dinged for it. Bought 40 shares Jan 27, sold 10 Jan 29 and the last 30 shares Feb 2. The charge equals approx 1.5% of what I sold all the shares for. I did the same thing with 20 shares in my Wealthsimple TFSA. Bought 20 shares Jan 22, sold 10 Jan 27 and 10 Feb 3 but havnt been charged for that (yet). + +I know I shouldnt be doing this type of trading in my TFSA but that is where I had the cash at the time. I'm not overly butthurt by it (the more you know) just curious if this happened to anyone else. Thanks. + +Edit: Prior to my GME trades I made 13 trades the previous 12 months. TD Webbroker charges you $25 per quarter unless you have over 15k in your account but will also waive this fee if you do at least 25 trades per quarter so I cant see this as a day trading penalty fee. Also, then why was the charge listed as "T3" and not just some generic bank fee? + +Edit: Also, the roughly $10k I made from my GME trades I used to buy 500 shares of Suncor (which I plan to hold) so the money never came out of my TFSA + +Edit: This is a charge from TD. Its listed in my activity feed alongside past trades, dividends paid, etc. All it says in the description is "23 March 2021: T3 RET CHARGE NONQTX -$158.98". All I know is T3 has something to do with taxes so I called the TD agent. I havnt been contacted by CRA. Like I said above I'm not too fussed with the charge I just wanted to know what the heck it means and if anyone else came across the same thing. It didnt even dawn on me that it might have something to do with GME until the TD agent said as such. + +Edit: Idk what kind of proof people are asking for. There is nothing other than what it shows in my activity feed. One person commented that T3 RET refers to assets held in a Trust account, however this is not in a Trust so it must just be a mistake on TD's end. I'll call again Monday when they reopen. + +https://preview.redd.it/ku85t04obhp61.jpg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d4f9fa8c19e3389ade742115e4d85aebe93e96 +> Tesla Inc. TSLA, +2.04% on Friday surpassed Berkshire Hathaway Inc. BRK.A, -0.85% BRK.B, -0.67% as the sixth-largest U.S. company by market capitalization. The Silicon Valley electric-car maker ended Friday with a market cap of $555 billion, and Berkshire Hathaway ended the day with a market cap of $543 billion, according to FactSet. Berkshire's assets dwarf Tesla's to the tune of $829.9 billion compared with $45.7 billion. Tesla stock has been on yet another rally ahead of the company's inclusion on the S&P 500 index next month. SPX, +0.24% Tesla shares have gained 600% this year, compared with gains around 13% for the benchmark index. + +> Link: + + +> https://www.marketwatch.com/story/tesla-become-sixth-largest-us-company-surpassing-warren-buffetts-berkshire-hathaway-2020-11-27 +Disclaimer : I hold ETH. So if you think I'm writing this post solely to pump my own bags, at least acknowledge I declared my holdings in advance. + +I left my job a while back to focus on crypto full-time. Like yesterday's post by Moby, I would rather not divulge any info that could reveal my identity, solely for privacy purposes. Though my post history will show that I've been around these parts for a while, having gotten into ETH in the single digits (not as early as the ICO), I haven't been super active on reddit recently as I've been working on building a few different businesses (mostly in crypto). I've sold a few coins here and there to put liquidity into these and some other investments, and start a non-profit. However, I still have roughly 3/4 of my original of coins. + +The past few months have been absolute carnage. Few people that I know predicted the magnitude of the drop we've experienced. Most of you probably know the reasons for it ... tons of people buying ETH for ICOs, lots of mainstream media attention, a few Ponzi schemes in east Asia, then some of said ICOs subsequently failing and selling their ETH for fiat, etc. I think we all knew the hockey stick trend wouldn't continue; we just didn't know how far it would go. And now there's a lot of "cryptofreude" 'I told you so' behavior from the non-believers who will show a 3-month chart instead of a 6-month or 1-year because it fits their agenda of 'I told you so.' + +But ... some of the same folks who wouldn't touch crypto with a 10-foot pole last year are seeing the crash as a positive sign, or at the very least _not_ the end of the world. A brief anecdote ... a good friend who works in the traditional finance sector (money manager, low 7-figure annual salary) texted me this week to ask about crypto (he's already lost two bets to me, each with a 1-year time horizon on the price of crypto ... you can guess which side I took). "Is now a good time to buy?" he asks. I don't give investment advice, so I simply said "my thesis hasn't changed, and I'm still holding." Then he says something surprising. Mind you ... this guy is a bit older, and always invested in traditional things like equities, real estate, etc. "A tech friend of mine said he sees ETH hitting $3000 in time." I was a bit surprised. So he's getting set up to buy. Remember the institutional money people said was coming last year? Well, a lot of it hasn't come yet ... think how minuscule a multi-million dollar investment in crypto is for a multi-billion dollar hedge fund. 1%, 2%, 3% of their portfolio is peanuts. Let's say it goes to zero ... okay it's a write-off. But what if it doubles, triples, quadruples? That's a pretty decent risk-reward profile. And FYI most of those funds don't day trade with every small swing. They might buy something and hold it for years before considering reevaluating their original reasons behind buying. I wish Uncle Joe [Lubin] hadn't said ETH futures were 'weeks, not months away,' but now imagine when they go live. Most millennials forget just how afraid the older generation is of buying crypto (or any assets they don't understand). Remember the premium on ... can I say it ? GBTC ? There was such (maybe still is, I haven't checked) a large premium because people would rather overpay for something they understand (ETFs, mutual funds, equities, anything that trades like them ...) than learn how to store coins safely. On the topic of Lubin, check ConsenSys's job listing page. The place is electric. I know several folks there and if you ask them about the crash, they say 'what crash?' The place is a juggernaut. They're too focused on building real applications to worry about the day-to-day price swings. Set it and forget it for a bit, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time. + +Most of the news that has had a short-term negative effect on the market is actually long-term pretty good news. Facebook/Twitter/Google banning crypto ads? Good! You don't see ads to buy into new IPOs ... there's a reason these things are regulated. And yes, some regulations are good. As long as they're done in a thoughtful way rather than a dismissive one (China has taken the latter stance). + +It was scary when some of the news that would've driven ETH up 25% last year barely moved the needle. Coinbase adding support for ERC20 tokens is the first that comes to mind. No market reaction to that shows that people are a bit scared ... maybe challenging their thesis that unstoppable, Turing-complete, decentralised applications are A Very Big Deal. If you bought in recently because you were promised a Lambo within a month, then maybe you're not in the right place. But if you bought in because you're taking a bet on the future, and you're willing to ride out some of the lows: welcome, we're happy to have you. + +If your thesis for buying hasn't changed - and you don't need the money right now - just keep hodling. + +I hope this post was somewhat helpful. Thanks for reading! +Disclaimer : I hold ETH. So if you think I'm writing this post solely to pump my own bags, at least acknowledge I declared my holdings in advance. + +I left my job a while back to focus on crypto full-time. Like yesterday's post by Moby, I would rather not divulge any info that could reveal my identity, solely for privacy purposes. Though my post history will show that I've been around these parts for a while, having gotten into ETH in the single digits (not as early as the ICO), I haven't been super active on reddit recently as I've been working on building a few different businesses (mostly in crypto). I've sold a few coins here and there to put liquidity into these and some other investments, and start a non-profit. However, I still have roughly 3/4 of my original of coins. + +The past few months have been absolute carnage. Few people that I know predicted the magnitude of the drop we've experienced. Most of you probably know the reasons for it ... tons of people buying ETH for ICOs, lots of mainstream media attention, a few Ponzi schemes in east Asia, then some of said ICOs subsequently failing and selling their ETH for fiat, etc. I think we all knew the hockey stick trend wouldn't continue; we just didn't know how far it would go. And now there's a lot of "cryptofreude" 'I told you so' behavior from the non-believers who will show a 3-month chart instead of a 6-month or 1-year because it fits their agenda of 'I told you so.' + +But ... some of the same folks who wouldn't touch crypto with a 10-foot pole last year are seeing the crash as a positive sign, or at the very least _not_ the end of the world. A brief anecdote ... a good friend who works in the traditional finance sector (money manager, low 7-figure annual salary) texted me this week to ask about crypto (he's already lost two bets to me, each with a 1-year time horizon on the price of crypto ... you can guess which side I took). "Is now a good time to buy?" he asks. I don't give investment advice, so I simply said "my thesis hasn't changed, and I'm still holding." Then he says something surprising. Mind you ... this guy is a bit older, and always invested in traditional things like equities, real estate, etc. "A tech friend of mine said he sees ETH hitting $3000 in time." I was a bit surprised. So he's getting set up to buy. Remember the institutional money people said was coming last year? Well, a lot of it hasn't come yet ... think how minuscule a multi-million dollar investment in crypto is for a multi-billion dollar hedge fund. 1%, 2%, 3% of their portfolio is peanuts. Let's say it goes to zero ... okay it's a write-off. But what if it doubles, triples, quadruples? That's a pretty decent risk-reward profile. And FYI most of those funds don't day trade with every small swing. They might buy something and hold it for years before considering reevaluating their original reasons behind buying. I wish Uncle Joe [Lubin] hadn't said ETH futures were 'weeks, not months away,' but now imagine when they go live. Most millennials forget just how afraid the older generation is of buying crypto (or any assets they don't understand). Remember the premium on ... can I say it ? GBTC ? There was such (maybe still is, I haven't checked) a large premium because people would rather overpay for something they understand (ETFs, mutual funds, equities, anything that trades like them ...) than learn how to store coins safely. On the topic of Lubin, check ConsenSys's job listing page. The place is electric. I know several folks there and if you ask them about the crash, they say 'what crash?' The place is a juggernaut. They're too focused on building real applications to worry about the day-to-day price swings. Set it and forget it for a bit, otherwise you're gonna have a bad time. + +Most of the news that has had a short-term negative effect on the market is actually long-term pretty good news. Facebook/Twitter/Google banning crypto ads? Good! You don't see ads to buy into new IPOs ... there's a reason these things are regulated. And yes, some regulations are good. As long as they're done in a thoughtful way rather than a dismissive one (China has taken the latter stance). + +It was scary when some of the news that would've driven ETH up 25% last year barely moved the needle. Coinbase adding support for ERC20 tokens is the first that comes to mind. No market reaction to that shows that people are a bit scared ... maybe challenging their thesis that unstoppable, Turing-complete, decentralised applications are A Very Big Deal. If you bought in recently because you were promised a Lambo within a month, then maybe you're not in the right place. But if you bought in because you're taking a bet on the future, and you're willing to ride out some of the lows: welcome, we're happy to have you. + +If your thesis for buying hasn't changed - and you don't need the money right now - just keep hodling. + +I hope this post was somewhat helpful. Thanks for reading! +EDIT: Many of you are asking about how to enable two factor authentication for Wells Fargo, see the comment below: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/66n4li/i_just_discovered_that_wells_fargo_account_login/dgjuo1u +From what I have seen, historically, reinvesting your dividends leads to significantly greater returns vs not reinvesting them. Why are so many people proponents of giving up the extra compund growth from reinvested dividends? + +I understand the appeal of having "passive income" but to me it seems like stealing money from your future self. Unless I have a gross concept error on what living off dividends really entails, I can't help but think people are too enamored with "free money" to consider the gains they are giving up as a consequence. + +Edit: My question stemmed from a concern that dividends were being portrayed as a form of passive income before retirement, I understand that once you are no longer working you have to have a way to continue to support yourself and your family. Nowadays there is so much hype about trying to find more ways to make money outside of your a job, and personally I think that while you're still working dividends should be considered passive investing (kind of like 401k matching) rather than passive "income". + +So a better and slightly different question is, why do so many people like the idea of having 100% of living expenses covered by dividends? It almost seems like it contradicts the idea of having a diversified portfolio. Would it not be better to withdraw a set amount from a diversified portfolio rather than relying solely on dividends? +EDIT BELOW RECAPPING (FAIR) CRTICS OF WEEKLIES: + +I mostly wheel and/or sell CCs on core holdings. + +I used to open at 30-45 days and close at 50-60% profit. + +In last few months, i switched mostly to weeklies - 30-35 deltas on wheeling and 20 deltas on CC + +I put on the trades on Mondays. I generally avoid weekends, unless big gap up/down on Fridays. + +Fav stocks: TSLA, PLTR, RBLX, SQ, LMND + +I can't say for sure if am performing better - will need to give till yr end for full assessment. But i feel that it has avoided me some short term accidents - and i sleep better on weekends :-) + +Anyone else adjusted their DTEs? + +EDIT BELOW RECAPPING SOME (FAIR) CRTICS OF WEEKLIES: + +First the math, the Greek "purists" in here are 100% correct: shorter DTE doesn't mean less risk: + +1. Weeklies allow you to collect premium faster, but you collect less than monthlies, and the risk of making nothing is higher due to max gamma risk. +2. Shorter DTE means less time to recover from a trade that goes against you and you have less buffer (lower premium) to absorb any shock. + +But there is also the psychology/bias part: + +1. Reducing DTE (for me) means that my mindset is tilting more towards "risk off" mode. This causes me to put on less trades, lower my deltas, and close trades faster +2. Mentally, I find it easier to do this with weeklies - with monthlies, my bias is to do more trades, increase deltas, keep trades open longer, which is exactly what I wish to avoid. +3. Its harder to close a monthly when you see the premium you're leaving on the table, even if in absolute terms, you may be making more $$$ than on your weekly. + +It's as though the right data (longer DTE is less risky) will bring out the wrong temperament (you get greedier when you actually want to be more conservative). + +I realize the contradictions here. But trading is like that sometimes. Better to understand these contradictions and work on them than to ignore them. +I serve in the Royal Navy, Due to massive manpower problems they are offering 20k to some branches to be locked in for another 3 - 4 years. + +I'm planning on staying in anyway so I would be looking to take it. + +I bought a house with my brother two years ago currently doing it up just to get on the housing ladder. Is this money best invested into a house, things like a newer kitchen, boiler etc to add value to the house, or should i just plonk most of it into my vanguard ISA? My dad tells me that theres only so much you can do to a house before you reach its max potential that it could possibly go for. + +So looking for a bit of advice on what you would do? +Let's say I have 100 stocks of ABC @ $10 then after let's say 1 month the price is up by $3 now I have $300 in profit and I am predicting the price to go down by $1 in coming few days so in that case should I keep holding stock as I know the profit is going to decrease by $100 or should I sell and buy back again? +Risk: my prediction might go wrong and I can end up not buying that stock at that same price again. +What do you guys suggest in situations like this ? +Any help is appreciated. Thank you +I recently worked with a colleague who had done work at a HFT firm. His main project was building custom network interface cards, essentially what you plug your Ethernet cable into. Usually, lots of different kinds of traffic get sent across computer networks. Your NIC accepts many packets that may not be destined for your machine, analyzes them, and then discards them. At this firm, their NICs were built and programmed to ignore every single packet that wasn’t literally coming directly from an Exchange. Even the microseconds spent checking those extra packets were optimized away. Really gives you an idea the level this stuff goes to along with the usual talk about shorter cables or microwave beams. Super cool! +Hi all, + +I have little to no experience with cars or the legal aspect of this and need advice. + +I opened the passenger side door of colleague A's car with a nasty wind blowing and dinged cleague B's driver side door. I informed colleague B and said we we could come to an agreement (I saw evidence online of £200-600 bills for similar work). + +Colleague B has 2 quotes from independent garages. They can fix the small dent, but say the paintwork requires a 1/2 car respray on pearlescent paint. Colleague B is now asking for £2,000 in cash to cover this. Which I don't have. Not by a long shot. + +I asked if I could just cover his insurance premium instead and he could claim that way. He refused because he didn't want to affect it. Which I can appreciate. + +However, it strikes me as unfair that I would be required to pay £2000 for a respray on a £12,000 car, whereas for him it isn't even worth a £250 excess claim. It is his car after all, and he keeps highlighted how it will bother him if it doesn't get fixed. + +I'm not sure what to do. I'm already paying off a lot of debt each month as per the flowchart and can't afford to take a loan out for another £2,000 (I doubt I would even get approved). + +What are my options here? Can he take me to a small claims court? How can I raise the money if I'm unable to get another loan? I could maybe pay £50 a month right now but that is all I can afford and I have the impression that won't cut it. +It was a fun ride and since now it is technically free, I'll definitely keep riding on! + +Time in market really beats timing the market in this case I guess. + +https://preview.redd.it/yvdk6oujazo81.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=074fd209966c9e6045c321e7c8c22f3dc4439b06 +My son is returning home from uni & starts work in his new career in September. + +My wife wants to charge him rent and secretly put that in an account for when he moves out as a surprise. + +I am not so sure, so suggested he lives rent free so he knows what money he has. + +Anyone have any experience of this first world problem? + +Thanks +The Bonfire has been lit. + +This coin has absolutely crazy moon potential. + +It's a community-owned token. Rug-pull proof (ownership-renounced, liquidity burned). + +It has hit up to $46M in just five days and were not even listed yet! + +Only five days old, the community has responded in turn already paying for a PooCoin ad and are currently looking at getting a billboard in TIMESS SQUARE. Seriously, they got a quote for $5k already. + +It's still super early, and has potential to go up to $100M market cap by TOMORROW. + +Dips are eaten so quickly and there is so much traction. + +I got my bag. Will you? + +Sitting by the comfy bonfire ;) + +Website - www.bonfiretoken.co/ + +Telegram - t.me/BonfireTG + +PancakeSwap - https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590 + +Chart - https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590 + +Our own subreddit - https://reddit.com/r/BonfireToken/ + +Twitter - https://twitter.com/token_bonfire + +BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x5e90253fbae4dab78aa351f4e6fed08a64ab5590 +Zero wake time without working is looking like it will be my future soon. Im great at budgeting, so this isn’t the issue. I’m just really feeling down. +Edit to add: it’s me and my two kids, own my home as mortgage is cheaper than rent now. Can’t afford the money or time for college and above technical poverty level here. +One side says that China's economy is a house of cards, and on the verge of crumbling down, while the other side says that China is the future, and that the U.S./the West are in perpetual decline. According to a post I've read, the IMF says that in 2021 China's nominal GDP is $17.7 Trillion and that it grew 8.1%! Now it seems that China's growth forecast is 4.4%. Can China's numbers be trusted? And what is everyone's opinion on the true state of China's economy? Will it overtake the U.S. in the near future (in nominal GDP terms or whatever measure you think is accurate)? +For some reason this hasn't been getting much coverage on media, or on here, but the railroad union possible strike is actually way more important the S&P daily performance or past inflation report. If the strike take place, expect massive supply chain shortage, and unbearable price gauging that is going to hit everyone. + +If they don't come to agreement, this could be a disaster. I wouldn't be surprised to see CPI report comes in at +10% in December as a result + +If you are not familiar with the issue, below some links + +[https://apnews.com/article/health-covid-government-and-politics-87bc3c3e0120b8258557767576262d89](https://apnews.com/article/health-covid-government-and-politics-87bc3c3e0120b8258557767576262d89) + +[https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/14/business/freight-rail-strike-supply-chain.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/14/business/freight-rail-strike-supply-chain.html) + +&#x200B; + +UPDATED: + + + +# Biden says a tentative railway labor deal has been reached, averting a strike + +[https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123114110/biden-says-a-tentative-railway-labor-deal-has-been-reached-averting-a-strike](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/15/1123114110/biden-says-a-tentative-railway-labor-deal-has-been-reached-averting-a-strike) +Hey /r/personalfinance, + +This just happened about an hour ago, but it has me feeling like I have to tell someone. It's a slight twist to the normal thank you posts. + +I was at work when I got a call from a number down in the Dallas area. I live in Tennessee, but I'm from Dallas, so I knew they had to know me. I answered, and it was a company looking for my mom. I told them I don't live with her and hung up. A quick Google search of the company returned an auto finance company. Looks like my mom missed a payment or two. + +I texted my mom letting her know they called and asked how much she was behind. My mom is stubborn as all get out. She refused to let me know anything saying "Can't really talk, son. I'm not asking my kids for help until I am 100 years old. I'll be okay. I've just spent almost $2000 on [the dog]'s eye and I will have to wait to pay it." + +Now, my mom loves her dog more than either of her kids. At least that's the joke. There is some truth to it. The dog is 17 and has cheated death countless times over the last few years. Dude just won't quit. + +I was persistent and asked her how much she needed and she said $30. I told her no one calls over $30 and to tell me the truth. All she would say is one payment. + +In the past, I had sent her money for her birthday from my bank account, and lo and behold the transfer information was still there. I sent her a text telling her I still had it and I fully intended on helping. + +In late summer 2014, I got out of the Army. In typical veteran fashion, I was unemployed, severely depressed, and all around fucked. My mom took me in and did the best she could to get me going again. My stepdad eventually bought me a cheap car cash so I could move to where I am now which led to my current job which pays fairly decently. Definitely the most I've ever made. + +When I got this job, I slowly started saving while getting my stuff together. This sub was so inspiring. I have an addiction to seeing my accounts grow. From $400 to my name in September 2014 to having 3 months salary in savings. + +So I sent her a text saying last chance to give me a real amount. She sent back "$200. But seriously, son. I'll be okay." + +Yeah, Mama. You will be. So I sent the transfer. But not for $200. I still think she was lying. I sent $500. + +And it didn't hurt at all. It felt GOOD to be prepared to help. I don't care about that $500 at all. + +I've seen a lot of people say that by paying bills for loved ones you're enabling bad spending habits. Normally, I agree. But when it's your mom facing repossession, it's hard not to help when you have the means to. I'm not worried about it becoming a habit. I know she's bawling her eyes out right now. She's embarrassed. She doesn't want to accept help. But she totally deserves it. + +Hell, maybe now she'll love me more than the dog. + +Edit: Thanks to those who gave me gold! I've had a few people ask for pictures of my mom's dog, so [here ya go](https://imgur.com/a/e9vkO). +Even today, gold is being mined constantly. So, since the supply of gold cannot really decrease, and since the supply of gold is constantly being increased (aka "inflated"), gold is, by definition, suffering from perpetual inflation. Thus, how isn't the price of gold perpetually increasing? + +This same question applies to any precious metals. +My post on personalfinance got deleted by a mod and told me to post in either legaladvice or here. Just to be clear, I am not asking for legal advice, I now have a lawyer. My reason for posting was to share my experience. Not looking for pity from the community, just sharing which I thought reddit was all about. If this gets clipped, I guess my experience on these subs is skewed somehow. + +My original post: + +Sorry for the downer post. I posted here less than a month ago and got a lot of insightful replies and suggestions. At that time I had no idea this was coming today. + +Marriage can be a complicated road to travel. Lots of bumps and turns over the last 26 years of it. Mine will be coming to a stop soon and I will either make a right or left. + +My thoughts about FI or even RE are not what got me here. But, here I am and will be making a new plan after the dust settles. Getting late in the game for me to recover easily but I will put in what it takes to do so. + +Just a point to consider for the younger crowd about how things can change and an illustration of how your best laid out plan can fail. It can be health related, relationship related and so many other things. + +EDIT: Didn't expect this post to blow up like this. Was busy today meeting with counsel and discussing the situation. Realistically, I was advised that of course 50% of all assets will be divided. Also told the variable is in alimony awarded. Will be 50% of my income at the least and can last from 8 years to perpetuity (i.e. until I die) based on the length of the marriage. That point was the tough one to hear. The journey has just begun so I will buckle in and get ready for the ride. + +Many, many thanks for all the comments. I can't possibly reply to each individually, but trust I have read them all. Some made me laugh, some made me cry and some left me scratching my head. Lol. I feel compelled to update as time goes on, and I will let everyone that cares to know, know what the status is. Thanks again reddit FIRE community, your comments mean a lot to me right now. +I've posted this on other subs, and I think it fits well here. My second DD. + +&nbsp; + +$NOU.V for Canadian investors. $NMGRF for US investors. + +&nbsp; + +Nouveau Monde will be a key operator in the sustainable energy revolution, developing the only fully integrated source of green battery anode material in the Western World. With full scale commercial operations by 2023, NMG will provide advanced carbon-neutral graphite-based material solutions to the growing lithium-ion and fuel cell markets, with low-cost operations, the highest of ESG standards, ensuring robust and reliable advanced material, while guaranteeing supply chain traceability. + +&nbsp; + +Do you like mining companies? I sure do. The company wants to operate a mine in province of Québec in Canada. Located only 150 km north of Montréal, the Company’s world-class deposit constitutes the largest projected graphite operation in North America and Europe and is expected to become the world’s first all-electric open-pit mine. + +&nbsp; + +The Quebec Government has issued an environmental decree, authorising the construction of Nouveau Monde’s Matawinie mining project. The decree covers a starting production level of 100,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of high-quality graphite material, which will form part of Nouveau Monde’s value-added anode strategy – supplying material for the electrical vehicles and renewable energy storage industries. The 100,000 is just a start with ramp up over the next few years. [source link](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/02/10/2172855/0/en/Key-Milestone-Reached-as-Nouveau-Monde-Receives-Quebec-Government-Authorisation-to-Build-What-is-Set-to-Become-the-Western-World-s-Largest-Graphite-Mine.html) + +&nbsp; + +Nouveau Monde’s development plan embraces sustainable development measures, including water management system, tailings co-disposal, progressive land reclamation and biodiversity protection, acclaimed by the government’s environmental experts. Also includes eco-engineering advancing to ensure optimal design of the site’s infrastructure and progressive reclamation with vegetation that bolsters biodiversity and captures carbon. This is very GREEN for mining. + +&nbsp; + +The communities around Matawinie welcome the project as a positive contributor for socio-economic development, including direct and indirect employment. + +&nbsp; + +Some fun napkin math: + +* 53 kilos of graphite pack a car battery, on average. +* Average cost for graphite to pack a car battery with graphite (after processing) $3,000 to $5,000 +* Plus "The decree covers a production level of 100,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of high-quality graphite material, which will form part of Nouveau Monde’s value-added anode strategy – supplying material for the electrical vehicles and renewable energy storage industries" +* 100,000 tons at 53kg per battery = ~1,886,792 batteries at $3k to $5k = $5,660,377,358 to $9,433,962,264 in potential revenue, just from this initial contract. That's $5.7B to $9.5B in potential revenue with this initial. + +&nbsp; + +I like that napkin! What do you think? Rocket ship? Expect this to hit $3 within a couple of weeks, and to go higher from there in the coming months as they continue deploying. + +&nbsp; + +**PLUS** The company posted [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy7R6sc1xiI) today. Very interesting and in depth on the whole operation. + +&nbsp; + +**BONUS** And in case you missed it, here's a video from January, a little more [light-hearted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEgxEfXdbng&feature=youtu.be) + +&nbsp; + +Position: 100,000 shares. +I've been thinking about doing a PhD and trying to brainstorm some research topics. As someone interested primarily in public econ (and also health econ), a lot of the questions I've come up with would greatly benefit from being able to use government data (e.g. tax data, healthcare system data, education admin data). + +When I read economics papers in top journals, it seems like these economists are, at least sometimes, able to access great individual-level government datasets for research. + +I'm wondering - how easy is this to do if you're a PhD student or if you're a professor? Do you need to have connections within the government or can you just request access to that data? + +Also, does this vary by jurisdiction at all (e.g. US vs. Canada vs. Western Europe vs. developing world)? +They are afraid of market and ruble crash, so they don't open the market today. Can they close the market for long time (days and months) to prevent the crash? If not what could be the logics of closing the market? +I’m dealing with some mental health issues unrelated to substance abuse. I’m not planning imminent suicide, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot (constantly) and want to stop. I have been going to therapy but he can only help if I tell him what’s going on in my head — and I haven’t. + +And I don’t want to tell my wife either. + +Are there places I can go that look like a business retreat for inpatient treatment? + +Are there places I can go and keep access to email so I can maintain the appearance of working? + +Are there anonymous therapists online? I called the prevention hotline and they are very nice, but primarily trying to keep people from doing something immediately. And I want to work with someone longer term after I mail them cash or send bitcoin or something. + +I can logic myself out of imminent harm but really want to stop the cycle. +Just got back from the GME movie. It's basically the GameStop movie version of that mod getting destroyed on Fox news. + +Some notes: +DFV does not sit down to interview with the filmmaker. +RC does not sit down to interview. +Everyone who did interview has completely sold out of the stock. Most around $40 during the very first runup. +Andrew Left - head of Citron does sit down to interview and tell his side of the story. +Another short hedge also sits down to interview. + +Coverage of the stock price basically stops in February 2021. +The interviewees talk about how they're the real diamondhands and we're just copying them. +At the end of the movie they show the people on the moon and state they collectively made $70 million. +They dismiss "conspiracy theories", apes, Reddit, and say the squeeze has squoze. + +One of the guys says "none of us have heard from DFV since he doubled down." +The DoMo Capital guy personally says the old shill line about how after he sold it was such a weight off his shoulders and he felt so much better. + +None of these motherfuckers had even the slightest bit of conviction once they saw profits. Again, they sold at $40 on the way up the first time. + +Total clout chasing. Several mentioned their personal businesses - almost all of which are now investment funds. + +Again. Nobody still with GME still holding the stock or anyone representing Apes was featured. Two hedge fund managers were. + +It's pure FUD and a complete waste of time. + +Buy hodl DRS. + +CS#105xxx +Just posting in solidarity with my fellow clowns (too poor for official loss porn over at WSB)! + +Usually I’m super conservative with my money, but decided to YOLO for once after buying into the hype. Bought on Monday at market open, straight downhill since and no end in sight. Probably just going to hold long term and see where it goes - not really worth selling at this point*** + +Context: I’m a student living at home, and still have *60k in cash, 10k in ETFs and 10k+ guaranteed income this year. This is money I can throw down the drain without changing my lifestyle or future plans at all. So, just to reinforce the oft-said advice: don’t gamble money you can’t afford to lose! + +THE UPSIDES +- Reconsidering my life choices! If I just yoloed away more than half a year’s worth of income at my part time job, do I really need to make myself miserable just to feel adequate? +- Got me to open a US account - I never would’ve bothered otherwise +- Motivated me to transfer more money into stocks for (responsible) investing instead of just letting it rot away in a HISA (or really a LISA at this point, because HISAs don’t exist currently apart from westpac, which I’ve already maxed out, and BOQ, where the 10k max isn’t worth the hassle). This is something I’d been procrastinating on for months. +- Proving to myself that I am level-headed enough to handle fluctuations/the loss in general +- Lesson learnt that FOMO is bad, and internet trends are fleeting +- Learned a bit about options and all that funky stock market shit +- My friends’ reactions were pretty funny (“you spent NINE THOUSAND DOLLARS on fucking gme and you’re here agonising over paying 95c more for postage?????”) + +THE DOWNSIDES +- feels bad man, stonks do not go brrr +- staring at the numbers for my daily self esteem boost is now off the table for a while :( +- I’m being bombarded by etoro ads on all platforms + +Edit: forgot I had 15k sitting in SW, updated accordingly + +***Edit 2: to everyone talking about sunk cost fallacy - personally, I know I’d feel worse if I sold now, took the 1.5k, then watched it go up later, as opposed to holding and seeing it literally go to zero. I never viewed this as an investment. It was a “fuck it” gamble from the start, so I’m going along with whatever makes me happier rather than the supposedly correct thing to do. + +Edit 3: so I held until the spike and ended up selling at 301... +**Preamble:** Michael Burry is definitely a controversial figure. He rose to fame betting against the subprime mortgage market and making a 489% return for his investors between Nov’00 and Jun’08 (SP500 returned just 3% in the same period). + +But, I recently observed that in every news article/tweet, he always talks about an impending crash. As recently as last week, he issued another warning stating that there would a “mother of all crashes soon due to the meme-stock and crypto rally that will approach the size of countries”. Basically, what I wanted to analyze was + +**Whether Michael Burry always predicts a crash and gets lucky when there is an actual crash or does his prediction actually turns out to be true most of the time?** + +**Analysis** + +The various news articles spanning over the last 15 years were obtained from Google News \[1\]. I flagged the date of each crash prediction and then analyzed the performance of the market/stock over the + +a. Next 1 Month + +b. Next 1 Quarter + +c. Till Date + +I will not be including the subprime mortgage crash prediction in this analysis as we all know how that turned out and how that made him famous. Also, there are no news reports covering Burry before that. + +The performance figures are calculated based on the prediction. If Burry specifies a stock, then I am using that particular stock as the benchmark. If its broader prediction relating to the overall market, then the benchmark used is S&P 500. + +**Results** + +[ ](https://preview.redd.it/cdhqi5pkne871.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3560c38bbf2051a4d890523f2e31a9618bcaeb4) + +There was a long gap of 9 years after the 2008 crash where Burry stayed out of the public view and did not make any warnings or predictions about the market. + +His first verifiable prediction after the 2008 crisis [came in May 2017](https://www.lombardiletter.com/michael-burry-stock-market-crash/10895/) where he warned that we can expect a global financial meltdown and World War 3. In his exact words + +>I didn’t go out looking for this, I just did the math. Every bit of my logic is telling me the global financial system is going to collapse + +But it’s been 4 years since the prediction and the market is chugging along just fine. S&P500 has returned a respectable 93% to date and there is [no imminent threat](https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/timeline/) of a World War happening. + +Burry’s next prediction was in [Sep 2019](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/the-big-short-s-michael-burry-explains-why-index-funds-are-like-subprime-cdos-1.1310874) where he said that index funds are the next market bubble and are comparable to subprime CDOs. He said that index fund inflows are now distorting prices for stocks and bonds in the same way that CDO purchases did for subprime mortgages more than a decade ago. He said the flows will reverse at some point, and “it will be ugly” when they do. + +This prediction also did not pan out as S&P500 has returned 50% to date over the last two years and the only crash that occurred during this period was the Covid-19 flash crash from which the market made a sudden recovery. + +Burry’s next target was on Tesla where he said that Tesla’s stock price is [ridiculous](https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/big-short-investor-michael-burry-reveals-hes-short-tesla-tells-elon-musk-to-issue-more-stock-at-its-ridiculous-price/articleshow/79538731.cms) and that it would [collapse](https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/big-short-investor-michael-burry-predicts-tesla-stock-will-collapse-like-the-housing-bubble-enjoy-it-while-it-lasts/articleshow/80171258.cms) like the housing stock bubble. I have kept both the articles there which had only one month difference as we don’t know exactly when he shorted the stock. The returns would be substantially different if he did it in Dec’20 when compared to Jan’21 as Tesla had a phenomenal run in December. + +He [reiterated](https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/big-short-investor-michael-burry-warns-the-stock-market-is-dancing-on-a-knifes-edge-and-fears-hes-being-ignored-again/articleshow/81154288.cms) again on Feb’21 that the market is dancing on a knife’s edge and he is being ignored again. He felt the boom in day traders due to the meme stock mania and the increasing cash flow to the index trackers would cause a massive bubble. This prediction also hasn’t turned out to be right as the market has returned 11% to date over the last 4 months. + +Burry’s only prediction that we can say confidently was right after the 2008 mortgage crisis is that he called [Bitcoin a speculative bubble](https://moguldom.com/340499/michael-burry-who-predicted-2008-mortgage-crash-says-bitcoin-is-a-speculative-bubble-sends-prices-lower/) in March’21. Bitcoin has since dropped 28% in around 3 months. Even in this case, we don’t have enough data to showcase how this prediction would turn out over the next one/two years. + +Burry was most active in 2021 making the most number of predictions with the latest in Jun’21 stating that we are currently in the [greatest speculative bubble of all time](https://moguldom.com/358632/investor-michael-burry-who-predicted-2008-subprime-mortgage-crisis-says-this-is-greatest-speculative-bubble-of-all-time-in-all-things/). Only time will tell how this one will turn out! + +**Conclusion** + +I have immense respect for Michael Burry and his skills. He was a doctor and worked as a Stanford Hospital neurology resident and then left to start his own hedge fund that became [extremely successful](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Burry). But, as you can see from the above analysis, he is more often wrong than right with his predictions \[2\]. + +But, the stock market rewards predictions disproportionately \[3\]. Out of the 100 predictions you make, even if you get 99 wrong but get one extremely unlikely event right your overall returns will still be extremely high. + +The key point here is that if you believe in Michael Burry, you will have to follow all of his recommendations \[4\] and not pick and choose what you feel comfortable with as most of the returns would be from an extremely unlikely scenario. + +**Footnotes** + +\[1\] Google News has a [nifty feature](https://researchbuzz.me/2019/07/22/if-youre-not-using-more-of-google-news-date-options-you-might-be-missing-out/#:~:text=As%20you%20probably%20know%2C%20Google,hours%2C%20and%20the%20past%20hour.) where they allow you to search news in specific time periods. Also, Google News seems to capture almost all the major publications other than the historical archives. + +\[2\] The current analysis is done using all the publicly available records. We are not considering the personal bets he made, conversations he had with his friends/family/investors, etc. This can definitely alter the + +\[3\] Take the classic example of Keith Gill (aka DFV). He at one point had a $50MM return using a 50K call option. Even if he had another 99 50K call options in other stocks which expired worthless, just this one right pick would have made him a net profit of $45MM. This phenomenon is known as [black swan farming](http://www.paulgraham.com/swan.html). + +\[4\] At that point, if you are that confident in his predictions, you can [invest in his hedge fund](https://smartasset.com/financial-advisor/scion-asset-management-review). Please note that you need to have a minimum capital requirement ($1 million minimum investment and some extra regulatory requirements) + +*Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor.* +We're all aware of most of the discussions around index funds. Most people know all the song and dance around TER, tracking errors etc. In fact, people are tired debating about UTI index funds. + +But that's mostly in Nifty 50 / Nifty 100 space. + +Interesting things have been happening in the small-cap space as well, over last 1 year. + +--- + +In small-cap space, breakout winner for last one year, has been Quant Small-cap fund. If you check VRO today, it's got a **197%** (not a typo, it's 197% indeed) 1-year return. In last 1 year, its NAV has nearly tripled. + +Other small-cap funds have done well too. + +But you know what else has done well? Small-cap index funds! In fact, better than a whole lot of popular active small-cap funds. + +[A comparison of last 1 year movement](https://i.imgur.com/at14Zqt.png), across small-cap funds. The top blue line is Quant small-cap fund; and the one right below that is the index. Every fund is below that line. + +--- + +Investor returns are different from asset returns; hence instead of looking at point to point returns, we decided to simulate 1Y SIP in each of these funds: + +[And here's the result of a 1Y SIP in each of these small-cap funds, starting from 23rd March 2020, 10k / month](https://i.imgur.com/b9AFi9Q.png). + +Notice how most funds (ignore Quant small-cap fund, it's an outlier) underperforms the index fund. Especially, Axis small-cap, which had best performance just a year ago. + +--- + +Things are so bad right now, three AMCs have launched index funds - Motilal Oswal, Nippon India, Aditya Birla. + +Last two names are interesting, because these AMCs offer **both active small-cap funds, and index funds in small-cap segment**. + +--- + +**What could be the reason?** + +We can speculate, but one guess can be AUM. Axis, HDFC, SBI, Nippon, ICICI Pru etc. have more than 4k-5k Cr. in AUM in their respective small-cap space. Given how illiquid these stocks are, can be a reason for fund manager to have to load up on large-caps, or not being able to execute trades at desired volumes. + +Quant small-cap has an AUM of 135 Cr. as in Feb; orders of magnitude smaller than other popular small-cap funds. + +When a fund gets popular in small-cap space, it posts outsized returns. After 2017 bull run, people wanted SBI Small Cap, and as it was not taking new investments back then (AUM was 792 Cr., and it had blocked registering new SIP in 2015), L&T Emerging Business fund started to look attractive. + +Once SN Lahiri left the L&T AMC, investors were disappointed. + +In other words, Quant small-cap would see huge inflow in coming 2-3 years. Who wants to miss out on 200% returns! + +No takers for small-cap index funds, so these would continue to operate with lower AUMs for the foreseeable future. + +--- + +**This is just one year of data, this proves nothing, equity needs longer horizon** + +People asking this have an academic mindset, they'd be happy with mathy derivations, graphs etc. They'd rather wait for 20 years, for data to emerge with clear pattern, before making any decision. + +But being late is same as being wrong. + +A clear trend is emerging in this space, that as more investors get into market, easier access to information is unlocked, index funds are going to be harder to beat. Even the AMCs, who've access to actual transaction data of investors, acknowledge this through their actions. + +If I simulate 10Y / 15Y / 20Y of transaction data, Franklin Bluechip or HDFC Top 100 would handily beat most index-based portfolios. Is that a good enough reason to invest in these two funds today? If not, how does considering longer time frame help? + +It'd be akin to driving a car looking only at the rear-view mirror. + +For context, [this comment](https://i.imgur.com/aTffYiY.png) by one of our [Discord](https://discord.gg/hqBNg4u) members prompted this post. In his own words: + +> I expected corona crash would give active fund managers good chance for bottom fishing and grab quality stocks. I was re-balancing during corona crash, and i was divided between index and active-funds. My theory was like: FIIs sold and went out, quality stocks must be cheap for active fund managers to pick-up and provide good returns. + +--- + +**TL;DR**: + +Next time someone asks for a fund recommendation in small-cap space, consider telling them to also look into index funds in this space. These funds might just surprise you! +credit u/anashel: + +"Why is this not fucking glued to the top of r/superstonk is beyond me. [https://web.archive.org/web/20211028000950/https://github.com/Loopring/loopring-web-v2/commit/de1601d253991fd4c493a8d5629c02c7d38b5e23](https://web.archive.org/web/20211028000950/https://github.com/Loopring/loopring-web-v2/commit/de1601d253991fd4c493a8d5629c02c7d38b5e23) \- this (line 74 from api-wrapper) clearly show the loopring nft bridge with nft.gstop-sandbox.com. While this one [https://crt.sh/?id=5538535675](https://crt.sh/?id=5538535675) clearly show not only the nft.gstop-sandbox.com, the underlying api existence but the domain SSL ownership to Gamestop. That’s it. Thats the game. GG. This will be the first large scale token support by a public trade company with over 42 million customers across 4 816 store worldwide. Forget about retail adoption of bitcoin: what they are about to delivered is fucking nuts. Thanks to u/kyytes and all the other ape who dig it out… three days ago and got five freaking upvote." + +EDIT: + +While I advise you to keep your tits jacked, you may want to un-jack them ever so slightly. I didn't know this and no one else has mentioned this— I feel this comment from u/kuilin is important and should be discussed: + +Link to comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnrmxx/comment/hjiq8cc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnrmxx/comment/hjiq8cc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +"As a programmer, while I agree that many signs point to GME and Loopring working together, **this link in particular is not evidence**. + +It clearly says on the top of the linked github page: + +>This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. + +Pay attention to this. Anyone can put anything on a page like this and have it *look like* it's from Loopring. Sure, this could be a commit that they added and then deleted (a web archive of the commits page of the master branch would prove it), but it also could be some random commit made by someone completely unassociated with Loopring or Gamestop. + +Edit: Here, I just made this to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Have a look at this: [http://web.archive.org/web/20211106062439/https://github.com/Loopring/website/commit/7be6b885b28012636099497eafbcf5e81ada2900](http://web.archive.org/web/20211106062439/https://github.com/Loopring/website/commit/7be6b885b28012636099497eafbcf5e81ada2900)" + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 2: + +u/kuilin has made a separate thread to discuss this topic. While he thinks it's more likely that this *is* real code from Loopring, it would be possible for someone to upload this themselves. He demonstrated this in the edit to his comment I posted above. There's a lot of real code here and only a bit of it mentions GameStop, lending to its likely authenticity. + +Link to thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnuood/about\_the\_recent\_github\_leaks\_its\_very\_easy\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnuood/about_the_recent_github_leaks_its_very_easy_to/) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 3: + +This is a fascinating post from u/OneTinker dissecting this code and looking at what it actually does: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnupkm/complete\_dissection\_of\_the\_leaked\_code\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnupkm/complete_dissection_of_the_leaked_code_from/) + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 4: + +My personal opinion after reading lots of comments: + +I'm no coder, but if someone *did* fake this, they went through a ton of effort to make it look legit. u/OneTinker's post dissecting the code and its functionality has done a lot to convince me that this is *not* the case and that this code is from Loopring. + +Matt Finestone was head of business at Loopring and is now head of blockchain at GameStop. He left to work on a "once-in-a-lifetime" project that he couldn't talk about for some months— a project in the Ethereum space ([https://matthewfinestone.medium.com/thank-you-loopring-16993766c200](https://matthewfinestone.medium.com/thank-you-loopring-16993766c200)). GameStop is clearly working on something involving NFTs. Loopring has publicly said they'll be launching an NFT marketplace with a to-be-named partner in Q4 ([https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/loopring-quarterly-update-2021-q3-bd083d94ca17](https://medium.com/loopring-protocol/loopring-quarterly-update-2021-q3-bd083d94ca17)). GameStop would *need* something like Loopring to make mass adoption of NFTs possible. Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, has publicly said Loopring and zkRollups are the future of Ethereum ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW0QZmtbjvs&t=4267s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XW0QZmtbjvs&t=4267s)). And as someone pointed out in another thread, Loopring is almost certainly aware of these rumors about their code and GameStop— if they *knew* this was a bad actor posting the code, it would be in their best interest to deny the rumors publicly and maintain their credibility. + +If the simplest explanation is the most likely, then I say this code is legit from Loopring and we have an announcement to look forward to in the next 7-8 weeks. + +🚀🚀 +What is going on these days ? It seems like every firm with some money in their pockets out there is buying up shares in Jio + +[https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/business/after-facebook-uss-kkr-picks-2-32-pc-stake-in-jio-platforms-for-rs-11-367-crore-88388](https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/business/after-facebook-uss-kkr-picks-2-32-pc-stake-in-jio-platforms-for-rs-11-367-crore-88388) + +What sort of goldmine prospects are these people at RIL and Jio are showing to these investors that every tom dick and harry is putting their money into it ? + +I am a novice investor and while I do find Jio an investement oppurtunity in general but this just seems too far solely based on the telecom part that we know about and I feel like I am missing something big here + +**Can somebody please explain.** +[https://ktla.com/news/local-news/trump-admin-850-billion-economic-stimulus-plan-includes-payouts-to-americans-this-month/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/trump-admin-850-billion-economic-stimulus-plan-includes-payouts-to-americans-this-month/) + +&#x200B; + +How do y'all think this will affect the market? +After weeks of hardwork for writing backtesting and actual trading code. I have successfully deployed my first ever algotrading system. Its fully automated options trading system and also send daily trades executed reports at an end of day. Thanks to this sub, I got answers to lot of my doubts. Adding last 2 days pnl ss. +Cheers. +Here is a beautifully written DD going over Dr. T's comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pn1od0/calling_american_apes_to_action_this_is_our_best/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Superstonk&utm_content=t1_hcyi5fx + +We have the power to launch this rocket ourselves!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: This requires your action mods, the jungle have done a great job of this so far and I feel we're lagging behind!!!!!! +As we all know, the most likely outcome has happened where regulators and boomers are now targeting anybody who looks like a convenient target. + +Deepfuckingvalue, who was unfortunately outed, is increasingly looking like that person. + +He is now in more danger than any of us. I doubt that anything will acruallly come of this, but now real heat is coming out, as tends to when traditional power dynamics are upset. + +Not to mention; despite the fact that he was acting as a private individual and not actually acting in an official or financial position, the optics are being set up against him. + +Do not attack him if he decides to withdraw all today. He has his own life and family to protect. He’s also much more vulnerable than anyone here, and he doesn’t have the polemical connections like citadel does. Not to mention he just screams boomer bait. + +I suspect he’s feeling pressured into not selling because of the cult status he has here. But his own personal life comes first. Chances are, he may never be able to work in an official financial position again. + +I’m not crying for his financial future or anything, he’s worth 8 figures. But again, he needs that money given his position. For the rest of his life he will be a political prop. Please respect his decisions and most importantly realize he’s a fucking human being with his own life + +Edit: still holding I bought @30 in at $300 lol +Getting into the hypotheticals as I haven’t done enough homework on this but.. + +Let’s say my mortgage payment was $ 2300, but the rental market priced my unit at $ 2100/mo. + +Has anyone ever ended up in a situation like this? What happened? + +*my thought was I live w my gf who pays me rent, I own the unit. I could afford the $ 2300 if we broke up but I would never live in the area I’m in now as a single person and would want to move locations within my state. + +If I went back into the city and found a place for $ 1500 ish, and ended up where I could only find a renter for $ 2100, would the 200$ out of pocket not be a big deal to hold onto a property if it did come to this ? + +Edit: Good discussion, learned a lot as a first time home buyer. I have no intention of leaving my GF my high ass came up with that scenario as to why I might need to rent out my spot, with the ‘curveball’ the rented spot could be significantly cheaper. + +Edit 2: I just did the Zillow rental calculator and they put me at $ 2175 - $2340 rental potential. Also worth noting 308$ of the $2300 is HOA, which I included because it’s still a cost I would want covered (I’m in a condo). +Like the title says, I was curious how much I spent on commission YTD, and I was shocked to see I spend 11k on commission alone, so that's like 1k a month in commission, holy fuck! + +My trading strategy involves selling naked puts and credit put spreads, and I've been ramping up the number of options I sell as my portfolio grows. + +Fortunately YTD my cap gain is around $680k, so the commission is only 1.6% of my gain. I'm curious how much are you spending on fees. +Do you know why insurance companies stay in business year after year and are profitable? Of course you do, they charge thousands of people a premium for an event that doesn't happen or if it does happen the company has collected enough premiums to cover the loss. if you run the wheel (or just sell naked/cash secured puts) you are running your own insurance business. + +Puts can be thought of as shareholders protecting their investment (asset). <<I know, I know puts are bought for other reasons, but for the seller the situation remains the same, regardless of the put buyers intention>>. You collect a premium and insure the buyer that if a loss event occurs you will pay them for that event. Like if a house burns down or is damaged in a flood. Most houses dont burn down so all the premiums collected will cover when it does. + +Your probably saying, this dude is messed up I sold a put and got my ass handed to me. If you sold one put one time, on a highly suspect stock then yes this can happen, BUT you werent running your trading like an insurance company. + +Here are a few tips to make sure you dont get burned: + +1. Spread your risk across multiple stocks across different industries. Selling one stock is like the insurance company selling one premium on one house. +2. Dont sell puts on stocks that are extremely speculative. If a stock is pre-revenue, or is at risk of closing its doors, you will collect alot of premium, but the event you are protecting the buyer from has a much higher probability of occuring. Selling puts on stocks that will at least stay in business will give you the ability to cover the loss to the asset holder, take the stock and then work your way or minimize a full loss situation. Insurance companies dont sell one contract to one homeowner in a flood zone. +3. Use delta and/or resistance areas to also give you an edge. Delta is a function of just how likely an event will occur. Like the insurance actuary tables. A higher delta means that the likelihood of the event occurring. A 60 delta means there is a 60% chance you may have to pay out that insurance policy. This is the classic Risk/Reward metric. Higher delta means Higher Premium and thats awesome, but be prepared, the higher risk the higher chance of assignment. Where do you want to run your insurance company? Get a lower premium but have a lower chance of paying out (ie buying the stock) or vice versa +4. Be prepared for the worse. Insurance companies have to pay out claims everyday. its part of the game/business. Same with selling puts. But if you held true to the tips above, you will be just like the insurance company, not too big in any one position, collected alot of premiums along the way and have cash to take the stock and the stock should be somewhat stable since we didnt insure a company like RIDE. Then it happens you take the stock. Here is where we can diverge from the insurance company example. We own the stock now (rarely will an insurance company take ownership of the asset, only payout the claim) we can hold that stock in anticipation of it appreciating, we can sell calls over the stock (ie getting paid why while we wait for the stock to appreciate). + +Bottom line (my father always says this after he goes on a big diatrade) : Approach selling options (ie puts) like a business and you will make out over the long run! +**TA;DR** Hedgies R Fukt. Merrick fucks. The DOJ doesn't announce cases, especially under Merrick Garland, unless you're fucked. Continue tit jacking. + +Right now, the United States Attorney General is Merrick Garland. Merrick Garland went to Harvard, then Harvard law. He was up for a Supreme Court nomination (another story for another sub) but is now the Attorney General. + +Briefest of history: He supervised the Oklahoma City bombing, Ted Kaczynski (the "Unabomber"), and the Atlanta Olympics bombings cases. + +There were no leaks until indictments. They were all successfully prosecuted. Wall Street knows this. This weekend is a long weekend, the market is closed Monday, but imagine how long it will be for all those employees working 24/7. Let's light up some skyscapers. + + + +edit credit to u/Born_Gain_817: AND... his Deputy Attorney General, #2 in charge, is Lisa Monaco. She graduated from the prestigious Winsor School in Boston, and also got a degree from Harvard as well. From 2001 to 2007, she was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the United States Attorney's office for the District of Columbia and was appointed as a member of the Justice Department's Enron Task Force, co-leading the trial team in the prosecution of five former Enron executives from 2004 to 2006. Monaco received Department of Justice Awards for Special Achievement in 2002, 2003 and 2005. + +On January 25, 2013, President Barack Obama announced he would name Monaco to be his assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism, the chief counterterrorism advisor to the President. In the Homeland Security Advisor role, Monaco was also President Obama's chief cybersecurity advisor. She drove the policy decision to create the Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in 2015, to provide integrated all-source analysis of intelligence on foreign cyber threats and incidents affecting U.S. national interests similar to the National Counterterrorism Center on terrorist threats. + +Also, over her tenure as President Obama's chief homeland security advisor, Monaco managed the United States response to Ebola and coordinated whole-of-government preparedness efforts to prevent its spread in the United States. Monaco was also responsible for recovering the majority of ransom in crypto, paid to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware hackers. And you can find a plethora of her speeches on YouTube. One to consider watching is her recent address to Corporate White-Collar Criminals engaging in financial crimes ha. I would shit my pants if I were shorts. She is a scary woman. +Hi all, + +It's been a very rough week, my roommate was diagnosed with a very serious auto-immune disorder; He has left his job and moved home to be with his family who can provide him with the day to day care he is going to need with the hope of him being able to overcome this in the long run. With that being said, he is not going to be able to pay me any rent money and we just signed a one-year lease 2 moths ago. I am extremely worried about my financial situation now... I am going to be looking for another roommate in the meantime, but we don't live in a city or an area many people desire to move to, so I feel like I need to plan for the worst here. + +Here are my current monthly expenses: + +Rent + Utilities (internet and gas and electric): $1950 + +Car Payment: $450 + +Gym membership: $15 + +Car insurance: $90 + +Total: $2505 + +Of course, this does not include groceries, the occasional meal out, gas, etc. My salary is $62,000 and I bring home about $3400 a month. I really hate the idea of living check to check, and am considering getting a second job. I only have $3000 in the bank now, and still have to pay rent on the first of August and have some credit cards I need to pay off as well. Overall, I'm just really stressed and looking for some opinions or options on the situation. Do I need a second job? +I have a friend who has a couple of investment properties, older lady. She is a really cool bird, who does a lot for others. She got a letter from her agent, recommending she terminate the leases with existing tenants, as they would be able to release with a 30% rent increase. +She responded by giving the agent notice of termination of contract with them, and went to a new agent. +TLDR - As usual I wrote a big ass post with way too much detail. So if you hate that, just exit now. If you don't, I detail our experience using Amex Centurion Concierge and associated benefits for a two week family trip through Europe. With that out of the way.... + +Obligatory background to justify posting this in FATFIRE and not being deleted. 46m with family (Wife 45F, three kids ranging between 14-21). NW is a squishy number depending on how you value our business…but lets say 20m. We are FATFI…the RE comes later. This trip is a two week family trip to Europe. We hope to do a trip like this once a year for a long time…with the kids attending when they can as they get older, marry, get jobs, etc. + +We decided to get a business centurion late last year, mostly for the 50% point rebate on flights booked through Amex Travel. This was our first chance to really utilize some of the services of the Centurion team to see what kind of value is there on top of the 50% point rebate. + +We did the research to decide which flights we wanted, and we chose to fly on United so we could continue to renew our 1k MileagePlus status (when you book with points on Amex you get full PCP credit with United even though you get a 50% rebate). We also decided to stay at Amex Fine Hotel and Resorts and Hotel Collection hotels for our trip so we could pay for the whole thing with points. + +Centurion Services Used: + +* Concierge travel booking +* FHR and HC benefits (100$ per room credit, free breakfast, complimentary upgrades) +* Arrival and Departure Services (referred to as Diamond) + +We did not have them do any bookings for activities in each of the cities we visited. We just did that ourselves on Viator. + +Our itinerary was: + +* Fly from Midwest to London Heathrow and stay four nights in London +* Train from London to Paris and stay for four nights in Paris +* Train from Paris to Amsterdam and stay four nights in Amsterdam +* Fly from Amsterdam to our Midwest home (LCOL small airport) + +Booking + +This went better than I thought it would. I picked the hotels and send the type of room we wanted to Amex. I also requested they setup transfers from the airports\\trains to hotel, and hotels to airport\\train. They booked everything for me…and at one point even identified that I had mistakenly listed five nights in London when we were only there for four…and corrected my itinerary based on flights. The hotels and flights was a very smooth process. The only negative we encountered here was the Hilton hotels for two last two legs were not showing up in my account. They said I was on my own for booking trains, which seemed weird. + +The transfers and arrival/departure services were a bit more tricky. It took a lot of back and forth to get the transfers scheduled, and even then the communication was not optimal from a standpoint of having clear directions on what the transfers would look like. Only our London transfer was simple and communicated well. In Paris they told me they did not have an option there, and suggested I use G7. In Amsterdam they were coordinating with the hotel, but did not communicate transfer information to me until one or two days before we were set to arrive in Amsterdam. + +Flights + +This works great, and is one of the major benefits of the Centurion Business card. We did lay flat seats, so for our family of 6 the total was around 2.2m points (22k dollars). 50% rebate and it took our cost per person down to less than $2000 for international travel on lay flats. We get full credit with United, and can see all reservation data in the United App. The ONLY downside to booking through United is what happens if you need to change plans. We had one of our family members who got sick and could not come on the trip…so she now has a $3800 credit with United, but is only accessible through Amex Travel (and I believe has to be spent on one ticket, not spread out over multiple bookings). + +Arrival and Departure Services + +THIS…was the pleasant surprise for the trip. Essentially it’s an airport concierge that shows up and guides you through a “fast track” through security. I’ve never been guided to the front of more lines than what these people do. In London, we had a great airport “butler” who guided us from getting off the plane, expedited through security and customs, bag pickup, all the way to loaded on our transfer to our hotel. It was AWESOME. The Departure services was equally awesome out of Amsterdam. There are a ton of articles about how packed the Amsterdam airport is, with people talking about 4-6 hour waits. Our “butler” for the Amsterdam airport texted me the night before telling me to have our party at the airport at 9am for an 11am flight. Ok…but everyone else is telling us to be there 3-4 hours early. She said to trust her. We did. We arrived at 9am, and she literally fast tracked us through every line. It was almost somewhat embarrassing to see these huge lines, and she would just walk up to the front, remove the little rope thing, and guide us through. We made it through security and customs in about 30 minutes. This was SO valuable. + +The two downsides to this service, is that it is not directly provided by Amex….and the communication / confirmation of the services is rough. I did not even think we were going to get the Departure Services in Amsterdam…I had no confirmation even the night before. It wasn’t until I got a text from the butler that I knew we would have the service. It also is not quite as great in Chicago / ORD…as the butler meets us after customs and is essentially there to help us get our bags and get to our next gate. Not quite as useful. But the two international airports (London and Amsterdam) it was PHENOMENAL. + +Fine Hotels and Resorts / Hotel Collection + +This worked in a very average way. In London we stayed at the Shangri La…where they treated us like we were valued guests because of our FHR status. The credit worked well for incidentals, and we got upgraded rooms. In Paris they gave us free breakfast and the room credit (which they actually applied to the overall bill, so that was a nice $300 discount). In Amsterdam the Hilton there said we had the $100 credit, but no free breakfast. Since we are Hilton Diamond status (through Centurion) we should have free breakfast. I asked about that, and they said “Because you booked through Amex you don’t get points, and we don’t give you Diamond amenities.” I finally got them to give us free breakfast. But on our bookings they listed the source as “Expedia” and that’s how they treated us. 😊 That sucked. So a mixed bag. For the final hotel I would have been better off booking myself with cash, and then use “pay with points” on the card. Would have then gotten full Diamond points and amenities. + +The concierge was valuable throughout the trip as we made some changes, and they were responsive throughout the process…typically responding within 24 hours when we needed assistance. + +Bottom line: + +* The booking / concierge was nice from an airline / hotel / transfers perspective…with the transfers being the last effective. +* The Arrival and Departure services, which are complimentary, were OUTSTANDING and relieved a lot of stress to help us quickly navigate large international airports / customs. +* The FHR and HC was a mixed bag…some benefits and some downsides. + +Overall I would say this trip validated the value I expect to get out of a Centurion and their 5k/year fees. I also know better how to navigate some of the issues around transfers and FHR/HC. + +Estimated dollar value of Centurion benefits for this trip - $13,100 + +* Flights (11k) +* FHR ($0) When I consider the value of the things that worked, and the lost value on things that didn’t +* Transfers ($100 for the time saved having to work with hotels to setup transfers) +* Arrival and Departure (1k) – No idea what it would cost to book this. So $100 per person seems reasonable. I’d happily pay that. +* Concierge (1k) – For all the time they spent booking, modifying, crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s. Time is money. + +I’d love to hear how others have taken advantage of the Centurion benefits when traveling internationally. + +Nick +# They have 44 disclosures in their report. Here's a few of them. See the fines they paid? That's the cost of doing business + +https://preview.redd.it/wk9vajl7zgh81.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e5df4a0c6f72ac1c7d933e61b78d19150fc5736 + +https://preview.redd.it/7i74qj3czgh81.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdace2bb70abc88f57fdd751a6596eae0447e05c + +# Didn't report short positions, didn't have a supervisory system in place to make sure shorts were being reported - $140,000 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/0zkgh8vpzgh81.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c87c476674d70c79b7809377258cacda0e404d9 + +# Failed to report options positions in thousands of instances, deleted options positions - $125,000 + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/943qba4yzgh81.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=83f202a2dc940f3d950033e76bf749e496f86dbd + +# Didn't close out FTDs in 7 different instances when having FTD's due to bona-fide market making - $15,000 + +# + +https://preview.redd.it/wgaj2qr20hh81.png?width=825&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef6641b6511a1cc01faef00164f638baef5329ac + +https://preview.redd.it/1gwtu99t0hh81.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=f29ff9577f405632b3f084930ff850358b0b6b6f + +https://preview.redd.it/e8xw3qax0hh81.png?width=837&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1eeba56b90956197a7e4f9d937fa9e4c9a6af79 + +# Again they failed to close out FTD that were on the Threshold list - $22,500 + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +If you want to look yourself + +[https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm\_13071.pdf](https://files.brokercheck.finra.org/firm/firm_13071.pdf) + +When you look at the disclosures, some of them let you click on the docket/case number, those are pretty interesting to read too. + +[https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/fda\_documents/2006005104901\_FDA\_KX3433%20%282019-1562363356831%29.pdf](https://www.finra.org/sites/default/files/fda_documents/2006005104901_FDA_KX3433%20%282019-1562363356831%29.pdf) +The signs are there for all to see, especially when there are millions of sets of ape eyes watching. Here is some of the blood in the water I've noticed recently, on mobile so ill try to break it up a little; + +----- + +Publicly stated SI % increase - This one is huge, the SI went from a publicly stated 13% to 20% which is a huge increase and an overall large SI to hold in general. Not to mention on a company with over $1B in cash, close to $1B in inventory who is known to be launching an NFT marketplace. + +Another thing to remember is that throughout the past year they've maintained a publicly stated SI% of 10% give or take. What does this tell us? That some parties are no longer capable of hiding their SI. They're being forced to use traditional means of shorting and have actually reported it rather than hiding their SI with PUT positions. + +----- + +Further evidence of traditional shorting - Borrow rates have increased by a significant margin for the first time in a year, Questrade up to 3.11% and iBorrowDesk showing 1.5% when previously they had be at 0.7%. A possible reason for this is the now limited ability to illegally short through IRA's. A dirty little trick to both hide SI as well as gaining shares to short without affecting borrow rates since they weren't borrowing from brokers, hence the "There is no demand to borrow this stock" justification. Rather than borrowing large scale from brokers they were illegally dipping into people's retirement investments to avoid increasing the cost of borrowing which would likely be a strain on smaller fish *COUGHAnchorageCapitalCOUGH* + +----- + +This leads into our next point. + +DRS is working - Now, 100% speculation, but with borrow rates increasing and the recent attacks on the price wreaking of desperation we are limiting their avenues to attack the stock. Hence SHF's are being forced to once again borrow in plain sight and increase borrow rates increasing the cost of maintaining this game. + +Further evidence once again; + +Apex denying the people the ability to DRS, we are not only limiting SHF's ammo but also bringing the illegal game of IRA shorting to a screeching halt and limiting revenues for those profiting from it. With millions of ape eyes watching and the general public becoming more and more aware we are undermining their means of making money and their shady and illegal business tactics and bringing it to light. This threatens to break the system as a whole as their largest customers may very well now teeter on the edge of insolvency. + +----- + +Cash infusion into Citadel for the first time; + +This one explains itself, naturally they'll play it off with some other justification as them diversifying into crypto markets. But let's be real, for the first time ever they've accepted outside investor money to the tune of $1.15B. Even if they legitimately were entering into crypto markets in a new capacity they had previously been resistant to this approach which would further display our sway on their decision making and need for cash. The $1.15B infusion sounds oddly similar to their prior "investment" of $2B into Melvin to bail them out during the sneeze. + +Speaking of those fucks; + +Melvin, I seem to recall this summer them proudly stating they paid back the $2B investment. First off....Who invests in a company for a period of less than a year then actually wants a full reimbursement of funds in under 12 months rather than reaping long term rewards on your "investment"? + +Maybe it was judged to be a poor one? Or maybe, just maybe Citadel was feeling the crunch themselves and needed that cash back to stave off death and failed margin calls? + +Then, all of a sudden the same party who bailed out Melvin for $2B takes in $1.15B of outside capital? + +Then further, fuck boys Melvin Capital takes a single month hit of close to $8B? Almost like they made some bad bets, it'd be a shame if others perhaps made similar bets? + +There undoubtedly is going to be players with a larger position than Melvin, imagine the testicle crunch and financial cuckening they're suffering now. + +----- + +DRS failing with some brokers; + +One that comes to mind being IKBR, there have been instances where people have attempted to purchase 90 shares and the transaction has failed. + +We all know that in regards to the markets that is a miniscule amount of shares when institutions are dealing with several thousand casually. + +On top of this the DRS process being so actively fought and taking several weeks or months for people all around the world. Dr. Burry stated before the sneeze last year that they were taking weeks to locate his shares. Could you imagine what they're going through now? + +----- + +Another instance of desperation in broad daylight is the rampant shorting of ETF's containing GME, some going up to 600-700% when this behaviour had already been noted in the SEC report. + +Not only are these short interests public but they know regulators are already onto them. Now I know that in the grand scheme they don't give a fuck, at worst the SEC assigns a fine equivalent to me buying a small coffee once a month, but it's still an instance of them no longer being able to hide the game they're playing from the broader public. + +We've sat through a year of bullshit MSM claims and them telling us to "Forget GameStop", it's all just a bad comedy joke. But now they're getting bolder not out of confidence, but of the most raw desperation imaginable. + +----- + +Reality - There are only two ways you can justify such rampant shorting from their perspective. + +1 - Desperation to either break our will, avoid margin calls, or to discourage new investors and drive a hopeless narrative and buy 1 more day. + +2 - This would have to be an obvious home run for them, *The price is too high, this is easy free money, we don't have to care if they see the short interest because we're going to make a fortune!* + +Do you think 2 is possible when they were forced to turn off the buy button? Do you think it's possible to bankrupt a business with $1B+ in cash with 350+ new hires of executives poached from high paying positions with the largest companies in the world like Apple, Amazon, Walmart, Chewy, and several others. + +All while they engage in the opening of a fucking NFT marketplace which will likely have practically no gas fees when the current largest marketplace (OpenSea) had a slightly higher revenue ($11B) than GameStop itself last year with huge gas fees? + +Not to mention diehard stock holders? + +Come. The. Fuck. On. + +----- + +Hiding the obvious; + +How many of you get notifications when stocks are up 5-10%? How many of you get those when GameStop is up that much or higher? + +How many times have we seen GameStop omitted from "biggest mover" lists on MSM? + +Now just today Questrade sent out an email to clients showing the top 5 tickers and ETF's in the US and Canada and for those who have seen it deleted the GME ticker but left the fucking company name with Nvidia's ticker beside it and below that the popcorn ticker beside Nvidia's name since they only altered the one column? + +Come on! + +----- + +A few other Citadel notes; + +-Ken Griffin has aged 15 years in fewer months, he's red, puffy and bloated. His appearance plainly is representative of someone whose been drowning themselves in alcohol. + +-Restricting the withdrawal of investor funds just weeks after a PR campaign and cringey breaks of Twitter silence. They needed to keep their remaining investors past November a typical period where another term of commitment begins and as soon as that passed they locked their funds away. The only other time they did this was during the 2008 crash. + +-On the note of investor funds AUM (assets under management) have plunged for Citadel in the last year. I don't have exact members handy however they lost close to half of their AUM, either through client withdrawal or perhaps a few bad bets? Either way, it's a very bad look on them. + +----- + +The shorts are most definitely on the losing end of this play, and as is the tradition, with so many points covered, the TL;DR + +TL;DR: Hedgies r fuk + + +Edit: Minor corrections since I wrote this as a long winded bitch faced rant. + +----- + +Edit 2: Wasn't expecting this response, I woke up to more notifications than I've ever seen... + + + + +To those looking to rock the boat regarding the current price like it discredits everything I and apes have been stating as of late here is my response to it. + +As a fun note what I generally take a real interest in is people, and I knew these people would come about and I wanted to respond to this question rather than do it outwardly. + + + +*What about the fact that we're down 60%?" + +Answer: I find this to be the most obvious indicator. The price dropping that much on no news and given market metrics like OBV is proof that not only are people not selling but they're also pouring money in en masse to buy this dip. Broker buy to sell order ratios have always been heavily in apes favour on the buy side, this has been especially true during the great dip of desperation. + +That 60% drop is their desperation showing through. The lengths they've had to go to in order to dip the price so much has shown their hand. They have shorted traditionally increasing both SI% as well as the borrow rates for shares driving up the cost of shorting for everyone. + +They have also shorted ETF's to SI's of 600-700% which again is now public knowledge. They previously have always tried to hide their fuckery as much as possible so they can continue to state "We closed our positions in January". Now they're essentially taking out digital billboards on the market with neon colours stating "We're fucking around! Ask how!". + +Shorting of ETF's is expensive, it's inefficient and it's also angering other major entities who have nothing to do with this play. The rampant and abusive shorting of ETF's has already been mentioned by the SEC who have again gotten the DOJ involved so for the regulators to openly state they're aware of it only to now do it wholesale? Dang, you bleedin' homie. + +As a side note, with Melvin losing $7.8B in ONE month. Where do you think that puts parties with a higher short position? They are putting out loud signals that they are thrashing to survive. + +So, yes, the fact we're down 60% is BULLISH AS FUCK in my opinion and when the next run up occurs there's going to be a lot more 'splainin to do. +From what I can tell these posts don't break any sub rules so maybe i'm just being a bit of a grump, but they just seem a bit low effort and not the sort of content I expect to see here. Am I in the minority here? + +Edit: Sorry, obvious typo in the title +I know it’s a silly question, but I was told by one of my university friends that having a credit card and making small purchases on it to pay back instantly, is good for your credit score and it’s best to start young, so you can get a mortgage and all that? + +So it’s essentially a good investment for your future I suppose? + +Cheers! + +Edit: I should probably mention that I’m in the UK, England +There was yet another post about gate keeping poverty and /r/povertyfinance recently. A mod made an excellent post about why we shouldn't do that, but I felt it missed one major point. After their encouragement I'm going to make this post to describe that point as I feel it's something that gets incredibly little air time, and ultimately, it's one of the hardest parts of moving from one class to another. + +Living in poverty takes skills, a lot of skills. To do it well requires long cultivated relationships, understanding of food banks, SNAP, public transit, etc. and a completely different view on finances then you'll find in middle class. For a person in generational poverty those skills and knowledge will be known and understood. + +That's not to diminish the negative effects of poverty. I'm not trying to say that once those skills are learned living in poverty is easy. But it is easier once those skills are known. For someone that is new to poverty this just adds another layer of difficulty and terror. They don't have a relationship with someone that can repair their car when it breaks down. They don't know that the busses in their city typically run up to ten minutes late and they should take the earlier bus so they're not late to that job interview. They don't know that Tuesday is the best day to go to the food bank if you want to actually feed your kids vegetables this week. Etc. Etc. And they certainly have never even considered using that little extra cash from this week's pay to foster relationships (via beer or food typically) with their neighbors because those relationships will get them farther, and keep them safer, than having an extra $50 in the bank will next time there's an emergency. + +In middle class there isn't a lot of money, because a lot of it is used up for emergencies. Day care is closed down for a covid scare, throw some money at someone to take your kids for a week. Car breaks down, throw some money at a mechanic to fix it. Water heater stops making hot water, throw some money at a plumber. Everything is fixed by throwing money at someone. And that's just how the world turns in the middle class. It gets expensive in a hurry. + +But in poverty you talk to your neighbor, the one who needed a favor and you baked their baby's birthday cake for them because they had a chance to pick up an extra shift, and they take your kids for a couple of days. Or you call your other neighbor and ask if they could sling some tools to fix your car if you provide the beer. And your water heater, well, maybe you just have cold showers, or maybe you fix it yourself, or maybe you boil water on the stove so your kids can have a lukewarm bath. + +Gate keeping these things does two things, it makes life even harder for the newly poor, and it diminishes the skills and experience that most poor people have. As if those long years of learning those skills are inherent. Instead of gate keeping we should be treating the newly poor the same way we treat everyone else in poverty. We should be sharing those things in an effort to expand everyone's knowledge. Hell, you just might learn something from the once middle class people that will help you move up. Because moving up requires just as much of a learning curve. Though, thankfully, without as much terror attached. + +Source: I've gone from my parents being on welfare throughout my childhood, to being homeless at 18, to being 3 months from having my house paid off at 41 yet still terrified that the world will come crashing down and I'll end up steeling to eat again. + +Edit: I'm just gonna quote a great person here. + +Y'all, I don't need any awards. As awesome as that little narwhal is, if you have spare money, please think about using it to purchase staples like flour and pasta and pasta sauce or granola bars and other shelf stable goods and donating to food banks or to local school with student pantry's. That is a better use of your money. That, IMHO, is what I prefer you would do with what the award costs. Food insecurity man. Lets fight this shit if we can. +I am listening to it for the first time in a while because I thought it sucked the last time I listened so I quit. I’m currently listening to the Jocko Willink episode from a few weeks ago and the hosts just won’t stfu. I want to hear jocko, not 15 minutes of what your life was like as a cop. +Right now on market open at major hype day, i see about 13k users online. This is not normal, as you know. Whats your take on that? + + +I think: since DOJ started investigating shorties, we first noticed that media shut up 100%. No more "Sell GME PLS!" articles, just like that. About same time, /biz noted that shills in GME thread were almost non-existent. Now, last week or ten days or so, i notice alot less users on superstonk. Is this for same reasons; bots have been online here, about 20-30k of them possibly, to up- and downvote what is expedient for sHFs. But now they cannot overtly operate any of their scumbag tactics, so they lay off bots here, no shills on /biz, no shills in media. What do you think? + + +May the squeeze come swiftly, and hit them in just the right places. +Growing up in a poor family hung weights on me, like being afraid of being poor again, checking my bank account 5-6 times a day to make sure my money is still there and make sure it did not disappear somehow. + +I saved up enough money to be able to live without any source of income for an entire year, and I'm still afraid of buying things I really need, like a new bike or eyeglasses. + +I am also afraid to invest my money, (not even risk free investments) because then I will not be able to access it immediately if something terrible happens that requires it, and it makes me feel I do not have the money. For this reason I do not even have any savings for retirement. I just have a "big" amount of money and I try to save every month the most I can. + +I am 24/m, no girlfriend, no children, just me and my dog. +I have no clue about how a healthy guy thinks about the money or what financial plans should I have by now. +I do have plans, I want to learn a specific profession which requires a little amount of money, but I am too scared to spend it. + +What should I do? +I tried zillow, apartments.com, turbotenant, rentdirect. NONE were user friendly enough to collect rent from tenants. NONE. Not a single one allowed me to set up a rent payment or sent back a security deposit. I'm gonna have to resort to venmo (?!?!?) or zelle (augh.) How unprofessional. I've been at this for a week trying shitty impossible platform after shitty impossible platform. + +I literally have an engineering degree from MIT and work as a data analyst for a tech company and I was able to use NONE of those options. NONE. Not a single one. + +I don't want to collect "cheques" cause I travel all the time and also because it's not 1975. + +Aught this sucks. /rantover. +Hi kids, I made a similar post last year, making $140K selling options: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/rve85t/i\_think\_im\_allowed\_to\_post\_this\_143k\_options/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thetagang/comments/rve85t/i_think_im_allowed_to_post_this_143k_options/) + +This year, a lot has changed, **I've made less money SELLING options, at $108K as of Dec 26**, but the majority of my gains came from buying options (SPY puts when it hits $430 in the summer). So, the $850K is nice, but it wasn't Thetagang and I probably can't recreate it, I can recreate the $100K selling options though. + +I try to follow the tastytrade way, 30-45 DTE, closing or rolling at 21 DTE. I adjust this based on my risk and my availability actually. Sometimes I aim for 75% before I close, instead of 50%. + +Last year, my most successful strategy was just selling covered called, I hit $67K in 2021, however as the stocks tanked, I dumped a lot of them, converting my trades into spreads, **credit spreads (80% have been call credit spreads) have been my most successful strategy, earning $47K in 2022**. Main stocks were SPY, TSLA and NFLX. I was selling call credit spreads on TSLA before the split, I was making $1K/week until it split, then the IV disappeared, so I found NFLX. I've been selling 7-10 weekly call credit spreads on NFLX (this is more gamma/swing trading, not theta, I know). + +**Biggest single day loss: $16K on Tesla Iron Condors**. This was the first and last time I've ever done this, I thought I 'bought to close', but instead, I 'sold to open', instead of 7 Iron Condors, I had 14, it went very very poorly. Since I trade at the office, I don't have my portfolio open all day. I submitted my trade and logged off until 3pm, when I saw my blunder.. that was painful. + +The saying 'it works until it doesn't' has never been more accurate than in 2022, I think I've stumbled on a strategy that works, then SPY increases 5% in a day on random news, so I stop trying to short SPY, I just can't predict what it'll do, except when its at $430. + +In the Summer, when SPY hit $420, I spent $50K on Dec 2022 SPY Puts, then it went to $425, I bought more, then at around $430, I bought more. Kind of gambling, I hate buying Options, I hate the decay, I'd rather earn Theta, but, I 'had a feeling' or maybe just common sense that SPY shouldn't be at $430. + +I tried to take pics of my account as status updates, I had a feeling I'd make this post again at year end, but within 10 weeks, I probably made $600K. + +Opening account balance, Jan 1 2022: + +https://preview.redd.it/rimdudc6e98a1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=29197ea1b802afa2b0d07b1c2a64b6366b2c0753 + +&#x200B; + +Mid July: + +I closed my positions, making $200K by mid-July just on my purchased options. I took a pic since it was the first time my Margin account broke $1M. I was pretty happy. Take a look at my open P&L though, I was down like $100K just on my long positions (which is why I dumped them, I felt it was a losing battle, stocks would continue to go down) .. + +https://preview.redd.it/gcrq4mf7e98a1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=f91516e16ca45343529aaa3015fbc5bbaee0705e + +&#x200B; + +End of August, what is it, 6 weeks later? I started to panic, I've never had such large gains, SPY kept dropping, I figured I should be a normal person and just take profits. I closed out my SPY puts, took a pic for the memories. Notice my long positions recovered a little, but still had a big $50K unrealized loss. + +https://preview.redd.it/2ckfiv38e98a1.png?width=641&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5bd301aea697d43eefa3170b1256c42019fc110 + +&#x200B; + +I'm still expecting SPY to go down more, I might get back into shorting, I tried to buy puts if SPY hit $420 again, but it hit $410 and dropped back down, that would've been a good opportunity. + +For those wondering, yes this is in my taxable account, I don't trade in my retirement or tax sheltered accounts. I pulled out $$, paid my tax on the gains and bought two rental properties, just to diversify my investments. + +All in all, its been a good year, won't be able to replicate it. But with still $500K sitting in my margin account, I can probably hit another $100K in selling options, its been 10 years trading for me, I do it part time, I'll never stop. I do need to learn about Futures trading ... maybe that'll be my 2023 project. +Hello all, + +This Megathread is to be a resource for apes to have a direct link to the SEC Report as to cut down on spam in /New. The direct link to the report can be found below as well as the SEC website link that leads to the pdf. + +https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2021-212 + +https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf + +All talk of the report does not have to be kept to this megathread, but future posts containing only the link to the report will be removed in the near future. + +Edit 1: +JUST A REMINDER, NO BRIGADING. We will issue bans for those who are found to be doing this. + +As always this is a temporary sticky, and a link to Doom's Computershare Guide can be found below. + +https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/ +There's a lot of stories here of exits of 7 and 8 figures, but the common discussion seems to lean towards being prudent with the windfall and a sensible asset allocation strategy going forward. + +Has anyone here done the opposite and just splurged after an exit? Stuff like fancy cars, popping bottles, crazy parties and generally living a globe trotting playboy lifestyle. + +Like many of us here, including me, especially if you're in tech or focused 24/7 on your business, don't really partake in the party scene nor really have a social circle that does. + +I've always been kind of enamored by this kind of lifestyle, and it seems like it's something I would like to at experience. But how does a geeky tech guy, like myself, really get into this scene and meet like minded and fat friends who party hard? + +For those who have gone down this path before, what was worth the money and what wasn't? +They have a game plan. No doubt. They've had time to plan. They have the power to move the price anywhere they want. Up, down, or nowhere. Whatever happens, it's because they want it to happen. + +A couple possible scenarios: + +1. It spikes. $1,000 maybe. Why? Because then they can crash the price and claim that was the short squeeze. An NFT announcement, or something else in the meeting, "pushed out the last 20% of short sellers and the squeeze is over". Clearly, BS. Don't fall for it. +2. They repeat the earnings call trick. Crash that son of a banana 40%. Why? They still think they can shake you. They shouldn't think this, but their egos tell them that they are smarter than you. +3. The price stays put. Why? Wouldn't this make you question your hypothesis more than either option above? I mean, you being a diamond handed ape, this will only last .0000005 seconds. But! This is the scenario that kills the excitement. Doesn't look like manipulation (but it is). Doesn't look like you're getting what you want. + +The point is simple, they are trying to get you to believe the story they want you to believe. Everything you see is fake. As for me, I might just avoid watching the ticker all day Wednesday. What I'm holding for won't play out this week. + +Edit 1: + +Contacted by a shill after this became hot. + +Edit 2: + +Thanks for pointing out that the shill was actually a troll. + +**Not financial advice. Not a financial advisor.** +#$SIMP is the #1 coin supporting the adult industry. We're already integrated and being used on 2 platforms, PocketStars and RocketStars platforms. More to come! + + +&nbsp; + + +**Lana Rhoades Ambassador** + +Lana Rhoades is giving us shout out across his social media channels. + + +&nbsp; + + +Here's a taste of how far she can reach: + +16.7 Instagram followers + +1.5M Twitter Followers + +1m Youtube Subscriptions with 5.7m views! + +Tiktok with **2.2bn** views + + +&nbsp; + + +**Pocketstars & Rocketstars On-Ramp** + +We're only 4 weeks old and already integrated onto 2 platforms as exclusive payment processors. We're now building an on-ramp to increase the adoption rate, and have 100% customers using the platform in SIMP - That will result in an extra $24m annual revenue pumping the token's volume. + + +&nbsp; + + +**Chief Operating Officer** + +We've hired a new Chief Operating Officer with tons of Corporate Transformational experience in driving FTSE250 companies to new heights; his vision will be applied to taking $SIMP to a market cap of £100m by end-Jan. + + +&nbsp; + + +**Announcements on the way** + +🚀 CEX listings - In talks and finalising a CEX in the coming days + +🚀 Burn Event - Burning 1bn tokens in 10 days + +🚀 London Underground & New York Billboards already booked and paid for - dates to be announced! + +🚀 Ambassadors - In talks with 2 others; announcements to come once contracts signed + +🚀 NEW Recruits - New hires including PR & Social, Community Managers & Developers + +🚀 Increased Volume - Regular announcements on success of payment processing across platforms ($24m annual volume going through SIMP!) + +🚀 New Markets - Updates on NFT Marketplace as well as other top secret ventures out into the real-world + +🚀 Marketing Wallet - $1.2m Marketing currently sitting in the marketing wallet + + +&nbsp; + + +**The Team** + +The founding leadership team is fully doxed, with experience in the adult industry as content creator (Elle Brooke) as well as marketing, ops and development (for PocketStars and RocketStars). + + +&nbsp; + + +🌐 Where can we connect?: + +Contract Address: 0xD0ACCF05878caFe24ff8b3F82F194C62Ed755707 + +$SIMP Token Website: https://letsallsimp.com/ (whitepaper available!) + +PocketStars Platform Website: https://pocketstars.com/ + +RocketStars Platform Website: https://rocketstars.io/ + +Twitter: https://twitter.com/letsallsimp + +Instagram: https://instagram.com/letsallsimp + +Telegram: https://t.me/letsallsimp + +Subreddit: https://t.me/letsallsimp +First of all, this is not a post about timing the market. I believe that timing the market question has been sufficiently addressed and the answer is to keep investing in a diversified portfolio to come out ahead. + +This post is to get some collective feedback on how people saw the financial health at that time. I am surprised that companies like Rivian, Lucid and Quantumscape have $BB valuation with no revenue and speculative currencies are sky high. Even the semiconductor segment is booming - there is a joke in the investment community to watch out when the semis start booming since semis tend to be so cyclical. + +People who witnessed these significant financial events - what do you remember seeing and thinking during those times? + +I was early in my career during the Great Recession so while I saw the collapse, I didn't get to see the sentiment before the crash. I was also lucky to be able to contribute significant money during the crash bottom which helped build a good base for where I am now. + +Would love to hear if you see any parallels from those times to today. For the people who will undoubtedly accuse me of trying to predict a crash by comparing the present to the past, remember, past performance does not guarantee future performance in the markets. +I was on both sides of the coin with these sucky Zestimates. Especially they are totally off the wall, when it involves water properties & Golf course properties. + +You go to listing appointment with all your comps and seller doesn’t give a shit. All he shows me is the Zestimate. Either list it there or take a hike. It worked out well during this frenzy though and we actually sold listings at 30% over price. + +On the other hand, when you are on buyers side, you explain that those Zestimates are high and not to put an offer at that price. Lone behold, some other gullible buyers buys it @ zestimate price and now I am the bad guy for my buyer cause I lost the deal. + +Thank God, now the word is out that Zillow admitted that their Zestimates suck and lost $500 mil. + +I hope the sellers and buyers wise up and start paying attention to the local RE agents +So I saw some arguing online about homeownership vs rent. The argument is that homeowners will spend astronomical amounts in interest. Then they have maintenance cost (roof, hvac etc), property taxes and all that fun stuff. The consensus is that in the long run it’s cheaper to rent. I rented my whole life until a few years ago when I bought a house. My living expenses were cut in half. I did spend about $4000 in upgrades. But I turned that home into a rental and it cash flows well. Bought another home that I will do the same with and will cash flow just as well. I saw that these people were arguing about homeownership in HCOL areas using conventional loans. So now I’m curious if they are right about rent being cheaper. Sounds like I’m the exception. I live in a cheap area and paid about $600 total in closing cost with my houses COMBINED. My property taxes are only $800...a year for both houses together lol. So did I just get lucky or is rent actually cheaper for non investors over a long period? + +**Edit** Wow ok I wasn’t expecting this many responses. I can’t respond to everyone but it seems that the answer is “it varies”. So I actually just realized that if I were to buy a local home that the new mortgage would be more than rent now!! That’s mind blowing! When I bought 3 years ago, it cut my living expense almost in half. So basically I just got extremely lucky! I’m very thankful I bought and even snatched a investment property. But at this point, I couldn’t afford to buy or rent anywhere. +Hi I’ve been trading forex for the last 3 years. + +Spent thousand of hours studying learning new strategies trying. + +I love the forex market. I don’t know what it is about it but I kept going cause I love it. + +They always say if you fall get up keep going. I think after 3 years and $30,000 later it’s time I cut my strings bow my head and surrender. + +I’m upset because this is my passion. Sad I couldent turn that passion into a career. + +I wish you all the best with you trading, Benny boy out ❤️ +My friend didn't have enough karma for posting so I did it in his behalf. + +Hi apes, in this ocasión I want to tell you my experience with Etoro that I had a few days ago. + +Turns out they closed all my positions without my consentiment and without even telling me. + +When I spoke to client service by phone they told me that it was because “some thirth party tried to access my account”, so ‘for my protection’ they close all my positions and return my money to my neteller account. + +For me that is a cheap answer and they didn't provide any evidence of this.....be careful with etoro. This just demonstrate that they could close our positions at any time without even telling us. + +The funny thing about all this, is that they did not tell me about this situation at any time. I figure it out just because Neteller sent me an email saying that I have extra funds in my account. + +In this particular case it wasn’t a big deal because I bought the shares again the same day, but I was in red because I bought them with a higher price months ago…. It woudn’t be funny at all if this was during the moass. + +https://preview.redd.it/g37rb3fdefi81.jpg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715c6b81c5e42c9f59050a2237f17334a2ee16c1 + +Here u can see how the shares that he bought on April of 2021 was sold and withdrawals and after he realized this he bought them all again. A true Diamond hand! + +So you may get up one day and all your positions would be closed and you wouldn't even know it. + +BE VERY CAREFUL WITH ETORO!! + +\- I created the post again because it was downvote for missing evidence which I already sent (record voice call with etoro) and It was verified by the MODs u[/half\_dane](https://www.reddit.com/r/half_dane/) and [u/\_exordium](https://www.reddit.com/user/_exordium) + +Link of the MODs saying that they verified everything! + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/su4ii6/comment/hx7pa9d/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/su4ii6/comment/hx7pa9d/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +PD: ~~He can't create an account in others brokers because he is from South America and he doesn't have any other options~~. \* He is trying to create an account in IBKR. + +He only had GME position in ETORO, nothing else like a TRUE APE! + +DRS is the only way!!! + +Edit: for the people who cant create an account in IBKR for DRS, you have to do buy a share in www.giveashare.com, then Computershare will send u the letter to ur house with ur account number, so u can create you CS account, and then with Wise you can send money to ur CS account and buy shares directly in Computershare 🥳 + +Edit 2: Here there is a tutorial of how to buy in GIVEASHARE www.youtube.com/watch?v=JesoJbWMTXg +Inspired by the thread about Australia's future posted yesterday, what countries do you see having a significant impact on the world economy? India and China will definitely be leaders, but what about post-Brexit UK, France, Russia etc? Would love to hear your thoughts! +So I saw this came up in my city's reddit page and started doing a quick look into the 2 versions of property tax. + + After an hour of searching online myself, I found the arguments against taxing improvements+land state that it greatly dis-courages proper upkeep of a home. No one wants to renovate a house if their property taxes will go up, so you end up with a neighbourhood of similarly-minded people also doing the same behaviour. + +The argument also states that taxing improvements+land greatly encourages land speculating and ugly empty lots as people can afford to sit on empty land since the taxes are so low. + +Taxing just the land value acknowledges that its the neighbouring community that created the value of that land, and stops speculation. People aren't afraid to renovate house as it wont impact their taxes. + +I guess then what Im wondering what is the argument FOR taxing improvements+land or AGAINST taxing just land, as taxing just the land value is only done in a few jurisdictions. Taxing land+improvements is much more popular. +Anybody else noticed how insane fast food restaurants have become? + +I mean there seems to me like theres almost no difference now between fast food restaurants and regular non fancy restaurants. + +The other day i bought 3 burgers (just the sandwiches) at BK , shit costed nearly 20 dollars, the f**k is happening? +Find something productive to do like a normal healthy mammal. Eat some ice cream, do some push-ups, try doing a couple rounds of meditation. Stop worrying too much about the ticker. Don’t you understand that we are 100% safe. Trust in the fucking DD ESPECIALLY when it’s a DD coming from atobit because LOOK. He was right. The man knows what he’s talking about. He’s always right. Just remember the fight is pretty much over and now all our job is is to sit and wait for hot tendies. Nothing more. The battle is already won. +**\*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\*** + +I posted an update on Saturday Jan 8th + +Hang in there everyone, no dip lasts forever. + +**Disclaimer:** This exit strategy relies on a bunch of assumptions. The point of this post is not to debate those. If you think this bullrun will last well into 2022 or perhaps even longer, that's cool, you do you. What I'm about to describe is my own exit strategy. I'm not trying to convince you that it's better than your plan, my only hope is that there might be handful of people to whom this makes sense who can take something valuable from this post. As for the rest of you, best of luck, and I sincerely mean that. + +**Thesis Statement:** I believe we are at the tail end of the bullrun that started after the March Covid crash of 2020. We have seen mindblowing gains on alts like Solana, Luna, Ada, Avax, Harmony, and many others. I believe that there's not much juice left in that lemon. The main reasons for this belief are: + +\- **This isn't the "cycle of mass adoption".** This is actually a good thing, because literally none of the L1s in the top 100 are ready for mass adoption: Solana had to shut down for 17 hours because it buckled under the weight of transactions. Eth's answer to increasing traffic is to charge you $250 in gas for a uniswap transaction. Matic can barely handle the traffic it gets currently and transactions frequently remain 'pending' for hours or days. Cardano still doesn't have working smart contracts and Hoskinson himself essentially admitted that it can't scale without L2s. I could go on here, but you get the point. + +\- **Governments all around the world have been printing money like it's a sport, and that didn't begin in 2020 with the onset of the pandemic, it began more than 10 years ago after the financial crisis.** A by-product of this has been record-low interest rates. This has fueled investment all over the planet, as is easily evidenced by a completely out of control housing market in most major markets and a stock market that has been basically 'up only' for ten years straight. Governments are now admitting that the current 4%-5% inflation rate is not sustainable. In order to get this back in line, the federal banks will have to raise interest rates. That means less money for all of us, because things like mortgages, car payments, credit card debt, etc. will all go up. And obviously, it will no longer make sense to take a loan to invest (and yes, people have definitely been taking loans to invest, simply because it made sense: you can take a loan from the bank for less 5% and put that money into index funds and you'll come out on top....at least for now). + +\- **This whole space is dramatically overvalued.** Yes I know, market caps do not reflect the actual value of a company, but they do reflect the current level of speculation: we are in the kind of market where Tesla is worth more than the entire German automotive industry. Cardano is worth $77 billion dollars and it currently doesn't even function as an L1 smart contract chain. Dot is worth $50 billion dollars and barely has a working product. The point is that the current valuations reflect what these projects may become in the next 5 years. In other words, their valuations are based on speculation, not current capabilities. + +**"Ok dude, get to the point already"** I believe that this December will see the crypto market go absolutely ballistic, fueled by holiday spending, euphoria, and an over confidence in a market that has already seen 10X gains in the last 3 months. It will crash in early 2022, most likely kicked off by a stock market crash as governments all over the word raise interest rates and announce efforts to contain their out of control spending that's resulted in debt levels our grand children will still be paying off. + +**"Cool story bro, so what are you gonna do about it?"** At some point in late December (obviously depending on market dynamics at the time), I'm going to sell most of my crypto assets for stable coins and earn yield on stable coins. The US dollar is extremely unlikely to collapse. And if it does, the whole planet goes into a massive economic recession and crypto will not be spared. USD will be the safest asset to be in, save for perhaps gold. Here's what I will do step by step: + +\- Deposit stable coin as collateral on a protocol such as anchor, earning interest + +\- take stable coin loan against collateral, again earning to borrow (and even if you're no longer getting paid to borrow, the interest earned from lending will most likely outweigh the interest owed from borrowing, meaning on a net level, you're still making money) + +\- Provide stable coin liquidity, e.g. USDC <> DAI pair, earning yield and compounding that yield into liquidity. + +The rates currently available for doing this vary from platform to platform, but at the moment, you can easily get 20% APR doing this. If you're willing to risk doing this with smaller, less established platforms like Tranquil and Openswap on Harmony, you can get almost 100% APR). There are variations of the above, but that's the general gist. + +**"And then what?"** I wait as my USD reserves grow. I use the time to research in an effort to identify alts that have a good chance of becoming winners in the next bull market. My focus will be on L1s that can actually scale to global demand without having to rely on imperfect L2 solutions. Once it becomes relatively clear that the market has reached the bottom (where it will probably stay for quite some time like it has in every other true bear market), I start to DCA, positioning myself for the next bull market, whether that comes in late 2022 or in 2024, I plan on being a part of it. + +Thanks to those who read this entire wall of text, and to those who didn't, well, you're not reading this anyway ;) + +**EDIT:** A few responses are misinterpreting the above as trying to 'time the market'. I wouldn't really call it that. If I was trying to time the market, I'd be trying to sell more or less the exact top. I know I won't be able to do that, and I'm not at all ruling out that after I sell, the market keeps pumping throughout January and maybe even longer. But I'm absolutely willing to forego gains at the very tail end of the market if it means not having to see my portfolio bleed like a slasher movie over the course of a few short days like it did in 2018. +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mq8q3xxh87i61.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bac49e5ffff12c3a1bbbbb896160421e75388bd + +An [article released by the Australian today](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/nationals-mps-in-drive-for-nuclear-energy/news-story/660546eb7d29ca1f1b4d1340f92af1f9) (18th-Feb-21) outlines how the current government's (the Coalition) is in favourable support of lifting the long standing Nuclear Power Prohibition ban enshrined in 1998. + +It's a paid for news service so I will paraphrase the article. (alright i'm copying it) + +# Coalition MPs in Drive For Nuclear Energy + + Nationals senators have drafted legislation allowing the Clean ­Energy Finance Corporation to invest in nuclear power as **two-thirds of Coalition (liberal + nationals) MPs backed lifting the ban** on the controversial fuel source to help **shift the nation to a carbon-neutral future**. + +The block of five Nationals senators, led by Bridget McKenzie and Matt Canavan, will move an amendment to legislation **establishing a $1bn arm** at the green bank to **allow it to invest in ­nuclear generators**, high-energy, low-emissions (HELE), coal-fired power stations and carbon ­capture and storage technology. + + The Nationals’ move comes as a survey of 71 Coalition backbenchers conducted by The Australian revealed that **48 were in favour of lifting the longstanding prohibition on nuclear power in the EPBC act**. + + Liberal MPs Andrew Laming, John Alexander and Gerard Rennick are among backbenchers who want Scott Morrison to take a repeal of the nuclear ban to the upcoming election — a move that would open a new divide with Labor as the nation sets a course for a low-emissions future. + +“I’m very keen to see the prohibition lifted,” Mr Laming said. “It is something that has to be taken to an election so Australians realise there is a significant change in energy policy.” + +Mr Alexander said it was like “trying to fight Muhammad Ali with one arm tied behind your back **if you are going to ignore ­nuclear energy**”. + + “This is a new era; let’s be right at the cutting edge,” Mr Alexander said. + +&#x200B; + +**The new amendment proposed by the Nationals** would go further than Mr Joyce’s push by ensuring the CEFC — established by the Gillard government in 2012 to **invest in green energy initiatives** — could help **kick-start ­nuclear projects** as well as new clean coal plants. \*\*\*wtf is a "clean" coal plant - but whatever\*\*\* + +Senator McKenzie said: **“We compete against the world** with one hand behind our back while other nations avail themselves of cutting-edge, low-emissions technologies. **For too long, Australia has blocked energy innovations such as nuclear** and carbon capture technologies in addition to allowing (HELE) projects.” + +Out of the **71 Coalition backbenchers** surveyed by The Australian, **only** Queensland senator Paul Scarr **was opposed (\*only 1 person opposed\*)** to changing the nuclear prohibition enshrined in the EPBC Act, citing a lack of community support “at this stage”. A **further 22 backbenchers were undecided or did not respond to questions**. \*\*they want public support before giving their view\*\* + +**Other supporters** of lifting the ban on nuclear generation, including Trent Zimmerman, Ted O’Brien and Rowan Ramsey, believe the government should not move ahead with legalising the energy source while the **proposal is bitterly opposed by Labor**. + +**In-principle support for lifting the nuclear prohibition is prevalent by members in every faction of the Coalition,** which has been divided over climate change ­action since Tony Abbott became prime minister in 2013. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/959mql5y97i61.png?width=965&format=png&auto=webp&s=40b76689f4248a4c665174746faab4dcc77160e7 + + The **Prime Minister** has signalled **he will not move ahead with legalising nuclear energy** **unless there is bipartisan support with Labor**. MPs told The Australian Mr Morrison was unlikely to pursue a policy change on the issue in this term of parliament. However, **small modular nuclear reactors** **were included** as a potential technology in the federal ­government’s technology investment roadmap discussion paper. + + + +Nuclear energy, which does not produce direct carbon emissions, is used in nations that have set zero-net emissions by 2050 targets, including **Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and South Korea**. The Biden administration is also supportive of nuclear power. + +West Australian Liberal Vince Connelly said Australia was being “**held back by an outdated ideology** that seeks to paint nuclear technology as inherently evil”. + +Ms Allen said, it was “hugely significant” the **US was progressing** with p**rototypes for small modular reactors**. + + South Australian senator Alex Antic said nuclear was “effective, reliable, safe and virtually emission-free”. “The radical left cannot have their ideological cake and eat it too when it comes to energy generation,” he said. + + Mr Wilson attacked Labor and the Greens as nuclear science deniers. “You aren’t serious about climate change if you oppose nuclear outright,” he said. “**Only nuclear plus baseload renewables can deliver Australia a sustainable net zero future** with cheap, reliable electricity.” + + Many government MPs acknowledge the power source is not currently competitive on price, but say investment decisions should be a matter for private companies and **lifting the nuclear ban would encourage technological advancement**. + +&#x200B; + +☢️☢️☢️ How about that. One side of Government is in majority support of lifting the nuclear ban in Australia. Labour will need to come to the table for there to be Bipartisan support, but this is strong step in the right direction ☢️☢️☢️ + +\*\*Note the uranium bull market does not need Australia to start building nuclear power plants or small modular reactors to prop it up. But the change in sentiment is definitely a positive driver \*\*\* + + ☢️Flaired "dumbfuck discussion" because its politicians we are talking about here +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Posted about this around when it IPO'd in the UK. People have really got behind and shares gathered momentum. I feel like this isn't the same as the likes of Kanabo or Cellular due to its medicinal focus rather than retail focus. The company made a positive announcement this morning and fundamentals look promising, thought I'd share incase it wasn't already in your radars. Shows that being early into the game pays for growth and winning contracts. GLA. +Not financial advise. I see a lot of yield chasers on this sub, especially younger folks just getting started. I understand, that's how I started out too when I was 18 (I'm only 30 now BTW). It's an easy analysis to look at the yield and do a quick assessment of whether you think the company can keep it up. But the reality is, high yields come at a cost. I've learned this over and over the hard way. And the cost is either A) that dividend ain't gunna continue (ultra high yields); or, B) it's barely going to grow (mid-high yields). So when you look at yields today we see a 10 year treasury giving 1.3-1.5%; and the S&P500 giving an effective 1.1-1.3%, you have to ask why are those so low and I can find energy companies, dinosaur telecom, tobacco, and distressed REITs giving 5,6,9% div yields? Is everyone else stupid or am I missing something? Probably the latter for the majority of the positions but of course not always (explained more in 4th section here). I do own some higher yield positions but it's not the foundation of my portfolio. My dividend growers are. My yield plays are either betting that the market has something mispriced at that time or they are just a better (and more tax efficient) bond alternative for my portfolio. + +I did a little scenario here to illustrate the concept of dividend growth vs. yield (see bottom of post). Security A has a 7% yield today but is only growing it's dividend by 1%. However security B has a 2.5% yield but is growing it's dividend at 15%. With security A you'll make more dividend income over the next 10 years. But with security B you will have a better 10 year yield on cost. It's probably not completely kosher but the logic is the same. Security A is fine if your priority is yield today. But security B is better if you're still a ways away from passive income. Bonus is security B will have much better share price appreciation along the way. + +The higher yield companies are generally going to grow their dividends slower then the lower dividend yield companies. Or they will be cut or suspended at some point. That's why the yields are higher. It's either because they have a higher payout ratio and management has less income left over to reinvest into growth & sustainability. OR it's because they are distressed, facing competition, weak balance sheet, etc. etc. Personally, I would take the lower yield that has the higher probability of growing it's dividend more aggressively. + +Anyway, it depends on your age, goals, etc. My point here is only that you should not only prioritize yield because yield comes at a cost. It's risk. Of course there are exceptions. I bought AVGO at a 5.5% yield, CAT at 3.9%, TGT at 3.6%. And I'd consider all of those great dividend growers but they were all during steep sell-offs or just immense pessimism about the stock/ industry that I thought was overblown. Like wall street loving AMZN and thinking it'll put every retailer out of business. March of 2020. Etc. For every one of these higher yield positions that ended up being spot on, I have another that's just pussy footed along giving me my 5-6% each year. + +There's no such thing as a free lunch. There's a reason you can buy a stock with a huge yield or low PE. In the words of Warren Buffett, "**I'd rather buy a wonderful company at a fair price over a fair company at a wonderful price**." Put that somewhere you'll see it every day. It's my favorite quote for investing, business, and life in general. + +[Security A looks good today but in 10 years, would you rather have A or B?](https://preview.redd.it/q08im3u6k7b71.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=76e34aafbbb757b3ae769903c638742b24e4bfaf) + +Edit: alot of blow-back on this being unrealistic. Because Company B won't grow it's divs at a 15% clip for 10 years. Agreed. But ALSO, it's very likely that Company A won't be able to sustain it's dividend let alone grow it at 1% for the next 10. This is not meant to be overly realistic, just a helpful framework/ mindset to have when you're screening. + +Bonus edit: assuming this is realistic (it's not), company B will have a much lower payout ratio and will reinvest in its growing business which will most likely result in higher (tax deferred) share price appreciation. +"In a letter to Pershing stakeholders dated Wednesday, Ackman said the fund completed the exit from his bets against the market on March 23 and generated $2.6 billion compared with premiums paid and commissions totaling $27 million. He first announced his market hedges on March 3." + +“we became increasingly positive on equity and credit markets last week, and began the process of unwinding our hedges and redeploying our capital in companies we love at bargain prices,” he added. + +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/25/bill-ackman-exits-market-hedges-uses-2-billion-he-made-to-buy-more-stocks-including-hilton.html +Hello + +I'm an unproven value investor. + +My qualifications are that I've recently read all the industry standard books on this topic. + +I only have two investments, BABA and VZ. Rest of the money is hard cash. + +Buffet says why put your money in your second best idea when you can in your first. + +I have not changed my views on BABA. Still find it to be an awesome business. About VIE structure, I don't think I'll be hurt by that as an investor (but who knows). + +So is it worth adding more at this point? Or should I sit still? 😅 +Coca Cola seems to consistently trade above a PE of 25, and generally P/FCF above 20. I understand that the company: + +* Has a great moat and is one of the best-known consumer brands globally. +* Pays a nice dividend. +* Has consistently raised its dividend and likely will continue to do so. +* Has stable and predictable cash flows. + +Despite all of these amazing qualities, the valuation does still strike me as quite high - especially considering they aren't growing revenue or earnings. + +Thanks +It seems logical to me to get this debt off of my back as quickly as possible so that I can start to save/invest my money, but of course I could be wrong about that. + +My job will pay a salary of about $80k per year. + +Edit: People keep asking just what my job is. I’m an airline pilot, First Officer. +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Breaking news or important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +It is now 41 days until the potential Sept. 24th Metropolis release. + +All eyes will be on ETH this month. Ethereum devs are eager for this powerful protocol upgrade. + + +Enjoy the 41 days to come. :) + +All these supply and demand issues we are seeing of late. House prices through the roof, lumber prices through the roof, steel I heard is next, vehicles will be more expensive due to chip shortages. + +So my question, is this the inflation as the result of printing money or just a supply and demand issue due to covid outputs ? +Hello fellow HODLers. + +I saw a post on the daily discussion around MC being added, being a digital marketing guy (done some SEO) - it looks like members that apply are being shown on google - you can see everyone who has applied using the following - + +1) go to google +2) type in "site:https://entethalliance.org/member/" + +You can see everyone who has applied - you can even change the date range with advanced search. + +Looks like MasterCard have applied - + +http://imgur.com/a/ji9C1 + +Strong interest in building their settlement and clearing service. + +This is Peter Kopp - https://www.linkedin.com/in/peterhkopp + +Thoughts? + +Edit - some people can't open imgur link above - reposted to another site - https://ibb.co/h7WuL5 + +Edit 2 - Feel free to follow me on Twitter for ETH updates etc. + +@MotionError +I get that their only hope is to see Gamestop going bankrupt, which, by now, seems extremely unlikely to pretty much impossible. They’ve (SHFs and their wallstreet friends) been in damage control for a while now (longer than we thought) and we see a lot of effort invested in preventing new waves and cohorts of retail investors joining the rocket… “survive another day” they say.. right? + +What I find mind boggling is that based on all this, there are 2 possible outcomes. Or else short positions need to be closed at some point… and clearly no one on wallstreet, nor the government wants that.., or GME is doomed to remain below $30 until end of times because they (SHFs and their wallstreet friends) armed themselves with rules and laws that allow them to manipulate the price forever without Gamestop being able to fight the leeches off…, which i find absolutely fucked up. + +What are they gonna do when Gamestop’s cap doubles or triples? Still keep it under $30? What about when the float is fully DRSed and locked? Act like nothing is happening and keep it under $30? + +Man… is wallstreet ever fucked. + +Edit: I use $30 here as an example because we’ve been around that mark for a while. I do not know what the exact threshold/limit is. + +Edit 2: Finally found out how to edit a reddit post + +Edit 3: My apeologies, i didn’t express myself correctly. If the market cap doubles or triples, so does the stock price. I meant when fundamentals justify beyond doubt a market cap double or triple what it is currently + +Edit 4: Thank you stranger apes for the awards. Never expected, always apereciated! + +Edit 5: Thank you so much for everyone’s participation, this has been a very pleasant conversation so far! +These stats were released a while back from a popular prop firm, so I’m sure many of you have seen this. It shows that only about 5 people out of the 5,718 people who paid for the challenge actually got a pay out. That’s roughly a 99.9% fail rate if my math is correct.. This also shows that 97% people who post their pass certificates end up blowing their account or violating it in another manner. + +What’s your opinion on why so many people who pass the 2 stage evaluation end up failing? Is it because of the psychological side of it? That it’s a “live” account? +While the US tag team of Biden and Trump decided to make their world debut and try to lay a haymaker on cryptocurrency, all they simply did was accelerate the crabbing everyone already knew was coming. + +As the price of ETH continues to bounce tighter and tighter between that range of 2,100 and 2,900, the chart will be clear for some intense movement, and, with so many developments on the way, can only mean huge things for the market. + +When the tide turns, Saturna will be surging towards its next moon and it starts here with the mainstream media starting to catch wind. + +That’s right, there’s an article on Yahoo Finance right now about Saturna. And I would imagine that’s only the beginning. + +With the public still intrigued at the prospect of NFT’s, even during the crash, this could end up being what elevates Saturna above all the memecoins especially as people begin to look for what the next big trend could be. + +As we’ve seen with so many coins before, a resurgence in the market can mean huge things for a token with this many holders this early on (can you imagine how many holders of DOGE there were when it first started circulating?) + +Market volatility is a part of the game in cryptocurrency so it’s good to see a token producing revenue through its sales of NFT’s already selling one valued over $4,000 at purchase, and another for $2,000 as well. + +This shows there’s an appetite for valuable and verified NFT’s and as the marketplace continues to expand and allow P2P transactions, the potential will only heighten. + +So don’t make the mistake of selling too early on an asset that still has so much more room to run. Take a walk, read a book, play some vidya, do whatever it takes to get your mind off of the market today. + +Trust me when I say, it’s not going anywhere, you don’t need to make any emotional decisions and, quite honestly, if you’re feeling a lot of fear, the only thing you should really be considering is buying. But only do so if you’re comfortable, otherwise wait it out, and see where the market takes us. + +It’s looking like a bounce is already underway. Will this be the breakout? + +&#x200B; + +[Website](https://www.saturna.co/) + +[PancakeSwap](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x1e446CbEa52BAdeB614FBe4Ab7610F737995fB44) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/saturna_TG) +So, I've never had a lot of money, but I lost my full time job this past April and I'm now working part time at a bank while also attending college during the day, 3 days per week. I make about $250 per week. My grandma gives me $400 per month to help with my rent. I know, I'm pathetic. + +I've been having to borrow a lot of money from my parents, and it's been pretty shitty, so I broke down and finally added up all my expenses and income, and I make about $700 less than I need to just to break even. I check on Indeed pretty much every day to see if I can get a second job, but the job market in my area is really bad, and I'm also kind of limited by my school schedule as to which hours I can work. Dropping out is not an option - I'm a semester and a half away from my Bachelor's. + +My rent is $600 and I am probably moving soon, in with my brother, which should cut that almost in half. I did notice that I spend a lot of money on food - like $400 per month. I don't eat out very often but I do cook a lot and I literally never check prices when I'm grocery shopping, I just get what I need for the recipe. So that's an area of opportunity. + +But even if I cut both my rent and my grocery shopping in half, I'd still be in the hole. I have about 4 credit cards all with low limits (the highest is $650) but they're all maxed out and I pay about $130 monthly for them, just minimum payments. My credit sucks. I would get a debt consolidation loan for them (they all have high rates, like 24%) but I almost certainly will not be approved for any kind of loan based on my DTI and my credit score. + +I'm overwhelmed by all of this. I'd like to start digging myself out of this hole but I have no idea where to start. + + +Edit: As requested, here's my breakdown: + +&#x200B; + +Income: $1430/mo + +&#x200B; + +Expenses: + +&#x200B; + +Rent: $600 + +Renter’s Insurance: $17.50 + +Gas/Electric: $95 + +Trash Service: $21 + +Phone: $80 + +Groceries: $350 + +Food at Work/School: $50 + +Vision Insurance: $13 + +Car Payment: $256.80 + +Car Insurance: $103.10 + +Gas: $140 + +Misc. Car Stuff: $40 + +EZ Pass: $45 + +Student Loan: $50 + +Cable/Internet: $67 + +Alcohol: $20 + +&#x200B; + +Credit Cards: + +&#x200B; + +Capital One Quicksilver: $25 + +Capital One Platinum: $40 + +Credit One Platinum: $40 + +Indigo Card: $25 + +&#x200B; + +Total Expenses: $2078.40 + +Edit: I understand what RIP inbox means now. Thanks for all the replies. I’ll go through them all when I get home later. Sorry to those I couldn’t respond to. +In light of the long weekend that just passed, I'm wondering if anybody has considered (or tried) switching from a 5-day working week to a 4-day working week? Would many employers even allow you to cut your hours and keep your salary pro-rata? + +A 4-3 split between workday/weekend seems so much more generous than 5-2 in terms of work-life balance. A 4-day working week also supposedly leads to better productivity (and I know personally I feel much happier at work when I feel more productive). And with the way that progressive taxation works, the pay you'd be missing out on is the pay that is taxed at the highest rate for your income (in other words, even though you're cutting 20% of your full-time working hours, your take-home pay would be cut by <20%). + +Obviously whether or not this is a good decision would depend on personal circumstances; but in my case I've saved up plenty of money, work in an industry where >80% of my usual salary would still cover my financial needs, have worked for over a decade now and am happy with my career progression (I'd guess that working less than your co-workers may make it more difficult to land promotions), and if it isn't working out you could always switch back to regular full-time work. + +Very curious to hear other peoples thoughts and experiences with this. +GMEs gone down I'm wondering why + +I got out of bed at all + +The morning short ladder attacks cloud up my portfolio + +And I can't see at all + +Even if I could it would all be red + +But your picture on my wall + +It reminds me, that it's not so bad + +It's not so bad at all + +\- + +Dear Elon, I wrote you but you still ain't buying calls + +I left the DD, my eviction notice and a rocket at the bottom. 🚀 + +[u/DeepFuckingValue](https://www.reddit.com/u/DeepFuckingValue/) uploaded 2 GME videos back in Autumn you must not have got em + +There probably was a problem with the algorithm or something + +Anyways, I hope you get this man, hit the Hedge Funds back, + +Just a smack, truly yours, your biggest fan + +This is Stan + +>!\-6 days pass: also credit to u/jo9793 and u/ItzLog!< + +Dear mister “ I’m too good for calls or buy GME shares”, this will be the last bullcase I ever send your ass, it’s been six days and still no tweet, I don’t deserve it? + +I know you got the last charts, the media published them perfect. + +So this is my DD I'm sending you I hope you hear it I'm in a Tesla right now, dare me to drive? + +You know that song by Darude? Forgot it's name. + +About that guy who could a saved that other guy from drowning, but didn't, then Phil saw it all, then at a a show he found him? + +That's kinda how this is, you could a rescued me from drowning in debt + +Now it's too late, I'm down a thousand dollars now, I'm drowsy + +And all I wanted was a lousy investment or a call + +I hope you know I ripped all of your pictures off the wall + +I love you Elon, we could have been on Mars together, think about it, you ruined it now. + +I hope you get shorted and you dream about it, and when you dream I hope you get shorted more and you scream about it. + +I hope the hedgefunds eats at you and you can’t breath without GME + +"BUY SILVER, BUY SILVER" + +SHUT UP CNBC I'm trying to Talk + +Hey Elon that's the hedge fund managers making them talk + +But we didn't fuck them up yet, see I ain't like you. + +Cause if they buy more shorts they'll suffer more and then they'll go bankrupt too. + +Well gotta go they are taking my laptop and my car now + +Oh shit, I forgot how am I supposed to send this post ou- + +\------------------ + +\--------- + +# EDIT: Elon's reponse: + +Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner but I just been busy + +You said your wife's pregnant by her boyfriend now, how far along is she? + +Look, I'm really flattered you would buy TSLA calls like that + +And here's an autograph for your Mother + +I wrote it on the Tesla cap + +I'm sorry I didn't see you at the annual stockholder meeting, I must have missed you + +Don't think I did that shit intentionally just to diss you + +But what's this shit you said about you sold your GME when it fell too? + +I say that shit just clownin' dog, come on, how fucked up is you? + +You got some gambling issues Stan, I think you need some counseling + +To help your ass from bouncing off the walls when your stocks get down some + +And what's this shit about us being "in this together"? + +I'm a billionaire lol + +I really think you and your wife need each other + +Or maybe you just need to treat her boyfriend better + +I hope you get to read this message, I just hope it reaches you in time + +Before you sell again, I think that you'll be doin' just fine + +If you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you but Stan + +Why are you so mad? Try to understand, that I do have diamond hands + +I just don't want you to do some crazy shit + +I seen this one shit on the news a couple weeks ago so I bought GME in the dips + +Some dude was high on PCP and drove his car to a Gamestop + +And "STONKS" he screamed, for 24 hours outside the closed shop non-stop + +And in the car they found a phone with 0 GME left, but I forgot who it belonged to + +Come to think about, his name was, it was you + +Damn! 🧻 **✋** + +>!For the people born after the VW short squeeze: Stan by Eminem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU9DzMhdeEo !< +January Ape here... + +This may or may not be the beginning of something significant... + +If it is great, if not, I will continue to hold, and buy more when I can... + +Expect high amounts of fuckery! + +When the price begins to rocket, so does the fuckery. + +Keep calm. Stay strong. Ignore the FUD. Trust your instincts. + +Anything less than $2,000,000 is child’s play anyways. + +Remember every time the price spikes. The attention comes. Be prepared. + +Remember what it was like to hold on those red days, weeks, and months! + +To Valhalla ❤️ + +🙌🏻💎🙌🏻💎🚀🚀🚀 +I’m interested to know how so many people have 400,000+ to invest in risky or volatile stocks? If you’re willing to share how you have accumulated your wealth, or have an opinion, I’d love to hear it. The factors I can think of are: +- Inherited wealth +- Years of hard work +- Huge amounts of stock-market-luck +- Impressive savings plans + +I am new to this gig, but as a 24 year old working in the community services sector I just can’t imagine ever achieving this level of wealth. Like, how do you get the money to invest in the stock market in order to make money? +Shortest TLDR of all time - This dip is still the aftermath of Elon's FUD. Elon triggered the dip, but it was coming anyway. + +This happened when Bitcoin was hitting critical support levels, and now we are seeing a *temporary lapse in the ongoing Bull market.* Before we get into it, just be aware that this sort of event has happened before, many times. + +Why the dip is happening: + +1. People traditionally use the combination of Bitcoins 21 week EMA and 20 week SMA to find what they call a "bull market support band". +2. When Bitcoin is not above at least one of these two levels, it is seen as a reliable indicator that the entire crypto market is due for a correction. Every time this happens in a Bull market, we see a dip. A move like this usually precedes upward movement by BTC, followed shortly after by a larger move from ETH. +3. Elon trashed Bitcoin *specifically*, driving Bitcoin down below these levels, where it is currently sitting. This was the red flag for many traders to sell a local top, sparking a dump. +4. Due to speculation on this being the end of the bull market (it isn't) we are seeing the dip. We may continue to fall until Bitcoin again breaks back into its support band. The expectations for EIP-1559 in July may mitigate a lot of the downside for ETH, but we can't know. +5. Typically a breach of the bull market support band lasts about a week. We are on day 5. + +What you should do: + +1. **Do not FOMO into selling a local top** with the intent to rebuy at the bottom of the dip. Unless you're a skilled TA, or just really lucky, you have a high chance to screw this up, trigger a tax event, and pay fees twice. Remember the difference between short and long term capital gains is about 10% of your total profit! It's not worth the risk if you were here for the long term already. +2. Watch Bitcoin if you're looking to buy in. When Bitcoin starts to see support again, ETH has a really high chance to jump +25% in a matter of days. +3. Everyone has diamond hands until things get shaky. Just remember "The market is a tool to transfer wealth from the impatient, to the patient." For the sake of your own wellbeing, do not sell low. +4. We will go back up and set new all time highs, this is something that *literally nobody* debates, so close your chart, and relax! + +**EDIT:** Watching live! As of 8:20PM CDT, after a bounce 2 hours prior, BTC is not currently holding the support band at around $46K. This dip may continue. I will keep watching! + +This is not financial advice, I am not a financial advisor, make your own decisions, you know the drill. + +Take care all ✌ +"According to the [findings posted to Cuban’s website](https://blogmaverick.com/2020/05/07/i-hired-a-team-of-secret-shoppers-to-find-out-how-businesses-were-opening-in-dallas-its-not-good/), only 36 percent of all businesses included in the study that were allowed to reopen on May 1 actually chose to open their doors. Of those businesses, a staggering 96 percent failed to comply with all of the Open Texas guidelines. The shoppers observed that restaurants were more likely to comply with some requirements, like separating tables and asking employees to wear masks, than they were with guidelines like offering single use condiments or contactless payment." Definitely check out the full study. + +**If this trend continues as states reopen, it's bad news for the economy.** + +To mostly everyone, these staggering unemployment numbers don't feel real yet. People think this pandemic is just going to blow right over, and life is just weeks away from returning to normal. Optimism is especially high because those $1,200 stimulus checks are three times the amount of cash over 40% of American's have in their savings account on any given day. Plus, Unemployment is paying millions of people more than they regularly make at their jobs. A very large portion of Americans probably feel more "financially secure" right now than any other time in recent memory. Now, interest rates are almost 0% and people are deciding it's a great time to buy a car or house. However, as economic activity starts trending down from lack of public confidence in local governments ability to stop the Coronavirus, that financial security will evaporate extremely quickly. + +People are ready to return to normal, and the market is reflecting that. We saw it in economic activity this last week with all the reopenings. However, The fact of the matter is a virus with a .5%-1% death rate is spreading rapidly, and it's going to have to infect 220,000,000 Americans before it stops, unless we stop it first. That's 1 person in every 10th family dead (assuming each family has 16 people across 3-4 generations) . This virus also does permanent damage to the lungs, heart, kidneys, and/or the central nervous system in 10% of cases, and will require lifetime treatment (1 in every 4 families). [source](https://www.vox.com/2020/5/8/21251899/coronavirus-long-term-effects-symptoms) + +We dont have adequate testing, not enough people are wearing masks, and Mark Cuban's study in Dallas showed less than 4% of businesses were following every public health guideline in their reopened economy. The longer people take to realize what's going on and react accordingly, the harder the economy is going to crash when they do. We're in the second inning of a nine inning stretch, and If businesses don't start following these health guidelines in the next two weeks, things are going to get really messy, and people will stay home on their own. It's a mathematical certainty. + +Edit: I'm trying to explain the bubble our economy is currently in, and why it's about to burst. The stock market is tied to the economy (i know right?), and when people start pulling money out of their 401ks and missing credit card payments, markets will crash. What happens when all that stock companies bought back drops in value by 50%? What happens when credit unions start going insolvent? + +Edit Edit: I don't believe lockdowns are what would cause this either. The economy will grind to a halt on its own once Cov19 is widespread in rural and suburban communities. I actually believe the lockdowns and quick action by congress is what instilled the market confidence in the first place. Doing the reopening properly would instill even more confidence. +The things is, they started being bad for many things, not just crypto. + +They are getting paid to scam their fans, and they are scumbags on this planet. + +How many times we saw videos on youtube, tiktok or any other platform with coins or tokens that are going to skyrocket and you should get in ASAP? + +How many of those same youtubers, tiktokers etc. got rich because their tehnical analysis is amazing and they share knowledge that we should be thankfull about? + +They are promoting risky, or sometimes even non existent coins and tokens. + +People who are just getting into crypto are sometimes listening to them, investing blindly in what they say and lose money. And later they may think that crypto is a scam, right? + +**THEY SHOULD ALL GET SUED!** + +**Examples:** + +\- [Kim Kardashain promoting EthereumMax](https://decrypt.co/73601/kim-kardashian-is-shilling-ethereum-max-too-what-is-it). Of course, one of the highest payed athlete Floyd Mayweather needed more money so [he jumped right in to do the same thing](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/12/business/kim-kardashian-floyd-mayweather-crypto-lawsuit/index.html). Something (I don't even know what the hell it is) that was even without whitepaper + +\- [Soulja Boy](https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/21/05/21337044/soulja-boy-accidentally-reveals-how-much-he-got-paid-to-promote-crypto-project) did the same thing to his fans, while revealing how much money he would get for promoting it + +\- [FaZe clan doing pump and dump](https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/faze-clan-pump-and-dump-crypto-scam-gets-kay-kicked-off-and-three-others-suspended/articleshow/84063180.cms) + +*Moon, Mars, NFTs, we are all going to be rich, we are all going to be millionaires.* + +Get out of here. +Passive investors say not to pick an outperforming mutual fund or ETF because you don’t know that it will outperform in the future. However, they look at market returns from the past to predict or expect returns in the future. Just because businesses have grown at a rate of 10% annually since 1926, why should investors expect 10% in the future? + +It seems illogical to have your retirement rely on a system that is based on past performance from only the past 95 years. If a 20 year old starts investing today until retirement at 65, that’s 45 years. 45 years is 47% of the S&P 500’s existence, yet people say there’s enough evidence to expect a certain future return. If we had 1,000 years of historical data showing that the S&P returns 10% annually, I think that it would be ok to say that 10% can be expected for a 45 year window of retirement investing. + +Saying that 10% returns can be expected in the future because thats what’s happened over the past 95 years is just using past performance to project future results. The passive investor frequently says that it does not make sense to expect certain future results because of past results. +As the title says, can the stalking of DFVs account stop. We have known for the past year that even though he isn’t posting he is still active. No need for 10+ new posts every day screaming “OMG he has gained 5 more karma in the past 5 minutes”. It’s just weird + +EDIT: Do whatever you want, it’s a free world. Just wanted to see if I was the only one thinking it is a little weird +You read that right. Retail doesn't own the float. Superstonk doesn't own the float. Whatever "we" you want to consider, doesn't own the float. + +Does that make you uncomfortable? Because it should. + +Over a year ago, projections and estimates garnered from various polls suggested that retail owned the float several times over. The numbers seemed conservative and sound. Tits were jacked. Memes, posts, and comments resounded with the claim, with the *certainty*. + +But this was in the midst of learning that our shares were not owned in our names, and we reserved few to no rights pertaining to ownership. We discovered the power of DRS and how to truly own our purchase. + +Now, about 60% of the free float is truly owned by retail. + +**The rest of you own nothing.** You are the supplicant holders of the DTC's IOU certificates. You cannot with guarantee vote your shares, only suggest that your broker do so. You are not eligible for dividends in their unequivocated form, unless decided so by your broker, if even possible through them. And you hold forward on the risk that you may not be able to redeem your IOU through a trade of your choosing; Dr. Trimbath has warned of this, and it is precedented. + +What you have purchased is a stand-in-line ticket to the show that the real share owners are already taking their seats for. The mic checks are starting, the spotlights are warming up, and you are standing outside in the cold on a hope. + +Soon the world will see the success of our concert, and millions of people will begin to purchase the real tickets to other, lesser shows. Will you look back at the moment history was made, and recall the fracas heard from the parking lot? Or will the glory of the prowess you put forth to affect our very system of investing be forever seared on your soul as you own the triumph of our times yourself? + +Until such a time, no, retail does not own the float. + +And when that time comes, whether sooner or later, is directly dependent on retail's desire to own their purchases. + +Hope to see you at the show! + +# DRS +Is there a single criterion that would cause you to write off a stock even if it meets or exceeds your standards for every other metric? + +For example, I never buy companies that post negative earnings, regardless of how spectacular their figures are for P/E, P/B, D/E, etc. Curious what other people’s “dealbreakers” are (and of course, it’s ok—and probably wise—to have multiple) +I inherited 40 acres of undeveloped land in a hot market. I'm currently getting offers from developers between 23K - 28K per acre. They would resell it for approximately 100K per acre once prepped for build. Homes in this area start around 600-700K these days. + +Do you think there could be any reasonable path that I could do the development on my own with a good land use / real estate lawyer and a partnership with a builder or would I be getting in way too deep? + +FYI, my experience is project management but in IT Services. So I have experience with long and large projects but in a different area. +My wife and I are retired with three kids. Net worth ~$25M. Our oldest, F30 and her husband are high earners and gearing up to buy a house. + +They are looking at $1M-1.5M homes and have ~$100k saved for down payment. Monthly payments will not be a problem and I know they want to “buy it on their own.” + +That said, how can I help get them a lower rate? They’re looking at $715k conventional loan, but will still need $400k+ for the down payment. I’m thinking with my assistance on the down payment, they may be able to get a lower rate… + +Does anyone have experience with private family mortgages? Other options my wife and I should consider? +—— + +EDIT: Wow, thank you for all the helpful responses! + +A few points of clarification: +- We live on the west coast and they work in a large city. They are planning on sticking closer to $1M, but helpful context in that $400k doesn’t go very far. +- My daughter recently graduated from +grad school. Combined, their income is ~$350k. They’re both great kids and haven’t asked me for money. They’re approved at $1.3 based on their salaries. + +*home +I've been thinking a lot about a post from last week on how $5mm doesn't cut it for most of us in HCOL cities with families. And I've definitely experienced this feeling firsthand over the past year. + +Up until last year we were living in the city in a cute, but small $900k condo. Our neighbors came from a variety of backgrounds, with different jobs, incomes, interests. It was great in that we felt more "anonymous" in growing wealth, there was no keeping up with the Jones' since everyone was so different. Annual budget was \~$125k for the two of us. + +We recently moved from the city to a great suburb in a $1.7mm home (nice but hardly ostentatious). We absolutely love the slower lifestyle. Our new neighbors are all wonderful people too, though there's ton of homogeneity in careers. They are almost all exclusively doctors/lawyers/finance professionals and maintain higher end lifestyles. + +The cost of the mortgage, RE taxes, home insurance, home repairs and utilities is \~$120k/year just for our new house. So our annual budget has jumped to \~$225k. We drive non-luxury cars, don't go overly crazy with vacations, food or clothes. We don't even have kids yet. + +We are currently in chubby fire territory, and at a 4% burn rate, our net worth doesn't quite cover our current $225k expenses. + +Our goal is to exit the workforce in the next 10 years. So while stashing away cash and letting investments grow has always been top of mind, figuring out how NOT to get involved with the suburban "keeping up with the Jones'" has also suddenly become very important. + +I recognize that once/if we start upgrading to Audis/Mercdes/etc, exclusively flying first, staying at only $800+/nt hotels, shopping only at high end stores (like many of our neighbors) it's REALLY hard to go back. + +I'm hoping we can get out of the workforce at $10mm NW, so we'll have access to \~$350k/yr (figure 3.5% burn rate), which will allow some extra spending from today. However, something tells me that will get gobbled up pretty quickly with kids and say, a country club membership, even if we don't move to spending $$ on other luxury items. + +Do all of you think about this kind of stuff too? I used to believe $5mm was the number. Now I see $10mm as more realistic, but with appropriate brakes in place. I can easily see how that figure keeps inching up, especially when you start surrounding yourself with wealthier crowds. + +It's really important for me to actively practice gratitude for what we currently have, and keep in mind that some of my favorite things don't involve a huge outlay of cash (running outdoors, hitting a good CrossFit class, meeting friends for a casual breakfast, reading by the fire, taking care of my family). +"Although we have seen some exiting of positions throughout the year, the majority of short-sellers have been happy to sit on significant paper losses in the hope that retail investors will blink first and the losses won't be realized," said Peter Hillerberg, co-founder of financial analytics firm Ortex. + +"This now looks like a flawed strategy." + +[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-03/defiant-meme-stock-short-sellers-stare-down-4-5-billion-loss](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-03/defiant-meme-stock-short-sellers-stare-down-4-5-billion-loss) + +&#x200B; + +\*Edited to add Bloomberg source after Reuters changed the article. + +Also, thanks for my first awards! Can I buy crayons with these? +Always save a copy of your position's job posting and your employer's offer letter. + + +This way, you can reference this when you go above and beyond your listed duties and point out to your employer why you deserve a raise. Or, if the job posting of what became your position listed a ballpark salary estimate that's way below what you're currently making, use that as leverage, too. + + +This post is brought to you by someone who obsessively deletes emails and now trying negotiating a raise. +Reposting for maximum visibility ! + +For the new apes , plz relax and enjoy this bumpy ride we are up against the endboss. This was expected to happen. They cant do this shit for too long. I have a feeling that the upcoming days will be interesting 😉 + + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrgcyc/psa_voting_will_be_underreported_reposted_on_june/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf + +PS: I’m not a financial advisor and this not a financial advice , I eat crayons everyday and shit in my pants. 🚀👐🏻💎🦍 +I have been buying vym Schd and jepi weekly on Monday. Jepi is in IRA so not worried about taxes but Schd and vym are in taxable account. +I plan to retire in 2 -3 years and converting some of voo to these 3. What should the split be between the 3 (vym/Schd/jepi)? +Helping my mother with her will because I’m the only unmarried child and the one she trust the most to manage the funds in order to take care of my siblings. I plan on getting married soon and wanted to ask if there was a way to protect her assets from being entangled into my marriage. The person that I am with doesn’t believe in prenups. I consider them trust worthy as they have always encouraged me to spend wisely and have sacrificed for me financially many times. I don’t mind going into the marriage with my assets at risk as I trust her fully, I just don’t think it’s right to take assets my mother entrusted me with to care for myself and my siblings into the marriage. The assets my mother has are + +. a house she bought right after the housing crash for 150k which is now worth 500k and rental incoming coming in. + +. Land outside of the U.S worth about 1 mil undeveloped as she hasn’t had the funds to develop on it. + +. And a 500k life insurance policy + +I plan on developing on the land as I make more money, Taking some cash out of the home she owns and buying a rental property and just developing and growing these assets to provide financial security for my siblings and their families in addition to mine. A bit of a generational wealth type of thing as she worked for just above minimum wage 12 hour days 7 days a week to make this happen for her future generations. + +My question is this. Is there a way to put all these assets into a trust to protect it from marriages failing and bad decision making while allowing my siblings to invest, add to it generation by generation to ensure their children benefit for it and their children’s children benefit from it while encouraging all generations contribute to growing it. +Just a warning to all of you, if you want to take advantage of this juicy IV this time around, I highly suggest credit spread over any type of naked selling strategy and going in with a mind set of max loss. GME 1000c contract exists for a reason, it will and definitely can reach that level with absolutely no reasons. These stocks are trading beyond fundamentals. +I think that is a great number at my age (31, started working 26), but it is mostly there because **my living costs were 50% of what I projected based from prior years**. I haven't had holidays or expensive certificates in May. The dividend income is [not high](https://monosnap.com/file/Ekp3TxnQF1j9acbnrCjctonSqw2BLO), but as I live in a part of Europe with lower expenses (and salary), it's good enough. I need to finalize buying real estate before pouring more money into dividend stocks (this was the first month after a long time when I did not buy a single dividend stock). + +It's the [7th positive month](https://monosnap.com/file/6YO00ZcpD9GXFCw0Xreh0n7IBj1Yew) in a row, so I am expecting some negative months in soon future :) It can't just grow, right? Comparing to SP500, my portfolio is currently [doing better](https://monosnap.com/file/aekKQxvd9golYmCI2ylxtA3ZPnOFwX), but not significantly better (what would I expect from a 70 stock portfolio, right? :D ) + +In regards to [market value](https://monosnap.com/file/NZ1CsqyztKHnWyf8ZPqDSN4EMRCBa5), I don't think there was a big loser of the month of May. **Seems like the dividend cuts related to corona all took place** and now I can prepare for slow and steady dividend raises :) + +**If I keep my living costs the same in Jun, dividends should cover 18.88% of it!** How was your month of May in regards to dividends? +I think that is a great number at my age (31, started working 26), but it is mostly there because **my living costs were 50% of what I projected based from prior years**. I haven't had holidays or expensive certificates in May. The dividend income is [not high](https://monosnap.com/file/Ekp3TxnQF1j9acbnrCjctonSqw2BLO), but as I live in a part of Europe with lower expenses (and salary), it's good enough. I need to finalize buying real estate before pouring more money into dividend stocks (this was the first month after a long time when I did not buy a single dividend stock). + +It's the [7th positive month](https://monosnap.com/file/6YO00ZcpD9GXFCw0Xreh0n7IBj1Yew) in a row, so I am expecting some negative months in soon future :) It can't just grow, right? Comparing to SP500, my portfolio is currently [doing better](https://monosnap.com/file/aekKQxvd9golYmCI2ylxtA3ZPnOFwX), but not significantly better (what would I expect from a 70 stock portfolio, right? :D ) + +In regards to [market value](https://monosnap.com/file/NZ1CsqyztKHnWyf8ZPqDSN4EMRCBa5), I don't think there was a big loser of the month of May. **Seems like the dividend cuts related to corona all took place** and now I can prepare for slow and steady dividend raises :) + +**If I keep my living costs the same in Jun, dividends should cover 18.88% of it!** How was your month of May in regards to dividends? +First thing, im still a newbie to trading options but put in so many hours studying daily, monthly, to where I felt confident in trading options and felt I was ready. Or so I thought. The first 2 weeks were amazing, I was making more money in 2 hours than I ever was working a whole day in my life. I was actually surprised myself that I was actually successful in trading options and was making amazing profits daily for those 2 weeks with no red days. Just break even days a couple times. Then came this past Wednesday-Friday. I had seen a profit I didn’t think was possible 5 minutes into the day on Wednesday. I felt confident stock was going to keep going up, it went down, long story short that unreal profit turned into my first massive loss. I didn’t set stop losses or anything like that which ended up costing me pretty badly and I held a couple contracts to the next day. Anyways, W-F was pretty much a horrible downfall to where all the profits and more I have been wiped out. I’m starting fresh tommorow, but with a very low amount of money. Any advice please? +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: +*** + +- Discussion topics include but are not limited to general discussion on Ethereum, details related to events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, and minor questions. +- Important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- Be excellent to each other. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Serious question. I'm not that good with valuation. + +I've read bull and bear scenarios about TSLA, but I'm wondering what specifically is bad with Teslas valuation. + +I see that it's revenue growth and also its eps was up year over year but that's all I know really. + +Also if there are any bullish arguments please feel free to comment on them. + +Thanks. +Sup you degenerate fuckwits, [I'm back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UimodeZfA9o) with another newb post. This one will be a bit of a mix and I am literally banging it out before work so apologies for the rushed nature and my 3rd grade reading level. + +So as per request someone asked me to do a post about emotions and trading. I will be honest with you all this is an area i **FUCKING SUCK** at i let my emotions get the better of me all the time. When i make money i am high as a kite and when i lose money I am depressed and sullen and grumpy as fuck. + +So how do you deal with this? You can either set yourself some rules to follow, in fact i recommend you do this anyway as if you are just trading blind and flopping your limp dick around the market someone is likely to step on it. I have some rules i set myself that I do my best to follow. I wont go through them all but the basics are such. + +1. **Dont invest in something you know nothing about. Look into the company before you put money in. Not after.** Now this is something i havnt always done sometimes i have made some money but more often then not i have gotten burnt. This helps stop that FOMO because i am less likely to jump on something that is rocketing if i have to read through its last report. + +2. **Free carry at 100%.** This is a personal rule that wont apply to everyone's investing style but I am trying to grow my portfolio and if i have free shares then i can sit on them without the psychological weight of my money tied up in them as well. I could expand more on this I really could but I'll just say i have *generally* regretted not free caryying at 100% more then I have regretted holding all my shares past 100% (VUL being the once in a lifetime exception... man $28000 from $1000 would have been fucking sweet.) + +3. **If you have just had a big win dont throw your money back in the market. Step back and wait.** I actually got this one from a 1000 year old book about investing written by a rice farmer. But it still holds true today. When you make a great trade or you have made a shit tonne of money very quickly, you wont be thinking right. Some of my biggest losses have come right after my biggest wins. After VUL and BPH went nuts i doubled and tripled down on RLT thinking it was going to do 10 bags. Instead I turned a possible free carry into a loss. + +4. **It is normal to feel a rush but dont get addicted to it. Remember how you feel when you have a loss and try to think about that to off set FOMO** There are a lot of things you can do to try to stop FOMO. The one that helps me most is remember how shit it feels to lose money. Find one that works for you. Dont get caught up in hype. + +Just on a side note I havnt been as active lately but I have noticed a shift in the feel of the sub. The mods have done an excellent job of keeping the obvious pumps down and clearing up the spam. However the 10 top most mentioned stocks seems to have fucked the sub. When that was 1st posted the top 10 stocks mentioned were the ones getting discussed the most with interesting information getting shared back and forth. Now the top 10 mentions are the ones with the most people spamming them for instance [We LKE the stock](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/lpjav4/we_lke_the_stock_we_lke_the_stock_we_lke_the_stock/) This is a great meme but then the comments have people literally just saying we LKE the stock. That is a bunch of mentions that havnt added anything to the discussion. + +The change in the daily threads have made it so half the comments are just the ticker and that means without much effort you can get any ticker to the top 10. + +I would suggest that if you are new not to invest in any stock you see getting mentioned again and again with no real information. But that goes all the way back to "Dont take advice from internet randos" and i doubt many of you ever took that seriously. + +[Newb traps](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/kuzvjs/newb_traps/) + +[Newb trabs 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/kyve7b/newb_traps_revisited_dont_trust_internet_randos/) + +[3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l6elep/some_more_tips_for_the_newbies/) + +[4](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l8w138/what_is_bbozbbus_why_should_you_care_welcome_new/) +Disclaimer: My post is mostly speculation, but it is what I am observing. It may not be correct. + +------------------ + +I believe Eos is dumping all of their coins on Bitfinex. If you look at this dump, ether is leading the way and Bitfinex is leading the charge. Bitfinex was trading $30 lower than any other exchange during todays dump (to a low of $492, other exchanges didn't fall below $510). EOS started transferring their Ether to Bitfinex about 3 weeks ago. They have transferred over 1m ether so far. There is only another 200k ether left in their crowdsale wallet. The date at which they transferred their ether to Bitfinex and when we started crashing line up almost perfectly. + +You can see the outgoing TX's from the crowdsale wallet here: https://etherscan.io/txsinternal?zero=false&a=0xd0a6e6c54dbc68db5db3a091b171a77407ff7ccf&valid=true . + +You can see the remaining funds in the crowdsale wallet here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd0a6e6c54dbc68db5db3a091b171a77407ff7ccf + +You can trace the eth spent (moved) by various ICO's here: https://sanbase-low.santiment.net/projects. EOS has moved 1.38m eth in the last month. All other ICO's combined have moved significantly less. + +------------------ + +Once this wallet is empty the bear will likely be over. 20% of the funds remain in it. They will likely be dumped over the next few days as well. I would expect us to keep dipping for another few days before we bottom out and start heading back up again. Also, there are many users who want to get EOS for their mainnet launch. Once this occurs, ether will likely rebound hard. + +I mean you'd need a 3 million portfolio to be able to really enjoy your retirement with that. + +With a million portfolio, even as an addition to SS, unless you just want to sit on the porch and whittle you won't be doing much "living" with 3% return on a million. + +Interested in perspective. +Comparing nowadays market with 2013/2017 we see very similar patterns arise. Hysteria is probably gonna break out sooner than later, and here is why. + +NOTE: this is my personal, speculative view based on pattern recognition and market sentiment. I'm not here to create any FUD/FOMO or whatever, even though I'm probably still getting flamed for it in the comments. + +1. The marketing and creation of shitcoins is still on a contant rise. A LOT of new investors fall for fake promises from new projects, because they think it's the next new thing. This is ofcourse nothing new, BUT it won't slow down until we're starting to see red numbers again, and the shitcoin teams cannot afford to invest into marketing anymore. + +2. ETH will most likely overtake BTC as crypto asset with the largest market cap. This is mostly derived from the fact that ETH is still by far the most utilised and adopted blockchain out there, and with continuous work from the dev team, that won't change anytime soon. If u take a look at the BTC dominance chart, I expect a similar pattern to that in 2017. When this hits the news a new wave of dumb money will shortly flow into the market, leading to large price volatility. + +3. Looking at the market cycles, most technical analysts believe that BTC will climb to new ath's this year. Combine this with the fact that the BTC dominance will most likely keep dropping, altcois will soar when this happens. + +4. When everyone thinks they can cash out soon and never have to work again, big corporations who have had a balanced portfolio since like forever (and basically control the market) will just dump on the average joe, leading to real FUD all over town, and ending the 2nd part of the 2021 bull run. + +There are more points that I'm willing to discuss in the comments, but for now I've taken my shit, so it's time to go on with life. + +Feel free to share your opinions and have a civilised discussion in the comments. +What are your fatFIRE strategies to manage stress/burnout, without mindless consumption? + +I’m 31F, with a $8M NW and $1.3M annual income. I’ve burned out at work (FAANG middle management), but cannot bring myself to quit or take a sabbatical, especially in the current market.To cope, I shop compulsively for the sake of consumption. + +Whenever I have a bad day, I dissociate with the stress by spending $1k+ online shopping. Most days have been bad ones lately. Whether I end up using or even wanting what I’ve purchased is irrelevant; the dopamine hit comes from spending money. Afterwards, I feel guilt for not being able to stop my self from acting on my impulses. + +I feel like I’m no longer in control of spending my money, my shopping addiction is. How can I stop consuming so frivolously? + +When I get into a bender, I’ve tried: +- doing a matching donation to my favorite charities +- looking up similar items or experiences I’ve purchased recently + +Some other details on my life: I have a fatFIRE partner who is indifferent, but confused by my spending habits. His recreational spending is much lower than mine, and focused on hobbies/travel. +I see a lot of people overlooking US cannabis these days so I just wanted to quickly set the record straight on the outlook of the industry in 2021. In just this year alone, we are looking towards several key major catalysts such as: + +\- the SAFE act for MSOs to get access to banking + +\- uplisting to NYSE (US MSOs are currently traded as OTC leaving the vast majority of institutional investors on the outside looking in for now) + +\- more states legalizing independently + +Decriminalization even without full legalization would be a major boon for growth but is not even necessary for growth to continue with more states legalizing and/or relaxing restrictions on MSOs. The 4 major players (Green Thumb, Cresco, Trulieve, and Curaleaf) are all on top in this. They maintained solid financials, limited debt/losses, huge expansion across all medical/recreational states and are almost certainly going to remain the big 4 post-legalization. A play across these 4 covers the majority of gains we'll see leading up to and after legalization. + +So we know who to invest in, what to look out for and when to expect it. We're past speculation for the cannabis market at this point. The industry is matured and ready to go big in 2021. +**TLDR: I am a software engineer in my late 20s. Spent the last decade living in Germany. After working in the industry for two years, I managed to double my net salary by starting working remotely for a US startup and changing his tax residency.** + +Ever since the covid crisis, we can probably all feel that living off the salary of a software engineer in Europe gets more difficult. Please, don’t get me wrong, I know that on average, working in software engineering is one of the best career choices on many levels. However, I am seeing tons of threads in various subreddits, where engineers are desperately looking for new opportunities to protect themselves financially from the absurdly high inflation. Especially with the advent of remote work, no matter if you are based in Turkey, Hungary, or Germany, I believe that you can double your salary, simply by leaving your current job and looking for remote, well-paid opportunities e.g. in the US. Also, if possible, do consider moving from Western Europe to East/South Europe and drastically improve your saving opportunity. + +This is my story of looking for a remote position. By changing my employer and tax residency I managed to more than double my net salary (please see the attached diagrams at the end of the write-up). The goal of this post is to show how big is the discrepancy between what one could earn in Europe vs working remotely for the US. + +I deliberately use a throwaway account. I am quite an active Redditor in the machine learning and personal finance communities, with a strong internet presence. If I were using my real identity, the companies that I describe could be very easily identified and I do not want that. + +Intro + +March 2021. I accepted a pretty unusual job offer. After the series of interviews, I decided to take a slight pay cut and join one of the sexiest engineering companies on the planet (let’s call it company “BoJack”), having a direct communication channel with one of the most important public figures in the tech world. Theoretically, I had an opportunity to learn inside-out how one operates an extremely successful tech company. In practice, after my initial six months, I have found myself questioning whether I fit this position. This is why: + +* I ended up working on the things I have little interest in. +* I was expected to put in more than 8 hours a day and be paid for overtime. The company has made a lot of people rich through their stocks in the past, and that was the main financial incentive for many employees. But I already had a significant amount of equity in this (public) company, so that was not the strongest incentive. +* More than two hours commute every day. +* In general, zero additional perks. + +I have to admit though, that I was working with great engineers; some of them remain my very good friends to this day. I am an AI software engineer by training and I was very much missing this field. In theory, company BoJack does have one of the best AI teams in the world. I did pull some strings, attempting to get in, but sadly, I flunked the internal interview. Even if I did meet their expectations, it would have been required for me to move to the US. + +Note: I was working for the German branch of this US company. + +So at that point, I decided to quit and find something new. + +Rules of the Game + +Before I left the company I had clearly defined what I expect to do next. + +* I want to work fully remotely. The primary motivation was to move in with my girlfriend, but since she happens to live in the low taxes/costs of living part of Europe, well, win-win. To be honest, I think I had a pretty good standard of life in Germany, while still saving around 50% of my salary. But with the fully remote opportunity, I could reduce my taxation rate, and save more, while enjoying a higher quality of life. +* I want to work for a cool company. In Germany, there are many companies and startups which are simply boring, rusty, and slow. They are not willing to stay up-to-date with the market salaries and the concept of equity is novel to them. I also want to be surrounded by the brightest minds, people with great experience, from whom I could learn quickly. When applying for a remote position, I was aiming mostly at a few German companies, as well as Swiss, British, and US employers. +* I have set my compensation threshold, based primarily on the base salary. This means I wouldn’t accept any offer (unless I am truly mind-blown by the company’s potential) below X dollars/euros/etc. As much as I value equity as a form of enumeration, I have decided not to incorporate non-publicly traded assets into my compensation threshold. I think that when joining a pre-seed or series A, even B startup, you should assume the value of your equity is zero. Negotiate to get as much equity as possible, but never go below your desired compensation threshold. Especially, beware of getting lowballed - “we pay low salaries because we estimate that our options are certainly going 100x in the future”. This is probably not happening in 95% of the startups. + +Leaving the Company & Preparation + +I vividly remember the days, when I was looking for my first position in the industry just after my graduation. My biggest learning was that you need to treat job hunting as your full-time job. So I started aggressively applying, as well as preparing for the interviews: + +* After researching all the hot platforms for jobs in tech, I ended up spending most of my time on LinkedIn (note: Premium is expensive, but it pays off) and AngelList. I was sending around a dozen applications every day. Probably on average three interviews per day. I did not filter the companies and applied to whatever was looking decently. I have learned the lesson, that sometimes the most obscure-looking job posting may turn out to be an awesome opportunity. My most aggressive filter kicked in either after a very bad initial conversation, or when the company did not allow for a fully remote position. +* I have activated my professional network. Leveraging your connections to bypass the usual resume screening stage and talking directly to engineers/management is essential. Alexa Gordic nailed it in his article: [https://gordicaleksa.medium.com/how-i-got-a-job-at-deepmind-as-a-research-engineer-without-a-machine-learning-degree-1a45f2a781de](https://gordicaleksa.medium.com/how-i-got-a-job-at-deepmind-as-a-research-engineer-without-a-machine-learning-degree-1a45f2a781de) +* Every day I was mastering the following skills: +* Machine learning and Computer Vision fundamentals. +* Basic software engineering skills: especially system design and MLOps. +* Negotiations, negotiations, negotiations. How to talk to recruiters and hiring managers, dos and don'ts of negotiating with big tech, etc. The main goals were: +* to avoid getting low-balled +* to grow a thick skin when it comes to asking for premium money. + +I had started job hunting two months before I handed in my resignation. This was not sustainable, especially given my 50-60h/weekday job. Since I was interviewing a lot for the US companies, it was not rare that I had interviews around 11 pm local time. So it was my way or the highway - I handed in my resignation, took the remaining vacation to recharge, and eventually started working hard on my applications. I have secured pocket money for several months of joblessness, something which put me in a good mental state. This was especially useful at times when I was aggressively haggling over my compensation (not allowing me to accept compensation below my threshold) or was down after weeks of very painful rejections. + +Warning: Job hunt is hard + +No exaggeration, I went through several dozens of interviews with companies ranging from tiny startups to FAANG companies. There were many cases when I was rejected after the initial screening, but also when it seemed that I was an inch away from receiving an offer. + +Typically, whenever a company responded, I managed to go through several rounds of interviews and failed just in the end. I was usually nailing the screening as well as the ML-oriented task. However, my weak spots were typical software engineering or system design skills. This has changed throughout my job hunt, as I did focus on my Achilles heel and got better. + +Nevertheless, I was mostly getting rejected over three months. But that’s fine. This is a number game. No matter how smart you are or how brilliant your interview was, there are gazillion factors that are independent of you. And often those factors decide about you failing an interview. So set your default expectation to rejection, because that is the most likely outcome. Every time you get rejected, this should ideally not affect your mental state at all and be the proverbial water off a duck’s back. + +Learn from every rejection. Sometimes you will be told why you flunked. If it was a theoretical question or coding challenge, do a post-mortem and make sure you get it right next time. Remember, there is a surprisingly high probability that the same question will come up during another interview in the future. + +It is a number game. I was sending about 20 resumes every day. It was difficult, especially because I kept rejecting all the companies, which would not hire remotely. If that was the case, I said thank you and moved on. + +Over three months I have rejected three offers before finally accepting the final one. I will describe my offers shortly. + +Rejected offer: Interviewing with the company Rick + +My first offer came from Rick. They were a local German startup creating an open-source ML framework. Even now, after six months since I started talking with them, I am still blown away by their rapid growth. It took them less than two years to get to more than 10k stars on Github and become a very popular open-source project. + +The hiring process was very smooth. After a relatively easy interview and meeting with the team onsite I received an offer. Fully remote position with a good salary, yearly bonus, and an equity package. I was also promised some additional perks, like them paying for my home office furniture and whatnot, but they were too early in the mix to make any of the perks a part of the official offer. + +I got the recruiter to reveal the pay scale for this position - the golden snitch of all the interviews. In general, in any negotiations, you want the counterparty to be the first to name their price, and this time the fortune was in my favor. So knowing the pay scale I found out that the offer put me right in the middle of their range. And sadly, my desired threshold was just below the upper limit. + +So I started to put all the recently acquired negotiation skills to practice. This involved bantering with the recruiting team and the management, reverse interviewing the engineering team, and talking to ex-employees on LinkedIn. Soon I learned from several of them that the company has quite a toxic culture, any decision could be single-handedly overruled by the CTO, and there is possibly some cronyism involved. I confronted the company to find out whether it is true, and I didn't get a good answer. Another red flag was the fact that my equity shares were presented to me as an exploding offer (”you have two days to accept, otherwise your shares will get diluted”). Do you expect me to join your mission and commit, without taking the proper amount of time to think about this decision? + +At this point, I subconsciously knew that I did not want to join the team. So did they, because soon after, I did get the automatic email message: “...after a thorough evaluation and internal discussion, we had to make the difficult decision to not process the recruitment procedure”. + +Rejected offer: Interviewing with the company Cartman + +This was a tough offer to turn down. Great, ambitious German start-up, working on problems very close to my expertise and personal career mission. They had great, experienced engineers and truly revolutionary products. After sending my resume I received very enthusiastic feedback from their president of engineering. I was impressed by his incredible experience and direct, efficient approach. After a round of interviews (which did not go very well, to be honest, maybe this influenced the later part of this story), he called a couple of my references and finally gave me an offer. + +I have never received such a low offer in my life. Naturally, I was told that they are a modest start-up, and the real compensation, which is going to be life-changing once they IPO, is my equity package. Yeah right... + +I gave my expected salary, we went through several rounds of negotiations, and finally, I decided it was time to cut the conversation and turned down the offer. + +To my surprise, on the next day, they returned with a revised offer. The idea was that they will not increase my base salary, but they will make a difference between the base salary and my expected salary, and pay it to me as a bonus. This bonus would be paid at the end of the year, provided I reach some pre-defined milestones. After my inquiry, it turned out that the milestones will be defined once I accept their offer and join the team. Well, how can I agree to condition on a substantial yearly bonus (around 20% of my yearly salary) on some milestones, which will not be revealed to me in advance? I kindly rejected the offer. + +Rejected offer: Interviewing with the company Archer + +That one was weird. Very early-stage startup with an ambitious outlook. Because the team was small, they were extra careful to hire employees with the right technical and personality profile. I was meeting with them regularly for several months. Some of those meetings included testing my engineering skills. I was solving some pretty complex problems and had the feeling that the founding team was not entirely sure what the purpose of those challenges was. The process was quite awkward, but surprisingly, I was offered the position of CTO. I have to say I was very flattered! + +The team was very reluctant to be working remotely. I did at some point stress that this is an absolute must-have for me to join the team. As a CTO, I would be earning a pretty modest salary if I stayed in Germany. Otherwise, it would be adjusted to the cost of living abroad. Since I planned to move to the LCOL area, I would probably end up earning something disappointing. + +But hey, I was offered 10% equity as CTO. However, given that they had about 5 full-time employees and were pre-seed, I am not sure how good that is. + +Accepted Offer from the company Butthead + +I was in my third month of unemployment and was getting fed up with the interviewing process. However, this also meant that I was very well prepared to handle almost any algorithmic or machine learning questions. As a result, I aced all the interviews for the company Butthead and ended up discussing a perspective offer. US start-up, backed by superstar VCs, a very impressive management team, engineers, and research scientists with a stellar experience. I gave my offer, which was around 20% above my desired threshold and the recruiter simply said ok. + +On top of that, I received a solid equity package, which I am pretty confident, may become valuable in the future. + +So I ended up working remotely for a start-up with a great team, amazing atmosphere, a very bright future (I honestly believe we will do great things in our field), and for a great salary! Still, not only salary is important when it comes to improving your net money inflow. I moved from Germany to Eastern Europe, lowered my tax rate down to around 10%, and managed to get several tax benefits. + +The chart below summarizes my salary progression over the last two years. Note: I added “Past Company 1”, my first non-internship employer after graduation. + +[https://i.postimg.cc/W3Ky2x1Y/Zrzut-ekranu-2022-04-25-o-09-24-33.png](https://i.postimg.cc/W3Ky2x1Y/Zrzut-ekranu-2022-04-25-o-09-24-33.png) + +Happy to answer any questions. +I am a 33 year old from Central Ohio who has been a real estate agent since 2006. 5 years ago I decided to transition completely to investment property. Since July 2013 I've managed to purchase a total of 90 "Doors" including 29 single-family houses. I've done a little bit of everything : Buy foreclosures, get sellers to finance a property with $250 down, fix lead based paint condemnations and to top it off I do all the management myself! I've posted a MUCH longer bio in the comments as I've had hate mail saying "If there isn't alot of words of content, you're a scam". + +I'll be on here from 9am to 10am EST to answer questions & chat about real estate investing. + +PS. The mods said it was OK to mention my non-monetized, youtube channel where I'm trying to build a library of 'A day in the life of an investor' videos. I really want to be able to show people what investors do, and remove some of the BS that's out there about it. [Here's how I sourced the last 40 rentals](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaiiecbFCNY) + +One of the things that was recommended to talk about was how I build value to properties, usually through thinking of ways to cost-effectively increasing value. + +In July one of the guys who does maintenance work for me told me that he would be evicted likely within 3 months from where he lives because "The neighbor hates me and is going to buy my house". The property was a 23 acre, mostly wooded piece of land literally 2 blocks from downtown where I live, back a 800ft paved access lane. He had been asking me for 2-3 years to buy his place, however I told him that there was just no good way to do it - The seller wanted $300k and it was in a flood plain. + +Based on his last chat with me he said the seller would take less for it - So, I told the seller here's what I'd offer : $175k purchase price ONLY if they'd carry $165k of debt amortized over 20 years at 5% interest. Set up not as a land contract, but as a mortgage. + + +To my shock, the sellers accepted it, and not only that , since the property was listed , and the deal approved by his agent I'd be getting a standard real estate commission which paid almost entirely for the property. + + +This is all cool, but still the property doesn't make much money - The house is a little 2br 1ba cottage on the 23ac. My worker rents it out for a whopping $600/month which covers taxes, insurance but only part of the mortgage leaving a \~$400ish deficit each month. So, I came up with an idea : Since it's so close to downtown, let's sell parking off during our big town-wide festivals. So that's what I did in October - Over the course of 5 days we brought in over $7,000 in parking sales. Next year I absolutely expect to double it as we parked on 2 of the cleared acres, so I'll be clearing off some more space, upping parking prices (On day number 2 we were 100% full all day and turned away hundreds of cars) and lowering my labor costs. Just this tweak makes the property slightly profitable. Now I'm looking at converting the house to a AirBnB since my worker is moving into one of my nicer, larger houses, something he's wanted to do for years now but I never had an availability he liked. +I've been wanting to write this for a while. A while back I hated my job. I was working 80 hour weeks and getting paid doo-doo for the effort. In response I wrote up an "escape plan". It included a bunch of ways for me to replace my income, but it also included a ton of ways to save money without changing the quality of my life. + +I spent hours and hours making this thing, so that I'd have a plan to follow. Good news, I got out of that hell hole, more good news, the money-saving piece is relevant to almost everyone so I figured I'd share all the ways I found that can help you save a crap ton of money without really having to change your life. + +So without further adieu. + + +* **Change your car insurance:** Car insurance companies make most of their money on old clients. Once you get past a certain age, they creep your rates up ever so slowly. They are willing to discount your insurance when you switch. + +So we shopped around, found the lowest quote and saved a crap ton on the discount they were giving us. This was an easy one-time change that affects my life 0. + +**Before:** $196/month +**After:** $116/month +**Annual Savings:** $960 + + + +* **Threaten your internet provider:** Every internet provider offers promotional rates for your first year, then hike your bill after your first year. I've never had a problem giving someone a call and telling them that I want to move to another service because they are offering a promotion. Every time they offer me their promotional rate. This is a once a year phone call that saves you a decent chunk of change. + +**Before:**$69.00(lol) +**After:** $45.00 +**Annual Savings:** $288 + +This won't work if there is only one provider servicing your area. Sorry Comcast Slaves. + + + +* **Switch your phone plan to Mint Mobile, or Red Pocket.** These are services that piggyback off of major mobile phone network providers at stupid discounts. 2 lines on Mint is something like $15 a month. It's stupid how cheap these lines can be. Their service is quite good as well. + +**Before:** $180/month +**After:** $30/month +**Total Annual savings:** $1800 + + +* **Use a few Credit Cards like a debit card:**. If you're in the middle of crawling out of CC debt this is particularly bad advice. But if you are basically debt free, and can responsibly use your Credit card like a debit card; paying it off as you go, you can save a bunch of money. Basically, every expense besides my mortgage goes through a credit card so I can reap those sweet sweet rewards. + +Between 3 cards I get rewards that include: + +5% on gas + +3% on Dining Out + +2% on Grocery stores and CostCo + +1.5% on everything else. + +Essentially these are discounts on everything. + +**Before:** $0 +**After:** +$30/month +**Annual Savings:** $720 + + +These savings are based on expenses between my fiance and me. + + +* **Oil Change Coupons:** I refuse to be a coupon lady. Partly because of my Y chromosome, but also because the time it takes to effectively coupon is not worth it to me. I'd rather do anything else. But Oil Change Coupons are very easy. You have to get your oil changed at least once a quarter, and googling a coupon for it works 100% of the time. You should never pay full price for an oil change. + +I'm sure some of you are also saying *But Foofy, you could save more by changing your own oil*. To that I say *Sure, but I don't want to change anything in my life and the hourly savings is like $5. Printing a coupon is easier* + +**Before:** $70/Quarter +**After**: $50/Quarter +**Annual Savings:** $80 + +Not a lot, but seriously this one is so easy. + + +* **Buy a smart thermostat:** I wasted a ton of money by heating an entire house for the sake of my pets. They are going to sleep in a sunbeam no matter the temperature so there's lots of savings to be had here. You could just remember to turn down the heat/air everytime you leave the house, but that would require me to change way too much about my habbits. Instead, a smart thermostat. Hard to give you the "before" on this one but here we go: + + +**Before:** ?? +**Monthly Savings:** $13.5/Month +**Annual Savings:** $135 + + +* **Utilize an HSA**. For those that don't know an HSA is a "Health Spending Account". The way it works is you put money into it directly from your bank account, and all of that money is tax free. It's basically a free 25% money back on health expenses depending on your tax bracket. I grow moles like it's my job, and in order to avoid dying of skin cancer I have to get them removed constantly, this tacks up my health bill may be a little higher than most but still, here's the savings I had, yours will likely be more or less: + +[I can hear it now, "But my employer doesn't offer an HSA", you can actually contribute to an HSA without your employer](https://20somethingfinance.com/contribute-to-hsa-outside-of-employer-payroll-deduction/) + + +**Before:** $2000 +**After:** $1500 +**Annual Savings:** $500 + +[Here's an HSA savings calculator](https://www.wageworks.com/employees/support-center/hsa-savings-calculator/) if you want to figure out what you can/should contribute. + + + +* **Cancel your UnusedGym Membership:** If you don't have one, well then you can't do this one. If you have one and you consistently use it, well then don't cancel it. That said, gyms expect only [18% of people to consistently use thier facilities](https://www.creditdonkey.com/gym-membership-statistics.html) So there's a good chance that many of you (like myself) Can cancel their membership without affecting their life. The 3x a year you convince yourself you're going to get in shape you can just go run outside instead. + +**Before:** $20 +**After:** $0 +**Annual Savings:** $240 + + +Alright, that's all the easy stuff you can do without changing your life. **The grand total for us came out to $4,723.** Just shy of the $5k I promised. To be fair I did put a "~" in front of it. + + +Not everyone one of these is going to be applicable to every person but I hope you were able to find a few nuggets in here that could save you some money. + + + + + +Edit: Someone noted my wonky math that CC rewards didn't add up. I forgot to double the amount with my fiance which doesn't perfectly work but is not far off. Keep in mind that $1500 in expenses each going through only our 1.5% CC would yield $22.5 each. Not including all the optimizing we can do. She has 3% on online shopping too so $60/month between the two of us in rewards is not that far out of the realm of possibility. + + + +I saw u/ezrabetterdead's post yesterday regarding the RK spreadsheet project but there hasn't seemed to be any follow up on the sub being private. I created r/stocksheets to try and get the project going. I don't want to step on the toes of OP if they want to manage this project, but I saw a fair number of people eager join the effort and OP seemed to go dark. + +I have watch the RK tools videos several times and know that in order to get data into the sheets he is using a combination of Quandl for the integration point with Sharadar for the data feed. If OP wants to take over the sub I made I'm happy to hand it over but I want to at least have a place to gather some initial ideas on the sheet and the best way to go about collaborating on a project like this. +Hey everyone, hoping to get any advice on how to deal with an outrageous medical bill that is sent 5+ years after the fact without any details. A bit of backstory... first of all I've never in my life had dental work. Only cleanings, x-rays, basic stuff. My last recorded appointment at this dentist is 10/6/2015. At that point I was 24 years old and was under my parent's insurance. Was good to go then and hadn't heard from them or been back to this dentist since. + +Just the other week I receive a bill for over $7000 without any details as to what it's for. There's a sitcker on the bill that states: + +*You are receiving this bill as a result of 5+ years of issues with the USPS and the insurance company. If you would like to setup an interest free payment plan, please include a note with your initial payment. Sorry... yadda yadda yadda* + +My question to the community is, what do you think I can/should do about this? My gut now says I should call their office to find out whether this is just a big mistake.. again I don't have records but I've **never** had any work done other than routine cleanings. And the fact this is from 5 years ago makes it that much more absurd. At the very least they should be able to tell me **what** this bill is specifically for, and worst case scenario they insist that I owe it and I have more to deal with. A huge part of me wants to ignore this, but of course I don't want this to follow me. + +Thanks for any insight you may have. + +Edit: Thanks so much for all the responses. It's become overwhelmingly clear how much of a scam this is even if it is coming directly from this dentist's office. I noticed some things I overlooked on the bill before. I actually don't have the physical copy of the bill- it was mailed to my last NY address where my father still lives. He sent me a scan of the bill and upon looking at it closer the name under guarantor was whited out and my name was written over it in pen. The whited out name is my mother's (I was under her insurance at the time). Regardless of who's being billed, the $ amount plus its timing strongly suggest this is unwarranted and illegitimate. Assessing all my options from the PF community's advice I've decided to not contact this former dentist of mine whatsoever as any indication that I received this bill further legitimizes it. They don't have a leg to stand on, let alone anything to sink their lying teeth into. +$15,000 Bitcoin price officially breached on GDAX, not long after rolling through $14k! Again--congrats on this. Seriously. + +edit: Broken $20k USD on Bithumb... + +via https://cryptowat.ch/gdax/btcusd + +https://imgur.com/Vt3JElA - BTC rocket blasting! +I’m pretty pissed and have been for a few months. + +I’ve worked with all my tenants. Waived late fees. Sent rental assistance applications. + +Offered toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and food when things were tough. + +4 of them have been super appreciative. We’ve made it work. They’ve caught up or are very close. + +The 5th has lied continually. And sent $50 - “it’s all we have” as they just got a new car. “We’re trying. We got a new job” as they got promotions and started a company. + +They are now 7 months behind. And have blocked my number, email, social media, and will send a message every 3-4 weeks “we’re trying to catch up.” I wanted to believe, but the signs are clear. And in 3 weeks I’ll be moving with eviction. Just pissed at the situation and them for obviously being fine thru this crisis and taking advantage of laws. + +Really makes me want to sell all my properties and hate people. Someone talk me off the ledge one way or the other. +Hi All, + +Thanks to everyone who contribute to the wealth of information given here. It's an eye-opening experience to consume such information to better our knowledge and investments. + +Could the experts here provide a strategy to invest a large sum of money that has come in the form of an inheritance from Sale of Property valued at let's say \~15 cr ? Looking to generate decent returns for: +a. A monthly payout +b. Grow Value of investment YoY + +Some calculations would also help. Not looking at something too risky for the Principal Amount. We could maybe use the interest or returns generated to invest in more high risk/high return options. + +Thanks again, in advance. +So earlier I made a post after discovering a private jet registered in the Cayman Islands with the reg VPCBA is at Côte d'Azur airport, and arrived at roughly the same time as Ken’s jet N302AK. + +This jet is registered as 2 different types of planes, one, a Boeing 737, and the other a bombardier 6000. UPDATE: the Boeing has been de registered. It is definitely a bombardier 6000 + +according to flight radar 24 it is a bombardier 6000. VP is the reg code for Cayman Islands. + +Flight radar24 is a popular website to track planes, I manually came across this by navigating to the airport in the French Riviera and clicking on every different plane there, this one is parked in a hangar and was the only one with very little details available, other than the fact it has a private owner, it’s model and it’s registration. + +This plane is now ‘BLOCKED’ on flight radar 24. The mods removed my old post as there wasn’t enough evidence as to it being related to Ken, but this didn’t stop me. + +Even though the plane is now blocked, I remembered exactly where it was parked and the flight path of where it just came from is still public. + +This fucking plane came from Paris. AND SO DID KEN. They both arrived within the same hour at the French Riviera. + +https://www.flightradar24.com/BLOCKED/28dfb8df + +This is the link. Notice how it does a weird fucking 360 mid air wtf. Update: this is apparently called a holding pattern. Learn something new everyday lol. I don’t know shit about planes 🤣 + +now look at this. This is Ken’s plane and it’s flight path + +https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=a326ca + +VPCBA is registered to a company in the caymans called Casbah Group LTD. FOUNDED IN 2008 + +https://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/VP-CBA.htmlQQ + +https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/1221909D:LN + +UPDATE: CASBAH IS ARABIC FOR CITADEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! +[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casbah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kasbah) + +UPDATE 2: the blocked link does now not work for me, this is extremely fucking sus, as you could see the flight path from Paris to the French Riviera. It is now gone. + +UPDATE 3: upon reading counter DD, Casbah had the boeing registered in their name and not the more recent plane, the bombardier 6000. The boeing is now de registered which means it’s out of service. + +Please help me look into this so we can get to the bottom of it🤜🤛💎 +Assume we colonize Mars and rebuild our institutions there from scratch, would the same rules of economics apply? Or if there were a distant planet with intelligent alien colonization, would their alien economy be governed by the same economics? Basically, is economics created or discovered? Like how maths and science is discovered but english literature is created +This is going to be a long thread with every event from last August on how Binance has stolen my grandfathers money, how they fuck you around, and why you shouldn't do business with them. Here we go. + +&#x200B; + +**July 17th, 2020:** + +Signed up on Binance, compeleted Basic verification. + +&#x200B; + +**August 12th, 2020:** + +Advanced Verifiation Successful + +Fiat Account Verification Successful + +Started Wire for $100,000 + +&#x200B; + +**August 14th, 2020:** + +Sent the wire of 100k from the bank + +Got an email saying they got the wire + +Go to login, and the account is disabled + +Got an email saying they accepted the wire + +Tried to reactivate and got an email saying + +> Your request to reactivate your account has been denied for the following reason: 7\_DAYS\_REFUSED + +&#x200B; + +**August 15th, 2020:** + +Sent them an email asking why the account got disabled. + +&#x200B; + +**August 17th, 2020:** + +Got a reply finally which said + +>Hello, +> +>Thanks for your reply! +> +>In order to assist this further, please reply with the following information: +> +>1) Video of you holding your ID along with them stating the following: "My name is XXXX YYYY, today is \[Today's Date\], I confirm that I'm in control of my Binance.US account and that I accept the terms and conditions." +> +>2) Most Recent Bank statement of the account utilized +> +>We look forward to hearing back from you soon! +> +>Best, +> +>Kai +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +**August 19th, 2020:** + +We made the video and sent it in. This is in hindsight, a mess up on our part, as he sent the wire from his closed bussiness account, which is now a personal account to him. The assets of the company were sold, but obvisouly the bank account is still his. You don't sell you bank account with a business, that would make no sense since a dollar == a dollar. But this is what we replied with. + +>Attached is the video. I'm having trouble with attachment size, as it only allows up to 25mb, so I have to send the bank statement in another email. I had to make the video 720p. I'll also like to add that R\*\*\* Electric Construction Inc was my business but is no longer going since I've retired. Please see next email for the Bank Statement. + +&#x200B; + +**August 21st, 2020:** + +Didn't hear from them, so we sent another email + +>Sorry to reply again. Just trying to think of what it means about the 7 DAYS REFUSED, and the only verification that took a long time was the Advanced Verification, because I only had it half done for a week, I have quite a few emails about it saying failed during that time it wasn’t complete. I eventually finished it and have the email saying it was successful. Then I completed the Fiat Verification as well. I need the reason why it failed and what verification it was, so I know what to do. Does it have anything to do with the wire itself? If I can’t get verified for what ever reason, how do I get my money back? I’d like to just get this done and use your exchange. I’m getting worried, as I have no clue why my account was locked in the first place.  + +&#x200B; + +**August 24th, 2020:** + +Got a reply from them. + +> Thank you for letting us know. Our team is still reviewing your request and will update you as soon as possible. + +&#x200B; + +**August 29th, 2020:** + +>Following a recent review of your Binance US account, we regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to service your account with our firm. We are closing your account in accordance with our customer terms of service agreement that you agreed to upon opening your account. This decision was based on numerous factors including but not limited to our firm’s commitment to abiding by all Federal and State regulations and following all company processes and procedures. + +> +>We will need the following to initiate a return by wire transfer of the funds currently deposited on your account. Please provide: +Your Bank Name +An active Bank Account Number with that bank +The account holder name needs to match the name of the BAM account holder + +&#x200B; + +**September 1st:** + +We sent the info they were asking for, can't show it for obvious reasons. + +&#x200B; + +**September 11th:** + +No reply still, so we sent them an email + +> Hey, I still haven't received the funds back, and I haven't got anything that says you have sent it back to me. Just checking up on what's going on. + +Got an automated reply, as if they ticket got wiped out. + +>Hello, +> +>Thanks for reaching out - we're here to help! Our team is looking into your issue and will be responding to your original request soon. +> +>While we follow up on your issue, feel free to check out our frequently asked questions [https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us) +and blog [https://www.binance.us/en/blog](https://www.binance.us/en/blog)! +> +>Thank you and we will be in touch soon! +Binance.US Team + +&#x200B; + +**September 13th:** + +Get an email from another automated reply + +>Hello, +> +>Thanks for reaching out - we're here to help! Our team is looking into your issue and will be responding to your original request soon. +> +>While we follow up on your issue, feel free to check out our frequently asked questions [https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us) +and blog [https://www.binance.us/en/blog](https://www.binance.us/en/blog)! +> +>Thank you and we will be in touch soon! +Binance.US Team + +&#x200B; + +**Septemeber 14th:** + +Got a reply from them + +> Hi there, +> +>We will need the following to initiate a return by wire transfer of the funds currently deposited on your account. Please provide: +> +>Your Bank Name +> +>An active Bank Account Number with that bank +> +>The account holder name needs to match the name of the BAM account holder +> +>The information you provided us does not have a name that matches your Binance US account.  +> +>Best, +> +>Lando + +&#x200B; + +\*\*\*That is right, they asked for the same exact info we already sent them. + +This time we sent the same info, but explained how the bank account was his old bussiness. + +>My Binance account used my name XXX XXX, and I sent the wire transfer from my now closed companies bank account, R\*\*\* Electric Contruction. I hope that that isn’t a problem.  +> +>Please get back to me if there is a problem. If I have to prove I own the R\*\*\* Electric bank account, I can do that.  +> +>Thanks.  + +&#x200B; + +Got a fast reply from them: + +> Hi there,  +> +>Could you please provide us with a bank account in your name: XXX XXXX +> +>We are unable to wire funds back to an account that does not have XXX XXXX attached to it. +> +>Best, +> +>Lando + +&#x200B; + +No clue why they are trying to send back money to a totally different bank account than where the money came from but **we sent all the infomation to them for one of his personal bank account.** + +&#x200B; + +**September 15th:** + +Got a reply + +> Hello, +> +>The responsible team is now reviewing this, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. +> +>Best, +> +>Lando + +&#x200B; + +September 18th: + +Haven't heard shit back from them. Looks like it takes them over 3 days to read two sentences. Sent them an email + +>Hey, it’s been a couple days since I last heard from you guys. If there is a problem with the information for the return wire, please let me know. I think signing up with my personal information then sending the wire transfer from my, now closed business R\*\*\* Electric, messed this whole process up. It’s been over a month, please keep me up to date.  +> +>Thanks + +&#x200B; + +**September 23rd:** + +This is where big dog Biggs comes into play + +> Hi- + +> +>We're looking into it now. +Sorry for the delay.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +> Hello Mr. XXX XXXX, + +> +>Thank you for reaching out to us and if you can please help us with some information so that we can properly get your funds back to you. + +> +>\- Why did you wire the funds from a Business account? +\- Is R\*\*\* Electric Construction, Inc still in business? If so why was that account closed and do you have a new account opened? +\- Can you provide us with documents showing that you are the owner of R\*\*\* Electric Construction, Inc? +\- Written explanation of the various locations that you logged into Binance.US from? + +> +>Best Regards, + +> +>Binance.US- Support Team + +&#x200B; + +We replied saying: + + + +>1. My grandson is helping me with buying Bitcoin. He helped me signup, then left it to me to make the wire deposit. I didn't know it would be a problem send the wire from the R\*\*\* Electric bank account. + +> +>2. R\*\*\* Electric is no longer in business. I sold R\*\*\* Electric Construction to a company called XXX XXXX over a year ago. They bought the assets of the company, not the bank account, or my building. They don't use the R\*\*\* Electric name. I have the settlement statement attached. The bank account is still opened, and is the same account that I used when the business was in operation. + +> +>3.  There is the Asset Purchase Agreement (APA) and the Settlement Statement attached from when I sold the company. I hope this is sufficient. + +> +>4. I think there would be two locations. First one would be \*\*\*, which is where my shop is from when I had ran R\*\*\* Electric. Then the second location would be at my grandsons house in \*\*\*. We signed up for Binance and did the verifications from my shop, then the day the wire deposit was transferred, my grandson tried to login from his house to help me out with buying Bitcoin. Since then the account has been locked. + +> +>Thanks +> +>Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com/) Secure Email. + +&#x200B; + +**September 23rd:** + +> Hello, + +> +>Thank you for providing us with this information. + +> +>We've escalated your request to the responsible department to review. + +> +>We'll respond as soon as we can with an update. + +> +>Regards, +CS Luke + +&#x200B; + +**October 4th:** + +> Hello Laurence, + +> +>So sorry for the delay in our response! + +> +>Can you please provide us with the most recent bank statement from the corporate account showing that you are an authorized signer for that account? + +> +>Additionally, can you also provide us with your last bank statement issued by Greenwood Credit Union? + +> +>We look forward to your update and to assisting you with this further. + +> +>Best, +> +>Kai +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +**October 21st:** + +It took a little for my grandfather to get the information together, but we got everything together and sent it. + +>Hey, I have gathered all the information you need I would think. All documents are in the same PDF. Please see attached file.  + +> +>Thanks + +Response from them: + +>Hey Binancian, +> +>Thank you for contacting Binance.US Support. +> +>We've received your request and our friendly support team is reviewing your email, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. In the meantime, we invite you to check out our FAQ and Social Media channels for more information: +> +>If you have any question regarding our Account Verification process and Security tips: +[https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003712873-Account-Verification-and-Security](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003712873-Account-Verification-and-Security) +> +>You can find out everything you need to know regarding Deposits & Withdrawing assets here: +[https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003676674-Depositing-and-Withdrawing-Assets](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003676674-Depositing-and-Withdrawing-Assets) +> +>All information regarding our Trading & Fees can be found here: +[https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003676634-Trading-and-Fees](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us/categories/360003676634-Trading-and-Fees) +> +>More information regarding our Blog & Social Media channels can be found here: +Blog: [https://binanceusl.ink/blog](https://binanceusl.ink/blog) +Telegram: [https://binanceusl.ink/telegram](https://binanceusl.ink/telegram) +Twitter: [https://binanceusl.ink/twitter](https://binanceusl.ink/twitter) +Instagram: [https://binanceusl.ink/instagram](https://binanceusl.ink/instagram) +Facebook: [https://binanceusl.ink/facebook](https://binanceusl.ink/facebook) +> +>We look forward to assisting you! +\- Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +**October 29th:** + +Haven't heard anything so we sent them an email + + + +>Hey, I am just checking on the status of the return wire. It has been almost a week since I got an email saying you guys we're reviewing it. + +> +>Thanks + +&#x200B; + +**November 1st:** + +> This is being reviewed! Thank you.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +**November 5th:** + +> Hello, + +> +>Thank you for reaching out to us, and we apologize for the delay. + +> +>We appreciate your continued patience regarding your Cash Account Verification. + +> +>Please rest assured, we are working expeditiously on this issue and have escalated this to our payment processor, Prime Trust. Your application is currently under manual review. All applications are reviewed in the order they are received. + +> +>I cannot give any specifics to the timeline of your review; however, as soon as there is a status update regarding your application, we will reach out to you via email. + +> +>Again, we sincerely appreciate your continued patience, and we will reach back out to you with an update as soon as we receive one. + +> +>Respectfully, +Leia +Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +Patient we we're for almost a month with no response + +&#x200B; + +**November 22nd:** + + + +>It has now been a whole month since I have sent you all my information proving that I own the R\*\*\* Electric bank account. It has been exactly 3 months now trying to get my money back. What is the problem here? I am losing my patience, how would you like it if a company locked your account and wouldn’t give you your $100,000 back? Why did you accept the wire transfer only to close my account a minute later and make me fight for my money? If within the minutes of you accepting the wire transfer and locking the account, that means you knew that you shouldn’t have accepted it. You guys are playing with me. It doesn’t take a month to review 5 pages of info and send a wire transfer. Do I need to buy a plane ticket and pay you a visit? Email doesn’t seem to be working too well. I have a cousin in California who is a judge as well and will take legal action. I didn’t want to play this card but I have no choice left, if this goes for another week. I want my money back. And where is the harm in sending back money exactly where it came from? I really don’t see why you have dragged this on for so long. Am I being targeted being over 80 years old? Are you waiting for me to die to keep the money?  +> +>Don’t give me a one sentence response. I want full detail of the matter and an estimation of when that money will be back in the Ryan Electric bank account. For all I know, I am getting bullshitted by you guys, and you may not even be doing anything to fix this. Just keep dragging it on for another year, maybe I’ll be dead by then. + +&#x200B; + +Well well well, you send them a nasty letter and they are right on top of it. + +> Hi- + +> +>I'm really sorry about the delay here, somehow this ticket was pushed back in our queue. We are definitely handling this and I reminded the team as well. They did ask for one more thing, can you get a note from your bank stating that the R\*\*\* Electric corporate account was closed? We will need that to proceed. I will be handling this going forward, don't hesitate in asking questions and I'll make sure I answer them in a timely manner. Thank you and again, apologies on the delay here.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +This dude is acting like he is here to help, and he had us fooled. Anyways we apologized for that email. + +> Thanks Biggs. Sorry for my rant, I appreciate the response. The R\*\*\* Electric Corporate bank account is still open as I am still chasing invoices from when I was in business. The business itself is closed.  + +&#x200B; + +**November 23rd:** + +> Hi, + +> +>It's completely understandable. I need to follow up with the other team, just left them a memo and will touch base when I hear back. Feel free to message me if you do not hear from me tomorrow, but I expect to have an update then.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +> Hi, you should be good to withdraw now. Let me know if you have any trouble doing so and apologies on the delay here. Thanks.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +whooo big relief, so we think... + + We replied with + +>Thank you so much, this is a big relief. I thought the account was going to remain disabled, but it seem like everything is normal on the exchange. Could I continue doing business with you guys and use your exchange now that things are settled? + +> +>Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com/) Secure Email. + +&#x200B; + +Biggs replied + +> Dear Mr. XXXX, + +> +>We are sorry about the delay and inconveniences we may have caused, but sadly we are going to stay firm on the decision made on Aug 29th. We kindly request you to withdraw the funds from the account in the next 72hrs.  + +> +>If you experience any issue with the withdrawal, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will help you as soon as possible.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +From here, we have nothing but problems trying to do a wire withdrawal. Sent him an email. + +> When I go to the wire withdraw page, it has my name locked in and I can't change it to R\*\*\* Electric. Should I just wire it to my Greenwood Credit Union account instead, or do you think the wire will work with my name? + +&#x200B; + +> Greenwood Credit Union sounds like your best bet then.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +So we try it, and it's not working, we sent an email to him again. + +> I started the wire, but I haven't received the confirmation email from Prime Trust. It's been around 20 minutes, checked my spam and everything. I added [info@primetrust.com](mailto:info@primetrust.com) to my contacts, not sure if that is the email to whitelist or not. Should I try to do another wire withdrawal? + +&#x200B; + +His response + +> I just asked the team if they sent one out or not, I will let you know what I hear.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +**November 25th:** + +Wire isn't working, tried a bunch of things but the confirmation email never gets sent to confirm and start the withdrawal. + +> Hey, I went to the account and under withdrawals it said failed, but like I mentioned I never got the email to confirm it. I tried again, and the same thing is happening. I attached some screenshots. + +&#x200B; + +**November 27th:** + +>Hey Biggs, I’m not sure what to do about the wire transfer. I triple checked all the information and I know it’s correct. It knows the bank name automatically once I enter the information, which means to me the routing number is correct. It says failed under the status for each try I did. Even right after I put the info in, I never seen it say pending, or open, just failed. I’m not getting the email to confirm that I want to withdraw, so I don’t think your team will ever get it. I tried to use the checking account number instead of my savings and that didn’t work either. I can’t change the name of the wire to try to send it to the R\*\*\* Electric account, so I’m not sure what I should do. If you would let me buy DAI then get off your exchange, that would work, but don’t know the legality of that. Let me know, it’s been over that 72hr limit and I’m not sure what to do here.   +> +>Thanks + +&#x200B; + +His response + +> Hi, still looking for a solution here, don't worry I'll make sure it gets handled. Thanks.  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +**December 2nd:** + +> Can you try whitelisting this email then trying again? + +> +>[no-reply@primetrust.com](mailto:no-reply@primetrust.com) + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + + Still doesn't work, sent him a reply + +>The same thing is happening. Is it normal for it to say failed under the status on the withdraw page, as soon as you submit it? + + +&#x200B; + +Stuck in limbo, I tried to so a wire withdrawal 6 times, different banks, and even different account numbers for each bank. Never worked. + + + +>Hello Biggs, I have tried to withdraw to another bank account, this time with Washington Trust, and the same is happening as the other bank. What can we do here? Doesn't seem like wire withdrawals are going to work. + +> +>Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com/) Secure Email. + +&#x200B; + +**December 6th:** + +**THIS IS THE REAL KICKER OF THE WHOLE STORY, GET A LOAD OF THIS SCHEME.** + +A little background here. I didn't try to do ACH originally because my grandparents are scared of online banking. I sent this email asking about doing ACH and if it is alright, and in the mean time, convicted my grandparents to sign up for online banking with Washington Trust, since that was the only bank that they have that was on Biances ACH list. + +Mind you the account has been active now for a couple months, with withdrawals only enabled. + +**December 6th:** + +>Hey Biggs, my money is still on the exchange and wire withdrawals don't work it seems. Is there a way to maybe go straight to Prime Trust to withdraw it? I see there is ACH, as well, not something I really want to do, but would it work if I setup online banking with Washington Trust? Or would it not work since my account is limited? +> +>Thanks + +&#x200B; + +**NO RESPONSE AT ALL BUT THEY FUCKING DEACTIVED THE ACCOUNT RIGHT AFTER THAT EMAIL ASKING ABOUT AN ALTERNATE WAY TO GET THE MONEY OFF THE EXCHANGE** + +&#x200B; + +**December 7th:** + +>Hey, I am looking to talk to Biggs. I just got my online banking setup with Washington Trust, and now my account is disabled with the $100,000 on there. I was just logged in yesterday. This needs to be fixed, I think I finally found a way to get it off since wire withdrawal were not working, which I have sent numerous emails to you about. I haven't received a response from you in a few emails now about my troubles getting the money off, and now you close my account?  + +> +>Please respond asap. Thanks + +&#x200B; + +**2 months pass, with no response.** + +**January 3rd:** + + Yet agian, the ticket got wiped. + +&#x200B; + +>Hello, +> +>Thank you for notifying our team! We've received your request [\#157521](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/157521). +> +>We are currently experiencing a high volume of customer inquiries. While our team is answering all queries in the order received. One of our representatives will respond to you as soon as we're able to. +> +>In the meantime, while our system is not able to automatically process your verification. We have escalated your request to our OnBoarding department, and they will manually review your case during regular business hours (Monday through Friday). The moment we have an official update, we'll respond as soon as we can. +> +>If you have any questions about the status of your verification, please let us know! +> +>Respectfully, +Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +**January 6th:** + +>Hello, +> +>Thank you for notifying our team! We've received your request [\#171594](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/171594). +> +>We are currently experiencing a high volume of customer inquiries. While our team is answering all queries in the order received. One of our representatives will respond to you as soon as we're able to. +> +>In the meantime, while our system is not able to automatically process your verification. We have escalated your request to our OnBoarding department, and they will manually review your case during regular business hours (Monday through Friday). The moment we have an official update, we'll respond as soon as we can. +> +>If you have any questions about the status of your verification, please let us know! +> +>Respectfully, +Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +**January 7th:** + +>Hello, +> +>Thank you for notifying our team! We've received your request [\#177681](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/177681). +> +>We are currently experiencing a high volume of customer inquiries. While our team is answering all queries in the order received. One of our representatives will respond to you as soon as we're able to. +> +>In the meantime, while our system is not able to automatically process your verification. We have escalated your request to our OnBoarding department, and they will manually review your case during regular business hours (Monday through Friday). The moment we have an official update, we'll respond as soon as we can. +> +>If you have any questions about the status of your verification, please let us know! +> +>Respectfully, +Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +**January 8th:** + +Sent them an email + + + +>REQUEST #45390 + +> +>That's the request ticket number that goes with the emails, incase I get someone other than Biggs. I need to get my money off the exchange, and I have been trying wire withdrawals at different times, and none of them worked. I never got the confirmation email, on 5 or more tries. I tried different banks, and accounts, nothing. I never heard back about it either. I never done online banking, but I saw ACH on the withdrawals page, and since wire isn't working, I decided to bite the bullet and enable my online banking with Washington Trust. + +> +>My account has been limited from trading for over a month now, and only had it enabled to withdraw, which never worked with the wire method. I never got help form you guys, after sending multiple emails. + +> +>A couple days ago, I emailed you guys about trying this ACH transfer, asking if it would work. In the meantime I went ahead and got online banking setup anyway. The very next day my account is locked. Having it limited for months, then me emailing you the day before, asking about me trying ACH, then having the account DISABLED just before I got setup with my bank for online banking, looks like a scam. A lot of actions over the past 5 months have seemed like a scam. + +> +>What happened to Biggs taking this ticket personally until I got settled? Seems after I never got confirmation emails from the wire withdrawals, and adding Prime Trust to my email contracts/whitelist didn't work, he just stopped talking to me. + +> +>Last time I was ignored, I had to send a nasty email to you guys, then all of a sudden I started to get help. Then I cooled down, and yet again you guys are ignoring me. + +> +>This has been quite a few emails now without a response. + +> +>Get back to me soon, or I will have to take legal action. This is absolutely ridiculous. All my emails and screenshots I have taken, I am ready to go to court. + +&#x200B; + +**January 11th:** + + Sent them an email + +>You're killing me here with this whole thing. Not sure why you locked my account, could you please enabled it again with withdrawals only so I can get my 100k off of there trying this ACH method. +> +>Thanks + +&#x200B; + +**January 13th:** + + + +>Gave you guys a couple days to respond still nothing. What’s going on here? +> +>Sent from ProtonMail Mobile + +&#x200B; + +**January 18th:** + + + +>Hey Binancian, +> +>Your support ticket is [\#209721](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/209721). We are working through a high volume of customer inquiries. Our dedicated support team is answering all queries in the order received and one of our representatives will respond to you as they are able. +> +>Feel free to read our FAQ and follow us on social media for the latest product updates and announcements: +\- FAQ: [https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us) +\- Twitter: [https://binanceusl.ink/twitter](https://binanceusl.ink/twitter) +\- Instagram: [https://binanceusl.ink/instagram](https://binanceusl.ink/instagram) +> +>Please note that our support emails are sent through a 3rd party (ZenDesk) so they will not include your anti-phishing code. +> +>We look forward to assisting you! +Binance.US Support Team + + + +>Hello Binancian, +> +>We wanted to let you know that we are still working on your ticket and apologize for the wait. Solving your issue is a priority to us, but at this time, we are experiencing a high number of support requests. All inquiries are being processed and responded to in the order received by our dedicated support team. +> +>Please DO NOT send any additional tickets or responses on your existing ticket as it can move your request further back in the queue. +> +>Please check out all of our FAQs on Support.Binance.US: [https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us](https://support.binance.us/hc/en-us) +> +>Thank you for your patience, and we will update you as soon as we can! +> +>Binance.US Support Team + +&#x200B; + +**January 22nd:** + + + +>What’s is going on here? Been weeks I’ve been waiting for a response. You can’t keep my money, I’m sorry, seems like you want to. So unlock my account for withdrawals please. Should be illegal for you to lock someone account with $100,000 on it.  +> +>Sent from ProtonMail Mobile + +&#x200B; + +**January 28th:** + +>Hello, I am still waiting for a response on what is going on here. My money is still on your exchange and need to get it off there. + +> +>Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com/) Secure Email. + +&#x200B; + +>Hello, +> +>Thank you for notifying our team! We've received your request [\#232389](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/232389). +> +>Please note all USD Verification applications are manually reviewed and processed in the order received. The moment we have an official update, we'll notify you by email as soon as possible. +> +>Sincerely, +Binance.US Team + +&#x200B; + +**January 31st:** + +>It’s been almost 2 months since you guys have responded to me. Stop fucking around and unlock my account so I can try this ACH withdrawal method. The $100k on there is mine, not yours. The account didn’t even have trading abilities yet you lock me out as soon as I mention trying ACH withdrawal in an email. So scammy, I can’t even believe this. No balls to respond back either huh? I know you see these emails Biggs.  +> +>UNLOCK THE FUCKING ACCOUNT. + +&#x200B; + + Agian another fucking new ticket number, really pissin me off. + + + +>Hello, +> +>Thank you for notifying our team! We've received your request [\#267722](https://support.binance.us/hc/requests/267722). +> +>Please note all USD Verification applications are manually reviewed and processed in the order received. The moment we have an official update, we'll notify you by email as soon as possible. +> +>Sincerely, +Binance.US Team + +&#x200B; + +Now we get an automated email about verification for a locked account? Makes no sense. + +&#x200B; + +**February 9th:** + +> Hello, + +> +>Thank you for reaching out to us. + +> +>Regarding your USD Verification, your application is currently under manual review. All applications are reviewed in the order they are received.  + +> +>We aim to get you on our platform in a timely manner and appreciate you providing accurate and valid documents to make this possible.   + +> +>Your status will be updated on the [App](http://binanceusl.ink/app) and you will receive an email once verified.  + +> +>If you have another issue, please create a new ticket. + +> +>If you'd like to reset your account, please create a ticket under 'Account Verification -> Reset Verification'. + +> +>Look forward to seeing you on Binance.US!  + +> +>Best, +> +>Biggs +Customer Service Specialist +Binance.US Support + +&#x200B; + +And that brings us to today March 5th, with no response, account still locked, and they still have my grandfathers $100k. I have expressed my situation on the Bianance forum months ago only to be attacked by people on there, white knights and the mod Symbolic. They are saying I deserve it since he sent the wire from a business account. Really? + +&#x200B; + +Lets bring these greedy fucks to their knees. Fuck Bianace and fuck their BSC copy cat chain with no innovation. Just a CZ money grab. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Find the latest Daily Altcoin Discussion thread by selecting the top result on this [search page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=Daily+Altcoin+Discussion&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=all&sort=new). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- If the top page becomes overloaded with memes, all but the top two voted may be removed. If we need to remove a bunch of memes from the top page, post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +I turned 26 today. This is the first age I’ve ever hit that I wanted to slow down! + +I’m running a great business, doing about 500k profit per year, which I’m extremely lucky to have + +But sometimes I struggle with gratitude and just overall happiness levels + +I know we’ve got some smart people in this thread who have lived in my shoes, what’s one piece of advice you’d impart on me? +Yes I’m poor, yes I’m borderline homeless and I see posts on this sub 24/7 talking about depression & suiciii. Just do it, food stamps will help about $50-70 a week which is very very useful for poor people, so if this doesn’t seem much to you move on. +Hey anon. Anon here. + +I’ve been investing in the BSC space for a while and I’ve literally never seen anything like this. It’s nuts. A PinkPanda community member (not part of the team) got a PinkPanda tattoo yesterday--that’s how excited this community is. What’s all the excitement about, you ask? + +It’s not every day that a brand-new memecoin on BSC drops a mobile app for both iOS and Android within a week of launch. It’s also not every day that a community-driven coin has big plans to develop a mobile-first, elegant exchange that supports 5x leverage. And it’s extremely rare that you see popular influencers, from Money Talk to Finance Bull, raving about a brand-new community coin within the first week. There’s even an upcoming AMA tomorrow on Satoshi Club, the largest crypto Telegram group with about 80k members. The price will prob spike when that happens imo. + +Most importantly, you’d be hard-pressed to find a community as jaw-droppingly active and HUNGRY as all of the pandas in the community are. They are hungry for something new in BSC--a project that delivers on its promises (launching a mobile app within a week is just insane) and is truly community driven. They’re hungry for bamboo and have hands of such solid diamond that they have trouble eating it. + +So yeah, anon. Drop into our TG or Discord and join the community. I think you’ll like it. Ask for the writer of this post if you want to chat--I’m a member of the community just like anyone else, and would love to welcome a new panda. + +DUE DILIGENCE STUFF: Contract renounced. Locked liquidity. Buy on Pancakeswap v2. Doxxed founder. + +The coin also has a charitable mission with $1000 already donated to cancer charities. The app is super sleek and they posted a roadmap about future releases with a new release coming this Sunday. + +Tokenomics + +* 1 quadrillion total supply + +Breakdown: + +* 50% burned (500T) +* 20% presale (200T) +* 20% initial liquidity (200T) +* 5% charity and community airdrop wallet (50T) +* 5% dev and marketing (50T) + +Taxes: + +* 5% of each transaction auto-locked in liquidity on Pancakeswap +* 5% of each transaction automatically redistributed to PinkPanda holders + +💬 TG: https://t.me/PinkPandaDefi + +🌐 Website: https://pinkpanda.finance + +🚀 Contract: 0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +[🤮](https://preview.redd.it/rkx0mx93n2j91.png?width=1530&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa8bdd618f6f673ef7fedec3bd16fc1d28f008e6) + +&#x200B; + +Cramer is just a loudmouth, a megaphone for the financial elite. He doesn't give good advice (you better off doing the exact opposite of his recommendations). He thrives on attention. He thrives on controversy. + + +Us apes are better than that. + + +Let's ban all future posts featuring him. Let's ban his name as we have done with certain stocks. + + +&#x200B; + +[Pretty please.](https://preview.redd.it/dn17v43zn2j91.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=438268deffcb85fecaadd67de88866d8f3d069be) + +Mods. Please. + + +&#x200B; + +[🤮🤮🤮](https://preview.redd.it/37kuzy3un2j91.png?width=1526&format=png&auto=webp&s=55b08780674950c6d59f9316558d7bc6db0778bb) + +Edit: I’m fine to use him as an indicator, but not using his name. Auto change “Cramer” to Cokerat and I’d be satisfied. +Ethereum has transferred $10.7 billion in value over the last 24 hours across its network, the entire payment card industry (Visa, Mastercard, AmEx etc.) averaged $56.4 billion daily in 2016. + +That means our new little network transferred ~19% of what every card payment processor on the planet has done. Think about that for a second. + +How long until we are moving more value around than the payment processors? + +Sources: http://www.electran.org/publication/transactiontrends/payment-card-transactions-increased-13-in-2016/ + +https://bitinfocharts.com/ethereum/ + + + +I'm closing on my first rental/house hack at the end of December. The town I'm in is a bit of a college town, and the area I purchased in definitely has alot of college students. + +How can I successfully find college kids that won't trash my property? +Don't let anyone bring you down because you can only afford $100 to invest in crypto. If a few hundred dollars is a significant amount for you, then the gains on that will also be significant. Time in the market is a huge factor, so if you're young and patient, chances are you'll make decent money even with less invested. + +Moreover, a smaller investment at first is ideal to test the waters, it gives you time to properly understand how crypto works, and do your own research on several projects. + +I was also a broke college student when I put my first $200 in crypto in 2017. I wasn't really active in this sub because I felt like I was not part of this community. Most of the guys here were talking about lambos & yachts, and to be honest, at first I would've been super happy to just double my investment and buy gas to visit my GF more frequently. + +Only invest what you can afford to lose, do your own research, and don't be afraid to ask! +As you can see in this post they officially say that information about share recall on the 20th will be sent out to shareholders on the 15th. So DFV and his tweets about the 20th seem to become once more reality. Feels like last desperate attack from our Hedgeclowns☝️👍🦍 + +https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mpduvh/i_know_we_dont_do_dates_but_i_have_a_feeling_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf +As one of the more iconic bugs in gaming history, reaching level 256 in the Pac-Man arcade game would cause half of the screen to be rendered in a jumbled mess. The left of the screen would appear as expected while the right displayed a mixture of random characters. + +The bug stems from a memory overflow error in the code that retrieves the number of fruits shown on the bottom right of the screen and there's only enough memory to draw half the board. + +Because there's no possible way for Pac-Man to eat the number of dots required to pass the level, the "split screen" bug effectively marks the end of the game, forcing you to take a loss with no congratulatory message or credit roll. + +Toru Iwatani, the creator of Pac-Man, never intended for there to be an end to the game. + +https://pacman.fandom.com/wiki/Map_256_Glitch + +https://www.techspot.com/trivia/141-if-you-reach-level-256-game-pac-man/ +Your markets are run by bots. Now your /r/Asx_bets daily threads are too. + +Read the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/asx_bets/wiki/index/) people[.](https://styles.redditmedia.com/t5_2hqqj5/styles/communityIcon_41pmnaqp4zn41.png?width=256&s=59bf38425fb316fdcba30365b272a5f19352f370) + +[Posts relating to the "Is /r/ASX\_bets about finance or effect your mental health?" etc will lead to a ban of the mods chosing. You have been warned.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASX_Bets/comments/l0l9et/the_does_asx_bets_effect_your_finances_emotions/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +Automoderator may provide "Guidance" for Lazy and zero effort posting. + +[We have an active official/unofficial discord. It's open to all discussions, stonks related and non-stonks related.](https://discord.gg/wsNDGTf5QH) +Lots of posts and comments lately saying how it’ll probably squeeze the way Overstock and Tesla did. In other words, a “slow burner”. + +This is GME, the only stonk in history that is recognised as an “idiosyncratic risk”. Overstock and Tesla were never labelled that. + +Did Overstock or Tesla have an online community of hundreds of thousands of global, individual investors, that have become best friends, educate each other, and their favorite hobby is upvoting purple circles? Nope. + +Half of the free float, and rising, taken out of DTC’s hands? They didn’t have that either. + +How about 115 days+ of 100% short utilisation? I doubt it. + +What about a shared understanding amongst their investors that the price will reach $100 million and beyond if everyone just holds? Or an infinity pool? Nope, none of those. + +MOASS has already begun, it’s a pressure cooker that’s been boiling for 18 months. When they can no longer keep the lid on it, it’s gonna be the most explosive and violent squeeze in history. And yes, we’ve been waiting a while now, but that day will eventually come. + +Nothing like this has ever happened before, nor will it happen again. It’s incomparable. + +All you gotta do is buy, DRS, and hold. + +Now buckle the fuck up, and prepare for the ride of your life 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 +LinkedIn post shared by the man himself - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/raghuram-rajan_speaking-notes-for-jindal-lecture-1-ugcPost-6589266782219976704-JGrS + +Dicussss... :) +Can we get rid of these? They add nothing to any discussion. + +Look, if someone sells their company for 50 or 100M, maybe that is broadly interesting to people here. + +Often times they are made by people who think 500k or 1M is a lot of money and who are working at some FANG company and are in the mid-30s. Yeah. Everyone there is just like you. You're not even asking a question. Boring. I don't need to read a post about it every day. + +Maybe someone should start r/roadtofatfire. + +Ex: + +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kojqoe/bringing_in_the_new_year_at_530k_nw/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kp31fj/passed_1m_net_worth/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/knslkb/i_just_confirmed_that_for_the_first_time_ever_i/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kp58cc/im_officially_half_way_to_a_9_figure_nw/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kohqta/vaguepost_about_personal_success_that_i_cant/ +https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/kobrcl/no_one_to_share_accomplishments_with/ + +Just now on the front page. People vote them up, I don't know why. + +I think if people want to post about this, the standard needs to be raised to the point where the post provides value to the reader. Ex: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/koijsr/in_the_homestretch_from_fat_fi_to_re/ + +My 2c +**Edit: If you don't know any of the acronyms, I've provided definitions at the bottom for you to refer back too and when I originally wrote this I didn't have enough karma to post in SuperStonk so I'm finally posting it here** + +Wall Street has been stealing from Main Street by creating synthetic shorts, using TRS, RRP, futures, DOOMPs and other tactics to bankrupt companies, and have done so for over a decade. + +Individual investors just happened to catch them red handed by buying and holding stock of a company that was turning itself around and is now worth billions (I like the stock). + +The hedge funds decided to continue their illegal activities instead of taking a loss back in January 2021, and now they're so arrogant and so deep in the red that the reported short interest is 226% and the actual SI may be over 1000%, also retail investors now own the float multiple times over because individual investors realised it costed nothing to hold a stock as opposed to hedge funds who needed to pay a substantial daily fee. + +To add fuel to the fire, coordinated campaigns in the media had written countless baseless articles since January 2021, bots had been scripted, shill farms have been paid. This was all because short hedge funds wanted to steal money from regular folk, pensioners, and to be leaches on the global economy. + +They'll blame retail investors for not letting them steal large amounts of money from the world economy, but it was the short hedgefunds which created this problem, added fuel to the fire and now we're at a point that it's been known for so long that a lot of regular pension managers caught wind of this and are now long GME, to hedge against the impeding crash. + +Things that need changing: + +* The banks need to be regulated in regards to leveraging pensions. +* Family offices DEFINITELY need some regulation (read up on archegos) +* There needs to be conflict of interest laws in regards to higher ups in public office being hired by market makers. +* There needs to be jail time for the people responsible, if you want to know which people to jail, let's start with every person connected to the "The Voltron Fund" +* There needs to be checks and balances in regards to media outlet ownership, especially if they're pumping out disinformation campaigns to the general public. +* Who paid these bot scripters, these shill campaigns and these media outlets? Let's follow the money. +* Increase the penalties for financial crimes such as naked shorting to include jail time and fines that are proportional to the size of the firm and damage that they have caused (see South Korea’s penalties for naked shorting) +* Re-examine the naked shorting exemption for market makers +* Move to a t+ 1 or t+0 system +* Require frequent and accurate reporting of SI +* Require a hard locate for all borrowed shares + +In summary the economy was going to crash anyway due to Wall Street stealing from Main Street, I've just "hedged" against it, to protect my pension, my family and my interests. + +Regular people will not be as fortunate and jail is necessary or this will keep repeating while the global economy holds their dick in their hands asking "what just happened"? + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +**Edit: Added definitions below for people who don't know the acronyms and jargon** + + TRS - Also known as total reverse swaps, simple explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfPtabPipaQ + + RRP - Also known as reverse repurchase agreements, simple explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_wwzyAGPZw + +Futures: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/futures.asp + +DOOMPs - Deep out the money puts, if you don't know what out the money or puts are, explanation can be found here: + +https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/putoption.asp + +https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/outofthemoney.asp + +-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + +**The Voltron Fund** + +Abdiel Global Fund + +Advent Capital Management + +Advisors Asset Management + +Affinity Investment Advisors, LLC + +AH Lisanti Capital Growth LLC + +Apex Capital Management (Dayton, OH) + +Archegos + +Ativo Capital Management, LLC + +Bahl & Gaynor + +Blueshift Asset Management + +Brown Advisory LLC + +Brown Capital Management, Inc. + +Campbell Newman Asset Management, Inc. + +Candlestick Capital Management + +Channing Capital Management, LLC + +Chicago Equity Partners, LLC + +Cinctive Capital Management + +Citadel + +City National Rochdale + +Cooke & Bieler, LP + +Decatur Capital Management, Inc. + +EAM Investors, LLC + +Edgar Lomax CO/VA + +Exchange Traded Concepts + +ExodusPoint Capital Management + +Fiera Capital Inc. + +Fortaleza Asset Management + +Fourpoints Investment Managers SAS + +Glacier Capital + +GlobeFlex Capital, LP + +Glovista Investments, LLC + +Greenoaks Capital Partners + +Group One Trading + +Hanseatic Management Services, Inc. + +Hartford Investment Management + +Herndon Capital Management + +Hightower Advisors, LLC + +Holland Capital Management LLC + +IFP Advisors, Inc + +KG&L Capital Management LLC + +Lombardia Capital Partners, LLC + +Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC + +Mar Vista Investment Partners LLC + +Matarin Capital Management, LLC + +Melvin Capital + +National Asset Management, Inc + +Nicholas Investment Partners, LP + +NorthPointe Capital LLC + +Oakbrook Investments LLC + +Opus Capital Group, LLC + +Paradigm Asset Management Co LLC + +Phocas Financial Corporation + +Piedmont Investment Advisors LLC + +PNC Capital Advisors LLC + +Point Break Capital Management + +Point72 + +Redwood Investments, LLC + +Reinhart Mahoney Capital Management Inc + +Seizert Capital Partners LLC + +Simplex Trading LLC + +Stackline Partners LP + +Steward Partners Investment Advisory, LLC + +StoneRidge Investment Partners, LLC + +Strategic Global Advisors, LLC + +Susquehanna + +The Edgar Lomax Company + +Thomas White International, Ltd. + +Twin Tree Management, LP + +Two Sigma Investments, LP + +Vision Capital Management, Inc + +White Square Capital + +Zevenbergen Capital Investments LLC + +​ + +Primary Industries Represented by Holdings + + Biotech/Biotherpeutics (had to misspell for automod) + Cloud Computing and Servers + AI + Semiconductors + Business Data + Transportation, Shipping, and Logistics + Pharmaceuticals + Healthcare Data + Energy Production + Food Production + Communications Media + Commercial Real Estate + Residential Real Estate + Chinese ADR/ADS in all of the above +Based on the [popular thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/878fxv/is_there_a_such_thing_as_personal_finance_for/) earlier this week, I started a sub and could use some help with mods, content, and the like. + +/r/povertyfinance for those interested. + +If it's not OK to post this here, feel free to delete. +My mother worked at Walmart for 15 years. She was just terminated for buying a discounted item soon after it was discounted- apparently the new manager has been very explicit that he didn't want here there. She doesn't have savings, and has been living paycheck to paycheck. I'm unsure what happens next. She lives in TN, can she apply for unemployment? Things have always been bad, but never this bad. I really need help, I'm so scared. I have some savings to help, but I can't pay two rents. + +Edit: I just want to say thank you, I've been talking with my mom throughout this entire thing and sending her your advice. We've got our bearings, at least. We'll see how unemployment goes, and I'm gonna do my best to help her out through the process of finding a new job. Thank you all so much! +I got a call from someone that said their parents had wired first month’s rent and deposit to the contact on fake ad of my rental on craigslist. They had actually been inside the house. What must have happened was on a showing day one of the people that came to see the house had unlocked a window when they were viewing my property. They must’ve come back later and unlocked the house and left it unlocked for people responding to the false ad. That’s how this man’s parents paid the wrong person. I told the defrauded party to call the police and I would cooperate with any investigation. I never heard from them or the police afterwards though. Landlords: make sure all windows and doors are locked after you show a house. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/08/microsoft-series-s-smaller-version-of-next-gen-console-will-cost-299.html + +Microsoft said the new console, called the Xbox Series S, is the "smallest Xbox ever" and will cost $299. + +The company has been plagued by leaks about the more affordable next-gen machine. + +It's the first time either of the major console manufacturers have disclosed any pricing details for their upcoming devices. +He is THE HEAD of the SEC and he's been working for however many weeks. There is no way that I know the significance of DRS'ing as opposed to street name and the effect that it will have on shares, price discovery, and the inability for institutions to borrow shares to sell short and Gary Gensler doesn't. + +"And I don't know if that (DRS) would help and your follower on reddit might have a good point and I'm going to ask staff about this whether it would help with regard to short selling..." + +So, hello intern from SEC browsing this sub while watching porn. Can you let Gary know that WE'RE ALL GOING TO FIND OUT EXACTLY WHAT DRS DOES IN REGARDS TO SHORT SELLING. +I've been hearing trust me bros about brokers calling people asking to lend shares for crazy interest rates. Brokers stopping DRS transfers until after the split. And you're gonna tell me that a big short attack is coming when no one knows what will happen? They just want people to stop buying hoping to get shares cheap. There's clearly something going on in the background. + +They also tried the "you won't get the dividend if you buy before the split" fud. Fuck em. Don't let them off the hook. BUY HODL DRS FUCK THE HEDGIES + +"**If the dividend is 25% or more of the stock value, special rules apply to the determination of the ex-dividend date.  In these cases, the ex-dividend date will be deferred until one business day after the dividend is paid.  In the above example, the ex-dividend date for a stock that’s paying a dividend equal to 25% or more of its value, is October 4, 2017.** + +**Sometimes a company pays a dividend in the form of stock rather than cash. The stock dividend may be additional shares in the company or in a subsidiary being spun off. The procedures for stock dividends may be different from cash dividends. The ex-dividend date is set the first business day after the stock dividend is paid (and is also after the record date)."** + +TA:DR YOU WILL GET THE STOCK DIVIDEND AS LONG AS YOU BUY BEFORE THE EX DIVIDEND WHICH IS THE 22ND + +Record Date (18th) > Ex Dividend (22nd) + +[https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/ex-dividend-dates-when-are-you-entitled-stock-and](https://www.investor.gov/introduction-investing/investing-basics/glossary/ex-dividend-dates-when-are-you-entitled-stock-and) + +Edit: I just want to say that users that continually spread misinformation even after being offered the correct information should be banned. It's crazy that even in this post there are people who are spreading misinformation and won't stop after being shown the correct information. + +Edit2: IF YOU WERE HOLDING ANYTHING BACK TUES-THURS ARE THE DAYS THAT WILL HIT THE HEDGIES THE HARDEST +I see the mods in CryptoCurrency controlling all of the posts. Which by the way would be the last thing I would be doing because eventually I see them personally getting sued or Reddit over Moon distribution. I see it here. I just saw a post somebody marked as “Scam” about Shiba (I own none). I could care less if you do. In fact awesome if you own Shiba. I hope you make a ton of money. Nobody in here has the answers. I see all of these people directing hate towards communities and it’s pathetic. I’m wondering why people put so much hate into it. Half of you are taking financial advice from high school kids or a man child keyboard warrior. There is a ton of good projects and we are really early at this point. If these people knew what they were talking about they wouldn’t be on here giving out free advice because they wouldn’t need to be. In fact I started buying coins people hate on and it’s been working. Right now in crypto sediment matters more than utility in a lot of cases. Your TA is a joke because it means nothing. It’s a waste of time and the whole stock market is rigged so you TA means shit there as well. Get over yourselves nobody here is a crypto prophet. All I see is a bunch of Jim Cramers on YouTube making money off of likes. One that comes to mind would be BitBoy. That guy sources bad articles and has never called one damn thing correctly yet I hear people echo his claims constantly as it’s all has to be true. Do your own research. It pays. +Curious to hear how folks in similar situations decided on whether to have children. What questions you asked yourselves? what realizations you had after deciding yes/no? and how did it impact your fatFIRE journey. + +**Background:** SO and I both early 30's and been together 7 years. Gross TC \~$500-600K (400 me vs 200 her) with upside for both. NW \~$1.4M, Living in MCOL region. Both from middle class families. + +Friends are all starting to have kids.. and it's a common discussion between the two of us. Partner says she either wants two or none. + +We like kids, we live close to both parents (who would be wonderful grandparents) but we contemplate moving to another city/country one day. We worry about FOMO/loneliness with many friend groups having kids today, and the regret of missing what many claim to be the largest reward in life. We both played high level competitive sports growing up and built special bonds with our parents through these. A part of us feels we should give back and provide the same to our children. + +Alternatively - We know having kids would add challenges to career trajectories, and test our already busy (and sometimes high stress) lives. The largest opportunity cost would be for my partner to give up \~12 months and likely take a reduced role for a few years afterwards, and negatively impact fatFIRE timelines.. The next would be giving up level of freedom to travel and do many of the activities we love. + +We've had a lucky run so far, and wonder whether we risk such a major (and expensive) life change. +&#x200B; + +# 0. Preface + +Well well, I think it's time to revisit an old topic. Net Capital. I posted about this in the past and for some reason gave up on it. I can now provide **counter DD** **to my own T+21/T+35 theory**. + +Remember - I am not a financial advisor and I do not provide financial advice! Everything in here is based on research and discussion with others on the topics. As always, do your own research and criticize. Take my opinions with a grain of salt. + +Wanting to revisit the Net Capital topic was a few things. There were posts about ETF FTDs spiking **severely** as of May 12th - even more than the highest peaks of January. I had my own doubts over time of how we could possibly have multiple cycles overlapping, when it felt more like there would be only a single cycle. And of course, some people commented and/or posted counter DD! Which I think is awesome, it's always good to provide counter DD. + +Kenny and his gang love to continue digging a hole for themselves - while the whole financial world tries desperately to contain this potential market crash from coming to fruition. + +GME shorts and Reverse Repo Market go **brrrrrrrr**. + +**TLDR: Sorry I'm too lazy right now. About to post this and go to sleep. 😎** + +[Kenny And The Boys](https://preview.redd.it/p9ruup81br471.png?width=1016&format=png&auto=webp&s=459845688e21d10000f45ba7e81c9de8a6839321) + +My previous post about [Net Capital](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4h832/major_deep_itm_call_option_dates_a_massive_net/) was thinking that we'd see significant price movement T+14 days after April 16th options expirations. That didn't happen, so I tossed it out of the window. (Criand, you dumb bitch) + +Which then led me down the path of the [T+21 Loop Missing Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nf22qz/theory_on_the_ftd_loop_missing_link_a_t35_surge/). It got pretty popular. It's the whole T+21/T+35 conjunction theory that occurred May 24th and May 25th. While it definitely **appears** to be right, **I have been doubting it ever since May 24th**. Especially after a courageous ape u/dentisttft posted the [Counter DD to T+21](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nsady3/t21_is_not_actually_a_thing_counter_dd/) theory. T+35 (May 24th) didn't have significant enough price movement. If it truly was a new T+35 initiating a loop, then it should have exploded up in price on May +24th. And for that, I think it's time to put that theory to bed. + +**The counter DD that** /u/dentisttft **posted is excellent and you should definitely take a look. If my post is wrong,** /u/dentisttft **still proposes another possibility: that T+35 from the FTD spike could initiate buy pressure around June 17th.** + +Ever since the counter DD, I decided to revisit Net Capital since that is what /u/keijikage brought to my attention so many weeks ago. Very smart guy by the way! Always very knowledgeable and provides amazing discussion! + +Looking back on Net Capital now, especially with the ETF FTD spike that occurred on May 12th, it might finally paint the picture as to what has been going on this whole time with the "T+21 cycle", the March Gamma Ramp, and the June Gamma Ramp. + +# 1. GME FTDs, ETF FTDs, Massive Resurgence Started May 12 + +First, I want to discuss ETF FTDs, as something absolutely wild occurred in May. Note that we do **not** have the full months FTD data yet. The SEC releases the data in first half and second half of the month reports. So, it cuts off quite conveniently when FTDs began to go haywire. + +For a while now it's been theorized ([with some pretty damn good evidence](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nrpjle/almost_1b_ftd_on_may_14th_between_gme_and/)) that ETFs containing GME have been heavily shorted. Supposedly they will short the ETF, buy up all of the other stocks in the ETF that were shorted, but leave GME alone. There's a net 0 effect on the other stocks but a net short on GME. This then starts to cause ETF FTD anomalies which they also try to suppress, but they can't hide forever. Because it appears that as of May 12th, these FTDs have begun to spill out of hiding. + +u/basketas87 posted about this surge of ETF FTDs in "[New data shows a large increase of ETF FTDs](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/nx013v/new_data_shows_a_large_increase_of_etf_ftds/)": + +[GME Price Vs. GME FTDs and ETF FTDs \(which contain GME\); Source: \/u\/basketas87](https://preview.redd.it/h7iq2v4njq471.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4fbbca80002197058a20c5d8654e08ba8b4dbae) + +You can immediately see the ETF FTDs absolutely **SKYROCKETED** just before the cutoff of the SEC FTD bi-monthly report. **We don't even know how high this has gone in the following days or if its come crashing back down**. **Remember - these are aggregate. We don't sum up the FTDs between dates. Whatever the number is upon a date is the current total of FTDs reported.** + +For a date-by-date tracking for these FTDs between January and the end of March, /u/broccaaa provided an excellent chart in "[The naked shorting scam using ETFs: mass shifting of FTDs from GME to 20+ ETFs & 27+ billion dollars still owed in remaining SI](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDintoGME/comments/n1x75w/the_naked_shorting_scam_using_etfs_mass_shifting/)". This gives us an easier look at the exact dates when FTDs spiked earlier in the year. + +> I selected GME and 19 ETFs containing GME. I chose to only look at the ETFs that contain the most GME shares and had large numbers of FTDs in 2021. - /u/broccaaa + +[Aggregate FTDs for GME; GME and ETFs; Source: \/u\/broccaaa](https://preview.redd.it/choe9jjris471.png?width=1709&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e907654b1e054734098c010839ec5ad07ab0633) + +Some notable aggregate FTD dates from this chart: + +1. January 29th +2. February 2nd +3. February 18th + +And of course, the latest absolutely insane **May 12th**. Once again, we don't even know what the FTD numbers are for the second half of May. It could very well be much higher. + +# 2. Net Capital And Market Makers; Citadel's Can-Kicked Bag + +Net Capital is detailed out [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n4h832/major_deep_itm_call_option_dates_a_massive_net/) but I will do a quick summary. It revolves around [Net Capital Requirements For Brokers or Dealers - 240.15c3-1](https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/17/240.15c3-1): + +>...is designed to ensure that a broker-dealer holds, at all times, more than one dollar of highly liquid assets for each dollar of liabilities (e.g., money owed to customers and counterparties), excluding liabilities that are subordinated to all other creditors by contractual agreement. The premise underlying the net capital rule is that if a broker-dealer fails, it should be in a position to meet all unsubordinated obligations to customers and counterparties and generate resources sufficient to wind down its operations in an orderly manner without the need of a formal proceeding... +...**A broker-dealer must ensure that its actual net capital exceeds its required minimum net capital at all times.** \- [Source](https://www.mercatus.org/system/files/peirce_reframing_ch6.pdf) + +Or in other words, you must have enough capital to not be "margin-called". In this case, Citadel is a prime victim to this rule as they are a Market Maker and must sustain enough net capital to not go bust. If they do not, they're a risk to their customers and counterparties. This rule tries to ensure that they have enough money to pay up in the event of a default. + +The very interesting part of this rule comes down to how they're calculating Net Capital in regards to short securities: + +[Net Capital Rule; Short Securities Deduction From Net Capital Per \\"Days After Discovery\\"](https://preview.redd.it/jzzkxo2qsq471.png?width=1311&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b26ce9297defa1c10492f9d1e2b2c6a1bc07252) + +What this basically means is that after the short security difference is found to be unresolved after discovery (think FTD popping up is the "discovery"), then it's going to slowly start eating away at their net capital the longer it remains unresolved/undelivered: + +* Day 0 after discovery = 0% of the unresolved short security is calculated into their net capital +* Day 7 after discovery = 25% of the unresolved short security is calculated into their net capital +* Day 14 after discovery = 50% of the unresolved short security is calculated into their net capital +* Day 21 after discovery = 75% of the unresolved short security is calculated into their net capital +* Day 28 after discovery = 100% of the unresolved short security is calculated into their net capital + +When you have these debts accounted for into your net capital, it is taking away that value, because it is a short difference you **owe**. As the days go by, net capital starts chunking down. So, if you have a rather large short security difference discovered one day (such as May 12th) then you want to resolve it quickly or risk defaulting. + +Do you find a way to stuff the unresolved shorts back under the rug? Do you deliver and force buy-ins? Both? That appears to be the loop they've been stuck in, which slowly bumps the price floor upward. + +You'll notice that there's a familiar number in there. **Day 21**. T+21? Oooh. Tasty. **Here we go**. + +The total timeframe for Net Capital is [28 days](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ST2H8FWDvEA), but Citadel most likely cannot allow the Net Capital threshold to go past 75%. They must kick-the-can and force buy-ins on or before T+7, T+14, T+21 but complete the entire process by the net 75% threshold of T+21. They can't risk it going to 100% or else they'll most likely default. + +Wham, bam, the T+21 loop ignites itself continuously. + +# 3. Plotting The Net Capital Loop - The Counter of T+21 and T+35 + +The major option dates still play a big role. But I don't think T+35 theory is what's really applying here. + +What are "major options"? These are the **only** options that were available for the year 2021 back in early 2020. These are the option dates that were most likely opened up initially by shorters at the start of COVID. Perfect time to place bets and start their kill shot on GameStop: + +* January 15, 2021 +* April 16, 2021 +* July 16, 2021 + +Upon expiration, unrealized losses now became realized losses, and their overall capital receives a dent. It most likely gets harder to hide FTDs and hide them under the rug. + +You know the most curious thing? + +**Posts about Citadel working the night-shift started just after April 16th options expirations**. + +**That's also right around when Bank of America shut down a bunch of their locations. I won't buy their excuses. Bank of America looks like they're a bag holder and is freaking out too.** + +Something big had to of happened as of April 16th, and it's most likely that they had a huge dent in their capital that is now causing a slow bleed-out of FTDs that they've hidden, which then must be satisfied within the Net Capital timeframe of T+7, T+14, T+21, T+28, or else they can go net negative and default. + +And of course, following April 16 options expirations, the ETF FTDs start to skyrocket on May 12th. My main intuition is that they were unable to hide these any more and they have started to spill out. Ruh-roh. + +First, I'll plot out the T+21 Net Capital loop so that it isn't **too** cluttered: + +[Plotted Net Capital \\"T+21\\" Cycle, December 22 to July 26](https://preview.redd.it/xh4u2ugmfs471.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=85188eccc2bf3841bb98e37e5be98b8badcc01c7) + +Upon December 22, the clock starts ticking. It's possible that at this point the price was too high for them to **NOT** worry about Net Capital any more, and they had to start can-kicking and forced buy-ins. + +Each loop is separated T+21 because it appears that they cannot sustain higher than the 75% threshold each time. You can see the T+21 loop we're familiar with, starting December 22, and then traveling through January 25, February 24, March 25, April 26, May 25. And potentially continuing on to June 24 and July 26. \[The next two dates if any apes are curious\]. + +To get a closer look of the potential effects of the various Threshold amounts (T+7 (25%), T+14 (50%), T+21 (75%)) I've zoomed in on March 25th to May 25th. **ENHANCE**! + +[Plotted Net Capital \\"T+21\\" Cycle, March 25 to May 25, Price Spikes Prior to Each Threshold \(T+7, T+14\) Date](https://preview.redd.it/p6q5gox9fs471.png?width=1438&format=png&auto=webp&s=4da6c3ed2e8547ccd755b95ee895be235cbf9d44) + +In the above it's **unlikely** but there is a chance that they have too many FTDs to shuffle around by the time Net Capital 25% (T+7) Threshold hits. This could initiate some buy-in pressure on or before that date, typically the day before, as outlined in the **light green** circle. The day before because they don't want those positions to be 50% upon the next day. They must be resolved **BEFORE**. + +It is also **unlikely** but a greater chance that they have too many FTDs to shuffle around by the time Net Capital 50% (T+14) Threshold hits. This again could initiate some buy-in pressure on or before that date, typically the day before, as outlined in the **blue** circle. + +And of course upon Net Capital 75% (T+21) Threshold, they must complete their rug-hiding and/or buy-ins to avoid going Net Negative. It is possible that the rug-hiding and buy-ins are in conjunction with one another, slowly increasing the price floor, and that **between each threshold they try to short the stock more to push down the price**. + +Looping back to Section 1 when we identified the major FTD dates: + +1. January 29th +2. February 2nd +3. February 18th +4. May 12th + +There's a potential relationship to be seen with these insane FTD dates. Now this chart I'm about to show is highly speculative. I'm unsure if the Net Capital loop initiates upon the FTD spikes (though it certainly should, per Net Capital rule, because that would be when they are "discovered"). + +I say I'm unsure because I only see one data point here so far and somewhat of a second data point from the price run-up we've been seeing the past few days. + +[Plotted Net Capital \\"T+21\\" Cycle, December 22 to July 26, and FTD Spike Relationship](https://preview.redd.it/424mtt66sq471.png?width=1433&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b11bb6a0a8f06bafb2471e7dfc0b64c90f1cb1a) + +In the above picture, look at January 29th's FTD spike. Plotting the full 28 days of Net Capital out where 100% of the debts would be accounted for, that lands it on March 11th. They want to resolve this **before** March 11th, while the debts are still 75% accounted for. Remember that date? March 10th? I sure do. This **could** be why we saw the price spike, and why T+35 is incorrect in theory. But, it appears the major option dates still play a role, because of the May 12th FTD spike that just occurred, which followed April 16th options. Likewise, the January 15th options may have initiated the FTD spikes around January 29th and February 2nd. + +If the **same** situation occurs due to the May 12th FTDs, then plotting out the full 28 days of Net Capital lands us on June 22nd. **If** these FTDs initiated Net Capital T+0 upon May 12th, then things could get crazy on or before June 22nd. + +It is very possible that the run-up from May 25th to June 8th was all due to this new set of FTDs, and they had to start buy-ins on or before T+14 and T+21 from May 12th due to the sheer amount of unresolved shorts that were eating away at their Net Capital. If the FTDs aren't fully hidden again or all the buy-ins aren't complete, there's still T+28 to look towards, which lands on **June 22nd**. They would need to hide these FTDs again and/or buy-in on or before June 22nd. This would keep in line with the March 10th squeeze. + +This could also very well explain what was going on with AMC. (Don't freak out on me yet, I love looking at AMC because it's very good analysis to track. It's been following the **same exact T+21 pattern** as GME) + +# 4. AMC Behavior - Given Up On By Shorts? Too Expensive To Juggle With GME? + +AMC has gone on an absolute RUN. It increased nearly 70% in one day. Take a look at the following chart now that you know about Net Capital and the different T+7, T+14, T+21, T+28 Thresholds: + +[AMC Behavior from May 12th to June 24th](https://preview.redd.it/xn0tukmw4r471.png?width=1434&format=png&auto=webp&s=a679b5628fd370944ba680b6de0bf5e6dcadd35a) + +Damn. Did they just GIVE UP on AMC and decide that it's too much to deal with? Do they not have enough capital to deal with both GME and AMC (and possibly other short meme stocks)? I think so, because this lines up quite well. They had to fix Net Capital for AMC by T+7 (25%) Threshold on June 4th probably because it was too expensive to handle alongside GME, and GME is the one they **really** need to keep their ammo for. + +Between T+7 and T+14, they of course short some more, trying to pull the price down in preparation of the next Threshold cycle of T+14, which will probably cause an equivalent or greater amount of buy-ins. This lands on... June 15th. And if it's like previous cycles, that would imply that they want to do the buy-ins by June 14th (next Monday) to avoid those unresolved shorts hitting the next threshold amount. Big price spike coming again? + +Even then, the current T+21 cycle isn't over. The threshold of 75% doesn't land until June 24th, where things very likely will continue to spike upward with an equivalent or greater spike of the run before T+7 (25%) Threshold. + +I truly think that they've put all of their effort into containing GME and have more or less "given up" on AMC because it's not as big of a deal to them. That's why it's mooning like crazy while GME is taking a little time to wake up. + +# 5. GME Behavior - Shorts Holding On As Long As They Can + +With the same exact timeframe of AMC, let's finally look at GME and the current cycle going on. The ETF FTDs from May 12th line up T+28 (100% Net Capital Threshold) on June 22nd. Again, **if** the Net Capital loop initiated upon that FTD spike, then things could get absolutely wild on or just before June 22nd. + +Otherwise, it might just be the standard T+21 Net Capital loop, which has that extra pressure from the ETF FTDs, where the Net Capital loop initiated on May 25th, and ends on June 24th. + +[GME Behavior from May 12th to June 24th](https://preview.redd.it/p3yueytz4r471.png?width=1441&format=png&auto=webp&s=48a0f3e70ac922a345e5b58c0219bd1470dff2ab) + +By the time of T+7 (25% Threshold), it appears that they really needed to apply some buy-ins, and the price started to rise quite significantly. Just like AMC, but not as extreme, because they want to put all of their energy into keeping this bad boy from popping off. + +Once again... take a look when T+14 (50% Threshold) will hit. June 15th. From the above analysis, the buy-ins would occur on or before this threshold date, typically right before. Know where that lands? Next Monday. June 14th. + +It's possible that they won't be able to sustain to the 75% threshold any more, but now must sustain the 50% threshold of T+14 where they need to resolve their unresolved shorts by. + +**Maybe** there will be a big price spike next Monday. Otherwise, keep an eye out for the T+28 date of the ETF FTDs, landing June 22nd, or the original T+21 date, landing June 24th. + +I believe we're also waiting for the Russell 1000 change the week of June 24th. ;) +There would be quirks with a new portal. Thought it's good if we have a dedicated thread where we can share the problems, workaround and something you like as well. + +\- Most banks launch a new portal and slowly migrate users to the new one, while keeping the old portal still active. This is what should have been done instead of a big bang launch. That would have avoided the embarrassment to the govt and the IT vendor, that was caused at the time of the launch. + +\- I was greeted with a page saying my profile is 75% complete. Didn't change anything, other than dropping my closed bank accounts. Now it shows the profile as 70% complete! By continuing to retain valid bank accounts how am I supposed to have dropped 5% information? + +\- The data migration of the bank accounts does not look proper. The accounts that were validated and enabled for refund processing are now shown as "not validated". Strange. Further all accounts are shown disabled for refund processing, whereas in the old system I did have an account enabled for refund. + +\- A certain bank account, which was validated in the old system, showed status as "cannot be validated" (no explanation whatsoever of why; leave alone explanation of what happened to earlier system's status as "validated"). + +\- For above case, it did provide an option to "revalidate". On clicking "revalidate" presumably the process to revalidate has been triggered. But the status still shows "cannot be validated". Now it's upon me to remember that I have made a validation request and wait for that status to change or is it telling me this status because the account can't indeed be validated (for whatever mysterious reasons that the system anyway doesn't tell us, but that apart). + +\- BTW the account details show only the bank logo, not bank name! If you have held accounts with multiple banks in the past, all those accounts would be lurking there and you have to identify them by only last 4 digits of account number and an overly tiny logo! I did face difficulty in identifying them. At least having the bank's name would have helped. + +\- This is not a problem as such, but another example of counterintuitive UI. If you add a bank account, it asks you to type your account number twice and when they match, it shows a pretty bold and prominent message saying the account numbers match and the message persists throughout the interaction. It would have been enough to just show a message if they don't match, rather than when they do match. + +\- It is highlighting differences (mostly just way of writing address or just case of the letters) between PAN and Aadhar details. Further it shows buttons that give you an impression that getting those details corrected is in the system itself. On exercising those buttons you are taken to respective portals to update those. PAN and Aadhar have historically been two different databases and now that their linking is mandatory, why bother the user with these minute differences? +Not taking your kids to the store with you can help save a little bit. Both on money and from beating yourself up due to financial inadequacy. + +Dollar Tree is our go-to place for a lot of necessities and sometimes even food. We've purchased bread, cereal, pasta, 24oz cans of sauce, juice, gallons of drinking water, and hygiene items there in the past. We're not big on name brands for most things so long as what we buy serves it's purpose. We were down to our last five dollars and we're low on food in the house. The little ones immediately lit up at the toys and games, wanting one thing each. Normally, I'd hoard coins and when I had 2 bucks, I'd reserve that for those Dollar Tree trips so we don't buy anything we don't need out of our regular pool of funds. Even when you're making a decent amount, you budget for frivolous items. My husband gently explained to them that we couldn't get them anything this time. We already had to buy toilet paper and were down to just apple juice, a pound of ground beef, and white rice at home and I forgot the coin bag. They had a melt-down that usually comes with being overtired. They cried all the way back to the toy aisle to put their toys back and cried all the way to the register. A lady felt bad and told them to pick their toys and she'd pay for them because seeing them cry broke her heart. I had to hide down an aisle to cry, myself. I made sure the babies said their thank yous and we did the walk of shame back to our car. + +Next time, either my husband or myself will go to the store to get *needs*. I'll leave them at home so they can rest, so they can play, so they can be occupied. So I don't have to feel defeated all the way home for not being able to get them *wants*. + +***Edit/Update:*** I honestly had no idea this was going to take off the way it did. Thank you all for the advice and kind words. To the person that gave me the gold, thank you! It's my first so I'm still in a bit of shock. <3 + +Budgeting, saving, and weighing needs vs wants is definitely something we're going to instill in our minions. I'd rather they have a healthy view and be prepared, than have to go through baptism by fire. The hubby and I are taking part of DOL workshops, VA workshops, and any vocational paths so we can be marketable and get better jobs asap! I'm seeing Behavioral Health to keep the depression at bay. Life takes no prisoners. >.>;;; +[Federal judge rules eviction moratorium is unconstitutional](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/25/politics/judge-evictions-moratorium-unconstitutional/index.html) + +“In October, a group of Texas landlords and property owners sued the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services over the Eviction Moratorium Order that was issued by the Trump administration in September.” +I made a transaction from Coinone to Bittrex Exchange. + +But there is no deposit in my wallet and no pending deposit. +Bittrex Exchange do not solve my problem for 9 days. +They do not respond to me on twitter, facebook messenger, and suppert tickets. Automated replies only. + +The account explorer shows its correct. But i cant find my 333230 XRPs, worth 400000 USD. +What can I do? It's all about my money. +Why this terrible situation happen in my life. It's a nightmare. +Someone cheers me XRP price elevating. But i dont have that XRP, now. + +Frankly speaking, I feel some psychotic problem. +When i see price up, i feel manic. +But when i see my empty wallet, i feel depressed. +It repeats all days. +I lost my weight 4kgs for 9days. + +https://imgur.com/a/Qf2rd + +The transaction was successful, and validated in ledger 34982284 on December 13, 2017 12:05 AM. + +TXID D85B54E292EE6B01673DE5A18D15B771D6611E39B64B772003B29B8F66899CF9 Address : rPsmHDMkheWZvbAkTA8A9bVnUdadPn7XBK to rPVMhWBsfF9iMXYj3aAzJVkPDTFNSyWdKy. Destination tag: 668272229 + +Support ticket #694753 + +HELP ME PLEASE UPVOTE + +Please upvote, everyone should know this terrible risk and avoid it. << +Please upvote, Bittrex team can see this and solve the problem. << + +UPDATE: +I wrote same text at 'cryptocurrency', bigger sector. +And many redditors upvoted about 5000k. +Now A member of Bittrex support team replied to me at my ticket, 2days ago. and he said my issue was escalated. +But my wallet is still empty. +I guess they go X-mas vacation without correction of my problem. +Oh.. It's very happy merry holy X-mas for them. I'm not. + +I think they did not read my support ticket carefully. +Obviously, i made the transaction with perfectly correct address and destination tag. +But their reply said to me i had to add tag. Haha... + +I wish i can update with fixed problem. + +UPDATE: + +26th Dec. +Not fixed.................. + +2017-12-28. At last. My problem was corrected. Thank you redditors!! : ) +Vitalik Buterin, the creator of the Ethereum Network, recently proposed a new method for decentralized fundraising called the “DAICO”. Incorporating elements of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, or DAOs, the new model is designed to minimize the complexity and risk associated with ICOs.[themerkle.com](https://themerkle.com/vitalik-buterin-releases-revolutionary-new-daico-model-for-icos/) +**TDLR; Multiple huge swaps have appeared in GME and GME.N reporting data, each has amount 20 - 27 million USD (150k - 200k shares) - larger than any of the reported swaps before. After clearing up the data, and sorting out multiple report entries, it's at least one open portfolio swap but still the single largest reported swap in GME up to now. Furthermore, its early expiration date is unusual, September 2022.** + +To visualize swap activity, we look at the daily volume in swaps. As a simplification, regardless of whether a it is a new, a closed, or an updated position, those count towards the daily volume. We will also use "Quantity" as a volume measure that tells us the number of shares in the swap. "Notional Quantity" means the number of shares; whereas "Notional Amount" is the amount of money in USD. That's how the daily traded swaps volume looked like before: + +[Old timeline for GME from mid-May. Daily traded swaps by quantity \(number of shares\). Most of the activity are the continuously updated CFDs. On bullish phases, we observe new portfolio swaps.](https://preview.redd.it/wgw6yfop4s391.png?width=3510&format=png&auto=webp&s=380f94c0540ca543e1d69703367a9cdc8c6195d9) + +[Old timeline for GME.N from last week, the NSYE-traded ticker for GME. Daily traded swaps by quantity \(number of shares\). The two large spikes are portfolio swaps with an amount of 17 and 21 million USD.](https://preview.redd.it/ds6bdyvs4s391.png?width=3510&format=png&auto=webp&s=aed348d74e506fbbdb17499498c99867e63693e4) + +On Thursday evening and Friday morning (Eastern Standard timezone) multiple very large swaps were reported. I almost fell from my chair when I saw this: + +[Timeline for GME. Daily traded swaps by quantity \(number of shares\). The large spike on Friday are several report entries with portfolio swaps.](https://preview.redd.it/9gbiszl05s391.png?width=3510&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ade849c6efa2116f13f934c2c2c39b0ff23db6b) + +[Timeline for GME.N, the NSYE-traded ticker for GME. Daily traded swaps by quantity \(number of shares\). The large spike of reported portfolio swaps occurred on Thursday evening.](https://preview.redd.it/29kyzypp6s391.png?width=3510&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a0568bdcc23cd9b365042fdef585b9bd52be7f1) + +Take a moment and compare the plots - these swap trades look huge! However, upon further inspection, the trades in GME were terminated early. And the two trades in GME.N are probably a double-reported entry. Here are the details: + +In GME: Two very large swaps, 20 million dollars each, but they did only last a few hours. It was opened on 2022-06-03 11:57:39 UTC, before NYSE market open. But it was closed already one hour into market open at 2022-06-03 14:35:15 UTC. *So, it only looks huge but is not really special.* + +The trades in GME were done after the GME.N trades. *These two entries in GME.N are more interesting:* **Two reported entries of a new swap with 27 million USD opened at 2022-06-02 20:22:55 and 20:22:56 UTC, 200k shares each.** This may be a rare double-report: I am not sure whether it is one or two swaps that were opened, because of slightly different timestamps. + +From my experience with the data, double-reported entries are *extremely rare*. I still conservatively conclude that this is only one swap that was reported twice. On the other hand, the trade could have been split because at some point, the amount or quantity surpasses the maximum number in the reporting form. Or, someone tried to hide a 54 million USD swap by splitting it into two identical parts but messed up the simultaneous report. + +Most importantly, this position is still open and was not closed! **This is the largest reported swap trade in GME since the start of public reporting up to now!** The second largest portfolio swap was 21 million USD, followed by 17 million USD, both in GME.N and opened in March. + +There is another interesting detail here: **This swap is a short-time bet that expires already in September, on 2022-09-21.** Most reported swaps expire after one to ten years. The expiration date of the GME portfolio swaps mentioned above is nevertheless notable: It's in March 2023. This falls in a similar timeline as the other large swaps in GME.N, they also expire in January to April 2023. + +The huge portfolio swaps in GME that were terminated early are still a bit of a puzzle. Why were they terminated early? Why would someone do open a huge position and three hours after close it again? Maybe the portfolio manager (or, swap broker) terminated the trade to minimize his risk, or, because how hard it is to hedge this? Or, shall they act act like a trading signal to other parties? + +Now, what does this data mean? By inspection of the plots, other portfolio swaps were also opened in bullish phases. I thus speculate that these new portfolio swaps are bullish bets on a price increase in GME until September, or respectively, until H1 2023. They could also serve as a hedge for short-sellers. + +Raw reporting data: + + Dissemination ID,Original Dissemination ID,Primary Asset Class,Product ID,Action,Transaction Type,Block Trade Election Indicator,Cleared,Clearing Exception or Exemption Indicator,Day Count Convention,Effective Date,Embedded Option Type,Event Timestamp,Exchange Rate,Exchange Rate Basis,Execution Timestamp,Expiration Date,First Exercise Date,Fixed Rate 1,Fixed Rate 2,Fixed Recovery CDS Final Price,Floating Rate Reset Frequency Period 1,Floating Rate Reset Frequency Period 2,Floating Rate Reset Frequency Period Multiplier 1,Floating Rate Reset Frequency Period Multiplier 2,Leg 1 - Commodity Underlyer ID,Leg 2 - Commodity Underlyer ID,Leg 1 - Floating Rate Index,Leg 2 - Floating Rate Index,Non-Standardized Pricing Indicator,Notional Amount 1,Notional Amount 2,Notional Currency 1,Notional Currency 2,Notional Quantity 1,Notional Quantity 2,Total Notional Quantity 1,Total Notional Quantity 2,Option Entitlement,Option Premium Amount,Option Premium Currency,Other Payment Amount,Payment Frequency Period 1,Payment Frequency Period 2,Payment Frequency Period Multiplier 1,Payment Frequency Period Multiplier 2,Price 1,Price 2,Price Unit Of Measure 1,Price Unit Of Measure 2,Quantity Frequency,Quantity Unit Of Measure,Settlement Currency 1,Settlement Currency 2,Spread 1,Spread 2,Spread Currency 1,Spread Currency 2,Strike Price,Strike Price Currency,Underlying Asset ID,Underlying Asset ID Type,Underlying Asset Name,Leg 1 - Commodity Instrument ID,Leg 2 - Commodity Instrument ID,Option Type,Option Style,Execution Venue Type,Collateralization Type + "355465577","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Termination","","U","","","2022-06-03","","2022-06-03T14:35:14","","","2022-06-03T11:57:35","2023-03-15","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","20,000,000","","USD","","","","150,000","","","","","","1M","1M","1","1","133.33333392","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","US36467W1099","ISIN","","","","","","","" + "355465578","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Termination","","U","","","2022-06-03","","2022-06-03T14:35:15","","","2022-06-03T11:57:35","2023-03-15","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","20,000,000","","USD","","","","150,000","","","","","","1M","1M","1","1","133.33333392","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","US36467W1099","ISIN","","","","","","","" + "355451807","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Trade","","U","","","2022-06-03","","2022-06-03T11:57:39","","","2022-06-03T11:57:35","2023-03-15","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","20,000,000","","USD","","","","150,000","","","","","","1M","1M","1","1","133.33333392","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","US36467W1099","ISIN","","","","","","","" + "355451808","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Trade","","U","","","2022-06-03","","2022-06-03T11:57:42","","","2022-06-03T11:57:35","2023-03-15","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","20,000,000","","USD","","","","150,000","","","","","","1M","1M","1","1","133.33333392","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","US36467W1099","ISIN","","","","","","","" + "355174642","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Trade","","U","","ACT/360","2022-06-02","","2022-06-02T20:22:55","","","2022-06-02T20:22:39","2022-09-21","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","27,000,000","","USD","","","","200,000","","","","","","1M","","1","","135.00000046","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","GME.N","RIC","","","","","","","" + "355174662","","EQ","Equity:PortfolioSwap:PriceReturnBasicPerformance:SingleName","NEW","Trade","","U","","ACT/360","2022-06-02","","2022-06-02T20:22:56","","","2022-06-02T20:22:39","2022-09-21","","","","","","","","","","","","","N","27,000,000","","USD","","","","200,000","","","","","","1M","","1","","135.00000046","","USD","","","","USD","","","","","","","","GME.N","RIC","","","","","","","" +TL;DR + +Invested weekly gave 60,000 more returns for total investment of 6,00,000 over 5 years + +So, SIP monthly or weekly what is better? + +I have taken NIFTY 50 index for the calculation. Starting from Feb 2017. + +Start : Feb 2017 End : Jan 2022 + +&#x200B; + +||*Weekly*|*Monthly*| +|:-|:-|:-| +|SIP|2,320\*|10,000| +|No.s|259|60| +|Invested|5,98,290|6,00,000| +|Value|8,93,441|8,31,813| +|Difference|\+61,627|| + +\*weekly sip adjusted so that final invested amount is same. + +For volatile assets, the difference would be much larger. + +My strategy: + +I have had monthly sips for 4 funds but at different times of month instead of all triggering on 1st of month. I was curious if this had any benefit. Indeed it has :) +Me and my partner (mid 30s) have decided it will be too much of a financial struggle to start a family. Wondered if anyone else is in a similar position? A few years ago we thought we might be in a better position by now, but no, our salaries have stayed exactly the same while our living costs have gone up. + +We're both very good with money, have never had more than a couple of hundred quid in credit card debt, but have been leeched by expensive London/South of England rents over the years (our work really is only in this region). + +Some of our friends have had a lot of financial support from their parents so they could have kids. Others have been stung by childcare fees and the unexpected general cost of kids, and have racked up a lot of debt. I know priorities change when you have kids, but there really is nothing we could physically cut back on. + +It's sad but I don't want to be a stressed parent. I grew up in a poor home and it's taken me 15 years to get to a point in my life where I'm not constantly panicked about how little money I have. I dread having that feeling again, and potentially with a young child. + +Edit: I'm finding everyone's decisions, opinions and stories fascinating, thank you! +Main takeaway from the bill for me was the Universal Savings Account which lets you contribute $2500 per year and lets you withdraw for any reason tax free. Also, included are some changes involving 529s and for withdrawals from IRAs, 457(b) or 403(b) if you adopt or have a child. + +&#x200B; + +For those interested: + +[https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h411](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/115-2018/h411) + +&#x200B; +Not directly related, but hopefully the mods will agree this sub is the place for this. + +Background: + +Expecting FatFI in 3-4 years. + +Entrepreneur, own 3 tech companies. Probably would’ve been at FatFI earlier if not for a few mistakes. + +High income. High expenses, HCOL. + +Wife & I both 37yo. + +Two boys, 5&3yo. + +I love my “job”, love long hours. Driven not only by high ambitions, but a vision I’m obsessed about. + +At the same time, being the owner, I set my own hours and I spend with the kids way more than you’d expect from an ambitious entrepreneur. + +I make sure to spend not just dinner & bedtime with them, but really enjoy them. + +I take days off regularly for birthdays or other events. When needed (covid or due to wife being very sick) I take weeks off - even 6-8 weeks when I needed to. + +(This is on top of vacations). + +I really thought having money would make it easy. + +I just can’t fathom how hard it actually is. + +Yes, there are factors that explain the challenges: + +- Almost zero help from family +- 2nd kid was a preemie +- Wife was hospitalized when he was 1yo +- I’m bipolar (on meds, very functional) + +And of course this weird hellish year due to covid (and some other events in my country), no kindergarten, no vacations, etc. + +But it could be a lot worse. + +Some families deal with worse issues. And usually while having to work full time and live on a budget. + +My therapist keeps telling me it’s a hard period of time when the kids are small, but tbh, no one ever told me it would be *this* hard. + +I feel like there’s always something coming up - 4 years straight with no break. + +I feel like if one of my employees kept coming up with the “stories” I’m going through when I “miss work” - I would’ve fired him a long time ago. + +Of course as an owner I don’t have to answer to anybody, but I feel like I’m sending a bad message to my management teams, as if I don’t care enough about the companies. + +No one is complaining about it to me, but its bothering *me*, and I’m frustrated b/c I know what I’m capable of when I’m focused and... well, get enough sleep ;) + +I’m still a big force in those businesses and my commitment will determine how far they will go and how fast, and my FI goals are directly related to those numbers. + +I feel like it’s not supposed to be THIS hard, especially since I’m many ways I already enjoy privileges usually reserved to RE, even now. + +I’m handling. I think I’m a good dad, a good husband, and I’m not giving up my dreams nor my most ambitious financial goals. + +But it’s way harder than I’d expect. And I miss sleeping, and I miss selfishness. Boy do I miss being selfish (especially with money:)) lol :) + +Bottom line: + +Is it supposed to be this hard? + +Am I weaker than others? Are people hiding how hard it is? It seems like people in my position are handling better (or is that just a social media effect?). + +Did hubris make me deaf to the warnings - thinking it’ll be easier because I have more money than everyone I grew up with? + +How are you handling (or handled) little ones? + + +EDIT: wow this blew up. Thank all of you so much for responding. Knowing other people feel the same makes me feel so much better. + +And if you also feel this way I really recommend taking the time to read all comments even the ones that repeat the same points - found so much great advice! +My father recently passed away and did not leave a will. He had a 2014 Chevy Sonic that he used to get around town that he used to jokingly say that he would give to my niece some day to drive. She's 11. + +My mother (divorced) and my sister want to park that car next to my sister's house (we live in the SW desert) for the next six years so that my niece will have a car when she turns 16. This would be a minimal cost, storage insurance, etc. + +I proposed that instead we sell it now (while it's worth more) and take that money and put it into a CD for five years (where it will grow) and then use the money to get a newer car at 16. I know of no teenager that has ever thought they would rather drive a beater from grandpa's estate than something a little nicer and newer. + +I don't see a downside to this but they are absolutely adamant about it. + +I told them I'd make a Reddit post and someone would know how to make this make sense to them. + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thanks everyone -- never thought to include the damages from storing it. I think I'll take her down to a mechanic and have him give it a once over so he has some idea of the condition and then she can decide once she has all the info. +hey wsb i'm going to invest my life savings in starbucks gift cards cause i think the dollar is going to go down, i plan to sell them in a couple years and make an absolute killing + +what are the tax implications of doing this?? + +what kind of investment vehicle are starbucks gift cards anyway? my polyamorous girlfriend says that they're most similar to bearer bonds, which makes sense; does that tie their value to starbucks' capitalization? +This question is taken from Tim Ferris book “tribe of mentors” + +His full question was “What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months (or in recent memory)? My readers love specifics like brand and model, where you found it, etc.” + +Mine has to be [3M micropore tape (1.25cm width)](https://amzn.eu/d/jcl22UG) £3.65 for 6 rolls. +I have used it to tape my mouth shut at night when I sleep and it has revolutionised my sleep. I sleep deeper, don’t need to go for a pee in the night and wake up without a furry mouth. +I can also breath through my nose much better all day long. + +So what’s your purchase of £50 or less? +Curious to know how many of you live or can live solely off of your rental income. + +If so, I would love to hear advice on how to get there! I saw this question posted 6 years ago and would love to see some fresh responses/stories +--- +Edit: Thank you so much for your insight everyone! You guys have been so helpful and shared many inspiring stories. Overall I have learned a TON from this thread! +Hi, throwaway as I'm ashamed and scared. + +I'm in my mid 30's , married and have a 2 year old. Over probably the last decade I have accumulated debt and buried my head in the sand and not confronted it. This is now at 34k and my wife has no idea. + +I have recently had the lightbulb moment and realised it needs to change and started taking action such as moving to 0% interest and stopping ALL credit card payments. but since confronting the issue I cant sleep and its taking over my every thought. The breakdown is like this + +Barclays loan - £7000 outstanding, £200 a month repaymentHalifax Credit Card - £6600 outstanding, £170 a month repayment, 0% interest until December 2023 + +Virgin Credit Card 1 - £4750 outstanding - £100 a month repayment - occurring about £50 interest a month + +Virgin Credit Card 2 - £9000 outstanding - £150 repayment a month, 0% interest until Jan 2024 + +MBNA Credit Card 1 - £2000 outstanding - £50 repayment a month + +MBNA Credit Card 2 - £4500 a month - £115 repayment per month - 0% until Feb 2023 + +Total - £33,850 - repayments per month £800 + +Income - I earn £2180 after tax + +I also pay £900 a month into our joint account to pay for the mortgage and bills, my wife works part time and covers the food. + +At the end of the month I will be left with around £300 but always have things crop up so this quickly goes. + +Please let me know if I am doing the correct things in going to interest free credit cards as much as possible. I can also see theres an option to borrow money against my mortgage, doing this will mean I could borrow £34k and pay around £580 per month and be fully paid off in 5 years, is this a good idea? it will be less interest overall as I am unable to put all my debt onto interest free. + +Thank you so much. + +EDIT \* spoken with my wife and posted an update below. +Not a trip or anything. Just what do you do? Any real details. I could technically retire now ($2.1m liquid, not including my house), but I wanted to get to $3m in case I have medical issues, etc... and I don't like to budget. I am close to retiring myself. I am 46. + +I am worried if I retire, I'll just sit on the couch all day long and watch TV or play video games. +Back in 2009 the average young investor would have been in their teens or younger. For years the stock market gave them all plenty of gains and especially in the melt up last year people began believing the market would never turn red and they would never lose money. The market arguably went from owning a business to spending a week at the Sands Casino. And just like all casinos Sands got richer, made you think you were getting rich till Sands says it’s time to pay your bar and hotel tabs. I’d hate to be in that domino line + +The sheer amount of speculation happening just in the last 2 years alone harkens back to Warren’s famous line about fear what people greed + +The S&P is set to close about 100 points above that 20% bear market today. Whether 20% from the all time high hits after the close of the bell tonight, tomorrow, or next week (or not at all) is all up in the air but what a great time to be a dividend long term holding investor + +Despite what your convictions might tell you otherwise a bear market is absolutely a great time for business. This is the real stress test that will tell you whether your bank holdings fail, whether your oil holdings run out of oil, whether your real estate holdings collapses, and whether your portfolio is built like a house of cards or like a fortress + +Honestly if you’re not liking your portfolio right now don’t panic sell, instead take the time to really analyze and evaluate each holding in your business and figure out which ones are really worth keeping forever while pruning out the rot, the sickened leaves, and the mold. Sometimes, though, you have to cut down the entire tree to save the garden + +If you’re on the other end and are very confident in your portfolio this is still the best time to also analyze and evaluate your portfolio to see how each holding holds up through this tumultuous period and whether you need to adapt the garden to the changing seasons + +Even a company going from Dow darling years ago to kicked to the curb because it wasn’t posh enough can do far better in a bear market due to its past history surviving and adapting to bear markets + +The Boring Company may not be a publicly traded company right now but there’s plenty of great boring companies to choose from in many sectors, all going on sale for the next few months +https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/17/style/rich-people-things.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share + +-No one has a “number” these days (sad) + +-Without work we must face the nature of existence” (basically ignoring your own mortality via distracting yourself) + +-Running in circles with other rich people (Keep up w/ Joneses) + +-Addicted to money + +-The world as we know it is about to collapse..need enough money to colonize Mars/Move to New Zealand/freeze my body/ etc + +Are any of these reasons compelling to you? The people referenced in the article seem absolutely insufferable. +At least those people whose opinions you value. + +Vaguely coherent gift rant: My sister just sent me a gift idea for my grandma. It's a personalized fingerprint necklace. But the thing costs $110... Far beyond my budget. But it started me thinking about my Grandma, and gift giving. + + I think this goes for any Grandma, but she has lived a long time already, and I think she's experienced all that the material world can give her. But yet I feel like most people spend a lot of money on gifts for their grandma. I'm just spit-balling, but I am guessing grandmas don't *really* care about getting new stuff. They enjoy the time spent, the photos, the memories etc. + +Even for my parents, I feel like a weird obligation to spend more money on their gifts than say, my sister's gift. But after thinking about it a bit, it makes no sense. There is nothing they could want that they can't get already, so why should I over-extend myself to give them a gift that I deem 'expensive enough'. So don't try to live up to this fictitious expectation that you've set in your head as an acceptable amount to spend on someone's gift. + +People you cherish and love should not give a shit how much you spent on their gifts, and if someone turns up their nose at your inexpensive gift, then that's a good indicator they are a shitty person. +This looks like a good deal. As a landlord who has a tenant 30,000 in back rent i would love to see this. + +https://abc7.com/finance/ca-measure-aims-to-pay-off-8025-of-most-unpaid-rent/10036767/ +I'm having a difficult time conceptualizing how, in theory, everyone could gain wealth over a period of time. Where is the wealth coming from? + +Similarly, I can't conceptualize how we as a species used the Industrialization Revolution to create so much wealth. Where did it come from? I understand the Industrialization Revolution itself. + +Thanks +Here’s [how the company did:](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/25/salesforce-crm-earnings-q2-2021.html) + +- Earnings: $1.44 per share, adjusted, vs. 67 cents per share as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. +- Revenue: $5.15 billion, vs. $4.90 billion as expected by analysts, according to Refinitiv. + +Stock is up 25% and 60% YTD. + +https://seekingalpha.com/news/3609085-salesforce-begins-job-cuts-after-record-earnings-wsj +Gamified fundraising. + + +With all of the recent refocus in BSC as we enter the memecoin casino phase of the bull run (if anyone remembers this during the 2017 bull run on ETH memes, you know we’re still in for quite a treat) it’s refreshing to see some good come from all this wanton day trading. + + +Yes indeed, the recent run of charity coins is the absolute perfect application to all this gambling, and it honestly surprises me that it took crypto taking this turn for people to realize the opportunity in gamifying charitable donations. + + +Because as much as we all like risking our entire life savings for the promise of the monster gains of mass adoption, it helps to know that when we inevitably get financially ruined, well, at least some of it went to goodwill. + + +So you can see with a name like Happy, and a charitable cause that is emerging as people learn to speak more openly about the mental illnesses that plague us, that there is serious potential here to rewrite the game on how to source these types of donations and create a true foundation of social programs for BSC, and perhaps all of crypto. + + +At a tiny $7M circulating market cap, there is just so much room for this coin to run as people recognize the legitimacy of these charity coins in spite of their humble beginnings. When people understand that both charitable organizations skim off more than you think, and that casinos are perfectly acceptable avenues for money, and that a casino that donates to charity is an idea that only works in practicality on the blockchain, this is no joke to be just as valuable as a SafeMoon or even DOGE. + + +After all, $HAPPY has the same general game mechanics that make those tokens so appealing, but offers the kind of real world utility that attracts normies and provides lasting value. This is all on a project with burned liquidity and ownership renounced making this absolutely rug-proof. + + +And with the team currently in talks with a number of mental health organizations, they should have their first donation of $10,000 out the door Friday. If other charity tokens have been any sort of indication, there should be quite an uproar once this news is confirmed and publicly shared by the receiving organization. + + +Audit will also be delivered Friday with a whitepaper rumored to be coming sometime before that. CEX listings have also been given a heavy hinting, meaning WhiteBit could be just around the corner… + + +In other words, this should be one hell of a weekend and with a couple of whales having recently made their exit, there truly won’t be another buy opportunity like this. So take advantage of the entry point and thank me later. There truly won’t be anything as calming on the mind as $HAPPY in this new world of gamified fundraising. + + +Website - https://thehappycoin.co + + +Telegram - https://t.me/happy_coinTG  + + +Buy Link - https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D  + + +Chart - https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xB0B924C4a31b7d4581a7F78F57ceE1E65736Be1D  +* Q2 - July to Sep - GDP numbers were released earlier today +* The fashionable way to put it: "GDP print came out as negative 7.5% for the quarter' +* Many projections were -8% to double digits; so the numbers are better than projections +* Recession is defined as two successive quarters of de-growth. So India is in 'technical recession' +* 'Technical' since the expectation is that the trend has already reversed and there could be growth soon - some predictions for Q3 and the rest for Q4 +* Agriculture grew 3.4% and Manufacturing grew 0.6% +* Construction contracted 'only' 8.6% + Hello. My father is going to retire this month and would be receiving 1.25Cr as gratuity/PF. + +He is really conservative on investment and basically has not thought much. He won't be getting any pension either. + +What would be a good place to put the sum so that he can get returns of 50-60K a month for at least the next 20-25 years? + +Thank you in advance :) + +Edit: It would be nice to keep beating inflation too since 20y is a lot of time. + +Edit: Thank you so much kind people for an amazing response. Amazing pointers and perspectives have been brought here and I have started exploring them. Thank you :') +A new round of budget is being tabled in the parliament today by our Finance Minister. + +Few links to live budget updates: + +- [Official Budget Website](https://budgetlive.nic.in/) +- [ClearTax Budget 2022 Thread](https://cleartax.in/s/budget-2022-live) +- [Moneycontrol Live Thread](https://www.moneycontrol.com/budget-2022/) + +NOTE: + +- No political discussions here, there are other communities that might be more suited for these types of discussions. Only focus on how it can impact economy, and your pockets! + +- No misinformation or FUD. + + If you claim something has been announced, which actually hasn't, and intentionally try to flame-bait people; expect to hear from the moderators. +Personally I would like us all to keep politics out of this. The article from fox has people talking alot of politics, and I would say that's the biggest divider among people. + +Bringing it up does not help GameStop nor the moass. + +Bring it up can only get us divided. + +Honestly is a clear attempt at fud, as we have seen, dividing out community is their plan. + +Lastly, all politicians are fucking stupid, so why should we spend our time on a stock subreddit talking about them. + +If you mean I'm wrong just down vote, I just don't wanna see us getting angry at each other over politics. + +Have a nice weekend. + +Edit: Firstly thanks for all the awards. And second remember ape fights no ape. +So here's the situation. I'm not happy with my current job and have a very in demand skillset, so finding new work will be extremely easy. What's keeping me here is the pension. I'm about 9 years away from having a pension locked in that will set me up for retirement with something like 85% of my current salary when I reach the appropriate age. Currently, I contribute 10% of my income to the pension and my employer adds 12% + +I started a job search about three weeks ago and I've already gotten a few offers that pay upwards of 35% more than I'm making now. If I put 25% of the new income in a 401k or similar, I'd still be putting away more than I am now, but I'm torn about the two retirement plans. Am I crazy to leave the pension before I've got it filled out? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT: Thanks for all of the help to those that contributed advice. I think I'm going to pursue the new job and plan to put away at least 25% for retirement. At the higher salary, that will be a larger contribution than I'm making now and still leave me with more cash in pocket at the end of the day. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +Thread guidelines: + +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss altcoins in the Daily Altcoin Discussion thread. +- All [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/) apply here so please be familiar with them. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our Ethereum Education wiki page, [see here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +With the cost of housing skyrocketing over the last couple of years, finding a bargain of a house became basically impossible with $1m+ houses becoming the norm. How many of you have mortgages of that size and freaking out over the rate decisions? + +Personally, I have a pretty recent $1.2m mortgage on a PPOR and not stressing too much but if that rate gets to 7% + it'll be pretty nasty. +EDIT: come on! Fake gurus! STOP messaging me! I just made a post about how fake gurus made me blow up 3 accounts, I DONT WANT TO BUY YOUR COURSE. + +So, I was always a dummy regarding any type of investing. I learned about forex and decided to give it a try... I then had the brilliant idea of learning from gurus...fake gurus. + +After one year, I had blown 3 accounts (140 total). + +I, then, had the brilliant idea of learning from Reddit and its books list. I read the recommendation from a number of investing and trading subreddits and oh boy... You think you are smart until you realize you are not. Damn you Dunning-Kruger effect. + +I'm now interested in economics and forex for real, and I know enough to safely assure that I know almost nothing but at least enough to understand what I lack. + +During the past week, I actually tried trading for the fourth time, and from an initial capital of 60, I'm now at 110, and I'll not stop reading nor stop learning about the market and what makes it move. + +And the only strategy I used so far was shorting resistance and buying support +Had a decent job making $17 an hour in customer service . I found a new job in the tech field for $20 that could use the Computer Science degree I am working on. + +Put In my two weeks and was told i will be terminated by End Of Day today. + +They will also be holding my final paycheck until they receive their equipment back. Thank god I waited until after I had all of my bills and rent paid. + +Imagine if I had done this at the end of last month instead, and had no income for the two weeks it takes to process the return. Late fees on all of my credit cards, late fees with rent, but who cares right? + +My manager had the nerve to say that I was lucky because “I could work until the end of today for some extra pay”. + +They are not paying me through my notice period. So Lucky me, Lucky me. + +I sort of expected this is how it would go too, from reading all of the previous posts from you guys, especially on r/Antiwork but I “wanted to do the right thing”. + +For anyone else, don’t bother doing the right thing, do what YOU need to do to survive. + +I’m debating if I should put what happened to me in the group employee chat just to let the others be aware? + +Edit: I Live in Florida +Don't let anyone bring you down because you can only afford $100 to invest in crypto. If a few hundred dollars is a significant amount for you, then the gains on that will also be significant. Time in the market is a huge factor, so if you're young and patient, chances are you'll make decent money even with less invested. + +Moreover, a smaller investment at first is ideal to test the waters, it gives you time to properly understand how crypto works, and do your own research on several projects. + +I was also a broke college student when I put my first $200 in crypto in 2017. I wasn't really active in this sub because I felt like I was not part of this community. Most of the guys here were talking about lambos & yachts, and to be honest, at first I would've been super happy to just double my investment and buy gas to visit my GF more frequently. + +Only invest what you can afford to lose, do your own research, and don't be afraid to ask! + + +Robinhood has proved time and time again that they are nothing but weaselly little corporate shills who are to busy sucking off hedge fund managers so they can sell our information and make a quick buck off us I'll include multiple reasons why you should take all your money out of Robinhood and put it in other reputable brokerages like interactive brokers and Charles Schwab . + +1. Free Trades Are Now Commonplace + +Robinhood is no longer the only show in town. Since its arrival, several major brokers have followed suit and now also offer free trades. Today, you can get free trades with Webull, M1, Fidelity, Charles Schwab, E\*TRADE, Interactive Brokers, and many more. It means you need to question whether some of Robinhood's other major shortcomings are still acceptable. In practice, they are probably not. + +2. Major Downtime Problems + +When a broker is inaccessible on some of the most volatile days of the last 50 years you may get some small outages . But Robinhood has consistently had major outage that led people to lose millions of dollars . Not once. Not twice. Not three times but over five times. + +Worse still, all the outages occurred in the space of one week in early March during the most unpredictable days of the COVID19 crisis. It cost people millions of dollars in positions they could not close. And Robinhood's response? A "goodwill" payment of $75. It is now facing multiple lawsuits over the issue. + +Users can no longer maintain any reasonable faith in the service being available when they need it most. That alone is enough reason to switch broker. + +3. Delayed Stock Quotes + +If you read Robinhood's FAQs or independent reviews of the service, you will see that the app has real-time quotes. + +That's only half true. Yes, your orders will always be completed at the real-time price, but the charts and data you see on screen are often delayed. This will prevent you from getting in and out of trades in the most efficient manner. + +4. Terrible Crypto Product + +I understand the appeal of being able to do your stock trading and crypto trading in the same place. On paper, that's something that Robinhood offers; it launched its crypto trading service in 2018. + +But the crypto platform has some shocking drawbacks. The drawbacks are so severe that we'd strongly urge all users to look elsewhere for your crypto needs. + +* Coin withdrawals are not available. If you own Bitcoin, you cannot transfer it out of Robinhood to your own private wallet. +* Robinhood does not supply you with access to your wallet or your wallet address. +* You do not hold the private keys for your crypto assets. An oft-repeated (and accurate) piece of advice in the crypto world is that if you don't have the private keys, you do not own the coins. + +5. Payment for Order Flow, Selling Your Data and Poor Execution + +Given the free trades, how does Robinhood make money? Sure, there's Robinhood Gold, but the signup rate is nowhere near enough to warrant the $8 billion company valuation. + +The answer is via a practice called payment for order flow. It means that instead of searching for the best price for a given stock, Robinhood is instead selling your data to high-frequency trading (HFT) firms for massive profit. The HTF firms add the data to their algorithms to better understand the flow of retail money. It is they who are Robinhood's real customers. + +In reality, the no-fee movement may end up being described as a no-explicit-fee movement, as the payment for order flow revenues have grown at many of these firms. Not to rehash the whole argument, but investors trading at firms with higher PFOF are paying a hidden fee in terms of poorer execution on their trades. + +This means that they may pay a higher price when buying or get a lower price when selling than they would with another broker less focused on PFOF as a revenue generator. For regular investors making only a few trades a year, PFOF-related slippage may not be a huge burden, but it is a bigger issue for more active investors and traders. + +6.Robinhood Gold is a Scam + +Robinhood Gold is a subscription service that introduces a few extra features for $5 per month. + +* Margin investing. +* Access to professional research such as Morningstar reports. +* Level II market data. +* Larger instant deposits (rather than waiting for money to clear). + +Sounds reasonable. But here's the catch---any broker worth its salt will make all that stuff available for free on its respective platform. It really isn't worth $5 per month. Robinhood Gold just feels like a way to eke more cash out of inexperienced investors who think that by subscribing they will become better traders. + +7. Poor Customer Service + +Robinhood's customer support is notoriously bad. Users complain of waiting weeks for an answer in the app's Help section, lengthy queues to speak to someone on the phone, no responses to emails, and a general lack of urgency in responding to important issues. + +In ordinary circumstances, poor customer service might be forgivable in a free app. However, when large sums of money are involved, clients deserve better. Given the company's value, we're sure they could hire a few extra reps easily enough. + +TLDR: FUCK ROBINHOOD BUY GME ELSEWHERE 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +Sources: + +[https://www.investopedia.com/robinhood-pays-settlement-but-gamification-remains-a-concern-5093195](https://www.investopedia.com/robinhood-pays-settlement-but-gamification-remains-a-concern-5093195) + +[https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/shouldnt-invest-robinhood-app/](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/shouldnt-invest-robinhood-app/) + +[https://katusaresearch.com/robinhood-trading-exposed-steal-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-ultra-rich/](https://katusaresearch.com/robinhood-trading-exposed-steal-from-the-poor-and-give-to-the-ultra-rich/) +This is about their unprofessional, possibly fraudulent, handling of Brexit. + +They asked me to transfer my account from the UK entity to the Hungarian entity. Obviously, I declined - I don't store my life's savings in chaotic lawless countries. + +I asked their customer support and they assured me back in December that I would keep my account with limited functionality (closing my positions, withdrawing the money, transferring out). Fair enough, that's all I need for now. + +In January they sent out a few unsolicited emails warning that if I don't transfer to the autocracy of their choosing, I will lose some of my account's functionality. Fair enough. + +All of a sudden, yesterday they decided that if I don't comply with their desire to have my account in a jurisdiction with no law, they are going to close it (no specific dates given). They claim that this is a regulatory requirement but that's BS - somehow my other British brokers are able to keep my accounts (with limited functionality). Also, I doubt that this "regulatory requirement" has been introduced between January 16th (when they were fine with keeping my account with restrictions) and January 28th (when they decided "LOL, we changed our mind"). + +EDIT: I'm not British. Not sure why so many people assume that if you call out a corrupt EU country for being a corrupt country, you must be a disgruntled brexiteer. +With the current decline in the stock market we are starting to see some of the big name FAANG stocks to decline to attractive levels? + +&#x200B; + +Do you think any of them could be considered value stocks at these levels? + I owe $100k in student debt and have no clue how I'm gonna get out of being broke. I'm already struggling to get my rent and other things paid for. The thought of buying a house and starting a family sounds out of the question lol. I know things can change but I really feel fucked and that this is how it's gonna be. I'm gonna be broke and stuck like this for the rest of my life. +I'm 23 and looking to invest in real estate. I currently rent, don't own my house. + +Currently making $65-80k/year (varies due to commission) and have $20k saved up. + +I found a 3br 1.5ba house 45 minutes away in a pretty rough area, but up and coming, for only $50k. Currently is rented by long term tenants who have been there for 4.5 years. + +They rent for $700/month. + +If I put $10k down, it would cash flow about $400-$450/month. + +I like this property because I'd be starting small, and that makes me feel safer. But I don't know if it's worth it, why not just go bigger and buy a triplex? + +I don't know. The numbers seem to work on this deal though, and that's all I care about. + +If it was $300,000 and the numbers made sense, I'd do that too. But I can't find anything that works in that price range. + + +Would this $50k property be a bad decision? Good decision? Should I just keep saving and go FHA on a triplex? Just looking for general advice +In one week, a panel of judges will hear oral arguments from Citadel, the SEC and IEX in a lawsuit that Citadel has brought AGAINST the SEC regarding the D-Limit order type. That's right - firms can (and do) sue their regulator when they don't like, or don't agree with rule approvals or disapprovals. It's worth mentioning that Virtu wrote a comment letter in support of D-Limit. I've interacted with Virtu quite a bit over the years, and I had generally found them to be flexible and supportive of innovative market structure efforts. I have not had much interaction with them after they acquired KCG and the PFOF/internalization group there. Take that as you will. + +Do you know what Citadel will claim first and foremost in their presentation to the judges? + + +>"We are the leading destination for retail order flow" +> +>"\[O\]ver 50% of our trading activity on IEX is **on behalf of** retail investors." + +This is from their comment letter on the order type: + +https://preview.redd.it/y4akrvxl98u71.png?width=748&format=png&auto=webp&s=041ed002b39efcdde815333c1c5ff7db7917cc30 + +Does Citadel trade **on your behalf**? Do they represent retail investors or traders? Do you think the brokers that Citadel and other wholesalers pay for your order flow represent you either? Because Citadel and all of those brokers hold themselves out as the representatives of retail investors. As if they are incentivized to **protect** you, and ensure the market is designed **for your benefit**, rather than for theirs! This would be a hilarious joke if it wasn't the truth. + +I can't stand when I see firms holding themselves out as representing interests that they so obviously don't represent. We also shouldn't forget that $22M fine Citadel paid to the SEC for "Misleading Clients About Pricing Trades." The only thing these firms represent is their P&L statement or their quarterly earnings for the publicly traded discount brokers. This happens **constantly** in market structure debates - there are no authoritative independent voices, and it's why I always try to make sure my biases are disclosed (for example, as I always state, I have a small equity position in IEX resulting from when I worked with them in 2012/2013, because I supported their mission and their approach). People's views are strictly a result of the chair they sit in, or the company issuing their annual bonus, or the company sponsoring their academic research. They'll make impassioned, coherent, intelligent arguments against a practice (such as PFOF and off-exchange internalization without meaningful price improvement) when they work at a stock exchange, or when they run a high-frequency trading firm that doesn't engage in the practice, and then they'll argue the complete opposite as soon as their annual bonus is contingent upon the practice. **It's disgusting.** But of course it shouldn't be surprising anymore. + +# What is the D-Limit Order Type? + +To understand the D-Limit Order Type would take quite an extensive post on its own. There's so much background needed that it's hard to summarize, but I'll try. IEX as an exchange was built to counteract the impact of latency arbitrage (this is extremely overly simplistic). One of the ways this was accomplished was to coil a lot of fiber so that all data in and out of the exchange was delayed by 350 us (microseconds). To put this in perspective, I think I read somewhere that nerve impulses in our body take 80-120 milliseconds to get from your hand or eye, to your brain, aka 80,000 microseconds. So 350 microseconds is not a long time, and is a hard concept to understand at human scale. I used to run trading strategies 10 years ago that did everything they needed to do in 45 us, again for some perspective. + +A primary reason for the 350us delay was so that the exchange pricing and matching systems were **always faster than the exchange's fastest participant**. One of the reasons for this was for pegged order types. A pegged order type is one that is dependent on the NBBO. For example, a midpoint peg is an order that executes at the midpoint of the NBBO. If the exchange is slower than the firms trading on it, those firms can use their speed to pick off stale midpoint peg orders when they see the NBBO change, but before the exchange has seen the change. This is complicated stuff, and it's one example of latency arbitrage - there are other types. However, it also speaks to incentives. IEX was funded in large part by asset managers, and so designed an exchange focused on protecting them. Other exchanges' focused on their best customers, meaning the firms that trade the most on those exchanges - high frequency trading firms. + +So back to the IEX D-Limit order type. IEX developed something called a [CQI (Crumbling Quote Indicator)](https://iextrading.com/trading/signal/) and the [math behind it](https://iextrading.com/docs/The%20Evolution%20of%20the%20Crumbling%20Quote%20Signal.pdf) looks VERY similar to the math that underlies many high-frequency trading models. For the mathematically inclined (there's a lot [more detail in the paper](https://iextrading.com/docs/The%20Evolution%20of%20the%20Crumbling%20Quote%20Signal.pdf)): + +https://preview.redd.it/3aqzmvt6n8u71.png?width=643&format=png&auto=webp&s=b3e434b1575a66ba48a7c9d498a84560aa2d8db4 + +It watches price feeds and supply/demand in order to forecast when an impending price level change is coming. When the indicator fires, some IEX order types don't trade - they wait to be repriced to the new price level before being able to trade. This reduces the opportunities for latency arbitrage. The D-Limit order type is one of those order types - it is a tool IEX created to protect investors from latency arbitrage, and it uses the same technology that HFT firms use in order to do so. + +Why is something like this important? You might be shocked (probably not) to learn that a HUGE amount of trading in markets takes place around these quote changes. Here's how IEX breaks it down in their comment letter (noting that CQI is only active for a handful of seconds during the trading day): + +https://preview.redd.it/c6cwz7jqe8u71.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a0701857a398cb2df7f932287398b3fa23b4b4c + +# Who Supports D-Limit? + +So if Citadel is suing the SEC, there must be a lot of firms that oppose this order type? Nope. Was it a controversial approval when the SEC approved it? Nope - it was a unanimous vote by SEC commissioners. Not only that, the firms that support IEX in this innovation **actually** represent the interests of retail investors. Keep in mind that most of retail's wealth is in pension plans and mutual funds managed by large asset managers. These asset managers often are compensated as a % of Assets Under Management (AUM), meaning that when your retirement savings grow, so do their fees. If there's anyone incentivized to look out for long-term investors, it's the asset management community. This is from [IEX's response](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-iex-2019-15/sriex201915-7169827-216633.pdf), defending the D-Limit order type: + +https://preview.redd.it/rpw76ggy58u71.png?width=948&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b9d39f29c6a884d9cf2ed9e004fd5d06696b8f0 + +Here's a pretty robust cross-section of the industry supporting this feature (you might not like all of these firms, but it's a pretty diverse group - not just a single large market maker): + +https://preview.redd.it/zpggbeq568u71.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=e727047d4aeaf4f75c469d57c292d336092236f3 + +Here's a quote from XTX Markets. XTX is one of the largest HFT firms in the world, and their CEO is fighting hard against PFOF and off-exchange internalization. Their quote talks directly about "high-speed information asymmetry advantages" (aka latency arbitrage) and how mitigating the harm of latency arbitrage will "incentivize liquidity providers to narrow spreads and display larger size" + +https://preview.redd.it/tj6kfk2178u71.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d6948b9d4e5fa2bdb0921bfd8c4179b1762b673 + +There are so many other quotes - I encourage you to read the [IEX Comment Letter](https://www.sec.gov/comments/sr-iex-2019-15/sriex201915-7169827-216633.pdf), pages 3-6 include quotes from so many different market participants. + +# What's The Point Dave?? + +First, I think it's important to understand the underlying issue, so I've probably spent a bit more time on it than necessary. I also wanted to show that support for the order type isn't just something coming from me personally, or from a small group of firms - it's a huge cross-section of the industry. + +Most importantly, I want the community to see what is happening here. Citadel is holding themselves out to represent retail investors, even claiming that they trade "on behalf of retail investors." This sounds like a wolf in sheep's clothing situation to me. Citadel is trying to claim they advocate for retail, when all they really do is profit by trading against retail. Citadel has fought against IEX every step of the way, summarized well in the Better Markets brief supporting the SEC and IEX: + +https://preview.redd.it/xdk7dhndc8u71.png?width=940&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c58c4af6f482504fc6e771248d0ac2064c813e + +Here is the SEC's response to Citadel's claim that it trades "on behalf of" retail investors: + +https://preview.redd.it/a4vur2vc88u71.png?width=961&format=png&auto=webp&s=72949cd9df50646ff6802628c351521ffdc660e5 + +Even the SEC isn't buying the idea that Citadel trades "on behalf of" investors. Citadel takes the other side of retail's trades. As the SEC explains above, Citadel literally trades against retail investors, but is claiming otherwise before this panel of judges. The SEC even states that Citadel couldn't even rule out the possibility that they engage in latency arbitrage: + +https://preview.redd.it/y6xchylo88u71.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=367a2ee9f6637b557536c97c6845c0ac46613824 + +The SEC defends itself overall by explaining that it agrees with IEX that there is latency arbitrage, and that it is a problem for liquidity providers on IEX. + +That's quite a ground-breaking admission in my eyes. + +So back to the point - I think it's important that retail investors make their voice heard this week - and show that Citadel does not represent retail, as they will claim next week. There should be a lot more attention on this issue than there currently is, and I think that's because the specific issue is concerned with the minutiae of market structure complexity. But the overriding issue is one of incentives and representation, and it seems obvious to me that IEX deserves retail's support in this fight. + +&#x200B; + +**tldr;** Citadel is suing the SEC over an IEX order type that mitigates the harm of latency arbitrage, and the hearing is next week. Citadel claims to represent retail investors. Most of the rest of the industry disagrees with them. I'd urge you to make your voice heard if you agree with IEX and to fight against the idea that Citadel represents retail investors. +[https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-09-18/bernie-sanders-affordable-housing-homelessness-southern-california](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-09-18/bernie-sanders-affordable-housing-homelessness-southern-california) + +I've been a political supporter of him, but I voiced concerns about the effects of rent control (I have real estate investments) on the Bernie subreddit and was pretty much shunned out of existence (stuff like, "we should ban property" and "landlord are leeches" etc etc) So I decided that probably wasn't the best place to ask for feedback + +Objectively (or as objectively possible), how does rent control affect a landlord like me who is in the middle-class and rents out a single-family home as an investment property? How will it affect renters positively or negatively? Thanks. + +EDIT: this wasn't a dig at any political affiliation btw, I'm just voicing my experience (which is anecdotal and not representative of everyone in that camp of course) +**Holy Fuck.** + +This is probably one of the bigger things I have figured out so far. + +I sifted through every Citadel Advisors LLC SEC Filing since the squeeze began (I have the spreadsheets to show it) and figured out some fucked up things (oh and I figured out who Suspecthanna is operating as - and they are doing the same thing as Shitadel). + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/oty9j0iem7w61.png?width=425&format=png&auto=webp&s=34f7966ec406a2b2c4367ec829306520301fe7bc + +Im going to blow your mind like our moms should have done to our dads instead of letting him finish in her and bringing all of us into this clown pyramid scheme we are living it. + +So, the data is clear with one consistency - Keenny Boi the Squeezy Boi has been calling all his trust fund friends and they have been passing ownership to Citadel AT AN ALARMING RATE. + +In the last 2 months alone: + +* Citadel has taken beneficial ownership of over 25% of the capital of 56 different SPACs + * Totaling over $4B in capital + +**AND** + +* An average of 18% ownership of 28 corporations + * Totaling over $3B in capital + +Now, the SPACs are a little more crazy, but because we know that Citadel has been internalizing trades, only routing sells, and probably selling smaller positions quietly to raise capital *\*cough\* FB \*cough\*,* Ill start with the corps - but we will get to the SPACs shortly. + +So, a lot of the company positions have been *amendments* to their Dec 31 filings. Now, what is weird is that shortly after these filings, large amounts of shares have been sold off onto the market. They have become benefactors of these shares to dump onto the market *at market price* should they chose. Now, these filings are applied to both Citadel and the company that issues them. So that company has to be aware that Citadel has possession of these shares (and would have been aware the whole time if they did). + +So why all of a sudden is Citadel the owner of these shares? Either the company is issuing them to Citadel through the board, or Citadel is somehow getting these shares another way. + +* If someone has another idea how these shares were issued for a filing fee with the SEC, let me know + * I am relatively certain they are coming from the board issuing new shares, because there are FOUR companies with greater than 100% ownership of the float as well. So the FINRA data would imply that additional shares were created: + * STRO + * ZNTL + * AVRO + * ANNX + +There are a couple other notable points with regard to these new filings: + +* One company is a Colombian Company and the holding is pretty small (ACHOQ) +* One ownership is for a company that was acquired in January by another (PRVL) +* One company is no longer a company and hasn't had any share reporting since 2019 (MGEN) + * I find this weird that they are consolidating their books in Feb 2021 for a company that seems to have disappeared in 2019 +* One company has a negative valuation (MLND) + * The shares still held a market value April 28 of >$4M + +There are some weird things going on through Citadel at the moment, and Suspecthanna is on another level with more funds being funneled to their parent company than a cute pornstar who is about to do anal for the first time. + +[Above \*\*\*\*\* were filed 16 Feb](https://preview.redd.it/nhc67ktce7w61.png?width=1055&format=png&auto=webp&s=430680937e1a87baa2bb92005cc8dfb218ff7422) + +Did I mention that Citadel changed legal signatories on Feb 1? Huge red flag I would think. It was also filed with one of their *LARGEST* SPAC ownership filings, tucked away and hidden. JAWS (fitting that they are the only billion dollar SPAC on the list). Oh, and the JAWS benefactor? His name appears twice on this list (it seems to be the only one). + +Now, this list is by no means a definitive answer to anything. But I believe we just got our first glimpse at the actual investors with Citadel, who is actually exposed at an exorbitant amount (hint: banks r fuk too), and why they are pulling cash back from shell corporations (registered in tax havens) at an alarming rate (and it isn't because they want to pay taxes all of a sudden). They *know* they are about to crash the market because of these short positions. + +So, can we also get anything from the names of the Executives (owners of the SPACs)? Well, Ill tell you this much - a lot went to Harvard, and a lot started businesses while they were in college (one specifically opened 15 locations right away and is now a massive conglomerate), more than most worked for 20-30 years in the financial sector at the very banks that are overleveraged on this, and some have even been knighted. + +We need to speculate on couple things here: + +1. It takes money to make money; someone would need a lot to begin with to do some of these things +2. These were not bank loans they were suddenly able to obtain with a great business model. Someone helped pull the strings to make these capital investments happen \*cough\* their parents \*cough\* +3. A lot of this is old money that has probably gone through a changing of the guard so to speak, meaning they came in control of it by default and just wanted it to get bigger (because fuck socialism amirite?) + +Now, I haven't combed through the names individually. But if someone wants a glimpse at who is really pulling the strings, I would definitely think that's where you would start. Suspecthanna is the next one. And boy oh boy have they been busy. Their list is almost double Shitadels (makes sense considering their short position). That's another week or so of work that I will need to dig up so just be *patient.* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/aij4bpn0l7w61.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd2661d586a4822077ab015214f133109d786b39 + +https://preview.redd.it/l6x9ion0l7w61.png?width=1557&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d1435c564c8401e39ab98a6a870cb20fbec8880 + +Did you think that Warren Buffetts famous saying about being patient is about throwing your money in a fund and letting it grow at 2% per annum? No you fucking idiot, it's about researching where the money is going and who is making mistakes. These people have made a huge mistake, and we just have to be patient. No more expecting this shit to moon tomorrow. These people will do anything at this point it seems to make sure the peasants don't get their tendies. And if you want tendies, you just have to continue to wait and let them liquidate their assets and bring it all back from off-shore. It will mean we don't need a bailout and our tendies will be glorious. We can even flush the governments with cash to make a difference and not work for rich people only. But that is it. Just fucking wait. + +To note, this is not investment advice, and it is all publicly available information so I have not gone out of my way to find these benefactors. + +Oh and Suspecthanna? I haven't seen ANYONE asking about **DIMENSIONAL FUND ADVISORS LP.** You're welcome. +I'm in an awesome position and I really don't envy people buying houses now , but I've managed to put everything I have into paying off my mortgage all while only just making it to earning 78k this year. + +Now for a brief timeline .. + +2009 - purchased land at 10% deposit on a $105,000 block of land in Melb Outer West . Current job was permanent part time making under $20k per year pre tax , got a new full time job at 31k per year + +2010 - starting house building construction loan 5% deposit on a $189k house price , extra fees etc are about $25k to make loan total around $320k , pay rise to about 41k. + +2015 - bought a new car with extra mortgage payments sitting in redraw $16k , then husband needs a car after his was totaled in an accident - request to add more onto the loan + $11k , payrises inbetween now small an incremental. + +2017 - left job location/ type but stayed in same company - payrises denied because it "was tied to my job title" and not actual work output or knowledge. + +2018 - find out about amortization schedules and crunch numbers to see how quickly I can pay off house - estimated 6 years + +2019 - had a epiphany I didn't like my job and I could get long service leave payout to put on the mortgage , new job a little higher at $65k + +2020 - pandemic so no travelling or much spending + +2021 - payrise to 70k + +2022 - payrise to 78k , pay off mortgage + +I was also helped by a partner but I did pay most of the extra payments. It might not help people in the current situation; it did seem daunting for me but the pay off will now be worth it. + +I don't plan on moving or buying an investment property - onto ETFs for us now. + +Thanks for reading! +Hello everyone, + +I posted this on r/investing but like every post there, it's probably going to get deleted for being too "noob". And here it goes: + +I see that anomalies like Wirecard etc. are very rare, but the reasons why a stock might crash are kind of "understandable": fraud, overevaluation, missed earnings etc. In the long term everything should be fine, as long as the company is doing the right thing \[simplified\]. + +In 2007-2008 there WAS a housing bubble a.k.a. the sub-prime mortage crisis. Because EVERYBODY was given a possibility to buy a house with and portfolios were given AAA+ ratings, when they were actually CCC or similar \[simplified\]. + +So here we see a classical example of a bubble, identical to the 2001 dot-com bubble, also an example of EVERYBODY putting their money in the stock market without thinking too much \[also simplified\]. + + +So I was thinking, currently we have a similar situation with ETFs (exchange traded funds) a.k.a. passive index funds. At the moment, EVERYBODY is an investor by investing in some sort of an ETF. Mostly the Vanguard Total Stock ETF, SPY, VOO etc. etc. There hasn't been a moment in history in which so many people like now had the chance to participate in the stock market, almost always simply by installing an app on their smartphone. In in this case people also don't have to think too much before becoming an "investor". Just buy the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF monthly and you're set for life. No analysis needed, no research needed. + +Therefore my question: do you see any kind of scenario or possibility that this global access to the stock market for everyone with an internet connection, might somehow create an ETF bubble of some kind? +# Video of Level 2 Data before the halt + +Here is a [video](https://twitter.com/perspective508/status/1508802361380200449?s=20&t=Sb1VoPR74L4mwLdccFHjaQ) of the level 2 data showing how the shorts specifically created a set-up to trigger a halt and thus cause retail to be unable to trade while they manipulated the price through various loopholes. + +# I am not a financial advisor. + +I'm just a weird enginerd with a strong stats background. + +# Some Prediction Analysis Background + +I've been working on developing a model which essentially explains why we see specific values at what they are, trends, shapes, and other types of stuff. I'll write this up later because it is far more in depth. Effectively, it is a piecewise function that has set "rules" for various share price ranges. It also use "critical" values to determine what the next series of important numbers will be. I've been working on this model for months. The current trading halt that had multiple people seeing their calls in the money only served to provide more confidence that my current model is accurate. + +Given various type of set values, I've identified that are only seen in a specific type of trend, today should have been a considerable gain day. This is further suggested since many calls were in the money during the halt when a share price greater than \~$500 was seen. + +Here is a [tweet](https://twitter.com/pwnwtfbbq/status/1508693942547587073?s=20&t=kyNEMtfTskmj84pfxPhXZw) going over a very general and macro view of part of my current modeling stuff for reference. + +# Yes, RH sucks... + +This is one of a few different screenshots showing calls being in the money. There are more brokers located at the end with the credited source post. + +https://preview.redd.it/tf9l09gn6dq81.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c05dd167982e8d3959576b962f16a6cdb122070 + +[Post Source and Credit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/trlcpn/the_510_calls_i_have_been_watching_was_also_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +# Jan 2021 Fuckening + +What is concerning about this is the exact same situation happened when the buy back button was removed on Jan 28, 2021 where a share price was seen to hit \~$2,600. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/wxtnqnlt6dq81.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=159ab5e446c9bdd78d7db6d82a22a9580bcb819f + +# What does this mean? + +Today's trading halt and Jan 2021 buy button removal both executed the same role and function. It prevented all buying pressure, however, HF still trading during these times. This resulted in a very high share price value being dropped to much smaller once trading began. + +The trading halt was the removal of the buy back button. The HF did the same thing in both stations to prevent the same situation of them being fucked. + +# Across the Pond Buy Button Removed + +There have also been multiple reports of the UK platform, Revolut, shutting off the buy button for GME and popcorn. + +https://preview.redd.it/rnr1rq2cmfq81.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=0671be0ae142dcd09ed12426896162f4eed8d0d1 + +https://preview.redd.it/x521azdlffq81.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e8aa68e2897d36e3434baf96309446817a276bb + +[Source Tweet](https://twitter.com/Scottish_Ape/status/1508895984872534016?s=20&t=nwz01gdHQzNH3RJfLH5lpw) + +# Different Brokers with ITM Calls and Credited Post + +1. This E-Trade [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tr5xu5/before_halt_300_shares_sold_for_275_etard_pro/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) hit values of $275 +2. This TD Ameritrade [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/tr0u1p/what_the_fuck_just_happened/) hit an ask size ~~values~~ of almost $450,000 + +# Post Edits: + +1. Added a video of the level 2 data before the halt. +2. Formatting +3. Added UK buy button removed snips + +Misc. Sauce and References: + +1. Yahoo [share price data.](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history?p=GME) +2. Added quick analysis [Tweet](https://twitter.com/pwnwtfbbq/status/1508693942547587073?s=20&t=kyNEMtfTskmj84pfxPhXZw) +3. Added source credit to screenshot from u/blutsch813 +The Afterpay day sale is when you get 20% off only if you pay via Afterpay. Great for people that can afford to pay it back however doesn’t this tempt people who cannot afford it? +I only it’s the consumers choice however when the full price items aren’t discounted when paying in full. +I feel frustrated when I see friends and family get hooked into these payment schemes. + +https://www.afterpay.com/en-AU/afterpayday +I hate posting new threads to shill a coin, but I couldn't resist. + +ECC is an old coin being revived by a very dedicated developer. It has a great community on slack and an active telegram. New website and wallet should be finished on the 26th of this month. + +Great community with lots of upside potential and still only traded on a couple obscure exchanges. Get in on this if you have some money to risk. It's a risky investment but has a lot of potential. + +https://ecc.network +https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/eccoin/ + +The telegram is ECC. There's also a slack channel as well where the developer communicates regularly. + +Sorry. I typically hate these shill posts, but I just couldn't help myself on this one. It's a great opportunity if you want to take a risk. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +Please find the [Daily Non-Eth Discussion thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6xylt4/daily_noneth_discussion_September_5_2017/). + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: +- Please refrain from discussing non-Ethereum related tokens here. You are welcome to discuss that in [this daily thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6xylt4/daily_noneth_discussion_September_5_2017/). +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Enjoy! + +Don't let anyone bring you down because you can only afford $100 to invest in crypto. If a few hundred dollars is a significant amount for you, then the gains on that will also be significant. Time in the market is a huge factor, so if you're young and patient, chances are you'll make decent money even with less invested. + +Moreover, a smaller investment at first is ideal to test the waters, it gives you time to properly understand how crypto works, and do your own research on several projects. + +I was also a broke college student when I put my first $200 in crypto in 2017. I wasn't really active in this sub because I felt like I was not part of this community. Most of the guys here were talking about lambos & yachts, and to be honest, at first I would've been super happy to just double my investment and buy gas to visit my GF more frequently. + +Only invest what you can afford to lose, do your own research, and don't be afraid to ask! +95% of all traders fail” is the most commonly used trading related statistic around the internet. But no research paper exists that proves this number right. Research even suggests that the actual figure is much, much higher. Below are 24 very surprising verified statistics economic scientists discovered by analyzing actual broker data and the performance of traders. Some explain very well why most traders lose money. + +1. 80% of all day traders quit within the first two years. +2. Among all day traders, nearly 40% day trade for only one month. Within three years, only 13% continue to day trade. After five years, only 7% remain. 1 +3. Traders sell winners at a 50% higher rate than losers. 60% of sales are winners, while 40% of sales are losers.2 +4. The average individual investor underperforms a market index by 1.5% per year. Active traders underperform by 6.5% annually. 3 +5. Day traders with strong past performance go on to earn strong returns in the future. Though only about 1% of all day traders are able to predictably profit net of fees. 1 +6. Traders with up to a 10 years negative track record continue to trade. This suggests that day traders even continue to trade when they receive a negative signal regarding their ability. 1 +7. Profitable day traders make up a small proportion of all traders – 1.6% in the average year. However, these day traders are very active – accounting for 12% of all day trading activity. 1 +8. Among all traders, profitable traders increase their trading more than unprofitable day traders. 1 +9. Poor individuals tend to spend a greater proportion of their income on lottery purchases and their demand for lottery increases with a decline in their income. 4 +10. Investors with a large differential between their existing economic conditions and their aspiration levels hold riskier stocks in their portfolios. 4 +11. Men trade more than women. And unmarried men trade more than married men. 5 +12. Poor, young men, who live in urban areas and belong to specific minority groups invest more in stocks with lottery-type features. 5 +13. Within each income group, gamblers underperform non-gamblers. 4 +14. Investors tend to sell winning investments while holding on to their losing investments. 6 +15. Trading in Taiwan dropped by about 25% when a lottery was introduced in April 2002. 7 +16. During periods with unusually large lottery jackpot, individual investor trading declines. 8 +17. Investors are more likely to repurchase a stock that they previously sold for a profit than one previously sold for a loss. 9 +18. An increase in search frequency [in a specific instrument] predicts higher returns in the following two weeks. 10 +19. Individual investors trade more actively when their most recent trades were successful.11 +20. Traders don’t learn about trading. “Trading to learn” is no more rational or profitable than playing roulette to learn for the individual investor.1 +21. The average day trader loses money by a considerable margin after adjusting for transaction costs. +22. [In Taiwan] the losses of individual investors are about 2% of GDP. +23. Investors overweight stocks in the industry in which they are employed. +24. Traders with a high-IQ tend to hold more mutual funds and larger number of stocks. Therefore, benefit more from diversification effects. +  +Conclusion: Why Most Traders Lose Money Is Not Surprising Anymore + +After going over these 24 statistics it’s very obvious to tell why traders fail. More often than not trading decisions are not based on sound research or tested trading methods, but on emotions, the need for entertainment and the hope to make a million dollars in your underwear. What traders always forget is that trading is a profession and requires skills that need to be developed over years. Therefore, be mindful about your trading decisions and the view you have on trading. Don’t expect to be a millionaire by the end of the year, but keep in mind the possibilities trading online has. +Sorry if using the wrong flair. Just wanted to come to a place for maybe some comfort or guidance. Not sure if anyone else has had this happen. I financed a car a few years ago and have Gone back and forth with being late on my payments. Well, I woke up this morning for work and found that my car had been repossessed. Knowing I was about 3 months behind on payments(including this month) I waited until the bank was open and discussed everything. I owe just over $2K along with the $75 they charge a day to store my car. And they’ll only store it for 5 days until it gets sent to an auction. They still can’t sell it for 21 days but now I have no transport to work. I live nowhere near any bus stops(basically out in the country) I don’t even get paid until next Friday. I don’t even know how to cope with this. I have no friends or family that would be able to take me to work either. I feel just awful and a failure. + +EDIT: just wanted to edit to say thank you all so much for the kind words and advice. I am working to sell some things I don’t need, electronics and such. And hopefully can get my car back soon. I am still reading everyone’s comments so don’t refrain, but it’s hard for me to be able to reply with everything going on. Thanks so much to everyone in this sub! +Hello all. I got into it with a commenter yesterday evening and earlier today talking some smack about the company Lordstown Motors. We all obviously have our own opinions about different stocks, and this user, u/SmackEh, basically said they would listen to my bear case with an open mind if I'd be so kind as to write it out. I was of course passively on Reddit while eating breakfast and getting ready for work before a busy day, so I didn't have time but I didn't want to leave this individual hanging. I wrote that I would respond in the evening, but I had so many thoughts I thought it would make more sense as a post. Y'all who are trading $RIDE may read through this and agree/disagree with some of the ideas here, and I think some sort of discussion about the company may be more constructive than all of us just going "$RIDE TO THE MOON!!!!!" and "PUTS ON $RIDE!!!!!" all day. + +So, first, a little about me - quick intro - I have a degree in International Business & Finance but I do not work in that field. I have been in B2B sales for about 8 years. I've been investing in stocks and options for about 12 years, so while I am by NO MEANS an expert (I am basically an experienced amateur), I try to be reasonably well informed about most investments. I've fallen prey to some of the meme stock mania from time to time in the past year and change, and I'm proud to say that while I've had a few dumb losses they've been controlled and I am overall profitable, particularly when you consider my overall portfolio. + +But, enough about me, this post is about Lordstown Motors and why I do not think this stock has a prayer of a chance. + +# The History of Lordstown Itself + +Many people base their bull case for Lordstown on the fact that the Lordstown plant was formerly a GM plant. The building itself is already there, it's already got rail leading up to it, it's been used to manufacture cars, there are auto parts suppliers in the area because of the history and also the relative proximity to Detroit - etc. etc. Most of these statements are true, but let me run through why I don't think this is actually a bull case. + +Old factories aren't the asset you think they are. + +I sell power tools & lifting equipment. I am in and out of different factories in Texas and Louisiana every single week. Trust me when I tell you that having an old factory is not an asset. One of my customers recently had the ceiling of a section of their factory collapse - the building was put up in the early 70s. I won't get into why it happened because it's all speculation and for all I know somebody will connect this to me, but the point is this - just because it was a factory before doesn't mean it can be a factory again. You ever see the movie The Money Pit? That's a humorous take on why sometimes buying an old house isn't worth the effort because it costs more to restore something to its former glory than to just buy new. Same story here. + +The Lordstown Complex was built in 1966. A lot of the things in that plant are probably not in the best shape, particularly when you consider that the plant was not especially productive after the 2008 financial crisis. For this reason, I am skeptical that they can truly build a safe, clean, modern and productive factory in Lordstown with the capital limitations that they've outlined in investor filings and such (more on that later). + +I also want to point out, the factories of the 21st century are not the factories of the 20th century. IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) is out there, and many plants are needing connectivity throughout the entire plant. For old plants where there is no WiFi/cell signal, that's a huge hindrance to their operation. Many precision tools and even lifting/material handling equipment are now fully connected to software that is running the entire plant. + +Toyota's plant outside of San Antonio is otherworldly, and obviously not every factory is going to look like that, but if you want to be competitive in selling cars and trucks you need a modern facility, full stop. Tesla understands this and has purchased a lot of modern manufacturing and material handling equipment from multiple manufacturers. They can do this because they have gobs and gobs of capital and have for years (again, more on this later) + +I understand that there are pictures of the factory showing lots of shiny new equipment, but the history of the company makes me wonder whether this is a Potemkin Village of sorts. More on this in a bit. + +# The History of Former General Motors Plants + +I mentioned before that I work in sales in Texas & Louisiana. You guys know what's in Shreveport? An old General Motors plant. The plant used to be used to manufacture trucks (I believe Hummers at one point, then later Chevrolet pick-ups). The plant closed in 2012 and has been dormant since. Long story short, some EV company called Elio Motors announced they were going to set up shop in there a few years ago (it's possible this might sound familiar to you) but it never happened. Right now, Hyundai & Kia are using a section of the plant (basically what used to be the parking lot) to store vehicles that have just been imported, sort of as a holding bay area before they go out to the dealerships (I assume this, I've never talked to anyone in there). + +So, I just want to point out that we already have an example of a General Motors plant that was previously used to build cars & trucks that no one has seemed to find a compelling way to convert into a fancy-schmancy new electric vehicle factory. Obviously these are two plants that are on opposite sides of the country, so there are going to be differences but there are also amazing similarities. The plant was built in the late 1970s, so not too long after the Lordstown Complex, and yet the City of Shreveport has had many of the same difficulties finding a company that can justify the expense of converting an old factory instead of simply building a new one elsewhere that has all the bells and whistles. + +To recap, I understand this is 100% circumstantial, but you'd be surprised how much that can inform you from the outside looking in. There will be tons of commonalities between those two situations for a variety of reasons, mostly boiling down to "ugh this bad thing happened, we need more money." Could be anything, really. Examples include: + +\- Factory electrical transformers, etc. are too old and are either not up to code or simply don't work + +\- Nobody has any up-to-date drawings of the building and where the pipes for water & gas are because so many changes were made over the years and now anyone with any remote knowledge of this is either retired or dead + +\- The simple issue of lack of maintenance on the building for years, anything from structural issues to plumbing issues all the way up to modernizing telephone & internet infrastructure. + +# Lordstown Motors Itself + +I mentioned before, I'm not a stock analyst. But it's sort of a meme on FinTwit that if the CEO is doing interviews in a sparkly-clean safety vest and hard hat, it's probably a cover for fraud. That's half-joke, half-serious. The reality is that they have been caught misrepresenting that they have orders when in fact they have cancellable pre-orders, which are very different. This isn't just because of the technicality of a prefix. Orders are "accounts receivable" and they are something the company can invoice against in the future. Pre-orders are basically just a fun statistic in a spreadsheet that don't mean much, since they ultimately discount the pre-order amount from your purchase price if they are able to deliver a production vehicle to you. + +They have an "in-development" truck with an expected end-user price of $52,500. This is medium to high for a pick-up truck. In the time it's taken them to get here, Ford has basically been able to use their existing truck platform and existing battery technology and will effectively beat them to market with a superior truck that costs less and has brand recognition. The Lordstown Endurance may look cool, but people don't just buy cars because they look cool. Somebody investing all that money in a pick-up truck is going to want answers to the questions about where they can get it serviced, where they can get parts and how reliable it is. Right now, the company can't really provide any of that information and at least one of the "Big 3" is already handily winning in that regard. + +I also want to add, I have seen the photos of the facility with some shiny new equipment in it. Most of the facility is empty and it's not ultimately clear to me how much of the equipment I'm seeing in those photos will be used in production. I believe if they're going to be making these trucks at scale they're going to need a lot more equipment + +The website states that the plant has a capacity of 600,000 vehicles per year and that a total of 16,000,000 vehicles have been produced in this plant. This is an absolutely nonsensical statistic. It's like me buying a building that used to be a Pizza Hut, opening my own independent pizzeria and saying "thousands of pizzas sold in this restaurant" before I've even opened for business. Nobody who matters will give them credit for what General Motors did there - most importantly, not banks and investors who are how this operation has the best chance of having even the most remote chance of success, which brings me to my final point on the company itself. + +# Everybody Dies Because Their Heart Stops Beating + +Have you ever heard this joke before? People may die for all sorts of reasons - falling off a cliff, car crash, natural causes, SCUBA diving mishap, the list goes on - but, ultimately, you are dead because your heart stopped beating. Similarly, businesses die when they run out of cash. We all forget how many automotive companies there were 100 years ago. You ever hear of companies like Studebaker? Packard? Tucker? Kaiser-Frazer? Apperson? Auburn? Chalmers? Elcar? Franklin? Midget Motors? I mean the list goes on of companies that tried to be successful making cars but failed because of the barriers to entry. You need to be able to front gobs and gobs of cash to design, develop, manufacture and distribute automobiles, especially modern ones that are so digital. It requires massively specialized equipment, highly trained employees and tons and tons of raw materials and man-hours. + +We are fooled into believing that this can be accomplished easily because Tesla did it. But we must remember that Tesla is the exception, not the rule. Before Tesla, many electric car companies flamed out. Tesla was the beneficiary of a few key things, but I'll focus on the main two: + +\- A charismatic founder who had credibility because of the success of PayPal and his involvement in other businesses + +\- (And this is the more important one) They were getting their start right around the time that Lithium-ion batteries took over the world. + +Battery science has made untold advances in the last 15-20 years. I don't have to tell any of you this. But it doesn't mean that any company that makes anything powered by Li-ion batteries is going to be successful. Many of these EV companies attracted more capital than they otherwise might have for this basic reason - battery science has caught up and people have $TSLA FOMO. But that does not mean that all of these companies will successfully release a production car and then subsequently grow a business that stands on its own two feet in the years to come. + +Lordstown Motors is simply on borrowed time when it comes down to it - they need to bring in cash in order to convince investors to give them more money. Why would investors give them even more money to light on fire after they just did this huge SPAC deal that gave them over half a billion in cash? They wrote in that June 10th filing that they absolutely and unequivocally need additional capital in order to implement their business plan. They used the words "going concern" 43 times. Some may say that this is just them covering their ass and keeping investors apprised of their situation to avoid being sued. I agree this is a factor, but I do think that they are doing this defensively more than trying to get out in front of something. The leadership shake-up and this filing combined do not smell like a company that is excited to release a truck in three months. + +# Compounding Exogenous & Endogenous Delays + +I will end on this note - with the global supply chain the way it is, I would not be in the least bit surprised to hear them push the release of the Endurance out to Spring of 2022 or later because they're having trouble getting components in. I work for a large industrial company. We are having trouble getting foundries & manufacturers of component parts to fill our orders in a timely manner because other customers are doing more volume. When there is a supply crunch, large customers that pay their bills on time get priority. Lordstown Motors may not be able to get orders filled in a timely manner on everything from parts as simple as door handles and quarter panels all the way to seat belts and radio knobs because for every 1 or 2 they order, Toyota needs 2,000 and General Motors needs 1,000. This will create shipping delays and thus manufacturing delays, in my humble opinion. This point is PURE speculation on my part, but I have no reason to believe it isn't true, unless they're planning to somehow sell more vehicles than Tesla in a plant not even close to restored to its former glory and with like 1/10th the equipment. + +# So, u/sharknado523, if you have so much to say on the topic, you must be balls to the wall short this name, right? + +Hell to the naw to the naw naw naw + +I really don't like to short things, especially in 2020/2021. Ultimately, the majority of my portfolio is long through index funds and my trading account is where I sell cash-secured puts and put credit spreads where I think I can make money selling downside protection after pullbacks on names I believe have technical strength. Occasionally I do put on short plays (call credit spreads or put debit spreads, mostly the former) but I keep a tight leash on them. This is because, in the current environment, and especially on meme stocks that are not widely held in ETFs and mutual funds, you have these massive price spikes and dips the likes of which we have seen on names like $RIDE, $WKHS, $CLOV, etc. etc. Between the phenomenon that is r/wallstreetbets and the sheer willingness of people to just buy something because it is up, I do not feel comfortable trading the name at all as I write this. I do not plan to initiate a position in the next 48 hours, but I may someday. + +I definitely do not want to buy puts on this name because the IV has absolutely exploded (and, to be fair, it's been high for a long time). If I believe this company will be dead by January 2023, I can buy the $2.50 put for like $0.75 and see what happens between now and then. And maybe, in the event of an absolute disaster, I make like $175. The risk-reward isn't quite there, so I have little reason to trade the name at all. Ultimately, some other meme stock like $ARVL or $WKHS could announce they're merging with $RIDE in some sort of all-stock deal and it would mess with my position, even if ultimately I am right about the stock or even just the vehicle itself. So, I see little value in trading the name at all and would definitely caution those who are long the name against the risks I've outlined. + +One final point - lots of people far smarter than I am have outlined other risks with $RIDE. I'm sure many of you could already find links to videos and essays that both agree and disagree with the points I've made here. This is basically my perspective. I am not a financial advisor, I am not a financial analyst, I have no positions in $RIDE and I have no plants to initiate any - I'm just making good on a promise to write up my bear case. + +Would appreciate any thoughts - and yes, it's a wall of text. Sorry :D + +\[Edited after posting for typos.\] +Title says it all I suppose. I’m trying to figure out the future and how to go- I’m 20 and preparing to (finally) go to college in the fall. But I’m still unsure of what to major in. + +As of right now, working part time and have about 1k in savings. I know it’s not much, but it’s a start! + +In regards to the question and due to the fact that I’m not sure what to do for college, what have people here majored in and would recommend? I’m definitely into computers and have been looking at CS- but also was debating entomology and also mortuary sciences. +I am trying to talk about a simple basic service that many of us have no clue on how to structure properly or don’t have the time . I have banked across PSU / Private / Foreign banks in India , and US and Singapore . Here is the lesson I have learnt from it + +In the intervening period I have had faced the following : + +1. Been subject to demat fraud +2. Credit card fraud in India +3. Debit card fraud in India +4. Special card offers that aren’t that special +5. Mis selling by bank employees +6. Cards being used in foreign countries out of the blue +7. Forex cards not working in foreign countries +8. Cards being blocked as soon as I have tried to use them in a foreign land . +9. Atrocious charges hitting me out of the blue as I am quietly upgraded + +I mean I can go on , but the list is long . It’s taken me 3 painful years to resort things to address utility , convenience and risk . + +1. I have segregated income , expenditure and savings . + +2. All earned income goes into a joint account between me and my spouse with a private bank . It has a debit card and no loans demat or any cards attached . + +3. There are only 2 -3 transactions a month from the income account . One to the expenditure account and one to the savings account and one for any donation that might occur. + +4. The expenditure saving account is with another bank which has a saving , loan , credit and debit cards for me and spouse . All expenditure , card transactions are made here. All premiums and expenses are paid here . + + +5. The investment account only has a savings and demat / online trading ac and can also access US/ Singapore funds . No transactions except savings . + +Segregating all three has given me a lot of relief . It has made my CA life a bit complicated but essentially I have + +A. The bank that has my loans / cards has no assets. + +B. The bank that has my assets has no liabilities and provides services in US and Singapore . All I need to do is maintain my balance here and I have zero balance requirements there + +C. The bank where salary gets credit has no assets / no liabilities . Just two +Two transaction in and 3 out . + +D. I make it a point to change / reissue cards for the expenditure bank ac every year , or if used abroad , on return to India + +E. All three accounts link to different numbers for otp transactions , no interdependence . + +In short I have found my formula to a peaceful banking experience. + +The biggest mistake I used to make was rely on one bank . +I know I still have work to do but I wanted to share my small success story and some gratitude to this sub for helping me get my finances back on track. + +In late 2013 I was out of work for several months due to an illness, and just a few weeks after I returned to work my husband was laid off. I had a small emergency fund but medical bills and keeping the rent paid on time meant that I was left with some sizable amounts of debt, some of which went to collections. I ignored my credit through 2014 and 2015, since I honestly didn't know how to fix it. + +Then I found this subreddit. I read every post that seemed at all relevant to my situation, and read all of the amazing information provided here. Towards the end of 2016 I finally decided that I was ready to fix my situation and get back on track. + +In October I signed up for Credit Karma. My credit score was a dismal 590. I thought it was insurmountable, but I took it one step at a time. I treated it like a game -- every Sunday I would log on to CK (as well as several other score providers) to see how many points I "earned" that week. + +To start, I found a few old collections accounts that were either inaccurate or were being reported past my state's statute of limitations, and disputed them. To my surprise, the very next week every single one of them had been removed from my report. There is still one small $200 collection account on my report (one that wasn't disputed because I legitimately owe it), which I plan on tackling next. + +I now make a good salary but frequently found myself low on funds at the end of the month, due to poor budgeting. I signed up for Mint and monitored all of my spending to see where my money was going. I cut cable, stopped eating out so much, and cut some other unnecessary expenses. Coupled with taking on some extra side work on evenings and weekends when I could, I was able to put over $1,000 a month into savings, when previously I struggled to save even 1/10 of that. + +Next, I tackled my credit card debt. I started with about $2,800 in credit card debt, which isn't very much but my utilization was near 90%. Every extra dollar I had went to those two cards until they were paid off. I paid off the lowest balance first, since the interest rates were the same for both cards. Seeing that first $0 balance reported to my credit report was really nice. Once my utilization was under 50% I called CapitalOne and requested a credit line increase, which they provided, taking my utilization down to 31%. I continued paying down my debt aggressively and now have 0% utilization across both cards. It took about 6 weeks to pay these off due to my new aggressive budgeting strategy. + +Finally, I called my credit union (car loan) and asked them if they would be willing to remove any of the late payments that were reported during my unemployment, because it can't hurt to ask. To my surprise, they listened to me, saw that my payments had been current since I started working again, and removed 3 late payments from my report as a "good will" adjustment. I still have 3 late payments reported, but 3 is better than 6. + +Today when I logged in to Credit Karma my score was 663. All of my credit card debt is paid off, my car loan will be paid off in 3-4 months and I was able to replenish my emergency fund *and* start saving towards a down payment for a house. + +Seriously cannot thank this sub enough. I've never posted here before but I must have read every single post here over the past 3-4 months, and just wanted you to know that I'm grateful to those of you who take the time to answer questions and help people get their lives back on track. + +Happy New Year! + +**A small edit since this post got a little more attention than I anticipated! (Wow, thanks everyone :))** + +First, I have gotten some PMs and comments assuming that this post was some sort of ad for CK, and I assure you it isn't (lol). Credit Karma was one of several score services I utilized, and I initially signed up since I saw it mentioned so frequently on this sub. I mentioned it by name simply because it was the service I used (& continue to use) most frequently. I've also received some messages from people who, for some reason, don't believe that my post is true, and that was certainly unexpected. If the mods are amenable I would be happy to post screenshots with personal information redacted. The purpose of this post was to remind everyone that a series of seemingly small steps forward can make a bigger difference in a smaller amount of time than you might expect. + +I also appreciate the advice to check my "real" FICO score. I did that this morning and to my delight it was actually 667, so a couple points higher than my CK score :) + +I'm very humbled to hear that my story was inspirational to some of you, and wish everyone great success in the new year! +Examples of terrible strategy and mismanagement by fund managers continues. Reliance was the most sold stock in the April May period by mutual funds. These funds have all missed out on atleast 35% gains since then. + + +https://ibb.co/KX6nVgQ + + +The most bought stock HUL has more or less been at the same level since then. In fact it is now below the April highs. + +Moreover majority of mutual funds did not even apply for Reliance rights issue. That itself is trading at a premium of 300% now. One has to wonder what these fund managers are doing that justifies the high expense ratios they have been collecting from people... +Me, my partner and a friend from London booked an Airbnb last September but covid regulations changed and wouldn’t let us go. + +Airbnb wouldn’t refund our money, even when I pointed out the law said they had to. They claimed their terms and conditions were all that mattered and said - in writing - that they don’t follow UK Government rules on refunds. + +So I took them to court. Started a Simple Procedude (Scotland’s version of the small claims court) and they had until next Thursday to respond or I won by default. + +Yesterday their legal department emailed me offering to refund my money and court application fee, plus a little bit on top if I withdraw my claim. + +Putting this up because (a) I’m one awesome badass tenacious bastard you don’t mess with and (b) if anyone’s had similar issues definitely go down the same road. It’s easy, it’s cheap and it lights a rocket under their arses and gets things sorted out. Costs £19 and if you lose you don’t pay anything more. + +If you’ve been the victim of a mild corporate injustice, if no one else can help, and if you can find me (I’m here) drop me a line and we’ll sort the bastards out. + +EDIT. +I copied this post from my Facebook page and really should have deleted the last paragraph. I’m not a lawyer and I’ve never used the small claims court before this so while I’m happy to give my opinion I don’t take responsibility for anything. My inbox is jam packed with people asking me help getting refunds. Right now I’m drinking beer and watching Netflix but I will try to respond to you all tomorrow. + +To those saying they’ve had positive experiences with Airbnb refunds, that’s excellent. I think it largely depends on the host’s attitude. My host decided to keep the money and Airbnb couldn’t or wouldn’t overrule her. I’m a journalist but I also have a small property company as a side business and I wouldn’t dream of taking money from guests being good citizens and cancelling to obey new covid rules. + +A bit more about the build up and settlement. I tried a credit card chargeback but Airbnb defended that by citing their terms and conditions. My opinion is that the law trumps T&Cs so I took them to the small claims court (called a simple procedure in Scotland). It’s not actually a day in court and as far as I’m aware (they settled so I haven’t gone through the experience) you don’t actually speak to a judge or anything. Both sides submit their stories and supporting evidence and the court makes its decision. + +To those asking why I didn’t “take it all the way”. If you’re offered a reasonable settlement you’re supposed to accept that and it can count against you if you didn’t. The small claims court doesn’t give punitive damages so I wouldn’t have ended up with any more money (and in fact slightly less). All I wanted was my money back from Airbnb anyway. + +My main reason for posting is I think most people just accept losses in similar circumstances (I have plenty of times in the past) but it’s actually easy and affordable to fight your corner. +Procter & Gamble (PG) is the [winner](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/r7dru5/battle_royale_final_round_who_do_you_think_will/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of our Battle Royale. Thank you everyone for participating! Moving forward we will do smaller, more concentrated battles such as the top REIT, ETF, high yield asset, etc. Please let me know if there is something you'd like to see for the battles. I will make a post before each one to get everyone's recommendations for which tickers should be included in the battle. + +Here is some info on our winner PG: + +Current Share Price: $149.88 +Dividend Yield: 2.38% +Dividend Frequency: Paid Quarterly (Jan, April, July, Oct) + +**Background** +[Procter & Gamble](https://us.pg.com/) was founded in 1837 and is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. PG is in the Consumer Staples sector and operates in [five segments:](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PG/profile?p=PG) Beauty; Grooming; Health Care; Fabric & Home Care; and Baby, Feminine & Family Care. PG owns over [50 major brands](https://us.pg.com/brands/) including Pampers, Luvs, Bounce, Downy, Gain, Tide, Bounty, Charmin, Tampax, Always, Gillette, Herbal Essences, Old Spice, Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Swiffer, Crest, Oral B, and Vicks. PG has over 100,000 employees worldwide and operates in North and Latin America, Europe, the Asia Pacific, Greater China, India, the Middle East, and Africa. + +**Financials** +Revenue: $77.14 Billion +Net Income: $13.87 Billion +Profit Margin: 18.33% +Total Cash: $10.37 Billion +Total Debt: $32.55 Billion +See [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/PG/key-statistics?p=PG) for more key statistics on PG + +**Performance & Dividend** +PG has had an average annual return of [9.36%](https://www.portfoliovisualizer.com/backtest-portfolio?s=y&timePeriod=4&startYear=2001&firstMonth=1&endYear=2021&lastMonth=12&calendarAligned=true&includeYTD=false&initialAmount=10000&annualOperation=0&annualAdjustment=0&inflationAdjusted=true&annualPercentage=0.0&frequency=4&rebalanceType=1&absoluteDeviation=5.0&relativeDeviation=25.0&leverageType=0&leverageRatio=0.0&debtAmount=0&debtInterest=0.0&maintenanceMargin=25.0&leveragedBenchmark=false&reinvestDividends=true&showYield=true&showFactors=false&factorModel=3&portfolioNames=false&portfolioName1=Portfolio+1&portfolioName2=Portfolio+2&portfolioName3=Portfolio+3&symbol1=PG&allocation1_1=100) over the last 20 years with dividends reinvested. An investor that purchased shares in 2001 would have had an initial dividend yield of 1.88% and yield on cost would have grown to 15.06% in 2021. PG is on the Dividend Kings list and has increased their dividend for [64 years](https://www.marketbeat.com/stocks/NYSE/PG/dividend/) consecutively. The current payout ratio is 63.62% and the past three year dividend growth rate is 13.87%. +38 years old, gay guy in a 7 year relationship, no kids, currently renting, no debt, net worth $3.4M, income ~$290K/year at a FAANG tech company in the US. I could park my money in a high dividend ETF like WDIV and collect $170K/year in dividends at this point. + +I'm burnt out of my job, and quite simply don't want to work as hard anymore. If you count school and summer jobs as work, I've been working non-stop since I was 14. I want a break from it all. + +Two months ago, I asked my boss if I could use the entire remaining balance of my vacation time, 35 days. Boss approved it, and I've been on vacation for two months, preparing to officially quit soon. + +I haven't missed my job at all. I've been coding side projects here and there. However - I'm kind of bored. I'm kind of wondering... Is this really how I'm going to spend the remainder of my life? + +Anytime people post things like this on this sub, the response is often "Volunteer! Teach!" To me, those things sound absolutely awful. Probably lots more work than what I do now, and for a lot less money. + +I'm curious to know if others have found themselves in this dilemma. Should I just return to my FAANG job, not take it so seriously (even though it makes me miserable), and just cruise for as long as I can? Should I take a year off and then go back to work? Should I change careers altogether? Should I keep coding side projects and see if any of those can turn a profit (unlikely)? +Taking profit on a stock is always fun, but when you take profits, you want to be comfortable selling when you did. Its not about timing the top, because if you try to time the top on when profit taking you will almost certainly never be able to always time it correctly, shit if you could time the bottom and top correctly you would be rich very quickly. But taking a profit is about selling when you’re happy and knowing whatever happens to the stock your reasons were good, and you don’t second guess yourself 1-2 days later if it keeps going up. For this post I’m going to do 3 ways you can take profit and then an example I have had of each. + +**Choosing xx%** +The first one, and one which I see quite a lot around on the sub is choosing a certain percentage or nice round number on the stock price and sticking with that. This could be something as simple as free carrying which you sell the initial cost and hold the rest presuming you have a gain of over 100%, or just selling all of it at something like 20%. Every strategy has its pros and cons but finding what works for you is the main thing. So, what’s the benefit of this way? Well, you can’t psych yourself out of it, you know what your exit strategy is on a gain and it stops you from thinking well its run this far maybe it will run another 50000%. As we have seen today though uranium gang have done great and some have over 100% gains, so you would have missed out on the extra, but looking big picture is the main thing and knowing you don’t need a lot of 100% gains to be rich quickly. For me I do boomer stonks so 20% is usually a good aim and then move onto the next one, but this all depends on the individual stock and is where it can go wrong as Ill try justifying holding longer or selling earlier. But the main thing to remember with this strategy is sticking with it as it reduces the constant stress of when to sell. + +**Resistance levels** +The next one is resistance levels, I know some of you, or maybe even the majority of you think TA is as useful as my routine of clapping my hands and spinning in a circle and hoping there’s a cloud with a $ sign, but I personally think there is value in TA. So, a strategy you can use is to sell at a resistance level which you have seen. To cherry pick an easy example we can look at CBA, people like to buy and sell at big round numbers which is why they are typically support and resistance levels. CBA is doing an off-market buyback at $100 and so that would have been an easy opportunity to sell as its become a resistance, After pay was also floating around $100 for a bit and where you could of used this strategy. Now resistance levels don’t work every time which is why TA won’t make you an instant millionaire, but if you are happy to sell at a nice round number and value the TA then this may be a strategy you can look into, as its easy to follow and easy to check where a resistance level is. What if your stocks at an ATH? Well, congrats, you have beat the system and this strategy is not going to help you much until some resistance is formed. + +**Fundamental analysis** +Last but not least is simply when the stock is overvalued in your opinion fundamentally. Now this doesn’t mean as soon as it gets overvalued you sell; you could hold until you notice the momentum has died and then get out of the stock. Let’s look at something like QUBE for example, you may have seen $3 was resistance and noticed that $3.20 was where you thought it was overvalued, so you sell at $3.20. This strategy relies on you doing some fundamental analysis though and trusting your analysis is somewhat correct, which is why having a margin of safety where you allow say 15% of the price that you could be wrong. For example, if you think a stock is overvalued at $2, you take 30cents off and sell at $1.70 roughly to be safe as with any fundamental analysis there is assumptions. + +None of these strategies are fool proof and all can lead to the stock flying higher, but as mentioned at the start you should take profit when you are happy with how much the stock has run and not be trying to time the top every time. Sure, we all wish we could time the top and see into the future, but once again it’s almost impossible. + +**Examples** +First example is of choosing a certain % to take gains at. Now free carrying doesn’t need much explanation but choosing the % that works for you is what its about. When you buy the stock, you should find a % you’re happy with, whether its 20%, 50%, 100% or even 500% (LUL). The point is you stick to the strategy, and you don’t get upset if it flies past or it starts to plateau at a certain point, which is why choosing an abnormally large number like 500% for every stock is unrealistic because you will either need to hold for an extremely long time or be a god at picking stocks…oh 10 points uranium gang! I had this when I sold GrainCorp initially, it hit 20% and I sold at $4.4 roughly and I was happy with it, now in hindsight I should have held but I was happy with the 20% gain and moved onto the next stock, looking back, and getting fomo and worrying just defeats the purpose of having a strategy. I recently bought back in because I was surprised by the guidance upgrade so did some more analysis, I still think selling was correct for me when I was up 20% though. + +The next one is resistance levels! I sold MND recently at $11.59 and was just shy of the peak which was more luck than anything. But the trade was largely on TA, I bought at $10 pre results and though results shouldn’t be too bad and I can’t see how much lower it will go. Then just before results there was quite a bit of resistance building up around the mid $11 mark and commodity prices were falling, so I decided to sell. Here I used some fundamental analysis as well because with commodity prices falling it was the straw that broke the camels back and the perfect excuse for me to justify selling at the resistance, it just so happened this worked and was near the top and was quite lucky. In general, as mentioned TA isn’t 100% guaranteed, but using it as a guide or letting it have some small influence in your profit taking strategy I think is perfectly fine. + +The last one which is selling when the stock is overvalued for me was Elders. Elders and I have a shaky history, it’s the farming stock I loved until I discovered GNC and then jumped ship. Elders results last year were quite poor to my expectations as they were having great growth of 15-20%, but then said we expect it to be more like 10-15% going forward. This changed my analysis and what I thought it was worth and I sold at just under $12 which left me with little profits as the stock tanked on earnings, but as it wasn’t earnings play, I just moved on and decided maybe I got too greedy with my expectations and analysis. When analysing a stock its easy to overlook the negatives as something small and will get fixed, but if results go bad its usually something obvious which was the issue. So having a margin of safety on when you buy/sell a stock based on FA is very important because it means you can still be wrong and right, and we all love to be right even if we are wrong. + + +**Summary** +As you probably noticed, I didn’t even touch on losses and bailing because that’s a whole different topic and would need its own post. But overall finding the strategy that works for you and your stock is the important thing. If you are happy selling at resistance levels knowing it could push higher then be happy and don’t get frustrated at yourself if it goes higher, you aren’t a genius for predicting the top just like you aren’t a dip shit for not timing the bottom. This is the same for choosing a set % and even fundamental analysis, you need to be prepared to be wrong sometimes and just be happy you had gains and not worry about what could have been. We all have that Afterpay example which we sold at $20 and wished we held but dreaming on what could of isn’t going to make you rich. + +“Wealth is not about having a lot of money, it is about having a lot of options,” -Chris Rock. +I know they missed earnings, but subscription growth was through the roof, trading at very low p/e with solid yield. Spent probably too much on content and growing out the platform but that will lead to sustained subscribers. They are priced as a legacy TV company rather than a company with growth potential, have competitive content, and an obvious acquisition target. + +Also, iCarly season 2 is being filmed so don't understand how you can possibly be bearish +So, I understand that prices (in general and in the stock market) are "determined" by supply and demand. + +But, say I'm selling shirts. I have 100 shirts left and they're not selling well so supply and demand has "determined" that I need to reduce my price if I want to sell more shirts. + +But "supply and demand" is neither a human being nor a robot. It is not a sentient being. It is not going to log into my POS and edit the pricing on certain products. Nor is it going to go replace my signage advertising $5 shirts with price tags and signage advertising $4 shirts. Supply and demand doesn't determine or change my prices - I do! I just make that decision based on the current supply/demand situation. + +So. Stock market. NYSE. People either won't pay the price it's listed at, or they would be willing to pay more. Who changes it?? My understanding is that the price that's listed was just the price that was paid in the last transaction, but if I have to buy or sell it at that price now then how does my transaction change the price?? + +I know it's all made up and the points don't matter, but I also am really struggling to understand which sentient being picks the current going rate for literally anything. +Not that bold of a statement I just made, however, I often see short term dividend advice on here rather than long term, which I have fallen victim to as a younger investor. + +I’m in early 30’s and find myself chasing high yield stocks/ ETF’s too often in an effort to grow my annual dividends. +I have stumbled into some great long term holds from advice on this sub with $abbv, $avgo, $msft, $schd etc. but have also made many mistakes along the way. + +However, I can’t stop thinking that by the time retire in 20-30 years, accumulating as many $Aapl shares now will be the best long term dividend play I can make. + +If a new investor asked me today the best foundational place to park money for a healthy future dividend income, I would simply answer $Aapl and $Schd. + +$Aapl will most likely continue to raise its dividends annually and possibly split 1 or more times (in my lifetime). With the dominance of $Aapl today, why wouldn’t it either continue to grow or slowly transition into a higher dividend paying gem if business levels off down the road? + +I am not saying to go all in on $Aapl but I feel if you have decades ahead until retirement, $Aapl should be viewed more as a long term dividend giant - coupled with ETF’s and others companies you find in your journey. + +*Opinion not Finacial advice +Hello fatFIRE, + +I am in my 30s and in the lucky position to have founded a unicorn tech startup ($1b+ valuation). + +My personal equity ownership in it brings me to a high net worth. Googling my unique surname would allow anybody that knows my name to connect the dots based on industry articles. + +As I live in the western world in a mostly safe city, I'm not concerned about this at home, but I am becoming more concerned about traveling. In the past, I would have just grabbed my backpack and travelled through South America or Asia by myself. But over the years read enough about stuff like bad actors getting name lists of flights or hotels to then find valuable targets to kidnap/blackmail/... to be worried. + +How do other fatFIREs handle personal safety, especially when traveling? Is this a concern? Am I just too worried? Better not travel to such places? Take a bodyguard (weird feeling)? + +Thanks. +A couple days ago, I created a post on the European fire sub [ asking for advice on how to move forward with 150k euro NW at 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/eupersonalfinance/comments/i1ogfx/31_yo_guy_needs_some_advice/) + +And then I stumbled upon this US fatfire post [Any women here?](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/i2yblq/any_women_here/) + +> I am a man but my wife makes 75% of the HH income. She makes about $800k. $310k Salary and the rest is cash bonuses (company is a large financial institution that is private). No college degree for her. Completed HS by CDRom/remote learning. Started working on websites aged 16 as she was part of a cult (her mom joined when my wife was 12) + +How + +> Likewise , my wife makes about triple what I make 200k vs 650k & I couldn’t be happier. We feed off each other’s success . + +Can + +> and her own modeling career she’s pulling close to $350,000, working for no one but herself. + +Someone + +> For the record, I'm 28, DINK, NW ~2.1m, and find the lifestyle fairly MCOL beyond housing which is high, generally more "quiet" than Cap Hill but we like it a lot. + +Reach + +> Woman here. I work in tech and am the primary breadwinner. (Used to make ~2x husband, now the gap's larger due to him recently starting a business). Not FI yet, but nearing 1M NW at 29/31. + +this + +> Hi! I’m in tech and I pull in around 300 and my husband is in comms and makes about 200. + +before + +> Yes - SO and I contribute 50/50. We both make a little over 400 a year + +30 + +> I’m an employed female physician and my husband is a self-employed real estate consultant. I make about 75% (~400) of the household income. + +in + +> We aren’t close to FatFire yet or maybe ever, but around $500k gross joint income. I’m mid a 30s woman + +Europe + +> Just crossed 1M here a few months ago so looking forward to seeing the growth really accelerate (still contributing 300k/year as well) + +You will never get this salary in Europe. Not in a million years and I'm getting frustrated. I have a feeling that in the states you do a master (loans ofc) and you don't take drugs you are earning 300k in corporate America for the rest of your life. Either as a dev, lawyer, PM, engineer, doctor etc. + +I have a master's in IT and a master's in law + one PhD, years of experience in different fields, I speak 4 languages and I can only dream about salaries like 300k USD. I pay 42-45% income tax, cars are twice as expensive, I was maybe 2 times in the hospital and enjoyed this "free healthcare". I think even the directors or c-suite in my company are not earning more than 300k euros. + +It is so unfair. Sorry for my rant. +So I got the below message from Niyo Money. It's pretty clear on what will happen but not on why they are making this change. + +This will also hamper the ability of people buying mutual funds to time the market. T+2 is way too late and that's not even guaranteed. Whose interest is this serving? + +************************* +Hi , + +Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  + +As per the recent SEBI circular there are some changes in the NAV allocation for all the investment transactions from Jan 1, 2021 onwards.  + +In order to understand the changes, please remember that when you make an investment, the money gets debited from your account and goes to the payment processors account (eg Razorpay) who then forwards it to the bank account of the respective Mutual Fund companies. This forwarding does not always happen in real time and can sometimes take an extra day or two depending on the payout and reconciliation processes at the payment partner’s end. + +Existing NAV allocation:  +  + +For investments in non-liquid funds (i.e. all equity funds and other debt funds) of amount below ₹2 Lakhs made before the cut off time, Mutual Fund companies allotted the NAV of the same day irrespective of whether the investment amount reaches their account or not. If the money then never reached their bank account then Mutual Fund companies would reverse the investment transaction. +  + +For e.g. for a lumpsum investment in Axis Long Term Equity Fund for ₹10,000 on 15th December before the cut-off, you would get the NAV of 15th December itself. This would be the case even if the money is actually credited to the Mutual fund account by the payment partner on 16th December or 17th December (which could happen when paying via E-mandate for example).  + +New NAV allocation from Jan 1st 2021:  + +From Jan 1st 2021, all investment transactions, irrespective of the amount and type will be processed by the Mutual Fund companies only when the money reaches their account.  + +Based on current money transfer systems via banks, we have come up with likely NAV allotment dates for different types of investments and payment methods available on Niyo Money. Please note that to ensure safety and regulatory compliance, the money never goes through our accounts and directly goes from your bank account to the Mutual Fund companies’ account directly via the payment partners so we have no control over the timelines. +  + + + +*These are the most likely but not guaranteed timelines. NAV date could be later than that mentioned here. The money movement is dependent on the banking systems and we have no control over them. + +T = Day on which transaction is made or next business day if the transaction is made on a non business day. For SIP transactions, T means SIP date. T+1 means one business day after the transaction date, T+2 means two business days after the transaction date and so on. So for eg. if a transaction is made on Friday (T) then T+2 will mean Tuesday. All Saturdays and Sundays are non business days for the MF companies.  + +You can read about NAV allocation in detail here.  +  + +Important Note: + +This is a big change and requires coordination and efforts amongst platforms like ours,  RTAs like CAMS and Karvy, Mutual Fund companies, payment gateways and NPCI. It may take some time for various stakeholders to streamline their processes. Based on this, we’ve been told to expect some deviation from the likely NAV allotment dates (mentioned in the table above) till the end of February 2021.  + +P.S. This is an industry level change for Mutual Funds and not just for Niyo Money. Also these changes only apply for investments and not for redemptions. + +Best +Team Niyo Money + +********* +This was one of the questions in my economics midterm. I argued in my answer that university education and healthcare are public goods in Turkey (where I live) as they're for free (no tuition/payment). I proceeded to write "say in the US these two services are in fact private goods". I got zero points. I went and asked my professor and he said 'characteristics' of these goods are universal and excludability is unrelated to the price (for free or not) of these goods. + +Can you help me understand? What are your thoughts on my professor's explanation? I can't agree with it at the moment so I'd like your explanation/confirmation of his comment. +Kind of a relief, you know? +When things just keep going up forever you get scared about how bad things are going to be and the more they go up the more you fear to lose. +Having a little balance reaffirms my faith in my positions to have consistent gains and not having me sweat about when I should sell. +Imogen Tow at the Times says yes and wants the age of auto enrollment reduced to 18 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/7eee562e-6bfa-11ec-87c8-7ab22098d3fb?shareToken=4da0146b4e08c313fb52ed5e86364516 + +Sam Bowman disagrees https://twitter.com/s8mb/status/1478276318315880451?t=xPL4Yhq2xY8peoLNXwEIBA&s=19 + +Anyone have thoughts? +Posting for an anonymous ape. + +Title edit: INTERNATIONAL securities fraud + +EDIT: Feel free to use this as a template to send to media outlets. + +\---- + +I have more than enough evidence to believe that the DTCC is committing securities fraud on the ticker GME (GameStop) which is diluting the value of shares held by institutional and retail investors around the globe. This story is a bombshell and could signal the beginning of the end of all confidence in the US Markets. Here is a very short article on the topic by Medium: [https://medium.com/@cuitlahuacpinedayouniss/has-the-dtc-failed-to-deliver-gamestops-dividends-25860d01d1f8](https://medium.com/@cuitlahuacpinedayouniss/has-the-dtc-failed-to-deliver-gamestops-dividends-25860d01d1f8) I have been in contact with, and seen evidence of, many brokerages around the world who are stating that the DTCC has told them to split the GME shares into four, rather than issue dividend shares as per the corporate action described in GameStop's 8-K filing. Canada's own CDS has stated that the DTCC advised them to split the shares rather than distribute new dividend shares. The GameStop 8-K filing, dated July 6, 2022 states that the 4-1 split is to be issued "in the form of a stock dividend." Reference: [https://news.gamestop.com/node/19826/html](https://news.gamestop.com/node/19826/html) In Germany the same thing is occurring and the Bafin (essentially the securities exchange police), have confirmed that GameStop dividend shares are incorrectly booked in Germany. Reference: [https://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Veroeffentlichungen/DE/Meldung/2022/meldung\_2022\_08\_02\_gamestop.html;jsessionid=6718D126425080BD1AD3C6C26C55F6A3.1\_cid502](https://www.bafin.de/SharedDocs/Veroeffentlichungen/DE/Meldung/2022/meldung_2022_08_02_gamestop.html;jsessionid=6718D126425080BD1AD3C6C26C55F6A3.1_cid502) The CDS has stated that they treated this dividend as a classic stock split. Reference: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wecxdj/cds\_canadian\_depository\_for\_securities\_treated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wecxdj/cds_canadian_depository_for_securities_treated/) The same reports are coming out of Korea, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Cyprus and many other countries around the globe. Reports out of Korea are stating that their International Equities Team along with their Depository Leader and Counselor will be making a statement on this situation shortly. This is all further evidence that naked shares (otherwise known as synthetic shares or counterfeit shares) have been issued en masse to retail investors around the globe. I believe this story is an absolute bombshell and should be front page on every newspaper around the world. Please let me know if I can attempt to provide you with further details. If this story goes to print, I would like to remain anonymous. Thank you, Additional links for your reference: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg2e7j/beyond\_the\_wool\_the\_smoking\_gun\_and\_how\_the\_dtcc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg2e7j/beyond_the_wool_the_smoking_gun_and_how_the_dtcc/) + +[https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1554128249638330369](https://twitter.com/dlauer/status/1554128249638330369) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9mos/dtcc\_form\_for\_gme\_splividend\_from\_dnb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wf9mos/dtcc_form_for_gme_splividend_from_dnb/) + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg19eg/korean\_apes\_havent\_received\_their\_dividend\_ksd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wg19eg/korean_apes_havent_received_their_dividend_ksd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + **What is your investing strategy during the high inflation.** + +I personally cut back in the amount of my monthly investments. I still buy my common stocks to get a lower average cost. I lost kind of a lot of money while this bear run but I wont change much in my investing strategy. How about y'all? +Would you buy a $50,000 property that rents for $700? Is it worth it? Some people wouldn’t buy cheap properties because of large repairs and other stuff that make it not worth it. What’s the cheapest property you would invest in? +After Almost 3 Years Trading, These Are 3 Tips That Allowed Me To Become Consistently Profitable + +These are a few of many things that have helped me over the years. I hope you find some value from them ! 🙏🏼 + +1. Using an indicator to complement a strategy, not create one. I’m sure a lot of you will disagree with this and that’s ok. Personally I’ve always been a price action guy and so in my early days I’d use indicators as a my shiny object to chase. More so than this the role of an indicator for me helps me to be systematic with my decisions. I am mainly a day trader/scalper so emotions and decision making are heavily intertwined. + +2. Focusing on less pairs. When I started I was concentrating on 10 pairs and the result was I didn’t learn anything - I was stressed and dysfunctional. I cut down to one pair for 6 months and then I made real progress. Now I trade 5 pairs but I feel I have earned my ability to do that as I’ve built up my discipline over years. + +3. Massively reduce screen time. Even though I scalp and day trade a lot, I don’t spend more than 2 hours per day looking at the chart. I have a system for setting up custom alerts and I refrain from looking at the screen otherwise. More screen time = more room for emotions = more emotions = more bad decisions = inconsistent results. + +These sound simple and when I first started trading almost 3 years ago, I would of ignored them because I thought I knew it all. Took me 1.5 years to get consistent and I struggled with every emotional issue you can think of. I hope these help, any others you think should be added leave a comment 🙏🏼🚀 +I imagine this is not an uncommon problem for fatFIRE... but I'm in the position where I could retire if I moved to a lower cost-of-living location, but I don't feel like I currently have enough money to retire here where housing and related expenses are astronomical (Bay Area). + +The simple solution is to just retire & move... but I'm finding that's not as straightforward as it sounds. Family, friends, schools, networks etc are all here in the area. If we left we'd be starting anew socially. + +Do we just grind it out to make enough money to fatFIRE here? Move to an area that's nearby but slightly cheaper? Make the move somewhere else because we're young and there's plenty of time to reestablish relationships? +Live in US. 36 y/o single parent of two young children. Very ill; very, highly likely aggressive cancer (<1 year, possibly much sooner). Working with doc to determine cause; however (b/c public health care in America is slow. yay.), I will not have the definitive testing for 5 more weeks. + +Currently have ~$2000 in savings. Monthly income of $1600 via child support. No major debts (~$24k in Fed student loans, but no payments b/c am below income threshold). + +I have always planned on donating my body to science, so I'm not looking to pay for funeral and burial services. Given that I have potentially five more weeks without a terminal diagnosis, is there anything I can do to help my children and my children's new guardian financially? + +Edit: Thank you for all your well wishes and support. I greatly appreciate it. I am not trying to scam any insurance carriers. I am just trying to examine my options. I know I ~~failed my children~~ fucked up massively by not signing up for life insurance beforehand. I guess I was just checking to see if anyone had another idea for a lifeline. I am not currently thinking very clearly (medication is rough). Thank you to everyone for explaining what is probably obvious. + +Edit #2: For those of you following this train wreck, I'm getting a little drunk by now. I think my doc wrote it down as "self medication" lol. I'm trying to keep up with the comments. Truly. + +Edit #3: This thread has become a little rough emotionally. To every child here who lost their parent, I'll say what I tell my children every day, "Momma loves you forever and ever and ever. Never forgot that." *hugs* +Okay. I've seen a few comments doubting Melissa Lee's reaction to her Internet-breaking slip of the tongue, partly because it lasts for *so long*, and I'd like to address this. + +I'm an actor, and for once, *for once*, I feel like I actually have valuable information to contribute to this sub. I got super into Paul Ekman's work on microexpressions when *Lie to Me* came out, and I studied and taught Alba Emoting, which is an acting technique that uses specific universal breath patterns and postures to make you feel an emotion almost instantly, out of nowhere. (People who are great at this can have tears rolling down their cheeks in three breaths. It's super cool. Humans are cool.) + +Basically, these are two sides of the same coin: Ekman's work identifies the universal human expressions of emotion in order to identify what someone is feeling, and Alba Emoting uses those expressions to work *backwards*, creating emotions by correctly going through the expressions. [Here's a good overview, if you're interested.](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/s3-euw1-ap-pe-ws4-cws-documents.ri-prod/9781138918580/chapt4/unit_4.8_breath_and_emotion.doc) + +These two concepts aren't very widespread in the acting world, but I latched onto them because a lot of acting training is basically mystical, arrogant, frustrating woo; there isn't a hard, identifiable baseline of data. Dancers have an encyclopedia of steps and terminology; musicians have an arsenal of notes and notations. Wanna know how acting gets taught, even at the graduate level? [Imagine teaching someone to play a sonata by ear, without knowing how to interpret or explain sheet music](http://easeofmovement.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Breathing-Costume.pdf). I thought this was fucking stupid, and wanted some sexy motherfucking verifiable data. + +So. DATA. YAY. + +Alba Emoting teaches that there are six basic emotions (tenderness, fear, laughter/joy, grief/sadness, anger, lust), plus neutral. + +Here are two handy dandy diagrams to break these six down for you: + +[Breathing patterns](https://images.app.goo.gl/vQnzKqkVVZY8p4879 ) + +[Facial expressions & posture](https://images.app.goo.gl/PYiWGd5Lpd9BNRRK9 ) + +Everything else is a mix of those six. What you see on Melissa Lee's face is *shock*, which is mostly fear. If you take what we normally think of as fear, with its quick shallow breathing, the darting, bulging eyes, the raised eyebrows, the open mouth, plus the *get the fuck out of here* physicality, and you escalate this fear to its most extreme iteration, you actually get a panic attack, with breathing that's so fast and shallow you can't get enough oxygen to your brain. Well, she's definitely not going through anything close to that. [And genuine *surprise*, with its raised eyebrows, lasts a *fraction* of a second.](https://youtu.be/bWyhsqh_e9s ) (Relevant clip starts at 2:38.) So, no, at first glance this doesn't look like a real "oh fuck" reaction. + +*HOWEVER.* + + *Fear, especially shock and horror, starts out with a freeze*. + +Everything in your brain freezes. Your body doesn't want to move. Your breath almost stops. It's like your body's thinking "IF I DON'T MOVE, NO ONE WILL NOTICE I EXIST". I'm almost positive that this particular evolutionary response comes from a common "prey" situation, one we've seen in every horror movie and thriller ever made - you're hiding from a predator, you think you're safe, then you step on a twig. *Crack*. OH FUCK. You freeze. If you don't move a muscle, make absolutely no noise, it might not find you. OH FUCK OH FUCK FOOTSTEPS GETTING CLOSER *and now you run*. + +[Melissa Lee froze.](https://images.app.goo.gl/BPugSAFoD5ssKZqs8 ) *Horrified*. Her forehead is blank, her eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, she didn't breathe. She couldn't move for *awhile. Immediately* after she said it. She was probably being yelled at in her ear, yes, but her horror came so quickly she didn't need to be told she had fucked up. She didn't need to go through the process of "wait, what?" She *knew.* + +(I keep getting the feeling, looking at that freeze-frame, that her eyebrows are slightly too close together for straight-up fear; it looks like consternation, which has sadness mixed in. Mirroring her face actually makes me feel like I'm about to cry. I don't know her at all, I don't know anything about her life, but I'd bet at least one of my GME shares that she wanted to burst into tears for at least a fraction of a second.) + +You know what that means? + +They all know this is a massive problem. Everyone she works for, reports on and is friendly with only has one way out of this; keep it contained. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. + +Oops. + +tl;dr: **BULLISH AF.** + +Edit for proper TL;DR: Human feelings are expressed through universal physical characteristics, and hers 100% line up with the initial stages of shock/horror/fear. + +In other words, bullish AF. +Hi! + +My name is Eli Buyko and I have been selling futures options for the past 7 years, this post was taken down and I got a few messages about it so I am reposting and updating it! Here's my strategy: + +**What products I trade(by sector):** + +Metals: GC, SI + +Agriculture: ZC, ZW, ZS + +Bonds: ZB + +Indicies: ES, RTY + +Produce: SB, KC, CT, CC + +Energy: CL, NG + +FX: AUD, CAD, JPY + +Meats: LE, HE + +&#x200B; + +**Rules of entry:** + +\- Must sell an iron condor or a strangle: ONLY delta neutral strategies + +\- Short legs must be outside the expected move: At 1SD + +\- At least 45 DTE: 45-70 DTE is my range + +\- Average IV: Based on 52 week IVR + +\- No uncertainty in the sector + +\- Liquid options: Most futures options are not liquid, yet. + +\- The loss on both sides of the position must be similar: I want to avoid big skews because then my position becomes directional. + +\- The product must not be volatile: The less news about the underlying the better. + +&#x200B; + +**The mechanics:** + +\- I usually have 6-7 small positions open at once: this depends on the market and I can have less positions open. + +\- Each position MUST belong to a different sector in the futures market: This is to decrease correlations and make sure volatility in one sector doesn't affect my entire account. + +\- Premium received must be around 3% of account size + +\- Max loss on a position cannot exceed 6% of account value + +\- Position must be sold at 10-15% above current price + +\- Taking profits at 50% of credit + +\- Must be a hard stop loss: For me I usually place it at 100-150% of credit as a stop loss + +\- Risk reward ratio must be no worse than 3:1 : Risk $3 to make $1 + +\- No Adjustments- By 30 DTE start looking for an exit if none of the targets were hit + +\- By 21 DTE the position must be closed: This is to avoid gamma risk + +\- Total account at risk must be no more than 40%: Spreaded across small uncorrelated positions + +\- Total Margin requirements in use cannot exceed 70% of account value: I usually keep it at 60% and have lots of room for margin requirements increase and unrealized losses. + +\- After a win I will reopen a new position on the same product right away. + +\- After a loss (which usually happens due to increasing volatility) I will wait for the product to normalize and IV levels to go back to average, only then I place a trade on it. + +\- If there is a skew in the position, I will try to balance it by adding an additional short call or put and make sure my theoretical loss in equal regardless of an up or down move, if it doesn't work I just don't open a position. + +\- I try to close positions manually if they are losing because stop loss orders are not allowed for futures options (See next point below) + +&#x200B; + +**The technical side:** + +\- I use IBKR as my broker: mainly because I am in Canada and there are no other good alternatives, but also because IBKR allows to send stimulated stop loss orders for futures options (Futures options don't have stop loss by nature at the moment, TW, TOS, and other brokers don't even allow to place stop loss orders for futures options, you just get an error), This method is not ideal but better than nothing. + +\- I look at the position profile when I open it and fill out my tradelog with as many stats as possible + +\- When placing an order I use a limit order(GTC) for 10-15% above current position value. + +\- For take profit and take loss orders I place an OCO one cancel another order on IBKR, all are GTC. + +\- Monitor every 20-30min: a quick glance on the phone when I can + +\- NOTE: as mentioned I will always rather close a losing position manually, profiting positions are closed automatically by the take profit order + +&#x200B; + +**The mental side:** + +\- Neutral trading not exciting at all (in my opinion) + +\- Most neutral positions experience unrealized losses before profiting, very rarely a position is in the green from the moment it got filled + +\- Some positions never hit the profit or loss targets + +&#x200B; + +**My 3 most important rules:** + +1. Keep it simple, no need to overcomplicate things +2. Selling options is a business and I need to treat it that way +3. Always be safe than sorry with the market! + +The last rule is VERY important: \*\*Always be safe than sorry with the market!\*\*If you are not sure or not confident in the market conditions or whatever it might be, just don't open a trade or close the ones you have open right now! HOPE is NOT a strategy and most definitely not profitable. + +&#x200B; + +**My results on 7 years selling futures options neutrally:** + +Wins: 1026/1127 + +Win rate: 91% + +Average win/lose ratio: 1:2.2 + +Starting account balance: \~$10K + +Current balance: $162K + +Average compound return per year: 49% + +So far this year has been hard and I am down about 15% and I had this happen during March 2020 but was able to close the year up 33% like a lot of traders due to falling volatility. + +&#x200B; + +**I do have a YT channel (Eli Buyko - Futures Options Trading) where I post all my trades, wins/losses and everything in between! If you want to follow along feel free to do so :)** + +&#x200B; + +That is it I think, if I forgot anything I will add it in the comments 🙏 +Hi guys this is my list of the worst 5 stocks on the ASX. + + + +1. CBA: Commonwealth bank. They literally buy people's houses for them. How is this a sustainable business model? NEXT! + + +2. WOW: Woolworths Group Ltd. I went into my local woolies today and the floors were dirty, the self serve checkout told me to bag my item (I already had), and the cashiers didn't smile. Complete and utter shit stock. + + +3. RHC. Ramsay Health Care. Don't get me wrong, Gordon is a great chef, but he literally has NO MEDICAL TRAINING. Lawsuit waiting to happen. NEXT! + + +4. TLS. Telstra. My phone contract is with Optus. + + +5. BRN. Brainchip. Musk is a literal villian. He isn't putting a chip in my fucking head. NEXT! +I am hoping for some advice from all you fine planners on how to get my family's financial future in order. + +I am a 38M married to a 29F with a baby on the way. To my ever-growing shame, I've never given much thought to retirement and I always thought saving for it was for people whose companies offered 401Ks (mine never have). For a long time, it was always the next thing I had to deal with but never got around to. Now with a baby on the way and the possibility of my wife living 20 years longer than me I am trying to get my ass in gear and my ducks in a row. + +My wife and I have a combined income of 65-70,000 with the possibility of doubling that in 2-3 years (returning to school for nursing). We have no debt atm but also very few real assets to speak of. No house and only about $12,000 in a Roth IRA invested in an S&P Index Fund. We have about 2,000 in a savings account for an emergency fund and another 10,000 in a checking account. My wife's work will offer her a 401a in a year but nothing there yet. Should we be investing what little we have in a different way? What are the priorities for getting on track? Is it too late to build a comfortable retirement for my wife and me? How can I reasonably make up for lost time? Is it still possible to contribute to my kid's college? + +TIA to anyone willing to give me advice. I know I've got so much to learn still but I'm desperate to do right. + + +EDIT:Wow! Thanks, everyone for weighing in. You all are giving me hope that it's still manageable. There's so much great advice here and while there is lots of work to do to get where we want to be, just being able to see a path forward takes away a lot of stress. +Is living off dividends realistic, let's say you want to make 12k a year off dividends and your yield is 4%. You would need 300k invested. Now imagine 40-50k .. I make decent money but that seems like it would take a long time. Do you all mix in growth stocks as well to try to generate more cash? +**Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. This is purely for educational purposes.** + +With the recent trend reversal in small cap stocks, specifically meme stocks, I’m seeing an influx of questions on what to do with an ITM covered call. Hopefully I can put those questions to rest with this post + +**Strategy #1:** buy a further OTM Call. This is also considered Gamma hedging, but I’m not gonna get into that in this post. Typically I’d only buy a further OTM call if the implied volatility hasn’t increased much, but that’s just me. I shouldn’t need to say this, but I’ll say it anyways, ONLY BUY THE CALL IF YOU ARE STILL BULLISH ON THE STOCK. This strategy is great for capturing the upside without just straight up buying another 100 shares. + +**Strategy #2:** Sell a naked/cash secured put. Again, another bullish strategy because typically a breach of a covered call is a bullish sign. I strongly suggest not selling a naked put unless you’re an advanced options trader and have a good grip on who you are as an investor and what risk you’re comfortable taking. + +**Strategy #3:** Sell a Put Credit Spread. This is a great strategy for collecting premium without the full downside risk of a CSP. Though I would argue it requires a little more attention than the other two since it is a multi leg play. Depending on how much premium you collected from your Covered Call, you could just use your premium to pay for the credit spread, and not risk any of your principle. + +**Strategy #4:** Open a bull Debit Spread. This is similar to strategy #1 in that you will buy a further OTM Call, but if you have a smaller account, debit spreads are great for getting exposure to more upside while requiring less premium upfront. The trade off is capped gains, but IMO capped gains are a safeguard against greed. + +Mikey Boy over at TastyTrade also has a great video going over covered call adjustments, so if you’re a more visual learner, [here ya go](https://youtu.be/i8eeZBmXdto) + +Edit: I didn’t think it needed to be said, but yes, another strategy would just be to sit on your hands and let the CC expire and get your shares called away. I really thought that went without saying, but apparently not +For starters, I'm horrible at saving money. As of today, ALL of my bills are up to date and I currently have $635 in my accounts, both checking and savings combined. + +I'm not really sure what to do next. + +I'd like to keep this money there and keep adding to it when I get paid again on Friday, but I'm worried... + +I'm almost 37 years old, so this shouldn't be hard, but it is. + +HELP!! + +EDIT: I can't possibly reply to all these overwhelmingly amazing messages I've received. I will get to as many of them as I can. + +My gratitude for every one responding is just.... wow.... + +Thank you. +Considering there are many huge companies (Walmart, Amazon) that manage an amount of resources comparable with many small countries or states, do this companies face the same calculation problem that Mises and Hayek proposed, as planned economies? + +I know that this big companies work within the context of a market, but so do countries who do (or did) central planning. I'm guessing that big companies with big supply chain ought to do the same. How do they solve this problem? + +Thanks! +Hey I hope this ok to post. + +So my girlfriend has been getting paid an extra £500 a month for the last 4 months. Her employer hasn’t realised, and still doesn’t know. + +Now she’s really stressed on how to approach the situation. She feels really dumb for not noticing either. + +Any advice on what’s best to do would be super helpful. +This is not a call against conservative views. This is a request based solely on the fact that Fox News is deemed an "entertainment" media service and not a valid "news" media service. This was a decision made by SCOTUS. Thus, citing Fox affiliated channels and posting material from them to a professionally minded subreddit is at best SPAM and at worst misinformation. + +Anyone out there agree with me? +US just became number one on cases and its growing exponentially and Trump just said that they can go back to work after April 15th but not shake hands and stay away from each other. + +&#x200B; + +What do you think ? +Seriously though…interviewing prospective tenants, checking references, ensuring payment, negotiating rates, potential disputes, sob stories, maintenance costs, emergency calls and unexpected expenses, possible property management fees, vetting property managers, can complicate selling, potential long delays if not paid through tenant board, unexpected tenant departures. Gross. + +Edit: Too many people are assuming I’m a whiny landlord, lol. To be perfectly clear, the only property I own is my residence, where I live, without a tenant. I don’t want to be a landlord, which should be pretty clear. +If non-profit companies don't have to pay out profit to shareholders, then why aren't they able to use that money to become more competitive than those companies that do? + +I was watching football yesterday and saw the endless slew of insurance commercials and came to wonder this. I thought, how can these companies afford to pay for all this advertising, and pay out profits to the owners and yet no non-profit insurance company has come along, played one commercial saying "we're cheaper because we spend less on advertising and profit" and not ended up dominating the market simply on price? +I have been putting money in rsp's since 18. I never really paid attention to it as money went out of my cheque or I just put money in at the bank. The other day I went on CRA website and was able to see all my yearly contributions. Starting with 1500 in 1991 and slowly adding more as I earned more. In that time, I added up $358,000. Between my work rsp and personal, my value is $630k. I was quite disappointed. The first few people my work had were shit, cost a lot a people a lot of money with poor choices. I made a spread sheet, I put all my annual contributions in one column, then presumed annual returns then add in following year contribution. I barely did 4% annualized. I know they did not exist back then but if I did s&p 500 index every year, I would be over 1million, same with dow. I have these records my dad kept of all the gics he bought over the years. Rates suck now but for awhile he got decent returns, if I just did those, I would be ahead. This back testing was an interesting exercise. All these financial planners feed you a pile of crap. Good thing my non-registered has done much better. Just curious if others fell into the same trap I did. I can't wait to go see my guy again at RBC. Shame on me though. +Over the last five years, I've done so much studying and researching to become a full-time trader, but money has always been tight because I am a college student and I've always worked a job around my class schedule. This week I was laid off from my job. With bills to pay and an absence of income, I decided to try to put the countless hours and days of studying and research to the test. For the last five years, I have been buying and holding dips (many for several weeks/months at a time) but I have always done pretty well in regard to profitability. Today I am trying to believe that this layoff from work is a sign to kickstart what I hope to be a successful future in trading. I set up a specific scan criteria that I have poked and prodded at over the years, and found $NMIH today. Based off of the criteria I look for in a trade, the mid-day dip turned out to be a perfect set up for me. Oversold and a clear bounce off of my support line. I went in small because I am still very timid and lack confidence in my ability, but it resulted in a nice 12% gain today. I just wanted to share because this is a huge deal for me; being someone who generally buys to hold. Least to say, I am proud of myself that at least some of my studying has paid off. +[Mapped detached price changes across the GTA](https://preview.redd.it/pd6ki2e1qjg91.png?width=2338&format=png&auto=webp&s=22f3a7019ac16a29da73224bb15f2c785fa9fc2a) + +We're seeing significant price drops east of Toronto for detached homes. While price drops have stabilized in some areas in the GTA, some areas are still seeing 10%+ drops month over month. + +I will be posting Month over Month changes and condo changes shortly as well. If you found value in this, you might enjoy our other maps and analysis in our [market pulse newsletter.](https://doorinsight.com/market-newsletter) +Is there anything in particular to be aware of or you wish you knew before you invested in a "bigger" complex? + +Anything to look out for that someone who has only invested in smaller properties should be aware of? + +Biggest I have is 8 units but currently looking at a 38 unit +>US Retail Sales Advance (M/M) May: 17.7% (exp 8.4%; prev -16.4%) + +https://www.wsj.com/articles/global-stock-markets-dow-update-6-16-2020-11592280024 + +>Giving low doses of the generic steroid drug dexamethasone to patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 reduced death rates by around a third among those with the most severe cases of infection, trial data showed on Tuesday. + +>The results, described as a “major breakthrough” by scientists leading the UK-led clinical trial known as RECOVERY, suggest the drug should immediately become standard care in patients treated in hospital with the pandemic disease, the researchers said. + + +https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-steroid/steroid-dexamethasone-reduces-deaths-among-patients-with-severe-covid-19-trial-shows-idUSKBN23N1VP +I used to buy a lot of video games that I never finished. Wasting money. + +But when I get paid and buy stocks (especially dividends paying stocks), I feel like I’m collecting stuff and the best thing is that we make money off of them! + +I like looking at my portfolio and my “collectibles”. +Context: + +* Introduction ([https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/pyqf2a/confessions\_of\_a\_hectomillionaire\_part\_1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/pyqf2a/confessions_of_a_hectomillionaire_part_1/)) +* Investments and Portfolio Management ([https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/q2p32j/confessions\_of\_a\_hectomillionaire\_part\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/q2p32j/confessions_of_a_hectomillionaire_part_2/)) +* Expenses and Living without Financial Constraints ([https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/q7fmu1/confessions\_of\_a\_hectomillionaire\_part\_3\_expenses/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/q7fmu1/confessions_of_a_hectomillionaire_part_3_expenses/) ) + +\------------------------- + +I was debating how I should title this post. A suitable boring title would be “Paradox of Philanthropy” but it doesn’t capture how the intersection of good intentions and big egos makes the world a more complicated place. I decided to use the super cringey title “I am NOT a Superman”**.** Many successful people get into philanthropy hoping to make a big impact and to be the savior of broken systems. But in my opinion, effective philanthropy requires humility. People need to recognize their limits and don’t expect they can borrow the success they learn from the business world to single-handedly solve big issues like education, cancer or criminal justice. We can all contribute to the solutions in small ways but I believe people need to be humble to be effective and not let ambitions and egos get in the way of the real solution. To retain my anonymity, I couldn’t really get into too many details but I will try to be concrete. If philanthropy is part of your fatFire plan, I hope this post would be helpful. + +First, I want to recognize there are straightforward ways to give money away. A lot of the direct assistance programs like college scholarships, youth programs, or food banks are easy to understand and the money goes to people who are in need directly. My family set up a scholarship fund for a public university a while back. We did some research and realized that elite universities are insanely rich already and have billions in endowment that they don’t need more money to support their less-well-to-do students. Malcolm Gladwell had a [take-down piece](https://www.businessinsider.com/malcolm-gladwell-billionaires-shouldnt-donate-to-large-universities-2016-8) for John Paulson’s $400M Harvard donation. It’s worth a read and I agreed with him that I would rather give money to Cal State University than to Stanford or Yale if the goal is to give more opportunities to the next generation. + +Direct assistance is great but I want to focus on the rest of the post on the challenges of using philanthropy to solve big systemic problems facing our societies. When I started getting involved in philanthropy after the big windfall, I thought I could make the world a better place by giving away my time, money and skills. I have good intentions. But in retrospect, I am not sure if all the money, time and effort I put into this area is more worthwhile than the money I threw into startups in terms of sustainable impact. + +There are several structural issues that make things hard for nonprofits. It’s pretty complex but I would summarize the issues as follows: + +**Fundraising and misaligned incentives.** Many nonprofits exist because they can get money from donors. They only have to be good at fundraising, not necessarily good at generating results. I met quite a few nonprofits who have generated really good results but never get the resources they need. They are either not super focused on fundraising because they are busy serving their community or their work is too unsexy to tell a good story. In addition, large donors often hold the power of critical decision because they are the ones who give the organization money. It’s not uncommon for these large donors to tell you, the org, what to do even if they are clueless. In other words, if you don’t do what they ask you to do, you don’t get the resources. But if you do get the resources, you might not be doing things that are the most effective. This misalignment on mission and fundraising is quite a big challenge in many organizations. + +**Symbiotic Relationship.** Once you give money to an organization, when do you stop? It's not uncommon for nonprofits to go out of business when the major donors bail. If an organization can never stand on its own without major patronage, is this organization worth existing? If so, what's the criteria? Investments, on the other hand, make the relationship simpler. The organization is supposed to be sustainable in the long run. I made a lot of investments in climate and edtech that are not aiming for outsized returns but long term sustainability. I think many of them can work and potentially be way more impactful than their nonprofit counterparts. + +**Slow/No feedback loop. Hard measurement problems.** How do you really measure impact? You can put in hundreds of millions in K-12 education or brain research and don’t see clear results. It takes a long time(13 years) for a kid to go through K-12 and scientific discoveries are unpredictable. It’s really hard to know the results in a reasonable time frame. People can come up with metrics but often they are proxies that have a very limited view to the actual outcomes. There’s also this “what’s the end game?” question. Do you keep plowing money into it until you see measurable results or you pull the plug at some point? The decisions can be quite subjective. Again, an investment’s objective is more well defined but it does have its limits since the most important measure is typically the financial viability. + +**Skin in the game.** A few years back, a top philanthropist hypothesized smaller high schools will increase student achievement and graduation rates. He wanted to \*take the risk\* and gave hundreds of millions to school districts to make high schools smaller. The results ended up being mixed. The top philanthropist moved on to other education initiatives but the school districts are stuck with smaller schools that are more costly to run. The top philanthropist lost money from his \*investment\* (which is a drop in the bucket for him) but the school districts have to deal with the long term consequences. The risk of having a big social experiment can be asymmetric. Namely, if it succeeds, the glory goes to the philanthropist and everyone is happy. But if it fails, it doesn’t really affect the philanthropist much but the consequences most likely would be suffered by the people they originally try to help. + +**Scale of problems.** People want to solve big problems like education, climate, poverty or cancer. But these are multi trillion dollar problems, your millions or even billions are not going to make a dent. The only way that these big problems can be systematically changed is through policy, which is usually complicated and controversial or through building trillion dollar companies like Amazon or Google, which only took a single digit billions of outside capital to build but they do come with other baggage people don’t necessarily appreciate. + +In summary, despite good intentions, nonprofits are really hard because very often, its impact is hard to measure, it doesn’t have a self-sustainable path, and the problems they are trying to tackle are so huge it’s like boiling the ocean. In addition, the donors have so much power and control in the process. Their egos can get in the way and they don’t necessarily have the skin in the game for the solution. + +I keep hearing people calling impact-focused companies sellouts if they are not set up as nonprofits. I found this characterization absurd if they actually know how nonprofits work. Companies like Calm, Coursera or Patagonia might be set up as for-profit companies and they do have strong profit motives. But they are either cash flow positive or on a path to be cash flow positive. They don’t have to constantly beg for money like most nonprofits. They are in charge of their own destiny. They don’t rely on a small number of big donors to sustain their operations so they can actually have a real say about the company direction instead of catering to big donors’ needs. I would recommend impact focused entrepreneurs to set up their companies as for-profits if they could generate enough revenue to sustain their operations in the long run. It's also easier to raise money at series seed, A, B, C milestones instead of raising money non-stop 365 days a year. + +In addition to the structural problems facing nonprofits, there are also complex interpersonal issues between the philanthropists and people around them. If you walk into philanthropy with deep pockets, there are few things you need to pay attention to not get blind sided. + +First, **people are not going to tell you that your idea/solution is stupid**. An acquaintance who worked at a billionaire foundation told me they were solving childhood obesity by using a fitbit kind of device to get kids to move more and to earn rewards. I thought exercise was good for kids’ health but I have doubts that increased activity will solve the childhood obesity problem. I am no health expert. But my understanding of America's obesity crisis is more about what people eat and less about how much people exercise. But obviously no one really challenged the proposed solution and they spent millions on it afaik. I didn’t follow up with him but last time I googled it, it didn’t appear they were still pushing it. Frankly, I think the whole thing is kind of amateur but the moral of the story is that nobody is going to stop you, the philanthropist, from wasting your money on wrong solutions. What’s the benefit for the staff if they speak up? Nobody wants to risk getting fired or being relegated. Your idea will always be amazing and innovative to your staff. (Note: for all big-shot philanthropists who have seen this post, consider posting your philanthropic idea on reddit anonymously, we will tell you the truth about your idea unfiltered.) + +**You may not be aware but the problem could be you.** I had a conversation with a billionaire couple about their philanthropic strategy a few years back. The husband asked me if I have any feedback and suggestions of their plan. The solutionist in me thought hard and gave them a list of things that I believe could be changed and improved. The husband, who is a public company CEO, was gracious but the wife was visibly offended by my suggestions. This is the same person who gave a speech about wanting to know the truth and not wanting to become the emperor without clothes. My reaction was that people are not going to give her the critical feedback if that’s her reaction. But since she didn’t ask for my opinions about her emperor-without-clothes speech, I kept my mouth shut. I do recognize that in her day to day life, people are deferential to her so very few people will talk to her the way I did. It’s not surprising that she found me to be rude (but I don’t care since I am fatFired). I doubt she took any of my suggestions due to my \*rudeness\*. The jury is still out but I suspect their philanthropy is not going to be super effective if an objective assessment can cause so much angst on the founder. + +**You hold all the power.** An intriguing phenomenon about the philanthropy world I observed is that a good number of billionaires' philanthropy efforts culminate in some kind of big announcement with splashy PR and glitzy events. I remember a few years back a super prominent billionaire couple told the world that they want to cure, prevent or manage all diseases by the end of this century and they held a giant event with all the silicon valley luminaries present. I applauded their ambitions but if you really understand the medical research landscape, even if all the diseases are cured, prevented, and managed, it’s not because of them. It’s a collective effort and they are not even going to be the largest funder. Last time I checked, their medical research grants of \~$300 millions a year are still a fraction of NIH annual budget of $40B+ and lag behind Wellcome Trust ($1.5B), Howard Hughes Medical Institute($732M) and Gates Foundation. I don’t really see how they can even get to a good percentage of NIH funding level if they want to claim to be a dominant player of disease curing. People are hopeful and optimistic when they announce their shiny new thing. But like all the hard problems, scientific discovery is hard, messy, slow, expensive and unpredictable. I hope the founders never lose interest like another mogul who abruptly pulled out of anti-aging research. It’s not uncommon for a foundation to pull out of an area because the founders decide so for any reason, good or bad. But who can you blame? They have ultimate control of the money. It is just that the grantees would suffer greatly if they lose their funding. + +Despite all the negative sentiment, there are two philanthropists I do admire: Howard Hughes and MacKenzie Scott. I would like to follow their concentrated and humble approach respectively. Howard Hughes started HHMI (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) back in the 1950s but the organization’s impact really materialized after he passed. It became a powerhouse in frontier medical research today and is basically the Nobel laureate factory. Almost every year there’s a Nobel laureate who is/was an HHMI investigator and there are only a few hundred of them around the world. **HHMI bets on people, not projects.** They give young promising scientists \~$9M over 7 years with no strings attached so they can focus on their long term vision. These grants can be renewed every 7 years and this empowering the brightest scientists approach is paying off big time. I might be exaggerating a bit, but basically you give a super smart scientist $1M+ a year for 20 years, and there’s a good chance (s)he will have a breakthrough that’s worth a Nobel prize. The investigators HHMI funded made CRISPR, next generation sequencing, and many cutting edge discoveries a reality. They don’t have a donate button on their website as it appears most funding for HHMI is from the endowment. But HHMI will be a default place for my money to go to if I decide to go with medical research assuming they will take my money for the investigator program. IMO, giving money to the brightest scientists to change the trajectory of humanity is more worth it than giving money to the IRS to make a micro dent to the enormous national debt. + +MacKenzie Scott’s giving is a breath of fresh air. She took this no strings attached approach to the causes she cares about and she gave $6B just in 2020, which is more than Gates foundation’s $5.3B grants in 2020. I am fortunate enough to be involved with several of her grantees. She did the research mostly with her own resources without taking grantees’ time. I don’t know if people know this but it came as a surprise for the organizations when the funding decisions were made. Even more surprising is that she gave the money and basically told us that ***“Hey, you guys do great work. Here is the money. Spend it wisely to make your organization better. We won’t give you more money and don’t contact us ever again. Thanks, bye.”*** We don’t even need to think about how to cater to her to get more funding. She and her team’s ability to recognize people who are already doing great work and give them enough money to actually improve things is the ultimate gift. Her approach is an exception, not the norm though. I wish more billionaire philanthropists could be like her instead of trying to control everything and to take the credit. + +As I reflect on my (mis)adventure in the philanthropic world, I realize that I can be more effective by simply supporting people’ great work from the background. Many people (esp people from tech) try to reinvent the wheel and slap their names on the causes they engage in. I found that unnecessary, wasteful and egoistic. I would call that “Superman Syndrome”. I am NOT a superman and my role as a philanthropist is to identify great people already out there and invest in them for a better future. (Note: I agree Howard Hughes is a superman. But I think the only person in our time who is a superman is Elon Musk.) I still have doubts that nonprofits are the best structure to do it but regardless of the setup, giving money to the right people with no strings attached is my guiding principle and I won’t even bother setting up a big foundation. As we have seen in MacKenzie Scott’s giving, it doesn’t have to be so complicated. + +\----------- + +I hope this post doesn’t feel all over the place. Philanthropy is a complex topic. All the negative examples I listed here are real. If you google hard enough, you will know who I am talking about. I just don’t feel like saying their names out loud. After all, they have good intentions. Next week, I will make a post about work and purpose after giving out my opinions about philanthropy. +I received a fair bit of positive feedback on [a recent comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadianInvestor/comments/lfbfq8/well_health_announces_major_expansion_into_us/gmluff1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) on Plurilock Security. Here’s the longer form version of why I think Plurilock is a great long-term buy. + +**TL;DR** + +1. A novel, patented approach that significantly improves system security +2. Sticky, multi-year SaaS-based revenue with government and institutional clients +3. Experience leadership including the former director of the NSA and another director that was previously Deputy Director of Operations in the U.S. Cyber Command and currently on the boards of Goldman Sachs and Progressive Insurance +4. Recent private placement attracted significant interest and further strengthened a strong cash position +5. Pursuing an accretive acquisition strategy +6. Significant potential opportunity in a rapidly growing market + +**Background** +[Plurilock](https://www.plurilock.com/) is a cybersecurity startup based in Victoria, BC formed out of a research project at the University of Victoria. They developed a new authentication approach that can identify users based on how they interact with the end software applications. They went public via a capital pool co. amalgamation in September of last year and started trading at $0.30, they're currently trading at $0.65 with a market cap of \~$30M. + +**Product** +Plurilock’s product renders stolen passwords useless with their patented approach to continuous and seamless user identification and authentication. + +Most secure platforms rely on two-factor or multi-factor authentication (2FA or MFA) to confirm that the user accessing the system is who they say they are. MFA approaches require an intruder to obtain multiple forms of access (ie. password and access to text messages, email or authentication code, etc.) to gain access to that system. These systems are effective but have a few challenges (among others): + +1. MFA is typically only used once during initial authentication of a user’s session +2. Often require additional hardware (ie. keyfob or mobile device) +3. They are a nuisance for end users + +Plurilock’s product utilizes a new Machine Learning approach to seamlessly and continuously authenticate users based on that user’s behavioural biometrics (ie. how they use the system). Essentially, Plurilock knows how you use your keyboard, how you use your mouse, what device you use, where you are connecting from, etc. and can use these patterns to authenticate against your behavioural biometrics profile. This authentication is invisible to users and happens continuously as you use the system. If your usage patterns change (ie. somebody has taken control of your device while you’re logged in) Plurilock’s software will recognize the change in behaviour and end the session. + +This approach is particularly useful in an environment where the frequency of remote working is increasing dramatically and cybersecurity is more important than ever. The approach only tracks application usage and does not send or receive any actual content and in this way the platform itself is low risk from an information security perspective. + +The solution can be implemented quickly into a wide range of environments with built-in support for Windows, MacOS, SAML, OpenID, OKTA, Gluu and other identity management systems. + +Plurilock holds 3 patents for their [novel approach of establishing distinctive profiles](https://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/02/prweb13210794.htm) for users by determining how they use a motion-based input device such as a mouse and/or a keyboard. They are continuing to [file new patents](https://www.planetbiometrics.com/article-details/i/12468/desc/plurilock-announces-us-patent-application/) as they establish new methods for seamless and continuous user authentication. + +**People** +Plurilock has a [strong leadership team and board of directors](https://www.plurilock.com/company/team-and-board/). Their CEO (Ian Paterson), CTO and VP, Product and Marketing all previously worked together at Terapeak before it was acquired by ebay. Their CFO has extensive experience with many TSX-listed companies. + +Their board includes two former U.S. admirals, one of which is the former director of the NSA and the other was Deputy Director of Operations in the U.S. Cyber Command. The latter, Jan Tighe, was announced on February 4 and also serves on the boards of Goldman Sachs and Progressive Insurance. This is a well-connected board with the right background and experience. + +All said, this is a team that has proven experience, big plans and demonstrated experience delivering on their plans. + +**Market Landscape** +Plurilock’s system is an ideal fit in any market with deep security needs. They currently have contracts in place with the [US Department of Homeland Security](https://www.plurilock.com/press-release/plurilock-successfully-meets-first-milestone-in-department-of-homeland-security-contract/), the U.S. Army and some [U.S.-based financial institutions](https://www.plurilock.com/press-release/plurilock-secures-contract-renewal-with-u-s-regional-bank/). + +Their pricing ranges from $3-$9/user/mo and is sold in multiple year deals with an average deal size of $100k leading to highly sticky SaaS-based revenue. They are selling both direct to customers and have multiple reseller agreements in place for coverage across NA and EMEA ([GSS](https://www.plurilock.com/press-release/plurilock-retains-gss-to-accelerate-government-sales/), [X10](https://www.plurilock.com/press-release/plurilock-announces-reseller-agreement-with-x10-networks/) and [Tantallon](https://www.plurilock.com/press-release/plurilock-announces-reseller-agreement-with-tantallon/)). + +**Financials** +Purilock is in a strong cash position. They had $3M cash as of Sept. 30, $2.5M from warrants at $0.65 and have just recently done an upsized private placement raising $3.5M and only $40k in debt. Based on their recent raise, it doesn’t seem that they’ll have much challenge continuing to raise funds going forward. + +Their ability to raise funds will be important as they intend to take an acquisition strategy this year and are targeting companies with $500k-$3M in immediately accretive revenue. + +Their SaaS-based revenue model will provide great profit margins going forward as they continue to build market traction. + +**Potential** +Annual global losses related to cybersecurity are estimated to have been [near $1 trillion dollars in 2020](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/12/07/cybersecurity-202-global-losses-cybercrime-skyrocketed-nearly-1-trillion-2020/) and as our reliance on technology continues to grow in nearly every area, the potential risk grows with it. It is estimated that a data breach costs a company an average of $3.8 million, with most breaches involving stolen account credentials. Plurilock’s solution adds a novel way of addressing this concern in an easily implemented, effective and seamless way. + +We’re very early innings for Plurilock and there are many catalysts (acquisitions, government contracts, new reseller agreements, new directors, etc.) that could push the stock price up significantly in the near-term. My plan is to hold for 2+ years and looking for $5-7 on this one, but if things go well, the potential is very high. I'm in for 50k shares at an average of $0.44, no intention to sell anytime soon and actively adding to my position. +I was just called on my Verizon Wireless cell phone, the caller ID showed up as "Voicemail" - I thought, that's odd. I usually don't answer calls if I don't know the person, but I answered this one. Immediately a robot starts talking saying it is Verizon and fraud has been detected on my account, press 1 to deactivate your account or press 2 to speak to a customer service rep. So I press 2 and a woman is on the other line saying she works at Verizon Wirelss and fraudulent activity may have been found on my account. She asks me if I ordered an Iphone XS to North Caroline. I live in New Jersey so I said no I did not. She asks me if I know a certain persons name and address, again I say I don't know that person or address. She says ok there has been fraud on your account, we're going to lock it down and take care of that for you, for your security we are going to send you a number through text, when you get that please read it back to me. The text comes and it says something to the effect of: + +"Below is your temporary password. Please remember Verizon will never contact you to ask for this number. + +23482349 (bunch of random numbers)" + +Thankfully I read the full text. I said to the woman "It says here Verizon will never contact me to ask for this number." She doesn't miss a beat and responds with "Yes we will only ask for that number when we call you before hand and tell you what we are doing, that is to prevent any scammers from getting their hands on it." So I responded "Like you?" She continued to go on saying how she works at Verizon and needs the number to prevent this fraud right away. I then hung up on her and called Verizon with the number from their website just to be sure there was no fraud, and of course there wasn't. + +What these people did is they went to VerizonWireless.com and entered my phone number into the username/password login form. You can login with your number on vzw. So they put in my number and click forgot password, which resets your password and texts you a new one. If I had given that number that was texted to me to this woman she would have then been able to reset my account password to whatever she wanted and I wouldn't have been able to get back into my account. She could have ordered herself whatever she wanted from within my account. So please beware, if someone calls you from a company and says there is fraud hang up on them immediately and call the company from a number on their website. It will cost you only about 30 seconds and save you a ton of trouble! +# If I've learned anything on this sub over the past several months it is this. When a bunch of craziness happens don't jump on board and add to the crazy. Wait a couple of hours. Let the dust settle. Immediacy is not our friend. Speculation is not our friend. People want to be first more than they want to be right. The truth will come out. It always does. The Mods have proven they are committed to that. +Anyone else feeling like Ford is undervalued and has a lot of room to grow with their promise to be a fully electric fleet by 2025? Call me crazy but I am adding to my stack. Only 100 shares right now. +A few months ago, I wrote on this sub that my objective for 2022 was getting a job in crypto. It worked : I got hired for a start-up in December, and started to work for them in January. I resigned a few weeks ago, and now I want to share my (not so good) story with you. + +(I won't name the company in question, because I have signed a NDA. But rest assured : you never heard of it before, and it's not a major player in the ecosystem - it's not even a minor player.) + +First of all, **the level of disorganisation and chaos was absolute madness**. Each morning we had a different objective, based on the most recent trend in the market. NFTs are becoming popular? Let's do NFTs! This particular token is performing well? Let's buy it, even if it's at ATH! One of our product doesn't work anymore because we rushed a bug-fixing patch? Let's pretend that never happened and let's keep pushing rosy marketing articles! + +I know that start-ups are notoriously disorganised. I get it. But you can't expect to be a profitable company, or even be a productive member of the crypto ecosystem, if you can't even define your objectives and stick to it. + +Secondly, **we cheated.** What I mean is that we bought bots for our TG channels, we faked users in our Discord, and we partenered with dubious "influencers" to make it look like our products were far more popular than they really were. This kind of stuff is what gives crypto it's bad reputation to the outside world, and I deeply regret having been a part of this for a short time. + +And finally, and I think this is the most important part : **the founders didn't care about the crypto ecosystem at all**. Their main objective was making as much money as quickly as possible. We were acting like an evil hedge fund, precisely the type of institution crypto is supposed to fight. + +I felt sad. I felt like a scammer. So I quitted. And, keeping in line with everything I wrote before, **they didn't pay me for my last week of work**. They just ghosted me. + +So... yeah. + +I don't want to discourage people from getting a job in crypto. I still believe in the future of this industry. **But I would advise to stick with the well-known companies of our ecosystem**, and not waste your time in little-known start-ups that have big dreams, but can't deliver. We have a long, very long way to go before we become a respectable industry. +I know, I know...before I get a bunch of people telling me there are so many considerations that impact this. + +Just want a quick gut check. + +Looking at buying a house, realtor has it listed at 349,900. We aren’t using a buyers agent, so saves the seller 3%. Thinking about offering 325k with 7,500 in seller paid closing costs. Think this is too low and will offend? The house was built in 2006 and has original roof, appliances, HVAC etc. + +Thanks in advance and I will wear my helmet when reading these comments lol + +EDIT: House has been on the market for only 3 days lol I know! + + +2ND Edit: To all the HATERS on here. Selling agent just responded and seller accepted terms, selling agent renegotiated their contract with seller and brought their commission down to 3%. All the agents on here saying this isn’t how this works and YADADADA HAHAHAHAHAHA SOOOO WRONG. You agents are not helping your case to disprove that many of you are just like a scummy used car salesman with a license + +3rd edit: some people are pretty interested in this. We just started a subreddit called r/noagents to discuss this topic in more depth. Let’s all talk and compare +https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-10-16/americans-now-need-at-least-500-000-a-year-to-enter-the-top-1 + +1.43 million US taxpayers made that cutoff, wonder what percent of us here do too? +Despite surpassing earnings forecasts, $CVS is down 5% on the day, and the stock has me very intrigued. The P/E on the company is about 12, while the forward P/E is under 10. The company pays out roughly a 2.7% dividend yield and has a relatively low payout ratio of 33%, plus CVS sells needs-based items. I haven't gotten a chance to listen to today's earnings call yet, but from what I've read, the company seems very optimistic about increased revenue from increased foot traffic from people getting COVID vaccines at CVS locations. + +What are your guys' thoughts on CVS? The valuation is very low for this market, and while Amazon could compete in this space in the future, I believe we are still a few years out from a serious push +For context, i finally got my own bank account, so i just entered the stock market. I’ve been reading ALOT about it since i was 16 and now I’m entering it, how much and what ETF is recommended to achieve that amount yearly? I’m not in the US, this amount is enough to live a very comfortable life in my home country once i return. + +My current portfolio is only VOO, VTI, and GSG and other individual stocks. +I'm 36 with a wife, a two year old, and another one on the way. I've been working towards FIRE for the past 10 years and my projections show that I'm about 9.5 years away from retiring. + +I'm a VP at a mid sized tech company with a decent income (about $230k) but underpaid compared to market rates. The job is relatively low stress so I'm not too concerned about being underpaid, but it has its moments where shit can really hit the fan and it takes a lot out of me. + +I don't know if this is a mid life crisis, but like many of you, I'm really starting to feel the grind. I haven't taken more than 4 consecutive* weeks off since I graduated university. + +With a baby on the way, I have an opportunity to take parental leave and step away for a few months with a guarantee that I'll have my job waiting for me when I return. My wife is a SAHM in case that matters. + +I'll miss out on about $40k in savings due to the income hit and about 4 months of expenses (another $30k). I'd be delaying FIRE by about a year. + +I do realize that I'll have a newborn through all of this, so it won't truly be a break, but I'm going to have a newborn baby either way. + +I have ambitions of potentially using some of the time to try to launch my own business, but that really depends on the kiddos. + +I'm not sure exactly what I'm hoping to achieve with this post. I guess I'd just like to hear about others perspective on this and if anyone else has done something similar. Is it worth delaying FIRE? + +Edit: Thank you for your suggestions! I have notified my employer of my intentions and will be taking the 4 months off! Can't wait! +With finra announcing that Citadel has never done wrong-doing, this means the entire federal government & all its entities know what is at stake. + +finra is publicly stating that citadel never did wrongdoing - ever. l + +i am writing letters to my local state and fed reps. i want an inquiry!!!! if the fed reserve can print 8T dollars out of thin air that i as a taxpayer & citizen am responsible for, as well as the soaring costs of food & other necessities - i am demanding restitution & require an inquiry that makes the warren commission look like a comic book! + +i want to know ALL the players!!!! + + +no inquiry no vote! + +https://twitter.com/lisabraganca/status/1488560166358319104?s=21 +After reading up on the work of David Card that led to his Nobel Prize, I have been thinking about the conditions that are necessary to carry out an experiment in Economics. In his work Card was able to find two groups that were both very similar, with one acting as a control (no changes in minimum wage) and another as a treatment group (change in minimum wage). This allowed him to find the effect of increasing minimum wage ceteris paribus. + +However, in many, if not most other cases it is very hard to find such a natural experiment. When analysing macroeconomic trends for example it is extremely hard to achieve ceteris paribus as differences between the economies of countries are many. + +As a student that will soon be carrying out research of my own, I am trying to figure out how Economists carry out causal analysis in the absence of appropriate control groups. Is anyone able to guide me towards methods that researchers would use when ceteris paribus is not achievable? +I’m a high school history teacher and today’s lesson was about the American Revolution. On paper, the colonies absolutely should not have won. And at first they literally had no desire to split from England. They had reasonable concerns that could have been remedied with extreme ease. But of course the oppressors are afraid of people getting a taste of freedom, so instead of giving them an inch and solving the issue they decide to give them nothing. The colonists knew there would be no discussions, compromises, concessions. It was all or nothing. + +The British has unlimited resources, the world’s best navy, tons of military experience, etc. What was their motive? To maintain their reputation and status to their world. To ensure that their presence dominated and should not be messed with. Crack the whip to make an example out of them. + +We had nothing. Not enough money to pay our soldiers, nothing to feed them, nothing. The British kept kicking our butts. They were more powerful than us. Well, when it came to physical and monetary resources. But honestly that’s not what wins wars. Who has more resources - the Viet Cong or the US? The Taliban or the US? + +Wars are won through conviction and perseverance. That’s it. It is not the allocation of resources, military prowess, etc., etc. + +The colonists didn’t have to conquer anything. They simply needed to outlast the British. What you may not know is that Valley Forge isn’t a cool naval fort, important strategic location, or a battleground, but an encampment. Why do you know that name, then? Because WE DIDN’T FUCKING DIE. + +Over a thousand soldiers died from starvation, exposure, typhoid, dysentery, and the threat of smallpox was ever present. + +This clusterfuck (formally referred to as “Valley Forge”) lasted for 6 months. +They started off with 12,000 men. + +Don’t you think most of them would have abandoned the army by then? + +What were they holding on to? Why? + +They knew what they were fighting for, because of the abuse they suffered under a tyrannical government. They wanted something good to come out of that pain. They wanted to make a safe place where people can be free from tyranny, and by having experiences that first hand they were able to make an amazing Constitution to prevent those abuses in the future. + +You cannot buy conviction. You cannot buy perseverance. Those qualities cannot be bought, nor can they be counterfeited. + +And much like diamonds, these traits last forever. +Crime map was invaluable to figure out micro market crime dynamics and cross check before investing. Has anyone found a free or paid alternative? + +Would be willing to pay a nominal amount monthly if it’s behind a subscription paywall since it was so useful + 😼Cheecoin😼 - Come help our cute cuddle friends (5k holders) + +CMC any day now + +Cheecoin was created with one mission in mind. Bring high class Hollywood Visuals + emerging tech to the blockchain while making the world a better place. The Cheecoin team loves animals and Chee himself who is in fact a real cat was saved by charity donations from the very charity Cheecoin has started to support and already donated to. Little baby Chee was so sick he was going to die but after weeks in the animal Intensive care unit he was able to pull through. $8,000 of support allowed our amazing curious stinkerface bossman Chee to keep 8 of his 9 lives and march on with us. + +The team is comprised of famous Hollywood vfx legends and rising senior vfx stars. The Matrix, The Matrix II, The Matrix III, Watchmen, Rise of Planet of the Apes, I am Legend, Spiderman, Beowulf, gravity, Interstellar, The Crown, Harry Potter, Gladiator and works with brands such as Nike, Paypal, Subway, Movado, Levis, Nvidia, Synders, Frito-Lay, Coc-a-cola, Pepsi co, Charles Schwab Investing, Lending Tree, Victorias Secret, Uniqlo, The Gap, Banana Republic, Best Buy, Samsung, Google, Facebook and more. Cheecoin is adding artists daily and will announce a new line up with top talent in the coming weeks with personalized bios and amazing work to see. + +The NFT marketplace will feature exclusive NFTs ranging from still images and photos, to expansive game worlds and levels or CGI experiences and animations. There is no limit to what Cheecoin will achieve and we plan to push the boundaries of user experience by combining the highest level visuals with the newest and cutting edge technology. We are leaders in innovation and workflows as a group hold collectively over 100 patents. We push the boundaries of what is possible and blend the world of reality and virtual reality until the difference is indistinguishable. NFTs are a natural segue for us and have become a passion of our team as much of the proceeds will go to charity. + +💰$3500 donated already! + +🙏 Charity Partner Little Wanderers NYC + +🧑 - Doxed Dev and team (LinkedIn) + +💎 – 4500 Chee family members + +🎁 3% back to holders + +🤝‍ 3% back to charity + +💧 3% back to LP + +😸 10% of NFTs go to Charity + +🔥 25,000,000 supply BURNED: + +🔧 10% sell cap until until you have 50k Chee or less (per transaction) + +📁 Audit completed by TechRate (On Website) + +🔐 [Locked LP](https://dxsale.app/app/pages/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x9813E889C2d3A723cA67906b031Ae41E002eaECA&type=lplock&chain=BSC) 35 years + +💰 Purchase it on PancakeSwap V2 + +⚙️ Set Slippage to 11% + +📊 [Chart](https://dex.guru/token/0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281-bsc) + +🦎 [Coingecko](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cheecoin) + +🐦 [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Cheecoin) + +🌎 [Telegram](https://t.me/cheecoinchat) + +🌎 [Website](https://cheecoin.com/) + +🌎 [Discord](https://discord.gg/Wk847NVb) + +🌎 [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cheecoin/) + +📜 Contract - 0x93e24685e41ca82fd7a66a69c64f3decac789281 + ALL CREDIT TO: [u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] + +NOT ME!! I am Simply an ape messenger. + +0x573c27D9e21e2F55Ef538815FA0e094651131743 their crypto acccount to support the website. + +**This will be a blockchain enabled website that can't ever be taken down by anyone, simply to ensure nobody ever forgets Ken Griffin Lied Under Oath.** + + **What the hell does replicating it to a blockchain mean?** +Well, basically it means that no amount of fuckery, skulduggery or balling his fists can ever change the fact that once I push the content to the blockchain, it will be there forever, censorship resistant, and impossible to bring down. I will also be registering the domain using ENS on the Ethereum Blockchain, so they can't even attack it that way. + +&#x200B; + +Please go to their post and upvote! I am not the creator. I am just spreading awareness. Not financial advice. My brain is as smooth as an uncooked chickenbreast. + +Update: thanks for the awards, but PLEASE go see the OP’s post and help them out, not me. + +UPDATE 2: DRS YOUR SHARES ALREADY. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE + +Update 3: repost this everywhere and as needed. Thank you. + +Update 4: thecrimesofkengriffin.com is an alternative!!!! + +Update 5: 0x573c27D9e21e2F55Ef538815FA0e094651131743 is u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513 's crypto wallet address if you would like to help them out and support the website instead of paying to give me awards for all his work. I don't need them and I'd rather see it go to a good cause. + ALL CREDIT TO: [u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] +[u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513] + +NOT ME!! I am Simply an ape messenger. + +0x573c27D9e21e2F55Ef538815FA0e094651131743 their crypto acccount to support the website. + +**This will be a blockchain enabled website that can't ever be taken down by anyone, simply to ensure nobody ever forgets Ken Griffin Lied Under Oath.** + + **What the hell does replicating it to a blockchain mean?** +Well, basically it means that no amount of fuckery, skulduggery or balling his fists can ever change the fact that once I push the content to the blockchain, it will be there forever, censorship resistant, and impossible to bring down. I will also be registering the domain using ENS on the Ethereum Blockchain, so they can't even attack it that way. + +&#x200B; + +Please go to their post and upvote! I am not the creator. I am just spreading awareness. Not financial advice. My brain is as smooth as an uncooked chickenbreast. + +Update: thanks for the awards, but PLEASE go see the OP’s post and help them out, not me. + +UPDATE 2: DRS YOUR SHARES ALREADY. NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE + +Update 3: repost this everywhere and as needed. Thank you. + +Update 4: thecrimesofkengriffin.com is an alternative!!!! + +Update 5: 0x573c27D9e21e2F55Ef538815FA0e094651131743 is u/Numerous\_Ad\_5513 's crypto wallet address if you would like to help them out and support the website instead of paying to give me awards for all his work. I don't need them and I'd rather see it go to a good cause. +As an xxx holder, 21 years old, that amount of money would scare me. But I'll make sure to educate myself financially and learn how to spend the money to change my life and everyone around me. + +Let's change the world to the best! After hedgefuks break the system. + +Edit: Thank you for rewards! And all the advice! This post itself is a gem I'll keep, and look back at forever! Thank you. +https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/19/target-to-pay-more-than-70-million-in-employee-bonuses-.html + +Target said it will spend more than $70 million on another round of employee bonuses during the coronavirus pandemic. + +The retailer will pay $200 to its more than 350,000 employees who work at stores, distribution centers and contact centers, according to a post on its corporate website. + +The company increased its minimum wage to $15 in early July. +Hello my fellow comrades, + +I’ve been on this forum for years now… and throughout my time I’ve noticed that the question of salary/salaries comes up often. Separately at work, my colleagues are always discussing their salary expectations and the UK social class structure. + +It got me thinking and I thought to myself I would try to answer this question as accurately as I can. As often when I have these conversations I feel that people don’t have an accurate picture of their earning potential and the reality of salaries nationwide. + +The first thing I did was try to find the most accurate salary data I could get my hands on, which led me to a table titled ‘Percentile points from 1 to 99 for total income before and after tax’ published by HMRC. As I see it HMRC has the most accurate salary data of any organisation in the UK as all salaries are reported to HMRC. The table listed the average salary of each percentile here in the UK. + +The data was limited to the 2018-19 tax year, so I had to use an excel formula to predict the 2020-21 figures based on the historical figures. For figuring out the ‘social class’ of the salaries I used some data published by newspapers (CityAm and The Mirror) along with my judgment. Once that was done I did a bit of work on the numbers and this is what I came across: + +To be in the top 3% and + of earners (which is what I simply call ‘The Top Earners’) you’ll need to be on a salary of over £102,667 pa. Which works to a monthly take-home pay of £5,077 after student loans (£565 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 10% of earners (which is what I call ‘Upper Class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £58,800 pa. Which works to a monthly take-home pay of £3,330 after student loans (£236 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 20% of earners (which is what I call ‘Upper Middle Class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £43,978 pa. Which works to a monthly take-home pay of £2,672 after student loans (£125 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 25% of earners (which is what I call ‘Established Middle Class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £39,578 pa. Which works to a monthly take-home pay of £ 2,455 after student loans (£92 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 40% of earners (which is what I call ‘Emerging Middle Class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £30,467 pa. Which works to a monthly take-home pay of £2,009 after student loans (£23 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 50% of earners (which is what I call Average or ‘you’re doing OK + have money to save class ’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £26,378 pa. Which works out to a monthly take-home pay of £1,800 after student loans (£0 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 60% of earners (which is what I call below average or ‘you’re doing OK class + may have money to save’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £23,067 pa. Which works out to a monthly take-home pay of £ 1,612 after student loans (£0 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 70% of earners (which is what I call below average or ‘may struggle to save class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £20,156 pa. Which works out to a monthly take-home pay of £1,447 after student loans (£0 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 80% of earners (which is what I call ‘may struggle class’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £17,667 pa. Which works out to a monthly take-home pay of £1,306 after student loans (£0 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +To be in the top 90% and + of earners (which is what I call ‘Low Earners’) you’ll need to be on a salary of £15,067 pa. Which works out to a monthly take-home pay of £1,158 after student loans (£0 deduction) and before any pension contributions. + +Now, I’ve got to be honest when I categorised the salaries I was surprised at how much lower they compared to my expectations. But one thing that needs to be made clear is that the average figures above included both part-time and full-time salary figures. Meaning that the part-time figures will act as a negative factor when averaged out with the full-time figures. So if anyone knows where I can get a table that includes only full-time salary figures that would be much appreciated. + +I’ve also included what is my interpretation of what someone’s ‘social class’ could be solely based on their salary and want to make it clear that I mean no transgression or judgment to anyone but rather generate a discussion on this opinion of mine and most importantly to learn! Moreover, salary is just one of the many financial aspects that determines someone’s social class, the important factor is arguably wealth, which brings me to the second point I wanted to raise. + +Based on the reception of this post and the response I receive I’ll create another post for each social class, which would consist of profiles for each group e.g. ‘if someone was under the category of ‘X then they would be around the age of…, own/rent in a house with a value of £x amount, have savings of £x amount, have investment of £x amount. I would go as far as creating an ‘average spending/budge profile’ for each class. But that would very much depend on if people on the forum want to see such things… + +Peace out  +I'm a full time uni student who works weekends as a casual worker. I've been doing this for three years, and we're eligible for JobKeeper payments. + +My boss just made a post in our work group chat in which they explained that she will only be applying for JobKeeper payments for employees that she thinks deserves it. She says that we are apparently not grateful for the job that we have, and that it is entirely up to her discretion on who will get it, and that she will cancel the payments at any time she wants if we ever act out of line or call in sick too many times. She also says that we will only be getting them if we work enough hours that would have normally reflected a $1500 paycheque. As a full time student this obviously has put a huge amount of pressure on me. Is this allowed? As far as I know, I will be receiving the payments because I signed the form and everything already a week ago. Trying to get through university while working almost 40 hour weeks is totally insane to me. + +She's always been a crazy person but choosing to pay our lower shitty wages herself just so we can't get more free cash is just fucking ludicrous is it not? Can she really do this? +A quick background: I don't know if I have a defined moral philosophy, per se, but one of the things I try to do when faced with a question of morality is ask myself two questions: "would taking this action result in more positivity (or at least a greater reduction in negativity) than any other action?" and "would the world be a better place if everyone believed and acted on this philosophy/mindset?" + +To the latter, I noticed that a lot of my libertarian friends often end up arguing that people should just start their own small businesses - it really doesn't matter if we're talking about economics in general, or if we're discussing the moral value of the actions of certain corporations...it always comes down to the fact that people should just work for themselves and not depend on someone else (especially a large, multi-national company) to fund their lifestyle. + +The thing is, I always find myself thinking, "there's no way that would be sustainable, or at least healthy for economic growth." I suppose it could cut out the influence of greed and corruption if every industry had hundreds of local options, but I feel like innovation and economic strength would be a massive sacrifice if the world operated this way. + +&#x200B; + +I'm very interested in hearing thoughts about this from people with more knowledge in this area than me. + +TYVMIA for your input! +I did value Etsy in June last year and got to a fair value of $159. + +[https://youtu.be/k-9K96hUhHw](https://youtu.be/k-9K96hUhHw) + +At that time, the price was $170, and since, it went all the way up to $308, which was difficult to understand based on the fundamentals. +However, it had a fair correction and is now down to below $150. + +It could be argued that at this price it is fairly priced. What are your thoughts? +As a beginner in deep value investing, I’d like to get some motivation into learning more about it. I find it really interesting to read what you all say on this subreddit but people talk rarely about their achievements and the hard road they passed to get to where it is. +I want to read your best/proudest investment that you found, how you found it and why you think it did this great. +Ive been furloughed by my employer but am still being asked to work and train. + +As far as I’m aware, training is allowed to be undertaken whilst off work. + +I’m also being asked to work on redeveloping and building their new website. This isn’t training, so should I be doing this? + +Another employee is also being asked to update databases with the latest pricing and create sale packages. + +What’s the general consensus here? +1. I buy IN the MONEY CALLS ($3/$4 below stock price) a month out. They cost about $1000 give or take but buying out of the money hasn't worked for me necessarily. Higher Delta too. +2. NOTHING less than 1 Month out for EXPIRY. SPY tends to go up over a month period, buying weekly's, even 3 weeks out isn't my style as every day you end up staring at the screen biting your nails. Allow SPY some time to grow. More time also means the theta decay won't be as bad as with shorter option contracts. +3. ONLY buy on red days. Even a 0.5% or 0.25% drop which translates to a $2 and $1 drop, respectively makes a big difference with calls. I tell myself, why pay full price when you can get them on sale? My SPY call lost $36 today even though SPY went down only 24 cents (0.06%) +4. DON'T buy the first 30 mins. This time is volatile for the market. Let the numbers settle. +5. SELL at 25-40% loss, pick your risk tolerance. Selling at a profit: I raise the bar if it keeps going up, kinda like a trail stop. I'm up 65% on my SPY04/30 395C I purchased for around 8.50. +6. DON'T buy on a Friday, too much can happen over the weekend. If good things happen and SPY jumps $5 on Monday, good for those who hold SPY. But be a pessimist, if SPY goes down even $2 on Monday based off bad news over the weekend, you call just lost (in my case at least) $175 roughly. +Link to twitter article: + +https://twitter.com/paullewismoney/status/1419214663594696712/photo/1 + +If the tax payer is bailing this out then I take investing in shares will be the best option as bank interest will be low for years? + +Thoughts? +Now before I get destroyed in the comments let me break it down. + +I’ve recently got back into gym and I’m trying to gain weight. In order to do so I need to be eating around 12,500KJ a day. I’m 21M, 5’5 & 69Kg for reference. + +Heres a break down of my bare minimum food for the day: + +Breakfast: High Protein Yogurt - $2.50 + +Snack: 120 Grams of Cashews - $2 + +Lunch: 3x Cans of Tuna - $6 + +Dinner: Muscle Chef Meal - $12 + +Snacks: $5 + +Daily Cost - $27.5 + +Weekly Cost - $192.5 + +This is not even including protein shakes, creatine, pre workout or even essential groceries like soap, deodorant etc. + +So how are people claiming to live on $100 a week on their entire grocery expenditure? + +Am I spending too much? Where can I cut back? + +I understand that if I cook my own meals in bulk, I can eliminate the need for a $12 meal each day but I’m not a very time rich individual. How much would I even save doing this? + +I’ve been reviewing my expenses and food seems to be the last gategory that I can cut down on. But after doing the numbers and that I don’t want to have a diet living on noodles, I seems harder than I thought. + +So roast me down below or provide some genuine feedback. It would be much appreciated. + +TLDR: Food Costs Money + +EDIT: + +Thanks for all the help guys! Over 300 Comments already! + +However to address some of the concerns and to provide further clarification: + +BREAKFAST: +A lot of people are wondering how I spend $2.50 on yogurt. I buy the large YoPro Tubs that are about $6.70 and eat nearly half a tub to maybe 1/3. However I tend to add muesli, Berries and protein powder aswell. This obviously makes this breakfast a lot more expensive than $2.50. Only way to make this less would be to swap to something else entirely. + +DINNER: +This is the CLEAR way to reduce my meal expenses. MEAL PREP. Would save lots of money here. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. + +LUNCH: +Carries into the previous point. MEAL PREP would save money here and would rid me of my Mercury. + +“SNACKS” +Some of you couldn’t fathom spending $5 on snacks throughout the day. My snacks are Jerky, cheese, Fruit, Nuts, Deli Meat, Protein Bars etc. I try to eat healthy. $5 is super conservative when eating these kinds of foods and I would honestly spend more. + +VERDICT: +I’m going to learn how to cook and learn how to create bulk foods for meal prep. Not only to save money, but to learn an important skill. I’m not going to cut out eating the foods I enjoy. Like jerky, nuts, fruit etc. I earn enough money to the point I just bought whatever I felt like. But I think this reddit has made me realise the balance I’m after and what the right decision is for me to do. + +Thanks Everyone! +The popular debate of "rent vs buy" ignores the much bigger question: How MUCH should you spend on your primary residence (whether you rent OR buy)? I did a "buy vs buy" study looking at home price changes as well as opportunity cost of not investing over the past 30 years. As I show at the end, this is especially impactful if you're trying to **FI/RE** because it shows how much money ends up tied in your primary residence (thus raising expenses and lowering income necessary to FI/RE). + +If you're interested in a more visual journey, you can check it out here: https://imgur.com/a/RjGsYu9 + +#The Story of Morgan and Hannah + +To illustrate this point, I’d like to tell the story of friends, Morgan and Hannah. They each bought a home in 1989, exactly 30 years ago. And they both had identical assets at the time and identical incomes their whole careers. Specifically both Morgan and Hannah had: + +* $30,000 in cash +* $2,000/month available for housing and investing + +Where they differed was in how much house they bought. + +###Morgan bought a mansion. + +Morgan believed real estate was a great investment, so she went big. She bought a house for $150,000, the biggest house she could afford, believing it would go up in value. She used all $30,000 as a 20% down payment and took out a mortgage for the remaining $120,000. + +###Hannah bought humbly. + +Instead of buying the biggest house possible, Hannah bought a more humble home with a lower down payment and lower monthly mortgage payment. Hannah bought a $75,000 house putting 20% or $15,000 towards the down payment and getting a mortgage for the other $60,000. + +###Invest the rest. + +Both Morgan and Hannah are believers in investing as well. So after all their housing expenses were paid from their budget, they invested the rest in an S&P 500 index fund. Hannah also dumped her remaining initial $15,000 in an S&P 500 index fund in 1989. + +###Real estate did great. + +Both of their homes more than doubled in value over the last 30 years. They both increased by the US average over that time, gaining 3.5% per year, and are now worth $415,587 and $207,794 respectively. + +###The devil is in expenses. + +While the home values both went way up, they also had to pay the expenses of homeownership along the way. Those expenses scaled with the cost of their homes, so Morgan ended up paying a lot more. Here’s a look at the breakdown of their monthly expenses and what was left to invest. + +###Monthly Expenses: + +| | Morgan ($150K home)| Hannah ($75K home)| +|:---------------|---------------------:|-------------------:| +| Monthly Budget | $2,000| $2,000| +| Mortgage | $743| $371| +| Insurance | $111| $56| +| Maintenance | $589 | $295 | +| Property Tax | $285 | $143 | +| Total Monthly Cost | $1,729 | $864 | +| Left to invest in S&P 500 | $271 | $1,136 | + +###Hannah indexed more. + +As you can see due to the lower cost of living, Hannah was able to invest more in the S&P 500 index fund every month. + +###Stocks did even better. + +Over the last 30 years the stock market is up about 9.5% per year. That means Morgan’s $271/month investment grew to an impressive $419,032. But Hannah really did great. Her $15,000 lump sum plus $1,136 monthly investment grew the stock portion of her portfolio to a whopping $1,937,244. + +###How it shook out. + +Both women invested their whole $2,000/month in their primary home and the US stock market. But because Morgan bought twice as much house, she was saddled with twice as many home-related expenses. That means higher expenses AND more of her principal payments going into an asset returning 3.5%. Meanwhile, Hannah kept her sunk costs lower, and was putting more of her income into the stock market returning 9.5%. After 30 years, despite identical starting cash and monthly investments, Humble Hannah ended up over 2.5X more wealth than Morgan in her mansion. In 2019 Hannah’s net worth is $2,145,038 compared to Morgan’s $834,520 + +###Even worse for FI/RE. + +Hannah's net worth was over 2.5X that of Morgan's but her *invested assets* ended up 4.6X higher. Compounding the problem even more Hannah's living expenses were lower. That means Hannah hit her FI/RE number years ago and Morgan still can't retire on 4% of her investments. + +###The forced savings account. + +You often hear that your primary home is an investment. That’s true, but it’s more akin to a forced savings account with a negative return. Over the 30 years each of my friends owned their homes they both paid in 1.5X the home’s final worth in total payments. So while they were paying down the principal on that loan, the net result after expenses was effectively a savings account paying -1.5% interest per year. That doesn’t mean buying is bad. Your primary residence is an expense however you live. But don’t fall into the trap of believing a bigger home is a better investment. + +###Details for nerds. + +If you money nerds want to check my math or play with the numbers yourself, check out [the buy vs buy calculator as a google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ca3RB_G-XJJAPetuNaMr3wihyxRPpC_1huL3RlVC5k0/edit?usp=sharing). Check the notes in the google doc for links to all the references used in this article. + +**Source:** You may remember me from a recent post I did where I talked about [how I retired at 36](https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/comments/b41d79/how_i_retired_at_36_a_visual_journey/) + +**TL;DR:** Every $1 more spent on a house in 1989 in lieu of investing in the stock market made the home buyer $17 dollars less wealthy in 2019. +On Friday, the Federal Reserve released its semi-annual Financial Stability Report. In the report, the Fed believes that U.S. house prices have risen sharply in recent years due to ultra-low interest rates, but high house prices may fall sharply in the future. + +&#x200B; + +The Fed said that despite the recent slowdown in U.S. home price growth following the Fed’s interest rate hikes, U.S. home prices remain overvalued compared with indicators such as rents. + +&#x200B; + +According to the Fed: “With valuations at elevated levels, house prices may be particularly sensitive to shocks.” + +&#x200B; + +The report also noted "tight" liquidity conditions in the U.S. Treasury and some other key financial markets; increased hedge fund leverage; and high commercial real estate prices compared to market fundamentals. + +&#x200B; + +In addition, despite previous concerns from the outside world that the U.S. real estate bubble may have reached the brink of bursting and may paralyze the U.S. economy again, Fed Chairman Powell has refuted this statement, emphasizing that compared with the last financial crisis, this time Lenders are much more cautious when issuing mortgages. + +&#x200B; + +This was also mentioned in the Fed report, which said household debt remained at moderate levels. But the Fed report also noted that a downturn in the U.S. economy or a correction in housing prices would put pressure on household balance sheets. +Hey guys, are any of you that bought arkk up around it's ATH still holding? Debating whether or not I should just cut my losses and move onto something else? +What books, speakers, videos, etc helped for you to understand? + +More importantly, for those who didn't learn while living with parents/being supported, how did you do it while working a 9-5 and supporting your life? +[https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-shares-set-record-open-090728942.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-shares-set-record-open-090728942.html) + +**Wed, June 2, 2021, 5:07 AM** + +* [**AMC+22.66%**](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMC?p=AMC) + +(Reuters) -Shares of AMC Entertainment surged another 38% in early deals on Wednesday and were set to open at a record high as individual traders on social media forums were unfazed by a hedge fund flipping its stake in AMC, calling it overvalued. + +Hedge fund Mudrick Capital Management sold 8.5 million freshly issued AMC shares at a profit on Tuesday, a source said, immediately after buying them. AMC had earlier said it was prepared to make acquisitions with the new issuance, worth about $230.5 million. + +Extending a red hot rally, the cinema operator's stock traded at $41.90 on Wednesday, leading gains among the group of "meme stocks" including video game retailer GameStop Corp and BlackBerry Ltd that have attracted the attention of small-time traders on online platforms such as Reddit's WallStreetBets. + +"It's not rational, but do not bet against it," said a Berlin-based trader. + +AMC's stock has surged more than 1,400% this year and, at nearly $42, is trading at more than 10 times the median analyst price target. + +The number of messages related to AMC on trading-focused social media site Stocktwits rose more than 7% on Wednesday, with most of them reflecting a positive sentiment. + +AMC daily stock trading volumes in the past week have reached their highest since January, according to Refinitiv Eikon, while data from Fidelity showed it continued being the brokerage platform's most traded scrip. + +GameStop was up 4.5% in premarket trading, while Koss Corp jumped 13%. BlackBerry's U.S.-listed shares were last up 18.6%, bringing their total yearly gains to more than 75%. + +(Reporting by Sagarika Jaisinghani and Aaron Saldanha in Bengaluru and Thyagaraju Adinarayan in London; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila and Shounak Dasgupta) +TITAN's crash was really absurd, I personally haven't seen anything this extreme yet. It crashed almost 100% in a few hours and now sits at 0.00000005% of its ATH. That's something. I've seen many people in the past two days ask stuff like: "sure, it won't recover from that. But what if I just invest like $10, if it goes back to even just one cent, a tiny fraction of the ATH, that would be a ton of money!" + +And yes, it absolutely would be! And that alone should be enough to tell you that it can't be this easy. The thing is: because of how that whole network works, a lot of TITAN was printed when it crashed. + +10 days ago, the circulating supply was 116 million. Now it's 34 **trillion**, or 34,000 billion, or 34,000,000 million. Yeah, that's a lot. So let's consider the market cap, which is: + +**Market Cap = Circulating Supply X Coin Price** + +A coin price of 1 cent would mean a market cap of 344 billion, putting it on the #2 spot, higher than ETH. At 2 cents it would get close to BTC, at 5 cents its market cap would be higher than all other crypto combined. + +On iron.finance, the creators of the coin state "WARNING: Please don't buy TITAN or IRON.". Listen to them. This coin doesn't have a chance to go up again and as always, coin price is a bad indicator, even if it used to be higher. +First of all we know that is retail are just buying and holding, proof for example is the fidelity buy/sell bar. + +To my point, I can’t be the only one watching this current price and trying to figure out exactly how much I can budget to completely dump all of my extra cash in buying this dip right now. I usually buy small chunks during dips but seeing this crazy low price is getting me excited to have a chance at buying mass quantities. + +Am I the only one thinking this right now! The price is fake like all of last year and we all know it. This ape is getting loaded up friends! + +Edit: I like how the upvotes jump in increments of 50 up and 50 down. Shills don’t like what I have to say huh? Edit 2: I guess the upvote thing has to do with Reddit server stuff. Thanks u/Its-Waves for pointing that out. + +Edit 3: I love how I make a post about me buying more and wondering if everyone feels the same. Then messages saying the DD and constant proof was a lie, and watchlist messages lmao. You are not going to change my thought about buying more ok? +Hi all - + +Looking for some options and advice... + +My wife and I have over the last 10 years made bad decisions and accumulated $101K in credit card debt. About $50K of that has been living expenses while I was in school. We have 3 kids and a house we love. + +No car loans (company vehicles). HELOC with not much available. Never missed a payment on any obligation but the stress is building and taking its toll. She makes $100K, I make $75K. Our minimum monthly credit card bills are $1,800. We've played the balance transfer game and most of the debt is at about 5% currently with $25K at 18%. 1st and 2nd mortgage is $3100. + +&#x200B; + +Options we've considered: + +1. Stop making CC payments and ruin our credit. Hope for settlements at about 30% after 6 months or so. +2. Chapter 7. Don't really want to do this option as in our state we have a cap of $150K homestead exemption and we have about $300K in equity in our house. +3. Refinance the 2nd and roll all the debt into a new loan but not sure how willing banks are now that housing has started to fall +4. We have $260K in an IRA. We could take $100K out of that to pay off the CC debt, however, the penalty, tax, and fact that we would be selling the investments low with the stock market the way it currently is. + +&#x200B; + +Any options I'm overlooking? Considerations? + +THX! +As expected, once the price started nearing $350 they tanked the price again. Nothing new to veteran apes, they did this back in March. However, their tactic last time was to drop the price much more violently to trigger as many stop losses as possible, and trading halted numerous times in the process. The end result was a $173.53 drop from a high of $347.67 to a low of $174.14 over about 25 minutes - including trading halts. We all know at this point that a trading halt is triggered when the price moves up or down 10% within a 5 minute span. + + +This time though, they nuked the price $63.66 from a high of $344.66 to a low of $281 over a span of 45 minutes. The biggest 5 minute drop though, was from $312 to $281 - an even $31. That's just $0.20 shy of the $31.20 needed to trigger a trading halt. So at face value, it seems they didn't want to trigger any halts this time, or this is a complete coincidence. I can't fathom why it would even matter now, though. + + +Side note: To new apes, don't let this rattle you. + + +Not financial advice. +I am Russian and I am against Putin and his war with Ukraine. + +Left Russia on the first day of the war. I am programmer. My company was loyal to the rashists, so I left my job. I am in Thailand now. Thank good medicine in Thailand. The doctors found that I had skin cancer (melanoma). But the first stage (1B) and high chances of survival. Treatment is fully covered by insurance. I want to live in Thailand for one year to make sure that cancer is beaten. + +I have 100k portfolio. I need $1200 every month for living. What is best strategy for me? I'm thinking of buying XYLD 14% yield. Is this a good idea? +[**Dogira’s July Medium Update is hot off the press**](https://dogira-team.medium.com/july-update-dogira-b389a93ae276), and wow. This coin is *going places FAST!* Here’s a quick snapshot of what’s happening during their Quarter 3, and why these developments are unprecedented: + +Dogira used it’s massive marketing budget to hire the extremely reputable and respected Coinbound team to handle their market-facing communications and content. + +Because Coinbound has high profile clients like **eToro**, **MetaMask**, **Voyager**, **Nexo**, and a host of other projects, Dogira will gain visibility with a larger investor pool who are interested in funding long-term projects. + +On an upcoming BattleBots episode on Discovery Channel, Dogira has sponsored a competitor and his *machine 0’ mayhem*. + +The Dogira logo will be front and center when introducing the team and with an initial viewing audience of a million—let’s just say that Dogira will have a MASSIVE exposure opportunity. + +The team has also set its sights on the Asian market. They’ve hired an Asian crypto marketing firm that can get the job done right. Expect a significant push into these markets as well as a subsequent larger holderbase. + +**Summer of Dogira TL;DR:** + +* Dogira hired Coinbound for market-facing content and marketing +* The team has sponsored a competitor in an upcoming episode of *BattleBots*, airing on the Discovery Channel +* A skilled Asian crypto marketing firm has been hired to target a new international audience + +[Buy now on Uniswap](https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4b86e0295e7d32433ffa6411b82b4f4e56a581e1&use=V2), before you lose out on a huge gains opportunity. +There is no CEO or leader out there that actually gives a crap about us, the average investor anywhere near RC. Everything he has done so far is setting up a huge play to benefit the share holders and all of us who believed in him and GME for the last few years. +TGT has a market cap of $102B compared to COST at $231B. + +Yet TGT has TTM after tax income of $6.7B compared to COST with 5.2B. + +TGT's Equity + Retrained earnings are $23B compared to COST with $29B. + +So given that Costo has about $7 Billion more in total assets, does that justify twice the price for $1B less in income? Seems to me that TGT is a much better deal and showing better net income growth. So what am I missing? +I'm living in a second world country where the minimum wage is 310$. With only 253$ I'm able to make more money than I do at my actual job if I got the time to day trade. + +I'm not here to ask if I should quit my job or stuff and I know that trading is hard and you can't predict the market. + +However, I want so badly to acumulate 1000-2000$ in my exchange so I can trade strategically with proper risk management. + +Do you think this is enough to sustain myself, if I can make double my wage until I secure another position at another job? +I know that nobody can definitively tell me but what would you guys do with $50k sitting in your trading account? Keep it cash? Wait for things to drop more? Buy now? What stocks look appealing? + +Thanks +This may also get posted in [/r/tifu](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu) as well ... 'cause I'm a dummy. + +Got a call today from my bank (caller ID confirmed) saying they'd seen fraud on my ATM card (telling me the last 4 digits of my ATM card) at a Walmart in Florida. + +I live in Colorado. Of course that wouldn't be me, and yes I do have the ATM card in my possession. They never asked for the full card number. + +While they put me on a brief hold to verify something, I did a reverse lookup on the phone number, it DID match my bank. They sent me an SMS code to verify over the phone, the shortcode of the sending number ALSO matched my bank's SMS shortcode. + +Figured everything was legit, gave them my home address to ship me my new card. They put me back on hold "to talk to a manager" to waive an additional fee to expedite sending the card. + +But it was NOT my bank. + +While they put me on that second hold they withdrew almost $1,000 in small increments at an ATM in California. (again, I live in Colorado) + +I hung up, \*I\* called my bank, they verified they did NOT call me, had no record of possible fraud in Florida but that the six ATM withdrawals in California DID flag as fraud. + +I happened to record the phone call of the "bank" calling me, so I'm sending the phone recordings to my \*actual\* bank. + +Meanwhile I have to wait 10 days to get the $1,000 back. Yay. + +Thank goodness for things like an emergency fund, so the lack of the cash doesn't hurt, but still a major nuisance. + +Quick edit: Thanks for the incoming messages about this and the genuine support. Many have had similar experiences, and I posted this as a reminder to all that you should always call your bank yourself to verify anything, never verify anything on an incoming call. + +\--- + +**EDIT for clarification from several comment conversations:** + +Here's what likely happened: they spoofed my bank's phone number, asked me where I wanted the new ATM card shipped thus I verified my mailing address. They followed my bank's verification playbook and said they were sending me a verification code via SMS, which I then relayed. What was very likely happening on another phone line was they were social-engineering my bank, pretending to be me, verified my mailing address, verified the SMS code which I relayed to them, and likely changed my ATM card PIN so they could withdraw cash. Even down to my bank charging a fee for rushing a new card and waiving the fee in case of fraud. This was a VERY clever social engineering feat. + +**ALSO an important note:** there are tons of apps out there which can record phone calls, but the legality of this depends on where you live AND the location where the person/business on the other end of the call are located. One comment has a link to a lawsuit where the second party was NOT in a one-party-consent state, which makes recording a phone call illegal. Always tell your caller that you're recording the call. I miss being on Google Voice that could play a message that you were recording the call etc.. + +\--- + +**Friendly reminder of the day** (besides drink more water, go out and enjoy some sunshine, and be nice to one another) + +If someone calls, claiming to be your bank, never verify any information even if everything like phone numbers and SMS seem to match. Thank them for the alert, and tell them that you'll call THEM right back. Do not provide any information to them! +&#x200B; + +[Not your keys, not your coins?](https://preview.redd.it/szmd2opo6xa81.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=336e9660afb7504745f73f992c54e3c6f292fdb7) +https://finance.yahoo.com/news/citi-900-million-blunder-raises-001242255.html + +(Bloomberg) -- Even for Citigroup Inc., it was big money. On Wednesday, loan operations staff at the New York bank wired $900 million, seemingly on behalf of Revlon Inc., to lenders of the troubled cosmetics giant controlled by billionaire Ron Perelman. + +It was a mistake for the ages -- a “clerical error,” as Citigroup told lenders -- that’s now plunged the bank into a battle between the Perelman empire and a corps of sharp-edged investment funds that have become its impatient creditors. + +One financier involved likened the surprise payment to finding a fortune on the sidewalk. And, as of late Friday, several hedge funds who claim Revlon was in default on the loan were showing no signs that they’ll be giving Citigroup its money back. +A couple months ago I wrote some code to find what I suspected were undervalued cryptocurrencies. When I thought I had it working well, I made a play money portfolio of $5k that ballooned to to a peak of $200k at one point. God damn I should have just thrown the real money in it, I wasn't even that worried about the risk because of my other crypto gains. + +http://imgur.com/LuXdVlB +http://imgur.com/KIBBDre + +Edit: this is getting annoying I'm just gonna unsubscribe and and won't be reading any other responses, so you can save your efforts in trying to insult me, I won't be reading it and I really don't care. +I was checking my credit reports and I found a Wells Fargo credit card opened in my name. I have never dealt with Wells Fargo. + +The account was open from 12/2013 to 4/2014. It had a $5000 limit, and the "high credit" listed on my credit report was for almost all of it. It was paid on time, and then closed. + +I have a lot of questions. Since it's for a closed account with payments made on time, should I report it to the credit bureaus or just leave it alone? Does this mean my information has been stolen? Should I file a complaint with someone, since this is probably a fake account created by Wells Fargo? +There is a large liquidation watch on Solana's Solend protocol, where a whale has deposited 5.7M SOL ($170M and borrowed 108M USDC and USDT borrowed. This alone accounts for a huge % of borrowing on Solana, and now this position is under a liquidation threat. + +The whale is not closing their position. In most protocols like Compound, or AAVE, Maker etc, this will result in an onchain liquidation. Infact we have seen many such large liquidations on AAVE And Maker recently, and everything has worked as expected. + +However such a large liquidation in an illiquid market and unstable network like Solana is likely to have vastly damaging consequences. Solana network has already gone down and halted half a dozen time. + +The Solend team explains what could happen to the network: + +>This could cause chaos, putting a strain on the Solana network. Liquidators would be especially active and spamming the liquidate function, which has been known to be a factor causing Solana to go down in the past. +> +>**Letting a liquidation of this size to happen on-chain is extremely risky.** DEX liquidity isn’t deep enough to handle a sale of this size and could cause cascading effects. Additionally, liquidators will be incentivized to spam the network in an effort to win very lucrative liquidations. This has been known to cause load issues for Solana in the past which would exacerbate the problems at hand. + +So to prevent this, they are proposing to literally steal the user's funds and execute OTC trades: + +>Grant emergency power to Solend Labs to temporarily take over the whale’s account so the liquidation can be executed OTC and avoid pushing Solana to its limits. This would be done via a smart contract upgrade. Emergency powers will be revoked once the whale’s account reaches a safe level. + +When shit starts to implode, all the true colors of decentralization comes out. + +These shitty protocol are run by fly by night cowboys who learnt basics of economics during the bull run. They put their users are risk by running terrible protocols that do not think about all the edge cases...because who cares about risks right?! + +And during signs of distress, they resolve to seize user funds. +29 year old female, living in Los Angeles + +Sold a business earlier this year and combined with some other money I had from earlier investments, now have $3.5M post-tax, liquid cash. + +I live with my bf, no kids, love our apartment that we split ($6k per month rent between us). No other notable investments or overheads. + +*NOTE: I did just put $3M into t-bills as it felt like a way for the cash to do something for me whilst I figure out what to do. But obviously this is completely liquid as and when I need it.* + +**My lifestyle:** + +I like living in LA... I spend money on meals with friends, buying clothes, exercise & wellness and going on vacation two or three times a year. I think I could quite easily live on $200k per year, but maybe $250k would be more suitable as I do have the occasional splurges that i'm probably not factoring in. + +**My mindset:** + +From a career standpoint, i've definitely got a few battle-scars from many years running high pressure start-up businesses... off the back of that, I had contemplated trying to find a way to make the $3.5M cash flow me ⁓$200k pa "passively" which would pretty much cover my lifestyle allowing me to retire and chill out - but after doing a lot of thinking this year i've come to the conclusion that I don't want to opt out of the ratrace right now... I still have more energy left in me and I feel excited about starting another business. + +Therefore, my plan is to start another company, most likely VC backed, which I will be able to build out over the next 3, 5 or even 10 years... I have a bunch of ideas already, but let's save that convo for another day. + +The **practical** benefits of starting another company to *me personally* are as follows: + +1. Keeps me busy and stimulated +2. Gives me a sense of purpose +3. Provides me with a salary (maybe a modest one to begin with) +4. Gives me exposure to big upside that I wouldn't get with a job +5. VC backed means that get all of the above upside without risking my own money + +So with the above in mind, my current thinking is I would like to find a way to invest the money I have in my bank to just grow and mature whilst I live on the income from my next business and continue to build. + +In essence, I don't need nor want to touch the little stack that I have made. My assumption is I will have to carve out $200k or so as a cash runway to last me a year whilst I get my next business going, but the remaining $3.3M can be left alone. + +I've read Bogle's Little Book of Common Sense Investing (amongst other books/materials often recommended here) and my default approach will be to just buy into low cost index funds over the next few months and then just try to check the prices as little as possible! + +Side-note: I do question the dogmatic certainty that surrounds the index fund approach - Michael Burry recently warned against an Index Bubble... I think is healthy to question the unwavering belief that the Bogle approach will return guaranteed wins over a long term horizon. + +But with that said, I don't really have any other ideas so will most likely go down the low cost Index Fund approach anyway. Real Estate sounds like a pain in the ass, I don't want to manage tenants or even deal with the managers that would manage tenants on my behalf - but I suppose I could have my mind changed. + +Thank you for reading this far. I would love to hear any counter views, suggestions or ideas around how I should invest my cash or honestly any other aspects of my "plan" in general. + + +EDIT: My FIRE objective is to land somewhere in the region of $6-$20M NW within the next 10 years. + +M +Continuation from [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/m237es/gme\_megathread\_part\_2\_for\_march\_10\_2021/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/m237es/gme_megathread_part_2_for_march_10_2021/) + +This is not a Roblox thread. +1. After putting in your orders to sell puts or calls, **ALWAYS place a BTC(Buy to Close) for $0.01 that is Good Til Cancelled**. This is just good practice as your order can get filled due to IV crush or someone(retail/mm/algo) sweeps in and decides to sell it to you for a penny for whatever reason. You can adjust this amount later. Some brokerages do not charge a commission for buying back the option when it's a small amount. If your order gets filled before expiration, that will free you up to sell more options. +2. The option buyer has the right to exercise up until 2:30PM PST on Friday. **Friday market close does not mean all OTM options expire worthless.** You can still get assigned After Hours and get notified over the weekend. This risk is greater if there is earnings AH or a black swan event(eg: FDA Trial fails, CEO dies, lawsuit, SEC investigation, etc.). +3. Early assignment risk is real. **EVEN IF YOUR OPTIONS DO NOT GO ITM YOU CAN BE ASSIGNED EARLY.** This is especially true if the underlying stock pays out dividends and the option approaches the ex-dividend date. If the math works out it can be advantageous to the option buyer to exercise. Even if the math doesn’t work out, the option buyer always has the right to exercise anytime they like. This is rare, but it can happen. Always monitor your positions especially if you are going with a multi leg strategy like an Iron Condor. +4. Keep your portfolio diversified. Do not be 100% in 1 high IV stock. The returns can be juicy for weeks, even months, but protect yourself and keep the portfolio diversified. You never know when a stock turns against you. +5. With great power comes great responsibility. Selling options using margin buying power can be very profitable since you do not pay any interest and you are leveraged. But keep an eye on your positions. Brokerages do restrict certain securities from being sold on margin and can change what gets restricted anytime. You may initially sell a meme stock on margin only to find out the brokerage later restricted it. My advice is to avoid meme stocks on margin. +6. Remember that **the premiums you collect are premiums for a reason.** There is no free lunch and you are accepting the risk that is carried for that premium. For eg: back when GME was almost $500, if you sold puts at a $50 strike thinking being 90% OTM was safe, think again as GME dipped down close to $40 a few weeks after. Granted, if you wheeled it or just held onto the shares that you got assigned you would have been profitable a few weeks later, but if you paper handed you could've been down a large amount. Monitor your positions regularly or setup alerts for your positions. +7. If you sell puts and the underlying stock price starts to go up, the value of your put usually goes down but it can work against you and go up when the IV is expanding. Vice versa for calls. +8. And remember, **it's just money**. Don't let it affect your health or sleep at night or let it affect your attitude toward others. It's not worth it if it is. +I keep reading articles about how Target's warehouses are severely overstocked. Is there a reason for it? + +I thought there were a shortage of things because of supply chain issues (which I've heard for 2 years now), but now there seems to be a massive surplus? + +What am I missing here? +Okay. I've seen a few comments doubting Melissa Lee's reaction to her Internet-breaking slip of the tongue, partly because it lasts for *so long*, and I'd like to address this. + +I'm an actor, and for once, *for once*, I feel like I actually have valuable information to contribute to this sub. I got super into Paul Ekman's work on microexpressions when *Lie to Me* came out, and I studied and taught Alba Emoting, which is an acting technique that uses specific universal breath patterns and postures to make you feel an emotion almost instantly, out of nowhere. (People who are great at this can have tears rolling down their cheeks in three breaths. It's super cool. Humans are cool.) + +Basically, these are two sides of the same coin: Ekman's work identifies the universal human expressions of emotion in order to identify what someone is feeling, and Alba Emoting uses those expressions to work *backwards*, creating emotions by correctly going through the expressions. [Here's a good overview, if you're interested.](https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/s3-euw1-ap-pe-ws4-cws-documents.ri-prod/9781138918580/chapt4/unit_4.8_breath_and_emotion.doc) + +These two concepts aren't very widespread in the acting world, but I latched onto them because a lot of acting training is basically mystical, arrogant, frustrating woo; there isn't a hard, identifiable baseline of data. Dancers have an encyclopedia of steps and terminology; musicians have an arsenal of notes and notations. Wanna know how acting gets taught, even at the graduate level? [Imagine teaching someone to play a sonata by ear, without knowing how to interpret or explain sheet music](http://easeofmovement.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Breathing-Costume.pdf). I thought this was fucking stupid, and wanted some sexy motherfucking verifiable data. + +So. DATA. YAY. + +Alba Emoting teaches that there are six basic emotions (tenderness, fear, laughter/joy, grief/sadness, anger, lust), plus neutral. + +Here are two handy dandy diagrams to break these six down for you: + +[Breathing patterns](https://images.app.goo.gl/vQnzKqkVVZY8p4879 ) + +[Facial expressions & posture](https://images.app.goo.gl/PYiWGd5Lpd9BNRRK9 ) + +Everything else is a mix of those six. What you see on Melissa Lee's face is *shock*, which is mostly fear. If you take what we normally think of as fear, with its quick shallow breathing, the darting, bulging eyes, the raised eyebrows, the open mouth, plus the *get the fuck out of here* physicality, and you escalate this fear to its most extreme iteration, you actually get a panic attack, with breathing that's so fast and shallow you can't get enough oxygen to your brain. Well, she's definitely not going through anything close to that. [And genuine *surprise*, with its raised eyebrows, lasts a *fraction* of a second.](https://youtu.be/bWyhsqh_e9s ) (Relevant clip starts at 2:38.) So, no, at first glance this doesn't look like a real "oh fuck" reaction. + +*HOWEVER.* + + *Fear, especially shock and horror, starts out with a freeze*. + +Everything in your brain freezes. Your body doesn't want to move. Your breath almost stops. It's like your body's thinking "IF I DON'T MOVE, NO ONE WILL NOTICE I EXIST". I'm almost positive that this particular evolutionary response comes from a common "prey" situation, one we've seen in every horror movie and thriller ever made - you're hiding from a predator, you think you're safe, then you step on a twig. *Crack*. OH FUCK. You freeze. If you don't move a muscle, make absolutely no noise, it might not find you. OH FUCK OH FUCK FOOTSTEPS GETTING CLOSER *and now you run*. + +[Melissa Lee froze.](https://images.app.goo.gl/BPugSAFoD5ssKZqs8 ) *Horrified*. Her forehead is blank, her eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, she didn't breathe. She couldn't move for *awhile. Immediately* after she said it. She was probably being yelled at in her ear, yes, but her horror came so quickly she didn't need to be told she had fucked up. She didn't need to go through the process of "wait, what?" She *knew.* + +(I keep getting the feeling, looking at that freeze-frame, that her eyebrows are slightly too close together for straight-up fear; it looks like consternation, which has sadness mixed in. Mirroring her face actually makes me feel like I'm about to cry. I don't know her at all, I don't know anything about her life, but I'd bet at least one of my GME shares that she wanted to burst into tears for at least a fraction of a second.) + +You know what that means? + +They all know this is a massive problem. Everyone she works for, reports on and is friendly with only has one way out of this; keep it contained. Keep it secret. Keep it safe. + +Oops. + +tl;dr: **BULLISH AF.** + +Edit for proper TL;DR: Human feelings are expressed through universal physical characteristics, and hers 100% line up with the initial stages of shock/horror/fear. + +In other words, bullish AF. +Nevermind the logistics behind *how* we would get a place like Amazon to accept ETH as payment--but what's the point besides a quick price pump? + +1. ETH is not designed to be a currency; it is a usage token. +2. ETH is not ready to scale to the size required for such payment. +3. Why would anyone spend their ETH today when they think it will be worth twice as much tomorrow? +4. Did Bitcoin teach us nothing? It typically works like this: + +* Brigade a company's customer service to accept ~bitcoin~ Ethereum +* They give in, set it up, and decide to accept (maybe) +* No one spends their Ethereum because we are Holders +* Said company quietly phases out their acceptance after a few months--because no one uses it. + +You want to get it listed on exchanges? AWESOME! Let's do it! More liquidity for what most of us ACTUALLY USE ETH for! + +I can't do this anymore. The glory days of /r/ethtrader are long gone. +We are still significantly higher than we were 5 days ago. My portfolio still DOUBLED compared to LAST MONTH. I haven’t seen these kinds of gains in years.. If you, for some reason, experience this so called dip as an actual dip, or something negative at all.. Then chances are that you invested too much, tried to time the market too much, wanted to become rich quick or a combination of the above and you’ll have a chance of ending up pretty depressed once it goes south like it did in 2017-2018.. Read about the Dunning kruger effect, risk management, diversification, ladder buying/selling and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) and consider your money lost once you have put it in. “But but but, what is the reason we are going down today?” “Because people are selling after these amazing gains which they haven’t seen in the past 3 years to cash out some profits and enjoying these by buying material things that make their daily life more convenient, fun or whatever the reason is you and I spend money on stuff other than crypto and basic necessities.” + +I hope this post gets on the frontpage here cause all these “dip” posts give me (and probably a lot of others) flashbacks to 2017-2018, you know, when we were nearing a real top followed by a real bear market aka the real dip aka the discount DCA market. +Hi guys, + +I want to start financial planning to save for future so i can afford to have a family and afford some luxuries in life (later on) but, there is SO MUCH Info out there i just dont know where to start! + +is anyone willing to share their financial plan and how they stuck to it? problems they had? stuff they wish they knew too perhaps? + +Any help would be greatly appreciated :) +**EDIT: While what I have written below is true for a stock dividend, it would appear that the nature of GameStop's "stock split via stock dividend" may be handled differently. The impact it is having on** ***covered*** **short positions is more akin to a stock split, in that shorts will be required to return 4x as many shares to the lender upon closing their position.** [**You can read about it here.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vuj4rn/in_context_dlauers_tweets_confirm_to_our_chagrin/) **I am yet to see any credible source explain away the impact the splividend will have on** ***naked*** **short positions, who do not have a lender to return shares to but have nonetheless created a long who is entitled to the dividend.** + +&#x200B; + +Every year, the IRS releases updated publications that offer people guidance on how to prepare their tax returns. Included in the IRS's guidelines for reporting investment income and expenses are instructions on how to report costs incurred when making **payments in lieu of dividends**, including STOCK DIVIDENDS. The publication I am citing in this post is [Publication 550, Investment Income and Expenses (Including Capital Gains and Losses)](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p550.pdf). + +&#x200B; + +[Highlighted for smoothness. Found on page 56.](https://preview.redd.it/kwc1yypec1a91.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=1304cd9303f3a923847f8eed0629d1816c7c4ec0) + +# IF YOU BORROW STOCK TO MAKE A SHORT SALE, YOU MAY HAVE TO REMIT TO THE LENDER PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF THE DIVIDENDS DISTRIBUTED WHILE YOU MAINTAIN YOUR SHORT POSITION... IF YOUR PAYMENT IS MADE FOR A... NONTAXABLE STOCK DISTRIBUTION, OR IF YOU BUY MORE SHARES EQUAL TO A STOCK DISTRIBUTION ISSUED ON THE BORROWED STOCK DURING YOUR SHORT POSITION, YOU HAVE A CAPITAL EXPENSE. YOU MUST ADD THE PAYMENT TO THE COST OF THE STOCK SOLD SHORT. + +That's it. That's all the DD you need to understand why heavily shorted companies can use a stock dividend to spank shorts. The Treasury Department/Internal Revenue Service can confirm that short-sellers are going to have money yoinked out of their accounts, and that money is going to be used to provide the stock dividend to the longs holding the shares that the short-sellers sold short. And yes, GameStop's recently announced stock dividend is a nontaxable stock distribution. You are going to receive the stock dividend and it will not be a taxable event, ergo nontaxable stock distribution. + +So if you encounter anyone saying otherwise, copypaste the source I provided and tell them to lick your nuts. If you do not have nuts, you are welcome to substitute "nuts" with any appendage/organ you deem appropriate under the circumstances. + +Congratulations, you fuckers. Shorts are going to foot the bill to give you more stock in the company you like, and you've damn well earned it. + +Power to the fucking players. +I try to do this every tax season, and I felt the need to remind people that this resource exists. There are some simple explanations of tax law in the U.S. over at Khan Academy. Here are a couple links: + +* [Introduction to Tax Brackets](https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/taxes-topic/taxes/v/basics-of-us-income-tax-rate-schedule) +* [Introduction to Deductions](https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/taxes-topic/taxes/v/tax-deductions-introduction) +* [A link to all lessons in the Tax Portal](https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/taxes-topic) + +And since retirement accounts tie into deductions: + +* [Link to the Retirement Accounts lessons](https://www.khanacademy.org/economics-finance-domain/core-finance/investment-vehicles-tutorial/ira-401ks/v/traditional-iras) + +As an added bonus: + +* The [personalfinance Wiki on Taxes](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/taxes) (may need an update for Tax Year 2016). + +Let me know if there's anything related I should add to this list. Happy filing! +# If I've learned anything on this sub over the past several months it is this. When a bunch of craziness happens don't jump on board and add to the crazy. Wait a couple of hours. Let the dust settle. Immediacy is not our friend. Speculation is not our friend. People want to be first more than they want to be right. The truth will come out. It always does. The Mods have proven they are committed to that. +My wife and I have multiple offers on this piece of property that we are selling. + +One of the offers is lower than the current highest offer by $5k. I learned that it is from a single mom who has been looking for a place for months and keeps getting beat out. + +I know that I need to have a logical, level head here, but my heart strings are being tugged because I know what it is like to have a single mom trying to find a place, because I went through that when I was young. I lean towards accepting the lower offer. + +Is it okay to be sentimental and emotional about decisions like this, or is straight numbers the way to go? + + +Update: Thank you all for the kind words! Never did I imagine that I'd be in a position like this before. I think back to growing up, when I was moving from house to house with my mom before we found a place, and I never knew or understood how hard it must have been for her. + +I know that there is a chance that maybe my heartstrings are being manipulated. In the grand scheme of things, I'd rather be guilty of the sin of giving when I shouldn't have than of the sin of not giving when I should have. + + +Update: My wife and I decided to accept her offer. In the end, if we can make a difference to someone, then the difference is an amount we'd gladly pay. Maybe God sent the offer to us because we are the ones who'd be able to bless her life. However we want to look at it, I think she will be better off for it. + + +Update: People are really concerned that I'm being manipulated, wondering how I know that this lady is a single mom, or how much I can trust my realtor, etc etc. Basically, what happened was that we received a few offers on our place. While going over the offers, I asked my realtor (whom I know very well and trust highly) if they knew who the offers were from. They then told a brief description of the people, one being a single mom with two kids and the other being a young couple just starting out trying to find their first place. + +That is literally all the realtor told me. I didn't read an offer letter, I didn't get many more details than that. But the thought of this single mom just got stuck in my head and I couldn't get it out. Some people may call it being manipulated, or foolish, or hoping that they aren't going to make the closing process miserable for me. I hope all that too. + +But growing up, moving from house to house with my own single mom, I can't imagine how that felt for her. But my heart is full with this chance, this slim chance, that maybe I can make a single mom's life a little easier, to be able to maybe spend more time with her kids, to have a better hand dealt to her for once. Maybe, just maybe, I can do that for her, and the money I'm leaving on the table is worth that to me. + +Update: Interpret this how you want. When our realtor told them that we accepted her offer, the other realtor communicated that the single mom broke down and cried. +Late last year, Congress scrapped Obama-era rules from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would have banned forced-arbitration clauses in financial contracts. This bill, which President Trump quickly signed, was self-evidently bad for consumers at the time—and if anyone needs further proof of how ridiculous and harmful these clauses are, just look at what Wells Fargo has been up to over the past several months. The mega-bank famously issued at least 3.5 million fake accounts without consumer consent, triggering a $185 million fine to state and federal regulators. The bank aimed to demonstrate sales growth to investors and boost the stock price with bogus numbers, but millions of customers got caught up in the exchange, paying unnecessary fees and taking hits to their credit scores. Scores of defrauded customers sued Wells Fargo in a series of class-action lawsuits. + +Wells Fargo then tried to defy metaphysical reality: It moved to block one class-action case in Utah by claiming that the arbitration clause in customer contracts on the real accounts they held at the bank also applied to the fake accounts. By this theory, Wells Fargo customers signed away their legal rights when it came to accounts they didn’t even sign. https://www.thenation.com/article/the-ceo-of-wells-fargo-might-be-in-big-big-trouble/ +Good morning San Diago, + +I am Rensole, + +I like lamp + +\*insert flashy intro card\* + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/gikzky62gps61.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=5571204728f26a6951e985656b5a8e52df0ab4c1 + +None of this is financial advice, I'm just an ape who found a typewriter with an internet connection + +# Melvin's story + +So a lot of people have been talking about this one, Melvin is down 49% etc etc. + +[Remember this video from Cramer?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/lvpvic/dont_let_the_shills_and_bots_downvote_this_cramer/) + +Now let's look at the news article [here](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/1-hedge-fund-melvin-capital-205342159.html) + +"Melvin Capital, the hedge fund at the center of the GameStop trading frenzy, lost 49% on its investments during the first three months of 2021, **a person familiar with the matter said on Friday**. " + +A PERSON FAMILIAR... ok sorry but I'm not believing this until I see some filings backing this claim up, just like Cramer said in the video that a hedge fund manager would create a narrative which was beneficial for them. + +How is this beneficial for them? I would have no clue, but I would argue that they will find a way to make this beneficial. + +The thing is when it comes to companies they can't make false claims, but if they "leak" information to the press, those liable claims are gone as it was an "anonymous source" and they can still push a story without having to worry about any SEC/governmental litigation . + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/4zol8g87jps61.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=86a83b3223f7282c9a112e4182af012bfbe8c167 + +So when a news story comes out that feeds into your confirmation bias you should be just as sceptical about it as if it where to go against it. remember they know we would love to see a story like this and this could also help them spin a narrative that they want for example: + +Melvin closed their short positions due to 49% loss + +49% loss forces Melvin capital to take long positions which where short + +And these are just two examples from the top of my head. + +So again use Critical thinking and think, who would benefit from this, how would they, why would they do this, what could the possible outcome be of that? + +Again it's fully possible this entire story is real, but I personally don't trust it to be factual + +Just keep an eye out I feel like there is a "melvin covered" story coming so stick with what we know, hodl. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/k7vmomepips61.jpg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356c77d01dcde26d4e7445e903e6d165cda6b563 + +Now this part is fully gut feeling. + +For some reason I've been getting the back of my neck standing on edge, I personally feel there will be some new FUD coming something that will require the sub to DO SOMETHING FAST. + +So everyone I know most people have a kneejerk reaction and want to help. + +There isn't a sense of urgency, so if someone comes here saying HEY DO THIS NOW! please don't. + +Question everything and everyone, be kind to one and other and continue to be civil, and move slowly and carefully. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/xx72njrhlps61.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b586e6ae8d7f4951530e90e34d98117546ba9d + +DFV's latest tweet, just look at this beauty! + +now let's go over this for a bit, + +Exercise none - will cash the difference between the strike price and the current share/price at the termination date + +Exercise some - only partially execute (order) his options + +Exercise all- Buy the full option chain, aka buy all 50k at market. + +If you want to add to the vote feel free to chime in if you'd like to. + +I personally hope he'll exercise all of them, just imagine if he'd bought 500 at the press of a button, I'm actually wondering what would happen if he exercised the 500 order at once as one block, he'll get them for 12$ a piece so... for me it's a no brainer, if you could pay 1/10th of the current price or less to get something worth the same as the current stock would you? because I would + +Will DFV? yeah most likely he bought at 45$ so why wouldn't he get it at 12$ + +&#x200B; + +**Addendum:** because people keep speculating, no this will most likely not affect the share price at the market as these options where "hedged" a long time ago, it would just give our boy DFV some more shares for a better price then just at the market price. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/mr8iqmvtmps61.jpg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6379db0037f84cca2be7eb37858a6181134c1d4e + +# “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” + +― **Tendieman Tzu,** **The Art of War** + +So what's with it? + +[Check out this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mou8ww/ken_griffin_exposed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) + +It gives a more in depth look in who Kenny really is. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/1oayh7cfnps61.jpg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37eb3ddc1e4ede85be56db55ea4dc0d2e0b26ae + +# The FTD DD + +A lot of people have been messaging me over the past week saying "THE FTD DD IS GONE" + +Nope relax guys, the site owner was updating the website and it's back online and updated to V14 + +Feel free to check it out [here](https://iamnotafinancialadvisor.com/DD/GME/og/GMEv14.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +[expect it. always.](https://preview.redd.it/7jt5w88xops61.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb67015f5974d0413671089411d03421859e967) + +# It's the BOAAAARD! + +Awesome writeup [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mop9pu/%F0%9D%97%9A%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%A6%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%97%BC%F0%9D%97%BD%F0%9D%98%80_%F0%9D%97%98%F0%9D%98%85%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%B0%F0%9D%98%82%F0%9D%98%81%F0%9D%97%B6%F0%9D%98%83%F0%9D%97%B2_%F0%9D%97%97%F0%9D%97%BF%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA_%F0%9D%97%A7%F0%9D%97%B2%F0%9D%97%AE%F0%9D%97%BA/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) going a bit more in depth on who is on the board, and it's always good to know the company you are investing with and who the people are who run it. + +because the people who run it define the company. + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/jnxes2muops61.png?width=554&format=png&auto=webp&s=82452e0bed0503ba58c72eae05d33434bb14cf21 + +# EXCELLENT! + +Be friendly, help others! + +as always we are here from all different walks of life and all different countries. + +This doesn't matter as we are all apes in here, and apes are friends. + +Doesn't matter if you're a silverback a chimp or a bonobo. + +We help each other, we care for each other. + +**Ape don't fight ape, apes help other apes** + +this helps us weed out the shills really fast, as if everyone is helpful, the ones who aren't stand out. + +remember the fundamentals of this company are great, so for the love of god if someone starts with trying to spread FUD, remind yourself of the fundamentals. + +There is no sense of urgency, this will come when it comes, be a week, be it a month be it six. + +We don't care, just be nice and lets make this community as Excellent as we can! + +&#x200B; + +&#x200B; + +https://preview.redd.it/ed7sjb30pps61.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8d961a85debc644de6e11d383fb4c82af9bdbdf + +Remember none of this is financial advice, I'm so retarded I'm not allowed to go to the zoo 'cause they'll put me in the cage with the rest of my ape brothers. + +If anything happens throughout the day I will be adding it here. + +backups: + +[https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/](https://gmebackup.tumblr.com/) + +[https://twitter.com/rensole](https://twitter.com/rensole) + +[https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1](https://twitter.com/HeyItsPixel1) + +[https://twitter.com/warden\_elite](https://twitter.com/warden_elite) + +[https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99](https://twitter.com/RedChessQueen99) + +And I'll be posting updates as they happen here: + +&#x200B; + +Edit 1: + +[https://careers.gamestop.com/en-US/job/analyst-security/J3V0R174DZHKP9C5FVQ](https://careers.gamestop.com/en-US/job/analyst-security/J3V0R174DZHKP9C5FVQ) + +GME want's to add crypto? + + + +DDITIONAL SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE + +* Blockchain, cryptocurrency, or non-fungible tokens +* Machine learning or artificial intelligence +* eCommerce +* Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) +* eSports or competitive gaming +* Malware analysis and/or reverse engineering +* Threat intelligence + +&#x200B; +This may be a personal finance question but posting it here as there is a lot of overlap. + +I am trying to make sense of housing prices and I think that the real estate price in metros is still way overpriced (even after Covid related lockdowns and WFH polices across the IT sector) + +For e.g , the apartment I'm renting costs 36K per month (including all maintenance and misc) and the asking price for the apartment is > 1.2Cr. This is in spite of the fact that > 75% of the apartments in the building of about 2000 apartments are empty. I'm in Hyderabad, and speaking to my friends who are in the housing market, the situation is similar in Bangalore. + +Now if I take the same 1.2Cr corpus and invest in a FD in a centralized bank (e.g SBI), the interest rate is about 5%. This gives me a monthly interest of 50K. Investing in a Index Fund/ETF would give me even better returns. + +Even the baseline calculation tells me that it's a no-brainer to stay away from buying an apartment for the foreseeable future. For anybody to consider buying an apartment, one or more of the three things should happen. + +i. The rental prices should increase drastically. + +ii. The lending rates should drop. (This is subjective though, as even if the lending rates drop, I doubt that the return rates of index funds/ETF's will drop). + +iii. Prices of apartments have to drop. (This will happen eventually, maybe over a generation or so, but given the clout the property developers have, I don't think it will happen soon) + +Of course if we consider other financial factors (housing loan interest rates, hassle of maintaining the apartment if we were to relocate etc), the odds still stack up in favor of renting. If somebody buys an apartment and rents it out instead of living in it, isn't it a net loss for them ? + +Now coming to my question. Given the situation we are in, I would like to know what is the rationale of the people who are buying an apartment ? Even I am of the traditional mindset that house increases in value over time (maybe not so much for an apartment) and it gives us peace of mind. But I still think that currently especially is a bad time to buy an apartment and would rather wait for the situation to change. Thoughts ? +After weeks of hardwork for writing backtesting and actual trading code. I have successfully deployed my first ever algotrading system. Its fully automated options trading system and also send daily trades executed reports at an end of day. Thanks to this sub, I got answers to lot of my doubts. Adding last 2 days pnl ss. +Cheers. +Hypothetically if everyone on the earth had a very high basic standard of living, say that of a financially upper class family, would inequality still be an issue? Or would the fact that some people have more still cause problems? +Of course no success is truly achieved “alone”, but the question is pertaining to ladies who built up their wealth independently without significant inherence or marrying a HNW spouse. I feel as if I hear more voices from men in this sub and would love to hear stories from fellow ladies FatFirers or those on the way to become one. + +I will start - I (32F) bootstrapped an online fashion business in my early 20s that took off unexpectedly. Not quite FatFIRED yet but can definitely FIRE if I wanted to, and in the meantime allowed my husband to quit his job and focus on his passion and our family. Our positions are reversed in the sense of traditional family roles, but to be honest I’m quite proud of my career and of course still appreciate my husband for contributing in other ways within the family. + +Any other inspirational stories from my fellow ladies? +Warren Buffet and others have said that average investors suck at stock picking and should stick to the index funds. But how do you define average investor? Is it average person? + +When I look to other investing subreddits I see people holding tesla or other overvalued stocks. Well of course I expect those people not only to underperform the market, but underperform it severely. + +Is average investor someone who can do simple DFC analysis and is slightly competent at reading financial statements? Or is it someone who does not know what DFC analysis is and pick stocks based on his feelings? + +From my point of view beating something which is average is not usually very hard (for example scoring above average in math tests). But it depends what is the average, in no way I can beat for example average singer. +Warren Buffett has often spoken about how interest rates in the 1980/81, pulled down the value of assets. [As interest rates climbed in 1981, the P/E of the S/P 500 dropped](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:S_and_P_500_pe_ratio_to_mid2012.png). + +I know value investors don't often discuss marco economic issues, but as a newbie I would appreciate your views/opinions on whether this is something to bear in mind. + +[Valuations are so high and seem to be outpacing earnings](https://www.seeitmarket.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/sp-500-index-price-to-earnings-valuations-stock-market-year-2021-high-lofty-concern-chart.png) ([*Source*](https://www.seeitmarket.com/how-concerning-are-high-stock-market-valuations-in-2021/)). At the time of writing, [the S&P 500 PE Ratio = 34.50](https://www.multpl.com/s-p-500-pe-ratio). US consumer prices rose by 5.4% in the year to June (also in the UK). I think Warren mentioned the increasing inflation at his most recent annual shareholder meeting. + +Since the growth of asset prices is a consequence of our recent inflation; and since the Fed will counter this by increasing interest rates = **Should value investors just wait this out with regards to these US S&P-type valuations and stocks?** + +Thank you for your time. Sorry if this has already been discussed. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +JUST HOLD. TODAY WAS NOTHING. GME WAS AT 180 3 WEEKS AGO. If you WORKED your WHOLE LIFE will you be able to accumulate even a million? No? MAYBE?? So just hold on to your shares. Even if it takes MONTHS. 10M IS THE FLOOR +Buy and hold. This is not an easy game. It is not something simple. IT TAKES REAL BALLS AND PATIENCE FOR ANYONE TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE. THIS IS NOT A GET RICH quick SCHEME. +Looking to open up my second home to refugees. Wondering if anybody has ever done this? What was your experience like? Were there resources in place (welfare, WIC, etc) to help these families out? Any insight appreciated. + +Edit: please at least try to pretend you’re not blatantly racist when you come to criticize me ffs +I keep reading a lot of people thinking the market is going to collapse in the next year but real estate is the slowest moving investment of all. + +&#x200B; + +First we need unemployment to go up a lot. Then we need credit to dry up which is what happened in 08. High rates alone don't cause recessions. High rates slow down the economy. + +I search for preforeclosures exclusively and there aren't many in my markets . Its actually record low pre foreclosures and on top of this a lot of the home owners tell me their banks are modifying their loans into 40 year etc. terms to avoid foreclosure. + +&#x200B; + +How are homes going to crash next year without a mass unemployment and foreclosure crisis? Most on reddit are thinking all recessions are like 2008-2012 but there have been many recessions of varying degree. Credit moves the economy and it's still easily accesible for everyone. + +&#x200B; + +I for one always do the opposite of what average people do and its made me incredibly wealthy. 2020 was an amazing year for me because when everyone was afraid that covid would end the world I bought soooo many properties at below 50% of arv. + +I'm doing the same now and I'm getting many properties lately at very low prices since investors are getting scared to invest again. I have always lived by the motto "Invest when others are saving and Save when others are spending". I intend to increase the amount of homes I purchase within the next year since inflation is killing my cash. + +&#x200B; + +Good luck to everyone but honestly don't be a pack of the herd. The funny part to me is the news is a self fulfilling prophecy the more the tv talks about a possible recession it makes people scared and then money stops moving which is the main cause of a recession. +Is it to late to jump on the Shiba coin with little money expecting to make a huge profit? Or could we see Shiba coin actually hit a penny? I'm totally clueless on these matters and would much like input. +PSA for anybody in here, especially people who compare their gains to others, give in to FOMO and are hitting their heads due to thinking in hindsight. + +The vast majority of people do not invest any kind of money into their future, all they think about is how to spend it on material stuff - as long as you're intrigued by the idea of holding a bunch of currencies that could potentially bring you financial freedom in the future - you're doing really great! + +You really don't have to catch the next big thing or every single moonshot opportunity, as long as you're in crypto and chipping in funds every now and then, you're setting yourself up for great success in the future. + +Once you've made substantial gains is also isn't a bad idea to diversify your investments, but that's on you. Getting out of debt is an investment too. Taking the time to understand projects and learn new things is an investment in yourself. + + +Edit: Pressed enter too early. + + +Anyways, props to you for being here and keep up being part of a global change for the better. You're killing it! + +First post on Reddit - sorry if it's a bit long. A bit of background. I sold my business for an absolute fortune and left it about 7 years ago. I’m in my early 50s, married with 3 children who are in their late teens / early 20s. For the past 7 or 8 years I’ve been renovating the expensive house I bought, dealing with the property portfolio my accountant advised me to get, being there for the kids, doing some hobbies, volunteering etc. A year or so ago I got a full time job in the emergency services which is something I had wanted to do for a long time. I just couldn’t make it work with the complexity the wealth brings, wanting to be there for my family, dropping down to 20 days holiday from 365, and trying to fit into a very rigid, inflexible organisation (I’ve only ever worked for myself). I was really gutted to leave but it was probably pretty inevitable, although there is more I could and should have done in advance to enhance my chances of making it a success. I’ve always been very entrepreneurial but have shut down that side of myself as I’ve taken the view that I don’t need any more money. + +I was recently asked the question “what does connection look like in your life?” and when I stopped to think about I didn't really like the answer. Outside of family, I do have a few good, long term friends but many of those friendships have going out drinking as a significant component. That just doesn’t appeal to me these days and I am having trouble trying to re-invent the friendships. I used to manage hundreds of people and my identity was wrapped up in the industry I worked in. I find myself isolated because virtually all men of my age are working. I hate the question “what do you do for a living?” and I sometimes feel a bit of an outsider in social situations (even though I know most men would, on the surface, love to be in my shoes). + +I’m working with a group of people to help a charity which needs a lot of help and that shows potential but most of it is conducted online. Hence it still doesn’t deliver the connection I really need. + +I also don’t feel that I have anywhere to take my worries/concerns. I have tried therapy but haven’t really clicked with anyone. I guess that’s just a case of soldiering on and trying again. I’m sure I’m not totally alone in feeling like this but have no idea where I could meet other wealthy people who are having the same struggles I am and who are looking to do a bit more than preserve and enhance their wealth. + +I feel lacking in meaning and purpose, lacking in connection and things that used to bring me joy don’t seem to any more. I also feel a bit pathetic. I have time, money and health on my side but very little wind in my sails and I know my disposition must be challenging for those around me. I’m not a bad bloke but I’ve lost my way a bit.  + +Thanks for reading. And if you have any bright ideas please let me have them.  +Wife started a new job, about a week later we received checks from a bank that is nowhere near us, in her name. We looked further into it, her name and address were on the checks with a CA phone #. We called the bank and reported it. We started getting Robinhood notifications in he re name shortly after. About a week ago she was having a conversation with a woman from HR and brought up the check thing. The HR woman told her she is 1 of 4 new employees that reported the same issue. This has never happened before, we are clueless. The bank said they are handling it, and they placed a freeze on her name, but I feel like there's more to take care of. Also, the payroll guy at my wife's new job is completely dismissing the issue, pretty much saying it's not his fault. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! +Youtube and Google are kind of useless for this, you just end up with people either humble bragging or trying to sell you something. + +What kind of things would it take to eventually get to $2k-$3k per month of passive income? Aside from something like buying a $1 million office block and renting it out? (i'd need a mortgage to cover the deposit, let alone the rest of it :P) +**TL;DR:** Apes can get tendies. No doomsday for world economy. Ook ook. 🚀 🚀 🚀 + +**Who pays the apes?** + +Let’s take a look at the chain of failures. Short hedgies go broke trying to pay the apes with shares. Their positions are transferred to their creditors, the big banks. What happens when they don’t have enough money? They go to the lender of last resort, in this case, the Federal Reserve. Here’s a video on it: + +[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb4Dkf5puJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb4Dkf5puJg) + +The last time this happened was in 2008, when among others, AIG latched onto the Federal tit for a massive bailout and later paid hundreds of millions in bonuses to the very department that triggered the bailout. Seriously, this happened: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIG\_bonus\_payments\_controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIG_bonus_payments_controversy) + +If any of you XX or higher shareholders out there are holding past $218 million in payouts as a symbolic gesture, just remember, you deserve it more than AIG. Anyone who says otherwise can go play leapfrog with unicorns. + +**How much will the Fed need to print?** + +According to this DD on Geometric Mean: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m9td6w/estimations\_for\_the\_total\_payout\_of\_gme\_based\_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/m9td6w/estimations_for_the_total_payout_of_gme_based_on/) + +Around 5 trillion dollars at the $20 million a share range, averaged out for paper hands along the way. Assuming that 20% of the ownership is outside of America, that leaves 4 trillion going into the domestic economy. But wait! Taxes. 2 trillion goes to apes, 2 trillion goes to the treasury. If I was the ruling party, 2 trillion dollars with no strings attached to advance my party’s interests would be pretty sweet, another reason why doing nothing is the best approach. The budgetary spending for 2020 was 4.79 trillion dollars. This windfall would be worth around 41.8% of their budget. Imagine if the government was an average person, 41.8% of what they spend for the year is a small jackpot but not life changing. It is definitely not enough to be considered hyperinflation. Assuming that 80% of this subreddit is American shareholders, this works out to be 240,000 shareholders / 331 million people = 0.0725% of the population. Spreading the payout around such a small group of people will not have a huge effect on the consumer price index or put a lot of pressure on demand, unless you are considering fringe categories like Lambos and McLarens. + +**Won’t all this money ruin the economy?** + +**NO!** According to the Fed data gathered by Forbes, the top 1% of Americans have a combined net worth of 34.2 trillion dollars: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/10/08/top-1-of-us-households-hold-15-times-more-wealth-than-bottom-50-combined/?sh=5b0c5c835179](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/10/08/top-1-of-us-households-hold-15-times-more-wealth-than-bottom-50-combined/?sh=5b0c5c835179) + +The top 1% own 43% of the world’s wealth, totaling over 173.3 trillion dollars in 2019: [https://inequality.org/facts/global-inequality/](https://inequality.org/facts/global-inequality/) + +With the geometric mean, the top 1% of wealth in America will increase by 5.8%. On a global scale, 3 trillion dollars after taxes is a 1.7% increase. The payout will register a small blip, and those who paper hand early may not even make the cut for the top 1%. What does this conclude? Fears of an ape payout causing hyperinflation is FUD. The payout causing global hyperinflation or massive distortion of the world’s wealth is FUD. Don’t hold for a number that seems big to you. Hold for a number that seems big to THEM. Even if the number of diamond hands doubles or triples, 9 trillion dollars after taxes is a small ripple in the global supply of wealth. Let’s hope some of you apes will know how to create a positive butterfly effect with your tendies. + +&#x200B; + +Edit: u/Allohn pointed out this DD here has a more correct Apeish number of 60 trillion: + +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt8rh/geometric\_mean\_exponential\_increase\_and\_gme\_price/?utm\_medium=android\_app&utm\_source=share](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mmt8rh/geometric_mean_exponential_increase_and_gme_price/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) + +How does that change the overall picture? 25 trillion taxes, 25 trillion to apes, 10 trillion abroad. Net impact of 35 trillion. 20.2% increase in the top 1% of worldwide wealth with ultimate diamond hands. Still not enough to pay off the national debt of 28 trillion and counting. Seeing as how M2 is no longer counted, and the true number of shares to be paid out is unknown, I wonder if they can sweep this much money under the rug. Only one way to find out! + +&#x200B; +Legit wondering why you guys are putting money into other spec stocks hoping to double your money when holders of BRN are full of confidence that there at least another 3 bags to be had before Christmas and 10 bags in the medium term. + +Not financial advice. Just curious. +Going out for dinner will always be one of life’s little luxuries. And it’s also of the most expensive when done regularly. + +I’ve been travelling a fair bit for work recently so I’ve been eating out while on the road. Obviously everything is more expensive and restaurants need to pay rent and keep the lights on, but $50+ for a single of food is something I struggle to justify. Even when my work is paying for it, I can’t help but think about how many meals I could cook at home for the same amount. + +The $25-30 pasta dishes really get me. +I just wanted to share the energy cost of devices and appliances that are on standby or permanently switched on in my home. + +All measurements are my own and not the manufacturers' official figures. The meter I used is similar to [this](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/393898684316?hash=item5bb630ef9c:g:tRsAAOSwov5ecHnF&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA4PQhHmbk%2BMfNTQ%2F8OqQ575b2yOTPiETC6%2BnKNyxBpBonWzeKVxHoZe9AX3MYZxvLEuYEg1xNOWpjNMTJbKCHMMArroQUrGYJflFcvEcjefRIkfPP%2ByfN8uVh64Pr1NeqiP7TuvpHggFFNbRC5HsWIEhP4MQZE9lyKtwNF67%2BUCLTGOOpX9nZr2Ua7MqrUbjCAJKRCFY4V4ilA7VS9Xv3nR85T8SrGvDkbqbVpFbY%2BSzFBi7sYJ7aEkYLBZstHvaXz%2FLyfo981jgQlToAo%2By9RMHh8sW3uqQYWaEvb9Mwn520%7Ctkp%3ABFBMsvjJsdBg). Big Clive reviewed one a couple of years ago and found them to be very accurate. + +Present cost is based on the Octopus capped rate of 29.58p/kWh. Projected cost assumes a 70% increase in October although it looks like it will be higher than this. + + +| |Consumption (W) | Annual cost | Projected cost (+70%) +---|---|----|---- +|Bedside alarm clock/radio | 0.8 |£2.07 |£3.52 +|TV – LG C1 (2021 model) | 0.2 |£0.52 |£0.88 +|Sky Q STB – standby | 11 |£28.50 |£48.46 +|Sky Q STB – recording while in standby | 13.8 |£35.76 |£60.79 +|Sky Q Mini box | 9.1 |£23.58 |£40.09 +|TV – LG 39” (2014 model) | <0.1 |£0.00 |£0.00 +|LG home theatre c.2010 | 0.1 |£0.26 |£0.44 +|Amazon Echo (2nd Gen) | 1.9 |£4.92 |£8.37 +|Microwave oven, Matsui brand (~25 yrs old) | 6.1 |£15.81 |£26.87 +|Zanussi dishwasher, c.30 years old | 0.1 |£0.26 |£0.44 +|Dishwasher left on but not running |0.9 |£2.33 |£3.96 +|Brother colour laser printer | 1.6 |£4.15 |£7.05 +|Virgin Hub 3 router| 12 |£31.09 |£52.86 +|Motorola phone charger (2020)| <0.1 |£0.00 |£0.00 +|Apple phone charger| <0.1 |£0.00 |£0.00 +|Dell laptop charger (recent model)| <0.1 |£0.00 |£0.00 +|Netgear 5 port gigabit switch |1.4| £3.63 |£6.17 +|Sky Q broadband router |7.2 |£18.66 |£31.72 +|Ambi Pur plug-in air freshener| 2.1 |£5.44 |£9.25 +|Desktop PC| 1.2 |£3.11 |£5.29 +|Qnix 27” monitor| 0.5 |£1.30 |£2.20 +|Whirlpool washing machine (c.2005) – off| 0.1 |£0.26 |£0.44 +|Washing machine – on but not running |1.1| £2.85 |£4.85 +|Amazon FireTV stick (2nd gen)| 1.5| £4.15| £7.05 +|Apple laptop charger (knockoff)| 0.3|£0.78|£1.32 + + + + + +Conclusions: + +Contrary to belief, leaving a phone charger plugged in will not end up killing penguins in Antarctica. Most modern switch-mode power supplies draw a negligible amount of power when not doing anything. Not listed here are the other power supply adapters I tested which gave mostly similar results apart from the knockoff Apple charger. The only adapters that do tend to draw a few watts are ones that contain a transformer, you can usually tell these as they are significantly heavier than others. + +It's worth checking your older appliances, for me the microwave was an eye-opener, I'm paying £16 (soon ~£27) a year just to have the thing display "00:00" at me all the time. It's now switched off at the wall when not in use. + +Sky TV is expensive as it is, but is made even more expensive by the high power consumption of their set-top boxes. I suspected the Q mini box was bad because of how warm it got while in standby, but I didn't expect over 9 watts when it's sitting there doing absolutely nothing. Both boxes are in 'eco' mode. + +I'm considering having my broadband router and ethernet switch on a timer. A timer costs around £7 and would pay for itself in just over a month if it switched them off for 8 hours a day. I may also do this with the sky boxes. + +Plug-in air fresheners should be banned. Not because of the (admittedly fairly low) power consumption, just because they stink. I do throw them away but they mysteriously keep reappearing. +A lot of posts have asked what services or things you paid for had the biggest positive impact on your FATFIRE life. A lot of folks have suggested cleaning services or massages etc. But let’s now look at the other side of the coin: what splurges seemed appealing but actually disappointed you once you tried it? +Two part question: + +1. Do you believe we have hit a recession (I do not mean using the strict definition), I mean do you see the market as heading that way and if so... + +2. What companies/ sectors do you see the market turning towards when the recession is in full force? +# Changed May 16th: Please see Update at bottom of post. + +Today there is hype about an Italian financial news site reporting that the New York Fed has lent **400 billion** USD to 39 financial institutes over the past two days. It concludes that big Wall Street parties have been margin called and are panic borrowing from the Fed to make margin. Link: [https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street](https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street) + +[Google translated screenshot of the news article](https://preview.redd.it/x2vo22t7cyy61.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bdb221c2f8ba0330f3a9e5601463ce51a2b2c4b) + +**None of it is correct.** + +**TL;DR** + +* The numbers are about reverse repos, which mean that the Fed is the one borrowing cash and providing US Treasury bonds as collateral. +* The numbers are about overnight reverse repos (ON RRP) which have same day settlement. The cash makes a roundtrip in the same day so cannot be added together: there will be significant overlap between the numbers of subsequent days. +* ON RPP rate is currently 0%, which means the Fed borrows cash at 0% interest and provides US Treasury bonds as collateral. The incentive why someone would lend to the Fed at 0% interest rate is to hold the bond, perhaps for short term shorting. +* The Fed has on March 16 increased the maximum amount of cash they will borrow daily from a counterparty from 30 billion to 80 billion per counterparty. Reverse repo transactions have increased daily since. +* It's not financial institutes borrowing cash because they got margin called. It's the contrary: it's them depositing cash to profit from babysitting holding US Treasury bonds. + * ~~which they perhaps use for nefarious purposes~~ ~~^(this is an understatement)~~ + * Please see Update. + +&#x200B; + +**Good day apes!** This is my first attempt at a DD if you can call it that. I'm actually just formulating an in-depth reply to other daily trending posts: + +* 20k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european\_financial\_news\_is\_reporting\_major\_margin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nb9pon/european_financial_news_is_reporting_major_margin/) +* 11k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbg01m/regarding\_recent\_rumors\_about\_fed\_bailing\_out\_hfs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbg01m/regarding_recent_rumors_about_fed_bailing_out_hfs/) +* 8.3k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbrg6/margin\_called\_front\_page\_moneyit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbrg6/margin_called_front_page_moneyit/) +* 5.3k upvotes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbg13/reverse\_repo\_loan\_amounts\_by\_day\_since\_january/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbbg13/reverse_repo_loan_amounts_by_day_since_january/) + +If I'm wrong then shame be on me and I will delete this post or leave it up for posterity, whatever the people deem best. If I'm right, a lot of people are getting excited about some news site that is wrongly interpreting what it means when the Fed conducts reverse repo operations: it's the opposite. So here goes. + +**WHERE ARE THE NUMBERS FROM?** + +So first off, what is this $400 billion figure coming from? Again look at the shared news article: [https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street](https://www.money.it/Fed-repo-miliardi-Wall-Street) + +400 billion is the lazy sum of 209 billion and 181 billion (context: Italians call a billion a milliardi). Those numbers can be found on the NY Fed site here: [https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/tomo-results-display?SHOWMORE=TRUE&startDate=01/01/2000&enddate=01/01/2000](https://apps.newyorkfed.org/markets/autorates/tomo-results-display?SHOWMORE=TRUE&startDate=01/01/2000&enddate=01/01/2000) + +&#x200B; + +[The numbers are from reverse repos](https://preview.redd.it/phgs140fdyy61.png?width=1119&format=png&auto=webp&s=50cd1533a4e1000d7238f940ce59ad364e49fcdf) + +Take note that the page contains daily summaries of **repos** and **reverse repos**. Nothing is happening in terms of repos (.000 abound), the numbers are about **reverse repos**. + +**WHAT ARE REVERSE REPOS?** + +I've only learned today what a repo or reverse repo is, but it's enough to conclude that the news site has it wrong. There seems to be some confusion today because of one definition on Investopedia, and another definition on the Fed site. But we are talking about numbers posted on the Fed site, so lets look at their FAQ. + +Here is what the NY Fed's FAQ says: + +"A reverse repurchase agreement conducted by the Desk, also called a “reverse repo” or “RRP,” is a transaction in which **the Desk sells a security** to an eligible counterparty **with an agreement to repurchase that same security** at a specified price **at a specific time in the future**." + +Source: [https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/rrp\_faq.html](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/rrp_faq.html) + +"The Desk" refers to the Open Market Trading Desk which represents the Fed. So in a reverse repo (RRP) the Fed sells a security to gain cash, but has an agreement to buy the security back. That's where we can already conclude the 400 billion is not being lent to Wall Street at all, it's being borrowed from Wall Street. **It has nothing to do with margin calls.** + +If I'm wrong, correct me please, but here is a few more sources to back up this interpretation. + +* [https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/overnight-reverse-repurchase-agreements.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/overnight-reverse-repurchase-agreements.htm)"When the Federal Reserve conducts an overnight RRP, it sells a security to an eligible counterparty and simultaneously agrees to buy the security back the next day." +* [https://www.learningmarkets.com/the-federal-reserves-open-market-operations/](https://www.learningmarkets.com/the-federal-reserves-open-market-operations/)"When the Fed wants to extract money from the system, it sells Treasury securities to its primary dealers in a reverse repo." + +Moreover, the reverse repos involving the reported numbers are **overnight reverse repos**, meaning the transaction is inverted the next day. Therefore it's also incorrect to just sum up the numbers: the 209 billion of one day and the 181 billion of the day before probably have a lot of overlap. So scrap that 400 billion number altogether. + +&#x200B; + +[Numbers are from same-day settlement reverse repos, i.e. 'overnight'](https://preview.redd.it/ygb2nqbrbyy61.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=26645b6faf328e475ad1436b39d351ab745e9d82) + +Until this part is just setting the record straight. I do have an alternative theory to propose. + +# Reminder: My personal stance has changed, feel free to entertain the theory but please make sure to also read the update at the end of the post and the referenced counter perspectives. + +&#x200B; + +Remainder of the post is the original theory. + +**SO WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON WITH THESE INCREASING NUMBERS?** + +If you look at the data again on the NY Fed site, numbers have been increasing steadily every week day: 154, 161, 175, 181, 209 billion. That can be seen in this graph, which was made by u/xpurplexamyx today: + +&#x200B; + +[All credit to u\/xpurplexamyx and her post at https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/Superstonk\/comments\/nbbg13\/reverse\_repo\_loan\_amounts\_by\_day\_since\_january\/](https://preview.redd.it/wr801288eyy61.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4821e15abc01e14e0f4ea6401fe1cdbfe03daaa) + +If you look at the graph, you can see the numbers start increasing rapidly after March 17. Well something very relevant happened on that day. Before March 17, any reverse repo (RRP) counter party could deposit up to 30 billion per day at the Fed. **On March 17, this changed to 80 billion.** + +Source: [https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating\_policy\_210317](https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/opolicy/operating_policy_210317) and [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm) + +Now assuming there is incentive for counterparties (that would be banks) to participate in the Fed's RRP program, it is to be expected that numbers would rise from that point on. Why did it increase gradually instead of immediately from March 17 onward? What is that spike on March 31? I don't know, hope someone can fill us in. Why did the Fed decide to raise the limit to 80 billion? I don't know either but it has something to do with that bRRR-man. I hope someone with knowledge of monetary policy can jump in here. + +**Lets talk about incentives.** Normally the incentive for counterparties to take part in the reverse repo program, i.e. deposit cash at the Fed is because they make interest on that deposit. Otherwise, why wouldn't they rather use that money to make money? So normally, the Fed offers some interest, but not more than other banks. The interest rate for reverse repos is tweaked by the Fed to act as a lower limit to what interest banks charge each other, the latter is called the federal funds rate. + +My crude attempt at summarizing this: the interest rate that the Fed pays in reverse repos can be decreased by the Fed to incentivize banks to borrow from each other, and increased to incentivize borrowing from the Fed. People that actually know economics can come shit over me now. + +What is interesting to me and a bit surprising is that the current interest rate for overnight reverse repos, the **ON RRP rate, is currently 0.00%.** Source: [https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20210428a1.htm). + +Again, the interest rate that one would get for using the Fed as a daycare for their cash, is currently 0.00%. Yet participation in the ON RRP program is increasing daily, both in terms of money exchanged and number of counterparties participating as evidenced by those 181 billion, 209 billion and **today 235 billion**. The 400 billion number from the Italian site was summed up where summing isn't valid, but at this rate we will reach it soon on a single day! + +What's the incentive? Well perhaps you **want** the collateral that the Fed offers, which in the case of the reverse repos we are looking at are exclusively **Treasury Bonds**. The Fed gets to babysit your cash, you get to babysit some US treasury bonds. + +The incentive may be that when you park your cash at the Fed and get to hold on to US Treasury bonds, you can do stuff with those bonds for a day since you do own them until the Fed purchases them back the next day. Here are some things I can think of to do with these freely borrowed bonds: + +* Lend them to short sellers for a borrow fee +* Use them yourself to short +* If anyone can come up with other reasons to deposit funds somewhere for **0% interest**, receiving treasury bonds as collateral, please fill me in. I would like to know the least nefarious reason for someone to make use of this reverse repo program. + +I mean, look at what's been trending downwards: + +[Price of treasury bonds has been trending down](https://preview.redd.it/e2ply48ihyy61.png?width=853&format=png&auto=webp&s=85a103ff44d76ff96bec4f4498d2bf3878cd5bad) + +For more juicy cooking recipes with treasury bonds, please refer to the Everything Short by u/atobitt. I'm not saying the Everything Short and this here are the same argument, actually I need to reread it knowing everything I learned today. What I am saying is that **treasury bonds are shiny**. + +&#x200B; + +[And I don't even know what they look like!](https://preview.redd.it/vb55e9krpyy61.jpg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=028788f1a02e5299329a2d00b65f7ea253a5d148) + +Since the value of treasury bonds is trending downward and these financial institutes can borrow treasury bonds from the Fed free of charge via reverse repos, that might explain why so many parties are participating in this reverse repo program and why daily cash deposited at the Fed is ever increasing. Although this mechanism was made by the Fed as a way to withhold money from the market, in effect they are lending out treasury bonds for free. + +They have quite the conundrum: the ON RPP rate is zero, which should be no incentive for banks to deposit cash at the Fed daily, yet they do. That means that babysitting treasury bonds is profitable and the ON RPP rate **should** be negative, which means institutes pays the Fed a fee to borrow those treasury bonds. But the ON RPP rate is also meant to be a lower limit for federal funds rate, which they don't want going negative. + +If I understand all of this correctly, the ability to short treasury bonds is like an exploit that makes the reverse repo program ripe for exploitation. Financial institutes can borrow treasury bonds for free, which can be turned into profit with a little creativity, and the Fed can't charge for it because that could unintentionally cause negative interest rates across the economy. + +**Please let me know your thoughts. I do not have much confidence in this theory, but it's the only one I could come up with to explain things that otherwise don't make sense to me.** + +Why did the Fed increase the daily limit for any RRP counterparty from 30 billion to 80 billion? + +Can the reverse repo program be used as an exploit to borrow treasury bonds for free and then short the bonds using them? If not, why are banks participating in the reverse repo program at 0.00% interest? + +Why is the ON RPP rate 0.00%, what's the objective? Does it make sense for the Fed to set it at 0.00% as opposed to negative? + +# Update: Mostly harmless + +I asked for opposing perspectives to my tinfoil hat theory and received several. Please see u/usefully_useless's [reply](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/nbt1sp/counter_dd_ny_fed_400_bln_reverse_repos_is_not/gy7zdhr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a counter perspective that this is just the money market working as intended. The fact that we're seeing record numbers in reverse repos day by day can be explained by record numbers of excess cash. Incentive to store at the cash at the Fed at 0% is due to the obligation of money market funds to lend (forbidden to hoard). Lending to other financial institutions is currently not as competitive as usual (overnight interest only 0.01% on average), so there are clear reasons to park excess cash at the Fed (low overhead, zero insolvency risk). + +On the other side of the equation, u/jsmar18 stressed the role of the Fed in their [reply](https://www.reddit.com/user/jsmar18/) and I would like to highlight that although I posed the question 'why would the Fed do x', I meant it as a general inquiry and not an accusation of suspicion. However read his summary of RRP history and Fed goals. Fed actions sus? No, in line with their monetary policy and their hyperfocus on controlling inflation. + +u/HotBoyFF also remarked with his experience that it's likely not daily short selling, but it could be that the financial institutions desperately need treasury securities for something other, such as reporting reasons. u/jsmar18 in their reply also linked some good information on that. Treasuries are certainly used for 'window-dressing' (cooking books legally). I found this study on that subject if anyone is interested: [https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2018/preliminary/paper/KdB9i9QE](https://www.aeaweb.org/conference/2018/preliminary/paper/KdB9i9QE) + +A popular question was: does this align with u/atobitt's [Everything Short](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/mgucv2/the_everything_short/)? Now that I believe that it's mostly money market funds using the reverse repo program, who cannot directly in a legal way tunnel assets to hedge funds, I think it is more likely that hedge funds would just naked short over exploiting the reverse repo program. The original theory aligned with Everything Short, my updated stance just says: The NY Fed's reverse repo program is probably not an efficient way for hedgies to implement the Everything Short. Here is a little snack that does support the Everything Short, which is [JPow's Q&A from April 27-28](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomcpresconf20210428.htm) time 47:00. "As you know at the beginning of this recent crisis, there was such a demand for selling treasuries, including by foreign central banks, that really the dealers could not handle the volume." Insane demand so the dealers couldn't handle it, could that have included naked short selling? Likely. + +But while we should keep an eye on Citadel and any parties trying to short *attack* the US treasuries, I don't believe Citadel is overleveraged in naked shorting US treasuries because retail and whales catching a falling GME was the big surprise to them. In US treasuries, the 52wk high-low (for example TLT: 177 - 136) is much tighter than GME (483 - 3.77) and the market for treasuries is much more resilient. So US treasuries no squeeze potential in case you were considering it (and I know some of you apes did). The ball is still GME. +We hyped up this company for months, tried to warn others that this stock has serious growth potential in short term and long term and yet there is people who STILL didn't buy it? GTFO. We gave you plenty of warning, it's not our fault your an indecisive prick who can't pull the trigger. +Property is older (1987) but in decent condition... maybe \~23 feet height. The property is located in a small mountain village of about 300 people, about \~1 hour+ away from two major highways. Nearest major metro area is 3.5 hours away. Long story short, not great for anything that involves distribution (by trucking at least, maybe drones one day!!). There is a great boating lake near the property and a major Appalachian destination multi-hundred room resort 10 min away. + +All ideas welcome. +Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I’m really having trouble understanding. + +There’s so many cafes, businesses, and places that need workers right now, but it feels like three years ago (when I was 15) it was impossible to get just a basic fast food job. + +I hear all the time “people need to get off welfare” but surely there’s not that many people leeching the system. Or is there? + +Thanks AusFinance, you never fail me. +Indian bonds have declined in tandem with a slide in the rupee. The currency is now hovering close to a record low against the dollar as elevated commodity prices stoke inflation and boost the subsidy bill. The options market is pricing in a 64% chance that the rupee will weaken to 82 per greenback in the next six months from around 79.6 now. + +&#x200B; + +To make matters worse, yields are already facing upward pressure as the government seeks to sell a record 14.3 trillion rupees ($180 billion) of bonds. + +&#x200B; + +[https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/bonds/indian-bonds-will-suffer-most-in-asia-in-a-us-recession-scenario/articleshow/92868083.cms](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/bonds/indian-bonds-will-suffer-most-in-asia-in-a-us-recession-scenario/articleshow/92868083.cms) +I've heard that compounding is really beneficial and the earlier you start the better. I have some money saved up but I am completely new to investing. What would you recommend? + +Note that I do not have an income yet (so I cannot save every month yet, whatever I invest will be lumpsum and only once) but I am over the age of 18. + +Edit: Thank you so much all of you to take out the time to comment and share your knowledge! I am very grateful. +I’ve read the [McGill](https://upgo.lab.mcgill.ca/publication/short-term-cities/short-term-cities.pdf) study, which argues that the rise of housing used for Airbnb primarily displaces new rentals, thus restricting supply and increasing prices. My question is if there’s evidence of the distributional impact of Airbnb, particularly on displacement. I’ve seen [this](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5b3f/6cfe0d0dc4df73eab449294161659d9b9965.pdf?_ga=2.199774502.945024971.1592926943-188173673.1592926943) study, but it focuses on aggregate welfare outcomes, and frankly is a bit dense for me to understand. +My phone (and Internet) provider - EE - are putting my bills up 9.25% next month, citing 5.4% inflation. + +Has anyone here had similar from your providers (mobile/internet, Sky, insurers, or others)? + +I'd be interested to know what examples you've seen thus far. + +As an aside - do we think water and council tax hikes are unlikely? + +Energy obviously is going to hike in April and October (if not sooner) but I expect there are other posts covering that. +Edit: The amount of responses, advice, and well wishes I received has been amazing and overwhelming. I have so much information to study now and I cant say how thankful I am! I tried to respond to everyone to at least say thank you, but im sure I missed some comments, so THANK YOU. You all have been so helpful! + + +Im a 35 year old that has worked in customer service my entire working career. The most ive ever made was $20/hr ($39k annually). I just received a job offer at $33/hr ($68k annually) This almost doubles the most money ive ever earned, and im scared that im going to spend frivolously because ive never had "Spending money" before. Ive always lived paycheck to paycheck with no savings or anything. + +Im in a position where I have very little debt. I have a car payment ($6k, $268/mo) and a couple hospital bills in collection, totaling roughly $1000 . With this income, those collections can be paid off almost immediately. I live a very low cost lifestyle due to my previous income, and i would like to be able to maintain this low cost lifestyle, at least until i get a bit saved up. Thats where im lost. I have no idea how to properly invest my extra money. Ive never had extra money before so ive never had a reason to learn any of this. + +My current monthly income is around $2000 and have nothing left over after paying bills and buying food.My new income will be roughly $5,200 before taxes. I have no idea how much tax will be taken out as ive never been in this tax bracket before. Im assuming my net pay will be at least $4000 monthly. + +What should i do? Any and all help is greatly appreciated. I dont want to mess up a great opportunity to grow my wealth. +*Foreword: Not a guide on how to win money. This is my journey on how I avoided losing more money and came to point 5. after all my wins/losses as my ultimate investment strategy* + +Yes, at one point I was new to investing. Saw people becoming millionaires from GME, everyone making money in the biggest bull run in the history of the stock market and thought what could go wrong making a quick buck from going in and out? + +I mean, stocks can only down -100% but can go up an infinite amount, right? I could be like one of those meme lords posting their 25 bags. Easy. Just follow the money. + +Soon realised I was following the cunts. + +New people here are the cunts in Wolf of Wall Street getting sucked into buying Aerotyne International based on a stranger's cold call. + +"Aerotyne International is a cutting-edge tech firm out of the Midwest, awaiting imminent patent approval on a new generation of radar equipment". + +These were my biggest dogs from following anonymous advice on reddit from people who got in early and pumped like a Packo Pump before selling (Background: Packo produces centrifugal pump with a force of 2 million cows. Packo Pumps has just successfully produced and tested its biggest pump ever. This colossus weighs 1.6 ton is driven by a motor of 200 kW): + +XST/SGC: -$13.5k + +BPH/BUY: -$2k + +IBG: -$1.5k + +BNPL: -$1.2k + +BET: -$1k + +And I'm happy to report that after 10 months, 2 days and 13 hours later I've officially got back all of these losses with: + +CXO: +$7k + +IHL: +$7k + +PEN: +$2.5k + +BET: +$1k + +IPD: +$1k + +LKE: +$800 + +All thanks to a few key lessons which I hope helps newbies: + +1. **Stay the fuck away from Oil and Gas.** Kings of pump and dumps. By the time you hear about it on Reddit, you're probably at the top of a pump, and you're left picking up the trash on HC with boomers saying they'll hold for 20 years when the company is down 90% after drilling to find cement instead of gas. +2. **Find out why the price is going up**. It's either because of Fundamental Analysis (FA) from news/announcements or it's going up in anticipation of news. If it's the latter, it's a **speculation pump**, people are going to dump the price when the news is released. Everyone and their mother already knows about the news so you're not going to get new buyers. People are going to ride the wave and dump to secure profits. +3. **Don't trade**. Unless you're rich, bored and have money to spare. Very, very difficult to make money trading due to high brokerage fees and any gains are massively taxed from CGT. I day traded BET in its massive run up with a tiny capital, and lost it all. It was a spec pump and was dumped on news. If you're gonna trade, **always use platform with stop losses**. +4. **Know when positive sentiment is over**. Hint: BNPL. Look at shorts. If it's shorted heaps, you're fuk. +5. Lastly and most importantly. **Don't be a lazy cunt**. Do some **research** and **hold in good companies or sectors that you see 5-bagging in a few years**. Research what they're planning, where the sector is going, call them up and ask questions if you need, find out how their management are like. And just hold. And check how much cash they have in the bank, how diluted shares are and if they’re gonna need more and management will be yelling “CAP RAISE CAP RAISE CAP RAISE! PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN LOWER!” + +Really easy to overlook 5. but important to note that I'd have had the biggest gains from just holding in CXO, LKE, IHL and PEN. I traded and got back my $16k but if I'd held I'd be up $50k. The higher price you buy, the less you make. Buying low and holding is the way to go imo. + +I barely post here because I've set my long positions into companies I researched and see at least 5-bagging in 5 years. I'm not bothered by day-to-day fluctuations. **I'll only sell if fundamentals change.** Or if I'm homeless + +&#x200B; + +TLDR: Newbies don't be like John yoloing into Aerotyne International +I’m holding BTC, ETH, ADA, and small amounts of about 30 other cryptocurrencies. I keep having this thought that over the next two years, we’re going to see a bear market. This has been repeated ad nauseum: PE ratios are way up, margin investing is up, speculation is rampant, there’s a ton of cash flowing into the economy, random stocks are going on monster runs, and up until Biden bombed Syria “stonks only go up” was pretty solid advice. + +So here’s my concern: I believe in the long-term promise of crypto, I think Bitcoin is a rational hedge against bad governance and currency inflation, and other currencies can start to replace large pieces of the banking system. + +Still, if the stock market tanks, will people realize that holding crypto is the right move, or will they/we scatter like rabbits and tank the crypto markets for awhile as well? Will all this discipline and DCAing evaporate? Even though the last week of drops has been explained as Syria on the stock side and market manipulation/sell off on the crypto side, it looks like these markets are all still closely correlated, and I can afford to lose the dollars, but I’d rather not. + +With increased institutional investment, these swings could attach to each other more strongly because the same people putting money in securities are also buying crypto. It doesn’t feel like these are very different markets. +Hello to all, + +I’ll be starting a new job on April the 1st. I’ll be earning 35k per month after taxes. I’m looking for advice regarding what financial steps I should first take. I understand it’s been asked before on this sub but a lot has probably changed in these last few years, so thought I’d go for an updated version. + +I was thinking of opening a digital savings account and a salary account in either of the big-4 banks. I was also thinking of starting a PPF account with SBI, as this sub seems to recommend them. Finally, I was thinking of trying to get a credit card asap to start building a credit history and rewards of course lol. + +Is there anything I’m missing? Perhaps health/life insurance or basic savings strategy? Anything? + +Oh, if it helps, I stay in New Delhi at my parents' place, so will not need to worry about rent, only utilities. + +Cheers + + +EDIT: thanks guys for the replies +I want to make it very simple for you, apes; + +**If this market/economy were in a healthy place there would be no reverse repo.** + +There would be no reason for institutions to throw ALMOST A TRILLION DOLLARS into it, AT INTEREST. + +Banks would not be basically throwing fucking loans and credit cards at people to take their liabilities off of their hands. + +HOUSING WOULD NOT BE 20-30% ABOVE ASKING PRICE. + +Alternate currencies would not be pumped and dumped CONSTANTLY and always on a fucking weekend as if being used BLATANTLY by liability dodging financial institutions and a complicit government who is afraid of people fleeing to an alternative when their inflation rates are consistently fucking high. + +Apologies for this next bit, but I tend to speak softly- + +THIS MONEY WOULD BE IN THE MARKET IF THE MARKET WERE HEALTHY. THESE INSTITUTIONS ALL HAVE SPECIAL CONNECTIONS AND VERY INTELLIGENT ECONOMIC SPECIALISTS. DO THE PEOPLE ON INSIDE JOB SEEM LIKE THEY WERE CAUGHT OFF GUARD? + +**THEY DO NOT TURN DOWN THE OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY IN THE MARKET LIGHTLY. THE OPPORTUNITY IS GONE** + +They want to slow the velocity of money, and they want to stave off the inflation until their specific political agendas can be filled. + +We need government to stand up and be HONEST. I am tired of being lied to and gaslit by dickheads in suits. +During covid I won about 6k gambling off roobet and decided to put it all into pizza pizza because i thought it was very undervalued at the time currently the best stock in my portfolio and the dividends keep increasing. I’m currently looking to diversify more into stocks similar to schd but on the TSX any suggestions? +I submit to you that the r/economics community views its subject chiefly as a cudgel with which to advance a neopopulist political point of view, producing a content stream that is hopelessly skewed, and not useful to people with a general interest in economics. + +The Federal Reserve is certainly an important topic within economics, but just as political and theological matters are crucially important to science, r/science still manages to cover its topic with breadth and genuine interest that go beyond the superficial utility of winning political and theological fights. + +*Why is r/science healthier than r/economics?* + +• 200K readers versus 40K probably helps diversify the content. + +• R/atheism, boasts 68K readers, and absorbs much of the science-ish content that is redundant, amateurish, frivolous etc. + +• R/science exhibits respect for mainstream ideas and trusted sources first. It has its share of crackpots, but it's also blessed with working professionals who are happy to explain the mainstream rudiments of their work with us and help quash the more sophomoric commenters who think they can make up in confidence what they lack in rigor. AND r/science has enough folks like me who know to look for those quality comments and send karma their way. + +Any community has a potential dark side. I wouldn't want to be a conservative constitutional scholar in this era that every tea partying nutcase thinks they're one too. Maybe r/economics needs more members, maybe it needs less by siphoning people off into a neopopulism reddit. + +I really don't have the expertise to help r/economics out of its current state; I joined out of general interest. So I'll be getting my content elsewhere, namely NPR's "Planet Money" and "Marketplace", and the regular updates from bea.gov and The Conference Board. + +Of course I'll be checking in, especially if this post goes anywhere. And if anybody does read this, I hope it at least gives you pause before submitting the next hyperbolic, redundant, sensationalized essay of political persuasion as economics content. We have enough of that. +Hello fatFIRE, + +I am in my 30s and in the lucky position to have founded a unicorn tech startup ($1b+ valuation). + +My personal equity ownership in it brings me to a high net worth. Googling my unique surname would allow anybody that knows my name to connect the dots based on industry articles. + +As I live in the western world in a mostly safe city, I'm not concerned about this at home, but I am becoming more concerned about traveling. In the past, I would have just grabbed my backpack and travelled through South America or Asia by myself. But over the years read enough about stuff like bad actors getting name lists of flights or hotels to then find valuable targets to kidnap/blackmail/... to be worried. + +How do other fatFIREs handle personal safety, especially when traveling? Is this a concern? Am I just too worried? Better not travel to such places? Take a bodyguard (weird feeling)? + +Thanks. +Naked short positions are never closed and the hedge funds/market makers(?) who shorted the companies into obvilion will never have to close their shorts. This is tax evation. They should pay taxes on their winnings. + +Instead they can use it for tax free collateral and siphon even more money out of the hands of retail investors by printing naked shorts until companies go bankrupt. "Most sophisticated investers" 😄 +The more NFTs I see, the more I notice most of them are either super-basic digital art or just badly drawn stuff, little more than a bunch of lines and blobs thrown out there in the hope of making some quick money. + +But seriously... why should I want to spend a ton of bucks just to claim ownership of some subpar drawing even a kindergartener would be ashamed of? + +No offense to anyone being interested in NFTs, but I don't get the hype, not when this is what some people are trying to push. + +But maybe it's just my impression. + +Maybe there's a ton of amazing and moving art out there and I've just been unlucky enough to bump into desperate shills, I don't know. + +What's been you experience like? Let's discuss. +Review after 3 years of intensive practice + +When I started learning to manage my money, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was completely new and unaware of the dynamics that were leading markets. I had a vision and didn't want to miss out. There was so much information and different strategies. I was so lost but eager to learn with all the data free on the internet. +Well, now, as I've been trading for a few years and sharing information about it, I realized the 3 biggest mistakes I made while learning to trade. + +1- Too much information kill information + +When you're on the internet, trying to find information that gives sense to these uncomprehensible price variations, you start from scratch. This is a new world with new rules, and your brain wants it to make sense and make you gather as much information as possible, because, HE IS LOST. +But too much information doesn't help you, more information doesn't make more sense. In fact, trading is about filtering information. + +2- Not knowing about psychology + +Trading is not a science, it's a skill. Don't try to find the perfect strategy, that will make you win 99% of your trades. That doesn't exist. You can have only a 30% win trade ratio and still make money. Trading is not only technical analysis. It's a game between humans (there are robots but they have been made by humans and are here to trick humans). So people do make mistakes and that's how you capitalize. By understanding human psychology. + +3- You have to survive first + +Yeah, at first, you just want to survive enough that you get enough experience. At first, expect to be lost, and gaining more and more clarity as you analyze yourself and the market. It's like learning to walk, you expect to fall while learning. But when you fall alone, it's harder to get up. I wasn't aware of that and was lucky enough to make profits as early as I entered a very bullish market which still taught me valuable lessons, as I was a complete newbie. + +What's your thoughts? +DoJ investigating Citadel is a very big deal + +Honest Investors will not want to invest in Citadel because + +1) No one wants to be associated with a company undergoing a criminal probe + +2) There is risk money gets frozen + +3) Even honest people don't want to get caught up in a DoJ investigation. There are a ton of headaches if you get caught up in someone else's drama + +************************************************************** + +Dishonest Investors (and let's be frank, Kenneth Griffin is not flying to obscure locations in Norway, Africa, Russia, Europe on his private jet to meet Honest Investors) + +*** +Well Dishonest Investors will not want to associate with someone being investigated by DoJ because + +1) DoJ will investigate everyone who is investing in Citadel + +2) Funds might get frozen + +3) Funds might get lost if any illegal activity is determined + +4) Return on Investment of Frozen Funds is ZERO + +5) Citadel getting investigated might slow down/stop Citadel illegal activities and blow up Citadel short positions and funds go to ZERO + +************************************************************* + +There is NO WAY to spin this as a positive + +Citadel lost 75% of its future clients the MINUTE the news came out that Department of Justice is investigating them + +Please think of it yourself as a soon to be very rich private individual - would you ever put your money in a Hedge Fund that was being investigated by the Department of Justice (or had been in the past) + +No one in their right mind would do that + +************************************************************** + +This is perhaps the Biggest Positive News for GME shareholders in the last year + +Citadel being a Market Maker and a Short Hedge Fund, was/is uniquely positioned to delay GME MOASS + +An investigation of Citadel + +********************************************************** + +At the Minimum + +1) Slows down illegal activities + +2) Causes some investors to pull funds from Citadel + +3) Scares smaller Short Hedge Funds from doing illegal things because they might get pulled into the Investigation + +anyone not shorting GME, will now think TWENTY TIMES before shorting GME + + +**************************************************************** + +Thanks to Department of Justice we also get some really big things that MIGHT HAPPEN + +In the 'Might Happen' Scenario + +1) It might cause GME MOASS + +2) It might lead to Citadel having funds frozen, which should also cause MOASS + +3) It might lead to Citadel being stripped of Market Maker Privileges + +4) It will scare SHFs into not doing illegal things. EVERYONE is scared of DoJ. Let's not confuse SEC (which has zero power to put people in jail) with DoJ who are heavy hitters (74%+ conviction rate when charges are brought) + +*********************************************************** + +At a moment like this, when we are close to MOASS with a whirlpool of factors + +a) Russia + Ukraine + +b) Financial Covid + Evergrande + +c) Inflation Crisis + Supply Chain Crisis + +d) Fed and Plunge Protection Team selling billions of puts to save market + +e) Fed having to do interest rate hikes + +************************************************************** + +This is AMAZINGLY GOOD NEWS + + +************************************************************** + +Please ask yourself -> + +Why are there so many posts that are overly negative towards this SUPER Positive Development? + +Because Short Hedge Funds and Short Family Offices are fighting a Psychological War + +They know that this news alone can strengthen GME shareholders into holding even longer and stronger + +If someone's HORIZON was 3 years, this news makes them think FIVE YEARS + +If someone's HORIZON was 10 years, this news makes them think 15 years + +Even not 100% faith people will go from 'I'll hold for 1 year' to 'Damn, this is BIG. I'm going to hold for 2 years' + +********************************************************* + +This is the kind of news that + +a) Turns Paper Hands into Diamond Hands + +b) Turns Fence Sitters into GME Shareholders + +c) Turns on the FOMO switch + +*************************************************************** + +That FOMO will kick in as details of DoJ probe are confirmed. There are a TREMENDOUS amount of people sitting on the sidelines + +************************************************************************** + +Please disregard FUD and MUD claiming DoJ probe means nothing, and that nothing will happen to Citadel + +Just the news that Department of Justice is investigating Citadel is enough to ensure that Citadel has lost 75% of its future clients + +************************************************************ + +No honest person will invest because + +a) they don't want to associate with someone who will tarnish their reputation + +b) they don't want to participate in illegal activities + +c) they don't want their funds frozen and making zero money + +************************************************************** + +Dishonest people will run away + +a) No one EVER wants to be part of a DoJ investigation + +b) People with something to hide will do ANYTHING to run away from a company getting investigated by the DoJ + +***************************************************************** + +This is Incredibly Good News! Please take it as positively as you can! Citadel just lost 75% of its future clients (perhaps more) + +And might be on its way to losing 25% to 50% of its existing clients + +All those people in Africa, Europe, Russia that have secret private jet liaisons with Kenneth Griffin on obscure flight strips want ZERO part of a DoJ investigation + +********************************************************************** + +God Bless GMErica!!! +1. I know that this is obvious but currency price fluctuates forming HH, HL, LH, and LL. You should look at the market this way and decide whether the price is forming a HH or a LL. This works on all timeframes. +2. You have to know each peer's daily and weekly range. This will help you regarding what to expect in terms of movement. So if the price usually ranges from 50 to 200 Pips per week you should expect that movement. This will help you set a timeframe for the candles to form. +3. Include the fundamentals in your trading strategy, even if it's just a little. Of course, I am talking for the technical traders. And the same goes for fundamental traders. +4. Price has to retrace at some point. A good strategy would be to sell if the price moves up and into an oversold area and sell more if the price continues to go up until it goes down and you make a profit. +5. Trade using probabilities. If you are 90% sure that the peer will move in a certain direction open a larger position. And if you are 50% sure, make it smaller, and so on. +6. And last but not least, don't trade every day. Opportunities are few and far in between. Make sure to enter when there is a high probability. +Morning you lovely people, + +Long time follower but first time posting so aware this post is a little unorthodox for the group and apologies in advance. + +I’ve volunteered at a food bank for a number of years now and with the dual Christmas approaching/ end of furlough scheme we’re already noticing a huge increase in clients. + +I know a good number of people in this sub are more financially savvy than the average Joe so any support to your local food bank would be greatly appreciated over the coming months. This doesn’t need to be food donations or money, often a few hours of help with deliveries are more sought after. + +Apologies again for the plug, if anybody needs any help contacting their local food bank or further ideas please let me know! +There used to be a guy on here who used to post an index of all stocks by % premium, anyone know where he went? + +I'm looking for some new stocks to sell some cash covered puts on. Any ideas? +I know a lot of people here love their jobs and are in rosy situations there. Me, I despise mine. Some days are better than others but it seems the bad outweigh the good. Counting the days to fi so I can leave. I have 0 transferable skills at this payscale so it’s this job or nothing, and leaving this one would pay a lot worse for 2-3 years for even more work then I do right now (medicine). Anybody with me? +Hey there! + +Using Google Finance, one can easily track Indexes, Stocks, Currencies, and Mutual Funds in Google Sheets. + +Microsoft has launched the same feature with Office 365. I am able to track Indian stocks but unable to track Mutual Funds. + +Does anyone here know what's the formula to track MFs via Office 365? +Okay, so hear me out guys. I’m nineteen years old, working a lil’ job maybe making upwards of $160 a week, plus more if I choose to do some side work as well. I should be going to college, but I’m kinda putting it off for now. I live with my parents, and don’t really pay bills outside of my phone bill, and the occasional flight here and there. + +But let me tell you, when I see that $0.00 in my savings, I feel like shit. Everything else good in life just fails. I completely and utterly feel as if I have no hope, like everyone else that is successful in life started saving way before me. I don’t know if the excessive worrying and intrusive side to my depression disorder is making me overreact and feel terrible, or if I’m actually fucked and I should just give up, continue to blow my money on food and drugs, and ultimately feel like everyone in the world has passed me by. + +I would absolutely love to hear your input. Thanks, guys. ❤️ + + + +EDIT: oh my god, I wish I could reply to every last one of you 💓😭. your advice, criticism, and insight has genuinely made me feel better about the situation I’m in. I’m going to work on my mental illness and start saving my money! And Once I move next month, I’m gonna work to tone it down on the drugs, and get into college. I’ve read every last comment, and will to continue to do so in the future, always reminding myself that it’s not too late for me! + +From the bottom of my heart, i thank each and every last one of you 🖤 +If you're trading BSC coins and haven't been living under a rock then you have most likely heard about Ultrasafe. It is the coin that broke multiple world records, was listed on Coingecko in less than 12H and peaked at a marketcap of $80M in just a couple of days. Those are some ridiculous metrics that suggest this coin has incredible potential, and might even be comparable to the likes of Safemoon. + +&#x200B; + +Today you have the rare opportunity of buying UltraSafe at a cheap price. There's a very juicy dip right now that can be taken advantage of. I know that you apes like fast gains, constant announcements, news etc - well, the $ULTRA team is doing an AMA today where they are DOXXING themselves and there's also a CertiK audit due for release today. It wouldn't be surprising if CertiK rated this safer than safemoon, considering it's a much improved version of that coin, with a better, safer sounding name, UltraSafe. + +&#x200B; + +Those are just the things that are coming today, there's much much more in the works. That includes the following: + +&#x200B; + +\- Marketing campaign with several high profile influencers + +\- Several CEX applications and listings + +\- New, redesigned website + +\- Merch Store and NFTs + +\- Development of a dApp Suite + +\- Additional marketing including billboards, plane banners, flash mobs and more + +&#x200B; + +If you want to join the ranks of UltraSafe and be ultra safe from the current market correction, check out our links: + +&#x200B; + +Site: [ultrasafe.finance](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Telegram: [t.me/UltraSafeOfficial/](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial/) +&#x200B; + +**Team** + +BABYBNB is breaking records, the team and developer are reaching targets on time, and are always delivering on promises, the market cap is relatively low at this stage but it's primed to reach 500m. + +&#x200B; + +**Charity** + +The team is doing massive donations on every milestone, the latest donation was 10 000 for children in need, and they have planned many more to come. The system they have developed related to donation is really interesting since they are donating to different countries on every milestone but always in children in need. + +&#x200B; + +**Community** + +The community behind the project is amazing and is constantly supporting the team in every decision they take and are also helping with the cause of the project making donations to save as many children as they can. + +&#x200B; + + ✅ CMC LISTED + + ✅ CG LISTED + + ✅ Currently #1 TRENDING on CMC for TOP GAINERS + + ✅ 3 million market cap + + ✅ HUGE DONATION GIVEAWAY MILESTONES + + ✅ 1 BIllion Market Cap Plan to build a school in El-Salvador + + ✅ GREAT TEAM + + ✅ 1 WEEK OLD PROJECT + + ✅ MAJOR CEX LISTING IMMINENT + + ✅ MOON IMMINENT + +&#x200B; + +**Tokenomics** + + 📋 A 10% tax is charged on each transaction. This can be divided into 3 parts: + + 📋 2% holders fee + + 📋 5% buy-back-burn fee; + + 📋 3% marketing fee + +&#x200B; + +The purpose of this fee is to ensure that there is enough budget available for marketing. + +&#x200B; + +**Official Baby BNB links:** + +Contract: 0xc1168b7b85b2bbc8a5c73c007b74e7523b2da209 + +Website : [www.babybnb.net](https://www.babybnb.net) + +Telegram : [t.me/babybinance](https://t.me/babybinance) + +Twitter : [https://www.twitter.com/babybnb\_bsc](https://www.twitter.com/babybnb_bsc) + +Reddit : [https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBNB/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBNB/) +Although the crypto market has been an absolute shitshow these past couple of days tanking everything 50%+, ULTRA has proven itself to be quite resilient, eating dip after dip and even looking very strong on the Ultra/BNB pair chart. To be honest with you, I think the Ultra/BNB chart is one of the strongest on the Binance Smart Chain, and it's primed to explode. + +&#x200B; + +This coin has only been out for 7 days and it's already achieved numerous things, including: + +&#x200B; + +\- Listed on a Centralized Exchange (LBank) + +\- Broken multiple world records on BSC and has already gained over 30k+ dedicated holders + +\- Listed on Coingecko on day 1 + +\- 2 Audits which show that the coin is safer than even Safemoon + +\- Devs doxxed themselves and showed faces during an AMA (unlike some of the coins promoted here that just rugged) + +&#x200B; + +The coin seems to be gaining momentum for another pump already, despite yesterday being brutal for the crypto market as a whole. This just goes to show how strong of a community the token has and makes it really live up to its name of being ultra safe. + +&#x200B; + +According to the team, there's multiple things in the works, including: More CEX listings down the road (already in talks with 3), more AMAs, upcoming marketing, new website + +&#x200B; + +Find out more info about the coin here: [www.ultrasafe.finance](https://www.ultrasafe.finance) +Every once in a while I have a feeling, sensing a rush of unstoppable energy. The feeling you get when lightning strikes five feet away from you, except more exhilarating and impossibly attractive. These moments--these sudden, quick explosions of energy that change the world--are rare but once you see it you want to grab it with every ounce of energy you have. + +Anyways, anon, I want to talk to you about $PINKPANDA. I’m a community member and am quite devoted--but not as devoted as other community members, who’ve even gotten PinkPanda tattoos. + +It’s really quite simple: (1) the PinkPanda dev team is insane, releasing their mobile app (Robinhood but for crypto) for both iOS and Android after only a week of development and then releasing weekly updates. V2 of the mobile app and website will be coming in a couple weeks and it’ll blow everyone out of the way. (2) The PinkPanda community is insane, constantly raiding and shilling and writing posts like these. Because we want you to join us, anon. + +Wondering what else is in store? Well, there’s VC investment coming, and the dev team doubles in size every couple weeks, and massive influencers like Tyler Hill and Steven Clarke are planning videos on PinkPanda. In 6 months, you will either thank me wholeheartedly for writing this post, or curse yourself for not listening to the rush of energy you’re feeling right now. + +Because when you feel the energy, anon, it’s time to grab it. + +💬 TG: https://t.me/PinkPandaDefi + +🌐 Website: https://pinkpanda.finance + +🚀 Contract: 0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 + +🚀 Buy: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x631e1e455019c359b939fe214edc761d36bf6ad6 +Here is a beautifully written DD going over Dr. T's comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pn1od0/calling_american_apes_to_action_this_is_our_best/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Superstonk&utm_content=t1_hcyi5fx + +We have the power to launch this rocket ourselves!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 + +Edit: This requires your action mods, the jungle have done a great job of this so far and I feel we're lagging behind!!!!!! +… and how did you tackle it? + +Here’s mine: + +A gnarly car accident in late 2019 has left me with a crippling case of vehophobia. While I’m in treatment for this (obv), it’s certainly not ideal for our midwest commute everywhere existence. + +Suddenly our OH/AZ split year living plans are being changed to VA (7m)/Netherlands(5m) heavily influenced by transit-everywhere availability (as well as other factors) + +The above crystallizes a plaque that used to hang in my college dining hall: *Life is what happens when you’re busy making plans* +1. Understand the business, easy to run and understand +2. Moat - pricing power +3. Future space to grow 10 years +4. Management: integrity, experience in the industry, incentives are aligned (based on BVPS, cashflow, profitability metrics not EBITDA or other phony stuff like stock price lol), management buying own stocks, CEO pay-ratio is reasonable (used to be 15-20x, today based on industry and size it can be higher but avoid outrageous generally below 50-100x is good), no management wasting of resources eg. Private jets. +5. ROIC, ROE above 10% and increasing +6. EPS, BVPS, OCFPS, Revenue growth 10%< in the last 8 years +7. FCF to net income above 75%, if lower then it must be justified by high ROIC +8. Calculate fair value, buy it with a margin of safety (e.g 50%) - ask why is it on sale? Why is someone selling it? Is it a short-term issue? E.g financial crisis +9. Use historically reasonable estimates, conservative numbers. Discount rate should be 10-15% (I use 15%). +10. Debt should be low, debt-to-equity below 0.5 or free cashflow can pay down debt in 3 years +11. Reliable financial history, 8 years minimum. +12. No big mergers or acquisitions in the past 3 years + +BVPS - book value per share +OCFPS - operating cashflow per share +ROIC - return on invested capital +ROE - return on equity +FCF - free cashflow +EPS - earnings per share +The Wealth of Nations has helped me a lot to become a better investor. It gives me a frame through which I can think about the economy and commerce as a whole and it even introduces the concepts of the time-value of money and competitive advantages (although Adam Smith doesn't use these terms exactly). Which non-investing books have helped you become a better investor? +$100XCoin The Meme Coin that turned out to be something more. Formally 100XElo with upgraded tokenomics to fend off bots and decrease major price swings. + +This coin started off as a meme coin, shit coin whatever you would like to call it. Once Ken The Crypto saw the community backing this project he decided to put his own career on and assemble a full team for this project. We’re not talking Dev’s who can just copy & past a safemoon contract and use photoshop nor marketers who pay for a $5000.00 Tik Toker to shovel out a 10 second video. + +The dev team has completed a custom contract to combat bots and large price fluctuations. This is not just some shit coin fork of another shit coin. + +Tokenomics + +7% transaction fee on all sales, purchases, and transfers + +• 3.5% burn + +• 2% liquidity pool generation + +• 1.5% marketing & development allocation + +How does this stop bots? One of the tokenomic upgrades was a blacklist feature where any suspicious trading is hit with heavy taxes/fees and cut off from trading this coin all together. + +You said something about price fluctuations? Yes, one of the better functions of this contract is there is no reflection back to holders. At first you may think this is bullshit but while you are getting free coins others are taking those free coins and dumping back onto the market. Instead 100X deploys a 2% liquidity tax. Eventually we are all going to want to sell or take some profits at some point, right? Well without liquidity you cannot do that. Emphasizing liquidity build not only decrease the price swings when a larger wallet wants to help but it also ensures there will be enough for you to sell if you ever want to (hodl to 100billion market cap). Plus, large exchanges expect a ton of liquidity upfront for listings. You won’t be paper rich with this coin; you’ll just be filthy rich. + +A dev & marketing tax what is that? This is much easier to explain, do you want to crowd fund for days/weeks for all your listings or advertising? No? Me either. Its also nice to mention that whenever this wallet is used all transactions & their uses are posted in the general chat. + +Marketing Achievements + +Tik Tok Video from Broke Neck Redneck (1million followers) + +First BSC Coin to Sponsor a NFL Player + +Youtube campaign where 100 Youtubers will promote this project + +The April Roadmap (How’d they do?) + +\-Influencer Campaigns + +\-Strategic partnerships + +\-Listing on Blockfolio, CMC, Coingecko + +I would say they knocked this out of the parked. They have had plenty of Youtube, Tik Tok videos, and tweets from influencers with large followings. The sponsoring a NFL was completely out of left field, haven’t seen that done by a coin not named Bitcoin. Not only have they been listed on CMC & CG but they just got listed on BKEX and have Probit coming up Friday. That is TWO exchanges in a week!!!! + +So why do I think this coin will go to 1 Billion market cap (mostly like even more but well be conservative)? See above the team puts a statement or goal forward and they complete it. I like the transparency and honesty of this project and that’s why I will ride it to 1 bil. + +You know when people say get in this coin! You are early! Well in this case you are extremely fucking early. This coin is sitting around 30-35 million market cap but the 100X team has a target set for 1 billion market cap. That is a 33X from where it sits now. Wouldn’t we all like to turn $100 into $3,300, $1,000 in $33,000 or for the hell of it $10,000 into $330,000? + +Why is this coin different from other coins? It is not a “community driven, ownership renounced, LP burned” crapshoot there is a face to this project who happens to be a known Crypto Youtuber and a team full of devs/marketers backing him. They are not just in it for the pumps they are building the ground for a long, long future for this project. + +Oh I don’t know if the 100X community will get mad about this extra part I’m putting in, but KuKoin is on the table for the end of May. + +1 Bil is inevitable. + +💻 Website: [https://www.100xcoin.io](https://www.100xcoin.io/) (Telegram link at Bottom) + +&#x200B; + +🦉Twitter: [https://mobile.twitter.](https://mobile.twitter.com/100XCoin_) +I don't know if this is acceptable according to rules but as a fellow poor person I'd like to tell you a story. + +I'm 24 hours away from getting on a plane home after being trapped here for almost 3 years. I have been paid 53 dollars for 5 months of work, 6 days a week. They owe me 4000. + +This is the second company that has refused to pay my salary for work done. In total I'm owed about 7900 dollars (not counting overtime) + +Immigration, labor, expat labor, the British embassy, no one can do a thing about it. + +My little brother died here, he was meant to go home for an emergency surgery when we learnt that we were working illegally (we were told the visas were done but they weren't) + +He had a fine of about 3000 dollars that we couldn't pay, the employer refused to pay and he died almost a year ago. When I finally confronted my boss for the money (about 5 months salary) he fired me on the spot. + +I'm going back home tomorrow and I have 53 dollars (actually less coz I bought something to drink) and no where to go. My Dad is also trapped here. + +I just thought I'd mention it, whatever you do, don't come to the Middle East if you are a poor person. + + +Edit: This is a story I typed a while back, before I was hit with the visa fine (employers fault) and before I was eventually refused all the money owed to me. Like I said, 53 dollars for 5 months of work + + https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/96tuc1/seriouswhat_was_the_most_terrifying_financial/e4372df?utm_source=reddit-an + + +EDIT2: I'm 13 hours away from going home, we're desperately trying to arrange money so I have a place to go to. + +It's been really good to finally have people agreeing with me and having discussions about the problems here and not just saying it's my own fault. If you go look I've posted about this many many times and it didn't interest a lot of people; I just want people to know what happens here so they can avoid it. + + (I'm not asking for money, I'm just saying) I need 170 something dollars for a room for one month, my Dad is trying o ask his employer for some of his unpaid wages but it doesn't look great at the moment. My Dad and i have both been homeless before, I don't want to be like that again but I choose that over being stuck here. +Let's assume this article is true and after the pandemic there is going to be another "roaring 20's". +How can we profit from it? +https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/21/epidemiologist-1918-flu-pandemic-roaring-20s-post-covid +What is it about Austin that makes it stand out and made it become so popular in what seems like overnight? 10 years ago, everyone was moving to Williamsburg. Now everyone's buzzing about Austin. What gives? Where did the trend in the culture come from and is the trend justified (i.e. Does Austin offer something better than anywhere else in the country? What is it?) or is it just clever real estate marketing? Were there any investors who saw the potential in Austin before it blew up, and if so, what did the early indicators look like? How can that be observed in other markets around the country (Nashville and Atlanta seem to have similar Renaissances of their own)? + +EDIT: I noticed I'm being downvoted. Can y'all point me to the right sub to talk about this? + +2nd EDIT: I was getting downvoted earlier. Thanks for the responses. +And then we have SEC who sued Ripple for selling an "unregistered security". Why aren't the SEC suing the banks and the government for the bailouts, especially when these are the big banks that don't need them? Oh wait, SEC is part of the government. + +When you hear about some criminal with a stolen suitcase of cash no one cares. Meanwhile, talk about carrying stolen bitcoin and monero and now people hates crypto for money laundering, and the government works extra hard to crack down and put regulations whenever possible. It's a double standard. And they let the banks launder $2T a year. + +The government is fucked. +If u look at a 5yr chart, most CAD banks remained flat for the first 3 years - like no growth whatsoever. They then had a great run afterwards, and now it’s coming back down to earth. + +What factors go into believing that the next 3-5 years will consist of another run as opposed to a flat horizontal line? +In a past life I cosigned a car loan with my now ex-wife. We got divorced, she was to assume responsibility for the loan. + +Fast forward a few years and the loan is almost paid off, down to about $300. I started noticing a few months ago that she was missing the payment deadline, earning some late fees, but ultimately making payments. I called the bank and verified that they wouldn't report late payments on my credit report unless the late payment was delinquent for 30 days. So I started watching the loan like a hawk, with the intention of stepping in if a payment ever ran the risk of running over that threshold. + +Yesterday I saw that it didn't look like my ex was going to make a payment within that 30 day threshold, so I called up the bank to make a payment and was told that due to a situation they were having with my ex--that they could not disclose with me--they would not accept any payments against the loan! + +I'm at a loss of how to proceed. I thought the whole point of cosigning a loan was that I was to be responsible to make payment if the primary loan holder could not, but now they won't let me, and they said they're still going to report the loan to my credit for nonpayment. + +I'm kicking myself because maybe I should have made payment as soon as it was late, rather than waiting until it was closer to the 30 days, but I didn't want to do my ex any favors. I have no contact with her, she has purged all her social media over the last couple years and changed her phone number, I don't even know where she lives, so reaching out to her to figure out what's going on is going to be a problem. + +At this point, having made all the mistakes I've made already, how would you proceed in this situation? + + +Edit: I just spoke to someone at the bank and it turns out my ex's checking account and savings accounts are in the red, so they won't let her make payments on her car until she's rectified that situation. So now I'm climbing the supervisor ladder making my case that this shouldn't prevent me from satisfying my obligation to the debt, as that was the whole point of having me cosign on the loan to begin with. + +Edit2: Thank you, everyone. I finally got someone high enough on the ladder to be authorized to use common sense and they apologized profusely and allowed me to pay off the loan over the phone. I requested they send me a receipt as I don't trust that this is really done until I have paper saying I'm off the hook, but I feel one step closer. +The background is that I'm a law student at a conservative, southern school in a town full of old money. McCain took the town 2-to-1. Not many liberals here, not many progressives; still good people, but for the demographic reasons listed above they look down on people on welfare and complain about the government taking their hard-earned money away. + +I'm not poor: I'm single, healthy, young, working, with no outstanding bills to pay. I am, though, broke and in student loan debt. And I figured out that over the summer I qualify, so I applied and got them. You might qualify too - it's a hassle to apply, and it should be, but this is free food we're talking about. + +And wouldn't you know it, my conservative friends are really mad at me for stealing from poor people, and consequently stealing from their own rich parents. I don't see it that way. The State looked at my assets and income and decided that I was poor enough to qualify for some help, and I took it. Does that make me a bad American? I don't think so; I think it makes my life easier, and I'm glad for the assistance. And when I graduate and am raking it in, I can't wait to pay high taxes so that other people in my position can get help too. +Just received an email. Impacts users with goodybags. Texts and phone calls are unaffected and can still be used in the same way as in UK. Relevant text: + +"We’re getting in touch to let you know about changes we’ll be making to our data roaming allowance and our out of bundle data rates in the EU. + +From 26 July 2022, you’ll be able to use up to 5 GB of your goodybag data allowance in the EU and selected destinations at no extra cost, a change from 20 GB. After this, the rate you’ll pay for data will be the same rate you pay in the UK, a change from 0.36p/MB to 10p/MB." +What does your day look like? How big is your account? Is this even obtainable? How long did it take you to get to this point? + +Edit: you guys are great, thanks for all the responses! +Not a very good looking balance sheet. All social media was killed last week partly due to Apple making it easier to block permissions that benefit ads. Given the money ads produce for these apps, I don't see them not finding a way around this. Don't think the 40% drop is warranted. Surprised to see it sit at $10 since days opening +Ok so I found this study [https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/inequality-hurts-economic-growth.htm](https://www.oecd.org/newsroom/inequality-hurts-economic-growth.htm) that proves Inequality hurts economic growth. + +Is there any ideal amount of inequality? +Get up and feel the rising tide, because waves are being made as we speak. + +After a wild ride this past week, Happy has stood out amongst the red market sea with a beautiful bounce back into stability... + +And there’s a **damned** good reason why. + +With all the news announced this week, this is the springboard Happy truly needs to fly. + +Just last week, Happy was sitting at a $10M mcap. + +Now it has more than doubled its support, solidified with over **70,000 holders** and a strong community to back it. + + +You might be asking why Happy has such a solid backing? + + + + - Simply put, because it’s an **insanely** good find. + + + +With an experienced, doxxed founder at the helm in a sea of lackluster shitcoins with no direction, Happy stands out as a solid team full of experience to lead a project to heights unforetold in the crypto market. + +Just the other day they doxxed yet another member with insane credentials and business acumen. + +Are you seeing what I'm seeing? + +But that’s not even the biggest hitter... + +The team right now is in full partnership mode in LA, meeting up and working with Jesse Wellens, who's locked in with the project, ready to utilize his platform of 10.7M Youtube subscribers. + +Are the neurons firing yet? + +Time to stop being a crypto magpie trying to find every shiny planet to orbit in a sea of stars, and fire up the rockets on a project with solid fundamentals, weekly donations, huge community, and partnerships that can also walk the walk. + + +Website - https://www.thehappycoin.co/ +So I just want to take a practical examination of the stock we all like so much. Just to go over some points of what I think are the bear case for gme: + + +So in conclusion this, based on factors I listed, is the bear case for GME. I’ll be honest I know a lot of people aren’t going to like or even agree with all the points I mentioned in my post above but I do think it’s fair we take an honest look at our investments. +Original post here: https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6c673h/thank_you_to_everyone_eth_has_given_me_the_money/ + +He submits a very heartfelt sob story about his father being sent to the ER, and with the family's poor insurance, /u/sharpshaaman would be able to help since he threw all his money into 100 ETH a few months ago (originally $1100, this morning ~$11,240. He was so happy about the payoff he: + +> I told my mom for the first time about the extra funds I had and the relief I saw on her face was completely worth the dumb gamble I made without doing any research + +**Only problem is his mom supposedly [died ~8 months ago](https://np.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/52ii32/college_student_and_i_need_to_turn_1600_into_4500/).** Does this sob story sound familiar? + +>I want to say thanks first of all if you're reading this, it's been a real rough couple of months. I'm 18 and just started college for Mechanical Engineering, my mother managed to pay my first semester of tuition, $4500, but she recently passed. My dad took ownership of the house, put it up for sale and moved to Seattle. I work at Dominos and working as much as I can am able to make about $600 a month, my rent is $700/month and that's not including gas or my food expense (I don't have a meal plan). As for my assets, I have a car that I could sell for about $2000 and $1647 in my savings. My phone bill is also $40/month, I have an iPhone 6 that I could sell for maybe $300 as well. I've been trying a lot of things, penny stock investing, attempting to sell out websites (search engine optimization), making an app, I'm even desperately trying to make a booty page on Instagram to get a bunch of followers and advertise other people's accounts (Dumb but whatever it takes, I dont really care). I've seen a little bit of success in the stock market by day trading penny stock through ustocktrade, however I don't currently have the knowledge and therefore the confidence to risk all my assets on unpredictable over the counter stocks. And advice is appreciated, as much as I hate my position I'm excited to see how it all turns out. + +8 days before that post, [another sob story about his friend throwing his wallet into a lake and having no cash and no gas in his tank](https://np.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/514wfi/stranded_with_35_in_my_paypal_what_can_i_do/). + +Here's a lovely post about [shoplifting 2 Fitbits from a Kohl's and a Walmart](https://np.reddit.com/r/Shoplifting/comments/5er9ac/fitbit_haul/). + +And a final one from 7 days ago (same father to ER story) where he was [locked out of his car and left his credit card at the hospital](https://np.reddit.com/r/MGTOW/comments/6awxma/always_pay_it_forward_to_your_fellow_men/). + +He also has some very interesting anti-feminist and anti-women comments in his history. + +I love the generosity of this sub, but I hate to see its users taken advantage of. Anyone who has frequented the daily discussion thread the past few days knows that, after the creation of the tip jar bot, we've seen a bit of an explosion of "please tip me" or other kinds of comments. Yes, each tip is a small amount of money, but posts like /u/sharpshaaman's, when they really get mainstream, have the potential of yielding substantial amounts of money. I mean hell the top comment is from a Kraken employee offering him a *real-world* internship. I'm sure /u/kraken-colin would love to know about his shoplifting history before offering the internship. + +It sounds like this guy probably is a broke college student who's trying multiple avenues of scrounging up as much cash as he can in as short a time period as possible to get rich quick, whether that means shoplifting or posting sob stories on /r/ethtrader, /r/personalfinance, or /r/MGTOW (basically /r/MensRights, anti-feminist). In the grand scheme of things, a $5 donation isn't going to break the bank. But please be sure about the reason you're donating so this sub doesn't turn into people abusing the tip bot for extra cash. + +Edit: wording +**$VAIVOX Token 🚀** + +The New DeFI Coin Backed By A fully planned out ecosystem and Tokenomics. Constant Rewards For Holders. Investors Are Calling $VAIVOx the most trustworthy project 🤝 + +&#x200B; + +Here’s what you need to know + +**⚡️ BNB rewards for holding 💰** + +**⚡️ Committed and Dedicated project team** + +**⚡️ Strongest Tokenomics in the Crypto Space** + +Gems like this don’t come along very often, we urge you all to join the group and check it out. + +&#x200B; + +**⭐️ Join The Community:** [https://t.me/vaivotoken](https://t.me/vaivotoken) **⭐️** + +Come check out the fair launch 🚀 Held a private presale for holders of the old vaivo token (got hit with one of those nasty flash loan attacks) after airdropping them their old amount of coins back 📈 + +&#x200B; + +**What is driving hundreds of new investors towards $VAIVOX Token?** + +$VAIVOx offers a real, rock solid use case, these are some of the upcoming events: + + \- A full ecosystem revolving around the VAIVO token + + \- CMC & Coingecko + + \- future Fiat - crypto swapping (licenses already paid for and acquired) + + \-Vaivo Wallet (next product of the ecosystem coming out) + + \-Fully doxed team + + \- Developer livestreams when working on project + + \- FULL TRANSPARENCY TEAM & WORK + +&#x200B; + +**Contract: 0x6f69475f8c98eca48e2b672089d752e32c65fac5** + +&#x200B; + +**Links** + +🌐 Site: [www.vaivo.com](https://www.vaivo.com) + +☎️ Telegram: [https://t.me/vaivotoken](https://t.me/vaivotoken) + +BSCscan: [https://bscscan.com/token/0x6f69475f8c98eca48e2b672089d752e32c65fac5](https://bscscan.com/token/0x6f69475f8c98eca48e2b672089d752e32c65fac5) +Anyone got an idea on reasons? + +link to article + +https://www.forbes.com/sites/angelauyeung/2019/07/31/jeff-bezos-sells-about-18-billion-worth-of-amazon-shares-in-three-days/#3368202d4c36 +Here are some tips or thoughts i had that applied to my own experiences. I made every mistake and did every stupid thing you can think off. So if any of these ideas help you not be stupid like me that's great :) + +&#x200B; + +* Don't spend any longer on a demo account then it takes to be comfortable with the features. Without the psychology of using real money 90% of your learning will be stalled. Get comfortable with the platform features then switch to a live account. Start with very small amounts of money you have zero issue with losing. + +&#x200B; + +* Don't expect to get rich quickly. Its an illusion. Save yourself the time and effort of trying to achieve it. Yes over the short term large amounts of money can be made using unsafe leverage. But it is not sustainable consistently over the long term. If you are making large amounts of money by over leveraging you can just as easily lose large amounts . Human psychology is against you and you will lose this game over the long term. Don't waste time thinking you are different, special, you know something else others do not. Yes you can make large amounts of money. But over time with sensible risk management and a consistent growth approach. + +&#x200B; + +* Trading is very hard to initially learn. Its really hard to learn. Everything about it is hard to learn. the technical s, the fundamentals, the psychology. You will probably go through stages of thinking its impossible, its rigged, trying every strategy. Trying every variation of every strategy. There is no silver bullet. It takes 100s to 1000s of hours of chart time and 100s of failures to understand what you are doing and to understand your psychology in relation to trading. Be prepared for hard work, incredibly frustrating situations, elation, depression and everything in between. But most importantly if you want this to work you cant give up. Which can be tricky because you are investing so much time and money into something that there is a statistically a high chance wont work. But if you stop you can not make it happen. That time you are really going to give up......like really this time. Try again. + +&#x200B; + +* You can not succeed if you need to make money from your trading account to pay mortgage food etc. (survive) if your account is not sufficiently large enough to do this with no stress and your competency is equally sufficient. Do not even try. It will not succeed. Keep your day job while learning the technical and psychological skills necessary whilst using small safe amounts of money and gradually building up your trading account. + +&#x200B; + +* Trading takes time to learn like any profession. You wouldn't expect to be become a doctor, a lawyer or any other profession in a week , a month or even a year. Trading is no different. Be prepared to invest significant time and effort into the endeavor. If you are not prepared to do so choose something else to focus on. On the flip side if you succeed your earning potential over time can far outpace other professions as well as being able to set your own hours, and work anywhere you want. The struggle is very real but the sense of freedom and achievement is absolutely worth it. Even more so than the money. + +&#x200B; + +* Learn as much as you can about all aspects of trading but realise that to succeed you don't need to use everything you know. The simpler you can make your actual trading execution the more success you will have. + +&#x200B; + +* Treat trading like a business, keep records of your trades. Be organised. Know what trade sizes you should be using and what your stop loss and take profit amounts are. Plan out your trades. Put in the home work ahead of time to understand what the market is thinking. Don't just jump into random trades with random lot sizes. You cant avoid losses. Like in any business there are overheads, stock to purchase, power to pay etc. Consider losses like operating costs and they wont upset you so much. All business have costs and trading losses are the cost of trading. + +&#x200B; + +* Don't stay up so late watching the charts that you get tired. You may not realise you are tired. The human body has a way of compensating when you are tired so you don't realise how tired you actually are. You may feel ok but your cognitive functioning downgrades so you think you are functioning well but you are not. You need to be sharp and functioning well mentally and physically. As a side note don't trade while using recreational drugs or while drunk. Your sense of your ability and risk management are compromised. Again you may think you know what you are doing but deceived are you. If you want to really succeed at this long term..... stay sharp. Kick back in the weekend instead. + +&#x200B; + +* Risk management is critically important. Don't ever get complacent, Don't ever think you know what the market is going to do. The market can go anywhere at anytime. And can go further and longer than you expect or can sustain. It may not do it for months or years but if you leave yourself open for catastrophe to strike it will find you eventually. The market is ruthless, it is massive and for 99.99% of you you have no control over it. Respect it always. Never over leverage. Your risk appetite may vary depending on your skill level and available time etc but i dont have any more than 5% of my capital exposed at any time. The exception will be if i have secure positions i can add further positions but never more than 5% unprotected risk. Dont move stops hoping your trade will come back. Its better to get out, your trade was wrong. You can waste a lot of time cost opportunity by waiting for a trade to come back and it may never happen. You are better to exit and wait for a better set up. I have seen traders tie up capital for months that could have been used for profitable trades. The one exception i use for stop movement is if i notice a technical level has shifted a small degree. Then i will adjust the stop a corresponding **small** degree but we are not talking about constantly extending stops hoping for a miracle :) + +&#x200B; + +* Be patient waiting for set ups to develop, Be patient waiting for trades to follow though. Be more patient than you think you should be. Be patient. + +&#x200B; + +* Don't set daily weekly etc targets. The market doesn't work like that . Some weeks will treat you well and you will make good money. Some weeks you might dribble along and some weeks you will lose money. That's just the nature of markets. Just always be prepared to capitalise on opportunities by knowing important levels what trade sizes you should be safely using etc. Also dont make the mistake of trying to hit dollar values. Like you have $98 profit but you want $100. Don't sacrifice $98 for $2. It happens and its not fun. Don't be greedy. + +&#x200B; + +* Once you develop some consistency in your trading i think its a good idea to put enough money in your account so that the returns you get are meaningful to you in terms of the effort you are putting in. If the amounts are too small you don't really feel justified putting in the effort and may not take it seriously enough. Of course you can build a small account up over time but ive seen traders who were making small consistent profits who had they continued along this path or added additional funds to make their profits more meaningful would have succeeded but instead gave up. Of course don't use more than you are comfortable losing. + +&#x200B; + +* I think when starting out it is best to only watch a limited number of charts. Personally for about my first 6 months i watched a single pair only. You do become familiar with levels and behavior of a pair if you are watching it all the time and this helps with decision making. Now i trade 7 currency pairs, 1 USD index and the SPX500 and NDAQ100. So 10 all up and all the time the same ones. I don't have trades on them all at the same time but these are the ones i watch all the time. + +&#x200B; + +* The only person ultimately responsible for your trading success is you . It is one of the few professions where almost all the choices are yours to make for good or bad. This freedom of choice is a double edged sword. You have the choice to trade when and what and with how much. You have a choice when to enter and when to exit. If you are a retail trader and i believe most people here are, you have no one looking over your shoulder keeping you from doing something foolish. The responsibility to succeed falls on your shoulders. If you are using sensible risk management and capital control the market cant defeat you, your broker cant defeat you, a news event cant defeat you. Some one elses opinion cant defeat you. This ones on you. That's liberating but also a responsibility to hold yourself completely accountable for you failure or success. + +&#x200B; + +* If you really want to succeed at this you have to be willing to really give it your absolutely best effort. A halfhearted approach will at best give you a half hearted result or more likely a negative result. Statistically the odds of you succeeding are low. Data varies and is hard to quantify but a data summary of brokers suggests something along the lines of this + +Most traders start with the idea to get rich quick + +40% Trade for only one month + +80% quit within the first two years + +1% of traders can profit net of fees. + +That doesn't mean you cant succeed, there are an awful lot of traders coming and going but just be prepared to get serious and put in the hard work necessary. + +&#x200B; + +These are just some thoughts and opinions of mine that have helped me + +Let me know any of your tips or if you would like more of my thoughts on Psychology, technical etc ask and ill see if i have anything useful to say. +>The fed­eral and state gov­ern­ments have had a good pan­demic, en­joy­ing the gusher of tax rev­enue and fed­eral largesse. But those fat years are about to end, and the po­lit­i­cal class in most places isn’t ready for it. + +> The lat­est ev­i­dence came this month in the fed­eral rev­enue news for Oc­to­ber and No­vember, the first two months of the 2023 fis­cal year. Rev­enue rose only 1%, in con­trast to an 21% in­crease in all of fis­cal 2022. In­di­vid­ual taxes rose 4% but cor­po­rate tax rev­enue fell 6% and other rev­enue fell 21%. + +> The lat­ter in­cludes Fed­eral Re­serve re­mit­tances from in­ter­est on its bond hold­ings, which fell to $1 bil­lion from $15 bil­lion, ac­cord­ing to the Con­gres­sional Bud­get Of­fice. Those re­mit­tances will turn into deficits as the cen­tral bank pares its bond port­fo­lio. + +> State rev­enues are also headed for an ad­just­ment, es­pe­cially in cap­i­tals that built in new struc­tural spend­ing oblig­a­tions dur­ing the pan­demic. Cal­i­for­nia, that means you, and Sacra­mento now faces a $25 bil­lion deficit. The New York state comp­troller is also warn­ing about po­ten­tial deficits, as fed­eral pan­demic aid winds down and tax rev­enue falls. + +> One irony is that high-tax pro­gres­sive states have ben­e­fit­ted in par­tic­u­lar from the cap­i­tal-gains in­come of the high earn­ers they claim to de­spise. But cap­i­tal-gains rev­enue is sure to plunge given the enor­mous de­cline in stock prices this year. Cor­po­rate tax rev­enue is also likely to slow as earn­ings are un­der pres­sure. + +> All of this was predictable since the good times were kept afloat by easy money and a highly progressive tax code. Federal tax receipts as a share of GDP hit a near record 19.6% in fiscal 2022, and Congress spent like it would never end. Well, it always does, and that is before the widely predicted recession in 2023.     +# October 17-23, 1921 + +This week, the FT coaches investors on the stock market's seasonal gloom and France reveals German attempts to game war reparations. + +Quick Stats: + +* DJIA: 70.77 (Today: 35,295) +* Shiller PE Ratio: 5.5 (Today: 38.1) +* Federal Reserve Bank of NY Discount Rate: 5.0% (Today: 0.25%) +* GBPUSD: $3.92 (Today: $1.37) +* Price of The Wall Street Journal: $0.07 (Today: $4.00) + +Market-Moving Themes: + +* High taxes, soft business conditions, and elevated interest rates are negatively impacting investor sentiment (equity, debt markets) +* Wartime raw material shortages are easing, paving way for price stability (commodity markets) +* European post-war debt payments are causing a strong dollar as gold flows to the United States (currency markets) + +Executive Summary: + +* Markets are driven by both fundamentals and sentiment. As readers head into the heart of fall, the FT reminds readers about the impending gloom. The Dow has been mired in a range between 65 and 75 since the spring. Any perkiness in the summer was quickly sold off. Investors should brace themselves for some negative movements, but not get too defensive because the current bear market seems to have plateaued. +* Bankers criss-crossed the nation a few weeks ago and are eager to share their findings. East Coast blues were met with West Coast bliss. One banker didn’t realize how nice the weather is in Los Angeles. He thinks that part of the issue with ongoing market weakness has more to do with psychology than anything else. He encourages readers to get some fresh air. +* France calls out Berlin for monetary fraud. The French government illustrates the complete suicide of the German mark, which has gone from record low to record low this year. The monetary games need to stop, France warns. The appraisement of the mark is no longer governed by the valuation of Germany’s creditworthiness or her resources, but by the question of her honesty in the execution of the Treaty of Versailles. +* Rumors of Royal Dutch Shell exiting Mexico send shockwaves through the press. Some sources claim that Royal Dutch has sold down its Mexican subsidiary, but brokerages across London have not seen any evidence of this. Shares of Mexican oil companies get slammed. Is Royal Dutch planting these claims to get something from the Mexican government? One former Standard Oil executive turned private investor thinks so. If not, he’d happily sink his entire life savings into Mexican oil fields. +* The prominent German industrialist Hugo Stinnes suggests a fringe dictatorship might seize power because the poorly drawn up armistice extracts too great a toll on the Teutonic nation. He reckons that one of the infant right wing parties could take power some day. Whatever the case, trouble is brewing. + +[https://twitter.com/Roaring20sTate](https://twitter.com/Roaring20sTate) + +More @ [https://roaring20s.substack.com/p/october-17-1921](https://roaring20s.substack.com/p/october-17-1921) +I have a newer tenant who seemed good, but has people over who I know have been in jail for theft, meth etc. My worker was a former meth head and can identify them all by name and I am creating a list of names of people who are over there. Coincidentally I'm working at the house next door to this building so I see people come and go all day. This is a 4 plex with college kids and a young woman with an infant child so i am very worried about the increasing activity over there. Any thoughts or advice on what to do would be appreciated. +This is something I have predicted on here, many have disagreed but the issue is once homes start staying on the market longer or prices pull back even slightly, people who were on the sidelines thinking they would sell in a few years are going to want to sell now to avoid the market softening + +[https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/26/home-listings-suddenly-spike-as-sellers-worry-theyll-miss-out-on-red-hot-market.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/26/home-listings-suddenly-spike-as-sellers-worry-theyll-miss-out-on-red-hot-market.html) + +I personally had a friend do this, sold their home in December and rented it back just because they want to move but are waiting on the market. They got their cash and are not tied to the property if they happen to find a deal. They couldn't move in December because there was nothing available in the area they want to live, or at least, nothing they wanted to buy. + +Mortgage rates drive home prices and I think this makes that even more clear. If you are a cash buyer, I cannot see any reason to buy a property right now when it looks like prices will be falling. +$ULTRA is continuing to break record after record - reaching 22k holders and over $60M marketcap in under 48H. The hype surrounding this coin is unreal, resulting in many comparisons with Safemoon. + +&#x200B; + +With so many milestones already reached, the team is already hard at work. They have a new Whitepaper coming very soon, a second audit by Certik is already underway for this week and there's a completely redesigned version of the website in the works. + +&#x200B; + +Marketing wise, the team has already secured multiple high tier influencers which will start rolling out soon. At 25,000 holders, which is just 3,000 holders away, we will see the deployement of plane banners and billboards, as well as an NFT market and a dApp. + +&#x200B; + +What's making me most bullish about this coin is the seemingly very well-connected team, who else does a CG listing at launch? They're following through on promises, the whitepaper actually showed where money is going, they seem to know what they're doing and have connections, no gimmicks, constantly getting the coin added to new platforms, complete transparency with their goals. + +&#x200B; + +There's currently a dip making for a very nice entry point - take notice though, this won't last for long considering the coin tends to go ballistic during prime hours. If you've watched this coin break ATH after ATH while waiting for a decent entry, this is it, this is your chance. + +&#x200B; + +Website: [https://ultrasafe.finance/](https://ultrasafe.finance/) + +Pancake: [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x0b3f42481C228F70756DbFA0309d3ddC2a5e0F6a) + +Telegram: [https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial](https://t.me/UltraSafeOfficial) +[https://www.nationalexpress.com/en/help/live-service-updates](https://www.nationalexpress.com/en/help/live-service-updates) + +Ticker: NEX + +"**From 23:59 on Sunday 10 January 2021 all of our coach services will be temporarily suspended. We plan to be back on the road as soon as the time is right and have a provisional restart planned for Monday 1 March 2021. Please note, this is under regular review and subject to change.**" + +Seems like very bad news and may cause a temporary sell off. They do still have their bus side of the business running. Thoughts? +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. +- **For more focused and orderly discussion, please go to the [Serious] Daily Markets Discussion thread. You can find it by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/search?q=%5BSerious%5D+Daily+Markets+Discussion+thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choosing the top thread on the search page.** + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Yea yea yea yea I'm 100% GME and I hold no more popcorn stock - but yall gotta use your brains. + +The more we rub it in their face and yell and say GME IS THE ONLY ONE - even if it's true.... + +When's the last time yall listened to someone yelling at you. Look at how DFV conveyed his information. + +CALM, COLLECTED, INFORMATIVE + +Never did he sit there and call yall idiots for not buying more gme + +chill tf out + +ape no fight ape. those guys are buying and hodling what they think is best for them. + +any popcorn ape that sees this and needs help navigating the gme story so far, hmu i got u fam + + + +EDIT: well shit i didnt expect or want this to take off and im trying to respond to all of you. between the comments and the DMs this shit is hard. + +also the awards are cool af, but pls use the money to BUY, HODL, DRS $GME + +EDIT2: If only /u/_exordium can see me now + +EDIT3: For the apes calling me a shill, or a bragadier(?) thats not a word - honestly my bad. I thought this post would come out as counter-FUD but I've fudded some of you. I've been in superstonk for a minute, and I've honestly stayed on this long because when I'm drowning in FUD, I'll see a post and get unfudded real quick. + +Peace and love to you all - ALL every single one of you +Welcome to the **/r/EthTrader** Daily Discussion thread. The thread guidelines are as follows: + +*** + +- Follow the Golden Rule. All other rules apply as well. Follow [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules) to view the rest of them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- General discussion topics include, but are not limited to, events of the day, technical analysis, alternative Ethereum projects, or minor questions. +- Breaking news or other important content should be submitted as a separate post. +- In-depth altcoin discussions should be referred to the /r/CryptoCurrency discussion thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/search?q=%5BMonthly+General+Discussion%5D&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. +- Pumping, venting, trolling, or any other similar behavior should be redirected to the /r/CryptoMarkets trollbox thread. To view the thread, [follow this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMarkets/search?q=Trollbox+Thread&sort=new&restrict_sr=on&t=all) and choose the latest entry on the search page. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +https://shortdata.ca/largest-short-positions/ + +List includes: +HITI +FLT +EXRO +NUMI +NEXE +GDNP +CBDT +FANS +DFLY +TRIP + +What are you thoughts? +Why are these retards shorting companies that for the most part, want to make the world a better place? +Passive investors say not to pick an outperforming mutual fund or ETF because you don’t know that it will outperform in the future. However, they look at market returns from the past to predict or expect returns in the future. Just because businesses have grown at a rate of 10% annually since 1926, why should investors expect 10% in the future? + +It seems illogical to have your retirement rely on a system that is based on past performance from only the past 95 years. If a 20 year old starts investing today until retirement at 65, that’s 45 years. 45 years is 47% of the S&P 500’s existence, yet people say there’s enough evidence to expect a certain future return. If we had 1,000 years of historical data showing that the S&P returns 10% annually, I think that it would be ok to say that 10% can be expected for a 45 year window of retirement investing. + +Saying that 10% returns can be expected in the future because thats what’s happened over the past 95 years is just using past performance to project future results. The passive investor frequently says that it does not make sense to expect certain future results because of past results. +**Website:** [https://glorydogecoin.com](https://glorydogecoin.com/) + +**Certik audit:** [https://www.certik.com/projects/glory-doge](https://www.certik.com/projects/glory-doge) + +**Techrate audit:** [https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/October/GloryDoge%20Full%20Smart%20Contract%20Security%20Audit.pdf](https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/October/GloryDoge%20Full%20Smart%20Contract%20Security%20Audit.pdf) + +**Dessert Finance audit and team KYC:** [https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +⚡️ **Highlights:** + +* **GloryDox - First product, an automated KYC platform being released on 1st February.** +* **Team KYC doxxed by Dessert Finance and PinkSale.** +* **Active marketing campaign on Poocoin.** +* **Project featured on multiple big financial news website like Yahoo Finance and similar.** + +&#x200B; + +🚨 **First product releasing on 7 February!** + +Powered by the Veriff KYC software, GloryDox will allow founders to automatically verify their identities without any human interaction. By the end of the verification flow, founders receive a nice badge that they can put on their website as a proof of verification on our platform, and each team member receives an NFT on their wallet that proves they are verified on GloryDox. + +Investors will be able to browse a list of all the projects that are verified through our platform and also search using project names or contract addresses. + +Community members can help us onboard new projects on GloryDox and earn 1 BNB for each successful registration. + +**GloryDox demo:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mCcwefTLRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mCcwefTLRI) + +**GloryDox website:** [https://glorydox.app](https://glorydox.app/) + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **What is the GloryDoge project?** + +Building a secure DeFi ecosystem to help bring innovative ideas to life and protect early investors' funds. + +GloryPad, our second product, is the next-gen IDO Launchpad where developers, influencers, and investors gather to bring innovative ideas to life. Includes several new features like automated KYC and live activity feeds... (Under development) + +GLORYD, the token, is the backbone of the project, and the golden bridge connecting the DAPPs to the inverstors. Backed by a solid economic model. + +GloryDoge investors will earn 6% reflections from every buy and sell, plus 50% of the revenue from the DAPPs will be distributed to the ones who choose to stake their tokens. + +Investors will also have access to premium features on the DAPPs by holding a certain amount of GLORYD. + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **Who are the team members?** + +A team of highly motivated minds, with years of solid knowledge and experience in Software Engineering, UI/UX Design, and Marketing. + +\- Joey (@GloryDogeDev) - The CEO and Lead Developer at GloryDoge. Responsible for building, testing, and maintaining code for the contracts and the upcoming platforms. Has been working professionally and successfully as a software engineer since 2014. + +\- William (@GloryDogeMarketer) - The marketing guy. Done impressive and extensive research and claims to have the best marketing recipe to push us beyond earth's orbit. We can't wait to see that happen! + +\- Light (@GloryDogeDesigner) - The lead designer. He's responsible for making everything we build look like candy to your eyes. His set of skills are one of the best in the market. + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **Any doxxing plans?** + +Yes! The founder and co-founder are KYC doxxed by DessertFinance. They handed over government IDs and passports for verification. They are located in Sweden. + +&#x200B; + +**🤔 What are the tokenomics of the GloryDoge token?** + +• 10% total tax on every transaction. + +• 6% tax is distributed proportionally to all holders. + +• 2% tax for marketing, contests, and celebratory distribution events. Used in full transparency to investors. + +• 2% devs and team expenses. No one should work for free. + +• Normal transfers from a wallet to another wallet are 100% tax-free. + +• 50% of the revenues from the DAPPs will be distributed proportionally to all holders in BNB through staking. + +• 10% of the revenues from the DAPPs will be added as locked liquidity to PancakeSwap. + +• DEX and CEX wallets are excluded from tax/revenue distribution. + +• No initial dev or team wallets. + +&#x200B; + +**Useful links:** + +* **Contract:** [https://bscscan.com/token/0xcc5667333f5e997ac9f0c26d41b7dda65b2b675a](https://bscscan.com/token/0xcc5667333f5e997ac9f0c26d41b7dda65b2b675a) +* **Certik audit:** [https://www.certik.com/projects/glory-doge](https://www.certik.com/projects/glory-doge) +* **Techrate audit:** [https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/October/GloryDoge%20Full%20Smart%20Contract%20Security%20Audit.pdf](https://github.com/TechRate/Smart-Contract-Audits/blob/main/October/GloryDoge%20Full%20Smart%20Contract%20Security%20Audit.pdf) +* **Dessert Finance audit and team KYC:** [https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf) +* **Website**: [https://glorydogecoin.com/](https://glorydogecoin.com/) +* **White Pape**r: [https://docs.glorydogecoin.com/](https://docs.glorydogecoin.com/) +* **Telegram**: [https://t.me/GloryDogeCoin](https://t.me/GloryDogeCoin) +* **Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/GloryDogeCoin](https://twitter.com/GloryDogeCoin) +* **Email**: [hello@glorydogecoin.com](mailto:hello@glorydogecoin.com) +$FCF is in talk with a major money transfer company listed on NASDAQ... Something huge is about to happen! + +Bitmart listing in discussion! Already listed on FEGEX 🚀🚀 + +$FCF is creating the world first Credit Card and crypto payment gateway (FCFPAY), this would allow retailers and merchant to trade goods/services with any crypto they want! Imagine buying shoes online with dogecoins ? Ordering food on ubereats with Cardano ? Buying flowers with BNB! The possibilies are endless! + +The payment gateway fees are lower than Paypal and regular credit card fees! Why wouldn't you use it? Imagine spending your crypto gains without having to send them into your bank account and paying capital gain taxes ! + +$FCF is building a huge ecosystem that rewards it's holders, 33% of all the fees collected by the payment gateway goes back into FCF LP and another 33% goes into the dividend pool! + +$FCF is a reward token, just by holding FCF you will receive 5% BNB reflections every 24 hours! Fully automated! but wait that is not all! + +You could hold a token that rewards you daily while it's price goes up!, It literally takes about 10 days to get your initial back after buying FCF$. + +**Tokenomics:** + +3% LP + +2% Marketing + +5% Dividend + +**Website:** [www.frenchconnection.finance](https://www.frenchconnection.finance) + +**Contract:** 0x4673f018cc6d401aad0402bdbf2abcbf43dd69f3 + +**Telegram:** [https://t.me/frenchconnection\_bsc](https://t.me/frenchconnection_bsc) +Everywhere else I look, besides this sub, I see people worrying about debt, complaining about cost of living, fighting for wage increases because they “don’t get paid enough to survive,” etc. And every time I look at the numbers they quote, I think to myself I make not much more than that and I live in a HCOL area and I was pulling a 70-80% savings rate before having a baby. Even now, when we can choose to coast, we are still pulling a 10% savings rate. + +And people get so defensive when I try to advise them on better financial decisions (e.g. living below their means). These situations used to enrage me but now I just feel sympathetic towards these financially illiterate people. If they refuse to make lifestyle changes and want to keep believing that they’re being under-compensated, they will never achieve FI, and they will never be happy. + +TL;DR: we are a very fortunate people to have been educated in personal finance and to have a plan to achieve FI. + +Have a great 2020, everyone! + +Edit: To answer the questions about my savings rate numbers, here's what I did: When I was single, I lived with my parents rent-free (yes, I was very lucky to be able to do this). After I moved in with my wife, we pooled our money together and bought a modest 2-bedroom condo. We then rented out one room so the rent pays for a good chunk of the mortgage payment. We split the rest of the mortgage payment across the two of us. In addition, we cooked at home most of the time and we find free or very cheap entertainment. As a result, we could put away a huge chunk of our paychecks. After we were comfortable to just coast until retirement, we decided to have a baby. To our surprise, even with the baby's added expenses, we've still been able to contribute about 10% of our paychecks to our retirement accounts (401k, 403b). And no, we are not techies getting paid through the roof nor were we born into money. I was working two jobs and going to graduate school in my 20's (roughly minimum wage), and my wife and I are both currently being paid just under the median income in our region. + +I sincerely apologize for sounding arrogant or condescending in my original post. That was not my intention. And yes, I do know some people go through hardships and do not have the capacity to save. I did not mean to call every poor person irresponsible. I was just feeling extremely grateful. Peace! +Mentions over there for CRSR have shot up, along with a bunch of DDs posted the last few days which have been getting a lot of attention. Seems like they are primed to pile in this week, and we all know how that goes. I’m gonna close out my covered calls first thing in the morning tomorrow, because this thing might get wild. +I've noticed that about 2,000 people have joined the Forex community in the recent weeks. Has anyone else noticed this? I suspect this is because of the lay offs due to the corona virus, and people are frantically looking for ways to supplement their incomes. While I'm glad that people are trying to better themselves and take control of their financial situations, I have to admit that the daily "newbie" questions are getting quite annoying. And it's not because there are new, inexperienced traders asking for help, but it's because the questions are more-less the same questions. I know there is a pinned "New Traders" section at the top of the thread, but it seems it isn't catching much traction. + +But first, to the new traders I'd first like to say: + +&#x200B; + +Welcome! This will be a tough journey, but it will pay in dividends (not literally). + +A couple tips before we start: + +FIRST, see the pinned New Traders section of r/Forex + +SECOND, go to babypips and take their FREE courses where you will learn the basics. I never did because I'm an idiot, and it took me many years of trial and error to succeed in this game. Don't be a lemon like me, go to babypips. + +Now my basics; + +Always have at least a 1:2 Risk:Reward. Simply put, risk at least $1 for $2. + +Always set a stop loss and take profit. + +In the beginning, I find it best to give new traders a black or white, go-or-no-go trading strategy. Trade mechanically. While discretionary trading is profitable, you need years of experience and time in the charts to be good at it. It could be something like, "I only trade low volatility break outs on the 4hr. Any candle below x ATR and I will enter via stop order at the high/low of that candle. My sl will be at the high/low of the entry candle, and I will look to make at least 2 reward on that trade. I will risk 1% per trade, even on demo, and I will trade in the direction of a 10 period moving average" This is a VERY crude strategy, one I just pulled out of my ass, so don't go using it and blowing your accounts! + +I recommend starting with 1 pair in the beginning, at MOST 3. And I recommend not swapping into different pairs. Keep those 1-3 pairs. + +Once babypips is completed, demo trade. Put time in the charts and develop a strategy (mechanically, preferably). Your strategy could be as complex or as simple as you like. Simplicity is genius in my opinion, but you do you. I'm not trying to sound like an ass, but everything you really needed to learn you learned from babypips. + +With that said, DO NOT pay for courses from ANYONE. They will often know the same as you, if not less. In my opinion to be really great in this game you don't need a lot of information., and capitalize on every opportunity. You just need to be really good at one style and max that the hell out. For instance, being really good at low volatility breakouts, and having a system based off that. No amount of schooling (high school, college, or courses via Forex gurus) will make you successful. It's one thing to know a strategy, but to implement it in real time with real consequences is daunting. The only way to conquer this is to simply do it. Trade. + +Trade with an amount of money you can emotionally and financially afford to lose! I would even recommend starting a live account with $50 and only trading micro lots (0.01) until you become comfortable and your strategy proves successful. This is AFTER demo trading your strategy. + +Master yourself before you master the markets. Work out. Feed your brain. Get enough sleep. The money you make or lose isn't worth your health. + +Psychology. In my opinion the best psychology you can have while trading is a form of stoicism. You've placed your trade based off your strategy, you managed your trade based off your strategy, and you risked an amount you've told yourself you were comfortable losing with an account you told yourself you were comfortable blowing, so what's the worry? Why the second guessing? +Everyone's heard that story, right? Where a man goes to a successful "guru" and says he wants to be successful. The guru says, "Ok. Show up at the beach this time tomorrow." The man shows up at the beach in a suit and tie, ready for success! The guru tells him to get in the water. Once in, the guru holds the mans head under the water, drowning him. At the last second the guru lets him up and says, "once you want success as much you wanted to breathe, you'll be successful. +That's what you need to be like. You need to be willing to do what is necessary and put in the work. It's not easy. You're going to lose money, maybe even blow accounts. You may struggle for years without a return, or even lose money over that time. How bad do you want it success, though? And are you willing to drown to attain it? + +Best of luck new traders! + + +Experienced traders, please feel free to add things or tell me I'm a goof in the comments. +Hey all. + +Ive been self employed as a sex worker in a legal state (grey area, no brothels allowed but independant work is legal) for the last 5 months. + +So far it is all in cash, I dont want clients knowing my banking details or anything to track me down. + +I keep spreadsheets of all my clients etc. Ive already hit 70k. + +I know im going to have to apply for GST etc, Do i need my own abn? can i do it as a sole trader etc? + +The other question is banking.... + +I WANT to pay all my tax on this money, i want to eventually be able to buy a house outright so need this money in a bank account. Does anyone know any sex-worker friendly banks that will basically note what i do for a living, ill be depositing roughly 3-5k a week in cash into this account and i dont want them to think im doing anything illegal..... Is it as simple as going down, opening an account and just depositing everything i make every week/fortnight etc. + +Sorry if this is long winded or has stupid questions involved.... +See original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/dxj7cg/just\_hit\_1000month\_in\_dividend\_income/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/comments/dxj7cg/just_hit_1000month_in_dividend_income/) + +In September 2015, I made $58.65 in dividends. + +In September 2016, I made $208.26 + +In September 2017, I made $561.74 + +In September 2018, I made $1176.54 + +In September 2019, I made $1541.01 + +In September 2020, I expect to make about $1900 + +Total portfolio value as of right now: $613,741 + +Over the next year I expect total dividend earnings of $16,440/year, or: + +$1370/month, or + +$45.04/day, or + +$1.88/hour, or + +1 penny every 19.18 seconds! + +Portfolio yield: 2.68%, yield on cost: 3.62% + +I survived the virus crash, and I'm still saving over 50% of my salary. The crash wasn't great for my dividend stocks -- some big dividend payers took a dip, like CVS and T. My REITs got absolutely destroyed by the virus. I sold some of my weaker REITs for a loss, and put more money into stronger ones like O and STOR. Though, a lot of my capital losses in dividend stocks and REITs was made up by tech stock gains. Tech is about 25% of my current portfolio (low or no dividends). + +I'm still sticking with the dividend growth path. My next milestone is $1500/month in dividends earnings! How is your portfolio going? :) +Bought my house late last year, real estate agent just called me and said they've had an enquiry about it and they'd like to see if I'm willing to sell, name a price. + +I own the place outright (~$500k), I quite like it, and it is in a major regional centre where the market is going nuts rn. I don't really want to move but if the price is right.... + +How to play this? Took me completely by suprise. +(Also posted in r/valueinvesting) + +T is still off more than 25% from pre-pandemic prices for what feels like an improving situation for them, with a nice dividend. Curious if people think that's justified or not? + + +My read is - their base revenue from pure phone/internet subscribers is safe, meanwhile they've been able to refinance all their debt at the record low rates from some previous mistakes (DirecTV acquisition). The only significant hit they would seem to have taken in the pandemic is Warner Bros studios shutting down for awhile and a delayed release of some movies, but that's very temporary and easy to make up. Their main competitors (Verizon, Comcast, Disney, Netflix) are all up in the pandemic - Why is T still down? + + +Plus, as a bonus (its not a significant percentage of revenue, but is very high profit margin) HBO Max launched at exactly the right time mid-pandemic and tripled projected subscriber numbers, mostly leveraging the old catalogue of content they already own (Friends, West Wing, Sopranos etc.) which costs them nothing for sticky, high profit customers + +Disclosure: I am long several hundred shares of T and a couple small long call options +For starters, thank you for reading and no need to write in layman's terms. + +**TLDR**; My dad is physically and mentally unfit to get himself on government aid and my siblings have given me the job of helping my Dad get on a plethora of government assistance plans. I need help doing so. + +My father is 67 years old and has tons of mental and physical issues. He has diabetes in addition to a wide range of mental issues we think he could have. He's never been professionally evaluated, but we think he has bi-polar disorder and is a paranoid schizophrenic. He also has a tough time speaking due to his old age and not being a native speaker. I am the only one in the world that can decipher his jumbled language most of the time. He gets overwhelmed very easily and has a hard time remembering a lot of things. He currently has zero income and it's been that way for years. We think that he is being sent money from offshore relatives but no one can be certain. We are about to sell the house next month because he cannot afford to live in it any more. My parents are divorced and my dad has no legal custody of me. We live in Wisconsin. I am willing to impersonate him on the phone with people. He is totally find with it since I have to do it for him all the time. + +Task 1: Get him a free phone service. He has a phone already so we just need a sim card with service. + +Task 2: Get him on food stamps + +Task 3: Figure out what type of health insurance he has. I've asked him for the paperwork of his insurance and he doesn't know what I'm talking about so I need a way of finding out. He definitely has something I just don’t know what. + +Task 4: Get him on Social Security if he's not on it already. I don't know how I would find out since it’s the same deal with the health insurance. + +Task 5: Get him professionally evaluated for mental illness. Also find out what government assistance is available to those who are disabled mentally. + +Task 6: Get assistance in buying pet food. He has a cat (which is one of the few things keeping him relatively sane) and needs help caring for him. + +Task 7: get him surgery for his arm. His bicep sags on one arm and he can barely use it. + +Tasks 1-4 are really the essential ones. I just need to know where to start and what I need. This is pretty difficult in addition to school so that’s why I am asking for so much help + +Thank you very much for those who read. Please ask any more follow-up questions you have. + +By the way, this is a throwaway account because this post contains a lot of personal information. Thanks again. +EDIT: **thanks everyone for reading and replying. I will reply after school. ** + +Edit 2: **He currently is on Medicaid and gets social security every month.** + +Edit 3: **I'm not sure I can reply to all of you, but I can assure you that i have read all the comments.** +I'm looking for the best black v-neck t-shirts on the market. I'm tired of the standard Target/Old Navy/Costco/etc. options. I want something that's comfy, form fitting, true black, stays black, collar doesn't stretch out, etc. + +This doesn't seem like a good question for this subreddit because it's not FIRE related, but it is luxury related and I don't know who else to ask. Can you guys point me in the right direction? +Used to watch this guy called Warikoo but lately his videos have gotten long and boring. So need some new YT channel suggestions, if you have any suggestions for some blogs or newsletters or whatever related to investing in Indian market feel free to leave them down here, I'll truly appreciate that 🫡 +There’s nothing more crushing than seeing others hanging up lights, putting up stockings and their Christmas tree, buying and wrapping Christmas presents, buying and cooking all of these nice meals, and everything else that normal people do around the holidays... knowing that you can't do those things... knowing that you're already behind on bills and rent will be due again right after Christmas... knowing that you can't give your family and friends what they deserve... knowing that it's just another stressful season. Oh, and I forgot to mention, if you don't have kids you can't get assistance with gifts, because apparently adults don't deserve a good Christmas. + +Oh, well, maybe next year... + +Edit: I did not expect this to blow up like it did... holy crap. Thank you everybody so much for the support. +**Website:** [https://glorydogecoin.com](https://glorydogecoin.com/) + +**Presale whitelist contest:** [https://sweepwidget.com/view/36473-vx3r5t9l](https://sweepwidget.com/view/36473-vx3r5t9l) + +**Contract audited and team doxxed by DessertFinance:** [https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf) + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **What is the GloryDoge project?** + +Building a secure DeFi ecosystem to help bring innovative ideas to life and protect early investors' funds. + +GloryPad, the first product, is the next-gen IDO Launchpad where developers, influencers, and investors gather to bring innovative ideas to life. Includes several new features like automated KYC and live activity feeds... (Under development) + +GLORYD, the token, is the backbone of the project, and the golden bridge connecting the DAPPs to the inverstors. Backed by a solid economic model. + +GloryDoge investors will earn 4% reflections from every buy and sell, plus 50% of the revenue from the DAPPs will be distributed to the ones who choose to stake their tokens. + +Investors will also have access to premium features on the DAPPs by holding a certain amount of GLORYD. + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **Who are the team members?** + +A team of highly motivated minds, with years of solid knowledge and experience in Software Engineering, UI/UX Design, and Marketing. + +\- Joey (@GloryDogeDev) - The CEO and Lead Developer at GloryDoge. Responsible for building, testing, and maintaining code for the contracts and the upcoming platforms. Has been working professionally and successfully as a software engineer since 2014. + +\- William (@GloryDogeMarketer) - The marketing guy. Done impressive and extensive research and claims to have the best marketing recipe to push us beyond earth's orbit. We can't wait to see that happen! + +\- Light (@GloryDogeDesigner) - The lead designer. He's responsible for making everything we build look like candy to your eyes. His set of skills are one of the best in the market. + +&#x200B; + +🤔 **Any doxxing plans?** + +Yes! The founder and co-founder are doxxed by DessertFinance. They handed over government IDs and passports for verification. They are located in Sweden. + +&#x200B; + +**🤔 What are the tokenomics of the GloryDoge token?** + +• 10% total tax on every transaction. + +• 4% tax is distributed proportionally to all holders. + +• 2% tax for marketing, contests, and celebratory distribution events. Used in full transparency to investors. + +• 4% devs and team expenses. No one should work for free. + +• Normal transfers from a wallet to another wallet are 100% tax-free. + +• 50% of the revenues from the DAPPs will be distributed proportionally to all holders in BNB through staking. + +• 10% of the revenues from the DAPPs will be added as locked liquidity to PancakeSwap. + +• DEX and CEX wallets are excluded from tax/revenue distribution. + +• 1 initial dev or team wallets. + +&#x200B; + +**🤔 What's next in the pipeline for now?** + +• Conduct a successful private sale + +• Extensive marketing on multiple channels + +• Conduct a successful pre-sale + +• Official launch & Listing on PancakeSwap + +• Private sale contest prize distribution to winners + +• Listing on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko + +• GloryPad security audit + +• Finalize and release GloryPad to the market + +• Extensive marketing and user base building + +• Hire more team members + +• Automate DAPPs revenu distribution to holders + +• Kick off the development of new features and DAPPs + +&#x200B; + +**Useful links:** + +* **Contract:** [https://bscscan.com/token/0xcc5667333f5e997ac9f0c26d41b7dda65b2b675a](https://bscscan.com/token/0xcc5667333f5e997ac9f0c26d41b7dda65b2b675a) +* **Contract audit and team KYC:** [https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf](https://dessertswap.finance/audits/Glory%20Doge%20Coin%20BSC%20Audit%2011739615.pdf) +* **Presale whitelist contest:** [https://sweepwidget.com/view/36473-vx3r5t9l](https://sweepwidget.com/view/36473-vx3r5t9l) +* **Presale page:** [https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x1c5dd98f9518F755eEeB6af0F162638b756D5771?chain=BSC](https://www.pinksale.finance/#/launchpad/0x1c5dd98f9518F755eEeB6af0F162638b756D5771?chain=BSC) +* **Website**: [https://glorydogecoin.com/](https://glorydogecoin.com/) +* **White Pape**r: [https://docs.glorydogecoin.com/](https://docs.glorydogecoin.com/) +* **Telegram**: [https://t.me/GloryDogeCoin](https://t.me/GloryDogeCoin) +* **Twitter**: [https://twitter.com/GloryDogeCoin](https://twitter.com/GloryDogeCoin) +* **Email**: [hello@glorydogecoin.com](mailto:hello@glorydogecoin.com) +The 2019 nobel prize went to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer for their work on using randomized control trials (RCTs) to study poverty. + +--- +* [Official Nobel Announcement and Press Releases](https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/2019/press-release/) +* [Marginal Revolution Coverage](https://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2019/10/the-nobel-prize-in-economic-science-goes-to-banerjee-duflo-and-kremer.html) +* [NYT Coverage](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/14/business/nobel-economics.html) +* [Nobel Prize Interview with Duflo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ov8TPUr1Tk&feature=youtu.be) +* [Swiss TV Interview with Banerjee and Duflo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w07K3l8V9YQ&app=desktop) +* [WSJ Coverage](https://www.wsj.com/articles/nobel-prize-in-economics-awarded-11571046679?mod=e2twe) +* [Poor Economics](https://www.amazon.com/Poor-Economics-Radical-Rethinking-Poverty-ebook/dp/B007CI81IQ) Banerjee and Duflo's book summarizing much of the research that won them the prize. +[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5cyq9/fidelity\_just\_posted\_proxy\_materials\_to\_your/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/n5cyq9/fidelity_just_posted_proxy_materials_to_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) + +This is democracy at work in the smallest of places (your mouse and keyboard, or mobile device), and the remaining actions you take on elected officials (past, present, and future) are critical. You've exercised your right to effectively recall your share and make your voice heard. We all know, this is just one of the focused actions we must continue to pursue. All apes, get on your Fidelity (or other broker) account and VOTE. **Do not** vote via any other method! + +Keep your foot on the gas pedal and don't look in the rear view mirror. Read your DD's, eat healthy, get exercise and good sleep, meditate, close your eyes and visualize your achieved goal carefully and patiently, do something for someone else today (and tomorrow,...), and don't get distracted by the FUD and naysayers bouncing around everywhere. They will be relentless until the end and after the end, and after the end of the end! The top dogs are deeply ruthless and will continue to be ruthless, that's how they reached their unworthy perch. Stay strong, positive, and don't let anyone get under your skin. + +X's, we see you and love you, stand strong and proud. + +XX's, we appreciate your sacrifice. + +XXX's, we are grateful for your broad stability. + +X,XXX's, you are our rock. + +XX,XXX's, your whale breath is sweet as honey + +*Member of the Red Headband Army (RMA)* + +HODL + +Edit1: Tried to create poll but auto-deleted by mod rules. Makes sense. + +Edit2: Couple of yall saying I'm karma whoring - sorry it comes across that way. I'll delete post if more think that. not intended at all. i dont care about my karma. + +Edit3: love the stories of sleepyheads barely awake and then spazzing out of bed on the news they can now vote + +Edit4: all these hands. hope everyone used hand sani. + +Edit5: DFV \*may\* be lurking. Hello sir <solutes!> + +Edit6: dont upvote this post if you've voted, go upvote u/ThatGuyOnTheReddits 's post linked at top. + +Edit7: Thanks for the awards ape family! Save your coins and go buy more GME. + +https://preview.redd.it/z5yc3szhabx61.jpg?width=627&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6453d84ac65126f8568bc4426f8460201f5c773a +I’ve maxed out my TFSA. Here’s what I know about the RRSP: +- It’s an investing account used to put money aside for retirement in a tax-deferred fashion. +- I don’t pay taxes on anything in it until I take it out. + +I feel like there are gaps in my knowledge. Can someone please explain to me the RRSP like I’m 5? + +- What’s this “employer matching” thing that everyone talks about? +- How is putting money in an RRSP tax deferred? By the time I put money in my RRSP, didn’t I already pay taxes on my income? I’m lost on this. +- What’s a deduction limit versus a contribution limit? +- How can an RRSP benefit me when buying my first home? +- When do people usually open an RRSP? + +EDIT: Thank you, everyone, for your answers and help, I will be reading them as soon as I can! +My wife was overpaid on December 1st. We noticed it immediately and reported it to her payroll Dept. It was a $24k deposit. Her payroll Dept didn't address it until this week and are requesting the recoup plus the federal taxes, ss, medicare, etc. amount as well. Which comes out to ~$4k. So they want $28k now and are telling her that the IRS SHOULD refund the $4k when we file taxes later this year after they (employer) send us an amended W2. So we will be out $4k from now until we get our tax return and I honestly have little faith that this won't cost us anything. Is this really how this works? Pardon my ignorance, but why can't they amend the pay AND the deductions? Then recoup from the federal govt themselves. This was their mistake, not ours, and it seems like they are the ones getting an easy way out while we are being penalized. Luckily we have savings set aside, but it certainly wasn't to be used to cover the mistake of a billion dollar industry. I would understand if they requested the deduction amount after we file and receive our tax return, but they are telling her that is not an option. I would appreciate any feedback from someone who has experience in this from either side. +**Edit: this money was deposited directly to a checking account and not moved to savings because we obviously knew it was a mistake. We did not gain interest from this. + +**Update: In a comical twist, today employer has offered a repayment plan involving garnished wages for a period of no more than 7 months for the $4k. + +Update 2: Thank you r/personalfinance. I do feel more confident moving forward. I have called the IRS, requested a meeting with her HR Dept where we will discuss the options of deferring repayment of the withholdings amount until tax return is completed, and been given the ammo of calling Texas state Labor board if all else fails. I will post an update when I have one. + +Update 3: Called state labor board and they advised to talk to a legal professional. I asked her personal opinion and she said this sounds unethical at best, fwiw. +I’m newer to this and trying to do my research. + +I see there’s a bunch of subreddits set up for each coin a well as a few general subs. However the main subs appear to be a place where sects of the coin specific subs gather. + +Is there a way to get impartial information. + +Seems like everyone is a champion of one coin or another. I don’t need to be beaten into buying stake in a coin because someone is blindly championing it, parroting their communities sentiments, or simply pumping out of their own self interest. + +Looking for honest, impartial and insightful conversation +Through working full-time & freelancing ungodly hours over the past few years, I've saved nearly £45k but, as if having awoken from a coma, I realize it was entirely in vain as I have lost passion for my current career trajectory - I was merely burying my head in the sand by working every hour I could... + +I am living with family currently but unfortunately I feel like I'm in no position to buy a house/apartment as I have no partner, and now no career. I'm currently earning £23.5k in central London with a few years' experience (\~50-55 hours a week before any freelancing) since I have not completed my Master's degree / professional exams & qualifications. + +Whilst I try to navigate an alternative way forward in terms of my career, is there anything I should be doing with my savings? I am feeling like a moron for saving so aggressively before having a decent career in sight - I have burnt myself out, become lost and now it seems that soaring inflation is going to eat away at the savings I've accrued anyway. + +I'm aware I should have been putting money into a LISA as per the flowchart - I'll finally start on that now. + +Apologies for the rambling & thanks in advance for any advice. +Hi all + +Need some advice here as I am dumb as you will see below. + +I sold some covered calls at $26 (exp 11/5) on LCID few weeks ago and today it skyrocketed to $38 as I make this post. + +I am actually not willing to have shares called away but closing the CCs will be a big lost and it will also meant I have to close my $15 LEAPs which of course skyrocketed as well. + +My original plan was to sell CSPs if I get assigned on my CCs. But now with the share price up 40% in a day, I am clueless what to do in this situation. + +I am holding my shares at $25 average. +What will be the best move for me now? + +Thanks in advance. +I'm 54 and a public company exec. I've been with Fidelity for 15 years and have over 11 accounts there. Their work in the past 24 hours, especially the absolute failure to engage with transparency in their own subreddit and through their CS accounts like /u/fidelityinvestments as they are deleting any posts that aren't positive or asks questions about transparency. They are also removing opinion posts they disagree with under their vague Rule #8 - I posted a note pointing out that they weren't using single user for all replies, but had individual customer support agent accounts with identifiable names and wondered if this direct account model would expose the reps to SEC action if it's found that their actions in the subreddit rise to manipulation. + +So, do like me and move everything away and DRS everything you can. It's clear that they are willing to trash their brand to prevent any real exposure to their practices. +I don't get this place. + +There was a thread about someone who has 10 years living expenses in cash, it was only a portion of their portfolio, and they were wondering how best to invest it. + +100 comments, 83% upvoted + +Yet it is removed for not having anything to do with fatfire. + +Having 10 years expenses in cash is not something lean fire or FI is going to understand. + +What in the world are the unwritten rules you are using here for investing discussions related to fatfire? + +No wonder people want to split the sub. + +Edit: Thanks for the gold, and thanks to the mods for taking some action with the post flairs. +Thought I’d post this on r/AusFinance, but I then remembered you can only post there if you earn over 200K a year and own over 5 properties in Sydney. + +Given that I’ve spent quite some time in the sub, and with recent events I think y’all would be the perfect crowd to answer this question. + +So, how do you live frugally and save money? +OK calm down apes, this is a good thing. Filing this now allows them to extract value from any price spike when they see fit in the future. We would be disappointed in the company if they failed to extract any value from the squeeze, as capital allows them to improve the business and service. + +This is the good, sensible play. These guys know what they are doing, and know they can also fuck the hedgies when the time is right. 3.5 million is nothing when 200 million are short. + +Keep the faith. Hold the line. Bide your time. The moon is ours. + +Edit 1. I'm an ape and need to correct autocorrect mistakes + +Edit 2. Link to article, didn't expect this to blow up like it did! + +https://www.stocktitan.net/news/GME/game-stop-announces-at-the-market-equity-offering-4l219uft8s2i.html + +Edit 3. Thanks for the up votes and awards etc but make sure you are doing it for real DD and Indredible analysis - this post is just meant to calm a few nerves in a sea of misinformation, so while I appreciate it, make sure you are giving love to posts that truly deserve it + +Edit 4. A few requests for me to change the title, but I don't intend to. The title is what it is, because that is the topic that is being discussed. There are plenty of excellent DDs diving into exactly what the filing is, and you should go and read their posts. This post is to give reassurance to Apes that have seen this "news" and have panicked. +My guess is Coinbase is running on fractional reserves and doesn't wanna lose out on it's governance rewards so they are artificially delaying withdrawals of ALGO. I don't know about you guys but after I get my ALGO's withdrawn I'm finding an alternative to CoinBase. They have officially lost my business which is a shame because I've used them since getting into crypto. + +They did this exact same thing before the 1st governance period in September and people lost out on signing up. This is no different than what Robinhood did with GME stock. It just shows that CEX's need regulation desperately and we're currently at the mercy of Coinbase assholes. + +There have also been other strange things between Coinbase and Algorand. For the longest time they had Algorand listed as an ERC-20 token. Additionally they commonly do not post updated/correct news for Algorand. A few days ago they listed Securitizes Tokenization of Down Jones Index Funds as happening on Ethereum instead of Algorand, since then they've taken it down from Ethereum but haven't posted it to Algorand news. + +This all smells a bit fishy. I have been having this feeling for a while that coinbase is deliberately trying to undermine Algorand. + +Does anyone know of a good alternative to Coinbase and Binance in the US? + +&#x200B; + +EDIT 1: They canceled my withdrawal after over 24 hours pending and said "Blockchain transaction was compensated". I'm wondering if I should try to withdraw again or convert to another coin and transfer off. + +EDIT 2: Tried withdrawing again and it canceled almost immediately and said the same thing "Blockchain transaction was compensated." I'm pretty sure they still took my .002 ALGO transaction fee though. CB is fucking us over royally. + +EDIT 3: Tried withdrawing once more, instant withdrawal cancel with same reason as before. I'm done trying to withdraw tonight. Will try again tomorrow in the AM and update the post. + +EDIT 4: I was finally able to withdraw my ALGO's today. Look's like Coinbase most likely saw this post and bought more ALGO. The amount of ALGO in Coinbase 2 doubled and magically withdrawals were reenabled. Which means this was 100% a liquidity issue, and not a technical issue. Thank you everyone for contributing, I'm proud to be a part of this community. The elites get scared when all us little guys work together, never forget how powerful we are when we work collectively. This is the exact reason why we are all here, so huge monolithic entities can't dictate and control our lives without any recourse. + +EDIT 5: MAKE COINBASE SQUIRM. Withdraw everything. Coinbase 1 is down to 351 ALGO and Coinbase 2 is down to <1 Million ALGO. Let's clean them out. Hopefully they will learn not to do this again. + +EDIT 6: I've been reading some people are still having problems withdrawing. +Good afternoon everyone, + + +A few months ago I asked a similar question about the true nature of high income professions and the general consensus was the more money earnt meant more stress, responsiblity and time away from ones personal life. If anything I believe that one of the adult rites of passage is finding out that most people aren't working in their dream jobs nor are they truly passionate about said job. Most people work in a job they tolerate and just want to make a living, survive or even work towards FIRE in the future. + + +However there are always outliers and exceptions to the rule. So if you are classified has a high income earner and enjoy your work, what do you do ? + + +Hope this creates some interesting discussions and maybe even educates and inspire some people here. Take care and have a nice day. +Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread of /r/EthTrader. + +*** + +The thread guidelines are as follows: + +- All sub rules apply here so please review our **[rules page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/about/rules/)** to become familiar with them. The rules page is also linked in the announcement bar above. +- This thread is meant to be more relaxed compared to the serious daily thread. Memes, lambos, moons are all welcome. +- If the front page gets overloaded with memes, all but the top two posted and voted on may be removed. Basically, please post memes in this thread first and upvote the best so the mods know which ones to keep if we need to remove a bunch of memes from the front page. + +*** + + Resources and other information: + +* Newcomers who have basic questions about Ethereum can find answers by visiting /r/EthereumNoobies or our [Ethereum Education wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/wiki/education). + +* To view live streaming comments for this thread, [click here](https://reddit-stream.com/comments/auto). Account permissions are required to post comments through Reddit-Stream.com. + +*** + +Thank you in advance for your participation. Enjoy! + +Yep you read the title right + +&#x200B; + +How I'm going to do it welp let me tell you. + +&#x200B; + +Firstly I earn roughly about 80k before taxes I have no expenses besides necessities such as paying for my apartment and phone + other stuff. The rest goes to my savings account and some to the stock market (roughly 10% to bitcoin) recently I have realized that I do not enjoy what I do and unfortunately would rather go back to school. Although I also do not want to indebt my self too much. So i decided to produce as much as passive income as I can so that way I can concentrate in other projects that I would very much be excited to work on. + +&#x200B; + +I'm thinking of placing at least 1-1.8K every month into QYLG NUSI DIVO JEPI. In addition to that I would be re-investing the earning into VOO, SPY and QQQ. I also have the holy trinity of drinks but unsure if to sell KO SBX and PEP. The rest of the money will into an emergency fund and a savings account where I can liquidate this money as quick as I can in case of an emergency. Although I am willing into cutting a lot more for the sake of producing more passive income. + +Additionally to that I do have a total of $4k stocks at the moment in various other companies although it seems that VOO, SPY, and QQQ would outperform them all so i would most likely sell them and place them into these 3 with DRIP. + +&#x200B; + +Any thoughts? +This thing isn’t in the bag yet. We stand on the precipice of greatness, and to bring it home all we need to do is exercise a fundamental democratic right that many of us take for granted or don’t even exercise. + +We’ve got to rock the vote like we never have before, and we’ve got to get on the cases of everyone in our circles who we have convinced to buy GME to make sure they vote too. + +I really believe this is going to be a close one simply because of the back room deals that are sure to take place with the large institutional holders. Many of them will likely vote no with their massive positions. There could also be voting ‘irregularities’ with various brokers, especially pfof brokers. + +Individually most of us have tiny positions compared to the big guys but as we all know, retail as a block probably owns all shares outstanding several times over. + +So we can win this but it’s going to require the overcoming of apathy. Every single one of us is responsible for bringing this home. + +I believe in every single one of you apes. Let’s go get this. +Just a reminder to everyone - December 31 is the last day for everyone to be filing ITR for FY 2019-20. + +The due date may or may not be extended - but it's been 9 months since the end of the financial year. Probably time to stop procrastinating and start getting this done. + +If anyone has any questions about ITR filing or tax filing, happy to help. We'll be replying to most comments here. + +If it's urgent, you can also contact us here - https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/contact-us + +This community has been excellent. Our time to pay it back is now! :D + +Edit: Linking to which ITR to file since a lot of people seem to have this question - https://www.thegalacticadvisors.com/post/which-itr-to-use +I realize Gravel Institute is heavily left leaning. As someone who looked into driving for Uber, I am inclined to believe them on this one. The company employs independent contractors but seemingly doesn't given you the rights that go along with that. Uber won't even show drivers the destination or exact payout from a fare I found out. Not an expert in markets, but that seems like asymmetric information and not how they work. I've guessed on the full math on many trips in my city and I'd definitely be earning about what's claimed in the video hourly, maybe less. + +Video: + +https://youtu.be/OjW6ZZuJ4w4 +Good evening guys. I hope this finds you all well. I’m currently freaking out because my dad recently told me that he has no 401k and about 30k in saving going into retirement. I really want to help him maximize his money by helping him put it in the correct channels but I’m not sure where to begin. Any and all advice would be much appreciated! + + +EDIT: My dad is not sure when he is going to retire, but he is around the age when retirement is something he must consider. I’m looking for any advice about the different investment channels he should look into at this age. (i.e. Roth IRA, high yield saving, etc…) + + +EDIT 2: I’ve been see a lot of people asking how this could happen. My dad is an immigrant who came hear at the age of 43. He went to an associates program and at the age of 47 finally became a registered nurse. He then sent a lot of his money back home to help out his two younger brothers. He has NO debt, but as said previously he does not have much in savings. +Sorry if this sounds dumb, I am new to this. + +For example, you would think due to the pandemic + +1. fitness companies like Peloton or other membership based online companies would increase because people are working out from home +2. Gyms would drop heavily since they're closed currently. +3. they say everyone is buying tissue but even the stocks on those companies hasn't risen + +But sensible connections don't seem to reflect the market. What are some resources that could help me understand this? Thanks! +I have been working since I was about 15. I'm not a big spender at all and I've been saving it, mostly for college. I go to an inexpensive community college, and I have scholarships, so I won't be spending all my money on school. My parents have been nice enough to let me stay rent free while I go to school, and they also gave me a reliable car. I won't be working while I go to school because I have a packed schedule. + +I know basically nothing about economics or finances (except don't spend your money if you don't need to, obviously). Is there something I can invest in to grow my savings substantially? Like I said, I won't be working, so I won't be adding to what I've saved. Also, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I looked at the guides posted here and most of it flew over my head. + +Update: +Thanks everyone for the advice. I posted this just before bed and woke up to an exploded post with lots of different opinions to listen to. The two big takeaways I have from this are 1) Educate myself on finances before I make a decision and 2) keep doing what I'm doing and save money. It's really important to me to have financial independence and the freedom that brings, so I'm trying to take charge of what my money does. Now to address the advice I've gotten: + +After a bit more research I may put it in an IRA like many have recommended. I agree that I should be looking for the best way to invest rather than the fastest way to make money. I'll definitely keep at least half of my savings for a rainy day fund. Ive gotten some PMs about book recommendations, which I really appreciate. I'll be heading to the local library soon. Cryptocurrency is interesting to me since I'm a CS major, but I won't view that seriously as an investment since I don't fully understand it yet. I may take a couple hundred dollars and play around with it, though. I will also be looking into Vanguard because that was mentioned a lot, too. + +Thank you all for taking the time to give me important advice. It means a lot that you would have such concern for a young woman with no idea what she's doing. :) +My 15 year old made a small amount on YouTube this year, about $3,000. Google required I open the Adsense account since I am the adult / parent so the money was sent in my name. Is there any way I can give it to him and not have to pay taxes on it? +Hi! + +My name is Eli Buyko and I have been selling futures options for the past 7 years, this post was taken down and I got a few messages about it so I am reposting and updating it! Here's my strategy: + +**What products I trade(by sector):** + +Metals: GC, SI + +Agriculture: ZC, ZW, ZS + +Bonds: ZB + +Indicies: ES, RTY + +Produce: SB, KC, CT, CC + +Energy: CL, NG + +FX: AUD, CAD, JPY + +Meats: LE, HE + +&#x200B; + +**Rules of entry:** + +\- Must sell an iron condor or a strangle: ONLY delta neutral strategies + +\- Short legs must be outside the expected move: At 1SD + +\- At least 45 DTE: 45-70 DTE is my range + +\- Average IV: Based on 52 week IVR + +\- No uncertainty in the sector + +\- Liquid options: Most futures options are not liquid, yet. + +\- The loss on both sides of the position must be similar: I want to avoid big skews because then my position becomes directional. + +\- The product must not be volatile: The less news about the underlying the better. + +&#x200B; + +**The mechanics:** + +\- I usually have 6-7 small positions open at once: this depends on the market and I can have less positions open. + +\- Each position MUST belong to a different sector in the futures market: This is to decrease correlations and make sure volatility in one sector doesn't affect my entire account. + +\- Premium received must be around 3% of account size + +\- Max loss on a position cannot exceed 6% of account value + +\- Position must be sold at 10-15% above current price + +\- Taking profits at 50% of credit + +\- Must be a hard stop loss: For me I usually place it at 100-150% of credit as a stop loss + +\- Risk reward ratio must be no worse than 3:1 : Risk $3 to make $1 + +\- No Adjustments- By 30 DTE start looking for an exit if none of the targets were hit + +\- By 21 DTE the position must be closed: This is to avoid gamma risk + +\- Total account at risk must be no more than 40%: Spreaded across small uncorrelated positions + +\- Total Margin requirements in use cannot exceed 70% of account value: I usually keep it at 60% and have lots of room for margin requirements increase and unrealized losses. + +\- After a win I will reopen a new position on the same product right away. + +\- After a loss (which usually happens due to increasing volatility) I will wait for the product to normalize and IV levels to go back to average, only then I place a trade on it. + +\- If there is a skew in the position, I will try to balance it by adding an additional short call or put and make sure my theoretical loss in equal regardless of an up or down move, if it doesn't work I just don't open a position. + +\- I try to close positions manually if they are losing because stop loss orders are not allowed for futures options (See next point below) + +&#x200B; + +**The technical side:** + +\- I use IBKR as my broker: mainly because I am in Canada and there are no other good alternatives, but also because IBKR allows to send stimulated stop loss orders for futures options (Futures options don't have stop loss by nature at the moment, TW, TOS, and other brokers don't even allow to place stop loss orders for futures options, you just get an error), This method is not ideal but better than nothing. + +\- I look at the position profile when I open it and fill out my tradelog with as many stats as possible + +\- When placing an order I use a limit order(GTC) for 10-15% above current position value. + +\- For take profit and take loss orders I place an OCO one cancel another order on IBKR, all are GTC. + +\- Monitor every 20-30min: a quick glance on the phone when I can + +\- NOTE: as mentioned I will always rather close a losing position manually, profiting positions are closed automatically by the take profit order + +&#x200B; + +**The mental side:** + +\- Neutral trading not exciting at all (in my opinion) + +\- Most neutral positions experience unrealized losses before profiting, very rarely a position is in the green from the moment it got filled + +\- Some positions never hit the profit or loss targets + +&#x200B; + +**My 3 most important rules:** + +1. Keep it simple, no need to overcomplicate things +2. Selling options is a business and I need to treat it that way +3. Always be safe than sorry with the market! + +The last rule is VERY important: \*\*Always be safe than sorry with the market!\*\*If you are not sure or not confident in the market conditions or whatever it might be, just don't open a trade or close the ones you have open right now! HOPE is NOT a strategy and most definitely not profitable. + +&#x200B; + +**My results on 7 years selling futures options neutrally:** + +Wins: 1026/1127 + +Win rate: 91% + +Average win/lose ratio: 1:2.2 + +Starting account balance: \~$10K + +Current balance: $162K + +Average compound return per year: 49% + +So far this year has been hard and I am down about 15% and I had this happen during March 2020 but was able to close the year up 33% like a lot of traders due to falling volatility. + +&#x200B; + +**I do have a YT channel (Eli Buyko - Futures Options Trading) where I post all my trades, wins/losses and everything in between! If you want to follow along feel free to do so :)** + +&#x200B; + +That is it I think, if I forgot anything I will add it in the comments 🙏 +I work a 9-5 with a job I can't always have my phone at. + +However I am online all the time, and can't help but notice all sorts of stock traders all over the place. Reddit, Twitter etc. As a software engineer I tried 'algo trading' (s/o r/algotrading ) for a while, but really struggled to create anything meaningful. I tried daytrading a little, but can't really do that with my job (and kinda found myself going insane watching line graphs all the time). + +Which brought me to here, trying to find good companies you believe in. The more I look into it, the more I believe Warren Buffet that buying and holding is much stronger than spending time and energy swapping millions of shares will ever be. Better yet it allows me to accomplish other things in life rather than be glued to my phone everyday. + +Did anyone else have a similar journey? I'm curious to hear about how things went for you or your thoughts on this. Thanks! +My Parents opened a Safe custody box with NAB in the mid 90's. They stored our families jewelry in the safe custody box. They last opened the box in 2017. + +NAB decided to close their Safe Custody Service in 2021 and sent us a letter to come and collect our box. When my parent's showed up to the bank they said they couldn't find it and they would get back to us. + +In the correspondence afterwards, NAB claimed we never had a safe custody box and then claimed we voided liability by storing things of "Substantial Value" and not the allowed "Moderate Value" + +Has anyone had an experience similar to this? And could you please share some advice on how to negotiate a decent outcome. My family just want their stuff back but If not at least receive appropriate compensation. We've raised a case with AFCA and are in progress right now. Should we get a lawyer? + +Thanks + +Edit: Thanks everyone for the helpful information and advice, I'll update this post when we get a resolution. Hopefully positive. +I have saved 100k and I really want to be able to move with my family. I'm 30, is it possible to make a decent living trading? And if so where do I start? I have been looking into crypto and the returns it gives, but I don't know about the long run. Any help? +I’ve been fatFIRED since my 30’s. Currently on spouse’s insurance. She’s FIRE’ing this year. + +What do people here do who don’t qualify for ACA subsidies? Just take it on the chin and pay $20k-$30k+ a year for Blue Cross gold? Or is there some hack that can get health insurance for under $1k per month for a family? +In just an hour, Formation Fi is about to launch the most anticipated release of the summer. **Listing on both centralized and decentralized exchanges, Ethereum and BSC, KuCoin and Gate, $FORM is about to be available everywhere.** + +That’s right, **at 10:00 UTC**, the most hyped launch of the summer is finally going to be available to add to your portfolio. + +And for a token that has **already attracted almost 50,000 members in Telegram and 70,000 followers on Twitter** with only presalers so far getting their hands on the token, you can imagine the frenzy that is about to ensue. + +After all, once all of these people frothing for the public listing finally get their bags, what do you think they’re going to do? + +They’re going to continue to spread the gospel of $FORM, a token that will give you a piece of one of the greatest yield-farming protocols designed to find you the **best APR offerings regardless of network.** + +By **putting Formation Fi’s algo-bots into the palms of your hand**, you’ll finally get a taste of the passive income you dreamed of when you first started trading. + +No longer will you have sleepless nights struggling to make ends meet, wondering if your last trade is what tanked your entire portfolio. You’ll be able to simply stake stables and earn dividends on the gains you’ve already made this bull run and truly commit to **securing your future.** + +If that sounds good to you, that’s natural. This is a simple concept that can appeal to the simplest ape and the biggest whale and while not being some sort of magical occurrence in finance. + +Formation Fi at the end of the day is not dissimilar fundamentally than your average billion-dollar hedge firm. The only difference is that **$FORM is playing in one of the most profitable markets on the planet and using sophisticated algorithms to find the most profitable ventures within said market.** + +So yeah. Take a moment. Pick your favorite platform, get out your favorite good luck charms, and finish up your rituals. For those of you who get in earliest, I say congratulations and fuck you, and for the rest of us, may the day still be kind. + +Cause for a project like this, *anything before 10 figures is early*. **Just ask WAVES ($1.7B) and Anchor ($2.7B)**. Based on everything you’ve seen so far, is there any question that this is next? + +[Website](https://formation.fi/) + +[Medium](https://medium.com/formation-fi) + +[Telegram](https://t.me/FormationFi) + +[Twitter](https://twitter.com/formationfi) +Posting here since this is the only forum where I might get some answers and not made fun of. + +I am in a bit of an existential crisis at 35. I changed three jobs (tech, both management and engineering) over the past few years and in all of them I ended up feeling burned out and quite literally sad on a daily basis: + +- Worked for a few years at a startup, then left. The equity (fully exercised) is currently worth $6M (the company is a well known unicorn with a $10+B valuation) but highly illiquid. + +- Worked at a “prestigious” hedge fund in low latency tech, making $1.2M/y. Quit because of demotivation, long hours and lack of purpose. + +- Currently at a FAANG. I was hired at a senior staff E7/L7 engineer/tech lead for $1M/y and am also burned out. I see people around me being super competitive, highly motivated to do well and genuinely caring about the work, promotions and status. I literally don’t give a damn about any of that and spend my days putting up a facade, wondering in the gazillion meetings I attend how can people be so engaged in these damn stupid corporate meetings. + +My financial situation is $3.5M liquid all in index funds, and the above $6M illiquid that I am not counting in my calculations. I live fairly frugally at about $50k a year and I don’t feel I miss out on stuff (last year I visited Europe twice and Hawaii twice and had great memories!), even though one day I might up my budget. I have a girlfriend but no kids, and don’t plan to have any. + +The obvious solution would be to quit but there are two things holding me off: + +1. Until the startup equity materializes (if ever), it’s hard to walk away from a high income like this, since I can stash it away and keep it there in case one day I might have to up my spending (e.g. health issues, buy a Bay Area house, …). If I had $10M, I would feel very different on this. + +2. I have nothing to quit to. No major hobbies outside work, I just happily hang out with my girlfriend and go on hikes on weekends and that’s about it. I like to think I could go to Thailand and spend my time on the beach, but I know better, that’s not a sustainable way of living. I also like to think I could start an online business thanks to my software experience, but I know better, I am barely motivated to hold a W2 job, I’d never survive doing something on my own. + +How would you reason about my situation? Has anyone ever been in a similar rot? + +A few additional details that might come up: I am a dual US/EU citizen so have the option to also live in mediterranean Europe (where I was born and raised). To people who will think I am severely depressed, just a sanity check: I eat a healthy diet, exercise daily, sleep 8 hours a day and during weekends/vacations I am a happy person. +Hey guys. I just turned 18 half a year ago, so I have a contribution limit of 12k in my TFSA. + +I have already 12k invested in the TFSA, in my bank's fund and I want to change that. The fund has averaged 7% per year in the last 10 years, while the S&P 500 averaged 12-13%, and it also charges 2.5% fees per year (lol). + +My goal would be to invest money by myself, so transfer the 12k TFSA account to Questrade, and add a remaining 5k in a non registered account. + +The recent market correction made me realize that very-risky but high reward investments like biotech companies aren't my go to, since I don't think I can stomach constant high fluctuations. + +So, after studying some stocks and etfs, looking at balance sheets, predictions, etc, I consider this list of securities to be good calculated risks for a young individual that does not necessesarily fear moderate fluctuations. Feel free to comment on my pics, and share your opinion on them: + +-- ETFs -- + +- VUN: +Unhedged Vanguard Total US market index (equivalent of VTI) ETF. Nothing much to say except it will probably be my largest holding. Very safe and almost guaranteed returns IMO. + + +-SMH: +Vaneck Semiconductors ETF. I'm bullish on the sector. Companies like Nvidia will continue to grow their revenue with the rise of crypto mining, gaming, electric vehicules, etc. I understand that it is cyclical, but the demande will probably continue to rise compared to what it was in the last 10 years. + + +- JEPI: +JPMorgan Equity Premium Income ETF. They basically hold 80% stocks, and sell covered calls on a daily basis. The profit from calls goes toward monthly dividends. I expect a 6-8% yield if you compare it to other alike ETFs. + + + +-- Stocks -- + +- MSFT: +I believe, along with Apple, that Microsft will remain the two biggest tech giants in the world for at least 5 years. Microsoft reaches so many sectors with SaaS (Azure), services (Windows, Office), gaming, etc. People rely on the company so much that consumers will not stop using it any time soon. If they keep expending like they do, I see them being an even bigger and influential company. + +- AAPL: +Yes, over 40% of their revenue is the IPhone. It is an insane product. But the sales have been decreasing, and replaced by Music/App services and other accessories, meaning that Apple is diversifying away from its main source of revenue. I like that. Little plus, if they electric car rumor is real, could be interesting to see how things turn out for the company. + +- JNJ: +Johnson and Johnson sells pharmaceuticals, consumer healthcare and medical device. They own big brands like Neutrogena, Band-aid, Tylenol medications, and others. They supply a lot of big chain stores like Walmart, and their competitors (Bristol, Roche, Abbvie, etc.) aren't near its size. I chose it because I think the healthcare industry will never stop growing, and JNJ will keep acquiring new companies, but also because they have offered a very stable dividend, which shows how stable they are as a stock. + +- HD: +Home Depot is the biggest Home improvement retail company in the USA atm. The company will not stop selling as long as people need build, renovate, and basically live in a house. They buy back a lot of shares, offer a steady dividend that show how stable how a company they are and i like that. + +- AQN: +Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp is probably the smallest company on this list. It is a canadian renewable energy company that invests in hydroelectric, solar, and wind infrastructures across Canada and the US, but also utility businesses (water, natural gas). It has a very good PE ratio considering they pay a 3-4% dividend every year, and I expect them to get bigger and bigger, since renewable energy is the go to, and already very present in Canada with hydroelectricy. + +- JPM: +No need for introduction, it's the biggest bank in the world by market cap. The american bank makes a lot of money every year, shows great market growth overtime, and competes with giants of fintech aswell. +They offer a steady dividend like a lot of great banks. + + +- TD / RY: +TD or RBC, I haven't decided yet. Again, no need for introduction. They are the 2 biggest banks in Canada, and deliver great numbers. They have proven to be stable even in tough times because of canadian regulations but that also limits their upside. The thing I like a lot about TD is its exposure to the US market, and the potential growth it has. Both offer very good and steady dividends every year. + +- PLTR: +Palantir, even with the latest meme-allure, appears (imo) to have an insane potential. Foundry, Gotham and Apollo are the 3 products they actually offer. They accumulate, transfer and link different data sources together, providing information and solutions to the user at an insanely fast pace, while not neglecting the quality of the outcome. Their main clients would be governments, army, healthcare, but also banks, law firms, etc. Customers seems to be very satisfied with the outcome, and revenue will probably grow at a very fast pace in the years to come. I consider it a long term move, since building a big clientele can take some time for a company like Palantir. A bit more of a risky and hard to understand company, but I still think putting a little bit of money on it isn't a mistake. + + + +Honorable mentions: these are stocks I researched a lot about, but still couldn't find the courage to had them to my list. Tell me if you think I'm wrong and why:) : + + + +T (Telus) : Too many big competitors in Canada (Bell Canada, Rogers, etc.) and too little growth potential (small population in canada). + +ENB (Enbridge) : A few months ago, I would've been bullish on Enbridge, but oil/natural gas plays aren't very interesting to me. Of course almost all companies offer reliable dividends that you can count on every year, but I highly doubt Enbridge can maintain a 7-8% dividend for a long time, even while being the largest North American pipeline company. Also, Im bearish on the growth of the Oil sector. Even if it's not going away anytime soon, I don't see why it would see record growth knowing that : a lot of people do not invest in these non eco-friendly companies, and governments now support a lot clean energy. + +FB (Facebook) : The balance sheet of the company is actually INSANE. BIg market cap, medium PE, insane revenue with high profitability, and no dividend for better growth. The problem is, stock value is rarely entirely correlated to the balance sheet. Of course people aren't scared that facebook will stop making money, so it still holds a very good value. But I am not personally interested in a company that only makes revenue from social media adds. It's not something for me. + + +It's now over guys! The recurrent theme in this list is : I try to base my choices off a few main criteria. + +1. Is it a leader in its sector? +2. Is it scalable to even more customers? +3. Can it do well even in economic downturns? +4. Does it have a lot of room to grow? + +Of course, not all companies respect all of the criterias, for example AQN isn't a leader, but I see it growing a lot in the short-medium term future. + +Then, there are the big industry leaders like JPM, AAPL, MSFT, JNJ, HD, TD/RY that are IMO here to stay and grow for a long time. + + +The main critics I could do to myself are : + +a. I mainly chose already ENORMOUS company, maybe that means that they won't grow much more in the future. + +b. PLTR and AQN are speculative plays. + +c. Im not really diversified (a lot of tech/financials. + + +To these, I answer : It's true. But I think that the potential they have outweights the cons. For diversification though, I would need a bigger number of stocks, but ATM I have no idea / time to search because of school, woopsi. Feel free to give any ideas. + +Cya! +Hey guys + +I was chatting to my friends recently about taking a government job. Tl;dr - they said it would be a horrible move due to the income ceiling ($250k vs $1m+ in my current profession). + +No one in my friendship group agreed with me (rip) but here is what I think: + +* My friends and I are currently earning $100-120k (incl. super). For people in their mid to late twenties, this is a good amount. If my friends and I were to stick with our jobs, there is potential to earn $170k (incl. super) by the time we're 30. $250k by the time we're late thirties to early forties. Again, these are high wages. +* But then I take a look at the lifestyle my friends are leading. 60-80 hour weeks (minimum 50 hour weeks) mean my friends want to live 15-20 minutes away from the CBD max. That's very reasonable - but rental prices in Sydney CBD are high. +* Most of my friends want to buy property. Again, they want somewhere close to where they work. They also don't want a "middle class suburb" as that doesn't suit their "identity". A one bedder in Bondi Junction goes for $1m+. Same for Darlinghurst, Neutral Bay etc. +* Not having enough time also means my friends eat lots of takeaway/uber eats and/or use meal kits. They use Airtasker as well to hire domestic help and use dry cleaners instead of doing the washing/ironing themselves. Things like that. +* Further, not having enough time means no consistent hobby. Maybe the occasional run or weights session during lunch. Maybe some "cycle in the dark" classes. Most of my friends seem to enjoy drinking more than anything.